kpop gxg oneshots (spaicy)
[ "female", "femalereader", "femreader", "fruity", "gay", "gg", "gip", "girl", "girlgroups", "girlxgirl", "gxg", "kpop", "lemon", "lesbian", "oneshots", "soloist", "spicy", "wlw" ]
[ "request", "Jihyo (Twice)" ]
[ "request any group or soloist you would like!^^\n\nSTRICTLY NO MINORS IT IS ILLEGAL\n\nIf you are a minor yourself i do advise you to NOT read this.", "Prompt- You feel very stressed so your girlfriend decides to help you relax with a <b>massage</b>.\n\n<b>IYKYK</b><b>: </b>Toys, mommy kink and nipple play\n\nYour pov-\n\nGod this is stressing me out. Exams are coming in and my workplace is understaffed to the point I study at my workplace. All these things have made my whole body aching.\n\nThank goodness I have the day off today so i can finally take a breather and spend time with Jihyo. \"Hey babe, I'll <b>massage</b> you. You told me your whole body is aching right?\" I nodded and laid on my stomach, waiting for her to start.\n\nJihyo pov-\n\nI took off her shirt then poured some <b>special</b> oil onto Y/N's body and gave her a massage. After I have finished massaging her I move my hand down to her butt playing with it \"What are you doing baby?\" Y/N asked, I ignored her and pull down her pants and panties \"H- hey?\" Y/N turned behind to look at me but I pushed her head down into the soft bed.\n\n\"Relax, you need it.\" I whispered into her ear and she immediately shut up and face down without resistance. I slipped my hands onto her clit and she let out a relaxed gasp. Her hands try to move my hands into her hole but i pulled her to sit up and i opened my drawer to take out a ribbon and tie her hands up together.\n\nI let her lean on the bed's backrest and I take out a gag to prevent her from talking. I fixed it on her and then go down onto her pussy to kiss and lick it. I hear her let out some incoherent words and slipped in a finger suddenly. She jerked her body slightly and her hands are trying to break out of the ribbons. 'That is not going to work <b>honey </b>just let me do my thing..\" As i talk the vibrations coming out of my tongue sends her into bliss.\n\nI inserted another finger into her and thrusts faster in her. I hear her moans going everywhere in the room, I pity the neighbors but this isn't about them. I take out my fingers and sit up, she looks at me in disbelief because I didn't let her come. \"What? Im not done baby. This is supposed to help you relax\" I say teasingly as i take out the strap on. \n\nI strip myself entirely and put on the strap. \"ready?\" I ask her and she nodded. I slowly insert the tip of her strap on her and she archs her back slightly. Her body moves forward as she lost her energy. I chuckled and moved her so she is laying on the bed. I continue slowly pushing the strap into her and once it all was in her I let her get used to the strap in her. \n\nI know she got used to it when she is slightly grinding on me for any kind of pleasure. I smile at her and slowly thrust in and out of her. I go faster and harder each time i thrust into her. Her cries are filling the room as if music in a club. i take out her gag and kiss her.\n\nShe kisses me back and i put my hands on her waist for stability and thrust harder. I let go of the kiss and her moans went crazy \"Ahhh.. Mmm. Please mommy... faster.. Faster!\" I thrust into her as fast as I can and she practically screamed my name as she came. I let her ride out her orgasm and pull out of her.\n\nShe whined as she hooks her legs around my waist and pushes her strap back into her. She pushes me back on the bed and began riding me \"Ahh... I'm not... done.. relaxinggg\" She let out while moaning. Her boobs bouncing up and down with her as she rides me. I untie her hands and let her hands roam around my body. \n\nI reach my hand out to on of her boobs to pinch her nipple. She arches a back slightly and let out a long moan. I smiled at her reaction and played with her nipples more. \"Oh my god, mommy.. faster faster!\" She moaned I hold her waist still and thrust as fast and hard as I can into her.\n\n\"mommy im... cumming!\"She let out her last moans and she dropped onto me. I kissed her forehead and wiped her sweat and tears. \n\nI pull out of her and went to the bathroom to clean both of us up.\n\nend.\n\nword count- 777\n\nA/N: do tell me if you see any mistakes" ]
Title: kpop gxg oneshots (spaicy) Description: iykyk Tags: ['female', 'femalereader', 'femreader', 'fruity', 'gay', 'gg', 'gip', 'girl', 'girlgroups', 'girlxgirl', 'gxg', 'kpop', 'lemon', 'lesbian', 'oneshots', 'soloist', 'spicy', 'wlw']
# request request any group or soloist you would like!^^ STRICTLY NO MINORS IT IS ILLEGAL If you are a minor yourself i do advise you to NOT read this. # Jihyo (Twice) Prompt- You feel very stressed so your girlfriend decides to help you relax with a <b>massage</b>. <b>IYKYK</b><b>: </b>Toys, mommy kink and nipple play Your pov- God this is stressing me out. Exams are coming in and my workplace is understaffed to the point I study at my workplace. All these things have made my whole body aching. Thank goodness I have the day off today so i can finally take a breather and spend time with Jihyo. "Hey babe, I'll <b>massage</b> you. You told me your whole body is aching right?" I nodded and laid on my stomach, waiting for her to start. Jihyo pov- I took off her shirt then poured some <b>special</b> oil onto Y/N's body and gave her a massage. After I have finished massaging her I move my hand down to her butt playing with it "What are you doing baby?" Y/N asked, I ignored her and pull down her pants and panties "H- hey?" Y/N turned behind to look at me but I pushed her head down into the soft bed. "Relax, you need it." I whispered into her ear and she immediately shut up and face down without resistance. I slipped my hands onto her clit and she let out a relaxed gasp. Her hands try to move my hands into her hole but i pulled her to sit up and i opened my drawer to take out a ribbon and tie her hands up together. I let her lean on the bed's backrest and I take out a gag to prevent her from talking. I fixed it on her and then go down onto her pussy to kiss and lick it. I hear her let out some incoherent words and slipped in a finger suddenly. She jerked her body slightly and her hands are trying to break out of the ribbons. 'That is not going to work <b>honey </b>just let me do my thing.." As i talk the vibrations coming out of my tongue sends her into bliss. I inserted another finger into her and thrusts faster in her. I hear her moans going everywhere in the room, I pity the neighbors but this isn't about them. I take out my fingers and sit up, she looks at me in disbelief because I didn't let her come. "What? Im not done baby. This is supposed to help you relax" I say teasingly as i take out the strap on. I strip myself entirely and put on the strap. "ready?" I ask her and she nodded. I slowly insert the tip of her strap on her and she archs her back slightly. Her body moves forward as she lost her energy. I chuckled and moved her so she is laying on the bed. I continue slowly pushing the strap into her and once it all was in her I let her get used to the strap in her. I know she got used to it when she is slightly grinding on me for any kind of pleasure. I smile at her and slowly thrust in and out of her. I go faster and harder each time i thrust into her. Her cries are filling the room as if music in a club. i take out her gag and kiss her. She kisses me back and i put my hands on her waist for stability and thrust harder. I let go of the kiss and her moans went crazy "Ahhh.. Mmm. Please mommy... faster.. Faster!" I thrust into her as fast as I can and she practically screamed my name as she came. I let her ride out her orgasm and pull out of her. She whined as she hooks her legs around my waist and pushes her strap back into her. She pushes me back on the bed and began riding me "Ahh... I'm not... done.. relaxinggg" She let out while moaning. Her boobs bouncing up and down with her as she rides me. I untie her hands and let her hands roam around my body. I reach my hand out to on of her boobs to pinch her nipple. She arches a back slightly and let out a long moan. I smiled at her reaction and played with her nipples more. "Oh my god, mommy.. faster faster!" She moaned I hold her waist still and thrust as fast and hard as I can into her. "mommy im... cumming!"She let out her last moans and she dropped onto me. I kissed her forehead and wiped her sweat and tears. I pull out of her and went to the bathroom to clean both of us up. end. word count- 777 A/N: do tell me if you see any mistakes
Pequeña Insolente 1era Parte (Severus x Selena)
Selene, una niña de 13 años llega a Howgarts para comenzar sus estudios aunque vaya 2 años atrasada. Ella es huérfana desde que su tío fue llevado a prisión por asesinato, dejándola en un orfanato en Londres. Por el ambiente en que crecio aprendió a decir lo que siente sin arrepentirse y defender a los que no pueden; lo cual le traerá muchos problemas. Y mas con su maestro de posiciones, Severus Snape. A Snape no le gusta ser desafiado...pero que hara el tiempo? Acaso otra persona le parecerá atractiva el carácter de la joven?
[ "harrypotterfanfic", "lemon", "lucius", "luciusxselene", "severusxselene" ]
[ "Prologo", "El sombrero ", "Secretos y Sorpresas", "Quidditch", "Luna Llena", "Castigo tras castigo", "Terminando mi primer año", "Mi Calvario", "En las fauces del diablo" ]
[ "<i>Hola, soy Selene y tengo 13 años. No tengo padres, ellos murieron cuando yo naci en un incendio. Me dijeron que mi tío me había abandonado en un basurero por ser una molestia para él. Todo eso me lo dijo la amargada de la señora Brigth, la que \"cuida\" a los niños. Desde que tengo memoria mi vida a sido un desastre, tengo episodios extraños cuando estoy enojada y cosas extrañas pasan. Tambien descubri que puedo cambiar de forma a una loba. Esta es la manera en que logro escaparme pero nunca me atrevi a ir mas alla. </i>\n\nSelene deja el lápiz a un lado y cierra la libreta-Que aburrido- ve friamente el calendario- hoy es luna llena?- hace una mueca- Podria ir al campo, es mucho mas divertido-\n\nSe levanta de la silla y abre su ventana que esta en el 6to piso. Deja que la brisa de la noche recorra su piel y respira profundo. De la nada entra un pequeño que apenas puede caminar por si mismo.\n\nSele te vas?- pregunto triste-\n\nClaro que no, Sebastian- se da vuelta y lo ve tiernamente- Ire a dar una vuelta- se acerca y se agacha- volvere temprano- le da un beso en la frente\n\nEn ese momento Selene se transforma, dejando ver su lado salvaje.\n\nEl lobo le da una vuelta acariciando al pequeño y luego se lanza por la ventana.\n\nSiempre con sigilo Selene va de callejón en callejón tranquilamente hasta que se topa con algo inesperado. Una señora y un señor ya viejos hablaban, Selene estuvo apunto de ir en otra dirección cuando la señora se convirtió en un gato. La loba quedo asombrada y cuando creyo que nada mas podia pasar, el señor se espumo asi como si nada. \n\nDecidio seguir a la gata; esta agarro un camino muy largo pero valdria la pena? Al final de unas cuadras mas, la gata cruzo en un callejon bastante oscuro, Selene la siguio y cuando su vista se acostumbraba a la oscuridad una voz hablo.\n\nSelene- dijo una voz aguda pero confiable- Por aqui- una luz azul aparecio dejando ver el rostro de la señora-\n\nLa loba se quedo pasmada pero algo la calmo y se transformo en humana- Quien eres?-dijo directa-\n\nSoy la profesora McGonagall- sonrio- doy clases en la escuela de Hogwarts- se dio la vuelta y movio su palito de luz en la pared, la cual comenzo abrirse- Serias tan amable de acompañarme- me ve convencida- Podre explicarte porque te suceden cosas extrañas y el porque puedes transformarte- entro en el nuevo callejon-\n\nSelene se quedo pensativa hasta que noto que ya no la veia\n\nOIGA! Espere- vio como se cerraba el pasaje secreto y de una se transformo y logro pasar en el ultimo segundo. No fue mucho lo que tuvo que trotar hasta que la alcanzo. \n\nBienvenida al Callejon Diagon- dijo alegre- Aqui podras comprar tus utiles- ve a la loba que tiene mirada de duda- Veras, tu haz sido aceptada para estudiar en Hogwarts-\n\nLa loba emitio un sonido de mas duda\n\nEstamos concientes de tu condicion y por eso, el director y mi persona, decidimos comprar tus materiales-ve que la loba sigue con una expresion de 0 entendimiento-\n\nMcGonagall sin saber que mas decir, camino hasta una tienda \"Olivander's \" y miro fijamente a la loba\n\nSelene escucha bien lo que dire- ve que la loba levanta la pata- Entraras aqui y diras tu nombre, luego de que te entreguen tu bolsa te transformaras y esperaras adentro. Nadie debe verte en tu forma normal.- Dicho esto abrio la puerta dejando pasar a la confundida loba\n\nAl pasar unos minutos un hombre...igual de viejo salio de unos pasillos repletos de cajas pequeñas\n\nQuien eres?-pregunto el hombre-\n\nSelene, siguiendo instrucciones se volvio humana. Vio que la expresion del hombre no cambio - Selene- dijo casi susurrando\n\nEl señor dio unos ojos de asombro- Oh pero claro, te estuve esperando- se regreso por un pasillo desapareciendo- \n\nMientras tanto ella se puso a observar la rara tienda y leyo la palabra \"Tienda de Baritas\".....acaso habia leido bien. Curiosa movio una cartina para ver la oscura calle, se quedo un momento hasta que se topo con unos ojos grises y serios. \n\nEn un momento el señor cerro completamente la cortina y la alejo de la ventana- Es muy peligroso este callejon por las noches y mas aun los magos- extenedio una barita-\n\nEspere que?-dijo y ya comenzaba a pensar que solo era un sueño\n\nQue espera tomela- dijo paciente-\n\nSelene la tomo extrañada pero en el rato todos los bombillos explotaron, dejandolos con luz de velas.\n\nQue fue eso?-pregunto la niña asustada\n\nLa varita incorrecta señorita- la tomo y se fue a unas escaleras- Vera creo que ESTA es la indicada- saco una cajita de los mas empolvoreada- madera de Ciprés y centro de corazon de dragon Ironbelly Ucraniano- la extendio\n\nDragon que?- dijo atonica\n\nEl dragon mas fuerte de la tierra- dijo una profunda pero de cierto modo atractiva- Es un honor estar frente a su portadora- \n\nOh, señor Malfoy. Que lo trae por aqui-pregunto- \n\nSelene se dio vuelta para ver al hombre\n\nEste tomo su mano- Lucius Malfoy, para servirle- acerco su mano a sus labios\n\nSelene rapidamente la quito y se coloco detras del viejo vendedor. Malfoy tenia una aura de peligro, ademas que el olfato de la niña esta mas desarrollado y percibio el olor a sangre.\n\nNo fue mi intencion asustarla, señorita - quedo en pausa esperando el nombre-\n\nNo lo conozco-fue lo unico que salio de la boca de Selene\n\nEs algo timida, señor-dijo el viejo\n\nYa lo veo-ve a la niña de pies a cabeza, dirige su mirada al vendedor- Vendre mañana por la varita de mi hijo- dicho esto se largo\n\nEl es uno de los que debes tener cuidado- se giro al ver a Sele- Nunca te acerques a él, es un mortifago- dijo la ultima palabra susurrando-\n\nMortifago- dije sin entender-\n\nShhhhh-me callo- no lo digas en voz alta\n\nAl tiempo McGonagall llego y tuve que volver a mi forma de lobo. Fuimos a otras tiendas y todo estuvo tranquilo. Hubo una señora que pregunto si era nieta de la profesora....no se que vieron en comun. De tienda en tienda la profesora me comenzo a decir que era una bruja, y provenia de un linaje prometedor . A pesar que pregunte por mis padres, solo me dijo que mi papa tambien era un mago y excelente dualista. Me explico todo sobre las clases y lo que compraba...me senti mal que gastara en mi, pero en mi mente decia que todo era un simple sueño. Entramos a un tipo de libreria, McGonagall fue al mostrador y yo me quede leyendo los distintos titulos de los libros. Habian muchos extraños, hasta que me tope con la pierna de alguien.\n\nQUIEN TE CREES- dijo enfurecido una voz familiar-\n\nMe volvi a encontrar con aquellos ojos grises y aura malvada.\n\nTe perdiste pequeño?-pregunto calmado y trato de acariciarme\n\nRetrocedi topandome con McGonagall\n\nQue tal Sr. Malfoy- se puso enfrente- Veo que tambien esta de compras\n\nAsi es profesora, Draco Malfoy esta en su primer año- dijo orgulloso- y quien es su nuevo amiguito-pregunto curioso enfocando toda su atención en mi-\n\nEs una ella, y estara cuidando los alrededores de la escuela- coloco su mano en mi cabeza-\n\nExcelente, se ve que no es muy amigable con extraños- se fijo que estaba muy tensa- Bueno, hasta entonces- se marcho\n\nOtro problema del que debo ocuparme mas tarde, Selene- llamo mi nombre mientras olian que habia comprado- Nunca vuelvas a toparte con ese hombre-\n\nYa van dos personas que me lo advierten...que tan peligroso es? Luego de esto salimos del callejon Diagon y comenzo a caminar en direccion a la estación del tren\n\nMe transforme en humana,...esto se esta volviendo cansado- A donde vamos ahora-pregunte con sueño-\n\nTe enseñare lo que debes hacer mañana a las 9 am. De alguna manera nos tele transportamos al interior de la estacion. \n\nComo hizo eso?-pregunte mareada\n\nTodo lo aprenderas en tu año de estudio- dijo comprensiva- \n\nMe enseño que muro debo atravesar para encontrar la plataforma 9 3/4 y mi boleto. Ademas de una bolsa con ropa. Luego de un monton de instrucciones mas me acompaño hasta el orfanato.\n\nTe vere mañana Selene- sin previo aviso me dio un beso en la frente-\n\nTodo esto es un sueño, cierto-dijo confiada\n\nMe temo que no lo es-desaparece-\n\nMe fui a mi cama pensando en todo lo que habia sucedido y cai en un profundo sueño.\n\n------------------------------------------------------Sueño--------------------------------------------------------\n\nLevantate pequeña, no querras perderte el tren- dijo el viejo que estuvo en el callejon con la señora McGonagall-\n\nQuien es usted?-pregunte\n\nSoy el profesor Albus Dumbledore y director de Howgarts-sonrie- Ahora levantate, tus pertenencias ya estan aqui\n\n-----------------------------------------------Fin del Sueño-------------------------------------------------------\n\nMe levante de golpe y no se porque mire el reloj. \n\n8:37am\n\nMIERDA, llegare tarde- corri a bañarme y baje para tomar una tostada-\n\nSali volando del orfanato y me dirigi a la estacion. Note como varias personas entraban y la mayoria tenia lechuzas. Hay mas magos de lo que pense.\n\nLlegue a donde debo atravesar el muro. Estaba a pasos de cruzar cuando\n\nDisculpa-un voz me detuvo y me di vuelta- sabes como llegar a la plataforma-\n\nSi, claro- trate de sonar amable- solo debes cruzar este muro- luego de eso lo cruce-\n\nEspere un momento del otro lado y vi que corrio un poco- Estas bien-pregunte\n\nSi, gracias- me sonrie- Soy Harry, Harry Potter-me extendio su mano-\n\nSoy Selene-recibi el saludo-\n\nY tus cosas- pregunto confundido-\n\nEstan en Howgarts- dije confiada-\n\nOh, no eres de primer año- pregunto\n\nEn lo que preguntaba nos subimos al tren y tomamos una cabina que no estuviera ocupada.\n\nEs raro, eres la primera que no reacciona a mi nombre- dijo acomodandose\n\nconfundida- Que quieres decir Harry-pregunte-\n\nPues veras, yo- fue interrumpido\n\nDisculpen, puedo ir con ustedes-pregunto- el tren va lleno-\n\nSenti que era muy inofensivo\n\nClaro- dio media sonrisa-\n\nSoy Ron Weasley\n\nPasamos la mayor parte del viaje hablando, hasta que Harry compro todo el carro de golosinas y me dio a escoger. Luego Ron nos presento a su rata (no me cayo muy bien y siento que el sentimiento es mutuo), y ademas me contaron de porque Harry es famoso en el mundo magico. Yo les conte que era huerfana y Harry logro entender como me sentia; ademas se enteraron que estoy en 1er año y tengo 2 años mas que ellos. Luego llego otra niña, Hermione. Se ve que sabe mucho de todo, pero los chicos pensaron que solo era una presumida. ", "Al llegar a la estación de la escuela todos los de primer año subimos a unos botes para llegar a la escuela. Olfatee todo el sitio y me encontre con muchos olores y auras. En un niño volvi a sentir ese sentido de peligro. Trate de mantener alejados a Ron y Harry de él pero al parecer es muy terco. Subimos un mundo de escaleras hasta que logre ver a la profesora McGonagall\n\nBienvenidos a Hogwarts-dijo seria pero al encontrarme sonrio- En un momento pasaran al gran salon con sus compañeros pero primero el sombrero seleccionador les asignara su casa- se fue-\n\nTodos empezaron hablar entre ellos hasta que ese niño llamo la atencion\n\nAsi que es cierto-hablo un rubio con ojos iguales a su padre- Harry Potter vino a Hogwarts- se acerco a nosotros- \n\nNo me agradas- dije gruñendo- \n\nY tu seguramente no eres nadie- me vio de pies a cabeza- \n\nDejala, Malfoy- dijo Ron defendiendome\n\nOhh, esa ropa y ese cabello- lo examino con asco- debes ser un Weasley. Deberias juntarte con personas a tu nivel - estiro su mano - yo te puedo ayudar-sonrio\n\nCreo que se escoger a mis amigos, gracias- dijo sarcastico\n\nSe vieron por unos segundos hasta que la profesora volvio.\n\nLlego el momento-dijo emocionada-\n\nEntramos al comedor, habian muchas personas viendonos, no me gusto que tuviera tanta atencion. Harry noto que estaba incomoda\n\nTranquila- tomo mi mano- \n\nMe senti segura y ya estabamos llegando hasta el frente. McGonagall comenzo a llamar a cada uno y el sombrero gritaba una casa. Son 4 y no se cual me asignaran. Harry y Ron me caen bien y no quiero volver a tener que socializar. \n\nSELENE- dijo la profesora-\n\nSuerte- dijo Harry y solto mi mano-\n\nMe acerque desconfiada y logre sentarme, la maestra coloco el sombrero y este comenzó hablar.\n\nOhhh, interesante, no puedo creerlo. Eres una combinación si si, pero no sabes nada de tu linaje- rie- bueno es mas que obvio donde perteneces\n\nConociste a mi padre-pregunte susurrando\n\nPERO CLARO QUE SI, es es un excelente mago, uno de los mejores que ha tenido su casa, veo que sacaste su mayor miedo pero veras que es una virtud- comenzo a murmurar- todos tienen grandes aspiraciones hacia ti, por lo tanto- silencio- GRYFFINDOR \n\nTodos los de la mesa aplaudieron, pero senti una mirada que me incomodo al punto de ponerme la piel de gallina. Fui a sentarme al lado de Hermione y Ron estaba con nosotros. Ahora es el turno de Harry.\n\n(Dijo todo lo que dice en la película) veo que tengo la mitad de los descendientes de los merodeadores, haran grandes cosas con Selene. GRYFFINDOR\n\nEl director dio un mini discurso y note como era el mismo que aparecio en mi sueño. Luego de comer fuimos guiados hasta los dormitorios, nos advirtieron de las gradas y demas. Me junte con Harry y Ron para no quedarme atras.\n\nSelene, el sombrero me dijo que nuestros padres fueron amigos- dijo feliz- creo que por eso nos conectamos rapido- dijo confiado-\n\nSolo me limite a sonreir, no quise preguntarle si tenia fotos o algo para poder averiguar de mi padre. Llegamos a la sala comun e indicaron donde estaban los cuartos. Fui hasta mi nueva cama y me quede dormida.\n\nA la mañana siguiente me levante temprano como siempre. Me arregle, tome mi calendario y comence a ver que libros iba a necesitar....pero era complicado\n\nDejame ayudarte- note que era Hermione- Como estamos en las mismas clases se lo que necesitas- comenzo a tomar libros, pergaminos y pluma-listo -quieres acompañarme a desayunar, ahorita no creo que haya alguien, note que no te gusta estar rodeada de tanta gente- me sonrio-\n\nClaro-fue lo unico que dije y la segui-\n\nYa en el comedor, a mitad de la comida recorde que no le agradeci por ayudarme\n\nGracias, por ayudarme- dije rapido y termine mi comida\n\nLei que las personas antisociales son las mas sinceras e inteligentes. Ademas que si no te gusta estar rodeada es porque te falto algo en tus primeros años- dijo muy segura-\n\nY dices que soy inteligente- rei bajito- No conoci a mis padres, vivia en un orfanato y descubri que nunca hay que confiar en nadie, menos en adultos que discuten con niños- vi a la entrada ya que senti varios olores acercandose- Deberiamos ir a clase- dije levantandome y tomando mis cosas-\n\nPero todavia no viene nadie- trato de frenarme- Se abrieron las puertas dejando entrar muchos estudiantes de diferentes años y comenzaban hacer ruido- Como lo supiste- pregunto-\n\nAl vivir en un orfanato de mierda, aprendes muchas cosas- nos fuimos del comedor-\n\nMientras me dejaba guiar por Hermione, al parecer ella se sabe el mapa de la escuela de memoria, me fue preguntando muchas cosas y comence a sentirme interrogada.\n\nOkay, ultima pregunta. Si tu padre estudio aqui, el sombrero te dijo que eso, y la profesora McGonagall te ayudo con tus utiles, ¿porque no le has preguntado a ella sobre tus padres?-pregunto obvia- Por lo menos no estan muertos\n\nNo te cansas de hablar-le pregunte- no quiero ser grosera pero ya me siento incomoda y no te conozco lo suficiente para contarte mi vida. Al parecer tu tienes todo pero buscas en mi, entonces dejame con lo unico que tengo que son palabras, esta bien?- no quise elevar la voz para llamar la atencion-\n\nLo siento, no fue mi intencion- se quedo un momento en silencio- si quieres podemos ser compañeras de estudio- pregunto un poco apenada-\n\nClaro-trate de sonar agradecida porque no supe que mas decir\n\nLlegamos a la clase, no habia nadie todavia solo la profesora\n\nBuenos dias- cerro un libro- listas para su primera clase- nos sonrio- Que bueno que ya tengas una amiga con quien guiarte, Selene\n\nSi -dijimos las dos-\n\nTengo unas dudas sobre Hogwarts- hablo Hermione-\n\nPaso como unos 5 minutos preguntando y preguntando.Pero a la maestra no le incomodo responder todas.\n\nY tu Selene- me ve- tienes alguna pregunta-\n\nQuien fue mi padre y madre- pregunte directa\n\nLa cara de McGonagall cambio completamente pero al segundo sonrio- Eso no me corresponde a mi decirtelo, cuando el momento llegue lo sabras- nos hizo señas que nos sentaramos en los escritorios-\n\nMe dijeron que ellos murieron en un incendio- dije en seco-\n\nHermione se quedo palida y la profesora vio que no tenia ningun tipo de expresion\n\nNo me corresponde a mi decirtelo, pero se paciente- me dijo con esperanza-\n\nCon mi nueva compañera de estudio nos sentamos en el primero escritorio. Los demas comenzaron a llegar y la profesora dio unas instrucciones para la primera clase. Intente encontrar el olor de Harry o Ron pero no estaban. Me saco de mis pensamientos un papel que me dio Hermione.\n\n<i>                                    Lo siento, no sabia lo de tus padres. No volveré a preguntar</i>\n\n<i>                                                                                              ¿Amigas? </i>\n\n<i>                                                                               Si                                   No</i>\n\nPense por un momento y marque el \"SI\". Tal vez ella pregunte mucho y le encanta estudiar de todo pero es la unica de mi año que no me tiene miedo. Las demas me creen rara pero ella no. Creo que las dos somos raras\n\n-Solte una risita-\n\nEl resto de la clase estuvo muy calmada, Harry y Ron llegaron tardddeeeee, hombres tenian que ser. Luego de una mini regañada de McGonagall se pusieron a escribir. Al terminar la clase Hermione rapidamente me guio a la otra clase, que es Pociones, me advirtio que el profesor es muy estricto.\n\nAl llegar ya habian llegado algunos, nos sentamos al frente (Gracias Hermione) y les guardamos asientos a Harry y Ron. Al estar todos note el olor de Malfoy y sus perros guardianes. Pero justo entro el profesor.\n\nNo quiero que agiten sus baritas y hagan encantamientos tontos en esta clase - dijo un señor vestido completamente de negro-\n\nSolo con esa frase me disgusto mucho, como era posible que fuera profesor si trataba asi a los estudiantes. ¿Cual era su problema?. Me estaba enojando mientras hablaba sobre que podemos hacer con las pociones. Vi de reojo a Harry que escribia luego volvi a prestarle atencion y tenia sus ojos en mi. Mi instinto se activo rapidamente y me senti amenazada.\n\nPero al parecer otros no prestan atencion- dijo dirigiendose a Harry- Señor Potter veamos que sabe- dijo sarcastico\n\nComenzo a preguntar un monton de cosas que no tenia sentido para mi, pero Hermione si las sabia.....entonces porque diablos no deja que ella responda...... Me comencé a enojar mas.\n\nQue triste, se ve que no todo es fama- dijo victorioso-\n\nVi que Harry quiso responder pero no queria que tuviera mas problemas.\n\n-me levante de golpe-PUES HERMIONE SE VE QUE SABE, PORQUE NO LE PREGUNTA A ELLA- grite-\n\nTodos en el salon comenzaron a reir, y Harry tomo mi mano tratando que me volviera a sentar.\n\nSilencio-dijo para que todos obedecieran y vino hasta nosotros- al parecer el señor Potter tiene un guardaespaldas, al igual que su padre- me ve- sientate pequeña insolente, antes que le bajo puntos a su casa- me desafio con la mirada-\n\nlentamente me sente y el tambien hizo lo mismo. Comenzo a decir todas las respuestas a las preguntas que habia hecho. Yo comence a escribir lo que decia para distraerme. Al final de la clase comenzamos a ordenar el aula, colocando las cosas en su lugar. El profesor se fue a otra habitacion.\n\nOye Potter, sabes que es- dijo Malfoy al otro lado del salon sosteniendo una roca- \n\nDejala en su lugar Malfoy, es muy peligrosa si cae al piso- dijo Hermione-\n\nSolo es una roca- dijo Ron despreocupado\n\nEntonces tomala- dijo Malfoy aventando la roca-\n\nMientras iba en el aire note como esta cambiaba a color verde. Y salio el profesor\n\nQue creen que estan haciendo?!-pregunto molesto \n\nTome la roca y comence a sentir un leve picoteo en la palma\n\nDame eso- dijo Severus y agarro un mantel para tomarla- \n\nAl quitarla mi mano estaba roja y las venas comenzaban a notarse.\n\nVenga conmigo y ustedes retirense- dijo el profesor tomandome del brazo y me llevo a la otra habitación- \n\nAl estar del otro lado, me solto y comenzo a juntar muchas cosas en un envase. Mientras tanto yo observaba mi mano que volvia a la normalidad.\n\nEl profesor se dio la vuelta, tomo mi mano.\n\nDonde esta?- dijo examinandola bruscamente-\n\nYa se fue- dije tratando de quitar mi mano-\n\nSnape me tomo con mas fuerza- a este punto su mano deberia quemarse- me ve desconfiado- Es usted un animago- pregunto\n\nQue- dije- no se de que habla- dije sinceramente\n\n-me sujeto mas fuerte- NO trate de engañarme- me ve por unos momentos- detencion-\n\nQUE- pregunte indignada- no he hecho nada- exclame-\n\nMe esta ocultando que es un animago- dijo obvio- detencion a las 6, no llegue tarde o le restare puntos a su casa- solto mi mano- ahora larguese\n\nMe fui al comedor, ya que teniamos descanso. Al llegar me fui directamente con los unicos con que hablo. \n\nSelene, no puedo creerlo tu mano esta bien- dijo feliz Hermione- Esa roca es un neubolizador pero si la tocas te quema- \n\nTe encuentras bien?- pregunto Harry \n\nSi si, solo senti un hormigueo- dije calmada-\n\nNo te hizo nada Snape - pregunto Ron-\n\nTranquilo, no nos quito puntos- dije animada pero oculte lo que habia pasado-\n\nSelene, el profesor Dumbledore te espera en su oficina- dijo la profesora McGonagall-\n\nLos veo en la proxima clase- sonrei-\n\nDe camino la maestra no dijo nada, llegamos y ella dijo \"pastel de limon\" y se mostraron las gradas\n\nSigue- señalo el camino y se fue-\n\nEntre, y vi al señor que habia estado en el callejon y mi sueño.\n\nSelene hola, vamos pasa- me invito a entrar- Se lo de tu detención en la clase de pociones- comenzo hablar de ese problema-\n\nDisculpe, pero el profesor me pregunto si era animago y no tengo idea de que es eso- dije defendendome- ademas el pudo haberme explicado que era-\n\nTranquila, Severus puede ser muy estricto pero es un gran profesor- Me guio hasta un gran escritorio- \n\nNote el gran ave, era roja con naranja.\n\nOh- dijo el señor volteando a ver al ave- Es un Fenix. Ahora volvamos al tema, ya tendras tiempo de hablar con ella- se sento- No podre contestar todas tus preguntas, pero te dire lo que necesites saber.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Dumbledore no me aclaro muchas cosas, ni siquiera comprendí todas.... solo se que un animago es aquella persona que puede cambiar su forma a voluntad. También me dijo que no recibiré  clases de vuelo, pero tendré que ayudar a Hagrid en el campo. Por lo menos estaré relajada.\n\nHagrid esperaba por mi en el patio oeste con su perro. No hable mucho, pero Hagrid me fue indicando lo que debía hacer, en ese momento pasamos por el campo de vuelo y vi a mis ... se les podría decir conocidos amistosos... con sus escobas.\n\nNo hice mucho el día de hoy en el campo, solo vi las cosechas que tenia, acomodar el espantapájaros y escuchar las anécdotas de Hagrid. Me apegue mucho a Fang (el perro) y me hizo bien estar al aire libre sin molestos estudiantes ni olores amenazantes. Luego de una hermosa tarde de campo volví y justo me encontré en el pasillo al trió de oro observando una vitrina.\n\nQue hacen?-dije mientras observaba la vitrina-\n\n¿Por que no estuviste con nosotros hoy en vuelo?-pregunto Hermione-\n\nEhhhh-toque mi cuello inventando una excusa- El director sabe de mi condición- que me impide volar- intente sonar convincente-\n\nPues, te perdiste de ver a Harry-dijo Ron\n\nNo fue nada- dijo apenado- Pero no podrás volar-pregunto triste\n\n-sonreí- tranquilo, prefiero tener mis pies sobre la tierra, no tengo mucho equilibrio\n\nEn camino a la sala común, me hablaron de como Harry impresiono a la profesora McGonagall al punto de meterlo en el equipo de quidditch como buscador. Estábamos subió en las gradas cuando comenzaron a moverse.\n\nY ahora que pasa-pregunto Ron asustado\n\ncon su cara de obvio- Acaso ya lo olvidaron, las escaleras se mueven solas-\n\nVamos por aquí-dijo Harry seguro\n\nLlegamos a un pasillo oscuro y con un aura espeluznante. Mi piel se puso de gallina\n\nNo deberíamos de estar aquí- dije con cierto temor\n\nPues claro que no- exclamo Hermione- Es el tercer piso, se supone que esta prohibido- \n\nEstábamos por regresar, pero el gato del guardián nos encontró y a lo lejos comenzamos a oír los pasos de Filch. Corrimos hasta el final del pasillo, pero la puerta tenia seguro, en nuestra desesperación Hermione uso un encantamiento para abrirla y logramos ocultarnos. Vi que Ron y Hermione pegaron la oreja para escuchar cuando ya no hubiera nadie. En ese momento todo mi cuerpo se estremeció y note como un perro GIGANTE con 3 CABEZAS dormían a nuestros pies. Vi de reojo que Harry también mirar lo mismo y le hice la señal de no hacer ruido. Aun así fue inevitable despertar a aquella bestia.\n\nHermione mientras volteaba a ver- No entiendo por que si este piso esta prohibido, esta puerta estaba cerrada- dijo confusa\n\nHarry con voz quebrada- miren la razón\n\nEl perro se levanto, comenzó a gruñir y se estaban poniendo de acuerdo para atacar.\n\nComprare tiempo- dije al momento que di dos pasos al frente-\n\nLas cabezas comenzaron a olfatearme\n\nQue crees que haces- dijo Harry tratando de no gritar-\n\nRápido Hermione- grito desesperado Ron-\n\nListo-pregunte, poniendo mis pies en posición para correr- CIERREN- grite para lanzarme al otro lado de la puerta-\n\nJusto lograron cerrar y todos pudimos recuperar el aliento.\n\nDe camino a los cuartos, Hermione me regaño por ponerme en peligro y andaba muy alterada preguntándose lo que harían los profesores si nos descubrieran. \n\nAl siguiente día nos tocaba clases de encantamiento con el profesor mas bajo que he conocido. Como ya se estaba volviendo costumbre, Hermione era la mejor, así que no me preocupe por perder el año, aunque Ron la envidia mucho. Salimos y teníamos receso; Harry fue a recibir un mini entrenamiento de quidditch y Ron salio a buscar a su rata. Me quede con Hermione para tomar la merienda, le dije que me encargaría de traer los jugos y que ella apartara los lugares.\n\nAl volver, vi que Draco y sus amigos estaban frente a Hermione y ella tenia la cabeza agachada. No queria llamar la atencion asi que me acerque despacio. Logre escuchar que la llamaba sagre sucia y se burlaba de ella.\n\nOye, princesa- le dije seria\n\n-se voltea indignado- disculpa- dice con su cara de diva desubicada-\n\ndéjala en paz, oíste princess- la ultima palabra la dije mas aguda-\n\n-soltó una risa burlona- sabes con quien te estas metiendo- pregunto sarcástico\n\nTe pregunto lo mismo, rubicita- dije igual de seria-\n\nEntramos en un duelo de miradas, hasta que ellos se fueron sin nada mas que decir.\n\nOye- toque el hombro de Hermione- no dejes que el te afecte- me senté \n\nNo sabes que soy sangre sucia- dijo a punto de romper en llanto-\n\nEhhh ni siquiera se que significa eso- comencé a devorar mi emparedado-\n\nCon lagrimas escondidas me empezó a explicar que son hijos de una bruja/brujo y una humano normal. No le encontré sentido ha discriminar asi a las personas, pero aun asi Hermione es mas brillante que esos tres cabezas huecas juntos. No soy muy buena para levantar el animo, pero la invite a pasear por el huerto de Hagrid. De camino por el pasillo al doblar la esquina tope con algo negro.\n\nSeñorita, creyó que se libraría de la detención- pregunto con esa característica voz grave\n\nProfesor Snape- dijo Hermione limpiándose la cara\n\nSi mal no recuerdo tienen una clase en 10 min, verdad señorita Granger- vio a Hermione con seriedad-\n\nSi profesor, enseguida vamos- ella tomo mi mano-\n\n-sonido de desaprobación- La señorita Selene vendrá conmigo- \n\nLe suplique a Hermione con los ojos que no me dejara sola, pero luego mi conciencia no quería que tuviera problemas por mi culpa, así que salte mi mano de la suya.\n\nTe alcanzare luego- le sonreí \n\nElla solo se limito mover su cabeza en aprobación y se fue.\n\nSigame, y no se quede atrás- dijo Snape \n\nMe guió hasta su clase, y al entrar vi la espalda de alguien con ropas oscuras pero elegante y un bastón, ademas de un largo cabello. En ese instante recordé a quien pertenecían esas características. \n\nLucius, aqui esta- dijo Snape cerrando la puerta con llave\n\nEl hombre con quien me tope 2 veces y me advirtieron que era peligroso ahora esta frente a mi....en la escuela. Sus ojos me exploraron de pies a cabeza.\n\nSelene- pregunto extrañado- no todas las mujeres no creí que fuera usted la que insulto a mi hijo- dijo serio\n\nHijo- me pregunte a mi misma-\n\nLuego recordé que le él le dijo al viejo de las baritas que \"mañana recogería la varita de su hijo\" y a McGonagall \"es el primer año de Draco\". Ese nombre resonó en mi cabeza.\n\nAsí es- dijo Lucius Malfoy- Draco es mi hijo\n\nEn mi cabeza paso que probablemente me asesinaría, pero yo no tenia la culpa\n\nDejare que me expliques el porque atacaste a mi hijo- se sentó tranquilamente en un taburete-\n\nComo McGonagall me dijo que era peligroso y el viejo que es un mortifago, quise formar en mi cabeza la mejor frase para no recibir mas castigos.\n\n-golpe en la cabeza- Responde pequeña insolente- dijo Snape acomodando el libro con el cual me pego-\n\nPues su hijo fue el primero en atacar a una compañera, por ser- comencé a recordar la palabra que había usado-\n\nSangre sucia- pregunto Lucius-\n\nAja, y yo lo único que le dije fue princesa, por su cabello- dije librándome- su hijo es muy irrespetuoso- dije indignada-\n\nOh ya veo- se quedo pensando- Hablare con él, me disculpo en su lugar- se levanto y camino hacia mi-\n\ncada paso que el daba yo retrocedía dos, el aura era tan pesada que mi piel se puso nuevamente de gallina. Tope con la pared al lado de la puerta, él hombre de ojos grises ya estaba a milímetros de mi, desesperadamente mi mano trato torpemente de abrir la puerta. Mi mente daba vueltas, mi instinto quería atacar pero debía controlarlo o si no él descubriría que soy animago y tendría mas problemas.\n\n-déjeme ayudarle- bajo su rostro hasta quedar frente a frente-\n\nSentía su aliento, su cara y mano se aproximaban mas a mi, en este punto estaba sudando, mi instinto estaba al limite, el estrés era mucho peor y cerré los ojos lo mas fuerte que pude. Hasta que *Click*\n\nYa esta- dijo su voz en mi oído\n\nSe alejo un poco y abrió completamente la puerta. Sin pensarlo dos veces salí corriendo lo mas rápido que pude y no mire atrás. Fui donde Hagrid para calmarme, estaba preguntándome si seria buena idea decirle a alguien lo que paso pero cuando vi el cielo ya estaba oscureciendo. Fui derecho al comedor, me encontré a Ron y Harry pero Hermione no aparecía por ningún lado.\n\nHan visto a Hermione- pregunte preocupada\n\nSeguramente a de estar leyendo o hablando con sus libros- dijo burlón Ron mientras se atascaba de comida-\n\nNo la he visto desde clase de encatamientos- dijo Harry apenado\n\nOigan, escuche a las chicas hablar, y dicen que esta en el baño- hablo un chico- y ha pasado toda la tarde ahí- volvió a platicar con su grupo\n\nIré por ella- dije decisiva-\n\nNo vemos en la sala común- dijo Harry mientras Ron se despedía con una pierna de pollo\n\nLlegue al baño y definitivamente escuchaba los quejidos de Hermione, me acerque hasta la puerta donde estaba y toque.\n\nTe encuentras bien-pregunte ya que no sabia como iniciar la conversación\n\nSi, si- dijo mas calmada- ya salgo- abrió la puerta mientras se secaba los ojos\n\nDraco te volvió a molestar- pregunte un poco molesta\n\nAlgo...-dijo triste\n\nLa comida te caerá bien- dije segura y la toma del brazo\n\nEn ese momento un gigante entro al baño.\n\nEhhhh-retrocedí con Hermione- que es eso- pregunte incrédula\n\nEs un troll de montaña- dijo asustada\n\nHermione me jalo hasta entrar en uno de los baño y nos agachamos. En eso el troll, con su mazo ya había derrumbado las paredes que separan los baños.\n\nY ahora que hacemos- pregunte asustada por tal fuerza\n\nA tiempo llegaron Harry con Ron.\n\nCHICAS ESTÁN BIEN- grito Harry al vernos bajo los escombros\n\nSiii, pero sáquenlo de aquí- gritamos juntas\n\nLuego de que los chicos intentaran persuadir al troll, vi que no quedaba de otra que volver a ganar tiempo.\n\nA MI SEÑAL TOMEN EL MAZO Y LO LANZAN EN LA CABEZA- les grite\n\nSalí debajo de los lavaderos y me transforme en lobo. Me lance a las piernas del troll, creándole heridas menores, lo bueno era que tenia toda su atención. Luego de una mordidas y arañazos, los chicos reaccionaron a que soy un animago y siguieron con el plan. Todo estaba perfecto hasta que me distraje por el sonido de zapatos dirigiéndose hacia nosotros, sabia que no debía exponerme. En lo que pensaba en troll con su ultima fuerza logro pegarme haciendo que golpeara contra la pared.\n\nSELENE- grito el trió de oro\n\nSolo sentí el dolor en mi espalda, no era grave. Volví a mi forma humana y Harry ayudo a pararme.\n\nEso fue increíble- dijo embobado Ron\n\nhice una seña de silencio- nadie debe enterarse- dije casi susurrando mientras recuperaba el aire\n\nLos profesores Snape, raro del trapo en la cabeza, Flich y McGonagall llegaron. Nos dieron un sermón de como pudimos haber muerto pero yo me fije en la pierna de Snape, que tenia una mordida peculiar. Al parecer él se percato de eso, ya que se cubrió. Luego de que ha McGonagall le pasara el susto, no quito y dio puntos. Finalmente, el profesor raro noto las mordidas en las piernas del troll, sentia que habia sido descubierta.\n\nProfesor Snape- dijo el raro- creo que tenemos otro problema- dijo tartamudeando y señalaba las piernas del troll\n\nCreo que una manada de lobos trajo el troll a buscar refugio- dijo deductivo- las marcas son frescas, afortunadamente los estudiantes tiene prohibido salir de noche- ve a McGonagall y luego una rápida mirada a mi- estos lobos parecen ser agresivos- dijo con cierto toque de sarcasmo-\n\nLa profesora nos dio permiso de ir a nuestras habitaciones, antes de irme a dormir Hermione me agradeció por haber estado ahí, pero tenia esa expresión de asombro en su rostro todavía. Nadie me pregunto nada... talvez les gano el sueño o creen haber visto algo extraño. Es seguro que mañana Dumbledore me llame a su oficina...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Estábamos camino al comedor cuando Snape nos detuvo.\n\nSeñor Potter, después de haber derrotado a un troll, un juego de quidditch será pan comido- nos ve a todos- Señorita Selene, sígame- ordeno y se puso en marcha\n\ndetención- pregunto susurrando Ron\n\nSeguramente- dije cabiz bajo\n\nSeguí a Snape, y como ya se estaba volviendo costumbre fuimos a su despacho. El sentó y se me quedo viendo fijamente, yo solo permanecí viendo al piso....sabia que sospechaba de mi.\n\nSabe que rompió una regla importante- seguía viéndome-\n\nEn mi cabeza trataba de entender cuales reglas, apenas me sabia la del tercer piso. \n\n*golpeo el escritorio*\n\n-salte del susto- No, profesor- ahora comenzaba a sentirme intimidada\n\nVéame a los ojos cuando le hablo- dijo con cierto enojo\n\nNo sabia que hacer ni que pensar. Ayer el había dejado entrar a un mortifago al colegio y ese hombre tiene un hijo....pero lo que mas me daba temor era que lo había llamado \"Lucius\"... así que eran cercanos....así que mi profesor de posiciones es un\n\nEn el momento que estaba llegando al final de mi conclusión sentí una presión en mi quijada y una fuerza levanto mi cara. Era la mano de Snape que me sostenía con fuerza para verlo.\n\nLo sabia- dijo mientras trataba de meterse en mi cabeza por medio de mis ojos- Usted será expulsada- soltó sin cuidado mi cara\n\nEl miedo hizo que mis ojos cambiaran a los de lobo, luego de pestañar varias veces para sentir que había vuelto a la normalidad.\n\nNo tengo la culpa de ser asi- dije molesta (había olvidado porque le tenia miedo)\n\nSi su padre no hubiese sido un ignorante y descuidado, estos problemas no existirían- dijo con cierto asco\n\nY no se como puede dar clases si es un MORTIFAGO- grite con rabia\n\nEl solo abrió los ojos al punto que no podía mas. Luego la cara de asombro paso a un sombría... pensé que me mataría en ese momento.\n\nEn un segundo me tomo fuertemente del brazo\n\n-Que hace- pregunte asustada- suélteme - trate de alejarme\n\nQUIETA- grito\n\nMe llevo casi arrastrada por un pasillo secreto, pensé que era mi fin, si tan solo no hubiera dicho esa palabra. Luego se detuvo en una pared y dijo \"pastel de limón\"\n\nQue te trae por aquí Severus- dijo esa anciana voz-\n\nMe relaje al ver al director y a McGonagall\n\nAy, Selene donde estabas- pregunto preocupada- no te vi en el desayuno\n\nElla será expulsada- dijo Snape apretando mas mi brazo-\n\nY bajo que cargo- preguntó Dumbledore\n\nHa dicho que soy un mortifago, y además anoche se convirtió en lobo estando en la escuela- dijo victorioso\n\nElla solo protegía a sus amigos- dijo defendiéndome McGonagall- \n\nYa, ya Severus - dijo amablemente- suelta a Selene- señalo su mano- \n\nLentamente el soltó su agarre y yo aproveche a correr al lado de la profesora\n\nDumbledore se acerco hasta nosotras y se agacho- porque crees que el profesor es un mortigafo-pregunto paciente\n\nPuesss- empecé a tartamudear- en la tienda de varitas. El dueño me dijo que el señor Lucius es un mortifago- le tome la mano a McGonagall por instinto de protección- y ayer ese señor vino y note que era muy cercano con el profesor Snape-\n\nYa veo- dijo el director- tu propia cabeza saco esas conclusiones-\n\nLuego de estar platicando, me dijeron que ninguno de los dos son mortifagos, pero que Lucius por ser de clase alta y de una familia adinerada tengo que tener cuidado. \n\nBueno- dijo McGonagall rompiendo el silencio- que dices si vamos a ver a Potter, seguramente el partido no ha empezado aun- me sonrie-\n\nFuimos al campo y ya habian empezado, la profesora me indico donde estaban mis compañeros. Me reuni con mis amigos; a mitad del partido Harry tenia un problema con su escoba pero era muy extraño. Descubrimos que era Snape el que la estaba hechizando pero...porque?\n\nLuego de que todo saliera bien y Harry ganara. Nos quedamos en la sala comun preguntandonos porque Snape haria eso. No quise comentarles lo que habia pasado en la mañana asi que invente una excusa. \n\nPasaron los dias y ya faltaba un dia para navidad. McGonagall me dijo que no podia volver al mundo normal, por lo que me quedaria; pero podia ir con Hagrid al bosque para jugar con la nieve como lobo. Lo bueno esque no estaria sola, ya que Ron y Harry tambien se quedarian. \n\nEstamos en el comedor terminando de almorzar\n\nque dicen si jugamos ajedrez magico- nos pregunto a los dos-\n\nClaro- dijo Harry\n\nYo paso, debo ayudar a Hagrid con el huerto; pero podemos encontrarnos en la sala comun masa tarde- me levante y tome mis cosas-\n\nNo quieres que te ayudemos- pregunto Ron-\n\nSi, asi terminaras mas rapido- dijo Harry feliz-\n\nEstamos de vacaciones, deberian descansar, pero gracias- los abrace y me fui-\n\nLlegue a la cabaña del guardabosques y me esperaba con su perro.\n\nEstas lista- pregunto animado-\n\nSI- estaba emocionada de poder jugar con la nieve sin sentir mucho frio-\n\nNos alejamos del castillo para que nadie note cuando me transforme y me indico que podia quedarme en este sector pero que no fuera mas al norte, porque ya no era propiedad de la escuela y alguien podria andar merodiando por ahi. \n\nDebo ir al lado sur a revisar unos animales- le hizo una señal a Fang- se quedara contigo, cuidense-\n\nVimos con Fang como Hagrid se alejaba - Jugamos- le pregunte-\n\nWoaf- respondio en aprobacion-\n\nMe quite el chaleco de piel y me transforme\n\nEstaba emocionada de sentir la nieve en mis patas, nos pusimos hacer carreras con Fang, luego el me perseguia y yo a el. Estabamos pasando un rato amigable hasta que oimos un siervo siendo lastimado. Fang huyo pero tenia la curiosidad de saber que lo habia provocado. Sigilosamente llegue al lugar y solo vi a la distancia al siervo y dos personas de ropas negras.\n\nVi como dejaban al siervo en la nieve desangrandose. Espere que estuvieran lo mas lejos posible para acercarme y ver si podia hacer algo por el. Llegue a su lado y para mi mala suerte ya habia muerto...\n\nLO TENGO- dijo esa voz familiar - mira padre lo atrape-\n\nUna red habia caido sobre mi, no se como no pude percibir su olor antes. Era Draco \n\nComence a aullar y tratar de escapar de la red, sabia que si volvia hacer humana el descubriria todo y eso no seria bueno.  Luego pense que si Draco estaba aqui...y habia dicho padre.... el señor Lucius estaria aqui tambien.\n\nVaya, vaya- dijo acercandose- pero si es el lobo de tu escuela- sonrio de lado- que haces aqui pequeña- dijo tratando de calmarme-\n\nMis instintos saltaron al maximo, estaba sola con esos dos... no terminaria en nada bueno.\n\nYo quiero a ese lobo- demando Draco-\n\nVere a que acuerdo llego con Dumbledore para que me lo venda- poso su mirada en mi- que dices- dijo amable\n\nsolo emiti un gruñido\n\nOlvidaba que no eres amigable con los extraños- dijo con cierta satisfaccion-\n\nLucius que haces aqui- pregunto una voz que no me esperaba-\n\nVine a cazar con mi hijo, Severus - dijo el hombre de cabellera dorada- Draco atrapo a su lobo y quiera hablar con Dumbledore para comprarlo- dijo victorioso- veo que ya dejaste la ropa oscura atras, ese abrigo de piel te quedara estupendo- dijo señalando mi abrigo \n\nDudo que quieras comprar ese saco de pulgas- se dirigio a mi- y esto lo dejo una alumna descuidada en el bosque- me ve\n\nA Draco le llamo la atencion y siendo honestos a mi tambien- dijo serio- \n\nEsta bien- dijo algo molesto- vamos al despacho, ya veremos que decide- saca su varita y apunta hacia mi- <i>Evanesco-  </i>\n\nEse hechizo hizo desaparecer la red\n\nPor un momento los vi y me disponia a salir corriendo, pero Snape se dio cuenta\n\nNi se te ocurra huir- ordeno con una voz molesta- iras detras de mi- sentencio-\n\nsabia que debia obedecerlo, de otro modo me meteria en problemas. Ya ibamos a mitad de camino.\n\nVeo que te hace caso Severus- dijo intrigado Lucius-\n\nsin voltear a ver- sabe que le ira peor si no obedece- dijo serio-\n\nDraco, tienes que entrenarla para que tambien te obedezca, no quiero que haga destrozos la casa- dijo claro\n\nYa en el despacho del director, Dumbledore le explico que era una raza especial y que no podia venderme, al señor Malfoy le consto mucho entender pero dijo que no aceptaria un no y se marcho. \n\nTu insolencia casi nos cuesta tu sucio secreto -  dijo Snape irritado- \n\nTranquilo amigo mio - le dijo el director- vamos Selene ya puedes volver a la normalidad-\n\n-volvi a ser humana- siento mucho haberle causado este problema director- agache la cabeza-\n\nNo te preocupes pequeña- me dio una palmaditas en la cabeza- desde ahora si quieres ir al bosuqe Severus debe ir contigo, ahora que el señor Malfoy es dueño de la propiedad vecina tengo seguro que intentara robarte- dijo pensativo-\n\nPor que debo ser yo quien la cuide- pregunto molesto el profesor de posciones- simplemete prohibale convertirse en lobo- dijo obvio\n\nSelene, querida- me ve el director- la cena estara servida en pocos minutos, sera mejor que vayas- me da una plamada en la espalda\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Pasaron los dias, y las vacaciones ya se acababan. Harry encontro el libro que habla sobre Nicolas Flamel, recibio de regalo una capa magica que probablemente pertenecio a su padre. Yo tambien recibi un misterioso regalo. Era un collar con un diente de lobo, con el puedo alejar a cualquier criatura que quiera atacarme, es un amuleto muy potente.\n\nSe acercaba la luna llena y estaba emocionada, en uno de los libros de la seccion prohibida dicen que los animagos pueden bañarse en el lago de Howgarts y ayuda al pelo, uñas y dientes, ademas de conocerse mas a su animal interior y familiares.\n\nHarry y Ron me invitaron a ir con Hagrid en la noche para poder averiguar mas sobre la piedra filosofal. Accedi a ir con ellos, nos alistamos y partimos sin ser vistos, ya que estariamos en problemas si nos encontraban fuera de la cama. Harry nos llevo en su capa y logramos llegar sin problemas.\n\nA Hagrid casi le da un infarto al vernos a los 3 en su puerta. Nos presento a su dragon, apesar que le escupio fuego no se enojo, pero conmigo parecia tranquilo.\n\nPor que con ella es asi - se pregunto Ron-\n\nEs por el olor que emana Selene - dijo Hagrid rapidamente - ella tiene un lazo mas estrecho con los animales - me sonrie - por eso es mi aprendiz en estas cosas - dijo orgulloso\n\nme alegra que pueda ayudar - dijo mientras acariciaba al dragon - \n\nQuien es el - pregunto Hagrid mirando a la ventana - \n\nDraco - menciono Harry molesto \n\n Oh no - dijo desmotivado Hagrid -\n\nRezamos a no encontrarnos con Snape o Flitch en el camino. Pero fue con McGonagall\n\nLos tres siganme - dijo seria - \n\nYa en su despacho\n\nEstoy muy decepcionada - caminaba de un lado a otro - Se les restaran 5 puntos a los 4 por su mal comportamiento - sentencio\n\nDisculpe - hablo la diva de Draco - dijo los cuatro - pregunto confundido\n\nSi, usted estaba fuera de la cama señor Malfoy - dijo obvia la maestra-\n\nY como castigo, iran al bosque prohibido mañana por la noche - dijo algo insegura - \n\nSin mas que decir, nos mando a las habitaciones\n\nPerdon - dijo Harry cabiz bajo - arruine tu salida de mañana -  apenado\n\nYo tambien lo siento - hablo Ron - no debi insistir tanto-\n\nTranquilos chicos- hable confiada - en el bosque prohibido tambien toca el lago asi que podre escaparme unos minutos - guiño - y pensar que los creia unos cabezas huecas - sacudi sus cabellos- \n\nA la noche siguiente Hagrid nos esperaba con Fang, nos dividieron en grupos, yo fui con Ron y Hagrid. Estabamos buscando un unicornio que dicen lo habian visto herido. Con el paso de los minutos vi como la luna estaba en su punto maximo. De la nada senti que me habia separado del grupo pero estaba en la orilla del lago, fue como si me estuviera llamando. No dude en transformarme en lobo y meterme al agua; no me arrepenti de nada. El agua era calida, y abrazadora. Apesar de haber leido todas las criaturas debajo del agua no tenia miedo ya que portaba el amuleto. \n\nLa luz de la luna me bañaba completamente, si era cierto que era magico este momento. De un momento a otro senti como habia cambiado a humana otra vez pero mis atributos crecieron, mis caderas de ensancharon y mi cintura se hizo curva. En el reflejo me miraba muy distinta, pero facciones de mi cara seguian igual. Estaba tan entretenida mirandome que no me percate que me observaban\n\n*CRACK*\n\nUna rama rompiendose me saco de mis pensamientos.\n\nDisculpe no fue mi intencion asustarla - dijo esa voz grave - \n\nlentamente me gire para comprobar que no estaba soñando y era el señor Malfoy que me miraba de pies a cabeza. Rapidamente me hundi solo dejando mis ojos fuera del agua.\n\nVeo que eres timida - sonrie - ven conmigo, este lugar es muy peligroso - estiro su mano - debes de ser una estudiante de 4to año - dijo muy seguro - No te reportare al director si vienes conmigo - sono amenazante - \n\nSe confundio con alguien mas - pense - \n\nSin decidir nada coherente nade lejos de el, llegando al extremo mas cerca.\n\nAlto ahi - dijo mas serio - \n\nSali del agua y seguia con el cuerpo distinto, note que estaba lejos asi que no dude en correr un poco y transformarme en lobo. Sentia que tenia mas fuerza para correr, y mi olfato estaba mucho mas sensible y percibi el miedo de Harry. Sin demora segui su olor hasta que vi a la distancia una capucha negra acercandose a Harry. \n\nAullo - me lanzo y me coloque en su camino gruñendo - \n\nSabia que el amuleto haria efecto en cualquier momento pero la criatura no se alejaba por nada.  Al estar a pocos pasos de mi, mi instinto me gritaba que estaban ante algo sumamente peligroso y que debia retroceder o seguramente moriria. \n\nLanze un aullido de ayuda para ver si alguien podia venir a nuestro rescate. Unos segundos mas tarde ya tenia encima al espanto y sabia que debia atacar o probablemente nos haria daño. Me prepare para atacar cuando un centauro vino a salvarnos.\n\nNo deberian estar en este bosque - nos hablo - Hay muchas criaturas que querran llevarse  a Harry - voltea a verme - Existen criaturas oscuras que son inmunes a esos amuletos - señalo mi collar -\n\nMe transforme en humana y note que habia vueto a la normalidad - Muchas gracias por salvarnos - dije agradecida - \n\nSi muchas gracias - hablo Harry y luego me abrazo - eres increible, pero desde hoy yo tambien te cuidare, no es justo que solo tu te pongas en peligro - dijo sinceramente -\n\nLlego Hagrid con los demas y agradecio a su amigo inusual por ayudarnos. Notamos al pony ensangrentado y nos explicaron que en el bosque habitaba una bestia que se creia que estaba muerta.\n\nA la mañana siguiente me levante tarde, pero Hermione me dejo una carta haciendome saber que nuestra primera clase se cancelo. Agradecida que no perdiera mas puntos, me vesti y fui al comedor para ver si habia quedado algo porque moria de hambre. En el pasillo no habia nadie, en eso vi que venia el profesor Snape, agache la cabeza y segui con si nada. \n\nSeñorita Selene - dijo normal - a mi despacho enseguida - dijo serio - \n\nme voltee y hable de la forma mas tranquila - disculpe profesor pero no he comido nada, quiera ir al  -interrumpida - \n\nSnape me jalo de la mano y me atrajo hacia el, aun sosteniendo mi muñeca - crei que habia comido ayer con el señor Malfoy a plena luz de luna - dijo sarcastico - si no quiere que siga hablando sera mejor que venga a mi despacho - me solto y se fue - \n\n<i>Como sabia lo que habia pasado ayer, y ademas tenia mal la informacion....espera él tambien estaba observandome....</i> - me decia a mi misma- <i>sera mejor que vaya antes que alguien mas se entere</i> - corri antes ponerme detras de el y con la cabeza agachada - \n\nAdemas de insolente es una cualquiera - dijo entre dientes -\n\nIba a contestar pero no queria crear mas problemas \n\n\n\n\n", "Ya en el despacho, sabia lo que me esperaba. Ya estaba mentalizada que venir a estas mazmorras era para recibir clases o para que me castigaran.\n\n-Hoy estoy generoso- dijo raramente calmado- Si es capaz de decirme el error que cometió, solo tendrá detención hasta que se acaben las clases - Me quedé asombrada y me disponía a objetar cuando me hizo una seña de silencio- Pero si falla, la detención la tendrá hasta acabar su 2do año- tranquilamente se sentó en su silla esperando mi respuesta-\n\n<i>-Ya es bastante malo tener que aguantar sus clases y tareas....ahora tendría que aguantarlo 1 año mas..... será mejor que diga todo lo que hice- </i>pensé muy disgustada\n\nSeverus se aclaro la garganta- Ya tiene la respuesta- pregunto con su grave voz\n\nTrague saliva - no estaba cumpliendo con mi castigo, me aleje de mi grupo, me acerque al lago sin supervisión, me metí al agua, me transformé, y mmmmmm .....deje que el señor Malfoy me viera - dije en voz baja- pero no me reconoció lo juro - empecé a rezar en mi cabeza que me librare de aquel castigo-\n\n-Vaya vaya, señorita Selene - se cruzó de brazos - No creí que fuera a confesar todos sus pecados - con un movimiento de cabeza quito un mecho de pelo que cubría la mitad de su cara - aun así la respuesta es incorrecta - dijo victorioso-\n\n-Pero....-comencé a tartamudear- se supone - me dolía la cabeza de tanto pensar- eso no es posible, castigar a un alumno por 1 año completo - trate de argumenta\n\n- Si así respondé para el examen, me temo que repetirá año - se volvió serio - Con todo lo que se ahora, es equivalente a estar bajo detención hasta su graduación- hablo como si no fuera gran cosa-\n\nMe enojé- Ja, que se cree - pregunte sarcástica\n\n-Disculpe -  dijo Severus un poco molesto-\n\nEso es lo más injusto que había escuchado, no es posible tal cosa. Seguramente hay estudiantes peores a mi, que no tienen mi condición y nadie les dice nada o solo les dan semanas de detención o un castigo. Pero no he escuchado a nadie decir que lleva castigado desde su primer año. Eso ya pasa a ser abuso. NO PUEDE CASTIGARME POR LO QUE SOY - no me fije que ya había levantado la voz- y otra cosa - me planté viéndolo directamente a los ojos - YO NO PEDÍ SER LO QUE SOY, NI ESTUDIAR AQUI, NI QUE UN VIEJO ME CASTIGUE CADA VEZ QUE ÉL - me detuvo una cachetada -\n\nEl golpe fue tan rápido y fuerte que terminé en el piso, con la mente tratando de entender que había pasado. Sentía mi mejilla caliente y me ardía al tocarla. Sentí que pasaron minutos hasta que vi la túnica negra del profesor cerca de mi.\n\nEs igual a su padre - dijo con una voz mas profunda - míreme cuando le hablo - hablo claro y definitivamente enfadado - \n\nVio que me resistía, no podía estaba en shook, tenia un nudo en la garganta y mis ojos llenos de lagrimas, pero no quería llorar. <i>-No se nada de mi padres, y él me pase recordando que soy como él... será por esa razón que me abandonó- </i>me pregunte a mi misma, sentí ahogarme en mi propia tristeza.\n\nSnape me tomo del pelo y de un tirón me forzó a verlo - Déjeme aclararle sus dudas- sin soltarse se agacho a  mi altura, intenté bajar la mirada pero él me sostuvo firmemente - Primero, usted es mitad humana, mitad bestia; segundo estudia aquí para que aprenda a comportarse. Y tercero, si la castigo a menudo es por su falta de ética y de gracias que no esta encerrada en algún zoológico o hospital del mundo mágico -dijo con cierta satisfacción y me soltó bruscamente. Fue directo a la puerta y sacó su varita- Ahora se quedará aquí para que piense en sus errores - tiró un hechizo a la manecilla de la puerta - Esta puerta no se abrirá hasta que yo vuelva- cierra la puerta de un portazo, pero a los segundos la vuelve abrir - Oh se me olvidaba, ahora serán 2 años de detención- volvió a cerrar la puerta de un portazo\n\nMe quede por un par de horas en el mismo lugar, pensando todo lo que había pasado...si de verdad estaba n la realidad o soñando. Luego recordé la cachetada\n\ncomencé a sollozar- que se cree para tratarme así - limpie mis ojos rápido - este idiota - golpeé el suelo con mis puños y me levante decidida - soy más humana que lobo, un hechizo no será mucha molestia - fui hasta la puerta y confiada tome la manecilla - \n\nNo la había tocado aun, cuando un choque de energía recorrió todo mi cuerpo y sentía como me dolía el pecho donde esta el corazón. Me aleje rápido y mi respiración estaba agitada.\n\nMALDITA SEA - volví a intentarlo\n\nMismo resultado, me coloque en una esquina viendo hacia la puerta\n\nbufe - quien se cree para encerrarme - cruce los brazos- solo es un maestro de posiciones, sus hechizos no han de ser tan buenos- saque rápidamente mi varita y apunte a la puerta - Si tan solo estudiara como Hermione - me golpeé la cabeza pensando en lo tonta que he sido al no aprovechar el cerebro de mi amiga - \n\nPase 1 hora intentando quitar el hechizo con algunos movimientos que nos han enseñado en clase pero ninguno daba resultado. y ya empezaba a estresarme.\n\nmoviendo la varita a lo loco - ABRETE MALDITA PUERTA- iba a tirar el hechizo cuando una mano me detuvo - \n\n-Si sigue tirando encantamientos sin sentido terminara matándose - dijo esa voz masculina que me eriza la piel-\n\nsubí mi mirada - Como entró aqui señor Malfoy - trague saliva\n\n-lo notó - Por que me tienes miedo - pregunto confundido y soltó suavemente mi muñeca- ese viejo de Dumbledore le ha hablado mal de mi persona - pregunto un poco molesto-\n\nno quería causarle más problemas al director - nono, es solo que mis compañeros hablan de  que hay que respetarlos por el apellido que llevan y Draco a veces amenaza - dije apenada-\n\npensó por un momento - yo tengo la culpa, Draco es mi único hijo y siempre ha sido consentido por la familia de mi esposa - apretó su bastón y observó la habitación- Veo que te has portado mal - señalo con su bastón la puerta - \n\nNo hice nada malo - trate de defenderme - el profesor siempre me castiga por -me tope la boca rápido - \n\nPor - preguntó - Acaso andas de picara con los niños - dio una mirada extraña y sonríe de lado\n\n-Prefiero mil veces ser castigada - dije molesta y cruce mis brazos - \n\nrié fuertemente - apenas eres una niña - se repone y aclara su garganta - Ya que me has hecho olvidar porque vine te concederé un favor - volvió a su postura seria\n\nsin pensarlo dos veces - puede sacarme de aquí- pregunte inocente\n\nEsta bien - dijo satisfecho y estiro su mano hacia mi - tome mi mano - su voz era ciertamente sincera-\n\nUn poco dudosa la tome, en ese momento sentí mi cabeza dar vueltas hasta que caí sentada. Tome mi cabeza y respiraba profundo para que me pasara el mareo\n\nMe disculpo - hablo Lucius - pero esta prueba confirmo mis sospechas - dijo convencido\n\naun sacada de onda -a que se refiere - pregunte mientras mi vista se normalizaba y note que estábamos en una sala finamente decorada y de colores oscuros - donde estoy - pregunte asustada\n\nEs mi casa, la mansión Malfoy - dijo orgulloso\n\nEn ese momento casi se me sale el corazón, no estaba en a escuela....eso significaba que no estaba el director cerca, ni la profesora McGonagall, ni Hagrid..... ni el profesor de posiciones para ayudarme....esperen fui secuestrada...\n\nestaba recostada en mis brazos, mi pierna izquierda estaba estirada y la derecha encogida. Note que el señor ya estaba sentado tomando tranquilamente de una copa.\n\nYa puede dejar de fingir - dijo amenazante - se que eres un animago o eso quieren que creas - termino su bebida y me vio con ojos llenos de deseo.\n\nVi un puerta grande desde de la sala - no se a que se refiere - lo veo a él - pero ya tengo que regresar - salí disparada a la puerta pero se cerró antes de atravesarla, voltee por el sonido de desaprobación\n\nLucius venia caminando hacia mi y movía su dedo de lado a lado, indicando que no- Aun no he terminado con usted -\n\nNo se acerque más - lo amenace - \n\nsonríe de lado con satisfacción - tan solo eres una niña - se acerco mas - no puedes amenazarme, la que esta en desventaja eres tu - ya estaba a un par de pasos de mi - Mi lobita - dijo seductor\n\nUn escalofrió recorrió mi cuerpo y tenia que buscar una manera de salir\n\nMe transforme en lobo y me tire a él. \n\nCrucio - dijo apuntando su varita a mi\n\nUn dolor horrible se apodero de mi, me dolía todo. El dolor fue tan intenso, tan devastador, que olvidó dónde estaba: era como si cuchillos candentes le horadaran cada centímetro de la piel, y la cabeza le fuera a estallar de dolor. Lo que sentí que fueron horas, simplemente habían sido segundos.\n\nLo sabia -dijo triunfante y me ve tirada en el suelo sin moverme - será mejor que duermas, según Draco tienen examen de Transformaciones mañana - me ve como si fuera una simple basura - Por cierto - se agacha y comienza acariciar mi pelaje. No podía alejarme mi cuerpo estaba cansado - este secreto será entre los dos. Si alguien mas se entera, me asegurare que el resto de tu vida la pases en una celda - dijo serio \n\nLuego no recuerdo nada\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Selene-hablaba Hermione-Vamos despierta-me mueve de lado a lado- Si no te levantas me ire sin ti - dijo amenazante-\n\nSentí que ella daba media vuelta cuando tome su brazo rápidamente- No me dejes sola, en 5 minutos estaré lista- me levante con dificultad\n\nFuimos a nuestro examen de Transformaciones, por momentos recordaba el dolor de ayer y no me logre concentrar mucho, pero no me fue tan mal como a Ron. El resto del día lo pase cansada, ese hechizo fue muy potente. Mis amigos notaron que estaba muy decaída ya que no queria comer nada en la cena.\n\nSelene- pregunto Harry- me preocupa que hayas estado muy callada hoy - dijo triste\n\nMas de lo habitual - añadio Ron-\n\nyo solo los vi de reojo y volvi a recostarme en la mesa\n\nLos chicos tienen razon - hablo la cerebrito- Me preocupa tu estado de animo, acaso el profesor Snape te ha tratado mal- pregunto molesta-\n\nDigamos - levante mi dedo indice y señale a la mesa de los profesores- Estare castigada con detencion con él hasta terminar el 2do año - dije rendida-\n\n-los tres en coro- QUEE???- se miraron las caras-\n\nEso es absurdo- dijo Hermione-\n\nNingún profesor había castigado tanto a un estudiante - dijo Ron sin dejar de tragar-\n\n-con sarcasmo- me siento halagada de ser la primera- me repuse y acomode el pelo - Ahora, que averiguaron de la piedra filosofal- pregunte tratando de alejarlos del tema-\n\nHermione empece a dar mucha muchaaaa informacion, armaron un plan y preparamos una fecha para poder entrar e ir a buscar la piedra.\n\nNos despedimos en el pasillo y yo fui a mi detencion.\n\n*toc toc*\n\nMe mentalice que no queria mas problemas y que me comportaria de lo mas normal\n\n-Pase- hablo el profesor al otro lado de la puerta\n\nEntre con la mirada al suelo- Buenas noches profesor, que debo hacer hoy- pregunte esperando sus instrucciones\n\nsentí la mirada de Snape, antes de llegar revise que todo mi uniforme estuviera impecable y sin arrugas.\n\nPrimero empiece con los calderos - señalo con su varita-\n\nVolteo a ver y eran por lo menos 100 calderos apilados. Respire hondo - muy bien , profesor- dije sin más y empecé a limpiarlos sin magia. \n\nMientras hacia eso, recordé como en el orfanato ayudaba en la cocina a lavar todos los platos. Esto no seria problema. No sentí las horas pasar, pero ya me faltaban muy pocos. En algún momento comencé a tararear una canción, no se cuento tiempo pase así.\n\n*un libro choca con mi cabeza*\n\nEsto es un castigo- se aclaro Snape la garganta- no es ninguna clase de canto, y le sugiero que deje esa profesión, a menos que quiera pasarse la vida en la calle - dijo triunfante y regreso a su escritorio.\n\nSiempre tan severo Severus - habla el señor Malfoy mientras entra al despacho- \n\nMi piel se erizo al instante y comencé a llorar, no podía hacer nada. Continúe limpiando con la cabeza al suelo.\n\nOh Lucius - Snape va a una estantería - Había olvidado por completo tu pedido - sube a una escalera y revisa las repisas de arriba - Lo he dejado en el otro cuarto, ponte cómodo en un momento regreso- sale de la habitación\n\nSiento como la mirada de Lucius Malfoy esta observándome. Lentamente de acerca a mi y se coloca al lado.\n\nLe queda bien el trabajo de limpiar - se quita su guante y comienza a acariciar mi hombro- te verías mejor con un traje de mucama- sonríe de lado\n\nEn un movimiento me aleje y trate de bajar mis mangas para que fueran manga larga.\n\nLucius bufa- haz olvidado el hechizo \"crucio\"- pregunto alzando una ceja, volvió a acercarse y comenzó a pasar su varita por mi cuello y pelo haciéndolo a un lado-\n\nEn este punta estaba temblando pero no quería que se diera que le tengo miedo.\n\nMírame - ordeno, pero no me dio tiempo de hacer nada, porque me tomo fuertemente con su mano para obligarme a verlo - Oh shshsh - seco mis lagrimas - Si fueras buena niña no te hubiera castigado- dijo con satisfacción - vamos dame un beso - \n\nSe fue acercando a mi sin soltarme, así que use mis manos para mantenerlo alejado de mi. Entre mas me resistía mas se enojaba hasta que me soltó bruscamente.\n\nDescuida Linda - se arreglo su ropa y aclaro su garganta - Pronto aprenderás a respetarme - me señalo con su varita \n\nNO - grite y puse mis manos como modo de defensa -Alto, por favor - me disponía a esconderme detrás de los calderos-\n\n<i>Imperio - </i>Lucius pronuncio-\n\nLo único que sentí fue como una sensación de calma se apoderaba de mi cabeza. Coloque mis manos en la cabeza, no era posible, este hechizo es para controlarme.\n\nMe rehusó- dijo moviendo mi cabeza de lado a lado - No no no\n\nApenas eres una niña - dijo Lucius extrañado, aprovechando que estaba distraída, me tomo de las muñecas, me acorralo en la pared y coloco su varita en mi cabeza - <i>IMPERIO-</i>\n\nMi collar soltó un brillo dorado y creo un escudo a mi alrededor\n\nMi niña- dijo asombrado - Ese collar no te podrá librar de mi- dijo desafiante - .\n\n Rápidamente me acorralo nuevamente en la pared, con su varita creo ataduras en mis muñecas y piernas, inmovilizándome. Se aparto un poco y me observo de pies a cabeza. Lucius se acerco rápido y me beso,  intensifico el beso, y aprovecho a explorar mi cuerpo. \n\nSe separo - Vendré por ti, cuando acaben su primer año - sentencio - termina con tu castigo, y si no quieres terminar en una celda o siendo torturada, no le dirás a nadie - dijo enojado y con un movimiento de su varita me soltó.\n\nMis ojos estaban rojos por las lagrimas, mi boca tartamudeaba y mi cuerpo temblaba a mas no poder. Lloraba por impotencia, enojo y tristeza. Muy insegura y en silencio, tratando de controlar mi respiración tome un calderón y seguí limpiando.\n\nSe oyó la puerta abrirse dejando ver a Severus - Aquí tienes Lucius - se acerco a él y le entrego una botella - \n\nExcelente - Lucius examino la botella - Me retiro entonces - dio un ultimo vistazo a la habitación-\n\nLucius desapareció y Severus se giro hacia mi.\n\nEs completamente una inútil, no es posible que no haya terminado aun - cruzo sus brazos - acaso se tomo un descanso cuando no estaba presente - pregunto extrañado - \n\nQuería responderle pero no salía nada de mi boca, ni un sonido. \n\nLo lamento - dije con una voz apunto de romper en llanto-\n\nSeverus se quedo extrañado - no creas que volverte sumisa te quitara tus años de detención- dijo serio- \n\nUnos minutos después termine y logre irme a mi cama. Llore en silencio durante toda la noche. Sabia que debía levantarme temprano para que Hermione no viera mi cara y sospechara. En mi cabeza tenia el recuerdo de la advertencia de Lucius \"vendré por ti\".\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Las clases terminaron y mi detención también. Todos arreglaban sus cosas mientras yo vagaba en la incertidumbre.\n\nFui seguido al despacho del director donde varios maestros analizaron mi situación pero ninguno aceptaba tenerme. Perdía la paciencia, pero al mismo tiempo pensaba que era culpa de Lucius, tal vez los tenia amenazados o quien sabe. El día de hoy todos regresan con sus familias y yo...bueno aun no se.\n\nSelene - hablo el director - buenas noticias, tenemos casa para ti durante estas vacaciones- sonríe-\n\nmis ojos se iluminaron por un momento - Me quedare con la profesora McGonagall - pregunte emocionada-\n\n-Dumbledore movió su cabeza en desaprobación- veras Severus cuidara de ti- dijo calmado- mi corazón se detuvo\n\nSabia que la palabra del director era decisiva, no serviría de nada rogar. Me mandaron a empacar mis cosas y el profesor de pociones me esperaba en la entrada del colegio.\n\n5 minutos tarde -dijo Severus antes de girarse y comenzar a caminar. Suspire y lo seguí. \n\nTodo el camino fue en silencio, seguí todas sus instrucciones, no respondía nada solo lo hacia. Llegamos finalmente a la casa. Me dejo pasar de primero.\n\nSu habitación esta en la segunda puerta a la derecha, no tiene permitido subir al segundo nivel, no toque los libros de las estanterías, podrá comer a las horas, no tiene permitido salir de la casa, no puede abrir la puerta a muggles ni magos, debe pasar todo el día en su habitación, no me moleste, yo hare la comida, usted deberá limpiar la cocina, no usara su varita - Severus dijo toda su lista de reglas\n\nEn resumidas cuentas, no tengo pensado salir de la habitación ...pero si viene Lucius, no podre hacer nada.\n\nHa quedado claro - pregunto\n\nSi, profesor - dije sin nada de ánimos-\n\nLa primera semana paso normal, me acostumbre rápido a su modalidad. Lucius no tenia rastro por ningún lago. El único problema era la comida, era lo mismo todos los días, en los 3 tiempos de comida. Una mañana me levante con dolor en mi vientre, mi entrepierna mojada y un olor a sangre. Fui rápidamente al baño y note que mi periodo había comenzado. En el orfanato aprendí de las demás chicas que hacer cuando viene el periodo, pero no tenia las cosas necesarias. \n\nSalgo a la sala, donde Severus lee un libro, me acerco despacio y sin hacer ruido - Profesor disculpe- dije apenada\n\nEspere a que me respondiera pero paso unos minutos y sin nada\n\nProfesor - hable un poco mas fuerte - tengo una situación- dije mas segura\n\nTiene exactamente 5 segundos para regresar de donde salió - sentencio sin quitar la vista del libro-\n\n-me quede incrédula - pero profesor - me acerque un poco mas-\n\nLARGUESE - se levanto repentinamente y grito-\n\n-explote - PODRIA AL MENOS OIRME -grite y me plante-\n\nNO TENGO TIEMPO DE OCUPARME DE SUS PROBLEMAS - también se enojo - \n\nYO NO PEDI VENIR AQUI- somate mi pie en el suelo-\n\nY YO NO PEDI OCUPARME DE UNA NIÑA HUERFANA, MALCRIADA Y CUALQUIERA - me dio una bofetada -\n\ntodo quedo en silencio y me fui corriendo a la habitación. Primero me calme, y trate de pensar que hacer. Pensaba en salir de la casa a comprar las cosas y regresar. Solo rezaba que Snape tuviera que salir y la suerte esta de mi lado. Snape salió. Rápidamente probé salir por la puerta principal pero fue inútil, entonces logre escabullirme por una de las ventanas de la sala. Gracias a McGonagall tenia un poco de dinero muggle, me acerque a una farmacia y compre las cosas necesarias, me distraje con el ambiente y había olvidado por completo con quien vivía.  De camino a la casa, miraba a todos lados, como si nunca hubiera estado en Londres, hasta que tope con alguien.\n\nLo siento - dije rápidamente-\n\nMi amable sonrisa se desapareció al ver que se trataba de Snape.\n\nSnape se volteo lentamente, pues reconoció mi voz. Sabia lo que me esperaba. Su mano busco la mía y al tomarla comenzó a apretarla al punto que me dolía enormemente. Fuimos en silencio hasta la casa, me pareció un camino eterno. No quise quejarme, no sabia que haría. Al estar en la cocina Snape dejo mi mano y se coloco del otro lado mirándome fijamente. \n\nLa bolsa - dijo sin expresión-\n\nRápidamente puse las cosas en la mesa- Solo fui por - interrumpida-\n\nCALLESE - grito y comenzó a examinar las cosas- ha manchado la cama - pregunto aun viendo la mesa-\n\nNo, profesor  - respondí rápido- pero necesito\n\nCALLESE, no tiene permiso para hablar - sentencio, luego de ver la mesa, me miro fijamente- Ha manchado su ropa - \n\nSi, por eso -interrumpida-\n\nSnape golpeo con sus manos la mesa - Que parte de callar no entiende - pregunto sarcástico y claramente molesto - No le daré dinero, ni lavara su ropa aquí. Tendrá que buscar un empleo para poder pagar la ropa- ordeno - \n\nSolo soy una niña, no me darán trabajo - trate de defenderme-\n\nSeverus corrió la mesa a un lado y tomo mi muñeca. -De verdad que es la criatura más insolente en el mundo mágico - apretó su agarre-\n\nDuele- llore - Solo necesito un poco de dinero, por favor - trataba de quitarme de su agarre-\n\nSe donde le puede dar trabajo a una pequeña zorra - me arrastró hasta la chimenea mientras me quejaba-\n\nLuego de cruzar el fuego estábamos en una sala muy arreglada y  de tonos negros. \n\nAQUI NO POR FAVOR - comencé a rogar, me arrodille - solo déjeme ir, por favor - me comencé a desesperar\n\nAprende de una vez tu lugar - dijo Severus -\n\nEntro una señora bien vestida, y se acerco a nosotros- Severus, Lucius no se encuentra - dijo extrañada- Y este joven- pregunto\n\nEstabas buscando una viñera - me soltó tirandome a los pies de la señora- podrías darle el empleo- dijo normal-\n\nEs una - dijo con cierto asco la señora - \n\nSi, lo es - respondió rápidamente Severus- \n\nEsta bien, pero se le tratara como una empleada común - le advirtió a Snape-\n\nEso espero, aquí tal vez aprenderá a comportarse - dijo victorioso-\n\nDe todos los lugares donde no quería estar, termine en el peor. Me dieron ropa de empleada y me indicó lo que debía hacer. Solo era de servir vino cuando ellos lo pidieran.\n\nSeñora, por favor yo -interrumpida por una bofetada-\n\nCállate, aquí no tienes permitido hablar - dijo fríamente y levanto su copa - \n\nLuego de servirle, tuve que quedarme parada por no se cuanto tiempo.\n\nMi esposo vendrá pronto - la voz de la señora me saco de mi trance - A las 9 puedes irte- se retiro de la sala- Tienes un contrato por el resto de tu descanso, debes cumplir con el o se puede aplicar un castigo físico sobre ti, tenemos permiso de tu tutor - sentencio antes de salir-\n\nLuego de un rato, de la nada apareció el señor Malfoy quien entraba a la sala desde la chimenea, se quito su capa y coloco en el sillón. \n\n-chasqueo sus dedos y levanto la copa - \n\nNote que no sabia que era yo, así que fui con precaución y serví su copa. Todo fue normal, no se percato quien era.  Asi estuve por 4 copas hasta que hablo\n\nCrees que no se quien eres - pregunto Lucius-\n\nme quede completamente de piedra, mientras el señor se paraba frente a mi\n\nTe hice una pregunta - hablo amenazante-\n\nPor favor - fue lo único que salió de mi boca-\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ":El señor Malfoy estaba frente a mi\n\nseñor por favor- comencé a suplicar- \n\nEmpezó a acercarse de forma amenazante y yo tuve que retroceder hasta topar con una pared. No quería botar el poco vino que me quedaba ya que la señora dejo claro que yo tendría que limpiar y me castigarían.\n\nCielo- llamo la señora en las gradas-\n\nTienes suerte que este mi esposa aquí- acerca su cabeza para oler mi cuello- Me gusta el oler del miedo- sonríe de lado y se aparta- \n\nSaco su varita y con un ágil movimiento hizo que la jarra se quebrara causando un gran ruido. Rápido me tire al suelo para recoger los pedazos y con el trapo limpiar lo que se había derramado.\n\n-pasos en las gradas- veo que es igual de inservible que su especie-concluye la señora al terminar de bajar las gradas- Querido, Lucius la trajo pero podemos regresarla- dijo disgustada-\n\nNo te alteres esposa mía- voltea a verme- es necesario educarla- comento sonriente-\n\nA las 9:05 estaba regresando por la chimenea, gimoteando y temblando. El señor Malfoy me había golpeado con su bastón hasta que la esposa dijo que era suficiente. Snape estaba tranquilo en su sillón leyendo el periódico. Sin darle importancia comencé a caminar a la habitación.\n\nDeténgase - ordeno el profesor- \n\nMe detuve en seco e intente controlar mi respiración\n\nDese vuelta- doblo el periódico y lo tiro sobre la mesa-\n\nLentamente me di la vuelta dejando ver moretones en mis brazos. Snape se fija en mis brazos y suspira.\n\nSabia que era el mejor sitio para educar a un animal con usted- dijo triunfante-\n\nEsas palabras me hicieron llorar nuevamente, baje mi cabeza en vergüenza\n\n-Se levanta- le aconsejo que no se la pase llorando toda la noche, de otra manera llegara tarde y volverán a castigarla- dicho esto se fue al segundo piso-\n\nLentamente me fui a encerrar y llore profundamente hasta caer dormida. Al día siguiente llegue a la hora pero en un estado deplorable y temblando. Para mi suerte no había visto a los dueños de la casa, aun así debía estar de pie. Ya estaba oscuro y el reloj marcaba las 20 horas (8pm). Me estomago rugía y recordé que no había comido nada desde la noche anterior.\n\nRepetimos lo de anoche- dijo una voz en mi espalda-\n\n-Rápidamente abrace la jarra- gusta que le sirva una copa mi señor - pregunte ya que era el protocolo y no quería ganarme mas golpes-\n\nMira esos brazos- dijo poso su mano en uno de mis moretones sacándome un chillido- quiero oírlo otra vez- toco otro morete y esta vez logre ahogar el chillido- Así que asiéndote la valiente- ríe bajo- Dime linda -bajo una manga de mi uniforme- por que no me habías comentado que estas a un paso de ser mujer- pregunto mientras acariciaba mi cuello-\n\nUn remolino se hizo en mi estomago\n\nJuguemos un juego- ofreció con malicia- Si logras contener el dolor, te dejare ir esta noche- limpia una lagrima que caía de mi rostro- Pero si pierdas - se acerca a mi oído - ya sabes que pasara- se aleja-\n\nChasquea los dedos y un elfo domestico aparece. Me quitaron la jarra y el trapo, además que dio la orden que nadie puede molestarlo ni entrar en su estudio. Me llevo hasta la habitación y me acerco al gran escritorio que había en el centro.\n\nTrague saliva\n\nQuiero poner ver tu expresión sin agacharme- pensó por un momento y de la nada me tomo de la cintura y dejo sentada en el escritorio- Perfecto - dijo triunfante- Empezamos- pregunto retorico y se quito los guantes-\n\nHizo que separar las piernas para que él se acercara más. Pasaba encima sus manos desde mis hombros hasta las muñecas. Sabia que en cualquier momento podría iniciar, así que puse mi lengua entre los dientes y apreté fuertemente mis puños.\n\nA los segundos comenzó la tortura, tocaba cada morete que veía, al tiempo vio que lograba resistir el dolor. \n\nProbemos algo más- menciono cansado-\n\nAparto mi cabello dejando al descubierto mi cuello. Me tomo del mentó bruscamente para apartar mi cara. Acerco su boca a mi cuello, al segundo mordió y succionaba como si de un vampiro se tratara. Me tomo por sorpresa que me sobresalte pero aun así logre mantener mi boca cerrada, realizó la misma acción en distintos puntos. \n\nNi creas que te has salvado- amenazo y sea acomodo su cabellera- Te dejare sentir lo que las despertado- \n\nSe abalanzo sobre mi dejándome inmóvil en el escritorio, de un jalón me pego a él y logré entender de lo que hablaba. Su miembro estaba completamente levantado debajo de la ropa. El señor comenzó a moverse y a seguir marcándome el cuello. Como podría salir ilesa de esto.\n\n\n" ]
Title: Pequeña Insolente 1era Parte (Severus x Selena) Description: Selene, una niña de 13 años llega a Howgarts para comenzar sus estudios aunque vaya 2 años atrasada. Ella es huérfana desde que su tío fue llevado a prisión por asesinato, dejándola en un orfanato en Londres. Por el ambiente en que crecio aprendió a decir lo que siente sin arrepentirse y defender a los que no pueden; lo cual le traerá muchos problemas. Y mas con su maestro de posiciones, Severus Snape. A Snape no le gusta ser desafiado...pero que hara el tiempo? Acaso otra persona le parecerá atractiva el carácter de la joven? Tags: ['harrypotterfanfic', 'lemon', 'lucius', 'luciusxselene', 'severusxselene']
# Prologo <i>Hola, soy Selene y tengo 13 años. No tengo padres, ellos murieron cuando yo naci en un incendio. Me dijeron que mi tío me había abandonado en un basurero por ser una molestia para él. Todo eso me lo dijo la amargada de la señora Brigth, la que "cuida" a los niños. Desde que tengo memoria mi vida a sido un desastre, tengo episodios extraños cuando estoy enojada y cosas extrañas pasan. Tambien descubri que puedo cambiar de forma a una loba. Esta es la manera en que logro escaparme pero nunca me atrevi a ir mas alla. </i> Selene deja el lápiz a un lado y cierra la libreta-Que aburrido- ve friamente el calendario- hoy es luna llena?- hace una mueca- Podria ir al campo, es mucho mas divertido- Se levanta de la silla y abre su ventana que esta en el 6to piso. Deja que la brisa de la noche recorra su piel y respira profundo. De la nada entra un pequeño que apenas puede caminar por si mismo. Sele te vas?- pregunto triste- Claro que no, Sebastian- se da vuelta y lo ve tiernamente- Ire a dar una vuelta- se acerca y se agacha- volvere temprano- le da un beso en la frente En ese momento Selene se transforma, dejando ver su lado salvaje. El lobo le da una vuelta acariciando al pequeño y luego se lanza por la ventana. Siempre con sigilo Selene va de callejón en callejón tranquilamente hasta que se topa con algo inesperado. Una señora y un señor ya viejos hablaban, Selene estuvo apunto de ir en otra dirección cuando la señora se convirtió en un gato. La loba quedo asombrada y cuando creyo que nada mas podia pasar, el señor se espumo asi como si nada.  Decidio seguir a la gata; esta agarro un camino muy largo pero valdria la pena? Al final de unas cuadras mas, la gata cruzo en un callejon bastante oscuro, Selene la siguio y cuando su vista se acostumbraba a la oscuridad una voz hablo. Selene- dijo una voz aguda pero confiable- Por aqui- una luz azul aparecio dejando ver el rostro de la señora- La loba se quedo pasmada pero algo la calmo y se transformo en humana- Quien eres?-dijo directa- Soy la profesora McGonagall- sonrio- doy clases en la escuela de Hogwarts- se dio la vuelta y movio su palito de luz en la pared, la cual comenzo abrirse- Serias tan amable de acompañarme- me ve convencida- Podre explicarte porque te suceden cosas extrañas y el porque puedes transformarte- entro en el nuevo callejon- Selene se quedo pensativa hasta que noto que ya no la veia OIGA! Espere- vio como se cerraba el pasaje secreto y de una se transformo y logro pasar en el ultimo segundo. No fue mucho lo que tuvo que trotar hasta que la alcanzo.  Bienvenida al Callejon Diagon- dijo alegre- Aqui podras comprar tus utiles- ve a la loba que tiene mirada de duda- Veras, tu haz sido aceptada para estudiar en Hogwarts- La loba emitio un sonido de mas duda Estamos concientes de tu condicion y por eso, el director y mi persona, decidimos comprar tus materiales-ve que la loba sigue con una expresion de 0 entendimiento- McGonagall sin saber que mas decir, camino hasta una tienda "Olivander's " y miro fijamente a la loba Selene escucha bien lo que dire- ve que la loba levanta la pata- Entraras aqui y diras tu nombre, luego de que te entreguen tu bolsa te transformaras y esperaras adentro. Nadie debe verte en tu forma normal.- Dicho esto abrio la puerta dejando pasar a la confundida loba Al pasar unos minutos un hombre...igual de viejo salio de unos pasillos repletos de cajas pequeñas Quien eres?-pregunto el hombre- Selene, siguiendo instrucciones se volvio humana. Vio que la expresion del hombre no cambio - Selene- dijo casi susurrando El señor dio unos ojos de asombro- Oh pero claro, te estuve esperando- se regreso por un pasillo desapareciendo-  Mientras tanto ella se puso a observar la rara tienda y leyo la palabra "Tienda de Baritas".....acaso habia leido bien. Curiosa movio una cartina para ver la oscura calle, se quedo un momento hasta que se topo con unos ojos grises y serios.  En un momento el señor cerro completamente la cortina y la alejo de la ventana- Es muy peligroso este callejon por las noches y mas aun los magos- extenedio una barita- Espere que?-dijo y ya comenzaba a pensar que solo era un sueño Que espera tomela- dijo paciente- Selene la tomo extrañada pero en el rato todos los bombillos explotaron, dejandolos con luz de velas. Que fue eso?-pregunto la niña asustada La varita incorrecta señorita- la tomo y se fue a unas escaleras- Vera creo que ESTA es la indicada- saco una cajita de los mas empolvoreada- madera de Ciprés y centro de corazon de dragon Ironbelly Ucraniano- la extendio Dragon que?- dijo atonica El dragon mas fuerte de la tierra- dijo una profunda pero de cierto modo atractiva- Es un honor estar frente a su portadora-  Oh, señor Malfoy. Que lo trae por aqui-pregunto-  Selene se dio vuelta para ver al hombre Este tomo su mano- Lucius Malfoy, para servirle- acerco su mano a sus labios Selene rapidamente la quito y se coloco detras del viejo vendedor. Malfoy tenia una aura de peligro, ademas que el olfato de la niña esta mas desarrollado y percibio el olor a sangre. No fue mi intencion asustarla, señorita - quedo en pausa esperando el nombre- No lo conozco-fue lo unico que salio de la boca de Selene Es algo timida, señor-dijo el viejo Ya lo veo-ve a la niña de pies a cabeza, dirige su mirada al vendedor- Vendre mañana por la varita de mi hijo- dicho esto se largo El es uno de los que debes tener cuidado- se giro al ver a Sele- Nunca te acerques a él, es un mortifago- dijo la ultima palabra susurrando- Mortifago- dije sin entender- Shhhhh-me callo- no lo digas en voz alta Al tiempo McGonagall llego y tuve que volver a mi forma de lobo. Fuimos a otras tiendas y todo estuvo tranquilo. Hubo una señora que pregunto si era nieta de la profesora....no se que vieron en comun. De tienda en tienda la profesora me comenzo a decir que era una bruja, y provenia de un linaje prometedor . A pesar que pregunte por mis padres, solo me dijo que mi papa tambien era un mago y excelente dualista. Me explico todo sobre las clases y lo que compraba...me senti mal que gastara en mi, pero en mi mente decia que todo era un simple sueño. Entramos a un tipo de libreria, McGonagall fue al mostrador y yo me quede leyendo los distintos titulos de los libros. Habian muchos extraños, hasta que me tope con la pierna de alguien. QUIEN TE CREES- dijo enfurecido una voz familiar- Me volvi a encontrar con aquellos ojos grises y aura malvada. Te perdiste pequeño?-pregunto calmado y trato de acariciarme Retrocedi topandome con McGonagall Que tal Sr. Malfoy- se puso enfrente- Veo que tambien esta de compras Asi es profesora, Draco Malfoy esta en su primer año- dijo orgulloso- y quien es su nuevo amiguito-pregunto curioso enfocando toda su atención en mi- Es una ella, y estara cuidando los alrededores de la escuela- coloco su mano en mi cabeza- Excelente, se ve que no es muy amigable con extraños- se fijo que estaba muy tensa- Bueno, hasta entonces- se marcho Otro problema del que debo ocuparme mas tarde, Selene- llamo mi nombre mientras olian que habia comprado- Nunca vuelvas a toparte con ese hombre- Ya van dos personas que me lo advierten...que tan peligroso es? Luego de esto salimos del callejon Diagon y comenzo a caminar en direccion a la estación del tren Me transforme en humana,...esto se esta volviendo cansado- A donde vamos ahora-pregunte con sueño- Te enseñare lo que debes hacer mañana a las 9 am. De alguna manera nos tele transportamos al interior de la estacion.  Como hizo eso?-pregunte mareada Todo lo aprenderas en tu año de estudio- dijo comprensiva-  Me enseño que muro debo atravesar para encontrar la plataforma 9 3/4 y mi boleto. Ademas de una bolsa con ropa. Luego de un monton de instrucciones mas me acompaño hasta el orfanato. Te vere mañana Selene- sin previo aviso me dio un beso en la frente- Todo esto es un sueño, cierto-dijo confiada Me temo que no lo es-desaparece- Me fui a mi cama pensando en todo lo que habia sucedido y cai en un profundo sueño. ------------------------------------------------------Sueño-------------------------------------------------------- Levantate pequeña, no querras perderte el tren- dijo el viejo que estuvo en el callejon con la señora McGonagall- Quien es usted?-pregunte Soy el profesor Albus Dumbledore y director de Howgarts-sonrie- Ahora levantate, tus pertenencias ya estan aqui -----------------------------------------------Fin del Sueño------------------------------------------------------- Me levante de golpe y no se porque mire el reloj.  8:37am MIERDA, llegare tarde- corri a bañarme y baje para tomar una tostada- Sali volando del orfanato y me dirigi a la estacion. Note como varias personas entraban y la mayoria tenia lechuzas. Hay mas magos de lo que pense. Llegue a donde debo atravesar el muro. Estaba a pasos de cruzar cuando Disculpa-un voz me detuvo y me di vuelta- sabes como llegar a la plataforma- Si, claro- trate de sonar amable- solo debes cruzar este muro- luego de eso lo cruce- Espere un momento del otro lado y vi que corrio un poco- Estas bien-pregunte Si, gracias- me sonrie- Soy Harry, Harry Potter-me extendio su mano- Soy Selene-recibi el saludo- Y tus cosas- pregunto confundido- Estan en Howgarts- dije confiada- Oh, no eres de primer año- pregunto En lo que preguntaba nos subimos al tren y tomamos una cabina que no estuviera ocupada. Es raro, eres la primera que no reacciona a mi nombre- dijo acomodandose confundida- Que quieres decir Harry-pregunte- Pues veras, yo- fue interrumpido Disculpen, puedo ir con ustedes-pregunto- el tren va lleno- Senti que era muy inofensivo Claro- dio media sonrisa- Soy Ron Weasley Pasamos la mayor parte del viaje hablando, hasta que Harry compro todo el carro de golosinas y me dio a escoger. Luego Ron nos presento a su rata (no me cayo muy bien y siento que el sentimiento es mutuo), y ademas me contaron de porque Harry es famoso en el mundo magico. Yo les conte que era huerfana y Harry logro entender como me sentia; ademas se enteraron que estoy en 1er año y tengo 2 años mas que ellos. Luego llego otra niña, Hermione. Se ve que sabe mucho de todo, pero los chicos pensaron que solo era una presumida.  # El sombrero Al llegar a la estación de la escuela todos los de primer año subimos a unos botes para llegar a la escuela. Olfatee todo el sitio y me encontre con muchos olores y auras. En un niño volvi a sentir ese sentido de peligro. Trate de mantener alejados a Ron y Harry de él pero al parecer es muy terco. Subimos un mundo de escaleras hasta que logre ver a la profesora McGonagall Bienvenidos a Hogwarts-dijo seria pero al encontrarme sonrio- En un momento pasaran al gran salon con sus compañeros pero primero el sombrero seleccionador les asignara su casa- se fue- Todos empezaron hablar entre ellos hasta que ese niño llamo la atencion Asi que es cierto-hablo un rubio con ojos iguales a su padre- Harry Potter vino a Hogwarts- se acerco a nosotros-  No me agradas- dije gruñendo-  Y tu seguramente no eres nadie- me vio de pies a cabeza-  Dejala, Malfoy- dijo Ron defendiendome Ohh, esa ropa y ese cabello- lo examino con asco- debes ser un Weasley. Deberias juntarte con personas a tu nivel - estiro su mano - yo te puedo ayudar-sonrio Creo que se escoger a mis amigos, gracias- dijo sarcastico Se vieron por unos segundos hasta que la profesora volvio. Llego el momento-dijo emocionada- Entramos al comedor, habian muchas personas viendonos, no me gusto que tuviera tanta atencion. Harry noto que estaba incomoda Tranquila- tomo mi mano-  Me senti segura y ya estabamos llegando hasta el frente. McGonagall comenzo a llamar a cada uno y el sombrero gritaba una casa. Son 4 y no se cual me asignaran. Harry y Ron me caen bien y no quiero volver a tener que socializar.  SELENE- dijo la profesora- Suerte- dijo Harry y solto mi mano- Me acerque desconfiada y logre sentarme, la maestra coloco el sombrero y este comenzó hablar. Ohhh, interesante, no puedo creerlo. Eres una combinación si si, pero no sabes nada de tu linaje- rie- bueno es mas que obvio donde perteneces Conociste a mi padre-pregunte susurrando PERO CLARO QUE SI, es es un excelente mago, uno de los mejores que ha tenido su casa, veo que sacaste su mayor miedo pero veras que es una virtud- comenzo a murmurar- todos tienen grandes aspiraciones hacia ti, por lo tanto- silencio- GRYFFINDOR  Todos los de la mesa aplaudieron, pero senti una mirada que me incomodo al punto de ponerme la piel de gallina. Fui a sentarme al lado de Hermione y Ron estaba con nosotros. Ahora es el turno de Harry. (Dijo todo lo que dice en la película) veo que tengo la mitad de los descendientes de los merodeadores, haran grandes cosas con Selene. GRYFFINDOR El director dio un mini discurso y note como era el mismo que aparecio en mi sueño. Luego de comer fuimos guiados hasta los dormitorios, nos advirtieron de las gradas y demas. Me junte con Harry y Ron para no quedarme atras. Selene, el sombrero me dijo que nuestros padres fueron amigos- dijo feliz- creo que por eso nos conectamos rapido- dijo confiado- Solo me limite a sonreir, no quise preguntarle si tenia fotos o algo para poder averiguar de mi padre. Llegamos a la sala comun e indicaron donde estaban los cuartos. Fui hasta mi nueva cama y me quede dormida. A la mañana siguiente me levante temprano como siempre. Me arregle, tome mi calendario y comence a ver que libros iba a necesitar....pero era complicado Dejame ayudarte- note que era Hermione- Como estamos en las mismas clases se lo que necesitas- comenzo a tomar libros, pergaminos y pluma-listo -quieres acompañarme a desayunar, ahorita no creo que haya alguien, note que no te gusta estar rodeada de tanta gente- me sonrio- Claro-fue lo unico que dije y la segui- Ya en el comedor, a mitad de la comida recorde que no le agradeci por ayudarme Gracias, por ayudarme- dije rapido y termine mi comida Lei que las personas antisociales son las mas sinceras e inteligentes. Ademas que si no te gusta estar rodeada es porque te falto algo en tus primeros años- dijo muy segura- Y dices que soy inteligente- rei bajito- No conoci a mis padres, vivia en un orfanato y descubri que nunca hay que confiar en nadie, menos en adultos que discuten con niños- vi a la entrada ya que senti varios olores acercandose- Deberiamos ir a clase- dije levantandome y tomando mis cosas- Pero todavia no viene nadie- trato de frenarme- Se abrieron las puertas dejando entrar muchos estudiantes de diferentes años y comenzaban hacer ruido- Como lo supiste- pregunto- Al vivir en un orfanato de mierda, aprendes muchas cosas- nos fuimos del comedor- Mientras me dejaba guiar por Hermione, al parecer ella se sabe el mapa de la escuela de memoria, me fue preguntando muchas cosas y comence a sentirme interrogada. Okay, ultima pregunta. Si tu padre estudio aqui, el sombrero te dijo que eso, y la profesora McGonagall te ayudo con tus utiles, ¿porque no le has preguntado a ella sobre tus padres?-pregunto obvia- Por lo menos no estan muertos No te cansas de hablar-le pregunte- no quiero ser grosera pero ya me siento incomoda y no te conozco lo suficiente para contarte mi vida. Al parecer tu tienes todo pero buscas en mi, entonces dejame con lo unico que tengo que son palabras, esta bien?- no quise elevar la voz para llamar la atencion- Lo siento, no fue mi intencion- se quedo un momento en silencio- si quieres podemos ser compañeras de estudio- pregunto un poco apenada- Claro-trate de sonar agradecida porque no supe que mas decir Llegamos a la clase, no habia nadie todavia solo la profesora Buenos dias- cerro un libro- listas para su primera clase- nos sonrio- Que bueno que ya tengas una amiga con quien guiarte, Selene Si -dijimos las dos- Tengo unas dudas sobre Hogwarts- hablo Hermione- Paso como unos 5 minutos preguntando y preguntando.Pero a la maestra no le incomodo responder todas. Y tu Selene- me ve- tienes alguna pregunta- Quien fue mi padre y madre- pregunte directa La cara de McGonagall cambio completamente pero al segundo sonrio- Eso no me corresponde a mi decirtelo, cuando el momento llegue lo sabras- nos hizo señas que nos sentaramos en los escritorios- Me dijeron que ellos murieron en un incendio- dije en seco- Hermione se quedo palida y la profesora vio que no tenia ningun tipo de expresion No me corresponde a mi decirtelo, pero se paciente- me dijo con esperanza- Con mi nueva compañera de estudio nos sentamos en el primero escritorio. Los demas comenzaron a llegar y la profesora dio unas instrucciones para la primera clase. Intente encontrar el olor de Harry o Ron pero no estaban. Me saco de mis pensamientos un papel que me dio Hermione. <i>                                    Lo siento, no sabia lo de tus padres. No volveré a preguntar</i> <i>                                                                                              ¿Amigas? </i> <i>                                                                               Si                                   No</i> Pense por un momento y marque el "SI". Tal vez ella pregunte mucho y le encanta estudiar de todo pero es la unica de mi año que no me tiene miedo. Las demas me creen rara pero ella no. Creo que las dos somos raras -Solte una risita- El resto de la clase estuvo muy calmada, Harry y Ron llegaron tardddeeeee, hombres tenian que ser. Luego de una mini regañada de McGonagall se pusieron a escribir. Al terminar la clase Hermione rapidamente me guio a la otra clase, que es Pociones, me advirtio que el profesor es muy estricto. Al llegar ya habian llegado algunos, nos sentamos al frente (Gracias Hermione) y les guardamos asientos a Harry y Ron. Al estar todos note el olor de Malfoy y sus perros guardianes. Pero justo entro el profesor. No quiero que agiten sus baritas y hagan encantamientos tontos en esta clase - dijo un señor vestido completamente de negro- Solo con esa frase me disgusto mucho, como era posible que fuera profesor si trataba asi a los estudiantes. ¿Cual era su problema?. Me estaba enojando mientras hablaba sobre que podemos hacer con las pociones. Vi de reojo a Harry que escribia luego volvi a prestarle atencion y tenia sus ojos en mi. Mi instinto se activo rapidamente y me senti amenazada. Pero al parecer otros no prestan atencion- dijo dirigiendose a Harry- Señor Potter veamos que sabe- dijo sarcastico Comenzo a preguntar un monton de cosas que no tenia sentido para mi, pero Hermione si las sabia.....entonces porque diablos no deja que ella responda...... Me comencé a enojar mas. Que triste, se ve que no todo es fama- dijo victorioso- Vi que Harry quiso responder pero no queria que tuviera mas problemas. -me levante de golpe-PUES HERMIONE SE VE QUE SABE, PORQUE NO LE PREGUNTA A ELLA- grite- Todos en el salon comenzaron a reir, y Harry tomo mi mano tratando que me volviera a sentar. Silencio-dijo para que todos obedecieran y vino hasta nosotros- al parecer el señor Potter tiene un guardaespaldas, al igual que su padre- me ve- sientate pequeña insolente, antes que le bajo puntos a su casa- me desafio con la mirada- lentamente me sente y el tambien hizo lo mismo. Comenzo a decir todas las respuestas a las preguntas que habia hecho. Yo comence a escribir lo que decia para distraerme. Al final de la clase comenzamos a ordenar el aula, colocando las cosas en su lugar. El profesor se fue a otra habitacion. Oye Potter, sabes que es- dijo Malfoy al otro lado del salon sosteniendo una roca-  Dejala en su lugar Malfoy, es muy peligrosa si cae al piso- dijo Hermione- Solo es una roca- dijo Ron despreocupado Entonces tomala- dijo Malfoy aventando la roca- Mientras iba en el aire note como esta cambiaba a color verde. Y salio el profesor Que creen que estan haciendo?!-pregunto molesto  Tome la roca y comence a sentir un leve picoteo en la palma Dame eso- dijo Severus y agarro un mantel para tomarla-  Al quitarla mi mano estaba roja y las venas comenzaban a notarse. Venga conmigo y ustedes retirense- dijo el profesor tomandome del brazo y me llevo a la otra habitación-  Al estar del otro lado, me solto y comenzo a juntar muchas cosas en un envase. Mientras tanto yo observaba mi mano que volvia a la normalidad. El profesor se dio la vuelta, tomo mi mano. Donde esta?- dijo examinandola bruscamente- Ya se fue- dije tratando de quitar mi mano- Snape me tomo con mas fuerza- a este punto su mano deberia quemarse- me ve desconfiado- Es usted un animago- pregunto Que- dije- no se de que habla- dije sinceramente -me sujeto mas fuerte- NO trate de engañarme- me ve por unos momentos- detencion- QUE- pregunte indignada- no he hecho nada- exclame- Me esta ocultando que es un animago- dijo obvio- detencion a las 6, no llegue tarde o le restare puntos a su casa- solto mi mano- ahora larguese Me fui al comedor, ya que teniamos descanso. Al llegar me fui directamente con los unicos con que hablo.  Selene, no puedo creerlo tu mano esta bien- dijo feliz Hermione- Esa roca es un neubolizador pero si la tocas te quema-  Te encuentras bien?- pregunto Harry  Si si, solo senti un hormigueo- dije calmada- No te hizo nada Snape - pregunto Ron- Tranquilo, no nos quito puntos- dije animada pero oculte lo que habia pasado- Selene, el profesor Dumbledore te espera en su oficina- dijo la profesora McGonagall- Los veo en la proxima clase- sonrei- De camino la maestra no dijo nada, llegamos y ella dijo "pastel de limon" y se mostraron las gradas Sigue- señalo el camino y se fue- Entre, y vi al señor que habia estado en el callejon y mi sueño. Selene hola, vamos pasa- me invito a entrar- Se lo de tu detención en la clase de pociones- comenzo hablar de ese problema- Disculpe, pero el profesor me pregunto si era animago y no tengo idea de que es eso- dije defendendome- ademas el pudo haberme explicado que era- Tranquila, Severus puede ser muy estricto pero es un gran profesor- Me guio hasta un gran escritorio-  Note el gran ave, era roja con naranja. Oh- dijo el señor volteando a ver al ave- Es un Fenix. Ahora volvamos al tema, ya tendras tiempo de hablar con ella- se sento- No podre contestar todas tus preguntas, pero te dire lo que necesites saber. # Secretos y Sorpresas Dumbledore no me aclaro muchas cosas, ni siquiera comprendí todas.... solo se que un animago es aquella persona que puede cambiar su forma a voluntad. También me dijo que no recibiré  clases de vuelo, pero tendré que ayudar a Hagrid en el campo. Por lo menos estaré relajada. Hagrid esperaba por mi en el patio oeste con su perro. No hable mucho, pero Hagrid me fue indicando lo que debía hacer, en ese momento pasamos por el campo de vuelo y vi a mis ... se les podría decir conocidos amistosos... con sus escobas. No hice mucho el día de hoy en el campo, solo vi las cosechas que tenia, acomodar el espantapájaros y escuchar las anécdotas de Hagrid. Me apegue mucho a Fang (el perro) y me hizo bien estar al aire libre sin molestos estudiantes ni olores amenazantes. Luego de una hermosa tarde de campo volví y justo me encontré en el pasillo al trió de oro observando una vitrina. Que hacen?-dije mientras observaba la vitrina- ¿Por que no estuviste con nosotros hoy en vuelo?-pregunto Hermione- Ehhhh-toque mi cuello inventando una excusa- El director sabe de mi condición- que me impide volar- intente sonar convincente- Pues, te perdiste de ver a Harry-dijo Ron No fue nada- dijo apenado- Pero no podrás volar-pregunto triste -sonreí- tranquilo, prefiero tener mis pies sobre la tierra, no tengo mucho equilibrio En camino a la sala común, me hablaron de como Harry impresiono a la profesora McGonagall al punto de meterlo en el equipo de quidditch como buscador. Estábamos subió en las gradas cuando comenzaron a moverse. Y ahora que pasa-pregunto Ron asustado con su cara de obvio- Acaso ya lo olvidaron, las escaleras se mueven solas- Vamos por aquí-dijo Harry seguro Llegamos a un pasillo oscuro y con un aura espeluznante. Mi piel se puso de gallina No deberíamos de estar aquí- dije con cierto temor Pues claro que no- exclamo Hermione- Es el tercer piso, se supone que esta prohibido-  Estábamos por regresar, pero el gato del guardián nos encontró y a lo lejos comenzamos a oír los pasos de Filch. Corrimos hasta el final del pasillo, pero la puerta tenia seguro, en nuestra desesperación Hermione uso un encantamiento para abrirla y logramos ocultarnos. Vi que Ron y Hermione pegaron la oreja para escuchar cuando ya no hubiera nadie. En ese momento todo mi cuerpo se estremeció y note como un perro GIGANTE con 3 CABEZAS dormían a nuestros pies. Vi de reojo que Harry también mirar lo mismo y le hice la señal de no hacer ruido. Aun así fue inevitable despertar a aquella bestia. Hermione mientras volteaba a ver- No entiendo por que si este piso esta prohibido, esta puerta estaba cerrada- dijo confusa Harry con voz quebrada- miren la razón El perro se levanto, comenzó a gruñir y se estaban poniendo de acuerdo para atacar. Comprare tiempo- dije al momento que di dos pasos al frente- Las cabezas comenzaron a olfatearme Que crees que haces- dijo Harry tratando de no gritar- Rápido Hermione- grito desesperado Ron- Listo-pregunte, poniendo mis pies en posición para correr- CIERREN- grite para lanzarme al otro lado de la puerta- Justo lograron cerrar y todos pudimos recuperar el aliento. De camino a los cuartos, Hermione me regaño por ponerme en peligro y andaba muy alterada preguntándose lo que harían los profesores si nos descubrieran.  Al siguiente día nos tocaba clases de encantamiento con el profesor mas bajo que he conocido. Como ya se estaba volviendo costumbre, Hermione era la mejor, así que no me preocupe por perder el año, aunque Ron la envidia mucho. Salimos y teníamos receso; Harry fue a recibir un mini entrenamiento de quidditch y Ron salio a buscar a su rata. Me quede con Hermione para tomar la merienda, le dije que me encargaría de traer los jugos y que ella apartara los lugares. Al volver, vi que Draco y sus amigos estaban frente a Hermione y ella tenia la cabeza agachada. No queria llamar la atencion asi que me acerque despacio. Logre escuchar que la llamaba sagre sucia y se burlaba de ella. Oye, princesa- le dije seria -se voltea indignado- disculpa- dice con su cara de diva desubicada- déjala en paz, oíste princess- la ultima palabra la dije mas aguda- -soltó una risa burlona- sabes con quien te estas metiendo- pregunto sarcástico Te pregunto lo mismo, rubicita- dije igual de seria- Entramos en un duelo de miradas, hasta que ellos se fueron sin nada mas que decir. Oye- toque el hombro de Hermione- no dejes que el te afecte- me senté  No sabes que soy sangre sucia- dijo a punto de romper en llanto- Ehhh ni siquiera se que significa eso- comencé a devorar mi emparedado- Con lagrimas escondidas me empezó a explicar que son hijos de una bruja/brujo y una humano normal. No le encontré sentido ha discriminar asi a las personas, pero aun asi Hermione es mas brillante que esos tres cabezas huecas juntos. No soy muy buena para levantar el animo, pero la invite a pasear por el huerto de Hagrid. De camino por el pasillo al doblar la esquina tope con algo negro. Señorita, creyó que se libraría de la detención- pregunto con esa característica voz grave Profesor Snape- dijo Hermione limpiándose la cara Si mal no recuerdo tienen una clase en 10 min, verdad señorita Granger- vio a Hermione con seriedad- Si profesor, enseguida vamos- ella tomo mi mano- -sonido de desaprobación- La señorita Selene vendrá conmigo-  Le suplique a Hermione con los ojos que no me dejara sola, pero luego mi conciencia no quería que tuviera problemas por mi culpa, así que salte mi mano de la suya. Te alcanzare luego- le sonreí  Ella solo se limito mover su cabeza en aprobación y se fue. Sigame, y no se quede atrás- dijo Snape  Me guió hasta su clase, y al entrar vi la espalda de alguien con ropas oscuras pero elegante y un bastón, ademas de un largo cabello. En ese instante recordé a quien pertenecían esas características.  Lucius, aqui esta- dijo Snape cerrando la puerta con llave El hombre con quien me tope 2 veces y me advirtieron que era peligroso ahora esta frente a mi....en la escuela. Sus ojos me exploraron de pies a cabeza. Selene- pregunto extrañado- no todas las mujeres no creí que fuera usted la que insulto a mi hijo- dijo serio Hijo- me pregunte a mi misma- Luego recordé que le él le dijo al viejo de las baritas que "mañana recogería la varita de su hijo" y a McGonagall "es el primer año de Draco". Ese nombre resonó en mi cabeza. Así es- dijo Lucius Malfoy- Draco es mi hijo En mi cabeza paso que probablemente me asesinaría, pero yo no tenia la culpa Dejare que me expliques el porque atacaste a mi hijo- se sentó tranquilamente en un taburete- Como McGonagall me dijo que era peligroso y el viejo que es un mortifago, quise formar en mi cabeza la mejor frase para no recibir mas castigos. -golpe en la cabeza- Responde pequeña insolente- dijo Snape acomodando el libro con el cual me pego- Pues su hijo fue el primero en atacar a una compañera, por ser- comencé a recordar la palabra que había usado- Sangre sucia- pregunto Lucius- Aja, y yo lo único que le dije fue princesa, por su cabello- dije librándome- su hijo es muy irrespetuoso- dije indignada- Oh ya veo- se quedo pensando- Hablare con él, me disculpo en su lugar- se levanto y camino hacia mi- cada paso que el daba yo retrocedía dos, el aura era tan pesada que mi piel se puso nuevamente de gallina. Tope con la pared al lado de la puerta, él hombre de ojos grises ya estaba a milímetros de mi, desesperadamente mi mano trato torpemente de abrir la puerta. Mi mente daba vueltas, mi instinto quería atacar pero debía controlarlo o si no él descubriría que soy animago y tendría mas problemas. -déjeme ayudarle- bajo su rostro hasta quedar frente a frente- Sentía su aliento, su cara y mano se aproximaban mas a mi, en este punto estaba sudando, mi instinto estaba al limite, el estrés era mucho peor y cerré los ojos lo mas fuerte que pude. Hasta que *Click* Ya esta- dijo su voz en mi oído Se alejo un poco y abrió completamente la puerta. Sin pensarlo dos veces salí corriendo lo mas rápido que pude y no mire atrás. Fui donde Hagrid para calmarme, estaba preguntándome si seria buena idea decirle a alguien lo que paso pero cuando vi el cielo ya estaba oscureciendo. Fui derecho al comedor, me encontré a Ron y Harry pero Hermione no aparecía por ningún lado. Han visto a Hermione- pregunte preocupada Seguramente a de estar leyendo o hablando con sus libros- dijo burlón Ron mientras se atascaba de comida- No la he visto desde clase de encatamientos- dijo Harry apenado Oigan, escuche a las chicas hablar, y dicen que esta en el baño- hablo un chico- y ha pasado toda la tarde ahí- volvió a platicar con su grupo Iré por ella- dije decisiva- No vemos en la sala común- dijo Harry mientras Ron se despedía con una pierna de pollo Llegue al baño y definitivamente escuchaba los quejidos de Hermione, me acerque hasta la puerta donde estaba y toque. Te encuentras bien-pregunte ya que no sabia como iniciar la conversación Si, si- dijo mas calmada- ya salgo- abrió la puerta mientras se secaba los ojos Draco te volvió a molestar- pregunte un poco molesta Algo...-dijo triste La comida te caerá bien- dije segura y la toma del brazo En ese momento un gigante entro al baño. Ehhhh-retrocedí con Hermione- que es eso- pregunte incrédula Es un troll de montaña- dijo asustada Hermione me jalo hasta entrar en uno de los baño y nos agachamos. En eso el troll, con su mazo ya había derrumbado las paredes que separan los baños. Y ahora que hacemos- pregunte asustada por tal fuerza A tiempo llegaron Harry con Ron. CHICAS ESTÁN BIEN- grito Harry al vernos bajo los escombros Siii, pero sáquenlo de aquí- gritamos juntas Luego de que los chicos intentaran persuadir al troll, vi que no quedaba de otra que volver a ganar tiempo. A MI SEÑAL TOMEN EL MAZO Y LO LANZAN EN LA CABEZA- les grite Salí debajo de los lavaderos y me transforme en lobo. Me lance a las piernas del troll, creándole heridas menores, lo bueno era que tenia toda su atención. Luego de una mordidas y arañazos, los chicos reaccionaron a que soy un animago y siguieron con el plan. Todo estaba perfecto hasta que me distraje por el sonido de zapatos dirigiéndose hacia nosotros, sabia que no debía exponerme. En lo que pensaba en troll con su ultima fuerza logro pegarme haciendo que golpeara contra la pared. SELENE- grito el trió de oro Solo sentí el dolor en mi espalda, no era grave. Volví a mi forma humana y Harry ayudo a pararme. Eso fue increíble- dijo embobado Ron hice una seña de silencio- nadie debe enterarse- dije casi susurrando mientras recuperaba el aire Los profesores Snape, raro del trapo en la cabeza, Flich y McGonagall llegaron. Nos dieron un sermón de como pudimos haber muerto pero yo me fije en la pierna de Snape, que tenia una mordida peculiar. Al parecer él se percato de eso, ya que se cubrió. Luego de que ha McGonagall le pasara el susto, no quito y dio puntos. Finalmente, el profesor raro noto las mordidas en las piernas del troll, sentia que habia sido descubierta. Profesor Snape- dijo el raro- creo que tenemos otro problema- dijo tartamudeando y señalaba las piernas del troll Creo que una manada de lobos trajo el troll a buscar refugio- dijo deductivo- las marcas son frescas, afortunadamente los estudiantes tiene prohibido salir de noche- ve a McGonagall y luego una rápida mirada a mi- estos lobos parecen ser agresivos- dijo con cierto toque de sarcasmo- La profesora nos dio permiso de ir a nuestras habitaciones, antes de irme a dormir Hermione me agradeció por haber estado ahí, pero tenia esa expresión de asombro en su rostro todavía. Nadie me pregunto nada... talvez les gano el sueño o creen haber visto algo extraño. Es seguro que mañana Dumbledore me llame a su oficina... # Quidditch Estábamos camino al comedor cuando Snape nos detuvo. Señor Potter, después de haber derrotado a un troll, un juego de quidditch será pan comido- nos ve a todos- Señorita Selene, sígame- ordeno y se puso en marcha detención- pregunto susurrando Ron Seguramente- dije cabiz bajo Seguí a Snape, y como ya se estaba volviendo costumbre fuimos a su despacho. El sentó y se me quedo viendo fijamente, yo solo permanecí viendo al piso....sabia que sospechaba de mi. Sabe que rompió una regla importante- seguía viéndome- En mi cabeza trataba de entender cuales reglas, apenas me sabia la del tercer piso.  *golpeo el escritorio* -salte del susto- No, profesor- ahora comenzaba a sentirme intimidada Véame a los ojos cuando le hablo- dijo con cierto enojo No sabia que hacer ni que pensar. Ayer el había dejado entrar a un mortifago al colegio y ese hombre tiene un hijo....pero lo que mas me daba temor era que lo había llamado "Lucius"... así que eran cercanos....así que mi profesor de posiciones es un En el momento que estaba llegando al final de mi conclusión sentí una presión en mi quijada y una fuerza levanto mi cara. Era la mano de Snape que me sostenía con fuerza para verlo. Lo sabia- dijo mientras trataba de meterse en mi cabeza por medio de mis ojos- Usted será expulsada- soltó sin cuidado mi cara El miedo hizo que mis ojos cambiaran a los de lobo, luego de pestañar varias veces para sentir que había vuelto a la normalidad. No tengo la culpa de ser asi- dije molesta (había olvidado porque le tenia miedo) Si su padre no hubiese sido un ignorante y descuidado, estos problemas no existirían- dijo con cierto asco Y no se como puede dar clases si es un MORTIFAGO- grite con rabia El solo abrió los ojos al punto que no podía mas. Luego la cara de asombro paso a un sombría... pensé que me mataría en ese momento. En un segundo me tomo fuertemente del brazo -Que hace- pregunte asustada- suélteme - trate de alejarme QUIETA- grito Me llevo casi arrastrada por un pasillo secreto, pensé que era mi fin, si tan solo no hubiera dicho esa palabra. Luego se detuvo en una pared y dijo "pastel de limón" Que te trae por aquí Severus- dijo esa anciana voz- Me relaje al ver al director y a McGonagall Ay, Selene donde estabas- pregunto preocupada- no te vi en el desayuno Ella será expulsada- dijo Snape apretando mas mi brazo- Y bajo que cargo- preguntó Dumbledore Ha dicho que soy un mortifago, y además anoche se convirtió en lobo estando en la escuela- dijo victorioso Ella solo protegía a sus amigos- dijo defendiéndome McGonagall-  Ya, ya Severus - dijo amablemente- suelta a Selene- señalo su mano-  Lentamente el soltó su agarre y yo aproveche a correr al lado de la profesora Dumbledore se acerco hasta nosotras y se agacho- porque crees que el profesor es un mortigafo-pregunto paciente Puesss- empecé a tartamudear- en la tienda de varitas. El dueño me dijo que el señor Lucius es un mortifago- le tome la mano a McGonagall por instinto de protección- y ayer ese señor vino y note que era muy cercano con el profesor Snape- Ya veo- dijo el director- tu propia cabeza saco esas conclusiones- Luego de estar platicando, me dijeron que ninguno de los dos son mortifagos, pero que Lucius por ser de clase alta y de una familia adinerada tengo que tener cuidado.  Bueno- dijo McGonagall rompiendo el silencio- que dices si vamos a ver a Potter, seguramente el partido no ha empezado aun- me sonrie- Fuimos al campo y ya habian empezado, la profesora me indico donde estaban mis compañeros. Me reuni con mis amigos; a mitad del partido Harry tenia un problema con su escoba pero era muy extraño. Descubrimos que era Snape el que la estaba hechizando pero...porque? Luego de que todo saliera bien y Harry ganara. Nos quedamos en la sala comun preguntandonos porque Snape haria eso. No quise comentarles lo que habia pasado en la mañana asi que invente una excusa.  Pasaron los dias y ya faltaba un dia para navidad. McGonagall me dijo que no podia volver al mundo normal, por lo que me quedaria; pero podia ir con Hagrid al bosque para jugar con la nieve como lobo. Lo bueno esque no estaria sola, ya que Ron y Harry tambien se quedarian.  Estamos en el comedor terminando de almorzar que dicen si jugamos ajedrez magico- nos pregunto a los dos- Claro- dijo Harry Yo paso, debo ayudar a Hagrid con el huerto; pero podemos encontrarnos en la sala comun masa tarde- me levante y tome mis cosas- No quieres que te ayudemos- pregunto Ron- Si, asi terminaras mas rapido- dijo Harry feliz- Estamos de vacaciones, deberian descansar, pero gracias- los abrace y me fui- Llegue a la cabaña del guardabosques y me esperaba con su perro. Estas lista- pregunto animado- SI- estaba emocionada de poder jugar con la nieve sin sentir mucho frio- Nos alejamos del castillo para que nadie note cuando me transforme y me indico que podia quedarme en este sector pero que no fuera mas al norte, porque ya no era propiedad de la escuela y alguien podria andar merodiando por ahi.  Debo ir al lado sur a revisar unos animales- le hizo una señal a Fang- se quedara contigo, cuidense- Vimos con Fang como Hagrid se alejaba - Jugamos- le pregunte- Woaf- respondio en aprobacion- Me quite el chaleco de piel y me transforme Estaba emocionada de sentir la nieve en mis patas, nos pusimos hacer carreras con Fang, luego el me perseguia y yo a el. Estabamos pasando un rato amigable hasta que oimos un siervo siendo lastimado. Fang huyo pero tenia la curiosidad de saber que lo habia provocado. Sigilosamente llegue al lugar y solo vi a la distancia al siervo y dos personas de ropas negras. Vi como dejaban al siervo en la nieve desangrandose. Espere que estuvieran lo mas lejos posible para acercarme y ver si podia hacer algo por el. Llegue a su lado y para mi mala suerte ya habia muerto... LO TENGO- dijo esa voz familiar - mira padre lo atrape- Una red habia caido sobre mi, no se como no pude percibir su olor antes. Era Draco  Comence a aullar y tratar de escapar de la red, sabia que si volvia hacer humana el descubriria todo y eso no seria bueno.  Luego pense que si Draco estaba aqui...y habia dicho padre.... el señor Lucius estaria aqui tambien. Vaya, vaya- dijo acercandose- pero si es el lobo de tu escuela- sonrio de lado- que haces aqui pequeña- dijo tratando de calmarme- Mis instintos saltaron al maximo, estaba sola con esos dos... no terminaria en nada bueno. Yo quiero a ese lobo- demando Draco- Vere a que acuerdo llego con Dumbledore para que me lo venda- poso su mirada en mi- que dices- dijo amable solo emiti un gruñido Olvidaba que no eres amigable con los extraños- dijo con cierta satisfaccion- Lucius que haces aqui- pregunto una voz que no me esperaba- Vine a cazar con mi hijo, Severus - dijo el hombre de cabellera dorada- Draco atrapo a su lobo y quiera hablar con Dumbledore para comprarlo- dijo victorioso- veo que ya dejaste la ropa oscura atras, ese abrigo de piel te quedara estupendo- dijo señalando mi abrigo  Dudo que quieras comprar ese saco de pulgas- se dirigio a mi- y esto lo dejo una alumna descuidada en el bosque- me ve A Draco le llamo la atencion y siendo honestos a mi tambien- dijo serio-  Esta bien- dijo algo molesto- vamos al despacho, ya veremos que decide- saca su varita y apunta hacia mi- <i>Evanesco-  </i> Ese hechizo hizo desaparecer la red Por un momento los vi y me disponia a salir corriendo, pero Snape se dio cuenta Ni se te ocurra huir- ordeno con una voz molesta- iras detras de mi- sentencio- sabia que debia obedecerlo, de otro modo me meteria en problemas. Ya ibamos a mitad de camino. Veo que te hace caso Severus- dijo intrigado Lucius- sin voltear a ver- sabe que le ira peor si no obedece- dijo serio- Draco, tienes que entrenarla para que tambien te obedezca, no quiero que haga destrozos la casa- dijo claro Ya en el despacho del director, Dumbledore le explico que era una raza especial y que no podia venderme, al señor Malfoy le consto mucho entender pero dijo que no aceptaria un no y se marcho.  Tu insolencia casi nos cuesta tu sucio secreto -  dijo Snape irritado-  Tranquilo amigo mio - le dijo el director- vamos Selene ya puedes volver a la normalidad- -volvi a ser humana- siento mucho haberle causado este problema director- agache la cabeza- No te preocupes pequeña- me dio una palmaditas en la cabeza- desde ahora si quieres ir al bosuqe Severus debe ir contigo, ahora que el señor Malfoy es dueño de la propiedad vecina tengo seguro que intentara robarte- dijo pensativo- Por que debo ser yo quien la cuide- pregunto molesto el profesor de posciones- simplemete prohibale convertirse en lobo- dijo obvio Selene, querida- me ve el director- la cena estara servida en pocos minutos, sera mejor que vayas- me da una plamada en la espalda # Luna Llena Pasaron los dias, y las vacaciones ya se acababan. Harry encontro el libro que habla sobre Nicolas Flamel, recibio de regalo una capa magica que probablemente pertenecio a su padre. Yo tambien recibi un misterioso regalo. Era un collar con un diente de lobo, con el puedo alejar a cualquier criatura que quiera atacarme, es un amuleto muy potente. Se acercaba la luna llena y estaba emocionada, en uno de los libros de la seccion prohibida dicen que los animagos pueden bañarse en el lago de Howgarts y ayuda al pelo, uñas y dientes, ademas de conocerse mas a su animal interior y familiares. Harry y Ron me invitaron a ir con Hagrid en la noche para poder averiguar mas sobre la piedra filosofal. Accedi a ir con ellos, nos alistamos y partimos sin ser vistos, ya que estariamos en problemas si nos encontraban fuera de la cama. Harry nos llevo en su capa y logramos llegar sin problemas. A Hagrid casi le da un infarto al vernos a los 3 en su puerta. Nos presento a su dragon, apesar que le escupio fuego no se enojo, pero conmigo parecia tranquilo. Por que con ella es asi - se pregunto Ron- Es por el olor que emana Selene - dijo Hagrid rapidamente - ella tiene un lazo mas estrecho con los animales - me sonrie - por eso es mi aprendiz en estas cosas - dijo orgulloso me alegra que pueda ayudar - dijo mientras acariciaba al dragon -  Quien es el - pregunto Hagrid mirando a la ventana -  Draco - menciono Harry molesto   Oh no - dijo desmotivado Hagrid - Rezamos a no encontrarnos con Snape o Flitch en el camino. Pero fue con McGonagall Los tres siganme - dijo seria -  Ya en su despacho Estoy muy decepcionada - caminaba de un lado a otro - Se les restaran 5 puntos a los 4 por su mal comportamiento - sentencio Disculpe - hablo la diva de Draco - dijo los cuatro - pregunto confundido Si, usted estaba fuera de la cama señor Malfoy - dijo obvia la maestra- Y como castigo, iran al bosque prohibido mañana por la noche - dijo algo insegura -  Sin mas que decir, nos mando a las habitaciones Perdon - dijo Harry cabiz bajo - arruine tu salida de mañana -  apenado Yo tambien lo siento - hablo Ron - no debi insistir tanto- Tranquilos chicos- hable confiada - en el bosque prohibido tambien toca el lago asi que podre escaparme unos minutos - guiño - y pensar que los creia unos cabezas huecas - sacudi sus cabellos-  A la noche siguiente Hagrid nos esperaba con Fang, nos dividieron en grupos, yo fui con Ron y Hagrid. Estabamos buscando un unicornio que dicen lo habian visto herido. Con el paso de los minutos vi como la luna estaba en su punto maximo. De la nada senti que me habia separado del grupo pero estaba en la orilla del lago, fue como si me estuviera llamando. No dude en transformarme en lobo y meterme al agua; no me arrepenti de nada. El agua era calida, y abrazadora. Apesar de haber leido todas las criaturas debajo del agua no tenia miedo ya que portaba el amuleto.  La luz de la luna me bañaba completamente, si era cierto que era magico este momento. De un momento a otro senti como habia cambiado a humana otra vez pero mis atributos crecieron, mis caderas de ensancharon y mi cintura se hizo curva. En el reflejo me miraba muy distinta, pero facciones de mi cara seguian igual. Estaba tan entretenida mirandome que no me percate que me observaban *CRACK* Una rama rompiendose me saco de mis pensamientos. Disculpe no fue mi intencion asustarla - dijo esa voz grave -  lentamente me gire para comprobar que no estaba soñando y era el señor Malfoy que me miraba de pies a cabeza. Rapidamente me hundi solo dejando mis ojos fuera del agua. Veo que eres timida - sonrie - ven conmigo, este lugar es muy peligroso - estiro su mano - debes de ser una estudiante de 4to año - dijo muy seguro - No te reportare al director si vienes conmigo - sono amenazante -  Se confundio con alguien mas - pense -  Sin decidir nada coherente nade lejos de el, llegando al extremo mas cerca. Alto ahi - dijo mas serio -  Sali del agua y seguia con el cuerpo distinto, note que estaba lejos asi que no dude en correr un poco y transformarme en lobo. Sentia que tenia mas fuerza para correr, y mi olfato estaba mucho mas sensible y percibi el miedo de Harry. Sin demora segui su olor hasta que vi a la distancia una capucha negra acercandose a Harry.  Aullo - me lanzo y me coloque en su camino gruñendo -  Sabia que el amuleto haria efecto en cualquier momento pero la criatura no se alejaba por nada.  Al estar a pocos pasos de mi, mi instinto me gritaba que estaban ante algo sumamente peligroso y que debia retroceder o seguramente moriria.  Lanze un aullido de ayuda para ver si alguien podia venir a nuestro rescate. Unos segundos mas tarde ya tenia encima al espanto y sabia que debia atacar o probablemente nos haria daño. Me prepare para atacar cuando un centauro vino a salvarnos. No deberian estar en este bosque - nos hablo - Hay muchas criaturas que querran llevarse  a Harry - voltea a verme - Existen criaturas oscuras que son inmunes a esos amuletos - señalo mi collar - Me transforme en humana y note que habia vueto a la normalidad - Muchas gracias por salvarnos - dije agradecida -  Si muchas gracias - hablo Harry y luego me abrazo - eres increible, pero desde hoy yo tambien te cuidare, no es justo que solo tu te pongas en peligro - dijo sinceramente - Llego Hagrid con los demas y agradecio a su amigo inusual por ayudarnos. Notamos al pony ensangrentado y nos explicaron que en el bosque habitaba una bestia que se creia que estaba muerta. A la mañana siguiente me levante tarde, pero Hermione me dejo una carta haciendome saber que nuestra primera clase se cancelo. Agradecida que no perdiera mas puntos, me vesti y fui al comedor para ver si habia quedado algo porque moria de hambre. En el pasillo no habia nadie, en eso vi que venia el profesor Snape, agache la cabeza y segui con si nada.  Señorita Selene - dijo normal - a mi despacho enseguida - dijo serio -  me voltee y hable de la forma mas tranquila - disculpe profesor pero no he comido nada, quiera ir al  -interrumpida -  Snape me jalo de la mano y me atrajo hacia el, aun sosteniendo mi muñeca - crei que habia comido ayer con el señor Malfoy a plena luz de luna - dijo sarcastico - si no quiere que siga hablando sera mejor que venga a mi despacho - me solto y se fue -  <i>Como sabia lo que habia pasado ayer, y ademas tenia mal la informacion....espera él tambien estaba observandome....</i> - me decia a mi misma- <i>sera mejor que vaya antes que alguien mas se entere</i> - corri antes ponerme detras de el y con la cabeza agachada -  Ademas de insolente es una cualquiera - dijo entre dientes - Iba a contestar pero no queria crear mas problemas  # Castigo tras castigo Ya en el despacho, sabia lo que me esperaba. Ya estaba mentalizada que venir a estas mazmorras era para recibir clases o para que me castigaran. -Hoy estoy generoso- dijo raramente calmado- Si es capaz de decirme el error que cometió, solo tendrá detención hasta que se acaben las clases - Me quedé asombrada y me disponía a objetar cuando me hizo una seña de silencio- Pero si falla, la detención la tendrá hasta acabar su 2do año- tranquilamente se sentó en su silla esperando mi respuesta- <i>-Ya es bastante malo tener que aguantar sus clases y tareas....ahora tendría que aguantarlo 1 año mas..... será mejor que diga todo lo que hice- </i>pensé muy disgustada Severus se aclaro la garganta- Ya tiene la respuesta- pregunto con su grave voz Trague saliva - no estaba cumpliendo con mi castigo, me aleje de mi grupo, me acerque al lago sin supervisión, me metí al agua, me transformé, y mmmmmm .....deje que el señor Malfoy me viera - dije en voz baja- pero no me reconoció lo juro - empecé a rezar en mi cabeza que me librare de aquel castigo- -Vaya vaya, señorita Selene - se cruzó de brazos - No creí que fuera a confesar todos sus pecados - con un movimiento de cabeza quito un mecho de pelo que cubría la mitad de su cara - aun así la respuesta es incorrecta - dijo victorioso- -Pero....-comencé a tartamudear- se supone - me dolía la cabeza de tanto pensar- eso no es posible, castigar a un alumno por 1 año completo - trate de argumenta - Si así respondé para el examen, me temo que repetirá año - se volvió serio - Con todo lo que se ahora, es equivalente a estar bajo detención hasta su graduación- hablo como si no fuera gran cosa- Me enojé- Ja, que se cree - pregunte sarcástica -Disculpe -  dijo Severus un poco molesto- Eso es lo más injusto que había escuchado, no es posible tal cosa. Seguramente hay estudiantes peores a mi, que no tienen mi condición y nadie les dice nada o solo les dan semanas de detención o un castigo. Pero no he escuchado a nadie decir que lleva castigado desde su primer año. Eso ya pasa a ser abuso. NO PUEDE CASTIGARME POR LO QUE SOY - no me fije que ya había levantado la voz- y otra cosa - me planté viéndolo directamente a los ojos - YO NO PEDÍ SER LO QUE SOY, NI ESTUDIAR AQUI, NI QUE UN VIEJO ME CASTIGUE CADA VEZ QUE ÉL - me detuvo una cachetada - El golpe fue tan rápido y fuerte que terminé en el piso, con la mente tratando de entender que había pasado. Sentía mi mejilla caliente y me ardía al tocarla. Sentí que pasaron minutos hasta que vi la túnica negra del profesor cerca de mi. Es igual a su padre - dijo con una voz mas profunda - míreme cuando le hablo - hablo claro y definitivamente enfadado -  Vio que me resistía, no podía estaba en shook, tenia un nudo en la garganta y mis ojos llenos de lagrimas, pero no quería llorar. <i>-No se nada de mi padres, y él me pase recordando que soy como él... será por esa razón que me abandonó- </i>me pregunte a mi misma, sentí ahogarme en mi propia tristeza. Snape me tomo del pelo y de un tirón me forzó a verlo - Déjeme aclararle sus dudas- sin soltarse se agacho a  mi altura, intenté bajar la mirada pero él me sostuvo firmemente - Primero, usted es mitad humana, mitad bestia; segundo estudia aquí para que aprenda a comportarse. Y tercero, si la castigo a menudo es por su falta de ética y de gracias que no esta encerrada en algún zoológico o hospital del mundo mágico -dijo con cierta satisfacción y me soltó bruscamente. Fue directo a la puerta y sacó su varita- Ahora se quedará aquí para que piense en sus errores - tiró un hechizo a la manecilla de la puerta - Esta puerta no se abrirá hasta que yo vuelva- cierra la puerta de un portazo, pero a los segundos la vuelve abrir - Oh se me olvidaba, ahora serán 2 años de detención- volvió a cerrar la puerta de un portazo Me quede por un par de horas en el mismo lugar, pensando todo lo que había pasado...si de verdad estaba n la realidad o soñando. Luego recordé la cachetada comencé a sollozar- que se cree para tratarme así - limpie mis ojos rápido - este idiota - golpeé el suelo con mis puños y me levante decidida - soy más humana que lobo, un hechizo no será mucha molestia - fui hasta la puerta y confiada tome la manecilla -  No la había tocado aun, cuando un choque de energía recorrió todo mi cuerpo y sentía como me dolía el pecho donde esta el corazón. Me aleje rápido y mi respiración estaba agitada. MALDITA SEA - volví a intentarlo Mismo resultado, me coloque en una esquina viendo hacia la puerta bufe - quien se cree para encerrarme - cruce los brazos- solo es un maestro de posiciones, sus hechizos no han de ser tan buenos- saque rápidamente mi varita y apunte a la puerta - Si tan solo estudiara como Hermione - me golpeé la cabeza pensando en lo tonta que he sido al no aprovechar el cerebro de mi amiga -  Pase 1 hora intentando quitar el hechizo con algunos movimientos que nos han enseñado en clase pero ninguno daba resultado. y ya empezaba a estresarme. moviendo la varita a lo loco - ABRETE MALDITA PUERTA- iba a tirar el hechizo cuando una mano me detuvo -  -Si sigue tirando encantamientos sin sentido terminara matándose - dijo esa voz masculina que me eriza la piel- subí mi mirada - Como entró aqui señor Malfoy - trague saliva -lo notó - Por que me tienes miedo - pregunto confundido y soltó suavemente mi muñeca- ese viejo de Dumbledore le ha hablado mal de mi persona - pregunto un poco molesto- no quería causarle más problemas al director - nono, es solo que mis compañeros hablan de  que hay que respetarlos por el apellido que llevan y Draco a veces amenaza - dije apenada- pensó por un momento - yo tengo la culpa, Draco es mi único hijo y siempre ha sido consentido por la familia de mi esposa - apretó su bastón y observó la habitación- Veo que te has portado mal - señalo con su bastón la puerta -  No hice nada malo - trate de defenderme - el profesor siempre me castiga por -me tope la boca rápido -  Por - preguntó - Acaso andas de picara con los niños - dio una mirada extraña y sonríe de lado -Prefiero mil veces ser castigada - dije molesta y cruce mis brazos -  rié fuertemente - apenas eres una niña - se repone y aclara su garganta - Ya que me has hecho olvidar porque vine te concederé un favor - volvió a su postura seria sin pensarlo dos veces - puede sacarme de aquí- pregunte inocente Esta bien - dijo satisfecho y estiro su mano hacia mi - tome mi mano - su voz era ciertamente sincera- Un poco dudosa la tome, en ese momento sentí mi cabeza dar vueltas hasta que caí sentada. Tome mi cabeza y respiraba profundo para que me pasara el mareo Me disculpo - hablo Lucius - pero esta prueba confirmo mis sospechas - dijo convencido aun sacada de onda -a que se refiere - pregunte mientras mi vista se normalizaba y note que estábamos en una sala finamente decorada y de colores oscuros - donde estoy - pregunte asustada Es mi casa, la mansión Malfoy - dijo orgulloso En ese momento casi se me sale el corazón, no estaba en a escuela....eso significaba que no estaba el director cerca, ni la profesora McGonagall, ni Hagrid..... ni el profesor de posiciones para ayudarme....esperen fui secuestrada... estaba recostada en mis brazos, mi pierna izquierda estaba estirada y la derecha encogida. Note que el señor ya estaba sentado tomando tranquilamente de una copa. Ya puede dejar de fingir - dijo amenazante - se que eres un animago o eso quieren que creas - termino su bebida y me vio con ojos llenos de deseo. Vi un puerta grande desde de la sala - no se a que se refiere - lo veo a él - pero ya tengo que regresar - salí disparada a la puerta pero se cerró antes de atravesarla, voltee por el sonido de desaprobación Lucius venia caminando hacia mi y movía su dedo de lado a lado, indicando que no- Aun no he terminado con usted - No se acerque más - lo amenace -  sonríe de lado con satisfacción - tan solo eres una niña - se acerco mas - no puedes amenazarme, la que esta en desventaja eres tu - ya estaba a un par de pasos de mi - Mi lobita - dijo seductor Un escalofrió recorrió mi cuerpo y tenia que buscar una manera de salir Me transforme en lobo y me tire a él.  Crucio - dijo apuntando su varita a mi Un dolor horrible se apodero de mi, me dolía todo. El dolor fue tan intenso, tan devastador, que olvidó dónde estaba: era como si cuchillos candentes le horadaran cada centímetro de la piel, y la cabeza le fuera a estallar de dolor. Lo que sentí que fueron horas, simplemente habían sido segundos. Lo sabia -dijo triunfante y me ve tirada en el suelo sin moverme - será mejor que duermas, según Draco tienen examen de Transformaciones mañana - me ve como si fuera una simple basura - Por cierto - se agacha y comienza acariciar mi pelaje. No podía alejarme mi cuerpo estaba cansado - este secreto será entre los dos. Si alguien mas se entera, me asegurare que el resto de tu vida la pases en una celda - dijo serio  Luego no recuerdo nada # Terminando mi primer año Selene-hablaba Hermione-Vamos despierta-me mueve de lado a lado- Si no te levantas me ire sin ti - dijo amenazante- Sentí que ella daba media vuelta cuando tome su brazo rápidamente- No me dejes sola, en 5 minutos estaré lista- me levante con dificultad Fuimos a nuestro examen de Transformaciones, por momentos recordaba el dolor de ayer y no me logre concentrar mucho, pero no me fue tan mal como a Ron. El resto del día lo pase cansada, ese hechizo fue muy potente. Mis amigos notaron que estaba muy decaída ya que no queria comer nada en la cena. Selene- pregunto Harry- me preocupa que hayas estado muy callada hoy - dijo triste Mas de lo habitual - añadio Ron- yo solo los vi de reojo y volvi a recostarme en la mesa Los chicos tienen razon - hablo la cerebrito- Me preocupa tu estado de animo, acaso el profesor Snape te ha tratado mal- pregunto molesta- Digamos - levante mi dedo indice y señale a la mesa de los profesores- Estare castigada con detencion con él hasta terminar el 2do año - dije rendida- -los tres en coro- QUEE???- se miraron las caras- Eso es absurdo- dijo Hermione- Ningún profesor había castigado tanto a un estudiante - dijo Ron sin dejar de tragar- -con sarcasmo- me siento halagada de ser la primera- me repuse y acomode el pelo - Ahora, que averiguaron de la piedra filosofal- pregunte tratando de alejarlos del tema- Hermione empece a dar mucha muchaaaa informacion, armaron un plan y preparamos una fecha para poder entrar e ir a buscar la piedra. Nos despedimos en el pasillo y yo fui a mi detencion. *toc toc* Me mentalice que no queria mas problemas y que me comportaria de lo mas normal -Pase- hablo el profesor al otro lado de la puerta Entre con la mirada al suelo- Buenas noches profesor, que debo hacer hoy- pregunte esperando sus instrucciones sentí la mirada de Snape, antes de llegar revise que todo mi uniforme estuviera impecable y sin arrugas. Primero empiece con los calderos - señalo con su varita- Volteo a ver y eran por lo menos 100 calderos apilados. Respire hondo - muy bien , profesor- dije sin más y empecé a limpiarlos sin magia.  Mientras hacia eso, recordé como en el orfanato ayudaba en la cocina a lavar todos los platos. Esto no seria problema. No sentí las horas pasar, pero ya me faltaban muy pocos. En algún momento comencé a tararear una canción, no se cuento tiempo pase así. *un libro choca con mi cabeza* Esto es un castigo- se aclaro Snape la garganta- no es ninguna clase de canto, y le sugiero que deje esa profesión, a menos que quiera pasarse la vida en la calle - dijo triunfante y regreso a su escritorio. Siempre tan severo Severus - habla el señor Malfoy mientras entra al despacho-  Mi piel se erizo al instante y comencé a llorar, no podía hacer nada. Continúe limpiando con la cabeza al suelo. Oh Lucius - Snape va a una estantería - Había olvidado por completo tu pedido - sube a una escalera y revisa las repisas de arriba - Lo he dejado en el otro cuarto, ponte cómodo en un momento regreso- sale de la habitación Siento como la mirada de Lucius Malfoy esta observándome. Lentamente de acerca a mi y se coloca al lado. Le queda bien el trabajo de limpiar - se quita su guante y comienza a acariciar mi hombro- te verías mejor con un traje de mucama- sonríe de lado En un movimiento me aleje y trate de bajar mis mangas para que fueran manga larga. Lucius bufa- haz olvidado el hechizo "crucio"- pregunto alzando una ceja, volvió a acercarse y comenzó a pasar su varita por mi cuello y pelo haciéndolo a un lado- En este punta estaba temblando pero no quería que se diera que le tengo miedo. Mírame - ordeno, pero no me dio tiempo de hacer nada, porque me tomo fuertemente con su mano para obligarme a verlo - Oh shshsh - seco mis lagrimas - Si fueras buena niña no te hubiera castigado- dijo con satisfacción - vamos dame un beso -  Se fue acercando a mi sin soltarme, así que use mis manos para mantenerlo alejado de mi. Entre mas me resistía mas se enojaba hasta que me soltó bruscamente. Descuida Linda - se arreglo su ropa y aclaro su garganta - Pronto aprenderás a respetarme - me señalo con su varita  NO - grite y puse mis manos como modo de defensa -Alto, por favor - me disponía a esconderme detrás de los calderos- <i>Imperio - </i>Lucius pronuncio- Lo único que sentí fue como una sensación de calma se apoderaba de mi cabeza. Coloque mis manos en la cabeza, no era posible, este hechizo es para controlarme. Me rehusó- dijo moviendo mi cabeza de lado a lado - No no no Apenas eres una niña - dijo Lucius extrañado, aprovechando que estaba distraída, me tomo de las muñecas, me acorralo en la pared y coloco su varita en mi cabeza - <i>IMPERIO-</i> Mi collar soltó un brillo dorado y creo un escudo a mi alrededor Mi niña- dijo asombrado - Ese collar no te podrá librar de mi- dijo desafiante - .  Rápidamente me acorralo nuevamente en la pared, con su varita creo ataduras en mis muñecas y piernas, inmovilizándome. Se aparto un poco y me observo de pies a cabeza. Lucius se acerco rápido y me beso,  intensifico el beso, y aprovecho a explorar mi cuerpo.  Se separo - Vendré por ti, cuando acaben su primer año - sentencio - termina con tu castigo, y si no quieres terminar en una celda o siendo torturada, no le dirás a nadie - dijo enojado y con un movimiento de su varita me soltó. Mis ojos estaban rojos por las lagrimas, mi boca tartamudeaba y mi cuerpo temblaba a mas no poder. Lloraba por impotencia, enojo y tristeza. Muy insegura y en silencio, tratando de controlar mi respiración tome un calderón y seguí limpiando. Se oyó la puerta abrirse dejando ver a Severus - Aquí tienes Lucius - se acerco a él y le entrego una botella -  Excelente - Lucius examino la botella - Me retiro entonces - dio un ultimo vistazo a la habitación- Lucius desapareció y Severus se giro hacia mi. Es completamente una inútil, no es posible que no haya terminado aun - cruzo sus brazos - acaso se tomo un descanso cuando no estaba presente - pregunto extrañado -  Quería responderle pero no salía nada de mi boca, ni un sonido.  Lo lamento - dije con una voz apunto de romper en llanto- Severus se quedo extrañado - no creas que volverte sumisa te quitara tus años de detención- dijo serio-  Unos minutos después termine y logre irme a mi cama. Llore en silencio durante toda la noche. Sabia que debía levantarme temprano para que Hermione no viera mi cara y sospechara. En mi cabeza tenia el recuerdo de la advertencia de Lucius "vendré por ti". # Mi Calvario Las clases terminaron y mi detención también. Todos arreglaban sus cosas mientras yo vagaba en la incertidumbre. Fui seguido al despacho del director donde varios maestros analizaron mi situación pero ninguno aceptaba tenerme. Perdía la paciencia, pero al mismo tiempo pensaba que era culpa de Lucius, tal vez los tenia amenazados o quien sabe. El día de hoy todos regresan con sus familias y yo...bueno aun no se. Selene - hablo el director - buenas noticias, tenemos casa para ti durante estas vacaciones- sonríe- mis ojos se iluminaron por un momento - Me quedare con la profesora McGonagall - pregunte emocionada- -Dumbledore movió su cabeza en desaprobación- veras Severus cuidara de ti- dijo calmado- mi corazón se detuvo Sabia que la palabra del director era decisiva, no serviría de nada rogar. Me mandaron a empacar mis cosas y el profesor de pociones me esperaba en la entrada del colegio. 5 minutos tarde -dijo Severus antes de girarse y comenzar a caminar. Suspire y lo seguí.  Todo el camino fue en silencio, seguí todas sus instrucciones, no respondía nada solo lo hacia. Llegamos finalmente a la casa. Me dejo pasar de primero. Su habitación esta en la segunda puerta a la derecha, no tiene permitido subir al segundo nivel, no toque los libros de las estanterías, podrá comer a las horas, no tiene permitido salir de la casa, no puede abrir la puerta a muggles ni magos, debe pasar todo el día en su habitación, no me moleste, yo hare la comida, usted deberá limpiar la cocina, no usara su varita - Severus dijo toda su lista de reglas En resumidas cuentas, no tengo pensado salir de la habitación ...pero si viene Lucius, no podre hacer nada. Ha quedado claro - pregunto Si, profesor - dije sin nada de ánimos- La primera semana paso normal, me acostumbre rápido a su modalidad. Lucius no tenia rastro por ningún lago. El único problema era la comida, era lo mismo todos los días, en los 3 tiempos de comida. Una mañana me levante con dolor en mi vientre, mi entrepierna mojada y un olor a sangre. Fui rápidamente al baño y note que mi periodo había comenzado. En el orfanato aprendí de las demás chicas que hacer cuando viene el periodo, pero no tenia las cosas necesarias.  Salgo a la sala, donde Severus lee un libro, me acerco despacio y sin hacer ruido - Profesor disculpe- dije apenada Espere a que me respondiera pero paso unos minutos y sin nada Profesor - hable un poco mas fuerte - tengo una situación- dije mas segura Tiene exactamente 5 segundos para regresar de donde salió - sentencio sin quitar la vista del libro- -me quede incrédula - pero profesor - me acerque un poco mas- LARGUESE - se levanto repentinamente y grito- -explote - PODRIA AL MENOS OIRME -grite y me plante- NO TENGO TIEMPO DE OCUPARME DE SUS PROBLEMAS - también se enojo -  YO NO PEDI VENIR AQUI- somate mi pie en el suelo- Y YO NO PEDI OCUPARME DE UNA NIÑA HUERFANA, MALCRIADA Y CUALQUIERA - me dio una bofetada - todo quedo en silencio y me fui corriendo a la habitación. Primero me calme, y trate de pensar que hacer. Pensaba en salir de la casa a comprar las cosas y regresar. Solo rezaba que Snape tuviera que salir y la suerte esta de mi lado. Snape salió. Rápidamente probé salir por la puerta principal pero fue inútil, entonces logre escabullirme por una de las ventanas de la sala. Gracias a McGonagall tenia un poco de dinero muggle, me acerque a una farmacia y compre las cosas necesarias, me distraje con el ambiente y había olvidado por completo con quien vivía.  De camino a la casa, miraba a todos lados, como si nunca hubiera estado en Londres, hasta que tope con alguien. Lo siento - dije rápidamente- Mi amable sonrisa se desapareció al ver que se trataba de Snape. Snape se volteo lentamente, pues reconoció mi voz. Sabia lo que me esperaba. Su mano busco la mía y al tomarla comenzó a apretarla al punto que me dolía enormemente. Fuimos en silencio hasta la casa, me pareció un camino eterno. No quise quejarme, no sabia que haría. Al estar en la cocina Snape dejo mi mano y se coloco del otro lado mirándome fijamente.  La bolsa - dijo sin expresión- Rápidamente puse las cosas en la mesa- Solo fui por - interrumpida- CALLESE - grito y comenzó a examinar las cosas- ha manchado la cama - pregunto aun viendo la mesa- No, profesor  - respondí rápido- pero necesito CALLESE, no tiene permiso para hablar - sentencio, luego de ver la mesa, me miro fijamente- Ha manchado su ropa -  Si, por eso -interrumpida- Snape golpeo con sus manos la mesa - Que parte de callar no entiende - pregunto sarcástico y claramente molesto - No le daré dinero, ni lavara su ropa aquí. Tendrá que buscar un empleo para poder pagar la ropa- ordeno -  Solo soy una niña, no me darán trabajo - trate de defenderme- Severus corrió la mesa a un lado y tomo mi muñeca. -De verdad que es la criatura más insolente en el mundo mágico - apretó su agarre- Duele- llore - Solo necesito un poco de dinero, por favor - trataba de quitarme de su agarre- Se donde le puede dar trabajo a una pequeña zorra - me arrastró hasta la chimenea mientras me quejaba- Luego de cruzar el fuego estábamos en una sala muy arreglada y  de tonos negros.  AQUI NO POR FAVOR - comencé a rogar, me arrodille - solo déjeme ir, por favor - me comencé a desesperar Aprende de una vez tu lugar - dijo Severus - Entro una señora bien vestida, y se acerco a nosotros- Severus, Lucius no se encuentra - dijo extrañada- Y este joven- pregunto Estabas buscando una viñera - me soltó tirandome a los pies de la señora- podrías darle el empleo- dijo normal- Es una - dijo con cierto asco la señora -  Si, lo es - respondió rápidamente Severus-  Esta bien, pero se le tratara como una empleada común - le advirtió a Snape- Eso espero, aquí tal vez aprenderá a comportarse - dijo victorioso- De todos los lugares donde no quería estar, termine en el peor. Me dieron ropa de empleada y me indicó lo que debía hacer. Solo era de servir vino cuando ellos lo pidieran. Señora, por favor yo -interrumpida por una bofetada- Cállate, aquí no tienes permitido hablar - dijo fríamente y levanto su copa -  Luego de servirle, tuve que quedarme parada por no se cuanto tiempo. Mi esposo vendrá pronto - la voz de la señora me saco de mi trance - A las 9 puedes irte- se retiro de la sala- Tienes un contrato por el resto de tu descanso, debes cumplir con el o se puede aplicar un castigo físico sobre ti, tenemos permiso de tu tutor - sentencio antes de salir- Luego de un rato, de la nada apareció el señor Malfoy quien entraba a la sala desde la chimenea, se quito su capa y coloco en el sillón.  -chasqueo sus dedos y levanto la copa -  Note que no sabia que era yo, así que fui con precaución y serví su copa. Todo fue normal, no se percato quien era.  Asi estuve por 4 copas hasta que hablo Crees que no se quien eres - pregunto Lucius- me quede completamente de piedra, mientras el señor se paraba frente a mi Te hice una pregunta - hablo amenazante- Por favor - fue lo único que salió de mi boca- # En las fauces del diablo :El señor Malfoy estaba frente a mi señor por favor- comencé a suplicar-  Empezó a acercarse de forma amenazante y yo tuve que retroceder hasta topar con una pared. No quería botar el poco vino que me quedaba ya que la señora dejo claro que yo tendría que limpiar y me castigarían. Cielo- llamo la señora en las gradas- Tienes suerte que este mi esposa aquí- acerca su cabeza para oler mi cuello- Me gusta el oler del miedo- sonríe de lado y se aparta-  Saco su varita y con un ágil movimiento hizo que la jarra se quebrara causando un gran ruido. Rápido me tire al suelo para recoger los pedazos y con el trapo limpiar lo que se había derramado. -pasos en las gradas- veo que es igual de inservible que su especie-concluye la señora al terminar de bajar las gradas- Querido, Lucius la trajo pero podemos regresarla- dijo disgustada- No te alteres esposa mía- voltea a verme- es necesario educarla- comento sonriente- A las 9:05 estaba regresando por la chimenea, gimoteando y temblando. El señor Malfoy me había golpeado con su bastón hasta que la esposa dijo que era suficiente. Snape estaba tranquilo en su sillón leyendo el periódico. Sin darle importancia comencé a caminar a la habitación. Deténgase - ordeno el profesor-  Me detuve en seco e intente controlar mi respiración Dese vuelta- doblo el periódico y lo tiro sobre la mesa- Lentamente me di la vuelta dejando ver moretones en mis brazos. Snape se fija en mis brazos y suspira. Sabia que era el mejor sitio para educar a un animal con usted- dijo triunfante- Esas palabras me hicieron llorar nuevamente, baje mi cabeza en vergüenza -Se levanta- le aconsejo que no se la pase llorando toda la noche, de otra manera llegara tarde y volverán a castigarla- dicho esto se fue al segundo piso- Lentamente me fui a encerrar y llore profundamente hasta caer dormida. Al día siguiente llegue a la hora pero en un estado deplorable y temblando. Para mi suerte no había visto a los dueños de la casa, aun así debía estar de pie. Ya estaba oscuro y el reloj marcaba las 20 horas (8pm). Me estomago rugía y recordé que no había comido nada desde la noche anterior. Repetimos lo de anoche- dijo una voz en mi espalda- -Rápidamente abrace la jarra- gusta que le sirva una copa mi señor - pregunte ya que era el protocolo y no quería ganarme mas golpes- Mira esos brazos- dijo poso su mano en uno de mis moretones sacándome un chillido- quiero oírlo otra vez- toco otro morete y esta vez logre ahogar el chillido- Así que asiéndote la valiente- ríe bajo- Dime linda -bajo una manga de mi uniforme- por que no me habías comentado que estas a un paso de ser mujer- pregunto mientras acariciaba mi cuello- Un remolino se hizo en mi estomago Juguemos un juego- ofreció con malicia- Si logras contener el dolor, te dejare ir esta noche- limpia una lagrima que caía de mi rostro- Pero si pierdas - se acerca a mi oído - ya sabes que pasara- se aleja- Chasquea los dedos y un elfo domestico aparece. Me quitaron la jarra y el trapo, además que dio la orden que nadie puede molestarlo ni entrar en su estudio. Me llevo hasta la habitación y me acerco al gran escritorio que había en el centro. Trague saliva Quiero poner ver tu expresión sin agacharme- pensó por un momento y de la nada me tomo de la cintura y dejo sentada en el escritorio- Perfecto - dijo triunfante- Empezamos- pregunto retorico y se quito los guantes- Hizo que separar las piernas para que él se acercara más. Pasaba encima sus manos desde mis hombros hasta las muñecas. Sabia que en cualquier momento podría iniciar, así que puse mi lengua entre los dientes y apreté fuertemente mis puños. A los segundos comenzó la tortura, tocaba cada morete que veía, al tiempo vio que lograba resistir el dolor.  Probemos algo más- menciono cansado- Aparto mi cabello dejando al descubierto mi cuello. Me tomo del mentó bruscamente para apartar mi cara. Acerco su boca a mi cuello, al segundo mordió y succionaba como si de un vampiro se tratara. Me tomo por sorpresa que me sobresalte pero aun así logre mantener mi boca cerrada, realizó la misma acción en distintos puntos.  Ni creas que te has salvado- amenazo y sea acomodo su cabellera- Te dejare sentir lo que las despertado-  Se abalanzo sobre mi dejándome inmóvil en el escritorio, de un jalón me pego a él y logré entender de lo que hablaba. Su miembro estaba completamente levantado debajo de la ropa. El señor comenzó a moverse y a seguir marcándome el cuello. Como podría salir ilesa de esto.
south park one shots lemon(maybe?)
hii this is my first story
[ "lemon", "lgtbq", "south", "southpark", "xreader" ]
[ "recommendations", "A evening walk (Style)", "voting for what you want " ]
[ "hi this is where you say, what you want me to write, and I am sorry if the storys are not that good it is my first story, and I am dyslexic, but I will try my best to spell correct. So just give me a name, or a ship name. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nword count: 53", "\n\n\n(No one's pov) \n\nSchool was almost over most people were excited to go home, but no one was more excited than Stan, because he loved walking home with his best friends, but he loved walking with Kyle  more than anybody else. I mean they are best friends, but Stan always wanted more with Kyle, but no one knows how much Stan is crazy for Kyle, except Wendy. She always helped Stan, with crush's, also she helped him not throw up. \n\n(Stan's pov)\n\nThe bell ringed as I ran to my locker, when I got to my locker I opened it to grab my stuff to go home, \"Just one more class, then I get to, go home.\" I thought to myself, as I was getting more stuff out of my locker, I herd someone scream behind me, \" BOO\" Screamed Wendy. \" WENDY, why did you, do that you scared me.\" I screamed. As soon, as I said that she apologies, so I had to assure her that it's okay,\"Oh okay, but guess what I heard about Kyle.\" She said cheerfully. I asked her what It was that, was so important about Kyle. \" Oh, well I heard that he had a crush on some dude.\" Wendy screamed. \"WHAT.\" I said while spiting out my imaginary water dramatically. \"I know it could be you.\" Wendy said while jumping up and down, \"Well you really think so.\" I asked while turning my head to the side. \"I know so, he totally likes you, you should ask him out on your walk today.\" Wendy said. \"Okay I will.\" I said. The bell ringed again will talking so we had to, go to class.\n\nTime skip to their walk.\n\n(No ones pov.)\n\nWhile Stan, and Kyle walked home, Stan couldn't stop thinking about what Wendy said, He, had to say it, he promised Wendy that he would ask Kyle out. \" Hey Kyle there's something I need to tell you.\" Stan said while he stopped walking. Kyle also stopped in his track's,\" yeah what is it  dude.\" He said. Stan took a deep breath, \" Kyle... I Love you, and I always loved you, it's your hair, your eyes, just everything about you. I am crazy about you.\" Stan blurted out, but after he said this he was about to hurl, so he ran away, but before he could he was stopped by Kyle. \" Dude I love you too, and I am kinda crazy about you too.\" Kyle said you could see his pale skin getting red. \"Rea-\"But before Stan could finish Kyle pulled him in, for a kiss, when their lips touched , they both got redder, and redder by the second. As they pulled away Stan said \" You really like me\". \" no I don't like you, I love you.\" When Kyle said this he pulled Stan in for another kiss, but this one Kyle got the idea to put his tongue in with the kiss, but when he did Stan couldn't take it anymore. He pushed Kyle away, and then he throw up everywhere, Kyle laughing at this. \" I'm sorry I ruined the kiss.\"Stan said while looking away.  \" Stan, you didn't ruined the kiss.\" Kyle said while smirking. \" But Kyle don't you think that I am disgusting.\" Stan said. Kyle put his hand on Stan's cheek and rubbed it,\" Oh, Stan nothing you do will ever disgust me.\" Kyle said while kissing his clean cheek. \" I love you Kyle.\"Stan said with love in his eyes. \" I love you too Stan.\" Kyle said while kissing Stan one more time under the moonlight, they were so lucky that they had eachother. \n\n\n\n\nSorry if it, is to short I tried to make it in a day. \n\nWord count: 629\n\n\n", "As you can see the title I want you guys to vote on my next story or next storys. here are some you can vote for or if you want to put in your own vote for something then okay. Just type the numbers in the comments, of the one you want you can vote up to 3 times. \n\n1.  Bunny (butters X Kenny)\n\n2. any hero X reader\n\n3. Princess Kenny X reader\n\n4. Stendy (Stan X Wendy) \n\n5. Creek (Craige X Tweek)\n\nThanks for reading my story \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nword count (88) " ]
Title: south park one shots lemon(maybe?) Description: hii this is my first story Tags: ['lemon', 'lgtbq', 'south', 'southpark', 'xreader']
# recommendations hi this is where you say, what you want me to write, and I am sorry if the storys are not that good it is my first story, and I am dyslexic, but I will try my best to spell correct. So just give me a name, or a ship name.  word count: 53 # A evening walk (Style) (No one's pov)  School was almost over most people were excited to go home, but no one was more excited than Stan, because he loved walking home with his best friends, but he loved walking with Kyle  more than anybody else. I mean they are best friends, but Stan always wanted more with Kyle, but no one knows how much Stan is crazy for Kyle, except Wendy. She always helped Stan, with crush's, also she helped him not throw up.  (Stan's pov) The bell ringed as I ran to my locker, when I got to my locker I opened it to grab my stuff to go home, "Just one more class, then I get to, go home." I thought to myself, as I was getting more stuff out of my locker, I herd someone scream behind me, " BOO" Screamed Wendy. " WENDY, why did you, do that you scared me." I screamed. As soon, as I said that she apologies, so I had to assure her that it's okay,"Oh okay, but guess what I heard about Kyle." She said cheerfully. I asked her what It was that, was so important about Kyle. " Oh, well I heard that he had a crush on some dude." Wendy screamed. "WHAT." I said while spiting out my imaginary water dramatically. "I know it could be you." Wendy said while jumping up and down, "Well you really think so." I asked while turning my head to the side. "I know so, he totally likes you, you should ask him out on your walk today." Wendy said. "Okay I will." I said. The bell ringed again will talking so we had to, go to class. Time skip to their walk. (No ones pov.) While Stan, and Kyle walked home, Stan couldn't stop thinking about what Wendy said, He, had to say it, he promised Wendy that he would ask Kyle out. " Hey Kyle there's something I need to tell you." Stan said while he stopped walking. Kyle also stopped in his track's," yeah what is it  dude." He said. Stan took a deep breath, " Kyle... I Love you, and I always loved you, it's your hair, your eyes, just everything about you. I am crazy about you." Stan blurted out, but after he said this he was about to hurl, so he ran away, but before he could he was stopped by Kyle. " Dude I love you too, and I am kinda crazy about you too." Kyle said you could see his pale skin getting red. "Rea-"But before Stan could finish Kyle pulled him in, for a kiss, when their lips touched , they both got redder, and redder by the second. As they pulled away Stan said " You really like me". " no I don't like you, I love you." When Kyle said this he pulled Stan in for another kiss, but this one Kyle got the idea to put his tongue in with the kiss, but when he did Stan couldn't take it anymore. He pushed Kyle away, and then he throw up everywhere, Kyle laughing at this. " I'm sorry I ruined the kiss."Stan said while looking away.  " Stan, you didn't ruined the kiss." Kyle said while smirking. " But Kyle don't you think that I am disgusting." Stan said. Kyle put his hand on Stan's cheek and rubbed it," Oh, Stan nothing you do will ever disgust me." Kyle said while kissing his clean cheek. " I love you Kyle."Stan said with love in his eyes. " I love you too Stan." Kyle said while kissing Stan one more time under the moonlight, they were so lucky that they had eachother.  Sorry if it, is to short I tried to make it in a day.  Word count: 629 # voting for what you want As you can see the title I want you guys to vote on my next story or next storys. here are some you can vote for or if you want to put in your own vote for something then okay. Just type the numbers in the comments, of the one you want you can vote up to 3 times.  1.  Bunny (butters X Kenny) 2. any hero X reader 3. Princess Kenny X reader 4. Stendy (Stan X Wendy)  5. Creek (Craige X Tweek) Thanks for reading my story  word count (88) 
Devil's eyes [Michael Myers x Reader]
Story in progress, being written and coming soon!! Female!Reader x Michael Myers fanfiction This story is based on Rob Zombie's Halloween 2007 remake & Halloween 2018-2021 remakes by David gordon. Just to make clear, in the 2007 remake Michael killed his family in 1990 when he was 10 years old. He escaped Smith's grove in 2007 when Michael was 27.
[ "femalereader", "halloween", "halloween2007remake", "lemon", "michaelmyers", "michaelmyersxreader", "readerxmichaelmyers", "robzombie", "slashers" ]
[ "introduction", "Chapter 1. || The party", "Chapter 2. || An accident", "Chapter 3. || Crazy", "Chapter 4. || An old friend.", "Chapter 5. || Growing closer", "Chapter 6. || interviews", "Chapter 7. || Flowers", "Chapter 8. || Guards", "Chapter 9. || Aftermath", "Chapter 10. || tough talk", "Chapter 11. || Separation", "Chapter 12. || New place, new plans", "Chapter 13. || Strange", "chapter 14. || michaels realisations", "Chapter 15. || The truth", "Chapter 16. || A memory", "Chapter 17. || Childhood", "Chapter 18. || Unwanted friends", "Chapter 19. || Realisations", "Chapter 20. || What next?" ]
[ "Hello everyone,\n\nBefore you all get into the book I'd like to give yall a heads-up on the story.\n\n- First off, english is NOT my first language, so my apologies when I make typos or when some sentences sound off. \n\n- This book is based on Rob Zombie's 2007 Halloween, but keep in mind this is not the same exact Rob Zombie timeline, there will be some scenes from other movies such as Halloween kills. The characters won't be exactly the same as in the Rob Zombie films, for instance, I preferred to use the original Laurie in this book rather than the Rob Zombie Laurie.\n\n- The chapters may have big time skips in the beginning, I have put the dates on some of the chapters so none of you get confused on the date. \n\n- This book was originally going to be an Oc x Michael Myers, I had a whole story planned but I just couldn't find a name for the oc and idk why but making a book about an oc x Michael Myers made me cringe a little, so I made it a Y/N story instead. That's why Y/N has a lot of backstory in this book. The first few chapters are only about Y/N and her past, so you can get to know the character and what she has gone through.\n\n- This book will include some triggering themes such as abuse, alcohol, murder and lots of death (I mean duh it's a Michael Myers book), sexual assault and adult themes (maybe smut/lemon?) And this Y/N has alot of parental issues, mostly with her father so that might be a little triggering too. And because this story is mostly based on the Rob Zombie movie, Y/N will go through certain situations that happened in the movie. Later in the far future, she'll have a job as a dancer in the red rabbit (I may or may not change that), but no worries though this is still a Michael X reader book so she won't get into relationships with any man other than Michael himself.\n\n- I wanted to make Michael as canon as possible, making him a sort of mix of the Rob Zombie, 2018 and 1978 Michael. The only thing I did change was the fact that he actually feels things for people (in this case, Y/N) I honestly didn't think Michael would just fall in love with someone out of nowhere, what I mostly have read in other stories so I tried to give Michael and Y/N as much backstory as I could, yet I wanted to make their friendship a bit confusing. But besides that, Michael is often seen as someone who doesn't have any emotions and as someone who'd be extremely cold to everyone, including his S/O, but I wanted to make it seem like Michael still had some more humanity left, because just like as you could see in the movie, in this case the Rob Zombie movie, we saw how Michael was when he was a child and that he did feel and have emotions towards people, years later after escaping Smiths Grove we see how he captures his sister Laurie but he didn't plan on hurting her until she stabbed him, meaning that he did indeed have some humanity left.\n\n-But for Michael and Y/N's relationship... They weren't just classmates but they also weren't best friends who'd play and stay with each other 24/7 when they were younger. I made it clear that Y/N had a huge crush on him but was too shy to talk to him, even if she did always stare at him whenever he wasn't looking, hoping he'd be the one to start a conversation, but we all know that Michael (In the 2007 movie) wasn't much of a social kid and was seen to be the weird freak by the other children.\nMichael didn't feel much about Y/N yet, he knew she had an eye on him but he wasn't sure why, it did make Michael think a lot about the mysterious girl until one day she suddenly stood up for him against his bullies, from that day they became friends and started to try to talk to each other, Michael felt like she was a slight comfort to him, even if they both never talked that much. He was just happy that at least one person treated him like a normal human being. They had finally started to talk more, hoping to become better or even best friends but before both of them could, Michael was taken away due to the murders he had committed\nYears later Michael and Y/N meet again.\n\n- The book is not done yet, I already have some finished chapters but I wanted to finish the whole book and try to make every chapter as good as possible before publishing it. Mainly also because I want to make sure the book has a good plot and doesn't confuse people with the time skips, things that happen etc. I try to publish a chapter every Monday but keep in mind, it may be published a little later sometimes.\n\nThank you for reading this!", "[Y/N] = Your name \nMention of abuse/alcohol. Trigger warning.\n\n\n\nYears she spent here, locked up in a house with someone who didn't even care one bit about her. He despised her and hated her in every way you could imagine. She knew he did, but she stayed because she had no place to go otherwise. She was trapped.\n\nSo she tried her best for him, she tried not to hate him despite the things he had done to her.. Despite the things that happened between them, the fights, the bruises she had gotten and the way he had ruined her whole childhood with his abuse. No matter how many arguments they had, she always tried to stay obedient, she adapted to his rules and she did whatever he wanted her to do. She kept on acting.. Just to make him love her the way she wanted her father to. Just to feel some of that fatherly love, even if it meant that she had to put up with his abuse daily.\n\nIt was the only thing she wanted. To be loved, to have a happy ending.\n\nOr wasn't it?\n\nWould there be a day she'd quit the act and snap?\n\n. . .\n\n<u><b>[31 October 2000. 7 years before Michael Myers escapes Smith's Groves sanitarium.] </b></u>\n\nYou walked down the stairs, holding 3 school books in your arms as the sound of your footsteps hitting the wood was heard. \"Morning, Dad.\" You said, entering the living room and placing the heavy books on the table. He stayed silent, holding a beer bottle while reading a newspaper at the end of the table. You rolled your eyes and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl. You took a bite as you stared out the window, the Halloween decorations of your neighbour instantly catching your attention. While you were staring at the little pumpkins and skeletons, you suddenly remembered that there was a Halloween party at your friend's house tonight. You took a quick glance at your father, hesitating if you should tell him about it again. You already told him a week ago, and he didn't seem to care that you were going... But that was when he was drunk. <i>'What if he had forgotten it by now?'</i>  Your inner voice spoke. You didn't want to get into trouble so you decided to ask again, just to be sure.\n\n<i>He wouldn't care, right? He never does.'</i>  He'll probably let you go like all the other times. A deep breath left your lips as you mustered up all your courage to ask him. You just hoped he hadn't changed his mind.\n\n\"Dad, uhm, you know I'm going to be home a bit later today, right? I'm going to that Halloween party I told you about.\" You said in a soft-spoken voice and took another bite out of your apple, still looking out the window, avoiding eye contact.\n\nYour father lowered his newspaper and looked at you, raising a brow. Your face was heating up, just because you could feel his eyes piercing into your soul right now. \"And who told you that?\" He asked. You turned your head to him with confusion. \"What do you mean?\" You asked, looking at him with a puzzled expression. \"Who told you that you could go huh? Are the chores going to do themselves? Is the food going to?\" He said with narrowed eyes.\n\n\"Dad, you told me I could go? You- You didn't tell me about me having to do chores or cook today? I-- Well, maybe I can figure something out so I'll be able to go, I won't be home too late either, I promise I'll finish all the chores then.\" You said, trying to look for solutions and hoping he would let you go tonight. \"No. You won't be going anywhere unless every chore in this house is done.\" He spoke, he was getting mad, you could hear it in his tone. \"Dad, come on. I can't do that right now I-I've got school in 20 minutes! After school, I can maybe order some food for you and after the party, I'll do everything!\" You said with slight frustration in your voice. You had already made plans with your friends the moment he told you you were allowed to go, how could he just suddenly change his mind? You had behaved yourself the whole week, did everything he asked you to and now you get this? You couldn't cancel your plans last minute.\n\n\"Do not raise your fucking voice at me!\" Your father said in an angered tone.\n\n\"But it's just--\"\n\n\"I said no! Fucking listen to me, you stupid child! Im the adult here!\" He yelled, suddenly standing up and slamming the beer bottle to the ground. You flinched. Your eyes widened as the broken pieces of glass flew everywhere. \"I tell you one simple goddamn thing and even that is hard for you to understand! How come that you are so fucking dumb!?\" He said angrily, stepping closer to you as he yelled right in your face. You became quiet, feeling that weird pricking feeling in your throat again while you stared at him with shock. You closed your moist eyes, took a deep breath and turned around to grab your books from the table in silence. You threw the apple in the trashcan while you walked to the hall and grabbed your coat and bag. Before heading out the door, you looked at your father with disgust. \"I sometimes wish you were different.\" You mumbled and slammed the door behind you.\n\nAs you walked out of the house you suddenly heard the door open behind you. \"You wish I was different!? I wish that you were different! Even better, couldn't you just drop dead the same way your mother did huh!?\" Your father screamed at the top of his lungs. You turned around the second he began to speak of your mother that way, and looked at him with furious eyes, hiding the fact that deep inside, he hurt you, he hurt you like he always did. You had the urge to scream back at him for saying something like that, how dare he talk about your mother like that?\nYou were deeply hurt by his words.. \n\nBut then, the longer you stared at him and listened to his insults, the more you started to feel something.. Unusual awakening in you. Something other than just anger or hurt. Rage\n\nRage started to form inside your body, asif the feeling was just starting to consume you all of a sudden like never before. You clenched your fists and without even noticing, your nails started to dig into your palms, almost making yourself bleed. The emotions were so intense that it was starting to overwhelm you. You suddenly got this wild urge to-- to hurt him. To run towards him and slam his head against the wall until his breathing stops. \n\n <i>'What am I thinking?--'</i>\n\nYour eyes widened at your own sick thoughts, but the urge to do it started to grow bigger, you wanted to do it, you wanted to run up to him and-- kill him. \n\nThat's when you snapped yourself out of your thoughts. Your eyes were filled with shock yet you quickly took a deep breath to hopefully calm yourself. You turned around as your father continued screaming at you, you ignored him, not letting yourself listen to the nonsense that was leaving his lips. The rage slowly disappeared when you looked around and saw people staring at you, your rage quickly turned into embarrassment as the only thing you were now feeling was humiliation. You could feel their eyes on you, the shocked looks on their faces... You started to awkwardly walk away from your house, hearing your father's voice fade away the further you walked. Luckily, there weren't many people who saw that, yet the feeling of embarrassment from that moment was still inside you<i>.</i> You rubbed your eyes and sighed disappointedly, trying to speed up your walking pace.\n\n. . .\n\n[ After school ]\n\n\"So, should we head to my house?\" Your friend, Sarah excitedly asked while walking next you. \"Oh, and I got the costume you wanted! The party begins at 5 pm so if we'll be quick enough we'll make it in time.\" She added as she continued blabbering happily.\n\nYou looked at her and shook your head. \"I don't think that that's a good idea. My father got pissed again and I don't want any other problems with him.\" You said, rolling your eyes at the thought of your father. \"Hopefully he will even forgive me for talking back at him.\" You scoffed with irritation in your voice. Your friend looked at you, surprised, yet she was showing a tint of sympathy for you in her expression. \"That's strange, since when does he want you to stay home? The man mostly wants you as far away from him as possible?\" Sarah said confusedly as she pressed her lips together. \"Exactly, I thought the same thing.\" You spoke, looking at her while shrugging. \"But that doesn't matter. I'm not going, I honestly dont wanna risk getting myself in trouble again.\" You explained, letting out a sigh.\n\nYour friend looked at you with pity while you looked away, tilting your head slightly down to the ground as you continued to walk in silence. \"Listen [Y/N] You can't just let him control your life like that while you do literally everything for him. The only thing he does is sit in his chair and drink the whole day while you do shit he's supposed to do! And besides that, you're already 18. Honestly, if you were my daughter I would've let you go! Like come on, you're supposed to have a bit of fun in these years of your life!\" Sarah spoke while moving her hands dramatically.\n\nYou looked at her and scoffed while smiling. \"Well, I wish he'd have your mindset.\" You said in a joking way as your friend stared back at you, letting out a chuckle while shaking her head. \"But I still don't know, he'll still be mad.\" You said, already getting annoyed by the thought of your father scolding you again. \"Come onnn, I'll make sure to back you up if he gets mad, blame it on me! Not like the old man is gonna do anything to me right?\" She said with a slight grin while you stared at her with a hesitating look on your face. \"Pleaaasee? I promise I'll back you up.\" She begged, looking at you with her ridiculously funny puppy eyes. After a moment of thinking you let out a deep sigh while rolling your eyes. \"Alright alright, you win.\" You said, laughing in defeat as a smile crept onto her lips. \n\n\"Yes! So? What are we waiting for? Let's go to my house!\" Sarah said happily while dragging you with her. You looked at her with a slight tint of hesitance in your eyes before shaking your head and following after her \"Hey hey slow down!\" You laughed.\n\n. . .\n\n[8 PM ]\n\nYou had decided to still go after your friend had begged you to, and you were glad you did, you had fun at the party. You and your friends danced, drank and talked, yet you still reminded yourself to make sure to get home early and well due to your father, he'd probably get upset anyways. Oh well, at least you had fun, right?\n\nYou finally sat down at a chair in the kitchen and rested after Sarah had dragged you onto the dancefloor and forced you to dance with her. You were on your phone now, distracting yourself a little. You were too focused on your phone so you didn't realise that a guy, wearing a Chucky mask and costume suddenly stood motionlessly in front of you. When you looked up from your phone again, a startled gasp left your lips as you accidentally let go of your phone but the man in front of you managed to catch it just in time. You looked up at him with surprise as he handed you your phone back. \"God- You scared me you prick!\" You said while slightly chuckling in an embarrassing way and grabbing your phone, giving him a small 'thank you' nod. The guy took off his mask and a familiar face smiled back at you. It was one of your old friends, Pete McCabe. \"Long time no see [Y/N]\" He said. A smile formed on your face as you instantly remembered him. \"I could say the same. How have you been?\" You asked him. \"Ah you know, chill as always.\" He winked as you laughed. \"So how'd you like my costume huh?\" He asked while he posed. \"You look horrible.\" You joked at him. \"Wow, okay rude. Thanks a lot,<i> friend</i>.\" He said back in a sarcastic and joking tone as you let out a chuckle. \"And, who are you dressed as?\" He asked.\n\n\"Padme Amidala\" ((The white attack of the clone's outfit, pretend the movie came out in 2000)) You said with a smile as Pete Looked at you up and down. \"You look very good, and besides, it's one of my favourite movies so I can tell you have good taste.\" Pete said, his eyes still on your costume, looking at you intensely asif he were a jury in a costume contest. \"Really huh?\" You laughed while he looked at you with a smile and nodded. \"Yes, I'm serious! Most of the people in here have such boring costumes. Like the classic devil or vampire outfit almost everyone wears, it's refreshing to see someone who has actual taste\" Your friend said while you laughed at him again and thanked him.\n\n\"By the way...\" Pete spoke as you stared at him, waiting for him to go on. \"Do you remember the scary guy from elementary?\" You raised an eyebrow at him while slightly tilting your head, not knowing who he is talking about. \"Yknow, Mikey, the guy who my mom forced me to hang out with that one time?\" He said. You suddenly realised who he was talking about as you heard those names. He's talking about Michael, Michael Myers. You both used to be in the same class as Michael, most people disliked him, but you didn't though, not at all. You never knew why they were so mean to him in the first place, you knew he wasn't the most normal kid out there but that didn't give them a reason to treat him so badly.\n\n\"Remember how he killed his sister?\" He asked as your smile faded a little. Yes, you did remember. You never expected him to actually kill someone, but you understood him in some way, his sister was the absolute worst. You remember how she tugged your hair in the hallway, each time you fell flat on your back while she and her friends laughed at you. His sister was not only a bully to people in your old school but she was also an absolute whore and a horrible sister.\n\n\"Yea, I do.\" You said, a little blankly. \"Today is the 10th anniversary of his killings. And he's been in that crazy mental facility for over 10 years now, can you believe that? 10 years!\" Your friend said, sounding like he was mocking his situation. \"Mhm.\" You said while looking back at your phone, uninterested in wanting to continue the conversation you had about Michael. Pete instantly noticed the change in your behaviour as he snorted and you raised a brow at him. \"Oh come on [Y/N], don't tell me you still have a crush on that guy.\" He laughed as your eyes widened out of embarrassment. \"What? No- What do you mean a crush? I never even had a crush on him!\" You said quickly while looking at him. \"Yea yea [Y/N], no need to get so defensive! I believe you, don't worry.\" He winked jokingly.\n\n\"You're going nuts, Pete.\" You said while rolling your eyes and laughing at him. But he was right. You did indeed have the biggest crush on the guy. You wondered what he looked like now, and what he was like. Did he go full-on psycho? Or is he still the cute introverted boy you knew?\n\nSuddenly you heard someone scream, snapping you out of your thoughts. \"Huh, what's happening there?\" You said as you turned your head to where the sound came from, the living room. \"I dunno, come on, let's check it out.\" Your friend said. You quickly hopped off the chair and went to the living room filled with people while Pete followed you. As you entered the room you saw a crowd standing around two men fighting. When you took a closer look... You gasped in horror.\n\n\"Dad! Get off of him!\" You screamed as you pushed everyone aside to run to your father. You crouched down beside him and tried to get him off of the boy he was beating. \"What are you doing!? Dad get off!\" You screamed in panic, trying your best to pull your father off even if he showed no sign of letting you. You wanted to yell at him again but before you could, he hit you right in the face. A soft grunt left your lips as you fell back, into someone. You held your hand over your nose while you felt thick blood running over your mouth. \"Fucking hell, dad!\" You screamed madly as you wiped the blood away, smudging the blood over your lips and jaw, but you couldn't care less now, you had to get your father off of that poor guy on the ground. You quickly stood up, grabbing your father roughly while Sarah and another person came to help you get your dad off. As he finally got off, you snapped back to reality when you looked around and realised everyone was standing around you with their phones out. <i>'Shit.' </i>The boy on the ground was bleeding. \"I-I'm so sorry.\" You said with guilt, embarrassment and shock before turning to your dad.\n\n\"Dad come on let's go home.\" You mumbled as you put his arm around your shoulder. He instantly fought back to get out of your grip but you weren't letting him go, he wasn't going to embarrass you again. \"Now.\" You said demandingly and dragged him out of your friend's house.\nYou felt everyone's eyes on you as you left. it was humiliating. Your own father... Embarrassing you in front of basically half of the school... You wanted to run away and wait for this to be over. But you couldn't, you had to bring your drunk father home.\n\nAs you were walking over a bridge, using it as a shortcut, your father went crazy. He pushed you away and stared at you with madness written all over his face. \"You fucking brat! You didn't listen to me! How fucking dare you!?\" He screamed while waving his arms around like a crazy person. You could tell he was incredibly drunk by the way his words were slurred and how his body was swaying as he walked. \"Dad stop screaming! you're drunk and it's dark and cold out here, we need to get home now!\" You said as you tried to pull him with you.\n\n\"No! I'm the goddamn adult here! You should fucking listen to me! You piece of filthy shit!\" He yelled as he pulled away, almost stumbling over his own feet. \"Dad for god's sake please-\" You said but he interrupted you once again, \"Couldn't you just die instead of your mother!? Then I wouldn't have to put up with this stupid dumb thing that came out of her! God, you're even dumber than her!\" He screamed as he pushed you, causing you to stumble back. You heard him mumble something under his breath, using the name Layla... But before you could even question him about it, he pushed you back once again as you only came closer and closer to the edge of the bridge. \"Dad look out, we're on a bridge you got to be fucking careful!\" You screamed as he continued pushing you and you tried to keep your balance. \"What the fuck did you just say!?\" He screamed.\n\n<b>\"What did you say!?\"</b> *He screamed at the top of his lunges before charging at you.*\n\nSuddenly, he pushed you so hard that you fell backwards. It happened too fast for you before you could even process it. All of a sudden, you lost balance and fell over the bridge's small railings.\n\nYour life flashed before your eyes as the last thing you saw was your dad, pushing you off a bridge. And when you hit the ground, everything went black.\n\n\n\n\n<b>______________________________</b>\n\n<u>Authors note.</u>\n\nHello everyone. Hoping all of you enjoyed the first chapter! There is a lot more to come and I'm trying my best to start uploading the chapters that r already done but due to school and this book being quite long, having lots of chapters and me also having to add things that add up to the future chapters it may take a little longer. But I will be continuing to write the chapters on my free days and try not to let yall wait too long. \n\nSo thank all of you for reading and keep an eye out for the other chapters that will be coming soon.", "[31 October 2000. 11.40 PM]\n\nYour eyes slowly opened and the first thing you saw was a dark sky, a sky full of stars.\nIt was still dark, which meant that you weren't down for too long... You hoped. You moved your head with a soft moan as you started to feel the grass, leaves and dirt under your body. \"F-Fucking hell\" You mumbled as you tried to sit up but you couldn't move an inch. Your body felt weak and your head was spinning. \n\n<i>'What happened-- Why am I feeling like this?'</i>\n\nYour mind was in a haze. You looked around with slight confusion, squinting your eyes.. It was dark, you could barely see a thing. But then you looked up, noticing a bridge in front of you, and the second you did, the memories instantly came flooding into your mind. You were pushed off, he pushed you off of the bridge. He hurt you. <b>He</b> tried to <b>KILL</b> you. Your own father.\n\nAs you tried to move, a pained groan left your mouth.\n\nHe didn't want you, he never did and tonight was the night you finally realised it. You tried so hard to be a good daughter for him, despite him being one of the worst people you knew. In every argument, fight or disagreement, you always tried to remain calm, not to anger him and even apologise to that selfish human.\n\nYes, you broke one of his rules today. But you had never done that before and you never expected him to do what he did today. You can already imagine the stares you'll get in the school hallway. And it's his fault, the one person you tried so hard to please, to love. You had enough.\n\nYou carefully stood up but soon fell down again, feeling a terrible sting of pain in your leg as a soft yelp left your lips. Your attention went to your hurting leg, quickly looking at it and noticing some blood stains on the white pants you were wearing. You slowly turned your leg around to examine it and you gasped in horror as you saw a stick pointing out of your leg. That's the reason it hurt, you probably landed so hard that a stick managed to stab through your skin. You stared at the bloody mess with widened eyes, thinking of what to do now. <i>'Pull it out?' </i> That was the first thing you thought. <i>'No, no it'll hurt too much...'</i>\n\nYou just had to get home, then you'll look for what you can do with it. You took a deep shakey breath and forced yourself to stand up. You wobbled forward, dragging your leg in pain as you whimpered softly. All of a sudden, you felt a painful sting in your leg again, you tried to ignore it despite it hurting like hell. But as you took another step, your leg gave up and you fell down, letting out a gasp as you harshly hit the ground again.\n\n\nAfter laying completely still on the ground for a minute, you turned over in pain, rolling on your back. You looked up at the sky with teary eyes, heavy breath escaping your lips while you wiped the dirt and leafs off of your face. Your body was weak after the fall, but still, you HAD to go home. There was no way you could just lay here until someone found you, which would likely never happen anyway.\n\nYou put both your hands beside you on the ground for support and sat up with a grunt. You held your leg still as you wrapped your other hand around the stick that was stabbed through your flesh. And with a clenched jaw, you began to pull. You let out a pained scream, you could feel the stick move inside your leg. After a minute of trying to pull the stick out of you, you unwrapped your hand and closed your eyes, letting yourself fall back against the ground in exhaustion. It wouldn't get out, it indeed hurt too much.\n\nAfter laying on the ground for another minute, catching your breath and trying to calm yourself from hyperventilating, you decided you'd try to go home, even though you still had the stick stabbed through your leg. You had to, you had no other choice.\n\n<i>'Cmon [Y/N] get a grip on yourself'</i>\n\nYou slowly stood up, hands beside you on the ground for support again as you pushed yourself up. You clenched your teeth as you stood. You took a slow step, trying to put not too much pressure on your leg and started limping your way home, nearly falling at some points.\n\n. . .\n\nAs soon as you arrived back home you wanted to bang on the door in anger, but to your surprise, it was already open. You growled to yourself, already starting to feel yourself getting mad again. You stepped inside, slamming the door behind you and limping through the hallway, your palms pressed against the wall for support. You looked around as you entered the living room and saw your father sleeping in his chair with another beer bottle in his hand. Looking at him made the same rage you felt in the morning fill your mind again.\n\n<i>'How dare he be sleeping here, so peacefully while he almost killed his fucking daughter!?'</i>\n\nYou suddenly heard something in your pocket, distracting you. You reached inside it and found your now cracked phone. You looked at it and saw dozen of texts from people, talking about you and your father, pictures of you and your father were all you saw. You looked at the phone in horror, everyone was making fun of you now, just as you had imagined. Everyone thought you were the weird kid whose father crashed a Halloween party now. You couldn't believe it. You were so angry, hurt, and confused by the situation you were in. You slammed the phone on the ground and ran to the kitchen. You couldn't do this anymore.\n\nYou turned on the faucet and ran your dirty hands through the warm water. You took a deep breath and brought your wet hands to your face, wiping your face and getting off the dirt and blood, but also hoping the warmth would calm you. But it didn't, your hands kept trembling and you could feel the tears prick in your eyes.\n\nThe tears weren't just tears of sadness, but embarrassment, and anger. Deep down you just felt so sad that again, your father did something like this. He hurt you again even though you did nothing to him. You loved him and hated to see him like this. But at the same moment, the anger and embarrassment you felt towards him overpowered your sadness and the need of wanting to try everything to be loved by him. you felt ashamed of him and angered, angered that he was the one that had to ruin a great night again. And not only that, he had almost killed you, what if you landed wrong and broke your neck? Not like he would give a shit anyways, since he was just peacefully sleeping like always.\n\nYou turned off the faucet and grabbed a towel. As you dried your face and hands, still deep in your thoughts, something suddenly caught your eye. A half-opened shelf. As you slowly put the towel on the counter, you peeked inside and saw something shiny inside it.\n\nYou opened the shelf.<i> 'knives.'</i>  You flipped through the knives as one of them caught your attention and a million thoughts raced through your mind. The thoughts and memories of him hurting you again, hitting you, and telling you how you're worth nothing were swarming through your mind. The way he had hurt your mother, how you had to see her pretend she was okay even though you knew she wasn't, all those thoughts suddenly hit you again. \n\nYou turned around with the knife in your hand. The rage you felt towards your father was becoming bigger the longer you looked at him. Your legs started to move on their own, slowly walking towards your father as the voices and thoughts in your mind became louder and louder.\n\nYou stared at your father's sleeping form, your eyes went from the smashed beer bottle on the ground to the one in his hands. As you stared at it, you remembered how he threw the beer bottle on the ground today, in the morning, and then proceeded to follow you outside and tell you how bad of a child you were, embarrassing you once again. Hurting you again.\n\n<i><b>'Kill him.'</b></i>\n\nYou held the knife up in the air, your eyes focused on the man in front of you.\nBefore you could think, or realise what you were about to do, the hate and rage you felt towards him had already consumed your mind. You pushed the blade down with force, hitting him right in his shoulder. His eyes shot open and he stared at you in shock, beginning to scream loudly. Your eyes widened and in shock. You stabbed him again as his pained cries were heard throughout the whole house. You pulled the knife out and then stabbed him again and again...\n\nBut suddenly you froze, your hands still tightly wrapped around the knife's handle. Your lip trembled as your fearful eyes went from your father to the bloodied knife in your shaking hands, realising what you just did. He was covered with blood, and so were your hands, you had HIS blood on your hands. The knife fell to the ground and you put your hands on your mouth in shock. \"Oh my god.\" You breathed out as tears of shock filled your eyes. \"What have I done.\" You gasped while stumbling back, towards the wall. \"What have I done!?\" You cried out as you bumped into the wall and let yourself slide down. Your leg was still bleeding, your body was still weak and you could still feel the disgusting leaves and dirt on your body. And yet, you still couldn't believe this was real. \n\n<i>'Is this a dream? Am I dreaming?'</i>\n\nYou wished you were. You just killed someone... You killed your own father. You let out a sob and put your hands on your head, your cries and breathing becoming louder and heavier as you went into a state of panic and shock, until you suddenly heard loud sirens from outside, your mind filled with confusion. <i>'Who informed the police? How are they here this fast!?'  </i>\n\n<i>'Fuck, I'm going to jail.'</i>  You thought as you covered your mouth and muffled your cries. \n\nAs you started to hear people from outside your house you looked at the knife and voices filled your mind again. You crawled over to it and grabbed the knife, holding it tightly in your grasp. You looked at it in your shaking, bloodied hands, your mind was telling you all sorts of things now, you had to focus. \"I-I can't go to jail.\" You whispered to yourself while you could hear someone banging on your door.<i> 'He tried to kill me.'</i>  Again loud banging was heard.<i> 'He deserved it.'</i>\n\nSuddenly the door swung open.\n\nYou gasped as you saw 3 officers run into the room. You stood up, holding onto the wall for support and the knife to defend yourself as they came closer. \"Ma'am put the knife down now!\" The officer called out. Tears were running down your cheeks as the realisation hit again, making it feel like the world suddenly froze while the voices in your mind continued to speak to you. \"I didn't mean to!\" You cried out, shaking. \"I-It was an accident! I-I didn't mean to actually kill him!\" You said with a despairing tone, lowering the knife while the officer slowly came closer. \"It's okay ma'am calm dow--\" The officer spoke until you gritted your teeth and suddenly swung the knife, stabbing the man in his chest. a loud gasp was heard from the man as you pulled the knife out of him and looked at the man with widened, teary eyes as you got a strange rush of adrenaline.\n\nIt felt good.\n\nThe man fell down and you ran upstairs, the adrenaline causing you to completely forget about the pain in your leg. \"Call back up, call back up!\" One of the other officers yelled while they both ran after you, holding out their guns. Your heart was beating faster than it ever did as you entered your room and hid inside your closet. \n\nThe two officers rushed into the room and began searching for you. \n\nOne of the men slowly walked towards the bed while the other walked to the closet, both holding their guns tightly. You quickly thought about what to do now... It was dark, would they see you if you slipped past them? What if you stayed hidden in a corner?\nSuddenly, you realised the knife was still in your hand. You froze.", "You took a deep breath, a breath you were holding for quite some time.\n\nAs soon as you saw the light from the officer's flashlight shine inside through the gaps, you held your knife up, ready to strike. Right as the door opened, you jumped at him, grabbing him and stabbing him right in his neck. The other officer at the bed turned around in shock and ran over to you with his gun in his hand and a panicked look on his face. Your head slowly turned towards the other officer as the dead officer's body fell against you. \"Ma'am put down the knife now! This is your last warning or I will have to shoot!\" The officer said, startled by you.\n\nYou pulled the knife out of the officer's neck, letting him fall onto the ground and ran towards the other one, holding the knife up as you were ready to end the man.\n\nSuddenly your body froze and a stinging pain was all you felt. The officer had tasered you.\n\nYou fell down to the ground and let go of the knife as your body trembled. You weakly looked up at the man now standing in front of you, as you tried to grab him. But then, you blacked out.\n\n. . .\n\n. . .\n\nYou were brought to the police station, they got you clean clothes, cleaned your wounds and leg that was still covered in blood throughout the event, spoke to you and checked your history... You've never done anything like this before. You had never done any harm to a living creature. They went through your phone and called some of your friends for questioning.\n\nYour friends were shocked. \n\nEven Sarah, your best friend couldn't look at you anymore. \n\nIt hurt. It hurt a lot to see how your best friend had acted towards you, how you had been called a murderer. You didn't think about what you were doing at that moment, your rage and anger had taken over your mind. You almost killed 2 police officers. They managed to go to the hospital and get help. But still, you almost killed them, you stabbed them and had their blood on your hands. You didn't even bother thinking about your father, you doubted he was still alive anyways. And yet, after everything you'd done, you didn't feel a thing about it, not even a little bit of guilt. You were shocked and cried while it happened, but later after everything was over, you felt nothing.\n\nYour father deserved it. He deserved it because he was the reason for your sadness, your rage. He was the one that made your life such a living hell, that made your <i>mother's life</i> a living hell, and he was the one to blame for her death.\n\n<i>Oh, poor mother.</i>\n\nYou can't remember much about her, you were young. But even as a young child, you knew she deserved better. Your mother was kind, gentle, and always smiling, even when your father acted like an asshole, even when he had hurt her once again. Your 8-year-old self never knew why she did that, why she always tried to smile around others while she knew that she was far from being okay. But now, years later, you understand. You understand why she did it. It was for you because all she wanted was for you to be okay, no matter how much pain she was in, you were always her top priority. She was truly an angel. \n\nAll these years he had abused both you and your mother and nobody, literally nobody, had ever helped you. They didn't even seem to care. But when you finally did something, when you finally put an end to all the pain he gave you, you were the bad guy.\n\nThey told you you needed help. Mental help.\n\n<i>Yea, probably.</i>\n\n. . .\n\nSo you were sent to Smith's grove sanitarium. A mental hospital. The first day there was hell, you were thrown into a room with only a bed, desk, small closet and a toilet and sink in another small room. You sat in your bed the whole time as you were slowly losing all your sanity day by day. You couldn't take it, sitting in a room, doing nothing but staring at a white ceiling. It sometimes reminded you of your childhood. When you got punished by your father again or when your parents were fighting, you sat on your bed, staring at the white ceiling while doing nothing but drowning in your thoughts.\n\nBut in the meantime, your leg healed slowly. One of your nerves had been damaged so you couldn't properly walk for a while.\n\nYou decided to ask for some paper, to hopefully cure your boredom and to help you not think about the things that had happened. You spent most of your time making all sorts of paper flowers. You put them on your desk, closet etc... It was a small comfort for you, you adored flowers.\n\nYou occasionally had to talk to the doctors there. You mainly spoke with a man named Dr Samuel Loomis, a doctor who had claimed to be working there for quite a while now. He told you he'd help you heal and find peace.<i> Yea right. </i>Yet each time the same question was asked.\n\n\"Why did you do it?\" \n\n<i>I did it out of anger. Out of all the anger and sadness that I had bottled up inside of me. It became too much, too much to handle</i>. You knew it wouldn't get better anyways, you'd go to school, get picked on for the rest of your life, get laughed at by having such an ass of a dad and then go home and get hurt and yelled at by your dad, the man who caused it all.\n\nYou knew why you did it. You just never bothered to tell them anymore because all you would get was \"You could've fixed it, could've gotten help, for the both of you.\" But you knew the so-called help they were talking about would do nothing but make it worse than it already was. \n\n.\n\n.\n\nYou stayed in your bed. Thinking about what you did on Halloween. At the beginning of your stay there, you sometimes started to feel guilty, thinking about how you could've actually helped him... But no, he didn't deserve that, Loomis made you feel like he did but you knew the truth about your father. He didn't love you, he didn't care if he did or didn't ruin your life. As long as he could peacefully watch tv and drink all day while everything was done for him. He didn't even care about your mother.\n\nThere was nothing to feel guilty about.\n\nAll the overthinking broke your mind more and more till you just accepted the fact that you were indeed... Crazy.\n\n\n\n__________________________\n\nAuthors note:\n\nVery sorry for the slow updates, I'll try my best to upload one chapter a week from now on :)\n\nI was very busy writing the other chapters which are now almost done and honestly, yall r absolutely gonna love them(Talking abt the future chapters). Keep in mind, in this story there will be a lot of mentions of traumas the reader gets or has. It also has lots of family abuse and will contain some sexual themes in the future, so just a little warning.", "[January 2001. 3 months later]\n\nYou woke up, your eyes opened and to your surprise, there were no guards standing in your doorway to give you your breakfast<i>, </i><i>had</i><i> I woken up early?</i> You thought as you brought a hand up to your face to rub your eyes in tiredness.\n\n\n\n\nYou had to eat breakfast in your room or when the cafeteria was empty. Due to the things that happened a few months ago, they were still being careful of bringing you into the presence of others. You had been isolated for 3 months to calm your <i>bloodlust </i>down, or so they called it. They were only allowing you to eat in an empty cafeteria or talk with your psychiatrist, doctor Loomis, while 4 guards were with you to hold you down if you'd snap and get another murderous rage outburst again.\n\nYou soon knew why they were so strict and careful with people like you, murderers. Besides, you weren't the only \"dangerous threat\" in here... Loomis had told you about another man who was also stuck in here. You knew who he was as soon as you heard his name leave the doctor's mouth, it was an old school friend of yours. Loomis knew. You wondered how the doctor knew about you being friends with him, but he didn't tell you much about how he came on that information. You assumed one of your friends told the police while they were being questioned, they must've written it in your files afterwards.\n\nBut you were curious, curious about your old friend. Would he remember you? It had been a long time since the last you've seen him. You secretly hoped he would remember you, because you certainly did remember him.\n\nYou remembered the way you stared at the boy before the both of you ever really got to know each other. You had such a big crush on the guy and he didn't even know it. You never planned on telling it to him though, and neither do you now. The small childhood crush you had on the boy was by now probably gone anyways. \n\n. . .\n\nYou stood up and brushed your teeth in the small space a toilet and sink were placed. Above the sink was a small mirror, it wasn't made of glass, it was plastic, probably cause they were scared you'd break the mirror and kill someone with the broken pieces of it. You considered it at first, the first week you were in the sanitarium. \nSitting in your room with nothing to do and nobody to talk to other than stare at a ceiling had made you think about ways you could try to escape. Before you knew the mirror wasn't glass you wanted to break the mirror and kill the guards with the broken pieces the second they came to your room, or to try to get out of the guards' grips whenever they were bringing you to your psychiatrist again and escape, or try your best to just break the window. Those were some of the many things you had thought about, but you could keep on dreaming because you knew escaping this place... wouldn't be as easy as how you made it up in your mind. Besides that, you still had to be slightly more careful with your leg, it wasn't injured anymore and it luckily only left a scar but yet it had damaged one of your nerves.. \n\nAfter you were done in the bathroom you walked to your bed and laid down again. You closed your eyes with a deep breath. Suddenly the sound of people coming into your room was heard. Your eyes shot open and looked at the door to be greeted by two guards. You hadn't seen them before.\n\n\"Come on, time for breakfast.\" One of the guards said, it was a young man with dirty blond hair and a tired look on his face. You closed your eyes and sighed before standing up and walking over to them. The other older man cuffed your hands and brought you into the hallway. As you walked by rooms filled with patients one of the men started to speak.\n\n\"Listen here kid, this will be your first time eating in the cafeteria with other patients. I want you to behave heh? If not, there'll be consequences, understood?\" The older man said in a demanding and stern voice. You rolled your eyes. \"Did you understand [L/N]?\" He repeated. \"Yea, I did.\" You said while scoffing quietly.\n\nYou were pushed into a cafeteria. \"Get ur lunch and sit. Don't fuck around unless you wanna end up fully chained like most of the people in here.\" The younger guard said, you ignored him and looked around to see a bunch of other patients around the room. Your eyes suddenly fell on someone sitting in the corner. \n\nIt was a young man, strokes of his hair and a mask covering his face. He was sitting at one of the tables, alone and heavily cuffed with chains hanging from his hands. It made him look as if he was some wild dangerous animal that could rip you apart if he wasn't cuffed like this. You didn't like the sight of it, it made you feel like the people in here were more treated like animals rather than humans. His head was tilted down, looking at the table with empty eyes. As you quietly watched him, you suddenly realised who he was and you felt your heart start to beat faster.\n\nWas it him? Your old friend? It had to be.\n\nMichael Myers.\n\nYou stood still for a second, looking at the man and seeing how huge he had become, Loomis had told you more about him after you showed interest. Loomis didn't tell you all too much, but you did notice that Michael wasn't quite the man's favourite patient... He kept telling you all sorts of nonsense, that he was pure evil and that darkness hid behind his eyes. You knew why he was in here, and you knew what he had become. Yet, you wanted to talk to him, something you wouldn't have ever dared to do back in the day.\n\nYou didn't bother getting lunch and slowly walked over to his table, you sat down in front of him while your eyes scanned him. He kept his head the same way it was just a moment before, looking down at the table, completely ignoring your presence. Your mouth opened to speak but before you could you heard a guard yell at you. \"[L/N] Get away from him! Unless you want your ass bea-\" The guard spoke but before he could finish his sentence you looked at him with irritation in your eyes. \"Shut up\" You said with a slightly annoyed tone before rolling your eyes and turning your head to the man sitting in front of you. The guards wouldn't stop you from interacting with him.\n\n\"Long time no see.\" You said as you stared at him, looking at his mask and his dark, emotionless eyes hidden beneath it, still focused on the table.\n\nYou went quiet for a moment. Thinking about what to say. Did he remember you? You doubted that, you didn't talk that much to him when you were younger. Mostly because you used to always get a strange feeling in your stomach whenever you looked at him or tried to speak to him, it made you nervous and slightly jumpy around him. It wasn't because you were afraid of him, unlike the other people in your class. You were probably just not the social type... Or was it because of the small butterflies you felt in your stomach each time you saw him? <i>hmmm... Not like you'd ever admit that.</i>\n\nSuddenly as you looked at him you started to remember the time you stood up for him. You remembered how you both became friends after that, you both tried to talk more, become better friends. But before you knew it, he was taken away due to the murders he had committed. You felt bad for him... Would he remember you if you told him about it?\n\n\"I always felt bad for you.\" You spoke suddenly. He still stared down at the table. You could hardly tell if he was or wasn't listening to you. \"You know, I used to go to your school too.\" You told him. \"Even better, I was in the same class as you were. I sat two tables behind you, remember? We were friends.\" You said and paused. You took your eyes off Michael and looked around the cafeteria before speaking again. \n\n\"I understood your struggles. I noticed it even if you didn't say a word to me about it. \" You said, looking away. \"I heard the things people said about you, I felt bad for you. You weren't even as bad or weird as the people had described you to be, you were quite sweet to me.\" You said as your voice slightly softened. When you looked back at Michael again, he was looking at you, to your surprise. \n\nAs you stared into his eyes you couldn't help the slight smile that crept on your lips. \"My father was just like your stepfather. He didn't do shit, drank, hurt me...\" You paused, put your elbow on the table, and leaned your head in the palm of your hand before looking at him again. \"He almost killed me.\" A soft chuckle escaped your lips, covering up the little hurt you felt. \"He is the reason I'm in here, the reason I basically lost half of my sanity. He ruined me.\" You said as Michael was still staring at you. \"But I ruined him too.\" You spoke before looking around and resting your arms on the table, leaning closer to him. \"I killed him, just like you did.\" You whispered while your voice slightly cracked. \"I regretted it so much on that day, but now when I look back at it, it's the best thing I ever did, honestly.\" You said. \"There had to be someone to put an end to his abuse.\" You mumbled as Michael stared at you intensely. He didn't speak to you, but his eyes told you enough. You weren't sure if he remembered you, but your story interested him. \n\nSuddenly a guard slammed his hand on the table and looked at you. \"Enough chit-chatting. It's time to go back to your rooms.\" The guard said with a stern and demanding voice. Your eyes moved to the guard and you stared at him, slightly annoyed.\n\nYou leaned back and looked at Michael before standing up and turning to the guard. \n\n\"It was nice seeing you again, I'll see you around.\" You said, giving him a slight smile as the guard handcuffed you and pulled you towards the door, feeling Michael's eyes piercing through you while you walked away. \n\n.\n\n.\n\n.\n\nBut what you didn't know... Is that Michael knew you too. He still remembered the day you stood up for him, how sweet you were. And he knew you looked familiar when you entered this place. When the guard called your name, he knew he was right all along.\n\nMichael always wanted to know why you stared at him when he was younger, yet he never asked. Were you afraid of him? Did you find him weird? Were you in love with him perhaps? He doubted the last one but he always knew you kept an eye on him, but so did he. He had planned on trying to talk to you every time, but whenever he saw you he thought it was better not to. He'd be afraid to scare you the same way he did to his other classmates, he was afraid you would find him a freak, just like the others. Although, he was happy to talk to you whenever you dared to have a conversation with him. And to his luck, you were mostly the one to start a conversation anyways. By the time you actually became friends, he had found a sort of comfort in you, knowing that there was at least one person who saw him as a human instead of a freak. \n\nHe found you an interesting girl. <i>Why would she want to hang out with someone like me? What does she even think of me?</i> He used to ask himself.\n\nToday he got his answer.\n\nBut now, years later, he couldn't help but feel slightly glad at the fact that you still treated him normally even after he had become the<i> monster </i>he was referred to nowadays. ", "After that day, the day you spoke to Michael for the first time in years, you sat with him and tried to talk to him more often. It was quite awkward at first since Michael didn't actually talk to or had anyone interested in him for years. Well, he did, but he just didn't want to talk to any of them.\n\nHe went mute, causing it to be harder to communicate with him, yet you tried your best to. After some months Michael started to get more comfortable with you, just like when you were younger. It made you happy to see that whenever you asked him or told him something he nodded or at least tried to show that he was listening to you. \n\nIt surprised you at first, you knew Michael wasn't like this to anyone and so had Loomis told you, Michael mostly didn't even answer or took any interest in him, even to one of the guards who was overly nice to Michael. You knew Michael was a cold-hearted killer who would probably want to kill anyone who even dares to come too close or annoy him in any way, yet he kept himself calm. Even when other patients tried to talk to him, he'd simply ignore them, having absolutely no interest in forming a friendship with any of them. You didn't blame him though, if you were stuck here for more than 10 years you'd do the same, he had probably gotten tired of this place a long time ago. But why wasn't he like that to you? Why was he only communicating with you while there are people who had been desperate to get even one small reaction out of him? you asked yourself. Was it because he knew you when you were younger? Because you were nice to him? Or were you just lucky? \n\nYou wondered what<i> he </i>thought about you.\n\n. . .\n\nBut besides your relationship with Michael, you started getting used to staying in Smith's Grove. It had already been a long time since you'd set foot out of this place, you sometimes wondered what happened to your friends, did they miss you? You also wondered how people thought of you now. Did everyone know about your murderers? Do they see you as the girl who tried to murder her father and two police officers now? You were curious, yet you couldn't find out. Not until you were out of this place at least.\n\nYou continued to mostly sit in your room and think or make things and of course, talk to your psychiatrist a few times a week. The sessions with Doctor Loomis were okay in the beginning. But ever since he had begun to talk about Michael and the way he did... Made you think differently of the man. Why was he like that to Michael? What had Michael ever done to him? You mostly asked yourself. And ever since the man started to notice your interactions with Michael and caught on how Michael was responding to you, he urged you to push Michael to use actual words, to start talking. You didn't want to. You knew Michael didn't like to talk and you thought that was fine, you didn't want to step over any of his boundaries and neither should the doctor.\n\nYou started to feel like your sessions with Doctor Loomis were becoming more of a chore rather than something that actually helped you and the 'mental state' you were in. The man kept asking about Michael and whenever he wasn't, he was just asking the same boring questions over and over again till the point you started to lie to the man to make him shut up. But you couldn't do much about it, how boring it was to talk to the doctor and how boring it was to stay in your room the whole day, you just had to deal with it.\n\nAt least you could see Michael from time to time. He was truly the only one who made your stay here a little better than it was before.\n\n. . .\n\n<b><u>[August 2003, 3 years later ]</u></b>\n\nYou were led outside by 2 guards, feeling the warm sun hit your face. You weren't allowed to fully go outside, this open place surrounded by big fences was all you could get. You didn't have that much freedom though, you still had to walk around, fully chained because the people there didn't wish for trouble among the patients or wanted any of them to escape, although it wasn't what you wished for, you had to deal with it. Breaking out of your thoughts, you looked around for Michael and finally found him sitting on a table in the shadows.\n\n\"Ismael, could I sit with Michael?\" You asked the guard innocently. Ismael hesitated for a second but sighed as you looked at him, giving him a stare that made him not want to say no to you. After a minute of you staring at him, the man sighed with a chuckle. \"Alright kid, don't do anything stupid, I trust you with this one.\" He said as you nodded and both slowly walked your way over to Michael. As you stood in front of him he tilted his head to look up at you as you greeted him, his face covered by another one of his handmade masks. The older guard sat you down in front of him, cuffing one of your hands to a chain connected to the table and walked away to a corner where the other guards were standing. You turned your head to Michael as the guard left, \"I like the new mask\" You said as he looked at you and gave a small 'thank you' nod. You smiled at him. \"It's really impressive, I could never make something such as that.\" You complimented. He slightly tilted his head, he knew you made all sorts of things in your boredom too, he knew you could easily make that.\n\nYou let out a soft chuckle \"I'm serious, I could never, It looks too hard.\" You said.\n\n\"Oh right, before I forget, I got you something.\" You said as you looked around and sneakily moved your hand under your shirt, pulling it up just a little as you could feel Michael's eyes staring at you intensely. The fact that he was staring at you like that made you almost chuckle a little. You then pulled out a notebook and pen while Michael watched you silently. You were lucky that you weren't that heavily chained up, unlike Michael. \"Look, this way you'll be able to talk back if you'd want too.\" You said as he looked at the small notebook and pen you put on the table in front of the both of you. \"Stole it from Loomis, it was brand-new too.\" You said with a small smile as Michael looked at the notebook.\n\nHe took the notebook and pen with his cuffed hands and looked at you, waiting for you to say something. You looked at him and the pen in his hands, realising how tiny it was compared to his hands. After a second you got out of your daydream and started wondering what to ask him. \"Hmm, we were talking about your masks, tell me something about it, which one is your favourite?\" You asked him curiously. Michael looked at the notebook and began to write. The chains around his wrists made some noise as he did. When he was done he showed you the notebook and you took a look at it.\n\n<i><b>Which one is yours?</b></i>\n\nHe had scribbled on the paper, his handwriting was better than you had expected, it wasn't that messy, it just seemed like he was pressing a little too hard on the pen. You looked at him again. \"My favourite mask of yours?\" You asked as he nodded. \"Hmmm... I like the orange one, you know the one that looks like a pumpkin.\" You said with a small smile. He nodded, agreeing with you.\n\nSuddenly, he began writing again and showed you.\n\n<i><b>Have you spoken to Loomis?</b></i>\n\nHe wrote down, changing the subject. You looked at him and nodded, \"Yea, I did yesterday. He didn't say anything special, you know just the same crap he always asks me.\" You said, giving him a reassuring look. You wanted to say something but hesitated for a moment, causing Michael to tilt his head, he instantly noticed that there was something you weren't telling him.\n\n<b><i>Tell me, [Y/N].</i></b>\n\nHe wrote on the paper and looked at you, waiting for you to speak as his blue eyes pierced into you. You looked around, looking for any guards before turning your attention to Michael again. \"He talked about you. He said he wondered how we'd become so 'close' He thought you'd ignore me or try to get rid of me the second I tried to talk to you.\" You spoke in a slightly unsure tone, you hoped you wouldn't upset Michael by telling him this. \"He said he was surprised you hadn't hurt me yet, he thought you would due to me having quite a big part in your past. It's- It's stupid honestly, I think he was just trying to scare me away from you.\" You added, pressing your lips together as you looked at him.. Then you suddenly saw irritation forming in Michael's eyes. Did you make him mad? You looked at him and tilted your head slightly, coping his movement in confusion and surprise. \n\nThe slight anger you saw in his eyes disappeared and he shook his head, silently telling you that there was nothing to worry about. You stared at him, and seeing his eyes change made a small smile creep up on your lips again. \"Alright then.\" You said while continuing to talk to him.\n\n. . .\n\nAfter 2 and a half years of actually being friends with you, the killer had again found some comfort in you. He knew you since you were both young and he had always felt different about you than he did about most people, you didn't talk much to each other back then but when you did, you were the sweetest person ever. You didn't make him feel like a weird freak like his other classmates did.\n\nEver since he became good friends with you in the sanitarium he got a small soft spot for you because even now, when he became the most feared person in Haddonfield, you still acted as sweet as you did before. Somewhere in his cold heart, he was happy that you did.\n\nAlthough, hearing Loomis talk like that about him behind his back annoyed him. He didn't want Loomis to scare you like he scares and warns most of the people in the sanitarium because all Loomis thought about him was that he was pure evil. \n\nAnd even though that might've been true, Michael cared about you, he didn't care about anyone and because of that he didn't want Loomis to scare you away from him. The only people he truly ever cared about were his mother, his baby sister Angel and now you. But every time you were together, Michael started to get this weird feeling around you. And from time to time, the feeling got bigger, something felt different with you than what he felt with his mother and his younger sister. It was the first time he felt like that... But he couldn't explain the feeling. \n\nHe didn't think much about that strange feeling he felt whenever he was with you, he thought it was just a natural reaction he had after finally and actually communicating with someone after years. He didn't care about what Doctor Loomis said about him and you. The only thing that mattered to him was the fact that you actually cared about him.\n\nYou were his only friend.", "The same night you went to bed feeling a slight bit of happiness inside you. It was because of Michael. How he responded to you and only you, how he looked at you. The thoughts you had made you realise that the small childhood crush you thought you were over, was slowly coming back. Whenever you were with Michael you suddenly got a burst of happiness inside you and whenever he looked at you or showed any sign of interest in you you got that feeling again, the weird feeling you always used to have around him when he was younger.\n\nIt gave you that oddly comforting feeling whenever you were with him, especially now you knew he accepted you as his friend again.\nBut that was all you were to him, you were sure of it. There was no way that Michael, especially now and with how much he has changed, would ever actually fall in love with someone. \n\nYou sometimes wondered what it would be like if Michael was truly yours, how it would be to know that a person such as Michael loved and cared for you. But all you could do was wonder and dream of the thoughts in your mind... <i>How stupid of you to,</i> you knew exactly that all the little thoughts you had would never, ever become a reality. \n\nAnd besides that, you didn't plan on telling Michael about your love for him either. Maybe once, somewhere far in the future when your romantic love for the man is gone, but not now. You wouldn't want to ruin your friendship, you were happy that he was your friend, even if you were actually secretly in love with him and even if you knew that the both of you would probably never be more than friends... But again, you were glad he was your friend, and that you finally had the friendship you had always wanted with him, even if he had changed and doesn't even say a word anymore.\n\nYou knew you changed too. You weren't that small sweet girl with a shy yet bubbly personality anymore. You were a murderer now, someone who just went nuts one day, <i>that's what they call us right? </i>\n\nBut the thing was, Michael was too, he was also a murderer, someone who went nuts one day. The both of you once had someone else's blood on your hands, hurt someone, just because you wanted to, just because you wanted <i><b>revenge</b></i>. Maybe that was the one thing you always had in common, maybe that's what reconnected the both of you again. The bloodlust, the urge to hurt someone, the urge to pierce a knife into someone's flesh, the urge to take revenge on the ones who hurt you..\n\nWho knows?\n\n.\n\n.\n\n. \n\n[2 weeks later.]\n\nYou were sitting on your desk, making another one of your paper roses. You were minding your business, quietly humming a tune as you did. Suddenly the door opened and footsteps filled the room. You slightly moved your head to look at the door.\n\n\"Hey [Y/N], sorry to bother you.\" Ismael said. Your head turned around, eyes on the man standing in the doorway before you turned your head to your desk again, \"It's alright\" You said, putting the paper flower you'd just made on the desk before turning around to look at Ismael again. \"So what happened, why are you here?\" You asked the guard who stood in the doorway. \"Doctor Loomis would like to talk to you, I've been told that there are people for you.\" He replied as you raised a brow. <i>People? For me?</i>\n\n\"Oh? Alright then.\" You said, standing up from your desk and walking over to Ismael who was still standing in the doorway. You raised your wrists as he cuffed them and led you out of the room, towards Loomis's office.\n\n. . .\n\n\"Hello [Y/N]\" Loomis spoke as you sat down in front of him and gave him a small greeting nod. \"So as Ismael has probably told you, you have visitors. They travelled a long way to see you and will be very glad to meet you. They're waiting in the cafeteria, please, for the sake of us all, be on your best behaviour.\" Loomis said, causing your curiosity to rise. You gave him a nod as the both of you stood up and walked out of the office, to the cafeteria with 2 guards beside you.\n\nAs you walked inside the cafeteria you looked around in curiosity, secretly hoping it was someone you knew, yet you had your doubts. Two people were sitting at one of the tables and as they turned around to look at you, the slight smile you had on your face faded. \"These people are journalists, they'd like to talk to you if you'd allow that.\" Loomis said as he led you towards them.\n\nThere weren't any visitors for you. Just some stupid journalists hoping to get more shit to tell the people about you, to make an even bigger fool out of you. You sighed as you sat down in front of the people.\n\nThe woman gave a smile as you made eye contact while the man next to her looked at Loomis for a second, who gave him a nod. The man grabbed a recorder before the woman began talking. \"Hi [Y/N], my name is Dana, and that's Aaron.\" She said, looking at the man for a second who smiled at you before turning her head at you again. \"We're investigative journalists,\" Aaron said with a small smile on his face. \"We've just begun making podcasts. We like to re-examine incidents with an unbiased lens.\" He added as the woman gave a nod. \"Now... We've been following your case for a while now and we have found some information, but yet we would rather talk to you in person so we can get a glimpse of how you had experienced that night.\" The woman, Dana said and took a long pause. \n\nYou felt slightly irritated by having to tell the story again. You didn't want to, you didn't want everyone to know what you'd done. To let people listen to your murders for their own entertainment.\n\n\"Do you remember anything about that night [Y/N]?\" The man asked as you stayed silent. \"About the people you've killed?\" He added. You took a deep breath before replying, \"I haven't killed anyone.\" You said, keeping your answer short. \"Yes... That is indeed right. But-- Your father is still in a coma.\" Aaron said. \"But is he dead?\" You asked him, slightly tilting your head to the side while looking at the man. He opened his mouth to speak again but stopped himself. Dana noticed, after a minute of silence she spoke, \"Do you ever think about your father [Y/N]? And why you did it?\" She asked as your eyes moved to her. \"No.\" You answered. \"Do you not feel... Regret?\" She asked another question. \"I don't.\" You answered again.\n\n\"I've heard that... On the night it happened, there was a broken phone on the ground which had been overfilled by messages from, I assume, classmates or friends. They were talking about you and your father, sending videos of him... In a fight with another man, in one of the videos we saw that you had been hit by your father, was that the reason for your broken nose?\" She asked and you gave a slow nod. \"What happened after? Who and how did someone stab you with a stick? How did the both of you manage to go home?\" She questioned. You let out a slightly annoyed sigh as you debated whether to or to not tell the truth.\n\n\"I don't know anymore.\"\n\n\"Oh... Well, are you very, very sure that you don't? Not even one small detail or memory about it?\" Dana asked. \"No, I don't.\" You said as she gave a slow understanding nod. \n\n\"Do you think that this would've never happened if you asked for help, for someone to have helped you repair the relationship between you and your father?\" Aaron asked, silencing you. You've heard people say this many times to you, and each time anyone did, it started to anger you more and more... \n\n. .\n\nYou knew it wouldn't, it never worked. You remember when your mother would go to couples therapy with your father when you were younger. You stayed with your grandmother while they went and whenever they came back, her eyes were all red and puffed up as if she had been crying for hours. Whenever you asked her what was wrong she always gave you the same answer,<i> \"I had an allergic reaction honey, no need to worry about me.\" </i>But you weren't stupid, you knew something happened and it was not because of an allergic reaction. But you could never blame your mother, the only thing she wanted was to protect you, to at least make it look like everything was okay so you didn't have to deal with their problems. Your mother was the one who protected you from him, she took the hits that were meant for you, always tried to keep you away from him and always made sure you were okay. After she died, there was no one to protect you, to ask you if you were okay or to care for you.\n\nIt was just you. You wished people knew that. You wished people knew how bad your childhood was and why you turned out like this. But you couldn't trust anyone because they'd always find a way to make you feel like the bad guy again.\n\n. . \n\nAfter a minute of looking down at the table, your eyes moved to Aaron, \"No, it would've made it worse.\" You replied. \"Why is that?\" He asked and you stayed silent, not wanting to continue talking to them about the subject.\n\n\"Was it because of your childhood?\" He asked. You gave him no reply, you felt your breathing become slightly heavier. \"Because of the death of your mother and sibling?\" He asked again, causing you to clench your teeth and squeeze your fists. \"It was revenge, wasn't it [Y/N]?\" He spoke as you stared at the man with a deadly gaze. Nobody had ever said that. Many people have said things about your mother and your dead sibling, but no one ever came to the conclusion of you doing all of this, simply for revenge. As he kept on blabbering shit to you, pretending as if he knew better than you, you felt yourself getting irritated. You wanted to strangle the man, to stab him, to hurt him. You wanted him to <i>shut. the. fuck. up. </i>\n\n As Dana noticed your behaviour she looked at Aaron and then at Loomis with a slightly worried Look. Loomis looked at you for a second, by the looks of your body language, he knew something would happen if he didn't stop the man from angering you. Not like it was the journalists' intention, but journalists take it too far sometimes, even he knew that. \"I think [Y/N] has spoken enough. For now, it is best for her to return to her room.\" Loomis told the journalists as they gave him an understanding nod. \"Ismael please bring her to her room.\" Loomis told the guard.\n\nHe walked over to you as you stood up.\n\n\"Thank you for talking to us [Y/N]\" Dana said as you stood. You gave her a quick stare before heading out of the cafeteria with Ismael. Soon you were in front of the door of your room again, you let out a sigh. You turned around as you heard Ismael talk, \"Hey, don't let those bad memories get to your head.\" Ismael said, giving a small smile before closing the door and walking away. You turned around again and walked to your bed. You threw yourself on it and gave a low sigh.<i> </i>You buried your head in your pillow. You decided you'd stay in bed, for now, dinner would be soon. You turned your head and looked at the door, thinking about what just happened.\n\nYou hated yourself for getting mad at the dumb things they said. Yet, thinking about it made you sit in silence, the man, Aaron, was right. You did it for revenge. \n\nYou kept staring at the door with an unfocused gaze.\n\nYou didn't want to hurt anyone, you never wanted to. If it was up to you, you'd fix your family, make it the way it was when you were happy, when all of you were. When your father didn't drink and when your mother was actually happy and when she didn't have to fake everything, when you were all just a happy family. You didn't want to hurt your father, you loved him, deep down in your heart you knew you did. But what he did, to you, to your mother, was unforgivable.\n\n Whenever you felt like your father didn't deserve what happened to him or when you felt bad for him, you imagined a younger version of yourself. Seeing how much pain she was in, you were. Hiding the bruises under the long-sleeved dresses you always wore... It angered you, seeing how such a young child had to go through that.\n\nAnd you promised yourself, your younger self, your mother, that you will never let him hurt you again. And that you will make him regret everything he has done to all of you.\n\nYou let out a sigh as you felt the tears in your eyes, you had to stop thinking about this, it wasn't making anything better. You wiped the tears as you tried thinking of something else... Michael was the first person that popped up in your mind. You couldn't wait to see Michael again. The thought of him had washed every other thought in your mind away. It was just him.\n\n. . .\n\n[7 PM. Dinner time]\n\nYou sat at the table in the cafeteria where you always sat, where <i>Michael</i> always sat. In the corner, the table was barely visible to the guards, you and Michael mostly sat there so you could communicate and speak to him without any guard coming all up in your business, the guards didn't pay much attention to him sitting there, as long as they knew he was stuck in the chains and unable to get out, they were fine with it. Yet they did get a little suspicious whenever you were sitting with him. You tapped your fingertips against the table as you waited. You were looking down at your half-empty plate, you just couldn't eat anymore, the food was tasteless.\n\nYou let out a small sigh, you were still waiting on Michael. He should've been here by now. You wondered what he was doing. After some minutes your stomach growled and you let out an annoyed sigh, you were hungry. You knew you wouldn't get much to eat after this so decided to eat the last of your food, despite it tasting that bad.\n\nAfter another few minutes, you were done and set the fork down on the plate but as you did, you heard footsteps come towards your table. You tilted your head up to see Michael standing by your table and a smile quickly appeared on your face. The 2 guards standing next to him sat him down in front of you and another man put his plate in front of him. \n\nYou looked at the guards walking away from the table \"That's strange, since when does anyone other than Ismael allow you to sit with me without any problems?\" You asked, mostly talking to yourself in surprise. Your head moved towards Michael who lightly shrugged. You gave him a small smile, \"Maybe Loomis told them to? Either way, I'm glad they did.\" You said, earning a nod from him.\n\n\"I was waiting on you, I almost got worried, I thought you wouldn't come.\" You said as he slowly shook his head. \"Did you also have some sort of interview today?\" You asked him, looking at Michael with slight curiosity. He shook his head as you gave an understanding nod. \"2 people randomly interviewed me today.\" You said, looking away. He tilted his head. You looked at him with little confusion until you suddenly realised what he was trying to say. \"Oh, they-- they just asked me about my murders, as usual.\" You replied.\n\nMichael stayed still while looking at you for a minute. Then he shook his head as you tried to figure out what he meant. He knew something was off-- He always does. You stared at him, considering if you should ask him what he meant or just tell him what happened. You knew you'd make it hard for him to answer you when you'd ask him and you also knew he didn't really like that the people in the cafeteria saw him actually interact with people, in this case, you. So you decided to keep it simple for the both of you and just tell him.    \n\nYou let out a small sigh and quickly looked around before talking, \"They suddenly started to talk about my past and all, mostly my childhood.\" You said, pausing for a second while your eyes were focused on the table. \"I don't know how they'd gotten all that information. It angered me how they used it against me.\" You mumbled, trying to be as quiet as possible. Michael was still quiet, not like he ever spoke, but you knew he was listening to you. You could read his eyes whenever you looked at him, you always did, you were good at reading certain people. Michael was one of them.\n\nHe was curious, curious about your childhood you assumed. His eyes told you he wanted to know more about it yet he most likely didn't ask out of respect.\n\nYou thought in silence for a minute, could you tell Michael? He would understand right? Besides, he had gone through something familiar too.\n\n.\n\n.\n\nBut Michael on the other side... He already knew you came from a rocky home. It was no question that Michael would have any doubt of noticing the symptoms of someone who was emotionally and physically hurt as a child. Because he was too, and he knew what it felt like. And even when the both of you were younger, he could notice it in your behaviour. You may not have ever told the truth about your home and what was happening inside it, but yet, Michael could see every bit of sadness hidden deep in your eyes.\n\nAnd even now, after it had already been 3 years since your incident, he knew you were still in no good mental state. He could tell you were tired and unhappy. Yet you still managed to smile every time you were with him. \n\nMichael barely showed empathy for people. He didn't care about them or their well-being. But yet, he did have empathy for you. You were different. He sometimes even saw himself in you and related to you. But it made him feel slightly bad whenever he did. He didn't want to relate to you, he didn't want to see himself in you. Because he knew you had never deserved the things you had gone through. But he knew, the both of you weren't that different from each other.\n\n.\n\n.\n\n\"You don't really know much about my childhood am I right?\" You asked him. He lightly and almost unnoticeably shook his head in response. Your eyes scanned the cafeteria before speaking, eyes moving down to the ground, \"My father was always an alcoholic, an abuser. My father had always hurt my mother and me, they got into big fights.\" You explained, lowering your voice, almost whispering. \"It was also the reason I couldn't go trick or treating with you the day you murdered your family.\" You added, pausing soon after and started to fiddle with your fingers, thinking of what to tell him.\n\n\"When my mom was pregnant, my parents got into an argument while my father was driving. When the argument got worse he suddenly crashed due to him not focusing on the road. My father got out of the car crash with a broken arm and some wounds. I didn't get too badly injured, a huge piece of glass went through my chest, luckily not all the way to damage any organs, but it did leave a nasty scar though. But for my pregnant mom... She fell into a coma. Weeks after, when she finally woke up she immediately went into labor, but her body was still too weak and she didn't survive. Neither did my brother. He died soon after he was born.\" You said and got quiet, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. hoping the tears you felt would go away. You didn't want to seem weak, especially not now. You were just not used to telling the story to people cus it always made you emotional, having to think of all the horrible memories.\n\n\"Soon after, my father started to take his anger all out on me. Every day it got worse, from mentally to physically hurting me in every way he could. And I still tried so hard to be loved by him, to follow his rules, to get his appreciation, but nothing ever worked.\" You said, your voice slightly cracking as the burning rage inside you rose. \"He never seemed to care about me, I was just too stupid to realise, to realise that whatever I did, he always tried to make me feel like what I did wasn't good enough. But on Halloween, the night I went out to go to a party for once and he suddenly showed up all drunk, almost beating a kid to death and then proceeding to push me off of a bridge when I tried to get him home safely... I had enough.\" You mumbled, looking down with an emotionless face as you felt Michael's eyes still piercing into you.\n\n\"I almost murdered him. I almost had him, yet he survived and despite being in a coma now, I still hope, every day, with every inch of flesh and bone in my body, and every ounce of anger instilled in me, that he'll die, or wake up and die in the most painful way there will ever be.\" You said coldly, pure hate displaying in your voice.\n\n\"I will make sure of that.\" You said as your eyes returned to Michael, who was looking at you-- As if he was admiring you. You looked at him, slightly shocked and surprised. Seeing the look in his eyes made yours soften and the anger inside you lower in an instant. He stared at you as you stared at him, looking into the eyeholes of his mask and seeing little of his beautiful blue eyes. You never knew he had blue eyes, his eyes had always seemed so dark. Either way, you loved his eyes.\n\nSuddenly you realised what you were doing and let out a small chuckle, \"I'm sorry-- I kinda got carried away with that.\" You said while you ran a hand through your hair, referring to how you basically told him your whole life story, the actual reason you became a murderer. Something you promised yourself to never tell anyone. Yet you did.\n\nBut Michael wasn't just anyone. \n\n<i>You loved him, you always did. And you knew you could trust him.</i>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n-------[Autors note]-------\n\nI get the ick from everything and I kinda did from some parts in this story too so hopefully it isn't too cringe yall. Anywaysss stay tuned for the next chapter.", "You and your psychiatrist had been talking about the relationship between you and Michael, Loomis found it rather weird at some times but he was interested in how Michael's behaviour seemed to change whenever he was with you, it seemed like he got calmer and a little softer even, but only towards you of course... You didn't give the doctor too much information about you and Michael though, just the basic things about your friendship because you didn't want to say anything that would upset Michael if Loomis decided to ever talk about it with him...\n\n\n\nIn one of your sessions with Doctor Loomis, you asked him if you could spend some time with Michael alone, for no weird reasons of course, besides you assumed Michael saw you as just a friend anyways.. Not that Michael had to know about your love for him, you knew you'd never tell him that..\n\n\nYou told the doctor it could be anywhere, his or your room, the cafeteria or one of the speaking rooms, as long as you could spend some time with Michael since only getting to see each other through breakfast, lunch, dinner and free time wasn't enough for you, especially because you had to impatiently wait in your room to see him and then when you finally saw him, the both of you still couldn't fully communicate well because of all the other people in the room.\n\n Loomis on his behalf hesitated, he wasn't sure if it was a good idea because even if the both of you were good friends, a small voice in the back of his head told him that Michael could switch up and try to attack you all of a sudden. Besides, Michael did seem to be both psychopathic and sociopathic.\n\nSo, he was very very hesitant until you kept on begging the man and bringing up the subject every time the both of you spoke, causing him to get so fed up with you, that he agreed... So the first few times you were allowed to see each other anywhere other than the cafeteria or outside there were 2 guards standing at the doors of the room you guys spent time in. The guards bothered you at first, due to the both of you still not having enough privacy and you knew Michael of course tried to communicate as little as possible in the presence of others, like he always did, he didn't like when people saw him communicate all too much and having the guards standing there by the door, looking at the both of you, was extremely awkward too... But after spending more time with each other in the room, Loomis had told the guards to let the both of you be, but of course, for security purposes, there were still cameras though. But either way, you found it much better to talk to Michael without the guards in the room and even if you were probably being watched by Loomis or any of the guards, you didn't care, it wasn't like they could clearly see the emotion in Michael's eyes change or see his small responses towards you... \n\nBut during the small periods of times you were together, that slight childhood crush you still had and tried so hard to ignore had fully come back again now, and this time the feelings you had for the killer were even bigger and god you hated it. Because you knew he probably didn't want to do anything with having a romantic relationship with anyone, that's just who Michael was, or in your case, that's how you knew him. Besides, he probably wouldn't fall in love with you anyways, you were just his childhood friend, his only friend. \n\n. . . \n\n[ 2 weeks later... ]\n\nYou sat in the room you and Michael usually had your small privet moments together, waiting on him to show up. The door opened and with a slight bit of excitement showing in your eyes, you turned your head to look at the door, expecting Michael to walk into the room. But instead, an older man stepped inside, Ismael. \"Hey, there [Y/N]\" He said as your excitement faded and you were a little disappointed but still gave him a small \"Hi\" while watching the man walk towards the table you sat on. You could see he was holding something in his hands. \"I know you and Michael are probably both the most creative ones I've met in here, so I thought why not give you some paper? Maybe you'll be able to teach him to make those paper flowers you always make.\" Ismael said with a smile as he placed some papers on the table, along with some scissors, not the sharpest ones though, probably those scissors kindergarteners use. Your eyes went to the stuff on the table and then moved back to Ismael, having a slight smile on your lips. \"That's kind of you, thank you, Ismael.\" You said.\n\n\nIsmael had been the only guard to be actually nice to you and have some sympathy towards the patients in here, unlike most of the guards. They liked to taunt the patients, mock them and treat them like animals. Most patients in here did act like animals sometimes, yet it didn't give the guards a reason to treat them like it, you hated each one of them.\n\n\n \"I'm glad to see that Michael is finally getting some friends, especially after 13 years of not wanting to communicate with anyone, I'm glad you came along.\" Ismael said, snapping you from your thoughts. \"Yea, I agree.\" You replied with a small nod. \"Would you mind me asking... Did you already know Michael? Or did you just seem to get along the moment you met each other in here?\" Ismael asked, you were quiet for a second before responding... \"We were childhood friends.\" You said, looking up at the man staring at you.\n\n \"I see\" He said with a small smile. Suddenly you heard the doors open, making the excitement appear in your eyes again as you turned your head around. And there he was, walking towards your table with the two guards holding him, the guards seemed tiny next to his extensive and tall figure, it made you feel a certain way as you accidentally checked him out, your eyes moving up and down his body. Your face heated up, quickly looking away once you realised he could probably see you doing this. They sat him down in front of you. \"Well, I might get going. Have fun you two.\" Ismael said, walking away from your table along with the other two guards who brought Michael in.\n\nRight as the guards left, your attention turned to Michael. \"Hi\" You smiled at him as he greeted you with a slight movement of his head. You stared at him, secretly hoping he didn't notice you checking him out. His eyes suddenly went to the door, tilting his head slightly before looking at you again. He was silently asking you what Ismael was doing in here. \"Oh, Ismael?\" He nodded at you. \"He gave us some paper, he told me he found us creative so that's why he brought some.\" You said before pausing for a second, \"He said I could learn you make some paper flowers\" You said with a small chuckle, you didn't expect Michael to actually make paper flowers with you, besides, you didn't think he would be such a fan of making them. Imagine a big scary murderer making small cute paper flowers. The thought almost made you giggle.\n\nBut as you looked at Michael, he nodded. Your head slightly tilted with confusion and surprise, \"Wait, you actually want me to learn you to?\" You asked Michael as he gave you a slow nod. A smile crept on your lips. <i>'Well, that was unexpected.'</i>\n\n<i>. . .</i>\n\nSo there you were minutes later, both you and Michael, two scary murderers, one a little scarier than the other, making paper flowers. Whenever you looked at Michael, seeing him follow your steps with a slightly confused yet focused look in his cold eyes, it never failed to make you smile. After a minute or two he began cutting something out of the paper, as you watched him from time to time you noticed that he was kinda struggling with the scissors in his hand, probably cause the scissor was tiny compared to his hands. With slight hesitance, you moved your hands towards him but when he noticed your hand, he slightly froze. So before you went on, you looked at him, stopping your hands from touching him until you got his permission to. \"Would you like some help?\" You asked as he looked at you in silence, not sure what to do.. But after a minute, he gave a slow nod and you smiled in return. You placed your hand on top of his, feeling his cold hand tense for a second. \"Look, just take it a little slow, don't put too much force on it either.\" You said as he continued cutting the paper and you guided his hand. As you did, you could feel his eyes piercing into you, he was watching you as you helped him... Watching your small and soft hands on his big and rough ones.\n\nThat annoying feeling of love came back again and you felt yourself get hotter.\n\nYou wanted to punch yourself right in the face.<i>'Act normal for once.' </i> You scolded yourself as your mind filled with thoughts of him. You continued helping him and as you finished, you quickly pulled your hands back again, feeling a little embarrassed by your own thoughts. You just smiled at him and continued quickly to try to hide the fact that your whole face was getting red.\n\nAfter another few minutes, the both of you were done and had made some paper flowers together. You smiled at Michael and looked at his flower. \"It looks really good, you're better than I thought you would be.\" You smiled at him. Those words sounded a little familiar..\n\n.\n\n.\n\n<i><b><u>[1990 October 30]</u></b></i>\n\n<i>\"You're better than I thought you would be!\" You said happily as you looked at the young boy sitting beside you, holding a few rocks in his hand. He smiled at you, \"I almost threw it against a tree instead of in the water.\" He joked. \"Because that was your first try, be a bit positive Michael!\" You laughed. He rolled his eyes and started laughing too.</i>\n\n<i>\"Do you always come here [Y/N], to the forest?\" He then asked a few minutes after your laughter had stopped. You turned your head at him again and gave a nod. \"Yea I do. I like sitting here by the water.\" You answered him. He looked at you and slowly nodded, \"Me too, it's really quiet. I like when it's quiet.\" Michael said. \"I agree\" You replied as the both of you stared forward, at the water and the trees...</i>\n\n<i>After another few minutes of silence, he spoke once again. \"It's Halloween tomorrow, maybe we could go trick or treating together?\" He asked as your eyes lit up and you happily smiled at the boy \"Yes! That would be so fun, I'd love to.\" You said with excitement. Michael smiled back at you. \"What are you going as?\" He asked. </i>\n\n<i>\"I wanted to go as a pumpkin, only because I saw a funny pumpkin mask in the costume store. There were many actually, like blue and green, but I liked the orange mask the most.\" You smiled at him as he listened to you. \"But my mom said I'd look better as a little witch, so, I'm going as a witch. What about you?\" You asked. \"I'm going as a clown.\" Michael said, pulling a clown mask out of his bag and showing it to you. You looked at the mask with a small gasp and a big smile. </i>\n\n<i>\"That's so cool\"</i>\n\n\n", "<b>[This chapter has a mention of SA and r@pe. Trigger warning!]</b>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[December 2003]\n\nIt was late at night, you were laying in bed looking at the ceiling and thinking, drowning in your own thoughts, something you usually did. It's a small habit you had developed in your time here at Smith's Grove...\n\nAfter some minutes of thinking, you felt yourself get a little tired, besides, it was late already and it has been another long boring day in the sanitarium. You turned around with a sigh and closed your eyes, feeling the tiredness slowly take over. Suddenly, you heard a loud noise coming from the other side of your door, the hallway. You opened one eye, looking at the door as you heard two men talk. You sighed with annoyance. <i>Probably some patient being annoying again,</i> you thought and closed your eyes once again, not paying much attention to the sound anymore.\n\nAs you finally almost fell asleep, your door was opened and two loud people entered all of a sudden. You tiredly opened your eyes in irritation and were welcomed by two men standing inside your room. One man you didn't quite know and another guard, and not just some guard, <i>a very fucking annoying one</i>. Kendall, you didn't quite like him, he has always been an asshole to everyone in the sanitarium. He's one of the guards who likes to treat the patients in here like animals, he seems to find it funny.\n\nThe guard suddenly walked up to you and began pulling your arm, causing you to sit up slowly. \"Wakey wakey little [Y/N]\" You looked at the man in confusion and annoyance, wanting to know what his problem was.\n\n\"I have someone special for you to meet, I want you to meet Cousin Noel.\" Kendall said as he pushed you up, forcing you to get off the bed and stand up. The other guard, introduced to you as Noel, walked towards you and grabbed your arm tightly as Kendall backed away and watched the both of you. \"Hi there sweetheart.\" Noel said. You smelled the alcohol coming from him while he talked, causing you to back away in disgust. The man didn't like that and tightened his grip on your arm, pulling you closer to him. You clenched your teeth as you locked eyes with the man hovering over you.\n\n\"The fuck do you want?\" You said in a low and irritated voice. \"Oh we're just looking in on you, you know.\" The guard said as he leaned in closer to you. In the corner of your eye, you could see his other hand move towards you. \"We just wanted to see how you are--oh! Aren't you a pretty little thing?\" The drunk guard said, tucking a stroke of hair covering your face behind your ear and started stroking your hair. You looked at him, annoyed by him touching you. <i>Why were they here in the first place?</i> His hand moved from your hair to your neck and made its way towards your chest. Your eyes widened and you quickly pushed him away with force, causing him to let go of you while he almost lost his balance. \"What the hell are you doing!?\" You spoke, backing away from the man, until Kendall harshly grabbed your arms from behind. \n\nYou gasped and immediately tried to escape his tight grasp. \"Let go of me!\" You screamed as you tried to hit the guard. The other drunk guard walked over to you again and pulled at your dress. Your eyes widened at the sight, you didn't have anything else under it, Just panties and a bra. \"Ooh, what else is under there?\" Noel teased, bringing his hand towards your leg and moving it upwards. Your breathing became faster, they were only here to touch you. Anger filled your mind. <i>How could they do that!? They're in a mental hospital!</i> You thought madly.\n\nYou felt his hand go under your nightdress. You gasped and kicked him away, causing him to fall backwards. \"I said let go you nasty perverts!\" You yelled as you threw your head back, harshly slamming your head into Kendall's face, who let go of you and flew back in pain. \n\nYou held your head in slight pain and ran to the door, right as you stepped into the hallway you were pulled back by your hair. You screamed as Noel held you tightly against him, wrapping his arms around you so you weren't able to move. \"We've got ourselves a fighter! A fresh one, good one cousin!\" He laughed mockingly while the other guard walked towards you with a bleeding lip and a sly smirk. As you felt a hand on your body again adrenaline instantly hit you, you began desperately trying to force your way out of Noel's grip, moving your arms and trying to kick the man with angry cries escaping your mouth. \"Be quiet!\" Kendall said as he hit you in your stomach. You groaned in pain while Noel's grip on you grew tighter.\n\n\"I got me a fuckin' bona-ride, sure as shit idea!\" Noel suddenly said while looking at the other drunk guard who evilly smiled back at him.\n\nThey both pushed you out of your room and forward into the hallway, forcing you to walk somewhere. You tried to struggle out of the men's grasp but instead, they held your arms even tighter.\n\nIt scared you how the men had such a firm grip on you. How you couldn't escape their grip. It made you feel weak and desperate. You wanted to bust open their heads and stab them repeatedly. You wanted to hurt them, to see them hurt by your very own hands. But you couldn't even get out of their grasp. <i>God how fucking pathetic</i> \n\nYou were forcefully pushed against a patient's door as Kendall let go of you and looked for his keys, but before they could even open the door you balled your fist in anger and hit one of them. Noel grabbed his nose in pain as he looked at you madly while you stared back at him with a dark look. \"Oh, you're gonna pay for that.\" He said while Kendall opened the door to the patient's room and your hands flew to Noel's neck, wrapping them around his neck tightly. Noel struggled to pull your hands off until Kendall hit you, your grip softened and Noel roughly threw you inside, causing you to lose your balance and painfully land on your back. You hit your head on the hard floor. You lay on the ground and quietly groaned in pain. You opened your eyes, seeing masks all around the room. \n\n<i>Where am I? Why am I so dizzy--</i>\n\nYou saw the two men laughing at you and yelling things. Kendall crouched down in front of you as you saw Noel walk away, going to the patient whose room you were in. Your head was still spinning and you heard a ringing sound in your ears after your head had hit the ground, you could barely hear them because of it.\n\nAs Kendall's hand touched your body again your head shot up and you quickly tried to kick him off, \"Stop! Stop you fucking-\" You yelled at him while continuing to fight back. He suddenly grabbed your head and forcefully hit it against the ground again causing you to let out another pained cry. You closed your eyes while groaning in pain, your head was hurting too much for you to process what was happening and you didn't even know where you were.\nThere was a sudden crash in the room, causing your eyes to shoot open. You looked around, Kendall was gone and for Noel... He was laying on the ground in a small puddle of blood in the corner of the room. \n\nPlacing both your hands beside you on the ground, you weakly sat up and looked around with confusion expressing in your face. As the pain in your head diminished you suddenly realised it, you were in <i>Michael's </i>room. Of course you were! He used to make masks, and this whole room was covered in them. You heard a sudden noise come from the door and your head instantly shot up to look at it. And there he was.\n\nMichael, his hands covered in fresh blood. \n\nYou sighed out of relief as he walked up to you and helped you stand up straight. \nYou immediately and unexpectedly wrapped your arms around him, not even minding one bit about the blood. He tensed up for a second, not knowing what to do since he hadn't gotten a hug from someone ever since his mother died, but soon, he let out a deep breath and relaxed as you felt one of his hands carefully wrap around you. \n\n\"Thank you Michael\" You said with a happy sigh.\n\n.\n\n.\n\n.\n\n<b>[Michael's pov]</b>\n\nMichael sat in his room, making another mask and minding his business. His door suddenly swung open. He heard a loud thud and two men yelling at him as the peaceful silence in his room was now replaced by their irritating loudness.\n\n \"Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey...\" One of the men said. Michael ignored him and went on with his mask, knowing he was just here to irritate him and they'd only get more amused if he showed any reaction towards them.\n\n\"We've brought you a little company.\" The guard said. \"Yeah, we got you some new fresh meat baby!\" The other guard yelled, he knew exactly who they were by the sound of their voices. Noel and Kendall. They annoyed him, a lot. But Michael kept himself silent and calm even though he frankly wanted to rip their heads off.\n\n\"You want some of that?\" Noel yelled. \n\nMichael kept quiet, not knowing someone else was in the room other than the two annoying guards. Noel snatched one of his masks off the wall and hit Michael on his head, causing him to get slightly more irritated. He didn't like whenever people touched his stuff, and he knows that both the guards knew that. \"Come on faggot boy! Come on!\" Noel screamed at Michael. Suddenly he heard something else, he heard someone scream and it sounded like...\n\n<i>[Y/N]</i>\n\nMichael instantly turned around and grabbed Noel's head, forcefully slamming him into the wall and throwing him on the ground afterwards. After he realised the guard had stopped moving, his attention turned to Kendall. His eyes slightly widened when he saw [Y/N] laying on the ground while Kendall was hovering over her. Anger filled him as he towards him, grabbed Kendall by his head and roughly threw him into the hallway. He walked over to him as the guard crawled away \"What the fuck Mikey!? It's Kendall!\" The man yelled desperately, hoping Michael wouldn't hurt him.\n\nIt was too late for him, he had touched [Y/N]. Michael's only true friend, the only one left who actually cared about him, who saw him as something other than a monster. \n\nMichael grabbed the guard and threw him to the wall \"It's Kendall, Mikey!!\" Kendall yelled as he fell to the ground in pain once again. Michael picked the guard up by his neck and slammed him into the wall. He kept hitting his head against the wall until the guard's blood splashed from his head, Michael slowly let his now lifeless body slide down the wall and walked back to [Y/N] quickly. \n\nHe pulled her up with slight concern in his eyes, hoping that they didn't do anything to her. He stared into her eyes, waiting for her to say something until she suddenly hugged him. Myers was surprised, he hadn't been hugged in a long time and the affection she gave him confused him, it was strange, she wasn't even scared to hug him, she just did without even thinking. Why would she hug him? He doesn't deserve to be hugged.\nHe let out a sigh, deep down he was happy that nothing bad had happened to her and hesitantly hugged her back.\n\n\"Thank you Michael.\" [Y/N] Said while tilting her head to look at him, his eyes changed. It's like they softened.\n\nMichael stroked her hair gently as the same strange feeling he always had around her came back. <i>What was this feeling? </i>He asked himself as looked at her while she hugged him. \n\n.\n\n.\n\n\nSuddenly 5 guards entered the room. The hug was broken and both you and Michael looked at them. \"Get Myers!\" Someone yelled as they all grabbed Michael, trying to cuff him. \"Wait wait stop! He-He didn't do anything, It was the guards, they touched me!\" You quickly explained as you were held back by one of the guards. They didn't even reply... They didn't even acknowledge the fact that two guards tried to rape you. \"Let go of him you assholes!\" You yelled madly, hitting a guard that was roughly trying to cuff Michael. Another guard quickly ran over to you and grabbed you. \"Stop!\" You screamed as you were cuffed and dragged out of the room.\n\nThe last thing you saw was Michael looking at you before his door closed and you were taken away.", "\n\n\nThe next morning you sat in a chair, waiting for Dr Loomis.\n\nYour foot was tapping on the ground anxiously as you were deep in thought... You hoped that nothing bad would happen, nothing that could separate you and Michael... Yet you wanted to get out of here as soon as possible after what happened last night, <i>those fucking guards could even get away with sexual harassment...</i> But again, at the same time, you were scared, scared of having to lose Michael.\n\nYou heard a door shut and the sound of footsteps coming closer snapped you out of your thoughts, you looked up to be greeted by Loomis. \"Hello [Y/N]...\" Loomis sighed while sitting down on the chair in front of you. He heard about it... The look on his face told you enough. <i>He didn't believe you, did he?</i> He didn't believe the fact that Michael protected you and that it was the guards' fault...\n\nThe doctor held a pen in his hand, tapping it against a little notebook before he cleared his throat and started to speak. \"Now [Y/N], I've heard last night's events were... Quite brutal. But I just want you to tell me exactly what happened yesterday. Tell me how you experienced it from your perspective. And keep in mind, you can tell me anything you want, even-...\" The doctor hesitated to continue as his eyes moved away for a second, breaking the eye contact between the both of you. \"-Even about Michael... I'm here to help you [Y/N]\" He spoke, looking back at you with a little... Forced smile. <i>Of course, that bastard wanted to know about Michael. </i>You sighed and nodded at the man. \n\n\"I was about to go to sleep. Suddenly my door opened and there were two drunk guards standing in front of it, Kendall and some guy named Noel.\" You said as Loomis nodded while staring back at you. \"Did you have any interactions with them before the events of last night?\" Loomis asked.\n\n\"Yeah... Kendall was always the annoying type, he used to always be weird whenever he had to come into my room, I didn't quite know the other guard though.\" You explained as Loomis nodded and started to write something down in the notebook in front of him. \"You can go on, tell me exactly how it went.\" He spoke as you just gave a small nod, with a sigh. \"Kendall pulled me off my bed and introduced me to this Noel guy, then they started acting weird.. Touching me. I tried to fight back but they didn't give up after I did. I was dragged to Michael's room... I didn't know it was his room at first, I was too busy trying to get out of Noel's grip. They threw me inside and I hit my head on the ground. After that fall, and that hard hit against my head, I started to feel dizzy and had this weird ringing noise in my ears for some minutes. Then they started to yell things at Michael and Noel eventually walked over to him, I didn't know what he said, the ringing in my ears got too loud. Kendall started touching me again, I tried to get him off of me but he suddenly banged my head to the ground again and I just-\" You sighed and paused for a second. \"Michael--\" You suddenly stopped yourself. \n\n<i>What if you told them you did it? What if that meant that nothing would happen to Michael? You didn't know what would happen, you could only try and hope for the best.</i>\n\n\"Michael didn't do anything.\" You said firmly.  \n\n\"I-I did it. I killed them.\" You said unexpectedly while Loomis looked at you in shock and concern. \"Michael took the blame. B-Because he didn't want me to get into more trouble. Michael pulled the guard off of me and helped me up. That's all he did.\" You said. \n\n\"I killed them in my anger... Because they didn't do this just because they wanted to touch me or bring me into another patient's room to embarrass me. They choose <i>me</i>, and they decided to bring <i>me</i> to Michael's room-- And I think we both know that Michael doesn't have quite many friends here... They specifically choose me, out of all the people in here, and they went to Michael's room. Doesn't that tell you enough? They did it to annoy Michael, to piss him off and to give him more of a bad reputation if he decided to fight back.\" You muttered, feeling yourself get angry as you spoke.\n\nLoomis listened in silence, quite shocked by this. He didn't know if he could believe you due to how aggressively the men had been slaughtered... Though... You did stab your father 5 times and tried to kill two officers. \"[Y/N]... Are you sure that you did this instead of Michael?\" He asked calmly. \"Yes, I did.\" You said while looking at him. Loomis sighed and rubbed his head in deep thought. \"Look [Y/N], as hard as it is for me to say this, I have to and it may upset you but...\" Loomis hesitated to continue for a second. \n\n\"For your own safety, health and care, we will be transporting you to another sanitarium. One that doesn't have such... Dangerous patients and workers that aren't capable of doing things that will anger those, causing things like this to happen.\" Loomis told as your eyebrows rose.\n\n\"Wait what? Why!? The only thing that needs to happen is to tell these stupid guards to have a bit of humanity! Instead of coming in here, a mental hospital, totally drunk and looking for problems with people who are here because of <i>their own </i>problems!\" You snapped. You were just only getting more and more angry by this, it was just...<i> Stupid.</i>\n\n\"What happened to them, was deserved. They tried to rape me can't you see?! They started it and they messed with the wrong person.\" You said madly, slightly raising your voice.\n\n\"I get that, I really do, but there is no other way. I'm sorry it had to be like this [Y/N]. But in order for you to get help and heal normally, you have to go. And trust me, the people there will give you great care too, you'll get everything you'll need and you can go home in no time, and I'll make sure to let them keep an eye on you so nobody will ever lay a finger on you again.\" Loomis said as calmly as possible to reassure you that you'll be okay.\n\nBut you didn't care about that. The only thing you cared about was Michael, he had to stay here, and you had to lose him after finally getting the friendship you always wanted so desperately. Michael saved you and you just couldn't leave him after that, he showed you he cared about you. \"Loomis please you can't do this, I can't go!\" You said, feeling hopeless. \"[Y/N]... I'm sorry, I am unfortunately not the one who made this decision.\" The man sighed while lowering his head.\n\nYou sighed in defeat as you started to feel that prickling feeling in your throat again. After a minute of silence, you took a deep breath and looked at the man again, \"When am I going?\" You asked while staring at Loomis, showing no emotion on your face, the same way Michael did. \n\n\nLoomis got slightly startled by the change of emotion on your face. \"Tomorrow... 6 PM.\" Loomis replied. You nodded and looked away in silence... \"Am I allowed to say goodbye to Michael?\" You asked while looking at the ground. Loomis stayed silent for a second, thinking about whether it would be a good or bad idea... \"You'll have 15 minutes to say goodbye to him tomorrow.\" He spoke with a small sigh and he started to grab his stuff together.\n\n\"If you don't have any questions left, we're done for today.\" The doctor said while two guards walked towards you. \"I'll see you tomorrow [Y/N].\" He waved and walked out of the room.\n\n\"Come on [L/N], Time to go back to your room.\" One of the guards said and grabbed your arm, forcing you to stand up while the other cuffed you and led you towards the hallway as you just remained silent.   ", "The next day you woke up.\n\nYour eyes slowly opened as the morning light coming out of the small window lit up the room. A deep breath left your lips as you slowly turned around to look at the ceiling... It's probably the last day you'll be looking at this ceiling. It's the ceiling you stared at as you just sank into your thoughts over, again and again, every day, you remember how looking at this ceiling, staring as thoughts rushed through your mind just sucked all your sanity out of you. As you stared at it the whole night just thinking.. \n\nToday was the day you were going to be moved to another sanitarium... You didn't know what to think of it, your mind was just full of all these thoughts and emotions that you just... You didn't know what to think or to do anymore... Maybe it was indeed better for you, perhaps it actually<i> </i>had better staff and people who would be able to help you, a psychiatrist that would actually listen to you and help you?... But you couldn't stop thinking about Michael. He was probably the only friend you had left after your murders... You had to leave your friend all alone, again. \n\nA deep sigh left your lips.\n\nYou knew you liked him more than a friend, you had always known that. It started when you were younger, when you first met and you spoke for the first time, you just instantly started to like him. You found it weird to like such a strange boy at first, a boy you hardly spoke to and someone who didn't have any friends and was labelled as a freak... Most people found him weird. But you didn't for some reason... You didn't see him as a freak or just some weird edgy boy. He brought you comfort whenever he smiled, even if he barely did. And you just... Related to him and in a strange way. Maybe it's because he wasn't that very different from you, maybe because you could see yourself in him. He was a quiet boy, a boy with barely any friends... or well--no friends.. He was a boy seen as an outcast, a freak. A boy coming from an unstable family, having an alcoholic stepfather and an unhappy mother all while he still tried to keep himself together... You were like that too. And just like him, that was also one of the many reasons the both of you turned out this way. It's just that Michael snapped at 10 and you did at 18 and you didn't even blame him for it, because you knew how hard it was for him too, besides, he had more things to deal with than you. \n\n But even now, after you both turned into \"unstable killers\" you loved him just the way you did when you were younger. You admired him even, and once again found comfort in him in your own twisted way. And especially now, after your friendship had become much better than it was before and the both of you seemed to care for and trust each other.\n\nYou didn't want to leave him, not after building this whole friendship, that friendship you had always wanted so badly.\n\n\n\n\nThe door suddenly opened, and the slight noise the door made caused you to wake up from your thoughts. You turned your head around to look at the door as you slowly sat up. 2 guards were standing at the door, Ismael and an older guard whose name was not known to you. The other guy entered your room for a second and spoke, \"Get up, breakfast in 5 minutes.\" He said as you sighed and got up to get dressed.\n\n. . .\n\nYou walked into the cafeteria and quickly scanned the room for Michael. You looked around in confusion, looking at every table in the hope you'd see him sitting on one, but you couldn't find him anywhere. \n\nAs the guards walked you over to your table you sat down while Ismael went to get your food and the other stood close to your table. After looking around one more time in search for Michael, you looked up at the man. \"Where is Michael Myers?\" You asked him. \"Not here.\" The man replied as he looked back at you and you rolled your eyes. \"I can see that, that's why I'm asking, asshole.\" You replied, irritated by the dumb response he gave you. \"Listen here kid, you better watch that mouth before I'll make these last hours for you in here total hell.\" The guard said with annoyance as you tilted your head slightly.\n\n\"You can try, old man. Not like it's not hell already.\" You said with sarcasm in your voice.\n\n\"What was that?\" He replied, taking a step closer as he looked at you with an angered expression, you scoffed. \"You heard me, what are you- deaf?\" You said as you stared at his angered face with amusement. The man's eyebrows raised at your response. \"Oh you have no idea who you're talking to young lady.\" The guard said madly while coming closer. The other guard put a food tray in front of you and stopped the mad guard. \"Come on ben, leave her alone.\" He said placing a hand on the other guards' shoulder, it was Ismael. \"You piece of shit.\" The man mumbled before walking away with Ismael. You rolled your eyes.\n\nAs he was now standing at the door and got into a conversation with the other guards, you sighed and your thoughts went back to Michael, <i>where is he?</i> You thought confusedly.\n\n. . .\n\nAfter having breakfast alone, you had to go to Dr Loomis. \n\nYou were waiting outside his office with 2 other guards standing next to you. Suddenly you heard a loud bang come from the doctor's office, your eyes confusedly moved towards the door and you started to focus on what was happening inside. \"Be mad all you want but we have no choice but to do that, it is for her own good.\" You heard Loomis tell the person that was inside, but no reply was heard from them. After a good 5 minutes, the door suddenly opened and Michael walked out of it with 4 guards standing around him.\n\n\"Mich--\" You whispered while making eye contact with the killer before you were pushed inside.\n\nYou sighed in irritation as the guard walked you to a chair. You sat down, now facing Loomis who sat right in front of you. \"Hello [Y/N].\" Loomis said as the guards walked to the door. You stared at him and kept quiet. The man opened his mouth to say something, but as he did, you quickly cut him off. \"What was that all about?\" You suddenly asked him. Loomis raised an eyebrow, probably because he was not expecting you to have heard his and Michael's conversation. \"I'm sorry- About what?\" The man asked, slightly confused. \"Did you tell Michael that I have to leave today?\" You questioned.\n\n\"[Y/N] I-\" \n\n\"Answer my question.\" You said in a slightly demanding tone before you could let the man speak. Loomis sighed, \"Yes [Y/N], I told him you're leaving, it seemed like he wasn't quite happy with that.\" He replied. \"He wasn't happy that I was leaving?\" You asked while slightly tilting your head. \"Yes, I-- I do think that that was the reason for his sudden anger.\" Loomis said. \"I haven't seen him this angry in a long time, he usually tends to be quite calmer than most of the patients in here...\" He added.\n\nIt surprised you, would that really be the reason for his anger? Would he actually be mad at the fact that you were leaving today? It surprised you a lot, yet you did feel your heart flutter just a little at that. He must've really liked your company, otherwise he wouldn't be angry like this, right? \n\nAs you snapped out of your thoughts you looked at Loomis again \"When will I be allowed to see him and say goodbye?\" You asked. \"You'll leave at 6, I'll make sure you can say your last goodbyes at 5.\" Loomis said as you nodded. \"But with that aside, I had to tell you some very important news.\" The doctor said as he opened a shelf beside him and took out some files.\n\nHe put the papers down on the table and you looked at him in curiosity. \"I am not sure if this is good or bad news for you... But I hope for the best.\"  Loomis sighed before continuing. He opened the file and looked at it for a second. \"The day you attempted to murder your father, he was rushed to the hospital and he went into a coma. The doctors tried their bests to bring him back but nothing worked, he has been in a coma for almost 2 and a half years now. They lost hope and were planning on giving up on him this week.\" Loomis told you and you couldn't help the small almost unnoticeable grin that appeared on your face.  \n\n\"Until he woke up, last night.\" Loomis said as the slight smile on your face faded and your eyes widened. \"What? How- How is that possible?\" You asked quickly as the man could see the shock and confusion in your expression. \"That can't be true he-... He died, I killed him!\" You said in pure confusion, you looked away from the man and shook your head in disbelief as he looked at you with a slightly disappointed look. \"I was expecting this reaction but still... I don't get why you're mad about the fact that he survived, I get that your relationship wasn't as good as it's supposed to be and I understand that you're still mad at him for not being the best to you the past years but he is still your father [Y/N]\" Loomis said, pressing his lips together while he scratched his head with a sigh. \"Not being the best to me?\" You repeated his words as your eyebrows raised and hatred filled your eyes after hearing Loomis's words. Your eyes moved to the man once again and he could see the change in your expression. \"What do you mean, He wasn't the best to me!? Have you not listened to anything I've been telling you these past years!?\" You said madly, raising your voice at the man in front of you.\n\n\"My father...-- My father!? He is not my father!\" You screamed at him while you watched his eyes widen by your sudden outburst. \"He almost killed me when I was trying to help him! I always obeyed him, I always did everything he asked for! And yet, that stupid old man dared to do that! Yet he still acted as if I was the reason for all his problems.\" You cried out. \"He shouldn't be able to even have the title of a father.\" You said madly while Loomis was speechless at that little outburst. Your eyes moved to him for a second and you saw his expression.. You sighed, looking away once again. \"I tried to be a good daughter, I really did. But it's his fault, if he doesn't want me then I don't want him either.\" You mumbled, trying to calm yourself as you felt tears in the corners of your eyes, threatening to fall down.\n\nLoomis noticed your glossy eyes and hesitated to speak again as you could see that he clearly didn't really know what to say... He sighed while looking at the guard and then back at you, \"Alright, I... I think that this shall be the end of our session. Thank you for telling me this [Y/N]. The guards will pick you up at 5 to say your last goodbyes to Michael, after that you will be transported.\" The doctor spoke as calmly as possible while the guards walked up to you.", "You laid in bed the past few hours, thinking about what happened in your psychiatrist's office. You still couldn't believe it, how could your father have survived that? It was the only thing on your mind, the only question you kept asking yourself... Why didn't you stab him somewhere else, how stupid could you have been?... <i>He doesn't deserve to live, he deserves to die in the worst way there will ever be.</i>\n\nAnd you will be the one to do that. You will kill your father once and for all and you will make sure that nobody will stop you this time and that the only thing left of him is his <b>dead corpse</b>.\n\nThe door suddenly opened and your head quickly shot towards it as you instantly got out of your thoughts. <i>Finally, it was time to see Michael... For the last time.</i>\n\n You stood up from the bed and walked towards the guard who then handcuffed you and lead you through the hallway in silence. As you came to Michael's door the guard opened it and you walked inside. \n\n\"Hey Michael, you have a visitor.\" The man said and Michael's head shot towards you as if he was also waiting on you. A slight smile formed on your lips as you saw his unmasked face look back at you, you barely saw him without wearing one of his masks, <i>but gosh was he handsome without them</i>. He had such a pretty face, you wondered why he even wore them in the first place... You knew he always liked wearing masks when he was younger though, yet you were still curious about the real reason behind his love for masks.\nYou made your way to Michael, who was sitting at his desk, as usual. But before you did anything else or even made contact with him yet, you turned around and looked at the guard who was watching you both from the doorway \"A little privacy would be nice?\" You said while the guard rolled his eyes at your comment. \"15 minutes.\" He said and walked into the hallway, closing the door behind him.\n\n\"Hi Michael.\" You said, your voice slightly softening as you stood right beside him and placed one of your still handcuffed hands on his shoulder, to your surprise, he didn't even flinch or stiffen under your touch. He simply looked up at you standing beside him and stared into your eyes. As your eyes locked, you got a feeling that Michael wanted to say something, you could see it. It was just as if you could read his thoughts just by looking into his eyes and when you looked just deep enough, the smallest hint of emotion was seen and you were sure that it was anything but happiness.\n\n \"You heard the news huh?\" You spoke with a small sigh leaving your lips. Michael slowly nodded his head at your words. As you saw this, you couldn't help but feel a little more bad for him, even if you knew you couldn't do anything, even if you knew the both of you couldn't do anything other than just deal with it. \"I'm sorry, I'd rather stay here with you than go there, trust me. I don't get why Loomis agreed with this... Couldn't he just--.. Isolate me for a few months instead of transporting me to another saniterium all of a sudden.. I've been here just for a few years..\" You mumbled madly. \"Yet there is nothing we can do about it now...\" You added with a small sigh as Michael gave a slow nod in reply.  \n\nYou looked at him, thinking... Sinking into your thoughts for a moment... And after a few seconds, you moved a little closer to him and spoke softly. \"I could try my best to escape...\" You whispered to him as he looked at you. \"I don't know how.. But I'll find out a way to, I promise. But... Will you even be able to escape this place? Do you even have any idea how?..\" You said with a slight tone of despair in your voice, just because you knew the people in here have an eye on Michael, they think he's dangerous and treat him different from other patients. Michael shook his head and looked at his desk. He suddenly grabbed a paper and started to write while you looked at him in curiosity. \n\n<b><i>I will escape, I promise</i></b>\n\nHe wrote on the paper. Seeing this made a small smile appear on your lips once again. \"I'll be waiting on you, I promise that too... I'll escape and hide somewhere in Haddonfield, somewhere you'll be able to find me..\" You told him as you looked into his cold blue eyes... The both of you instantly had a place in mind, the forest, the forest where the both of you would always go when you were younger... You knew he'd be able to escape and find you and so would you. \n\nHe suddenly stood up, becoming taller and bigger than you in an instant, he was almost intimidating as he looked down at you, he turned around and walked towards the bed, grabbing something off of it while you watched him. He walked towards you again holding something, you looked at his hands and saw he was holding one of his homemade masks. He held the mask in front of you while you looked at it with curiosity. \"For me?\" You asked him while looking back at him again. The second he nodded, your eyes lit up and your smile widened. You looked at the mask, looking at every detail of it with the same expression on your face. \n\n\"Could you... Put it on please?\" You asked, looking at him and moving your hands a little to show your still handcuffed hands. As you looked into his eyes, you saw something change for a second. An emotion... An emotion you haven't seen in his eyes before appeared out of nowhere. You couldn't really explain what it was though... It made you slightly regret asking it but before you could say anything, he slowly nodded which surprised you.\n\nHis hands moved to your face and he tucked some of your hair behind your ear, the slight touch making butterflies appear in your stomach already, yet you tried to not show much of it. He put the mask on your face and the second he did, you smiled at him. \"Fits perfectly. I love it, thank you Michael.\" You said, your smile growing larger under your mask as you looked at him and just for a second, a split second, you could see his eyes softening.. It made the butterflies you felt increase... It was such a strange feeling.\n\nSuddenly the door opened again and both you and Michael turned your heads toward the guard that looked into the room. \"Time to go.\" The man said, causing your smile to fade in an instant. \n\nYou sighed before looking at Michael again, hesitating to do something. You wanted to hug him, yet your cuffed hands made it hard for you to do so, you wanted to tell him how much you really loved and cared for him yet you knew you shouldn't. You wanted to do something just because it's probably the last time you'll see him until you ever manage to escape... You took a deep breath and leaned against the big man standing in front of you, the coldhearted killer who you developed feelings for, hoping he'd take it as a sort of hug. You could tell he didn't expect it at all but you just closed your eyes, hoping it wouldn't get awkward...His hands slowly moved up and suddenly you felt his arms wrap around you, hugging you tightly. Your eyes widened in surprise yet a smile crept onto your mouth. \n\nDespite the sadness you were feeling, this moment made you the happiest, you wished you could stay like this forever, close to him... You could almost feel tears pricking in your eyes. But you fought back, there was no way you could cry,<i> not now.</i> \"Promise me you'll find your way back to me.\" You whispered as you felt him nod against your head. \n\nHe let go as you looked into his eyes with a tint of sadness. You slowly made your way towards the guard, leaving Michael behind. You stood in the doorway and looked at Michael one more time with a sad smile hidden under your mask before the guard shut the door and lead you towards the hallway. The slight happiness you felt faded once the door closed. You walked through the hallway, walking outside through a special gate and as you stepped outside, you saw a group of patients standing there, waiting to be escorted to the bus to go to the new sanitarium.\n\nA deep sigh left you as you followed them.\n\n\"[Y/N]?\" You heard someone call out. You turned your head and you saw no one other than... <b>Loomis</b>. You were still mad at him, for everything... Only looking at him made you feel the hatred take over once again. \"Loomis.\" You said in a cold tone, looking at the man with an uninterested gaze.\n\n\"I assume you got that mask from Myers?\" He asked, \"Yes, what about it?\" You asked in defence the second he mentioned Michael. \"Oh no, don't get me wrong, it looks lovely you can--.. keep it on. I just wanted to wish you the best, because as you know, I sadly will no longer be your psychiatrist anymore.\" Doctor Loomis said, giving a slightly saddened smile, the sight of him was making you roll your eyes in annoyance. \"You're the one to blame for that.\" You said back coldly. Loomis ignored your statement and sighed. \"I really do wish you the best [Y/N]. Hopefully, you will be allowed to go home in no time.\" The Doctor said while patting your shoulder as you continued looking at him with slight anger and annoyance in your eyes. \"It's time for the patient to go sir.\" A guard told Loomis and he nodded in response. \"Goodbye [Y/N]\" Loomis said as you gave him a furious look before walking away with the guard.\n\nYou <b>hated</b> him.\n\nThis was<b> his fault</b>\n\nHe couldn've stopped them from doing this, he could've done at least something, he could've tried... Just so you'd be with Michael, that's all you wanted, it was the only thing you wanted.. And he couldn't do that. Tears started to build up in your eyes once again as you sat inside the bus, looking out the window, at Smith's Grove for the last time.\n\n<i>I will be with him again</i>\n\n______________________\nAuthors note.\n\nSorry for all these slow and late updates yalll, i'll be trying my best to publish chapters a little more often. Thank all of u for all the reads and sweet comments, I appeaciate all of it:))", "\n\n\n\n[8 PM]\n\nYou sighed as you got off the bus and had to follow the row of patients into the new sanitarium. There weren't that many to your surprise. You walked inside and a guard walked towards you. He confusedly stared at your mask \"What's with the mask newbie?\" The guard asked while he grabbed ahold of your chains and started to walk you towards your room. You looked at him with an uninterested gaze as the guard lightly chuckled. \"Hmm, not quite the talker huh?\" The guard said as the both of you walked through the hallway. \"That's fine, most patients are like that when they first come here, I guess it's normal.\" He added while he opened the door of your new room and you walked inside. \"Either way, enjoy ur stay.\" The man said slightly sarcastically after uncuffing you. As you heard him, you rolled your eyes in annoyance and turned around. <i>What a pain in the ass.</i>\n\nYou looked around, sadly it wasn't that big of a room or well... At least, not like the room you had in Smith's Grove, it was much smaller... Your hands moved towards your mask. You carefully took it off and placed it down on a cabinet. As you looked at it and sadness filled your mind all over again as you thought of Michael. You had to get out of here, you had to go back to him.\n\n<i>But how?</i>\n\nYou walked over to your bed and lay down with a sigh leaving your lips. There was no way you could just run out of your room and kill some guards in order for you to escape... Especially now, you're a new patient, they'll keep an extra eye on you since they don't know all that much about you or your behaviour yet. Loomis did tell you that you'd get out of here in no time if you'd just... <i>Cooperate.</i> But then you paused for a second, and it was like all the thoughts swarming your mind went quiet in an instant.\n\n<i>I just have to cooperate, that's it</i>... \n\nYou spoke to yourself as a look of slight disbelief was planted onto your face. So that's what you were planning to do, show your 'best side' to them so they'll just think you weren't as crazy as people said you were. \n\nAfter they start to believe you and hopefully go a little easier on you, reduce your security and all... You'll be able to escape... At least, that's what you hoped to do. You weren't sure if your so-called plan would work, they know you killed people and they probably have been informed about your latest incident too, you weren't sure if Loomis still thought Michael did it or if you did but one thing you knew for sure is that they were obviously keeping an eye on you. New or not, you were in here for a reason\n\n. . .\n\n\n\n[2 hours later]\n\nA guard led you through the hallway, towards your new psychiatrist's office, while walking through the hallway you looked around for any doors, windows or just anything you could use as an escape route. As your eyes kept moving around, taking in every inch of the place, the guard suddenly spoke. \"Here we are\" The guard said and walked you inside. You sat down and innocently looked at the man in front of you, your new psychiatrist.\n\nIt was a man, not too old not too young, he was probably just a few years younger than Loomis. \"Ah miss [Y/N] [L/N], it's delightful meeting you, my name is Sinclair McTavish known as Doctor McTavish. How are you feeling today here in this new sanitarium?\" The man said with a warm smile on his face. \"I'm doing well doctor.\" You lied with a small smile on your face. \"That's excellent, do you mind telling me why?\" McTavish said. \"Well... I'm just quite happy that I've been transported here, I feel like this is a much better place than Smith's Grove.\" You said, of course, you didn't feel like that, you'd rather be there than be here. You were all alone, without Michael by your side. \n\"Really? Why's that?\" The man said with a surprised yet friendly tone. \"Well I just feel like this sanitarium is just better, by the things I've been told I feel like this would be a good opportunity for me to start over and actually take the time to heal and- and help myself become better in a place I actually feel safe.\" You quickly lied again, while giving the man a small smile.\n\nThe doctor wrote something in his notepad with a smile \"Well alright then [Y/N], I'm glad you're already enjoying your stay here. I really hope I'll be able to help you find peace in your mind, I'll promise you I'll do my best to help you in any way possible.\" The man said happily while you nodded. \"Oh and before I forget, most of the patients in here like to do things in their free time, to cure their boredom, I assume they did that in Smith's Grove too. Would you perhaps like some books or anything?\" The man said. \"Yes, I'd like some books, I prefer books that have quite a bit of a thrill and if you mind, could I also get some paper and some pencils?\" You asked.\n\n\"Of course, I'll send a guard over to your room tonight to bring it after giving you your pills.\" The doctor spoke. \"My pills?\" You asked raising one brow, \"Yes [Y/N], we give our patients some-- particular pills that calm their minds before they go to sleep. It works very well so I'd advise you to actually take them, trust me you'll be able to sleep as peacefully as ever.\" McTavish replied with a small smile before closing his notebook. \"So if that's all for now, you can go to your room. You can always call out for a guard if there is any problem, they're always right outside your door.\" He added and you nodded while a guard walked over to you. \"Have a good night.\" \n\n. . .\n\nYou laid in bed again. It was 11.00 Pm. You didn't think about anything else but Michael, you wondered how he was doing.\n\nThe door suddenly opened and you turned your head to look towards it and saw two guards standing in the doorframe, one with a cup of water and some pills while the other was holding a bag. \"Time for your pills newbie.\" The guard said. As he called you that, you suddenly remembered him, it was the guard who led you towards your room, the pain in the ass. You nodded as your eyes moved to the other guard. \"You can put my stuff on the desk.\" You told the other guard as you grabbed the pills and put them in your mouth, you hesitated for a second, McTavish was acting kind of off when he was talking about the pills... \n\nYou grabbed the water and drank it. \"I'm done, thank you.\" You mumbled while the guards nodded and walked out of the door.\n\nAs you heard their footsteps fade away you quickly spit out the pills and threw them in the trashcan next to your desk. You didn't trust anyone or anything, what if it was some kind of drug? You first wanted to do a little research about the pills before you decided to take them, perhaps you could ask another patient?.. You just found it slightly strange that the patients had to take these pills, was that even allowed? They never gave you any pills in Smith's Grove... You shook your head, trying to stop yourself from overthinking too much about it. You needed rest.. So with that, you decided to go to sleep...\n\n\n\n", "\n\n\nYou were finally sleeping after several tries. You couldn't stop your mind from thinking about.. About just everything, It caused you to stay awake and just.. stare at a blank wall for a few hours while you were deep in thought.. As usual though, it had become a bit of a bad habit actually... But luckily you managed to get some rest at last due to the tiredness taking over, besides it was a long day, you did need sleep after all.\n\n. . .\n\nIn the middle of the night, you abruptly woke up to the sound of people talking outside your door. Your eyes shot open and an alarm suddenly went off in your head, reminding you of what happened the day the 2 guards in Smiths Grove came into your room. You would do anything to prevent that from happening again, so you took a deep breath and got ready to attack whoever would even dare lay a finger on you.\n\nSuddenly the door was opened and you could hear a guard step inside your room. You closed your eyes, pretending you were still sleeping while your hand clenched into a fist under the covers... \"Wait, this is the newbie right?\" A male voice spoke, an oddly familiar voice. \"Yea, what about it?\" Another voice replied, this voice didn't sound familiar, he had a deep voice with a British accent. There were two male guards inside your room, what were they doing in here this late? You were sure it had to be like 4 AM right now.. \n\n\"Let's skip this one\" The familiar voice said as you could hear a faint \"What?\" Come from the other guard. \"Come on dude it's her first night here.\" The other guard spoke and you suddenly realised who it was, it was the first guard you got to know, the one that led you to your room. <i>What were they talking about?... What did they mean by skipping me? \n</i>\n\"Why skip her? We didn't skip any of the other new patients? She's just as bad as all these assholes inside here, she killed people and trust me she is not okay. This medicine is the only way that sick mind of hers will heal and you know that.\" The other guard said a little sternly. \"Look, I know that but it's not good for them and you know that too. I feel like this kid isn't as bad as people told us. And besides that, we don't know how fucked up she is yet, nobody even interviewed her yet or ran any tests on her, many of the other new patients did already... What if that treatment will make her mind worse than it already is? Trust me you wouldn't want that.\" The familiar voice told the other guard and you could hear the man groan in annoyance. \"Okay Mason, but if I'm going to get problems because of this I'm beating you up.\" The other guard said and sighed defeatedly. \"Thanks mate.\" The guard.. Called Mason.. said. And then it went quiet for a second as you could hear the other guard's footsteps fade.. It seemed like Mason was the only guard left in here.\n\n\"Now come on, just because we're skipping her doesn't mean we'll get to skip everyone. We still have 20 patients, so let's get back to work.\" The other, still unnamed guard suddenly said, breaking the silence. \"Right.\" Mason said. Footsteps were heard and soon after, you listened to the sound of the door shutting and being locked up again. \n\nYou opened your eyes to look at the now empty doorway. You were curious about what they were talking about. A treatment-- or medicine? <i>One that can cause damage to a patient's mind yet heal it? Why would they give it to the patients if it can cause damage? Why did Mason skip you?</i> You were confused and filled with a dozen questions that needed to be answered... But either way, you were happy that they didn't take you away, you were thankful the guard, now known as Mason--sort of saved you?.. You did wonder why he did that, you weren't quite the nicest to the poor guy. \n\n.\n\n.\n\n[The next day]\n\nThe loud sound of something banging against the door was the first thing you heard today, your eyes opened and your head slowly turned around to face the door. A guard was standing in the doorway, banging his baton against the door to wake you up, <i>how annoying. </i>\n\n\"Come on, breakfast won't be delivered to your room so if I were you I'd be quick and get the hell up to get your breakfast before you're late.\" The guard said with a slightly taunting tone as you groaned and sat up on your bed. \"You really do love your job don't you?\" You said while standing up tiredly and walking to the guard in the doorway. \"Oh, I sure do.\" The guard said, harshly grabbing your hands and cuffing them as you let out a small annoyed scoff. \n\nAs the both of you walked quietly, you broke the silence. The man annoyed you and you just had this urge to say something to him. \"The way people like you haven't gone crazy yet surprises me. How does it feel? Walking among crazy people knowing that if your mind is weak enough you'll turn into one of them too.\" You whispered to the man in a mocking way as you walked through the hall. \"Zip it.\" The guard said, slightly pushing you forward as you softly chuckled in amusement. \n\n\"Get in there and act like a normal fucking human, not some insane animal.\" The guard said as he walked you into the cafeteria and you rolled your eyes. You were sat down on a table and a food tray was placed in front of you. The guard looked at you one more time before walking away. You ignored the man and looked around, seeing some other patients sitting in the cafeteria. Some of them seemed oddly happy, it confused you, <i>why were they so happy? </i>\n\nAs you took a bite of your food, you thought about what had happened yesterday. The strange medicine, the guards, Mason who said it would be dangerous while the other guard said it would help. Did these patients get that medicine or-- treatment or whatever it was..? Would that be why some of these patients were acting so happy all of a sudden? Even some people from Smith's Grove who had also been transported here, you hadn't ever seen most of them this happy ever before. It was like they completely forgot about the fact that they were literally in a mental hospital. \n\nYou started to get a negative feeling about this place,<i> what were they doing to their patients? </i>\n\n\n", "<b><i><u>Back at Smiths Grove...</u></i></b>\n\nMichael had been acting a little strange these past few days.. He had been acting off. He wasn't how he usually was and the things he did were very unlike him. There was obviously something wrong with him.\n\nDoctor Loomis was the first to notice that... After a while, it started to worry him. He had questioned Michael about it a few times, yet Michael had no intention of telling the doctor about his feelings, but.. Not like he ever did anyways...\nLoomis knew Michael never spoke and that he wasn't a fan of showing his emotions or feelings... And that wasn't the thing Loomis was worried about. \n\nIt was Michael's change in <i>behaviour</i> ever since [<i>Y/N</i>] had left. The doctor obviously wanted to know what exactly had caused him to act so odd all of a sudden, it wasn't what Loomis was used to. Of course, Michael was silent, he didn't have any interactions with anyone and he never spoke, those things had been normalized by Loomis... But Michael was also always calm, patient and silent.. But now Michael was often angry, impatient and he was often letting out silent yet angry and even slightly threatening huffs or growls whenever anyone did something that Michael didn't like.. And now whenever Michael looked at the doctor.. He had this certain stare that sent shivers down the doctor's spine. It was... As if Loomis was staring into the devil's eyes. As if there was nothing but darkness underneath those eyes of his. There was definitely something very wrong with Michael.\n\n. .\n\nBut.. Michael realised it too, he realised how his behaviour had changed. \n\nBut that wasn't the only thing that was wrong with him. Michael started to feel sad more often.. Or well, not quite sad but he felt more like he didn't want to do anything at all anymore, he felt empty. He only wanted to stay in bed and stare at the ceiling and do nothing other than that. He didn't even make masks any more, he didn't even know how to properly make them anymore, his mind seemed to drift off to <i>one thing</i> every single time...\n\nAnd besides that empty and sad feeling, he started to feel himself get angry over small things and lose his patience very quickly. He knew it wasn't like him, he knew he never acted like this, he could always keep it in perfectly and now, every emotion of anger was almost impossible for him to hide... He didn't know why, he didn't know how. He didn't have a reason to act like this... So why, why was he acting this way? What was wrong with him? What happened? How could he suddenly just lose control over his emotions like that?\n\nAnd all these thoughts and concerns had kept Michael awake multiple nights.\n\nIt scared him deep down. \n\nThe way he lost control over his feelings scared him.. But there was one thing that scared him the most... It was another emotion, a feeling separated from all those other things he felt. It was this certain feeling he felt ever since... Ever since<b><i> she </i></b>had appeared in his life again. Ever since he had reunited with her after spending so many years alone in this sanitarium. And he only got this feeling when he was with her, just her.\n\nAnd again, he didn't know what that feeling was. He didn't know why he felt like that but... He felt happy with her, it was like he felt a little joy when she was with him, just like in their childhood. His eyes always lit up whenever he saw her. He felt like he could trust her, he felt like he could be himself with her... And that caused him to get this certain feeling that he just couldn't explain..\n\nBut then, ever since she had left, ever since she had been transported to another sanitarium, he still had this feeling deep inside him, this very strong feeling that he felt when he was with her. But it had changed into something else.. Now there was no happiness, there was no joy and there was no one who could light up his eyes. This feeling he felt when he was with her.. It wasn't there anymore. And so was she. She was gone.\n\nAnd maybe that was the reason for the change in his behaviour. Maybe the cause of all of this anger and sadness he was feeling was because she was gone. Without her, he felt lonely, angry and empty. It was like he craved her. He craved to be with her. But again, he didn't know <i>why</i>...\n\nWhy would she be the cause? Why would he feel like this just because of her? She's his friend. She's just <i>a friend. </i>\n\nHow could she have such a big impact on his emotions like that? How did she manage to make him feel all of these things, how did she manage to make him feel this new feeling he only felt around her? This feeling he had never ever felt in his life until she reunited with him... She was just his friend. Right?\n\n. . . \n\nMichael was eager to find all the answers to his questions, yet he didn't know how. Because he didn't even know what to do... He didn't even know what his own feelings meant.\n\nBut there was one answer, there was one explanation he could use for this... For this sudden feeling he got when she reunited with him, for all these emotions he felt when he was with her and for his change in behaviour when she left... For why she had such an impact on him and his emotions...\n\nWas he... In love with her?\n\n<i>No, no that wasn't it. It couldn't be that. He could not fall in love, he did not, he would never.</i>\n \nHe could not have fallen in love with her, she was his friend, she was his only childhood friend. He couldn't accept that he had those feelings for her, he couldn't believe it. Yet whenever he thought of her this certain feeling came back and now when he was without her the feeling seemed to haunt him... \n\nWhen she used to do the most random things ever, he just adored every single thing she did, even if it was lashing out at another guard or if she was just looking away and minding her business, he adored every single thing about her. and again and again and again, that feeling kept on coming back and it kept on increasing too. He just never minded much about it, he ignored it.\n\nBut now when he's alone, when shes gone and this feeling he felt had been morphed from something that gave him happiness into something that just made him feel sad and empty, he started to realise that maybe, just maybe he didn't love her like <i>just a friend</i> would do, maybe deep deep down in his cold heart...\n\nBut still.. He couldn't accept it. He couldn't be vulnerable, he couldn't show weakness for her. Even if he knew he did already... He had to get himself back together.. Even if he wasn't sure how.", "The last months had been strange. You started to notice how some patients began to act off at some points as if something in their minds had switched.\n\nFor example.. Some of them had sudden rage outbursts. It wasn't like you've never seen that happen, it used to happen all the time in Smith's Grove but it confused you how some of the patients who had those outbursts were instantly taken away by the guards and when they returned their whole demeanour had changed. They acted happy and normal as if nothing had happened seconds ago, as if they weren't locked in a mental hospital. It was weird, slightly scary even... What did the guards do after taking them away?\n\nBut you didn't think that much of it. Something had probably messed up their minds.<i> </i>They were out of their minds. That was probably the explanation for their weird changes in behaviour. Besides, they were here for a reason.\n\nThe only thing you still didn't have an answer for was the weird medicine the 2 guards were talking about. You could've asked your doctor... But what if you weren't supposed to know about it? What if it would get you into trouble? Then you'd never be able to escape... For now, you just had to keep it to yourself, you had to find the answers to your questions yourself. \n\nYou didn't want to risk your chances to escape... Because that is still your main goal right now. \n\n.\n\n.\n\n[29 September 2004]\n\nIt was midnight, you were peacefully sleeping.. Suddenly, it felt like someone was stroking your hair.. You thought of Michael. Your mind was instantly filled with the thought of Michael. It made you remember the way he stroked your hair... Your head moved out of nowhere like it was on autopilot. You leaned into his touch...\n\nBut suddenly.. You realised you weren't dreaming and someone<i> was actually</i> touching your hair.\n\nYour eyes shot open and you saw a guard hovering over your sleeping body. You gasped softly and pulled your head away. \"I-- What the hell are you doing!?\" You said madly while looking at the guard with widened eyes. The guard backed away in shock the second you pulled away, he probably didn't expect you to wake up. \"What the..- Why are you awake?\" The guard whispered in confusion. He was standing in the darkness of your room, looking at you with a raised brow. \nYour eyes narrowed at the guard.\n\n\"What do you mean why am I awake- What are you doing in my room!?\" You replied with anger while you sat up on the bed. \"Shh! Shut up they're going to hear you!\" The guard whispered as he came closer. While he started to come closer, the slight light coming from outside hit him and made his face clear to you and you realised who he was. Mason.\n\n\"Mason? I-- What are you talking about!?\" You said while looking at the guard in confusion. You were lost right now, you had no idea what he wanted and why he was in your room.\n\n\"Shh!\" Mason said while stepping towards your door. He looked for anyone outside and then slowly closed it and walked back towards you. You backed away from him, bumping into the wall. You still didn't trust him, and neither did you know what his intentions were. \"It's okay I'm not going to do anything, but how are you awake?\" He asked confusedly while crouching in front of the bed so he was at eye level with you. You grabbed the sheets tightly, looking at the man crouched in front of your bed. \"What were you doing in my room?\" You said with a demanding tone. \"[Y/N] I--\" Mason said but before he could finish his sentence, you cut him off. \"I said, what were you doing in my room?\" You spoke again. \n\nThe guard sighed. \"Look I just came here to check on you, I wasn't planning to do anything to you.\" Mason spoke. You were still suspicious of him but you gave a small, slow nod. \"Why are you so concerned about me not being asleep though..?\" You asked him, lowering the tone of your voice a little as your suspicions increased. \"Because of the pills, they're sleeping pills-- you.. You should be asleep.\" Mason said with slight surprise in his voice. \"Sleeping pills?\" You asked, you actually thought those pills were anti-depressant pills. <i>Those calm your mind, right? Give you less negative thoughts and shit? </i>Oh well, it seemed like you were wrong. \"Mhm, have you even taken them?\" He asked, raising a brow.\n\nYou didn't take them, you knew something was off about it in the first place. You didn't trust to just randomly take some pills without knowing much about it... \"Yes, they probably didn't work, that's all. I've tried using sleeping pills in the past too, never worked either\" You lied, trying to make it sound convincing. \"I see. Do you remember the first night you were here? Were you awake that night?\" He asked.\n\nYou nodded.\n\n\"Have you heard the whole conversation I had?\" Mason asked curiously as he stared into your [E/C] eyes. You gave him another slow nod while the guard slightly looked away. \"I'm glad I changed his mind, especially if you were awake, it would've been painful.\"  Mason mumbled under his breath while you tilted your head in confusion. \"Are you talking about that dangerous medicine?\" You asked as his eyes shifted back to you. \"Do you know about the medicine?\" He asked with raised brows, showing surprise. \"No, the only thing I know about it- Or well, heard about it, is that it's dangerous. You didn't say much about it that night.\" You said while he nodded, rubbing his forehead. \"You were supposed to get it too, I've been skipping you for 5 months now.\" He told you, letting out a soft scoff. \"Why?\" You asked.\n\n\"I don't know, guess you're just lucky.\" Mason muttered before he paused as you stared at him with confusion. \"I feel like you do want to know what this mysterious medicine is huh?\" He said, hearing a slight chuckle from him while you nodded. \"Electrotherapy is what it's been called. Every night the patient gets a pill, the sleeping pills I told you about, so if your doctor ever told you patients have to use it because it calms their mind, then he is right. It's a sleeping pill, you'll be actually able to sleep peacefully if it works... But in the meantime, after the patients took their pills and are asleep, they will be taken every month and will be brought into a special room where they'll be given electrotherapy. It's a form of treatment for mentally ill people by using electroshocks. It gives a patient shocks that will affect their brain. The doctors in here think it helps but even if it does, it still stays dangerous.\" Mason said, explaining what this mysterious medicine was as you listened with interest.\n\nYou looked at the guard, shocked. \"But... Is that even legal? It's not am I right? Especially if they haven't given consent to it\" You said in disbelief. The guard shrugged, \"I don't quite know, but It seemed to help some patients I guess? Some of them got to go home eventually, but they did have to return every month for a so-called check up but while they're doing that the patient will be brought to sleep by another pill and they'll give them another electroshock therapy session.\" He sighed. You slowly shook your head in disbelief, it was unbelievable, this place was far worse than Smith's grove... \"So no patient ever knew about this?\" You asked while he gave a nod. \"And- And the guards? Do all the guards and people who work here know about this!?\" You questioned. \"No, not everyone.\" He replied.\n\nYou suddenly heard a noise coming from outside the door, Mason alarmedly stood up and looked at the door before looking at you and whispering, \"Go to sleep, pretend I was never here.\" And quickly stepped out of the room before you could even respond.\n\nAs you heard the door lock, you opened your eyes and thoughts slowly began filling your mind again.\n\nWhy would they use electrotherapy without telling the patients? Why did Mason skip you? Why was he in your room in the first place? He had answered most of your questions about the medicine, but he had never told you why he was in your room... Stroking your hair... That was quite creepy if you had to be honest..\n\nYou turned around to lay flat on your back as another noise came from outside your door. You ran your hand through your hair and sighed as you closed your eyes.\n\n<i>I can't stay here.</i>\n\n\n______________________\n\nAuthor's note.\n\nHi everyone, I just want to apologize for being so unactive and for letting all of you wait so long for another chapter. I've been going through quite a hard time and I've been struggling with my mental health, causing me to lose interest in writing.. But I do want to try to continue to write this book because I can't just keep all of you hanging and discontinuing this book. So for now, thank you all for reading and expect another chapter to get published soon. :)\n", "[The next day. 30 September 2004] \n\nYou were taken to Doctor McTravish's office right after lunch, you had another session with him.\n'<i>fun, very.'</i> Especially after hearing so much shit about that \"secret medicine\" he's using on the patients. You thought as a guard opened the door and led you inside. \n\n\"Ah, hello [Y/N], I hope you slept well.\" The doctor greeted you while sitting at his desk. \"Hello doctor, and yes, I did to my surprise.\" You replied, giving the man a fake smile while you were sat down in front of him and were cuffed to the chair. You stared at the doctor, your eyes following his hands, he pressed a button on a voice recorder placed next to him on his desk and then turned his head towards you. You blinked, staring at the man while waiting for him to speak. \"So [Y/N], I have some questions and... These may be quite...\" The man paused with a unsure expression, searching for the words to tell you. \"..Unexpected, so if you think these questions are a little too sensitive to talk about and if you don't want to answer them then I am fully okay with that, It's not my intention to be pushing you in having to tell me things you don't want to talk about.\" The doctor spoke and you slightly tilted your head<i>, 'What was he going to ask?'</i> You asked yourself, staring at the man. \n\n\"Go ahead.\" You said with slight curiosity. \n\n\"So I've done some research, mostly about your case but also your past. And I've come across a statement that has said that you were befriended with another, quite dangerous patient named Michael Myers, is that correct?\" The doctor said while looking at you. You nodded. As soon as you heard the name Michael Myers leave his lips, you knew what was coming and why he was asking you about him all of a sudden, it made you think of doctor Loomis for a second. \n\n\"So I was just wondering, how did you meet him? And what is Myers to you?\" Doctor McTravish asked. \n\nYou went quiet for a second, thinking of what kind of answer you could give the man in front of you. You didn't want him to know all too much about you or Michael though. \"Well, Michael and I used to go to school together. At that time we weren't particularly close... But I liked to call us friends rather than just classmates, also because I did have more interactions with him than most of the people in our class. A few weeks before Michael was sent to Smiths grove sanitarium, we did start to become better friends.\" You said and looked away from the doctor's gaze. Your eyes randomly landed on a disk sitting on a cabinet in the back. As you look at the disk an old memory popped into your mind. \n\n. \n\n. \n\n[1990 October 19] \n\n\"Hey!\" You yelled to the 4 boys standing in front of the lockers, walking towards them while holding something in your hand and hiding it behind your back. The 3 boys turned around as they saw you approaching them. One of them stepped towards you, Wesley Rhoades. \"What do you want huh?\" The guy asked, raising a brow at you. \n\nYou looked at the taller boy standing in front of you, he was the clown of the school, the boy who bullied anyone he can come across. He had been bullying Michael for a long time, Michael mostly ignored them but you hated it, yet you were always afraid of the boys, being scared that they'll start to bully you too, but not today. You didn't exactly know why but you suddenly felt a wave of anger wash over you after you saw them bullying Michael again while he was just trying to get to his locker in peace, they were mocking him for his mom and his sister. <i>'How could they do that! It wasn't even Michael's fault'</i> your young self thought \n\n\"When can you stop being so annoying to him? It's becoming really childish Wesley.\" Your 8-year-old self told the boy standing in front of you with confidence in your voice, he was much taller than you, and older too, guess you were really feeling brave today. <i>'Oh this might not end so well.' </i>\n\nAfter Wesley heard your response, he scoffed while his friends behind him laughed at you and one of them mocked you. \"Its becoming really childish Wesley!\" \n\nWesley looked behind him at his friend and snorted before turning back to your smaller figure infront of him. \"Aww really? What are you going to do? Call your daddy for help?\" Wesley teased you while pouting in a mocking way. You madly looked at the boy, <i>'Who did he think he was?' </i>\"No, I'm not. But I will be showing the principal the video I have of you doing that stupid prank on him!\" You said, smiling innocently at the boy and showing him a videotape you had been hiding behind you. The boy's eyes widen \"Wait--what?\" Wesley said with shock as he looked at the videotape in your small hands. \"I could show it to the principal if you want to.\" You said with a slightly threatening tone as you looked up at the boy's face who was clearly getting angry now. \"Give that here you bitch!\" He said, suddenly stepping forward, launching at you. \n\nYour eyes widened, a soft gasp left your lips as you quickly dodged him in time by stepping aside. You saw him stumble and fall on the ground as he failed to grab you. His friends' eyes widened and one of them walked towards him to help him up while the other looked at you madly. \n\nYour head turned towards Wesley but before you could do anything you were pushed against the lockers by one of Wesley's friends. You let out a soft yelp as your arm harshly hit the lockers and you almost let go of the videotape. \"Ow!\" Left your lips as the guy tried to grab the videotape but you quickly moved your hand away. \"Give it here you bitch!\" The guy yelled. You looked at Wesley's friend and saw his hand clench into a tight fist, he was about to punch you. You quickly put your arms in front of your face and closed your eyes, expecting him to punch you.. Until you heard the guy let out a shocked gasp and then a sound of pain. You opened your eyes and saw Michael standing in front of the guy, who was now laying on the ground. Michael had pushed him to the ground, your arms lowered and a small smile appeared on your lips as you saw Michael staring at you.  \n\n\"You fucking brat!\" Wesley said, helping his friend up. You were slightly surprised at how Michael helped you too, you didn't expect that. You stepped away from the locker and stood in front of the boys, next to Michael\n\nWesley stood up and approached you and you could see Michael take one step towards him but before anyone could do anything, the principal stood behind Wesley and his friends all of a sudden.\n\n\"What's happening here?\" The older man said as you quickly changed your demeanor after seeing the principal. \"Oh, nothing sir! He had just tripped.\" You said innocently, hiding the videotape behind you. The man nodded and looked at the boys. \"Are you okay?\" The older man asked Wesley with a stern tone as he looked at the principal a little nervously. \"U-uhm.. Yes sir.\" He said, nodding his head. \"Come on then, you boys should head to class now, same goes for you two.\" He said, looking at you and Michael as he then turned his head to the bullies, patting one of them on the back before walking away with them. Wesley turned his head around and gave you a dirty look before walking to his class.\n\n\"Hi, are you okay?\" You asked Michael as you turned your head towards him. He had been staring at you the whole time. \"Yea, I'm fine, thanks.\" He said.\nHe got quiet for a second as he looked away a little awkwardly. \"You know you didn't have to do that, I could've handled it myself, now you've dragged yourself into his bullying too.\" Michael said, grabbing his bag from the ground. \"It's no big deal, they're annoying to everyone anyways and besides, I don't think they'll actually start to bully me now, I still got the videotape as a defence.\" You said to Michael in a slightly reassuring way as you bent over to grab one of his books off of the ground. You handed it to him as he grabbed it. \"Thank you for pushing that guy who was about to hit me though.\" You said and smiled at the boy while he gave you a small, almost unnoticable smile back. \"You're welcome.\" He said.\n\n\"Was that actually a videotape of him pulling that prank?\" Michael asked while you were both walking to class now. \"Yup.\" You said while smiling and walking beside him.\n\nMichael smiled. \"That's cool.\"\n\n\"Oh-- And you probably don't really know me, we've never really introduced ourselves. I'm [Y/N] [L/N]\" You said, holding out a hand. You knew who he was, you just weren't sure if he knew you, so you told him just to be sure and secretly because you wanted to hold his hand. <i>'We don't talk about that though'.</i> He looked at your hand for a second before he gently shook it. \n\n\"Don't worry, I already knew you.\" He smiled and your eyes lit up, looking at the boy in surprise yet excitement.\n\n\"I'm Michael, Michael Myers.\"\n\n.\n\n.\n\nAs you were awakened from your thoughts the doctor looked at you with slight confusion, he had probably noticed you zoned out for a second. \"Hmm, I see. Did you have any new interactions with him? Since you have been in the same sanitarium am I right?\" The doctor asked. \"Well...\" You bit your lip, not really knowing what you should tell the man. \"I didn't really have that many interactions, he doesn't speak anymore, so it was hard for me to communicate with him in the first place.\" You said, not wanting him to know alot about Michael and how he was now. The doctor nodded his head while scribbling something in his notebook.\n\n\"Alright then [Y/N], if you don't have any other things you want to tell me about Myers, is it okay with you if I ask about someone else?...\" The doctor asked, and you nodded your head in response. \n\n\"Do you remember anything about the night you tried to kill your father?\" The man said, your smile slipped and you were left silent. You didn't want to talk about that, knowing exactly what he would say if you did. You sighed and decided to tell him. What if he's different from Loomis?\n\n\"I- I came home from a party. And- and then I-\" You stopped yourself. You wanted to lie to him, act as if you haven't done anything, as if it was an actual accident, that way you'll be able to leave this shithole even sooner... You hoped.\n\n\"I don't know anymore... I-I remember being so tired that I just fell unconscious.. but then I suddenly woke up in a hospital and they told me I've done terrible things..\" You said, trying to seem as innocent as possible to the man in front of you. \"You don't know anything anymore? You don't remember getting mad at your father or seeing police enter the house? Or even... Grabbing a knife, stabbing someone?\" The doctor asked. \"I don't know... I-I was so tired that day, I can't remember anything anymore, everything seems like a blur to me now\" You told the man, frowning slightly while looking down at the table. \"Alright [Y/N]... Maybe it is better that you've forgotten it, maybe it's a sign of healing? Maybe you<i> are</i> healing.\" The man said with a slight smile. \n\nYour head moved up to look at the man again and you nodded while a smile crept onto your lips.\n\nHe actually believed you. <i>'Wh</i><i>at a dumbass</i><i>'</i>\n\n\"What about your childhood? Do you remember how it was?\" The man suddenly asked as the emotions on your face were washed away in an instant.<i> 'My childhood...</i><i>'</i> You got quiet for a second, thinking about it. You never had the best childhood, nobody knew about it, and nobody knew what you had to go through. \"[Y/N]?\" The man asked, seeing the change in your behaviour. You silently gulped.\n\n\"I-I don't know much.\" You mumbled to the man. \"Your mother... She died in childbirth am I right?\" The doctor asked, causing your eyes to widen, <i>'How did he know that?</i>' You started to feel a lump in your throat and bit the inside of your cheek. <i>'It's okay, just tell him.</i><i>'</i> You told yourself, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. \"Yes, she died in childbirth.\" You spoke. \n\n\"During the birth of your younger brother am I right?\" The doctor asked. \"They both died.\" You said, hearing no emotion in your voice. The man nodded in understanding, \"I'm sorry.\" He said as you lowered your head and gave him a nod, \"How did this affect your father?\" He asked. This was where you wanted to cross the line, nobody knew how he was after your mother died, and it was the best for them not to, the best for you.\n\n\"I-I don't want to speak of this.\" You muttered. \"[Y/N]... If it bothers you, you can always tell me, I'm here for a reason. So please, would you mind telling me?\" The doctor spoke. \n\nYou hesitated, you always wanted to tell someone about your childhood, but you couldn't trust this man, you couldn't trust anybody. Your mind went back to reality, forgetting about the sadness you felt when your childhood was mentioned.\n\nIt's the past. You had to move on from that. \n\nThe only thing you wanted to think about was your revenge. Revenge on the one who absolutely destroyed you and your childhood, no one other than your father. Your eyes moved to the doctor again, looking into his with a dark stare as your demeanor changed. \"Doctor, I am fine, it doesn't bother me in any way, I just don't wish to speak of it.\" You told the man while he looked back at you, slightly startled by the sudden change in your expression. The small fear he had for you was finally shown on his face. \"Alright [Y/N], thank you...\" The man said, remaining calm. You gave him a nod while 2 guards walked up to you from behind. They grabbed both of your arms, you stood up from the chair and the guards led you out of the office, and back to your own room.\n\nYou walked into your room again, one of the guards uncuffed you and you walked towards your bed. You sat on it and looked at the guards standing in your doorway in an awkward silence. <i>'When did they plan on going out of your room</i><i>?</i><i>'</i> You slightly rolled your eyes as the men finally left and you plopped down onto your bed with a sigh. Your eyes slowly closed as you replayed the conversation you just had in your head again, the things you had seemed to forget about had all come back in an instant. You let out a shakey breath and clenched your jaw.\n\n<i>'No, stop.'</i>\n\nYou didn't want to think about the memories, the past. You knew it would only make things worse than it is now, or at least, your mental state. It'll make your mental state much and much worse. You let out another sigh, turning around in your bed to now face the door. You opened your eyes and something instantly caught your attention.\n\nThe mask placed on your desk, the one Michael made for you. Your eyes scanned it, admiring every single little detail on it, every little detail he had painted on it. You stared at the mask in silence, feeling a wave of comfort wash over you, as if you knew you weren't alone anymore. A smile crept on your face at the thought of Michael. You missed him.\n\nDoes he miss you the same way? Does he even think of you? Oh, you'd do everything to get an answer to those questions, you weren't even sure what he felt about you, did he see you as just a friend? Or did he feel more? Did he even feel anything at all? You weren't sure of his answer, you were never sure, he'd always been the quiet type, especially now, but you sure knew <i>your</i> answer. You've loved him ever since you were just a little girl.\n\nOh how badly you wished to see him again. The thought of him made you smile.", "Days passed and the doctor hadn't spoken of your childhood ever since. But yet, you thought about it more often, even though you had promised yourself not to. You couldn't stop yourself from doing it, and you had to admit... Being all alone and locked inside a room for so long brought back a lot of memories and made you realise lots of things too. The more you thought about the memories and things that had happened, the more your hatred towards your father grew. It became so much till the point you couldn't wait to escape anymore, only to hunt your father down and torture him the way he tortured you throughout most years of your life. \n\nYou didn't deserve the things that happened to you.\n\nAnd so did your mother. If there were anyone in this world who didn't deserve it, it would be her. You were going to murder your father, but not only because he has hurt you... But for her, in her name, because the things he did to your mother were things no one would want to experience. \n\n.\n\n.\n\n.\n\n<b><u>[1992 September 1st ]</u></b>\n\n<i>\"What the fuck you mean you had to stay longer at work!? Don't fucking lie to me, woman! I know you were too busy fucking that little best friend of yours!\" Your father screamed, you could hear the rage and aggression in his voice. \"Please stop, can we just not do this right now? I'm almost nine months pregnant, the baby is almost coming and you're doing this!?\" Your mother cried out. They had been fighting for quite a while now and by the things your mother said and by the way she spoke to him, you could hear that she was desperately hoping your father would just listen to her pleas.</i>\n\n<i> \"I would never do that to you, but you know how important my work is!\" She added as you heard her voice break. \"Lies... Fucking lies!\" Your father yelled as you suddenly heard a loud noise. You flinched and your hands flew to your mouth to cover your small sobs. You listened with widened and horrified eyes, he hit her again, you knew he did.</i>\n\n<i>You sniffled, not hearing anything come from the living room anymore. You wiped your teary eyes and stood up from the stairs, silently walking towards the living room. As you stopped in the doorway your eyes filled with shock, seeing your mother on the floor, hand bleeding and broken glass lying all over the place. \"Mommy?\" You said with fear in your soft voice. \"[Y-Y/N]?\" Your mother worriedly looked at you while she slowly stood up, hiding her hand as she approached your smaller figure. \"Oh, honey...\" She whispered, crouching down and placing a hand on your cheek while you leaned into her warm hand. \"Mommy, did Daddy hurt you?\" You asked with worry, a tear rolling down your cheek. \"I was just a little dizzy and fell darling, it's okay. Daddy wouldn't hurt me.\" She told you in a reassuring manner, looking at you with the softest smile. \"But Mommy, there's blood!\" You said, terrified of her bloodied hand, which she was trying to hide behind her.</i>\n\n<i>You looked at your mother, seeing the sadness and fear in her eyes, yet she still continued to fake a smile at you, telling you it was okay. But you knew it wasn't, you always knew your father hit her... And not only her, whenever he got the chance, he hit you</i>.\n\n.\n\n.\n\n.\n\n You remembered how your mother stood up for you, letting herself be hit, kicked and hurt all for you, all so you wouldn't get hurt in any way because she knew you didn't deserve it... But neither did she.\n\nBut then one day, September 13th, your father absolutely snapped, he had hurt your mother so badly that he had broken her arm and left several bruises and injuries on her body. He had dragged her around the house, throwing her around asif she was some ragdoll to him. She hit her head, fell unconscious and didn't wake up for a while, she went into a coma. She spent 2 weeks in the hospital and woke up again on September 27 and two days later she gave birth... But she didn't survive it, her body was too weak and she died minutes after her son was born. But so did her son, your brother. Something was wrong with him, causing him to struggle with breathing, due to this, he died an hour later. You weren't even able to be there, you didn't even get to say goodbye.\n\nYou remember how hard you had cried when you heard the news. You couldn't do anything for days, you stayed in your room for months, refusing to go to school.. Not like your father gave a shit, he just started getting more and more drunk on the couch. Every night you were crying at the thought of your mother's death, you couldn't believe that she was gone. And at the same time, your father started to become more abusive towards you, forcing you to do things, manipulating and gaslighting you. He didn't even give you time to grieve, you had to keep all of your feelings bottled up and learn to live with it.\n\nHe was the real reason you turned out like this. All your life, you only felt fear, sadness and anger. But now, you're older, know better, and promised yourself that you'd never let anyone treat you like this.<i> </i>Never again\n\n", "[F/N] = Father's name\n\n\n[5 days later. 5 October 2004]\n\nYou woke up to a noise. It sounded as if someone kept banging something against the wall, over and over. It started to annoy you and wake you up too. Your eyes slowly opened and you caught a glimpse of a man in a blue uniform... Once your still tired eyes gained focus you saw a guard standing in the doorway, tapping his baton against the wall.\n\nYou let out an irritated groan and turned around, rolling your body around to face the wall. \"C'mon [L/N], you'll have to get breakfast in 5 minutes so if I were you, I'd get my lazy ass out of bed and go to the cafeteria as soon as possible.\" The guard spoke, you could hear the amusement and slight taunt in his voice. <i>'What is his problem?'</i> Did he want to piss you off? You rolled your eyes and covered your head and ears with your pillow. \"..Or if you're willing to skip breakfast, stay in bed. I mean- no breakfast wouldn't be the best start to my day but it's up to you.\" The guard said with a slightly mocking tone, making you whine in annoyance, it came out a little muffled due to you still having your face stuffed into the pillow. If you could, you'd just stay in bed the whole day<i>. 'Not like that's basically the only thing I do though...'</i> But still, you had to at least get something to fill your empty stomach, you didn't get that much to eat here anyway.\n\nYou sat up and rubbed your eyes.. But as you heard the guard's baton tapping on the wall again, your head shot towards him with an annoyed expression on your face. \"Give me 3 minutes.\" You mumbled annoyedly. \"Yeah, and in 3 minutes the cafeteria will be filled and the food will be gone\" The guard chuckled, acting asif he had just said the funniest thing ever. You looked at him in an unamused way as a frustrated sigh left your lips. \"I still gotta brush my teeth, I slept like absolute dogshit, I feel like I want to punch someone and if you stay in here tapping that fucking baton of yours I'll literally go crazy, so please, do me a favour and come back after 3. fucking. minutes.\" You said with your raspy and tired morning voice, now filled with irritation. The guard could clearly see you were not in the mood for this now. \"3 minutes [L/N]\" The guard said, rolling his eyes before walking out of your room and closing the door. You slowly stood up and walked over to the little bathroom in your room.\n\nYou turned on the faucet and looked at yourself in the mirror before washing your face and grabbing your toothbrush to brush your teeth. After 2 minutes you were done and you grabbed your hairbrush to comb your hair to at least look a bit like a normal human instead of a feral animal.  As you got out of the bathroom the door of your room was opened and the guard stood right outside. \"Done I hope?\" He asked. You gave him a nod, staring at him with annoyance. He walked over to you and cuffed your hands before you both started to walk out of the room, entering the long hallway and walking towards the cafeteria doors. You were led inside and to a table in the back of the cafeteria where the guard uncuffed one of your hands, leaving the other handcuffed. He grabbed a chain from the ground which was stuck to the floor and connected it with the handcuff on your hand so you couldn't get up. \"Go sit, Laufrey will bring your food.\" The guard said. \"Oh and- You know the rules, [L/N]. Don't do dumb shit\" The guard added as you stared back at him and rolled your eyes in silence. He walked away and soon after, your food was placed before you. \n\nAs you started to eat peacefully, minding your own business and ignoring everyone else around you, you noticed someone suddenly approaching you. A sigh left your lips.\n\n\"Hi\" The woman in front of you spoke. \"[Y/N] right?\" The woman smiled and sat down on the other side of the table, facing you. \"What?\" You said sharply, still slightly irritated by your interaction with the previous guard. \"Ahh, short fuse I see. No worries, I don't mean any harm.\" The woman said, sounding awfully calm. \"What? What do you want?\" You asked, slightly confused. \"Oh, It's nothing! I just wanted to have a little chat with you.\" The woman replied. \"Have a little chat with me?\" You asked, repeating her words while squinting your eyes in slight confusion. \"Yes! I just wanted to get to know you.\" The woman smiled. \"Go away.\" You sighed, rolling your eyes as you took a bite of your food. You ignored the girl as she started blabbering some things to you... But all of a sudden something she said caught you off guard.\n\n\"Listen, I know you killed my father.\"\n\n The woman said, sounding threatening all of a sudden. You looked at her and tilted your head, \"I'm sorry what?\" You asked, your brows rose and a slightly irritated smile formed on your lips. \"Don't play stupid [Y/N]. I know you killed him.\" The woman said with widened eyes and gritted teeth, trying to seem threatening all of a sudden. You chuckled at the woman, looking into her eyes with amusement expressed on your face. \"Look I don't exactly know what your problem is but I think you've got the wrong person because I don't know if you knew but- I've never actually killed someone. Yes, I've stabbed some people but they all survived. So you can't really blame me, lady. Blame it on his health- or whatever reason he died.\" You casually said. You knew you were right, 5 days after it happened Doctor Loomis had told you the policemen survived, and you knew your father had woken up from his coma too. You continued to eat.\n\n\"What the fuck did you just say? blame it on his health?! You fucking stabbed him to death!\" The woman said, raising her voice slightly, but not too loud to alert the guards. \"I don't even know who the fuck you're talking about.\" You said, shrugging while slightly shaking your head. \"[F/N] [L/N]!\" The woman said madly.\n\n Your eyes widened in shock as the amused smile you had on your lips faded.\n\n \"[F/N]... How do you-\" You were in shock, that was your father's name, your last name. Was this woman <i>actually</i> talking about your father? \"Who are you?\" You suddenly spoke sternly, gritting your teeth as realisation hit you. \"I-Im..\" The woman became quiet, her lips slightly moved as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't, not a sound left her lips. You were probably not supposed to know she was talking about your father, it probably slipped out of her because of her anger... Due to the way she stared at you, in shock. \n\n\"Who are you...\" You spoke, your breath becoming heavier the longer the woman stared at you in silence. Your thoughts began to overflow your mind now. you could feel your hands clench into tight fists as you stared at her face. You got this weird sick feeling in your stomach. Did you.. not know about something? Who was this woman?\n\n<b>\"Answer me!\"</b> You banged your fist on the table, pure rage suddenly displaying in your eyes. The woman's eyes widened, startled by your anger. \"Don't you fucking go silent on me now, tell me your fucking name! Who the fuck are you!?\" You screamed at the woman as suddenly 3 guards came rushing towards your table to hold you back. The other patients in the cafeteria looked your way now, noticing your outburst. It startled them... Loud chatter and talking started to fill the room, and the sound of that started to anger you even more, it made you feel even more chaos in your mind and it felt like your head would explode any second now. The chaos and rage you felt started to consume you, it started to eat you whole. You couldn't think straight anymore, you just needed to know who she was, what she wanted from you.. And why she called <i>your father</i>... <i>Her</i>  father. Your breathing became heavier, your heart was pounding faster now and your blood was boiling.\n\n You needed answers.\n\nYou tried to grab her, standing up from your chair, but you were instantly held back by guards. \"Don't fucking touch me!\" You screamed at the guards, kicking and pushing them away from you. You turned your head towards the woman as the men held your arms in a tight grip. \"If you're his child- If you're his daughter... I-I'll fucking murder you! I'll stab you just like I stabbed him. I'll stab you till every drop of blood has flowed out of your body. Do you fucking hear me!?\" You screamed, letting all your anger out at the woman as the men pushed you up and yanked you away from the table. Guards came rushing into the cafeteria, trying their best to calm the startled and panicked patients as you were being dragged away from the chaos-filled cafeteria. \n\n\"<b>I'll fucking kill you!</b>\" You cried out before you were forced into the hallway and left the cafeteria.\n", "\n\n\nYou were dragged to your room after your outburst as you were sitting on your bed now. You didn't even know why you reacted like that, you were in shock at how you had suddenly lost control over your emotions but at the same time, you were in denial. Denial of the ugly truth which had been untold today. You didn't know he had another daughter.\n\nThe woman didn't look that old, you assumed she was just a few years younger than you, you're 23 at the moment, you guessed she was around 21.\n\nBut if he really had another child... That must've meant <b>he cheated on your mother. </b>\n\nThat was the reason for your outburst, realising that your father hadn't just hurt your mother, but also cheated on her and gotten a child with another woman. \n\nYou leaned your head back against the wall and closed your eyes. You couldn't believe it. That meant that she was your half-sister. How did she even get in here? She was clearly looking for you, she knew you were inside this place, she knew who you were. Did she commit a crime just so she could see you? Try to threaten you? <b><i>Scare you?</i></b>\n\nYou shook your head in annoyance while you continued to sit on your bed in silence. But what did she mean by \"You killed my father\"? He was alive, wasn't he? Maybe she didn't know yet. But you did. There was no way he died after waking up from his coma. You knew he was alive, you could feel it deep inside you. That the man you had so much hatred for was still alive, probably peacefully living his life while you were inside here, rotting away.\n\nYou gritted your teeth and slapped your hands on your face. After minutes of sitting like that, your hands fell to your sides while you opened your eyes with a sigh. You had to distract yourself, distract your mind from thinking about the things that had happened, knowing your father is still alive, the memories of your childhood coming back more and more, the random woman who was somehow your half-sister... You took a deep breath and your eyes fell on the mask on your desk, trying to get the feeling of comfort again from the thought of him, <i>Michael</i>\n\nSuddenly the door opened and your eyes shot towards it, awakening you from your thoughts.\n\n\"Hey\" A man said, Mason. \"What do you want?\" You asked him with a sigh, not being in the mood to talk right now. \"The hell happened in the cafeteria?\" He asked, closing the door behind him and walking towards you. \"A patient was being an asshole.\" You replied with a shrug. \"You've come across more people who were acting like assholes to you, you've never gotten such a bad outburst. What happened [Y/N]?\" The guard asked again. You looked at the man in silence, giving him a small head tilt. <i>'why did he seem to care?'  </i>You let out a small chuckle. \"You sound like Doctor McTavish.\" You mocked as the guard rolled his eyes at you. \"But seriously, tell me what happened.\" He said, his voice getting a tint of seriousness in it. \n\n\"A woman randomly came up to me, she started off being nice and annoying until she suddenly got all threatening, telling me she knew I killed her father and shit. Yet, I haven't killed anyone.  When I told her I didn't know who she was talking about she said my father's name.\" You said as you watched Mason's face fill with surprise mixed with slight confusion. \"I wanted an answer. I wanted to know who she was because if my father is actually<i> </i>her father that means she's my sister, and that also means my father cheated on my mother.\" You muttered, your anger becoming a little more noticeable once those last words left your lips. Mason's brows raised, he wasn't used to seeing you this angry. \"Woah, what a great reunion.\" He said sarcastically as you rolled your eyes at him. \"Sure was.\" You replied in a sarcastic way, looking away. \"But hey, you're a guard- You should know her name, right?\" You said, facing him again with a curious tint in your eyes.\n\nMason scratched his head. \"I'm not sure who it is, I think she's new, I haven't seen or heard from her before...\" Mason said while you pressed your lips together and gave a slightly disappointed nod. \"But don't worry, I'll figure it out. Maybe one of the other guards knows.\" Mason said, his voice seeming to be a little reassuring which made your brows raise in slight amusement. \"Alright\" You said. \n\nHe looked at you in silence for a second. You tilted your head at the man as you could see him deep in his thoughts.\n\n\"Well, I should get going before they ask me why I was in your room for so long, I'll make sure to check the girl's info.\" He suddenly said, breaking the silence. He stood up and walked away from your bed while your eyes followed him. \"Okay... Thank you by the way.\" You mumbled right as he wanted to open the door. He turned his head towards you and gave a slight smile. \"Of course.\" He said and exited your room. \n\n<i>'Hmp. Strange guy.'</i>", "[ 6 October 2004 ]\n\nYou just had another session with Doctor McTavish. He was shocked by your outburst and had a dozen questions for you to answer. You tried your best trying to seem innocent yet it was hard to contain the anger and rage you felt. But to your luck, the doctor felt bad for you and let you go with a warning after you put up another innocent girl act. You were surprised that he didn't plan on giving you shock therapy, also known as 'the medicine' as every guard calls it that. Due to Mason, you knew that most patients who had outbursts were immediately brought to the therapy room where they'd be brought to sleep and given shock therapy in order for them to calm down... You wondered why the guards didn't instantly bring you to the therapy room, yet you didn't mind much of it and decided to let it go... Not like you wanted to go in there anyway.   \n\n....\n\nYou sat in your room, on your bed, something you did as usual. You always sat in your room. Besides, it was the only thing you were actually allowed to do at the moment. You let out a sigh, you were thinking much lately, too much. Not just about your childhood and all the things that had happened these past days, but also about Michael, when you'd see him again, and how you will. You knew you had to escape. You didn't fully know how yet, but you'd figure it out, you knew you would.\n\nBut what would you do after? Just go to Smith's Grove and get Michael out? No, it wasn't that easy. You knew you could escape from here but Smith's Grove? You weren't sure. You knew there were probably many more guards due to the fact that the absolute worst citizens of Haddonfield were in there, not like there were no bad people in here, you knew most of the people in here were just as crazy as in there... But you were the only person who had attempted to murder someone, at least, you guessed you were. \n\nAnd you assumed Smith Grove had gotten more cameras and guards after what had happened on your last night there... So what if they'd catch you if you ever tried to break in? Then you could say goodbye to your freedom. A sigh escaped your mouth.\n\n<i>'Michael would escape. He promised me.'</i>\n\nA voice inside your mind said as you remembered the few words he wrote the last time you had seen him. Your mind went silent for a second. He promised you he'd escape. You knew he would keep his promise.<i>'Right?'</i>\n\nSuddenly the door opened and your head shot towards it to see a guard standing in the doorway... \"Hey [Y/N]\" The guard said. \"Mason\" You sighed. \"What? Not happy to see me? If so I'll go tell my new info about the medicine and the girl to another patient, if you don't seem to mind?\" He said, using a slightly mocking tone to tease you. He turned around and grabbed the door handle. \"No no! Wait I- Tell me about the medicine-- And the girl.\" You replied quickly as he was about to open the door. He turned around again and gave a slight laugh while you rolled your eyes at him.\n\nHe approached you and crouched in front of your bed. \"Okay so first off, the girl.\" He paused as you gave a nod. \"She's indeed your half-sister [Y/N]... Layla [L/N]\" He said. Your face went blank with slight shock. You were right. \n\nMason let out a sigh as he saw your expression. You slowly shook your head in silence as your eyes moved to the floor. \"I can't believe my father. That means he cheated on my mother, got another woman pregnant and proceeded to not even tell me or my mother the truth. He could've at least told me I had a sister.\" You mumbled with a sigh. \"I feel truly sorry for you, the way you found out about this.\" Mason said as your eyes locked for a second. \n\n\"It's not your fault. It's his.\" You said, looking away in silence again as anger started to form in your eyes.\n\nMason placed a hand on your shoulder to try to comfort you. That confused you and snapped you out of your anger for a second. Your head slowly turned towards him again, slightly tilting your head at the guard. \"Is there something wrong?\" He asked you as soon as he noticed your behaviour.\n\n\"Not really it's just...\" The anger you felt for your father was soon dimmed by some sort of confusion. \"Why are you helping me?\" You asked the guard who looked at you with a slight hesitant and nervous smile on his lips. He kept quiet as the both of you stared at each other. He didn't know what to tell you. \"It's not that I don't appreciate your help but... You're a guard, and I'm a patient, a murderer. I'm sitting in front of you, uncuffed, and full of rage, yet you're still sitting here, without any slight bit of fear or distress showing on your face. You treat me so differently than the other guards, you even tell me certain things I'm not even supposed to know... So my only question is why?\" You paused, scanning his face and seeing the nervous expression he had. \"Why do you help me, Mason?\" You questioned, lowering your voice slightly.\n\n He was still quiet.\n\nHis hand went up to the back of his head. \"Look... Let's- Let's talk about this another time, for -now, I need to talk to you about the medicine, we don't have much time but it's important.\" Mason quickly said, changing the subject. He was right about that, but something still confused you, why wouldn't he just tell you? There had to be something he was hiding. \"Alright.\" You mumbled.\n\n\"Look, someone noticed that I've been skipping you ever since you came here, this person knows you've never gotten electro therapy yet and that I am the cause of it. They've told it to one of the doctors, I'm not sure who but they don't trust me anymore, [Y/N]. From now on you'll HAVE to get shock therapy and I can't do anything about it anymore.\" Mason paused. \"I'm not allowed to bring anyone to the therapy room anymore, they think I'm skipping everyone now that they found out I've been skipping you.\" Mason added. Your eyes widened at his words. Your eyes moved away from his face as thoughts rose through your mind.\n\nYou didn't want anyone to mess with your brain or mental health or whatever, you didn't want this. And you knew you weren't going to allow it. Not in any way. You took a deep breath before looking at the guard in front of you again. \"Mason, please, do you think you'll be able to change their minds for at least a few more months?\" You asked the guard. He gave you an unsure expression, \"[Y/N], as much as I want to help you, I don't think I can. I'm sorry.\" He sighed. \n\nYour lips slightly pursed while your eyes looked at him in disappointment. \n\n\"Alright... I--\" You stopped. You didn't plan anything, you didn't know what to do... Your mind started to become a haze now while Mason looked at you in a worried manner. Your eyes looked around your room and suddenly landed on the mask on your desk. You looked at it in silence as you could see Mason wanting to say something to you now in the corner of your eye. But he noticed you were deep in your thoughts as your eyes were fixated on the mask... \n\n<i>'What would Michael do?'</i>\n\nSuddenly a thought popped up in your mind. Michael was always 2 steps ahead of people, you knew that. So what if you used that? Make a plan so you'll be 2 steps ahead of the doctors. Kill them, escape? You just needed a little help... \n\n\"When will my first shock therapy be?\" You spoke all of a sudden, looking back at Mason who was slightly concerned. \"Hm... 29th of October if I'm correct.\" Mason replied as the confusion was still seen in his expression. \"Look, would you mind helping me with something then? You don't have to do much other than just stick to my plan alright?\" You said as the confused guard nodded. " ]
Title: Devil's eyes [Michael Myers x Reader] Description: Story in progress, being written and coming soon!! Female!Reader x Michael Myers fanfiction This story is based on Rob Zombie's Halloween 2007 remake & Halloween 2018-2021 remakes by David gordon. Just to make clear, in the 2007 remake Michael killed his family in 1990 when he was 10 years old. He escaped Smith's grove in 2007 when Michael was 27. Tags: ['femalereader', 'halloween', 'halloween2007remake', 'lemon', 'michaelmyers', 'michaelmyersxreader', 'readerxmichaelmyers', 'robzombie', 'slashers']
# introduction Hello everyone, Before you all get into the book I'd like to give yall a heads-up on the story. - First off, english is NOT my first language, so my apologies when I make typos or when some sentences sound off. - This book is based on Rob Zombie's 2007 Halloween, but keep in mind this is not the same exact Rob Zombie timeline, there will be some scenes from other movies such as Halloween kills. The characters won't be exactly the same as in the Rob Zombie films, for instance, I preferred to use the original Laurie in this book rather than the Rob Zombie Laurie. - The chapters may have big time skips in the beginning, I have put the dates on some of the chapters so none of you get confused on the date. - This book was originally going to be an Oc x Michael Myers, I had a whole story planned but I just couldn't find a name for the oc and idk why but making a book about an oc x Michael Myers made me cringe a little, so I made it a Y/N story instead. That's why Y/N has a lot of backstory in this book. The first few chapters are only about Y/N and her past, so you can get to know the character and what she has gone through. - This book will include some triggering themes such as abuse, alcohol, murder and lots of death (I mean duh it's a Michael Myers book), sexual assault and adult themes (maybe smut/lemon?) And this Y/N has alot of parental issues, mostly with her father so that might be a little triggering too. And because this story is mostly based on the Rob Zombie movie, Y/N will go through certain situations that happened in the movie. Later in the far future, she'll have a job as a dancer in the red rabbit (I may or may not change that), but no worries though this is still a Michael X reader book so she won't get into relationships with any man other than Michael himself. - I wanted to make Michael as canon as possible, making him a sort of mix of the Rob Zombie, 2018 and 1978 Michael. The only thing I did change was the fact that he actually feels things for people (in this case, Y/N) I honestly didn't think Michael would just fall in love with someone out of nowhere, what I mostly have read in other stories so I tried to give Michael and Y/N as much backstory as I could, yet I wanted to make their friendship a bit confusing. But besides that, Michael is often seen as someone who doesn't have any emotions and as someone who'd be extremely cold to everyone, including his S/O, but I wanted to make it seem like Michael still had some more humanity left, because just like as you could see in the movie, in this case the Rob Zombie movie, we saw how Michael was when he was a child and that he did feel and have emotions towards people, years later after escaping Smiths Grove we see how he captures his sister Laurie but he didn't plan on hurting her until she stabbed him, meaning that he did indeed have some humanity left. -But for Michael and Y/N's relationship... They weren't just classmates but they also weren't best friends who'd play and stay with each other 24/7 when they were younger. I made it clear that Y/N had a huge crush on him but was too shy to talk to him, even if she did always stare at him whenever he wasn't looking, hoping he'd be the one to start a conversation, but we all know that Michael (In the 2007 movie) wasn't much of a social kid and was seen to be the weird freak by the other children. Michael didn't feel much about Y/N yet, he knew she had an eye on him but he wasn't sure why, it did make Michael think a lot about the mysterious girl until one day she suddenly stood up for him against his bullies, from that day they became friends and started to try to talk to each other, Michael felt like she was a slight comfort to him, even if they both never talked that much. He was just happy that at least one person treated him like a normal human being. They had finally started to talk more, hoping to become better or even best friends but before both of them could, Michael was taken away due to the murders he had committed Years later Michael and Y/N meet again. - The book is not done yet, I already have some finished chapters but I wanted to finish the whole book and try to make every chapter as good as possible before publishing it. Mainly also because I want to make sure the book has a good plot and doesn't confuse people with the time skips, things that happen etc. I try to publish a chapter every Monday but keep in mind, it may be published a little later sometimes. Thank you for reading this! # Chapter 1. || The party [Y/N] = Your name Mention of abuse/alcohol. Trigger warning. Years she spent here, locked up in a house with someone who didn't even care one bit about her. He despised her and hated her in every way you could imagine. She knew he did, but she stayed because she had no place to go otherwise. She was trapped. So she tried her best for him, she tried not to hate him despite the things he had done to her.. Despite the things that happened between them, the fights, the bruises she had gotten and the way he had ruined her whole childhood with his abuse. No matter how many arguments they had, she always tried to stay obedient, she adapted to his rules and she did whatever he wanted her to do. She kept on acting.. Just to make him love her the way she wanted her father to. Just to feel some of that fatherly love, even if it meant that she had to put up with his abuse daily. It was the only thing she wanted. To be loved, to have a happy ending. Or wasn't it? Would there be a day she'd quit the act and snap? . . . <u><b>[31 October 2000. 7 years before Michael Myers escapes Smith's Groves sanitarium.] </b></u> You walked down the stairs, holding 3 school books in your arms as the sound of your footsteps hitting the wood was heard. "Morning, Dad." You said, entering the living room and placing the heavy books on the table. He stayed silent, holding a beer bottle while reading a newspaper at the end of the table. You rolled your eyes and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl. You took a bite as you stared out the window, the Halloween decorations of your neighbour instantly catching your attention. While you were staring at the little pumpkins and skeletons, you suddenly remembered that there was a Halloween party at your friend's house tonight. You took a quick glance at your father, hesitating if you should tell him about it again. You already told him a week ago, and he didn't seem to care that you were going... But that was when he was drunk. <i>'What if he had forgotten it by now?'</i>  Your inner voice spoke. You didn't want to get into trouble so you decided to ask again, just to be sure. <i>He wouldn't care, right? He never does.'</i>  He'll probably let you go like all the other times. A deep breath left your lips as you mustered up all your courage to ask him. You just hoped he hadn't changed his mind. "Dad, uhm, you know I'm going to be home a bit later today, right? I'm going to that Halloween party I told you about." You said in a soft-spoken voice and took another bite out of your apple, still looking out the window, avoiding eye contact. Your father lowered his newspaper and looked at you, raising a brow. Your face was heating up, just because you could feel his eyes piercing into your soul right now. "And who told you that?" He asked. You turned your head to him with confusion. "What do you mean?" You asked, looking at him with a puzzled expression. "Who told you that you could go huh? Are the chores going to do themselves? Is the food going to?" He said with narrowed eyes. "Dad, you told me I could go? You- You didn't tell me about me having to do chores or cook today? I-- Well, maybe I can figure something out so I'll be able to go, I won't be home too late either, I promise I'll finish all the chores then." You said, trying to look for solutions and hoping he would let you go tonight. "No. You won't be going anywhere unless every chore in this house is done." He spoke, he was getting mad, you could hear it in his tone. "Dad, come on. I can't do that right now I-I've got school in 20 minutes! After school, I can maybe order some food for you and after the party, I'll do everything!" You said with slight frustration in your voice. You had already made plans with your friends the moment he told you you were allowed to go, how could he just suddenly change his mind? You had behaved yourself the whole week, did everything he asked you to and now you get this? You couldn't cancel your plans last minute. "Do not raise your fucking voice at me!" Your father said in an angered tone. "But it's just--" "I said no! Fucking listen to me, you stupid child! Im the adult here!" He yelled, suddenly standing up and slamming the beer bottle to the ground. You flinched. Your eyes widened as the broken pieces of glass flew everywhere. "I tell you one simple goddamn thing and even that is hard for you to understand! How come that you are so fucking dumb!?" He said angrily, stepping closer to you as he yelled right in your face. You became quiet, feeling that weird pricking feeling in your throat again while you stared at him with shock. You closed your moist eyes, took a deep breath and turned around to grab your books from the table in silence. You threw the apple in the trashcan while you walked to the hall and grabbed your coat and bag. Before heading out the door, you looked at your father with disgust. "I sometimes wish you were different." You mumbled and slammed the door behind you. As you walked out of the house you suddenly heard the door open behind you. "You wish I was different!? I wish that you were different! Even better, couldn't you just drop dead the same way your mother did huh!?" Your father screamed at the top of his lungs. You turned around the second he began to speak of your mother that way, and looked at him with furious eyes, hiding the fact that deep inside, he hurt you, he hurt you like he always did. You had the urge to scream back at him for saying something like that, how dare he talk about your mother like that? You were deeply hurt by his words.. But then, the longer you stared at him and listened to his insults, the more you started to feel something.. Unusual awakening in you. Something other than just anger or hurt. Rage Rage started to form inside your body, asif the feeling was just starting to consume you all of a sudden like never before. You clenched your fists and without even noticing, your nails started to dig into your palms, almost making yourself bleed. The emotions were so intense that it was starting to overwhelm you. You suddenly got this wild urge to-- to hurt him. To run towards him and slam his head against the wall until his breathing stops.  <i>'What am I thinking?--'</i> Your eyes widened at your own sick thoughts, but the urge to do it started to grow bigger, you wanted to do it, you wanted to run up to him and-- kill him.  That's when you snapped yourself out of your thoughts. Your eyes were filled with shock yet you quickly took a deep breath to hopefully calm yourself. You turned around as your father continued screaming at you, you ignored him, not letting yourself listen to the nonsense that was leaving his lips. The rage slowly disappeared when you looked around and saw people staring at you, your rage quickly turned into embarrassment as the only thing you were now feeling was humiliation. You could feel their eyes on you, the shocked looks on their faces... You started to awkwardly walk away from your house, hearing your father's voice fade away the further you walked. Luckily, there weren't many people who saw that, yet the feeling of embarrassment from that moment was still inside you<i>.</i> You rubbed your eyes and sighed disappointedly, trying to speed up your walking pace. . . . [ After school ] "So, should we head to my house?" Your friend, Sarah excitedly asked while walking next you. "Oh, and I got the costume you wanted! The party begins at 5 pm so if we'll be quick enough we'll make it in time." She added as she continued blabbering happily. You looked at her and shook your head. "I don't think that that's a good idea. My father got pissed again and I don't want any other problems with him." You said, rolling your eyes at the thought of your father. "Hopefully he will even forgive me for talking back at him." You scoffed with irritation in your voice. Your friend looked at you, surprised, yet she was showing a tint of sympathy for you in her expression. "That's strange, since when does he want you to stay home? The man mostly wants you as far away from him as possible?" Sarah said confusedly as she pressed her lips together. "Exactly, I thought the same thing." You spoke, looking at her while shrugging. "But that doesn't matter. I'm not going, I honestly dont wanna risk getting myself in trouble again." You explained, letting out a sigh. Your friend looked at you with pity while you looked away, tilting your head slightly down to the ground as you continued to walk in silence. "Listen [Y/N] You can't just let him control your life like that while you do literally everything for him. The only thing he does is sit in his chair and drink the whole day while you do shit he's supposed to do! And besides that, you're already 18. Honestly, if you were my daughter I would've let you go! Like come on, you're supposed to have a bit of fun in these years of your life!" Sarah spoke while moving her hands dramatically. You looked at her and scoffed while smiling. "Well, I wish he'd have your mindset." You said in a joking way as your friend stared back at you, letting out a chuckle while shaking her head. "But I still don't know, he'll still be mad." You said, already getting annoyed by the thought of your father scolding you again. "Come onnn, I'll make sure to back you up if he gets mad, blame it on me! Not like the old man is gonna do anything to me right?" She said with a slight grin while you stared at her with a hesitating look on your face. "Pleaaasee? I promise I'll back you up." She begged, looking at you with her ridiculously funny puppy eyes. After a moment of thinking you let out a deep sigh while rolling your eyes. "Alright alright, you win." You said, laughing in defeat as a smile crept onto her lips. "Yes! So? What are we waiting for? Let's go to my house!" Sarah said happily while dragging you with her. You looked at her with a slight tint of hesitance in your eyes before shaking your head and following after her "Hey hey slow down!" You laughed. . . . [8 PM ] You had decided to still go after your friend had begged you to, and you were glad you did, you had fun at the party. You and your friends danced, drank and talked, yet you still reminded yourself to make sure to get home early and well due to your father, he'd probably get upset anyways. Oh well, at least you had fun, right? You finally sat down at a chair in the kitchen and rested after Sarah had dragged you onto the dancefloor and forced you to dance with her. You were on your phone now, distracting yourself a little. You were too focused on your phone so you didn't realise that a guy, wearing a Chucky mask and costume suddenly stood motionlessly in front of you. When you looked up from your phone again, a startled gasp left your lips as you accidentally let go of your phone but the man in front of you managed to catch it just in time. You looked up at him with surprise as he handed you your phone back. "God- You scared me you prick!" You said while slightly chuckling in an embarrassing way and grabbing your phone, giving him a small 'thank you' nod. The guy took off his mask and a familiar face smiled back at you. It was one of your old friends, Pete McCabe. "Long time no see [Y/N]" He said. A smile formed on your face as you instantly remembered him. "I could say the same. How have you been?" You asked him. "Ah you know, chill as always." He winked as you laughed. "So how'd you like my costume huh?" He asked while he posed. "You look horrible." You joked at him. "Wow, okay rude. Thanks a lot,<i> friend</i>." He said back in a sarcastic and joking tone as you let out a chuckle. "And, who are you dressed as?" He asked. "Padme Amidala" ((The white attack of the clone's outfit, pretend the movie came out in 2000)) You said with a smile as Pete Looked at you up and down. "You look very good, and besides, it's one of my favourite movies so I can tell you have good taste." Pete said, his eyes still on your costume, looking at you intensely asif he were a jury in a costume contest. "Really huh?" You laughed while he looked at you with a smile and nodded. "Yes, I'm serious! Most of the people in here have such boring costumes. Like the classic devil or vampire outfit almost everyone wears, it's refreshing to see someone who has actual taste" Your friend said while you laughed at him again and thanked him. "By the way..." Pete spoke as you stared at him, waiting for him to go on. "Do you remember the scary guy from elementary?" You raised an eyebrow at him while slightly tilting your head, not knowing who he is talking about. "Yknow, Mikey, the guy who my mom forced me to hang out with that one time?" He said. You suddenly realised who he was talking about as you heard those names. He's talking about Michael, Michael Myers. You both used to be in the same class as Michael, most people disliked him, but you didn't though, not at all. You never knew why they were so mean to him in the first place, you knew he wasn't the most normal kid out there but that didn't give them a reason to treat him so badly. "Remember how he killed his sister?" He asked as your smile faded a little. Yes, you did remember. You never expected him to actually kill someone, but you understood him in some way, his sister was the absolute worst. You remember how she tugged your hair in the hallway, each time you fell flat on your back while she and her friends laughed at you. His sister was not only a bully to people in your old school but she was also an absolute whore and a horrible sister. "Yea, I do." You said, a little blankly. "Today is the 10th anniversary of his killings. And he's been in that crazy mental facility for over 10 years now, can you believe that? 10 years!" Your friend said, sounding like he was mocking his situation. "Mhm." You said while looking back at your phone, uninterested in wanting to continue the conversation you had about Michael. Pete instantly noticed the change in your behaviour as he snorted and you raised a brow at him. "Oh come on [Y/N], don't tell me you still have a crush on that guy." He laughed as your eyes widened out of embarrassment. "What? No- What do you mean a crush? I never even had a crush on him!" You said quickly while looking at him. "Yea yea [Y/N], no need to get so defensive! I believe you, don't worry." He winked jokingly. "You're going nuts, Pete." You said while rolling your eyes and laughing at him. But he was right. You did indeed have the biggest crush on the guy. You wondered what he looked like now, and what he was like. Did he go full-on psycho? Or is he still the cute introverted boy you knew? Suddenly you heard someone scream, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Huh, what's happening there?" You said as you turned your head to where the sound came from, the living room. "I dunno, come on, let's check it out." Your friend said. You quickly hopped off the chair and went to the living room filled with people while Pete followed you. As you entered the room you saw a crowd standing around two men fighting. When you took a closer look... You gasped in horror. "Dad! Get off of him!" You screamed as you pushed everyone aside to run to your father. You crouched down beside him and tried to get him off of the boy he was beating. "What are you doing!? Dad get off!" You screamed in panic, trying your best to pull your father off even if he showed no sign of letting you. You wanted to yell at him again but before you could, he hit you right in the face. A soft grunt left your lips as you fell back, into someone. You held your hand over your nose while you felt thick blood running over your mouth. "Fucking hell, dad!" You screamed madly as you wiped the blood away, smudging the blood over your lips and jaw, but you couldn't care less now, you had to get your father off of that poor guy on the ground. You quickly stood up, grabbing your father roughly while Sarah and another person came to help you get your dad off. As he finally got off, you snapped back to reality when you looked around and realised everyone was standing around you with their phones out. <i>'Shit.' </i>The boy on the ground was bleeding. "I-I'm so sorry." You said with guilt, embarrassment and shock before turning to your dad. "Dad come on let's go home." You mumbled as you put his arm around your shoulder. He instantly fought back to get out of your grip but you weren't letting him go, he wasn't going to embarrass you again. "Now." You said demandingly and dragged him out of your friend's house. You felt everyone's eyes on you as you left. it was humiliating. Your own father... Embarrassing you in front of basically half of the school... You wanted to run away and wait for this to be over. But you couldn't, you had to bring your drunk father home. As you were walking over a bridge, using it as a shortcut, your father went crazy. He pushed you away and stared at you with madness written all over his face. "You fucking brat! You didn't listen to me! How fucking dare you!?" He screamed while waving his arms around like a crazy person. You could tell he was incredibly drunk by the way his words were slurred and how his body was swaying as he walked. "Dad stop screaming! you're drunk and it's dark and cold out here, we need to get home now!" You said as you tried to pull him with you. "No! I'm the goddamn adult here! You should fucking listen to me! You piece of filthy shit!" He yelled as he pulled away, almost stumbling over his own feet. "Dad for god's sake please-" You said but he interrupted you once again, "Couldn't you just die instead of your mother!? Then I wouldn't have to put up with this stupid dumb thing that came out of her! God, you're even dumber than her!" He screamed as he pushed you, causing you to stumble back. You heard him mumble something under his breath, using the name Layla... But before you could even question him about it, he pushed you back once again as you only came closer and closer to the edge of the bridge. "Dad look out, we're on a bridge you got to be fucking careful!" You screamed as he continued pushing you and you tried to keep your balance. "What the fuck did you just say!?" He screamed. <b>"What did you say!?"</b> *He screamed at the top of his lunges before charging at you.* Suddenly, he pushed you so hard that you fell backwards. It happened too fast for you before you could even process it. All of a sudden, you lost balance and fell over the bridge's small railings. Your life flashed before your eyes as the last thing you saw was your dad, pushing you off a bridge. And when you hit the ground, everything went black. <b>______________________________</b> <u>Authors note.</u> Hello everyone. Hoping all of you enjoyed the first chapter! There is a lot more to come and I'm trying my best to start uploading the chapters that r already done but due to school and this book being quite long, having lots of chapters and me also having to add things that add up to the future chapters it may take a little longer. But I will be continuing to write the chapters on my free days and try not to let yall wait too long. So thank all of you for reading and keep an eye out for the other chapters that will be coming soon. # Chapter 2. || An accident [31 October 2000. 11.40 PM] Your eyes slowly opened and the first thing you saw was a dark sky, a sky full of stars. It was still dark, which meant that you weren't down for too long... You hoped. You moved your head with a soft moan as you started to feel the grass, leaves and dirt under your body. "F-Fucking hell" You mumbled as you tried to sit up but you couldn't move an inch. Your body felt weak and your head was spinning.  <i>'What happened-- Why am I feeling like this?'</i> Your mind was in a haze. You looked around with slight confusion, squinting your eyes.. It was dark, you could barely see a thing. But then you looked up, noticing a bridge in front of you, and the second you did, the memories instantly came flooding into your mind. You were pushed off, he pushed you off of the bridge. He hurt you. <b>He</b> tried to <b>KILL</b> you. Your own father. As you tried to move, a pained groan left your mouth. He didn't want you, he never did and tonight was the night you finally realised it. You tried so hard to be a good daughter for him, despite him being one of the worst people you knew. In every argument, fight or disagreement, you always tried to remain calm, not to anger him and even apologise to that selfish human. Yes, you broke one of his rules today. But you had never done that before and you never expected him to do what he did today. You can already imagine the stares you'll get in the school hallway. And it's his fault, the one person you tried so hard to please, to love. You had enough. You carefully stood up but soon fell down again, feeling a terrible sting of pain in your leg as a soft yelp left your lips. Your attention went to your hurting leg, quickly looking at it and noticing some blood stains on the white pants you were wearing. You slowly turned your leg around to examine it and you gasped in horror as you saw a stick pointing out of your leg. That's the reason it hurt, you probably landed so hard that a stick managed to stab through your skin. You stared at the bloody mess with widened eyes, thinking of what to do now. <i>'Pull it out?' </i> That was the first thing you thought. <i>'No, no it'll hurt too much...'</i> You just had to get home, then you'll look for what you can do with it. You took a deep shakey breath and forced yourself to stand up. You wobbled forward, dragging your leg in pain as you whimpered softly. All of a sudden, you felt a painful sting in your leg again, you tried to ignore it despite it hurting like hell. But as you took another step, your leg gave up and you fell down, letting out a gasp as you harshly hit the ground again. After laying completely still on the ground for a minute, you turned over in pain, rolling on your back. You looked up at the sky with teary eyes, heavy breath escaping your lips while you wiped the dirt and leafs off of your face. Your body was weak after the fall, but still, you HAD to go home. There was no way you could just lay here until someone found you, which would likely never happen anyway. You put both your hands beside you on the ground for support and sat up with a grunt. You held your leg still as you wrapped your other hand around the stick that was stabbed through your flesh. And with a clenched jaw, you began to pull. You let out a pained scream, you could feel the stick move inside your leg. After a minute of trying to pull the stick out of you, you unwrapped your hand and closed your eyes, letting yourself fall back against the ground in exhaustion. It wouldn't get out, it indeed hurt too much. After laying on the ground for another minute, catching your breath and trying to calm yourself from hyperventilating, you decided you'd try to go home, even though you still had the stick stabbed through your leg. You had to, you had no other choice. <i>'Cmon [Y/N] get a grip on yourself'</i> You slowly stood up, hands beside you on the ground for support again as you pushed yourself up. You clenched your teeth as you stood. You took a slow step, trying to put not too much pressure on your leg and started limping your way home, nearly falling at some points. . . . As soon as you arrived back home you wanted to bang on the door in anger, but to your surprise, it was already open. You growled to yourself, already starting to feel yourself getting mad again. You stepped inside, slamming the door behind you and limping through the hallway, your palms pressed against the wall for support. You looked around as you entered the living room and saw your father sleeping in his chair with another beer bottle in his hand. Looking at him made the same rage you felt in the morning fill your mind again. <i>'How dare he be sleeping here, so peacefully while he almost killed his fucking daughter!?'</i> You suddenly heard something in your pocket, distracting you. You reached inside it and found your now cracked phone. You looked at it and saw dozen of texts from people, talking about you and your father, pictures of you and your father were all you saw. You looked at the phone in horror, everyone was making fun of you now, just as you had imagined. Everyone thought you were the weird kid whose father crashed a Halloween party now. You couldn't believe it. You were so angry, hurt, and confused by the situation you were in. You slammed the phone on the ground and ran to the kitchen. You couldn't do this anymore. You turned on the faucet and ran your dirty hands through the warm water. You took a deep breath and brought your wet hands to your face, wiping your face and getting off the dirt and blood, but also hoping the warmth would calm you. But it didn't, your hands kept trembling and you could feel the tears prick in your eyes. The tears weren't just tears of sadness, but embarrassment, and anger. Deep down you just felt so sad that again, your father did something like this. He hurt you again even though you did nothing to him. You loved him and hated to see him like this. But at the same moment, the anger and embarrassment you felt towards him overpowered your sadness and the need of wanting to try everything to be loved by him. you felt ashamed of him and angered, angered that he was the one that had to ruin a great night again. And not only that, he had almost killed you, what if you landed wrong and broke your neck? Not like he would give a shit anyways, since he was just peacefully sleeping like always. You turned off the faucet and grabbed a towel. As you dried your face and hands, still deep in your thoughts, something suddenly caught your eye. A half-opened shelf. As you slowly put the towel on the counter, you peeked inside and saw something shiny inside it. You opened the shelf.<i> 'knives.'</i>  You flipped through the knives as one of them caught your attention and a million thoughts raced through your mind. The thoughts and memories of him hurting you again, hitting you, and telling you how you're worth nothing were swarming through your mind. The way he had hurt your mother, how you had to see her pretend she was okay even though you knew she wasn't, all those thoughts suddenly hit you again.  You turned around with the knife in your hand. The rage you felt towards your father was becoming bigger the longer you looked at him. Your legs started to move on their own, slowly walking towards your father as the voices and thoughts in your mind became louder and louder. You stared at your father's sleeping form, your eyes went from the smashed beer bottle on the ground to the one in his hands. As you stared at it, you remembered how he threw the beer bottle on the ground today, in the morning, and then proceeded to follow you outside and tell you how bad of a child you were, embarrassing you once again. Hurting you again. <i><b>'Kill him.'</b></i> You held the knife up in the air, your eyes focused on the man in front of you. Before you could think, or realise what you were about to do, the hate and rage you felt towards him had already consumed your mind. You pushed the blade down with force, hitting him right in his shoulder. His eyes shot open and he stared at you in shock, beginning to scream loudly. Your eyes widened and in shock. You stabbed him again as his pained cries were heard throughout the whole house. You pulled the knife out and then stabbed him again and again... But suddenly you froze, your hands still tightly wrapped around the knife's handle. Your lip trembled as your fearful eyes went from your father to the bloodied knife in your shaking hands, realising what you just did. He was covered with blood, and so were your hands, you had HIS blood on your hands. The knife fell to the ground and you put your hands on your mouth in shock. "Oh my god." You breathed out as tears of shock filled your eyes. "What have I done." You gasped while stumbling back, towards the wall. "What have I done!?" You cried out as you bumped into the wall and let yourself slide down. Your leg was still bleeding, your body was still weak and you could still feel the disgusting leaves and dirt on your body. And yet, you still couldn't believe this was real.  <i>'Is this a dream? Am I dreaming?'</i> You wished you were. You just killed someone... You killed your own father. You let out a sob and put your hands on your head, your cries and breathing becoming louder and heavier as you went into a state of panic and shock, until you suddenly heard loud sirens from outside, your mind filled with confusion. <i>'Who informed the police? How are they here this fast!?'  </i> <i>'Fuck, I'm going to jail.'</i>  You thought as you covered your mouth and muffled your cries.  As you started to hear people from outside your house you looked at the knife and voices filled your mind again. You crawled over to it and grabbed the knife, holding it tightly in your grasp. You looked at it in your shaking, bloodied hands, your mind was telling you all sorts of things now, you had to focus. "I-I can't go to jail." You whispered to yourself while you could hear someone banging on your door.<i> 'He tried to kill me.'</i>  Again loud banging was heard.<i> 'He deserved it.'</i> Suddenly the door swung open. You gasped as you saw 3 officers run into the room. You stood up, holding onto the wall for support and the knife to defend yourself as they came closer. "Ma'am put the knife down now!" The officer called out. Tears were running down your cheeks as the realisation hit again, making it feel like the world suddenly froze while the voices in your mind continued to speak to you. "I didn't mean to!" You cried out, shaking. "I-It was an accident! I-I didn't mean to actually kill him!" You said with a despairing tone, lowering the knife while the officer slowly came closer. "It's okay ma'am calm dow--" The officer spoke until you gritted your teeth and suddenly swung the knife, stabbing the man in his chest. a loud gasp was heard from the man as you pulled the knife out of him and looked at the man with widened, teary eyes as you got a strange rush of adrenaline. It felt good. The man fell down and you ran upstairs, the adrenaline causing you to completely forget about the pain in your leg. "Call back up, call back up!" One of the other officers yelled while they both ran after you, holding out their guns. Your heart was beating faster than it ever did as you entered your room and hid inside your closet.  The two officers rushed into the room and began searching for you.  One of the men slowly walked towards the bed while the other walked to the closet, both holding their guns tightly. You quickly thought about what to do now... It was dark, would they see you if you slipped past them? What if you stayed hidden in a corner? Suddenly, you realised the knife was still in your hand. You froze. # Chapter 3. || Crazy You took a deep breath, a breath you were holding for quite some time. As soon as you saw the light from the officer's flashlight shine inside through the gaps, you held your knife up, ready to strike. Right as the door opened, you jumped at him, grabbing him and stabbing him right in his neck. The other officer at the bed turned around in shock and ran over to you with his gun in his hand and a panicked look on his face. Your head slowly turned towards the other officer as the dead officer's body fell against you. "Ma'am put down the knife now! This is your last warning or I will have to shoot!" The officer said, startled by you. You pulled the knife out of the officer's neck, letting him fall onto the ground and ran towards the other one, holding the knife up as you were ready to end the man. Suddenly your body froze and a stinging pain was all you felt. The officer had tasered you. You fell down to the ground and let go of the knife as your body trembled. You weakly looked up at the man now standing in front of you, as you tried to grab him. But then, you blacked out. . . . . . . You were brought to the police station, they got you clean clothes, cleaned your wounds and leg that was still covered in blood throughout the event, spoke to you and checked your history... You've never done anything like this before. You had never done any harm to a living creature. They went through your phone and called some of your friends for questioning. Your friends were shocked. Even Sarah, your best friend couldn't look at you anymore. It hurt. It hurt a lot to see how your best friend had acted towards you, how you had been called a murderer. You didn't think about what you were doing at that moment, your rage and anger had taken over your mind. You almost killed 2 police officers. They managed to go to the hospital and get help. But still, you almost killed them, you stabbed them and had their blood on your hands. You didn't even bother thinking about your father, you doubted he was still alive anyways. And yet, after everything you'd done, you didn't feel a thing about it, not even a little bit of guilt. You were shocked and cried while it happened, but later after everything was over, you felt nothing. Your father deserved it. He deserved it because he was the reason for your sadness, your rage. He was the one that made your life such a living hell, that made your <i>mother's life</i> a living hell, and he was the one to blame for her death. <i>Oh, poor mother.</i> You can't remember much about her, you were young. But even as a young child, you knew she deserved better. Your mother was kind, gentle, and always smiling, even when your father acted like an asshole, even when he had hurt her once again. Your 8-year-old self never knew why she did that, why she always tried to smile around others while she knew that she was far from being okay. But now, years later, you understand. You understand why she did it. It was for you because all she wanted was for you to be okay, no matter how much pain she was in, you were always her top priority. She was truly an angel.  All these years he had abused both you and your mother and nobody, literally nobody, had ever helped you. They didn't even seem to care. But when you finally did something, when you finally put an end to all the pain he gave you, you were the bad guy. They told you you needed help. Mental help. <i>Yea, probably.</i> . . . So you were sent to Smith's grove sanitarium. A mental hospital. The first day there was hell, you were thrown into a room with only a bed, desk, small closet and a toilet and sink in another small room. You sat in your bed the whole time as you were slowly losing all your sanity day by day. You couldn't take it, sitting in a room, doing nothing but staring at a white ceiling. It sometimes reminded you of your childhood. When you got punished by your father again or when your parents were fighting, you sat on your bed, staring at the white ceiling while doing nothing but drowning in your thoughts. But in the meantime, your leg healed slowly. One of your nerves had been damaged so you couldn't properly walk for a while. You decided to ask for some paper, to hopefully cure your boredom and to help you not think about the things that had happened. You spent most of your time making all sorts of paper flowers. You put them on your desk, closet etc... It was a small comfort for you, you adored flowers. You occasionally had to talk to the doctors there. You mainly spoke with a man named Dr Samuel Loomis, a doctor who had claimed to be working there for quite a while now. He told you he'd help you heal and find peace.<i> Yea right. </i>Yet each time the same question was asked. "Why did you do it?" <i>I did it out of anger. Out of all the anger and sadness that I had bottled up inside of me. It became too much, too much to handle</i>. You knew it wouldn't get better anyways, you'd go to school, get picked on for the rest of your life, get laughed at by having such an ass of a dad and then go home and get hurt and yelled at by your dad, the man who caused it all. You knew why you did it. You just never bothered to tell them anymore because all you would get was "You could've fixed it, could've gotten help, for the both of you." But you knew the so-called help they were talking about would do nothing but make it worse than it already was. . . You stayed in your bed. Thinking about what you did on Halloween. At the beginning of your stay there, you sometimes started to feel guilty, thinking about how you could've actually helped him... But no, he didn't deserve that, Loomis made you feel like he did but you knew the truth about your father. He didn't love you, he didn't care if he did or didn't ruin your life. As long as he could peacefully watch tv and drink all day while everything was done for him. He didn't even care about your mother. There was nothing to feel guilty about. All the overthinking broke your mind more and more till you just accepted the fact that you were indeed... Crazy. __________________________ Authors note: Very sorry for the slow updates, I'll try my best to upload one chapter a week from now on :) I was very busy writing the other chapters which are now almost done and honestly, yall r absolutely gonna love them(Talking abt the future chapters). Keep in mind, in this story there will be a lot of mentions of traumas the reader gets or has. It also has lots of family abuse and will contain some sexual themes in the future, so just a little warning. # Chapter 4. || An old friend. [January 2001. 3 months later] You woke up, your eyes opened and to your surprise, there were no guards standing in your doorway to give you your breakfast<i>, </i><i>had</i><i> I woken up early?</i> You thought as you brought a hand up to your face to rub your eyes in tiredness. You had to eat breakfast in your room or when the cafeteria was empty. Due to the things that happened a few months ago, they were still being careful of bringing you into the presence of others. You had been isolated for 3 months to calm your <i>bloodlust </i>down, or so they called it. They were only allowing you to eat in an empty cafeteria or talk with your psychiatrist, doctor Loomis, while 4 guards were with you to hold you down if you'd snap and get another murderous rage outburst again. You soon knew why they were so strict and careful with people like you, murderers. Besides, you weren't the only "dangerous threat" in here... Loomis had told you about another man who was also stuck in here. You knew who he was as soon as you heard his name leave the doctor's mouth, it was an old school friend of yours. Loomis knew. You wondered how the doctor knew about you being friends with him, but he didn't tell you much about how he came on that information. You assumed one of your friends told the police while they were being questioned, they must've written it in your files afterwards. But you were curious, curious about your old friend. Would he remember you? It had been a long time since the last you've seen him. You secretly hoped he would remember you, because you certainly did remember him. You remembered the way you stared at the boy before the both of you ever really got to know each other. You had such a big crush on the guy and he didn't even know it. You never planned on telling it to him though, and neither do you now. The small childhood crush you had on the boy was by now probably gone anyways.  . . . You stood up and brushed your teeth in the small space a toilet and sink were placed. Above the sink was a small mirror, it wasn't made of glass, it was plastic, probably cause they were scared you'd break the mirror and kill someone with the broken pieces of it. You considered it at first, the first week you were in the sanitarium. Sitting in your room with nothing to do and nobody to talk to other than stare at a ceiling had made you think about ways you could try to escape. Before you knew the mirror wasn't glass you wanted to break the mirror and kill the guards with the broken pieces the second they came to your room, or to try to get out of the guards' grips whenever they were bringing you to your psychiatrist again and escape, or try your best to just break the window. Those were some of the many things you had thought about, but you could keep on dreaming because you knew escaping this place... wouldn't be as easy as how you made it up in your mind. Besides that, you still had to be slightly more careful with your leg, it wasn't injured anymore and it luckily only left a scar but yet it had damaged one of your nerves..  After you were done in the bathroom you walked to your bed and laid down again. You closed your eyes with a deep breath. Suddenly the sound of people coming into your room was heard. Your eyes shot open and looked at the door to be greeted by two guards. You hadn't seen them before. "Come on, time for breakfast." One of the guards said, it was a young man with dirty blond hair and a tired look on his face. You closed your eyes and sighed before standing up and walking over to them. The other older man cuffed your hands and brought you into the hallway. As you walked by rooms filled with patients one of the men started to speak. "Listen here kid, this will be your first time eating in the cafeteria with other patients. I want you to behave heh? If not, there'll be consequences, understood?" The older man said in a demanding and stern voice. You rolled your eyes. "Did you understand [L/N]?" He repeated. "Yea, I did." You said while scoffing quietly. You were pushed into a cafeteria. "Get ur lunch and sit. Don't fuck around unless you wanna end up fully chained like most of the people in here." The younger guard said, you ignored him and looked around to see a bunch of other patients around the room. Your eyes suddenly fell on someone sitting in the corner. It was a young man, strokes of his hair and a mask covering his face. He was sitting at one of the tables, alone and heavily cuffed with chains hanging from his hands. It made him look as if he was some wild dangerous animal that could rip you apart if he wasn't cuffed like this. You didn't like the sight of it, it made you feel like the people in here were more treated like animals rather than humans. His head was tilted down, looking at the table with empty eyes. As you quietly watched him, you suddenly realised who he was and you felt your heart start to beat faster. Was it him? Your old friend? It had to be. Michael Myers. You stood still for a second, looking at the man and seeing how huge he had become, Loomis had told you more about him after you showed interest. Loomis didn't tell you all too much, but you did notice that Michael wasn't quite the man's favourite patient... He kept telling you all sorts of nonsense, that he was pure evil and that darkness hid behind his eyes. You knew why he was in here, and you knew what he had become. Yet, you wanted to talk to him, something you wouldn't have ever dared to do back in the day. You didn't bother getting lunch and slowly walked over to his table, you sat down in front of him while your eyes scanned him. He kept his head the same way it was just a moment before, looking down at the table, completely ignoring your presence. Your mouth opened to speak but before you could you heard a guard yell at you. "[L/N] Get away from him! Unless you want your ass bea-" The guard spoke but before he could finish his sentence you looked at him with irritation in your eyes. "Shut up" You said with a slightly annoyed tone before rolling your eyes and turning your head to the man sitting in front of you. The guards wouldn't stop you from interacting with him. "Long time no see." You said as you stared at him, looking at his mask and his dark, emotionless eyes hidden beneath it, still focused on the table. You went quiet for a moment. Thinking about what to say. Did he remember you? You doubted that, you didn't talk that much to him when you were younger. Mostly because you used to always get a strange feeling in your stomach whenever you looked at him or tried to speak to him, it made you nervous and slightly jumpy around him. It wasn't because you were afraid of him, unlike the other people in your class. You were probably just not the social type... Or was it because of the small butterflies you felt in your stomach each time you saw him? <i>hmmm... Not like you'd ever admit that.</i> Suddenly as you looked at him you started to remember the time you stood up for him. You remembered how you both became friends after that, you both tried to talk more, become better friends. But before you knew it, he was taken away due to the murders he had committed. You felt bad for him... Would he remember you if you told him about it? "I always felt bad for you." You spoke suddenly. He still stared down at the table. You could hardly tell if he was or wasn't listening to you. "You know, I used to go to your school too." You told him. "Even better, I was in the same class as you were. I sat two tables behind you, remember? We were friends." You said and paused. You took your eyes off Michael and looked around the cafeteria before speaking again. "I understood your struggles. I noticed it even if you didn't say a word to me about it. " You said, looking away. "I heard the things people said about you, I felt bad for you. You weren't even as bad or weird as the people had described you to be, you were quite sweet to me." You said as your voice slightly softened. When you looked back at Michael again, he was looking at you, to your surprise. As you stared into his eyes you couldn't help the slight smile that crept on your lips. "My father was just like your stepfather. He didn't do shit, drank, hurt me..." You paused, put your elbow on the table, and leaned your head in the palm of your hand before looking at him again. "He almost killed me." A soft chuckle escaped your lips, covering up the little hurt you felt. "He is the reason I'm in here, the reason I basically lost half of my sanity. He ruined me." You said as Michael was still staring at you. "But I ruined him too." You spoke before looking around and resting your arms on the table, leaning closer to him. "I killed him, just like you did." You whispered while your voice slightly cracked. "I regretted it so much on that day, but now when I look back at it, it's the best thing I ever did, honestly." You said. "There had to be someone to put an end to his abuse." You mumbled as Michael stared at you intensely. He didn't speak to you, but his eyes told you enough. You weren't sure if he remembered you, but your story interested him. Suddenly a guard slammed his hand on the table and looked at you. "Enough chit-chatting. It's time to go back to your rooms." The guard said with a stern and demanding voice. Your eyes moved to the guard and you stared at him, slightly annoyed. You leaned back and looked at Michael before standing up and turning to the guard. "It was nice seeing you again, I'll see you around." You said, giving him a slight smile as the guard handcuffed you and pulled you towards the door, feeling Michael's eyes piercing through you while you walked away. . . . But what you didn't know... Is that Michael knew you too. He still remembered the day you stood up for him, how sweet you were. And he knew you looked familiar when you entered this place. When the guard called your name, he knew he was right all along. Michael always wanted to know why you stared at him when he was younger, yet he never asked. Were you afraid of him? Did you find him weird? Were you in love with him perhaps? He doubted the last one but he always knew you kept an eye on him, but so did he. He had planned on trying to talk to you every time, but whenever he saw you he thought it was better not to. He'd be afraid to scare you the same way he did to his other classmates, he was afraid you would find him a freak, just like the others. Although, he was happy to talk to you whenever you dared to have a conversation with him. And to his luck, you were mostly the one to start a conversation anyways. By the time you actually became friends, he had found a sort of comfort in you, knowing that there was at least one person who saw him as a human instead of a freak. He found you an interesting girl. <i>Why would she want to hang out with someone like me? What does she even think of me?</i> He used to ask himself. Today he got his answer. But now, years later, he couldn't help but feel slightly glad at the fact that you still treated him normally even after he had become the<i> monster </i>he was referred to nowadays.  # Chapter 5. || Growing closer After that day, the day you spoke to Michael for the first time in years, you sat with him and tried to talk to him more often. It was quite awkward at first since Michael didn't actually talk to or had anyone interested in him for years. Well, he did, but he just didn't want to talk to any of them. He went mute, causing it to be harder to communicate with him, yet you tried your best to. After some months Michael started to get more comfortable with you, just like when you were younger. It made you happy to see that whenever you asked him or told him something he nodded or at least tried to show that he was listening to you.  It surprised you at first, you knew Michael wasn't like this to anyone and so had Loomis told you, Michael mostly didn't even answer or took any interest in him, even to one of the guards who was overly nice to Michael. You knew Michael was a cold-hearted killer who would probably want to kill anyone who even dares to come too close or annoy him in any way, yet he kept himself calm. Even when other patients tried to talk to him, he'd simply ignore them, having absolutely no interest in forming a friendship with any of them. You didn't blame him though, if you were stuck here for more than 10 years you'd do the same, he had probably gotten tired of this place a long time ago. But why wasn't he like that to you? Why was he only communicating with you while there are people who had been desperate to get even one small reaction out of him? you asked yourself. Was it because he knew you when you were younger? Because you were nice to him? Or were you just lucky?  You wondered what<i> he </i>thought about you. . . . But besides your relationship with Michael, you started getting used to staying in Smith's Grove. It had already been a long time since you'd set foot out of this place, you sometimes wondered what happened to your friends, did they miss you? You also wondered how people thought of you now. Did everyone know about your murderers? Do they see you as the girl who tried to murder her father and two police officers now? You were curious, yet you couldn't find out. Not until you were out of this place at least. You continued to mostly sit in your room and think or make things and of course, talk to your psychiatrist a few times a week. The sessions with Doctor Loomis were okay in the beginning. But ever since he had begun to talk about Michael and the way he did... Made you think differently of the man. Why was he like that to Michael? What had Michael ever done to him? You mostly asked yourself. And ever since the man started to notice your interactions with Michael and caught on how Michael was responding to you, he urged you to push Michael to use actual words, to start talking. You didn't want to. You knew Michael didn't like to talk and you thought that was fine, you didn't want to step over any of his boundaries and neither should the doctor. You started to feel like your sessions with Doctor Loomis were becoming more of a chore rather than something that actually helped you and the 'mental state' you were in. The man kept asking about Michael and whenever he wasn't, he was just asking the same boring questions over and over again till the point you started to lie to the man to make him shut up. But you couldn't do much about it, how boring it was to talk to the doctor and how boring it was to stay in your room the whole day, you just had to deal with it. At least you could see Michael from time to time. He was truly the only one who made your stay here a little better than it was before. . . . <b><u>[August 2003, 3 years later ]</u></b> You were led outside by 2 guards, feeling the warm sun hit your face. You weren't allowed to fully go outside, this open place surrounded by big fences was all you could get. You didn't have that much freedom though, you still had to walk around, fully chained because the people there didn't wish for trouble among the patients or wanted any of them to escape, although it wasn't what you wished for, you had to deal with it. Breaking out of your thoughts, you looked around for Michael and finally found him sitting on a table in the shadows. "Ismael, could I sit with Michael?" You asked the guard innocently. Ismael hesitated for a second but sighed as you looked at him, giving him a stare that made him not want to say no to you. After a minute of you staring at him, the man sighed with a chuckle. "Alright kid, don't do anything stupid, I trust you with this one." He said as you nodded and both slowly walked your way over to Michael. As you stood in front of him he tilted his head to look up at you as you greeted him, his face covered by another one of his handmade masks. The older guard sat you down in front of him, cuffing one of your hands to a chain connected to the table and walked away to a corner where the other guards were standing. You turned your head to Michael as the guard left, "I like the new mask" You said as he looked at you and gave a small 'thank you' nod. You smiled at him. "It's really impressive, I could never make something such as that." You complimented. He slightly tilted his head, he knew you made all sorts of things in your boredom too, he knew you could easily make that. You let out a soft chuckle "I'm serious, I could never, It looks too hard." You said. "Oh right, before I forget, I got you something." You said as you looked around and sneakily moved your hand under your shirt, pulling it up just a little as you could feel Michael's eyes staring at you intensely. The fact that he was staring at you like that made you almost chuckle a little. You then pulled out a notebook and pen while Michael watched you silently. You were lucky that you weren't that heavily chained up, unlike Michael. "Look, this way you'll be able to talk back if you'd want too." You said as he looked at the small notebook and pen you put on the table in front of the both of you. "Stole it from Loomis, it was brand-new too." You said with a small smile as Michael looked at the notebook. He took the notebook and pen with his cuffed hands and looked at you, waiting for you to say something. You looked at him and the pen in his hands, realising how tiny it was compared to his hands. After a second you got out of your daydream and started wondering what to ask him. "Hmm, we were talking about your masks, tell me something about it, which one is your favourite?" You asked him curiously. Michael looked at the notebook and began to write. The chains around his wrists made some noise as he did. When he was done he showed you the notebook and you took a look at it. <i><b>Which one is yours?</b></i> He had scribbled on the paper, his handwriting was better than you had expected, it wasn't that messy, it just seemed like he was pressing a little too hard on the pen. You looked at him again. "My favourite mask of yours?" You asked as he nodded. "Hmmm... I like the orange one, you know the one that looks like a pumpkin." You said with a small smile. He nodded, agreeing with you. Suddenly, he began writing again and showed you. <i><b>Have you spoken to Loomis?</b></i> He wrote down, changing the subject. You looked at him and nodded, "Yea, I did yesterday. He didn't say anything special, you know just the same crap he always asks me." You said, giving him a reassuring look. You wanted to say something but hesitated for a moment, causing Michael to tilt his head, he instantly noticed that there was something you weren't telling him. <b><i>Tell me, [Y/N].</i></b> He wrote on the paper and looked at you, waiting for you to speak as his blue eyes pierced into you. You looked around, looking for any guards before turning your attention to Michael again. "He talked about you. He said he wondered how we'd become so 'close' He thought you'd ignore me or try to get rid of me the second I tried to talk to you." You spoke in a slightly unsure tone, you hoped you wouldn't upset Michael by telling him this. "He said he was surprised you hadn't hurt me yet, he thought you would due to me having quite a big part in your past. It's- It's stupid honestly, I think he was just trying to scare me away from you." You added, pressing your lips together as you looked at him.. Then you suddenly saw irritation forming in Michael's eyes. Did you make him mad? You looked at him and tilted your head slightly, coping his movement in confusion and surprise.  The slight anger you saw in his eyes disappeared and he shook his head, silently telling you that there was nothing to worry about. You stared at him, and seeing his eyes change made a small smile creep up on your lips again. "Alright then." You said while continuing to talk to him. . . . After 2 and a half years of actually being friends with you, the killer had again found some comfort in you. He knew you since you were both young and he had always felt different about you than he did about most people, you didn't talk much to each other back then but when you did, you were the sweetest person ever. You didn't make him feel like a weird freak like his other classmates did. Ever since he became good friends with you in the sanitarium he got a small soft spot for you because even now, when he became the most feared person in Haddonfield, you still acted as sweet as you did before. Somewhere in his cold heart, he was happy that you did. Although, hearing Loomis talk like that about him behind his back annoyed him. He didn't want Loomis to scare you like he scares and warns most of the people in the sanitarium because all Loomis thought about him was that he was pure evil.  And even though that might've been true, Michael cared about you, he didn't care about anyone and because of that he didn't want Loomis to scare you away from him. The only people he truly ever cared about were his mother, his baby sister Angel and now you. But every time you were together, Michael started to get this weird feeling around you. And from time to time, the feeling got bigger, something felt different with you than what he felt with his mother and his younger sister. It was the first time he felt like that... But he couldn't explain the feeling.  He didn't think much about that strange feeling he felt whenever he was with you, he thought it was just a natural reaction he had after finally and actually communicating with someone after years. He didn't care about what Doctor Loomis said about him and you. The only thing that mattered to him was the fact that you actually cared about him. You were his only friend. # Chapter 6. || interviews The same night you went to bed feeling a slight bit of happiness inside you. It was because of Michael. How he responded to you and only you, how he looked at you. The thoughts you had made you realise that the small childhood crush you thought you were over, was slowly coming back. Whenever you were with Michael you suddenly got a burst of happiness inside you and whenever he looked at you or showed any sign of interest in you you got that feeling again, the weird feeling you always used to have around him when he was younger. It gave you that oddly comforting feeling whenever you were with him, especially now you knew he accepted you as his friend again. But that was all you were to him, you were sure of it. There was no way that Michael, especially now and with how much he has changed, would ever actually fall in love with someone. You sometimes wondered what it would be like if Michael was truly yours, how it would be to know that a person such as Michael loved and cared for you. But all you could do was wonder and dream of the thoughts in your mind... <i>How stupid of you to,</i> you knew exactly that all the little thoughts you had would never, ever become a reality. And besides that, you didn't plan on telling Michael about your love for him either. Maybe once, somewhere far in the future when your romantic love for the man is gone, but not now. You wouldn't want to ruin your friendship, you were happy that he was your friend, even if you were actually secretly in love with him and even if you knew that the both of you would probably never be more than friends... But again, you were glad he was your friend, and that you finally had the friendship you had always wanted with him, even if he had changed and doesn't even say a word anymore. You knew you changed too. You weren't that small sweet girl with a shy yet bubbly personality anymore. You were a murderer now, someone who just went nuts one day, <i>that's what they call us right? </i> But the thing was, Michael was too, he was also a murderer, someone who went nuts one day. The both of you once had someone else's blood on your hands, hurt someone, just because you wanted to, just because you wanted <i><b>revenge</b></i>. Maybe that was the one thing you always had in common, maybe that's what reconnected the both of you again. The bloodlust, the urge to hurt someone, the urge to pierce a knife into someone's flesh, the urge to take revenge on the ones who hurt you.. Who knows? . . .  [2 weeks later.] You were sitting on your desk, making another one of your paper roses. You were minding your business, quietly humming a tune as you did. Suddenly the door opened and footsteps filled the room. You slightly moved your head to look at the door. "Hey [Y/N], sorry to bother you." Ismael said. Your head turned around, eyes on the man standing in the doorway before you turned your head to your desk again, "It's alright" You said, putting the paper flower you'd just made on the desk before turning around to look at Ismael again. "So what happened, why are you here?" You asked the guard who stood in the doorway. "Doctor Loomis would like to talk to you, I've been told that there are people for you." He replied as you raised a brow. <i>People? For me?</i> "Oh? Alright then." You said, standing up from your desk and walking over to Ismael who was still standing in the doorway. You raised your wrists as he cuffed them and led you out of the room, towards Loomis's office. . . . "Hello [Y/N]" Loomis spoke as you sat down in front of him and gave him a small greeting nod. "So as Ismael has probably told you, you have visitors. They travelled a long way to see you and will be very glad to meet you. They're waiting in the cafeteria, please, for the sake of us all, be on your best behaviour." Loomis said, causing your curiosity to rise. You gave him a nod as the both of you stood up and walked out of the office, to the cafeteria with 2 guards beside you. As you walked inside the cafeteria you looked around in curiosity, secretly hoping it was someone you knew, yet you had your doubts. Two people were sitting at one of the tables and as they turned around to look at you, the slight smile you had on your face faded. "These people are journalists, they'd like to talk to you if you'd allow that." Loomis said as he led you towards them. There weren't any visitors for you. Just some stupid journalists hoping to get more shit to tell the people about you, to make an even bigger fool out of you. You sighed as you sat down in front of the people. The woman gave a smile as you made eye contact while the man next to her looked at Loomis for a second, who gave him a nod. The man grabbed a recorder before the woman began talking. "Hi [Y/N], my name is Dana, and that's Aaron." She said, looking at the man for a second who smiled at you before turning her head at you again. "We're investigative journalists," Aaron said with a small smile on his face. "We've just begun making podcasts. We like to re-examine incidents with an unbiased lens." He added as the woman gave a nod. "Now... We've been following your case for a while now and we have found some information, but yet we would rather talk to you in person so we can get a glimpse of how you had experienced that night." The woman, Dana said and took a long pause.  You felt slightly irritated by having to tell the story again. You didn't want to, you didn't want everyone to know what you'd done. To let people listen to your murders for their own entertainment. "Do you remember anything about that night [Y/N]?" The man asked as you stayed silent. "About the people you've killed?" He added. You took a deep breath before replying, "I haven't killed anyone." You said, keeping your answer short. "Yes... That is indeed right. But-- Your father is still in a coma." Aaron said. "But is he dead?" You asked him, slightly tilting your head to the side while looking at the man. He opened his mouth to speak again but stopped himself. Dana noticed, after a minute of silence she spoke, "Do you ever think about your father [Y/N]? And why you did it?" She asked as your eyes moved to her. "No." You answered. "Do you not feel... Regret?" She asked another question. "I don't." You answered again. "I've heard that... On the night it happened, there was a broken phone on the ground which had been overfilled by messages from, I assume, classmates or friends. They were talking about you and your father, sending videos of him... In a fight with another man, in one of the videos we saw that you had been hit by your father, was that the reason for your broken nose?" She asked and you gave a slow nod. "What happened after? Who and how did someone stab you with a stick? How did the both of you manage to go home?" She questioned. You let out a slightly annoyed sigh as you debated whether to or to not tell the truth. "I don't know anymore." "Oh... Well, are you very, very sure that you don't? Not even one small detail or memory about it?" Dana asked. "No, I don't." You said as she gave a slow understanding nod.  "Do you think that this would've never happened if you asked for help, for someone to have helped you repair the relationship between you and your father?" Aaron asked, silencing you. You've heard people say this many times to you, and each time anyone did, it started to anger you more and more...  . . You knew it wouldn't, it never worked. You remember when your mother would go to couples therapy with your father when you were younger. You stayed with your grandmother while they went and whenever they came back, her eyes were all red and puffed up as if she had been crying for hours. Whenever you asked her what was wrong she always gave you the same answer,<i> "I had an allergic reaction honey, no need to worry about me." </i>But you weren't stupid, you knew something happened and it was not because of an allergic reaction. But you could never blame your mother, the only thing she wanted was to protect you, to at least make it look like everything was okay so you didn't have to deal with their problems. Your mother was the one who protected you from him, she took the hits that were meant for you, always tried to keep you away from him and always made sure you were okay. After she died, there was no one to protect you, to ask you if you were okay or to care for you. It was just you. You wished people knew that. You wished people knew how bad your childhood was and why you turned out like this. But you couldn't trust anyone because they'd always find a way to make you feel like the bad guy again. . .  After a minute of looking down at the table, your eyes moved to Aaron, "No, it would've made it worse." You replied. "Why is that?" He asked and you stayed silent, not wanting to continue talking to them about the subject. "Was it because of your childhood?" He asked. You gave him no reply, you felt your breathing become slightly heavier. "Because of the death of your mother and sibling?" He asked again, causing you to clench your teeth and squeeze your fists. "It was revenge, wasn't it [Y/N]?" He spoke as you stared at the man with a deadly gaze. Nobody had ever said that. Many people have said things about your mother and your dead sibling, but no one ever came to the conclusion of you doing all of this, simply for revenge. As he kept on blabbering shit to you, pretending as if he knew better than you, you felt yourself getting irritated. You wanted to strangle the man, to stab him, to hurt him. You wanted him to <i>shut. the. fuck. up. </i>  As Dana noticed your behaviour she looked at Aaron and then at Loomis with a slightly worried Look. Loomis looked at you for a second, by the looks of your body language, he knew something would happen if he didn't stop the man from angering you. Not like it was the journalists' intention, but journalists take it too far sometimes, even he knew that. "I think [Y/N] has spoken enough. For now, it is best for her to return to her room." Loomis told the journalists as they gave him an understanding nod. "Ismael please bring her to her room." Loomis told the guard. He walked over to you as you stood up. "Thank you for talking to us [Y/N]" Dana said as you stood. You gave her a quick stare before heading out of the cafeteria with Ismael. Soon you were in front of the door of your room again, you let out a sigh. You turned around as you heard Ismael talk, "Hey, don't let those bad memories get to your head." Ismael said, giving a small smile before closing the door and walking away. You turned around again and walked to your bed. You threw yourself on it and gave a low sigh.<i> </i>You buried your head in your pillow. You decided you'd stay in bed, for now, dinner would be soon. You turned your head and looked at the door, thinking about what just happened. You hated yourself for getting mad at the dumb things they said. Yet, thinking about it made you sit in silence, the man, Aaron, was right. You did it for revenge.  You kept staring at the door with an unfocused gaze. You didn't want to hurt anyone, you never wanted to. If it was up to you, you'd fix your family, make it the way it was when you were happy, when all of you were. When your father didn't drink and when your mother was actually happy and when she didn't have to fake everything, when you were all just a happy family. You didn't want to hurt your father, you loved him, deep down in your heart you knew you did. But what he did, to you, to your mother, was unforgivable.  Whenever you felt like your father didn't deserve what happened to him or when you felt bad for him, you imagined a younger version of yourself. Seeing how much pain she was in, you were. Hiding the bruises under the long-sleeved dresses you always wore... It angered you, seeing how such a young child had to go through that. And you promised yourself, your younger self, your mother, that you will never let him hurt you again. And that you will make him regret everything he has done to all of you. You let out a sigh as you felt the tears in your eyes, you had to stop thinking about this, it wasn't making anything better. You wiped the tears as you tried thinking of something else... Michael was the first person that popped up in your mind. You couldn't wait to see Michael again. The thought of him had washed every other thought in your mind away. It was just him. . . . [7 PM. Dinner time] You sat at the table in the cafeteria where you always sat, where <i>Michael</i> always sat. In the corner, the table was barely visible to the guards, you and Michael mostly sat there so you could communicate and speak to him without any guard coming all up in your business, the guards didn't pay much attention to him sitting there, as long as they knew he was stuck in the chains and unable to get out, they were fine with it. Yet they did get a little suspicious whenever you were sitting with him. You tapped your fingertips against the table as you waited. You were looking down at your half-empty plate, you just couldn't eat anymore, the food was tasteless. You let out a small sigh, you were still waiting on Michael. He should've been here by now. You wondered what he was doing. After some minutes your stomach growled and you let out an annoyed sigh, you were hungry. You knew you wouldn't get much to eat after this so decided to eat the last of your food, despite it tasting that bad. After another few minutes, you were done and set the fork down on the plate but as you did, you heard footsteps come towards your table. You tilted your head up to see Michael standing by your table and a smile quickly appeared on your face. The 2 guards standing next to him sat him down in front of you and another man put his plate in front of him.  You looked at the guards walking away from the table "That's strange, since when does anyone other than Ismael allow you to sit with me without any problems?" You asked, mostly talking to yourself in surprise. Your head moved towards Michael who lightly shrugged. You gave him a small smile, "Maybe Loomis told them to? Either way, I'm glad they did." You said, earning a nod from him. "I was waiting on you, I almost got worried, I thought you wouldn't come." You said as he slowly shook his head. "Did you also have some sort of interview today?" You asked him, looking at Michael with slight curiosity. He shook his head as you gave an understanding nod. "2 people randomly interviewed me today." You said, looking away. He tilted his head. You looked at him with little confusion until you suddenly realised what he was trying to say. "Oh, they-- they just asked me about my murders, as usual." You replied. Michael stayed still while looking at you for a minute. Then he shook his head as you tried to figure out what he meant. He knew something was off-- He always does. You stared at him, considering if you should ask him what he meant or just tell him what happened. You knew you'd make it hard for him to answer you when you'd ask him and you also knew he didn't really like that the people in the cafeteria saw him actually interact with people, in this case, you. So you decided to keep it simple for the both of you and just tell him.     You let out a small sigh and quickly looked around before talking, "They suddenly started to talk about my past and all, mostly my childhood." You said, pausing for a second while your eyes were focused on the table. "I don't know how they'd gotten all that information. It angered me how they used it against me." You mumbled, trying to be as quiet as possible. Michael was still quiet, not like he ever spoke, but you knew he was listening to you. You could read his eyes whenever you looked at him, you always did, you were good at reading certain people. Michael was one of them. He was curious, curious about your childhood you assumed. His eyes told you he wanted to know more about it yet he most likely didn't ask out of respect. You thought in silence for a minute, could you tell Michael? He would understand right? Besides, he had gone through something familiar too. . . But Michael on the other side... He already knew you came from a rocky home. It was no question that Michael would have any doubt of noticing the symptoms of someone who was emotionally and physically hurt as a child. Because he was too, and he knew what it felt like. And even when the both of you were younger, he could notice it in your behaviour. You may not have ever told the truth about your home and what was happening inside it, but yet, Michael could see every bit of sadness hidden deep in your eyes. And even now, after it had already been 3 years since your incident, he knew you were still in no good mental state. He could tell you were tired and unhappy. Yet you still managed to smile every time you were with him.  Michael barely showed empathy for people. He didn't care about them or their well-being. But yet, he did have empathy for you. You were different. He sometimes even saw himself in you and related to you. But it made him feel slightly bad whenever he did. He didn't want to relate to you, he didn't want to see himself in you. Because he knew you had never deserved the things you had gone through. But he knew, the both of you weren't that different from each other. . . "You don't really know much about my childhood am I right?" You asked him. He lightly and almost unnoticeably shook his head in response. Your eyes scanned the cafeteria before speaking, eyes moving down to the ground, "My father was always an alcoholic, an abuser. My father had always hurt my mother and me, they got into big fights." You explained, lowering your voice, almost whispering. "It was also the reason I couldn't go trick or treating with you the day you murdered your family." You added, pausing soon after and started to fiddle with your fingers, thinking of what to tell him. "When my mom was pregnant, my parents got into an argument while my father was driving. When the argument got worse he suddenly crashed due to him not focusing on the road. My father got out of the car crash with a broken arm and some wounds. I didn't get too badly injured, a huge piece of glass went through my chest, luckily not all the way to damage any organs, but it did leave a nasty scar though. But for my pregnant mom... She fell into a coma. Weeks after, when she finally woke up she immediately went into labor, but her body was still too weak and she didn't survive. Neither did my brother. He died soon after he was born." You said and got quiet, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. hoping the tears you felt would go away. You didn't want to seem weak, especially not now. You were just not used to telling the story to people cus it always made you emotional, having to think of all the horrible memories. "Soon after, my father started to take his anger all out on me. Every day it got worse, from mentally to physically hurting me in every way he could. And I still tried so hard to be loved by him, to follow his rules, to get his appreciation, but nothing ever worked." You said, your voice slightly cracking as the burning rage inside you rose. "He never seemed to care about me, I was just too stupid to realise, to realise that whatever I did, he always tried to make me feel like what I did wasn't good enough. But on Halloween, the night I went out to go to a party for once and he suddenly showed up all drunk, almost beating a kid to death and then proceeding to push me off of a bridge when I tried to get him home safely... I had enough." You mumbled, looking down with an emotionless face as you felt Michael's eyes still piercing into you. "I almost murdered him. I almost had him, yet he survived and despite being in a coma now, I still hope, every day, with every inch of flesh and bone in my body, and every ounce of anger instilled in me, that he'll die, or wake up and die in the most painful way there will ever be." You said coldly, pure hate displaying in your voice. "I will make sure of that." You said as your eyes returned to Michael, who was looking at you-- As if he was admiring you. You looked at him, slightly shocked and surprised. Seeing the look in his eyes made yours soften and the anger inside you lower in an instant. He stared at you as you stared at him, looking into the eyeholes of his mask and seeing little of his beautiful blue eyes. You never knew he had blue eyes, his eyes had always seemed so dark. Either way, you loved his eyes. Suddenly you realised what you were doing and let out a small chuckle, "I'm sorry-- I kinda got carried away with that." You said while you ran a hand through your hair, referring to how you basically told him your whole life story, the actual reason you became a murderer. Something you promised yourself to never tell anyone. Yet you did. But Michael wasn't just anyone.  <i>You loved him, you always did. And you knew you could trust him.</i> -------[Autors note]------- I get the ick from everything and I kinda did from some parts in this story too so hopefully it isn't too cringe yall. Anywaysss stay tuned for the next chapter. # Chapter 7. || Flowers You and your psychiatrist had been talking about the relationship between you and Michael, Loomis found it rather weird at some times but he was interested in how Michael's behaviour seemed to change whenever he was with you, it seemed like he got calmer and a little softer even, but only towards you of course... You didn't give the doctor too much information about you and Michael though, just the basic things about your friendship because you didn't want to say anything that would upset Michael if Loomis decided to ever talk about it with him... In one of your sessions with Doctor Loomis, you asked him if you could spend some time with Michael alone, for no weird reasons of course, besides you assumed Michael saw you as just a friend anyways.. Not that Michael had to know about your love for him, you knew you'd never tell him that.. You told the doctor it could be anywhere, his or your room, the cafeteria or one of the speaking rooms, as long as you could spend some time with Michael since only getting to see each other through breakfast, lunch, dinner and free time wasn't enough for you, especially because you had to impatiently wait in your room to see him and then when you finally saw him, the both of you still couldn't fully communicate well because of all the other people in the room. Loomis on his behalf hesitated, he wasn't sure if it was a good idea because even if the both of you were good friends, a small voice in the back of his head told him that Michael could switch up and try to attack you all of a sudden. Besides, Michael did seem to be both psychopathic and sociopathic. So, he was very very hesitant until you kept on begging the man and bringing up the subject every time the both of you spoke, causing him to get so fed up with you, that he agreed... So the first few times you were allowed to see each other anywhere other than the cafeteria or outside there were 2 guards standing at the doors of the room you guys spent time in. The guards bothered you at first, due to the both of you still not having enough privacy and you knew Michael of course tried to communicate as little as possible in the presence of others, like he always did, he didn't like when people saw him communicate all too much and having the guards standing there by the door, looking at the both of you, was extremely awkward too... But after spending more time with each other in the room, Loomis had told the guards to let the both of you be, but of course, for security purposes, there were still cameras though. But either way, you found it much better to talk to Michael without the guards in the room and even if you were probably being watched by Loomis or any of the guards, you didn't care, it wasn't like they could clearly see the emotion in Michael's eyes change or see his small responses towards you... But during the small periods of times you were together, that slight childhood crush you still had and tried so hard to ignore had fully come back again now, and this time the feelings you had for the killer were even bigger and god you hated it. Because you knew he probably didn't want to do anything with having a romantic relationship with anyone, that's just who Michael was, or in your case, that's how you knew him. Besides, he probably wouldn't fall in love with you anyways, you were just his childhood friend, his only friend. . . . [ 2 weeks later... ] You sat in the room you and Michael usually had your small privet moments together, waiting on him to show up. The door opened and with a slight bit of excitement showing in your eyes, you turned your head to look at the door, expecting Michael to walk into the room. But instead, an older man stepped inside, Ismael. "Hey, there [Y/N]" He said as your excitement faded and you were a little disappointed but still gave him a small "Hi" while watching the man walk towards the table you sat on. You could see he was holding something in his hands. "I know you and Michael are probably both the most creative ones I've met in here, so I thought why not give you some paper? Maybe you'll be able to teach him to make those paper flowers you always make." Ismael said with a smile as he placed some papers on the table, along with some scissors, not the sharpest ones though, probably those scissors kindergarteners use. Your eyes went to the stuff on the table and then moved back to Ismael, having a slight smile on your lips. "That's kind of you, thank you, Ismael." You said. Ismael had been the only guard to be actually nice to you and have some sympathy towards the patients in here, unlike most of the guards. They liked to taunt the patients, mock them and treat them like animals. Most patients in here did act like animals sometimes, yet it didn't give the guards a reason to treat them like it, you hated each one of them. "I'm glad to see that Michael is finally getting some friends, especially after 13 years of not wanting to communicate with anyone, I'm glad you came along." Ismael said, snapping you from your thoughts. "Yea, I agree." You replied with a small nod. "Would you mind me asking... Did you already know Michael? Or did you just seem to get along the moment you met each other in here?" Ismael asked, you were quiet for a second before responding... "We were childhood friends." You said, looking up at the man staring at you. "I see" He said with a small smile. Suddenly you heard the doors open, making the excitement appear in your eyes again as you turned your head around. And there he was, walking towards your table with the two guards holding him, the guards seemed tiny next to his extensive and tall figure, it made you feel a certain way as you accidentally checked him out, your eyes moving up and down his body. Your face heated up, quickly looking away once you realised he could probably see you doing this. They sat him down in front of you. "Well, I might get going. Have fun you two." Ismael said, walking away from your table along with the other two guards who brought Michael in. Right as the guards left, your attention turned to Michael. "Hi" You smiled at him as he greeted you with a slight movement of his head. You stared at him, secretly hoping he didn't notice you checking him out. His eyes suddenly went to the door, tilting his head slightly before looking at you again. He was silently asking you what Ismael was doing in here. "Oh, Ismael?" He nodded at you. "He gave us some paper, he told me he found us creative so that's why he brought some." You said before pausing for a second, "He said I could learn you make some paper flowers" You said with a small chuckle, you didn't expect Michael to actually make paper flowers with you, besides, you didn't think he would be such a fan of making them. Imagine a big scary murderer making small cute paper flowers. The thought almost made you giggle. But as you looked at Michael, he nodded. Your head slightly tilted with confusion and surprise, "Wait, you actually want me to learn you to?" You asked Michael as he gave you a slow nod. A smile crept on your lips. <i>'Well, that was unexpected.'</i> <i>. . .</i> So there you were minutes later, both you and Michael, two scary murderers, one a little scarier than the other, making paper flowers. Whenever you looked at Michael, seeing him follow your steps with a slightly confused yet focused look in his cold eyes, it never failed to make you smile. After a minute or two he began cutting something out of the paper, as you watched him from time to time you noticed that he was kinda struggling with the scissors in his hand, probably cause the scissor was tiny compared to his hands. With slight hesitance, you moved your hands towards him but when he noticed your hand, he slightly froze. So before you went on, you looked at him, stopping your hands from touching him until you got his permission to. "Would you like some help?" You asked as he looked at you in silence, not sure what to do.. But after a minute, he gave a slow nod and you smiled in return. You placed your hand on top of his, feeling his cold hand tense for a second. "Look, just take it a little slow, don't put too much force on it either." You said as he continued cutting the paper and you guided his hand. As you did, you could feel his eyes piercing into you, he was watching you as you helped him... Watching your small and soft hands on his big and rough ones. That annoying feeling of love came back again and you felt yourself get hotter. You wanted to punch yourself right in the face.<i>'Act normal for once.' </i> You scolded yourself as your mind filled with thoughts of him. You continued helping him and as you finished, you quickly pulled your hands back again, feeling a little embarrassed by your own thoughts. You just smiled at him and continued quickly to try to hide the fact that your whole face was getting red. After another few minutes, the both of you were done and had made some paper flowers together. You smiled at Michael and looked at his flower. "It looks really good, you're better than I thought you would be." You smiled at him. Those words sounded a little familiar.. . . <i><b><u>[1990 October 30]</u></b></i> <i>"You're better than I thought you would be!" You said happily as you looked at the young boy sitting beside you, holding a few rocks in his hand. He smiled at you, "I almost threw it against a tree instead of in the water." He joked. "Because that was your first try, be a bit positive Michael!" You laughed. He rolled his eyes and started laughing too.</i> <i>"Do you always come here [Y/N], to the forest?" He then asked a few minutes after your laughter had stopped. You turned your head at him again and gave a nod. "Yea I do. I like sitting here by the water." You answered him. He looked at you and slowly nodded, "Me too, it's really quiet. I like when it's quiet." Michael said. "I agree" You replied as the both of you stared forward, at the water and the trees...</i> <i>After another few minutes of silence, he spoke once again. "It's Halloween tomorrow, maybe we could go trick or treating together?" He asked as your eyes lit up and you happily smiled at the boy "Yes! That would be so fun, I'd love to." You said with excitement. Michael smiled back at you. "What are you going as?" He asked. </i> <i>"I wanted to go as a pumpkin, only because I saw a funny pumpkin mask in the costume store. There were many actually, like blue and green, but I liked the orange mask the most." You smiled at him as he listened to you. "But my mom said I'd look better as a little witch, so, I'm going as a witch. What about you?" You asked. "I'm going as a clown." Michael said, pulling a clown mask out of his bag and showing it to you. You looked at the mask with a small gasp and a big smile. </i> <i>"That's so cool"</i> # Chapter 8. || Guards <b>[This chapter has a mention of SA and r@pe. Trigger warning!]</b> [December 2003] It was late at night, you were laying in bed looking at the ceiling and thinking, drowning in your own thoughts, something you usually did. It's a small habit you had developed in your time here at Smith's Grove... After some minutes of thinking, you felt yourself get a little tired, besides, it was late already and it has been another long boring day in the sanitarium. You turned around with a sigh and closed your eyes, feeling the tiredness slowly take over. Suddenly, you heard a loud noise coming from the other side of your door, the hallway. You opened one eye, looking at the door as you heard two men talk. You sighed with annoyance. <i>Probably some patient being annoying again,</i> you thought and closed your eyes once again, not paying much attention to the sound anymore. As you finally almost fell asleep, your door was opened and two loud people entered all of a sudden. You tiredly opened your eyes in irritation and were welcomed by two men standing inside your room. One man you didn't quite know and another guard, and not just some guard, <i>a very fucking annoying one</i>. Kendall, you didn't quite like him, he has always been an asshole to everyone in the sanitarium. He's one of the guards who likes to treat the patients in here like animals, he seems to find it funny. The guard suddenly walked up to you and began pulling your arm, causing you to sit up slowly. "Wakey wakey little [Y/N]" You looked at the man in confusion and annoyance, wanting to know what his problem was. "I have someone special for you to meet, I want you to meet Cousin Noel." Kendall said as he pushed you up, forcing you to get off the bed and stand up. The other guard, introduced to you as Noel, walked towards you and grabbed your arm tightly as Kendall backed away and watched the both of you. "Hi there sweetheart." Noel said. You smelled the alcohol coming from him while he talked, causing you to back away in disgust. The man didn't like that and tightened his grip on your arm, pulling you closer to him. You clenched your teeth as you locked eyes with the man hovering over you. "The fuck do you want?" You said in a low and irritated voice. "Oh we're just looking in on you, you know." The guard said as he leaned in closer to you. In the corner of your eye, you could see his other hand move towards you. "We just wanted to see how you are--oh! Aren't you a pretty little thing?" The drunk guard said, tucking a stroke of hair covering your face behind your ear and started stroking your hair. You looked at him, annoyed by him touching you. <i>Why were they here in the first place?</i> His hand moved from your hair to your neck and made its way towards your chest. Your eyes widened and you quickly pushed him away with force, causing him to let go of you while he almost lost his balance. "What the hell are you doing!?" You spoke, backing away from the man, until Kendall harshly grabbed your arms from behind. You gasped and immediately tried to escape his tight grasp. "Let go of me!" You screamed as you tried to hit the guard. The other drunk guard walked over to you again and pulled at your dress. Your eyes widened at the sight, you didn't have anything else under it, Just panties and a bra. "Ooh, what else is under there?" Noel teased, bringing his hand towards your leg and moving it upwards. Your breathing became faster, they were only here to touch you. Anger filled your mind. <i>How could they do that!? They're in a mental hospital!</i> You thought madly. You felt his hand go under your nightdress. You gasped and kicked him away, causing him to fall backwards. "I said let go you nasty perverts!" You yelled as you threw your head back, harshly slamming your head into Kendall's face, who let go of you and flew back in pain. You held your head in slight pain and ran to the door, right as you stepped into the hallway you were pulled back by your hair. You screamed as Noel held you tightly against him, wrapping his arms around you so you weren't able to move. "We've got ourselves a fighter! A fresh one, good one cousin!" He laughed mockingly while the other guard walked towards you with a bleeding lip and a sly smirk. As you felt a hand on your body again adrenaline instantly hit you, you began desperately trying to force your way out of Noel's grip, moving your arms and trying to kick the man with angry cries escaping your mouth. "Be quiet!" Kendall said as he hit you in your stomach. You groaned in pain while Noel's grip on you grew tighter. "I got me a fuckin' bona-ride, sure as shit idea!" Noel suddenly said while looking at the other drunk guard who evilly smiled back at him. They both pushed you out of your room and forward into the hallway, forcing you to walk somewhere. You tried to struggle out of the men's grasp but instead, they held your arms even tighter. It scared you how the men had such a firm grip on you. How you couldn't escape their grip. It made you feel weak and desperate. You wanted to bust open their heads and stab them repeatedly. You wanted to hurt them, to see them hurt by your very own hands. But you couldn't even get out of their grasp. <i>God how fucking pathetic</i> You were forcefully pushed against a patient's door as Kendall let go of you and looked for his keys, but before they could even open the door you balled your fist in anger and hit one of them. Noel grabbed his nose in pain as he looked at you madly while you stared back at him with a dark look. "Oh, you're gonna pay for that." He said while Kendall opened the door to the patient's room and your hands flew to Noel's neck, wrapping them around his neck tightly. Noel struggled to pull your hands off until Kendall hit you, your grip softened and Noel roughly threw you inside, causing you to lose your balance and painfully land on your back. You hit your head on the hard floor. You lay on the ground and quietly groaned in pain. You opened your eyes, seeing masks all around the room. <i>Where am I? Why am I so dizzy--</i> You saw the two men laughing at you and yelling things. Kendall crouched down in front of you as you saw Noel walk away, going to the patient whose room you were in. Your head was still spinning and you heard a ringing sound in your ears after your head had hit the ground, you could barely hear them because of it. As Kendall's hand touched your body again your head shot up and you quickly tried to kick him off, "Stop! Stop you fucking-" You yelled at him while continuing to fight back. He suddenly grabbed your head and forcefully hit it against the ground again causing you to let out another pained cry. You closed your eyes while groaning in pain, your head was hurting too much for you to process what was happening and you didn't even know where you were. There was a sudden crash in the room, causing your eyes to shoot open. You looked around, Kendall was gone and for Noel... He was laying on the ground in a small puddle of blood in the corner of the room. Placing both your hands beside you on the ground, you weakly sat up and looked around with confusion expressing in your face. As the pain in your head diminished you suddenly realised it, you were in <i>Michael's </i>room. Of course you were! He used to make masks, and this whole room was covered in them. You heard a sudden noise come from the door and your head instantly shot up to look at it. And there he was. Michael, his hands covered in fresh blood. You sighed out of relief as he walked up to you and helped you stand up straight. You immediately and unexpectedly wrapped your arms around him, not even minding one bit about the blood. He tensed up for a second, not knowing what to do since he hadn't gotten a hug from someone ever since his mother died, but soon, he let out a deep breath and relaxed as you felt one of his hands carefully wrap around you. "Thank you Michael" You said with a happy sigh. . . . <b>[Michael's pov]</b> Michael sat in his room, making another mask and minding his business. His door suddenly swung open. He heard a loud thud and two men yelling at him as the peaceful silence in his room was now replaced by their irritating loudness. "Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey..." One of the men said. Michael ignored him and went on with his mask, knowing he was just here to irritate him and they'd only get more amused if he showed any reaction towards them. "We've brought you a little company." The guard said. "Yeah, we got you some new fresh meat baby!" The other guard yelled, he knew exactly who they were by the sound of their voices. Noel and Kendall. They annoyed him, a lot. But Michael kept himself silent and calm even though he frankly wanted to rip their heads off. "You want some of that?" Noel yelled. Michael kept quiet, not knowing someone else was in the room other than the two annoying guards. Noel snatched one of his masks off the wall and hit Michael on his head, causing him to get slightly more irritated. He didn't like whenever people touched his stuff, and he knows that both the guards knew that. "Come on faggot boy! Come on!" Noel screamed at Michael. Suddenly he heard something else, he heard someone scream and it sounded like... <i>[Y/N]</i> Michael instantly turned around and grabbed Noel's head, forcefully slamming him into the wall and throwing him on the ground afterwards. After he realised the guard had stopped moving, his attention turned to Kendall. His eyes slightly widened when he saw [Y/N] laying on the ground while Kendall was hovering over her. Anger filled him as he towards him, grabbed Kendall by his head and roughly threw him into the hallway. He walked over to him as the guard crawled away "What the fuck Mikey!? It's Kendall!" The man yelled desperately, hoping Michael wouldn't hurt him. It was too late for him, he had touched [Y/N]. Michael's only true friend, the only one left who actually cared about him, who saw him as something other than a monster. Michael grabbed the guard and threw him to the wall "It's Kendall, Mikey!!" Kendall yelled as he fell to the ground in pain once again. Michael picked the guard up by his neck and slammed him into the wall. He kept hitting his head against the wall until the guard's blood splashed from his head, Michael slowly let his now lifeless body slide down the wall and walked back to [Y/N] quickly. He pulled her up with slight concern in his eyes, hoping that they didn't do anything to her. He stared into her eyes, waiting for her to say something until she suddenly hugged him. Myers was surprised, he hadn't been hugged in a long time and the affection she gave him confused him, it was strange, she wasn't even scared to hug him, she just did without even thinking. Why would she hug him? He doesn't deserve to be hugged. He let out a sigh, deep down he was happy that nothing bad had happened to her and hesitantly hugged her back. "Thank you Michael." [Y/N] Said while tilting her head to look at him, his eyes changed. It's like they softened. Michael stroked her hair gently as the same strange feeling he always had around her came back. <i>What was this feeling? </i>He asked himself as looked at her while she hugged him. . . Suddenly 5 guards entered the room. The hug was broken and both you and Michael looked at them. "Get Myers!" Someone yelled as they all grabbed Michael, trying to cuff him. "Wait wait stop! He-He didn't do anything, It was the guards, they touched me!" You quickly explained as you were held back by one of the guards. They didn't even reply... They didn't even acknowledge the fact that two guards tried to rape you. "Let go of him you assholes!" You yelled madly, hitting a guard that was roughly trying to cuff Michael. Another guard quickly ran over to you and grabbed you. "Stop!" You screamed as you were cuffed and dragged out of the room. The last thing you saw was Michael looking at you before his door closed and you were taken away. # Chapter 9. || Aftermath The next morning you sat in a chair, waiting for Dr Loomis. Your foot was tapping on the ground anxiously as you were deep in thought... You hoped that nothing bad would happen, nothing that could separate you and Michael... Yet you wanted to get out of here as soon as possible after what happened last night, <i>those fucking guards could even get away with sexual harassment...</i> But again, at the same time, you were scared, scared of having to lose Michael. You heard a door shut and the sound of footsteps coming closer snapped you out of your thoughts, you looked up to be greeted by Loomis. "Hello [Y/N]..." Loomis sighed while sitting down on the chair in front of you. He heard about it... The look on his face told you enough. <i>He didn't believe you, did he?</i> He didn't believe the fact that Michael protected you and that it was the guards' fault... The doctor held a pen in his hand, tapping it against a little notebook before he cleared his throat and started to speak. "Now [Y/N], I've heard last night's events were... Quite brutal. But I just want you to tell me exactly what happened yesterday. Tell me how you experienced it from your perspective. And keep in mind, you can tell me anything you want, even-..." The doctor hesitated to continue as his eyes moved away for a second, breaking the eye contact between the both of you. "-Even about Michael... I'm here to help you [Y/N]" He spoke, looking back at you with a little... Forced smile. <i>Of course, that bastard wanted to know about Michael. </i>You sighed and nodded at the man.  "I was about to go to sleep. Suddenly my door opened and there were two drunk guards standing in front of it, Kendall and some guy named Noel." You said as Loomis nodded while staring back at you. "Did you have any interactions with them before the events of last night?" Loomis asked. "Yeah... Kendall was always the annoying type, he used to always be weird whenever he had to come into my room, I didn't quite know the other guard though." You explained as Loomis nodded and started to write something down in the notebook in front of him. "You can go on, tell me exactly how it went." He spoke as you just gave a small nod, with a sigh. "Kendall pulled me off my bed and introduced me to this Noel guy, then they started acting weird.. Touching me. I tried to fight back but they didn't give up after I did. I was dragged to Michael's room... I didn't know it was his room at first, I was too busy trying to get out of Noel's grip. They threw me inside and I hit my head on the ground. After that fall, and that hard hit against my head, I started to feel dizzy and had this weird ringing noise in my ears for some minutes. Then they started to yell things at Michael and Noel eventually walked over to him, I didn't know what he said, the ringing in my ears got too loud. Kendall started touching me again, I tried to get him off of me but he suddenly banged my head to the ground again and I just-" You sighed and paused for a second. "Michael--" You suddenly stopped yourself.  <i>What if you told them you did it? What if that meant that nothing would happen to Michael? You didn't know what would happen, you could only try and hope for the best.</i> "Michael didn't do anything." You said firmly.   "I-I did it. I killed them." You said unexpectedly while Loomis looked at you in shock and concern. "Michael took the blame. B-Because he didn't want me to get into more trouble. Michael pulled the guard off of me and helped me up. That's all he did." You said.  "I killed them in my anger... Because they didn't do this just because they wanted to touch me or bring me into another patient's room to embarrass me. They choose <i>me</i>, and they decided to bring <i>me</i> to Michael's room-- And I think we both know that Michael doesn't have quite many friends here... They specifically choose me, out of all the people in here, and they went to Michael's room. Doesn't that tell you enough? They did it to annoy Michael, to piss him off and to give him more of a bad reputation if he decided to fight back." You muttered, feeling yourself get angry as you spoke. Loomis listened in silence, quite shocked by this. He didn't know if he could believe you due to how aggressively the men had been slaughtered... Though... You did stab your father 5 times and tried to kill two officers. "[Y/N]... Are you sure that you did this instead of Michael?" He asked calmly. "Yes, I did." You said while looking at him. Loomis sighed and rubbed his head in deep thought. "Look [Y/N], as hard as it is for me to say this, I have to and it may upset you but..." Loomis hesitated to continue for a second.  "For your own safety, health and care, we will be transporting you to another sanitarium. One that doesn't have such... Dangerous patients and workers that aren't capable of doing things that will anger those, causing things like this to happen." Loomis told as your eyebrows rose. "Wait what? Why!? The only thing that needs to happen is to tell these stupid guards to have a bit of humanity! Instead of coming in here, a mental hospital, totally drunk and looking for problems with people who are here because of <i>their own </i>problems!" You snapped. You were just only getting more and more angry by this, it was just...<i> Stupid.</i> "What happened to them, was deserved. They tried to rape me can't you see?! They started it and they messed with the wrong person." You said madly, slightly raising your voice. "I get that, I really do, but there is no other way. I'm sorry it had to be like this [Y/N]. But in order for you to get help and heal normally, you have to go. And trust me, the people there will give you great care too, you'll get everything you'll need and you can go home in no time, and I'll make sure to let them keep an eye on you so nobody will ever lay a finger on you again." Loomis said as calmly as possible to reassure you that you'll be okay. But you didn't care about that. The only thing you cared about was Michael, he had to stay here, and you had to lose him after finally getting the friendship you always wanted so desperately. Michael saved you and you just couldn't leave him after that, he showed you he cared about you. "Loomis please you can't do this, I can't go!" You said, feeling hopeless. "[Y/N]... I'm sorry, I am unfortunately not the one who made this decision." The man sighed while lowering his head. You sighed in defeat as you started to feel that prickling feeling in your throat again. After a minute of silence, you took a deep breath and looked at the man again, "When am I going?" You asked while staring at Loomis, showing no emotion on your face, the same way Michael did.  Loomis got slightly startled by the change of emotion on your face. "Tomorrow... 6 PM." Loomis replied. You nodded and looked away in silence... "Am I allowed to say goodbye to Michael?" You asked while looking at the ground. Loomis stayed silent for a second, thinking about whether it would be a good or bad idea... "You'll have 15 minutes to say goodbye to him tomorrow." He spoke with a small sigh and he started to grab his stuff together. "If you don't have any questions left, we're done for today." The doctor said while two guards walked towards you. "I'll see you tomorrow [Y/N]." He waved and walked out of the room. "Come on [L/N], Time to go back to your room." One of the guards said and grabbed your arm, forcing you to stand up while the other cuffed you and led you towards the hallway as you just remained silent.    # Chapter 10. || tough talk The next day you woke up. Your eyes slowly opened as the morning light coming out of the small window lit up the room. A deep breath left your lips as you slowly turned around to look at the ceiling... It's probably the last day you'll be looking at this ceiling. It's the ceiling you stared at as you just sank into your thoughts over, again and again, every day, you remember how looking at this ceiling, staring as thoughts rushed through your mind just sucked all your sanity out of you. As you stared at it the whole night just thinking..  Today was the day you were going to be moved to another sanitarium... You didn't know what to think of it, your mind was just full of all these thoughts and emotions that you just... You didn't know what to think or to do anymore... Maybe it was indeed better for you, perhaps it actually<i> </i>had better staff and people who would be able to help you, a psychiatrist that would actually listen to you and help you?... But you couldn't stop thinking about Michael. He was probably the only friend you had left after your murders... You had to leave your friend all alone, again. A deep sigh left your lips. You knew you liked him more than a friend, you had always known that. It started when you were younger, when you first met and you spoke for the first time, you just instantly started to like him. You found it weird to like such a strange boy at first, a boy you hardly spoke to and someone who didn't have any friends and was labelled as a freak... Most people found him weird. But you didn't for some reason... You didn't see him as a freak or just some weird edgy boy. He brought you comfort whenever he smiled, even if he barely did. And you just... Related to him and in a strange way. Maybe it's because he wasn't that very different from you, maybe because you could see yourself in him. He was a quiet boy, a boy with barely any friends... or well--no friends.. He was a boy seen as an outcast, a freak. A boy coming from an unstable family, having an alcoholic stepfather and an unhappy mother all while he still tried to keep himself together... You were like that too. And just like him, that was also one of the many reasons the both of you turned out this way. It's just that Michael snapped at 10 and you did at 18 and you didn't even blame him for it, because you knew how hard it was for him too, besides, he had more things to deal with than you.   But even now, after you both turned into "unstable killers" you loved him just the way you did when you were younger. You admired him even, and once again found comfort in him in your own twisted way. And especially now, after your friendship had become much better than it was before and the both of you seemed to care for and trust each other. You didn't want to leave him, not after building this whole friendship, that friendship you had always wanted so badly. The door suddenly opened, and the slight noise the door made caused you to wake up from your thoughts. You turned your head around to look at the door as you slowly sat up. 2 guards were standing at the door, Ismael and an older guard whose name was not known to you. The other guy entered your room for a second and spoke, "Get up, breakfast in 5 minutes." He said as you sighed and got up to get dressed. . . . You walked into the cafeteria and quickly scanned the room for Michael. You looked around in confusion, looking at every table in the hope you'd see him sitting on one, but you couldn't find him anywhere.  As the guards walked you over to your table you sat down while Ismael went to get your food and the other stood close to your table. After looking around one more time in search for Michael, you looked up at the man. "Where is Michael Myers?" You asked him. "Not here." The man replied as he looked back at you and you rolled your eyes. "I can see that, that's why I'm asking, asshole." You replied, irritated by the dumb response he gave you. "Listen here kid, you better watch that mouth before I'll make these last hours for you in here total hell." The guard said with annoyance as you tilted your head slightly. "You can try, old man. Not like it's not hell already." You said with sarcasm in your voice. "What was that?" He replied, taking a step closer as he looked at you with an angered expression, you scoffed. "You heard me, what are you- deaf?" You said as you stared at his angered face with amusement. The man's eyebrows raised at your response. "Oh you have no idea who you're talking to young lady." The guard said madly while coming closer. The other guard put a food tray in front of you and stopped the mad guard. "Come on ben, leave her alone." He said placing a hand on the other guards' shoulder, it was Ismael. "You piece of shit." The man mumbled before walking away with Ismael. You rolled your eyes. As he was now standing at the door and got into a conversation with the other guards, you sighed and your thoughts went back to Michael, <i>where is he?</i> You thought confusedly. . . . After having breakfast alone, you had to go to Dr Loomis.  You were waiting outside his office with 2 other guards standing next to you. Suddenly you heard a loud bang come from the doctor's office, your eyes confusedly moved towards the door and you started to focus on what was happening inside. "Be mad all you want but we have no choice but to do that, it is for her own good." You heard Loomis tell the person that was inside, but no reply was heard from them. After a good 5 minutes, the door suddenly opened and Michael walked out of it with 4 guards standing around him. "Mich--" You whispered while making eye contact with the killer before you were pushed inside. You sighed in irritation as the guard walked you to a chair. You sat down, now facing Loomis who sat right in front of you. "Hello [Y/N]." Loomis said as the guards walked to the door. You stared at him and kept quiet. The man opened his mouth to say something, but as he did, you quickly cut him off. "What was that all about?" You suddenly asked him. Loomis raised an eyebrow, probably because he was not expecting you to have heard his and Michael's conversation. "I'm sorry- About what?" The man asked, slightly confused. "Did you tell Michael that I have to leave today?" You questioned. "[Y/N] I-"  "Answer my question." You said in a slightly demanding tone before you could let the man speak. Loomis sighed, "Yes [Y/N], I told him you're leaving, it seemed like he wasn't quite happy with that." He replied. "He wasn't happy that I was leaving?" You asked while slightly tilting your head. "Yes, I-- I do think that that was the reason for his sudden anger." Loomis said. "I haven't seen him this angry in a long time, he usually tends to be quite calmer than most of the patients in here..." He added. It surprised you, would that really be the reason for his anger? Would he actually be mad at the fact that you were leaving today? It surprised you a lot, yet you did feel your heart flutter just a little at that. He must've really liked your company, otherwise he wouldn't be angry like this, right?  As you snapped out of your thoughts you looked at Loomis again "When will I be allowed to see him and say goodbye?" You asked. "You'll leave at 6, I'll make sure you can say your last goodbyes at 5." Loomis said as you nodded. "But with that aside, I had to tell you some very important news." The doctor said as he opened a shelf beside him and took out some files. He put the papers down on the table and you looked at him in curiosity. "I am not sure if this is good or bad news for you... But I hope for the best."  Loomis sighed before continuing. He opened the file and looked at it for a second. "The day you attempted to murder your father, he was rushed to the hospital and he went into a coma. The doctors tried their bests to bring him back but nothing worked, he has been in a coma for almost 2 and a half years now. They lost hope and were planning on giving up on him this week." Loomis told you and you couldn't help the small almost unnoticeable grin that appeared on your face.   "Until he woke up, last night." Loomis said as the slight smile on your face faded and your eyes widened. "What? How- How is that possible?" You asked quickly as the man could see the shock and confusion in your expression. "That can't be true he-... He died, I killed him!" You said in pure confusion, you looked away from the man and shook your head in disbelief as he looked at you with a slightly disappointed look. "I was expecting this reaction but still... I don't get why you're mad about the fact that he survived, I get that your relationship wasn't as good as it's supposed to be and I understand that you're still mad at him for not being the best to you the past years but he is still your father [Y/N]" Loomis said, pressing his lips together while he scratched his head with a sigh. "Not being the best to me?" You repeated his words as your eyebrows raised and hatred filled your eyes after hearing Loomis's words. Your eyes moved to the man once again and he could see the change in your expression. "What do you mean, He wasn't the best to me!? Have you not listened to anything I've been telling you these past years!?" You said madly, raising your voice at the man in front of you. "My father...-- My father!? He is not my father!" You screamed at him while you watched his eyes widen by your sudden outburst. "He almost killed me when I was trying to help him! I always obeyed him, I always did everything he asked for! And yet, that stupid old man dared to do that! Yet he still acted as if I was the reason for all his problems." You cried out. "He shouldn't be able to even have the title of a father." You said madly while Loomis was speechless at that little outburst. Your eyes moved to him for a second and you saw his expression.. You sighed, looking away once again. "I tried to be a good daughter, I really did. But it's his fault, if he doesn't want me then I don't want him either." You mumbled, trying to calm yourself as you felt tears in the corners of your eyes, threatening to fall down. Loomis noticed your glossy eyes and hesitated to speak again as you could see that he clearly didn't really know what to say... He sighed while looking at the guard and then back at you, "Alright, I... I think that this shall be the end of our session. Thank you for telling me this [Y/N]. The guards will pick you up at 5 to say your last goodbyes to Michael, after that you will be transported." The doctor spoke as calmly as possible while the guards walked up to you. # Chapter 11. || Separation You laid in bed the past few hours, thinking about what happened in your psychiatrist's office. You still couldn't believe it, how could your father have survived that? It was the only thing on your mind, the only question you kept asking yourself... Why didn't you stab him somewhere else, how stupid could you have been?... <i>He doesn't deserve to live, he deserves to die in the worst way there will ever be.</i> And you will be the one to do that. You will kill your father once and for all and you will make sure that nobody will stop you this time and that the only thing left of him is his <b>dead corpse</b>. The door suddenly opened and your head quickly shot towards it as you instantly got out of your thoughts. <i>Finally, it was time to see Michael... For the last time.</i>  You stood up from the bed and walked towards the guard who then handcuffed you and lead you through the hallway in silence. As you came to Michael's door the guard opened it and you walked inside.  "Hey Michael, you have a visitor." The man said and Michael's head shot towards you as if he was also waiting on you. A slight smile formed on your lips as you saw his unmasked face look back at you, you barely saw him without wearing one of his masks, <i>but gosh was he handsome without them</i>. He had such a pretty face, you wondered why he even wore them in the first place... You knew he always liked wearing masks when he was younger though, yet you were still curious about the real reason behind his love for masks. You made your way to Michael, who was sitting at his desk, as usual. But before you did anything else or even made contact with him yet, you turned around and looked at the guard who was watching you both from the doorway "A little privacy would be nice?" You said while the guard rolled his eyes at your comment. "15 minutes." He said and walked into the hallway, closing the door behind him. "Hi Michael." You said, your voice slightly softening as you stood right beside him and placed one of your still handcuffed hands on his shoulder, to your surprise, he didn't even flinch or stiffen under your touch. He simply looked up at you standing beside him and stared into your eyes. As your eyes locked, you got a feeling that Michael wanted to say something, you could see it. It was just as if you could read his thoughts just by looking into his eyes and when you looked just deep enough, the smallest hint of emotion was seen and you were sure that it was anything but happiness.  "You heard the news huh?" You spoke with a small sigh leaving your lips. Michael slowly nodded his head at your words. As you saw this, you couldn't help but feel a little more bad for him, even if you knew you couldn't do anything, even if you knew the both of you couldn't do anything other than just deal with it. "I'm sorry, I'd rather stay here with you than go there, trust me. I don't get why Loomis agreed with this... Couldn't he just--.. Isolate me for a few months instead of transporting me to another saniterium all of a sudden.. I've been here just for a few years.." You mumbled madly. "Yet there is nothing we can do about it now..." You added with a small sigh as Michael gave a slow nod in reply.   You looked at him, thinking... Sinking into your thoughts for a moment... And after a few seconds, you moved a little closer to him and spoke softly. "I could try my best to escape..." You whispered to him as he looked at you. "I don't know how.. But I'll find out a way to, I promise. But... Will you even be able to escape this place? Do you even have any idea how?.." You said with a slight tone of despair in your voice, just because you knew the people in here have an eye on Michael, they think he's dangerous and treat him different from other patients. Michael shook his head and looked at his desk. He suddenly grabbed a paper and started to write while you looked at him in curiosity.  <b><i>I will escape, I promise</i></b> He wrote on the paper. Seeing this made a small smile appear on your lips once again. "I'll be waiting on you, I promise that too... I'll escape and hide somewhere in Haddonfield, somewhere you'll be able to find me.." You told him as you looked into his cold blue eyes... The both of you instantly had a place in mind, the forest, the forest where the both of you would always go when you were younger... You knew he'd be able to escape and find you and so would you. He suddenly stood up, becoming taller and bigger than you in an instant, he was almost intimidating as he looked down at you, he turned around and walked towards the bed, grabbing something off of it while you watched him. He walked towards you again holding something, you looked at his hands and saw he was holding one of his homemade masks. He held the mask in front of you while you looked at it with curiosity. "For me?" You asked him while looking back at him again. The second he nodded, your eyes lit up and your smile widened. You looked at the mask, looking at every detail of it with the same expression on your face.  "Could you... Put it on please?" You asked, looking at him and moving your hands a little to show your still handcuffed hands. As you looked into his eyes, you saw something change for a second. An emotion... An emotion you haven't seen in his eyes before appeared out of nowhere. You couldn't really explain what it was though... It made you slightly regret asking it but before you could say anything, he slowly nodded which surprised you. His hands moved to your face and he tucked some of your hair behind your ear, the slight touch making butterflies appear in your stomach already, yet you tried to not show much of it. He put the mask on your face and the second he did, you smiled at him. "Fits perfectly. I love it, thank you Michael." You said, your smile growing larger under your mask as you looked at him and just for a second, a split second, you could see his eyes softening.. It made the butterflies you felt increase... It was such a strange feeling. Suddenly the door opened again and both you and Michael turned your heads toward the guard that looked into the room. "Time to go." The man said, causing your smile to fade in an instant.  You sighed before looking at Michael again, hesitating to do something. You wanted to hug him, yet your cuffed hands made it hard for you to do so, you wanted to tell him how much you really loved and cared for him yet you knew you shouldn't. You wanted to do something just because it's probably the last time you'll see him until you ever manage to escape... You took a deep breath and leaned against the big man standing in front of you, the coldhearted killer who you developed feelings for, hoping he'd take it as a sort of hug. You could tell he didn't expect it at all but you just closed your eyes, hoping it wouldn't get awkward...His hands slowly moved up and suddenly you felt his arms wrap around you, hugging you tightly. Your eyes widened in surprise yet a smile crept onto your mouth. Despite the sadness you were feeling, this moment made you the happiest, you wished you could stay like this forever, close to him... You could almost feel tears pricking in your eyes. But you fought back, there was no way you could cry,<i> not now.</i> "Promise me you'll find your way back to me." You whispered as you felt him nod against your head.  He let go as you looked into his eyes with a tint of sadness. You slowly made your way towards the guard, leaving Michael behind. You stood in the doorway and looked at Michael one more time with a sad smile hidden under your mask before the guard shut the door and lead you towards the hallway. The slight happiness you felt faded once the door closed. You walked through the hallway, walking outside through a special gate and as you stepped outside, you saw a group of patients standing there, waiting to be escorted to the bus to go to the new sanitarium. A deep sigh left you as you followed them. "[Y/N]?" You heard someone call out. You turned your head and you saw no one other than... <b>Loomis</b>. You were still mad at him, for everything... Only looking at him made you feel the hatred take over once again. "Loomis." You said in a cold tone, looking at the man with an uninterested gaze. "I assume you got that mask from Myers?" He asked, "Yes, what about it?" You asked in defence the second he mentioned Michael. "Oh no, don't get me wrong, it looks lovely you can--.. keep it on. I just wanted to wish you the best, because as you know, I sadly will no longer be your psychiatrist anymore." Doctor Loomis said, giving a slightly saddened smile, the sight of him was making you roll your eyes in annoyance. "You're the one to blame for that." You said back coldly. Loomis ignored your statement and sighed. "I really do wish you the best [Y/N]. Hopefully, you will be allowed to go home in no time." The Doctor said while patting your shoulder as you continued looking at him with slight anger and annoyance in your eyes. "It's time for the patient to go sir." A guard told Loomis and he nodded in response. "Goodbye [Y/N]" Loomis said as you gave him a furious look before walking away with the guard. You <b>hated</b> him. This was<b> his fault</b> He couldn've stopped them from doing this, he could've done at least something, he could've tried... Just so you'd be with Michael, that's all you wanted, it was the only thing you wanted.. And he couldn't do that. Tears started to build up in your eyes once again as you sat inside the bus, looking out the window, at Smith's Grove for the last time. <i>I will be with him again</i> ______________________ Authors note. Sorry for all these slow and late updates yalll, i'll be trying my best to publish chapters a little more often. Thank all of u for all the reads and sweet comments, I appeaciate all of it:)) # Chapter 12. || New place, new plans [8 PM] You sighed as you got off the bus and had to follow the row of patients into the new sanitarium. There weren't that many to your surprise. You walked inside and a guard walked towards you. He confusedly stared at your mask "What's with the mask newbie?" The guard asked while he grabbed ahold of your chains and started to walk you towards your room. You looked at him with an uninterested gaze as the guard lightly chuckled. "Hmm, not quite the talker huh?" The guard said as the both of you walked through the hallway. "That's fine, most patients are like that when they first come here, I guess it's normal." He added while he opened the door of your new room and you walked inside. "Either way, enjoy ur stay." The man said slightly sarcastically after uncuffing you. As you heard him, you rolled your eyes in annoyance and turned around. <i>What a pain in the ass.</i> You looked around, sadly it wasn't that big of a room or well... At least, not like the room you had in Smith's Grove, it was much smaller... Your hands moved towards your mask. You carefully took it off and placed it down on a cabinet. As you looked at it and sadness filled your mind all over again as you thought of Michael. You had to get out of here, you had to go back to him. <i>But how?</i> You walked over to your bed and lay down with a sigh leaving your lips. There was no way you could just run out of your room and kill some guards in order for you to escape... Especially now, you're a new patient, they'll keep an extra eye on you since they don't know all that much about you or your behaviour yet. Loomis did tell you that you'd get out of here in no time if you'd just... <i>Cooperate.</i> But then you paused for a second, and it was like all the thoughts swarming your mind went quiet in an instant. <i>I just have to cooperate, that's it</i>...  You spoke to yourself as a look of slight disbelief was planted onto your face. So that's what you were planning to do, show your 'best side' to them so they'll just think you weren't as crazy as people said you were.  After they start to believe you and hopefully go a little easier on you, reduce your security and all... You'll be able to escape... At least, that's what you hoped to do. You weren't sure if your so-called plan would work, they know you killed people and they probably have been informed about your latest incident too, you weren't sure if Loomis still thought Michael did it or if you did but one thing you knew for sure is that they were obviously keeping an eye on you. New or not, you were in here for a reason . . . [2 hours later] A guard led you through the hallway, towards your new psychiatrist's office, while walking through the hallway you looked around for any doors, windows or just anything you could use as an escape route. As your eyes kept moving around, taking in every inch of the place, the guard suddenly spoke. "Here we are" The guard said and walked you inside. You sat down and innocently looked at the man in front of you, your new psychiatrist. It was a man, not too old not too young, he was probably just a few years younger than Loomis. "Ah miss [Y/N] [L/N], it's delightful meeting you, my name is Sinclair McTavish known as Doctor McTavish. How are you feeling today here in this new sanitarium?" The man said with a warm smile on his face. "I'm doing well doctor." You lied with a small smile on your face. "That's excellent, do you mind telling me why?" McTavish said. "Well... I'm just quite happy that I've been transported here, I feel like this is a much better place than Smith's Grove." You said, of course, you didn't feel like that, you'd rather be there than be here. You were all alone, without Michael by your side. "Really? Why's that?" The man said with a surprised yet friendly tone. "Well I just feel like this sanitarium is just better, by the things I've been told I feel like this would be a good opportunity for me to start over and actually take the time to heal and- and help myself become better in a place I actually feel safe." You quickly lied again, while giving the man a small smile. The doctor wrote something in his notepad with a smile "Well alright then [Y/N], I'm glad you're already enjoying your stay here. I really hope I'll be able to help you find peace in your mind, I'll promise you I'll do my best to help you in any way possible." The man said happily while you nodded. "Oh and before I forget, most of the patients in here like to do things in their free time, to cure their boredom, I assume they did that in Smith's Grove too. Would you perhaps like some books or anything?" The man said. "Yes, I'd like some books, I prefer books that have quite a bit of a thrill and if you mind, could I also get some paper and some pencils?" You asked. "Of course, I'll send a guard over to your room tonight to bring it after giving you your pills." The doctor spoke. "My pills?" You asked raising one brow, "Yes [Y/N], we give our patients some-- particular pills that calm their minds before they go to sleep. It works very well so I'd advise you to actually take them, trust me you'll be able to sleep as peacefully as ever." McTavish replied with a small smile before closing his notebook. "So if that's all for now, you can go to your room. You can always call out for a guard if there is any problem, they're always right outside your door." He added and you nodded while a guard walked over to you. "Have a good night."  . . . You laid in bed again. It was 11.00 Pm. You didn't think about anything else but Michael, you wondered how he was doing. The door suddenly opened and you turned your head to look towards it and saw two guards standing in the doorframe, one with a cup of water and some pills while the other was holding a bag. "Time for your pills newbie." The guard said. As he called you that, you suddenly remembered him, it was the guard who led you towards your room, the pain in the ass. You nodded as your eyes moved to the other guard. "You can put my stuff on the desk." You told the other guard as you grabbed the pills and put them in your mouth, you hesitated for a second, McTavish was acting kind of off when he was talking about the pills...  You grabbed the water and drank it. "I'm done, thank you." You mumbled while the guards nodded and walked out of the door. As you heard their footsteps fade away you quickly spit out the pills and threw them in the trashcan next to your desk. You didn't trust anyone or anything, what if it was some kind of drug? You first wanted to do a little research about the pills before you decided to take them, perhaps you could ask another patient?.. You just found it slightly strange that the patients had to take these pills, was that even allowed? They never gave you any pills in Smith's Grove... You shook your head, trying to stop yourself from overthinking too much about it. You needed rest.. So with that, you decided to go to sleep... # Chapter 13. || Strange You were finally sleeping after several tries. You couldn't stop your mind from thinking about.. About just everything, It caused you to stay awake and just.. stare at a blank wall for a few hours while you were deep in thought.. As usual though, it had become a bit of a bad habit actually... But luckily you managed to get some rest at last due to the tiredness taking over, besides it was a long day, you did need sleep after all. . . . In the middle of the night, you abruptly woke up to the sound of people talking outside your door. Your eyes shot open and an alarm suddenly went off in your head, reminding you of what happened the day the 2 guards in Smiths Grove came into your room. You would do anything to prevent that from happening again, so you took a deep breath and got ready to attack whoever would even dare lay a finger on you. Suddenly the door was opened and you could hear a guard step inside your room. You closed your eyes, pretending you were still sleeping while your hand clenched into a fist under the covers... "Wait, this is the newbie right?" A male voice spoke, an oddly familiar voice. "Yea, what about it?" Another voice replied, this voice didn't sound familiar, he had a deep voice with a British accent. There were two male guards inside your room, what were they doing in here this late? You were sure it had to be like 4 AM right now..  "Let's skip this one" The familiar voice said as you could hear a faint "What?" Come from the other guard. "Come on dude it's her first night here." The other guard spoke and you suddenly realised who it was, it was the first guard you got to know, the one that led you to your room. <i>What were they talking about?... What did they mean by skipping me?  </i> "Why skip her? We didn't skip any of the other new patients? She's just as bad as all these assholes inside here, she killed people and trust me she is not okay. This medicine is the only way that sick mind of hers will heal and you know that." The other guard said a little sternly. "Look, I know that but it's not good for them and you know that too. I feel like this kid isn't as bad as people told us. And besides that, we don't know how fucked up she is yet, nobody even interviewed her yet or ran any tests on her, many of the other new patients did already... What if that treatment will make her mind worse than it already is? Trust me you wouldn't want that." The familiar voice told the other guard and you could hear the man groan in annoyance. "Okay Mason, but if I'm going to get problems because of this I'm beating you up." The other guard said and sighed defeatedly. "Thanks mate." The guard.. Called Mason.. said. And then it went quiet for a second as you could hear the other guard's footsteps fade.. It seemed like Mason was the only guard left in here. "Now come on, just because we're skipping her doesn't mean we'll get to skip everyone. We still have 20 patients, so let's get back to work." The other, still unnamed guard suddenly said, breaking the silence. "Right." Mason said. Footsteps were heard and soon after, you listened to the sound of the door shutting and being locked up again. You opened your eyes to look at the now empty doorway. You were curious about what they were talking about. A treatment-- or medicine? <i>One that can cause damage to a patient's mind yet heal it? Why would they give it to the patients if it can cause damage? Why did Mason skip you?</i> You were confused and filled with a dozen questions that needed to be answered... But either way, you were happy that they didn't take you away, you were thankful the guard, now known as Mason--sort of saved you?.. You did wonder why he did that, you weren't quite the nicest to the poor guy. . . [The next day] The loud sound of something banging against the door was the first thing you heard today, your eyes opened and your head slowly turned around to face the door. A guard was standing in the doorway, banging his baton against the door to wake you up, <i>how annoying. </i> "Come on, breakfast won't be delivered to your room so if I were you I'd be quick and get the hell up to get your breakfast before you're late." The guard said with a slightly taunting tone as you groaned and sat up on your bed. "You really do love your job don't you?" You said while standing up tiredly and walking to the guard in the doorway. "Oh, I sure do." The guard said, harshly grabbing your hands and cuffing them as you let out a small annoyed scoff. As the both of you walked quietly, you broke the silence. The man annoyed you and you just had this urge to say something to him. "The way people like you haven't gone crazy yet surprises me. How does it feel? Walking among crazy people knowing that if your mind is weak enough you'll turn into one of them too." You whispered to the man in a mocking way as you walked through the hall. "Zip it." The guard said, slightly pushing you forward as you softly chuckled in amusement.  "Get in there and act like a normal fucking human, not some insane animal." The guard said as he walked you into the cafeteria and you rolled your eyes. You were sat down on a table and a food tray was placed in front of you. The guard looked at you one more time before walking away. You ignored the man and looked around, seeing some other patients sitting in the cafeteria. Some of them seemed oddly happy, it confused you, <i>why were they so happy? </i> As you took a bite of your food, you thought about what had happened yesterday. The strange medicine, the guards, Mason who said it would be dangerous while the other guard said it would help. Did these patients get that medicine or-- treatment or whatever it was..? Would that be why some of these patients were acting so happy all of a sudden? Even some people from Smith's Grove who had also been transported here, you hadn't ever seen most of them this happy ever before. It was like they completely forgot about the fact that they were literally in a mental hospital.  You started to get a negative feeling about this place,<i> what were they doing to their patients? </i> # chapter 14. || michaels realisations <b><i><u>Back at Smiths Grove...</u></i></b> Michael had been acting a little strange these past few days.. He had been acting off. He wasn't how he usually was and the things he did were very unlike him. There was obviously something wrong with him. Doctor Loomis was the first to notice that... After a while, it started to worry him. He had questioned Michael about it a few times, yet Michael had no intention of telling the doctor about his feelings, but.. Not like he ever did anyways... Loomis knew Michael never spoke and that he wasn't a fan of showing his emotions or feelings... And that wasn't the thing Loomis was worried about. It was Michael's change in <i>behaviour</i> ever since [<i>Y/N</i>] had left. The doctor obviously wanted to know what exactly had caused him to act so odd all of a sudden, it wasn't what Loomis was used to. Of course, Michael was silent, he didn't have any interactions with anyone and he never spoke, those things had been normalized by Loomis... But Michael was also always calm, patient and silent.. But now Michael was often angry, impatient and he was often letting out silent yet angry and even slightly threatening huffs or growls whenever anyone did something that Michael didn't like.. And now whenever Michael looked at the doctor.. He had this certain stare that sent shivers down the doctor's spine. It was... As if Loomis was staring into the devil's eyes. As if there was nothing but darkness underneath those eyes of his. There was definitely something very wrong with Michael. . . But.. Michael realised it too, he realised how his behaviour had changed.  But that wasn't the only thing that was wrong with him. Michael started to feel sad more often.. Or well, not quite sad but he felt more like he didn't want to do anything at all anymore, he felt empty. He only wanted to stay in bed and stare at the ceiling and do nothing other than that. He didn't even make masks any more, he didn't even know how to properly make them anymore, his mind seemed to drift off to <i>one thing</i> every single time... And besides that empty and sad feeling, he started to feel himself get angry over small things and lose his patience very quickly. He knew it wasn't like him, he knew he never acted like this, he could always keep it in perfectly and now, every emotion of anger was almost impossible for him to hide... He didn't know why, he didn't know how. He didn't have a reason to act like this... So why, why was he acting this way? What was wrong with him? What happened? How could he suddenly just lose control over his emotions like that? And all these thoughts and concerns had kept Michael awake multiple nights. It scared him deep down.  The way he lost control over his feelings scared him.. But there was one thing that scared him the most... It was another emotion, a feeling separated from all those other things he felt. It was this certain feeling he felt ever since... Ever since<b><i> she </i></b>had appeared in his life again. Ever since he had reunited with her after spending so many years alone in this sanitarium. And he only got this feeling when he was with her, just her. And again, he didn't know what that feeling was. He didn't know why he felt like that but... He felt happy with her, it was like he felt a little joy when she was with him, just like in their childhood. His eyes always lit up whenever he saw her. He felt like he could trust her, he felt like he could be himself with her... And that caused him to get this certain feeling that he just couldn't explain.. But then, ever since she had left, ever since she had been transported to another sanitarium, he still had this feeling deep inside him, this very strong feeling that he felt when he was with her. But it had changed into something else.. Now there was no happiness, there was no joy and there was no one who could light up his eyes. This feeling he felt when he was with her.. It wasn't there anymore. And so was she. She was gone. And maybe that was the reason for the change in his behaviour. Maybe the cause of all of this anger and sadness he was feeling was because she was gone. Without her, he felt lonely, angry and empty. It was like he craved her. He craved to be with her. But again, he didn't know <i>why</i>... Why would she be the cause? Why would he feel like this just because of her? She's his friend. She's just <i>a friend. </i> How could she have such a big impact on his emotions like that? How did she manage to make him feel all of these things, how did she manage to make him feel this new feeling he only felt around her? This feeling he had never ever felt in his life until she reunited with him... She was just his friend. Right? . . .  Michael was eager to find all the answers to his questions, yet he didn't know how. Because he didn't even know what to do... He didn't even know what his own feelings meant. But there was one answer, there was one explanation he could use for this... For this sudden feeling he got when she reunited with him, for all these emotions he felt when he was with her and for his change in behaviour when she left... For why she had such an impact on him and his emotions... Was he... In love with her? <i>No, no that wasn't it. It couldn't be that. He could not fall in love, he did not, he would never.</i>   He could not have fallen in love with her, she was his friend, she was his only childhood friend. He couldn't accept that he had those feelings for her, he couldn't believe it. Yet whenever he thought of her this certain feeling came back and now when he was without her the feeling seemed to haunt him...  When she used to do the most random things ever, he just adored every single thing she did, even if it was lashing out at another guard or if she was just looking away and minding her business, he adored every single thing about her. and again and again and again, that feeling kept on coming back and it kept on increasing too. He just never minded much about it, he ignored it. But now when he's alone, when shes gone and this feeling he felt had been morphed from something that gave him happiness into something that just made him feel sad and empty, he started to realise that maybe, just maybe he didn't love her like <i>just a friend</i> would do, maybe deep deep down in his cold heart... But still.. He couldn't accept it. He couldn't be vulnerable, he couldn't show weakness for her. Even if he knew he did already... He had to get himself back together.. Even if he wasn't sure how. # Chapter 15. || The truth The last months had been strange. You started to notice how some patients began to act off at some points as if something in their minds had switched. For example.. Some of them had sudden rage outbursts. It wasn't like you've never seen that happen, it used to happen all the time in Smith's Grove but it confused you how some of the patients who had those outbursts were instantly taken away by the guards and when they returned their whole demeanour had changed. They acted happy and normal as if nothing had happened seconds ago, as if they weren't locked in a mental hospital. It was weird, slightly scary even... What did the guards do after taking them away? But you didn't think that much of it. Something had probably messed up their minds.<i> </i>They were out of their minds. That was probably the explanation for their weird changes in behaviour. Besides, they were here for a reason. The only thing you still didn't have an answer for was the weird medicine the 2 guards were talking about. You could've asked your doctor... But what if you weren't supposed to know about it? What if it would get you into trouble? Then you'd never be able to escape... For now, you just had to keep it to yourself, you had to find the answers to your questions yourself. You didn't want to risk your chances to escape... Because that is still your main goal right now.  . . [29 September 2004] It was midnight, you were peacefully sleeping.. Suddenly, it felt like someone was stroking your hair.. You thought of Michael. Your mind was instantly filled with the thought of Michael. It made you remember the way he stroked your hair... Your head moved out of nowhere like it was on autopilot. You leaned into his touch... But suddenly.. You realised you weren't dreaming and someone<i> was actually</i> touching your hair. Your eyes shot open and you saw a guard hovering over your sleeping body. You gasped softly and pulled your head away. "I-- What the hell are you doing!?" You said madly while looking at the guard with widened eyes. The guard backed away in shock the second you pulled away, he probably didn't expect you to wake up. "What the..- Why are you awake?" The guard whispered in confusion. He was standing in the darkness of your room, looking at you with a raised brow. Your eyes narrowed at the guard. "What do you mean why am I awake- What are you doing in my room!?" You replied with anger while you sat up on the bed. "Shh! Shut up they're going to hear you!" The guard whispered as he came closer. While he started to come closer, the slight light coming from outside hit him and made his face clear to you and you realised who he was. Mason. "Mason? I-- What are you talking about!?" You said while looking at the guard in confusion. You were lost right now, you had no idea what he wanted and why he was in your room. "Shh!" Mason said while stepping towards your door. He looked for anyone outside and then slowly closed it and walked back towards you. You backed away from him, bumping into the wall. You still didn't trust him, and neither did you know what his intentions were. "It's okay I'm not going to do anything, but how are you awake?" He asked confusedly while crouching in front of the bed so he was at eye level with you. You grabbed the sheets tightly, looking at the man crouched in front of your bed. "What were you doing in my room?" You said with a demanding tone. "[Y/N] I--" Mason said but before he could finish his sentence, you cut him off. "I said, what were you doing in my room?" You spoke again.  The guard sighed. "Look I just came here to check on you, I wasn't planning to do anything to you." Mason spoke. You were still suspicious of him but you gave a small, slow nod. "Why are you so concerned about me not being asleep though..?" You asked him, lowering the tone of your voice a little as your suspicions increased. "Because of the pills, they're sleeping pills-- you.. You should be asleep." Mason said with slight surprise in his voice. "Sleeping pills?" You asked, you actually thought those pills were anti-depressant pills. <i>Those calm your mind, right? Give you less negative thoughts and shit? </i>Oh well, it seemed like you were wrong. "Mhm, have you even taken them?" He asked, raising a brow. You didn't take them, you knew something was off about it in the first place. You didn't trust to just randomly take some pills without knowing much about it... "Yes, they probably didn't work, that's all. I've tried using sleeping pills in the past too, never worked either" You lied, trying to make it sound convincing. "I see. Do you remember the first night you were here? Were you awake that night?" He asked. You nodded. "Have you heard the whole conversation I had?" Mason asked curiously as he stared into your [E/C] eyes. You gave him another slow nod while the guard slightly looked away. "I'm glad I changed his mind, especially if you were awake, it would've been painful."  Mason mumbled under his breath while you tilted your head in confusion. "Are you talking about that dangerous medicine?" You asked as his eyes shifted back to you. "Do you know about the medicine?" He asked with raised brows, showing surprise. "No, the only thing I know about it- Or well, heard about it, is that it's dangerous. You didn't say much about it that night." You said while he nodded, rubbing his forehead. "You were supposed to get it too, I've been skipping you for 5 months now." He told you, letting out a soft scoff. "Why?" You asked. "I don't know, guess you're just lucky." Mason muttered before he paused as you stared at him with confusion. "I feel like you do want to know what this mysterious medicine is huh?" He said, hearing a slight chuckle from him while you nodded. "Electrotherapy is what it's been called. Every night the patient gets a pill, the sleeping pills I told you about, so if your doctor ever told you patients have to use it because it calms their mind, then he is right. It's a sleeping pill, you'll be actually able to sleep peacefully if it works... But in the meantime, after the patients took their pills and are asleep, they will be taken every month and will be brought into a special room where they'll be given electrotherapy. It's a form of treatment for mentally ill people by using electroshocks. It gives a patient shocks that will affect their brain. The doctors in here think it helps but even if it does, it still stays dangerous." Mason said, explaining what this mysterious medicine was as you listened with interest. You looked at the guard, shocked. "But... Is that even legal? It's not am I right? Especially if they haven't given consent to it" You said in disbelief. The guard shrugged, "I don't quite know, but It seemed to help some patients I guess? Some of them got to go home eventually, but they did have to return every month for a so-called check up but while they're doing that the patient will be brought to sleep by another pill and they'll give them another electroshock therapy session." He sighed. You slowly shook your head in disbelief, it was unbelievable, this place was far worse than Smith's grove... "So no patient ever knew about this?" You asked while he gave a nod. "And- And the guards? Do all the guards and people who work here know about this!?" You questioned. "No, not everyone." He replied. You suddenly heard a noise coming from outside the door, Mason alarmedly stood up and looked at the door before looking at you and whispering, "Go to sleep, pretend I was never here." And quickly stepped out of the room before you could even respond. As you heard the door lock, you opened your eyes and thoughts slowly began filling your mind again. Why would they use electrotherapy without telling the patients? Why did Mason skip you? Why was he in your room in the first place? He had answered most of your questions about the medicine, but he had never told you why he was in your room... Stroking your hair... That was quite creepy if you had to be honest.. You turned around to lay flat on your back as another noise came from outside your door. You ran your hand through your hair and sighed as you closed your eyes. <i>I can't stay here.</i> ______________________ Author's note. Hi everyone, I just want to apologize for being so unactive and for letting all of you wait so long for another chapter. I've been going through quite a hard time and I've been struggling with my mental health, causing me to lose interest in writing.. But I do want to try to continue to write this book because I can't just keep all of you hanging and discontinuing this book. So for now, thank you all for reading and expect another chapter to get published soon. :) # Chapter 16. || A memory [The next day. 30 September 2004] You were taken to Doctor McTravish's office right after lunch, you had another session with him. '<i>fun, very.'</i> Especially after hearing so much shit about that "secret medicine" he's using on the patients. You thought as a guard opened the door and led you inside. "Ah, hello [Y/N], I hope you slept well." The doctor greeted you while sitting at his desk. "Hello doctor, and yes, I did to my surprise." You replied, giving the man a fake smile while you were sat down in front of him and were cuffed to the chair. You stared at the doctor, your eyes following his hands, he pressed a button on a voice recorder placed next to him on his desk and then turned his head towards you. You blinked, staring at the man while waiting for him to speak. "So [Y/N], I have some questions and... These may be quite..." The man paused with a unsure expression, searching for the words to tell you. "..Unexpected, so if you think these questions are a little too sensitive to talk about and if you don't want to answer them then I am fully okay with that, It's not my intention to be pushing you in having to tell me things you don't want to talk about." The doctor spoke and you slightly tilted your head<i>, 'What was he going to ask?'</i> You asked yourself, staring at the man. "Go ahead." You said with slight curiosity. "So I've done some research, mostly about your case but also your past. And I've come across a statement that has said that you were befriended with another, quite dangerous patient named Michael Myers, is that correct?" The doctor said while looking at you. You nodded. As soon as you heard the name Michael Myers leave his lips, you knew what was coming and why he was asking you about him all of a sudden, it made you think of doctor Loomis for a second. "So I was just wondering, how did you meet him? And what is Myers to you?" Doctor McTravish asked. You went quiet for a second, thinking of what kind of answer you could give the man in front of you. You didn't want him to know all too much about you or Michael though. "Well, Michael and I used to go to school together. At that time we weren't particularly close... But I liked to call us friends rather than just classmates, also because I did have more interactions with him than most of the people in our class. A few weeks before Michael was sent to Smiths grove sanitarium, we did start to become better friends." You said and looked away from the doctor's gaze. Your eyes randomly landed on a disk sitting on a cabinet in the back. As you look at the disk an old memory popped into your mind. . . [1990 October 19] "Hey!" You yelled to the 4 boys standing in front of the lockers, walking towards them while holding something in your hand and hiding it behind your back. The 3 boys turned around as they saw you approaching them. One of them stepped towards you, Wesley Rhoades. "What do you want huh?" The guy asked, raising a brow at you. You looked at the taller boy standing in front of you, he was the clown of the school, the boy who bullied anyone he can come across. He had been bullying Michael for a long time, Michael mostly ignored them but you hated it, yet you were always afraid of the boys, being scared that they'll start to bully you too, but not today. You didn't exactly know why but you suddenly felt a wave of anger wash over you after you saw them bullying Michael again while he was just trying to get to his locker in peace, they were mocking him for his mom and his sister. <i>'How could they do that! It wasn't even Michael's fault'</i> your young self thought "When can you stop being so annoying to him? It's becoming really childish Wesley." Your 8-year-old self told the boy standing in front of you with confidence in your voice, he was much taller than you, and older too, guess you were really feeling brave today. <i>'Oh this might not end so well.' </i> After Wesley heard your response, he scoffed while his friends behind him laughed at you and one of them mocked you. "Its becoming really childish Wesley!" Wesley looked behind him at his friend and snorted before turning back to your smaller figure infront of him. "Aww really? What are you going to do? Call your daddy for help?" Wesley teased you while pouting in a mocking way. You madly looked at the boy, <i>'Who did he think he was?' </i>"No, I'm not. But I will be showing the principal the video I have of you doing that stupid prank on him!" You said, smiling innocently at the boy and showing him a videotape you had been hiding behind you. The boy's eyes widen "Wait--what?" Wesley said with shock as he looked at the videotape in your small hands. "I could show it to the principal if you want to." You said with a slightly threatening tone as you looked up at the boy's face who was clearly getting angry now. "Give that here you bitch!" He said, suddenly stepping forward, launching at you. Your eyes widened, a soft gasp left your lips as you quickly dodged him in time by stepping aside. You saw him stumble and fall on the ground as he failed to grab you. His friends' eyes widened and one of them walked towards him to help him up while the other looked at you madly. Your head turned towards Wesley but before you could do anything you were pushed against the lockers by one of Wesley's friends. You let out a soft yelp as your arm harshly hit the lockers and you almost let go of the videotape. "Ow!" Left your lips as the guy tried to grab the videotape but you quickly moved your hand away. "Give it here you bitch!" The guy yelled. You looked at Wesley's friend and saw his hand clench into a tight fist, he was about to punch you. You quickly put your arms in front of your face and closed your eyes, expecting him to punch you.. Until you heard the guy let out a shocked gasp and then a sound of pain. You opened your eyes and saw Michael standing in front of the guy, who was now laying on the ground. Michael had pushed him to the ground, your arms lowered and a small smile appeared on your lips as you saw Michael staring at you.  "You fucking brat!" Wesley said, helping his friend up. You were slightly surprised at how Michael helped you too, you didn't expect that. You stepped away from the locker and stood in front of the boys, next to Michael Wesley stood up and approached you and you could see Michael take one step towards him but before anyone could do anything, the principal stood behind Wesley and his friends all of a sudden. "What's happening here?" The older man said as you quickly changed your demeanor after seeing the principal. "Oh, nothing sir! He had just tripped." You said innocently, hiding the videotape behind you. The man nodded and looked at the boys. "Are you okay?" The older man asked Wesley with a stern tone as he looked at the principal a little nervously. "U-uhm.. Yes sir." He said, nodding his head. "Come on then, you boys should head to class now, same goes for you two." He said, looking at you and Michael as he then turned his head to the bullies, patting one of them on the back before walking away with them. Wesley turned his head around and gave you a dirty look before walking to his class. "Hi, are you okay?" You asked Michael as you turned your head towards him. He had been staring at you the whole time. "Yea, I'm fine, thanks." He said. He got quiet for a second as he looked away a little awkwardly. "You know you didn't have to do that, I could've handled it myself, now you've dragged yourself into his bullying too." Michael said, grabbing his bag from the ground. "It's no big deal, they're annoying to everyone anyways and besides, I don't think they'll actually start to bully me now, I still got the videotape as a defence." You said to Michael in a slightly reassuring way as you bent over to grab one of his books off of the ground. You handed it to him as he grabbed it. "Thank you for pushing that guy who was about to hit me though." You said and smiled at the boy while he gave you a small, almost unnoticable smile back. "You're welcome." He said. "Was that actually a videotape of him pulling that prank?" Michael asked while you were both walking to class now. "Yup." You said while smiling and walking beside him. Michael smiled. "That's cool." "Oh-- And you probably don't really know me, we've never really introduced ourselves. I'm [Y/N] [L/N]" You said, holding out a hand. You knew who he was, you just weren't sure if he knew you, so you told him just to be sure and secretly because you wanted to hold his hand. <i>'We don't talk about that though'.</i> He looked at your hand for a second before he gently shook it. "Don't worry, I already knew you." He smiled and your eyes lit up, looking at the boy in surprise yet excitement. "I'm Michael, Michael Myers." . . As you were awakened from your thoughts the doctor looked at you with slight confusion, he had probably noticed you zoned out for a second. "Hmm, I see. Did you have any new interactions with him? Since you have been in the same sanitarium am I right?" The doctor asked. "Well..." You bit your lip, not really knowing what you should tell the man. "I didn't really have that many interactions, he doesn't speak anymore, so it was hard for me to communicate with him in the first place." You said, not wanting him to know alot about Michael and how he was now. The doctor nodded his head while scribbling something in his notebook. "Alright then [Y/N], if you don't have any other things you want to tell me about Myers, is it okay with you if I ask about someone else?..." The doctor asked, and you nodded your head in response. "Do you remember anything about the night you tried to kill your father?" The man said, your smile slipped and you were left silent. You didn't want to talk about that, knowing exactly what he would say if you did. You sighed and decided to tell him. What if he's different from Loomis? "I- I came home from a party. And- and then I-" You stopped yourself. You wanted to lie to him, act as if you haven't done anything, as if it was an actual accident, that way you'll be able to leave this shithole even sooner... You hoped. "I don't know anymore... I-I remember being so tired that I just fell unconscious.. but then I suddenly woke up in a hospital and they told me I've done terrible things.." You said, trying to seem as innocent as possible to the man in front of you. "You don't know anything anymore? You don't remember getting mad at your father or seeing police enter the house? Or even... Grabbing a knife, stabbing someone?" The doctor asked. "I don't know... I-I was so tired that day, I can't remember anything anymore, everything seems like a blur to me now" You told the man, frowning slightly while looking down at the table. "Alright [Y/N]... Maybe it is better that you've forgotten it, maybe it's a sign of healing? Maybe you<i> are</i> healing." The man said with a slight smile. Your head moved up to look at the man again and you nodded while a smile crept onto your lips. He actually believed you. <i>'Wh</i><i>at a dumbass</i><i>'</i> "What about your childhood? Do you remember how it was?" The man suddenly asked as the emotions on your face were washed away in an instant.<i> 'My childhood...</i><i>'</i> You got quiet for a second, thinking about it. You never had the best childhood, nobody knew about it, and nobody knew what you had to go through. "[Y/N]?" The man asked, seeing the change in your behaviour. You silently gulped. "I-I don't know much." You mumbled to the man. "Your mother... She died in childbirth am I right?" The doctor asked, causing your eyes to widen, <i>'How did he know that?</i>' You started to feel a lump in your throat and bit the inside of your cheek. <i>'It's okay, just tell him.</i><i>'</i> You told yourself, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. "Yes, she died in childbirth." You spoke. "During the birth of your younger brother am I right?" The doctor asked. "They both died." You said, hearing no emotion in your voice. The man nodded in understanding, "I'm sorry." He said as you lowered your head and gave him a nod, "How did this affect your father?" He asked. This was where you wanted to cross the line, nobody knew how he was after your mother died, and it was the best for them not to, the best for you. "I-I don't want to speak of this." You muttered. "[Y/N]... If it bothers you, you can always tell me, I'm here for a reason. So please, would you mind telling me?" The doctor spoke. You hesitated, you always wanted to tell someone about your childhood, but you couldn't trust this man, you couldn't trust anybody. Your mind went back to reality, forgetting about the sadness you felt when your childhood was mentioned. It's the past. You had to move on from that. The only thing you wanted to think about was your revenge. Revenge on the one who absolutely destroyed you and your childhood, no one other than your father. Your eyes moved to the doctor again, looking into his with a dark stare as your demeanor changed. "Doctor, I am fine, it doesn't bother me in any way, I just don't wish to speak of it." You told the man while he looked back at you, slightly startled by the sudden change in your expression. The small fear he had for you was finally shown on his face. "Alright [Y/N], thank you..." The man said, remaining calm. You gave him a nod while 2 guards walked up to you from behind. They grabbed both of your arms, you stood up from the chair and the guards led you out of the office, and back to your own room. You walked into your room again, one of the guards uncuffed you and you walked towards your bed. You sat on it and looked at the guards standing in your doorway in an awkward silence. <i>'When did they plan on going out of your room</i><i>?</i><i>'</i> You slightly rolled your eyes as the men finally left and you plopped down onto your bed with a sigh. Your eyes slowly closed as you replayed the conversation you just had in your head again, the things you had seemed to forget about had all come back in an instant. You let out a shakey breath and clenched your jaw. <i>'No, stop.'</i> You didn't want to think about the memories, the past. You knew it would only make things worse than it is now, or at least, your mental state. It'll make your mental state much and much worse. You let out another sigh, turning around in your bed to now face the door. You opened your eyes and something instantly caught your attention. The mask placed on your desk, the one Michael made for you. Your eyes scanned it, admiring every single little detail on it, every little detail he had painted on it. You stared at the mask in silence, feeling a wave of comfort wash over you, as if you knew you weren't alone anymore. A smile crept on your face at the thought of Michael. You missed him. Does he miss you the same way? Does he even think of you? Oh, you'd do everything to get an answer to those questions, you weren't even sure what he felt about you, did he see you as just a friend? Or did he feel more? Did he even feel anything at all? You weren't sure of his answer, you were never sure, he'd always been the quiet type, especially now, but you sure knew <i>your</i> answer. You've loved him ever since you were just a little girl. Oh how badly you wished to see him again. The thought of him made you smile. # Chapter 17. || Childhood Days passed and the doctor hadn't spoken of your childhood ever since. But yet, you thought about it more often, even though you had promised yourself not to. You couldn't stop yourself from doing it, and you had to admit... Being all alone and locked inside a room for so long brought back a lot of memories and made you realise lots of things too. The more you thought about the memories and things that had happened, the more your hatred towards your father grew. It became so much till the point you couldn't wait to escape anymore, only to hunt your father down and torture him the way he tortured you throughout most years of your life.  You didn't deserve the things that happened to you. And so did your mother. If there were anyone in this world who didn't deserve it, it would be her. You were going to murder your father, but not only because he has hurt you... But for her, in her name, because the things he did to your mother were things no one would want to experience.  . . . <b><u>[1992 September 1st ]</u></b> <i>"What the fuck you mean you had to stay longer at work!? Don't fucking lie to me, woman! I know you were too busy fucking that little best friend of yours!" Your father screamed, you could hear the rage and aggression in his voice. "Please stop, can we just not do this right now? I'm almost nine months pregnant, the baby is almost coming and you're doing this!?" Your mother cried out. They had been fighting for quite a while now and by the things your mother said and by the way she spoke to him, you could hear that she was desperately hoping your father would just listen to her pleas.</i> <i> "I would never do that to you, but you know how important my work is!" She added as you heard her voice break. "Lies... Fucking lies!" Your father yelled as you suddenly heard a loud noise. You flinched and your hands flew to your mouth to cover your small sobs. You listened with widened and horrified eyes, he hit her again, you knew he did.</i> <i>You sniffled, not hearing anything come from the living room anymore. You wiped your teary eyes and stood up from the stairs, silently walking towards the living room. As you stopped in the doorway your eyes filled with shock, seeing your mother on the floor, hand bleeding and broken glass lying all over the place. "Mommy?" You said with fear in your soft voice. "[Y-Y/N]?" Your mother worriedly looked at you while she slowly stood up, hiding her hand as she approached your smaller figure. "Oh, honey..." She whispered, crouching down and placing a hand on your cheek while you leaned into her warm hand. "Mommy, did Daddy hurt you?" You asked with worry, a tear rolling down your cheek. "I was just a little dizzy and fell darling, it's okay. Daddy wouldn't hurt me." She told you in a reassuring manner, looking at you with the softest smile. "But Mommy, there's blood!" You said, terrified of her bloodied hand, which she was trying to hide behind her.</i> <i>You looked at your mother, seeing the sadness and fear in her eyes, yet she still continued to fake a smile at you, telling you it was okay. But you knew it wasn't, you always knew your father hit her... And not only her, whenever he got the chance, he hit you</i>. . . .  You remembered how your mother stood up for you, letting herself be hit, kicked and hurt all for you, all so you wouldn't get hurt in any way because she knew you didn't deserve it... But neither did she. But then one day, September 13th, your father absolutely snapped, he had hurt your mother so badly that he had broken her arm and left several bruises and injuries on her body. He had dragged her around the house, throwing her around asif she was some ragdoll to him. She hit her head, fell unconscious and didn't wake up for a while, she went into a coma. She spent 2 weeks in the hospital and woke up again on September 27 and two days later she gave birth... But she didn't survive it, her body was too weak and she died minutes after her son was born. But so did her son, your brother. Something was wrong with him, causing him to struggle with breathing, due to this, he died an hour later. You weren't even able to be there, you didn't even get to say goodbye. You remember how hard you had cried when you heard the news. You couldn't do anything for days, you stayed in your room for months, refusing to go to school.. Not like your father gave a shit, he just started getting more and more drunk on the couch. Every night you were crying at the thought of your mother's death, you couldn't believe that she was gone. And at the same time, your father started to become more abusive towards you, forcing you to do things, manipulating and gaslighting you. He didn't even give you time to grieve, you had to keep all of your feelings bottled up and learn to live with it. He was the real reason you turned out like this. All your life, you only felt fear, sadness and anger. But now, you're older, know better, and promised yourself that you'd never let anyone treat you like this.<i> </i>Never again # Chapter 18. || Unwanted friends [F/N] = Father's name [5 days later. 5 October 2004] You woke up to a noise. It sounded as if someone kept banging something against the wall, over and over. It started to annoy you and wake you up too. Your eyes slowly opened and you caught a glimpse of a man in a blue uniform... Once your still tired eyes gained focus you saw a guard standing in the doorway, tapping his baton against the wall. You let out an irritated groan and turned around, rolling your body around to face the wall. "C'mon [L/N], you'll have to get breakfast in 5 minutes so if I were you, I'd get my lazy ass out of bed and go to the cafeteria as soon as possible." The guard spoke, you could hear the amusement and slight taunt in his voice. <i>'What is his problem?'</i> Did he want to piss you off? You rolled your eyes and covered your head and ears with your pillow. "..Or if you're willing to skip breakfast, stay in bed. I mean- no breakfast wouldn't be the best start to my day but it's up to you." The guard said with a slightly mocking tone, making you whine in annoyance, it came out a little muffled due to you still having your face stuffed into the pillow. If you could, you'd just stay in bed the whole day<i>. 'Not like that's basically the only thing I do though...'</i> But still, you had to at least get something to fill your empty stomach, you didn't get that much to eat here anyway. You sat up and rubbed your eyes.. But as you heard the guard's baton tapping on the wall again, your head shot towards him with an annoyed expression on your face. "Give me 3 minutes." You mumbled annoyedly. "Yeah, and in 3 minutes the cafeteria will be filled and the food will be gone" The guard chuckled, acting asif he had just said the funniest thing ever. You looked at him in an unamused way as a frustrated sigh left your lips. "I still gotta brush my teeth, I slept like absolute dogshit, I feel like I want to punch someone and if you stay in here tapping that fucking baton of yours I'll literally go crazy, so please, do me a favour and come back after 3. fucking. minutes." You said with your raspy and tired morning voice, now filled with irritation. The guard could clearly see you were not in the mood for this now. "3 minutes [L/N]" The guard said, rolling his eyes before walking out of your room and closing the door. You slowly stood up and walked over to the little bathroom in your room. You turned on the faucet and looked at yourself in the mirror before washing your face and grabbing your toothbrush to brush your teeth. After 2 minutes you were done and you grabbed your hairbrush to comb your hair to at least look a bit like a normal human instead of a feral animal.  As you got out of the bathroom the door of your room was opened and the guard stood right outside. "Done I hope?" He asked. You gave him a nod, staring at him with annoyance. He walked over to you and cuffed your hands before you both started to walk out of the room, entering the long hallway and walking towards the cafeteria doors. You were led inside and to a table in the back of the cafeteria where the guard uncuffed one of your hands, leaving the other handcuffed. He grabbed a chain from the ground which was stuck to the floor and connected it with the handcuff on your hand so you couldn't get up. "Go sit, Laufrey will bring your food." The guard said. "Oh and- You know the rules, [L/N]. Don't do dumb shit" The guard added as you stared back at him and rolled your eyes in silence. He walked away and soon after, your food was placed before you.  As you started to eat peacefully, minding your own business and ignoring everyone else around you, you noticed someone suddenly approaching you. A sigh left your lips. "Hi" The woman in front of you spoke. "[Y/N] right?" The woman smiled and sat down on the other side of the table, facing you. "What?" You said sharply, still slightly irritated by your interaction with the previous guard. "Ahh, short fuse I see. No worries, I don't mean any harm." The woman said, sounding awfully calm. "What? What do you want?" You asked, slightly confused. "Oh, It's nothing! I just wanted to have a little chat with you." The woman replied. "Have a little chat with me?" You asked, repeating her words while squinting your eyes in slight confusion. "Yes! I just wanted to get to know you." The woman smiled. "Go away." You sighed, rolling your eyes as you took a bite of your food. You ignored the girl as she started blabbering some things to you... But all of a sudden something she said caught you off guard. "Listen, I know you killed my father." The woman said, sounding threatening all of a sudden. You looked at her and tilted your head, "I'm sorry what?" You asked, your brows rose and a slightly irritated smile formed on your lips. "Don't play stupid [Y/N]. I know you killed him." The woman said with widened eyes and gritted teeth, trying to seem threatening all of a sudden. You chuckled at the woman, looking into her eyes with amusement expressed on your face. "Look I don't exactly know what your problem is but I think you've got the wrong person because I don't know if you knew but- I've never actually killed someone. Yes, I've stabbed some people but they all survived. So you can't really blame me, lady. Blame it on his health- or whatever reason he died." You casually said. You knew you were right, 5 days after it happened Doctor Loomis had told you the policemen survived, and you knew your father had woken up from his coma too. You continued to eat. "What the fuck did you just say? blame it on his health?! You fucking stabbed him to death!" The woman said, raising her voice slightly, but not too loud to alert the guards. "I don't even know who the fuck you're talking about." You said, shrugging while slightly shaking your head. "[F/N] [L/N]!" The woman said madly.  Your eyes widened in shock as the amused smile you had on your lips faded.  "[F/N]... How do you-" You were in shock, that was your father's name, your last name. Was this woman <i>actually</i> talking about your father? "Who are you?" You suddenly spoke sternly, gritting your teeth as realisation hit you. "I-Im.." The woman became quiet, her lips slightly moved as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't, not a sound left her lips. You were probably not supposed to know she was talking about your father, it probably slipped out of her because of her anger... Due to the way she stared at you, in shock.  "Who are you..." You spoke, your breath becoming heavier the longer the woman stared at you in silence. Your thoughts began to overflow your mind now. you could feel your hands clench into tight fists as you stared at her face. You got this weird sick feeling in your stomach. Did you.. not know about something? Who was this woman? <b>"Answer me!"</b> You banged your fist on the table, pure rage suddenly displaying in your eyes. The woman's eyes widened, startled by your anger. "Don't you fucking go silent on me now, tell me your fucking name! Who the fuck are you!?" You screamed at the woman as suddenly 3 guards came rushing towards your table to hold you back. The other patients in the cafeteria looked your way now, noticing your outburst. It startled them... Loud chatter and talking started to fill the room, and the sound of that started to anger you even more, it made you feel even more chaos in your mind and it felt like your head would explode any second now. The chaos and rage you felt started to consume you, it started to eat you whole. You couldn't think straight anymore, you just needed to know who she was, what she wanted from you.. And why she called <i>your father</i>... <i>Her</i>  father. Your breathing became heavier, your heart was pounding faster now and your blood was boiling.  You needed answers. You tried to grab her, standing up from your chair, but you were instantly held back by guards. "Don't fucking touch me!" You screamed at the guards, kicking and pushing them away from you. You turned your head towards the woman as the men held your arms in a tight grip. "If you're his child- If you're his daughter... I-I'll fucking murder you! I'll stab you just like I stabbed him. I'll stab you till every drop of blood has flowed out of your body. Do you fucking hear me!?" You screamed, letting all your anger out at the woman as the men pushed you up and yanked you away from the table. Guards came rushing into the cafeteria, trying their best to calm the startled and panicked patients as you were being dragged away from the chaos-filled cafeteria.  "<b>I'll fucking kill you!</b>" You cried out before you were forced into the hallway and left the cafeteria. # Chapter 19. || Realisations You were dragged to your room after your outburst as you were sitting on your bed now. You didn't even know why you reacted like that, you were in shock at how you had suddenly lost control over your emotions but at the same time, you were in denial. Denial of the ugly truth which had been untold today. You didn't know he had another daughter. The woman didn't look that old, you assumed she was just a few years younger than you, you're 23 at the moment, you guessed she was around 21. But if he really had another child... That must've meant <b>he cheated on your mother. </b> That was the reason for your outburst, realising that your father hadn't just hurt your mother, but also cheated on her and gotten a child with another woman.  You leaned your head back against the wall and closed your eyes. You couldn't believe it. That meant that she was your half-sister. How did she even get in here? She was clearly looking for you, she knew you were inside this place, she knew who you were. Did she commit a crime just so she could see you? Try to threaten you? <b><i>Scare you?</i></b> You shook your head in annoyance while you continued to sit on your bed in silence. But what did she mean by "You killed my father"? He was alive, wasn't he? Maybe she didn't know yet. But you did. There was no way he died after waking up from his coma. You knew he was alive, you could feel it deep inside you. That the man you had so much hatred for was still alive, probably peacefully living his life while you were inside here, rotting away. You gritted your teeth and slapped your hands on your face. After minutes of sitting like that, your hands fell to your sides while you opened your eyes with a sigh. You had to distract yourself, distract your mind from thinking about the things that had happened, knowing your father is still alive, the memories of your childhood coming back more and more, the random woman who was somehow your half-sister... You took a deep breath and your eyes fell on the mask on your desk, trying to get the feeling of comfort again from the thought of him, <i>Michael</i> Suddenly the door opened and your eyes shot towards it, awakening you from your thoughts. "Hey" A man said, Mason. "What do you want?" You asked him with a sigh, not being in the mood to talk right now. "The hell happened in the cafeteria?" He asked, closing the door behind him and walking towards you. "A patient was being an asshole." You replied with a shrug. "You've come across more people who were acting like assholes to you, you've never gotten such a bad outburst. What happened [Y/N]?" The guard asked again. You looked at the man in silence, giving him a small head tilt. <i>'why did he seem to care?'  </i>You let out a small chuckle. "You sound like Doctor McTavish." You mocked as the guard rolled his eyes at you. "But seriously, tell me what happened." He said, his voice getting a tint of seriousness in it.  "A woman randomly came up to me, she started off being nice and annoying until she suddenly got all threatening, telling me she knew I killed her father and shit. Yet, I haven't killed anyone.  When I told her I didn't know who she was talking about she said my father's name." You said as you watched Mason's face fill with surprise mixed with slight confusion. "I wanted an answer. I wanted to know who she was because if my father is actually<i> </i>her father that means she's my sister, and that also means my father cheated on my mother." You muttered, your anger becoming a little more noticeable once those last words left your lips. Mason's brows raised, he wasn't used to seeing you this angry. "Woah, what a great reunion." He said sarcastically as you rolled your eyes at him. "Sure was." You replied in a sarcastic way, looking away. "But hey, you're a guard- You should know her name, right?" You said, facing him again with a curious tint in your eyes. Mason scratched his head. "I'm not sure who it is, I think she's new, I haven't seen or heard from her before..." Mason said while you pressed your lips together and gave a slightly disappointed nod. "But don't worry, I'll figure it out. Maybe one of the other guards knows." Mason said, his voice seeming to be a little reassuring which made your brows raise in slight amusement. "Alright" You said.  He looked at you in silence for a second. You tilted your head at the man as you could see him deep in his thoughts. "Well, I should get going before they ask me why I was in your room for so long, I'll make sure to check the girl's info." He suddenly said, breaking the silence. He stood up and walked away from your bed while your eyes followed him. "Okay... Thank you by the way." You mumbled right as he wanted to open the door. He turned his head towards you and gave a slight smile. "Of course." He said and exited your room.  <i>'Hmp. Strange guy.'</i> # Chapter 20. || What next? [ 6 October 2004 ] You just had another session with Doctor McTavish. He was shocked by your outburst and had a dozen questions for you to answer. You tried your best trying to seem innocent yet it was hard to contain the anger and rage you felt. But to your luck, the doctor felt bad for you and let you go with a warning after you put up another innocent girl act. You were surprised that he didn't plan on giving you shock therapy, also known as 'the medicine' as every guard calls it that. Due to Mason, you knew that most patients who had outbursts were immediately brought to the therapy room where they'd be brought to sleep and given shock therapy in order for them to calm down... You wondered why the guards didn't instantly bring you to the therapy room, yet you didn't mind much of it and decided to let it go... Not like you wanted to go in there anyway.    .... You sat in your room, on your bed, something you did as usual. You always sat in your room. Besides, it was the only thing you were actually allowed to do at the moment. You let out a sigh, you were thinking much lately, too much. Not just about your childhood and all the things that had happened these past days, but also about Michael, when you'd see him again, and how you will. You knew you had to escape. You didn't fully know how yet, but you'd figure it out, you knew you would. But what would you do after? Just go to Smith's Grove and get Michael out? No, it wasn't that easy. You knew you could escape from here but Smith's Grove? You weren't sure. You knew there were probably many more guards due to the fact that the absolute worst citizens of Haddonfield were in there, not like there were no bad people in here, you knew most of the people in here were just as crazy as in there... But you were the only person who had attempted to murder someone, at least, you guessed you were. And you assumed Smith Grove had gotten more cameras and guards after what had happened on your last night there... So what if they'd catch you if you ever tried to break in? Then you could say goodbye to your freedom. A sigh escaped your mouth. <i>'Michael would escape. He promised me.'</i> A voice inside your mind said as you remembered the few words he wrote the last time you had seen him. Your mind went silent for a second. He promised you he'd escape. You knew he would keep his promise.<i>'Right?'</i> Suddenly the door opened and your head shot towards it to see a guard standing in the doorway... "Hey [Y/N]" The guard said. "Mason" You sighed. "What? Not happy to see me? If so I'll go tell my new info about the medicine and the girl to another patient, if you don't seem to mind?" He said, using a slightly mocking tone to tease you. He turned around and grabbed the door handle. "No no! Wait I- Tell me about the medicine-- And the girl." You replied quickly as he was about to open the door. He turned around again and gave a slight laugh while you rolled your eyes at him. He approached you and crouched in front of your bed. "Okay so first off, the girl." He paused as you gave a nod. "She's indeed your half-sister [Y/N]... Layla [L/N]" He said. Your face went blank with slight shock. You were right. Mason let out a sigh as he saw your expression. You slowly shook your head in silence as your eyes moved to the floor. "I can't believe my father. That means he cheated on my mother, got another woman pregnant and proceeded to not even tell me or my mother the truth. He could've at least told me I had a sister." You mumbled with a sigh. "I feel truly sorry for you, the way you found out about this." Mason said as your eyes locked for a second. "It's not your fault. It's his." You said, looking away in silence again as anger started to form in your eyes. Mason placed a hand on your shoulder to try to comfort you. That confused you and snapped you out of your anger for a second. Your head slowly turned towards him again, slightly tilting your head at the guard. "Is there something wrong?" He asked you as soon as he noticed your behaviour. "Not really it's just..." The anger you felt for your father was soon dimmed by some sort of confusion. "Why are you helping me?" You asked the guard who looked at you with a slight hesitant and nervous smile on his lips. He kept quiet as the both of you stared at each other. He didn't know what to tell you. "It's not that I don't appreciate your help but... You're a guard, and I'm a patient, a murderer. I'm sitting in front of you, uncuffed, and full of rage, yet you're still sitting here, without any slight bit of fear or distress showing on your face. You treat me so differently than the other guards, you even tell me certain things I'm not even supposed to know... So my only question is why?" You paused, scanning his face and seeing the nervous expression he had. "Why do you help me, Mason?" You questioned, lowering your voice slightly.  He was still quiet. His hand went up to the back of his head. "Look... Let's- Let's talk about this another time, for -now, I need to talk to you about the medicine, we don't have much time but it's important." Mason quickly said, changing the subject. He was right about that, but something still confused you, why wouldn't he just tell you? There had to be something he was hiding. "Alright." You mumbled. "Look, someone noticed that I've been skipping you ever since you came here, this person knows you've never gotten electro therapy yet and that I am the cause of it. They've told it to one of the doctors, I'm not sure who but they don't trust me anymore, [Y/N]. From now on you'll HAVE to get shock therapy and I can't do anything about it anymore." Mason paused. "I'm not allowed to bring anyone to the therapy room anymore, they think I'm skipping everyone now that they found out I've been skipping you." Mason added. Your eyes widened at his words. Your eyes moved away from his face as thoughts rose through your mind. You didn't want anyone to mess with your brain or mental health or whatever, you didn't want this. And you knew you weren't going to allow it. Not in any way. You took a deep breath before looking at the guard in front of you again. "Mason, please, do you think you'll be able to change their minds for at least a few more months?" You asked the guard. He gave you an unsure expression, "[Y/N], as much as I want to help you, I don't think I can. I'm sorry." He sighed. Your lips slightly pursed while your eyes looked at him in disappointment. "Alright... I--" You stopped. You didn't plan anything, you didn't know what to do... Your mind started to become a haze now while Mason looked at you in a worried manner. Your eyes looked around your room and suddenly landed on the mask on your desk. You looked at it in silence as you could see Mason wanting to say something to you now in the corner of your eye. But he noticed you were deep in your thoughts as your eyes were fixated on the mask...  <i>'What would Michael do?'</i> Suddenly a thought popped up in your mind. Michael was always 2 steps ahead of people, you knew that. So what if you used that? Make a plan so you'll be 2 steps ahead of the doctors. Kill them, escape? You just needed a little help... "When will my first shock therapy be?" You spoke all of a sudden, looking back at Mason who was slightly concerned. "Hm... 29th of October if I'm correct." Mason replied as the confusion was still seen in his expression. "Look, would you mind helping me with something then? You don't have to do much other than just stick to my plan alright?" You said as the confused guard nodded.
Amity x Reader Oneshots(finished)
Romantic Or/and funny oneshots. One Lumity x Reader Oneshots. (I wrote this when i was 13 years old,so this is very cringe)
[ "amity", "amityxreader", "angst", "fanficton", "female", "finished", "gaylove", "lesbian", "love", "lumity", "lumityxreader", "owlhouse", "readerxamity", "relstionship", "romantic", "theowlhouse" ]
[ "Information", "I just need cuddles (Amity x wild witch)", "The Love Woods(Amity x Hexside Student)", "A \"normal\" day in the Owl House (Lumity x reader)", "Grugby (Amity x TallReader)", "Crybaby(Amity x Reader/a little bit angst)", "I misssed you(Amity x Reader Seasion 3)", "Sketched love(Amity x ShyReader)", "Airships and making out(timeskip Amity x timeskip reader)", "Scary Nights(Amity x Human Reader)", "Learning and Loving(Amity x WildWitch)", "Im back...and i will go again(amity x End)", "Safety(the last story!Yandare Amity x GoldenGuardReader)" ]
[ "my oneshots have a length of 500 to 3000 words, but from time to time there will be special oneshots that go from 2000 to 10,000 words.\n\n\noh and english is not my mother tongue so please forgive me one or two mistakes\n\n\nfeel free to give commissions in the comments tell me a location where you want it to play and/or scenarios.\n\n\n\n\nI hope you like it", "You knock on her balcony door, when she opens the door and looks at you with a surprised look you just hug her.\n\n\"(y/n) what are you doing here, you can't just burst into my room, my mom is in the house and if she catches you she will hand you over to the Emperor without hesitation.\n\nYou are a wanted witch!\"\n\n\"Aww you're worried about me, but don't worry your mom won't bother us.\"\n\n\"How are you sure about that\"?\n\nyou grin at her\n\n\"(y/n) what have you done again\"?\n\nShe laughs at you and drags you into her room.\n\n\"Well, let's put it this way, she got an important call from Emperor Coven that her shipment was damaged.\"\n\n\"You cheeky, clever girl\"\n\nAmity throws you to the floor and engages in a gentle fistfight.\n\n\"Man that's unfair, you moan, you know I can't hurt you.\"\n\n\"So I'm your only weakness\"?\n\n\"Yes, I think so, so if you cheat on me then I have to think about it again, but otherwise yes\".\n\nAmity gets up and then helps you up. But before she can react you gently throw her onto her bed.\n\n\"Hey that was mean\"\n\n\"I'm a wild witch do you think I play fair\"\n\nYou jump onto the bed next to her, it's so nice to be near her.\n\n\"Yes that's a point, but are you ready for my second attack\"\n\n\"What do you mean by that....?\"\n\nBefore you can continue talking, she lunges at you and starts tickling you.\n\n\"Ahh..please... have mercy...my...second weak\".\n\nYou try to fight back but she's too strong.\n\nSuddenly it stops, suddenly you can imagine why it stopped.\n\n\"What happened to your arm\"?\n\n\"Oh that was just a scar, I had to escape the Golden Gourd yesterday and he caught my arm\".\n\n\"If I catch him...\"!\n\nYou look at her with an admiring look. Did she just say that she would protect you.\n\n\"You don't have to avenge me, it's enough for me if you cuddle with me\".\n\nShe wraps her arms around you and you bury your face in her chest\n\n\"I love you\"\n\nDo you mumble out\n\n\"You too\"\n\nshe kisses your forehead\n\nYou want to lift your head up when you feel Amity stand up but she pushes your head down.\n\n\"Wait a minute and keep your head down, DO NOT look at me\"\n\nYou notice how she goes to a corner of her room and pulls something out of a closet.\n\n\"It's mean, how am I supposed to look away when such a beautiful person is walking around me\"\n\nShe doesn't say anything but sits back down on the bed, she takes your wounded arm and starts treating it.\n\n\"Oh you don't have to do that, it's just a wound\".\n\n\"I don't want this \"little wound\" to open up and hinder you in fights, the only person who can defeat you is me\".\n\n\nAfter it's done, your arm will be completely healed, with only a small scar left on your arm.\n\n\"How do you know these healing spells\"?\n\n\"My sister taught me, she knows something about healing magic\".\n\nYou gently throw Amity to the side so she lands on her back on the bed, then you sit on her legs so she cannot move.\n\n\n\"Even you cannot defeat me, I am the ruler of the world\"\n\nYou playfully raise yourself up as if you were the mighty titan.\n\n\"Oh Great Titan Give Me Power\"\n\nAmity speaks it in a mock pleading voice.\n\n\"OK\"!!\n\nYou lunge at her gently and start fighting with her, but only gently.\n\n\"Hey, that's not what I mean\"\n\nYou realize that she's stronger than you are, but somehow you like it too.\n\nWhen they finally overpower you, you lie on the bed and pretend you're dead.\n\n\"What Should Your Last Words Be\"\n\n\"You are the most beautiful being in the Boiling Isles\"\n\n\"sneaker\".\n\nYou open your eyes and smile at her.\n\n\"I know you like it i....\".\n\nYou are interrupted by the sound of a door slamming downstairs.\n\n\"I'm sure my mom is there, you'd better go.\"\n\n\"But, I don't want to.\"\n\n\"If you don't leave now you can never come back here\".\n\n\"Okay, I'm going, but I'll be back soon, I promise\"\n\nYou get up from the bed and Amity walks with you to the balcony door.\n\n\"Goodbye my princess, I will step into your palace again soon.\"\n\nYou bow and mount your palisman.\n\n", "You sat under a tree, Amity lay with her head on your thighs.It was getting cold so you decided to go back with her.\n\n\"Hey cutie it's getting cold let's go back\"\n\nWhen you realize you called her cutie your face turns red.\n\n\"Did you just call me cutie\"?\n\n\"Yes..but better than calling you Mittens, right?\"\n\nYou grinned at her, you knew she hated it when anyone besides her siblings called her that.\n\nyou continue\n\n\"But come to think of it, calling you...Kittens would be very fitting.\"\n\nHer face turned red you didn't know if it was because she was angry or because you complimented her.\n\n\"Shut your mouth\"\n\nShe covered your mouth with her hand which made your face redden.\n\n\"Awww the little kittens is maaaad\"\n\nYou said even though your voice was muffled by her hand.\n\nShe got up and pulled you up.\n\n\"But you're right it's getting cold, let's walk to my house\".\n\nYou got up laughing and started walking with her towards the house.\n\nWhen you had already covered a few meters with her, your eyes saw a red dot that caught your attention.\n\nYou chase him with your gaze.\n\n\"Now who is the cat (y/n)\"?\n\nYou heard Amity laughing next to you and saw her with some kind of pen projecting a dot on the floor.\n\n\"I borrowed it from Luz\"\n\n\"Yes okay the point goes to you, but still you are and will remain my kittens\"\n\nYou grinned at her before getting back to the point.\n\nYou felt this great energy chasing after the point.\n\nWithout hesitation you jumped on the dot and tried to catch it, but Amity steered it back and forth quickly, but you ran after it, laughing.\n\n\"okay enough\"\n\nAmity made the dot disappear and you gave her your saddest puppy look.\n\nBefore you know it she walked up to you and grabbed your ear.\n\n\"Oh your ears move up and down\"\n\n\"mmmm\"\n\nYou looked away in shame and hid your red face in your hoodie.\n\n\"Aww they're wiggling faster and faster, I should probably call you Mrs Wiggle Ear\"\n\n\"I hate you,\" I mumble out of my hoodie\n\n\"Yes of course you do\"\n\nShe pulled your hood off and walked the rest of the way with you.\n\nWhen you almost arrive at her house, you suddenly stop.\n\n\"Hey why are you stopping\"?\n\nYou pulled her closer to you and took what she called a laser pointer from her pocket, then you aimed the point at your lips.\n\n\"Would you like to catch the point too?\"\n\nYou didn't really like flirting, but this saying came across to you quite well.\n\nApparently it worked because before you could say anything else you feel her lips on yours, that was the first kiss you ever had in your life.\n\nIt felt great, her lips were so warm.\n\nYou hope so much that it feels great for her too, all you're feeling right now is happiness, all troubles gone just you and her.", "<b>I know I actually do Amity x Reader but here is a Lumity x Witch Reader Fanficton &lt;3</b>\n\n<b><i><u>AUTHORS NOTE</u></i></b><b><i>: I tried to write such a typical siblings relationship between (y/n) and Amity, so that both want to outdo each other more and more, I don't do something like that so often so sry that it doesn't come across so well.</i></b>\n\n\n\n\nLuz jumps around the living room of Owl house with ambition and joy while you lie on the couch and try to sleep.\n\n\n\"Luz, can you please stop jumping around so positively\"\n\nLuz stops and turns to you\n\n\"(Y/n) we are stuck here because of the Boiling rain, I have to let off steam somehow.\"\n\n\"Ugh then be quiet at least for my sake.\"\n\nYou roll your eyes and turn around just to scare back several meters because Amity stands behind and smiles at you.\n\n\"Buh\"\n\n\"Ugh, why do you actually have to take advantage of it so much that I'm so scary\"\n\nYou turn offended to Luz and give her a look that she should talk to her. She laughs at you.\n\n\"(Y/n) that's what you attribute to yourself, you are the one who plays the horror games here\"\n\n\"Yeah Luz, but in the horror games, monsters and not cute cat girls scare me\"\n\nAmity rolls her eyes at your compliment.\n\n\"Can you please stop calling me a cat!\"\n\nYou grin at her mischievously\n\n\"You can try to stop me!\"\n\n\"Is that a challenge?\"\n\nLuz watches the two with a shaking head and says quietly\n\n\"Not again\"\n\n(Y/n) and Amity look at each other ready to fight, even if they don't want to hurt each other, they don't hold back in their fights.\n\n\"Okay Amity one...two... GO\"\n\nYou storm on Amity trying to jump gently on her so that she falls to the ground, but she gives way to you and you have to cushion yourself with abomination magic. But at the same time you notice the grip of an abomination on your hip.\n\n\"Uh Oh\"\n\nYou will be pulled backwards by Amity's abomination and held upside down in front of her, which smiles at you nicely but a little complacently.\n\nThe blood rushes into your head, not just because you are held upside down in the air?\n\n\"Hmpf, that's unfair, I'm tired\"\n\nYou turn your face away while Amity looks at you suspiciously\n\n\"(Y/n), how much sleep did you have yesterday?\"\n\n\"Enough\"\n\nYou're entangled your arms\n\nAmity sighs slightly annoyed\n\n\"And how much does enough mean?\"\n\n\"Uhm 1 hour\"\n\n\"1 HOUR\"?!\n\nLuz yells at (y/n).\n\n\"(Y/n) 1 hour, how can you stand?\"\n\nYou want to answer, but slowly hanging upside down becomes a bit fatal\n\nFortunately, Luz reminds Amity that you are still hanging upside down\n\n\"Uhm Amity, I think you should turn her... around\"\n\nYou can feel your blood spreading again in the body, you want to leave the conversation with Luz but the abomination still holds you tight.\n\n\"No (y/n) you will probably have to endure Luz standing timpani now, and I have absolutely nothing against it\"\n\n\"Oh come on, Amity, pleeease let me go\"\n\nYou look at Amity imploringly and set up a puppy view.\n\n\"(Y/n) you've tried that a thousand times, it may work for Luz, but not for me\"!\n\n\nYou turn grumbling around to Luz, who looks at you seriously while you find the situation a little funny.\n\nAfter a stand-up timpani that I will not describe further, the abomination finally lets you go.\n\nYou breathe a shale inside and have to avoid your inner laughter, you have just seriously received a felt 10-minute standing timpani from Luz because you only slept for an hour.\n\n\"(Y/n) promise me that you will sleep longer today\"\n\nYou moan quietly and then nod, why can't you say no to this face?!\n\nWell, then which of you wants to play a human game called Twister, we're stuck here until the boiling rain is gone.\n\nTwister...Twister...you search for the game in your brain and then remember.\n\n\"Ah Twister, the game in which I mercilessly destroyed Amity, or dear\"\n\nYou look at Amity with a teasing look.\n\nIt was just so nice to make her angry easily.\n\nLuz looks back and forth between you and Amity\n\nCome on, you two, this is supposed to be a funny game and not a competition until death.\n\n\"We'll see Luz\"\n\nYou snuggle Amity through her hair, which turns out to be a mistake because she gently but still pushes you a little firmly to the ground.\n\n\"Oh, is Amity getting really mad?\"\n\n\"Come Amity, let her go\"\n\nThe first round began, you had to turn the disc and Luz and Amity had to move.\n\nIt was harmless, both were very lucky and only after 10 minutes Luz breaks to the ground.\n\n\"Ugh, I can't anymore\"\n\nAnd the victory goes to Amity, let's see if I defeat you today or if you finally defeat me.\n\nLuz watches as you get ready and pick up the wheel ready to turn it.\n\nOkay (y/n) set your foot to red.\n\n\"Okay\"\n\nYou do what Luz says, it goes on and on, Luz has a treacherous grin on her face in the meantime, she no longer says what the disc indicates, she has a plan to make the whole game between your two rivals more interesting.\n\nYou get closer and closer to Amity with your face and turn slightly red\n\n\"Okay Amity put your hand on blue\"\n\n\"Luz, do you actually want to fool me if Amity does that, I'll kiss her halfway\"\n\n\"Are you afraid (y/n)?\"\n\nAmity grins (y/n) teasing.\n\nShe puts her hand on the blue spot, your and her lips touch each other gently.\n\nYou try to stay calm but your head starts redder and redder.\n\nOh my titan, are we kissing right now??. No, try to stay calm, you must not lose.\n\nYou notice how your legs become soft and you fall to the ground under all the love in your head.\n\nAmity jumps up and stretches her arms into the air\n\n\"I won\"\n\nYou're still lying on the floor shocked by the kiss\n\n\"No more words (y/n)?\"\n\nAmity gently pushes you while she laughs, she herself is a little shocked by the kiss, but the joy of victory over (y/n) makes her get a little teasing again.\n\nYou're still lying on the floor, it all feels so beautiful and confusing.\n\n\"Oh Amity, I think you broke her, do you think a second kiss will kill her with love?\"\n\nAmity laughs\n\n\"I'd say we'd rather not test it\".", "\nOkay, so I've seen a lot of Tallimty content lately, so here's an Amity x TallReader fanficton.\n\nYou stood in the middle of the Grugby field ready to get a ball fitted until suddenly you hear the captain from the other corner of the field\n\n\"More steps back (y/n), how are you supposed to hold the ball like that?!\"\n\nYou look over to her and take a few steps back, but you immediately lose yourself back in her lavender hair that defends back and forth in the light wind and her golden yellow eyes show the highest concentration and focused on the ball.The one who shoots straight away at you.\n\n\"Oh crap\"\n\nYou try to catch the ball and stagger several steps backwards,but activate a trap from which you are thrown several meters forward.\n\nYou fall on the floor and lightly scrape your leg.\n\nThe ball lands several meters next to you.\n\nYou get up, you didn't really care that your leg was bleeding, the fact that you didn't catch the ball makes you look at the floor embarrassingly.\n\nThe captain came to you and you knew that another sermon would come about you to show more attention.\n\n\"(Y/n) that was the third time this week, what's wrong with you?\"\n\nSince you are a very wave taller than Amity, you measure looking down on her while she has to look up.\n\nBefore you know it, she grabs your uniform and pulls you to the same height with her.\n\n\"When I talk to you, we are on the same height, understood?\"\n\nYou nod while blushing, when Amity is in the role of the captain, she is sometimes a little rough but otherwise she is an absolutely sweet heart.\n\nYou only pay slight attention to the sermon she gives you, she still holds you tight and won't let you go until she has spoken.\n\n\"Okay again from the beginning, Cat throws the ball at you, you catch it and throw it into the goal without activating the trap, okay?!\"\n\n\"Yes, captain\"\n\nYou nod and she goes back to her old position, then she gives Cat a sign to throw and this time you catch the ball and throw it perfectly into the goal.\n\nOkay, that was good, but we'll practice it again so that you can get it into your brain.\n\nYou turn around moaning but get ready, if captain is attached to a strategy then she won't let it go until everyone knows it down to the smallest detail.\n\nAfter you went through these and what felt like a hundred other strategies, training was finally over.\n\nYou Cat and Boscha went to the changing room.\n\nYou hear Cat moaning next to me.\n\n„Uh Amity is so obsessed with beating Glandis, I think her ambition is great, but I'm tired\"\n\n\"I'm sure when all this is over, Captain will be a little softer and more considerate after the game, she is still a great leader.\"\n\n\"Yes (y/n), and at least I don't have such a big crush on her\"\n\nYou turn around confusedly to her and blush\n\n\"Hey, I don't have a crush on her\"\n\nBoscha turns on next to you\n\n\"But you have (y/n),you absolutely!\"\n\n„And how do you both want to know that?\"\n\nCat clears her throat and starts enumerating things.\n\n\"You'll blush the time around her,\nYou stutter when you speak sentences\nYou always call her captain, even if she's not there,\nWhen her leg was broken, you took care of her all the time on the replacement bench and then carried her off the field with a bright red face,\nYou would if she throw the ball into an abyss and say you should jump after it and lead him.\nAnd I am one hundred percent sure that your little mishaps in training happen because you focus on Amity and not on the game,\nAnd I don't want to start telling your Oh Wow sports moment.\"\n\nYou turn red like a tomato while Boscha starts laughing.\n\n„Hey Boscha, how does Cat actually know that, did you tell her about it?\"\n\nBoscha stops laughing and you give her a drilling look\n\n\"Uuh look (y/n), I and Cat were bored and I accidentally chatted at it\"\n\nYou turn your head to Cat and then back to Boscha.\n\n\"Okay, you two, I'll warn you if any of you tell anyone I'll throw it off a cliff with a pleasure, understood\"\n\nThe two look up at you slightly frightened, they probably didn't expect the shy (Y/n) could become aggressive so quickly.\n\n\"Uh sorry guys, I'm just uncomfortable\"\n\nWhen the two see that you are not staying in this phase, Boscha starts teasing you a little.\n\n„You're uncomfortable because you're in loooove with Amity!\"\n\n\"No, I'm not in love with Captain, I was just nervous when she cared my wounds because she is the captain!\"\n\n\"Yes (y/n) feel free to tell you\"\n\nWhen you changed clothes, Boscha and Cat said goodbye to you.\n\nYou're going towards home, you were storm-free today, but you have no idea what to do.\n\nAs you walk past the field, you will see captains doing exercises there.\n\nWow, Cat is right with one, captain is really obsessed with beating Glandis.\n\nMaybe you could also invite her for an ice cream or something, maybe you should just dare to invite her on a date as friends.\n\nYou went over to her and tapped her shoulder, she drives backwards and starts to overpower you, apparently a reflex from her.\nYou lie on the floor, her foot is on your chest.\n\n„Oh sorry captain, I just wanted to ask you something, it was a stupid idea to sneak up\".\n\nAmity helps you up, but before you get back to your full size, you stay a little crouched to be at the same height as her.\n\n\"What I want uhmm when I wanted to ask you if you want to go to the market with me or something, we could eat an ice cream or hot dogs.\n\nSo what do you say to Captain?\"\n\nAmity thinks briefly but then packs her things and goes towards the field exit.\n\n\"Come on (y/n) I thought you wanted to go on a date with me\"\n\nI'm going to her with a red face.\n\n„Uhh, it's not a date, so somehow it's just one between friends\".\n\nWhen you stroll through the market with her, she smiles quietly but, which makes you feel good.\n\nYou go with her to a stand of hot dogs sold.\n\nYou look down at the seller\n\n\"We would take 2 hot dogs\"\n\nThe seller gave you some and I gave him my snails.\n\n\"Thank you (y/n)\"\n\n\"Oh haha yes, of course captains\"\n\nYou give her the hot dog with an absolutely red and nervous face.\n\nAs you both stroll along the market, you think about how to start a conversation.\n\nShe stops at the seemingly fan article for the upcoming Grugby match  between Glandis and Hexside sold.\n\n\"Are you nervous about the game captain?\"\n\n\"As long as you keep our strategy in mind, no, Glandis has no chance against us\"\n\n\"O..okay, I'll make sure that I have my strategy in my head\"\n\n\"Very good (y/n)\"\n\nShe wants to pat you on the shoulder, it's not so easy act because she has to stretch her arm up to get on your shoulder.\n\n\"Oh, sorry captain, I'm coming down\"\n\n<u>*1 week later*</u>\n\nYou Boscha and Amity go out into a field, the grandstands were filled with people who were hot to see a Grugby match.\n\nYou tremble nervously, that was a big, very big tournament and if we win now we are the champions for this season.\n\n\"Hey, are you okay (y/n)?\"\n\nYou feel Amity's hand on my back and look down at her.\n\n\"Yes, everything's okay, we can do it, we'll win\"\n\n\"I like your zeal.Boscha, what about you?\"\n\nBoscha cracks her ankles and grins.\n\nI'm ready to kick a few butts out there.\n\n\"Very good, then let's go out there and defend our honor.\"\n\nYou look at captains, she is so willing to win, she is so sweet and pretty, you don't know what to say, but before your conversation can continue, the gates open and the game begins.\n\n*An incredibly exciting match happens, in the end amity makes the winning goal and you win (sry can't write all this right now)*\n\nThe audience freaks out completely on stage as the final siren lights up. Boscha jumps around joyfully while Cat runs towards you from the replacement bench.\n\nAmity emits a cry of cheers and runs towards you.\n\nShe is so happy, her somewhat swirled lavender hair blows so beautifully around her head.\n\nShe seems to be so in the joy of victory that she forgets to remain serious.\n\nShe jumps up on you and you take her on your shoulders.\n\nWhen she sits on your shoulders and yells around and calls, you turn red.\n\nYou can feel the joy of victory flowing through your body, but you are too nervous to let it out.\n\nBut when you hear the joyful cries of your team colleagues, you agree.\n\nYou cheer while the audience escalates in the tribune.\n\n*5 hours later*\n\nYou and Amity walk through the marked towards home, you have celebrated your victory.\n\nYou are tired but still roar a few cheers.\n\nYou look down to Amity, why does this moment feel so perfect, only I look at it, no one else.\n\n\"Amity...I mean captains, I have to tell you something\"\n\nAmity looks at you and smiles.\n\n\"Call me Amity, the Grugby Seasion is over and we are not on the field for training\"\n\n\"Okay, so cap...Amity, I've known y...you for a while now a..and I wanted to ask you something\"\n\nYou stutter nervously and turn red, but she seems to understand your sentences and blushes a bit.\n\n\"So I wanted to ask you... d...do you want to m..with me...do you want to go out with me?\"\n\nShe looks at you as you stand there, only the lights around you, no soul that bothers you.\n\nNo Boscha that makes fun of it, no Cat just you and captains.\n\nAmity slowly starts to nod and starts laughing cheerfully.\n\n\"Yes, yes, I want to\"\n\n\"O..okay.\"\n\nYou hug her and tears of joy come from your eyes.\n\n———————————————————————-\n\nHope you liked it, should I do a sequel to Amity x Tallreader?", "Hey, I have a small writingblock at the moment, so i apologise if something doesn't come so often or isn't grossly well written\n\nThe night lay over Bonesbrought it was nice and quiet, I walked the streets with Amity, I winced at every shadow in the corner of my eye.\n\n\"Hey are you alright?\"\n\n\"Yes everything fine\"\n\nNo, nothing is good, everything falls apart, but I didn't let anyone show me anything, I just smiled at her and hoped that she would swallow my lie.\nWe just kept walking until we got to the place Amity wanted to show me.\n\nMy gaze fell on a beautiful moonlit clearing that took my breath away.\n\n\"And, do you like it?\"\n\n\"Oh ha ha it's...it's beautiful...it's so...quiet\"\n\nMy breath catches as I look at Amity, I suddenly felt so safe. Like I could do anything, like I was in my private space where I could do anything.\n\n\"Amity... did you look for this especially for me?\"\n\n\"Yes, you told me you like magical places\"\n\nBefore Amity knew it I was hugging her and burying my face in her shoulder.\nI felt my eyes get wet and I started to cry.\n\nAmity puts her hand on my shoulder, slightly confused\n\n\"Amity, please don't leave me alone\"\n\n\"(y/n) what do you mean, I'm here\"\n\nI pressed myself tighter to her body. And I cried louder and louder.\nAmity wraps her hands around me.\nWith every tear I felt weaker. I feel Amity's warmth on me, but the reason I rushed, I was weak, I cried.\n\n\"(y/n) what do you mean I shouldn't leave you alone\"\n\nI couldn't say anything, I was just focused on stopping crying, but the harder I tried, the harder I cried\n\n\"I'm fine...I'm just...tired\"\n\n\"(y/n) No you're not fine, stop lying so blatantly\"\n\nI realized it wasn't going to work, but I couldn't keep talking, my ability to talk disappearing again.\n\n\"(y/n) what's wrong with you, what don't I know about you?!\"\n\n\"I...I don't know myself anymore\"\n\nAs soon as I said those words, I started crying uncontrollably again.\n\n\"What do you mean you don't know yourself anymore\"\n\nAfter 5 minutes of burying my face in Amity's shoulder, I repented.\nI pulled back and sat on the floor, pressing my knees to my chest.\n\nAmity sat next to me.\n\n\"(y/n) what happened, did someone hurt you\"\n\nHer voice sounded so beautiful, I looked into her beautiful yellow gold eyes and it all felt so much warmer again.\n\n\"I...I...since I know you everything is different I want to be perfect for you I don't want to make mistakes I can't make mistakes I've always been the one who didn't have tears in her eyes Who wasn't scared but I'm scared that if I make a mistake you'll hate me\".\nI looked into Amity's eyes, afraid of her reaction\n\nI looked into Amity's eyes, afraid of her reaction\n\n\"You're scared that I'll leave you because you show normal human emotions,(y/n) I would never leave you.You're not perfect but that's nobody.\n\nMy heart is racing, that's always the romantic part in movies, but it didn't feel nice, I felt weak, I was afraid of what she would say if show my feelings.\n\n\"I..I, I love you Amity Blight, I love you with everything I have\"\n\nOh titan what did I just say, why did I feel so empty and happy at the same time, it was as if my head was empty and yet full of thoughts.\nEverything feels so wrong and right.\n\nI hugged Amity again and buried my face in her shoulder.\n\n\"I love you too\"\n\nWhen I felt Amity's hand on my shoulder, I let my emotions flow, I cried with joy and sadness.", "Ok, I'm planning to make a very special oneshotn that is very long, but because I want to give you something regularly, here's an Amity x reader Seasion 3 Fanficton.\n\n(y/n) POV:\n\n\"Uhh who is this girl and why did you draw a heart around her\"\n\nYou snatch the picture from the child's hand and summon an abomination to carry it to baby's classroom.\n\nYou look at the picture and feel a wave of emptiness and sadness build up inside you, you sigh and put it in your pocket.\n\n\"Ugh Amity, when are you coming back?\"\n\nYou go to a wall and cast a spell that opens a secret stash.\n\n\"Matt, Jerbo, found any clues yet?\"\n\nJerbo shakes his head in desperation.\n\n\"No (y/n), Boscha and Nikki rejected all our ideas\"\n\nMore and more anger and hate builds inside you as you hear this\n\n\"Ugh shit Nikki, shit Boscha, everything sucks, I have no idea if my lover is still alive, and the Collector is giving us hell here!\"\n\nYou throw a glass of water against the wall and it shatters. Matt put his hand on your shoulder to calm you down.\n\n\"Hey (y/n) everything will be fine, I'm sure Gus, Willow, Luz, Hunter and Amity will find a way here\".\n\nYou calmed down and used the magic to repair the glass, then sat down in a chair and threw the memory tongs at Jerbo.\n\n\"Jerbo please pull me another reminder\"\n\nJerbo slowly approached you.\n\n\"(y/n) are you sure, I mean you seem to have a photo memory, and if it gets damaged then you completely forget about that memory!\"\n\n\"Yeah, pull out another memory, all my pics are gone because of those collector minions, and this is my only way of seeing Amity.\"\n\nJerbo nodded and pulled out a memory from Amity for you.\n\n\"Wow the memory is really clear, that means she has a very strong emotion\"\n\n\"Yes Jerbo, the emotion love, and I won't give up until I know where it is\"\n\nAs you held the memory in your hand, you felt warmth surge through you.\n\n\"Soon we will be reunited, I promise you that with my life dear\"\n\n*unknown time later*\n\n(I am now writing in present form again)\n\nYou're once again patrolling the halls of Hexside when one of the Hexside Rebellion comes running towards you.\n\n\"(y/n)!!\"\n\nYou stop and look at him confused.\n\n\"Um Kev all right?\"\n\nThe boy stops in front of you and says, slightly hoarse\n\n\"(y/n)....Message from....Matt...They, they found Luz and the others!\"\n\nYour face lights up.\n\n\"You, did you find Amity too?!\"\n\nThe boy nods and says, now in a calm voice.\n\n\"You should be here in about 2 minutes...\"\n\nYour ears hear Hexside's main doors open, you thank the boy and run to the main entrance, your thoughts only focused on giving your girlfriend the biggest hug in the world and the longest kiss you two have ever had.\n\nYour eyes fill with tears of joy as she sees her girlfriend standing next to Luz and Matt\n\n\"Amity!\"\n\nAmity turns at the sound of (y/n) voice only to be pulled into an unbreakable hug by (y/n).\n\nYou missed not having seen your friend for 5 months and now finally knowing that she is alive and having her in front of you again so much that you press her even closer to you and bury your face overflowing with tears of happiness in your friend's warm shoulder.\n\n\"(y/n),(y/n) it's really you or\"\n\nAmity's voice sounds happy and she happily steps into the hug.\n\nAfter what seems like forever, Matt taps you on the shoulder\n\n\"Uhm (y/n), don't you even wanna let go of your girlfriend\"\n\nYou let go of Amity, half embarrassed, but then kisses her inside. (I'm not very good at describing kissing scenes).\n\nyour wanted blushes, you just kissed your girlfriend out of nowhere.\n\nYour lips part after a minute.\n\nYou and her look like two tomatoes while the others smile and smirk.", "<b>HEY IM BACK!!! </b>:D\n\n<b>Here a buff Amity picure as apologize that i was so long away ^^</b>\n\n<b>Anyway idk what my though about this one was...but yeah..hope you enjoy ;3</b>\n\n<b>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</b>\n\n<b>3rd person</b>\n\n(Y/n) sits on a bench on the Hexside school campus.\nAs she continued to draw, a girl with lavender hair walked up to her. She looks curiously at the drawing.\n\n\"Oh what are you drawing\"\n\nShe puts her hands on (Y/n)'s shoulders. (Y/n) flinches slightly at the touch but relaxes as soon as she realizes who it is. She says in a tight, low voice.\n\n\"Um some demon eating ice cream with a human\"\n\nAmity giggles, she loves that her girlfriend just writes down whatever comes to her mind.\n\n\"Only you come up with such ideas, silly\"\n\n\"mmmh\"\n\n(Y/n) continues to draw until she finishes the drawing, Amity remarks that (Y/n) must have been very quckly because she didn't do the rest of the drawing very well.\n\n(Y/n) picks up a new white paper and brushes her hair from her ear,Amity also knows she's teasing and giggles,it was a game (Y/n) liked to play with her,she sits down behind (Y/n ) so that her mouth is very close to her ear.\n\n(Y/n) begins to let go of all the thoughts in her head and just focus on Amity's voice.\n\n\"Ready?\"\n\n(Y/n) nods and Amity whispers in her ear.\n\n\"Let's see, how about a clearing in the forest\"\n\nAs Amity says this sentence, (Y/n) starts drawing, it's a sketch of a clearing in the woods.\n\n....\" (y/n) remains silent and awaits further instruction.\n\n \"How about birds on the branches\" \n\n(y/n) softly murmurs \"nice detail idea\"\n\n she draws the birds on the branches.\n\n\"Okay and now you draw the prettiest and best girl from this school that's in the clearing\" \n\n(y/n) chuckled lightly \"Wow, how self-absorbed one can you be?, but I don't mind.\n\nAmity grins and says lovingly but also slightly mockingly. \n\n\"Oh you said a whole sentence darling, I'm proud of you\".\n\n\" ..... shut up\"\n\n (y/n) blushes and rolls her eyes, she draws Amity sitting on a fallen log and summoning a small abomonation. the whole thing goes on until the sketch is finished.\n\n\"Good Work (y/n)\" Amity hummed\n\n(y/n) blushes as she is rewarded with a kiss from Amity, after which they both stand up. As the two go to lunch, (y/n) grasps Amity's hand lightly, first looping her pinky around hers and then finally holding her completly hand.\nAmity knows that her friend hates being touched, even though it's hers. Then she can just fall in love with hers. She gently pulls her towards her and runs her hand through her (h/c) hair while smiling.\n\n(y/n) blushes and on her ließ where a confused smile....slowly their faces gets closer and they kissed each other....Amity leads the kiss while her other hand slowly wanders to (y/n) backs and she pushes her closer while (y/n)'s hands lays on Amitys shoulder.\n\nAnd after their kiss grows longer and longer their broke it and smiles at each other...Amity has a little blush and a little smirk while (y/n) had a big red blush and she whispers \"...wow gezy\"\n\n_________________________________________\n\n(Lol my first time i described a kiss)\n\nShort chapte but i hope you enjoyed :3", "<b><i>I never kissed and i dont know why i wrote this ;-;</i></b>\nAnyway..this is not smut or lemon....and it is very unrealistic xD\n<b><i>_________________</i></b><b><i><b><i>__________________________</i></b></i></b>The wind plays around your (h/c) hair while you lean against the rehling of the ship. You twitch and blush easily when you feel your girlfriend's hands driving down your hip from your back.\n\n\"Don't scare me like that, in the end I fall off the airship!\"\n\nYour cheeks turn slightly red and you turn around just to be caught in a kiss from Amity\n\nYou feel her tongue on your lips asking for entry...which you give her even without repeating....your tongue slowly touches with her... It was maybe the second time you did something like that.\n\nSlowly your hands glide over her body her back up to her neck...your tongue makes her movements almost automatically, the tingling in your stomach gets bigger and you push Amity's lips closer to your... while her hands glide over your hips\n\nVery slowly Amity leads you to the mast <i>(the ship has no mast in the original but...shhh we don't say that to anyone :3)</i> while your kiss becomes more and more intense... you notice how she and you become more and more demanding as your lips and tongues rise against each other. You feel how you are pressed against the mast by Amity'\n\nYou feel Amity's hand sliding over your body and you focus more on your tongue movements...after a while you start to feel like you need air,but you don't want to break that kiss...Amity, however, is beginning to realize that Air runs out so gently releases her lips from yours and looks deep into your soul with her golden yellow eyes before she kisses you again and repeats the whole thing and her kisses become even more intense\n\nYou gasp softly as you feel her slowly push you up the mast so your feet are off the ground and her lips are pressed against yours again. Slowly you wrap your legs around her lower body and your hands grip her.you smiled when you feel Amity's hands on your ass...(like i said...this is slightly NSFW)...You felt how Amity carries you to the dorm(idk if this the right wurde for that) and you knowed that this will be a long night....\n________________________________________\n\n...\n....\n.....\n......\n<i><b>........you are </b></i><i><b>still</b></i><i><b> here?..</b></i><i><b>well</b></i><i><b>...thanks for reading my horrible kiss scene :3 </b></i>\n\n<i><b>Have a good day &lt;3</b></i>", "I got an Amity pillow as a Gift from my mom :o.\n_________________________________________\n\nyou are sitting on the couch,a blanket wrapped around you, the living room was baptized in black. Only the light from the television, which was showing a horror film, illuminated the room slightly.\n\nJust as it gets intense and tension builds in your body you feel a tingling sensation in your neck and suddenly two cold...slimy hands on your back. You jump with a scared yelp...breathing very fast...bis you a familiar giggle that turns into a hearty and mischievous laugh.You turn around and see the silhouette of your girlfriend laughing at your jump scare, her hands covered in abomination slime and half-melted ice cubes\n\nYou breathe a sigh of relief..but are still slightly dazed from the shock.you look offended at amity fake and turn back to the film...but then feel her hands again,this time without slime and ice cubes,but warm and relaxing,on yours Shoulders.\n\nYou mumble, still offended, \"You're mean...\"\n\nAmity giggles and leans her head on your left shoulder and whispers softly in your ear \"but you like it\" You blush, wanting to turn your head away but Amity holds it and stretches it so you look up at her.\n\n\"....\" no reaction except for a small growl\n\n\"Naww dont get mad know..\"Amity says teasingly while gapping a piece Pizza from the box on you lap...you tried to snap it back..but of course you would let her eat it...\n\n\"Hmpf..you little thief...\" you growled and she just giggles a bit...and continues watching the movie while amitys head rests on you shoulder....you slowly scratches her head and she grins.\n\n\"Aww not mad at me anymore?\"\n\nYou blushes and continues doing it...\n\nWhen suddenly a jumpscare appears Amity flinches and hides under the blanket,her head now buried in you chest...,you knew that horror was not her favorit thing.You smirked a bit\n\n\"well arrent you so badass like you think\"\n\nAmity nudges you softly in the side...\"shut up\"\n\nYou grinned,you scratches her head again and she slowly starts to sleep.And when the movie was over... you turned one on with more jumpscares...while stroking Amitys hair.", "This one is a bit aged up..like Amity and (y/n) are 17\n\n3rd POV\n\nAmity goes home after another day in Hexside for he,right know she walks a little way trough the forest,she could see the roof of the Blught manor over the trees when she suddnenly feels two hands that graps her and pulled her on a big branch of a tree.Amity gasps while she hears a chukles besides her ear and a hand on her should\n\n\"Titan dammit (y/n)!?\"Amity yells soft and confused \n\n\"Hmm you seemed to like that\"The thief chukles and gives amity a quick kiss.\n\n\"Ugh shut up\" Amity says while looking away to hide her blush\n\n\"Yeah yeah...anyway you parwnts dosnt seem to be home...do you mind if i allow myself to go with you?\" (y/n) said with a grin on her face.\n\n\"Of course...but only if you dont steal something again\"\n\n\"Hmmm...exept you hearth right\"the thief grins goes wider while she gives Amity a flirty look\n\n\"Yeah Yeah\"amity sights\n\n*timeskip*\n\n(y/n) POV\n\nYou're sitting at a desk next to your girlfriend, you watch her, slightly impatient, as she does her homework. \n\nYou stand and put your head on her shoulder. \"Aaand? when will you be done?!\" \n\nYou giggled as her lavenous hair on your nose tickled, you play with a strand of her hair.\n\nShe sighs annoyed, but she shows you that she likes it\n\n\"You have good talk (y/n) you are not in the hexside,you have the whole day off\"\n\n\"Hey, I have to help my parents at the night market, so this is a very dangerous job, especially if I have to get the ingredients\"\n\nYou grin when her eyes return to the sheet of paper that lies in front of her and she wants to concentrate.\n\nYou are thinking about a way to distract her, but not to upset her.\n\nYou put your hands on her shoulders and start massaging them easily, you grin when you see her face that can't decide between being relaxed and concentrating.\n\n\"Naww come on, your shoulders are completely tense, that certainly comes from all learning or something\"\n\nAmity leans back with a smile and relaxes slightly.\n\n\"You see, just trust me and relax, you can also do homework later\"\n\nYou felt how she slightly graps one part of you clothes and pulls you face closer to yours,while a mischievous smirk danced on her face.and she slowly whispers\n\n\"Yeah,homework can wait...i have something other to do~\"", "Hello...after a huge break i just wanna say..that i lost interest in writing this book.\nIt was a fun time and im really happy you all had fun reading it.\nThese stories may be awfull but there are a funny reminder how deep i was in my Amity simp Phase. \nBut in the early future i will may do a new book,it may have nothing to do with The Owl House but it would be cool if you take a look at it when its publised\n(Its in the direction Scince Ficton and with roboter and cyborgs and stuff)", "Thanks for the idea sponsor Tanvi_Blas17 \n\nSo in this Story Amity is 16 and (y/n) is 17,she also is the Golden Guard\n\n_________________________________________\n\nA girl, with a somewhat dry voice, speaks into a dictaphone that she found in one of the dusty and desolate boxes in one corner of this actually cozy basement.\n\nShe sighs heavily and begins speaking her entry.\nHer voice sounds weak and quiet, almost as if she didn't want to draw anyone's attention even though she was alone in this basement.\n\n\"Uhmm, tape number 3, at least I think so.\nI've been here for a week, for a week I feel confused.\nIm...not sure if this is a nightmare or a dreamland, imagine you're tied to the one you love dearly.\nSounds nice, but what if the person takes their role of protecting you from the people who threaten you too seriously.\nI think the Emperor will be looking for his right hand man, and if he finds out that she is 'holding me captive' here, that will be \nthe death penalty for her\"\n\nA smile crosses the girl's mouth as if she gets a positive thought in all this black and white\n\n\"But I'm sure she's smart enough not to let herself get caught...just like not to let me get away.\nBut I...\"\n\nThe girl falls silent and you can hear light footsteps that sound so soft, but make her heart sink into deep fear\n\n\"I... think she's there, I'd better put that thing away\"\n\nThe girl quickly puts the dictaphone into one of the boxes, you can hear her rapid breathing as she slowly walks to the basement entrance and listens to the footsteps.\nHer breathing is slightly scared, but there is also something in love in it.\nShe smiles nervously as she hears the footsteps getting closer.\nShe tries to keep her expression calm and not scared or angry as the door opens.\n\nShe looks as the door makes a gentle movement forward and her girlfriend, with a happy smile that gives (y/n) a very mixed feeling, part of her mind is pleased that her girlfriend is here, the other is extremely dreading it.her It's clear that she has to break out of here, but it won't be easy, she may be the right hand of the Emperor, but that doesn't make her overpowered, and her staff was tucked away in her girlfriend's room. (y/n) can do magic without her staff , but not enough to be able to defend herself really well.\n\nWhen (y/n) realize Amity has entered the room she hugs her from behind\n\n\"Hey love how are you?\"\n\n(y/n) wraps her arms around Amity as she backs Her is standing and leaning her head on her shoulder.\n\nAmity finds herself flinching as she wasn't expecting that hug ambush.\n\nShe smiles and turns to (y/n) and strokes her cheek with her finger.\n\nYou POV:\n\nYou smile too, even if you were kidnapped by her, she's still so lovely, you can't deny that, but you have to get out of here, because no matter how nice it was here with her, you can't risk her getting caught, because when that happens... you swallow in concern and try to put on a non-disturbing expression.\n\n\"Hey...are you alright\"\n\nYou look at Amity, smile and kiss her lightly\n\n\"Yes..yes everything ok\"\n\nAmity blushes and puts her hands on your shoulders.\n\n*in the evening*\n\nYou're lying on the bed in this huge basement room, you're holding Amity in your arms, but you know that she has to leave soon so as not to attract the attention of her family.\n\nYou pretend to have fallen asleep as she begins to free herself from your grasp.\n\nyou mumble out slightly asleep\n\n\"N...no don't go\"\n\nShe smiles softly and pecks your cheek with her finger.\n\n\"Come on silly, I know you're not sleeping, you just told me about one of your missions\".\n\nYou sigh in defeat and let her go before burying your face in the pillow and mumbling\n\n\"You're mean\"\n\nAmity giggles and pats you on the head, then she gets up and walks out of the basement, her footsteps echoing slightly off the walls, but stops after a while.\n\nYou get up, take the recorder out of the box and start speaking a new entry\n\n\"Plan escape sequel,I think I'll wait until tonight,I love her...but that's too extreme,even for her\" your voice gets a little sadder \"I wonder what I'll do after that, I'm going to the Returning to Emperor Coven, I'll just tell Belos that I'm missing on a mission. But I need to get my wand out of her room without drawing attention... it'll work out somehow.\"\n\nYou get up from the bed and start fumbling around at the basement door to open it, after what feels like half an hour the lock clicks and the door opens\n\n\"Finally\" you mumble softly\n\nYou slowly creep up the stairs, since you've been to this mansion before you know where Amity's room is, you wince at every creaking of the floorboards, when you finally arrive at her room you peek through the keyhole, no light is on ,which means she should be asleep, you peek at her bed and notice she's not in it\n\n\"Huh..w..where is-\"\n\nBefore you can say anything else, you feel a hand on your mouth and an Abomination wrap their arms around you\n\n\"Hmph?!\"\n\nYou hear a soft \"shhhhhhh\" whispered in your ear and your neck starts to tingle knowing that if you and Amity make any loud noises that wake up Mr and Mrs Blight or Edric and Emira, it's not going to make this any better. you struggle softly and begin to free your arms from her grip and kick your feet around you, but you feel a Abomination rope tie around your ankles\nSo you let the abomination, which has turned into a rope of sorts, wrap around your arm. You don't make a peep, and feel her drag you down the aisle while she whispers and grumbles to herself.\n\nWhen she finally dragged you into the basement, she puts you on a chair with your ankles and wrists still tied.\n\n\"Amity I-\"\n\nHer look silences you, it's cold-hearted, disappointment but also a little heart\n\n\"Why did you escape?\"\n\nYou sigh and take a deep breath\n\n\"Amity, I have to get back to the Emperor so he doesn't find out...it would be better if we didn't have contact when I get back-\"\n\nA slap and a pain in your right cheek stunned you. When she slapped you, she really didn't hold back much. She growls in a dark voice\n\n\"You won't leave me\"\n\nYour hands are shaking and you look deep into her golden yellow eyes, you feel alone and togheter at the same time\n\n\"Okay..i understand that dear....can you please untie my bonds?\"\n\n\".....\"\n\n\"Can you?\"\n\n\"No\"\n\nYou're breathing heavily and your hands are shaking.\nYou consider trying to kick Amity in the stomach and then at least run away somehow.You dont like the thought of hurting here...but this... .You Slowly you begin to untie your hands behind your back\n\n\"Amity.....\"\n\nYou draw her attention to your face and when your hands are free you slowly move your still bound legs\n\n\" ....I'm sorry\"\n\nWith a strong jerk, you kick her in the stomach, you use your hands to quickly loosen your ankle restraints and run to the basement exit, you hear a chastity and feel something behind you. You frantically soften a few abomination tentacles that pass you through the hair-sharp.\n\nYou want to ram open the door, but it's locked \"Oh fu-\"\n\nYou feel how abomination starts wrapping arround you body and kept you down while it holds you moth shut.you hear Amitys voice speaking behind you\n\n\"Im sorry Darling...but...this has to be\"\n\nYou feel how you head and mind goes dizzy and you murmurs\n\n\"A...Amity w..was that a s...sleep-\n\nYou slowly fall on the floor,you feel how you cant move you body,and a hand that slowly picks you up, and then you fall asleep in you girlfriend arms.\n\n*timeskip*\n\nLight... there was light... your eyes open slightly, and close directly as the light burns in your eyes, you murmur and roll to the side, no idea what you're lying on, but it doesn't matter. \"hmgh\". you slowly open your eyes again. in front of you is a stack of boxes... an unknown stack...but you lie on the same bed on which you spend you other nights here\n\nYou slowly raise your head and your eyes look around... around you...is a new area...You get up...but you notice something that holds your foot...a stable iron chain that shimmers through the window in the light....\"this girl really surprises me again and again\". You pick up the chain, the clinking of the metal halls from the walls again..you feel your stomach growling easily...but you have no idea when breakfast time is.\n\n\"Ugh that's so fucked up...what has become of my amity...what should I feel about this whole situation..can I actually feel something?!\"\n\nYour eyes get slightly watery, as the great strong and proud golden guard you never really have emotions, except with Amity and now you don't even know if you can show it with her... will she take advantage of the fact that you show vulnerability... you hold back your tears when you hear steps running towards the basement.\n\nYou hear the door being opened and see Amity... She looks tired...you are actually used to that next to her as always a tablet with breakfast that she eats together when she has no school...and when she has school, she gives you the tablet and a kiss before she leaves.\n\n\"....\"\n\nYou are silent\n\n\"Amity..\"\n\n..You break off your sentence when she gives you a slightly angry look...you swallow when she sits next to you on a bed\n\n\"I'm sorry that I hurt you yesterday Amity...it was a scary action\"\n\n\"You are afraid of me\"\n\nYou are frightened when her voice sounds sad...you hug her and give her a gentle kiss on the cheek, which makes her Blush, you speak in a calm voice\n\n\"Of course not sweetie...i love.you...more than anything...you just..tied me up...and its...my normal sense to akt like that\"\n\nYou breathe inwardly when you see Amity smile\n\n\"I'm very sorry for what I did to you, dear...\"\n\n\"Oh gosh (y/n) calm down...it was a kick in the stomach...i can hold that out..\"\n\nAmity looks at you with her typical smirk...and suddenly you had the feeling.. you had your girlfriend sitting in front of you again...who you always knew...you feel tears welling up in your eyes...\n\n\"A.. Amity\"\n\nAmity hugs you right when she sees your tears and caresses your back...\" Amity i...i\" before you can say something, you bury your face in Amity's shoulder and start crying..." ]
Title: Amity x Reader Oneshots(finished) Description: Romantic Or/and funny oneshots. One Lumity x Reader Oneshots. (I wrote this when i was 13 years old,so this is very cringe) Tags: ['amity', 'amityxreader', 'angst', 'fanficton', 'female', 'finished', 'gaylove', 'lesbian', 'love', 'lumity', 'lumityxreader', 'owlhouse', 'readerxamity', 'relstionship', 'romantic', 'theowlhouse']
# Information my oneshots have a length of 500 to 3000 words, but from time to time there will be special oneshots that go from 2000 to 10,000 words. oh and english is not my mother tongue so please forgive me one or two mistakes feel free to give commissions in the comments tell me a location where you want it to play and/or scenarios. I hope you like it # I just need cuddles (Amity x wild witch) You knock on her balcony door, when she opens the door and looks at you with a surprised look you just hug her. "(y/n) what are you doing here, you can't just burst into my room, my mom is in the house and if she catches you she will hand you over to the Emperor without hesitation. You are a wanted witch!" "Aww you're worried about me, but don't worry your mom won't bother us." "How are you sure about that"? you grin at her "(y/n) what have you done again"? She laughs at you and drags you into her room. "Well, let's put it this way, she got an important call from Emperor Coven that her shipment was damaged." "You cheeky, clever girl" Amity throws you to the floor and engages in a gentle fistfight. "Man that's unfair, you moan, you know I can't hurt you." "So I'm your only weakness"? "Yes, I think so, so if you cheat on me then I have to think about it again, but otherwise yes". Amity gets up and then helps you up. But before she can react you gently throw her onto her bed. "Hey that was mean" "I'm a wild witch do you think I play fair" You jump onto the bed next to her, it's so nice to be near her. "Yes that's a point, but are you ready for my second attack" "What do you mean by that....?" Before you can continue talking, she lunges at you and starts tickling you. "Ahh..please... have mercy...my...second weak". You try to fight back but she's too strong. Suddenly it stops, suddenly you can imagine why it stopped. "What happened to your arm"? "Oh that was just a scar, I had to escape the Golden Gourd yesterday and he caught my arm". "If I catch him..."! You look at her with an admiring look. Did she just say that she would protect you. "You don't have to avenge me, it's enough for me if you cuddle with me". She wraps her arms around you and you bury your face in her chest "I love you" Do you mumble out "You too" she kisses your forehead You want to lift your head up when you feel Amity stand up but she pushes your head down. "Wait a minute and keep your head down, DO NOT look at me" You notice how she goes to a corner of her room and pulls something out of a closet. "It's mean, how am I supposed to look away when such a beautiful person is walking around me" She doesn't say anything but sits back down on the bed, she takes your wounded arm and starts treating it. "Oh you don't have to do that, it's just a wound". "I don't want this "little wound" to open up and hinder you in fights, the only person who can defeat you is me". After it's done, your arm will be completely healed, with only a small scar left on your arm. "How do you know these healing spells"? "My sister taught me, she knows something about healing magic". You gently throw Amity to the side so she lands on her back on the bed, then you sit on her legs so she cannot move. "Even you cannot defeat me, I am the ruler of the world" You playfully raise yourself up as if you were the mighty titan. "Oh Great Titan Give Me Power" Amity speaks it in a mock pleading voice. "OK"!! You lunge at her gently and start fighting with her, but only gently. "Hey, that's not what I mean" You realize that she's stronger than you are, but somehow you like it too. When they finally overpower you, you lie on the bed and pretend you're dead. "What Should Your Last Words Be" "You are the most beautiful being in the Boiling Isles" "sneaker". You open your eyes and smile at her. "I know you like it i....". You are interrupted by the sound of a door slamming downstairs. "I'm sure my mom is there, you'd better go." "But, I don't want to." "If you don't leave now you can never come back here". "Okay, I'm going, but I'll be back soon, I promise" You get up from the bed and Amity walks with you to the balcony door. "Goodbye my princess, I will step into your palace again soon." You bow and mount your palisman. # The Love Woods(Amity x Hexside Student) You sat under a tree, Amity lay with her head on your thighs.It was getting cold so you decided to go back with her. "Hey cutie it's getting cold let's go back" When you realize you called her cutie your face turns red. "Did you just call me cutie"? "Yes..but better than calling you Mittens, right?" You grinned at her, you knew she hated it when anyone besides her siblings called her that. you continue "But come to think of it, calling you...Kittens would be very fitting." Her face turned red you didn't know if it was because she was angry or because you complimented her. "Shut your mouth" She covered your mouth with her hand which made your face redden. "Awww the little kittens is maaaad" You said even though your voice was muffled by her hand. She got up and pulled you up. "But you're right it's getting cold, let's walk to my house". You got up laughing and started walking with her towards the house. When you had already covered a few meters with her, your eyes saw a red dot that caught your attention. You chase him with your gaze. "Now who is the cat (y/n)"? You heard Amity laughing next to you and saw her with some kind of pen projecting a dot on the floor. "I borrowed it from Luz" "Yes okay the point goes to you, but still you are and will remain my kittens" You grinned at her before getting back to the point. You felt this great energy chasing after the point. Without hesitation you jumped on the dot and tried to catch it, but Amity steered it back and forth quickly, but you ran after it, laughing. "okay enough" Amity made the dot disappear and you gave her your saddest puppy look. Before you know it she walked up to you and grabbed your ear. "Oh your ears move up and down" "mmmm" You looked away in shame and hid your red face in your hoodie. "Aww they're wiggling faster and faster, I should probably call you Mrs Wiggle Ear" "I hate you," I mumble out of my hoodie "Yes of course you do" She pulled your hood off and walked the rest of the way with you. When you almost arrive at her house, you suddenly stop. "Hey why are you stopping"? You pulled her closer to you and took what she called a laser pointer from her pocket, then you aimed the point at your lips. "Would you like to catch the point too?" You didn't really like flirting, but this saying came across to you quite well. Apparently it worked because before you could say anything else you feel her lips on yours, that was the first kiss you ever had in your life. It felt great, her lips were so warm. You hope so much that it feels great for her too, all you're feeling right now is happiness, all troubles gone just you and her. # A "normal" day in the Owl House (Lumity x reader) <b>I know I actually do Amity x Reader but here is a Lumity x Witch Reader Fanficton &lt;3</b> <b><i><u>AUTHORS NOTE</u></i></b><b><i>: I tried to write such a typical siblings relationship between (y/n) and Amity, so that both want to outdo each other more and more, I don't do something like that so often so sry that it doesn't come across so well.</i></b> Luz jumps around the living room of Owl house with ambition and joy while you lie on the couch and try to sleep. "Luz, can you please stop jumping around so positively" Luz stops and turns to you "(Y/n) we are stuck here because of the Boiling rain, I have to let off steam somehow." "Ugh then be quiet at least for my sake." You roll your eyes and turn around just to scare back several meters because Amity stands behind and smiles at you. "Buh" "Ugh, why do you actually have to take advantage of it so much that I'm so scary" You turn offended to Luz and give her a look that she should talk to her. She laughs at you. "(Y/n) that's what you attribute to yourself, you are the one who plays the horror games here" "Yeah Luz, but in the horror games, monsters and not cute cat girls scare me" Amity rolls her eyes at your compliment. "Can you please stop calling me a cat!" You grin at her mischievously "You can try to stop me!" "Is that a challenge?" Luz watches the two with a shaking head and says quietly "Not again" (Y/n) and Amity look at each other ready to fight, even if they don't want to hurt each other, they don't hold back in their fights. "Okay Amity one...two... GO" You storm on Amity trying to jump gently on her so that she falls to the ground, but she gives way to you and you have to cushion yourself with abomination magic. But at the same time you notice the grip of an abomination on your hip. "Uh Oh" You will be pulled backwards by Amity's abomination and held upside down in front of her, which smiles at you nicely but a little complacently. The blood rushes into your head, not just because you are held upside down in the air? "Hmpf, that's unfair, I'm tired" You turn your face away while Amity looks at you suspiciously "(Y/n), how much sleep did you have yesterday?" "Enough" You're entangled your arms Amity sighs slightly annoyed "And how much does enough mean?" "Uhm 1 hour" "1 HOUR"?! Luz yells at (y/n). "(Y/n) 1 hour, how can you stand?" You want to answer, but slowly hanging upside down becomes a bit fatal Fortunately, Luz reminds Amity that you are still hanging upside down "Uhm Amity, I think you should turn her... around" You can feel your blood spreading again in the body, you want to leave the conversation with Luz but the abomination still holds you tight. "No (y/n) you will probably have to endure Luz standing timpani now, and I have absolutely nothing against it" "Oh come on, Amity, pleeease let me go" You look at Amity imploringly and set up a puppy view. "(Y/n) you've tried that a thousand times, it may work for Luz, but not for me"! You turn grumbling around to Luz, who looks at you seriously while you find the situation a little funny. After a stand-up timpani that I will not describe further, the abomination finally lets you go. You breathe a shale inside and have to avoid your inner laughter, you have just seriously received a felt 10-minute standing timpani from Luz because you only slept for an hour. "(Y/n) promise me that you will sleep longer today" You moan quietly and then nod, why can't you say no to this face?! Well, then which of you wants to play a human game called Twister, we're stuck here until the boiling rain is gone. Twister...Twister...you search for the game in your brain and then remember. "Ah Twister, the game in which I mercilessly destroyed Amity, or dear" You look at Amity with a teasing look. It was just so nice to make her angry easily. Luz looks back and forth between you and Amity Come on, you two, this is supposed to be a funny game and not a competition until death. "We'll see Luz" You snuggle Amity through her hair, which turns out to be a mistake because she gently but still pushes you a little firmly to the ground. "Oh, is Amity getting really mad?" "Come Amity, let her go" The first round began, you had to turn the disc and Luz and Amity had to move. It was harmless, both were very lucky and only after 10 minutes Luz breaks to the ground. "Ugh, I can't anymore" And the victory goes to Amity, let's see if I defeat you today or if you finally defeat me. Luz watches as you get ready and pick up the wheel ready to turn it. Okay (y/n) set your foot to red. "Okay" You do what Luz says, it goes on and on, Luz has a treacherous grin on her face in the meantime, she no longer says what the disc indicates, she has a plan to make the whole game between your two rivals more interesting. You get closer and closer to Amity with your face and turn slightly red "Okay Amity put your hand on blue" "Luz, do you actually want to fool me if Amity does that, I'll kiss her halfway" "Are you afraid (y/n)?" Amity grins (y/n) teasing. She puts her hand on the blue spot, your and her lips touch each other gently. You try to stay calm but your head starts redder and redder. Oh my titan, are we kissing right now??. No, try to stay calm, you must not lose. You notice how your legs become soft and you fall to the ground under all the love in your head. Amity jumps up and stretches her arms into the air "I won" You're still lying on the floor shocked by the kiss "No more words (y/n)?" Amity gently pushes you while she laughs, she herself is a little shocked by the kiss, but the joy of victory over (y/n) makes her get a little teasing again. You're still lying on the floor, it all feels so beautiful and confusing. "Oh Amity, I think you broke her, do you think a second kiss will kill her with love?" Amity laughs "I'd say we'd rather not test it". # Grugby (Amity x TallReader) Okay, so I've seen a lot of Tallimty content lately, so here's an Amity x TallReader fanficton. You stood in the middle of the Grugby field ready to get a ball fitted until suddenly you hear the captain from the other corner of the field "More steps back (y/n), how are you supposed to hold the ball like that?!" You look over to her and take a few steps back, but you immediately lose yourself back in her lavender hair that defends back and forth in the light wind and her golden yellow eyes show the highest concentration and focused on the ball.The one who shoots straight away at you. "Oh crap" You try to catch the ball and stagger several steps backwards,but activate a trap from which you are thrown several meters forward. You fall on the floor and lightly scrape your leg. The ball lands several meters next to you. You get up, you didn't really care that your leg was bleeding, the fact that you didn't catch the ball makes you look at the floor embarrassingly. The captain came to you and you knew that another sermon would come about you to show more attention. "(Y/n) that was the third time this week, what's wrong with you?" Since you are a very wave taller than Amity, you measure looking down on her while she has to look up. Before you know it, she grabs your uniform and pulls you to the same height with her. "When I talk to you, we are on the same height, understood?" You nod while blushing, when Amity is in the role of the captain, she is sometimes a little rough but otherwise she is an absolutely sweet heart. You only pay slight attention to the sermon she gives you, she still holds you tight and won't let you go until she has spoken. "Okay again from the beginning, Cat throws the ball at you, you catch it and throw it into the goal without activating the trap, okay?!" "Yes, captain" You nod and she goes back to her old position, then she gives Cat a sign to throw and this time you catch the ball and throw it perfectly into the goal. Okay, that was good, but we'll practice it again so that you can get it into your brain. You turn around moaning but get ready, if captain is attached to a strategy then she won't let it go until everyone knows it down to the smallest detail. After you went through these and what felt like a hundred other strategies, training was finally over. You Cat and Boscha went to the changing room. You hear Cat moaning next to me. „Uh Amity is so obsessed with beating Glandis, I think her ambition is great, but I'm tired" "I'm sure when all this is over, Captain will be a little softer and more considerate after the game, she is still a great leader." "Yes (y/n), and at least I don't have such a big crush on her" You turn around confusedly to her and blush "Hey, I don't have a crush on her" Boscha turns on next to you "But you have (y/n),you absolutely!" „And how do you both want to know that?" Cat clears her throat and starts enumerating things. "You'll blush the time around her, You stutter when you speak sentences You always call her captain, even if she's not there, When her leg was broken, you took care of her all the time on the replacement bench and then carried her off the field with a bright red face, You would if she throw the ball into an abyss and say you should jump after it and lead him. And I am one hundred percent sure that your little mishaps in training happen because you focus on Amity and not on the game, And I don't want to start telling your Oh Wow sports moment." You turn red like a tomato while Boscha starts laughing. „Hey Boscha, how does Cat actually know that, did you tell her about it?" Boscha stops laughing and you give her a drilling look "Uuh look (y/n), I and Cat were bored and I accidentally chatted at it" You turn your head to Cat and then back to Boscha. "Okay, you two, I'll warn you if any of you tell anyone I'll throw it off a cliff with a pleasure, understood" The two look up at you slightly frightened, they probably didn't expect the shy (Y/n) could become aggressive so quickly. "Uh sorry guys, I'm just uncomfortable" When the two see that you are not staying in this phase, Boscha starts teasing you a little. „You're uncomfortable because you're in loooove with Amity!" "No, I'm not in love with Captain, I was just nervous when she cared my wounds because she is the captain!" "Yes (y/n) feel free to tell you" When you changed clothes, Boscha and Cat said goodbye to you. You're going towards home, you were storm-free today, but you have no idea what to do. As you walk past the field, you will see captains doing exercises there. Wow, Cat is right with one, captain is really obsessed with beating Glandis. Maybe you could also invite her for an ice cream or something, maybe you should just dare to invite her on a date as friends. You went over to her and tapped her shoulder, she drives backwards and starts to overpower you, apparently a reflex from her. You lie on the floor, her foot is on your chest. „Oh sorry captain, I just wanted to ask you something, it was a stupid idea to sneak up". Amity helps you up, but before you get back to your full size, you stay a little crouched to be at the same height as her. "What I want uhmm when I wanted to ask you if you want to go to the market with me or something, we could eat an ice cream or hot dogs. So what do you say to Captain?" Amity thinks briefly but then packs her things and goes towards the field exit. "Come on (y/n) I thought you wanted to go on a date with me" I'm going to her with a red face. „Uhh, it's not a date, so somehow it's just one between friends". When you stroll through the market with her, she smiles quietly but, which makes you feel good. You go with her to a stand of hot dogs sold. You look down at the seller "We would take 2 hot dogs" The seller gave you some and I gave him my snails. "Thank you (y/n)" "Oh haha yes, of course captains" You give her the hot dog with an absolutely red and nervous face. As you both stroll along the market, you think about how to start a conversation. She stops at the seemingly fan article for the upcoming Grugby match  between Glandis and Hexside sold. "Are you nervous about the game captain?" "As long as you keep our strategy in mind, no, Glandis has no chance against us" "O..okay, I'll make sure that I have my strategy in my head" "Very good (y/n)" She wants to pat you on the shoulder, it's not so easy act because she has to stretch her arm up to get on your shoulder. "Oh, sorry captain, I'm coming down" <u>*1 week later*</u> You Boscha and Amity go out into a field, the grandstands were filled with people who were hot to see a Grugby match. You tremble nervously, that was a big, very big tournament and if we win now we are the champions for this season. "Hey, are you okay (y/n)?" You feel Amity's hand on my back and look down at her. "Yes, everything's okay, we can do it, we'll win" "I like your zeal.Boscha, what about you?" Boscha cracks her ankles and grins. I'm ready to kick a few butts out there. "Very good, then let's go out there and defend our honor." You look at captains, she is so willing to win, she is so sweet and pretty, you don't know what to say, but before your conversation can continue, the gates open and the game begins. *An incredibly exciting match happens, in the end amity makes the winning goal and you win (sry can't write all this right now)* The audience freaks out completely on stage as the final siren lights up. Boscha jumps around joyfully while Cat runs towards you from the replacement bench. Amity emits a cry of cheers and runs towards you. She is so happy, her somewhat swirled lavender hair blows so beautifully around her head. She seems to be so in the joy of victory that she forgets to remain serious. She jumps up on you and you take her on your shoulders. When she sits on your shoulders and yells around and calls, you turn red. You can feel the joy of victory flowing through your body, but you are too nervous to let it out. But when you hear the joyful cries of your team colleagues, you agree. You cheer while the audience escalates in the tribune. *5 hours later* You and Amity walk through the marked towards home, you have celebrated your victory. You are tired but still roar a few cheers. You look down to Amity, why does this moment feel so perfect, only I look at it, no one else. "Amity...I mean captains, I have to tell you something" Amity looks at you and smiles. "Call me Amity, the Grugby Seasion is over and we are not on the field for training" "Okay, so cap...Amity, I've known y...you for a while now a..and I wanted to ask you something" You stutter nervously and turn red, but she seems to understand your sentences and blushes a bit. "So I wanted to ask you... d...do you want to m..with me...do you want to go out with me?" She looks at you as you stand there, only the lights around you, no soul that bothers you. No Boscha that makes fun of it, no Cat just you and captains. Amity slowly starts to nod and starts laughing cheerfully. "Yes, yes, I want to" "O..okay." You hug her and tears of joy come from your eyes. ———————————————————————- Hope you liked it, should I do a sequel to Amity x Tallreader? # Crybaby(Amity x Reader/a little bit angst) Hey, I have a small writingblock at the moment, so i apologise if something doesn't come so often or isn't grossly well written The night lay over Bonesbrought it was nice and quiet, I walked the streets with Amity, I winced at every shadow in the corner of my eye. "Hey are you alright?" "Yes everything fine" No, nothing is good, everything falls apart, but I didn't let anyone show me anything, I just smiled at her and hoped that she would swallow my lie. We just kept walking until we got to the place Amity wanted to show me. My gaze fell on a beautiful moonlit clearing that took my breath away. "And, do you like it?" "Oh ha ha it's...it's beautiful...it's so...quiet" My breath catches as I look at Amity, I suddenly felt so safe. Like I could do anything, like I was in my private space where I could do anything. "Amity... did you look for this especially for me?" "Yes, you told me you like magical places" Before Amity knew it I was hugging her and burying my face in her shoulder. I felt my eyes get wet and I started to cry. Amity puts her hand on my shoulder, slightly confused "Amity, please don't leave me alone" "(y/n) what do you mean, I'm here" I pressed myself tighter to her body. And I cried louder and louder. Amity wraps her hands around me. With every tear I felt weaker. I feel Amity's warmth on me, but the reason I rushed, I was weak, I cried. "(y/n) what do you mean I shouldn't leave you alone" I couldn't say anything, I was just focused on stopping crying, but the harder I tried, the harder I cried "I'm fine...I'm just...tired" "(y/n) No you're not fine, stop lying so blatantly" I realized it wasn't going to work, but I couldn't keep talking, my ability to talk disappearing again. "(y/n) what's wrong with you, what don't I know about you?!" "I...I don't know myself anymore" As soon as I said those words, I started crying uncontrollably again. "What do you mean you don't know yourself anymore" After 5 minutes of burying my face in Amity's shoulder, I repented. I pulled back and sat on the floor, pressing my knees to my chest. Amity sat next to me. "(y/n) what happened, did someone hurt you" Her voice sounded so beautiful, I looked into her beautiful yellow gold eyes and it all felt so much warmer again. "I...I...since I know you everything is different I want to be perfect for you I don't want to make mistakes I can't make mistakes I've always been the one who didn't have tears in her eyes Who wasn't scared but I'm scared that if I make a mistake you'll hate me". I looked into Amity's eyes, afraid of her reaction I looked into Amity's eyes, afraid of her reaction "You're scared that I'll leave you because you show normal human emotions,(y/n) I would never leave you.You're not perfect but that's nobody. My heart is racing, that's always the romantic part in movies, but it didn't feel nice, I felt weak, I was afraid of what she would say if show my feelings. "I..I, I love you Amity Blight, I love you with everything I have" Oh titan what did I just say, why did I feel so empty and happy at the same time, it was as if my head was empty and yet full of thoughts. Everything feels so wrong and right. I hugged Amity again and buried my face in her shoulder. "I love you too" When I felt Amity's hand on my shoulder, I let my emotions flow, I cried with joy and sadness. # I misssed you(Amity x Reader Seasion 3) Ok, I'm planning to make a very special oneshotn that is very long, but because I want to give you something regularly, here's an Amity x reader Seasion 3 Fanficton. (y/n) POV: "Uhh who is this girl and why did you draw a heart around her" You snatch the picture from the child's hand and summon an abomination to carry it to baby's classroom. You look at the picture and feel a wave of emptiness and sadness build up inside you, you sigh and put it in your pocket. "Ugh Amity, when are you coming back?" You go to a wall and cast a spell that opens a secret stash. "Matt, Jerbo, found any clues yet?" Jerbo shakes his head in desperation. "No (y/n), Boscha and Nikki rejected all our ideas" More and more anger and hate builds inside you as you hear this "Ugh shit Nikki, shit Boscha, everything sucks, I have no idea if my lover is still alive, and the Collector is giving us hell here!" You throw a glass of water against the wall and it shatters. Matt put his hand on your shoulder to calm you down. "Hey (y/n) everything will be fine, I'm sure Gus, Willow, Luz, Hunter and Amity will find a way here". You calmed down and used the magic to repair the glass, then sat down in a chair and threw the memory tongs at Jerbo. "Jerbo please pull me another reminder" Jerbo slowly approached you. "(y/n) are you sure, I mean you seem to have a photo memory, and if it gets damaged then you completely forget about that memory!" "Yeah, pull out another memory, all my pics are gone because of those collector minions, and this is my only way of seeing Amity." Jerbo nodded and pulled out a memory from Amity for you. "Wow the memory is really clear, that means she has a very strong emotion" "Yes Jerbo, the emotion love, and I won't give up until I know where it is" As you held the memory in your hand, you felt warmth surge through you. "Soon we will be reunited, I promise you that with my life dear" *unknown time later* (I am now writing in present form again) You're once again patrolling the halls of Hexside when one of the Hexside Rebellion comes running towards you. "(y/n)!!" You stop and look at him confused. "Um Kev all right?" The boy stops in front of you and says, slightly hoarse "(y/n)....Message from....Matt...They, they found Luz and the others!" Your face lights up. "You, did you find Amity too?!" The boy nods and says, now in a calm voice. "You should be here in about 2 minutes..." Your ears hear Hexside's main doors open, you thank the boy and run to the main entrance, your thoughts only focused on giving your girlfriend the biggest hug in the world and the longest kiss you two have ever had. Your eyes fill with tears of joy as she sees her girlfriend standing next to Luz and Matt "Amity!" Amity turns at the sound of (y/n) voice only to be pulled into an unbreakable hug by (y/n). You missed not having seen your friend for 5 months and now finally knowing that she is alive and having her in front of you again so much that you press her even closer to you and bury your face overflowing with tears of happiness in your friend's warm shoulder. "(y/n),(y/n) it's really you or" Amity's voice sounds happy and she happily steps into the hug. After what seems like forever, Matt taps you on the shoulder "Uhm (y/n), don't you even wanna let go of your girlfriend" You let go of Amity, half embarrassed, but then kisses her inside. (I'm not very good at describing kissing scenes). your wanted blushes, you just kissed your girlfriend out of nowhere. Your lips part after a minute. You and her look like two tomatoes while the others smile and smirk. # Sketched love(Amity x ShyReader) <b>HEY IM BACK!!! </b>:D <b>Here a buff Amity picure as apologize that i was so long away ^^</b> <b>Anyway idk what my though about this one was...but yeah..hope you enjoy ;3</b> <b>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</b> <b>3rd person</b> (Y/n) sits on a bench on the Hexside school campus. As she continued to draw, a girl with lavender hair walked up to her. She looks curiously at the drawing. "Oh what are you drawing" She puts her hands on (Y/n)'s shoulders. (Y/n) flinches slightly at the touch but relaxes as soon as she realizes who it is. She says in a tight, low voice. "Um some demon eating ice cream with a human" Amity giggles, she loves that her girlfriend just writes down whatever comes to her mind. "Only you come up with such ideas, silly" "mmmh" (Y/n) continues to draw until she finishes the drawing, Amity remarks that (Y/n) must have been very quckly because she didn't do the rest of the drawing very well. (Y/n) picks up a new white paper and brushes her hair from her ear,Amity also knows she's teasing and giggles,it was a game (Y/n) liked to play with her,she sits down behind (Y/n ) so that her mouth is very close to her ear. (Y/n) begins to let go of all the thoughts in her head and just focus on Amity's voice. "Ready?" (Y/n) nods and Amity whispers in her ear. "Let's see, how about a clearing in the forest" As Amity says this sentence, (Y/n) starts drawing, it's a sketch of a clearing in the woods. ...." (y/n) remains silent and awaits further instruction. "How about birds on the branches" (y/n) softly murmurs "nice detail idea" she draws the birds on the branches. "Okay and now you draw the prettiest and best girl from this school that's in the clearing" (y/n) chuckled lightly "Wow, how self-absorbed one can you be?, but I don't mind. Amity grins and says lovingly but also slightly mockingly. "Oh you said a whole sentence darling, I'm proud of you". " ..... shut up" (y/n) blushes and rolls her eyes, she draws Amity sitting on a fallen log and summoning a small abomonation. the whole thing goes on until the sketch is finished. "Good Work (y/n)" Amity hummed (y/n) blushes as she is rewarded with a kiss from Amity, after which they both stand up. As the two go to lunch, (y/n) grasps Amity's hand lightly, first looping her pinky around hers and then finally holding her completly hand. Amity knows that her friend hates being touched, even though it's hers. Then she can just fall in love with hers. She gently pulls her towards her and runs her hand through her (h/c) hair while smiling. (y/n) blushes and on her ließ where a confused smile....slowly their faces gets closer and they kissed each other....Amity leads the kiss while her other hand slowly wanders to (y/n) backs and she pushes her closer while (y/n)'s hands lays on Amitys shoulder. And after their kiss grows longer and longer their broke it and smiles at each other...Amity has a little blush and a little smirk while (y/n) had a big red blush and she whispers "...wow gezy" _________________________________________ (Lol my first time i described a kiss) Short chapte but i hope you enjoyed :3 # Airships and making out(timeskip Amity x timeskip reader) <b><i>I never kissed and i dont know why i wrote this ;-;</i></b> Anyway..this is not smut or lemon....and it is very unrealistic xD <b><i>_________________</i></b><b><i><b><i>__________________________</i></b></i></b>The wind plays around your (h/c) hair while you lean against the rehling of the ship. You twitch and blush easily when you feel your girlfriend's hands driving down your hip from your back. "Don't scare me like that, in the end I fall off the airship!" Your cheeks turn slightly red and you turn around just to be caught in a kiss from Amity You feel her tongue on your lips asking for entry...which you give her even without repeating....your tongue slowly touches with her... It was maybe the second time you did something like that. Slowly your hands glide over her body her back up to her neck...your tongue makes her movements almost automatically, the tingling in your stomach gets bigger and you push Amity's lips closer to your... while her hands glide over your hips Very slowly Amity leads you to the mast <i>(the ship has no mast in the original but...shhh we don't say that to anyone :3)</i> while your kiss becomes more and more intense... you notice how she and you become more and more demanding as your lips and tongues rise against each other. You feel how you are pressed against the mast by Amity' You feel Amity's hand sliding over your body and you focus more on your tongue movements...after a while you start to feel like you need air,but you don't want to break that kiss...Amity, however, is beginning to realize that Air runs out so gently releases her lips from yours and looks deep into your soul with her golden yellow eyes before she kisses you again and repeats the whole thing and her kisses become even more intense You gasp softly as you feel her slowly push you up the mast so your feet are off the ground and her lips are pressed against yours again. Slowly you wrap your legs around her lower body and your hands grip her.you smiled when you feel Amity's hands on your ass...(like i said...this is slightly NSFW)...You felt how Amity carries you to the dorm(idk if this the right wurde for that) and you knowed that this will be a long night.... ________________________________________ ... .... ..... ...... <i><b>........you are </b></i><i><b>still</b></i><i><b> here?..</b></i><i><b>well</b></i><i><b>...thanks for reading my horrible kiss scene :3 </b></i> <i><b>Have a good day &lt;3</b></i> # Scary Nights(Amity x Human Reader) I got an Amity pillow as a Gift from my mom :o. _________________________________________ you are sitting on the couch,a blanket wrapped around you, the living room was baptized in black. Only the light from the television, which was showing a horror film, illuminated the room slightly. Just as it gets intense and tension builds in your body you feel a tingling sensation in your neck and suddenly two cold...slimy hands on your back. You jump with a scared yelp...breathing very fast...bis you a familiar giggle that turns into a hearty and mischievous laugh.You turn around and see the silhouette of your girlfriend laughing at your jump scare, her hands covered in abomination slime and half-melted ice cubes You breathe a sigh of relief..but are still slightly dazed from the shock.you look offended at amity fake and turn back to the film...but then feel her hands again,this time without slime and ice cubes,but warm and relaxing,on yours Shoulders. You mumble, still offended, "You're mean..." Amity giggles and leans her head on your left shoulder and whispers softly in your ear "but you like it" You blush, wanting to turn your head away but Amity holds it and stretches it so you look up at her. "...." no reaction except for a small growl "Naww dont get mad know.."Amity says teasingly while gapping a piece Pizza from the box on you lap...you tried to snap it back..but of course you would let her eat it... "Hmpf..you little thief..." you growled and she just giggles a bit...and continues watching the movie while amitys head rests on you shoulder....you slowly scratches her head and she grins. "Aww not mad at me anymore?" You blushes and continues doing it... When suddenly a jumpscare appears Amity flinches and hides under the blanket,her head now buried in you chest...,you knew that horror was not her favorit thing.You smirked a bit "well arrent you so badass like you think" Amity nudges you softly in the side..."shut up" You grinned,you scratches her head again and she slowly starts to sleep.And when the movie was over... you turned one on with more jumpscares...while stroking Amitys hair. # Learning and Loving(Amity x WildWitch) This one is a bit aged up..like Amity and (y/n) are 17 3rd POV Amity goes home after another day in Hexside for he,right know she walks a little way trough the forest,she could see the roof of the Blught manor over the trees when she suddnenly feels two hands that graps her and pulled her on a big branch of a tree.Amity gasps while she hears a chukles besides her ear and a hand on her should "Titan dammit (y/n)!?"Amity yells soft and confused "Hmm you seemed to like that"The thief chukles and gives amity a quick kiss. "Ugh shut up" Amity says while looking away to hide her blush "Yeah yeah...anyway you parwnts dosnt seem to be home...do you mind if i allow myself to go with you?" (y/n) said with a grin on her face. "Of course...but only if you dont steal something again" "Hmmm...exept you hearth right"the thief grins goes wider while she gives Amity a flirty look "Yeah Yeah"amity sights *timeskip* (y/n) POV You're sitting at a desk next to your girlfriend, you watch her, slightly impatient, as she does her homework. You stand and put your head on her shoulder. "Aaand? when will you be done?!" You giggled as her lavenous hair on your nose tickled, you play with a strand of her hair. She sighs annoyed, but she shows you that she likes it "You have good talk (y/n) you are not in the hexside,you have the whole day off" "Hey, I have to help my parents at the night market, so this is a very dangerous job, especially if I have to get the ingredients" You grin when her eyes return to the sheet of paper that lies in front of her and she wants to concentrate. You are thinking about a way to distract her, but not to upset her. You put your hands on her shoulders and start massaging them easily, you grin when you see her face that can't decide between being relaxed and concentrating. "Naww come on, your shoulders are completely tense, that certainly comes from all learning or something" Amity leans back with a smile and relaxes slightly. "You see, just trust me and relax, you can also do homework later" You felt how she slightly graps one part of you clothes and pulls you face closer to yours,while a mischievous smirk danced on her face.and she slowly whispers "Yeah,homework can wait...i have something other to do~" # Im back...and i will go again(amity x End) Hello...after a huge break i just wanna say..that i lost interest in writing this book. It was a fun time and im really happy you all had fun reading it. These stories may be awfull but there are a funny reminder how deep i was in my Amity simp Phase. But in the early future i will may do a new book,it may have nothing to do with The Owl House but it would be cool if you take a look at it when its publised (Its in the direction Scince Ficton and with roboter and cyborgs and stuff) # Safety(the last story!Yandare Amity x GoldenGuardReader) Thanks for the idea sponsor Tanvi_Blas17 So in this Story Amity is 16 and (y/n) is 17,she also is the Golden Guard _________________________________________ A girl, with a somewhat dry voice, speaks into a dictaphone that she found in one of the dusty and desolate boxes in one corner of this actually cozy basement. She sighs heavily and begins speaking her entry. Her voice sounds weak and quiet, almost as if she didn't want to draw anyone's attention even though she was alone in this basement. "Uhmm, tape number 3, at least I think so. I've been here for a week, for a week I feel confused. Im...not sure if this is a nightmare or a dreamland, imagine you're tied to the one you love dearly. Sounds nice, but what if the person takes their role of protecting you from the people who threaten you too seriously. I think the Emperor will be looking for his right hand man, and if he finds out that she is 'holding me captive' here, that will be the death penalty for her" A smile crosses the girl's mouth as if she gets a positive thought in all this black and white "But I'm sure she's smart enough not to let herself get caught...just like not to let me get away. But I..." The girl falls silent and you can hear light footsteps that sound so soft, but make her heart sink into deep fear "I... think she's there, I'd better put that thing away" The girl quickly puts the dictaphone into one of the boxes, you can hear her rapid breathing as she slowly walks to the basement entrance and listens to the footsteps. Her breathing is slightly scared, but there is also something in love in it. She smiles nervously as she hears the footsteps getting closer. She tries to keep her expression calm and not scared or angry as the door opens. She looks as the door makes a gentle movement forward and her girlfriend, with a happy smile that gives (y/n) a very mixed feeling, part of her mind is pleased that her girlfriend is here, the other is extremely dreading it.her It's clear that she has to break out of here, but it won't be easy, she may be the right hand of the Emperor, but that doesn't make her overpowered, and her staff was tucked away in her girlfriend's room. (y/n) can do magic without her staff , but not enough to be able to defend herself really well. When (y/n) realize Amity has entered the room she hugs her from behind "Hey love how are you?" (y/n) wraps her arms around Amity as she backs Her is standing and leaning her head on her shoulder. Amity finds herself flinching as she wasn't expecting that hug ambush. She smiles and turns to (y/n) and strokes her cheek with her finger. You POV: You smile too, even if you were kidnapped by her, she's still so lovely, you can't deny that, but you have to get out of here, because no matter how nice it was here with her, you can't risk her getting caught, because when that happens... you swallow in concern and try to put on a non-disturbing expression. "Hey...are you alright" You look at Amity, smile and kiss her lightly "Yes..yes everything ok" Amity blushes and puts her hands on your shoulders. *in the evening* You're lying on the bed in this huge basement room, you're holding Amity in your arms, but you know that she has to leave soon so as not to attract the attention of her family. You pretend to have fallen asleep as she begins to free herself from your grasp. you mumble out slightly asleep "N...no don't go" She smiles softly and pecks your cheek with her finger. "Come on silly, I know you're not sleeping, you just told me about one of your missions". You sigh in defeat and let her go before burying your face in the pillow and mumbling "You're mean" Amity giggles and pats you on the head, then she gets up and walks out of the basement, her footsteps echoing slightly off the walls, but stops after a while. You get up, take the recorder out of the box and start speaking a new entry "Plan escape sequel,I think I'll wait until tonight,I love her...but that's too extreme,even for her" your voice gets a little sadder "I wonder what I'll do after that, I'm going to the Returning to Emperor Coven, I'll just tell Belos that I'm missing on a mission. But I need to get my wand out of her room without drawing attention... it'll work out somehow." You get up from the bed and start fumbling around at the basement door to open it, after what feels like half an hour the lock clicks and the door opens "Finally" you mumble softly You slowly creep up the stairs, since you've been to this mansion before you know where Amity's room is, you wince at every creaking of the floorboards, when you finally arrive at her room you peek through the keyhole, no light is on ,which means she should be asleep, you peek at her bed and notice she's not in it "Huh..w..where is-" Before you can say anything else, you feel a hand on your mouth and an Abomination wrap their arms around you "Hmph?!" You hear a soft "shhhhhhh" whispered in your ear and your neck starts to tingle knowing that if you and Amity make any loud noises that wake up Mr and Mrs Blight or Edric and Emira, it's not going to make this any better. you struggle softly and begin to free your arms from her grip and kick your feet around you, but you feel a Abomination rope tie around your ankles So you let the abomination, which has turned into a rope of sorts, wrap around your arm. You don't make a peep, and feel her drag you down the aisle while she whispers and grumbles to herself. When she finally dragged you into the basement, she puts you on a chair with your ankles and wrists still tied. "Amity I-" Her look silences you, it's cold-hearted, disappointment but also a little heart "Why did you escape?" You sigh and take a deep breath "Amity, I have to get back to the Emperor so he doesn't find out...it would be better if we didn't have contact when I get back-" A slap and a pain in your right cheek stunned you. When she slapped you, she really didn't hold back much. She growls in a dark voice "You won't leave me" Your hands are shaking and you look deep into her golden yellow eyes, you feel alone and togheter at the same time "Okay..i understand that dear....can you please untie my bonds?" "....." "Can you?" "No" You're breathing heavily and your hands are shaking. You consider trying to kick Amity in the stomach and then at least run away somehow.You dont like the thought of hurting here...but this... .You Slowly you begin to untie your hands behind your back "Amity....." You draw her attention to your face and when your hands are free you slowly move your still bound legs " ....I'm sorry" With a strong jerk, you kick her in the stomach, you use your hands to quickly loosen your ankle restraints and run to the basement exit, you hear a chastity and feel something behind you. You frantically soften a few abomination tentacles that pass you through the hair-sharp. You want to ram open the door, but it's locked "Oh fu-" You feel how abomination starts wrapping arround you body and kept you down while it holds you moth shut.you hear Amitys voice speaking behind you "Im sorry Darling...but...this has to be" You feel how you head and mind goes dizzy and you murmurs "A...Amity w..was that a s...sleep- You slowly fall on the floor,you feel how you cant move you body,and a hand that slowly picks you up, and then you fall asleep in you girlfriend arms. *timeskip* Light... there was light... your eyes open slightly, and close directly as the light burns in your eyes, you murmur and roll to the side, no idea what you're lying on, but it doesn't matter. "hmgh". you slowly open your eyes again. in front of you is a stack of boxes... an unknown stack...but you lie on the same bed on which you spend you other nights here You slowly raise your head and your eyes look around... around you...is a new area...You get up...but you notice something that holds your foot...a stable iron chain that shimmers through the window in the light...."this girl really surprises me again and again". You pick up the chain, the clinking of the metal halls from the walls again..you feel your stomach growling easily...but you have no idea when breakfast time is. "Ugh that's so fucked up...what has become of my amity...what should I feel about this whole situation..can I actually feel something?!" Your eyes get slightly watery, as the great strong and proud golden guard you never really have emotions, except with Amity and now you don't even know if you can show it with her... will she take advantage of the fact that you show vulnerability... you hold back your tears when you hear steps running towards the basement. You hear the door being opened and see Amity... She looks tired...you are actually used to that next to her as always a tablet with breakfast that she eats together when she has no school...and when she has school, she gives you the tablet and a kiss before she leaves. "...." You are silent "Amity.." ..You break off your sentence when she gives you a slightly angry look...you swallow when she sits next to you on a bed "I'm sorry that I hurt you yesterday Amity...it was a scary action" "You are afraid of me" You are frightened when her voice sounds sad...you hug her and give her a gentle kiss on the cheek, which makes her Blush, you speak in a calm voice "Of course not sweetie...i love.you...more than anything...you just..tied me up...and its...my normal sense to akt like that" You breathe inwardly when you see Amity smile "I'm very sorry for what I did to you, dear..." "Oh gosh (y/n) calm down...it was a kick in the stomach...i can hold that out.." Amity looks at you with her typical smirk...and suddenly you had the feeling.. you had your girlfriend sitting in front of you again...who you always knew...you feel tears welling up in your eyes... "A.. Amity" Amity hugs you right when she sees your tears and caresses your back..." Amity i...i" before you can say something, you bury your face in Amity's shoulder and start crying...
Sextudy Group (Ayanokouji Kiyotaka)
"This study group... It wasn't what I expected...". That was Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's thought when he discovered the secret of the History Study Group. (Alert: This story contains sexual scenes. I know perfectly well that this alert is going to be ignored, so I hope you enjoy this story).
[ "18", "ayanokouji", "ayanokoujikiyotaka", "classroomoftheelite", "cote", "group", "harem", "kiyotaka", "lemon", "sextudygroup", "sexy", "southkorea", "university" ]
[ "Prologue", "Chapter 1: Han Su-hyun", "Chapter 2: Kang Hyun-mi", "Chapter 3: Seyeon's welcome", "Chapter 4: Three-Person Night", "Chapter 5: Lee Eun-jung", "Will there be a chapter to this story?", "Chapter 6: Eun-jung's Happiness", "Character 7: A normal day", "When will there be an update?", "Chapter 8: Memories", "I don't deserve us..." ]
[ "<i><b>(I don't know what happened to me. In a WhatsApp group, they passed this manhwa, and since I had nothing to do, I decided to read \"Sextudy Grup\". After reading all the chapters in one day, I thought, \"Why don't I make a fanfic of this manhwa with the one male character who has the best potential for this kind of story?\" At that moment I said to myself, \"You are a very smart man Author-kun...\". After a moment's thought, I decided to write this story to distract myself a bit. I hope you all enjoy it).</b></i><b><i>\n</i></b>\n\n<b><i>...</i></b>\n\n\n\n\nExactly one month ago I moved to South Korea. The reason? The answer is something people who know me well will know.\n\nFreedom. That's what I wanted for myself, and I got it after learning that the White Room closed completely. It was a very strange event that simply doesn't need to be told.\n\nAfter my father went to jail for what he had done, a lot of things happened. To summarize the events, all the White Room students were released and the workers were arrested.\n\nThe White Room students had no family. Most of them were either dropped off at the White Room by their own parents, or taken from an orphanage, so none of them had anywhere to go. So the vast majority of the students were left in the care of the government to find them a family. Others, like me, went to another country to continue their lives.\n\nI did not choose to go to South Korea. I would have preferred to go to another country, but I had to accept that I had to go there if I wanted a peaceful life.\n\nI know beforehand that South Korea is a strict country, even more so when it comes to education. Life in South Korea is all about graduating from a good university. That may be a big problem for many, but for me, it is not. With the skills I have, it won't be a problem.\n\nIn this new life, I have decided not to hold back. If I want to have a good life, I will strive to enjoy my life in this country. But... in the future, I am going to leave this country. I want to live in a country that is not so strict. I can't imagine a full life in this country.\n\nOf course, this thought may change in the future, but I doubt it very much.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nA week after starting my classes at a good university that I got into thanks to my skills, right now I'm at a welcome party for new students.\n\nThis small welcome party was made by several Seonbae (senpais so you understand me) from the university.\n\nTo be honest, the only reason I am here is to form some relationships with my classmates. I tried to get better at that, however, I'm failing in my first few days... again.\n\n*slurp*\n\nWow... This alcohol is really bad.\n\n \"Aren't you having fun?\"\n\n \"Huh...?\"\n\nI heard someone talking to me.\n\nI looked straight ahead to see the girl who had spoken to me. She was a really beautiful girl, with a bust that any man would want to touch with his completely bare hands.\n\nAt least that was my opinion.\n\nTo be honest, she reminded me of a high school classmate.\n\n \"Not really...\".\n\n \"I guess it wasn't fun being brought here by a sunbae.... wasn't it?\"\n\nThe guy who invited me is now flirting with an orange-haired girl.\n\nEven in this country, there are people with extravagantly colored hair.\n\n \"It was my decision to come here, so it's my fault for not making an effort.\"\n\nI said in response to what this sunbae girl said.\n\n \"Do you guys want to do a second round at karaoke?\"\n\n \"Whoa~ I want to, I want to...!\"\n\n \"Yeah... No problem...\"\n\nI guess I have to try a little harder...\n\n \"Let's go for another round of karaoke! Freshmen... Mainly freshman girls, don't miss it!\"\n\nOne boy shouted loudly. Little by little, these young college students will fall to the ground from alcohol.\n\nEven being my seniors... They are unable to control themselves with drinks.\n\nCome to think of it, I'm pretty tolerant of alcohol. That's good, I think. I don't even feel anything.\n\n \"Hey... Do you want to leave too?\"\n\nSuddenly, a guy with glasses standing next to me asked me.\n\nI guess I'm still pretty easy to read in this area.\n\n \"Yeah...\"\n\nI replied.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nBoth the guy with glasses and the orange-haired girl who had been drinking a lot, we left the karaoke to go home.\n\nWhen I got home, I took a bath. I reeked of alcohol, and it wouldn't do to spread that smell inside my house.\n\n*Rin*\n\nAs I was about to go to bed, my bedroom doorbell rang.\n\nThat's strange, to say the least. Maybe it's the people I snuck out of karaoke with.\n\n \"Who is...?\"\n\nI opened the door. In front of me was the sunbae girl from before.\n\n \"Hick-up...!\"\n\nFrom her face and that sound that was somehow cute, I guess she's drunk.\n\nThe round at the karaoke sure was loud, since she didn't look that drunk before.\n\nIs that the example superiors set for their juniors?\n\n \"What do you need...?\"\n\nWithout giving me a chance to speak, she walked into my room.\n\n \"Hey...\"\n\n \"I'm going to sleep...\"\n\nThis time she shushed me, lying down on my bed.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\n \"Wow...\".\n\nFrom this angle, I could see her ass.\n\nThanks to her tight skirt, I could perfectly notice that this drunk girl's ass was big. Her curves were perfect.\n\n \"What am I thinking?\"\n\nAt this point what I should be thinking about is... What am I going to do with this girl?\n\n \"Do I let her sleep in my bed?\"\n\nAs I was thinking about it, I noticed that she had lifted up her shirt and skirt, revealing a bit of her body.\n\n\"So hot...\".\n\nShe said.\n\n*sigh*\n\nI guess I'll just leave her there. It wouldn't be the first time I've let a girl in my bed, so it's okay.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nThe next morning, a black-haired girl started to wake up.\n\nWhen the girl woke up, she quickly felt a bad hangover. She had drunk a lot of alcohol the night before, so a hangover was inevitable.\n\nHowever, that didn't matter to the girl. What did matter to her was that something smelled delicious. That smell was coming from her so-called kitchen.\n\nShe looked around. The first thing she noticed was that she was not in her apartment. The second thing she noticed was that she was covered with a white sheet.\n\n \"You're finally awake...\".\n\nAnd the third thing she noticed was that there was a boy in a black apron, who was preparing breakfast.\n\n \"You're the boy from yesterday...\".\n\nShe recognized him.\n\n \"Good morning. I didn't introduce myself to you yesterday, sunbae. I am Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.\"", "(Any spelling errors you see, please let me know so I can correct them).\n\n\n(Apparently, they liked this story, so I'll keep uploading it while I solve the problem with Kiyotaka's sister's story).\n\nThings you should know:\n\n1.- In the translations taken to write this story, they all put the word \"sunbae\" to refer to an older student, although when I looked it up, the term is written as \"seonbae\". So, to be more comfortable, I will write \"sunbae\".\n\n2.- I will write the names of the characters in a different way in order to be more comfortable.\n\n3.- This Kiyotaka already went through the events of COTE. There will be chapters explaining what happened to him in ANHS.\n\n4.- Is it an action chapter? The answer is: Yes.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(0)\n\n \"Sorry to bother you...\".\n\nAfter learning what had happened the night before, the girl apologized to her hoobae (Hoobae = One less student = Kohai).\n\n \"I unintentionally walked into the apartment next door... I really drank too much alcohol.\"\n\n \"I guess that can happen, so it's okay. No need to apologize.\"\n\n \"You told me your name was Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, didn't you? Are you Japanese?\"\n\n \"Can't you tell I'm Japanese?\"\n\n \"Well... Your pronunciation when speaking Korean is very good. It's amazing.\"\n\n \"Thank you. I've practiced a lot.\"\n\nBullshit!\n\n \"Anyway. Thank you so much for breakfast. It was delicious.\"\n\nThe girl got up from the table and started walking to the exit.\n\nKiyotaka accompanied her superior.\n\n \"Ah... I forgot. My name is Lee Eun-jung. Let's get along from now on, okay?\"\n\n \"Okay. Take care of me, Sunbae.\"\n\nAnd with that, they said goodbye.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(1)\n\n \"Is she really that famous?\"\n\n \"No wonder, she's really cute!\"\n\nRight now, Kiyotaka was doing some research on Eun-jung with a classmate who wanted to be her friend.\n\nWhy did Kiyotaka want to know about Eun-jung?\n\nThe answer to that question is: Because he was curious about the girl.\n\n \"It was said that she was a model or a celebrity because of her beauty. But you know... I don't think you have a chance with her.\"\n\n \"Chance?\"\n\n \"I mean having a chance to be Eun-jung Sunbae's boyfriend. You don't have any chance, Kiyotaka. It's said that she's too picky and doesn't usually accept dates. Lastly, she seems to have no interest in having a boyfriend. It's even rumored that he likes women, but those are just rumors. That last one really sounds exciting...\".\n\nThis last the boy whispered, however, Kiyotaka heard him, rolling his eyes.\n\n \"Anyway...\". - The boy looked at Kiyotaka. - \"Tell me... Do you want to be Eun-jung Sunbae's boyfriend?\"\n\n \"Who knows...\".\n\nKiyotaka left that question without a clear answer.\n\nWas he interested in the girl?\n\nAfter a while in silence...\n\n \"History Study Group....\".\n\nThe boy chanted at last.\n\n \"History Study Group?\"\n\n \"Apparently... Eun-jung sunbae belongs to that club. She seems to only get along well with the members of that group. Tell me... Do you like the subject of History?\"\n\n \"You can say I do like it...\".\n\nNot for nothing did he know a lot about the history of the world. Too much many would say, for he has a lot of knowledge when it comes to the subject of history.\n\n \"Good answer. Listen well. The reason I'm telling you this is because I feel that you, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, have a small chance to be the boyfriend of the beautiful girl known as Lee Eun-jung, so I trust you, my friend.\"\n\nThose words somehow had a small impact on Kiyotaka.\n\nKiyotaka recalled a conversation he once had with a high school classmate.\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n \"Listen well... Ayanokouji. I'm aiming at Kushida-chan. So don't get in my way.\"\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nCompared to his high school classmate, the boy in front of him was a true friend from the get-go. At least, that was what he could think.\n\n \"Kiyotaka. If you can get into that group, maybe, and just maybe, you might have a chance with the beautiful Eun-jung sunbae.\"\n\n\"Thank you for your support, Yejun. I'll try.\"\n\nAnd he wasn't lying when he said that to Yejun. He was going to try to get into that group to get to know Eun-jung a little bit.\n\nAfter all... that girl... awakened something inside him...\n\nSomething that hadn't happened for a long time...\n\nTranslated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(2)\n\nOn a quiet night, Eun-jung was walking inside an apartment building, holding a white box with a small cake inside in her hands.\n\nShe stopped walking when she noticed that she had reached her destination.\n\nShe rang the doorbell of the apartment, waiting for the owner to open the door.\n\n \"Coming...\"\n\nShe listened to the boy who lived in the apartment.\n\nWhen the owner of the apartment opened the door, the girl was shocked by what she saw.\n\nIn front of the beautiful girl, a boy made an appearance, having only a towel around his waist, covering the lower part of his body and showing only the upper part of his body.\n\n \"Eun-jung sunbae... What are you doing here?\"\n\nAt the girl's sudden visit, he asked without caring much about her appearance.\n\n \"This...!\" - Eun-jung pointed at the box in her hand. - \"I came to thank you for yesterday. I bought a cake as compensation.\"\n\n \"Thank you... But it wasn't necessary...\"\n\n \"Accept the gifts your Sunbae gives you. It's too much cake for you to eat by yourself, so eat it with a friend.\"\n\nWith that said, Eun-jung was about to leave. However, Kiyotaka stopped her action to ask something.\n\n \"I heard that you're in a study group. I know it may seem sudden, but I just wanted to know if I can join your history study group.\"\n\nAt what was said, the girl put on a serious look at first. However, she smiled after giving that serious look.\n\n \"Can I have your cell phone?\"\n\n \"Sure...\".\n\nKiyotaka walked over to her bed, taking her cell phone. She then passed it to Eun-jung, who started typing in her number, saving her contact number in Kiyotaka's cell phone.\n\n \"It's done! Call me after morning classes.\"\n\nAnd with nothing more to say, Eun-jung left.\n\nWatching Eun-jung walk down the stairs, Kiyotaka closed the door, looking at her cell phone.\n\n \"I guess I have things to do tomorrow.\"\n\nHe said in a whisper.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(3)\n\nThe next day - After school...\n\n \"It's in this building...\".\n\nAfter walking for a while, Kiyotaka and Eun-jung arrived at their destination.\n\n \"It looks a bit luxurious...\".\n\n \"It's nice, isn't it? Anyway, the others are already inside. Let's go inside now.\"\n\nWith a smile, Eun-jung guided Kiyotaka inside the building.\n\nBy this point, Kiyotaka had his suspicions, and he kept them in his mind as he watched Eun-jung.\n\nAfter climbing up to the second floor of the building, one of the doors of one of the apartments opened, revealing a wild blonde girl.\n\n \"Wow... Cute!\"\n\nQuickly, that blonde girl stuck to Kiyotaka. The latter remained calm without showing any emotion despite feeling the blonde girl's breasts.\n\n \"We have a new member...!\"\n\nThe blonde girl shouted to announce that to the others. The other members looked their way to Kiyotaka, who simply looked at them with her poker face.\n\n \"Now let's start with the introductions. Let's start with Kiyotaka.\"\n\nEun-jung spoke after the small silence that followed.\n\n \"I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, a freshman in the accounting department. It's a pleasure.\"\n\nAt Kiyotaka's introduction, a boy of his own height approached him. Many would have been uncomfortable with that boy's approach, as he had a good physique that could be seen with the naked eye, and might intimidate some.\n\nBut for Kiyotaka, the boy's presence did not intimidate him or anything like that.\n\n \"I'm Choi Jang, a sophomore in the local social services department.\"\n\nJang reached out his hand to shake Kiyotaka's hand, which Kiyotaka accepted.\n\n \"A strong grip. Do you work out?\"\n\n \"A little.\"\n\nKiyotaka answered Jang's question.\n\n \"I'm Gang Jeong-pil, a sophomore in the same department. It's nice to meet you.\"\n\nNow it was the other boy's turn.\n\n \"I say the same thing.\"\n\n \"Pay attention to this girl.\" - The blonde girl caught Kiyotaka's attention. - \"Han Su-hyun, Sophomore of the local social services department! My breasts are big, aren't they, do you want to touch them?\"\n\nThis question left Kiyotaka speechless.\n\nWhat kind of group was this?\n\n \"You'd better forget it.\" - Gang told him. - \"That girl is dating him.\"\n\nHe pointed at Jang.\n\n \"She didn't even have those intentions.\"\n\nKiyotaka clarified.\n\n \"Kang Hyun-mi. You were at my reading this afternoon, weren't you? Um... Just think of me as a tutoring teacher.\"\n\nIf Kiyotaka already had her suspicions, now her suspicions grew a little more.\n\n \"Lee Eun-jung, a second-year student from the same department! Let's work together starting today.\"\n\nAnd her suspicions were also due to the fact that they all belonged to the same local social services department.\n\nSlowly, he felt he was getting into something troublesome, again.\n\n \"Yes. I also look forward to working with all of you.\"\n\nKiyotaka said in response.\n\n \"Very good! Let's have a welcome party today, shall we!\"\n\nHan proposed. Her tone was cheerful and excited.\n\n \"A welcome party?\"\n\n \"Let's have some drinks, do you drink a lot?\"\n\n \"Not much... But I can handle alcohol well.\"\n\nKiyotaka said in response to Choi's question, which hugged Kiyotaka's neck.\n\n \"You don't seem to like it.\"\n\nHan looked at Gang, who was just watching everyone leave the apartment.\n\n \"Not really...\"\n\nGang replied.\n\n \"You wished for more holes instead of sticks?\"\n\n \"It's not confirmed yet anyway. That weakling will become our co-worker, only after he passes The Test. Hyun-mi was in charge when Choi Jang came in, so it's your job this time, right? What a pity, having to deal with a weakling like him.\"\n\nIn response to Han said Gang said that while holding the girl's butt. She walked away.\n\n \"Despite that... I think he's cute and I like him. Besides...\" - Han turned to look at Gang. - \"Maybe this Japanese boy has a surprise.\"\n\n(What eats who guesses).\n\n \"That won't happen.\"\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(4)\n\n \"Excuse me... How did someone so cute end up in this country?\"\n\n \"Because of family matters.\"\n\nAs was now customary for Kiyotaka, he gave a short answer to a question. The question was asked by Han, who was holding a mug of beer.\n\n \"Hey... You really hold your liquor well. What are you made of?\"\n\nOut of everyone, Kiyotaka was the one who was drinking the most. However, he didn't seem to be affected by the alcoholic drinks. His companions seemed a little more affected by the alcohol.\n\n \"Like I said... I'm pretty tolerant of alcohol, although I really don't want to drink that much. It will just be for this one occasion.\"\n\nKiyotaka replied, finishing another pitcher of beer.\n\n \"At this rate...\".\n\n \"Kiyotaka... I'll get you something special. Wait a moment.\"\n\nWith a smile, Eun-jung got up from the table and left.\n\nAfter a few seconds, Eun-jung had returned with a small cup and a bottle.\n\n \"This is the special house wine bottle.\"\n\nEun-jung handed the wine glass to Kiyotaka, who drank it slowly.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nKiyotaka had let his guard down....\n\nAfter the feast, he had fallen asleep....\n\nWhen he started to wake up, Kiyotaka felt something strange.\n\nLooking down, Kiyotaka looked at Su-hyun, who was licking his penis...\n\nWait a moment. licking his penis?\n\n \"Did you wake up?\"\n\n \"...\"\n\nWhat was going on?\n\nKiyotaka was confused.\n\nWasn't Su-hyun supposed to have a boyfriend?\n\n \"Is something wrong with you, do you have a problem?\"\n\nWhy was Han Su-hyun licking his penis in her mouth?\n\nWas what he wondered, looking at the girl.\n\n \"I-I didn't think...that your penis was so.... big... I can't get my mouth on it...\".\n\nThe girl had clarified, trying to put her mouth on Kiyotaka's penis, managing to only get the tip in.\n\n \"Su-hyun sunbae, didn't you say that you... had a boyfriend?\"\n\nHearing the question, the girl stopped trying to put her mouth on Kiyotaka's penis.\n\n \"No need to worry, can you hear the noises from the next room?\"\n\nAs if by magic, Kiyotaka began to hear several moans from a woman in the next room.\n\n \"Do you want to know who's in the next room, it's my boyfriend and the teacher, now do you understand me?\"\n\nSuch a statement made Kiyotaka's eyes widen, a little surprised by what was said.\n\nFrom the sounds in the room, Kiyotaka could get a faint picture of what was going on in the next room.\n\nAfter some thought, he knew the secret of the History Study Group.\n\n \"So it's okay for you to do this?\"\n\nJust to make sure, and not to get in trouble with Su-hyun's boyfriend, he asked.\n\n \"Yes. So... enjoy as much as you wish.\" - She said, climbing on top of Kiyotaka. - \"I'll let you do it without a condom...\".\n\nSu-hyun took Kiyotaka's penis, placing it at her private entrance. He went down slowly, and when she felt it go all the way down, she moaned in pleasure.\n\nSu-hyun looked down below her, only to be surprised.\n\n \"D-Didn't your penis go all the way in?\"\n\nShe felt how Kiyotaka's penis had reached her womb. However, looking down, she could see that Kiyotaka's penis still did not enter her vagina completely.\n\n \"Was it that big? No... That thing got bigger when it entered me.\"\n\nShe thought.\n\n \"Can I move?\"\n\n \"Yes... But~ kyaaa!\"\n\nSu-hyun cried out again in pleasure, feeling the penis inside her push inside her. She felt pleasure all over her body, sticking out her tongue as proof of it.\n\nKiyotaka began to move, and with that, Su-hyun's moans of pleasure echoed through the room.\n\nEvery thrust the boy gave made the girl feel good.\n\n \"This boy is really... So good!\"\n\nSu-hyun thought to herself.\n\nKiyotaka looked at the girl for a moment. The girl's face showed how good she felt with the thrusts he gave.\n\nHe wanted to try something, but he would do it later.\n\nAfter a few minutes, Kiyotaka was ready to deliver his first load to Su-hyun, so, before he ejaculated inside Su-hyun, he pulled his penis out of Su-kyun's vagina, staining the girl with his semen.\n\nSu-kyun screamed as she felt Kiyotaka's hot semen. In addition to that scream of pleasure from the girl, vaginal discharge started coming out of Su-kyun's vagina. A large amount of vaginal discharge to be exact.\n\n\"That was... very intense...\"\n\nShe said to herself, catching a little of the breath she had lost. As she had said, the sex act she had with Kiyotaka was intense and unbelievable for her.\n\n \"I guess...\" - She paused to look down at Kiyotaka. - \"Is he still erect?\"\n\n \"...\"\n\nKiyotaka said nothing to what Su-kyun said.\n\nSu-kyun stood thinking for a moment.\n\nShe knew something when Kiyotaka moved inside her.\n\nIt wasn't the first time the boy had sex.\n\nTo the girl's liking, the boy had moved perfectly when his penis was inside her. He knew the best way to move so that the girl could enjoy his penis almost completely. The tip of Kiyotaka's penis always reached deep inside Su-kyun, something that delighted the girl, who enjoyed every thrust the brown-haired boy gave her.\n\n \"Want another round?\"\n\nSu-kyun asked Kiyotaka, as she opened the entrance of her vagina, aiming to encourage the boy.\n\nKiyotaka thought for a moment about the offer. Then he thought about why he was thinking about the offer.\n\nThis was not something Kiyotaka wanted out of his life. Rather... he didn't think about having a romantic relationship with someone.\n\nAfter a while...\n\n \"Tell me one thing. What kind of History Group is this?\"\n\n \"Actually, this group is called Sexudy. It's a place where guys and girls come to have fun. The reason why this group is called History Group is so that no one would want to join. So, congratulations, you are already part of this group. Every vagina in this group is available to you, Kiyotaka.\"\n\n \"I understand...\". - Kiyotaka kept silent. - \"Tell me... Eun-jung sunbae is part of this group?\"\n\n \"Do you like Eun-jung?\"\n\n \"No. I'm just asking out of pure curiosity.\"\n\nHe quickly replied.\n\n \"Anyway, no. Eun-jung is not part of this. She doesn't have sex with anyone. She's just the founder of this study group. There are rules in this group. First, you are part of the sextudy, you can't let anyone know about it. Second, Eun-jung is just the founder, she is not part of the sextudy. Third, all sex that occurs at the sextudy must be reported to the founder. Fourth, the founder provides all the money and rooms for sexual activities, including that office in the hotel. It is hers. And the last and most important... You have to report that you had sex at least once a week. If you don't, you are automatically expelled.\"\n\n \"Well... I don't really care about that. I won't be part of this group dedicated to sex. I just wanted to join a normal group.\"\n\nAnd with that said, Kiyotaka got up from the bed. He was still naked, so he picked up his clothes that were on the floor, and started to put on his shirt.\n\n \"I can't afford to lose a penis like that...\".\n\nSu-hyun thought, somewhat chagrined by the thought.\n\n \"Now say one thing to me. You're interested in Eun-jung, aren't you?\"\n\n \"I already said so. No, I don't like her.\"\n\n \"I don't mean that...\". - Kiyotaka turned to look at the girl. - \"I mean the fact that you want to sleep with her. Tell me... Did you really want to get into this group because of the study?\"\n\nThere was no immediate response from Kiyotaka.\n\nHe only went to the club just out of interest.\n\nEun-jun caught Kiyotaka's interest. He intended to join the History Study Group to find out if the feeling he had felt was just a coincidence.\n\nHe sighed and spoke after thinking about what he was going to say.", "(In the end, I chose to do weekly chapters. I was finally able to make a schedule so I could write).\n\n\n(Any spelling errors in this chapter, please let me know).\n\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(0)\n\n \"Did you really join Eun-jung Sumbae's study group?\"\n\n \"Yes.\"\n\nKiyotaka answered his first friend's question in college.\n\nLast night, after thinking about it for a while, Kiyotaka had agreed to join the sex group.\n\nWhen Kiyotaka agreed to join the group, Su-hyun, in her moment of happiness and without a second thought, asked Kiyotaka for one more round of sex to celebrate that moment, taking advantage of the fact that the night was young.\n\nKiyotaka had no problem having one more round of sex with Su-hyun. He had to discharge energy somehow, so, at the end of that day...\n\n \"You look tired, buddy. Did you sleep well?\"\n\n \"I got a little sleepless.\"\n\n \"I see. Hey... Do you think they'll let me into that group if I ask?\"\n\n \"I doubt it very much. They told me they're not accepting people anymore.\"\n\n \"That's a pity.\" - Yejun sighed in defeat. - \"I'm really doing badly in the history subject, can you help me with that subject?\"\n\n \"If I have time, I'll help you as much as I can.\"\n\n \"Thanks, buddy!\"\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(1)\n\nAfter school...\n\n \"See you tomorrow, Kiyotaka...\".\n\n \"See you later.\"\n\nKiyotaka said goodbye to his friend at the end of class.\n\nHe pulled out his cell phone to see a message that had come in.\n\n[Wait at the university entrance. We're coming to get you].\n\nThat was the message Su-hyun sent him when the last bell rang, so, like a good Hoobae, he waited for his seniors to go with them to the club.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\n \"Does anyone need anything else?\"\n\nAfter everyone turned in their sex reports, where Kiyotaka remembered that his report could be written, the meeting was coming to an end.\n\n \"I ran out of money. Give me 150 thousand won for motel costs and condoms.\"\n\n \"150 thousand won?\"\n\nAs if money didn't matter to Eun-jung, she handed over the money Jung-pil was asking for.\n\n(N/A: Why do they have to change my name?)\n\nAt that moment, Kiyotaka could really check that Eun-jung covered all the group's expenses.\n\n \"Hey, Han Su-hyun. Let's go to the motel together.\"\n\n \"¿?\"\n\nSu-hyun showed mild surprise, but then she just smiled.\n\n \"Wait a minute, Jung-pil. You were supposed to do it with me today...\".\n\nIn a disconsolate tone, that person who had said that was the sweet teacher Kang Hyun-mi. She hadn't liked hearing that from Jung-pil.\n\n \"Is it okay if I go?\"\n\n \"Yes...\"\n\nA little confused, Kiyotaka answered Su-hyun's question.\n\n \"Alright. Let's go get a round~\".\n\nAnd with Su-hyun's saying so, both she and Jung-pil left the room.\n\n \"Hey, rookie.\" - Jang called out to Kiyotaka, who turned to look at him. - \"Do you want to go eat with me?\"\n\nNot having much, Kiyotaka just accepted Jang's invitation.\n\nAfter the two boys left, the only people left in the room were Eun-jung and Hyun-mi.\n\n \"Everyone left...\"\n\nEun-jung said that to no one in particular. She could only see how Hyun-mi was not happy.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(2)\n\n \"Are you being harder than usual on me today? Because you seem to be losing your place in the group? Are you jealous?\"\n\nWhile Su-hyun was being penetrated by Jung-pil's fingers, she teased the boy.\n\n \"In your dreams!\"\n\nJung-pil hadn't liked what the girl said, so he strongly penetrated the girl with his fingers to make her shut up.\n\n\"Me jealous? Did it make you feel something like that?\"\n\nThe girl seemed to be pleased at being invested by the boy's penis. However...\n\n\"Of course it did! It made me feel amazing...\"\n\nShe answered the boy's question with a teasing smile.\n\nShe remembered for a moment what happened the night before with Kiyotaka. That night, the boy used his fingers on her very well. Remembering that, the girl had a small orgasm.\n\n \"Not only did he handle his fingers perfectly, but his penis is on another level. His sex is incredible.\"\n\n(When you try Kiyotaka's T-rex, you'll never go back to the person you were before. I have no proof, but I have no doubts either).\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(3)\n\n \"You can eat as much as you want. Tonight's on me.\"\n\nJang said while taking a piece of meat from the grill.\n\n \"Thank you. I'll take it.\" - Kiyotaka thanked, starting to eat. - \"And tell me... Why did you invite me here?\"\n\n \"Oh... So you noticed my intentions, huh?\" - Jang smiled. - \"Well, I just wanted to give you some advice.\"\n\n \"Advice?\"\n\n \"Though more than advice... Would it be a bit of a nosy opinion? I think somehow it's a good thing for you to know...\".\n\n \"If it's something I should know, go ahead and say what you have to say to me.\"\n\n \"I understand. Well... it's about our teacher, Hyun-mi.\"\n\n \"What about her?\"\n\n \"You see... Teacher Hyun-mi really likes Jung-pil. That's the reason why she joined the group. She's kind of hostile to all men except for Jung-pil, and with women, she's usually kind of cold. so... I hope you'll be a little understanding if she's ever cold to you or does something that makes you feel uncomfortable.\"\n\n \"I've dealt with people like that before. It's not something that's a problem for me.\"\n\nKiyotaka clarified.\n\n \"I'm glad to hear that.\"\n\n \"As for Jung-pil.... You could say that he... Is he someone dangerous? That guy thinks the study group is his own personal harem. But in the end, it's in the rules to share... and that's something he doesn't like.\"\n\nKiyotaka just nodded at what was said.\n\nAnother crazy person to deal with in this country...\n\n \"Anyway, excluding Lee Eun-jung, the group now has 3 men and 2 women active. And maybe... Jung-pil will try to kick you out.\"\n\n \"That doesn't worry me. I can deal with people like that. I doubt Jung-pil will be a problem for me.\"\n\n \"You sound confident.\"\n\n\"Is that so?\" - Kiyotaka looked at Jang for confirmation, receiving a nod from the latter. - \"I've dealt with those kinds of people before. I highly doubt Jung-pil can compare to them.\"\n\n\n \"I see...\" - Jang just smiled as he listened to Kiyotaka. - \"Anyway. You've heard that if you don't have sex once a week, you're out, right?\"\n\n \"Yes. It was one of the first things Su-hyun told me.\"\n\n \"That's what Jung-pil is most likely to do to expel you. If he tells the other girls not to have sex with you... It'll be a natural thing for you to leave.\"\n\n \"As I told you, I'll manage to save myself.\"\n\nAfter all, I always do.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(4)\n\nThe next day...\n\nKiyotaka was lying on a bed, thinking about some things.\n\n \"I never thought of doing this again...\".\n\nAt this moment, Kiyotaka was recalling some events that happened at ANHS. In all those memories that were going through his mind, there was a different girl in each memory. He also recalled several places that he had been to. One of those places was the room he had been in at ANHS. Room 401.\n\nIn-room 401 several events had taken place involving Kiyotaka and several ANHS girls.\n\nWhat did these events consist of?\n\nThe more normal events were the meetings that were organized in Kiyotaka's room, where various school-related topics were discussed.\n\nThe most abnormal thing that happened in room 401 was the sexual acts Kiyotaka had with some girls.\n\nWhen Kiyotaka started his sophomore year of high school, he started his sexual acts. All those sexual acts happened because of a certain scarlet-haired girl.\n\nAmasawa Ichika was the name of the girl who was to blame for the sexual acts Kiyotaka had happened. She was the beginning of the journey of lust that Kiyotaka had at ANHS.\n\nAs a result of living in that environment of lust, something inside Kiyotaka awakened. A new Kiyotaka had awakened thanks to Amasawa.\n\nAfter graduating from ANHS, the other Kiyotaka slept, but not for long.\n\nIt wasn't long before another girl woke up on the other side of Kiyotaka. Eun-jung was that girl who had briefly awakened on the other side of Kiyotaka.\n\nKiyotaka wanted to know if what she had felt was the awakening of her other side at the sight of Eun-jung. By now, Kiyotaka was sure that the girl known as Lee Eun-jung was the one who was going to make his other side wake up again.\n\nDid he want his other side to wake up?\n\nThinking about that, Kiyotaka sighed.\n\n \"One more round?\"\n\nSu-hyun asked Kiyotaka.\n\nAgain he sighed.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(5)\n\nNew meeting...\n\n \"So... Are you going to give me a sex report?\"\n\n \"Yes, Su-hyun's and mine....\".\n\n \"Hehe... It hasn't been a while since the last time they did it. Unlike...\" - Eun-jung looked at the teacher. - \"Another person who isn't doing anything lately. Will it already be a week from tomorrow?\"\n\n \"I know that too...\".\n\nShe said.\n\n \"It's hard to take care of three people on my own~\".\n\n \"Got it!\" - Su-hyun interrupted, smiling at the idea she came up with. - \"Teacher, haven't you played with the new one yet? You can try it if you want.\"\n\n \"I don't think...\"\n\n \"What, you don't want to?\"\n\n \"It's not that. If the teacher doesn't want to do it with me, it's her decision.\"\n\n \"So you're not going to ask her? You should...\"\n\n \"I...\" - Now it was Hyun-mi's turn to interrupt someone. - \"I'm going to do it...! Follow me, Ayanokouji...\".\n\nSomehow, Kiyotaka felt something familiar when he was called by his last name. He remembered Chabashira for a moment.\n\n \"You can do it!\"\n\nJang supported Kiyotaka.\n\n(N/A: Jang is a good friend. Although...).\n\n \"Catch her!\"\n\nSu-hyun also supported his Hoobae.\n\n \"It's going to be a long night...\".\n\nKiyotaka thought.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(6)\n\nIn the teacher's car...\n\n \"I'm sorry it all happened this way...\". - Feeling the atmosphere of the place, Kiyotaka apologized for a strange reason. - \"If you don't want to do it with me you shouldn't do it. You just have to make the report...\".\n\n \"Wouldn't it be a problem if they find out?\" - Listening to the woman, Kiyotaka remembered what a bad liar he was. - \"There's no other way but to do it. You can't fake that... I wish I hadn't gotten into a group like this... Let's just get it over with and get this over with fast.\"\n\n 'Why does this sound familiar?' - Kiyotaka thought, reaching into his memories for the answer. - \"I see...\".\n\nKiyotaka managed to remember why what he was experiencing seemed familiar.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\n<i>'Let's do this once and for all. Just remember what you learned and that's it... everything will work out'.</i>\n\nAfter thinking that, Kiyotaka left the bathroom to go to the room where his beautiful teacher was waiting for him.\n\nWhen he got to the room, Kiyotaka could see his teacher naked. Her big breasts were very... large.\n\n \"What took you so long?\"\n\nKiyotaka paid no attention to Hyun-mi. He concentrated on Hyun-mi's body.\n\nThat body was that of a real lady.\n\n \"There's a condom on the table, so put it on.\"\n\n \"Yes...\"\n\nHe did as requested, and went for the condom.\n\nWhen he put on the condom, Kiyotaka felt uncomfortable. Too much for his liking. The condom had to fit, that was something he knew. However, the condom was not for him.\n\nThe first thing that came to Kiyotaka's mind, was that the condom was of poor quality.\n\nYes... That must be...\n\n \"Excuse me... Teacher...\"\n\n \"What's wrong?\"\n\n \"The condom... it's too tight for me.\"\n\nKiyotaka made her discomfort with the condom known.\n\n \"Just stick your penis in. That's how tight a condom should be!\"\n\n \"But it shouldn't be that uncomfortable...\".\n\n \"Just put your penis in!\"\n\n \"Okay...\".\n\nFeeling scolded, Kiyotaka put the tip of his penis at the entrance of the teacher's vagina.\n\nHowever, to make things easier, Kiyotaka stuck two of his fingers into the teacher's vagina, aiming to stimulate the woman.\n\n \"Ah...\".\n\nKiyotaka stopped after hearing that little scream from her teacher.\n\n\"Teacher... You made a very tender voice...\".\n\nKiyotaka wanted to try something he once did to tame an unsuspecting woman.\n\n \"Of course not, I just yawned!\"\n\n \"If that's the case, then let's get started at once....\".\n\nWith that said, Kiyotaka arranges the woman in a better position for him.\n\n \"Ahahaaah...\".\n\nAnd again the teacher cried out to feel this time Kiyotaka's penis moving inside her.\n\nTo avoid moans of pleasure, the woman covered her mouth.\n\nIn the woman's mind, the woman refused to accept that the boy's penis that was investing her felt good. She was only going to accept Jung-pil's penis.\n\nHowever, her body was saying otherwise. Her mind refused to accept it, but her body quickly accepted Kiyoka's penis.\n\nKiyotaka could get an idea of the woman's state of mind, so he concentrated on thrusting his penis deep inside the woman until she cummed.\n\nHowever, after a while of doing the act, Kiyotaka felt the condom break.\n\nKiyotaka stopped as he felt the condom break.\n\nBefore he could tell the teacher about the condom, the woman got on top of him.\n\n \"I'll... I'll be on top. Stay still.\"\n\nListening to the woman, Kiyotaka just decided not to tell her about the condom. At least for the time being.\n\nHyun-mi was almost cumming. She decided to move on her own, with the sole purpose of not cumming and not indulging Kiyotaka.\n\nWhile the woman was thinking about some things, Kiyotaka could only see the woman's big breasts rising and falling from the movement. Somehow, that movement was hypnotic for him, so he decided to grab the woman's breasts, starting to move them little by little. Then he squeezed the woman's pink nipples, making her moan with pleasure.\n\nThat was the moment. That was the moment to corrupt the woman.\n\nKiyotaka filled the woman with his cum. When the woman felt it, she could no longer hold back. She had cum on Kiyotaka's penis.\n\nKiyotaka had done it again. He had dominated a beautiful teacher again.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\n \"Shouldn't you be telling us what happened!\"\n\nInterrupting her boyfriend, Su-hyun picked up her cell phone to call Kiyotaka. Jang also wanted to know if his friend had achieved his goal.\n\n[Hello?]\n\n \"Hey... Kiyotaka. How did it go?!\"\n\n[How did it go?]\n\n \"I'm talking about you and the lady. Did you manage to make the lady feel satisfied?!\"\n\n [Satisfied? Well... I guess I succeeded.]\n\nKiyotaka answered the question while looking at the woman on the sofa. The woman's face showed how satisfied she was to have sex with him.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nThe next day...\n\nWhat do you need from me, professor?", "<u><i><b>(I was without internet for three days. Without the internet, I can't write. It's also complicated to write this because my family only wants to see what I'm doing at any given moment. They know I write, but they don't know I write this kind of stuf</b></i><b>f).</b></u>\n\n\n<b><i><u>(You know: if this chapter has any spelling mistakes, let us know).</u></i></b><u><b>\n</b></u>\n\n<b>...</b>\n\n\n\n\n(0)\n\n \"What do you need from me, teacher?\"\n\nHeading for his beloved teacher's office, Kiyotaka knocked on the door.\n\nIn a few seconds, Hyun-mi came out of the door.\n\n \"Shh...!\" - Hyun-mi asked for silence. - \"Be quiet and come in.\"\n\nWithout much to do, Kiyotaka entered without pretext into the office.\n\nSomehow, this brought back memories of his experiences at ANHS. These days, he had a lot of memories of his previous school.\n\n \"Why did you call me?\"\n\nKiyotaka wondered why she was in that place, only to have him have his answer when he saw Hyun-mi slowly take off the clothes she was wearing.\n\n \"Everything... This is all your fault! Because of you... I kept thinking about what happened yesterday... My pussy keeps getting wet without stopping... It wishes to be fucked again by your huge penis. I'm going crazy.\"\n\nIn front of him, Kiyotaka had a seductive lady in rather provocative lingerie.\n\nIndeed, this brought back memories for him.\n\n \"Take responsibility...\"\n\n \"You know we can't do it here. There are people who might walk by in the hallway.\"\n\nKiyotaka wasn't going to risk it. She wasn't going to have sex in the office, not again. He took the risk once, so he didn't want to go through the same story twice.\n\nOn one of those days, he ended up having sex with...\n\n \"It'll be fine if we don't make noise.\"\n\nKiyotaka sighed. He took the teacher's clothes and handed them to her.\n\n \"If you want to do it so bad, I'll wait for you in your car.\"\n\nAnd without another word, Kiyotaka walked away, leaving the lady, knowing what was going to happen next.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nIn some motel in the city...\n\n(Yes... This is the penis I want. I won't be satisfied if I don't do it with this guy...).\n\nThat's what Hyun-mi thought, feeling every part of the boy's penis.\n\n(I feel like my stomach is turning into a mess. I didn't feel it even when I was doing it with Jung-pil&gt;.\n\nAnd that was yet another thought of the woman being invested every second by the boy.\n\nKiyotaka, who could only hear the moans of pleasure given by the lady, knew the lady's thoughts almost perfectly. The woman's moans gave Kiyotaka an idea of what was going through the woman's mind.\n\nAfter a while, Kiyotaka wanted to please Hyun-mi. She asked for Kiyotaka's semen. He, as a good student, gave it to her.\n\nKiyotaka looked at the sweet teacher. Just by looking at the woman, he knew she wanted more from him.\n\nHe looked at the time. It was still early, so he simply set out to please the teacher.\n\nHowever, before that...\n\n \"So... Jung-pil asked you to have sex with me?\"\n\nBefore continuing, Kiyotaka wanted to confirm a slight suspicion he had.\n\nHearing the question, the woman fell silent.\n\n \"If you don't answer me, then I will stop...\". \n\nHearing that threat from Kiyotaka, Hyun-mi replied with a: Yes.\n\nHaving an answer to her question, Kiyotaka asked another one.\n\n \"Do you prefer mine or his?\"\n\nWith the boy's threat in her mind, this time the woman responded immediately.\n\n \"Yours...\"\n\nThat was the woman's final answer.\n\nWithout having yet another question, Kiyotaka pleased Hyun-mi further.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(1)\n\nThe next day...\n\n[There's a new person today, so let's meet today!]\n\nThat was the message read by Kiyotaka, which was sent by Eun-jung.\n\n(A new person for the group...).\n\nHe thought as he read the girl's message.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n \"I'm Seyeon. I'm a first-year business administration student! Thank you for your time!\"\n\n \"What do you think... she's pretty, isn't she!\"\n\nSu-hyuen hugged the new girl who had joined the study group.\n\nKiyotaka looked at the new girl. If he had to say anything about her, it was that the girl had nice thighs. The girl's thighs were squeezed by black stockings.\n\n \"... I brought her here, so thank me, guys.\"\n\n \"Wasn't it a secret about the group sex?\"\n\nHearing his girlfriend, Jang asked that question.\n\n \"That doesn't matter anymore because I already brought her here!\"\n\n(Another girl taking my class...).\n\nThat was the thought of the only lady in the group.\n\nShe was very lucky.\n\n \"Hey, I'd like to ask you a favor...\". - As quickly as she entered the group, Seyeon wanted to ask Eun-jung for a favor. Eun-jung merely looked at Seyeon curiously. - \"I'm going to change the person I should do my test with. I want to do it with Kiyotaka, can I?\"\n\nHearing her name, Kiyotaka just looked at the girl asking for her service.\n\nKiyotaka was seriously thinking about getting something in return before giving her services. Girls abused his trust a lot. Not that he was bothered by that either, but he had to set limits.\n\n \"You can't do that.\" - Jung-pil spoke up. - \"You've never joined the group officially. Don't you think your senior would be better at welcoming you? Why don't you do it with me? Come on, I'm not going to let you down.\"\n\n \"You give tenderness.\"\n\nWas Seyeon's statement upon hearing his elder.\n\n \"What!\"\n\n \"To me, this guy is an unreasonable jerk, why would I do it with him?\"\n\n \"You! You have to do it with me if you come here anyway!\"\n\n \"It's not like that.\" - Eun-jung intervened in the discussion. - \"You only have to file a sex report once a week. You're not going to be forced to do it with whomever we say. If you don't want to do it with Jung-pil, you don't have to. You have the right to refuse.\"\n\nAt Eun-jung's clarification, Jung-pil was angry.\n\n \"Where are you going?\"\n\n \"What do you care!\"\n\nJung-pil shouted, walking out of the meeting.\n\nKiyotaka just watched this casually, while he thought about whether to agree to have sex with Seyeon.\n\n \"What about you, Kiyotaka, is it okay if you do it with Seyeon?\"\n\n \"Well...\" - He thought about it. - \"I really don't know. I want to get some rest.\"\n\n \"I don't want to lose a girl who has wanted this for a long time. Give it a try. If you do well... I'll give you a prize.\"\n\n \"Prize?\"\n\nNow Kiyotaka was interested in what Eun-jung said.\n\n \"If it's within my power.... I'll grant you a wish. Whatever you want.\"\n\nA moment ago he was thinking about receiving something in exchange for his services. In exchange for having sex with Seyeon, he would get something from Eun-jung. The offer was tempting to him.\n\n \"I'll do it.\"\n\nHe accepted the girl's offer.\n\n(That Eun-jung is going to give you a prize? That's ridiculous...).\n\n(I wanted to do it with Kiyotaka today too...).\n\nThat was the thought of the two women who wanted Kiyotaka's friend that day.\n\nStrangely, Kiyotaka felt something familiar as he watched the two women making cute pouts. He remembered two girls, one with pinkish-blonde hair and a blonde with a white bow in her hair.\n\nThose memories were only in the mind of Kiyotaka and this humble author who could write those memories down if they wished.\n\n \"So... With this, we end the meeting!\"\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\n \"Where do you want to go? I'm fine if you want to do it here.\"\n\nSeyeon climbed onto Kiyotaka's back, sticking his cheek with the boy's.\n\n \"The secret room...\"\n\nSu-hyun caught Kiyotaka and Seyeon's attention.\n\n \"Secret room?\"\n\nKiyotaka repeated what the girl said.\n\n \"Eun-jung said you'll get a prize if you satisfy Seyeon, right? If you satisfy Seyeon today? Then, you'll get what you want.\"\n\n \"Hey, leave them alone!\"\n\nJang said to his girlfriend, taking her away to another place.\n\n \"You're very popular.\"\n\n \"You think so?\"\n\n \"If you can't decide where to go, would you like to come to my place? There's no one in the next room, so don't worry.\"\n\n \"That's fine. Let's go to your place.\"\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(2)\n\nAt Seyeon's house...\n\n \"Come in. You can sit anywhere you like.\"\n\n \"Yes... thank you.\"\n\nKiyotaka left his shoes at the entrance of Seyeon's house, sitting on the girl's bed.\n\n \"Do you want something to drink?\"\n\n \"No. I'm fine....\"\n\nHe said, watching as the girl began to take off her clothes.\n\n(Very Good... let's get to work).\n\nAnd with that thought, he too began to take off his clothes.\n\n \"Well... Let's see...\". - Seyeon helped Kiyotaka take off his pants and boxer shorts, exposing the boy's gun. - \"This penis... It's just like I heard...\".\n\nSeyeon was excited and happy. At last, she was going to get what she wanted.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nElsewhere...\n\n \"Ahh~ It's delicious~! Teacher, you won't eat?\" - At a small food place, Su-hyun and Hyun-mi were having some girl time. - \"Could it be that she's jealous?\"\n\nSuch a statement distressed the older woman.\n\n \"Of course not, I'm not jealous!\"\n\n \"It's so obvious. It's all over his face. After all, he's so cute.\"\n\nHyun-mi didn't say anything about it.\n\n \"You were jealous of Eun-jung...?\"\n\n \"W-What?!\" - Now it was the blonde girl's turn to get jealous. - \"I-I, I've never been jealous of Eun-jung!\"\n\n \"Please... It was so obvious when you offered to reward him.\"\n\n \"But it can't be helped. One taste of that penis and you can't forget it. Shouldn't I have introduced her...? She's probably thoroughly enjoying herself right now, isn't she? It's kind of a waste to have it written down, so maybe I did something I shouldn't have....\".\n\n(Probably...).\n\nHyun-mi thought.\n\n \"Oh, that's right. I have a favor to ask you.\" - Su-hyun smiled. - \"Teacher, what I'll ask might not be such a bad idea, do you want to hear it?\"\n\nHyun-mi had a bad feeling, but she still listened to what Su-hyun had to say.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nBack to Kiyotaka...\n\n \"Aghhhh! I think my chin is going to fall off.\" - Seyeon said, finishing sucking Kiyotaka's penis. - \"You want to stick it in, don't you?\"\n\nKiyotaka said nothing. Seyeon however took that silence as a \"Yes\".\n\n \"Well, wait. While I was sucking it... I got so wet...\".\n\n \"Wait. I brought a condom...\".\n\nSeyeon didn't care about Kiyotaka's words, ignoring them completely.\n\n \"What do you do when you eat steak?\"\n\n \"Huh?\"\n\n \"You don't add sauces to such good meat... You just add salt to it. Then it tastes much better. Thanks for the food.\"\n\nShe answered her own question, taking Kiyotaka's penis into her vagina and feeling what she expected to feel. Pleasure.\n\n \"Ahhh, so deep...!\"\n\nSeyeon began to move her hips up and down, feeling every part of the boy's penis inside her.\n\nOn Kiyotaka's side, he felt his penis being squeezed tightly by the girl's vagina. Even a little moan from that.\n\n \"I will become addicted to this penis...!\"\n\nFor every movement of the girl, Kiyotaka felt his penis being squeezed by the girl's vagina. It had been a long time since he had felt that sensation.\n\nKiyotaka looked at the girl, who was screaming with pleasure and asking for more.\n\n \"Deeper!\"\n\nShe asked and Kiyotaka gave it to her.\n\n \"Hey... I'm going to cum soon.\"\n\n \"Huh? So soon?\"\n\n \"I can't even hold it in.\"\n\nNot being used to being squeezed so tightly, it was to be expected that Kiyotaka's penis wouldn't endure that much.\n\nHe just had to pick up the pace of the game.\n\n \"I'll stay bent over, can you continue if we do it like this?\"\n\nKiyotaka didn't answer. Instead, he just thrust his penis into Seyeon's vagina, making the girl moan.\n\nAs Seyeon moved, Kiyotaka concentrated on looking at a certain place.\n\nWiggling his index finger curiously, Kiyotaka slowly pushed his finger into the girl's anus.\n\n \"Ummm...!\" - That was the girl's stifled moan. - \"Hey, where do you think you're touching!\"\n\n \"Does it feel good?\"\n\nKiyotaka ignored the girl, wagging his finger.\n\n \"Stop...! While you're touching that hole...! I'll kill you!\"\n\n \"If you do that, you'll never find anyone to satisfy you.\"\n\nAnd with that said, KIyotaka continued to work on what he was doing.\n\nUnable to hide his satisfaction, Seyeon accepted Kiyotaka's finger.\n\nAfter a while, Kiyotaka pulled out his penis and cum on the girl's back.\n\nKiyotaka just watched as the girl asked to play more with her hole. She wanted anal sex.\n\nSighing, Kiyotaka took the condom he was wearing and put it on.\n\nThe first thing Kiyotaka did was to stick two of his fingers into the girl's hole. Little by little, Kiyotaka increased the movements of his fingers more, just listening to the girl's moans and words.\n\nAfter working his fingers, Kiyotaka happened to ask if the girl had a lubricant. Curiously enough, the girl did.\n\nAfter reading the contents of the lube bottle, he put some lube on the condom and into the girl's anus. With that, Kiyotaka was able to work.\n\nWhen Kiyotaka's penis went in, the girl gave the loudest she had made during the night.\n\nThe first doggy position. Then they switched positions. Kiyotaka grabbed the girl's thighs and lifted her up, though that position didn't last long, as they then lay down on the bed. The girl let down her hair and kissed Kiyotaka. He accepted that kiss as he continued to penetrate the girl who could not hide her moans of pleasure.\n\nAfter a while, they both finished. The girl lay down on the bed, tired. On Kiyotaka's part, he merely took off the condom and threw it away.\n\n*Ring*\n\nSuddenly, Kiyotaka's cell phone rang. He looked at his cell phone and saw that the caller was Eun-jung.\n\n[Hi, Kiyotaka. Are you done yet?]\n\n \"I just finished just now.\"\n\nHe replied, watching as the girl started to fall asleep.\n\n[Then... Is it okay for you if I ask you to meet me just now?]\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n<i><b><u>(Next chapter there will be a pleasant surprise).</u></b></i>\n", "<b>After finishing writing the chapter:</b>\n\n<b>I apologize for the lateness of this chapter. Last week was very complicated for me because I had to hand in some papers for my university. When I wanted to write a chapter of this story I preferred to relax a bit and read Komi-san's manga. Will there be a Komi-san story in the future? I doubt it.</b>\n\n<b>(If this chapter has grammatical or spelling errors, please let me know so that I can correct it).\n</b>\n\n<b>...</b>\n\n\n\n\nSeveral things before I start with the chapter. \n\n1.- Thanks Mishi. With you, I reached 100 followers.\n\n\n2.- At the request of one person, I am going to put this image so that you know what is the name and appearance of each character in this story. I will put this image in each chapter:\n\nI couldn't find Seyeon's last name. I also couldn't get the last girl in the picture into the story, since she's not ready to get into a group of perverts. I put her in the image just in case.\n\n\n3.- I believe this story will be less than 12 chapters long. Currently, we are at chapter 23 of 48 chapters of the original story, so, at this rate, the original story will be reached. Possibly, I will upload one of the many stories I have in a folder while I wait for more chapters of the original story to be uploaded.\n\nAnd that's all I have to say for the moment. Enjoy today's chapter.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n<b>(0)</b>\n\nAfter being called by Eun-jung, Kiyotaka went to the girl's house in the evening.\n\n\nArriving at the apartment building, Kiyotaka got on the elevator to get to Eun-jung's apartment.\n\nWhen she arrived at Eun-jung's apartment, she opened the door after putting in the password.\n\n \"You sure came quickly.\" - Said the girl when she noticed Kiyotaka's presence. - \"Come, sit with me.\"\n\nKiyotaka didn't say anything and just listened to Eun-jung's words, sitting on the chair across from the girl. He left his cell phone on the chair next to him.\n\n \"So... You finally had sex with Seyeon, how was it, can you tell me in detail?\"\n\nListening to the girl, he began to tell everything that had happened with Seyeon.\n\nIt was not the first time he had told someone about their passionate encounters. He remembered how Amasawa was so insistent that he tell her everything that had happened in their encounters.\n\nPutting that aside, Kiyotaka just watched as the girl showed interest in what he related. A surprise was what Kiyotaka could see watching Eun-jung when he told her about how he had anal sex with Seyeon.\n\n \"So... What happened in the end?\"\n\nActually, the girl was showing interest in the encounter Kiyotaka had with Seyeon. Kiyotaka didn't let slip any details that Eun-jun showed.\n\n \"I just ended up cumming inside her. Then you called me.\"\n\n \"You ended up in her ass...\".\n\nShe whispered.\n\n \"That's all I have to say.\" - Kiyotaka said. - \"Since I had sex with Seyeon, now what?\"\n\n \"Eh...!\"\n\nThe girl was in her own world, so she made that noise out of surprise.\n\n \"You told me that if I made it with Seyeon, you were going to grant me a wish.\"\n\n \"Ahh... That...\" - The girl pulled herself together. - \"First answer. Did you like having sex with Seyeon?\"\n\n \"Well...\"\n\n \"What's the matter, didn't you like it? From what you're telling me... I would think you left Seyeon completely satisfied.\"\n\n \"From what she told me before she came here, she told me she was satisfied with what I did to her, so she wanted to have sex with me again.\" - He said in response. - \"About whether I like it, I guess I do.\"\n\nKiyotaka thought about what this one wanted from Eun-jung.\n\n \"Can you tell me your wish?\" - Snapping out of her thoughts, Kiyotaka looked at the girl. - \"Tell me what you wish. I'm listening.\"\n\nListening to the girl, Kiyotaka thought for a moment about the wish he wanted.\n\n \"If that's the case... Do you have free time this weekend? I want to go on a date with you.\"\n\n\"Mmm...? Sure. That's fine by me. Are you really okay with that?\"\n\n\"Yes.\" - He nodded. - \"I want to get to know you a little better, so a date is better for that.\"\n\n\"I understand.\" - She smiled. - \"Is Sunday okay with you?\"\n\n\"It's perfect for me.\"\n\nHe said, getting up from his seat to leave.\n\n\"Then, I'll be looking forward to that day.\"\n\nKiyotaka nodded to what the girl said, leaving the place.\n\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nAfter several minutes, Eun-jung got up from the chair she was sitting on and went to her room, lying down on the bed.\n\nSlowly, she lowered her hand to her intimate area, starting to massage her vagina through her white underwear.\n\n(\"To hear something like that...\")\n\nShe thought, giving slight moans.\n\n \"So anal sex, huh? I can't just imagine something like that. I want to experience that firsthand too. I wonder... What kind of sex will you tell me about, Kiyotaka? I'm already looking forward to that...\".\n\nWhile the girl was saying this between moans of pleasure, a certain boy who had \"forgotten\" his cell phone had heard everything the girl had said.\n\nAfter hearing what the girl wished for, Kiyotaka just left.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(1)\n\nWhile Kiyotaka was having a quiet dinner with his faithful friend who was telling him about his progress with a girl, Kiyotaka felt his cell phone vibrate.\n\nLooking at the notification bar of his cell phone, Kiyotaka saw that the message he had received was from Su-hyun.\n\n[After class I'll wait for you at the Starbucks from the other time ☕!].\n\n[Don't miss the appointment 🥰!]\n\n[I'll try not to miss that appointment with you].\n\n[😑]\n\n[I don't want an \"I'll try\". Come to Starbucks, please].\n\n[Ok. I'll go to that Starbucks just because you said \"please\"].\n\n[👍]\n\nAnd with that last message, Kiyotaka went back to his food.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nAt the Starbucks...\n\n\"Tell me, why did you want me to come here?\"\n\n\"Did you forget?\" - Hearing Kiyotaka's question, Su-hyun simply hugged one of Kiyotaka's arms - \"If you could satisfy Seyeon.... you were going to be rewarded by me. Today you're going to feel heaven.\"\n\nFor the first time, Su-hyun could see a change in the boy's face. She saw how he had opened his eyes slightly in surprise.\n\nAs the girl looked at Kiyotaka's face, the latter remembered that he had already heard those words from a certain woman with wavy brown hair. He still remembered that woman by the name of Hoshinomiya Chie.\n\nIf Su-hyun was really talking about that same heaven he once felt with that woman, then he should be prepared to not sleep that night.\n\nHe could easily refuse Su-hyun's invitation. However, something told him to go with the flow, this with the only excuse of remembering his high school days.\n\nWhat did Kiyotaka do? Well... He just went with the flow, letting the girl show him \"heaven\".\n\nN.A.: Will Kiyotaka be able to resist this long night that awaits him? To find out, read on.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n<b>(2)</b>\n\nAt a certain place in particular...\n\n \"Eun-jung's house...?\"\n\n \"Yes.\"\n\nSu-hyun said flatly.\n\n \"Why?\"\n\n \"Take it easy. Eun-jung isn't home.\"\n\nIgnoring Kiyotaka, Su-hyun started walking in the direction of Eun-jung's house.\n\nSighing, Kiyotaka followed the girl.\n\nWalking up to Eun-jung's apartment, Su-hyun opened the door. Opening it, Kiyotaka could see Hyun-mi.\n\n \"Teacher...?\"\n\nKiyotaka, by this point, already knew what was waiting for her.\n\nIt wasn't the first time he'd had a threesome, though it was only once and it was with two girls younger than him, a blonde and a scarlet-haired one.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nRight now Kiyotaka was enjoying a dream that several men would like to fulfill.\n\nSitting on Eun-jung's bed, Kiyotaka looked down. Looking down, he saw two women licking and sucking his penis. Both girls were taking turns sucking and enjoying that penis that was driving them completely crazy. Kiyotaka had to admit that the scene he was watching was erotic.\n\nAfter a while, he cummed in the mouth of one of the two women, that being Hyun-mi's mouth, who was lucky enough to be the first to receive Kiyotaka's semen.\n\n \"Eating it all by yourself. Unforgivable.\"\n\nSu-hyun said, kissing the lady to get some of the semen that the older woman got.\n\nThis was simply too erotic!\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nNow Kiyotaka had to say which woman to take first. Su-hyun or Hyun-mi.\n\n \"This way...\".\n\n \"N-No, please come with me first...\".\n\n \"Give it to your Noona.\"\n\n \"Don't do it, better put it inside your teacher....\".\n\n \"Who are you going to put it in first?\"\n\nThe two women asked at the same time while showing their butts to Kiyotaka.\n\nKiyotaka just waited for the two women to continue talking, giving their reasons for being first.\n\n \"Just remember all the times I've made you cum. I own your cock. My pussy really wants to eat you full... I haven't stopped wetting myself down there. These I'm sure when you put it in it will feel great!\"\n\nKiyotaka wasn't going to deny what Su-hyun said. He felt pretty good when he did it with su-hyun.\n\n \"Besides, my vagina can squeeze you tighter than this lady's! So... Su-hyun's vagina is waiting for her baby! Please fill her up with your semen....\".\n\nShe continued to say with a smile.\n\nNow it was Hyun-mi's turn to convince Kiyotaka.\n\n \"Right now, your penis is the only one that can satisfy me...\". - Hyun-mi started with her attack. - \"No matter my age, I'm sure your huge penis is going to feel good with me. It can squeeze that huge thing of yours very hard... Besides! If you stick it in me now I'll.... I'll be your slave! Please, stick your huge penis in... Do it and I'll never do it again with anyone else. Please, Master\".\n\nAnd that was how Kiyotaka completely dominated Kang Hyun-mi.\n\nWith what the older woman said, Kiyotaka decided to please Hyun-mi first.\n\n \"Unbelievable!\" - The older woman shouted. -  \"I'm going crazy!\"\n\nShe declared.\n\nWhile Kiyotaka invested the woman, Su-hyun just watched. She also wanted the boy's penis to penetrate her.\n\nUnable to stand it any longer, Su-hyun lay down on the bed again and opened her vagina.\n\n \"Put it inside your Noonna too, please. Just to see how they make her... It's so painful.\"\n\nKiyotaka looked for a moment at Su-hyun.\n\n \"Alright...\"\n\nHe whispered, pulling his penis out of the lady's vagina, only to place it in the young woman's vagina.\n\n\"Wait a minute, you were doing it with me...\".\n\nKnowing perfectly well how to please a woman, Kiyotaka merely brought two of his fingers to the lady's vagina to please her.\n\n\"I want your semen inside me...! I want you to give it to me.\"\n\nHearing the younger woman, Kiyotaka decided to please the girl. After a while, Kiyotaka cum inside Su-hyun.\n\nNow he needed to please Hyun-mi.\n\n \"Me too...\"\n\nBefore Hyun-mi spoke, she was penetrated by Kiyotaka's penis.\n\nAs Kiyotaka penetrated the older woman, he could see how the younger woman wanted attention. He just pulled his penis out of the older woman's vagina, putting his penis in the younger woman's vagina.\n\n \"Again...! Will you give it to Su-hyun? I want you to be fair...\".\n\n \"I'll cum in you before I cum in Su-hyun.\"\n\nAt the older woman's complaint, Kiyotaka said the latter.\n\nAfter a while and as he had promised, Kiyotaka pulled his penis out of Su-hyun's vagina and inserted it back into Hyun-mi's vagina.\n\n \"All your thick load...! Please pour it inside me!\"\n\nAnd at the older woman's cry, Kiyotaka filled Hyun-mi with his semen.\n\n \"Do you want some dinner?\"\n\nHyun-mi asked Kiyotaka, who the latter nodded.\n\n \"Is pizza okay with you guys, I'll order it!\"\n\n \"Finally. A rest.\"\n\n \"Rest?\" - Hearing Kiyotaka, Su-hyun said so, approaching Kiyotaka. - \"No sir! Don't even think that you'll be able to rest. We can have another round before the pizza arrives...\".\n\nThe girl's saying made Kiyotaka sigh.\n\n (\"I have to set limits.\")\n\nKiyotaka thought, ready to talk to the two women.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nA young man wearing a blue cap was coming up the elevator. This young man was an ordinary pizza delivery man.\n\nAfter walking for a moment, the delivery man arrived at his destination.\n\n \"The delivery is here!\"\n\nThe delivery man shouted after ringing the bell, however, no one spoke. All he could hear was a slight noise, but nothing else.\n\n \"Excuse me! The pizza is here!\"\n\nHe shouted once more.\n\n \"For God's sake! I told you to leave it at the door!\"\n\nWhen the door opened, the delivery man could see Su-hyun dressed only in a thin white blouse, covering her private parts with one of her arms. The delivery man could also hear a \"Please cum!\" from another woman inside the apartment.\n\n(\"Whoa... I can hear them clearly. I don't know who the guy is, but I am so jealous...\").\n\nThe pizza delivery man thought, standing still in front of the apartment door.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nWhen the pizza arrived, Kiyotaka ate while still having sex. A particular way of eating, to say the least.\n\nThere was not a moment's rest for Kiyotaka. He pleasured Su-hyun and Hyun-mi for most of the night. The only moment of rest Kiyotaka had was when they measured his penis with a 20-centimeter ruler, which, of course, was not capable of measuring Kiyotaka's penis.\n\nAnd so, the night passed. A night of three people.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(3)\n\n\"So... the threesome. Did you like it?\n\nSu-hyun asked Kiyotaka, who just woke up.\n\n \"Yes.\"\n\nA simple answer but an answer that Su-hyun liked.\n\n \"I'm so glad you liked it! Is there anything I, unfortunately, didn't do that you'd like to do? I can do it now.\"\n\n \"I appreciate the offer, but I really want to rest for today. My penis is a magic wand, not an atomic bomb. It can be for next time.\"\n\nAt that said, the girl just smiled, kissing Kiyotaka.\n\n \"I wish I had met you earlier.\"\n\nThat statement slightly surprised Kiyotaka.\n\nHis old self... the old Kiyotaka. If he had to think about it, he had changed. Slightly, but the change was there.\n\nWhat had changed in three years? The philosophy of the tools.\n\nAlthough his philosophy was still present in him, it only applied to people who were not really important to Kiyotaka. People who meant something in his life were somewhat left out of this philosophy. Those people were divided into two parts: Friends and lovers.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nThat very day...\n\n \"So... Who will file your sex report?\"\n\n \"Me.\"\n\nKiyotaka took out her folder to hand it to Eun-jung.\n\n \"Su-hyun, Hyun-mi and me.\"\n\nHe said without much importance as he went back to his cell phone.\n\nWhat was he so much looking at on his cell phone? It was a secret.\n\nLeaving the cell phone issue, hearing that Kiyotaka made a threesome, Jung-pil was angry. He hadn't even had a threesome.\n\n \"And tomorrow I'll be absent.\"\n\nKiyotaka reported.\n\n \"That's fine. It's free participation.\"\n\nWith a smile, Eun-jung told him.\n\n \"What, it was my turn tomorrow! Cancel whatever engagement you have. I'll do something better for you.\"\n\n \"I don't have any commitments. I just want to rest that day.\n\nAs he got up to leave, Kiyotaka said that to Seyeon, leaving the meeting.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nOn that night...\n\n \"So... What's the matter?\"\n\nAt a restaurant, Su-hyun got straight to the point with Jung-pil.\n\n \"You've had a lot of sex with Ayanokouji, haven't you?\"\n\n \"Yes, why?\"\n\n \"Tell me how it felt.\"\n\nWhen the meeting was set up that day, Jung-pil was able to talk to Hyun-mi for him to ask her how sex with Kiyotaka felt. He did not receive a direct answer from the older woman. When he wanted Hyun-mi to suck his penis, the woman laughed as she looked at the boy's penis.\n\n \"Why are you so interested in other people's sex? I told you, it's big.\"\n\n \"I bought your meat! So spit out as much as you've eaten!\n\n \"It's Eun-jung's money anyway...\". - She said. - \"Whatever. The sex with the rookie. The... sex... with him... it's so...\".\n\nTrying to answer Jung-pil's question, Su-hyun looked away as she recalled the sex and kiss she had with Kiyotaka. That face the girl made while trying to answer the question asked by the boy was something that caught Jung-pil's attention.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(Bonus Scene: How does Kiyotaka have money?)\n\nSince it was Saturday afternoon, Kiyotaka went to the mall to buy what he needed to prepare dinner.\n\nGoing through several stores in the mall, Kiyotaka got everything he needed.\n\nAs he was leaving the mall, Kiyotaka looked at his credit card.\n\nWhere had that card and the money on it come from? It was a gift from his government. All the money he had was given to him by his home country in order to gain Kiyotaka's trust so that he would help his country in the future.\n\nThe government of Japan knew the great skills Kiyotaka had. To lose those skills would be a sin, so the government of Japan was quite consenting to Kiyotaka.\n\nAnd that is the origin of Kiyotaka's money.", "<b>(If this chapter has grammatical or spelling errors, please let me know so that I can correct it later).</b>\n\n\nThe three reasons why I have not uploaded any chapters:\n\n1. - I wasn't feeling well mentally, so I rested for a while.\n\n2. - I had to take some exams at my university, so I had to study. It was worth it because I got a grade of 9 out of 10.\n\n3. - I read a manhwa that I really don't recommend reading. That manhwa put me in a bad mood for a whole day. I have now recovered from that bad mood it gave me. Right now I want to know why that story caused my bad mood.\n\n(I won't tell the name of the manhwa. I don't want you to suffer).\n\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(0)\n\nIn one night...\n\n\"Why are you coming at this hour?\"\n\nThat was the question Eun-jung asked upon seeing that the person who had knocked on the door was Jung-pil.\n\nIt was already quite late, so it was to be expected that Eun-jung would ask that question, although she already had an idea why the guy was there late at night.\n\n\"It's not midnight yet, is it? Here's the sex report.\"\n\nAs she had imagined, Jung-pil was coming to deliver his report for the week.\n\n\"Oh... Tomorrow is exactly one week.\" - She said as she read Jung-pil's report. - \"Su-hyun again? Aren't things going well with the teacher?\n\n\"It doesn't matter who I have sex with, does it?\"\n\nHe had to beg Su-hyun to have sex with him.\n\n\"Anyway, you did a great job. Go now.\"\n\nEun-jung turned around, ready to go back to sleep.\n\n\"W-wait! I need to talk to you about something.\"\n\n\"I'm sleepy...\"\n\n\"Then... tomorrow, during sextudy...\".\n\n\"Don't you know everyone's taking a break? I have an important appointment...\".\n\n\"Important appointment...?\"\n\nWithout a chance to finish what he was going to say, Eun-jung's cell phone rang, indicating that she had received a message.\n\n\"Wait a minute...\"\n\nPulling out her cell phone herself, Eun-jung began to read the message she had received. The message was short, so she didn't take long to read it.\n\nAs she finished reading the message, she smiled in a particular way\n\n\"What's wrong?\"\n\nNoticing the girl's smile, Jung-pil asked.\n\n\"It's nothing. I feel happy... that's all.\" - She answered Jung-pil's question. - \"Since I'm in a good mood, tell me. What is it you want to tell me?\"\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nAfter Jung-pil told Eun-jung about what happened with Su-hyun....\n\n\"So... That's all you want to say?\"\n\nApparently, Eun-jung didn't care about what Jung-pil had told her.\n\n\"That's all. It really was something unusual!\"\n\n\"Yes, yes...\"\n\n\"You would have seen the face she made. Su-hyun's expression at that moment was unusual.\"\n\n\"And so...?\"\n\n\"It could be detrimental to our group! The fact that this group has been able to stay together even though we've had sex with each other, no one has crossed the line. Whatever it is, romantic feelings are not good in a place where men and women mix. Besides, Su-hyun is fond of Kiyotaka...\".\n\nN.A.: It shouldn't be a problem if only one man stays, right? Right!\n\n\"In a nutshell... Are you saying that Kiyotaka is annoying?\"\n\n\"Ah... No. It's not that...\".\n\n\"Don't worry. I'll punish Kiyotaka. Now... If you'll excuse me, I have to go to sleep. Good night.\"\n\nWith those last words, Eun-jung called an end to that night's little meeting.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(1)\n\nThe next day...\n\nKiyotaka wasn't particularly a boy who dressed fashionably, so now he was having second thoughts about what clothes to choose.\n\nHe didn't care much about the way he dressed, but after having those little flashbacks he was starting to have from time to time, he remembered that it was better to be well-dressed for a date with a girl.\n\nPutting aside the unimportant things, Kiyotaka decided to take the best this one had. He put it on and left his apartment for the date he had with the girl whose name was Eun-jung.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nKiyotaka had reached his destination.\n\nHe sat down on a metal bench in the place. He picked up his cell phone and started playing with it while waiting for the girl.\n\nHe had arrived quite early at the place he and Eun-jung had agreed on, so he had to wait for a while.\n\nTo Kiyotaka's luck, Eun-jung didn't take long to arrive at the place. The girl was wearing a brown top, which consisted of a dark brown tight T-shirt, a jacket to match her light brown tight skirt, dark brown stockings that somehow made her shapely legs shine, and to top it all off, black heels.\n\nIf Kiyotaka didn't know the girl, he would say at first glance that the girl in front of him was high class, a girl who always stood her ground in any situation. A good girl.\n\nThe part about the girl being upper class he couldn't doubt since she always seemed to have money. The part about her being a good girl, well...\n\n\"Have you waited long?\"\n\nHearing the girl, Kiyotaka snapped out of his world.\n\n\"Not long.\"\n\nHe replied, getting up from where he was sitting.\n\n\"What a relief...\" - She said with a smile. - \"So... Shall we go?\"\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nKiyotaka already had dating experience. In his high school life, he had been on several dates, most of which ended with a happy night, so he had plenty of experience. Therefore, when the date began, Kiyotaka was confident that everything would go well that day.\n\nThe date began in the afternoon. At two in the morning, spending the rest of the afternoon at one of the two places he had planned to go with the girl by his side. The first place was the mall, a place where there were all kinds of things. Practically, the perfect place to go on a date. In that place, the two spent the whole afternoon, going to eat or both going to buy some things that caught both of their attention.\n\nOne thing that Kiyotaka expected during the course of the date was the stares she received from time to time. She received stares from both men and women. The looks he received from men, for the most part, were envious.\n\nHe was used to those looks, so he didn't mind them. Well, since his early high school years he didn't mind those jealous looks.\n\nThere were also men who looked at him with a smile, happy to see one more of their club. The club of those who had girlfriends. The girlfriends of these guys were also smiling at the sight of the couple.\n\nIn Eun-jung's case, she also received stares from time to time. Men and women could not help but stare at her beauty and be enchanted, this on the men's side. Jealousy was on the women's side.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nIn the evening, Kiyotaka took Eun-jung to the last place of the date. They both went to a small fair that was in town.\n\nUndoubtedly, the perfect place to end a date.\n\nBeing at the fair, Kiyotaka and Eun-jung went to all the games they could play that night. In some games, Kiyotaka and Eun-jung were able to win some prizes for winning or participating in the game. From some small prizes that Eun-jung easily kept in her purse, to a giant stuffed animal that Kiyotaka won in a game of strength.\n\nTo end that night, Kiyotaka took Eun-jung to the Ferris wheel.\n\nWhile they were in one of the booths on the big Ferris wheel, to Eun-jung and Kiyotaka's luck, the booths stopped and theirs was right at the top, giving them both a good view of the night city.\n\nWhen Eun-jung appreciated the sight of her with a smile, holding the stuffed animal he had won, Kiyotaka took out his cell phone, fiddling with it a bit to take a picture of the girl.\n\n\"Kiyotaka.....\n\nHearing the sound of the camera, Eun-jung looked at Kiyotaka.\n\n\"It's to keep it as a souvenir. I'll pass the photo to you later.\"\n\nHearing the boy, Eun-jung smiled.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(2)\n\nEun-jung and Kiyotaka's date ended to the chagrin of the girl herself, who admitted that she had a good time in Kiyotaka's company,\n\nWhen they both arrived at Eun-jung's house, Eun-jung invited Kiyotaka to come to her house, to which Kiyotaka accepted the girl's invitation.\n\n\"I had a great time, Kiyotaka. Thank you for the stuffed animal. It was the best thing about this day.\" - Eun-jung said, taking off the jacket that belonged to Kiyotaka herself. - \"And thank you for lending me your jacket. I was really cold.\"\n\n\"There's nothing to thank.\"\n\nHe said, sitting down on the sofa.\n\n\"I'm going to take a bath. Kiyotaka... will you join me?\"\n\nAt Eun-jung's invitation, Kiyotaka didn't think much of it.\n\n\"Why not?\"\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\n\"Ahhh....\".\n\nEun-jung released a faint sound of pleasure as she felt the warm water covering her naked body. Such a simple yet eye-catching scene that managed to captivate the poker-faced boy.\n\n\"What are you waiting for?\" - Seeing that Kiyotaka kept still, Eun-jung asked that question. - \"You'll catch a cold if you stay there. Get in the tub with me.\"\n\nEun-jung made a rather tempting invitation to Kiyotaka.\n\nShe got up from the tub, revealing her gifted figure soaked by the water in the tub.\n\nThat without the slightest hesitation he removed the towel he wore around his waist, revealing what many called T-Rex. A name that implied his weapon was powerful.\n\n\"Consider this a bonus for your long work, okay?\"\n\nIn Kiyotaka's mind, he could only think of one thing:\n\n\"Unbelievable.\"\n\nHe had been with several women after leaving the White Room. All of them had something unique about them that came to captivate Kiyotaka's eyes.\n\nAnd, right now, there was another girl that was captivating him. The girl's body really was simply perfect.\n\n\"I guess she has a body of a goddess too.\"\n\nKiyotaka thought to himself.\n\n\"Don't you think she's being too generous to me, Eun-jung?\"\n\n\"Does that bother you, Kiyotaka?\"\n\n\"Not at all.\"\n\nHe replied.\n\n\"You know... I'm embarrassed to be the only person to be showing off her body. Take off your towel.\"\n\nHeeding the girl's request, Kiyotaka took off the towel around his waist, revealing the weapon known as \"T-Rex\".\n\nEven though his gun was not loaded, his weapon could still be called a T-Rex.\n\n\"Wow...!\"\n\nEun-jung marveled.\n\n\"I'm going in.\"\n\nSaying his next action, Kiyotaka entered the bathtub with Eun-jung.\n\nHe relaxed.\n\n\"It's kind of tight...\".\n\nKiyotaka said to himself in a somewhat low voice.\n\n\"Is that so?\" - Eun-jung got up from the tub, this for the sole purpose of resting her back on the boy's chest so that the two of them would be more comfortable. - \"If I do this, you'll be able to stretch your legs, right?\"\n\n\"Yes, but...\". - Kiyotaka felt something in his crotch that was starting to stimulate him. - \"Doesn't that bother you?\"\n\n\"You mean this?\" - She started to move her ass up and down, starting to stimulate Kiyotaka's penis. - \"It doesn't bother me. Su-hyun's, teacher's and Seyeon's reports didn't lie.\"\n\n\"Since you are taking the trouble to attend to me like this... I guess I should return this treatment with gratitude.\"\n\n\"Kyaaa....\".\n\nWithout breaking his word, Kiyotaka, with two fingers of his right hand, began to stimulate Eun-jung's vagina. At the surprising touch, she let out a moan of pleasure.\n\nThe two began to please each other.\n\n\"The night I went to give my report, I heard something interesting from you.\"\n\n\"W-what did you hear?\"\n\nKiyotaka's touch was starting to make Eun-jung emotional, so it was understandable that it was hard for her to speak.\n\n\"You want to experience everything they tell you, don't you?\"\n\nThose words from Kiyotka surprised Eun-jung, who let out another moan as she felt the boy's fingers in her vagina.\n\n\"Hadn't you left after agreeing on a date for the date?\"\n\n\"I forgot my cell phone, so I went back for it. I heard how you were pleasuring yourself and I heard that you wanted to experience everything we told you about in our reports.\" - He answered the question asked by the girl. - \"I want you to answer me something, Eun-jung.\"\n\nEun-jung turned to look at Kiyotaka.\n\nThe words that came out after the boy made the girl think about what she was going to say next.\n\n\"Do you want to have sex with me?\"\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nThere was silence in the bathroom after Kiyotaka asked Eun-jung that question.\n\nThe girl thought hard about that question.\n\nWas she going to punish Kiyotaka? Or was she going to please Kiyotaka?\n\nThose were the two most important questions running through her head like an old movie tape.\n\nIn the reports she read, all her classmates told her how good Kiyotaka's penis felt.\n\nWould she miss the opportunity the boy was giving her?\n\nHer instincts were slowly winning her over.\n\nNow she regretted motivating Kiyotaka's penis with her ass.\n\nShe sighed after thinking for a moment about her answer. If she continued to beat around the bush, the boy would simply leave the place without hesitation. After all, he had three holes from three women, all of whom were more than willing to have sex with him\n\n\"How much do you want me?\"\n\nShe asked that question, starting to wiggle her ass once again. Depending on the answer, she would make a decision.\n\n\"I want you bad enough.\"\n\nHe admitted, whispering his answer in Eun-jung's ear, this for the sole purpose of teasing the perfect-bodied girl a little.\n\nNow he was going to start putting what he had learned into practice.\n\nWhen Kiyotaka whispered his reply, Eun-jung flinched slightly.\n\nIf he really wanted to tease her, he had succeeded successfully.\n\nShe turned around. With that action, she was left facing the boy.\n\nEun-jung clung to Kiyotaka. The girl's chest and the boy's chest came into contact. Eun-jung's vagina collided with Kiyotaka's big penis.\n\nEun-jung smiled as she hugged Kiyotaka's neck, pulling herself closer to Kiyotaka's face.\n\n \"If that's the case, I guess I won't heed the words I was told last night.\"\n\nEun-jung had decided not to punish Kiyotaka. Instead, she decided to please her beloved Kiyotaka.\n\n \"What did they say to you last night?\"\n\nLike the curious one that he was, Kiyotaka asked.\n\n \"Just keep quiet.\"\n\nSaying that Eun-jung kissed Kiyotaka.\n\nKiyotaka simply accepted that kiss without love. Just a kiss of desire.\n\nHe started to move his hands slowly. He felt the girl's soft and moist skin, lowering his hands to grab the girl's butt.\n\nWhen he grabbed the girl's butt, as he could, Kiyotaka got up and carried the girl to the bed in her room.\n\nUpon reaching the bed, Kiyotaka laid the girl down on the bed, which allowed him to get a better view of Eun-jung's naked body. A very tempting body for the male audience.\n\n \"Are you going to stand there looking at me?\"\n\nWith that question, Eun-jung invited Kiyotaka to lie on the bed with her.\n\nHe lay down on the bed. Seeing that, Eun-jung stood up a little, positioning herself so that she could treat the boy's penis.\n\n \"Bon appetit...\"\n\nAnd having said that, she grabbed Kiyotaka's penis with one of her hands and began to lick it.\n\nShe started with small licks on the tip of the penis, tasting Kiyotaka's penis with her tongue. After a while, she took Kiyotaka's penis into her mouth. She was surprised to see that she was not able to get Kiyotaka's penis all the way in.\n\nHaving Kiyotaka's penis in her small mouth, she used her tongue to better please Kiyotaka.\n\nBut something was not right for her.\n\n \"Do you think it's fair that only you enjoy this moment?\"\n\n \"If you want me to treat you in the right way, change your position.\"\n\nAt that moment, she heeded the boy's words. She changed her position, so now Kiyotaka could treat Eun-jung's vagina.\n\nWithout saying anything, he began to treat Eun-jung's vagina with his mouth and tongue.\n\nFeeling that, Eun-jung couldn't stop a moan of pleasure from coming out of her mouth. With what she felt, she could be 100% sure that Kiyotaka had a great experience treating a woman.\n\nJust like Kiyotaka, Eun-jung also started with her services. She could not neglect her handsome guest.\n\nEun-jung could now feel the difference between treating herself with her delicate fingers and being treated by a guy with her fingers, tongue, and mouth.\n\nIf someone asked her which treatment she preferred more, the answer would vary, as it depended on the person. But now, she wanted the treatment Kiyotaka was giving her vagina.\n\n \"Very well. I think it's time to do it.\"\n\nThat said, she asked Kiyotaka if he had a condom, to which he replied that he did.\n\nShe asked him why to which he said it was just in case.\n\nNot caring about the condom issue, she took the condom out of its envelope, helping Kiyotaka put it on. And, as she already suspected, the condom was a bit small on Kiyotaka, but it was big enough for the condom to do its job.\n\nSuddenly, Kiyotaka moved and was now on top of Eun-jung, who was waiting for Kiyotaka to make his move.\n\nWatching the girl intently, Kiyotaka knew that indeed the girl was ready to have sex with him.\n\nKnowing that Eun-jung was ready for the act, Kiyotaka thrust his penis into Eun-jung slowly.\n\nAt that very moment, Kiyotaka could see lines of blood coming out from Eun-jung's vagina.\n\nIn that way, Kiyotaka took Eun-jung's virginity.\n\n\"Good grief...!\" - Eun-jung expressed her pain as she felt Kiyotaka touch her deepest spot. - \"So this is having sex with Kiyotaka, huh?\"\n\nShe looked down to where Kiyotaka's penis was, noticing that Kiyotaka's penis still didn't fully enter her vagina.\n\n \"Even though you're touching the deepest part of me, you still can't get your whole penis in me. It really is too big.\"\n\n \"I'm going to move...\".\n\nKiyotaka announced her next action.\n\nEun-jung, in response, only moved slightly. With that signal, Kiyotaka started to move.\n\nAt first, Eun-jung felt some pain as she felt the movement of Kiyotaka's penis. It was her first time, so she already expected the pain.\n\nHowever, after a short while, the pain Kiyotaka was causing in her vagina turned into pleasure. As proof of this, Eun-jung's face had changed to one of pleasure.\n\nThe sounds heard in the room gradually increased. The sound that could be heard the most was Eun-jung's moans.\n\nOn the other hand, Kiyotaka remained calm. In his mind, Kiyotaka admitted that the sensation he felt from being inside the girl was pleasant. The girl's vagina squeezed his penis perfectly. Eun-jung's vagina was special.\n\nThe minutes passed and neither seemed to want to put an end to the first round.\n\nDespite trying various positions for the sex act, neither wanted to finish. Both were adamant about not finishing that round of sex.\n\nHowever, the first round could not last forever. Sooner or later the round would have to end with one of the two taking the advantage of this night that promised to be a long one.\n\nEun-jung couldn't take it anymore. She was about to cum. She was trying her best to make Kiyotaka the first to finish, but her efforts didn't seem to work.\n\nWhen she was hugging Kiyotaka, she started digging her nails into Kiyotaka's back, causing a scratch mark on the boy's back. Kiyotaka didn't seem to mind that, continuing what he was doing.\n\nAfter a while...\n\n \"I... I can't take it anymore, I'm about to cum!\"\n\nEun-jung started to move a little faster. She no longer cared about losing.\n\nHearing Eun-jung's warning, he also began to increase the pace of his movements to make the girl cum.\n\nWith Kiyotaka's sudden movements, Eun-jung gave up.\n\n \"I cum!\"\n\nAnd that was Eun-jung's signal of defeat. With that signal, Kiyotaka too let his semen come out.\n\n \"Shall we continue?\"\n\nWhen the first round, the second round was about to begin.\n\n<b><i>To be continued...</i></b>\n\n<b><i>...</i></b>\n\n\n\n\nIn case I am unable to upload chapter 6 of this story on December 31 or January 1, I want to wish everyone a happy new year.\n", "I just got out of bed and the first thing I see is this image.\n\nWhat is the context of the image?\n\nI can't wait to read the next volume of COTE.\n\nNow, regarding this story, a chapter is expected this week.\n\nGiving a reason why I haven't uploaded a chapter of this story, is that I had no ideas for this chapter.\n\nBut with the uploading of the new chapter of the story \"Sextudy Group\", I have come up with ideas for the next chapter, so there will be a chapter this week. I hope so.", "<b>(Possibly, this chapter has spelling mistakes, since I haven't had time to correct it. Please point out to me every spelling mistake I have in this chapter).\n</b>\n\n<b>...</b>\n\n\n\n\nHow Spider-man once did it...\n\nThe reasons why I haven't uploaded any chapters? Work, university (main problem), lack of inspiration, family problems. All in all, the first two months of this year have not been my own.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(0)\n\nThe night had disappeared and, with it, the day had appeared from the horizon.\n\nFrom one of the apartments of a building, a beautiful young girl was beginning to wake up thanks to the sun's rays passing through the window of the room.\n\nMaking a small groan of annoyance, the girl woke up, leaving the dream world behind.\n\nStretching a little, the girl released a cute yawn, rubbing one of her eyes in order to wake up completely.\n\nRemembering what had happened the night before, the girl named Eun-jung looked to her right side, finding the boy who had made her happy the night before still asleep.\n\nShe stroked the boy's brown hair, running her index finger along his cheek until she met those lips that kissed his delicate, well-endowed body.\n\nSuch a memory only made the girl smile a little more, touching the parts of her body that were kissed by the boy who made her feel full happiness.\n\n \"He's cute when he sleeps...\".\n\nShe murmured in a faint whisper.\n\nAs she continued with her hand on his cheek, the boy began to wake up to feel the girl's delicate touch.\n\n \"Did you sleep well, Kiyotaka?\"\n\n \"More or less.\"\n\nHe admitted.\n\nHe wanted to sleep more, but that day was Monday, which meant he had to go to college that day.\n\n \"I wish we could sleep more, but there are classes today. I'm going to go take a shower, will you join me?\"\n\n \"Yes...\"\n\nAccepting the girl's invitation, Kiyotaka got out of bed together with Eun-jung to take a bath together so as not to waste time.\n\nAt that moment, Eun-jung was able to have another happy moment together with the boy she had chosen.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(1)\n\nLunch Time...\n\n \"You really look tired, my friend. Did you sleep well?\".\n\nKIyotaka's faithful Korean friend asked that question as he noticed his friend's sleepy eyes.\n\nAs his only friend, he had to worry about this one.\n\n \"I just had a long night. That's all.\"\n\nKiyotaka replied.\n\n \"A long night with a girl? I don't think so...\". - Yejun started to laugh at his own comment that came out of nowhere. However, he stopped when he saw his friend. - \"Wait a minute. did you really have a long night with a girl? Don't tell me that...\"\n\nYejun stopped as he noticed a certain person approaching them. Exactly, a girl with a cheerful smile adorning her beautiful face along with a body of envy was approaching the table where the friends were.\n\n \"Hello... Kiyotaka. There's going to be an important meeting today, so don't miss the study group.\"\n\n \"You just came to tell me that?\"\n\n \"Is there something wrong with wanting to see my favorite Hoobae?\"\n\n \"Not at all.\"\n\n \"Perfect. Then... I'll see you in the afternoon along with the others. See you.\"\n\nAnd giving Kiyotaka's cheek a kiss, Eun-jung said goodbye with a cheerful smile.\n\nSeeing that, Yejun couldn't keep quiet.\n\n \"You really became very close to Eun-jung sunbae, Kiyotaka. A lot of guys will be envious of you because of that. Even I'm a little envious of you.\"\n\nKiyotaka merely shrugged his shoulders at what his friend said.\n\n\"I feel a little envious. Anyway, I congratulate you on the approach to Eun-jung sunbae.\"\n\nThe boy smiled as he gave a thumbs up.\n\nKiyotaka just looked at Yejun, thanking his friend internally for accompanying him in his college life. His life was lightening up a bit thanks to Yejun's company.\n\n \"Now that I remember... Kiyotaka, I wanted to ask a favor of you.\"\n\n \"What would it be?\"\n\n \"Will you help me study for the exams?\"\n\nAt that said, Kiyotaka sighed.\n\nHe thought about it for a moment and then said his answer.\n\n \"Okay. I'll help you.\"\n\n\"Thank you, friend.\"\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(2)\n\nStudy group meeting...\n\n \"Although it is not necessary to get them all together to tell them this... I think having them face to face would be best.\" - Eun-jung kept silent, looking at each of the study group members. - \"We won't have activities during the exams. It won't even be necessary to report what sex they have. I won't come here because I also need to study. Instead, I'll leave it open so you can use it as you please.\"\n\n \"That's it, we really needed to meet here?\n\nJung-pil asked.\n\n \"I won't see you guys for a while, so this looking you in the face, right?\"\n\nHearing those words, Kiyotaka thought that what she said was a lie. He highly doubts that this was the last time they were going to see each other.\n\n 'I got my hopes up thinking that she was a new person or something...'.\n\nJung-pil thought, disgusted.\n\nWith all that said, Jung-pil was the first to leave the meeting. Something normal for that time.\n\n \"Kiyotaka... Since we're here... Can I talk to you for a moment?\"\n\nA little embarrassed, the sensual older woman asked the brown boy.\n\nKnowing what was going to happen next, Kiyotaka just resigned herself.\n\n \"Yes.\"\n\nKiyotaka agreed.\n\nThe sooner the affair with the older woman was over, the better for him.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(3)\n\nIn a hotel room, the woman Kang Hyun-mi demonstrated by her actions how crazy she was about Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's penis.\n\nThe woman was really crazy about what the boy possessed. Every moan of pleasure that came out of the woman's mouth was proof that the woman had become crazy about Kiyo's penis...\n\nSorry, I just realized my mistake. Let me correct it.\n\nThe woman had gone crazy for her Master's penis.\n\nYes... That's better...\n\n \"Ah...!\"\n\nThe only thing that could be heard in the room was the older woman's constant moaning and the sound that came out with each crash.\n\nAfter a while, the last round of sex had ended, concluding the lewd sounds.\n\nHyun-mi lay down on the bed, tired from that pleasure-filled night.\n\nShe settled a little on the bed, hugging Kiyotaka, being happy for that night with her young master.\n\nKiyotaka, on his side, just picked up his cell phone.\n\nLosing his cell phone, Kiyotaka saw that he had a message from the person who was watching him. That person was making sure that Kiyotaka's life was to the boy's liking. Of course, this person stayed away from Kiyotaka so as not to make the boy uncomfortable.\n\n<b>[You live your life to the fullest. Really young people today have a lot of energy].</b>\n\nAs always, that person knew where he was and what he was doing.\n\nHe really was a true master of his profession.\n\n[Why did you call me?]\n\nKiyotaka asked by message.\n\n<b>[I wanted to inform you that Amasawa is coming to visit you. My superiors told me that she wanted to see you, so she asked permission to visit you for a full week].</b>\n\n<b>[I'll give you two days' notice so you can prepare yourself].</b>\n\n[I understand.]\n\n[Is there anything I need to know besides that?]\n\n<b>[Not really].</b>\n\n<b>[Well, actually, there is one more thing. But they didn't tell me what it was about. I was told it was a surprise for you].</b>\n\n<b>[That's it. I swear].</b>\n\n<b>[🙏]</b>\n\n[I believe you].\n\n[Anyway, thanks for the information].\n\n<b>[There's nothing to thank.]</b>\n\n<b>[Enjoy your night.]</b>\n\n<b>[Goodbye].</b>\n\n<b>[😎👍]</b>\n\nAnd just like that, the conversation ended, with Kiyotaka sighing at the thought of Amasawa.\n\n \"I hope he won't come here to cause trouble...\".\n\nKiyotaka lied to himself, as he knew perfectly well that wasn't going to happen.\n\nAmasawa was going to bring chaos, again.\n\n*beep*\n\nHis cell phone had rung again.\n\nLooking at his cell phone, he saw that it was another message from his caretaker.\n\nReading it, Kiyotaka couldn't help but roll his eyes at the message from his caretaker.\n\n<b>[By the way, if your teacher has a friend, could you introduce me to her friend? Please].</b>\n\nAnd without further ado, Kiyotaka put down her cell phone and went to sleep with the body heat of an older woman.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n(4)\n\nThe next day...\n\nKiyotaka's whole day was quiet.\n\nKiyotaka was grateful for the exams. Thanks to them he was going to have quiet days, at least for a while.\n\nDespite the quiet, Kiyotaka was mindful of what his caretaker had told him last night.\n\nAmasawa, a girl a year younger than him, was going to visit him, and that gave the boy a bad feeling. A bad feeling that while not bad as such, could possibly be annoying.\n\nAfter the White Room closed for good and he gained his freedom, the government offered Amasawa the opportunity to work with them.\n\nAmasawa accepted and currently works for the government.\n\nShe no longer studied at ANHS, as the government deemed it unnecessary for her to do so because of the education Amasawa had received at White Hall.\n\n\"How troublesome...\"\n\nHe whispers to himself.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nThe sun had gone down with the presence of the bright moon.\n\nQuietly in his apartment, Kiyotaka prepares dinner for the evening.\n\nUsually, like any college student, he should study for his exams and not fail.\n\nHowever, with his knowledge gained in the White Room, he didn't have much to worry about. Although from time to time he would review a few things, the exam thing was taking it pretty relaxed.\n\nFinishing preparing her dinner and being ready to serve herself...\n\n*Ding... dong...*\n\nSomeone had rung the doorbell of her apartment.\n\nTaking off her brown apron she went to the door and opened it, revealing a smiling girl.\n\n \"Eun-jung?\"\n\n \"Hello, Kiyotaka, may I come in?\" - Not having a reason not to let the girl in, Kiyotaka stepped aside to let the girl pass. - \"Thank you.\"\n\nShe entered the apartment and went straight to bed.\n\n \"Smells good, did you just eat dinner?\"\n\nEun-jung decided to start the conversation for the night.\n\n \"I was going to serve myself before you rang my doorbell.\" - He replied. - \"Did you have dinner already, do you want some of what I prepared?\"\n\n \"Of course!\"\n\nAccepting the boy's invitation, the girl walked over to the table and sat down, ready to eat what Kiyotaka had prepared for dinner.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nBeing about to finish eating her dinner, Eun-jung asked Kiyotaka a new question.\n\n \"Kiyotaka... Are you happy?\"\n\nHearing the girl's question, Kiyotaka thought of an answer.\n\nWas he happy?\n\nHe reflected on everything that had happened in his life after leaving the White Room.\n\nIf he thought well about the answer considering everything he has experienced after leaving the White Hall, then the answer to Eun-jung's question was:\n\n \"Yes... I guess I'm happy.\"\n\nKiyotaka did not have many complaints in his life. Although he had problems like anyone else, it wasn't something he couldn't fix with his skills.\n\nHe was satisfied with what he had achieved with his skills. He had people who supported him with their power, something that benefited him and his future. He also had people he came to appreciate. In their own way, of course.\n\nSo, in short, he was happy with the life he managed to achieve with his abilities and some luck. A life he called quiet.\n\n\"And why are you happy?\"\n\nA new question arose from the girl.\n\n \"Because I have a quiet life. I have a pretty settled life. When I graduated from college, I have a job that is secured for me. I also have people waiting for me at home.\"\n\nHe replied.\n\nThere was silence after that.\n\n \"Eun-jung. Are you happy?\n\nKiyotaka decided to return the question.\n\n\"Yes. And it's all thanks to you.\"\n\nThe girl replied with a smile.\n\n \"You know... My family is an arranged marriage. In the eyes of others, it was a perfect family. But the reality was very different. I found that out when I turned 20 in this village. Dad was away on an emergency, and my mom was avoiding me and going somewhere else. And one night... I saw her. I saw a mother having an affair. My mother was having an affair with a man who made my mother look happy. A happy expression. I'll never forget it.\"\n\nKiyotaka was a little surprised by what he heard.\n\n 'So his father suffered from what the Professor calls \"NTR\", huh?'\n\nKiyotaka thought, remembering a talk he had with his ANHS classmate.\n\n \"What does it take to be happy: money, honor, family, sexual pleasure? We, humans, are greedy animals.\"\n\nEun-jung got up from the chair and sat on Kiyotaka's lap.\n\n \"I need it all, just like my mother back then. That's why I set up the study group. I'm confident that I can earn money and honor if I decide to do it. And about the man who can give me pleasure and make me feel happy with that...\". - Eun-jung hugged Kiyotaka's neck. - \"I got it and I have it in front of me.\"\n\nHolding Kiyotaka in front of her, Eun-jung kissed the boy's lips.\n\nAfter a while, Eun-jung looked at Kiyotaka with a smile.\n\n \"So, Kiyotaka. can you make me happy again and many times more?\"\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nSince I was a little girl, I have always brought the attention of men.\n\nIt all started with a flower I received in kindergarten.\n\nMen never left me alone, intending to possess me.\n\nThat didn't mean I wasn't interested in a normal relationship or sex...\n\nBut it's so easy to get.\n\nI intended to put it aside because I thought it was silly.\n\nHowever, for the first time, I managed to feel real attraction for someone, and it was a guy who had been dragged by one of his sunbaes to a drinking bar.\n\nI don't know why I was attracted to that brown-haired boy. Maybe it was the mature aura and the charming look he possessed.\n\nI guess that's why.\n\nThat night I drank too much and, from a window, I saw him.\n\nJust like his appearance, his body was so charming. His body was so perfect that I wanted to embrace him with my naked body.\n\nWhat would it feel like to be attacked by a boy?\n\nThat's what I wondered when I knocked on his door and entered the room of that brown-haired boy.\n\nIn the end, I didn't get an answer. He treated me kindly and even prepared dinner for me the next day.\n\nI became more interested in him when the girls in the group gave me their reports of sex with the brown boy.\n\nJust reading what the boy was doing to the girls in my club turned me on a lot.\n\nI...\n\nI wanted him to do to me what he did to the other girls.\n\nI wanted him to kiss me...\n\nI wanted him to touch me...\n\nI wanted him to hold me...\n\nI wanted him to penetrate me with his penis...\n\nAnd, right now, I'm getting it.\n\nI'm so happy...\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\n \"Ah...!\"\n\nA girl's muffled moan was heard in the room.\n\n \"Kiyotaka...!\"\n\nThe girl shouted the name of the boy who sent her.\n\n \"You know something, Kiyotaka?\"\n\nBetween moans, the girl managed to ask the boy a question.\n\n \"What?\"\n\n \"That night I met you... I intentionally... I walked into your bedroom.\"\n\n \"Intentionally?\" - Kiyotaka asked, somewhat surprised by the girl's statement. - \"Why?\"\n\n\"I don't know why. But... I guess I liked you without realizing it...\".\n\nTo back up her word, the girl kissed the boy's lips. This particular kiss was the most normal kiss the two had given each other all night.\n\n \"I... I just wanted to do it with you that night.\"\n\n \"If we're honest...\". - Continuing the chain of honesty, Kiyotaka changed her posture. Now the girl was like a puppy dog. - \"You also caught my attention on that night.\"\n\nAnd he penetrated the girl hard, earning him a moan from the girl.\n\n \"I really would have wanted you to have done this on that night!\"\n\nShe stated in a scream so she could say it clearly.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nAnd the night passed between wild lunges and more wild lunges.\n\nBoth the boy and the girl had lost track of the time that night due to the many rounds of sex they had had.\n\nAnd, allowing themselves to be dominated by the control of the God of Sleep, they both fell asleep, being warmed by the heat of the other.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n<b>22/02/2023</b>\n\n<b>And I think I'm back again.</b>\n\n<b>Honestly, college kept me busy, doing homework and solving problems I had with my university.</b>\n\n<b>Before I retire, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it's a short chapter, but I haven't written in a long time and it felt weird to write again.</b>\n\n<b>Anyway, that's all I have to say. I hope you have started the year better than I did.</b>\n\n<b>Goodbye.</b>", "<b>(In case of spelling or grammatical errors, please notify the author).</b>\n\n\nI lost what little creativity I had. That's one of the reasons why I haven't written anything.\n\nAnother reason is that \"Sextudy Group\" was only a few chapters old when I posted the last chapter of this story, and I had to wait longer so I could get some inspiration.\n\nSo... This is the result of all the time I've been inactive.\n\nI was really surprised when I saw the notifications on my Wattpad, because there were more than 200 notifications (It's worth mentioning that I hadn't touched Wattpad for a month and a half). \n\nAnyway...\n\nWith nothing further to comment on at this time, let this chapter begin.\n\n<b>...</b>\n\n\n\n\n<b>Character 7: </b><b><b>A normal day</b></b>\n\n<b>(0)</b>\n\nIt was a new morning for Japan's Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, who woke up tired again after giving much joy to one of the four women he had acquired during his stay in South Korea.\n\nUpon waking up fully, the boy felt a certain weight on his right arm.\n\nTurning to see what the cause of the weight was, he found his superior named Eun-jung, who was sleeping with a beautiful smile beside him.\n\nHe slowly got out of bed so as not to wake the girl.\n\nGetting up, Kiyotaka went to the bathroom so he could take a bath, as his body felt a little sticky from the sweat of the night with Eun-jung.\n\nIt didn't take him long to bathe. He put on the first clothes he found in the closet and started preparing breakfast.\n\nAs he prepared breakfast, he thought that what he was doing was the same thing he did when he met Eun-jung: preparing breakfast after sleeping in the same house.\n\nHowever, what happened hours before was something different. Instead of letting Eun-jung sleep peacefully in his bed, he spent most of the night making the girl of large proportions happy, preventing the girl from sleeping peacefully. The price to pay for having happiness was not sleeping most of the night. A soul for a soul.\n\nKiyotaka was sleepy. He wanted to sleep, but his week at the university wasn't over, much to his bad luck.\n\nHe wasn't the only one in a bad mood about the latter.\n\nThe girl, who was sleeping peacefully, had woken up to the smell of something cooking.\n\nLooking in the direction where the smell came from, the girl noticed Kiyotaka's presence.\n\nNoticing the girl's gaze, he turned and looked at Eun-jung lying on the bed that was his, where the sheets covered the girl's naked body.\n\n \"Good morning...\"\n\nDrowsily, the girl said good morning to the boy.\n\n \"Good morning.\"\n\nKiyotaka returned the girl's greeting, going back to what he was doing.\n\n \"It's funny, don't you think?\"\n\n \"What's funny, Eun-jung?\"\n\n \"You make me dinner like that morning we talked.\" - Said the girl, getting up from the bed and walking over to Kiyotaka. - \"What are you making?\".\n\n \"Something simple. Eggs, bread and some fruit I had. Nothing special.\"\n\n \"Simple can sometimes be good.\" - She commented, slapping her large breasts against his back without getting any reaction from him. - \"But... If you don't mind... Can I have some dessert to start off the morning?\"\n\n \"Dessert?\"\n\nBefore he could think about Eun-jung's words, the girl's subtle hand movements interrupted the boy's thoughts.\n\nShe unzipped Kiyotaka's pants, and as she could, the girl pulled out Kiyotaka's penis, starting to move her hand to satisfy Kiyotaka.\n\nInstantly, Kiyotaka knew what the girl meant by \"dessert\".\n\nHowever, before Eun-jung did anything else, the apartment doorbell rang.\n\nEun-jung stopped what she was doing, wondering who could ring the doorbell so early in the morning.\n\nFrom Kiyotaka's side, he had an idea who the person who had rung the apartment doorbell might be. A girl with pigtails was the image that flashed through the boy's head.\n\n \"Get dressed, Eun-jung.\"\n\nKiyotaka ordered.\n\n \"Do you know who's on the other side of the door?\"\n\n \"Yes.\"\n\nHearing Kiyotaka's reply, the girl grabbed her clothes and headed to the bathroom to clean herself with some water, leaving the bathroom shortly after.\n\nOn Kiyotaka's side, he quickly arranged the bed sheets. Then he took the garbage bag containing the evidence of a passionate night and threw it into a bigger bag.\n\nA couple of seconds later, Kiyotaka opened the door to receive a visit from a certain little person.\n\n \"Hello... Senpai. You took a long time to open the door. Your cute kohai makes me very excited.\"\n\nIn front of Kiyotaka, a girl with two pigtails smiled mischievously at him.\n\n \"Excuse me. I wanted to tidy up a bit.\" - He excused himself-\"Come in.\"\n\n \"Excuse me, senpai...\". - The girl took off her shoes and left them at the entrance. - \"The apartment is pretty big. Senpai, does our government treat you well?\"\n\nShe asked, noticing that Kiyotaka's apartment was large even though she was still standing in the small hallway at the entrance.\n\n \"Quite well.\" - He answered simply. - \"May I know why you are here in South Korea, Ichika?\".\n\nKiyotaka asked.\n\n \"So soon you want to kick me out of here, Kiyotaka-senpai?\".\n\n \"No. I'm simply curious about the reason for your visit.\"\n\n \"Well... It's not for anything special.\" - Ichika slowly approached Kiyotaka with a smile. - \"I just wanted to see my senpai.\"\n\nWith that said, Ichika hugged Kiyotaka's neck.\n\nShe pulled Kiyotaka to her face, kissing the boy without any warning. She simply did what she wanted and liked what she did.\n\n \"Senpai's lips still taste delicious.\"\n\nShe licked her lips as she walked towards the main place of the apartment.\n\nArriving at the main place in the apartment, Ichika looked at a girl sitting on the bed.\n\n \"Hello...\"\n\nEun-jung greeted Ichika with a cheerful smile.\n\n<b>...</b>\n\n\n\n\n<b>(1)</b>\n\nIchika's visit was a surprise for me, as I did not expect her to arrive so early in the morning.\n\nI left Ichika at my apartment while I attended college classes.\n\nWhen we arrived, I intended to go to my classes as I normally do despite them being boring.\n\nHowever, Eun-jung stopped me and without saying anything to me, she took me to the girls' restroom.\n\n \"I still want to try my Kiyotaka dessert.\"\n\nWas what she said to me as she led me to the bathroom with that smile of happiness that she had gotten since our first sexual encounter.\n\nTo be honest, the only reason I let myself be dragged into the girls' bathroom was because I didn't want to go into my classes. It was boring to hear what I already knew beforehand, so I decided to have sex with Eun-jung to get out of my math classes.\n\nWhen I saw Eun-jung, she just smiled sweetly as if she was a pure and innocent girl, something that was not the case since this girl in front of me was a girl who loved sex because it gave her the same happiness that her mother also had when she slept with a man who was not her husband.\n\nWe arrived at the bathroom.\n\nEun-jung quickly entered one of the cubicles in the women's restroom along with me.\n\nI sat on the toilet bowl as she mentally prepared to do whatever she wanted with me in this girls' bathroom.\n\nLicking her lips, she knelt down on her knees as she unzipped my pants and pulled out my penis.\n\nDelighted to see my member, she gave me a kiss on my penis to start the act. She began to lick my member as if it were a lollipop. In a way, she reminded me of a girl who liked lollipops as much as my member, but that story is beside the point.\n\n\nAs she sucked my member, I could see her eyes. Those eyes were looking at me with lust and happiness, something that turned me on even more.\n\n\nSince I started to experience sex, I began to awaken this sexual desire that every human being possesses.\n\nEvery girl I had a passionate encounter with, made me become what I am now. A guy who pleases high-quality women.\n\nI remembered my high school years and all those nights he had with every girl he came in contact with.\n\nI never quite understood what happened to me. It all started with Ichika. Then Kei, then Honami, Kikyo, Suzune, Arisu, Tsubasa... (many more names), and Fuka.\n\nI had many encounters with many girls in high school. I fulfilled some men's dreams in an exaggerated way. At least that's what I read.\n\nI thought I was going to have a quiet life in this country, but I was wrong again. I repeated again what happened in high school, although on a smaller scale.\n\nI never really thought I would live this kind of life. \n\nActually... I just got carried away like a fish following the strong current of a river.\n\n \"Ah... Ah... Ah... Ah...!\"\n\nThey were Eun-jung's stifled moans. She was putting all her strength not to moan with pleasure, something almost impossible for her, but she was doing it with effort.\n\nAt this moment, she must be experiencing one of the greatest pleasures as she felt my member opening her vagina with every movement, reaching deep inside her.\n\nIt really is a strange life of mine.\n\nI knew that a normal life did not await me. It's something I knew since I was little, and I accepted that this would be my measure. However, this was something I did not expect to experience in my life. It was not in my plans.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n<b>(2)</b>\n\nThis morning was exhausting.\n\nThe afternoon came and with it, lunchtime and my hour of peace with the only person I could call a friend.\n\nAt least, that was the plan I had for this day, since the beginning was not very normal.\n\nAs I was on my way to the cafeteria, someone pulled me out of the hallway I was walking down and into the women's restroom.\n\nThat person who brought me back to this place was Su-hyun, who smiling amusedly, started to pull down my pants.\n\nAnd here we go again...\n\nShe began to move my member with her hand, moving it down and up to stimulate my penis.\n\nWhen she got it perked up, she started sucking on it, slowly licking and taking my member into her mouth as best she could. Then she took off her shirt and bra to work on her breasts as well.\n\nAs she finished working with her mouth and breasts, she took off her remaining clothes.\n\nShe grabbed my member and shoved it into her vagina in one thrust.\n\nShe gasped as she felt my member and how it went deep inside her.\n\n \"Fantastic...!\"\n\nShe began to move, moving up and down with speed.\n\nAs I watched her face, I saw that her face said what she was thrilled at. Excitement and bliss.\n\nShe kissed me without warning. She stuck her tongue in my mouth, which excited her even more, as she began to squeeze me harder with her vagina.\n\nFor my part, and to do something, I grabbed her ass and started to move it so that her movements were faster.\n\nShe was trying to hold back her moans. She was biting her lips to keep from moaning loudly.\n\nAfter a while, we finished. I cum inside her after a lot of movements from this girl.\n\nAfter checking that no one was there, I left there to go to the cafeteria to get something to eat. I really needed food.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\n\"Kiyotaka... Kiyotaka... Kiyotaka...!\"\n\nThese were the cries of Kiyotaka's friend, who was searching for his missing friend, unaware that a wild blonde had caught him in her clutches.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n<b>(3)</b>\n\nWell...\n\nI'm feeling a bit exhausted, but I think I'll be able to continue with the afternoon classes.\n\nAt this point, I'm realizing that I need a more rigorous workout to maintain my fitness.\n\nI went to the bathroom after listening to a boring math class.\n\nWhen I came out of the bathroom, at the same time Seyeon came out, who upon seeing me smiled.\n\nThat smile was not good. I knew what it meant, and I didn't want to go through the same thing again.\n\nHowever, before I knew it, I was back in the women's restroom and in the same cubicle where I had sex with Eun-jung and Su-hyun.\n\nAt this point, I came to wonder if this cubicle in the women's restroom was cursed. I also came to wonder if I was the only person who had fallen under the curse of this cubicle that only wants people to have sex in its area.\n\nSeyeon, unlike the other two girls, didn't have much of a chest, however, she made up for it with her big ass, which she used to stimulate my friend after licking it a bit.\n\nShe rubbed my member with her ass until I cum and stained her ass and part of her ass with my cum.\n\nShe didn't mind and moved on to the next act.\n\nClimbing on top of me, she began to ride my member.\n\nHer movements were fast from the start, going up and down at the pace she liked.\n\nI wanted to do something, so I simply started playing with her breasts with my hands and mouth, something she liked, as her moans were more than enough to know.\n\nThe sound of Seyeon's hips slapping against me was louder, so the risk of someone hearing us increased, but Seyeon didn't care and just increased the speed of her movements even more as she lost herself in the pleasure I was offering her with the help of my penis, my hands, and my mouth.\n\nWhen the end of our act came, Seyeon was satisfied, showing it with a naughty smile similar to Ichika's.\n\n \"Thank you, Kiyotaka. Classes were stressful and I needed this.\"\n\nBeing with Seyeon, I remembered that I had to go to my classes.\n\nTo tell you the truth, I think I needed it too, although my energy was slowly running out.\n\nIt wasn't really like that, but I was really starting to feel some exhaustion.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n<b>(4)</b>\n\nThe peace I wished for at the end of class could not be fulfilled.\n\nAs I was walking towards the exit of the university next to my friend, I was dragged inside the room of one of the professors.\n\nI guess it goes without saying who this person was who dragged me unannounced in here.\n\nAs I listened to my friend tell a story his grandfather had told him inside the room, Hyun-mi sat me down on the couch in her office that she had bought exclusively for this kind of meeting.\n\nShe waited until no more students could be heard walking down the hallway.\n\nWhen no more student voices could be heard, Hyun-mi began to take off her clothes, revealing black lingerie.\n\nWith a smile that showed her perverted intentions, she began to remove my pants. Her eyes lit up when she saw my friend, who was asleep from playing with other girls.\n\nHowever, she woke my friend up so she could play with him.\n\nFirst, she used her hands to wake up my friend, who started to react. Then she used her big breasts to wake my friend up with something soft and big. Finally, she used her mouth and tongue. With that, she managed to wake up my friend who went back into action.\n\nSeeing my friend wake up, the woman didn't wait a second longer and started riding my friend with a lot of energy.\n\nSince there was more room, I was able to do it in different positions with this woman, which she liked.\n\nHer moans were loud. Even though there was no one around, I didn't want to risk it, so I put a red ball she had and with that, this woman's moans stopped.\n\nOf the four women I had a sexual encounter with, sex with Hyun-mi was the longest of all.\n\nAfter finishing with this woman, I simply walked out of the office while leaving the woman who had a satisfied face alone as my seed came out of her vagina.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n<b>(5)</b>\n\n\"...And that's what happened.\"\n\nKiyotaka finished recounting what happened that day to Ichika. She nodded as she listened to her superior's story.\n\n \"You sure had quite an adventure, senpai.\" - She smiled. - \"But you know, senpai. It's been a while since we've had sex. I hope you still have some energy left, senpai.\"\n\nTaking advantage of Kiyotaka sitting on the bed, Ichika threw herself on top of Kiyotaka.\n\nNow she was on top of Kiyotaka.\n\nIchika started touching Kiyotaka with her index finger, running her finger over Kiyotaka's body with that naughty smile.\n\nHe simply accepted his fate, watching as the girl unbuttoned her shirt, revealing her black bra and breasts that had grown quite a bit since her freshman year in high school.\n\nHe was stronger than Ichika. However, he was too tired to fight and he simply went with the flow.\n\nIchika took off her clothes completely, undressing and flaunting her perfect body which slightly aroused Kiyotaka's friend.\n\nShe began to play with Kiyotaka's friend, who upon feeling Ichika's familiar touch, was immediately aroused.\n\n \"I think he grew a little bigger since I last saw him.\"\n\nIchika let out a giggle as she licked Kiyotaka's penis in the places she knew were to the boy's liking.\n\nAs quickly as he did, Kiyotaka shot his first load into Ichika's face. She squealed with happiness as she felt something hot on her face.\n\nShe licked what fell on her face, glad she got a taste of Kiyotaka's sons.\n\nShe didn't just want to taste Kiyotaka's children. She wanted Kiyotaka's sons inside her. She wanted his sperm inside her womb.\n\nEager to taste her superior's penis, she guided Kiyotaka's penis inside her.\n\nWhen Kiyotaka's penis entered Ichika's vagina, she moaned in pleasure.\n\n \"I missed you so much, senpai!\"\n\nShe cried out, starting to move, happy to feel Kiyotaka's penis inside her.\n\nKiyotaka, for his part, heeded his male instincts and began to move as well.\n\nAnd so it was that the two lovers had their first sexual encounter after a long time.\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n19/05/2023\n\nI know I'm guilty of not having uploaded anything in a long time. All I can say is that I was busy, plus I didn't feel much like writing this story. A week ago I got them back.\n\n\nDuring this time I have written a few things. One of them is a project that I plan to upload next month, although I'm not sure if I'm going to do it.\n\n\nAnyway, before I go, I'll leave you the cover of that story.\n\n\n<b>(I want to improve it if I can).</b>\n\n\nThat being said, I'm out of here. Remember that there are three chapters left for this story to end.\n\n\nGoodbye!\n", "You know you should update when even Wattpad reminds you to do so.\n\nI didn't expect Wattpad to send me that kind of message.\n\nAnyway, I wasn't really planning to update this story. This is because I really didn't feel capable of writing a chapter. Every chapter I wrote of this story I didn't like no matter how hard I tried, and I ended up deleting the draft of each chapter over and over again, along with other drafts of other stories I came up with.\n\nHowever, after reflecting on my life over the last month and reading \"Circles\" (the best 18+ manhwa I've read) I've decided to publish what I wrote of this story so I can better write the ending of it, as I think it would be more comfortable for me. After that, maybe I'll make a short chapter book to write some random stories that I then make up when I travel by car.\n\nAnyway, I'll upload the chapter tomorrow.\n\nThanks for sticking with me those of you who are waiting for the next chapter. Bye.\n\n\n<b>(I recall that the last time I was absent from this account, my notifications exceeded 200).</b>\n\n\n<b>(I also want you to give ideas for the book \"COTE: Short Chapters\". Of course, I'm not going to write cursed chapters unless I'm drunk).</b>\n", "<b>I know I said I was going to upload the chapter yesterday, but I had to correct a paper for my university.\n</b>\n\n<b>(Any spelling or grammatical errors, please let me know so I can correct them).\n</b>\n\n<b>...</b>\n\n\n\n\n<b>Chapter 8: Memories</b>\n\nAyanokouji, deep in thought, relived in his mind the events that had marked his passage through high school, unfolding before him like a captivating reel of film.\n\nThe first image projected on that reel of memories showed the beginning of his sexual life, with the figure of Amasawa Ichika as the first sexual partner he had in those intimate and overflowing trips he had with several girls.\n\nAmasawa Ichika, a former student of the White Room, stood out for her playful and boisterous personality, accompanied by a charming face that no one could deny was a real beauty in her own personal style.\n\nFrom the very beginning, she had expressed a much deeper feeling than mere adoration when it came to her senpai, making it clear on a certain night when she had meticulously prepared everything to make sure that her senpai clearly understood how she felt about him.\n\nOn any given night, Ayanokouji was in his room, ready to surrender to sleep so that he could enjoy his weekend.\n\nHowever, his plans to rest early were interrupted by Amasawa's irruption. That girl had come to her senpai's room in the middle of the night with a single purpose:\n\nShe was going to openly show how she felt about him.\n\nWithout fully understanding how or why events had unfolded, Ayanokouji found himself immersed in an intimate connection with Amasawa. The only thing he remembered before succumbing to passion was that the girl had offered a drink to him. After ascertaining that said drink harbored no threat, Ayanokouji ingested it. Whatever substance the insinuating liquid contained, it exerted its power over him, guiding him towards carnal consummation with Amasawa.\n\nWhile he was indulging in the ecstasy of that intimate encounter with the girl, Ayanokouji witnessed something that completely transformed his being: Amasawa's gaze. When his eyes met the girl's, he glimpsed a fullness of satisfaction in the girl in whom he had considered the very embodiment of bliss. That satisfaction surpassed the limits of simple happiness. Both he and the girl had been plunged into a state where mere words like \"sizzling satisfaction\" were insufficient to describe such a degree of fulfillment.\n\nThe spectacle that unfolded before Ayanokouji's eyes became ingrained in his being, lingering in his memory like a film reel.\n\nHe would never have foreseen that his life would take such a turn, but it did not arouse the slightest of complaints within him.\n\nHis \"normal\" life, in quotation marks, was interrupted by the presence of that young woman with the playful smile, it triggered something in his being that was to his liking.\n\nGradually, this facet that emerged in him became the impetus that led him to have passionate encounters with multiple maidens of the school, inescapably in the strictest secrecy so that the school authorities would not find out.\n\nThe intertwining occurred by chance, the result of subtle insinuations that intertwined between the two parties, finally leading to intimate acts that were consummated in Ayanokouji's room or in the room of the young maidens, depending on the circumstances and individual preferences.\n\nThe young maidens who had cultivated a relationship with Ayanokouji were aware of each other's existence and what they shared with the apathetic-faced boy in the evenings and on various weekends. They all wholeheartedly assumed the existence of their congeners in the boy's life, conceiving their bond as lovers of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.\n\nWhen the time came for each of the girls to graduate, they each went their separate ways without breaking the bond they had woven both with each other and with the boy named Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, keeping the connection at arm's length.\n\nSighing slightly at the memory of all that, Ayanokouji got out of bed without disturbing the placid sleep of the lady resting on her sheets, starting preparations to take her classes at the university, hoping not to repeat the events of the previous day. He was very tired, not wanting to deal with the girls at the club.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nAyanokouji took his classes without worries, as none of the girls who were in the study group went looking for him to have a passionate moment with him.\n\nAyanokouji was relieved by this. He could finally rest for a damn day.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nThe passing of the hours had marked after a long day the end of classes, heralding the close of another day at the university. Ayanokouji made his way to the meeting place for all the members of the History Club, as Eun-jung had quoted to him. After walking for a few minutes and passing in front of a simple coffee shop to buy a coffee (coffee was the victim of some little experiments on his part) Kiyotaka arrived at the apartment where the club meetings were held.\n\n\nBefore opening the apartment door, Kiyotaka could hear the voices of the girls. They seemed to be having fun and enjoying a lively conversation with each other. After waiting outside for a few seconds, he finally entered, only to find the five girls talking animatedly about him and his great-friend.\n\n \"... After that night, Kiyotaka gave us all so much pleasure that none of the girls were able to attend class the next day. That night was really intense, surpassing all imaginable limits...\"\n\n<b>(Normal conversation between crazy girls who shared a special taste).</b>\n\n\nHearing that account, Kiyotaka recalled every second of what happened that night. He agreed with what Ichika said about that night, as that night was undoubtedly a truly erotic-sounding show.\n\nKiyotaka simply sighed, taking a seat on the couch as he was greeted by the girls.\n\n \"Good, we're all here now, so we can get started with the meeting for the day\". Eun-jung uttered, giving her a little pat to end the discussion the girls were having so that they could address another issue of utmost importance.\n\n \"So where are the others?\"\n\nKiyotaka asked not seeing the other two boys in the club.\n\n \"Choi said he was sick and couldn't attend today. As for Jung-pil, he was expelled.\" Eun-jung revealed.\n\nAt these words, Kiyotaka didn't express or react to what the purple-haired girl said. Actually, he didn't care about Jung-pil's situation, and the girls didn't seem to care much about the dark-haired boy's presence either. He didn't feel anything about the boy's departure.\n\nOn the other hand, Jang's sudden illness took Kiyotaka by surprise. He planned to talk to him later, as he considered the sporty boy as just another friend.\n\n \"In that case... Why did you call us, Eun-jung?\" Kiyotaka asked.\n\n \"All of us were talking about going on vacation to a small villa of my parents' after the exams, to take a break from studying and relax a bit.\"\n\nEun-jung revealed, sharing the plan that the girls had been preparing not only to relax but also to give Kiyotaka a nice gift as a token of their gratitude for satisfying them so much. This idea came about when Ichika told them about the many sexual adventures Kiyotaka had experienced before coming to South Korea.\n\nWhether it was because he was used to watching girls' expressions or because his manly instincts told him so, Kiyotaka knew that this trip, which was supposed to be a relaxing getaway, would turn into a long sexual adventure. Such a thought made Kiyotaka ponder the limits of this upcoming trip. He could not deny the charm and temptation surrounding the idea, but at the same time, he questioned the fact that he was possibly not going to rest.\n\nHowever, as he gazed around the room at the girls' enthusiastic faces, Kiyotaka could not help but recognize the desire that burned within him. The prospect of exploring new depths of intimacy and pleasure with those girls who had become such an integral part of his life was undeniably appealing to him and to his friend, who was preparing for the trip.\n\n\"I see. A vacation sounds like a great idea for relaxing after exams.\" He agreed with what was said. - \"But let's remember to prioritize rest and relaxation. We don't want to overexert ourselves.\"\n\n \"I don't think that's possible, senpai.\" Ichika said, with an amused and somewhat mischievous smile.\n\n \"Of course, Kiyotaka. Rest will be a crucial aspect of our trip. But I also hope that we can create lasting memories together, that will bring us closer together as a club and as.... Lovers.\"\n\nLikewise, Eun-jung smiled mischievously. The other girls also did the same.\n\nAs the discussion continued, the atmosphere was filled with a mixture of anticipation and excitement. Ideas were exchanged, plans were made, and the boundaries of their upcoming vacation began to take shape. Each girl expressed her wishes and expectations, and Kiyotaka listened attentively.\n\nAfter some more planning and small talk, everyone said their goodbyes and went home to rest.\n\nOr at least that's what it was all about, as Ichika kept Kiyotaka busy most of the night with the excuse of making up for lost time. Excuses for Ichika to suck Kiyotaka's soul.\n\n...\n\n...\n\n...\n\nArriving on Friday morning, most of the study group was getting ready to go to a small house of Eun-jung's parents, where we would stay for 3 days to rest from the exams and strengthen our friendship.\n\nI really would have liked this trip to be normal. However, since it was announced that we were all going on vacation, I was already expecting the girls to finish me off during those three days of vacation. My fate was already written, and I didn't fight it.\n\n<b>(\"Canonical event\" - said Miguel O'Hara).</b>\n\n\nWhen we all left, my travel companions left for our destination to enjoy our vacation.\n\nI had in mind that the car trip would be my little vacation, as it was possibly one of the few opportunities to be able to rest without these crazy women attacking me. However, that was not my destination. I ended up making love to all the girls during the trip, making little stops so that all the girls could have a little time with me. Luckily, they let me rest for 15 minutes, which I used to think about my life and what I will do in the future.\n\n\nUndoubtedly, this little vacation that has lost its meaning for me, will be very exhausting for everyone.\n\n<b>...</b>\n\n<b>\n</b>\n\n<b>07/08/2023</b>\n\n<b>That's all from my side.</b>\n\n<b>I apologize for not making this chapter long. Next chapter, which will be the last of this story, I will try to make it longer.</b>\n\n<b>Anyway. I don't have much to say honestly.</b>\n\n<b>Goodbye.</b>", "Many things have happened in my life since the last time I updated.\n\nSupposedly, I wanted to finish this story last month. However, last month, I had a kidney disease. During that time, I've been thinking about various things, including what I'll do with this story.\n\nI want to finish the story, that's clear to me. The main idea is that all the girls will participate in a very affectionate activity with Kiyotaka. However, I haven't found the inspiration to write that scene yet.\n\nI think I've said this before, but I'm thinking about making a book where I'll upload chapters that don't have a continuation, in other words, \"One-Shots.\" I'm also considering uploading chapters from a story I've written on my other Wattpad account, with better narration to make it more entertaining.\n\nI've currently written two stories, both with a prologue and the first chapter, one with over 5,000 words and the other with over 8,000 words, just so you know I haven't stopped writing.\n\nAnyway, below I'll provide a small preview of the final chapter of Sextudy Group and the prologues of the two stories I've written.\n\nEnjoy.\n\n<b>--------------------------------------------------</b>\n\n\nRemember that these are only drafts, so don't pay attention to my bad spelling and grammar.\n\n\n<b>--------------------------------------------------</b>\n\n<b>Preview of: Sextudy Group.</b>\n\n\nThe journey was long and exhausting, at least for me. It's not easy dealing with five women who displayed their lustful desires during the trip.\n\nWe arrived at the countryside house that belonged to Eun-jung's family. We unloaded everything we had brought for the trip and left it in the house.\n\nAs I placed my luggage where I would be sleeping, if I could sleep on this vacation, Ichika appeared behind me and climbed onto my back. I felt her breath as she approached my ear and spoke to me.\n\n\"It was a very boring trip, Kiyotaka-senpai. I hope to have fun with you tonight.\"\n\nIchika chuckled as she said that while leaving her things by the bed.\n\n\"Are you staying with me?\"\n\nShe nodded.\n\n\"Yes. I won that right in a game of rock, paper, scissors.\" Smiling, she began to unpack. However, she stopped and turned to look at me. \"Can you leave, please?\"\n\n\"Eh? Why?\"\n\n\"Just be a good boy and do it.\"\n\nShe didn't give me a response and instead just smiled with supposed innocence, waiting for me to leave the room.\n\nI sighed resignedly and left the room, catching a sigh of relief from Ichika.\n\nThat was weird.\n\nHaving been kicked out of my room, I started walking down the narrow hallway, where I saw an open door with the voices of Hyun and Seyeon coming from it. I couldn't hear what they were saying, so out of sheer curiosity, I approached to listen better.\n\nBefore I could see what was in the room, Seyeon's female intuition made her turn to the door, seeing me, and quickly walked to close it while yelling at me, \"Nosy, get out of here!\"\n\nBeing kicked out for the second time, I walked again and this time ran into Su-hyun, who was coming out of the room she shared with Eun-jung.\n\n<b>--------------------------------------------------</b>\n\n<b>Preview of: COTE: FIFTH LEADER (MOTIVATION OF GENIUS) (YEAR 1)</b>\n\n<b>Prologue: Motivation.</b>\n\nWhat is motivation?\n\nMotivation is a concept that refers to the internal and external processes that direct, energize, and maintain a person's behavior toward the achievement of goals or the satisfaction of needs. It is a driving force that compels individuals to act and persevere in pursuing objectives, overcome challenges, and seek personal satisfaction.\n\nMotivation is fundamental in daily life as it influences academics, work, sports, artistic performance, and many other areas of life. It's what propels us to get out of bed in the morning, set goals, strive to achieve them, and persist despite obstacles. Without motivation, achieving success or finding satisfaction in our actions would be difficult.\n\nLike any living being, I have my own clear motivations, although I only have one motivation: making my parents happy. I live perfectly well with that motivation in my life. Thanks to this simple motivation, I have achieved several accomplishments that have made my parents proud of me.\n\nI don't know if my motivation is something to be admired. Whether it's admirable or not, I am content with it.\n\nI am content, but my mother has always wanted me to have more motivation in my life. She is content with my motivation, but she always tells me that I should aspire to something more.\n\nThroughout my life, I have tried what my mother has told me. I have sought more motivation throughout my life; however, I have never found it.\n\nIs that a bad thing? I don't know.\n\nIn any case, to continue my quest for new motivations, I have decided to attend the most prestigious high school in my country, hoping to find more motivations to add to my list that I will have to show my mother when I graduate from that school with the document that will reveal that I graduated from the most prestigious high school in Japan.\n\nBut... Do I have the motivation to do it?\n\n<b style=\"text-align:center;\">--------------------------------------------------</b>\n\n<b>Preview of: Elite Stars (Provisional title)</b>\n\n<b>Prologue.</b>\n\nTalent is a combination of innate or acquired skills and aptitudes that distinguish one person from all others. It can be defined as exceptional proficiency, an outstanding aptitude that manifests in artistic, academic, athletic, or any other sphere of human accomplishment.\n\nThe truth about talent is not confined solely to the faculties with which we are born but can be forged and perfected through diligence, experience, and dedication. While some individuals may display innate talent in specific areas from an early age, the development of such talent requires unceasing effort and a continual pursuit of improvement.\n\nThe diverse manifestations of talent are as varied as they are fascinating. On one hand, there are those gifted in the musical realm, whose exceptional abilities are displayed in playing instruments or singing. On the other hand, we have sports prodigies, whose agility, strength, or coordination sets them apart in athletic disciplines. We must not overlook academic talents, those extraordinary beings capable of grasping and applying complex concepts in fields like mathematics, science, or literature.\n\nHowever, it is worth noting that talent does not guarantee absolute success in a specific field. While it may provide an initial advantage, lasting success requires equal measures of effort, perseverance, and dedication. Even those blessed with innate talent must toil to cultivate it, overcoming obstacles on their path to excellence.\n\nFurthermore, talent can take on multiple facets, and a person may excel in various areas or disciplines. Some individuals possess a natural inclination toward various artistic expressions, while others excel both academically and athletically. Talent is not limited to a single sphere but allows individuals to explore and develop different dimensions of their potential.\n\nIn summary, talent embodies an exceptional aptitude or skill in a specific area, whether acquired or innate, which positions a person prominently relative to others. While it constitutes a valuable starting point, achieving excellence and lasting success demands constant effort and dedication.\n\nNow, we delve into another topic: the purpose of a school. An educational institution has as its primary objective to provide students with formal and systematic education that enables them to develop essential skills and knowledge to face life's challenges and contribute to the progress of the society they are part of.\n\nSchools pursue specific goals, such as teaching practical skills, fostering critical and creative thinking, promoting socialization and teamwork, and preparing students for higher education and the workplace.\n\nIn essence, the purpose of a school is to offer comprehensive education that allows students to unfold their full potential, becoming informed, critical, and responsible citizens capable of positively contributing to society.\n\nWith these concepts in mind, the United States aimed to create the best possible schools, capable of meeting all the expectations associated with an educational institution and, in this way, facilitating the development of young talents.\n\nIn pursuit of this goal, the United States has achieved its mission. It has established educational institutions of excellence where outstanding young individuals are trained and awarded a title called \"Elite Star.\"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ]
Title: Sextudy Group (Ayanokouji Kiyotaka) Description: "This study group... It wasn't what I expected...". That was Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's thought when he discovered the secret of the History Study Group. (Alert: This story contains sexual scenes. I know perfectly well that this alert is going to be ignored, so I hope you enjoy this story). Tags: ['18', 'ayanokouji', 'ayanokoujikiyotaka', 'classroomoftheelite', 'cote', 'group', 'harem', 'kiyotaka', 'lemon', 'sextudygroup', 'sexy', 'southkorea', 'university']
# Prologue <i><b>(I don't know what happened to me. In a WhatsApp group, they passed this manhwa, and since I had nothing to do, I decided to read "Sextudy Grup". After reading all the chapters in one day, I thought, "Why don't I make a fanfic of this manhwa with the one male character who has the best potential for this kind of story?" At that moment I said to myself, "You are a very smart man Author-kun...". After a moment's thought, I decided to write this story to distract myself a bit. I hope you all enjoy it).</b></i><b><i> </i></b> <b><i>...</i></b> Exactly one month ago I moved to South Korea. The reason? The answer is something people who know me well will know. Freedom. That's what I wanted for myself, and I got it after learning that the White Room closed completely. It was a very strange event that simply doesn't need to be told. After my father went to jail for what he had done, a lot of things happened. To summarize the events, all the White Room students were released and the workers were arrested. The White Room students had no family. Most of them were either dropped off at the White Room by their own parents, or taken from an orphanage, so none of them had anywhere to go. So the vast majority of the students were left in the care of the government to find them a family. Others, like me, went to another country to continue their lives. I did not choose to go to South Korea. I would have preferred to go to another country, but I had to accept that I had to go there if I wanted a peaceful life. I know beforehand that South Korea is a strict country, even more so when it comes to education. Life in South Korea is all about graduating from a good university. That may be a big problem for many, but for me, it is not. With the skills I have, it won't be a problem. In this new life, I have decided not to hold back. If I want to have a good life, I will strive to enjoy my life in this country. But... in the future, I am going to leave this country. I want to live in a country that is not so strict. I can't imagine a full life in this country. Of course, this thought may change in the future, but I doubt it very much. ... ... ... A week after starting my classes at a good university that I got into thanks to my skills, right now I'm at a welcome party for new students. This small welcome party was made by several Seonbae (senpais so you understand me) from the university. To be honest, the only reason I am here is to form some relationships with my classmates. I tried to get better at that, however, I'm failing in my first few days... again. *slurp* Wow... This alcohol is really bad. "Aren't you having fun?" "Huh...?" I heard someone talking to me. I looked straight ahead to see the girl who had spoken to me. She was a really beautiful girl, with a bust that any man would want to touch with his completely bare hands. At least that was my opinion. To be honest, she reminded me of a high school classmate. "Not really...". "I guess it wasn't fun being brought here by a sunbae.... wasn't it?" The guy who invited me is now flirting with an orange-haired girl. Even in this country, there are people with extravagantly colored hair. "It was my decision to come here, so it's my fault for not making an effort." I said in response to what this sunbae girl said. "Do you guys want to do a second round at karaoke?" "Whoa~ I want to, I want to...!" "Yeah... No problem..." I guess I have to try a little harder... "Let's go for another round of karaoke! Freshmen... Mainly freshman girls, don't miss it!" One boy shouted loudly. Little by little, these young college students will fall to the ground from alcohol. Even being my seniors... They are unable to control themselves with drinks. Come to think of it, I'm pretty tolerant of alcohol. That's good, I think. I don't even feel anything. "Hey... Do you want to leave too?" Suddenly, a guy with glasses standing next to me asked me. I guess I'm still pretty easy to read in this area. "Yeah..." I replied. ... ... ... Both the guy with glasses and the orange-haired girl who had been drinking a lot, we left the karaoke to go home. When I got home, I took a bath. I reeked of alcohol, and it wouldn't do to spread that smell inside my house. *Rin* As I was about to go to bed, my bedroom doorbell rang. That's strange, to say the least. Maybe it's the people I snuck out of karaoke with. "Who is...?" I opened the door. In front of me was the sunbae girl from before. "Hick-up...!" From her face and that sound that was somehow cute, I guess she's drunk. The round at the karaoke sure was loud, since she didn't look that drunk before. Is that the example superiors set for their juniors? "What do you need...?" Without giving me a chance to speak, she walked into my room. "Hey..." "I'm going to sleep..." This time she shushed me, lying down on my bed. ... ... ...  "Wow...". From this angle, I could see her ass. Thanks to her tight skirt, I could perfectly notice that this drunk girl's ass was big. Her curves were perfect. "What am I thinking?" At this point what I should be thinking about is... What am I going to do with this girl? "Do I let her sleep in my bed?" As I was thinking about it, I noticed that she had lifted up her shirt and skirt, revealing a bit of her body. "So hot...". She said. *sigh* I guess I'll just leave her there. It wouldn't be the first time I've let a girl in my bed, so it's okay. ... ... ... The next morning, a black-haired girl started to wake up. When the girl woke up, she quickly felt a bad hangover. She had drunk a lot of alcohol the night before, so a hangover was inevitable. However, that didn't matter to the girl. What did matter to her was that something smelled delicious. That smell was coming from her so-called kitchen. She looked around. The first thing she noticed was that she was not in her apartment. The second thing she noticed was that she was covered with a white sheet. "You're finally awake...". And the third thing she noticed was that there was a boy in a black apron, who was preparing breakfast. "You're the boy from yesterday...". She recognized him. "Good morning. I didn't introduce myself to you yesterday, sunbae. I am Ayanokouji Kiyotaka." # Chapter 1: Han Su-hyun (Any spelling errors you see, please let me know so I can correct them). (Apparently, they liked this story, so I'll keep uploading it while I solve the problem with Kiyotaka's sister's story). Things you should know: 1.- In the translations taken to write this story, they all put the word "sunbae" to refer to an older student, although when I looked it up, the term is written as "seonbae". So, to be more comfortable, I will write "sunbae". 2.- I will write the names of the characters in a different way in order to be more comfortable. 3.- This Kiyotaka already went through the events of COTE. There will be chapters explaining what happened to him in ANHS. 4.- Is it an action chapter? The answer is: Yes. ... (0)  "Sorry to bother you...". After learning what had happened the night before, the girl apologized to her hoobae (Hoobae = One less student = Kohai). "I unintentionally walked into the apartment next door... I really drank too much alcohol." "I guess that can happen, so it's okay. No need to apologize." "You told me your name was Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, didn't you? Are you Japanese?" "Can't you tell I'm Japanese?" "Well... Your pronunciation when speaking Korean is very good. It's amazing." "Thank you. I've practiced a lot." Bullshit! "Anyway. Thank you so much for breakfast. It was delicious." The girl got up from the table and started walking to the exit. Kiyotaka accompanied her superior. "Ah... I forgot. My name is Lee Eun-jung. Let's get along from now on, okay?" "Okay. Take care of me, Sunbae." And with that, they said goodbye. ... (1)  "Is she really that famous?" "No wonder, she's really cute!" Right now, Kiyotaka was doing some research on Eun-jung with a classmate who wanted to be her friend. Why did Kiyotaka want to know about Eun-jung? The answer to that question is: Because he was curious about the girl. "It was said that she was a model or a celebrity because of her beauty. But you know... I don't think you have a chance with her." "Chance?" "I mean having a chance to be Eun-jung Sunbae's boyfriend. You don't have any chance, Kiyotaka. It's said that she's too picky and doesn't usually accept dates. Lastly, she seems to have no interest in having a boyfriend. It's even rumored that he likes women, but those are just rumors. That last one really sounds exciting...". This last the boy whispered, however, Kiyotaka heard him, rolling his eyes. "Anyway...". - The boy looked at Kiyotaka. - "Tell me... Do you want to be Eun-jung Sunbae's boyfriend?" "Who knows...". Kiyotaka left that question without a clear answer. Was he interested in the girl? After a while in silence... "History Study Group....". The boy chanted at last. "History Study Group?" "Apparently... Eun-jung sunbae belongs to that club. She seems to only get along well with the members of that group. Tell me... Do you like the subject of History?" "You can say I do like it...". Not for nothing did he know a lot about the history of the world. Too much many would say, for he has a lot of knowledge when it comes to the subject of history. "Good answer. Listen well. The reason I'm telling you this is because I feel that you, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, have a small chance to be the boyfriend of the beautiful girl known as Lee Eun-jung, so I trust you, my friend." Those words somehow had a small impact on Kiyotaka. Kiyotaka recalled a conversation he once had with a high school classmate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Listen well... Ayanokouji. I'm aiming at Kushida-chan. So don't get in my way." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compared to his high school classmate, the boy in front of him was a true friend from the get-go. At least, that was what he could think. "Kiyotaka. If you can get into that group, maybe, and just maybe, you might have a chance with the beautiful Eun-jung sunbae." "Thank you for your support, Yejun. I'll try." And he wasn't lying when he said that to Yejun. He was going to try to get into that group to get to know Eun-jung a little bit. After all... that girl... awakened something inside him... Something that hadn't happened for a long time... Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ... (2) On a quiet night, Eun-jung was walking inside an apartment building, holding a white box with a small cake inside in her hands. She stopped walking when she noticed that she had reached her destination. She rang the doorbell of the apartment, waiting for the owner to open the door. "Coming..." She listened to the boy who lived in the apartment. When the owner of the apartment opened the door, the girl was shocked by what she saw. In front of the beautiful girl, a boy made an appearance, having only a towel around his waist, covering the lower part of his body and showing only the upper part of his body. "Eun-jung sunbae... What are you doing here?" At the girl's sudden visit, he asked without caring much about her appearance. "This...!" - Eun-jung pointed at the box in her hand. - "I came to thank you for yesterday. I bought a cake as compensation." "Thank you... But it wasn't necessary..." "Accept the gifts your Sunbae gives you. It's too much cake for you to eat by yourself, so eat it with a friend." With that said, Eun-jung was about to leave. However, Kiyotaka stopped her action to ask something. "I heard that you're in a study group. I know it may seem sudden, but I just wanted to know if I can join your history study group." At what was said, the girl put on a serious look at first. However, she smiled after giving that serious look. "Can I have your cell phone?" "Sure...". Kiyotaka walked over to her bed, taking her cell phone. She then passed it to Eun-jung, who started typing in her number, saving her contact number in Kiyotaka's cell phone. "It's done! Call me after morning classes." And with nothing more to say, Eun-jung left. Watching Eun-jung walk down the stairs, Kiyotaka closed the door, looking at her cell phone. "I guess I have things to do tomorrow." He said in a whisper. ... (3) The next day - After school... "It's in this building...". After walking for a while, Kiyotaka and Eun-jung arrived at their destination. "It looks a bit luxurious...". "It's nice, isn't it? Anyway, the others are already inside. Let's go inside now." With a smile, Eun-jung guided Kiyotaka inside the building. By this point, Kiyotaka had his suspicions, and he kept them in his mind as he watched Eun-jung. After climbing up to the second floor of the building, one of the doors of one of the apartments opened, revealing a wild blonde girl. "Wow... Cute!" Quickly, that blonde girl stuck to Kiyotaka. The latter remained calm without showing any emotion despite feeling the blonde girl's breasts. "We have a new member...!" The blonde girl shouted to announce that to the others. The other members looked their way to Kiyotaka, who simply looked at them with her poker face. "Now let's start with the introductions. Let's start with Kiyotaka." Eun-jung spoke after the small silence that followed. "I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, a freshman in the accounting department. It's a pleasure." At Kiyotaka's introduction, a boy of his own height approached him. Many would have been uncomfortable with that boy's approach, as he had a good physique that could be seen with the naked eye, and might intimidate some. But for Kiyotaka, the boy's presence did not intimidate him or anything like that. "I'm Choi Jang, a sophomore in the local social services department." Jang reached out his hand to shake Kiyotaka's hand, which Kiyotaka accepted. "A strong grip. Do you work out?" "A little." Kiyotaka answered Jang's question. "I'm Gang Jeong-pil, a sophomore in the same department. It's nice to meet you." Now it was the other boy's turn. "I say the same thing." "Pay attention to this girl." - The blonde girl caught Kiyotaka's attention. - "Han Su-hyun, Sophomore of the local social services department! My breasts are big, aren't they, do you want to touch them?" This question left Kiyotaka speechless. What kind of group was this? "You'd better forget it." - Gang told him. - "That girl is dating him." He pointed at Jang. "She didn't even have those intentions." Kiyotaka clarified. "Kang Hyun-mi. You were at my reading this afternoon, weren't you? Um... Just think of me as a tutoring teacher." If Kiyotaka already had her suspicions, now her suspicions grew a little more. "Lee Eun-jung, a second-year student from the same department! Let's work together starting today." And her suspicions were also due to the fact that they all belonged to the same local social services department. Slowly, he felt he was getting into something troublesome, again. "Yes. I also look forward to working with all of you." Kiyotaka said in response. "Very good! Let's have a welcome party today, shall we!" Han proposed. Her tone was cheerful and excited. "A welcome party?" "Let's have some drinks, do you drink a lot?" "Not much... But I can handle alcohol well." Kiyotaka said in response to Choi's question, which hugged Kiyotaka's neck. "You don't seem to like it." Han looked at Gang, who was just watching everyone leave the apartment. "Not really..." Gang replied. "You wished for more holes instead of sticks?" "It's not confirmed yet anyway. That weakling will become our co-worker, only after he passes The Test. Hyun-mi was in charge when Choi Jang came in, so it's your job this time, right? What a pity, having to deal with a weakling like him." In response to Han said Gang said that while holding the girl's butt. She walked away. "Despite that... I think he's cute and I like him. Besides..." - Han turned to look at Gang. - "Maybe this Japanese boy has a surprise." (What eats who guesses). "That won't happen." ... (4)  "Excuse me... How did someone so cute end up in this country?" "Because of family matters." As was now customary for Kiyotaka, he gave a short answer to a question. The question was asked by Han, who was holding a mug of beer. "Hey... You really hold your liquor well. What are you made of?" Out of everyone, Kiyotaka was the one who was drinking the most. However, he didn't seem to be affected by the alcoholic drinks. His companions seemed a little more affected by the alcohol. "Like I said... I'm pretty tolerant of alcohol, although I really don't want to drink that much. It will just be for this one occasion." Kiyotaka replied, finishing another pitcher of beer. "At this rate...". "Kiyotaka... I'll get you something special. Wait a moment." With a smile, Eun-jung got up from the table and left. After a few seconds, Eun-jung had returned with a small cup and a bottle. "This is the special house wine bottle." Eun-jung handed the wine glass to Kiyotaka, who drank it slowly. ... ... ... Kiyotaka had let his guard down.... After the feast, he had fallen asleep.... When he started to wake up, Kiyotaka felt something strange. Looking down, Kiyotaka looked at Su-hyun, who was licking his penis... Wait a moment. licking his penis? "Did you wake up?" "..." What was going on? Kiyotaka was confused. Wasn't Su-hyun supposed to have a boyfriend? "Is something wrong with you, do you have a problem?" Why was Han Su-hyun licking his penis in her mouth? Was what he wondered, looking at the girl. "I-I didn't think...that your penis was so.... big... I can't get my mouth on it...". The girl had clarified, trying to put her mouth on Kiyotaka's penis, managing to only get the tip in. "Su-hyun sunbae, didn't you say that you... had a boyfriend?" Hearing the question, the girl stopped trying to put her mouth on Kiyotaka's penis. "No need to worry, can you hear the noises from the next room?" As if by magic, Kiyotaka began to hear several moans from a woman in the next room. "Do you want to know who's in the next room, it's my boyfriend and the teacher, now do you understand me?" Such a statement made Kiyotaka's eyes widen, a little surprised by what was said. From the sounds in the room, Kiyotaka could get a faint picture of what was going on in the next room. After some thought, he knew the secret of the History Study Group. "So it's okay for you to do this?" Just to make sure, and not to get in trouble with Su-hyun's boyfriend, he asked. "Yes. So... enjoy as much as you wish." - She said, climbing on top of Kiyotaka. - "I'll let you do it without a condom...". Su-hyun took Kiyotaka's penis, placing it at her private entrance. He went down slowly, and when she felt it go all the way down, she moaned in pleasure. Su-hyun looked down below her, only to be surprised. "D-Didn't your penis go all the way in?" She felt how Kiyotaka's penis had reached her womb. However, looking down, she could see that Kiyotaka's penis still did not enter her vagina completely. "Was it that big? No... That thing got bigger when it entered me." She thought. "Can I move?" "Yes... But~ kyaaa!" Su-hyun cried out again in pleasure, feeling the penis inside her push inside her. She felt pleasure all over her body, sticking out her tongue as proof of it. Kiyotaka began to move, and with that, Su-hyun's moans of pleasure echoed through the room. Every thrust the boy gave made the girl feel good. "This boy is really... So good!" Su-hyun thought to herself. Kiyotaka looked at the girl for a moment. The girl's face showed how good she felt with the thrusts he gave. He wanted to try something, but he would do it later. After a few minutes, Kiyotaka was ready to deliver his first load to Su-hyun, so, before he ejaculated inside Su-hyun, he pulled his penis out of Su-kyun's vagina, staining the girl with his semen. Su-kyun screamed as she felt Kiyotaka's hot semen. In addition to that scream of pleasure from the girl, vaginal discharge started coming out of Su-kyun's vagina. A large amount of vaginal discharge to be exact. "That was... very intense..." She said to herself, catching a little of the breath she had lost. As she had said, the sex act she had with Kiyotaka was intense and unbelievable for her. "I guess..." - She paused to look down at Kiyotaka. - "Is he still erect?" "..." Kiyotaka said nothing to what Su-kyun said. Su-kyun stood thinking for a moment. She knew something when Kiyotaka moved inside her. It wasn't the first time the boy had sex. To the girl's liking, the boy had moved perfectly when his penis was inside her. He knew the best way to move so that the girl could enjoy his penis almost completely. The tip of Kiyotaka's penis always reached deep inside Su-kyun, something that delighted the girl, who enjoyed every thrust the brown-haired boy gave her. "Want another round?" Su-kyun asked Kiyotaka, as she opened the entrance of her vagina, aiming to encourage the boy. Kiyotaka thought for a moment about the offer. Then he thought about why he was thinking about the offer. This was not something Kiyotaka wanted out of his life. Rather... he didn't think about having a romantic relationship with someone. After a while... "Tell me one thing. What kind of History Group is this?" "Actually, this group is called Sexudy. It's a place where guys and girls come to have fun. The reason why this group is called History Group is so that no one would want to join. So, congratulations, you are already part of this group. Every vagina in this group is available to you, Kiyotaka." "I understand...". - Kiyotaka kept silent. - "Tell me... Eun-jung sunbae is part of this group?" "Do you like Eun-jung?" "No. I'm just asking out of pure curiosity." He quickly replied. "Anyway, no. Eun-jung is not part of this. She doesn't have sex with anyone. She's just the founder of this study group. There are rules in this group. First, you are part of the sextudy, you can't let anyone know about it. Second, Eun-jung is just the founder, she is not part of the sextudy. Third, all sex that occurs at the sextudy must be reported to the founder. Fourth, the founder provides all the money and rooms for sexual activities, including that office in the hotel. It is hers. And the last and most important... You have to report that you had sex at least once a week. If you don't, you are automatically expelled." "Well... I don't really care about that. I won't be part of this group dedicated to sex. I just wanted to join a normal group." And with that said, Kiyotaka got up from the bed. He was still naked, so he picked up his clothes that were on the floor, and started to put on his shirt. "I can't afford to lose a penis like that...". Su-hyun thought, somewhat chagrined by the thought. "Now say one thing to me. You're interested in Eun-jung, aren't you?" "I already said so. No, I don't like her." "I don't mean that...". - Kiyotaka turned to look at the girl. - "I mean the fact that you want to sleep with her. Tell me... Did you really want to get into this group because of the study?" There was no immediate response from Kiyotaka. He only went to the club just out of interest. Eun-jun caught Kiyotaka's interest. He intended to join the History Study Group to find out if the feeling he had felt was just a coincidence. He sighed and spoke after thinking about what he was going to say. # Chapter 2: Kang Hyun-mi (In the end, I chose to do weekly chapters. I was finally able to make a schedule so I could write). (Any spelling errors in this chapter, please let me know). ... (0) "Did you really join Eun-jung Sumbae's study group?" "Yes." Kiyotaka answered his first friend's question in college. Last night, after thinking about it for a while, Kiyotaka had agreed to join the sex group. When Kiyotaka agreed to join the group, Su-hyun, in her moment of happiness and without a second thought, asked Kiyotaka for one more round of sex to celebrate that moment, taking advantage of the fact that the night was young. Kiyotaka had no problem having one more round of sex with Su-hyun. He had to discharge energy somehow, so, at the end of that day... "You look tired, buddy. Did you sleep well?" "I got a little sleepless." "I see. Hey... Do you think they'll let me into that group if I ask?" "I doubt it very much. They told me they're not accepting people anymore." "That's a pity." - Yejun sighed in defeat. - "I'm really doing badly in the history subject, can you help me with that subject?" "If I have time, I'll help you as much as I can." "Thanks, buddy!" ... (1) After school... "See you tomorrow, Kiyotaka...". "See you later." Kiyotaka said goodbye to his friend at the end of class. He pulled out his cell phone to see a message that had come in. [Wait at the university entrance. We're coming to get you]. That was the message Su-hyun sent him when the last bell rang, so, like a good Hoobae, he waited for his seniors to go with them to the club. ... ... ... "Does anyone need anything else?" After everyone turned in their sex reports, where Kiyotaka remembered that his report could be written, the meeting was coming to an end. "I ran out of money. Give me 150 thousand won for motel costs and condoms." "150 thousand won?" As if money didn't matter to Eun-jung, she handed over the money Jung-pil was asking for. (N/A: Why do they have to change my name?) At that moment, Kiyotaka could really check that Eun-jung covered all the group's expenses. "Hey, Han Su-hyun. Let's go to the motel together." "¿?" Su-hyun showed mild surprise, but then she just smiled. "Wait a minute, Jung-pil. You were supposed to do it with me today...". In a disconsolate tone, that person who had said that was the sweet teacher Kang Hyun-mi. She hadn't liked hearing that from Jung-pil. "Is it okay if I go?" "Yes..." A little confused, Kiyotaka answered Su-hyun's question. "Alright. Let's go get a round~". And with Su-hyun's saying so, both she and Jung-pil left the room. "Hey, rookie." - Jang called out to Kiyotaka, who turned to look at him. - "Do you want to go eat with me?" Not having much, Kiyotaka just accepted Jang's invitation. After the two boys left, the only people left in the room were Eun-jung and Hyun-mi. "Everyone left..." Eun-jung said that to no one in particular. She could only see how Hyun-mi was not happy. ... (2) "Are you being harder than usual on me today? Because you seem to be losing your place in the group? Are you jealous?" While Su-hyun was being penetrated by Jung-pil's fingers, she teased the boy. "In your dreams!" Jung-pil hadn't liked what the girl said, so he strongly penetrated the girl with his fingers to make her shut up. "Me jealous? Did it make you feel something like that?" The girl seemed to be pleased at being invested by the boy's penis. However... "Of course it did! It made me feel amazing..." She answered the boy's question with a teasing smile. She remembered for a moment what happened the night before with Kiyotaka. That night, the boy used his fingers on her very well. Remembering that, the girl had a small orgasm. "Not only did he handle his fingers perfectly, but his penis is on another level. His sex is incredible." (When you try Kiyotaka's T-rex, you'll never go back to the person you were before. I have no proof, but I have no doubts either). ... (3) "You can eat as much as you want. Tonight's on me." Jang said while taking a piece of meat from the grill. "Thank you. I'll take it." - Kiyotaka thanked, starting to eat. - "And tell me... Why did you invite me here?" "Oh... So you noticed my intentions, huh?" - Jang smiled. - "Well, I just wanted to give you some advice." "Advice?" "Though more than advice... Would it be a bit of a nosy opinion? I think somehow it's a good thing for you to know...". "If it's something I should know, go ahead and say what you have to say to me." "I understand. Well... it's about our teacher, Hyun-mi." "What about her?" "You see... Teacher Hyun-mi really likes Jung-pil. That's the reason why she joined the group. She's kind of hostile to all men except for Jung-pil, and with women, she's usually kind of cold. so... I hope you'll be a little understanding if she's ever cold to you or does something that makes you feel uncomfortable." "I've dealt with people like that before. It's not something that's a problem for me." Kiyotaka clarified. "I'm glad to hear that." "As for Jung-pil.... You could say that he... Is he someone dangerous? That guy thinks the study group is his own personal harem. But in the end, it's in the rules to share... and that's something he doesn't like." Kiyotaka just nodded at what was said. Another crazy person to deal with in this country... "Anyway, excluding Lee Eun-jung, the group now has 3 men and 2 women active. And maybe... Jung-pil will try to kick you out." "That doesn't worry me. I can deal with people like that. I doubt Jung-pil will be a problem for me." "You sound confident." "Is that so?" - Kiyotaka looked at Jang for confirmation, receiving a nod from the latter. - "I've dealt with those kinds of people before. I highly doubt Jung-pil can compare to them." "I see..." - Jang just smiled as he listened to Kiyotaka. - "Anyway. You've heard that if you don't have sex once a week, you're out, right?" "Yes. It was one of the first things Su-hyun told me." "That's what Jung-pil is most likely to do to expel you. If he tells the other girls not to have sex with you... It'll be a natural thing for you to leave." "As I told you, I'll manage to save myself." After all, I always do. ... (4) The next day... Kiyotaka was lying on a bed, thinking about some things. "I never thought of doing this again...". At this moment, Kiyotaka was recalling some events that happened at ANHS. In all those memories that were going through his mind, there was a different girl in each memory. He also recalled several places that he had been to. One of those places was the room he had been in at ANHS. Room 401. In-room 401 several events had taken place involving Kiyotaka and several ANHS girls. What did these events consist of? The more normal events were the meetings that were organized in Kiyotaka's room, where various school-related topics were discussed. The most abnormal thing that happened in room 401 was the sexual acts Kiyotaka had with some girls. When Kiyotaka started his sophomore year of high school, he started his sexual acts. All those sexual acts happened because of a certain scarlet-haired girl. Amasawa Ichika was the name of the girl who was to blame for the sexual acts Kiyotaka had happened. She was the beginning of the journey of lust that Kiyotaka had at ANHS. As a result of living in that environment of lust, something inside Kiyotaka awakened. A new Kiyotaka had awakened thanks to Amasawa. After graduating from ANHS, the other Kiyotaka slept, but not for long. It wasn't long before another girl woke up on the other side of Kiyotaka. Eun-jung was that girl who had briefly awakened on the other side of Kiyotaka. Kiyotaka wanted to know if what she had felt was the awakening of her other side at the sight of Eun-jung. By now, Kiyotaka was sure that the girl known as Lee Eun-jung was the one who was going to make his other side wake up again. Did he want his other side to wake up? Thinking about that, Kiyotaka sighed. "One more round?" Su-hyun asked Kiyotaka. Again he sighed. ... (5) New meeting... "So... Are you going to give me a sex report?" "Yes, Su-hyun's and mine....". "Hehe... It hasn't been a while since the last time they did it. Unlike..." - Eun-jung looked at the teacher. - "Another person who isn't doing anything lately. Will it already be a week from tomorrow?" "I know that too...". She said. "It's hard to take care of three people on my own~". "Got it!" - Su-hyun interrupted, smiling at the idea she came up with. - "Teacher, haven't you played with the new one yet? You can try it if you want." "I don't think..." "What, you don't want to?" "It's not that. If the teacher doesn't want to do it with me, it's her decision." "So you're not going to ask her? You should..." "I..." - Now it was Hyun-mi's turn to interrupt someone. - "I'm going to do it...! Follow me, Ayanokouji...". Somehow, Kiyotaka felt something familiar when he was called by his last name. He remembered Chabashira for a moment. "You can do it!" Jang supported Kiyotaka. (N/A: Jang is a good friend. Although...). "Catch her!" Su-hyun also supported his Hoobae. "It's going to be a long night...". Kiyotaka thought. ... (6) In the teacher's car... "I'm sorry it all happened this way...". - Feeling the atmosphere of the place, Kiyotaka apologized for a strange reason. - "If you don't want to do it with me you shouldn't do it. You just have to make the report...". "Wouldn't it be a problem if they find out?" - Listening to the woman, Kiyotaka remembered what a bad liar he was. - "There's no other way but to do it. You can't fake that... I wish I hadn't gotten into a group like this... Let's just get it over with and get this over with fast." 'Why does this sound familiar?' - Kiyotaka thought, reaching into his memories for the answer. - "I see...". Kiyotaka managed to remember why what he was experiencing seemed familiar. ... ... ... <i>'Let's do this once and for all. Just remember what you learned and that's it... everything will work out'.</i> After thinking that, Kiyotaka left the bathroom to go to the room where his beautiful teacher was waiting for him. When he got to the room, Kiyotaka could see his teacher naked. Her big breasts were very... large. "What took you so long?" Kiyotaka paid no attention to Hyun-mi. He concentrated on Hyun-mi's body. That body was that of a real lady. "There's a condom on the table, so put it on." "Yes..." He did as requested, and went for the condom. When he put on the condom, Kiyotaka felt uncomfortable. Too much for his liking. The condom had to fit, that was something he knew. However, the condom was not for him. The first thing that came to Kiyotaka's mind, was that the condom was of poor quality. Yes... That must be... "Excuse me... Teacher..." "What's wrong?" "The condom... it's too tight for me." Kiyotaka made her discomfort with the condom known. "Just stick your penis in. That's how tight a condom should be!" "But it shouldn't be that uncomfortable...". "Just put your penis in!" "Okay...". Feeling scolded, Kiyotaka put the tip of his penis at the entrance of the teacher's vagina. However, to make things easier, Kiyotaka stuck two of his fingers into the teacher's vagina, aiming to stimulate the woman. "Ah...". Kiyotaka stopped after hearing that little scream from her teacher. "Teacher... You made a very tender voice...". Kiyotaka wanted to try something he once did to tame an unsuspecting woman. "Of course not, I just yawned!" "If that's the case, then let's get started at once....". With that said, Kiyotaka arranges the woman in a better position for him. "Ahahaaah...". And again the teacher cried out to feel this time Kiyotaka's penis moving inside her. To avoid moans of pleasure, the woman covered her mouth. In the woman's mind, the woman refused to accept that the boy's penis that was investing her felt good. She was only going to accept Jung-pil's penis. However, her body was saying otherwise. Her mind refused to accept it, but her body quickly accepted Kiyoka's penis. Kiyotaka could get an idea of the woman's state of mind, so he concentrated on thrusting his penis deep inside the woman until she cummed. However, after a while of doing the act, Kiyotaka felt the condom break. Kiyotaka stopped as he felt the condom break. Before he could tell the teacher about the condom, the woman got on top of him. "I'll... I'll be on top. Stay still." Listening to the woman, Kiyotaka just decided not to tell her about the condom. At least for the time being. Hyun-mi was almost cumming. She decided to move on her own, with the sole purpose of not cumming and not indulging Kiyotaka. While the woman was thinking about some things, Kiyotaka could only see the woman's big breasts rising and falling from the movement. Somehow, that movement was hypnotic for him, so he decided to grab the woman's breasts, starting to move them little by little. Then he squeezed the woman's pink nipples, making her moan with pleasure. That was the moment. That was the moment to corrupt the woman. Kiyotaka filled the woman with his cum. When the woman felt it, she could no longer hold back. She had cum on Kiyotaka's penis. Kiyotaka had done it again. He had dominated a beautiful teacher again. ... ... ...  "Shouldn't you be telling us what happened!" Interrupting her boyfriend, Su-hyun picked up her cell phone to call Kiyotaka. Jang also wanted to know if his friend had achieved his goal. [Hello?] "Hey... Kiyotaka. How did it go?!" [How did it go?] "I'm talking about you and the lady. Did you manage to make the lady feel satisfied?!" [Satisfied? Well... I guess I succeeded.] Kiyotaka answered the question while looking at the woman on the sofa. The woman's face showed how satisfied she was to have sex with him. ... ... ... The next day... What do you need from me, professor? # Chapter 3: Seyeon's welcome <u><i><b>(I was without internet for three days. Without the internet, I can't write. It's also complicated to write this because my family only wants to see what I'm doing at any given moment. They know I write, but they don't know I write this kind of stuf</b></i><b>f).</b></u> <b><i><u>(You know: if this chapter has any spelling mistakes, let us know).</u></i></b><u><b> </b></u> <b>...</b> (0) "What do you need from me, teacher?" Heading for his beloved teacher's office, Kiyotaka knocked on the door. In a few seconds, Hyun-mi came out of the door. "Shh...!" - Hyun-mi asked for silence. - "Be quiet and come in." Without much to do, Kiyotaka entered without pretext into the office. Somehow, this brought back memories of his experiences at ANHS. These days, he had a lot of memories of his previous school. "Why did you call me?" Kiyotaka wondered why she was in that place, only to have him have his answer when he saw Hyun-mi slowly take off the clothes she was wearing. "Everything... This is all your fault! Because of you... I kept thinking about what happened yesterday... My pussy keeps getting wet without stopping... It wishes to be fucked again by your huge penis. I'm going crazy." In front of him, Kiyotaka had a seductive lady in rather provocative lingerie. Indeed, this brought back memories for him. "Take responsibility..." "You know we can't do it here. There are people who might walk by in the hallway." Kiyotaka wasn't going to risk it. She wasn't going to have sex in the office, not again. He took the risk once, so he didn't want to go through the same story twice. On one of those days, he ended up having sex with... "It'll be fine if we don't make noise." Kiyotaka sighed. He took the teacher's clothes and handed them to her. "If you want to do it so bad, I'll wait for you in your car." And without another word, Kiyotaka walked away, leaving the lady, knowing what was going to happen next. ... ... ... In some motel in the city... (Yes... This is the penis I want. I won't be satisfied if I don't do it with this guy...). That's what Hyun-mi thought, feeling every part of the boy's penis. (I feel like my stomach is turning into a mess. I didn't feel it even when I was doing it with Jung-pil&gt;. And that was yet another thought of the woman being invested every second by the boy. Kiyotaka, who could only hear the moans of pleasure given by the lady, knew the lady's thoughts almost perfectly. The woman's moans gave Kiyotaka an idea of what was going through the woman's mind. After a while, Kiyotaka wanted to please Hyun-mi. She asked for Kiyotaka's semen. He, as a good student, gave it to her. Kiyotaka looked at the sweet teacher. Just by looking at the woman, he knew she wanted more from him. He looked at the time. It was still early, so he simply set out to please the teacher. However, before that... "So... Jung-pil asked you to have sex with me?" Before continuing, Kiyotaka wanted to confirm a slight suspicion he had. Hearing the question, the woman fell silent. "If you don't answer me, then I will stop...". Hearing that threat from Kiyotaka, Hyun-mi replied with a: Yes. Having an answer to her question, Kiyotaka asked another one. "Do you prefer mine or his?" With the boy's threat in her mind, this time the woman responded immediately. "Yours..." That was the woman's final answer. Without having yet another question, Kiyotaka pleased Hyun-mi further. ... (1) The next day... [There's a new person today, so let's meet today!] That was the message read by Kiyotaka, which was sent by Eun-jung. (A new person for the group...). He thought as he read the girl's message. ... ... ...  "I'm Seyeon. I'm a first-year business administration student! Thank you for your time!" "What do you think... she's pretty, isn't she!" Su-hyuen hugged the new girl who had joined the study group. Kiyotaka looked at the new girl. If he had to say anything about her, it was that the girl had nice thighs. The girl's thighs were squeezed by black stockings. "... I brought her here, so thank me, guys." "Wasn't it a secret about the group sex?" Hearing his girlfriend, Jang asked that question. "That doesn't matter anymore because I already brought her here!" (Another girl taking my class...). That was the thought of the only lady in the group. She was very lucky. "Hey, I'd like to ask you a favor...". - As quickly as she entered the group, Seyeon wanted to ask Eun-jung for a favor. Eun-jung merely looked at Seyeon curiously. - "I'm going to change the person I should do my test with. I want to do it with Kiyotaka, can I?" Hearing her name, Kiyotaka just looked at the girl asking for her service. Kiyotaka was seriously thinking about getting something in return before giving her services. Girls abused his trust a lot. Not that he was bothered by that either, but he had to set limits. "You can't do that." - Jung-pil spoke up. - "You've never joined the group officially. Don't you think your senior would be better at welcoming you? Why don't you do it with me? Come on, I'm not going to let you down." "You give tenderness." Was Seyeon's statement upon hearing his elder. "What!" "To me, this guy is an unreasonable jerk, why would I do it with him?" "You! You have to do it with me if you come here anyway!" "It's not like that." - Eun-jung intervened in the discussion. - "You only have to file a sex report once a week. You're not going to be forced to do it with whomever we say. If you don't want to do it with Jung-pil, you don't have to. You have the right to refuse." At Eun-jung's clarification, Jung-pil was angry. "Where are you going?" "What do you care!" Jung-pil shouted, walking out of the meeting. Kiyotaka just watched this casually, while he thought about whether to agree to have sex with Seyeon. "What about you, Kiyotaka, is it okay if you do it with Seyeon?" "Well..." - He thought about it. - "I really don't know. I want to get some rest." "I don't want to lose a girl who has wanted this for a long time. Give it a try. If you do well... I'll give you a prize." "Prize?" Now Kiyotaka was interested in what Eun-jung said. "If it's within my power.... I'll grant you a wish. Whatever you want." A moment ago he was thinking about receiving something in exchange for his services. In exchange for having sex with Seyeon, he would get something from Eun-jung. The offer was tempting to him. "I'll do it." He accepted the girl's offer. (That Eun-jung is going to give you a prize? That's ridiculous...). (I wanted to do it with Kiyotaka today too...). That was the thought of the two women who wanted Kiyotaka's friend that day. Strangely, Kiyotaka felt something familiar as he watched the two women making cute pouts. He remembered two girls, one with pinkish-blonde hair and a blonde with a white bow in her hair. Those memories were only in the mind of Kiyotaka and this humble author who could write those memories down if they wished. "So... With this, we end the meeting!" ... ... ...  "Where do you want to go? I'm fine if you want to do it here." Seyeon climbed onto Kiyotaka's back, sticking his cheek with the boy's. "The secret room..." Su-hyun caught Kiyotaka and Seyeon's attention. "Secret room?" Kiyotaka repeated what the girl said. "Eun-jung said you'll get a prize if you satisfy Seyeon, right? If you satisfy Seyeon today? Then, you'll get what you want." "Hey, leave them alone!" Jang said to his girlfriend, taking her away to another place. "You're very popular." "You think so?" "If you can't decide where to go, would you like to come to my place? There's no one in the next room, so don't worry." "That's fine. Let's go to your place." ... (2) At Seyeon's house... "Come in. You can sit anywhere you like." "Yes... thank you." Kiyotaka left his shoes at the entrance of Seyeon's house, sitting on the girl's bed. "Do you want something to drink?" "No. I'm fine...." He said, watching as the girl began to take off her clothes. (Very Good... let's get to work). And with that thought, he too began to take off his clothes. "Well... Let's see...". - Seyeon helped Kiyotaka take off his pants and boxer shorts, exposing the boy's gun. - "This penis... It's just like I heard...". Seyeon was excited and happy. At last, she was going to get what she wanted. ... ... ... Elsewhere... "Ahh~ It's delicious~! Teacher, you won't eat?" - At a small food place, Su-hyun and Hyun-mi were having some girl time. - "Could it be that she's jealous?" Such a statement distressed the older woman. "Of course not, I'm not jealous!" "It's so obvious. It's all over his face. After all, he's so cute." Hyun-mi didn't say anything about it. "You were jealous of Eun-jung...?" "W-What?!" - Now it was the blonde girl's turn to get jealous. - "I-I, I've never been jealous of Eun-jung!" "Please... It was so obvious when you offered to reward him." "But it can't be helped. One taste of that penis and you can't forget it. Shouldn't I have introduced her...? She's probably thoroughly enjoying herself right now, isn't she? It's kind of a waste to have it written down, so maybe I did something I shouldn't have....". (Probably...). Hyun-mi thought. "Oh, that's right. I have a favor to ask you." - Su-hyun smiled. - "Teacher, what I'll ask might not be such a bad idea, do you want to hear it?" Hyun-mi had a bad feeling, but she still listened to what Su-hyun had to say. ... ... ... Back to Kiyotaka... "Aghhhh! I think my chin is going to fall off." - Seyeon said, finishing sucking Kiyotaka's penis. - "You want to stick it in, don't you?" Kiyotaka said nothing. Seyeon however took that silence as a "Yes". "Well, wait. While I was sucking it... I got so wet...". "Wait. I brought a condom...". Seyeon didn't care about Kiyotaka's words, ignoring them completely. "What do you do when you eat steak?" "Huh?" "You don't add sauces to such good meat... You just add salt to it. Then it tastes much better. Thanks for the food." She answered her own question, taking Kiyotaka's penis into her vagina and feeling what she expected to feel. Pleasure. "Ahhh, so deep...!" Seyeon began to move her hips up and down, feeling every part of the boy's penis inside her. On Kiyotaka's side, he felt his penis being squeezed tightly by the girl's vagina. Even a little moan from that. "I will become addicted to this penis...!" For every movement of the girl, Kiyotaka felt his penis being squeezed by the girl's vagina. It had been a long time since he had felt that sensation. Kiyotaka looked at the girl, who was screaming with pleasure and asking for more. "Deeper!" She asked and Kiyotaka gave it to her. "Hey... I'm going to cum soon." "Huh? So soon?" "I can't even hold it in." Not being used to being squeezed so tightly, it was to be expected that Kiyotaka's penis wouldn't endure that much. He just had to pick up the pace of the game. "I'll stay bent over, can you continue if we do it like this?" Kiyotaka didn't answer. Instead, he just thrust his penis into Seyeon's vagina, making the girl moan. As Seyeon moved, Kiyotaka concentrated on looking at a certain place. Wiggling his index finger curiously, Kiyotaka slowly pushed his finger into the girl's anus. "Ummm...!" - That was the girl's stifled moan. - "Hey, where do you think you're touching!" "Does it feel good?" Kiyotaka ignored the girl, wagging his finger. "Stop...! While you're touching that hole...! I'll kill you!" "If you do that, you'll never find anyone to satisfy you." And with that said, KIyotaka continued to work on what he was doing. Unable to hide his satisfaction, Seyeon accepted Kiyotaka's finger. After a while, Kiyotaka pulled out his penis and cum on the girl's back. Kiyotaka just watched as the girl asked to play more with her hole. She wanted anal sex. Sighing, Kiyotaka took the condom he was wearing and put it on. The first thing Kiyotaka did was to stick two of his fingers into the girl's hole. Little by little, Kiyotaka increased the movements of his fingers more, just listening to the girl's moans and words. After working his fingers, Kiyotaka happened to ask if the girl had a lubricant. Curiously enough, the girl did. After reading the contents of the lube bottle, he put some lube on the condom and into the girl's anus. With that, Kiyotaka was able to work. When Kiyotaka's penis went in, the girl gave the loudest she had made during the night. The first doggy position. Then they switched positions. Kiyotaka grabbed the girl's thighs and lifted her up, though that position didn't last long, as they then lay down on the bed. The girl let down her hair and kissed Kiyotaka. He accepted that kiss as he continued to penetrate the girl who could not hide her moans of pleasure. After a while, they both finished. The girl lay down on the bed, tired. On Kiyotaka's part, he merely took off the condom and threw it away. *Ring* Suddenly, Kiyotaka's cell phone rang. He looked at his cell phone and saw that the caller was Eun-jung. [Hi, Kiyotaka. Are you done yet?] "I just finished just now." He replied, watching as the girl started to fall asleep. [Then... Is it okay for you if I ask you to meet me just now?] ... <i><b><u>(Next chapter there will be a pleasant surprise).</u></b></i> # Chapter 4: Three-Person Night <b>After finishing writing the chapter:</b> <b>I apologize for the lateness of this chapter. Last week was very complicated for me because I had to hand in some papers for my university. When I wanted to write a chapter of this story I preferred to relax a bit and read Komi-san's manga. Will there be a Komi-san story in the future? I doubt it.</b> <b>(If this chapter has grammatical or spelling errors, please let me know so that I can correct it). </b> <b>...</b> Several things before I start with the chapter.  1.- Thanks Mishi. With you, I reached 100 followers. 2.- At the request of one person, I am going to put this image so that you know what is the name and appearance of each character in this story. I will put this image in each chapter: I couldn't find Seyeon's last name. I also couldn't get the last girl in the picture into the story, since she's not ready to get into a group of perverts. I put her in the image just in case. 3.- I believe this story will be less than 12 chapters long. Currently, we are at chapter 23 of 48 chapters of the original story, so, at this rate, the original story will be reached. Possibly, I will upload one of the many stories I have in a folder while I wait for more chapters of the original story to be uploaded. And that's all I have to say for the moment. Enjoy today's chapter. ... <b>(0)</b> After being called by Eun-jung, Kiyotaka went to the girl's house in the evening. Arriving at the apartment building, Kiyotaka got on the elevator to get to Eun-jung's apartment. When she arrived at Eun-jung's apartment, she opened the door after putting in the password. "You sure came quickly." - Said the girl when she noticed Kiyotaka's presence. - "Come, sit with me." Kiyotaka didn't say anything and just listened to Eun-jung's words, sitting on the chair across from the girl. He left his cell phone on the chair next to him. "So... You finally had sex with Seyeon, how was it, can you tell me in detail?" Listening to the girl, he began to tell everything that had happened with Seyeon. It was not the first time he had told someone about their passionate encounters. He remembered how Amasawa was so insistent that he tell her everything that had happened in their encounters. Putting that aside, Kiyotaka just watched as the girl showed interest in what he related. A surprise was what Kiyotaka could see watching Eun-jung when he told her about how he had anal sex with Seyeon. "So... What happened in the end?" Actually, the girl was showing interest in the encounter Kiyotaka had with Seyeon. Kiyotaka didn't let slip any details that Eun-jun showed. "I just ended up cumming inside her. Then you called me." "You ended up in her ass...". She whispered. "That's all I have to say." - Kiyotaka said. - "Since I had sex with Seyeon, now what?" "Eh...!" The girl was in her own world, so she made that noise out of surprise. "You told me that if I made it with Seyeon, you were going to grant me a wish." "Ahh... That..." - The girl pulled herself together. - "First answer. Did you like having sex with Seyeon?" "Well..." "What's the matter, didn't you like it? From what you're telling me... I would think you left Seyeon completely satisfied." "From what she told me before she came here, she told me she was satisfied with what I did to her, so she wanted to have sex with me again." - He said in response. - "About whether I like it, I guess I do." Kiyotaka thought about what this one wanted from Eun-jung. "Can you tell me your wish?" - Snapping out of her thoughts, Kiyotaka looked at the girl. - "Tell me what you wish. I'm listening." Listening to the girl, Kiyotaka thought for a moment about the wish he wanted. "If that's the case... Do you have free time this weekend? I want to go on a date with you." "Mmm...? Sure. That's fine by me. Are you really okay with that?" "Yes." - He nodded. - "I want to get to know you a little better, so a date is better for that." "I understand." - She smiled. - "Is Sunday okay with you?" "It's perfect for me." He said, getting up from his seat to leave. "Then, I'll be looking forward to that day." Kiyotaka nodded to what the girl said, leaving the place. ... ... ... After several minutes, Eun-jung got up from the chair she was sitting on and went to her room, lying down on the bed. Slowly, she lowered her hand to her intimate area, starting to massage her vagina through her white underwear. ("To hear something like that...") She thought, giving slight moans. "So anal sex, huh? I can't just imagine something like that. I want to experience that firsthand too. I wonder... What kind of sex will you tell me about, Kiyotaka? I'm already looking forward to that...". While the girl was saying this between moans of pleasure, a certain boy who had "forgotten" his cell phone had heard everything the girl had said. After hearing what the girl wished for, Kiyotaka just left. ... (1) While Kiyotaka was having a quiet dinner with his faithful friend who was telling him about his progress with a girl, Kiyotaka felt his cell phone vibrate. Looking at the notification bar of his cell phone, Kiyotaka saw that the message he had received was from Su-hyun. [After class I'll wait for you at the Starbucks from the other time ☕!]. [Don't miss the appointment 🥰!] [I'll try not to miss that appointment with you]. [😑] [I don't want an "I'll try". Come to Starbucks, please]. [Ok. I'll go to that Starbucks just because you said "please"]. [👍] And with that last message, Kiyotaka went back to his food. ... ... ... At the Starbucks... "Tell me, why did you want me to come here?" "Did you forget?" - Hearing Kiyotaka's question, Su-hyun simply hugged one of Kiyotaka's arms - "If you could satisfy Seyeon.... you were going to be rewarded by me. Today you're going to feel heaven." For the first time, Su-hyun could see a change in the boy's face. She saw how he had opened his eyes slightly in surprise. As the girl looked at Kiyotaka's face, the latter remembered that he had already heard those words from a certain woman with wavy brown hair. He still remembered that woman by the name of Hoshinomiya Chie. If Su-hyun was really talking about that same heaven he once felt with that woman, then he should be prepared to not sleep that night. He could easily refuse Su-hyun's invitation. However, something told him to go with the flow, this with the only excuse of remembering his high school days. What did Kiyotaka do? Well... He just went with the flow, letting the girl show him "heaven". N.A.: Will Kiyotaka be able to resist this long night that awaits him? To find out, read on. ... <b>(2)</b> At a certain place in particular... "Eun-jung's house...?" "Yes." Su-hyun said flatly. "Why?" "Take it easy. Eun-jung isn't home." Ignoring Kiyotaka, Su-hyun started walking in the direction of Eun-jung's house. Sighing, Kiyotaka followed the girl. Walking up to Eun-jung's apartment, Su-hyun opened the door. Opening it, Kiyotaka could see Hyun-mi. "Teacher...?" Kiyotaka, by this point, already knew what was waiting for her. It wasn't the first time he'd had a threesome, though it was only once and it was with two girls younger than him, a blonde and a scarlet-haired one. ... ... ... Right now Kiyotaka was enjoying a dream that several men would like to fulfill. Sitting on Eun-jung's bed, Kiyotaka looked down. Looking down, he saw two women licking and sucking his penis. Both girls were taking turns sucking and enjoying that penis that was driving them completely crazy. Kiyotaka had to admit that the scene he was watching was erotic. After a while, he cummed in the mouth of one of the two women, that being Hyun-mi's mouth, who was lucky enough to be the first to receive Kiyotaka's semen. "Eating it all by yourself. Unforgivable." Su-hyun said, kissing the lady to get some of the semen that the older woman got. This was simply too erotic! ... ... ... Now Kiyotaka had to say which woman to take first. Su-hyun or Hyun-mi. "This way...". "N-No, please come with me first...". "Give it to your Noona." "Don't do it, better put it inside your teacher....". "Who are you going to put it in first?" The two women asked at the same time while showing their butts to Kiyotaka. Kiyotaka just waited for the two women to continue talking, giving their reasons for being first. "Just remember all the times I've made you cum. I own your cock. My pussy really wants to eat you full... I haven't stopped wetting myself down there. These I'm sure when you put it in it will feel great!" Kiyotaka wasn't going to deny what Su-hyun said. He felt pretty good when he did it with su-hyun. "Besides, my vagina can squeeze you tighter than this lady's! So... Su-hyun's vagina is waiting for her baby! Please fill her up with your semen....". She continued to say with a smile. Now it was Hyun-mi's turn to convince Kiyotaka. "Right now, your penis is the only one that can satisfy me...". - Hyun-mi started with her attack. - "No matter my age, I'm sure your huge penis is going to feel good with me. It can squeeze that huge thing of yours very hard... Besides! If you stick it in me now I'll.... I'll be your slave! Please, stick your huge penis in... Do it and I'll never do it again with anyone else. Please, Master". And that was how Kiyotaka completely dominated Kang Hyun-mi. With what the older woman said, Kiyotaka decided to please Hyun-mi first. "Unbelievable!" - The older woman shouted. -  "I'm going crazy!" She declared. While Kiyotaka invested the woman, Su-hyun just watched. She also wanted the boy's penis to penetrate her. Unable to stand it any longer, Su-hyun lay down on the bed again and opened her vagina. "Put it inside your Noonna too, please. Just to see how they make her... It's so painful." Kiyotaka looked for a moment at Su-hyun. "Alright..." He whispered, pulling his penis out of the lady's vagina, only to place it in the young woman's vagina. "Wait a minute, you were doing it with me...". Knowing perfectly well how to please a woman, Kiyotaka merely brought two of his fingers to the lady's vagina to please her. "I want your semen inside me...! I want you to give it to me." Hearing the younger woman, Kiyotaka decided to please the girl. After a while, Kiyotaka cum inside Su-hyun. Now he needed to please Hyun-mi. "Me too..." Before Hyun-mi spoke, she was penetrated by Kiyotaka's penis. As Kiyotaka penetrated the older woman, he could see how the younger woman wanted attention. He just pulled his penis out of the older woman's vagina, putting his penis in the younger woman's vagina. "Again...! Will you give it to Su-hyun? I want you to be fair...". "I'll cum in you before I cum in Su-hyun." At the older woman's complaint, Kiyotaka said the latter. After a while and as he had promised, Kiyotaka pulled his penis out of Su-hyun's vagina and inserted it back into Hyun-mi's vagina. "All your thick load...! Please pour it inside me!" And at the older woman's cry, Kiyotaka filled Hyun-mi with his semen. "Do you want some dinner?" Hyun-mi asked Kiyotaka, who the latter nodded. "Is pizza okay with you guys, I'll order it!" "Finally. A rest." "Rest?" - Hearing Kiyotaka, Su-hyun said so, approaching Kiyotaka. - "No sir! Don't even think that you'll be able to rest. We can have another round before the pizza arrives...". The girl's saying made Kiyotaka sigh. ("I have to set limits.") Kiyotaka thought, ready to talk to the two women. ... ... ... A young man wearing a blue cap was coming up the elevator. This young man was an ordinary pizza delivery man. After walking for a moment, the delivery man arrived at his destination. "The delivery is here!" The delivery man shouted after ringing the bell, however, no one spoke. All he could hear was a slight noise, but nothing else. "Excuse me! The pizza is here!" He shouted once more. "For God's sake! I told you to leave it at the door!" When the door opened, the delivery man could see Su-hyun dressed only in a thin white blouse, covering her private parts with one of her arms. The delivery man could also hear a "Please cum!" from another woman inside the apartment. ("Whoa... I can hear them clearly. I don't know who the guy is, but I am so jealous..."). The pizza delivery man thought, standing still in front of the apartment door. ... ... ... When the pizza arrived, Kiyotaka ate while still having sex. A particular way of eating, to say the least. There was not a moment's rest for Kiyotaka. He pleasured Su-hyun and Hyun-mi for most of the night. The only moment of rest Kiyotaka had was when they measured his penis with a 20-centimeter ruler, which, of course, was not capable of measuring Kiyotaka's penis. And so, the night passed. A night of three people. ... (3) "So... the threesome. Did you like it? Su-hyun asked Kiyotaka, who just woke up. "Yes." A simple answer but an answer that Su-hyun liked. "I'm so glad you liked it! Is there anything I, unfortunately, didn't do that you'd like to do? I can do it now." "I appreciate the offer, but I really want to rest for today. My penis is a magic wand, not an atomic bomb. It can be for next time." At that said, the girl just smiled, kissing Kiyotaka. "I wish I had met you earlier." That statement slightly surprised Kiyotaka. His old self... the old Kiyotaka. If he had to think about it, he had changed. Slightly, but the change was there. What had changed in three years? The philosophy of the tools. Although his philosophy was still present in him, it only applied to people who were not really important to Kiyotaka. People who meant something in his life were somewhat left out of this philosophy. Those people were divided into two parts: Friends and lovers. ... ... ... That very day... "So... Who will file your sex report?" "Me." Kiyotaka took out her folder to hand it to Eun-jung. "Su-hyun, Hyun-mi and me." He said without much importance as he went back to his cell phone. What was he so much looking at on his cell phone? It was a secret. Leaving the cell phone issue, hearing that Kiyotaka made a threesome, Jung-pil was angry. He hadn't even had a threesome. "And tomorrow I'll be absent." Kiyotaka reported. "That's fine. It's free participation." With a smile, Eun-jung told him. "What, it was my turn tomorrow! Cancel whatever engagement you have. I'll do something better for you." "I don't have any commitments. I just want to rest that day. As he got up to leave, Kiyotaka said that to Seyeon, leaving the meeting. ... ... ... On that night... "So... What's the matter?" At a restaurant, Su-hyun got straight to the point with Jung-pil. "You've had a lot of sex with Ayanokouji, haven't you?" "Yes, why?" "Tell me how it felt." When the meeting was set up that day, Jung-pil was able to talk to Hyun-mi for him to ask her how sex with Kiyotaka felt. He did not receive a direct answer from the older woman. When he wanted Hyun-mi to suck his penis, the woman laughed as she looked at the boy's penis. "Why are you so interested in other people's sex? I told you, it's big." "I bought your meat! So spit out as much as you've eaten! "It's Eun-jung's money anyway...". - She said. - "Whatever. The sex with the rookie. The... sex... with him... it's so...". Trying to answer Jung-pil's question, Su-hyun looked away as she recalled the sex and kiss she had with Kiyotaka. That face the girl made while trying to answer the question asked by the boy was something that caught Jung-pil's attention. ... (Bonus Scene: How does Kiyotaka have money?) Since it was Saturday afternoon, Kiyotaka went to the mall to buy what he needed to prepare dinner. Going through several stores in the mall, Kiyotaka got everything he needed. As he was leaving the mall, Kiyotaka looked at his credit card. Where had that card and the money on it come from? It was a gift from his government. All the money he had was given to him by his home country in order to gain Kiyotaka's trust so that he would help his country in the future. The government of Japan knew the great skills Kiyotaka had. To lose those skills would be a sin, so the government of Japan was quite consenting to Kiyotaka. And that is the origin of Kiyotaka's money. # Chapter 5: Lee Eun-jung <b>(If this chapter has grammatical or spelling errors, please let me know so that I can correct it later).</b> The three reasons why I have not uploaded any chapters: 1. - I wasn't feeling well mentally, so I rested for a while. 2. - I had to take some exams at my university, so I had to study. It was worth it because I got a grade of 9 out of 10. 3. - I read a manhwa that I really don't recommend reading. That manhwa put me in a bad mood for a whole day. I have now recovered from that bad mood it gave me. Right now I want to know why that story caused my bad mood. (I won't tell the name of the manhwa. I don't want you to suffer). ... (0) In one night... "Why are you coming at this hour?" That was the question Eun-jung asked upon seeing that the person who had knocked on the door was Jung-pil. It was already quite late, so it was to be expected that Eun-jung would ask that question, although she already had an idea why the guy was there late at night. "It's not midnight yet, is it? Here's the sex report." As she had imagined, Jung-pil was coming to deliver his report for the week. "Oh... Tomorrow is exactly one week." - She said as she read Jung-pil's report. - "Su-hyun again? Aren't things going well with the teacher? "It doesn't matter who I have sex with, does it?" He had to beg Su-hyun to have sex with him. "Anyway, you did a great job. Go now." Eun-jung turned around, ready to go back to sleep. "W-wait! I need to talk to you about something." "I'm sleepy..." "Then... tomorrow, during sextudy...". "Don't you know everyone's taking a break? I have an important appointment...". "Important appointment...?" Without a chance to finish what he was going to say, Eun-jung's cell phone rang, indicating that she had received a message. "Wait a minute..." Pulling out her cell phone herself, Eun-jung began to read the message she had received. The message was short, so she didn't take long to read it. As she finished reading the message, she smiled in a particular way "What's wrong?" Noticing the girl's smile, Jung-pil asked. "It's nothing. I feel happy... that's all." - She answered Jung-pil's question. - "Since I'm in a good mood, tell me. What is it you want to tell me?" ... ... ... After Jung-pil told Eun-jung about what happened with Su-hyun.... "So... That's all you want to say?" Apparently, Eun-jung didn't care about what Jung-pil had told her. "That's all. It really was something unusual!" "Yes, yes..." "You would have seen the face she made. Su-hyun's expression at that moment was unusual." "And so...?" "It could be detrimental to our group! The fact that this group has been able to stay together even though we've had sex with each other, no one has crossed the line. Whatever it is, romantic feelings are not good in a place where men and women mix. Besides, Su-hyun is fond of Kiyotaka...". N.A.: It shouldn't be a problem if only one man stays, right? Right! "In a nutshell... Are you saying that Kiyotaka is annoying?" "Ah... No. It's not that...". "Don't worry. I'll punish Kiyotaka. Now... If you'll excuse me, I have to go to sleep. Good night." With those last words, Eun-jung called an end to that night's little meeting. ... (1) The next day... Kiyotaka wasn't particularly a boy who dressed fashionably, so now he was having second thoughts about what clothes to choose. He didn't care much about the way he dressed, but after having those little flashbacks he was starting to have from time to time, he remembered that it was better to be well-dressed for a date with a girl. Putting aside the unimportant things, Kiyotaka decided to take the best this one had. He put it on and left his apartment for the date he had with the girl whose name was Eun-jung. ... ... ... Kiyotaka had reached his destination. He sat down on a metal bench in the place. He picked up his cell phone and started playing with it while waiting for the girl. He had arrived quite early at the place he and Eun-jung had agreed on, so he had to wait for a while. To Kiyotaka's luck, Eun-jung didn't take long to arrive at the place. The girl was wearing a brown top, which consisted of a dark brown tight T-shirt, a jacket to match her light brown tight skirt, dark brown stockings that somehow made her shapely legs shine, and to top it all off, black heels. If Kiyotaka didn't know the girl, he would say at first glance that the girl in front of him was high class, a girl who always stood her ground in any situation. A good girl. The part about the girl being upper class he couldn't doubt since she always seemed to have money. The part about her being a good girl, well... "Have you waited long?" Hearing the girl, Kiyotaka snapped out of his world. "Not long." He replied, getting up from where he was sitting. "What a relief..." - She said with a smile. - "So... Shall we go?" ... ... ... Kiyotaka already had dating experience. In his high school life, he had been on several dates, most of which ended with a happy night, so he had plenty of experience. Therefore, when the date began, Kiyotaka was confident that everything would go well that day. The date began in the afternoon. At two in the morning, spending the rest of the afternoon at one of the two places he had planned to go with the girl by his side. The first place was the mall, a place where there were all kinds of things. Practically, the perfect place to go on a date. In that place, the two spent the whole afternoon, going to eat or both going to buy some things that caught both of their attention. One thing that Kiyotaka expected during the course of the date was the stares she received from time to time. She received stares from both men and women. The looks he received from men, for the most part, were envious. He was used to those looks, so he didn't mind them. Well, since his early high school years he didn't mind those jealous looks. There were also men who looked at him with a smile, happy to see one more of their club. The club of those who had girlfriends. The girlfriends of these guys were also smiling at the sight of the couple. In Eun-jung's case, she also received stares from time to time. Men and women could not help but stare at her beauty and be enchanted, this on the men's side. Jealousy was on the women's side. ... ... ... In the evening, Kiyotaka took Eun-jung to the last place of the date. They both went to a small fair that was in town. Undoubtedly, the perfect place to end a date. Being at the fair, Kiyotaka and Eun-jung went to all the games they could play that night. In some games, Kiyotaka and Eun-jung were able to win some prizes for winning or participating in the game. From some small prizes that Eun-jung easily kept in her purse, to a giant stuffed animal that Kiyotaka won in a game of strength. To end that night, Kiyotaka took Eun-jung to the Ferris wheel. While they were in one of the booths on the big Ferris wheel, to Eun-jung and Kiyotaka's luck, the booths stopped and theirs was right at the top, giving them both a good view of the night city. When Eun-jung appreciated the sight of her with a smile, holding the stuffed animal he had won, Kiyotaka took out his cell phone, fiddling with it a bit to take a picture of the girl. "Kiyotaka..... Hearing the sound of the camera, Eun-jung looked at Kiyotaka. "It's to keep it as a souvenir. I'll pass the photo to you later." Hearing the boy, Eun-jung smiled. ... (2) Eun-jung and Kiyotaka's date ended to the chagrin of the girl herself, who admitted that she had a good time in Kiyotaka's company, When they both arrived at Eun-jung's house, Eun-jung invited Kiyotaka to come to her house, to which Kiyotaka accepted the girl's invitation. "I had a great time, Kiyotaka. Thank you for the stuffed animal. It was the best thing about this day." - Eun-jung said, taking off the jacket that belonged to Kiyotaka herself. - "And thank you for lending me your jacket. I was really cold." "There's nothing to thank." He said, sitting down on the sofa. "I'm going to take a bath. Kiyotaka... will you join me?" At Eun-jung's invitation, Kiyotaka didn't think much of it. "Why not?" ... ... ... "Ahhh....". Eun-jung released a faint sound of pleasure as she felt the warm water covering her naked body. Such a simple yet eye-catching scene that managed to captivate the poker-faced boy. "What are you waiting for?" - Seeing that Kiyotaka kept still, Eun-jung asked that question. - "You'll catch a cold if you stay there. Get in the tub with me." Eun-jung made a rather tempting invitation to Kiyotaka. She got up from the tub, revealing her gifted figure soaked by the water in the tub. That without the slightest hesitation he removed the towel he wore around his waist, revealing what many called T-Rex. A name that implied his weapon was powerful. "Consider this a bonus for your long work, okay?" In Kiyotaka's mind, he could only think of one thing: "Unbelievable." He had been with several women after leaving the White Room. All of them had something unique about them that came to captivate Kiyotaka's eyes. And, right now, there was another girl that was captivating him. The girl's body really was simply perfect. "I guess she has a body of a goddess too." Kiyotaka thought to himself. "Don't you think she's being too generous to me, Eun-jung?" "Does that bother you, Kiyotaka?" "Not at all." He replied. "You know... I'm embarrassed to be the only person to be showing off her body. Take off your towel." Heeding the girl's request, Kiyotaka took off the towel around his waist, revealing the weapon known as "T-Rex". Even though his gun was not loaded, his weapon could still be called a T-Rex. "Wow...!" Eun-jung marveled. "I'm going in." Saying his next action, Kiyotaka entered the bathtub with Eun-jung. He relaxed. "It's kind of tight...". Kiyotaka said to himself in a somewhat low voice. "Is that so?" - Eun-jung got up from the tub, this for the sole purpose of resting her back on the boy's chest so that the two of them would be more comfortable. - "If I do this, you'll be able to stretch your legs, right?" "Yes, but...". - Kiyotaka felt something in his crotch that was starting to stimulate him. - "Doesn't that bother you?" "You mean this?" - She started to move her ass up and down, starting to stimulate Kiyotaka's penis. - "It doesn't bother me. Su-hyun's, teacher's and Seyeon's reports didn't lie." "Since you are taking the trouble to attend to me like this... I guess I should return this treatment with gratitude." "Kyaaa....". Without breaking his word, Kiyotaka, with two fingers of his right hand, began to stimulate Eun-jung's vagina. At the surprising touch, she let out a moan of pleasure. The two began to please each other. "The night I went to give my report, I heard something interesting from you." "W-what did you hear?" Kiyotaka's touch was starting to make Eun-jung emotional, so it was understandable that it was hard for her to speak. "You want to experience everything they tell you, don't you?" Those words from Kiyotka surprised Eun-jung, who let out another moan as she felt the boy's fingers in her vagina. "Hadn't you left after agreeing on a date for the date?" "I forgot my cell phone, so I went back for it. I heard how you were pleasuring yourself and I heard that you wanted to experience everything we told you about in our reports." - He answered the question asked by the girl. - "I want you to answer me something, Eun-jung." Eun-jung turned to look at Kiyotaka. The words that came out after the boy made the girl think about what she was going to say next. "Do you want to have sex with me?" ... ... ... There was silence in the bathroom after Kiyotaka asked Eun-jung that question. The girl thought hard about that question. Was she going to punish Kiyotaka? Or was she going to please Kiyotaka? Those were the two most important questions running through her head like an old movie tape. In the reports she read, all her classmates told her how good Kiyotaka's penis felt. Would she miss the opportunity the boy was giving her? Her instincts were slowly winning her over. Now she regretted motivating Kiyotaka's penis with her ass. She sighed after thinking for a moment about her answer. If she continued to beat around the bush, the boy would simply leave the place without hesitation. After all, he had three holes from three women, all of whom were more than willing to have sex with him "How much do you want me?" She asked that question, starting to wiggle her ass once again. Depending on the answer, she would make a decision. "I want you bad enough." He admitted, whispering his answer in Eun-jung's ear, this for the sole purpose of teasing the perfect-bodied girl a little. Now he was going to start putting what he had learned into practice. When Kiyotaka whispered his reply, Eun-jung flinched slightly. If he really wanted to tease her, he had succeeded successfully. She turned around. With that action, she was left facing the boy. Eun-jung clung to Kiyotaka. The girl's chest and the boy's chest came into contact. Eun-jung's vagina collided with Kiyotaka's big penis. Eun-jung smiled as she hugged Kiyotaka's neck, pulling herself closer to Kiyotaka's face. "If that's the case, I guess I won't heed the words I was told last night." Eun-jung had decided not to punish Kiyotaka. Instead, she decided to please her beloved Kiyotaka. "What did they say to you last night?" Like the curious one that he was, Kiyotaka asked. "Just keep quiet." Saying that Eun-jung kissed Kiyotaka. Kiyotaka simply accepted that kiss without love. Just a kiss of desire. He started to move his hands slowly. He felt the girl's soft and moist skin, lowering his hands to grab the girl's butt. When he grabbed the girl's butt, as he could, Kiyotaka got up and carried the girl to the bed in her room. Upon reaching the bed, Kiyotaka laid the girl down on the bed, which allowed him to get a better view of Eun-jung's naked body. A very tempting body for the male audience. "Are you going to stand there looking at me?" With that question, Eun-jung invited Kiyotaka to lie on the bed with her. He lay down on the bed. Seeing that, Eun-jung stood up a little, positioning herself so that she could treat the boy's penis. "Bon appetit..." And having said that, she grabbed Kiyotaka's penis with one of her hands and began to lick it. She started with small licks on the tip of the penis, tasting Kiyotaka's penis with her tongue. After a while, she took Kiyotaka's penis into her mouth. She was surprised to see that she was not able to get Kiyotaka's penis all the way in. Having Kiyotaka's penis in her small mouth, she used her tongue to better please Kiyotaka. But something was not right for her. "Do you think it's fair that only you enjoy this moment?" "If you want me to treat you in the right way, change your position." At that moment, she heeded the boy's words. She changed her position, so now Kiyotaka could treat Eun-jung's vagina. Without saying anything, he began to treat Eun-jung's vagina with his mouth and tongue. Feeling that, Eun-jung couldn't stop a moan of pleasure from coming out of her mouth. With what she felt, she could be 100% sure that Kiyotaka had a great experience treating a woman. Just like Kiyotaka, Eun-jung also started with her services. She could not neglect her handsome guest. Eun-jung could now feel the difference between treating herself with her delicate fingers and being treated by a guy with her fingers, tongue, and mouth. If someone asked her which treatment she preferred more, the answer would vary, as it depended on the person. But now, she wanted the treatment Kiyotaka was giving her vagina. "Very well. I think it's time to do it." That said, she asked Kiyotaka if he had a condom, to which he replied that he did. She asked him why to which he said it was just in case. Not caring about the condom issue, she took the condom out of its envelope, helping Kiyotaka put it on. And, as she already suspected, the condom was a bit small on Kiyotaka, but it was big enough for the condom to do its job. Suddenly, Kiyotaka moved and was now on top of Eun-jung, who was waiting for Kiyotaka to make his move. Watching the girl intently, Kiyotaka knew that indeed the girl was ready to have sex with him. Knowing that Eun-jung was ready for the act, Kiyotaka thrust his penis into Eun-jung slowly. At that very moment, Kiyotaka could see lines of blood coming out from Eun-jung's vagina. In that way, Kiyotaka took Eun-jung's virginity. "Good grief...!" - Eun-jung expressed her pain as she felt Kiyotaka touch her deepest spot. - "So this is having sex with Kiyotaka, huh?" She looked down to where Kiyotaka's penis was, noticing that Kiyotaka's penis still didn't fully enter her vagina. "Even though you're touching the deepest part of me, you still can't get your whole penis in me. It really is too big." "I'm going to move...". Kiyotaka announced her next action. Eun-jung, in response, only moved slightly. With that signal, Kiyotaka started to move. At first, Eun-jung felt some pain as she felt the movement of Kiyotaka's penis. It was her first time, so she already expected the pain. However, after a short while, the pain Kiyotaka was causing in her vagina turned into pleasure. As proof of this, Eun-jung's face had changed to one of pleasure. The sounds heard in the room gradually increased. The sound that could be heard the most was Eun-jung's moans. On the other hand, Kiyotaka remained calm. In his mind, Kiyotaka admitted that the sensation he felt from being inside the girl was pleasant. The girl's vagina squeezed his penis perfectly. Eun-jung's vagina was special. The minutes passed and neither seemed to want to put an end to the first round. Despite trying various positions for the sex act, neither wanted to finish. Both were adamant about not finishing that round of sex. However, the first round could not last forever. Sooner or later the round would have to end with one of the two taking the advantage of this night that promised to be a long one. Eun-jung couldn't take it anymore. She was about to cum. She was trying her best to make Kiyotaka the first to finish, but her efforts didn't seem to work. When she was hugging Kiyotaka, she started digging her nails into Kiyotaka's back, causing a scratch mark on the boy's back. Kiyotaka didn't seem to mind that, continuing what he was doing. After a while... "I... I can't take it anymore, I'm about to cum!" Eun-jung started to move a little faster. She no longer cared about losing. Hearing Eun-jung's warning, he also began to increase the pace of his movements to make the girl cum. With Kiyotaka's sudden movements, Eun-jung gave up. "I cum!" And that was Eun-jung's signal of defeat. With that signal, Kiyotaka too let his semen come out. "Shall we continue?" When the first round, the second round was about to begin. <b><i>To be continued...</i></b> <b><i>...</i></b> In case I am unable to upload chapter 6 of this story on December 31 or January 1, I want to wish everyone a happy new year. # Will there be a chapter to this story? I just got out of bed and the first thing I see is this image. What is the context of the image? I can't wait to read the next volume of COTE. Now, regarding this story, a chapter is expected this week. Giving a reason why I haven't uploaded a chapter of this story, is that I had no ideas for this chapter. But with the uploading of the new chapter of the story "Sextudy Group", I have come up with ideas for the next chapter, so there will be a chapter this week. I hope so. # Chapter 6: Eun-jung's Happiness <b>(Possibly, this chapter has spelling mistakes, since I haven't had time to correct it. Please point out to me every spelling mistake I have in this chapter). </b> <b>...</b> How Spider-man once did it... The reasons why I haven't uploaded any chapters? Work, university (main problem), lack of inspiration, family problems. All in all, the first two months of this year have not been my own. ... (0) The night had disappeared and, with it, the day had appeared from the horizon. From one of the apartments of a building, a beautiful young girl was beginning to wake up thanks to the sun's rays passing through the window of the room. Making a small groan of annoyance, the girl woke up, leaving the dream world behind. Stretching a little, the girl released a cute yawn, rubbing one of her eyes in order to wake up completely. Remembering what had happened the night before, the girl named Eun-jung looked to her right side, finding the boy who had made her happy the night before still asleep. She stroked the boy's brown hair, running her index finger along his cheek until she met those lips that kissed his delicate, well-endowed body. Such a memory only made the girl smile a little more, touching the parts of her body that were kissed by the boy who made her feel full happiness. "He's cute when he sleeps...". She murmured in a faint whisper. As she continued with her hand on his cheek, the boy began to wake up to feel the girl's delicate touch. "Did you sleep well, Kiyotaka?" "More or less." He admitted. He wanted to sleep more, but that day was Monday, which meant he had to go to college that day. "I wish we could sleep more, but there are classes today. I'm going to go take a shower, will you join me?" "Yes..." Accepting the girl's invitation, Kiyotaka got out of bed together with Eun-jung to take a bath together so as not to waste time. At that moment, Eun-jung was able to have another happy moment together with the boy she had chosen. ... (1) Lunch Time... "You really look tired, my friend. Did you sleep well?". KIyotaka's faithful Korean friend asked that question as he noticed his friend's sleepy eyes. As his only friend, he had to worry about this one. "I just had a long night. That's all." Kiyotaka replied. "A long night with a girl? I don't think so...". - Yejun started to laugh at his own comment that came out of nowhere. However, he stopped when he saw his friend. - "Wait a minute. did you really have a long night with a girl? Don't tell me that..." Yejun stopped as he noticed a certain person approaching them. Exactly, a girl with a cheerful smile adorning her beautiful face along with a body of envy was approaching the table where the friends were. "Hello... Kiyotaka. There's going to be an important meeting today, so don't miss the study group." "You just came to tell me that?" "Is there something wrong with wanting to see my favorite Hoobae?" "Not at all." "Perfect. Then... I'll see you in the afternoon along with the others. See you." And giving Kiyotaka's cheek a kiss, Eun-jung said goodbye with a cheerful smile. Seeing that, Yejun couldn't keep quiet. "You really became very close to Eun-jung sunbae, Kiyotaka. A lot of guys will be envious of you because of that. Even I'm a little envious of you." Kiyotaka merely shrugged his shoulders at what his friend said. "I feel a little envious. Anyway, I congratulate you on the approach to Eun-jung sunbae." The boy smiled as he gave a thumbs up. Kiyotaka just looked at Yejun, thanking his friend internally for accompanying him in his college life. His life was lightening up a bit thanks to Yejun's company. "Now that I remember... Kiyotaka, I wanted to ask a favor of you." "What would it be?" "Will you help me study for the exams?" At that said, Kiyotaka sighed. He thought about it for a moment and then said his answer. "Okay. I'll help you." "Thank you, friend." ... (2) Study group meeting... "Although it is not necessary to get them all together to tell them this... I think having them face to face would be best." - Eun-jung kept silent, looking at each of the study group members. - "We won't have activities during the exams. It won't even be necessary to report what sex they have. I won't come here because I also need to study. Instead, I'll leave it open so you can use it as you please." "That's it, we really needed to meet here? Jung-pil asked. "I won't see you guys for a while, so this looking you in the face, right?" Hearing those words, Kiyotaka thought that what she said was a lie. He highly doubts that this was the last time they were going to see each other. 'I got my hopes up thinking that she was a new person or something...'. Jung-pil thought, disgusted. With all that said, Jung-pil was the first to leave the meeting. Something normal for that time. "Kiyotaka... Since we're here... Can I talk to you for a moment?" A little embarrassed, the sensual older woman asked the brown boy. Knowing what was going to happen next, Kiyotaka just resigned herself. "Yes." Kiyotaka agreed. The sooner the affair with the older woman was over, the better for him. ... (3) In a hotel room, the woman Kang Hyun-mi demonstrated by her actions how crazy she was about Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's penis. The woman was really crazy about what the boy possessed. Every moan of pleasure that came out of the woman's mouth was proof that the woman had become crazy about Kiyo's penis... Sorry, I just realized my mistake. Let me correct it. The woman had gone crazy for her Master's penis. Yes... That's better... "Ah...!" The only thing that could be heard in the room was the older woman's constant moaning and the sound that came out with each crash. After a while, the last round of sex had ended, concluding the lewd sounds. Hyun-mi lay down on the bed, tired from that pleasure-filled night. She settled a little on the bed, hugging Kiyotaka, being happy for that night with her young master. Kiyotaka, on his side, just picked up his cell phone. Losing his cell phone, Kiyotaka saw that he had a message from the person who was watching him. That person was making sure that Kiyotaka's life was to the boy's liking. Of course, this person stayed away from Kiyotaka so as not to make the boy uncomfortable. <b>[You live your life to the fullest. Really young people today have a lot of energy].</b> As always, that person knew where he was and what he was doing. He really was a true master of his profession. [Why did you call me?] Kiyotaka asked by message. <b>[I wanted to inform you that Amasawa is coming to visit you. My superiors told me that she wanted to see you, so she asked permission to visit you for a full week].</b> <b>[I'll give you two days' notice so you can prepare yourself].</b> [I understand.] [Is there anything I need to know besides that?] <b>[Not really].</b> <b>[Well, actually, there is one more thing. But they didn't tell me what it was about. I was told it was a surprise for you].</b> <b>[That's it. I swear].</b> <b>[🙏]</b> [I believe you]. [Anyway, thanks for the information]. <b>[There's nothing to thank.]</b> <b>[Enjoy your night.]</b> <b>[Goodbye].</b> <b>[😎👍]</b> And just like that, the conversation ended, with Kiyotaka sighing at the thought of Amasawa. "I hope he won't come here to cause trouble...". Kiyotaka lied to himself, as he knew perfectly well that wasn't going to happen. Amasawa was going to bring chaos, again. *beep* His cell phone had rung again. Looking at his cell phone, he saw that it was another message from his caretaker. Reading it, Kiyotaka couldn't help but roll his eyes at the message from his caretaker. <b>[By the way, if your teacher has a friend, could you introduce me to her friend? Please].</b> And without further ado, Kiyotaka put down her cell phone and went to sleep with the body heat of an older woman. ... (4) The next day... Kiyotaka's whole day was quiet. Kiyotaka was grateful for the exams. Thanks to them he was going to have quiet days, at least for a while. Despite the quiet, Kiyotaka was mindful of what his caretaker had told him last night. Amasawa, a girl a year younger than him, was going to visit him, and that gave the boy a bad feeling. A bad feeling that while not bad as such, could possibly be annoying. After the White Room closed for good and he gained his freedom, the government offered Amasawa the opportunity to work with them. Amasawa accepted and currently works for the government. She no longer studied at ANHS, as the government deemed it unnecessary for her to do so because of the education Amasawa had received at White Hall. "How troublesome..." He whispers to himself. ... ... ... The sun had gone down with the presence of the bright moon. Quietly in his apartment, Kiyotaka prepares dinner for the evening. Usually, like any college student, he should study for his exams and not fail. However, with his knowledge gained in the White Room, he didn't have much to worry about. Although from time to time he would review a few things, the exam thing was taking it pretty relaxed. Finishing preparing her dinner and being ready to serve herself... *Ding... dong...* Someone had rung the doorbell of her apartment. Taking off her brown apron she went to the door and opened it, revealing a smiling girl. "Eun-jung?" "Hello, Kiyotaka, may I come in?" - Not having a reason not to let the girl in, Kiyotaka stepped aside to let the girl pass. - "Thank you." She entered the apartment and went straight to bed. "Smells good, did you just eat dinner?" Eun-jung decided to start the conversation for the night. "I was going to serve myself before you rang my doorbell." - He replied. - "Did you have dinner already, do you want some of what I prepared?" "Of course!" Accepting the boy's invitation, the girl walked over to the table and sat down, ready to eat what Kiyotaka had prepared for dinner. ... ... ... Being about to finish eating her dinner, Eun-jung asked Kiyotaka a new question. "Kiyotaka... Are you happy?" Hearing the girl's question, Kiyotaka thought of an answer. Was he happy? He reflected on everything that had happened in his life after leaving the White Room. If he thought well about the answer considering everything he has experienced after leaving the White Hall, then the answer to Eun-jung's question was: "Yes... I guess I'm happy." Kiyotaka did not have many complaints in his life. Although he had problems like anyone else, it wasn't something he couldn't fix with his skills. He was satisfied with what he had achieved with his skills. He had people who supported him with their power, something that benefited him and his future. He also had people he came to appreciate. In their own way, of course. So, in short, he was happy with the life he managed to achieve with his abilities and some luck. A life he called quiet. "And why are you happy?" A new question arose from the girl. "Because I have a quiet life. I have a pretty settled life. When I graduated from college, I have a job that is secured for me. I also have people waiting for me at home." He replied. There was silence after that. "Eun-jung. Are you happy? Kiyotaka decided to return the question. "Yes. And it's all thanks to you." The girl replied with a smile. "You know... My family is an arranged marriage. In the eyes of others, it was a perfect family. But the reality was very different. I found that out when I turned 20 in this village. Dad was away on an emergency, and my mom was avoiding me and going somewhere else. And one night... I saw her. I saw a mother having an affair. My mother was having an affair with a man who made my mother look happy. A happy expression. I'll never forget it." Kiyotaka was a little surprised by what he heard. 'So his father suffered from what the Professor calls "NTR", huh?' Kiyotaka thought, remembering a talk he had with his ANHS classmate. "What does it take to be happy: money, honor, family, sexual pleasure? We, humans, are greedy animals." Eun-jung got up from the chair and sat on Kiyotaka's lap. "I need it all, just like my mother back then. That's why I set up the study group. I'm confident that I can earn money and honor if I decide to do it. And about the man who can give me pleasure and make me feel happy with that...". - Eun-jung hugged Kiyotaka's neck. - "I got it and I have it in front of me." Holding Kiyotaka in front of her, Eun-jung kissed the boy's lips. After a while, Eun-jung looked at Kiyotaka with a smile. "So, Kiyotaka. can you make me happy again and many times more?" ... ... ... Since I was a little girl, I have always brought the attention of men. It all started with a flower I received in kindergarten. Men never left me alone, intending to possess me. That didn't mean I wasn't interested in a normal relationship or sex... But it's so easy to get. I intended to put it aside because I thought it was silly. However, for the first time, I managed to feel real attraction for someone, and it was a guy who had been dragged by one of his sunbaes to a drinking bar. I don't know why I was attracted to that brown-haired boy. Maybe it was the mature aura and the charming look he possessed. I guess that's why. That night I drank too much and, from a window, I saw him. Just like his appearance, his body was so charming. His body was so perfect that I wanted to embrace him with my naked body. What would it feel like to be attacked by a boy? That's what I wondered when I knocked on his door and entered the room of that brown-haired boy. In the end, I didn't get an answer. He treated me kindly and even prepared dinner for me the next day. I became more interested in him when the girls in the group gave me their reports of sex with the brown boy. Just reading what the boy was doing to the girls in my club turned me on a lot. I... I wanted him to do to me what he did to the other girls. I wanted him to kiss me... I wanted him to touch me... I wanted him to hold me... I wanted him to penetrate me with his penis... And, right now, I'm getting it. I'm so happy... ... ... ... "Ah...!" A girl's muffled moan was heard in the room. "Kiyotaka...!" The girl shouted the name of the boy who sent her. "You know something, Kiyotaka?" Between moans, the girl managed to ask the boy a question. "What?" "That night I met you... I intentionally... I walked into your bedroom." "Intentionally?" - Kiyotaka asked, somewhat surprised by the girl's statement. - "Why?" "I don't know why. But... I guess I liked you without realizing it...". To back up her word, the girl kissed the boy's lips. This particular kiss was the most normal kiss the two had given each other all night. "I... I just wanted to do it with you that night." "If we're honest...". - Continuing the chain of honesty, Kiyotaka changed her posture. Now the girl was like a puppy dog. - "You also caught my attention on that night." And he penetrated the girl hard, earning him a moan from the girl. "I really would have wanted you to have done this on that night!" She stated in a scream so she could say it clearly. ... ... ... And the night passed between wild lunges and more wild lunges. Both the boy and the girl had lost track of the time that night due to the many rounds of sex they had had. And, allowing themselves to be dominated by the control of the God of Sleep, they both fell asleep, being warmed by the heat of the other. ... <b>22/02/2023</b> <b>And I think I'm back again.</b> <b>Honestly, college kept me busy, doing homework and solving problems I had with my university.</b> <b>Before I retire, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it's a short chapter, but I haven't written in a long time and it felt weird to write again.</b> <b>Anyway, that's all I have to say. I hope you have started the year better than I did.</b> <b>Goodbye.</b> # Character 7: A normal day <b>(In case of spelling or grammatical errors, please notify the author).</b> I lost what little creativity I had. That's one of the reasons why I haven't written anything. Another reason is that "Sextudy Group" was only a few chapters old when I posted the last chapter of this story, and I had to wait longer so I could get some inspiration. So... This is the result of all the time I've been inactive. I was really surprised when I saw the notifications on my Wattpad, because there were more than 200 notifications (It's worth mentioning that I hadn't touched Wattpad for a month and a half). Anyway... With nothing further to comment on at this time, let this chapter begin. <b>...</b> <b>Character 7: </b><b><b>A normal day</b></b> <b>(0)</b> It was a new morning for Japan's Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, who woke up tired again after giving much joy to one of the four women he had acquired during his stay in South Korea. Upon waking up fully, the boy felt a certain weight on his right arm. Turning to see what the cause of the weight was, he found his superior named Eun-jung, who was sleeping with a beautiful smile beside him. He slowly got out of bed so as not to wake the girl. Getting up, Kiyotaka went to the bathroom so he could take a bath, as his body felt a little sticky from the sweat of the night with Eun-jung. It didn't take him long to bathe. He put on the first clothes he found in the closet and started preparing breakfast. As he prepared breakfast, he thought that what he was doing was the same thing he did when he met Eun-jung: preparing breakfast after sleeping in the same house. However, what happened hours before was something different. Instead of letting Eun-jung sleep peacefully in his bed, he spent most of the night making the girl of large proportions happy, preventing the girl from sleeping peacefully. The price to pay for having happiness was not sleeping most of the night. A soul for a soul. Kiyotaka was sleepy. He wanted to sleep, but his week at the university wasn't over, much to his bad luck. He wasn't the only one in a bad mood about the latter. The girl, who was sleeping peacefully, had woken up to the smell of something cooking. Looking in the direction where the smell came from, the girl noticed Kiyotaka's presence. Noticing the girl's gaze, he turned and looked at Eun-jung lying on the bed that was his, where the sheets covered the girl's naked body. "Good morning..." Drowsily, the girl said good morning to the boy. "Good morning." Kiyotaka returned the girl's greeting, going back to what he was doing. "It's funny, don't you think?" "What's funny, Eun-jung?" "You make me dinner like that morning we talked." - Said the girl, getting up from the bed and walking over to Kiyotaka. - "What are you making?". "Something simple. Eggs, bread and some fruit I had. Nothing special." "Simple can sometimes be good." - She commented, slapping her large breasts against his back without getting any reaction from him. - "But... If you don't mind... Can I have some dessert to start off the morning?" "Dessert?" Before he could think about Eun-jung's words, the girl's subtle hand movements interrupted the boy's thoughts. She unzipped Kiyotaka's pants, and as she could, the girl pulled out Kiyotaka's penis, starting to move her hand to satisfy Kiyotaka. Instantly, Kiyotaka knew what the girl meant by "dessert". However, before Eun-jung did anything else, the apartment doorbell rang. Eun-jung stopped what she was doing, wondering who could ring the doorbell so early in the morning. From Kiyotaka's side, he had an idea who the person who had rung the apartment doorbell might be. A girl with pigtails was the image that flashed through the boy's head. "Get dressed, Eun-jung." Kiyotaka ordered. "Do you know who's on the other side of the door?" "Yes." Hearing Kiyotaka's reply, the girl grabbed her clothes and headed to the bathroom to clean herself with some water, leaving the bathroom shortly after. On Kiyotaka's side, he quickly arranged the bed sheets. Then he took the garbage bag containing the evidence of a passionate night and threw it into a bigger bag. A couple of seconds later, Kiyotaka opened the door to receive a visit from a certain little person. "Hello... Senpai. You took a long time to open the door. Your cute kohai makes me very excited." In front of Kiyotaka, a girl with two pigtails smiled mischievously at him. "Excuse me. I wanted to tidy up a bit." - He excused himself-"Come in." "Excuse me, senpai...". - The girl took off her shoes and left them at the entrance. - "The apartment is pretty big. Senpai, does our government treat you well?" She asked, noticing that Kiyotaka's apartment was large even though she was still standing in the small hallway at the entrance. "Quite well." - He answered simply. - "May I know why you are here in South Korea, Ichika?". Kiyotaka asked. "So soon you want to kick me out of here, Kiyotaka-senpai?". "No. I'm simply curious about the reason for your visit." "Well... It's not for anything special." - Ichika slowly approached Kiyotaka with a smile. - "I just wanted to see my senpai." With that said, Ichika hugged Kiyotaka's neck. She pulled Kiyotaka to her face, kissing the boy without any warning. She simply did what she wanted and liked what she did. "Senpai's lips still taste delicious." She licked her lips as she walked towards the main place of the apartment. Arriving at the main place in the apartment, Ichika looked at a girl sitting on the bed. "Hello..." Eun-jung greeted Ichika with a cheerful smile. <b>...</b> <b>(1)</b> Ichika's visit was a surprise for me, as I did not expect her to arrive so early in the morning. I left Ichika at my apartment while I attended college classes. When we arrived, I intended to go to my classes as I normally do despite them being boring. However, Eun-jung stopped me and without saying anything to me, she took me to the girls' restroom. "I still want to try my Kiyotaka dessert." Was what she said to me as she led me to the bathroom with that smile of happiness that she had gotten since our first sexual encounter. To be honest, the only reason I let myself be dragged into the girls' bathroom was because I didn't want to go into my classes. It was boring to hear what I already knew beforehand, so I decided to have sex with Eun-jung to get out of my math classes. When I saw Eun-jung, she just smiled sweetly as if she was a pure and innocent girl, something that was not the case since this girl in front of me was a girl who loved sex because it gave her the same happiness that her mother also had when she slept with a man who was not her husband. We arrived at the bathroom. Eun-jung quickly entered one of the cubicles in the women's restroom along with me. I sat on the toilet bowl as she mentally prepared to do whatever she wanted with me in this girls' bathroom. Licking her lips, she knelt down on her knees as she unzipped my pants and pulled out my penis. Delighted to see my member, she gave me a kiss on my penis to start the act. She began to lick my member as if it were a lollipop. In a way, she reminded me of a girl who liked lollipops as much as my member, but that story is beside the point. As she sucked my member, I could see her eyes. Those eyes were looking at me with lust and happiness, something that turned me on even more. Since I started to experience sex, I began to awaken this sexual desire that every human being possesses. Every girl I had a passionate encounter with, made me become what I am now. A guy who pleases high-quality women. I remembered my high school years and all those nights he had with every girl he came in contact with. I never quite understood what happened to me. It all started with Ichika. Then Kei, then Honami, Kikyo, Suzune, Arisu, Tsubasa... (many more names), and Fuka. I had many encounters with many girls in high school. I fulfilled some men's dreams in an exaggerated way. At least that's what I read. I thought I was going to have a quiet life in this country, but I was wrong again. I repeated again what happened in high school, although on a smaller scale. I never really thought I would live this kind of life. Actually... I just got carried away like a fish following the strong current of a river. "Ah... Ah... Ah... Ah...!" They were Eun-jung's stifled moans. She was putting all her strength not to moan with pleasure, something almost impossible for her, but she was doing it with effort. At this moment, she must be experiencing one of the greatest pleasures as she felt my member opening her vagina with every movement, reaching deep inside her. It really is a strange life of mine. I knew that a normal life did not await me. It's something I knew since I was little, and I accepted that this would be my measure. However, this was something I did not expect to experience in my life. It was not in my plans. ... <b>(2)</b> This morning was exhausting. The afternoon came and with it, lunchtime and my hour of peace with the only person I could call a friend. At least, that was the plan I had for this day, since the beginning was not very normal. As I was on my way to the cafeteria, someone pulled me out of the hallway I was walking down and into the women's restroom. That person who brought me back to this place was Su-hyun, who smiling amusedly, started to pull down my pants. And here we go again... She began to move my member with her hand, moving it down and up to stimulate my penis. When she got it perked up, she started sucking on it, slowly licking and taking my member into her mouth as best she could. Then she took off her shirt and bra to work on her breasts as well. As she finished working with her mouth and breasts, she took off her remaining clothes. She grabbed my member and shoved it into her vagina in one thrust. She gasped as she felt my member and how it went deep inside her. "Fantastic...!" She began to move, moving up and down with speed. As I watched her face, I saw that her face said what she was thrilled at. Excitement and bliss. She kissed me without warning. She stuck her tongue in my mouth, which excited her even more, as she began to squeeze me harder with her vagina. For my part, and to do something, I grabbed her ass and started to move it so that her movements were faster. She was trying to hold back her moans. She was biting her lips to keep from moaning loudly. After a while, we finished. I cum inside her after a lot of movements from this girl. After checking that no one was there, I left there to go to the cafeteria to get something to eat. I really needed food. ... ... ... "Kiyotaka... Kiyotaka... Kiyotaka...!" These were the cries of Kiyotaka's friend, who was searching for his missing friend, unaware that a wild blonde had caught him in her clutches. ... <b>(3)</b> Well... I'm feeling a bit exhausted, but I think I'll be able to continue with the afternoon classes. At this point, I'm realizing that I need a more rigorous workout to maintain my fitness. I went to the bathroom after listening to a boring math class. When I came out of the bathroom, at the same time Seyeon came out, who upon seeing me smiled. That smile was not good. I knew what it meant, and I didn't want to go through the same thing again. However, before I knew it, I was back in the women's restroom and in the same cubicle where I had sex with Eun-jung and Su-hyun. At this point, I came to wonder if this cubicle in the women's restroom was cursed. I also came to wonder if I was the only person who had fallen under the curse of this cubicle that only wants people to have sex in its area. Seyeon, unlike the other two girls, didn't have much of a chest, however, she made up for it with her big ass, which she used to stimulate my friend after licking it a bit. She rubbed my member with her ass until I cum and stained her ass and part of her ass with my cum. She didn't mind and moved on to the next act. Climbing on top of me, she began to ride my member. Her movements were fast from the start, going up and down at the pace she liked. I wanted to do something, so I simply started playing with her breasts with my hands and mouth, something she liked, as her moans were more than enough to know. The sound of Seyeon's hips slapping against me was louder, so the risk of someone hearing us increased, but Seyeon didn't care and just increased the speed of her movements even more as she lost herself in the pleasure I was offering her with the help of my penis, my hands, and my mouth. When the end of our act came, Seyeon was satisfied, showing it with a naughty smile similar to Ichika's. "Thank you, Kiyotaka. Classes were stressful and I needed this." Being with Seyeon, I remembered that I had to go to my classes. To tell you the truth, I think I needed it too, although my energy was slowly running out. It wasn't really like that, but I was really starting to feel some exhaustion. ... <b>(4)</b> The peace I wished for at the end of class could not be fulfilled. As I was walking towards the exit of the university next to my friend, I was dragged inside the room of one of the professors. I guess it goes without saying who this person was who dragged me unannounced in here. As I listened to my friend tell a story his grandfather had told him inside the room, Hyun-mi sat me down on the couch in her office that she had bought exclusively for this kind of meeting. She waited until no more students could be heard walking down the hallway. When no more student voices could be heard, Hyun-mi began to take off her clothes, revealing black lingerie. With a smile that showed her perverted intentions, she began to remove my pants. Her eyes lit up when she saw my friend, who was asleep from playing with other girls. However, she woke my friend up so she could play with him. First, she used her hands to wake up my friend, who started to react. Then she used her big breasts to wake my friend up with something soft and big. Finally, she used her mouth and tongue. With that, she managed to wake up my friend who went back into action. Seeing my friend wake up, the woman didn't wait a second longer and started riding my friend with a lot of energy. Since there was more room, I was able to do it in different positions with this woman, which she liked. Her moans were loud. Even though there was no one around, I didn't want to risk it, so I put a red ball she had and with that, this woman's moans stopped. Of the four women I had a sexual encounter with, sex with Hyun-mi was the longest of all. After finishing with this woman, I simply walked out of the office while leaving the woman who had a satisfied face alone as my seed came out of her vagina. ... <b>(5)</b> "...And that's what happened." Kiyotaka finished recounting what happened that day to Ichika. She nodded as she listened to her superior's story. "You sure had quite an adventure, senpai." - She smiled. - "But you know, senpai. It's been a while since we've had sex. I hope you still have some energy left, senpai." Taking advantage of Kiyotaka sitting on the bed, Ichika threw herself on top of Kiyotaka. Now she was on top of Kiyotaka. Ichika started touching Kiyotaka with her index finger, running her finger over Kiyotaka's body with that naughty smile. He simply accepted his fate, watching as the girl unbuttoned her shirt, revealing her black bra and breasts that had grown quite a bit since her freshman year in high school. He was stronger than Ichika. However, he was too tired to fight and he simply went with the flow. Ichika took off her clothes completely, undressing and flaunting her perfect body which slightly aroused Kiyotaka's friend. She began to play with Kiyotaka's friend, who upon feeling Ichika's familiar touch, was immediately aroused. "I think he grew a little bigger since I last saw him." Ichika let out a giggle as she licked Kiyotaka's penis in the places she knew were to the boy's liking. As quickly as he did, Kiyotaka shot his first load into Ichika's face. She squealed with happiness as she felt something hot on her face. She licked what fell on her face, glad she got a taste of Kiyotaka's sons. She didn't just want to taste Kiyotaka's children. She wanted Kiyotaka's sons inside her. She wanted his sperm inside her womb. Eager to taste her superior's penis, she guided Kiyotaka's penis inside her. When Kiyotaka's penis entered Ichika's vagina, she moaned in pleasure. "I missed you so much, senpai!" She cried out, starting to move, happy to feel Kiyotaka's penis inside her. Kiyotaka, for his part, heeded his male instincts and began to move as well. And so it was that the two lovers had their first sexual encounter after a long time. ... 19/05/2023 I know I'm guilty of not having uploaded anything in a long time. All I can say is that I was busy, plus I didn't feel much like writing this story. A week ago I got them back. During this time I have written a few things. One of them is a project that I plan to upload next month, although I'm not sure if I'm going to do it. Anyway, before I go, I'll leave you the cover of that story. <b>(I want to improve it if I can).</b> That being said, I'm out of here. Remember that there are three chapters left for this story to end. Goodbye! # When will there be an update? You know you should update when even Wattpad reminds you to do so. I didn't expect Wattpad to send me that kind of message. Anyway, I wasn't really planning to update this story. This is because I really didn't feel capable of writing a chapter. Every chapter I wrote of this story I didn't like no matter how hard I tried, and I ended up deleting the draft of each chapter over and over again, along with other drafts of other stories I came up with. However, after reflecting on my life over the last month and reading "Circles" (the best 18+ manhwa I've read) I've decided to publish what I wrote of this story so I can better write the ending of it, as I think it would be more comfortable for me. After that, maybe I'll make a short chapter book to write some random stories that I then make up when I travel by car. Anyway, I'll upload the chapter tomorrow. Thanks for sticking with me those of you who are waiting for the next chapter. Bye. <b>(I recall that the last time I was absent from this account, my notifications exceeded 200).</b> <b>(I also want you to give ideas for the book "COTE: Short Chapters". Of course, I'm not going to write cursed chapters unless I'm drunk).</b> # Chapter 8: Memories <b>I know I said I was going to upload the chapter yesterday, but I had to correct a paper for my university. </b> <b>(Any spelling or grammatical errors, please let me know so I can correct them). </b> <b>...</b> <b>Chapter 8: Memories</b> Ayanokouji, deep in thought, relived in his mind the events that had marked his passage through high school, unfolding before him like a captivating reel of film. The first image projected on that reel of memories showed the beginning of his sexual life, with the figure of Amasawa Ichika as the first sexual partner he had in those intimate and overflowing trips he had with several girls. Amasawa Ichika, a former student of the White Room, stood out for her playful and boisterous personality, accompanied by a charming face that no one could deny was a real beauty in her own personal style. From the very beginning, she had expressed a much deeper feeling than mere adoration when it came to her senpai, making it clear on a certain night when she had meticulously prepared everything to make sure that her senpai clearly understood how she felt about him. On any given night, Ayanokouji was in his room, ready to surrender to sleep so that he could enjoy his weekend. However, his plans to rest early were interrupted by Amasawa's irruption. That girl had come to her senpai's room in the middle of the night with a single purpose: She was going to openly show how she felt about him. Without fully understanding how or why events had unfolded, Ayanokouji found himself immersed in an intimate connection with Amasawa. The only thing he remembered before succumbing to passion was that the girl had offered a drink to him. After ascertaining that said drink harbored no threat, Ayanokouji ingested it. Whatever substance the insinuating liquid contained, it exerted its power over him, guiding him towards carnal consummation with Amasawa. While he was indulging in the ecstasy of that intimate encounter with the girl, Ayanokouji witnessed something that completely transformed his being: Amasawa's gaze. When his eyes met the girl's, he glimpsed a fullness of satisfaction in the girl in whom he had considered the very embodiment of bliss. That satisfaction surpassed the limits of simple happiness. Both he and the girl had been plunged into a state where mere words like "sizzling satisfaction" were insufficient to describe such a degree of fulfillment. The spectacle that unfolded before Ayanokouji's eyes became ingrained in his being, lingering in his memory like a film reel. He would never have foreseen that his life would take such a turn, but it did not arouse the slightest of complaints within him. His "normal" life, in quotation marks, was interrupted by the presence of that young woman with the playful smile, it triggered something in his being that was to his liking. Gradually, this facet that emerged in him became the impetus that led him to have passionate encounters with multiple maidens of the school, inescapably in the strictest secrecy so that the school authorities would not find out. The intertwining occurred by chance, the result of subtle insinuations that intertwined between the two parties, finally leading to intimate acts that were consummated in Ayanokouji's room or in the room of the young maidens, depending on the circumstances and individual preferences. The young maidens who had cultivated a relationship with Ayanokouji were aware of each other's existence and what they shared with the apathetic-faced boy in the evenings and on various weekends. They all wholeheartedly assumed the existence of their congeners in the boy's life, conceiving their bond as lovers of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. When the time came for each of the girls to graduate, they each went their separate ways without breaking the bond they had woven both with each other and with the boy named Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, keeping the connection at arm's length. Sighing slightly at the memory of all that, Ayanokouji got out of bed without disturbing the placid sleep of the lady resting on her sheets, starting preparations to take her classes at the university, hoping not to repeat the events of the previous day. He was very tired, not wanting to deal with the girls at the club. ... ... ... Ayanokouji took his classes without worries, as none of the girls who were in the study group went looking for him to have a passionate moment with him. Ayanokouji was relieved by this. He could finally rest for a damn day. ... ... ... The passing of the hours had marked after a long day the end of classes, heralding the close of another day at the university. Ayanokouji made his way to the meeting place for all the members of the History Club, as Eun-jung had quoted to him. After walking for a few minutes and passing in front of a simple coffee shop to buy a coffee (coffee was the victim of some little experiments on his part) Kiyotaka arrived at the apartment where the club meetings were held. Before opening the apartment door, Kiyotaka could hear the voices of the girls. They seemed to be having fun and enjoying a lively conversation with each other. After waiting outside for a few seconds, he finally entered, only to find the five girls talking animatedly about him and his great-friend. "... After that night, Kiyotaka gave us all so much pleasure that none of the girls were able to attend class the next day. That night was really intense, surpassing all imaginable limits..." <b>(Normal conversation between crazy girls who shared a special taste).</b> Hearing that account, Kiyotaka recalled every second of what happened that night. He agreed with what Ichika said about that night, as that night was undoubtedly a truly erotic-sounding show. Kiyotaka simply sighed, taking a seat on the couch as he was greeted by the girls. "Good, we're all here now, so we can get started with the meeting for the day". Eun-jung uttered, giving her a little pat to end the discussion the girls were having so that they could address another issue of utmost importance. "So where are the others?" Kiyotaka asked not seeing the other two boys in the club. "Choi said he was sick and couldn't attend today. As for Jung-pil, he was expelled." Eun-jung revealed. At these words, Kiyotaka didn't express or react to what the purple-haired girl said. Actually, he didn't care about Jung-pil's situation, and the girls didn't seem to care much about the dark-haired boy's presence either. He didn't feel anything about the boy's departure. On the other hand, Jang's sudden illness took Kiyotaka by surprise. He planned to talk to him later, as he considered the sporty boy as just another friend. "In that case... Why did you call us, Eun-jung?" Kiyotaka asked. "All of us were talking about going on vacation to a small villa of my parents' after the exams, to take a break from studying and relax a bit." Eun-jung revealed, sharing the plan that the girls had been preparing not only to relax but also to give Kiyotaka a nice gift as a token of their gratitude for satisfying them so much. This idea came about when Ichika told them about the many sexual adventures Kiyotaka had experienced before coming to South Korea. Whether it was because he was used to watching girls' expressions or because his manly instincts told him so, Kiyotaka knew that this trip, which was supposed to be a relaxing getaway, would turn into a long sexual adventure. Such a thought made Kiyotaka ponder the limits of this upcoming trip. He could not deny the charm and temptation surrounding the idea, but at the same time, he questioned the fact that he was possibly not going to rest. However, as he gazed around the room at the girls' enthusiastic faces, Kiyotaka could not help but recognize the desire that burned within him. The prospect of exploring new depths of intimacy and pleasure with those girls who had become such an integral part of his life was undeniably appealing to him and to his friend, who was preparing for the trip. "I see. A vacation sounds like a great idea for relaxing after exams." He agreed with what was said. - "But let's remember to prioritize rest and relaxation. We don't want to overexert ourselves." "I don't think that's possible, senpai." Ichika said, with an amused and somewhat mischievous smile. "Of course, Kiyotaka. Rest will be a crucial aspect of our trip. But I also hope that we can create lasting memories together, that will bring us closer together as a club and as.... Lovers." Likewise, Eun-jung smiled mischievously. The other girls also did the same. As the discussion continued, the atmosphere was filled with a mixture of anticipation and excitement. Ideas were exchanged, plans were made, and the boundaries of their upcoming vacation began to take shape. Each girl expressed her wishes and expectations, and Kiyotaka listened attentively. After some more planning and small talk, everyone said their goodbyes and went home to rest. Or at least that's what it was all about, as Ichika kept Kiyotaka busy most of the night with the excuse of making up for lost time. Excuses for Ichika to suck Kiyotaka's soul. ... ... ... Arriving on Friday morning, most of the study group was getting ready to go to a small house of Eun-jung's parents, where we would stay for 3 days to rest from the exams and strengthen our friendship. I really would have liked this trip to be normal. However, since it was announced that we were all going on vacation, I was already expecting the girls to finish me off during those three days of vacation. My fate was already written, and I didn't fight it. <b>("Canonical event" - said Miguel O'Hara).</b> When we all left, my travel companions left for our destination to enjoy our vacation. I had in mind that the car trip would be my little vacation, as it was possibly one of the few opportunities to be able to rest without these crazy women attacking me. However, that was not my destination. I ended up making love to all the girls during the trip, making little stops so that all the girls could have a little time with me. Luckily, they let me rest for 15 minutes, which I used to think about my life and what I will do in the future. Undoubtedly, this little vacation that has lost its meaning for me, will be very exhausting for everyone. <b>...</b> <b> </b> <b>07/08/2023</b> <b>That's all from my side.</b> <b>I apologize for not making this chapter long. Next chapter, which will be the last of this story, I will try to make it longer.</b> <b>Anyway. I don't have much to say honestly.</b> <b>Goodbye.</b> # I don't deserve us... Many things have happened in my life since the last time I updated. Supposedly, I wanted to finish this story last month. However, last month, I had a kidney disease. During that time, I've been thinking about various things, including what I'll do with this story. I want to finish the story, that's clear to me. The main idea is that all the girls will participate in a very affectionate activity with Kiyotaka. However, I haven't found the inspiration to write that scene yet. I think I've said this before, but I'm thinking about making a book where I'll upload chapters that don't have a continuation, in other words, "One-Shots." I'm also considering uploading chapters from a story I've written on my other Wattpad account, with better narration to make it more entertaining. I've currently written two stories, both with a prologue and the first chapter, one with over 5,000 words and the other with over 8,000 words, just so you know I haven't stopped writing. Anyway, below I'll provide a small preview of the final chapter of Sextudy Group and the prologues of the two stories I've written. Enjoy. <b>--------------------------------------------------</b> Remember that these are only drafts, so don't pay attention to my bad spelling and grammar. <b>--------------------------------------------------</b> <b>Preview of: Sextudy Group.</b> The journey was long and exhausting, at least for me. It's not easy dealing with five women who displayed their lustful desires during the trip. We arrived at the countryside house that belonged to Eun-jung's family. We unloaded everything we had brought for the trip and left it in the house. As I placed my luggage where I would be sleeping, if I could sleep on this vacation, Ichika appeared behind me and climbed onto my back. I felt her breath as she approached my ear and spoke to me. "It was a very boring trip, Kiyotaka-senpai. I hope to have fun with you tonight." Ichika chuckled as she said that while leaving her things by the bed. "Are you staying with me?" She nodded. "Yes. I won that right in a game of rock, paper, scissors." Smiling, she began to unpack. However, she stopped and turned to look at me. "Can you leave, please?" "Eh? Why?" "Just be a good boy and do it." She didn't give me a response and instead just smiled with supposed innocence, waiting for me to leave the room. I sighed resignedly and left the room, catching a sigh of relief from Ichika. That was weird. Having been kicked out of my room, I started walking down the narrow hallway, where I saw an open door with the voices of Hyun and Seyeon coming from it. I couldn't hear what they were saying, so out of sheer curiosity, I approached to listen better. Before I could see what was in the room, Seyeon's female intuition made her turn to the door, seeing me, and quickly walked to close it while yelling at me, "Nosy, get out of here!" Being kicked out for the second time, I walked again and this time ran into Su-hyun, who was coming out of the room she shared with Eun-jung. <b>--------------------------------------------------</b> <b>Preview of: COTE: FIFTH LEADER (MOTIVATION OF GENIUS) (YEAR 1)</b> <b>Prologue: Motivation.</b> What is motivation? Motivation is a concept that refers to the internal and external processes that direct, energize, and maintain a person's behavior toward the achievement of goals or the satisfaction of needs. It is a driving force that compels individuals to act and persevere in pursuing objectives, overcome challenges, and seek personal satisfaction. Motivation is fundamental in daily life as it influences academics, work, sports, artistic performance, and many other areas of life. It's what propels us to get out of bed in the morning, set goals, strive to achieve them, and persist despite obstacles. Without motivation, achieving success or finding satisfaction in our actions would be difficult. Like any living being, I have my own clear motivations, although I only have one motivation: making my parents happy. I live perfectly well with that motivation in my life. Thanks to this simple motivation, I have achieved several accomplishments that have made my parents proud of me. I don't know if my motivation is something to be admired. Whether it's admirable or not, I am content with it. I am content, but my mother has always wanted me to have more motivation in my life. She is content with my motivation, but she always tells me that I should aspire to something more. Throughout my life, I have tried what my mother has told me. I have sought more motivation throughout my life; however, I have never found it. Is that a bad thing? I don't know. In any case, to continue my quest for new motivations, I have decided to attend the most prestigious high school in my country, hoping to find more motivations to add to my list that I will have to show my mother when I graduate from that school with the document that will reveal that I graduated from the most prestigious high school in Japan. But... Do I have the motivation to do it? <b style="text-align:center;">--------------------------------------------------</b> <b>Preview of: Elite Stars (Provisional title)</b> <b>Prologue.</b> Talent is a combination of innate or acquired skills and aptitudes that distinguish one person from all others. It can be defined as exceptional proficiency, an outstanding aptitude that manifests in artistic, academic, athletic, or any other sphere of human accomplishment. The truth about talent is not confined solely to the faculties with which we are born but can be forged and perfected through diligence, experience, and dedication. While some individuals may display innate talent in specific areas from an early age, the development of such talent requires unceasing effort and a continual pursuit of improvement. The diverse manifestations of talent are as varied as they are fascinating. On one hand, there are those gifted in the musical realm, whose exceptional abilities are displayed in playing instruments or singing. On the other hand, we have sports prodigies, whose agility, strength, or coordination sets them apart in athletic disciplines. We must not overlook academic talents, those extraordinary beings capable of grasping and applying complex concepts in fields like mathematics, science, or literature. However, it is worth noting that talent does not guarantee absolute success in a specific field. While it may provide an initial advantage, lasting success requires equal measures of effort, perseverance, and dedication. Even those blessed with innate talent must toil to cultivate it, overcoming obstacles on their path to excellence. Furthermore, talent can take on multiple facets, and a person may excel in various areas or disciplines. Some individuals possess a natural inclination toward various artistic expressions, while others excel both academically and athletically. Talent is not limited to a single sphere but allows individuals to explore and develop different dimensions of their potential. In summary, talent embodies an exceptional aptitude or skill in a specific area, whether acquired or innate, which positions a person prominently relative to others. While it constitutes a valuable starting point, achieving excellence and lasting success demands constant effort and dedication. Now, we delve into another topic: the purpose of a school. An educational institution has as its primary objective to provide students with formal and systematic education that enables them to develop essential skills and knowledge to face life's challenges and contribute to the progress of the society they are part of. Schools pursue specific goals, such as teaching practical skills, fostering critical and creative thinking, promoting socialization and teamwork, and preparing students for higher education and the workplace. In essence, the purpose of a school is to offer comprehensive education that allows students to unfold their full potential, becoming informed, critical, and responsible citizens capable of positively contributing to society. With these concepts in mind, the United States aimed to create the best possible schools, capable of meeting all the expectations associated with an educational institution and, in this way, facilitating the development of young talents. In pursuit of this goal, the United States has achieved its mission. It has established educational institutions of excellence where outstanding young individuals are trained and awarded a title called "Elite Star."
A Dictator, A telepath, and a Assassin(Spy x Family fanfic)
The continued adventures of Kenta creating a new family in Spy x family univers.... The book is about Kenta realtionship with Anya, Yor.... YorXOC
[ "anime", "anya", "cute", "dictator", "fanfiction", "harem", "lemon", "malereader", "romance", "spyxfamily", "yor" ]
[ "Prologue: DictatorX Family", "Finally someone I trust", "Acadmey of pedophiles", "Family time(fluff and gives you diabaties)", "Dolphins", "Talking with yor", "Bonding with yor", "Story ideas", "Love and sex" ]
[ "\n\n\n3rd POV\n\nKenta entered within Spyx Family world and made himself a popular figure in the world as the napoleon of the criminal organization.\n\nBut Kenta has decided to do something bizzare such as adopting a child.\n\nKenta visited the orphange.....But before he visited there he made sure he used an anti minding reading spell to protect his identity....\n\nHe saw a girl who definitely looks no older than four or five.\n\n\"Six \" The girl said.\n\n\"I am six....My name is Anya....And Anya will be good girl! Please \" Anya said as she begged Kenta to adopt him...\n\nKenta has decided to adopt her which surprised her as he adopted her that quick...Anya feels relieved to have a new father.\n\nKenta has dropped Anya in his new home and provided a caretaker so she takes care of her.....Kenta has decided to make his next move.\n\n\"Anya likes her new home \" Anya said cheering.\n\n&lt;Meanwhile in a certain house&gt;\n\n\"Hey, Sis how have you been? \" Yuri said on the phone.\n\n\"Oh, Yuri.... \" Yor replied.\n\n\"Isn't it about time you got married? \" Yuri asked.\n\n\"This again? \" Yor said.\n\n\"The thing is, there is a chance I might get promoted....That's why I wanted you to be happy. \" Yuri said.\n\n\"I know \" Yor replied.\n\n\"I am actually going out on a party....With my partner of course \" Yor replied.\n\n\"Is it with your coworkers..... \" Yuri asked.\n\n\"Yes...Camilia is throwing it out \" Yor replied.\n\n\"I See....I am looking forward to meet him, Goodnight! \" Yuri cut off the phone.\n\nYor POV\n\nI need to find someone for the sake of my little brother's promotion. Suddenly my phone got rung again....I picked it up again....Yuri must have called again.\n\n\"Yuri I was just joki- \" I was cut off.\n\n\"Good Evening. I have a cilent for you.....Thorn Princess \" The caller said.\n\nMy face got darkened out...As I realized what I am about to do.....Royal hotel\n\n&lt;Timeskip&gt;\n\nYor POV\n\nHuh? Oh no! What shall I do? My clothes are completly ruined...I don't have anything else to wear for the party....And how can I find a partner for the party....\n\nAnd the stain isn't coming off.\n\nIt's unheard of people my age to be single....But it's hopeless.\n\nWhen it comes to homemaking cleaning is the only thing I can do.\n\n&lt;Timeskip&gt;\n\nYor POV\n\nI came at the local store....And I am browsing some things....Untill I have met a man.....\n\nHe looks so handsome....Is he a model. I wonder what's he doing.\n\nFinding a right partner takes long enough fo-\n\n\"Pardon me \" He called out.\n\nIs he calling me out....This handsome guy is calling me out....Surprisingly it feels good when I am noticed by a man....I am very bad at realtionships and haven't dated a single man.\n\nSo it's nice when someone pays attention to me. But he managed to slip behind my gaze...I wonder why.\n\n\"You have been staring at me ever since I walked in. May I help you? \" He called out.\n\n\"I am admiring how pretty you are? \" I blurted out.....DID I SAY THAT....\n\nI TAKE IT BACK....I TAKE IT BACK.....PLEASE I AM NOT A CREEP I SWEAR.\n\n\"You have a favourable impression of my physical apperance \" Kenta said.\n\n\"Eh! Well...Yes \" I said...\n\nWhat the hell is wrong with me? Why I am saying these things?\n\n\"Papa....I know how long I am.... \" A young girl called out him.\n\nPapa? How? He is so young and handsome? Is he married?\n\nI can't believe myself....I almost pursured someone's husband....I am really the worst.\n\nI have heard that women have been killed by wives for doing such things.....I mean if that happened to me. I would just kill them back....\n\nMeanwhile the little girl seems terrified of me....As if she heard my thoughts.\n\nAnd the next moment she really seems exicted....She is so cute....I wish I had daughter like her.\n\n\"Ah! I am so lonenly because I don't have a mama \" The little begun singing a song...So Adorable...I feel bad for her.\n\n\"I actually lost my wife in a terrible accident two years ago....And she is what I have all left....My only wish is that I could replace the void within Anya's heart so that I could provide a caring mother for me \" He replied sadly.\n\nSuddenly I had a brilliant idea.\n\nThis could really work out well....I could ask him out....\n\nI asked him out and said everything about the party and my situation...\n\n\"Pretend to be your boyfriend? \" He said out.\n\n\"Um! I promise I don't have ulterior motives I swear. \" I said honestly while blushing....I can't believe I am doing this.\n\n\"Very well...I can agree \" He replied while understanding.\n\nHe is understanding....I guess I like this side of him...I always wanted to engage myself in a relationship as well to fulfill my desires as a women.\n\n\"I like you to play the role of her mother during the interview \" He sighed.\n\n\"Oh! Coming to the point...My name is Kenta Kiyoshi. I am mathematican.... \" He said shaking my hand.\n\nA mathematician? That's why he looks so smart....I am moved.\n\n\"My only wish is for my daughter...to get into a good school \" He held his fists as he said.\n\nI will help him.....What a wonderful person.\n\n\"A-All right....If you think I am fit for the role \" I said.\n\n\"Thank you....Then let's reconvene at Saturday's party \" Kenta replied.\n\n\"Sure \" I said as I left...\n\nWhen I left some new feelings have formed inside my chest...and it feels heavy.\n\nA new realtionship with Kenta-san....I am looking forward to it.", "After several years of staying with Yor and Anya they have finally became a family.....They have become too attached with each other.\n\nKenta: walks into the living room, finding Yor sitting on the couch, deep in thought\n\nYor: looks up, a faint smile forming on her face Hey, Kenta. I was just lost in my own little world for a moment there.\n\nKenta: sits down next to Yor, concern in his eyes Is everything alright, Yor? You seem a bit distant.\n\nYor: takes a deep breath, deciding to share her thoughts Kenta, I've been reflecting on how much our lives have changed since we found out about Anya's true parentage. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions for all of us.\n\nKenta: reaches out and takes Yor's hand in his I know, Yor. It hasn't been an easy journey, but we've faced it together. I'm grateful for your love and support through it all.\n\nYor: squeezes Kenta's hand, feeling reassured I love you too, Kenta. And I want you to know that my feelings for you haven't changed. You've always been an incredible partner and father to Anya.\n\nKenta: smiles, his eyes filled with warmth Yor, you're an extraordinary woman. The way you've embraced our family and loved Anya as your own is truly remarkable. I couldn't have asked for a better partner.\n\nYor: leans in, resting her head against Kenta's shoulder We've been through so much together, Kenta. The challenges, the surprises, and the joy. I wouldn't have it any other way.\n\nKenta: wraps his arm around Yor, pulling her closer You've been my rock, Yor. Your strength, resilience, and unwavering love have kept us grounded. I'm grateful for every moment we've shared.\n\nYor: gazes into Kenta's eyes, a mix of love and gratitude Let's continue to support each other and be the pillars our family needs. Anya's happiness and well-being are our priority, and together, we can navigate any storm that comes our way.\n\nIn this tender moment, Kenta and Yor reaffirm their love and commitment to each other. They acknowledge the challenges they've faced as a couple and as parents, and their mutual appreciation strengthens their bond. With open hearts and a shared determination, they assure each other that their love will continue to grow, nurturing their family and facing whatever lies ahead.\n\nKenta decided to check up on Anya.....\n\nAnya: sits in her room, holding a newspaper article in her hands, her expression filled with shock and fear\n\nKenta: knocks softly on Anya's bedroom door Can I come in, Anya?\n\nAnya: looks up, her eyes cold and distant What do you want, Papa?\n\nKenta: enters the room cautiously, sensing the tension Anya, I see you found out about my past.\n\nAnya: holds out the newspaper article, her voice laced with accusation So, you're a dictator, Papa. A tyrant who ruled with an iron fist, crushing the hopes and dreams of innocent people.\n\nKenta: pauses, his voice devoid of remorse Yes, Anya. I was a dictator. I did what was necessary to maintain control and power. The world is a harsh place, and sometimes strong actions are required.\n\nAnya: tears welling up in her eyes How could you, Papa? How could you treat people like that, denying them their basic rights and freedoms?\n\nKenta: calmly Anya, you're too young to understand the complexities of ruling a nation. I did what I believed was necessary for the greater good.\n\nAnya: voice trembling with anger Greater good? Is that what you call it? How many lives did you ruin, Papa? How many families suffered because of your decisions?\n\nKenta: leaning in, his tone authoritative Anya, I've changed, but I don't expect you to understand or forgive me. I did what was required to maintain stability and order, and I don't regret it.\n\nAnya: stands up, her voice filled with defiance Well, Papa, I can't accept that. I can't accept a father who has caused so much pain and suffering.\n\nKenta: coldly It's your choice, Anya. But know that I am who I am, and I will not apologize for it.\n\nAnya: wiping away her tears, her voice determined I will never condone your actions, Papa. I will find my own path, one that upholds justice and compassion.\n\nIn this tense and emotionally charged moment, Anya confronts her father, Kenta, about his past as a dictator. The conversation is marked by anger, disappointment, and an unyielding stance from Anya. Kenta, unapologetic and unchanged, defends his actions and maintains his belief that his dictatorial rule was justified. Anya, refusing to accept her father's justifications, vows to forge her own path, one that rejects his legacy of oppression. The conversation leaves a lingering sense of distance and unresolved conflict between father and daughter.\n\nKenta POV\n\nWhere did I wrong...How she found out.....I even blocked my brain...It can't be.....She read the minds of my lackeys.....\n\nI didn't block the brain reading from my goons....So that's how.\n\n...To be honest\n\nAnd to be frank....I didn't predict myself to become attached with these people....\n\nNow that I have become attached with them.....I can't take it anymore...I never experienced this kind of feeling.....\n\nIt's like I finally have some family.....Which i never experienced with any of the people I have....\n\nThis warm feeling of wanting what is best for both anya and yor is breaking me down......\n\nI can't lie to the people who I love dearly....This is the first time I loved someone other than my friends.\n\nThat's why I have chosen deathwish....\n\nI will tell them who I am.....\n\nWorst case....they will reject me and leave me.....I can handle rejection from them.....I can't hide from them.....Sooner or later they will know who I am.....\n\nI know that they trust me....So I am doing a favor for myself and tell them who I am\n\nWhy in the hell... I am behaving like this....\n\nI know I haven't changed and I am the same evil dictator I am....But being an evil dictator doesn't mean I can't have family\n\nI called both of them.....Anya is pretending she doesn't know anything.....Clever girl....I am proud of her.\n\n3rd POV\n\nKenta: sits down on the edge of the bed, his expression stoic and distant Anya, Yor, we need to talk.\n\nAnya: crosses her arms, her eyes guarded What is it, Papa?\n\nYor: sits beside Anya, concern etched on her face Kenta, what's on your mind?\n\nKenta: pauses for a moment, his voice devoid of emotion I have been reflecting on my past actions and the consequences they've had on others. It's become clear to me that the pain I've caused extends to both of you.\n\nAnya: raises an eyebrow, her tone skeptical Is this supposed to be some kind of revelation, Papa?\n\nKenta: maintains his stoic demeanor It is an acknowledgment, Anya. I understand the pain I've caused, and I take responsibility for my actions.\n\nYor: softens her voice, reaching out to touch Kenta's hand Kenta, we've all made mistakes. It's never too late to change and make amends.\n\nKenta: withdraws his hand, his eyes distant Perhaps. But changing one's actions doesn't erase the past or the pain inflicted upon others.\n\nAnya: voice filled with frustration So, what? Are you just going to continue on the same path, unaffected by the pain you've caused?\n\nKenta: nods, his voice cold and resolute I am who I am, Anya. I cannot change the past, nor do I seek forgiveness or redemption.\n\nYor: disappointment evident in her voice Kenta, we are a family. We can work through this together, support each other in becoming better people.\n\nKenta: stands up, his tone unwavering I appreciate your sentiment, but I have made my choices. The consequences are mine to bear, and I will do so alone.\n\nYor: feeling a surge of frustration, raises her hand and delivers a firm slap across Kenta's cheek Wake up, Kenta! Snap out of this self-pity and see the reality in front of you!\n\nKenta: stunned, his hand instinctively touching his cheek, his eyes widening with surprise\n\nYor: holds Kenta's gaze, her voice filled with determination You have a family who loves you, who believes in you. We won't let you drown in self-doubt and despair. We will fight with you, stand by your side, and help you find a path to redemption.\n\nKenta: slowly lowers his hand from his cheek, a mix of emotions flickering in his eyes\n\nYor: softens her voice, her hand gently resting on Kenta's shoulder Kenta, you're not alone in this. We're here for you, but you need to start believing in yourself. Embrace the possibility of change, of growth, and let go of the weight of your past.\n\nKenta: takes a deep breath, his gaze meeting Yor's with a newfound flicker of hope Yor... I... I will try.\n\nYor's firm yet compassionate slap serves as a wake-up call for Kenta, snapping him out of his self-destructive mindset. She implores him to see beyond his past and recognize the love and support his family offers. While surprised by the slap, Kenta begins to realize that he has people who believe in him and are willing to help him on his journey toward redemption. Yor's actions ignite a spark of hope within him, and he expresses his willingness to try and change, to let go of the weight of his past. This moment marks a turning point in Kenta's perspective, offering the possibility of a brighter future for him and his family.\n\nAnya silently looks down, her expression a mix of disappointment and resignation\n\nYor stands up, her voice filled with strength\" You may see yourself as a monster, but I see the potential for growth and change within you. I won't give up on you, Kenta. I won't let your self-loathing dictate our future.\"", "\n\n\nIn the dimly lit and imposing gym, Kenta Kiyoshi, the feared dictator, was engrossed in his intense workout routine. The weight machines creaked under the strain as he exerted his immense strength. Sweat poured down his face, his muscles bulging with power. It was a rare moment of solitude for the dictator, away from the prying eyes of his loyalists.\n\nSuddenly, a soft voice pierced through the clanging of weights and the hum of exercise machines. Kenta glanced over his shoulder to find a young girl, no older than seven, standing a few feet away, her innocent eyes filled with curiosity.\n\nUnfazed by her presence, Kenta paused his workout and turned to face her, his imposing figure towering over her small frame. His cold eyes studied her for a moment, unsure of what to make of this unexpected interruption.\n\nThe little girl took a hesitant step forward, her tiny fingers twirling the end of her ponytail nervously. With a hint of shyness, she spoke in a small voice, \"Excuse me, mister... Are you really strong? Can you lift me up?\"\n\n\"Strong? You have no idea,\" he replied, his voice dripping with arrogance. \"Prepare to be amazed.\"\n\nWith calculated precision, Kenta effortlessly scooped the girl into his massive arms, his bulging muscles serving as a stark contrast to her delicate frame. The little girl giggled, her laughter echoing through the gym as Kenta lifted her high above his head, spinning her gently before setting her down on her feet.\n\nFor a brief moment, the weight of his brutal dictatorship lifted, replaced by the simple joy of a child's laughter. Kenta's expression softened, a glimmer of humanity breaking through the facade of the cruel dictator he had become.\n\nIn a twisted and satirical twist of fate, the members of the infamous Academy of Pedophiles gathered in their secret meeting room, deep underground to discuss whether they should Invite Kenta Kiyoshi to their academy. The dimly lit room was filled with a mix of anticipation and mischief as they awaited the arrival of their potential new chairman, the infamous Lord Orochimaru.\n\nAs the time ticked away, the members engaged in hushed conversations, exchanging scandalous tales and outrageous ideas. Sir Rudeus, known for his unabashed audacity, proposed various strategies to manipulate public opinion and secure Orochimaru's position as the chairman. Wise Sage Hisoka, the enigmatic mastermind, contemplated the potential benefits and risks of having Orochimaru's cunning intellect at the helm.\n\nLeading the gathering was the eccentric and flamboyant Head of Discipline, Lilynette Piani, dressed in her signature nun attire from the Overlord anime. She passionately argued that Orochimaru's unorthodox methods and thirst for power aligned perfectly with the academy's mission of pushing boundaries and challenging societal norms.\n\nJust as the discussion reached a crescendo, the doors swung open with a dramatic flourish. In walked Lord Orochimaru, his presence sending a mix of awe and unease through the room. His piercing gaze and enigmatic smile hinted at the depths of his dark desires.\n\nWith a suave demeanor, Orochimaru addressed the members, acknowledging their unique vision and goals. He cunningly played with their desires, subtly fueling their ambitions while keeping his own intentions shrouded in mystery. The members, intoxicated by his charisma, eagerly embraced him as their potential leader.\n\nAnd so, the Academy of Pedophiles welcomed Lord Orochimaru as their chairman, marking a new era of twisted ambitions and controversial pursuits. Little did they know the tumultuous and unpredictable path they were about to embark on, as Orochimaru's presence would reshape the academy and its nefarious endeavors forever.\n\nIn a twisted and satirical turn of events, the Academy of Pedophiles convened a meeting to discuss the invitation of none other than Lord Orochimaru as their esteemed chairman. The members gathered in a dimly lit room, their intentions questionable and their motives dubious.\n\nHod Lilynette Piani, the self-proclaimed nun from the Overlord anime, cleared her throat and addressed the assembly. \"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed colleagues of the Academy, we are gathered here today to discuss a most intriguing proposition. It has come to our attention that the legendary Lord Orochimaru, with his unique expertise and questionable interests, may be the perfect candidate to grace our esteemed institution as the chairman.\"\n\nThe room erupted in a mix of whispers, gasps, and nervous laughter. Sir Rudeus, a self-proclaimed expert in the ways of questionable behavior, scratched his chin and chimed in, \"Ah, Lord Orochimaru, a man of unmatched curiosity and unconventional methods. With his unparalleled knowledge in the field, we can certainly learn a thing or two from him.\"\n\nWise Sage Hisoka, known for his cunning and enigmatic nature, stroked his chin thoughtfully. \"Indeed, Orochimaru's insatiable thirst for knowledge and his unorthodox experiments could provide a unique perspective to our esteemed academy. He may just be the missing puzzle piece we've been searching for.\"\n\nAs the discussion continued, the members debated the potential advantages and drawbacks of inviting Lord Orochimaru. The air was thick with a mix of anticipation and moral ambiguity. The room seemed to oscillate between absurdity and disbelief, and yet, there was an undeniable sense of excitement among the members.\n\nIn the end, the decision was left hanging in the air, the invitation to Lord Orochimaru pending further deliberation. The Academy of Pedophiles, with its questionable reputation and eccentric members, was prepared to venture into even more uncharted territories. And as the meeting adjourned, the lingering question remained: would Lord Orochimaru accept the invitation and become the notorious chairman of this peculiar institution?\n\nAs the members of the Academy of Pedophiles eagerly extended an invitation to Lord Orochimaru, the serpent-loving sorcerer, they eagerly awaited his response. With anticipation in the air, Lord Orochimaru gracefully declined their offer, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.\n\n\"I appreciate the kind invitation, dear colleagues,\" he said, his tone cool and composed. \"However, my interests lie in the pursuit of knowledge that delves into the mysteries of the world, particularly the secrets of the serpentine realm. While I respect your academic endeavors, they do not align with my current research focus.\"\n\nThe members of the academy exchanged glances, a mix of disappointment and understanding on their faces. They realized that Lord Orochimaru's insatiable curiosity and unorthodox interests lay in a different realm, one beyond the scope of their pedagogical pursuits.\n\nAs the members of the Academy of Pedophiles excitedly extended their invitation to Lord Orochimaru, the atmosphere was filled with anticipation and a touch of absurdity. The room was abuzz with discussions, each member fervently trying to convince the serpent-loving sorcerer to join their esteemed ranks.\n\nSir Rudeus, known for his eccentricity and questionable choices, enthusiastically stepped forward. \"Lord Orochimaru, think of the possibilities! With your vast knowledge and unique expertise, we could unlock new realms of... uh... educational exploration!\"\n\nWise Sage Hisoka, never one to shy away from controversy, chimed in with a sly grin. \"Indeed! Your unorthodox methods and boundary-pushing experiments would be a perfect fit for our academy. Just imagine the groundbreaking research we could conduct!\"\n\nHowever, not everyone was on board with the idea. Hod Lilynette, the nun from the Overlord anime, raised an eyebrow skeptically. \"I must object. Our academy may already have its fair share of eccentricities, but we must draw the line at serpentine obsessions. We are scholars, not snake enthusiasts!\"\n\nShe crossed her arms, her gaze unwavering as she continued, \"We have a reputation to uphold, and associating with Lord Orochimaru might not bode well for our academic standing. Let's focus on more... intellectually stimulating pursuits, shall we?\"\n\nThe room fell silent, the air thick with a mix of anticipation and tension. Each member knew that their proposal to Lord Orochimaru was unconventional at best, bordering on absurdity. After a moment of contemplation, Lord Orochimaru gracefully declined their invitation, his voice dripping with amusement.\n\n\"Dear colleagues,\" he began, a wry smile playing on his lips, \"I appreciate your enthusiasm and imaginative thinking. However, I believe my research and interests may lie in realms far too unconventional for even this esteemed academy.\"\n\nThe objections of Sir Rudeus and Hod Lilynette echoed in the background as Lord Orochimaru made his exit, leaving the members of the academy to reflect on their ambitious yet slightly misguided attempt.\n\nAnd so, the Academy of Pedophiles carried on, each member continuing their scholarly pursuits in their own eccentric ways. As for Lord Orochimaru, his serpentine studies took him to realms unknown, forever elusive to the quirky halls of this particular institution.", "\n\n\nKenta, Yor, and Anya sat in the spacious living room of their lavish residence. The room was adorned with opulent decorations, reflecting the wealth and power Kenta had acquired through his nefarious activities.\n\nAnya, a bright and innocent girl, bounced on the sofa with excitement, clutching a picture book in her small hands. Her wide-eyed gaze was fixed on Kenta, who sat nearby, his expression typically stern and foreboding.\n\nYor, a gentle and caring soul, sat between them, playing the role of a bridge in their complex family dynamic. She smiled warmly at Anya, encouraging her to show Kenta the book she had been so excited about.\n\n\"Look, Daddy!\" Anya exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. \"I drew pictures of us as a family!\" She eagerly flipped through the pages, revealing her crayon-drawn illustrations of Kenta, Yor, and herself engaged in various activities.\n\nKenta glanced at the drawings with a hint of amusement, though his sinister demeanor remained intact. He reached out, taking the book from Anya's hands, and examined each page, his eyes narrowing as he observed the depictions.\n\nYor watched the interaction closely, her heart filled with a mixture of love for her daughter and a sliver of hope for Kenta's redemption. She leaned towards him, whispering softly, \"Anya worked really hard on those drawings. She loves spending time with you, even though you're so busy.\"\n\nKenta's features softened imperceptibly as he returned his attention to the vibrant illustrations. He couldn't deny the bond that had formed between him and his daughter, despite his wicked nature. In his own twisted way, he found a sense of pride in seeing himself as a father figure through Anya's eyes.\n\nWith a gruff voice that betrayed a trace of fondness, Kenta handed the book back to Anya. \"You did well, Anya,\" he acknowledged. \"Keep practicing. We'll have an evil empire to conquer together one day.\"\n\nAnya beamed at the subtle praise from her father, her innocent trust in him unwavering. She hugged the book tightly and cuddled closer to Yor, her mother's embrace providing a sense of warmth and security amidst the darkness that surrounded their family.\n\nIn this unusual and complex family, moments like these served as fragile threads of connection, weaving together the contrasting forces of love, evil, and hope.\n\nAnya's innocent curiosity led her to ask a question that many children eventually ponder. In this scenario, let's explore how Kenta and Yor navigate this sensitive topic while keeping Anya's innocence intact, despite Kenta's evil nature.\n\nAnya, wide-eyed and brimming with curiosity, turned to her parents, Kenta and Yor, with a question that had been on her mind for some time.\n\n\"Daddy, Mommy, how are children born?\" she asked innocently, her gaze shifting between them.\n\nKenta's stern expression softened for a moment, realizing the importance of approaching the subject with care. Yor, always gentle and nurturing, took the lead, understanding the significance of providing a simplified and age-appropriate explanation.\n\n\"Well, sweetie,\" Yor began, her voice warm and reassuring, \"when a man and a woman love each other very much, they decide to have a baby. The mommy's body has a special place called a womb, where the baby grows.\"\n\nAnya listened attentively, her eyes wide with wonder, absorbing every word her mother said. Kenta, though struggling to convey tenderness, recognized the need to contribute to the conversation.\n\n\"Daddy's role is to give a special seed called a sperm, and Mommy's role is to have a special egg,\" Kenta added in his characteristic deep voice. \"When the sperm and the egg come together, a baby starts to form inside the mommy's womb.\"\n\nAnya's face lit up with fascination, trying to comprehend the concept. \"So, babies grow inside mommies' tummies?\" she asked, seeking confirmation.\n\nAnya nodded, her eyes filled with wonder as she tried to comprehend the concept. Sensing Yor's slight discomfort, she decided to push the boundaries a bit further.\n\n\"Can I see it happen, Mommy?\" Anya asked, innocently seeking a practical demonstration.\n\nYor blushed, her cheeks turning rosy, and gently placed her hands on Anya's shoulders. \"Oh, sweetie, it's not something we can see happening. It's a special and private moment that happens between grown-ups when they are ready.\"\n\nAnya, sensing her mother's shyness, nodded understandingly. \"Okay, Mommy. I understand.\"\n\nKenta, observing the exchange, decided to add a touch of levity to ease the atmosphere. \"Anya, when you're older, you'll learn more about it in school and have a better understanding. Right now, it's important to focus on being a happy and carefree child.\"\n\nAnya's face lit up with a smile, grateful for the explanation and the love shared within their family. She wrapped her arms around both Kenta and Yor, feeling the warmth and security they provided.\n\nIn that moment, Yor's shyness and Kenta's recognition of her boundaries spoke volumes about their respect for each other and their commitment to preserving Anya's innocence. They understood the importance of protecting her curiosity while allowing her to learn and grow at an appropriate pace.\n\nAnya, wide-eyed and filled with curiosity, turned to her parents, Kenta and Yor, with a question that had been on her mind for some time.\n\n\"Daddy, Mommy, do I have to do that baby thing with a boy when I grow up?\" she asked innocently, her gaze shifting between them.\n\nKenta's stern expression softened, understanding the significance of addressing the question with care while preserving Anya's innocence. He exchanged a glance with Yor, who nodded, signaling their agreement on how to approach the topic.\n\nChuckling softly, Kenta crouched down to be at eye level with Anya. \"Well, my little princess, when you grow up, it will be your choice. Some people choose to have a baby with someone they love, whether it's a boy or a girl, while others choose different paths.\"\n\nAnya pondered his response for a moment, her tiny brow furrowing in concentration. \"So, I can choose?\"\n\nKenta smiled warmly, affirming her question. \"Absolutely, Anya! It will be your decision to make when you're older. The most important thing is to follow your heart and do what feels right for you.\"\n\nAnya's face lit up with excitement, feeling empowered by her father's words. She hugged Kenta tightly, giggling in her childlike innocence. \"I wish I can have a baby with you, Daddy!\"\n\nKenta chuckled softly, appreciating her innocence and the pure love she radiated. He gently ruffled her hair. \"That's very sweet, Anya. You're such a special girl. Just remember, we'll always love and support you, no matter what choices you make in the future.\"\n\nYor, watching the exchange, smiled warmly at the bond between father and daughter. She interjected playfully, \"Anya, let's focus on enjoying our time together right now, and we can talk more about these things when you're older, okay?\"\n\nAnya nodded eagerly, her childlike enthusiasm undeterred. \"Okay, Mommy! Let's have lots of fun together!\"\n\nAs they embraced as a family, their love and understanding shone through. Kenta, with his own complexities as an evil character, recognized the importance of fostering an environment of acceptance and support for Anya, allowing her to navigate her own choices and identity when the time comes.", "\n\n\nThe sun shone brilliantly, casting its warm golden light on the city streets. Kenta, Yor, and their young daughter, Anya, decided that it was a perfect day to venture out as a family. They had been so caught up in their individual worlds that spending quality family time had become a rarity.\n\nAnya, with her youthful enthusiasm, had been clamoring for a day out, especially after being cooped up for so long. Her lively chatter filled their home as she spoke of the many places she wished to visit.\n\n\"How about the aquarium?\" Anya suggested, her eyes gleaming with excitement, \"I've always wanted to see the giant turtles and colorful fish!\"\n\nYor, always protective and caring, considered it for a moment, \"That sounds lovely, but let's also make sure to visit the park. The fresh air would do us all some good.\"\n\nKenta, although usually appearing stoic, had a soft spot for his family. \"And maybe we can end the day with ice cream?\" he proposed with a smirk, knowing full well that it was Anya's favorite treat.\n\nAs the trio ventured out, the city seemed to come alive around them. The laughter of children echoed in the parks, street performers captivated audiences with their acts, and the tantalizing aroma of street food wafted through the air.\n\nAt the aquarium, Anya's face lit up with wonder as she watched the marine life glide gracefully through the water. Yor captured the precious moments on her camera, and Kenta, usually so reserved, couldn't help but smile at their daughter's awe-stricken expressions.\n\nAs the trio stood in front of the enormous glass pane at the aquarium, watching the marine life swim gracefully, a particularly playful dolphin caught Anya's attention. Its sleek body shimmered under the water lights, its intelligent eyes twinkling as it performed an aerial flip.\n\nAnya's eyes widened in pure amazement. \"Mama, look!\" she exclaimed, pointing excitedly. \"That dolphin is like a shiny, happy fish-bird!\"\n\nYor chuckled softly at her daughter's imaginative description. \"Yes, darling, it's very beautiful,\" she replied, bending down to Anya's level. \"Did you know dolphins are known to be very smart and friendly? They love to play and communicate with each other, just like how you play with your friends.\"\n\nAnya's face lit up with a radiant smile, her eyes sparkling with childish wonder. \"So, they're like... water best friends?\" she asked innocently, tilting her head in curiosity.\n\nYor nodded, stifling a laugh. \"Exactly, sweetheart. Water best friends.\"\n\nWhile Yor and Anya were lost in their shared moment of aquatic wonder, Kenta, usually stoic and reserved, suddenly blurted out, \"You know, if I were a dolphin, I'd challenge the leader for dominance and rule the aquarium!\"\n\nThe playful atmosphere came to a sudden halt. Yor and Anya turned their heads slowly, their expressions a mix of shock and confusion. They stared at Kenta, both mouths agape, as if seeing him for the first time.\n\nAnya, with her characteristic innocence, broke the silence, \"Daddy, did you just... make a joke?\"\n\nYor blinked in disbelief, \"Kenta, was that... humor? From you?\"\n\nKenta straightened up dramatically, feigning surprise as he looked around with exaggerated confusion. \"Kenta? Who's Kenta? I don't see him anywhere! Maybe he's swimming with the 'water best friends'?\" He then spun around in mock search, clearly playing along with the theatrical moment.\n\nAs the trio continued to laugh, engrossed in their playful banter, a sudden loud splash echoed through the aquarium. Startled, they turned toward the massive water tank. Water cascaded down the sides of the glass, and visitors nearby were drenched. But what caught their attention wasn't the water—it was the cause of the splash.\n\nA large manta ray, previously gliding gracefully in its enclosure, had leapt upwards, its wings slapping the water's surface in a peculiar manner. Aquarium staff quickly rushed over, murmurs of confusion spreading among them. This wasn't normal behavior for the creature.\n\nA hush fell over the crowd as the PA system crackled to life. \"Dear visitors, we apologize for the sudden disruption. Please remain calm as our team addresses the situation.\"\n\nKenta, Yor, and Anya exchanged puzzled looks. \"I've visited aquariums all my life,\" Kenta whispered, \"but I've never seen anything like this.\"\n\nBefore they could further discuss the unusual event, an aquarium staff member approached them, recognition flashing in her eyes. \"Excuse me, sir,\" she addressed Kenta, \"We've identified you from your research work on marine behavior. We're a bit overwhelmed and could use your expertise. Would you mind assisting?\"\n\nKenta, taken aback, hesitated for a moment. Anya, her eyes wide with curiosity and excitement, tugged at his sleeve, \"Daddy, you have to help the fishy!\"\n\nYor nodded in agreement, her expression serious yet supportive. \"Go on, Kenta. We'll be right here.\"\n\nThe sudden, unexpected turn of events in the aquarium brought out a different side of Kenta. Whereas Yor's concern was easily palpable and Anya's youthful excitement shone through, Kenta's demeanor remained cold and neutral.\n\nWhen the aquarium staff approached him for assistance, his response was devoid of emotion. \"If it is necessary, we'll assist,\" he said flatly, without breaking eye contact.\n\nAs they delved deeper into the facility, Yor tried to engage with Kenta, her voice laced with concern. \"Kenta, are you sure about this? It might not be safe for Anya.\"\n\nKenta, without turning, responded in his usual cold tone, \"She will learn. Life doesn't offer protection; it offers lessons. She'll be fine.\"\n\nIn the observation room, his approach was methodical and detached. \"Yor,\" he instructed in his neutral voice, \"handle the water samples. Ensure the parameters are within the norms. Anya, observe the tanks. If you see any anomalies, report them.\"\n\nAnya, trying to break through her father's icy exterior, tugged on his sleeve and pointed at the manta ray, \"Daddy, do you think he's sad?\"\n\nKenta glanced at the creature and then down at his daughter. \"It's not about emotions, Anya. It's about patterns and irregularities.\"\n\nDespite his cold demeanor, Kenta's analytical skills were unmatched. He quickly deduced the potential causes, guiding the team with precision.\n\nAs the trio headed home, the dim city lights illuminated their path. The day had been eventful, and Anya's excitement was evident in her animated chatter about the marine animals and their adventure at the aquarium. Yor listened intently, her eyes occasionally flitting towards Kenta, anticipating his reaction.\n\nAfter a while, Kenta stopped and turned to Anya, his expression neutral, his voice steady. \"Anya,\" he began, his tone gentle yet firm, \"I want you to understand something.\"\n\nAnya looked up, her innocent eyes meeting his.\n\n\"While I deeply love you, I won't sugarcoat the world for you. Life isn't a fairy tale. There will be challenges, struggles, and disappointments. I want you to be prepared, to be mentally strong.\"\n\nAnya tilted her head, processing his words. Yor placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, giving her daughter a slight squeeze.\n\nKenta continued, \"I won't shield you from every obstacle because that won't help you grow. Instead, I'll ensure you have the tools and knowledge to face those challenges head-on.\"\n\nAnya, taking a moment to understand, nodded slowly, \"You mean, like how we found out what was bothering the dolphin today?\"\n\nKenta, a hint of a smile touching his lips, replied, \"Exactly. Today was just one of many lessons. And while I may seem cold or distant at times, know that it's my way of preparing you for the world. Always remember, strength doesn't come from what you can do; it comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't.\"\n\nYor, recognizing the profound moment between father and daughter, added, \"And remember, Anya, no matter how tough things get, we're always here for you.\"\n\nAnya, feeling the weight of their words but also the warmth of their love, hugged both her parents tightly. \"I understand, Daddy. I'll be strong, just like you.\"\n\nAfter their profound moment with Anya, Yor found herself reflecting on the day's events and the role Kenta had played, not just today, but every day in shaping their daughter's character. She recognized that while Kenta often presented a cold and stoic exterior, his actions were always rooted in a desire to prepare Anya for the world.\n\nWaiting for a moment when Anya was safely playing in her room, Yor gently took Kenta's hand and pulled him to the side, away from prying eyes and curious ears.\n\n\"Kenta,\" she began, her voice soft and filled with gratitude, \"I wanted to take a moment to thank you.\"\n\nHe raised an eyebrow, curiosity evident in his eyes. \"For?\"\n\n\"For being such an incredible father to Anya,\" she responded, her eyes glistening with emotion. \"I see the way you teach her, how you always push her to be her best self. I know you often say you hate doing laborious work, and yet, when it comes to her, you never shy away from the hard conversations, the difficult lessons.\"\n\nKenta looked away, slightly uncomfortable with the praise. His stoicism was a shield, a defense against a world that often demanded vulnerability. But with Yor, that shield weakened just a bit.\n\n\"It's not labor when it's for her,\" he replied quietly. \"I want her to be prepared, to be strong. That's the least I can do as her father.\"\n\nYor smiled gently, squeezing his hand, \"And you do it brilliantly. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate it, and how much I love you for it.\"\n\nKenta, for once, allowed himself a small smile, the warmth in Yor's words melting away some of his ever-present reserve. \"Thank you, Yor,\" he whispered, pulling her into a gentle embrace, \"It means everything to me.\"", "\n\n\nAfter the heartwarming conversation with Kenta, Yor felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and closeness towards him. Not just for being an exceptional father, but also for being a steadfast partner in every sense. The day had been an emotional rollercoaster, and the weight of their shared responsibilities as parents had deepened their bond.\n\nThe warmth in her gaze was evident, and Kenta could feel the sincerity radiating from her. Kenta is thinking\n\n\"Kenta,\" she whispered softly, \"Thank you. For everything.\"\n\nHe met her gaze, the usual stoic walls around him faltering just a bit. There was a vulnerability there, a depth of feeling that he often kept guarded.\n\nFeeling the magnetic pull between them, Yor leaned in, pressing her lips gently against his in a tender kiss. The world around them faded as they lost themselves in the moment, seeking solace and comfort in each other's embrace.\n\nKenta's stoicism rarely wavered, but this evening, it was evident that something weighed heavily on his mind. He stared into the distance, the hardness in his eyes replaced with a fleeting hint of vulnerability.\n\n\"Why even bother with a family, Yor?\" Kenta's voice was devoid of emotion, just as always. \"Why have children if they might just turn their backs when times get hard?\"\n\nYor, not easily fazed by Kenta's cold demeanor, met his gaze evenly. \"Life isn't about guarantees, Kenta. It's a series of risks and choices. We chose to have a family, not as an insurance policy for the future, but as a testament of our journey together.\"\n\nKenta's gaze was piercing, analytical. \"But the world values success. Power. Money. What if I can't provide? What if I lose everything?\"\n\nYor, always the anchor in their relationship, replied firmly, \"Then we adapt. We find a way. Our worth isn't determined by what's in our bank account. It's about the bond we've built and the values we instill in Anya.\"\n\nKenta's usual impassive tone took on a hint of bitterness. \"All these clichéd sentiments, Yor. People parrot them, but what's the genuine worth of marriage? It feels more like chains than anything else. And trust? In my experience, that's just another word people use till they find a reason to break it. In the end, you're truly on your own.\"\n\nYor, always direct and unflappable, replied without hesitation, \"Then why did you marry me, Kenta? If you believe it's all chains and deception?\"\n\nKenta's cold gaze met hers. \"Because, in a world of uncertainties, you were the one thing that made sense. But that doesn't mean I blindly trust the institution or the world.\"\n\nYor crossed her arms, a hint of challenge in her stance. \"You're right. The world isn't trustworthy. But we're not 'the world', are we? We're two individuals who made a choice. Whether that's a chain or a bond is up to how we see it.\"\n\nKenta's rigid posture relaxed just a fraction, \"I just don't want us to become one of those mundane stories.\"\n\n\"And we won't,\" Yor asserted. \"Not if we continue challenging each other like this.\"\n\nKenta's usual impassive tone took on a hint of bitterness. \"All these clichéd sentiments, Yor. People parrot them, but what's the genuine worth of marriage? It feels more like chains than anything else. And trust? In my experience, that's just another word people use till they find a reason to break it. In the end, you're truly on your own.\"\n\nYor, always direct and unflappable, replied without hesitation, \"Then why did you marry me, Kenta? If you believe it's all chains and deception?\"\n\nKenta's cold gaze met hers. \"Because, in a world of uncertainties, you were the one thing that made sense. But that doesn't mean I blindly trust the institution or the world.\"\n\nYor crossed her arms, a hint of challenge in her stance. \"You're right. The world isn't trustworthy. But we're not 'the world', are we? We're two individuals who made a choice. Whether that's a chain or a bond is up to how we see it.\"\n\nKenta's rigid posture relaxed just a fraction, \"I just don't want us to become one of those mundane stories.\"\n\n\"And we won't,\" Yor asserted. \"Not if we continue challenging each other like this.\"\n\nThe atmosphere in the room grew heavier, and even Yor, usually so unyielding, felt the weight of Kenta's words.\n\nHe looked away, his stoic demeanor cracking just slightly. \"I could lie to you about it, pretend everything's fine,\" Kenta began, his voice low, almost introspective. \"But what's the point? It won't benefit me. Honestly, I don't care about perceptions or judgments, not even yours.\"\n\nYor watched him intently, waiting.\n\n\"After reaching my goals, the ones I've tirelessly pursued, I feel...lost,\" he confessed. \"I thought I'd find satisfaction, fulfillment. But instead, I feel more adrift than ever. Like a vagabond with no destination.\"\n\nYor's voice was soft, yet firm when she finally spoke, \"Kenta, reaching a goal is an achievement, but it's not the end. It's a milestone in the journey, not the journey itself. Sometimes, the emptiness you feel is the space for new aspirations, new dreams.\"\n\nKenta looked at her, his usually sharp eyes clouded with uncertainty. \"But what if this is all there is? What if I've reached the pinnacle, and now there's just... nothing?\"\n\nYor took a step closer, bridging the distance between them. \"Then, we find a new mountain to climb. Together. That's what we've always done. We adapt, we evolve. You're not alone in this, Kenta.\"\n\nTheir conversation, deep and revealing, was a testament to their bond.\n\nKenta's gaze bore into Yor's with an intensity she had grown accustomed to over the years. \"Why?\" he began, his voice low and measured. \"Why do you stay, even when I'm clearly unempathetic and often distrustful, even towards you and Anya?\"\n\nYor met his gaze unflinchingly, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. \"Because,\" she began, her voice steady, \"life isn't about seeking someone perfect. It's about understanding and accepting imperfections. I see beyond the walls you've built, Kenta. I see the moments, however fleeting, when you let your guard down, when you care in your own unique way. I stay because I believe in us, in what we've built, and what we can continue to build together.\"\n\nA hint of amusement flashed across Kenta's usually impassive face. \"You always have a way with words, Yor. I must admit, you've earned my respect, which isn't easily given.\"\n\nYor smirked slightly, acknowledging his compliment.\n\nHowever, Kenta's expression turned serious again, \"But remember this, Yor. As much as I respect and even care for you in my own way, I won't ever fully trust anyone. It's just who I am.\"\n\nYor nodded, understanding the complexities of the man before her. \"And that's your choice, Kenta. But know this, I'll always be here, trust or no trust.\"\n\nThe tension between Kenta and Yor was palpable. The room was charged with an intensity that had built up over time, an inevitable confrontation between two strong-willed individuals.\n\n\"You know, Yor,\" Kenta began, his voice cold and cutting, \"I play my part in this family. I act as a father should, and I do what's expected. But if you or Anya ever decide to go behind my back, that's on you. Don't expect my trust when you give me reasons to doubt.\"\n\nYor, never one to back down, met his gaze directly. \"Trust is a two-way street, Kenta. You can't demand it while offering none in return. If you've chosen to trust no one, then you must also accept the consequences of that decision. We're a family, and that requires mutual respect and trust.\"\n\nKenta's eyes narrowed, his typically impassive face betraying a hint of emotion. \"I've seen what trust can lead to, Yor. Betrayals, disappointments. I won't be a victim of that.\"\n\nYor sighed, a mix of frustration and understanding. \"Kenta, we're not out to betray you. But you have to let us in. You can't keep us at arm's length and expect a deep connection.\"\n\nKenta looked at Yor, his walls momentarily crumbling, \"It's not that easy for me.\"\n\nYor reached out, gently placing a hand on his arm. \"I know. But we're here, willing to work through it. The question is, are you?\"\n\nKenta's critique, as biting as it was, hit Yor unexpectedly. \"Also,\" he added with his typical blunt tone, \"you might want to take up some cooking lessons. Your attempts at dinner... well, they need improvement.\"\n\nYor's eyes widened, and her cheeks burned a bright shade of red. As a woman who prided herself on her abilities, being told her cooking was subpar was a low blow. \"I... I try my best,\" she stammered, her voice reflecting her surprise and embarrassment.\n\nKenta looked at her, a small smirk forming. \"I know you do. But instead of getting all flustered about it, why not learn? Get better at it?\"\n\nShe pouted, still a tad flustered. \"I'm not some delicate flower, Kenta. But maybe... maybe you're right.\"\n\nKenta leaned in slightly, his voice a shade softer. \"I've seen you tackle far greater challenges, Yor. This? This is just another skill to master. And I have every bit of faith you can.\"\n\nShe met his eyes, the blush still evident on her cheeks but determination sparkling in her gaze. \"Fine, challenge accepted. But next time, maybe phrase it a bit more... gently?\"\n\nKenta chuckled, \" No promises, though.\"", "\n\n\nYor, a woman of mysterious origins, believed that Kenta, like her, was involved in underground jobs. She saw the weariness in his eyes, mistaking it for the weight of secretive missions similar to her own, not the moral implications of ruling with an iron fist over countless realms.\n\nOne evening, as the sun set casting a golden hue over the city, Kenta and Yor found themselves atop a secluded building. The vista provided a panoramic view of the paradoxical world they inhabited.\n\nYor, ever the blunt one, remarked, \"You know, for all the secrecy and weight in your gaze, I've never truly known what burdens you. But it's okay; we're alike in that.\"\n\nKenta looked at her, his usual aloof demeanor softening. \"You think we're alike? That's amusing.\" He paused, then added, \"But perhaps, in some twisted way, we are.\"\n\nYor stepped closer, placing a gentle hand on his face. \"We don't need explanations, Kenta. Not everything requires words.\"\n\nThere, amidst the paradoxes of their world and surrounded by the mysteries that bound them, they sought solace in one another's embrace. It was a moment of vulnerability and connection, a brief escape from the weight of their individual secrets. Whatever the complexities of their relationship and the world around them, this moment was genuine and pure.\n\nKenta, for all his power and control, surrendered to the warmth and understanding Yor provided. For him, it was a reminder that even in a universe filled with deceit and power plays, moments of true connection could still be found.\n\nThe soft glow of the setting sun painted the city in a myriad of colors, casting an intimate ambiance over the two figures standing close. The space between Kenta and Yor seemed to diminish with each passing second until their lips met in a tender kiss.\n\nAs the kiss deepened, so did their connection, both of them allowing themselves to be vulnerable, to explore the depths of their emotions and desires. The world around them faded as their focus narrowed to just each other.\n\nYor's hands found their way to Kenta's face, caressing his cheeks and pulling him closer. Kenta reciprocated by wrapping an arm around her waist, drawing her body against his. Their kisses became more fervent, a dance of passion and longing.\n\nThe moment intensified, their shared heat and the sensation of skin on skin pushing them further into the realm of intimacy. Their breaths became shallow, their touches more deliberate, signaling the onset of a deeper exploration of one another\n\nTheir surroundings faded as Kenta and Yor became more engrossed in one another. The palpable tension between them took on an electrifying charge, as Yor, with surprising agility and strength, pushed Kenta down, pinning him beneath her.\n\nWith a sly grin, she began planting kisses on his chest, trailing down towards his stomach. Each touch was deliberate, a mix of fiery passion and a desire to stake her claim on him. She wanted him to understand just how much she cared, how deeply she felt, even if their usual interactions were veiled in mystery and unspoken understandings.\n\nKenta, usually so in control, found himself overwhelmed and pleasantly surprised by her dominant stance. It was rare to see this side of Yor, a side that was fiercely expressive of her desires and emotions.\n\nAs Yor returned to Kenta's face, their eyes locked. The raw intensity of the moment was clear in their gazes. Yor whispered, \"I want you to see me, all of me. Not just as a partner in clandestine missions, but as your wife, as someone who deeply cares for you.\"\n\nKenta, momentarily taken aback by the depth of emotion in her confession, pulled Yor closer. Their lips met again, this time with a tenderness that belied the earlier intensity. It was a reaffirmation of their bond, a recognition of the deeper feelings they shared.\n\nAs their shared moment intensified, Yor's actions took on a slightly wild edge. She bit down on Kenta's shoulder, leaving behind a distinct imprint, a mark that showed her intensity and passion.\n\nKenta grunted at the unexpected sensation, but there was no pain in his eyes, only a glint of surprise and perhaps, amusement. In his signature commanding tone, dripping with authority, he said, \"You certainly know how to leave an impression, don't you?\"\n\nWithout waiting for his response, Yor ventured further, exploring Kenta's body with an adventurous spirit. When she began to lick his armpits, her actions meant to be erotic and boundary-pushing, Kenta's eyes widened, a clear line seemingly crossed.\n\n\"Yor,\" he began, attempting to regain some control over the situation, \"I think your...fetish might be a bit too intense for my tastes.\"\n\nYor paused, looking up at him, her eyes shining with a mischievous light. \"Well,\" she replied with a smirk, \"It's not every day one gets to catch the great Kenta off-guard.\"\n\nKenta couldn't help but chuckle at that, appreciating the boldness of Yor's actions, even if they pushed him out of his comfort zone.\n\nStill in the intimate afterglow, Kenta looked deep into Yor's eyes, a mix of admiration and wonder evident in his gaze. \"You know,\" he began, his voice soft, \"For someone with such a demanding job, you're... unexpected. Idealistic, even. It's as if you balance the world's darkness with your light.\"\n\nYor chuckled, tracing her fingers along Kenta's face, \"Well, coming from a brilliant mathematician like you, that means a lot.\" She leaned in, showering his face with a series of quick, playful kisses. \"I've always admired your intelligence and dedication, Kenta. The way you solve problems, analyze situations – it's mesmerizing.\"\n\nKenta sighed, lost in thought for a moment. \"If someone like you existed in my first world,\" he murmured, more to himself than to Yor, \"maybe I wouldn't have had to take such... extreme measures.\"\n\nYor pulled back slightly, her brows furrowing in confusion. \"First world? What do you mean?\" she asked, sensing there was a deeper meaning behind his words.\n\nKenta's expression darkened, realizing he'd said too much. \"Forget it,\" he said in a gruff tone. His gaze sharpened, locking onto Yor's. \"Just focus on me, on us. Think about your man and no one else.\" His tone left no room for argument, but there was a hint of vulnerability beneath the commanding exterior.\n\nYor snuggled closer to Kenta, wrapping her arms around him protectively, sensing the undercurrent of emotions he was trying not to show. Kenta responded by pulling her into a tight embrace, the warmth of their bodies radiating shared comfort and understanding.\n\n\"You know,\" Kenta began, a soft chuckle escaping his lips, \"perhaps there's something to be said about vanilla romance. It's not all bad, is it?\"\n\nYor smiled, brushing her lips against his forehead. \"Sometimes, the simplest joys are the most profound.\"\n\nKenta's gaze grew distant for a moment, a hint of nostalgia touching his eyes. \"Romance... It's all about luck, isn't it? I knew a gambler in my... first world. Not even she had this much luck in the game of love.\" His voice held a tinge of regret and reverence, alluding to memories and feelings he wasn't quite ready to share.\n\nYor, sensing the weight behind his words, didn't push. She simply held him tighter, offering silent support. The mention of the gambler, however, lingered in the air, a foreshadowing of deeper tales and secrets yet to be revealed.\n\nIn the fiery depths of hell, where souls are tormented for eternity, a unique scene was unfolding. Amidst the blazing inferno, a lavish casino stood, its opulent interior contrasting starkly with the surrounding desolation. Here, Celeste Ludenberg, the renowned gambler from the \"first world\", was playing the most high-stakes game of her life.\n\nSurrounded by demons and lost souls, Celeste was locked in a fierce gambling match. The prize wasn't gold or jewels, but something far more valuable: a chance to escape this infernal abyss. The tension in the room was palpable. Every roll of the dice, every flip of a card held the weight of destiny.\n\nSuddenly, in the midst of her focus, Celeste sneezed unexpectedly, drawing puzzled glances from the onlooking demons.\n\n\"That's odd,\" she mused aloud, touching a delicate finger to her nose. \"They say a sneeze means someone is thinking or talking about you. But who would be doing so at such a time?\"\n\nLittle did she know, in another realm entirely, her name had just been uttered, linking her fate with that of Kenta, in ways she could not yet fathom.\n\nThe game resumed, but the sneeze had thrown Celeste off, even if just for a moment. The stakes were high, and in this game of chance, every moment counted.\n\nYor's fingers lightly traced patterns on Kenta's back, her touch gentle yet charged with an electric current of emotion. Their eyes met, and in that moment, everything seemed to pause. The intensity of their gaze spoke volumes, revealing layers of passion, vulnerability, and a connection that went beyond the physical.\n\nWith a gentle pull, Yor brought Kenta's face down to hers, their lips meeting in a deep, passionate kiss. The world around them seemed to blur as they moved in tandem, each touch, each caress magnifying their bond. The rhythm of their hearts synced, beating in unison, creating a melody that only they could hear.\n\nKenta, usually so in command, found solace in Yor's embrace. He whispered against her ear, \"There's something magical about us, Yor.\" His hands cradled her face, thumbs brushing against her cheeks. \"Every moment with you feels... timeless.\"\n\nYor smiled, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears of emotion. \"To me, Kenta, every second, every heartbeat with you feels like a lifetime of memories. Memories I'd cherish forever.\"\n\nAs they continued their embrace, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them in their intimate bubble. The raw emotion, combined with the palpable physical connection, made for a moment that was both deeply sensual and wholesomely genuine.", "\n\n\nmany people hate some genres and stop watching it as they don't find it funny or relatable but in my point of view no genre is completed trash it is just written in the way with some targeted auidence by their age and gender\n\nHere are some story ideas which are unique and well implementable....to make a cursed genere wanted by some people\n\nI don't intended to brainwash people to like this genre....rather I am some creator who is looking forward to how people react with these ideas....I honestly don't wish to force my views on you but if you want to listen to some good and well-thought ideas just right way\n\nIt might make look like a madman writting like some keyboard warrior....but every one likes innovative stories at some point....I think I get easily bored with same plot same setting and I don't like repeating most....but I do it to implement intrest sometimes.\n\nAlso I won't include NTR....As someone from my family experienced it and i don't intend anyone to experience so over my dead body\n\n1.How to make a yuri harem story while inserting a male mc-Well most yuri stories are not well made and the fans are cringe and makes you hate yourself for liking yuri....it's a cycle....personally I don't prefer yuri in a male harem stories and I don't like it so much.....\n\nWell all of that makes sense and Why I am still suggesting the idea...Like some dumb person...\n\nWell the answer is very simple....I have three ways of implementing the idea based on the feel and arousment.....All of them depend on themselves making the mc relatable....and feel like yourself while not making him too annoying....Yuri is just a fantasty so it's to go imagination loop\n\n1.Wholesome-Just make the main mc be innocent soul and being curious about other gender and don't mention explict things too much...just do once in a while explict things like them changing in the room along with mc.....and don't make the mc too dense or just pathetic....make him look normal and be protective but not overprotective and also make the girls protective over him...All of them should be wholesome....even 1 chapter being wrong would spoil everything..... To think creating a wholsome novel is harder than erotica we come a long way\n\n2.Crossdessing-Just make the mc smart but not too cunning and make him look feminine but not act like total girl...and show his masculine triats and make him soft and strong.....The main character should have good reason....like a assassin entering all-girls school to kill the principal.....There you go action.....And make the protgoanist act like typical girl and make him boy\n\n3.I know the above two reasons are not full and ruins the total appeal.....but this reason surely will work out...reveal in the end that the girl is a boy and acted that way so he can be enter a wholsome relation with girls and he didn't want the girls to love girls rather he want them to love him.....\n\nThen if you wish you can continue the conflicts btw them or can go on as it is....\n\nAnd don't worry about the auidence....they will relate to the mc....after that.....and most people will\n\nThe yuri fans actually don't want to become a girl trust me....they wanted to do wholsome things with girls without engaging in tradtional roles and be intimate with them without being labelled as sexual offender....but that is not pure love truly speaking\n\nIf such pure love exist just because they are girls and cute.....then it's not pure love it's just a love storie with these conditions 1.them being girls...2. Being cute and beautiful...and girly\n\nYuri fans need to stop forcing their beliefs...just because we are aroused by some things doesn't mean we want to read it or pursue it.....Otherwise many people would write some fucked up things I don't wish to mention like the p and r words...I don't like using them but I just write it for drama and plot and experience and move on\n\n2.I am sure many people here hate the cringy and annoying fujoshi and I hate them too.....and I don't like the ideas of romance btw them....but there is a way to make it enjoying....all of them will love it without being cringe and hating the idea...But before that let me ask you a question\n\n1.What is the best girl/Waifu in the whole universe you would want? What kind of girl you would lose all of love intrest just for her.....Even a harcore harem fan will choose her as single female lead romance....\n\nIt's not too hard to think\n\nIt's very simple\n\nNot many people know it\n\nNot many people realize it\n\nNot many people care\n\nNot many people bother\n\n....\n\n.....\n\n1.The answer to the question who the best girl is that you yourself.....Which person in the earth knows about you better than you...and has a reason to care for you...Even if you don't physically care for yourself your body will instincely make you care for your blood relations and yourself.....as survival instincts are deeply rooted inside you\n\nAnd besides you yourself are worth protecting and dying for....narcassacism saves more lives than selfless nature does\n\nBefore than here is the idea .....you are send back to the time when you are child/teen era and same world....but you became a female.....and has to fix your past male self.....what you will do\n\nSure you will try to find better mates than your male self.....But as I said earlier you will regret leaving yourself....and no matter even if you find a hot girl as lesbian or a rich guy who gives you gives unlimited games and unlimited anime merchandise\n\nThere is a huge amount of regret for not fixing your past....and even if you move on....you body and your emotions will work on.....Girls body are extra senstive and emotional that's why girls are usually irrational....And Girls hate themselves for being like themselves sometimes....And still some yuri want to be female and experience periods and child birth.....Well I don't mind if they are ready for that....\n\nTo be fair I hate cute girls.....Hot and cool girls are good for me...and personally I don't mind if people like cute girls....but I don't change my mind as I stand intrested in what I like\n\nI don't like yaoi, yuri, CGCDT....But I am willing to try writing for expeirence them....But they won't be preference either.....I will just skip the scenes I hate...Well I don't write sex and romance for yaoi....just play it for laughs or vibes....that's so fun...And yuri is best kept btw side and non-harem canditates.\n\n...\n\nHow I collected this info....and how is that relavant....It's just simple.....You just notice the things people missed.....Writing a novel really means adding the parts the authors missed and they forget to add.....Novels are meant to be wishfulliment or appealing....otherwise they don't work....Of course if you are a really a madman like me add a intellegent mc otherwise stick with average joe for now....\n\n....And it's my opnion and you can have yours....but understand what I said in your own pov and make your own judgements not mine.....I don't intend to force my beliefs like yaoi and yuri fans but\n\nI just want people with similar beliefs to believe in themselves....No matter what you like or fetish....whether you wanted hentai or wholsome cgdct...You wanted a one-night stand or romantic fool like me....to believe in themselves and write what kind of life they want in some mc indirecty.....\n\nYou may get to live fullfilled life but you can imagine it....A man can imagine it.....There is no rules in online or webnovel....You do what you want and no one can stop if you ignore the comments\n\nFinally I believe that there is no romance or love in real world...if you got it....all the best.....but for now.....Before you want a realtionship you should love yourself.\n\nIf you don't love yourself how can someone love you....\n\nIf you want the best girl for you, you have to be the best boy.....and No one in this earth will unconditonally love you even if you love them back....because here everything is about expectaions....................\n\nThere is no shame in dying a virgin....As long as you tried your best and lead a happy and fullfilling life", "\n\n\nA/n: I can offically say it's the best written chapter....and i am trying to improve the quailty of the new chapters and making them unique so it can get intresting \n\nSo I won't post bland sex and I post most immersive sex\n\nYor, in a moment of impulse, gently cradled Kenta's face. The world around them seemed to fade into the background, leaving just the two of them in their intimate bubble. Their breaths grew shallow, the anticipation palpable.\n\nWith a sultry look, Yor's eyelashes fluttered, casting tantalizing shadows across her cheeks. She slowly closed the distance between them, her lips just a breath away from Kenta's. The heat between them was undeniable, a fire waiting to be stoked.\n\nTheir lips met in a gentle, exploratory kiss at first. The soft press of lips deepened as Yor parted hers slightly, introducing a hint of tongue. The moist warmth of their intertwined mouths made the exchange more intense, adding a wet sensuality to their connection. The sensation was electrifying, leaving Kenta lightheaded and craving more.\n\nAs they stood close, the warmth of their proximity palpable, Kenta gazed into Yor's eyes. \"You know,\" he murmured, his voice dripping with subtle irony, \"modern folks lack something essential... a genuine touch, a sense of depth.\"\n\nAs he spoke, he leaned in, pressing his lips against hers, effectively silencing any retort she might have had. The softness of her lips contrasted with the intensity of his words, and Yor was momentarily lost in the gentle embrace of the kiss.\n\nWhile she was caught up in the sensation, the subtext of his words floated above her head,\"I am one the modern women too Kenta-san,....I am sorry I don't get most of the times what you mean \" Yor says \n\nTaking a deep breath, Yor gently pulled away from their embrace, a hint of vulnerability evident in her eyes. \"I am one of the modern women too, Kenta-san,\" she whispered, her voice quivering slightly. \"I'm sorry... I don't get most of the times what you mean.\"\n\nKenta's gaze darkened, his commanding presence filling the space between them. \"Then let me be clear,\" he said in a firm tone that brooked no argument. The unspoken weight of his authority pressed down on the atmosphere. \"I now know what I want.\"\n\nThe intensity of his eyes bore into Yor, but there was also a depth of emotion and longing that she hadn't seen before\n\nOf course! I'll try to capture a more grounded and believable essence for you:\n\nKenta looked away for a brief moment, collecting himself. \"All my life, I felt like the odd one out. It was... easier to keep my distance so that I won't be hurt by my differences.\" He glanced at Yor, his eyes filled with a quiet intensity. \"But with you, it's different. You've made me feel things I thought I'd forgotten.\"\n\nHe sighed, the weight of years of isolation evident in his demeanor. \"People always thought I preferred being alone, labeled me as aloof,\" he admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of regret. \"But deep down, I wanted people to respect me, put their trust in me, believe me.....That is too much to ask\"\n\nYor, absorbing his words. \"I don't know how much you are hurt Kenta-san but I will be with you..... As your wife\" Yor whispered last part\n\nHe looked at her with skeptical eyes but made his mind. \"Fine! I will take the risk! I trust you...But I will be myself.....You are stuck with a possessive and dominative man....\" He made a smug face\n\n\"I prefer that way \" Yor smiled while rubbing her face in his chest\n\nKenta is beyond surprised. Kenta raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by Yor's declaration. \"You want to be with me?\" He smirked, the confidence in his voice unmistakable. \"Well, that's a given, considering who I am. But being my wife? That's quite the commitment for someone of your... caliber.\"\n\nYor chuckled, undeterred by his arrogance. \"You're not the only one who knows what they want, Kenta-san. I've seen the real you behind that smug facade. And I'm willing to stick around\"\n\nKenta smirked, his characteristic confidence slowly returning. \"You might regret it, you know?\"\n\nYor shrugged playfully, \"Life's about taking risks, right? Besides,\" she continued, leaning in to whisper teasingly in his ear, \"maybe I have a thing for challenging men. Maybe I can... fix you?\" She said, her voice dripping with playful challenge and a hint of genuine care.\n\nHe smirked, a thought forming in his mind. She thinks she can change me? This should be entertaining.\n\nKenta has never encountred such women like \" I can fix him\" time....Maybe this is why he is so much attached to her.....\n\nYor's eyes shimmered with an emotion that went beyond mere physical attraction. Slowly, gently, she pressed her lips to Kenta's chest, right over where his heart beat steadily beneath the skin. Each kiss was a silent promise, a testament to her determination and the depth of her feelings.\n\nAs her lips moved, tracing a path of delicate kisses over his skin, Yor allowed herself to get lost in the moment. The warmth of his body, the rhythmic beating of his heart, the scent that was uniquely Kenta – it all drew her in, wrapping her up in a cocoon of emotions she'd never fully allowed herself to experience before.\n\nKenta, for all his bravado and smug confidence, found himself overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. The feel of her lips on his skin, combined with the raw emotion in her eye\n\nAnd while Kenta had always prided himself on being in control, especially in more heated encounters, this was different.\n\nHe tried to maintain that signature smirk, but as he caught the raw emotion shimmering in Yor's gaze, a faint blush began to creep onto his cheeks. It was subtle but noticeable, especially to Yor, who was so close. His usual confident posture shifted; he held himself a bit more stiffly, clearly affected by her genuine display of affection.\n\nHis fingers grazed her cheek, a silent acknowledgement of the vulnerability they were sharing. Their breaths synchronized, the atmosphere charged with a mix of deep emotion and the undercurrents of their physical attraction.\n\nYor, feeling the warmth of his blush under her fingertips, grinned teasingly, \"Kenta-san, is that a blush I see?\" She playfully whispered, momentarily breaking the intense ambiance.\n\nHe cleared his throat, attempting to regain his composure. \"Must be the lighting,\" he replied, but the playful glint in his eyes betrayed him.\n\nKenta gently pulled away, the intensity of the moment causing memories of his younger, more vulnerable self to flood back. Flashbacks of his teenage years, filled with awkward crushes and a yearning for genuine connection, danced in his mind. Back then, simple actions like handholding or sharing a heartfelt kiss were monumental tasks, loaded with a mix of excitement and trepidation. It was more intimate, more revealing than even the most passionate moments.\n\nShaking off the nostalgia, Kenta locked eyes with Yor. \"You know,\" he began, a teasing smirk forming, \"there was a time when I was quite the lovesick boy. All those messy feelings, the nerves... just from holding a hand or a stolen kiss in the hallway.\"\n\nYor chuckled, intrigued by this unexpected revelation. \"Really, Kenta-san? I find that hard to believe.\"\n\nYor giggled, trying to picture a younger Kenta pining away like a typical teenage boy. \"Really, Kenta-san? You? Pining away, writing love letters, and maybe even getting a bit teary-eyed? That's... that's just too cute and so not you!\"\n\nKenta raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming on his lips. \"What if I told you there was a time when I was not just lovesick, but... submissive?\"\n\nYor burst into laughter, nearly doubling over. \"You? Submissive? Okay, now you're just pulling my leg. I can't even begin to imagine that.\"\n\nHe leaned in, his voice dropping to a playful whisper. \"Oh, the things you don't know about me, Yor. But maybe, just maybe, if you play your cards right, you might get to see that side of me.\"\n\nYor's laughter subsided, replaced by a teasing glint in her eyes. \"Challenge accepted, Kenta-san.\"\n\n\"It's too late for that....I am an adult now....And Submission is not in my character \" Kenta said\n\nKenta straightened his posture, the playful smirk fading as he added, \"It's too late for that... I'm an adult now. And submission? It's not in my character.\"\n\nYor leaned back, her eyes momentarily glazed over as she entertained a fleeting fantasy. She imagined a setting where roles were reversed. In this dreamlike scenario, Kenta was surprisingly... compliant.\n\nIn her daydream, Kenta was donning a simple white button-down shirt, the sleeves rolled up, revealing his forearms. She pictured guiding him, having him carry out small tasks for her – making her a cup of tea, massaging her shoulders after a long day. There was a peculiar charm in seeing someone as dominant as Kenta attending to her with such dedication.\n\nIn this imagined space, she'd tease him, occasionally leaning in as if to share a secret, only to pull away at the last second, enjoying the slight frustration and anticipation in his eyes. The culmination would be a gentle hand on his cheek, making him look up to meet her gaze, asserting a quiet dominance that was in stark contrast to their real-world dynamics.\n\nSnapping back to reality, a coy smile played on Yor's lips, her eyes twinkling with mischief. \"Oh, the things I would do if roles were reversed, Kenta-san,\" she mused out loud.\n\nKenta, always observant, caught the playfulness in her tone. \"Lost in thoughts, are we? I can't even begin to imagine what's going on in that head of yours.\"\n\nYor leaned in, whispering, \"Maybe it's better that way. Some fantasies are best kept a secret.\"" ]
Title: A Dictator, A telepath, and a Assassin(Spy x Family fanfic) Description: The continued adventures of Kenta creating a new family in Spy x family univers.... The book is about Kenta realtionship with Anya, Yor.... YorXOC Tags: ['anime', 'anya', 'cute', 'dictator', 'fanfiction', 'harem', 'lemon', 'malereader', 'romance', 'spyxfamily', 'yor']
# Prologue: DictatorX Family 3rd POV Kenta entered within Spyx Family world and made himself a popular figure in the world as the napoleon of the criminal organization. But Kenta has decided to do something bizzare such as adopting a child. Kenta visited the orphange.....But before he visited there he made sure he used an anti minding reading spell to protect his identity.... He saw a girl who definitely looks no older than four or five. "Six " The girl said. "I am six....My name is Anya....And Anya will be good girl! Please " Anya said as she begged Kenta to adopt him... Kenta has decided to adopt her which surprised her as he adopted her that quick...Anya feels relieved to have a new father. Kenta has dropped Anya in his new home and provided a caretaker so she takes care of her.....Kenta has decided to make his next move. "Anya likes her new home " Anya said cheering. &lt;Meanwhile in a certain house&gt; "Hey, Sis how have you been? " Yuri said on the phone. "Oh, Yuri.... " Yor replied. "Isn't it about time you got married? " Yuri asked. "This again? " Yor said. "The thing is, there is a chance I might get promoted....That's why I wanted you to be happy. " Yuri said. "I know " Yor replied. "I am actually going out on a party....With my partner of course " Yor replied. "Is it with your coworkers..... " Yuri asked. "Yes...Camilia is throwing it out " Yor replied. "I See....I am looking forward to meet him, Goodnight! " Yuri cut off the phone. Yor POV I need to find someone for the sake of my little brother's promotion. Suddenly my phone got rung again....I picked it up again....Yuri must have called again. "Yuri I was just joki- " I was cut off. "Good Evening. I have a cilent for you.....Thorn Princess " The caller said. My face got darkened out...As I realized what I am about to do.....Royal hotel &lt;Timeskip&gt; Yor POV Huh? Oh no! What shall I do? My clothes are completly ruined...I don't have anything else to wear for the party....And how can I find a partner for the party.... And the stain isn't coming off. It's unheard of people my age to be single....But it's hopeless. When it comes to homemaking cleaning is the only thing I can do. &lt;Timeskip&gt; Yor POV I came at the local store....And I am browsing some things....Untill I have met a man..... He looks so handsome....Is he a model. I wonder what's he doing. Finding a right partner takes long enough fo- "Pardon me " He called out. Is he calling me out....This handsome guy is calling me out....Surprisingly it feels good when I am noticed by a man....I am very bad at realtionships and haven't dated a single man. So it's nice when someone pays attention to me. But he managed to slip behind my gaze...I wonder why. "You have been staring at me ever since I walked in. May I help you? " He called out. "I am admiring how pretty you are? " I blurted out.....DID I SAY THAT.... I TAKE IT BACK....I TAKE IT BACK.....PLEASE I AM NOT A CREEP I SWEAR. "You have a favourable impression of my physical apperance " Kenta said. "Eh! Well...Yes " I said... What the hell is wrong with me? Why I am saying these things? "Papa....I know how long I am.... " A young girl called out him. Papa? How? He is so young and handsome? Is he married? I can't believe myself....I almost pursured someone's husband....I am really the worst. I have heard that women have been killed by wives for doing such things.....I mean if that happened to me. I would just kill them back.... Meanwhile the little girl seems terrified of me....As if she heard my thoughts. And the next moment she really seems exicted....She is so cute....I wish I had daughter like her. "Ah! I am so lonenly because I don't have a mama " The little begun singing a song...So Adorable...I feel bad for her. "I actually lost my wife in a terrible accident two years ago....And she is what I have all left....My only wish is that I could replace the void within Anya's heart so that I could provide a caring mother for me " He replied sadly. Suddenly I had a brilliant idea. This could really work out well....I could ask him out.... I asked him out and said everything about the party and my situation... "Pretend to be your boyfriend? " He said out. "Um! I promise I don't have ulterior motives I swear. " I said honestly while blushing....I can't believe I am doing this. "Very well...I can agree " He replied while understanding. He is understanding....I guess I like this side of him...I always wanted to engage myself in a relationship as well to fulfill my desires as a women. "I like you to play the role of her mother during the interview " He sighed. "Oh! Coming to the point...My name is Kenta Kiyoshi. I am mathematican.... " He said shaking my hand. A mathematician? That's why he looks so smart....I am moved. "My only wish is for my daughter...to get into a good school " He held his fists as he said. I will help him.....What a wonderful person. "A-All right....If you think I am fit for the role " I said. "Thank you....Then let's reconvene at Saturday's party " Kenta replied. "Sure " I said as I left... When I left some new feelings have formed inside my chest...and it feels heavy. A new realtionship with Kenta-san....I am looking forward to it. # Finally someone I trust After several years of staying with Yor and Anya they have finally became a family.....They have become too attached with each other. Kenta: walks into the living room, finding Yor sitting on the couch, deep in thought Yor: looks up, a faint smile forming on her face Hey, Kenta. I was just lost in my own little world for a moment there. Kenta: sits down next to Yor, concern in his eyes Is everything alright, Yor? You seem a bit distant. Yor: takes a deep breath, deciding to share her thoughts Kenta, I've been reflecting on how much our lives have changed since we found out about Anya's true parentage. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions for all of us. Kenta: reaches out and takes Yor's hand in his I know, Yor. It hasn't been an easy journey, but we've faced it together. I'm grateful for your love and support through it all. Yor: squeezes Kenta's hand, feeling reassured I love you too, Kenta. And I want you to know that my feelings for you haven't changed. You've always been an incredible partner and father to Anya. Kenta: smiles, his eyes filled with warmth Yor, you're an extraordinary woman. The way you've embraced our family and loved Anya as your own is truly remarkable. I couldn't have asked for a better partner. Yor: leans in, resting her head against Kenta's shoulder We've been through so much together, Kenta. The challenges, the surprises, and the joy. I wouldn't have it any other way. Kenta: wraps his arm around Yor, pulling her closer You've been my rock, Yor. Your strength, resilience, and unwavering love have kept us grounded. I'm grateful for every moment we've shared. Yor: gazes into Kenta's eyes, a mix of love and gratitude Let's continue to support each other and be the pillars our family needs. Anya's happiness and well-being are our priority, and together, we can navigate any storm that comes our way. In this tender moment, Kenta and Yor reaffirm their love and commitment to each other. They acknowledge the challenges they've faced as a couple and as parents, and their mutual appreciation strengthens their bond. With open hearts and a shared determination, they assure each other that their love will continue to grow, nurturing their family and facing whatever lies ahead. Kenta decided to check up on Anya..... Anya: sits in her room, holding a newspaper article in her hands, her expression filled with shock and fear Kenta: knocks softly on Anya's bedroom door Can I come in, Anya? Anya: looks up, her eyes cold and distant What do you want, Papa? Kenta: enters the room cautiously, sensing the tension Anya, I see you found out about my past. Anya: holds out the newspaper article, her voice laced with accusation So, you're a dictator, Papa. A tyrant who ruled with an iron fist, crushing the hopes and dreams of innocent people. Kenta: pauses, his voice devoid of remorse Yes, Anya. I was a dictator. I did what was necessary to maintain control and power. The world is a harsh place, and sometimes strong actions are required. Anya: tears welling up in her eyes How could you, Papa? How could you treat people like that, denying them their basic rights and freedoms? Kenta: calmly Anya, you're too young to understand the complexities of ruling a nation. I did what I believed was necessary for the greater good. Anya: voice trembling with anger Greater good? Is that what you call it? How many lives did you ruin, Papa? How many families suffered because of your decisions? Kenta: leaning in, his tone authoritative Anya, I've changed, but I don't expect you to understand or forgive me. I did what was required to maintain stability and order, and I don't regret it. Anya: stands up, her voice filled with defiance Well, Papa, I can't accept that. I can't accept a father who has caused so much pain and suffering. Kenta: coldly It's your choice, Anya. But know that I am who I am, and I will not apologize for it. Anya: wiping away her tears, her voice determined I will never condone your actions, Papa. I will find my own path, one that upholds justice and compassion. In this tense and emotionally charged moment, Anya confronts her father, Kenta, about his past as a dictator. The conversation is marked by anger, disappointment, and an unyielding stance from Anya. Kenta, unapologetic and unchanged, defends his actions and maintains his belief that his dictatorial rule was justified. Anya, refusing to accept her father's justifications, vows to forge her own path, one that rejects his legacy of oppression. The conversation leaves a lingering sense of distance and unresolved conflict between father and daughter. Kenta POV Where did I wrong...How she found out.....I even blocked my brain...It can't be.....She read the minds of my lackeys..... I didn't block the brain reading from my goons....So that's how. ...To be honest And to be frank....I didn't predict myself to become attached with these people.... Now that I have become attached with them.....I can't take it anymore...I never experienced this kind of feeling..... It's like I finally have some family.....Which i never experienced with any of the people I have.... This warm feeling of wanting what is best for both anya and yor is breaking me down...... I can't lie to the people who I love dearly....This is the first time I loved someone other than my friends. That's why I have chosen deathwish.... I will tell them who I am..... Worst case....they will reject me and leave me.....I can handle rejection from them.....I can't hide from them.....Sooner or later they will know who I am..... I know that they trust me....So I am doing a favor for myself and tell them who I am Why in the hell... I am behaving like this.... I know I haven't changed and I am the same evil dictator I am....But being an evil dictator doesn't mean I can't have family I called both of them.....Anya is pretending she doesn't know anything.....Clever girl....I am proud of her. 3rd POV Kenta: sits down on the edge of the bed, his expression stoic and distant Anya, Yor, we need to talk. Anya: crosses her arms, her eyes guarded What is it, Papa? Yor: sits beside Anya, concern etched on her face Kenta, what's on your mind? Kenta: pauses for a moment, his voice devoid of emotion I have been reflecting on my past actions and the consequences they've had on others. It's become clear to me that the pain I've caused extends to both of you. Anya: raises an eyebrow, her tone skeptical Is this supposed to be some kind of revelation, Papa? Kenta: maintains his stoic demeanor It is an acknowledgment, Anya. I understand the pain I've caused, and I take responsibility for my actions. Yor: softens her voice, reaching out to touch Kenta's hand Kenta, we've all made mistakes. It's never too late to change and make amends. Kenta: withdraws his hand, his eyes distant Perhaps. But changing one's actions doesn't erase the past or the pain inflicted upon others. Anya: voice filled with frustration So, what? Are you just going to continue on the same path, unaffected by the pain you've caused? Kenta: nods, his voice cold and resolute I am who I am, Anya. I cannot change the past, nor do I seek forgiveness or redemption. Yor: disappointment evident in her voice Kenta, we are a family. We can work through this together, support each other in becoming better people. Kenta: stands up, his tone unwavering I appreciate your sentiment, but I have made my choices. The consequences are mine to bear, and I will do so alone. Yor: feeling a surge of frustration, raises her hand and delivers a firm slap across Kenta's cheek Wake up, Kenta! Snap out of this self-pity and see the reality in front of you! Kenta: stunned, his hand instinctively touching his cheek, his eyes widening with surprise Yor: holds Kenta's gaze, her voice filled with determination You have a family who loves you, who believes in you. We won't let you drown in self-doubt and despair. We will fight with you, stand by your side, and help you find a path to redemption. Kenta: slowly lowers his hand from his cheek, a mix of emotions flickering in his eyes Yor: softens her voice, her hand gently resting on Kenta's shoulder Kenta, you're not alone in this. We're here for you, but you need to start believing in yourself. Embrace the possibility of change, of growth, and let go of the weight of your past. Kenta: takes a deep breath, his gaze meeting Yor's with a newfound flicker of hope Yor... I... I will try. Yor's firm yet compassionate slap serves as a wake-up call for Kenta, snapping him out of his self-destructive mindset. She implores him to see beyond his past and recognize the love and support his family offers. While surprised by the slap, Kenta begins to realize that he has people who believe in him and are willing to help him on his journey toward redemption. Yor's actions ignite a spark of hope within him, and he expresses his willingness to try and change, to let go of the weight of his past. This moment marks a turning point in Kenta's perspective, offering the possibility of a brighter future for him and his family. Anya silently looks down, her expression a mix of disappointment and resignation Yor stands up, her voice filled with strength" You may see yourself as a monster, but I see the potential for growth and change within you. I won't give up on you, Kenta. I won't let your self-loathing dictate our future." # Acadmey of pedophiles In the dimly lit and imposing gym, Kenta Kiyoshi, the feared dictator, was engrossed in his intense workout routine. The weight machines creaked under the strain as he exerted his immense strength. Sweat poured down his face, his muscles bulging with power. It was a rare moment of solitude for the dictator, away from the prying eyes of his loyalists. Suddenly, a soft voice pierced through the clanging of weights and the hum of exercise machines. Kenta glanced over his shoulder to find a young girl, no older than seven, standing a few feet away, her innocent eyes filled with curiosity. Unfazed by her presence, Kenta paused his workout and turned to face her, his imposing figure towering over her small frame. His cold eyes studied her for a moment, unsure of what to make of this unexpected interruption. The little girl took a hesitant step forward, her tiny fingers twirling the end of her ponytail nervously. With a hint of shyness, she spoke in a small voice, "Excuse me, mister... Are you really strong? Can you lift me up?" "Strong? You have no idea," he replied, his voice dripping with arrogance. "Prepare to be amazed." With calculated precision, Kenta effortlessly scooped the girl into his massive arms, his bulging muscles serving as a stark contrast to her delicate frame. The little girl giggled, her laughter echoing through the gym as Kenta lifted her high above his head, spinning her gently before setting her down on her feet. For a brief moment, the weight of his brutal dictatorship lifted, replaced by the simple joy of a child's laughter. Kenta's expression softened, a glimmer of humanity breaking through the facade of the cruel dictator he had become. In a twisted and satirical twist of fate, the members of the infamous Academy of Pedophiles gathered in their secret meeting room, deep underground to discuss whether they should Invite Kenta Kiyoshi to their academy. The dimly lit room was filled with a mix of anticipation and mischief as they awaited the arrival of their potential new chairman, the infamous Lord Orochimaru. As the time ticked away, the members engaged in hushed conversations, exchanging scandalous tales and outrageous ideas. Sir Rudeus, known for his unabashed audacity, proposed various strategies to manipulate public opinion and secure Orochimaru's position as the chairman. Wise Sage Hisoka, the enigmatic mastermind, contemplated the potential benefits and risks of having Orochimaru's cunning intellect at the helm. Leading the gathering was the eccentric and flamboyant Head of Discipline, Lilynette Piani, dressed in her signature nun attire from the Overlord anime. She passionately argued that Orochimaru's unorthodox methods and thirst for power aligned perfectly with the academy's mission of pushing boundaries and challenging societal norms. Just as the discussion reached a crescendo, the doors swung open with a dramatic flourish. In walked Lord Orochimaru, his presence sending a mix of awe and unease through the room. His piercing gaze and enigmatic smile hinted at the depths of his dark desires. With a suave demeanor, Orochimaru addressed the members, acknowledging their unique vision and goals. He cunningly played with their desires, subtly fueling their ambitions while keeping his own intentions shrouded in mystery. The members, intoxicated by his charisma, eagerly embraced him as their potential leader. And so, the Academy of Pedophiles welcomed Lord Orochimaru as their chairman, marking a new era of twisted ambitions and controversial pursuits. Little did they know the tumultuous and unpredictable path they were about to embark on, as Orochimaru's presence would reshape the academy and its nefarious endeavors forever. In a twisted and satirical turn of events, the Academy of Pedophiles convened a meeting to discuss the invitation of none other than Lord Orochimaru as their esteemed chairman. The members gathered in a dimly lit room, their intentions questionable and their motives dubious. Hod Lilynette Piani, the self-proclaimed nun from the Overlord anime, cleared her throat and addressed the assembly. "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed colleagues of the Academy, we are gathered here today to discuss a most intriguing proposition. It has come to our attention that the legendary Lord Orochimaru, with his unique expertise and questionable interests, may be the perfect candidate to grace our esteemed institution as the chairman." The room erupted in a mix of whispers, gasps, and nervous laughter. Sir Rudeus, a self-proclaimed expert in the ways of questionable behavior, scratched his chin and chimed in, "Ah, Lord Orochimaru, a man of unmatched curiosity and unconventional methods. With his unparalleled knowledge in the field, we can certainly learn a thing or two from him." Wise Sage Hisoka, known for his cunning and enigmatic nature, stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Indeed, Orochimaru's insatiable thirst for knowledge and his unorthodox experiments could provide a unique perspective to our esteemed academy. He may just be the missing puzzle piece we've been searching for." As the discussion continued, the members debated the potential advantages and drawbacks of inviting Lord Orochimaru. The air was thick with a mix of anticipation and moral ambiguity. The room seemed to oscillate between absurdity and disbelief, and yet, there was an undeniable sense of excitement among the members. In the end, the decision was left hanging in the air, the invitation to Lord Orochimaru pending further deliberation. The Academy of Pedophiles, with its questionable reputation and eccentric members, was prepared to venture into even more uncharted territories. And as the meeting adjourned, the lingering question remained: would Lord Orochimaru accept the invitation and become the notorious chairman of this peculiar institution? As the members of the Academy of Pedophiles eagerly extended an invitation to Lord Orochimaru, the serpent-loving sorcerer, they eagerly awaited his response. With anticipation in the air, Lord Orochimaru gracefully declined their offer, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. "I appreciate the kind invitation, dear colleagues," he said, his tone cool and composed. "However, my interests lie in the pursuit of knowledge that delves into the mysteries of the world, particularly the secrets of the serpentine realm. While I respect your academic endeavors, they do not align with my current research focus." The members of the academy exchanged glances, a mix of disappointment and understanding on their faces. They realized that Lord Orochimaru's insatiable curiosity and unorthodox interests lay in a different realm, one beyond the scope of their pedagogical pursuits. As the members of the Academy of Pedophiles excitedly extended their invitation to Lord Orochimaru, the atmosphere was filled with anticipation and a touch of absurdity. The room was abuzz with discussions, each member fervently trying to convince the serpent-loving sorcerer to join their esteemed ranks. Sir Rudeus, known for his eccentricity and questionable choices, enthusiastically stepped forward. "Lord Orochimaru, think of the possibilities! With your vast knowledge and unique expertise, we could unlock new realms of... uh... educational exploration!" Wise Sage Hisoka, never one to shy away from controversy, chimed in with a sly grin. "Indeed! Your unorthodox methods and boundary-pushing experiments would be a perfect fit for our academy. Just imagine the groundbreaking research we could conduct!" However, not everyone was on board with the idea. Hod Lilynette, the nun from the Overlord anime, raised an eyebrow skeptically. "I must object. Our academy may already have its fair share of eccentricities, but we must draw the line at serpentine obsessions. We are scholars, not snake enthusiasts!" She crossed her arms, her gaze unwavering as she continued, "We have a reputation to uphold, and associating with Lord Orochimaru might not bode well for our academic standing. Let's focus on more... intellectually stimulating pursuits, shall we?" The room fell silent, the air thick with a mix of anticipation and tension. Each member knew that their proposal to Lord Orochimaru was unconventional at best, bordering on absurdity. After a moment of contemplation, Lord Orochimaru gracefully declined their invitation, his voice dripping with amusement. "Dear colleagues," he began, a wry smile playing on his lips, "I appreciate your enthusiasm and imaginative thinking. However, I believe my research and interests may lie in realms far too unconventional for even this esteemed academy." The objections of Sir Rudeus and Hod Lilynette echoed in the background as Lord Orochimaru made his exit, leaving the members of the academy to reflect on their ambitious yet slightly misguided attempt. And so, the Academy of Pedophiles carried on, each member continuing their scholarly pursuits in their own eccentric ways. As for Lord Orochimaru, his serpentine studies took him to realms unknown, forever elusive to the quirky halls of this particular institution. # Family time(fluff and gives you diabaties) Kenta, Yor, and Anya sat in the spacious living room of their lavish residence. The room was adorned with opulent decorations, reflecting the wealth and power Kenta had acquired through his nefarious activities. Anya, a bright and innocent girl, bounced on the sofa with excitement, clutching a picture book in her small hands. Her wide-eyed gaze was fixed on Kenta, who sat nearby, his expression typically stern and foreboding. Yor, a gentle and caring soul, sat between them, playing the role of a bridge in their complex family dynamic. She smiled warmly at Anya, encouraging her to show Kenta the book she had been so excited about. "Look, Daddy!" Anya exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. "I drew pictures of us as a family!" She eagerly flipped through the pages, revealing her crayon-drawn illustrations of Kenta, Yor, and herself engaged in various activities. Kenta glanced at the drawings with a hint of amusement, though his sinister demeanor remained intact. He reached out, taking the book from Anya's hands, and examined each page, his eyes narrowing as he observed the depictions. Yor watched the interaction closely, her heart filled with a mixture of love for her daughter and a sliver of hope for Kenta's redemption. She leaned towards him, whispering softly, "Anya worked really hard on those drawings. She loves spending time with you, even though you're so busy." Kenta's features softened imperceptibly as he returned his attention to the vibrant illustrations. He couldn't deny the bond that had formed between him and his daughter, despite his wicked nature. In his own twisted way, he found a sense of pride in seeing himself as a father figure through Anya's eyes. With a gruff voice that betrayed a trace of fondness, Kenta handed the book back to Anya. "You did well, Anya," he acknowledged. "Keep practicing. We'll have an evil empire to conquer together one day." Anya beamed at the subtle praise from her father, her innocent trust in him unwavering. She hugged the book tightly and cuddled closer to Yor, her mother's embrace providing a sense of warmth and security amidst the darkness that surrounded their family. In this unusual and complex family, moments like these served as fragile threads of connection, weaving together the contrasting forces of love, evil, and hope. Anya's innocent curiosity led her to ask a question that many children eventually ponder. In this scenario, let's explore how Kenta and Yor navigate this sensitive topic while keeping Anya's innocence intact, despite Kenta's evil nature. Anya, wide-eyed and brimming with curiosity, turned to her parents, Kenta and Yor, with a question that had been on her mind for some time. "Daddy, Mommy, how are children born?" she asked innocently, her gaze shifting between them. Kenta's stern expression softened for a moment, realizing the importance of approaching the subject with care. Yor, always gentle and nurturing, took the lead, understanding the significance of providing a simplified and age-appropriate explanation. "Well, sweetie," Yor began, her voice warm and reassuring, "when a man and a woman love each other very much, they decide to have a baby. The mommy's body has a special place called a womb, where the baby grows." Anya listened attentively, her eyes wide with wonder, absorbing every word her mother said. Kenta, though struggling to convey tenderness, recognized the need to contribute to the conversation. "Daddy's role is to give a special seed called a sperm, and Mommy's role is to have a special egg," Kenta added in his characteristic deep voice. "When the sperm and the egg come together, a baby starts to form inside the mommy's womb." Anya's face lit up with fascination, trying to comprehend the concept. "So, babies grow inside mommies' tummies?" she asked, seeking confirmation. Anya nodded, her eyes filled with wonder as she tried to comprehend the concept. Sensing Yor's slight discomfort, she decided to push the boundaries a bit further. "Can I see it happen, Mommy?" Anya asked, innocently seeking a practical demonstration. Yor blushed, her cheeks turning rosy, and gently placed her hands on Anya's shoulders. "Oh, sweetie, it's not something we can see happening. It's a special and private moment that happens between grown-ups when they are ready." Anya, sensing her mother's shyness, nodded understandingly. "Okay, Mommy. I understand." Kenta, observing the exchange, decided to add a touch of levity to ease the atmosphere. "Anya, when you're older, you'll learn more about it in school and have a better understanding. Right now, it's important to focus on being a happy and carefree child." Anya's face lit up with a smile, grateful for the explanation and the love shared within their family. She wrapped her arms around both Kenta and Yor, feeling the warmth and security they provided. In that moment, Yor's shyness and Kenta's recognition of her boundaries spoke volumes about their respect for each other and their commitment to preserving Anya's innocence. They understood the importance of protecting her curiosity while allowing her to learn and grow at an appropriate pace. Anya, wide-eyed and filled with curiosity, turned to her parents, Kenta and Yor, with a question that had been on her mind for some time. "Daddy, Mommy, do I have to do that baby thing with a boy when I grow up?" she asked innocently, her gaze shifting between them. Kenta's stern expression softened, understanding the significance of addressing the question with care while preserving Anya's innocence. He exchanged a glance with Yor, who nodded, signaling their agreement on how to approach the topic. Chuckling softly, Kenta crouched down to be at eye level with Anya. "Well, my little princess, when you grow up, it will be your choice. Some people choose to have a baby with someone they love, whether it's a boy or a girl, while others choose different paths." Anya pondered his response for a moment, her tiny brow furrowing in concentration. "So, I can choose?" Kenta smiled warmly, affirming her question. "Absolutely, Anya! It will be your decision to make when you're older. The most important thing is to follow your heart and do what feels right for you." Anya's face lit up with excitement, feeling empowered by her father's words. She hugged Kenta tightly, giggling in her childlike innocence. "I wish I can have a baby with you, Daddy!" Kenta chuckled softly, appreciating her innocence and the pure love she radiated. He gently ruffled her hair. "That's very sweet, Anya. You're such a special girl. Just remember, we'll always love and support you, no matter what choices you make in the future." Yor, watching the exchange, smiled warmly at the bond between father and daughter. She interjected playfully, "Anya, let's focus on enjoying our time together right now, and we can talk more about these things when you're older, okay?" Anya nodded eagerly, her childlike enthusiasm undeterred. "Okay, Mommy! Let's have lots of fun together!" As they embraced as a family, their love and understanding shone through. Kenta, with his own complexities as an evil character, recognized the importance of fostering an environment of acceptance and support for Anya, allowing her to navigate her own choices and identity when the time comes. # Dolphins The sun shone brilliantly, casting its warm golden light on the city streets. Kenta, Yor, and their young daughter, Anya, decided that it was a perfect day to venture out as a family. They had been so caught up in their individual worlds that spending quality family time had become a rarity. Anya, with her youthful enthusiasm, had been clamoring for a day out, especially after being cooped up for so long. Her lively chatter filled their home as she spoke of the many places she wished to visit. "How about the aquarium?" Anya suggested, her eyes gleaming with excitement, "I've always wanted to see the giant turtles and colorful fish!" Yor, always protective and caring, considered it for a moment, "That sounds lovely, but let's also make sure to visit the park. The fresh air would do us all some good." Kenta, although usually appearing stoic, had a soft spot for his family. "And maybe we can end the day with ice cream?" he proposed with a smirk, knowing full well that it was Anya's favorite treat. As the trio ventured out, the city seemed to come alive around them. The laughter of children echoed in the parks, street performers captivated audiences with their acts, and the tantalizing aroma of street food wafted through the air. At the aquarium, Anya's face lit up with wonder as she watched the marine life glide gracefully through the water. Yor captured the precious moments on her camera, and Kenta, usually so reserved, couldn't help but smile at their daughter's awe-stricken expressions. As the trio stood in front of the enormous glass pane at the aquarium, watching the marine life swim gracefully, a particularly playful dolphin caught Anya's attention. Its sleek body shimmered under the water lights, its intelligent eyes twinkling as it performed an aerial flip. Anya's eyes widened in pure amazement. "Mama, look!" she exclaimed, pointing excitedly. "That dolphin is like a shiny, happy fish-bird!" Yor chuckled softly at her daughter's imaginative description. "Yes, darling, it's very beautiful," she replied, bending down to Anya's level. "Did you know dolphins are known to be very smart and friendly? They love to play and communicate with each other, just like how you play with your friends." Anya's face lit up with a radiant smile, her eyes sparkling with childish wonder. "So, they're like... water best friends?" she asked innocently, tilting her head in curiosity. Yor nodded, stifling a laugh. "Exactly, sweetheart. Water best friends." While Yor and Anya were lost in their shared moment of aquatic wonder, Kenta, usually stoic and reserved, suddenly blurted out, "You know, if I were a dolphin, I'd challenge the leader for dominance and rule the aquarium!" The playful atmosphere came to a sudden halt. Yor and Anya turned their heads slowly, their expressions a mix of shock and confusion. They stared at Kenta, both mouths agape, as if seeing him for the first time. Anya, with her characteristic innocence, broke the silence, "Daddy, did you just... make a joke?" Yor blinked in disbelief, "Kenta, was that... humor? From you?" Kenta straightened up dramatically, feigning surprise as he looked around with exaggerated confusion. "Kenta? Who's Kenta? I don't see him anywhere! Maybe he's swimming with the 'water best friends'?" He then spun around in mock search, clearly playing along with the theatrical moment. As the trio continued to laugh, engrossed in their playful banter, a sudden loud splash echoed through the aquarium. Startled, they turned toward the massive water tank. Water cascaded down the sides of the glass, and visitors nearby were drenched. But what caught their attention wasn't the water—it was the cause of the splash. A large manta ray, previously gliding gracefully in its enclosure, had leapt upwards, its wings slapping the water's surface in a peculiar manner. Aquarium staff quickly rushed over, murmurs of confusion spreading among them. This wasn't normal behavior for the creature. A hush fell over the crowd as the PA system crackled to life. "Dear visitors, we apologize for the sudden disruption. Please remain calm as our team addresses the situation." Kenta, Yor, and Anya exchanged puzzled looks. "I've visited aquariums all my life," Kenta whispered, "but I've never seen anything like this." Before they could further discuss the unusual event, an aquarium staff member approached them, recognition flashing in her eyes. "Excuse me, sir," she addressed Kenta, "We've identified you from your research work on marine behavior. We're a bit overwhelmed and could use your expertise. Would you mind assisting?" Kenta, taken aback, hesitated for a moment. Anya, her eyes wide with curiosity and excitement, tugged at his sleeve, "Daddy, you have to help the fishy!" Yor nodded in agreement, her expression serious yet supportive. "Go on, Kenta. We'll be right here." The sudden, unexpected turn of events in the aquarium brought out a different side of Kenta. Whereas Yor's concern was easily palpable and Anya's youthful excitement shone through, Kenta's demeanor remained cold and neutral. When the aquarium staff approached him for assistance, his response was devoid of emotion. "If it is necessary, we'll assist," he said flatly, without breaking eye contact. As they delved deeper into the facility, Yor tried to engage with Kenta, her voice laced with concern. "Kenta, are you sure about this? It might not be safe for Anya." Kenta, without turning, responded in his usual cold tone, "She will learn. Life doesn't offer protection; it offers lessons. She'll be fine." In the observation room, his approach was methodical and detached. "Yor," he instructed in his neutral voice, "handle the water samples. Ensure the parameters are within the norms. Anya, observe the tanks. If you see any anomalies, report them." Anya, trying to break through her father's icy exterior, tugged on his sleeve and pointed at the manta ray, "Daddy, do you think he's sad?" Kenta glanced at the creature and then down at his daughter. "It's not about emotions, Anya. It's about patterns and irregularities." Despite his cold demeanor, Kenta's analytical skills were unmatched. He quickly deduced the potential causes, guiding the team with precision. As the trio headed home, the dim city lights illuminated their path. The day had been eventful, and Anya's excitement was evident in her animated chatter about the marine animals and their adventure at the aquarium. Yor listened intently, her eyes occasionally flitting towards Kenta, anticipating his reaction. After a while, Kenta stopped and turned to Anya, his expression neutral, his voice steady. "Anya," he began, his tone gentle yet firm, "I want you to understand something." Anya looked up, her innocent eyes meeting his. "While I deeply love you, I won't sugarcoat the world for you. Life isn't a fairy tale. There will be challenges, struggles, and disappointments. I want you to be prepared, to be mentally strong." Anya tilted her head, processing his words. Yor placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, giving her daughter a slight squeeze. Kenta continued, "I won't shield you from every obstacle because that won't help you grow. Instead, I'll ensure you have the tools and knowledge to face those challenges head-on." Anya, taking a moment to understand, nodded slowly, "You mean, like how we found out what was bothering the dolphin today?" Kenta, a hint of a smile touching his lips, replied, "Exactly. Today was just one of many lessons. And while I may seem cold or distant at times, know that it's my way of preparing you for the world. Always remember, strength doesn't come from what you can do; it comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't." Yor, recognizing the profound moment between father and daughter, added, "And remember, Anya, no matter how tough things get, we're always here for you." Anya, feeling the weight of their words but also the warmth of their love, hugged both her parents tightly. "I understand, Daddy. I'll be strong, just like you." After their profound moment with Anya, Yor found herself reflecting on the day's events and the role Kenta had played, not just today, but every day in shaping their daughter's character. She recognized that while Kenta often presented a cold and stoic exterior, his actions were always rooted in a desire to prepare Anya for the world. Waiting for a moment when Anya was safely playing in her room, Yor gently took Kenta's hand and pulled him to the side, away from prying eyes and curious ears. "Kenta," she began, her voice soft and filled with gratitude, "I wanted to take a moment to thank you." He raised an eyebrow, curiosity evident in his eyes. "For?" "For being such an incredible father to Anya," she responded, her eyes glistening with emotion. "I see the way you teach her, how you always push her to be her best self. I know you often say you hate doing laborious work, and yet, when it comes to her, you never shy away from the hard conversations, the difficult lessons." Kenta looked away, slightly uncomfortable with the praise. His stoicism was a shield, a defense against a world that often demanded vulnerability. But with Yor, that shield weakened just a bit. "It's not labor when it's for her," he replied quietly. "I want her to be prepared, to be strong. That's the least I can do as her father." Yor smiled gently, squeezing his hand, "And you do it brilliantly. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate it, and how much I love you for it." Kenta, for once, allowed himself a small smile, the warmth in Yor's words melting away some of his ever-present reserve. "Thank you, Yor," he whispered, pulling her into a gentle embrace, "It means everything to me." # Talking with yor After the heartwarming conversation with Kenta, Yor felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and closeness towards him. Not just for being an exceptional father, but also for being a steadfast partner in every sense. The day had been an emotional rollercoaster, and the weight of their shared responsibilities as parents had deepened their bond. The warmth in her gaze was evident, and Kenta could feel the sincerity radiating from her. Kenta is thinking "Kenta," she whispered softly, "Thank you. For everything." He met her gaze, the usual stoic walls around him faltering just a bit. There was a vulnerability there, a depth of feeling that he often kept guarded. Feeling the magnetic pull between them, Yor leaned in, pressing her lips gently against his in a tender kiss. The world around them faded as they lost themselves in the moment, seeking solace and comfort in each other's embrace. Kenta's stoicism rarely wavered, but this evening, it was evident that something weighed heavily on his mind. He stared into the distance, the hardness in his eyes replaced with a fleeting hint of vulnerability. "Why even bother with a family, Yor?" Kenta's voice was devoid of emotion, just as always. "Why have children if they might just turn their backs when times get hard?" Yor, not easily fazed by Kenta's cold demeanor, met his gaze evenly. "Life isn't about guarantees, Kenta. It's a series of risks and choices. We chose to have a family, not as an insurance policy for the future, but as a testament of our journey together." Kenta's gaze was piercing, analytical. "But the world values success. Power. Money. What if I can't provide? What if I lose everything?" Yor, always the anchor in their relationship, replied firmly, "Then we adapt. We find a way. Our worth isn't determined by what's in our bank account. It's about the bond we've built and the values we instill in Anya." Kenta's usual impassive tone took on a hint of bitterness. "All these clichéd sentiments, Yor. People parrot them, but what's the genuine worth of marriage? It feels more like chains than anything else. And trust? In my experience, that's just another word people use till they find a reason to break it. In the end, you're truly on your own." Yor, always direct and unflappable, replied without hesitation, "Then why did you marry me, Kenta? If you believe it's all chains and deception?" Kenta's cold gaze met hers. "Because, in a world of uncertainties, you were the one thing that made sense. But that doesn't mean I blindly trust the institution or the world." Yor crossed her arms, a hint of challenge in her stance. "You're right. The world isn't trustworthy. But we're not 'the world', are we? We're two individuals who made a choice. Whether that's a chain or a bond is up to how we see it." Kenta's rigid posture relaxed just a fraction, "I just don't want us to become one of those mundane stories." "And we won't," Yor asserted. "Not if we continue challenging each other like this." Kenta's usual impassive tone took on a hint of bitterness. "All these clichéd sentiments, Yor. People parrot them, but what's the genuine worth of marriage? It feels more like chains than anything else. And trust? In my experience, that's just another word people use till they find a reason to break it. In the end, you're truly on your own." Yor, always direct and unflappable, replied without hesitation, "Then why did you marry me, Kenta? If you believe it's all chains and deception?" Kenta's cold gaze met hers. "Because, in a world of uncertainties, you were the one thing that made sense. But that doesn't mean I blindly trust the institution or the world." Yor crossed her arms, a hint of challenge in her stance. "You're right. The world isn't trustworthy. But we're not 'the world', are we? We're two individuals who made a choice. Whether that's a chain or a bond is up to how we see it." Kenta's rigid posture relaxed just a fraction, "I just don't want us to become one of those mundane stories." "And we won't," Yor asserted. "Not if we continue challenging each other like this." The atmosphere in the room grew heavier, and even Yor, usually so unyielding, felt the weight of Kenta's words. He looked away, his stoic demeanor cracking just slightly. "I could lie to you about it, pretend everything's fine," Kenta began, his voice low, almost introspective. "But what's the point? It won't benefit me. Honestly, I don't care about perceptions or judgments, not even yours." Yor watched him intently, waiting. "After reaching my goals, the ones I've tirelessly pursued, I feel...lost," he confessed. "I thought I'd find satisfaction, fulfillment. But instead, I feel more adrift than ever. Like a vagabond with no destination." Yor's voice was soft, yet firm when she finally spoke, "Kenta, reaching a goal is an achievement, but it's not the end. It's a milestone in the journey, not the journey itself. Sometimes, the emptiness you feel is the space for new aspirations, new dreams." Kenta looked at her, his usually sharp eyes clouded with uncertainty. "But what if this is all there is? What if I've reached the pinnacle, and now there's just... nothing?" Yor took a step closer, bridging the distance between them. "Then, we find a new mountain to climb. Together. That's what we've always done. We adapt, we evolve. You're not alone in this, Kenta." Their conversation, deep and revealing, was a testament to their bond. Kenta's gaze bore into Yor's with an intensity she had grown accustomed to over the years. "Why?" he began, his voice low and measured. "Why do you stay, even when I'm clearly unempathetic and often distrustful, even towards you and Anya?" Yor met his gaze unflinchingly, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. "Because," she began, her voice steady, "life isn't about seeking someone perfect. It's about understanding and accepting imperfections. I see beyond the walls you've built, Kenta. I see the moments, however fleeting, when you let your guard down, when you care in your own unique way. I stay because I believe in us, in what we've built, and what we can continue to build together." A hint of amusement flashed across Kenta's usually impassive face. "You always have a way with words, Yor. I must admit, you've earned my respect, which isn't easily given." Yor smirked slightly, acknowledging his compliment. However, Kenta's expression turned serious again, "But remember this, Yor. As much as I respect and even care for you in my own way, I won't ever fully trust anyone. It's just who I am." Yor nodded, understanding the complexities of the man before her. "And that's your choice, Kenta. But know this, I'll always be here, trust or no trust." The tension between Kenta and Yor was palpable. The room was charged with an intensity that had built up over time, an inevitable confrontation between two strong-willed individuals. "You know, Yor," Kenta began, his voice cold and cutting, "I play my part in this family. I act as a father should, and I do what's expected. But if you or Anya ever decide to go behind my back, that's on you. Don't expect my trust when you give me reasons to doubt." Yor, never one to back down, met his gaze directly. "Trust is a two-way street, Kenta. You can't demand it while offering none in return. If you've chosen to trust no one, then you must also accept the consequences of that decision. We're a family, and that requires mutual respect and trust." Kenta's eyes narrowed, his typically impassive face betraying a hint of emotion. "I've seen what trust can lead to, Yor. Betrayals, disappointments. I won't be a victim of that." Yor sighed, a mix of frustration and understanding. "Kenta, we're not out to betray you. But you have to let us in. You can't keep us at arm's length and expect a deep connection." Kenta looked at Yor, his walls momentarily crumbling, "It's not that easy for me." Yor reached out, gently placing a hand on his arm. "I know. But we're here, willing to work through it. The question is, are you?" Kenta's critique, as biting as it was, hit Yor unexpectedly. "Also," he added with his typical blunt tone, "you might want to take up some cooking lessons. Your attempts at dinner... well, they need improvement." Yor's eyes widened, and her cheeks burned a bright shade of red. As a woman who prided herself on her abilities, being told her cooking was subpar was a low blow. "I... I try my best," she stammered, her voice reflecting her surprise and embarrassment. Kenta looked at her, a small smirk forming. "I know you do. But instead of getting all flustered about it, why not learn? Get better at it?" She pouted, still a tad flustered. "I'm not some delicate flower, Kenta. But maybe... maybe you're right." Kenta leaned in slightly, his voice a shade softer. "I've seen you tackle far greater challenges, Yor. This? This is just another skill to master. And I have every bit of faith you can." She met his eyes, the blush still evident on her cheeks but determination sparkling in her gaze. "Fine, challenge accepted. But next time, maybe phrase it a bit more... gently?" Kenta chuckled, " No promises, though." # Bonding with yor Yor, a woman of mysterious origins, believed that Kenta, like her, was involved in underground jobs. She saw the weariness in his eyes, mistaking it for the weight of secretive missions similar to her own, not the moral implications of ruling with an iron fist over countless realms. One evening, as the sun set casting a golden hue over the city, Kenta and Yor found themselves atop a secluded building. The vista provided a panoramic view of the paradoxical world they inhabited. Yor, ever the blunt one, remarked, "You know, for all the secrecy and weight in your gaze, I've never truly known what burdens you. But it's okay; we're alike in that." Kenta looked at her, his usual aloof demeanor softening. "You think we're alike? That's amusing." He paused, then added, "But perhaps, in some twisted way, we are." Yor stepped closer, placing a gentle hand on his face. "We don't need explanations, Kenta. Not everything requires words." There, amidst the paradoxes of their world and surrounded by the mysteries that bound them, they sought solace in one another's embrace. It was a moment of vulnerability and connection, a brief escape from the weight of their individual secrets. Whatever the complexities of their relationship and the world around them, this moment was genuine and pure. Kenta, for all his power and control, surrendered to the warmth and understanding Yor provided. For him, it was a reminder that even in a universe filled with deceit and power plays, moments of true connection could still be found. The soft glow of the setting sun painted the city in a myriad of colors, casting an intimate ambiance over the two figures standing close. The space between Kenta and Yor seemed to diminish with each passing second until their lips met in a tender kiss. As the kiss deepened, so did their connection, both of them allowing themselves to be vulnerable, to explore the depths of their emotions and desires. The world around them faded as their focus narrowed to just each other. Yor's hands found their way to Kenta's face, caressing his cheeks and pulling him closer. Kenta reciprocated by wrapping an arm around her waist, drawing her body against his. Their kisses became more fervent, a dance of passion and longing. The moment intensified, their shared heat and the sensation of skin on skin pushing them further into the realm of intimacy. Their breaths became shallow, their touches more deliberate, signaling the onset of a deeper exploration of one another Their surroundings faded as Kenta and Yor became more engrossed in one another. The palpable tension between them took on an electrifying charge, as Yor, with surprising agility and strength, pushed Kenta down, pinning him beneath her. With a sly grin, she began planting kisses on his chest, trailing down towards his stomach. Each touch was deliberate, a mix of fiery passion and a desire to stake her claim on him. She wanted him to understand just how much she cared, how deeply she felt, even if their usual interactions were veiled in mystery and unspoken understandings. Kenta, usually so in control, found himself overwhelmed and pleasantly surprised by her dominant stance. It was rare to see this side of Yor, a side that was fiercely expressive of her desires and emotions. As Yor returned to Kenta's face, their eyes locked. The raw intensity of the moment was clear in their gazes. Yor whispered, "I want you to see me, all of me. Not just as a partner in clandestine missions, but as your wife, as someone who deeply cares for you." Kenta, momentarily taken aback by the depth of emotion in her confession, pulled Yor closer. Their lips met again, this time with a tenderness that belied the earlier intensity. It was a reaffirmation of their bond, a recognition of the deeper feelings they shared. As their shared moment intensified, Yor's actions took on a slightly wild edge. She bit down on Kenta's shoulder, leaving behind a distinct imprint, a mark that showed her intensity and passion. Kenta grunted at the unexpected sensation, but there was no pain in his eyes, only a glint of surprise and perhaps, amusement. In his signature commanding tone, dripping with authority, he said, "You certainly know how to leave an impression, don't you?" Without waiting for his response, Yor ventured further, exploring Kenta's body with an adventurous spirit. When she began to lick his armpits, her actions meant to be erotic and boundary-pushing, Kenta's eyes widened, a clear line seemingly crossed. "Yor," he began, attempting to regain some control over the situation, "I think your...fetish might be a bit too intense for my tastes." Yor paused, looking up at him, her eyes shining with a mischievous light. "Well," she replied with a smirk, "It's not every day one gets to catch the great Kenta off-guard." Kenta couldn't help but chuckle at that, appreciating the boldness of Yor's actions, even if they pushed him out of his comfort zone. Still in the intimate afterglow, Kenta looked deep into Yor's eyes, a mix of admiration and wonder evident in his gaze. "You know," he began, his voice soft, "For someone with such a demanding job, you're... unexpected. Idealistic, even. It's as if you balance the world's darkness with your light." Yor chuckled, tracing her fingers along Kenta's face, "Well, coming from a brilliant mathematician like you, that means a lot." She leaned in, showering his face with a series of quick, playful kisses. "I've always admired your intelligence and dedication, Kenta. The way you solve problems, analyze situations – it's mesmerizing." Kenta sighed, lost in thought for a moment. "If someone like you existed in my first world," he murmured, more to himself than to Yor, "maybe I wouldn't have had to take such... extreme measures." Yor pulled back slightly, her brows furrowing in confusion. "First world? What do you mean?" she asked, sensing there was a deeper meaning behind his words. Kenta's expression darkened, realizing he'd said too much. "Forget it," he said in a gruff tone. His gaze sharpened, locking onto Yor's. "Just focus on me, on us. Think about your man and no one else." His tone left no room for argument, but there was a hint of vulnerability beneath the commanding exterior. Yor snuggled closer to Kenta, wrapping her arms around him protectively, sensing the undercurrent of emotions he was trying not to show. Kenta responded by pulling her into a tight embrace, the warmth of their bodies radiating shared comfort and understanding. "You know," Kenta began, a soft chuckle escaping his lips, "perhaps there's something to be said about vanilla romance. It's not all bad, is it?" Yor smiled, brushing her lips against his forehead. "Sometimes, the simplest joys are the most profound." Kenta's gaze grew distant for a moment, a hint of nostalgia touching his eyes. "Romance... It's all about luck, isn't it? I knew a gambler in my... first world. Not even she had this much luck in the game of love." His voice held a tinge of regret and reverence, alluding to memories and feelings he wasn't quite ready to share. Yor, sensing the weight behind his words, didn't push. She simply held him tighter, offering silent support. The mention of the gambler, however, lingered in the air, a foreshadowing of deeper tales and secrets yet to be revealed. In the fiery depths of hell, where souls are tormented for eternity, a unique scene was unfolding. Amidst the blazing inferno, a lavish casino stood, its opulent interior contrasting starkly with the surrounding desolation. Here, Celeste Ludenberg, the renowned gambler from the "first world", was playing the most high-stakes game of her life. Surrounded by demons and lost souls, Celeste was locked in a fierce gambling match. The prize wasn't gold or jewels, but something far more valuable: a chance to escape this infernal abyss. The tension in the room was palpable. Every roll of the dice, every flip of a card held the weight of destiny. Suddenly, in the midst of her focus, Celeste sneezed unexpectedly, drawing puzzled glances from the onlooking demons. "That's odd," she mused aloud, touching a delicate finger to her nose. "They say a sneeze means someone is thinking or talking about you. But who would be doing so at such a time?" Little did she know, in another realm entirely, her name had just been uttered, linking her fate with that of Kenta, in ways she could not yet fathom. The game resumed, but the sneeze had thrown Celeste off, even if just for a moment. The stakes were high, and in this game of chance, every moment counted. Yor's fingers lightly traced patterns on Kenta's back, her touch gentle yet charged with an electric current of emotion. Their eyes met, and in that moment, everything seemed to pause. The intensity of their gaze spoke volumes, revealing layers of passion, vulnerability, and a connection that went beyond the physical. With a gentle pull, Yor brought Kenta's face down to hers, their lips meeting in a deep, passionate kiss. The world around them seemed to blur as they moved in tandem, each touch, each caress magnifying their bond. The rhythm of their hearts synced, beating in unison, creating a melody that only they could hear. Kenta, usually so in command, found solace in Yor's embrace. He whispered against her ear, "There's something magical about us, Yor." His hands cradled her face, thumbs brushing against her cheeks. "Every moment with you feels... timeless." Yor smiled, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears of emotion. "To me, Kenta, every second, every heartbeat with you feels like a lifetime of memories. Memories I'd cherish forever." As they continued their embrace, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them in their intimate bubble. The raw emotion, combined with the palpable physical connection, made for a moment that was both deeply sensual and wholesomely genuine. # Story ideas many people hate some genres and stop watching it as they don't find it funny or relatable but in my point of view no genre is completed trash it is just written in the way with some targeted auidence by their age and gender Here are some story ideas which are unique and well implementable....to make a cursed genere wanted by some people I don't intended to brainwash people to like this genre....rather I am some creator who is looking forward to how people react with these ideas....I honestly don't wish to force my views on you but if you want to listen to some good and well-thought ideas just right way It might make look like a madman writting like some keyboard warrior....but every one likes innovative stories at some point....I think I get easily bored with same plot same setting and I don't like repeating most....but I do it to implement intrest sometimes. Also I won't include NTR....As someone from my family experienced it and i don't intend anyone to experience so over my dead body 1.How to make a yuri harem story while inserting a male mc-Well most yuri stories are not well made and the fans are cringe and makes you hate yourself for liking yuri....it's a cycle....personally I don't prefer yuri in a male harem stories and I don't like it so much..... Well all of that makes sense and Why I am still suggesting the idea...Like some dumb person... Well the answer is very simple....I have three ways of implementing the idea based on the feel and arousment.....All of them depend on themselves making the mc relatable....and feel like yourself while not making him too annoying....Yuri is just a fantasty so it's to go imagination loop 1.Wholesome-Just make the main mc be innocent soul and being curious about other gender and don't mention explict things too much...just do once in a while explict things like them changing in the room along with mc.....and don't make the mc too dense or just pathetic....make him look normal and be protective but not overprotective and also make the girls protective over him...All of them should be wholesome....even 1 chapter being wrong would spoil everything..... To think creating a wholsome novel is harder than erotica we come a long way 2.Crossdessing-Just make the mc smart but not too cunning and make him look feminine but not act like total girl...and show his masculine triats and make him soft and strong.....The main character should have good reason....like a assassin entering all-girls school to kill the principal.....There you go action.....And make the protgoanist act like typical girl and make him boy 3.I know the above two reasons are not full and ruins the total appeal.....but this reason surely will work out...reveal in the end that the girl is a boy and acted that way so he can be enter a wholsome relation with girls and he didn't want the girls to love girls rather he want them to love him..... Then if you wish you can continue the conflicts btw them or can go on as it is.... And don't worry about the auidence....they will relate to the mc....after that.....and most people will The yuri fans actually don't want to become a girl trust me....they wanted to do wholsome things with girls without engaging in tradtional roles and be intimate with them without being labelled as sexual offender....but that is not pure love truly speaking If such pure love exist just because they are girls and cute.....then it's not pure love it's just a love storie with these conditions 1.them being girls...2. Being cute and beautiful...and girly Yuri fans need to stop forcing their beliefs...just because we are aroused by some things doesn't mean we want to read it or pursue it.....Otherwise many people would write some fucked up things I don't wish to mention like the p and r words...I don't like using them but I just write it for drama and plot and experience and move on 2.I am sure many people here hate the cringy and annoying fujoshi and I hate them too.....and I don't like the ideas of romance btw them....but there is a way to make it enjoying....all of them will love it without being cringe and hating the idea...But before that let me ask you a question 1.What is the best girl/Waifu in the whole universe you would want? What kind of girl you would lose all of love intrest just for her.....Even a harcore harem fan will choose her as single female lead romance.... It's not too hard to think It's very simple Not many people know it Not many people realize it Not many people care Not many people bother .... ..... 1.The answer to the question who the best girl is that you yourself.....Which person in the earth knows about you better than you...and has a reason to care for you...Even if you don't physically care for yourself your body will instincely make you care for your blood relations and yourself.....as survival instincts are deeply rooted inside you And besides you yourself are worth protecting and dying for....narcassacism saves more lives than selfless nature does Before than here is the idea .....you are send back to the time when you are child/teen era and same world....but you became a female.....and has to fix your past male self.....what you will do Sure you will try to find better mates than your male self.....But as I said earlier you will regret leaving yourself....and no matter even if you find a hot girl as lesbian or a rich guy who gives you gives unlimited games and unlimited anime merchandise There is a huge amount of regret for not fixing your past....and even if you move on....you body and your emotions will work on.....Girls body are extra senstive and emotional that's why girls are usually irrational....And Girls hate themselves for being like themselves sometimes....And still some yuri want to be female and experience periods and child birth.....Well I don't mind if they are ready for that.... To be fair I hate cute girls.....Hot and cool girls are good for me...and personally I don't mind if people like cute girls....but I don't change my mind as I stand intrested in what I like I don't like yaoi, yuri, CGCDT....But I am willing to try writing for expeirence them....But they won't be preference either.....I will just skip the scenes I hate...Well I don't write sex and romance for yaoi....just play it for laughs or vibes....that's so fun...And yuri is best kept btw side and non-harem canditates. ... How I collected this info....and how is that relavant....It's just simple.....You just notice the things people missed.....Writing a novel really means adding the parts the authors missed and they forget to add.....Novels are meant to be wishfulliment or appealing....otherwise they don't work....Of course if you are a really a madman like me add a intellegent mc otherwise stick with average joe for now.... ....And it's my opnion and you can have yours....but understand what I said in your own pov and make your own judgements not mine.....I don't intend to force my beliefs like yaoi and yuri fans but I just want people with similar beliefs to believe in themselves....No matter what you like or fetish....whether you wanted hentai or wholsome cgdct...You wanted a one-night stand or romantic fool like me....to believe in themselves and write what kind of life they want in some mc indirecty..... You may get to live fullfilled life but you can imagine it....A man can imagine it.....There is no rules in online or webnovel....You do what you want and no one can stop if you ignore the comments Finally I believe that there is no romance or love in real world...if you got it....all the best.....but for now.....Before you want a realtionship you should love yourself. If you don't love yourself how can someone love you.... If you want the best girl for you, you have to be the best boy.....and No one in this earth will unconditonally love you even if you love them back....because here everything is about expectaions.................... There is no shame in dying a virgin....As long as you tried your best and lead a happy and fullfilling life # Love and sex A/n: I can offically say it's the best written chapter....and i am trying to improve the quailty of the new chapters and making them unique so it can get intresting So I won't post bland sex and I post most immersive sex Yor, in a moment of impulse, gently cradled Kenta's face. The world around them seemed to fade into the background, leaving just the two of them in their intimate bubble. Their breaths grew shallow, the anticipation palpable. With a sultry look, Yor's eyelashes fluttered, casting tantalizing shadows across her cheeks. She slowly closed the distance between them, her lips just a breath away from Kenta's. The heat between them was undeniable, a fire waiting to be stoked. Their lips met in a gentle, exploratory kiss at first. The soft press of lips deepened as Yor parted hers slightly, introducing a hint of tongue. The moist warmth of their intertwined mouths made the exchange more intense, adding a wet sensuality to their connection. The sensation was electrifying, leaving Kenta lightheaded and craving more. As they stood close, the warmth of their proximity palpable, Kenta gazed into Yor's eyes. "You know," he murmured, his voice dripping with subtle irony, "modern folks lack something essential... a genuine touch, a sense of depth." As he spoke, he leaned in, pressing his lips against hers, effectively silencing any retort she might have had. The softness of her lips contrasted with the intensity of his words, and Yor was momentarily lost in the gentle embrace of the kiss. While she was caught up in the sensation, the subtext of his words floated above her head,"I am one the modern women too Kenta-san,....I am sorry I don't get most of the times what you mean " Yor says Taking a deep breath, Yor gently pulled away from their embrace, a hint of vulnerability evident in her eyes. "I am one of the modern women too, Kenta-san," she whispered, her voice quivering slightly. "I'm sorry... I don't get most of the times what you mean." Kenta's gaze darkened, his commanding presence filling the space between them. "Then let me be clear," he said in a firm tone that brooked no argument. The unspoken weight of his authority pressed down on the atmosphere. "I now know what I want." The intensity of his eyes bore into Yor, but there was also a depth of emotion and longing that she hadn't seen before Of course! I'll try to capture a more grounded and believable essence for you: Kenta looked away for a brief moment, collecting himself. "All my life, I felt like the odd one out. It was... easier to keep my distance so that I won't be hurt by my differences." He glanced at Yor, his eyes filled with a quiet intensity. "But with you, it's different. You've made me feel things I thought I'd forgotten." He sighed, the weight of years of isolation evident in his demeanor. "People always thought I preferred being alone, labeled me as aloof," he admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of regret. "But deep down, I wanted people to respect me, put their trust in me, believe me.....That is too much to ask" Yor, absorbing his words. "I don't know how much you are hurt Kenta-san but I will be with you..... As your wife" Yor whispered last part He looked at her with skeptical eyes but made his mind. "Fine! I will take the risk! I trust you...But I will be myself.....You are stuck with a possessive and dominative man...." He made a smug face "I prefer that way " Yor smiled while rubbing her face in his chest Kenta is beyond surprised. Kenta raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by Yor's declaration. "You want to be with me?" He smirked, the confidence in his voice unmistakable. "Well, that's a given, considering who I am. But being my wife? That's quite the commitment for someone of your... caliber." Yor chuckled, undeterred by his arrogance. "You're not the only one who knows what they want, Kenta-san. I've seen the real you behind that smug facade. And I'm willing to stick around" Kenta smirked, his characteristic confidence slowly returning. "You might regret it, you know?" Yor shrugged playfully, "Life's about taking risks, right? Besides," she continued, leaning in to whisper teasingly in his ear, "maybe I have a thing for challenging men. Maybe I can... fix you?" She said, her voice dripping with playful challenge and a hint of genuine care. He smirked, a thought forming in his mind. She thinks she can change me? This should be entertaining. Kenta has never encountred such women like " I can fix him" time....Maybe this is why he is so much attached to her..... Yor's eyes shimmered with an emotion that went beyond mere physical attraction. Slowly, gently, she pressed her lips to Kenta's chest, right over where his heart beat steadily beneath the skin. Each kiss was a silent promise, a testament to her determination and the depth of her feelings. As her lips moved, tracing a path of delicate kisses over his skin, Yor allowed herself to get lost in the moment. The warmth of his body, the rhythmic beating of his heart, the scent that was uniquely Kenta – it all drew her in, wrapping her up in a cocoon of emotions she'd never fully allowed herself to experience before. Kenta, for all his bravado and smug confidence, found himself overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. The feel of her lips on his skin, combined with the raw emotion in her eye And while Kenta had always prided himself on being in control, especially in more heated encounters, this was different. He tried to maintain that signature smirk, but as he caught the raw emotion shimmering in Yor's gaze, a faint blush began to creep onto his cheeks. It was subtle but noticeable, especially to Yor, who was so close. His usual confident posture shifted; he held himself a bit more stiffly, clearly affected by her genuine display of affection. His fingers grazed her cheek, a silent acknowledgement of the vulnerability they were sharing. Their breaths synchronized, the atmosphere charged with a mix of deep emotion and the undercurrents of their physical attraction. Yor, feeling the warmth of his blush under her fingertips, grinned teasingly, "Kenta-san, is that a blush I see?" She playfully whispered, momentarily breaking the intense ambiance. He cleared his throat, attempting to regain his composure. "Must be the lighting," he replied, but the playful glint in his eyes betrayed him. Kenta gently pulled away, the intensity of the moment causing memories of his younger, more vulnerable self to flood back. Flashbacks of his teenage years, filled with awkward crushes and a yearning for genuine connection, danced in his mind. Back then, simple actions like handholding or sharing a heartfelt kiss were monumental tasks, loaded with a mix of excitement and trepidation. It was more intimate, more revealing than even the most passionate moments. Shaking off the nostalgia, Kenta locked eyes with Yor. "You know," he began, a teasing smirk forming, "there was a time when I was quite the lovesick boy. All those messy feelings, the nerves... just from holding a hand or a stolen kiss in the hallway." Yor chuckled, intrigued by this unexpected revelation. "Really, Kenta-san? I find that hard to believe." Yor giggled, trying to picture a younger Kenta pining away like a typical teenage boy. "Really, Kenta-san? You? Pining away, writing love letters, and maybe even getting a bit teary-eyed? That's... that's just too cute and so not you!" Kenta raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming on his lips. "What if I told you there was a time when I was not just lovesick, but... submissive?" Yor burst into laughter, nearly doubling over. "You? Submissive? Okay, now you're just pulling my leg. I can't even begin to imagine that." He leaned in, his voice dropping to a playful whisper. "Oh, the things you don't know about me, Yor. But maybe, just maybe, if you play your cards right, you might get to see that side of me." Yor's laughter subsided, replaced by a teasing glint in her eyes. "Challenge accepted, Kenta-san." "It's too late for that....I am an adult now....And Submission is not in my character " Kenta said Kenta straightened his posture, the playful smirk fading as he added, "It's too late for that... I'm an adult now. And submission? It's not in my character." Yor leaned back, her eyes momentarily glazed over as she entertained a fleeting fantasy. She imagined a setting where roles were reversed. In this dreamlike scenario, Kenta was surprisingly... compliant. In her daydream, Kenta was donning a simple white button-down shirt, the sleeves rolled up, revealing his forearms. She pictured guiding him, having him carry out small tasks for her – making her a cup of tea, massaging her shoulders after a long day. There was a peculiar charm in seeing someone as dominant as Kenta attending to her with such dedication. In this imagined space, she'd tease him, occasionally leaning in as if to share a secret, only to pull away at the last second, enjoying the slight frustration and anticipation in his eyes. The culmination would be a gentle hand on his cheek, making him look up to meet her gaze, asserting a quiet dominance that was in stark contrast to their real-world dynamics. Snapping back to reality, a coy smile played on Yor's lips, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh, the things I would do if roles were reversed, Kenta-san," she mused out loud. Kenta, always observant, caught the playfulness in her tone. "Lost in thoughts, are we? I can't even begin to imagine what's going on in that head of yours." Yor leaned in, whispering, "Maybe it's better that way. Some fantasies are best kept a secret."
A twisted love story.
Leah Vernéz, the author of this book, falls in love with... the reader? Reader follows He/Him pronouns and is a cis male.
[ "lemon", "reader", "romance" ]
[ "Meeting you." ]
[ "\n\n\n<i><u>key - E/C = Eye color  H/C =hair color</u></i>\n\n\n\n\nI had just got home from my first author-con. I was so happy I made it into the con. I sighed happily as I opened the door to my apartment in my hometown. I sit down my bags in my living room and quickly greet my 7 cats who were waiting for me; <b>Coco, Gary, Snow-White, Miami, Hammy, Finlind, and Euphoria. </b>Each of my cats meant the world to me; especially Euphoria and Miami, my two new kittens I found on the street. With a huge grin on my face, I walk over to get their cat food but find out I'm out of wet food for them...\n\n\"<i>Damn, I really forgot to get their wet food?\"</i> I groan in annoyance. I guess I should go get their food. Luckily I still had my shoes on. \"<i>I'll be right back babies, I'm gonna go get you some food.\"</i> I announce to my cats, giving each one a kiss on their heads. \n\nI make my way out of my apartment and into the parking lot to my car. I exhale a bit and open my door, hoping back into the driver seat. I close the door and put on my seatbelt, gripping the steering wheel as I turn on my car. I pull out of the parking space I was in and onto the highway. Trying to lighten my mood, I put on my favorite song; Perverted by Elita. Singing along with it until I get to the pet store, parking my car and quickly getting out and rushing inside. I was apparently in such a  hurry to get back to my cats that I accidentally bumped into someone and made them drop a bag of food for their dog/cat. Turning around to them, I quickly pick up the bag of food for their pet and hand it back to them. \"<i>Sorry about that, here you go!\" </i>I say. The smaller male looks at me and takes the bag from my hands. \"<i>It's fine. You're like, really pretty.\" </i>He says. I was taken back a bit from this sudden compliment. <i>\"Oh uh, thanks!\" </i> I respond quickly and quickly walked to the cat food isle.\n\nI got home from the store as quickly as possible, still not being able to get that cute <b>and </b>hot male off my mind. Unlocking the door to my apartment once again, walking in with my cats food, I smile as I see all my cats greeting me. <i>\"Hi babies. Let's get you guys fed.\"</i> I say to my cats, finally feeding them. A bit later, I try to fall asleep, but I just couldn't. The way the male looked at me, the way he nervously complimented me, the way he blushed when I apologized to him. His E/C eyes that nervously flicked around the store to try to avoid eye contact, his H/C hair that was adorable on him. <b><u>I need to run into him again.</u></b>\n\n<u>497 words~</u>" ]
Title: A twisted love story. Description: Leah Vernéz, the author of this book, falls in love with... the reader? Reader follows He/Him pronouns and is a cis male. Tags: ['lemon', 'reader', 'romance']
# Meeting you. <i><u>key - E/C = Eye color  H/C =hair color</u></i> I had just got home from my first author-con. I was so happy I made it into the con. I sighed happily as I opened the door to my apartment in my hometown. I sit down my bags in my living room and quickly greet my 7 cats who were waiting for me; <b>Coco, Gary, Snow-White, Miami, Hammy, Finlind, and Euphoria. </b>Each of my cats meant the world to me; especially Euphoria and Miami, my two new kittens I found on the street. With a huge grin on my face, I walk over to get their cat food but find out I'm out of wet food for them... "<i>Damn, I really forgot to get their wet food?"</i> I groan in annoyance. I guess I should go get their food. Luckily I still had my shoes on. "<i>I'll be right back babies, I'm gonna go get you some food."</i> I announce to my cats, giving each one a kiss on their heads.  I make my way out of my apartment and into the parking lot to my car. I exhale a bit and open my door, hoping back into the driver seat. I close the door and put on my seatbelt, gripping the steering wheel as I turn on my car. I pull out of the parking space I was in and onto the highway. Trying to lighten my mood, I put on my favorite song; Perverted by Elita. Singing along with it until I get to the pet store, parking my car and quickly getting out and rushing inside. I was apparently in such a  hurry to get back to my cats that I accidentally bumped into someone and made them drop a bag of food for their dog/cat. Turning around to them, I quickly pick up the bag of food for their pet and hand it back to them. "<i>Sorry about that, here you go!" </i>I say. The smaller male looks at me and takes the bag from my hands. "<i>It's fine. You're like, really pretty." </i>He says. I was taken back a bit from this sudden compliment. <i>"Oh uh, thanks!" </i> I respond quickly and quickly walked to the cat food isle. I got home from the store as quickly as possible, still not being able to get that cute <b>and </b>hot male off my mind. Unlocking the door to my apartment once again, walking in with my cats food, I smile as I see all my cats greeting me. <i>"Hi babies. Let's get you guys fed."</i> I say to my cats, finally feeding them. A bit later, I try to fall asleep, but I just couldn't. The way the male looked at me, the way he nervously complimented me, the way he blushed when I apologized to him. His E/C eyes that nervously flicked around the store to try to avoid eye contact, his H/C hair that was adorable on him. <b><u>I need to run into him again.</u></b> <u>497 words~</u>
Hikari & Best Friend Chise travels to the dragon ball z world where they find friends & love. Follow them as their adventures will begin.
[ "adventure", "chisexturles", "drama", "gokuxhikari", "lemon", "romance" ]
[ "Hikari &amp; Chise been friends since kindergarten they grew up together &amp; did everything together they are just like sisters. They promised each other wherever the other goes she goes too.\n\nHIKARI KIKUCHI\n\nAGE: 19\n\nLOVE INTEREST: GOKU\n\nFAMILIAR: SPYRO\n\n\n\n\nCHISE HATTORI\n\nAGE: 19\n\nLOVE INTEREST: TURLES\n\nFAMILIAR: MIKAGE", "OPENING\n\nHikari &amp; Chise starts eating by a restaurant after they went to the arcade\n\nChise: You know hikari this is just like when you and i were kids right?\n\nHikari: You said it chise we used to come here with our parents before. Now look we're all grown up and with our familiars.\n\nHikari picks up spyro her purple dragon and brings him by her lap then chise does the same thing\n\nChise: Yeah i remember how we first met them remember?\n\nHikari: Yeah it seems like it was just yesterday.\n\nMikage then sits on chise's shoulder then chise stands up\n\nChise: Come on let's go shopping hikari.\n\nHikari: Yeah sure come let's go spyro.\n\nSpyro: *roars*\n\nThen they went shopping to see jewelries, go to the bookstore and bought clothes then hikari checked her wristwatch it was 4:00pm\n\nHikari: Hey chise it's time to go.\n\nChise: Yeah time to see what your dad made in his lab.\n\nHikari's father Kazuto is a genius scientist and it is time to show his latest invention.\n\nHikari &amp; Chise runs to the building and made it to Kazuto's laboratory\n\nHikari: Hi dad we made it just we promised.\n\nKazuto: Hi there hikari. Hi chise so how's your trip to the mall?\n\nChise: You know it was fun as always.\n\nKazuto: Glad to hear that. Huh? Oh hi there spyro you too mikage.\n\nKazuto rubs the heads of Mikage And Spyro \n\nHikari: So what's this invention dad?\n\nKazuto: Oh right come let me show you.\n\nKazuto leads them to the invention covered by a sheet then he removes it and it's a big machine like portal\n\nHikari &amp; Chise were at awe\n\nHikari: It's amazing dad.\n\nKazuto: Let me demonstrate how it works but you two need to step back.\n\nHikari &amp; Chise stepped back then Kazuto types to his computer they waited 2 minutes then it activated with a colorful swirling vortex\n\nHikari: It worked dad it worked *cheering*\n\nChise: It's awesome just look at it! It's brilliant mister Kazuto!\n\nKazuto: Thank you girls now this is a dimensional transporter it can travel anywhere you desire.\n\nChise &amp; Hikari were so happy and excited to finally see goku &amp; turles\n\nHikari: Try the dragon ball universe dad.\n\nKazuto: Ok but before you go here take these with you.\n\nKazuto hands them dimensional transporter amulets\n\nHikari &amp; Chise puts it on around their necks\n\nKazuto: Whenever both of you will get inside a different dimensional places use my invention to summon a colorful swirling vortex to get back home at the human world. So you 2 ready?\n\nHikari: We're ready dad please send the coordinates to the dragon ball universe.\n\nKazuto then types to his computer the coordinates to the Dragon ball universe\n\nKazuto: Bye hikari bye chise have fun!\n\nHikari: Bye dad come on spyro!\n\nHikari and Spyro jumps to the portal and disappeared\n\nChise: Bye mister kazuto come mikage!\n\nChise &amp; Mikage jumps to the portal too\n\n\n\nNow their adventures starts\n\n ENDING\n", "Hikari &amp; Chise made it with their familiars and hikari &amp; chise knows where they are. They are standing at the other side of the tournament but they didn't know color lights caught someone's attention\n\nHikari: Chise we made it! We made it to the dragon ball universe *cheering* We did it spyro! *lifts spyro up*\n\nChise: *cheering* Huh?\n\nHikari: Huh?\n\nHikari &amp; Chise felt something tickle behind them and saw it's their tails\n\nHikari &amp; Chise: Uh-Oh...\n\nHikari &amp; Chise realizes they are both saiyans\n\nHikari: Now calm down chise here's what we're going to do.\n\nHikari explains everything that they have to pretend to be weak cause if someone finds out that they master all the saiyans' transformation they're doomed.\n\nHikari: You get what i'm saying chise?\n\nChise: Yeah i got it but we have to hide our tails first though.\n\nHikari &amp; Chise wrapped their tails like a belt then they saw someone approaching them and we're stunned. They saw goku as a teenager and his friends but shakes their heads and gets rids of the thoughts then hikari approaches them first\n\nHikari: Hi there you must be son goku my name is hikari &amp; this is my best friend chise.\n\nGoku &amp; His Friends were surprised\n\nGoku: How do you know my name? Where'd you come from?\n\nHikari laughs: Your reaction never changed but i don't care i really like it. But unfortunately i can't tell you right now. Me and my best friend chise will tell you soon enough.\n\nGoku: You really like me because i never changed and you'll tell me later who you 2 really are?\n\nHikari: *nod*\n\nGoku: Well alright that would have to wait. But for now the rest of my friends aren't coming yet so i'll go ahead to sign up at the tournament.\n\nHikari: Sounds like fun. Me and chise will join too won't you agree chise?\n\nChise: Yep i'm super duper excited on that kind of event! Count me in hikari!\n\nHikari: Right On!\n\nGoku &amp; His Friends were shocked \n\nBulma: You 2 joining up the tournament? Both of you are gonna get hurt if i were you.\n\nGoku: Yeah she's right but are you sure you wanna join in?\n\nHikari: Of course we're definitely fine with it. We trained hard so much paid off to prove ourselves to test out our skills.\n\nChise: You said it girl i was never being a coward in my whole life spending our years of training gets me really excited to enter.\n\nBulma was stunned at what they said then looks at goku\n\nBulma: Well... What do you think of those 2 goku?\n\nGoku sensed their power and it was low then just smiles\n\nGoku: Sure why not! When they say it's their opportunity to test out their fighting skills then so be it! Cause i would have a feeling it's only a friendly fight or something.\n\nBulma understood what he meant then smiles\n\nBulma: Well as long as it's safe from those 2 but ok.\n\n\nNow Entering The 23rd Tournament\n\n\nENDING" ]
Title: DIMENSIONAL SAIYAN GIRLS' ADVENTURES Description: Hikari & Best Friend Chise travels to the dragon ball z world where they find friends & love. Follow them as their adventures will begin. Tags: ['adventure', 'chisexturles', 'drama', 'gokuxhikari', 'lemon', 'romance']
# INFO OF CHISE & HIKARI Hikari &amp; Chise been friends since kindergarten they grew up together &amp; did everything together they are just like sisters. They promised each other wherever the other goes she goes too. HIKARI KIKUCHI AGE: 19 LOVE INTEREST: GOKU FAMILIAR: SPYRO CHISE HATTORI AGE: 19 LOVE INTEREST: TURLES FAMILIAR: MIKAGE # PROLOGUE OPENING Hikari &amp; Chise starts eating by a restaurant after they went to the arcade Chise: You know hikari this is just like when you and i were kids right? Hikari: You said it chise we used to come here with our parents before. Now look we're all grown up and with our familiars. Hikari picks up spyro her purple dragon and brings him by her lap then chise does the same thing Chise: Yeah i remember how we first met them remember? Hikari: Yeah it seems like it was just yesterday. Mikage then sits on chise's shoulder then chise stands up Chise: Come on let's go shopping hikari. Hikari: Yeah sure come let's go spyro. Spyro: *roars* Then they went shopping to see jewelries, go to the bookstore and bought clothes then hikari checked her wristwatch it was 4:00pm Hikari: Hey chise it's time to go. Chise: Yeah time to see what your dad made in his lab. Hikari's father Kazuto is a genius scientist and it is time to show his latest invention. Hikari &amp; Chise runs to the building and made it to Kazuto's laboratory Hikari: Hi dad we made it just we promised. Kazuto: Hi there hikari. Hi chise so how's your trip to the mall? Chise: You know it was fun as always. Kazuto: Glad to hear that. Huh? Oh hi there spyro you too mikage. Kazuto rubs the heads of Mikage And Spyro Hikari: So what's this invention dad? Kazuto: Oh right come let me show you. Kazuto leads them to the invention covered by a sheet then he removes it and it's a big machine like portal Hikari &amp; Chise were at awe Hikari: It's amazing dad. Kazuto: Let me demonstrate how it works but you two need to step back. Hikari &amp; Chise stepped back then Kazuto types to his computer they waited 2 minutes then it activated with a colorful swirling vortex Hikari: It worked dad it worked *cheering* Chise: It's awesome just look at it! It's brilliant mister Kazuto! Kazuto: Thank you girls now this is a dimensional transporter it can travel anywhere you desire. Chise &amp; Hikari were so happy and excited to finally see goku &amp; turles Hikari: Try the dragon ball universe dad. Kazuto: Ok but before you go here take these with you. Kazuto hands them dimensional transporter amulets Hikari &amp; Chise puts it on around their necks Kazuto: Whenever both of you will get inside a different dimensional places use my invention to summon a colorful swirling vortex to get back home at the human world. So you 2 ready? Hikari: We're ready dad please send the coordinates to the dragon ball universe. Kazuto then types to his computer the coordinates to the Dragon ball universe Kazuto: Bye hikari bye chise have fun! Hikari: Bye dad come on spyro! Hikari and Spyro jumps to the portal and disappeared Chise: Bye mister kazuto come mikage! Chise &amp; Mikage jumps to the portal too Now their adventures starts ENDING # ENTER DRAGON BALL Hikari &amp; Chise made it with their familiars and hikari &amp; chise knows where they are. They are standing at the other side of the tournament but they didn't know color lights caught someone's attention Hikari: Chise we made it! We made it to the dragon ball universe *cheering* We did it spyro! *lifts spyro up* Chise: *cheering* Huh? Hikari: Huh? Hikari &amp; Chise felt something tickle behind them and saw it's their tails Hikari &amp; Chise: Uh-Oh... Hikari &amp; Chise realizes they are both saiyans Hikari: Now calm down chise here's what we're going to do. Hikari explains everything that they have to pretend to be weak cause if someone finds out that they master all the saiyans' transformation they're doomed. Hikari: You get what i'm saying chise? Chise: Yeah i got it but we have to hide our tails first though. Hikari &amp; Chise wrapped their tails like a belt then they saw someone approaching them and we're stunned. They saw goku as a teenager and his friends but shakes their heads and gets rids of the thoughts then hikari approaches them first Hikari: Hi there you must be son goku my name is hikari &amp; this is my best friend chise. Goku &amp; His Friends were surprised Goku: How do you know my name? Where'd you come from? Hikari laughs: Your reaction never changed but i don't care i really like it. But unfortunately i can't tell you right now. Me and my best friend chise will tell you soon enough. Goku: You really like me because i never changed and you'll tell me later who you 2 really are? Hikari: *nod* Goku: Well alright that would have to wait. But for now the rest of my friends aren't coming yet so i'll go ahead to sign up at the tournament. Hikari: Sounds like fun. Me and chise will join too won't you agree chise? Chise: Yep i'm super duper excited on that kind of event! Count me in hikari! Hikari: Right On! Goku &amp; His Friends were shocked Bulma: You 2 joining up the tournament? Both of you are gonna get hurt if i were you. Goku: Yeah she's right but are you sure you wanna join in? Hikari: Of course we're definitely fine with it. We trained hard so much paid off to prove ourselves to test out our skills. Chise: You said it girl i was never being a coward in my whole life spending our years of training gets me really excited to enter. Bulma was stunned at what they said then looks at goku Bulma: Well... What do you think of those 2 goku? Goku sensed their power and it was low then just smiles Goku: Sure why not! When they say it's their opportunity to test out their fighting skills then so be it! Cause i would have a feeling it's only a friendly fight or something. Bulma understood what he meant then smiles Bulma: Well as long as it's safe from those 2 but ok. Now Entering The 23rd Tournament ENDING
Levi x Reader | ONESHOTS
One shots based on none other than ✨ Levi Ackerman ✨ enjoy! (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
[ "aot", "armin", "attackontitan", "erenjaeger", "fluff", "hanji", "imagines", "lemon", "leviackerman", "leviheichou", "levixreader", "mikasa", "oneshot", "oneshots", "reader", "reiner", "rivaille", "shingekinokyojin", "snk" ]
[ "i.", "life is worth living.", "life of the party.", "pms.", "halloween.", "entrust.", "freaky friday.", "beautiful people beautiful problems.", "act my age.", "break your heart right back.", "don't be so hard on yourself.", "guy.exe.", "never be alone.", "stuck with u.", "only exception.", "locked out of heaven.", "little things.", "no pressure.", "supermarket flowers.", "purpose.", "aftertaste.", "lost in japan.", "how do you sleep.", "like i would.", "imagination.", "jealous.", "one kiss.", "they don't know about us.", "stitches.", "all too well.", "way back into love.", "like a rose.", "let me.", "scars to your beautiful.", "lose you to love me.", "entertainer.", "the one that got away.", "roses.", "you're losing me.", "oceans and engines." ]
[ "<b>— </b>𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮<b> —</b>\n\n𝙁𝙄𝙍𝙎𝙏<i> | </i>English isn't my main language slash expertise and I'm not a perfect human being who doesn't make mistakes so expect minimum grammatical errors, but I'm gonna try my hardest to avoid them and fix them as soon as possible. :) \n\n𝙎𝙀𝘾𝙊𝙉𝘿 | no to plagiarism, please don't copy my book because I worked my ass off for this, like it twisted my brain to come up with a good plot ( all in which are from my fantasies before I go to bed xD ) Please be original.\n\n𝙏𝙃𝙄𝙍𝘿<i> | </i>Hate will be ignored, 🙅🏻 I accept criticisms, in fact I love them. But if you're just gonna comment something that is downright below the belt, just hold your tongue. It won't do you any good :) \n\n𝙁𝙊𝙐𝙍𝙏𝙃<i> </i>| for requests, I prefer for it to be dmed to me! Make sure to indicate where it's set ( AU, Modern or norm ) I won't guarantee that I'll write every single request especially when I don't feel comfortable in writing a certain topic :') so yeah, I just want to let you guys know! \n\n— 𝓚𝓮𝔂𝓼 — \n\n• 𝘆/𝗻 | your name\n<b>∙ </b>𝗹/𝗻 | last name\n• 𝗲/𝗰 | eye color\n• 𝗵/𝗰 | hair color \n• 𝗳/? | favorite ?\n\"Words between quotation mark\" | dialogue\n<i>italics | </i>thoughts / flashback \n\n<b>— </b>𝓓𝓲𝓼𝓬𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓻<b> —</b>\n\n𝗜<b> </b>𝗗𝗢<b> </b>𝗡𝗢𝗧<b> </b>𝗢𝗪𝗡<b> </b>𝗔𝗡𝗬<b> </b>𝗢𝗙<b> </b>𝗧𝗛𝗘<b> </b>𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗦<b> </b>𝗔𝗡𝗗<b> </b>𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗖𝗘𝗦<b> </b>𝗜𝗡<b> </b>𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗦<b> </b>𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬<b> </b>𝗙𝗢𝗥<b> </b>𝗜𝗧<b> </b>𝗥𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧𝗙𝗨𝗟𝗟𝗬<b> </b>𝗕𝗘𝗟𝗢𝗡𝗚𝗦<b> </b>𝗧𝗢<b> </b>𝗛𝗔𝗝𝗜𝗠𝗘<b> </b>𝗜𝗦𝗔𝗬𝗔𝗠𝗔<b> </b>𝗨𝗡𝗟𝗘𝗦𝗦<b> </b>𝗢𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗘<b> </b>𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗗<b>. </b>𝗜𝗡<b> </b>𝗡𝗢<b> </b>𝗪𝗔𝗬<b> </b>𝗦𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗘<b> </b>𝗢𝗥<b> </b>𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗠<b> </b>𝗔𝗠<b> </b>𝗜<b> </b>𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗚<b> </b>𝗢𝗪𝗡𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗣<b> </b>𝗧𝗢<b> </b>𝗛𝗜𝗦 𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗞 𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗞𝗜 𝗡𝗢 𝗞𝗬𝗢𝗝𝗜𝗡 𝗢𝗥<b> </b>𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗚<b> </b>𝗔𝗡𝗬<b> </b>𝗦𝗜𝗚𝗡𝗦<b> </b>𝗢𝗙<b> </b>𝗔𝗙𝗙𝗜𝗟𝗜𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡<b> </b>𝗧𝗢<b> </b>𝗧𝗛𝗘<b> </b>𝗔𝗨𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗥<b> </b>𝗢𝗙<b> </b>𝗧𝗛𝗘<b> </b>𝗦𝗔𝗜𝗗<b> </b>𝗦𝗘𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗦<b>.</b>\n\n<i>Other than that, please do enjoy reading! I would really like to hear your feedbacks :) p.s.</i><i> in some chapters Levi will be a little bit OOC.</i>", "\n\n\n[ <b>a/n |</b><b><i> </i></b><i>if you are uncomfortable with self harm and abuse themes, please skip this chapter </i>]\n\nWith no destination in mind, you were trapped in a relentless pursuit, haunted by the grotesque specter eternally etched into your psyche. The relentless replay of that nightmarish image had you on the run, but there was no escape from the suffocating darkness that clung to your soul. You were caught in a nightmarish loop, an infernal torment that threatened to unravel your sanity. It was as if you were shackled to a relentless treadmill, condemned to run in agonizing circles.\n\nThe world around you had plunged into an abyss of despair, shrouded in the darkest of nights. The once-bustling streets now lay barren, echoing with your frantic footsteps. Torrential rain cascaded from the heavens, each drop a relentless reminder of your own tears. Every step you took sent ripples through the cold, unforgiving puddles that pooled around your feet. You gasped for breath, your lungs burning with exhaustion, weighed down by the oppressive burden of sodden clothing clinging to your shivering body. But still, you pressed on, driven by an insatiable need to escape the torment.\n\nThe rain, an unrelenting accomplice, drenched you to the bone, seeping into the very core of your being. It was as though the heavens themselves wept in sympathy for your anguish, their tears mingling with your own. Each drop that fell only served to amplify your unrelenting sorrow, turning it into a tempest of despair that threatened to consume you entirely. The world had become a cold, indifferent place, matching the desolation within your tortured heart.\n\nAs you continued to run through the merciless night, your breath ragged, your soul aching, you knew that the pain would not relent. The horrifying image that pursued you would forever haunt your every step, and the ceaseless rain would remain a cruel companion to your misery. In this nightmarish landscape, you were a wretched figure, tormented and broken, endlessly fleeing from the unforgiving grip of your own inner demons.\n\nAs you stumbled upon what appeared to be an entrance to the dark, labyrinthine underground, a place that held haunting memories, your strength finally crumbled. Your knees gave way, and you collapsed onto the damp, unforgiving ground.\n\nYou had no sense of direction left; even if you did, your leg throbbed with a relentless agony that threatened to tear it from your body should you attempt another step. The past, a relentless specter, descended upon you once more, and you were overwhelmed. You crumpled into a disheveled heap, your trembling hands desperately covering your face as your grief erupted in gut-wrenching sobs that seemed to tear through your very soul.\n\nWith no escape in sight, you turned to prayer, your voice choked with despair, pleading for a miracle, a sliver of divine grace that might offer solace. You sat there, hopelessness enveloping you, as your mind replayed every traumatic incident, each a scar etched deep within your psyche.\n\n\"Why?\" you choked out, your voice filled with torment, \"Why does this relentless nightmare have to torment me?\" Doubt crept into your heart, and in that moment of darkness, a sinister idea took hold. You knew what you wanted, what you believed would finally free you from this unending pain. You whispered encouragement to yourself, your words dripping with desperation.\n\nYour trembling hand reached for the knife you had kept hidden, your reflection in its gleaming blade mirroring your inner torment. \"Why didn't I think of this before?\" you questioned, though the answer lay buried beneath layers of denial. It was because you clung to that dwindling ember of faith, fueled by a faint glimmer of hope that one day, your suffering might be justified, that your life could find meaning amidst the chaos.\n\n<b><i>flashback</i></b>\n\nYour life, though confined within the protective walls guarding against the titans, was anything but ordinary. In Wall Sina, where your parents served as members of the garrison, you found a measure of comfort, if not luxury. Yet, your aspirations set you apart; you dreamed of joining the Survey Corps, yearning to explore the world beyond the walls, a choice your parents vehemently opposed due to the grim mortality rate.\n\nYour persistence, however, could not be denied. At the tender age of seven, your parents relented, recognizing your unwavering determination. To their astonishment, you proved to be an exceptionally fast learner, possessing a surprising amount of strength for someone so young.\n\nYour newfound skills soon earned you a reputation among the other children. The memory of you fiercely defending your bread from a would-be thief spread like wildfire, and fear radiated from your peers. Loneliness became your unwelcome companion as children shunned you, despite your harmless intentions. This isolation eventually led you to explore the city, particularly Mitras, where, for the first time, children your age engaged with you. Yet, it was a tunnel that piqued your curiosity, one leading to an underground civilization.\n\nWith a sense of adventure burning within, you embarked on your clandestine journey, your backpack filled with essentials – a pocket knife, a lantern, a water jug, and provisions for sustenance. Your parents remained blissfully ignorant of your excursions, their approval an impossibility.\n\nAs you entered the dark, foreboding tunnel, an unsettling odor enveloped you. It was a stark contrast to the world above, but this alien environment only fueled your curiosity. The questions swirled within your mind – why did it look this way? How had this place come into existence? Why did people choose to live here? The grim demeanor of the inhabitants further intensified your desire to uncover the secrets hidden beneath the surface.\n\nDespite the ever-present unease, you pressed on, unwavering in your determination. When exhaustion finally set in, you sought refuge in a dimly lit alley, a sanctuary from the disturbing events you had witnessed – the abuses and thefts that plagued this underground world. You held faith in your skills to protect yourself should danger arise.\n\nInside this shelter, you stumbled upon a malnourished boy, his emaciated form a stark testament to his suffering. His response to your presence was muted, a mere whisper of acknowledgment. Cautiously, you approached him, your touch making you wince at the prominence of his protruding bones.\n\n\"Oi,\" you uttered, keeping your distance at first. He glanced up, the vacancy in his eyes echoing the emptiness within. Sensing no immediate threat, you sat across from him and offered a piece of your bread. \"Take this,\" you said gently, extending the bread to him. He hesitated briefly, then accepted your offer, his famished state evident as he devoured it.\n\nA faint smile crept onto your face as you watched him eat with a desperate hunger. The act seemed to bring a glimmer of life back to his hollow gaze. You shared the bread, sating your own hunger, and offered water from your jug. \"I thought you might be thirsty too,\" you explained. He drank eagerly, finishing the cup in seconds.\n\n\"I'm sorry, that's all I-,\" you began to say, but he interrupted with a soft \"Thank you.\" His gratitude warmed your heart. \"You're very welcome,\" you replied, introducing yourself as (Y/N). He introduced himself as Levi, weakly shaking your hand.\n\nOver hours of conversation, you learned of his mother's passing, leaving him alone in this desolate place. The sadness in his story tugged at your heartstrings, and you couldn't help but feel immense sympathy for the boy across from you. As you prepared to leave, you agreed to meet here again, secretly forging a bond with the fragile thread of friendship.\n\nThree years later, at the age of thirteen, you and Levi were now the closest of friends. Despite the dangers lurking in the underground, you continued to meet, sharing food, conversation, and companionship. You brought rice, his favorite, and watched as his spirits lifted with every meal.\n\nYour parents remained unaware of your secret friendship, their absence a constant in your life. But in the darkness beneath the surface, you had found something priceless – a friend who shared your silent world, a bond born of compassion and survival.\n\nEverything had been going smoothly, with your secret meetings in the underground with Levi offering solace in your otherwise desolate life. However, one fateful day, as you ventured into the subterranean world as you always did, Levi was conspicuously absent. Instead, you found a letter, trembling in your hands as you read its painful contents:\n\n\"Dear (Y/N),\n\nI know that this is gonna hurt but, I'm gonna go straight to the point. This day marks the time when we will no longer see each other. Kenny took me in and there's no way for me to sneak out anymore, well, this is the last time but I'd probably get a beating once I get back. Thank you for everything (Y/N), I understand if you don't want to forgive me but please know that I didn't really have a choice. I am really sorry. I promise to meet with you again someday and 'til then, please promise me that you won't do something stupid. Got it brat?\n\nLevi.\"\n\nYou stood there, the words sinking in, tears welling in your eyes, threatening to cascade down your cheeks. It was as if you had been thrown back to square one – alone, abandoned, your only friend taken from you. You lingered in your and Levi's hiding spot, tears finally breaking free as you replayed every cherished memory you had shared with him. \"That stupid shorty just broke my damn heart,\" you whispered through trembling lips.\n\nYou couldn't fathom why Levi believed you might not forgive him. Of course, you would, for you knew that true friendship meant understanding circumstances beyond one's control. You clung to his promise, vowing to keep your own.\n\nIn the wake of Levi's disappearance, a dark cloud seemed to shadow your life. A series of misfortunes plagued you, and you found yourself sinking deeper into despair. The moment you opened the door to your home, you were met not with the warm embrace of your family but with the gruesome sight of their lifeless bodies, blood splattered across the walls and floors. Horror washed over you, leaving you speechless, paralyzed by the grisly scene. Your family, your mom, dad, aunt – all gone.\n\nIt took every ounce of courage to step inside and face their lifeless forms, their bodies submerged in their own crimson pools. You couldn't comprehend how this nightmare had unfolded, but a nagging voice within blamed you, whispered that it was all your fault.\n\nDespair engulfed you, and your only sanctuary, the underground, now felt just as empty as your heart. You longed for Levi's comforting presence, but he, too, had vanished. The only difference was that he was not dead, at least, you hoped he wasn't.\n\nAs you grappled with this cruel twist of fate, you wondered why life had chosen to unleash such cruelty upon you. First, the loss of your only friend, then the murder of your family – it was all too much for one soul to bear.\n\nJust when you thought things couldn't get any worse, they did. After your family's burial, your uncle took you in, offering a glimmer of hope in your shattered world. Yet, that hope proved fleeting, as his true nature emerged. He berated you relentlessly, labeling you a burden and subjecting you to physical and sexual abuse. He allowed his friends to join in the torment, turning your existence into an unending nightmare.\n\nFor five long years, you endured hellish torment under your uncle's roof, until a breaking point was reached. By then, you were no longer the same person, broken beyond repair. And so, you made a decision, a decision that defied imagination – you killed your uncle. Emotionlessly, remorselessly, you ended his life, your heart devoid of regret. Packing your bags, you left behind the hell disguised as your uncle's house, setting out into the unknown, the scars of your past etched deep within your soul.\n\n<b><i>End of flashback</i></b>\n\nTears welled up in your eyes as you contemplated the reasons that had brought you to this dark moment, your heart heavy with determination. Your throat felt constricted, and your breaths came in ragged gasps, but you remained resolute in your plan.\n\nJust as you were about to end your pitiful existence, a familiar voice, one you knew so well, halted your trembling hands. \"Oi, brat, what the fuck do you think you're doing?!\" The voice demanded your attention, and you turned, wide-eyed and astonished, to see the last person you expected.\n\nIt was him.\n\nHe stood before you, looking down with a mixture of concern and disbelief. You were left stunned, unable to muster a single word. You knew it was him, not just from his voice but from the way he carried himself, the unmistakable aura he exuded.\n\nHe slowly sat down beside you, taking the knife you had intended to use to end your own life. \"H-how?\" you managed to stammer, your hands still trembling uncontrollably.\n\n\"How did I know it was you? It's the knife,\" he replied. \"You used to carry this with you when we were kids. I noticed it looked different from the others. Yours had a weird shape and handle.\" You glanced at the knife in his hand and felt a glimmer of warmth at the thought that someone remembered small details about you, a spark of recognition and care.\n\nLevi, now seated beside you, stared at the wall across from you for a moment, lost in thought. Then, he turned his gaze to you with a stern expression. \"Why?\" he asked, his voice holding a weight of concern and confusion.\n\nIt took you some time to find your voice, but as you began to explain the horrors of the past few years, the words spilled out. Your shaky voice recounted the abuse, torment, and loneliness you had endured.\n\nAs you spoke, you couldn't help but notice that the expression on Levi's face mirrored the one you used to give him in your childhood – one of understanding and empathy. When you finished, he embraced you gently, and you allowed yourself to release the torrent of emotions you had bottled up, seeking refuge in his chest.\n\n\"Do you know why I'm still here?\" he began, his fingers tracing comforting circles on your back. \"It's because of you.\" You pulled away, confusion etched on your face as you raised your eyebrows.\n\nLevi held your gaze, his eyes locked with yours. \"Remember when we first met? I was at death's doorstep, accepting my fate, hopeless. I was silently waiting for the end. But you, you turned it all around. The moment you shared your bread, offered water, gave me that warm smile, it felt like I was brought back from the brink of death. You gave me a reason to look forward to another day, to look after myself, a reason to live.\"\n\nWith his hand tenderly placed on your arm, he used his other hand to lift your chin ever so gently. \"The moment we stopped seeing each other five years ago, it crushed me. At times, I felt like giving up. But the thought of you, the possibility of seeing you again, was enough to keep me going.\"\n\nYour heart swelled with emotion, and without thinking, you cupped his face with your hands and leaned in slowly. In an instant, your lips met his, a kiss that held years of longing, love, and unspoken emotions. It was sweet and tender, a testament to the connection you had shared since childhood.\n\nYou had loved him all along, even after all those years apart. Not a single day went by without thoughts of him, dreams of a better life with him by your side.\n\nLevi, taken by surprise, responded with equal fervor, and you wrapped your arms around him, drawing him closer as you shared the profound moment.\n\nThe kiss, a bridge between past and present, left you breathless, and you finally broke away, foreheads touching. \"I love you, Levi,\" you confessed, your voice filled with hope and vulnerability.\n\nHis eyes bore into yours, and with a soft smile, he replied, \"I love you too, (Y/N),\" before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.\n\nMonths later, you became a member of the Survey Corps, training tirelessly under Levi's guidance. He, now known as humanity's strongest soldier, took it upon himself to ensure your growth and safety.\n\nOne evening, as you nestled your face into his neck, you whispered, \"Levi, please don't ever leave me again.\"\n\n\"Tch,\" he retorted playfully, \"says the brat who was about to break her promise if it weren't for my interference.\" He flicked your forehead lightly, and you responded with a playful slap on his arm. \"I'm sorry, okay? I'll never do it again,\" you promised.\n\n\"You better,\" Levi said, his voice softening, \"you make my life worth living.\"\n\n***\n<b>This is so long O-o imma try to make the other chapters shorter. Probably just less than 3k words. </b>", "\n\n\nAs the night's embrace enveloped the city, Y/N found herself on the rooftop of a towering skyscraper, a place where the world seemed to shrink into a distant backdrop of glittering lights. The moon hung low, its silvery radiance casting long shadows across the urban landscape. A gentle breeze carried the scent of the city's hustle and bustle, mingling with the aroma of freedom.\n\nY/N had always been the life of the party, the heart that throbbed to the rhythm of each moment. Yet tonight, amidst the cacophony of laughter and music echoing from below, she felt something different. A yearning for a deeper connection, for a story that transcended the boundaries of the dance floor.\n\nLevi Ackerman, a man of few words and hidden depths, stood at the edge of the rooftop. His sharp gaze was fixed on the stars, as though they held secrets only he could decipher. Levi was an enigma, an uncharted territory, and Y/N was inexplicably drawn to him.\n\nTheir paths had crossed earlier in the evening. A chance encounter that had set her heart racing, like the opening notes of a melody that promised to be unforgettable. Y/N couldn't ignore the magnetic pull that had brought her to this rooftop, to Levi.\n\nLevi turned, his piercing eyes meeting hers. There was a hint of curiosity in his gaze, as if he could sense the unspoken connection between them. Y/N approached him, her steps guided by an unspoken impulse. They stood side by side, gazing out at the city that never slept.\n\n\"I've always been the life of the party,\" Y/N began, her voice soft and reflective. \"But tonight, I'm looking for something different, something real.\"\n\nLevi remained silent, but his gaze never wavered from hers. It was as if he understood the longing in her words, the desire to break free from the superficiality of the world below.\n\n\"Sometimes,\" he finally spoke, his voice carrying the weight of experience, \"we find what we're looking for in the most unexpected places.\"\n\nAs the night deepened, their conversation flowed effortlessly, like a river winding its way through uncharted territory. Y/N learned about Levi's past, the battles he had fought, and the scars he carried. She shared her dreams, her aspirations, and the ache in her heart for something more meaningful.\n\nThey laughed together, their laughter mingling with the distant sounds of the party below. They shared stories, secrets, and moments of vulnerability that felt like revelations under the starlit sky. Time seemed to stand still, and for that brief moment, the world belonged to just the two of them.\n\nWhen the first light of dawn began to creep over the horizon, Y/N and Levi found themselves standing on the rooftop, their hands entwined. It was a silent acknowledgment of the connection they had forged, a promise of something more than a chance encounter.\n\nAs the city below began to stir, Y/N realized that she had indeed found something different, something real. It was a connection that transcended the confines of the party, a bond that had been forged in the quiet moments between heartbeats.\n\nLevi turned to her, his eyes holding a depth of emotion that words couldn't capture. And as the sun's rays bathed them in a golden glow, Y/N knew that this was a moment she would carry with her, a memory of a night when she had found the life of the party in the most unexpected place—the heart of a man who had been a mystery, waiting to be unraveled.\n\nIn that rooftop encounter, amidst the city's lights and the quiet of the early morning, Y/N and Levi had discovered that sometimes, the most profound moments are born when the world fades away, and two souls meet in the stillness of the night.", "\n<i>When you are on your period</i>\n\n\"Y/N? What's wrong?\" Hanji approached Y/N with concern evident in her eyes. Y/N was sitting at the base of a tree, her head bowed low, muffling her sobs with her palms.\n\nSitting down beside Y/N, Hanji extended a comforting hand to pat her back gently. Her usually eccentric demeanor gave way to a more serious and sincere tone as she spoke, \"You know you can tell me anything.\"\n\nY/N continued to sob, wiping away her tears as she looked up at Hanji, who offered a sympathetic smile. \"I- It's just...\" Y/N began, her voice trembling as she choked on her sobs, \"At first, I was happy because I saw a fat squirrel, and that the squirrel had enough to eat. But then I realized, there are a lot of people who are starving out there, and this squirrel is fat.\" Her words became more frantic as she spoke, and Hanji's initial smile faded into concern.\n\n\"Dammit, Y/N! I thought it was about something serious for you to be crying like that!\" Hanji exclaimed in frustration.\n\n\"I-I'm sorry,\" Y/N sniffled, sighing.\n\n\"It's alright. I don't even know why I'm surprised! You must be on your time of the month,\" Hanji remarked, to which Y/N nodded, looking back at the ground.\n\n\"Now let's go! It's time to train!\" Hanji offered her hand to the crying cadet. Y/N accepted it, although she wore a frown, and her other arm clung to her lower abdomen with a pained grip. \"Hanji, do you think I can skip today's training?\"\n\n\"I-I don't know. If I were in charge, I would let you rest. But you know how strict Levi is when he handles things. I'll try my best to get you out of it, though,\" Hanji promised as she led Y/N to the training grounds.\n\nUpon reaching the training area, Y/N's gaze locked onto the short captain, Levi Ackerman. He was visibly drenched in sweat due to the unusually warm weather, but her attention on him was not solely because of the weather. Her cheeks flushed a deep shade of red, and her heart raced as she couldn't help but feel a certain way towards her superior, emotions that were not necessarily the most modest.\n\n\"Hey, shorty! Do you mind if you exempt Y/N today?\" Hanji called out to the corporal. Levi remained facing forward, his response monotone, \"Tch, who the fuck does she think she is? No one gets exempted.\"\n\n\"But Y/N doesn't feel well today; she's on her period,\" Hanji explained, using animated hand gestures to emphasize her point. However, Levi remained unmoved, stating, \"Every girl here gets their period, and I don't get any complaints. I don't see any reason why she can't do it.\"\n\nFrustrated, Y/N couldn't help but scoff and roll her eyes upon hearing Levi's response. Her previous feelings of attraction towards him quickly faded, replaced by irritation.\n\n\"But that's not how it works! It-\" Hanji began to argue, but Levi interrupted her by raising a finger, silencing her protests. \"No excuses and just get it over with, tch.\"\n\nY/N couldn't help but think that just because every girl experiences it doesn't mean it's the same for everyone. Hanji gave Y/N an apologetic look, and Y/N nodded in understanding, trying to convey that it was okay as they parted ways. Hanji returned to her experiments, while Y/N reluctantly joined the other cadets for training.\n\nLevi's voice cut through the air as he announced a different approach to hand-to-hand combat training that day. Every loss meant running 20 laps until victory. The training began after their salute.\n\nAmidst the other cadets, Y/N's condition was apparent – she appeared on the verge of collapse. Seizing this opportunity, they exploited her vulnerability, defeating her in a single attack and forcing her to restart her third lap. Levi's emotionless voice resonated in her ears, his words dripping with disdain. She was certain he was referring to her.\n\nRunning her third lap, Y/N felt like she was teetering on the edge of unconsciousness. This time, it wasn't just a façade; she genuinely felt it. With every step, the world seemed to spin, and her vision grew hazy. \"I'm going to pass out,\" she thought, a sense of impending doom settling in as she clutched her forehead, her hand damp with sweat.\n\nLevi noticed her struggle and abruptly rose from his seat, witnessing Y/N slowing down as she faltered. A curse escaped his lips, as he held himself accountable for her predicament.\n\nIn Y/N's perspective, everything blurred. She could barely hear a muffled voice ordering her to stop. Her limbs felt like lead, and the world swayed around her. Summoning the last shreds of her strength, she managed to utter, \"I want to fuck you but... fuck you, you're an asshole,\" before succumbing to unconsciousness.\n\n\"Poor Y/N,\" a voice, which she recognized as Hanji's, reached her ears as she began to regain consciousness. \"Ughh, what happened? Oww,\" Y/N groaned, wincing at the sensation of multiple knives stabbing her simultaneously. Her entire body ached, covered in bruises from her contact with the ground during training.\n\n\"You passed out,\" Hanji explained, and Y/N nodded. Her gaze drifted to her pants, which she assumed would be soaked in blood, recalling the moment before she lost consciousness. Yet, to her surprise, her current pants were clean. This puzzled her, and her expression mirrored her confusion.\n\nLevi entered the room, providing an explanation. \"Tell the brat that I hung her filthy pants near her window to dry. I cleaned it,\" he stated matter-of-factly.\n\nY/N's head snapped towards the door. Levi had been the one who helped her when she passed out. Had he also... changed her clothes? The thought made her blush, her cheeks heating up at the idea of Levi handling her in such an intimate manner. She mentally scolded herself for entertaining such thoughts.\n\n\"The medic was nowhere to be found, and I couldn't just let you bleed to death. Plus... It's extremely unsanitary,\" Levi explained, his gaze averted. Y/N swore she saw a faint hint of pink on his cheeks. She couldn't blame him; apologizing was a foreign concept to him. Nonetheless, he was trying, and that effort meant the world to her. A shy smile graced her lips as she whispered, \"Thank you.\"\n\nLevi, however, interrupted her, \"No, I... apologize for being ignorant.\" His voice stumbled slightly over the word 'apologize,' but he pushed through. Y/N appreciated his effort; apologizing was uncharacteristic of him, making her grin even more.\n\n\"Apology accepted,\" she responded softly. The atmosphere in the room shifted, tension thickening as they locked eyes. It was a complex moment, brimming with unspoken emotions.\n\nAfter some time, Hanji cheerfully excused herself from the room, leaving Y/N and Levi alone. As they exchanged glances, Levi pushed himself forward, moving from where he had been leaning against the wall. He pulled a chair closer to Y/N's bed and took a seat, his expression still serious.\n\n\"Does that mean I'm not an asshole anymore?\" Y/N furrowed her brow at his sudden question. She couldn't recall ever using that word to describe him, though she had often thought it silently.\n\n\"Wh-what?\" she asked, perplexed. Levi explained, \"Before you passed out, you said that I'm an asshole, and that... you wanted to fuck me.\" Y/N's eyes widened, and she remembered her unfiltered words, her face turning a deep shade of red as embarrassment washed over her.\n\n\"I swear it was just because of the hormones!\" she hurriedly protested, though she knew it was a lie. She looked down in embarrassment but felt his hand gently removing hers from her face. He shifted, placing his hand on her shoulder and gently lifting her chin to meet his eyes. Y/N blushed even further at the proximity.\n\n\"Don't worry,\" Levi whispered next to her ear, making her shiver. \"I happen to feel the same way. Maybe we could do that sometime soon.\" With those words, he stood up and left, leaving Y/N in a state of bewilderment.\n\nAlone once more, she rubbed her eyes and lightly slapped her face to make sure she was awake. The pain from her sore, bruised body and the discomfort of her menstrual cycle served as a stark reminder of reality. Her face heated up at the memory of Levi's whispered words. With a sigh, she shook her head. Levi had an uncanny way of surprising her, and it seemed their story was far from over.\n\n<i><b>***</b></i>\n\n<i><b>Aaah it's been a while! If you're reading this, I am currently editing the published chapters as well as uploading new ones! Chao!</b></i>\n\n\n\n", "<b><i>\n</i></b>\n\n<b>Your Perspective:</b>\n\n\"Why me!?\" I exclaimed, my protest echoing through the room.\n\nWe were gathered for a meeting with Hanji, who was enthusiastically presenting her latest experiment, affectionately dubbed the 'Halloween Special Experiment,' or as we liked to call it, 'Operation: Uncover Levi's Hidden Fears Beyond Dust and Germs.' Hanji had taken a keen interest in Levi, always the stoic and seemingly fearless one among us, and she was determined to discover if there was anything that could genuinely terrify him.\n\nBut why was I protesting? Because Hanji wanted me to be a key participant in this experiment. In short, she wanted me to pretend to be dead, serving as the final 'test' for Levi.\n\n\"Oh, (Y/N), your innocence is adorable!\" Hanji chimed in, her chin resting on her palms as she grinned mischievously.\n\n\"Is there something going on that I'm not aware of?\" I raised an eyebrow, feeling a growing sense of confusion.\n\n\"Wow, she really doesn't get it, does she?\" Eren interjected, amusement dancing in his eyes. He sat across from Mikasa, who sat next to me. Armin, Sasha, Connie, and Jean all nodded in agreement, sharing secret glances among themselves.\n\n\"What are you guys talking about? What hint?\" I whined, tilting my head slightly, my mind racing to come up with plausible explanations.\n\n\"Nothing, Y/N! Let's just focus on the plan!\" Hanji waved her hands dismissively, steering the conversation back to our Halloween scheme, which was just two days away.\n\n<i>[Time skip, brought to you by Mr. Clean]</i>\n\nTwo days later, we found ourselves standing in front of the eerie mansion. How had we convinced Levi, you might ask? Well, we had offered to buy him the latest Nimbus 3000 broom. Levi was notorious for his obsession with cleaning supplies, and he couldn't resist any offer involving them.\n\nThe mansion was ancient, vines crawling across its decaying exterior. The paint had long been stained by rain and time. The boarded-up windows suggested that whatever lay inside was too horrifying to behold. Dead plants lined the pathway, desperate for care. The mansion practically screamed for maintenance, which was precisely why we had chosen it.\n\n\"Tch, this place is filthy,\" Levi remarked, covering his nose. \"You can't expect an abandoned house to clean itself,\" I retorted, rolling my eyes. Hanji snickered at my comment, causing Levi to shoot a glare in our direction.\n\nOver the past few days, we had taken turns decorating the mansion. But our goal wasn't to make it beautiful; it was to make it as terrifying and unkempt as possible. There were already cobwebs, but we had added more, larger spiders. The entire place was covered in webs, with enormous spiders hanging menacingly.\n\nWe had also splattered fake blood – realistic in look, smell, and texture – as a macabre touch. It gave the impression of gruesome scenes. Candles provided the only light, even though chandeliers with broken crystal strands dangled overhead.\n\nThe floorboards were marred by gaps and shards of broken glass, and cockroaches scurried everywhere. Some furniture was draped in dusty white sheets, and wallpaper peeled in ominous patches. Rusty chains, macabre portraits, and realistic decapitated head sculptures adorned the walls, complete with convincingly dripping blood.\n\nWe had gone to great lengths, even adding security cameras and a sound system that played eerie, surreal music. Eren and Armin handled the control system for doors and other surprises.\n\nThe rest of us ventured inside, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. It all looked so convincing. Darkness enveloped us, interrupted only by the dim candlelight, and the creaking floorboards added an eerie ambiance.\n\nI kept a close eye on Levi as we passed by the candles, but his expression remained stoic. The other cadets who weren't privy to our plan were genuinely frightened, trembling and clinging to one another. Some even screamed when they encountered our gruesome sculptures. I couldn't help but silently congratulate myself for creating such convincing displays.\n\n\"Nice try, but the only scary thing about this place is the amount of dust,\" Levi remarked as eerie laughter echoed through the halls. \"But Levi, this place is genuinely haunted,\" Hanji insisted, to no avail.\n\nWe eventually reached the mansion's dungeon, our last stop in this haunted journey. Our previous efforts hadn't seemed to faze Levi, so it was time to move on to Plan B: I had to find an excuse to leave and head back to headquarters. The goal was to create a situation that would ignite Levi's fear, though I had my doubts.\n\n\"Hey! Uh, I... uh,\" I stammered, catching everyone's attention. I scratched the back of my head, desperately searching for an excuse to exit the scene. \"I need to use the bathroom,\" I blurted out abruptly and rushed toward the exit, not waiting to gauge their reactions.\n\nOutside, I was greeted by Mikasa and Sasha. \"It didn't work, did it?\" Mikasa inquired, her voice tinged with concern.\n\nI shook my head, panting heavily. \"No, it didn't. But now it's time for Plan B.\" My determination remained unwavering, and I was ready to execute the next phase of our plan.\n\nFor this stage, we had prepared a custom-made couch that would allow me to hide one leg and create the illusion of amputation. We also crafted a replica of my leg. We began by spattering fake blood in strategic places, making it look like a crime scene. I even suggested adding some in the bathroom to validate my earlier excuse. We wanted everything to be as convincing as possible, knowing that Levi was no fool.\n\nAfter the gruesome setup, I donned a pair of pants torn on the left side and positioned myself on the custom couch, inserting my left leg into the hole. Mikasa and Sasha took charge, adding fake injuries, bruises, and blood. The severed leg was placed nearby. As they stepped back to examine their handiwork, I couldn't help but think that it looked frighteningly realistic.\n\n\"That looks like a murder scene,\" Mikasa commented, impressed with our handiwork.\n\nNow it was time to play my part. Hanji and the others could arrive at any moment, and we needed to make this illusion convincing.\n\n<b>Levi's Perspective:</b>\n\nWe had just arrived at headquarters, and as we disembarked from the carriage, Sasha and Mikasa approached us, their faces etched with genuine terror. Sasha was catching her breath, bent over with her hands on her knees. \"Captain! Commander Hanji! Come quickly! S-something terrible has happened!\" Sasha exclaimed, her voice trembling.\n\n\"Tch, what's going on?\" I asked, trying to maintain my composure.\n\n\"C-captain (Y/N),\" Mikasa replied, her eyes welling up with tears. \"What about (Y/N)?\" Hanji interjected, her voice tinged with panic.\n\nAs soon as I heard (Y/N)'s name, my heart raced uncontrollably, and sweat began to bead on my forehead. I cursed silently under my breath. The sight of bloodstains becoming more apparent with each step intensified my apprehension. Shit.\n\nHer office door was slightly ajar, and when I finally took in the scene, my knees gave way beneath me. (Y/N) lay before me, appearing lifeless, with blood splatters covering the room and her severed left leg carelessly discarded.\n\n\"Levi! What's wrong!?\" Hanji and the others caught up, but I couldn't find words. I remained on my knees, tears threatening to spill. The others gasped at the gruesome sight, some even retching.\n\nSlowly, I stood up and moved closer to (Y/N)'s lifeless body, as the others began to examine the scene. She had bruises and cuts all over, her face and arms marred by fake injuries. Blood continued to flow from her severed leg.\n\nUnable to hold back any longer, I broke down. I gripped her hand tightly and dropped to my knees, pressing my face close to the crook of her neck. I didn't care if I got covered in blood; nothing mattered but her. My tears mingled with desperate sobs that reverberated throughout the room.\n\n\"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, stop! That tickles!\" I heard (Y/N) laugh, suddenly bolting upright and clutching her neck. \"HAHAHAHAHA, you all fell for it!\" Hanji joined in the laughter, pointing at the shocked expressions of everyone they had fooled, including me and the other cadets from (Y/N)'s squad.\n\nI glanced at Hanji, giving her a stern look, before turning my attention back to (Y/N). \"What? My neck is my ticklish spot!\" she laughed, and without hesitation, I hugged her tightly.\n\n\"I thought I'd lost you before I even had the chance to tell you how I truly feel. You've driven me insane, (Y/N). Please, promise you'll never do that again.\" I sniffled, holding her close.\n\n\"You're very welcome! It's about time, shorty!\" (Y/N) replied, her arms wrapped around my neck. I couldn't help but feel slightly hurt when she didn't return the hug, but I didn't let go. \"Lucky for you, I feel the same way. Don't worry, I promise I won't do it ever again.\"\n\nTears of relief transformed into tears of joy as we confessed our feelings to each other. \"You guys got me good,\" I remarked, pulling away as (Y/N) removed her leg from the hole in the couch. \"Yeah! You should've seen yourself! HAHAHAH, it was all Hanji's idea to make you the subject of this experiment!\" (Y/N) explained.\n\n\"So, you all went through all this trouble for me?\" I raised an eyebrow. \"Yeah! We wanted to know what you're afraid of, especially since you always seem so fearless!\" she said.\n\n\"Didn't I just prove that I'm not afraid of anything?\" I crossed my arms.\n\n\"Nope, not really! My conclusion is that you do have a fear, and that fear is losing (Y/N)!\" she asserted.\n\n\"Tch, I suppose you're right, you damned glasses.\"\n\n***\n\n<b><i>Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :</i></b><b><i>D</i></b>", "<b><i>\n</i></b>\n\n<b><i>Your perspective:</i></b>\n\n<b><i>09/12/20</i></b>\n\n\"(y/n)? What are you doing here?\" Hanji's voice jolted me back to the present. I took the seat beside her, keeping my gaze averted. \"I got invited, duh,\" I replied, rolling my eyes. I was determined not to accept any more sympathetic looks; I didn't want anyone's pity.\n\nBut why were they looking at me that way, you might wonder? Allow me to share the backstory of what transpired between Levi and me.\n\nLevi and I first crossed paths in college, where I considered him my fiercest rival. We clashed constantly, engaging in debates and arguments to prove who was right and who was wrong. But as the months went by and we collaborated on group projects, we gradually revealed more about ourselves and our pasts. We discovered that we had far more in common than we'd ever imagined.\n\nIn short, we clicked – like the final piece of a puzzle snapping into place.\n\nOur rivalry evolved into acquaintanceship, then friendship, and finally, after several months, into a romantic relationship. That period of my life was marked by unparalleled happiness. We were deeply infatuated with each other, our conversations full of dreams and plans for the future. We vowed to survive any obstacle, to turn our shared vision into reality.\n\nWe were in love, completely and utterly.\n\nFor the initial years, everything was perfect. Life seemed to align perfectly with our aspirations. But appearances can be deceiving.\n\nFollowing our third anniversary, Levi began to change. The warm, affectionate nights we spent cuddling turned into cold, lonely hours in bed. He no longer shared a cup of tea with me, coming to me only when he needed something. His hugs felt mechanical, devoid of the warmth they once held.\n\nExcuses piled up as he started staying out late. I told myself it was a phase, that every relationship had its rough patches. After all, perfection couldn't last forever, right? I tried to convince myself, day after day.\n\nBut as days turned into weeks and weeks into months, his detachment only grew. I couldn't help but blame myself. What had gone wrong? Was his love for me waning? Was he seeing someone else? These questions tormented me, and the idea of him betraying me felt inconceivable.\n\nI struggled to maintain faith in his love, but doubt gnawed at me relentlessly. Finally, I reached a point where I couldn't bear it any longer; I knew I had to confront him. The day I did remains etched in my memory, clear as if it had happened just yesterday.\n\n<b><i>06/28/19</i></b>\n\nIt was our 4th anniversary, and we were supposed to go on a special date. However, he canceled it, citing an overwhelming workload of paperwork. I had been eagerly looking forward to spending time with him, so I suggested that I could join him in his office while he worked. To my surprise, he strongly protested, urging me not to come, not even in case of an emergency. His resistance felt suspicious.\n\nMy heart clenched painfully in my chest as I felt the sting of rejection.\n\nDetermined to confront him about our deteriorating relationship, I decided to go to his office regardless. I felt like a reservoir on the verge of overflowing. I had an exceptionally high tolerance for patience, but I was nearing my breaking point. I needed to confront this issue head-on before I drowned in my own sorrow.\n\nWalking down the hallway towards his workspace, I could feel my chest tighten. I was only a few doors away when my greatest fear unfolded before my eyes, catching me completely off guard.\n\nI froze in my tracks.\n\nThere, in front of his office door, stood Levi with another woman. A pregnant woman.\n\nTheir joy was palpable, radiating from their smiles, which contrasted sharply with the happiness I could no longer bring out in him.\n\nI didn't know how I managed it, but I composed myself, swallowed my pride, halted the tears threatening to spill, and approached them. Levi's reaction was instant; he froze when our eyes met.\n\nAs I got closer, I looked at the woman and extended my hand, introducing myself.\n\n\"Hi, I'm (y/n)! Levi and I are classmates!\" I forced a smile.\n\n\"I'm Petra! Levi and I have been together for almost two years now!\" She grinned, shaking my hand warmly.\n\nTwo years. They had been together for two long years.\n\nI smiled and offered my congratulations on her pregnancy. Then, I asked if I could have a private word with Levi to discuss our \"group project.\" She graciously granted my request.\n\nIn a secluded spot, free from prying eyes, I broke the oppressive silence between us, my voice trembling, \"Why?\" Tears finally escaped my eyes as I posed the question.\n\n\"(y/n), I'm so sorry,\" he began, bowing his head in shame. \"I... It's just that I love her more.\"\n\nThe words shattered my heart into countless pieces.\n\n\"Please, tell me this isn't real, that I'm just dreaming, that we can go back to how things were,\" I sighed, looking up at the ceiling as tears flowed freely down my cheeks.\n\nLevi's admission continued. \"I didn't know how to tell you. I didn't know how to face you. I was too ashamed because you were here, pouring your heart out to me every step of the way, while I couldn't reciprocate that. That's why I... succumbed to the murky waters of infidelity.\"\n\nI gasped, choking on my own sobs, my body trembling with the weight of his betrayal.\n\n\"Every time we were together, I imagined that you were her.\"\n\n\"I felt special with you, but she made me feel loved.\"\n\nThe explanation cut through me like a knife. He even asked me to punch him, to exact some form of revenge, but I couldn't bring myself to harm him, even though every fiber of my being yearned for it. My love for him was too deep, too profound.\n\nI forced a smile through my tears. \"Thank you for everything, Levi. Thank you for telling me the truth. Thank you for setting me free.\" Wiping my tears away, my heart still aching, I added, \"Congratulations on the baby. You're going to be a father now. I'm sure you'll be a great one.\"\n\nI sniffled and let out a bitter chuckle, the pain still fresh. \"So long. You don't have to worry about me anymore. I'm no longer a burden to you. I'm happy for you.\"\n\nI turned and walked towards the exit, leaving him standing there, his head hanging low, his face buried in his hands.\n\nI didn't ask any more questions because I wanted to move on, to find some semblance of positivity in this painful situation. The more I knew, the more it would hurt me. At least, that's what I told myself. Unbeknownst to me, the unanswered questions would plague my thoughts in the days and weeks to come.\n\nBut as I walked away, wiping away the tears that continued to fall, I thought about everything, enlightened as to why it had all transpired. It wasn't a detailed explanation, but the answer was there – he loved someone else, and that's why he committed this betrayal.\n\nIn situations like these, it's difficult to let go, but it's even harder to hold on. So I did what I had to do, what was right, despite the agony in my heart.\n\n<b><i>09/12/20</i></b>\n\n\"Hello, earth to (y/n)! I told you not to come here in the first place, but your stubborn ass did so anyway,\" Hanji shook my shoulders, snapping me out of my daze. \"I told you, I'm fine.\"\n\nWe were seated at the reception for Petra and Levi's wedding. I had chosen not to attend their ceremony because I couldn't bear to witness them exchanging their vows. Levi had extended an invitation to me, but Petra was unaware of the history between us. There was no point in revealing our past, and she remembered me from our college days, insisting that I attend.\n\nHanji was about to say something again, but the host tapped the microphone, drawing our attention.\n\n\"Ladies and gentlemen! Let us all welcome the newlywed couple! Mr. and Mrs. Ackerman!\" Cheers erupted as I turned to look back at the entrance door.\n\nMy heart ached as the newlyweds, their happiness evident, entered the room. In Petra's arms, their newborn rested, completing their picturesque family.\n\nBut what hurt even more was the fact that he was now making the same promises to someone else that he had made to me. That could've been us, I thought, but I kept a smile on my face as they walked forward, hand in hand.\n\nMore than a year had passed since our breakup, yet I still wondered.\n\nI wondered why things had changed between us.\n\nWhen his 'I love yous' had turned into lies.\n\nAnd how he had managed to keep up the deception for two years.\n\nA bitter smile crossed my lips as I watched them revel in their joy. You could easily tell why he had chosen her just by the way he looked at her. If he was happy with her, there was no point in fighting it.\n\nSometimes, it's impossible to change what's meant to be.\n\nI was the one you needed, but not the one you loved.\n\nI was there with you physically, but mentally you were with her.\n\nI was your once upon a time, but she was your happily ever after.\n\nAs I moved forward, I came to a stark realization: it didn't matter that I was the one who had been there first, the one who had supported him through thick and thin. In the end, it all came down to who he truly loved, who held his heart and mind.\n\nAnd it wasn't me.\n\nSo I had no choice but to let go.\n\nTo entrust the man I had loved the most to the woman I had unwittingly prepared him for.\n\n<b><i>***</i></b>\n\n<b><i>Omg, I had such a hard time writing this because I'm hurting my own feelings lol. So, I apologize if this kind of sucked idk. </i></b>\n\n<b><i>This was inspired by a song and a comment that I read somewhere :D</i></b>\n\n<b><i>Btw, thank you so much for all the votes and comments! I only have little views but the ratio of reads and votes is like O-o. Huge shoutout to @/leviackerwoman and @/baka-geyama! :D</i></b>", "<i>When you and Levi switch bodies for a day :P</i>\n\n[ <b>a/n</b> | <i>I haven't read any one-shots with this plot and I was like whut O-o I gotta make it happen!</i>\n\n<i>Btw, in my one-shots, you and Levi would always be the same age! I can't stand reading stories where Levi is like twice the age of the reader / OC</i> ]\n\n<b>Your perspective:</b>\n\n\"Ahh, finally,\" I silently rejoiced, taking a seat on a bench with my tray of food in hand. I found myself in the mess hall, ready to have dinner after what felt like an exhausting day. Training had consumed most of my time, all thanks to the corporal's relentless demands. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the memory of the sanction I had received earlier in the day.\n\nJean couldn't resist teasing me as he sat down at the nearby empty seat, placing his tray on the table along with the others. His smirk made it clear he wanted to bring up the earlier incident during training.\n\n\"How's training, (Y/N)?\" Jean snickered, barely hiding his amusement.\n\n\"Dreadful,\" I sighed, taking a spoonful of my soup. \"Anyway, I forgot to get myself a cup of tea.\" I began to rise from my seat when a sudden force pushed me back down, causing me to frown in irritation. \"Hey! What was that for!?\" I growled, whipping my head over my shoulder to identify the culprit.\n\nIt was Hanji, her hand still on my shoulder, sporting a mischievous smile as she handed me a cup of tea before darting off energetically. Eren couldn't help but notice her unusual behavior. He raised an eyebrow and asked, \"What's up with Section Commander Hanji?\"\n\n\"I also don't know, but why are you even surprised? It's Hanji,\" I shrugged, eyeing the cup of tea she had given me. Something deep down told me not to trust it, considering its source—a mad scientist. Yet, I decided to take a sip anyway.\n\n\"This... Is something else.\" I tasted the tea, and my face immediately contorted in reaction to its strange flavor. Scanning the mess hall, I hoped to spot Hanji and interrogate her about the suspicious drink. However, she was busy chatting with the other higher-ups, including the short corporal. I chose to dismiss my concerns and joined my friends instead.\n\n\"Hey! Stop calling me that! I do not look like a damn horse!\" Jean and Eren were embroiled in yet another argument, but I couldn't focus on their bickering. I began to feel increasingly drowsy.\n\n\"Hey, guys, I'm going to call it a day. I think Hanji slipped a sleeping pill in my tea or something... or maybe it's just because I'm exhausted,\" I announced as I stood up from the bench. I bid farewell to my friends, who were still engrossed in their dinner and the ongoing spectacle of Eren and Jean's squabble.\n\nI strolled peacefully down the hallway on my way to my room when suddenly the ground trembled beneath me. I instinctively ducked, covered, and held onto something sturdy. The tremor was brief but intense. \"Woah, was that an earthquake just now? Or is my mind playing tricks on me?\" I muttered, feeling disoriented without even having consumed a single drop of alcohol. 'Ugh, Hanji! Not again!' I groaned, shaking my head as I continued my journey to my room.\n\nIt seemed that the mad scientist had a peculiar affinity for using me as a subject for her experiments, something I was not particularly fond of. Finally reaching my room, I collapsed onto the soft comfort of my bed and drifted into a deep sleep.\n\n<i>[Time skip, brought to you by Grammarly]</i>\n\nI tossed and turned incessantly, gradually awakening to a sense of peculiarity. My bed felt larger and softer than usual, with incredibly plush pillows enveloping my face.\n\nI couldn't help but notice that something was off. My face didn't feel the same; it was unfamiliar, and so was my hair—short, unlike what I had grown accustomed to. Tentatively, I explored my chest area and realized that it had undergone a transformation. I no longer had breasts.\n\n\"Oh, no! Did I just turn into a guy?!\" I panicked, bolting out of bed and rushing to the bathroom. My reflection in the mirror confirmed my fears.\n\n'Okay, I see you, Hanji! This could be fun!'\n\n\n\n\n<b>Levi's perspective:</b>\n\n\"Why the hell does it feel so cramped in here?\" I groaned audibly, and I heard an annoyed voice respond, \"Hey! Keep it down, will ya? I'm trying to sleep!\" The voice left me feeling perplexed.\n\n'Did I sleep with a woman?' I wondered, my mind racing with confusion.\n\nIn a sudden rush, I shot up, surveying the unfamiliar surroundings. 'This isn't my bedroom. What on earth am I doing in a cadet's dorm room? It's utterly revolting in here,' I muttered, my face contorting in disdain. Without giving much thought to the other person in the room, I got to my feet and headed straight for the bathroom.\n\nUpon reaching the mirror, I was met with a reflection that wasn't mine but (Y/N)'s. 'Hell no!' I thought, frustration welling up inside me as I slammed my hands against the sink's edge. \"Oi! I told you to keep it down!\" the other cadet shouted from the opposite side of the bathroom door.\n\n\"Tch, shut up! Fifty laps, now!\" I retorted, though the moment the words left my mouth – in (Y/N)'s voice – I regretted the decision. I couldn't stand this feeling of inhabiting someone else's body.\n\n\"Now you're impersonating Corporal Short Stack, real funny, (Y/N)!\" I recognized the voice coming from Braus. Her comment irked me, but I couldn't act on my frustration while trapped in (Y/N)'s body.\n\n'I have to find Eren, locate those damned glasses, and put an end to this once and for all,' I resolved.\n\nI was about to dash out the door to track down Eren when I realized I couldn't go out looking like this. Surprisingly, (Y/N)'s room wasn't as untidy as I expected, but my concern was different.\n\n'I have to bathe her... and then get her dressed...'\n\nHeat flushed my cheeks at the thought, but I shook my head and resolved not to look or think about it. 'But I'll still have to touch it,' I conceded reluctantly.\n\nOnce again, I shook my head, cupping my chin with my hand as I contemplated my options. In the end, I decided it was the lesser of two evils, better than actually looking and seeing.\n\n\"Fuck it,\" I muttered as I began to undress, stripping off (Y/N)'s clothes, 'God, that sounded SO wrong on so many levels.'\n\nMy hands moved over her body, eyes firmly shut as I meticulously washed every inch, the soap covering each area. As I did so, I couldn't help but notice how - judging by the way it felt - curvaceous and... 'Levi, don't go there,' I scolded myself internally.\n\n'So, this is what it feels like to have breasts and... a vagina,' I observed mentally, somewhat amused.\n\nMy tentative hands explored these unfamiliar regions when I was rudely interrupted. \"Oi, (Y/N)! Hurry up; we don't have all day!\" Braus banged on the bathroom door. 'Tch, how annoying!'\n\nAfter a final rinse, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a clean towel. \"It's about damn time!\" I heard Braus complain theatrically, and I gave her a perplexed look.\n\nI swiftly dressed in a uniform I found in (Y/N)'s drawer, determined to find the brat I had switched bodies with.\n\n'That brat better clean my body as thoroughly as I did hers.'\n\n\n\n\n<b>Your perspective:</b>\n\n\"Goodness, it's enormous,\" I blushed intensely, my cheeks rivaling the redness of a tomato.\n\nI had just undressed in Levi's body, unable to resist the temptation to admire the impressive physique he possessed. Scars adorned his body, but somehow, I still found it undeniably attractive.\n\n'There's only one thing I can do in this situation,' I thought mischievously, and I proceeded to strike various dance moves that made certain aspects of Levi's body sway and bounce.\n\nBefore I knew it, I was laughing like a maniac. A part of my brain warned, 'Levi is going to kill me,' but another side reasoned, 'Well, it's not like he's going to find out.'\n\nI opted to listen to the latter, of course, and laughed evilly.\n\nOnce I was finished - and I made sure to thoroughly cleanse every part of his body, considering Levi's exacting standards - I stepped out of the shower and slipped into his clothing. I had trouble figuring out how to properly tie his cravat, which made it look rather peculiar, but fortunately, he couldn't do anything about it, like ordering me to run 50 laps.\n\nAs I made my way out, I headed toward Hanji's office to discuss the situation. \"Oi, brat,\" I heard a strangely familiar voice say, one that sounded like my own. Coming to a halt, I turned to see myself mimicking Levi's posture, and I couldn't help but chuckle.\n\n\"What's so amusing?\" It snapped at me, \"Is that you, Corporal?\" I inquired, stifling my laughter. \"Are you stating the obvious now?\"\n\n\"Nothing, it's just that I didn't realize how I appeared to others, especially under your... demeanor,\" I commented, scanning the body I currently inhabited, now controlled by Levi.\n\n\"Tch, that's not how you should wear it!\" He grumbled, moving closer to adjust the cravat's odd positioning, making my cheeks flush.\n\nClearing my throat, I requested, \"Could you try to be less rigid? People might become suspicious.\"\n\n\"Fine, I'll attempt to be as exuberant as possible! How's this for an improvement?\" He teased, attempting to mimic me.\n\n\"You're incorrigible! I don't act like that at all!\" I protested.\n\n\"Alright, alright, then you should maintain your 'stiff' demeanor,\" he responded, emphasizing the word 'stiff.' Suddenly, he gasped, seemingly realizing the gravity of our situation. \"I know, right? I get to be a corporal for who knows how long!\" I exclaimed, wearing a smug grin.\n\n\"Tch, stop with the sunshine and rainbows. I don't act like that... And, this is a serious issue!\" He admonished me.\n\n\"Okay, fine. Then please outline all the actions I need to take as you,\" I suggested, gesturing with my hands, and offering a solid plan.\n\n\"Tch, you should start emulating me, and I'll attempt to replicate your behavior. Since everyone is awake, let's head to Hanji's office first to see if she can reverse this. If not, then we'll proceed with your plan,\" he proposed in my voice – a sensation that felt incredibly strange – and I agreed.\n\nWe began walking side by side, with me maintaining an upright posture while Levi, or rather, I, adopted a more relaxed gait, even offering smiles to those we passed. 'Do I truly behave like that?' I wondered, fascinated by how different this experience was. It was even more amusing to see Levi smile – though it was my body that was displaying it.\n\nUpon reaching Hanji's office, Levi barged in without warning, startling the eccentric scientist. \"Shitty Glasses, I demand you fix this immediately. That's an order!\" He stated in his usual authoritative tone, although it sounded peculiar with my voice.\n\n\"Oh my God! You two!?\" She gasped, making odd hand gestures as we nodded in confirmation. \"Ha! It worked! I thought it could involve three or four people, but I guess my other hypothesis was correct!\" She rambled on, leaving us both puzzled.\n\n\"What do you mean? What did you put in our tea, and what precisely are the effects?\" I inquired, confused. \"Great question, my dear (Y/N) in Levi's body!\" She exclaimed, jumping up and patting my shoulder.\n\n\"Well, I added a small substance to your drinks! It's supposed to make you switch bodies with someone you like! I only gave it to the two of you, so there were three possibilities: the first, involving four people, because you don't like each other; the second, involving three people, because the other doesn't like you back; and the third – the best one – where you only switch between yourselves because you like each other!\" She explained in her typical loud and exuberant manner, accompanied by animated hand gestures. Levi and I turned beet red at the revelation.\n\n\"Shitty Glasses!\" Levi groaned in frustration, knowing that his secret was now exposed. I couldn't help but chuckle. After a long pause, he sighed, \"So, how do we switch back?\"\n\n\"I don't know,\" Hanji shrugged, \"WHAT!?\" I exclaimed in utter shock. \"YOU DID THIS WITHOUT KNOWING HOW TO REVERSE IT, GODDAMN IT!\" I shouted, pressing my hand against my face in exasperation.\n\n\"Yep! Now, shoo! Have fun! Goodbye!\" She declared, shoving both of us out of her office. I waggled my eyebrows in Levi's direction, and he turned away, clearly embarrassed.\n\n\"Don't get too worked up, brat,\" he remarked, and we proceeded on our unusual journey to navigate each other's lives.\n\n<i>[time skip brought to you by duolingo ] </i>\n\nUgh, this is rather tedious. Who has to sign four copies of the same document?\" I muttered, leaning my head against the plush cushion of Levi's chair.\n\nHe had handed me a list of tasks he needed to complete today, and naturally, I had to do them on his behalf.\n\nToday's to-do list:\n\n Complete paperwork (This is how my signature looks [sign])\n\n Deliver signed papers to Erwin\n\n Drink tea (black tea with a tablespoon of milk)\n\n Organize and clean the cleaning supplies (I don't want to see a single speck of dust, got it?)\n\n Drink tea\n\n Train the cadets (don't do anything stupid)\n\n Drink tea\n\n Visit Hanji again\n\n Scrub the dirt off my body (get rid of all the filth; do this if to no avail ONLY) \n\nP.S. If Erwin mentions anything important, take note of it.\n\n\n\n\nThat was the entirety of my tasks, and the only thing remotely engaging and enjoyable was the prospect of training the cadets. It was an opportunity to exact a little payback. My body might suffer, but Levi would experience the consequences.\n\n\"Finally done!\" I sighed with relief as I signed the last piece of paper. Did Levi have to endure this daily grind? It was utterly exhausting!\n\n[ √ ] Completed paperwork\n\nWith a checkmark next to one task on the list, I gathered the sizable stack of papers and made my way to Commander Erwin Smith's office.\n\nUpon reaching the door, I knocked politely. \"State your name and purpose,\" he intoned.\n\n\"(Y/N) – I mean, Corporal Levi. I've come to deliver the signed papers,\" I said, mentally scolding myself for nearly making a mistake.\n\n\"Enter,\" came his response, and I turned the doorknob with my free hand, stepping inside. \"You don't usually knock when you come here. It feels... unusual,\" he remarked, rubbing his temple and slightly tilting his head. 'Well, damn,' I mentally cursed.\n\nI swiftly placed the stack of papers on his desk and left without uttering another word.\n\n\"What's gotten into him today?\" he sighed, shaking his head as he watched me exit his office.\n\nAfter I had checked off the next task on the list, I proceeded to the mess hall to prepare some tea, as it seemed crucial to satiate Levi's thirst.\n\n<b>Levi's perspective</b>\n\nIt required every ounce of restraint in my small, borrowed body not to snap at every cadet who crossed my path. 'Do they truly act like this and talk behind their superiors' backs? I'm going to make them regret it once I'm back in my own body,' I thought angrily as I took a sip of tea.\n\n\"(Y/N), are you alright? You seem tense, and you've been acting strange and... out of character,\" Mikasa approached me, concerned. \"Tell me about it! She's been acting like this since she woke up! It's as if she's become a perfect copy of Corporal Short Stack!\" Sasha chimed in loudly, devouring her food messily, which made me sneer at her in disgust. 'Repulsive.'\n\n\"I'm fine,\" I grumbled, no longer bothering to maintain (Y/N)'s persona. \"Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,\" Eren commented. 'No, I woke up in the wrong body,' I sighed internally.\n\nI glanced over at the table where we usually sat – the one reserved for higher-ranking officers. I noticed (Y/N) doing an impeccable job of impersonating me. I wasn't sure why, but I suddenly felt a pang of guilt. After all, it wasn't my fault I couldn't act as well as she could. Besides, these cadets were infuriating.\n\nShe was currently sipping tea for the second time, which meant it was time to begin training soon.\n\n[ Time skip, sponsored by your friendly grammar corrections ]\n\n\"Wow, (Y/N), since when did you become as strong as Corporal Levi?\" Jean mumbled with his hand on his now bleeding nose, panting heavily. I had knocked him out with a single punch.\n\nIn fact, I had swiftly defeated every cadet who challenged me, without breaking a sweat. Most of them had rushed to the infirmary to tend to their bleeding noses, while some remained unconscious. Or had I gone too far?\n\n\"Cadet (L/N)! Run laps until dinner time, now! You've been too harsh on your fellow trainees!\" I heard an order barked from across the training field, spoken in my usual monotone voice.\n\n'Did she just use the Uno reverse card on me?'\n\nI scowled but complied, making my way toward the field to begin my laps. Thankfully, this wouldn't be a problem for me, or so I thought.\n\n\"Horseface, you'll be cleaning the horse stalls for a month, including your room, because you're a damn horse,\" I heard (Y/N) sanction Kierstein due to his earlier comment. \"Hey! I am not a horse—\"\n\n\"Then make it a year!\" she retorted, earning chuckles from the others. \"You! You get to clean the mess hall by yourself for a week.\" She pointed at Eren, making me smirk.\n\n\"The rest of you who laughed will be assigned to clean the rest of the headquarters, and those who didn't laugh aren't off the hook either. You'll run 20 laps, now!\" I wasn't sure if she was still impersonating me or simply taking advantage of the temporary power shift.\n\nHalfway through, with two hours remaining, my breathing became erratic, and I was sweating profusely. 'Damn, so this is what she goes through,' I thought. I had assumed it wouldn't be too difficult, but I realized I wasn't in my own body.\n\n'How the hell does she manage this?' I wondered as I struggled. Even though I was doing this to help her improve, it was excessive.\n\nAfter what felt like an eternity, I came to a stop and collapsed onto the ground. To say my thighs felt like they were on fire would be an understatement. It was as if they were about to fall apart.\n\n\"Not so tough now, are we, Corporal?\" I heard (Y/N) chuckle, mimicking my voice, and I could only grunt in response. It felt so strange because I couldn't even remember the last time I had made that sound.\n\n\"I apologize, (Y/N),\" I said breathlessly.\n\n\"That's better. Now come, let's have dinner and then see Hanji,\" she said, extending her hand to help me up.\n\n<b><i>\n</i></b>\n\n<b><i>Your perspective:</i></b>\n\n\nI glanced over at my friends' table and saw them making fun of me. Little did they know that they were talking to Levi, not me. I was certain he must be fuming since these cadets seemed to enjoy gossiping about their superiors behind their backs.\n\n\"Hey, shorty!\" I heard Hanji call out, but I didn't respond immediately because I wasn't accustomed to that nickname. I shifted my gaze from my friends' table to Hanji's enthusiastic face.\n\n\"What is it? Have you found a solution?\" I asked, raising an eyebrow, hoping we could return to our original bodies. Although, I must admit, it had been a rather amusing experience.\n\n\"Yep! You'll return to your original bodies when you sleep!\" Hanji exclaimed, a bit too loudly, prompting a few people to glance in our direction.\n\n\"The what now?\" Erwin joined the conversation, intrigued by what he had just heard.\n\n\"I may or may not have switched Levi and (y/n)'s bodies,\" Hanji said with a coy smile and a suggestive finger gesture (👉👈).\n\n\"Ahh, that explains it,\" Erwin chuckled, recalling the incident when I had knocked on his door. \"So, I've been talking to (y/n) instead of Levi?\"\n\n\"Yes, my dear commander! They'll be back to normal tomorrow, so no need to worry!\"\n\nAfter finishing dinner, I broke the news to Levi, who seemed relieved but was clearly seething. My friends were likely the source of his frustration.\n\n\"I'm going to give your friends a piece of my mind once this is over,\" he declared.\n\n\"Do as you please,\" I snickered.\n\nShortly afterward, we went our separate ways. Levi headed to my dorm room while I went to his bedroom, ready to sleep after ensuring I had \"scrubbed the dirt off his body,\" as per his request.\n\nThe next morning, I awoke feeling relieved to find myself back in my own body, even though it was quite sore. I checked everything to be sure but then a realization hit me.\n\n\"Wait, does this mean he saw and touched my body?\" I gasped, my eyes widening as I blushed a deep shade of red.\n\n\"Finally, you seem back to normal! You were driving us nuts yesterday!\" Sasha exclaimed, though I wondered how she could tell I was \"normal\" when I hadn't done anything yet.\n\nAfter I got ready, I skipped happily on my way to Levi's office, grateful to have my body back and eager to check on him. When I arrived, I knocked in a specific pattern. \"State your name and purpose,\" I heard him say.\n\n\"He's back,\" I smiled.\n\n\"It's Cadet (L/N).\"\n\n\"Come in.\" I entered, and he immediately halted what he was doing.\n\n\"I believe you may have forgotten something, Cadet,\" he said in such a menacing tone that it sent shivers down my spine. It took a moment for me to realize what he meant, and when I did, my eyes widened, and I gulped.\n\n\"That's what I thought. You forgot to clean my cleaning supplies.\" He glared at me as if he could peer into my very soul with his microscopic eyes.\n\n\"I checked, and they were already clean,\" I replied, telling the truth. I couldn't see a speck of dust on them, but apparently, Levi had eyes like a microscope, capable of spotting every single particle of dirt on his cleaning supplies.\n\nHe sighed and stood up, stretching his arms as he approached me. \"What do you say to... about shopping for cleaning supplies? With me... Just you and me...\" he stammered, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. I couldn't help but find his awkwardness adorable.\n\n\"Are you... asking me out?\" I smiled.\n\n\"Are you... rejecting me?\" he retorted, mimicking the way I had spoken earlier.\n\n\"Of course not! I'd love to come with you,\" I chuckled, throwing my arms around his neck, remembering yesterday's revelation.\n\n\"But promise me one thing: no extreme sanctions,\" I said, looking up at him as our eyes met.\n\n\"Fine,\" he grumbled.\n\n\"Also, I have a question,\" I began. \"How do you guys... you know... when nature calls? Does it just dangle down there while you do your business?\" I asked with an oddly serious expression, though he didn't seem to have an answer.\n\n\"Just kidding, but I may or may not have had some fun with your body when I bathed it,\" I confessed.\n\n\"Tch, it's fine. You're going to see it more often anyway.\" With that, I playfully slapped his arm, and we continued with our day.\n\n<b>***</b>\n\n<b><i>This took so long to do! I wanted to add more but like it's so long already O-o so yeah, comment if you want a part 2! Not a continuation but a different occurrence. Ciao! </i></b>😘✌", "\n\n\n<b><i>Your perspective:</i></b>\n\n\"I find myself in quite a predicament!\" I muttered, and by predicament, I meant a literal one, given the circumstances that led to it. It seemed that the word \"pregnancy\" would best describe my current situation.\n\n\"What on earth should I do now?\" I mumbled, my hands resting on my temples as I stared at the empty box of pregnancy tests before me. Sticks were strewn about, all displaying the same positive result. I had used multiple tests just to be absolutely certain, as this was a situation I had never anticipated.\n\nSooner or later, I would have to break the news to my boyfriend of four years, Levi. The mere thought of revealing this life-altering news to him was far from appealing, mostly because he was known to be terrifying.\n\n\"What if he reacts with anger?\"\n\n\"What if he doesn't want this?\"\n\n\"What if he decides to leave?\"\n\nMy mind raced with unsettling scenarios of how he might respond to my revelation.\n\nEnsuring that I had disposed of nearly everything, so he wouldn't discover it prematurely, I left only one test untouched for reasons of necessity. I exited our room, making my way to Hanji's laboratory. I needed guidance on how to approach Levi with this news without triggering his wrath.\n\n\"Ah, welcome, my dear (y/n)!\" Hanji greeted me enthusiastically as I entered her lab. \"What brings you here on this lovely afternoon?\"\n\n\"Well, you see, I have a problem...\" I began, lifting the positive pregnancy test stick with one hand while my nervous feet seemed to dance involuntarily.\n\n\"Oh my goodness! I knew it!\" Hanji exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. \"I had a dream a few days ago about pregnancy, and I was secretly hoping it was you! It's high time we had (y/n) and Levi's babies!\" She confessed, causing my jaw to drop in disbelief.\n\nNot dwelling on that, I promptly inquired, \"How can I possibly tell him about this?\"\n\n\"Ha! You see, I actually anticipated this the moment I had that dream. So, I made something for that!\" Hanji declared, reaching for an item on her desk.\n\n\"This, my dear, is Levi's teacup. However, there's a message written at the bottom. All you need to do is serve him tea using this cup, and when he finishes, he'll read the message at the bottom and be left speechless!\" She chuckled, evidently pleased with her brilliant plan, as she handed the teacup over for my inspection.\n\nThe message read: 'You're going to be a dad! This is serious, by the way.' I read it silently to myself. \"Oh my goodness, he's going to be shocked,\" I groaned inwardly.\n\n\"You know, you have quite a beautiful problem! You shouldn't be frustrated at all. Levi loves you immensely, you know? Everything will be alright!\" Hanji chimed in, picking up on my evident distress regarding the pregnancy situation.\n\nWith a sigh, I thanked the mad scientist and departed without uttering another word, too preoccupied with devising a plan to deliver this unexpected news.\n\nWithout delay, I proceeded to the mess hall to brew tea using the custom teacup and subsequently serve it to Levi. Taking a deep breath, I mentally prepared myself for the possibility of his displeasure. I knocked on his office door, hearing him respond with his usual monotonous voice, \"State your name and purpose.\"\n\n\"I-it's (y/n). I brought you some tea,\" I stammered, my hands visibly trembling.\n\n\"Come in,\" he replied. I entered cautiously, the tray with his tea trembling slightly as I set it down on his desk.\n\nI looked up at him, seeing that he had paused whatever he was doing earlier. \"Hey, (y/n), what's wrong? You look... unwell,\" he said, his voice tinged with concern and a hint of disgust. \"Actually, you haven't seemed well for the past few days. What's going on?\" he added.\n\n\"Oh, I'm fine. I just have a stomach bug,\" I managed to force a smile, internally amused by my choice of words. By \"stomach,\" I meant \"uterus,\" and by \"bug,\" I meant \"baby.\"\n\nMaking sure to keep his attention away from the teacup's message, I placed his cup of tea on his desk. He took it, and I sat down in the chair opposite his desk.\n\nBy this point, I was breaking into a cold sweat and shivering uncontrollably. \"Anytime now,\" I thought to myself, anxiously awaiting his reaction.\n\nAfter a while, with his tea half-finished, he looked up at me in confusion. \"Why are you staring at me like that?\" he asked, raising an eyebrow. \"Don't mind me; just finish your tea,\" I replied, feeling my nerves creeping in.\n\nThen it happened.\n\nHe choked on his tea as he noticed the message at the bottom of the cup. I waited for him to regain his composure so he could respond, fearing his potential anger or rejection.\n\n\"(y/n)... Is this... true?\" he asked, looking back at the cup before turning his gaze to me. I nodded slowly, tears now streaming down my cheeks. \"I understand if you don't want this, but you can be as involved as you want, or—\" I began to babble, but he interrupted me.\n\n\"I'm going to be a dad,\" he whispered to himself, almost in disbelief. Then, he exclaimed happily, and before I knew it, he was holding me tightly in his arms.\n\n\"So... you're not leaving me?\" I asked, shocked by how well he was handling the news.\n\n\"Of course not, you fool. Stop being so melodramatic,\" he snapped at me, and I chuckled, pulling him closer.\n\n\"That's why you were acting so strangely,\" he mused, finally connecting the dots about recent events. \"But wait, didn't we always use protection?\" he furrowed his brow.\n\n\"We did, but it's not foolproof. It's effective about 97% of the time,\" I chuckled, surprised that he was even considering that the child might not be his.\n\n\"Wait... What!?\" he exclaimed. \"They should put that on the box!\"\n\n\"They do,\" I informed him. \"No, they don't!\" he protested, shaking the box of condoms in front of me.\n\n\"You know what, maybe I should have!\" he continued.\n\n\"Listen, Levi, let's just forget about the condom,\" I said, trying to downplay it. It must have been the hormones, but I was growing impatient.\n\n\"No! I want to talk about it now. In fact, I'm going to write a letter to the president of the condom company!\" he declared, searching for paper and a pen on his desk.\n\n\"You know what, maybe I should just come back later,\" I suggested, preparing to leave his office as his antics became increasingly absurd.\n\n\"No! I want to talk now. This is ridiculous. You're driving me nuts!\" I groaned, scratching the back of my head, realizing that it must have been the hormones affecting my patience.\n\n\"Damn it! We were fine a moment ago, and now you're acting insane! You're driving me nuts!\" I exclaimed in frustration.\n\nLevi sighed, \"Look, I'm sorry. It's just... that stupid condom put us in a situation we're not ready for—\"\n\n\"Make up your mind! Do you want this or not?\" I interrupted, my impatience getting the better of me. Hormones, again.\n\n\"Damn woman! Could you please let me finish?\" he snapped. With a sigh, he returned to embrace me and held me tightly. \"Look, the situation we're in right now isn't ideal, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you, (y/n). I'll do my best to protect you, take care of you and the baby— I'll do everything, I promise,\" he said, his sincerity returning as he traced circles on my back.\n\n\"I love you too, Levi,\" I sighed, resting my face against his neck.\n\n\"We'll get through this and be amazing parents, okay?\" he whispered, leaning back slightly and cupping my face with his hands. I nodded in agreement.\n\n\"But first, I have to finish my letter to the condom company,\" he added with a smirk.\n\n<i><b>***</b></i>\n\n<i><b>oMG IT'S BEEN A HOT MINUTE, SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING I WAS BUSY!! anyway, comment down below if you noticed the reference from friends :D </b></i>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "\n\n\n<i><b>Your perspective:</b></i>\n\n\"I find myself rather bored,\" I lamented, reclining upside down on the couch, my hair nearly brushing the floor. Levi sat beside me, his legs crossed, engrossed in a book and sipping tea.\n\n\"Could you cease your complaints? I am trying to read in peace,\" he remarked nonchalantly, not bothering to look my way, his eyes glued to the printed pages.\n\n\"But I am at a loss for activities,\" I groaned, lifting my head and resting it on his thigh. I peered up at him, my lips pouting, eyes widened slightly, and eyebrows raised. In short, I attempted to employ the puppy-dog eyes look to capture his attention. Also, it was genuinely adorable how he looked while engrossed in his reading.\n\n\"Whatever you are attempting, it is not working,\" he said, not even sparing a momentary glance in my direction. With a huff, I rose from my position and trudged grumpily to our bedroom, somewhat resembling a sulking child.\n\nIn the bedroom, I retrieved the materials I needed for a project I had in mind. I collected numerous large blankets, an abundance of pillows, some strings, and fairy lights. I was intent on building a fort, but Levi had dismissed the idea, deeming it \"childish.\" I rolled my eyes at the thought.\n\nWe had been confined to our home due to a health crisis in our district, resulting in a community quarantine. Only two days had passed, and I was already feeling exasperated. Levi had provided little to no assistance with my boredom.\n\nWith a huff, I carried as much as my arms could bear, causing the couch to shift slightly when I dumped the items in the area where I had been seated earlier. Levi, however, remained unfazed.\n\nI shot him an irritated glance before continuing to fetch the remaining materials, which included a projector. I began assembling my fort, draping the blankets over other pieces of furniture to create a comfortable space. I arranged additional blankets to fashion an entrance and a blank \"wall\" where I could project the movie I intended to watch.\n\nSatisfied, I stepped back to admire my handiwork before adding some final touches. I hung the fairy lights, covered the floor with a thick blanket, and scattered a collection of plush pillows.\n\nSquealing with childlike delight, I skipped to our room to change into my cute unicorn onesie. I had bought Levi a wolf-themed onesie as well, but I knew he was averse to such attire, so his non-participation was unsurprising.\n\nI proceeded to the kitchen, retrieving the pizza I had baked for dinner and slicing it before placing it inside the fort. \"Are you really not going to join me?\" I asked, crossing my arms and standing before him. When he offered no response, I huffed and stuck my tongue out before dramatically turning on my heel and entering my creation.\n\nI promptly set up the projector, but while doing so, I heard Levi's footsteps, indicating that he had finally risen. I frowned, realizing that he might not join me in the cozy fort I had meticulously constructed.\n\nListening to the sounds from outside, I deduced that he first descended to the kitchen to clean his cup, turned off the lights, and then proceeded to our room, closing the door behind him. \"So, he really won't join me,\" I thought, sighing in disappointment.\n\nAfter some time, as I struggled with the projector, I heard our bedroom door open, accompanied by footsteps growing louder as they approached my fort.\n\nI turned my head to witness a shadow moving about, which halted upon reaching the entrance. Slowly, the entrance opened, and I beamed upon seeing Levi wearing the onesie I had given him, clutching a pillow to his chest.\n\nHe settled inside, making himself comfortable in the space I had reserved for him. \"Not a word,\" he warned, casting me a glare, but it was difficult to take him seriously when he looked so utterly cute.\n\nImagine Levi attempting to appear stern while clad in a onesie, the hood atop his head. Adorable, to say the least.\n\n\"You're so fluffy, I'm going to die!\" I squeaked, tackling him, unable to restrain myself any longer. \"Tch, stop acting like a child; you're not twelve anymore,\" he scoffed.\n\n\"Tch, stop acting like a grumpy old troll who lives under a bridge,\" I retorted, mimicking his tone. He rolled his eyes and sat us back up, seemingly oblivious to my reference, which was a bit of a buzzkill.\n\nI snuggled closer to him as we watched a horror movie and indulged in snacks. I occasionally spilled some food due to the jump scares, earning irritated glances from him for making a mess. I couldn't help but cling to him tightly, anticipating each terrifying scene. I couldn't fathom how he managed to maintain a composed demeanor while watching the scariest movie I had ever seen.\n\nAfter the movie, we simply cuddled, our bodies intertwined, savoring the warmth we offered each other. I gazed up at him, thinking that I couldn't ask for more because this was the best feeling in the world. \"You're doing it again,\" Levi remarked, looking straight ahead before turning to me. I pouted and snuggled even closer, if that were possible. I saw a faint smile grace his lips.\n\n\"You know that I love you immensely, right?\" he suddenly said, prompting me to sit up and plant a kiss on his cheek. \"Of course I do; I understand that you're not the demonstrative type,\" I replied, caressing his other cheek with my hand.\n\n\"Sometimes, I feel guilty for not showing you how much I love you,\" he mumbled, gently running his hands up and down my waist, before suggesting, \"we should do this more often.\" A grin spread across my face.\n\n\"Really?!\" I exclaimed, practically leaping with excitement. He pulled me back into place. \"Yes, this was... surprisingly enjoyable.\"\n\n\"I told you! I thought you were going to sleep in our room tonight and leave me alone here,\" I pouted, \"you're an idiot,\" he said, poking my cheeks to release some air.\n\nAfter a while, he drew me closer, \"I love you, so much,\" I smiled, \"I know,\" and he glared at me menacingly. \"Just kidding! Of course, I love you too!\" I exclaimed, planting a kiss on his soft lips.\n\n\"I'll have to buy you more of these, though; you look so cute in them!\" I cooed, eliciting a grunt from him in response.\n\n\"I don't really have a choice, do I?\"\n\n\"Nope! 'We should do this more often,'\" I quoted the phrase he had uttered earlier. \"Ugh, fine.\"\n\nWith that, we drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, our quarantine suddenly seeming far less daunting.\n\n<b><i>***</i></b>\n\n<b><i>How I wish I have Levi to spend quarantine with :&lt; please stay safe everyone! Sorry for not updating, electricity was out yesterday :( </i></b>\n\n<b><i>On the brighter side, thank you so much for 300 reads oMG! + I'm also inactive bc I'm planning for a book :D It'll be a Levi fanfic but I'm also planning to publish oneshots, preferences or fics featuring other anime characters from diff. series! </i></b>\n\n<b><i>Anyway, thank you for reading! Don't forget to comment &amp; vote! I also happen to be open for requests :D just DM me ;) Again, thank you so much! </i></b>\n\n<b><i>- eri</i></b>", "<i>Ghoster</i><i>!Levi x Reader</i>\n\nSix months had elapsed since the initial encounter between you and Levi, a relationship that sprouted from a serendipitous match on an online dating application.\n\nInitially, you had been skeptical about delving into the realm of online dating, aware of the multitude of individuals with ulterior motives that often frequented such platforms. However, with time hanging heavy and a lack of desperation for a relationship, you decided to download the app for the sheer amusement it could offer.\n\nOn the other end of the spectrum, Levi's exploration of the dating platform stemmed from a desire to prove to his friends that he was not excessively uptight. In a twist of fate, he found himself more captivated by the experience than he had initially anticipated.\n\nUpon navigating the app, you found yourself swiping left with disinterest, as none of the profiles seemed to align with your preferences. That was until you stumbled upon Levi's profile. Although he was slightly shorter than you, his towering presence was more than adequate. The alignment of your zodiac signs added a touch of cosmic intrigue, but it was his arresting appearance that truly left you breathless. Without hesitation, you bestowed upon him a coveted super like, as if you had fallen for him at first sight.\n\nThe moment your profiles matched, you initiated a conversation with him, and he reciprocated, sparking an engaging dialogue. Your connection was instantaneous, evolving into a mutual presence across various digital platforms.\n\nIt had been quite some time since you had felt this way, and you never imagined experiencing such emotions with someone you had met online. Levi was nothing short of remarkable. His intellectual prowess, evident in his textual exchanges, held a certain allure that resonated with you on a profound level.\n\nAfter a week of text-based exploration, the decision to meet in person was made. It turned out to be one of the most exceptional dates you had ever encountered, if not the absolute best. Levi had meticulously planned the entire affair, catering to your preferences with remarkable precision. The experience became a cherished memory, etching itself into your heart as a testament to his thoughtfulness.\n\nAside from the consistent weekend dates, Levi was adept at offering the reassurance you needed, demonstrating a deep care that had you entranced. Consequently, you had fallen deeply for him, fully committed to making the relationship thrive.\n\nNow, after six months of togetherness, you believed it was time to broach the question that had been lingering in your thoughts: \"What are we?\" Despite the numerous dates and frequent bonding, Levi had never officially defined your relationship, albeit he had conveyed that you held a special place in his heart.\n\nYou harbored the belief that he would, at long last, solidify your status if you posed the question. Yet, you couldn't discount the possibility that he might lack the intent to progress further. With these considerations in mind, you chose to confront him over the phone, as in-person discussions were unattainable due to his existing commitments.\n\n<b><i>[Y/N]</i></b>\n\nHey, Levi! 💖\n\n<b><i>Levi &lt;3</i></b>\n\nHello! What's up?\n\n<b><i>[Y/N]</i></b>\n\nWhat are you up to? Are you busy right now?\n\n<b><i>Levi &lt;3</i></b>\n\nNot too busy. Just hanging out with some friends. Why do you ask?\n\n<b><i>[Y/N]</i></b>\n\nThere's something I've been wanting to discuss... I need some clarity.\n\n<b><i>Levi &lt;3</i></b>\n\nOf course, what's on your mind?\n\n<b><i>[Y/N]</i></b>\n\nWhat are we?\n\n<i>Seen</i>\n\n\n\n\nFollowing that conversation, Levi seemingly vanished from your life. You made repeated attempts to contact him via calls and messages, all to no avail.\n\n\"Why is he ignoring me?\" you lamented, burying your face in your hands. You were sitting in a cafe with your best friend, engaged in a discussion about the romantic dilemmas plaguing both of your lives.\n\n\"Girl, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but...\" she began, pausing for effect. Your raised eyebrow signaled your desperation for an explanation.\n\n\"Oh, dear, how can you be so innocent? He's ghosted you, [Y/N]! That's why he's ignoring you,\" she declared, leaving you utterly bewildered. \"Ghosted? What does that mean?\" you inquired, further seeking clarification on the term, and she immediately went:\n\n\"Okay, let me define it for you. According to Google, ghosting is when someone cuts off all communication without explanation.\" She explained, making you wail once more as you realized what it meant.\n\n\n\"Why don't you take this as an opportunity to make him realize what he's missing instead of dwelling on it?\" your friend suggested, offering a pragmatic approach. \"It might seem a bit petty, but it could boost your self-esteem.\"\n\n\"What do you suggest I do?\" you inquired, your voice tinged with resignation as you wiped away your tears.\n\n\"I've got a plan,\" she said with a sly wink, rising from her seat and motioning for you to follow her as she led the way out of the cafe.\n\nBefore you knew it, your friend had arranged for a complete makeover. She had your nails and hair done, purchased new makeup, and even revamped your entire wardrobe. You were slightly offended when she claimed your previous style resembled that of a 'Karen,' which you vehemently disagreed with. However, you couldn't deny that you were pleased with your recent acquisitions.\n\nUpon returning to your place, (Friend's Name) began to put her plan into action. The transformation she orchestrated was nothing short of remarkable, prompting her to comment, \"You're not realizing your full potential, [Y/N]. With these looks, you could be a model. You can't just waste these features. Make the most of them!\" She chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief.\n\n\"Oh my goodness, I do look incredible,\" you gasped as you admired your reflection in the mirror. \"So, what's next?\" you asked, curious about her next move.\n\nWith that, (Friend's Name) handed you your phone, leaving you bewildered as to its purpose.\n\n\"You're going to post a thirst trap, obviously,\" she stated, rolling her eyes before taking the phone back from you. \"Okay, I'll take your pictures.\"\n\nThankfully, your house boasted various well-lit and picturesque spots, and (Friend's Name) guided you to the bathroom. You initially questioned the choice of location for a photo shoot but decided to trust her judgment, as she fancied herself an 'aesthetic' connoisseur.\n\nYou began to pose and move around in the bathroom while (Friend's Name) snapped pictures from different angles. In a bold move, she even had you splash water on yourself to enhance the photo's effect.\n\nAfter the impromptu photoshoot, you took a genuine shower and tidied up while (Friend's Name) got to work editing the pictures she had taken.\n\n\"(Y/N)! You won't believe this!\" (Friend's Name) burst into your room, waving her hands excitedly. Without a word, she showed you the edited photos, and your jaw dropped in amazement. \"Wow! Is this really me?\" you exclaimed, genuinely taken aback by your own stunning appearance.\n\n\"Time to post these!\" (Friend's Name) urged, brimming with enthusiasm. You opened your Instagram app and uploaded the photos. \"Okay, okay, what should I caption it?\"\n\nSince you hadn't posted in a while, you wanted to make a statement. You settled on the caption: \"Don't hit me up when I glow up ✨,\" hoping it would catch his attention.\n\nWithin hours, you received a notification indicating that Levi had seen your thirst trap photos. He messaged you in response to your post, saying, \"You look stunning. Those highlights and that haircut really suit you.\" (Friend's Name) couldn't help but scoff, remarking, \"Well, that was easy.\"\n\n<i><b>Levi Ackerman </b></i>\n\n<i><b>[ shared post ]</b></i>\n\n\n<i><b>You look so fine, those highlights and that haircut suit you so well. </b></i>\n\n<i><b>look, (y/n), I'm sorry I ignored you for the past few days, I didn't mean to ghost you.</b></i>\n\n<i><b>I'll make it up to you, please give me another chance, (y/n).</b></i>\n\n<b><i>btw, your caption is so petty. I understand where you're coming from though, my mistake.</i></b>\n\nOnce you read the message, you took a look at your friend who was also reading the messages and as she saw your cue, she shook her head, saying that it's bullshit and that you shouldn't believe any more of this crap. So, you went ahead and replied. \n\n<b><i>That's because y</i></b><i><b>ou're such a pussy 😾💢</b></i>\n\nIt didn't take long though, after your hell of a reply, he decided to pursue you once again to prove his previous statement and he indeed was able to atone for what he had done so you decided to give him another chance, earning yourself a disappointed look from (f/n). It was okay though because as you always wanted, he FINALLY made it official. \n\n<i><b>***</b></i>\n\n<i><b>Hey guys! It's been a while since I updated this book! I'll start to update more consistently! I already have 60 parts ready to be posted ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ciao! </b></i>\n\n", "<i>Levi x Insecure!Reader </i>\n\n[ <b>a/n </b>| <i>hello! hello! I apologize for my absence, college is kicking my ass. Anyway, I will edit the previous chapters soon!</i> ] \n\n(Y/N) sat in her small, cozy apartment, bathed in the soft glow of a few candles. The evening was quiet, and the melodic tune of \"Don't Be So Hard on Yourself\" played softly in the background. Her thoughts were heavy, burdened by the complexities of her relationship with Levi.\n\nShe gazed out of the window at the city below, lost in the lyrics of the song as they echoed the turmoil in her heart. (Y/N) and Levi's love story had been a tumultuous one, filled with highs and lows that had left her feeling battered and bruised emotionally. She had always been her own harshest critic, blaming herself for the mistakes and missteps along the way.\n\nAs the song's chorus played, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. She had often been too quick to blame herself for the problems in their relationship, holding herself to impossibly high standards. She had felt the weight of her own insecurities and fears, letting them cast a shadow over the love they shared.\n\n\"Don't be so hard on yourself,\" the song crooned, and (Y/N) sighed, running her fingers through her hair. She had spent too many nights awake, questioning her worth and wondering if she deserved Levi's love. The doubt had crept into their relationship, causing rifts and misunderstandings.\n\nLevi, for all his stoic exterior, had his own struggles. He was a man of few words, often burying his emotions deep within himself. (Y/N) had seen the vulnerability in his eyes, but she had been too caught up in her own insecurities to truly understand him.\n\nAs the final notes of the song faded away, (Y/N) knew that she couldn't keep living like this. She had to find a way to bridge the gap between them, to let go of her self-blame and communicate with Levi openly and honestly. Love was meant to be a partnership, not a battle of insecurities.\n\nWith newfound determination, (Y/N) picked up her phone and dialed Levi's number. It rang a few times before he picked up, his voice gruff and distant.\n\n\"(Y/N)? Is something wrong?\" Levi's concern was evident, and (Y/N) took a deep breath, finding the strength to speak her truth.\n\n\"Levi, I need to talk to you,\" she began, her voice steady. \"I've been too hard on myself, and I've let it affect our relationship. I love you, and I don't want to lose you, but I can't keep blaming myself for everything.\"\n\nThere was a long pause on the other end of the line, and (Y/N) held her breath, waiting for Levi's response.\n\nFinally, he spoke, his voice softening. \"I've been hard on myself too, (Y/N). I've struggled to open up to you, to let you in. It's not just your fault, it's mine too.\"\n\nTears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she heard the vulnerability in Levi's voice. It was a side of him she had rarely seen, and it made her love him even more.\n\n\"Let's promise each other,\" she said, her voice trembling. \"No more blame, no more insecurities. We'll face our demons together, as a team.\"\n\nLevi didn't hesitate. \"I promise, (Y/N). I love you, and I want this to work.\"\n\nAs they talked, (Y/N) felt the weight of self-blame slowly lifting from her shoulders. She realized that love was not about perfection but about understanding, forgiveness, and growth. With each word they shared, they moved closer to a deeper connection, a love that could weather any storm.\n\nThe candles flickered in the dimly lit room as (Y/N) and Levi continued their conversation, their hearts slowly mending the fractures that had threatened to break them apart. Love was a journey, and they were determined to walk it together, hand in hand, no longer being so hard on themselves.", "\n\n\nThe soft glow of the setting sun bathed the room in a warm, golden hue, casting long shadows that danced on the walls. (Y/N) sat perched on the windowsill, her fingers absently tracing patterns on the glass, lost in thought.\n\nLevi was across the room, his usual air of seriousness replaced by an unusual restlessness. He was fidgeting with a stack of papers on his desk, his usually steady hands betraying a hint of uncertainty.\n\n\"Something's bothering you,\" (Y/N) remarked, her voice breaking the silence of the room. She turned to look at Levi, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and curiosity.\n\nHe glanced up from his desk, his steel-blue eyes meeting hers. \"It's nothing,\" he replied, his voice low and controlled as ever.\n\n(Y/N) wasn't one to be easily deterred. She slid off the windowsill and walked over to where Levi sat, her steps deliberate and determined. \"You're a terrible liar, Levi,\" she said, her tone gentle yet firm. \"Talk to me.\"\n\nHe sighed, setting the papers aside, his shoulders slumping ever so slightly. \"It's just... this mission,\" he began, his voice tinged with frustration. \"It's more complicated than I anticipated. There are too many variables, and I can't predict the outcome.\"\n\n(Y/N) moved closer, her hand finding its way to his shoulder, offering a comforting touch. \"You can't control everything, Levi,\" she said softly. \"Sometimes, you have to trust in yourself and your team.\"\n\nLevi's gaze softened as he looked up at her. Her words resonated with him, and he found solace in the sincerity of her eyes. \"I know,\" he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. \"But it's difficult.\"\n\n(Y/N) smiled, her thumb tracing soothing circles on his shoulder. \"I know you, Levi,\" she said. \"You're strong, capable, and you always find a way to overcome the toughest challenges.\"\n\nLevi's lips curved into a faint smile, a rare expression for him. \"You have a way of seeing things differently,\" he remarked, his eyes fixed on hers.\n\n(Y/N) chuckled, the sound like a melody that lifted the weight from the room. \"Maybe I'm just your virus,\" she teased, her fingers gently tracing his jawline.\n\nLevi's smile deepened, and he reached up to cup her cheek. \"If you're my virus, then I hope I never find the cure,\" he said, his voice filled with warmth.\n\nTheir faces drew closer, the gap between them slowly closing. Their lips met in a tender kiss, a silent exchange of reassurance and affection. In that moment, it wasn't the complexities of their world or the challenges they faced that mattered. It was the simple, undeniable connection between them that gave them strength.\n\nAs they pulled away, their foreheads rested against each other, their breaths mingling. \"You always know how to reboot my system,\" Levi whispered, his voice tinged with gratitude.\n\n(Y/N) smiled, her eyes filled with love. \"And you always remind me that even the most unyielding code can be rewritten,\" she replied, her fingers lacing with his.\n\nIn the quiet of the room, they found comfort in each other's presence, knowing that together, they could navigate the complexities of life and love, one line of code at a time.", "\n\n\nThe night sky was awash with a tapestry of stars, each one a shimmering promise of hope. (Y/N) stood on the rooftop of the Survey Corps headquarters, her eyes fixed on the celestial display, lost in a sea of thoughts.\n\nLevi, the stoic captain, was a constant presence in her life, a steadfast anchor amidst the chaos of their world. Yet, beneath his veneer of strength, (Y/N) had glimpsed moments of vulnerability, of longing that he tried to conceal.\n\nShe had watched him from a distance, observed the way he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, the way his gaze would occasionally wander to the night sky as if seeking solace among the stars. It was during those stolen moments that (Y/N) felt an unspoken connection between them, a bond that transcended words.\n\nTonight, (Y/N) decided to break the silence that had hung between them for far too long. She had heard Levi's footsteps approaching, his presence felt even before he spoke.\n\n\"What are you doing up here?\" Levi's voice was a low, gravelly murmur, the question laced with genuine curiosity.\n\n(Y/N) turned to face him, her eyes reflecting the starlight. \"I couldn't sleep,\" she admitted, her voice soft. \"The stars, they always remind me that we're never truly alone.\"\n\nLevi studied her for a moment, his gaze searching her face as if trying to decipher the hidden meanings behind her words. \"Yeah,\" he replied, his tone tinged with a rare vulnerability. \"They have a way of making you feel small, don't they?\"\n\n(Y/N) nodded, sensing the weight of his unspoken thoughts. \"But sometimes, feeling small reminds us of the things that truly matter,\" she said, her words carrying a gentle reassurance.\n\nLevi's eyes met hers, and for a fleeting moment, the world around them seemed to disappear. \"You have a way of making everything seem simpler,\" he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.\n\n(Y/N) took a step closer, closing the gap between them until they stood side by side, their shoulders brushing lightly. \"Maybe life doesn't have to be as complicated as we make it out to be,\" she said, her voice filled with conviction.\n\nLevi glanced at her, his eyes softening as he allowed himself to be vulnerable in her presence. \"You've always had a way of seeing the world differently,\" he admitted, his words tinged with a hint of gratitude.\n\nAs they gazed up at the stars, (Y/N) felt a sense of warmth and connection that transcended the confines of their roles and responsibilities. It was a moment of quiet understanding, a shared acknowledgment of the unspoken bond that had grown between them.\n\nLevi turned to her, his hand reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair from her face. \"Thank you,\" he said, his voice filled with sincerity.\n\n(Y/N) smiled, her heart swelling with emotion. \"You don't have to thank me,\" she replied. \"I'll always be here, even when the stars are the only witnesses.\"\n\nIn that moment, beneath the starlit sky, (Y/N) and Levi found solace in each other's presence, knowing that they would never truly be alone as long as they had each other. The world may have been vast and unpredictable, but their connection was a constant, a guiding star that would light their way through the darkest of nights.", "\n\n\nThe soft hum of the evening breeze wafted through the open window, gently rustling the curtains. (Y/N) sat at the small wooden table by the window, her attention focused on the flickering candle in front of her. The room was bathed in the warm, golden glow of the candlelight, creating an intimate and cozy atmosphere.\n\nShe couldn't help but smile as she glanced at the clock on the wall. Levi was due to arrive any minute now, and the anticipation had her heart racing. They had planned this night for weeks, a rare moment of respite from their demanding lives in the Survey Corps. It was a chance to relax and simply enjoy each other's company.\n\nThe sound of footsteps approaching her apartment door finally reached her ears, and (Y/N) couldn't contain her excitement. She stood up and hurried to the door, opening it just as Levi reached for the doorknob. Their eyes met, and a shared smile passed between them.\n\n\"Hey,\" he greeted her, his voice soft and filled with warmth.\n\n\"Hey,\" she replied, her heart doing somersaults as he stepped inside.\n\nLevi's keen eyes took in the sight of the cozy setup - the candlelit room, the carefully arranged meal on the table, and the soft strains of music playing in the background. He raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in his expression.\n\n\"What's all this?\" he asked, his gaze flickering between her and the romantic ambiance.\n\n(Y/N) felt a blush creeping onto her cheeks as she tried to stammer out an explanation. \"I thought we could have a special dinner tonight,\" she said, a little breathless.\n\nLevi's lips curled into a small, genuine smile as he took in the effort she had put into creating this beautiful moment. He was usually a man of few words, but he knew how to convey his feelings without needing to say much. Tonight, he was telling (Y/N) just how much he appreciated her.\n\n(Y/N) led him to the table, and they took their seats across from each other. The meal she had prepared was exquisite, a culinary masterpiece that left them both savoring each bite. They talked and laughed, the conversation flowing effortlessly as if they had all the time in the world.\n\nIn the midst of their laughter and shared stories, Levi couldn't help but be struck by the way (Y/N) made him feel. She had a way of making the world feel a little less harsh, a little less unforgiving. She brought warmth and light into his life, and he cherished every moment they spent together.\n\nAs the night wore on, their conversation shifted to more personal matters. They spoke about their dreams and fears, their hopes for the future, and the love that had grown between them. Levi had always been a man of few words, but when he looked into (Y/N)'s eyes, he found himself wanting to share everything with her.\n\nAfter the meal was finished, Levi rose from his chair and extended a hand to (Y/N). \"Dance with me?\" he asked, his eyes filled with tenderness.\n\nA smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she placed her hand in his. They moved to the center of the room, swaying to the music that played softly in the background. The world outside faded away, leaving just the two of them, lost in the warmth of each other's embrace.\n\nThe lyrics of the song echoed their feelings, capturing the essence of their love. They were stuck with each other, and neither of them would have it any other way. Love had a way of making even the toughest of soldiers feel vulnerable and complete.\n\nAs the song reached its conclusion, (Y/N) rested her head against Levi's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart. She sighed contentedly, savoring the feeling of being held in his arms.\n\n\"I love you,\" she whispered, her words filled with sincerity.\n\nLevi tightened his grip on her, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head. \"I love you too,\" he replied, his voice a quiet affirmation of the love that bound them together.\n\nIn that moment, bathed in the soft, golden glow of candlelight, (Y/N) and Levi knew that they were exactly where they were meant to be. Stuck with each other, in a love that was as beautiful and timeless as the night itself.", "𝗢𝗡𝗟𝗬 𝗘𝗫𝗖𝗘𝗣𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 | Paramore \n\nThe distant sound of laughter and clinking glasses filled the air as (Y/N) navigated her way through the crowded mess hall. It was a joyous occasion, a rare moment of respite for the beleaguered members of the Survey Corps following a successful expedition beyond the walls. The cheers and smiles that surrounded her spoke of camaraderie and triumph, but amidst the revelry, (Y/N) couldn't shake off a lingering sense of solitude.\n\nShe had always been the kind of person who stood out, not by choice but by the nature of her determination and dedication to the cause. Her unwavering commitment had earned her the respect of her fellow soldiers, but it had also cast her in a role where isolation was often her only companion. There was always a sense of detachment, a feeling that she didn't quite belong to the world she fought so hard to protect.\n\nTaking a deep breath, (Y/N) escaped the lively atmosphere and slipped through the open door leading to a narrow balcony. The night sky stretched out above her, a vast tapestry of twinkling stars that seemed to go on forever. It was a sight that had always brought her comfort, a reminder of the boundless world that existed beyond the towering walls of their city.\n\n\"Enjoying the view?\" a voice interrupted her contemplation, and she turned to see Levi standing beside her.\n\n\"Yeah,\" she replied with a faint smile. \"It's beautiful.\"\n\nLevi nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the celestial expanse. They stood side by side, a comfortable silence enveloping them, as though the universe itself were holding its breath.\n\n\"I always thought I was the only exception,\" (Y/N) finally whispered, her voice barely audible above the distant revelry.\n\nLevi turned to look at her, his piercing eyes reflecting the glimmering stars above. \"The only exception to what?\"\n\n\"To love,\" she clarified, her heart pounding as she met his gaze, searching for understanding.\n\nLevi's expression softened, and he reached out to gently cup her cheek. The touch of his gloved fingers against her skin sent shivers down her spine. \"You're not the only exception,\" he said softly, his voice carrying a rare vulnerability. \"I never thought I could love someone until I met you.\"\n\n(Y/N)'s heart soared at his words, a whirlwind of emotions taking hold of her. She had always felt like an outsider, like she didn't quite fit into the world she fought for. But in that fleeting moment, with Levi's hand on her cheek and his eyes radiating warmth, she felt an undeniable sense of belonging.\n\nLevi leaned in, closing the distance between them, and his lips met hers in a tender, passionate kiss. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, conveying all the emotions they had never dared to voice, a promise of love and acceptance that transcended the walls that had always kept them apart.\n\nAs they pulled away, (Y/N) couldn't help but smile, tears glistening in her eyes like the stars above. \"I love you, Levi,\" she whispered, the words heavy with sincerity.\n\nLevi's lips curled into a small, rare smile, one that lit up the darkness of the night. \"I love you too, (Y/N),\" he replied, his voice filled with a depth of emotion he rarely allowed himself to show.\n\nIn that moment, as they stood together on the balcony, surrounded by the infinite beauty of the cosmos and the echoes of celebration, (Y/N) knew that she had found her only exception. She had discovered the love that had eluded her for so long, and she was determined to hold onto it with all her heart.\n\nThey returned to the lively party, hand in hand, (Y/N) feeling a sense of belonging that she had never known before. She was no longer the only exception, no longer alone. In the arms of the man she had grown to cherish above all else, she had found her love, her home, and her place in the universe.", "𝗟𝗢𝗖𝗞𝗘𝗗 𝗢𝗨𝗧 𝗢𝗙 𝗛𝗘𝗔𝗩𝗘𝗡 | Bruno Mars\n\nThe night had grown older, and the city's cacophony had dulled into a distant murmur. (Y/N) and Levi, still arm in arm, continued their quiet stroll through the nearly deserted streets. Their steps were unhurried, their pace a reflection of the ease that had settled between them.\n\nThe moon hung low in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the cobblestone paths they traversed. (Y/N) couldn't help but glance up at the celestial display, her heart swelling with a sense of peace she hadn't felt in a long time. It was moments like these, stolen from the chaos of their daily lives, that made her cherish the bond she shared with Levi even more.\n\nAs if sensing her gaze, Levi followed her line of sight to the moon above. \"It's a clear night,\" he remarked, his voice soft in the quietude.\n\n(Y/N) nodded, her eyes still fixed on the celestial body. \"I've always found solace in the night sky. It's like a vast canvas of secrets waiting to be discovered.\"\n\nLevi's grip on her hand tightened ever so slightly, a silent acknowledgment of their shared connection. \"Sometimes, the night is the only time when everything seems to make sense,\" he mused.\n\nThey walked in companionable silence, each lost in their thoughts, until they found themselves at a park on the outskirts of the city. The park was a sanctuary of nature amidst the concrete jungle, a place where time seemed to slow down.\n\n(Y/N) led Levi to a bench beneath a sprawling oak tree, its branches adorned with twinkling fireflies that danced in the darkness. They settled down, the cool breeze rustling the leaves overhead, and for a moment, they simply enjoyed the serenity of the night.\n\n\"You know,\" Levi began, his voice low, \"I've spent most of my life locked in a battle against the Titans. It's a fight I never thought I could escape.\"\n\n(Y/N) turned to look at him, her eyes filled with empathy. She knew that Levi had faced unimaginable challenges, that his life had been marked by hardship and sacrifice.\n\n\"But being with you,\" Levi continued, his gaze unwavering, \"it's like finding a way out of that darkness. You make me feel like there's more to life than just survival.\"\n\nHer heart swelled at his words, a mixture of emotions flooding her. \"Levi, you don't have to face your demons alone. We all have our pasts, our regrets. But together, we can find a way to heal.\"\n\nLevi reached out, his fingers gently tracing the outline of her cheek. \"You have this incredible ability to see the good in people, even when they can't see it in themselves. It's one of the many things I admire about you.\"\n\n(Y/N) smiled, a genuine warmth in her eyes. \"And you have a strength that inspires everyone around you, even when you're facing the darkest of times.\"\n\nLevi leaned in, his lips brushing against hers in a tender kiss. It was a kiss filled with all the words they hadn't spoken, an affirmation of the connection they shared. In that moment, beneath the moonlit sky and the rustling leaves, they unlocked another piece of their own heaven.\n\nAs they pulled away, their foreheads resting against each other, Levi whispered, \"I don't know what the future holds, (Y/N), but I'm willing to find out as long as you're by my side.\"\n\n(Y/N) nodded, her heart brimming with love. \"I'm here, Levi. Always.\"\n\nAnd in that park, beneath the watchful gaze of the moon and the stars, they found solace in each other's arms, knowing that together, they could unlock the heavens they had longed for, one shared moment at a time.", "𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗧𝗟𝗘 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦 | One Direction\n\n\n\nY/N watched the raindrops race down the windowpane, their rivulets blurring the world outside into a watery dreamscape. It was a quiet evening, the kind that enveloped everything in a sense of calm and contemplation. She sat on the window sill, legs drawn close to her chest, her thoughts wandering through the labyrinth of memories.\n\nIn the midst of the pattering rain, there was a melody that echoed in her mind—a hauntingly beautiful song she had heard many times before. Its lyrics spoke of imperfections, of the little things that made a person unique and cherished. The words had always held a special place in her heart, like a secret anthem of love.\n\nY/N sighed, her breath creating a delicate mist on the cold glass. She missed those days when everything was simpler, when she felt like the world was painted in brighter colors. But time had a way of changing things, of shifting the pieces of the puzzle until they no longer fit quite right.\n\nAs if on cue, a knock at the door disrupted her reverie. Y/N turned her head, her heart quickening as she saw Levi Ackerman standing there, his dark eyes locked onto hers. He was the embodiment of strength and stoicism, a man of few words but immeasurable depth.\n\n\"Hey,\" he greeted her in his usual terse manner.\n\n\"Hey,\" Y/N replied, her voice carrying a softness that only seemed to intensify the gravity of their connection. It was a connection that had grown slowly but steadily over time, like a silent symphony that played in the background of their lives.\n\nLevi stepped into her apartment, closing the door behind him. He didn't need to say much; his presence spoke volumes. Y/N watched as he took off his damp coat and hung it on a hook, his movements precise and deliberate.\n\n\"Bad weather out there,\" he remarked, glancing at the rain-slicked window.\n\nY/N nodded, her eyes tracing the contours of his face. There was something about Levi—the way he carried himself, the intensity of his gaze—that drew her in like a moth to a flame. She had often wondered what lay beneath that stoic exterior, what thoughts and emotions he kept hidden from the world.\n\n\"Can I get you something to drink?\" Y/N offered, breaking the silence.\n\nLevi hesitated for a moment before nodding. \"Tea would be nice.\"\n\nAs Y/N prepared the tea, the lyrics of the song continued to play in her mind. They were like a mantra, a reminder of the beauty in imperfections, in the little things that made a person unique. She poured the hot tea into two cups and joined Levi on the couch, handing him a cup.\n\n\"Thanks,\" he said, taking a careful sip.\n\nY/N smiled, a warmth spreading through her. It was in these quiet moments, when they shared simple gestures and words, that she felt the closest to him. They didn't need grand declarations of love or dramatic gestures; their connection was built on the foundation of these little things.\n\nLevi set his cup aside and turned to face her, his gaze unwavering. \"You've been quiet tonight. Something on your mind?\"\n\nY/N hesitated for a moment, then decided to share her thoughts. \"I've been thinking about how life has changed, how things aren't the same as they used to be.\"\n\nLevi nodded in understanding. Change was inevitable, and it had a way of reshaping the landscape of one's life. He reached out and gently took her hand in his, his touch grounding and reassuring.\n\n\"Change can be difficult,\" he said softly. \"But it's also a part of life. It's what makes us who we are.\"\n\nY/N smiled, grateful for his wisdom. \"You always know the right things to say.\"\n\nLevi's lips quirked in a rare smile, and Y/N couldn't help but marvel at the way it transformed his face. It was one of those little things she cherished—the way his expression changed when he was with her, when he allowed himself to be vulnerable.\n\nThey sat in companionable silence, sipping their tea as the rain continued to tap against the window. In that moment, Y/N realized that it wasn't the grand gestures or extravagant proclamations of love that mattered most. It was the little things—the shared moments, the stolen glances, the way their hands found each other in the quiet—that made their connection so profound.\n\nAs the evening stretched into night, Y/N and Levi remained on the couch, content in each other's presence. The world outside may have been changing, but in their little corner of the universe, time seemed to stand still.\n\nAnd as they sat there, the lyrics of the song continued to echo in Y/N's mind, a reminder that sometimes, it was the little things that held the most significance—the way he looked at her, the way he held her hand, the way he was always there when she needed him.\n\nIn the quiet of that evening, Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for the little things—for Levi and the way he had woven himself into the fabric of her life, for the way he had shown her that love was not about grand gestures but about the quiet moments of connection that spoke volumes.\n\nAs they leaned closer to each other, their fingers intertwined, Y/N knew that they were both imperfect in their own ways, but together, they were perfect for each other. And that, she realized, was the most beautiful little thing of all.", "𝗡𝗢 𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗨𝗥𝗘 | Justin Bieber\n\n\n\n\n\nThe cityscape stretched out before Y/N, a sprawling canvas of glittering lights that seemed to go on forever. It was a night when the world held its breath, and Y/N found herself perched on the rooftop of a high-rise building, her thoughts as tumultuous as the skyline below.\n\nShe had always been the kind of person who craved independence, who reveled in her solitude. Yet, on this particular evening, there was a longing in her heart that she couldn't quite define. It was as if the universe was conspiring to remind her that, despite her self-sufficiency, there were moments when she yearned for more.\n\nThe wind played with her hair as she gazed at the stars, their distant shimmer a testament to the vastness of the universe. And then, as if summoned by the cosmos itself, Levi Ackerman stepped onto the rooftop.\n\nLevi was a man of few words, his presence carrying an air of quiet strength that drew people in like a magnetic force. He was a mystery, an enigma that Y/N had often found herself drawn to. Their paths had crossed on several occasions, each encounter leaving an indelible mark on her heart.\n\n\"Beautiful night,\" Levi remarked, his voice as measured and composed as ever.\n\nY/N turned to him, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of him in the moonlight. \"Yes, it is.\"\n\nHe moved closer, his gaze never leaving hers. It was a silence that spoke volumes, a connection that transcended the need for words. Y/N felt her breath catch as he reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair from her face.\n\n\"Sometimes,\" he began, his voice low and hypnotic, \"we find what we're looking for in the most unexpected places.\"\n\nY/N couldn't tear her gaze away from his, the intensity of his eyes holding her captive. It was a truth she had often tried to deny—that sometimes, the things we sought the most were right in front of us, hidden in plain sight.\n\nLevi extended his hand, and Y/N didn't hesitate to take it. He led her to the edge of the rooftop, where they sat side by side, their fingers intertwined. The city below continued to hum with life, but up here, on the rooftop, it felt like they were the only two people in the world.\n\n\"Life can be complicated,\" Levi began, his words tinged with a hint of vulnerability. \"But sometimes, we make it more complicated than it needs to be.\"\n\nY/N nodded in agreement, her heart pounding in her chest. She had always been a master of overthinking, of dissecting every aspect of her life. But in this moment, with Levi by her side, everything seemed so simple.\n\nThey sat there, watching the stars, sharing stories and secrets that had long been buried. Levi spoke of his past, of the battles he had fought, and the scars he carried. Y/N opened up about her dreams, her fears, and the unspoken desires of her heart.\n\nThe hours slipped away like minutes, and before they knew it, the first light of dawn began to paint the sky in shades of pink and gold. Levi turned to Y/N, his eyes searching hers, as if trying to convey a message that words couldn't capture.\n\n\"I've spent a long time searching,\" he said, his voice barely a whisper. \"But now, I think I've found what I've been looking for.\"\n\nY/N's heart swelled with emotion, a warmth spreading through her as she realized that she felt the same way. In Levi, she had found a kindred spirit, someone who understood the complexities of her heart without the need for explanations.\n\nAs the sun's rays bathed them in a soft glow, Y/N and Levi knew that they had stumbled upon something rare and precious—a connection that defied the constraints of time and space. It was a reminder that sometimes, when we let go of our preconceived notions and open ourselves up to the universe, we find exactly what we need.\n\nLevi leaned in, his lips meeting Y/N's in a gentle, soul-stirring kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of unspoken desires and a deep, profound connection. As they pulled away, their eyes met once more, and Y/N knew that this was a moment she would carry with her for the rest of her life.\n\nIn the quiet of the rooftop, as the world began to wake up, Y/N and Levi knew that they had found something worth holding onto. It was a love that had blossomed in the most unexpected of places, a love that had flourished under the stars and against all odds.\n\nAnd as they watched the sunrise together, hand in hand, they realized that sometimes, the best things in life came when we least expected them—when we allowed ourselves to be open to the possibility of love, without pressure or expectations, and simply let the universe guide us to where we truly belonged.", "𝗦𝗨𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗞𝗘𝗧 𝗙𝗟𝗢𝗪𝗘𝗥𝗦 | Ed Sheeran \n\n\n\n\nThe room was filled with a soft, somber light that filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the bookshelves and the small, worn-out armchair in the corner. Y/N sat there, her fingers tracing the edges of a dog-eared book, lost in thought. It had been weeks since the funeral, but the weight of her loss still pressed heavily on her heart.\n\nShe missed her mother terribly. The void left by her absence seemed insurmountable, a chasm that seemed to grow deeper with each passing day. But she knew she had to keep going, just as her mother would have wanted. Y/N had always been the strong one, the one who held everything together, and she couldn't let her grief consume her.\n\nA knock at the door interrupted her reverie. Y/N looked up, her heart skipping a beat as she saw Levi Ackerman standing there, his dark eyes filled with a mixture of concern and understanding.\n\n\"Hey,\" he said softly, his voice a soothing balm to her wounded soul.\n\n\"Hey,\" Y/N replied, her voice barely more than a whisper.\n\nLevi stepped into the room, his presence bringing a sense of calm. He had been there for her throughout this difficult time, offering his support and understanding without ever pushing her to talk or open up. It was a rare and precious gift, one that she treasured more than words could express.\n\nHe moved closer, his eyes scanning the room, taking in the remnants of the life they had once shared with her mother. It was a life filled with warmth, love, and laughter, and it was hard to believe that her mother was no longer a part of it.\n\n\"I brought you something,\" Levi said, breaking the silence. He held out a small, potted plant—a vibrant green fern that seemed to defy the gloom of the room.\n\nY/N accepted the plant with a grateful smile, her fingers brushing the delicate fronds. \"Thank you, Levi. It's beautiful.\"\n\nLevi nodded, his expression softening. \"Your mother had a green thumb. I thought this might be a way to remember her.\"\n\nTears welled up in Y/N's eyes, and she reached out to touch Levi's hand. \"Thank you for being here, for everything.\"\n\nLevi's fingers squeezed hers, a silent reassurance that he wasn't going anywhere. They stood there for a moment, sharing the weight of their grief, finding solace in each other's presence.\n\nOver the weeks that followed, Y/N and Levi began to navigate the difficult process of healing together. They spent hours talking about her mother, sharing stories and memories that brought both tears and laughter. Levi listened with a patience and understanding that made Y/N feel truly seen and heard.\n\nOne evening, as they sat in the quiet of Y/N's living room, she turned to Levi, her eyes filled with a question that had been weighing on her heart.\n\n\"Levi,\" she began, her voice trembling slightly, \"do you ever feel like you're not doing enough, like you should have done more?\"\n\nLevi didn't answer right away, his gaze locked on hers. It was a question that he had grappled with himself, the feeling of helplessness in the face of loss.\n\n\"I think we all feel that way sometimes,\" he finally said, his voice low and contemplative. \"But you did everything you could, Y/N. Your mother knew how much you loved her, and she wouldn't want you to carry that burden.\"\n\nY/N nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. She knew Levi was right, but the guilt still lingered in the corners of her heart.\n\nIn the weeks that followed, Y/N found herself drawn to the small potted fern that Levi had given her. She watered it diligently, watching as it grew stronger and more vibrant with each passing day. It became a symbol of her mother's enduring love, a reminder that life continued to flourish even in the midst of loss.\n\nOne evening, as she sat in her mother's armchair, her fingers idly tracing the leaves of the fern, Levi joined her. He reached out and took her hand, his touch warm and comforting.\n\n\"You know,\" he began, his voice gentle, \"your mother used to say that the most beautiful flowers were the ones that grew in unexpected places.\"\n\nY/N looked at him, her eyes filled with curiosity. \"What do you mean?\"\n\nLevi smiled, a rare and tender expression that seemed to light up the room. \"She meant that sometimes, the most beautiful things in life come when we least expect them. Like this fern, for example. It's a reminder that even in the midst of grief, there can be moments of growth and beauty.\"\n\nY/N nodded, her heart swelling with gratitude for the wisdom that Levi shared. It was in these moments, when they leaned on each other for support, that she realized just how much he meant to her.\n\nAs the days turned into weeks, Y/N began to find solace in the simple things—the quiet moments she shared with Levi, the way the fern continued to thrive, and the knowledge that her mother's love would always be a part of her.\n\nOne evening, as they sat on the rooftop, watching the stars twinkle in the night sky, Y/N turned to Levi and whispered, \"Thank you for being my rock, for helping me through this.\"\n\nLevi smiled, his eyes filled with tenderness. \"You don't have to thank me, Y/N. We're in this together, and I'll always be here for you.\"", "𝗣𝗨𝗥𝗣𝗢𝗦𝗘 | Justin Bieber\n\n\n\n\nThe sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue across the city as Y/N stood on her apartment's balcony. She took in the view before her, the bustling streets below and the distant hum of life that filled the urban landscape. It was a beautiful evening, yet her heart was heavy with the weight of uncertainty.\n\nLevi Ackerman had been a constant presence in her life for years, their paths intertwining like the intricate threads of fate. He was a man of few words, a stoic and enigmatic figure who had always been there when she needed him. They had forged a deep connection, one that transcended the boundaries of friendship, yet the unspoken truth hung in the air like a lingering question.\n\nY/N had always been the one to wear her heart on her sleeve, her emotions laid bare for the world to see. But Levi was different, a fortress of stoicism and restraint. She had often wondered if he felt the same way, if the unspoken connection between them was as profound for him as it was for her.\n\nTonight, as the city lights began to twinkle like stars, Y/N decided it was time to confront the uncertainty that had plagued her for so long. She had to know where she stood with Levi, whether their connection was just a beautiful illusion or something more.\n\nTaking a deep breath, she turned away from the balcony and made her way to the door. The decision had been made—she was going to talk to Levi, to finally lay her feelings on the line and discover if they shared a common purpose.\n\nThe night was cool as Y/N stepped out into the city streets. She knew that Levi frequented a quiet, dimly lit bar not far from her apartment, a place where he often retreated to find solace. It seemed like the perfect setting for the conversation she had been dreading.\n\nAs she entered the bar, the low murmur of voices and the clinking of glasses filled her ears. The dim lighting created an intimate atmosphere, and she quickly spotted Levi at the far end of the bar, nursing a drink.\n\nApproaching him, Y/N took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead. \"Levi,\" she began, her voice steady but laced with vulnerability.\n\nHe turned to her, his eyes meeting hers, and there was a flicker of surprise in his gaze. \"Y/N,\" he acknowledged, his voice as measured as ever.\n\nShe took a seat beside him, the barstool creaking softly beneath her. \"I've been thinking,\" she continued, \"about us.\"\n\nLevi remained silent, his gaze fixed on the amber liquid in his glass.\n\n\"We've been through so much together,\" Y/N went on, her voice gaining strength with each word. \"You've been my anchor, my confidant, my... everything. But I need to know, Levi, do we share the same purpose?\"\n\nHe finally turned to her, his dark eyes searching her face. \"What do you mean?\"\n\nY/N took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. \"I mean, do you feel the same way about me as I do about you? Is there a purpose to our connection, or am I just fooling myself?\"\n\nLevi's expression softened, a rare hint of vulnerability in his eyes. \"Y/N,\" he began, his voice filled with emotion, \"I've never been good with words, but I want you to know that you mean more to me than I can express.\"\n\nY/N's heart skipped a beat, hope blossoming within her. \"Then what is our purpose, Levi? What are we to each other?\"\n\nLevi set his glass aside and turned to her, his gaze unwavering. \"You are the anchor to my storms, the light in my darkness. You give my life purpose, Y/N, and I cherish every moment we spend together.\"\n\nTears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she heard the words she had longed to hear. It was as if the universe had finally aligned, and their connection was no longer shrouded in uncertainty.\n\nLevi reached out and gently took her hand in his, his touch warm and reassuring. \"I want to be with you, Y/N,\" he whispered. \"I want to share my purpose with you, whatever it may be.\"\n\nA smile spread across Y/N's face as she felt the weight of uncertainty lift from her shoulders. In Levi's words, she had found the clarity she had been searching for, the confirmation that their connection was not a beautiful illusion but a profound reality.\n\nShe leaned in closer, her lips meeting his in a tender, soul-stirring kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of unspoken desires and a shared purpose, a kiss that sealed their fate and set them on a path toward a future filled with love and certainty.\n\nAs they pulled away, their eyes met once more, and Y/N knew that their connection was no longer a question but a beautiful truth. They had found their purpose in each other, and together, they were ready to face whatever challenges the future held.\n\nThe city lights continued to twinkle outside the bar, a reflection of the stars that shone in the night sky. It was a reminder that sometimes, in the midst of uncertainty, love had a way of guiding us toward our true purpose—a purpose that Y/N and Levi had finally discovered in each other's arms.", "\n\n\nThe room was filled with a sense of tension so thick it seemed to hang in the air like a storm waiting to break. Y/N and Levi Ackerman stood facing each other, their expressions a tumultuous blend of frustration and regret. It had been weeks since their last heated argument, and the wounds of their words still lingered like a bitter aftertaste.\n\nLevi's jaw clenched, his eyes locked onto Y/N's with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. They had been through so much together, shared moments of passion and intimacy that had left their hearts tangled in a web of emotions. But lately, it seemed like every conversation, every interaction, ended in anger and hurt.\n\nY/N couldn't help but wonder if their love had run its course, if the connection they had once cherished had faded into something unrecognizable. She had always believed that love could conquer all, that their bond was unbreakable, but the pain of their recent clashes had left her questioning everything.\n\n\"Levi,\" she began, her voice trembling with uncertainty, \"we can't keep doing this. We can't keep hurting each other.\"\n\nLevi's gaze softened for a moment, a hint of regret flashing in his eyes. \"I know, Y/N. I don't want this either, but I don't know how to fix it.\"\n\nTears welled up in Y/N's eyes, the weight of their unresolved issues pressing heavily on her heart. She had always been the one to wear her emotions on her sleeve, to seek resolution and understanding. But with Levi, it had always been different—a dance of passion and pride that seemed to pull them further apart with each step.\n\n\"We need to talk,\" Y/N insisted, her voice steady now, her determination resolute. \"We need to figure this out, Levi, before we lose what we had.\"\n\nLevi hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching hers as if trying to decipher her intentions. Finally, he nodded, and they sat down on the couch, the distance between them palpable yet filled with the promise of a difficult conversation.\n\nThey talked for hours, laying bare their grievances, their fears, and their unspoken desires. It was a painful process, filled with moments of anger and sadness, but it was also a catharsis—an opportunity to untangle the knots that had formed between them.\n\nAs the night wore on, Levi finally spoke, his voice raw with vulnerability. \"I love you, Y/N. But sometimes, I don't know how to handle it. I'm not good with words or emotions, and it frustrates me when I can't express what I feel.\"\n\nY/N nodded in understanding, her own tears staining her cheeks. \"I love you too, Levi. But I need you to let me in, to show me your heart. We can't keep shutting each other out.\"\n\nLevi reached out and took her hand, his touch gentle and reassuring. \"I'll try, Y/N. I'll try to be more open, to communicate better. But promise me you'll be patient with me.\"\n\nY/N smiled through her tears, a glimmer of hope returning to her eyes. \"I promise.\"\n\nIn the days that followed, Y/N and Levi embarked on a journey of healing and rediscovery. They learned to communicate in ways they had never before, using words and actions to bridge the gap that had formed between them. It was a process filled with ups and downs, moments of frustration and moments of deep connection.\n\nOne evening, as they sat on their balcony, watching the stars twinkle in the night sky, Y/N turned to Levi with a question that had been lingering in her heart. \"Levi, do you remember the first time we met?\"\n\nHe looked at her, his expression softening with a hint of nostalgia. \"Of course, I do. How could I forget?\"\n\nY/N smiled, the memory of that fateful day playing vividly in her mind. \"You were so mysterious, so distant. But there was something about you that drew me in, something that told me there was more to you than met the eye.\"\n\nLevi chuckled, a rare and tender sound that seemed to light up the night. \"You saw right through me, didn't you?\"\n\nY/N nodded, her heart full of gratitude for the journey they had embarked on together. \"I knew there was something special about us, something worth fighting for.\"\n\nLevi reached out and took her hand, his touch warm and reassuring. \"I'm glad we didn't give up, Y/N. I'm glad we fought for us.\"\n\nAs they sat there, watching the stars, Y/N knew that their love was not without its challenges, that the road ahead would still be filled with moments of frustration and doubt. But she also knew that they had something worth cherishing, something that had survived the storm of their recent struggles.\n\nThe night was cool, the air filled with the scent of rain, but in each other's arms, Y/N and Levi found warmth and comfort. Their love had been tested, had faced the bitter aftertaste of a difficult period, but it had emerged stronger, more resilient.\n\nAs they held each other close, they knew that their journey was far from over, that there would still be moments of uncertainty and pain. But they also knew that their love was worth fighting for, that they had the power to overcome any obstacle as long as they faced it together.\n\nAnd as they kissed under the starlit sky, their lips meeting in a tender, soul-stirring kiss, Y/N and Levi knew that their love was a force to be reckoned with, a love that would endure, no matter what challenges lay ahead.", "\n\n\nY/N had always been fascinated by Japan. Its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes had always held a special place in her heart. The idea of getting lost in the bustling streets of Tokyo, wandering through ancient temples, and exploring hidden gardens had been a dream of hers for years.\n\nOne sunny afternoon, as she was scrolling through travel websites, she came across a flight deal to Japan that seemed almost too good to be true. Y/N couldn't resist the temptation. She booked the tickets impulsively, knowing that if she didn't seize this opportunity, she might never get another chance.\n\nAs Y/N excitedly informed her friends about her upcoming adventure, one person, in particular, caught her attention: Levi Ackerman. Levi was a close friend who shared her fascination with Japan. He had always spoken fondly of his desire to visit the country, and his eyes would light up whenever he discussed Japanese cuisine and culture.\n\nY/N couldn't help but wonder if this was the perfect opportunity for both of them to fulfill their dreams together. She decided to approach Levi with the idea, her heart pounding with excitement and a hint of nervousness.\n\nOne evening, she invited Levi over to her apartment. They sat on the balcony, sipping green tea and watching the city lights twinkle in the distance. Y/N finally mustered the courage to broach the subject.\n\n\"Levi, you know how much we've always talked about Japan,\" she began, her voice filled with enthusiasm. \"Well, I booked a trip. And I was wondering if... you'd like to come with me?\"\n\nLevi's piercing gray eyes met hers, and for a moment, Y/N couldn't discern his emotions. But then, a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. \"Japan, huh? You're right; it's been a dream of mine for a long time.\"\n\nY/N's heart soared with happiness. She knew they were in for an incredible adventure together.\n\nOver the next few weeks, they made travel preparations, learning basic Japanese phrases, and researching the best places to visit. The anticipation built up, and they could hardly contain their excitement. They even decided to surprise their friends, Erwin, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and Petra, with the news at a get-together.\n\nTheir friends' reactions ranged from surprise to excitement, and they all began to share travel tips and recommendations. It felt like the entire group was caught up in the excitement of Y/N and Levi's upcoming journey.\n\nFinally, the day of their departure arrived. Y/N and Levi found themselves standing in the bustling airport, surrounded by the hum of people from all corners of the globe. Y/N clutched her passport and ticket, her heart pounding with anticipation. She couldn't believe they were finally going to Japan.\n\nTheir flight was long, but they spent it talking, watching movies, and sharing their expectations for the trip. When they finally landed at Narita International Airport in Tokyo, Y/N's eyes widened with awe. The unfamiliar language, the signs, the bustling crowds—everything was so different from home.\n\nLevi, though more reserved than Y/N, shared her enthusiasm. Together, they navigated their way through the airport and hailed a taxi to their first destination, Tokyo.\n\nTheir days in Tokyo were a whirlwind of experiences. They explored the bustling streets of Shibuya, watched the mesmerizing Shibuya Crossing, and savored authentic sushi at a hidden gem recommended by Erwin. Every day brought something new and exciting, from wandering through the serene Meiji Shrine to immersing themselves in the vibrant atmosphere of Harajuku.\n\nOne evening, as they strolled through the enchanting streets of Asakusa, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and contentment. She glanced at Levi, who was studying a traditional Japanese lantern with a serene expression. Her heart swelled with gratitude that they were sharing this adventure together.\n\nLevi noticed Y/N's gaze and gave her a faint smile. \"I'm glad we came here, Y/N. This place is more amazing than I ever imagined.\"\n\nY/N nodded, her eyes shining with emotion. \"Me too, Levi. Me too.\"\n\nAs their time in Tokyo drew to a close, they boarded a train to Kyoto, eager to explore the city's historical treasures. In Kyoto, they marveled at the breathtaking Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, explored the ancient Fushimi Inari Shrine, and enjoyed tea ceremonies in traditional tea houses.\n\nOne day, while strolling through the picturesque district of Gion, they came across a quaint little teahouse. It was a charming wooden building with sliding doors adorned with beautiful artwork. Y/N couldn't resist the temptation to step inside and experience a traditional tea ceremony.\n\nInside, they were greeted by a gracious hostess who guided them through the elegant ritual of preparing and serving matcha tea. Y/N and Levi sat on tatami mats, sipping the exquisite tea and savoring delicate sweets. The serene ambiance and the taste of the matcha filled them with a sense of tranquility.\n\nAs they left the teahouse, Y/N turned to Levi, her eyes filled with warmth. \"That was such a beautiful experience, Levi.\"\n\nHe nodded in agreement. \"Indeed, it was.\"\n\nTheir journey continued through Japan's charming cities and tranquil countryside. They visited the historical city of Nara, where they encountered friendly deer at Nara Park and marveled at the ancient Todai-ji Temple. In Hiroshima, they paid their respects at the Peace Memorial Park and reflected on the city's poignant history.\n\nOne evening, while staying in a traditional ryokan in Hakone, they had the chance to relax in an onsen, a Japanese hot spring. Y/N and Levi donned yukatas and made their way to the outdoor baths, where they soaked in the warm, soothing waters surrounded by nature's beauty.\n\nUnderneath the starry sky, with the moon casting a gentle glow, Y/N felt a deep sense of peace. She leaned back and closed her eyes, sighing contentedly.\n\nLevi, sitting beside her, glanced at her with a soft smile. \"This is something I'll always remember.\"\n\nY/N nodded, her heart brimming with affection for the man beside her. \"Me too, Levi.\"\n\nAs their journey neared its end, they found themselves in the enchanting city of Kyoto once more. On their last day, they decided to visit the serene and breathtaking Kinkaku-ji, the Golden Pavilion. The temple's golden facade shimmered in the sunlight, creating a mesmerizing spectacle that left them both awestruck.\n\nThey walked around the beautiful Zen gardens, contemplating the tranquility that surrounded them. Y/N couldn't help but think about the journey they had embarked on together. It had been more incredible, more magical, and more unforgettable than she ever could have imagined.\n\nWith their fingers entwined, Y/N and Levi sat by the edge of a peaceful pond, gazing at the reflection of the Golden Pavilion. The world seemed to slow down, and in that moment, they were the only two people in existence.\n\nLevi turned to Y/N, his eyes soft and filled with emotion. \"Y/N, this trip has been more than I ever dreamed it could be.\"\n\nY/N smiled, her heart full. \"I know what you mean, Levi. It's been absolutely amazing.\"\n\nLevi took a deep breath, as if summoning his courage, and looked into Y/N's eyes with unwavering determination. \"Y/N, there's something I want to say.\"\n\nY/N's heart raced as she waited for his words.\n\nLevi continued, \"Throughout this journey, I've realized how much you mean to me. You're not just a travel companion; you're so much more. I don't want this adventure to end. I don't want us to part ways when we return home.\"\n\nY/N's eyes widened, her heart soaring with hope.\n\nLevi reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, delicate origami crane. He handed it to Y/N, his gaze unwavering. \"Y/N, will you be with me, not just in Japan, but in every adventure, for the rest of our lives?\"\n\nTears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she clutched the origami crane, her heart overflowing with love. \"Yes, Levi. A thousand times yes.\"\n\nIn that serene moment, amidst the beauty of Japan and the echoes of their journey, Y/N and Levi shared a kiss filled with promises of adventures yet to come. They were no longer lost in Japan; they had found something even more precious—each other.", "\n\n\nLevi Ackerman, a man whose life had always been neatly compartmentalized, found himself drowning in a sea of deceit. He prided himself on his ability to maintain a stoic facade, a fortress built from secrets and lies. Yet, beneath the armor, a torrent of emotions raged. The burden of his duplicity was a weight he had grown accustomed to carrying, but it was beginning to suffocate him.\n\nY/N, the love of his life, was the unwitting victim of his deception. They had been together for years, their love once a blazing fire that warmed their hearts. But now, that fire had dwindled to mere embers, choked by Levi's web of falsehoods.\n\nIt had all started innocently enough, a small lie that he thought would protect Y/N. But one lie led to another, and soon, he was entangled in a web of deceit so intricate that he couldn't see a way out.\n\nOne evening, as Levi watched Y/N from across the room, a deep sense of guilt gnawed at him. They were supposed to be celebrating their anniversary, but he couldn't escape the nagging feeling that he was celebrating a lie.\n\nY/N smiled at him, their eyes filled with love and trust. It was a look that had once brought him immeasurable joy, but now it only intensified his guilt. How had he allowed himself to stray so far from the truth?\n\nAs the night wore on, Y/N approached him, a mischievous glint in their eyes. \"Levi, there's something I've been meaning to ask you.\"\n\nLevi's heart sank. He had been dreading this moment, knowing that his house of cards could come crashing down at any time. \"What is it?\" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.\n\nY/N took a deep breath, their fingers trembling slightly. \"I've noticed that you've been acting... differently lately. It's like you're hiding something from me.\"\n\nLevi swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry. \"I don't know what you're talking about,\" he replied, his voice shaky.\n\nY/N's brow furrowed in concern. \"Levi, please, don't lie to me. I can handle the truth, whatever it is.\"\n\nLevi averted his eyes, unable to meet Y/N's gaze. \"There's nothing to tell,\" he insisted, his heart aching with the weight of his deceit.\n\nY/N reached out and gently lifted his chin, forcing him to look at them. \"Levi, I love you, and I trust you. But I can't continue like this, not knowing what's going on with you.\"\n\nLevi felt a lump in his throat, his resolve crumbling. He had never wanted to hurt Y/N, but he had dug himself into a hole so deep that he couldn't see a way out. \"I just need some time,\" he finally admitted, his voice barely audible.\n\nY/N nodded, tears welling up in their eyes. \"Okay, take all the time you need. But please, promise me that when you're ready, you'll talk to me.\"\n\nLevi nodded, a knot of guilt tightening in his chest. He knew that he couldn't keep lying to Y/N, but the truth was a double-edged sword. It could either set them free or destroy the love they had built over the years.\n\nDays turned into weeks, and Levi couldn't shake the feeling that he was losing Y/N. The distance between them grew, their once effortless connection now strained by the weight of his lies. He knew he had to come clean, but the fear of losing Y/N was paralyzing.\n\nOne evening, as Levi sat in the dimly lit living room, Y/N approached him once more. They had been patient, giving him the space he had requested, but now their patience was wearing thin.\n\n\"Levi, it's been weeks,\" Y/N said softly, sitting down beside him. \"I can't keep pretending that everything is okay when it's not. Please, talk to me.\"\n\nLevi's heart ached as he looked at Y/N's tear-stained face. He had to end this charade, no matter the consequences. \"Okay,\" he finally whispered, his voice heavy with resignation. \"I'll tell you everything.\"\n\nY/N's eyes widened in surprise, a glimmer of hope in their gaze. \"Thank you, Levi,\" they said, their voice filled with relief.\n\nLevi took a deep breath, steeling himself for the confession he had been dreading. He began to unravel the web of lies, revealing the truth behind his actions and the guilt that had consumed him. As he spoke, Y/N listened in silence, their expression a mixture of shock, hurt, and understanding.\n\nWhen Levi had finished, he looked at Y/N, his heart laid bare before them. \"I'm so sorry,\" he whispered, tears in his eyes. \"I never meant for any of this to happen.\"\n\nY/N's face softened, and they reached out to gently cup Levi's cheek. \"I appreciate your honesty,\" they said softly. \"But you need to understand that trust is fragile. It's going to take time for me to forgive you.\"\n\nLevi nodded, his heart heavy with the weight of his mistakes. He knew that he had a long road ahead of him, one filled with pain and uncertainty. But he was willing to do whatever it took to make things right with Y/N.\n\nAs the days turned into months, Levi worked tirelessly to rebuild the trust he had shattered. He was open and honest with Y/N, never again allowing lies to poison their relationship. It was a painful process, but it was one that he was willing to endure.\n\nY/N, for their part, was not quick to forgive, but they could see the genuine remorse in Levi's eyes. Slowly but surely, they began to let him back into their heart.\n\nOne evening, as they sat together on the porch, watching the sun dip below the horizon, Y/N turned to Levi and smiled. It was a smile that held forgiveness and love, a smile that made all the pain and heartache worth it.\n\n\"Levi, I love you,\" Y/N said softly, their voice filled with warmth. \"And I believe that people can change. You've shown me that.\"\n\nLevi took Y/N's hand in his, his heart swelling with gratitude. \"I love you too,\" he replied, his voice steady and filled with sincerity. \"And I promise, I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you.\"\n\nAs they sat there, hand in hand, watching the world fade into darkness, Levi couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. The road ahead was uncertain, but he was determined to walk it with Y/N by his side, no more lies, and no more secrets.", "\n\n\nThe dimly lit bar was bathed in an electric ambiance as the neon lights flickered to the rhythm of the pulsating music. It was a typical Friday night in the city, filled with people seeking refuge from their daily lives in the intoxicating allure of the nightlife. Among the throng of dancers and revelers, two men stood out from the rest, their gazes locked in a fierce battle, and their hearts entangled in a tumultuous storm.\n\nY/N, the captivating centerpiece of this clandestine showdown, was an enigma wrapped in allure. Her silky, ebony hair cascaded down her shoulders, drawing attention to her slender figure. Dressed in an outfit that seemed to defy gravity, she was a vision that could steal the breath of anyone who dared to gaze upon her.\n\nLevi Ackerman, a brooding and enigmatic man known for his cold demeanor, was not one to be easily rattled. Yet, as he stood at the edge of the dance floor, his obsidian eyes locked onto Y/N's every move, he couldn't deny the turmoil churning within him. Levi had been drawn to her like a moth to a flame ever since the moment they'd crossed paths.\n\nOn the other side of the dance floor, Eren Jaeger, Levi's best friend and polar opposite in every way, mirrored Levi's gaze. Eren was the embodiment of carefree exuberance, his wild brown hair a testament to his untamed spirit. He was known for his reckless nature, but when it came to Y/N, he'd been anything but reckless.\n\nThe night began like any other, with Y/N's radiant presence igniting the dance floor. Levi, usually reserved and stoic, found himself unable to tear his eyes away. He had tried to dismiss his attraction to her, burying it beneath the armor of his impassive facade. Yet, every glance exchanged between them added another crack to his defenses.\n\nEren, unaware of Levi's growing infatuation, had been Y/N's confidant, the one she turned to for a night of fun and laughter. It was during these stolen moments, beneath the neon lights and pounding music, that Eren had fallen for her, hard. He'd felt a connection like no other, and he couldn't bear the thought of Y/N being with anyone else.\n\nAs Y/N moved to the beat, her body swaying with grace and abandon, both Levi and Eren felt the tension escalate. Levi's usually icy demeanor had turned stormy, his jaw clenched as he watched Eren approach Y/N with a warm smile. Eren, on the other hand, couldn't suppress the feeling of guilt that gnawed at him as he danced closer to Y/N.\n\nCaught in the crossfire of their silent rivalry, Y/N was torn between two worlds. Her heart had been drawn to the mysterious allure of Levi, his enigmatic nature pulling her like a magnet. But Eren's infectious energy and genuine affection had stirred emotions she hadn't known existed.\n\nErwin Smith, Levi's confidant and the voice of reason, observed the brewing conflict from a distance. He knew that his friend was not one to back down from a challenge, especially when it came to matters of the heart. As he sipped his drink, he couldn't help but feel the impending storm that threatened to erupt.\n\nMikasa Ackerman, Levi's fiercely protective stepsister, stood nearby, her penetrating gaze fixed on Y/N. Mikasa had always been the voice of reason in Levi's life, but she couldn't help but notice the turmoil her brother was going through. Her loyalty to him was unwavering, but her intuition told her that Y/N might be the one who could pierce through Levi's impenetrable shell.\n\nArmin Arlert, Eren's closest friend and confidant, watched the situation unfold with growing concern. He knew that Eren had fallen hard for Y/N, but he also recognized the silent suffering in Levi's eyes. Armin wished for a peaceful resolution, fearing that this rivalry might end in broken hearts and shattered friendships.\n\nPetra Ral, a close friend of Y/N's, was caught in the middle of the turmoil. She had been a confidant for both Y/N and Eren, and she understood the depth of their emotions. Petra wanted nothing more than for her friends to find happiness, but she also recognized the attraction that had ignited between Y/N and Levi.\n\nAs the night wore on, the atmosphere grew increasingly charged. Eren and Levi continued to dance around Y/N, their rivalry intensifying with every passing moment. Y/N, aware of the mounting tension, couldn't deny the fluttering of her heart, torn between the two men who had captured her attention.\n\nIt was Erwin who finally decided to intervene, sensing that the situation had reached a boiling point. He approached Levi, his voice low and commanding, \"Levi, you need to talk to her. This can't go on like this.\"\n\nLevi, his gaze never leaving Y/N, finally tore his eyes away, his jaw clenched as he nodded in agreement. He knew that he had to confront his feelings for Y/N head-on, no matter the outcome.\n\nMeanwhile, Eren had retreated to a quiet corner of the bar, his heart heavy with the weight of his unspoken emotions. He couldn't bear to see Y/N torn between him and Levi any longer, and he knew that he had to make a decision.\n\nY/N, feeling the weight of the impending confrontation, decided to take matters into her own hands. She gracefully made her way through the crowd, her heart pounding with uncertainty. She found Levi standing alone by the bar, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon.\n\n\"Levi,\" she began, her voice soft but determined. \"We need to talk.\"\n\nLevi turned to face her, his obsidian eyes locking onto hers. In that moment, all pretenses melted away, and he bared his soul to her. \"Y/N,\" he admitted, his voice laced with vulnerability, \"I can't help how I feel about you. I've tried to resist it, but I can't.\"\n\nY/N, her heart aching with empathy, reached out and touched Levi's cheek gently. \"Levi,\" she whispered, \"I've felt it too. But Eren...\"\n\nBefore she could finish her sentence, Levi placed a finger to her lips, silencing her. \"I know about Eren,\" he said, his gaze unwavering. \"But I can't stand by and watch you slip away. If you choose him, I'll accept it, but I need you to know how I feel.\"\n\nAs Y/N absorbed Levi's confession, her heart heavy with indecision, Eren approached them, his eyes filled with determination. \"Y/N,\" he said, his voice trembling with emotion, \"I can't keep quiet any longer. I love you, and I want to be with you.\"\n\nTorn between two men who had ignited a fire in her heart, Y/N felt the weight of her decision. She looked into Levi's eyes, then turned to meet Eren's gaze. In that moment, she knew that whatever choice she made, it would change the course of their lives forever.\n\nAs the three of them stood there, caught in the web of their emotions, the pulsating music of the bar faded into the background. In the end, it was Y/N's heart that would guide her toward a decision that would define her destiny, and the destinies of the two men who had fought so fiercely for her love.", "\n\n\nLevi Ackerman had a secret, one that he guarded fiercely within the deepest recesses of his heart. It was a secret that he could never share, for fear of exposing the vulnerability that lurked beneath his stoic exterior. Levi had a crush, a profound and all-consuming infatuation with a girl named Y/N.\n\nY/N was unlike anyone he had ever met. Her presence had an inexplicable effect on him, one that left him feeling simultaneously elated and anxious. She was smart, witty, and compassionate, and her smile could light up even the darkest of days. But for Levi, it wasn't just her outer beauty that captivated him; it was the mystery that surrounded her.\n\nHe often found himself lost in his own world, daydreaming about the girl who had stolen his heart. He couldn't help it; his mind seemed to have a life of its own, conjuring up vivid scenarios in which he and Y/N were the protagonists.\n\nOne sunny afternoon, Levi was sitting in the park, his eyes fixed on a book he was pretending to read. In reality, his thoughts were far away, lost in a daydream of Y/N. He imagined them strolling hand in hand through the park, their laughter carrying on the gentle breeze. The world around them blurred, and all that mattered was the girl by his side.\n\nAs he sat there, completely oblivious to his surroundings, Y/N's voice pulled him back to reality. She was sitting on the bench beside him, her smile warm and inviting. Levi felt his heart skip a beat as he looked into her eyes, and he couldn't help but wonder if she could hear the rapid thud of his heart.\n\n\"Levi, what are you daydreaming about?\" Y/N asked, her playful tone tugging at his heartstrings.\n\nLevi cleared his throat, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush. \"Just... lost in thought,\" he mumbled, unable to admit the truth.\n\nY/N chuckled softly, and the sound sent a rush of warmth through him. \"You're a mystery, Levi Ackerman,\" she said, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.\n\nLevi managed a small smile, grateful that she couldn't see the turmoil inside him. \"Maybe I like it that way,\" he replied cryptically.\n\nTheir conversation continued, but Levi couldn't shake the feeling that he was living in a dream. He listened intently to every word Y/N spoke, hanging on to her every laugh, and relishing the way her eyes sparkled when she was passionate about something. It was as if his world had narrowed down to this moment, and nothing else mattered.\n\nDays turned into weeks, and Levi's infatuation with Y/N showed no signs of waning. He found himself imagining more elaborate scenarios, each one more vivid than the last. He dreamed of whisking her away on spontaneous road trips, of picnics in sunlit meadows, and of dancing under the stars.\n\nBut reality had a way of intruding on his fantasies. Levi was well aware of his reputation as a reserved and enigmatic man. He wasn't exactly known for wearing his heart on his sleeve, and the thought of confessing his feelings to Y/N filled him with dread.\n\nOne evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city, Levi found himself standing outside Y/N's door. He had been invited to a gathering at her apartment, and he couldn't turn down the opportunity to be near her, even if it meant facing his fears head-on.\n\nAs he entered the apartment, the chatter of friends filled the air. Erwin, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and Petra were all there, laughing and enjoying each other's company. Levi's gaze immediately sought out Y/N, who was engrossed in a conversation with Mikasa.\n\nHe watched her from afar, a sense of longing gnawing at his insides. She was radiant, her laughter a melody that echoed in his soul. Levi couldn't help but imagine a world where he was the one making her laugh, where he was the one who held her attention.\n\n\"Levi! You made it!\" Y/N exclaimed when she spotted him, and the smile she directed at him made his heart race.\n\n\"Yeah,\" he replied, his voice uncharacteristically soft. \"Wouldn't miss it.\"\n\nAs the evening wore on, Levi found himself drawn into the group's discussions and laughter. He couldn't deny the warmth that their camaraderie brought him, even if it was tinged with a pang of jealousy whenever someone made Y/N laugh.\n\nBut as the night grew darker, something shifted within him. Levi couldn't ignore the subtle signs that Y/N was paying more attention to him. She would catch his eye from across the room and smile, her gaze lingering just a moment longer than necessary.\n\nIn that moment, Levi's imagination ran wild. He pictured himself walking Y/N to the door when the evening came to an end, their fingers brushing as he whispered something only meant for her ears. He imagined her leaning in, her lips tantalizingly close to his, and-\n\n\"Levi?\"\n\nThe sound of his name brought him back to reality. Y/N was standing in front of him, her eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and concern.\n\n\"Are you okay?\" she asked, her voice soft and gentle.\n\nLevi blinked, his mind racing to catch up with the present. \"Yeah, I'm fine,\" he replied, willing his heart to stop pounding so loudly.\n\nY/N's hand touched his arm, a gesture that sent electricity coursing through him. \"You seemed lost in thought,\" she said, her gaze never leaving his.\n\nLevi couldn't help himself; he let his guard down just for a moment. \"I was... imagining,\" he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.\n\nHer eyes sparkled with intrigue. \"Imagining what?\"\n\nLevi hesitated, the weight of his secret bearing down on him. But then he looked into Y/N's eyes, and he saw something there that made him take a leap of faith. \"Imagining a world where I could be brave enough to tell you how I feel,\" he confessed, his voice trembling.\n\nY/N's breath caught, and for a moment, the world stood still. Levi could see the emotions flickering across her face, and his heart ached with anticipation.\n\n\"You don't have to imagine it,\" she whispered, her voice filled with tenderness. And then, to Levi's astonishment, she leaned in, and their lips met in a soft, electrifying kiss.\n\nIn that moment, Levi's imagination gave way to reality, and it was more beautiful and thrilling than anything he had ever dreamed. The world around them faded into the background as they lost themselves in each other, and for once, Levi didn't mind being vulnerable.\n\nAs their kiss deepened, Levi realized that sometimes, the line between imagination and reality could blur, and when it did, magic happened. And in that moment, with Y/N in his arms, Levi knew that he had found something real, something worth holding onto.", "\n\n\nY/N had always been a creature of subtlety. Hidden glances, soft smiles, and a careful selection of words defined her interactions with the world around her. It was a way of keeping her emotions concealed, protecting herself from the vulnerability of raw feelings. But when it came to Levi Ackerman, subtlety seemed to vanish into thin air.\n\nThe Survey Corps had just returned from a grueling expedition beyond the Walls. The atmosphere in the barracks was tense; loss weighed heavily on everyone's minds. The absence of Erwin Smith, the former Commander, was a gaping hole in their midst. Y/N watched as Levi stood by the window, his stoic expression betraying nothing. It was a rare sight to see him in anything other than his usual stern demeanor.\n\nIt had been months since they had grown close, a bond formed through shared hardships and late-night conversations. Y/N had never meant for it to happen, but Levi's presence had a way of tearing down her carefully constructed walls.\n\n\"Y/N,\" Eren called her from the corner of the room. He, Mikasa, Armin, and Petra were gathered around a table, sharing stories of the expedition. Y/N excused herself from Levi's side, their eyes briefly locking before she turned away.\n\nAs she joined the group, she couldn't help but notice the way Levi's gaze lingered on her. It was as though he was watching her every move, his normally impassive face betraying something she couldn't quite decipher.\n\nThe night wore on, and the camaraderie of the Corps served as a temporary balm for their grief. Laughter and shared memories filled the air, but Y/N's thoughts kept drifting back to Levi. She couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed between them, something unspoken but undeniable.\n\nEventually, the group began to disperse, leaving Y/N alone with Levi in the dimly lit barracks. They sat side by side, the silence between them filled with unspoken questions and lingering tension.\n\nLevi broke the silence first, his voice low and gravelly. \"Y/N, there's something I need to say.\"\n\nShe turned to him, her heart pounding in her chest. \"What is it?\"\n\nHe hesitated for a moment, his gaze fixed on the floor. \"I've been keeping this to myself for too long. I can't stand to see you with someone else, pretending like it doesn't bother me.\"\n\nY/N's breath caught in her throat. She had never expected Levi to admit his feelings so openly. \"What are you saying, Levi?\"\n\nHis steel-gray eyes met hers, his expression vulnerable for the first time. \"I'm jealous, Y/N. Jealous of the way you look at others, of the way you smile at them. I want you to look at me that way, and it tears me apart to see you with anyone else.\"\n\nY/N's heart raced as she processed his confession. She had never imagined that Levi could feel this way about her. Her own feelings for him had been a well-kept secret, hidden behind layers of self-preservation. But now, faced with his raw honesty, she couldn't hold back any longer.\n\n\"I'm jealous too, Levi,\" she admitted, her voice trembling. \"I've been jealous every time I see you with someone else, every time you look at them with that same intensity. I want you to look at me that way, too.\"\n\nTheir confession hung in the air, a palpable tension that neither of them could escape. And then, as if drawn by an invisible force, their lips met in a searing kiss.\n\nIt was a kiss filled with years of longing, with unspoken words and hidden desires. It was a kiss that ignited a fire within them, a fire that had been smoldering beneath the surface for far too long.\n\nAs they pulled away, breathless and flushed, Y/N couldn't help but smile. \"I never thought this would happen,\" she whispered.\n\nLevi's lips quirked into a rare smile, his fingers tracing a gentle path along her cheek. \"Sometimes, life has a way of surprising us.\"\n\nFrom that moment on, their relationship changed. They were no longer bound by the constraints of unspoken feelings, no longer confined to stolen glances and fleeting touches. They were free to explore the depths of their emotions, to embrace the love that had been silently growing between them.\n\nBut it wasn't without its challenges. The world beyond the Walls was a dangerous place, and their duty as members of the Survey Corps often kept them apart. They faced battles, losses, and uncertainty, but through it all, they clung to each other as a source of strength and solace.\n\nTheir love was a secret they shared, hidden from the prying eyes of their comrades. But it was a secret worth keeping, a love that burned brighter in the face of adversity.\n\nAs the years passed, Y/N and Levi faced countless trials together, their love serving as a beacon of hope in a world filled with darkness. And in those moments of quiet intimacy, when they were alone together, they cherished the stolen moments of happiness that their love had brought them.", "\n\n\nThe sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the sandy shores of the beach. The air was thick with anticipation, and the scent of saltwater mingled with the tantalizing aroma of grilled seafood. Music pulsated through the air, beckoning all to join the festivities that were about to begin.\n\nY/N stood at the edge of the bustling beach party, feeling the rhythm of the music reverberating through her chest. She wore a vibrant, flowy dress that billowed around her as she swayed to the beat. A flower crown adorned her head, and the soft sea breeze tousled her hair. She was ready for a night of carefree revelry.\n\nLevi Ackerman, her steadfast companion and secret crush, stood nearby. He looked dashing in a simple white shirt and well-fitted shorts, his stern expression softened by the atmosphere of merriment that surrounded him. Despite his stoic demeanor, Y/N couldn't help but steal glances at him.\n\nAs the stars began to twinkle overhead, Erwin, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and Petra joined the party. The group had come together to celebrate the end of a long, tiring mission, and tonight was all about letting loose.\n\nThe DJ at the makeshift stage spun tracks that made the crowd erupt into cheers. The music was infectious, and Y/N couldn't resist any longer. She grabbed Levi's hand and pulled him towards the makeshift dance floor. He followed, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.\n\nThey moved in perfect sync, their bodies swaying to the music as they twirled and spun under the starlit sky. It was as if the world had melted away, leaving only the two of them in their private universe of rhythm and laughter.\n\nThe group watched from the sidelines, raising their drinks in a toast to Y/N and Levi's electrifying chemistry. Mikasa smirked knowingly, Armin clapped Erwin on the back, and Petra couldn't help but swoon at the sight. Eren just laughed and playfully elbowed Levi, who scowled in response.\n\nThe night was young, and the beach was alive with the joy of celebration. A bonfire crackled nearby, casting flickering shadows on the sand. Y/N and Levi finally took a break from dancing, sitting side by side on a log near the fire. They exchanged glances, sharing a silent understanding of the magical night they were experiencing.\n\nErwin, ever the responsible leader, took charge of grilling skewers of fresh seafood. The scent wafted through the air, making everyone's mouths water. He had a grin on his face as he cooked, enjoying this well-deserved break from the demands of their duties.\n\nAs the feast began, Eren regaled everyone with tales of their latest mission. He gestured wildly with his hands, reliving the adrenaline-pumping moments of their adventure. Mikasa chimed in with a smirk, correcting some of his exaggerations, while Armin listened intently, eager to analyze the strategic aspects of their success.\n\nPetra, always the empathetic one, shared stories of the people they had encountered during their mission, highlighting the moments of kindness and humanity that shone through in the darkest of times.\n\nAs the night wore on, and the laughter grew louder, Y/N couldn't help but be grateful for the bonds she had formed with her comrades. They were more than just soldiers; they were friends who had become like family to her.\n\nLevi, too, found himself captivated by the camaraderie that surrounded him. He had always been a man of few words, but tonight, those words seemed unnecessary. The connection he shared with Y/N transcended mere conversation.\n\nAs the bonfire crackled and the waves whispered their secrets to the shore, Y/N's heart soared with happiness. The beach party was a celebration of life, of friendship, and of love—both the platonic bonds she had with her comrades and the budding romance she hoped to explore with Levi.\n\nWhen the clock struck midnight, the group gathered around the bonfire, their faces illuminated by its warm, flickering light. They raised their glasses in a collective toast, honoring the memories they had created and the bonds that tied them together.\n\n\"To the nights we'll always remember,\" Erwin declared, his voice strong and resolute.\n\n\"To the bonds that will never break,\" Eren added, his eyes gleaming with determination.\n\n\"To the adventures that lie ahead,\" Mikasa chimed in, her smile genuine.\n\n\"To the friendships that make life worth living,\" Armin said, his optimism shining through.\n\n\"To the love that brightens our darkest days,\" Petra murmured, a dreamy look in her eyes.\n\nY/N's heart skipped a beat as she turned to Levi, who held his glass with a quiet intensity. \"To the moments that change everything,\" she said, her voice a soft whisper carried away by the sea breeze.\n\n\"To the moments that change everything,\" Levi repeated, his gaze fixed on Y/N's. It was a subtle declaration, but in that moment, Y/N felt the weight of his words, the promise they held.\n\nAs the party continued, the night unfurled like a beautiful dream. The laughter, the music, and the shared stories melded together, weaving a tapestry of memories that would last a lifetime. Y/N and Levi, bound by an unspoken connection, danced the night away under the starry sky, knowing that this was just the beginning of their shared journey.\n\nWhen the sun began to rise, casting a soft, golden light over the tranquil beach, Y/N and Levi sat together once more, watching as the world awakened around them. The beach party had come to an end, but the memories they had created would forever remain in their hearts.\n\nAs the first rays of sunlight kissed their faces, Y/N turned to Levi, her heart filled with hope. \"This night,\" she whispered, \"it's like a song we'll never forget.\"\n\nLevi nodded, his gaze unwavering. \"And every beat of it was worth it.\"\n\nHand in hand, they watched the sun rise, knowing that their journey together had only just begun. The music of the night still echoed in their hearts, a reminder of the magic they had shared on this unforgettable beach, where one kiss had changed everything.", "\n\n\nThe setting sun painted the sky in warm hues of orange and pink, casting a soft glow over the training grounds at the Survey Corps headquarters. Y/N, a talented and determined young soldier, stood by the wooden fence, her gaze fixed on the ongoing training exercises. Her heart raced as she watched Levi Ackerman, the squad captain, and the object of her affections, demonstrate his unparalleled skills with his signature precision and grace.\n\nSecretly, they had been in a relationship for several months now, hidden away from the prying eyes of their comrades. In the world they lived in, where every day could be their last, such attachments were frowned upon. But their love had blossomed against all odds, born from shared moments of vulnerability and understanding.\n\nLevi had never been one to express his emotions openly, but with Y/N, he found solace and a sense of normalcy. In her presence, he allowed himself to smile and laugh, even if it was only in the privacy of their hidden love.\n\nAs the training session continued, Erwin Smith, the fearless leader of the Survey Corps, approached Y/N. His piercing blue eyes held a knowing glint, and he leaned against the fence beside her. \"You seem quite taken with Levi's skills,\" he remarked with a sly smile.\n\nY/N felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment but decided to play it cool. \"He's a remarkable captain, Erwin. I can't help but admire his dedication.\"\n\nErwin chuckled softly. \"I see. Well, you're not alone in your admiration. Levi's abilities are unparalleled, and he's earned the respect of everyone in the corps.\"\n\nShe nodded, hiding her true feelings behind a mask of professionalism. \"Of course, he has.\"\n\nMeanwhile, Levi had concluded the training session, and he approached Y/N and Erwin with a casual air. \"Y/N,\" he greeted her with a nod.\n\n\"Captain,\" she replied, her tone respectful but lacking any hints of their secret affection.\n\nErwin excused himself, leaving the two of them alone by the fence. Levi observed Y/N for a moment, his sharp eyes discerning the hidden emotions in her gaze. \"You've been watching me,\" he said, his voice soft and devoid of its usual edge.\n\nY/N nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. \"I can't help it. You're mesmerizing to watch.\"\n\nLevi's lips quirked up into a small smile, a rare sight for anyone who knew him. \"Is that so?\"\n\nShe smiled back, and the world around them seemed to fade away. In that moment, it was just the two of them, hidden beneath layers of secrecy and duty.\n\nTheir secret love affair continued to flourish, marked by stolen moments and hushed whispers. The barracks became their sanctuary, where they could share stolen kisses and passionate embraces, hidden from the prying eyes of their comrades.\n\nOne evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the barracks, Y/N slipped into Levi's room. Her heart raced with anticipation as she closed the door behind her, sealing them in their secret world.\n\nLevi, sitting at the edge of his bed, turned to look at her, his eyes filled with longing. He extended a hand, inviting her to join him. Without hesitation, she crossed the room and took his hand, allowing him to pull her onto his lap.\n\nThey gazed into each other's eyes, sharing a connection that transcended words. It was a love they had to keep hidden, a forbidden passion that burned fiercely within them. Levi leaned in, capturing Y/N's lips in a tender kiss, their mouths moving in perfect harmony.\n\nTheir love was a secret dance, a silent melody that only they could hear. In the darkness of the room, they found solace in each other's arms, their hearts beating as one. Each stolen moment was a reminder of the risks they took for love, a love that they believed was worth any sacrifice.\n\nThe world outside continued to spin in chaos and uncertainty. The Titans threatened to devour them all, and the weight of their duties pressed down upon them. But Y/N and Levi found strength in each other, a refuge from the storm.\n\nOne evening, after a particularly grueling mission, they lay entwined in each other's arms, their bodies aching and battered from battle. The room was dimly lit by a single candle, casting dancing shadows across the walls.\n\nY/N traced her fingers along the contours of Levi's face, her touch gentle and loving. \"We have to be careful, Levi,\" she whispered, her voice laced with concern. \"If anyone were to find out about us...\"\n\nLevi nodded, his expression serious. \"I know. We can't afford to be reckless.\"\n\nThey understood the risks they were taking, the consequences if their secret was ever exposed. But in the midst of chaos and danger, they found solace in each other's arms, a love that gave them the strength to face each day.\n\nAs they lay together in the soft glow of the candlelight, they knew that their love was worth protecting, even if it meant keeping it hidden from the world. In the darkness of their secret, they found a love that burned brighter than any flame, a love that defied the odds and endured against all obstacles.\n\nOne fateful day, their world was thrown into turmoil once more as they faced a colossal Titan that threatened to destroy everything they held dear. The battle was fierce, and the stakes were higher than ever.\n\n\nIn the midst of the chaos, Y/N and Levi fought side by side, their determination unwavering. They moved with precision and coordination, their trust in each other absolute. It was a testament to the bond they shared, a love that had grown stronger with each stolen moment, with every whispered promise in the dead of night.\n\n\nAs the battle raged on, Y/N found herself in a perilous situation, cornered by the monstrous Titan. Fear gripped her heart as she struggled to maintain her composure. Just when it seemed all hope was lost, Levi appeared like a guardian angel, swiftly dispatching the threat and pulling her to safety.\n\nTheir eyes locked in a moment of unspoken gratitude, a silent acknowledgment of the lengths they were willing to go to protect each other. They had faced death together countless times, and each time, their love had emerged unscathed.\n\nOnce the battle was won, and the threat was eliminated, Y/N and Levi retreated to the quiet sanctuary of his room. Their bodies were weary from the fight, but their hearts were ablaze with love and longing.\n\nY/N approached Levi, her eyes filled with a mixture of emotions. She couldn't bear the thought of losing him, not now, not ever. \"Levi,\" she began, her voice trembling slightly, \"we can't keep living like this, in secret. We deserve more.\"\n\nLevi nodded, his gaze never leaving hers. \"I know, Y/N. I've thought about it too.\" He reached out to cup her cheek, his touch tender and reassuring. \"But you know the risks. Our love is a flame in the darkness, and we must protect it.\"\n\nTears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she leaned into his touch. \"I don't want to hide anymore, Levi. I want the world to know that we're in love, that we found something beautiful in the midst of all this chaos.\"\n\nLevi's expression softened, and he pulled her into a tight embrace. \"I love you, Y/N. More than anything in this world.\"\n\nY/N buried her face in his chest, inhaling his scent, savoring the warmth of his embrace. \"I love you too, Levi. And I'm willing to face whatever comes our way, as long as I have you by my side.\"\n\nTheir love had always been a secret, a stolen treasure hidden away from the world. But as they clung to each other in that moment, they knew that they were ready to face the world together, to declare their love openly and unapologetically.\n\nThe following morning, as the sun rose over the horizon, Y/N and Levi stood side by side, facing their comrades in the courtyard of the Survey Corps headquarters. The tension in the air was palpable as they prepared to reveal their secret.\n\nErwin Smith, Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert, Petra Ral, and Eren Yeager all looked on, their expressions a mix of surprise and curiosity. They had suspected something was amiss, but they had never dared to ask.\n\nY/N took a deep breath, her hand firmly entwined with Levi's. She spoke with unwavering determination, \"We have something to tell you all. Levi and I... we're in love.\"\n\nA hushed silence fell over the courtyard as their comrades processed the revelation. Mikasa's eyes widened in surprise, Armin exchanged glances with Eren, and Petra offered a warm smile of support.\n\nErwin stepped forward, his voice calm and understanding. \"Love is a rare and beautiful thing in our world, and it should be cherished. We'll stand by your side, Y/N, Levi.\"\n\nTears welled up in Y/N's eyes, and she squeezed Levi's hand tighter. The weight of their secret had been lifted, and in its place, they found acceptance and support from their comrades.\n\nAs the day unfolded, Y/N and Levi went about their duties as members of the Survey Corps, their love no longer hidden but proudly displayed for the world to see. They faced the challenges of their world with renewed strength, knowing that they had each other to lean on.\n\nTheir love had always been a secret, a stolen treasure hidden away from the world. But now, it was a beacon of hope, a testament to the enduring power of love in the face of adversity.\n\nAs they stood together in the fading light of the day, Y/N and Levi knew that their love was unbreakable, that they were stronger together than they could ever be apart. In a world where Titans roamed and danger lurked at every corner, they had found their sanctuary, their refuge, and their love story continued to flourish, no longer hidden but shining brightly for all to see.", "\n\n\nThe wind whispered secrets through the trees, carrying the scent of autumn leaves and the promise of change. It was a day much like any other in the bustling city where Y/N lived, but for her, it was different. The familiar streets and faces seemed to blur, overshadowed by the relentless ache in her chest. She had never felt more invisible in a place where she had once felt seen.\n\nY/N had always been fiercely independent, a trait that had drawn her to the Survey Corps. But nothing had prepared her for the moment she met Levi Ackerman, the stoic and enigmatic captain. His eyes held stories that only a few could decipher, and Y/N had found herself irresistibly drawn to him. It was as if he could see through her defenses, peeling back the layers of her soul with each passing glance.\n\nTheir connection had grown slowly, like a delicate vine weaving its way through the cracks in a stone wall. Levi's rare smiles had become a prized possession for Y/N, and she treasured every fleeting moment they shared. The relationship between them was a silent dance, full of unspoken words and stolen glances.\n\nBut just as swiftly as a storm could roll in and darken the sky, the fragile threads of their connection had unraveled. Y/N had stumbled upon a scene that shattered her world. There, in the shadows, she had seen Levi and Petra, his second-in-command, locked in a tender embrace, their lips brushing like a whispered secret.\n\nThe sight had knocked the air out of Y/N's lungs, leaving her gasping for breath and clutching at her heart. She had never felt so betrayed, so utterly disposable. Her love had been replaced by an ache that no amount of tears could wash away.\n\nDays turned into weeks, and Y/N continued to carry the weight of her heartbreak in silence. She watched as Levi and Petra grew closer, their bond deepening, while she remained on the fringes, forgotten. It was as if she had become a ghost, haunting the edges of their lives.\n\nErwin Smith, the commander of the Survey Corps, was the first to notice the change in Y/N. He had always been perceptive, able to read his soldiers like an open book. He approached her one evening as she sat alone in the dimly lit mess hall, her fingers tracing invisible patterns on the tabletop.\n\n\"Y/N, you've been distant lately,\" Erwin said gently, taking a seat across from her.\n\nShe forced a weak smile, hoping to deflect his concern. \"It's nothing, Commander. Just tired, I suppose.\"\n\nErwin leaned forward, his eyes searching hers. \"You can talk to me, Y/N. Whatever it is, I'm here for you.\"\n\nTears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over, but she blinked them back. She couldn't bear to admit the truth, not even to Erwin. \"I appreciate it, sir, but there's really nothing to talk about.\"\n\nErwin nodded, though he didn't seem entirely convinced. \"Alright, but remember, we're a family here. If you ever need someone to confide in, don't hesitate to reach out.\"\n\nAs he left the mess hall, Y/N felt a pang of guilt. She was keeping her pain hidden not just from Erwin but from all her comrades in the Survey Corps, including her closest friends—Hanji, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. She didn't want them to see her weakness, her heartbreak.\n\nBut the burden was becoming too heavy to bear alone. It was a chilly evening when Y/N found herself in Hanji's cluttered office, seeking refuge from her thoughts. Hanji, the eccentric scientist, was known for her unorthodox methods and her ability to read people like a book.\n\n\"Y/N, you look like you've seen a Titan,\" Hanji quipped, looking up from her research notes.\n\nY/N sighed, leaning against a stack of books. \"Hanji, I don't know what to do. I'm falling apart.\"\n\nHanji's expression softened, and she pushed her glasses up on her nose. \"Talk to me. What's going on?\"\n\nAnd so, Y/N began to pour out her heart, recounting the story of her unrequited love for Levi, her heartbreak, and the unbearable weight she carried with her every day. Hanji listened, offering comfort and understanding.\n\nAs the weeks turned into months, Y/N gradually opened up to her other friends in the Survey Corps. They rallied around her, providing support and a sense of belonging that had been missing from her life since that fateful day.\n\nOne evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the city, Y/N found herself in a quiet corner of the barracks, her heart a little lighter than before. She had come to terms with the fact that Levi would never be hers, that their threads had unraveled irreparably.\n\nShe watched from a distance as Levi and Petra, their love now fully bloomed, shared a tender moment in the fading light. Instead of bitterness, Y/N felt a strange sense of acceptance wash over her. She had found solace in the arms of her friends and in the knowledge that her heart, though wounded, could still beat.\n\nAs the city bustled around her, Y/N realized that she was no longer invisible, no longer defined by her heartbreak. She had emerged from the darkness, her heart stitched back together by the bonds of friendship and the promise of a new day.", "\n\n\nThe crisp autumn air carried a hint of nostalgia as Y/N walked down the cobblestone streets of Trost. Leaves danced in the wind, their vivid colors mirroring the vivid memories she had shared with Levi Ackerman. Her heart ached with the weight of past emotions, each step echoing the rhythm of her unresolved pain.\n\nIt had been years since they had parted ways, their love an intense blaze that had turned to ashes. Y/N had thought time would heal the wounds, but as she returned to the city that held the fragments of their broken love, it was clear that some scars ran too deep.\n\nLevi, the stoic and enigmatic man she had once loved so fiercely, had been the architect of her heartbreak. Their love had been passionate, but it had also been tumultuous. A whirlwind of emotions and arguments that had ended with him walking away, leaving her to pick up the shattered pieces of her life.\n\nAs Y/N entered a quaint café, memories flooded back to her. This was where they had shared their first date, their laughter blending seamlessly with the clinking of cups and the hum of conversation. But today, the café was different. It was devoid of the warmth they had once felt together, a stark reminder of the love that had slipped through her fingers.\n\nShe took a seat by the window, her eyes scanning the room for any sign of Levi. She had heard he still frequented this place, as did she, hoping for a chance encounter that might provide the closure she so desperately needed.\n\nMinutes turned into hours as Y/N sipped her lukewarm coffee, her patience wearing thin. She knew that seeing him might bring back painful memories, but she had to confront the past to move forward. Just as she was about to give up and leave, the bell above the café door chimed, and there he was—Levi Ackerman, looking just as he had in her memories.\n\nHis piercing steel-gray eyes scanned the room, landing on her. Y/N felt her heart race, her palms growing sweaty. Levi approached her table, his expression as unreadable as ever. There was a time when she could have deciphered every emotion behind those eyes, but now they were like an impenetrable fortress.\n\n\"Y/N,\" he said, his voice devoid of any warmth.\n\n\"Levi,\" she replied, her voice shaky. \"It's been a long time.\"\n\nLevi took a seat opposite her, and for a moment, they just stared at each other. The years had changed them both, but the lingering emotions remained.\n\n\"I heard you're back in Trost,\" he finally said, his tone neutral.\n\n\"Yes,\" Y/N replied, searching for words. \"I thought it was time to confront our past.\"\n\nLevi nodded, his eyes betraying nothing. \"Confronting the past doesn't change it.\"\n\nY/N's heart sank at his words. It was as if he had built a wall around himself, shutting her out completely. She had hoped for understanding, for closure, but all she found was indifference.\n\nTheir conversation continued, punctuated by awkward silences and guarded words. Y/N couldn't help but wonder what had gone so wrong between them. She had loved him with all her heart, and he had been her world. But now, it seemed like he had moved on, leaving her to linger in the past.\n\nAs the hours passed, Levi's cold demeanor never wavered. Y/N couldn't take it any longer. She had to know why he had left her, why he had treated her so wrongly. The pain of their breakup still haunted her every day.\n\n\"Levi,\" she finally whispered, her voice trembling. \"Why did you leave me?\"\n\nLevi's eyes met hers, and for the first time, she saw a flicker of emotion—a mixture of regret and sorrow. \"Y/N,\" he began, his voice barely audible. \"I thought I was protecting you.\"\n\n\"Protecting me?\" Y/N's confusion deepened. \"From what?\"\n\nLevi hesitated, his gaze dropping to the tabletop. \"From myself. I was toxic, Y/N. I couldn't bear the thought of hurting you any further.\"\n\nTears welled up in Y/N's eyes as the truth dawned on her. Levi had left her not out of indifference, but out of love. He had believed he was doing what was best for her, even if it meant breaking both their hearts.\n\n\"I loved you, Levi,\" Y/N whispered, her voice choked with emotion. \"I still do.\"\n\nLevi's eyes met hers again, and this time, she saw a glimmer of the love they had once shared. \"I loved you too,\" he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. \"But I had to let you go.\"\n\nTheir conversation continued, filled with tears, apologies, and unspoken regrets. They shared stories of their lives since the breakup, the pain they had both endured in their separate journeys. It became clear that they had both been treated wrongly by fate, torn apart by circumstances beyond their control.\n\nAs the night grew darker, Y/N and Levi found themselves at the same crossroads they had faced years ago. Their love was still there, buried beneath the scars and pain, but the world had moved on, and so had they.\n\nWith heavy hearts, they parted ways once again, this time with a bittersweet understanding of their shared past. The wounds of their past were still tender, but the closure they had sought had finally arrived.\n\nY/N walked out of the café, the autumn leaves crunching beneath her feet. She couldn't change the past, but she could choose to move forward. The memories of Levi would always be a part of her, a bittersweet reminder of a love that had been both beautiful and heartbreaking.\n\nAs she gazed at the starry sky above, Y/N made a silent promise to herself—to heal, to grow, and to cherish the love she had known, even if it had been treated wrongly by time and circumstances.", "\n\n\nY/N gazed out of the window of her small, cozy apartment, lost in thought as she watched the city lights twinkle in the distance. The past year had been a whirlwind of emotions, and tonight, she felt an inexplicable need for change.\n\nEver since her relationship with Levi Ackerman had ended, she had been navigating life like a ship lost at sea. Their love had been intense, passionate, and beautiful, but it had also been fraught with challenges that they couldn't overcome. The memories of their time together still lingered like an unfinished melody.\n\nOne fateful evening, while sitting on her balcony, Y/N had heard the hauntingly beautiful sound of Levi playing his violin from across the courtyard. The mournful melody had tugged at her heartstrings, reminding her of the love they had once shared. Levi had always been a man of few words, and the music he created had often expressed the emotions he struggled to voice.\n\nTonight, Y/N decided to take a leap of faith. She picked up her phone, typed a short message, and sent it to Levi, inviting him to meet her at their favorite cafe. She had no idea if he would respond, but she knew she had to try.\n\nAs she sipped her coffee nervously in the dimly lit cafe, Y/N's heart raced when she saw Levi walk through the door. He looked as handsome as ever, his stormy gray eyes holding a hint of curiosity. Y/N stood up, and their eyes locked. It was as if time had frozen for a moment, and she couldn't help but smile.\n\n\"Levi,\" she said, her voice trembling slightly.\n\n\"Y/N,\" he replied, his tone soft but guarded.\n\nThey both sat down, the tension in the air palpable. Levi's fingers drummed gently on the table, a nervous habit of his that hadn't changed. Y/N took a deep breath and began to speak, her words flowing from her heart.\n\n\"I've been thinking a lot lately, Levi,\" she said, her gaze never leaving his. \"About us, about what we had. It was beautiful, and it was intense, but it was also... complicated.\"\n\nLevi nodded, his expression softening just a fraction. \"It was.\"\n\n\"We had our share of challenges,\" Y/N continued, her eyes welling up with tears. \"But I can't deny that what we had was real. And I miss it, Levi. I miss you.\"\n\nLevi remained silent for a moment, his gaze fixed on the tabletop. Then, he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. \"I miss you too, Y/N.\"\n\nTears spilled from Y/N's eyes as she reached across the table and placed her hand on top of Levi's. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes. Levi's fingers intertwined with hers, and for a moment, they sat in silence, reacquainting themselves with the familiar warmth of each other's touch.\n\nOver the next few weeks, Y/N and Levi began to rebuild their connection. It wasn't easy, and there were moments of doubt and hesitation, but they were determined to give their love a second chance. They went on long walks together, shared late-night conversations, and rediscovered the joy of each other's company.\n\nTheir friends noticed the change in both of them. Petra, who had always been supportive of Y/N, couldn't help but smile when she saw the couple together again. Erwin and Hanji, who had been witnesses to the ups and downs of their relationship, offered their blessings and support.\n\nEren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, and Connie, who had all been friends with Y/N and Levi during their time together, were cautiously optimistic. They had seen the pain that the breakup had caused both Y/N and Levi, and they hoped that this new beginning would bring them the happiness they deserved.\n\nOne sunny afternoon, Y/N and Levi found themselves at the park where they had shared their first picnic together. The memories of that day flooded back, and Y/N couldn't help but smile.\n\n\"Do you remember the first time we came here?\" she asked, her voice filled with nostalgia.\n\nLevi nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. \"How could I forget? It was the day I realized I was falling in love with you.\"\n\nY/N's heart skipped a beat at his words. \"Levi, I want to start over with you. I want us to build something beautiful, something that's stronger than before.\"\n\nLevi looked into her eyes, his gaze unwavering. \"I want that too, Y/N. More than anything.\"\n\nAs they sealed their commitment to each other with a kiss, it felt like the world had come full circle. The pain of their past had not disappeared, but it had become a part of their story, a testament to their resilience and determination to make things work.\n\nWith each passing day, Y/N and Levi learned to appreciate the simple joys of life, the laughter they shared, and the love that had brought them back together. They knew that love was not without its challenges, but they were willing to face them together, hand in hand.\n\nIn the end, their love story was not about erasing the past but about embracing it and using it as a stepping stone to a brighter future. It was a story of two hearts that had found their way back to each other, ready to create a new melody together, a melody of love, forgiveness, and second chances.", "\n\n\nLevi Ackerman had always been known as humanity's strongest soldier, renowned for his unyielding determination and ruthless efficiency on the battlefield. Yet, behind the unflinching exterior lay a part of him that few had ever seen. It was a side that only you, Y/N, had come to know intimately.\n\nThe Survey Corps had returned to the safety of Wall Rose after a particularly grueling mission, one that had taken its toll on the team. The atmosphere at the base was somber, as they mourned the loss of a few comrades. Petra, in particular, had been a close friend to many, and her absence was palpable. Levi had lost his fair share of friends and comrades, but he had always carried the weight of those losses in silence.\n\nYou found him in his quarters, sitting on the edge of his bed, his eyes fixed on nothing in particular. You could see the weariness etched into the lines of his face, and without a word, you walked over and sat beside him. He didn't need to speak; you understood each other's pain all too well.\n\nHis hand found yours, his fingers gently intertwining with yours. It was a silent gesture, one that spoke volumes about the bond you shared. In that moment, the walls he had built around himself crumbled, and you saw a side of him that he had reserved solely for you.\n\nAs the days passed, you continued to offer each other quiet support. Levi would often steal glances at you when he thought you weren't looking, as if to reassure himself that you were still there. You reciprocated with smiles and subtle touches, your way of telling him that you were not going anywhere.\n\nOne evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the base, you found yourself sitting with Levi by a small campfire. The night was still, and the stars glittered overhead like diamonds in the sky. It was a rare moment of tranquility in their tumultuous lives.\n\nErwin and Hanji joined you, their faces reflecting the weariness of the recent mission. Yet, they couldn't help but smile as they watched the two of you sitting together, finding solace in each other's presence.\n\nErwin leaned over and whispered to Hanji, \"They bring out the best in each other, don't they?\"\n\nHanji nodded, a wistful smile playing on their lips. \"Love has a way of doing that.\"\n\nAs the night wore on, more members of the Survey Corps joined the impromptu gathering. Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, Connie, and others sat around the fire, their laughter and camaraderie slowly erasing the memories of the recent loss.\n\nSasha, always the jovial one, couldn't help but tease Levi. \"Captain, you've softened up since Y/N came into your life. I never thought I'd see the day.\"\n\nLevi shot her a glare, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. \"Keep talking, Sasha, and I'll make you run extra laps tomorrow.\"\n\nYou chuckled, squeezing his hand. \"Don't mind her, Levi. We all know you're a softie at heart.\"\n\nAmid the laughter and banter, you couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the friends and loved ones who surrounded you. In this world, where survival was a constant struggle, these moments of warmth and togetherness were precious.\n\nThe night wore on, and one by one, your comrades retreated to their own quarters, leaving you and Levi alone by the dying embers of the fire. The silence between you was comfortable, the unspoken words carrying more weight than any conversation.\n\nLevi turned to you, his gray eyes locking onto yours. \"Y/N,\" he began, his voice soft and barely above a whisper, \"I want you to know that you mean everything to me. In a world like this, you're my anchor, my reason to keep going.\"\n\nTears welled up in your eyes as you reached out to cup his cheek. \"And you mean the world to me, Levi. You've shown me that even in the darkest of times, there can be moments of light and love.\"\n\nLevi leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a tender kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of love, of shared pain, and of the hope for a better future. In that moment, you both found solace in each other's arms, as if the world had faded away, leaving only the two of you in its gentle embrace.\n\nAs the first light of dawn broke on the horizon, you and Levi watched the sun rise together, a new day dawning with the promise of hope and love. In each other's presence, you both knew that you were invulnerable to the trials of the world, for love had the power to heal even the deepest wounds and to make the darkest nights shine as brightly as the stars.\n\nIn the midst of chaos and uncertainty, you had found a love that was gentle as a whisper, yet strong enough to withstand the storms of life. And as you stood there, hand in hand, watching the world awaken, you knew that together, you could face anything that lay ahead.", "\n\n\nThe gentle sway of the boat on the serene Venetian waters beneath the starlit sky created an atmosphere of pure enchantment. The moon cast its silvery glow upon the ripples, as if nature itself was conspiring to make this night unforgettable. Y/N and Levi Ackerman sat across from each other at a table adorned with flickering candles on the deck of a private gondola, their hearts echoing the romantic rhythm of Venice itself.\n\nThe soft strains of Zayn Malik's \"Let Me\" filled the air, weaving its lyrics into the very fabric of their souls. As they savored their exquisite meal, Levi couldn't help but steal glances at Y/N, his love and devotion for them swelling with each passing note of the song.\n\n\"Let me be your man, so I can love you,\" Zayn's voice crooned, and Levi found his courage in the music.\n\nY/N's eyes sparkled like the stars above as they gazed at the city's lights reflected in the water. \"This is incredible, Levi,\" they whispered, their voice full of wonder.\n\nLevi cleared his throat, trying to steady his nerves. He'd meticulously planned this moment, and now the time had come to lay bare his heart. \"Y/N,\" he began, his voice trembling slightly, \"you know how much you mean to me. From the moment I met you, my life transformed, and it's never been the same since. You're the light in my darkness, the warmth in my cold world. You're everything I never knew I needed.\"\n\nY/N's breath caught as they looked at him with adoration and anticipation.\n\nLevi continued, his gaze never wavering. \"And if you let me be your man,\" he said, his voice husky with emotion, \"I'll take care of you for the rest of my life, for the rest of yours.\"\n\nThe lyrics merged seamlessly with the surrounding ambiance, creating a moment so profound it felt as if time itself had stopped.\n\nTears of joy shimmered in Y/N's eyes as they realized what was happening. Petra, who had been covertly helping Levi plan this proposal, discreetly wiped away her own tears, while Erwin, Hanji, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin watched in quiet anticipation from a nearby gondola.\n\n\"Levi,\" Y/N finally whispered, their voice choked with emotion, \"I love you more than words can express. You're my safe harbor, my confidant, my love. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you.\"\n\nLevi's heart soared as he reached into his pocket and retrieved a small velvet box. With trembling hands, he opened it, revealing a breathtakingly beautiful engagement ring. The moonlight danced on the diamonds, making them gleam like celestial stars.\n\n\"Y/N,\" Levi said, his voice filled with awe, \"will you marry me?\"\n\nTears of happiness cascaded from Y/N's eyes as they reached across the table and took Levi's hand. \"Yes, Levi,\" they said with a radiant smile, \"a thousand times, yes.\"\n\nLevi couldn't contain his joy any longer. He gently slipped the ring onto Y/N's trembling finger, sealing their love beneath the shimmering canopy of Venetian stars.\n\nPetra and the rest of the onlookers erupted in cheers and applause from their gondola, Erwin even allowing a single tear to escape. The people of Venice, who had been silently watching this breathtaking scene unfold, joined in, creating a symphony of approval for the newly engaged couple.\n\nAs the boat continued to glide gracefully through the tranquil waters, Y/N and Levi held each other close, lost in the depth of their love. The night stretched on endlessly, and in that timeless moment, it felt as though the universe itself had paused to bear witness to their profound connection.\n\nThey exchanged whispered promises of eternal love and unwavering devotion, their hearts overflowing with the knowledge that they were setting sail on a new chapter of their lives together. The Venetian canals, steeped in centuries of romance, bore witness to a love story that would endure for all time.\n\nAs Zayn's song played on in the background, Levi and Y/N couldn't have dreamed of a more perfect setting for their engagement. Venice, with its ageless beauty, had become the backdrop for a moment that would be etched into their hearts, a memory they would cherish for the remainder of their days, as a testament to a love that transcended all else.\n\nThe boat continued to drift through the shimmering waters of Venice, carrying the newly engaged couple into the heart of a night they would never forget. As they held each other close, their hearts beat in harmony with the timeless city, and their love story became an indelible part of its rich tapestry. Under the Venetian stars, two souls had found their forever home, and the world seemed to sigh in contentment, knowing that love like this could light up even the darkest of nights.", "\n\n\nBirds sang their evening serenade as (Y/N) sat alone on a weathered bench, their gaze fixed on the endless sea of trees beyond. It was a rare moment of serenity amidst the chaos of their world. A world where giants roamed and the scars of battle were etched into the very souls of those who fought.\n\n(Y/N) had always found beauty in the imperfections of life, in the delicate nuances that made each person unique. And tonight, as the last rays of sunlight painted the sky, they found themselves contemplating the beauty of scars. Not just any scars, but the ones etched upon the skin of the valiant warriors they called comrades.\n\nThe sound of boots against the gravel pathway drew their attention, and there, coming into view, was Levi Ackerman. The stoic and formidable soldier who had seen more battles than anyone should in a lifetime. His face was a canvas of scars, each one telling a story of survival, of unwavering determination, and sacrifice.\n\n(Y/N) offered a warm smile as Levi approached. \"Evening, Levi.\"\n\nLevi nodded in acknowledgment, taking a seat beside (Y/N). His gaze was as intense as ever, but there was a subtle softness in his eyes as he looked out at the darkening forest. \"It's a rare moment of peace.\"\n\n\"It is,\" (Y/N) agreed, their eyes drawn to a particularly striking scar on Levi's cheek. \"You know, I've always found scars fascinating.\"\n\nLevi raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. \"Fascinating, huh?\"\n\n\"Yeah,\" (Y/N) replied. \"They're like the body's way of saying, 'I survived.' Each scar tells a story, and I believe there's beauty in that.\"\n\nLevi studied them for a moment before shifting his gaze to his own battle-worn hands. \"They're not something I've ever thought of as beautiful.\"\n\n\"I suppose it's all about perspective,\" (Y/N) mused. \"To me, they're a testament to strength, resilience, and the will to keep going, no matter what.\"\n\nLevi fell into contemplative silence, and (Y/N) could see the wheels turning in his mind. The scars that crisscrossed his body were not just physical reminders of his battles, but also emotional ones. He had lost friends, witnessed horrors, and carried the weight of the world on his shoulders.\n\nAs if on cue, the sound of approaching footsteps broke the silence. Hanji, the eccentric scientist with an unyielding curiosity for Titans and the mysteries of the world, appeared with a boisterous greeting.\n\n\"(Y/N)! Levi! What are you two doing out here? Shouldn't you be resting for tomorrow's mission?\" Hanji exclaimed.\n\n(Y/N) chuckled. \"We're just enjoying the sunset and having a little chat.\"\n\nHanji, never one to shy away from joining a conversation, plopped down next to them. \"Oh, scars, you say? The stories etched into our flesh from the battles we've faced. I've got a few good ones!\" Hanji pulled up their sleeve to reveal a jagged scar on their arm, then another on their cheek. \"Each one is a reminder of the pursuit of knowledge and the sacrifices we make.\"\n\nLevi looked at Hanji's scars and then back at (Y/N). There was a flicker of understanding in his eyes. Scars were a shared language among soldiers, a way of silently acknowledging the hardships they'd endured.\n\nErwin, the charismatic and determined commander, approached with a smile. \"What's the topic of discussion here?\"\n\n\"(Y/N) was just sharing their appreciation for scars,\" Hanji said.\n\nErwin nodded. \"Scars are the marks of warriors. They remind us of the battles we've fought and the strength we've shown. They are badges of honor.\"\n\nAs the evening unfolded, more members of the Survey Corps joined the impromptu gathering. Eren, with his fiery determination, Mikasa, with her unwavering loyalty, and Armin, with his boundless knowledge, all shared stories of their scars and the battles they'd faced. Each one was a testament to their courage and resilience.\n\n(Y/N) realized that the beauty of scars lay not only in their physical form but in the stories they held, the memories they represented, and the bonds they forged among comrades. Scars were a reminder of the humanity that persisted in the face of inhuman horrors.\n\nThe sky had darkened, and the stars began to twinkle in the inky expanse. The group of friends sat in silence, a sense of unity and camaraderie settling over them. They were warriors, each with their own scars, but they were also survivors, dreamers, and believers in a better future.\n\nLevi, who had initially been reticent about the topic, finally spoke. \"Maybe you're right, (Y/N). Scars aren't just marks of pain and loss. They're also symbols of strength and resilience. They remind us of what we've overcome and what we continue to fight for.\"\n\n(Y/N) smiled, their heart warmed by the acceptance of their perspective. \"I'm glad you see it that way, Levi.\"\n\nAs the night deepened, and the world slept, the group of friends remained under the canopy of stars, sharing stories of their scars and the beauty they found in the marks of their past. In the darkness, they found a glimmer of hope, a shared purpose, and an unbreakable bond that transcended the trials and tribulations of their world.", "\n\n\nThe evening sun cast a warm, golden glow over the small town where Y/N found herself on the cusp of a new beginning. It had been a year since she had left behind the city and all the memories that had weighed her down like heavy chains. Now, standing on the porch of her quaint little house, she felt a sense of peace she hadn't known in a long time.\n\nY/N had always been drawn to the city's bright lights and bustling streets. It was a place where dreams were pursued, and ambition was rewarded. But it was also a place where she had lost herself, where the noise had drowned out the voice of her heart.\n\nAs she sipped her tea and watched the sun dip below the horizon, Y/N's thoughts drifted to Levi Ackerman, the man she had left behind. He had been her anchor in the chaotic sea of the city, a steady presence that had kept her grounded. But their love had become tangled in a web of insecurities and unspoken words, and it had ultimately crumbled under the weight of their own demons.\n\nY/N's decision to leave had been painful, but she knew it was necessary. She needed to find herself again, to rediscover the person she had lost in the chaos of the city. And she hoped that, in time, Levi would understand.\n\nA year had passed since Y/N had left, and Levi had spent every day replaying their last moments together in his mind. He had watched her walk away, her steps echoing the distance that had grown between them. He had wanted to stop her, to tell her that he loved her, that he needed her, but the words had remained trapped in his throat.\n\nNow, as he stood on the same street where she had left him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of longing that consumed him. He had thrown himself into his work, burying his emotions beneath a facade of stoicism. But deep down, he knew that he had lost the love of his life, and it was a loss that he couldn't bear.\n\nErwin, Levi's closest friend and confidant, had noticed the change in him. He had watched as Levi withdrew into himself, as the light in his eyes faded with each passing day. And he knew that something needed to change.\n\n\"Levi,\" Erwin said one evening as they sat on the porch of Levi's apartment. \"You can't keep living like this. You need closure, one way or another.\"\n\nLevi's gaze remained fixed on the city below, the city that had once held all his hopes and dreams. \"There's nothing left for me there,\" he muttered.\n\nErwin sighed, knowing that he needed to tread carefully. \"Maybe it's time to visit her, to see how she's doing. You both deserve some closure.\"\n\nLevi's jaw clenched, his emotions a turbulent storm beneath his calm exterior. But deep down, he knew that Erwin was right. He couldn't keep running from his past, from the love that had defined him.\n\nY/N had settled into her new life in the small town, finding solace in the simplicity of each day. She had started a small garden in her backyard, the vibrant blooms a testament to her newfound sense of peace. But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.\n\nOne crisp autumn morning, as she tended to her garden, a knock on her front door startled her. She wiped her hands on her apron and opened the door to find Erwin standing there, a somber expression on his face.\n\n\"Erwin?\" Y/N exclaimed, surprised to see him.\n\nHe gave her a warm smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. \"Y/N, I hope you're doing well. I've come with a message from someone who misses you dearly.\"\n\nBefore she could react, Erwin stepped aside, revealing Levi standing a few steps away. Y/N's heart leaped in her chest, her breath catching in her throat. She had spent countless nights dreaming of this moment, but now that it was real, she felt overwhelmed.\n\nLevi's eyes bore into hers, the same intense gaze that had always made her heart race. \"Y/N,\" he said, his voice filled with a vulnerability she had never seen before.\n\nTears welled up in her eyes as she stepped closer to him. \"Levi, I...\"\n\nBefore she could finish her sentence, he closed the distance between them and pulled her into a fierce embrace. The weight of a year's worth of unspoken words hung in the air, but in that moment, they didn't need words.\n\nAs they held each other, Y/N felt the weight of their past mistakes and regrets begin to lift. It was a bittersweet feeling, a mixture of pain and relief, but it was a feeling she had longed for.\n\n\"I missed you,\" she whispered, her voice barely above a breath.\n\nLevi pulled back slightly, his hands on her shoulders as he looked into her eyes. \"I missed you too, more than I can express.\"\n\nTheir love had been a tempestuous journey, filled with highs and lows, but it had always been real. And now, as they stood on Y/N's porch, they knew that they couldn't lose each other again.\n\nOver the following days, Y/N and Levi spent every moment they could together, making up for lost time. They talked about their dreams, their fears, and the love that had never truly faded, no matter how far they had been apart.\n\nAnd as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, they knew that they had found their way back to each other, that their love was stronger than ever. It was a love that had weathered storms and come out on the other side, a love that had been tested and had emerged unbreakable.\n\nThe small town had become their sanctuary, a place where they could finally be together without the noise and distractions of the city. It was a place where they could heal and rediscover the love that had brought them together in the first place.\n\nAs Y/N and Levi sat on her porch one evening, watching the sun set over the town, they knew that they had lost each other once, but they had found their way back to love again. And this time, they were determined to hold on to it, to cherish it, and to never let it go.", "\n\n\nY/N had always been drawn to the spotlight. She loved the thrill of performing, the adrenaline rush that came with stepping onto a stage and captivating an audience. It was her escape, her way of leaving behind the complexities of the real world, if only for a moment.\n\nThe dimly lit backstage area was a flurry of activity as the final preparations for the concert were underway. Y/N stood in front of a mirror, adjusting her costume and applying the finishing touches to her makeup. Her heart raced with anticipation. It had been months since she had last performed, and the stage felt like a distant memory.\n\nAs she looked at her reflection, she couldn't help but wonder if Levi Ackerman would be in the audience tonight. He had always been supportive of her career, even when it meant being apart for long stretches of time. They had forged a deep connection, one that transcended the distance between them, but it was a connection that came with its own set of challenges.\n\nA knock on the dressing room door interrupted her thoughts. It was Petra, one of her closest friends and fellow performers. Petra had a natural grace and a captivating stage presence, making her a favorite among the audience.\n\n\"Y/N, it's almost time,\" Petra said with a reassuring smile. \"You've got this.\"\n\nY/N nodded, grateful for Petra's encouragement. She took one last look in the mirror and made her way to the stage entrance. The sound of the crowd's excitement reached her ears, a cacophony of cheers and applause that sent shivers down her spine.\n\nThe moment she stepped onto the stage, the world fell away, and she was consumed by the music and the energy of the audience. She sang with passion and poured her heart into every note, her voice soaring through the venue. The connection between her and the audience was electric, a shared experience that transcended words.\n\nAs the final notes of the song echoed through the venue, Y/N couldn't help but smile. The rush of performing was like nothing else in the world, a high that left her breathless and exhilarated. She bowed to the cheering crowd and made her way backstage, where her fellow performers congratulated her on a successful performance.\n\nBut amidst the celebrations, there was an emptiness that lingered. She longed for Levi's presence, his steady support and unwavering belief in her talent. It was a bittersweet feeling, the knowledge that her success came at the cost of being apart from the person she loved most.\n\nLater that night, as Y/N returned to her dressing room to change out of her costume, there was a knock on the door. She opened it to find Levi standing there, his expression unreadable.\n\n\"You were incredible,\" he said softly, his voice filled with admiration. \"I've never seen you perform like that.\"\n\nY/N smiled, the warmth of his praise washing over her. \"Thank you, Levi. I wish you could have been in the audience tonight.\"\n\nHe stepped closer, his fingers brushing a stray strand of hair from her face. \"I wish I could have too, but duty called.\"\n\nThe reality of their situation weighed heavily on them both. Levi was a high-ranking member of the Survey Corps, and his responsibilities often took him away for extended periods. It was a sacrifice they had both accepted, but it didn't make the separation any easier.\n\nY/N reached out and took his hand, intertwining their fingers. \"I miss you,\" she whispered.\n\nLevi's gaze softened, and he pulled her into his arms, holding her close. \"I miss you too, more than you can imagine.\"\n\nThey stood there, wrapped in each other's embrace, finding solace in the familiarity of their love. It was a love that had weathered storms and overcome obstacles, a love that had only grown stronger with time.\n\nAs the night wore on, Y/N and Levi found themselves in a quiet corner of the dressing room, lost in their own world. They talked about their dreams, their hopes for the future, and the challenges they faced. It was a rare moment of vulnerability, a chance to lay bare their deepest fears and desires.\n\n\"I don't want to be just an entertainer,\" Y/N confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. \"I want to make a difference, to use my platform for something meaningful.\"\n\nLevi nodded in understanding. \"I know you will, Y/N. You have the talent and the passion to make a real impact.\"\n\nY/N smiled, feeling a renewed sense of determination. \"And what about you, Levi? What do you want?\"\n\nHe looked at her with a seriousness that sent a shiver down her spine. \"I want to protect you, to keep you safe from the dangers of this world. I want to be by your side, always.\"\n\nTheir love was a complex tapestry woven from sacrifice and devotion, a love that defied the odds and persevered against all challenges. It was a love that had the power to heal wounds and bridge the gaps between their two worlds.\n\nAs the night drew to a close, Y/N and Levi knew that they couldn't change the circumstances that kept them apart. But they also knew that their love was worth every moment of longing and every tear shed in their absence.\n\nAnd as they held each other close, they found solace in the knowledge that no matter where life took them, their love would always be their anchor, their refuge in a world filled with uncertainties.", "\n\n\nLevi Ackerman sat alone in his dimly lit apartment, the soft hum of the city outside serving as a constant reminder of the bustling world he had once shared with her. His gaze remained fixated on the small, ornate box on the table before him. It was a box that contained memories and the echoes of a love that had slipped through his fingers like grains of sand. Inside lay a delicate silver necklace, a gift from her that he had foolishly taken for granted.\n\nHer name was Y/N, and she had been the one to capture his heart like no one else ever had. Levi had always been known for his stoic demeanor, his walls impenetrable to most. But Y/N had seen through the facade, had seen the man beneath the armor. She had loved him fiercely, with a passion that had consumed her, and he had simply assumed she would always be there.\n\nIt had been several months since Y/N had left, the memories of their last night together still etched painfully in his mind. She had walked away from him, tears in her eyes, and he had let her go without a fight. Levi had been too proud, too stubborn to admit that he needed her. But now, in the quiet solitude of his apartment, he couldn't help but replay their time together, each moment a vivid tableau in his mind.\n\nIt had all begun years ago when Levi had first met Y/N. She had joined the Survey Corps as a new recruit, her determination and resilience shining brighter than anyone else. Her presence had been a breath of fresh air amidst the chaos of the world outside the Walls. And as fate would have it, they were assigned to the same squad.\n\nHanji and Erwin had all been witnesses to the growing connection between Levi and Y/N. They had seen the way Levi's stern expression softened when she was around, how he would crack a rare smile in her presence. It was as if she had the power to unravel the tightly wound threads of his heart.\n\nLevi had been known for his impeccable skills in battle, his unwavering focus on the mission at hand. But with Y/N by his side, he had discovered a new sense of purpose. She had shown him the beauty in the world beyond the Walls, and had taught him to appreciate the simple joys in life. Their laughter had echoed through the barracks, their stolen moments of intimacy hidden from the prying eyes of their comrades.\n\nAs they faced the horrors of the Titans together, their bond only grew stronger. They relied on each other in the heat of battle, their unspoken understanding a testament to their connection. And in the quiet moments between missions, they would steal away to a secluded spot, where they could be alone with their thoughts and desires.\n\nBut as the years passed, Levi grew complacent. He began to take Y/N's presence for granted, assuming that she would always be there. He had never been one to express his emotions openly, and he had let that silence drive a wedge between them. Y/N had tried to break through his walls, and had begged him to open up, but he had stubbornly refused.\n\nLevi's fingers traced the delicate silver necklace inside the box, his memories flooding back to the day she had given it to him. It had been a simple gesture, a token of her love and devotion. She had told him that it was a reminder of their bond, a promise that she would always be there for him.\n\nBut promises were meant to be kept, and Levi had failed to keep his end of the bargain. As the months passed, he had grown distant, his focus solely on the never-ending battle against the Titans. He had neglected Y/N, had pushed her away with his silence and indifference.\n\nThe day she had left had been like a punch to the gut. She had confronted him, her eyes filled with tears and anger. She had told him that she couldn't keep waiting for him to open up, that she deserved someone who could love her completely. Levi had watched her walk away, his heart breaking with each step she took.\n\nLevi had tried to bury his feelings in his work, throwing himself into the fight against the Titans with even more determination. But no matter how many Titans he slayed, he couldn't escape the emptiness that had settled in his chest. He missed her more than he could put into words, and the regret gnawed at him day and night.\n\nOne evening, as he stood on the rooftop of their old barracks, gazing out at the city, he couldn't help but think of her. The city lights below reminded him of the sparkle in her eyes, and the distant sounds of laughter echoed the times they had shared together. It was in that moment that Levi realized just how much he had lost.\n\nHe knew he had to find her, to make amends for his mistakes. But tracking her down was no easy task. Y/N had left the Survey Corps and disappeared from his life completely. Levi turned to his old comrades for help, and with Mikasa's assistance, they managed to uncover a trail that led him to a small town on the outskirts of Wall Maria.\n\nLevi stood outside Y/N's small, quaint cottage, his heart pounding in his chest. He had rehearsed a thousand different speeches in his mind, but now, as he stood before her door, all words seemed inadequate. With a deep breath, he knocked, and the seconds that passed felt like an eternity.\n\nThe door opened slowly, revealing Y/N on the other side. Her eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, they simply stared at each other. Then, tears welled up in her eyes, and she threw herself into his arms, wrapping them tightly around his neck.\n\n\"I thought I'd never see you again,\" she whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and pain.\n\nLevi held her close, his own eyes moist with unshed tears. \"I'm so sorry,\" he finally managed to say, his voice hoarse. \"I was a fool. I took you for granted, and I let you go when I should have held on to you with everything I had.\"\n\nY/N pulled back slightly, her gaze locked onto his. \"Levi, it's not too late. I love you, but I can't be with someone who won't let me in, who won't share his burdens and joys with me.\"\n\nLevi nodded, his resolve firm. \"I promise you, things will be different. I'll open up, I'll let you in. I can't bear to lose you again.\"\n\nAs they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, Levi knew that he had been given a second chance. He had lost the perfect woman of his life once, but he was determined not to make the same mistake twice. He would cherish Y/N, appreciate her, and love her with all his heart.\n\nTheir love story was far from over, and as they embraced, they both knew that this time, they would fight to make it last. The memories of their time apart would serve as a reminder of what they had almost lost, a testament to the strength of their love. Levi had learned the hard way that sometimes, the perfect person only comes around once, and he was determined to never let Y/N slip away again.", "\n\n\nLevi Ackerman had always been a man of few words, and he liked it that way. But there were moments when even he found himself searching for words to convey what he felt. Today was one of those rare occasions.\n\nThe air in Paradis was crisp and the sky was painted with the hues of a setting sun. Levi had always found a strange sort of beauty in the world beyond the walls, a world they had fought so hard to reach. He stood in front of the grave, the final resting place of a woman who had meant more to him than he could ever express. Y/N, a name etched into his heart, had been the light in his darkest days.\n\nY/N had been a breath of fresh air amidst the chaos of their world. She had brought warmth and kindness into the lives of everyone she touched, especially Levi's. He had been the stoic, unyielding soldier who believed that nothing good could ever come from their existence. Y/N had shown him otherwise, her unwavering optimism chipping away at the armor he had spent a lifetime building.\n\nAs he knelt beside her grave, he felt a heaviness in his chest. The vibrant roses he held in his hand seemed to weigh more than just their petals. Levi knew that words were inadequate, but he needed to say something. He needed to let Y/N know what she meant to him.\n\n\"Y/N,\" he began, his voice barely above a whisper. \"I never was good with words, and you knew that better than anyone. But I... I wanted to tell you something.\"\n\nHe paused, his stormy eyes locked on the tombstone. In his heart, he felt a mix of grief and gratitude. He extended his arm and carefully laid a single rose on the grave, its deep red petals contrasting against the white marble. He couldn't help but remember the countless times Y/N had marveled at the beauty of flowers, often stopping to admire them during their travels outside the walls.\n\nLevi continued, his voice steadier now, \"This rose, it's a symbol of... of what you brought into my life. A symbol of the beauty you saw in this world when all I saw was darkness. I wish I could have told you all this when you were still here.\"\n\nHe felt a lump in his throat, and his thoughts drifted to the day Y/N had left them. A fatal mission, a sacrifice she had made to ensure the safety of others. Levi couldn't help but wonder if it was worth it, if anything was worth the cost of her life.\n\n\"But now,\" he whispered, \"all I can ask is... will you let it die, or will you let it grow?\"\n\nAs if on cue, a gentle breeze ruffled the petals of the rose he had placed on her grave. It was as though the wind carried a response, a whispered promise.\n\nA sudden rustling behind him broke the stillness of the moment. Hanji, their eccentric and passionate comrade, approached with an understanding smile. She knelt beside Levi, her eyes filled with a mix of empathy and curiosity.\n\n\"Levi,\" she said, \"I saw what you did. That was beautiful. Y/N would have appreciated it.\"\n\nLevi merely nodded, his gaze still fixed on the rose.\n\nErwin, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin were not far behind. Each of them had their own memories of Y/N, and they too offered their silent tributes to her memory. They had all been deeply affected by her presence and the void her absence had left.\n\nThe sun had now set, casting a soft, orange glow across the gravesite. Levi's heart was heavy, but the rose he had placed on Y/N's grave seemed to pulse with life. It was as if her spirit was still with them, and the world was responding to her, just as she had once responded to its beauty.\n\nDays turned into weeks, and the seasons changed. The others moved forward, their lives intertwined with the ongoing battles for their world. But Levi returned to the grave, each time finding the rose not only intact but flourishing. Its roots had dug deep into the earth, and its vibrant petals seemed to defy the passage of time.\n\nLevi couldn't explain it, and neither could anyone else. It was as though Y/N's presence lingered, not in the form of a ghost, but in the form of a rose that refused to wither. It was a testament to her enduring spirit, to her undying love for life.\n\nYears passed, and Levi grew older, his hair graying at the temples. He continued to visit Y/N's grave, and the rose remained, an eternal reminder of the woman who had changed his life. He still couldn't find the words to express what she meant to him, but he didn't need to. The rose spoke for him, a symbol of love, growth, and the beauty Y/N had brought into his world.\n\nAnd so, Levi Ackerman, a man of few words, continued to visit the grave, tending to the rose that never ceased to bloom. He didn't need to ask the question anymore because he knew the answer. Y/N's love would forever grow, just like the rose in her memory.", "\n\n\nThe night was draped in a velvety darkness, and Y/N stood by the window, gazing out at the city lights that flickered like distant stars. It was a rare moment of solitude in their otherwise chaotic life, and she relished it. She clutched a glass of red wine, its deep hue reflecting her turbulent thoughts.\n\nLevi Ackerman, her lover, sat across the room, his stoic face illuminated by the soft glow of a single lamp. He was engrossed in a book, his brow furrowed in concentration. Y/N admired the way his raven hair fell gracefully over his forehead, the way his lips moved silently as he read. He was captivating in every sense, and it was one of the reasons she had fallen for him.\n\nBut lately, something had shifted in their relationship. Y/N felt like she was adrift in a sea of indifference, her heart a boat without a captain. She took a sip of her wine, the crimson liquid coating her tongue, and sighed.\n\nIt wasn't as if Levi had become cruel or unkind. He was still the same man she had fallen in love with, but he had grown distant. It was as though a gulf had opened up between them, and she couldn't find a way to bridge it. They used to be so close, sharing their dreams and fears, but now their conversations had dwindled to mere pleasantries.\n\nShe remembered the days when Levi would surprise her with little gestures of affection. A bouquet of her favorite flowers, a heartfelt note tucked under her pillow, a tender kiss on her forehead in the middle of the night. Those moments made her heart flutter and her cheeks blush.\n\nBut now, there were no more surprises, no more sweet gestures. Levi was always busy with his work, always preoccupied with something else. It seemed as though he had forgotten how to make her feel loved.\n\nY/N couldn't help but wonder if it was her fault. Had she done something wrong? Had she become less interesting to him? These questions haunted her, and she longed for answers.\n\nShe put down her wine glass and crossed the room to sit beside Levi. He glanced up from his book, his silver eyes meeting hers for a fleeting moment before returning to the pages.\n\n\"Levi,\" she began hesitantly, \"Can we talk?\"\n\nHe closed the book and turned to face her, his expression unreadable. \"What's on your mind?\"\n\nY/N took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. \"I feel like we've drifted apart,\" she said softly. \"We used to be so close, but now it's like we're strangers living under the same roof.\"\n\nLevi's gaze hardened, and for a moment, Y/N feared that she had made a mistake by bringing it up. But she pressed on, determined to be heard.\n\n\"I miss the way things used to be,\" she continued. \"I miss the little things you used to do to make me feel special. It feels like you're not putting in much effort anymore, and it hurts.\"\n\nLevi's jaw tightened, and he looked away. \"I've been busy with work,\" he replied curtly.\n\nY/N knew that he took his responsibilities seriously, and she respected that. But it wasn't just about his time; it was about his attention, his affection.\n\n\"It's not just about your work, Levi,\" she said, her voice quivering slightly. \"It's about us. I want to feel like a priority in your life, not an afterthought.\"\n\nHe sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. \"I didn't realize you felt this way.\"\n\nY/N felt a pang of sadness. How could he not have noticed? Had she been so good at hiding her pain?\n\n\"I didn't want to burden you,\" she admitted. \"But I can't keep pretending that everything is fine when it's not.\"\n\nLevi's eyes softened, and he reached out to take her hand. \"I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to make you feel this way.\"\n\nShe squeezed his hand, feeling a glimmer of hope. \"I just want us to be close again, like we used to be.\"\n\nHe nodded, his thumb tracing circles on the back of her hand. \"I'll try,\" he promised. \"I'll make more of an effort.\"\n\nY/N smiled, her heart warming at his words. \"That's all I wanted to hear.\"\n\nAs the night wore on, Y/N and Levi talked, opening up to each other in a way they hadn't in a long time. They shared their fears, their insecurities, and their hopes for the future. It was a vulnerable conversation, but it was also a necessary one.\n\nIn the days that followed, Levi kept his promise. He surprised Y/N with breakfast in bed, left sweet notes for her to find, and made an effort to spend quality time with her. Slowly but surely, their connection began to rekindle, and the gulf that had separated them began to close.\n\nTheir friends, Mikasa, Eren, Hanji, Erwin, Sasha, Jean, Petra, and Connie, noticed the change in their relationship. They could see the spark returning to Y/N and Levi's eyes, the way they laughed and held each other close. It was a testament to the power of communication and effort in a relationship.\n\nY/N knew that their journey wasn't over, that they would have to continue working on their relationship to keep it strong. But she also knew that love was worth the effort, and she was willing to fight for the connection she shared with Levi.\n\nAs they stood on the balcony one evening, watching the city lights once again, Y/N leaned into Levi's embrace, feeling the warmth of his love surrounding her. It was a reminder that, even in the darkest moments, love could find its way back.", "\n\n\nThe relentless buzz of a distant engine echoed through the quiet night, punctuating the silence like an exclamation point. Y/N sat on the edge of their worn-out couch, lost in thought, their gaze fixed on the flickering candle in the center of the room. Shadows danced on the walls, mirroring the turmoil in their heart. For years, they had been trapped in a tempestuous sea of emotions, unable to find their way to calm waters. But tonight, they had to make a choice, a choice that felt like letting go of a part of themselves.\n\nIn the small, dimly lit apartment, the scent of old books and nostalgia lingered in the air. Y/N's fingers traced the edges of a photograph of them and Levi, their friend-turned-lover. It had been a life filled with adventures, dreams, and passion. Yet, like a ship caught in the storm, it had also been fraught with tumultuous seas, threatening to consume them. Tonight, everything hung in the balance.\n\nHanji, their ever-quirky and wise friend, had urged them to take a step back and evaluate their relationship with Levi. \"Sometimes,\" Hanji had said, \"we hold onto things that are not meant for us, fearing the unknown.\"\n\nOutside, the rain began to fall, the rhythmic drumming on the windows mirroring Y/N's racing heart. They knew they needed to confront Levi, to confront the tangle of emotions that had ensnared them for so long. And so, with trembling resolve, they reached for their phone and dialed Levi's number.\n\nLevi's voice was crisp and devoid of emotion when he answered, but Y/N detected a hint of surprise. \"Y/N, is everything alright?\"\n\nY/N took a deep breath, gathering their thoughts. \"We need to talk, Levi. There's something we've been avoiding for too long.\"\n\nThe tension in the room grew palpable as they made plans to meet at a quiet, inconspicuous cafe. Y/N's heart ached, for they knew this conversation might mark the end of a chapter they had cherished. With each step they took towards the cafe, they wondered if they were about to let go of the only love they had ever known.\n\nAs they entered the cafe, the scent of coffee wafted through the air, mingling with the sounds of hushed conversations and the clinking of mugs. Levi sat at a corner table, his usually stoic expression giving way to a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Y/N slid into the chair opposite him, their fingers trembling as they fiddled with a napkin.\n\n\"Levi,\" they began, their voice unsteady, \"we've been through so much together. And I'll always cherish the memories we've made.\"\n\nLevi's eyes, as dark and enigmatic as ever, locked onto Y/N's, searching for answers. \"Is there something you're not telling me?\"\n\nY/N nodded. \"There's something I need to say, something I need to let go of. Our relationship has been incredible, but it's also been turbulent. We've clung to each other in the hopes that we could weather any storm, but in doing so, we've both been drowning.\"\n\nThe weight of the unspoken words hung in the air between them. Y/N continued, \"It's not just the past. It's the future too. We're on different paths now, and as much as it hurts, I think it's time for us to let go.\"\n\nLevi's expression remained unreadable, but Y/N could see the turmoil in his eyes. \"Are you sure about this?\"\n\nY/N's voice wavered, but they held back the tears threatening to spill. \"I think it's what's best for both of us. We can't grow if we're constantly trying to hold onto what was.\"\n\nLevi's fingers traced the rim of his coffee cup, a subtle sign of his own struggle. \"I won't stop you, Y/N. If this is what you need, I won't stand in your way.\"\n\nAs the words hung in the air, Y/N felt a mixture of relief and sorrow wash over them. It was as if they had been caught in a tempest for years, and now, they were finally finding a moment of calm.\n\nThe rain outside had turned into a soft drizzle, casting a melancholic ambiance over the world. Y/N and Levi sat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. They were letting go of a love that had defined their lives, but in doing so, they were setting themselves free.\n\nDays turned into weeks, and the ache of loss began to ebb. Y/N threw themselves into work and rekindled connections with friends, among them Hanji, Erwin, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, who had supported them through their journey of letting go. Their world, once overshadowed by Levi's presence, was now filled with new possibilities.\n\nWith time, Y/N and Levi found a way to maintain a friendship, a bond that had been the foundation of their love. They still shared laughter and conversation, their connection transformed into something different but equally precious.\n\nAs Y/N watched the world go by, they realized that sometimes, letting go was the only way to create space for new adventures, new dreams, and new loves. The ocean of their emotions had finally calmed, and in its serene waters, they discovered the strength to chart their own course." ]
Title: Levi x Reader | ONESHOTS Description: One shots based on none other than ✨ Levi Ackerman ✨ enjoy! (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ Tags: ['aot', 'armin', 'attackontitan', 'erenjaeger', 'fluff', 'hanji', 'imagines', 'lemon', 'leviackerman', 'leviheichou', 'levixreader', 'mikasa', 'oneshot', 'oneshots', 'reader', 'reiner', 'rivaille', 'shingekinokyojin', 'snk']
# i. <b>— </b>𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮<b> —</b> 𝙁𝙄𝙍𝙎𝙏<i> | </i>English isn't my main language slash expertise and I'm not a perfect human being who doesn't make mistakes so expect minimum grammatical errors, but I'm gonna try my hardest to avoid them and fix them as soon as possible. :) 𝙎𝙀𝘾𝙊𝙉𝘿 | no to plagiarism, please don't copy my book because I worked my ass off for this, like it twisted my brain to come up with a good plot ( all in which are from my fantasies before I go to bed xD ) Please be original. 𝙏𝙃𝙄𝙍𝘿<i> | </i>Hate will be ignored, 🙅🏻 I accept criticisms, in fact I love them. But if you're just gonna comment something that is downright below the belt, just hold your tongue. It won't do you any good :) 𝙁𝙊𝙐𝙍𝙏𝙃<i> </i>| for requests, I prefer for it to be dmed to me! Make sure to indicate where it's set ( AU, Modern or norm ) I won't guarantee that I'll write every single request especially when I don't feel comfortable in writing a certain topic :') so yeah, I just want to let you guys know! — 𝓚𝓮𝔂𝓼 — • 𝘆/𝗻 | your name <b>∙ </b>𝗹/𝗻 | last name • 𝗲/𝗰 | eye color • 𝗵/𝗰 | hair color • 𝗳/? | favorite ? "Words between quotation mark" | dialogue <i>italics | </i>thoughts / flashback <b>— </b>𝓓𝓲𝓼𝓬𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓻<b> —</b> 𝗜<b> </b>𝗗𝗢<b> </b>𝗡𝗢𝗧<b> </b>𝗢𝗪𝗡<b> </b>𝗔𝗡𝗬<b> </b>𝗢𝗙<b> </b>𝗧𝗛𝗘<b> </b>𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗦<b> </b>𝗔𝗡𝗗<b> </b>𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗖𝗘𝗦<b> </b>𝗜𝗡<b> </b>𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗦<b> </b>𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬<b> </b>𝗙𝗢𝗥<b> </b>𝗜𝗧<b> </b>𝗥𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧𝗙𝗨𝗟𝗟𝗬<b> </b>𝗕𝗘𝗟𝗢𝗡𝗚𝗦<b> </b>𝗧𝗢<b> </b>𝗛𝗔𝗝𝗜𝗠𝗘<b> </b>𝗜𝗦𝗔𝗬𝗔𝗠𝗔<b> </b>𝗨𝗡𝗟𝗘𝗦𝗦<b> </b>𝗢𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗘<b> </b>𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗗<b>. </b>𝗜𝗡<b> </b>𝗡𝗢<b> </b>𝗪𝗔𝗬<b> </b>𝗦𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗘<b> </b>𝗢𝗥<b> </b>𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗠<b> </b>𝗔𝗠<b> </b>𝗜<b> </b>𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗚<b> </b>𝗢𝗪𝗡𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗣<b> </b>𝗧𝗢<b> </b>𝗛𝗜𝗦 𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗞 𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗞𝗜 𝗡𝗢 𝗞𝗬𝗢𝗝𝗜𝗡 𝗢𝗥<b> </b>𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗚<b> </b>𝗔𝗡𝗬<b> </b>𝗦𝗜𝗚𝗡𝗦<b> </b>𝗢𝗙<b> </b>𝗔𝗙𝗙𝗜𝗟𝗜𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡<b> </b>𝗧𝗢<b> </b>𝗧𝗛𝗘<b> </b>𝗔𝗨𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗥<b> </b>𝗢𝗙<b> </b>𝗧𝗛𝗘<b> </b>𝗦𝗔𝗜𝗗<b> </b>𝗦𝗘𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗦<b>.</b> <i>Other than that, please do enjoy reading! I would really like to hear your feedbacks :) p.s.</i><i> in some chapters Levi will be a little bit OOC.</i> # life is worth living. [ <b>a/n |</b><b><i> </i></b><i>if you are uncomfortable with self harm and abuse themes, please skip this chapter </i>] With no destination in mind, you were trapped in a relentless pursuit, haunted by the grotesque specter eternally etched into your psyche. The relentless replay of that nightmarish image had you on the run, but there was no escape from the suffocating darkness that clung to your soul. You were caught in a nightmarish loop, an infernal torment that threatened to unravel your sanity. It was as if you were shackled to a relentless treadmill, condemned to run in agonizing circles. The world around you had plunged into an abyss of despair, shrouded in the darkest of nights. The once-bustling streets now lay barren, echoing with your frantic footsteps. Torrential rain cascaded from the heavens, each drop a relentless reminder of your own tears. Every step you took sent ripples through the cold, unforgiving puddles that pooled around your feet. You gasped for breath, your lungs burning with exhaustion, weighed down by the oppressive burden of sodden clothing clinging to your shivering body. But still, you pressed on, driven by an insatiable need to escape the torment. The rain, an unrelenting accomplice, drenched you to the bone, seeping into the very core of your being. It was as though the heavens themselves wept in sympathy for your anguish, their tears mingling with your own. Each drop that fell only served to amplify your unrelenting sorrow, turning it into a tempest of despair that threatened to consume you entirely. The world had become a cold, indifferent place, matching the desolation within your tortured heart. As you continued to run through the merciless night, your breath ragged, your soul aching, you knew that the pain would not relent. The horrifying image that pursued you would forever haunt your every step, and the ceaseless rain would remain a cruel companion to your misery. In this nightmarish landscape, you were a wretched figure, tormented and broken, endlessly fleeing from the unforgiving grip of your own inner demons. As you stumbled upon what appeared to be an entrance to the dark, labyrinthine underground, a place that held haunting memories, your strength finally crumbled. Your knees gave way, and you collapsed onto the damp, unforgiving ground. You had no sense of direction left; even if you did, your leg throbbed with a relentless agony that threatened to tear it from your body should you attempt another step. The past, a relentless specter, descended upon you once more, and you were overwhelmed. You crumpled into a disheveled heap, your trembling hands desperately covering your face as your grief erupted in gut-wrenching sobs that seemed to tear through your very soul. With no escape in sight, you turned to prayer, your voice choked with despair, pleading for a miracle, a sliver of divine grace that might offer solace. You sat there, hopelessness enveloping you, as your mind replayed every traumatic incident, each a scar etched deep within your psyche. "Why?" you choked out, your voice filled with torment, "Why does this relentless nightmare have to torment me?" Doubt crept into your heart, and in that moment of darkness, a sinister idea took hold. You knew what you wanted, what you believed would finally free you from this unending pain. You whispered encouragement to yourself, your words dripping with desperation. Your trembling hand reached for the knife you had kept hidden, your reflection in its gleaming blade mirroring your inner torment. "Why didn't I think of this before?" you questioned, though the answer lay buried beneath layers of denial. It was because you clung to that dwindling ember of faith, fueled by a faint glimmer of hope that one day, your suffering might be justified, that your life could find meaning amidst the chaos. <b><i>flashback</i></b> Your life, though confined within the protective walls guarding against the titans, was anything but ordinary. In Wall Sina, where your parents served as members of the garrison, you found a measure of comfort, if not luxury. Yet, your aspirations set you apart; you dreamed of joining the Survey Corps, yearning to explore the world beyond the walls, a choice your parents vehemently opposed due to the grim mortality rate. Your persistence, however, could not be denied. At the tender age of seven, your parents relented, recognizing your unwavering determination. To their astonishment, you proved to be an exceptionally fast learner, possessing a surprising amount of strength for someone so young. Your newfound skills soon earned you a reputation among the other children. The memory of you fiercely defending your bread from a would-be thief spread like wildfire, and fear radiated from your peers. Loneliness became your unwelcome companion as children shunned you, despite your harmless intentions. This isolation eventually led you to explore the city, particularly Mitras, where, for the first time, children your age engaged with you. Yet, it was a tunnel that piqued your curiosity, one leading to an underground civilization. With a sense of adventure burning within, you embarked on your clandestine journey, your backpack filled with essentials – a pocket knife, a lantern, a water jug, and provisions for sustenance. Your parents remained blissfully ignorant of your excursions, their approval an impossibility. As you entered the dark, foreboding tunnel, an unsettling odor enveloped you. It was a stark contrast to the world above, but this alien environment only fueled your curiosity. The questions swirled within your mind – why did it look this way? How had this place come into existence? Why did people choose to live here? The grim demeanor of the inhabitants further intensified your desire to uncover the secrets hidden beneath the surface. Despite the ever-present unease, you pressed on, unwavering in your determination. When exhaustion finally set in, you sought refuge in a dimly lit alley, a sanctuary from the disturbing events you had witnessed – the abuses and thefts that plagued this underground world. You held faith in your skills to protect yourself should danger arise. Inside this shelter, you stumbled upon a malnourished boy, his emaciated form a stark testament to his suffering. His response to your presence was muted, a mere whisper of acknowledgment. Cautiously, you approached him, your touch making you wince at the prominence of his protruding bones. "Oi," you uttered, keeping your distance at first. He glanced up, the vacancy in his eyes echoing the emptiness within. Sensing no immediate threat, you sat across from him and offered a piece of your bread. "Take this," you said gently, extending the bread to him. He hesitated briefly, then accepted your offer, his famished state evident as he devoured it. A faint smile crept onto your face as you watched him eat with a desperate hunger. The act seemed to bring a glimmer of life back to his hollow gaze. You shared the bread, sating your own hunger, and offered water from your jug. "I thought you might be thirsty too," you explained. He drank eagerly, finishing the cup in seconds. "I'm sorry, that's all I-," you began to say, but he interrupted with a soft "Thank you." His gratitude warmed your heart. "You're very welcome," you replied, introducing yourself as (Y/N). He introduced himself as Levi, weakly shaking your hand. Over hours of conversation, you learned of his mother's passing, leaving him alone in this desolate place. The sadness in his story tugged at your heartstrings, and you couldn't help but feel immense sympathy for the boy across from you. As you prepared to leave, you agreed to meet here again, secretly forging a bond with the fragile thread of friendship. Three years later, at the age of thirteen, you and Levi were now the closest of friends. Despite the dangers lurking in the underground, you continued to meet, sharing food, conversation, and companionship. You brought rice, his favorite, and watched as his spirits lifted with every meal. Your parents remained unaware of your secret friendship, their absence a constant in your life. But in the darkness beneath the surface, you had found something priceless – a friend who shared your silent world, a bond born of compassion and survival. Everything had been going smoothly, with your secret meetings in the underground with Levi offering solace in your otherwise desolate life. However, one fateful day, as you ventured into the subterranean world as you always did, Levi was conspicuously absent. Instead, you found a letter, trembling in your hands as you read its painful contents: "Dear (Y/N), I know that this is gonna hurt but, I'm gonna go straight to the point. This day marks the time when we will no longer see each other. Kenny took me in and there's no way for me to sneak out anymore, well, this is the last time but I'd probably get a beating once I get back. Thank you for everything (Y/N), I understand if you don't want to forgive me but please know that I didn't really have a choice. I am really sorry. I promise to meet with you again someday and 'til then, please promise me that you won't do something stupid. Got it brat? Levi." You stood there, the words sinking in, tears welling in your eyes, threatening to cascade down your cheeks. It was as if you had been thrown back to square one – alone, abandoned, your only friend taken from you. You lingered in your and Levi's hiding spot, tears finally breaking free as you replayed every cherished memory you had shared with him. "That stupid shorty just broke my damn heart," you whispered through trembling lips. You couldn't fathom why Levi believed you might not forgive him. Of course, you would, for you knew that true friendship meant understanding circumstances beyond one's control. You clung to his promise, vowing to keep your own. In the wake of Levi's disappearance, a dark cloud seemed to shadow your life. A series of misfortunes plagued you, and you found yourself sinking deeper into despair. The moment you opened the door to your home, you were met not with the warm embrace of your family but with the gruesome sight of their lifeless bodies, blood splattered across the walls and floors. Horror washed over you, leaving you speechless, paralyzed by the grisly scene. Your family, your mom, dad, aunt – all gone. It took every ounce of courage to step inside and face their lifeless forms, their bodies submerged in their own crimson pools. You couldn't comprehend how this nightmare had unfolded, but a nagging voice within blamed you, whispered that it was all your fault. Despair engulfed you, and your only sanctuary, the underground, now felt just as empty as your heart. You longed for Levi's comforting presence, but he, too, had vanished. The only difference was that he was not dead, at least, you hoped he wasn't. As you grappled with this cruel twist of fate, you wondered why life had chosen to unleash such cruelty upon you. First, the loss of your only friend, then the murder of your family – it was all too much for one soul to bear. Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, they did. After your family's burial, your uncle took you in, offering a glimmer of hope in your shattered world. Yet, that hope proved fleeting, as his true nature emerged. He berated you relentlessly, labeling you a burden and subjecting you to physical and sexual abuse. He allowed his friends to join in the torment, turning your existence into an unending nightmare. For five long years, you endured hellish torment under your uncle's roof, until a breaking point was reached. By then, you were no longer the same person, broken beyond repair. And so, you made a decision, a decision that defied imagination – you killed your uncle. Emotionlessly, remorselessly, you ended his life, your heart devoid of regret. Packing your bags, you left behind the hell disguised as your uncle's house, setting out into the unknown, the scars of your past etched deep within your soul. <b><i>End of flashback</i></b> Tears welled up in your eyes as you contemplated the reasons that had brought you to this dark moment, your heart heavy with determination. Your throat felt constricted, and your breaths came in ragged gasps, but you remained resolute in your plan. Just as you were about to end your pitiful existence, a familiar voice, one you knew so well, halted your trembling hands. "Oi, brat, what the fuck do you think you're doing?!" The voice demanded your attention, and you turned, wide-eyed and astonished, to see the last person you expected. It was him. He stood before you, looking down with a mixture of concern and disbelief. You were left stunned, unable to muster a single word. You knew it was him, not just from his voice but from the way he carried himself, the unmistakable aura he exuded. He slowly sat down beside you, taking the knife you had intended to use to end your own life. "H-how?" you managed to stammer, your hands still trembling uncontrollably. "How did I know it was you? It's the knife," he replied. "You used to carry this with you when we were kids. I noticed it looked different from the others. Yours had a weird shape and handle." You glanced at the knife in his hand and felt a glimmer of warmth at the thought that someone remembered small details about you, a spark of recognition and care. Levi, now seated beside you, stared at the wall across from you for a moment, lost in thought. Then, he turned his gaze to you with a stern expression. "Why?" he asked, his voice holding a weight of concern and confusion. It took you some time to find your voice, but as you began to explain the horrors of the past few years, the words spilled out. Your shaky voice recounted the abuse, torment, and loneliness you had endured. As you spoke, you couldn't help but notice that the expression on Levi's face mirrored the one you used to give him in your childhood – one of understanding and empathy. When you finished, he embraced you gently, and you allowed yourself to release the torrent of emotions you had bottled up, seeking refuge in his chest. "Do you know why I'm still here?" he began, his fingers tracing comforting circles on your back. "It's because of you." You pulled away, confusion etched on your face as you raised your eyebrows. Levi held your gaze, his eyes locked with yours. "Remember when we first met? I was at death's doorstep, accepting my fate, hopeless. I was silently waiting for the end. But you, you turned it all around. The moment you shared your bread, offered water, gave me that warm smile, it felt like I was brought back from the brink of death. You gave me a reason to look forward to another day, to look after myself, a reason to live." With his hand tenderly placed on your arm, he used his other hand to lift your chin ever so gently. "The moment we stopped seeing each other five years ago, it crushed me. At times, I felt like giving up. But the thought of you, the possibility of seeing you again, was enough to keep me going." Your heart swelled with emotion, and without thinking, you cupped his face with your hands and leaned in slowly. In an instant, your lips met his, a kiss that held years of longing, love, and unspoken emotions. It was sweet and tender, a testament to the connection you had shared since childhood. You had loved him all along, even after all those years apart. Not a single day went by without thoughts of him, dreams of a better life with him by your side. Levi, taken by surprise, responded with equal fervor, and you wrapped your arms around him, drawing him closer as you shared the profound moment. The kiss, a bridge between past and present, left you breathless, and you finally broke away, foreheads touching. "I love you, Levi," you confessed, your voice filled with hope and vulnerability. His eyes bore into yours, and with a soft smile, he replied, "I love you too, (Y/N)," before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. Months later, you became a member of the Survey Corps, training tirelessly under Levi's guidance. He, now known as humanity's strongest soldier, took it upon himself to ensure your growth and safety. One evening, as you nestled your face into his neck, you whispered, "Levi, please don't ever leave me again." "Tch," he retorted playfully, "says the brat who was about to break her promise if it weren't for my interference." He flicked your forehead lightly, and you responded with a playful slap on his arm. "I'm sorry, okay? I'll never do it again," you promised. "You better," Levi said, his voice softening, "you make my life worth living." *** <b>This is so long O-o imma try to make the other chapters shorter. Probably just less than 3k words. </b> # life of the party. As the night's embrace enveloped the city, Y/N found herself on the rooftop of a towering skyscraper, a place where the world seemed to shrink into a distant backdrop of glittering lights. The moon hung low, its silvery radiance casting long shadows across the urban landscape. A gentle breeze carried the scent of the city's hustle and bustle, mingling with the aroma of freedom. Y/N had always been the life of the party, the heart that throbbed to the rhythm of each moment. Yet tonight, amidst the cacophony of laughter and music echoing from below, she felt something different. A yearning for a deeper connection, for a story that transcended the boundaries of the dance floor. Levi Ackerman, a man of few words and hidden depths, stood at the edge of the rooftop. His sharp gaze was fixed on the stars, as though they held secrets only he could decipher. Levi was an enigma, an uncharted territory, and Y/N was inexplicably drawn to him. Their paths had crossed earlier in the evening. A chance encounter that had set her heart racing, like the opening notes of a melody that promised to be unforgettable. Y/N couldn't ignore the magnetic pull that had brought her to this rooftop, to Levi. Levi turned, his piercing eyes meeting hers. There was a hint of curiosity in his gaze, as if he could sense the unspoken connection between them. Y/N approached him, her steps guided by an unspoken impulse. They stood side by side, gazing out at the city that never slept. "I've always been the life of the party," Y/N began, her voice soft and reflective. "But tonight, I'm looking for something different, something real." Levi remained silent, but his gaze never wavered from hers. It was as if he understood the longing in her words, the desire to break free from the superficiality of the world below. "Sometimes," he finally spoke, his voice carrying the weight of experience, "we find what we're looking for in the most unexpected places." As the night deepened, their conversation flowed effortlessly, like a river winding its way through uncharted territory. Y/N learned about Levi's past, the battles he had fought, and the scars he carried. She shared her dreams, her aspirations, and the ache in her heart for something more meaningful. They laughed together, their laughter mingling with the distant sounds of the party below. They shared stories, secrets, and moments of vulnerability that felt like revelations under the starlit sky. Time seemed to stand still, and for that brief moment, the world belonged to just the two of them. When the first light of dawn began to creep over the horizon, Y/N and Levi found themselves standing on the rooftop, their hands entwined. It was a silent acknowledgment of the connection they had forged, a promise of something more than a chance encounter. As the city below began to stir, Y/N realized that she had indeed found something different, something real. It was a connection that transcended the confines of the party, a bond that had been forged in the quiet moments between heartbeats. Levi turned to her, his eyes holding a depth of emotion that words couldn't capture. And as the sun's rays bathed them in a golden glow, Y/N knew that this was a moment she would carry with her, a memory of a night when she had found the life of the party in the most unexpected place—the heart of a man who had been a mystery, waiting to be unraveled. In that rooftop encounter, amidst the city's lights and the quiet of the early morning, Y/N and Levi had discovered that sometimes, the most profound moments are born when the world fades away, and two souls meet in the stillness of the night. # pms. <i>When you are on your period</i> "Y/N? What's wrong?" Hanji approached Y/N with concern evident in her eyes. Y/N was sitting at the base of a tree, her head bowed low, muffling her sobs with her palms. Sitting down beside Y/N, Hanji extended a comforting hand to pat her back gently. Her usually eccentric demeanor gave way to a more serious and sincere tone as she spoke, "You know you can tell me anything." Y/N continued to sob, wiping away her tears as she looked up at Hanji, who offered a sympathetic smile. "I- It's just..." Y/N began, her voice trembling as she choked on her sobs, "At first, I was happy because I saw a fat squirrel, and that the squirrel had enough to eat. But then I realized, there are a lot of people who are starving out there, and this squirrel is fat." Her words became more frantic as she spoke, and Hanji's initial smile faded into concern. "Dammit, Y/N! I thought it was about something serious for you to be crying like that!" Hanji exclaimed in frustration. "I-I'm sorry," Y/N sniffled, sighing. "It's alright. I don't even know why I'm surprised! You must be on your time of the month," Hanji remarked, to which Y/N nodded, looking back at the ground. "Now let's go! It's time to train!" Hanji offered her hand to the crying cadet. Y/N accepted it, although she wore a frown, and her other arm clung to her lower abdomen with a pained grip. "Hanji, do you think I can skip today's training?" "I-I don't know. If I were in charge, I would let you rest. But you know how strict Levi is when he handles things. I'll try my best to get you out of it, though," Hanji promised as she led Y/N to the training grounds. Upon reaching the training area, Y/N's gaze locked onto the short captain, Levi Ackerman. He was visibly drenched in sweat due to the unusually warm weather, but her attention on him was not solely because of the weather. Her cheeks flushed a deep shade of red, and her heart raced as she couldn't help but feel a certain way towards her superior, emotions that were not necessarily the most modest. "Hey, shorty! Do you mind if you exempt Y/N today?" Hanji called out to the corporal. Levi remained facing forward, his response monotone, "Tch, who the fuck does she think she is? No one gets exempted." "But Y/N doesn't feel well today; she's on her period," Hanji explained, using animated hand gestures to emphasize her point. However, Levi remained unmoved, stating, "Every girl here gets their period, and I don't get any complaints. I don't see any reason why she can't do it." Frustrated, Y/N couldn't help but scoff and roll her eyes upon hearing Levi's response. Her previous feelings of attraction towards him quickly faded, replaced by irritation. "But that's not how it works! It-" Hanji began to argue, but Levi interrupted her by raising a finger, silencing her protests. "No excuses and just get it over with, tch." Y/N couldn't help but think that just because every girl experiences it doesn't mean it's the same for everyone. Hanji gave Y/N an apologetic look, and Y/N nodded in understanding, trying to convey that it was okay as they parted ways. Hanji returned to her experiments, while Y/N reluctantly joined the other cadets for training. Levi's voice cut through the air as he announced a different approach to hand-to-hand combat training that day. Every loss meant running 20 laps until victory. The training began after their salute. Amidst the other cadets, Y/N's condition was apparent – she appeared on the verge of collapse. Seizing this opportunity, they exploited her vulnerability, defeating her in a single attack and forcing her to restart her third lap. Levi's emotionless voice resonated in her ears, his words dripping with disdain. She was certain he was referring to her. Running her third lap, Y/N felt like she was teetering on the edge of unconsciousness. This time, it wasn't just a façade; she genuinely felt it. With every step, the world seemed to spin, and her vision grew hazy. "I'm going to pass out," she thought, a sense of impending doom settling in as she clutched her forehead, her hand damp with sweat. Levi noticed her struggle and abruptly rose from his seat, witnessing Y/N slowing down as she faltered. A curse escaped his lips, as he held himself accountable for her predicament. In Y/N's perspective, everything blurred. She could barely hear a muffled voice ordering her to stop. Her limbs felt like lead, and the world swayed around her. Summoning the last shreds of her strength, she managed to utter, "I want to fuck you but... fuck you, you're an asshole," before succumbing to unconsciousness. "Poor Y/N," a voice, which she recognized as Hanji's, reached her ears as she began to regain consciousness. "Ughh, what happened? Oww," Y/N groaned, wincing at the sensation of multiple knives stabbing her simultaneously. Her entire body ached, covered in bruises from her contact with the ground during training. "You passed out," Hanji explained, and Y/N nodded. Her gaze drifted to her pants, which she assumed would be soaked in blood, recalling the moment before she lost consciousness. Yet, to her surprise, her current pants were clean. This puzzled her, and her expression mirrored her confusion. Levi entered the room, providing an explanation. "Tell the brat that I hung her filthy pants near her window to dry. I cleaned it," he stated matter-of-factly. Y/N's head snapped towards the door. Levi had been the one who helped her when she passed out. Had he also... changed her clothes? The thought made her blush, her cheeks heating up at the idea of Levi handling her in such an intimate manner. She mentally scolded herself for entertaining such thoughts. "The medic was nowhere to be found, and I couldn't just let you bleed to death. Plus... It's extremely unsanitary," Levi explained, his gaze averted. Y/N swore she saw a faint hint of pink on his cheeks. She couldn't blame him; apologizing was a foreign concept to him. Nonetheless, he was trying, and that effort meant the world to her. A shy smile graced her lips as she whispered, "Thank you." Levi, however, interrupted her, "No, I... apologize for being ignorant." His voice stumbled slightly over the word 'apologize,' but he pushed through. Y/N appreciated his effort; apologizing was uncharacteristic of him, making her grin even more. "Apology accepted," she responded softly. The atmosphere in the room shifted, tension thickening as they locked eyes. It was a complex moment, brimming with unspoken emotions. After some time, Hanji cheerfully excused herself from the room, leaving Y/N and Levi alone. As they exchanged glances, Levi pushed himself forward, moving from where he had been leaning against the wall. He pulled a chair closer to Y/N's bed and took a seat, his expression still serious. "Does that mean I'm not an asshole anymore?" Y/N furrowed her brow at his sudden question. She couldn't recall ever using that word to describe him, though she had often thought it silently. "Wh-what?" she asked, perplexed. Levi explained, "Before you passed out, you said that I'm an asshole, and that... you wanted to fuck me." Y/N's eyes widened, and she remembered her unfiltered words, her face turning a deep shade of red as embarrassment washed over her. "I swear it was just because of the hormones!" she hurriedly protested, though she knew it was a lie. She looked down in embarrassment but felt his hand gently removing hers from her face. He shifted, placing his hand on her shoulder and gently lifting her chin to meet his eyes. Y/N blushed even further at the proximity. "Don't worry," Levi whispered next to her ear, making her shiver. "I happen to feel the same way. Maybe we could do that sometime soon." With those words, he stood up and left, leaving Y/N in a state of bewilderment. Alone once more, she rubbed her eyes and lightly slapped her face to make sure she was awake. The pain from her sore, bruised body and the discomfort of her menstrual cycle served as a stark reminder of reality. Her face heated up at the memory of Levi's whispered words. With a sigh, she shook her head. Levi had an uncanny way of surprising her, and it seemed their story was far from over. <i><b>***</b></i> <i><b>Aaah it's been a while! If you're reading this, I am currently editing the published chapters as well as uploading new ones! Chao!</b></i> # halloween. <b><i> </i></b> <b>Your Perspective:</b> "Why me!?" I exclaimed, my protest echoing through the room. We were gathered for a meeting with Hanji, who was enthusiastically presenting her latest experiment, affectionately dubbed the 'Halloween Special Experiment,' or as we liked to call it, 'Operation: Uncover Levi's Hidden Fears Beyond Dust and Germs.' Hanji had taken a keen interest in Levi, always the stoic and seemingly fearless one among us, and she was determined to discover if there was anything that could genuinely terrify him. But why was I protesting? Because Hanji wanted me to be a key participant in this experiment. In short, she wanted me to pretend to be dead, serving as the final 'test' for Levi. "Oh, (Y/N), your innocence is adorable!" Hanji chimed in, her chin resting on her palms as she grinned mischievously. "Is there something going on that I'm not aware of?" I raised an eyebrow, feeling a growing sense of confusion. "Wow, she really doesn't get it, does she?" Eren interjected, amusement dancing in his eyes. He sat across from Mikasa, who sat next to me. Armin, Sasha, Connie, and Jean all nodded in agreement, sharing secret glances among themselves. "What are you guys talking about? What hint?" I whined, tilting my head slightly, my mind racing to come up with plausible explanations. "Nothing, Y/N! Let's just focus on the plan!" Hanji waved her hands dismissively, steering the conversation back to our Halloween scheme, which was just two days away. <i>[Time skip, brought to you by Mr. Clean]</i> Two days later, we found ourselves standing in front of the eerie mansion. How had we convinced Levi, you might ask? Well, we had offered to buy him the latest Nimbus 3000 broom. Levi was notorious for his obsession with cleaning supplies, and he couldn't resist any offer involving them. The mansion was ancient, vines crawling across its decaying exterior. The paint had long been stained by rain and time. The boarded-up windows suggested that whatever lay inside was too horrifying to behold. Dead plants lined the pathway, desperate for care. The mansion practically screamed for maintenance, which was precisely why we had chosen it. "Tch, this place is filthy," Levi remarked, covering his nose. "You can't expect an abandoned house to clean itself," I retorted, rolling my eyes. Hanji snickered at my comment, causing Levi to shoot a glare in our direction. Over the past few days, we had taken turns decorating the mansion. But our goal wasn't to make it beautiful; it was to make it as terrifying and unkempt as possible. There were already cobwebs, but we had added more, larger spiders. The entire place was covered in webs, with enormous spiders hanging menacingly. We had also splattered fake blood – realistic in look, smell, and texture – as a macabre touch. It gave the impression of gruesome scenes. Candles provided the only light, even though chandeliers with broken crystal strands dangled overhead. The floorboards were marred by gaps and shards of broken glass, and cockroaches scurried everywhere. Some furniture was draped in dusty white sheets, and wallpaper peeled in ominous patches. Rusty chains, macabre portraits, and realistic decapitated head sculptures adorned the walls, complete with convincingly dripping blood. We had gone to great lengths, even adding security cameras and a sound system that played eerie, surreal music. Eren and Armin handled the control system for doors and other surprises. The rest of us ventured inside, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. It all looked so convincing. Darkness enveloped us, interrupted only by the dim candlelight, and the creaking floorboards added an eerie ambiance. I kept a close eye on Levi as we passed by the candles, but his expression remained stoic. The other cadets who weren't privy to our plan were genuinely frightened, trembling and clinging to one another. Some even screamed when they encountered our gruesome sculptures. I couldn't help but silently congratulate myself for creating such convincing displays. "Nice try, but the only scary thing about this place is the amount of dust," Levi remarked as eerie laughter echoed through the halls. "But Levi, this place is genuinely haunted," Hanji insisted, to no avail. We eventually reached the mansion's dungeon, our last stop in this haunted journey. Our previous efforts hadn't seemed to faze Levi, so it was time to move on to Plan B: I had to find an excuse to leave and head back to headquarters. The goal was to create a situation that would ignite Levi's fear, though I had my doubts. "Hey! Uh, I... uh," I stammered, catching everyone's attention. I scratched the back of my head, desperately searching for an excuse to exit the scene. "I need to use the bathroom," I blurted out abruptly and rushed toward the exit, not waiting to gauge their reactions. Outside, I was greeted by Mikasa and Sasha. "It didn't work, did it?" Mikasa inquired, her voice tinged with concern. I shook my head, panting heavily. "No, it didn't. But now it's time for Plan B." My determination remained unwavering, and I was ready to execute the next phase of our plan. For this stage, we had prepared a custom-made couch that would allow me to hide one leg and create the illusion of amputation. We also crafted a replica of my leg. We began by spattering fake blood in strategic places, making it look like a crime scene. I even suggested adding some in the bathroom to validate my earlier excuse. We wanted everything to be as convincing as possible, knowing that Levi was no fool. After the gruesome setup, I donned a pair of pants torn on the left side and positioned myself on the custom couch, inserting my left leg into the hole. Mikasa and Sasha took charge, adding fake injuries, bruises, and blood. The severed leg was placed nearby. As they stepped back to examine their handiwork, I couldn't help but think that it looked frighteningly realistic. "That looks like a murder scene," Mikasa commented, impressed with our handiwork. Now it was time to play my part. Hanji and the others could arrive at any moment, and we needed to make this illusion convincing. <b>Levi's Perspective:</b> We had just arrived at headquarters, and as we disembarked from the carriage, Sasha and Mikasa approached us, their faces etched with genuine terror. Sasha was catching her breath, bent over with her hands on her knees. "Captain! Commander Hanji! Come quickly! S-something terrible has happened!" Sasha exclaimed, her voice trembling. "Tch, what's going on?" I asked, trying to maintain my composure. "C-captain (Y/N)," Mikasa replied, her eyes welling up with tears. "What about (Y/N)?" Hanji interjected, her voice tinged with panic. As soon as I heard (Y/N)'s name, my heart raced uncontrollably, and sweat began to bead on my forehead. I cursed silently under my breath. The sight of bloodstains becoming more apparent with each step intensified my apprehension. Shit. Her office door was slightly ajar, and when I finally took in the scene, my knees gave way beneath me. (Y/N) lay before me, appearing lifeless, with blood splatters covering the room and her severed left leg carelessly discarded. "Levi! What's wrong!?" Hanji and the others caught up, but I couldn't find words. I remained on my knees, tears threatening to spill. The others gasped at the gruesome sight, some even retching. Slowly, I stood up and moved closer to (Y/N)'s lifeless body, as the others began to examine the scene. She had bruises and cuts all over, her face and arms marred by fake injuries. Blood continued to flow from her severed leg. Unable to hold back any longer, I broke down. I gripped her hand tightly and dropped to my knees, pressing my face close to the crook of her neck. I didn't care if I got covered in blood; nothing mattered but her. My tears mingled with desperate sobs that reverberated throughout the room. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, stop! That tickles!" I heard (Y/N) laugh, suddenly bolting upright and clutching her neck. "HAHAHAHAHA, you all fell for it!" Hanji joined in the laughter, pointing at the shocked expressions of everyone they had fooled, including me and the other cadets from (Y/N)'s squad. I glanced at Hanji, giving her a stern look, before turning my attention back to (Y/N). "What? My neck is my ticklish spot!" she laughed, and without hesitation, I hugged her tightly. "I thought I'd lost you before I even had the chance to tell you how I truly feel. You've driven me insane, (Y/N). Please, promise you'll never do that again." I sniffled, holding her close. "You're very welcome! It's about time, shorty!" (Y/N) replied, her arms wrapped around my neck. I couldn't help but feel slightly hurt when she didn't return the hug, but I didn't let go. "Lucky for you, I feel the same way. Don't worry, I promise I won't do it ever again." Tears of relief transformed into tears of joy as we confessed our feelings to each other. "You guys got me good," I remarked, pulling away as (Y/N) removed her leg from the hole in the couch. "Yeah! You should've seen yourself! HAHAHAH, it was all Hanji's idea to make you the subject of this experiment!" (Y/N) explained. "So, you all went through all this trouble for me?" I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah! We wanted to know what you're afraid of, especially since you always seem so fearless!" she said. "Didn't I just prove that I'm not afraid of anything?" I crossed my arms. "Nope, not really! My conclusion is that you do have a fear, and that fear is losing (Y/N)!" she asserted. "Tch, I suppose you're right, you damned glasses." *** <b><i>Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :</i></b><b><i>D</i></b> # entrust. <b><i> </i></b> <b><i>Your perspective:</i></b> <b><i>09/12/20</i></b> "(y/n)? What are you doing here?" Hanji's voice jolted me back to the present. I took the seat beside her, keeping my gaze averted. "I got invited, duh," I replied, rolling my eyes. I was determined not to accept any more sympathetic looks; I didn't want anyone's pity. But why were they looking at me that way, you might wonder? Allow me to share the backstory of what transpired between Levi and me. Levi and I first crossed paths in college, where I considered him my fiercest rival. We clashed constantly, engaging in debates and arguments to prove who was right and who was wrong. But as the months went by and we collaborated on group projects, we gradually revealed more about ourselves and our pasts. We discovered that we had far more in common than we'd ever imagined. In short, we clicked – like the final piece of a puzzle snapping into place. Our rivalry evolved into acquaintanceship, then friendship, and finally, after several months, into a romantic relationship. That period of my life was marked by unparalleled happiness. We were deeply infatuated with each other, our conversations full of dreams and plans for the future. We vowed to survive any obstacle, to turn our shared vision into reality. We were in love, completely and utterly. For the initial years, everything was perfect. Life seemed to align perfectly with our aspirations. But appearances can be deceiving. Following our third anniversary, Levi began to change. The warm, affectionate nights we spent cuddling turned into cold, lonely hours in bed. He no longer shared a cup of tea with me, coming to me only when he needed something. His hugs felt mechanical, devoid of the warmth they once held. Excuses piled up as he started staying out late. I told myself it was a phase, that every relationship had its rough patches. After all, perfection couldn't last forever, right? I tried to convince myself, day after day. But as days turned into weeks and weeks into months, his detachment only grew. I couldn't help but blame myself. What had gone wrong? Was his love for me waning? Was he seeing someone else? These questions tormented me, and the idea of him betraying me felt inconceivable. I struggled to maintain faith in his love, but doubt gnawed at me relentlessly. Finally, I reached a point where I couldn't bear it any longer; I knew I had to confront him. The day I did remains etched in my memory, clear as if it had happened just yesterday. <b><i>06/28/19</i></b> It was our 4th anniversary, and we were supposed to go on a special date. However, he canceled it, citing an overwhelming workload of paperwork. I had been eagerly looking forward to spending time with him, so I suggested that I could join him in his office while he worked. To my surprise, he strongly protested, urging me not to come, not even in case of an emergency. His resistance felt suspicious. My heart clenched painfully in my chest as I felt the sting of rejection. Determined to confront him about our deteriorating relationship, I decided to go to his office regardless. I felt like a reservoir on the verge of overflowing. I had an exceptionally high tolerance for patience, but I was nearing my breaking point. I needed to confront this issue head-on before I drowned in my own sorrow. Walking down the hallway towards his workspace, I could feel my chest tighten. I was only a few doors away when my greatest fear unfolded before my eyes, catching me completely off guard. I froze in my tracks. There, in front of his office door, stood Levi with another woman. A pregnant woman. Their joy was palpable, radiating from their smiles, which contrasted sharply with the happiness I could no longer bring out in him. I didn't know how I managed it, but I composed myself, swallowed my pride, halted the tears threatening to spill, and approached them. Levi's reaction was instant; he froze when our eyes met. As I got closer, I looked at the woman and extended my hand, introducing myself. "Hi, I'm (y/n)! Levi and I are classmates!" I forced a smile. "I'm Petra! Levi and I have been together for almost two years now!" She grinned, shaking my hand warmly. Two years. They had been together for two long years. I smiled and offered my congratulations on her pregnancy. Then, I asked if I could have a private word with Levi to discuss our "group project." She graciously granted my request. In a secluded spot, free from prying eyes, I broke the oppressive silence between us, my voice trembling, "Why?" Tears finally escaped my eyes as I posed the question. "(y/n), I'm so sorry," he began, bowing his head in shame. "I... It's just that I love her more." The words shattered my heart into countless pieces. "Please, tell me this isn't real, that I'm just dreaming, that we can go back to how things were," I sighed, looking up at the ceiling as tears flowed freely down my cheeks. Levi's admission continued. "I didn't know how to tell you. I didn't know how to face you. I was too ashamed because you were here, pouring your heart out to me every step of the way, while I couldn't reciprocate that. That's why I... succumbed to the murky waters of infidelity." I gasped, choking on my own sobs, my body trembling with the weight of his betrayal. "Every time we were together, I imagined that you were her." "I felt special with you, but she made me feel loved." The explanation cut through me like a knife. He even asked me to punch him, to exact some form of revenge, but I couldn't bring myself to harm him, even though every fiber of my being yearned for it. My love for him was too deep, too profound. I forced a smile through my tears. "Thank you for everything, Levi. Thank you for telling me the truth. Thank you for setting me free." Wiping my tears away, my heart still aching, I added, "Congratulations on the baby. You're going to be a father now. I'm sure you'll be a great one." I sniffled and let out a bitter chuckle, the pain still fresh. "So long. You don't have to worry about me anymore. I'm no longer a burden to you. I'm happy for you." I turned and walked towards the exit, leaving him standing there, his head hanging low, his face buried in his hands. I didn't ask any more questions because I wanted to move on, to find some semblance of positivity in this painful situation. The more I knew, the more it would hurt me. At least, that's what I told myself. Unbeknownst to me, the unanswered questions would plague my thoughts in the days and weeks to come. But as I walked away, wiping away the tears that continued to fall, I thought about everything, enlightened as to why it had all transpired. It wasn't a detailed explanation, but the answer was there – he loved someone else, and that's why he committed this betrayal. In situations like these, it's difficult to let go, but it's even harder to hold on. So I did what I had to do, what was right, despite the agony in my heart. <b><i>09/12/20</i></b> "Hello, earth to (y/n)! I told you not to come here in the first place, but your stubborn ass did so anyway," Hanji shook my shoulders, snapping me out of my daze. "I told you, I'm fine." We were seated at the reception for Petra and Levi's wedding. I had chosen not to attend their ceremony because I couldn't bear to witness them exchanging their vows. Levi had extended an invitation to me, but Petra was unaware of the history between us. There was no point in revealing our past, and she remembered me from our college days, insisting that I attend. Hanji was about to say something again, but the host tapped the microphone, drawing our attention. "Ladies and gentlemen! Let us all welcome the newlywed couple! Mr. and Mrs. Ackerman!" Cheers erupted as I turned to look back at the entrance door. My heart ached as the newlyweds, their happiness evident, entered the room. In Petra's arms, their newborn rested, completing their picturesque family. But what hurt even more was the fact that he was now making the same promises to someone else that he had made to me. That could've been us, I thought, but I kept a smile on my face as they walked forward, hand in hand. More than a year had passed since our breakup, yet I still wondered. I wondered why things had changed between us. When his 'I love yous' had turned into lies. And how he had managed to keep up the deception for two years. A bitter smile crossed my lips as I watched them revel in their joy. You could easily tell why he had chosen her just by the way he looked at her. If he was happy with her, there was no point in fighting it. Sometimes, it's impossible to change what's meant to be. I was the one you needed, but not the one you loved. I was there with you physically, but mentally you were with her. I was your once upon a time, but she was your happily ever after. As I moved forward, I came to a stark realization: it didn't matter that I was the one who had been there first, the one who had supported him through thick and thin. In the end, it all came down to who he truly loved, who held his heart and mind. And it wasn't me. So I had no choice but to let go. To entrust the man I had loved the most to the woman I had unwittingly prepared him for. <b><i>***</i></b> <b><i>Omg, I had such a hard time writing this because I'm hurting my own feelings lol. So, I apologize if this kind of sucked idk. </i></b> <b><i>This was inspired by a song and a comment that I read somewhere :D</i></b> <b><i>Btw, thank you so much for all the votes and comments! I only have little views but the ratio of reads and votes is like O-o. Huge shoutout to @/leviackerwoman and @/baka-geyama! :D</i></b> # freaky friday. <i>When you and Levi switch bodies for a day :P</i> [ <b>a/n</b> | <i>I haven't read any one-shots with this plot and I was like whut O-o I gotta make it happen!</i> <i>Btw, in my one-shots, you and Levi would always be the same age! I can't stand reading stories where Levi is like twice the age of the reader / OC</i> ] <b>Your perspective:</b> "Ahh, finally," I silently rejoiced, taking a seat on a bench with my tray of food in hand. I found myself in the mess hall, ready to have dinner after what felt like an exhausting day. Training had consumed most of my time, all thanks to the corporal's relentless demands. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the memory of the sanction I had received earlier in the day. Jean couldn't resist teasing me as he sat down at the nearby empty seat, placing his tray on the table along with the others. His smirk made it clear he wanted to bring up the earlier incident during training. "How's training, (Y/N)?" Jean snickered, barely hiding his amusement. "Dreadful," I sighed, taking a spoonful of my soup. "Anyway, I forgot to get myself a cup of tea." I began to rise from my seat when a sudden force pushed me back down, causing me to frown in irritation. "Hey! What was that for!?" I growled, whipping my head over my shoulder to identify the culprit. It was Hanji, her hand still on my shoulder, sporting a mischievous smile as she handed me a cup of tea before darting off energetically. Eren couldn't help but notice her unusual behavior. He raised an eyebrow and asked, "What's up with Section Commander Hanji?" "I also don't know, but why are you even surprised? It's Hanji," I shrugged, eyeing the cup of tea she had given me. Something deep down told me not to trust it, considering its source—a mad scientist. Yet, I decided to take a sip anyway. "This... Is something else." I tasted the tea, and my face immediately contorted in reaction to its strange flavor. Scanning the mess hall, I hoped to spot Hanji and interrogate her about the suspicious drink. However, she was busy chatting with the other higher-ups, including the short corporal. I chose to dismiss my concerns and joined my friends instead. "Hey! Stop calling me that! I do not look like a damn horse!" Jean and Eren were embroiled in yet another argument, but I couldn't focus on their bickering. I began to feel increasingly drowsy. "Hey, guys, I'm going to call it a day. I think Hanji slipped a sleeping pill in my tea or something... or maybe it's just because I'm exhausted," I announced as I stood up from the bench. I bid farewell to my friends, who were still engrossed in their dinner and the ongoing spectacle of Eren and Jean's squabble. I strolled peacefully down the hallway on my way to my room when suddenly the ground trembled beneath me. I instinctively ducked, covered, and held onto something sturdy. The tremor was brief but intense. "Woah, was that an earthquake just now? Or is my mind playing tricks on me?" I muttered, feeling disoriented without even having consumed a single drop of alcohol. 'Ugh, Hanji! Not again!' I groaned, shaking my head as I continued my journey to my room. It seemed that the mad scientist had a peculiar affinity for using me as a subject for her experiments, something I was not particularly fond of. Finally reaching my room, I collapsed onto the soft comfort of my bed and drifted into a deep sleep. <i>[Time skip, brought to you by Grammarly]</i> I tossed and turned incessantly, gradually awakening to a sense of peculiarity. My bed felt larger and softer than usual, with incredibly plush pillows enveloping my face. I couldn't help but notice that something was off. My face didn't feel the same; it was unfamiliar, and so was my hair—short, unlike what I had grown accustomed to. Tentatively, I explored my chest area and realized that it had undergone a transformation. I no longer had breasts. "Oh, no! Did I just turn into a guy?!" I panicked, bolting out of bed and rushing to the bathroom. My reflection in the mirror confirmed my fears. 'Okay, I see you, Hanji! This could be fun!' <b>Levi's perspective:</b> "Why the hell does it feel so cramped in here?" I groaned audibly, and I heard an annoyed voice respond, "Hey! Keep it down, will ya? I'm trying to sleep!" The voice left me feeling perplexed. 'Did I sleep with a woman?' I wondered, my mind racing with confusion. In a sudden rush, I shot up, surveying the unfamiliar surroundings. 'This isn't my bedroom. What on earth am I doing in a cadet's dorm room? It's utterly revolting in here,' I muttered, my face contorting in disdain. Without giving much thought to the other person in the room, I got to my feet and headed straight for the bathroom. Upon reaching the mirror, I was met with a reflection that wasn't mine but (Y/N)'s. 'Hell no!' I thought, frustration welling up inside me as I slammed my hands against the sink's edge. "Oi! I told you to keep it down!" the other cadet shouted from the opposite side of the bathroom door. "Tch, shut up! Fifty laps, now!" I retorted, though the moment the words left my mouth – in (Y/N)'s voice – I regretted the decision. I couldn't stand this feeling of inhabiting someone else's body. "Now you're impersonating Corporal Short Stack, real funny, (Y/N)!" I recognized the voice coming from Braus. Her comment irked me, but I couldn't act on my frustration while trapped in (Y/N)'s body. 'I have to find Eren, locate those damned glasses, and put an end to this once and for all,' I resolved. I was about to dash out the door to track down Eren when I realized I couldn't go out looking like this. Surprisingly, (Y/N)'s room wasn't as untidy as I expected, but my concern was different. 'I have to bathe her... and then get her dressed...' Heat flushed my cheeks at the thought, but I shook my head and resolved not to look or think about it. 'But I'll still have to touch it,' I conceded reluctantly. Once again, I shook my head, cupping my chin with my hand as I contemplated my options. In the end, I decided it was the lesser of two evils, better than actually looking and seeing. "Fuck it," I muttered as I began to undress, stripping off (Y/N)'s clothes, 'God, that sounded SO wrong on so many levels.' My hands moved over her body, eyes firmly shut as I meticulously washed every inch, the soap covering each area. As I did so, I couldn't help but notice how - judging by the way it felt - curvaceous and... 'Levi, don't go there,' I scolded myself internally. 'So, this is what it feels like to have breasts and... a vagina,' I observed mentally, somewhat amused. My tentative hands explored these unfamiliar regions when I was rudely interrupted. "Oi, (Y/N)! Hurry up; we don't have all day!" Braus banged on the bathroom door. 'Tch, how annoying!' After a final rinse, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a clean towel. "It's about damn time!" I heard Braus complain theatrically, and I gave her a perplexed look. I swiftly dressed in a uniform I found in (Y/N)'s drawer, determined to find the brat I had switched bodies with. 'That brat better clean my body as thoroughly as I did hers.' <b>Your perspective:</b> "Goodness, it's enormous," I blushed intensely, my cheeks rivaling the redness of a tomato. I had just undressed in Levi's body, unable to resist the temptation to admire the impressive physique he possessed. Scars adorned his body, but somehow, I still found it undeniably attractive. 'There's only one thing I can do in this situation,' I thought mischievously, and I proceeded to strike various dance moves that made certain aspects of Levi's body sway and bounce. Before I knew it, I was laughing like a maniac. A part of my brain warned, 'Levi is going to kill me,' but another side reasoned, 'Well, it's not like he's going to find out.' I opted to listen to the latter, of course, and laughed evilly. Once I was finished - and I made sure to thoroughly cleanse every part of his body, considering Levi's exacting standards - I stepped out of the shower and slipped into his clothing. I had trouble figuring out how to properly tie his cravat, which made it look rather peculiar, but fortunately, he couldn't do anything about it, like ordering me to run 50 laps. As I made my way out, I headed toward Hanji's office to discuss the situation. "Oi, brat," I heard a strangely familiar voice say, one that sounded like my own. Coming to a halt, I turned to see myself mimicking Levi's posture, and I couldn't help but chuckle. "What's so amusing?" It snapped at me, "Is that you, Corporal?" I inquired, stifling my laughter. "Are you stating the obvious now?" "Nothing, it's just that I didn't realize how I appeared to others, especially under your... demeanor," I commented, scanning the body I currently inhabited, now controlled by Levi. "Tch, that's not how you should wear it!" He grumbled, moving closer to adjust the cravat's odd positioning, making my cheeks flush. Clearing my throat, I requested, "Could you try to be less rigid? People might become suspicious." "Fine, I'll attempt to be as exuberant as possible! How's this for an improvement?" He teased, attempting to mimic me. "You're incorrigible! I don't act like that at all!" I protested. "Alright, alright, then you should maintain your 'stiff' demeanor," he responded, emphasizing the word 'stiff.' Suddenly, he gasped, seemingly realizing the gravity of our situation. "I know, right? I get to be a corporal for who knows how long!" I exclaimed, wearing a smug grin. "Tch, stop with the sunshine and rainbows. I don't act like that... And, this is a serious issue!" He admonished me. "Okay, fine. Then please outline all the actions I need to take as you," I suggested, gesturing with my hands, and offering a solid plan. "Tch, you should start emulating me, and I'll attempt to replicate your behavior. Since everyone is awake, let's head to Hanji's office first to see if she can reverse this. If not, then we'll proceed with your plan," he proposed in my voice – a sensation that felt incredibly strange – and I agreed. We began walking side by side, with me maintaining an upright posture while Levi, or rather, I, adopted a more relaxed gait, even offering smiles to those we passed. 'Do I truly behave like that?' I wondered, fascinated by how different this experience was. It was even more amusing to see Levi smile – though it was my body that was displaying it. Upon reaching Hanji's office, Levi barged in without warning, startling the eccentric scientist. "Shitty Glasses, I demand you fix this immediately. That's an order!" He stated in his usual authoritative tone, although it sounded peculiar with my voice. "Oh my God! You two!?" She gasped, making odd hand gestures as we nodded in confirmation. "Ha! It worked! I thought it could involve three or four people, but I guess my other hypothesis was correct!" She rambled on, leaving us both puzzled. "What do you mean? What did you put in our tea, and what precisely are the effects?" I inquired, confused. "Great question, my dear (Y/N) in Levi's body!" She exclaimed, jumping up and patting my shoulder. "Well, I added a small substance to your drinks! It's supposed to make you switch bodies with someone you like! I only gave it to the two of you, so there were three possibilities: the first, involving four people, because you don't like each other; the second, involving three people, because the other doesn't like you back; and the third – the best one – where you only switch between yourselves because you like each other!" She explained in her typical loud and exuberant manner, accompanied by animated hand gestures. Levi and I turned beet red at the revelation. "Shitty Glasses!" Levi groaned in frustration, knowing that his secret was now exposed. I couldn't help but chuckle. After a long pause, he sighed, "So, how do we switch back?" "I don't know," Hanji shrugged, "WHAT!?" I exclaimed in utter shock. "YOU DID THIS WITHOUT KNOWING HOW TO REVERSE IT, GODDAMN IT!" I shouted, pressing my hand against my face in exasperation. "Yep! Now, shoo! Have fun! Goodbye!" She declared, shoving both of us out of her office. I waggled my eyebrows in Levi's direction, and he turned away, clearly embarrassed. "Don't get too worked up, brat," he remarked, and we proceeded on our unusual journey to navigate each other's lives. <i>[time skip brought to you by duolingo ] </i> Ugh, this is rather tedious. Who has to sign four copies of the same document?" I muttered, leaning my head against the plush cushion of Levi's chair. He had handed me a list of tasks he needed to complete today, and naturally, I had to do them on his behalf. Today's to-do list: Complete paperwork (This is how my signature looks [sign]) Deliver signed papers to Erwin Drink tea (black tea with a tablespoon of milk) Organize and clean the cleaning supplies (I don't want to see a single speck of dust, got it?) Drink tea Train the cadets (don't do anything stupid) Drink tea Visit Hanji again Scrub the dirt off my body (get rid of all the filth; do this if to no avail ONLY)  P.S. If Erwin mentions anything important, take note of it. That was the entirety of my tasks, and the only thing remotely engaging and enjoyable was the prospect of training the cadets. It was an opportunity to exact a little payback. My body might suffer, but Levi would experience the consequences. "Finally done!" I sighed with relief as I signed the last piece of paper. Did Levi have to endure this daily grind? It was utterly exhausting! [ √ ] Completed paperwork With a checkmark next to one task on the list, I gathered the sizable stack of papers and made my way to Commander Erwin Smith's office. Upon reaching the door, I knocked politely. "State your name and purpose," he intoned. "(Y/N) – I mean, Corporal Levi. I've come to deliver the signed papers," I said, mentally scolding myself for nearly making a mistake. "Enter," came his response, and I turned the doorknob with my free hand, stepping inside. "You don't usually knock when you come here. It feels... unusual," he remarked, rubbing his temple and slightly tilting his head. 'Well, damn,' I mentally cursed. I swiftly placed the stack of papers on his desk and left without uttering another word. "What's gotten into him today?" he sighed, shaking his head as he watched me exit his office. After I had checked off the next task on the list, I proceeded to the mess hall to prepare some tea, as it seemed crucial to satiate Levi's thirst. <b>Levi's perspective</b> It required every ounce of restraint in my small, borrowed body not to snap at every cadet who crossed my path. 'Do they truly act like this and talk behind their superiors' backs? I'm going to make them regret it once I'm back in my own body,' I thought angrily as I took a sip of tea. "(Y/N), are you alright? You seem tense, and you've been acting strange and... out of character," Mikasa approached me, concerned. "Tell me about it! She's been acting like this since she woke up! It's as if she's become a perfect copy of Corporal Short Stack!" Sasha chimed in loudly, devouring her food messily, which made me sneer at her in disgust. 'Repulsive.' "I'm fine," I grumbled, no longer bothering to maintain (Y/N)'s persona. "Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Eren commented. 'No, I woke up in the wrong body,' I sighed internally. I glanced over at the table where we usually sat – the one reserved for higher-ranking officers. I noticed (Y/N) doing an impeccable job of impersonating me. I wasn't sure why, but I suddenly felt a pang of guilt. After all, it wasn't my fault I couldn't act as well as she could. Besides, these cadets were infuriating. She was currently sipping tea for the second time, which meant it was time to begin training soon. [ Time skip, sponsored by your friendly grammar corrections ] "Wow, (Y/N), since when did you become as strong as Corporal Levi?" Jean mumbled with his hand on his now bleeding nose, panting heavily. I had knocked him out with a single punch. In fact, I had swiftly defeated every cadet who challenged me, without breaking a sweat. Most of them had rushed to the infirmary to tend to their bleeding noses, while some remained unconscious. Or had I gone too far? "Cadet (L/N)! Run laps until dinner time, now! You've been too harsh on your fellow trainees!" I heard an order barked from across the training field, spoken in my usual monotone voice. 'Did she just use the Uno reverse card on me?' I scowled but complied, making my way toward the field to begin my laps. Thankfully, this wouldn't be a problem for me, or so I thought. "Horseface, you'll be cleaning the horse stalls for a month, including your room, because you're a damn horse," I heard (Y/N) sanction Kierstein due to his earlier comment. "Hey! I am not a horse—" "Then make it a year!" she retorted, earning chuckles from the others. "You! You get to clean the mess hall by yourself for a week." She pointed at Eren, making me smirk. "The rest of you who laughed will be assigned to clean the rest of the headquarters, and those who didn't laugh aren't off the hook either. You'll run 20 laps, now!" I wasn't sure if she was still impersonating me or simply taking advantage of the temporary power shift. Halfway through, with two hours remaining, my breathing became erratic, and I was sweating profusely. 'Damn, so this is what she goes through,' I thought. I had assumed it wouldn't be too difficult, but I realized I wasn't in my own body. 'How the hell does she manage this?' I wondered as I struggled. Even though I was doing this to help her improve, it was excessive. After what felt like an eternity, I came to a stop and collapsed onto the ground. To say my thighs felt like they were on fire would be an understatement. It was as if they were about to fall apart. "Not so tough now, are we, Corporal?" I heard (Y/N) chuckle, mimicking my voice, and I could only grunt in response. It felt so strange because I couldn't even remember the last time I had made that sound. "I apologize, (Y/N)," I said breathlessly. "That's better. Now come, let's have dinner and then see Hanji," she said, extending her hand to help me up. <b><i> </i></b> <b><i>Your perspective:</i></b> I glanced over at my friends' table and saw them making fun of me. Little did they know that they were talking to Levi, not me. I was certain he must be fuming since these cadets seemed to enjoy gossiping about their superiors behind their backs. "Hey, shorty!" I heard Hanji call out, but I didn't respond immediately because I wasn't accustomed to that nickname. I shifted my gaze from my friends' table to Hanji's enthusiastic face. "What is it? Have you found a solution?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, hoping we could return to our original bodies. Although, I must admit, it had been a rather amusing experience. "Yep! You'll return to your original bodies when you sleep!" Hanji exclaimed, a bit too loudly, prompting a few people to glance in our direction. "The what now?" Erwin joined the conversation, intrigued by what he had just heard. "I may or may not have switched Levi and (y/n)'s bodies," Hanji said with a coy smile and a suggestive finger gesture (👉👈). "Ahh, that explains it," Erwin chuckled, recalling the incident when I had knocked on his door. "So, I've been talking to (y/n) instead of Levi?" "Yes, my dear commander! They'll be back to normal tomorrow, so no need to worry!" After finishing dinner, I broke the news to Levi, who seemed relieved but was clearly seething. My friends were likely the source of his frustration. "I'm going to give your friends a piece of my mind once this is over," he declared. "Do as you please," I snickered. Shortly afterward, we went our separate ways. Levi headed to my dorm room while I went to his bedroom, ready to sleep after ensuring I had "scrubbed the dirt off his body," as per his request. The next morning, I awoke feeling relieved to find myself back in my own body, even though it was quite sore. I checked everything to be sure but then a realization hit me. "Wait, does this mean he saw and touched my body?" I gasped, my eyes widening as I blushed a deep shade of red. "Finally, you seem back to normal! You were driving us nuts yesterday!" Sasha exclaimed, though I wondered how she could tell I was "normal" when I hadn't done anything yet. After I got ready, I skipped happily on my way to Levi's office, grateful to have my body back and eager to check on him. When I arrived, I knocked in a specific pattern. "State your name and purpose," I heard him say. "He's back," I smiled. "It's Cadet (L/N)." "Come in." I entered, and he immediately halted what he was doing. "I believe you may have forgotten something, Cadet," he said in such a menacing tone that it sent shivers down my spine. It took a moment for me to realize what he meant, and when I did, my eyes widened, and I gulped. "That's what I thought. You forgot to clean my cleaning supplies." He glared at me as if he could peer into my very soul with his microscopic eyes. "I checked, and they were already clean," I replied, telling the truth. I couldn't see a speck of dust on them, but apparently, Levi had eyes like a microscope, capable of spotting every single particle of dirt on his cleaning supplies. He sighed and stood up, stretching his arms as he approached me. "What do you say to... about shopping for cleaning supplies? With me... Just you and me..." he stammered, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. I couldn't help but find his awkwardness adorable. "Are you... asking me out?" I smiled. "Are you... rejecting me?" he retorted, mimicking the way I had spoken earlier. "Of course not! I'd love to come with you," I chuckled, throwing my arms around his neck, remembering yesterday's revelation. "But promise me one thing: no extreme sanctions," I said, looking up at him as our eyes met. "Fine," he grumbled. "Also, I have a question," I began. "How do you guys... you know... when nature calls? Does it just dangle down there while you do your business?" I asked with an oddly serious expression, though he didn't seem to have an answer. "Just kidding, but I may or may not have had some fun with your body when I bathed it," I confessed. "Tch, it's fine. You're going to see it more often anyway." With that, I playfully slapped his arm, and we continued with our day. <b>***</b> <b><i>This took so long to do! I wanted to add more but like it's so long already O-o so yeah, comment if you want a part 2! Not a continuation but a different occurrence. Ciao! </i></b>😘✌ # beautiful people beautiful problems. <b><i>Your perspective:</i></b> "I find myself in quite a predicament!" I muttered, and by predicament, I meant a literal one, given the circumstances that led to it. It seemed that the word "pregnancy" would best describe my current situation. "What on earth should I do now?" I mumbled, my hands resting on my temples as I stared at the empty box of pregnancy tests before me. Sticks were strewn about, all displaying the same positive result. I had used multiple tests just to be absolutely certain, as this was a situation I had never anticipated. Sooner or later, I would have to break the news to my boyfriend of four years, Levi. The mere thought of revealing this life-altering news to him was far from appealing, mostly because he was known to be terrifying. "What if he reacts with anger?" "What if he doesn't want this?" "What if he decides to leave?" My mind raced with unsettling scenarios of how he might respond to my revelation. Ensuring that I had disposed of nearly everything, so he wouldn't discover it prematurely, I left only one test untouched for reasons of necessity. I exited our room, making my way to Hanji's laboratory. I needed guidance on how to approach Levi with this news without triggering his wrath. "Ah, welcome, my dear (y/n)!" Hanji greeted me enthusiastically as I entered her lab. "What brings you here on this lovely afternoon?" "Well, you see, I have a problem..." I began, lifting the positive pregnancy test stick with one hand while my nervous feet seemed to dance involuntarily. "Oh my goodness! I knew it!" Hanji exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I had a dream a few days ago about pregnancy, and I was secretly hoping it was you! It's high time we had (y/n) and Levi's babies!" She confessed, causing my jaw to drop in disbelief. Not dwelling on that, I promptly inquired, "How can I possibly tell him about this?" "Ha! You see, I actually anticipated this the moment I had that dream. So, I made something for that!" Hanji declared, reaching for an item on her desk. "This, my dear, is Levi's teacup. However, there's a message written at the bottom. All you need to do is serve him tea using this cup, and when he finishes, he'll read the message at the bottom and be left speechless!" She chuckled, evidently pleased with her brilliant plan, as she handed the teacup over for my inspection. The message read: 'You're going to be a dad! This is serious, by the way.' I read it silently to myself. "Oh my goodness, he's going to be shocked," I groaned inwardly. "You know, you have quite a beautiful problem! You shouldn't be frustrated at all. Levi loves you immensely, you know? Everything will be alright!" Hanji chimed in, picking up on my evident distress regarding the pregnancy situation. With a sigh, I thanked the mad scientist and departed without uttering another word, too preoccupied with devising a plan to deliver this unexpected news. Without delay, I proceeded to the mess hall to brew tea using the custom teacup and subsequently serve it to Levi. Taking a deep breath, I mentally prepared myself for the possibility of his displeasure. I knocked on his office door, hearing him respond with his usual monotonous voice, "State your name and purpose." "I-it's (y/n). I brought you some tea," I stammered, my hands visibly trembling. "Come in," he replied. I entered cautiously, the tray with his tea trembling slightly as I set it down on his desk. I looked up at him, seeing that he had paused whatever he was doing earlier. "Hey, (y/n), what's wrong? You look... unwell," he said, his voice tinged with concern and a hint of disgust. "Actually, you haven't seemed well for the past few days. What's going on?" he added. "Oh, I'm fine. I just have a stomach bug," I managed to force a smile, internally amused by my choice of words. By "stomach," I meant "uterus," and by "bug," I meant "baby." Making sure to keep his attention away from the teacup's message, I placed his cup of tea on his desk. He took it, and I sat down in the chair opposite his desk. By this point, I was breaking into a cold sweat and shivering uncontrollably. "Anytime now," I thought to myself, anxiously awaiting his reaction. After a while, with his tea half-finished, he looked up at me in confusion. "Why are you staring at me like that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Don't mind me; just finish your tea," I replied, feeling my nerves creeping in. Then it happened. He choked on his tea as he noticed the message at the bottom of the cup. I waited for him to regain his composure so he could respond, fearing his potential anger or rejection. "(y/n)... Is this... true?" he asked, looking back at the cup before turning his gaze to me. I nodded slowly, tears now streaming down my cheeks. "I understand if you don't want this, but you can be as involved as you want, or—" I began to babble, but he interrupted me. "I'm going to be a dad," he whispered to himself, almost in disbelief. Then, he exclaimed happily, and before I knew it, he was holding me tightly in his arms. "So... you're not leaving me?" I asked, shocked by how well he was handling the news. "Of course not, you fool. Stop being so melodramatic," he snapped at me, and I chuckled, pulling him closer. "That's why you were acting so strangely," he mused, finally connecting the dots about recent events. "But wait, didn't we always use protection?" he furrowed his brow. "We did, but it's not foolproof. It's effective about 97% of the time," I chuckled, surprised that he was even considering that the child might not be his. "Wait... What!?" he exclaimed. "They should put that on the box!" "They do," I informed him. "No, they don't!" he protested, shaking the box of condoms in front of me. "You know what, maybe I should have!" he continued. "Listen, Levi, let's just forget about the condom," I said, trying to downplay it. It must have been the hormones, but I was growing impatient. "No! I want to talk about it now. In fact, I'm going to write a letter to the president of the condom company!" he declared, searching for paper and a pen on his desk. "You know what, maybe I should just come back later," I suggested, preparing to leave his office as his antics became increasingly absurd. "No! I want to talk now. This is ridiculous. You're driving me nuts!" I groaned, scratching the back of my head, realizing that it must have been the hormones affecting my patience. "Damn it! We were fine a moment ago, and now you're acting insane! You're driving me nuts!" I exclaimed in frustration. Levi sighed, "Look, I'm sorry. It's just... that stupid condom put us in a situation we're not ready for—" "Make up your mind! Do you want this or not?" I interrupted, my impatience getting the better of me. Hormones, again. "Damn woman! Could you please let me finish?" he snapped. With a sigh, he returned to embrace me and held me tightly. "Look, the situation we're in right now isn't ideal, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you, (y/n). I'll do my best to protect you, take care of you and the baby— I'll do everything, I promise," he said, his sincerity returning as he traced circles on my back. "I love you too, Levi," I sighed, resting my face against his neck. "We'll get through this and be amazing parents, okay?" he whispered, leaning back slightly and cupping my face with his hands. I nodded in agreement. "But first, I have to finish my letter to the condom company," he added with a smirk. <i><b>***</b></i> <i><b>oMG IT'S BEEN A HOT MINUTE, SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING I WAS BUSY!! anyway, comment down below if you noticed the reference from friends :D </b></i> # act my age. <i><b>Your perspective:</b></i> "I find myself rather bored," I lamented, reclining upside down on the couch, my hair nearly brushing the floor. Levi sat beside me, his legs crossed, engrossed in a book and sipping tea. "Could you cease your complaints? I am trying to read in peace," he remarked nonchalantly, not bothering to look my way, his eyes glued to the printed pages. "But I am at a loss for activities," I groaned, lifting my head and resting it on his thigh. I peered up at him, my lips pouting, eyes widened slightly, and eyebrows raised. In short, I attempted to employ the puppy-dog eyes look to capture his attention. Also, it was genuinely adorable how he looked while engrossed in his reading. "Whatever you are attempting, it is not working," he said, not even sparing a momentary glance in my direction. With a huff, I rose from my position and trudged grumpily to our bedroom, somewhat resembling a sulking child. In the bedroom, I retrieved the materials I needed for a project I had in mind. I collected numerous large blankets, an abundance of pillows, some strings, and fairy lights. I was intent on building a fort, but Levi had dismissed the idea, deeming it "childish." I rolled my eyes at the thought. We had been confined to our home due to a health crisis in our district, resulting in a community quarantine. Only two days had passed, and I was already feeling exasperated. Levi had provided little to no assistance with my boredom. With a huff, I carried as much as my arms could bear, causing the couch to shift slightly when I dumped the items in the area where I had been seated earlier. Levi, however, remained unfazed. I shot him an irritated glance before continuing to fetch the remaining materials, which included a projector. I began assembling my fort, draping the blankets over other pieces of furniture to create a comfortable space. I arranged additional blankets to fashion an entrance and a blank "wall" where I could project the movie I intended to watch. Satisfied, I stepped back to admire my handiwork before adding some final touches. I hung the fairy lights, covered the floor with a thick blanket, and scattered a collection of plush pillows. Squealing with childlike delight, I skipped to our room to change into my cute unicorn onesie. I had bought Levi a wolf-themed onesie as well, but I knew he was averse to such attire, so his non-participation was unsurprising. I proceeded to the kitchen, retrieving the pizza I had baked for dinner and slicing it before placing it inside the fort. "Are you really not going to join me?" I asked, crossing my arms and standing before him. When he offered no response, I huffed and stuck my tongue out before dramatically turning on my heel and entering my creation. I promptly set up the projector, but while doing so, I heard Levi's footsteps, indicating that he had finally risen. I frowned, realizing that he might not join me in the cozy fort I had meticulously constructed. Listening to the sounds from outside, I deduced that he first descended to the kitchen to clean his cup, turned off the lights, and then proceeded to our room, closing the door behind him. "So, he really won't join me," I thought, sighing in disappointment. After some time, as I struggled with the projector, I heard our bedroom door open, accompanied by footsteps growing louder as they approached my fort. I turned my head to witness a shadow moving about, which halted upon reaching the entrance. Slowly, the entrance opened, and I beamed upon seeing Levi wearing the onesie I had given him, clutching a pillow to his chest. He settled inside, making himself comfortable in the space I had reserved for him. "Not a word," he warned, casting me a glare, but it was difficult to take him seriously when he looked so utterly cute. Imagine Levi attempting to appear stern while clad in a onesie, the hood atop his head. Adorable, to say the least. "You're so fluffy, I'm going to die!" I squeaked, tackling him, unable to restrain myself any longer. "Tch, stop acting like a child; you're not twelve anymore," he scoffed. "Tch, stop acting like a grumpy old troll who lives under a bridge," I retorted, mimicking his tone. He rolled his eyes and sat us back up, seemingly oblivious to my reference, which was a bit of a buzzkill. I snuggled closer to him as we watched a horror movie and indulged in snacks. I occasionally spilled some food due to the jump scares, earning irritated glances from him for making a mess. I couldn't help but cling to him tightly, anticipating each terrifying scene. I couldn't fathom how he managed to maintain a composed demeanor while watching the scariest movie I had ever seen. After the movie, we simply cuddled, our bodies intertwined, savoring the warmth we offered each other. I gazed up at him, thinking that I couldn't ask for more because this was the best feeling in the world. "You're doing it again," Levi remarked, looking straight ahead before turning to me. I pouted and snuggled even closer, if that were possible. I saw a faint smile grace his lips. "You know that I love you immensely, right?" he suddenly said, prompting me to sit up and plant a kiss on his cheek. "Of course I do; I understand that you're not the demonstrative type," I replied, caressing his other cheek with my hand. "Sometimes, I feel guilty for not showing you how much I love you," he mumbled, gently running his hands up and down my waist, before suggesting, "we should do this more often." A grin spread across my face. "Really?!" I exclaimed, practically leaping with excitement. He pulled me back into place. "Yes, this was... surprisingly enjoyable." "I told you! I thought you were going to sleep in our room tonight and leave me alone here," I pouted, "you're an idiot," he said, poking my cheeks to release some air. After a while, he drew me closer, "I love you, so much," I smiled, "I know," and he glared at me menacingly. "Just kidding! Of course, I love you too!" I exclaimed, planting a kiss on his soft lips. "I'll have to buy you more of these, though; you look so cute in them!" I cooed, eliciting a grunt from him in response. "I don't really have a choice, do I?" "Nope! 'We should do this more often,'" I quoted the phrase he had uttered earlier. "Ugh, fine." With that, we drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, our quarantine suddenly seeming far less daunting. <b><i>***</i></b> <b><i>How I wish I have Levi to spend quarantine with :&lt; please stay safe everyone! Sorry for not updating, electricity was out yesterday :( </i></b> <b><i>On the brighter side, thank you so much for 300 reads oMG! + I'm also inactive bc I'm planning for a book :D It'll be a Levi fanfic but I'm also planning to publish oneshots, preferences or fics featuring other anime characters from diff. series! </i></b> <b><i>Anyway, thank you for reading! Don't forget to comment &amp; vote! I also happen to be open for requests :D just DM me ;) Again, thank you so much! </i></b> <b><i>- eri</i></b> # break your heart right back. <i>Ghoster</i><i>!Levi x Reader</i> Six months had elapsed since the initial encounter between you and Levi, a relationship that sprouted from a serendipitous match on an online dating application. Initially, you had been skeptical about delving into the realm of online dating, aware of the multitude of individuals with ulterior motives that often frequented such platforms. However, with time hanging heavy and a lack of desperation for a relationship, you decided to download the app for the sheer amusement it could offer. On the other end of the spectrum, Levi's exploration of the dating platform stemmed from a desire to prove to his friends that he was not excessively uptight. In a twist of fate, he found himself more captivated by the experience than he had initially anticipated. Upon navigating the app, you found yourself swiping left with disinterest, as none of the profiles seemed to align with your preferences. That was until you stumbled upon Levi's profile. Although he was slightly shorter than you, his towering presence was more than adequate. The alignment of your zodiac signs added a touch of cosmic intrigue, but it was his arresting appearance that truly left you breathless. Without hesitation, you bestowed upon him a coveted super like, as if you had fallen for him at first sight. The moment your profiles matched, you initiated a conversation with him, and he reciprocated, sparking an engaging dialogue. Your connection was instantaneous, evolving into a mutual presence across various digital platforms. It had been quite some time since you had felt this way, and you never imagined experiencing such emotions with someone you had met online. Levi was nothing short of remarkable. His intellectual prowess, evident in his textual exchanges, held a certain allure that resonated with you on a profound level. After a week of text-based exploration, the decision to meet in person was made. It turned out to be one of the most exceptional dates you had ever encountered, if not the absolute best. Levi had meticulously planned the entire affair, catering to your preferences with remarkable precision. The experience became a cherished memory, etching itself into your heart as a testament to his thoughtfulness. Aside from the consistent weekend dates, Levi was adept at offering the reassurance you needed, demonstrating a deep care that had you entranced. Consequently, you had fallen deeply for him, fully committed to making the relationship thrive. Now, after six months of togetherness, you believed it was time to broach the question that had been lingering in your thoughts: "What are we?" Despite the numerous dates and frequent bonding, Levi had never officially defined your relationship, albeit he had conveyed that you held a special place in his heart. You harbored the belief that he would, at long last, solidify your status if you posed the question. Yet, you couldn't discount the possibility that he might lack the intent to progress further. With these considerations in mind, you chose to confront him over the phone, as in-person discussions were unattainable due to his existing commitments. <b><i>[Y/N]</i></b> Hey, Levi! 💖 <b><i>Levi &lt;3</i></b> Hello! What's up? <b><i>[Y/N]</i></b> What are you up to? Are you busy right now? <b><i>Levi &lt;3</i></b> Not too busy. Just hanging out with some friends. Why do you ask? <b><i>[Y/N]</i></b> There's something I've been wanting to discuss... I need some clarity. <b><i>Levi &lt;3</i></b> Of course, what's on your mind? <b><i>[Y/N]</i></b> What are we? <i>Seen</i> Following that conversation, Levi seemingly vanished from your life. You made repeated attempts to contact him via calls and messages, all to no avail. "Why is he ignoring me?" you lamented, burying your face in your hands. You were sitting in a cafe with your best friend, engaged in a discussion about the romantic dilemmas plaguing both of your lives. "Girl, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but..." she began, pausing for effect. Your raised eyebrow signaled your desperation for an explanation. "Oh, dear, how can you be so innocent? He's ghosted you, [Y/N]! That's why he's ignoring you," she declared, leaving you utterly bewildered. "Ghosted? What does that mean?" you inquired, further seeking clarification on the term, and she immediately went: "Okay, let me define it for you. According to Google, ghosting is when someone cuts off all communication without explanation." She explained, making you wail once more as you realized what it meant. "Why don't you take this as an opportunity to make him realize what he's missing instead of dwelling on it?" your friend suggested, offering a pragmatic approach. "It might seem a bit petty, but it could boost your self-esteem." "What do you suggest I do?" you inquired, your voice tinged with resignation as you wiped away your tears. "I've got a plan," she said with a sly wink, rising from her seat and motioning for you to follow her as she led the way out of the cafe. Before you knew it, your friend had arranged for a complete makeover. She had your nails and hair done, purchased new makeup, and even revamped your entire wardrobe. You were slightly offended when she claimed your previous style resembled that of a 'Karen,' which you vehemently disagreed with. However, you couldn't deny that you were pleased with your recent acquisitions. Upon returning to your place, (Friend's Name) began to put her plan into action. The transformation she orchestrated was nothing short of remarkable, prompting her to comment, "You're not realizing your full potential, [Y/N]. With these looks, you could be a model. You can't just waste these features. Make the most of them!" She chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief. "Oh my goodness, I do look incredible," you gasped as you admired your reflection in the mirror. "So, what's next?" you asked, curious about her next move. With that, (Friend's Name) handed you your phone, leaving you bewildered as to its purpose. "You're going to post a thirst trap, obviously," she stated, rolling her eyes before taking the phone back from you. "Okay, I'll take your pictures." Thankfully, your house boasted various well-lit and picturesque spots, and (Friend's Name) guided you to the bathroom. You initially questioned the choice of location for a photo shoot but decided to trust her judgment, as she fancied herself an 'aesthetic' connoisseur. You began to pose and move around in the bathroom while (Friend's Name) snapped pictures from different angles. In a bold move, she even had you splash water on yourself to enhance the photo's effect. After the impromptu photoshoot, you took a genuine shower and tidied up while (Friend's Name) got to work editing the pictures she had taken. "(Y/N)! You won't believe this!" (Friend's Name) burst into your room, waving her hands excitedly. Without a word, she showed you the edited photos, and your jaw dropped in amazement. "Wow! Is this really me?" you exclaimed, genuinely taken aback by your own stunning appearance. "Time to post these!" (Friend's Name) urged, brimming with enthusiasm. You opened your Instagram app and uploaded the photos. "Okay, okay, what should I caption it?" Since you hadn't posted in a while, you wanted to make a statement. You settled on the caption: "Don't hit me up when I glow up ✨," hoping it would catch his attention. Within hours, you received a notification indicating that Levi had seen your thirst trap photos. He messaged you in response to your post, saying, "You look stunning. Those highlights and that haircut really suit you." (Friend's Name) couldn't help but scoff, remarking, "Well, that was easy." <i><b>Levi Ackerman </b></i> <i><b>[ shared post ]</b></i> <i><b>You look so fine, those highlights and that haircut suit you so well. </b></i> <i><b>look, (y/n), I'm sorry I ignored you for the past few days, I didn't mean to ghost you.</b></i> <i><b>I'll make it up to you, please give me another chance, (y/n).</b></i> <b><i>btw, your caption is so petty. I understand where you're coming from though, my mistake.</i></b> Once you read the message, you took a look at your friend who was also reading the messages and as she saw your cue, she shook her head, saying that it's bullshit and that you shouldn't believe any more of this crap. So, you went ahead and replied. <b><i>That's because y</i></b><i><b>ou're such a pussy 😾💢</b></i> It didn't take long though, after your hell of a reply, he decided to pursue you once again to prove his previous statement and he indeed was able to atone for what he had done so you decided to give him another chance, earning yourself a disappointed look from (f/n). It was okay though because as you always wanted, he FINALLY made it official. <i><b>***</b></i> <i><b>Hey guys! It's been a while since I updated this book! I'll start to update more consistently! I already have 60 parts ready to be posted ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ciao! </b></i> # don't be so hard on yourself. <i>Levi x Insecure!Reader </i> [ <b>a/n </b>| <i>hello! hello! I apologize for my absence, college is kicking my ass. Anyway, I will edit the previous chapters soon!</i> ] (Y/N) sat in her small, cozy apartment, bathed in the soft glow of a few candles. The evening was quiet, and the melodic tune of "Don't Be So Hard on Yourself" played softly in the background. Her thoughts were heavy, burdened by the complexities of her relationship with Levi. She gazed out of the window at the city below, lost in the lyrics of the song as they echoed the turmoil in her heart. (Y/N) and Levi's love story had been a tumultuous one, filled with highs and lows that had left her feeling battered and bruised emotionally. She had always been her own harshest critic, blaming herself for the mistakes and missteps along the way. As the song's chorus played, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. She had often been too quick to blame herself for the problems in their relationship, holding herself to impossibly high standards. She had felt the weight of her own insecurities and fears, letting them cast a shadow over the love they shared. "Don't be so hard on yourself," the song crooned, and (Y/N) sighed, running her fingers through her hair. She had spent too many nights awake, questioning her worth and wondering if she deserved Levi's love. The doubt had crept into their relationship, causing rifts and misunderstandings. Levi, for all his stoic exterior, had his own struggles. He was a man of few words, often burying his emotions deep within himself. (Y/N) had seen the vulnerability in his eyes, but she had been too caught up in her own insecurities to truly understand him. As the final notes of the song faded away, (Y/N) knew that she couldn't keep living like this. She had to find a way to bridge the gap between them, to let go of her self-blame and communicate with Levi openly and honestly. Love was meant to be a partnership, not a battle of insecurities. With newfound determination, (Y/N) picked up her phone and dialed Levi's number. It rang a few times before he picked up, his voice gruff and distant. "(Y/N)? Is something wrong?" Levi's concern was evident, and (Y/N) took a deep breath, finding the strength to speak her truth. "Levi, I need to talk to you," she began, her voice steady. "I've been too hard on myself, and I've let it affect our relationship. I love you, and I don't want to lose you, but I can't keep blaming myself for everything." There was a long pause on the other end of the line, and (Y/N) held her breath, waiting for Levi's response. Finally, he spoke, his voice softening. "I've been hard on myself too, (Y/N). I've struggled to open up to you, to let you in. It's not just your fault, it's mine too." Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she heard the vulnerability in Levi's voice. It was a side of him she had rarely seen, and it made her love him even more. "Let's promise each other," she said, her voice trembling. "No more blame, no more insecurities. We'll face our demons together, as a team." Levi didn't hesitate. "I promise, (Y/N). I love you, and I want this to work." As they talked, (Y/N) felt the weight of self-blame slowly lifting from her shoulders. She realized that love was not about perfection but about understanding, forgiveness, and growth. With each word they shared, they moved closer to a deeper connection, a love that could weather any storm. The candles flickered in the dimly lit room as (Y/N) and Levi continued their conversation, their hearts slowly mending the fractures that had threatened to break them apart. Love was a journey, and they were determined to walk it together, hand in hand, no longer being so hard on themselves. # guy.exe. The soft glow of the setting sun bathed the room in a warm, golden hue, casting long shadows that danced on the walls. (Y/N) sat perched on the windowsill, her fingers absently tracing patterns on the glass, lost in thought. Levi was across the room, his usual air of seriousness replaced by an unusual restlessness. He was fidgeting with a stack of papers on his desk, his usually steady hands betraying a hint of uncertainty. "Something's bothering you," (Y/N) remarked, her voice breaking the silence of the room. She turned to look at Levi, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and curiosity. He glanced up from his desk, his steel-blue eyes meeting hers. "It's nothing," he replied, his voice low and controlled as ever. (Y/N) wasn't one to be easily deterred. She slid off the windowsill and walked over to where Levi sat, her steps deliberate and determined. "You're a terrible liar, Levi," she said, her tone gentle yet firm. "Talk to me." He sighed, setting the papers aside, his shoulders slumping ever so slightly. "It's just... this mission," he began, his voice tinged with frustration. "It's more complicated than I anticipated. There are too many variables, and I can't predict the outcome." (Y/N) moved closer, her hand finding its way to his shoulder, offering a comforting touch. "You can't control everything, Levi," she said softly. "Sometimes, you have to trust in yourself and your team." Levi's gaze softened as he looked up at her. Her words resonated with him, and he found solace in the sincerity of her eyes. "I know," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But it's difficult." (Y/N) smiled, her thumb tracing soothing circles on his shoulder. "I know you, Levi," she said. "You're strong, capable, and you always find a way to overcome the toughest challenges." Levi's lips curved into a faint smile, a rare expression for him. "You have a way of seeing things differently," he remarked, his eyes fixed on hers. (Y/N) chuckled, the sound like a melody that lifted the weight from the room. "Maybe I'm just your virus," she teased, her fingers gently tracing his jawline. Levi's smile deepened, and he reached up to cup her cheek. "If you're my virus, then I hope I never find the cure," he said, his voice filled with warmth. Their faces drew closer, the gap between them slowly closing. Their lips met in a tender kiss, a silent exchange of reassurance and affection. In that moment, it wasn't the complexities of their world or the challenges they faced that mattered. It was the simple, undeniable connection between them that gave them strength. As they pulled away, their foreheads rested against each other, their breaths mingling. "You always know how to reboot my system," Levi whispered, his voice tinged with gratitude. (Y/N) smiled, her eyes filled with love. "And you always remind me that even the most unyielding code can be rewritten," she replied, her fingers lacing with his. In the quiet of the room, they found comfort in each other's presence, knowing that together, they could navigate the complexities of life and love, one line of code at a time. # never be alone. The night sky was awash with a tapestry of stars, each one a shimmering promise of hope. (Y/N) stood on the rooftop of the Survey Corps headquarters, her eyes fixed on the celestial display, lost in a sea of thoughts. Levi, the stoic captain, was a constant presence in her life, a steadfast anchor amidst the chaos of their world. Yet, beneath his veneer of strength, (Y/N) had glimpsed moments of vulnerability, of longing that he tried to conceal. She had watched him from a distance, observed the way he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, the way his gaze would occasionally wander to the night sky as if seeking solace among the stars. It was during those stolen moments that (Y/N) felt an unspoken connection between them, a bond that transcended words. Tonight, (Y/N) decided to break the silence that had hung between them for far too long. She had heard Levi's footsteps approaching, his presence felt even before he spoke. "What are you doing up here?" Levi's voice was a low, gravelly murmur, the question laced with genuine curiosity. (Y/N) turned to face him, her eyes reflecting the starlight. "I couldn't sleep," she admitted, her voice soft. "The stars, they always remind me that we're never truly alone." Levi studied her for a moment, his gaze searching her face as if trying to decipher the hidden meanings behind her words. "Yeah," he replied, his tone tinged with a rare vulnerability. "They have a way of making you feel small, don't they?" (Y/N) nodded, sensing the weight of his unspoken thoughts. "But sometimes, feeling small reminds us of the things that truly matter," she said, her words carrying a gentle reassurance. Levi's eyes met hers, and for a fleeting moment, the world around them seemed to disappear. "You have a way of making everything seem simpler," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. (Y/N) took a step closer, closing the gap between them until they stood side by side, their shoulders brushing lightly. "Maybe life doesn't have to be as complicated as we make it out to be," she said, her voice filled with conviction. Levi glanced at her, his eyes softening as he allowed himself to be vulnerable in her presence. "You've always had a way of seeing the world differently," he admitted, his words tinged with a hint of gratitude. As they gazed up at the stars, (Y/N) felt a sense of warmth and connection that transcended the confines of their roles and responsibilities. It was a moment of quiet understanding, a shared acknowledgment of the unspoken bond that had grown between them. Levi turned to her, his hand reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair from her face. "Thank you," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. (Y/N) smiled, her heart swelling with emotion. "You don't have to thank me," she replied. "I'll always be here, even when the stars are the only witnesses." In that moment, beneath the starlit sky, (Y/N) and Levi found solace in each other's presence, knowing that they would never truly be alone as long as they had each other. The world may have been vast and unpredictable, but their connection was a constant, a guiding star that would light their way through the darkest of nights. # stuck with u. The soft hum of the evening breeze wafted through the open window, gently rustling the curtains. (Y/N) sat at the small wooden table by the window, her attention focused on the flickering candle in front of her. The room was bathed in the warm, golden glow of the candlelight, creating an intimate and cozy atmosphere. She couldn't help but smile as she glanced at the clock on the wall. Levi was due to arrive any minute now, and the anticipation had her heart racing. They had planned this night for weeks, a rare moment of respite from their demanding lives in the Survey Corps. It was a chance to relax and simply enjoy each other's company. The sound of footsteps approaching her apartment door finally reached her ears, and (Y/N) couldn't contain her excitement. She stood up and hurried to the door, opening it just as Levi reached for the doorknob. Their eyes met, and a shared smile passed between them. "Hey," he greeted her, his voice soft and filled with warmth. "Hey," she replied, her heart doing somersaults as he stepped inside. Levi's keen eyes took in the sight of the cozy setup - the candlelit room, the carefully arranged meal on the table, and the soft strains of music playing in the background. He raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in his expression. "What's all this?" he asked, his gaze flickering between her and the romantic ambiance. (Y/N) felt a blush creeping onto her cheeks as she tried to stammer out an explanation. "I thought we could have a special dinner tonight," she said, a little breathless. Levi's lips curled into a small, genuine smile as he took in the effort she had put into creating this beautiful moment. He was usually a man of few words, but he knew how to convey his feelings without needing to say much. Tonight, he was telling (Y/N) just how much he appreciated her. (Y/N) led him to the table, and they took their seats across from each other. The meal she had prepared was exquisite, a culinary masterpiece that left them both savoring each bite. They talked and laughed, the conversation flowing effortlessly as if they had all the time in the world. In the midst of their laughter and shared stories, Levi couldn't help but be struck by the way (Y/N) made him feel. She had a way of making the world feel a little less harsh, a little less unforgiving. She brought warmth and light into his life, and he cherished every moment they spent together. As the night wore on, their conversation shifted to more personal matters. They spoke about their dreams and fears, their hopes for the future, and the love that had grown between them. Levi had always been a man of few words, but when he looked into (Y/N)'s eyes, he found himself wanting to share everything with her. After the meal was finished, Levi rose from his chair and extended a hand to (Y/N). "Dance with me?" he asked, his eyes filled with tenderness. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she placed her hand in his. They moved to the center of the room, swaying to the music that played softly in the background. The world outside faded away, leaving just the two of them, lost in the warmth of each other's embrace. The lyrics of the song echoed their feelings, capturing the essence of their love. They were stuck with each other, and neither of them would have it any other way. Love had a way of making even the toughest of soldiers feel vulnerable and complete. As the song reached its conclusion, (Y/N) rested her head against Levi's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart. She sighed contentedly, savoring the feeling of being held in his arms. "I love you," she whispered, her words filled with sincerity. Levi tightened his grip on her, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head. "I love you too," he replied, his voice a quiet affirmation of the love that bound them together. In that moment, bathed in the soft, golden glow of candlelight, (Y/N) and Levi knew that they were exactly where they were meant to be. Stuck with each other, in a love that was as beautiful and timeless as the night itself. # only exception. 𝗢𝗡𝗟𝗬 𝗘𝗫𝗖𝗘𝗣𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 | Paramore The distant sound of laughter and clinking glasses filled the air as (Y/N) navigated her way through the crowded mess hall. It was a joyous occasion, a rare moment of respite for the beleaguered members of the Survey Corps following a successful expedition beyond the walls. The cheers and smiles that surrounded her spoke of camaraderie and triumph, but amidst the revelry, (Y/N) couldn't shake off a lingering sense of solitude. She had always been the kind of person who stood out, not by choice but by the nature of her determination and dedication to the cause. Her unwavering commitment had earned her the respect of her fellow soldiers, but it had also cast her in a role where isolation was often her only companion. There was always a sense of detachment, a feeling that she didn't quite belong to the world she fought so hard to protect. Taking a deep breath, (Y/N) escaped the lively atmosphere and slipped through the open door leading to a narrow balcony. The night sky stretched out above her, a vast tapestry of twinkling stars that seemed to go on forever. It was a sight that had always brought her comfort, a reminder of the boundless world that existed beyond the towering walls of their city. "Enjoying the view?" a voice interrupted her contemplation, and she turned to see Levi standing beside her. "Yeah," she replied with a faint smile. "It's beautiful." Levi nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the celestial expanse. They stood side by side, a comfortable silence enveloping them, as though the universe itself were holding its breath. "I always thought I was the only exception," (Y/N) finally whispered, her voice barely audible above the distant revelry. Levi turned to look at her, his piercing eyes reflecting the glimmering stars above. "The only exception to what?" "To love," she clarified, her heart pounding as she met his gaze, searching for understanding. Levi's expression softened, and he reached out to gently cup her cheek. The touch of his gloved fingers against her skin sent shivers down her spine. "You're not the only exception," he said softly, his voice carrying a rare vulnerability. "I never thought I could love someone until I met you." (Y/N)'s heart soared at his words, a whirlwind of emotions taking hold of her. She had always felt like an outsider, like she didn't quite fit into the world she fought for. But in that fleeting moment, with Levi's hand on her cheek and his eyes radiating warmth, she felt an undeniable sense of belonging. Levi leaned in, closing the distance between them, and his lips met hers in a tender, passionate kiss. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, conveying all the emotions they had never dared to voice, a promise of love and acceptance that transcended the walls that had always kept them apart. As they pulled away, (Y/N) couldn't help but smile, tears glistening in her eyes like the stars above. "I love you, Levi," she whispered, the words heavy with sincerity. Levi's lips curled into a small, rare smile, one that lit up the darkness of the night. "I love you too, (Y/N)," he replied, his voice filled with a depth of emotion he rarely allowed himself to show. In that moment, as they stood together on the balcony, surrounded by the infinite beauty of the cosmos and the echoes of celebration, (Y/N) knew that she had found her only exception. She had discovered the love that had eluded her for so long, and she was determined to hold onto it with all her heart. They returned to the lively party, hand in hand, (Y/N) feeling a sense of belonging that she had never known before. She was no longer the only exception, no longer alone. In the arms of the man she had grown to cherish above all else, she had found her love, her home, and her place in the universe. # locked out of heaven. 𝗟𝗢𝗖𝗞𝗘𝗗 𝗢𝗨𝗧 𝗢𝗙 𝗛𝗘𝗔𝗩𝗘𝗡 | Bruno Mars The night had grown older, and the city's cacophony had dulled into a distant murmur. (Y/N) and Levi, still arm in arm, continued their quiet stroll through the nearly deserted streets. Their steps were unhurried, their pace a reflection of the ease that had settled between them. The moon hung low in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the cobblestone paths they traversed. (Y/N) couldn't help but glance up at the celestial display, her heart swelling with a sense of peace she hadn't felt in a long time. It was moments like these, stolen from the chaos of their daily lives, that made her cherish the bond she shared with Levi even more. As if sensing her gaze, Levi followed her line of sight to the moon above. "It's a clear night," he remarked, his voice soft in the quietude. (Y/N) nodded, her eyes still fixed on the celestial body. "I've always found solace in the night sky. It's like a vast canvas of secrets waiting to be discovered." Levi's grip on her hand tightened ever so slightly, a silent acknowledgment of their shared connection. "Sometimes, the night is the only time when everything seems to make sense," he mused. They walked in companionable silence, each lost in their thoughts, until they found themselves at a park on the outskirts of the city. The park was a sanctuary of nature amidst the concrete jungle, a place where time seemed to slow down. (Y/N) led Levi to a bench beneath a sprawling oak tree, its branches adorned with twinkling fireflies that danced in the darkness. They settled down, the cool breeze rustling the leaves overhead, and for a moment, they simply enjoyed the serenity of the night. "You know," Levi began, his voice low, "I've spent most of my life locked in a battle against the Titans. It's a fight I never thought I could escape." (Y/N) turned to look at him, her eyes filled with empathy. She knew that Levi had faced unimaginable challenges, that his life had been marked by hardship and sacrifice. "But being with you," Levi continued, his gaze unwavering, "it's like finding a way out of that darkness. You make me feel like there's more to life than just survival." Her heart swelled at his words, a mixture of emotions flooding her. "Levi, you don't have to face your demons alone. We all have our pasts, our regrets. But together, we can find a way to heal." Levi reached out, his fingers gently tracing the outline of her cheek. "You have this incredible ability to see the good in people, even when they can't see it in themselves. It's one of the many things I admire about you." (Y/N) smiled, a genuine warmth in her eyes. "And you have a strength that inspires everyone around you, even when you're facing the darkest of times." Levi leaned in, his lips brushing against hers in a tender kiss. It was a kiss filled with all the words they hadn't spoken, an affirmation of the connection they shared. In that moment, beneath the moonlit sky and the rustling leaves, they unlocked another piece of their own heaven. As they pulled away, their foreheads resting against each other, Levi whispered, "I don't know what the future holds, (Y/N), but I'm willing to find out as long as you're by my side." (Y/N) nodded, her heart brimming with love. "I'm here, Levi. Always." And in that park, beneath the watchful gaze of the moon and the stars, they found solace in each other's arms, knowing that together, they could unlock the heavens they had longed for, one shared moment at a time. # little things. 𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗧𝗟𝗘 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦 | One Direction Y/N watched the raindrops race down the windowpane, their rivulets blurring the world outside into a watery dreamscape. It was a quiet evening, the kind that enveloped everything in a sense of calm and contemplation. She sat on the window sill, legs drawn close to her chest, her thoughts wandering through the labyrinth of memories. In the midst of the pattering rain, there was a melody that echoed in her mind—a hauntingly beautiful song she had heard many times before. Its lyrics spoke of imperfections, of the little things that made a person unique and cherished. The words had always held a special place in her heart, like a secret anthem of love. Y/N sighed, her breath creating a delicate mist on the cold glass. She missed those days when everything was simpler, when she felt like the world was painted in brighter colors. But time had a way of changing things, of shifting the pieces of the puzzle until they no longer fit quite right. As if on cue, a knock at the door disrupted her reverie. Y/N turned her head, her heart quickening as she saw Levi Ackerman standing there, his dark eyes locked onto hers. He was the embodiment of strength and stoicism, a man of few words but immeasurable depth. "Hey," he greeted her in his usual terse manner. "Hey," Y/N replied, her voice carrying a softness that only seemed to intensify the gravity of their connection. It was a connection that had grown slowly but steadily over time, like a silent symphony that played in the background of their lives. Levi stepped into her apartment, closing the door behind him. He didn't need to say much; his presence spoke volumes. Y/N watched as he took off his damp coat and hung it on a hook, his movements precise and deliberate. "Bad weather out there," he remarked, glancing at the rain-slicked window. Y/N nodded, her eyes tracing the contours of his face. There was something about Levi—the way he carried himself, the intensity of his gaze—that drew her in like a moth to a flame. She had often wondered what lay beneath that stoic exterior, what thoughts and emotions he kept hidden from the world. "Can I get you something to drink?" Y/N offered, breaking the silence. Levi hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Tea would be nice." As Y/N prepared the tea, the lyrics of the song continued to play in her mind. They were like a mantra, a reminder of the beauty in imperfections, in the little things that made a person unique. She poured the hot tea into two cups and joined Levi on the couch, handing him a cup. "Thanks," he said, taking a careful sip. Y/N smiled, a warmth spreading through her. It was in these quiet moments, when they shared simple gestures and words, that she felt the closest to him. They didn't need grand declarations of love or dramatic gestures; their connection was built on the foundation of these little things. Levi set his cup aside and turned to face her, his gaze unwavering. "You've been quiet tonight. Something on your mind?" Y/N hesitated for a moment, then decided to share her thoughts. "I've been thinking about how life has changed, how things aren't the same as they used to be." Levi nodded in understanding. Change was inevitable, and it had a way of reshaping the landscape of one's life. He reached out and gently took her hand in his, his touch grounding and reassuring. "Change can be difficult," he said softly. "But it's also a part of life. It's what makes us who we are." Y/N smiled, grateful for his wisdom. "You always know the right things to say." Levi's lips quirked in a rare smile, and Y/N couldn't help but marvel at the way it transformed his face. It was one of those little things she cherished—the way his expression changed when he was with her, when he allowed himself to be vulnerable. They sat in companionable silence, sipping their tea as the rain continued to tap against the window. In that moment, Y/N realized that it wasn't the grand gestures or extravagant proclamations of love that mattered most. It was the little things—the shared moments, the stolen glances, the way their hands found each other in the quiet—that made their connection so profound. As the evening stretched into night, Y/N and Levi remained on the couch, content in each other's presence. The world outside may have been changing, but in their little corner of the universe, time seemed to stand still. And as they sat there, the lyrics of the song continued to echo in Y/N's mind, a reminder that sometimes, it was the little things that held the most significance—the way he looked at her, the way he held her hand, the way he was always there when she needed him. In the quiet of that evening, Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for the little things—for Levi and the way he had woven himself into the fabric of her life, for the way he had shown her that love was not about grand gestures but about the quiet moments of connection that spoke volumes. As they leaned closer to each other, their fingers intertwined, Y/N knew that they were both imperfect in their own ways, but together, they were perfect for each other. And that, she realized, was the most beautiful little thing of all. # no pressure. 𝗡𝗢 𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗨𝗥𝗘 | Justin Bieber The cityscape stretched out before Y/N, a sprawling canvas of glittering lights that seemed to go on forever. It was a night when the world held its breath, and Y/N found herself perched on the rooftop of a high-rise building, her thoughts as tumultuous as the skyline below. She had always been the kind of person who craved independence, who reveled in her solitude. Yet, on this particular evening, there was a longing in her heart that she couldn't quite define. It was as if the universe was conspiring to remind her that, despite her self-sufficiency, there were moments when she yearned for more. The wind played with her hair as she gazed at the stars, their distant shimmer a testament to the vastness of the universe. And then, as if summoned by the cosmos itself, Levi Ackerman stepped onto the rooftop. Levi was a man of few words, his presence carrying an air of quiet strength that drew people in like a magnetic force. He was a mystery, an enigma that Y/N had often found herself drawn to. Their paths had crossed on several occasions, each encounter leaving an indelible mark on her heart. "Beautiful night," Levi remarked, his voice as measured and composed as ever. Y/N turned to him, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of him in the moonlight. "Yes, it is." He moved closer, his gaze never leaving hers. It was a silence that spoke volumes, a connection that transcended the need for words. Y/N felt her breath catch as he reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair from her face. "Sometimes," he began, his voice low and hypnotic, "we find what we're looking for in the most unexpected places." Y/N couldn't tear her gaze away from his, the intensity of his eyes holding her captive. It was a truth she had often tried to deny—that sometimes, the things we sought the most were right in front of us, hidden in plain sight. Levi extended his hand, and Y/N didn't hesitate to take it. He led her to the edge of the rooftop, where they sat side by side, their fingers intertwined. The city below continued to hum with life, but up here, on the rooftop, it felt like they were the only two people in the world. "Life can be complicated," Levi began, his words tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "But sometimes, we make it more complicated than it needs to be." Y/N nodded in agreement, her heart pounding in her chest. She had always been a master of overthinking, of dissecting every aspect of her life. But in this moment, with Levi by her side, everything seemed so simple. They sat there, watching the stars, sharing stories and secrets that had long been buried. Levi spoke of his past, of the battles he had fought, and the scars he carried. Y/N opened up about her dreams, her fears, and the unspoken desires of her heart. The hours slipped away like minutes, and before they knew it, the first light of dawn began to paint the sky in shades of pink and gold. Levi turned to Y/N, his eyes searching hers, as if trying to convey a message that words couldn't capture. "I've spent a long time searching," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "But now, I think I've found what I've been looking for." Y/N's heart swelled with emotion, a warmth spreading through her as she realized that she felt the same way. In Levi, she had found a kindred spirit, someone who understood the complexities of her heart without the need for explanations. As the sun's rays bathed them in a soft glow, Y/N and Levi knew that they had stumbled upon something rare and precious—a connection that defied the constraints of time and space. It was a reminder that sometimes, when we let go of our preconceived notions and open ourselves up to the universe, we find exactly what we need. Levi leaned in, his lips meeting Y/N's in a gentle, soul-stirring kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of unspoken desires and a deep, profound connection. As they pulled away, their eyes met once more, and Y/N knew that this was a moment she would carry with her for the rest of her life. In the quiet of the rooftop, as the world began to wake up, Y/N and Levi knew that they had found something worth holding onto. It was a love that had blossomed in the most unexpected of places, a love that had flourished under the stars and against all odds. And as they watched the sunrise together, hand in hand, they realized that sometimes, the best things in life came when we least expected them—when we allowed ourselves to be open to the possibility of love, without pressure or expectations, and simply let the universe guide us to where we truly belonged. # supermarket flowers. 𝗦𝗨𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗞𝗘𝗧 𝗙𝗟𝗢𝗪𝗘𝗥𝗦 | Ed Sheeran The room was filled with a soft, somber light that filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the bookshelves and the small, worn-out armchair in the corner. Y/N sat there, her fingers tracing the edges of a dog-eared book, lost in thought. It had been weeks since the funeral, but the weight of her loss still pressed heavily on her heart. She missed her mother terribly. The void left by her absence seemed insurmountable, a chasm that seemed to grow deeper with each passing day. But she knew she had to keep going, just as her mother would have wanted. Y/N had always been the strong one, the one who held everything together, and she couldn't let her grief consume her. A knock at the door interrupted her reverie. Y/N looked up, her heart skipping a beat as she saw Levi Ackerman standing there, his dark eyes filled with a mixture of concern and understanding. "Hey," he said softly, his voice a soothing balm to her wounded soul. "Hey," Y/N replied, her voice barely more than a whisper. Levi stepped into the room, his presence bringing a sense of calm. He had been there for her throughout this difficult time, offering his support and understanding without ever pushing her to talk or open up. It was a rare and precious gift, one that she treasured more than words could express. He moved closer, his eyes scanning the room, taking in the remnants of the life they had once shared with her mother. It was a life filled with warmth, love, and laughter, and it was hard to believe that her mother was no longer a part of it. "I brought you something," Levi said, breaking the silence. He held out a small, potted plant—a vibrant green fern that seemed to defy the gloom of the room. Y/N accepted the plant with a grateful smile, her fingers brushing the delicate fronds. "Thank you, Levi. It's beautiful." Levi nodded, his expression softening. "Your mother had a green thumb. I thought this might be a way to remember her." Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes, and she reached out to touch Levi's hand. "Thank you for being here, for everything." Levi's fingers squeezed hers, a silent reassurance that he wasn't going anywhere. They stood there for a moment, sharing the weight of their grief, finding solace in each other's presence. Over the weeks that followed, Y/N and Levi began to navigate the difficult process of healing together. They spent hours talking about her mother, sharing stories and memories that brought both tears and laughter. Levi listened with a patience and understanding that made Y/N feel truly seen and heard. One evening, as they sat in the quiet of Y/N's living room, she turned to Levi, her eyes filled with a question that had been weighing on her heart. "Levi," she began, her voice trembling slightly, "do you ever feel like you're not doing enough, like you should have done more?" Levi didn't answer right away, his gaze locked on hers. It was a question that he had grappled with himself, the feeling of helplessness in the face of loss. "I think we all feel that way sometimes," he finally said, his voice low and contemplative. "But you did everything you could, Y/N. Your mother knew how much you loved her, and she wouldn't want you to carry that burden." Y/N nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. She knew Levi was right, but the guilt still lingered in the corners of her heart. In the weeks that followed, Y/N found herself drawn to the small potted fern that Levi had given her. She watered it diligently, watching as it grew stronger and more vibrant with each passing day. It became a symbol of her mother's enduring love, a reminder that life continued to flourish even in the midst of loss. One evening, as she sat in her mother's armchair, her fingers idly tracing the leaves of the fern, Levi joined her. He reached out and took her hand, his touch warm and comforting. "You know," he began, his voice gentle, "your mother used to say that the most beautiful flowers were the ones that grew in unexpected places." Y/N looked at him, her eyes filled with curiosity. "What do you mean?" Levi smiled, a rare and tender expression that seemed to light up the room. "She meant that sometimes, the most beautiful things in life come when we least expect them. Like this fern, for example. It's a reminder that even in the midst of grief, there can be moments of growth and beauty." Y/N nodded, her heart swelling with gratitude for the wisdom that Levi shared. It was in these moments, when they leaned on each other for support, that she realized just how much he meant to her. As the days turned into weeks, Y/N began to find solace in the simple things—the quiet moments she shared with Levi, the way the fern continued to thrive, and the knowledge that her mother's love would always be a part of her. One evening, as they sat on the rooftop, watching the stars twinkle in the night sky, Y/N turned to Levi and whispered, "Thank you for being my rock, for helping me through this." Levi smiled, his eyes filled with tenderness. "You don't have to thank me, Y/N. We're in this together, and I'll always be here for you." # purpose. 𝗣𝗨𝗥𝗣𝗢𝗦𝗘 | Justin Bieber The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue across the city as Y/N stood on her apartment's balcony. She took in the view before her, the bustling streets below and the distant hum of life that filled the urban landscape. It was a beautiful evening, yet her heart was heavy with the weight of uncertainty. Levi Ackerman had been a constant presence in her life for years, their paths intertwining like the intricate threads of fate. He was a man of few words, a stoic and enigmatic figure who had always been there when she needed him. They had forged a deep connection, one that transcended the boundaries of friendship, yet the unspoken truth hung in the air like a lingering question. Y/N had always been the one to wear her heart on her sleeve, her emotions laid bare for the world to see. But Levi was different, a fortress of stoicism and restraint. She had often wondered if he felt the same way, if the unspoken connection between them was as profound for him as it was for her. Tonight, as the city lights began to twinkle like stars, Y/N decided it was time to confront the uncertainty that had plagued her for so long. She had to know where she stood with Levi, whether their connection was just a beautiful illusion or something more. Taking a deep breath, she turned away from the balcony and made her way to the door. The decision had been made—she was going to talk to Levi, to finally lay her feelings on the line and discover if they shared a common purpose. The night was cool as Y/N stepped out into the city streets. She knew that Levi frequented a quiet, dimly lit bar not far from her apartment, a place where he often retreated to find solace. It seemed like the perfect setting for the conversation she had been dreading. As she entered the bar, the low murmur of voices and the clinking of glasses filled her ears. The dim lighting created an intimate atmosphere, and she quickly spotted Levi at the far end of the bar, nursing a drink. Approaching him, Y/N took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead. "Levi," she began, her voice steady but laced with vulnerability. He turned to her, his eyes meeting hers, and there was a flicker of surprise in his gaze. "Y/N," he acknowledged, his voice as measured as ever. She took a seat beside him, the barstool creaking softly beneath her. "I've been thinking," she continued, "about us." Levi remained silent, his gaze fixed on the amber liquid in his glass. "We've been through so much together," Y/N went on, her voice gaining strength with each word. "You've been my anchor, my confidant, my... everything. But I need to know, Levi, do we share the same purpose?" He finally turned to her, his dark eyes searching her face. "What do you mean?" Y/N took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. "I mean, do you feel the same way about me as I do about you? Is there a purpose to our connection, or am I just fooling myself?" Levi's expression softened, a rare hint of vulnerability in his eyes. "Y/N," he began, his voice filled with emotion, "I've never been good with words, but I want you to know that you mean more to me than I can express." Y/N's heart skipped a beat, hope blossoming within her. "Then what is our purpose, Levi? What are we to each other?" Levi set his glass aside and turned to her, his gaze unwavering. "You are the anchor to my storms, the light in my darkness. You give my life purpose, Y/N, and I cherish every moment we spend together." Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she heard the words she had longed to hear. It was as if the universe had finally aligned, and their connection was no longer shrouded in uncertainty. Levi reached out and gently took her hand in his, his touch warm and reassuring. "I want to be with you, Y/N," he whispered. "I want to share my purpose with you, whatever it may be." A smile spread across Y/N's face as she felt the weight of uncertainty lift from her shoulders. In Levi's words, she had found the clarity she had been searching for, the confirmation that their connection was not a beautiful illusion but a profound reality. She leaned in closer, her lips meeting his in a tender, soul-stirring kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of unspoken desires and a shared purpose, a kiss that sealed their fate and set them on a path toward a future filled with love and certainty. As they pulled away, their eyes met once more, and Y/N knew that their connection was no longer a question but a beautiful truth. They had found their purpose in each other, and together, they were ready to face whatever challenges the future held. The city lights continued to twinkle outside the bar, a reflection of the stars that shone in the night sky. It was a reminder that sometimes, in the midst of uncertainty, love had a way of guiding us toward our true purpose—a purpose that Y/N and Levi had finally discovered in each other's arms. # aftertaste. The room was filled with a sense of tension so thick it seemed to hang in the air like a storm waiting to break. Y/N and Levi Ackerman stood facing each other, their expressions a tumultuous blend of frustration and regret. It had been weeks since their last heated argument, and the wounds of their words still lingered like a bitter aftertaste. Levi's jaw clenched, his eyes locked onto Y/N's with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. They had been through so much together, shared moments of passion and intimacy that had left their hearts tangled in a web of emotions. But lately, it seemed like every conversation, every interaction, ended in anger and hurt. Y/N couldn't help but wonder if their love had run its course, if the connection they had once cherished had faded into something unrecognizable. She had always believed that love could conquer all, that their bond was unbreakable, but the pain of their recent clashes had left her questioning everything. "Levi," she began, her voice trembling with uncertainty, "we can't keep doing this. We can't keep hurting each other." Levi's gaze softened for a moment, a hint of regret flashing in his eyes. "I know, Y/N. I don't want this either, but I don't know how to fix it." Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes, the weight of their unresolved issues pressing heavily on her heart. She had always been the one to wear her emotions on her sleeve, to seek resolution and understanding. But with Levi, it had always been different—a dance of passion and pride that seemed to pull them further apart with each step. "We need to talk," Y/N insisted, her voice steady now, her determination resolute. "We need to figure this out, Levi, before we lose what we had." Levi hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching hers as if trying to decipher her intentions. Finally, he nodded, and they sat down on the couch, the distance between them palpable yet filled with the promise of a difficult conversation. They talked for hours, laying bare their grievances, their fears, and their unspoken desires. It was a painful process, filled with moments of anger and sadness, but it was also a catharsis—an opportunity to untangle the knots that had formed between them. As the night wore on, Levi finally spoke, his voice raw with vulnerability. "I love you, Y/N. But sometimes, I don't know how to handle it. I'm not good with words or emotions, and it frustrates me when I can't express what I feel." Y/N nodded in understanding, her own tears staining her cheeks. "I love you too, Levi. But I need you to let me in, to show me your heart. We can't keep shutting each other out." Levi reached out and took her hand, his touch gentle and reassuring. "I'll try, Y/N. I'll try to be more open, to communicate better. But promise me you'll be patient with me." Y/N smiled through her tears, a glimmer of hope returning to her eyes. "I promise." In the days that followed, Y/N and Levi embarked on a journey of healing and rediscovery. They learned to communicate in ways they had never before, using words and actions to bridge the gap that had formed between them. It was a process filled with ups and downs, moments of frustration and moments of deep connection. One evening, as they sat on their balcony, watching the stars twinkle in the night sky, Y/N turned to Levi with a question that had been lingering in her heart. "Levi, do you remember the first time we met?" He looked at her, his expression softening with a hint of nostalgia. "Of course, I do. How could I forget?" Y/N smiled, the memory of that fateful day playing vividly in her mind. "You were so mysterious, so distant. But there was something about you that drew me in, something that told me there was more to you than met the eye." Levi chuckled, a rare and tender sound that seemed to light up the night. "You saw right through me, didn't you?" Y/N nodded, her heart full of gratitude for the journey they had embarked on together. "I knew there was something special about us, something worth fighting for." Levi reached out and took her hand, his touch warm and reassuring. "I'm glad we didn't give up, Y/N. I'm glad we fought for us." As they sat there, watching the stars, Y/N knew that their love was not without its challenges, that the road ahead would still be filled with moments of frustration and doubt. But she also knew that they had something worth cherishing, something that had survived the storm of their recent struggles. The night was cool, the air filled with the scent of rain, but in each other's arms, Y/N and Levi found warmth and comfort. Their love had been tested, had faced the bitter aftertaste of a difficult period, but it had emerged stronger, more resilient. As they held each other close, they knew that their journey was far from over, that there would still be moments of uncertainty and pain. But they also knew that their love was worth fighting for, that they had the power to overcome any obstacle as long as they faced it together. And as they kissed under the starlit sky, their lips meeting in a tender, soul-stirring kiss, Y/N and Levi knew that their love was a force to be reckoned with, a love that would endure, no matter what challenges lay ahead. # lost in japan. Y/N had always been fascinated by Japan. Its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes had always held a special place in her heart. The idea of getting lost in the bustling streets of Tokyo, wandering through ancient temples, and exploring hidden gardens had been a dream of hers for years. One sunny afternoon, as she was scrolling through travel websites, she came across a flight deal to Japan that seemed almost too good to be true. Y/N couldn't resist the temptation. She booked the tickets impulsively, knowing that if she didn't seize this opportunity, she might never get another chance. As Y/N excitedly informed her friends about her upcoming adventure, one person, in particular, caught her attention: Levi Ackerman. Levi was a close friend who shared her fascination with Japan. He had always spoken fondly of his desire to visit the country, and his eyes would light up whenever he discussed Japanese cuisine and culture. Y/N couldn't help but wonder if this was the perfect opportunity for both of them to fulfill their dreams together. She decided to approach Levi with the idea, her heart pounding with excitement and a hint of nervousness. One evening, she invited Levi over to her apartment. They sat on the balcony, sipping green tea and watching the city lights twinkle in the distance. Y/N finally mustered the courage to broach the subject. "Levi, you know how much we've always talked about Japan," she began, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Well, I booked a trip. And I was wondering if... you'd like to come with me?" Levi's piercing gray eyes met hers, and for a moment, Y/N couldn't discern his emotions. But then, a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Japan, huh? You're right; it's been a dream of mine for a long time." Y/N's heart soared with happiness. She knew they were in for an incredible adventure together. Over the next few weeks, they made travel preparations, learning basic Japanese phrases, and researching the best places to visit. The anticipation built up, and they could hardly contain their excitement. They even decided to surprise their friends, Erwin, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and Petra, with the news at a get-together. Their friends' reactions ranged from surprise to excitement, and they all began to share travel tips and recommendations. It felt like the entire group was caught up in the excitement of Y/N and Levi's upcoming journey. Finally, the day of their departure arrived. Y/N and Levi found themselves standing in the bustling airport, surrounded by the hum of people from all corners of the globe. Y/N clutched her passport and ticket, her heart pounding with anticipation. She couldn't believe they were finally going to Japan. Their flight was long, but they spent it talking, watching movies, and sharing their expectations for the trip. When they finally landed at Narita International Airport in Tokyo, Y/N's eyes widened with awe. The unfamiliar language, the signs, the bustling crowds—everything was so different from home. Levi, though more reserved than Y/N, shared her enthusiasm. Together, they navigated their way through the airport and hailed a taxi to their first destination, Tokyo. Their days in Tokyo were a whirlwind of experiences. They explored the bustling streets of Shibuya, watched the mesmerizing Shibuya Crossing, and savored authentic sushi at a hidden gem recommended by Erwin. Every day brought something new and exciting, from wandering through the serene Meiji Shrine to immersing themselves in the vibrant atmosphere of Harajuku. One evening, as they strolled through the enchanting streets of Asakusa, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and contentment. She glanced at Levi, who was studying a traditional Japanese lantern with a serene expression. Her heart swelled with gratitude that they were sharing this adventure together. Levi noticed Y/N's gaze and gave her a faint smile. "I'm glad we came here, Y/N. This place is more amazing than I ever imagined." Y/N nodded, her eyes shining with emotion. "Me too, Levi. Me too." As their time in Tokyo drew to a close, they boarded a train to Kyoto, eager to explore the city's historical treasures. In Kyoto, they marveled at the breathtaking Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, explored the ancient Fushimi Inari Shrine, and enjoyed tea ceremonies in traditional tea houses. One day, while strolling through the picturesque district of Gion, they came across a quaint little teahouse. It was a charming wooden building with sliding doors adorned with beautiful artwork. Y/N couldn't resist the temptation to step inside and experience a traditional tea ceremony. Inside, they were greeted by a gracious hostess who guided them through the elegant ritual of preparing and serving matcha tea. Y/N and Levi sat on tatami mats, sipping the exquisite tea and savoring delicate sweets. The serene ambiance and the taste of the matcha filled them with a sense of tranquility. As they left the teahouse, Y/N turned to Levi, her eyes filled with warmth. "That was such a beautiful experience, Levi." He nodded in agreement. "Indeed, it was." Their journey continued through Japan's charming cities and tranquil countryside. They visited the historical city of Nara, where they encountered friendly deer at Nara Park and marveled at the ancient Todai-ji Temple. In Hiroshima, they paid their respects at the Peace Memorial Park and reflected on the city's poignant history. One evening, while staying in a traditional ryokan in Hakone, they had the chance to relax in an onsen, a Japanese hot spring. Y/N and Levi donned yukatas and made their way to the outdoor baths, where they soaked in the warm, soothing waters surrounded by nature's beauty. Underneath the starry sky, with the moon casting a gentle glow, Y/N felt a deep sense of peace. She leaned back and closed her eyes, sighing contentedly. Levi, sitting beside her, glanced at her with a soft smile. "This is something I'll always remember." Y/N nodded, her heart brimming with affection for the man beside her. "Me too, Levi." As their journey neared its end, they found themselves in the enchanting city of Kyoto once more. On their last day, they decided to visit the serene and breathtaking Kinkaku-ji, the Golden Pavilion. The temple's golden facade shimmered in the sunlight, creating a mesmerizing spectacle that left them both awestruck. They walked around the beautiful Zen gardens, contemplating the tranquility that surrounded them. Y/N couldn't help but think about the journey they had embarked on together. It had been more incredible, more magical, and more unforgettable than she ever could have imagined. With their fingers entwined, Y/N and Levi sat by the edge of a peaceful pond, gazing at the reflection of the Golden Pavilion. The world seemed to slow down, and in that moment, they were the only two people in existence. Levi turned to Y/N, his eyes soft and filled with emotion. "Y/N, this trip has been more than I ever dreamed it could be." Y/N smiled, her heart full. "I know what you mean, Levi. It's been absolutely amazing." Levi took a deep breath, as if summoning his courage, and looked into Y/N's eyes with unwavering determination. "Y/N, there's something I want to say." Y/N's heart raced as she waited for his words. Levi continued, "Throughout this journey, I've realized how much you mean to me. You're not just a travel companion; you're so much more. I don't want this adventure to end. I don't want us to part ways when we return home." Y/N's eyes widened, her heart soaring with hope. Levi reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, delicate origami crane. He handed it to Y/N, his gaze unwavering. "Y/N, will you be with me, not just in Japan, but in every adventure, for the rest of our lives?" Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she clutched the origami crane, her heart overflowing with love. "Yes, Levi. A thousand times yes." In that serene moment, amidst the beauty of Japan and the echoes of their journey, Y/N and Levi shared a kiss filled with promises of adventures yet to come. They were no longer lost in Japan; they had found something even more precious—each other. # how do you sleep. Levi Ackerman, a man whose life had always been neatly compartmentalized, found himself drowning in a sea of deceit. He prided himself on his ability to maintain a stoic facade, a fortress built from secrets and lies. Yet, beneath the armor, a torrent of emotions raged. The burden of his duplicity was a weight he had grown accustomed to carrying, but it was beginning to suffocate him. Y/N, the love of his life, was the unwitting victim of his deception. They had been together for years, their love once a blazing fire that warmed their hearts. But now, that fire had dwindled to mere embers, choked by Levi's web of falsehoods. It had all started innocently enough, a small lie that he thought would protect Y/N. But one lie led to another, and soon, he was entangled in a web of deceit so intricate that he couldn't see a way out. One evening, as Levi watched Y/N from across the room, a deep sense of guilt gnawed at him. They were supposed to be celebrating their anniversary, but he couldn't escape the nagging feeling that he was celebrating a lie. Y/N smiled at him, their eyes filled with love and trust. It was a look that had once brought him immeasurable joy, but now it only intensified his guilt. How had he allowed himself to stray so far from the truth? As the night wore on, Y/N approached him, a mischievous glint in their eyes. "Levi, there's something I've been meaning to ask you." Levi's heart sank. He had been dreading this moment, knowing that his house of cards could come crashing down at any time. "What is it?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Y/N took a deep breath, their fingers trembling slightly. "I've noticed that you've been acting... differently lately. It's like you're hiding something from me." Levi swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry. "I don't know what you're talking about," he replied, his voice shaky. Y/N's brow furrowed in concern. "Levi, please, don't lie to me. I can handle the truth, whatever it is." Levi averted his eyes, unable to meet Y/N's gaze. "There's nothing to tell," he insisted, his heart aching with the weight of his deceit. Y/N reached out and gently lifted his chin, forcing him to look at them. "Levi, I love you, and I trust you. But I can't continue like this, not knowing what's going on with you." Levi felt a lump in his throat, his resolve crumbling. He had never wanted to hurt Y/N, but he had dug himself into a hole so deep that he couldn't see a way out. "I just need some time," he finally admitted, his voice barely audible. Y/N nodded, tears welling up in their eyes. "Okay, take all the time you need. But please, promise me that when you're ready, you'll talk to me." Levi nodded, a knot of guilt tightening in his chest. He knew that he couldn't keep lying to Y/N, but the truth was a double-edged sword. It could either set them free or destroy the love they had built over the years. Days turned into weeks, and Levi couldn't shake the feeling that he was losing Y/N. The distance between them grew, their once effortless connection now strained by the weight of his lies. He knew he had to come clean, but the fear of losing Y/N was paralyzing. One evening, as Levi sat in the dimly lit living room, Y/N approached him once more. They had been patient, giving him the space he had requested, but now their patience was wearing thin. "Levi, it's been weeks," Y/N said softly, sitting down beside him. "I can't keep pretending that everything is okay when it's not. Please, talk to me." Levi's heart ached as he looked at Y/N's tear-stained face. He had to end this charade, no matter the consequences. "Okay," he finally whispered, his voice heavy with resignation. "I'll tell you everything." Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, a glimmer of hope in their gaze. "Thank you, Levi," they said, their voice filled with relief. Levi took a deep breath, steeling himself for the confession he had been dreading. He began to unravel the web of lies, revealing the truth behind his actions and the guilt that had consumed him. As he spoke, Y/N listened in silence, their expression a mixture of shock, hurt, and understanding. When Levi had finished, he looked at Y/N, his heart laid bare before them. "I'm so sorry," he whispered, tears in his eyes. "I never meant for any of this to happen." Y/N's face softened, and they reached out to gently cup Levi's cheek. "I appreciate your honesty," they said softly. "But you need to understand that trust is fragile. It's going to take time for me to forgive you." Levi nodded, his heart heavy with the weight of his mistakes. He knew that he had a long road ahead of him, one filled with pain and uncertainty. But he was willing to do whatever it took to make things right with Y/N. As the days turned into months, Levi worked tirelessly to rebuild the trust he had shattered. He was open and honest with Y/N, never again allowing lies to poison their relationship. It was a painful process, but it was one that he was willing to endure. Y/N, for their part, was not quick to forgive, but they could see the genuine remorse in Levi's eyes. Slowly but surely, they began to let him back into their heart. One evening, as they sat together on the porch, watching the sun dip below the horizon, Y/N turned to Levi and smiled. It was a smile that held forgiveness and love, a smile that made all the pain and heartache worth it. "Levi, I love you," Y/N said softly, their voice filled with warmth. "And I believe that people can change. You've shown me that." Levi took Y/N's hand in his, his heart swelling with gratitude. "I love you too," he replied, his voice steady and filled with sincerity. "And I promise, I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you." As they sat there, hand in hand, watching the world fade into darkness, Levi couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. The road ahead was uncertain, but he was determined to walk it with Y/N by his side, no more lies, and no more secrets. # like i would. The dimly lit bar was bathed in an electric ambiance as the neon lights flickered to the rhythm of the pulsating music. It was a typical Friday night in the city, filled with people seeking refuge from their daily lives in the intoxicating allure of the nightlife. Among the throng of dancers and revelers, two men stood out from the rest, their gazes locked in a fierce battle, and their hearts entangled in a tumultuous storm. Y/N, the captivating centerpiece of this clandestine showdown, was an enigma wrapped in allure. Her silky, ebony hair cascaded down her shoulders, drawing attention to her slender figure. Dressed in an outfit that seemed to defy gravity, she was a vision that could steal the breath of anyone who dared to gaze upon her. Levi Ackerman, a brooding and enigmatic man known for his cold demeanor, was not one to be easily rattled. Yet, as he stood at the edge of the dance floor, his obsidian eyes locked onto Y/N's every move, he couldn't deny the turmoil churning within him. Levi had been drawn to her like a moth to a flame ever since the moment they'd crossed paths. On the other side of the dance floor, Eren Jaeger, Levi's best friend and polar opposite in every way, mirrored Levi's gaze. Eren was the embodiment of carefree exuberance, his wild brown hair a testament to his untamed spirit. He was known for his reckless nature, but when it came to Y/N, he'd been anything but reckless. The night began like any other, with Y/N's radiant presence igniting the dance floor. Levi, usually reserved and stoic, found himself unable to tear his eyes away. He had tried to dismiss his attraction to her, burying it beneath the armor of his impassive facade. Yet, every glance exchanged between them added another crack to his defenses. Eren, unaware of Levi's growing infatuation, had been Y/N's confidant, the one she turned to for a night of fun and laughter. It was during these stolen moments, beneath the neon lights and pounding music, that Eren had fallen for her, hard. He'd felt a connection like no other, and he couldn't bear the thought of Y/N being with anyone else. As Y/N moved to the beat, her body swaying with grace and abandon, both Levi and Eren felt the tension escalate. Levi's usually icy demeanor had turned stormy, his jaw clenched as he watched Eren approach Y/N with a warm smile. Eren, on the other hand, couldn't suppress the feeling of guilt that gnawed at him as he danced closer to Y/N. Caught in the crossfire of their silent rivalry, Y/N was torn between two worlds. Her heart had been drawn to the mysterious allure of Levi, his enigmatic nature pulling her like a magnet. But Eren's infectious energy and genuine affection had stirred emotions she hadn't known existed. Erwin Smith, Levi's confidant and the voice of reason, observed the brewing conflict from a distance. He knew that his friend was not one to back down from a challenge, especially when it came to matters of the heart. As he sipped his drink, he couldn't help but feel the impending storm that threatened to erupt. Mikasa Ackerman, Levi's fiercely protective stepsister, stood nearby, her penetrating gaze fixed on Y/N. Mikasa had always been the voice of reason in Levi's life, but she couldn't help but notice the turmoil her brother was going through. Her loyalty to him was unwavering, but her intuition told her that Y/N might be the one who could pierce through Levi's impenetrable shell. Armin Arlert, Eren's closest friend and confidant, watched the situation unfold with growing concern. He knew that Eren had fallen hard for Y/N, but he also recognized the silent suffering in Levi's eyes. Armin wished for a peaceful resolution, fearing that this rivalry might end in broken hearts and shattered friendships. Petra Ral, a close friend of Y/N's, was caught in the middle of the turmoil. She had been a confidant for both Y/N and Eren, and she understood the depth of their emotions. Petra wanted nothing more than for her friends to find happiness, but she also recognized the attraction that had ignited between Y/N and Levi. As the night wore on, the atmosphere grew increasingly charged. Eren and Levi continued to dance around Y/N, their rivalry intensifying with every passing moment. Y/N, aware of the mounting tension, couldn't deny the fluttering of her heart, torn between the two men who had captured her attention. It was Erwin who finally decided to intervene, sensing that the situation had reached a boiling point. He approached Levi, his voice low and commanding, "Levi, you need to talk to her. This can't go on like this." Levi, his gaze never leaving Y/N, finally tore his eyes away, his jaw clenched as he nodded in agreement. He knew that he had to confront his feelings for Y/N head-on, no matter the outcome. Meanwhile, Eren had retreated to a quiet corner of the bar, his heart heavy with the weight of his unspoken emotions. He couldn't bear to see Y/N torn between him and Levi any longer, and he knew that he had to make a decision. Y/N, feeling the weight of the impending confrontation, decided to take matters into her own hands. She gracefully made her way through the crowd, her heart pounding with uncertainty. She found Levi standing alone by the bar, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon. "Levi," she began, her voice soft but determined. "We need to talk." Levi turned to face her, his obsidian eyes locking onto hers. In that moment, all pretenses melted away, and he bared his soul to her. "Y/N," he admitted, his voice laced with vulnerability, "I can't help how I feel about you. I've tried to resist it, but I can't." Y/N, her heart aching with empathy, reached out and touched Levi's cheek gently. "Levi," she whispered, "I've felt it too. But Eren..." Before she could finish her sentence, Levi placed a finger to her lips, silencing her. "I know about Eren," he said, his gaze unwavering. "But I can't stand by and watch you slip away. If you choose him, I'll accept it, but I need you to know how I feel." As Y/N absorbed Levi's confession, her heart heavy with indecision, Eren approached them, his eyes filled with determination. "Y/N," he said, his voice trembling with emotion, "I can't keep quiet any longer. I love you, and I want to be with you." Torn between two men who had ignited a fire in her heart, Y/N felt the weight of her decision. She looked into Levi's eyes, then turned to meet Eren's gaze. In that moment, she knew that whatever choice she made, it would change the course of their lives forever. As the three of them stood there, caught in the web of their emotions, the pulsating music of the bar faded into the background. In the end, it was Y/N's heart that would guide her toward a decision that would define her destiny, and the destinies of the two men who had fought so fiercely for her love. # imagination. Levi Ackerman had a secret, one that he guarded fiercely within the deepest recesses of his heart. It was a secret that he could never share, for fear of exposing the vulnerability that lurked beneath his stoic exterior. Levi had a crush, a profound and all-consuming infatuation with a girl named Y/N. Y/N was unlike anyone he had ever met. Her presence had an inexplicable effect on him, one that left him feeling simultaneously elated and anxious. She was smart, witty, and compassionate, and her smile could light up even the darkest of days. But for Levi, it wasn't just her outer beauty that captivated him; it was the mystery that surrounded her. He often found himself lost in his own world, daydreaming about the girl who had stolen his heart. He couldn't help it; his mind seemed to have a life of its own, conjuring up vivid scenarios in which he and Y/N were the protagonists. One sunny afternoon, Levi was sitting in the park, his eyes fixed on a book he was pretending to read. In reality, his thoughts were far away, lost in a daydream of Y/N. He imagined them strolling hand in hand through the park, their laughter carrying on the gentle breeze. The world around them blurred, and all that mattered was the girl by his side. As he sat there, completely oblivious to his surroundings, Y/N's voice pulled him back to reality. She was sitting on the bench beside him, her smile warm and inviting. Levi felt his heart skip a beat as he looked into her eyes, and he couldn't help but wonder if she could hear the rapid thud of his heart. "Levi, what are you daydreaming about?" Y/N asked, her playful tone tugging at his heartstrings. Levi cleared his throat, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "Just... lost in thought," he mumbled, unable to admit the truth. Y/N chuckled softly, and the sound sent a rush of warmth through him. "You're a mystery, Levi Ackerman," she said, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. Levi managed a small smile, grateful that she couldn't see the turmoil inside him. "Maybe I like it that way," he replied cryptically. Their conversation continued, but Levi couldn't shake the feeling that he was living in a dream. He listened intently to every word Y/N spoke, hanging on to her every laugh, and relishing the way her eyes sparkled when she was passionate about something. It was as if his world had narrowed down to this moment, and nothing else mattered. Days turned into weeks, and Levi's infatuation with Y/N showed no signs of waning. He found himself imagining more elaborate scenarios, each one more vivid than the last. He dreamed of whisking her away on spontaneous road trips, of picnics in sunlit meadows, and of dancing under the stars. But reality had a way of intruding on his fantasies. Levi was well aware of his reputation as a reserved and enigmatic man. He wasn't exactly known for wearing his heart on his sleeve, and the thought of confessing his feelings to Y/N filled him with dread. One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city, Levi found himself standing outside Y/N's door. He had been invited to a gathering at her apartment, and he couldn't turn down the opportunity to be near her, even if it meant facing his fears head-on. As he entered the apartment, the chatter of friends filled the air. Erwin, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and Petra were all there, laughing and enjoying each other's company. Levi's gaze immediately sought out Y/N, who was engrossed in a conversation with Mikasa. He watched her from afar, a sense of longing gnawing at his insides. She was radiant, her laughter a melody that echoed in his soul. Levi couldn't help but imagine a world where he was the one making her laugh, where he was the one who held her attention. "Levi! You made it!" Y/N exclaimed when she spotted him, and the smile she directed at him made his heart race. "Yeah," he replied, his voice uncharacteristically soft. "Wouldn't miss it." As the evening wore on, Levi found himself drawn into the group's discussions and laughter. He couldn't deny the warmth that their camaraderie brought him, even if it was tinged with a pang of jealousy whenever someone made Y/N laugh. But as the night grew darker, something shifted within him. Levi couldn't ignore the subtle signs that Y/N was paying more attention to him. She would catch his eye from across the room and smile, her gaze lingering just a moment longer than necessary. In that moment, Levi's imagination ran wild. He pictured himself walking Y/N to the door when the evening came to an end, their fingers brushing as he whispered something only meant for her ears. He imagined her leaning in, her lips tantalizingly close to his, and- "Levi?" The sound of his name brought him back to reality. Y/N was standing in front of him, her eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice soft and gentle. Levi blinked, his mind racing to catch up with the present. "Yeah, I'm fine," he replied, willing his heart to stop pounding so loudly. Y/N's hand touched his arm, a gesture that sent electricity coursing through him. "You seemed lost in thought," she said, her gaze never leaving his. Levi couldn't help himself; he let his guard down just for a moment. "I was... imagining," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. Her eyes sparkled with intrigue. "Imagining what?" Levi hesitated, the weight of his secret bearing down on him. But then he looked into Y/N's eyes, and he saw something there that made him take a leap of faith. "Imagining a world where I could be brave enough to tell you how I feel," he confessed, his voice trembling. Y/N's breath caught, and for a moment, the world stood still. Levi could see the emotions flickering across her face, and his heart ached with anticipation. "You don't have to imagine it," she whispered, her voice filled with tenderness. And then, to Levi's astonishment, she leaned in, and their lips met in a soft, electrifying kiss. In that moment, Levi's imagination gave way to reality, and it was more beautiful and thrilling than anything he had ever dreamed. The world around them faded into the background as they lost themselves in each other, and for once, Levi didn't mind being vulnerable. As their kiss deepened, Levi realized that sometimes, the line between imagination and reality could blur, and when it did, magic happened. And in that moment, with Y/N in his arms, Levi knew that he had found something real, something worth holding onto. # jealous. Y/N had always been a creature of subtlety. Hidden glances, soft smiles, and a careful selection of words defined her interactions with the world around her. It was a way of keeping her emotions concealed, protecting herself from the vulnerability of raw feelings. But when it came to Levi Ackerman, subtlety seemed to vanish into thin air. The Survey Corps had just returned from a grueling expedition beyond the Walls. The atmosphere in the barracks was tense; loss weighed heavily on everyone's minds. The absence of Erwin Smith, the former Commander, was a gaping hole in their midst. Y/N watched as Levi stood by the window, his stoic expression betraying nothing. It was a rare sight to see him in anything other than his usual stern demeanor. It had been months since they had grown close, a bond formed through shared hardships and late-night conversations. Y/N had never meant for it to happen, but Levi's presence had a way of tearing down her carefully constructed walls. "Y/N," Eren called her from the corner of the room. He, Mikasa, Armin, and Petra were gathered around a table, sharing stories of the expedition. Y/N excused herself from Levi's side, their eyes briefly locking before she turned away. As she joined the group, she couldn't help but notice the way Levi's gaze lingered on her. It was as though he was watching her every move, his normally impassive face betraying something she couldn't quite decipher. The night wore on, and the camaraderie of the Corps served as a temporary balm for their grief. Laughter and shared memories filled the air, but Y/N's thoughts kept drifting back to Levi. She couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed between them, something unspoken but undeniable. Eventually, the group began to disperse, leaving Y/N alone with Levi in the dimly lit barracks. They sat side by side, the silence between them filled with unspoken questions and lingering tension. Levi broke the silence first, his voice low and gravelly. "Y/N, there's something I need to say." She turned to him, her heart pounding in her chest. "What is it?" He hesitated for a moment, his gaze fixed on the floor. "I've been keeping this to myself for too long. I can't stand to see you with someone else, pretending like it doesn't bother me." Y/N's breath caught in her throat. She had never expected Levi to admit his feelings so openly. "What are you saying, Levi?" His steel-gray eyes met hers, his expression vulnerable for the first time. "I'm jealous, Y/N. Jealous of the way you look at others, of the way you smile at them. I want you to look at me that way, and it tears me apart to see you with anyone else." Y/N's heart raced as she processed his confession. She had never imagined that Levi could feel this way about her. Her own feelings for him had been a well-kept secret, hidden behind layers of self-preservation. But now, faced with his raw honesty, she couldn't hold back any longer. "I'm jealous too, Levi," she admitted, her voice trembling. "I've been jealous every time I see you with someone else, every time you look at them with that same intensity. I want you to look at me that way, too." Their confession hung in the air, a palpable tension that neither of them could escape. And then, as if drawn by an invisible force, their lips met in a searing kiss. It was a kiss filled with years of longing, with unspoken words and hidden desires. It was a kiss that ignited a fire within them, a fire that had been smoldering beneath the surface for far too long. As they pulled away, breathless and flushed, Y/N couldn't help but smile. "I never thought this would happen," she whispered. Levi's lips quirked into a rare smile, his fingers tracing a gentle path along her cheek. "Sometimes, life has a way of surprising us." From that moment on, their relationship changed. They were no longer bound by the constraints of unspoken feelings, no longer confined to stolen glances and fleeting touches. They were free to explore the depths of their emotions, to embrace the love that had been silently growing between them. But it wasn't without its challenges. The world beyond the Walls was a dangerous place, and their duty as members of the Survey Corps often kept them apart. They faced battles, losses, and uncertainty, but through it all, they clung to each other as a source of strength and solace. Their love was a secret they shared, hidden from the prying eyes of their comrades. But it was a secret worth keeping, a love that burned brighter in the face of adversity. As the years passed, Y/N and Levi faced countless trials together, their love serving as a beacon of hope in a world filled with darkness. And in those moments of quiet intimacy, when they were alone together, they cherished the stolen moments of happiness that their love had brought them. # one kiss. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the sandy shores of the beach. The air was thick with anticipation, and the scent of saltwater mingled with the tantalizing aroma of grilled seafood. Music pulsated through the air, beckoning all to join the festivities that were about to begin. Y/N stood at the edge of the bustling beach party, feeling the rhythm of the music reverberating through her chest. She wore a vibrant, flowy dress that billowed around her as she swayed to the beat. A flower crown adorned her head, and the soft sea breeze tousled her hair. She was ready for a night of carefree revelry. Levi Ackerman, her steadfast companion and secret crush, stood nearby. He looked dashing in a simple white shirt and well-fitted shorts, his stern expression softened by the atmosphere of merriment that surrounded him. Despite his stoic demeanor, Y/N couldn't help but steal glances at him. As the stars began to twinkle overhead, Erwin, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and Petra joined the party. The group had come together to celebrate the end of a long, tiring mission, and tonight was all about letting loose. The DJ at the makeshift stage spun tracks that made the crowd erupt into cheers. The music was infectious, and Y/N couldn't resist any longer. She grabbed Levi's hand and pulled him towards the makeshift dance floor. He followed, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. They moved in perfect sync, their bodies swaying to the music as they twirled and spun under the starlit sky. It was as if the world had melted away, leaving only the two of them in their private universe of rhythm and laughter. The group watched from the sidelines, raising their drinks in a toast to Y/N and Levi's electrifying chemistry. Mikasa smirked knowingly, Armin clapped Erwin on the back, and Petra couldn't help but swoon at the sight. Eren just laughed and playfully elbowed Levi, who scowled in response. The night was young, and the beach was alive with the joy of celebration. A bonfire crackled nearby, casting flickering shadows on the sand. Y/N and Levi finally took a break from dancing, sitting side by side on a log near the fire. They exchanged glances, sharing a silent understanding of the magical night they were experiencing. Erwin, ever the responsible leader, took charge of grilling skewers of fresh seafood. The scent wafted through the air, making everyone's mouths water. He had a grin on his face as he cooked, enjoying this well-deserved break from the demands of their duties. As the feast began, Eren regaled everyone with tales of their latest mission. He gestured wildly with his hands, reliving the adrenaline-pumping moments of their adventure. Mikasa chimed in with a smirk, correcting some of his exaggerations, while Armin listened intently, eager to analyze the strategic aspects of their success. Petra, always the empathetic one, shared stories of the people they had encountered during their mission, highlighting the moments of kindness and humanity that shone through in the darkest of times. As the night wore on, and the laughter grew louder, Y/N couldn't help but be grateful for the bonds she had formed with her comrades. They were more than just soldiers; they were friends who had become like family to her. Levi, too, found himself captivated by the camaraderie that surrounded him. He had always been a man of few words, but tonight, those words seemed unnecessary. The connection he shared with Y/N transcended mere conversation. As the bonfire crackled and the waves whispered their secrets to the shore, Y/N's heart soared with happiness. The beach party was a celebration of life, of friendship, and of love—both the platonic bonds she had with her comrades and the budding romance she hoped to explore with Levi. When the clock struck midnight, the group gathered around the bonfire, their faces illuminated by its warm, flickering light. They raised their glasses in a collective toast, honoring the memories they had created and the bonds that tied them together. "To the nights we'll always remember," Erwin declared, his voice strong and resolute. "To the bonds that will never break," Eren added, his eyes gleaming with determination. "To the adventures that lie ahead," Mikasa chimed in, her smile genuine. "To the friendships that make life worth living," Armin said, his optimism shining through. "To the love that brightens our darkest days," Petra murmured, a dreamy look in her eyes. Y/N's heart skipped a beat as she turned to Levi, who held his glass with a quiet intensity. "To the moments that change everything," she said, her voice a soft whisper carried away by the sea breeze. "To the moments that change everything," Levi repeated, his gaze fixed on Y/N's. It was a subtle declaration, but in that moment, Y/N felt the weight of his words, the promise they held. As the party continued, the night unfurled like a beautiful dream. The laughter, the music, and the shared stories melded together, weaving a tapestry of memories that would last a lifetime. Y/N and Levi, bound by an unspoken connection, danced the night away under the starry sky, knowing that this was just the beginning of their shared journey. When the sun began to rise, casting a soft, golden light over the tranquil beach, Y/N and Levi sat together once more, watching as the world awakened around them. The beach party had come to an end, but the memories they had created would forever remain in their hearts. As the first rays of sunlight kissed their faces, Y/N turned to Levi, her heart filled with hope. "This night," she whispered, "it's like a song we'll never forget." Levi nodded, his gaze unwavering. "And every beat of it was worth it." Hand in hand, they watched the sun rise, knowing that their journey together had only just begun. The music of the night still echoed in their hearts, a reminder of the magic they had shared on this unforgettable beach, where one kiss had changed everything. # they don't know about us. The setting sun painted the sky in warm hues of orange and pink, casting a soft glow over the training grounds at the Survey Corps headquarters. Y/N, a talented and determined young soldier, stood by the wooden fence, her gaze fixed on the ongoing training exercises. Her heart raced as she watched Levi Ackerman, the squad captain, and the object of her affections, demonstrate his unparalleled skills with his signature precision and grace. Secretly, they had been in a relationship for several months now, hidden away from the prying eyes of their comrades. In the world they lived in, where every day could be their last, such attachments were frowned upon. But their love had blossomed against all odds, born from shared moments of vulnerability and understanding. Levi had never been one to express his emotions openly, but with Y/N, he found solace and a sense of normalcy. In her presence, he allowed himself to smile and laugh, even if it was only in the privacy of their hidden love. As the training session continued, Erwin Smith, the fearless leader of the Survey Corps, approached Y/N. His piercing blue eyes held a knowing glint, and he leaned against the fence beside her. "You seem quite taken with Levi's skills," he remarked with a sly smile. Y/N felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment but decided to play it cool. "He's a remarkable captain, Erwin. I can't help but admire his dedication." Erwin chuckled softly. "I see. Well, you're not alone in your admiration. Levi's abilities are unparalleled, and he's earned the respect of everyone in the corps." She nodded, hiding her true feelings behind a mask of professionalism. "Of course, he has." Meanwhile, Levi had concluded the training session, and he approached Y/N and Erwin with a casual air. "Y/N," he greeted her with a nod. "Captain," she replied, her tone respectful but lacking any hints of their secret affection. Erwin excused himself, leaving the two of them alone by the fence. Levi observed Y/N for a moment, his sharp eyes discerning the hidden emotions in her gaze. "You've been watching me," he said, his voice soft and devoid of its usual edge. Y/N nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. "I can't help it. You're mesmerizing to watch." Levi's lips quirked up into a small smile, a rare sight for anyone who knew him. "Is that so?" She smiled back, and the world around them seemed to fade away. In that moment, it was just the two of them, hidden beneath layers of secrecy and duty. Their secret love affair continued to flourish, marked by stolen moments and hushed whispers. The barracks became their sanctuary, where they could share stolen kisses and passionate embraces, hidden from the prying eyes of their comrades. One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the barracks, Y/N slipped into Levi's room. Her heart raced with anticipation as she closed the door behind her, sealing them in their secret world. Levi, sitting at the edge of his bed, turned to look at her, his eyes filled with longing. He extended a hand, inviting her to join him. Without hesitation, she crossed the room and took his hand, allowing him to pull her onto his lap. They gazed into each other's eyes, sharing a connection that transcended words. It was a love they had to keep hidden, a forbidden passion that burned fiercely within them. Levi leaned in, capturing Y/N's lips in a tender kiss, their mouths moving in perfect harmony. Their love was a secret dance, a silent melody that only they could hear. In the darkness of the room, they found solace in each other's arms, their hearts beating as one. Each stolen moment was a reminder of the risks they took for love, a love that they believed was worth any sacrifice. The world outside continued to spin in chaos and uncertainty. The Titans threatened to devour them all, and the weight of their duties pressed down upon them. But Y/N and Levi found strength in each other, a refuge from the storm. One evening, after a particularly grueling mission, they lay entwined in each other's arms, their bodies aching and battered from battle. The room was dimly lit by a single candle, casting dancing shadows across the walls. Y/N traced her fingers along the contours of Levi's face, her touch gentle and loving. "We have to be careful, Levi," she whispered, her voice laced with concern. "If anyone were to find out about us..." Levi nodded, his expression serious. "I know. We can't afford to be reckless." They understood the risks they were taking, the consequences if their secret was ever exposed. But in the midst of chaos and danger, they found solace in each other's arms, a love that gave them the strength to face each day. As they lay together in the soft glow of the candlelight, they knew that their love was worth protecting, even if it meant keeping it hidden from the world. In the darkness of their secret, they found a love that burned brighter than any flame, a love that defied the odds and endured against all obstacles. One fateful day, their world was thrown into turmoil once more as they faced a colossal Titan that threatened to destroy everything they held dear. The battle was fierce, and the stakes were higher than ever. In the midst of the chaos, Y/N and Levi fought side by side, their determination unwavering. They moved with precision and coordination, their trust in each other absolute. It was a testament to the bond they shared, a love that had grown stronger with each stolen moment, with every whispered promise in the dead of night. As the battle raged on, Y/N found herself in a perilous situation, cornered by the monstrous Titan. Fear gripped her heart as she struggled to maintain her composure. Just when it seemed all hope was lost, Levi appeared like a guardian angel, swiftly dispatching the threat and pulling her to safety. Their eyes locked in a moment of unspoken gratitude, a silent acknowledgment of the lengths they were willing to go to protect each other. They had faced death together countless times, and each time, their love had emerged unscathed. Once the battle was won, and the threat was eliminated, Y/N and Levi retreated to the quiet sanctuary of his room. Their bodies were weary from the fight, but their hearts were ablaze with love and longing. Y/N approached Levi, her eyes filled with a mixture of emotions. She couldn't bear the thought of losing him, not now, not ever. "Levi," she began, her voice trembling slightly, "we can't keep living like this, in secret. We deserve more." Levi nodded, his gaze never leaving hers. "I know, Y/N. I've thought about it too." He reached out to cup her cheek, his touch tender and reassuring. "But you know the risks. Our love is a flame in the darkness, and we must protect it." Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she leaned into his touch. "I don't want to hide anymore, Levi. I want the world to know that we're in love, that we found something beautiful in the midst of all this chaos." Levi's expression softened, and he pulled her into a tight embrace. "I love you, Y/N. More than anything in this world." Y/N buried her face in his chest, inhaling his scent, savoring the warmth of his embrace. "I love you too, Levi. And I'm willing to face whatever comes our way, as long as I have you by my side." Their love had always been a secret, a stolen treasure hidden away from the world. But as they clung to each other in that moment, they knew that they were ready to face the world together, to declare their love openly and unapologetically. The following morning, as the sun rose over the horizon, Y/N and Levi stood side by side, facing their comrades in the courtyard of the Survey Corps headquarters. The tension in the air was palpable as they prepared to reveal their secret. Erwin Smith, Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert, Petra Ral, and Eren Yeager all looked on, their expressions a mix of surprise and curiosity. They had suspected something was amiss, but they had never dared to ask. Y/N took a deep breath, her hand firmly entwined with Levi's. She spoke with unwavering determination, "We have something to tell you all. Levi and I... we're in love." A hushed silence fell over the courtyard as their comrades processed the revelation. Mikasa's eyes widened in surprise, Armin exchanged glances with Eren, and Petra offered a warm smile of support. Erwin stepped forward, his voice calm and understanding. "Love is a rare and beautiful thing in our world, and it should be cherished. We'll stand by your side, Y/N, Levi." Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes, and she squeezed Levi's hand tighter. The weight of their secret had been lifted, and in its place, they found acceptance and support from their comrades. As the day unfolded, Y/N and Levi went about their duties as members of the Survey Corps, their love no longer hidden but proudly displayed for the world to see. They faced the challenges of their world with renewed strength, knowing that they had each other to lean on. Their love had always been a secret, a stolen treasure hidden away from the world. But now, it was a beacon of hope, a testament to the enduring power of love in the face of adversity. As they stood together in the fading light of the day, Y/N and Levi knew that their love was unbreakable, that they were stronger together than they could ever be apart. In a world where Titans roamed and danger lurked at every corner, they had found their sanctuary, their refuge, and their love story continued to flourish, no longer hidden but shining brightly for all to see. # stitches. The wind whispered secrets through the trees, carrying the scent of autumn leaves and the promise of change. It was a day much like any other in the bustling city where Y/N lived, but for her, it was different. The familiar streets and faces seemed to blur, overshadowed by the relentless ache in her chest. She had never felt more invisible in a place where she had once felt seen. Y/N had always been fiercely independent, a trait that had drawn her to the Survey Corps. But nothing had prepared her for the moment she met Levi Ackerman, the stoic and enigmatic captain. His eyes held stories that only a few could decipher, and Y/N had found herself irresistibly drawn to him. It was as if he could see through her defenses, peeling back the layers of her soul with each passing glance. Their connection had grown slowly, like a delicate vine weaving its way through the cracks in a stone wall. Levi's rare smiles had become a prized possession for Y/N, and she treasured every fleeting moment they shared. The relationship between them was a silent dance, full of unspoken words and stolen glances. But just as swiftly as a storm could roll in and darken the sky, the fragile threads of their connection had unraveled. Y/N had stumbled upon a scene that shattered her world. There, in the shadows, she had seen Levi and Petra, his second-in-command, locked in a tender embrace, their lips brushing like a whispered secret. The sight had knocked the air out of Y/N's lungs, leaving her gasping for breath and clutching at her heart. She had never felt so betrayed, so utterly disposable. Her love had been replaced by an ache that no amount of tears could wash away. Days turned into weeks, and Y/N continued to carry the weight of her heartbreak in silence. She watched as Levi and Petra grew closer, their bond deepening, while she remained on the fringes, forgotten. It was as if she had become a ghost, haunting the edges of their lives. Erwin Smith, the commander of the Survey Corps, was the first to notice the change in Y/N. He had always been perceptive, able to read his soldiers like an open book. He approached her one evening as she sat alone in the dimly lit mess hall, her fingers tracing invisible patterns on the tabletop. "Y/N, you've been distant lately," Erwin said gently, taking a seat across from her. She forced a weak smile, hoping to deflect his concern. "It's nothing, Commander. Just tired, I suppose." Erwin leaned forward, his eyes searching hers. "You can talk to me, Y/N. Whatever it is, I'm here for you." Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over, but she blinked them back. She couldn't bear to admit the truth, not even to Erwin. "I appreciate it, sir, but there's really nothing to talk about." Erwin nodded, though he didn't seem entirely convinced. "Alright, but remember, we're a family here. If you ever need someone to confide in, don't hesitate to reach out." As he left the mess hall, Y/N felt a pang of guilt. She was keeping her pain hidden not just from Erwin but from all her comrades in the Survey Corps, including her closest friends—Hanji, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. She didn't want them to see her weakness, her heartbreak. But the burden was becoming too heavy to bear alone. It was a chilly evening when Y/N found herself in Hanji's cluttered office, seeking refuge from her thoughts. Hanji, the eccentric scientist, was known for her unorthodox methods and her ability to read people like a book. "Y/N, you look like you've seen a Titan," Hanji quipped, looking up from her research notes. Y/N sighed, leaning against a stack of books. "Hanji, I don't know what to do. I'm falling apart." Hanji's expression softened, and she pushed her glasses up on her nose. "Talk to me. What's going on?" And so, Y/N began to pour out her heart, recounting the story of her unrequited love for Levi, her heartbreak, and the unbearable weight she carried with her every day. Hanji listened, offering comfort and understanding. As the weeks turned into months, Y/N gradually opened up to her other friends in the Survey Corps. They rallied around her, providing support and a sense of belonging that had been missing from her life since that fateful day. One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the city, Y/N found herself in a quiet corner of the barracks, her heart a little lighter than before. She had come to terms with the fact that Levi would never be hers, that their threads had unraveled irreparably. She watched from a distance as Levi and Petra, their love now fully bloomed, shared a tender moment in the fading light. Instead of bitterness, Y/N felt a strange sense of acceptance wash over her. She had found solace in the arms of her friends and in the knowledge that her heart, though wounded, could still beat. As the city bustled around her, Y/N realized that she was no longer invisible, no longer defined by her heartbreak. She had emerged from the darkness, her heart stitched back together by the bonds of friendship and the promise of a new day. # all too well. The crisp autumn air carried a hint of nostalgia as Y/N walked down the cobblestone streets of Trost. Leaves danced in the wind, their vivid colors mirroring the vivid memories she had shared with Levi Ackerman. Her heart ached with the weight of past emotions, each step echoing the rhythm of her unresolved pain. It had been years since they had parted ways, their love an intense blaze that had turned to ashes. Y/N had thought time would heal the wounds, but as she returned to the city that held the fragments of their broken love, it was clear that some scars ran too deep. Levi, the stoic and enigmatic man she had once loved so fiercely, had been the architect of her heartbreak. Their love had been passionate, but it had also been tumultuous. A whirlwind of emotions and arguments that had ended with him walking away, leaving her to pick up the shattered pieces of her life. As Y/N entered a quaint café, memories flooded back to her. This was where they had shared their first date, their laughter blending seamlessly with the clinking of cups and the hum of conversation. But today, the café was different. It was devoid of the warmth they had once felt together, a stark reminder of the love that had slipped through her fingers. She took a seat by the window, her eyes scanning the room for any sign of Levi. She had heard he still frequented this place, as did she, hoping for a chance encounter that might provide the closure she so desperately needed. Minutes turned into hours as Y/N sipped her lukewarm coffee, her patience wearing thin. She knew that seeing him might bring back painful memories, but she had to confront the past to move forward. Just as she was about to give up and leave, the bell above the café door chimed, and there he was—Levi Ackerman, looking just as he had in her memories. His piercing steel-gray eyes scanned the room, landing on her. Y/N felt her heart race, her palms growing sweaty. Levi approached her table, his expression as unreadable as ever. There was a time when she could have deciphered every emotion behind those eyes, but now they were like an impenetrable fortress. "Y/N," he said, his voice devoid of any warmth. "Levi," she replied, her voice shaky. "It's been a long time." Levi took a seat opposite her, and for a moment, they just stared at each other. The years had changed them both, but the lingering emotions remained. "I heard you're back in Trost," he finally said, his tone neutral. "Yes," Y/N replied, searching for words. "I thought it was time to confront our past." Levi nodded, his eyes betraying nothing. "Confronting the past doesn't change it." Y/N's heart sank at his words. It was as if he had built a wall around himself, shutting her out completely. She had hoped for understanding, for closure, but all she found was indifference. Their conversation continued, punctuated by awkward silences and guarded words. Y/N couldn't help but wonder what had gone so wrong between them. She had loved him with all her heart, and he had been her world. But now, it seemed like he had moved on, leaving her to linger in the past. As the hours passed, Levi's cold demeanor never wavered. Y/N couldn't take it any longer. She had to know why he had left her, why he had treated her so wrongly. The pain of their breakup still haunted her every day. "Levi," she finally whispered, her voice trembling. "Why did you leave me?" Levi's eyes met hers, and for the first time, she saw a flicker of emotion—a mixture of regret and sorrow. "Y/N," he began, his voice barely audible. "I thought I was protecting you." "Protecting me?" Y/N's confusion deepened. "From what?" Levi hesitated, his gaze dropping to the tabletop. "From myself. I was toxic, Y/N. I couldn't bear the thought of hurting you any further." Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes as the truth dawned on her. Levi had left her not out of indifference, but out of love. He had believed he was doing what was best for her, even if it meant breaking both their hearts. "I loved you, Levi," Y/N whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I still do." Levi's eyes met hers again, and this time, she saw a glimmer of the love they had once shared. "I loved you too," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I had to let you go." Their conversation continued, filled with tears, apologies, and unspoken regrets. They shared stories of their lives since the breakup, the pain they had both endured in their separate journeys. It became clear that they had both been treated wrongly by fate, torn apart by circumstances beyond their control. As the night grew darker, Y/N and Levi found themselves at the same crossroads they had faced years ago. Their love was still there, buried beneath the scars and pain, but the world had moved on, and so had they. With heavy hearts, they parted ways once again, this time with a bittersweet understanding of their shared past. The wounds of their past were still tender, but the closure they had sought had finally arrived. Y/N walked out of the café, the autumn leaves crunching beneath her feet. She couldn't change the past, but she could choose to move forward. The memories of Levi would always be a part of her, a bittersweet reminder of a love that had been both beautiful and heartbreaking. As she gazed at the starry sky above, Y/N made a silent promise to herself—to heal, to grow, and to cherish the love she had known, even if it had been treated wrongly by time and circumstances. # way back into love. Y/N gazed out of the window of her small, cozy apartment, lost in thought as she watched the city lights twinkle in the distance. The past year had been a whirlwind of emotions, and tonight, she felt an inexplicable need for change. Ever since her relationship with Levi Ackerman had ended, she had been navigating life like a ship lost at sea. Their love had been intense, passionate, and beautiful, but it had also been fraught with challenges that they couldn't overcome. The memories of their time together still lingered like an unfinished melody. One fateful evening, while sitting on her balcony, Y/N had heard the hauntingly beautiful sound of Levi playing his violin from across the courtyard. The mournful melody had tugged at her heartstrings, reminding her of the love they had once shared. Levi had always been a man of few words, and the music he created had often expressed the emotions he struggled to voice. Tonight, Y/N decided to take a leap of faith. She picked up her phone, typed a short message, and sent it to Levi, inviting him to meet her at their favorite cafe. She had no idea if he would respond, but she knew she had to try. As she sipped her coffee nervously in the dimly lit cafe, Y/N's heart raced when she saw Levi walk through the door. He looked as handsome as ever, his stormy gray eyes holding a hint of curiosity. Y/N stood up, and their eyes locked. It was as if time had frozen for a moment, and she couldn't help but smile. "Levi," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "Y/N," he replied, his tone soft but guarded. They both sat down, the tension in the air palpable. Levi's fingers drummed gently on the table, a nervous habit of his that hadn't changed. Y/N took a deep breath and began to speak, her words flowing from her heart. "I've been thinking a lot lately, Levi," she said, her gaze never leaving his. "About us, about what we had. It was beautiful, and it was intense, but it was also... complicated." Levi nodded, his expression softening just a fraction. "It was." "We had our share of challenges," Y/N continued, her eyes welling up with tears. "But I can't deny that what we had was real. And I miss it, Levi. I miss you." Levi remained silent for a moment, his gaze fixed on the tabletop. Then, he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. "I miss you too, Y/N." Tears spilled from Y/N's eyes as she reached across the table and placed her hand on top of Levi's. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes. Levi's fingers intertwined with hers, and for a moment, they sat in silence, reacquainting themselves with the familiar warmth of each other's touch. Over the next few weeks, Y/N and Levi began to rebuild their connection. It wasn't easy, and there were moments of doubt and hesitation, but they were determined to give their love a second chance. They went on long walks together, shared late-night conversations, and rediscovered the joy of each other's company. Their friends noticed the change in both of them. Petra, who had always been supportive of Y/N, couldn't help but smile when she saw the couple together again. Erwin and Hanji, who had been witnesses to the ups and downs of their relationship, offered their blessings and support. Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, and Connie, who had all been friends with Y/N and Levi during their time together, were cautiously optimistic. They had seen the pain that the breakup had caused both Y/N and Levi, and they hoped that this new beginning would bring them the happiness they deserved. One sunny afternoon, Y/N and Levi found themselves at the park where they had shared their first picnic together. The memories of that day flooded back, and Y/N couldn't help but smile. "Do you remember the first time we came here?" she asked, her voice filled with nostalgia. Levi nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "How could I forget? It was the day I realized I was falling in love with you." Y/N's heart skipped a beat at his words. "Levi, I want to start over with you. I want us to build something beautiful, something that's stronger than before." Levi looked into her eyes, his gaze unwavering. "I want that too, Y/N. More than anything." As they sealed their commitment to each other with a kiss, it felt like the world had come full circle. The pain of their past had not disappeared, but it had become a part of their story, a testament to their resilience and determination to make things work. With each passing day, Y/N and Levi learned to appreciate the simple joys of life, the laughter they shared, and the love that had brought them back together. They knew that love was not without its challenges, but they were willing to face them together, hand in hand. In the end, their love story was not about erasing the past but about embracing it and using it as a stepping stone to a brighter future. It was a story of two hearts that had found their way back to each other, ready to create a new melody together, a melody of love, forgiveness, and second chances. # like a rose. Levi Ackerman had always been known as humanity's strongest soldier, renowned for his unyielding determination and ruthless efficiency on the battlefield. Yet, behind the unflinching exterior lay a part of him that few had ever seen. It was a side that only you, Y/N, had come to know intimately. The Survey Corps had returned to the safety of Wall Rose after a particularly grueling mission, one that had taken its toll on the team. The atmosphere at the base was somber, as they mourned the loss of a few comrades. Petra, in particular, had been a close friend to many, and her absence was palpable. Levi had lost his fair share of friends and comrades, but he had always carried the weight of those losses in silence. You found him in his quarters, sitting on the edge of his bed, his eyes fixed on nothing in particular. You could see the weariness etched into the lines of his face, and without a word, you walked over and sat beside him. He didn't need to speak; you understood each other's pain all too well. His hand found yours, his fingers gently intertwining with yours. It was a silent gesture, one that spoke volumes about the bond you shared. In that moment, the walls he had built around himself crumbled, and you saw a side of him that he had reserved solely for you. As the days passed, you continued to offer each other quiet support. Levi would often steal glances at you when he thought you weren't looking, as if to reassure himself that you were still there. You reciprocated with smiles and subtle touches, your way of telling him that you were not going anywhere. One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the base, you found yourself sitting with Levi by a small campfire. The night was still, and the stars glittered overhead like diamonds in the sky. It was a rare moment of tranquility in their tumultuous lives. Erwin and Hanji joined you, their faces reflecting the weariness of the recent mission. Yet, they couldn't help but smile as they watched the two of you sitting together, finding solace in each other's presence. Erwin leaned over and whispered to Hanji, "They bring out the best in each other, don't they?" Hanji nodded, a wistful smile playing on their lips. "Love has a way of doing that." As the night wore on, more members of the Survey Corps joined the impromptu gathering. Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, Connie, and others sat around the fire, their laughter and camaraderie slowly erasing the memories of the recent loss. Sasha, always the jovial one, couldn't help but tease Levi. "Captain, you've softened up since Y/N came into your life. I never thought I'd see the day." Levi shot her a glare, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Keep talking, Sasha, and I'll make you run extra laps tomorrow." You chuckled, squeezing his hand. "Don't mind her, Levi. We all know you're a softie at heart." Amid the laughter and banter, you couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the friends and loved ones who surrounded you. In this world, where survival was a constant struggle, these moments of warmth and togetherness were precious. The night wore on, and one by one, your comrades retreated to their own quarters, leaving you and Levi alone by the dying embers of the fire. The silence between you was comfortable, the unspoken words carrying more weight than any conversation. Levi turned to you, his gray eyes locking onto yours. "Y/N," he began, his voice soft and barely above a whisper, "I want you to know that you mean everything to me. In a world like this, you're my anchor, my reason to keep going." Tears welled up in your eyes as you reached out to cup his cheek. "And you mean the world to me, Levi. You've shown me that even in the darkest of times, there can be moments of light and love." Levi leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a tender kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of love, of shared pain, and of the hope for a better future. In that moment, you both found solace in each other's arms, as if the world had faded away, leaving only the two of you in its gentle embrace. As the first light of dawn broke on the horizon, you and Levi watched the sun rise together, a new day dawning with the promise of hope and love. In each other's presence, you both knew that you were invulnerable to the trials of the world, for love had the power to heal even the deepest wounds and to make the darkest nights shine as brightly as the stars. In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, you had found a love that was gentle as a whisper, yet strong enough to withstand the storms of life. And as you stood there, hand in hand, watching the world awaken, you knew that together, you could face anything that lay ahead. # let me. The gentle sway of the boat on the serene Venetian waters beneath the starlit sky created an atmosphere of pure enchantment. The moon cast its silvery glow upon the ripples, as if nature itself was conspiring to make this night unforgettable. Y/N and Levi Ackerman sat across from each other at a table adorned with flickering candles on the deck of a private gondola, their hearts echoing the romantic rhythm of Venice itself. The soft strains of Zayn Malik's "Let Me" filled the air, weaving its lyrics into the very fabric of their souls. As they savored their exquisite meal, Levi couldn't help but steal glances at Y/N, his love and devotion for them swelling with each passing note of the song. "Let me be your man, so I can love you," Zayn's voice crooned, and Levi found his courage in the music. Y/N's eyes sparkled like the stars above as they gazed at the city's lights reflected in the water. "This is incredible, Levi," they whispered, their voice full of wonder. Levi cleared his throat, trying to steady his nerves. He'd meticulously planned this moment, and now the time had come to lay bare his heart. "Y/N," he began, his voice trembling slightly, "you know how much you mean to me. From the moment I met you, my life transformed, and it's never been the same since. You're the light in my darkness, the warmth in my cold world. You're everything I never knew I needed." Y/N's breath caught as they looked at him with adoration and anticipation. Levi continued, his gaze never wavering. "And if you let me be your man," he said, his voice husky with emotion, "I'll take care of you for the rest of my life, for the rest of yours." The lyrics merged seamlessly with the surrounding ambiance, creating a moment so profound it felt as if time itself had stopped. Tears of joy shimmered in Y/N's eyes as they realized what was happening. Petra, who had been covertly helping Levi plan this proposal, discreetly wiped away her own tears, while Erwin, Hanji, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin watched in quiet anticipation from a nearby gondola. "Levi," Y/N finally whispered, their voice choked with emotion, "I love you more than words can express. You're my safe harbor, my confidant, my love. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you." Levi's heart soared as he reached into his pocket and retrieved a small velvet box. With trembling hands, he opened it, revealing a breathtakingly beautiful engagement ring. The moonlight danced on the diamonds, making them gleam like celestial stars. "Y/N," Levi said, his voice filled with awe, "will you marry me?" Tears of happiness cascaded from Y/N's eyes as they reached across the table and took Levi's hand. "Yes, Levi," they said with a radiant smile, "a thousand times, yes." Levi couldn't contain his joy any longer. He gently slipped the ring onto Y/N's trembling finger, sealing their love beneath the shimmering canopy of Venetian stars. Petra and the rest of the onlookers erupted in cheers and applause from their gondola, Erwin even allowing a single tear to escape. The people of Venice, who had been silently watching this breathtaking scene unfold, joined in, creating a symphony of approval for the newly engaged couple. As the boat continued to glide gracefully through the tranquil waters, Y/N and Levi held each other close, lost in the depth of their love. The night stretched on endlessly, and in that timeless moment, it felt as though the universe itself had paused to bear witness to their profound connection. They exchanged whispered promises of eternal love and unwavering devotion, their hearts overflowing with the knowledge that they were setting sail on a new chapter of their lives together. The Venetian canals, steeped in centuries of romance, bore witness to a love story that would endure for all time. As Zayn's song played on in the background, Levi and Y/N couldn't have dreamed of a more perfect setting for their engagement. Venice, with its ageless beauty, had become the backdrop for a moment that would be etched into their hearts, a memory they would cherish for the remainder of their days, as a testament to a love that transcended all else. The boat continued to drift through the shimmering waters of Venice, carrying the newly engaged couple into the heart of a night they would never forget. As they held each other close, their hearts beat in harmony with the timeless city, and their love story became an indelible part of its rich tapestry. Under the Venetian stars, two souls had found their forever home, and the world seemed to sigh in contentment, knowing that love like this could light up even the darkest of nights. # scars to your beautiful. Birds sang their evening serenade as (Y/N) sat alone on a weathered bench, their gaze fixed on the endless sea of trees beyond. It was a rare moment of serenity amidst the chaos of their world. A world where giants roamed and the scars of battle were etched into the very souls of those who fought. (Y/N) had always found beauty in the imperfections of life, in the delicate nuances that made each person unique. And tonight, as the last rays of sunlight painted the sky, they found themselves contemplating the beauty of scars. Not just any scars, but the ones etched upon the skin of the valiant warriors they called comrades. The sound of boots against the gravel pathway drew their attention, and there, coming into view, was Levi Ackerman. The stoic and formidable soldier who had seen more battles than anyone should in a lifetime. His face was a canvas of scars, each one telling a story of survival, of unwavering determination, and sacrifice. (Y/N) offered a warm smile as Levi approached. "Evening, Levi." Levi nodded in acknowledgment, taking a seat beside (Y/N). His gaze was as intense as ever, but there was a subtle softness in his eyes as he looked out at the darkening forest. "It's a rare moment of peace." "It is," (Y/N) agreed, their eyes drawn to a particularly striking scar on Levi's cheek. "You know, I've always found scars fascinating." Levi raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Fascinating, huh?" "Yeah," (Y/N) replied. "They're like the body's way of saying, 'I survived.' Each scar tells a story, and I believe there's beauty in that." Levi studied them for a moment before shifting his gaze to his own battle-worn hands. "They're not something I've ever thought of as beautiful." "I suppose it's all about perspective," (Y/N) mused. "To me, they're a testament to strength, resilience, and the will to keep going, no matter what." Levi fell into contemplative silence, and (Y/N) could see the wheels turning in his mind. The scars that crisscrossed his body were not just physical reminders of his battles, but also emotional ones. He had lost friends, witnessed horrors, and carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. As if on cue, the sound of approaching footsteps broke the silence. Hanji, the eccentric scientist with an unyielding curiosity for Titans and the mysteries of the world, appeared with a boisterous greeting. "(Y/N)! Levi! What are you two doing out here? Shouldn't you be resting for tomorrow's mission?" Hanji exclaimed. (Y/N) chuckled. "We're just enjoying the sunset and having a little chat." Hanji, never one to shy away from joining a conversation, plopped down next to them. "Oh, scars, you say? The stories etched into our flesh from the battles we've faced. I've got a few good ones!" Hanji pulled up their sleeve to reveal a jagged scar on their arm, then another on their cheek. "Each one is a reminder of the pursuit of knowledge and the sacrifices we make." Levi looked at Hanji's scars and then back at (Y/N). There was a flicker of understanding in his eyes. Scars were a shared language among soldiers, a way of silently acknowledging the hardships they'd endured. Erwin, the charismatic and determined commander, approached with a smile. "What's the topic of discussion here?" "(Y/N) was just sharing their appreciation for scars," Hanji said. Erwin nodded. "Scars are the marks of warriors. They remind us of the battles we've fought and the strength we've shown. They are badges of honor." As the evening unfolded, more members of the Survey Corps joined the impromptu gathering. Eren, with his fiery determination, Mikasa, with her unwavering loyalty, and Armin, with his boundless knowledge, all shared stories of their scars and the battles they'd faced. Each one was a testament to their courage and resilience. (Y/N) realized that the beauty of scars lay not only in their physical form but in the stories they held, the memories they represented, and the bonds they forged among comrades. Scars were a reminder of the humanity that persisted in the face of inhuman horrors. The sky had darkened, and the stars began to twinkle in the inky expanse. The group of friends sat in silence, a sense of unity and camaraderie settling over them. They were warriors, each with their own scars, but they were also survivors, dreamers, and believers in a better future. Levi, who had initially been reticent about the topic, finally spoke. "Maybe you're right, (Y/N). Scars aren't just marks of pain and loss. They're also symbols of strength and resilience. They remind us of what we've overcome and what we continue to fight for." (Y/N) smiled, their heart warmed by the acceptance of their perspective. "I'm glad you see it that way, Levi." As the night deepened, and the world slept, the group of friends remained under the canopy of stars, sharing stories of their scars and the beauty they found in the marks of their past. In the darkness, they found a glimmer of hope, a shared purpose, and an unbreakable bond that transcended the trials and tribulations of their world. # lose you to love me. The evening sun cast a warm, golden glow over the small town where Y/N found herself on the cusp of a new beginning. It had been a year since she had left behind the city and all the memories that had weighed her down like heavy chains. Now, standing on the porch of her quaint little house, she felt a sense of peace she hadn't known in a long time. Y/N had always been drawn to the city's bright lights and bustling streets. It was a place where dreams were pursued, and ambition was rewarded. But it was also a place where she had lost herself, where the noise had drowned out the voice of her heart. As she sipped her tea and watched the sun dip below the horizon, Y/N's thoughts drifted to Levi Ackerman, the man she had left behind. He had been her anchor in the chaotic sea of the city, a steady presence that had kept her grounded. But their love had become tangled in a web of insecurities and unspoken words, and it had ultimately crumbled under the weight of their own demons. Y/N's decision to leave had been painful, but she knew it was necessary. She needed to find herself again, to rediscover the person she had lost in the chaos of the city. And she hoped that, in time, Levi would understand. A year had passed since Y/N had left, and Levi had spent every day replaying their last moments together in his mind. He had watched her walk away, her steps echoing the distance that had grown between them. He had wanted to stop her, to tell her that he loved her, that he needed her, but the words had remained trapped in his throat. Now, as he stood on the same street where she had left him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of longing that consumed him. He had thrown himself into his work, burying his emotions beneath a facade of stoicism. But deep down, he knew that he had lost the love of his life, and it was a loss that he couldn't bear. Erwin, Levi's closest friend and confidant, had noticed the change in him. He had watched as Levi withdrew into himself, as the light in his eyes faded with each passing day. And he knew that something needed to change. "Levi," Erwin said one evening as they sat on the porch of Levi's apartment. "You can't keep living like this. You need closure, one way or another." Levi's gaze remained fixed on the city below, the city that had once held all his hopes and dreams. "There's nothing left for me there," he muttered. Erwin sighed, knowing that he needed to tread carefully. "Maybe it's time to visit her, to see how she's doing. You both deserve some closure." Levi's jaw clenched, his emotions a turbulent storm beneath his calm exterior. But deep down, he knew that Erwin was right. He couldn't keep running from his past, from the love that had defined him. Y/N had settled into her new life in the small town, finding solace in the simplicity of each day. She had started a small garden in her backyard, the vibrant blooms a testament to her newfound sense of peace. But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. One crisp autumn morning, as she tended to her garden, a knock on her front door startled her. She wiped her hands on her apron and opened the door to find Erwin standing there, a somber expression on his face. "Erwin?" Y/N exclaimed, surprised to see him. He gave her a warm smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Y/N, I hope you're doing well. I've come with a message from someone who misses you dearly." Before she could react, Erwin stepped aside, revealing Levi standing a few steps away. Y/N's heart leaped in her chest, her breath catching in her throat. She had spent countless nights dreaming of this moment, but now that it was real, she felt overwhelmed. Levi's eyes bore into hers, the same intense gaze that had always made her heart race. "Y/N," he said, his voice filled with a vulnerability she had never seen before. Tears welled up in her eyes as she stepped closer to him. "Levi, I..." Before she could finish her sentence, he closed the distance between them and pulled her into a fierce embrace. The weight of a year's worth of unspoken words hung in the air, but in that moment, they didn't need words. As they held each other, Y/N felt the weight of their past mistakes and regrets begin to lift. It was a bittersweet feeling, a mixture of pain and relief, but it was a feeling she had longed for. "I missed you," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath. Levi pulled back slightly, his hands on her shoulders as he looked into her eyes. "I missed you too, more than I can express." Their love had been a tempestuous journey, filled with highs and lows, but it had always been real. And now, as they stood on Y/N's porch, they knew that they couldn't lose each other again. Over the following days, Y/N and Levi spent every moment they could together, making up for lost time. They talked about their dreams, their fears, and the love that had never truly faded, no matter how far they had been apart. And as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, they knew that they had found their way back to each other, that their love was stronger than ever. It was a love that had weathered storms and come out on the other side, a love that had been tested and had emerged unbreakable. The small town had become their sanctuary, a place where they could finally be together without the noise and distractions of the city. It was a place where they could heal and rediscover the love that had brought them together in the first place. As Y/N and Levi sat on her porch one evening, watching the sun set over the town, they knew that they had lost each other once, but they had found their way back to love again. And this time, they were determined to hold on to it, to cherish it, and to never let it go. # entertainer. Y/N had always been drawn to the spotlight. She loved the thrill of performing, the adrenaline rush that came with stepping onto a stage and captivating an audience. It was her escape, her way of leaving behind the complexities of the real world, if only for a moment. The dimly lit backstage area was a flurry of activity as the final preparations for the concert were underway. Y/N stood in front of a mirror, adjusting her costume and applying the finishing touches to her makeup. Her heart raced with anticipation. It had been months since she had last performed, and the stage felt like a distant memory. As she looked at her reflection, she couldn't help but wonder if Levi Ackerman would be in the audience tonight. He had always been supportive of her career, even when it meant being apart for long stretches of time. They had forged a deep connection, one that transcended the distance between them, but it was a connection that came with its own set of challenges. A knock on the dressing room door interrupted her thoughts. It was Petra, one of her closest friends and fellow performers. Petra had a natural grace and a captivating stage presence, making her a favorite among the audience. "Y/N, it's almost time," Petra said with a reassuring smile. "You've got this." Y/N nodded, grateful for Petra's encouragement. She took one last look in the mirror and made her way to the stage entrance. The sound of the crowd's excitement reached her ears, a cacophony of cheers and applause that sent shivers down her spine. The moment she stepped onto the stage, the world fell away, and she was consumed by the music and the energy of the audience. She sang with passion and poured her heart into every note, her voice soaring through the venue. The connection between her and the audience was electric, a shared experience that transcended words. As the final notes of the song echoed through the venue, Y/N couldn't help but smile. The rush of performing was like nothing else in the world, a high that left her breathless and exhilarated. She bowed to the cheering crowd and made her way backstage, where her fellow performers congratulated her on a successful performance. But amidst the celebrations, there was an emptiness that lingered. She longed for Levi's presence, his steady support and unwavering belief in her talent. It was a bittersweet feeling, the knowledge that her success came at the cost of being apart from the person she loved most. Later that night, as Y/N returned to her dressing room to change out of her costume, there was a knock on the door. She opened it to find Levi standing there, his expression unreadable. "You were incredible," he said softly, his voice filled with admiration. "I've never seen you perform like that." Y/N smiled, the warmth of his praise washing over her. "Thank you, Levi. I wish you could have been in the audience tonight." He stepped closer, his fingers brushing a stray strand of hair from her face. "I wish I could have too, but duty called." The reality of their situation weighed heavily on them both. Levi was a high-ranking member of the Survey Corps, and his responsibilities often took him away for extended periods. It was a sacrifice they had both accepted, but it didn't make the separation any easier. Y/N reached out and took his hand, intertwining their fingers. "I miss you," she whispered. Levi's gaze softened, and he pulled her into his arms, holding her close. "I miss you too, more than you can imagine." They stood there, wrapped in each other's embrace, finding solace in the familiarity of their love. It was a love that had weathered storms and overcome obstacles, a love that had only grown stronger with time. As the night wore on, Y/N and Levi found themselves in a quiet corner of the dressing room, lost in their own world. They talked about their dreams, their hopes for the future, and the challenges they faced. It was a rare moment of vulnerability, a chance to lay bare their deepest fears and desires. "I don't want to be just an entertainer," Y/N confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want to make a difference, to use my platform for something meaningful." Levi nodded in understanding. "I know you will, Y/N. You have the talent and the passion to make a real impact." Y/N smiled, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "And what about you, Levi? What do you want?" He looked at her with a seriousness that sent a shiver down her spine. "I want to protect you, to keep you safe from the dangers of this world. I want to be by your side, always." Their love was a complex tapestry woven from sacrifice and devotion, a love that defied the odds and persevered against all challenges. It was a love that had the power to heal wounds and bridge the gaps between their two worlds. As the night drew to a close, Y/N and Levi knew that they couldn't change the circumstances that kept them apart. But they also knew that their love was worth every moment of longing and every tear shed in their absence. And as they held each other close, they found solace in the knowledge that no matter where life took them, their love would always be their anchor, their refuge in a world filled with uncertainties. # the one that got away. Levi Ackerman sat alone in his dimly lit apartment, the soft hum of the city outside serving as a constant reminder of the bustling world he had once shared with her. His gaze remained fixated on the small, ornate box on the table before him. It was a box that contained memories and the echoes of a love that had slipped through his fingers like grains of sand. Inside lay a delicate silver necklace, a gift from her that he had foolishly taken for granted. Her name was Y/N, and she had been the one to capture his heart like no one else ever had. Levi had always been known for his stoic demeanor, his walls impenetrable to most. But Y/N had seen through the facade, had seen the man beneath the armor. She had loved him fiercely, with a passion that had consumed her, and he had simply assumed she would always be there. It had been several months since Y/N had left, the memories of their last night together still etched painfully in his mind. She had walked away from him, tears in her eyes, and he had let her go without a fight. Levi had been too proud, too stubborn to admit that he needed her. But now, in the quiet solitude of his apartment, he couldn't help but replay their time together, each moment a vivid tableau in his mind. It had all begun years ago when Levi had first met Y/N. She had joined the Survey Corps as a new recruit, her determination and resilience shining brighter than anyone else. Her presence had been a breath of fresh air amidst the chaos of the world outside the Walls. And as fate would have it, they were assigned to the same squad. Hanji and Erwin had all been witnesses to the growing connection between Levi and Y/N. They had seen the way Levi's stern expression softened when she was around, how he would crack a rare smile in her presence. It was as if she had the power to unravel the tightly wound threads of his heart. Levi had been known for his impeccable skills in battle, his unwavering focus on the mission at hand. But with Y/N by his side, he had discovered a new sense of purpose. She had shown him the beauty in the world beyond the Walls, and had taught him to appreciate the simple joys in life. Their laughter had echoed through the barracks, their stolen moments of intimacy hidden from the prying eyes of their comrades. As they faced the horrors of the Titans together, their bond only grew stronger. They relied on each other in the heat of battle, their unspoken understanding a testament to their connection. And in the quiet moments between missions, they would steal away to a secluded spot, where they could be alone with their thoughts and desires. But as the years passed, Levi grew complacent. He began to take Y/N's presence for granted, assuming that she would always be there. He had never been one to express his emotions openly, and he had let that silence drive a wedge between them. Y/N had tried to break through his walls, and had begged him to open up, but he had stubbornly refused. Levi's fingers traced the delicate silver necklace inside the box, his memories flooding back to the day she had given it to him. It had been a simple gesture, a token of her love and devotion. She had told him that it was a reminder of their bond, a promise that she would always be there for him. But promises were meant to be kept, and Levi had failed to keep his end of the bargain. As the months passed, he had grown distant, his focus solely on the never-ending battle against the Titans. He had neglected Y/N, had pushed her away with his silence and indifference. The day she had left had been like a punch to the gut. She had confronted him, her eyes filled with tears and anger. She had told him that she couldn't keep waiting for him to open up, that she deserved someone who could love her completely. Levi had watched her walk away, his heart breaking with each step she took. Levi had tried to bury his feelings in his work, throwing himself into the fight against the Titans with even more determination. But no matter how many Titans he slayed, he couldn't escape the emptiness that had settled in his chest. He missed her more than he could put into words, and the regret gnawed at him day and night. One evening, as he stood on the rooftop of their old barracks, gazing out at the city, he couldn't help but think of her. The city lights below reminded him of the sparkle in her eyes, and the distant sounds of laughter echoed the times they had shared together. It was in that moment that Levi realized just how much he had lost. He knew he had to find her, to make amends for his mistakes. But tracking her down was no easy task. Y/N had left the Survey Corps and disappeared from his life completely. Levi turned to his old comrades for help, and with Mikasa's assistance, they managed to uncover a trail that led him to a small town on the outskirts of Wall Maria. Levi stood outside Y/N's small, quaint cottage, his heart pounding in his chest. He had rehearsed a thousand different speeches in his mind, but now, as he stood before her door, all words seemed inadequate. With a deep breath, he knocked, and the seconds that passed felt like an eternity. The door opened slowly, revealing Y/N on the other side. Her eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, they simply stared at each other. Then, tears welled up in her eyes, and she threw herself into his arms, wrapping them tightly around his neck. "I thought I'd never see you again," she whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and pain. Levi held her close, his own eyes moist with unshed tears. "I'm so sorry," he finally managed to say, his voice hoarse. "I was a fool. I took you for granted, and I let you go when I should have held on to you with everything I had." Y/N pulled back slightly, her gaze locked onto his. "Levi, it's not too late. I love you, but I can't be with someone who won't let me in, who won't share his burdens and joys with me." Levi nodded, his resolve firm. "I promise you, things will be different. I'll open up, I'll let you in. I can't bear to lose you again." As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, Levi knew that he had been given a second chance. He had lost the perfect woman of his life once, but he was determined not to make the same mistake twice. He would cherish Y/N, appreciate her, and love her with all his heart. Their love story was far from over, and as they embraced, they both knew that this time, they would fight to make it last. The memories of their time apart would serve as a reminder of what they had almost lost, a testament to the strength of their love. Levi had learned the hard way that sometimes, the perfect person only comes around once, and he was determined to never let Y/N slip away again. # roses. Levi Ackerman had always been a man of few words, and he liked it that way. But there were moments when even he found himself searching for words to convey what he felt. Today was one of those rare occasions. The air in Paradis was crisp and the sky was painted with the hues of a setting sun. Levi had always found a strange sort of beauty in the world beyond the walls, a world they had fought so hard to reach. He stood in front of the grave, the final resting place of a woman who had meant more to him than he could ever express. Y/N, a name etched into his heart, had been the light in his darkest days. Y/N had been a breath of fresh air amidst the chaos of their world. She had brought warmth and kindness into the lives of everyone she touched, especially Levi's. He had been the stoic, unyielding soldier who believed that nothing good could ever come from their existence. Y/N had shown him otherwise, her unwavering optimism chipping away at the armor he had spent a lifetime building. As he knelt beside her grave, he felt a heaviness in his chest. The vibrant roses he held in his hand seemed to weigh more than just their petals. Levi knew that words were inadequate, but he needed to say something. He needed to let Y/N know what she meant to him. "Y/N," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "I never was good with words, and you knew that better than anyone. But I... I wanted to tell you something." He paused, his stormy eyes locked on the tombstone. In his heart, he felt a mix of grief and gratitude. He extended his arm and carefully laid a single rose on the grave, its deep red petals contrasting against the white marble. He couldn't help but remember the countless times Y/N had marveled at the beauty of flowers, often stopping to admire them during their travels outside the walls. Levi continued, his voice steadier now, "This rose, it's a symbol of... of what you brought into my life. A symbol of the beauty you saw in this world when all I saw was darkness. I wish I could have told you all this when you were still here." He felt a lump in his throat, and his thoughts drifted to the day Y/N had left them. A fatal mission, a sacrifice she had made to ensure the safety of others. Levi couldn't help but wonder if it was worth it, if anything was worth the cost of her life. "But now," he whispered, "all I can ask is... will you let it die, or will you let it grow?" As if on cue, a gentle breeze ruffled the petals of the rose he had placed on her grave. It was as though the wind carried a response, a whispered promise. A sudden rustling behind him broke the stillness of the moment. Hanji, their eccentric and passionate comrade, approached with an understanding smile. She knelt beside Levi, her eyes filled with a mix of empathy and curiosity. "Levi," she said, "I saw what you did. That was beautiful. Y/N would have appreciated it." Levi merely nodded, his gaze still fixed on the rose. Erwin, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin were not far behind. Each of them had their own memories of Y/N, and they too offered their silent tributes to her memory. They had all been deeply affected by her presence and the void her absence had left. The sun had now set, casting a soft, orange glow across the gravesite. Levi's heart was heavy, but the rose he had placed on Y/N's grave seemed to pulse with life. It was as if her spirit was still with them, and the world was responding to her, just as she had once responded to its beauty. Days turned into weeks, and the seasons changed. The others moved forward, their lives intertwined with the ongoing battles for their world. But Levi returned to the grave, each time finding the rose not only intact but flourishing. Its roots had dug deep into the earth, and its vibrant petals seemed to defy the passage of time. Levi couldn't explain it, and neither could anyone else. It was as though Y/N's presence lingered, not in the form of a ghost, but in the form of a rose that refused to wither. It was a testament to her enduring spirit, to her undying love for life. Years passed, and Levi grew older, his hair graying at the temples. He continued to visit Y/N's grave, and the rose remained, an eternal reminder of the woman who had changed his life. He still couldn't find the words to express what she meant to him, but he didn't need to. The rose spoke for him, a symbol of love, growth, and the beauty Y/N had brought into his world. And so, Levi Ackerman, a man of few words, continued to visit the grave, tending to the rose that never ceased to bloom. He didn't need to ask the question anymore because he knew the answer. Y/N's love would forever grow, just like the rose in her memory. # you're losing me. The night was draped in a velvety darkness, and Y/N stood by the window, gazing out at the city lights that flickered like distant stars. It was a rare moment of solitude in their otherwise chaotic life, and she relished it. She clutched a glass of red wine, its deep hue reflecting her turbulent thoughts. Levi Ackerman, her lover, sat across the room, his stoic face illuminated by the soft glow of a single lamp. He was engrossed in a book, his brow furrowed in concentration. Y/N admired the way his raven hair fell gracefully over his forehead, the way his lips moved silently as he read. He was captivating in every sense, and it was one of the reasons she had fallen for him. But lately, something had shifted in their relationship. Y/N felt like she was adrift in a sea of indifference, her heart a boat without a captain. She took a sip of her wine, the crimson liquid coating her tongue, and sighed. It wasn't as if Levi had become cruel or unkind. He was still the same man she had fallen in love with, but he had grown distant. It was as though a gulf had opened up between them, and she couldn't find a way to bridge it. They used to be so close, sharing their dreams and fears, but now their conversations had dwindled to mere pleasantries. She remembered the days when Levi would surprise her with little gestures of affection. A bouquet of her favorite flowers, a heartfelt note tucked under her pillow, a tender kiss on her forehead in the middle of the night. Those moments made her heart flutter and her cheeks blush. But now, there were no more surprises, no more sweet gestures. Levi was always busy with his work, always preoccupied with something else. It seemed as though he had forgotten how to make her feel loved. Y/N couldn't help but wonder if it was her fault. Had she done something wrong? Had she become less interesting to him? These questions haunted her, and she longed for answers. She put down her wine glass and crossed the room to sit beside Levi. He glanced up from his book, his silver eyes meeting hers for a fleeting moment before returning to the pages. "Levi," she began hesitantly, "Can we talk?" He closed the book and turned to face her, his expression unreadable. "What's on your mind?" Y/N took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "I feel like we've drifted apart," she said softly. "We used to be so close, but now it's like we're strangers living under the same roof." Levi's gaze hardened, and for a moment, Y/N feared that she had made a mistake by bringing it up. But she pressed on, determined to be heard. "I miss the way things used to be," she continued. "I miss the little things you used to do to make me feel special. It feels like you're not putting in much effort anymore, and it hurts." Levi's jaw tightened, and he looked away. "I've been busy with work," he replied curtly. Y/N knew that he took his responsibilities seriously, and she respected that. But it wasn't just about his time; it was about his attention, his affection. "It's not just about your work, Levi," she said, her voice quivering slightly. "It's about us. I want to feel like a priority in your life, not an afterthought." He sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. "I didn't realize you felt this way." Y/N felt a pang of sadness. How could he not have noticed? Had she been so good at hiding her pain? "I didn't want to burden you," she admitted. "But I can't keep pretending that everything is fine when it's not." Levi's eyes softened, and he reached out to take her hand. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to make you feel this way." She squeezed his hand, feeling a glimmer of hope. "I just want us to be close again, like we used to be." He nodded, his thumb tracing circles on the back of her hand. "I'll try," he promised. "I'll make more of an effort." Y/N smiled, her heart warming at his words. "That's all I wanted to hear." As the night wore on, Y/N and Levi talked, opening up to each other in a way they hadn't in a long time. They shared their fears, their insecurities, and their hopes for the future. It was a vulnerable conversation, but it was also a necessary one. In the days that followed, Levi kept his promise. He surprised Y/N with breakfast in bed, left sweet notes for her to find, and made an effort to spend quality time with her. Slowly but surely, their connection began to rekindle, and the gulf that had separated them began to close. Their friends, Mikasa, Eren, Hanji, Erwin, Sasha, Jean, Petra, and Connie, noticed the change in their relationship. They could see the spark returning to Y/N and Levi's eyes, the way they laughed and held each other close. It was a testament to the power of communication and effort in a relationship. Y/N knew that their journey wasn't over, that they would have to continue working on their relationship to keep it strong. But she also knew that love was worth the effort, and she was willing to fight for the connection she shared with Levi. As they stood on the balcony one evening, watching the city lights once again, Y/N leaned into Levi's embrace, feeling the warmth of his love surrounding her. It was a reminder that, even in the darkest moments, love could find its way back. # oceans and engines. The relentless buzz of a distant engine echoed through the quiet night, punctuating the silence like an exclamation point. Y/N sat on the edge of their worn-out couch, lost in thought, their gaze fixed on the flickering candle in the center of the room. Shadows danced on the walls, mirroring the turmoil in their heart. For years, they had been trapped in a tempestuous sea of emotions, unable to find their way to calm waters. But tonight, they had to make a choice, a choice that felt like letting go of a part of themselves. In the small, dimly lit apartment, the scent of old books and nostalgia lingered in the air. Y/N's fingers traced the edges of a photograph of them and Levi, their friend-turned-lover. It had been a life filled with adventures, dreams, and passion. Yet, like a ship caught in the storm, it had also been fraught with tumultuous seas, threatening to consume them. Tonight, everything hung in the balance. Hanji, their ever-quirky and wise friend, had urged them to take a step back and evaluate their relationship with Levi. "Sometimes," Hanji had said, "we hold onto things that are not meant for us, fearing the unknown." Outside, the rain began to fall, the rhythmic drumming on the windows mirroring Y/N's racing heart. They knew they needed to confront Levi, to confront the tangle of emotions that had ensnared them for so long. And so, with trembling resolve, they reached for their phone and dialed Levi's number. Levi's voice was crisp and devoid of emotion when he answered, but Y/N detected a hint of surprise. "Y/N, is everything alright?" Y/N took a deep breath, gathering their thoughts. "We need to talk, Levi. There's something we've been avoiding for too long." The tension in the room grew palpable as they made plans to meet at a quiet, inconspicuous cafe. Y/N's heart ached, for they knew this conversation might mark the end of a chapter they had cherished. With each step they took towards the cafe, they wondered if they were about to let go of the only love they had ever known. As they entered the cafe, the scent of coffee wafted through the air, mingling with the sounds of hushed conversations and the clinking of mugs. Levi sat at a corner table, his usually stoic expression giving way to a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Y/N slid into the chair opposite him, their fingers trembling as they fiddled with a napkin. "Levi," they began, their voice unsteady, "we've been through so much together. And I'll always cherish the memories we've made." Levi's eyes, as dark and enigmatic as ever, locked onto Y/N's, searching for answers. "Is there something you're not telling me?" Y/N nodded. "There's something I need to say, something I need to let go of. Our relationship has been incredible, but it's also been turbulent. We've clung to each other in the hopes that we could weather any storm, but in doing so, we've both been drowning." The weight of the unspoken words hung in the air between them. Y/N continued, "It's not just the past. It's the future too. We're on different paths now, and as much as it hurts, I think it's time for us to let go." Levi's expression remained unreadable, but Y/N could see the turmoil in his eyes. "Are you sure about this?" Y/N's voice wavered, but they held back the tears threatening to spill. "I think it's what's best for both of us. We can't grow if we're constantly trying to hold onto what was." Levi's fingers traced the rim of his coffee cup, a subtle sign of his own struggle. "I won't stop you, Y/N. If this is what you need, I won't stand in your way." As the words hung in the air, Y/N felt a mixture of relief and sorrow wash over them. It was as if they had been caught in a tempest for years, and now, they were finally finding a moment of calm. The rain outside had turned into a soft drizzle, casting a melancholic ambiance over the world. Y/N and Levi sat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. They were letting go of a love that had defined their lives, but in doing so, they were setting themselves free. Days turned into weeks, and the ache of loss began to ebb. Y/N threw themselves into work and rekindled connections with friends, among them Hanji, Erwin, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, who had supported them through their journey of letting go. Their world, once overshadowed by Levi's presence, was now filled with new possibilities. With time, Y/N and Levi found a way to maintain a friendship, a bond that had been the foundation of their love. They still shared laughter and conversation, their connection transformed into something different but equally precious. As Y/N watched the world go by, they realized that sometimes, letting go was the only way to create space for new adventures, new dreams, and new loves. The ocean of their emotions had finally calmed, and in its serene waters, they discovered the strength to chart their own course.
how a Decepticon rebult the Kingdom (HARHRTK harem x male Soundwave reader)
Soundwave, one of the most feared and respected Cybertronian in the Decepticon army, the right hand of Megatron and the first to join, was tricked by a human and is now trap in the shadow zone, he watched it all unfold to the point of Megatron's death, in his last moments before he ran out of energon he thought back on his life and looking back he regrets his actions, not of joining Megatron but of the path the Deceptions took and he thought if by chance he vets a new life he will walk down a different path and be more like an Autobot and like the all spark answered his Prayers a bright gold light envelope him in it and once it died down he was in a room with several humans and into another world as a hero, this is the story on how a Decepticon rebult a kingdom.
[ "harem", "hero", "kingdom", "lemon", "male", "readerxcharacter", "realist", "rebult", "soundwave", "transformers" ]
[ "Bio", "Harem", "Harem part 2", "chapter 1", "Chapter 2" ]
[ "<b>Old name: Soundwave</b>\n<b>New name: (Y/N) Soundwave (A/N: will be explained)</b>\n<b>Age: I don't know your choice</b>\n<b>Nickname: king, the black knight, the silent reaper, (N/N), Lord (Y/N), papa(A/N: will be explained), majesty, darling, wise</b>\n<b>Magic: Dark, wind, light</b>\n<b>Sexuality: straight</b>\n<b>Race: Cybertronian</b>\n<b>Looks:</b>\n\n<b>Human form:</b>\n\n<b>Personality: Strategic, wise, lets his actions speak for him, skilled, perverted (A/N: he'll be new to hormones so im putting it as a running gag, you'll see), Deadly, genius, smooth, kind, In centric</b>\n<b>Likes: the Kingdom, fighting, magic, Experimenting, books, music, animals, laserbeak, family, sweets, flying, girls, Torturing</b>\n<b>Dislikes: fools, Cowards, war, </b><b>sourings</b><b>, Enemies, Racists, bad guys, nobility at times, the class system, the shadow zone, his past, being tricked</b>\n\n<b>Sword: silent shadow</b>\n\n<b>Mini-con: Laserbeak</b>\n\n<b>Tentacles: </b>\n\n<b>Ground bridge:</b>", "Artoria\n\nAshia\n\nJuna\n\nExcel\n\nRoroa\n\nClarla\n\nKaede\n\nEsdeath\n\nLupusregime \n\nKoneko\n\nJuna\n\nShiro\n\nRiveria\n\nSuu\n\nMero\n\n<b>(A/N: once the second part is released there might be more)</b>", "<b>(A/N: ok to be honest I totally forgot to do this so my apologies)</b>\n\nGenia\n\nJeanne \n\nKomain \n\nSerina \n\nTomoko \n\nRose\n\nHilde ", "<b>                        Soundwave's PO</b>V\n\n                                               I never thought I would die like this, I was the communications Officer of the Decepticons and Megatron's right hand. I was tricked by a human and an Autobot into the shadow zone by opening a ground bridge, me an expert on ground bridge Technology was out witted by the same Tactics I use, I've traveled all over earth and Cybertron and I saw the war end with my own eyes, especially the end of Megatron's spark, when I saw that my spark skipped a beat. I have always respected Megatron since the day I met him in his Gladiator days since then I have followed him even when we was building the Decepticons I was the first to join him, I followed every order and I was the most feared and respected one there but now I'm merely a spectator to the Autobots victory. I flew to Cybertron's moon with what little energon I have I landed safely onto a rock overlooking Cybertron, I wanted this to be the last thing I saw before I shutdown. I used this time to review my life and I don't regret the choices I made, I wanted to watch those useless upper class leaders pay, I never liked the class system we have to be honest it Discusses me to this very day but I do regret the path the Decepticons took. Except for us being known as heroes we will be known in future generations as Criminals and monsters, I should of stopped it before it became out of hand but no I did nothing, I  said nothing when Megatron became made with power and I said nothing when our war destroyed our home. I looked to my screen and saw I'm a few minutes from joining the all spark, I then thought <i>\"if by chance I get reborn I'm going to do things differently, ill be more like an Autobot then a Decepticon\"</i> when the energon percentage reached 1% I ready myself but just then a bright light engulfed me almost like Primus has granted my wish, the light Brighton and it felt like I was falling  from a high Altitude and I looked and I was falling from a high altitude, I don't have enough energon to transform so ill see where this gose, I heard a human screaming and I looked to see a human falling with me. The old me would of let him die but I must stick to my promise to be more like an Autobot and they protect humans I reached out for him and I grabbed him and I put him on my chest to dull the blow but it never came I looked to see I'm in a big r\noom with robbed humans in it.\n I then heard one of the robbed humans say \" is anyone else surprised that this actually worked\" another robbed human replied \" well try something just once in life\". I looked at the boy and he was looking at me probably astonished by me and I then typed words on my screen <i><u>\"are you alright?\"</u></i> He nodded and said \"yeah, so what's going on?\" The robbed man with a white beard then said \"hello brave heros, I welcome you here\" I turned my head and I typed on my screen <i><u>\"where am I?\"</u></i> The man was confused but the human I saved said \"he asked where are we?\" He nodded and said \"all your questions will be answered by the king if you follow me\" the human got off of me and I tried to stood up but the building was not tall enough and everyone noticed my large size and one of the other robbed men said \"we may have a problem \" I thought to use a ground bridge but given my past history I want to reframe from using it for a while. I then decided to scane my surroundings and I spotted a door besides the door into this room, I pointed to that door and the main Robbed man said \"we have a strange device in there\" he seemed to understand my curiosity. I then used my tentacles and the others where a little alarmed by them, I opened that door and I scanned that room and I saw a device connected to a vat of white liquid and I remembered Shockwave descibed a proses to make artificial organic body's. It's similar to the design he had but different, I then connected the device to my tentacles to activate it. I used my own energy reserves to activate it and once it was I use it, I decided to use what little enerjon I had into this body I'm making so I added it to the vat and they blended well together, as it was making the muscles I added some in organic parts mainly a human size version of my vizer and a device so it's connects to my subconscious. Once the skin was added the body was dipped into the vat and that's where things get interesting, the device started spinning the body in it until the color changes to that of enerjon and a strong electric pulse was put into the vat and once it stopped the body was lifted out and since it's done I connected one of my smaller tentacles to the bass of the neck and use it as an improvised cortical psychic patch and I transferred my mind into it. \n The device let go of me in my new body, it took me a few minutes to walk but it was no problem, I put on my new visor and activated it so I walked back to the room where my original body is and everyone looked at me with shock and I typed <i><u>\"is this better?\"</u></i> The main robbed man said \"y-yes, but first we need to get you some clothes \" I looked down to see my bare skin from neck to toe and I thought <i>\"that's a problem \"</i>. After getting plain cloths I followed men dressed in armor to where the king is and once there I will finally get some answers. I saw the human from before and once I was right next to him the doors opened and in the throne room I saw several people some look like humans, some had pointed ears, and I think I saw one as a beast hybrid. But the two at the throne I can clearly tell is this worlds king and queen, the king got up and said \"hero's welcome, thank you for answering our call in this desperate time\" the human I was summoned with said \"I didn't answer anything I was summoned here against my will\" the king was taken aback by this and I typed but no one noticed so I tapped the humans shoulder and he saw my scream so he relayed the message \"just to be clear he's talking\" he pointed to me and he continued he said \"<i>thank you for summoning me without your interference I would have died, also I'm a mute so I will be talking threw this human\"</i> he said\" the Queen nodded in approval and so did the king. \n                                         The king then said \" ah, yes I suppose so I can see from your standpoint it may be that way and for your friend your welcome\" He looked to the human and he asked \"by chance are you upset we forced you against your will?\" He replied \"oh I don't know would you be!\" Everyone was taken aback by this and I thought of one thing <i>\"I actually like this human\"</i> he sighed and said \"at the very least could you explain the situation then I'll decided on should I be mad \" the king then said \"an explanation that would be helpful, hu, well huh the predicament tiss as follows \" He then explained where we are. So this is a super continent known as landia, several races including humans, elf's, dwarfs, and dragon newts have made this land there home forming a number of countries in various sizes. However ruthly ten years ago on the northern most end of the continent a void to the demon world has opened and a hord of monsters appeared. With there appearance all hell broke loose in the northern countries and under the banner of the grand chaos empire who supposed to have the largest Territory on the continent all nations united to fight back against the demons and unfortunately those forces where obliterated. After the battle the nations lost there main military assets and no longer have the strength to fight back, so the enemy took over a third of the continent and that was called the demon lords Domain. As the monsters increase the battle lines continue to rapidly expand making things look grim. The nations can barely keep them in check or drive them back and to this day a deadly blood remains firmly in place. It kinds reminds me of the cybertronion wars a little, the human then said \" uh-huh, I hope I'm not supposed to fight theses monster on my own\" I then typed and he translated \"he said <i>\"I second that\"</i>\" the king then replied \"well perhaps Marx can explain it better\" a man with pointed ears and long gray hair stepped up and said \"the issue is the hero is truly a rare commodity to come by\" the human was confused but I know where is is going so I did my usual intimidating stare and I typed and he translated \"he said <i>\"your going to sell us as payment to what I assume is the empire for Financial aid\" </i>What!\" We then both glared at the king then he stepped down from his throne and he said \"I'm terribly sorry about this but I hope you can forgive us\" Marx then said \"uh, you see by the demon lords Domain doesn't border our own kingdom it's about the grand chaos empire which happens to be the largest Country in all of Landia. Because of there brave efforts we seep many benefits in a few months in a form of a tax but because costs the empire requests Financial aid assistance from countries who do not share the border with the demon lords domain. \" the human then said \"so the issue comes down to money, if the empire is willing to pay to fight them then you have to pay them\" the king then said \" we'd like too but the only problem is we can't \" Marx agreed and said \"our Country has bing experiencing a continue with shortage of food. The expansion of the demon lords domain has sent us refugees who where chased from there homes and the costs of feeding them is astronomical and has things currently stand we are in no position to give Financial aid. However with in the empires requests for aid there is a claws that stats that if we can not contribute financially then we may perform the hero's right of summoning, the Secret ritual of bringing forth a hero has bing handed down to our kingdom for generations we can send you two instead of funds. That's tradition in our upmost reluctance we-\" the human then cut him off by saying \"in other words your more then willing to sell off your own daughters if it ment paying your debt, right?\" \n                                       I then repeated his voice saying <b><u>\"right?\"</u></b>  They where surprised that they where figured out then the human sighed and said \"so after handing the empire two hero's what would happen to us after word?\" The king then said \"well uh, we are a little murky on the subject \" I then played a recording of knockout saying <b><u>\" dissection\"</u></b>the human the said \"we don't know that, but what dose make a hero in the first place?\" Marx then said \"in legends it says a hero is the one who would lead the revolution into a new age\" I then typed and he translated \"he asked <i>\"but why is that?\"</i> I turned around to see the queen giving me what humans call a courtesy and the human said \"with no disrespect but that's more then a little vague\" . I nodded and Marx said \"the thing is information has bing scarce for The Who and what are a hero is shrouded in mystery\" the human then said \"it seemed like the empire has an interest in them tho I think my friend here might be right about the dissection part\" I nodded in agreement. The king was think of it and it wasn't reassuring, Marx then said \"there isn't a chance in a million that they would do such a thing\" the king then said \"yes a million, a thousand, I mean I put the odds at about a hundred \" I crossed my arms and glared at him for increasing the odds. I looked to everyone here and they all have mix feelings so I thought <i>\"it looks like I'm stuck here with no way back, if worst comes to worst I can return to my main body and escape using a ground bridge but with out knowledge of the lands here I could end up inside a mountain\" </i> I looked to the human and he is think the same thing, for a human we surprisingly think a lot like a politician that I was long ago.  I the thought <i>\"my best course of action is to just follow him and see what happens and if he fails I can always fly out\" </i>the human then asked \"if I may please permit me to ask one more thing\" the king then said \"I suppose so\" the human then said \"our request sent from the empire are limited to this one or are you expecting more \" the king tried to explain but failed so Marx took over and said \"in the way I see matters there is no end to these requests in site. As long the monster persist in there attacks\" I then typed and he translated \"he said \"going back to the summoning, could you summon as many people as you need?\" The king then said \"oh so you see that complicated \" he looked around nervously then Marx said \"according to our records we did summon a hero prior to you two. Nearly five hundred years ago and that took place only the once and at our nations founding, there where several failed attempts over the years\" the human then said \"assuming that's true this is significant we are pretty much the one card this country has, dose that sound right?\" The king then said \"um, yes I would say so\" the human then said \"in that case doesn't giving us up to the empire right now seem a little vacuous.\" The king then asked \" I uh, come again?\" The Queen then explained \" as you know dear, vacuous means something done without any thought \" he then replied \"ah yes, that vacuous of course \" I then thought <i>\"he seems too indecisive to be a king, no wonder this country has debt\"</i> the human then spoke up so everyone hears him \"and if we are truly thinking a head we should review the country's finances and then adopt new policies ones that will help increase the Alfredon national strength so we can reject imperial demands!\" I then used A multitude of voices to say \" I <b>AGREE</b><i> with the human,</i> wE must <b>CHANGE FOR THE BETTER </b><i>Of</i> the PeOpLE!\" Everyone was taken back abit by my ability but agreed none the less. The king then said \"enough influence and power to reject the grand chaos empire\" Marx then said \"us but how? Accomplishing such a feat requires something like-\" the human then finished his sentence \"a hero, am I not suppose to lead the revolution into a new age. \" he paused for dramatic affect then he continued \"this act is merely the beginning we might be able to bring real change to this country!\" They where hooked so I typed and he's translated \"he said \"I used to be a politician before I became a soldier, I will also help this country as gratitude for saving my life \" plus this human got me interested.\n Me, the human, Marx, and the king and Queen went into a room to discuss matters, the human then asked \"tell me about the country's finances, I want to hear everything that's implace plus I need to take a closer look on budget reports, data on agriculture, forestry, fishery, the economy, infrastructure, and transport\" I then typed and he translated \"and he asked \" I would also like the mining reports, as well as taxis, and import reports \" the Queen then said \" prime Minister if you please be so kind\". He bowed and said \"at once\" and so we went over everything and and I learned that the kings name is Albert and the humans name is Souma and of course I told them mine and we discussed on a wide A range of topics threw out three days and on day two that I learned that my new body needs the Basic needs for a human. The fourth day I woke up early but I still felt tired so I decided to take a little walk to rest my brain for later discussions. As I was walking I saw the Queen on a balcony so I approached her and she noticed and she said \"good morning SoundWave \" I nodded and I learned her name as well so I said in the Marx's voice \"<i>Good morning Queen Elisha \" </i>she smiled and she asked \"I heard that you made this body with that Device and I got to say when I saw your original I was shocked \" I nodded in understanding then she asked \"so what has gotten you down?\" I tilted my head in confusion and she said \"you said you were a soldier and to me you look like one that was badly defeated \" I nodded and I was able to learn this worlds writing so I'm able to communicate, I wrote \"yes I was, I was made to watch the downfall of my failed attempts to lead my group to win the war but I couldn't stop our leader the one I admired the most turn into an evil tyrant. I was about to die till I was summoned here as if I was given a new start\" she rested her hand on my shoulder in sympathy and said \"since you where given a second chance how about a new name\" my visor showed a question mark and she said \"you can still keep your old name but add another name to it after all your a new man now\" I get what she is saying so I wrote \"what should it be?\" She thought about it then she said \"how about (Y/N) \" I let it sink in for a minute and I like it.\n                                        I then wrote \"I am (Y/N) SoundWave now\" she smiled but then a guard came and said \"Sir sound-\" I interrupted him by using the Queens voice\"<i>(Y/N) \" </i>. The guard look at the Queen and nodded and he corrected himself and continued \"sir (Y/N), the king has requested an audience in the throne room\" I nodded and I followed him. Once there Albert said \" listen I request your undivided attention, I Albert Alfreden the 13th king of the Alfreden nation of being of sound mind and body here by advocate the throne and transfer all of its powers over to our summoned hero's Souma Kazuya and (Y/N) SoundWave \" it took a few minutes for us both to register that and for the second time in my life a human surprised me. Albert continued \" furthermore I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughters princess Liscia Alfreden and Princess Artoria Alfreden to the heroic and newly appointed kings Souma and (Y/N) !\" We where all shocked, infacted I actually fainted on the spot because of the news.\n\n                        <b>3rd Person POV </b>\n\n                                 On April 15th, the king of Alfreden hands the throne over to Souma Kazuya and (Y/N) SoundWave, this news quickly spread reaching the three duke doms. A trio of Rulers who handles the kingdoms armed forces creating a significant stir amond them. In the Vargas Duchy, Red Dragon city where the Air Force lies a man with dragon  like features just heard the news and he said \"What!, Albert advocated the throne!\" Is subordinate then said \"yes sir, and there is more he has seated the throne to Souma and (Y/N) the hero's summoned \" this did not sit well with him. In the Walter Bucky, Lagoon City where the navy lies a Beautiful woman with fish like features and she just finished reading the letter about the news and she said \"that's pretty bold of move and coming from King Albert of all people, but two kings I need to learn more about this especially this (Y/N) SoundWave \" . In the Carmine Duchy, Randel where the army lies a man with a lions head and he said \" when this news reaches her I bet Princess Liscia and Artoria will be beside them selves \" he then smirked. On horseback we see two blond Women in military uniforms and one of them said \"Father, Mother, hold on I'll rescue you!\" In the castle we see the former king Albert and his wife Elisha enjoying each other's company until the doors to there room burst open and we see the blond women the two princesses and Liscia said \"father!, mother?, your fine\" the four went to a table then Liscia slammed her hand on the table and said \"it's absurd  we heard the the throne has bing usurped and came running to save you!\" Artoria hen said \"and here you two are casually carrying on while we worry!\" Albert then said \"you see the throne hasn't bing usurped I advocated it in favor of Souma and (Y/N) in my own free will \" Liscia then said \"then why rash decision?\" Albert replies \"it was hardly rash but I've spent a short amount of time with them and I'm convinced they make a better king then I could. It was a decision made responsible by the individual in charge of this country and I won't have any arguments\" Liscia then said \"but father!, how can you declare my engagement without even asking me!\" Artoria then added \"plus we never even met them before, just who is this (Y/N) SoundWave anyway!?\" Albert then said \" concerning that matter that got to be a conversation for the four of you while there is no denying the marriage arrangement between you and Souma was my idea originally, if you don't want to go threw with it then I think Souma would hardly resist \" Artoria then asked \"then what about mine who's idea was that?\" Elisha then said \"it was mind, I remember the type of guy you like and he's a perfect match\" Artoria then said \"wait I only said that in my\" She then blushed and said \"MOM!, you read my diary!\" She then said to change the subject \" my dears you should go meet them first then decide whether or not there for you. We can't just force you to love someone \" they both then sighed in defeat and went to find them.\n\n<b> (Y/N) SoundWave POV</b>\n\n That was the first time I fainted, I don't like it, when I woke up I looked for Souma and when I did he was doing a mountain of paper work. So I offered to help, given I put my tentacles in this body I can do up to five at once so that increases our efficiency but we still need more people. Souma then asked \"so did you change your name or is SoundWave just your last name?\" I wrote \"I just added a new name for my new life, plus in humans terms it's more efficient\" he then said \"I'll ask my questions about you after we get this done\" I nodded and we went back to work. After a few minutes we heard someone say \"we are coming in\" then I look to see two wemon in military uniforms both with blond hair and Souma said \"Hey who ever you are give me a hand\" they entered and closed the door then one of them said \"pardon?\" Souma replied \"hold up, you are able to read right?\" The one who asked said \"please I'm not some idiot I hand an extensive education\" the other one who never took her eyes off of me said \"we aren't illiterates\" I have a strong suspicion that I've seen them before. Souma then said \"what's 3+2?\" They both and I said \"5\" he then asked \"6x2? \" we said \"12\" he then asked \"42➗7\"?\" The one with pig tails said \"7 no 6, I get that confused\" me and the one with the her hair in a bun said \"6\" all the while loooking at me. Souma then said \"good enough, go over there and help me with the budget and the other can help (Y/N) with mining costs, import taxes, and regular taxes\" the Pig tailed girl then said \" what, help you two, just who do you guys think we are?\" Souma then said \" reserves to help us with these finances\" I said in someone's voice \" <b> soldiers!</b>\" They then introduced themselves \"I'm Liscia Alfreden the kings- former kings daughter and you will show me respect \" the other one then said \"I'm Artoria Alfreden, daughter of former king Albert and you will do the same\" that's when it clicked there Alberts daughters and they take after there mother. \n I then finish my paper work and I walked to Souma and I wrote \"I finished my end, I'm heading out\" he nodded and said \"thanks, that'll save me time\" . I then left and my main reason was to avoid the conflict with Souma and Liscia while I deal with mine. As I got out I was followed by Artoria aka my fiancé, I'll never get used to that, I tried to ditch her but she's fast we walked to a training Area and I stopped and turned around to face her. We where face to face and she said \"what do you want?\" I then wrote \"I could ask you the same\" she was taken back by the way I talk but kept a straight face and she said \"what did you do to my father to have him give the throne to you?\" She demanded and I wrote \"I did nothing all I did was go over documents and that's it\" I can tell she couldn't tell I was telling the truth or not so she suggested \"I can tell you won't take off your mask so let's let our actions speak for us\" I nodded and she walked a few feet away from me and got into a fighting stance and I can tell what she wants and I accept by nodding a yes.\n\n<b> Artoria's POV</b>\n\n I suggested to let our actions speak for us and he accepted it, I got into a stance that suggested we do this hand to hand. He doesn't move a muscle and I can't tell what he's thinking because of that mask he wears I then thought <i>\"he's thin and scrawny looking</i><i> I could easily beat him yet I feel his confidence from here.\"</i> I charged and he's still not moving, I sent a gut punch but before it could hit he dodged to my side and hit my lower back hard with his elbow. The blow shocked me to the point I couldn't move then when I landed on the ground I was picked up with one of his arms easily. I then thought <i>\"he's a fighter!, and a skilled one too if I used my sword I could of had a chance but I made a bad move by choosing something he was skilled with. I looked at his ''face'' and i fell like he said \"you lost\" and he's right\" </i> Duke carmine taught me that words are good at times but actions speak louder then words, I asked \"why don't you talk?\" His mask glow and lines appeared and I heard what sounded like multiple voices \"<i>Actions </i>Sp<b>Eak </b>LOd<i>er </i> then <b>Words!</b>\" My eyes went wide, I followed by the principal of letting my actions speak for me and he's the same. To what I heard around the castle he was a politician so I thought he was but clearly he was not just that. He put me down on my feet and we just started at each other for a few minutes until I said \"I thought you where just a politician but I can see your not so how are you?\" Words then appeared on his mask and it said \"I was at first and before I was summoned here I was a soldier and head of information and intelligence \" I didn't knew he was a soldier but he left out something out so I asked \"and after you quit being a politician\" the lines came back and I paid close attention to them because when he first spoke they moved. Then he side in one singular and intimidating voice \"<b>NEVER UNERESTIMATE A GLADIATOR OF KAON!</b>\" He was a Gladiator! He has the brains to not only be a politician and the head of an intelligence for an army but he has the bronze to match, he's everything I strive to be and more.\n\n<b>                               (Y/N) SoundWave POV</b>\n\n                                                She is like me, doesn't fall under the truth and lies of words but lets her actions described her, I can tell from that blow she almost landed on me. I then wrote \"you have potential\" she blushed and she quickly straighten herself out and then asked \" now that I know about you more I want to know what are your plans\" I thought about that question I know as of now that Souma will hand over the rains to Liscia and retire but me since I was given charge of people I had to do what I can. The Deceptacon ideology is what I strive to achieve but with some of the autobots Ideology so I don't follow the same path lord Megatron took, I then decided my corse of action. I then wrote \"I plan on making this country better and hopefully fill the cap between nobility and commoners and destroy this slave trade system, but first we need to deal with the countrys problems \" I can tell she was taken aback by my plane. I walked back inside to prepare for the future after all, this is my second chance to make what the Deceptacon's originally planned for a better world.", "\n<b> (Y/N)'s POV</b>\n\n                                          I sat in my office reading a report about this worlds technology or the lack there of, I then thought <i>\"this worlds technology is like that of earths 15th century but they make up that gap with magic. They use fire magic to cook and warm water for showers, luminous mass lights the street lamps, they use water magic and giant water beasts pulled armored ships for military uses. With my knowledge and Shockwaves notes I can possibly fill this gap with non magical technology\"</i> I was interrupted from my thoughts when someone knocked on the door and I said in shockwaves voice \"<b><u>\"enter\"</u></b> a maid walked in and she bowed and said \"your majesty king Souma requests your attention with an audience that the both of you must attend \" I nodded and I stood up from my desk and started walking but I stopped once I got a good look at the maid, she is wearing the traditional maids outfit but with a blue ribbon tied into a bow on her chest, she has long blue hair with blue eyes, she noticed me staring at her and she asked \"is there something you need your majesty?\" I then wrote <u>\"what's your name?\"</u> She replied \"I'm Serina\" I nodded and I left. Once in the throne room I sat down in the second throne that was added, me and Souma sat on our thrones as one of those robed men came in and he said \" sires it has come to my attention that neither of you went threw a magic check \" Souma then asked \"Magic check?\" The man replied \"yes Sire after consorting various tomes regarding the ritual there appear to be cases of hero's granted magical abilities after they bing transported from other worlds \" Souma then said \"got it, so basically it's like a test to see if we got some new found abilities which may end up proofing useful \" I then wrote <u>\"I've read on this magic and I wish to see this too\"</u> the robed man lead us to a chamber with a gargoyle statue in it, Souma then said \"all I have to do is touch this statue?\" The man replied \"yes, if any magic was transferred to you during the summoning it's nature will become apparent to you once you'd made contact with the statue\" Souma then said \"I don't know who came up with this but I love how straight forward it is\" I then wrote <u>\"I agree \"</u> I then decided to activate my scanners to see this magic phenomenon. Once Souma touched the statue it started to glow then after it died down, the scanners picked up multiple energy signatures in that split second and I'm curious what happened. I looked at Souma as he took his hand off the statue and he looked shocked and aww, the man then asked him \"how did it go my king?\" He replied \"I'd never thought I'd say theses words but apparently I'm a magic wielder now, but the question is what kind of practical Applications dose this power have\" he then realized something so he quickly left to test it out.\n\n                                               Now it's my turn, once I placed my hand on the statue it glowed and I found myself in a black void and I saw the glow of the statue then multiplie small and different colored lights rush to me. Then it all stopped I was back and now I understand why he was shocked and awed, the man asked \"how did it go my king?\" I replied using shockwave's voice <b><u>\" phenomenal\" </u></b> then I rushed to my office to test my newfound skills. I learned I have dark, wind, and light attributes and to what I learned light magic is basically healing and wind is explanatory but to what I read dark magic is a rare and it varies to person to person but it's weird. I feel like I know how to use it but I'm not shure how, then I looked at laser beak, I was able to get a bird purch for him but then it hit me, the Machine, I rang a bell to call a maid and one came in and asked \"you rang your majesty \" I then wrote down what I need on paper and I wrote <u>\"send these to my office, post haste \"</u> She nodded and went to get what I requested. After the stuff was brought to me I got to work, the stuff I have are, one mannequin of any kind, the white stuff from the Machine, a small mana stone, an outfit suitable for the mannequin which oddly enough is a very reveling maids outfit, note to self find out who got this, and some random mechanical parts that were in the same room the machine is. I want to test a hypothesis I have, I then channeled my mana threw my hand and shadows burst out from my hand and several shadow tentacles went to each of the pieces, first it made the mannequin stand up, then it took the white liquid and spreads it until the mannequin was covered to head to toe. It then it took the mechanical parts and it started fusing with the white liquid and the mannequin, then the last part it took the mana stone and this was the tricky part, I thought of the traits when I think of laser beak, loyal, brave, obedient, and kind. Once I thought of those I channeled more mana into the stone and once complete it embedded itself self into the mannequin and the last thing I need to complete this experiment. I took out one of my Tentacles and I made a small cut on my organic body's skin, not too severe but just enough to get a little bit of Energon. I collected a drop of it on my tentacle and I brought that drop to the Mannequin and poured it on to it, then I channeled mana into the mannequin and a big reaction happened. The white liquid started to form into skin, hair, eyes, And alike the mechanical parts started shifting and activate and last but not leased the body of the mannequin changed into that of a young woman and a big gust of wind burst from it and my magical abilitie stopped, I looked at it to see a human with mechanical parts, I scanned her and she's alive! I then felt a little dizzy and it felt as if I'm low on energon but I checked and I'm still full so this can only mean that I'm low on mana, the woman started to stir awake and once she woke up she stood up and we locked eyes. \n\n                                                  Then something popped on my visor and I saw her schematics, I then thought <i>\"I can make artificial life!, I know it was some kind of creation but to this exstent, I can see the many possibilities for this\". </i> I looked at my creation and I asked in Megatrons voice \"<b>speak Child\"</b> she replied \"I await your command master\" I pointed to the maid outfit and I wrote <u>\"put that on\"</u> she then put it on but for some odd reason I couldn't help my feel flush seeing her naked. Once dressed I then wrote <u>\"what's your name?\"</u> She replied \"I don't have one\" I then thought of one and I wrote <u>\"I'll name you Rose, now tell me your priorities\"</u> she replied \"what ever you command\" I then thought <i>\"hmmm, her personality is blank but I guess that's normal given she was just born, maybe I can have that maid Serina can teach her after all a human is way better then me when it comes to organic emotions, plus I'm not emotional\"</i> I rang the bell and my a chance a fate she came in. She then said \"you rang your majesty \" I nodded and I wrote <i>\"</i><u>I want you to teach Rose her everything you know about your job as well as emotions, like the body you see know she's artificial and was just made\" </u> . She looked at her up and down and I clarified <u>\"I asked for a change of clothes for her and they gave me that\"</u> she gave me a sly smile and said \"ok I get you, now follow me Rose\" I looked at Rose and I wrote <u>\"learn from her\"</u> she nodded and left. I looked to the other door in the room and I opened it to see Souma with Liscia and The staff he hired for the extra paper work. I walked up to them and Souma said \"aw, (Y/N) good timing I was just about to tell Liscia about our money problem\" I pointed to the Quills writing on there own and Souma noticed this and said \"oh it's my ability I can basically I can imbued objects with my consciousness or just a part of it, I call it living poltergeist\" I nodded and Liscia asked \"what's your's Lord (Y/N)?\" I held up my hand and I wrote <u>\"call me (Y/N) and apparently I can make artificial life but I don't know the true existence to it but I can probably make humanoid drones with ease, theoretically speaking\"</u>. They were shocked and Souma said \"you seemed pretty shure about that\" I wrote my replie \"<u>just look for the new maid name Rose, anyway back to business \"</u> he smirked and said \"straightforward just how I like it, anyway we are tracking down I unaccounted expensesers, we take the budgetary requests and look at the Financial statements even though the amount requested and spent may seem a perfect match the adamized experiences sometimes be different. That can indicate two things first wishful spending to use up the budget or two misappropriation of funds disguised as an investment, we are pouring over every single request form the king has received and keeping an eye out for any glaring discrepancies if any investment is discovered the guilty party will pay the amount back and if they refuse they'll be arrested and have there properties ceased\" I then added <u>\"we can't have people like that hoarding funds while the people starve, I expect at least 52% will be arrested\"</u> he nodded then Liscia then asked \"is it necessary to go to such Lanks? After all you solved our Financial woes by selling off the kingdoms treasures and paying the empire \" Souma then said \"shure for now at least we don't have worry about being turned over to the empire anymore \" I then wrote <u>\"plus we can't never have enough capital the same goes for man power, also it was my decision in the first place to sell them, we can't hord Money while our people starve those who don't do this are scum \"</u> Liscia then went to her desk to help out with the paperwork. I then wrote <u>\"I have an engagement so I can help you for now, but I completed my end of the paperwork all that's left is the acracultrial review and I know zero about that stuff\"</u> he smiled and said \"that's ok just leave it for me\" I nodded and left.\n\n The engagement I planned is the military, I planned to talk with the captain of the royal guard and I told him I'll be meeting him in the mess hall. I got there early so I waited, while I was waiting Artoria came in and once she spotted me she asked \"oh (Y/N), what brings you here?\" I wrote <u>\"I'm meeting with the captain of the royal guard to discuss military affairs\"</u> she sighed and said \"unfortunately you scheduled at a bad time, he's busy with the new recruits and it's going to be a while\" I nodded then she asked \"why not have lunch with me?\" I thought about it and wrote <u>\"I guess I could eat\"</u> she went to get us some food. The next day was pretty much the same, me and Artoria have lunch together, we decided that it will be a good bonding experience, this lunch however was companies by Souma and Liscia, while we where eating Souma explained his plan \"the first step is to limit the Anchorage for cash crops and start planting food again, so the shortage won't be a dependence on other countries. The kingdom will provide farmer subsidies for the change over also we need to prioritize planting soy beans and potatoes. They have a variety of uses and can survive harsh winters\" Liscia pouted and Souma asked \"Liscia you listening?\" She replied \"I was paying attention \" Souma replied \"it's not like Agracultural reforms just happened over night for the time bing no matter imported or domestically produced the kingdom will purchase it and sell it for less then we bought them for\" Artoria then said \"that sounds like it will leave us with even more debt\" I then wrote <u>\"the exports will make up the difference but our current market value we need to find a new source of income \"</u> Liscia then said \"better said then done, I'm going off topic for a second here but the kings aren't exactly supposed to eat in the mess hall\" Souma looked around at the knights and he said \"don't worry about it we're busy economizing the castle we have to conserve meal experience \" I then added <u>\"plus me and Artoria plan on having lunch together each day\"</u> she replied \"yeah but still\". \n\n                                          Then a man with long blond hair came up to us and said \"it's bing sometime princesses or rather should I prefer you you two as queens Liscia and Artoria from now on\". Liscia replied \"it's not official at least not yet at least \" he then looked to us and Liscia introduced him \"(Y/N), Souma this is Ludwig Arcs he's the captain of the royal guard \" Souma replied \"Souma Kazuya I'm sorta this country's acting king\" I then wrote \"<u>I'm (Y/N) SoundWave, king\"</u> he replied \"the both of you made quite the impression only you two recently taken over and all ready your job performance is the talk of the staff\" Souma then said \"next time you see them pass along a message, if they have time to chat then they should be working harder\" he laughed and said \"understood sire, if I'm not intruding my I join you for lunch?\" I gave him a motion to sit and he sat down. He then said \"as long as I'm here may I ask you a question?\" Souma replied \"I'll try to do my best to answer it\" I replied in a random voice <i>\"</i>Same\" Ludwig asked \"I hear your attempting to carry out many reforms, they proeceding smoothly?\" Souma replied \"the opposite of smooth to be honest, Human Resources are a bit problematic \" I then explained <u>\"a lot of the officials aren't of use beside prime Minister Marx. Besides the crown we received the previous kings advisors but there the same ones who nearly brought this kingdom to ruin\"</u> he replied \"my ears are burning \" Liscia then said \"hold on (Y/N)\" Artoria then said \"finally someone said it\" Souma then said \"we need people who can tell me the truth and give me straight answers and agree to any tasks I assigned them those are the sort of retainers I need\" I nodded and we continued eating.\n\n                                            After that me and Souma went to do our own things, I was on one of the balconies with Artoria and we are having tea, Rose came with a cart with a teapot and two cups. She poared us some tea then placed some tea snacks. She then asked \"is there anything else you want master?\" I wrote <u>\"no\"</u> she nodded and went on her way, Artoria then asked \"so that's the person you made, it's kinda weird you can make People\" I then wrote <u>\"I still don't know its limitations but if I have to guest I'd say I can only make one since it took a big amount of mana after I created Rose\"</u> she nodded and asked \"why a maid?\" I replied <u>\"I asked for a outfit and I got that\"</u> I moved my visor up a little so I can use this body's mouth and I took a sip of tea. Artoria then said \"so I heard you and Souma are going to make announcement over the gemstone Broadcast network \" I nodded and I wrote <u>\"it was his idea to get more manpower we are going to use them for job promoting\"</u> she nodded but then asked \"but why tho?\" Laser beak swooped down near me and I petted his head and wrote <u>\"tell me how does one get a job here?\"</u> Artoria explained \"well we check there connections and they must read and write \" I then wrote <u>\"that's illogical, if you just use those two criteria many useless people will be add leaving the useful ones out of the picture plus there's a huge Literacy problem\"</u>. Artoria then said \"I agree, there are too many incompetent people\" I tilted my head and I wrote <u>\"why do you agree with me so much?\"</u> She was taken aback my this question but she replied \"well believe it or not you and I think alike, I've seen incompetent nobles abuse there power and we rarely deal with them mainly due to politics or connections or I see people unsuited for there position\" . \n\n I sighed and wrote \"<u>I know the feeling \"</u> we stayed silent for a few minutes and then Artoria asked \"I got to ask, why do you get along with Souma so much?, I'm just curious \" I then wrote <u>\"to be honest I see a lot of me in him\"</u> she looked confused so I explained <u>\"he lets facts Gide him, he also gets straight to the point, and he doesn't let lies get to him so I see a lot of myself in him\"</u> I can see her starring at me and she asked \"you say that but your body is telling me your sad\" I guess she read my body language. I then wrote <u>\"let's just say war changes a person\"</u> she understood and didn't push it, then I saw Souma's  gemstone Broadcast so I got up and I wrote to Artoria <u>\"it's time\"</u> she nodded and we headed to the broadcast room.\n\n<b>                                 3rd person POV</b>\n\n                                            King Souma's speech moved the hearts of many but the broadcast isn't over yet, once he and princess Liscia was off screen two new people took there place. These two are King (Y/N) and Princess Artoria, Artoria then said \"since King (Y/N) has chosen a vow of silence and communicate threw different means, so I'll be his voice\" crowds in several villages murmured and several words appeared on the kings mask and Artoria said \"I am king (Y/N) SoundWave, the second hero that was summoned and I won't lie to you. Our kingdom is on the verge of ruin, with the problem in the north and food shortages. Yet we also see a labor problem, a large portion of the staff has bing haired threw nepotism and that lead to having a bunch of yes men\" each town and village looked disheartened by this then more words appeared and Artoria continued \"that's why like King Souma I will do the same, I seek talents, any talents! I don't care about your lineage, connections, nor your nobility because to me all that means nothing. I welcome anyone from any track in life, if your talent is fighting and your the best then come, if it's knowledge then come, any and all talents are welcomed\" in one town we see a short girl looking threw her window with inside her room is many books and games. Artoria continued \"like King Souma's offer I'll offer a reward for anyone to join\" in a small village we see an elf mage with long green hair looking amused. In another small village we see a woman with long blue hair with a sword at her hip, she looked at (Y/N) with a smile like a mad woman. More words appeared then Artoria said \"those that make it to the finals will be tested by me personally and I must warn you, I don't seek lies, I don't want a sniffling coward, I want people who are straight forward, and who let there actions speak for them!\" In a town we see a tanned red head with wolf ears smiled and ran to the capital, in an inn's room we two wemon, one in a gothic dress with long pink hair and we see a slime like creature in humanoid form. In a refugee camp we see a young cat girl with a stoic face walking towards the capital, then no more words showed but one voice did but it wasn't Artoria's it was (Y/N)'s and he said<b><i>\"show me what you got\"</i></b> the ones listening widen there eyes in shock as if he was personally challenging them and that sealed the deal." ]
Title: how a Decepticon rebult the Kingdom (HARHRTK harem x male Soundwave reader) Description: Soundwave, one of the most feared and respected Cybertronian in the Decepticon army, the right hand of Megatron and the first to join, was tricked by a human and is now trap in the shadow zone, he watched it all unfold to the point of Megatron's death, in his last moments before he ran out of energon he thought back on his life and looking back he regrets his actions, not of joining Megatron but of the path the Deceptions took and he thought if by chance he vets a new life he will walk down a different path and be more like an Autobot and like the all spark answered his Prayers a bright gold light envelope him in it and once it died down he was in a room with several humans and into another world as a hero, this is the story on how a Decepticon rebult a kingdom. Tags: ['harem', 'hero', 'kingdom', 'lemon', 'male', 'readerxcharacter', 'realist', 'rebult', 'soundwave', 'transformers']
# Bio <b>Old name: Soundwave</b> <b>New name: (Y/N) Soundwave (A/N: will be explained)</b> <b>Age: I don't know your choice</b> <b>Nickname: king, the black knight, the silent reaper, (N/N), Lord (Y/N), papa(A/N: will be explained), majesty, darling, wise</b> <b>Magic: Dark, wind, light</b> <b>Sexuality: straight</b> <b>Race: Cybertronian</b> <b>Looks:</b> <b>Human form:</b> <b>Personality: Strategic, wise, lets his actions speak for him, skilled, perverted (A/N: he'll be new to hormones so im putting it as a running gag, you'll see), Deadly, genius, smooth, kind, In centric</b> <b>Likes: the Kingdom, fighting, magic, Experimenting, books, music, animals, laserbeak, family, sweets, flying, girls, Torturing</b> <b>Dislikes: fools, Cowards, war, </b><b>sourings</b><b>, Enemies, Racists, bad guys, nobility at times, the class system, the shadow zone, his past, being tricked</b> <b>Sword: silent shadow</b> <b>Mini-con: Laserbeak</b> <b>Tentacles: </b> <b>Ground bridge:</b> # Harem Artoria Ashia Juna Excel Roroa Clarla Kaede Esdeath Lupusregime Koneko Juna Shiro Riveria Suu Mero <b>(A/N: once the second part is released there might be more)</b> # Harem part 2 <b>(A/N: ok to be honest I totally forgot to do this so my apologies)</b> Genia Jeanne Komain Serina Tomoko Rose Hilde # chapter 1 <b>                        Soundwave's PO</b>V                                                I never thought I would die like this, I was the communications Officer of the Decepticons and Megatron's right hand. I was tricked by a human and an Autobot into the shadow zone by opening a ground bridge, me an expert on ground bridge Technology was out witted by the same Tactics I use, I've traveled all over earth and Cybertron and I saw the war end with my own eyes, especially the end of Megatron's spark, when I saw that my spark skipped a beat. I have always respected Megatron since the day I met him in his Gladiator days since then I have followed him even when we was building the Decepticons I was the first to join him, I followed every order and I was the most feared and respected one there but now I'm merely a spectator to the Autobots victory. I flew to Cybertron's moon with what little energon I have I landed safely onto a rock overlooking Cybertron, I wanted this to be the last thing I saw before I shutdown. I used this time to review my life and I don't regret the choices I made, I wanted to watch those useless upper class leaders pay, I never liked the class system we have to be honest it Discusses me to this very day but I do regret the path the Decepticons took. Except for us being known as heroes we will be known in future generations as Criminals and monsters, I should of stopped it before it became out of hand but no I did nothing, I  said nothing when Megatron became made with power and I said nothing when our war destroyed our home. I looked to my screen and saw I'm a few minutes from joining the all spark, I then thought <i>"if by chance I get reborn I'm going to do things differently, ill be more like an Autobot then a Decepticon"</i> when the energon percentage reached 1% I ready myself but just then a bright light engulfed me almost like Primus has granted my wish, the light Brighton and it felt like I was falling  from a high Altitude and I looked and I was falling from a high altitude, I don't have enough energon to transform so ill see where this gose, I heard a human screaming and I looked to see a human falling with me. The old me would of let him die but I must stick to my promise to be more like an Autobot and they protect humans I reached out for him and I grabbed him and I put him on my chest to dull the blow but it never came I looked to see I'm in a big r oom with robbed humans in it. I then heard one of the robbed humans say " is anyone else surprised that this actually worked" another robbed human replied " well try something just once in life". I looked at the boy and he was looking at me probably astonished by me and I then typed words on my screen <i><u>"are you alright?"</u></i> He nodded and said "yeah, so what's going on?" The robbed man with a white beard then said "hello brave heros, I welcome you here" I turned my head and I typed on my screen <i><u>"where am I?"</u></i> The man was confused but the human I saved said "he asked where are we?" He nodded and said "all your questions will be answered by the king if you follow me" the human got off of me and I tried to stood up but the building was not tall enough and everyone noticed my large size and one of the other robbed men said "we may have a problem " I thought to use a ground bridge but given my past history I want to reframe from using it for a while. I then decided to scane my surroundings and I spotted a door besides the door into this room, I pointed to that door and the main Robbed man said "we have a strange device in there" he seemed to understand my curiosity. I then used my tentacles and the others where a little alarmed by them, I opened that door and I scanned that room and I saw a device connected to a vat of white liquid and I remembered Shockwave descibed a proses to make artificial organic body's. It's similar to the design he had but different, I then connected the device to my tentacles to activate it. I used my own energy reserves to activate it and once it was I use it, I decided to use what little enerjon I had into this body I'm making so I added it to the vat and they blended well together, as it was making the muscles I added some in organic parts mainly a human size version of my vizer and a device so it's connects to my subconscious. Once the skin was added the body was dipped into the vat and that's where things get interesting, the device started spinning the body in it until the color changes to that of enerjon and a strong electric pulse was put into the vat and once it stopped the body was lifted out and since it's done I connected one of my smaller tentacles to the bass of the neck and use it as an improvised cortical psychic patch and I transferred my mind into it. The device let go of me in my new body, it took me a few minutes to walk but it was no problem, I put on my new visor and activated it so I walked back to the room where my original body is and everyone looked at me with shock and I typed <i><u>"is this better?"</u></i> The main robbed man said "y-yes, but first we need to get you some clothes " I looked down to see my bare skin from neck to toe and I thought <i>"that's a problem "</i>. After getting plain cloths I followed men dressed in armor to where the king is and once there I will finally get some answers. I saw the human from before and once I was right next to him the doors opened and in the throne room I saw several people some look like humans, some had pointed ears, and I think I saw one as a beast hybrid. But the two at the throne I can clearly tell is this worlds king and queen, the king got up and said "hero's welcome, thank you for answering our call in this desperate time" the human I was summoned with said "I didn't answer anything I was summoned here against my will" the king was taken aback by this and I typed but no one noticed so I tapped the humans shoulder and he saw my scream so he relayed the message "just to be clear he's talking" he pointed to me and he continued he said "<i>thank you for summoning me without your interference I would have died, also I'm a mute so I will be talking threw this human"</i> he said" the Queen nodded in approval and so did the king.                                          The king then said " ah, yes I suppose so I can see from your standpoint it may be that way and for your friend your welcome" He looked to the human and he asked "by chance are you upset we forced you against your will?" He replied "oh I don't know would you be!" Everyone was taken aback by this and I thought of one thing <i>"I actually like this human"</i> he sighed and said "at the very least could you explain the situation then I'll decided on should I be mad " the king then said "an explanation that would be helpful, hu, well huh the predicament tiss as follows " He then explained where we are. So this is a super continent known as landia, several races including humans, elf's, dwarfs, and dragon newts have made this land there home forming a number of countries in various sizes. However ruthly ten years ago on the northern most end of the continent a void to the demon world has opened and a hord of monsters appeared. With there appearance all hell broke loose in the northern countries and under the banner of the grand chaos empire who supposed to have the largest Territory on the continent all nations united to fight back against the demons and unfortunately those forces where obliterated. After the battle the nations lost there main military assets and no longer have the strength to fight back, so the enemy took over a third of the continent and that was called the demon lords Domain. As the monsters increase the battle lines continue to rapidly expand making things look grim. The nations can barely keep them in check or drive them back and to this day a deadly blood remains firmly in place. It kinds reminds me of the cybertronion wars a little, the human then said " uh-huh, I hope I'm not supposed to fight theses monster on my own" I then typed and he translated "he said <i>"I second that"</i>" the king then replied "well perhaps Marx can explain it better" a man with pointed ears and long gray hair stepped up and said "the issue is the hero is truly a rare commodity to come by" the human was confused but I know where is is going so I did my usual intimidating stare and I typed and he translated "he said <i>"your going to sell us as payment to what I assume is the empire for Financial aid" </i>What!" We then both glared at the king then he stepped down from his throne and he said "I'm terribly sorry about this but I hope you can forgive us" Marx then said "uh, you see by the demon lords Domain doesn't border our own kingdom it's about the grand chaos empire which happens to be the largest Country in all of Landia. Because of there brave efforts we seep many benefits in a few months in a form of a tax but because costs the empire requests Financial aid assistance from countries who do not share the border with the demon lords domain. " the human then said "so the issue comes down to money, if the empire is willing to pay to fight them then you have to pay them" the king then said " we'd like too but the only problem is we can't " Marx agreed and said "our Country has bing experiencing a continue with shortage of food. The expansion of the demon lords domain has sent us refugees who where chased from there homes and the costs of feeding them is astronomical and has things currently stand we are in no position to give Financial aid. However with in the empires requests for aid there is a claws that stats that if we can not contribute financially then we may perform the hero's right of summoning, the Secret ritual of bringing forth a hero has bing handed down to our kingdom for generations we can send you two instead of funds. That's tradition in our upmost reluctance we-" the human then cut him off by saying "in other words your more then willing to sell off your own daughters if it ment paying your debt, right?"                                        I then repeated his voice saying <b><u>"right?"</u></b>  They where surprised that they where figured out then the human sighed and said "so after handing the empire two hero's what would happen to us after word?" The king then said "well uh, we are a little murky on the subject " I then played a recording of knockout saying <b><u>" dissection"</u></b>the human the said "we don't know that, but what dose make a hero in the first place?" Marx then said "in legends it says a hero is the one who would lead the revolution into a new age" I then typed and he translated "he asked <i>"but why is that?"</i> I turned around to see the queen giving me what humans call a courtesy and the human said "with no disrespect but that's more then a little vague" . I nodded and Marx said "the thing is information has bing scarce for The Who and what are a hero is shrouded in mystery" the human then said "it seemed like the empire has an interest in them tho I think my friend here might be right about the dissection part" I nodded in agreement. The king was think of it and it wasn't reassuring, Marx then said "there isn't a chance in a million that they would do such a thing" the king then said "yes a million, a thousand, I mean I put the odds at about a hundred " I crossed my arms and glared at him for increasing the odds. I looked to everyone here and they all have mix feelings so I thought <i>"it looks like I'm stuck here with no way back, if worst comes to worst I can return to my main body and escape using a ground bridge but with out knowledge of the lands here I could end up inside a mountain" </i> I looked to the human and he is think the same thing, for a human we surprisingly think a lot like a politician that I was long ago.  I the thought <i>"my best course of action is to just follow him and see what happens and if he fails I can always fly out" </i>the human then asked "if I may please permit me to ask one more thing" the king then said "I suppose so" the human then said "our request sent from the empire are limited to this one or are you expecting more " the king tried to explain but failed so Marx took over and said "in the way I see matters there is no end to these requests in site. As long the monster persist in there attacks" I then typed and he translated "he said "going back to the summoning, could you summon as many people as you need?" The king then said "oh so you see that complicated " he looked around nervously then Marx said "according to our records we did summon a hero prior to you two. Nearly five hundred years ago and that took place only the once and at our nations founding, there where several failed attempts over the years" the human then said "assuming that's true this is significant we are pretty much the one card this country has, dose that sound right?" The king then said "um, yes I would say so" the human then said "in that case doesn't giving us up to the empire right now seem a little vacuous." The king then asked " I uh, come again?" The Queen then explained " as you know dear, vacuous means something done without any thought " he then replied "ah yes, that vacuous of course " I then thought <i>"he seems too indecisive to be a king, no wonder this country has debt"</i> the human then spoke up so everyone hears him "and if we are truly thinking a head we should review the country's finances and then adopt new policies ones that will help increase the Alfredon national strength so we can reject imperial demands!" I then used A multitude of voices to say " I <b>AGREE</b><i> with the human,</i> wE must <b>CHANGE FOR THE BETTER </b><i>Of</i> the PeOpLE!" Everyone was taken back abit by my ability but agreed none the less. The king then said "enough influence and power to reject the grand chaos empire" Marx then said "us but how? Accomplishing such a feat requires something like-" the human then finished his sentence "a hero, am I not suppose to lead the revolution into a new age. " he paused for dramatic affect then he continued "this act is merely the beginning we might be able to bring real change to this country!" They where hooked so I typed and he's translated "he said "I used to be a politician before I became a soldier, I will also help this country as gratitude for saving my life " plus this human got me interested. Me, the human, Marx, and the king and Queen went into a room to discuss matters, the human then asked "tell me about the country's finances, I want to hear everything that's implace plus I need to take a closer look on budget reports, data on agriculture, forestry, fishery, the economy, infrastructure, and transport" I then typed and he translated "and he asked " I would also like the mining reports, as well as taxis, and import reports " the Queen then said " prime Minister if you please be so kind". He bowed and said "at once" and so we went over everything and and I learned that the kings name is Albert and the humans name is Souma and of course I told them mine and we discussed on a wide A range of topics threw out three days and on day two that I learned that my new body needs the Basic needs for a human. The fourth day I woke up early but I still felt tired so I decided to take a little walk to rest my brain for later discussions. As I was walking I saw the Queen on a balcony so I approached her and she noticed and she said "good morning SoundWave " I nodded and I learned her name as well so I said in the Marx's voice "<i>Good morning Queen Elisha " </i>she smiled and she asked "I heard that you made this body with that Device and I got to say when I saw your original I was shocked " I nodded in understanding then she asked "so what has gotten you down?" I tilted my head in confusion and she said "you said you were a soldier and to me you look like one that was badly defeated " I nodded and I was able to learn this worlds writing so I'm able to communicate, I wrote "yes I was, I was made to watch the downfall of my failed attempts to lead my group to win the war but I couldn't stop our leader the one I admired the most turn into an evil tyrant. I was about to die till I was summoned here as if I was given a new start" she rested her hand on my shoulder in sympathy and said "since you where given a second chance how about a new name" my visor showed a question mark and she said "you can still keep your old name but add another name to it after all your a new man now" I get what she is saying so I wrote "what should it be?" She thought about it then she said "how about (Y/N) " I let it sink in for a minute and I like it.                                         I then wrote "I am (Y/N) SoundWave now" she smiled but then a guard came and said "Sir sound-" I interrupted him by using the Queens voice"<i>(Y/N) " </i>. The guard look at the Queen and nodded and he corrected himself and continued "sir (Y/N), the king has requested an audience in the throne room" I nodded and I followed him. Once there Albert said " listen I request your undivided attention, I Albert Alfreden the 13th king of the Alfreden nation of being of sound mind and body here by advocate the throne and transfer all of its powers over to our summoned hero's Souma Kazuya and (Y/N) SoundWave " it took a few minutes for us both to register that and for the second time in my life a human surprised me. Albert continued " furthermore I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughters princess Liscia Alfreden and Princess Artoria Alfreden to the heroic and newly appointed kings Souma and (Y/N) !" We where all shocked, infacted I actually fainted on the spot because of the news.                         <b>3rd Person POV </b>                                  On April 15th, the king of Alfreden hands the throne over to Souma Kazuya and (Y/N) SoundWave, this news quickly spread reaching the three duke doms. A trio of Rulers who handles the kingdoms armed forces creating a significant stir amond them. In the Vargas Duchy, Red Dragon city where the Air Force lies a man with dragon  like features just heard the news and he said "What!, Albert advocated the throne!" Is subordinate then said "yes sir, and there is more he has seated the throne to Souma and (Y/N) the hero's summoned " this did not sit well with him. In the Walter Bucky, Lagoon City where the navy lies a Beautiful woman with fish like features and she just finished reading the letter about the news and she said "that's pretty bold of move and coming from King Albert of all people, but two kings I need to learn more about this especially this (Y/N) SoundWave " . In the Carmine Duchy, Randel where the army lies a man with a lions head and he said " when this news reaches her I bet Princess Liscia and Artoria will be beside them selves " he then smirked. On horseback we see two blond Women in military uniforms and one of them said "Father, Mother, hold on I'll rescue you!" In the castle we see the former king Albert and his wife Elisha enjoying each other's company until the doors to there room burst open and we see the blond women the two princesses and Liscia said "father!, mother?, your fine" the four went to a table then Liscia slammed her hand on the table and said "it's absurd  we heard the the throne has bing usurped and came running to save you!" Artoria hen said "and here you two are casually carrying on while we worry!" Albert then said "you see the throne hasn't bing usurped I advocated it in favor of Souma and (Y/N) in my own free will " Liscia then said "then why rash decision?" Albert replies "it was hardly rash but I've spent a short amount of time with them and I'm convinced they make a better king then I could. It was a decision made responsible by the individual in charge of this country and I won't have any arguments" Liscia then said "but father!, how can you declare my engagement without even asking me!" Artoria then added "plus we never even met them before, just who is this (Y/N) SoundWave anyway!?" Albert then said " concerning that matter that got to be a conversation for the four of you while there is no denying the marriage arrangement between you and Souma was my idea originally, if you don't want to go threw with it then I think Souma would hardly resist " Artoria then asked "then what about mine who's idea was that?" Elisha then said "it was mind, I remember the type of guy you like and he's a perfect match" Artoria then said "wait I only said that in my" She then blushed and said "MOM!, you read my diary!" She then said to change the subject " my dears you should go meet them first then decide whether or not there for you. We can't just force you to love someone " they both then sighed in defeat and went to find them. <b> (Y/N) SoundWave POV</b> That was the first time I fainted, I don't like it, when I woke up I looked for Souma and when I did he was doing a mountain of paper work. So I offered to help, given I put my tentacles in this body I can do up to five at once so that increases our efficiency but we still need more people. Souma then asked "so did you change your name or is SoundWave just your last name?" I wrote "I just added a new name for my new life, plus in humans terms it's more efficient" he then said "I'll ask my questions about you after we get this done" I nodded and we went back to work. After a few minutes we heard someone say "we are coming in" then I look to see two wemon in military uniforms both with blond hair and Souma said "Hey who ever you are give me a hand" they entered and closed the door then one of them said "pardon?" Souma replied "hold up, you are able to read right?" The one who asked said "please I'm not some idiot I hand an extensive education" the other one who never took her eyes off of me said "we aren't illiterates" I have a strong suspicion that I've seen them before. Souma then said "what's 3+2?" They both and I said "5" he then asked "6x2? " we said "12" he then asked "42➗7"?" The one with pig tails said "7 no 6, I get that confused" me and the one with the her hair in a bun said "6" all the while loooking at me. Souma then said "good enough, go over there and help me with the budget and the other can help (Y/N) with mining costs, import taxes, and regular taxes" the Pig tailed girl then said " what, help you two, just who do you guys think we are?" Souma then said " reserves to help us with these finances" I said in someone's voice " <b> soldiers!</b>" They then introduced themselves "I'm Liscia Alfreden the kings- former kings daughter and you will show me respect " the other one then said "I'm Artoria Alfreden, daughter of former king Albert and you will do the same" that's when it clicked there Alberts daughters and they take after there mother. I then finish my paper work and I walked to Souma and I wrote "I finished my end, I'm heading out" he nodded and said "thanks, that'll save me time" . I then left and my main reason was to avoid the conflict with Souma and Liscia while I deal with mine. As I got out I was followed by Artoria aka my fiancé, I'll never get used to that, I tried to ditch her but she's fast we walked to a training Area and I stopped and turned around to face her. We where face to face and she said "what do you want?" I then wrote "I could ask you the same" she was taken back by the way I talk but kept a straight face and she said "what did you do to my father to have him give the throne to you?" She demanded and I wrote "I did nothing all I did was go over documents and that's it" I can tell she couldn't tell I was telling the truth or not so she suggested "I can tell you won't take off your mask so let's let our actions speak for us" I nodded and she walked a few feet away from me and got into a fighting stance and I can tell what she wants and I accept by nodding a yes. <b> Artoria's POV</b> I suggested to let our actions speak for us and he accepted it, I got into a stance that suggested we do this hand to hand. He doesn't move a muscle and I can't tell what he's thinking because of that mask he wears I then thought <i>"he's thin and scrawny looking</i><i> I could easily beat him yet I feel his confidence from here."</i> I charged and he's still not moving, I sent a gut punch but before it could hit he dodged to my side and hit my lower back hard with his elbow. The blow shocked me to the point I couldn't move then when I landed on the ground I was picked up with one of his arms easily. I then thought <i>"he's a fighter!, and a skilled one too if I used my sword I could of had a chance but I made a bad move by choosing something he was skilled with. I looked at his ''face'' and i fell like he said "you lost" and he's right" </i> Duke carmine taught me that words are good at times but actions speak louder then words, I asked "why don't you talk?" His mask glow and lines appeared and I heard what sounded like multiple voices "<i>Actions </i>Sp<b>Eak </b>LOd<i>er </i> then <b>Words!</b>" My eyes went wide, I followed by the principal of letting my actions speak for me and he's the same. To what I heard around the castle he was a politician so I thought he was but clearly he was not just that. He put me down on my feet and we just started at each other for a few minutes until I said "I thought you where just a politician but I can see your not so how are you?" Words then appeared on his mask and it said "I was at first and before I was summoned here I was a soldier and head of information and intelligence " I didn't knew he was a soldier but he left out something out so I asked "and after you quit being a politician" the lines came back and I paid close attention to them because when he first spoke they moved. Then he side in one singular and intimidating voice "<b>NEVER UNERESTIMATE A GLADIATOR OF KAON!</b>" He was a Gladiator! He has the brains to not only be a politician and the head of an intelligence for an army but he has the bronze to match, he's everything I strive to be and more. <b>                               (Y/N) SoundWave POV</b>                                                 She is like me, doesn't fall under the truth and lies of words but lets her actions described her, I can tell from that blow she almost landed on me. I then wrote "you have potential" she blushed and she quickly straighten herself out and then asked " now that I know about you more I want to know what are your plans" I thought about that question I know as of now that Souma will hand over the rains to Liscia and retire but me since I was given charge of people I had to do what I can. The Deceptacon ideology is what I strive to achieve but with some of the autobots Ideology so I don't follow the same path lord Megatron took, I then decided my corse of action. I then wrote "I plan on making this country better and hopefully fill the cap between nobility and commoners and destroy this slave trade system, but first we need to deal with the countrys problems " I can tell she was taken aback by my plane. I walked back inside to prepare for the future after all, this is my second chance to make what the Deceptacon's originally planned for a better world. # Chapter 2 <b> (Y/N)'s POV</b>                                           I sat in my office reading a report about this worlds technology or the lack there of, I then thought <i>"this worlds technology is like that of earths 15th century but they make up that gap with magic. They use fire magic to cook and warm water for showers, luminous mass lights the street lamps, they use water magic and giant water beasts pulled armored ships for military uses. With my knowledge and Shockwaves notes I can possibly fill this gap with non magical technology"</i> I was interrupted from my thoughts when someone knocked on the door and I said in shockwaves voice "<b><u>"enter"</u></b> a maid walked in and she bowed and said "your majesty king Souma requests your attention with an audience that the both of you must attend " I nodded and I stood up from my desk and started walking but I stopped once I got a good look at the maid, she is wearing the traditional maids outfit but with a blue ribbon tied into a bow on her chest, she has long blue hair with blue eyes, she noticed me staring at her and she asked "is there something you need your majesty?" I then wrote <u>"what's your name?"</u> She replied "I'm Serina" I nodded and I left. Once in the throne room I sat down in the second throne that was added, me and Souma sat on our thrones as one of those robed men came in and he said " sires it has come to my attention that neither of you went threw a magic check " Souma then asked "Magic check?" The man replied "yes Sire after consorting various tomes regarding the ritual there appear to be cases of hero's granted magical abilities after they bing transported from other worlds " Souma then said "got it, so basically it's like a test to see if we got some new found abilities which may end up proofing useful " I then wrote <u>"I've read on this magic and I wish to see this too"</u> the robed man lead us to a chamber with a gargoyle statue in it, Souma then said "all I have to do is touch this statue?" The man replied "yes, if any magic was transferred to you during the summoning it's nature will become apparent to you once you'd made contact with the statue" Souma then said "I don't know who came up with this but I love how straight forward it is" I then wrote <u>"I agree "</u> I then decided to activate my scanners to see this magic phenomenon. Once Souma touched the statue it started to glow then after it died down, the scanners picked up multiple energy signatures in that split second and I'm curious what happened. I looked at Souma as he took his hand off the statue and he looked shocked and aww, the man then asked him "how did it go my king?" He replied "I'd never thought I'd say theses words but apparently I'm a magic wielder now, but the question is what kind of practical Applications dose this power have" he then realized something so he quickly left to test it out.                                                Now it's my turn, once I placed my hand on the statue it glowed and I found myself in a black void and I saw the glow of the statue then multiplie small and different colored lights rush to me. Then it all stopped I was back and now I understand why he was shocked and awed, the man asked "how did it go my king?" I replied using shockwave's voice <b><u>" phenomenal" </u></b> then I rushed to my office to test my newfound skills. I learned I have dark, wind, and light attributes and to what I learned light magic is basically healing and wind is explanatory but to what I read dark magic is a rare and it varies to person to person but it's weird. I feel like I know how to use it but I'm not shure how, then I looked at laser beak, I was able to get a bird purch for him but then it hit me, the Machine, I rang a bell to call a maid and one came in and asked "you rang your majesty " I then wrote down what I need on paper and I wrote <u>"send these to my office, post haste "</u> She nodded and went to get what I requested. After the stuff was brought to me I got to work, the stuff I have are, one mannequin of any kind, the white stuff from the Machine, a small mana stone, an outfit suitable for the mannequin which oddly enough is a very reveling maids outfit, note to self find out who got this, and some random mechanical parts that were in the same room the machine is. I want to test a hypothesis I have, I then channeled my mana threw my hand and shadows burst out from my hand and several shadow tentacles went to each of the pieces, first it made the mannequin stand up, then it took the white liquid and spreads it until the mannequin was covered to head to toe. It then it took the mechanical parts and it started fusing with the white liquid and the mannequin, then the last part it took the mana stone and this was the tricky part, I thought of the traits when I think of laser beak, loyal, brave, obedient, and kind. Once I thought of those I channeled more mana into the stone and once complete it embedded itself self into the mannequin and the last thing I need to complete this experiment. I took out one of my Tentacles and I made a small cut on my organic body's skin, not too severe but just enough to get a little bit of Energon. I collected a drop of it on my tentacle and I brought that drop to the Mannequin and poured it on to it, then I channeled mana into the mannequin and a big reaction happened. The white liquid started to form into skin, hair, eyes, And alike the mechanical parts started shifting and activate and last but not leased the body of the mannequin changed into that of a young woman and a big gust of wind burst from it and my magical abilitie stopped, I looked at it to see a human with mechanical parts, I scanned her and she's alive! I then felt a little dizzy and it felt as if I'm low on energon but I checked and I'm still full so this can only mean that I'm low on mana, the woman started to stir awake and once she woke up she stood up and we locked eyes.                                                   Then something popped on my visor and I saw her schematics, I then thought <i>"I can make artificial life!, I know it was some kind of creation but to this exstent, I can see the many possibilities for this". </i> I looked at my creation and I asked in Megatrons voice "<b>speak Child"</b> she replied "I await your command master" I pointed to the maid outfit and I wrote <u>"put that on"</u> she then put it on but for some odd reason I couldn't help my feel flush seeing her naked. Once dressed I then wrote <u>"what's your name?"</u> She replied "I don't have one" I then thought of one and I wrote <u>"I'll name you Rose, now tell me your priorities"</u> she replied "what ever you command" I then thought <i>"hmmm, her personality is blank but I guess that's normal given she was just born, maybe I can have that maid Serina can teach her after all a human is way better then me when it comes to organic emotions, plus I'm not emotional"</i> I rang the bell and my a chance a fate she came in. She then said "you rang your majesty " I nodded and I wrote <i>"</i><u>I want you to teach Rose her everything you know about your job as well as emotions, like the body you see know she's artificial and was just made" </u> . She looked at her up and down and I clarified <u>"I asked for a change of clothes for her and they gave me that"</u> she gave me a sly smile and said "ok I get you, now follow me Rose" I looked at Rose and I wrote <u>"learn from her"</u> she nodded and left. I looked to the other door in the room and I opened it to see Souma with Liscia and The staff he hired for the extra paper work. I walked up to them and Souma said "aw, (Y/N) good timing I was just about to tell Liscia about our money problem" I pointed to the Quills writing on there own and Souma noticed this and said "oh it's my ability I can basically I can imbued objects with my consciousness or just a part of it, I call it living poltergeist" I nodded and Liscia asked "what's your's Lord (Y/N)?" I held up my hand and I wrote <u>"call me (Y/N) and apparently I can make artificial life but I don't know the true existence to it but I can probably make humanoid drones with ease, theoretically speaking"</u>. They were shocked and Souma said "you seemed pretty shure about that" I wrote my replie "<u>just look for the new maid name Rose, anyway back to business "</u> he smirked and said "straightforward just how I like it, anyway we are tracking down I unaccounted expensesers, we take the budgetary requests and look at the Financial statements even though the amount requested and spent may seem a perfect match the adamized experiences sometimes be different. That can indicate two things first wishful spending to use up the budget or two misappropriation of funds disguised as an investment, we are pouring over every single request form the king has received and keeping an eye out for any glaring discrepancies if any investment is discovered the guilty party will pay the amount back and if they refuse they'll be arrested and have there properties ceased" I then added <u>"we can't have people like that hoarding funds while the people starve, I expect at least 52% will be arrested"</u> he nodded then Liscia then asked "is it necessary to go to such Lanks? After all you solved our Financial woes by selling off the kingdoms treasures and paying the empire " Souma then said "shure for now at least we don't have worry about being turned over to the empire anymore " I then wrote <u>"plus we can't never have enough capital the same goes for man power, also it was my decision in the first place to sell them, we can't hord Money while our people starve those who don't do this are scum "</u> Liscia then went to her desk to help out with the paperwork. I then wrote <u>"I have an engagement so I can help you for now, but I completed my end of the paperwork all that's left is the acracultrial review and I know zero about that stuff"</u> he smiled and said "that's ok just leave it for me" I nodded and left. The engagement I planned is the military, I planned to talk with the captain of the royal guard and I told him I'll be meeting him in the mess hall. I got there early so I waited, while I was waiting Artoria came in and once she spotted me she asked "oh (Y/N), what brings you here?" I wrote <u>"I'm meeting with the captain of the royal guard to discuss military affairs"</u> she sighed and said "unfortunately you scheduled at a bad time, he's busy with the new recruits and it's going to be a while" I nodded then she asked "why not have lunch with me?" I thought about it and wrote <u>"I guess I could eat"</u> she went to get us some food. The next day was pretty much the same, me and Artoria have lunch together, we decided that it will be a good bonding experience, this lunch however was companies by Souma and Liscia, while we where eating Souma explained his plan "the first step is to limit the Anchorage for cash crops and start planting food again, so the shortage won't be a dependence on other countries. The kingdom will provide farmer subsidies for the change over also we need to prioritize planting soy beans and potatoes. They have a variety of uses and can survive harsh winters" Liscia pouted and Souma asked "Liscia you listening?" She replied "I was paying attention " Souma replied "it's not like Agracultural reforms just happened over night for the time bing no matter imported or domestically produced the kingdom will purchase it and sell it for less then we bought them for" Artoria then said "that sounds like it will leave us with even more debt" I then wrote <u>"the exports will make up the difference but our current market value we need to find a new source of income "</u> Liscia then said "better said then done, I'm going off topic for a second here but the kings aren't exactly supposed to eat in the mess hall" Souma looked around at the knights and he said "don't worry about it we're busy economizing the castle we have to conserve meal experience " I then added <u>"plus me and Artoria plan on having lunch together each day"</u> she replied "yeah but still".                                           Then a man with long blond hair came up to us and said "it's bing sometime princesses or rather should I prefer you you two as queens Liscia and Artoria from now on". Liscia replied "it's not official at least not yet at least " he then looked to us and Liscia introduced him "(Y/N), Souma this is Ludwig Arcs he's the captain of the royal guard " Souma replied "Souma Kazuya I'm sorta this country's acting king" I then wrote "<u>I'm (Y/N) SoundWave, king"</u> he replied "the both of you made quite the impression only you two recently taken over and all ready your job performance is the talk of the staff" Souma then said "next time you see them pass along a message, if they have time to chat then they should be working harder" he laughed and said "understood sire, if I'm not intruding my I join you for lunch?" I gave him a motion to sit and he sat down. He then said "as long as I'm here may I ask you a question?" Souma replied "I'll try to do my best to answer it" I replied in a random voice <i>"</i>Same" Ludwig asked "I hear your attempting to carry out many reforms, they proeceding smoothly?" Souma replied "the opposite of smooth to be honest, Human Resources are a bit problematic " I then explained <u>"a lot of the officials aren't of use beside prime Minister Marx. Besides the crown we received the previous kings advisors but there the same ones who nearly brought this kingdom to ruin"</u> he replied "my ears are burning " Liscia then said "hold on (Y/N)" Artoria then said "finally someone said it" Souma then said "we need people who can tell me the truth and give me straight answers and agree to any tasks I assigned them those are the sort of retainers I need" I nodded and we continued eating.                                             After that me and Souma went to do our own things, I was on one of the balconies with Artoria and we are having tea, Rose came with a cart with a teapot and two cups. She poared us some tea then placed some tea snacks. She then asked "is there anything else you want master?" I wrote <u>"no"</u> she nodded and went on her way, Artoria then asked "so that's the person you made, it's kinda weird you can make People" I then wrote <u>"I still don't know its limitations but if I have to guest I'd say I can only make one since it took a big amount of mana after I created Rose"</u> she nodded and asked "why a maid?" I replied <u>"I asked for a outfit and I got that"</u> I moved my visor up a little so I can use this body's mouth and I took a sip of tea. Artoria then said "so I heard you and Souma are going to make announcement over the gemstone Broadcast network " I nodded and I wrote <u>"it was his idea to get more manpower we are going to use them for job promoting"</u> she nodded but then asked "but why tho?" Laser beak swooped down near me and I petted his head and wrote <u>"tell me how does one get a job here?"</u> Artoria explained "well we check there connections and they must read and write " I then wrote <u>"that's illogical, if you just use those two criteria many useless people will be add leaving the useful ones out of the picture plus there's a huge Literacy problem"</u>. Artoria then said "I agree, there are too many incompetent people" I tilted my head and I wrote <u>"why do you agree with me so much?"</u> She was taken aback my this question but she replied "well believe it or not you and I think alike, I've seen incompetent nobles abuse there power and we rarely deal with them mainly due to politics or connections or I see people unsuited for there position" . I sighed and wrote "<u>I know the feeling "</u> we stayed silent for a few minutes and then Artoria asked "I got to ask, why do you get along with Souma so much?, I'm just curious " I then wrote <u>"to be honest I see a lot of me in him"</u> she looked confused so I explained <u>"he lets facts Gide him, he also gets straight to the point, and he doesn't let lies get to him so I see a lot of myself in him"</u> I can see her starring at me and she asked "you say that but your body is telling me your sad" I guess she read my body language. I then wrote <u>"let's just say war changes a person"</u> she understood and didn't push it, then I saw Souma's  gemstone Broadcast so I got up and I wrote to Artoria <u>"it's time"</u> she nodded and we headed to the broadcast room. <b>                                 3rd person POV</b>                                             King Souma's speech moved the hearts of many but the broadcast isn't over yet, once he and princess Liscia was off screen two new people took there place. These two are King (Y/N) and Princess Artoria, Artoria then said "since King (Y/N) has chosen a vow of silence and communicate threw different means, so I'll be his voice" crowds in several villages murmured and several words appeared on the kings mask and Artoria said "I am king (Y/N) SoundWave, the second hero that was summoned and I won't lie to you. Our kingdom is on the verge of ruin, with the problem in the north and food shortages. Yet we also see a labor problem, a large portion of the staff has bing haired threw nepotism and that lead to having a bunch of yes men" each town and village looked disheartened by this then more words appeared and Artoria continued "that's why like King Souma I will do the same, I seek talents, any talents! I don't care about your lineage, connections, nor your nobility because to me all that means nothing. I welcome anyone from any track in life, if your talent is fighting and your the best then come, if it's knowledge then come, any and all talents are welcomed" in one town we see a short girl looking threw her window with inside her room is many books and games. Artoria continued "like King Souma's offer I'll offer a reward for anyone to join" in a small village we see an elf mage with long green hair looking amused. In another small village we see a woman with long blue hair with a sword at her hip, she looked at (Y/N) with a smile like a mad woman. More words appeared then Artoria said "those that make it to the finals will be tested by me personally and I must warn you, I don't seek lies, I don't want a sniffling coward, I want people who are straight forward, and who let there actions speak for them!" In a town we see a tanned red head with wolf ears smiled and ran to the capital, in an inn's room we two wemon, one in a gothic dress with long pink hair and we see a slime like creature in humanoid form. In a refugee camp we see a young cat girl with a stoic face walking towards the capital, then no more words showed but one voice did but it wasn't Artoria's it was (Y/N)'s and he said<b><i>"show me what you got"</i></b> the ones listening widen there eyes in shock as if he was personally challenging them and that sealed the deal.
Cote:I discovered the monster's secret and threatened it
Ships: Ryueen X Kiyone Story:I discovered the monster's secret and threatened it Attention!: This story contains Nsfw
[ "action", "arisu", "ayanokoji", "ayanokouji", "classroomoftheelite", "cote", "ecchi", "kakeru", "kiyone", "lemon", "lust", "nsfw", "physiological", "romance", "ryuen" ]
[ "Tyrant", "Special exam- Pairs " ]
[ "Ryueen Pov\n\nI am now sitting in a random chair and feeling the cool breeze on my face. It's winter now. So not many people came out.\n\nThe reason I bothered myself this winter was just to calm my wild mind lately.\n\nWhat I am thinking?\n\nSomebody. I thought of someone beating me – not crushing me without effort and playing with me like a child.\n\nWho's this? Ayanokōji Kiyotaka.\n\nI found something fishy about that monster.\n\nAt first I thought it was just a game of common sense or my delusions. But I feel it is not impossible if that happens.\n\nWhat do I suspect about the monster?\n\nI suspect he's not a man.\n\nSurely if I talk to the dogs they will say\n\n'Tch, did you go crazy after being hit by that bastard?' who would say for sure Ibuki.\n\n'Boss has a fever?' Albert is Albert.\n\n'Do we need to take Ryueen-san to the clinic? Albert.' that must be what the tissue boy would say.\n\n'Did you eat Ryuen-kun wrong? Maybe reading a book will make you feel better.' it must be Shiina.\n\nHuh... Just thinking about them makes me dizzy.\n\n\"Fufu. I wonder what you're thinking out loud, sharing thoughts? Dragon boy.\"\n\nI was pulled back to reality when I heard that haughty feminine voice.\n\n\"Sakayanagi... Once again you call me that, I will make you sit in a wheelchair.\"\n\nI glared at this arrogant loli but she still didn't lose her smug smile and aura.\n\n\"Don't be so hostile, Ryuen. I just wanted to say hi by chance to see you in winter like this.\"\n\nHi your ass. She must have gotten my location from her spies.\n\n\"So Ryuen, mind sharing what the fallen Tyrant thinks? I assume you don't think about class battles since you are no longer the leader.\"\n\n\"Why should I?\"\n\n\"I might be able to help if it's about information.\"\n\n\"And why should I believe that you will help me for free?\"\n\n\"Fufu. Don't be too cold. We've known each other for almost a year, so once in a while I'll give you a free hand.\"\n\nMaybe this is the perfect opportunity to find out if a monster is a man or not. Although I have no proof but I know that loli has a connection with monsters.\n\n\"Fine...I will accept your kindness.\"\n\nSakayanagi looked slightly surprised to hear me accept her offer. Kuku.\n\nI started to look at Sakayanagi seriously.\n\n\"Do you have any suspicions about Ayanokoji's behavior?\"\n\n\"I didn't expect you to swing like that.\"\n\nSakayanagi made a joke.\n\n\"Shut up. I'm being serious.\"\n\nSakayanagi was surprised by my seriousness.\n\n\"Huh..do you mean about him hiding his strength?\"\n\n\"No. That's not it.\"\n\nSakayanagi looked confused.\n\n\"Then what do you mean?\"\n\n\"I thought he...\"\n\nI pause.\n\n\"Is a girl.\"\n\nFor a split second Sakayanagi's calm expression disappeared and showed a surprised expression but was quickly covered up with hysterical laughter. Of course that gaze was not missed by the sharp Ryuen.\n\n\"Fu–hahahaha!\"\n\nSakayanagi's laughter continued until she let out a few tears.\n\n\"Hah... I didn't expect that you would be delusional after being couped by your own pawns.\"\n\n\"By the way why do you think Ayanokoji-kun is a girl? I'm interested to hear that. If you don't tell then it's fine. But I'll make my own conclusion that is you fell in love with Ayanokoji-kun but because he's a man you imagine him to be a girl so you become delusional.\"\n\n\"Kuku. Imagine it all you want. I've got my answer.\"\n\nWith that Ryuen turned around and left Sakayanagi without a greeting.\n\nSakayanagi had a troubled expression on her face and she muttered.\n\n\"Huh. Sorry Kiyo-chan. Looks like big trouble is coming for you.\"\n\nAyanokoji Pov \n\nAchoo!\n\nIs anyone talking about me?\n\nWho knows.\n\nRyuen Pov \n\nI have an answer. Now how to catch it. I wonder if I can destroy his-her apathetic face. Since she's a girl, what's her real name like? would she be embarrassed if i accidentally saw her naked? It must be gold! If she made a vulnerable face like that. Then will she moan if I touch her breasts?\n\nKuku! I'm sure if I looked at myself in the mirror it would show a villain's face with a devilish grin!\n\nI can't wait to get revenge.\n\n***\n\n730words\n\n", "<b>2185 words~</b>\n\n\"Good morning, Class-D. Today we will have a special exam.\" Sensei immediately dropped a bomb on the D class students.\n\n\"What!\" \"No!\"\n\nGrumbles of dissatisfaction from some students could be heard.\n\n\"Shut up. This special exam is not difficult. I will explain the special exam that has a bonding theme. This special exam is simple even Ike can do. It will not involve conflicts between classes but rather help students strengthen friendship bonds. And it doesn't have rewards like points or anything.\"\n\nThe D class students who heard about the special exam with no conflict between classes showed happy expressions.\n\n\"How is this exam being run?\" Asked Hirata, one of the pillar characters of class D.\n\n\"About that you are required to live under one roof with your assigned partner. You will be randomly paired with your classmates. And there will be a special case where 2 of you will be paired with another class student.\"\n\nHearing that they would have to share a room with someone else made Class D noisy once again.\n\n\"Yosha! I will definitely be paired with Kushida-chan. Because we're destined to be together!\"\n\nYamauchi's shout made the female students look at him with disgust while some male students like Yamauchi started to let their imaginations run wild.\n\n\"I beg God. Please pair me up with Suzune.\" Sudo muttered.\n\n\"Fuu. Be grateful ladies for being paired with me. But I hope the school doesn't pair me with a disgusting existence like him.\" Koenji said, pointing at Yamauchi.\n\n\"Sensei, are you going to let us share a room with this disgusting man? What if there is sexual assault?\" Kei asked firmly. The leader of the girls. The girls also began to voice their grievances.\n\n\"Hey! We're not rapists!\"\n\n\"No one believes that, hentai-kun.\"\n\n\"You don't have to worry because that won't happen. Because you will be paired with the same sex.\" Chabashira explained.\n\nYamauchi and his gang's hopes were instantly dashed.\n\nThe girls and some boys like Hirata, Akito, Keisei looked relieved.\n\n(Time skip after their partner's name is shown)\n\n<b>Koji po</b><b><u>v</u></b>\n\nHmm. What a strange coincidence.\n\n[Horikita and Kushida.]\n\n[Hirata and Akito]\n\n[Keisei and Koenji]\n\nI'm sorry for you Keisei.\n\n[Sudo and Ike]\n\nIt seems that I will be one of the students paired up with another class. I don't know why I feel goosebumps for some reason...I hope fate-chan won't torture me.\n\n\"Those whose names are not mentioned will be randomly paired with students from other classes. As explained.\" Chabashira-sensei said\n\nSensei spread a roll of paper on the board.\n\nThere were only two names on it.\n\n[Karuizawa and Shiina]\n\nThis was unexpected. Kei and Hiyori are completely different in personality. But maybe they will get along.\n\n[Ayanokoji and Ryuen]\n\nRyuen. I didn't see it wrong. I'm going to live under the same roof as a famous former tyrant leader.\n\nI felt sympathetic gazes from various directions.\n\n….\n\nAfter class ended. I decided to look for Ryuen.\n\n\"Wait a moment, Ayanokouji-kun.\" The commanding girl's voice told me to wait. I turned my head and found a raven black-haired girl, our class president facing me.\n\n\"Do you need anything, Horikita?\" I asked casually.\n\n\"You talk as if I only talk to you when I need something,\" she said with sarcasm in her voice.\n\nIsn't that so? I wanted to say so but I didn't want to face his wrath. So I just chose to keep this in my mind.\n\n\"Well, I want to tell you, be careful with Ryueen even though she has become a fallen tyrant it doesn't mean she won't use you to get our class secrets for her class. And if you are intimidated by Ryueen then either let it go or get evidence and report it to me first. Understood?\"\n\n\"Yes, ma'am.\"\n\n\"You can go.\" She walked straight to Hirata without saying goodbye. I left the classroom and headed for my destination.\n\nWhen I entered the library, I looked for Hiyori. After finding her at the corner of the table reading a book. I thought about welcoming her before I saw someone with her.\n\nI didn't think he was a reading enthusiast. Did she just happen to come here or did Hiyori invite him? I decided to greet them.\n\n\"Hello, Hiyori and Ryuen.\" I greeted casually. They looked up from their books at me.\n\n\"Ah..Ayanokouji-kun. Sorry for not realizing you were coming.\" \"No need.\" I immediately denied Hiyori's apology.\n\n\"So what is Ryueen doing here?\" I boldly asked. Hiyori also looked at Ryuen curiously. It already showed that Hiyori didn't know Ryueen's reason for being here.\n\n\"Kuku. Are you afraid? Just relax. I won't bite for now.\" He said Simple.\n\n\"Mm. Then you already know, right?\"\n\n\"Oh. That special exam nonsense? I have to live under the same roof as a monster. Fate really blessed me.\"\n\n\"Monster? Why is Ryueen-kun calling ayanokouji-kun a monster? Isn't that a disrespectful call?\"\n\n\"Why should I care? To hell with politeness. I'll call anyone what I want when I see fit.\" Ryueen replied immediately. Hiyori fell silent. The atmosphere became tense and uncomfortable.\n\n\"Hiyori. I want to return your book that I borrowed.\" I said, handing the book to Hiyori. Hiyori greeted it casually.\n\n\"Thank you, Ayanokouji-kun, is the book interesting?\"\n\n\"Yes.\"\n\n\"Glad to hear it.\" Hiyori continued, \"I'll excuse myself then. Take your time.\" With that Hiyori packed her things and walked away from the library.\n\nI heard the sound of a chair creaking roughly. I saw Ryueen standing next to me. His hand was resting on my shoulder. Showing the attitude of a close friend.\n\n\"What are you doing, Ryueen?\"\n\n\"Is it wrong of me to try to tighten our bond?\" He replied with a question.\n\nRyueen's behavior was really bothering me. He was more talkative than before this.\n\nWhy do I feel something different from Ryuen? Has he revived and has the will to fight? I don't know. His atmosphere made me feel uncomfortable. His snake-like eyes seemed to pierce through me as if he knew my deepest secrets.\n\nRyueen finally removed his hand from my shoulder. We walked towards the teacher's room to get our special watches.\n\nWe were told that the watch could detect our heart rate. If it was elevated it would beep and send a signal to the school. Students were forbidden to discard the watch except during leave time. So students must wear the watch during the school day. It also has a radar system. So our movements are always monitored by the school. And if you stay away from your partner for more than 3 hours, then the alarm on that clock will sound. This is to prevent students from not contributing to this exam.\n\n\"Let's use your room.\" The passing silence was broken by Ryueen speaking up.\n\n\"Eh?\" I tried to make sure that I hadn't misheard.\n\n\"Tch. Don't make me repeat my words, monster, we'll use your room.\" I wanted to complain but decided not to. I didn't have the energy to argue with Ryueen.\n\n\"Is there anything in the room? Like a masturbation tool? Condoms? Or a trash can full of tissues?\" Asked Ryueen with a disgusting grin.\n\n\"There is no such thing. But what do you mean a trash can filled with tissues?\" I asked.\n\n\"Are you pretending to be stupid?\" Asked Ryueen looking annoyed but... suddenly his expression hardened.\n\n\"Ryueen?\" I asked when he suddenly fell silent and didn't speak. Seeing that he didn't answer we continued walking in a strange silence.\n\n***\n<b><u>Ryueen pov</u></b>\n\n\"There is no such thing. But what do you mean a trash can filled with tissues?\" Monster asked.\n\n\"Are you pretending to be stupid?\" I asked irritably.\n\nWait a minute... maybe she really doesn't know. Considering she's a girl. Kuku. This is one proof that she's a girl. Fate has once again blessed me for pairing me up with that monster.\n\nMy reverie was interrupted when I heard the sound of the door knob being opened. I was too lost in my thoughts to notice our journey. I entered her room and took off my shoes.\n\nThe room looked empty and boring. But I noticed something else. The scent in Ayanokoji's room smelled like a girl's room. I immediately sat down on her bed without a care in the world. I saw her looking at me for a while. I couldn't tell if she was unhappy I was on her bed or not. I couldn't read that damn face at all. I would definitely fuck that face oneday.\n\nFor today I will observe first and take my time to maximize my plan.\n\n\"Would you like a drink?\"\n\n\"Coffee.\"\n\n\"Okay.\" She went to the kitchen and I watched her every move. Unfortunately I didn't find anything. She must have been living as a man or practicing being a man all her life for her girly impression to disappear.\n\nI thought she might have falsified her documents or she had connections with the director. I have no valid answer.\n\n\"Here's your coffee.\"\n\n\"Ah.\" I welcomed the cup instead of Ayanokoji's hand.  \n\n\"You've been daydreaming a lot today. What are you thinking about?\" She asked, suddenly starting the conversation.\n\n\"No need to get busy.\" I immediately shut down the conversation. I couldn't take any chances by chatting with her. I didn't know when she would start extracting the information I had unknowingly through a simple conversation.\n\nSo the best move was to keep quiet and not show any expression.\n\n\"Have you decided to return to the battlefield?\"\n\n\"...\" Ignore.\n\n\"I'll get hurt if you ignore me.\"\n\n\"...\" What an idiot.\n\n\"Where are you going to sleep?\"\n\n\"Mattress.\"\n\n\"What about me?\"\n\n\"I don't care. Sleep anywhere.\"\n\n\"You're cruel, Ryueen.\" She continued, \"So you don't mind if I sleep  with you, do you?\"\n\n\"!?\" I almost spit out the coffee I was drinking. Damn it. Did she deliberately get my reaction? I felt like I was naked in front of her.\n\n\"Hmm... I'll take a shower first, you don't mind, do you?\"\n\n\"Do what you want.\" I replied quickly.\n\nTaking a shower... that would be the time she is most exposed and open. Should I break in? That's not a good idea. I would most likely get beaten half to death by her.\n\nNow that I think about it, it's not easy to attack her. And it's a double-edged sword. I got a good chance of revenge but if she decided to use me as a punching bag. I wouldn't be able to put up a fight.\n\nThe best way is...to immobilize her. Make her helpless. I won't attack her using violence. I knew it wouldn't work on that monster. I still remember her letting me hit her to make her feel fear. She had a high tolerance and resistance to violence.\n\nSo I had to attack through the inside. I could poison her something. But would she accept the food I gave her? Of course not.\n\nBut I might be able to give her something she can't refuse. Let's check her fridge. I have to find out what food she loves so much. I walked towards the refrigerator.\n\nI started with the top fridge. When I opened the fridge, my eyes widened. What the hell?! Is she an ice cream enthusiast?\n\nI saw more than 10 ice creams in her fridge. I didn't need to check anything else to know that ice creams was the answer. What a coincidence that I heard that tomorrow there will be a very expensive limited edition ice cream. I might be able to lure her with this. By the way I took one aiskrim that had lime flavor.\n\nSuddenly a hand grabbed my shoulder, \"What are you doing, Ryueen?\"\n\nI almost shouted in surprise, \"Since when have you been behind?\"\n\nI didn't hear any footsteps at all or feel her presence. This is really dangerous. If she had the intention of knocking me down. I would already be dead.\n\n\"Ryueen?\"\n\n\"It's nothing.\"\n\n\"Then why did you open my fridge and hold my ice creams?\" Her finger pointed to the ice cream I was holding.\n\nI turned around my body to get a better look at her after the shower. Damn it. She looked sexy. The scent of soap released stimulated sexual arousal and her long eyelashes were slightly moist and her plump lips were alluring. Unfortunately, she looked like a man which caused that impression to disappear. I would have loved to see this scene in her girl appearance.\n\n\"Hello. Ryueen. Are you dead?\" I saw her waving her hand in front of my face. I was slightly tempted to take that hand and push it down but quickly discarded that intention. Who knows before I could touch her hand I was already on the ground in a pitiful state.\n\n\"I'm going to take a shower.\" I decided to ignore her and take a shower while eating ice cream.\n\nAnd so a day had passed. In the end I decided to sleep on the sofa and the monster slept on the bed.\n\n***\n\nHello. It's been a long time. I did not think that I am writing this story in 2022, time flies so fast. My final exam that will determine my future is approaching. See you again." ]
Title: Cote:I discovered the monster's secret and threatened it Description: Ships: Ryueen X Kiyone Story:I discovered the monster's secret and threatened it Attention!: This story contains Nsfw Tags: ['action', 'arisu', 'ayanokoji', 'ayanokouji', 'classroomoftheelite', 'cote', 'ecchi', 'kakeru', 'kiyone', 'lemon', 'lust', 'nsfw', 'physiological', 'romance', 'ryuen']
# Tyrant Ryueen Pov I am now sitting in a random chair and feeling the cool breeze on my face. It's winter now. So not many people came out. The reason I bothered myself this winter was just to calm my wild mind lately. What I am thinking? Somebody. I thought of someone beating me – not crushing me without effort and playing with me like a child. Who's this? Ayanokōji Kiyotaka. I found something fishy about that monster. At first I thought it was just a game of common sense or my delusions. But I feel it is not impossible if that happens. What do I suspect about the monster? I suspect he's not a man. Surely if I talk to the dogs they will say 'Tch, did you go crazy after being hit by that bastard?' who would say for sure Ibuki. 'Boss has a fever?' Albert is Albert. 'Do we need to take Ryueen-san to the clinic? Albert.' that must be what the tissue boy would say. 'Did you eat Ryuen-kun wrong? Maybe reading a book will make you feel better.' it must be Shiina. Huh... Just thinking about them makes me dizzy. "Fufu. I wonder what you're thinking out loud, sharing thoughts? Dragon boy." I was pulled back to reality when I heard that haughty feminine voice. "Sakayanagi... Once again you call me that, I will make you sit in a wheelchair." I glared at this arrogant loli but she still didn't lose her smug smile and aura. "Don't be so hostile, Ryuen. I just wanted to say hi by chance to see you in winter like this." Hi your ass. She must have gotten my location from her spies. "So Ryuen, mind sharing what the fallen Tyrant thinks? I assume you don't think about class battles since you are no longer the leader." "Why should I?" "I might be able to help if it's about information." "And why should I believe that you will help me for free?" "Fufu. Don't be too cold. We've known each other for almost a year, so once in a while I'll give you a free hand." Maybe this is the perfect opportunity to find out if a monster is a man or not. Although I have no proof but I know that loli has a connection with monsters. "Fine...I will accept your kindness." Sakayanagi looked slightly surprised to hear me accept her offer. Kuku. I started to look at Sakayanagi seriously. "Do you have any suspicions about Ayanokoji's behavior?" "I didn't expect you to swing like that." Sakayanagi made a joke. "Shut up. I'm being serious." Sakayanagi was surprised by my seriousness. "Huh..do you mean about him hiding his strength?" "No. That's not it." Sakayanagi looked confused. "Then what do you mean?" "I thought he..." I pause. "Is a girl." For a split second Sakayanagi's calm expression disappeared and showed a surprised expression but was quickly covered up with hysterical laughter. Of course that gaze was not missed by the sharp Ryuen. "Fu–hahahaha!" Sakayanagi's laughter continued until she let out a few tears. "Hah... I didn't expect that you would be delusional after being couped by your own pawns." "By the way why do you think Ayanokoji-kun is a girl? I'm interested to hear that. If you don't tell then it's fine. But I'll make my own conclusion that is you fell in love with Ayanokoji-kun but because he's a man you imagine him to be a girl so you become delusional." "Kuku. Imagine it all you want. I've got my answer." With that Ryuen turned around and left Sakayanagi without a greeting. Sakayanagi had a troubled expression on her face and she muttered. "Huh. Sorry Kiyo-chan. Looks like big trouble is coming for you." Ayanokoji Pov Achoo! Is anyone talking about me? Who knows. Ryuen Pov I have an answer. Now how to catch it. I wonder if I can destroy his-her apathetic face. Since she's a girl, what's her real name like? would she be embarrassed if i accidentally saw her naked? It must be gold! If she made a vulnerable face like that. Then will she moan if I touch her breasts? Kuku! I'm sure if I looked at myself in the mirror it would show a villain's face with a devilish grin! I can't wait to get revenge. *** 730words # Special exam- Pairs <b>2185 words~</b> "Good morning, Class-D. Today we will have a special exam." Sensei immediately dropped a bomb on the D class students. "What!" "No!" Grumbles of dissatisfaction from some students could be heard. "Shut up. This special exam is not difficult. I will explain the special exam that has a bonding theme. This special exam is simple even Ike can do. It will not involve conflicts between classes but rather help students strengthen friendship bonds. And it doesn't have rewards like points or anything." The D class students who heard about the special exam with no conflict between classes showed happy expressions. "How is this exam being run?" Asked Hirata, one of the pillar characters of class D. "About that you are required to live under one roof with your assigned partner. You will be randomly paired with your classmates. And there will be a special case where 2 of you will be paired with another class student." Hearing that they would have to share a room with someone else made Class D noisy once again. "Yosha! I will definitely be paired with Kushida-chan. Because we're destined to be together!" Yamauchi's shout made the female students look at him with disgust while some male students like Yamauchi started to let their imaginations run wild. "I beg God. Please pair me up with Suzune." Sudo muttered. "Fuu. Be grateful ladies for being paired with me. But I hope the school doesn't pair me with a disgusting existence like him." Koenji said, pointing at Yamauchi. "Sensei, are you going to let us share a room with this disgusting man? What if there is sexual assault?" Kei asked firmly. The leader of the girls. The girls also began to voice their grievances. "Hey! We're not rapists!" "No one believes that, hentai-kun." "You don't have to worry because that won't happen. Because you will be paired with the same sex." Chabashira explained. Yamauchi and his gang's hopes were instantly dashed. The girls and some boys like Hirata, Akito, Keisei looked relieved. (Time skip after their partner's name is shown) <b>Koji po</b><b><u>v</u></b> Hmm. What a strange coincidence. [Horikita and Kushida.] [Hirata and Akito] [Keisei and Koenji] I'm sorry for you Keisei. [Sudo and Ike] It seems that I will be one of the students paired up with another class. I don't know why I feel goosebumps for some reason...I hope fate-chan won't torture me. "Those whose names are not mentioned will be randomly paired with students from other classes. As explained." Chabashira-sensei said Sensei spread a roll of paper on the board. There were only two names on it. [Karuizawa and Shiina] This was unexpected. Kei and Hiyori are completely different in personality. But maybe they will get along. [Ayanokoji and Ryuen] Ryuen. I didn't see it wrong. I'm going to live under the same roof as a famous former tyrant leader. I felt sympathetic gazes from various directions. …. After class ended. I decided to look for Ryuen. "Wait a moment, Ayanokouji-kun." The commanding girl's voice told me to wait. I turned my head and found a raven black-haired girl, our class president facing me. "Do you need anything, Horikita?" I asked casually. "You talk as if I only talk to you when I need something," she said with sarcasm in her voice. Isn't that so? I wanted to say so but I didn't want to face his wrath. So I just chose to keep this in my mind. "Well, I want to tell you, be careful with Ryueen even though she has become a fallen tyrant it doesn't mean she won't use you to get our class secrets for her class. And if you are intimidated by Ryueen then either let it go or get evidence and report it to me first. Understood?" "Yes, ma'am." "You can go." She walked straight to Hirata without saying goodbye. I left the classroom and headed for my destination. When I entered the library, I looked for Hiyori. After finding her at the corner of the table reading a book. I thought about welcoming her before I saw someone with her. I didn't think he was a reading enthusiast. Did she just happen to come here or did Hiyori invite him? I decided to greet them. "Hello, Hiyori and Ryuen." I greeted casually. They looked up from their books at me. "Ah..Ayanokouji-kun. Sorry for not realizing you were coming." "No need." I immediately denied Hiyori's apology. "So what is Ryueen doing here?" I boldly asked. Hiyori also looked at Ryuen curiously. It already showed that Hiyori didn't know Ryueen's reason for being here. "Kuku. Are you afraid? Just relax. I won't bite for now." He said Simple. "Mm. Then you already know, right?" "Oh. That special exam nonsense? I have to live under the same roof as a monster. Fate really blessed me." "Monster? Why is Ryueen-kun calling ayanokouji-kun a monster? Isn't that a disrespectful call?" "Why should I care? To hell with politeness. I'll call anyone what I want when I see fit." Ryueen replied immediately. Hiyori fell silent. The atmosphere became tense and uncomfortable. "Hiyori. I want to return your book that I borrowed." I said, handing the book to Hiyori. Hiyori greeted it casually. "Thank you, Ayanokouji-kun, is the book interesting?" "Yes." "Glad to hear it." Hiyori continued, "I'll excuse myself then. Take your time." With that Hiyori packed her things and walked away from the library. I heard the sound of a chair creaking roughly. I saw Ryueen standing next to me. His hand was resting on my shoulder. Showing the attitude of a close friend. "What are you doing, Ryueen?" "Is it wrong of me to try to tighten our bond?" He replied with a question. Ryueen's behavior was really bothering me. He was more talkative than before this. Why do I feel something different from Ryuen? Has he revived and has the will to fight? I don't know. His atmosphere made me feel uncomfortable. His snake-like eyes seemed to pierce through me as if he knew my deepest secrets. Ryueen finally removed his hand from my shoulder. We walked towards the teacher's room to get our special watches. We were told that the watch could detect our heart rate. If it was elevated it would beep and send a signal to the school. Students were forbidden to discard the watch except during leave time. So students must wear the watch during the school day. It also has a radar system. So our movements are always monitored by the school. And if you stay away from your partner for more than 3 hours, then the alarm on that clock will sound. This is to prevent students from not contributing to this exam. "Let's use your room." The passing silence was broken by Ryueen speaking up. "Eh?" I tried to make sure that I hadn't misheard. "Tch. Don't make me repeat my words, monster, we'll use your room." I wanted to complain but decided not to. I didn't have the energy to argue with Ryueen. "Is there anything in the room? Like a masturbation tool? Condoms? Or a trash can full of tissues?" Asked Ryueen with a disgusting grin. "There is no such thing. But what do you mean a trash can filled with tissues?" I asked. "Are you pretending to be stupid?" Asked Ryueen looking annoyed but... suddenly his expression hardened. "Ryueen?" I asked when he suddenly fell silent and didn't speak. Seeing that he didn't answer we continued walking in a strange silence. *** <b><u>Ryueen pov</u></b> "There is no such thing. But what do you mean a trash can filled with tissues?" Monster asked. "Are you pretending to be stupid?" I asked irritably. Wait a minute... maybe she really doesn't know. Considering she's a girl. Kuku. This is one proof that she's a girl. Fate has once again blessed me for pairing me up with that monster. My reverie was interrupted when I heard the sound of the door knob being opened. I was too lost in my thoughts to notice our journey. I entered her room and took off my shoes. The room looked empty and boring. But I noticed something else. The scent in Ayanokoji's room smelled like a girl's room. I immediately sat down on her bed without a care in the world. I saw her looking at me for a while. I couldn't tell if she was unhappy I was on her bed or not. I couldn't read that damn face at all. I would definitely fuck that face oneday. For today I will observe first and take my time to maximize my plan. "Would you like a drink?" "Coffee." "Okay." She went to the kitchen and I watched her every move. Unfortunately I didn't find anything. She must have been living as a man or practicing being a man all her life for her girly impression to disappear. I thought she might have falsified her documents or she had connections with the director. I have no valid answer. "Here's your coffee." "Ah." I welcomed the cup instead of Ayanokoji's hand.  "You've been daydreaming a lot today. What are you thinking about?" She asked, suddenly starting the conversation. "No need to get busy." I immediately shut down the conversation. I couldn't take any chances by chatting with her. I didn't know when she would start extracting the information I had unknowingly through a simple conversation. So the best move was to keep quiet and not show any expression. "Have you decided to return to the battlefield?" "..." Ignore. "I'll get hurt if you ignore me." "..." What an idiot. "Where are you going to sleep?" "Mattress." "What about me?" "I don't care. Sleep anywhere." "You're cruel, Ryueen." She continued, "So you don't mind if I sleep  with you, do you?" "!?" I almost spit out the coffee I was drinking. Damn it. Did she deliberately get my reaction? I felt like I was naked in front of her. "Hmm... I'll take a shower first, you don't mind, do you?" "Do what you want." I replied quickly. Taking a shower... that would be the time she is most exposed and open. Should I break in? That's not a good idea. I would most likely get beaten half to death by her. Now that I think about it, it's not easy to attack her. And it's a double-edged sword. I got a good chance of revenge but if she decided to use me as a punching bag. I wouldn't be able to put up a fight. The best way is...to immobilize her. Make her helpless. I won't attack her using violence. I knew it wouldn't work on that monster. I still remember her letting me hit her to make her feel fear. She had a high tolerance and resistance to violence. So I had to attack through the inside. I could poison her something. But would she accept the food I gave her? Of course not. But I might be able to give her something she can't refuse. Let's check her fridge. I have to find out what food she loves so much. I walked towards the refrigerator. I started with the top fridge. When I opened the fridge, my eyes widened. What the hell?! Is she an ice cream enthusiast? I saw more than 10 ice creams in her fridge. I didn't need to check anything else to know that ice creams was the answer. What a coincidence that I heard that tomorrow there will be a very expensive limited edition ice cream. I might be able to lure her with this. By the way I took one aiskrim that had lime flavor. Suddenly a hand grabbed my shoulder, "What are you doing, Ryueen?" I almost shouted in surprise, "Since when have you been behind?" I didn't hear any footsteps at all or feel her presence. This is really dangerous. If she had the intention of knocking me down. I would already be dead. "Ryueen?" "It's nothing." "Then why did you open my fridge and hold my ice creams?" Her finger pointed to the ice cream I was holding. I turned around my body to get a better look at her after the shower. Damn it. She looked sexy. The scent of soap released stimulated sexual arousal and her long eyelashes were slightly moist and her plump lips were alluring. Unfortunately, she looked like a man which caused that impression to disappear. I would have loved to see this scene in her girl appearance. "Hello. Ryueen. Are you dead?" I saw her waving her hand in front of my face. I was slightly tempted to take that hand and push it down but quickly discarded that intention. Who knows before I could touch her hand I was already on the ground in a pitiful state. "I'm going to take a shower." I decided to ignore her and take a shower while eating ice cream. And so a day had passed. In the end I decided to sleep on the sofa and the monster slept on the bed. *** Hello. It's been a long time. I did not think that I am writing this story in 2022, time flies so fast. My final exam that will determine my future is approaching. See you again.
Cheater NDGO x Male Reader x Rosario Vampire/DxD Girls (Being heavily Rewritten)
None needed
[ "cheater", "devils", "dxd", "fallen", "grimm", "lemon", "monsters", "nekos", "rosario", "rwby", "school", "vampire", "yokai" ]
[ "BIO Information", "Harem +Mentor Info", "Chapter 1 Leaving Beacon Academy", "Chapter 2 Meeting the Mentor's", "Chapter 3 A Hybrid A Devil and A Neko Attend Yokai", "Chapter 4 First Day at Yokai", "Chapter 5 A Day At Beacon Academy", "Peerage Members List", "Chapter 6 Getting a Peerage", "Chapter 7 The Two Half's meet and a Training regimen", "Chapter 8 The Rating Game", "Chapter 9 The Aftermath of the rating game", "Chapter 10 A Shocking Discovery ", "Chapter 11 the trip to the castle", "Chapter 12 The Girls have a talk", "Chapter 13 Training and Discussions", "Council Members List", "Chapter 14 Recruiting the Council", "Chapter 15 Dealing with the past", "Chapter 16 First Council Meeting", "Chapter 17 A Date With Moka", "Confession Question", "Chapter 18 Trigger Unlocked", "Chapter 19 Secrets Revealed", "Chapter 20 A Eventful dance between academies+ Confession ", "Chapter 21 The Death of a Team", "Chapter 22 Preventing the Attack from Mt Glenn", "Chapter 23 A Company is revealed" ]
[ "<b>Name:Y/N L/N</b>\n<b>Race:Human (Before finding out about the cheating) Demon/Vampire Hybrid (After Learning of the Cheating)</b>\n<b>Age:18</b>\n<b>Personality:Calm Sweet loving supportive friendly (to friends and loved ones) </b><b>Disrespectful Angry Hateful (Towards Ex's)</b>\n<b>Looks:</b>\n\n<b>Replace the guy with yourself but add these along with yourself</b>\n\n<b>Your hair color</b>\n\n<b>Your jacket</b>\n\n<b>Undershirt</b>\n\n<b>How you look shirtless</b>\n\n<b>Your pants</b>\n\n<b>Your shoes</b>\n\n<b>Tattoo going down one of your arms</b>\n\n<b>Tattoo going down other arm</b>\n\n<b>Likes:Helping others,His Best Friends Teams RWBY </b><b>JPNR</b><b> </b><b>CFVY</b><b> </b><b>Gremory</b><b> Peerage,Sitri Peerage (Aka Rias and Sona's Peerages),His New Girlfriend's,Training</b>\n\n<b>Powers:</b>\n\n<b>Devil trigger but replace the color of the trigger to that of your favorite color </b>\n\n<b>Giligamesh</b><b> but replace Dante with </b><b>yourself</b>\n\n<b>All the traits and might of a </b><b>Vampire</b>\n\n<b>Fairy Law Magic</b>\n\n<b>Dragon Slayer Magic (All Elements)</b>\n\n<b>Requip</b><b> </b><b>magic</b>", "<b>Shadow here and these girls will be in the harem for the Improved story along with a few individuals for the mentor's which I'm adding a few more than just Dante Vergil and Akashiya Blooddriver</b>\n\n<b>Harem:</b>\n\n<b>Moka Akashiya (Both Inner and Outer Versions)</b>\n\n<b>Mizore</b>\n\n<b>Kurumu</b>\n\n<b>Ruby</b>\n\n<b>Nora</b>\n\n<b>Pyrrha Nikos</b>\n\n<b>Yang Xiao long</b>\n\n<b>Blake Belladonna</b>\n\n<b>Sona </b><b>Sitri</b><b> (She will still be a devil while the next girl from the dxd verse will be their race before they became half devil)</b>\n\n<b>Koneko (She will be what she originally is which is a </b><b>Nekomata</b><b>)</b>\n\n<b>Akeno</b>\n\n<b>Rias</b>\n\n<b>Mentor's:</b>\n\n<b>Dante &amp; Vergil Sparda</b>\n\n\n<b>Akasha</b><b> Blood Driver (Aka Moka's Mother)</b>\n\n<b>Natsu,Wendy,Gajeel,Rogue,Sting,</b><b>Laxus</b><b>, Erik (Each taught you everything they know in dragon slayer magic)</b>\n\n<b>Erza Scarlet (Taught you the </b><b>requip</b><b> magic when she found out you can use it too)</b>\n\n<b>Master Markov (Taught you fairy law magic)</b>\n\n<b>Suzaku</b><b> (Taught you sword saint dragon slayer magic)</b>\n\n<b>Sirzechs (Will train the reader in Destruction Magic and Tactical planning)</b>\n\n<b>Serafall (Will train the reader in offensive water and ice magic as well as a few support spells)</b>\n\n<b>A/N:These are who I was able to pick for the Improved story which I will now begin working on the new chapter 1</b>", "<b>3rd PoV</b>\n\nRemnant a place where Grimm are in huge numbers and Huntsmen/Huntresses are low and in huge demand to fight back the Grimm\n\nBeacon Academy a prestigious School where many individuals go to train to become a Huntsman or a Huntress\n\nOne such individual who is training to become a Huntsman is Y/N L/N a 18 year old male who is by far the strongest student out of all students in Beacon\n\n\"Where are they? It's not like for the four to Miss my calls like that for the last three days\" Y/N says to himself thinking of why his current girlfriends aren't responding to his calls\n\nBut little does Y/N know a Event is coming that involves his relationship with Team NDGO\n\nWalking through the halls of Beacon Academy Y/N eventually sees his best friends of team RWBY jnpr cfvy rias and her Peerage along with Sona and Her Peerage\n\n\"Hey! There he is our best bud!\" A Girl with Long yellow hair and lilac colored eyes says while raising her hand for a high five\n\n\"Heh good to see you too Yang as well as everyone else\" Y/N says as he high fives Yang as well as everyone else\n\n\"Where are you heading to Y/N?\" Asia asks Y/N\n\n\"To see why Nebula and her team have been avoiding me for the last three days\" Y/N says calmly\n\n\"listen Y/N before you go there is something you need to know about Nebula and her team\" Tsubaki says to Y/N\n\n\"what is it?\" Y/N Asks Tsubaki\n\n\"Nebula and her team are cheating on you Y/N and we aren't making this up either\" Issei says\n\n<b>A/N:Yes Issei will be less perverted and Rias won't be a power hungry individual like she normally portrayed in other dxd story's)</b>\n\n\"Are you sure?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"Y/N my peerage as well as Sona's along with Ruby Jaune and Coco's team each did some recons on what nebula and her team have been doing these past three days\" Rias says to Y/N\n\n\"And each of us got the same result which is Nebula and her team never loved you and that they have only been using you for your fame of being beacon's strongest to attract other guys\" Sona says to Y/N\n\n\"if that's true....then what should I do? I don't wanna cause any damage to the structure of the academy\" Y/N Says while trying to think\n\n\"You could write a letter to them to inform them of you breaking up with them?\" Koneko says out loud\n\n\"well that would be the most logical way to do it but I'm not sure if I can handle the pressure of confronting them and eventually losing control\" Y/N says \n\n\"I could have my bat deliver it for you if that will help out?\" Rias says calmly\n\n\"Bat Rias?\" Y/N says Confused\n\nRias then summons a small bat like creature\n\n\"Ooh it's adorable!\" Ruby and Weiss both cooed at the bat\n\n\"I'll have my familiar also help out if you'd like Y/N\" Koneko says to Y/N\n\n\"Is that what Rias's bat is too?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"Yes it is and what a familiar does is helps my peerage as well as Sona's peerage in our devil duty's\" Rias says calmly\n\nKoneko then summons her familiar which is a white kitten\n\nUpon seeing the kitten each female member of team RWBY jnpr and cfvy all gush over how cute the kitten is\n\n\"So let's recap I will go write a letter to Nebula and her team saying that it's over which after I finish writing I give the letter to rias or Koneko or both so that their familiar's can deliver the letter to Team NDGO?\" Y/N says while trying to confirm everything that is about to happen\n\n\"That's right and while they are doing that some of us will do a little Scouting on Nebula's team which we will record everything to further show proof\" Akeno Says\n\n\"Alright so meet at my Dorm in a hour then?\" Y/N says\n\nEveryone nods at Y/Ns words which the groups then split off to their own respected dorms\n\n<b>Y/Ns PoV</b>\n\nReturning to my dorm I sit at the desk in the room which I take out a piece of paper and grab a pen \n\n\"Alright let's begin writing the breakup letter\" I say in a determined voice\n\nI begin writing the letter which I carefully read over each word as I write the letter\n\nAn hour passes just as I finish the letter\n\n\"Alright finished\" I say calmly as I fold the letter up nice and neat like\n\n<b>*Knock* *Knock*</b>\n\nI head for the door and open it to see all my best friends from an hour earlier which I let into the dorm\n\n\"So did you write your letter Y/N?\" Saji asks me\n\n\"I did but who should I give the letter to so that it can be delivered to Nebula?\" I ask my friends\n\n\"let konkeo's familiar be the one to deliver the letter while my familiar can Record what's going on in the room that Nebula's in \" Rias says\n\n\"How will The familiar be able to record what's going on?\" I asked confused\n\n\"The Familiar will have a special designed Camera attached to it's body which Rias will be able to activate the camera from her scroll once her familiar is in place\" Akeno says to me\n\n\"What should I do in the mean time while everything is going on?\" I ask my friends\n\n\"I'd suggest staying in your dorm while maintaining a confused expression when Nebula and her team comes to confront you about the letter that they will read\" Kiba says to me\n\n\"Alright then all I can say is time is of the essence\" I say calmly which everyone nods \n\nI give the letter to Koneko who in turns gives it to her familiar to give to Nebula\n\nRias on the other hand opens the window of my dorm and summons her familiar which she then attaches a small camera to the body of the bat before sending it off\n\nEveryone else leaves the dorm or hides in the dorm as some wait to see the results\n\nThirty minutes pass before rapid banging on my dorm door is heard\n\nOpening the door I see a furious Nebula along with her team\n\n\"Yes?\" I ask the four furious girls before me\n\n\"What is with this letter saying that our relationship is over?!?!\" Nebula shouts\n\n\"What Letter?\" I ask confused\n\n\"This Letter!\" Nebula shouts while shoving the letter in my face\n\n<b>3rd PoV</b>\n\n<b>\"Dear Nebula</b>\n\n<b>It has come to my attention that you Dew Gwen and Octavia have been neglecting our relationship and have been ignoring my calls for the last three days and have made no attempts at getting in touch with me. I here by abolish our relationship as I can't be with girlfriends who misuse my heart and stomp all over it so from now on you four are free from me and can find better suited boyfriend's </b>\n\n<b>Sincerely </b>\n<b>Your Ex Y/N\"</b>\n\n<b>Y/Ns PoV</b>\n\nAfter reading the letter I soon have a oh expression on my face\n\n\"Oh that letter\" I say calmly\n\n\"Yes that letter! Now why are you breaking up with us?!\" Dew shouts at me\n\n\"The letter should mentioned why because you four have been ignoring me for the last three days not only that but I learned from a very trusted source that you have never loved me at all and only used my fame as beacon's strongest student to get the attention of other guys\" I say with a serious look\n\n\"That's all lies there's no way we've been doing anything of that nature!\" Gwen shouts\n\n\"Oh but there is...\" Rias says coming from the shadows of my dorm\n\n\"What are you doing in his Dorm?! Are you cheating on us with this red haired skank?!\" Octavia\n\nThe skank word not only angers Rias but myself as well\n\n\"First off you best becareful who you call names around here because while I might be calm and not wanting to fight that doesn't mean others are going to be just as nice as I am\" I say with slight anger in my voice\n\n\"Secondly I do have proof of what you four have been doing behind Y/Ns back infact Y/N would you like to see what my little pet recorded Nebula and her team doing behind your back?\" Rias says to me\n\nNodding my head I walk over to Rias where she plays the video her bat recorded which shows Nebula and her team having sex with not only Cardin's team but Sun's team as well\n\n<b>A/N: Basically a 12 person orgy or whatever the proper term for something like that is</b>\n\n\"So not only did you four not answer my calls or make an attempt to contact me but you've also been having sex with Cardin's and Sun's team as well?\" I say straight towards Nebula's team\n\n\"That video is all lies! It's photoshopped to make you believe her lies!\" Nebula shouts\n\n\"It's all true every part of the video \" a voice says which surprisingly comes from Sun of all people\n\n\"Sun? What are you doing here?\" I ask the monkey Faunus \n\n\"What Rias and the others told you about what Nebula and her team have been doing behind your back is true also the four in the video that resemble myself and my team are clones that are made to look like my team\" Sun says calmly\n\n\"Clones?\" I ask\n\n\"My semblance is able to produce a limited amount of clones which I can make up to five at time right now anyway Blake approached my team asking for our help which of course we asked why which of course after learning what's going on I proceed to make four clones to be used in the video that Rias pet bat was recording at the time and made the four clones resemble my team\" Sun says to me\n\n\"Hmm alright well thanks for your help in all this Sun I really appreciate it also tell Neptune Scarlet and Sage I said thanks as well\" I say to sun\n\n\"Not a Problem Y/N see ya\" Sun says as he walks off\n\n\"Now then if you four will please go on your way we all can continue like normal\" I say calmly to Nebula and her team\n\n\"Not until you get back with us!\" Nebula shouts\n\n\"You best get moving or we'll make you move\" Yang says while cracking her knuckles as Akeno has sparks coming from her hand and Momo has ice floating from her hand\n\nThe four back up before running off which the rest of my best friends enter the dorm\n\n\"So what will you do now Y/N since you know what nebula and her team has done behind your back?\" Issei asks me\n\n\"Hmm I probably will leave Beacon and before you freak out about me leaving beacon its just if I stay here I'll probably do something I'll regret doing\" I say to my friends\n\n\"But wouldn't Professor Ozpin Already Know ahead of time?\" Tsubaki asks us\n\n\"Indeed I would Ms Shinra\" A Voice says from the door way\n\nTurning our heads to where the voice came from we see Professor Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch standing at the door way of my dorm\n\n\"I guess you heard everything huh Professor?\" I ask Professor Ozpin\n\n\"Indeed and I must say I'm proud of you showing restraint from damaging the academy Mr L/N \" Professor Ozpin says to me\n\n\"Your Welcome Professor also I guess you heard about me wanting to leave beacon?\" I ask Professor Ozpin\n\n\"I did hear that Mr L/N and are you sure you want to leave the academy?\" Professor Ozpin asks me\n\n\"Yes I want to leave Beacon Professor and as for why it's just if I stay here any longer I fear I may cause some sort of Chaos or damage to the school building and since Professor Goodwitch has her hands busy with her classes and that her semblance takes its toll on her from constant use I'm sure she would rather avoid using it to repair a broken wall or two so that her body won't be in so much pain from being overworked\" I say calmly\n\n\"Well Mr L/N I thank you for thinking ahead of your teachers and looking out for me to avoid causing me to be over worked\" Professor Goodwitch says\n\n\"Your Welcome Professor Goodwitch\" I say \n\n\"Well I guess you'll be off then Mr L/N All I can say is that I hope you succeed in life wherever you go\" Professor Ozpin says\n\nI shake professor Ozpin's hand thanking him for everything his academy has done for me in learning and combat training\n\nI give each of my best friends a hug before walking out of the dorm and exiting beacon academy doors\n\nWalking towards vale I explore the city for a bit before deciding to head for the near by forest to kill some Grimm\n\nAs soon as I enter the forest a pack of Beowulf's and two Ursas appear from the forest which I ready myself for a fight\n\nA Beowulf rushes at me which I avoid and quickly strike down in a single hit which the other Grimm soon rush at me\n\n<b>*Slash* *Bite* *Punch* *Wack* *Slam* *Slash*</b>\n\nI manage to destroy most of the Grimm attacking me when two surprise attacks happen which are a Beowulf biting my leg and a Ursa slashing my back with it's claw\n\n\"Damn! I'm not gonna lose here!\" I shout as I struggle to get away from the Grimm by trying to go deep into the forest\n\nEventually I lean up against the trunk of a tree which I face the Grimm approaching me\n\nSuddenly a voice is heard shouting\n\n<b>\"Fire Dragon King's Roar!\"</b> The voice shouts which fire soon engulfs the Grimm burning them alive\n\nFour individuals land infront of me which consist of a male with white hair a red trenchcoat and black jeans along with another male that has Pink hair a open Vest shirt with a scarf around his neck\n\nNext after the two male is a short girl with Deep Blue colored hair tied in a twin tail fashion wearing a greenish yellow dress and the other female is a lady with red hair almost similar to Rias's hair color in a suit of armor with a sword\n\n\"Nice work killing the Grimm kid now let's tend to our friend here\" the male with white hair says\n\nI struggle to stand up only for the guy with pink hair and the lady in armor to stop me from get up\n\n\"Easy Sir your injured.\" The lady says while helping me sit back down\n\n\"So who are you all?\" I ask the four before me\n\n\"I'm Dante Sparda the guy with pink hair is Natsu the girl healing you is Wendy and the girl who helped you sit down is Erza\" Dante introduces his group to me\n\n\"Well I thank you for assisting with the Grimm I was fighting my Name is Y/N L/N former Student of Beacon Academy\" I say to the four\n\n\"Wait you said you're a former student of beacon academy right?\" Erza asks me\n\n\"Yes I did why\" I ask Erza\n\n\"it's just we was hired to find a missing person from that academy\" Natsu says to me\n\nI face palm at what is going on\n\n\"I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that a girl named nebula hired you four saying that her supposed boyfriend left beacon academy without letting her know right?\" I ask the four\n\n\"Um yes that's right but how'd you know? Also your all healed up\" Wendy says to me\n\n\"Thank you Ms Wendy and as for how I know because I'm the one you four are looking for in other words I'm the supposed boyfriend of Nebula\" I say to the four\n\n\"Judging how you say supposed I have a feeling there's more than what we was told by this nebula chick\" Natsu says to me\n\nI soon explain everything that happened so far up to where we are at now\n\n\"I see so that's what's going on...\" Erza says\n\n\"By the way Mr Natsu what was that attack you did earlier when you burned the Grimm\" I ask Natsu\n\n\"you don't have to call me Mr Natsu just Natsu is fine and as for what I did it is called Dragon slayer magic which my element is fire also Wendy is a dragon slayer mage too but she focuses more on support her element is wind\" Natsu explains to me\n\n\"Can anyone learn dragon slayer magic?\" I ask Natsu\n\n\"Not just anyone can learn it you have to have an affinity to magic in order to learn it\" Natsu says\n\n\"Hmm could I try a more simplified version of what you used earlier you know like a novice version?\" I ask\n\n\"Hmm sure why Don't you try using <b>fire dragon's roar</b> which is basically a beginner fire dragon slayer magic spell and aim it at me also don't worry since I focus on fire it won't hurt me\" Natsu says to me\n\nThe other three give us some space which Natsu walks a few feet away from me before facing me\n\nTaking a deep breather I soon shout\n\n\"<b>Fire Dragons Roar!\" </b>I shout which a wave of fire appear from my mouth and head towards Natsu\n\n<b>Replace Natsu with yourself and that's basically what you just did</b>\n\nThe four are shocked I was able to use it so easily\n\n\"Incredible you are able to use dragon slayer magic so easily!\" Wendy says to me\n\n\"It would seem so Also Ms Erza I take your weapon and armor are also Magical?\" I say calmly\n\n\"They are yes I am using what is requip magic which is basically like having a magical armory for tons of different weapons and armor and as far as teaching I am unsure as I am the only one who uses Requip magic\" Erza says to me\n\n\"Hmm do you do anything before the armor or weapon appear?\" I ask Erza\n\n\"I only simply close my eyes and picture the armor or weapon I want to use\" Erza says\n\nClosing my eyes I picture the armor Erza is in but more in a male style along with picturing a powerful spear to appear in my hand which surprisingly happens\n\n\"So not only Dragon Slayer magic but also Requip magic too? Your something else kid\" Dante says to me\n\n\"Seems that way\" I say calmly\n\n\"How about this Kid you come with us and we'll train you in all we know which you can use to help others because I know you'll do the right thing with it\" Dante says to me with his hand extended out\n\nI shake Dante's hand which he smirks and tells me to follow him Natsu Wendy and Erza which I nod\n\nFollowing Dante we go further into the forest as we soon Vanish from the forest five minutes later\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n\n<b>Shadow here with the new improved Chapter 1 and I hope it's too y'all's liking and that I'll see you all in chapter 2</b>", "<b>Y/Ns PoV</b>\n\nIt has been five hours since I decided to follow Dante Natsu Wendy and Erza\n\n\"So um Dante where exactly are we heading to?\" I ask Dante\n\n\"We are heading to the mansion that I my brother and all of Natsu's Friends all share which is where we will train you for the next year or so\" Dante informs me\n\nNodding my head I soon see a portal of some sorts open up before us which we all step through\n\nAfter entering the portal I look to see that we are infront of a gate that leads to a giant mansion\n\n\"This is the place you all share?\" I ask with a shocked expression\n\n\"That's right come the others would want to meet you\" Erza informs me\n\n\"Alright\" I calmly say in response to Erza's words\n\nEntering through the front door of the mansion we see several people chatting which one of the people notices us\n\n\"Ah you guys are back! But who's he?\" A Girl with white hair in a red and pink dress asks\n\n<b>A/N: Basically the one who asked</b>\n\n\"Mirajane this is The one we was hired to find but we'll let him introduce himself to you\" Erza says\n\nI step forward standing infront of Dante's group\n\n\"Greetings my name is Y/N L/N it is a honor to meet you Miss Mirajane.\" I bow in terms of respect\n\n\"Well it's a pleasure to meet you as well but why are you here?\" Mirajane asks me\n\n\"Well Miss Mirajane it goes something like this\" I say calmly to the lady before me\n\nI then proceed to explain what happen up to the point where I'm at now\n\n\"I see so what this Nebula girl didn't realize is that her hiring Dante Natsu Erza and Wendy was pointless as you have no means of going back am I right?\" A girl with light blond hair while wearing a light blue and white top shirt with black skirt and boots says to me\n\n\"Um who are you miss?\" I ask the girl standing next to Mirajane\n\n\"I'm Lucy Heartfila Natsu's Girlfriend it's nice to meet you\" The girl named Lucy says to me\n\n<b>A/N:Yes I am making the </b><b>NaLu</b><b> ship set sail for the two</b>\n\n\"Where's Master Markov Luce?\" Natsu asks Lucy\n\n\"I'm right here Natsu\" a voice says to Natsu\n\nI look around trying to search for the source of the voice\n\n\"Down here Young one\" the voice says which I then look down to see a elderly individual stareing at me\n\n\"Um Who are you sir?\" I ask the individual\n\n\"I am Markov Dreyar and to save the trouble of everyone else introducing themselves to you I'll introduce them to you. The one over at the bar by himself with a lightning bolt scar on his face is my grandson Laxus a Lightning Dragon Slayer mage next are the two who are chatting by themselves which are named Sting and Rogue Respectedly and are Light and Shadow dragon slayer mages\" Markov tells me\n\nSoon two individuals walk over to us\n\n\"Don't bother old man we'll introduce ourselves to him\" the rough looking individual says to Markov\n\n\"Anyway I'm Gajeel Ironfox and the one next to me is Levy\" Gajeel says to me\n\n\"It's an honor to meet you both as well Mr Fox sir\" I say calmly\n\n\"Now before I forget the individual sitting by himself at a table is my twin brother Vergil\" Dante says as he points to where his brother is\n\n\"Let's not forget stripper boy over there known as gray\" Natsu points to the shirtless man\n\n\"Now what brings you here Young one?\" Markov asks me\n\nI then proceed to tell what I told Natsu Dante Erza Mirajane and Wendy to Markov and the others which all nod\n\n\"So your able to use Natsu Fire magic and Erza's Requip magic?\" Lucy asks\n\n\"Yes that's right\" I calmly answer\n\n\"Can you show us?\" Markov asks\n\n\"Hmm I have a better way of showing instead of using each separately but first could I get some space?\" I say to the group\n\nThe group nods and backs away from me\n\nClosing my eyes I picture the spear I summoned five hours ago before opening my eyes and saying\n\n\"<b>Fire Dragon's Enchantment! Blazing Fire Soul!</b>\" I shout as a fire like aura covers the spear Changing the tip of the spear to a fiery red\n\n<b>A/N: Basically like that but change the sword to a spear and it's only the tip of the spear that is glowing with flames</b>\n\n\"Hold Up! Did you just combine my Magic with Erza's weapon?!\" Natsu shouts at me\n\n\"Yes I did\"  I respond to Natsu's question\n\n\"So your able to enchant Erza's weapons with Natsu's magic?\" Markov asks\n\n\"Yes and I could probably do the same with another mage's magic if they of course let me try the basic spell of their magic first so that I can get the grasp of what their element can do\" I say calmly\n\n\"Hmm and I'm guessing Dante offered to Train you after you explained what really happened at the previous location you once was at?\" Vergil says to me\n\n\"Yes sir that's right\" I answer Vergil's question\n\nBefore any more could be said two magical circles appear on the ground near us\n\n\n<b>A/N picture them both on the floor and glowing</b>\n\nOut of the two circles  appear two individuals\n\n\"Who are you two to appear here?\" Markov asks the two\n\n\"Hold up Mr Markov but I'm gonna take a wild guess but you two are Sirzechs luficer aka Sirzechs Gremory and Serafall Leviathan aka Serafall Sitri am I right?\" I say to the two\n\n\"Very impressive to deduct who we are just by us appearing before you for the first time but yes I am Sirzechs Luficer the leader of the devil's in the underworld\" Sirzechs says to everyone\n\n\"And I'm like Y/N said Serafall Leviathan strongest devil queen and Magical girl extrodinare!\" Serafall shouts with glee\n\n\"Anyway what brings you two here I know it's not just for a social visit due to both you twos statuses in the underworld\" I say to the two devil leaders\n\n\"Your right now our sisters called us and asked if we could help you become stronger as in my sister's own words 'And tell him that we will also be training as well each and everyone of us his best friends so that we can stand side by side with him in battle' \" Sirzechs says to me what Rias told him\n\n\"Your really gonna take time out of your busy schedules to Train me?\" I ask puzzled\n\n\"Of Course!\" Serafall says\n\n\"Well if you are willing to do so then I accept your offers to train me\" I say to the two devil leaders\n\nThe rest of the day is spent getting to know the others as well as sparring a few  times to know where I stand in terms of combat\n\nAfter spending most of the day chatting and sparring I am given a bedroom of my own to use while I am being taught by those of the Mansion as well as the two devil leaders which I then fall asleep on my bed\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n\n<b>Shadow here and I know it's not as long as the first chapter but I hope you all enjoy it none the less and I'll go ahead and say it now I've added two more girls to the harem and two more mentor's but that's all I'm going to add no more will be added </b>", "<b>Y/Ns PoV</b>\n\nAfter meeting most of my mentor's I have begun to train intensively day and night to the point of my body being extremely sore from the training sessions\n\nOne day however during training a individual appeared saying that she was there to fulfill the promise she and my mother had made years ago which was to turn me into a vampire which I accepted because it is for my mother\n\nDante and Vergil hear of this and offer to turn me into a demon which I of course accepted \n\nI am now a demon/Vampire hybrid but I still care for my best friends none the less \n\nAs for how long I've been training well let's just say a year goes by quick when your training your ass off\n\n\"Again Y/N focus on how your opponent will act on the field of battle!\" Sirzechs yells at me while we trade blows\n\n\"Right!\" I shout in response\n\nThe two of us continue to trade punches which I fire a destruction orb that The bael and Gremory family is known for at Sirzechs who fires one back causing the two orbs to collide and explode\n\n\"Y/N Can you here a moment a few friends are here to see you!\" Akasha shouts to me from the doorway of the training room\n\n\"Well I guess that's enough for your training session you're certainly improving\" Sirzechs says to me\n\n\"Thank you Lord Sirzechs\" I say as I bow in respect to the devil leader\n\nWalking over to where lady Akasha is I follow her to the entrance to see two of my best friends standing there at the entrance\n\n\"Sona,Koneko? What brings you both here?\" I ask the two\n\nKoneko runs up to me and gives me a hug which I hug back while Sona walks over to us\n\n\"We wanted to see how you was doing this past year since you left beacon academy\" Sona says to me\n\n\"Well for the past year I've been training my butt off day and night since I've became a demon/vampire hybrid also Sona you know the power of destruction that the bael and Gremory family are known for?\" I say to Sona\n\n\"Yes what about it?\" Sona asks\n\nI proceed to create a orb of the same power which shocks the two\n\n\"How? As far as I know you aren't related to either one in terms of family\" Sona says while still shocked\n\n\"I guess I have a very high altitude for magic\" I say with a shrug of my shoulders\n\n\"Which would explain how you was able to use our magic so easily\" Natsu says as he walks over to us with the rest of the dragon slayer mages\n\nBefore Sona could ask who they are Natsu and the rest introduce themselves\n\n\"Now Sona what are you really here for? I know it's not just a visit to see how I am doing over the past year\" I say in a serious tone\n\n\"It's because the two of them will be going with you to your new school\" Akasha says to me\n\n\"New School Lady Blood Driver?\" I ask the vampire\n\n\"Yes it is called Yokai Academy a friend of mine who goes by the name of Mikogami runs the academy as headmaster anyway you three will be heading there as new students also the Academy should be half way through it's first semester\" Lady Akasha Says to me Sona and Koneko\n\n\"Understood lady Blood Driver also is there anything else we should know about The School?\" I ask Akasha\n\n\"Yes My daughter Moka is a student there she will help you if you find her also the only way to reach the Academy is by riding a bus that goes to the academy once a month which should be waiting outside for you three now\" Lady Akasha says just as we hear a horn honk coming from outside\n\nWalking outside Sona Koneko and I see a strange man leaning against a bus\n\n\"Are these three the ones you want to go to Yokai Akasha?\" The driver asks Akasha\n\n\"That's right Nurai so think you can take them over there?\" Akasha asks the driver\n\n\"Of course but are they monsters though as you know the rule about humans going there\" Nurai Says\n\n\"Mr Nurai Sir we are monsters in a way I myself am a demon/vampire hybrid the girl next to me with glasses is a devil and the girl to my left is a Nekoshou or cat Yokai so I'm sure we will be able to attend the academy\" I say to the bus driver\n\n\"Impressive Kid well if you three have everything you need we can get going\" Nurai Says to me\n\nWe nod and get on the bus which I wave good bye to my mentor's before the bus drives off\n\nAfter riding for some time we eventually arrive at what looks to be a scarecrow with a pumpkin head \n\n\"This is it Yokai is that building over there shouldn't be hard to miss Good luck\" Nurai Says as we get off the bus before said bus drives off\n\n\"Well shall we get going girls?\" I ask Sona and Koneko\n\nThe two nod and we begin following the path the scarecrow's finger is pointing to in order to reach Yokai Academy\n\nEventually we come to see a large building with a gated entrance blocking off anyone from entering unannounced\n\nAs we approach the gates we hear a voice\n\n\"Halt who are you three to approach the school gates?\" The voice says\n\nTurning around we see a group of individuals standing behind us\n\n\"Before we explain ourselves may we at least have the names of who are about to converse with to make communication easier?\" I say to the group before Sona Koneko and Myself\n\n\"Atleast you show some respect towards others you just met very well I am Kuyo head of the security committee for Yokai Academy and these individuals are members of the committee\" the individual with long hair says to us which the rest of Kuyo's group introduces themselves\n\n\"Now who are you three?\" Kuyo says to us\n\n\"I am Y/N L/N\" I say to Kuyo\n\n\"Sona Sitri\" Sona says\n\n\"Koneko Tohjou\" Koneko says\n\n\"Right so I'll ask again for what reason do you three approach the school gates for\" Kuyo asks us\n\n\"We approached the gate because we are new students as one of my mentor's recommended the academy for us to attend\" I say to Kuyo\n\n\"Oh? And is your mentor known around here?\" Kuyo asks\n\n\"I would say so for you see one of my mentor's is the dark lord Akasha Blood Driver\" I say to Kuyo which shocks him\n\n\"You've been training with a dark lord?! Well in any case follow us we will take you to the headmaster so that you three can get your schedule\" Kuyo tells us which we nod our heads and follow Kuyo's group\n\nWhile walking we pass by several students which I notice one female student with pink hair \n\nWhile glancing at the student my eyes flash red for a second before returning to normal before Continuing to walk with Kuyo and his group\n\n<b>Meanwhile with the student 3rd PoV</b>\n\n\"Guys I think the boy with the committee is like me...\" The pink haired student says\n\n\"Really? Are you positive he's a Vampire like you Moka\" A Student next to Moka says\n\n\"I think so when we glanced at each other a moment ago his eyes flashed red before returning to normal\" Moka says to the student near her\n\n\"I don't know maybe he's friendly but I feel like he and the other two with him will change the academy for the better\" A female student near Moka says\n\n<b>Back with the three Y/Ns PoV</b>\n\nAfter walking for a few minutes we stop at a door which Has the label 'Headmaster' on the plaque near the door\n\nKuyo Knocks on the door before opening the door which he motions us to follow while his committee members wait outside\n\n\"Greetings Mr Kuyo who are the three you brought to me today?\" The headmaster asks Kuyo\n\n\"Well Sir the three are here due to his *points to me* Mentor's recommendation of the school which I brought them here so they can get their schedules\" Kuyo says to the headmaster\n\n\"Young man.\" The headmaster speaks to me\n\n\"Yes sir?\" I respond\n\n\"Is your mentor's name known around the Yokai world?\" The headmaster asks me\n\n\"Yes sir she is as you know her all too well Dark Lord Mikogami.\" I say to the headmaster \n\n\"Oh and how do you know me?\" Mikogami says to me\n\n\"Because the mentor of mine that suggested for us to attend Yokai Academy is Dark Lord Akasha Blood Driver\" I say to Mikogami\n\n\"Oh? So you was mentored by Mrs Driver?\" Mikogami says to me\n\nI nod my head as to say yes\n\n\"Did she tell you to do anything when you arrived?\" Mikogami says\n\n\"Yes she told us to find her daughter Moka so that we can get accustomed with the academy\" Sona says \n\nMikogami nods and then calls for moka to come to his office\n\nA few minutes later said individual arrives\n\n\"You called Sir?\" Moka asks Mikogami\n\n\"Yes I did Ms Akashiya these individuals have asked that they seek your help in getting familiar with the academy \" Mikogami says as he points to myself Sona and Koneko\n\nThe instant Moka turns to face us my eyes glow red which causes her necklace to brighten up \n\n\"Your the three I and my friends seen walking earlier!\" Moka says to us\n\n\"Yes as for our names I am Y/N L/N\" I greet Moka\n\n\"Sona Sitri\" Sona says to Moka\n\n\"Koneko Tohjou\" Koneko says to Moka\n\n\"Well my name is Moka Akashiya it's a pleasure to meet you all\" Moka says to us\n\n\"Since the final bell just rang you may show them the academy tomorrow Ms Akashiya as for now why not introduce them to your club oh and here is your three's schedule and keys to your dorms \" Mikogami says while handing Sona Koneko and Myself the said items\n\nMoka nods and motions for us to follow her which we do\n\nAfter walking for several minutes we come to a door where voices are heard on the other side\n\nMoka opens the door and steps through which we then follow suit \n\nSona Koneko and I then see several individuals sitting at a table chatting\n\n<b>A/N:ignore moka in the pic as she is standing near the reader and it's the rest sitting at the table</b>\n\n\"Hey Moka your here! Wait aren't they the ones that was walking with the committee earlier?\" A female with light blue hair says\n\n\"That's right Kurumu and these three are Y/N Sona and Koneko\" Moka says as she introduces us to her friends\n\nMoka's friends then introduce themselves\n\n\"What brings you three to Yokai half way through the semester for?\" Tsukune asks us\n\n\"We arrived here at Yokai because of one of my mentor's suggested for us to come here\" I answer Tsukune\n\n\"Do one of us know your Mentor?\" Another student asks\n\n\"Who are you?\" Sona asks\n\n\"I'm Gin leader of the club Tsukune and his friends are apart of\" Gin says to Sona\n\n\"Well Gin the Mentor that suggested we come here is very well known by many in the Yokai world but Moka knows the individual very well\" I say to Gin\n\n\"Really? I know your mentor?\" Moka says\n\n\"Yes you do Moka and here's a hint she has the same color hair as you do Moka\"  I say to Moka\n\nMoka thinks for a second before it hits her\n\n\"No way my mother is the one who suggested you three come here?!\" Moka shouts\n\n\"That's correct and she is one of my mentor's who trained me over the past year and is also one of the three mentor's that turned me into what I am today\" I respond calmly\n\n\"What are you?\" Kurumu asks\n\n\"I am a Demon/Vampire Hybrid which is why moka saw my eyes flash red when we first glanced at each other\" I say to the group\n\n\"What about your friends are they the same?\" Mizore asks\n\n\"No we are not I am a devil and Koneko here is a Nekoshou or basically a cat Yokai\" Sona answers\n\nAfter chatting for a bit we decide to go rest at our dorms which Tsukune and gin show me the way to the boys dorms while moka and the girls show Sona and Koneko the way to the girls dorms\n\nEntering the boys dormitory I converse with the land owner of the building before heading up to my dorm which I lay in the bed provided and fall asleep to rest for tomorrow\n\n<b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b>\n", "<b>3rd PoV</b>\n\nWithin the lands near Yokai Academy lie the boys and girls dormitories where all students that attend Yokai academy reside when school is not in session\n\nIt is the early hours of the morning and 1 student is not in his dorm asleep like the rest are\n\nThis student is Y/N L/N a former student of beacon academy who now attends Yokai with two of his many best friends who are named Sona Sitri and Koneko Tohjou \n\nRight now Y/N is over at the bus where neither the girls or boys dormitories are near him\n\n\"Alright now then let's begin the training session\" Y/N says as he summons four clones each using a different attribute that Y/N has \n\n1 clone has access to Y/Ns demon powers\n\n1 Has access to the Vampire side of Y/N\n\nAnother has access to the dragon slayer magic\n\nAnd the last one has access to the requip fairy law and sword saint skills\n\nEach prepare to fight \n\n<b>*Boom!*</b> \n\nA loud boom goes off as the five each dash at each other\n\nOver at the dormitories many students wake up from the loud boom that echoed throughout the area\n\n\"What was that sound?\" A female student ask her friend\n\n\"I don't know but... Look!\" The friend of the female student shouts at the same time one of the boy students shouted\n\n\"What's with the light show over there?!\" A male Student says out loud\n\n\"Dude let's go check it out!\" Another student says\n\nSoon students from both dormitories are rushing out of the buildings to where the lights are coming from\n\nMeanwhile with Y/N who is trading punches with both Demon and Vampire clones\n\n<b>Replace Gohan with you and </b><b>Dyapso</b><b> (if that's his name) with the demon and vampire clones</b>\n\nThe three's punches create massive shock waves which is destroying the land around them\n\n\"Shadow Dragons Shadow Spear!!\" The dragon slayer clone shouts\n\nKicking the demon and vampire clones Y/N turns to the dragon slayer clone and shouts\n\n\"Light Dragons Heavenly Spear!\" Y/N shouts which travels towards the shadow spear at which the two collide causing a explosion to happen\n\nRushing at the clone Y/N relievers a hard punch to the dragon slayer clone before dodging the Last clone who is using a battle axe to attack\n\n\"Your Mine!\" The clone shouts which prompts Y/N to summon a claymore and dash at the clone\n\n\"I don't think so!\" Y/N shouts\n\n<b>*Clang!*</b>\n\nThe students are amazed at what is happening in front of them\n\n\"Who is that?\" A female student asks\n\n\"That is Y/N L/N a friend of mine\" Sona says to the group of students\n\n\"Don't forget he's my best friend too Sona\" Koneko says to Sona\n\n\"Who are you two?\"A Male Student asks\n\nSona and Koneko introduces themselves which they suddenly hear Y/N shout\n\n\"Alright you four that's enough for today we will pick up the training same time tomorrow!\" Y/N says to the clones\n\n\"Right!\" The clones all says before disappearing\n\n<b>Y/Ns PoV</b>\n\nAfter my clones disappear I turn to walk back to the dormitory when I notice several students standing in the way\n\n\"I caused another scene didn't I?\" I ask\n\n\"Yup\" both Sona and Koneko say to me\n\n\"Let's just get back to our dorms so that we can get ready for school\" I say which all of us head back to the dormitories\n\nAfter arriving back at my dorm I put on my Academy uniform the headmaster provided for me\n\nWalking out the boys dormitory I see Sona Koneko as well as Moka and the rest of the newspaper club waiting for me at the gates\n\n\"Morning Y/N\" Tsukune says\n\n\"Morning\" I reply\n\nWe all walk towards the academy\n\n\"Hey Y/N do you know what caused that loud boom earlier?\" Kurumu asks me\n\n\"Yeah...that was me\" I sheepishly say in response\n\n\"Wait that loud Boom was caused by you?!\" Tsukune shouts at me\n\n\"Yup\" myself Sona and Koneko all say\n\nI then explain what caused it and why\n\n\"I see so every early morning you'll go out of your dorm and train so that you can be strong enough to protect those you cherish and since your training sessions are intense loud booms are sure to follow?\" Mizore says to me\n\n\"Yep\" I simply respond\n\nWe walk through the school gates and enter the academy\n\n\"Hey Y/N who do you have as your homeroom teacher?\" Moka asks me\n\nI take out my schedule and look at it\n\n\"Someone named Nekonome\" I say while reading over my schedule\n\n\"Myself Moka Kurumu and Mizore have her as our homeroom teacher\" Tsukune says\n\n\"I have her too\" Sona says\n\n\"I don't\" Koneko says sadly\n\nI walk over to Koneko and give her a hug\n\n\"Koneko you shouldn't be sad just because we are in different classes don't mean we can't meet up at lunch or another class we may have together\" I say in a calm voice to Koneko which Koneko smiles at me as does the others\n\nWe all head for our classes \n\nI along with Moka Kurumu Mizore Tsukune and Sona all enter our classroom together which I see the teacher standing at the teachers desk\n\nThe teacher then stops me and Sona\n\n\"Are you two new here?\" The teacher asks\n\n\"Yes ma'am we are and we have you as our homeroom teacher\" I say while Sona and I show our schedules to the teacher\n\n\"So you both do then please sit at the two available desks in the back\" the teacher says\n\nSona and I nod and head for our desks\n\nClass eventually starts which the teacher asks us to introduce ourselves which we do just that\n\nTime passes and the bell ending homeroom rings which we all head for our next class which surprisingly I have P.E with Koneko and Kurumu\n\nArriving at the gym where P.E is being held Koneko and I introduce ourselves to the P.E teacher\n\nThe teacher then tells us to go to the locker rooms and get into our P.E Uniforms\n\nNodding our heads we head for the boys and girls locker rooms respectedly\n\nAs I'm getting into uniform a student talks to me\n\n\"Hey Y/N how'd you get so ripped?\" A male Student asks\n\n\"Continuous training non stop for over a year\" I say as I put my P.E shirt on\n\nExiting the locker room We go to where the other students are\n\n\"Right so since we got two new students joining us today allow me to introduce myself I am Okuto Kotsubo and I'll be your physical education teacher this year\" Mr Kotsubo says \n\nKoneko and I nod\n\n\"Now then for class today I want to see how well you all can do with a little push ups\" Mr Kotsubo says\n\nI raise my hand\n\n\"Yes Mr L/N?\" Mr Kotsubo says to me\n\n\"Just a question sir but is there like a set number of push ups we need to do or can we do any amount?\" I ask Mr Kotsubo\n\n\"Normally I would say about 60 push ups is what the normal amount of push ups I would ask you all to do but I have a feeling you'd do alot more than 60 push ups\" Mr Kotsubo says\n\nWe all then proceed to do sixty push ups \n\nTime passes for the class and the bell rings for lunch which we all change to our normal clothes and head for the cafeteria\n\nArriving at the cafeteria Koneko Kurumu and I each grab a tray with our favorite food and head for a table which we sit at\n\nA moment later Moka Sona Mizore Tsukune and Yukari sits at the table with us\n\n\"So how was P.E for you Y/N?\" Moka asks me\n\n\"It was just the usual P.E class like any other school would have\" I say calmly\n\n\"By the way Y/N what was this I hear that your ripped in muscles?\" Kurumu asks me\n\n\"And Pray tell how you heard what was said in the boys locker room Kurumu?\" I say while looking at said individual\n\n\"Some of us Monsters have super hearing so I basically heard what was said\" Kurumu says to me\n\n\"Of course you'd be able to hear anyway I can only show my muscles tomorrow during my early morning training so if you want to see Kurumu then you'd best get up early in the morning to see\" I say as I finish my food just as the bell ending lunch rings \n\n<b>Timeskip to final bell ringing</b>\n\n\"Hey Sona I've been meaning to ask but since your here who is in charge of your peerage while your attending Yokai Academy with me and Koneko?\" I ask Sona\n\n\"I let Tsubaki take over the peerage while I'm here with you two\" Sona Says\n\nWe then chat a little bit while walking off the academy grounds eventually we all head to our dorms in order to rest for the next day\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>", "<b>Rias PoV</b>\n\nIt's been a few days since Sona and Koneko went to see Y/N at his new location which at the moment I and the rest of Y/Ns friends are currently in class which happens to be the most boring class\n\n\"Ugh why is it always so boring in this class...\" I hear Issei quietly mumbling \n\n\"It's almost over Issei\" I telepathically say to Issei\n\nSoon the bell rings ending the class which we all leave the classroom\n\nAs we are walking to our next classes Nebula and her team basically Y/N's ex-Girlfriends walk over to me\n\n\"You! Where is he?!\" Gwen shouts at me\n\n\"Where is who?\" I ask confused despite knowing who they want\n\n\"Y/N!\" Octavia shouts\n\n\"Oh him well you won't be able to get to him anyway because he's going to a school that you can't step foot on\" I calmly explain\n\n\"What school?!\" Nebula yells\n\n\"From what Sona told Rias it is called Yokai Academy which has a rule from what Sona learned is that if a human steps on Yokai Academy grounds they are instantly killed so if you go there well your basically fucked\" Issei says\n\n\"Language!\" Ruby shouts\n\n\"Not now ruby but as I was saying if you even try to go get Y/N back your basically signing a death certificate saying you wish to die\" Issei says\n\nWe head for our next classes which I along with Akeno Tsubaki Yang Weiss Momo And Asia all have Professor Goodwitch's Combat Class as our next Class while the rest have different classes and surprisingly Nebula and her team have Combat Class\n\nEntering the classroom we sit at our assigned desks and wait for Professor Goodwitch to start today's lesson \n\nProfessor Goodwitch then enters the classroom and begins the lesson which is the usual combat tactics like always soon The Professor Asks for any Volunteers\n\nNebula raises her hand\n\n\"And who do you wish to fight?\" Professor Goodwitch asks\n\n\"I want my team to fight that skanky slutty red haired bitch!\" Nebula Shouts loudly\n\n\"Language! but do you accept Ms Gremory?\" Professor Goodwitch asks me\n\nBut before I could say anything a familiar voice speaks up\n\n\"Of course she accepts Professor Goodwitch\" the familiar voice says\n\nTurning our heads we see Y/N standing pretty as he can be leaning against the classroom wall\n\n\"Y/N/Mr L/N?!\" We all shout\n\n\"Sup and before you bomb bard me with questions no I'm not the real deal but a clone of Y/N as the real me is still attending Yokai academy while I was tasked with checking out what's going on over here at Beacon\" the Clone of Y/N says to us\n\n\"Then does that mean you're considering returning to us?!?!\" Nebula says with a hopeful look on her face as Her team also have a hopeful look on their faces which I and the rest of the combat classroom just sigh at\n\n\"You're really stupid aren't you nebula? What part of it's over between us don't you comprehend meaning the real me doesn't want anything to do with you or your team anymore\" Y/Ns Clone says to Nebula\n\n\"We will get you back with us! Even if we have to go  to your new school!\" Dew says which Y/Ns Clone just facepalms at the stupidity\n\n\"You really don't pay attention to what  others tell you do you? If you listened to Issei before classes started you'd know that if a human steps foot onto Yokai Academy school grounds then it's basically like the individual is saying fml outloud for all to hear\" Y/Ns Clone says \n\n\"Fml?\" Gwen says\n\n\"I know the real me will get a lecture from professor Goodwitch when the two meet again but fml is basically saying that you forfeit your life or in other words as according to the three letters  that was said fuck my life.\" Y/Ns Clone says calmly\n\n\"Your right I will lecture your real self on what you just said\" Professor Goodwitch says\n\n\"In any case I'm here to pass on a message to Rias and the rest of the real me's best friends who still attend beacon academy\" Y/Ns Clone says in a serious tone\n\n\"What's the message?\" I hear Weiss ask\n\n\"The message is this *cough* <b>' Rias and all those of my best friends who still attend beacon academy I Y/N L/N hope that you all are doing well and are training to become stronger as I was told by Sirzechs and Serafall a year ago I hope to see you all again someday and face those who misuse others for their own selfish gains or basically any evil doer in simpler terms anyway I too will be training as after being trained by my new mentor's along with the two mentioned before I have new and powerful abilities that will make beacon staff look like toddlers beating up someone with a toy but I digress I hope to see you all someday  in the future ' </b>*Cough* and that's the message\" Y/Ns Clone says\n\n\"I highly doubt his new powers is strong enough to make the staff look like toddlers\" Professor Goodwitch says\n\nY/Ns Clone disappears which I enter the arena to face off against  Nebula and her team\n\nAfter making quick work of Nebula and her team the bell rings which we all head for our next class \n\nThe day continues on as normal before the final bell rings which I and the rest of Y/Ns best friends all meet up at the fountain outside the academy\n\n\"So Y/N left a message for us?\" Ruby asks\n\n\"Yes he did Ruby\" I say to the hooded reaper\n\nI soon say the message that was told to me and those in combat class by Y/Ns Clone which everyone nods\n\nWe then continue chatting for a bit before noticing the time which we nod and head for our dorms as curfew was soon to be upon us\n\nEntering my team's dorm I get into my sleepwear and lay down on my bed which I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep\n\n<b>A/N:Yes Rias and Akeno have sleep wear they put on before going to bed instead of the usual birthday suit sleeping they are known for</b>\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>", "<b>Shadow here and these are the members of the peerage that I was able to pick for the reader's Peerage so I want to say sorry if your choice wasn't picked but here's the members</b>\n\n<b>King:Y/N</b>\n\n<b>Queen:</b>\n\n\n<b>Moka Akashiya</b>\n\n<b>Knight 1:</b>\n\n<b>Pyrrha Nikos</b>\n\n<b>Knight 2:</b>\n\n<b>Blake Belladonna</b>\n\n<b>Rook 1:</b>\n\n<b>Yang Xiao Long</b>\n\n<b>Rook 2:</b>\n\n<b>Nora Valkyrie</b>\n\n<b>Bishop 1:</b>\n\n<b>Ruby Tohjou</b>\n\n<b>Bishop 2:</b>\n\n<b>Yukari</b>\n\n<b>Pawn 1:</b>\n\n<b>Kurumu</b>\n\n<b>Pawn 2:</b>\n\n<b>Weiss</b>\n\n<b>Pawn 3:</b>\n\n<b>Jaune Arc</b>\n\n<b>Pawn 4:</b>\n\n<b>Mizore</b>\n\n<b>Pawn 5:</b>\n\n<b>Coco</b>\n\n<b>Pawn 6:</b>\n\n<b>Fox</b>\n\n<b>Pawn 7:</b>\n\n<b>Gin</b>\n\n<b>Pawn 8:</b>\n\n<b>Ruby Rose </b>\n\n<b>These are the members for the reader's </b><b>Peerage</b>\n\n<b>Anyway see you all in the next chapter</b>", "<b>Y/Ns PoV</b>\n\nAfter my clone returned I learned of what happened over at  Beacon Academy but right now I am currently walking to Yokai with Tsukune and the others\n\n\"Say Y/N what was you doing yesterday?\" Yukari asks me\n\n\"What do you mean Yukari?\" I ask the witch walking with me and the others\n\n\"It just yesterday your eyes looked like they were gone for a little bit like you was having a out of body experience\" Yukari says to me\n\n\"Oh that what I was doing was focusing my magic so that my clone can deliver a message to my best friends over at my previous school while also focusing enough on the school work here\" I respond to Yukari\n\nWe step through the school gates which we all head for our homeroom class rooms\n\nArriving at my classroom I sit at my desk which Ms Nekonome soon enters and begins the lesson\n\nSometime during the lesson a PDA goes off calling me to the headmaster's office\n\n\"Will Y/N L/N please Report to the Headmaster's office Y/N L/N to the head masters office please\" the PDA says\n\n\"Well Mr L/N please go see the headmaster\" Ms Nekonome says to me which I nod my head at\n\nGetting up from my desk I head for the headmaster's office which upon arrive I sense three familiar auras coming from within the office\n\nOpening the door I step into the office\n\n\"Pardon my intrusion Headmaster Mikogami\" I say as I close the door to the office\n\nLooking around I see Dante Akasha and Sirzechs in the room with Mikogami\n\n\"Ah there he is bout time ya got here kid\" Dante says with a grin\n\n\"Yeah yeah it's nice to see you two Dante but can we get to why I was called here for?\" I say to the four before me\n\n\"Right well since you have done a superb job with our training I along with Serafall Dante and Akasha have decided to give your very own Peerage set but it won't be the standard devil version\" Sirzechs says to me\n\n\"What do you mean?\" I ask confused\n\n\"Well sweetie the pieces have demon/Vampire attributes instead of devil attributes\" Akasha says to me\n\n\"Ok two questions 1st if I was to use the king piece on me would that increase my already immense power? 2nd if I was to use another piece say the queen piece on let's go with Moka would the Vampire portion of the piece increase her already powerful attributes even further?\" I ask\n\n\"In regards to your first question yes the piece would make you stronger as for the second question we are unsure of what would happen best bet is for us to see the results in person\" Sirzechs says to me\n\n\"Well it will have to be after school hours as Mr L/N has classes he needs to attend to\" Mikogami says out loud\n\n\"Right also Headmaster is there a chance that the three could meet at the newspaper club room after school so that we can continue the discussion?\" I ask the headmaster to which the headmaster nods in agreement\n\nExiting the office I head back to Ms Nekonome's  classroom which I sit back at my desk just as the bell ending homeroom rings\n\n\"Hey Y/N what did the headmaster want from you?\" Sona asks me\n\n\"I'll tell you or rather you'll see when we head for the newspaper club later today\" I say to Sona as I then split off from her and head for the gym for P.E with Kurumu who also has the same class as me\n\nTime passes as the final bell ending the school day rings\n\nArriving at the newspaper club room I see the others chatting\n\n\"Now Y/N will you tell  what the headmaster called you for?\" Sona says\n\n\"Well rather me tell why don't I let three individuals tell you themselves...\" I say while looking at the doors\n\nThe doors open and in walks Dante Akasha and Sirzechs\n\n\"M-Mother....\" Moka says\n\n\"Hello Moka My Dear\" Akasha says \n\n\"Now let's continue our talk from earlier in regards to the peerage set\" I say calmly\n\n\"Your getting a peerage?\" Both Sona and Koneko says\n\n\"What's a peerage set?\" Kurumu asks\n\n\"Tell me Kurumu or anyone else in this room besides a few of us how many have played chess before\" I ask everyone in the room besides those that already know of the set\n\nMostly everyone says that they know of the chess game\n\n\"Well a peerage set involves the pieces of a chess board in which the king being the leader the queen being the second in command knights being quick attackers rook being the tanks bishop magical advisors and pawns being foot soldiers\" I say calmly with Sirzechs nodding at my words\n\n\"But what does that have to do with now?\" Sona asks me\n\n\"Well Sona the reason for that is that Y/N is getting his own set.\" Sirzechs says to Sona\n\n\"Really?\" Everyone in the room says besides the three\n\n\"Yes I am and I have already decided on who I want to be in the peerage also a heads up for those I pick to join the peerage you won't become a devil like Sirzechs or Sona is but rather what I am\" I calmly say\n\n\"Which is a Demon Vampire hybrid right?\" Tsukune asks\n\n\"Yes but in any case Sirzechs can you give the king piece?\" I ask the devil leader who nods and hands me the king piece\n\nTaking the piece I place it to my chest which glows for a minute as the piece sinks into my body\n\n\"So who do you want in your peerage Y/N?\" Koneko asks\n\n\"Well for the queen piece I'm just gonna say it out loud now it's Moka\" I calmly say\n\n\"M-me?!\" Moka says shocked\n\n\"Yes as for why I believe that you are one of the powerful individuals in the school and besides as some would say behind every powerful king is a equally powerful Queen\" I say \n\nMy words causes Moka to Blush\n\n\"Anyway will you accept Moka? I won't force it on you if you don't want to\" I say in a soothing voice\n\n\"I'll accept it...\" Moka says\n\nI nod which Sirzechs hands me the queen piece \n\nWalking over to moka I place the queen piece up to her chest which the piece goes into her body \n\nA bright light appears from Moka blinding everyone\n\nAfter a minute the light disappears and we see Moka but she's not her usual self\n\nNo the moka we all see has half pink half silver hair color with one eye being vampiric and the other being normal\n\n\"Moka Sweetie how do you feel?\" Akasha asks her daughter\n\n\"I feel fin- my voice!\" Moka shouts in confusion \n\n\"It would seem that whatever laid dormant in young moka the queen piece caused both forms of moka to merge together as one\" Dante says surprisingly\n\n\"So I am much stronger now?\" Moka asks\n\n\"Yes but that's not all your also half demon now which I'll let Dante explain the pros and cons of being a demon\" I respond to Moka's question\n\n\"Anywho is there anyone else in the room you want in your peerage Y/N?\" Mizore asks me\n\n\"Yes there is infact one of the people I wish to recruit for my peerage just spoke to me\" I say\n\n\"Wait you want Mizore in your peerage?\" Gin asks\n\n\"Her Kurumu Yukari and You Gin\" I answer gin's question\n\n\"You want us in the peerage?\" Kurumu asks\n\n\"Yes but Yukari  will be a bishop due to her magical attributes as for Kurumu Mizore and Gin you three will be a pawn piece also before you ask why pawn Sirzechs can you explain what the pawn piece can do.\" I say Calmly while I walk over to Yukari placing a bishop piece near her chest\n\nAfter Sirzechs explains the pawn piece and I recruit Yukari I then proceed to recruit Kurumu Mizore and Gin which the four become part demon part vampire part succubus/Yuki Ona/Witch/Werewolf\n\n\"So who else Y/N?\" Sona asks\n\n\"Well the rest I wanna recruit are back at Beacon so Sona if you wouldn't mind helping with getting me back over there for a bit\" I say to Sona\n\n\"Of course we shall return Momentarily everyone\" Sona says to everyone\n\nI stand next to Sona as we leave via a magic circle\n\nOnce back at Beacon I ask where the ruby and the rest are which Sona says more likely at my old dorm as that is where they hang out at\n\nUnfortunately my temporarily return was not unnoticed as nebula and her team spots me and Sona\n\n\"Y/N you came back to us!!!\" Nebula shouts as she and her team rush at me\n\nI sign before creating a ice wall between me and the four\n\n\"You really need to learn to move on Nebula you and your team can find another guy to date you four don't always have to pick me all the time there are plenty of fish in the sea hell you may even meet a four guy team that interests you\" I say calmly to the four\n\n\"But we want only you!\" Gwen says\n\n\"You must move on that is all I'm going to say now I have to get something done so think about what I said and make your lives better then trying to get back with me\" I say as I dispell the ice wall and walk towards my old dorm with Sona\n\nUpon arrival at my old dorm I open the door to see my best friends\n\n\"Y/N!\" Everyone shouts\n\n\"What brings you here Y/N or are you a clone again?\" Rias asks me\n\n\"I'm the real deal this time Rias as for why I'm here I'm actually here to recruit a few individuals into my peerage\" I say\n\n\"You have your own Peerage set Y/N?\" Issei asks me\n\nI nod my head at Issei's question\n\n\"Well who do you want out of everyone in the room to join your peerage\" Akeno asks\n\n\"The ones I want to recruit are Pyrrha Blake Yang Nora Weiss Jaune Coco Fox and Ruby\" I say calmly\n\n\"Why us and what piece will we be?\" Blake asks\n\n\" I picked you 9 as you each have an attribute that will benefit the peerage but for each of you I would like for Pyrrha and Blake to be the knights of my peerage\" I say\n\n\"Knights?\" Pyrrha asks\n\n\"The knights is what you call a speedy attacker so if you both join Y/Ns peerage you'll become much much faster in combat\" Kiba says\n\n\"Really? Well I'll join then\" Pyrrha says with Blake nodding in agreement\n\nI take out the knight pieces and recruit Pyrrha and Blake\n\n\"Also I should mention those who join my peerage which I should of said so at the beginning becomes what I am which is a demon vampire hybrid but for Blake's case she will be part demon part vampire part cat Faunus\" I say to the group\n\n\"So we all become a demon vampire hybrid once we join?\" Ruby asks\n\n\"Yes and trust me when I say this and that you'll become much stronger in terms of strength anyway for my rooks I pick Yang and Nora for the rook pieces\" I say to the group\n\n\"What does the rook piece benefit for me and Nora?\" Yang asks\n\n\"The rook is more of the tank in the peerage as they gain high physical strength and defense\" Momo says\n\n\"Ooh then that definitely suits me and Yang!\" Nora says with a grin\n\n\"Yeah sign us up!\" Yang says with a grin as well\n\nI then proceed to use the rook pieces to recruit Yang and Nora into the Peerage\n\n\"What will myself Jaune Ruby coco and Fox be Y/N?\" Weiss asks\n\n\"You five will be pawns in the peerage and as for what a pawn is capable of.... Issei Saji care to explain?\" I say while looking at the two pawns\n\n\"Right so what a pawn can do for the peerage they are in is promotion\" Issei says\n\n\"Promotion?\" Coco asks\n\n\"Yes what promotion means is that if the peerage was to get into a battle somehow and the enemy's territory is the battleground the pawns of the peerage can promote themselves up to any other Peerage piece other than the king\" Saji says\n\n\"So for example say Y/Ns peerage is attacking Rias's territory and Kiba is giving let's go with Weiss a run for her money with Y/Ns permission Weiss can promote herself to Knight and actually keep up with Kiba in speed\" Issei explains\n\n\"That makes Pawn pieces sound broken as heck!\" Jaune exclaims\n\n\"They are broken in a way\" Asia says\n\n\"Anyway Weiss Jaune Ruby Coco and Fox will you five like to join the peerage I won't force you to join if you don't want to\"I say but ruby interrupts me\n\n\"I'll join!\" Ruby shouts \n\nSoon the other four say they'll also join\n\nUsing the five pawn pieces I recruit Weiss Jaune Coco Fox and Ruby to the peerage\n\n\"Now that that's done Sona and I need to get back to Yokai also one thing before we go....Yang and Nora keep your anger in check just because your both like me which is a demon vampire hybrid doesn't mean you should abuse your new found powers all crazy like so learn to keep yourselves calm try meditating if you have to\" I say seriously to everyone mostly Yang and Nora specifically\n\nSona and I disappear from the group arriving back at the clubroom\n\n\"Hey Y/N I notice you still got 1 Bishop piece left\" Sona says to me\n\n\"Huh so I do...\" I say while looking at the remaining piece in my hand\n\n\"So Bishops are supposed to be magic users is why you made Yukari a Bishop right?\" Kurumu says\n\n\"That's right but I don't know anyone else that uses magical abilities like Yukari\" I say\n\n\"Perhaps I could be assistance?\" A voice says from the door of the clubroom\n\nTurning our heads towards the clubroom doors we see a slender looking female wearing what is a Casual outfit of what Yukari calls a witches outfit\n\n\"Who are you?\" I ask the individual\n\n\"My Name is Ruby Tohjou and like Yukari I specialize in magic\" Ruby says as she introduces herself to me\n\n\"Well then I'm sure you heard what's been talked about in the room right?\" I ask Ruby\n\n\"I have yes and I am willing to join your peerage as you call it\" Ruby says\n\n\"Are you sure you want to join? You'll become a Demon Vampire Hybrid along with whatever race you currently are and since some if not all in the peerage are new to being a vampire with exception of Moka herself then you will have to listen to Moka's advice on what to do and not to do as a Vampire\" I say to Ruby seriously\n\n\"I understand and I'm still willing to join the Peerage\" Ruby says\n\n\"Very well\" I say\n\nI proceed to recruit Ruby into the Peerage as my second Bishop which I then explain what all happened while I was at my former school\n\nWe all soon continued daily activities of the club which afterwards we all head for our dorms to call it a day as we all prepare to rest for tomorrow's school day\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n\n<b>Shadow here with the next chapter which I hope you all will </b><b>enjoy</b>", "<b>3rd PoV</b>\n\nOn a normal Saturday Y/N and Half of his peerage are conversing at Yokai's bus stop about what to do with Sona Sitri and Koneko giving some advice\n\n\"So we will have to do important tasks after school?\" Kurumu says aloud\n\n\"Yes but from what Y/N said I'm not sure if you all still have to report to the devil kings of the underworld like I and Koneko do\" Sona says\n\n\"Well we can think about what to do for the tasks another time but I propose we go to beacon and let the two half's of the peerage meet each other\" Y/N says calmly\n\n\"That is a good idea if we are to work together then the two half's meeting is required\" Koneko says while nodding her head\n\n\"But how will we get there the bus here only comes once a month\" Moka says\n\n\"Not to worry Moka we will be able to get back to my old academy that I along with Sona and Koneko used to attend and before I forget there are four girls attending Beacon which I'm sure I told you all about\" Y/N says\n\n\"Your talking about your ex's right?\" Tsukune says to Y/N\n\nY/N nods his head\n\n\"Yes which I'm sure they will attempt to get back with me still even though I tell them that there is plenty of single folks out there for them to find but anyway Sona do you mind?\" Y/N asks Sona\n\n\"Of course everyone gather around me and we will meet the rest of Y/Ns Friends\n\nThe group gathers around Sona which the group soon disappears from sight\n\n<b>Y/Ns PoV</b>\n\nAfter stepping onto the magic circle with The rest of those from Yokai Academy we appear outside Beacon Academy which Headmaster Ozpin notices us\n\n\"Ah Mr L/N Ms Sitri Ms Toujou it's nice to see you three again but who are the people with you?\" Ozpin says to us\n\n\"The people with us are students from an academy called Yokai Academy which are also apart of a group I now lead and I'll tell you more about it in the future headmaster but can you call for the rest of my friends to meet at my old dorm?\" Y/N says\n\nHeadmaster Ozpin nods before making an announcement for said friends which I then ask if we could head for the old dorm ourselves at which Ozpin nods allowing us access into the academy building\n\nHeading for my old dorm we are chatting together\n\nEventually we reach the door of my old dorm room which voices are heard on the other side\n\nOpening the door I am the first to step through with the others following behind me\n\n\"Y/N!!\" I hear my friends shout at me before I'm enveloped in multiple hugs\n\n\"It's good to see you everyone how have you all been?\" I ask my friends\n\nI receive multiple responses of my friends saying they've been good\n\n\"Hey Y/N who are the people with you?\" Issei Asks me\n\n\"Well Issei the people with me with the exception of one are the other half of my peerage so will Pyrrha Blake Yang Nora Rubes Weiss Jaune Coco and Fox please stand before me\" I say to my friends\n\nThe individuals step forward which moka and the other half stand next to me \n\n\"Now then for the individuals I asked to step before me let me introduce the other half of the peerage. Up first is the queen of the peerage Moka Akashiya\" I introduce Moka\n\n\"Hello.\" Moka Says calmly\n\n\"After her is my two bishops Yukari and Ruby....Yes Rubes there's another individual with the same name as you\" I say calmly\n\nThe two say their greetings\n\n\"Lastly are the remaining Pawns which consist of Kurumu Gin and Mizore\" I say calmly\n\n\"So what will you do now Y/N?\" Akeno Asks me\n\nBefore I could speak a bright orange circle appears on the ground in the dorm\n\n\"Finally I've found you my dear Rias\" a voice says from the circle\n\nWhich soon a individual with blond hair appears\n\n\"What are you doing here riser I thought the marriage was already over after Issei bested you\" Rias says to the individual now known as Riser\n\n\"Ah yes well Riser believes that your pawn cheated his way to victory which therefore the marriage is back on\" Riser says\n\n\"Uh huh and I'm guessing due to political BS you are going to try and attempt to get Rias as your wife again due to how she is saying that you was beaten the last time by Issei\" I say loudly\n\n\"Who are you human? And how dare you speak to Riser like you know him\" Riser speaks to me\n\n\"First off I know nothing of you as Rias Sona and their Peerages never said anything about you which I'm sure they had their reasons as to why they never spoke your name and secondly who says I'm human hmm?\" I say in a serious tone\n\n\"What do you mean your not human\" a voice says which I soon see a maid like individual standing in the room\n\n\"Who are you?\" I hear Kurumu ask the maid\n\nThe maid introduces herself as Grayfia the wife of Sirzechs\n\n\"Well Grayfia the reason why I said what I said earlier about me being a human is a lie as for what I am well that will be easy just take a look at my eyes\" I say as I calmly close my eyes before opening them\n\n<b>A/N:Your Right Eye </b><b>(Vampiric)</b>\n\n<b>A/N:Your Left eye (Demonic) also replace the individuals in both </b><b>gif's</b><b> with yourself</b>\n\n\"Those eyes.....you're the one that Sirzechs trained for a year...\" Grayfia says shocked\n\nBefore I can speak riser snaps his fingers and a group of girls appears from a circle that riser showed up from\n\n\n\"Before I was rudely interrupted allow me to introduce myself my name is Y/N L/N a demon/Vampire Hybrid and king of a peerage which has several individuals like myself in it I also have been trained by many individuals over the past year two of whom Rias and Sona know very well\" I say seriously\n\n\"There's no way that you've been trained by the great Lucifer Sirzechs! Riser doesn't believe you!\" Riser shouts at me\n\n\"Then why don't I call the devil leader himself if you don't believe me Riser\" I say as I pull out my scroll which I soon dial the number for Sirzechs\n\n\"Hello Y/N?\" I hear Sirzechs voice on the other side of the call\n\n\"Hey Sirzechs listen are you busy with your devil work right now?\" I ask via the call\n\n\"Not really since that talk you gave both me and sera several months ago when we was training you work has became relative easier why\" Sirzechs says from his side of the call\n\n\"Well is there any chance you could come to my location as a certain devil is trying to reignite the marriage between him and Rias\" I say to Sirzechs over the call\n\n\"Your kidding me Riser is with you and he's trying to reactivate the arranged marriage between him and Rias?\" Sirzechs asks me\n\n\"Yes also he doesn't believe that you trained me so I hoped that you could straighten that out\" I say to Sirzechs\n\n\"Very well I'll be there in a moment\" Sirzechs tells me\n\nI then hang up the phone to which Sirzechs appears via his magic circle\n\n\"Ah Sirzechs hello\" I say to the devil king\n\n\"Hello Y/N... Now then riser what this I hear of you trying to reignite the arranged marriage with my sister when you know that the marriage is over after her pawn defeated you in battle\" Sirzechs says to Riser\n\n\"But you must understand My Lord the marriage has to continue for the good of devil kind!\" Riser shouts\n\n\"If by devil kind then you mean your collection of women for you to use as a stress relief whenever your stressed out then your a bigger dumbass than I thought\" I say calmly\n\n\"How dare you talk to Riser like he's pathetic!\" Riser shouts at me\n\nRiser then throws a large ball of fire at me which I quickly tell Mizore to get out of the room for her safety after which I begin eating the fireball\n\n\"Thanks for the meal\" I say shocking everyone\n\n\"Did you just eat the fireball Y/N?\" Kiba asks me\n\n\"Yup and that's just one of the elements I can absorb or eat in order to regain my magical supplies\" I respond to Kiba's Question\n\n\"But I digress how about this Riser seeing as you've already faced Rias and her peerage before why don't you face mine this time as we are a completely new peerage that literally have no knowledge of how two Peerages fight\" I say to Riser\n\n\"Which if you put two and two together should be a easy win for you Riser\"Gin says to Riser\n\n\"Very well but I will be giving you five days to prepare yourselves don't disappoint me\" Riser says as he leaves the dorm with his group\n\n\"Sirzechs do you mind taking my peerage as well as my friend Tsukune to meet with the rest of the mentor's as I feel their training will be able to help the peerage as well as Tsukune improve in terms of combat for future fights\" I ask the devil king\n\n\"Of course but will Tsukune be able to handle your other mentor's training or anyone in your peerage for that matter?\" Sirzechs asks me\n\n\"Although they never met my mentor's besides you Sirzechs I believe that Natsu and the rest can help improve their fighting prowless\" I say calmly\n\nSirzechs then tells us to stand near him which we do but before we leave I tell Sona and velvet to inform the staff of both Yokai and Beacon that a few of us will be missing a few days of school which Sona and Velvet nod their heads\n\nDisappearing from the dorm we reappear at the manor where the rest of the mentor's are located at\n\n\"This is where you trained the past year Y/N?\" Pyrrha asks me\n\n\"Yes this is where I've been training with Sirzechs and the rest of my mentor's for the past year\" we walk towards the doors of the manor which we all enter\n\n\"Hey Y/N what brings you here and who are the people with you besides Sirzechs?\" Natsu asks me\n\nI introduce to Natsu and the other mentor's those of my peerage while also informing them what's going on\n\n\"So you have five days to prepare for a fight with another group and you want to know if we can help prepare your group?\" Erza asks\n\n\"Yes Lady Erza as I believe each one of you could teach those with me something in combat while also improving them in terms of skill and power\" I say to Erza\n\n\"Then perhaps I can also train your group for your fight\" a voice says out of no where\n\nTurning our heads to the sound of the voice we see a individual floating off the ground with his arms folded\n\n\"Who are you if I may ask?\" I say to the individual\n\n\"I am called Gogito and I am a warrior God who has come to help your prepare for your fight against Riser Phoenix and his peerage\" The now named Gogito says\n\n\"Not to sound disrespectful Mr Gogito sir but doesn't the gods have a bit of a issue with demon and Yokai kind?\" I ask Gogito\n\n\"That may have been in the past but I can assure you no matter what I will not harm you unintentionally but in any case since you are on a five day training limit I have brought something to help your group\" Gogito says as he shows a capsule in his fingers\n\n\"Is that a capsule?\" Weiss asks\n\n\"Yes and No. Yes it looks like a normal capsule and No it doesn't behave like a normal capsule would\" Gogito says\n\n\"Can you explain in more details?\" Markov says to Gogito\n\n\"Sure so the capsule in my fingers is capable of storing large items such as a house in it or a large supply of food should one need it\" Gogito says\n\n\"Wait so if I was to get one I would be able to store all my fashion clothes in it?!\" Coco shouts\n\n\"Don't mind her Mr Gogito sir please continue\" I say calmly to the god before us\n\n\"Right so this capsule of mine contains a modified version of a chambers from where I'm from called the Hyperbolic time chamber which normally only two individuals would be able to enter at a time but its been modified to hold up to eight people\" Gogito says\n\nGogito then explains everything about the chamber\n\n\"So a year in the chamber is only a day out here and not only that but the gravity in the chamber is heavier than that of earth?\" I ask Gogito\n\n\"Yes which is why I will help train your group in Ki based attacks as well as martial arts not only that but atleast one of your mentor's along with six people of your group will be able to enter the chamber for intense training\" Gogito says\n\n\"Very well we are in your care Mr Gogito\" I say while bowing politely as does my peerage\n\nGogito and the other mentor's then begin our training which my peerage and I have one goal in mind to beat riser and stop the arranged marriage between riser and Rias from happening\n\n<b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b>", "<b>Y/Ns PoV</b>\n\nFive days has passed since my mentor's and the warrior God Gogito began training myself and my peerage and to be quiet frank I'm sure we are more than ready\n\n\"So everyone is prepared then right?\" Sirzechs asks my group\n\n\"We are prepared to stop Riser and end the arranged marriage between him and Rias once and for all\" I say to the devil king\n\nSirzechs just smiles at my determination to free his sister which he then ushers for my group to gather around but before we disappear Gogito hands Sirzechs a item and tells him to give it to me after the match\n\nDisappearing from my mentor's we arrive in a strange building with the sky outside being red\n\n\"Where are we?\" Weiss asks\n\n\"You all are in the orc clubhouse which is the clubhouse that my sister used for her devil activities before her change of schools to Beacon Academy\" Sirzechs tells us\n\nSirzechs then tells us that we will have 5 minutes to prepare a strategy for the match and that if I fall it counts as victory for riser and vice versa for if riser falls\n\nAfter Sirzechs leaves Grayfia begins speaking over the mic as she tells everyone what's going on and how long each side has to prepare\n\n\"Alright so judging by the lay out of the arena it seems that there is a gymnasium as well as the main school building not to far from us\" I say to everyone\n\n\"Not only that but a track and field section as well so there is quite a few options as to split us up\" Jaune says\n\n\"Right so we need to best plan this out or risk losing\" Kurumu says\n\nWe then plan out our order of attack for the match against Riser which just as we finish Grayfia announces the match has begun\n\n<b>3rd PoV</b>\n\nOut of the two Peerages on the field of battle three from the peerage of Y/N L/N are heading for the gymnasium which is where riser had sent two of his pawns a rook and a bishop\n\n\"So you three are our facing us huh this will be easy!\" One of risers pawns shouts which the three from the L/N peerage just smirk at\n\n\"Oh please show us if you can best us\" Yang says as she grins\n\n\"Fine!\" The second of the pawns of riser shouts\n\nYang and her two partners just stand there as the two pawns rush at The three\n\n\"How are we not hitting them?!\" The bishop of the group shouts\n\nThe bishop then orders the rook to join the pawns in attacking Yang and her partners\n\nWhich results in the same as the pawns\n\n<b>Basically replace Goku with Yang and her partners and </b><b>Burter</b><b> and </b><b>Jeice</b><b> with risers two pawns and rook he sent to the gymnasium</b>\n\n\"Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna fight?!\" The rook shouts\n\nSmirking the first of Yang's partners then says\n\n\"Alright if you insist\" Gin says revealing to be one of Yang's partners\n\nYang and Gin then release multiple after images around the four all while Mizore is getting ready to fire her icicles at the four\n\n<b>Replace Goku with gin and Yang also replace </b><b>Caulifa</b><b> with the four riser sent to the gymnasium</b>\n\nAs the four are flying towards the gymnasium wall Mizore let's loose a icicle barrage at the four which causes the four to disappear\n\n\"Riser's Two pawns one Rook and One bishop has retired!\" Grayfia announces via the mic\n\n\"Good work you three now proceed to meet with Pyrrha and Ruby at the track\" Y/N conveys via a magic circle near the three's ear\n\n<b>A/N:to make it easier for the story Ruby Rose will be known as Rubes for short and Ruby Tohjou will be known as Ruby for short</b>\n\nThe three nod their heads and head for their next destination\n\nMeanwhile over at the track Pyrrha is easily handling one of the two knights of riser\n\n\"How can I not use my weapon?!\" The knight being fought by Pyrrha Shouts\n\n\"It's because you and the rest of your group only thought my group as weak which obviously lead you to your groups demise\" Y/N says as he walks into the track\n\n\"You'll lose if we take you out right?\" The second Bishop of risers group says to Y/N\n\n\"As if you could anyway besides you won't even get the chance to come close to me....Go!\" Y/N says calmly before shouting which causes Pyrrha Blake Nora Rubes and the rest of the peerage of Y/N to quickly defeat the remaining peerage members of riser leaving only riser left\n\n\"Riser's Queen Bishop Knights Rook and Remaining Pawns all defeated!\" Grayfia announces\n\nUp in the stands two devil kings are smiling at what is happening on the field of battle while a certain head of a family is confused on his son's peerage is easily loosing to a no name peerage\n\n\"How is this Possible?! Riser should have easily won!\" Riser's Father shouts\n\n\"Do you know why your son is losing this battle sir?\" A voice says to the father\n\nRiser's Father lifts his head to see Y/N floating there\n\n\"You?!\" Riser's Father shouts\n\n\"Yes me and not to worry my peerage is giving riser a run for his money so a little conversation from me will be fine\" Y/N says \n\nOn the roof of the school an explosion is seen which everyone is quiet\n\n\"How! How is that ice girl not defeated by Riser's flame?!\" Riser shouts loud enough for Y/N hear which said individual then vanishes and reappears Infront of Riser\n\n\"The reason why she is not defeated is because of the one thing you offered my peerage to do when we first met back at beacon academy Riser\" Y/N says\n\n\"What did I offer you and your peerage?!\" Riser shouts as he throws a fireball at Y/N\n\n\"You allowed my peerage to train for five days which even though it would of made my peerage not as efficient as they are now if you didn't allowed us to train I alone would of bested you with ease but since you allowed us to train you only made your defeat longer\" Y/N says as he kicks the fireball back towards Riser\n\n\" Riser will not fall to you! The marriage between Rias and Myself is a must for all devil's!\" Riser shouts loudly\n\n\"But yet she doesn't want to be with you infact if I was to guess correctly she hates your guts so my peerage will end this match with a phrase my queen says most of the time\" Y/N says as he then orders his peerage to attack with him\n\nCoco and Yang rush at Riser which Yang punches Riser in the face as Coco fires her minigun at riser\n\nRiser then slides towards Fox and Jaune at which the two unleash a flurry of attacks \n\nOnce again Riser slides towards the rest of the peerage before sliding to a stop Infront of Y/N after suffering many attacks from Y/Ns peerage is bleeding quite badly\n\n\"Well Riser it's time for this match to end and as I said I would use a move my queen is known for finishing her battles with but I won't do it alone infact my entire peerage will join in finishing you off together\" Y/N says before he orders his peerage to get ready\n\nFox and Gin then rush at Riser before sending a hard double boot to Risers face which sends him flying backwards in a spinning fashion\n\nJaune and Weiss see this and quickly rush towards riser before dealing a double slash towards risers body after which they kick him hard towards the next two\n\nMizore and Rubes see riser heading for them which the two nod Mizore then freezes Riser in mid air at which Rubes then creates two after images before rushing at riser leaving multiple scythe wounds on the phoenix\n\nRiser is then unfrozen which he is then sent upwards into the air which Yukari and Ruby notices at which the two bishops send a devastating array of spells towards Riser which up in the stands the devil's are shocked at how badly riser is getting\n\n\"My word! How strong is this peerage exactly?!\" A red haired devil yells\n\n\"They are very powerful father infact I wouldn't be surprised if they are the strongest peerage know to all of supernatural\" Sirzechs says\n\nYang and Nora then jump up to Riser which the two deliver a hard punch to risers face and a strong swing of a hammer to his legs which Riser let's out a loud scream of pain\n\nRiser is then sent to Pyrrha and Blake via a hammer swing from Nora\n\nPyrrha and Blake nod at each other before performing a synchronized fashion strikes with their weapons which adds even more injuries to riser\n\nSoon Riser stops Infront of Y/N and Moka all beaten up \n\nY/N and Moka share a nod which riser is then sent up to the air by a double kick to the chin from Y/N and Moka\n\nRiser then sees Y/N and Moka spinning in place\n\n\"Well Riser it's time that you know your place!\" Both Y/N and Moka shout before delivering a hard kick to Riser's stomach which sends him crashing into the roof of the school\n\n\"Riser is out! The winner is team L/N!\" Grayfia declares\n\n<b>Y/Ns PoV</b>\n\nMy peerage and I are then teleported to a dinning hall like area where Sirzechs Rias Sona and the others are\n\n\"Thank you so Much for helping with Riser Y/N!\" Rias shouts as she hugs me which I hug back\n\n\"It's no trouble really besides we are friends and for me sticking by ones friends is the same as being together through thick and thin despite our races\" I say as I hug back\n\n\"Well said Y/N\" Kiba says as he pats my shoulder for a job well done\n\nSuddenly a fireball is then noticed by the guests which I catch and hold with ease\n\n\"Mind explaining your actions sir?\" I say as I look to the culprit that threw which happened to be the father of Riser\n\n\"Lord Phoenix what is the meaning of this?!\" Sirzechs yells at the individual\n\n\"That newbie peerage leader shouldn't have bested riser and he should of not even fought against my son!\" Lord Phoenix shouts\n\nThe ground of the hall begins to shake rapidly which everyone near me are confused at what is happening\n\n\nSoon a powerful aura surrounds me which Rias let's go before a dark pillar of light consumes me \n\nAfter the pillar disappears I stand in my devil trigger form which I glare at Lord Phoenix\n\n<b>A/N:your devil trigger but picture with your favorite color and you don't have a sword right now</b>\n\nWithout anyone noticing I disappear and reappear Infront of Lord Phoenix which I grab by the neck and lift up\n\n\"listen here Lord Phoenix for what you may not know while I was the one that offered the challenge to free Rias from Riser I did it out of the kindness within me not because I think that Rias will be in indebted to me once I freed her no I did because she is my best friend just as much as her peerage and Sona and her peerage are my best friends too I care for my friends that I am willing to sacrifice my life for them and your damn right I will stick up for them even if they are a devil neko or any sort of Yokai hell I will still stick with them even if they was humans too because I trust them just as much as they trust me so unless you want to lose your life and make your wife a widow and your children fatherless I would cease what you are thinking of doing and revaluate your life choices.....Sir.\" I say out loud\n\nMy words shock everyone in the hall which I return to normal\n\nSoon clapping are heard throughout the hall which even lord Phoenix is clapping\n\nAfter much discussions we return to beacon academy\n\n\"That was insane!\" Yang yells \n\n\"Well that's what we have to go through to settle a debate as a devil\" Sona says\n\n\"Anyway half of us need to get back to Yokai so remember to keep yourselves calm as you can be alright?\" I say to the half that attend beacon but before we leave Sirzechs appears and hands me the capsule Gogito gave him\n\n\"Gogito says that the capsule in your hand is a copy of the one he used to train you and your peerage in so if you wish to do some off duty training then you can\" Sirzechs says which I nod and leave with the half of the peerage that go to Yokai\n\nReturning to the bus stop of Yokai we head for our dorms which I lay in the bed and fall asleep to rest for the next day\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>", "<b>Y/Ns PoV</b>\n\nOn a peaceful Sunday morning I along with half of my peerage are meeting with the other half of the peerage so that we all can Hang out together\n\nArriving at beacon we meet with the others back at my old dorm room again\n\n\"Hey Y/N I wanna ask something\" I hear Yang say to me\n\n\"What up Yang?\" I respond to Yang\n\n\"After we beat that jerk who was trying to take Rias how did you access that form you used to settle the jerk's father?\" Yang asks me which causes the peerage to look at me as well\n\n\"Yeah I wanna access it too!\" Nora shouts with glee\n\n\"That's gonna be the dangerous part of being half demon to explain\" I say as I let out a deep sigh\n\n\"How dangerous is the explanation?\" Issei Asks\n\n\"It would be best for two of my mentor's to come as they are the demons that helped me become what I am and what some of you became after joining my peerage\" I say calmly\n\nAfter calling Dante and Vergil we wait for the brothers to arrive which after waiting fifteen minutes the two enter the dorm room\n\n\"So what did you call us for kid?\" Dante asks\n\n\"Well Dante I called you and Vergil to help explain the devil trigger and how to obtain it without actual doing the actual part that is required to get it\" I say to Dante\n\n\"So it's that talk is it huh kid\" Dante says\n\n\"Those who are in Y/Ns peerage stand before myself and my brother Dante so that we can explain what you need to know about gaining access to devil trigger\" Vergil says out loud which moka and everyone in my peerage all stand before the Sparda brothers\n\n\"Now then the form that you each will gain access to eventually is called devil trigger\" Dante says\n\n\"Devil trigger?\" Coco asks\n\n\"It is a form that you can access once a specific requirement is fulfilled which I'm sure Y/N told you is very dangerous to Obtain the access to\" Dante says\n\n\"He did say it would be dangerous yes but how would one gain access to the form?\" Pyrrha asks Dante\n\nI look towards Dante and Vergil as the two look at me which the three of us nod in agreement\n\n\"In order to gain access to the devil trigger form Pyrrha you\" I start off which Dante and Vergil continue for me\n\n\"Must have a near death experience and we don't mean a experience where you are scared half to death we\" Dante says which Vergil continues after him\n\n\"Mean a real near death experience as that is the only way to for the demon blood within you to fully awaken which will cause your devil trigger to appear\" Vergil says\n\nSoon loud gulps are heard from everyone in the room except me Dante and Vergil \n\n\"To think we must experience something so life threatening to gain access to a form\" Blake says out loud\n\n\"alas that is what must be done in order for your devil trigger form to become a reality\" Dante says\n\n\"By the way Dante Vergil besides you two explaining the way to get access to the devil trigger form I would also like to ask for a favor from the two of you\" I say to the Sparda brothers\n\n\"What is it?\" Vergil asks\n\n\"Right so you both remember the one I asked for you and the rest of the mentor's as well as the god warrior Gogito to train Tsukune even though he wasn't a member of my peerage\" I say as a answer to Vergil\n\n\"I remember he is the only human in that monster school you go to right?\" Dante says which shocks Kurumu and the rest of the members of the newspaper club\n\n\"Wait Tsukune is a human?!\" Kurumu shouts loudly\n\n\"He is yes Kurumu\" I answer the succubus\n\n\"What's he doing at Yokai then?\" Mizore asks\n\n\"I'm sure only Mikogami has the answer for that Mizore but in any case can you guys do that as a favor for me Dante?\n\nThe brothers look at each other before nodding\n\n\"We can do that but I will say that we will be more harsher then what we were before your match when we are training him to better understand his powers\" Vergil says\n\n\"I understand just please help him get stronger so that he can stand by our side on the field of battle in the future\" I say to Vergil\n\n\"Very well we will need him to be here so that we can begin doing the favor\" Dante says to me\n\n\"Alright give me a second to go get Tsukune\" I say to Dante\n\nVanishing from sight I disappear from the room only to return seconds later with Tsukune\n\n\"Why are we back here Y/N?\" Tsukune asks me\n\n\"Well Tsukune I brought you here because you are going to become a half human half demon\" I say to Tsukune\n\n\"Wait What?!\" Tsukune shouts\n\n\"That's right kid and once we are done with you no one except myself Vergil or Y/N would be able to defeat you so I hope your ready for a harsher training session then the last time\" Dante says to Tsukune\n\n\"Before you begin his transformation Dante Vergil one of you catch\" I say before tossing a item to one of the two\n\nVergil catches the item which is revealed to be the capsule that Gogito left behind for me to use\n\n\"That's the capsule of the chambers we used during the five day training sessions you can use it to help train Tsukune\" I say to Vergil\n\nVergil nods his head before vanishing from the room with Dante and Tsukune\n\n\"Anyway we are going to head back so that we can rest up for tomorrow's school day see you all later\" I say before disappearing from the room with half of my peerage\n\nArriving back on Yokai grounds we each head for our dorms in order to sleep so that we can have the energy for tomorrow's school activities\n\n<b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b>\n", "<b>Y/Ns POV </b>\n\nAfter returning to Yokai Academy from besting Riser to free Rias from being married to him\n\nI walk towards the gates of the boys dorm to see moka kurumu mizore sona and koneko\n\n\"Morning Y/N \" the girls say to me\n\n\"Morning\" i say in response\n\nWe then walk towards the school building which after entering we all head for our homeroom classes\n\nEntering my class i sit at my desk as Ms Nekonome enters and begins roll call\n\n\"Aono? Has anyone seen mr Aono?\" Ms Nekonome says to us\n\nI stand up from my desk\n\n\"Actually Ms Nekonome Tsukune will be with a couple of friends of mine training in order to defend himself from the yokai that walks the academy as well he used to be a human attending Yokai\" i say to the class\n\nSoon lots of whats and reallys come from the other students\n\n\"We should kill him he doesn't belong here!\" A orc named Saizo says\n\nI flare my aura putting intense pressure on the class except a few members of my peerage who are in my class\n\n\"You so much as touch tsukune saizo and i will bury you and kuyos sorry asses 20 feet deep underground with a burnt piece of wood going through your ass and out the mouth making you look like a shishkabob\" i say to saizo\n\n\"Why do you care for him huh i bet your just as weak as he is!\" Saizo yells at me\n\nI look towards ms nekonome which i mouth sorry for what im about to do\n\nUsing my speed i immediately rush over to Saizo and break his arm\n\nSaizo screams in pain before glaring at me\n\n\"Can you explain why you did that mr L/N?\" Ms nekonome asks me\n\n\"Well Ms nekonome I'll just say this now but I'm a firm believer of equality for all races in the world it doesn't matter if the person is human,yokai,devil,angel,fallen angel,succubus, snow fairy or witch all races deserve to be treated fairly and equally not mistreated just because of one incident in the past and as many know the past defines us not shapes who we become\" i say calmly\n\nMy words shock everyone in the class room\n\nSoon a voice can be heard from the other side of the classroom door\n\n\"well said son you are truly the heir to the throne\" the voice said which confuses all of us \n\nThe door then opens which two individuals step into the classroom\n\n\"Excuse me but who are you?\" Ms nekonome asks the individuals \n\n\"Pardon our intrusion Nekonome but i am Samantha L/N and i am the mother to Y/N L/N \" the lady of the pair says shocking the class except me\n\n\"And i am Mark L/N the father of Y/N and Husband to Samantha \" the male of the two says to the class\n\n\"Look im all for you guys visiting mom dad but what did you mean when you said heir to the throne\" i ask my parents\n\nMy parents turn towards me before noticing moka is in my class\n\n\"Young girl the one with pink and silver hair color\" my mother says\n\n\"Y-Yes?\" Moka answers timidly \n\n\"You are Akashas daughter are you not?\" My mother asks moka\n\n\"Yes i am why do you ask?\" Moka responds to my mothers question with one of her own\n\nSoon we hear my laughter coming from my father\n\n\"So not only did my son become half of what he originally was supposed to be but his fiance is also in the class too!\" My father says loudly\n\nWe all go quiet before shouting\n\n\"WHAAAAAAAT?!?!?\" We shout loudly\n\n\"Who is supposed to be my fiance in the first place?!\"i ask my parents\n\nTo my shock and surpise both my mother and father point to the girl my mother spoke to moment ago\n\n\"M-Me?!\" Moka says shocked that she is my fiance\n\n\"Thats correct but for now we will explain after your school day is over\" my mother says to us\n\n\"For now we will go bug mikogami for a while see ya after school son\" my father says as he exits the classroom with my mother\n\nSitting back down i lay my head on my desk mumbling random stuff\n\nMs Nekonome begins todays lesson which i sit back up and take notes of\n\nAfter some time the bell for lunch rings which we meet with the others that attend yokai of whom are in my peerage\n\n\"What?! You and moka are engaged?!\" Gin and The rest of the newspaper club minus tsukune shout\n\n\"Yeah apparently my parents will tell us why we are engaged after school\" i say while eating my lunch\n\nThe girls of our friend group all glare at moka\n\n\"Hey don't glare at me i didn't know about it either\" Moka says to the girls as she eats her lunch\n\n\"Still we wanna chat with you after school and after learning of why you and Y/N are engaged moka\" Kurumu says to moka\n\nWe continue to eat before the bell ending lunch rings which we then continue the day as normal as things can be in yokai academy \n\nAfter a long day of school work the final bell rings\n\nI then proceed to head for the headmasters office where my mother and father are at which moka kurumu mizore yukari sona and koneko all tag along\n\nEntering the headmasters office we are greeted by my mother father and the headmaster \n\n\"Ah there you are sweetie and i see moka and your female friends are here too\" my mother says\n\n\"Well technically not all my female friends are here mother some are back at the other academy i used to go to\" i say to my mother\n\n\"Then would you propose we go to your former school so that the rest of your female friends hear the reason behind your engagement?\" My mother asks me\n\n\"It would probably be best to do in order to avoid shock and confusion later on\" i say to my mother\n\nSoon we all vanish from mikogamis office and reappear in my old dorm\n\n\"Let me go get them so that they can hear the explanation mother father\" i say to my parents who nod\n\nI exit my dorm and go get my friends\n\nAfter a few minutes i return with my friends\n\n\"Hey Y/N who are the two people in the room?\" Issei asks me\n\n\"Those people issei are my parents which will explain something that neither i nor moka knew anything about\" i say to issei\n\n\"What do you mean?\" Yang asks\n\n\"According to my parents i am engaged apparently \" i say calmly\n\nThe room goes quiet before shouting is heard\n\n\"WHAAAAAAAAAT?!\" Most of my friends shout\n\n\"Who are you engaged to?!\" Yang says while shaking me back and forth\n\n\"M....Moka! But i never K....new anything about it\" i answer yang\n\n\"Listen if i am to be with him i wouldn't mind sharing him as something you don't know about vampires is that we can have multiple mates so if he is to have more than one wife than I'll gladly share\" Moka says calming yang down\n\n\"Then we have a chance!\" Each girl that secretly loves Y/N quietly thinks in their minds\n\n\"Anyway mother father would you mind explaining about the engagement?\" I ask my parents\n\n\"Of course son\" my father says\n\n\"We should warn you that what we are about to explain happened over 20 years ago when both moka and Y/N was still toddlers\" my mother says which shocks us\n\n<b>Flashback 20 years ago 3rd POV </b>\n\nWithin the castle of the L/N Vampire family is the king of Vampires Mark L/N his Wife and the Queen of Vampires Samantha L/N and their Toddler son Y/N L/N the prince of vampires\n\n\"Your Highness Lady Akasha Lord Issa has arrived\" A maid says to Mark and Samantha \n\n\"Bring them in\" Mark says\n\n\"Right away your highness\" the maid says\n\nSoon the maid leaves only to return with said individuals \n\nWithin the arms of Akasha is a Toddler Moka who is clinging to her mother\n\n\"Welcome Akasha Issa its good to see you both\" Samantha says\n\n\"Its good to see you too Your Highness\" Akasha and Issa both say as they kneel\n\n\"Come old friend you should know that you don't always have to kneel before us\" Mark says to the two\n\n\"Well you are king and queen of the vampire race\" Issa says to Mark\n\n\"Nonsense we are old friends now issa what do you say let us guys go hang out as im sure my wife wishes to talk to yours for some girl talk\" Mark Says to Issa \n\n<b>Outside flashback</b>\n\n\"Hold on a minute Mom if im really a vampire like you dad and moka are then how come i didn't show any signs of being one you know the blood red eyes thrist for blood super human strength?\" Y/N says to samantha\n\n\"You will learn why after the explanation sweetie for now lets resume shall we\" Samantha says to Y/N\n\n<b>Back in the flashback</b>\n\n\"Well since the boys are having their guy talk wanna let Moka play with Y/N?\" Samantha says to Akasha\n\n\"Of course\" Akasha says as the two head for a play pin which both mothers put their child in the play pin\n\nBoth Toddlers look at each other before smiling which the two play blocks together \n\n\"They look so cute playing with blocks don't they?\" Samantha asks Akasha\n\n\"Indeed they do its almost as if they are made to be together \" Akasha says calmly\n\nSuddenly the two mothers hear crying which they instantly turn their heads towards the sound of the crying\n\nToddler moka was hit on the head by a block she accidentally threw in the air while clapping with glee\n\nBefore any mother could do anything however they see Toddler Y/N do something adorable \n\nToddler Y/N gently kisses Toddler moka's head before chanting some words to make her feel better\n\n\"Boo boo go away come back another decade!\" Toddler Y/N says as he gently pats Toddler moka's head\n\nBoth Samantha and Akasha aww at what they witnessed between their two children\n\nSoon both Mark and Issa laughing together\n\n\"You boys had your fun?\" Samantha asks her Husband Mark\n\n\"Of course dear how is the children?\" Mark asks Samantha \n\n\"They are fine Moka gotten a little boo boo but Y/N made her feel all better\" Akasha says\n\nThe four vampires then notice the two toddlers asleep snuggling together while holding hands\n\nBoth Samantha and Akasha look at each other and nod in agreement which left the husbands confused\n\nGrabbing both toddlers Samantha and Akasha each gently carried their children in their arms\n\nSuprisingly both Y/N and Moka begin to wriggle in their mothers arms as if calling out to the other\n\n\"You don't think?\" Samantha says before bringing Y/N close to Moka\n\nAs soon as both Y/N and Moka are in reach of each other the two toddlers reach out to the other and link hands\n\nSeeing this both sets of parents knew upon instinct what it means for the two\n\n\"They are both in love with each other\" both sets of parents say at the same time\n\nMark suddenly dissapears before returning with a item\n\n\"Where did you go?\" Issa asks Mark \n\n\"I went and grabbed a necklace to show that the two are ment for each other\"Mark says to Issa \n\n<b>The necklace you decide on which color of the two that you and moka each have a piece of</b>\n\nMark then gives one part of the necklace to Akasha and Issa which he then hands the other part to Samantha\n\n\"Should the two meet again in the distant future and still have the necklace parts that we give them it will mean they are destined for each other and are to become husband and wife someday in the future\" Mark says to Samantha Akasha and Issa\n\n<b>End of Flashback Y/Ns POV </b>\n\n\"So since neither of us was consulted about the whole thing does that mean it is still on?\" I ask my parents\n\n\"Well son that depends do you have the necklace still?\" My father asks me\n\nI pull out the necklace from under my shirt to show i still have it\n\n\"Yea i got it right here i just never knew if it had any significant meaning\" i say while holding the necklace\n\nMoka brings out her half of the necklace as well which both my parents smile\n\n\"Then you are destined to be together\" my father says\n\n\"Listen im all for being in a relationship with moka but is it possible to take things slow i mean yeah we are to be married in the future that i can understand but i would rather take things slow and build up the connection and feelings to moka so that way we can both learn our likes dislikes and not just moka I'm sure several girls in this room also have feelings for me and i want to treat each one that does with equal love and kindness that i would give moka\" i say without stopping at any part of my words\n\nEveryone in the room smiles at what i said which moka hugs me with a smile of her own\n\n\"That is why you are the perfect one for any girl that chooses to date you son\" my father says with a proud smile on his face\n\nI then flash the L/N grin that my family is known for \n\n\"By the way mom dad before you go back to the castle is there any chance i can show my friends here and my mentors the castle?\" I ask my parents\n\n\"Of course you can sweetie but you do know you have a castle of your own so you can just take them there\" my mother says to me\n\n\"Wait i have a castle?\" I say shocked\n\n\"You sure do son infact how about this upcoming Saturday we will take you all there\" my father suggests\n\n\"Before we forget the reason why you didn't show any traits of being a vampire is because when you was 9 years old you asked to have your vampiric blood sealed so that you can make friends with other kids instead of them running in fear at what you are\" my mother says to me\n\n\"So i willingly asked for my vampire side to be sealed which resulted in me becoming human?\" I say to my parents\n\nBoth my parents nod their heads\n\n\"Alright see you both on Saturday as for me though im gonna inform my mentors of what will happen that day so Rias Sona can you both inform your siblings so they can know ahead of time \" i say calmly which rias and sona nod their heads before vanishing from the room\n\nI then head to where my mentor's are which to my surprise Akasha is there with her husband Issa \n\n\"Lady Akasha Lord Issa its good to see you both again\" i say to the two\n\n\"Good to see you too Y/N i take it your parents told you of the engagement?\" Issa says to me\n\nI nod and explain what was said earlier which all my mentors minus sirzechs and serafall all nod\n\n\"So this saturday we will be heading to the castle you own along with your friends?\" Erza says to me\n\n\"That is correct Erza\" i say calmly\n\nAfter chatting for a bit i return to my friends to which myself koneko sona moka kurumu mizore yukari ruby and gin all head back to Yokai academy where we head for our dorms\n\n<b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b>", "<b>Y/Ns POV </b>\n\nWaking up i stretch before preparing to meet up with my friends before we meet up with my parents\n\nA knock comes from the other side of my door\n\nI walk over to the door and open it to see a familiar face but with more power then ever before\n\n\"Hey Y/N I'm back\" Tsukune says with a smile\n\n\"Welcome back Tsukune your just in time actually as i and our friends are heading somewhere soon\" i say to Tsukune\n\nSoon i explain what happened the other day while he was training with dante and vergil\n\n\"I see so your the prince of vampires and your parents are taking us to see your castle today\" Tsukune says to me which i nod\n\nAfter getting dressed i head to Gins dorm with Tsukune which upon arrival Gin was confused as to who was with me\n\nWhen Tsukune told gin his name gin grinned a little noticing how powerful Tsukune has become\n\nWe then head to the gates of the boys dorm where sona moka kurumu koneko mizore yukari and ruby was waiting for us\n\n\"Hey Y/N Gin whos that with you two?\" Kurumu asks me and gin\n\n\"Well Kurumu this gentleman with me and gin is Tsukune himself\" i say to the girls\n\n\"I see so your stronger than ever before huh Tsukune\" Kurumu asks Tsukune\n\n\"Correct i am Kurumu\" Tsukune responds to Kurumu\n\n\"For now we need to gather the rest and meet up with my parents\" i say to the group with me\n\n\"But where are your parents they never really told us where to meet them\" Sona asks\n\n\"We are right behind you all\" a voice says to us\n\nTurning our heads we see my mother and father standing proudly\n\n\"Right so if a few here can stay with my parents Sona and I can work on getting the others here\" i explain to everyone near me\n\nSoon Sona and I begin making multiple trips to bring the others to my parents\n\nAfter multiple trips eventually everyone is standing near my parents\n\n\"These are your Parents Y/N?\" Erza asks me\n\n\"Yes Erza they are my parents meet Mark and Samantha L/N the King and queen of Vampires\" i say calmly\n\n\"And that makes you the prince of vampires?\" Gray asks\n\n\"Correct i am the prince of the vampires\" i say to gray\n\n\"Well now that everyone is here son it should be said that the path to your castle will be a little on the cold side as we have to make our way to it on foot\" my father says\n\n\"Well we better start then huh besides it will be a nice way for everyone to get to know each other as we walk\" i say which everyone nods in agreement\n\nWe soon begin following my parents to my castle which everyone in the group begin to converse with each other\n\nAfter walking for several hours we see a castle in the distance with a blizzard covering it\n\n<b>The castle</b>\n\n\"Is that my castle?\" I ask my parents \n\n\"Indeed it is sweetie\" my mother says\n\n\"Stick close as you can fall off the bridge if your not careful\" my father says\n\nWe all nod and stick close to my father\n\nEventually we reach the door of the castle\n\nWalking through the door we are amazed at how the inside looks\n\n<b>The entrance area of the castle </b>\n\nSoon two individuals approach us\n\n\"Greetings my name is Maria and this gentleman next to me is my husband Hayate\" the maid says to us\n\n\"We are the head butler and head maid to prince Y/Ns Maids and butlers but if i may ask is he among you all?\" Hayate asks\n\nI step forward standing before everyone\n\n\"I am Y/N himself\" i say to the two\n\nHayate and Maria both kneel before me\n\n\"Its an honor to see you your highness\" the two say\n\n\"Thank you but if its not too much trouble could one of you or both if you prefer please show us around the castle?\" I ask the two\n\n\"We will be happy to show you around your highness if you will please follow us\" maria says as she and Hayate begin walking through the castle halls\n\nAs we walk with Hayate and Maria we learn of each room we come across\n\n<b>Strategy Room</b>\n\n<b>Y/Ns Bedroom</b>\n\n<b>Workout room</b>\n\n<b>Game room</b>\n\n<b>Arcade (ignore the person in the pic as the only ones in the room is Y/Ns group)</b>\n\n<b>Library </b>\n\n<b>Throne room</b>\n\n\"Thank you for the tour Hayate and Maria\" i say to the two\n\n\"Its our pleasure your highness if you'll excuse us we will return to our duties\" maria says as she and Hayate leave the throne room\n\n\"What will you do now Y/N?\" Rubes asks me\n\n\"Hmm Father is it possible for my friends and mentor's to use this castle as a meet up spot?\" I ask my father\n\n\"Of course you can all you need to though is give them a copy of a this button which will call a limo that specifically take them here\" my father says as he takes out a button and hands it to me\n\n\"How will i go and making a copy of it though?\" I ask my father\n\n\"Not to worry follow me and I'll show you as for every one else please stay here until we return\" my father says\n\nEveryone nods which my father and i then leave the throne room\n\nSeveral minutes pass before my father and i return with several bags of the buttons\n\n\"Right so I'll now distribute the buttons Up first is 9 buttons for Rias's peerage\" i say as i hand the buttons to Rias and her peerage\n\n\"Next is Sona and her peerage\" i say as i hand each member of Sona's peerage a button\n\n\"Up next is teams rwby jpnr and cfvy\" i hand the members of the three teams a button \n\n\"Coming up next is a button for my mentor's\" i then hand a button to my mentor's \n\n\"Thats all the buttons i can give right now as i will need to save a few for something in the future\" i say as i sit on my throne\n\n\"What is it that you'll need to save them for?\" Tsukune asks\n\n\"Well i plan to achieve peace for all as even though you weren't in class yesterday tsukune i said that i believe in equality for all as it doesn't matter what race the individual is we are connected in some way but alas i know it will not be easy to achieve\" i say calmly\n\n\"In anycase is there a chance we can stay the night here Y/N as im sure its late already\" Weiss asks\n\n\"Of course I'm sure there are guest rooms that the castle has to offer for you all\" i say to Weiss \n\n\"Indeed there are your highness\" Hayate says\n\n\"Will you please show them to the guest rooms Hayate\" i ask the butler \n\n\"Of course if everyone will please follow me I'll show you all to the guest room's \" Hayate says as he motions for the others to follow him\n\n\"Well mom dad I'm gonna call it a night as well I'll see you both again someday?\" I say to my parents\n\n\"Of course sweetie now you take care of yourself and don't give me a grandchild so soon\" my mother says\n\nI blush at what she said which i then head for my room and lay on the bed\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED </b>\n\n<b>Shadow here with the next chapter now before i go i have two questions i want to ask</b>\n\n<b>Now if any remembers from the old version of the story Y/N had a army that he had helping him with achieving his goal of true peace</b>\n\n<b>So i want to ask who from the three worlds so far</b>\n\n<b>Rwby</b>\n<b>Dxd</b>\n<b>Rosario</b>\n\n<b>Should be in the army and should Y/N have any ally's from the three worlds</b>\n\n<b>Leave a comment with your suggestions for the two questions </b>\n\n<b>Until next </b><b>time</b>", "<b>3rd POV</b>\n\nOn a Saturday afternoon Y/N and his friends are hanging at His Castle which the groups are chatting about random stuff\n\n\"Hey Y/N can you and the boys leave the room for a bit I would like to talk to the girls about something\" Moka Says calmly\n\nY/N and the boys look at each other before nodding\n\n\"Sure we can do that for you girls Moka\" Y/N says to Moka\n\n\"Thank you Y/N\" Moka Says as she gives Y/N a kiss on the cheek\n\nY/N blushes before leaving the room with the boys \n\nOnce the boys are gone from the room Moka looks at the other girls in the room\n\n\"Now that they are gone for a bit let's begin the talk\" Moka Says \n\n\"What's the talk about?\" Koneko Asks Moka\n\n\"It's about Y/N as you remember during when his parents was telling us about his engagement between myself and him he said that several other girls have feelings for him as well\" Moka Says\n\n\"W-Well not all of us have feelings for him\" Asia says\n\n\"I'm aware of that Asia which is why I want those who do have feelings for Y/N to split up from the group so that we can know who all has feelings for Y/N Only\" Moka Says\n\nSoon Kurumu Mizore Akeno Rias Koneko Sona Rubes Nora Pyrrha Blake Yang break from the group\n\n\"So you all have feelings for Y/N Then?\" Moka asks\n\n\"Yes we do\" Yang says\n\n\"What about the rest of you who do you have feelings for?\" Moka asks the other girls\n\nShe got mixed answers some saying Issei Some Jaune some even saying Tsukune and Gin\n\n\"Right so what do the girls that like Y/N know about him like what is he known for doing?\" Moka asks\n\n\"Well from what most of us know about him from his time at beacon academy before he left is that he is really supportive of his friends\" Rias says calmly\n\n\"Not only is he supportive of us he also knows not to cause alot of damage and looks out for the staff of the academy he is attending\" Sona says\n\n\"What do you mean?\" Kurumu asks\n\n\"Well I'm sure you all know what happened to Y/N which I'm sure he told you Moka Ruby Mizore and those who attend Yokai academy right?\" Akeno says\n\n\"Yes we was told about that but what does that have to do with Kurumu's question\" Yukari says\n\n\"I'm getting to that you see before he left Beacon Academy he didn't want to cause any damage to the academy because he knew how tiresome it is for the teacher of beacon to repair the school as well as looking out for her well being of a individual\" Akeno says\n\n\"Wait it's a female teacher he was looking out for? Does that mean...\" Ruby starts to say\n\n\"Yes the teacher is female that he looked out for and no the two doesn't have a secret teacher student relationship he is just known to look out for others\" Akeno says\n\n\"Alright so he's supportive of others is there anything else he's known for?\" Mokas asks\n\n\"Well he is also known for being the strongest student to ever attend Beacon Academy\" Yang says\n\n\"He was strong back then?\" Mizore asks\n\n\"Yup he practically became the king of Beacon Academy after he bested the former Queen of the academy which is a fourth year at Beacon\" Weiss says\n\n\"How strong was this Queen?\" Moka asks\n\n\"The Queen was said to give to most elite of huntsmen/Huntresses trouble in combat but Y/N beat her with easy\" Weiss says\n\n\"Right so he's supportive and Strong is there anything else he's known for besides what was already said?\" Moka asks\n\n\"Well during class the other day when his parents showed up he said he is a firm believer in equality between races so there's that\" Sona says\n\n\"Right he did say that\" Moka Says\n\n\"So how should we confess to Y/N? For those who like him that is\" Nora asks\n\nAfter much discussion it is decided that there will be a certain order in how the confessions will happen\n\n<b>Meanwhile with the Boys Y/Ns POV</b>\n\n\"So what do you think the girls are talking about?\" Jaune asks\n\n\"If I had to guess it would probably be about boys they wanna confess to and to who\" I says as I playing the arcade game my castle has access to\n\n\"You said several girls besides Moka like you right?\" Tsukune asks as he is playing air hockey with gin\n\n\"Yeah I did so probably a good portion of the girls are talking about confessing to me and Don't think you guys are left out I'm sure some of you have girls that want to confess to you as well\" I say to the boys with me\n\n\"You think so?\" Saji asks\n\n\"I'm positive Saji I'm sure each one of us except me because I already have a feeling that some girls like me have a girl or two who wants to be with us\" I say calmly\n\n\"He's right but as for who they are only time will tell when they appear before us\" issei says which we all nod in agreement \n\nSoon the doors to the arcade room opens which we turn our heads to see the girls walking in\n\n\"Hey girls you done with your talk?\" I ask the girls that just entered the arcade room\n\n\"Indeed we are and we see that your having fun here huh?\" Moka Says\n\n\"Yep\" all of us guys say at the same time\n\n\"Well don't just hog all the fun let's play some games!\" Yang shouts\n\n\"Do know this Yang and everyone of my peerage we will begin training after school each day from so everytime the final bell rings in our respective academies is when we will meet up here in the castle to train for any upcoming matches\" I calmly say with a serious tone\n\n\"Right\" my peerage says\n\n\"Rias Sona your peerages are welcome to train here after school as well so that we can train together to protect each other's back\" I say to the two heiresses\n\n\"Thank you for offering Y/N we will gladly take you up on your offer to train\" Rias says with Sona nodding in agreement\n\nThe rest of the day is spent playing and having fun before each of us then go back to our respective academies and head to our dorms to call it a night\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>", "<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nOn a Monday afternoon after the school day has ended I along with my Peerage members as well as Sona's and Rias's Peerage are all standing in the training room of my castle\n\n\"Right so as I said the other day each day after school we will be training together so that we can be strong to watch each other's backs as well as watching our friends backs\" I say to those before me\n\n\"How will we be training?\" Issei asks me\n\n\"We will be splitting into four sections of combat which will be Strength,Speed,Magic,And Defense\" I explain to Issei\n\n\"So we will need to be in the section that best suits us?\" Weiss asks me\n\n\"Yes but there's a catch to the four sections I mentioned which will be that once a hour passes the group that is mainly focusing on one section will move to another section\" I calmly say\n\n\"I get it so those of us who are focusing on strength for example the rooks Koneko Yang and Nora they would then switch to another section such as magic right?\" Sona says to me\n\n\"Yes exactly you see by switching between each section we each can increase in each section drastically improving our fighting capabilities \" I explain to everyone\n\n\"Will you be using your clones again?\" Koneko Asks me\n\n\"Clones? What do you mean clones Koneko?\" Coco asks the rook of Rias\n\n\"She means this Coco\" I say as four look a likes of me are standing on both sides of me\n\n\"In order of clones I am the clone that holds the power of Y/Ns Devil trigger meaning I will be the one that focuses on defense for the sections\" the first clone says to everyone\n\n\"After him I am the clone of Y/N that holds the power of his magical abilities such as dragon slayer magic ice molding magic so I'll be the magic trainer of the four sections\" the second clone says\n\n\"Up next I am the clone of Y/N that holds the ability of requip and sword saint abilities I will be the speed trainer of the four sections\" the third clone says\n\n\"Lastly I am the clone of Y/N that holds his vampiric powers meaning I will be the trainer of the strength section for the four sections\" the last clone says\n\n\"So for the training each member from the three peerages will split into groups that they Excell in which after a hour has passed the groups will rotate to the next section close to them for example a group of magic users will move to strength to train their physical capabilities\" I explain\n\n\"Excuse me But what is Saint Sword Ability?\" Tsubara asks me\n\n\"Ah right I kinda forgot to mention that well it goes like this\" I say as I begin to explain what sword saint ability is\n\nAfter explaining I then ordered the peerages to get in their respective groups for the training which resulted in a few large groups for each training section\n\n\"Right so the training will now commence and remember that once a hour passes each group will move on to the next section that is after the one your group is training in an example would be a group training in speed will move on to defense and so on\" I say as each group starts the training sessions\n\nI join each group on each section as I tend to focus on all four attributes\n\nHowever during the training Hyate enters the training room\n\n\"Lord Y/N your parents along with headmasters Ozpin and Ironwood are here to see you\" Hyate says to me\n\n\"Very well I'll be right there.... Everyone continue training I will return momentarily\" I say loudly for the groups to hear\n\nI hear the groups say alright which I then walk out of the training room with Hyate \n\nEntering the throne room I see my parents as well as the two headmasters \n\n\"Hello mother father Headmaster Ozpin, Ironwood what brings the four of you here?\" I say to the four as I sit on my throne\n\n\"Well son since we know you wish for true peace amongst everyone not matter Their race your mother and I along with Ozpin and Ironwood have come with a proposition for you to help teach your goal\" my father says\n\n\"What is it? And I already know of Salem and the White Fang's actions but I will say this the white fang are just misjudged due to how the humans have been treating them\" I say calmly\n\n\"How?\" Ozpin says\n\n\"How do I know about your ex wife? It's easy when you put your mind to it and read alot about remnant's history. Also how else would the Grimm in the area where her castle be reduced to literally nothing\" I say to Ozpin\n\n\"Wait then it was you who reduced the number of Grimm over there?!\" Ironwood shouts\n\n\"Yes it was me but for now tell me of the proposition you wish to tell me\" I say seriously\n\n\"Well sweetie we was thinking of you having an army to help ensure peace is assured\" my mother says\n\n\"Hmm that is a possible way but who would be apart of the army to help ensure peace\" I say\n\n\"Well that is up to you but might I suggest having one of each race that is available so that you can equality among the army\" Headmaster Ozpin says\n\n\"That's a good idea and I know it wouldn't sit well with you general but I will have to have some members of the white fang in the army if I'm to show that equality can achieved amongst everyone\" I say to James\n\n\"I understand but might I also suggest you have a council to help with tough decisions as well as to help with planning\" Ironwood says\n\n\"And how many would you suggest I recruit for the council general\" I ask ironwood\n\n\"I would suggest son that you have atleast 8 council members to help with your goal\" my father says to me\n\n\"Very well but for now I must return to the others who are still training I will give what you all said some thought though\" I say as I get up from my throne which I bow before leaving the room\n\nReturning to the training room I rejoin the groups still training\n\n\"What did you parents want Y/N?\" Moka asks as she trains\n\n\"They wanted to discuss about my goal to ensure peace is shared with everyone of all races which I will need to talk with a few of you here after the training sessions are done\" I say as I train\n\n\"Who will you need to talk with?\" Mizore asks\n\n\"The ones I need to talk with are Moka Kurumu Mizore Yukari Blake Sona And Issei\" I say as I continue to train with the strength group\n\n\"Why me?\" Issei says\n\n\"Because Issei you have the boosted gear which has Ddraig the heavenly dragon of domination which I will need to talk to him about his knowledge of the dragon faction to see if he knows any dragon that would want to be apart of the army to help ensure peace\" I answer Issei\n\n<b>\"A wise choice Young L/N\"</b> Ddraig says from Issei's gauntlet\n\nSeveral more hours pass till we all finally stop training\n\n\"Alright training is done for the day remember we will continue tomorrow after school is done and that weekends are free days so you'll be able to relax during those days as one should. Now will Moka Kurumu Mizore Blake Yukari Sona and Issei please come with me to the throne room so we can discuss what I wish to talk to you 7 about\" I say which the mentioned individuals nod and follow me out the training room\n\nEntering the throne room I sit on my throne again which the 8 stand in front of\n\n\"What did you wanna talk to us about?\" Kurumu asks\n\n\"Right so earlier it was suggested that I start a army to help ensure peace is shared with everyone and that I have a section of each race in the army meaning I need to have one of Vampire, Succubi, Yuki ona's Witches,Devil's,Faunuses,Dragons and every other race which is why I want you 7 to get ahold of your parents with the exception of you Issei as you will need to talk to Ddraig about the dragons and set up a meeting between myself and them so that I can discuss what is needed to be done\" I say in a serious tone\n\n\"Very well we'll get on it\" Moka Says\n\n\"Y/N there is a way that you can talk to Ddraig your self\" Issei says\n\n\"How do I do that Issei?\"\n\nIssei tells me to stand Infront of him which he places a hand on my forehead which causes me to close my eyes\n\nUpon opening I see I'm in a field of some kind but suddenly I see a large red dragon flying towards me\n\n\"Your Ddraig I take it?\" I ask the Dragon as it lands before me\n\n\"Yes I am Young L/N\" the dragon says \n\n\"So what can you tell me of the dragon faction and who I can speak with in political terms\" I ask Ddraig\n\nDdraig then explains about the dragon faction and of who I can speak with in political terms\n\n\"Right well I'll be leaving now it was nice to chat with you Ddraig\" I say as I vanish from Issei's mindscape\n\nReturning to the outside world I open my eyes which Moka Kurumu Mizore YukarI Blake and Sona each say that their parents are willing to meet with me Saturday which I nod \n\nSoon everyone heads back to their respective academies myself included\n\nArriving back at my Yokai Academy Dorm I climb in bed and fall asleep\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n", "<b>Shadow here with what I think would be good members for Y/Ns council for his goal of true peace</b>\n\n<b>Human Council Member:</b>\n\n<b>Winter Schnee</b>\n\n<b>Faunus Council Member:</b>\n\n<b>Adam Taurus (Will be explained why he's a council member in the recruiting chapter)</b>\n\n<b>Devil Council Member:</b>\n\n<b>Sairorg</b><b> bael</b>\n\n<b>Vampire Council Member:</b>\n\n<b>Count Issa </b><b>Shuizen</b>\n\n<b>Succubi Council Member:</b>\n\n<b>Ageha</b><b> </b><b>Kurono</b>\n\n<b>Yuki </b><b>Ona</b><b> Council Member:</b>\n\n<b>Tsurara</b><b> </b><b>Shirayuki</b>\n\n<b>Dragon Council Member:</b>\n\n<b>Great </b><b>Red</b>\n\n<b>Witch Council Member:</b>\n\n<b>Fujiko</b><b> </b><b>Sendo</b>\n\n<b>These are who I believe will be good council members for Y/Ns Goal of true peace but if they are not to your liking feel free to comment on who needs to be replaced on the council</b>\n\n<b>See you all in the next </b><b>chapter</b>", "<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nSeveral days after I asked the seven to get in touch with their parents so that I could meet them in person and seven days since everyone has started training after school hours to increase their attributes\n\nCurrently I am sitting on my throne as my peerage as well as my friends converse with me\n\n\"Y/N my parents say that they will meet with you today if you can make it to the home they are staying at\" Moka tells me\n\nThe other six tell me the same thing\n\n\"Right well we should get going then if I am to meet with them today also Weiss and Rias I would like for you both to come with us as I have two individuals I need to meet with that you both should know of\" I say\n\n\"I understand\" Weiss and Rias say\n\n\"HYATE!\" I below for the butler\n\nHyate enters the throne room and bows before me\n\n\"You called your grace?\" Hyate says\n\n\"Yes I want a limo large enough to fit 11 people ready for travel as I and several individuals in this room will need to go to several locations to recruit the council members I need to have for my goal of true peace\" I say\n\n\"Very well it will be ready in a few minutes your grace shall I lead you to the parking lot of the castle\" Hyate says to me\n\n\"Yes please lead the way...Moka Mizore Kurumu Blake Weiss Yukari Sona Issei Rias let's go the rest of you are free to relax or head back to your respectively academies\" I say as I get up from my throne which the 10 follow me out the throne room\n\nFollowing Hyate we arrive in the parking lot of the castle where we see a limo ready to go\n\nEntering the limo we all sit down \n\n\"Driver please head for Atlas military headquarters\" I say to the driver\n\n\"As you command my prince\" the driver says\n\n\"Wait we are going to atlas military headquarters first?\" Weiss asks\n\n\"Yes for you see Weiss and everyone in the limo I want to have a council that consists of the following Human,Faunus,Vampire,Devil,Succubi,Yuki Ona,Dragon,and Witch which is why I asked Moka Kurumu Mizore Blake Yukari to get in touch with their parents so I could meet with them and for Issei or rather Ddraig to help me in finding a dragon that will be able to help with being part of the council\" I say to Weiss\n\n\"So who do you have in mind for the human Council Member Y/N?\" Blake asks\n\n\"You'll see when we reach our first destination Blake\" I say\n\nAfter a while the driver announces that we arrived which we all step out of the limo\n\nApproaching the entrance to the base we are stopped by two guards\n\n\"Halt! State your business here!\" One guard says\n\n\"I am Y/N L/N Prince of the Vampire race and I request a meeting with General James Ironwood as it is about what was discussed at my castle seven days ago\" I say to the guards\n\nOne of the guards then radios Ironwood which we are then told to follow the guard\n\nWe soon reach a room which we enter to see Ironwood and someone resembling Weiss but more older\n\n\"General\" I say calmly\n\n\"Your majesty\" Ironwood says to me\n\n\"What brings you all here to me?\" Ironwood asks us\n\n\"We are here for what you and I discussed seven days ago General about the council members if you've forgotten\" I say to Ironwood\n\n\"Ah yes so have you decided on who you want as members of your council?\" Ironwood asks\n\n\"Yes for the human Council Member I wish for your Lt to be the human Council Member\" I say calmly\n\n\"Wait you want my sister as the human Council Member?!\" Weiss shouts\n\n\"Yes and it's as I said before we arrived here Weiss I want a council member of different races not all the same\" I say to Weiss\n\n\"Your council will have different races in it?\" Weiss's sister says\n\n\"Yes but not only will a member of different races be part of the council each council member will have four people of their choosing as body guards so that the council member can be protected while traveling around\" I say\n\n\"So like a protection for each council member\" ironwood says\n\n\"Yes exactly also I will say this now if one of the Council members have beef with another member of the Council then both council members will be required to reconcile with each other and put their pasts with each other behind them in order to work towards true peace for Everyone\" I say seriously\n\n\"Can't believe I'm saying this out loud but one example would be between a certain bull from the white fang and the Schnees\" Blake says\n\n\"You mean Adam Taurus\" Ironwood calmly says\n\nBlake nods \n\n\"Anyways Weiss's sister will you join the council?\" I ask the Lt of ironwood\n\n\"First my name is Winter and second if it means true peace for everyone then I will join\" Winter says\n\n\"Right here is a button that will call a limo to you to pick you up and bring you to the castle and I will send for you by letter when it's time for a meeting to be held\" I say while handing over a button\n\n\"Right I'll see you then\" Winter says\n\nWe shake hands which my group then leaves the military headquarters and get back in the limo outside\n\n\"Driver head for the island of menagerie next\" I say to the driver which I hear okay\n\nSoon we fly over the ocean which we then approach an island which Blake says is where her parents are\n\nStepping out of the limo we see two Faunuses as well as two guards\n\n\"Greetings I take it that you both are Mr and Mrs Belladonna parents to Blake here?\" I say to the two Faunuses\n\n\"We are I am Ghira and this is my wife Kali\" Ghira says to us\n\n\"We was told you wished to speak with us about something important?\" Kali says to us\n\n\"Yes might we speak at your home Mrs Belladonna and before you ask yes one of the girls with me is a Schnee but she is under my protection while we are traveling so I would prefer that no harm comes to her\" I say in a serious tone\n\n\"Very well please follow us\" Ghira says\n\nWe follow Ghira Kali and a few guards through the city of menagerie\n\nSoon we arrive at Blake's home where we enter the manor\n\nSitting in the living we begin to converse\n\n\"So what brings you here to our island?\" Kali asks us\n\n\"Well Mrs Belladonna we are here because I am looking for a faunus to become a member of my council so that true peace can be shared with all races and I don't mean the races of humans and Faunuses as is in remnant I mean every race out there\" I say\n\n\"There's more then just the two races?\" Ghira says\n\n\"Moka Kurumu Mizore Rias if you girls would please\" I say calmly\n\nThe four nod and activate the power of their race which shocks the parents of Blake\n\n\"So what races are those girls?\" Ghira asks\n\nBefore anything could be said the door swing open which several Faunuses enter\n\n\"Ghira you must see reason to help us!\" One faunus says to Ghira\n\n\"Sienna I told you I will not return to the fang after what it has become\" Ghira calmly says\n\n\"You must help us wipe remnant of the human tra-\" another faunus begins to say before noticing Blake\n\n\"Blake?!\" The faunus shouts\n\nThe faunus brings out their sword in attempt to attack Blake but before anyone could do anything I immediately appear behind the faunus in my devil trigger form which I grab the arm and roughly bend harming the faunus and making the faunus drop their weapon\n\n\"Argh let go damn you!\" The faunus yells\n\n\"No I won't Adam you will cease your action or else besides I know quite a bit about you\" I say while in devil trigger form\n\n\"You don't know shit!\" Adam yells\n\n\"Oh don't I? You are Adam Taurus Lt of the white fang faction former boyfriend to Blake over there you once worked in a mine owned by the Schnees but you rebelled causing the Schnees to brand your face resulting in most of your face having a scar leaving only one good eye to use. You want only for faunus to rule over remnant which in actually will only cause endless bloodshed to repeat forever and ever\" I say seriously\n\nMy words shock the Faunuses as well as Weiss\n\n\"How the hell do you know all that?!\" Adam Yells at me\n\n\"Lots and lots of research Adam infact it's a good thing you are here because I have a proposition for you specifically \" I say as I return to normal\n\n\"Oh and what's that?\" Sienna says\n\n\"Adam Taurus and all white fang members both old and current I want you all to clarify something for me... The original goal for the faction was to achieve equality amongst the humans and the Faunuses correct?\" I ask those who been apart of or is still apart of the white fang\n\n\"That was the original task for the faction when I founded it yes\" Ghira says\n\n\"Right so Adam Taurus I offer you to become a member of my council that I am recruiting for which goal is to achieve peace and equality for everyone no matter the race \" I say seriously \n\n\"What is this council your talking about?\" Adam says\n\nI explain the reason for the council which Adam listens to \n\n\"I should also mention something Adam if you have hatred for another council member then you both must put your pasts behind you both and reconcile with each other in order to work together towards the goal\" I say\n\n\"Hmm give me a bit to think about what you said and you really did mean it when you said your goal is to achieve true peace and equality for all races right?\" Adam says\n\n\"Yes I do really mean it Adam I want every race to have peace and equality no matter where they walk also if you join you will be required to pick four Faunuses of your choice to act as your body guards when attending important meetings or a council meeting period\" I say to Adam\n\nAdam nods his head and walks out the room alone which I and everyone still present converse while Adam is off thinking\n\nAfter a bit of time passes Adam returns\n\n\"Have you decided Adam?\" I ask the bull who nods\n\n\"I have and I will join your council as long as you keep your word about true peace and equality for all\" Adam says\n\n\"Right here is a button that will call forth a limo to my castle when the time for a meeting is to be held also I recommend you stop all evil actions you have planned as you will have to fight against the evil ones in order to achieve the goal the Council will work towards\" I say to the bull faunus while handing over a button\n\n\"I will send a letter to you Adam when it's time for now my group must be going to the next destination for the next council member\" I say while offering a handshake to Adam\n\nAdam shakes my hand which my group leaves the residence\n\nExiting the city we get back into the limo\n\n\"Moka your parents are at their castle right?\" I say to Moka\n\n\"Yes they are waiting for us there now\" Moka Says which I nod\n\n\"Right Driver please head towards Castle Shuzen\" I say to the driver\n\nThe driver nods which the limo then heads for the castle of the Yokai world\n\nArriving at the path to the castle entrance several vampires are lined up bowing their heads\n\nOne of the vampires attempts to attack Weiss which I grab the face of the vampire with my hand while activating my vampire aura\n\n<b>\"IF ANYONE SO MUCH TRY'S TO ATTACK MY FRIENDS WHETHER THEY BE HUMAN OR NOT I WILL PERSONALLY HARM THEM GREATLY SO THIS IS YOUR ONE WARNING FOOL GET BACK IN LINE WITH THE REST OR ELSE!!\"</b> I shout loudly for all vampires near to hear\n\n'Damn I want him so bad right now' Moka Says in her mind\n\nReturning to normal We continue to walk towards the castle doors where see Lord Issa and Lady Blood Driver standing at the bottom of the steps of the castle\n\n\"I see you had to use your authority to straighten a disobedient vampire\" Issa says\n\n\"Yes and I will keep by my word that if any one of any race harms my friends or those I love I will personally harm them greatly no matter what the cost may be\" I say in a serious tone\n\n\"In any case you wanted to speak with us what is it about\" Lady Blood Driver says\n\n\"Right so as you know by now or if you haven't learned of. I want to achieve my goal of true peace and equality for all races meaning I want everyone to walk side by side with each other with a smile on their faces and as for why we are here is because of you Lord Issa\" I say\n\n\"Me?\" Lord Issa points to himself\n\n\"Yes you as for why well it goes like this\" I say as I explain what was discussed over a week ago by my parents headmaster Ozpin and headmaster ironwood\n\n\"So you are recruiting people for your council which right now you want my husband to join?\" Lady Akashiya Says to me\n\n\"Yes ma'am that is correct\" I say calmly\n\n\"He will not join your stupid weak Council!\" A voice shouts at me \n\nTurning my head to the voice I see a girl with red hair approaching me\n\n<b>The girl just imagine the background is that of Lord Issa's Castle in the Yokai world</b>\n\n\"And you are?\" I ask the girl\n\n\"She is Kokoa Shizuen my daughter and Moka's Half sister\" Issa Says\n\n\"I see now why is it that you don't want your father to join my council?\" I ask Kokoa\n\n\"Because it's filled with weaklings just like you are!\" Kokoa yells\n\nI close my eyes before grinning a little\n\n\"So you think that my council is weak like I am... Then why don't I show you my full unrestricted strength then maybe you'll change your mind also I would recommend either flying above the ground or having a firm grip on your movement as things are about to get destructive and Lord Issa sorry about your castle in advance\" I say seriously\n\nI walk to the middle of the court yard which I take a deep breath before screaming as loud as I can\n\n\"<b>HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA</b><b>!!!!!!\"</b> I yell loudly as the ground begins to violently shake\n\nLightning strikes around me several shadows of me surround me as the shadows glow in a rainbow pattern\n\nThe shadows all join in the yelling which causes the ground to shake even more violently\n\nThe yelling continues for a good solid 15 minutes before a bright light envelopes me which blinds everyone within the area\n\nAfter a minute the light disappears which shows me in my ultimate form which consists of me wearing a trench coat with half of the coat having demonic symbols the other half having vampiric symbols with a crown floating above my head as my hair is now half silver half pure black with my eyes now a golden color\n\n\"Now then Kokoa still think I am weak?\" I say with authority in my voice\n\nKokoa stares at me wide eyed before fainting\n\n\"That's something but Y/N please return to normal it's taking all I can to keep this barrier around us over here up and well Moka wants to have her way with you it seems\" Lord Issa says\n\nLooking over Moka I notice that she is pounding on the barrier with her vampire aura active screaming for her father to let her out\n\nI sweatdrop at what I see which I return to my normal form which Moka calms down\n\n\"In any case Lord Issa will you join the council?\" I ask the vampire Lord\n\n\"I will gladly join the council Young Y/N I assume there's more to it?\" Lord Issa asks\n\n\"Yes when you join you will have to have four selected vampires to serve as your body guards whenever attending the meeting with the other council members and those body guards must oblige by the rule that everyone in the meeting no matter this race is to be respected and not attacked what's so ever\" I say in a serious tone\n\n\"Very well I guess I'll see you and the other council when it's for a meeting\" Lord Issa says \n\nI nod and hand a device to Lord Issa after which I head back for the limo with the ten individuals with me\n\n\"Who's next Y/N?\" Sona asks me\n\n\"Up next is a devil that I'm sure Rias knows all to well\" I say calmly\n\n\"And who do I know all too well?\" Rias asks\n\n\"It's your cousin Rias\" I say calmly\n\n\"Wait you want Saiorg in the council?\" Rias asks me\n\n\"Yes\" I plainly answer\n\n\"Why him and why would you want Adam in the council you never told the reason for Adam joining\" Blake says to me\n\n\"Right I forgot about that... The reason for Adam joining the council is despite what he has done already I still believe that hidden deep within the soul of the bull faunus lies a light that can still shine brightly all Adam needs is a little help to bring that light out\" I answer Blake\n\n\"But how do you plan on getting to Rias's Cousin in the first place Y/N?\" Mizore asks\n\n\"He will be able to get to the bael castle of the Underworld all his friend Ms Gremory has to do is give the okay to head to the castle to his highness\" the driver says which shocks us\n\nLooking towards Rias we await her answer\n\nRias soon gives her okay to me which I nod and the driver nods as well\n\nSuddenly a portal appears Infront of the limo which drives through which we then find out we are in the Underworld\n\nThe limo drives for 10 minutes before pulling up to a castle\n\nStepping out of the limo two devil's approach the limo but one of the devil's is shocked to see Rias and Sona\n\n\"Rias Sona? What are you both doing here and who are they?\" The devil that recognized Rias and Sona says\n\n\"Well Saiorg you know the human best friend of mine that I told you in those meetings from time to time who attended the academy I now go to?\" Rias says to Her cousin\n\n\"Yes I believe his name was Y/N L/N a human that you told me was incredibly strong and helpful why\" Saiorg says\n\nRias looks to me and nods which I nod in return\n\nI step forward\n\n\"Greetings my name is Y/N L/N and I am the best friend of Rias and Sona I am also the or should I say was the human that Rias told you about\" I say to Saiorg\n\n\"Was?\" Saiorg asks me\n\nI explain why I said I wasn't human anymore which shocks the the two devil's before my group\n\n\"So what really brings you all here?\" The other devil beside Saiorg says\n\n\"Can I ask who you are sir?\" I ask the devil\n\n\"Y/N that is Zekrom Bael Saiorg's Father\" Sona says\n\n\"Oh forgive my rudeness then sir I didn't know that we would be meeting with the head of the bael family well besides Sona and Rias of course as they knew you both already\" I say while bowing my head in respect as does Moka Issei Kurumu Mizore Blake and Yukari\n\n\"It's fine please raise your heads now please explain why you are here\" Zekrom says\n\nWe bring up our heads which I soon gain a serious look on my face\n\n\"About that sir you see the reason we are here is because I am looking for a devil to join my council that I am recruiting for and I would like your son Saiorg to be apart of the council\" I say to the two devil's\n\n\"What is this council you speak of?\" Both Bael family members asks me\n\nI explain why I am looking for council members which Saiorg listens to\n\n\"So you want 1 individual of each race you said to be a council member so that true peace can be shared with everyone not just one race or two but everyone\" Zekrom says to me\n\n\"Yes that is why for the devil council member position I would like Saiorg to be that council member\" I answer calmly\n\nSaiorg thinks about it before answering\n\n\"Very well I will join I assume you have a place for the meeting to be held at?\" Saiorg says\n\n\"Yes it is the castle I own where the meetings will be held once it's time. For now take this button I'll send you a letter when it's time for the meeting or I'll ask Rias/Sona to drop by and inform you about the meeting and before I forget each council member is required to have four individuals of their race to act as a body guard to said devil meaning you must pick four devil's you trust to help protect you during the meetings or at any time \" I say as I hand Saiorg a button\n\nWe say our good bye which we enter the limo\n\n\"Where to next sir?\" The driver asks me\n\n\"Up next is the Succubi Village So Kurumu please give the driver directions on how to reach your village\" I say calmly\n\nKurumu nods and gives the driver the directions to her home\n\nAfter a hour passes the limo pulls up to a village\n\nGetting out of the limo Kurumu leads us to her home where she says her mother resides\n\nUpon entering Kurumu's Home we hear something that we shouldn't hear\n\n\"Uh Kurumu your a succubus right?\" Issei asks Kurumu\n\n\"Yes I am\" Kurumu says to Issei\n\n\"And Succubus get their fun by doing 'it' with their destined ones right?\" I ask Kurumu\n\n\"Yup\" Kurumu says with a pop on the p \n\n\"Then what we are hearing is your mother...\" Blake begins to say\n\n\"Yes my mother is having sex right now with a random man\" Kurumu says matter of factly \n\n\"Well could you call her down here so we can discuss what we wanna say and head to the next council member to recruit?\" I ask Kurumu\n\nKurumu nods and shouts loudly for her mother to come to the entrance which of course her mother says to give her a minute\n\nAfter a minute passes Kurumu's mother comes down the stairs dressed in her normal clothing\n\n<b>Kurumu's mother</b>\n\n\"My my Kurumu you didn't tell me you found two men to keep to yourself dear\" Kurumu's mother says\n\n\"MOM! I'm not dating either one of the two guys before you *mind* atleast not the one that wants to talk to you yet\" Kurumu says at the beginning before thinking the last bit in her mind\n\n\"I'm only joking dear now what brings you and your friends to our home?\" Kurumu's mother asks\n\n\"Before we explain why we are here ma'am can we please know your name as to make communication between us easier?\" I ask the lady before us\n\n\"My such manners but for introductions my name is Ageha Kurono and I am Kurumu's Mother\" Ageha says\n\n\"It's a honor to meet you Ms Kurono my name is Y/N L/N I am the prince of the vampire race and with me are several friends of mine\" I say as I introduce Moka and the rest to Kurumu's mother\n\n\"I see well what brings you to my home? I'm sure it's not to get my blessings to be with Kurumu cause you got that already cutie\" Ageha says\n\n\"MOM!\" Kurumu shouts while blushing\n\n\"Actually it's not that what we are here for well rather myself is to talk about you joining a council I'm recruiting for\" I say to the succubus\n\n\"You want me apart of a council?\" Ageha asks me\n\nI nod my head which I explain why I want her to become part of the council\n\nAgeha thinks for a bit before deciding\n\n\"I will gladly join your council I assume you have a way to get me to the meetings?\" Ageha says\n\n\"Yes I have a button that will summon a limo to you which will take you to my castle where the meetings will be held also you must have four succubus as your body guards as each council member is required to have a protective wall of sorts\" I say as I hand Ageha a button\n\nWe say good bye as we get in the limo\n\n\"Where to next Y/N?\" Yukari says to me\n\n\"Next is the Yuki Ona village so as I said for Kurumu... Mizore please give the directions of your village to the driver\" I say to Mizore\n\nMizore nods and gives the directions to the driver\n\nThe limo then leaves the Succubus Village which we converse for a while\n\nAfter some time passes we arrive at Mizore's Village\n\nExiting the limo we head for the inn where Mizore says her mother runs\n\nEntering the inn we feel warm us covering us from being outside\n\nMizore calls for her mom which we then see a lady come from the other side of the room we are in\n\n<b>Mizore's Mother</b>\n\n\"Mizore? What brings you here dear?\" Mizore's Mother asks her daughter\n\n\"Mom these are my friends and one of the males has something important to ask of you\" Mizore says to her mother\n\n\"And which male is it that wishes to speak with me?\" Mizore's Mother asks\n\nI step forward from the group which I stand Infront of Mizore's Mother\n\n\"I am the one who wishes to speak with you Ma'am My name is Y/N L/N\" I say to Mizore's Mother\n\n\"It's nice to meet you my name is Tsurara Shirayuki but you may call me Ms Tsurara if you wish\" Tsurara says \n\n\"Very well Ms Tsurara now as for why we are here you see I am looking to recruit Individuals of different races to become part of my council as I am working towards a goal of true peace and equality for everyone of every race\" I say calmly\n\n\"You do know it will not be a easy task to fullfil right?\" Tsurara says\n\n\"I know but by recruiting individuals of different races to become part of the council I can hopefully have help in eventually reaching that goal\" I say\n\n\" Very well I will join\" Tsurara says which I hand her a button\n\nI then proceed to tell the same thing I told the other members which she nods her head at\n\nExiting the inn we get into the limo\n\n\"So who's next?\" Blake asks\n\n\"Next might be a bit difficult to reach\" I say\n\n\"How so?\" Weiss asks\n\n\"We have to go to a place called the Dimensional Gap to recruit the next council member I want in the council\" I say in a serious tone\n\n\"I'm afraid to ask but your next council member isn't ophis the infinity dragon god is it?\" Sona asks\n\n\"No it's the other dragon that resides in the gap the one everyone is mostly afraid of\" I say\n\n\"Wait you want great red as a council member?!\" Rias shouts\n\nI nod my head before telling the driver to head to the Dimensional Gap which the driver puts a barrier around the limo before driving into a portal\n\nFlying through the gap in the limo we eventually see two dragons fighting which I tell the driver to stop the limo where I then tell everyone else to stay put\n\n\"You can't survive out in the gap you'll die!\" Sona shouts\n\n\"I won't die that easily Sona besides I'm still gonna be within the barrier of the limo I'm just gonna be getting their attention\" I calmly say\n\nClimbing up to the top of the limo I stand on top where I take a deep breath before shouting\n\n\"<b>Fire Dragon Roar!!\"</b> I shout as a torrent of fire heads straight towards the two dragons\n\nThe torrent approaches the two of which the two notice before turning to the limo where they see me standing on top of\n\nThe dragons then head towards my location and hover Infront of the limo\n\n\"Who are you to attack us so fool hardly\" one of the dragons says\n\n\"It wasn't really a attack but more of a way to get the two of you's attention\" I say to the dragon\n\n\"But my Name is Y/N L/N and I am looking for a dragon by the name of Great Red\" I calmly say\n\n\"I am the one your looking for but why are you wanting me in the first place?\" great red says\n\n\"Well Great Red seeing as you are the dragon of dreams I'm sure you can already see the dream I want to achieve...\" I say to the dragon of dreams\n\nGreat red goes silent before speaking\n\n\"I have seen your dream young one and it is a noble goal that I will be glad to be apart of\" Great Red Says\n\n\"Then...\" I begin to say which Great red finishes for me\n\n\"Yes I'll become part of your council I will also be your castles guardian dragon so as to miss infinity can have her home back\" Great red says\n\n\"Wait you mean all I had to do to get baka red out was find you and he would leave my home that easy?\" The infinity dragon says\n\n\"Uh Yes? By the way Mr red do you have a human form you can attend the meetings in?\" I say to both the infinity and dream dragons\n\n\"I do yes and you won't have to give me a button to let me know of the meeting as I will be living at your castle\" Great red says\n\n\"Very well then I'll see you back at the castle I have one more council member to recruit for the council then I will have all council members positions filled also Great Red please ensure that you have atleast four other dragons as your body guards for the meetings I know your powerful and all but doesn't hurt to have protection just in case of a enemy with a way to hurt you shows up \" I say as I drop back into the limo which exits the Dimensional Gap\n\n\"Alright Yukari you're up last so please tell how to get to your home\" I say to the witch\n\nYukari nods and gives the driver the directions which the driver nods at\n\nAfter a long ride we arrive at a village with many witches and warlocks are at\n\nExiting the limo we head towards Yukari's Home\n\nArriving at the home we see what looks to be a witch practicing her spells\n\n\"Mom!\" Yukari yells while running over to the witch\n\n\"Yukari?\" Yukari's mom says\n\nThe mother daughter share a hug and smiles\n\n\"Mom these are my friends and he *points to me* wants to talk to you about something important\" Yukari says to her mother\n\n\"Please to meet you everyone my name is Fujiko Sendo and I thank you for watching over my daughter while she attends Yokai Academy \" Fujiko says\n\n\"Ms Sendo not all of us attend Yokai academy some of us attend an academy known as Beacon Academy\" Rias says\n\n\"I see but in any case what is it that is needed to be spoken to me about?\" Fujiko says\n\nI explain why we are in the village which Fujiko listens carefully too \n\n\"Very well I will join if it means that peace can be shared with every race\" Fujiko says\n\nI nod and hand a button which I tell her the same thing I told the others I recruited which Fujiko nods\n\nEntering the limo we head back to the castle where the others are waiting\n\nReturning to the castle we explain to the others what all happened which half of the groups head back to Beacon Academy while some head back to Yokai Academy myself included\n\nI head for my dorm which I fall asleep in the bed that is in the dorm\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n\n<b>Shadow here with the next chapter and I want to say that the chapter took over 5k words but I hope you all enjoy it none the less</b>\n\n<b>But a little question for you all before I go</b>\n\n<b>Should the next chapter be </b><b>NDGO</b><b> being beaten by the Yokai Girls like it originally happened before the rewrite of the story </b>\n\n<b>Yes</b>\n\n<b>Or</b>\n\n<b>No</b>\n\n<b>Leave a comment on if it should happen</b>\n\n<b>See you all in the next chapter</b>", "<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nAfter recruiting the members for my council I and those of Yokai academy are heading towards the academy itself\n\n\"What do you plan to do first with your council Y/N?\" Moka Asks me\n\n\"There's many things I need to do first with the council Moka and one such things is making sure they don't kill each other especially two members\" I say as we enter the academy building\n\n\"I take it they are the first two you recruited?\" Mizore asks\n\nI nod as I arrive at the classroom which Koneko heads towards her class\n\nI give koneko a hug before she leaves for her class which I then enter my class with those who are in it\n\nSitting at my desk Ms Nekonome enters the class and begins teaching the lesson for today\n\nAs the lesson is being taught everyone in the classroom can hear commotions coming from outside\n\nGetting up from our desks we go to the windows to see kuyo and the community dealing with four girls at the academy gates\n\n\"Oh you got to be fucking shitting me right now!\" I shout loudly\n\n\"You know them?\" A student asks me\n\n\"Yeah they're my ex girlfriends which was the cause of me transferring academies....Ms Nekonome permission to go and deal with the problem with Kuyo?\" I say \n\n\"Go ahead since you know the four\" Nekonome says\n\nI nod exit the classroom which I head for the academy gates\n\nArriving at the gates I hear nebula screaming\n\n\"Let us See Him!!\" Nebula screams at Kuyo\n\nBefore Kuyo speaks I place a hand on his shoulder which alerts him to my presence\n\n\"Let me deal with this Kuyo I'm the one they want so I'll sort this situation out\" I say to Kuyo\n\n\"Very well if you know these weaklings\" Kuyo says\n\nI walk to the gate and glare at the four\n\n\"So mind telling everyone why you four are here especially after what my clone and Issei told you back at beacon academy?\" I ask the four on the otherside of the gate\n\n\"We want you back Y/N please let us in!!\" Gwen yells at me\n\n\"I told you I'm not returning to you and I'm not returning to beacon academy besides you four are the ones who broke my heart when I found out what you did behind my back\" I say \n\n\"We don't want anyone else but you!\" Dew shouts\n\n\"Like I said No also you seem to forget one very important detail about this academy...\" I say to the four\n\n\"What's that?\" Octavia says\n\n\"The important rule is that if any humans are within the area of the academy grounds they are to be killed by the Yokai of the academy but to keep you alive for now I will propose a alternate version to the rule\" I say\n\n\"And what do you suggest?\" Kuyo asks\n\n\"I propose that Moka Akashiya Kurumu Kurono Mizore Shirayuki and Koneko Tohjou all deal with the four in a battle which will result in a warning to the four causing them not to come back to Yokai Academy unless they really want to die\" I say calmly\n\n\"Hmm Very well please bring the four here\" Kuyo says to his group\n\n\"Yes sir!\" The group shouts\n\nAfter several minutes the four appear with the group\n\n\"So what are we supposed to do?\" Koneko Asks\n\n\"You Ms Tohjou are to deal with the four on the other side of the gate with the three others with you  as to deal them a warning in a fight so as to not come back on the  academy grounds\" Kuyo says to Koneko\n\nKoneko just nods her head as does the other three\n\n\"I would advise the fight be off academy grounds\" Headmaster Mikogami says\n\nBoth Kuyo and I agree with the headmaster which Kuyo leads the fighters to the bus stop area as there is plenty of space to fight over there\n\nArriving at the area I stand at near the bus sign as the 8 are glaring at each other\n\n\"Alright the fight will end once one side is knocked out and for the fighters we have Moka Kurumu Mizore and Koneko of Yokai Academy vs Nebula Gwen Dew and Octavia of Beacon Academy also known as team NDGO My Ex's....Both Sides ready?\" I say calmly\n\nBoth sides nod their heads\n\n\"<b>BEGIN!\"</b> I shout which soon a loud boom is heard\n\n<b>3rd POV</b>\n\nWalking back over to the rest of the Yokai Academy Y/N stands near the rest\n\n\"So mind explaining exactly how you know of these four humans?\" Kuyo asks Y/N\n\n\"I know them Kuyo because I used to be human like them and before you and the rest of the academy chew me out i was only human because I sealed my vampiric powers in the past and only unlocked them when Moka's mother Akashiya Blood Driver turned me into a vampire causing my powers to be set free\" Y/N says\n\nA loud scream is heard which everyone turns to see slashes on Nebula's face\n\n\"You God dam Bitch! You ruined my perfect face!\" Nebula yells at Kurumu\n\n\"Consider that just the one of many for what you did to Y/N!\" Kurumu shouts as she flys up and dives behind Nebula scratching her back with her nails\n\n\"You Bitch Quit Punching me in the stomach I won't be able to have Y/Ns Babies!\" Gwen Yells at Koneko\n\n\"You won't be doing anything as long as we are around\" Koneko says as she punches Gwen in the stomach again before punching her in the face\n\n\"Damn you! Your just as annoying as that Red Haired Slutty Bitch!\" Octavia shouts at Moka\n\nMoka has a confused look on her face\n\n\"She's referring to Rias Moka the one our group had to fight that other group for the freedom of\" Y/N says to Moka\n\n\"Oh well atleast she's better then what you and your friends did to Y/N which speaking of which you had the gall to betray my fiance\" Moka Says with a glare\n\n\"Hold up your engaged?!\" The students near Y/N Shout\n\n\"One ow and two yes but apparently my parents and Moka's parents set up an arranged marriage between the two of us which we only found out through the necklaces we both have within our uniforms\" Y/N says\n\n\"What necklace?\" A student asks\n\nY/N takes out his half of the necklace\n\n\"Moka herself has the other half of the necklace\" Y/N says to the student\n\n\"You Bitch how dare you steal our man!\" Team NDGO shouts at Moka\n\n\"He's not your man anymore especially after what you four did to him....Mizore Freeze them but leave their heads unfrozen\" Moka Says\n\n\"Right\" Mizore says as she freezes the four girls\n\n\"Let us out!\" NDGO yells\n\n\"No we won't but your faces won't be pretty anymore\" Kurumu says as she and the other three begin to rapidly punch team NDGO in the face\n\n\"Holy Crap I definitely don't wanna be them right now\" A student says\n\n\"Yeah I agree with you on that\" another student says\n\nAfter 30 minutes to an hour the beatings stop and NDGO face's are completely ruined beyond recognition\n\n\"Well that's the match and will go to say that the four best be lucky I turned the fight into a warning instead of death for them...\" Y/N Says\n\nSoon a bus horn honk is heard which causes everyone to see the bus approaching \n\nThe bus comes to stop which from the bus Ozpin Yang and Nora step off\n\n\"Hello Headmaster Ozpin Yang Nora\" Y/N Says\n\n\"Hello Mr L/N we are just here to pick up the trouble makers that have been causing trouble for mikogami's academy\" Ozpin says\n\n\"Well as you can see they are knocked out and with no way of their faces recovering from the beatings they just received\" Y/N Says\n\nYang and Nora approach the four\n\n\"Damn you really let them have it but you didn't hit them did you Y/N?\" Yang asks as she picks up Nebula and Gwen\n\n\"No I didn't yang it was Moka Mizore Kurumu and Koneko that gave them the beating\" Y/N Says\n\n\"Right well we need to be going it was nice chatting with you Mr L/N.... Ms Long Ms Valkerie let's go\" Ozpin says\n\nNodding their heads the two girls walk onto the bus while carrying the unconscious NDGO which the bus then leaves\n\nSoon everyone at Yokai Academy returns to said academy and continues on as usual\n\nAfter the final school bell rings every student at Yokai Academy goes off to do their own thing\n\nY/N Moka Mizore Kurumu Ruby Yukari Gin Sona and Koneko all head for Y/Ns Castle to do their daily afternoon training\n\nArriving at the castle the 9 see the others waiting in the training room which the training soon begins\n\nSpending most of the afternoon training the groups finish up their training which the groups return to their respective academies\n\nReturning to their academies Y/N returns to his Dorm at Yokai Academy which he promptly falls asleep \n\n<b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b>", "<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nAfter the beat down of my ex's by moka,Kurumu,Mizore and Koneko I am sitting on my throne as I puzzle about something\n\n\"Hyate!\" I bellow for the head butler in my castle\n\nSoon the throne room doors open which I see said butler\n\n\"You called your highness?\" Hyate asks me\n\n\"Yes I want you to send several letters to the individuals on this paper telling them that it's time for the first council meeting\" I say to Hyate\n\n\"It shall be done my Lord\" Hyate says as he bows to me\n\n\"You may go now\" I say to Hyate who nods and exits the throne room\n\n\"So it's time for the meeting?\" Moka asks\n\n\"Yes but I'm gonna have you and two others as security just Incase something goes wrong at the meeting\" I say\n\n\"Who will you have helping Moka as Security Y/N?\" Weiss asks\n\n\"The two who will help Moka as security for the meeting will be Yang and Nora in other words the Furious brawler of team RWBY and the leg breaker/pancake queen of Team JNPR\" I say to my friends\n\nI then see yang and Nora fist bump each other with a grin on their faces\n\nAn hour passes before I am told that the council members are here and are waiting at the entrance of the castle\n\n\"Right let's go Moka Yang Nora\" I say as I head for the castle entrance with the three following behind\n\nUpon arrival I see four members arguing with each other\n\n\"<b>SILENCE YOU FOUR!!</b>\" I bellow loudly\n\n\"What is she doing here?!\" Adam yells\n\n\"I believe I told everyone this when I recruited you all but if you have a disagreement with another member of the council then you are to reconcile with said council member so Winter Schnee,Adam Taurus, Tsurara Shirayuki and Ageha Kurono you four will apologize to the one you was arguing with <b>IMMEDIATELY!\"</b> I angrily say to the four \n\n\"But\" Winter starts to say\n\n\"Winter if you don't do as I say then I will be forced to use my true forms strength on you and only one council member has seen my true form and that is Council Member Issa\" I say in a eerily creepy tone\n\n\"He's right I did see his true form and it took all I had to keep Moka from doing it infront of everyone at the time\" Issa says\n\n\"Stupid Daddy... and stupid barrier but mostly stupid Daddy....\" Moka mutters loudly\n\nIssa and I sweatdrop at what moka says \n\n\"Anyway I want the four of you *looks to winter Adam Tsurara and Ageha* to apologize to the one each of you was arguing with as we head for the meeting room\" I say seriously\n\nI then walk to the meeting room with the council members Moka yang and Nora following behind as I hear four of the council members apologize to the ones they was arguing with\n\nArriving at the meeting room I sit in the main chair as the rest of the council members sit in the other chairs\n\n\"Excuse me your highness but who are the three?\" Saiorg asks\n\n\"Well Saiorg the girl with Pink and Silver hair is Moka Akashiya and she is Issa's daughter also she will be one of the three here to make sure nothing goes wrong during the meeting\" I answer the Devil's question\n\n\"What about the other two?\" Fujiko asks\n\n\"The girl with long blond hair and purple eyes is Yang Xiao Long she is one of my many best friends and is known as the furious brawler as she is real picky about her hair and to save the trouble the girl next to her is Nora Valkyrie a friend who is known as the pancake queen and leg breaker of the academy she and yang go to\" I say calmly\n\n\"Wha you know what I'm not gonna ask about that\" Ageha says\n\n\"Wise choice in anyway let's begin the meeting first up how are things in each of your respective areas since I recruited each of you to the council\" I calmly say to the council\n\n\"Some Humans have been a bit distrusting about the council working towards peace with all races\" Winter says as her guards agree with what she said\n\n\"Same can be said for the Faunuses\" Adam says\n\n\"Several devil's believe that it should only be them ruling over everything which I put a stop to it with the help of my cousin Rias's family\" Saiorg says\n\n\"Very good I'm glad that you was able to sort it out in your area Saiorg. Has any sort of trouble happened in the other areas beside what winter Adam and Saiorg said so far?\" I ask\n\n\"The snow fairy's are alright so far but there is the matter of our race on the verge of being gone forever as I'm sure it's the same with Ageha's race of Succubi\" Tsurara says\n\n\"Tsurara is right which why we succubus try to find the right guy to be with as it is known as our destined ones\" Ageha says\n\n\"Can you explain in more detail Ageha?\" Winter asks\n\n\"Gladly see when a succubus is in a populated area such as Yokai academy for example the succubus will allure the male population of the area which she will pick from the males she allured the one she knows will be her destined one\" Ageha says\n\n\"I know how that is as Kurumu attempted to take Tsukune earlier in the semester this year\" Moka says\n\n\"Ah yes I believe you are the one who gave her a beat down if I was not mistaken?\" Ageha says\n\n\"Yes that was me but please focus on the task at hand not what happened earlier this year\" Moka says\n\n\"Right so first up on the agenda Adam Winter how is the Grimm situation?\" I ask \n\n\"Um what is a Grimm?\" Tsurara asks\n\n\"Winter Adam care to explain to the other members what the Grimm are?\" I say calmly\n\n\"No need I can show them young one\" Great Red Says\n\n\"Who said that?\" Fujiko asks\n\n\" I did\" Great Red's voice says as the door opens and in walks a man with deep red hair similar to Adam's hair color\n\n\"Who are you?!\" Winter says\n\n\"Everyone say hello to Great Red One of the two Dragon Gods\" I say calmly\n\n\"Not only that but I too am a member of this council also for my dragon form would be too big for the meeting \" Great Red says\n\n\"But your not a dragon\" Issa says\n\n\"Let me ask each of you a question how many of you took in a gander at the castle before entering through the front doors and that there is something near the top of the castle?\" I ask everyone in the room\n\n\"I noticed something large near the top before entering your grace\" one of winter's guards says\n\n\"That was me laying up top in my dragon form\" Great Red says\n\n\"Really?\" Fujiko says\n\nBoth I and Great red nod\n\n\"In any case Great Red you said you'd be able to show the rest of the members of the council what the Grimm are?\" I ask the dragon god\n\n\"Yes I can\" Great Red says as he casts a spell onto the middle of the table\n\n\"What sort of magic is this?\" Fujiko asks\n\n\"It is a viewing Orb which will show the Grimm that Adam and Winter deal with on a daily basis as well as a few of Y/Ns Friends who are attending the academy for hunting the Grimm\" Great red says\n\nThe viewing orb begins to show the rest of the council what the Grimm are and how they act\n\n\"My word so these Grimm attack anyone they see?\" Ageha says\n\n\"Yes and they are soulless creatures as they are mainly tasked with killing everything not only that *takes a deep breath and exhales\" the Grimm has a queen\" Adam says\n\n\"Who is the queen Adam?\" I ask the bull\n\n\"Her name is Salem and she well she is Ozpin's ex from what I've been told before joining the council\" Adam says\n\n\"It would seem that this Ozpin knows more about the Grimm then anyone can imagine\" Saiorg says\n\n\"Agreed but we mustn't betray the headmaster if we are to work to achieve true peace for all we have to assist everyone to the best of our abilities and only the ones who will not corrupt or rule with an iron fist\" I calmly say\n\n\"Right but for now we need to check with our races and help train them for if any of our races will have to face against the enemies we know\" Issa says\n\n\"Then may I propose something after school each day my friends and I arrive here for training if each of you would like to I can allow one council member and their selected people who they wish to train to join in the training for each day so that everyone can keep up in training and before the powerful ones say that no need for training know this every enemy can grow stronger than you so it's best to keep up with training\" I say\n\n\"You are correct your highness and I will gladly accept the offer to join you and your friends for training\" Saiorg says\n\nSoon the rest of the council says the same as Saiorg\n\n\"I should also mention this before the council meeting is over but if any council member or myself include needs assistance with something then I propose that we each help each other out so that we can build trust amongst us all\" I say\n\n\"Right so that way if we are having trouble with a foe then we can call upon one of the other council members for assistance\" winter says\n\n\"And not to worry about getting to the other council members I can open up portals to each of your respective areas so that everyone in the council can reach those who are needing help\" Great red says\n\n\"Very well then I now call this meeting to a end you may all head back home if you wish\" I say as I stand up and exit the room with Moka Yang and Nora\n\n\"Well that went better than expected\" Nora says\n\n\"True but that was the first of many meetings that will happen\" I say calmly\n\n\"For now let's rejoin the rest of our friends and Y/N I want a date tomorrow\" Moka Says\n\nMyself Yang and Nora stare at Moka \n\n\"Very well I will see what I can do for the date Moka\" I say calmly\n\nWe soon return to the others where we explain what happened\n\nAfter a while of training we each head back to our respective academies where we head to our dorms and fall asleep\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>", "<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nAfter dealing with the first council meeting i am now standing in the training room with my peerage and my friends as it is a saturday morning\n\n\"Alright listen up Moka and I will not be here for the day as Moka wants to go on a date with me which i will oblige for her but that's not all\" i say\n\n\"A member of Y/Ns council will be joining you all today for training who it will be is up to them but you all are to get along and help them learn about the training routine\" Moka says which i nod in agreement\n\n\"You may come in now!\" I yell which the doors to the training room and in walks Tsurara Mizores mother along with her chosen guards\n\n\"Welcome Mrs Shirayuki now for everyone that are just now meeting her this lady is Mrs Tsurara Shirayuki she is Mizore's mother and she will be joining you all in todays training session.\" I say to everyone that doesn't know the woman\n\n\"And as such it will be my duty to help her learn how the training works right?\" Mizore asks\n\n\"That's correct Mizore just help her with learning the ropes of the training\" Moka says \n\n\"Now if there are no questions i will bring out my clones who will begin the training for you all\" i say\n\nSilence is heard which i then bring out the clones\n\n\"You four know what to do but for now Moka and I will leave for our date see you all when we get back\" i say as moka and i leave the training room\n\n\"I'm a little nervous if im being honest with you Y/N\" Moka says as we arrive in the garage\n\n\"Non sense moka all you have to do is be yourself and im sure the date will go perfectly but if you want my honest answer im a little nervous myself\" i say to Moka\n\n\"I guess we are in the same situation huh oh and you look handsome in that tux you have on for our date\" Moka says to me\n\n<b>Your tux</b>\n\n\"Thank you and i must say you look absolutely beautiful in your dress moka\" i say to Moka\n\n<b>Mokas</b><b> dress but picture her hair color is half silver half pink</b>\n\n\"Why thank you\" Moka says\n\nWe arrive at the limo which i open the door for moka letting her get in first which i then walk to the other side of the limo and get in as well\n\n\"Where to Your highness?\" The limo driver asks\n\n\"Please head to The Five Star restaurant in Vale called <b>(insert restaurant name)</b>\" i say to the driver\n\n\"Understood sir please fasten your seatbelts\" the driver says as he cranks the limo\n\nNodding our heads which put our seatbelts on as the limo drives through the portal that connects the yokai world to the human world\n\nAs we are traveling to our destination Moka and I make small talk\n\n\"So i assume you have everything planned for our date?\" Moka asks me\n\n\"I do yes but whether you enjoy what i have in stored is up to you entirely\" i say to Moka\n\n\"Only time will tell and remember its the thought the counts that is what's really important for the date\" Moka says\n\nI nod my head at what moka just said\n\nAfter a while we arrive at the restaurant\n\n\"We have arrived your highness\" the driver says\n\n\"Thank you please head back to the castle i will call for you when we need to be picked up\" i say to the limo driver as moka and i exit the limo\n\n\"Very well sir i will await your call\" the driver says before driving off\n\nI raise my arm and look at Moka\n\n\"Shall we my lady?\" I ask Moka\n\nMoka links her arm with mine\n\n\"Yes we shall\" Moka says\n\nThe two of us enter the restaurant where we are greeted by the host \n\n\"Welcome to <b>*insert restaurant name*</b> do you have a Reservation?\" The host asks us\n\n\"Yes its Under L/N\" i say to the Host\n\n\"L/N....L/N..... Ah here you are and it seems you requested the best dinning experience we have to offer... Please follow me to your table\" the host says as they grab a couple of menus and begin to walk further into the restaurant \n\nFollowing the host we pass by several others who are enjoying their meals\n\nArriving at the table which is in a section labled *Reserved for L/N only*\n\n\"Here are your menus please ring this bell *places bell on table* when you are ready to order\" The host says before heading back to the front of the restaurant\n\nWe begin looking through the menus scanning over what the restaurant has to offer\n\n\"Y/N did you really reserve an entire section of the restaurant just for our date?\" Moka asks me\n\n\"I did yes i wanted to give you the best dating experience possible especially since we only recently learned that we are engaged so safe to say I'm kinda overdue for a date with you if im being honest\" i say calmly\n\n\"But you didn't have to go through such lengths just for me or rather any girl that you take on a date\" Moka says to me\n\nI gently grab one of moka's hands which i then stare into the eyes of\n\n\"Moka listen we may have only recently became engaged but when i first met you that day that Sona Koneko and i transferred to Yokai my eyes flashed red if you recall well i spoke to my parents in private about it\" I say to Moka\n\n\"What did they say?\" Moka asks\n\n\"They said that when a vampire's eyes flash red at another vampire it means that the vampire that was looked at by the red eyes flashing is the vampire's significant other but only if the other vampire's eyes flashed red in response\" i say to moka\n\n\"So moka did your vampire eyes flash red that day?\" I ask Moka\n\nMoka takes a deep breath before exhaling \n\n\"Before the change in my race and before becoming part of your peerage when we actually first met not the side glance you gave me my non vampire side didn't do a thing in terms of reactions but my vampire side that was sealed in the Rosario around my neck reacted strongly to the flashing of your red eyes almost as if my vampire side was wanting to give you a long over due hug or something but i couldn't do anything about it\" Moka says\n\n\"Well all that matters is that we are reunited with each other now Moka... Now then what do you say we get us some grub huh?\" I say with a chuckle\n\n\"Your right i am getting peckish so yeah lets eat\" Moka says\n\nWe scan the menus one more time before deciding what we want\n\nI pick up the bell and ring it which the host arrives\n\n\"Have you decided on your orders?\" The host asks us\n\n\"We have and for me i would like <b>F/D (Favorite Drink) </b>and <b>F/FD (Favorite Food)</b> \" i say to the host\n\n\"For me i would like a Steak Medium Rare with A Chesar Salad on the side and a glass of tomato juice if you have it\" Moka says to the host\n\n\"We do most certainly have tomato juice ma'am will that be all for the two of you?\" The host asks\n\n\"Yes that is all we would like to eat\" i say with moka nodding in agreement\n\n\"Very well your orders will be out in 15 minutes\" The host says as they take the menus from us\n\nWe nod and wait for our food\n\nAbout 15 minutes pass before we see waiter and waitress pushing a cart with a glass cloche on each cart\n\n\"For you sir we have your meal which consists of F/FD and F/D like you ordered\" the waiter says as he places my food and drink before me\n\n\"And for the lady of the evening we have a steak medium rare a chesar salad and a glass of Tomato Juice just like you wanted\" the waitress says while putting Moka's requested meal before her\n\n\"We hope you enjoy your meals with us\" both waiter and waitress say to us\n\nWe thank the two which we begin to eat our meals \n\nA few hours pass before we finish our meal which i then pay for the meals while leaving a big tip for the service the restaurant provided \n\nExiting the restaurant we walk the sidewalks of Vale\n\n\"So where to next hmm?\" Moka asks me\n\n\"Next we are gonna let off some steam and fight alot of Grimm near by as im sure you would like to take your frustration out on something\" i say calmly\n\n\"You could tell i was frustrated?\" Moka asks\n\n\"Yes although you are having a wonderful time right now i have seen you frustrated so i figure why not take it out on the grimm near by and not to worry about our outfits i asked winter and Adam to set up a changing booth at the location we are heading too so you'll be able to wear something more combat friendly\" i say to Moka\n\nArriving at the spot we see two changing booths both with guards around the booths\n\n\"Sir!\" All the guards shout\n\n\"At ease everyone now i assume the changing booths are for us?\" I ask\n\n\"Yes sir the one to the right is for lady akashiya and the left one is for you\" one of the guards says\n\n\"We will also guard your evening clothes while you both kill the grimm your highness\" another guard says\n\nMoka and i look at each other and nod in agreement\n\nEntering our respective booths we change outfits into something more suited for combat\n\nExiting the booths we stand side by side in our combat outfits that was provided\n\n<b>A/N:You decide on what the combat outfits you both are wearing</b>\n\n\"So Moka ready to blow off some steam?\" I ask as i crack my knuckles\n\nMoka stretches her arms above her head as she jogs in place vampiric Aura flowing around her\n\n\"Oh you bet I'm ready to kill the shit out of the grimm\" Moka says with grin\n\nI activate my Aura which my eyes flash blood red\n\n\"Then lets give the grimm a wake up call I'll draw them to us\" i say with a grin of my own\n\nMoka nods which i walk a few feet infront of her\n\nI then proceed to have my aura shine brightly which attracts alot and i mean alot of grimm to us \n\n\"Here they come lets teach them a lesson when dealing with vampires shall we?\" I say as i get into my combat stance\n\n\"Yes lets\" Moka says getting into her combat stance\n\nSoon the grimm appear from the woods which we both charge at together\n\n\"HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!\" We yell as we punch the first grimm together which kills it in one hit\n\n\"Come you flea bitten Husks!\" I shout as i take out a few grimm\n\n\"Yeah! Give us a worthy Battle you soulless weaklings!\" Moka yells as she kills five grimm in a chain reaction\n\nThe two of us fight grimm after grimm with no stopping in between \n\nSeveral hours pass before the area is cleared of grimm\n\nWe both turn off our auras and return to normal\n\n\"Well that was certainly a experience and a half for a date wasn't it\" i say calmly wiping the sweat off my forehead\n\nMoka is silent as she doesn't say anything\n\n\"Uh Moka you alright?\" I ask \n\nMoka faces me and walks over to where she is standing directly infront of me\n\n\"Mo-\" is all i can say before Moka places her lips on mine forcing us to fall onto the ground\n\nI have a shocked expression before easing into the kiss wrapping my arms around moka\n\nA minute passes before we separate from the kiss\n\n\"Moka?\" I ask the girl looking down at me\n\n\"Y/N i love you i really do at first before we met i thought that my human side would of fallen for tsukune but you changed that you made me feel true happiness and you make me feel safe whenever you are near me i i can't imagine my life without you in it\" moka says ad she slowly begins to cry\n\n\"Moka...\" I say before sitting up which Moka is then seen sitting on my lap\n\n\"I love you too moka at first when i had my heart broken by my ex girlfriends i thought for sure that i would of been doomed to be alone for the rest of my days but the second our eyes met that i wanted to do everything i can to make you happy no matter what it takes so please don't cry moka\" i say while wiping the tears away\n\nMoka crys into my shoulder as a gently rock back and forth gently rubbing her back\n\nAfter a while moka stops crying which we both stand up\n\n\"Better?\" I ask\n\n\"Yeah and sorry you had to see me like that\" Moka says with an a embarrassed look on her face\n\n\"Moka you don't need to apologize for crying we are all unique in a certain way and crying is nothing to feel ashamed about everyone needs to let out their tears once in a while\" i say with a smile which causes moka to smile in return\n\n\"Your right we are unique but i think its time to get back to the others now don't you?\" Moka says which i nod\n\nCalling the limo driver we put on our outfits we wore for the date which the limo pulls up just as we exit the booths\n\nGetting into the limo we chat a bit as we head back to the castle\n\n<b>3rd POV</b>\n\nAs the two are heading back to Y/Ns castle Moka can be thinking one thing\n\n\" he is going to do alot of dates for the amount of girls that want to be with him\" Moka thinks to herself\n\nArriving at the castle the two head for training room where the guys ask Y/N how the date went and vice versa with the girls for Moka\n\nAfter a while everyone heads back to their respective areas which Y/N then climbs into his bed at the castle and falls asleep\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n\n<b>Shadow here with the next chapter and i would like to ask one question before i go</b>\n\n<b>The question is rather simple really</b>\n\n<b>In terms of the story being rewritten how is it so far to your likings</b>\n\n<b>I would just like to know what you all think of the rewritten version of the story compared to the other version before this</b>\n\n<b>In any case I'll see you all in the next </b><b>chapter</b>", "<b>Shadow here and before any ask what the title means</b>\n\n<b>It basically means out of the girls in the harem (besides Moka) who will be the next one to confess their love to the reader</b>\n\n<b>Now in case you forgot the other members of the harem they are the following</b>\n\n<b>Kurumu</b>\n\n<b>Mizore</b>\n\n<b>Sona</b>\n\n<b>Ruby</b>\n\n<b>Nora</b>\n\n<b>Yang</b>\n\n<b>Blake</b>\n\n<b>Rias</b>\n\n<b>Akeno</b>\n\n<b>Pyrrha</b>\n\n<b>Koneko</b>\n\n<b>Leave a comment saying which of the 11 girls should be the next one to confess their feelings to Y/N</b>\n\n<b>I will see you all in the next </b><b>chapter</b>", "<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nAfter a successful date with moka I along with those who attend Yokai Academy are doing our daily school work\n\nBut as I'm doing my school work I begin to think of an idea\n\n\"Maybe that could help them unlock the form...yeah I'll do that after school is done for the day\" I think to myself\n\nThe school day goes as usual before the final bell rings\n\nI get up and leave the academy grounds disappearing before any can speak to me\n\nArriving at the manor that my mentor's live in with the exception of Serafall and Sirzechs\n\n\"Hey Kid what brings you here all of a sudden?\" Dante says to me\n\n\"I'm here master Dante because I believe it's time for them to unlock the form but I need you and master Vergil's help for the task I have in store for them to unlock the form\" I say with a serious tone\n\nDante soon has a serious look on his face as does Vergil who walked over to the two of us as I was talking to Dante\n\n\"What do you have in mind kid?\" Dante says\n\n\"I'm thinking of leading my peerage to the spot where I took moka to during our date which while I'm doing that I would like for the two of you to already be there within the woods  just casually waiting for the group afterwards I'll make an excuse saying something like my parents are needing to see me which will be a lie\" I say seriously\n\n\"And I take once you leave we give them the near death experience they need to unlock their devil triggers right?\" Vergil says\n\n\"Yes that's correct now I need to get back to the others before they catch wind that something is up see you at the spot oh and the location is here\" I say before explaining where the spot is which Master Vergil and Dante both nod before disappearing from the manor\n\nI leave the manor as well returning to those who attend Yokai Academy\n\n\"Hey Y/N where did you go?\" Koneko asks\n\n\"I went to visit my mentor's for a moment anyway moka Kurumu gine  Yukari and Mizore we need to go get the other half of our peerage as I have something special planned for everyone and can one of you get Ruby as she will need to be with us\" I say to the group\n\n\"I'll get her\" Kurumu says\n\nI nod my head and wait for Kurumu to bring ruby\n\nA few minutes pass before the two girls approach the group\n\n\"Here she is Y/N!\" Kurumu says\n\n\"Good now let's go get the others who should be at their dorms over in beacon as school over there should be over by now\" I say which we then teleport to my old dorm\n\nUpon arrival to the dorm I see my friends from beacon\n\n\"Yo Y/N what brings you here?\" Issei asks\n\n\"I'm here for Yang Pyrrha Blake Nora Coco Rubes Jaune Weiss and Fox as I have something special in mind for those in my peerage\" I say seriously\n\n\"Ooh what is it?! I bet it's pancakes!\" Nora says excitedly\n\n\"You'll just have to wait and see Nora for now everyone in my peerage let's go\" I say before exiting the dorm which my peerage does the same\n\nWalking off beacon academy grounds I head for the spot where I took moka the other day\n\n\"Why this spot dear?\" Moka asks me\n\n\"You'll know in a moment Moka but for now I want you all to wait here for a bit I need to go see my parents as they are needing me for something so I'll be back in a bit\" I say before disappearing\n\n<b>3rd POV</b>\n\n\"Do you know what Y/Ns Parents need him for moka?\" Pyrrha asks\n\n\"No I don't as Y/N disappeared right as school ended for Yokai Academy\" Moka says \n\nSoon the group hears a twig snap which they turn to see Dante and Vergil giving the group a stare\n\n\"Hey aren't you Y/Ns mentor's Dante and Vergil?\" Weiss asks the two\n\nAll the group gets in a response is a simple hmph from Vergil before they see the two transform\n\n\"What's going o-\" is all yang could say before Dante slashes at her causing yang to avoid the attack\n\n\"What's happening?!\" Yukari shouts\n\n\"I don't know... Look out!\" Kurumu yells before pushing Nora out of the way of a stab from Vergil\n\n\"It's like they are trying to kill us!\" Blake yells\n\n\"That's the point kiddos\" Dante says\n\n\"Wait kill.kill this is our fight to awakening our devil triggers isn't it!\" Coco yells\n\n\"Precisely and we won't just simply stab you and be done\" Vergil says\n\n\"Yup you all are gonna have to come at us with all you got so best get to it!\" Dante says as he charges Mizore and Fox\n\nThe two avoid the attack before Mizore attempts to encase Dante in ice as Fox attacks using his weapon\n\nDante avoids the ice before slashing at Fox sending fox  flying backwards\n\n<b>Meanwhile over at beacon academy Ozpin's Office</b>\n\n\"Ozpin you got to stop this! They're gonna kill them!\" Glynda says\n\n\"You can't and won't Professor\" Y/N says to Glynda\n\n\"Why can't she? Especially when our children are fighting out there?\" A blond male version of yang says\n\n\"Tell me Mr long and any other parent in the room have any one of your children tell you of their race change?\" Y/N says to the group in the room\n\n\"I don't believe so why?\" A mature version of Blake says\n\n\"Each individual that is fighting my mentor's Dante and Vergil sparda are demon/vampire hybrids and for  the faunuses part demon part vampire part faunus\" Y/N says\n\n\"What does that have to do with now Mr L/N?\" Glynda asks\n\n\"The reason they are all fighting is due to the requirement for unlocking a transformation that their demon blood will allow them to access\" Y/N says to Glynda\n\n\"What Transformation is that?\" A Male Rabbit Faunus says\n\n\"It is called devil trigger and it's the form that my mentor's are fighting the group in\" Y/N says to The faunus\n\n\"Is there some way to unlock it?\" Ozpin asks\n\n\"Yes and that's the most dangerous part too... For the devil trigger can only be unlocked when one experiences a total near death scenario and I don't mean the kind of near death that scares you into one either\" Y/N says\n\n\"Then they are going to almost kill them...\" A mature looking version of yang says but with black hair\n\n\"You gotta stop them!\" Mr long says as he grabs Y/N by his shirt\n\n\"Tell me something Mr Long what would you do if your daughter and her friends were to encounter a being stronger then anyone in this room Ozpin included and the being gloats that only those of the sparda bloodline who uses devil trigger can harm it but you held your daughter back from unlocking hers ultimately causing her death\" Y/N says to the one who grabbed him\n\nThe parents are quiet at what Y/N says\n\n<b>Back to those fighting</b>\n\nAs the group is facing off against Dante and Vergil\n\nVergil disappears before reappearing behind Mizore which he stabs her through the chest although a bit off from the center with his katana\n\nMizore falls to the ground blood dripping from her mouth\n\n\"Mizore!\" The others of the peerage shout\n\n\"You killed her!\" Coco yells\n\n\"You do remember what this fight is for in the first place right?\" Dante says\n\nSuddenly Mizore's body begins to shake slowly before rapidly shaking\n\nA harsh blizzard soon covers the area as Mizore let's out a ear piercing screech which Blake covers her ears from the screech\n\nSuddenly a light blue pillar envelopes Mizore before disappearing and revealing Mizore in her devil trigger form\n\n<b>Mizore's and any female of the peerage Devil Trigger armor just replace the colors with the respective girls colors and replace the weapons with the ones of their respective owner (if they use a weapon)</b>\n\n\"Is that really you Mizore?\" Kurumu asks\n\n\"I-i think so...what happened?\" Mizore asks\n\n\"My brother stabbed you and you unlocked your devil trigger\" Dante says\n\n\"Then this is from the demon blood in me?\" Mizore says\n\n\"Correct for now stand next to me and I will open a portal to where Y/N is so you can wait for the rest to unlock theirs\" Vergil says\n\nStanding next to Vergil Mizore patiently waits as Vergil cuts open a portal to where Y/N is which Mizore enters\n\n<b>With Y/N</b>\n\n\"Nice job unlocking your form Mizore\" Y/N says\n\n\"Thanks but how do I get out of it?\" Mizore asks\n\nY/N let's out a chuckle before explaining how to return to normal which Mizore is then seen in her normal attire\n\n\"Now then please stand with your parents as we await the others to unlock their devil triggers\" Y/N says to Mizore whom nods and walks over to her parents\n\n<b>With those fighting</b>\n\nAfter Mizore has left the field the rest continue to face off against Dante and Vergil\n\n\"Take this!\" Both Yukari and Ruby shout as they use their magic wands to send a spell at Vergil\n\n\"Hmph pathetic...\" Vergil says as he destroys the spell before slashing at the wands breaking them into pieces\n\n\"Now how will you fare with our your wands and spells...\" Vergil asks\n\nTo Vergil's amusement both Yukari and Ruby rush at him with their fists which Vergil blocks each punch with his katana\n\nAs Vergil is blocking the punches of Yukari and Ruby Dante is dealing with Yang And Blake\n\n\"Now Blake!\" Yang shouts as she throws a punch at Dante \n\nDante sees multiple copy's of Blake running at him which the second they get close Dante snaps his fingers causing quick silver to become active\n\n\"So close but yet so far\" Dante says as he stabs Yang in the same spot Vergil stabbed Mizore and he also stabs Blake as well\n\nSnapping his finger time resumes which both Blake and Yang fall to the ground before their bodies shake\n\nSoon a loud dragon like roar and a cat meow are heard by the others\n\nYang and Blake then stand in their devil trigger Armors\n\n<b>*Refer to the pic for when Mizore unlocked hers for more info on the armor*</b>\n\n\"Wow yang! You unlocked yours! So did Blake!\" Rubes says excitedly\n\n\"So we have... I could get used to wearing this\" Yang says\n\n\"Quite now as before stand next to me and I'll send you to where Y/N is\" Vergil says as she slash open a portal which Blake and Yang enter\n\n<b>With those in Ozpin's office</b>\n\n\"Nice job Yang Blake you unlocked your devil triggers\" Y/N says as he then explains how to return to normal\n\n\"Thanks but you know moka is gonna beat the shit out of you for lieing about your parents\" Yang says \n\n\"I know and I'll explain why when everyone else unlocks their devil triggers\" Y/N says \n\nSoon Yang and Blake stand by their parents\n\n<b>Back with those fighting</b>\n\nAfter Yang and Blake Left Jaune is fighting against Vergil using what he learned during the training lessons at Y/Ns Castle\n\n\"Impressive but not good enough\" Vergil says as he blocks Jaune's attacks which Jaune Blocks Vergil's attacks\n\nSuddenly Jaune is stabbed the same way as the other three\n\nJaune's body begins to shake before a loud yell is heard which jaune soon activates his devil trigger\n\n<b>Jaune's and any male in the peerage devil trigger armor just the same as the female armor replace the color with the colors of the male wearing the armor and same with weapon</b>s\n\n<b>Timeskip to after many stabs many yells and many devil triggers being unlocked</b>\n\n<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nAfter the last member of the peerage arrives in the office moka looks at me annoyed\n\n\"So mind explaining why you lied dear?\" Moka says as her vampire aura begins to show\n\n\"Now Moka before you maim me you gotta understand I had to lie because If I said what I was going to do you would of avoided unlocking your devil trigger and as I said to Yang's dad there could be a foe that would require the trigger to beat it\" I say to Moka\n\n\"Still don't lie again understand?\" Moka says\n\n\"I promise oh and Ozpin we gotta have a few words about a secret your keeping one that Adam told me and the rest of the council about...\" I say with a serious tone\n\n\"What secret is he talking about?\" Blake's mom asks\n\n\"....\" Ozpin is silent before all\n\n\"I can answer that the Grimm has a queen and said queen is someone Ozpin knows very well isn't that right Sir...\" I say to Ozpin\n\n\"Yes it's true...\" Ozpin says\n\n\"Ozzy are you sure it's time?\" Rubes Uncle says\n\n\"Yes Qrow it's time I-\" is all ozpin can say before being cut off mid sentence\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n\n<b>Shadow here and yes I know I said a certain team would unlock their devil trigger but I decided to go with all members of the peerage unlocking their triggers together</b>\n\n<b>Anyway see you in the next chapter when Ozpin's secret is </b><b>revealed</b>", "<b>Previously</b>\n\n\"Yes Qrow it's time I...\"\n\n<b>Present time 3rd POV</b>\n\n\"Yes Qrow it's time I tell everyone the truth about remnant and about her\" Ozpin says to Qrow\n\n\"What do you mean headmaster?\" Rubes asks Ozpin\n\n\"What he means Rubes is that every academy in remnant has a specific purpose for dealing with the Grimm\" Y/N says\n\n\"Wouldn't they be focused on training others to become huntsmen and huntresses?\"  Blake's mother asks\n\n\"That would be the case Mrs Belladonna if there wasn't a ever growing ruler behind the Grimm of whom Ozpin will tell everyone now\" Y/N Responds\n\n\"Right so here is what has happened to remnant so far in the past\" Ozpin says as he begins to explain everything from the time before his curse all the way up to current time\n\n\"So the maidens are your children headmaster?\" Weiss asks Ozpin of whom nods as to say yes\n\n\"The funny thing about the maidens choosing women to be their successors kinda make the ones who became the next maiden  Ozpin's and His Wife's children since the original maidens are their children\" Y/N says\n\n\"Like hell I'll be that bastards daughter!\" Raven shouts loudly\n\n\"Regardless of the maidens it would seem that the main enemy we all face now is Ozpin's Wife Salem\" Y/N says\n\n\"But something tells me and is the on the mind of everyone hear that there will be others working along side Salem\" Ghira says\n\n\"And judging from what Y/N said is that the former member of the white fang Adam used to be apart of Salem's group\"Tai says\n\n\"Exactly which is why he can help with disrupting their plans because I have an inking that three 'pawns' of Salem are here in beacon to finish a job they originally did\" Y/N says\n\n\"Your talking about the maidens right Y/N?\" Sona asks her friend\n\n\"Yes I am... Mr Branwen since everyone in this room knows the secret war of Ozpin and Salem and seeing as you work for Ozpin that would mean you know something as well right?\" Y/N says while looking at Qrow\n\n\"I do and you would of eventually heard it from Oz anyway but down hidden at the bottom of the elevator that is used to reach this room is the area where the fall maiden is located who is recovering after being attacked by three individuals\" Qrow says\n\n\"Three huh...so I'm not the only one piecing everything together right now?\" Gin says\n\n\"Your not alone Gin if three pawns of Salem are here at this academy that would mean that...\" Weiss starts to say before her mother finishes what she was saying\n\n\"That the three are here to finish off the fall maiden and let the one who stole her powers in the first place get the rest of the fall maiden power\" Willow says finishing what Weiss was saying\n\n\"Ozpin I know I have no right in asking this but can we see the pictures of any students who are not normal students at beacon like any transfer students that are visiting beacon\" Y/N asks Ozpin\n\nOzpin nods his head and pulls up the pictures of three specific transfer students\n\n\"Cinder,emerald and Mercury huh\" Saji says\n\n\"Correct me if I'm wrong Headmaster but each transfer student who comes to beacon academy from another academy has their files checked correct?\" Akeno asks Ozpin\n\n\"That is correct Ms Himejima\" Ozpin responds\n\n\"Then by all logic cinder Emerald and Mercury Are the three so called Pawns of Salem aren't they?\" Issei says\n\n\"If what I'm about to say is true then yes they are\" Y/N says\n\n\"What are you fixing to say your highness?\" Ozpin says to Y/N\n\n\"I know I have no right in asking this but judging on cinder's appearance and the way she attacks from what Rubes told me before my transfer to Yokai Academy but Cinder's last name is not fall is it? Like Cinder Fall?\" Y/N asks Ozpin\n\nOzpin looks at Cinder's paper \n\n\"It is Fall\" Ozpin says\n\nY/N facepalms at the idiotically that is the so called pawn of Salem\n\n\"You got to be shitting me right now literally her name is Cinder Fall and she's obviously thinking that she deserves the power of the fall maiden due to her last name having the word fall...\" Y/N says in annoyed tone\n\n\"When you put it like that yeah it is really dumb\" Tsubaki says\n\n\"In any case Ozpin the headmaster of Haven is the one who supplied the transfer paper for Cinder Emerald and Mercury right?\" Tai says to Ozpin\n\n\"Yes he did\" Ozpin says to Tai\n\n\"And judging on how the three transfered from haven to beacon would justify that the headmaster of Haven is working with Salem\" Rias says\n\n\"There's no way he could be working with her\" Ozpin says\n\n\"Mr Branwen you was supposed to watch over the maiden right since you work with Ozpin\" Y/N says to Qrow\n\n\"Yes but she was attacked by those three\" Qrow says pointing to the pictures\n\n\"Can you go over in detail on what happened?\" Koneko asks Qrow\n\nQrow nods and begins to explain in detail what happened which Kali cuts in\n\n\"It would seem that the headmaster of Haven delayed you Mr Branwen\" Kali says\n\n\"What do you mean?\" Qrow asks Kali\n\n\"Think about it you was supposed to be at haven at a certain time in which you were to follow the maiden and ensure her safety while the maiden wasn't told any changes to the time she would have to leave to go on her journey....see what I'm getting at?\" Kali says to Qrow\n\nQrow goes silent before tossing his flask on the ground hard\n\n\"That asshole!!! He delayed me for a day so that the maiden could be attacked and nearly killed!\" Qrow shouts\n\n\"Which is more then enough proof that the headmaster of Haven is not our ally\" Sona says\n\n\"What do you propose we do?\" Ozpin asks\n\n\"I will ask Mikogami over at Yokai to see if the academy has any sort of tech related staff who can upgrade the CTS as I have a feeling that will be one of the main targets the three will go for\" Y/N says\n\n\"Kali and I will speak with Adam and Sienna to see if they can provide any sort of security guards for the CTS tower since we are positive that the attack will happen at night\" Ghira says\n\n\"I'll provide some vampires as back up for the faunus guards\" Issa says which Ghira and Kali nod in agreement\n\n\"I can ask the folks back home to provide werewolf help Incase they try to make a run for it\" Gin says\n\n\"In any case I believe that is all for today so it's best we get back to our respective areas...Great Red do you mind opening up portals for everyone?\" Y/N says\n\nSudden multiple portals appear in the office each showing the places of where everyone in the room is from mainly the parents\n\nThe parents then go back to their homes while Y/N and those of Yokai Academy head back to Y/Ns Castle which Y/N retires to him room as the other Yokai Academy students head back to the Yokai dorms\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n\n<b>Shadow here with the next chapter and I'm sorry for the late update but anyway the next chapter will be the confession from Yang and the preparation for the school dance at Beacon</b>\n\n<b>So leave your song suggestions to the school dance</b>\n\n<b>See you all in the next </b><b>chapter</b>", "<b>3rd POV</b>\n\nAfter learning the truth behind the academies Y/N is in a meeting with Mikogami Ozpin James and his parents\n\n\"So if all goes right both Yokai academy and beacon academy will have a dance that will allow those who attend the academies to enjoy a dance between the races of both Academies?\" Y/N says\n\n\"Precisely right your highness but the question is where should the dance be held\" James asks\n\n\"Hmm mom dad is it possible to have a dance hall built within the time frame of before the dance starts?\" Y/N asks his parents\n\n\"We can build one sweetie we would just need to know when the dance is going to happen\" Samantha Says\n\n\"It will be held this coming Thursday your majesty\" Ozpin says to Samantha\n\n\"Then we will have done before time for the dance\" Mark says \n\n\"Good now James do you know anyone at atlas that can upgrade the communication towers of remnants security's?\" Y/N asks the general\n\n\"Can you elaborate Your highness?\" James asks\n\n\"Right so since it is known that cinder fall has stolen half of the fall maiden's power and is working for Ozpin's once lover it is safe to say she will attempt to hack into the security of vale which her target will be the atlas robots you plan on bringing to vale as security\" Y/N says\n\n\"Which in terms would cause fear among the citizens of vale which also grimm would appear out of the woods near the city right?\" Mikogami says\n\n\"Precisely so if possible we need to update the security to ensure cinder doesn't gain control over the robots not only that have a few stand guard within the tower in vale that way if cinder attempts to hack the security she won't be able to escape and cam be easily captured\" Y/N says\n\nOzpin James and Mikogami says they will speak with some people they know for what Y/N suggested\n\n\"This meeting is ajourned\" Y/N says which everyone gets up from the chairs at table and begins to walk out of the meeting room\n\n<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nAfter the meeting is done I walk back to the training room to see my friends still hard at work training\n\nMoka sees me and comes over to me which we share a kiss\n\n\"Is everything alright dear?\" Moka asks me\n\n\"Everything is fine just had a talk about where the school dance of Yokai and beacon will be held as well as security for the tower of vale\" I say calmly\n\n\"Why would the security need to worried about?\" Weiss asks\n\n\"Don't you remember Weiss we learned of what really is going on and this cinder chick is working for headmaster Ozpin's ex wife and is planning on hurting alot of people\" jaune says which Weiss makes a oh face\n\n\"So what are you going to do now?\" Rias asks me\n\n\"Well until time for the dance I will be training with you all till Wednesday after which I will spend all day Wednesday working on songs that can heard during the dance\" I say to my friends\n\n\"Do you need any help with picking the songs?\" Issei asks\n\n\"Not right now but I'm sure I will think of something for the dance but for now let's continue as we normally do\" I say which all my friends nod and we return back to training\n\nTime passes as the days leading up to the dance go as normal as they can be \n\nWednesday comes around which my parents have told me the dance hall is already built and ready for the dance between the two academies\n\n\"Right so since tomorrow is the day of the school dance I will busy for the entire day today so no training will happen\" I say to my friends who are in the training room with me\n\n\"Do you need any help?\" Saji asks me\n\n\"I'll be able to handle what I need to do on my own so everyone just relax for the rest of the day and I'll see you tomorrow during the dance\" I say as I exit the training where I go to plan for the dance\n\n<b>Time skip to the day of the dance 3rd POV</b>\n\nThe day of the dance arrives and students and staff of both Yokai Academy and Beacon Academy arrive at the newly built dance hall\n\n\"There's no way this can be the dance hall can it?\" Several students of the two academies say out loud\n\n\"Ah but it is and I welcome you to the dance hall for the two academies please follow me\" Y/N says as he opens the doors to the hall which lights can be seen moving all around the hall with loud music being heard throughout the dance hall\n\n<b>Author:Play the song up at the top for the beat that is blaring through the dance hall</b>\n\n\"Holy crap this is epic!\" Issei shouts\n\n\"You really went all out Y/N\" Tsubaki\n\n\"Well I felt like that the dance between two different academies should be one that those of the two will remember for the rest of their school days\" Y/N says\n\nSoon everyone can be seen dancing to the beat\n\nY/N walks over to Ozpin and Mikogami\n\n\"So has the security for the tower in vale been dealt with?\" Y/N asks the two headmasters\n\n\"It has James had the security of the tower updated with a improved firewall which qrow tai and surprisingly raven are inside the tower\" Ozpin says\n\n\"As is Kuyo and the discipline community of yokai academy\" Mikogami says\n\n\"I just hope they don't get into a tussle but none the less enjoy your time gentlemen\" Y/N says as he walks away\n\nMoka approaches Y/N\n\n\"There you are Y/N what did you talk with the headmasters about?\" Moka asks Y/N\n\n\"I just asked on how things are at the security tower\" Y/N says as he and moka begin to dance to the music \n\nSoon the stage lights shine on Y/N and Moka\n\n\"What's going on?\" Moka asks\n\nY/N walks up to the stage and grabs the microphone\n\n\"Well Moka the stage lights was shining on us because I am going to sing a few songs for everyone here\" Y/N says into the microphone\n\nSoon the music changes to an upbeat song\n\n<b>Been working so hard</b>\n<b>I'm punching my card</b>\n<b>Eight hours, for what?</b>\n<b>Oh, tell me what I got</b>\n\n<b>I gotten this feeling</b>\n<b>That time's just holding me down</b>\n\n<b>I'll hit the ceiling</b>\n<b>Or else I'll tear up this town</b>\n\n<b>Tonight I gotta cut loose, footloose</b>\n<b>Kick off your Sunday shoes</b>\n<b>Please, Louise</b>\n<b>Pull me up off my knees</b>\n\n<b>Jack, get back</b>\n<b>C'mon, before we crack</b>\n<b>Lose your blues</b>\n<b>Everybody cut footloose</b>\n\n<b>You're playing so cool</b>\n<b>Obeying every rule</b>\n<b>Dig way down in your heart</b>\n<b>You're burning, yearning for some</b>\n\n<b>Somebody to tell you</b>\n<b>That life ain't passing you by</b>\n<b>I'm trying to tell you</b>\n<b>It will if you don't even try</b>\n\n<b>You can fly if you'd only cut loose, footloose</b>\n<b>Kick off your Sunday shoes</b>\n<b>Ooh-wee, Marie</b>\n<b>Shake it, shake it for me</b>\n\n<b>Whoa, Milo</b>\n<b>C'mon, c'mon let's go</b>\n<b>Lose your blues</b>\n<b>Everybody cut footloose</b>\n\n<b>cut footloose</b>\n<b>(Oh-oh-oh-oh) cut footloose</b>\n<b>(Oh-oh-oh-oh) cut footloose</b>\n\n<b>we got to turn you around</b>\n<b>(Second) you put your feet on the ground</b>\n<b>(Third) now take a hold of your soul</b>\n\n<b>I'm turning it loose, footloose</b>\n<b>Kick off your Sunday shoes</b>\n<b>Please, Louise</b>\n<b>Pull me up off my knees</b>\n\n<b>Jack, get back</b>\n<b>C'mon, before we crack</b>\n<b>Lose your blues</b>\n<b>Everybody cut footloose</b>\n\n<b>Footloose (footloose), footloose</b>\n<b>Kick off your Sunday shoes</b>\n<b>Please, Louise</b>\n<b>Pull me up off my knees</b>\n\n<b>Jack, get back</b>\n<b>C'mon, before we crack</b>\n<b>Lose your blues</b>\n\n<b>Everybody cut, everybody cut</b>\n<b>Everybody cut, everybody cut</b>\n<b>Everybody cut, everybody cut</b>\n<b>(Everybody) everybody cut footloose</b>\n\nEveryone cheers\n\n\"Here is the next song for the evening!\" Y/N says loudly as the next song begins to play\n\n\n<b>Your cruel device</b>\n<b>Your blood, like ice</b>\n<b>One look, could kill</b>\n<b>My pain, your thrill</b>\n<b>I wanna love you but I better not touch (don't touch)</b>\n<b>I wanna hold you, but my senses tell me to stop</b>\n<b>I wanna kiss you but I want it too much (too much)</b>\n<b>I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison</b>\n<b>You're poison, running through my veins</b>\n<b>You're poison</b>\n<b>I don't want to break these chains</b>\n<b>Your mouth, so hot</b>\n<b>Your web, I'm caught</b>\n<b>Your skin, so wet</b>\n<b>Black lace, on sweat</b>\n<b>I hear you calling and it's needles and pins (and pins)</b>\n<b>I wanna hurt you just to hear you screaming my name</b>\n<b>Don't want to touch you but you're under my skin (deep in)</b>\n<b>I wanna kiss you but your lips are venomous poison</b>\n<b>You're poison, running through my veins</b>\n<b>You're poison</b>\n<b>I don't want to break these chains</b>\n<b>Poison</b>\n<b>One look, could kill</b>\n<b>My pain, your thrill</b>\n<b>I wanna love you but I better not touch (don't touch)</b>\n<b>I wanna to hold you, but my senses tell me to stop</b>\n<b>I wanna to kiss you but I want it too much (too much)</b>\n<b>I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison</b>\n<b>You're poison, running through my veins</b>\n<b>You're poison</b>\n<b>I don't want to break these chains</b>\n<b>Poison (poison)</b>\n<b>I wanna love you but I better not touch (don't touch)</b>\n<b>I wanna hold you, but my senses tell me to stop</b>\n<b>I wanna kiss you but I want it too much (too much)</b>\n<b>I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison</b>\n<b>Yeah, well I don't want to break these chains</b>\n<b>Poison (poison)</b>\n<b>Runnin' deep inside my veins</b>\n<b>Burnin' deep inside my brain (poison)</b>\n<b>Poisoning (poison)</b>\n<b>I don't want to break these chains (poison)</b>\n<b>Poison</b>\n<b>(Poison) I don't want to break these chains (poison)</b>\n\n\"Alright two more songs are coming up so I hope you're all ready for the next songs!\" Y/N Shouts which cheers erupt from the crowd\n\n\n<b>I felt my bones shiver</b>\n<b>Across rifts of time</b>\n<b>I saw ghosts in the mist</b>\n<b>And their faces like mine</b>\n\n<b>Then I looked to the footsteps</b>\n<b>And gazed on a sign</b>\n<b>That said \"Call my name</b>\n<b>I'll join in the fight\"</b>\n\n<b>Broken and withered</b>\n<b>We will rise again</b>\n<b>My brothers and sisters</b>\n<b>In death we are friends</b>\n\n<b>Incandescent together</b>\n<b>A slow fadin' light</b>\n<b>The efforts cascadin'</b>\n<b>Our time is tonight</b>\n\n<b>Fractured and feeble</b>\n<b>Ordinary people</b>\n<b>Puttin' resolve to the test</b>\n\n<b>Nobody chose to be risen</b>\n<b>But new life is given</b>\n<b>When we light a bonfire to rest</b>\n\n<b>Old friends and rivals</b>\n<b>We sit by the flame</b>\n<b>To share in the moment</b>\n<b>Before we can claim</b>\n\n<b>Our own destiny's purpose</b>\n<b>In each of our homes</b>\n<b>We've all got our battles</b>\n<b>But no one's alone</b>\n\n<b>Nameless and searchin'</b>\n<b>The light keeps us warm</b>\n<b>In need and in danger</b>\n<b>It guides through the storm</b>\n\n<b>As we share in a question</b>\n<b>Will we meet again</b>\n<b>To sing by the embers</b>\n<b>And brace for the end</b>\n\n<b>Fractured and feeble</b>\n<b>Ordinary people</b>\n<b>Puttin' resolve to the test</b>\n\n<b>Nobody chose to be risen</b>\n<b>But new life is given</b>\n<b>When we light a bonfire to rest</b>\n\n<b>Undyin' forever</b>\n<b>Through war and dark weather</b>\n<b>Bindin' to search for a light</b>\n<b>Some lit by grace or by embers</b>\n<b>We're searchin' together</b>\n<b>Starved for that break from the fight</b>\n\n<b>Swords losin' sharpness</b>\n<b>To angels and darkness</b>\n<b>These soldiers push on through the mire</b>\n<b>Now we're all faced with the endin'</b>\n<b>The burn before mendin'</b>\n<b>A vision to let there be fire</b>\n\n<b>Fractured and feeble</b>\n<b>Ordinary people</b>\n<b>Puttin' resolve to the test</b>\n\n<b>Nobody chose to be risen</b>\n<b>But new life is given</b>\n<b>When we light a bonfire to rest</b>\n\n<b>Well, excuse me, but I think you've got my chair</b>\n<b>No, that one's not taken, I don't mind if you sit here</b>\n<b>I'll be glad to share</b>\n<b>Yeah, it's usually packed here on Friday nights</b>\n<b>Oh, if you don't mind, could I talk you out of a light?</b>\n<b>Well, thank you, could I drink you a buy?</b>\n<b>Oh, listen to me, what I mean is, can I buy you a drink?</b>\n<b>Anything you please</b>\n<b>Oh, you're welcome, well, I don't think I caught your name</b>\n<b>Are you waiting for someone to meet you here?</b>\n<b>Well, that makes two of us, glad you came</b>\n<b>No, I don't know the name of the band</b>\n<b>But they're good, aren't they?</b>\n<b>Would you like to dance?</b>\n<b>Yeah, I like this song too, it reminds me of you and me, baby</b>\n<b>Do you think there's a chance that later on I could drive you home?</b>\n<b>No, I don't mind at all</b>\n<b>Oh, I like you too, and to tell you the truth</b>\n<b>That wasn't my chair after all</b>\n<b>Oh, I like you too, and to tell you the truth</b>\n<b>That wasn't my chair after all</b>\n\nAfter the final song is sang everyone in the dance hall can be seen cheering as loud as they can\n\nBut within the minds of four individuals three words echo in their heads over and over\n\n\"We fucked up.... We fucked up.... We fucked up!!!!\" The words echo in the minds of team NDGO\n\n\"Alright that is it for songs ladies and gentlemen please enjoy the rest of the danc-\" Y/N says but before he could finish his words he is cut off by someone\n\n\"Actually can you stay up there a little longer Y/N there's something I wanna say\" a familiar voice to Y/N says which the stage lights then moves to who spoke just now\n\nThe one who spoke is revealed to be Yang Xiao Long\n\n\"Yang?\" Y/N says as Yang walks up onto the stage which she grabs the microphone from Y/N\n\n\"I have a song that I wanna sing to you Y/N\" Yang says blushing which a song begins to play in the back ground\n\n\n<b>There are three words, that I've been dying to say to you</b>\n<b>Burns in my heart, like a fire that ain't goin' out</b>\n<b>There are three words, &amp; I want you to know they are true</b>\n<b>I need to let you know</b>\n\n<b>I wanna say I love you, I wanna hold you tight</b>\n<b>I want your arms around me &amp; I, want your lips on mine</b>\n<b>I wanna say I love you, but, babe I'm terrified</b>\n<b>My hands are shaking, my heart is racing</b>\n<b>Cause it's something I can't hide, it's something I can't deny</b>\n<b>So here I go</b>\n<b>Baby I </b><b>lo-o-o-ve</b><b> you</b>\n\n<b>I've never said, these words to anyone, anyone at all</b>\n<b>Never got this close, cause I was always afraid I would </b><b>falll</b>\n<b>But now I know, that I'll fall right in-to your arms</b>\n<b>Don't ever let me go</b>\n\n<b>I wanna say I love you, I wanna hold you tight</b>\n<b>I want your arms around me &amp; I, want your lips on mine</b>\n<b>I wanna say I love you, but, babe I'm terrified</b>\n<b>My hands are shaking, my heart is racing</b>\n<b>Cause it's something I can't hide, it's something I can't deny</b>\n<b>So here I go</b>\n<b>Baby I </b><b>lo-o-o-ve</b><b> you</b>\n\n<b>Take it in, breathe the air</b>\n<b>What is there to really fear</b>\n<b>I can't contain, what my heart's sayin'</b>\n<b>I gotta say it out loud...</b>\n<b>I wanna say I love you, I wanna hold you tight</b>\n<b>I want your arms around me &amp; I, want your lips on mine</b>\n<b>I wanna say I love you, but, babe I'm terrified</b>\n<b>My hands are shaking, my heart is racing</b>\n<b>Cause it's something I can't hide, it's something I can't deny</b>\n<b>So here I go...</b>\n<b>Baby I lo-o-o-o-ve you</b>\n\nAs soon as the song ends Yang walks to Y/N and places her lips on Y/Ns who is surprised but accepts the kiss which he returns the kiss with passion\n\nAlot of cheers and wolf whistles can be heard as the newly couple kiss Infront of everyone in the dance hall\n\nAfter a few minutes of kissing the two separate causing a string of saliva to be seen\n\n\"I love you Y/N I really do\" Yang says to Y/N Blushing which Y/N Simply smiles brightly\n\n\"I love you too Yang and I will literally die for you Moka and any other girl that falls in love with me well I'm stealing jaunes saying but a L/N never goes back on their words\" Y/N says to Yang who smiles brightly back at Y/N\n\n<b>Over with those at the security tower in vale</b>\n\n\"So it seems Yang has found herself someone to love\" Qrow says as he stands over cinders unconscious body\n\n\"He better treat her right or he will suffer horribly \" Tai angrily says while watching the dance through his scroll\n\n\"None the less all we need to do now is wait for the headmasters to return so that we may deal with little miss fall here\" Kuyo calmly says\n\n<b>Back with those at the dance</b>\n\nTime passes which the headmasters soon inform everyone that the dance is coming to a close and for everyone to get ready to leave\n\nExiting the dance hall everyone heads back to their respective a academies while Y/N goes with mikogami James and Ozpin to beacon to deal with Cinder\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>", "<b>Y/</b><b>Ns</b><b> POV</b>\n\nAfter the dance is over I head to the tower near beacon academy where little miss fall is currently at\n\n\"So cinder was captured right?\" I ask ozpin\n\n\"Yes that is correct as Qrow informed me that he and those who was stationed at the tower was able to knock her out with the help of tai raven and kuyo\" Ozpin responds\n\n\"Right\" I say as we soon arrive near the tower\n\nUpon approaching the tower several of the guards who was stationed at the tower saluted me which I saluted back after which I entered the tower with ozpin and mikogami\n\nTai sees us and walks over to us\n\n\"You made it your highness\" Tai says to me\n\n\"Where is Cinder at Tai?\" I ask the huntsman\n\nTai points to where an unconscious Cinder is \n\nWalking over to the spot I look down on the supposed enemy \n\n\"Mrs Raven if you could please wake her up so we can communicate with her\" Mikogami asks Raven of who nods\n\n<b>*SLAP!*</b>\n\na loud sounding slap is heard which cinder immediately wakes up from\n\n\"What the hell happened?!\" Cinder shouts\n\n\"You have been caught by the security that was set up cinder fall\" I say to the intruder\n\n\"Who the hell are you?!?!\" Cinder shouts at me\n\n\"Come now I'm sure your little spy work gathered info about me before I quit beacon also someone would to say their greetings to you\" I say before looking towards Qrow who nods\n\nQrow walks over to cinder and places his scythe near cinders neck \n\n\"I-it can't be!\" Cinder stutteringly says before looking up at Qrow\n\n\"That's right it's me and you are going to tell us everything that your boss has planned for us\" Qrow says in anger\n\n\"I'll never tell you anything!!\" Cinder shouts\n\n\"Oh don't worry you will tell everything *pulls out needle from pocket* Kuyo catch\" I say before tossing the needle to kuyo\n\n<b>The Needl</b>e\n\n\"What's this?\" Kuyo asks after catching the needle\n\n\"That is truth serum Kuyo and once injected Cinder here will have to tell the truth no matter how much she doesn't want to\" Ozpin explains to Kuyo\n\n\"Mr Long and Mrs Branwen please hold her in place as well as you two atlas guards *points to the guards nearby* \" Mikogami says which the four nod their heads in agreement\n\nSoon cinder is held in place as Kuyo administrates the serum into cinder who screams in pain\n\nBefore we can get our answers a loud scream fills our ears\n\n\"Let us see him!!\" An all to familiar voice shouts\n\n\"This has gone on far too long and quite frankly it's time I end it\" I say in an annoyed tone\n\n\"What's going on your highness?\" Tai asks me\n\nI then inform tai Qrow raven  what all happened between me and a certain team of beacon\n\n\"So your ex girlfriends are trying to get back with you and after so many times of you telling them to move on they just wouldn't move on and now they have made you reach your breaking point\" Qrow says to me\n\n\"That is correct Qrow now I will have to end them so ozpin I need you to be ready to deliver the news to their parents but do that after you get the info from cinder\" I say before walking to the entrance of the tower\n\nExiting the tower I see Gwen nebula dew and Octavia being held back by the guards outside the tower\n\n\"So you four just won't give up will you?\" I say to the four\n\n\"We don't want anyone but you!!\" Nebula yells to me\n\n\"As much as that would make your day I'm afraid you will never be able to experience it again\" I say calmly\n\n\"What are you talking about?\" Dew asks me\n\nI then proceed to call up a few loyal individuals through my scroll\n\n\"Hey?...yeah it's me.... Listen it's time so get the other two and come to the tower near beacon academy...right see you in a few\" I say before hanging up the call\n\n\"Who did you call?\" Octavia asks\n\n\"Just a few loyal friends who are prepared for this moment\" I say before hearing foot steps approaching\n\nSoon I see Issei Jaune and Gin walking over to my sides\n\n\"Why are they here?\" Gwen asks\n\n\"They are here because I knew you four would be dumb enough to keep bugging me to take you back\" I say\n\n\"So in secret Y/N trained us with the help of a few people his parents know in a particular fighting style\" Issei says\n\n\"Which you four are about to be on the receiving end of\" Jaune says \n\n\" *Transforms* and don't bother running because you'll never get the chance to escape from us\" Gin says while growling in his werewolf form\n\nI then activate my vampire aura which I charge at nebula and snap her neck before slicing her in half with my sword\n\n\"You killed her how could you?!?!\" DGO shouts\n\n\"You should be worried about yourselves as your next....<b>Dragon Shot!</b>\" Issei says before yelling his attack which kills off Gwen\n\nJaune and Gin kill off the remaining two members of NDGO\n\nOzpin and the others from the inside of the tower soon appear\n\n\"Was this really necessary your highness?\" Ozpin asks me\n\n\"It had to be done ozpin less beacon constantly be on the receiving end of their petty squabble but besides that did you learn anything\" I say before asking Ozpin\n\n\"We learned everything she had planned and are hoping to go to your castle to discuss what was learned\" Kuyo says\n\n\"Very well we will discuss what you learned from cinder tomorrow for now let us to return to the others\" I say which everyone nods\n\nI along with Issei Jaune and Gin return to the others who are currently chatting at my castle\n\nMoka and Yang walk over to me with worried looks\n\n\"Darling are you alright?\" Moka asks\n\n\"I'm fine don't worry so much alright all though those who attend beacon will not have to worry about nebula and her team now\" I say while grabbing a drink from the fridge\n\n\"What do you mean?\" Yang asks me\n\n\" *Gulp* well they are dead now\" I say before washing the cup in the sink\n\n\"How did they die?\" Rias asks \n\n\"Issei Jaune and Gin can tell you as they were there but in any case I'm gonna retire to bed as I'm beat from the earlier events especially making sure the dance went off perfectly I'll chat with you all tomorrow\" I say as I go up to my bedroom which I then climb into my bed and fall asleep fast\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n\n<b>Shadow here with the chapter of which many of you voted for the death of team NDGO and I know it's not very detailed in the deaths I hope you all enjoy the chapter none the less</b>\n\n<b>Anyway the next chapter will focus on what is going on at Mt glen </b>\n\n<b>P.S when do you guys/girls want Vanoss and the crew to appear in the story </b>\n\n<b>Leave a comment on when they should appear</b>\n\n<b>Until next </b><b>time</b>", "<b>Y/</b><b>Ns</b><b> POV</b>\n\nAfter killing nebula and her team I wake up in my bed just as hyate informs me of Ozpin and Mikogami's arrival\n\n\"Your highness Headmasters Ozpin and Mikogami has arrived to the castle\" Hyate shouts from the other side of my bedroom door\n\n\"Thank you for informing me Hyate please take the two Headmasters to the meeting room and that I'll be there shortly\" I shout to Hyate\n\nI then hear Hyate walk away from the doors to my room\n\nAfter getting dressed I head to the meeting room to discuss what was learned from Cinder \n\nEntering the meeting room I see Ozpin and Mikogami sitting near the end of the meeting table\n\n\"Greetings Headmasters\" I say to both\n\n\"Hello your highness/Greetings\" Ozpin and Mikogami say respectfully\n\nI take a seat in my chair at the meeting table which I then don a serious look on my face\n\n\"Now then you both are here to discuss the info that Cinder Fall told you both via the truth serum correct?\" I ask the Headmasters\n\n\"That is correct your highness\" Ozpin says to me\n\n\"Very well please begin with what you learned from Cinder Gentlemen\" I say which both Headmasters nod\n\n\"Right from what we learned it is as you said during the day when my secrets was spilled that Ms fall was the attack to the fall maiden\" Ozpin starts off\n\n\"We also learned that Ms fall had plans to cause massive tension vis the old train subway at a place called Mt Glenn near Vale\" Mikogami says\n\n\"That's not good because the grimm in that mountain are old and strong so having a ton of grim appear out of no where will indeed cause tension among the citizens of Vale\" I say seriously\n\n\"Quite right now the other thing we learned is that Mr torchwick is supposed to let himself be captured to get onboard James's ship after Ms fall hacks the CTS communication that you prevented her from doing\" Ozpin says\n\nI begin to think\n\n\"Since we know that there is attack coming from the mountain close to vale I would say that we deal with the problem immediately to avoid any danger to vale\" I say seriously\n\n\"Should we call for any help for you your highness?\" Both headmasters ask\n\n\"Yes Ozpin tell James to send Winter to the outskirts of vale while I call up Tsunara and Issa\" I say calmly\n\n\"Then I will call for several yokai to help\" Mikogami says \n\n\" 'red do you hear me?' \" I say to myself in my mind\n\n\" 'i hear you your highness what can I do for you?' \" red asks me via telepathy \n\n\" 'i need you open a portal from Tsunara and Issa's respective locations and inform them to have several of their people ready to stop an attack then open a portal to the outskirts of the city of vale I will be there waiting ' \" I say in my mind\n\n\" 'it shall be done your highness' \" red to say me via telepathy \n\nI then get up from my chair and head out just as Ozpin and Mikogami get up as well\n\nAfter some time I arrive at my destination to see a group waiting\n\n\"Your highness!\" The group says\n\n\"Alright listen up a attack will be coming from the mountain nearby *points to mountain* which the old train way inside the mountain will cause explosions that will attract grimm to attack vale so I called you all here to help me prevent that from happening!\" I shout loudly\n\nBefore the group can respond a portal all of a sudden opens up near by and six individuals fall out of the portal\n\n<b>Ignore wildcat holding the team six cardboard pieces</b>\n\n\"Who do you think they are your highness?\" Winter asks me\n\n\"No idea but I'm going to go find out\" I respond to Winter\n\nWalking over to the six I begin to hear commotion among the six\n\n\"Where the fuck are we?!\" One of the six shouts\n\n\"I don't know man this looks weird\" another individual says from the group\n\n\"It's too gloomy around here\" one says\n\n\"Your right... Hey someone is coming over to us\" another of the six says pointing to me\n\nI am then standing before the six\n\n\"So who are you six supposed to be? And it seems you have a pig and owl faunus among you\" I say to the group\n\n\"The hell is a faunus?\" A individual with a headset asks\n\nI proceed to explain what a faunus is\n\n\"Alright we understand now. Oh we should introduce ourselves I'm Terroriser over there is H20 Delirious next to him is Basically over there *points to the owl* is Vanoss next to him is Dathi and lastly next to me is Wildcat\" the one called Terroriser says\n\n\"I'm Y/N L/N Demon/Vampire Hybrid and Prince of the vampire race and it's a pleasure to meet you six\" I say to the six\n\n\"Likewise but can you tell us where we are at?\" Basically asks me\n\nI explain where they are and what is going on\n\n\"Right so that mountain over there *points to mountain* has a old train tunnel which host these creatures called grimm of which are soulless monsters\" Wildcat starts to say\n\n\"And a group of faunuses called the white fang are planning to cause the grimm to attack the city near us but you and your group over there are going to stop the attack before that could happen....\" Delirious says\n\n\"That's correct and no you can't help because it would be too dangerous as this is not anything you can live through the grimm are out for blood and if you don't have any sort of protection you'll be dead in the ground\" I say seriously\n\n\"He's right we have no way of protecting ourselves from the dangers around here so I suggest we try to help out in the city at least \" Vanoss says\n\n\"I will give you six a offer that could help you survive around here\" I say\n\n\"What is it?\" Vanoss asks me\n\n\"I'm planning to unite everyone under a peaceful banner but of course there will be hardship to accomplish that goal so I offer the six of you a chance to join my army and make a meaningful impact that could help everyone around here\" I say my offer\n\nThe six then talk amongst themselves before facing me\n\n\"We'll join\"Wildcat says\n\n\"Good man *pulls scroll and calls a number* Hyate? Yes it's me... Please send a limo to my location asap... Right thank you Hyate\" I say as I hang up the call just as a limo pulls up\n\n\"That was hella fast\" Basically says\n\n\"Perks of being the vampire Prince anyway *opens door* please enter the limo gentlemen\" I say as I hold the limo door open\n\nThe six enter the limo which I walk over to the driver window\n\n\"Take these six to the military compound and tell the general these are new recruits joining the army\" I say to the driver\n\n\"Right away your highness!\" The driver says as the limo drives off\n\nWalking back to the group we begin our march towards the mountain\n\n<b>3rd POV</b>\n\nAs Y/N and his group march up towards the mountain they are then met with a horde of grimm\n\n\"Alright you all know what to do!\" Y/N Shouts\n\n\"Sir!\" The group readys for combat\n\n\"Now destroy the grimm and keep moving forward to the mountain!\" Y/N shouts as he charges into the horde\n\nThe group with Y/N let's out a battle cry as they charge at the grimm\n\n<b>Within the mountain at the abandoned train</b>\n\nA particular group can be seen loading up something unknown\n\nWhen one member of the group hears something\n\n\"Hey you guys hear that?\" The one group member says\n\n\"Hear what?\" Another group member asks\n\n\"Don't let them get away kill every grimm you see!!\" A distant voice can be heard \n\n\"Who the hell would be out here.... Shit! It's the prince isn't it?!\" The leader of the group shouts\n\n\"Uh who?\" The first member asks the leader\n\nBefore the leader can say anything an explosion at the entrance is seen by the group with reveals to Be Y/N and his Group\n\n\"Roman torchwick or should I say Roman Valkyrie uncle to Nora Valkyrie of beacon academy\" Y/N says surprising the leader\n\n\"How in the hell do you know that info!\" Roman yells\n\n\"It wasn't hard especially when you have a way of getting valuable info from a certain greedy council of vale\" Y/N says calmly\n\n\"But sir when did you get that info?\" One of Y/Ns group member asks\n\n\"I'll tell you after we're done here... Now roman I'm going to offer you a chance to redeem yourself as well as stop following Cinders plan of who I stopped a few days ago\" Y/N says to the thief\n\n\"And what's this offer you speak of?\" Roman asks hesitantly\n\n\"My offer is that you become a teacher at beacon academy help your niece and her friends learn about survival out here in the wild as the way they think a huntsman or huntress is not always a pleasant one as murder and other such things can happen as you know all too well and besides I can get you and your little friend away from Salem\" Y/N says to Roman\n\n\"How exactly do you know of her\" Roman says with a raised eyebrow\n\n\"Torchwick we all know and we all know of Cinders plan to steal the fall maidens power she couldn't get\" Winter says\n\n\"How?\" Roman asks\n\nY/N explains how he figured it out\n\n\"I'm impressed your highness but do you really mean you'll help my partner and me with a chance at redemption?\" Roman asks Y/N which he just got off his scroll\n\n\"Of course now then Adam I believe it's your turn to handle your once brothers and sisters in arms\" Y/N says as Adam and his guards appear next to him\n\n\"Leave this to us your highness we will prevent this train from causing any harm\" Adam says\n\n\"Very well now roman if you and your partner will follow my group we can meet up with Ozpin outside so he can meet with a long lost huntsman of his\" Y/N says as he leads his group outside which roman and his partner follows\n\nUpon arriving outside Y/Ns group roman and Romans partner see Ozpin Team JNPR RWBY and Glynda\n\n\"Ah your highness I see Mr Valkyrie is with you\" Ozpin says shocking everyone but those who know\n\n\"Hold up professor did you just say that he's \" Ren starts to say\n\n\"Yes Ren Romans actual last name is not torchwick but rather Roman Valkyrie the uncle of Nora Valkyrie\" Y/N says\n\n\"B-But how?! I thought all my family died years ago!\" Nora shouts\n\n\"I never died Nora and I'm sure you heard of the incident of the mountain here\" Roman says to his niece\n\n\"Yeah we heard of it but it was said that no one survived the Incident \" Weiss Says\n\n\"While that is true to an extent I am one of the two that survived the incident. As for the other well she *points to yang* has encountered her before\" roman says\n\n\"I have?\" Yang asks\n\n\"Yes you have.... Neo care to make your appearance\" Roman says which Neo appears beside roman shocking Yang\n\n\"You?!\" Yang yells\n\n\"Yes she is the only survivor  to what happened years ago besides myself\" Roman says\n\n\"Regardless Mr Valkyrie his highness has informed me of a way you can redeem yourself for what you have been doing to Aid Salem and Ms Fall\" Ozpin says to Roman\n\n\"Yeah he wants me to be a Teacher at your academy to teach Nora and her friends about survival for when they have to do a mission out here in the wilds\" Roman says\n\n\"Which for neo she can either be an teacher assistant for Roman or a student like you all also Roman neo is still mute right\" Y/N says\n\nRoman nods which Y/N stands Infront of Neo which he moves his right hand to infront of her face which his hands begins to glow \n\nA minute passes which Y/N moves his hand away \n\n\"Now neo try speaking\" Y/N says to the partner of Roman\n\n\"A-A-Ah? Holy shit I can speak!\" Neo yells in happiness\n\n\"Your highness you made Neo's dream come true thank you\" Roman says to Y/N\n\n\"Regardless let us return to beacon Mr Valkyrie we shall see you again another day Your highness \" Ozpin says to Y/N\n\nY/N nods which he informs his group to head back home as he heads back to his castle to relax for the rest of the day\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>", "<b>3rd POV</b>\n\nA week has passed since Y/N and a select few from his council stopped the attack that was supposed to come from mt glen near vale\n\nY/N has now been absent for over two months which everyone is really worried of his whereabouts especially Moka and Yang\n\n\"Where could he be?!\" Yang shouts while pacing back and forth at Y/Ns castle\n\n\"Sis you gotta calm down I'm sure he's fine\" Rubes says to her sister\n\n\"I can't calm down Rubes he's been missing for over two months!\" Yang yells\n\n\"That doesn't mean he would of left without a note of some sort\" Weiss says\n\n\"I agree with Weiss\" Akeno says\n\nSuddenly everyone receives a message which tells them to go to a specific spot \n\nHeading to the spot as indicated in the message everyone sees a really tall building\n\n<b>The building just remove the shinra logo and replace midgar with the border line between Yokai and Human realms</b>\n\n\"Welcome Everyone to the reveal of the company I have worked on for the past two months\" Y/N says as he stands in front of the building\n\n\"Y/N!!\" Moka and Yang yells as they charge at Y/N \n\nY/N summons two clones which stops the two\n\n\"Now now you two no need to rush\" Y/N\n\n\"Don't give us that shit! You disappeared for two months without informing us!!\" Moka yells vampire aura flaring\n\n\"I'm sorry Moka I couldn't tell you because I wanted the reveal to be a surprise for everyone\" Y/N says\n\nY/N soon coughs before looking at everyone seriously\n\n\"In any case welcome to Unity Inc a company where everyone from Humans to Yokai even faunus devil's Angels Fallen Angels etc can work a steady job\" Y/N says \n\n\"Any race can work here?\" Rias asks her best friend\n\n\"Yes any race and for the supernatural and faunus race do not worry each human that works here will/has been tested and ensured that they will cooperate will your races and will not argue or cause a disturbance during work hours\" Y/N responds to Rias\n\nSoon several individuals stand beside Y/N which a few shock a few individuals present\n\n\"Now let me introduce to you all the staff of the company... Up first is Willow Schnee who will run the company in my stead until I finish with my schooling\" Y/N says as he introduces Willow\n\n\"Do not worry your highness I will keep everything running smoothly\" Willow says\n\n\"Up next is Doctor Oobleck who will be acting as the head of the architecture department so if you wish to learn about the history or discover undiscovered relics then feel free to consult with the doctor\" Y/N says which Oobleck nods at Y/Ns words\n\n\"After Doctor Oobleck is our spy department which Mr Qrow Branwen is the head of. So if you wish to learn how to be a effective spy and to help gather Intel for the company so that we can prevent any sort of attacks to the realms\" Y/N says\n\n\"Don't worry kid I'll make them great spy's\" Qrow says \n\n\"Just remember to leave your flask at the company before you go out to teach the ones who join your department Qrow\" Y/N says to Qrow of whom nods\n\n\"Now then the scientific department will be headed by peitro Polidena of Atlas so those who wish to learn science will be required to consult with Mr Polidena \" Y/N says\n\n\"After him is our combat department of the company which I have asked three individuals to be the heads of three sections of the department which are Erza Scarlet for Swordsmanship,John Arc for Tactical and Warfare,Tannin for Defense as what better way to train your defense then with an actual dragon\" Y/N says\n\nA human with deep red crimson hair stands on the right end beside Y/N\n\n\"I'll make sure they are able to withstand any attacks your highness\" Tannin says\n\n\"Wait if Tannin is the head of the defense department then what about back at your castle Y/N?\" Issei asks Y/N\n\n\"The training at my castle can still happen but Tannin is for those who join the company and want to be able to protect others as not everyone has access to my castle\" Y/N responds to Issei\n\n\"Quite a big effort you put into making this building  your highness\" Ozpin says to Y/N\n\n\"I had to go quiet headmaster least someone reveal it early during its development \" Y/N says to Ozpin\n\nY/N then motions for everyone to come with him to see the inside of the building\n\n\"This is really amazing Y/N you've out done yourself\" Sona says in amazement\n\n\"Thank you I worked tirelessly to ensure that it is up to proper code which may have caused a few accidents to happen to me\" Y/N says sheepishly\n\nMoka and Yang run over to Y/N to check him for any injuries\n\n\"I'm fine you two and did you forget we vampires rejuvenate fast \" Y/N says to the two\n\n\"Now then those that wish to join the company will be required to do a interview with Willow which a lie detector will be put on the one being interviewed to ensure they have no negative feelings to the other races\" Y/N says\n\n\"A wise choice your highness this way you can ensure no racist individual joins the company\" Mikogami says\n\n\"Precisely Mikogami now then I will return to Yokai academy tomorrow so those who attend the academy I will see you tomorrow\" Y/N says as everyone but those who work at the company as well as Moka and Yang leave the company\n\n\"Girls you need to go back\" Y/N says to his two girlfriends\n\n\"We are not going until you go back as well\" Yang says to her boyfriend\n\n\"You have to as you both have school tomorrow and besides we will be at my castle for training like we always do\" Y/N says seriously\n\n\"Fine but you are going to pamper us when you get back and don't try to avoid it either\" Moka says as she and Yang exit the building\n\nY/N then informs the staff that he will be going now and that he hopes to see wonderful results from the company\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n\n<b>Shadow here with the next chapter and I'm sorry it took a while but I really hope you all enjoy the chapter</b>" ]
Title: Cheater NDGO x Male Reader x Rosario Vampire/DxD Girls (Being heavily Rewritten) Description: None needed Tags: ['cheater', 'devils', 'dxd', 'fallen', 'grimm', 'lemon', 'monsters', 'nekos', 'rosario', 'rwby', 'school', 'vampire', 'yokai']
# BIO Information <b>Name:Y/N L/N</b> <b>Race:Human (Before finding out about the cheating) Demon/Vampire Hybrid (After Learning of the Cheating)</b> <b>Age:18</b> <b>Personality:Calm Sweet loving supportive friendly (to friends and loved ones) </b><b>Disrespectful Angry Hateful (Towards Ex's)</b> <b>Looks:</b> <b>Replace the guy with yourself but add these along with yourself</b> <b>Your hair color</b> <b>Your jacket</b> <b>Undershirt</b> <b>How you look shirtless</b> <b>Your pants</b> <b>Your shoes</b> <b>Tattoo going down one of your arms</b> <b>Tattoo going down other arm</b> <b>Likes:Helping others,His Best Friends Teams RWBY </b><b>JPNR</b><b> </b><b>CFVY</b><b> </b><b>Gremory</b><b> Peerage,Sitri Peerage (Aka Rias and Sona's Peerages),His New Girlfriend's,Training</b> <b>Powers:</b> <b>Devil trigger but replace the color of the trigger to that of your favorite color </b> <b>Giligamesh</b><b> but replace Dante with </b><b>yourself</b> <b>All the traits and might of a </b><b>Vampire</b> <b>Fairy Law Magic</b> <b>Dragon Slayer Magic (All Elements)</b> <b>Requip</b><b> </b><b>magic</b> # Harem +Mentor Info <b>Shadow here and these girls will be in the harem for the Improved story along with a few individuals for the mentor's which I'm adding a few more than just Dante Vergil and Akashiya Blooddriver</b> <b>Harem:</b> <b>Moka Akashiya (Both Inner and Outer Versions)</b> <b>Mizore</b> <b>Kurumu</b> <b>Ruby</b> <b>Nora</b> <b>Pyrrha Nikos</b> <b>Yang Xiao long</b> <b>Blake Belladonna</b> <b>Sona </b><b>Sitri</b><b> (She will still be a devil while the next girl from the dxd verse will be their race before they became half devil)</b> <b>Koneko (She will be what she originally is which is a </b><b>Nekomata</b><b>)</b> <b>Akeno</b> <b>Rias</b> <b>Mentor's:</b> <b>Dante &amp; Vergil Sparda</b> <b>Akasha</b><b> Blood Driver (Aka Moka's Mother)</b> <b>Natsu,Wendy,Gajeel,Rogue,Sting,</b><b>Laxus</b><b>, Erik (Each taught you everything they know in dragon slayer magic)</b> <b>Erza Scarlet (Taught you the </b><b>requip</b><b> magic when she found out you can use it too)</b> <b>Master Markov (Taught you fairy law magic)</b> <b>Suzaku</b><b> (Taught you sword saint dragon slayer magic)</b> <b>Sirzechs (Will train the reader in Destruction Magic and Tactical planning)</b> <b>Serafall (Will train the reader in offensive water and ice magic as well as a few support spells)</b> <b>A/N:These are who I was able to pick for the Improved story which I will now begin working on the new chapter 1</b> # Chapter 1 Leaving Beacon Academy <b>3rd PoV</b> Remnant a place where Grimm are in huge numbers and Huntsmen/Huntresses are low and in huge demand to fight back the Grimm Beacon Academy a prestigious School where many individuals go to train to become a Huntsman or a Huntress One such individual who is training to become a Huntsman is Y/N L/N a 18 year old male who is by far the strongest student out of all students in Beacon "Where are they? It's not like for the four to Miss my calls like that for the last three days" Y/N says to himself thinking of why his current girlfriends aren't responding to his calls But little does Y/N know a Event is coming that involves his relationship with Team NDGO Walking through the halls of Beacon Academy Y/N eventually sees his best friends of team RWBY jnpr cfvy rias and her Peerage along with Sona and Her Peerage "Hey! There he is our best bud!" A Girl with Long yellow hair and lilac colored eyes says while raising her hand for a high five "Heh good to see you too Yang as well as everyone else" Y/N says as he high fives Yang as well as everyone else "Where are you heading to Y/N?" Asia asks Y/N "To see why Nebula and her team have been avoiding me for the last three days" Y/N says calmly "listen Y/N before you go there is something you need to know about Nebula and her team" Tsubaki says to Y/N "what is it?" Y/N Asks Tsubaki "Nebula and her team are cheating on you Y/N and we aren't making this up either" Issei says <b>A/N:Yes Issei will be less perverted and Rias won't be a power hungry individual like she normally portrayed in other dxd story's)</b> "Are you sure?" Y/N asks "Y/N my peerage as well as Sona's along with Ruby Jaune and Coco's team each did some recons on what nebula and her team have been doing these past three days" Rias says to Y/N "And each of us got the same result which is Nebula and her team never loved you and that they have only been using you for your fame of being beacon's strongest to attract other guys" Sona says to Y/N "if that's true....then what should I do? I don't wanna cause any damage to the structure of the academy" Y/N Says while trying to think "You could write a letter to them to inform them of you breaking up with them?" Koneko says out loud "well that would be the most logical way to do it but I'm not sure if I can handle the pressure of confronting them and eventually losing control" Y/N says "I could have my bat deliver it for you if that will help out?" Rias says calmly "Bat Rias?" Y/N says Confused Rias then summons a small bat like creature "Ooh it's adorable!" Ruby and Weiss both cooed at the bat "I'll have my familiar also help out if you'd like Y/N" Koneko says to Y/N "Is that what Rias's bat is too?" Y/N asks "Yes it is and what a familiar does is helps my peerage as well as Sona's peerage in our devil duty's" Rias says calmly Koneko then summons her familiar which is a white kitten Upon seeing the kitten each female member of team RWBY jnpr and cfvy all gush over how cute the kitten is "So let's recap I will go write a letter to Nebula and her team saying that it's over which after I finish writing I give the letter to rias or Koneko or both so that their familiar's can deliver the letter to Team NDGO?" Y/N says while trying to confirm everything that is about to happen "That's right and while they are doing that some of us will do a little Scouting on Nebula's team which we will record everything to further show proof" Akeno Says "Alright so meet at my Dorm in a hour then?" Y/N says Everyone nods at Y/Ns words which the groups then split off to their own respected dorms <b>Y/Ns PoV</b> Returning to my dorm I sit at the desk in the room which I take out a piece of paper and grab a pen "Alright let's begin writing the breakup letter" I say in a determined voice I begin writing the letter which I carefully read over each word as I write the letter An hour passes just as I finish the letter "Alright finished" I say calmly as I fold the letter up nice and neat like <b>*Knock* *Knock*</b> I head for the door and open it to see all my best friends from an hour earlier which I let into the dorm "So did you write your letter Y/N?" Saji asks me "I did but who should I give the letter to so that it can be delivered to Nebula?" I ask my friends "let konkeo's familiar be the one to deliver the letter while my familiar can Record what's going on in the room that Nebula's in " Rias says "How will The familiar be able to record what's going on?" I asked confused "The Familiar will have a special designed Camera attached to it's body which Rias will be able to activate the camera from her scroll once her familiar is in place" Akeno says to me "What should I do in the mean time while everything is going on?" I ask my friends "I'd suggest staying in your dorm while maintaining a confused expression when Nebula and her team comes to confront you about the letter that they will read" Kiba says to me "Alright then all I can say is time is of the essence" I say calmly which everyone nods I give the letter to Koneko who in turns gives it to her familiar to give to Nebula Rias on the other hand opens the window of my dorm and summons her familiar which she then attaches a small camera to the body of the bat before sending it off Everyone else leaves the dorm or hides in the dorm as some wait to see the results Thirty minutes pass before rapid banging on my dorm door is heard Opening the door I see a furious Nebula along with her team "Yes?" I ask the four furious girls before me "What is with this letter saying that our relationship is over?!?!" Nebula shouts "What Letter?" I ask confused "This Letter!" Nebula shouts while shoving the letter in my face <b>3rd PoV</b> <b>"Dear Nebula</b> <b>It has come to my attention that you Dew Gwen and Octavia have been neglecting our relationship and have been ignoring my calls for the last three days and have made no attempts at getting in touch with me. I here by abolish our relationship as I can't be with girlfriends who misuse my heart and stomp all over it so from now on you four are free from me and can find better suited boyfriend's </b> <b>Sincerely </b> <b>Your Ex Y/N"</b> <b>Y/Ns PoV</b> After reading the letter I soon have a oh expression on my face "Oh that letter" I say calmly "Yes that letter! Now why are you breaking up with us?!" Dew shouts at me "The letter should mentioned why because you four have been ignoring me for the last three days not only that but I learned from a very trusted source that you have never loved me at all and only used my fame as beacon's strongest student to get the attention of other guys" I say with a serious look "That's all lies there's no way we've been doing anything of that nature!" Gwen shouts "Oh but there is..." Rias says coming from the shadows of my dorm "What are you doing in his Dorm?! Are you cheating on us with this red haired skank?!" Octavia The skank word not only angers Rias but myself as well "First off you best becareful who you call names around here because while I might be calm and not wanting to fight that doesn't mean others are going to be just as nice as I am" I say with slight anger in my voice "Secondly I do have proof of what you four have been doing behind Y/Ns back infact Y/N would you like to see what my little pet recorded Nebula and her team doing behind your back?" Rias says to me Nodding my head I walk over to Rias where she plays the video her bat recorded which shows Nebula and her team having sex with not only Cardin's team but Sun's team as well <b>A/N: Basically a 12 person orgy or whatever the proper term for something like that is</b> "So not only did you four not answer my calls or make an attempt to contact me but you've also been having sex with Cardin's and Sun's team as well?" I say straight towards Nebula's team "That video is all lies! It's photoshopped to make you believe her lies!" Nebula shouts "It's all true every part of the video " a voice says which surprisingly comes from Sun of all people "Sun? What are you doing here?" I ask the monkey Faunus "What Rias and the others told you about what Nebula and her team have been doing behind your back is true also the four in the video that resemble myself and my team are clones that are made to look like my team" Sun says calmly "Clones?" I ask "My semblance is able to produce a limited amount of clones which I can make up to five at time right now anyway Blake approached my team asking for our help which of course we asked why which of course after learning what's going on I proceed to make four clones to be used in the video that Rias pet bat was recording at the time and made the four clones resemble my team" Sun says to me "Hmm alright well thanks for your help in all this Sun I really appreciate it also tell Neptune Scarlet and Sage I said thanks as well" I say to sun "Not a Problem Y/N see ya" Sun says as he walks off "Now then if you four will please go on your way we all can continue like normal" I say calmly to Nebula and her team "Not until you get back with us!" Nebula shouts "You best get moving or we'll make you move" Yang says while cracking her knuckles as Akeno has sparks coming from her hand and Momo has ice floating from her hand The four back up before running off which the rest of my best friends enter the dorm "So what will you do now Y/N since you know what nebula and her team has done behind your back?" Issei asks me "Hmm I probably will leave Beacon and before you freak out about me leaving beacon its just if I stay here I'll probably do something I'll regret doing" I say to my friends "But wouldn't Professor Ozpin Already Know ahead of time?" Tsubaki asks us "Indeed I would Ms Shinra" A Voice says from the door way Turning our heads to where the voice came from we see Professor Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch standing at the door way of my dorm "I guess you heard everything huh Professor?" I ask Professor Ozpin "Indeed and I must say I'm proud of you showing restraint from damaging the academy Mr L/N " Professor Ozpin says to me "Your Welcome Professor also I guess you heard about me wanting to leave beacon?" I ask Professor Ozpin "I did hear that Mr L/N and are you sure you want to leave the academy?" Professor Ozpin asks me "Yes I want to leave Beacon Professor and as for why it's just if I stay here any longer I fear I may cause some sort of Chaos or damage to the school building and since Professor Goodwitch has her hands busy with her classes and that her semblance takes its toll on her from constant use I'm sure she would rather avoid using it to repair a broken wall or two so that her body won't be in so much pain from being overworked" I say calmly "Well Mr L/N I thank you for thinking ahead of your teachers and looking out for me to avoid causing me to be over worked" Professor Goodwitch says "Your Welcome Professor Goodwitch" I say "Well I guess you'll be off then Mr L/N All I can say is that I hope you succeed in life wherever you go" Professor Ozpin says I shake professor Ozpin's hand thanking him for everything his academy has done for me in learning and combat training I give each of my best friends a hug before walking out of the dorm and exiting beacon academy doors Walking towards vale I explore the city for a bit before deciding to head for the near by forest to kill some Grimm As soon as I enter the forest a pack of Beowulf's and two Ursas appear from the forest which I ready myself for a fight A Beowulf rushes at me which I avoid and quickly strike down in a single hit which the other Grimm soon rush at me <b>*Slash* *Bite* *Punch* *Wack* *Slam* *Slash*</b> I manage to destroy most of the Grimm attacking me when two surprise attacks happen which are a Beowulf biting my leg and a Ursa slashing my back with it's claw "Damn! I'm not gonna lose here!" I shout as I struggle to get away from the Grimm by trying to go deep into the forest Eventually I lean up against the trunk of a tree which I face the Grimm approaching me Suddenly a voice is heard shouting <b>"Fire Dragon King's Roar!"</b> The voice shouts which fire soon engulfs the Grimm burning them alive Four individuals land infront of me which consist of a male with white hair a red trenchcoat and black jeans along with another male that has Pink hair a open Vest shirt with a scarf around his neck Next after the two male is a short girl with Deep Blue colored hair tied in a twin tail fashion wearing a greenish yellow dress and the other female is a lady with red hair almost similar to Rias's hair color in a suit of armor with a sword "Nice work killing the Grimm kid now let's tend to our friend here" the male with white hair says I struggle to stand up only for the guy with pink hair and the lady in armor to stop me from get up "Easy Sir your injured." The lady says while helping me sit back down "So who are you all?" I ask the four before me "I'm Dante Sparda the guy with pink hair is Natsu the girl healing you is Wendy and the girl who helped you sit down is Erza" Dante introduces his group to me "Well I thank you for assisting with the Grimm I was fighting my Name is Y/N L/N former Student of Beacon Academy" I say to the four "Wait you said you're a former student of beacon academy right?" Erza asks me "Yes I did why" I ask Erza "it's just we was hired to find a missing person from that academy" Natsu says to me I face palm at what is going on "I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that a girl named nebula hired you four saying that her supposed boyfriend left beacon academy without letting her know right?" I ask the four "Um yes that's right but how'd you know? Also your all healed up" Wendy says to me "Thank you Ms Wendy and as for how I know because I'm the one you four are looking for in other words I'm the supposed boyfriend of Nebula" I say to the four "Judging how you say supposed I have a feeling there's more than what we was told by this nebula chick" Natsu says to me I soon explain everything that happened so far up to where we are at now "I see so that's what's going on..." Erza says "By the way Mr Natsu what was that attack you did earlier when you burned the Grimm" I ask Natsu "you don't have to call me Mr Natsu just Natsu is fine and as for what I did it is called Dragon slayer magic which my element is fire also Wendy is a dragon slayer mage too but she focuses more on support her element is wind" Natsu explains to me "Can anyone learn dragon slayer magic?" I ask Natsu "Not just anyone can learn it you have to have an affinity to magic in order to learn it" Natsu says "Hmm could I try a more simplified version of what you used earlier you know like a novice version?" I ask "Hmm sure why Don't you try using <b>fire dragon's roar</b> which is basically a beginner fire dragon slayer magic spell and aim it at me also don't worry since I focus on fire it won't hurt me" Natsu says to me The other three give us some space which Natsu walks a few feet away from me before facing me Taking a deep breather I soon shout "<b>Fire Dragons Roar!" </b>I shout which a wave of fire appear from my mouth and head towards Natsu <b>Replace Natsu with yourself and that's basically what you just did</b> The four are shocked I was able to use it so easily "Incredible you are able to use dragon slayer magic so easily!" Wendy says to me "It would seem so Also Ms Erza I take your weapon and armor are also Magical?" I say calmly "They are yes I am using what is requip magic which is basically like having a magical armory for tons of different weapons and armor and as far as teaching I am unsure as I am the only one who uses Requip magic" Erza says to me "Hmm do you do anything before the armor or weapon appear?" I ask Erza "I only simply close my eyes and picture the armor or weapon I want to use" Erza says Closing my eyes I picture the armor Erza is in but more in a male style along with picturing a powerful spear to appear in my hand which surprisingly happens "So not only Dragon Slayer magic but also Requip magic too? Your something else kid" Dante says to me "Seems that way" I say calmly "How about this Kid you come with us and we'll train you in all we know which you can use to help others because I know you'll do the right thing with it" Dante says to me with his hand extended out I shake Dante's hand which he smirks and tells me to follow him Natsu Wendy and Erza which I nod Following Dante we go further into the forest as we soon Vanish from the forest five minutes later <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> <b>Shadow here with the new improved Chapter 1 and I hope it's too y'all's liking and that I'll see you all in chapter 2</b> # Chapter 2 Meeting the Mentor's <b>Y/Ns PoV</b> It has been five hours since I decided to follow Dante Natsu Wendy and Erza "So um Dante where exactly are we heading to?" I ask Dante "We are heading to the mansion that I my brother and all of Natsu's Friends all share which is where we will train you for the next year or so" Dante informs me Nodding my head I soon see a portal of some sorts open up before us which we all step through After entering the portal I look to see that we are infront of a gate that leads to a giant mansion "This is the place you all share?" I ask with a shocked expression "That's right come the others would want to meet you" Erza informs me "Alright" I calmly say in response to Erza's words Entering through the front door of the mansion we see several people chatting which one of the people notices us "Ah you guys are back! But who's he?" A Girl with white hair in a red and pink dress asks <b>A/N: Basically the one who asked</b> "Mirajane this is The one we was hired to find but we'll let him introduce himself to you" Erza says I step forward standing infront of Dante's group "Greetings my name is Y/N L/N it is a honor to meet you Miss Mirajane." I bow in terms of respect "Well it's a pleasure to meet you as well but why are you here?" Mirajane asks me "Well Miss Mirajane it goes something like this" I say calmly to the lady before me I then proceed to explain what happen up to the point where I'm at now "I see so what this Nebula girl didn't realize is that her hiring Dante Natsu Erza and Wendy was pointless as you have no means of going back am I right?" A girl with light blond hair while wearing a light blue and white top shirt with black skirt and boots says to me "Um who are you miss?" I ask the girl standing next to Mirajane "I'm Lucy Heartfila Natsu's Girlfriend it's nice to meet you" The girl named Lucy says to me <b>A/N:Yes I am making the </b><b>NaLu</b><b> ship set sail for the two</b> "Where's Master Markov Luce?" Natsu asks Lucy "I'm right here Natsu" a voice says to Natsu I look around trying to search for the source of the voice "Down here Young one" the voice says which I then look down to see a elderly individual stareing at me "Um Who are you sir?" I ask the individual "I am Markov Dreyar and to save the trouble of everyone else introducing themselves to you I'll introduce them to you. The one over at the bar by himself with a lightning bolt scar on his face is my grandson Laxus a Lightning Dragon Slayer mage next are the two who are chatting by themselves which are named Sting and Rogue Respectedly and are Light and Shadow dragon slayer mages" Markov tells me Soon two individuals walk over to us "Don't bother old man we'll introduce ourselves to him" the rough looking individual says to Markov "Anyway I'm Gajeel Ironfox and the one next to me is Levy" Gajeel says to me "It's an honor to meet you both as well Mr Fox sir" I say calmly "Now before I forget the individual sitting by himself at a table is my twin brother Vergil" Dante says as he points to where his brother is "Let's not forget stripper boy over there known as gray" Natsu points to the shirtless man "Now what brings you here Young one?" Markov asks me I then proceed to tell what I told Natsu Dante Erza Mirajane and Wendy to Markov and the others which all nod "So your able to use Natsu Fire magic and Erza's Requip magic?" Lucy asks "Yes that's right" I calmly answer "Can you show us?" Markov asks "Hmm I have a better way of showing instead of using each separately but first could I get some space?" I say to the group The group nods and backs away from me Closing my eyes I picture the spear I summoned five hours ago before opening my eyes and saying "<b>Fire Dragon's Enchantment! Blazing Fire Soul!</b>" I shout as a fire like aura covers the spear Changing the tip of the spear to a fiery red <b>A/N: Basically like that but change the sword to a spear and it's only the tip of the spear that is glowing with flames</b> "Hold Up! Did you just combine my Magic with Erza's weapon?!" Natsu shouts at me "Yes I did"  I respond to Natsu's question "So your able to enchant Erza's weapons with Natsu's magic?" Markov asks "Yes and I could probably do the same with another mage's magic if they of course let me try the basic spell of their magic first so that I can get the grasp of what their element can do" I say calmly "Hmm and I'm guessing Dante offered to Train you after you explained what really happened at the previous location you once was at?" Vergil says to me "Yes sir that's right" I answer Vergil's question Before any more could be said two magical circles appear on the ground near us <b>A/N picture them both on the floor and glowing</b> Out of the two circles  appear two individuals "Who are you two to appear here?" Markov asks the two "Hold up Mr Markov but I'm gonna take a wild guess but you two are Sirzechs luficer aka Sirzechs Gremory and Serafall Leviathan aka Serafall Sitri am I right?" I say to the two "Very impressive to deduct who we are just by us appearing before you for the first time but yes I am Sirzechs Luficer the leader of the devil's in the underworld" Sirzechs says to everyone "And I'm like Y/N said Serafall Leviathan strongest devil queen and Magical girl extrodinare!" Serafall shouts with glee "Anyway what brings you two here I know it's not just for a social visit due to both you twos statuses in the underworld" I say to the two devil leaders "Your right now our sisters called us and asked if we could help you become stronger as in my sister's own words 'And tell him that we will also be training as well each and everyone of us his best friends so that we can stand side by side with him in battle' " Sirzechs says to me what Rias told him "Your really gonna take time out of your busy schedules to Train me?" I ask puzzled "Of Course!" Serafall says "Well if you are willing to do so then I accept your offers to train me" I say to the two devil leaders The rest of the day is spent getting to know the others as well as sparring a few  times to know where I stand in terms of combat After spending most of the day chatting and sparring I am given a bedroom of my own to use while I am being taught by those of the Mansion as well as the two devil leaders which I then fall asleep on my bed <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> <b>Shadow here and I know it's not as long as the first chapter but I hope you all enjoy it none the less and I'll go ahead and say it now I've added two more girls to the harem and two more mentor's but that's all I'm going to add no more will be added </b> # Chapter 3 A Hybrid A Devil and A Neko Attend Yokai <b>Y/Ns PoV</b> After meeting most of my mentor's I have begun to train intensively day and night to the point of my body being extremely sore from the training sessions One day however during training a individual appeared saying that she was there to fulfill the promise she and my mother had made years ago which was to turn me into a vampire which I accepted because it is for my mother Dante and Vergil hear of this and offer to turn me into a demon which I of course accepted I am now a demon/Vampire hybrid but I still care for my best friends none the less As for how long I've been training well let's just say a year goes by quick when your training your ass off "Again Y/N focus on how your opponent will act on the field of battle!" Sirzechs yells at me while we trade blows "Right!" I shout in response The two of us continue to trade punches which I fire a destruction orb that The bael and Gremory family is known for at Sirzechs who fires one back causing the two orbs to collide and explode "Y/N Can you here a moment a few friends are here to see you!" Akasha shouts to me from the doorway of the training room "Well I guess that's enough for your training session you're certainly improving" Sirzechs says to me "Thank you Lord Sirzechs" I say as I bow in respect to the devil leader Walking over to where lady Akasha is I follow her to the entrance to see two of my best friends standing there at the entrance "Sona,Koneko? What brings you both here?" I ask the two Koneko runs up to me and gives me a hug which I hug back while Sona walks over to us "We wanted to see how you was doing this past year since you left beacon academy" Sona says to me "Well for the past year I've been training my butt off day and night since I've became a demon/vampire hybrid also Sona you know the power of destruction that the bael and Gremory family are known for?" I say to Sona "Yes what about it?" Sona asks I proceed to create a orb of the same power which shocks the two "How? As far as I know you aren't related to either one in terms of family" Sona says while still shocked "I guess I have a very high altitude for magic" I say with a shrug of my shoulders "Which would explain how you was able to use our magic so easily" Natsu says as he walks over to us with the rest of the dragon slayer mages Before Sona could ask who they are Natsu and the rest introduce themselves "Now Sona what are you really here for? I know it's not just a visit to see how I am doing over the past year" I say in a serious tone "It's because the two of them will be going with you to your new school" Akasha says to me "New School Lady Blood Driver?" I ask the vampire "Yes it is called Yokai Academy a friend of mine who goes by the name of Mikogami runs the academy as headmaster anyway you three will be heading there as new students also the Academy should be half way through it's first semester" Lady Akasha Says to me Sona and Koneko "Understood lady Blood Driver also is there anything else we should know about The School?" I ask Akasha "Yes My daughter Moka is a student there she will help you if you find her also the only way to reach the Academy is by riding a bus that goes to the academy once a month which should be waiting outside for you three now" Lady Akasha says just as we hear a horn honk coming from outside Walking outside Sona Koneko and I see a strange man leaning against a bus "Are these three the ones you want to go to Yokai Akasha?" The driver asks Akasha "That's right Nurai so think you can take them over there?" Akasha asks the driver "Of course but are they monsters though as you know the rule about humans going there" Nurai Says "Mr Nurai Sir we are monsters in a way I myself am a demon/vampire hybrid the girl next to me with glasses is a devil and the girl to my left is a Nekoshou or cat Yokai so I'm sure we will be able to attend the academy" I say to the bus driver "Impressive Kid well if you three have everything you need we can get going" Nurai Says to me We nod and get on the bus which I wave good bye to my mentor's before the bus drives off After riding for some time we eventually arrive at what looks to be a scarecrow with a pumpkin head "This is it Yokai is that building over there shouldn't be hard to miss Good luck" Nurai Says as we get off the bus before said bus drives off "Well shall we get going girls?" I ask Sona and Koneko The two nod and we begin following the path the scarecrow's finger is pointing to in order to reach Yokai Academy Eventually we come to see a large building with a gated entrance blocking off anyone from entering unannounced As we approach the gates we hear a voice "Halt who are you three to approach the school gates?" The voice says Turning around we see a group of individuals standing behind us "Before we explain ourselves may we at least have the names of who are about to converse with to make communication easier?" I say to the group before Sona Koneko and Myself "Atleast you show some respect towards others you just met very well I am Kuyo head of the security committee for Yokai Academy and these individuals are members of the committee" the individual with long hair says to us which the rest of Kuyo's group introduces themselves "Now who are you three?" Kuyo says to us "I am Y/N L/N" I say to Kuyo "Sona Sitri" Sona says "Koneko Tohjou" Koneko says "Right so I'll ask again for what reason do you three approach the school gates for" Kuyo asks us "We approached the gate because we are new students as one of my mentor's recommended the academy for us to attend" I say to Kuyo "Oh? And is your mentor known around here?" Kuyo asks "I would say so for you see one of my mentor's is the dark lord Akasha Blood Driver" I say to Kuyo which shocks him "You've been training with a dark lord?! Well in any case follow us we will take you to the headmaster so that you three can get your schedule" Kuyo tells us which we nod our heads and follow Kuyo's group While walking we pass by several students which I notice one female student with pink hair While glancing at the student my eyes flash red for a second before returning to normal before Continuing to walk with Kuyo and his group <b>Meanwhile with the student 3rd PoV</b> "Guys I think the boy with the committee is like me..." The pink haired student says "Really? Are you positive he's a Vampire like you Moka" A Student next to Moka says "I think so when we glanced at each other a moment ago his eyes flashed red before returning to normal" Moka says to the student near her "I don't know maybe he's friendly but I feel like he and the other two with him will change the academy for the better" A female student near Moka says <b>Back with the three Y/Ns PoV</b> After walking for a few minutes we stop at a door which Has the label 'Headmaster' on the plaque near the door Kuyo Knocks on the door before opening the door which he motions us to follow while his committee members wait outside "Greetings Mr Kuyo who are the three you brought to me today?" The headmaster asks Kuyo "Well Sir the three are here due to his *points to me* Mentor's recommendation of the school which I brought them here so they can get their schedules" Kuyo says to the headmaster "Young man." The headmaster speaks to me "Yes sir?" I respond "Is your mentor's name known around the Yokai world?" The headmaster asks me "Yes sir she is as you know her all too well Dark Lord Mikogami." I say to the headmaster "Oh and how do you know me?" Mikogami says to me "Because the mentor of mine that suggested for us to attend Yokai Academy is Dark Lord Akasha Blood Driver" I say to Mikogami "Oh? So you was mentored by Mrs Driver?" Mikogami says to me I nod my head as to say yes "Did she tell you to do anything when you arrived?" Mikogami says "Yes she told us to find her daughter Moka so that we can get accustomed with the academy" Sona says Mikogami nods and then calls for moka to come to his office A few minutes later said individual arrives "You called Sir?" Moka asks Mikogami "Yes I did Ms Akashiya these individuals have asked that they seek your help in getting familiar with the academy " Mikogami says as he points to myself Sona and Koneko The instant Moka turns to face us my eyes glow red which causes her necklace to brighten up "Your the three I and my friends seen walking earlier!" Moka says to us "Yes as for our names I am Y/N L/N" I greet Moka "Sona Sitri" Sona says to Moka "Koneko Tohjou" Koneko says to Moka "Well my name is Moka Akashiya it's a pleasure to meet you all" Moka says to us "Since the final bell just rang you may show them the academy tomorrow Ms Akashiya as for now why not introduce them to your club oh and here is your three's schedule and keys to your dorms " Mikogami says while handing Sona Koneko and Myself the said items Moka nods and motions for us to follow her which we do After walking for several minutes we come to a door where voices are heard on the other side Moka opens the door and steps through which we then follow suit Sona Koneko and I then see several individuals sitting at a table chatting <b>A/N:ignore moka in the pic as she is standing near the reader and it's the rest sitting at the table</b> "Hey Moka your here! Wait aren't they the ones that was walking with the committee earlier?" A female with light blue hair says "That's right Kurumu and these three are Y/N Sona and Koneko" Moka says as she introduces us to her friends Moka's friends then introduce themselves "What brings you three to Yokai half way through the semester for?" Tsukune asks us "We arrived here at Yokai because of one of my mentor's suggested for us to come here" I answer Tsukune "Do one of us know your Mentor?" Another student asks "Who are you?" Sona asks "I'm Gin leader of the club Tsukune and his friends are apart of" Gin says to Sona "Well Gin the Mentor that suggested we come here is very well known by many in the Yokai world but Moka knows the individual very well" I say to Gin "Really? I know your mentor?" Moka says "Yes you do Moka and here's a hint she has the same color hair as you do Moka"  I say to Moka Moka thinks for a second before it hits her "No way my mother is the one who suggested you three come here?!" Moka shouts "That's correct and she is one of my mentor's who trained me over the past year and is also one of the three mentor's that turned me into what I am today" I respond calmly "What are you?" Kurumu asks "I am a Demon/Vampire Hybrid which is why moka saw my eyes flash red when we first glanced at each other" I say to the group "What about your friends are they the same?" Mizore asks "No we are not I am a devil and Koneko here is a Nekoshou or basically a cat Yokai" Sona answers After chatting for a bit we decide to go rest at our dorms which Tsukune and gin show me the way to the boys dorms while moka and the girls show Sona and Koneko the way to the girls dorms Entering the boys dormitory I converse with the land owner of the building before heading up to my dorm which I lay in the bed provided and fall asleep to rest for tomorrow <b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 4 First Day at Yokai <b>3rd PoV</b> Within the lands near Yokai Academy lie the boys and girls dormitories where all students that attend Yokai academy reside when school is not in session It is the early hours of the morning and 1 student is not in his dorm asleep like the rest are This student is Y/N L/N a former student of beacon academy who now attends Yokai with two of his many best friends who are named Sona Sitri and Koneko Tohjou Right now Y/N is over at the bus where neither the girls or boys dormitories are near him "Alright now then let's begin the training session" Y/N says as he summons four clones each using a different attribute that Y/N has 1 clone has access to Y/Ns demon powers 1 Has access to the Vampire side of Y/N Another has access to the dragon slayer magic And the last one has access to the requip fairy law and sword saint skills Each prepare to fight <b>*Boom!*</b> A loud boom goes off as the five each dash at each other Over at the dormitories many students wake up from the loud boom that echoed throughout the area "What was that sound?" A female student ask her friend "I don't know but... Look!" The friend of the female student shouts at the same time one of the boy students shouted "What's with the light show over there?!" A male Student says out loud "Dude let's go check it out!" Another student says Soon students from both dormitories are rushing out of the buildings to where the lights are coming from Meanwhile with Y/N who is trading punches with both Demon and Vampire clones <b>Replace Gohan with you and </b><b>Dyapso</b><b> (if that's his name) with the demon and vampire clones</b> The three's punches create massive shock waves which is destroying the land around them "Shadow Dragons Shadow Spear!!" The dragon slayer clone shouts Kicking the demon and vampire clones Y/N turns to the dragon slayer clone and shouts "Light Dragons Heavenly Spear!" Y/N shouts which travels towards the shadow spear at which the two collide causing a explosion to happen Rushing at the clone Y/N relievers a hard punch to the dragon slayer clone before dodging the Last clone who is using a battle axe to attack "Your Mine!" The clone shouts which prompts Y/N to summon a claymore and dash at the clone "I don't think so!" Y/N shouts <b>*Clang!*</b> The students are amazed at what is happening in front of them "Who is that?" A female student asks "That is Y/N L/N a friend of mine" Sona says to the group of students "Don't forget he's my best friend too Sona" Koneko says to Sona "Who are you two?"A Male Student asks Sona and Koneko introduces themselves which they suddenly hear Y/N shout "Alright you four that's enough for today we will pick up the training same time tomorrow!" Y/N says to the clones "Right!" The clones all says before disappearing <b>Y/Ns PoV</b> After my clones disappear I turn to walk back to the dormitory when I notice several students standing in the way "I caused another scene didn't I?" I ask "Yup" both Sona and Koneko say to me "Let's just get back to our dorms so that we can get ready for school" I say which all of us head back to the dormitories After arriving back at my dorm I put on my Academy uniform the headmaster provided for me Walking out the boys dormitory I see Sona Koneko as well as Moka and the rest of the newspaper club waiting for me at the gates "Morning Y/N" Tsukune says "Morning" I reply We all walk towards the academy "Hey Y/N do you know what caused that loud boom earlier?" Kurumu asks me "Yeah...that was me" I sheepishly say in response "Wait that loud Boom was caused by you?!" Tsukune shouts at me "Yup" myself Sona and Koneko all say I then explain what caused it and why "I see so every early morning you'll go out of your dorm and train so that you can be strong enough to protect those you cherish and since your training sessions are intense loud booms are sure to follow?" Mizore says to me "Yep" I simply respond We walk through the school gates and enter the academy "Hey Y/N who do you have as your homeroom teacher?" Moka asks me I take out my schedule and look at it "Someone named Nekonome" I say while reading over my schedule "Myself Moka Kurumu and Mizore have her as our homeroom teacher" Tsukune says "I have her too" Sona says "I don't" Koneko says sadly I walk over to Koneko and give her a hug "Koneko you shouldn't be sad just because we are in different classes don't mean we can't meet up at lunch or another class we may have together" I say in a calm voice to Koneko which Koneko smiles at me as does the others We all head for our classes I along with Moka Kurumu Mizore Tsukune and Sona all enter our classroom together which I see the teacher standing at the teachers desk The teacher then stops me and Sona "Are you two new here?" The teacher asks "Yes ma'am we are and we have you as our homeroom teacher" I say while Sona and I show our schedules to the teacher "So you both do then please sit at the two available desks in the back" the teacher says Sona and I nod and head for our desks Class eventually starts which the teacher asks us to introduce ourselves which we do just that Time passes and the bell ending homeroom rings which we all head for our next class which surprisingly I have P.E with Koneko and Kurumu Arriving at the gym where P.E is being held Koneko and I introduce ourselves to the P.E teacher The teacher then tells us to go to the locker rooms and get into our P.E Uniforms Nodding our heads we head for the boys and girls locker rooms respectedly As I'm getting into uniform a student talks to me "Hey Y/N how'd you get so ripped?" A male Student asks "Continuous training non stop for over a year" I say as I put my P.E shirt on Exiting the locker room We go to where the other students are "Right so since we got two new students joining us today allow me to introduce myself I am Okuto Kotsubo and I'll be your physical education teacher this year" Mr Kotsubo says Koneko and I nod "Now then for class today I want to see how well you all can do with a little push ups" Mr Kotsubo says I raise my hand "Yes Mr L/N?" Mr Kotsubo says to me "Just a question sir but is there like a set number of push ups we need to do or can we do any amount?" I ask Mr Kotsubo "Normally I would say about 60 push ups is what the normal amount of push ups I would ask you all to do but I have a feeling you'd do alot more than 60 push ups" Mr Kotsubo says We all then proceed to do sixty push ups Time passes for the class and the bell rings for lunch which we all change to our normal clothes and head for the cafeteria Arriving at the cafeteria Koneko Kurumu and I each grab a tray with our favorite food and head for a table which we sit at A moment later Moka Sona Mizore Tsukune and Yukari sits at the table with us "So how was P.E for you Y/N?" Moka asks me "It was just the usual P.E class like any other school would have" I say calmly "By the way Y/N what was this I hear that your ripped in muscles?" Kurumu asks me "And Pray tell how you heard what was said in the boys locker room Kurumu?" I say while looking at said individual "Some of us Monsters have super hearing so I basically heard what was said" Kurumu says to me "Of course you'd be able to hear anyway I can only show my muscles tomorrow during my early morning training so if you want to see Kurumu then you'd best get up early in the morning to see" I say as I finish my food just as the bell ending lunch rings <b>Timeskip to final bell ringing</b> "Hey Sona I've been meaning to ask but since your here who is in charge of your peerage while your attending Yokai Academy with me and Koneko?" I ask Sona "I let Tsubaki take over the peerage while I'm here with you two" Sona Says We then chat a little bit while walking off the academy grounds eventually we all head to our dorms in order to rest for the next day <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 5 A Day At Beacon Academy <b>Rias PoV</b> It's been a few days since Sona and Koneko went to see Y/N at his new location which at the moment I and the rest of Y/Ns friends are currently in class which happens to be the most boring class "Ugh why is it always so boring in this class..." I hear Issei quietly mumbling "It's almost over Issei" I telepathically say to Issei Soon the bell rings ending the class which we all leave the classroom As we are walking to our next classes Nebula and her team basically Y/N's ex-Girlfriends walk over to me "You! Where is he?!" Gwen shouts at me "Where is who?" I ask confused despite knowing who they want "Y/N!" Octavia shouts "Oh him well you won't be able to get to him anyway because he's going to a school that you can't step foot on" I calmly explain "What school?!" Nebula yells "From what Sona told Rias it is called Yokai Academy which has a rule from what Sona learned is that if a human steps on Yokai Academy grounds they are instantly killed so if you go there well your basically fucked" Issei says "Language!" Ruby shouts "Not now ruby but as I was saying if you even try to go get Y/N back your basically signing a death certificate saying you wish to die" Issei says We head for our next classes which I along with Akeno Tsubaki Yang Weiss Momo And Asia all have Professor Goodwitch's Combat Class as our next Class while the rest have different classes and surprisingly Nebula and her team have Combat Class Entering the classroom we sit at our assigned desks and wait for Professor Goodwitch to start today's lesson Professor Goodwitch then enters the classroom and begins the lesson which is the usual combat tactics like always soon The Professor Asks for any Volunteers Nebula raises her hand "And who do you wish to fight?" Professor Goodwitch asks "I want my team to fight that skanky slutty red haired bitch!" Nebula Shouts loudly "Language! but do you accept Ms Gremory?" Professor Goodwitch asks me But before I could say anything a familiar voice speaks up "Of course she accepts Professor Goodwitch" the familiar voice says Turning our heads we see Y/N standing pretty as he can be leaning against the classroom wall "Y/N/Mr L/N?!" We all shout "Sup and before you bomb bard me with questions no I'm not the real deal but a clone of Y/N as the real me is still attending Yokai academy while I was tasked with checking out what's going on over here at Beacon" the Clone of Y/N says to us "Then does that mean you're considering returning to us?!?!" Nebula says with a hopeful look on her face as Her team also have a hopeful look on their faces which I and the rest of the combat classroom just sigh at "You're really stupid aren't you nebula? What part of it's over between us don't you comprehend meaning the real me doesn't want anything to do with you or your team anymore" Y/Ns Clone says to Nebula "We will get you back with us! Even if we have to go  to your new school!" Dew says which Y/Ns Clone just facepalms at the stupidity "You really don't pay attention to what  others tell you do you? If you listened to Issei before classes started you'd know that if a human steps foot onto Yokai Academy school grounds then it's basically like the individual is saying fml outloud for all to hear" Y/Ns Clone says "Fml?" Gwen says "I know the real me will get a lecture from professor Goodwitch when the two meet again but fml is basically saying that you forfeit your life or in other words as according to the three letters  that was said fuck my life." Y/Ns Clone says calmly "Your right I will lecture your real self on what you just said" Professor Goodwitch says "In any case I'm here to pass on a message to Rias and the rest of the real me's best friends who still attend beacon academy" Y/Ns Clone says in a serious tone "What's the message?" I hear Weiss ask "The message is this *cough* <b>' Rias and all those of my best friends who still attend beacon academy I Y/N L/N hope that you all are doing well and are training to become stronger as I was told by Sirzechs and Serafall a year ago I hope to see you all again someday and face those who misuse others for their own selfish gains or basically any evil doer in simpler terms anyway I too will be training as after being trained by my new mentor's along with the two mentioned before I have new and powerful abilities that will make beacon staff look like toddlers beating up someone with a toy but I digress I hope to see you all someday  in the future ' </b>*Cough* and that's the message" Y/Ns Clone says "I highly doubt his new powers is strong enough to make the staff look like toddlers" Professor Goodwitch says Y/Ns Clone disappears which I enter the arena to face off against  Nebula and her team After making quick work of Nebula and her team the bell rings which we all head for our next class The day continues on as normal before the final bell rings which I and the rest of Y/Ns best friends all meet up at the fountain outside the academy "So Y/N left a message for us?" Ruby asks "Yes he did Ruby" I say to the hooded reaper I soon say the message that was told to me and those in combat class by Y/Ns Clone which everyone nods We then continue chatting for a bit before noticing the time which we nod and head for our dorms as curfew was soon to be upon us Entering my team's dorm I get into my sleepwear and lay down on my bed which I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep <b>A/N:Yes Rias and Akeno have sleep wear they put on before going to bed instead of the usual birthday suit sleeping they are known for</b> <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> # Peerage Members List <b>Shadow here and these are the members of the peerage that I was able to pick for the reader's Peerage so I want to say sorry if your choice wasn't picked but here's the members</b> <b>King:Y/N</b> <b>Queen:</b> <b>Moka Akashiya</b> <b>Knight 1:</b> <b>Pyrrha Nikos</b> <b>Knight 2:</b> <b>Blake Belladonna</b> <b>Rook 1:</b> <b>Yang Xiao Long</b> <b>Rook 2:</b> <b>Nora Valkyrie</b> <b>Bishop 1:</b> <b>Ruby Tohjou</b> <b>Bishop 2:</b> <b>Yukari</b> <b>Pawn 1:</b> <b>Kurumu</b> <b>Pawn 2:</b> <b>Weiss</b> <b>Pawn 3:</b> <b>Jaune Arc</b> <b>Pawn 4:</b> <b>Mizore</b> <b>Pawn 5:</b> <b>Coco</b> <b>Pawn 6:</b> <b>Fox</b> <b>Pawn 7:</b> <b>Gin</b> <b>Pawn 8:</b> <b>Ruby Rose </b> <b>These are the members for the reader's </b><b>Peerage</b> <b>Anyway see you all in the next chapter</b> # Chapter 6 Getting a Peerage <b>Y/Ns PoV</b> After my clone returned I learned of what happened over at  Beacon Academy but right now I am currently walking to Yokai with Tsukune and the others "Say Y/N what was you doing yesterday?" Yukari asks me "What do you mean Yukari?" I ask the witch walking with me and the others "It just yesterday your eyes looked like they were gone for a little bit like you was having a out of body experience" Yukari says to me "Oh that what I was doing was focusing my magic so that my clone can deliver a message to my best friends over at my previous school while also focusing enough on the school work here" I respond to Yukari We step through the school gates which we all head for our homeroom class rooms Arriving at my classroom I sit at my desk which Ms Nekonome soon enters and begins the lesson Sometime during the lesson a PDA goes off calling me to the headmaster's office "Will Y/N L/N please Report to the Headmaster's office Y/N L/N to the head masters office please" the PDA says "Well Mr L/N please go see the headmaster" Ms Nekonome says to me which I nod my head at Getting up from my desk I head for the headmaster's office which upon arrive I sense three familiar auras coming from within the office Opening the door I step into the office "Pardon my intrusion Headmaster Mikogami" I say as I close the door to the office Looking around I see Dante Akasha and Sirzechs in the room with Mikogami "Ah there he is bout time ya got here kid" Dante says with a grin "Yeah yeah it's nice to see you two Dante but can we get to why I was called here for?" I say to the four before me "Right well since you have done a superb job with our training I along with Serafall Dante and Akasha have decided to give your very own Peerage set but it won't be the standard devil version" Sirzechs says to me "What do you mean?" I ask confused "Well sweetie the pieces have demon/Vampire attributes instead of devil attributes" Akasha says to me "Ok two questions 1st if I was to use the king piece on me would that increase my already immense power? 2nd if I was to use another piece say the queen piece on let's go with Moka would the Vampire portion of the piece increase her already powerful attributes even further?" I ask "In regards to your first question yes the piece would make you stronger as for the second question we are unsure of what would happen best bet is for us to see the results in person" Sirzechs says to me "Well it will have to be after school hours as Mr L/N has classes he needs to attend to" Mikogami says out loud "Right also Headmaster is there a chance that the three could meet at the newspaper club room after school so that we can continue the discussion?" I ask the headmaster to which the headmaster nods in agreement Exiting the office I head back to Ms Nekonome's  classroom which I sit back at my desk just as the bell ending homeroom rings "Hey Y/N what did the headmaster want from you?" Sona asks me "I'll tell you or rather you'll see when we head for the newspaper club later today" I say to Sona as I then split off from her and head for the gym for P.E with Kurumu who also has the same class as me Time passes as the final bell ending the school day rings Arriving at the newspaper club room I see the others chatting "Now Y/N will you tell  what the headmaster called you for?" Sona says "Well rather me tell why don't I let three individuals tell you themselves..." I say while looking at the doors The doors open and in walks Dante Akasha and Sirzechs "M-Mother...." Moka says "Hello Moka My Dear" Akasha says "Now let's continue our talk from earlier in regards to the peerage set" I say calmly "Your getting a peerage?" Both Sona and Koneko says "What's a peerage set?" Kurumu asks "Tell me Kurumu or anyone else in this room besides a few of us how many have played chess before" I ask everyone in the room besides those that already know of the set Mostly everyone says that they know of the chess game "Well a peerage set involves the pieces of a chess board in which the king being the leader the queen being the second in command knights being quick attackers rook being the tanks bishop magical advisors and pawns being foot soldiers" I say calmly with Sirzechs nodding at my words "But what does that have to do with now?" Sona asks me "Well Sona the reason for that is that Y/N is getting his own set." Sirzechs says to Sona "Really?" Everyone in the room says besides the three "Yes I am and I have already decided on who I want to be in the peerage also a heads up for those I pick to join the peerage you won't become a devil like Sirzechs or Sona is but rather what I am" I calmly say "Which is a Demon Vampire hybrid right?" Tsukune asks "Yes but in any case Sirzechs can you give the king piece?" I ask the devil leader who nods and hands me the king piece Taking the piece I place it to my chest which glows for a minute as the piece sinks into my body "So who do you want in your peerage Y/N?" Koneko asks "Well for the queen piece I'm just gonna say it out loud now it's Moka" I calmly say "M-me?!" Moka says shocked "Yes as for why I believe that you are one of the powerful individuals in the school and besides as some would say behind every powerful king is a equally powerful Queen" I say My words causes Moka to Blush "Anyway will you accept Moka? I won't force it on you if you don't want to" I say in a soothing voice "I'll accept it..." Moka says I nod which Sirzechs hands me the queen piece Walking over to moka I place the queen piece up to her chest which the piece goes into her body A bright light appears from Moka blinding everyone After a minute the light disappears and we see Moka but she's not her usual self No the moka we all see has half pink half silver hair color with one eye being vampiric and the other being normal "Moka Sweetie how do you feel?" Akasha asks her daughter "I feel fin- my voice!" Moka shouts in confusion "It would seem that whatever laid dormant in young moka the queen piece caused both forms of moka to merge together as one" Dante says surprisingly "So I am much stronger now?" Moka asks "Yes but that's not all your also half demon now which I'll let Dante explain the pros and cons of being a demon" I respond to Moka's question "Anywho is there anyone else in the room you want in your peerage Y/N?" Mizore asks me "Yes there is infact one of the people I wish to recruit for my peerage just spoke to me" I say "Wait you want Mizore in your peerage?" Gin asks "Her Kurumu Yukari and You Gin" I answer gin's question "You want us in the peerage?" Kurumu asks "Yes but Yukari  will be a bishop due to her magical attributes as for Kurumu Mizore and Gin you three will be a pawn piece also before you ask why pawn Sirzechs can you explain what the pawn piece can do." I say Calmly while I walk over to Yukari placing a bishop piece near her chest After Sirzechs explains the pawn piece and I recruit Yukari I then proceed to recruit Kurumu Mizore and Gin which the four become part demon part vampire part succubus/Yuki Ona/Witch/Werewolf "So who else Y/N?" Sona asks "Well the rest I wanna recruit are back at Beacon so Sona if you wouldn't mind helping with getting me back over there for a bit" I say to Sona "Of course we shall return Momentarily everyone" Sona says to everyone I stand next to Sona as we leave via a magic circle Once back at Beacon I ask where the ruby and the rest are which Sona says more likely at my old dorm as that is where they hang out at Unfortunately my temporarily return was not unnoticed as nebula and her team spots me and Sona "Y/N you came back to us!!!" Nebula shouts as she and her team rush at me I sign before creating a ice wall between me and the four "You really need to learn to move on Nebula you and your team can find another guy to date you four don't always have to pick me all the time there are plenty of fish in the sea hell you may even meet a four guy team that interests you" I say calmly to the four "But we want only you!" Gwen says "You must move on that is all I'm going to say now I have to get something done so think about what I said and make your lives better then trying to get back with me" I say as I dispell the ice wall and walk towards my old dorm with Sona Upon arrival at my old dorm I open the door to see my best friends "Y/N!" Everyone shouts "What brings you here Y/N or are you a clone again?" Rias asks me "I'm the real deal this time Rias as for why I'm here I'm actually here to recruit a few individuals into my peerage" I say "You have your own Peerage set Y/N?" Issei asks me I nod my head at Issei's question "Well who do you want out of everyone in the room to join your peerage" Akeno asks "The ones I want to recruit are Pyrrha Blake Yang Nora Weiss Jaune Coco Fox and Ruby" I say calmly "Why us and what piece will we be?" Blake asks " I picked you 9 as you each have an attribute that will benefit the peerage but for each of you I would like for Pyrrha and Blake to be the knights of my peerage" I say "Knights?" Pyrrha asks "The knights is what you call a speedy attacker so if you both join Y/Ns peerage you'll become much much faster in combat" Kiba says "Really? Well I'll join then" Pyrrha says with Blake nodding in agreement I take out the knight pieces and recruit Pyrrha and Blake "Also I should mention those who join my peerage which I should of said so at the beginning becomes what I am which is a demon vampire hybrid but for Blake's case she will be part demon part vampire part cat Faunus" I say to the group "So we all become a demon vampire hybrid once we join?" Ruby asks "Yes and trust me when I say this and that you'll become much stronger in terms of strength anyway for my rooks I pick Yang and Nora for the rook pieces" I say to the group "What does the rook piece benefit for me and Nora?" Yang asks "The rook is more of the tank in the peerage as they gain high physical strength and defense" Momo says "Ooh then that definitely suits me and Yang!" Nora says with a grin "Yeah sign us up!" Yang says with a grin as well I then proceed to use the rook pieces to recruit Yang and Nora into the Peerage "What will myself Jaune Ruby coco and Fox be Y/N?" Weiss asks "You five will be pawns in the peerage and as for what a pawn is capable of.... Issei Saji care to explain?" I say while looking at the two pawns "Right so what a pawn can do for the peerage they are in is promotion" Issei says "Promotion?" Coco asks "Yes what promotion means is that if the peerage was to get into a battle somehow and the enemy's territory is the battleground the pawns of the peerage can promote themselves up to any other Peerage piece other than the king" Saji says "So for example say Y/Ns peerage is attacking Rias's territory and Kiba is giving let's go with Weiss a run for her money with Y/Ns permission Weiss can promote herself to Knight and actually keep up with Kiba in speed" Issei explains "That makes Pawn pieces sound broken as heck!" Jaune exclaims "They are broken in a way" Asia says "Anyway Weiss Jaune Ruby Coco and Fox will you five like to join the peerage I won't force you to join if you don't want to"I say but ruby interrupts me "I'll join!" Ruby shouts Soon the other four say they'll also join Using the five pawn pieces I recruit Weiss Jaune Coco Fox and Ruby to the peerage "Now that that's done Sona and I need to get back to Yokai also one thing before we go....Yang and Nora keep your anger in check just because your both like me which is a demon vampire hybrid doesn't mean you should abuse your new found powers all crazy like so learn to keep yourselves calm try meditating if you have to" I say seriously to everyone mostly Yang and Nora specifically Sona and I disappear from the group arriving back at the clubroom "Hey Y/N I notice you still got 1 Bishop piece left" Sona says to me "Huh so I do..." I say while looking at the remaining piece in my hand "So Bishops are supposed to be magic users is why you made Yukari a Bishop right?" Kurumu says "That's right but I don't know anyone else that uses magical abilities like Yukari" I say "Perhaps I could be assistance?" A voice says from the door of the clubroom Turning our heads towards the clubroom doors we see a slender looking female wearing what is a Casual outfit of what Yukari calls a witches outfit "Who are you?" I ask the individual "My Name is Ruby Tohjou and like Yukari I specialize in magic" Ruby says as she introduces herself to me "Well then I'm sure you heard what's been talked about in the room right?" I ask Ruby "I have yes and I am willing to join your peerage as you call it" Ruby says "Are you sure you want to join? You'll become a Demon Vampire Hybrid along with whatever race you currently are and since some if not all in the peerage are new to being a vampire with exception of Moka herself then you will have to listen to Moka's advice on what to do and not to do as a Vampire" I say to Ruby seriously "I understand and I'm still willing to join the Peerage" Ruby says "Very well" I say I proceed to recruit Ruby into the Peerage as my second Bishop which I then explain what all happened while I was at my former school We all soon continued daily activities of the club which afterwards we all head for our dorms to call it a day as we all prepare to rest for tomorrow's school day <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> <b>Shadow here with the next chapter which I hope you all will </b><b>enjoy</b> # Chapter 7 The Two Half's meet and a Training regimen <b>3rd PoV</b> On a normal Saturday Y/N and Half of his peerage are conversing at Yokai's bus stop about what to do with Sona Sitri and Koneko giving some advice "So we will have to do important tasks after school?" Kurumu says aloud "Yes but from what Y/N said I'm not sure if you all still have to report to the devil kings of the underworld like I and Koneko do" Sona says "Well we can think about what to do for the tasks another time but I propose we go to beacon and let the two half's of the peerage meet each other" Y/N says calmly "That is a good idea if we are to work together then the two half's meeting is required" Koneko says while nodding her head "But how will we get there the bus here only comes once a month" Moka says "Not to worry Moka we will be able to get back to my old academy that I along with Sona and Koneko used to attend and before I forget there are four girls attending Beacon which I'm sure I told you all about" Y/N says "Your talking about your ex's right?" Tsukune says to Y/N Y/N nods his head "Yes which I'm sure they will attempt to get back with me still even though I tell them that there is plenty of single folks out there for them to find but anyway Sona do you mind?" Y/N asks Sona "Of course everyone gather around me and we will meet the rest of Y/Ns Friends The group gathers around Sona which the group soon disappears from sight <b>Y/Ns PoV</b> After stepping onto the magic circle with The rest of those from Yokai Academy we appear outside Beacon Academy which Headmaster Ozpin notices us "Ah Mr L/N Ms Sitri Ms Toujou it's nice to see you three again but who are the people with you?" Ozpin says to us "The people with us are students from an academy called Yokai Academy which are also apart of a group I now lead and I'll tell you more about it in the future headmaster but can you call for the rest of my friends to meet at my old dorm?" Y/N says Headmaster Ozpin nods before making an announcement for said friends which I then ask if we could head for the old dorm ourselves at which Ozpin nods allowing us access into the academy building Heading for my old dorm we are chatting together Eventually we reach the door of my old dorm room which voices are heard on the other side Opening the door I am the first to step through with the others following behind me "Y/N!!" I hear my friends shout at me before I'm enveloped in multiple hugs "It's good to see you everyone how have you all been?" I ask my friends I receive multiple responses of my friends saying they've been good "Hey Y/N who are the people with you?" Issei Asks me "Well Issei the people with me with the exception of one are the other half of my peerage so will Pyrrha Blake Yang Nora Rubes Weiss Jaune Coco and Fox please stand before me" I say to my friends The individuals step forward which moka and the other half stand next to me "Now then for the individuals I asked to step before me let me introduce the other half of the peerage. Up first is the queen of the peerage Moka Akashiya" I introduce Moka "Hello." Moka Says calmly "After her is my two bishops Yukari and Ruby....Yes Rubes there's another individual with the same name as you" I say calmly The two say their greetings "Lastly are the remaining Pawns which consist of Kurumu Gin and Mizore" I say calmly "So what will you do now Y/N?" Akeno Asks me Before I could speak a bright orange circle appears on the ground in the dorm "Finally I've found you my dear Rias" a voice says from the circle Which soon a individual with blond hair appears "What are you doing here riser I thought the marriage was already over after Issei bested you" Rias says to the individual now known as Riser "Ah yes well Riser believes that your pawn cheated his way to victory which therefore the marriage is back on" Riser says "Uh huh and I'm guessing due to political BS you are going to try and attempt to get Rias as your wife again due to how she is saying that you was beaten the last time by Issei" I say loudly "Who are you human? And how dare you speak to Riser like you know him" Riser speaks to me "First off I know nothing of you as Rias Sona and their Peerages never said anything about you which I'm sure they had their reasons as to why they never spoke your name and secondly who says I'm human hmm?" I say in a serious tone "What do you mean your not human" a voice says which I soon see a maid like individual standing in the room "Who are you?" I hear Kurumu ask the maid The maid introduces herself as Grayfia the wife of Sirzechs "Well Grayfia the reason why I said what I said earlier about me being a human is a lie as for what I am well that will be easy just take a look at my eyes" I say as I calmly close my eyes before opening them <b>A/N:Your Right Eye </b><b>(Vampiric)</b> <b>A/N:Your Left eye (Demonic) also replace the individuals in both </b><b>gif's</b><b> with yourself</b> "Those eyes.....you're the one that Sirzechs trained for a year..." Grayfia says shocked Before I can speak riser snaps his fingers and a group of girls appears from a circle that riser showed up from "Before I was rudely interrupted allow me to introduce myself my name is Y/N L/N a demon/Vampire Hybrid and king of a peerage which has several individuals like myself in it I also have been trained by many individuals over the past year two of whom Rias and Sona know very well" I say seriously "There's no way that you've been trained by the great Lucifer Sirzechs! Riser doesn't believe you!" Riser shouts at me "Then why don't I call the devil leader himself if you don't believe me Riser" I say as I pull out my scroll which I soon dial the number for Sirzechs "Hello Y/N?" I hear Sirzechs voice on the other side of the call "Hey Sirzechs listen are you busy with your devil work right now?" I ask via the call "Not really since that talk you gave both me and sera several months ago when we was training you work has became relative easier why" Sirzechs says from his side of the call "Well is there any chance you could come to my location as a certain devil is trying to reignite the marriage between him and Rias" I say to Sirzechs over the call "Your kidding me Riser is with you and he's trying to reactivate the arranged marriage between him and Rias?" Sirzechs asks me "Yes also he doesn't believe that you trained me so I hoped that you could straighten that out" I say to Sirzechs "Very well I'll be there in a moment" Sirzechs tells me I then hang up the phone to which Sirzechs appears via his magic circle "Ah Sirzechs hello" I say to the devil king "Hello Y/N... Now then riser what this I hear of you trying to reignite the arranged marriage with my sister when you know that the marriage is over after her pawn defeated you in battle" Sirzechs says to Riser "But you must understand My Lord the marriage has to continue for the good of devil kind!" Riser shouts "If by devil kind then you mean your collection of women for you to use as a stress relief whenever your stressed out then your a bigger dumbass than I thought" I say calmly "How dare you talk to Riser like he's pathetic!" Riser shouts at me Riser then throws a large ball of fire at me which I quickly tell Mizore to get out of the room for her safety after which I begin eating the fireball "Thanks for the meal" I say shocking everyone "Did you just eat the fireball Y/N?" Kiba asks me "Yup and that's just one of the elements I can absorb or eat in order to regain my magical supplies" I respond to Kiba's Question "But I digress how about this Riser seeing as you've already faced Rias and her peerage before why don't you face mine this time as we are a completely new peerage that literally have no knowledge of how two Peerages fight" I say to Riser "Which if you put two and two together should be a easy win for you Riser"Gin says to Riser "Very well but I will be giving you five days to prepare yourselves don't disappoint me" Riser says as he leaves the dorm with his group "Sirzechs do you mind taking my peerage as well as my friend Tsukune to meet with the rest of the mentor's as I feel their training will be able to help the peerage as well as Tsukune improve in terms of combat for future fights" I ask the devil king "Of course but will Tsukune be able to handle your other mentor's training or anyone in your peerage for that matter?" Sirzechs asks me "Although they never met my mentor's besides you Sirzechs I believe that Natsu and the rest can help improve their fighting prowless" I say calmly Sirzechs then tells us to stand near him which we do but before we leave I tell Sona and velvet to inform the staff of both Yokai and Beacon that a few of us will be missing a few days of school which Sona and Velvet nod their heads Disappearing from the dorm we reappear at the manor where the rest of the mentor's are located at "This is where you trained the past year Y/N?" Pyrrha asks me "Yes this is where I've been training with Sirzechs and the rest of my mentor's for the past year" we walk towards the doors of the manor which we all enter "Hey Y/N what brings you here and who are the people with you besides Sirzechs?" Natsu asks me I introduce to Natsu and the other mentor's those of my peerage while also informing them what's going on "So you have five days to prepare for a fight with another group and you want to know if we can help prepare your group?" Erza asks "Yes Lady Erza as I believe each one of you could teach those with me something in combat while also improving them in terms of skill and power" I say to Erza "Then perhaps I can also train your group for your fight" a voice says out of no where Turning our heads to the sound of the voice we see a individual floating off the ground with his arms folded "Who are you if I may ask?" I say to the individual "I am called Gogito and I am a warrior God who has come to help your prepare for your fight against Riser Phoenix and his peerage" The now named Gogito says "Not to sound disrespectful Mr Gogito sir but doesn't the gods have a bit of a issue with demon and Yokai kind?" I ask Gogito "That may have been in the past but I can assure you no matter what I will not harm you unintentionally but in any case since you are on a five day training limit I have brought something to help your group" Gogito says as he shows a capsule in his fingers "Is that a capsule?" Weiss asks "Yes and No. Yes it looks like a normal capsule and No it doesn't behave like a normal capsule would" Gogito says "Can you explain in more details?" Markov says to Gogito "Sure so the capsule in my fingers is capable of storing large items such as a house in it or a large supply of food should one need it" Gogito says "Wait so if I was to get one I would be able to store all my fashion clothes in it?!" Coco shouts "Don't mind her Mr Gogito sir please continue" I say calmly to the god before us "Right so this capsule of mine contains a modified version of a chambers from where I'm from called the Hyperbolic time chamber which normally only two individuals would be able to enter at a time but its been modified to hold up to eight people" Gogito says Gogito then explains everything about the chamber "So a year in the chamber is only a day out here and not only that but the gravity in the chamber is heavier than that of earth?" I ask Gogito "Yes which is why I will help train your group in Ki based attacks as well as martial arts not only that but atleast one of your mentor's along with six people of your group will be able to enter the chamber for intense training" Gogito says "Very well we are in your care Mr Gogito" I say while bowing politely as does my peerage Gogito and the other mentor's then begin our training which my peerage and I have one goal in mind to beat riser and stop the arranged marriage between riser and Rias from happening <b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 8 The Rating Game <b>Y/Ns PoV</b> Five days has passed since my mentor's and the warrior God Gogito began training myself and my peerage and to be quiet frank I'm sure we are more than ready "So everyone is prepared then right?" Sirzechs asks my group "We are prepared to stop Riser and end the arranged marriage between him and Rias once and for all" I say to the devil king Sirzechs just smiles at my determination to free his sister which he then ushers for my group to gather around but before we disappear Gogito hands Sirzechs a item and tells him to give it to me after the match Disappearing from my mentor's we arrive in a strange building with the sky outside being red "Where are we?" Weiss asks "You all are in the orc clubhouse which is the clubhouse that my sister used for her devil activities before her change of schools to Beacon Academy" Sirzechs tells us Sirzechs then tells us that we will have 5 minutes to prepare a strategy for the match and that if I fall it counts as victory for riser and vice versa for if riser falls After Sirzechs leaves Grayfia begins speaking over the mic as she tells everyone what's going on and how long each side has to prepare "Alright so judging by the lay out of the arena it seems that there is a gymnasium as well as the main school building not to far from us" I say to everyone "Not only that but a track and field section as well so there is quite a few options as to split us up" Jaune says "Right so we need to best plan this out or risk losing" Kurumu says We then plan out our order of attack for the match against Riser which just as we finish Grayfia announces the match has begun <b>3rd PoV</b> Out of the two Peerages on the field of battle three from the peerage of Y/N L/N are heading for the gymnasium which is where riser had sent two of his pawns a rook and a bishop "So you three are our facing us huh this will be easy!" One of risers pawns shouts which the three from the L/N peerage just smirk at "Oh please show us if you can best us" Yang says as she grins "Fine!" The second of the pawns of riser shouts Yang and her two partners just stand there as the two pawns rush at The three "How are we not hitting them?!" The bishop of the group shouts The bishop then orders the rook to join the pawns in attacking Yang and her partners Which results in the same as the pawns <b>Basically replace Goku with Yang and her partners and </b><b>Burter</b><b> and </b><b>Jeice</b><b> with risers two pawns and rook he sent to the gymnasium</b> "Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna fight?!" The rook shouts Smirking the first of Yang's partners then says "Alright if you insist" Gin says revealing to be one of Yang's partners Yang and Gin then release multiple after images around the four all while Mizore is getting ready to fire her icicles at the four <b>Replace Goku with gin and Yang also replace </b><b>Caulifa</b><b> with the four riser sent to the gymnasium</b> As the four are flying towards the gymnasium wall Mizore let's loose a icicle barrage at the four which causes the four to disappear "Riser's Two pawns one Rook and One bishop has retired!" Grayfia announces via the mic "Good work you three now proceed to meet with Pyrrha and Ruby at the track" Y/N conveys via a magic circle near the three's ear <b>A/N:to make it easier for the story Ruby Rose will be known as Rubes for short and Ruby Tohjou will be known as Ruby for short</b> The three nod their heads and head for their next destination Meanwhile over at the track Pyrrha is easily handling one of the two knights of riser "How can I not use my weapon?!" The knight being fought by Pyrrha Shouts "It's because you and the rest of your group only thought my group as weak which obviously lead you to your groups demise" Y/N says as he walks into the track "You'll lose if we take you out right?" The second Bishop of risers group says to Y/N "As if you could anyway besides you won't even get the chance to come close to me....Go!" Y/N says calmly before shouting which causes Pyrrha Blake Nora Rubes and the rest of the peerage of Y/N to quickly defeat the remaining peerage members of riser leaving only riser left "Riser's Queen Bishop Knights Rook and Remaining Pawns all defeated!" Grayfia announces Up in the stands two devil kings are smiling at what is happening on the field of battle while a certain head of a family is confused on his son's peerage is easily loosing to a no name peerage "How is this Possible?! Riser should have easily won!" Riser's Father shouts "Do you know why your son is losing this battle sir?" A voice says to the father Riser's Father lifts his head to see Y/N floating there "You?!" Riser's Father shouts "Yes me and not to worry my peerage is giving riser a run for his money so a little conversation from me will be fine" Y/N says On the roof of the school an explosion is seen which everyone is quiet "How! How is that ice girl not defeated by Riser's flame?!" Riser shouts loud enough for Y/N hear which said individual then vanishes and reappears Infront of Riser "The reason why she is not defeated is because of the one thing you offered my peerage to do when we first met back at beacon academy Riser" Y/N says "What did I offer you and your peerage?!" Riser shouts as he throws a fireball at Y/N "You allowed my peerage to train for five days which even though it would of made my peerage not as efficient as they are now if you didn't allowed us to train I alone would of bested you with ease but since you allowed us to train you only made your defeat longer" Y/N says as he kicks the fireball back towards Riser " Riser will not fall to you! The marriage between Rias and Myself is a must for all devil's!" Riser shouts loudly "But yet she doesn't want to be with you infact if I was to guess correctly she hates your guts so my peerage will end this match with a phrase my queen says most of the time" Y/N says as he then orders his peerage to attack with him Coco and Yang rush at Riser which Yang punches Riser in the face as Coco fires her minigun at riser Riser then slides towards Fox and Jaune at which the two unleash a flurry of attacks Once again Riser slides towards the rest of the peerage before sliding to a stop Infront of Y/N after suffering many attacks from Y/Ns peerage is bleeding quite badly "Well Riser it's time for this match to end and as I said I would use a move my queen is known for finishing her battles with but I won't do it alone infact my entire peerage will join in finishing you off together" Y/N says before he orders his peerage to get ready Fox and Gin then rush at Riser before sending a hard double boot to Risers face which sends him flying backwards in a spinning fashion Jaune and Weiss see this and quickly rush towards riser before dealing a double slash towards risers body after which they kick him hard towards the next two Mizore and Rubes see riser heading for them which the two nod Mizore then freezes Riser in mid air at which Rubes then creates two after images before rushing at riser leaving multiple scythe wounds on the phoenix Riser is then unfrozen which he is then sent upwards into the air which Yukari and Ruby notices at which the two bishops send a devastating array of spells towards Riser which up in the stands the devil's are shocked at how badly riser is getting "My word! How strong is this peerage exactly?!" A red haired devil yells "They are very powerful father infact I wouldn't be surprised if they are the strongest peerage know to all of supernatural" Sirzechs says Yang and Nora then jump up to Riser which the two deliver a hard punch to risers face and a strong swing of a hammer to his legs which Riser let's out a loud scream of pain Riser is then sent to Pyrrha and Blake via a hammer swing from Nora Pyrrha and Blake nod at each other before performing a synchronized fashion strikes with their weapons which adds even more injuries to riser Soon Riser stops Infront of Y/N and Moka all beaten up Y/N and Moka share a nod which riser is then sent up to the air by a double kick to the chin from Y/N and Moka Riser then sees Y/N and Moka spinning in place "Well Riser it's time that you know your place!" Both Y/N and Moka shout before delivering a hard kick to Riser's stomach which sends him crashing into the roof of the school "Riser is out! The winner is team L/N!" Grayfia declares <b>Y/Ns PoV</b> My peerage and I are then teleported to a dinning hall like area where Sirzechs Rias Sona and the others are "Thank you so Much for helping with Riser Y/N!" Rias shouts as she hugs me which I hug back "It's no trouble really besides we are friends and for me sticking by ones friends is the same as being together through thick and thin despite our races" I say as I hug back "Well said Y/N" Kiba says as he pats my shoulder for a job well done Suddenly a fireball is then noticed by the guests which I catch and hold with ease "Mind explaining your actions sir?" I say as I look to the culprit that threw which happened to be the father of Riser "Lord Phoenix what is the meaning of this?!" Sirzechs yells at the individual "That newbie peerage leader shouldn't have bested riser and he should of not even fought against my son!" Lord Phoenix shouts The ground of the hall begins to shake rapidly which everyone near me are confused at what is happening Soon a powerful aura surrounds me which Rias let's go before a dark pillar of light consumes me After the pillar disappears I stand in my devil trigger form which I glare at Lord Phoenix <b>A/N:your devil trigger but picture with your favorite color and you don't have a sword right now</b> Without anyone noticing I disappear and reappear Infront of Lord Phoenix which I grab by the neck and lift up "listen here Lord Phoenix for what you may not know while I was the one that offered the challenge to free Rias from Riser I did it out of the kindness within me not because I think that Rias will be in indebted to me once I freed her no I did because she is my best friend just as much as her peerage and Sona and her peerage are my best friends too I care for my friends that I am willing to sacrifice my life for them and your damn right I will stick up for them even if they are a devil neko or any sort of Yokai hell I will still stick with them even if they was humans too because I trust them just as much as they trust me so unless you want to lose your life and make your wife a widow and your children fatherless I would cease what you are thinking of doing and revaluate your life choices.....Sir." I say out loud My words shock everyone in the hall which I return to normal Soon clapping are heard throughout the hall which even lord Phoenix is clapping After much discussions we return to beacon academy "That was insane!" Yang yells "Well that's what we have to go through to settle a debate as a devil" Sona says "Anyway half of us need to get back to Yokai so remember to keep yourselves calm as you can be alright?" I say to the half that attend beacon but before we leave Sirzechs appears and hands me the capsule Gogito gave him "Gogito says that the capsule in your hand is a copy of the one he used to train you and your peerage in so if you wish to do some off duty training then you can" Sirzechs says which I nod and leave with the half of the peerage that go to Yokai Returning to the bus stop of Yokai we head for our dorms which I lay in the bed and fall asleep to rest for the next day <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 9 The Aftermath of the rating game <b>Y/Ns PoV</b> On a peaceful Sunday morning I along with half of my peerage are meeting with the other half of the peerage so that we all can Hang out together Arriving at beacon we meet with the others back at my old dorm room again "Hey Y/N I wanna ask something" I hear Yang say to me "What up Yang?" I respond to Yang "After we beat that jerk who was trying to take Rias how did you access that form you used to settle the jerk's father?" Yang asks me which causes the peerage to look at me as well "Yeah I wanna access it too!" Nora shouts with glee "That's gonna be the dangerous part of being half demon to explain" I say as I let out a deep sigh "How dangerous is the explanation?" Issei Asks "It would be best for two of my mentor's to come as they are the demons that helped me become what I am and what some of you became after joining my peerage" I say calmly After calling Dante and Vergil we wait for the brothers to arrive which after waiting fifteen minutes the two enter the dorm room "So what did you call us for kid?" Dante asks "Well Dante I called you and Vergil to help explain the devil trigger and how to obtain it without actual doing the actual part that is required to get it" I say to Dante "So it's that talk is it huh kid" Dante says "Those who are in Y/Ns peerage stand before myself and my brother Dante so that we can explain what you need to know about gaining access to devil trigger" Vergil says out loud which moka and everyone in my peerage all stand before the Sparda brothers "Now then the form that you each will gain access to eventually is called devil trigger" Dante says "Devil trigger?" Coco asks "It is a form that you can access once a specific requirement is fulfilled which I'm sure Y/N told you is very dangerous to Obtain the access to" Dante says "He did say it would be dangerous yes but how would one gain access to the form?" Pyrrha asks Dante I look towards Dante and Vergil as the two look at me which the three of us nod in agreement "In order to gain access to the devil trigger form Pyrrha you" I start off which Dante and Vergil continue for me "Must have a near death experience and we don't mean a experience where you are scared half to death we" Dante says which Vergil continues after him "Mean a real near death experience as that is the only way to for the demon blood within you to fully awaken which will cause your devil trigger to appear" Vergil says Soon loud gulps are heard from everyone in the room except me Dante and Vergil "To think we must experience something so life threatening to gain access to a form" Blake says out loud "alas that is what must be done in order for your devil trigger form to become a reality" Dante says "By the way Dante Vergil besides you two explaining the way to get access to the devil trigger form I would also like to ask for a favor from the two of you" I say to the Sparda brothers "What is it?" Vergil asks "Right so you both remember the one I asked for you and the rest of the mentor's as well as the god warrior Gogito to train Tsukune even though he wasn't a member of my peerage" I say as a answer to Vergil "I remember he is the only human in that monster school you go to right?" Dante says which shocks Kurumu and the rest of the members of the newspaper club "Wait Tsukune is a human?!" Kurumu shouts loudly "He is yes Kurumu" I answer the succubus "What's he doing at Yokai then?" Mizore asks "I'm sure only Mikogami has the answer for that Mizore but in any case can you guys do that as a favor for me Dante? The brothers look at each other before nodding "We can do that but I will say that we will be more harsher then what we were before your match when we are training him to better understand his powers" Vergil says "I understand just please help him get stronger so that he can stand by our side on the field of battle in the future" I say to Vergil "Very well we will need him to be here so that we can begin doing the favor" Dante says to me "Alright give me a second to go get Tsukune" I say to Dante Vanishing from sight I disappear from the room only to return seconds later with Tsukune "Why are we back here Y/N?" Tsukune asks me "Well Tsukune I brought you here because you are going to become a half human half demon" I say to Tsukune "Wait What?!" Tsukune shouts "That's right kid and once we are done with you no one except myself Vergil or Y/N would be able to defeat you so I hope your ready for a harsher training session then the last time" Dante says to Tsukune "Before you begin his transformation Dante Vergil one of you catch" I say before tossing a item to one of the two Vergil catches the item which is revealed to be the capsule that Gogito left behind for me to use "That's the capsule of the chambers we used during the five day training sessions you can use it to help train Tsukune" I say to Vergil Vergil nods his head before vanishing from the room with Dante and Tsukune "Anyway we are going to head back so that we can rest up for tomorrow's school day see you all later" I say before disappearing from the room with half of my peerage Arriving back on Yokai grounds we each head for our dorms in order to sleep so that we can have the energy for tomorrow's school activities <b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 10 A Shocking Discovery <b>Y/Ns POV </b> After returning to Yokai Academy from besting Riser to free Rias from being married to him I walk towards the gates of the boys dorm to see moka kurumu mizore sona and koneko "Morning Y/N " the girls say to me "Morning" i say in response We then walk towards the school building which after entering we all head for our homeroom classes Entering my class i sit at my desk as Ms Nekonome enters and begins roll call "Aono? Has anyone seen mr Aono?" Ms Nekonome says to us I stand up from my desk "Actually Ms Nekonome Tsukune will be with a couple of friends of mine training in order to defend himself from the yokai that walks the academy as well he used to be a human attending Yokai" i say to the class Soon lots of whats and reallys come from the other students "We should kill him he doesn't belong here!" A orc named Saizo says I flare my aura putting intense pressure on the class except a few members of my peerage who are in my class "You so much as touch tsukune saizo and i will bury you and kuyos sorry asses 20 feet deep underground with a burnt piece of wood going through your ass and out the mouth making you look like a shishkabob" i say to saizo "Why do you care for him huh i bet your just as weak as he is!" Saizo yells at me I look towards ms nekonome which i mouth sorry for what im about to do Using my speed i immediately rush over to Saizo and break his arm Saizo screams in pain before glaring at me "Can you explain why you did that mr L/N?" Ms nekonome asks me "Well Ms nekonome I'll just say this now but I'm a firm believer of equality for all races in the world it doesn't matter if the person is human,yokai,devil,angel,fallen angel,succubus, snow fairy or witch all races deserve to be treated fairly and equally not mistreated just because of one incident in the past and as many know the past defines us not shapes who we become" i say calmly My words shock everyone in the class room Soon a voice can be heard from the other side of the classroom door "well said son you are truly the heir to the throne" the voice said which confuses all of us The door then opens which two individuals step into the classroom "Excuse me but who are you?" Ms nekonome asks the individuals "Pardon our intrusion Nekonome but i am Samantha L/N and i am the mother to Y/N L/N " the lady of the pair says shocking the class except me "And i am Mark L/N the father of Y/N and Husband to Samantha " the male of the two says to the class "Look im all for you guys visiting mom dad but what did you mean when you said heir to the throne" i ask my parents My parents turn towards me before noticing moka is in my class "Young girl the one with pink and silver hair color" my mother says "Y-Yes?" Moka answers timidly "You are Akashas daughter are you not?" My mother asks moka "Yes i am why do you ask?" Moka responds to my mothers question with one of her own Soon we hear my laughter coming from my father "So not only did my son become half of what he originally was supposed to be but his fiance is also in the class too!" My father says loudly We all go quiet before shouting "WHAAAAAAAT?!?!?" We shout loudly "Who is supposed to be my fiance in the first place?!"i ask my parents To my shock and surpise both my mother and father point to the girl my mother spoke to moment ago "M-Me?!" Moka says shocked that she is my fiance "Thats correct but for now we will explain after your school day is over" my mother says to us "For now we will go bug mikogami for a while see ya after school son" my father says as he exits the classroom with my mother Sitting back down i lay my head on my desk mumbling random stuff Ms Nekonome begins todays lesson which i sit back up and take notes of After some time the bell for lunch rings which we meet with the others that attend yokai of whom are in my peerage "What?! You and moka are engaged?!" Gin and The rest of the newspaper club minus tsukune shout "Yeah apparently my parents will tell us why we are engaged after school" i say while eating my lunch The girls of our friend group all glare at moka "Hey don't glare at me i didn't know about it either" Moka says to the girls as she eats her lunch "Still we wanna chat with you after school and after learning of why you and Y/N are engaged moka" Kurumu says to moka We continue to eat before the bell ending lunch rings which we then continue the day as normal as things can be in yokai academy After a long day of school work the final bell rings I then proceed to head for the headmasters office where my mother and father are at which moka kurumu mizore yukari sona and koneko all tag along Entering the headmasters office we are greeted by my mother father and the headmaster "Ah there you are sweetie and i see moka and your female friends are here too" my mother says "Well technically not all my female friends are here mother some are back at the other academy i used to go to" i say to my mother "Then would you propose we go to your former school so that the rest of your female friends hear the reason behind your engagement?" My mother asks me "It would probably be best to do in order to avoid shock and confusion later on" i say to my mother Soon we all vanish from mikogamis office and reappear in my old dorm "Let me go get them so that they can hear the explanation mother father" i say to my parents who nod I exit my dorm and go get my friends After a few minutes i return with my friends "Hey Y/N who are the two people in the room?" Issei asks me "Those people issei are my parents which will explain something that neither i nor moka knew anything about" i say to issei "What do you mean?" Yang asks "According to my parents i am engaged apparently " i say calmly The room goes quiet before shouting is heard "WHAAAAAAAAAT?!" Most of my friends shout "Who are you engaged to?!" Yang says while shaking me back and forth "M....Moka! But i never K....new anything about it" i answer yang "Listen if i am to be with him i wouldn't mind sharing him as something you don't know about vampires is that we can have multiple mates so if he is to have more than one wife than I'll gladly share" Moka says calming yang down "Then we have a chance!" Each girl that secretly loves Y/N quietly thinks in their minds "Anyway mother father would you mind explaining about the engagement?" I ask my parents "Of course son" my father says "We should warn you that what we are about to explain happened over 20 years ago when both moka and Y/N was still toddlers" my mother says which shocks us <b>Flashback 20 years ago 3rd POV </b> Within the castle of the L/N Vampire family is the king of Vampires Mark L/N his Wife and the Queen of Vampires Samantha L/N and their Toddler son Y/N L/N the prince of vampires "Your Highness Lady Akasha Lord Issa has arrived" A maid says to Mark and Samantha "Bring them in" Mark says "Right away your highness" the maid says Soon the maid leaves only to return with said individuals Within the arms of Akasha is a Toddler Moka who is clinging to her mother "Welcome Akasha Issa its good to see you both" Samantha says "Its good to see you too Your Highness" Akasha and Issa both say as they kneel "Come old friend you should know that you don't always have to kneel before us" Mark says to the two "Well you are king and queen of the vampire race" Issa says to Mark "Nonsense we are old friends now issa what do you say let us guys go hang out as im sure my wife wishes to talk to yours for some girl talk" Mark Says to Issa <b>Outside flashback</b> "Hold on a minute Mom if im really a vampire like you dad and moka are then how come i didn't show any signs of being one you know the blood red eyes thrist for blood super human strength?" Y/N says to samantha "You will learn why after the explanation sweetie for now lets resume shall we" Samantha says to Y/N <b>Back in the flashback</b> "Well since the boys are having their guy talk wanna let Moka play with Y/N?" Samantha says to Akasha "Of course" Akasha says as the two head for a play pin which both mothers put their child in the play pin Both Toddlers look at each other before smiling which the two play blocks together "They look so cute playing with blocks don't they?" Samantha asks Akasha "Indeed they do its almost as if they are made to be together " Akasha says calmly Suddenly the two mothers hear crying which they instantly turn their heads towards the sound of the crying Toddler moka was hit on the head by a block she accidentally threw in the air while clapping with glee Before any mother could do anything however they see Toddler Y/N do something adorable Toddler Y/N gently kisses Toddler moka's head before chanting some words to make her feel better "Boo boo go away come back another decade!" Toddler Y/N says as he gently pats Toddler moka's head Both Samantha and Akasha aww at what they witnessed between their two children Soon both Mark and Issa laughing together "You boys had your fun?" Samantha asks her Husband Mark "Of course dear how is the children?" Mark asks Samantha "They are fine Moka gotten a little boo boo but Y/N made her feel all better" Akasha says The four vampires then notice the two toddlers asleep snuggling together while holding hands Both Samantha and Akasha look at each other and nod in agreement which left the husbands confused Grabbing both toddlers Samantha and Akasha each gently carried their children in their arms Suprisingly both Y/N and Moka begin to wriggle in their mothers arms as if calling out to the other "You don't think?" Samantha says before bringing Y/N close to Moka As soon as both Y/N and Moka are in reach of each other the two toddlers reach out to the other and link hands Seeing this both sets of parents knew upon instinct what it means for the two "They are both in love with each other" both sets of parents say at the same time Mark suddenly dissapears before returning with a item "Where did you go?" Issa asks Mark "I went and grabbed a necklace to show that the two are ment for each other"Mark says to Issa <b>The necklace you decide on which color of the two that you and moka each have a piece of</b> Mark then gives one part of the necklace to Akasha and Issa which he then hands the other part to Samantha "Should the two meet again in the distant future and still have the necklace parts that we give them it will mean they are destined for each other and are to become husband and wife someday in the future" Mark says to Samantha Akasha and Issa <b>End of Flashback Y/Ns POV </b> "So since neither of us was consulted about the whole thing does that mean it is still on?" I ask my parents "Well son that depends do you have the necklace still?" My father asks me I pull out the necklace from under my shirt to show i still have it "Yea i got it right here i just never knew if it had any significant meaning" i say while holding the necklace Moka brings out her half of the necklace as well which both my parents smile "Then you are destined to be together" my father says "Listen im all for being in a relationship with moka but is it possible to take things slow i mean yeah we are to be married in the future that i can understand but i would rather take things slow and build up the connection and feelings to moka so that way we can both learn our likes dislikes and not just moka I'm sure several girls in this room also have feelings for me and i want to treat each one that does with equal love and kindness that i would give moka" i say without stopping at any part of my words Everyone in the room smiles at what i said which moka hugs me with a smile of her own "That is why you are the perfect one for any girl that chooses to date you son" my father says with a proud smile on his face I then flash the L/N grin that my family is known for "By the way mom dad before you go back to the castle is there any chance i can show my friends here and my mentors the castle?" I ask my parents "Of course you can sweetie but you do know you have a castle of your own so you can just take them there" my mother says to me "Wait i have a castle?" I say shocked "You sure do son infact how about this upcoming Saturday we will take you all there" my father suggests "Before we forget the reason why you didn't show any traits of being a vampire is because when you was 9 years old you asked to have your vampiric blood sealed so that you can make friends with other kids instead of them running in fear at what you are" my mother says to me "So i willingly asked for my vampire side to be sealed which resulted in me becoming human?" I say to my parents Both my parents nod their heads "Alright see you both on Saturday as for me though im gonna inform my mentors of what will happen that day so Rias Sona can you both inform your siblings so they can know ahead of time " i say calmly which rias and sona nod their heads before vanishing from the room I then head to where my mentor's are which to my surprise Akasha is there with her husband Issa "Lady Akasha Lord Issa its good to see you both again" i say to the two "Good to see you too Y/N i take it your parents told you of the engagement?" Issa says to me I nod and explain what was said earlier which all my mentors minus sirzechs and serafall all nod "So this saturday we will be heading to the castle you own along with your friends?" Erza says to me "That is correct Erza" i say calmly After chatting for a bit i return to my friends to which myself koneko sona moka kurumu mizore yukari ruby and gin all head back to Yokai academy where we head for our dorms <b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 11 the trip to the castle <b>Y/Ns POV </b> Waking up i stretch before preparing to meet up with my friends before we meet up with my parents A knock comes from the other side of my door I walk over to the door and open it to see a familiar face but with more power then ever before "Hey Y/N I'm back" Tsukune says with a smile "Welcome back Tsukune your just in time actually as i and our friends are heading somewhere soon" i say to Tsukune Soon i explain what happened the other day while he was training with dante and vergil "I see so your the prince of vampires and your parents are taking us to see your castle today" Tsukune says to me which i nod After getting dressed i head to Gins dorm with Tsukune which upon arrival Gin was confused as to who was with me When Tsukune told gin his name gin grinned a little noticing how powerful Tsukune has become We then head to the gates of the boys dorm where sona moka kurumu koneko mizore yukari and ruby was waiting for us "Hey Y/N Gin whos that with you two?" Kurumu asks me and gin "Well Kurumu this gentleman with me and gin is Tsukune himself" i say to the girls "I see so your stronger than ever before huh Tsukune" Kurumu asks Tsukune "Correct i am Kurumu" Tsukune responds to Kurumu "For now we need to gather the rest and meet up with my parents" i say to the group with me "But where are your parents they never really told us where to meet them" Sona asks "We are right behind you all" a voice says to us Turning our heads we see my mother and father standing proudly "Right so if a few here can stay with my parents Sona and I can work on getting the others here" i explain to everyone near me Soon Sona and I begin making multiple trips to bring the others to my parents After multiple trips eventually everyone is standing near my parents "These are your Parents Y/N?" Erza asks me "Yes Erza they are my parents meet Mark and Samantha L/N the King and queen of Vampires" i say calmly "And that makes you the prince of vampires?" Gray asks "Correct i am the prince of the vampires" i say to gray "Well now that everyone is here son it should be said that the path to your castle will be a little on the cold side as we have to make our way to it on foot" my father says "Well we better start then huh besides it will be a nice way for everyone to get to know each other as we walk" i say which everyone nods in agreement We soon begin following my parents to my castle which everyone in the group begin to converse with each other After walking for several hours we see a castle in the distance with a blizzard covering it <b>The castle</b> "Is that my castle?" I ask my parents "Indeed it is sweetie" my mother says "Stick close as you can fall off the bridge if your not careful" my father says We all nod and stick close to my father Eventually we reach the door of the castle Walking through the door we are amazed at how the inside looks <b>The entrance area of the castle </b> Soon two individuals approach us "Greetings my name is Maria and this gentleman next to me is my husband Hayate" the maid says to us "We are the head butler and head maid to prince Y/Ns Maids and butlers but if i may ask is he among you all?" Hayate asks I step forward standing before everyone "I am Y/N himself" i say to the two Hayate and Maria both kneel before me "Its an honor to see you your highness" the two say "Thank you but if its not too much trouble could one of you or both if you prefer please show us around the castle?" I ask the two "We will be happy to show you around your highness if you will please follow us" maria says as she and Hayate begin walking through the castle halls As we walk with Hayate and Maria we learn of each room we come across <b>Strategy Room</b> <b>Y/Ns Bedroom</b> <b>Workout room</b> <b>Game room</b> <b>Arcade (ignore the person in the pic as the only ones in the room is Y/Ns group)</b> <b>Library </b> <b>Throne room</b> "Thank you for the tour Hayate and Maria" i say to the two "Its our pleasure your highness if you'll excuse us we will return to our duties" maria says as she and Hayate leave the throne room "What will you do now Y/N?" Rubes asks me "Hmm Father is it possible for my friends and mentor's to use this castle as a meet up spot?" I ask my father "Of course you can all you need to though is give them a copy of a this button which will call a limo that specifically take them here" my father says as he takes out a button and hands it to me "How will i go and making a copy of it though?" I ask my father "Not to worry follow me and I'll show you as for every one else please stay here until we return" my father says Everyone nods which my father and i then leave the throne room Several minutes pass before my father and i return with several bags of the buttons "Right so I'll now distribute the buttons Up first is 9 buttons for Rias's peerage" i say as i hand the buttons to Rias and her peerage "Next is Sona and her peerage" i say as i hand each member of Sona's peerage a button "Up next is teams rwby jpnr and cfvy" i hand the members of the three teams a button "Coming up next is a button for my mentor's" i then hand a button to my mentor's "Thats all the buttons i can give right now as i will need to save a few for something in the future" i say as i sit on my throne "What is it that you'll need to save them for?" Tsukune asks "Well i plan to achieve peace for all as even though you weren't in class yesterday tsukune i said that i believe in equality for all as it doesn't matter what race the individual is we are connected in some way but alas i know it will not be easy to achieve" i say calmly "In anycase is there a chance we can stay the night here Y/N as im sure its late already" Weiss asks "Of course I'm sure there are guest rooms that the castle has to offer for you all" i say to Weiss "Indeed there are your highness" Hayate says "Will you please show them to the guest rooms Hayate" i ask the butler "Of course if everyone will please follow me I'll show you all to the guest room's " Hayate says as he motions for the others to follow him "Well mom dad I'm gonna call it a night as well I'll see you both again someday?" I say to my parents "Of course sweetie now you take care of yourself and don't give me a grandchild so soon" my mother says I blush at what she said which i then head for my room and lay on the bed <b>TO BE CONTINUED </b> <b>Shadow here with the next chapter now before i go i have two questions i want to ask</b> <b>Now if any remembers from the old version of the story Y/N had a army that he had helping him with achieving his goal of true peace</b> <b>So i want to ask who from the three worlds so far</b> <b>Rwby</b> <b>Dxd</b> <b>Rosario</b> <b>Should be in the army and should Y/N have any ally's from the three worlds</b> <b>Leave a comment with your suggestions for the two questions </b> <b>Until next </b><b>time</b> # Chapter 12 The Girls have a talk <b>3rd POV</b> On a Saturday afternoon Y/N and his friends are hanging at His Castle which the groups are chatting about random stuff "Hey Y/N can you and the boys leave the room for a bit I would like to talk to the girls about something" Moka Says calmly Y/N and the boys look at each other before nodding "Sure we can do that for you girls Moka" Y/N says to Moka "Thank you Y/N" Moka Says as she gives Y/N a kiss on the cheek Y/N blushes before leaving the room with the boys Once the boys are gone from the room Moka looks at the other girls in the room "Now that they are gone for a bit let's begin the talk" Moka Says "What's the talk about?" Koneko Asks Moka "It's about Y/N as you remember during when his parents was telling us about his engagement between myself and him he said that several other girls have feelings for him as well" Moka Says "W-Well not all of us have feelings for him" Asia says "I'm aware of that Asia which is why I want those who do have feelings for Y/N to split up from the group so that we can know who all has feelings for Y/N Only" Moka Says Soon Kurumu Mizore Akeno Rias Koneko Sona Rubes Nora Pyrrha Blake Yang break from the group "So you all have feelings for Y/N Then?" Moka asks "Yes we do" Yang says "What about the rest of you who do you have feelings for?" Moka asks the other girls She got mixed answers some saying Issei Some Jaune some even saying Tsukune and Gin "Right so what do the girls that like Y/N know about him like what is he known for doing?" Moka asks "Well from what most of us know about him from his time at beacon academy before he left is that he is really supportive of his friends" Rias says calmly "Not only is he supportive of us he also knows not to cause alot of damage and looks out for the staff of the academy he is attending" Sona says "What do you mean?" Kurumu asks "Well I'm sure you all know what happened to Y/N which I'm sure he told you Moka Ruby Mizore and those who attend Yokai academy right?" Akeno says "Yes we was told about that but what does that have to do with Kurumu's question" Yukari says "I'm getting to that you see before he left Beacon Academy he didn't want to cause any damage to the academy because he knew how tiresome it is for the teacher of beacon to repair the school as well as looking out for her well being of a individual" Akeno says "Wait it's a female teacher he was looking out for? Does that mean..." Ruby starts to say "Yes the teacher is female that he looked out for and no the two doesn't have a secret teacher student relationship he is just known to look out for others" Akeno says "Alright so he's supportive of others is there anything else he's known for?" Mokas asks "Well he is also known for being the strongest student to ever attend Beacon Academy" Yang says "He was strong back then?" Mizore asks "Yup he practically became the king of Beacon Academy after he bested the former Queen of the academy which is a fourth year at Beacon" Weiss says "How strong was this Queen?" Moka asks "The Queen was said to give to most elite of huntsmen/Huntresses trouble in combat but Y/N beat her with easy" Weiss says "Right so he's supportive and Strong is there anything else he's known for besides what was already said?" Moka asks "Well during class the other day when his parents showed up he said he is a firm believer in equality between races so there's that" Sona says "Right he did say that" Moka Says "So how should we confess to Y/N? For those who like him that is" Nora asks After much discussion it is decided that there will be a certain order in how the confessions will happen <b>Meanwhile with the Boys Y/Ns POV</b> "So what do you think the girls are talking about?" Jaune asks "If I had to guess it would probably be about boys they wanna confess to and to who" I says as I playing the arcade game my castle has access to "You said several girls besides Moka like you right?" Tsukune asks as he is playing air hockey with gin "Yeah I did so probably a good portion of the girls are talking about confessing to me and Don't think you guys are left out I'm sure some of you have girls that want to confess to you as well" I say to the boys with me "You think so?" Saji asks "I'm positive Saji I'm sure each one of us except me because I already have a feeling that some girls like me have a girl or two who wants to be with us" I say calmly "He's right but as for who they are only time will tell when they appear before us" issei says which we all nod in agreement Soon the doors to the arcade room opens which we turn our heads to see the girls walking in "Hey girls you done with your talk?" I ask the girls that just entered the arcade room "Indeed we are and we see that your having fun here huh?" Moka Says "Yep" all of us guys say at the same time "Well don't just hog all the fun let's play some games!" Yang shouts "Do know this Yang and everyone of my peerage we will begin training after school each day from so everytime the final bell rings in our respective academies is when we will meet up here in the castle to train for any upcoming matches" I calmly say with a serious tone "Right" my peerage says "Rias Sona your peerages are welcome to train here after school as well so that we can train together to protect each other's back" I say to the two heiresses "Thank you for offering Y/N we will gladly take you up on your offer to train" Rias says with Sona nodding in agreement The rest of the day is spent playing and having fun before each of us then go back to our respective academies and head to our dorms to call it a night <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 13 Training and Discussions <b>Y/Ns POV</b> On a Monday afternoon after the school day has ended I along with my Peerage members as well as Sona's and Rias's Peerage are all standing in the training room of my castle "Right so as I said the other day each day after school we will be training together so that we can be strong to watch each other's backs as well as watching our friends backs" I say to those before me "How will we be training?" Issei asks me "We will be splitting into four sections of combat which will be Strength,Speed,Magic,And Defense" I explain to Issei "So we will need to be in the section that best suits us?" Weiss asks me "Yes but there's a catch to the four sections I mentioned which will be that once a hour passes the group that is mainly focusing on one section will move to another section" I calmly say "I get it so those of us who are focusing on strength for example the rooks Koneko Yang and Nora they would then switch to another section such as magic right?" Sona says to me "Yes exactly you see by switching between each section we each can increase in each section drastically improving our fighting capabilities " I explain to everyone "Will you be using your clones again?" Koneko Asks me "Clones? What do you mean clones Koneko?" Coco asks the rook of Rias "She means this Coco" I say as four look a likes of me are standing on both sides of me "In order of clones I am the clone that holds the power of Y/Ns Devil trigger meaning I will be the one that focuses on defense for the sections" the first clone says to everyone "After him I am the clone of Y/N that holds the power of his magical abilities such as dragon slayer magic ice molding magic so I'll be the magic trainer of the four sections" the second clone says "Up next I am the clone of Y/N that holds the ability of requip and sword saint abilities I will be the speed trainer of the four sections" the third clone says "Lastly I am the clone of Y/N that holds his vampiric powers meaning I will be the trainer of the strength section for the four sections" the last clone says "So for the training each member from the three peerages will split into groups that they Excell in which after a hour has passed the groups will rotate to the next section close to them for example a group of magic users will move to strength to train their physical capabilities" I explain "Excuse me But what is Saint Sword Ability?" Tsubara asks me "Ah right I kinda forgot to mention that well it goes like this" I say as I begin to explain what sword saint ability is After explaining I then ordered the peerages to get in their respective groups for the training which resulted in a few large groups for each training section "Right so the training will now commence and remember that once a hour passes each group will move on to the next section that is after the one your group is training in an example would be a group training in speed will move on to defense and so on" I say as each group starts the training sessions I join each group on each section as I tend to focus on all four attributes However during the training Hyate enters the training room "Lord Y/N your parents along with headmasters Ozpin and Ironwood are here to see you" Hyate says to me "Very well I'll be right there.... Everyone continue training I will return momentarily" I say loudly for the groups to hear I hear the groups say alright which I then walk out of the training room with Hyate Entering the throne room I see my parents as well as the two headmasters "Hello mother father Headmaster Ozpin, Ironwood what brings the four of you here?" I say to the four as I sit on my throne "Well son since we know you wish for true peace amongst everyone not matter Their race your mother and I along with Ozpin and Ironwood have come with a proposition for you to help teach your goal" my father says "What is it? And I already know of Salem and the White Fang's actions but I will say this the white fang are just misjudged due to how the humans have been treating them" I say calmly "How?" Ozpin says "How do I know about your ex wife? It's easy when you put your mind to it and read alot about remnant's history. Also how else would the Grimm in the area where her castle be reduced to literally nothing" I say to Ozpin "Wait then it was you who reduced the number of Grimm over there?!" Ironwood shouts "Yes it was me but for now tell me of the proposition you wish to tell me" I say seriously "Well sweetie we was thinking of you having an army to help ensure peace is assured" my mother says "Hmm that is a possible way but who would be apart of the army to help ensure peace" I say "Well that is up to you but might I suggest having one of each race that is available so that you can equality among the army" Headmaster Ozpin says "That's a good idea and I know it wouldn't sit well with you general but I will have to have some members of the white fang in the army if I'm to show that equality can achieved amongst everyone" I say to James "I understand but might I also suggest you have a council to help with tough decisions as well as to help with planning" Ironwood says "And how many would you suggest I recruit for the council general" I ask ironwood "I would suggest son that you have atleast 8 council members to help with your goal" my father says to me "Very well but for now I must return to the others who are still training I will give what you all said some thought though" I say as I get up from my throne which I bow before leaving the room Returning to the training room I rejoin the groups still training "What did you parents want Y/N?" Moka asks as she trains "They wanted to discuss about my goal to ensure peace is shared with everyone of all races which I will need to talk with a few of you here after the training sessions are done" I say as I train "Who will you need to talk with?" Mizore asks "The ones I need to talk with are Moka Kurumu Mizore Yukari Blake Sona And Issei" I say as I continue to train with the strength group "Why me?" Issei says "Because Issei you have the boosted gear which has Ddraig the heavenly dragon of domination which I will need to talk to him about his knowledge of the dragon faction to see if he knows any dragon that would want to be apart of the army to help ensure peace" I answer Issei <b>"A wise choice Young L/N"</b> Ddraig says from Issei's gauntlet Several more hours pass till we all finally stop training "Alright training is done for the day remember we will continue tomorrow after school is done and that weekends are free days so you'll be able to relax during those days as one should. Now will Moka Kurumu Mizore Blake Yukari Sona and Issei please come with me to the throne room so we can discuss what I wish to talk to you 7 about" I say which the mentioned individuals nod and follow me out the training room Entering the throne room I sit on my throne again which the 8 stand in front of "What did you wanna talk to us about?" Kurumu asks "Right so earlier it was suggested that I start a army to help ensure peace is shared with everyone and that I have a section of each race in the army meaning I need to have one of Vampire, Succubi, Yuki ona's Witches,Devil's,Faunuses,Dragons and every other race which is why I want you 7 to get ahold of your parents with the exception of you Issei as you will need to talk to Ddraig about the dragons and set up a meeting between myself and them so that I can discuss what is needed to be done" I say in a serious tone "Very well we'll get on it" Moka Says "Y/N there is a way that you can talk to Ddraig your self" Issei says "How do I do that Issei?" Issei tells me to stand Infront of him which he places a hand on my forehead which causes me to close my eyes Upon opening I see I'm in a field of some kind but suddenly I see a large red dragon flying towards me "Your Ddraig I take it?" I ask the Dragon as it lands before me "Yes I am Young L/N" the dragon says "So what can you tell me of the dragon faction and who I can speak with in political terms" I ask Ddraig Ddraig then explains about the dragon faction and of who I can speak with in political terms "Right well I'll be leaving now it was nice to chat with you Ddraig" I say as I vanish from Issei's mindscape Returning to the outside world I open my eyes which Moka Kurumu Mizore YukarI Blake and Sona each say that their parents are willing to meet with me Saturday which I nod Soon everyone heads back to their respective academies myself included Arriving back at my Yokai Academy Dorm I climb in bed and fall asleep <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> # Council Members List <b>Shadow here with what I think would be good members for Y/Ns council for his goal of true peace</b> <b>Human Council Member:</b> <b>Winter Schnee</b> <b>Faunus Council Member:</b> <b>Adam Taurus (Will be explained why he's a council member in the recruiting chapter)</b> <b>Devil Council Member:</b> <b>Sairorg</b><b> bael</b> <b>Vampire Council Member:</b> <b>Count Issa </b><b>Shuizen</b> <b>Succubi Council Member:</b> <b>Ageha</b><b> </b><b>Kurono</b> <b>Yuki </b><b>Ona</b><b> Council Member:</b> <b>Tsurara</b><b> </b><b>Shirayuki</b> <b>Dragon Council Member:</b> <b>Great </b><b>Red</b> <b>Witch Council Member:</b> <b>Fujiko</b><b> </b><b>Sendo</b> <b>These are who I believe will be good council members for Y/Ns Goal of true peace but if they are not to your liking feel free to comment on who needs to be replaced on the council</b> <b>See you all in the next </b><b>chapter</b> # Chapter 14 Recruiting the Council <b>Y/Ns POV</b> Several days after I asked the seven to get in touch with their parents so that I could meet them in person and seven days since everyone has started training after school hours to increase their attributes Currently I am sitting on my throne as my peerage as well as my friends converse with me "Y/N my parents say that they will meet with you today if you can make it to the home they are staying at" Moka tells me The other six tell me the same thing "Right well we should get going then if I am to meet with them today also Weiss and Rias I would like for you both to come with us as I have two individuals I need to meet with that you both should know of" I say "I understand" Weiss and Rias say "HYATE!" I below for the butler Hyate enters the throne room and bows before me "You called your grace?" Hyate says "Yes I want a limo large enough to fit 11 people ready for travel as I and several individuals in this room will need to go to several locations to recruit the council members I need to have for my goal of true peace" I say "Very well it will be ready in a few minutes your grace shall I lead you to the parking lot of the castle" Hyate says to me "Yes please lead the way...Moka Mizore Kurumu Blake Weiss Yukari Sona Issei Rias let's go the rest of you are free to relax or head back to your respectively academies" I say as I get up from my throne which the 10 follow me out the throne room Following Hyate we arrive in the parking lot of the castle where we see a limo ready to go Entering the limo we all sit down "Driver please head for Atlas military headquarters" I say to the driver "As you command my prince" the driver says "Wait we are going to atlas military headquarters first?" Weiss asks "Yes for you see Weiss and everyone in the limo I want to have a council that consists of the following Human,Faunus,Vampire,Devil,Succubi,Yuki Ona,Dragon,and Witch which is why I asked Moka Kurumu Mizore Blake Yukari to get in touch with their parents so I could meet with them and for Issei or rather Ddraig to help me in finding a dragon that will be able to help with being part of the council" I say to Weiss "So who do you have in mind for the human Council Member Y/N?" Blake asks "You'll see when we reach our first destination Blake" I say After a while the driver announces that we arrived which we all step out of the limo Approaching the entrance to the base we are stopped by two guards "Halt! State your business here!" One guard says "I am Y/N L/N Prince of the Vampire race and I request a meeting with General James Ironwood as it is about what was discussed at my castle seven days ago" I say to the guards One of the guards then radios Ironwood which we are then told to follow the guard We soon reach a room which we enter to see Ironwood and someone resembling Weiss but more older "General" I say calmly "Your majesty" Ironwood says to me "What brings you all here to me?" Ironwood asks us "We are here for what you and I discussed seven days ago General about the council members if you've forgotten" I say to Ironwood "Ah yes so have you decided on who you want as members of your council?" Ironwood asks "Yes for the human Council Member I wish for your Lt to be the human Council Member" I say calmly "Wait you want my sister as the human Council Member?!" Weiss shouts "Yes and it's as I said before we arrived here Weiss I want a council member of different races not all the same" I say to Weiss "Your council will have different races in it?" Weiss's sister says "Yes but not only will a member of different races be part of the council each council member will have four people of their choosing as body guards so that the council member can be protected while traveling around" I say "So like a protection for each council member" ironwood says "Yes exactly also I will say this now if one of the Council members have beef with another member of the Council then both council members will be required to reconcile with each other and put their pasts with each other behind them in order to work towards true peace for Everyone" I say seriously "Can't believe I'm saying this out loud but one example would be between a certain bull from the white fang and the Schnees" Blake says "You mean Adam Taurus" Ironwood calmly says Blake nods "Anyways Weiss's sister will you join the council?" I ask the Lt of ironwood "First my name is Winter and second if it means true peace for everyone then I will join" Winter says "Right here is a button that will call a limo to you to pick you up and bring you to the castle and I will send for you by letter when it's time for a meeting to be held" I say while handing over a button "Right I'll see you then" Winter says We shake hands which my group then leaves the military headquarters and get back in the limo outside "Driver head for the island of menagerie next" I say to the driver which I hear okay Soon we fly over the ocean which we then approach an island which Blake says is where her parents are Stepping out of the limo we see two Faunuses as well as two guards "Greetings I take it that you both are Mr and Mrs Belladonna parents to Blake here?" I say to the two Faunuses "We are I am Ghira and this is my wife Kali" Ghira says to us "We was told you wished to speak with us about something important?" Kali says to us "Yes might we speak at your home Mrs Belladonna and before you ask yes one of the girls with me is a Schnee but she is under my protection while we are traveling so I would prefer that no harm comes to her" I say in a serious tone "Very well please follow us" Ghira says We follow Ghira Kali and a few guards through the city of menagerie Soon we arrive at Blake's home where we enter the manor Sitting in the living we begin to converse "So what brings you here to our island?" Kali asks us "Well Mrs Belladonna we are here because I am looking for a faunus to become a member of my council so that true peace can be shared with all races and I don't mean the races of humans and Faunuses as is in remnant I mean every race out there" I say "There's more then just the two races?" Ghira says "Moka Kurumu Mizore Rias if you girls would please" I say calmly The four nod and activate the power of their race which shocks the parents of Blake "So what races are those girls?" Ghira asks Before anything could be said the door swing open which several Faunuses enter "Ghira you must see reason to help us!" One faunus says to Ghira "Sienna I told you I will not return to the fang after what it has become" Ghira calmly says "You must help us wipe remnant of the human tra-" another faunus begins to say before noticing Blake "Blake?!" The faunus shouts The faunus brings out their sword in attempt to attack Blake but before anyone could do anything I immediately appear behind the faunus in my devil trigger form which I grab the arm and roughly bend harming the faunus and making the faunus drop their weapon "Argh let go damn you!" The faunus yells "No I won't Adam you will cease your action or else besides I know quite a bit about you" I say while in devil trigger form "You don't know shit!" Adam yells "Oh don't I? You are Adam Taurus Lt of the white fang faction former boyfriend to Blake over there you once worked in a mine owned by the Schnees but you rebelled causing the Schnees to brand your face resulting in most of your face having a scar leaving only one good eye to use. You want only for faunus to rule over remnant which in actually will only cause endless bloodshed to repeat forever and ever" I say seriously My words shock the Faunuses as well as Weiss "How the hell do you know all that?!" Adam Yells at me "Lots and lots of research Adam infact it's a good thing you are here because I have a proposition for you specifically " I say as I return to normal "Oh and what's that?" Sienna says "Adam Taurus and all white fang members both old and current I want you all to clarify something for me... The original goal for the faction was to achieve equality amongst the humans and the Faunuses correct?" I ask those who been apart of or is still apart of the white fang "That was the original task for the faction when I founded it yes" Ghira says "Right so Adam Taurus I offer you to become a member of my council that I am recruiting for which goal is to achieve peace and equality for everyone no matter the race " I say seriously "What is this council your talking about?" Adam says I explain the reason for the council which Adam listens to "I should also mention something Adam if you have hatred for another council member then you both must put your pasts behind you both and reconcile with each other in order to work together towards the goal" I say "Hmm give me a bit to think about what you said and you really did mean it when you said your goal is to achieve true peace and equality for all races right?" Adam says "Yes I do really mean it Adam I want every race to have peace and equality no matter where they walk also if you join you will be required to pick four Faunuses of your choice to act as your body guards when attending important meetings or a council meeting period" I say to Adam Adam nods his head and walks out the room alone which I and everyone still present converse while Adam is off thinking After a bit of time passes Adam returns "Have you decided Adam?" I ask the bull who nods "I have and I will join your council as long as you keep your word about true peace and equality for all" Adam says "Right here is a button that will call forth a limo to my castle when the time for a meeting is to be held also I recommend you stop all evil actions you have planned as you will have to fight against the evil ones in order to achieve the goal the Council will work towards" I say to the bull faunus while handing over a button "I will send a letter to you Adam when it's time for now my group must be going to the next destination for the next council member" I say while offering a handshake to Adam Adam shakes my hand which my group leaves the residence Exiting the city we get back into the limo "Moka your parents are at their castle right?" I say to Moka "Yes they are waiting for us there now" Moka Says which I nod "Right Driver please head towards Castle Shuzen" I say to the driver The driver nods which the limo then heads for the castle of the Yokai world Arriving at the path to the castle entrance several vampires are lined up bowing their heads One of the vampires attempts to attack Weiss which I grab the face of the vampire with my hand while activating my vampire aura <b>"IF ANYONE SO MUCH TRY'S TO ATTACK MY FRIENDS WHETHER THEY BE HUMAN OR NOT I WILL PERSONALLY HARM THEM GREATLY SO THIS IS YOUR ONE WARNING FOOL GET BACK IN LINE WITH THE REST OR ELSE!!"</b> I shout loudly for all vampires near to hear 'Damn I want him so bad right now' Moka Says in her mind Returning to normal We continue to walk towards the castle doors where see Lord Issa and Lady Blood Driver standing at the bottom of the steps of the castle "I see you had to use your authority to straighten a disobedient vampire" Issa says "Yes and I will keep by my word that if any one of any race harms my friends or those I love I will personally harm them greatly no matter what the cost may be" I say in a serious tone "In any case you wanted to speak with us what is it about" Lady Blood Driver says "Right so as you know by now or if you haven't learned of. I want to achieve my goal of true peace and equality for all races meaning I want everyone to walk side by side with each other with a smile on their faces and as for why we are here is because of you Lord Issa" I say "Me?" Lord Issa points to himself "Yes you as for why well it goes like this" I say as I explain what was discussed over a week ago by my parents headmaster Ozpin and headmaster ironwood "So you are recruiting people for your council which right now you want my husband to join?" Lady Akashiya Says to me "Yes ma'am that is correct" I say calmly "He will not join your stupid weak Council!" A voice shouts at me Turning my head to the voice I see a girl with red hair approaching me <b>The girl just imagine the background is that of Lord Issa's Castle in the Yokai world</b> "And you are?" I ask the girl "She is Kokoa Shizuen my daughter and Moka's Half sister" Issa Says "I see now why is it that you don't want your father to join my council?" I ask Kokoa "Because it's filled with weaklings just like you are!" Kokoa yells I close my eyes before grinning a little "So you think that my council is weak like I am... Then why don't I show you my full unrestricted strength then maybe you'll change your mind also I would recommend either flying above the ground or having a firm grip on your movement as things are about to get destructive and Lord Issa sorry about your castle in advance" I say seriously I walk to the middle of the court yard which I take a deep breath before screaming as loud as I can "<b>HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA</b><b>!!!!!!"</b> I yell loudly as the ground begins to violently shake Lightning strikes around me several shadows of me surround me as the shadows glow in a rainbow pattern The shadows all join in the yelling which causes the ground to shake even more violently The yelling continues for a good solid 15 minutes before a bright light envelopes me which blinds everyone within the area After a minute the light disappears which shows me in my ultimate form which consists of me wearing a trench coat with half of the coat having demonic symbols the other half having vampiric symbols with a crown floating above my head as my hair is now half silver half pure black with my eyes now a golden color "Now then Kokoa still think I am weak?" I say with authority in my voice Kokoa stares at me wide eyed before fainting "That's something but Y/N please return to normal it's taking all I can to keep this barrier around us over here up and well Moka wants to have her way with you it seems" Lord Issa says Looking over Moka I notice that she is pounding on the barrier with her vampire aura active screaming for her father to let her out I sweatdrop at what I see which I return to my normal form which Moka calms down "In any case Lord Issa will you join the council?" I ask the vampire Lord "I will gladly join the council Young Y/N I assume there's more to it?" Lord Issa asks "Yes when you join you will have to have four selected vampires to serve as your body guards whenever attending the meeting with the other council members and those body guards must oblige by the rule that everyone in the meeting no matter this race is to be respected and not attacked what's so ever" I say in a serious tone "Very well I guess I'll see you and the other council when it's for a meeting" Lord Issa says I nod and hand a device to Lord Issa after which I head back for the limo with the ten individuals with me "Who's next Y/N?" Sona asks me "Up next is a devil that I'm sure Rias knows all to well" I say calmly "And who do I know all too well?" Rias asks "It's your cousin Rias" I say calmly "Wait you want Saiorg in the council?" Rias asks me "Yes" I plainly answer "Why him and why would you want Adam in the council you never told the reason for Adam joining" Blake says to me "Right I forgot about that... The reason for Adam joining the council is despite what he has done already I still believe that hidden deep within the soul of the bull faunus lies a light that can still shine brightly all Adam needs is a little help to bring that light out" I answer Blake "But how do you plan on getting to Rias's Cousin in the first place Y/N?" Mizore asks "He will be able to get to the bael castle of the Underworld all his friend Ms Gremory has to do is give the okay to head to the castle to his highness" the driver says which shocks us Looking towards Rias we await her answer Rias soon gives her okay to me which I nod and the driver nods as well Suddenly a portal appears Infront of the limo which drives through which we then find out we are in the Underworld The limo drives for 10 minutes before pulling up to a castle Stepping out of the limo two devil's approach the limo but one of the devil's is shocked to see Rias and Sona "Rias Sona? What are you both doing here and who are they?" The devil that recognized Rias and Sona says "Well Saiorg you know the human best friend of mine that I told you in those meetings from time to time who attended the academy I now go to?" Rias says to Her cousin "Yes I believe his name was Y/N L/N a human that you told me was incredibly strong and helpful why" Saiorg says Rias looks to me and nods which I nod in return I step forward "Greetings my name is Y/N L/N and I am the best friend of Rias and Sona I am also the or should I say was the human that Rias told you about" I say to Saiorg "Was?" Saiorg asks me I explain why I said I wasn't human anymore which shocks the the two devil's before my group "So what really brings you all here?" The other devil beside Saiorg says "Can I ask who you are sir?" I ask the devil "Y/N that is Zekrom Bael Saiorg's Father" Sona says "Oh forgive my rudeness then sir I didn't know that we would be meeting with the head of the bael family well besides Sona and Rias of course as they knew you both already" I say while bowing my head in respect as does Moka Issei Kurumu Mizore Blake and Yukari "It's fine please raise your heads now please explain why you are here" Zekrom says We bring up our heads which I soon gain a serious look on my face "About that sir you see the reason we are here is because I am looking for a devil to join my council that I am recruiting for and I would like your son Saiorg to be apart of the council" I say to the two devil's "What is this council you speak of?" Both Bael family members asks me I explain why I am looking for council members which Saiorg listens to "So you want 1 individual of each race you said to be a council member so that true peace can be shared with everyone not just one race or two but everyone" Zekrom says to me "Yes that is why for the devil council member position I would like Saiorg to be that council member" I answer calmly Saiorg thinks about it before answering "Very well I will join I assume you have a place for the meeting to be held at?" Saiorg says "Yes it is the castle I own where the meetings will be held once it's time. For now take this button I'll send you a letter when it's time for the meeting or I'll ask Rias/Sona to drop by and inform you about the meeting and before I forget each council member is required to have four individuals of their race to act as a body guard to said devil meaning you must pick four devil's you trust to help protect you during the meetings or at any time " I say as I hand Saiorg a button We say our good bye which we enter the limo "Where to next sir?" The driver asks me "Up next is the Succubi Village So Kurumu please give the driver directions on how to reach your village" I say calmly Kurumu nods and gives the driver the directions to her home After a hour passes the limo pulls up to a village Getting out of the limo Kurumu leads us to her home where she says her mother resides Upon entering Kurumu's Home we hear something that we shouldn't hear "Uh Kurumu your a succubus right?" Issei asks Kurumu "Yes I am" Kurumu says to Issei "And Succubus get their fun by doing 'it' with their destined ones right?" I ask Kurumu "Yup" Kurumu says with a pop on the p "Then what we are hearing is your mother..." Blake begins to say "Yes my mother is having sex right now with a random man" Kurumu says matter of factly "Well could you call her down here so we can discuss what we wanna say and head to the next council member to recruit?" I ask Kurumu Kurumu nods and shouts loudly for her mother to come to the entrance which of course her mother says to give her a minute After a minute passes Kurumu's mother comes down the stairs dressed in her normal clothing <b>Kurumu's mother</b> "My my Kurumu you didn't tell me you found two men to keep to yourself dear" Kurumu's mother says "MOM! I'm not dating either one of the two guys before you *mind* atleast not the one that wants to talk to you yet" Kurumu says at the beginning before thinking the last bit in her mind "I'm only joking dear now what brings you and your friends to our home?" Kurumu's mother asks "Before we explain why we are here ma'am can we please know your name as to make communication between us easier?" I ask the lady before us "My such manners but for introductions my name is Ageha Kurono and I am Kurumu's Mother" Ageha says "It's a honor to meet you Ms Kurono my name is Y/N L/N I am the prince of the vampire race and with me are several friends of mine" I say as I introduce Moka and the rest to Kurumu's mother "I see well what brings you to my home? I'm sure it's not to get my blessings to be with Kurumu cause you got that already cutie" Ageha says "MOM!" Kurumu shouts while blushing "Actually it's not that what we are here for well rather myself is to talk about you joining a council I'm recruiting for" I say to the succubus "You want me apart of a council?" Ageha asks me I nod my head which I explain why I want her to become part of the council Ageha thinks for a bit before deciding "I will gladly join your council I assume you have a way to get me to the meetings?" Ageha says "Yes I have a button that will summon a limo to you which will take you to my castle where the meetings will be held also you must have four succubus as your body guards as each council member is required to have a protective wall of sorts" I say as I hand Ageha a button We say good bye as we get in the limo "Where to next Y/N?" Yukari says to me "Next is the Yuki Ona village so as I said for Kurumu... Mizore please give the directions of your village to the driver" I say to Mizore Mizore nods and gives the directions to the driver The limo then leaves the Succubus Village which we converse for a while After some time passes we arrive at Mizore's Village Exiting the limo we head for the inn where Mizore says her mother runs Entering the inn we feel warm us covering us from being outside Mizore calls for her mom which we then see a lady come from the other side of the room we are in <b>Mizore's Mother</b> "Mizore? What brings you here dear?" Mizore's Mother asks her daughter "Mom these are my friends and one of the males has something important to ask of you" Mizore says to her mother "And which male is it that wishes to speak with me?" Mizore's Mother asks I step forward from the group which I stand Infront of Mizore's Mother "I am the one who wishes to speak with you Ma'am My name is Y/N L/N" I say to Mizore's Mother "It's nice to meet you my name is Tsurara Shirayuki but you may call me Ms Tsurara if you wish" Tsurara says "Very well Ms Tsurara now as for why we are here you see I am looking to recruit Individuals of different races to become part of my council as I am working towards a goal of true peace and equality for everyone of every race" I say calmly "You do know it will not be a easy task to fullfil right?" Tsurara says "I know but by recruiting individuals of different races to become part of the council I can hopefully have help in eventually reaching that goal" I say " Very well I will join" Tsurara says which I hand her a button I then proceed to tell the same thing I told the other members which she nods her head at Exiting the inn we get into the limo "So who's next?" Blake asks "Next might be a bit difficult to reach" I say "How so?" Weiss asks "We have to go to a place called the Dimensional Gap to recruit the next council member I want in the council" I say in a serious tone "I'm afraid to ask but your next council member isn't ophis the infinity dragon god is it?" Sona asks "No it's the other dragon that resides in the gap the one everyone is mostly afraid of" I say "Wait you want great red as a council member?!" Rias shouts I nod my head before telling the driver to head to the Dimensional Gap which the driver puts a barrier around the limo before driving into a portal Flying through the gap in the limo we eventually see two dragons fighting which I tell the driver to stop the limo where I then tell everyone else to stay put "You can't survive out in the gap you'll die!" Sona shouts "I won't die that easily Sona besides I'm still gonna be within the barrier of the limo I'm just gonna be getting their attention" I calmly say Climbing up to the top of the limo I stand on top where I take a deep breath before shouting "<b>Fire Dragon Roar!!"</b> I shout as a torrent of fire heads straight towards the two dragons The torrent approaches the two of which the two notice before turning to the limo where they see me standing on top of The dragons then head towards my location and hover Infront of the limo "Who are you to attack us so fool hardly" one of the dragons says "It wasn't really a attack but more of a way to get the two of you's attention" I say to the dragon "But my Name is Y/N L/N and I am looking for a dragon by the name of Great Red" I calmly say "I am the one your looking for but why are you wanting me in the first place?" great red says "Well Great Red seeing as you are the dragon of dreams I'm sure you can already see the dream I want to achieve..." I say to the dragon of dreams Great red goes silent before speaking "I have seen your dream young one and it is a noble goal that I will be glad to be apart of" Great Red Says "Then..." I begin to say which Great red finishes for me "Yes I'll become part of your council I will also be your castles guardian dragon so as to miss infinity can have her home back" Great red says "Wait you mean all I had to do to get baka red out was find you and he would leave my home that easy?" The infinity dragon says "Uh Yes? By the way Mr red do you have a human form you can attend the meetings in?" I say to both the infinity and dream dragons "I do yes and you won't have to give me a button to let me know of the meeting as I will be living at your castle" Great red says "Very well then I'll see you back at the castle I have one more council member to recruit for the council then I will have all council members positions filled also Great Red please ensure that you have atleast four other dragons as your body guards for the meetings I know your powerful and all but doesn't hurt to have protection just in case of a enemy with a way to hurt you shows up " I say as I drop back into the limo which exits the Dimensional Gap "Alright Yukari you're up last so please tell how to get to your home" I say to the witch Yukari nods and gives the driver the directions which the driver nods at After a long ride we arrive at a village with many witches and warlocks are at Exiting the limo we head towards Yukari's Home Arriving at the home we see what looks to be a witch practicing her spells "Mom!" Yukari yells while running over to the witch "Yukari?" Yukari's mom says The mother daughter share a hug and smiles "Mom these are my friends and he *points to me* wants to talk to you about something important" Yukari says to her mother "Please to meet you everyone my name is Fujiko Sendo and I thank you for watching over my daughter while she attends Yokai Academy " Fujiko says "Ms Sendo not all of us attend Yokai academy some of us attend an academy known as Beacon Academy" Rias says "I see but in any case what is it that is needed to be spoken to me about?" Fujiko says I explain why we are in the village which Fujiko listens carefully too "Very well I will join if it means that peace can be shared with every race" Fujiko says I nod and hand a button which I tell her the same thing I told the others I recruited which Fujiko nods Entering the limo we head back to the castle where the others are waiting Returning to the castle we explain to the others what all happened which half of the groups head back to Beacon Academy while some head back to Yokai Academy myself included I head for my dorm which I fall asleep in the bed that is in the dorm <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> <b>Shadow here with the next chapter and I want to say that the chapter took over 5k words but I hope you all enjoy it none the less</b> <b>But a little question for you all before I go</b> <b>Should the next chapter be </b><b>NDGO</b><b> being beaten by the Yokai Girls like it originally happened before the rewrite of the story </b> <b>Yes</b> <b>Or</b> <b>No</b> <b>Leave a comment on if it should happen</b> <b>See you all in the next chapter</b> # Chapter 15 Dealing with the past <b>Y/Ns POV</b> After recruiting the members for my council I and those of Yokai academy are heading towards the academy itself "What do you plan to do first with your council Y/N?" Moka Asks me "There's many things I need to do first with the council Moka and one such things is making sure they don't kill each other especially two members" I say as we enter the academy building "I take it they are the first two you recruited?" Mizore asks I nod as I arrive at the classroom which Koneko heads towards her class I give koneko a hug before she leaves for her class which I then enter my class with those who are in it Sitting at my desk Ms Nekonome enters the class and begins teaching the lesson for today As the lesson is being taught everyone in the classroom can hear commotions coming from outside Getting up from our desks we go to the windows to see kuyo and the community dealing with four girls at the academy gates "Oh you got to be fucking shitting me right now!" I shout loudly "You know them?" A student asks me "Yeah they're my ex girlfriends which was the cause of me transferring academies....Ms Nekonome permission to go and deal with the problem with Kuyo?" I say "Go ahead since you know the four" Nekonome says I nod exit the classroom which I head for the academy gates Arriving at the gates I hear nebula screaming "Let us See Him!!" Nebula screams at Kuyo Before Kuyo speaks I place a hand on his shoulder which alerts him to my presence "Let me deal with this Kuyo I'm the one they want so I'll sort this situation out" I say to Kuyo "Very well if you know these weaklings" Kuyo says I walk to the gate and glare at the four "So mind telling everyone why you four are here especially after what my clone and Issei told you back at beacon academy?" I ask the four on the otherside of the gate "We want you back Y/N please let us in!!" Gwen yells at me "I told you I'm not returning to you and I'm not returning to beacon academy besides you four are the ones who broke my heart when I found out what you did behind my back" I say "We don't want anyone else but you!" Dew shouts "Like I said No also you seem to forget one very important detail about this academy..." I say to the four "What's that?" Octavia says "The important rule is that if any humans are within the area of the academy grounds they are to be killed by the Yokai of the academy but to keep you alive for now I will propose a alternate version to the rule" I say "And what do you suggest?" Kuyo asks "I propose that Moka Akashiya Kurumu Kurono Mizore Shirayuki and Koneko Tohjou all deal with the four in a battle which will result in a warning to the four causing them not to come back to Yokai Academy unless they really want to die" I say calmly "Hmm Very well please bring the four here" Kuyo says to his group "Yes sir!" The group shouts After several minutes the four appear with the group "So what are we supposed to do?" Koneko Asks "You Ms Tohjou are to deal with the four on the other side of the gate with the three others with you  as to deal them a warning in a fight so as to not come back on the  academy grounds" Kuyo says to Koneko Koneko just nods her head as does the other three "I would advise the fight be off academy grounds" Headmaster Mikogami says Both Kuyo and I agree with the headmaster which Kuyo leads the fighters to the bus stop area as there is plenty of space to fight over there Arriving at the area I stand at near the bus sign as the 8 are glaring at each other "Alright the fight will end once one side is knocked out and for the fighters we have Moka Kurumu Mizore and Koneko of Yokai Academy vs Nebula Gwen Dew and Octavia of Beacon Academy also known as team NDGO My Ex's....Both Sides ready?" I say calmly Both sides nod their heads "<b>BEGIN!"</b> I shout which soon a loud boom is heard <b>3rd POV</b> Walking back over to the rest of the Yokai Academy Y/N stands near the rest "So mind explaining exactly how you know of these four humans?" Kuyo asks Y/N "I know them Kuyo because I used to be human like them and before you and the rest of the academy chew me out i was only human because I sealed my vampiric powers in the past and only unlocked them when Moka's mother Akashiya Blood Driver turned me into a vampire causing my powers to be set free" Y/N says A loud scream is heard which everyone turns to see slashes on Nebula's face "You God dam Bitch! You ruined my perfect face!" Nebula yells at Kurumu "Consider that just the one of many for what you did to Y/N!" Kurumu shouts as she flys up and dives behind Nebula scratching her back with her nails "You Bitch Quit Punching me in the stomach I won't be able to have Y/Ns Babies!" Gwen Yells at Koneko "You won't be doing anything as long as we are around" Koneko says as she punches Gwen in the stomach again before punching her in the face "Damn you! Your just as annoying as that Red Haired Slutty Bitch!" Octavia shouts at Moka Moka has a confused look on her face "She's referring to Rias Moka the one our group had to fight that other group for the freedom of" Y/N says to Moka "Oh well atleast she's better then what you and your friends did to Y/N which speaking of which you had the gall to betray my fiance" Moka Says with a glare "Hold up your engaged?!" The students near Y/N Shout "One ow and two yes but apparently my parents and Moka's parents set up an arranged marriage between the two of us which we only found out through the necklaces we both have within our uniforms" Y/N says "What necklace?" A student asks Y/N takes out his half of the necklace "Moka herself has the other half of the necklace" Y/N says to the student "You Bitch how dare you steal our man!" Team NDGO shouts at Moka "He's not your man anymore especially after what you four did to him....Mizore Freeze them but leave their heads unfrozen" Moka Says "Right" Mizore says as she freezes the four girls "Let us out!" NDGO yells "No we won't but your faces won't be pretty anymore" Kurumu says as she and the other three begin to rapidly punch team NDGO in the face "Holy Crap I definitely don't wanna be them right now" A student says "Yeah I agree with you on that" another student says After 30 minutes to an hour the beatings stop and NDGO face's are completely ruined beyond recognition "Well that's the match and will go to say that the four best be lucky I turned the fight into a warning instead of death for them..." Y/N Says Soon a bus horn honk is heard which causes everyone to see the bus approaching The bus comes to stop which from the bus Ozpin Yang and Nora step off "Hello Headmaster Ozpin Yang Nora" Y/N Says "Hello Mr L/N we are just here to pick up the trouble makers that have been causing trouble for mikogami's academy" Ozpin says "Well as you can see they are knocked out and with no way of their faces recovering from the beatings they just received" Y/N Says Yang and Nora approach the four "Damn you really let them have it but you didn't hit them did you Y/N?" Yang asks as she picks up Nebula and Gwen "No I didn't yang it was Moka Mizore Kurumu and Koneko that gave them the beating" Y/N Says "Right well we need to be going it was nice chatting with you Mr L/N.... Ms Long Ms Valkerie let's go" Ozpin says Nodding their heads the two girls walk onto the bus while carrying the unconscious NDGO which the bus then leaves Soon everyone at Yokai Academy returns to said academy and continues on as usual After the final school bell rings every student at Yokai Academy goes off to do their own thing Y/N Moka Mizore Kurumu Ruby Yukari Gin Sona and Koneko all head for Y/Ns Castle to do their daily afternoon training Arriving at the castle the 9 see the others waiting in the training room which the training soon begins Spending most of the afternoon training the groups finish up their training which the groups return to their respective academies Returning to their academies Y/N returns to his Dorm at Yokai Academy which he promptly falls asleep <b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 16 First Council Meeting <b>Y/Ns POV</b> After the beat down of my ex's by moka,Kurumu,Mizore and Koneko I am sitting on my throne as I puzzle about something "Hyate!" I bellow for the head butler in my castle Soon the throne room doors open which I see said butler "You called your highness?" Hyate asks me "Yes I want you to send several letters to the individuals on this paper telling them that it's time for the first council meeting" I say to Hyate "It shall be done my Lord" Hyate says as he bows to me "You may go now" I say to Hyate who nods and exits the throne room "So it's time for the meeting?" Moka asks "Yes but I'm gonna have you and two others as security just Incase something goes wrong at the meeting" I say "Who will you have helping Moka as Security Y/N?" Weiss asks "The two who will help Moka as security for the meeting will be Yang and Nora in other words the Furious brawler of team RWBY and the leg breaker/pancake queen of Team JNPR" I say to my friends I then see yang and Nora fist bump each other with a grin on their faces An hour passes before I am told that the council members are here and are waiting at the entrance of the castle "Right let's go Moka Yang Nora" I say as I head for the castle entrance with the three following behind Upon arrival I see four members arguing with each other "<b>SILENCE YOU FOUR!!</b>" I bellow loudly "What is she doing here?!" Adam yells "I believe I told everyone this when I recruited you all but if you have a disagreement with another member of the council then you are to reconcile with said council member so Winter Schnee,Adam Taurus, Tsurara Shirayuki and Ageha Kurono you four will apologize to the one you was arguing with <b>IMMEDIATELY!"</b> I angrily say to the four "But" Winter starts to say "Winter if you don't do as I say then I will be forced to use my true forms strength on you and only one council member has seen my true form and that is Council Member Issa" I say in a eerily creepy tone "He's right I did see his true form and it took all I had to keep Moka from doing it infront of everyone at the time" Issa says "Stupid Daddy... and stupid barrier but mostly stupid Daddy...." Moka mutters loudly Issa and I sweatdrop at what moka says "Anyway I want the four of you *looks to winter Adam Tsurara and Ageha* to apologize to the one each of you was arguing with as we head for the meeting room" I say seriously I then walk to the meeting room with the council members Moka yang and Nora following behind as I hear four of the council members apologize to the ones they was arguing with Arriving at the meeting room I sit in the main chair as the rest of the council members sit in the other chairs "Excuse me your highness but who are the three?" Saiorg asks "Well Saiorg the girl with Pink and Silver hair is Moka Akashiya and she is Issa's daughter also she will be one of the three here to make sure nothing goes wrong during the meeting" I answer the Devil's question "What about the other two?" Fujiko asks "The girl with long blond hair and purple eyes is Yang Xiao Long she is one of my many best friends and is known as the furious brawler as she is real picky about her hair and to save the trouble the girl next to her is Nora Valkyrie a friend who is known as the pancake queen and leg breaker of the academy she and yang go to" I say calmly "Wha you know what I'm not gonna ask about that" Ageha says "Wise choice in anyway let's begin the meeting first up how are things in each of your respective areas since I recruited each of you to the council" I calmly say to the council "Some Humans have been a bit distrusting about the council working towards peace with all races" Winter says as her guards agree with what she said "Same can be said for the Faunuses" Adam says "Several devil's believe that it should only be them ruling over everything which I put a stop to it with the help of my cousin Rias's family" Saiorg says "Very good I'm glad that you was able to sort it out in your area Saiorg. Has any sort of trouble happened in the other areas beside what winter Adam and Saiorg said so far?" I ask "The snow fairy's are alright so far but there is the matter of our race on the verge of being gone forever as I'm sure it's the same with Ageha's race of Succubi" Tsurara says "Tsurara is right which why we succubus try to find the right guy to be with as it is known as our destined ones" Ageha says "Can you explain in more detail Ageha?" Winter asks "Gladly see when a succubus is in a populated area such as Yokai academy for example the succubus will allure the male population of the area which she will pick from the males she allured the one she knows will be her destined one" Ageha says "I know how that is as Kurumu attempted to take Tsukune earlier in the semester this year" Moka says "Ah yes I believe you are the one who gave her a beat down if I was not mistaken?" Ageha says "Yes that was me but please focus on the task at hand not what happened earlier this year" Moka says "Right so first up on the agenda Adam Winter how is the Grimm situation?" I ask "Um what is a Grimm?" Tsurara asks "Winter Adam care to explain to the other members what the Grimm are?" I say calmly "No need I can show them young one" Great Red Says "Who said that?" Fujiko asks " I did" Great Red's voice says as the door opens and in walks a man with deep red hair similar to Adam's hair color "Who are you?!" Winter says "Everyone say hello to Great Red One of the two Dragon Gods" I say calmly "Not only that but I too am a member of this council also for my dragon form would be too big for the meeting " Great Red says "But your not a dragon" Issa says "Let me ask each of you a question how many of you took in a gander at the castle before entering through the front doors and that there is something near the top of the castle?" I ask everyone in the room "I noticed something large near the top before entering your grace" one of winter's guards says "That was me laying up top in my dragon form" Great Red says "Really?" Fujiko says Both I and Great red nod "In any case Great Red you said you'd be able to show the rest of the members of the council what the Grimm are?" I ask the dragon god "Yes I can" Great Red says as he casts a spell onto the middle of the table "What sort of magic is this?" Fujiko asks "It is a viewing Orb which will show the Grimm that Adam and Winter deal with on a daily basis as well as a few of Y/Ns Friends who are attending the academy for hunting the Grimm" Great red says The viewing orb begins to show the rest of the council what the Grimm are and how they act "My word so these Grimm attack anyone they see?" Ageha says "Yes and they are soulless creatures as they are mainly tasked with killing everything not only that *takes a deep breath and exhales" the Grimm has a queen" Adam says "Who is the queen Adam?" I ask the bull "Her name is Salem and she well she is Ozpin's ex from what I've been told before joining the council" Adam says "It would seem that this Ozpin knows more about the Grimm then anyone can imagine" Saiorg says "Agreed but we mustn't betray the headmaster if we are to work to achieve true peace for all we have to assist everyone to the best of our abilities and only the ones who will not corrupt or rule with an iron fist" I calmly say "Right but for now we need to check with our races and help train them for if any of our races will have to face against the enemies we know" Issa says "Then may I propose something after school each day my friends and I arrive here for training if each of you would like to I can allow one council member and their selected people who they wish to train to join in the training for each day so that everyone can keep up in training and before the powerful ones say that no need for training know this every enemy can grow stronger than you so it's best to keep up with training" I say "You are correct your highness and I will gladly accept the offer to join you and your friends for training" Saiorg says Soon the rest of the council says the same as Saiorg "I should also mention this before the council meeting is over but if any council member or myself include needs assistance with something then I propose that we each help each other out so that we can build trust amongst us all" I say "Right so that way if we are having trouble with a foe then we can call upon one of the other council members for assistance" winter says "And not to worry about getting to the other council members I can open up portals to each of your respective areas so that everyone in the council can reach those who are needing help" Great red says "Very well then I now call this meeting to a end you may all head back home if you wish" I say as I stand up and exit the room with Moka Yang and Nora "Well that went better than expected" Nora says "True but that was the first of many meetings that will happen" I say calmly "For now let's rejoin the rest of our friends and Y/N I want a date tomorrow" Moka Says Myself Yang and Nora stare at Moka "Very well I will see what I can do for the date Moka" I say calmly We soon return to the others where we explain what happened After a while of training we each head back to our respective academies where we head to our dorms and fall asleep <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 17 A Date With Moka <b>Y/Ns POV</b> After dealing with the first council meeting i am now standing in the training room with my peerage and my friends as it is a saturday morning "Alright listen up Moka and I will not be here for the day as Moka wants to go on a date with me which i will oblige for her but that's not all" i say "A member of Y/Ns council will be joining you all today for training who it will be is up to them but you all are to get along and help them learn about the training routine" Moka says which i nod in agreement "You may come in now!" I yell which the doors to the training room and in walks Tsurara Mizores mother along with her chosen guards "Welcome Mrs Shirayuki now for everyone that are just now meeting her this lady is Mrs Tsurara Shirayuki she is Mizore's mother and she will be joining you all in todays training session." I say to everyone that doesn't know the woman "And as such it will be my duty to help her learn how the training works right?" Mizore asks "That's correct Mizore just help her with learning the ropes of the training" Moka says "Now if there are no questions i will bring out my clones who will begin the training for you all" i say Silence is heard which i then bring out the clones "You four know what to do but for now Moka and I will leave for our date see you all when we get back" i say as moka and i leave the training room "I'm a little nervous if im being honest with you Y/N" Moka says as we arrive in the garage "Non sense moka all you have to do is be yourself and im sure the date will go perfectly but if you want my honest answer im a little nervous myself" i say to Moka "I guess we are in the same situation huh oh and you look handsome in that tux you have on for our date" Moka says to me <b>Your tux</b> "Thank you and i must say you look absolutely beautiful in your dress moka" i say to Moka <b>Mokas</b><b> dress but picture her hair color is half silver half pink</b> "Why thank you" Moka says We arrive at the limo which i open the door for moka letting her get in first which i then walk to the other side of the limo and get in as well "Where to Your highness?" The limo driver asks "Please head to The Five Star restaurant in Vale called <b>(insert restaurant name)</b>" i say to the driver "Understood sir please fasten your seatbelts" the driver says as he cranks the limo Nodding our heads which put our seatbelts on as the limo drives through the portal that connects the yokai world to the human world As we are traveling to our destination Moka and I make small talk "So i assume you have everything planned for our date?" Moka asks me "I do yes but whether you enjoy what i have in stored is up to you entirely" i say to Moka "Only time will tell and remember its the thought the counts that is what's really important for the date" Moka says I nod my head at what moka just said After a while we arrive at the restaurant "We have arrived your highness" the driver says "Thank you please head back to the castle i will call for you when we need to be picked up" i say to the limo driver as moka and i exit the limo "Very well sir i will await your call" the driver says before driving off I raise my arm and look at Moka "Shall we my lady?" I ask Moka Moka links her arm with mine "Yes we shall" Moka says The two of us enter the restaurant where we are greeted by the host "Welcome to <b>*insert restaurant name*</b> do you have a Reservation?" The host asks us "Yes its Under L/N" i say to the Host "L/N....L/N..... Ah here you are and it seems you requested the best dinning experience we have to offer... Please follow me to your table" the host says as they grab a couple of menus and begin to walk further into the restaurant Following the host we pass by several others who are enjoying their meals Arriving at the table which is in a section labled *Reserved for L/N only* "Here are your menus please ring this bell *places bell on table* when you are ready to order" The host says before heading back to the front of the restaurant We begin looking through the menus scanning over what the restaurant has to offer "Y/N did you really reserve an entire section of the restaurant just for our date?" Moka asks me "I did yes i wanted to give you the best dating experience possible especially since we only recently learned that we are engaged so safe to say I'm kinda overdue for a date with you if im being honest" i say calmly "But you didn't have to go through such lengths just for me or rather any girl that you take on a date" Moka says to me I gently grab one of moka's hands which i then stare into the eyes of "Moka listen we may have only recently became engaged but when i first met you that day that Sona Koneko and i transferred to Yokai my eyes flashed red if you recall well i spoke to my parents in private about it" I say to Moka "What did they say?" Moka asks "They said that when a vampire's eyes flash red at another vampire it means that the vampire that was looked at by the red eyes flashing is the vampire's significant other but only if the other vampire's eyes flashed red in response" i say to moka "So moka did your vampire eyes flash red that day?" I ask Moka Moka takes a deep breath before exhaling "Before the change in my race and before becoming part of your peerage when we actually first met not the side glance you gave me my non vampire side didn't do a thing in terms of reactions but my vampire side that was sealed in the Rosario around my neck reacted strongly to the flashing of your red eyes almost as if my vampire side was wanting to give you a long over due hug or something but i couldn't do anything about it" Moka says "Well all that matters is that we are reunited with each other now Moka... Now then what do you say we get us some grub huh?" I say with a chuckle "Your right i am getting peckish so yeah lets eat" Moka says We scan the menus one more time before deciding what we want I pick up the bell and ring it which the host arrives "Have you decided on your orders?" The host asks us "We have and for me i would like <b>F/D (Favorite Drink) </b>and <b>F/FD (Favorite Food)</b> " i say to the host "For me i would like a Steak Medium Rare with A Chesar Salad on the side and a glass of tomato juice if you have it" Moka says to the host "We do most certainly have tomato juice ma'am will that be all for the two of you?" The host asks "Yes that is all we would like to eat" i say with moka nodding in agreement "Very well your orders will be out in 15 minutes" The host says as they take the menus from us We nod and wait for our food About 15 minutes pass before we see waiter and waitress pushing a cart with a glass cloche on each cart "For you sir we have your meal which consists of F/FD and F/D like you ordered" the waiter says as he places my food and drink before me "And for the lady of the evening we have a steak medium rare a chesar salad and a glass of Tomato Juice just like you wanted" the waitress says while putting Moka's requested meal before her "We hope you enjoy your meals with us" both waiter and waitress say to us We thank the two which we begin to eat our meals A few hours pass before we finish our meal which i then pay for the meals while leaving a big tip for the service the restaurant provided Exiting the restaurant we walk the sidewalks of Vale "So where to next hmm?" Moka asks me "Next we are gonna let off some steam and fight alot of Grimm near by as im sure you would like to take your frustration out on something" i say calmly "You could tell i was frustrated?" Moka asks "Yes although you are having a wonderful time right now i have seen you frustrated so i figure why not take it out on the grimm near by and not to worry about our outfits i asked winter and Adam to set up a changing booth at the location we are heading too so you'll be able to wear something more combat friendly" i say to Moka Arriving at the spot we see two changing booths both with guards around the booths "Sir!" All the guards shout "At ease everyone now i assume the changing booths are for us?" I ask "Yes sir the one to the right is for lady akashiya and the left one is for you" one of the guards says "We will also guard your evening clothes while you both kill the grimm your highness" another guard says Moka and i look at each other and nod in agreement Entering our respective booths we change outfits into something more suited for combat Exiting the booths we stand side by side in our combat outfits that was provided <b>A/N:You decide on what the combat outfits you both are wearing</b> "So Moka ready to blow off some steam?" I ask as i crack my knuckles Moka stretches her arms above her head as she jogs in place vampiric Aura flowing around her "Oh you bet I'm ready to kill the shit out of the grimm" Moka says with grin I activate my Aura which my eyes flash blood red "Then lets give the grimm a wake up call I'll draw them to us" i say with a grin of my own Moka nods which i walk a few feet infront of her I then proceed to have my aura shine brightly which attracts alot and i mean alot of grimm to us "Here they come lets teach them a lesson when dealing with vampires shall we?" I say as i get into my combat stance "Yes lets" Moka says getting into her combat stance Soon the grimm appear from the woods which we both charge at together "HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" We yell as we punch the first grimm together which kills it in one hit "Come you flea bitten Husks!" I shout as i take out a few grimm "Yeah! Give us a worthy Battle you soulless weaklings!" Moka yells as she kills five grimm in a chain reaction The two of us fight grimm after grimm with no stopping in between Several hours pass before the area is cleared of grimm We both turn off our auras and return to normal "Well that was certainly a experience and a half for a date wasn't it" i say calmly wiping the sweat off my forehead Moka is silent as she doesn't say anything "Uh Moka you alright?" I ask Moka faces me and walks over to where she is standing directly infront of me "Mo-" is all i can say before Moka places her lips on mine forcing us to fall onto the ground I have a shocked expression before easing into the kiss wrapping my arms around moka A minute passes before we separate from the kiss "Moka?" I ask the girl looking down at me "Y/N i love you i really do at first before we met i thought that my human side would of fallen for tsukune but you changed that you made me feel true happiness and you make me feel safe whenever you are near me i i can't imagine my life without you in it" moka says ad she slowly begins to cry "Moka..." I say before sitting up which Moka is then seen sitting on my lap "I love you too moka at first when i had my heart broken by my ex girlfriends i thought for sure that i would of been doomed to be alone for the rest of my days but the second our eyes met that i wanted to do everything i can to make you happy no matter what it takes so please don't cry moka" i say while wiping the tears away Moka crys into my shoulder as a gently rock back and forth gently rubbing her back After a while moka stops crying which we both stand up "Better?" I ask "Yeah and sorry you had to see me like that" Moka says with an a embarrassed look on her face "Moka you don't need to apologize for crying we are all unique in a certain way and crying is nothing to feel ashamed about everyone needs to let out their tears once in a while" i say with a smile which causes moka to smile in return "Your right we are unique but i think its time to get back to the others now don't you?" Moka says which i nod Calling the limo driver we put on our outfits we wore for the date which the limo pulls up just as we exit the booths Getting into the limo we chat a bit as we head back to the castle <b>3rd POV</b> As the two are heading back to Y/Ns castle Moka can be thinking one thing " he is going to do alot of dates for the amount of girls that want to be with him" Moka thinks to herself Arriving at the castle the two head for training room where the guys ask Y/N how the date went and vice versa with the girls for Moka After a while everyone heads back to their respective areas which Y/N then climbs into his bed at the castle and falls asleep <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> <b>Shadow here with the next chapter and i would like to ask one question before i go</b> <b>The question is rather simple really</b> <b>In terms of the story being rewritten how is it so far to your likings</b> <b>I would just like to know what you all think of the rewritten version of the story compared to the other version before this</b> <b>In any case I'll see you all in the next </b><b>chapter</b> # Confession Question <b>Shadow here and before any ask what the title means</b> <b>It basically means out of the girls in the harem (besides Moka) who will be the next one to confess their love to the reader</b> <b>Now in case you forgot the other members of the harem they are the following</b> <b>Kurumu</b> <b>Mizore</b> <b>Sona</b> <b>Ruby</b> <b>Nora</b> <b>Yang</b> <b>Blake</b> <b>Rias</b> <b>Akeno</b> <b>Pyrrha</b> <b>Koneko</b> <b>Leave a comment saying which of the 11 girls should be the next one to confess their feelings to Y/N</b> <b>I will see you all in the next </b><b>chapter</b> # Chapter 18 Trigger Unlocked <b>Y/Ns POV</b> After a successful date with moka I along with those who attend Yokai Academy are doing our daily school work But as I'm doing my school work I begin to think of an idea "Maybe that could help them unlock the form...yeah I'll do that after school is done for the day" I think to myself The school day goes as usual before the final bell rings I get up and leave the academy grounds disappearing before any can speak to me Arriving at the manor that my mentor's live in with the exception of Serafall and Sirzechs "Hey Kid what brings you here all of a sudden?" Dante says to me "I'm here master Dante because I believe it's time for them to unlock the form but I need you and master Vergil's help for the task I have in store for them to unlock the form" I say with a serious tone Dante soon has a serious look on his face as does Vergil who walked over to the two of us as I was talking to Dante "What do you have in mind kid?" Dante says "I'm thinking of leading my peerage to the spot where I took moka to during our date which while I'm doing that I would like for the two of you to already be there within the woods  just casually waiting for the group afterwards I'll make an excuse saying something like my parents are needing to see me which will be a lie" I say seriously "And I take once you leave we give them the near death experience they need to unlock their devil triggers right?" Vergil says "Yes that's correct now I need to get back to the others before they catch wind that something is up see you at the spot oh and the location is here" I say before explaining where the spot is which Master Vergil and Dante both nod before disappearing from the manor I leave the manor as well returning to those who attend Yokai Academy "Hey Y/N where did you go?" Koneko asks "I went to visit my mentor's for a moment anyway moka Kurumu gine  Yukari and Mizore we need to go get the other half of our peerage as I have something special planned for everyone and can one of you get Ruby as she will need to be with us" I say to the group "I'll get her" Kurumu says I nod my head and wait for Kurumu to bring ruby A few minutes pass before the two girls approach the group "Here she is Y/N!" Kurumu says "Good now let's go get the others who should be at their dorms over in beacon as school over there should be over by now" I say which we then teleport to my old dorm Upon arrival to the dorm I see my friends from beacon "Yo Y/N what brings you here?" Issei asks "I'm here for Yang Pyrrha Blake Nora Coco Rubes Jaune Weiss and Fox as I have something special in mind for those in my peerage" I say seriously "Ooh what is it?! I bet it's pancakes!" Nora says excitedly "You'll just have to wait and see Nora for now everyone in my peerage let's go" I say before exiting the dorm which my peerage does the same Walking off beacon academy grounds I head for the spot where I took moka the other day "Why this spot dear?" Moka asks me "You'll know in a moment Moka but for now I want you all to wait here for a bit I need to go see my parents as they are needing me for something so I'll be back in a bit" I say before disappearing <b>3rd POV</b> "Do you know what Y/Ns Parents need him for moka?" Pyrrha asks "No I don't as Y/N disappeared right as school ended for Yokai Academy" Moka says Soon the group hears a twig snap which they turn to see Dante and Vergil giving the group a stare "Hey aren't you Y/Ns mentor's Dante and Vergil?" Weiss asks the two All the group gets in a response is a simple hmph from Vergil before they see the two transform "What's going o-" is all yang could say before Dante slashes at her causing yang to avoid the attack "What's happening?!" Yukari shouts "I don't know... Look out!" Kurumu yells before pushing Nora out of the way of a stab from Vergil "It's like they are trying to kill us!" Blake yells "That's the point kiddos" Dante says "Wait kill.kill this is our fight to awakening our devil triggers isn't it!" Coco yells "Precisely and we won't just simply stab you and be done" Vergil says "Yup you all are gonna have to come at us with all you got so best get to it!" Dante says as he charges Mizore and Fox The two avoid the attack before Mizore attempts to encase Dante in ice as Fox attacks using his weapon Dante avoids the ice before slashing at Fox sending fox  flying backwards <b>Meanwhile over at beacon academy Ozpin's Office</b> "Ozpin you got to stop this! They're gonna kill them!" Glynda says "You can't and won't Professor" Y/N says to Glynda "Why can't she? Especially when our children are fighting out there?" A blond male version of yang says "Tell me Mr long and any other parent in the room have any one of your children tell you of their race change?" Y/N says to the group in the room "I don't believe so why?" A mature version of Blake says "Each individual that is fighting my mentor's Dante and Vergil sparda are demon/vampire hybrids and for  the faunuses part demon part vampire part faunus" Y/N says "What does that have to do with now Mr L/N?" Glynda asks "The reason they are all fighting is due to the requirement for unlocking a transformation that their demon blood will allow them to access" Y/N says to Glynda "What Transformation is that?" A Male Rabbit Faunus says "It is called devil trigger and it's the form that my mentor's are fighting the group in" Y/N says to The faunus "Is there some way to unlock it?" Ozpin asks "Yes and that's the most dangerous part too... For the devil trigger can only be unlocked when one experiences a total near death scenario and I don't mean the kind of near death that scares you into one either" Y/N says "Then they are going to almost kill them..." A mature looking version of yang says but with black hair "You gotta stop them!" Mr long says as he grabs Y/N by his shirt "Tell me something Mr Long what would you do if your daughter and her friends were to encounter a being stronger then anyone in this room Ozpin included and the being gloats that only those of the sparda bloodline who uses devil trigger can harm it but you held your daughter back from unlocking hers ultimately causing her death" Y/N says to the one who grabbed him The parents are quiet at what Y/N says <b>Back to those fighting</b> As the group is facing off against Dante and Vergil Vergil disappears before reappearing behind Mizore which he stabs her through the chest although a bit off from the center with his katana Mizore falls to the ground blood dripping from her mouth "Mizore!" The others of the peerage shout "You killed her!" Coco yells "You do remember what this fight is for in the first place right?" Dante says Suddenly Mizore's body begins to shake slowly before rapidly shaking A harsh blizzard soon covers the area as Mizore let's out a ear piercing screech which Blake covers her ears from the screech Suddenly a light blue pillar envelopes Mizore before disappearing and revealing Mizore in her devil trigger form <b>Mizore's and any female of the peerage Devil Trigger armor just replace the colors with the respective girls colors and replace the weapons with the ones of their respective owner (if they use a weapon)</b> "Is that really you Mizore?" Kurumu asks "I-i think so...what happened?" Mizore asks "My brother stabbed you and you unlocked your devil trigger" Dante says "Then this is from the demon blood in me?" Mizore says "Correct for now stand next to me and I will open a portal to where Y/N is so you can wait for the rest to unlock theirs" Vergil says Standing next to Vergil Mizore patiently waits as Vergil cuts open a portal to where Y/N is which Mizore enters <b>With Y/N</b> "Nice job unlocking your form Mizore" Y/N says "Thanks but how do I get out of it?" Mizore asks Y/N let's out a chuckle before explaining how to return to normal which Mizore is then seen in her normal attire "Now then please stand with your parents as we await the others to unlock their devil triggers" Y/N says to Mizore whom nods and walks over to her parents <b>With those fighting</b> After Mizore has left the field the rest continue to face off against Dante and Vergil "Take this!" Both Yukari and Ruby shout as they use their magic wands to send a spell at Vergil "Hmph pathetic..." Vergil says as he destroys the spell before slashing at the wands breaking them into pieces "Now how will you fare with our your wands and spells..." Vergil asks To Vergil's amusement both Yukari and Ruby rush at him with their fists which Vergil blocks each punch with his katana As Vergil is blocking the punches of Yukari and Ruby Dante is dealing with Yang And Blake "Now Blake!" Yang shouts as she throws a punch at Dante Dante sees multiple copy's of Blake running at him which the second they get close Dante snaps his fingers causing quick silver to become active "So close but yet so far" Dante says as he stabs Yang in the same spot Vergil stabbed Mizore and he also stabs Blake as well Snapping his finger time resumes which both Blake and Yang fall to the ground before their bodies shake Soon a loud dragon like roar and a cat meow are heard by the others Yang and Blake then stand in their devil trigger Armors <b>*Refer to the pic for when Mizore unlocked hers for more info on the armor*</b> "Wow yang! You unlocked yours! So did Blake!" Rubes says excitedly "So we have... I could get used to wearing this" Yang says "Quite now as before stand next to me and I'll send you to where Y/N is" Vergil says as she slash open a portal which Blake and Yang enter <b>With those in Ozpin's office</b> "Nice job Yang Blake you unlocked your devil triggers" Y/N says as he then explains how to return to normal "Thanks but you know moka is gonna beat the shit out of you for lieing about your parents" Yang says "I know and I'll explain why when everyone else unlocks their devil triggers" Y/N says Soon Yang and Blake stand by their parents <b>Back with those fighting</b> After Yang and Blake Left Jaune is fighting against Vergil using what he learned during the training lessons at Y/Ns Castle "Impressive but not good enough" Vergil says as he blocks Jaune's attacks which Jaune Blocks Vergil's attacks Suddenly Jaune is stabbed the same way as the other three Jaune's body begins to shake before a loud yell is heard which jaune soon activates his devil trigger <b>Jaune's and any male in the peerage devil trigger armor just the same as the female armor replace the color with the colors of the male wearing the armor and same with weapon</b>s <b>Timeskip to after many stabs many yells and many devil triggers being unlocked</b> <b>Y/Ns POV</b> After the last member of the peerage arrives in the office moka looks at me annoyed "So mind explaining why you lied dear?" Moka says as her vampire aura begins to show "Now Moka before you maim me you gotta understand I had to lie because If I said what I was going to do you would of avoided unlocking your devil trigger and as I said to Yang's dad there could be a foe that would require the trigger to beat it" I say to Moka "Still don't lie again understand?" Moka says "I promise oh and Ozpin we gotta have a few words about a secret your keeping one that Adam told me and the rest of the council about..." I say with a serious tone "What secret is he talking about?" Blake's mom asks "...." Ozpin is silent before all "I can answer that the Grimm has a queen and said queen is someone Ozpin knows very well isn't that right Sir..." I say to Ozpin "Yes it's true..." Ozpin says "Ozzy are you sure it's time?" Rubes Uncle says "Yes Qrow it's time I-" is all ozpin can say before being cut off mid sentence <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> <b>Shadow here and yes I know I said a certain team would unlock their devil trigger but I decided to go with all members of the peerage unlocking their triggers together</b> <b>Anyway see you in the next chapter when Ozpin's secret is </b><b>revealed</b> # Chapter 19 Secrets Revealed <b>Previously</b> "Yes Qrow it's time I..." <b>Present time 3rd POV</b> "Yes Qrow it's time I tell everyone the truth about remnant and about her" Ozpin says to Qrow "What do you mean headmaster?" Rubes asks Ozpin "What he means Rubes is that every academy in remnant has a specific purpose for dealing with the Grimm" Y/N says "Wouldn't they be focused on training others to become huntsmen and huntresses?"  Blake's mother asks "That would be the case Mrs Belladonna if there wasn't a ever growing ruler behind the Grimm of whom Ozpin will tell everyone now" Y/N Responds "Right so here is what has happened to remnant so far in the past" Ozpin says as he begins to explain everything from the time before his curse all the way up to current time "So the maidens are your children headmaster?" Weiss asks Ozpin of whom nods as to say yes "The funny thing about the maidens choosing women to be their successors kinda make the ones who became the next maiden  Ozpin's and His Wife's children since the original maidens are their children" Y/N says "Like hell I'll be that bastards daughter!" Raven shouts loudly "Regardless of the maidens it would seem that the main enemy we all face now is Ozpin's Wife Salem" Y/N says "But something tells me and is the on the mind of everyone hear that there will be others working along side Salem" Ghira says "And judging from what Y/N said is that the former member of the white fang Adam used to be apart of Salem's group"Tai says "Exactly which is why he can help with disrupting their plans because I have an inking that three 'pawns' of Salem are here in beacon to finish a job they originally did" Y/N says "Your talking about the maidens right Y/N?" Sona asks her friend "Yes I am... Mr Branwen since everyone in this room knows the secret war of Ozpin and Salem and seeing as you work for Ozpin that would mean you know something as well right?" Y/N says while looking at Qrow "I do and you would of eventually heard it from Oz anyway but down hidden at the bottom of the elevator that is used to reach this room is the area where the fall maiden is located who is recovering after being attacked by three individuals" Qrow says "Three huh...so I'm not the only one piecing everything together right now?" Gin says "Your not alone Gin if three pawns of Salem are here at this academy that would mean that..." Weiss starts to say before her mother finishes what she was saying "That the three are here to finish off the fall maiden and let the one who stole her powers in the first place get the rest of the fall maiden power" Willow says finishing what Weiss was saying "Ozpin I know I have no right in asking this but can we see the pictures of any students who are not normal students at beacon like any transfer students that are visiting beacon" Y/N asks Ozpin Ozpin nods his head and pulls up the pictures of three specific transfer students "Cinder,emerald and Mercury huh" Saji says "Correct me if I'm wrong Headmaster but each transfer student who comes to beacon academy from another academy has their files checked correct?" Akeno asks Ozpin "That is correct Ms Himejima" Ozpin responds "Then by all logic cinder Emerald and Mercury Are the three so called Pawns of Salem aren't they?" Issei says "If what I'm about to say is true then yes they are" Y/N says "What are you fixing to say your highness?" Ozpin says to Y/N "I know I have no right in asking this but judging on cinder's appearance and the way she attacks from what Rubes told me before my transfer to Yokai Academy but Cinder's last name is not fall is it? Like Cinder Fall?" Y/N asks Ozpin Ozpin looks at Cinder's paper "It is Fall" Ozpin says Y/N facepalms at the idiotically that is the so called pawn of Salem "You got to be shitting me right now literally her name is Cinder Fall and she's obviously thinking that she deserves the power of the fall maiden due to her last name having the word fall..." Y/N says in annoyed tone "When you put it like that yeah it is really dumb" Tsubaki says "In any case Ozpin the headmaster of Haven is the one who supplied the transfer paper for Cinder Emerald and Mercury right?" Tai says to Ozpin "Yes he did" Ozpin says to Tai "And judging on how the three transfered from haven to beacon would justify that the headmaster of Haven is working with Salem" Rias says "There's no way he could be working with her" Ozpin says "Mr Branwen you was supposed to watch over the maiden right since you work with Ozpin" Y/N says to Qrow "Yes but she was attacked by those three" Qrow says pointing to the pictures "Can you go over in detail on what happened?" Koneko asks Qrow Qrow nods and begins to explain in detail what happened which Kali cuts in "It would seem that the headmaster of Haven delayed you Mr Branwen" Kali says "What do you mean?" Qrow asks Kali "Think about it you was supposed to be at haven at a certain time in which you were to follow the maiden and ensure her safety while the maiden wasn't told any changes to the time she would have to leave to go on her journey....see what I'm getting at?" Kali says to Qrow Qrow goes silent before tossing his flask on the ground hard "That asshole!!! He delayed me for a day so that the maiden could be attacked and nearly killed!" Qrow shouts "Which is more then enough proof that the headmaster of Haven is not our ally" Sona says "What do you propose we do?" Ozpin asks "I will ask Mikogami over at Yokai to see if the academy has any sort of tech related staff who can upgrade the CTS as I have a feeling that will be one of the main targets the three will go for" Y/N says "Kali and I will speak with Adam and Sienna to see if they can provide any sort of security guards for the CTS tower since we are positive that the attack will happen at night" Ghira says "I'll provide some vampires as back up for the faunus guards" Issa says which Ghira and Kali nod in agreement "I can ask the folks back home to provide werewolf help Incase they try to make a run for it" Gin says "In any case I believe that is all for today so it's best we get back to our respective areas...Great Red do you mind opening up portals for everyone?" Y/N says Sudden multiple portals appear in the office each showing the places of where everyone in the room is from mainly the parents The parents then go back to their homes while Y/N and those of Yokai Academy head back to Y/Ns Castle which Y/N retires to him room as the other Yokai Academy students head back to the Yokai dorms <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> <b>Shadow here with the next chapter and I'm sorry for the late update but anyway the next chapter will be the confession from Yang and the preparation for the school dance at Beacon</b> <b>So leave your song suggestions to the school dance</b> <b>See you all in the next </b><b>chapter</b> # Chapter 20 A Eventful dance between academies+ Confession <b>3rd POV</b> After learning the truth behind the academies Y/N is in a meeting with Mikogami Ozpin James and his parents "So if all goes right both Yokai academy and beacon academy will have a dance that will allow those who attend the academies to enjoy a dance between the races of both Academies?" Y/N says "Precisely right your highness but the question is where should the dance be held" James asks "Hmm mom dad is it possible to have a dance hall built within the time frame of before the dance starts?" Y/N asks his parents "We can build one sweetie we would just need to know when the dance is going to happen" Samantha Says "It will be held this coming Thursday your majesty" Ozpin says to Samantha "Then we will have done before time for the dance" Mark says "Good now James do you know anyone at atlas that can upgrade the communication towers of remnants security's?" Y/N asks the general "Can you elaborate Your highness?" James asks "Right so since it is known that cinder fall has stolen half of the fall maiden's power and is working for Ozpin's once lover it is safe to say she will attempt to hack into the security of vale which her target will be the atlas robots you plan on bringing to vale as security" Y/N says "Which in terms would cause fear among the citizens of vale which also grimm would appear out of the woods near the city right?" Mikogami says "Precisely so if possible we need to update the security to ensure cinder doesn't gain control over the robots not only that have a few stand guard within the tower in vale that way if cinder attempts to hack the security she won't be able to escape and cam be easily captured" Y/N says Ozpin James and Mikogami says they will speak with some people they know for what Y/N suggested "This meeting is ajourned" Y/N says which everyone gets up from the chairs at table and begins to walk out of the meeting room <b>Y/Ns POV</b> After the meeting is done I walk back to the training room to see my friends still hard at work training Moka sees me and comes over to me which we share a kiss "Is everything alright dear?" Moka asks me "Everything is fine just had a talk about where the school dance of Yokai and beacon will be held as well as security for the tower of vale" I say calmly "Why would the security need to worried about?" Weiss asks "Don't you remember Weiss we learned of what really is going on and this cinder chick is working for headmaster Ozpin's ex wife and is planning on hurting alot of people" jaune says which Weiss makes a oh face "So what are you going to do now?" Rias asks me "Well until time for the dance I will be training with you all till Wednesday after which I will spend all day Wednesday working on songs that can heard during the dance" I say to my friends "Do you need any help with picking the songs?" Issei asks "Not right now but I'm sure I will think of something for the dance but for now let's continue as we normally do" I say which all my friends nod and we return back to training Time passes as the days leading up to the dance go as normal as they can be Wednesday comes around which my parents have told me the dance hall is already built and ready for the dance between the two academies "Right so since tomorrow is the day of the school dance I will busy for the entire day today so no training will happen" I say to my friends who are in the training room with me "Do you need any help?" Saji asks me "I'll be able to handle what I need to do on my own so everyone just relax for the rest of the day and I'll see you tomorrow during the dance" I say as I exit the training where I go to plan for the dance <b>Time skip to the day of the dance 3rd POV</b> The day of the dance arrives and students and staff of both Yokai Academy and Beacon Academy arrive at the newly built dance hall "There's no way this can be the dance hall can it?" Several students of the two academies say out loud "Ah but it is and I welcome you to the dance hall for the two academies please follow me" Y/N says as he opens the doors to the hall which lights can be seen moving all around the hall with loud music being heard throughout the dance hall <b>Author:Play the song up at the top for the beat that is blaring through the dance hall</b> "Holy crap this is epic!" Issei shouts "You really went all out Y/N" Tsubaki "Well I felt like that the dance between two different academies should be one that those of the two will remember for the rest of their school days" Y/N says Soon everyone can be seen dancing to the beat Y/N walks over to Ozpin and Mikogami "So has the security for the tower in vale been dealt with?" Y/N asks the two headmasters "It has James had the security of the tower updated with a improved firewall which qrow tai and surprisingly raven are inside the tower" Ozpin says "As is Kuyo and the discipline community of yokai academy" Mikogami says "I just hope they don't get into a tussle but none the less enjoy your time gentlemen" Y/N says as he walks away Moka approaches Y/N "There you are Y/N what did you talk with the headmasters about?" Moka asks Y/N "I just asked on how things are at the security tower" Y/N says as he and moka begin to dance to the music Soon the stage lights shine on Y/N and Moka "What's going on?" Moka asks Y/N walks up to the stage and grabs the microphone "Well Moka the stage lights was shining on us because I am going to sing a few songs for everyone here" Y/N says into the microphone Soon the music changes to an upbeat song <b>Been working so hard</b> <b>I'm punching my card</b> <b>Eight hours, for what?</b> <b>Oh, tell me what I got</b> <b>I gotten this feeling</b> <b>That time's just holding me down</b> <b>I'll hit the ceiling</b> <b>Or else I'll tear up this town</b> <b>Tonight I gotta cut loose, footloose</b> <b>Kick off your Sunday shoes</b> <b>Please, Louise</b> <b>Pull me up off my knees</b> <b>Jack, get back</b> <b>C'mon, before we crack</b> <b>Lose your blues</b> <b>Everybody cut footloose</b> <b>You're playing so cool</b> <b>Obeying every rule</b> <b>Dig way down in your heart</b> <b>You're burning, yearning for some</b> <b>Somebody to tell you</b> <b>That life ain't passing you by</b> <b>I'm trying to tell you</b> <b>It will if you don't even try</b> <b>You can fly if you'd only cut loose, footloose</b> <b>Kick off your Sunday shoes</b> <b>Ooh-wee, Marie</b> <b>Shake it, shake it for me</b> <b>Whoa, Milo</b> <b>C'mon, c'mon let's go</b> <b>Lose your blues</b> <b>Everybody cut footloose</b> <b>cut footloose</b> <b>(Oh-oh-oh-oh) cut footloose</b> <b>(Oh-oh-oh-oh) cut footloose</b> <b>we got to turn you around</b> <b>(Second) you put your feet on the ground</b> <b>(Third) now take a hold of your soul</b> <b>I'm turning it loose, footloose</b> <b>Kick off your Sunday shoes</b> <b>Please, Louise</b> <b>Pull me up off my knees</b> <b>Jack, get back</b> <b>C'mon, before we crack</b> <b>Lose your blues</b> <b>Everybody cut footloose</b> <b>Footloose (footloose), footloose</b> <b>Kick off your Sunday shoes</b> <b>Please, Louise</b> <b>Pull me up off my knees</b> <b>Jack, get back</b> <b>C'mon, before we crack</b> <b>Lose your blues</b> <b>Everybody cut, everybody cut</b> <b>Everybody cut, everybody cut</b> <b>Everybody cut, everybody cut</b> <b>(Everybody) everybody cut footloose</b> Everyone cheers "Here is the next song for the evening!" Y/N says loudly as the next song begins to play <b>Your cruel device</b> <b>Your blood, like ice</b> <b>One look, could kill</b> <b>My pain, your thrill</b> <b>I wanna love you but I better not touch (don't touch)</b> <b>I wanna hold you, but my senses tell me to stop</b> <b>I wanna kiss you but I want it too much (too much)</b> <b>I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison</b> <b>You're poison, running through my veins</b> <b>You're poison</b> <b>I don't want to break these chains</b> <b>Your mouth, so hot</b> <b>Your web, I'm caught</b> <b>Your skin, so wet</b> <b>Black lace, on sweat</b> <b>I hear you calling and it's needles and pins (and pins)</b> <b>I wanna hurt you just to hear you screaming my name</b> <b>Don't want to touch you but you're under my skin (deep in)</b> <b>I wanna kiss you but your lips are venomous poison</b> <b>You're poison, running through my veins</b> <b>You're poison</b> <b>I don't want to break these chains</b> <b>Poison</b> <b>One look, could kill</b> <b>My pain, your thrill</b> <b>I wanna love you but I better not touch (don't touch)</b> <b>I wanna to hold you, but my senses tell me to stop</b> <b>I wanna to kiss you but I want it too much (too much)</b> <b>I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison</b> <b>You're poison, running through my veins</b> <b>You're poison</b> <b>I don't want to break these chains</b> <b>Poison (poison)</b> <b>I wanna love you but I better not touch (don't touch)</b> <b>I wanna hold you, but my senses tell me to stop</b> <b>I wanna kiss you but I want it too much (too much)</b> <b>I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison</b> <b>Yeah, well I don't want to break these chains</b> <b>Poison (poison)</b> <b>Runnin' deep inside my veins</b> <b>Burnin' deep inside my brain (poison)</b> <b>Poisoning (poison)</b> <b>I don't want to break these chains (poison)</b> <b>Poison</b> <b>(Poison) I don't want to break these chains (poison)</b> "Alright two more songs are coming up so I hope you're all ready for the next songs!" Y/N Shouts which cheers erupt from the crowd <b>I felt my bones shiver</b> <b>Across rifts of time</b> <b>I saw ghosts in the mist</b> <b>And their faces like mine</b> <b>Then I looked to the footsteps</b> <b>And gazed on a sign</b> <b>That said "Call my name</b> <b>I'll join in the fight"</b> <b>Broken and withered</b> <b>We will rise again</b> <b>My brothers and sisters</b> <b>In death we are friends</b> <b>Incandescent together</b> <b>A slow fadin' light</b> <b>The efforts cascadin'</b> <b>Our time is tonight</b> <b>Fractured and feeble</b> <b>Ordinary people</b> <b>Puttin' resolve to the test</b> <b>Nobody chose to be risen</b> <b>But new life is given</b> <b>When we light a bonfire to rest</b> <b>Old friends and rivals</b> <b>We sit by the flame</b> <b>To share in the moment</b> <b>Before we can claim</b> <b>Our own destiny's purpose</b> <b>In each of our homes</b> <b>We've all got our battles</b> <b>But no one's alone</b> <b>Nameless and searchin'</b> <b>The light keeps us warm</b> <b>In need and in danger</b> <b>It guides through the storm</b> <b>As we share in a question</b> <b>Will we meet again</b> <b>To sing by the embers</b> <b>And brace for the end</b> <b>Fractured and feeble</b> <b>Ordinary people</b> <b>Puttin' resolve to the test</b> <b>Nobody chose to be risen</b> <b>But new life is given</b> <b>When we light a bonfire to rest</b> <b>Undyin' forever</b> <b>Through war and dark weather</b> <b>Bindin' to search for a light</b> <b>Some lit by grace or by embers</b> <b>We're searchin' together</b> <b>Starved for that break from the fight</b> <b>Swords losin' sharpness</b> <b>To angels and darkness</b> <b>These soldiers push on through the mire</b> <b>Now we're all faced with the endin'</b> <b>The burn before mendin'</b> <b>A vision to let there be fire</b> <b>Fractured and feeble</b> <b>Ordinary people</b> <b>Puttin' resolve to the test</b> <b>Nobody chose to be risen</b> <b>But new life is given</b> <b>When we light a bonfire to rest</b> <b>Well, excuse me, but I think you've got my chair</b> <b>No, that one's not taken, I don't mind if you sit here</b> <b>I'll be glad to share</b> <b>Yeah, it's usually packed here on Friday nights</b> <b>Oh, if you don't mind, could I talk you out of a light?</b> <b>Well, thank you, could I drink you a buy?</b> <b>Oh, listen to me, what I mean is, can I buy you a drink?</b> <b>Anything you please</b> <b>Oh, you're welcome, well, I don't think I caught your name</b> <b>Are you waiting for someone to meet you here?</b> <b>Well, that makes two of us, glad you came</b> <b>No, I don't know the name of the band</b> <b>But they're good, aren't they?</b> <b>Would you like to dance?</b> <b>Yeah, I like this song too, it reminds me of you and me, baby</b> <b>Do you think there's a chance that later on I could drive you home?</b> <b>No, I don't mind at all</b> <b>Oh, I like you too, and to tell you the truth</b> <b>That wasn't my chair after all</b> <b>Oh, I like you too, and to tell you the truth</b> <b>That wasn't my chair after all</b> After the final song is sang everyone in the dance hall can be seen cheering as loud as they can But within the minds of four individuals three words echo in their heads over and over "We fucked up.... We fucked up.... We fucked up!!!!" The words echo in the minds of team NDGO "Alright that is it for songs ladies and gentlemen please enjoy the rest of the danc-" Y/N says but before he could finish his words he is cut off by someone "Actually can you stay up there a little longer Y/N there's something I wanna say" a familiar voice to Y/N says which the stage lights then moves to who spoke just now The one who spoke is revealed to be Yang Xiao Long "Yang?" Y/N says as Yang walks up onto the stage which she grabs the microphone from Y/N "I have a song that I wanna sing to you Y/N" Yang says blushing which a song begins to play in the back ground <b>There are three words, that I've been dying to say to you</b> <b>Burns in my heart, like a fire that ain't goin' out</b> <b>There are three words, &amp; I want you to know they are true</b> <b>I need to let you know</b> <b>I wanna say I love you, I wanna hold you tight</b> <b>I want your arms around me &amp; I, want your lips on mine</b> <b>I wanna say I love you, but, babe I'm terrified</b> <b>My hands are shaking, my heart is racing</b> <b>Cause it's something I can't hide, it's something I can't deny</b> <b>So here I go</b> <b>Baby I </b><b>lo-o-o-ve</b><b> you</b> <b>I've never said, these words to anyone, anyone at all</b> <b>Never got this close, cause I was always afraid I would </b><b>falll</b> <b>But now I know, that I'll fall right in-to your arms</b> <b>Don't ever let me go</b> <b>I wanna say I love you, I wanna hold you tight</b> <b>I want your arms around me &amp; I, want your lips on mine</b> <b>I wanna say I love you, but, babe I'm terrified</b> <b>My hands are shaking, my heart is racing</b> <b>Cause it's something I can't hide, it's something I can't deny</b> <b>So here I go</b> <b>Baby I </b><b>lo-o-o-ve</b><b> you</b> <b>Take it in, breathe the air</b> <b>What is there to really fear</b> <b>I can't contain, what my heart's sayin'</b> <b>I gotta say it out loud...</b> <b>I wanna say I love you, I wanna hold you tight</b> <b>I want your arms around me &amp; I, want your lips on mine</b> <b>I wanna say I love you, but, babe I'm terrified</b> <b>My hands are shaking, my heart is racing</b> <b>Cause it's something I can't hide, it's something I can't deny</b> <b>So here I go...</b> <b>Baby I lo-o-o-o-ve you</b> As soon as the song ends Yang walks to Y/N and places her lips on Y/Ns who is surprised but accepts the kiss which he returns the kiss with passion Alot of cheers and wolf whistles can be heard as the newly couple kiss Infront of everyone in the dance hall After a few minutes of kissing the two separate causing a string of saliva to be seen "I love you Y/N I really do" Yang says to Y/N Blushing which Y/N Simply smiles brightly "I love you too Yang and I will literally die for you Moka and any other girl that falls in love with me well I'm stealing jaunes saying but a L/N never goes back on their words" Y/N says to Yang who smiles brightly back at Y/N <b>Over with those at the security tower in vale</b> "So it seems Yang has found herself someone to love" Qrow says as he stands over cinders unconscious body "He better treat her right or he will suffer horribly " Tai angrily says while watching the dance through his scroll "None the less all we need to do now is wait for the headmasters to return so that we may deal with little miss fall here" Kuyo calmly says <b>Back with those at the dance</b> Time passes which the headmasters soon inform everyone that the dance is coming to a close and for everyone to get ready to leave Exiting the dance hall everyone heads back to their respective a academies while Y/N goes with mikogami James and Ozpin to beacon to deal with Cinder <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 21 The Death of a Team <b>Y/</b><b>Ns</b><b> POV</b> After the dance is over I head to the tower near beacon academy where little miss fall is currently at "So cinder was captured right?" I ask ozpin "Yes that is correct as Qrow informed me that he and those who was stationed at the tower was able to knock her out with the help of tai raven and kuyo" Ozpin responds "Right" I say as we soon arrive near the tower Upon approaching the tower several of the guards who was stationed at the tower saluted me which I saluted back after which I entered the tower with ozpin and mikogami Tai sees us and walks over to us "You made it your highness" Tai says to me "Where is Cinder at Tai?" I ask the huntsman Tai points to where an unconscious Cinder is Walking over to the spot I look down on the supposed enemy "Mrs Raven if you could please wake her up so we can communicate with her" Mikogami asks Raven of who nods <b>*SLAP!*</b> a loud sounding slap is heard which cinder immediately wakes up from "What the hell happened?!" Cinder shouts "You have been caught by the security that was set up cinder fall" I say to the intruder "Who the hell are you?!?!" Cinder shouts at me "Come now I'm sure your little spy work gathered info about me before I quit beacon also someone would to say their greetings to you" I say before looking towards Qrow who nods Qrow walks over to cinder and places his scythe near cinders neck "I-it can't be!" Cinder stutteringly says before looking up at Qrow "That's right it's me and you are going to tell us everything that your boss has planned for us" Qrow says in anger "I'll never tell you anything!!" Cinder shouts "Oh don't worry you will tell everything *pulls out needle from pocket* Kuyo catch" I say before tossing the needle to kuyo <b>The Needl</b>e "What's this?" Kuyo asks after catching the needle "That is truth serum Kuyo and once injected Cinder here will have to tell the truth no matter how much she doesn't want to" Ozpin explains to Kuyo "Mr Long and Mrs Branwen please hold her in place as well as you two atlas guards *points to the guards nearby* " Mikogami says which the four nod their heads in agreement Soon cinder is held in place as Kuyo administrates the serum into cinder who screams in pain Before we can get our answers a loud scream fills our ears "Let us see him!!" An all to familiar voice shouts "This has gone on far too long and quite frankly it's time I end it" I say in an annoyed tone "What's going on your highness?" Tai asks me I then inform tai Qrow raven  what all happened between me and a certain team of beacon "So your ex girlfriends are trying to get back with you and after so many times of you telling them to move on they just wouldn't move on and now they have made you reach your breaking point" Qrow says to me "That is correct Qrow now I will have to end them so ozpin I need you to be ready to deliver the news to their parents but do that after you get the info from cinder" I say before walking to the entrance of the tower Exiting the tower I see Gwen nebula dew and Octavia being held back by the guards outside the tower "So you four just won't give up will you?" I say to the four "We don't want anyone but you!!" Nebula yells to me "As much as that would make your day I'm afraid you will never be able to experience it again" I say calmly "What are you talking about?" Dew asks me I then proceed to call up a few loyal individuals through my scroll "Hey?...yeah it's me.... Listen it's time so get the other two and come to the tower near beacon academy...right see you in a few" I say before hanging up the call "Who did you call?" Octavia asks "Just a few loyal friends who are prepared for this moment" I say before hearing foot steps approaching Soon I see Issei Jaune and Gin walking over to my sides "Why are they here?" Gwen asks "They are here because I knew you four would be dumb enough to keep bugging me to take you back" I say "So in secret Y/N trained us with the help of a few people his parents know in a particular fighting style" Issei says "Which you four are about to be on the receiving end of" Jaune says " *Transforms* and don't bother running because you'll never get the chance to escape from us" Gin says while growling in his werewolf form I then activate my vampire aura which I charge at nebula and snap her neck before slicing her in half with my sword "You killed her how could you?!?!" DGO shouts "You should be worried about yourselves as your next....<b>Dragon Shot!</b>" Issei says before yelling his attack which kills off Gwen Jaune and Gin kill off the remaining two members of NDGO Ozpin and the others from the inside of the tower soon appear "Was this really necessary your highness?" Ozpin asks me "It had to be done ozpin less beacon constantly be on the receiving end of their petty squabble but besides that did you learn anything" I say before asking Ozpin "We learned everything she had planned and are hoping to go to your castle to discuss what was learned" Kuyo says "Very well we will discuss what you learned from cinder tomorrow for now let us to return to the others" I say which everyone nods I along with Issei Jaune and Gin return to the others who are currently chatting at my castle Moka and Yang walk over to me with worried looks "Darling are you alright?" Moka asks "I'm fine don't worry so much alright all though those who attend beacon will not have to worry about nebula and her team now" I say while grabbing a drink from the fridge "What do you mean?" Yang asks me " *Gulp* well they are dead now" I say before washing the cup in the sink "How did they die?" Rias asks "Issei Jaune and Gin can tell you as they were there but in any case I'm gonna retire to bed as I'm beat from the earlier events especially making sure the dance went off perfectly I'll chat with you all tomorrow" I say as I go up to my bedroom which I then climb into my bed and fall asleep fast <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> <b>Shadow here with the chapter of which many of you voted for the death of team NDGO and I know it's not very detailed in the deaths I hope you all enjoy the chapter none the less</b> <b>Anyway the next chapter will focus on what is going on at Mt glen </b> <b>P.S when do you guys/girls want Vanoss and the crew to appear in the story </b> <b>Leave a comment on when they should appear</b> <b>Until next </b><b>time</b> # Chapter 22 Preventing the Attack from Mt Glenn <b>Y/</b><b>Ns</b><b> POV</b> After killing nebula and her team I wake up in my bed just as hyate informs me of Ozpin and Mikogami's arrival "Your highness Headmasters Ozpin and Mikogami has arrived to the castle" Hyate shouts from the other side of my bedroom door "Thank you for informing me Hyate please take the two Headmasters to the meeting room and that I'll be there shortly" I shout to Hyate I then hear Hyate walk away from the doors to my room After getting dressed I head to the meeting room to discuss what was learned from Cinder Entering the meeting room I see Ozpin and Mikogami sitting near the end of the meeting table "Greetings Headmasters" I say to both "Hello your highness/Greetings" Ozpin and Mikogami say respectfully I take a seat in my chair at the meeting table which I then don a serious look on my face "Now then you both are here to discuss the info that Cinder Fall told you both via the truth serum correct?" I ask the Headmasters "That is correct your highness" Ozpin says to me "Very well please begin with what you learned from Cinder Gentlemen" I say which both Headmasters nod "Right from what we learned it is as you said during the day when my secrets was spilled that Ms fall was the attack to the fall maiden" Ozpin starts off "We also learned that Ms fall had plans to cause massive tension vis the old train subway at a place called Mt Glenn near Vale" Mikogami says "That's not good because the grimm in that mountain are old and strong so having a ton of grim appear out of no where will indeed cause tension among the citizens of Vale" I say seriously "Quite right now the other thing we learned is that Mr torchwick is supposed to let himself be captured to get onboard James's ship after Ms fall hacks the CTS communication that you prevented her from doing" Ozpin says I begin to think "Since we know that there is attack coming from the mountain close to vale I would say that we deal with the problem immediately to avoid any danger to vale" I say seriously "Should we call for any help for you your highness?" Both headmasters ask "Yes Ozpin tell James to send Winter to the outskirts of vale while I call up Tsunara and Issa" I say calmly "Then I will call for several yokai to help" Mikogami says " 'red do you hear me?' " I say to myself in my mind " 'i hear you your highness what can I do for you?' " red asks me via telepathy " 'i need you open a portal from Tsunara and Issa's respective locations and inform them to have several of their people ready to stop an attack then open a portal to the outskirts of the city of vale I will be there waiting ' " I say in my mind " 'it shall be done your highness' " red to say me via telepathy I then get up from my chair and head out just as Ozpin and Mikogami get up as well After some time I arrive at my destination to see a group waiting "Your highness!" The group says "Alright listen up a attack will be coming from the mountain nearby *points to mountain* which the old train way inside the mountain will cause explosions that will attract grimm to attack vale so I called you all here to help me prevent that from happening!" I shout loudly Before the group can respond a portal all of a sudden opens up near by and six individuals fall out of the portal <b>Ignore wildcat holding the team six cardboard pieces</b> "Who do you think they are your highness?" Winter asks me "No idea but I'm going to go find out" I respond to Winter Walking over to the six I begin to hear commotion among the six "Where the fuck are we?!" One of the six shouts "I don't know man this looks weird" another individual says from the group "It's too gloomy around here" one says "Your right... Hey someone is coming over to us" another of the six says pointing to me I am then standing before the six "So who are you six supposed to be? And it seems you have a pig and owl faunus among you" I say to the group "The hell is a faunus?" A individual with a headset asks I proceed to explain what a faunus is "Alright we understand now. Oh we should introduce ourselves I'm Terroriser over there is H20 Delirious next to him is Basically over there *points to the owl* is Vanoss next to him is Dathi and lastly next to me is Wildcat" the one called Terroriser says "I'm Y/N L/N Demon/Vampire Hybrid and Prince of the vampire race and it's a pleasure to meet you six" I say to the six "Likewise but can you tell us where we are at?" Basically asks me I explain where they are and what is going on "Right so that mountain over there *points to mountain* has a old train tunnel which host these creatures called grimm of which are soulless monsters" Wildcat starts to say "And a group of faunuses called the white fang are planning to cause the grimm to attack the city near us but you and your group over there are going to stop the attack before that could happen...." Delirious says "That's correct and no you can't help because it would be too dangerous as this is not anything you can live through the grimm are out for blood and if you don't have any sort of protection you'll be dead in the ground" I say seriously "He's right we have no way of protecting ourselves from the dangers around here so I suggest we try to help out in the city at least " Vanoss says "I will give you six a offer that could help you survive around here" I say "What is it?" Vanoss asks me "I'm planning to unite everyone under a peaceful banner but of course there will be hardship to accomplish that goal so I offer the six of you a chance to join my army and make a meaningful impact that could help everyone around here" I say my offer The six then talk amongst themselves before facing me "We'll join"Wildcat says "Good man *pulls scroll and calls a number* Hyate? Yes it's me... Please send a limo to my location asap... Right thank you Hyate" I say as I hang up the call just as a limo pulls up "That was hella fast" Basically says "Perks of being the vampire Prince anyway *opens door* please enter the limo gentlemen" I say as I hold the limo door open The six enter the limo which I walk over to the driver window "Take these six to the military compound and tell the general these are new recruits joining the army" I say to the driver "Right away your highness!" The driver says as the limo drives off Walking back to the group we begin our march towards the mountain <b>3rd POV</b> As Y/N and his group march up towards the mountain they are then met with a horde of grimm "Alright you all know what to do!" Y/N Shouts "Sir!" The group readys for combat "Now destroy the grimm and keep moving forward to the mountain!" Y/N shouts as he charges into the horde The group with Y/N let's out a battle cry as they charge at the grimm <b>Within the mountain at the abandoned train</b> A particular group can be seen loading up something unknown When one member of the group hears something "Hey you guys hear that?" The one group member says "Hear what?" Another group member asks "Don't let them get away kill every grimm you see!!" A distant voice can be heard "Who the hell would be out here.... Shit! It's the prince isn't it?!" The leader of the group shouts "Uh who?" The first member asks the leader Before the leader can say anything an explosion at the entrance is seen by the group with reveals to Be Y/N and his Group "Roman torchwick or should I say Roman Valkyrie uncle to Nora Valkyrie of beacon academy" Y/N says surprising the leader "How in the hell do you know that info!" Roman yells "It wasn't hard especially when you have a way of getting valuable info from a certain greedy council of vale" Y/N says calmly "But sir when did you get that info?" One of Y/Ns group member asks "I'll tell you after we're done here... Now roman I'm going to offer you a chance to redeem yourself as well as stop following Cinders plan of who I stopped a few days ago" Y/N says to the thief "And what's this offer you speak of?" Roman asks hesitantly "My offer is that you become a teacher at beacon academy help your niece and her friends learn about survival out here in the wild as the way they think a huntsman or huntress is not always a pleasant one as murder and other such things can happen as you know all too well and besides I can get you and your little friend away from Salem" Y/N says to Roman "How exactly do you know of her" Roman says with a raised eyebrow "Torchwick we all know and we all know of Cinders plan to steal the fall maidens power she couldn't get" Winter says "How?" Roman asks Y/N explains how he figured it out "I'm impressed your highness but do you really mean you'll help my partner and me with a chance at redemption?" Roman asks Y/N which he just got off his scroll "Of course now then Adam I believe it's your turn to handle your once brothers and sisters in arms" Y/N says as Adam and his guards appear next to him "Leave this to us your highness we will prevent this train from causing any harm" Adam says "Very well now roman if you and your partner will follow my group we can meet up with Ozpin outside so he can meet with a long lost huntsman of his" Y/N says as he leads his group outside which roman and his partner follows Upon arriving outside Y/Ns group roman and Romans partner see Ozpin Team JNPR RWBY and Glynda "Ah your highness I see Mr Valkyrie is with you" Ozpin says shocking everyone but those who know "Hold up professor did you just say that he's " Ren starts to say "Yes Ren Romans actual last name is not torchwick but rather Roman Valkyrie the uncle of Nora Valkyrie" Y/N says "B-But how?! I thought all my family died years ago!" Nora shouts "I never died Nora and I'm sure you heard of the incident of the mountain here" Roman says to his niece "Yeah we heard of it but it was said that no one survived the Incident " Weiss Says "While that is true to an extent I am one of the two that survived the incident. As for the other well she *points to yang* has encountered her before" roman says "I have?" Yang asks "Yes you have.... Neo care to make your appearance" Roman says which Neo appears beside roman shocking Yang "You?!" Yang yells "Yes she is the only survivor  to what happened years ago besides myself" Roman says "Regardless Mr Valkyrie his highness has informed me of a way you can redeem yourself for what you have been doing to Aid Salem and Ms Fall" Ozpin says to Roman "Yeah he wants me to be a Teacher at your academy to teach Nora and her friends about survival for when they have to do a mission out here in the wilds" Roman says "Which for neo she can either be an teacher assistant for Roman or a student like you all also Roman neo is still mute right" Y/N says Roman nods which Y/N stands Infront of Neo which he moves his right hand to infront of her face which his hands begins to glow A minute passes which Y/N moves his hand away "Now neo try speaking" Y/N says to the partner of Roman "A-A-Ah? Holy shit I can speak!" Neo yells in happiness "Your highness you made Neo's dream come true thank you" Roman says to Y/N "Regardless let us return to beacon Mr Valkyrie we shall see you again another day Your highness " Ozpin says to Y/N Y/N nods which he informs his group to head back home as he heads back to his castle to relax for the rest of the day <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 23 A Company is revealed <b>3rd POV</b> A week has passed since Y/N and a select few from his council stopped the attack that was supposed to come from mt glen near vale Y/N has now been absent for over two months which everyone is really worried of his whereabouts especially Moka and Yang "Where could he be?!" Yang shouts while pacing back and forth at Y/Ns castle "Sis you gotta calm down I'm sure he's fine" Rubes says to her sister "I can't calm down Rubes he's been missing for over two months!" Yang yells "That doesn't mean he would of left without a note of some sort" Weiss says "I agree with Weiss" Akeno says Suddenly everyone receives a message which tells them to go to a specific spot Heading to the spot as indicated in the message everyone sees a really tall building <b>The building just remove the shinra logo and replace midgar with the border line between Yokai and Human realms</b> "Welcome Everyone to the reveal of the company I have worked on for the past two months" Y/N says as he stands in front of the building "Y/N!!" Moka and Yang yells as they charge at Y/N Y/N summons two clones which stops the two "Now now you two no need to rush" Y/N "Don't give us that shit! You disappeared for two months without informing us!!" Moka yells vampire aura flaring "I'm sorry Moka I couldn't tell you because I wanted the reveal to be a surprise for everyone" Y/N says Y/N soon coughs before looking at everyone seriously "In any case welcome to Unity Inc a company where everyone from Humans to Yokai even faunus devil's Angels Fallen Angels etc can work a steady job" Y/N says "Any race can work here?" Rias asks her best friend "Yes any race and for the supernatural and faunus race do not worry each human that works here will/has been tested and ensured that they will cooperate will your races and will not argue or cause a disturbance during work hours" Y/N responds to Rias Soon several individuals stand beside Y/N which a few shock a few individuals present "Now let me introduce to you all the staff of the company... Up first is Willow Schnee who will run the company in my stead until I finish with my schooling" Y/N says as he introduces Willow "Do not worry your highness I will keep everything running smoothly" Willow says "Up next is Doctor Oobleck who will be acting as the head of the architecture department so if you wish to learn about the history or discover undiscovered relics then feel free to consult with the doctor" Y/N says which Oobleck nods at Y/Ns words "After Doctor Oobleck is our spy department which Mr Qrow Branwen is the head of. So if you wish to learn how to be a effective spy and to help gather Intel for the company so that we can prevent any sort of attacks to the realms" Y/N says "Don't worry kid I'll make them great spy's" Qrow says "Just remember to leave your flask at the company before you go out to teach the ones who join your department Qrow" Y/N says to Qrow of whom nods "Now then the scientific department will be headed by peitro Polidena of Atlas so those who wish to learn science will be required to consult with Mr Polidena " Y/N says "After him is our combat department of the company which I have asked three individuals to be the heads of three sections of the department which are Erza Scarlet for Swordsmanship,John Arc for Tactical and Warfare,Tannin for Defense as what better way to train your defense then with an actual dragon" Y/N says A human with deep red crimson hair stands on the right end beside Y/N "I'll make sure they are able to withstand any attacks your highness" Tannin says "Wait if Tannin is the head of the defense department then what about back at your castle Y/N?" Issei asks Y/N "The training at my castle can still happen but Tannin is for those who join the company and want to be able to protect others as not everyone has access to my castle" Y/N responds to Issei "Quite a big effort you put into making this building  your highness" Ozpin says to Y/N "I had to go quiet headmaster least someone reveal it early during its development " Y/N says to Ozpin Y/N then motions for everyone to come with him to see the inside of the building "This is really amazing Y/N you've out done yourself" Sona says in amazement "Thank you I worked tirelessly to ensure that it is up to proper code which may have caused a few accidents to happen to me" Y/N says sheepishly Moka and Yang run over to Y/N to check him for any injuries "I'm fine you two and did you forget we vampires rejuvenate fast " Y/N says to the two "Now then those that wish to join the company will be required to do a interview with Willow which a lie detector will be put on the one being interviewed to ensure they have no negative feelings to the other races" Y/N says "A wise choice your highness this way you can ensure no racist individual joins the company" Mikogami says "Precisely Mikogami now then I will return to Yokai academy tomorrow so those who attend the academy I will see you tomorrow" Y/N says as everyone but those who work at the company as well as Moka and Yang leave the company "Girls you need to go back" Y/N says to his two girlfriends "We are not going until you go back as well" Yang says to her boyfriend "You have to as you both have school tomorrow and besides we will be at my castle for training like we always do" Y/N says seriously "Fine but you are going to pamper us when you get back and don't try to avoid it either" Moka says as she and Yang exit the building Y/N then informs the staff that he will be going now and that he hopes to see wonderful results from the company <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> <b>Shadow here with the next chapter and I'm sorry it took a while but I really hope you all enjoy the chapter</b>
"The World of Another Who Looks Like You"
[Book one of the Twisted Wonderland Multiverse Collection] A story in which Twst Malleus meets a alternate universe version of himself who is a human and has friends (and a boyfriend). While everyine tries to adjust to two of the most terrifying person on the NRC campus, both versions of Malleus learn more about each other's worlds as they attempt to return Malleus alter home to his proper universe. Story is also available on Ao3 and Tumblr under the same name if you wish to contact me here or there, mention it in the comments. I'll do my best to respond as quickly as possible. this fanfic is still a work in progress. updates will be slow, chapters will be edited, details will be changed. Any and all art featured doesn't belong to me and if I can't credit it I will resolve to posting the source I got it from.
[ "azul", "azulashengrotto", "diasomnia", "disney", "disneytwistedwonderland", "lemon", "leona", "leonakingscholar", "lilia", "liliavanrouge", "malleus", "malleusdraconia", "malleusxazul", "octavinelle", "sebekzigvolt", "sexualcontent", "silver", "twistedwonderland" ]
[ "Announcement ", "\"That Human looks like You\"", "\"Sweet as Sugar, Hard as Ice...\"", "\"All the Best People are Mad\"", "EXTRA: SPECIAL CARD LINES" ]
[ "I will temporarily be taking down this story after being informed via Discord server that using the word alter is in fact a insult. Particularly to those who use this term to refer to their DID system.\n\nAfter being a bit harshly berated for it. I've decided to delete and rewrite the story. \n\nIt's probably just as well.\nI haven't updated in a while due to physical and mental health reasons. \nConsequently I will also remove the versions on Fanfiction.net, Ao3 and webnovel.\nTumblr will be harder to do seeing as it may be somewhat buried, therefore it may have a slight delay.\n\nThanks for taking the time to read the story.\nSorry for wasting your time.\nI apologize for any offenses I insensitively made.", "A few Diasomnia students walked by and mentioned a boy who looked like Malleus but was strangely a human. \n\n\"I see. An imposter! We'll chase him down and apprehend him!\" Sebek yelled determinedly. \nSilver looked at Sebek oddly as if to ask why such a drastic measure was needed.\n\nLilia paused, 'someone who looks exactly like Malleus?' \nSwiftly he looked around, he knew odds were Malleus would be fine but a threat to his life would have to be taken seriously. \nKeeping a good track of at least where he was would be a good start.\nHis concern grew with the realization that Malleus had either quietly left or was never in the Diasomnia common room at all. \n\n\"Silver, Sebek, I'd like to accompany you on your search,\" Lilia remarked.\nSebek seemed to gain literal stars in his eyes. \"I would be so overjoyed to be permitted to accompany you Lord Lilia!\"\nLilia maintained a polite smile, but if it was an imposter, he would have to personally eliminate them and any evidence of them. \n\nSilver regarded the situation carefully.\n\nThe trio charged seeing Malleus's silhouette in the distance. Silver noted that Lilia was going faster, likely due to using magic to enhance his own abilities, but he seemed more out of breath. Silver wondered if that was old age or barely concealed rage at the thought of another threat to Malleus's life. \nSpeaking of whom, the Malleus they approached looked different. The most immediately noticeable thing was he didn't have horns and in his eyes weren't slit pupils like a reptile. He was standing so he wasn't facing them but his head had turned to observe the rapidly approaching force. His expression had remained neutral but once his eyes fell on Sebek, the corner of his mouth twitched upward in amusement. \nThen his nearly otherwise identical face fell on Lilia. The beginning smile disappeared.\n\n\"Oh I guess you weren't kidding about being short as a kid, sorry about that Lilia,\" the boy remarked.\n\nLilia's face shifted from interest to slight confusion, his mouth closing as he raised one of his eyebrows. \nLilia tilted his head, \"Malleus?\" \nThe vivid green eyes regarded him again. \"Yes?\"\n\"So you aren't an imposter then, if you were you would have been more on guard,\" Lilia mused. The Doppelganger just looked puzzled.\n\"I see that Lilia has decided you are not an imposter making an attempt on Waka-sama's life! However–!\" Sebek yelled.\n\n\"....It is an interesting possibility though I hadn't imagined there would be a power that strong…\" Lilia murmured loudly enough to halt Sebek in his rant.\n\n\"However –\" Sebek started again, this time interrupted by Malleus.\n\n\"You… Are you… me?\" Malleus asked eyebrows furrowed from being in deep thought.\n\"We look similar enough,\" the Doppelganger remarked, staring less at Malleus and more at the horns on his head. \nLilia wanted to sigh, 'the boy deserves to have a genuine shocked face every once in a while.' It sort of disappointed him that this time didn't arise such an expression. From <i><b>either</b></i> Malleus.\n\nIt seems they shared more than physical appearance as they both had that uncanny trait of being too mature for their age. They should have been shrieking and pointing at each other like that iconic comic superhero meme he started seeing last year. Instead they were acting like they were misinformed about the weather and learned they didn't need the umbrella they brought along.\n\nThey stared at each other. Nobody moved, too stunned to immediately react. Slowly the Doppelganger stepped forward, raised his hand–\nLilia blinked. Sebek looked a mix of nervous, angry, and ready to charge but Silver held him in place, as firmly as possible with his steady grip on his arm.\n-And touched the tip of Malleus's horns. As if triggering some unknown force, both Malleus and the Doppelganger were electrocuted. It ceased after the Doppelganger let go; Malleus shook it off when it ceased, somewhat baffled by the response. However, the boy who looked exactly like him had fallen unconscious. \n\n                                    oOo\n\"Mmm... That nightmare again\" a familiar smoky voice remarked tiredly.\n\"What nightmare?\" Lilia asked with concern overriding his wariness of his guest. \n\"Wha?? Lilia!? Aren't you in your late seventies? You look young..!\" Malleus sat up.\n\n \"Hold it,\" his eyes shifted and he scanned his surroundings. \"where am I?\" \nHis hands twitched as if longing for a weapon. Or possibly still jittery from the electric shock that rendered him unconscious.\n\n\"You are at the dormitory of Diasomnia, one of the Seven dorms of Night Raven College,\" Lilia supplied. \"Currently in Malleus's Dorm room.\"\nDoppelganger Malleus had a look on his face that said he only understood about half of everything Lilia told him. \nThen the Doppelganger jerked violently and groaned. \"Ohhhh my he–….. that's right I woke up here, those people asked me something that made no sense, and then I met… my 'bodyguards'.....Then that person who looked like me appeared…\" \n\n\"Now you said nightmare. I'd like to know what it was about, if you don't mind,\" Lilia pressed. Dreams, they could be useful or dangerous. Amusing stories or foreboding premonitions.\n\n\"Dream? It was… well. My friends needed me. Azul, Leona, Riddle, the others; Jamil, Idia, and Vil were there. They each had a pen That suddenly filled with ink. That ink was harming them and I couldn't do anything. They were in so much pain.  And then I was alone. They vanished. Then...\" Malleus halted.\n\n Remembering how he was suddenly in a wasteland and being attacked by two swords that cut through the scales that had covered his body... He shuddered, not wanting to see the dream again. He knew of course that within a few nights he'd see it again anyway. \"That dream scares me,\" he mouthed. \n\n Rubbing his eyes he suddenly noticed that he was dressed differently. His form now clad in black and purple silk robes, gold decorations covering the entire outfit. Oval mirror frame shapes on the flare part of the sleeves. Malleus touched the cloth, running his fingers down his chest, more intrigued by the soft material than the fact he could feel his abs through it.\n\".. What happened to my clothes..?\" He asked. \n\"I lent you mine after Sebek insisted he search you for weapons. He worried you were an assassin I suppose\" Malleus heard his own voice from a farther corner of the room. \n\" another... Me.. I was hoping that part was a hallucination,\" Malleus mumbled.\n\n\"I believe that now that you're awake. You can tell me why you look like me,\" he responded, standing up and drawing himself to his full height. Malleus saw that the other... Malleus, the other him, wore the familiar garments he associated with Night Raven High School, but he had numerous obvious differences. For one he saw pretty black, almost green tinted s shaped horns, his eyes were simply bright green instead of hazel and the pupil was a vertical slit. On his arm a golden crest with a dragon on it and beneath it the word Diasomnia. The crest was held by a green and black ribbon. The Doppelganger twisted his mouth into a scowl. \n\"What…? I'm not anyone but me! I have always been Malleus Danté Draconia! I was born this way! I don't need to explain my life to you!\" He glowered angrily.  \n\n\"You will have to tell us at least. If you want to live that is\" Lilia said warningly.\n\"Otherwise we'll treat you as a threat to the throne and will be forced to eliminate you,\" \n\nThe dopple Malleus scowled. Lilia bit back a grimace. \"Trust us- trust me, we want to hear you out. Blindly killing you would be unjust.\" Lilia said in an almost pleading tone. \n\n\"You trust me, don't you?\" Lilia persisted. \nDoppelganger Malleus's face twisted slightly as if he were mentally running through all the ways he could answer that question. \n\n\"Yes,\" the boy seemed to finally decide.\n\"Good,\" Lilia let the hesitancy slide for now\n\"we will determine whether or not you are a threat\" \n\n\"My grandmother Sir Malorie Draconia is head of the Draconia family. We're known as the most powerful mafia in the country.\" Malleus's doppelganger said.\n\n\"My grandmother, Maleficia, is Queen of Briar Valley,\" Malleus supplied.\nThe Doppelganger shifted in surprise, his hardened facial expression somewhat relaxing in his surprise. \n\"Why does she have sir as part of her name?\" Lilia asked.\n\"She grew up in a time and area where women weren't given the same respect as men so she thought she'd have everyone she wasn't close to refer to her as Sir so they'd always be showing her that respect, her husband approved and supported her.\" Doppelganger Malleus seemed to relax with the less personal question.\n\n\" Where are you from?\" Lilia asked while Malleus sat back down.\nHis doppelganger had brief confusion cross his face, \" like where my ancestors are from, where I specifically was born or where I was before I came here?\" He asked.\n\n\"Yes\" Lilia said\nDoppelganger 'Malleus' fixed him with an unimpressed stare.\n\"My family has various scattered origins in Thorn Valley, and I too was born there,  Night Ravenswood City was where I was less than twenty-four hours ago; where I left Night Raven High school,\" he sighed. \n\n\"How old are you exactly?\" Malleus asked surprising Lilia but he guessed seeing his human counterpart look so young may have baffled him in the age department.\n\"I'm 18,\"  doppelganger Malleus answered.\n\"How old are you?\" He returned\n\"I'm 200 years old, fae equivalent of 16 for me,\" Malleus supplied.  \n\"I'm WHAT--?\" Doppelganger Malleus blurted. \n'It's my current age,\" Malleus responded.\n\"...\" Doppelganger Malleus looked kind of lost.\n\n\"My parents were killed in the war between Fae and humans a century or so ago,\" Malleus supplied his face, careful not to betray any sorrow. Lilia hadn't asked that question knowing how Malleus might react.\n\n\"My parents were--\" the other Malleus broke off. He took a deep shuddering breath. \"My parents were killed because my aunt revealed their location to save herself I had the honor of being in the wrong place at the wrong time,\" \nMalleus had a sympathetic look grace his features. Lilia could see the slight shift in stance, the way the doppelganger Malleus clenched his jaw, tensing as he spoke about an obviously hard moment in his life.\nLilia recognized the subtle behavior in his own Malleus and looked torn. \"You're both telling the truth. Which leads to one theory. But first, Malleus let me see your forehead,\" he gestured at the doppelganger. The other Malleus pulled back. \"Why?\" His eyes narrowed. \n\n\"If you are a imposter you won't have what I'm looking for, since not very many people know about it after all,\"  Lilia grinned. \nMalleus glowered threateningly before sighing and leaning forward so Lilia could reach his forehead. Lilia pushed back his hair and his breath hitched slightly. The Doppelganger did not have scales, since he wasn't a magical entity, however he did have a birthmark mimicking the shape and pattern of the scales on Malleus. The visibility being because the birthmark was slightly darker than his actual skin tone. \n\nFrom his chair, nearly halfway across the room Malleus looked partially curious. He wondered if this new Malleus had a birthmark to resemble the scales on his forehead, did he have other birthmarks to represent the other scales magic couldn't quite hide?\n\n\"Problem?\" The doppelganger snapped.\nLilia frowned. \"No,\"\nNow he looked confused.\n\n\"Malleus if you would please,\" \nMalleus seemed very amused by the request. Doppelganger 'Malleus' looked over at Malleus who had gracefully raised his bangs to reveal his forest green nearly black scales. \nThe Doppelganger stayed silent in his surprise \n\"It seems as though the world you come from is similar to the one mentioned by Yuuta Origami, and has no magic,\" Lilia mused. \n\"I will inform Silver and Sebek that you will be staying here until you are returned,\" Lilia remarked in an amused tone.\nBoth Malleus and his doppelganger looked at each other. Suddenly the Doppelganger thought of something. \n\n\"This universe…. It has an Azul Ashengrotto, right?\" He couldn't help but ask.\n\n\"Yes he's the dorm leader of Octavinelle, is there a reason for asking about him specifically?\" Lilia tilted his head curiously.\nThe Doppelganger didn't reply. \n\nLilia and Malleus looked at each other but it was obvious 'Doppel' Malleus had zoned out.\n\n\"Just the person I was looking for.\" He smiled at Sebek who flinched at how eerily threatening the gesture was.\n\n\"Dagger. Wallet. Phone. keys, All mine and I'd like them returned to me,\" doppelganger Malleus demanded.\nSebek looked to Malleus for permission. Malleus gave a slow nod. At this, Sebek looked torn that Doppelganger Malleus had been deemed not a threat and would be spared but handed the items back nonetheless.\n\nThe taller boy took back the items then as an afterthought seemed to realize he was still wearing the Ceremonial Robes.\n\"And I would like my clothes back as well.\" He added while turning on his phone.\nHe stared at it a few seconds before cursing softly and holding it to his ear after tapping something on the screen. \n\n\n\n\n<b><i>I decided to pick a new word, Doppelganger. </i></b>\n<b><i>It's to replace the use of the word alter, and has a much more popular association with evil \"twins\" or a person doing corrupt things while wearing the face and exact appearance of an individual who does not have a reputation for doing such things. </i></b>\n\n<b><i>Even though I liked using alter and had a whole explanation as to why I used that word (besides convenience and that Malleus </i></b><b><i>alter</i></b><b><i> actually became fun to say) I understand that to not come off as rude I should let it go. </i></b>\n", "<b><i><u>Edits will be done in a little while.</u></i></b>\n\n\nWalking down the hall to approach the room that Doppel Malleus was staying in, with extra clothes from Malleus; Lilia was about to knock on the door but he was halted by a low voice. No doubt the other Malleus talking on the phone. Maybe a little later then?  Come to think of it, Silver mentioned he was talking on the phone when he showed him to his temporary room. \n\nWho was he talking to in such a tone of voice? It was like he was speaking to someone he held a different kind of affection for. Who would he talk to in such a way? \n\nInside the room Malleus leaned back on the bed, a hand running through his hair. \n\"Yeah thanks for that.. I needed those words from you\" he rolled over.\n\"It's too bad you aren't here physically. I wouldn't mind having your head resting on my chest right now\" he laughed a bit. \"I miss your touch,\" he remarked.\n\nDoppelganger Malleus' eyes caught the shadow under the door. \"I'll have to call you back. It appears someone is at the door.\" He hung up and tossed the phone on the bed.\n\"You can come in,\" he said calmly. \n\n\"You're looking at me like you think I'm hiding something.\" Lilia said the armful of clothes being set on top of the dresser. \n\"Hm.. I was just wondering how much of my phone conversation did you hear?\" Doppelganger Malleus asked.\n\n\"Eh? Isn't whatever you were discussing with whoever you were talking to your business and yours alone?\" Lilia asked innocently, raising an eyebrow. He didn't like how tense the atmosphere suddenly was or that Malleus was keeping secrets but he supposed it was a part of growing up. Naturally growing boys would want their space.... \n\n\"Yes it is.\" Doppelganger Malleus commented as he slid his phone under the pillow. \n\n\"Although I suppose the most curious thing is why you feel you can't tell me who you were talking to. You don't even have to tell me what you were talking about. Or am I invading your privacy too much?\" Lilia asked his blood red eyes staring into Malleus' beautiful green ones. \n\"It's not something you should worry about right now,\" Doppelganger Malleus remarked coldly. \n\n\"Are you being… forced to keep it a secret...?\" Lilia asked, 'he did say the family was close to being a mafia.'\n\"No! I made the choice and all the ones that led to this. I'm not being forced to do anything!\" He said defensively. \n\n\"Then what is the reason for your persistent secrecy?\" Lilia prodded a little desperate to get any source of information out of the boy. He merely wanted to confirm that Doppelganger Malleus wasn't in over his head or in any kind of danger. \n\n\".. I don't want you to judge me\" Doppel Malleus averted his eyes. \"I don't want to feel like all the expectations I have to follow also apply to my love life.\"\nLilia paused. \"Your love li– you have a significant other?\" He sat on the bed, curious now. \"What are they like?\" Lilia asked excitedly. \nDoppel Malleus flushed. \n\"I guess I dug myself into that one,\" he remarked.\n\"My boyfriend is a lot of things! He's smart, like really smart, especially with math! Really good to talk to, I never have a bored moment when I'm with him, he can play the piano, he has an amazing singing voice, surprisingly a good dancer -at least he's a fast learner concerning what he doesn't know–, and is an amazing businessman saving up for his own restaurant! But he doesn't want any financial support from me saying he wants to own his own someday-\" \nLilia blinked 'he's really in love with him, isn't he?'  \n\"I may have walked into the shadow realm,\" Lilia said, discovering what malleus was going to be like when he fell in love with someone. Malleus didn't hear him at all. \n\"He's really pretty too! He has soft silver lavender hair! His hands are really firm from writing a lot and playing the piano but they aren't larger than mine so it's fun to hold his hands in mine. His reactions to it when I mention it are always cute. But then he's really cute when he's flustered-\" Malleus rambled and he looked genuinely happy.\n \"He's got these beautiful crystal blue eyes–\" Malleus said, obviously not done talking.\n\n\"I take it your boyfriend is also the source of the scratch marks on your back?\" Lilia asked.\n\"I–\" the tips of Doppel Malleus's ears turned red. \"Well y-yes,\" he squeaked, embarrassed. Lilia pulled his magestone pen out his pocket, \n\"Turn around and take your shirt off\"\nMalleus removed the garment as requested.  Now his neck was turning red.\n\nLilia pursed his lips, the scars weren't very deep, likely Malleus's boyfriend has extremely short fingernails. 'What is he doing to you? Though I suppose the better question is: what are you doing to him?'\n\n\nWhen Doppel Malleus talked himself to sleep, Lilia ran a hand through Malleus's head, making his hair unkempt. \n\n\n                                oOo\nDoppelganger Malleus actually managed to sleep well without Azul which was all well and good except...\n\n\"Why do I have to attend the classes? I technically don't even go to this school!\" The alternate world Malleus, nicknamed Doppel Malleus, argued. \n\"I'll stay here thank you,\" he commented to Lilia who was insisting he introduce himself to the student body. \nLilia sighed, \"well there's only one thing left to do.\" \n\"What's that?\" Malleus asked, looking up from where he was sitting on the floor. Lilia grinned with an amused glint in his eye. \n\"Oh shit\" Malleus yelped and made a beeline for the door only to be immediately tackled by Lilia.\n\nThe duo joined Silver and Sebek in breakfast.\n\n\"I learned a lot of things about Doppelganger Malleus, for one he's ticklish in all the same spots as you,\" Lilia beamed at Malleus as he stepped down the stairs.\nMalleus had the decency to cast his Doppelganger a sympathetic glance. The other Malleus looked out of breath. \n\n\"I believe that this Malleus Draconia is from another universe, somehow brought here through some very powerful magic,\" Lilia explained. \"I would think it best if he gets a standard introduction to our world,\" he said to Trein. He listened intently while stroking his pet cat Lucius. \n\n\"I apologize for the intrusion,\" Doppelganger Malleus tried for a smile but it came off as nervous.  \"I'll just sit at the back of the classroom observe if that's alright with you,\" \nTrein looked him over \"if you stay after class I can hand you a few books explaining the history of magic,\"\nLilia looked at Doppelganger Malleus. \"I'm Pretty sure he stopped listening after you said 'books'.\" He smiled at Malleus's irritated glare which he directed his way.\n\n\n\n\n\"I have a spare gym uniform!\" Lilia said proudly a little bit before PE class.\n\n\"You mean you threw together whatever spare clothes you figured I wouldn't need anymore right?\" Malleus corrected wearing his own PE uniform.\n\"I don't know, do I really need to go to PE class?\" Doppelganger Malleus asked.\n\"Yes!\" Lilia grinned \"it'll be good practice!\"\nLilia got an odd glint in his eye.\n\n\"Practice for what exactly? I can't use magic, remember?\" He asked.\nThen realization sank in.\n\"Oh. You wanna test my skills and compare me to the me you got to raise. Of course you do.\" Doppel Malleus sighed. He ran a hand through his hair.\n\"I'll just sit there and watch, odds are if something interesting comes up I'll get involved then.\" \n\n\n\n\"I'll just park my backside right here...\" He sat down on the roof of the equipment storage shed.\n\n\"Hey! Draconia! What are you doing--\" Vargas yelled.\n\"I'll just stay here and watch.\" Doppelganger Malleus announced.\n \"Surely there's no problem with that?\" He asked as an afterthought. \n\nEverything was somewhat boring until the next class showed. Malleus noticed that Azul was in this class and decided to pay more attention. \"If they are also doing that broom riding thing it'll be interesting to tell Azul that this universe's version of him seems to have overcome his fear of heights~!' He thought, smiling a little at the idea. \n\nAzul was doing well, he actually went higher than two feet in the air but it fell apart when he looked down and saw how high he was and lost control of the broom. Then he fell off. He didn't scream in panic, a little too used to falling off, but he did yelp and figured he might sprain his ankle or something. The force of landing on the ground never came and instead Azul felt the warmth of someone who caught him. The warmth was actually kinda nice….. His heart nearly caught in his throat as he opened his eyes and saw Malleus staring at him in concern.\n\n\"Did that guy just blur?\" One student wearing a scarabia PE uniform said.\n\n\"Yeah it was like he--\" another started.\n\n\"He practically vanished and materialized under Azul to catch him!\" A student wearing a Heartslabyul uniform blurted, clearly shocked.\n\nAzul looked confused since he hadn't been paying attention to Malleus.\n\"Those rumors are starting again...\" Malleus  muttered in irritation.\n\n\"What rumors?\" Azul asked, gaining his own footing.\n\"....\" Malleus didn't say anything.\n\"....Malleus..?\" Azul pushed his glasses upwards as he looked at him. \n\n\"I swear he ran like forty-five feet in three seconds!\" A boy wearing a Pomefiore uniform commented to a student wearing a Savanaclaw PE uniform.\nThe Savanaclaw student shrugged nonchalantly like it wasn't that serious to him.\n\n\"Don't worry about it,\" Malleus remarked.\n\n\"He's just as overpowered as the real Malleus!\" Another student said a bit too loudly in an exasperated tone. \n\n\"It's not important.\" He remarked, a scowl ruining his pretty face. \"Sorry I interrupted the lesson\" he said looking over at Coach Vargas and letting go of Azul's arm. \nThen as a last minute check, Malleus patted Azul's head \"you're okay right?\" \nAzul tried not to blush. \"Of course!\" He gently swatted the hand away. Trying to enforce that he was fine without being too rude. Doppelganger Malleus walked away with a carefree shrug.  \n\nGlancing behind him Azul saw Jamil had a…. look on his face. A mostly unreadable one. Azul swallowed. \"I um… am not quite sure what just happened.\"\n\n\"Really? And you didn't think to ask why he saved you?\" Jamil now looked amused probably because of how Azul looked now, which is to say very flustered. Azul blinked.  \n\"He didn't save me, my life was not in danger. He simply caught me,\" he explained. \n\nAt lunch which, for reasons Azul never understood, was after Vargas' PE class Azul noticed doppelganger Malleus. The boy who \"saved\" him and notably not the real Malleus Draconia, at least the one with the more obvious reputation, sitting alone.\n\nA boy with teal colored hair approached him and started talking to him though. Leading Azul to assume that he would have company.\nMalleus was frowning now, whatever the student was saying he didn't like it. \n\nAzul made a mental note of the Pomefiore arm band and the voice who he recognized as the one who roughly measured the distance Doppel Malleus had covered in less than five seconds.\n\nThe frown deepened and Malleus stood up abruptly and punched him right in the jaw. Azul couldn't quite see his features but he could imagine the stern unforgiving look on Malleus's face.  \n\nLilia had walked up at some point and now was holding Doppelganger Malleus back, if only barely. \n\"Diaz I think it's time you leave,\" Azul was able to hear Lilia saying.\nHe didn't listen to Diaz's reply.\n\n\"Azul you're paying an awful lot of attention to your rescuer,\" Jade nudged him.\n\"No I was just-\" Azul attempted to deny. Then he flushed as he processed the last part of Jade's comment. \n\"He isn't my rescuer! How did you even learn about that so fast?\" He hissed.\n\"Oh a little bird told me,\" Jade smiled.\n\nMalleus seemed to react violently to something else because a horrible rattling and screeching noise was heard. \nThe entire cafeteria fell quiet, and a little over half the students were looking at the table with all the commotion.\n\nAzul looked at where Jade was looking and saw the table Doppelganger Malleus was formerly sitting at. He almost disregarded it if it weren't for the table. It had moved a few feet so it was now in the position of a right angle.\n\n\"Azul, the table is magically weighted so it can't be moved by just anyone, right?\" Jade asked.\n\"Of course it is, remember how Floyd found out the hard way?\" Azul replied. \n\"Just checking,\" Jade nodded, his eyes still watching Malleus who had to be physically restrained by the Diasomnia Dorm leader. At least it was being restrained by Azul's standards, Doppelganger Malleus' arm was tightly gripped and Malleus looked to be whispering something to him. \n\n\"Why do you ask? Are you insinuating that the Doppelganger moved the table?\" Azul blurted his eyes widening.\n\"I'm positive I saw him kick it as Diaz walked by, I'm sure he would have done more damage had Diasomnia Dorm leader not stopped him,\" Jade smiled like he saw something amusing. \"Likely Diaz said something to antagonize him. I wonder what could make such a boy so angry?\" Jade asked innocently.\n\n The short vice dorm leader waved his pen and the table put itself back into its place.\n\"Malleus please take him outside to cool off,\" Lilia said and Malleus brought his Doppelganger's tray of food with him. They left out the main entrance double doors and Azul noted that the Doppelganger wasn't struggling to get out of Malleus' grip. \n\nDiaz was nowhere in sight Azul noticed. \n\n                              oOo \n\nAzul sort of forgot the events during lunch until Diaz approached him in the Mostro Lounge with a cold look on his face.\n\"Why's the Doppel so protective of you?\"\nAzul did a double take.\n\"Pardon?\" He asked and afterwards pushed up his glasses.\n\n\"You know, the other Malleus, the oddball human one. Why's he so nice to you?\" Diaz specified. \n\n Azul narrowed his eyes. \"I'd rather not speak about what happened in PE today if that's what this is about.\" He said with a slight huff. \n\nDiaz snorted, his dark brown eyes narrowed in spite.\n\"He seemed to get really angry when I told him what you were like,\"\n\n\"I thought I told you to stay away from Azul,\"\nDoppel Malleus said, revealing his spot in one of the tall stools at the counter where Floyd was handing people their drinks. Doppelganger Malleus appeared to have ordered a Cranberry Delight drink if the red color was anything to go by. \n\nAzul tensed wondering how long Malleus had been there. \n", "Diaz looked between Azul and Doppel Malleus.\n\"Malleus please refrain from starting a fight.\" Azul said calmly. Malleus looked visibly disappointed.\n\n\"As for you Diaz, is there something... unrelated to your dispute that I can assist you with?\" Azul asked, trying to stay polite. He didn't know what he'd do if Malleus got violent. Maybe he'd call Jade. Floyd seemed like he might encourage the problem.\n\n\" Azul i-\" Doppelganger Malleus started \n\"So this is where you ran off to,\" A nearly identical sounding voice said.\nAzul suppressed the grimace from having two terrifying people occupy the same space.\n\nAfter a pause Diaz made a actual smart decision \" I'd like to get something off the menu if you don't mind?\" He faked his polite attitude since the odds were not in his favor if either Malleus chose to fight him. He didn't see why the Doppel whatever liked Azul. \n\n\"Well then if you'd like to order something, come with me,\" Azul stated and walked away Diaz following.\n\n\"I didn't run off I simply had other things to do,\" Doppel Malleus commented a slight pout on his face.\nStrangely, to Malleus, his Doppelganger seemed unusually subdued and quiet. \n\n\"Doppel Malleus I've been informed of your infatuation with Ashengrotto -san from Lilia and I would like to implore you to keep it under control. Things are different in this reality. The amiable relationship with other dorm leaders is a bit strained to say the least.\" Malleus warned gently.\n\nDoppel Malleus lowered his head so his bangs gid his eyes. He seemed crestfallen by this news. But not all too surprised given his lack of outburst.\n\n\"If it makes you smile I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine,\" Malleus placated and his human counterpart looked at him quietly. \n\nAzul approached the entrance of Mostro Lounge where he last saw Malleus and his alternate universe human self. He wasn't surprised to see them leave and was glad the fight was handled without any violence. \n\n❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃⍟❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃\n~The afternoon of the next day~\n\n'I shouldn't have caught Azul earlier. I miss holding him.' Malleus thought the next morning. He'd been up all night or most of the night talking with Yuuta Origami, Malleus's friend. Yuuta asked a weird question about whether or not he knew of their own Alternate universe counterpart and seemed dismayed when he didn't.\n\nHe stared at his hands focusing on today. 'But I can't just walk up to this world's Azul and carry him around. As much as that would make me happy, I don't wanna embarrass him. Nor do I want to spread any more rumors.'\n'No doubt people are already saying there's no way i can be a normal human. Just from that action alone. They are gonna flip if they see some of the other hidden talents I have...Still I miss Azul's touch. Azul's warmth and embrace...'\n\n\"I would like to thank you for catching my fall earlier.\" Azul's voice brought him back to reality.\n\n\"It was nothing I'm used to catching people\" he said waving it off 'usually Ace and Deuce' he thought.\n\n\"Still I hate to owe a person anything. Is there any favor you'd like to ask--\" Azul started, pushing up his glasses.\n\n\" come on Azul we don't need any favors, after all I--\" Doppelganger Malleus interrupted but cut himself off as he suddenly realized who he was talking to.\n\n\"...! sorry that was a default response\" he covered his face and averted his gaze.His hands messed up the bangs of his hair.\n\nAzul stared at him curiously, raising a eyebrow in response. \"...in any case as I was saying feel free to ask me anything to make up for you helping me in flight class today.\" He walked off presumably to get back to class.\n\nDoppel Malleus smiled thinking of when he and Azul first met. He looked at his phone and sweat dropped remembering that he'd need a way to charge it when the time approached. \n\n❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃⍟❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃\n\n\"Why are you still in your PE uniform?\" Riddle asked. Malleus gave a half smile, \"Lilia is preparing some test exercise thing for me so he isn't giving me back the clothes I came here in.\"\n\nTraveling through the mirror to the Heartslabyul dorm, Doppelganger Malleus opened his mouth in awe as he stared at the beautiful scenery of the castle-like building that was the dorm, the lush gardens and rose bushes. \n\"It's beautiful!\" He remarked.\n\n\"Stay with me, we <i>do</i> have a maze and I wouldn't want you to accidentally find it,\" Riddle said sternly.\n\nDoppelganger Malleus looked at the cages filled with hedgehogs. \n\"Oh Hello\" he smiled at the tiny adorable animals. \n\nWhen Riddle glanced back he bit his tongue to keep from yelling at the sight. He wouldn't admit it but watching it his face seemed to soften and gain a thoughtful look. Cater smiled nervously. Malleus was being engulfed by four hedgehogs. \"Seems your small, adorable friends have taken a liking to me,\" he smiled. \nRiddle stared at Malleus who fell over as two hedgehogs crawled into his shirt. \n\"This is a photo op! Mind if I take a few pics and selfies, Draconia-san?\" Cater asked, holding out his phone as he observed Malleus be engulfed by hedgehogs. \n\"D-doppel Malleus Draconia, please separate yourself from the-\" Riddle started and Deuce flinched knowing soon he'd start yelling. \n\n\"Well that's a sight you don't see everyday,\" Ace voiced, drawing Riddle's attention to him. \n\nAfter awhile Riddle and Deuce helped Doppel Malleus up to his feet and gently put all the hedgehogs back. \"Come let's get you properly dressed for the unbirthday party.\" Riddle commented, suppressing his mental amusement.\nUpon entering the dorm first, Doppel Malleus took in the sight of the chaotically beautiful decor of the floor, walls and stairs and bookshelves. \n\n\"Walking into this dorm intoxicated in any way will be interesting!\" He mused. \nRiddle looked aghast.\n\"There are the Queen's rules to prevent this\" He stated confidently and Malleus smiled approvingly. \n\"Always the role model aren't you, President Rosehearts?\" He remarked. Riddle couldn't help but think his expression made him look like a proud older brother. \n\nRiddle flushed at that thought when he remembered who he was speaking to. \n\"President?\" Riddle blinked.\n\"In my world you're the school's student council president,\" Doppel Malleus remarked. \"We don't have dorm leaders since it's just high school but you handle your role perfectly.\"\nRiddle recalled from Trey's letters about middle school. He smiled, seeming content with this knowledge.\n\nCater followed and was trying to be calm and natural although in all honesty now that he wasn't smiling, human Malleus Draconia scared him more than the actual Malleus Draconia. In his mind, Cater could see a puzzle with Malleus face set in a calm neutral expression. The more he observed Doppel Malleus the less he understood about Malleus as a person and the more puzzle pieces vanished. \n\n\"Um.. Draconia-senpai..?\" Riddle asked.\n\"Senpai?\" Malleus echoed. \n\"I already hear that from Sebek regularly, I am <i>not</i> a senpai, my role here is the inexperienced one. I know little about this world,\" \n\n\"Still, this place, takes my breath away, I could walk through the mirror a hundred times and still not be accustomed to seeing this grandiose sight on the other side,\" Doppel Malleus smiled faintly. 'It also seems familiar, like I saw it in a dream once...'\n\n\"Wait till we get to the best part! I smell Trey's baking!\" Cater piped up. \n\n\"I don't think we should indulge, we didn't help Trey make the dessert -\" Doppel Malleus protested.\n\n\"Come on! It'll be fine!\" Cater grinned. \"Besides you mentioned before that you want a new charger for your phone, I can look in my spares and see if I have one. Consider it a \"on the way\" trip\"\n\nCater opened the kitchen door. Doppel Malleus close behind, bending slightly so his head didn't hit the door frame.\n\nTrey looked up from the freshly made lemon tart. Then he did a double take. \"Draconia-kun?!\" He blurted in his surprise.\n\nDoppelganger Malleus tilted his head. \"Yes?\" He asked seemingly innocently.\n\n\"You-you look different,\" Trey said suddenly feeling awkward. \n\"I always look like this,\" Doppel Malleus responded, he sounded a bit amused.\n\nCater flashed a camera worthy smile. \"Oh Trey this is Doppelganger Malleus Draconia, he's basically Malleus from another Universe,\"\n\n\"An alternate universe Malleus Draconia?\" Trey scanned Malleus's form, still clad in the school PE uniform. \n\n\"What brings you to Heartslabyul then?\" Trey asked.\n\n\"Oh I'm here because Cater said he'd give me a phone charger. I have a portable one but I used it already.\" He admitted.\n\n\"Surely you can go a few days without a phone,\" Riddle huffed from behind him.\n\nDoppel Malleus half-lidded his eyes, \"no I would very much like to not die because I made my boyfriend lose a decade of his lifespan worrying about my safety after he lost contact with me.\" He quipped.\nRiddle blinked. Trey adjusted his glasses. \"Nice tart Trey,\" Malleus grinned turning his attention to the food.\n\n\"B-BOYFRIEND?!\" The Three Heartslabyul members yelled.\n\n\"Yes is it odd that I have one?\" Malleus asked coolly.\n\n\"Well you being in a relationship is odd enough but didn't think you swung that way,\" Cater said scrolling through something on his phone, likely Magicam.\n\n\"It's not so odd,\" Doppel Malleus remarked simply .\n\"You're right,\" Trey adjusted his glasses, \"what's odd is how casual you are at the thought of him killing you.\"\n\n\"Oh I'm very confident that if he wished he could absolutely render me incapacitated for at least five minutes but I know he won't.\" Malleus shrugged.\n\n❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃⍟❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃\nRiddle looked Doppel Malleus over, he currently wore a slightly modified version of the dorm uniform. The pins on the jacket were different from most other students, displaying a card with a Ace of Clubs. His vest is black similar to Deuce's and his dark red gloves were fingerless.\n\n\"The color doesn't quite suit you but you look happy?\" Riddle asked.\n\"I'm happy not to be wearing black, it's normally worn for business and at funerals, I don't <i>mind</i> it but somehow it makes me feel like I'm being overly formal.\" Malleus smiled softly.\n\nAfter being brought to the Heartslabyul garden, Malleus wandered off, as he tended to do. So it's no surprise he met another small friend. He wasn't an animal magnet like Silver, but sometimes small animals would approach if he gave off the vibe of being approachable and safe.\n\n\"What is your name?\" Malleus asked.\nThe rabbit straightened and Malleus read the dark blue ribbon with the words Finnegan Mctwisp spread out across it. \n\"Finnegan?\" Malleus looked amused.\nCarted behind the rabbit was a hat being dragged from the ribbon around it's waist. Studying it and picking up the hat he found a crystal box with four petit fours all coated with chocolate frosting. Each labeled 'eat me' in pastel letters.\n\nMalleus stared at the rabbit curiously who shrank back in fear. \"What are you attempting to give me?\"\n\n\"Now don't feel nervous, I won't harm you, I just have a natural suspicion of sweets. Courtesy of Riddle's valiant effort to make strawberry pie,\" he smiled rubbing the rabbit's head.\n\nRiddle began the party celebration in the background and Malleus paid no mind.\n\nHis eyes slid over to the box. The chocolate certainly smelled appetizing.\n\n\"Maybe just one...\" Doppel Malleus said quietly. \n\n❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃⍟❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃\nTrey and Riddle were surprised at Doppelganger Malleus's shift in behavior.\nHe was now laughing and encouraging the animals to not follow their set instructions for the croquet game. He kept calling Riddle Queen, and his outfit had been altered. The formerly white trousers now a dark brown, his dorm blazer turning a darker green but the playing card pin and the Heartslabyul logo remained. A new addition was the top hat on his head with the iconic 6/10 'in this style' tag and the sash that hung on his left shoulder and ended at the right side of his waist decorated with spools of thread in various colors. \n\n\" Doppel Draconia-senpai-- have you gone Mad?\" A Heartslabyul student blurted.\n\n\"Oh yes- definitely. But in my defense we're all mad here, even you. You wouldn't be here if you weren't.\" He stated while doing a handstand on the table and pouring a cup of tea.\nWhen he got down he was immediately deemed ladder by the hedgehogs. Or maybe they could smell the cream cheese crackers that were starting to fall out of his pocket. \n\n\"Now, now, little ones we need to be hahaha -serious about this!\" Doppel Malleus laughed from the influence of the magical treat he'd eaten. \nThe persisted in their climb grabbing the various spools of thread and pulling them aloose only to end up tangled up in it. \n\n\"Oh! Quizelie!\" Riddle looked in surprise as one of the hedgehogs ran down a maze pathway.\n\n\"Queen? why are you fleeing?\" Doppel Malleus asked as he jumped on top of the vivid green hedges each covered with numerous red flowers. \n\"Whoa did he just scale ten feet in one jump?\" Ace looked shocked.\nDeuce jumped into action as well, although not literally, like Doppelganger Malleus. He instead assisted Trey and Cater as they helped the students herd the excited animals to a spot where they wouldn't get into mischief.\n❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃⍟❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃\n\nRiddle had turned so many times and had long abandoned his dorm uniform cape. He was aware of Malleus following him from \n\n\"Relax Rosehearts it was my idea,\" a boy stepped out wearing sky blue clothes that contrasted his blonde hair.\n\"Allison Kingsley?!\" Riddle yelled Two RSA students were here..? But why--\n\nLanding rather gracefully Malleus jumped from his place atop the Rose mazes. His chaotic demeanor from before dropped, and now he was glaring at the two before him angrily.\n\"Draconia?\" Riddle asked. \n\"Enemies of my Queen are enemies of mine,\" he stated coldly.\n\n\"Undo what you did to Draconia,\" Riddle demanded, seeing the boy in question. He didn't immediately remember that he forgot to state that this was the alternate universe counterpart of <i>Malleus Draconia</i>. \nBut what these two didn't know won't hurt them. \n\n\"Malleus Draconia??\" Both boys looked shocked. Maybe even a bit terrified.\n\"Yes that's the one you gave your Magic dessert to I'd like the spell removed now,\" Riddle said sternly.\n\"He'll be back to normal when he wakes up,\" Alison said retreating into the shadows of the maze.\nLikely he'd use his unique magic and the two of them become so small that if Riddle were to pursue he'd risk stepping on him. \n\"Let them go for now I suppose,\" Riddle mumbled. \nDoppel Malleus immediately collapsed as soon as they left. His hat fell off and rolled a few inches away.\n\n\"I'd hoped they'd undo the effects of it now, but I suppose it having worn off by the time he wakes isn't so bad either.\" Riddle lamented. He knelt beside the unconscious boy. \nDeuce and Trey approached the scene first. \n\n\"Take Draconia home, he'll need some rest after today especially so the effects wear off\" Riddle commanded. Trey adjusted his glasses. \"What do we tell the Dorm leader and vice dorm leader of Diasomnia?\"\n\nA pause.\nWhat indeed...?\n\n\"Tell them he accidentally consumed something he shouldn't have, it hasn't harmed him just put him to sleep for awhile and that I'll be on my way to explain more details.\" Riddle sighed. \n\nOut of curiosity he picked up the hat. Peering inside he saw something sparkling in the sunlight. Inside the hat was the glass box the chocolates had come in with the remaining three still inside.\n❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃⍟❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃\n~The next morning ~\n\n\"Hi! Your physical stats say you're Malleus Draconia but my scans register that you as a human! How perplexing!\" A small humanoid robot with blue flames for hair floated up to Doppel Malleus. The eager yet friendly voice surprised him a little. \n\n\"Hah? Yes, I'm Malleus Draconia from an alternate universe. How do you do? What's your name?\" Doppel Malleus smiled politely. Malleus just observed the interaction quietly and Lilia grinned in amusement. Silver studied Doppel Malleus to see how he'd react to Ortho. \n\n\"My name is Ortho Shroud\" the boy introduced happily, not immediately noticing Doppel Malleus's surprise. \n\"Shroud...? You mean this world's Idia made you body?\"\nOrtho nodded. \"Yes,\"\n\nMalleus smiled \"I see. Would you like to meet my world's Ortho?\"\n\n\"Your--?\" Ortho blinked stunned. Malleus pulled out \n\"Hey Ortho wake up, there's someone I think you should meet,\" Doppel Malleus stated holding the phone to his mouth.\n\nAfter a moment, Malleus' phone's screen lit up displaying several blue lights. Soon he held up a smaller version of the boy before him. Although his eyes were amber and his hair a curly black color. His face still looked like him, If Ortho's facial recognition program was running correctly.\n\n\"WOW! That's the me of this reality? Nii-san successfully built you a real body!\" The onscreen Ortho exclaimed his face zooming in on the phone, as if to replicate his face being pressed against the glass.\n\n\"This is mobile Ortho, he's somewhat different from his mainframe which is still inside Idia's house but both are connected so I think the mainframe back at home will be aware of this too,\" Doppel Malleus explained. Malleus leaned over observing with interest.\n\n\"Can I make a special request?\" Ortho asked. \n\"Sure\" mobile Ortho stated happily.\n\nA holographic image appeared and then vanished in an instant.\n\"Oh! I'll be sure to take care of this!\" Mobile Ortho said, nodding. In his hands he held a comically oversized envelope indicating that he received a message.\n\n\"What'd he send you?\" Lilia asked.\n\"It's a secret,\" he smiled closing his eyes.\n\n\"Don't worry Ortho I'll take care of onii-san\" Mobile Ortho said to his robot counterpart. \n\n\"I have to go but promise me you'll introduce me to your Mainframe Ortho,\" Ortho chirped as he started to fly off.\n\n\"It's a promise!\" Mobile Ortho beamed. Now he'd changed his display to partly mimic the Ignihyde school uniform. The only difference being that his tie was a bow. \n\n\"You have a Ortho on your phone?\" Lilia looked surprised. \n\"Yes Ortho automatically downloaded a simple version of himself on the phones of all of Idia's friends that being <i>me</i>, and all of my friends so we have other ways to contact each other should something happen.\" He explained, then he looked over to his left as did Malleus who sat on his right.\n\nSilver had dozed again.\nLilia gently woke him up. Malleus would have found the moment sweet like he normally did but he happened to glance at Doppel Malleus and found the strangest expression on his face. \n\n\"I see your friend\" Doppel Malleus brought his attention again as he looked at one end of the cafeteria.\n\"They're something of a hero here, Yuuta Origami. They are completely ordinary in the sense that they don't have any magic but... They stopped six overblots now\" Silver stated. Doppel Malleus pressed his lips together not saying anything for a few seconds. Malleus thought his doppelganger's behavior around Silver was odd but no one else made a comment. Was he the only one who noticed? \n\n\"Oh... Wait what's an overblot?\" Doppel Malleus blinked confused. \nLilia took up the mantle of explaining, like he usually did.\n\"..An overblot occurs when a mage uses too much magic at once, unique circumstances must also be put in place such as a build up of negative emotions; anger, stress, frustration, sometimes even sadness, all play a part in causing someone to overblot\" Lilia then paused to see if Doppel Malleus had anything to say but he remained silent. \n\n\"Overuse of your magic is quite a dangerous situation to be in, and for most who don't have conservation skills mastered the accumulation of blot comes way too easily. At this school of which the entire goal is to learn magic, we students have pens embedded with magestone that will absorb the blot for you as a way of getting it out of your system. If you are not rendered unconscious or incapacitated, the monsters formed from the excessive blot will consume your magic and in turn your life force\" \n\n\"and... you say six people have overblotted already?\" Doppel Malleus asked. \n\"Yes. In the past it was extremely rare though enough to be a warning. Now it's happened six times. Almost back to back....\" Lilia lamented.\n\n\"Who were the.... Who all overblotted exactly?\" Doppel Malleus asked, genuinely concerned.\n\"Riddle Leona, Azul--\" Lilia listed off.\nDoppel Malleus glared a little at Riddle's name and had a nearly violent reaction at Azul's name; knocking over his glass as he straightened. An unusually dark look on his face. Malleus grabbed his arm, as if to ask \"are you going to bother Azul again?\"\nDoppel Malleus glared at him as if the silent question was stupid. But after a moment, seemed to rethink it and sat back down.\n\n\"the latter ones being Jamil, Vil, and Idia, Ortho being a unique case and turning into a sort of monster himself from what I gather.\" Lilia finished observing . \n\"...\" Doppel Malleus glared at his reflection in the spilled juice. Malleus magically reversed the spill and the liquid returned to the cup which was back in its upright position.\n\n'It's just like my dream' he didn't notice the little display of magic, too lost in his own thoughts. 'But why would I get a dream about the concerns of another universe?'\n\n<b>Story Notes:</b>\n<b>This took way longer than it was supposed to because of issues I hadn't resolved with the story timeline and events that I recently added to accommodate for the rewrite.</b>\n\n<b>It took a bit to understand a outfit for Doppel Malleus' mad hatter attire so that was fun. It's supposed to be based on the mad hatter from the tim Burton films. Especially since the spools of thread acting as a decorative ribbon could be a good callback to Malleus's Dorm uniform. </b>\n\n<b>Yeah a considerable amount of this chapter and future ones will have pieces of the original story which as you know got deleted.</b>", "Doppelganger Malleus\nSSR (Alternate Universe Counterpart Event Card)\nCard lines\nThis was a special request from a friend on Discord.\n\nThe Groovy lines are currently locked until Event requirements are met. \n\nSummon Line: It's like I've been pulled to a whole new world. I imagine this place will be interesting.\n\nGroovy: [Locked]\n\nHome:  Here Night Raven is a College not a high school? I suppose it's because everyone is learning a profession in magic, if it can be called that. \n\nHome Idle: I'm not sure why everyone keeps confusing me for my other self. Aren't there enough differences to tell us apart?\n\nHome Idle 1: Rook keeps following me around saying he wants to play tag~! He seemed to become really excited about the idea of me chasing him. Guess he never changes. \n\nHome Idle 2: Jade asked me to tell him all about the Azul in my world, and not to tell Floyd. Floyd did the same thing, asking I not tell Jade. When they found out about it they comically pleaded I not tell Azul. Hehe they're so cute.\n\nHome Idle 3: watching the students flying lessons is interesting, truly. Although it felt like my other self was showing off. Also Azul became flustered when I caught him again.\n\nHome Idle Login: at times I miss my home life. But seeing my mage self perform amazing spells makes me happy.\n\nHome Idle Groovy: [Locked]\n\nHome Tap 1: The strangest thing happened today. A random student I've never seen before came up to me and called me 'Tsunotaro'. Is that some sort of nickname for my other self perhaps?\n\nHome Tap 2: Lilia looks strangely like a caricature of a mischievous elf. It's strange that I don't find it as odd as I should.\n\nHome Tap 3: hm? My thoughts on the Azul of this world? He makes me.... Ah worry not. My affection is reserved for the Azul I met back on my world. I don't intend to become unfaithful.\n\nHome Tap 4: Silver asked me what I planned to do about Sebek treating me differently. He seemed perplexed when I answered that I'll let Sebek work it out himself. Was that not the reply he wanted...?\n\nHome Tap 5: Leona and I don't get along in this world. It's comical. I might tell them how our relationship was in my universe. I can't wait to see his face.\n\nHome Tap Groovy: [Locked]" ]
Title: "The World of Another Who Looks Like You" Description: [Book one of the Twisted Wonderland Multiverse Collection] A story in which Twst Malleus meets a alternate universe version of himself who is a human and has friends (and a boyfriend). While everyine tries to adjust to two of the most terrifying person on the NRC campus, both versions of Malleus learn more about each other's worlds as they attempt to return Malleus alter home to his proper universe. Story is also available on Ao3 and Tumblr under the same name if you wish to contact me here or there, mention it in the comments. I'll do my best to respond as quickly as possible. this fanfic is still a work in progress. updates will be slow, chapters will be edited, details will be changed. Any and all art featured doesn't belong to me and if I can't credit it I will resolve to posting the source I got it from. Tags: ['azul', 'azulashengrotto', 'diasomnia', 'disney', 'disneytwistedwonderland', 'lemon', 'leona', 'leonakingscholar', 'lilia', 'liliavanrouge', 'malleus', 'malleusdraconia', 'malleusxazul', 'octavinelle', 'sebekzigvolt', 'sexualcontent', 'silver', 'twistedwonderland']
# Announcement I will temporarily be taking down this story after being informed via Discord server that using the word alter is in fact a insult. Particularly to those who use this term to refer to their DID system. After being a bit harshly berated for it. I've decided to delete and rewrite the story. It's probably just as well. I haven't updated in a while due to physical and mental health reasons. Consequently I will also remove the versions on Fanfiction.net, Ao3 and webnovel. Tumblr will be harder to do seeing as it may be somewhat buried, therefore it may have a slight delay. Thanks for taking the time to read the story. Sorry for wasting your time. I apologize for any offenses I insensitively made. # "That Human looks like You" A few Diasomnia students walked by and mentioned a boy who looked like Malleus but was strangely a human. "I see. An imposter! We'll chase him down and apprehend him!" Sebek yelled determinedly. Silver looked at Sebek oddly as if to ask why such a drastic measure was needed. Lilia paused, 'someone who looks exactly like Malleus?' Swiftly he looked around, he knew odds were Malleus would be fine but a threat to his life would have to be taken seriously. Keeping a good track of at least where he was would be a good start. His concern grew with the realization that Malleus had either quietly left or was never in the Diasomnia common room at all. "Silver, Sebek, I'd like to accompany you on your search," Lilia remarked. Sebek seemed to gain literal stars in his eyes. "I would be so overjoyed to be permitted to accompany you Lord Lilia!" Lilia maintained a polite smile, but if it was an imposter, he would have to personally eliminate them and any evidence of them. Silver regarded the situation carefully. The trio charged seeing Malleus's silhouette in the distance. Silver noted that Lilia was going faster, likely due to using magic to enhance his own abilities, but he seemed more out of breath. Silver wondered if that was old age or barely concealed rage at the thought of another threat to Malleus's life. Speaking of whom, the Malleus they approached looked different. The most immediately noticeable thing was he didn't have horns and in his eyes weren't slit pupils like a reptile. He was standing so he wasn't facing them but his head had turned to observe the rapidly approaching force. His expression had remained neutral but once his eyes fell on Sebek, the corner of his mouth twitched upward in amusement. Then his nearly otherwise identical face fell on Lilia. The beginning smile disappeared. "Oh I guess you weren't kidding about being short as a kid, sorry about that Lilia," the boy remarked. Lilia's face shifted from interest to slight confusion, his mouth closing as he raised one of his eyebrows. Lilia tilted his head, "Malleus?" The vivid green eyes regarded him again. "Yes?" "So you aren't an imposter then, if you were you would have been more on guard," Lilia mused. The Doppelganger just looked puzzled. "I see that Lilia has decided you are not an imposter making an attempt on Waka-sama's life! However–!" Sebek yelled. "....It is an interesting possibility though I hadn't imagined there would be a power that strong…" Lilia murmured loudly enough to halt Sebek in his rant. "However –" Sebek started again, this time interrupted by Malleus. "You… Are you… me?" Malleus asked eyebrows furrowed from being in deep thought. "We look similar enough," the Doppelganger remarked, staring less at Malleus and more at the horns on his head. Lilia wanted to sigh, 'the boy deserves to have a genuine shocked face every once in a while.' It sort of disappointed him that this time didn't arise such an expression. From <i><b>either</b></i> Malleus. It seems they shared more than physical appearance as they both had that uncanny trait of being too mature for their age. They should have been shrieking and pointing at each other like that iconic comic superhero meme he started seeing last year. Instead they were acting like they were misinformed about the weather and learned they didn't need the umbrella they brought along. They stared at each other. Nobody moved, too stunned to immediately react. Slowly the Doppelganger stepped forward, raised his hand– Lilia blinked. Sebek looked a mix of nervous, angry, and ready to charge but Silver held him in place, as firmly as possible with his steady grip on his arm. -And touched the tip of Malleus's horns. As if triggering some unknown force, both Malleus and the Doppelganger were electrocuted. It ceased after the Doppelganger let go; Malleus shook it off when it ceased, somewhat baffled by the response. However, the boy who looked exactly like him had fallen unconscious.                                     oOo "Mmm... That nightmare again" a familiar smoky voice remarked tiredly. "What nightmare?" Lilia asked with concern overriding his wariness of his guest. "Wha?? Lilia!? Aren't you in your late seventies? You look young..!" Malleus sat up. "Hold it," his eyes shifted and he scanned his surroundings. "where am I?" His hands twitched as if longing for a weapon. Or possibly still jittery from the electric shock that rendered him unconscious. "You are at the dormitory of Diasomnia, one of the Seven dorms of Night Raven College," Lilia supplied. "Currently in Malleus's Dorm room." Doppelganger Malleus had a look on his face that said he only understood about half of everything Lilia told him. Then the Doppelganger jerked violently and groaned. "Ohhhh my he–….. that's right I woke up here, those people asked me something that made no sense, and then I met… my 'bodyguards'.....Then that person who looked like me appeared…" "Now you said nightmare. I'd like to know what it was about, if you don't mind," Lilia pressed. Dreams, they could be useful or dangerous. Amusing stories or foreboding premonitions. "Dream? It was… well. My friends needed me. Azul, Leona, Riddle, the others; Jamil, Idia, and Vil were there. They each had a pen That suddenly filled with ink. That ink was harming them and I couldn't do anything. They were in so much pain.  And then I was alone. They vanished. Then..." Malleus halted. Remembering how he was suddenly in a wasteland and being attacked by two swords that cut through the scales that had covered his body... He shuddered, not wanting to see the dream again. He knew of course that within a few nights he'd see it again anyway. "That dream scares me," he mouthed. Rubbing his eyes he suddenly noticed that he was dressed differently. His form now clad in black and purple silk robes, gold decorations covering the entire outfit. Oval mirror frame shapes on the flare part of the sleeves. Malleus touched the cloth, running his fingers down his chest, more intrigued by the soft material than the fact he could feel his abs through it. ".. What happened to my clothes..?" He asked. "I lent you mine after Sebek insisted he search you for weapons. He worried you were an assassin I suppose" Malleus heard his own voice from a farther corner of the room. " another... Me.. I was hoping that part was a hallucination," Malleus mumbled. "I believe that now that you're awake. You can tell me why you look like me," he responded, standing up and drawing himself to his full height. Malleus saw that the other... Malleus, the other him, wore the familiar garments he associated with Night Raven High School, but he had numerous obvious differences. For one he saw pretty black, almost green tinted s shaped horns, his eyes were simply bright green instead of hazel and the pupil was a vertical slit. On his arm a golden crest with a dragon on it and beneath it the word Diasomnia. The crest was held by a green and black ribbon. The Doppelganger twisted his mouth into a scowl. "What…? I'm not anyone but me! I have always been Malleus Danté Draconia! I was born this way! I don't need to explain my life to you!" He glowered angrily.  "You will have to tell us at least. If you want to live that is" Lilia said warningly. "Otherwise we'll treat you as a threat to the throne and will be forced to eliminate you," The dopple Malleus scowled. Lilia bit back a grimace. "Trust us- trust me, we want to hear you out. Blindly killing you would be unjust." Lilia said in an almost pleading tone. "You trust me, don't you?" Lilia persisted. Doppelganger Malleus's face twisted slightly as if he were mentally running through all the ways he could answer that question. "Yes," the boy seemed to finally decide. "Good," Lilia let the hesitancy slide for now "we will determine whether or not you are a threat" "My grandmother Sir Malorie Draconia is head of the Draconia family. We're known as the most powerful mafia in the country." Malleus's doppelganger said. "My grandmother, Maleficia, is Queen of Briar Valley," Malleus supplied. The Doppelganger shifted in surprise, his hardened facial expression somewhat relaxing in his surprise. "Why does she have sir as part of her name?" Lilia asked. "She grew up in a time and area where women weren't given the same respect as men so she thought she'd have everyone she wasn't close to refer to her as Sir so they'd always be showing her that respect, her husband approved and supported her." Doppelganger Malleus seemed to relax with the less personal question. " Where are you from?" Lilia asked while Malleus sat back down. His doppelganger had brief confusion cross his face, " like where my ancestors are from, where I specifically was born or where I was before I came here?" He asked. "Yes" Lilia said Doppelganger 'Malleus' fixed him with an unimpressed stare. "My family has various scattered origins in Thorn Valley, and I too was born there,  Night Ravenswood City was where I was less than twenty-four hours ago; where I left Night Raven High school," he sighed. "How old are you exactly?" Malleus asked surprising Lilia but he guessed seeing his human counterpart look so young may have baffled him in the age department. "I'm 18,"  doppelganger Malleus answered. "How old are you?" He returned "I'm 200 years old, fae equivalent of 16 for me," Malleus supplied.  "I'm WHAT--?" Doppelganger Malleus blurted. 'It's my current age," Malleus responded. "..." Doppelganger Malleus looked kind of lost. "My parents were killed in the war between Fae and humans a century or so ago," Malleus supplied his face, careful not to betray any sorrow. Lilia hadn't asked that question knowing how Malleus might react. "My parents were--" the other Malleus broke off. He took a deep shuddering breath. "My parents were killed because my aunt revealed their location to save herself I had the honor of being in the wrong place at the wrong time," Malleus had a sympathetic look grace his features. Lilia could see the slight shift in stance, the way the doppelganger Malleus clenched his jaw, tensing as he spoke about an obviously hard moment in his life. Lilia recognized the subtle behavior in his own Malleus and looked torn. "You're both telling the truth. Which leads to one theory. But first, Malleus let me see your forehead," he gestured at the doppelganger. The other Malleus pulled back. "Why?" His eyes narrowed. "If you are a imposter you won't have what I'm looking for, since not very many people know about it after all,"  Lilia grinned. Malleus glowered threateningly before sighing and leaning forward so Lilia could reach his forehead. Lilia pushed back his hair and his breath hitched slightly. The Doppelganger did not have scales, since he wasn't a magical entity, however he did have a birthmark mimicking the shape and pattern of the scales on Malleus. The visibility being because the birthmark was slightly darker than his actual skin tone. From his chair, nearly halfway across the room Malleus looked partially curious. He wondered if this new Malleus had a birthmark to resemble the scales on his forehead, did he have other birthmarks to represent the other scales magic couldn't quite hide? "Problem?" The doppelganger snapped. Lilia frowned. "No," Now he looked confused. "Malleus if you would please," Malleus seemed very amused by the request. Doppelganger 'Malleus' looked over at Malleus who had gracefully raised his bangs to reveal his forest green nearly black scales. The Doppelganger stayed silent in his surprise "It seems as though the world you come from is similar to the one mentioned by Yuuta Origami, and has no magic," Lilia mused. "I will inform Silver and Sebek that you will be staying here until you are returned," Lilia remarked in an amused tone. Both Malleus and his doppelganger looked at each other. Suddenly the Doppelganger thought of something. "This universe…. It has an Azul Ashengrotto, right?" He couldn't help but ask. "Yes he's the dorm leader of Octavinelle, is there a reason for asking about him specifically?" Lilia tilted his head curiously. The Doppelganger didn't reply. Lilia and Malleus looked at each other but it was obvious 'Doppel' Malleus had zoned out. "Just the person I was looking for." He smiled at Sebek who flinched at how eerily threatening the gesture was. "Dagger. Wallet. Phone. keys, All mine and I'd like them returned to me," doppelganger Malleus demanded. Sebek looked to Malleus for permission. Malleus gave a slow nod. At this, Sebek looked torn that Doppelganger Malleus had been deemed not a threat and would be spared but handed the items back nonetheless. The taller boy took back the items then as an afterthought seemed to realize he was still wearing the Ceremonial Robes. "And I would like my clothes back as well." He added while turning on his phone. He stared at it a few seconds before cursing softly and holding it to his ear after tapping something on the screen. <b><i>I decided to pick a new word, Doppelganger. </i></b> <b><i>It's to replace the use of the word alter, and has a much more popular association with evil "twins" or a person doing corrupt things while wearing the face and exact appearance of an individual who does not have a reputation for doing such things. </i></b> <b><i>Even though I liked using alter and had a whole explanation as to why I used that word (besides convenience and that Malleus </i></b><b><i>alter</i></b><b><i> actually became fun to say) I understand that to not come off as rude I should let it go. </i></b> # "Sweet as Sugar, Hard as Ice..." <b><i><u>Edits will be done in a little while.</u></i></b> Walking down the hall to approach the room that Doppel Malleus was staying in, with extra clothes from Malleus; Lilia was about to knock on the door but he was halted by a low voice. No doubt the other Malleus talking on the phone. Maybe a little later then?  Come to think of it, Silver mentioned he was talking on the phone when he showed him to his temporary room. Who was he talking to in such a tone of voice? It was like he was speaking to someone he held a different kind of affection for. Who would he talk to in such a way? Inside the room Malleus leaned back on the bed, a hand running through his hair. "Yeah thanks for that.. I needed those words from you" he rolled over. "It's too bad you aren't here physically. I wouldn't mind having your head resting on my chest right now" he laughed a bit. "I miss your touch," he remarked. Doppelganger Malleus' eyes caught the shadow under the door. "I'll have to call you back. It appears someone is at the door." He hung up and tossed the phone on the bed. "You can come in," he said calmly. "You're looking at me like you think I'm hiding something." Lilia said the armful of clothes being set on top of the dresser. "Hm.. I was just wondering how much of my phone conversation did you hear?" Doppelganger Malleus asked. "Eh? Isn't whatever you were discussing with whoever you were talking to your business and yours alone?" Lilia asked innocently, raising an eyebrow. He didn't like how tense the atmosphere suddenly was or that Malleus was keeping secrets but he supposed it was a part of growing up. Naturally growing boys would want their space.... "Yes it is." Doppelganger Malleus commented as he slid his phone under the pillow. "Although I suppose the most curious thing is why you feel you can't tell me who you were talking to. You don't even have to tell me what you were talking about. Or am I invading your privacy too much?" Lilia asked his blood red eyes staring into Malleus' beautiful green ones. "It's not something you should worry about right now," Doppelganger Malleus remarked coldly. "Are you being… forced to keep it a secret...?" Lilia asked, 'he did say the family was close to being a mafia.' "No! I made the choice and all the ones that led to this. I'm not being forced to do anything!" He said defensively. "Then what is the reason for your persistent secrecy?" Lilia prodded a little desperate to get any source of information out of the boy. He merely wanted to confirm that Doppelganger Malleus wasn't in over his head or in any kind of danger. ".. I don't want you to judge me" Doppel Malleus averted his eyes. "I don't want to feel like all the expectations I have to follow also apply to my love life." Lilia paused. "Your love li– you have a significant other?" He sat on the bed, curious now. "What are they like?" Lilia asked excitedly. Doppel Malleus flushed. "I guess I dug myself into that one," he remarked. "My boyfriend is a lot of things! He's smart, like really smart, especially with math! Really good to talk to, I never have a bored moment when I'm with him, he can play the piano, he has an amazing singing voice, surprisingly a good dancer -at least he's a fast learner concerning what he doesn't know–, and is an amazing businessman saving up for his own restaurant! But he doesn't want any financial support from me saying he wants to own his own someday-" Lilia blinked 'he's really in love with him, isn't he?'  "I may have walked into the shadow realm," Lilia said, discovering what malleus was going to be like when he fell in love with someone. Malleus didn't hear him at all. "He's really pretty too! He has soft silver lavender hair! His hands are really firm from writing a lot and playing the piano but they aren't larger than mine so it's fun to hold his hands in mine. His reactions to it when I mention it are always cute. But then he's really cute when he's flustered-" Malleus rambled and he looked genuinely happy. "He's got these beautiful crystal blue eyes–" Malleus said, obviously not done talking. "I take it your boyfriend is also the source of the scratch marks on your back?" Lilia asked. "I–" the tips of Doppel Malleus's ears turned red. "Well y-yes," he squeaked, embarrassed. Lilia pulled his magestone pen out his pocket, "Turn around and take your shirt off" Malleus removed the garment as requested.  Now his neck was turning red. Lilia pursed his lips, the scars weren't very deep, likely Malleus's boyfriend has extremely short fingernails. 'What is he doing to you? Though I suppose the better question is: what are you doing to him?' When Doppel Malleus talked himself to sleep, Lilia ran a hand through Malleus's head, making his hair unkempt.                                 oOo Doppelganger Malleus actually managed to sleep well without Azul which was all well and good except... "Why do I have to attend the classes? I technically don't even go to this school!" The alternate world Malleus, nicknamed Doppel Malleus, argued. "I'll stay here thank you," he commented to Lilia who was insisting he introduce himself to the student body. Lilia sighed, "well there's only one thing left to do." "What's that?" Malleus asked, looking up from where he was sitting on the floor. Lilia grinned with an amused glint in his eye. "Oh shit" Malleus yelped and made a beeline for the door only to be immediately tackled by Lilia. The duo joined Silver and Sebek in breakfast. "I learned a lot of things about Doppelganger Malleus, for one he's ticklish in all the same spots as you," Lilia beamed at Malleus as he stepped down the stairs. Malleus had the decency to cast his Doppelganger a sympathetic glance. The other Malleus looked out of breath. "I believe that this Malleus Draconia is from another universe, somehow brought here through some very powerful magic," Lilia explained. "I would think it best if he gets a standard introduction to our world," he said to Trein. He listened intently while stroking his pet cat Lucius. "I apologize for the intrusion," Doppelganger Malleus tried for a smile but it came off as nervous.  "I'll just sit at the back of the classroom observe if that's alright with you," Trein looked him over "if you stay after class I can hand you a few books explaining the history of magic," Lilia looked at Doppelganger Malleus. "I'm Pretty sure he stopped listening after you said 'books'." He smiled at Malleus's irritated glare which he directed his way. "I have a spare gym uniform!" Lilia said proudly a little bit before PE class. "You mean you threw together whatever spare clothes you figured I wouldn't need anymore right?" Malleus corrected wearing his own PE uniform. "I don't know, do I really need to go to PE class?" Doppelganger Malleus asked. "Yes!" Lilia grinned "it'll be good practice!" Lilia got an odd glint in his eye. "Practice for what exactly? I can't use magic, remember?" He asked. Then realization sank in. "Oh. You wanna test my skills and compare me to the me you got to raise. Of course you do." Doppel Malleus sighed. He ran a hand through his hair. "I'll just sit there and watch, odds are if something interesting comes up I'll get involved then." "I'll just park my backside right here..." He sat down on the roof of the equipment storage shed. "Hey! Draconia! What are you doing--" Vargas yelled. "I'll just stay here and watch." Doppelganger Malleus announced. "Surely there's no problem with that?" He asked as an afterthought. Everything was somewhat boring until the next class showed. Malleus noticed that Azul was in this class and decided to pay more attention. "If they are also doing that broom riding thing it'll be interesting to tell Azul that this universe's version of him seems to have overcome his fear of heights~!' He thought, smiling a little at the idea. Azul was doing well, he actually went higher than two feet in the air but it fell apart when he looked down and saw how high he was and lost control of the broom. Then he fell off. He didn't scream in panic, a little too used to falling off, but he did yelp and figured he might sprain his ankle or something. The force of landing on the ground never came and instead Azul felt the warmth of someone who caught him. The warmth was actually kinda nice….. His heart nearly caught in his throat as he opened his eyes and saw Malleus staring at him in concern. "Did that guy just blur?" One student wearing a scarabia PE uniform said. "Yeah it was like he--" another started. "He practically vanished and materialized under Azul to catch him!" A student wearing a Heartslabyul uniform blurted, clearly shocked. Azul looked confused since he hadn't been paying attention to Malleus. "Those rumors are starting again..." Malleus  muttered in irritation. "What rumors?" Azul asked, gaining his own footing. "...." Malleus didn't say anything. "....Malleus..?" Azul pushed his glasses upwards as he looked at him. "I swear he ran like forty-five feet in three seconds!" A boy wearing a Pomefiore uniform commented to a student wearing a Savanaclaw PE uniform. The Savanaclaw student shrugged nonchalantly like it wasn't that serious to him. "Don't worry about it," Malleus remarked. "He's just as overpowered as the real Malleus!" Another student said a bit too loudly in an exasperated tone. "It's not important." He remarked, a scowl ruining his pretty face. "Sorry I interrupted the lesson" he said looking over at Coach Vargas and letting go of Azul's arm. Then as a last minute check, Malleus patted Azul's head "you're okay right?" Azul tried not to blush. "Of course!" He gently swatted the hand away. Trying to enforce that he was fine without being too rude. Doppelganger Malleus walked away with a carefree shrug.  Glancing behind him Azul saw Jamil had a…. look on his face. A mostly unreadable one. Azul swallowed. "I um… am not quite sure what just happened." "Really? And you didn't think to ask why he saved you?" Jamil now looked amused probably because of how Azul looked now, which is to say very flustered. Azul blinked.  "He didn't save me, my life was not in danger. He simply caught me," he explained. At lunch which, for reasons Azul never understood, was after Vargas' PE class Azul noticed doppelganger Malleus. The boy who "saved" him and notably not the real Malleus Draconia, at least the one with the more obvious reputation, sitting alone. A boy with teal colored hair approached him and started talking to him though. Leading Azul to assume that he would have company. Malleus was frowning now, whatever the student was saying he didn't like it. Azul made a mental note of the Pomefiore arm band and the voice who he recognized as the one who roughly measured the distance Doppel Malleus had covered in less than five seconds. The frown deepened and Malleus stood up abruptly and punched him right in the jaw. Azul couldn't quite see his features but he could imagine the stern unforgiving look on Malleus's face.  Lilia had walked up at some point and now was holding Doppelganger Malleus back, if only barely. "Diaz I think it's time you leave," Azul was able to hear Lilia saying. He didn't listen to Diaz's reply. "Azul you're paying an awful lot of attention to your rescuer," Jade nudged him. "No I was just-" Azul attempted to deny. Then he flushed as he processed the last part of Jade's comment. "He isn't my rescuer! How did you even learn about that so fast?" He hissed. "Oh a little bird told me," Jade smiled. Malleus seemed to react violently to something else because a horrible rattling and screeching noise was heard. The entire cafeteria fell quiet, and a little over half the students were looking at the table with all the commotion. Azul looked at where Jade was looking and saw the table Doppelganger Malleus was formerly sitting at. He almost disregarded it if it weren't for the table. It had moved a few feet so it was now in the position of a right angle. "Azul, the table is magically weighted so it can't be moved by just anyone, right?" Jade asked. "Of course it is, remember how Floyd found out the hard way?" Azul replied. "Just checking," Jade nodded, his eyes still watching Malleus who had to be physically restrained by the Diasomnia Dorm leader. At least it was being restrained by Azul's standards, Doppelganger Malleus' arm was tightly gripped and Malleus looked to be whispering something to him. "Why do you ask? Are you insinuating that the Doppelganger moved the table?" Azul blurted his eyes widening. "I'm positive I saw him kick it as Diaz walked by, I'm sure he would have done more damage had Diasomnia Dorm leader not stopped him," Jade smiled like he saw something amusing. "Likely Diaz said something to antagonize him. I wonder what could make such a boy so angry?" Jade asked innocently. The short vice dorm leader waved his pen and the table put itself back into its place. "Malleus please take him outside to cool off," Lilia said and Malleus brought his Doppelganger's tray of food with him. They left out the main entrance double doors and Azul noted that the Doppelganger wasn't struggling to get out of Malleus' grip. Diaz was nowhere in sight Azul noticed.                               oOo Azul sort of forgot the events during lunch until Diaz approached him in the Mostro Lounge with a cold look on his face. "Why's the Doppel so protective of you?" Azul did a double take. "Pardon?" He asked and afterwards pushed up his glasses. "You know, the other Malleus, the oddball human one. Why's he so nice to you?" Diaz specified. Azul narrowed his eyes. "I'd rather not speak about what happened in PE today if that's what this is about." He said with a slight huff. Diaz snorted, his dark brown eyes narrowed in spite. "He seemed to get really angry when I told him what you were like," "I thought I told you to stay away from Azul," Doppel Malleus said, revealing his spot in one of the tall stools at the counter where Floyd was handing people their drinks. Doppelganger Malleus appeared to have ordered a Cranberry Delight drink if the red color was anything to go by. Azul tensed wondering how long Malleus had been there. # "All the Best People are Mad" Diaz looked between Azul and Doppel Malleus. "Malleus please refrain from starting a fight." Azul said calmly. Malleus looked visibly disappointed. "As for you Diaz, is there something... unrelated to your dispute that I can assist you with?" Azul asked, trying to stay polite. He didn't know what he'd do if Malleus got violent. Maybe he'd call Jade. Floyd seemed like he might encourage the problem. " Azul i-" Doppelganger Malleus started "So this is where you ran off to," A nearly identical sounding voice said. Azul suppressed the grimace from having two terrifying people occupy the same space. After a pause Diaz made a actual smart decision " I'd like to get something off the menu if you don't mind?" He faked his polite attitude since the odds were not in his favor if either Malleus chose to fight him. He didn't see why the Doppel whatever liked Azul. "Well then if you'd like to order something, come with me," Azul stated and walked away Diaz following. "I didn't run off I simply had other things to do," Doppel Malleus commented a slight pout on his face. Strangely, to Malleus, his Doppelganger seemed unusually subdued and quiet. "Doppel Malleus I've been informed of your infatuation with Ashengrotto -san from Lilia and I would like to implore you to keep it under control. Things are different in this reality. The amiable relationship with other dorm leaders is a bit strained to say the least." Malleus warned gently. Doppel Malleus lowered his head so his bangs gid his eyes. He seemed crestfallen by this news. But not all too surprised given his lack of outburst. "If it makes you smile I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine," Malleus placated and his human counterpart looked at him quietly. Azul approached the entrance of Mostro Lounge where he last saw Malleus and his alternate universe human self. He wasn't surprised to see them leave and was glad the fight was handled without any violence. ❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃⍟❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃ ~The afternoon of the next day~ 'I shouldn't have caught Azul earlier. I miss holding him.' Malleus thought the next morning. He'd been up all night or most of the night talking with Yuuta Origami, Malleus's friend. Yuuta asked a weird question about whether or not he knew of their own Alternate universe counterpart and seemed dismayed when he didn't. He stared at his hands focusing on today. 'But I can't just walk up to this world's Azul and carry him around. As much as that would make me happy, I don't wanna embarrass him. Nor do I want to spread any more rumors.' 'No doubt people are already saying there's no way i can be a normal human. Just from that action alone. They are gonna flip if they see some of the other hidden talents I have...Still I miss Azul's touch. Azul's warmth and embrace...' "I would like to thank you for catching my fall earlier." Azul's voice brought him back to reality. "It was nothing I'm used to catching people" he said waving it off 'usually Ace and Deuce' he thought. "Still I hate to owe a person anything. Is there any favor you'd like to ask--" Azul started, pushing up his glasses. " come on Azul we don't need any favors, after all I--" Doppelganger Malleus interrupted but cut himself off as he suddenly realized who he was talking to. "...! sorry that was a default response" he covered his face and averted his gaze.His hands messed up the bangs of his hair. Azul stared at him curiously, raising a eyebrow in response. "...in any case as I was saying feel free to ask me anything to make up for you helping me in flight class today." He walked off presumably to get back to class. Doppel Malleus smiled thinking of when he and Azul first met. He looked at his phone and sweat dropped remembering that he'd need a way to charge it when the time approached. ❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃⍟❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃ "Why are you still in your PE uniform?" Riddle asked. Malleus gave a half smile, "Lilia is preparing some test exercise thing for me so he isn't giving me back the clothes I came here in." Traveling through the mirror to the Heartslabyul dorm, Doppelganger Malleus opened his mouth in awe as he stared at the beautiful scenery of the castle-like building that was the dorm, the lush gardens and rose bushes. "It's beautiful!" He remarked. "Stay with me, we <i>do</i> have a maze and I wouldn't want you to accidentally find it," Riddle said sternly. Doppelganger Malleus looked at the cages filled with hedgehogs. "Oh Hello" he smiled at the tiny adorable animals. When Riddle glanced back he bit his tongue to keep from yelling at the sight. He wouldn't admit it but watching it his face seemed to soften and gain a thoughtful look. Cater smiled nervously. Malleus was being engulfed by four hedgehogs. "Seems your small, adorable friends have taken a liking to me," he smiled. Riddle stared at Malleus who fell over as two hedgehogs crawled into his shirt. "This is a photo op! Mind if I take a few pics and selfies, Draconia-san?" Cater asked, holding out his phone as he observed Malleus be engulfed by hedgehogs. "D-doppel Malleus Draconia, please separate yourself from the-" Riddle started and Deuce flinched knowing soon he'd start yelling. "Well that's a sight you don't see everyday," Ace voiced, drawing Riddle's attention to him. After awhile Riddle and Deuce helped Doppel Malleus up to his feet and gently put all the hedgehogs back. "Come let's get you properly dressed for the unbirthday party." Riddle commented, suppressing his mental amusement. Upon entering the dorm first, Doppel Malleus took in the sight of the chaotically beautiful decor of the floor, walls and stairs and bookshelves. "Walking into this dorm intoxicated in any way will be interesting!" He mused. Riddle looked aghast. "There are the Queen's rules to prevent this" He stated confidently and Malleus smiled approvingly. "Always the role model aren't you, President Rosehearts?" He remarked. Riddle couldn't help but think his expression made him look like a proud older brother. Riddle flushed at that thought when he remembered who he was speaking to. "President?" Riddle blinked. "In my world you're the school's student council president," Doppel Malleus remarked. "We don't have dorm leaders since it's just high school but you handle your role perfectly." Riddle recalled from Trey's letters about middle school. He smiled, seeming content with this knowledge. Cater followed and was trying to be calm and natural although in all honesty now that he wasn't smiling, human Malleus Draconia scared him more than the actual Malleus Draconia. In his mind, Cater could see a puzzle with Malleus face set in a calm neutral expression. The more he observed Doppel Malleus the less he understood about Malleus as a person and the more puzzle pieces vanished. "Um.. Draconia-senpai..?" Riddle asked. "Senpai?" Malleus echoed. "I already hear that from Sebek regularly, I am <i>not</i> a senpai, my role here is the inexperienced one. I know little about this world," "Still, this place, takes my breath away, I could walk through the mirror a hundred times and still not be accustomed to seeing this grandiose sight on the other side," Doppel Malleus smiled faintly. 'It also seems familiar, like I saw it in a dream once...' "Wait till we get to the best part! I smell Trey's baking!" Cater piped up. "I don't think we should indulge, we didn't help Trey make the dessert -" Doppel Malleus protested. "Come on! It'll be fine!" Cater grinned. "Besides you mentioned before that you want a new charger for your phone, I can look in my spares and see if I have one. Consider it a "on the way" trip" Cater opened the kitchen door. Doppel Malleus close behind, bending slightly so his head didn't hit the door frame. Trey looked up from the freshly made lemon tart. Then he did a double take. "Draconia-kun?!" He blurted in his surprise. Doppelganger Malleus tilted his head. "Yes?" He asked seemingly innocently. "You-you look different," Trey said suddenly feeling awkward. "I always look like this," Doppel Malleus responded, he sounded a bit amused. Cater flashed a camera worthy smile. "Oh Trey this is Doppelganger Malleus Draconia, he's basically Malleus from another Universe," "An alternate universe Malleus Draconia?" Trey scanned Malleus's form, still clad in the school PE uniform. "What brings you to Heartslabyul then?" Trey asked. "Oh I'm here because Cater said he'd give me a phone charger. I have a portable one but I used it already." He admitted. "Surely you can go a few days without a phone," Riddle huffed from behind him. Doppel Malleus half-lidded his eyes, "no I would very much like to not die because I made my boyfriend lose a decade of his lifespan worrying about my safety after he lost contact with me." He quipped. Riddle blinked. Trey adjusted his glasses. "Nice tart Trey," Malleus grinned turning his attention to the food. "B-BOYFRIEND?!" The Three Heartslabyul members yelled. "Yes is it odd that I have one?" Malleus asked coolly. "Well you being in a relationship is odd enough but didn't think you swung that way," Cater said scrolling through something on his phone, likely Magicam. "It's not so odd," Doppel Malleus remarked simply . "You're right," Trey adjusted his glasses, "what's odd is how casual you are at the thought of him killing you." "Oh I'm very confident that if he wished he could absolutely render me incapacitated for at least five minutes but I know he won't." Malleus shrugged. ❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃⍟❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃ Riddle looked Doppel Malleus over, he currently wore a slightly modified version of the dorm uniform. The pins on the jacket were different from most other students, displaying a card with a Ace of Clubs. His vest is black similar to Deuce's and his dark red gloves were fingerless. "The color doesn't quite suit you but you look happy?" Riddle asked. "I'm happy not to be wearing black, it's normally worn for business and at funerals, I don't <i>mind</i> it but somehow it makes me feel like I'm being overly formal." Malleus smiled softly. After being brought to the Heartslabyul garden, Malleus wandered off, as he tended to do. So it's no surprise he met another small friend. He wasn't an animal magnet like Silver, but sometimes small animals would approach if he gave off the vibe of being approachable and safe. "What is your name?" Malleus asked. The rabbit straightened and Malleus read the dark blue ribbon with the words Finnegan Mctwisp spread out across it. "Finnegan?" Malleus looked amused. Carted behind the rabbit was a hat being dragged from the ribbon around it's waist. Studying it and picking up the hat he found a crystal box with four petit fours all coated with chocolate frosting. Each labeled 'eat me' in pastel letters. Malleus stared at the rabbit curiously who shrank back in fear. "What are you attempting to give me?" "Now don't feel nervous, I won't harm you, I just have a natural suspicion of sweets. Courtesy of Riddle's valiant effort to make strawberry pie," he smiled rubbing the rabbit's head. Riddle began the party celebration in the background and Malleus paid no mind. His eyes slid over to the box. The chocolate certainly smelled appetizing. "Maybe just one..." Doppel Malleus said quietly. ❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃⍟❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃ Trey and Riddle were surprised at Doppelganger Malleus's shift in behavior. He was now laughing and encouraging the animals to not follow their set instructions for the croquet game. He kept calling Riddle Queen, and his outfit had been altered. The formerly white trousers now a dark brown, his dorm blazer turning a darker green but the playing card pin and the Heartslabyul logo remained. A new addition was the top hat on his head with the iconic 6/10 'in this style' tag and the sash that hung on his left shoulder and ended at the right side of his waist decorated with spools of thread in various colors. " Doppel Draconia-senpai-- have you gone Mad?" A Heartslabyul student blurted. "Oh yes- definitely. But in my defense we're all mad here, even you. You wouldn't be here if you weren't." He stated while doing a handstand on the table and pouring a cup of tea. When he got down he was immediately deemed ladder by the hedgehogs. Or maybe they could smell the cream cheese crackers that were starting to fall out of his pocket. "Now, now, little ones we need to be hahaha -serious about this!" Doppel Malleus laughed from the influence of the magical treat he'd eaten. The persisted in their climb grabbing the various spools of thread and pulling them aloose only to end up tangled up in it. "Oh! Quizelie!" Riddle looked in surprise as one of the hedgehogs ran down a maze pathway. "Queen? why are you fleeing?" Doppel Malleus asked as he jumped on top of the vivid green hedges each covered with numerous red flowers. "Whoa did he just scale ten feet in one jump?" Ace looked shocked. Deuce jumped into action as well, although not literally, like Doppelganger Malleus. He instead assisted Trey and Cater as they helped the students herd the excited animals to a spot where they wouldn't get into mischief. ❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃⍟❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃ Riddle had turned so many times and had long abandoned his dorm uniform cape. He was aware of Malleus following him from "Relax Rosehearts it was my idea," a boy stepped out wearing sky blue clothes that contrasted his blonde hair. "Allison Kingsley?!" Riddle yelled Two RSA students were here..? But why-- Landing rather gracefully Malleus jumped from his place atop the Rose mazes. His chaotic demeanor from before dropped, and now he was glaring at the two before him angrily. "Draconia?" Riddle asked. "Enemies of my Queen are enemies of mine," he stated coldly. "Undo what you did to Draconia," Riddle demanded, seeing the boy in question. He didn't immediately remember that he forgot to state that this was the alternate universe counterpart of <i>Malleus Draconia</i>. But what these two didn't know won't hurt them. "Malleus Draconia??" Both boys looked shocked. Maybe even a bit terrified. "Yes that's the one you gave your Magic dessert to I'd like the spell removed now," Riddle said sternly. "He'll be back to normal when he wakes up," Alison said retreating into the shadows of the maze. Likely he'd use his unique magic and the two of them become so small that if Riddle were to pursue he'd risk stepping on him. "Let them go for now I suppose," Riddle mumbled. Doppel Malleus immediately collapsed as soon as they left. His hat fell off and rolled a few inches away. "I'd hoped they'd undo the effects of it now, but I suppose it having worn off by the time he wakes isn't so bad either." Riddle lamented. He knelt beside the unconscious boy. Deuce and Trey approached the scene first. "Take Draconia home, he'll need some rest after today especially so the effects wear off" Riddle commanded. Trey adjusted his glasses. "What do we tell the Dorm leader and vice dorm leader of Diasomnia?" A pause. What indeed...? "Tell them he accidentally consumed something he shouldn't have, it hasn't harmed him just put him to sleep for awhile and that I'll be on my way to explain more details." Riddle sighed. Out of curiosity he picked up the hat. Peering inside he saw something sparkling in the sunlight. Inside the hat was the glass box the chocolates had come in with the remaining three still inside. ❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃⍟❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃❃ ~The next morning ~ "Hi! Your physical stats say you're Malleus Draconia but my scans register that you as a human! How perplexing!" A small humanoid robot with blue flames for hair floated up to Doppel Malleus. The eager yet friendly voice surprised him a little. "Hah? Yes, I'm Malleus Draconia from an alternate universe. How do you do? What's your name?" Doppel Malleus smiled politely. Malleus just observed the interaction quietly and Lilia grinned in amusement. Silver studied Doppel Malleus to see how he'd react to Ortho. "My name is Ortho Shroud" the boy introduced happily, not immediately noticing Doppel Malleus's surprise. "Shroud...? You mean this world's Idia made you body?" Ortho nodded. "Yes," Malleus smiled "I see. Would you like to meet my world's Ortho?" "Your--?" Ortho blinked stunned. Malleus pulled out "Hey Ortho wake up, there's someone I think you should meet," Doppel Malleus stated holding the phone to his mouth. After a moment, Malleus' phone's screen lit up displaying several blue lights. Soon he held up a smaller version of the boy before him. Although his eyes were amber and his hair a curly black color. His face still looked like him, If Ortho's facial recognition program was running correctly. "WOW! That's the me of this reality? Nii-san successfully built you a real body!" The onscreen Ortho exclaimed his face zooming in on the phone, as if to replicate his face being pressed against the glass. "This is mobile Ortho, he's somewhat different from his mainframe which is still inside Idia's house but both are connected so I think the mainframe back at home will be aware of this too," Doppel Malleus explained. Malleus leaned over observing with interest. "Can I make a special request?" Ortho asked. "Sure" mobile Ortho stated happily. A holographic image appeared and then vanished in an instant. "Oh! I'll be sure to take care of this!" Mobile Ortho said, nodding. In his hands he held a comically oversized envelope indicating that he received a message. "What'd he send you?" Lilia asked. "It's a secret," he smiled closing his eyes. "Don't worry Ortho I'll take care of onii-san" Mobile Ortho said to his robot counterpart. "I have to go but promise me you'll introduce me to your Mainframe Ortho," Ortho chirped as he started to fly off. "It's a promise!" Mobile Ortho beamed. Now he'd changed his display to partly mimic the Ignihyde school uniform. The only difference being that his tie was a bow. "You have a Ortho on your phone?" Lilia looked surprised. "Yes Ortho automatically downloaded a simple version of himself on the phones of all of Idia's friends that being <i>me</i>, and all of my friends so we have other ways to contact each other should something happen." He explained, then he looked over to his left as did Malleus who sat on his right. Silver had dozed again. Lilia gently woke him up. Malleus would have found the moment sweet like he normally did but he happened to glance at Doppel Malleus and found the strangest expression on his face. "I see your friend" Doppel Malleus brought his attention again as he looked at one end of the cafeteria. "They're something of a hero here, Yuuta Origami. They are completely ordinary in the sense that they don't have any magic but... They stopped six overblots now" Silver stated. Doppel Malleus pressed his lips together not saying anything for a few seconds. Malleus thought his doppelganger's behavior around Silver was odd but no one else made a comment. Was he the only one who noticed? "Oh... Wait what's an overblot?" Doppel Malleus blinked confused. Lilia took up the mantle of explaining, like he usually did. "..An overblot occurs when a mage uses too much magic at once, unique circumstances must also be put in place such as a build up of negative emotions; anger, stress, frustration, sometimes even sadness, all play a part in causing someone to overblot" Lilia then paused to see if Doppel Malleus had anything to say but he remained silent. "Overuse of your magic is quite a dangerous situation to be in, and for most who don't have conservation skills mastered the accumulation of blot comes way too easily. At this school of which the entire goal is to learn magic, we students have pens embedded with magestone that will absorb the blot for you as a way of getting it out of your system. If you are not rendered unconscious or incapacitated, the monsters formed from the excessive blot will consume your magic and in turn your life force" "and... you say six people have overblotted already?" Doppel Malleus asked. "Yes. In the past it was extremely rare though enough to be a warning. Now it's happened six times. Almost back to back...." Lilia lamented. "Who were the.... Who all overblotted exactly?" Doppel Malleus asked, genuinely concerned. "Riddle Leona, Azul--" Lilia listed off. Doppel Malleus glared a little at Riddle's name and had a nearly violent reaction at Azul's name; knocking over his glass as he straightened. An unusually dark look on his face. Malleus grabbed his arm, as if to ask "are you going to bother Azul again?" Doppel Malleus glared at him as if the silent question was stupid. But after a moment, seemed to rethink it and sat back down. "the latter ones being Jamil, Vil, and Idia, Ortho being a unique case and turning into a sort of monster himself from what I gather." Lilia finished observing . "..." Doppel Malleus glared at his reflection in the spilled juice. Malleus magically reversed the spill and the liquid returned to the cup which was back in its upright position. 'It's just like my dream' he didn't notice the little display of magic, too lost in his own thoughts. 'But why would I get a dream about the concerns of another universe?' <b>Story Notes:</b> <b>This took way longer than it was supposed to because of issues I hadn't resolved with the story timeline and events that I recently added to accommodate for the rewrite.</b> <b>It took a bit to understand a outfit for Doppel Malleus' mad hatter attire so that was fun. It's supposed to be based on the mad hatter from the tim Burton films. Especially since the spools of thread acting as a decorative ribbon could be a good callback to Malleus's Dorm uniform. </b> <b>Yeah a considerable amount of this chapter and future ones will have pieces of the original story which as you know got deleted.</b> # EXTRA: SPECIAL CARD LINES Doppelganger Malleus SSR (Alternate Universe Counterpart Event Card) Card lines This was a special request from a friend on Discord. The Groovy lines are currently locked until Event requirements are met. Summon Line: It's like I've been pulled to a whole new world. I imagine this place will be interesting. Groovy: [Locked] Home:  Here Night Raven is a College not a high school? I suppose it's because everyone is learning a profession in magic, if it can be called that. Home Idle: I'm not sure why everyone keeps confusing me for my other self. Aren't there enough differences to tell us apart? Home Idle 1: Rook keeps following me around saying he wants to play tag~! He seemed to become really excited about the idea of me chasing him. Guess he never changes. Home Idle 2: Jade asked me to tell him all about the Azul in my world, and not to tell Floyd. Floyd did the same thing, asking I not tell Jade. When they found out about it they comically pleaded I not tell Azul. Hehe they're so cute. Home Idle 3: watching the students flying lessons is interesting, truly. Although it felt like my other self was showing off. Also Azul became flustered when I caught him again. Home Idle Login: at times I miss my home life. But seeing my mage self perform amazing spells makes me happy. Home Idle Groovy: [Locked] Home Tap 1: The strangest thing happened today. A random student I've never seen before came up to me and called me 'Tsunotaro'. Is that some sort of nickname for my other self perhaps? Home Tap 2: Lilia looks strangely like a caricature of a mischievous elf. It's strange that I don't find it as odd as I should. Home Tap 3: hm? My thoughts on the Azul of this world? He makes me.... Ah worry not. My affection is reserved for the Azul I met back on my world. I don't intend to become unfaithful. Home Tap 4: Silver asked me what I planned to do about Sebek treating me differently. He seemed perplexed when I answered that I'll let Sebek work it out himself. Was that not the reply he wanted...? Home Tap 5: Leona and I don't get along in this world. It's comical. I might tell them how our relationship was in my universe. I can't wait to see his face. Home Tap Groovy: [Locked]
Random oneshots (Mainly Bsd)
Exactly what the title says, random oneshots
[ "ada", "angst", "bsd", "fanfiction", "fluff", "lemon", "lime", "oneshot", "pm", "random", "soukoku" ]
[ "Sad soukoku from bsd", "HEEELLPPPPPP" ]
[ "Waa waa waa 😩 love these whores, love angst, why not combine it?\n\nKUNIKIDA POV\n\nDazai hasn't gone to work for two weeks! I've tried calling him and he has never answered, I asked atsushi if he knows what's happening, he does not! I asked president, he doesn't know either, and so today I'm asking ranpo! \n\nNOBODYS POV\n\nKunikida stomped towards Ranpo, who was sitting on his desk eating lollies (Don't judge, I'm a New Zealander we say lollies not candy) \"What is it Kunikida?\" Asked Ranpo, even though he so obviously knew what he was gonna say. \"Do you know why dazai hasn't shown up to work for two weeks?\" Kunikida asks, \"Nope!\" Kunikida was baffled, Ranpo didn't know what's going on?! \"I suspect he's at his house though! And I don't think he's alone... anyway! Go get atsushi and search Dazai's house, I'll tell president why you're gone!\" Ranpo jumped off his desk and started to walk towards the fukuzawas office while Kunikida walked towards atsushi then grabbed him by his weird ass hair out of the building\n\nAfter awhile of walking (and getting dragged) Atsushi spoke up, \"Where are we even going?\" Kunikida stopped dragging Atsushi and explained what they're doing. \"Oh... I hope he's okay...\" \"He'll be fine, that idiot is probably just doing this to mess up my schedule!\" Atsushi stayed silent as a slight doubt started to stir in his stomach, what if Dazai wasn't okay? What if he was kidnapped (again)? What if- \n\nThey arrived at Dazai's house, it was slightly run down but that was to be expected with Dazai. Kunikida knocked on the door \"Dazai? Dazai! Open up!\" Kunikida started to bang on the door. Eventually he gave up trying to get Dazai to open the door and instead decided to try open the door himself. He created a lock picking kit and started to work on the lock, after awhile of trying to open the door with the lock pick it finally worked. Kunikida opened the door and walked inside, Atsushi followed close behind. Dazai's house was surprisingly clean compared to the outside, their was still junk everywhere like alcohol bottles, cigarettes, beer cans, etc. Kunikida called out while walking around \"Dazai! Hello!?\" Kunikida explored everywhere, and each room got more and more concerning, the bathroom had all kinds of pills and too many razor blades but no razor, the kitchen didn't have anything in it aside from canned crab and alcohol, also one of those alcohos was red wine whichis weird since Dazai doesn't even like wine. They finally reached Dazai's room, Kunikida opened the door and at first he didn't see Dazai, but then he did. And then he saw the person with Dazai. Dazai was lying in bed with empty pill bottle in one hand, the other hand was around the waist of Chuuya Nakahara, a port mafia executive, their enemy. The port mafia executive was lying next to Dazai, he too had an empty pull bottle in one hand, his other hand was resting on Dazai's chest. The sight of the mafioso wasn't what surprised Kunikida or Atsushi the most, it was how at peace the two seemed, they had soft smiles on their faces, they had their guard down completely. As Kunikida was observing the two that's when he saw it. There was dried blood going down the pairs chins, then he saw how Dazai had loosened his bandages, he could see scars everywhere over his skin. When he looked at Chuuya he saw what looked like hickeys and a couple scars. Kunikida walked closer as Atsushi just stared at the scene in front of him. Once Kunikida got closer he noticed how their clothes were loose like they had been taken off at some point then when they were put back on they didn't bother to be careful, Dazai was missing his coat and vest while Chuuya was missing his trench coat and jacket, he had his white formal top on and black formal pants, his hat was lying next to him and he still had his collar and gloves on, other then that his clothes were discarded on the floor. Kunikida started to pice together what happened, once he did his eye widened and he ran towards atsushi and started to drag him as he sprinted towards the agency.\n\nOnce they got back to the agency Kunikida ran to the presidents office and entered as the doors slammed open, startling Fukuzawa. \"President! Dazai has... committed... double suicide with port mafia executive, Chuuya Nakahara!\" Exclaims Kunikida, out of breath. The presidents eyes widen at the claim \"take me to the  scene that makes you think this.\" Fukuzawa says calmly to Kunikida, his eyes are the opposite of his voice, they portray surprise and concern.\n\nAFTER AWHILE FUKUZAWA AND KUNIKIDA GO TO DAZAIS HOUSE AND SEE DAZAI AND CHUUYAS BODYS. FUKUZAWA FINDS TWO LETTERS ON THE BEDSIDE TABLE, THEY DECIDE TO READ THE ONE ADRESSED TO THE AGENCY AT THE AGENCY AND GIVE THE OTHER ONE TO THE PM BECAUSE Y'KNOW ITS ADRESSED TO THE PM. FUKUZAWA HAS EXAMINED SOUKOKU ALREADY AND CLAIMED THEM TO BE DEAD FOR ABOUT 2 WEEKS. THEY HEAD BACK TO THE AGENCY AND FUKUZAWA CALLS A MEETING. (Atsushi is crying in his room because he was their when Kunikida found the body's of soukoku!) \n\n\"Why are we here? I was about to operate on a patient.\" Says yosano, the president explains how dazai has sadly passed 2 weeks ago along side the port mafia executive chuuya Nakahara. The agency shed tears as the president reads the letter. \n\n\"Dear agency,\n\nHello! It's me dazai! If you're reading this I'm dead! Yay! Anyways, if you didn't know already I'm an ex pm executive, chibi was my partner in crime and he still is, sorry Kunikida~ I just wanted to say why I've decided to kill myself. One, I don't have a reason to live anymore aside from chuuya, I had another once but he's been gone for a long time! Chuuya is dying with me so now I technically have no reason to live while you read this! I've been depressed and practically emotionless since years before I met you guys so it's not anyone's fault, aside from Mori-sans.\n\nChuuya is the love of my life and we're both equally messed up in the head nor are either of us fully human so I asked him if he'd like to commit with me and he said sure but their was one condition, I'm pretty sure you can guess what that was ;) so here we are! Me and the love of my life, lying dead in each other's arms! \n\nJust know that this isn't your fault and that you should always believe in yourself, \n\nYours truly, Suuji Tsushima, know by you as, Dazai Osamu\"\n\nThe agency cried and cried, once they stopped crying they sent chuuyas letter to the port mafia.\n\nThe pm did basically the same thing.\n\nThe pm and Ada decided to call a permanent truce in honor of the two dead lovers, they also buried the two with each other.\n\nThe end\n\nSorry if the letter wasn't good or if you wanted to read the pm letter, I got lazy-\n\nWord count: 1214\n\nEdit; Bro! I made a new and improved version in my notebook one night cuz i was bored but now I can't find my notebook so I cant add it as a new chapter!!! Promise once I locate my notebook I'll add it! &lt;3333", "hey there sexy~ *Smexy lip bite* I was scrolling through pintrest and started to cry because I can't cosplay dazai or chuuya, SO I'm writing another chapter about them! Yw♡\n\nBTW atsushi and others will be ooc because I don't do character studies also, if it is ooc just say it's an AU and leave it at that\n\nATSUSHI POV\n\nMe and dazai-san have a case to work on but I cant find him! I've asked Kunikida, Yosano, President AND Ranpo! Ranpo probably knows what's going on because he was very acting suspiciously when I asked him. I've checked everywhere and I can't find him! The case isn't that important so I can wait until tomorrow, but still!\n\nNO ONES POV\n\nMEANWHILE IN OUR UNIVERSE Aka with dazai and chuu-chuu train\n\n\"Hey chuuya~\" Says Dazai in a flirtatious voice, chuuya doesn't look up from his phone \"What?\" \"Okay first of all, no need to be so rude to your husband! Secondly, I want to try something~ can you be a dear and come over here~ woah that rhymed-\" Dazai was standing next to the wall of the pairs bedroom. Chuuya huffed and flung his phone on the bed as he walked upto dazai \"Yes Osamu?\" Dazai smirked at Chuuya \"Right, stand next to the wall please~ Great! Now put your hand in front of you like this-\" Dazai held his hand out \"-and then put your other hand like this!\" Dazai held his other hand up and interlocked fingers with his other hand but kept the fingers open on one of them. Chuuya mirrored Dazai's actions \"Good boy~\" Dazai spoke in a flirtatious way as he interlocked his and chuuya hand, he then proceeded to slam chuuya's hands above his head and then start to make out with him, y? Idk ask that to horny dazai! \n\n\n. . .\n\n\nThey had sex and atsushi never figured out what happened\n\n\nThe End!\n\nWord count: 323" ]
Title: Random oneshots (Mainly Bsd) Description: Exactly what the title says, random oneshots Tags: ['ada', 'angst', 'bsd', 'fanfiction', 'fluff', 'lemon', 'lime', 'oneshot', 'pm', 'random', 'soukoku']
# Sad soukoku from bsd Waa waa waa 😩 love these whores, love angst, why not combine it? KUNIKIDA POV Dazai hasn't gone to work for two weeks! I've tried calling him and he has never answered, I asked atsushi if he knows what's happening, he does not! I asked president, he doesn't know either, and so today I'm asking ranpo! NOBODYS POV Kunikida stomped towards Ranpo, who was sitting on his desk eating lollies (Don't judge, I'm a New Zealander we say lollies not candy) "What is it Kunikida?" Asked Ranpo, even though he so obviously knew what he was gonna say. "Do you know why dazai hasn't shown up to work for two weeks?" Kunikida asks, "Nope!" Kunikida was baffled, Ranpo didn't know what's going on?! "I suspect he's at his house though! And I don't think he's alone... anyway! Go get atsushi and search Dazai's house, I'll tell president why you're gone!" Ranpo jumped off his desk and started to walk towards the fukuzawas office while Kunikida walked towards atsushi then grabbed him by his weird ass hair out of the building After awhile of walking (and getting dragged) Atsushi spoke up, "Where are we even going?" Kunikida stopped dragging Atsushi and explained what they're doing. "Oh... I hope he's okay..." "He'll be fine, that idiot is probably just doing this to mess up my schedule!" Atsushi stayed silent as a slight doubt started to stir in his stomach, what if Dazai wasn't okay? What if he was kidnapped (again)? What if- They arrived at Dazai's house, it was slightly run down but that was to be expected with Dazai. Kunikida knocked on the door "Dazai? Dazai! Open up!" Kunikida started to bang on the door. Eventually he gave up trying to get Dazai to open the door and instead decided to try open the door himself. He created a lock picking kit and started to work on the lock, after awhile of trying to open the door with the lock pick it finally worked. Kunikida opened the door and walked inside, Atsushi followed close behind. Dazai's house was surprisingly clean compared to the outside, their was still junk everywhere like alcohol bottles, cigarettes, beer cans, etc. Kunikida called out while walking around "Dazai! Hello!?" Kunikida explored everywhere, and each room got more and more concerning, the bathroom had all kinds of pills and too many razor blades but no razor, the kitchen didn't have anything in it aside from canned crab and alcohol, also one of those alcohos was red wine whichis weird since Dazai doesn't even like wine. They finally reached Dazai's room, Kunikida opened the door and at first he didn't see Dazai, but then he did. And then he saw the person with Dazai. Dazai was lying in bed with empty pill bottle in one hand, the other hand was around the waist of Chuuya Nakahara, a port mafia executive, their enemy. The port mafia executive was lying next to Dazai, he too had an empty pull bottle in one hand, his other hand was resting on Dazai's chest. The sight of the mafioso wasn't what surprised Kunikida or Atsushi the most, it was how at peace the two seemed, they had soft smiles on their faces, they had their guard down completely. As Kunikida was observing the two that's when he saw it. There was dried blood going down the pairs chins, then he saw how Dazai had loosened his bandages, he could see scars everywhere over his skin. When he looked at Chuuya he saw what looked like hickeys and a couple scars. Kunikida walked closer as Atsushi just stared at the scene in front of him. Once Kunikida got closer he noticed how their clothes were loose like they had been taken off at some point then when they were put back on they didn't bother to be careful, Dazai was missing his coat and vest while Chuuya was missing his trench coat and jacket, he had his white formal top on and black formal pants, his hat was lying next to him and he still had his collar and gloves on, other then that his clothes were discarded on the floor. Kunikida started to pice together what happened, once he did his eye widened and he ran towards atsushi and started to drag him as he sprinted towards the agency. Once they got back to the agency Kunikida ran to the presidents office and entered as the doors slammed open, startling Fukuzawa. "President! Dazai has... committed... double suicide with port mafia executive, Chuuya Nakahara!" Exclaims Kunikida, out of breath. The presidents eyes widen at the claim "take me to the  scene that makes you think this." Fukuzawa says calmly to Kunikida, his eyes are the opposite of his voice, they portray surprise and concern. AFTER AWHILE FUKUZAWA AND KUNIKIDA GO TO DAZAIS HOUSE AND SEE DAZAI AND CHUUYAS BODYS. FUKUZAWA FINDS TWO LETTERS ON THE BEDSIDE TABLE, THEY DECIDE TO READ THE ONE ADRESSED TO THE AGENCY AT THE AGENCY AND GIVE THE OTHER ONE TO THE PM BECAUSE Y'KNOW ITS ADRESSED TO THE PM. FUKUZAWA HAS EXAMINED SOUKOKU ALREADY AND CLAIMED THEM TO BE DEAD FOR ABOUT 2 WEEKS. THEY HEAD BACK TO THE AGENCY AND FUKUZAWA CALLS A MEETING. (Atsushi is crying in his room because he was their when Kunikida found the body's of soukoku!) "Why are we here? I was about to operate on a patient." Says yosano, the president explains how dazai has sadly passed 2 weeks ago along side the port mafia executive chuuya Nakahara. The agency shed tears as the president reads the letter. "Dear agency, Hello! It's me dazai! If you're reading this I'm dead! Yay! Anyways, if you didn't know already I'm an ex pm executive, chibi was my partner in crime and he still is, sorry Kunikida~ I just wanted to say why I've decided to kill myself. One, I don't have a reason to live anymore aside from chuuya, I had another once but he's been gone for a long time! Chuuya is dying with me so now I technically have no reason to live while you read this! I've been depressed and practically emotionless since years before I met you guys so it's not anyone's fault, aside from Mori-sans. Chuuya is the love of my life and we're both equally messed up in the head nor are either of us fully human so I asked him if he'd like to commit with me and he said sure but their was one condition, I'm pretty sure you can guess what that was ;) so here we are! Me and the love of my life, lying dead in each other's arms! Just know that this isn't your fault and that you should always believe in yourself, Yours truly, Suuji Tsushima, know by you as, Dazai Osamu" The agency cried and cried, once they stopped crying they sent chuuyas letter to the port mafia. The pm did basically the same thing. The pm and Ada decided to call a permanent truce in honor of the two dead lovers, they also buried the two with each other. The end Sorry if the letter wasn't good or if you wanted to read the pm letter, I got lazy- Word count: 1214 Edit; Bro! I made a new and improved version in my notebook one night cuz i was bored but now I can't find my notebook so I cant add it as a new chapter!!! Promise once I locate my notebook I'll add it! &lt;3333 # HEEELLPPPPPP hey there sexy~ *Smexy lip bite* I was scrolling through pintrest and started to cry because I can't cosplay dazai or chuuya, SO I'm writing another chapter about them! Yw♡ BTW atsushi and others will be ooc because I don't do character studies also, if it is ooc just say it's an AU and leave it at that ATSUSHI POV Me and dazai-san have a case to work on but I cant find him! I've asked Kunikida, Yosano, President AND Ranpo! Ranpo probably knows what's going on because he was very acting suspiciously when I asked him. I've checked everywhere and I can't find him! The case isn't that important so I can wait until tomorrow, but still! NO ONES POV MEANWHILE IN OUR UNIVERSE Aka with dazai and chuu-chuu train "Hey chuuya~" Says Dazai in a flirtatious voice, chuuya doesn't look up from his phone "What?" "Okay first of all, no need to be so rude to your husband! Secondly, I want to try something~ can you be a dear and come over here~ woah that rhymed-" Dazai was standing next to the wall of the pairs bedroom. Chuuya huffed and flung his phone on the bed as he walked upto dazai "Yes Osamu?" Dazai smirked at Chuuya "Right, stand next to the wall please~ Great! Now put your hand in front of you like this-" Dazai held his hand out "-and then put your other hand like this!" Dazai held his other hand up and interlocked fingers with his other hand but kept the fingers open on one of them. Chuuya mirrored Dazai's actions "Good boy~" Dazai spoke in a flirtatious way as he interlocked his and chuuya hand, he then proceeded to slam chuuya's hands above his head and then start to make out with him, y? Idk ask that to horny dazai! . . . They had sex and atsushi never figured out what happened The End! Word count: 323
All kind of lemons
[ "lemon" ]
[ "Lemon 1" ]
[ "" ]
Title: Lemons Description: All kind of lemons Tags: ['lemon']
# Lemon 1
Master of the Mind (Hypnotist Reader X Crossover Harem)
{18+ Oriented Story} {Various Fetishes} {I do not endorse Underage consumption of this material} {Possible Cringe} (you have been warned) Your Y/n, as a kid to most an unimportant unassuming "normal" person. however beneath the surface lies a innate proficiency for Hypnotic mind control, you've discovered this ability at a young age and have since kept it secret from others using it often for various. . . "reasons"
[ "chainsawman", "demonslayer", "harem", "highschooldxd", "hypnosis", "killlakill", "komicantcommunicate", "lemon", "monstermesume", "myheroacedemia", "naruto", "onepunchman", "overlord", "readerxcharacter", "readerxvarious", "rosariovampire", "rwby" ]
[ "Bio", "Veiwer Participation (Voting Closed)", "Winning Votes" ]
[ "Name: Y/n L/n\n\nAge: 17\n\nSpecial Ability: Hypnotic Mind Control \n\nAppearance\n\nLikes: Hentai, Anime, Hypnotism, controlling people, reading, Harems\n\nDislikes: Being caught, people bullying him, being woken up from a nap.\n\n--skills--\n{Hypnosis/Mind Control}\nIt is unknown from where this ability stems, be it a Quirk, Sacred Gear, Semblance, or some form of magic. You have the ability to hypnotize anyone and exorcize absolute control over their mind. Below is a fee of the skills you developed in your Youth.\n\n--Psychic Bypass--\nRegardless of the target(s) mental acuity, even if they are an adept Psychic. Your Hypnosis bypasses all mental defensive capabilities without exception regardless of method.\n\n--Suggestion Planting--\nWhile under Hypnosis the target(s) are under absolute control, while in this state they can have suggestions planted in their subconscious that can be triggered when released from control. Most common is the suggestion that retriggers the state of absolute control.\n\n--Memory Manipulation--\nSubjects don't remember anything post release of the control state, nor do they think anything of it. In addition their previous memories can be manipulated to the heart's content from within the control state.\n\n--Mind Over Matter--\nPerhaps your most potentially powerful skill with this ability, you can manipulate the genetics of a person by telling them when and how to physically change. One of the most common uses for this ability is to truly change someone's gender, and no one appears to notice the change.", "Sav: Hello there guys, so I was writing up a rough idea for how this story was gonna carry itself. When I realized some details are rather. . . Malleable.\n\nSo I'm gonna give you guys a series of choices, and you are gonna vote on them. Highest voted answer on each question gets implemented, but I Don't need to tell you how democracy works.\n\nNow\n--First Question--\n\nThis is arguably one of the more important aspects of this story, you the reader are an orphaned child. You never knew your birth family and you've never cared to seek them out, that being said though you <i>were </i>adopted by a loving and caring family that treated you like their very own blood.\n\n[A: Who is the family that adopted you?]\n\n1. The Rose Family (RWBY/ 2 sisters, 1 father)\n\n2. The Hyoudou Family (Highschool DXD/ 1 father, 1 mother, 1 brother)\n\n3. The Kamado Family (Demon Slayer/ 1 Brother/ 1 Sister)\n\n4. The Midoriya Family (MHA/ 1 brother, 1 mother)\n\n5. The Uzumaki Family (Naruto/ 1 brother)\n\n--for those of you who want an option for an \"evil\" side--\n\n6. Adopted by Salem (RWBY/ 1 Mother)\n\n{each family influences starting options for Hypnosis targets, possible <i>extra skils, </i>and assets at your disposal}\n\n--Second Question--\nAs it stands I do intend to involve female family members as definite Hypnosis targets.\n\n[B. Would you like to hypnotize your family, or have them willingly compliant and even times encourage your brainwashing shenanigans]\n\n1. Take no chances, Hypnotize the family.\n\n2. Trust them completely, Don't hypnotize them\n\n{This one influences the dynamic you have with your family members, as well as how you intract with them}\n\n--Final Question--\nAll characters from any given series start out as their canonical gender, however Males can be changed to genuine genetic Females Via your mind over matter ability.\n\n[Do you wish to genderswap male characters with your abilities playin a part in every male character's acquisition]\n\n1. Fuck yeah, more Bitches.\n\n2. Nah, Don't feel like it.\n\n{Keep in mind there will be a public vote for this option every time it presents itself}\n\n[This vote page will be open for 48hrs before it closes]", "Sav: alright guys it's currently 12:10AM more than 48 hours after the questions went up, so here are the winning Votes for each question I had asked you guys.\n\nFirst up is Question A; Option 6 with 6 votes.\n\"Let's do 6: Salem. Let's be evil as fuck.\" - <a href=\"https://www.wattpad.com/user/Taren123456\">Taren123456</a>\n\nSav: can't describe it better myself  Taren.\n\nNext is question B; Option 1 with 8 votes.\nSav: it appears the general consensus is to not take chances, and seeing as how most the people who choose this also chose Salem to be their mother. That's probably the wise choice, so congrats she was your very first victim for Hypnosis in your youth and you've had her Sub-conscious in your back pocket ever since. Here's a picture of her in a virgin killer as a bonus\n\n(She actually has this in her wardrobe for you btw)\n\nAnd last of all, question C; Option 1 with 9 votes.\nSav: I guess we're Genderbending characters, should be easy enough to find art for any given male character thanks to rule 63 of the internet.\n\nSav: alright as promised I'll get to work the first chapter, I really hope you find enjoyment in this 18+ project. See you in the first chapter." ]
Title: Master of the Mind (Hypnotist Reader X Crossover Harem) Description: {18+ Oriented Story} {Various Fetishes} {I do not endorse Underage consumption of this material} {Possible Cringe} (you have been warned) Your Y/n, as a kid to most an unimportant unassuming "normal" person. however beneath the surface lies a innate proficiency for Hypnotic mind control, you've discovered this ability at a young age and have since kept it secret from others using it often for various. . . "reasons" Tags: ['chainsawman', 'demonslayer', 'harem', 'highschooldxd', 'hypnosis', 'killlakill', 'komicantcommunicate', 'lemon', 'monstermesume', 'myheroacedemia', 'naruto', 'onepunchman', 'overlord', 'readerxcharacter', 'readerxvarious', 'rosariovampire', 'rwby']
# Bio Name: Y/n L/n Age: 17 Special Ability: Hypnotic Mind Control Appearance Likes: Hentai, Anime, Hypnotism, controlling people, reading, Harems Dislikes: Being caught, people bullying him, being woken up from a nap. --skills-- {Hypnosis/Mind Control} It is unknown from where this ability stems, be it a Quirk, Sacred Gear, Semblance, or some form of magic. You have the ability to hypnotize anyone and exorcize absolute control over their mind. Below is a fee of the skills you developed in your Youth. --Psychic Bypass-- Regardless of the target(s) mental acuity, even if they are an adept Psychic. Your Hypnosis bypasses all mental defensive capabilities without exception regardless of method. --Suggestion Planting-- While under Hypnosis the target(s) are under absolute control, while in this state they can have suggestions planted in their subconscious that can be triggered when released from control. Most common is the suggestion that retriggers the state of absolute control. --Memory Manipulation-- Subjects don't remember anything post release of the control state, nor do they think anything of it. In addition their previous memories can be manipulated to the heart's content from within the control state. --Mind Over Matter-- Perhaps your most potentially powerful skill with this ability, you can manipulate the genetics of a person by telling them when and how to physically change. One of the most common uses for this ability is to truly change someone's gender, and no one appears to notice the change. # Veiwer Participation (Voting Closed) Sav: Hello there guys, so I was writing up a rough idea for how this story was gonna carry itself. When I realized some details are rather. . . Malleable. So I'm gonna give you guys a series of choices, and you are gonna vote on them. Highest voted answer on each question gets implemented, but I Don't need to tell you how democracy works. Now --First Question-- This is arguably one of the more important aspects of this story, you the reader are an orphaned child. You never knew your birth family and you've never cared to seek them out, that being said though you <i>were </i>adopted by a loving and caring family that treated you like their very own blood. [A: Who is the family that adopted you?] 1. The Rose Family (RWBY/ 2 sisters, 1 father) 2. The Hyoudou Family (Highschool DXD/ 1 father, 1 mother, 1 brother) 3. The Kamado Family (Demon Slayer/ 1 Brother/ 1 Sister) 4. The Midoriya Family (MHA/ 1 brother, 1 mother) 5. The Uzumaki Family (Naruto/ 1 brother) --for those of you who want an option for an "evil" side-- 6. Adopted by Salem (RWBY/ 1 Mother) {each family influences starting options for Hypnosis targets, possible <i>extra skils, </i>and assets at your disposal} --Second Question-- As it stands I do intend to involve female family members as definite Hypnosis targets. [B. Would you like to hypnotize your family, or have them willingly compliant and even times encourage your brainwashing shenanigans] 1. Take no chances, Hypnotize the family. 2. Trust them completely, Don't hypnotize them {This one influences the dynamic you have with your family members, as well as how you intract with them} --Final Question-- All characters from any given series start out as their canonical gender, however Males can be changed to genuine genetic Females Via your mind over matter ability. [Do you wish to genderswap male characters with your abilities playin a part in every male character's acquisition] 1. Fuck yeah, more Bitches. 2. Nah, Don't feel like it. {Keep in mind there will be a public vote for this option every time it presents itself} [This vote page will be open for 48hrs before it closes] # Winning Votes Sav: alright guys it's currently 12:10AM more than 48 hours after the questions went up, so here are the winning Votes for each question I had asked you guys. First up is Question A; Option 6 with 6 votes. "Let's do 6: Salem. Let's be evil as fuck." - <a href="https://www.wattpad.com/user/Taren123456">Taren123456</a> Sav: can't describe it better myself  Taren. Next is question B; Option 1 with 8 votes. Sav: it appears the general consensus is to not take chances, and seeing as how most the people who choose this also chose Salem to be their mother. That's probably the wise choice, so congrats she was your very first victim for Hypnosis in your youth and you've had her Sub-conscious in your back pocket ever since. Here's a picture of her in a virgin killer as a bonus (She actually has this in her wardrobe for you btw) And last of all, question C; Option 1 with 9 votes. Sav: I guess we're Genderbending characters, should be easy enough to find art for any given male character thanks to rule 63 of the internet. Sav: alright as promised I'll get to work the first chapter, I really hope you find enjoyment in this 18+ project. See you in the first chapter.
Full Bodied (A Moriarty x Reader Fic)
"Stop attracting trouble." Sherlock Holmes said that to you once, and you replied with an indigent "I am not!", like a little girl. Now you're not so sure about that. You thought everything was fine, break up was over, school was progressing, work was work. So why now? Who is luring these people out from the shadows, and why are they coming to you? Come take a journey into your life with Sherlock, Mycroft, John, Mary, so many more, and... is that a ghost I see? Fem!Reader x Moriarty
[ "afab", "bbc", "drwatson", "fanfiction", "jamesmoriarty", "john", "johnwatson", "lemon", "long", "mary", "marywatson", "moran", "moriarty", "multiplechapters", "mycroft", "mycroftholmes", "og", "sebastianmoran", "sherlock", "sherlockholmes", "slowburn", "smuttyfanfic", "watson", "xreader" ]
[ "Chapter 1", "Chapter 2", "Chapter 3", "Chapter 4", "Chapter 5", "Chapter 6", "Chapter 7", "Chapter 8", "Chapter 9", "Chapter 10", "Chapter 11", "Chapter 12", "Chapter 13", "Chapter 14", "Chapter 15", "Chapter 16" ]
[ "You awoke to your door creaking, you sat up in bed just sitting there with covers still on, your eyes wide in the darkness of the bedroom- staring at the doorway trying to catch a glimpse of what was going on. \n\n<i>'It couldn't be Sherlock breaking in could it?'</i> \n\n It had been almost 2 years since you've actually <i>seen</i> him in person. Sitting very still you could see a shadow move, very slowly. Very carefully.\n\n<i>When have you known Sherlock to care about waking you?</i>\n\nYour heart was now in your throat, you could barely see and tried to gingerly slip out of your bed in search of something to arm yourself. Slithering over to the closet, you desperately grasped at random objects until you felt a baseball, and sliding your hand to the right you then feel the accompanying bat. You grasped the neck of it, smoothly lowering it out of the top shelf when-\n\n\"HHH-\" you inhale sharply as someone covers your mouth from behind with their hand, harshly grabbing your neck with the other.\n\nYou forgot to keep an ear out, and now he has you.\n\nYou started throwing your hands aimlessly, trying to find the bat as he starts dragging and throwing you around to trying to still you. You were spun around and now against the wall, hand still on your neck and the other reaches into his jacket for something.\n\nFor what? You didn't want to find out.\n\nYou slid down to the ground and started to kick at him. His hand became loose enough for you to launch up at his face, digging your nails into his cheeks- aiming for his eyes. You got a firm enough hold and bit him, your teeth digging into  his face so much you could feel his cheekbone grinding against your molars. He screamed and in an effort to get away ended up letting you go.\n\nYou swung your body over, stomach now on the ground with an outstretched hand on the bat. You firmly swung it at your intruder and hit what you assume to be his torso. He yelled out and you scrambled to get on your feet. Readying to swing again you then see a flash of metal in his hand that wasn't there before.\n\nA gun.\n\nVeto the bat idea. \n\nYou ran. You ran past him with no shoes, no phone the only thing in your hands was the bat that you clasped for dear life. You bolt out your front door, down the halls of your apartment complex pining for the front desk. \n\nYou swore you heard a gunshot right after you left. \n\nYou got to the front desk and there was no one, receptionist must've gone for a smoke. You stood there, panting, looking back down the hallway you just sprinted through and heard footsteps slamming towards you. \n\n<i>Take the elevator? </i>\n\n<i>No, that just keeps you in the building with him.</i>\n\n<i>Out the door it is.</i> \n\nYou bolted out the front door of the apartment complex in the middle of the cold rainy night. No shoes on, only wearing a wine-colored slip holding a baseball bat. You looked frantically around for anyone, then you spot the receptionist taking a drag, you run over to her, spastically grabbing her shoulders about to tell her to call the police when-\n\n\"Y/N!\"\n\nYou whipped your head around towards the sound.\n\nIn an all black-clad vehicle sitting in the rain, a woman's face is in the lowered back window.\n\n\"Anthea?\"\n\n\"What are you doing Y/N?! Get in the car, now!\"\n\nYou let go of your tight grip on the receptionist, desperate to get as far away from the man in the building and slide into the back seat of the car. Anthea scooted over to the other side and told the driver to go. You weren't even sitting, you were on your hands and knees in the back of the car, white-knuckling the baseball bat, staring at her confused and full of adrenaline. You tried to think of what to say first, about what just happened.\n\n\"Who's blood is that?\"\n\nYou looked down at yourself and noticed blood glazed your shoulders, chest, and sprinkled onto the tops of your thighs.\n\n\"I-I have no idea, Anthea, this-this MAN! He came into my apartment and grabbed me and then he started to choke me and-!\"\n\n\"Take a breath, I'm bringing you somewhere safe.\"\n\nYou hadn't moved, you looked like a wild animal you're sure.  Why was Anthea even here? What business did Mycroft send her on? \n\n<i>And why was it so conveniently close to your apartment?</i>", "Sitting in silence, it was then you noticed just how sticky you felt. The blood, which you hoped and assumed was from the assailant, dried and then re-wet by the rain you stood in, felt thick on your skin. You noticed it also managed to get on your slip night dress, and the taste of it in your mouth had finally made itself known.\n\nYou couldn't help but be suspicious of Anthea's timing, or rather, Mycroft's. However, you were tired, and in shock, wanting nothing more to just go back to bed and be safe. \n\n\"This is our stop, let's go, everyone is waiting.\"\n\nYou snapped out of your daze, lit in the streetlamps and rain, was no other than 221B Baker Street. \n\n\"What's going on?\" \n\nAnthea merely looked at you, you knew if Mycroft sent her to do something, she was simply just supposed to do it. No questions asked. You opened the car door, sliding out, feeling the wet sidewalk on your feet. Slowly carrying yourself and your bat, you and Anthea walked through the threshold of 221B.\n\nAs soon as you walked in you could hear voices half-arguing up the stairs, Anthea didn't wait for you to catch up and promptly made her way up and into the flat. You stood there, body heavy.\n\nDragging yourself up each stair, and finally to the landing where you could hear everyone a bit clearer. You paused again starting to get tired, and every moment that passed a new part of your body seemed to start aching. You continued on into Sherlock's flat where upon full entry everyone stopped talking, and looked at you.\n\n\"Anyone care to tell me why I was assaulted at 1 in the morning, and then dragged here in Mycroft's hearse that just <i>happened</i> to be there?\"\n\nMary, John, Ms. Hudson, Lestrade, Sherlock and Mycroft all sat there, with the last two exchanging looks. \n\n\"Go ahead, brother mine.\"\n\nMycroft sighed and then propped himself up on his walking stick, fully standing and then turning towards you.\n\n\"We have had word that a band of criminals have arrived in London, looking to take over the criminal underground network Moriarty left behind when he died.\" \n\n Mycroft stopped for a moment and scanned you. \n\n \"However, I've been keeping track of such network and they are not taking it too well. They seem to think that if they can get to me, that the criminal underworld is theirs for the taking.\"\n\n\"So they took <i>me?</i> To get to <i>you?</i> That makes no sense why not beat the shit out of Sherlock then?\" \n\nMycroft looked already tired of you, and you had been there for less than 2 minutes. All the while everyone else sat and watched it unfold.\n\n\"Well you did<i> -briefly-</i> work with me, and Sherlock is just simply too hard to get to in able to use him as leverage. They know this.\"\n\nYou started to get aggravated now, rubbing your temples with your middle finger and thumb on either side of your head. \n\n\"So because they can't get to Sherlock they tried to get me? Am I right to assume the reason everyone is here is so they can't get Mary to get to John, John to get to Sherlock, Sherlock to get to you? Then Lestrade is here for what? Police muscle?\"\n\n\"If you have to put it so oafishly like that, then yes.\"\n\nYou threw a glare at Mr. The Whole British Government, \"Well nice to know I was the last person to receive your concern and get sent a savior.\"\n\nYou threw yourself down on the unoccupied end of the sofa, propping your head up on your elbow and resting your eyes.\n\n\"And what am I supposed to do now, <i>hm?</i>\"\n\nMycroft again took charge of the conversation.\n\n\"We will be having you stay with under our surveillance. Unfortunately these foreign pests are organized, and deemed as an actual threat-\"\n\nSherlock cut in to simply his brother's grandeur, earning a squint and a head tilt from the older Holmes. \n\n\n\"They're dangerous and they want to kidnap and torture you so the watch on the underworld disappears, can't have that, and can't have you working the case either.\" \n\n\"Well that's just great then, I get to sit here for god knows how long and do nothing except try not to get killed.\"\n\nSherlock just nodded, and through your half-lidded eyes you could see John shake his head and start to walk over to you. As your eyes grew heavier by the second you knew John was doing a check-up to make sure it wasn't your blood.\n\n\"Goodnight, Y/N\" Sherlock chuckled absent mindedly, chin on top of his peaked hands.\n\n\"Goodnight, Sherlock.\"\n\nYou smiled, trying to stay awake while everyone started discussing who knows what about the case, your ears did nothing as your body shut down even when you didn't want it to.\n\n\n\n\n\n", "\n\n\nYou felt something warm on your shoulder, it felt very soft and gentle. Then there was a whisper,\n\n\"Y/N...\"\n\nYou took a deep breath, the air felt warmer than it did last night.\n\n\"Y/N?\"\n\n Slowly opening your eyes you saw the salt and peppered profile of Greg Lestrade.\n\n\"I'm sorry to wake you, but we have to get going soon.\"\n\nHe had such a sweet smile, you got a beam of joy seeing him standing above you in the sunlight. You wouldn't mind waking up to this every day-\n\n'<i>Do. Not. Go. There.</i>' Sherlock's voice echoed in your head. \n\nThe first time you saw Greg was when you were hanging out with Sherlock at 221B, he rushed through the door to give Sherlock a case, or information or something, you couldn't really remember. You just thought he was handsome, and when he introduced himself he was bashful. You remember giving Sherlock a look of <i>'what a silver fox huh?'</i>. Sherlock essentially forbade it, said he couldn't bare the thought of you and Greg becoming 'sentimental', and then assured you he thought Greg was too stupid for you. What a charmer that Holmes. \n\n\"It's okay, where are we going?\"\n\nGreg outstretched a hand, which you took  as he pulled you up off of the sofa like you weighed nothing. You both smiled at each other, his face turning a little worried as he stared down at you. You looked down remembering the events of last night at the sight of your night gown, blood now dried down onto your shoulders, legs, and fabric. \n\n\"We're going to your flat to pick up your things, everyone decided it would be best to just put you in a hotel room for the time being while we work everything out.\"\n\n<i>Everyone</i> huh? You looked around and confirmed 'everyone' was already gone. <i>Nice of them to say goodbye.</i> You nodded, knowing there wasn't really a choice in the matter. \n\n\"Um, we should probably...clean you up a little first, yeah?\" He chuckled, you agreed and then walked your way over to Sherlock's bathroom and caught yourself in the mirror.\n\nYou had already seen the blood caking your body and gown, but then you slowly reached your hand up to the corner of your mouth. A light brush of your thumb to your face, noticing there was also blood coating your lips and cheek. Taking a deep breath you turned the faucet, taking a hand cloth and wetting it. You started on your face, making your way down the visible parts of your body.\n\n\"Better now? Detective inspector Lestrade?\" \n\nHe laughed, walking over whilst taking off his suit jacket and laying it over your shoulders, buttoning it in the middle.\n\n\"Too bad my shoes won't fit you, do ya need me to carry you?\"\n\nYou smiled and shook your head, he's a lot more flirty without Sherlock's presence, not that you minded. At all. Greg brought you downstairs and hailed a cab. The ride to your apartment was filled with small talk, and you prodding at Greg about what's going on. Greg simply put it as 'Sherlock can explain it better'. Which you sure was true. You arrived at your apartment building,  entering through the front desk and going down the hallway you started to feel anxiety creeping up your body. Greg placed a hand on your back, guiding you down to your front door and gave you a 'it's gonna be ok'. \n\nYou opened the door, and everything seemed normal, until you walked into your bedroom and saw the blood splattered on the ground and the mirror doors of your closet. There wasn't a lot of it, but it made you freeze in place. This all happened not even 24 hours ago, and now you were packing up your things to go sit in place at a hotel that the boys could keep on eye on because for<i> some reason</i> you're now the biggest target for a criminal gang? Your mind finally started to catch up with you and it was sending you reeling. \n\n\"Is it too much for you right now?\"\n\nYou snapped back to look at Greg, who was standing there with concern. \n\n\"No, I just...I trust you guys. I'm just getting nervous. I'll be ok.\" You gave a brief toothy smile, and then pulled out a suitcase from your closet, unzipping it and starting to pack.\n\n\"Anything I can help you get?\"\n\n\"Trying to get into my underwear drawer Lestrade?\" you teased, his face grew pink and he threw a quick 'of course not!', you giggled in response. \n\nThe process was mostly silent, you gave a quick glance showing you were ready and Greg escorted you out.\n\n Another cab ride with Greg to Scotland Yard where you spent most of the day with him. It wasn't bad, you felt a bit like a lost puppy following him around, but he seemed to enjoy your company. You couldn't help wanting to ask him about what exactly was going on, although you were worried you resisted.\n\nSoon enough you made your way over to the hotel, it was dark by now and Greg looked so tired bringing you around everywhere. You felt awful. You saw a tall shadow in front of the building, and you knew it already.\n\n\"Greg go home, I can manage from here.\" Pointing behind you to the figure.\n\n\"Call me if you need anything, or if he scares you off.\" You smiled and waved Greg off, walking up to the entrance you saw in the light the figure and you both stood there in silence for a moment.\n\n\"Let's go then, shall we?\"\n\n\"You pick this place out yourself, Mycroft?\" He just looked down at you, hand on the handle of an umbrella he was leaning on. \n\nThe way up to your room was filled with silence, towing behind Mycroft, and towing your suitcase behind you. He opened the door, and you followed him in. The door closed behind you and Mycroft finally broke the silence.\n\n\"This is the easiest place to keep security and eyes on you while we gage the movements of the criminal circle trying to reach us. We might move your location to an actual safe house with Mary and John if need be, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it.\" \n\nHe started to walk around, checking rooms, furniture, closets, while continuing on.\n\n\"You of course have all our contact information if you need us, don't contact anyone else. Don't leave this building or even this room without alerting someone. We will update you on the situation when we feel it is necessary for you to know.\"\n\nYou started to feel the urgency and importance of the situation, it felt like you were being put on lock down. Which, in a sense, you are. Mycroft walked briskly by you towards the door to leave, when he stopped right before opening it.\n\n\"Do you...\"\n\nYou turned your head towards the Mycroft behind you,\n\n\"Would you...like me to stay with you tonight?\"\n\nYour heart instantly felt heavy, you could already feel the words stuck in your throat.\n\nYou hated this. You were over it, why do you want to jump out and say 'yes' without any care for what happens after? You swallowed thickly, and bit your bottom lip inwards. Melancholy, confusion, anger, all rushed through you and you had to stop yourself from reacting.\n\n\"No...thank you.\"\n\nThere was so much tension it made it hard to breathe, Mycroft broke eye contact.\n\n\"Right then.\" He said and then promptly left without looking back. \n\nThe door clicked behind him and you stood there alone in this large room. You left your suitcase in the middle of the room, and threw yourself onto the bed covering your face with your hands.\n\n\"AUGHHH!\"\n\nYou dragged your hands down your face, trying to calm yourself down.\n\n <i>The audacity of him! He doesn't warn you about people trying to kidnap you, he doesn't stay to explain anything else, he just orders you around and then asks to stay?! </i>\n\nWhatever energy you had left was gone, you were emotionally drained. You dragged yourself off of the bed and brought your suitcase into the bathroom to unpack some of your things when you heard footsteps. \n\nSlowly you moved out of the bathroom, you turned the corner to where your bed and sofa were stationed and freeze instantly when you see someone in a suit, back turned towards you as they stare through the wall of windows. \n\nHe turned around.\n\n You got tunnel vision and tripped over yourself as you tried to quickly back away, falling onto your ass and immediately became gripped with an intense fear you hadn't felt before.\n\n\"Oh dear,\"\n\nHe smiled,\n\n\"Were you expecting Mycroft instead?\"\n\nYou knew that face. That face that was plastered on the news, websites, onto all the CCTV of London. It was the face of a dead man.\n\nIt was the face of James Moriarty.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n.", "All you could do was stare up at him, frozen. Moriarty strode slowly towards your half upright body. He crouched down, not once breaking eye contact, and stopped merely a couple inches from your face. He delicately gripped your hand off the floor, standing and pulling you up. The air felt thick- like the whole world and all its life, apart from you two, had stopped moving.\n\n\"This will be our little secret, yes?\" he spoke softly, as if there was someone sleeping, a smirk on his lips and a pseudo-caring squint in his eyes. \n\nAll you could do was nod, unblinking, jaw half slacked as he slowly let go of your hand and silently walked out of your room. You stood there for what seemed like an hour, but in reality, was probably no more than a minute. Debating on calling Sherlock and finally deciding against it, you sat on the hotel bed and put your head in your hands.\n\nYou didn't get much sleep that night.\n\nYou had to tell someone. It was all becoming too much too fast.\n\nDeciding that it would be a better idea to talk to someone in person, you rung Anthea. That way it wouldn't be as obvious to someone tracing your calls. You walked off the lift, through the front entrance where outside it was bustling with business men and valet. \n\nTrying to sort through the crowd, you finally see Anthea down the sidewalk on her phone. You took all about 2 steps before a large hand gripped your shoulder, before you could spin around a hot breath was on your ear.\n\n\"You'd be best off to make sure you don't <i>accidentally</i> say something you shouldn't.\" \n\nYou slowly turned your head towards the gravely voice to meet a man towering above you, 40's, gruff looking, with long unkempt blonde hair. He seemed to carry a permanent look of displeasure on his face, accessorized with a long cigarette hanging from his lips. \n\nAs quickly as he grabbed you, he left and seemed to blend in with the crowd. Like a ghost. Swallowing thickly, you continued walking towards Anthea, yelling a 'hey' to grab her attention. She ushered you into the car and waited to speak until they drove off.\n\n\"Did something happen last night?\" Anthea shifted in her seat, arching her brow and setting her phone down on her lap.\n\n<i>God what have you been swept up into?</i>\n\n\"Yeah...\"\n\nYou stopped yourself, what you thought would be brave, confessing, is starting to turn your stomach. Anthea kept staring.\n\n\"Mycroft asked if he could stay with me last night.\" You tried not to seem stiff, but you sat there like a statue, worried Anthea would see right through you.\n\n\"And...you're so worried about this you needed to talk to...\" She furrowed her brows and moved her head forward in confusion. \"...Mycroft?\"\n\n<i>Shit.</i> \n\n\"Well who else am I supposed to talk to about it? Sherlock?\" you shot back, possibly a little more aggressive than need be.\n\n\"Point taken.\"\n\nThe rest of the ride was silent. You arrived at Mycroft's house and started to walk up with Athena.\n\n<i>Dear God.</i>\n\nMycroft Holmes' house.\n\n<i>The Mycroft Holmes that could deduce Sherlock Holmes, that could tell if someone was abused by the way they itched their nose. </i>\n\n<i>And you thought you could just go in, and play off meeting James Moriarty minutes after Mycroft left?</i>\n\n<i>Good plan, Y/N.</i>\n\nTaking a breath you finally walked into the drawing room, where Mycroft and to your relief, Sherlock is. It might seem worse, having two inhumanly genius men there to pick you apart, but you'd rather have Sherlock there than deal with Mycroft alone. They stopped talking and Mycroft gave you a searing look whilst leaning on his desk. \n\n\"You summoned Anthea, to bring you here to bother me, because of...what I asked last night?\"\n\nSherlock darted a questioning look towards Mycroft, curious, but probably already reaching the right conclusion.\n\n You shifted on your feet, crossing your arms. You probably had a good 3 seconds to cover yourself and respond before they figure it out- <i>god who were you kidding? They probably figured it out after your 4th step in the room. </i>\n\n\"Yeah, I wanted to know why you would ask that. Did you think something bad would happen?\"\n\nMycroft immediately stood straight up, a stern look that ran straight up and down your back. \n\n\"<i>Did</i> something bad happen?\"\n\n<i>You blew it. What do you do? Spill your guts? Run? Cry? Lie? Think. Think fast Y/N Jesus!!</i>\n\n\"No, but you were making me paranoid! I couldn't sleep at all last night because of you!\"\n\nSherlock stepped forward, now parallel to his brother, his curious look directed at you. Mycroft goes to speak again and-\n\n\"You think too much of him, Y/N, he's not omnipotent. If anything, he's becoming quite slow.\"\n\nSherlock briskly walked past you, looking down and grasping your gaze within his own before continuing on to the door.\n\n\"Come on then, I'll bring you back.\"\n\nThrough all the events you've been through, though they mostly involved Mycroft, you and Sherlock had an unspoken immediate trust. So when he steered you away from the conversation, you followed his lead. Silently you dropped your head, and without another glance at Mycroft, trailed behind Sherlock outside to wait for a car.\n\n\"Speak briefly and quietly.\"\n\nYou two stood side by side, Sherlock tapping away on his phone, keeping his calculating aura. You know better than to react, or to even look at Sherlock. Attempting to steady your breathing, you keep your eyes in front of you and thought of how to keep this concise as possible. \n\n\"Moriarty was in my hotel room last night, for about 2 minutes, right after Mycroft left and told me to keep it a secret. I called Anthea to come tell Mycroft, before I got in the car a man from the crowd grabbed me and warned me to keep my mouth shut.\"\n\nSherlock stopped messing around on his phone, but kept his eyes down. He stashed it away in his pocket and stared in front of him just like how you were. \n\n\"Mycroft knows.\"\n\nYour neck muscles twitched, and it hurt to not snap towards Sherlock in response. You kept quiet. \n\n\"If it was that soon after he left, Mycroft must know Moriarty is alive, and he's known it for a while.\" Sherlock gritted, and you could tell he wanted to stride back into the home and confront Mycroft. \n\nPreferably violently.\n\nThere were no other words exchanged, the car arrived, and nothing else was said until you both got out at the hotel. You looked up at Sherlock, and his blue green eyes were already taking all of you in. \n\n\"If he comes back,\" Sherlock was approaching you like a baby deer, soft and gentle, and all you could do is stare back scared at the thought that Moriarty would come back.\n\n\"If he does, do whatever you need to be safe.\" \n\nYou wanted to ask him so many questions; <i>who should you call? What do you do if he asks about going to Mycroft's house? What if you just put both of them in danger?</i> You knew better though, if you were being watched, you freaking out would definitely be a red flag. You trusted Sherlock, and you assumed him being short means he trusted you. He walked you back up to the room, you settled back in and looked at Sherlock as he left.\n\n\"Don't worry, I'll talk to Mycroft. He's just a big, needy, stupid baby.\" Sherlock closed the door behind him and left you there, story intact in case someone was listening, that you really just wanted to talk to Mycroft about his comments last night.\n\nYou felt like the whole day escaped you, but in reality it's only about 3pm. \n\nAnd you were starving. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Carefully you pulled on a sweater, deciding it was best to act as normal as possible you made your way down and out of the hotel to get some food. Sensitive to all the bodies flowing past you as you strolled down looking for a cafe or a diner situation, something started to feel off.\n\nYou felt as if you were being watched, you took a brief glance over your shoulder and two characters seemed to stick out to you.\n\nBoth a little over average height, tall, lean, and an almost sickly look painted them both. Black, oily hair, and you couldn't make out their eyes. They were definitely brothers, maybe even twins. \n\nYou immediately got a gut feeling. \n\nStill walking forward, trying to pay no mind to the figures behind, your search for somewhere to stop became more frantic.\n\n<i>I shouldn't have left the hotel without telling anyone...</i>\n\nYour heart was now beating in your ears, urgently scanning every store front, resisting the urge to look back again, you were considering running at this point. \n\n\"Y/N!!\"\n\nYou snapped your head to the left, heart stopping when you recognized the tall figure approaching you with a waving hand. It was the tall, gruff man from before that grabbed you before you got in the car with Anthea.\n\nFreezing in place, you were completely unsure of what was going to happen. His face changed from a fake welcoming smile, to disdain and annoyance. Within 2 strides of his long legs he swept his arm around your shoulders and started to guide you forward again. You go to look back at the other men behind you, but his large arm tightens around the nape of your neck, stopping you.\n\n\"Don't look back you stupid little girl, they will chew you up and spit you out.\"\n\n<i>Is he not with Moriarty? Or are the other two not? Maybe neither, could one of them be with Mycroft? Oh dear god, where is he taking me! Do I run? Do-</i>\n\nYou snapped out of your thoughts as he turns your body into a small diner. Slowly you looked up at him, his arm still around you while his eyes burned into you. You dare not move until he drops his arm and gives you a snarl-like scowl, his lips and side of his nose tilted upwards before he walks off to the back off the restaurant. \n\nYou sat there alone with a drink for probably 30 minutes before you came to the conclusion that he wasn't coming back. You decided to order, sitting there in confusion. You played with your phone between your fingers, is this something that would warrant alerting either of the Holmes?\n\n<i>No, you could handle this. After all, he left...with no explanation, other than another ominous warning. </i>\n\nYou sighed and started to eat slowly, trying to pass as much time as possible. Hopefully the two men that tailed you were far gone by now. You were starting to calm down, whoever all those people were there was definitely a divide, you wouldn't have to worry about them working together.  It was dusk and the air was cool now, on the way back to the hotel you kept an eye out for anyone that even resembled the men from before, and pleased to say you hadn't spotted anyone. You got to the room and stopped yourself before opening it-\n\nThere was a shadow being cast under the door. \n\nIt started to move, then the one shadow became two, and they started moving independently. You could hear slight murmurs beyond the door, and for about the 5th time today your heart dropped. Quietly and slowly, you backed up down the hallway, the whole time watching the shadows under the door. \n\n\"Ma'am did you need something?\"\n\nYou snapped your head to meet the room service staring at you with a peculiar look, you heard talking within the room and turning your head back towards it you watched the shadows elongate as the men ran towards the door- surely ready to open it and take you.\n\nYou ran.\n\nFlying right past the elevator, not daring to look back and slow yourself down, you let your legs become numb with the hot blood pulsing through them. You pushed yourself through the crowd of tourists gathered in the lobby and out onto the sidewalks of London. You swept both ways with your eyes, shaking, mind racing about where to go and what to do when all of a sudden your eyes locked on someone across the street- The man that stood you up at the diner hours before.\n\nWithout even looking both ways, you bolted across the dark street- cars screeching and horns blaring at your lack of composure. In seconds you were in front of him, looking up at him and grabbing onto the front of his shirt. That distasteful look was no where to be found, replaced with a wild look of surprise, wide eyes and parted mouth. You had almost collided with the man.\n\n\"They're in my hotel room and now they're following behind me!\"\n\nYou didn't let go of this man, as if you could keep him hostage if you tried. You had no idea why you decided to illicitly place your life in this man's hands rather than stop and call Sherlock or Mycroft. Maybe it was because he was the first person you recognized, even though you've only had a solid 4 minutes of interaction. \n\nHis hand shot up tightly around your wrist, he pulled you quickly and all of a sudden you were in front of him, his back to the street and hotel. He swept his jacket off and over you, tucking your hair into it in order to disguise the length. \n\n\"Go forward.\"\n\nYou immediately did as he commanded and briskly started to walk on. He trailed directly behind you, his large frame covering most of you from sight. You dare not look anywhere else except at what is in front of you, and even then you did so with your head tilted down, avoiding eye contact with all the passerby. \n\n\"Right.\"  you turned down an alley way,\n\n\"Right.\" you turn again, further down into a shadier part of London.\n\n\"Left.\" making your way through the slums, still not looking up, the man covering you latched his hand onto your arm, abruptly shoving you to the side into a vehicle you didn't even know was waiting there.\n\nThe door slammed shut, he sat beside you, large stature almost pressing against your own smaller frame. A blacked out driver started to pull you away from the slums and out onto the road. Finally you worked up the courage to look at the unnamed man next to you.\n\n\"Thank you.\" you squeaked out, a whisper really.\n\nHis arms were crossed against his chest and he had a tired annoyed look, as if he were a babysitter not being paid enough. He reached over, plunging a hand into the jacket pocket you still wore.\n\n\"Here let me give you it back-\"\n\n\"Don't bother. Reeks of American now.\" \n\nRude. Seems like he's a man of few words, he pulled out a small gun from the pocket of the jacket.\n\n<i>How did I not notice that?</i> \n\nIt was quiet the rest of the ride, where you were going? No idea. Your phone was still tucked away in your pocket, but for some reason, you felt no need to grab it and call someone. You left your trust in the air between you and this stranger who at the very least, saved you from those two men, twice. Leaning back, relaxing at the realization there's nothing you can do about anything right now.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "\"Here is fine.\"  \n\nThe car pulled to a stop on a long road in the suburbs of London, he handed the driver some money and without a word to you he left the car. \n\nYou of course followed suit anyway.\n\nHe didn't move from the sidewalk until the car pulled off and turned down a different road, he then pulled out a cigarette and lit it, taking a long drag and looking down at you.\n\n\"Don't get lost now.\"\n\nHe started to walk off, a line of smoke following him. Again, there were no words spoken, you just trailed obediently, curiosity now fueling your expedition. <i>Who was this man? Where was he taking you? Was it worth the risk to follow him and find out the answers?</i>\n\n<i>Yes.</i>\n\nAbout an hour passed, and it started to rain. It was dark, and your hair was getting heavy from it getting slowly soaked. \n\nHe didn't seem to mind.\n\nYou shrugged the jacket he gave you, trying to make it cover you just a little bit more. You've been walking for at least a mile, and the view around you changed. There were little sidewalks, and the houses were few are far between with grand structures and large plots of land. \n\nAnother mile, about another hour, the rain hasn't stopped and you were heavy with it. Now you were regretting all this. You were cold, wet, tired, and about ready to call yourself a cab or call Sherlock and take this man hostage for making you walk all this way.\n\n<i>He couldn't have made the car pull any closer? Like, ANY closer??</i>\n\nHe started to slow down at one home, well, home was being humble. It had been a while since you actually walked by another house and now you were reaching the gateway for a large fenced in manor, with a grand security gate at the front, a sleek modern architectural home was behind it. Bright white with sharp edges, very squared, it seemed to glow even at night. \n\nHe stopped at the gate, his lit cigarette out from the rain well before but he let it hang in his mouth. He stole a quick glance at you, and just for a moment you swore you saw his eyebrows shoot up in surprise, like he couldn't believe you followed him all the way here. He typed in a code that you couldn't see that well, and the gate made a 'click' sound. He pushed the metal gate open, and held it while you came through.\n\n<i>Was this his home?</i>\n\nYou yet again, followed behind him up to the entrance, dipping under the small slab of a roof you finally got some relief from the rain. He knocked on the door.\n\n<i>Why would he knock at his own home? Who's place was this?</i>\n\nThe door opened, and you immediately felt your knees bend, ready to sprint with an energy you thought was already drained. \n\n\"Special delivery-\"\n\nSpinning around the tall gruff man you'd been following grabbed you by the waist, picking you up all while you were punching, kicking, and flailing to get out of his grip. You took a deep breath to let out a blood curdling scream, and the man holding you winced in anguish, letting out a pained yell himself as he brought you into the house. He tightened his arms around your small torso, constricting you like a boa.\n\n\"STOP MOVING!\" His voice boomed across the whole home, and it shook you, but not enough to make you stop. You moved your head down and bit into his shoulder with all your strength, breaking skin and sinking your teeth into the muscle, about to pull a chunk out when-\n\n\"SON OF. A. BITCH!\" \n\nHe rose you above his head, and then threw you down onto the hardwood floor on your back, like something off of WWE. It punched the air out of your lungs, and you gasped trying to sit upright.\n\nHe was holding onto his shoulder that was now streaming blood down the chest and sleeve of his shirt, looking at you with unkempt rage and<i> next to him</i>-\n\nNext to him was a average height man, lean, slicked jet black hair and abyssal eyes, cloaked in a white long sleeve button up, black belted slacks and shiny dress shoes.\n\n<i><b>James Moriarty.</b></i> \n\nYour fingers clawed at your chest, trying to manifest oxygen back into your lungs.\n\n\"Oh darling~\" He brought his hand to his face, over his comically ajar mouth, feigning a bashfulness and shock.\n\n\"You look absolutely <i>terrified</i>.\" Moriarty's face morphed dark and expressionless, all the while you're trying to get your brain to start working properly. \n\nMoriarty panned his face to the absolute ball of fury beside him, a small smirk on his lips.\n\n\"That'll be all, Sebastian, thank you.\"\n\nThe taller man, who you now consider to be named Sebastian, looked back at him with a 'are you serious?' look. You wondered if at some point he would take revenge on you for biting a piece out of his shoulder. Moriarty just raised a brow in response, and the tall man gathered himself up, leaving the house and slamming the door on the way out.\n\nYou felt glued to that floor, and for what seemed like forever, all that happened was you sat there staring at Moriarty, and him staring right back into you.\n\n\"What do you want?\"\n\nHe shoved his hands into his pockets, and flashed you a confused look.\n\n\"You're the one that came to me, ran right to me in fact.\"\n\n<i>To him? As if you would have went anywhere near that man if you knew who he was working for!</i>\n\n\"I did not! There were two men after me and that guy from before was across the street so I ran to him-\"\n\n\"And thank goodness you did, those boys would've tied you up and tortured you.\"\n\n\"And you won't?\"\n\nThe corner of his mouth twitched along with his brow, his devious and psychotic nature just begging to pool out of him and devour your fear.\n\n\"<i>Only if you ask nicely.</i>\"\n\nA shiver ran up your spine, it's like every time he talked a cold air came out into the room. He started to walk towards you, and you're sure he could see you start to curl up into a little ball. He continued to walk past you, right behind you and up a spiral staircase into the floor above. Saying nothing the whole time. So there you were, alone on the cold hardwood floor of a serial killer's  house in silence, in the middle of the night, no idea where you are and-\n\nand your phone was dead. <i>Fuck.</i>\n\nSlowly, you started to get up, you felt small. Miniscule. You started to take the first floor of his house in, wide open, kitchen to your right with a doorway to a hall next to it, and to your left a step down into a large lavish living room. Large wonderous windows that let the moonlight spill in, on the dark floors and stark white walls, and on the tall metal spiral staircase that was almost calling to you.\n\n<i>Because I'm sure as hell not going down that hallway.</i>\n\nYou're heart was going a mile a minute, and you shakily strode over to the staircase. The railing was cold, and matched the aura of the house. You continued up to find a large space with only two doors on either wall, only one being open. Taking a deep breath you kept going, carefully creeping into the open room, which you can now tell is an office.\n\nMoriarty sat back towards you, behind a deep, heavy wood desk. You clasped your hands in front of you, unaware of if he has even noticed you.\n\n\"Aren't you just a curious little kitten?\" he said without moving a muscle, let alone looking back at you.\n\n<i>Don't waiver. Sherlock trusts your judgement, it'll be ok.</i> \n\nYou took one step forward towards Moriarty,\n\n\"Who were those men...\"\n\nAnother step,\n\n\"The Mortlake brothers.\"\n\nAnother two steps,\n\n\"They aren't with you?\"\n\nAnd then another-\n\n\"<b>No</b>.\" Moriarty spun around to face you, a deep seriousness and almost insulted look in his black eyes.\n\nFreezing, it felt as if you were playing red light-green light, and that you shouldn't be moving with his eyes on you. Maybe you should hold your breath too? Just in case? \n\nHe broke the stare, eyes down now looking at whatever was in his hands before. You started to take another couple steps, <i>this felt oddly familiar to you</i>. \n\n\"Who do they work for then?\"\n\nYou started to get into his personal space, managing to get to the other side of his desk, almost next to him now.\n\n\"The man trying to take over my territory, that's targeting Mycroft since I'm <i>dead</i>, therefore targeting you-\"\n\nYou were probably only a foot away from his side now, him still sitting but now looking up at you, he smiled softly and put his head in one of his hands, tilting it and batting his eyes.\n\n\"Since you two were so...\" he drew a sharp inhale between his lips, \"<i>close</i>.\"\n\nHe had a habit of freezing you it started to seem, you just stood there staring down at him.\n\n\"...I don't know what you mean.\"\n\nMoriarty's face immediately dropped in disappointment, he looked back to his desk and mumbled something like '<i>disappointing</i>' if you heard correctly. Maybe that was your warning to back off, but you just had so many more questions, and what would you do otherwise? It's not like you can call anyone, or walk home, you don't even know where you are. \n\nYou took one last step, almost touching his seated figure, slightly craning your neck over his shoulder, interested in what 'paperwork' a consulting criminal could possible need to go over. You swore you saw a little smile on his face from what little you could see from this angle. \n\n\"Downstairs, there are bedrooms in the hallway by the kitchen. Go find yourself one.\"\n\nIt was awfully late, and you wondered if he was like Sherlock in the sense that he doesn't really sleep. You decided not to push you're luck any longer, and went downstairs into the hallway that was littered with doors. You opened the first door on the left and right, and figured either of those could be Moriarty's since they were the first ones there. The other doors were storage, the last one on the right was locked.\n\nFinally, the last one on the left contained a large bedroom, walls painted a deep red, dark wood décor, crown molding, brass accents, and a large lavish bed with off white bedding. It seemed almost royal, and compared to the modern bright look of the rest of the home, you assumed this room was less used. You decided to just lay down, and the tiredness you didn't realize you were carrying swallowed you up as you drifted to sleep. \n\n\n\n\n\n", "You slowly started to wake up, relishing in the warmth surrounding you. The bed was so comfy, and the blankets were fluffy, you definitely felt royal in this bed as gaudy as it might be to some.\n\n\"Don't you just look so cozy in my bed?\" \n\nYou flew upright, eyes wide open as you realized the situation. You stared right at Moriarty who was standing at the side of the bed, hands in pockets, smiling widely. Before you could protest, he was kneeling on the bed in front of you, lurking towards you and suddenly pushing you onto your back, one of his hands grabbing both of your wrists and pinning them above your head. He straddled over you, pinning you in place as he reached into his pocket with his free hand, pulling out your phone and waving it in front of your face.\n\n\"Everyone is so worried about you,\" he lowered his face close to yours, \"are you going to be a good girl and keep this another one of our secrets?\"\n\nYou slowly nodded yes and he took his weight off you. He stood back up, turning around to the large mirror and fixing himself. You stood as well, with your phone now fully charged you took that as your permission to leave. As you walked by him, clutching yourself, he started to speak again:\n\n\"Oh, and do make sure you actually keep this secret a secret,\"\n\nHis eyes darted at you in the mirror,\n\n\"<i>Unlike last time</i>.\"\n\n<i>Oh shit. Of course he knew.</i> \n\nYou ran by him, sprinting through the house, almost ripping the front door off its hinges to escape. You kept running. Through the gate, down the sidewalk, not stopping until you started to feel your legs burn. Chest rising and falling rapidly, you calm yourself and pull out your phone.\n\n17 missed calls from Mycroft.\n\n5 missed calls from Sherlock.\n\n23 texts from Mycroft.\n\n1 text from Sherlock.\n\nIt was all 'where are you', 'what's going on', 'why aren't you at the hotel', and the like. It took almost no debate on who you were going to be calling first.\n\n<i>Ring...Ring...</i>\n\n\"Sherlock?\"\n\n\"Where are you?!\" \n\nA deep sigh of relief, \"I don't really know to be honest, can you like GPS me or something?\"\n\nThere was a loud couple of bangs on the other side of the phone, along with John shouting,\n\n\"Busy at the moment, stay where you are I will send someone.\"\n\n<i>Click.</i>\n\nAlmost an hour passes and a black car rolls up next to you. The back door opened from the inside and there was Anthea. You slid in next to her, the long ride was mostly silent until you started to reach the familiar roads leading to Mycroft's workplace.\n\n\"He's in some meetings throughout the day, you are not allowed to leave before he sees you though.\"\n\nYou didn't even respond, there was no point. You got out of the car and Anthea lead you inside to a small lounge with no one else in it, she left without another word. So there you sat and started the waiting game. Hours passed, and it was 1 in the afternoon now. You were exhausted just sitting there on your phone, waiting for Mycroft.\n\n <i>As if he couldn't just pop out in between meetings to see me. Pompous prick. </i>\n\nYou started to nod off when a buzz in your lap made you jolt back awake.\n\n'Be a good girl. -JM'\n\nYou're stomach sank, was he watching you? You couldn't think on it further as Mycroft waltzed in, giving you nothing but a wave of his hand you followed him to his office. Closing the door behind you Mycroft sat behind his desk, hands folded tightly as he stared at you. Waiting for an explanation. \n\n\"Yesterday I left the hotel without permission and when I came back-\" \n\nMycroft's eyes narrowed at your delinquency,\n\n\"there were two men waiting in my room, so I ran out of the hotel and some random guy just took me and told me to keep running. So I did. I turned my phone off so it wouldn't die, but I didn't know if I should go back so I stayed in the slums for the night.\"\n\nHe pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers, \"Why do you purposefully disobey me?\" he sighed aggravated.\n\nHe really knew what buttons to push, as if those two men wouldn't of looked around after hearing you.\n\n\"Who are the Mortlake brothers?\"\n\nMycroft's eyes immediately snapped open, and he straightened up, \"<i>What did you say?</i>\"\n\n\"The man that told me to run said 'get away from those scummy Mortlake brothers'. \"\n\nMycroft relaxed his body, \"They are none of your concern. Go back to your flat, Y/N.\"\n\nMaybe this is why Sherlock always said you get yourself into trouble, but you felt itchy. You wanted, no, needed to know more. More about Sebastian, Mortlakes, Moriarty. Walking out of Mycroft's dungeon you saw none other that Lady Smallwood walk pass by. \n\n<i>Ugh. She gives me heartburn even thinking about her, that old hag.</i>\n\nAnd then a devious, not so smart, plan hit you. How hard could it possibly be to break into Lady Smallwood's office, hm? Picking up the pace you tried to remember where exactly her office was, hopefully they hadn't changed much of this place within the last couple years. Stealing a quick glance, her receptionist seemed occupied, you go to turn the door handle-\n\n\"Excuse me ma'am, Lady Smallwood is out of the office right now-\"\n\nYou quickly turned your attention to the receptionist,\n\n\"I'm sorry, did you say Lady Smallwood?\"\n\nShe nodded.\n\n\"Oh, that's my bad! I wasn't even looking for her,\" you laughed \"I thought this was Commander Erwin's office, would you mind pointing me in the right direction?\"\n\n<i>Was it bad that lying like this felt so natural? Oh well.</i> The receptionist smiled and gave you the directions to Erwin's office, which you didn't even bother to listen to. You were just happy all those work parties with Mycroft paid off and you remembered someone's name that still works here.\n\nYou trotted off in the direction to Erwin, but you were still unsatisfied. A quick couple knocks on the door, and it opened up to an overall large muscley blonde man clad in British army uniform. He looked absolutely starstruck to see you, but then a large smile grew on his face.\n\n\"Y/N! It's so nice to see you, come in come in!\"\n\nHe ushered you in and closed the door, he went and sat behind his desk and you sat in the chair in front. \n\n\"I hope you don't mind that I came to visit, I had to meet with Mycroft and he drains the life out of me I swear.\" You laughed, and so did he, then covered his mouth in embarrassment. As if someone would tell Mycroft that Erwin <i>also</i> thought he was a black hole of emotion.\n\n\"I don't mind at all. I'd love to see more of you actually.\" \n\nHe went pale, Erwin has always been the utmost gentleman-y to you, possibly the sweetest most polite man you've ever met, and he seemed taken aback at his own vigor.\n\n\"I'm sorry! I hope that wasn't too forward, I know you and Mycroft-\"\n\nYou held up a hand to stop him, he really was just too polite sometimes. \n\n\"Erwin, Mycroft and I's relationship ended what? About 2 years ago? And it wasn't even that serious to begin with.\" \n\n<i>Liar. It was very serious, ended terribly, wrecked you emotionally, but who's keeping track?</i>\n\nYou checked your phone, it was 1:45. \n\n\"It's almost 1:30, so I have to leave for work,\" Erwin stared at you with big puppy eyes, embarrassed and worried. \"but I'd love to see more of you too. Hm, do you even have my number?\"\n\n\"Ask for your phone number in front of Mycroft Holmes, my boss, whom you were dating at the time? No I don't think I did.\" He laughed.\n\nYou gave him your number, waved goodbye and started to make your way down to Smallwood's office yet again. You essentially just gaslit Erwin into being your alibi by lying about the time, and you needed to hurry up to make it believable if someone saw you again. \n\nMore cautiously this time, you slithered your way into Smallwood's UNLOCKED office, how unprofessional. Standing behind her desk, you started up her computer. \n\n<i>If you could make your way into Mycroft's, how hard could it be to get into hers?</i>", "<i>Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god-</i>\n\nYou fumbled with the keys to your flat, hands shaking. Finally you all but flew through your own door, slamming it behind you with both hands and resting your head on the cold wood. You lifted it after taking some deep breaths and zeroed your eyes onto the file folder pressed between your left palm and the door.\n\nIt wasn't much information, it was less than a full page, actually- you couldn't believe that you went through with it though. Guessing Lady Smallwood's password, going into confidential files about James Moriarty- who was marked <i>deceased</i> and then <i>printing them off?</i>  The flat was eerily silent and everything was still. You pushed yourself off the door, your entire body felt weighted as you sat down still clutching the folder. You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard your phone ring.\n\n\"Mycroft?\" you answered breathless, nerves still on high alert.\n\n\"What time did you leave after we met?\" he wasted no time, an alert must have been triggered when you searched Moriarty's name.\n\n\"Uh, about 1:30, why?\"\n\n\"Why did you leave so late after we met? There's almost 30 minutes unaccounted-\"\n\n\"Ugh Mycroft!\" he stopped talking, and you had to keep your lies straight, \"I met with Erwin, not that it's any of your business.\"\n\n\"...Erwin, hm? I wasn't aware you two were on a first name basis.\"\n\n\"I-\" you took a deep breath, \"any other questions, Mycroft?\"\n\n\"No. I just wanted to double check.\"\n\nHe hung up. Of course he already checked the cameras and with Erwin. \n\nNow what are you supposed to do? You didn't really think about what to do with what you found, or what will happen next. Even though you already saw the information, you felt like if you opened the folder for a second glance everything would spiral out of control. Looking around at your flat the suitcase full of clothes sat right in the middle, the whole place felt unlived in even though its only been a few days. You walked to the bedroom and threw the file under the mattress, deciding you should unpack and grab a couple things to liven up the place.\n\nYou took a long, proper shower and then slipped on an outfit from the closet. Spritzing some perfume, you grabbed your keys, phone and card. You were starting to feel much better, more normal. The flat needed some color, <i>maybe some flowers?</i> You smiled to yourself and made your way outside to head to a florist at the very least. \n\nThe rare sunlight in England felt good on your skin, you felt as if you could finally breathe. Briskly walking around, you hit a café, a small candle store, and finally stumbled upon a florist. It was bright, with light green walls and glass cases full of sample bouquets in vases. You purchased a simple bouquet and a vase and started your way back home. You stopped a few more places and when you finally got home it was dark. \n\nHumming, you opened the door and placed down the candles, put away some groceries, hung up your new coat and filled the vase with water. \n\nYou heard a footstep.\n\n\"Candles, flowers, takeout? How romantic.\"\n\nYou turned around to face Moriarty, who looked quite pleased with himself for sneaking into where you stayed not once, but twice unnoticed. You just stood there debating on whether to try and reach for a kitchen knife.\n\n\"I didn't say anything.\" \n\nHe sauntered over to you, his face relaxing into a sweet expression. He put his hands on your arms, rubbing them up and down.\n\n\"I know princess, and you were doing <i>so</i> good-\" he leaned into you, stopped moving his hands and gripped your arms tightly, \"until you decided to get nosey.\"\n\nYour heart dropped and you turned your head to meet with a new, dark expression.\n\n\"<i>What did you find?</i>\" You wrenched yourself out of his grip, ran back to the living room while Moriarty spun around to keep his eyes on you. As he walked towards you, you slowly backed up to keep distance. It was like a predator prowling, encircling his prey.\n\n\"That you were deceased. What else would there be?\" \n\nThe movement between you two hadn't stopped, \"You know,\" he breathed, \"I can see more and more of what kept Mycroft's interest,\" he stopped in front of you; \"and I like what I see.\"\n\nIn an instant he had you by the throat, one hand clenching around your neck and the other on your lower back, pressing you so close to his own body you could feel his chest rise and fall. \n\n\"<i>But you know what I don't like?</i>\" he hissed and his hand moved from your throat to your face, fingers pressing into your cheeks so hard you could feel your teeth against the inner flesh on either side, \"<i>when people </i><b>LIE TO ME!</b>\"\n\nHe shoved you backwards out of his grip, you fumbled back shaky. Moriarty stood there, his psychotic essence leaking out of him angrily. He began to regain his composure, fixing his tie and pushing his hair back. You stayed frozen as he turned and started to leave your flat, pausing only for a second to look at your bouquet of roses and then exited without another word.\n\n\n", "You've been sleeping on that file folder for 3 weeks now. You haven't seen Moriarty since that night he broke in and after that you've been on high alert. Keeping an eye out for any sign of him, or those two men from before. There hadn't been anything out of the ordinary, except for flowers being delivered to you at work, or at home a few times a week. Blue roses; which you didn't even know were a thing. No note. No name. \n\nYou hadn't heard from Mycroft, and have only talked to Sherlock a handful of times only to check in. You huffed as you walked out of the pharmacy your worked at, it was dark and you felt a presence with you at the back of the store. You gripped your keys tightly in your hand and tried to see who was there in the dark. \n\n\"Can I help you?\" you called out, and you saw a figure move closer. You figured it was an addict or a dealer trying to rob the pharmacy. You were agitated, all you wanted to do was go home and get some rest. \n\n\"Give me all the percs you have.\" he shakily brought out a knife and stared at you, you weren't afraid at all. You were annoyed. <i>He's an infant compared to Moriarty.</i> \n\n\"Yes, because when I close the store I take all the drugs outside with me. That's not how that works dumbass.\" \n\n\"THEN UNLOCK THE DOOR!\" He points the knife at you. <i>Even his yells pale in comparison to Moriarty's. </i>\n\nAll you did was let out a laugh impulsively, he didn't take it lightly. Within a few seconds you saw him lunge at you with the knife and before you could even defend yourself-\n\n<b>BANG</b>\n\nBlood spattered across your face, you screamed as the random mugger dropped to the ground in front of you. Dead. You brought your hand up to your face, touching the warm blood. You started to freak out, looking every which way to find where the shot came from. You started to pant, finding it hard to catch your breath when you heard something drop from behind you. You spun around and saw a tall shadow walk towards you, dimly light from a cigarette their face became clear;\n\nSebastian.\n\n\"Wh-wh..how-w-wh-wh\" you had trouble breathing, let alone talking. Sebastian waved you forward to follow him.\n\n\"Come on then, we've got to go.\" you didn't move. He came over to you, grabbing your wrist and dragging you behind him. There was no way you could take him, or out run him. You followed, shaky, confused, scared. You looked behind you only once at the dead man laying there, his eyes still wide open. \n\n\"What about him?\" <i>there was no way he could just leave him there? He would get caught, I would become a suspect-</i>\n\n\"It'll be taken care of, now shut up.\" \n\nLike before there was a blacked out car waiting, but this time there was no driver. He opened the door on the passenger side and shoved you into the seat. He opened the trunk, throwing something heavy in the back and slamming it shut. You sat there motionless as he climbed into the driver seat and pulling out onto the dark roads.\n\nYou thought this was over, or at least dying down. Almost a whole month of everything back to normal, and then someone gets their brains blown out inches from your face. You stole glances at Sebastian as he drove, he sat very straight with both hands on the wheel. You swallowed.\n\n\"..I'm sorry about your shoulder, by the way.\"\n\nHe glanced down at you, with your head hung low but staring at him, worried. He broke eye contact, not responding with anything except a 'hmmf'. You swore you saw a light smirk. It was much faster to arrival than you and Sebastian's other journey. Though, they both ended at the same place. Sebastian unlocked the gate, and drove up to Moriarty's home.\n\nYou both got out of the car, and Sebastian watched you closely while you scuff to the door. You looked back at Sebastian, and he gave you a nod, you opened the door slowly. The house was filled with a soft warm light from candles being lit, you saw Moriarty standing front and center with a smile.\n\n\"Oh you poor girl,\" he purred, Sebastian lightly pushed you all the way into the home. \"were you scared?\" you didn't speak, Moriarty looked behind you at Sebastian. \n\n\"She was fine up until I shot him, she was even laughing.\"\n\nHe looked back at you, \"Oh? Why's that?\" the smile he wore didn't once fade.\n\n\"...I've had James Moriarty break into where I was staying twice, somehow some thug trying to rob me with a knife didn't seem to compare.\" you almost whispered, you were uneasy to say the least and every word you exchanged made it worse. \n\n\"<i>Oh Y/N~</i>,\" he smile grew wide, \"you're going to make me blush.\"\n\nHis face went back to normal, and he once again looked back at Sebastian.\n\n\"Moran, go clean up that mess.\" Sebastian turned to leave, \n\n\"Wait!\" your eyes were wide as you looked back and forth between the two men, \"what if he gets caught? There could be a report out and they'll see him there-\"\n\n\"Aww,\" Moriarty cooed \"are you trying to protect Daddy?\" \n\n\"No! I-\"\n\nHe chuckled, \"That man is a no one. No one will look for him or even notice he's gone.\" He walked over and sat on the couch. \"He's miniscule. You could kill a dozen men like him and no one will ever know.\"\n\nYou didn't protest. Sebastian left, leaving just you and Moriarty alone. You wanted to know why you were here, but actually asking was a whole different task. You stepped closer to Moriarty on the couch, lightly and slowly as if one wrong move and he would pounce. You sat on the far side of the couch as he stared at you. You looked around, noticing a glass coffee table with-\n\nBlue roses. \n\nYour eyes darted back to Moriarty, \"It was you-\"\n\n\"It was. Now every time you see blue roses you'll think of me. I'll forever be a symbol in your mind, you won't be able to forget me.\" \n\n<i>As if the murder, blood, break ins, threats and stalking wouldn't make a permanent mark in my mind.</i>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "\"You know,\" Moriarty reached for a glass on the coffee table, \"it's a good thing I kept an eye on you.\" He brought the glass to his lips.\n\n\"Mycroft was watching me, I don't need your help.\"\n\nHe stopped drinking, \"<i>Mycroft,</i>\" he sneered, \"you'd think if Mycroft was watching you he'd have people posted at your flat, regular contact- you'd think he would've stopped that thug ready to slit your throat, or that he would've stopped all the others.\" he let the amber liquid from the glass flow into his scowl.\n\n\"What do you mean, the others?\" you furrowed your brows, you didn't want to believe anything that came out of Moriarty's mouth, but this is the only information you're being given. From anyone.\n\n\"Oh please don't be stupid, I have so much hope for you.\" he leaned back into the couch, \"A miraculous month of no criminal occurrences after two men broke into your hotel and stalked you? Please.\" \n\nYou bore your eyes into his own, you ached for answers. Moriarty could smell it on you.\n\n\"Anyone that came sniffing around I took care of before they came close. All the while, you, blissfully unaware waltzed around like normal.\" \n\n\"So Mycroft didn't not watch me, you just took care of it before him! If you wouldn't of done anything-\"\n\n\"You'd be tied up, tortured, probably dying or dead by now because <b>MYCROFT</b>-\"\n\nYou laughed, and he stiffened up. You didn't laugh out of confidence, you were still scared shitless, but he seemed so childish you couldn't help it.\n\n\"T-This isn't about me! Or my safety, or my ties to anyone- this is a pissing race between you and Mycroft!\"\n\nMoriarty slammed his glass down on the table and you jumped, he shot up and towered above you. \n\n\"<i>You are extremely lucky that I even have a mild interest in you or you would be dead.</i>\"\n\nYou tried to steady your breathing, you clenched your jaw as he moved behind you towards the kitchen. You heard cabinets opening, glasses clinking and something being poured. You dare not look at him, but you can hear him walk behind you and towards that cold metal staircase from before.\n\n\"We both know Mycroft can't manage to watch you, so make yourself at home for the time being.\"\n\nYou were angry, hands balled into fists. <i>How dare he keep insulting Mycroft, saying he doesn't care enough to watch you? He thinks he can just drag you here whenever and what's more- make you stay?</i> You heard him go up the first couple stairs.\n\n\"Have fun with your equations up there.\"\n\nMoriarty stopped. You slowly looked behind you to the side- he was staring directly at you, hand slack on the railing.\n\n\"<i>What was that?</i>\" his voice was low, you turned your head forward again. \"Nothing...\" he started to walk back up the stairs.\n\n\"...<i>Professor</i> Moriarty.\"\n\nYou heard him stop again, and then quickly come back down the stairs. He was almost stomping at this point. He came from the right side of you, placing his glass on the coffee table and leaning forward placing both hands on either side of you, caging you.\n\n\"Aren't. You. <b>Clever.</b>\"  he ducked down even lower to meet your cast gaze forcefully, \"What else do you know?\"\n\n\"That you can't keep me here forever.\" you retorted whilst trying to muster up some defiance. Moriarty scoffed, \"If you want to be safe you will be here as long as I say.\"\n\n\"<i>You</i> can't keep me safe.\" \n\nDispleasure washed over his features, you fought your body's instincts not to break eye contact or move. Moriarty stood up, fixed his tie and snatched his glass back off of the table. Without another sound he stomped up the metal stairs like a child, like Sherlock. \n\nYou looked around at the overall emptiness the house portrayed. There was no way you were just going to make yourself comfortable in one of those bedrooms, even if you had the energy. Some of the candles were still lit and some of the lights still on. Usually, you'd have to at least have the lights off to fall asleep, but them on was more of a solace here. You adjusted yourself on the couch long-ways, laying on your side and curling your legs into the fetal position. Your body ached with all the tension it's been carrying, it seemed to consume you as you fell asleep- cold, scared, unsure of what to do. You wished for it to be over, for someone to save you- <i>maybe Moriarty was right; maybe Mycroft wasn't watching out for you.</i>\n\n\n", "You were still half asleep when you heard shuffling that stirred you awake, you turned over taking a deep breath and opening your eyes. <i>Oh, that's right. I'm here in a maniac's house. </i>You glanced down looking at a blanket that wasn't there before, and in a chair across from the end of the couch was Sebastian; content with a mug and a newspaper in hand.<i> Who even reads the paper anymore?</i>\n\n\"Was this,\" you gestured to the blanket, \"you?\" \n\nSebastian didn't look nor falter as he brought the mug up to take a sip. \n\n\"Technically.\" \n\n\"Technically?\" you questioned. \n\nHe took another sip. \"James asked me to, so I did.\"\n\nYou brought your knees up to your chest, crossing your arms around them. You looked around.\n\n\"And is he...\" you trailed off. \n\n\"No, he's not here.\"\n\nYou hummed a 'mm' and sat there observing Sebastian. He seemed a lot calmer in the mornings, more unbothered. He had a shallow scar on his chin and by his eyebrow, dark bags under his eyes that made him look tired but his face looked overall content. <i>I wonder if he slept here too.</i>\n\n\"He said that I was lucky he had a mild interest in me, or I'd be dead.\"\n\nHe pushed a 'hmph' sound out of his chest, \"Mild is understating it,\" he looked at you for the first time since you started talking, \"he could kill you, mind yourself.\" \n\nEvery time you felt grounded another reality check hit you. Moriarty could very well kill you, or order you killed more likely, at anytime. The thought unnerved you to say the least. He looked back down at the paper, flipping a page.\n\n\"I doubt he will anytime soon, though.\" he sighed.\n\n\"And what makes you say that?\"\n\n\"He told me you got some information regarding him and that you're close to Sherlock and Mycroft. Not to mention the huge trouble it would be dealing with Mycroft and the competition if you were murdered.\"\n\nHe glances over to you, the worry must've been written all over your face and a softer side of him started to reveal itself.\n\n\"You're interesting, to him. Just don't do anything overly stupid and everything will be fine.\"\n\nYou wanted to ask everything and nothing all at once. Your mind was racing and it felt like you only had this moment to get the answers you wanted, but you didn't want to blow the one open line of communication you had to Moriarty.\n\n\"Am I really supposed to be staying here then?\"\n\nSebastian's phone started to ring from his pocket, he pulled it out and with answered it with no greeting. He sat there listening, his eyes occasionally darting to you. He hung up with a 'mm' and pulled himself out of the armchair. \n\n\"Stay,\"  he said and jabbed his finger at you. You followed him with your eyes as he walked towards the door, stopping only for a moment as he grabs the doorknob, \"<i>I mean it.</i>\"\n\nHe slammed the door as he left.\n\n<i>Fuck. This.</i>\n\nYou waited a moment, and then ripped the blanket off of your body. You were angry, livid even, body pulsing with an energetic rage that you hadn't felt in a long time. You almost tore the door off the hinges as you strode through it, slamming it behind you as Sebastian once did. \n\nYou started to walk down the path that dragged you here the very first time, after a while you saw the suburbs of the city and flagged down a cab. You knew immediately where you would be going, \n\n\"Cambridge University.\"\n\nThe cabby nodded, and after a few hours of sitting and stewing in your own emotions you had arrived. You stared at the large castle like structure of the school, the school that initially brought you from America all the way across the pond. You felt a surge of nostalgia wash over you, but it didn't last long as you strode through the entrance. \n\nThere were students flowing every direction, the younger ones scrambling to navigate the labyrinth and get to class on time. You headed straight for the directory office and walked up to the receptionist sitting the calm silence.\n\n\"Excuse me,\" she lifted her head up to look at you \"I used to be a student here, and I'm trying to find an old professor I had in order to reach out and thank them, are you able to look them up for me?\"\n\nShe folded her hands in her lap and looked you up and down, \"I can't give you their <i>personal</i> contact information-\"\n\nYou waved your hands in defiance, \"No, no! Just an email or even a room if they're still here would be fine!\"\n\nWith a sigh she asked, \"Name?\"\n\nYou swallowed thickly and for just a second you felt a small twinge of resistance, fleeting however.\n\n\"Moriarty is the last name.\"\n\nShe clicked and typed and hummed and 'huh'd' and after a moment she met you with a confused look.\n\n\"There's no Professor Moriarty here or has been it looks like,\"\n\nYour face dropped.\n\n\"there is however, a researcher here with the last name Moriarty, he's in the engineering department- is that who you're looking for?\"\n\n\"Yes, could you give me directions over there?\"\n\nYou smiled to yourself, this was better than anything you originally thought, <i>if it is what you think it is. </i>She pulled out some paper and drew you some directions, her words sounded like white noise as your heart raced. You all but snatched up the paper and ran out of the office, immediately heading towards the opposite end of the school. Before you knew it, you were standing outside a closed door, chest tight with your hand hovering. You opened the door, and met with a little shorter than average man, dark hair messy hair, and brown eyes. He meekly smiled at you.\n\n\"Andrew Moriarty?\"\n\nHe nodded, \"That's me, would you like to come in?\"\n\nYou smiled and walked into the room. There was no fear in your body, and you felt absolutely <i>invigorated.</i>  \n\n\n", "It was dark outside as you sat in your flat. You were extremely anxious, picking at your nails as you drank a glass of wine a now thicker file folder sitting in front of you on the coffee table that you've just been staring at while the TV plays in the background. You weren't even sure what you were watching at this point, or thinking for that matter. \n\n<i>I may have let my emotions get the better of me.</i>\n\nTaking a deep breath, you ripped your eyes away from the folder and back onto the TV, it was almost midnight and you were watching one of those late-night shows that Sherlock would undoubtedly pick apart, or Mycroft for that matter.\n\n<i>Did he really not care at all? It seemed so, you were kidnapped an accessory to murder at this point, if he really was keeping an eye on you he would've caught that. Or is Moriarty really just that good?</i>\n\nJust as you were starting to relax, your phone started to ring, you pull it out of your pocket-\n\n<b>'UKNOWN'</b>\n\nYou thought about ignoring it, but answered anyway, lifting the phone to your ear you just waited.\n\n\"You <i><b>brat</b></i>-\" Sebastian's deep gravel voice hit you, \"<i>where. are. you.</i>\" he seethed. You could feel his anger through the speaker.\n\n\"My flat. Where I belong.\"\n\nThe phone call ended, and the weight of what you had done earlier today suddenly came crashing down on you. You felt suffocated and nauseous, you couldn't bring yourself to move even a finger. It felt like an eternity and one second all at once when your door inevitably was ripped open, Sebastian standing in the frame. Right before hand slipping the file folder under your shirt.\n\nHis face was pure shock and appall, he looked as dangerous as ever, violence radiating off of him. \n\n<i>Fake it 'till you make it I guess.</i>\n\nYou straightened up as he strode to you, immediately ripping you off of your couch and throwing you over his shoulder. You gasped,\n\n\"Hey!\"\n\n\"<b>SHUT the FUCK up.</b> You have no idea what you have just <b>DONE.</b>\"\n\nHe threw you into the back of the car, himself driving. It was different from when he let you sit up front with him before, a silent symbol of the trouble you are in. You pulled up to those gates of hell just like the times before, but this time Sebastian didn't get out of the car. You sat there in confusion, and fear of course but you didn't want to show it.\n\n\"Get in there.\"\n\nYou stole a glance of him through the rearview mirror. You took a deep breath and got out of the car, before closing the door you heard a stern but silent whisper.\n\n\"<i>Good luck.</i>\"\n\nYou went through the gates, you straightened yourself up again, you tried to think like Sherlock and just play the game. \n\nYou opened the front door, and instead of the warm fake welcoming aura you got last time the house was dark. It was cold, and it felt like a grave. \n\n<i>Which is might just become for you.</i>\n\nThe walls felt heavy, the air was thick, and it felt abandoned in a way. Which made sense because while you thought you would be met with Moriarty, he was no where to be found. You walked further in, closing the door behind you. You briefly swept the home and he really was not there. \n\nThe ball seemed to be in your court.\n\nYou strode to the fireplace in the living room, starting it to get some sort of comfort and light within the morgue that is this house. Walking over to the kitchen, shuffling through the shelves and cabinets you picked the most expensive looking bottle and poured yourself a drink to sit on the couch with. \n\n<i>I hate brown liquor.</i>\n\nYou choked a couple sips down anyway and waited. You weren't sure how much time had passed as you skimmed through the folder you brought and when the door finally opened. You didn't turn to look, even as the door slammed and you heard the locks click. You took another burning sip of your drink as you stared out of the windows.\n\n\"<b><i>You.</i></b>\"\n\nYou could feel your façade falling as you go to turn your head but Moriarty was there in an instant grabbing a handful of your hair slamming your head into the back of the couch.\n\n\"<i>What did you do?</i>\"\n\nYou just stared back into his pin-pointed eyes, and for the first time you could actually see some color in his irises. His grip tightened and he got half an inch from your face with his own.\n\n\"<b>ANSWER ME!</b>\"\n\nYou swallowed, and then smiled.\n\n\"I met your brother.\"\n\nFor the first time, you saw genuine shock on his face. His eyes widened, his mouth parted ever so slightly and his grip loosened, in that moment you shot up out of this grip and stood staring up at him as his body followed your own.\n\n\"He's very nice,\" you were going into dangerous territory, \"<i>very smart-</i>\"\n\nAnger, contempt, rage, jealousy all flashed across his face but before he could respond you swiped the folder off of the coffee table behind him, and held it in front of him.\n\n\"-like you it seems.\" \n\nHe eyed the folder, and then eyed you. You started to walk a half circle around him as he tracked you, and for the first time it seemed like you were the predator and he was the prey. It felt good.\n\n\"You erased everything in the directory about you being at Cambridge, but you left all of these,\"\n\nHe still hadn't moved, it didn't even seem like he was breathing.\n\n\"all of your thesis, your theories, your equations, your thoughts-\"\n\nThere it was, the breaking point. He snatched you by the throat with one hand and slammed you down into the floor where he pinned you by the neck with one hand and the other propped on the cold floor.\n\nHe was breathing erratically, his hair fell out of place and his eyes lost all hint of color.\n\nYour fear was replaced by...<i>excitement</i>. Even though you could barely breath it felt as if you didn't need air in this moment.\n\n\"<i>You think you're smart, hm?</i>\" he pushed harder down onto your throat and you let out a gasp.\n\n\"<i>You think you're important enough to dig around and not get put.</i>\" harder again, \"<b>Down?</b>\"\n\nYou tried hard to gain some composure, to regain your ability to breath, you put your hands around his wrist and let out another gasp as his fingers dug deeper into your flesh.\n\nYou tilted your head up and tried to open your mouth in the silence,\n\n\"<i>Don't you?</i>\" you squeaked out as you stared at him, another unknown look washed across his face. \n\nIn one swift motion his hand went from the front of your throat to the nape of your neck ripping your head forward off of the ground and slammed his lips onto your own.\n\nThe world froze, and then melted over in an instant. It felt like your body was on fire, his tongue melted in your mouth and he had full control over you.\n\n<i>And you loved it.</i>\n\nYou moaned into his mouth, and he pulled back looking at you with a devilish smile but with hateful eyes. He slid back and grabbed you by the hips, pulling you onto his lap and then lifted you up, you wrapped your legs around him as he carried you down the hall to his bedroom.\n\n\"<i>You love this don't you?</i>\" he had a more serious face on now,\n\n\"Misbehaving, hoping that I'll punish you?\" he threw you onto the bed as he loosened his neck tie.\n\n\"<i>Are you scared, hm?</i> Did you think that I'd kill you, slit your pretty throat right there on the hardwood floor and watch you bleed out?\"\n\nYour heart was out of your chest as he stalked closer to you on the bed, you couldn't speak you couldn't move, he put one knee on the bed and bent over you and whispered into your ear,\n\n\"<b>I'd much rather own you.</b>\"\n\nHe yanked your hair tilting your head back, you gasp as he licks all the way from your collar bone up to your ear. You hear him undo his belt, and then you feel the leather wrap around your throat, effectively collaring you as he pulls it tight and takes a look at you, devouring your presence with his eyes. \n\nThen you notice a knife in his hands, you glanced at him wide-eyed as he smiles. In an instant he cut away your shirt and your pants, dragging the cold blade underneath the middle of your bra and slicing it. You gasped, and you were shivering underneath him, he slowly brought the knife down to your underwear and then cut them away as well. You were there, underneath James Moriarty completely nude. It almost didn't seem real. You felt a bit-self conscious.\n\nHe pushed you onto your back, fully straddling you now, the end of the belt in one hand and the knife in the other now pressed against your neck.\n\n\"Does it turn you on little girl?\" <i>fuck</i> \"<i><b>Knowing how easily I could kill you?</b></i>\"\n\n\"<i>Yes-</i>\" you whined out.\n\n\"Yes, <b>what?</b>\"\n\n\"Yes sir.\"\n\nHe smiled and took the knife away from your throat, \"You truly are, very clever.\"\n\nHe took his suit jacket off, kicked off his pants, and then slowly undid his shirt. \n\nThere you both were, completely naked each others eyes taking the other all in.\n\nHe started to slowly run his hands all over your body, firm squeezes while you whimper. He brought his mouth to yours, only sharing a brief kiss before he started on your neck, kissing, biting, licking, sucking. You were completely under his will, you couldn't stop the moans from coming out of your mouth. He was letting out groans of satisfaction, littering your body with hickies and bite marks, claiming you as his. \n\nHe licked your nipple and a shudder went down your spine, he started to suck and knead on your breasts. The room only echoed sounds of pleasure as he took his time with you, he would occasionally pull and tighten the belt around your neck.\n\n\"<i>Moriarty~</i>\" you gasped, you were so needy, he was teasing too much for too long.\n\nHe looked up at you with his black eyes, waiting for more.\n\n\"<i>Please.</i>\"\n\nA smirk briefly tugged at his face,\n\n\"<i>Please?</i> Please, <b>what?</b>\"\n\n\"Please, I need you,\" he stared at you with a raised brow, \"I need you inside of me. Please, I want to feel you stretch me out and fill me up, I want you to own me.\"\n\nHe grabbed your face with one hand as he moved your legs over his shoulder, you could see his hard cock sitting in-between your thighs.\n\n\"Have you ever begged for a man before, hm?\"\n\n\"No.\" you shook your head.\n\n\"Not even,\" he tilted his head \"<i><b>Mycroft?</b></i>\"\n\n\"<b><i>Never</i></b>.\" you hissed.\n\nYou let out a huge gasp as he slide his cock inside of you, a wave of heat washing over you as you put your arms around him and dug your nails into his back. \n\n\"You're so wet,\" he started to move inside of you\n\n\"You're so tight, is this what you wanted? You wanted me to fuck you like the whore you are?\"\n\n\"Y-Yes!\" you screamed as he thrusted harder, faster, \"g-g-god yes! Please use me Moriarty, I- <i>mmnn</i>- want to be your little whore!\"\n\nHe moaned into your ear, pleasure watching over all of his features as he started to choke you. You moaned as gasped for air.\n\n\"You're so filthy, your cunt- <i>nngh</i>- your cunt feels so good wrapped around daddy's cock, does, <i>nghh aah</i>, tell me how good it feels with me fucking you.\"\n\n\"S-so good! You feel so fucking good inside of me, you're the best I've ever had daddy!\"\n\nHe was getting very rough with you, digging his fingers into your body, leaving marks dragging his nails so deep into you your skin turns bright red. He grabs your chin and opens your mouth, spitting into it. God you loved it, you had never felt this good before, you wanted more.\n\n\"<i>Rougher</i>-\" he looked down at you stopping for brief moment, \"Please, I want you to be rougher with me, I want you to abuse me.\"\n\nHis eyes were completely blown out with lust, he yanked your head back by your hair and slapped you across the face.\n\n\"Get on all fours pet.\"\n\nYou flipped over, James grabbed the leather leash from behind and pulled it tight so you couldn't breath. He smacked your ass hard, grabbed it and spread your pussy apart,\n\n\"The prettiest girl I've ever seen, and she's all mine,\" he bites down on your ass hard as you gasp \"<i>right?</i>\"\n\n\"Yes sir I'm all yours.\"\n\nHe slammed his cock back inside of you as you screamed in pleasure, your chest fell onto the bed as he railed you from behind. The sound of skin on skin and James's moans you were on the edge, your insides were on fire, you were a complete mess and he knew it. He wrapped his strong arm underneath your neck and chest and pulled you so your back was against his chest while he was still inside of you, stretching you out. You felt the cold of the knife against your right hip bone.\n\n\"<i>You're never allowed to leave me, you're mine now.</i>\" he seethed into your ear, he held you tightly with his arm with your hands digging into this bicep as he started to carve the knife into your hip. You screamed in pain and in pleasure, a mix of sensation you've never felt before. You could feel your blood spill down your leg even when he stopped. \n\nHe flipped you back over, pushing your legs all the way back so your ankles were by your head. He dragged his tongue against your cut he made, making it sting as he lapped up all of your blood. He grabbed your torso tightly as he rammed into you, you couldn't help but scream and drool as he continued to thrust inside of you.\n\n\"M-Moriarty- I, <i>mmnn ahhh</i> I'm- FUCK- I'm going to c-cum! You're going to make me cum!\"\n\nHe pushed a hand through your hair, grabbing you by the roots of it making you stare into his eyes. He looked absolutely dangerous, and divine, the fear made the knot inside of your stomach finally break.\n\n\"Cum all over my cock Y/N~\"\n\nYou yelled out in pleasure, shaking, digging your nails into his forearms making them bleed. Moriarty was becoming undone, his thrusts were becoming sloppy and he started to shake.\n\n\"Fuck, I'm going to cum-\" he grabbed your face between his thumb and his index finger, \"you want me to cum inside of you don't you? You want me to breed you like some bitch in heat, hm?\"\n\n<i>Jesus Christ</i>, every word he said would send electricity raking throughout your body. You could only nod and whine, only 'please' and 'Moriarty' were the words you could form.\n\nHe started to pant, and with one final thrust you could feel him fill you up with his cum, it was hot, and you could feel his cock twitch and pulse inside of you. He stayed inside of you, both of you panted and laid there in each other. Moriarty slowly slid a finger underneath his belt around your throat, pulling you up to him and kissing you, his tongue intertwining with yours as the belt slipped off. He pulled out of you and climbed off of the bed, he stood there, with a hand outstretched to you.\n\nYou took it and he pulled you up, shakily you held onto him, a hand on his bare chest as your legs almost buckled. He let out a small chuckle as he silently walked you to the large bathroom connected to the room. \n\n\"Let's get you cleaned up shall we darling? I can't have you dripped everywhere~\" he purred as he started the shower, you caught sight of yourself in the mirror, all of the hickies and bite marks on your neck chest and stomach, the bruises around your throat and arms and...and looked down at your hip.\n\nYour eyes widened at the deep cut, it spelled out 'J M'.\n\nMoriarty came up behind you, his chest pressed against you as he wrapped his arms around you. You stared at him in the mirror, he had a large possessive aura around him and his eyes were ever so dark. He smiled slightly.\n\n\"<i>Marvelous</i>, isn't it?\" he kissed your cheek,\n\n\"You're mine now, forever.\" he growled. He walked off into the shower as you stared at him, another outstretched hand towards you, \"Come now.\" \n\nYou walked into the shower with him, and let the hot water hit you as you stared up at him, reality sinking in.\n\n<i>What have you gotten yourself into?</i>\n\n\n\n\n\n", "You had fallen asleep in James Moriarty's arms the night before, you don't remember when you exactly passed out but it certainly wasn't very quick. You had laid there with him next to you, and you swore he wasn't sleeping either but rather was pretending. After a while you faded out with your hair still wet and the cut on your hip starting to settle into a scar you were sure. \n\nNow you were awake, light beamed through the windows in the bedroom and you slowly opened your eyes. Moriarty was no longer next to you, he wasn't even in the room. You bent over and picked up his white button up shirt from the night before slipping it on your naked frame.\n\nYou walked out of the bedroom and the house was eerily silent, you walked down the hall and walked through the door frame into the kitchen and living area and met with a notorious tall disgruntled figure.\n\nSebastian looked you up and down, almost dropping the tea he was holding, mouth agape and after a moment he burst into laughter placing the mug down on the counter clutching his stomach. You stood there shocked and a little unnerved as you waited for him to gather himself. Sebastian's laugh faded as he walked over to you, taking in what you were wearing and the marks littering your body.\n\n\"I have to say, I was sure he was going to kill you yesterday, at least that's what he expressed.\" Sebastian chuckled, still smiling widely.\n\n\"It's not funny!\"\n\n\"I know it's not! Now I'll have to deal with you around here and it's going to start smelling like an American broad-\"\n\n\"I'm not going to be staying here, this was a one time thing.\"\n\nHe hummed and walked off towards his tea, taking a long sip and then looking back at you.\n\n\"<i>C'mere,</i>\" he beckoned you with his hand \"you're bleeding.\"\n\nYou looked down at yourself, and there was a large splotch of blood seeping through the shirt by your hip. Walking over to Sebastian, you started to feel a bit naked, just a thin piece of fabric covering all of you with a large demanding man in front of you calling you over like a dog.\n\nYou stood in front of Sebastian, he put the tea down and then kneeled down in front of you, his long fingers about to pull back the fabric of the shirt to investigate.\n\n\"W-Wait!\" he looked up at you, an eyebrow quirked, \"I'm not wearing anything under this shirt.\"\n\nHe took your own hand and placed it in the middle of the shirt by your groin.\n\n\"Just hold it in place then, I promise I won't take a peek at'cha.\" he smiled, and in that moment you saw a little bit of an actual person inside of him. He seemed to have a very rough exterior, but the more you interacted he showed that he was a very loyal very caring person. \n\n<i>Though I'm sure he'd take that as an insult.</i>\n\nHe pulled back the corner of the shirt over your hip, all of your thigh, hip and torso exposed for him to see. You watched him as he brushed his thumb over the re-bloodied cut, he was laser focused.\n\n\"<b>What.</b> <i>Are you doing Moran?</i>\"\n\nYou both turned your heads towards the entry way where Moriarty stood, his face dark, and if you weren't so scared of him you'd find the jealousy funny. Sebastian didn't move, but his face portrayed annoyance as he slowly stood up, his hand still at your naked hip.\n\n\"She's bleeding, I was going to take care of the cut for her. Do you want her to get an infection?\" his voice went back from caring to the cigarette gruffness that was his signature expression.\n\n\"<i>You thought it was appropriate to lay your oafish hands on her while she's nude?</i>\" Moriarty started to walk over, and Sebastian rolled his eyes. The dynamic between the two was becoming more clear, and it was funny to watch unfold. \n\nMoriarty was about to become more aggressive, getting rather close to Sebastian when you cut in-\n\n\"Speaking of which,\" their eyes went onto you \"I'm going to need to get some clothes, and I asked Sebastian if he would take me.\"\n\nThey both looked taken a back, Moriarty trained a fake smile onto his face.\n\n\"<i>Darling</i>, I can take you-\"\n\n\"I think it would be best if I went with Sebastian,\"  Moriarty's face grew dark and serious \"he's your right hand is he not? I'd like to get to know him and trust him like you do. Not to mention you seem rather busy.\"\n\nMoriarty tapped his fingers on his thigh, thinking carefully about the whole situation. He glanced over at Sebastian who shrugged, and then back at you with a sigh. He walked over to you, his hand under your chin tilting your face up to him. He always seemed to intimidate you so easily.\n\n\"<i>Behave yourself then</i>, yeah? Don't stray too far from Moran.\"\n\n'Mm-hmm' you nodded, he then placed a kiss on your lips and gave Sebastian a nod. His face still traced with malice as he walked off upstairs.\n\n\"Go get your trousers on at least.\" Sebastian stared at you waiting for you to move.\n\n\"They're ripped.\"\n\n\"Dear god,\" he shook his head \"go find a pair of James's and we'll just roll them up I s'ppose.\"\n\nYou followed his orders and came back looking like a child who tried on their father's work clothes. You felt ridiculous, and looked it because Sebastian let out a hearty laugh. \n\nYou two drove off, and while you thought you would just go to your flat, change and then beg to stay there; you were in fact brought to the shopping district of London. There were extravagant dresses and jewels, bottles and bottles of imported perfumes and bags. You looked over at Sebastian.\n\n\"You want to look nice for your new <i>boyfriend,</i> don't you?\" he smiled like a middle school boy and giggled to himself.\n\nHe seemed to have a sixth sense about people as he threw up a credit card in front of your face, 'his treat' he winked at you. You decided to let yourself indulge in it, even if it would just be for a moment.\n\n<i>Yeah, just for today, that's it. Then I'm going home.</i>\n\nSebastian opened the car door for you after parking on the street, and all the shops were a bit overwhelming. \n\n\"So...\" you glanced at him \"What would he...like?\"\n\n\"Wow you're already trying hard to impress him, huh?\" he smiled and slapped you between the shoulders. You shot him a dirty look as he started to walk ahead.\n\n\"C'mon, I'll make sure you look nice and pretty-\"\n\n\"Just like you, huh?\" you quipped and he turned for a moment, a playful smile dancing on his lips as he laughed. \n\n\"I'm not a miracle worker Y/N.\"\n\nYou slapped him in the side of the arm as you two started to wander the shops. The first stop was at a shop were you could buy something to at least change into and out of Moriarty's clothes. You purchased a tight black mini dress with no sleeves, black heeled calf boots and a black long wool trench coat. It was sexy and elegant and looked effortless, the coat of course helped with the London wind and gray skies. Sebastian approved, and then you both continued on, Moriarty's clothes stashed away in a shop bag as you both kept carrying more and more. \n\nSebastian seemed like a bad influence if you're honest, he would hand you anything that looked expensive encouraging you to rack up the bill. He even tried to push diamonds and Louis Vuitton's onto you. The air was getting colder, and the sky darker as you to journeyed to find something to eat.\n\n\"So, you're American, that's obvious- but what brought you over here?\"\n\nYou two actually clicked very well, even with the rocky start.\n\n\"I got a Scholarship to Cambridge University, I was originally going to become a doctor, I started to work out in London in the summer's off, some...<i>stuff</i> happened and I didn't end up going back to school. I loved it here though, and I figured if I ever DID go back I might as well stay close. I applied for a visa and now I'm here.\"\n\nHe stared at you for more information, he seemed to catch your vagueness. \n\n\"Your turn then, since you want to pry.\"\n\nHe stayed silent for a moment, his expression becoming a little somber.\n\n\"I was in the military, a Colonel, left, became a trophy hunter for a while, then made my own...business and now I'm here.\"\n\n<i>And he thinks I'm vague.</i>\n\n\"No wife?\" \n\n\"No, why are you already bored of James?\"\n\n\"Ha ha very funny...how did you meet James,\" his first name felt weird on your tongue \"now that you brought him up.\"\n\n\"Mm, that's a story for a different time- if you stick around that long.\"\n\nYou didn't know whether to take it as a threat or a joke, it really could go either way. You two sat and ate, he tried to pry you open more and you did the same to him. After a while it was night out, and you made your way back to the car.\n\n\"Where are we going now then?\"\n\nYou furrowed your brows at the question.\n\n\"Are you going to your flat, or are you coming back to James's?\"\n\n\"I get an option?\"\n\nHe smiled, \"he didn't say you had to come back, I would assume that means it's up to you if he didn't say otherwise.\"\n\nYou thought for a moment, and you weren't sure why you chose what you chose-\n\n\"I'll go back to James's.\"\n\nbut you did. ", "Most of the car ride back was in silence, you were watching the scenery out of the window, wondering what exactly was becoming of your life.\n\n<i>Sleeping with a killer, willingly dressing up and then going back to him, what is happening to me?</i>\n\n\"What am I doing, Sebastian?\"\n\nYou watched him out of the corner of your eye, he shifted pulling a cigarette out of his pocket pulling one into his own lips before offering you one. You took it, gingerly placing it between your own.\n\n\"The roads people go down,\" he started, lighting the cigarette and then yours \"are often shrouded in fog, the end is never clear.\" \n\nHe turned his eyes to you, a warm look in his eyes, and in that moment you felt safe.\n\n\"I can't say what you're doing is smart, or morally right,\" he continues \"but all roads connect, and when the time comes, if it comes, you can always turn onto a different street.\"\n\nThe silence wasn't like how it was with Moriarty, or Mycroft or Sherlock, it was warm and thick, encompassing you and providing a sense of comfort. You turned your head towards him, making full eye contact.\n\n\"You're a good girl, Y/N, whatever you choose- I don't think that'll change.\"\n\nYou smiled, and took a long drag off of the cigarette that sent you into a choking fit.\n\n\"Have you never smoked before?!\" Sebastian was roaring with laughter now.\n\n\"I- HCK- No! N-HCK HCK Not really!\"\n\nHe laughed lowly, and took the cigarette from you, holding it to your lips in his own fingers.\n\n\"Breathe slow, right into your lungs, then take a sharp breath after you finish the drag, and breath out.\"\n\nThe air became very...<i>intimate.</i> You followed his instructions, him eyeing you as he held the cigarette for you. You coughed a bit less, and immediately got a large head rush.\n\n\"Feel good?\"\n\n\"Mhm.\" \n\nHe chuckled and placed the cigarette betwixt your lips again and continued to drive, smoking himself as the sound of the car was filled with crackles and long breaths between the two of you. You both pulled up to the house not long after, and you looked at Sebastian once again.\n\n\"Coming in?\"\n\nHe shook his head, \"No, not tonight, I have some things to take care of.\"\n\nYou nodded and closed the door, he rolled down the passenger window as you started to walk off.\n\n\"Goodnight, Y/N.\"\n\nYou turned and smiled, \"Goodnight, Sebastian.\"\n\nYou walked through the door, and there was Moriarty sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace, two glasses sitting on coffee table in front of him. The sound of the door closing behind you made him look at you for the first time.\n\n\"<i>You're back,</i>\" he said slyly a victorious grin on his face, \"I thought you would've gone back to your flat-\"\n\n\"I can go there instead if you'd like.\" you snapped\n\n\"No, no, no! That's not what I'm saying at all,\" he walked over to you a glass now full of amber liquid as he handed it to you and guided you back to the couch where you both sat.\n\n\"I'm glad you're here, I want to know more about you.\"\n\nYou raised a brow, \"Can't you just figure that out by yourself, y'know, deduce me like <i>Sherlock?</i>\"\n\nHe scowled, \"<i>I could,</i>\" he hissed \"but I want to see if you're willing enough to just tell me. After all, we're so close now.\"\n\nYou shrugged your coat off, you crossed your legs and leant back. \n\n\"Go on and ask then.\"\n\n\"You and Mycroft-\"\n\nYou let a sound of disgust out, \"Really? How disappointing, I figured you'd ask a more clever question to start.\"\n\n\"<i>Excuse me?</i>\" he growled, you weren't sure where the confidence was coming from, but if he wanted to actually trot around and say he owns you why make it easy for him?\n\n\"<i>The napoleon of crime</i>, his first question is about my past love life? I expected <i>more,</i> that's all.\"\n\nHe leaned over to you, caging you while you laid back,\n\n\"I don't think I made this situation clear, so let me start again; <i>I'm going to ask you questions, <b>you are going to answer</b>, and I will know if you lie. What I deem as important, is none of your concern.</i>\"\n\nYou sat there tight lipped, and tried to look away but he grabbed your face with his hand forcing you to stare at him.\n\n\"<b>Answer. Me.</b>\"\n\nYou swallowed, \"I briefly dated Mycroft Holmes.\"\n\nYou didn't want to give anything away, but you could immediately tell he was dissatisfied with your answer. He pulled your face closer to his own, 'and?' he beckoned. \n\n<i>You were getting irritated, you didn't want to open an old wound, especially not for this vindictive criminal who just decided ALL BY HIMSELF that you were in a relationship with him.</i>\n\n\"And what?\"\n\n\"<i>Don't play games with me, little girl</i>.\"\n\n\"Jesus Christ!\" you shoved him off of you and stood up looking down at him.\n\n\"This is so insignificant! I would think some mastermind could either dig around on his own or just not give a fuck! Because that's what all of that was, that-that stupid relationship! Insignificant!\"\n\nMoriarty straightened up, his eyes tracking you ever so carefully as you started to spiral out.\n\n\"You want to know what happened? Just like everyone else wants to know?! Once upon a time I got in trouble in London, I met Sherlock, Sherlock showed me Mycroft and in return for making it go away I worked for Mycroft- things got complicated, he paraded me around on his arm to flaunt and told me that he cared about me when. He. Didn't. I caught him <b>CHEATING</b> on me with\" \n\nyou threw your glass at the ground, shattering it, you had never spoken about this. Sherlock knew of course, but not because you told him. You were angry, livid and now yelling,\n\n\"<b>FUCKING LADY SMALLWOOD THAT OLD FUCKING HAG!</b> I CATCH him and then YOU KNOW WHAT HE DOES?\" you turned wildly towards Moriarty, he looked entranced with your rage,\n\n\"HE FUCKING GETS ME THROWN OUT OF MY FUCKING UNIVERSITY! BECAUSE OF SOMETHING HE DID! ALL BECAUSE I BEAT HIM AT HIS OWN GAME, ALL BECAUSE I WASN'T SOME STUPID NAIVE GIRL LIKE HE THOUGHT!\"\n\nYou were panting, both of you staring at each other, Moriarty slowly got up and took a couple paces towards you. He grabbed you harshly and slammed his lips onto yours, all the fire you felt in your chest dissipated into your lips. You snaked your fingers through his gelled hair, one hand on the side of his face and pulled him closer to you. The kiss was long, hard an passionate and you could taste the scotch on his tongue. He pulled away, both of you trying to catch your breath as he stared at you with those damn black eyes.\n\nYou didn't know what had come over you, but you dropped to your knees in front of him. He seemed just as surprised as you as he stared down at you. You ran your hands up his torso, untucking his shirt, starting to kiss, lick and bite at his torso. He intertwined his fingers with your hair, letting out breathy moans as you started to undo his belt with your teeth.\n\n\"<i>You're so-</i>\" he choked on his own words as you took his hard cock in your mouth, wrapping your tongue around the tip teasingly slow.\n\nHe groaned as you slowly started to bob your head, pumping his cock with your hand letting all of your spit drip out of your mouth onto your chest and tops of your thighs as you glanced up at him.\n\n\"<i>You look so good with your lips wrapped around Daddy's cock~</i>\"\n\nYou moaned around him, and he moved his hands to the sides of your face. He started to thrust into your mouth, you opened up your throat, letting the tip slide down as he pushed all of himself into you. You tried to breath as best you could, you felt dizzy as he used you, but your hand went down to your clit anyway. You started to touch yourself while he used your mouth to please himself.\n\n\"You're so divine, <i>nngh</i>, such a tight muzzle on you- <i>hahh</i>- you love being used by me, don't you?\"\n\n'mmhmm' you moaned out as best you could as he picked up the pace, \"You're such a whore, so ready to please me, no- <i>mmn</i>- no matter what I do,\"\n\nFaster.\n\n\"<i>no matter what I say</i>,\"\n\nFaster.\n\n\"<i><b>no matter who I kill</b></i>-\"\n\nHe slammed his cock all the way down your throat as you moaned loudly, he hunched over, moaning, his hand on the back of your head forcing you to take all of him as he came down your throat. It was hot, salty, and you could feel your mouth being filled up.\n\nHe slowly pulled out of your mouth, he was sweating and looked absolutely unraveled, panting as he pulled your hair, your mouth still open he could see his cum sitting on your tongue.\n\n\"<b>Swallow.</b>\"\n\nYou didn't break eye contact as you did as he commanded. You opened your mouth back up, sticking your tongue out with an 'aahh' to show your work.\n\n\"<i>God,</i>\" he said breathlessly \"you're such an enigma, I really can't ever have you leaving me.\"", "You and Moriarty talked a little more during the night before, you laid on him as he stroked your hair. There wasn't a lot of conversation, it was mostly you trying to pry and him deflecting. That morning though, just as before, you woke up alone. You laid in the lavish duvet and pillows, staring at the ceiling feeling a sense of sadness wash over.\n\n<i>I'm getting too involved</i>.\n\nYou let out a deep sigh and got out of the bed to rustle through the bags of clothes you got from the shop. You picked out an outfit for the day and slipped it on, you were starting to get use to the usual silence of the house. You felt the sadness fall off as you saw Sebastian there at the same counter, almost like you were getting a routine between the two.\n\n\"Morning.\" You smiled at him and he returned the favor.\n\n\"So, what am I supposed to do when there's no one here? I'm guessing you're not staying long.\"\n\nSebastian hummed and put the paper he was reading down, \"Anything within reason.\"\n\nYou grabbed your own wrist with a little bit of awkwardness stirring, \"Can I go home then? I don't want to be here alone.\"\n\nSebastian just nods before getting up, grabbing a set of keys you follow him out of the door, him holding it open for you as you trailed behind. You both walked to the car waiting, and he offered you a cigarette. You took it and he lit it for you before grabbing one of his own. Smoking was starting to burn substantially less, and you were actually starting to like it. On the way to your flat you tried to bug him into what he had to 'take care of' last night, but he would laugh you off saying 'confidential' or 'if I told you, then I'd have to kill you'. \n\nYou waved him off from the entrance of your apartment building, and the day was normal. It felt odd, just sitting at home, reading, ordering food and watching TV. Moriarty had reached out to your job and put you on a leave of absence a while back it seemed, as you called to pick up hours and they were confused that you were even asking. So with a heavy and bored mind, you set your phone down and just tried to fill your time with something, anything really. \n\n\n\n\nThe next few weeks, it was filled with you meeting Sebastian to have him bring you to James's in the evening. Sometimes James would be there, but never was there the morning after. You and Sebastian would smoke together, laugh and gossip. You'd see James and you'd try and learn more and more about him, about was going on, but you were often left feeling frustrated and with no answers. All the while, he kept learning more and more about you- there was a night however, that you felt as if you broke into him, \n\n<i>\"Do you miss your brother?\" he scowled at you \"Are you serious?\" you stopped him before he went into a tirade- \"You...killed that one boy when you were so young, do you think your brother knew?\" </i>\n\n<i>You started to realize that you could delve further with him if you appealed to his darker intuitions. </i>\n\n<i>He swirled his drink in his glass, \"Mm, no he didn't. I've always been smarter, more clever, than anyone even when I was young.\"</i>\n\n<i>\"What was your life like when you were young?\" he shot you another displeased look, but he started to tell you anyway. His life was perfectly normal, nice parents, youngest of 2 children. There was no typical mass murder environment that seemed to create him, it just always seemed that he had the proclivity to kill. </i>\n\nTonight however, it was raining and you held your trench coat tightly as you waited in the street lights for Sebastian. He pulled up and got out of the car, a warm smile looking at you.\n\n\"Y/N,\" he offered you a cigarette that you took.\n\n\"How's everything been with James? He's been gone for a while now, no?\" You placed the cigarette between your lips. Sebastian had quickly become your only friend, the only person you really talked to save Moriarty. You had no contact with either Holmes, either Watson, or Greg. They never reached out. \n\nSebastian bent down, lighting your cigarette with his own that was still in his mouth. It was quite the display. You both took long drags, Sebastian never taking his eyes off of you. \n\n\"Mmm he has, he's been very busy, mind you that big mess with the American gang is still going on.\"\n\n\"Nice of everyone to let me know,\" you rolled your eyes \"I'm guessing he won't be home tonight?\" \n\nHe shook his head letting out a pool of smoke from his mouth, \"No, I just came to check on you, make sure you're doing alright.\"\n\nYou smiled, \"Want to come in?\" \n\nHe shifted on his feet, like he was fighting some internal battle. \n\n\"Y'know what? Sure, lead the way.\"\n\nYou two walked through the entry way, and into your flat. You both sat on the sofa, turned on some trashy TV you could both make fun of as you drank and smoked the night away. You were starting to fall asleep, and Sebastian excused himself for the night. You gave him a goodbye and slept on the couch that night. \n\nThe next day went by slow, and once evening hit you got a text message:\n\n<i>There's a car waiting for you outside.</i>\n\n<i>-JM</i>\n\nYou threw your coat on and immediately went outside, just like he said there was a blacked out car waiting for you. Sebastian wasn't driving, but the driver gave you a curt nod confirming that this was indeed your ride. The ride was in silence as you watched what little stars there were out the window, you arrived at James's house and walked inside.\n\nYou looked around, and Moriarty was no where to be found. Not even a minute later though, while you stood in the middle of the open floor Moriarty burst through the door.\n\nHe was dark, looming, it was if you could see the malice radiating off of his body. All at once, that comfort you had around him came crashing down. You were reminded about who you had truly been dealing with; not some slick criminal, not a serial killer- you were dealing with James Moriarty. The most dangerous man in London, the ruler of crime in the Western world, who had everyone on a string- an absolute Angel of Death, now with his eyes piercing your very being.\n\nYou opened your mouth to say something, but he had reached you in a second, grabbing the side of your face slamming you down into the hard wood floor beneath you. Your cheekbone smashed into the ground, you could feel blood dripping down your face as you writhed on the floor. \n\n\"<b><i>YOU.\"</i></b>\n\nHe flipped you over onto your back, he sat on you, both hands around your throat. This wasn't like him getting rough with you, this wasn't you treading on dangerous waters with him in a game, it was happening. Something you did, it cracked the thin ice you stood on-\n\n<i>he was trying to kill you.</i>\n\nYou clawed and flailed trying desperately to get him off of you as he strangled all of the air out of your throat, depriving your lungs.\n\n\"<i>You think I'm stupid? That I don't notice how you reek of cigarettes every time you come back with Moran? That I don't taste the liquor on you?</i>\"\n\nYou were freaking out, you were very much dying at this point all because this psychopath thinks you were sharing more than a smoke with his sniper. With all your might you were trying to move to say something, to try and explain, to reason with him.\n\n\"<i>You think I wouldn't see? You two sharing that cigarette in the rain- you <b>INVITING HIM IN?</b></i>\"\n\nYou were kicking, your body was starting to tingle, your vision starting to blur, in no time you would be unconscious and you doubt he would stop choking you then\n\n\"<i>All I have done for you, I invited you in</i>-\"\n\nHe had pulled out a pistol and pointed it flush against your forehead. \n\n<i>This was it. You played the game,</i>\n\n<i><b>and lost.</b></i>\n\nThe door slammed open, \"<b>JAMES!</b>\"\n\n\"<i>Let her go-</i>\"\n\nYou both turned your heads, and Sebastian stood there shocked and panting.\n\n\"<b><i>You.</i></b>\" Moriarty had straightened up and you wrenched yourself from under him, you scrambled towards Sebastian, clutching your throat as you looked back at Moriarty.\n\nHis psychopathy was leaking out of him, his grip on the gun tightened as he pointed it towards Sebastian-\n\n<b>\"GO!\"</b>\n\nSebastian shoved you out of the door, slamming it behind you.\n\n<b>BANG</b>\n\nYou screamed, and stood there wondering if you should go back in, you remembered that the two of them knew each other for a very long time and figured if anyone would be best suited for the situation at hand with Moriarty it would be Sebastian.\n\nYou ran, still trying to catch your breath that James had stolen moments before. You ran and ran, not stopping until you saw a cab. You waved it down frantically and gripped at yourself in the back of the cab. You breathlessly just told him to take you to central London, you figured you could make up your mind if you're going home or to Scotland Yard when you get there.\n\nYou were in a panic and ripped your phone out of your pocket, you stared at it for a moment, fingers hovering over the screen. You took a deep breath, and pressed <b>'Sherlock'.</b>\n\nYou waited, and nothing.\n\nYou tried again. Nothing.\n\nYou licked your lips, scrolled up and then hit <b>'Mycroft'.</b>\n\nNothing.\n\nAgain. Nothing.\n\nOnce more-\n\nNothing.\n\nYou were freaking out, no one was answering, you weren't even sure if Greg would be at Scotland Yard so late at night. You got out of the cab in the middle of London, you just kept staring at your phone as you wondered through the streets down alleys, waiting and hoping for someone to call you back.\n\nThen all of a sudden a hard, stinging, bone crushing force was whipped across the side of your face. You fell to the ground in this small side street, gripping your face as even more blood dripped down from your cheek and eyebrow. \n\nYou panted trying to see through the blood, at first you thought it was James and wondered how he managed to catch you, but when you looked up you saw two figures.\n\nThe two figures from the crowd, the two figures that lurked in your hotel room so long ago it felt like. They loomed over you, one holding a some sort of pipe or tire lever in their hand, the other with a bag of some sort while they stared at you.\n\nYou were in a stand off with these men, you glance down at the ground to your phone that was slid across from you just without of reach. You glance back up at the men, and then try to rush to grab your phone.\n\nIt was no use, one man immediately grabbed you by the hair while the other with the pipe started to beat you ruthlessly as you screamed and cried. You felt your ribs crack, your body bruising as you screamed for help. Then the man that was holding you all of a sudden put the bag over your head and you couldn't see anything. You were kicking as he started to drag you, then with one final crack of splitting pain- you were knocked unconscious. \n\n\n\n\nBack at James's house, Sebastian sat on the sofa with Moriarty across from him. Sebastian was grasping at his leg that was covered in blood as he tried to soothe it, eyes glaring at Moriarty who stood there like a child with his arms crossed.\n\n\"I cannot believe you bloody shot me!\"\n\nMoriarty huffed, the gun he was holding now sitting on the coffee table.\n\n\"<i>And you almost killed Y/N- have you<b> LOST YOUR MIND?</b></i> All because I went into her flat- because you ditch her like a dog waiting at home for you, and she just wanted SOME company?\"\n\nMoriarty goes to talk,\n\n\"Which let me be clear, her first choice for company was YOU!\"\n\nHe sighs, running his hand through his hair. \n\n\"This whole sitting and doing nothing is getting to me Moran, I'm just supposed to sit here and let some American scum try and poach everything I've worked for? It's eating me alive.\"\n\nSebastian rolled his eyes, \"I can handle your antics James, but Y/N, if I hadn't come in when I did you would've killed her. How do you figure to fix that, hm?\"\n\nMoriarty throws himself onto an armchair and thumbed over his phone, he called you, and it just rang. He then tried again.\n\n\"I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't answer.\" Sebastian shot. \n\nHe ignored him, and decided to check your location- where Moriarty all of sudden became aware of the fact that he had a heart; because it dropped.\n\nIt had shown you just sitting in an ally, not near your flat, not near anywhere you would go. He shot up, his eyes not leaving his mobile.\n\n\"James?\" Sebastian probed, himself getting quite worried now, he had never seen James wear that face before in all the years he had worked for him.\n\nMoriarty started to go to your call logs, you had tried multiple times to reach Sherlock and Mycroft and then it just- <i>stopped?</i> \n\n\"We have to go Moran-\" Moriarty whipped around, \"<b>NOW!</b>\"\n\nSebastian tore out of his seat immediately rushing for the car keys as James and him peeled out of the house going to your location.\n\nWhen they finally arrived all they saw was your phone, on the ground, and blood. Splattered, dragged like brush strokes on the ground and painting the brick wall to the side. Sebastian looked over at James who stood there, wide eyes, not moving, not even appearing to breathe. Moriarty stumbled back, ran to the drivers seat and if Sebastian hadn't sprinted into the car he was sure he would have left him behind.\n\n\"Where are you going?\" Sebastian asked, but Moriarty didn't answer, he just sped through London, white knuckling the wheel.", "It was a late night of bickering, Mycroft was pinching the bridge of his nose whilst berated by his little brother who was waving his arms around. John was also there, annoying him just with his existence as he watched Sherlock. They were arguing about Mycroft trying to 'interfere' and 'micromanage' the way Sherlock was dealing with the Americans in London. To Mycroft however, he was only preventing the mistakes that Sherlock would undoubtedly make. \n\nMycroft takes a dramatic breath before looking up at Sherlock, about to retort when they could all hear slamming from outside the door of Mycroft's home office.  The eldest of the Holmes stood up and gave a confused look to both of the other men, but before anything could be said the large wooden door practically came off of its hinges-\n\n\"<b>WHERE IS SHE?</b>\"\n\nStorming through the doorway, was Moriarty. His hair was out of place, his eyes wide and his whole aura was manic in the purist sense of the word. Everyone was shocked, and Moriarty picked up a luxury arm chair and threw it through the pane of the wall of windows. Everyone flinched with the sound of glass shattering.\n\n\"<b>I SAID WHERE IS SHE?</b>\"\n\nMoriarty had rounded both Sherlock and John and was now stood at the end of the desk Mycroft stood behind, pointing a gun directly at him. His breath shaky, but his hand steady.\n\n\"Who are you talking about?! What-\"\n\nNo one knew what was going on, and neither Mycroft or Sherlock had ever been caught so off guard.\n\n\"<b>Y/N L/N!</b>\"\n\nSherlock goes to make a move towards James, and was stopped when a gravelly voice had made itself known, \"I wouldn't.\" Sherlock glances back to Sebastian Moran, who was standing pointing a rifle directly at his back. Sherlock froze and took a step back away from Moriarty.\n\n\"You were supposed to be <i><b>WATCHING HER-</b></i>\" Moriarty threw everything off of Mycroft's desk with a swipe of his arm.\n\nMycroft blinked erratically, throwing his hands up in defense.\n\n\"What are you talking about? What is going on?!\" Mycroft looked over at Sherlock and John who both shrugged, unaware as he is.\n\n\"<i>Y/N you were keeping surveillance on her-</i>\"\n\n\"I was but there weren't any signs-\"\n\n\"<b>YOU IDIOT!</b>\" Moriarty fired a shot directly next to Mycroft, he shrunk down into himself, legitimately scared for his life.\n\n\"What is going on? Why are you concerned about Y/N-\"\n\nMoriarty gritted his teeth, readying to take another shot,\n\n\"What happened to <i>her?</i>\"\n\nMoriarty was unhinged, disgusted that Mycroft would act like he cared about HIS woman, he readied to take another shot when Sebastian broke through the deathly tension-\n\n\"<i>James,</i>\" Moriarty whipped his head around to Sebastian who was holding his phone, staring at it \"I have something, we have to go.\"\n\nThere wasn't another word spoken, another breath taken as Moriarty and Moran rushed out of Mycroft's home back into the car and drove off.\n\nMycroft was left clutching himself, a hand propped on his desk as he stared at Sherlock and John who looked at each other.\n\n\"Come on, there's no time to waste.\" Sherlock grabbed his coat, throwing it on as he ran out with John behind him. Mycroft stood there alone now, unsure of what to do, or what had already happened.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFar outside of London, you awoke in a cold, seemingly abandoned building. You fought through the dried blood sticking your eyes together to finally open them. You were radiating in pain, and when you tried to move you could feel chains on your wrists and ankles. You shot up off of the concrete floor, now sitting up and turning your head and everything came rushing back to you when you saw the two lean men in suits glaring down at you. \n\n\"Let me introduce ourselves,\" the taller man rasped, \"I'm Leland Mourtlake, and this-\" he gestured to the man to his side, \"is my brother, Edgar.\" \n\nThe other man didn't say a word.\n\nLeland squatted down in front of you, he reached his hand out to your face, which you tried to bring away from him but he snatched roughly. His fingers pierced into the already tender flesh, making your wounds even more aware.\n\n\"We're going to ask you some questions, you'll answer, and you will tell the truth. Got it?\" \n\nYou stayed silent, just staring at him with hate, \"Or else you're going to get hurt.\"\n\nYou just tried to breathe, you didn't know what was going on, you could only assume that they were going to try and get information out of you regarding Mycroft. No one had moved, and then Leland broke the silence again.\n\n\"<i>Where is James Moriarty?</i>\"\n\nYou almost jumped, it wasn't what you were expecting, as far as you knew no one else knew that he was even alive.\n\n\"I don't know anyone named James Moriarty.\"\n\nHis face immediately dropped as he stood, \"We've seen you come in and out of his house, don't play games with us!\"\n\n\"I don't know who you're talking about.\"\n\nHe groaned, pushing his hand through his hair. He threw a look towards his brother who slipped on a set of brass knuckles and stalked towards you, you tried to back away but it was useless. He quickly threw a punch across your face that launched you back onto the concrete floor, you groaned as you watched blood drip from your own face. You rolled onto your back staring up at them.\n\n\"This is going to get a lot worse for you if you don't start cooperating.\" Leland said, leaning against a lone table in the cold room.\n\nYou knew you could sell him out, hell you probably should, in reality what would happen? The criminal ring changes hands? So? After all, you put your trust into a criminal you thought had a glimmer of hope- and then he tried to kill you, over NOTHING.\n\n\"I don't...know a James Moriarty.\" you groaned out.\n\nLeland sighed and waved his hand off to Edgar who got on top of you, and started to pummel you in the face and torso. You were yelling in pain with each blow, you could feel your flesh tear, your veins break and your bones crush.\n\n\"<b>DO YOU KNOW ONE NOW?</b>\" Leland shouted over the sounds of you being beaten, \"NO!\" you yelled in between Edgars blows.\n\n\"This is going to be a long night if you keep it up.\"\n\nIt had been hours, your face is swollen, you were surrounded by both hot and cold blood of your own. You couldn't see out of one eye now from where Edgar was punching you in the face with those brass knuckles, now coated in blood. Leland tried to ask different leading questions, and all you kept saying was 'I don't know him, I don't know James Moriarty.'\n\nThey had switched from brute force to nastier and torturous instruments the longer things went on. They had cut you with serrated knifes, dry-drowned you, stripped you and dowsed you with burning and then ice cold water, drove nails through the palms of your hands, and most recent with a pair of pliers ripped off all of your toe nails. \n\nYou sat there, on the brink of death and insanity it seemed, no more tears left to cry, your voice gone from the hours and hours of screaming. In reality it had been a touch more than 2 days long since you arrived here. They would leave for a while, one at a time, letting you regain your senses before starting to torture you again so you wouldn't get too numb. Now you were laying on your side, your knees dragged up to your chest as the two men just stared at you. You could see their mouths moving, but couldn't hear anything. You could only watch them reveal a shiny metal rod from the table, it looked like a cattle prod. Edgar lurched towards you,\n\n\"I'll cut you a break, a real easy question for you? Ready?\" Leland taunted from behind his brother, \"What color is Moriarty's house?\"\n\nYou slowly opened your swollen lips, \"I..don't know...who you're...talking..about.\" \n\nLeland shouted in frustration, throwing instruments down onto the ground, \"DO IT!\" he shouted at his brother who then jabbed the cattle prod into your flesh, electrocuting you. You're body constricted as you threw your head back letting out a scream. Edgar would take the prod away for only a moment, and then hit you with it again, and again, and again.\n\nYou started to drift away, all your senses fading away,\n\n<i>This is it</i>\n\nYou thought, that this where your body finally broke and there was no coming back from this point. You were going to die, all because you couldn't sell out Moriarty.\n\n<i>Did I love him?</i>\n\nYou weren't sure, but you couldn't stand to think anymore, you couldn't stand to stay awake as you let a thick sleep start to wash over you. Though as you started to drift away you could hear commotion and you could see the two men start to talk to each other. Through blurry vision you could see someone in a dark suit quickly walk into the room you were in, him raising his hand and shooting Edgar right in the head. You could hear muffled out screams and yells, and the last thing you remember before darkness over came you was Edgar dropping to the ground, blood pooling around him.\n\n\n\n\nMoran had found CCTV footage from the street of two men following you in the street they found your phone in, he immediately recognized their lanky form as the Mourtlake brothers. Moriarty didn't need a mind palace to start going through every. single. spot that a criminal would take you. He had narrowed it down to 3 spots, and with every miss he was more enraged. \n\n<i>These people come and try to take over my work, to try and take over my name, and now they come and try and take YOU?</i>\n\nHe could hear what he had said to Sherlock all those years ago; \"<i>No one ever gets to me, and no one ever will.</i>\" But then there you were,<i> you</i> had gotten to him. You had gotten him to break in a way he never thought possible, he had felt his body burning for you and at the same time his blood had never been colder.\n\nIt had been days at this point, when he had finally arrived to his last hope, a large industrial warehouse, and he instantly noticed a blacked out SUV parked in front. He grabbed his hand gun and headed straight for the door-\n\n\"James! JAMES HOLD ON!\" He could hear Moran echo in the distance, but nothing would waiver his contempt, his drive to get you back to where you belong; with him.\n\nHe walked through the empty halls and for a moment froze,\n\n<i>He heard your blood curdling screams.</i>\n\nHis rage almost broke through his body and became a person on its own, he raced towards your screams, his finger already lacing the trigger of his gun. He stormed through the door frame at the end and his whole soul twisted in every emotion possible as in an instant he saw you, in nothing but your underwear, coated in blood- and Edgar. The only other one covered in blood, in a split second he decided to become an executioner. He shot him in the head and watched him drop to the ground.\n\n\"<b>NO</b>-\" Leland had grabbed a gun and launched at James, who didn't move an inch and shot Leland in the lower abdomen. Leland dropped to the ground and curled up grasping at the wound. Sebastian rushed into the scene, dazed by how unbridled James had become.\n\n\"<i>Take him.</i>\"\n\nWithout another word Sebastian went over to Leland, punched his face into the concrete and knocked him out before slinging him over his shoulder waiting for James who was kneeling over your bloody and tattered body. His eyes lingered over every cut, every swollen curve, all of the blood, the burns, the missing body parts. He snapped out of it, realizing you were very well just fading away and lifting you into his arms. Everyone would burn for what they had done to you, there was nothing more but hate in his body as he and Sebastian rushed out- James taking you to the nearest hospital and Sebastian bringing Leland to an undisclosed location.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ]
Title: Full Bodied (A Moriarty x Reader Fic) Description: "Stop attracting trouble." Sherlock Holmes said that to you once, and you replied with an indigent "I am not!", like a little girl. Now you're not so sure about that. You thought everything was fine, break up was over, school was progressing, work was work. So why now? Who is luring these people out from the shadows, and why are they coming to you? Come take a journey into your life with Sherlock, Mycroft, John, Mary, so many more, and... is that a ghost I see? Fem!Reader x Moriarty Tags: ['afab', 'bbc', 'drwatson', 'fanfiction', 'jamesmoriarty', 'john', 'johnwatson', 'lemon', 'long', 'mary', 'marywatson', 'moran', 'moriarty', 'multiplechapters', 'mycroft', 'mycroftholmes', 'og', 'sebastianmoran', 'sherlock', 'sherlockholmes', 'slowburn', 'smuttyfanfic', 'watson', 'xreader']
# Chapter 1 You awoke to your door creaking, you sat up in bed just sitting there with covers still on, your eyes wide in the darkness of the bedroom- staring at the doorway trying to catch a glimpse of what was going on.  <i>'It couldn't be Sherlock breaking in could it?'</i>   It had been almost 2 years since you've actually <i>seen</i> him in person. Sitting very still you could see a shadow move, very slowly. Very carefully. <i>When have you known Sherlock to care about waking you?</i> Your heart was now in your throat, you could barely see and tried to gingerly slip out of your bed in search of something to arm yourself. Slithering over to the closet, you desperately grasped at random objects until you felt a baseball, and sliding your hand to the right you then feel the accompanying bat. You grasped the neck of it, smoothly lowering it out of the top shelf when- "HHH-" you inhale sharply as someone covers your mouth from behind with their hand, harshly grabbing your neck with the other. You forgot to keep an ear out, and now he has you. You started throwing your hands aimlessly, trying to find the bat as he starts dragging and throwing you around to trying to still you. You were spun around and now against the wall, hand still on your neck and the other reaches into his jacket for something. For what? You didn't want to find out. You slid down to the ground and started to kick at him. His hand became loose enough for you to launch up at his face, digging your nails into his cheeks- aiming for his eyes. You got a firm enough hold and bit him, your teeth digging into  his face so much you could feel his cheekbone grinding against your molars. He screamed and in an effort to get away ended up letting you go. You swung your body over, stomach now on the ground with an outstretched hand on the bat. You firmly swung it at your intruder and hit what you assume to be his torso. He yelled out and you scrambled to get on your feet. Readying to swing again you then see a flash of metal in his hand that wasn't there before. A gun. Veto the bat idea.  You ran. You ran past him with no shoes, no phone the only thing in your hands was the bat that you clasped for dear life. You bolt out your front door, down the halls of your apartment complex pining for the front desk.  You swore you heard a gunshot right after you left.  You got to the front desk and there was no one, receptionist must've gone for a smoke. You stood there, panting, looking back down the hallway you just sprinted through and heard footsteps slamming towards you.  <i>Take the elevator? </i> <i>No, that just keeps you in the building with him.</i> <i>Out the door it is.</i>  You bolted out the front door of the apartment complex in the middle of the cold rainy night. No shoes on, only wearing a wine-colored slip holding a baseball bat. You looked frantically around for anyone, then you spot the receptionist taking a drag, you run over to her, spastically grabbing her shoulders about to tell her to call the police when- "Y/N!" You whipped your head around towards the sound. In an all black-clad vehicle sitting in the rain, a woman's face is in the lowered back window. "Anthea?" "What are you doing Y/N?! Get in the car, now!" You let go of your tight grip on the receptionist, desperate to get as far away from the man in the building and slide into the back seat of the car. Anthea scooted over to the other side and told the driver to go. You weren't even sitting, you were on your hands and knees in the back of the car, white-knuckling the baseball bat, staring at her confused and full of adrenaline. You tried to think of what to say first, about what just happened. "Who's blood is that?" You looked down at yourself and noticed blood glazed your shoulders, chest, and sprinkled onto the tops of your thighs. "I-I have no idea, Anthea, this-this MAN! He came into my apartment and grabbed me and then he started to choke me and-!" "Take a breath, I'm bringing you somewhere safe." You hadn't moved, you looked like a wild animal you're sure.  Why was Anthea even here? What business did Mycroft send her on?  <i>And why was it so conveniently close to your apartment?</i> # Chapter 2 Sitting in silence, it was then you noticed just how sticky you felt. The blood, which you hoped and assumed was from the assailant, dried and then re-wet by the rain you stood in, felt thick on your skin. You noticed it also managed to get on your slip night dress, and the taste of it in your mouth had finally made itself known. You couldn't help but be suspicious of Anthea's timing, or rather, Mycroft's. However, you were tired, and in shock, wanting nothing more to just go back to bed and be safe.  "This is our stop, let's go, everyone is waiting." You snapped out of your daze, lit in the streetlamps and rain, was no other than 221B Baker Street.  "What's going on?"  Anthea merely looked at you, you knew if Mycroft sent her to do something, she was simply just supposed to do it. No questions asked. You opened the car door, sliding out, feeling the wet sidewalk on your feet. Slowly carrying yourself and your bat, you and Anthea walked through the threshold of 221B. As soon as you walked in you could hear voices half-arguing up the stairs, Anthea didn't wait for you to catch up and promptly made her way up and into the flat. You stood there, body heavy. Dragging yourself up each stair, and finally to the landing where you could hear everyone a bit clearer. You paused again starting to get tired, and every moment that passed a new part of your body seemed to start aching. You continued on into Sherlock's flat where upon full entry everyone stopped talking, and looked at you. "Anyone care to tell me why I was assaulted at 1 in the morning, and then dragged here in Mycroft's hearse that just <i>happened</i> to be there?" Mary, John, Ms. Hudson, Lestrade, Sherlock and Mycroft all sat there, with the last two exchanging looks.  "Go ahead, brother mine." Mycroft sighed and then propped himself up on his walking stick, fully standing and then turning towards you. "We have had word that a band of criminals have arrived in London, looking to take over the criminal underground network Moriarty left behind when he died."   Mycroft stopped for a moment and scanned you.   "However, I've been keeping track of such network and they are not taking it too well. They seem to think that if they can get to me, that the criminal underworld is theirs for the taking." "So they took <i>me?</i> To get to <i>you?</i> That makes no sense why not beat the shit out of Sherlock then?"  Mycroft looked already tired of you, and you had been there for less than 2 minutes. All the while everyone else sat and watched it unfold. "Well you did<i> -briefly-</i> work with me, and Sherlock is just simply too hard to get to in able to use him as leverage. They know this." You started to get aggravated now, rubbing your temples with your middle finger and thumb on either side of your head.  "So because they can't get to Sherlock they tried to get me? Am I right to assume the reason everyone is here is so they can't get Mary to get to John, John to get to Sherlock, Sherlock to get to you? Then Lestrade is here for what? Police muscle?" "If you have to put it so oafishly like that, then yes." You threw a glare at Mr. The Whole British Government, "Well nice to know I was the last person to receive your concern and get sent a savior." You threw yourself down on the unoccupied end of the sofa, propping your head up on your elbow and resting your eyes. "And what am I supposed to do now, <i>hm?</i>" Mycroft again took charge of the conversation. "We will be having you stay with under our surveillance. Unfortunately these foreign pests are organized, and deemed as an actual threat-" Sherlock cut in to simply his brother's grandeur, earning a squint and a head tilt from the older Holmes.  "They're dangerous and they want to kidnap and torture you so the watch on the underworld disappears, can't have that, and can't have you working the case either."  "Well that's just great then, I get to sit here for god knows how long and do nothing except try not to get killed." Sherlock just nodded, and through your half-lidded eyes you could see John shake his head and start to walk over to you. As your eyes grew heavier by the second you knew John was doing a check-up to make sure it wasn't your blood. "Goodnight, Y/N" Sherlock chuckled absent mindedly, chin on top of his peaked hands. "Goodnight, Sherlock." You smiled, trying to stay awake while everyone started discussing who knows what about the case, your ears did nothing as your body shut down even when you didn't want it to. # Chapter 3 You felt something warm on your shoulder, it felt very soft and gentle. Then there was a whisper, "Y/N..." You took a deep breath, the air felt warmer than it did last night. "Y/N?"  Slowly opening your eyes you saw the salt and peppered profile of Greg Lestrade. "I'm sorry to wake you, but we have to get going soon." He had such a sweet smile, you got a beam of joy seeing him standing above you in the sunlight. You wouldn't mind waking up to this every day- '<i>Do. Not. Go. There.</i>' Sherlock's voice echoed in your head.  The first time you saw Greg was when you were hanging out with Sherlock at 221B, he rushed through the door to give Sherlock a case, or information or something, you couldn't really remember. You just thought he was handsome, and when he introduced himself he was bashful. You remember giving Sherlock a look of <i>'what a silver fox huh?'</i>. Sherlock essentially forbade it, said he couldn't bare the thought of you and Greg becoming 'sentimental', and then assured you he thought Greg was too stupid for you. What a charmer that Holmes.  "It's okay, where are we going?" Greg outstretched a hand, which you took  as he pulled you up off of the sofa like you weighed nothing. You both smiled at each other, his face turning a little worried as he stared down at you. You looked down remembering the events of last night at the sight of your night gown, blood now dried down onto your shoulders, legs, and fabric.  "We're going to your flat to pick up your things, everyone decided it would be best to just put you in a hotel room for the time being while we work everything out." <i>Everyone</i> huh? You looked around and confirmed 'everyone' was already gone. <i>Nice of them to say goodbye.</i> You nodded, knowing there wasn't really a choice in the matter.  "Um, we should probably...clean you up a little first, yeah?" He chuckled, you agreed and then walked your way over to Sherlock's bathroom and caught yourself in the mirror. You had already seen the blood caking your body and gown, but then you slowly reached your hand up to the corner of your mouth. A light brush of your thumb to your face, noticing there was also blood coating your lips and cheek. Taking a deep breath you turned the faucet, taking a hand cloth and wetting it. You started on your face, making your way down the visible parts of your body. "Better now? Detective inspector Lestrade?"  He laughed, walking over whilst taking off his suit jacket and laying it over your shoulders, buttoning it in the middle. "Too bad my shoes won't fit you, do ya need me to carry you?" You smiled and shook your head, he's a lot more flirty without Sherlock's presence, not that you minded. At all. Greg brought you downstairs and hailed a cab. The ride to your apartment was filled with small talk, and you prodding at Greg about what's going on. Greg simply put it as 'Sherlock can explain it better'. Which you sure was true. You arrived at your apartment building,  entering through the front desk and going down the hallway you started to feel anxiety creeping up your body. Greg placed a hand on your back, guiding you down to your front door and gave you a 'it's gonna be ok'.  You opened the door, and everything seemed normal, until you walked into your bedroom and saw the blood splattered on the ground and the mirror doors of your closet. There wasn't a lot of it, but it made you freeze in place. This all happened not even 24 hours ago, and now you were packing up your things to go sit in place at a hotel that the boys could keep on eye on because for<i> some reason</i> you're now the biggest target for a criminal gang? Your mind finally started to catch up with you and it was sending you reeling.  "Is it too much for you right now?" You snapped back to look at Greg, who was standing there with concern.  "No, I just...I trust you guys. I'm just getting nervous. I'll be ok." You gave a brief toothy smile, and then pulled out a suitcase from your closet, unzipping it and starting to pack. "Anything I can help you get?" "Trying to get into my underwear drawer Lestrade?" you teased, his face grew pink and he threw a quick 'of course not!', you giggled in response.  The process was mostly silent, you gave a quick glance showing you were ready and Greg escorted you out.  Another cab ride with Greg to Scotland Yard where you spent most of the day with him. It wasn't bad, you felt a bit like a lost puppy following him around, but he seemed to enjoy your company. You couldn't help wanting to ask him about what exactly was going on, although you were worried you resisted. Soon enough you made your way over to the hotel, it was dark by now and Greg looked so tired bringing you around everywhere. You felt awful. You saw a tall shadow in front of the building, and you knew it already. "Greg go home, I can manage from here." Pointing behind you to the figure. "Call me if you need anything, or if he scares you off." You smiled and waved Greg off, walking up to the entrance you saw in the light the figure and you both stood there in silence for a moment. "Let's go then, shall we?" "You pick this place out yourself, Mycroft?" He just looked down at you, hand on the handle of an umbrella he was leaning on.  The way up to your room was filled with silence, towing behind Mycroft, and towing your suitcase behind you. He opened the door, and you followed him in. The door closed behind you and Mycroft finally broke the silence. "This is the easiest place to keep security and eyes on you while we gage the movements of the criminal circle trying to reach us. We might move your location to an actual safe house with Mary and John if need be, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it."  He started to walk around, checking rooms, furniture, closets, while continuing on. "You of course have all our contact information if you need us, don't contact anyone else. Don't leave this building or even this room without alerting someone. We will update you on the situation when we feel it is necessary for you to know." You started to feel the urgency and importance of the situation, it felt like you were being put on lock down. Which, in a sense, you are. Mycroft walked briskly by you towards the door to leave, when he stopped right before opening it. "Do you..." You turned your head towards the Mycroft behind you, "Would you...like me to stay with you tonight?" Your heart instantly felt heavy, you could already feel the words stuck in your throat. You hated this. You were over it, why do you want to jump out and say 'yes' without any care for what happens after? You swallowed thickly, and bit your bottom lip inwards. Melancholy, confusion, anger, all rushed through you and you had to stop yourself from reacting. "No...thank you." There was so much tension it made it hard to breathe, Mycroft broke eye contact. "Right then." He said and then promptly left without looking back.  The door clicked behind him and you stood there alone in this large room. You left your suitcase in the middle of the room, and threw yourself onto the bed covering your face with your hands. "AUGHHH!" You dragged your hands down your face, trying to calm yourself down.  <i>The audacity of him! He doesn't warn you about people trying to kidnap you, he doesn't stay to explain anything else, he just orders you around and then asks to stay?! </i> Whatever energy you had left was gone, you were emotionally drained. You dragged yourself off of the bed and brought your suitcase into the bathroom to unpack some of your things when you heard footsteps.  Slowly you moved out of the bathroom, you turned the corner to where your bed and sofa were stationed and freeze instantly when you see someone in a suit, back turned towards you as they stare through the wall of windows.  He turned around.  You got tunnel vision and tripped over yourself as you tried to quickly back away, falling onto your ass and immediately became gripped with an intense fear you hadn't felt before. "Oh dear," He smiled, "Were you expecting Mycroft instead?" You knew that face. That face that was plastered on the news, websites, onto all the CCTV of London. It was the face of a dead man. It was the face of James Moriarty. . # Chapter 4 All you could do was stare up at him, frozen. Moriarty strode slowly towards your half upright body. He crouched down, not once breaking eye contact, and stopped merely a couple inches from your face. He delicately gripped your hand off the floor, standing and pulling you up. The air felt thick- like the whole world and all its life, apart from you two, had stopped moving. "This will be our little secret, yes?" he spoke softly, as if there was someone sleeping, a smirk on his lips and a pseudo-caring squint in his eyes.  All you could do was nod, unblinking, jaw half slacked as he slowly let go of your hand and silently walked out of your room. You stood there for what seemed like an hour, but in reality, was probably no more than a minute. Debating on calling Sherlock and finally deciding against it, you sat on the hotel bed and put your head in your hands. You didn't get much sleep that night. You had to tell someone. It was all becoming too much too fast. Deciding that it would be a better idea to talk to someone in person, you rung Anthea. That way it wouldn't be as obvious to someone tracing your calls. You walked off the lift, through the front entrance where outside it was bustling with business men and valet.  Trying to sort through the crowd, you finally see Anthea down the sidewalk on her phone. You took all about 2 steps before a large hand gripped your shoulder, before you could spin around a hot breath was on your ear. "You'd be best off to make sure you don't <i>accidentally</i> say something you shouldn't."  You slowly turned your head towards the gravely voice to meet a man towering above you, 40's, gruff looking, with long unkempt blonde hair. He seemed to carry a permanent look of displeasure on his face, accessorized with a long cigarette hanging from his lips.  As quickly as he grabbed you, he left and seemed to blend in with the crowd. Like a ghost. Swallowing thickly, you continued walking towards Anthea, yelling a 'hey' to grab her attention. She ushered you into the car and waited to speak until they drove off. "Did something happen last night?" Anthea shifted in her seat, arching her brow and setting her phone down on her lap. <i>God what have you been swept up into?</i> "Yeah..." You stopped yourself, what you thought would be brave, confessing, is starting to turn your stomach. Anthea kept staring. "Mycroft asked if he could stay with me last night." You tried not to seem stiff, but you sat there like a statue, worried Anthea would see right through you. "And...you're so worried about this you needed to talk to..." She furrowed her brows and moved her head forward in confusion. "...Mycroft?" <i>Shit.</i>  "Well who else am I supposed to talk to about it? Sherlock?" you shot back, possibly a little more aggressive than need be. "Point taken." The rest of the ride was silent. You arrived at Mycroft's house and started to walk up with Athena. <i>Dear God.</i> Mycroft Holmes' house. <i>The Mycroft Holmes that could deduce Sherlock Holmes, that could tell if someone was abused by the way they itched their nose. </i> <i>And you thought you could just go in, and play off meeting James Moriarty minutes after Mycroft left?</i> <i>Good plan, Y/N.</i> Taking a breath you finally walked into the drawing room, where Mycroft and to your relief, Sherlock is. It might seem worse, having two inhumanly genius men there to pick you apart, but you'd rather have Sherlock there than deal with Mycroft alone. They stopped talking and Mycroft gave you a searing look whilst leaning on his desk.  "You summoned Anthea, to bring you here to bother me, because of...what I asked last night?" Sherlock darted a questioning look towards Mycroft, curious, but probably already reaching the right conclusion.  You shifted on your feet, crossing your arms. You probably had a good 3 seconds to cover yourself and respond before they figure it out- <i>god who were you kidding? They probably figured it out after your 4th step in the room. </i> "Yeah, I wanted to know why you would ask that. Did you think something bad would happen?" Mycroft immediately stood straight up, a stern look that ran straight up and down your back.  "<i>Did</i> something bad happen?" <i>You blew it. What do you do? Spill your guts? Run? Cry? Lie? Think. Think fast Y/N Jesus!!</i> "No, but you were making me paranoid! I couldn't sleep at all last night because of you!" Sherlock stepped forward, now parallel to his brother, his curious look directed at you. Mycroft goes to speak again and- "You think too much of him, Y/N, he's not omnipotent. If anything, he's becoming quite slow." Sherlock briskly walked past you, looking down and grasping your gaze within his own before continuing on to the door. "Come on then, I'll bring you back." Through all the events you've been through, though they mostly involved Mycroft, you and Sherlock had an unspoken immediate trust. So when he steered you away from the conversation, you followed his lead. Silently you dropped your head, and without another glance at Mycroft, trailed behind Sherlock outside to wait for a car. "Speak briefly and quietly." You two stood side by side, Sherlock tapping away on his phone, keeping his calculating aura. You know better than to react, or to even look at Sherlock. Attempting to steady your breathing, you keep your eyes in front of you and thought of how to keep this concise as possible.  "Moriarty was in my hotel room last night, for about 2 minutes, right after Mycroft left and told me to keep it a secret. I called Anthea to come tell Mycroft, before I got in the car a man from the crowd grabbed me and warned me to keep my mouth shut." Sherlock stopped messing around on his phone, but kept his eyes down. He stashed it away in his pocket and stared in front of him just like how you were.  "Mycroft knows." Your neck muscles twitched, and it hurt to not snap towards Sherlock in response. You kept quiet.  "If it was that soon after he left, Mycroft must know Moriarty is alive, and he's known it for a while." Sherlock gritted, and you could tell he wanted to stride back into the home and confront Mycroft.  Preferably violently. There were no other words exchanged, the car arrived, and nothing else was said until you both got out at the hotel. You looked up at Sherlock, and his blue green eyes were already taking all of you in.  "If he comes back," Sherlock was approaching you like a baby deer, soft and gentle, and all you could do is stare back scared at the thought that Moriarty would come back. "If he does, do whatever you need to be safe."  You wanted to ask him so many questions; <i>who should you call? What do you do if he asks about going to Mycroft's house? What if you just put both of them in danger?</i> You knew better though, if you were being watched, you freaking out would definitely be a red flag. You trusted Sherlock, and you assumed him being short means he trusted you. He walked you back up to the room, you settled back in and looked at Sherlock as he left. "Don't worry, I'll talk to Mycroft. He's just a big, needy, stupid baby." Sherlock closed the door behind him and left you there, story intact in case someone was listening, that you really just wanted to talk to Mycroft about his comments last night. You felt like the whole day escaped you, but in reality it's only about 3pm.  And you were starving.  # Chapter 5 Carefully you pulled on a sweater, deciding it was best to act as normal as possible you made your way down and out of the hotel to get some food. Sensitive to all the bodies flowing past you as you strolled down looking for a cafe or a diner situation, something started to feel off. You felt as if you were being watched, you took a brief glance over your shoulder and two characters seemed to stick out to you. Both a little over average height, tall, lean, and an almost sickly look painted them both. Black, oily hair, and you couldn't make out their eyes. They were definitely brothers, maybe even twins.  You immediately got a gut feeling.  Still walking forward, trying to pay no mind to the figures behind, your search for somewhere to stop became more frantic. <i>I shouldn't have left the hotel without telling anyone...</i> Your heart was now beating in your ears, urgently scanning every store front, resisting the urge to look back again, you were considering running at this point.  "Y/N!!" You snapped your head to the left, heart stopping when you recognized the tall figure approaching you with a waving hand. It was the tall, gruff man from before that grabbed you before you got in the car with Anthea. Freezing in place, you were completely unsure of what was going to happen. His face changed from a fake welcoming smile, to disdain and annoyance. Within 2 strides of his long legs he swept his arm around your shoulders and started to guide you forward again. You go to look back at the other men behind you, but his large arm tightens around the nape of your neck, stopping you. "Don't look back you stupid little girl, they will chew you up and spit you out." <i>Is he not with Moriarty? Or are the other two not? Maybe neither, could one of them be with Mycroft? Oh dear god, where is he taking me! Do I run? Do-</i> You snapped out of your thoughts as he turns your body into a small diner. Slowly you looked up at him, his arm still around you while his eyes burned into you. You dare not move until he drops his arm and gives you a snarl-like scowl, his lips and side of his nose tilted upwards before he walks off to the back off the restaurant.  You sat there alone with a drink for probably 30 minutes before you came to the conclusion that he wasn't coming back. You decided to order, sitting there in confusion. You played with your phone between your fingers, is this something that would warrant alerting either of the Holmes? <i>No, you could handle this. After all, he left...with no explanation, other than another ominous warning. </i> You sighed and started to eat slowly, trying to pass as much time as possible. Hopefully the two men that tailed you were far gone by now. You were starting to calm down, whoever all those people were there was definitely a divide, you wouldn't have to worry about them working together.  It was dusk and the air was cool now, on the way back to the hotel you kept an eye out for anyone that even resembled the men from before, and pleased to say you hadn't spotted anyone. You got to the room and stopped yourself before opening it- There was a shadow being cast under the door.  It started to move, then the one shadow became two, and they started moving independently. You could hear slight murmurs beyond the door, and for about the 5th time today your heart dropped. Quietly and slowly, you backed up down the hallway, the whole time watching the shadows under the door.  "Ma'am did you need something?" You snapped your head to meet the room service staring at you with a peculiar look, you heard talking within the room and turning your head back towards it you watched the shadows elongate as the men ran towards the door- surely ready to open it and take you. You ran. Flying right past the elevator, not daring to look back and slow yourself down, you let your legs become numb with the hot blood pulsing through them. You pushed yourself through the crowd of tourists gathered in the lobby and out onto the sidewalks of London. You swept both ways with your eyes, shaking, mind racing about where to go and what to do when all of a sudden your eyes locked on someone across the street- The man that stood you up at the diner hours before. Without even looking both ways, you bolted across the dark street- cars screeching and horns blaring at your lack of composure. In seconds you were in front of him, looking up at him and grabbing onto the front of his shirt. That distasteful look was no where to be found, replaced with a wild look of surprise, wide eyes and parted mouth. You had almost collided with the man. "They're in my hotel room and now they're following behind me!" You didn't let go of this man, as if you could keep him hostage if you tried. You had no idea why you decided to illicitly place your life in this man's hands rather than stop and call Sherlock or Mycroft. Maybe it was because he was the first person you recognized, even though you've only had a solid 4 minutes of interaction.  His hand shot up tightly around your wrist, he pulled you quickly and all of a sudden you were in front of him, his back to the street and hotel. He swept his jacket off and over you, tucking your hair into it in order to disguise the length.  "Go forward." You immediately did as he commanded and briskly started to walk on. He trailed directly behind you, his large frame covering most of you from sight. You dare not look anywhere else except at what is in front of you, and even then you did so with your head tilted down, avoiding eye contact with all the passerby.  "Right."  you turned down an alley way, "Right." you turn again, further down into a shadier part of London. "Left." making your way through the slums, still not looking up, the man covering you latched his hand onto your arm, abruptly shoving you to the side into a vehicle you didn't even know was waiting there. The door slammed shut, he sat beside you, large stature almost pressing against your own smaller frame. A blacked out driver started to pull you away from the slums and out onto the road. Finally you worked up the courage to look at the unnamed man next to you. "Thank you." you squeaked out, a whisper really. His arms were crossed against his chest and he had a tired annoyed look, as if he were a babysitter not being paid enough. He reached over, plunging a hand into the jacket pocket you still wore. "Here let me give you it back-" "Don't bother. Reeks of American now."  Rude. Seems like he's a man of few words, he pulled out a small gun from the pocket of the jacket. <i>How did I not notice that?</i>  It was quiet the rest of the ride, where you were going? No idea. Your phone was still tucked away in your pocket, but for some reason, you felt no need to grab it and call someone. You left your trust in the air between you and this stranger who at the very least, saved you from those two men, twice. Leaning back, relaxing at the realization there's nothing you can do about anything right now. # Chapter 6 "Here is fine."   The car pulled to a stop on a long road in the suburbs of London, he handed the driver some money and without a word to you he left the car.  You of course followed suit anyway. He didn't move from the sidewalk until the car pulled off and turned down a different road, he then pulled out a cigarette and lit it, taking a long drag and looking down at you. "Don't get lost now." He started to walk off, a line of smoke following him. Again, there were no words spoken, you just trailed obediently, curiosity now fueling your expedition. <i>Who was this man? Where was he taking you? Was it worth the risk to follow him and find out the answers?</i> <i>Yes.</i> About an hour passed, and it started to rain. It was dark, and your hair was getting heavy from it getting slowly soaked.  He didn't seem to mind. You shrugged the jacket he gave you, trying to make it cover you just a little bit more. You've been walking for at least a mile, and the view around you changed. There were little sidewalks, and the houses were few are far between with grand structures and large plots of land.  Another mile, about another hour, the rain hasn't stopped and you were heavy with it. Now you were regretting all this. You were cold, wet, tired, and about ready to call yourself a cab or call Sherlock and take this man hostage for making you walk all this way. <i>He couldn't have made the car pull any closer? Like, ANY closer??</i> He started to slow down at one home, well, home was being humble. It had been a while since you actually walked by another house and now you were reaching the gateway for a large fenced in manor, with a grand security gate at the front, a sleek modern architectural home was behind it. Bright white with sharp edges, very squared, it seemed to glow even at night.  He stopped at the gate, his lit cigarette out from the rain well before but he let it hang in his mouth. He stole a quick glance at you, and just for a moment you swore you saw his eyebrows shoot up in surprise, like he couldn't believe you followed him all the way here. He typed in a code that you couldn't see that well, and the gate made a 'click' sound. He pushed the metal gate open, and held it while you came through. <i>Was this his home?</i> You yet again, followed behind him up to the entrance, dipping under the small slab of a roof you finally got some relief from the rain. He knocked on the door. <i>Why would he knock at his own home? Who's place was this?</i> The door opened, and you immediately felt your knees bend, ready to sprint with an energy you thought was already drained.  "Special delivery-" Spinning around the tall gruff man you'd been following grabbed you by the waist, picking you up all while you were punching, kicking, and flailing to get out of his grip. You took a deep breath to let out a blood curdling scream, and the man holding you winced in anguish, letting out a pained yell himself as he brought you into the house. He tightened his arms around your small torso, constricting you like a boa. "STOP MOVING!" His voice boomed across the whole home, and it shook you, but not enough to make you stop. You moved your head down and bit into his shoulder with all your strength, breaking skin and sinking your teeth into the muscle, about to pull a chunk out when- "SON OF. A. BITCH!"  He rose you above his head, and then threw you down onto the hardwood floor on your back, like something off of WWE. It punched the air out of your lungs, and you gasped trying to sit upright. He was holding onto his shoulder that was now streaming blood down the chest and sleeve of his shirt, looking at you with unkempt rage and<i> next to him</i>- Next to him was a average height man, lean, slicked jet black hair and abyssal eyes, cloaked in a white long sleeve button up, black belted slacks and shiny dress shoes. <i><b>James Moriarty.</b></i>  Your fingers clawed at your chest, trying to manifest oxygen back into your lungs. "Oh darling~" He brought his hand to his face, over his comically ajar mouth, feigning a bashfulness and shock. "You look absolutely <i>terrified</i>." Moriarty's face morphed dark and expressionless, all the while you're trying to get your brain to start working properly.  Moriarty panned his face to the absolute ball of fury beside him, a small smirk on his lips. "That'll be all, Sebastian, thank you." The taller man, who you now consider to be named Sebastian, looked back at him with a 'are you serious?' look. You wondered if at some point he would take revenge on you for biting a piece out of his shoulder. Moriarty just raised a brow in response, and the tall man gathered himself up, leaving the house and slamming the door on the way out. You felt glued to that floor, and for what seemed like forever, all that happened was you sat there staring at Moriarty, and him staring right back into you. "What do you want?" He shoved his hands into his pockets, and flashed you a confused look. "You're the one that came to me, ran right to me in fact." <i>To him? As if you would have went anywhere near that man if you knew who he was working for!</i> "I did not! There were two men after me and that guy from before was across the street so I ran to him-" "And thank goodness you did, those boys would've tied you up and tortured you." "And you won't?" The corner of his mouth twitched along with his brow, his devious and psychotic nature just begging to pool out of him and devour your fear. "<i>Only if you ask nicely.</i>" A shiver ran up your spine, it's like every time he talked a cold air came out into the room. He started to walk towards you, and you're sure he could see you start to curl up into a little ball. He continued to walk past you, right behind you and up a spiral staircase into the floor above. Saying nothing the whole time. So there you were, alone on the cold hardwood floor of a serial killer's  house in silence, in the middle of the night, no idea where you are and- and your phone was dead. <i>Fuck.</i> Slowly, you started to get up, you felt small. Miniscule. You started to take the first floor of his house in, wide open, kitchen to your right with a doorway to a hall next to it, and to your left a step down into a large lavish living room. Large wonderous windows that let the moonlight spill in, on the dark floors and stark white walls, and on the tall metal spiral staircase that was almost calling to you. <i>Because I'm sure as hell not going down that hallway.</i> You're heart was going a mile a minute, and you shakily strode over to the staircase. The railing was cold, and matched the aura of the house. You continued up to find a large space with only two doors on either wall, only one being open. Taking a deep breath you kept going, carefully creeping into the open room, which you can now tell is an office. Moriarty sat back towards you, behind a deep, heavy wood desk. You clasped your hands in front of you, unaware of if he has even noticed you. "Aren't you just a curious little kitten?" he said without moving a muscle, let alone looking back at you. <i>Don't waiver. Sherlock trusts your judgement, it'll be ok.</i>  You took one step forward towards Moriarty, "Who were those men..." Another step, "The Mortlake brothers." Another two steps, "They aren't with you?" And then another- "<b>No</b>." Moriarty spun around to face you, a deep seriousness and almost insulted look in his black eyes. Freezing, it felt as if you were playing red light-green light, and that you shouldn't be moving with his eyes on you. Maybe you should hold your breath too? Just in case?  He broke the stare, eyes down now looking at whatever was in his hands before. You started to take another couple steps, <i>this felt oddly familiar to you</i>.  "Who do they work for then?" You started to get into his personal space, managing to get to the other side of his desk, almost next to him now. "The man trying to take over my territory, that's targeting Mycroft since I'm <i>dead</i>, therefore targeting you-" You were probably only a foot away from his side now, him still sitting but now looking up at you, he smiled softly and put his head in one of his hands, tilting it and batting his eyes. "Since you two were so..." he drew a sharp inhale between his lips, "<i>close</i>." He had a habit of freezing you it started to seem, you just stood there staring down at him. "...I don't know what you mean." Moriarty's face immediately dropped in disappointment, he looked back to his desk and mumbled something like '<i>disappointing</i>' if you heard correctly. Maybe that was your warning to back off, but you just had so many more questions, and what would you do otherwise? It's not like you can call anyone, or walk home, you don't even know where you are.  You took one last step, almost touching his seated figure, slightly craning your neck over his shoulder, interested in what 'paperwork' a consulting criminal could possible need to go over. You swore you saw a little smile on his face from what little you could see from this angle.  "Downstairs, there are bedrooms in the hallway by the kitchen. Go find yourself one." It was awfully late, and you wondered if he was like Sherlock in the sense that he doesn't really sleep. You decided not to push you're luck any longer, and went downstairs into the hallway that was littered with doors. You opened the first door on the left and right, and figured either of those could be Moriarty's since they were the first ones there. The other doors were storage, the last one on the right was locked. Finally, the last one on the left contained a large bedroom, walls painted a deep red, dark wood décor, crown molding, brass accents, and a large lavish bed with off white bedding. It seemed almost royal, and compared to the modern bright look of the rest of the home, you assumed this room was less used. You decided to just lay down, and the tiredness you didn't realize you were carrying swallowed you up as you drifted to sleep.  # Chapter 7 You slowly started to wake up, relishing in the warmth surrounding you. The bed was so comfy, and the blankets were fluffy, you definitely felt royal in this bed as gaudy as it might be to some. "Don't you just look so cozy in my bed?"  You flew upright, eyes wide open as you realized the situation. You stared right at Moriarty who was standing at the side of the bed, hands in pockets, smiling widely. Before you could protest, he was kneeling on the bed in front of you, lurking towards you and suddenly pushing you onto your back, one of his hands grabbing both of your wrists and pinning them above your head. He straddled over you, pinning you in place as he reached into his pocket with his free hand, pulling out your phone and waving it in front of your face. "Everyone is so worried about you," he lowered his face close to yours, "are you going to be a good girl and keep this another one of our secrets?" You slowly nodded yes and he took his weight off you. He stood back up, turning around to the large mirror and fixing himself. You stood as well, with your phone now fully charged you took that as your permission to leave. As you walked by him, clutching yourself, he started to speak again: "Oh, and do make sure you actually keep this secret a secret," His eyes darted at you in the mirror, "<i>Unlike last time</i>." <i>Oh shit. Of course he knew.</i>  You ran by him, sprinting through the house, almost ripping the front door off its hinges to escape. You kept running. Through the gate, down the sidewalk, not stopping until you started to feel your legs burn. Chest rising and falling rapidly, you calm yourself and pull out your phone. 17 missed calls from Mycroft. 5 missed calls from Sherlock. 23 texts from Mycroft. 1 text from Sherlock. It was all 'where are you', 'what's going on', 'why aren't you at the hotel', and the like. It took almost no debate on who you were going to be calling first. <i>Ring...Ring...</i> "Sherlock?" "Where are you?!"  A deep sigh of relief, "I don't really know to be honest, can you like GPS me or something?" There was a loud couple of bangs on the other side of the phone, along with John shouting, "Busy at the moment, stay where you are I will send someone." <i>Click.</i> Almost an hour passes and a black car rolls up next to you. The back door opened from the inside and there was Anthea. You slid in next to her, the long ride was mostly silent until you started to reach the familiar roads leading to Mycroft's workplace. "He's in some meetings throughout the day, you are not allowed to leave before he sees you though." You didn't even respond, there was no point. You got out of the car and Anthea lead you inside to a small lounge with no one else in it, she left without another word. So there you sat and started the waiting game. Hours passed, and it was 1 in the afternoon now. You were exhausted just sitting there on your phone, waiting for Mycroft.  <i>As if he couldn't just pop out in between meetings to see me. Pompous prick. </i> You started to nod off when a buzz in your lap made you jolt back awake. 'Be a good girl. -JM' You're stomach sank, was he watching you? You couldn't think on it further as Mycroft waltzed in, giving you nothing but a wave of his hand you followed him to his office. Closing the door behind you Mycroft sat behind his desk, hands folded tightly as he stared at you. Waiting for an explanation.  "Yesterday I left the hotel without permission and when I came back-"  Mycroft's eyes narrowed at your delinquency, "there were two men waiting in my room, so I ran out of the hotel and some random guy just took me and told me to keep running. So I did. I turned my phone off so it wouldn't die, but I didn't know if I should go back so I stayed in the slums for the night." He pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers, "Why do you purposefully disobey me?" he sighed aggravated. He really knew what buttons to push, as if those two men wouldn't of looked around after hearing you. "Who are the Mortlake brothers?" Mycroft's eyes immediately snapped open, and he straightened up, "<i>What did you say?</i>" "The man that told me to run said 'get away from those scummy Mortlake brothers'. " Mycroft relaxed his body, "They are none of your concern. Go back to your flat, Y/N." Maybe this is why Sherlock always said you get yourself into trouble, but you felt itchy. You wanted, no, needed to know more. More about Sebastian, Mortlakes, Moriarty. Walking out of Mycroft's dungeon you saw none other that Lady Smallwood walk pass by.  <i>Ugh. She gives me heartburn even thinking about her, that old hag.</i> And then a devious, not so smart, plan hit you. How hard could it possibly be to break into Lady Smallwood's office, hm? Picking up the pace you tried to remember where exactly her office was, hopefully they hadn't changed much of this place within the last couple years. Stealing a quick glance, her receptionist seemed occupied, you go to turn the door handle- "Excuse me ma'am, Lady Smallwood is out of the office right now-" You quickly turned your attention to the receptionist, "I'm sorry, did you say Lady Smallwood?" She nodded. "Oh, that's my bad! I wasn't even looking for her," you laughed "I thought this was Commander Erwin's office, would you mind pointing me in the right direction?" <i>Was it bad that lying like this felt so natural? Oh well.</i> The receptionist smiled and gave you the directions to Erwin's office, which you didn't even bother to listen to. You were just happy all those work parties with Mycroft paid off and you remembered someone's name that still works here. You trotted off in the direction to Erwin, but you were still unsatisfied. A quick couple knocks on the door, and it opened up to an overall large muscley blonde man clad in British army uniform. He looked absolutely starstruck to see you, but then a large smile grew on his face. "Y/N! It's so nice to see you, come in come in!" He ushered you in and closed the door, he went and sat behind his desk and you sat in the chair in front.  "I hope you don't mind that I came to visit, I had to meet with Mycroft and he drains the life out of me I swear." You laughed, and so did he, then covered his mouth in embarrassment. As if someone would tell Mycroft that Erwin <i>also</i> thought he was a black hole of emotion. "I don't mind at all. I'd love to see more of you actually."  He went pale, Erwin has always been the utmost gentleman-y to you, possibly the sweetest most polite man you've ever met, and he seemed taken aback at his own vigor. "I'm sorry! I hope that wasn't too forward, I know you and Mycroft-" You held up a hand to stop him, he really was just too polite sometimes.  "Erwin, Mycroft and I's relationship ended what? About 2 years ago? And it wasn't even that serious to begin with."  <i>Liar. It was very serious, ended terribly, wrecked you emotionally, but who's keeping track?</i> You checked your phone, it was 1:45.  "It's almost 1:30, so I have to leave for work," Erwin stared at you with big puppy eyes, embarrassed and worried. "but I'd love to see more of you too. Hm, do you even have my number?" "Ask for your phone number in front of Mycroft Holmes, my boss, whom you were dating at the time? No I don't think I did." He laughed. You gave him your number, waved goodbye and started to make your way down to Smallwood's office yet again. You essentially just gaslit Erwin into being your alibi by lying about the time, and you needed to hurry up to make it believable if someone saw you again.  More cautiously this time, you slithered your way into Smallwood's UNLOCKED office, how unprofessional. Standing behind her desk, you started up her computer.  <i>If you could make your way into Mycroft's, how hard could it be to get into hers?</i> # Chapter 8 <i>Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god-</i> You fumbled with the keys to your flat, hands shaking. Finally you all but flew through your own door, slamming it behind you with both hands and resting your head on the cold wood. You lifted it after taking some deep breaths and zeroed your eyes onto the file folder pressed between your left palm and the door. It wasn't much information, it was less than a full page, actually- you couldn't believe that you went through with it though. Guessing Lady Smallwood's password, going into confidential files about James Moriarty- who was marked <i>deceased</i> and then <i>printing them off?</i>  The flat was eerily silent and everything was still. You pushed yourself off the door, your entire body felt weighted as you sat down still clutching the folder. You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard your phone ring. "Mycroft?" you answered breathless, nerves still on high alert. "What time did you leave after we met?" he wasted no time, an alert must have been triggered when you searched Moriarty's name. "Uh, about 1:30, why?" "Why did you leave so late after we met? There's almost 30 minutes unaccounted-" "Ugh Mycroft!" he stopped talking, and you had to keep your lies straight, "I met with Erwin, not that it's any of your business." "...Erwin, hm? I wasn't aware you two were on a first name basis." "I-" you took a deep breath, "any other questions, Mycroft?" "No. I just wanted to double check." He hung up. Of course he already checked the cameras and with Erwin.  Now what are you supposed to do? You didn't really think about what to do with what you found, or what will happen next. Even though you already saw the information, you felt like if you opened the folder for a second glance everything would spiral out of control. Looking around at your flat the suitcase full of clothes sat right in the middle, the whole place felt unlived in even though its only been a few days. You walked to the bedroom and threw the file under the mattress, deciding you should unpack and grab a couple things to liven up the place. You took a long, proper shower and then slipped on an outfit from the closet. Spritzing some perfume, you grabbed your keys, phone and card. You were starting to feel much better, more normal. The flat needed some color, <i>maybe some flowers?</i> You smiled to yourself and made your way outside to head to a florist at the very least.  The rare sunlight in England felt good on your skin, you felt as if you could finally breathe. Briskly walking around, you hit a café, a small candle store, and finally stumbled upon a florist. It was bright, with light green walls and glass cases full of sample bouquets in vases. You purchased a simple bouquet and a vase and started your way back home. You stopped a few more places and when you finally got home it was dark.  Humming, you opened the door and placed down the candles, put away some groceries, hung up your new coat and filled the vase with water.  You heard a footstep. "Candles, flowers, takeout? How romantic." You turned around to face Moriarty, who looked quite pleased with himself for sneaking into where you stayed not once, but twice unnoticed. You just stood there debating on whether to try and reach for a kitchen knife. "I didn't say anything."  He sauntered over to you, his face relaxing into a sweet expression. He put his hands on your arms, rubbing them up and down. "I know princess, and you were doing <i>so</i> good-" he leaned into you, stopped moving his hands and gripped your arms tightly, "until you decided to get nosey." Your heart dropped and you turned your head to meet with a new, dark expression. "<i>What did you find?</i>" You wrenched yourself out of his grip, ran back to the living room while Moriarty spun around to keep his eyes on you. As he walked towards you, you slowly backed up to keep distance. It was like a predator prowling, encircling his prey. "That you were deceased. What else would there be?"  The movement between you two hadn't stopped, "You know," he breathed, "I can see more and more of what kept Mycroft's interest," he stopped in front of you; "and I like what I see." In an instant he had you by the throat, one hand clenching around your neck and the other on your lower back, pressing you so close to his own body you could feel his chest rise and fall.  "<i>But you know what I don't like?</i>" he hissed and his hand moved from your throat to your face, fingers pressing into your cheeks so hard you could feel your teeth against the inner flesh on either side, "<i>when people </i><b>LIE TO ME!</b>" He shoved you backwards out of his grip, you fumbled back shaky. Moriarty stood there, his psychotic essence leaking out of him angrily. He began to regain his composure, fixing his tie and pushing his hair back. You stayed frozen as he turned and started to leave your flat, pausing only for a second to look at your bouquet of roses and then exited without another word. # Chapter 9 You've been sleeping on that file folder for 3 weeks now. You haven't seen Moriarty since that night he broke in and after that you've been on high alert. Keeping an eye out for any sign of him, or those two men from before. There hadn't been anything out of the ordinary, except for flowers being delivered to you at work, or at home a few times a week. Blue roses; which you didn't even know were a thing. No note. No name.  You hadn't heard from Mycroft, and have only talked to Sherlock a handful of times only to check in. You huffed as you walked out of the pharmacy your worked at, it was dark and you felt a presence with you at the back of the store. You gripped your keys tightly in your hand and tried to see who was there in the dark.  "Can I help you?" you called out, and you saw a figure move closer. You figured it was an addict or a dealer trying to rob the pharmacy. You were agitated, all you wanted to do was go home and get some rest.  "Give me all the percs you have." he shakily brought out a knife and stared at you, you weren't afraid at all. You were annoyed. <i>He's an infant compared to Moriarty.</i>  "Yes, because when I close the store I take all the drugs outside with me. That's not how that works dumbass."  "THEN UNLOCK THE DOOR!" He points the knife at you. <i>Even his yells pale in comparison to Moriarty's. </i> All you did was let out a laugh impulsively, he didn't take it lightly. Within a few seconds you saw him lunge at you with the knife and before you could even defend yourself- <b>BANG</b> Blood spattered across your face, you screamed as the random mugger dropped to the ground in front of you. Dead. You brought your hand up to your face, touching the warm blood. You started to freak out, looking every which way to find where the shot came from. You started to pant, finding it hard to catch your breath when you heard something drop from behind you. You spun around and saw a tall shadow walk towards you, dimly light from a cigarette their face became clear; Sebastian. "Wh-wh..how-w-wh-wh" you had trouble breathing, let alone talking. Sebastian waved you forward to follow him. "Come on then, we've got to go." you didn't move. He came over to you, grabbing your wrist and dragging you behind him. There was no way you could take him, or out run him. You followed, shaky, confused, scared. You looked behind you only once at the dead man laying there, his eyes still wide open.  "What about him?" <i>there was no way he could just leave him there? He would get caught, I would become a suspect-</i> "It'll be taken care of, now shut up."  Like before there was a blacked out car waiting, but this time there was no driver. He opened the door on the passenger side and shoved you into the seat. He opened the trunk, throwing something heavy in the back and slamming it shut. You sat there motionless as he climbed into the driver seat and pulling out onto the dark roads. You thought this was over, or at least dying down. Almost a whole month of everything back to normal, and then someone gets their brains blown out inches from your face. You stole glances at Sebastian as he drove, he sat very straight with both hands on the wheel. You swallowed. "..I'm sorry about your shoulder, by the way." He glanced down at you, with your head hung low but staring at him, worried. He broke eye contact, not responding with anything except a 'hmmf'. You swore you saw a light smirk. It was much faster to arrival than you and Sebastian's other journey. Though, they both ended at the same place. Sebastian unlocked the gate, and drove up to Moriarty's home. You both got out of the car, and Sebastian watched you closely while you scuff to the door. You looked back at Sebastian, and he gave you a nod, you opened the door slowly. The house was filled with a soft warm light from candles being lit, you saw Moriarty standing front and center with a smile. "Oh you poor girl," he purred, Sebastian lightly pushed you all the way into the home. "were you scared?" you didn't speak, Moriarty looked behind you at Sebastian.  "She was fine up until I shot him, she was even laughing." He looked back at you, "Oh? Why's that?" the smile he wore didn't once fade. "...I've had James Moriarty break into where I was staying twice, somehow some thug trying to rob me with a knife didn't seem to compare." you almost whispered, you were uneasy to say the least and every word you exchanged made it worse.  "<i>Oh Y/N~</i>," he smile grew wide, "you're going to make me blush." His face went back to normal, and he once again looked back at Sebastian. "Moran, go clean up that mess." Sebastian turned to leave,  "Wait!" your eyes were wide as you looked back and forth between the two men, "what if he gets caught? There could be a report out and they'll see him there-" "Aww," Moriarty cooed "are you trying to protect Daddy?"  "No! I-" He chuckled, "That man is a no one. No one will look for him or even notice he's gone." He walked over and sat on the couch. "He's miniscule. You could kill a dozen men like him and no one will ever know." You didn't protest. Sebastian left, leaving just you and Moriarty alone. You wanted to know why you were here, but actually asking was a whole different task. You stepped closer to Moriarty on the couch, lightly and slowly as if one wrong move and he would pounce. You sat on the far side of the couch as he stared at you. You looked around, noticing a glass coffee table with- Blue roses.  Your eyes darted back to Moriarty, "It was you-" "It was. Now every time you see blue roses you'll think of me. I'll forever be a symbol in your mind, you won't be able to forget me."  <i>As if the murder, blood, break ins, threats and stalking wouldn't make a permanent mark in my mind.</i> # Chapter 10 "You know," Moriarty reached for a glass on the coffee table, "it's a good thing I kept an eye on you." He brought the glass to his lips. "Mycroft was watching me, I don't need your help." He stopped drinking, "<i>Mycroft,</i>" he sneered, "you'd think if Mycroft was watching you he'd have people posted at your flat, regular contact- you'd think he would've stopped that thug ready to slit your throat, or that he would've stopped all the others." he let the amber liquid from the glass flow into his scowl. "What do you mean, the others?" you furrowed your brows, you didn't want to believe anything that came out of Moriarty's mouth, but this is the only information you're being given. From anyone. "Oh please don't be stupid, I have so much hope for you." he leaned back into the couch, "A miraculous month of no criminal occurrences after two men broke into your hotel and stalked you? Please."  You bore your eyes into his own, you ached for answers. Moriarty could smell it on you. "Anyone that came sniffing around I took care of before they came close. All the while, you, blissfully unaware waltzed around like normal."  "So Mycroft didn't not watch me, you just took care of it before him! If you wouldn't of done anything-" "You'd be tied up, tortured, probably dying or dead by now because <b>MYCROFT</b>-" You laughed, and he stiffened up. You didn't laugh out of confidence, you were still scared shitless, but he seemed so childish you couldn't help it. "T-This isn't about me! Or my safety, or my ties to anyone- this is a pissing race between you and Mycroft!" Moriarty slammed his glass down on the table and you jumped, he shot up and towered above you.  "<i>You are extremely lucky that I even have a mild interest in you or you would be dead.</i>" You tried to steady your breathing, you clenched your jaw as he moved behind you towards the kitchen. You heard cabinets opening, glasses clinking and something being poured. You dare not look at him, but you can hear him walk behind you and towards that cold metal staircase from before. "We both know Mycroft can't manage to watch you, so make yourself at home for the time being." You were angry, hands balled into fists. <i>How dare he keep insulting Mycroft, saying he doesn't care enough to watch you? He thinks he can just drag you here whenever and what's more- make you stay?</i> You heard him go up the first couple stairs. "Have fun with your equations up there." Moriarty stopped. You slowly looked behind you to the side- he was staring directly at you, hand slack on the railing. "<i>What was that?</i>" his voice was low, you turned your head forward again. "Nothing..." he started to walk back up the stairs. "...<i>Professor</i> Moriarty." You heard him stop again, and then quickly come back down the stairs. He was almost stomping at this point. He came from the right side of you, placing his glass on the coffee table and leaning forward placing both hands on either side of you, caging you. "Aren't. You. <b>Clever.</b>"  he ducked down even lower to meet your cast gaze forcefully, "What else do you know?" "That you can't keep me here forever." you retorted whilst trying to muster up some defiance. Moriarty scoffed, "If you want to be safe you will be here as long as I say." "<i>You</i> can't keep me safe."  Displeasure washed over his features, you fought your body's instincts not to break eye contact or move. Moriarty stood up, fixed his tie and snatched his glass back off of the table. Without another sound he stomped up the metal stairs like a child, like Sherlock.  You looked around at the overall emptiness the house portrayed. There was no way you were just going to make yourself comfortable in one of those bedrooms, even if you had the energy. Some of the candles were still lit and some of the lights still on. Usually, you'd have to at least have the lights off to fall asleep, but them on was more of a solace here. You adjusted yourself on the couch long-ways, laying on your side and curling your legs into the fetal position. Your body ached with all the tension it's been carrying, it seemed to consume you as you fell asleep- cold, scared, unsure of what to do. You wished for it to be over, for someone to save you- <i>maybe Moriarty was right; maybe Mycroft wasn't watching out for you.</i> # Chapter 11 You were still half asleep when you heard shuffling that stirred you awake, you turned over taking a deep breath and opening your eyes. <i>Oh, that's right. I'm here in a maniac's house. </i>You glanced down looking at a blanket that wasn't there before, and in a chair across from the end of the couch was Sebastian; content with a mug and a newspaper in hand.<i> Who even reads the paper anymore?</i> "Was this," you gestured to the blanket, "you?"  Sebastian didn't look nor falter as he brought the mug up to take a sip.  "Technically."  "Technically?" you questioned.  He took another sip. "James asked me to, so I did." You brought your knees up to your chest, crossing your arms around them. You looked around. "And is he..." you trailed off.  "No, he's not here." You hummed a 'mm' and sat there observing Sebastian. He seemed a lot calmer in the mornings, more unbothered. He had a shallow scar on his chin and by his eyebrow, dark bags under his eyes that made him look tired but his face looked overall content. <i>I wonder if he slept here too.</i> "He said that I was lucky he had a mild interest in me, or I'd be dead." He pushed a 'hmph' sound out of his chest, "Mild is understating it," he looked at you for the first time since you started talking, "he could kill you, mind yourself."  Every time you felt grounded another reality check hit you. Moriarty could very well kill you, or order you killed more likely, at anytime. The thought unnerved you to say the least. He looked back down at the paper, flipping a page. "I doubt he will anytime soon, though." he sighed. "And what makes you say that?" "He told me you got some information regarding him and that you're close to Sherlock and Mycroft. Not to mention the huge trouble it would be dealing with Mycroft and the competition if you were murdered." He glances over to you, the worry must've been written all over your face and a softer side of him started to reveal itself. "You're interesting, to him. Just don't do anything overly stupid and everything will be fine." You wanted to ask everything and nothing all at once. Your mind was racing and it felt like you only had this moment to get the answers you wanted, but you didn't want to blow the one open line of communication you had to Moriarty. "Am I really supposed to be staying here then?" Sebastian's phone started to ring from his pocket, he pulled it out and with answered it with no greeting. He sat there listening, his eyes occasionally darting to you. He hung up with a 'mm' and pulled himself out of the armchair.  "Stay,"  he said and jabbed his finger at you. You followed him with your eyes as he walked towards the door, stopping only for a moment as he grabs the doorknob, "<i>I mean it.</i>" He slammed the door as he left. <i>Fuck. This.</i> You waited a moment, and then ripped the blanket off of your body. You were angry, livid even, body pulsing with an energetic rage that you hadn't felt in a long time. You almost tore the door off the hinges as you strode through it, slamming it behind you as Sebastian once did.  You started to walk down the path that dragged you here the very first time, after a while you saw the suburbs of the city and flagged down a cab. You knew immediately where you would be going,  "Cambridge University." The cabby nodded, and after a few hours of sitting and stewing in your own emotions you had arrived. You stared at the large castle like structure of the school, the school that initially brought you from America all the way across the pond. You felt a surge of nostalgia wash over you, but it didn't last long as you strode through the entrance.  There were students flowing every direction, the younger ones scrambling to navigate the labyrinth and get to class on time. You headed straight for the directory office and walked up to the receptionist sitting the calm silence. "Excuse me," she lifted her head up to look at you "I used to be a student here, and I'm trying to find an old professor I had in order to reach out and thank them, are you able to look them up for me?" She folded her hands in her lap and looked you up and down, "I can't give you their <i>personal</i> contact information-" You waved your hands in defiance, "No, no! Just an email or even a room if they're still here would be fine!" With a sigh she asked, "Name?" You swallowed thickly and for just a second you felt a small twinge of resistance, fleeting however. "Moriarty is the last name." She clicked and typed and hummed and 'huh'd' and after a moment she met you with a confused look. "There's no Professor Moriarty here or has been it looks like," Your face dropped. "there is however, a researcher here with the last name Moriarty, he's in the engineering department- is that who you're looking for?" "Yes, could you give me directions over there?" You smiled to yourself, this was better than anything you originally thought, <i>if it is what you think it is. </i>She pulled out some paper and drew you some directions, her words sounded like white noise as your heart raced. You all but snatched up the paper and ran out of the office, immediately heading towards the opposite end of the school. Before you knew it, you were standing outside a closed door, chest tight with your hand hovering. You opened the door, and met with a little shorter than average man, dark hair messy hair, and brown eyes. He meekly smiled at you. "Andrew Moriarty?" He nodded, "That's me, would you like to come in?" You smiled and walked into the room. There was no fear in your body, and you felt absolutely <i>invigorated.</i>   # Chapter 12 It was dark outside as you sat in your flat. You were extremely anxious, picking at your nails as you drank a glass of wine a now thicker file folder sitting in front of you on the coffee table that you've just been staring at while the TV plays in the background. You weren't even sure what you were watching at this point, or thinking for that matter.  <i>I may have let my emotions get the better of me.</i> Taking a deep breath, you ripped your eyes away from the folder and back onto the TV, it was almost midnight and you were watching one of those late-night shows that Sherlock would undoubtedly pick apart, or Mycroft for that matter. <i>Did he really not care at all? It seemed so, you were kidnapped an accessory to murder at this point, if he really was keeping an eye on you he would've caught that. Or is Moriarty really just that good?</i> Just as you were starting to relax, your phone started to ring, you pull it out of your pocket- <b>'UKNOWN'</b> You thought about ignoring it, but answered anyway, lifting the phone to your ear you just waited. "You <i><b>brat</b></i>-" Sebastian's deep gravel voice hit you, "<i>where. are. you.</i>" he seethed. You could feel his anger through the speaker. "My flat. Where I belong." The phone call ended, and the weight of what you had done earlier today suddenly came crashing down on you. You felt suffocated and nauseous, you couldn't bring yourself to move even a finger. It felt like an eternity and one second all at once when your door inevitably was ripped open, Sebastian standing in the frame. Right before hand slipping the file folder under your shirt. His face was pure shock and appall, he looked as dangerous as ever, violence radiating off of him.  <i>Fake it 'till you make it I guess.</i> You straightened up as he strode to you, immediately ripping you off of your couch and throwing you over his shoulder. You gasped, "Hey!" "<b>SHUT the FUCK up.</b> You have no idea what you have just <b>DONE.</b>" He threw you into the back of the car, himself driving. It was different from when he let you sit up front with him before, a silent symbol of the trouble you are in. You pulled up to those gates of hell just like the times before, but this time Sebastian didn't get out of the car. You sat there in confusion, and fear of course but you didn't want to show it. "Get in there." You stole a glance of him through the rearview mirror. You took a deep breath and got out of the car, before closing the door you heard a stern but silent whisper. "<i>Good luck.</i>" You went through the gates, you straightened yourself up again, you tried to think like Sherlock and just play the game.  You opened the front door, and instead of the warm fake welcoming aura you got last time the house was dark. It was cold, and it felt like a grave.  <i>Which is might just become for you.</i> The walls felt heavy, the air was thick, and it felt abandoned in a way. Which made sense because while you thought you would be met with Moriarty, he was no where to be found. You walked further in, closing the door behind you. You briefly swept the home and he really was not there.  The ball seemed to be in your court. You strode to the fireplace in the living room, starting it to get some sort of comfort and light within the morgue that is this house. Walking over to the kitchen, shuffling through the shelves and cabinets you picked the most expensive looking bottle and poured yourself a drink to sit on the couch with.  <i>I hate brown liquor.</i> You choked a couple sips down anyway and waited. You weren't sure how much time had passed as you skimmed through the folder you brought and when the door finally opened. You didn't turn to look, even as the door slammed and you heard the locks click. You took another burning sip of your drink as you stared out of the windows. "<b><i>You.</i></b>" You could feel your façade falling as you go to turn your head but Moriarty was there in an instant grabbing a handful of your hair slamming your head into the back of the couch. "<i>What did you do?</i>" You just stared back into his pin-pointed eyes, and for the first time you could actually see some color in his irises. His grip tightened and he got half an inch from your face with his own. "<b>ANSWER ME!</b>" You swallowed, and then smiled. "I met your brother." For the first time, you saw genuine shock on his face. His eyes widened, his mouth parted ever so slightly and his grip loosened, in that moment you shot up out of this grip and stood staring up at him as his body followed your own. "He's very nice," you were going into dangerous territory, "<i>very smart-</i>" Anger, contempt, rage, jealousy all flashed across his face but before he could respond you swiped the folder off of the coffee table behind him, and held it in front of him. "-like you it seems."  He eyed the folder, and then eyed you. You started to walk a half circle around him as he tracked you, and for the first time it seemed like you were the predator and he was the prey. It felt good. "You erased everything in the directory about you being at Cambridge, but you left all of these," He still hadn't moved, it didn't even seem like he was breathing. "all of your thesis, your theories, your equations, your thoughts-" There it was, the breaking point. He snatched you by the throat with one hand and slammed you down into the floor where he pinned you by the neck with one hand and the other propped on the cold floor. He was breathing erratically, his hair fell out of place and his eyes lost all hint of color. Your fear was replaced by...<i>excitement</i>. Even though you could barely breath it felt as if you didn't need air in this moment. "<i>You think you're smart, hm?</i>" he pushed harder down onto your throat and you let out a gasp. "<i>You think you're important enough to dig around and not get put.</i>" harder again, "<b>Down?</b>" You tried hard to gain some composure, to regain your ability to breath, you put your hands around his wrist and let out another gasp as his fingers dug deeper into your flesh. You tilted your head up and tried to open your mouth in the silence, "<i>Don't you?</i>" you squeaked out as you stared at him, another unknown look washed across his face.  In one swift motion his hand went from the front of your throat to the nape of your neck ripping your head forward off of the ground and slammed his lips onto your own. The world froze, and then melted over in an instant. It felt like your body was on fire, his tongue melted in your mouth and he had full control over you. <i>And you loved it.</i> You moaned into his mouth, and he pulled back looking at you with a devilish smile but with hateful eyes. He slid back and grabbed you by the hips, pulling you onto his lap and then lifted you up, you wrapped your legs around him as he carried you down the hall to his bedroom. "<i>You love this don't you?</i>" he had a more serious face on now, "Misbehaving, hoping that I'll punish you?" he threw you onto the bed as he loosened his neck tie. "<i>Are you scared, hm?</i> Did you think that I'd kill you, slit your pretty throat right there on the hardwood floor and watch you bleed out?" Your heart was out of your chest as he stalked closer to you on the bed, you couldn't speak you couldn't move, he put one knee on the bed and bent over you and whispered into your ear, "<b>I'd much rather own you.</b>" He yanked your hair tilting your head back, you gasp as he licks all the way from your collar bone up to your ear. You hear him undo his belt, and then you feel the leather wrap around your throat, effectively collaring you as he pulls it tight and takes a look at you, devouring your presence with his eyes.  Then you notice a knife in his hands, you glanced at him wide-eyed as he smiles. In an instant he cut away your shirt and your pants, dragging the cold blade underneath the middle of your bra and slicing it. You gasped, and you were shivering underneath him, he slowly brought the knife down to your underwear and then cut them away as well. You were there, underneath James Moriarty completely nude. It almost didn't seem real. You felt a bit-self conscious. He pushed you onto your back, fully straddling you now, the end of the belt in one hand and the knife in the other now pressed against your neck. "Does it turn you on little girl?" <i>fuck</i> "<i><b>Knowing how easily I could kill you?</b></i>" "<i>Yes-</i>" you whined out. "Yes, <b>what?</b>" "Yes sir." He smiled and took the knife away from your throat, "You truly are, very clever." He took his suit jacket off, kicked off his pants, and then slowly undid his shirt.  There you both were, completely naked each others eyes taking the other all in. He started to slowly run his hands all over your body, firm squeezes while you whimper. He brought his mouth to yours, only sharing a brief kiss before he started on your neck, kissing, biting, licking, sucking. You were completely under his will, you couldn't stop the moans from coming out of your mouth. He was letting out groans of satisfaction, littering your body with hickies and bite marks, claiming you as his.  He licked your nipple and a shudder went down your spine, he started to suck and knead on your breasts. The room only echoed sounds of pleasure as he took his time with you, he would occasionally pull and tighten the belt around your neck. "<i>Moriarty~</i>" you gasped, you were so needy, he was teasing too much for too long. He looked up at you with his black eyes, waiting for more. "<i>Please.</i>" A smirk briefly tugged at his face, "<i>Please?</i> Please, <b>what?</b>" "Please, I need you," he stared at you with a raised brow, "I need you inside of me. Please, I want to feel you stretch me out and fill me up, I want you to own me." He grabbed your face with one hand as he moved your legs over his shoulder, you could see his hard cock sitting in-between your thighs. "Have you ever begged for a man before, hm?" "No." you shook your head. "Not even," he tilted his head "<i><b>Mycroft?</b></i>" "<b><i>Never</i></b>." you hissed. You let out a huge gasp as he slide his cock inside of you, a wave of heat washing over you as you put your arms around him and dug your nails into his back.  "You're so wet," he started to move inside of you "You're so tight, is this what you wanted? You wanted me to fuck you like the whore you are?" "Y-Yes!" you screamed as he thrusted harder, faster, "g-g-god yes! Please use me Moriarty, I- <i>mmnn</i>- want to be your little whore!" He moaned into your ear, pleasure watching over all of his features as he started to choke you. You moaned as gasped for air. "You're so filthy, your cunt- <i>nngh</i>- your cunt feels so good wrapped around daddy's cock, does, <i>nghh aah</i>, tell me how good it feels with me fucking you." "S-so good! You feel so fucking good inside of me, you're the best I've ever had daddy!" He was getting very rough with you, digging his fingers into your body, leaving marks dragging his nails so deep into you your skin turns bright red. He grabs your chin and opens your mouth, spitting into it. God you loved it, you had never felt this good before, you wanted more. "<i>Rougher</i>-" he looked down at you stopping for brief moment, "Please, I want you to be rougher with me, I want you to abuse me." His eyes were completely blown out with lust, he yanked your head back by your hair and slapped you across the face. "Get on all fours pet." You flipped over, James grabbed the leather leash from behind and pulled it tight so you couldn't breath. He smacked your ass hard, grabbed it and spread your pussy apart, "The prettiest girl I've ever seen, and she's all mine," he bites down on your ass hard as you gasp "<i>right?</i>" "Yes sir I'm all yours." He slammed his cock back inside of you as you screamed in pleasure, your chest fell onto the bed as he railed you from behind. The sound of skin on skin and James's moans you were on the edge, your insides were on fire, you were a complete mess and he knew it. He wrapped his strong arm underneath your neck and chest and pulled you so your back was against his chest while he was still inside of you, stretching you out. You felt the cold of the knife against your right hip bone. "<i>You're never allowed to leave me, you're mine now.</i>" he seethed into your ear, he held you tightly with his arm with your hands digging into this bicep as he started to carve the knife into your hip. You screamed in pain and in pleasure, a mix of sensation you've never felt before. You could feel your blood spill down your leg even when he stopped.  He flipped you back over, pushing your legs all the way back so your ankles were by your head. He dragged his tongue against your cut he made, making it sting as he lapped up all of your blood. He grabbed your torso tightly as he rammed into you, you couldn't help but scream and drool as he continued to thrust inside of you. "M-Moriarty- I, <i>mmnn ahhh</i> I'm- FUCK- I'm going to c-cum! You're going to make me cum!" He pushed a hand through your hair, grabbing you by the roots of it making you stare into his eyes. He looked absolutely dangerous, and divine, the fear made the knot inside of your stomach finally break. "Cum all over my cock Y/N~" You yelled out in pleasure, shaking, digging your nails into his forearms making them bleed. Moriarty was becoming undone, his thrusts were becoming sloppy and he started to shake. "Fuck, I'm going to cum-" he grabbed your face between his thumb and his index finger, "you want me to cum inside of you don't you? You want me to breed you like some bitch in heat, hm?" <i>Jesus Christ</i>, every word he said would send electricity raking throughout your body. You could only nod and whine, only 'please' and 'Moriarty' were the words you could form. He started to pant, and with one final thrust you could feel him fill you up with his cum, it was hot, and you could feel his cock twitch and pulse inside of you. He stayed inside of you, both of you panted and laid there in each other. Moriarty slowly slid a finger underneath his belt around your throat, pulling you up to him and kissing you, his tongue intertwining with yours as the belt slipped off. He pulled out of you and climbed off of the bed, he stood there, with a hand outstretched to you. You took it and he pulled you up, shakily you held onto him, a hand on his bare chest as your legs almost buckled. He let out a small chuckle as he silently walked you to the large bathroom connected to the room.  "Let's get you cleaned up shall we darling? I can't have you dripped everywhere~" he purred as he started the shower, you caught sight of yourself in the mirror, all of the hickies and bite marks on your neck chest and stomach, the bruises around your throat and arms and...and looked down at your hip. Your eyes widened at the deep cut, it spelled out 'J M'. Moriarty came up behind you, his chest pressed against you as he wrapped his arms around you. You stared at him in the mirror, he had a large possessive aura around him and his eyes were ever so dark. He smiled slightly. "<i>Marvelous</i>, isn't it?" he kissed your cheek, "You're mine now, forever." he growled. He walked off into the shower as you stared at him, another outstretched hand towards you, "Come now."  You walked into the shower with him, and let the hot water hit you as you stared up at him, reality sinking in. <i>What have you gotten yourself into?</i> # Chapter 13 You had fallen asleep in James Moriarty's arms the night before, you don't remember when you exactly passed out but it certainly wasn't very quick. You had laid there with him next to you, and you swore he wasn't sleeping either but rather was pretending. After a while you faded out with your hair still wet and the cut on your hip starting to settle into a scar you were sure.  Now you were awake, light beamed through the windows in the bedroom and you slowly opened your eyes. Moriarty was no longer next to you, he wasn't even in the room. You bent over and picked up his white button up shirt from the night before slipping it on your naked frame. You walked out of the bedroom and the house was eerily silent, you walked down the hall and walked through the door frame into the kitchen and living area and met with a notorious tall disgruntled figure. Sebastian looked you up and down, almost dropping the tea he was holding, mouth agape and after a moment he burst into laughter placing the mug down on the counter clutching his stomach. You stood there shocked and a little unnerved as you waited for him to gather himself. Sebastian's laugh faded as he walked over to you, taking in what you were wearing and the marks littering your body. "I have to say, I was sure he was going to kill you yesterday, at least that's what he expressed." Sebastian chuckled, still smiling widely. "It's not funny!" "I know it's not! Now I'll have to deal with you around here and it's going to start smelling like an American broad-" "I'm not going to be staying here, this was a one time thing." He hummed and walked off towards his tea, taking a long sip and then looking back at you. "<i>C'mere,</i>" he beckoned you with his hand "you're bleeding." You looked down at yourself, and there was a large splotch of blood seeping through the shirt by your hip. Walking over to Sebastian, you started to feel a bit naked, just a thin piece of fabric covering all of you with a large demanding man in front of you calling you over like a dog. You stood in front of Sebastian, he put the tea down and then kneeled down in front of you, his long fingers about to pull back the fabric of the shirt to investigate. "W-Wait!" he looked up at you, an eyebrow quirked, "I'm not wearing anything under this shirt." He took your own hand and placed it in the middle of the shirt by your groin. "Just hold it in place then, I promise I won't take a peek at'cha." he smiled, and in that moment you saw a little bit of an actual person inside of him. He seemed to have a very rough exterior, but the more you interacted he showed that he was a very loyal very caring person.  <i>Though I'm sure he'd take that as an insult.</i> He pulled back the corner of the shirt over your hip, all of your thigh, hip and torso exposed for him to see. You watched him as he brushed his thumb over the re-bloodied cut, he was laser focused. "<b>What.</b> <i>Are you doing Moran?</i>" You both turned your heads towards the entry way where Moriarty stood, his face dark, and if you weren't so scared of him you'd find the jealousy funny. Sebastian didn't move, but his face portrayed annoyance as he slowly stood up, his hand still at your naked hip. "She's bleeding, I was going to take care of the cut for her. Do you want her to get an infection?" his voice went back from caring to the cigarette gruffness that was his signature expression. "<i>You thought it was appropriate to lay your oafish hands on her while she's nude?</i>" Moriarty started to walk over, and Sebastian rolled his eyes. The dynamic between the two was becoming more clear, and it was funny to watch unfold.  Moriarty was about to become more aggressive, getting rather close to Sebastian when you cut in- "Speaking of which," their eyes went onto you "I'm going to need to get some clothes, and I asked Sebastian if he would take me." They both looked taken a back, Moriarty trained a fake smile onto his face. "<i>Darling</i>, I can take you-" "I think it would be best if I went with Sebastian,"  Moriarty's face grew dark and serious "he's your right hand is he not? I'd like to get to know him and trust him like you do. Not to mention you seem rather busy." Moriarty tapped his fingers on his thigh, thinking carefully about the whole situation. He glanced over at Sebastian who shrugged, and then back at you with a sigh. He walked over to you, his hand under your chin tilting your face up to him. He always seemed to intimidate you so easily. "<i>Behave yourself then</i>, yeah? Don't stray too far from Moran." 'Mm-hmm' you nodded, he then placed a kiss on your lips and gave Sebastian a nod. His face still traced with malice as he walked off upstairs. "Go get your trousers on at least." Sebastian stared at you waiting for you to move. "They're ripped." "Dear god," he shook his head "go find a pair of James's and we'll just roll them up I s'ppose." You followed his orders and came back looking like a child who tried on their father's work clothes. You felt ridiculous, and looked it because Sebastian let out a hearty laugh.  You two drove off, and while you thought you would just go to your flat, change and then beg to stay there; you were in fact brought to the shopping district of London. There were extravagant dresses and jewels, bottles and bottles of imported perfumes and bags. You looked over at Sebastian. "You want to look nice for your new <i>boyfriend,</i> don't you?" he smiled like a middle school boy and giggled to himself. He seemed to have a sixth sense about people as he threw up a credit card in front of your face, 'his treat' he winked at you. You decided to let yourself indulge in it, even if it would just be for a moment. <i>Yeah, just for today, that's it. Then I'm going home.</i> Sebastian opened the car door for you after parking on the street, and all the shops were a bit overwhelming.  "So..." you glanced at him "What would he...like?" "Wow you're already trying hard to impress him, huh?" he smiled and slapped you between the shoulders. You shot him a dirty look as he started to walk ahead. "C'mon, I'll make sure you look nice and pretty-" "Just like you, huh?" you quipped and he turned for a moment, a playful smile dancing on his lips as he laughed.  "I'm not a miracle worker Y/N." You slapped him in the side of the arm as you two started to wander the shops. The first stop was at a shop were you could buy something to at least change into and out of Moriarty's clothes. You purchased a tight black mini dress with no sleeves, black heeled calf boots and a black long wool trench coat. It was sexy and elegant and looked effortless, the coat of course helped with the London wind and gray skies. Sebastian approved, and then you both continued on, Moriarty's clothes stashed away in a shop bag as you both kept carrying more and more.  Sebastian seemed like a bad influence if you're honest, he would hand you anything that looked expensive encouraging you to rack up the bill. He even tried to push diamonds and Louis Vuitton's onto you. The air was getting colder, and the sky darker as you to journeyed to find something to eat. "So, you're American, that's obvious- but what brought you over here?" You two actually clicked very well, even with the rocky start. "I got a Scholarship to Cambridge University, I was originally going to become a doctor, I started to work out in London in the summer's off, some...<i>stuff</i> happened and I didn't end up going back to school. I loved it here though, and I figured if I ever DID go back I might as well stay close. I applied for a visa and now I'm here." He stared at you for more information, he seemed to catch your vagueness.  "Your turn then, since you want to pry." He stayed silent for a moment, his expression becoming a little somber. "I was in the military, a Colonel, left, became a trophy hunter for a while, then made my own...business and now I'm here." <i>And he thinks I'm vague.</i> "No wife?"  "No, why are you already bored of James?" "Ha ha very funny...how did you meet James," his first name felt weird on your tongue "now that you brought him up." "Mm, that's a story for a different time- if you stick around that long." You didn't know whether to take it as a threat or a joke, it really could go either way. You two sat and ate, he tried to pry you open more and you did the same to him. After a while it was night out, and you made your way back to the car. "Where are we going now then?" You furrowed your brows at the question. "Are you going to your flat, or are you coming back to James's?" "I get an option?" He smiled, "he didn't say you had to come back, I would assume that means it's up to you if he didn't say otherwise." You thought for a moment, and you weren't sure why you chose what you chose- "I'll go back to James's." but you did.  # Chapter 14 Most of the car ride back was in silence, you were watching the scenery out of the window, wondering what exactly was becoming of your life. <i>Sleeping with a killer, willingly dressing up and then going back to him, what is happening to me?</i> "What am I doing, Sebastian?" You watched him out of the corner of your eye, he shifted pulling a cigarette out of his pocket pulling one into his own lips before offering you one. You took it, gingerly placing it between your own. "The roads people go down," he started, lighting the cigarette and then yours "are often shrouded in fog, the end is never clear."  He turned his eyes to you, a warm look in his eyes, and in that moment you felt safe. "I can't say what you're doing is smart, or morally right," he continues "but all roads connect, and when the time comes, if it comes, you can always turn onto a different street." The silence wasn't like how it was with Moriarty, or Mycroft or Sherlock, it was warm and thick, encompassing you and providing a sense of comfort. You turned your head towards him, making full eye contact. "You're a good girl, Y/N, whatever you choose- I don't think that'll change." You smiled, and took a long drag off of the cigarette that sent you into a choking fit. "Have you never smoked before?!" Sebastian was roaring with laughter now. "I- HCK- No! N-HCK HCK Not really!" He laughed lowly, and took the cigarette from you, holding it to your lips in his own fingers. "Breathe slow, right into your lungs, then take a sharp breath after you finish the drag, and breath out." The air became very...<i>intimate.</i> You followed his instructions, him eyeing you as he held the cigarette for you. You coughed a bit less, and immediately got a large head rush. "Feel good?" "Mhm."  He chuckled and placed the cigarette betwixt your lips again and continued to drive, smoking himself as the sound of the car was filled with crackles and long breaths between the two of you. You both pulled up to the house not long after, and you looked at Sebastian once again. "Coming in?" He shook his head, "No, not tonight, I have some things to take care of." You nodded and closed the door, he rolled down the passenger window as you started to walk off. "Goodnight, Y/N." You turned and smiled, "Goodnight, Sebastian." You walked through the door, and there was Moriarty sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace, two glasses sitting on coffee table in front of him. The sound of the door closing behind you made him look at you for the first time. "<i>You're back,</i>" he said slyly a victorious grin on his face, "I thought you would've gone back to your flat-" "I can go there instead if you'd like." you snapped "No, no, no! That's not what I'm saying at all," he walked over to you a glass now full of amber liquid as he handed it to you and guided you back to the couch where you both sat. "I'm glad you're here, I want to know more about you." You raised a brow, "Can't you just figure that out by yourself, y'know, deduce me like <i>Sherlock?</i>" He scowled, "<i>I could,</i>" he hissed "but I want to see if you're willing enough to just tell me. After all, we're so close now." You shrugged your coat off, you crossed your legs and leant back.  "Go on and ask then." "You and Mycroft-" You let a sound of disgust out, "Really? How disappointing, I figured you'd ask a more clever question to start." "<i>Excuse me?</i>" he growled, you weren't sure where the confidence was coming from, but if he wanted to actually trot around and say he owns you why make it easy for him? "<i>The napoleon of crime</i>, his first question is about my past love life? I expected <i>more,</i> that's all." He leaned over to you, caging you while you laid back, "I don't think I made this situation clear, so let me start again; <i>I'm going to ask you questions, <b>you are going to answer</b>, and I will know if you lie. What I deem as important, is none of your concern.</i>" You sat there tight lipped, and tried to look away but he grabbed your face with his hand forcing you to stare at him. "<b>Answer. Me.</b>" You swallowed, "I briefly dated Mycroft Holmes." You didn't want to give anything away, but you could immediately tell he was dissatisfied with your answer. He pulled your face closer to his own, 'and?' he beckoned.  <i>You were getting irritated, you didn't want to open an old wound, especially not for this vindictive criminal who just decided ALL BY HIMSELF that you were in a relationship with him.</i> "And what?" "<i>Don't play games with me, little girl</i>." "Jesus Christ!" you shoved him off of you and stood up looking down at him. "This is so insignificant! I would think some mastermind could either dig around on his own or just not give a fuck! Because that's what all of that was, that-that stupid relationship! Insignificant!" Moriarty straightened up, his eyes tracking you ever so carefully as you started to spiral out. "You want to know what happened? Just like everyone else wants to know?! Once upon a time I got in trouble in London, I met Sherlock, Sherlock showed me Mycroft and in return for making it go away I worked for Mycroft- things got complicated, he paraded me around on his arm to flaunt and told me that he cared about me when. He. Didn't. I caught him <b>CHEATING</b> on me with"  you threw your glass at the ground, shattering it, you had never spoken about this. Sherlock knew of course, but not because you told him. You were angry, livid and now yelling, "<b>FUCKING LADY SMALLWOOD THAT OLD FUCKING HAG!</b> I CATCH him and then YOU KNOW WHAT HE DOES?" you turned wildly towards Moriarty, he looked entranced with your rage, "HE FUCKING GETS ME THROWN OUT OF MY FUCKING UNIVERSITY! BECAUSE OF SOMETHING HE DID! ALL BECAUSE I BEAT HIM AT HIS OWN GAME, ALL BECAUSE I WASN'T SOME STUPID NAIVE GIRL LIKE HE THOUGHT!" You were panting, both of you staring at each other, Moriarty slowly got up and took a couple paces towards you. He grabbed you harshly and slammed his lips onto yours, all the fire you felt in your chest dissipated into your lips. You snaked your fingers through his gelled hair, one hand on the side of his face and pulled him closer to you. The kiss was long, hard an passionate and you could taste the scotch on his tongue. He pulled away, both of you trying to catch your breath as he stared at you with those damn black eyes. You didn't know what had come over you, but you dropped to your knees in front of him. He seemed just as surprised as you as he stared down at you. You ran your hands up his torso, untucking his shirt, starting to kiss, lick and bite at his torso. He intertwined his fingers with your hair, letting out breathy moans as you started to undo his belt with your teeth. "<i>You're so-</i>" he choked on his own words as you took his hard cock in your mouth, wrapping your tongue around the tip teasingly slow. He groaned as you slowly started to bob your head, pumping his cock with your hand letting all of your spit drip out of your mouth onto your chest and tops of your thighs as you glanced up at him. "<i>You look so good with your lips wrapped around Daddy's cock~</i>" You moaned around him, and he moved his hands to the sides of your face. He started to thrust into your mouth, you opened up your throat, letting the tip slide down as he pushed all of himself into you. You tried to breath as best you could, you felt dizzy as he used you, but your hand went down to your clit anyway. You started to touch yourself while he used your mouth to please himself. "You're so divine, <i>nngh</i>, such a tight muzzle on you- <i>hahh</i>- you love being used by me, don't you?" 'mmhmm' you moaned out as best you could as he picked up the pace, "You're such a whore, so ready to please me, no- <i>mmn</i>- no matter what I do," Faster. "<i>no matter what I say</i>," Faster. "<i><b>no matter who I kill</b></i>-" He slammed his cock all the way down your throat as you moaned loudly, he hunched over, moaning, his hand on the back of your head forcing you to take all of him as he came down your throat. It was hot, salty, and you could feel your mouth being filled up. He slowly pulled out of your mouth, he was sweating and looked absolutely unraveled, panting as he pulled your hair, your mouth still open he could see his cum sitting on your tongue. "<b>Swallow.</b>" You didn't break eye contact as you did as he commanded. You opened your mouth back up, sticking your tongue out with an 'aahh' to show your work. "<i>God,</i>" he said breathlessly "you're such an enigma, I really can't ever have you leaving me." # Chapter 15 You and Moriarty talked a little more during the night before, you laid on him as he stroked your hair. There wasn't a lot of conversation, it was mostly you trying to pry and him deflecting. That morning though, just as before, you woke up alone. You laid in the lavish duvet and pillows, staring at the ceiling feeling a sense of sadness wash over. <i>I'm getting too involved</i>. You let out a deep sigh and got out of the bed to rustle through the bags of clothes you got from the shop. You picked out an outfit for the day and slipped it on, you were starting to get use to the usual silence of the house. You felt the sadness fall off as you saw Sebastian there at the same counter, almost like you were getting a routine between the two. "Morning." You smiled at him and he returned the favor. "So, what am I supposed to do when there's no one here? I'm guessing you're not staying long." Sebastian hummed and put the paper he was reading down, "Anything within reason." You grabbed your own wrist with a little bit of awkwardness stirring, "Can I go home then? I don't want to be here alone." Sebastian just nods before getting up, grabbing a set of keys you follow him out of the door, him holding it open for you as you trailed behind. You both walked to the car waiting, and he offered you a cigarette. You took it and he lit it for you before grabbing one of his own. Smoking was starting to burn substantially less, and you were actually starting to like it. On the way to your flat you tried to bug him into what he had to 'take care of' last night, but he would laugh you off saying 'confidential' or 'if I told you, then I'd have to kill you'.  You waved him off from the entrance of your apartment building, and the day was normal. It felt odd, just sitting at home, reading, ordering food and watching TV. Moriarty had reached out to your job and put you on a leave of absence a while back it seemed, as you called to pick up hours and they were confused that you were even asking. So with a heavy and bored mind, you set your phone down and just tried to fill your time with something, anything really.  The next few weeks, it was filled with you meeting Sebastian to have him bring you to James's in the evening. Sometimes James would be there, but never was there the morning after. You and Sebastian would smoke together, laugh and gossip. You'd see James and you'd try and learn more and more about him, about was going on, but you were often left feeling frustrated and with no answers. All the while, he kept learning more and more about you- there was a night however, that you felt as if you broke into him,  <i>"Do you miss your brother?" he scowled at you "Are you serious?" you stopped him before he went into a tirade- "You...killed that one boy when you were so young, do you think your brother knew?" </i> <i>You started to realize that you could delve further with him if you appealed to his darker intuitions. </i> <i>He swirled his drink in his glass, "Mm, no he didn't. I've always been smarter, more clever, than anyone even when I was young."</i> <i>"What was your life like when you were young?" he shot you another displeased look, but he started to tell you anyway. His life was perfectly normal, nice parents, youngest of 2 children. There was no typical mass murder environment that seemed to create him, it just always seemed that he had the proclivity to kill. </i> Tonight however, it was raining and you held your trench coat tightly as you waited in the street lights for Sebastian. He pulled up and got out of the car, a warm smile looking at you. "Y/N," he offered you a cigarette that you took. "How's everything been with James? He's been gone for a while now, no?" You placed the cigarette between your lips. Sebastian had quickly become your only friend, the only person you really talked to save Moriarty. You had no contact with either Holmes, either Watson, or Greg. They never reached out.  Sebastian bent down, lighting your cigarette with his own that was still in his mouth. It was quite the display. You both took long drags, Sebastian never taking his eyes off of you.  "Mmm he has, he's been very busy, mind you that big mess with the American gang is still going on." "Nice of everyone to let me know," you rolled your eyes "I'm guessing he won't be home tonight?"  He shook his head letting out a pool of smoke from his mouth, "No, I just came to check on you, make sure you're doing alright." You smiled, "Want to come in?"  He shifted on his feet, like he was fighting some internal battle.  "Y'know what? Sure, lead the way." You two walked through the entry way, and into your flat. You both sat on the sofa, turned on some trashy TV you could both make fun of as you drank and smoked the night away. You were starting to fall asleep, and Sebastian excused himself for the night. You gave him a goodbye and slept on the couch that night.  The next day went by slow, and once evening hit you got a text message: <i>There's a car waiting for you outside.</i> <i>-JM</i> You threw your coat on and immediately went outside, just like he said there was a blacked out car waiting for you. Sebastian wasn't driving, but the driver gave you a curt nod confirming that this was indeed your ride. The ride was in silence as you watched what little stars there were out the window, you arrived at James's house and walked inside. You looked around, and Moriarty was no where to be found. Not even a minute later though, while you stood in the middle of the open floor Moriarty burst through the door. He was dark, looming, it was if you could see the malice radiating off of his body. All at once, that comfort you had around him came crashing down. You were reminded about who you had truly been dealing with; not some slick criminal, not a serial killer- you were dealing with James Moriarty. The most dangerous man in London, the ruler of crime in the Western world, who had everyone on a string- an absolute Angel of Death, now with his eyes piercing your very being. You opened your mouth to say something, but he had reached you in a second, grabbing the side of your face slamming you down into the hard wood floor beneath you. Your cheekbone smashed into the ground, you could feel blood dripping down your face as you writhed on the floor.  "<b><i>YOU."</i></b> He flipped you over onto your back, he sat on you, both hands around your throat. This wasn't like him getting rough with you, this wasn't you treading on dangerous waters with him in a game, it was happening. Something you did, it cracked the thin ice you stood on- <i>he was trying to kill you.</i> You clawed and flailed trying desperately to get him off of you as he strangled all of the air out of your throat, depriving your lungs. "<i>You think I'm stupid? That I don't notice how you reek of cigarettes every time you come back with Moran? That I don't taste the liquor on you?</i>" You were freaking out, you were very much dying at this point all because this psychopath thinks you were sharing more than a smoke with his sniper. With all your might you were trying to move to say something, to try and explain, to reason with him. "<i>You think I wouldn't see? You two sharing that cigarette in the rain- you <b>INVITING HIM IN?</b></i>" You were kicking, your body was starting to tingle, your vision starting to blur, in no time you would be unconscious and you doubt he would stop choking you then "<i>All I have done for you, I invited you in</i>-" He had pulled out a pistol and pointed it flush against your forehead.  <i>This was it. You played the game,</i> <i><b>and lost.</b></i> The door slammed open, "<b>JAMES!</b>" "<i>Let her go-</i>" You both turned your heads, and Sebastian stood there shocked and panting. "<b><i>You.</i></b>" Moriarty had straightened up and you wrenched yourself from under him, you scrambled towards Sebastian, clutching your throat as you looked back at Moriarty. His psychopathy was leaking out of him, his grip on the gun tightened as he pointed it towards Sebastian- <b>"GO!"</b> Sebastian shoved you out of the door, slamming it behind you. <b>BANG</b> You screamed, and stood there wondering if you should go back in, you remembered that the two of them knew each other for a very long time and figured if anyone would be best suited for the situation at hand with Moriarty it would be Sebastian. You ran, still trying to catch your breath that James had stolen moments before. You ran and ran, not stopping until you saw a cab. You waved it down frantically and gripped at yourself in the back of the cab. You breathlessly just told him to take you to central London, you figured you could make up your mind if you're going home or to Scotland Yard when you get there. You were in a panic and ripped your phone out of your pocket, you stared at it for a moment, fingers hovering over the screen. You took a deep breath, and pressed <b>'Sherlock'.</b> You waited, and nothing. You tried again. Nothing. You licked your lips, scrolled up and then hit <b>'Mycroft'.</b> Nothing. Again. Nothing. Once more- Nothing. You were freaking out, no one was answering, you weren't even sure if Greg would be at Scotland Yard so late at night. You got out of the cab in the middle of London, you just kept staring at your phone as you wondered through the streets down alleys, waiting and hoping for someone to call you back. Then all of a sudden a hard, stinging, bone crushing force was whipped across the side of your face. You fell to the ground in this small side street, gripping your face as even more blood dripped down from your cheek and eyebrow.  You panted trying to see through the blood, at first you thought it was James and wondered how he managed to catch you, but when you looked up you saw two figures. The two figures from the crowd, the two figures that lurked in your hotel room so long ago it felt like. They loomed over you, one holding a some sort of pipe or tire lever in their hand, the other with a bag of some sort while they stared at you. You were in a stand off with these men, you glance down at the ground to your phone that was slid across from you just without of reach. You glance back up at the men, and then try to rush to grab your phone. It was no use, one man immediately grabbed you by the hair while the other with the pipe started to beat you ruthlessly as you screamed and cried. You felt your ribs crack, your body bruising as you screamed for help. Then the man that was holding you all of a sudden put the bag over your head and you couldn't see anything. You were kicking as he started to drag you, then with one final crack of splitting pain- you were knocked unconscious.  Back at James's house, Sebastian sat on the sofa with Moriarty across from him. Sebastian was grasping at his leg that was covered in blood as he tried to soothe it, eyes glaring at Moriarty who stood there like a child with his arms crossed. "I cannot believe you bloody shot me!" Moriarty huffed, the gun he was holding now sitting on the coffee table. "<i>And you almost killed Y/N- have you<b> LOST YOUR MIND?</b></i> All because I went into her flat- because you ditch her like a dog waiting at home for you, and she just wanted SOME company?" Moriarty goes to talk, "Which let me be clear, her first choice for company was YOU!" He sighs, running his hand through his hair.  "This whole sitting and doing nothing is getting to me Moran, I'm just supposed to sit here and let some American scum try and poach everything I've worked for? It's eating me alive." Sebastian rolled his eyes, "I can handle your antics James, but Y/N, if I hadn't come in when I did you would've killed her. How do you figure to fix that, hm?" Moriarty throws himself onto an armchair and thumbed over his phone, he called you, and it just rang. He then tried again. "I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't answer." Sebastian shot.  He ignored him, and decided to check your location- where Moriarty all of sudden became aware of the fact that he had a heart; because it dropped. It had shown you just sitting in an ally, not near your flat, not near anywhere you would go. He shot up, his eyes not leaving his mobile. "James?" Sebastian probed, himself getting quite worried now, he had never seen James wear that face before in all the years he had worked for him. Moriarty started to go to your call logs, you had tried multiple times to reach Sherlock and Mycroft and then it just- <i>stopped?</i>  "We have to go Moran-" Moriarty whipped around, "<b>NOW!</b>" Sebastian tore out of his seat immediately rushing for the car keys as James and him peeled out of the house going to your location. When they finally arrived all they saw was your phone, on the ground, and blood. Splattered, dragged like brush strokes on the ground and painting the brick wall to the side. Sebastian looked over at James who stood there, wide eyes, not moving, not even appearing to breathe. Moriarty stumbled back, ran to the drivers seat and if Sebastian hadn't sprinted into the car he was sure he would have left him behind. "Where are you going?" Sebastian asked, but Moriarty didn't answer, he just sped through London, white knuckling the wheel. # Chapter 16 It was a late night of bickering, Mycroft was pinching the bridge of his nose whilst berated by his little brother who was waving his arms around. John was also there, annoying him just with his existence as he watched Sherlock. They were arguing about Mycroft trying to 'interfere' and 'micromanage' the way Sherlock was dealing with the Americans in London. To Mycroft however, he was only preventing the mistakes that Sherlock would undoubtedly make.  Mycroft takes a dramatic breath before looking up at Sherlock, about to retort when they could all hear slamming from outside the door of Mycroft's home office.  The eldest of the Holmes stood up and gave a confused look to both of the other men, but before anything could be said the large wooden door practically came off of its hinges- "<b>WHERE IS SHE?</b>" Storming through the doorway, was Moriarty. His hair was out of place, his eyes wide and his whole aura was manic in the purist sense of the word. Everyone was shocked, and Moriarty picked up a luxury arm chair and threw it through the pane of the wall of windows. Everyone flinched with the sound of glass shattering. "<b>I SAID WHERE IS SHE?</b>" Moriarty had rounded both Sherlock and John and was now stood at the end of the desk Mycroft stood behind, pointing a gun directly at him. His breath shaky, but his hand steady. "Who are you talking about?! What-" No one knew what was going on, and neither Mycroft or Sherlock had ever been caught so off guard. "<b>Y/N L/N!</b>" Sherlock goes to make a move towards James, and was stopped when a gravelly voice had made itself known, "I wouldn't." Sherlock glances back to Sebastian Moran, who was standing pointing a rifle directly at his back. Sherlock froze and took a step back away from Moriarty. "You were supposed to be <i><b>WATCHING HER-</b></i>" Moriarty threw everything off of Mycroft's desk with a swipe of his arm. Mycroft blinked erratically, throwing his hands up in defense. "What are you talking about? What is going on?!" Mycroft looked over at Sherlock and John who both shrugged, unaware as he is. "<i>Y/N you were keeping surveillance on her-</i>" "I was but there weren't any signs-" "<b>YOU IDIOT!</b>" Moriarty fired a shot directly next to Mycroft, he shrunk down into himself, legitimately scared for his life. "What is going on? Why are you concerned about Y/N-" Moriarty gritted his teeth, readying to take another shot, "What happened to <i>her?</i>" Moriarty was unhinged, disgusted that Mycroft would act like he cared about HIS woman, he readied to take another shot when Sebastian broke through the deathly tension- "<i>James,</i>" Moriarty whipped his head around to Sebastian who was holding his phone, staring at it "I have something, we have to go." There wasn't another word spoken, another breath taken as Moriarty and Moran rushed out of Mycroft's home back into the car and drove off. Mycroft was left clutching himself, a hand propped on his desk as he stared at Sherlock and John who looked at each other. "Come on, there's no time to waste." Sherlock grabbed his coat, throwing it on as he ran out with John behind him. Mycroft stood there alone now, unsure of what to do, or what had already happened. Far outside of London, you awoke in a cold, seemingly abandoned building. You fought through the dried blood sticking your eyes together to finally open them. You were radiating in pain, and when you tried to move you could feel chains on your wrists and ankles. You shot up off of the concrete floor, now sitting up and turning your head and everything came rushing back to you when you saw the two lean men in suits glaring down at you.  "Let me introduce ourselves," the taller man rasped, "I'm Leland Mourtlake, and this-" he gestured to the man to his side, "is my brother, Edgar."  The other man didn't say a word. Leland squatted down in front of you, he reached his hand out to your face, which you tried to bring away from him but he snatched roughly. His fingers pierced into the already tender flesh, making your wounds even more aware. "We're going to ask you some questions, you'll answer, and you will tell the truth. Got it?"  You stayed silent, just staring at him with hate, "Or else you're going to get hurt." You just tried to breathe, you didn't know what was going on, you could only assume that they were going to try and get information out of you regarding Mycroft. No one had moved, and then Leland broke the silence again. "<i>Where is James Moriarty?</i>" You almost jumped, it wasn't what you were expecting, as far as you knew no one else knew that he was even alive. "I don't know anyone named James Moriarty." His face immediately dropped as he stood, "We've seen you come in and out of his house, don't play games with us!" "I don't know who you're talking about." He groaned, pushing his hand through his hair. He threw a look towards his brother who slipped on a set of brass knuckles and stalked towards you, you tried to back away but it was useless. He quickly threw a punch across your face that launched you back onto the concrete floor, you groaned as you watched blood drip from your own face. You rolled onto your back staring up at them. "This is going to get a lot worse for you if you don't start cooperating." Leland said, leaning against a lone table in the cold room. You knew you could sell him out, hell you probably should, in reality what would happen? The criminal ring changes hands? So? After all, you put your trust into a criminal you thought had a glimmer of hope- and then he tried to kill you, over NOTHING. "I don't...know a James Moriarty." you groaned out. Leland sighed and waved his hand off to Edgar who got on top of you, and started to pummel you in the face and torso. You were yelling in pain with each blow, you could feel your flesh tear, your veins break and your bones crush. "<b>DO YOU KNOW ONE NOW?</b>" Leland shouted over the sounds of you being beaten, "NO!" you yelled in between Edgars blows. "This is going to be a long night if you keep it up." It had been hours, your face is swollen, you were surrounded by both hot and cold blood of your own. You couldn't see out of one eye now from where Edgar was punching you in the face with those brass knuckles, now coated in blood. Leland tried to ask different leading questions, and all you kept saying was 'I don't know him, I don't know James Moriarty.' They had switched from brute force to nastier and torturous instruments the longer things went on. They had cut you with serrated knifes, dry-drowned you, stripped you and dowsed you with burning and then ice cold water, drove nails through the palms of your hands, and most recent with a pair of pliers ripped off all of your toe nails.  You sat there, on the brink of death and insanity it seemed, no more tears left to cry, your voice gone from the hours and hours of screaming. In reality it had been a touch more than 2 days long since you arrived here. They would leave for a while, one at a time, letting you regain your senses before starting to torture you again so you wouldn't get too numb. Now you were laying on your side, your knees dragged up to your chest as the two men just stared at you. You could see their mouths moving, but couldn't hear anything. You could only watch them reveal a shiny metal rod from the table, it looked like a cattle prod. Edgar lurched towards you, "I'll cut you a break, a real easy question for you? Ready?" Leland taunted from behind his brother, "What color is Moriarty's house?" You slowly opened your swollen lips, "I..don't know...who you're...talking..about."  Leland shouted in frustration, throwing instruments down onto the ground, "DO IT!" he shouted at his brother who then jabbed the cattle prod into your flesh, electrocuting you. You're body constricted as you threw your head back letting out a scream. Edgar would take the prod away for only a moment, and then hit you with it again, and again, and again. You started to drift away, all your senses fading away, <i>This is it</i> You thought, that this where your body finally broke and there was no coming back from this point. You were going to die, all because you couldn't sell out Moriarty. <i>Did I love him?</i> You weren't sure, but you couldn't stand to think anymore, you couldn't stand to stay awake as you let a thick sleep start to wash over you. Though as you started to drift away you could hear commotion and you could see the two men start to talk to each other. Through blurry vision you could see someone in a dark suit quickly walk into the room you were in, him raising his hand and shooting Edgar right in the head. You could hear muffled out screams and yells, and the last thing you remember before darkness over came you was Edgar dropping to the ground, blood pooling around him. Moran had found CCTV footage from the street of two men following you in the street they found your phone in, he immediately recognized their lanky form as the Mourtlake brothers. Moriarty didn't need a mind palace to start going through every. single. spot that a criminal would take you. He had narrowed it down to 3 spots, and with every miss he was more enraged.  <i>These people come and try to take over my work, to try and take over my name, and now they come and try and take YOU?</i> He could hear what he had said to Sherlock all those years ago; "<i>No one ever gets to me, and no one ever will.</i>" But then there you were,<i> you</i> had gotten to him. You had gotten him to break in a way he never thought possible, he had felt his body burning for you and at the same time his blood had never been colder. It had been days at this point, when he had finally arrived to his last hope, a large industrial warehouse, and he instantly noticed a blacked out SUV parked in front. He grabbed his hand gun and headed straight for the door- "James! JAMES HOLD ON!" He could hear Moran echo in the distance, but nothing would waiver his contempt, his drive to get you back to where you belong; with him. He walked through the empty halls and for a moment froze, <i>He heard your blood curdling screams.</i> His rage almost broke through his body and became a person on its own, he raced towards your screams, his finger already lacing the trigger of his gun. He stormed through the door frame at the end and his whole soul twisted in every emotion possible as in an instant he saw you, in nothing but your underwear, coated in blood- and Edgar. The only other one covered in blood, in a split second he decided to become an executioner. He shot him in the head and watched him drop to the ground. "<b>NO</b>-" Leland had grabbed a gun and launched at James, who didn't move an inch and shot Leland in the lower abdomen. Leland dropped to the ground and curled up grasping at the wound. Sebastian rushed into the scene, dazed by how unbridled James had become. "<i>Take him.</i>" Without another word Sebastian went over to Leland, punched his face into the concrete and knocked him out before slinging him over his shoulder waiting for James who was kneeling over your bloody and tattered body. His eyes lingered over every cut, every swollen curve, all of the blood, the burns, the missing body parts. He snapped out of it, realizing you were very well just fading away and lifting you into his arms. Everyone would burn for what they had done to you, there was nothing more but hate in his body as he and Sebastian rushed out- James taking you to the nearest hospital and Sebastian bringing Leland to an undisclosed location.
One Boy. A Thousand Feelings | Duncan
Armana Smith seeks luxury at a five star hotel resort in a regional municipality, Muskoka, Ontario associated with a winning of C$100,000 in a competition. But is hugely disheartened to see a crappy island opposed from her expectations, her ride already leaving her back thousands of miles if she were to swim back home. She stomachs her rip off, meeting famous TV host Chris McLean and the rest of 23 contestants she doesn't expect in befriending. However, much to her surprise, she becomes especially close to a stranger boy, quite opposite from their likings but gravitational towards their affection, a thousand feelings and more.
[ "drama", "duncanxoc", "explicit", "fanfiction", "lemon", "maturecontent", "romance", "sexualcontent", "tdi", "tdiduncan", "tdiduncanxoc", "tdilemon", "totaldrama", "totaldramaisland" ]
[ "~ Chapter 1 ~", "~ Chapter 2 ~", "~ Chapter 3 ~", "~ Chapter 4 ~", "~ Chapter 5 ~", "~ Chapter 6 ~", "~ Chapter 7 ~", "~ Chapter 8 ~", "~ Chapter 9 ~", "~ Chapter 10 ~", "~ Chapter 11~", "~ Chapter 12 ~", "~ Chapter 13 ~", "~ Chapter 14 ~", "~ Chapter 15 ~", "~ Chapter 16 ~", "~ Chapter 17 ~", "~ Chapter 18 ~", "~ Chapter 19 ~", "~ Chapter 20 ~", "~ Chapter 21 ~", "~ Chapter 22 ~", "~ Chapter 23 ~", "~ Chapter 24 ~", "~ Chapter 25 ~", "~ Chapter 26 ~", "~ Chapter 27 ~", "~ Chapter 28 ~", "~ Chapter 29 ~" ]
[ "<b><i>Quick Author's Note</i></b>\nThis is an old story I've been having my ups and downs with while contemplating if I should publish it or not. But I don't want a story with so much potential to be left in the corner and build dust, so I wanted to see what other readers thought of it :-) Enjoy &lt;3\n\n\n\nArmana patiently sat aboard the speedboat, her eyes following the landscapes that were adjacent to the endless stretches of the turquoise water. A sigh left from her chest, feeling that she hadn't breathed for as long as ten seconds.\n\nArmana had never been this far away from home, more so her parents, while being sixteen she was a bit surprised they let her off with the news. She remembered her mother's upturned smile retreating from the frontal of her pearly teeth, as she had been surprised about what she said.\n\n<i>\"Going on national television? $100,000?! Armana, go somewhere. What would you even do with money like that?\"</i>\nArmana's face sheepishly lifted before she explained her thoughts.\n<i>\"Well, I don't know specifically. It definitely is a big deal so I could just save the interest or save it towards that cute beetle we saw at the car shop. Ya know, 1st Quality Auto?\"</i>\nHer mother looked at her, one of her eyebrows raised through consideration.\n<i>\"It sounds interesting, I'd never have expect you to do anything like that. Where is it?\" </i>\nShe swipes her thumb to read more of Armana's cell phone screen, halting at a part of words that lead to her eyes lifting with surprise.\n<i>\"Muskoka, Ontario? That's a place quite far from where we're staying.\"</i>\nArmana nodded.\n<i>\"Yeah, don't know too much about that part but it would be great...or fun? Who knows? I think I should give this thing a shot, and well if I'm not lucky, at least I knew the odds of taking the chance.\"</i>\nHer mom looked at her in contemplation, her lips swished to the side.\n<i>\"Mmmm, I don't know, I'll talk with your dad so we can tell you a firm answer on it.\"</i>\nThey smiled at each other and went on to preparing dinner.\n\nTheir every words looped in Armana's head as she stared far off into the scenery. Her and her family were initially in the United States, living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Of course Canada seemed like a questionable stay of traveling to, yet her parents had decided that it would be interesting heading further North for the summer. Her idea for the competition was first minded during their car ride. On the radio, a man was talking—to her presumption was just a commercial—but heard a sudden announcement.\n\n<i>\"Yeah Steve, I'll be creating another TV show. A reality competition! Just 24 contestants to win a game for $100,000! There'll be many amenities; like a five star hotel, cruises, and massage rubs. Life in paradise.\"</i>\n<i>\"What the hell Chris?\" </i>The host, Steve chuckled. <i>\"What would you be doing that for? I could only imagine if someone didn't know about your sly tricks that you'd be making this just for the fun of it.\" </i>\nWith the familiarity of the other male's voice, it was now Chris's turn to laugh.\n<i>\"Now, now Steve, who says a man has limits with his own TV Show?\"</i>\nThe two laughed along the cheer of the audience.\n<i>\"Well folks, you've heard this from Chris McLean on Steve's Talk Show.\"</i>\n\nBut It was ironic. A smile stifled on Armana's face as she had thought all of what she felt about reality TV Shows. She believed that things were dramatized, that the producers were just abusing the privilege in editing certain parts of episodes that just made the people sound bitchier. Or producers only hired flawed people for their shows because they would want people to talk about their weaknesses in any interventions so they would have a story to build on. Too much drama just to be apart of a show. But here she was, completely acting against her words by traveling to what she was expecting the place where Chris will be hosting the competition.\n\nShe checked the time on her phone. It had at least been ten minutes since she's been picked up. She remembered all the things she did in video taping her audition. Her older brother was recording her, while her younger brother helped her with her set up.\n\n<i>\"Is it rolling?\"</i>\nShe asked Euriah, 18 year old brother.\n<i>\"Wha–yes for the third time.\" </i>\nHe said, a bit irritated.\n<i>\"Okay, okay. Um, hi, my name is Armana Smith and I want to compete in being one of your lucky 24. Now what's so special about me? Well, that's an interesting question, because I'm not, I'm simply an ordinary girl you just so happen to meet that wants to bring out a purpose being picked on your show. I've seen great shows like America's Got Talent, or The Voice, and it's all built on people who want to make a meaning of themselves, out of the population of millions of Americans just so that they're not along the ordinary or what you see everyday.\"</i>\nMasai, her 13 year old younger brother, had knocked over paint on her picture. His goofy laugh, her cameraman started laughing too, and it soon reached to her. She rolled her eyes, picking up her picture that had pink spilled over it but perfectly filled in the bubble letters wrote by a crayon.\n<i>\"Well, what I mean to say is that I want do the same thing. I want to bring myself out of the crowd and do something that actually might make me special and well yes I'm practically saying I want to become famous,\" </i>She smiles and fully held her picture up. <i>\"Thank you.\"</i>\n\nThere was then a week after when she had received a call, announcing that she had been the 20th person to be picked for Chris McLean's latest show. She remembered trying to stay professional while the caller was still on the line, holding in her excitement so she wouldn't burst out laughing. She made sure to hear everything, that for her excursion there would be a boat to pick her up near the nearest beach, giving her the location and warning that she had to be there on time or else she would miss her trip and they would pick another person to choose for the show.\n\nAnd so here she was, awing her very presence on a boat to a lush resort. She imagined that there was free WiFi service, there was a scheduled time when you could eat and she would eat a whole box of pizza in one sitting. Or if there would be robotic massage chairs she remembered enjoying with the funny feeling of it's manipulative rolling against her back. She sighs with her series of thoughts, not noticing right then she had reached her destination.\n\n\"Up, and here comes our Walter Mitty, Armana!\" \n\nArmana was shook out of her trance when she suddenly hears the upbeat of a man's voice. She looked up from where she sat and saw a male with plenty other teens on a pier. She grabs her luggage, eying the man.\n\n\"Excuse me?\" She asks for a repetition, picking up on what he just said.\n\"Nothing, nothing.\" The man easily drops his use of welcoming, a smile on his face as he took Armana by the hand to help her off.\n\"Thanks—Oh! You must be Chris McLean.\" She acknowledges, comfortable that she at least knew one person out of the group of strangers.\n\"That's me.\" He nods. \n\nArmana assented with another nod but looks onward and feels her heart drop, slowly surveying a grotty camp place.\n\nHer smile falls.\n\n\"Yup, happy trails.\" Chris still bright as the day waving at her boat zipping past.\n\n<i>'Did I miss part of the description?'</i>\n\nArmana felt helpless seeing as her surroundings weren't becoming any better. She walks along the platform, standing at a comfortable spot as it appeared what everyone else was doing, plus she was one of the shortest people there. \n\n\"You look like a lost puppy.\" She suddenly hears a voice from behind her.\n\nArmana flips her head over her shoulder but only meets the outlining heads of a guy's chest. She adjusts her eyes and startles, meeting a pair of blue looking directly at her through what the girl felt as some translation of amusement.\n\n\"You can call it that,\" She steps back while straightening herself to face him. \"Unless this hotel is invisible.\"\n\nShe then hears a motor fading off, seeing that it was her boat leaving into the distance.\n\n\"I just got scammed, didn't I?\" She words. \nThe boy chuckles, \"I'm not too happy myself, but seeing the look of disappointment on people's faces makes me feel completely better.\"\n\nArmana rolls her eyes, heat warming under her facial scowl. She was embarrassed, only because her expectations was completely other than what she was seeing now. But, she could imagine that was how the others were feeling as well.\n\n\"So, what brings you here anyway short stuff?\" He teases, leaning his elbow on her shoulder as if she were a counter.\nShe shrugged her shoulder away, looking up at the boy slightly annoyed.\n\"I'd rather that not be any of your business.\" She responds while turning back. \n\"Ooh,\" The boy is charmed. \"Short and a bit sassy. I dig it.\"\n\nArmana huffs, seeing not only was she now stuck on a crappy island but is being teased at by a punk-dressed rebel. She watched as he was smug, crossing his arms, which appeared a bit more muscular than having them slack. \n\nShe could sense that he was one to be a flirt, but of course he was naturally use to resisting rules, that a girl being utterly disgusted probably didn't make a difference. At least that was completely what she was comprehending through his immediate manner of trying to hit on her.\n\n\"And here's our last camper, Jojo!\" Armana caught Chris's announcement, hearing the wood planks creak as a girl just stepped on.\n\nShe looked mixed as her hair spiraled in tight brown locks above her shoulders and the sunlight shone through her hazel irises. It wasn't like there was too much for Armana to care. \n\n\"Welp since everyone's here, we'll need a group photo for the promos,\" Chris states. \"Everyone at the end of the dock.\"\n\nArmana didn't really have a clue where she'd fit between everyone standing.\n\n\"Over here shortcake.\" Duncan winks at her.\nShe ignores him with an eye roll but interests being in front of the group.\n\"It's better if I just sit in the front, mind if I get between you guys?\"\n\nShe sat where there was a gap between two girls. She hadn't picked up on their names since she arrived after quite a few people. They made room for her to sit until soon enough it was quiet, Armana assuming that everyone was posing for the camera. Chris stood on top of one of the speedboats—which was still by the pier—and held up his camera.\n\n\"Okay everyone! 1..2..,\" Chris clicked the camera. \"Oop! Forgot the lens cap!\"\n\n<i>'Silly mistake'</i>\n\n\"Ok hold that pose! 1..2..oh! No wait, cards full!\" \n\nArmana's smile paused, confused on Chris's doings. She wondered if he was doing it on purpose, his too-big-of-a-smile weren't making his mistakes as convincing from otherwise.\n\n\"Okay, okay,\" he readies. \"Everyone say...Wawanakwa!\"\n\"Wawanak—waah!\" \n\nArmana suddenly felt herself being sunk, quickly realizing that the dock must've broken from what might've been all their weight. She felt the coldness of the water damping into her clothes, kicking her legs and keeping her arms at a stroke to remain atop of the water. Chris had returned on what was left of the dock, which meant he actually snapped a picture. \n\n\"Ok guys, dry off and meet me at the campfire pit in ten.\" Chris simply directs, the smile on his face.\n\n<i>'Psychopath...'</i>\n\n\"Need a hand?\" She hears a voice, seeing the flirt of a boy reaching his hand out for her.\n\"Uh I'm fine.\" She assures with her succession on reaching shore.\n\"Just trying to be a gentleman.\" He smirks.\n\nShe averted her attention to her soaked clothes dripping onto the land. \n\n\"Are you serious?\" She murmurs, annoyed she'd have to sit the morning wet.\n\n<i>'Could it have been all our weight, or did that crusty old dock just finally reach its limit?'</i>\n\n\"Could've been worse.\" The punk smirks.\n\nArmana shook her head while she minded she tried to at least wear something simple. She wore a gray short sleeve shirt that was now sticking to her skin. Her denim shorts made her skin itch as they were in no thin enough material for her to wring them out. Her socks squelched in her wet shell toes, deeply minding the possible after smell later on. \n\n\"Oh yeah? Like what?\" She asks, her voice a bit aggressive with irritation.\n\nHer up-did hair had dripped water along the sides of her face. Her hairspray the smell of citrus and mix of baby powder scented into her nostrils as she mentally begrudged the happened moment and her (then) frizzy hair.\n\n<i>'Damn black girl struggles'</i>\n\n\"Well I don't know, could've drowned or there could've been sharks in the water.\" The boy explained, his smile adding joke to his voice.\nArmana rolls her eyes. \"And since none of that happened, I could count this as the worst.\" She says.\n\nShe wrung her clothes as much as she could until she gave up with the thought that they'll dry overtime. They all walk to an area where there was tree stumps aligned in rows for them to sit.\n\n\"Welcome to Camp Wawanakwa; your home for the next 8 weeks,\" Chris establishes. \"The campers sitting around you will be your cabin mates, your competition, and maybe even your friends. Ya dig?\"\n\nArmana cracked a smile, especially at the use of him trying to use a slang word that was usually passed by teenagers. It completely reminded her of her dad that tried to act like the kids he teaches.\n\n<i>\"Doesn't it go like this?\" </i>\nHis arms awkwardly went with his hips as he tried to do the floss. Her siblings had burst into laughter.\n<i>\"Um, dad if I can't dance, neither can you.\"  </i>She laughed, trying her best in sounding honest but genuine.\n\nShe sees a few people looking at each other, doing the same with looking to her right. She sees troublemaker threatening his fist at a ginger boy, but when he notices her gaze, he bites his lip through a smile and twinkles his fingers at her. \n\n\"The camper who manages to stay on Total Drama Island the longest—without getting voted off—will win $100,000!\" \n\nThat seemed to uplift the girl's spirit, she was beginning to doubt the whole contest as some runaway summer camp. \n\n\"Uh excuse me,\" She hears the familiar punk. \"What will the sleeping arrangements be, because I'd like to request a bunk under her!\"\n\nHe points at Armana, which startled her being put on the spotlight.\n\n\"Ugh, they don't happen to be coed do they?\" Another girl felt the same distaste.\n\"No, girls get one side of each cabin and dudes get the other.\" Chris clarified.\nShe sighed with relief.\n\"You're crazy...you know that?\" She apprised.\nThe boy chuckles.\n\"Nice of you to say cutie,\"\n<i>'Cutie?'</i>\n\"I was hoping you'd realize some time by now that...I'm gonna drive you insane.\" He tells her in her ear.\n\nArmana raised an eyebrow with a scoff.\n\n\"Ha, first of all punk-boy, I ain't your cutie.\" She tells him.\nIt secretly dragged the punk more into her.\n\"Oh yeah? Got a dog collar?\" He smugly says.\n\"That isn't what's on your neck?\" Armana retorts.\n\nThere was a stare off between the two as Chris had still been talking. He then softly laughs, breaking their gaze.\n\n\"It's a charm.\" He says, causing the girl to hum.\n\"Mmhm.\" She listens.\nHe chuckles.\n\"I like <i>you</i>, you've got spunk.\"\nArmana dismissively laughed.\n\"You just can't think of a comeback.\" She smirked.\nHe shrugs, \"Mm, my pockets are empty.\"\nShe shook her head but feels her chin being pulled back above her shoulder.\n\"What's your name girl?\"\n\nArmana sided her chin away but her eyes still laid on the boy.\n\n\"Armana,\" She answers. \"Shouldn't be hard to enunciate.\"\nThe boy chuckles, \"Ooh, never heard of that name before. But I've never seen a girl like you either.\"\n\"And what do you mean by that?\" She checks him.\n\"Just, girls I've met, they don't act the same way you do, or dress the same...that's a compliment.\" He explains, smiling as Armana eased.\n\"Hm, better be, you were about to be in some big trouble.\"\nThe boy laughs.\n\"I'm known for that.\" He says.\n\"Well it won't be up my alleyway...?\" She says but hangs her sentence with an inquisitive look for his name.\nHe chuckles. \"Duncan.\" \nA smile creeps its way on the girl's face, \"Right.\"", "\"Here's the deal, we're gonna split you into two teams and if I call your name, you'll be standing over there on the opposite side from the others.\" Chris says, holding a paper Armana assumed he'd be reading off of.\n\nShe waited until she'd hear her name, but took the time to see who was who if she was going to be staying around strangers for the next month.\n\n\"Gwen. Trent. Heather. Cody. Lindsay. Beth. Katie. Owen. LeShawna. Noah. Justin. And...Izzy.\" Armana watched as he had gone person by person, who if were called had stood on the other side of the area. \n\"You all are known as...The Screaming Gophers!\" \n\n<i>'That was an interesting name'</i>\n\nAs Armana was curious what her team would mascot, she had noticed her name wasn't called —which meant she would be filling in as the other group.\n\nChris continues, \"The rest of you over here; Geoff. Bridgette. DJ. Tyler. Sadie. Courtney. Ezekiel. Duncan. Eva. Armana. Jojo. And Harold. Move! Move! Move!\"\n\n\"Looks like you're with me short stuff.\" Duncan nudges Armana, pulling her attention from her trance.\n\"Yeah, yeah don't get to thinking of any ideas.\" She says.\n\nArmana stood with her team, Duncan smiling at her as he had pushed someone aside to stand next to her. Chris throws a red banner to a ginger, who she remembers as Harold, while it unrolled from his hands to show a fish.\n\n\"You guys will be officially known as...The Killer Bass.\" Chris proclaims.\n\"Hm, pretty cool.\" Armana comments underneath her breath.\n\"Alright, campers, you and your team will be on camera through all public areas in this competition.\"\n\nThey walked on a tour, simply seeing the layout of the camp and all the separate areas in which they'd be in and probably where cameras would most likely be rolling.\n\n\"You'll also be able to share your innermost thoughts with video diaries any time you want. Let the people know what you're really thinking or just get something off your chest.\" Chris explained, which these moments would be recorded in a porta-potty. \n\nA few people tested it out, Armana deciding to be one of the numbered.\n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;I'm practically new at this, well, we all are. I don't have too much to say except, I know how much I talked to my family about this and winning $100,000. Honestly, it sounds crazy now that I'm here actually doing this, but I'll give it a chance other than not having my hotel&lt;\n\nAfter her words, she opened the door and rejoined with the campers outside. \n\n\"Alright campers to continue on to our tour, now for your cabins.\" Chris greets two separate houses. \"Gophers, you're in the East cabin. Bass, you're in the West.\" \n\nArmana followed the girls West into one of the doors of their designated cabin. She looked to see that their room was distributed with bunk beds, at least at a foot range from each other but stood easy enough for walk space from the clearance of the other side of the room. She decided to put her bags on one of the top bunks.\n\n\"I call dibs on this bed.\" She made sure to call out, in case her luggage wasn't big enough of a saying where she would be sleeping.\n\"Well I guess there's to say, as long as these dusty beds don't have bed bugs.\" Courtney, a girl with shoulder length brown hair and who looked like one of your supervisors, inspected under the covers.\nArmana shrugged, hearing Chris from outside.\n\"Campers! You have a half hour to unpack before meeting me at the main lodge.\" He announces, tapping at his watch.\n\nArmana then began to unpack her belongings, surveying where she could put them. But promptly, she hears a huge scream prolonging through the island, even birds flitting away from the disturbance. \n\n\"Man that white girl can scream.\" LeShawna, a black girl–broad in the beam–commented.\n\nThey all look through the doorway of the other cabin, Armana peeking behind Duncan. He lifted up his arm and laid it over her neck for her to see what was happening. Lindsay was standing on a chair, but amazingly she balanced on only one of her cow boots. \n\n\"What is that thing? Kill it!\" She demands, her voice shaking as she posed.\n\nArmana looked at the floor to see it was a cockroach. She had to admit, the things were creepy. But to her surprise, DJ, a tall buff black boy, was the one to scream aloud and completely wreck one of the girls' beds. \n\n\"That, was my bed.\" Gwen, a goth girl, indicates. \n\nIt was to where everyone began screaming, trying to stomp on the insect as it scrambled around their feet. Armana sees Duncan lifting an axe over his head, looking at him in disbelief.\n\n\"Seriously? An axe?\" She poised her hands on her hips, one of her eyebrows cocked.\n\"It'll do the job.\" He assures her.\n\nArmana rolls her eyes and quickly moved her foot in front of Duncan before he could proceed. She slowly pressed her shoe against the roach, emitting a loud crunch throughout the cabin. She hears groans of disgust from her peers but she shrugs, wiping her shoe against the floor away from the roach's entrails. She looks at Duncan, who was paused in his action.\n\n\"Don't be weird.\" She tells him, before leaving the cabin and walking off to her preference.\n\nEveryone had returned to their origin to finish the rest of their time with unpacking. Armana had finished early while the rest of her cabin mates took their time. She decided to sit her time out front on the porch that sheltered between both of the rooms of the cabin. She hears the wood creaking, turning her gaze to see who's other weight it was.\n\n\"Sup shorty.\" Duncan greeted her, sitting as close to her than she would like.\n\"Uh,\" She eyes his small mind of space and adjusts herself more distantly from his comforts. But she faced her eyes towards him, still conveying attention.\n\"Hi.\"\n\"Hey, that was pretty gross what you did back there.\" He says, his smile signifying his admiration.\n\"What? Stepping on a bug? It was just common sense. I wouldn't try and slice it with an axe.\" She asserted.\n\"It would've been cooler that way—and less messier. But man, that made my skin crawl a bit.\"\n\nArmana giggled and eyed the bottom of her shoe. Splatters of the roach still remained on the outsole, one of its antennas hanging from it. It caused her stomach to turn. She faced her foot back on the step, smiling towards Duncan.\n\n\"Well either way, it wouldn't have ended good for the guy.\" She expected with a shrug.\n\n\"Alright campers! Time's up! Please gather at the main lodge!\" Chris's voice spoke over a loud speaker that was supported by a large post.\n\nAt the main lounge, it was like a small cafeteria. There was a lay out of two sets of tables in which must've been assigned for their teams. Following the line that went orderly by who went in after the other, Armana picked up a scent wafting through the air. She sees their lunch lady, a muscular old black man who seemed strict over his kitchen.\n\n\"Listen up!\" He orders. \"I serve it three times a day, and you will eat it three times a day. So get ya food, and sit your butts down now!\"\n\nThey all walked up to the counter, taking their trays where he plopped their food. Armana watched as she was handed her tray and eyed after the chef scooping a grab of slop. He smacked it on one of the open bread buns, although it slowly drooped from the utensil and he had to flick his wrist to have it come from sticking. It seemed indigestible. \n\nShe sits next to Duncan on the stump-like seats, pushing her tray away from her. \n\n\"Food good?\" He teased her.\n\"I'd rather go hungry,\" She preferred. \"This stuff looks like you could compare it to what they feed you in Prison or for school lunch.\"\n\"Or Juvie.\" Duncan shrugged.\n\"Juvie? I'd never think of that as bad.\"\n\nDuncan coughed on his next swallow of food.\n\n\"What?\" Armana asked, giving him an odd look through his episode.\nHe manages to spit it into his cup.\nHe cleared his throat and smiled, \"You wouldn't know a thing about Juvie goody two shoes.\"\n\"Oh, Sir? And your butt-hurt reaction tells me you haven't been so obedient with the law.\" She acknowledged.\n\"Well there's nothing keeping me tied or in bondage,\" He implies. \"So I like to take advantage of my freedom.\"\n\nThey both eye each other before seeing one of the foods casually sliding along the floor to the other side of the room. Armana cringed before hearing Chris's voice.\n\n\"Campers,\" He calls, walking into the cabin. \"Welcome to the main lodge.\"\n\"Yo my man,\" Geoff, your surfer dude, turns towards him. \"Can we order a pizza?\"\n\nBut apparently on that wit, chef had tossed a cleaver right past Geoff's head. \n\n\"Woah! It's cool G,\" Geoff abruptly tells the man. \"Brown slop is cool! Right guys?\"\n\nA few people nodding, Armana had looked at the blade that had stuck into the wall and back at chef holding a large kitchen knife. She just shook her head, turning back to Chris to listen to his announcement.\n\n\"Your first challenge begins in one hour!\" He says, walking back down the stairs of the entryway.\n\"Aw crap,\" Armana sighed. \"I completely forgot we were having challenges.\"\nDuncan pats her head to mock her, \"Aw don't you worry your head, precious. How hard could it be?\" \nArmana sided her head away. \"Usually when people say things like that, they jinx the upcoming moment.\" She considered.\n\nDuncan simply shrugs to which Armana sighed again. She wasn't sure what to expect for their challenge, the suspense made her less hungry. She dumped her food away, Duncan chuckling a bit after her.\n\n\"Waste of food there princess.\" He says.\n\"It's not like I'd care, half these people probably didn't even eat it anyway. And Im not your princess.\" She alerts, earning another one of his smirks.\n\"Alright campers, it is time for your first challenge!\" Chris announces, bringing all the teens outside of the lodge.\n\"You will all be wearing swimsuits, of course if you didn't bring any, you'll probably have to go in your undies. Or else, you know what that means,\" Chris looked at them mischievously. \"But then, you will all meet at the top of that cliff.\"\n\nArmana follows Chris's arm pointing at a large precipice, her blood running cold.\n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;Something tells me...this isn't going to be good&lt;\n\nLuckily, Armana had listened to her mom that there'd be lots of water where she was going. She changed into a plain one piece and wore a pair of black gym shorts over it. She then took her hair tie off and snapped on a swimming cap. Opening the door outside, she felt the cool breeze erecting goosebumps from her leg hairs. She could only imagine if Duncan—\n\n\"Princess,\" \n<i>'Why'</i>\n\"Ooh looking like a snack.\" \n\"Ew, shut up.\" Armana immediately tells him, now feeling abashed of her presence.\nHis succession in making her flustered amused him into laughing, seeing her shake her head.\n\nShe looked as the boy was shirtless and remained in the same blue cargo shorts. But she hadn't noticed that he was stacked, a faint six pack pronounced on his abdomen.\n\n<i>'Juvie must've been quite a doozy'</i>\n\nIt was after a few seconds, she looked away. Once everyone rejoined together, Chris stood proudly smiling.\n\n\"Right this way.\"\n\nHe lead them to an escalator that would take them to the very top of the cliff.\n\n<i>'Oh thank god'</i>\n\nArmana felt relieved not having to walk a trip up the cliff but slightly tripped where the belt had formed another stair. Duncan caught her by her lower back.\n\n\"Watch yourself.\" He teasingly warns her.\n\nShe rolled her eyes, mindful that she could be clumsy sometimes. She most likely inherited it from her dad, like the time he walked over his wine glass that was still full or the time he was carrying Christmas gifts and tripped over a ball that made him fall down the stairs. \n\nArmana stopped herself from smiling, remembering the present with herself on the escalator. They had arrived atop of the cliff, Armana already feeling lightheaded once she noticed how high they actually were. \n\n\"Ok, today's challenge is threefold; your first task is to jump off this 1,000 foot high cliff into the lake.\" Chris directs.\n\"Piece of cake.\" Bridgette—a blonde who Armana heard rumored was into surfing—says to her after both of them looked down at the water.\n\"If you look down, you will see two target areas; the wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic,\" Chris chuckles. \"Man eating sharks.\"\n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt; Okay first of all; what're sharks doing in a lake? Then, I'm not sure if Chris was actually being serious or not. I had a feeling that he was but stayed hopeful that he would have some remorse&lt;\n\n\"Inside that area is a safe zone,\" Chris continues. \"That's your target area, which we're pretty sure is shark-free.\"\n\"Wait, a-are you serious? In a circle that small you just expect us to land in there?\" Armana asked the man.\n\"No, but there is a logic between forced perspective. That area is exactly ten meters wide. You would know that, wouldn't you Armana?\" Chris chuckled, indicating a joke of her petite height.\n\nShe was surprised when she comprehended his words. \n\"Real funny Chris.\" She says, her words of contempt.\n\"Pfft, he called you short.\" Duncan amused.\n\"Whatever, I'm still trying to assure myself that the producers would get sued if anything had to do with parts missing from my body.\" She feared.\n\n\"For each member of your team that actually jumps and..survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below. Inside each crate, are supplies you'll need for the second part of the challenge; building a hot tub. The team to have the best one gets to have a wicked, hot tub party tonight. The losers...will be sending someone home,\" Chris looks at his victims. \"Let's see, Killer Bass you're up first.\"\n\nArmana felt her heart stop, the blood in her toes and fingertips running cold. She watched as Bridgette looked at her teammates.\n\n\"Ok, who wants to go first?\" She asked.\n\nIn Armana's mind, crickets chirped. She never would've imagined herself being taken to such a height, and jump down from it with–what'd she think–a fifty percent chance of dying.\n\n\"Ladies first.\" Duncan suggested out of the silence, slightly a sick way of being a gentleman.\n\"Ok fine. I'll go.\" Bridgette offers, already standing by the edge of the cliff.\n\nArmana watched as her body miniatured into the distance, perfectly plummeting into the water. She sees her head appear back up within the expanse of the safe zone.\n\n<i>'Well she made it look easy'</i>\n\nThere was a boat sitting by which would pick up the campers, since if they were to swim back to land, they would be eaten by sharks. Armana's heart pounded against her chest, her ears occupied by its steady drum. \n\n\"Hey, you alright?\" She flipped her head to see Duncan attentive on her.\nShe sighed. \"Yeah I'm fine,\" She assures. \"Just never cliff dived before. Or jump off anything this high.\"\nDuncan chuckles. \"Don't worry, it's like jumping off a diving board.\" He says.\n\"No it isn't, there's rocks and stuff you could easily hit your head on.\" \n\nShe hears faint shouts echoing while her team made their way down. It slightly made her feel worse, because she'd be the last person and the pressure would be on her.\n\n\"Come on doll we got this.\" Duncan nudges her.\nShe bit her lip.\n\"Now, now love birds, if you really are too scared to jump, you can lose your team another two points since two of your members have already chickened out.\" Chris says, holding up two chicken hats.\n\n\"Dammit.\" The girl cussed underneath her breath.\n\"You in?\" Duncan asks her, hoping what her next answer would be.\n\nShe eyed the water, taking a deep breath. She subconsciously took a few steps back and found herself leaping into the free, open air. Gravity effected its way on her, feeling as she swiftly descends closer to the water. She didn't know if she should have her body a certain way or if she was gonna prove herself stupid with cracking her head open. But the created wind with her fast movement influenced her to scream, her hope that it would indicate she was gonna shit herself.\n\nHer body hits the water. Cold sensated on her skin as she regained awareness with her dare. She quickly swims towards the sparkling surface, a bit panicked with where she could've landed. But as she reached closer, she hears muffled cheers. \n\nShe picks her head out of the water, hearing claps from her team. She surveys her surroundings as she remained in a ring of buoys, sighing with relief before the water suddenly splashed beside her.\n\nDuncan appeared from underneath the surface. \n\n\"See, what did I tell you?\" He says through breaths, running his hand over his face.\n\" 'Don't worry it's just like jumping off a diving board'.\" She responds.\n\"Well, other than that, i'm saying you survived. Nothing happened.\" He presumed.\nThey both climbed on the boat, earning soft pats on their back from their teammates. \n\"Well not to leave both sides of fortune,\" Armana continued. \"It <i>could've </i>happened.\" \n\"And guess what,\" Duncan preceded. \"There's not a scratch.\"\n\nShe remained silent as he questioningly eyed her. She rolls her eyes, a smile portraying on her lips. They all return to shore, watching as it was the Gopher's turn to jump.\n\nSitting on the sand, Duncan enjoyed himself next to Armana, admiring her melanin that glowed in the sun. Her cream streaked legs, and crept his eyes above her thighs where her shorts slightly lifted view over her butt. He scoots closer to her, earning the girl's caution.\n\n\"I don't think I heard a 'thank you'.\" He broached.\nShe sneers, \"For what?\"\n\"Because I encouraged you into jumping off that cliff.\"\nArmana chuckles. \"Well I wouldn't think of it as that much of a big deal, I was just scared for a second if I could've died.\" She says.\n\"Is that part of the letter?\" Duncan asks.\n\"Wha–no.\" \n\nHe laughs at her reaction.\n\n\"I knew it wouldn't have been...because I'd enjoy something more appreciative.\" He flirted, leaning himself closer to the girl. \nShe instinctively reacted with moving her head back and pushing him away.    \n\"Don't get yourself carried away there buddy. I'm not another girl you've met or boo'd up.\" She tells him.\n\nDuncan reacts with a smirk, a signature Armana felt she'd have to be wary of to foresee any of his thoughts.\n\n\"Okay, I see you're playing hard to get.\" He says.\n\"Hard to get,\" Armana repeats, amused. \"Who's catchin'?\"\nDuncan laughs, \"Guess we'll have to see.\"", "The next part of their challenge, everyone dressed back into their clothes as both teams were tasked to transfer their crates of supplies back to the camp place—where they'd start building their hot tub.\n\n\"Building a hot tub? That's interesting. I wonder how we'll be able to do that.\" Armana says, pushing her crate.\n\"Eh the man's insane. I couldn't see us chancing with getting past the first step of opening these things with our teeth.\" Duncan says, kicking his crate with either of his feet.\n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;Already on our first challenge, it's a bit insane. But I guess we'll just have to see how how far we'll get within the task, so, I'm holding my breath&lt;\n\nMoving the crates along the shore, Armana hears one of her teammates.\n\n\"Ow, I think I just got a splinter.\" She sees Courtney wince, observing where the wood must've been embedded in her finger.\n\nArmana eyed between the girl and the backs of the other team. She couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed, since it was the first distraction she was seeing with her team.\n\n<i>'Moving your mouth, doesn't do it for your feet as well'</i>\n\nShe sees Eva, a dark haired brawny girl, pick up Courtney's crate, completely lifting it over her head as if it were weightless.\n\n\"Shut up, and move your crate. Chicken.\" She tells Courtney, seeing her with the silly hat on.\nCourtney debates, \"Hey, I'm the only one with CIT camping experience. You need me.\"\n\nArmana could already feel those psychic vibes from Eva's expression.\n\n<i>'What the fuck?'</i>\n\n\"The hell is CIT?\" Duncan questions, more quietly as it was addressed towards Armana.\n\"It stands for Counselor in Training or something.\" She answers him, standing by her crate as her team had stopped moving.\n\"How do you know?\" He asks her knowledge.\nArmana shrugs, \"My cousin took apart of a role at a summer camp once. She was looking for job opportunities, and I guess being a counselor turned out to be her thing.\"\n\nShe could hear the Gophers singing, probably happy because they were using pull carts to carry everything. \n\n\"Aw man,\" Armana sighs. \"I wonder what the hold up is. We're already behind and it's like they're completely oblivious.\" \n\"Ugh, I gotta take a whizz.\" Tyler—who Armana heard was known as a jock at his school—says, which would be another delay for the team.\n\nDuncan chuckled as the girl impatiently sighed. She simply breathed, walking up where the teens seemed to be sidetracked.\n\n\"Is everything okay?\" She asks them.\nEva sets her crate down, \"Well, I could say we have the crappiest people to have as a team.\"\nArmana felt amused by Eva's comment, soft laughter succeeding against her chest. But her eyes roam casually around her surroundings, suddenly seeing Courtney's swollen eye.\n\"Courtney? What happened to your eye?\" She concerned.\n\"I'm not sure but, I know I have an allergy for bee stings.\" Courtney confesses, sighing.\n\nShe then hears loud grating sounds beside her, seeing Katie and Sadie–two girls who were basically doppelgängers of each other through their outfits–scratching their butts rapidly. Armana stared at the girls inquisitively, only to notice their suffering had to do with their brightly reddened skin. They were wearing pink roll up shorts and through the sunlight, Armana witnessed their bare skin irritant with raising spots.\n\n\"Um are you guys okay? In some cases, scratching usually makes things worse.\" She spoke in general.\n\"Not unless you just have a simple itch. Do you think it's pee burn?\" Katie asks.\n\"Pee burn? You guys were peeing?\" Armana asks them.\nThey nod. \n\"Did you squat down when you went to go pee in the woods?\" Bridgette joins herself in on the conversation, obviously having bigger witness.\nThe two girls nod.\n\"Did you happen to notice what plants you were squatting over?\" She further questions.\n\"They were kind of oval shaped and green and all over the place.\" Sadie described.\nArmana knew where this was heading to.\n\"Were they low to the ground? About this big?\" She interferes, measuring her hands with her words.\nThe girls nod.\nBridgette chuckles, \"You guys squatted over poison ivy.\"\n\n<i>'Oh brother'</i>\n\n\"Oh boy.\" Armana mutters, a smile pushing up her cheeks as she thought of the girls goofy.\n\nShe takes a seat on the sand, suddenly hearing tiny crunches of the grain approaching her. \n\n\"I see that cute smile. Anything interesting?\" She turns her head to see Duncan, who questions her.\nRolling her eyes, she answered. \"Well, I find it funny that Katie and Sadie peed over poison ivy...huge <i>bummer</i>.\" \n\nShe releases amusement from the punk boy.\n\n\"Ha ha ha I see what you did there. What a bunch of idiots.\" He insults.\nArmana giggles, \"That's not very nice.\"\n\"Pfft,\" He contempts. \"You must've mistaken me as someone that is, sweetheart.\"\n\nAt this point, the Killer Bass we're behind in building their hot tub. After notices, the team had finally made it to the campground where the Screaming Gophers were already tending to the supplies from their crates.\n\n\"About time.\" One of the Gophers comments on their arrival.\n\nArmana only shakes her head, immediately beginning to bite down on the rope and pulling it with her head back. It almost seemed impossible until she was hearing the rope wear and finally snap. By then the rest of the team had arrived, seeming already exhausted when they hadn't even tried opening the boxes.\n\n\"Kay dudes, it's not too late. We can do this.\" Geoff tries encouraging.\nThere was only a moment of silence until Armana sees Ezekiel picking his nose.\n\"Ew.\" She distances herself from him on their cabin porch.\n\"Ezekiel, go wash your hands,\" Courtney says. \"And look guys, we have a hot tub to complete and need a project manager. Since I've actually been a CIT before, I'm electing myself. Any objections?\" \n\"Where do we begin cyclops?\" Duncan says aloud, marking towards Courtney's swollen eye.\nShe points at him, \"Open the crates. Bridgette go find those itchy girls. We need all the help we can get.\"\n\nArmana honestly didn't see any progression as she was already seeing the Gophers' hot tub actually seeming stable. She turned her head over at hers, seeing the boys just stacking the wood tiles by each other, hoping somehow it would be the third little piggy's brick house. Of course the planks had collapsed. \n\nShe watched as the other team passed down a hammer, driving in a nail which looked to be the last one they needed in order to stabilize their construction. Duncan hands Tyler their hammer, but by the two struggling just to pass it over, the hammer flies out of their hands and hits Harold in his groin, triple ganged by Bridgette picking up a plank of wood. \n\nBy then, the Gophers had their final bucket of water, while the Killer Bass just duct taped the pool for it to stay together, water spilling out from the bottom of their \"tub\". \n\n\"Ok, this, is just sad.\" Duncan chuckles, looking at the comparison between theirs and the other team's.\nArmana is hit by a couple of chuckles but tries to hold in her laugh, \"Duncan, it's not funny. We're still taking the fall because it's all for the whole team.\" \n\nIt was then Chris looked at both of the team's results. \n\n\"Oh my god.\" Duncan whispered, still chirping of laughter as Chris came by there's.\n\"Duncan, shut up.\" Armana snorts.\n\nIt caused Armana to even struggle more with the urge to laugh, seeing Chris tap at the wood for water to spray in his face and eventually the entire thing collapses.\n\n\"He looks so pissed.\" Duncan chuckles.\n\"Well it looks like we have a winner!\" Chris announces.\n\"Not our sorry asses.\" Duncan murmurs into Armana's ear, a laugh pushing against her smile.\n\"The Screaming Gophers! You get to rock this awesome hot tub for the rest of the summer. Killer Bass, what can I say it sucks to be you right now.\"\n\"Bitch.\" Duncan cusses, Armana pressing her hand up against her mouth.\n\"See you at the bonfire tonight.\"\n\nThey humorously watch as Chris walks off. Armana ducks her head into her elbow breaking into complete laughter, her face shunting red. She didn't want the others to see her so they wouldn't take the wrong idea but the sight of Duncan's newly pink cheeks became contagious and she could barely breathe after laughing. \n\nIt had been several minutes when their spontaneous subsided and they were in the main lodge for lunch. It had been just a bowl of mushy slop, which no one was eating. Armana noticed the table was a bit quiet, beginning to feel that it would be weird to talk. \n\n\"So,\" Katie started. \"What do we do now?\"\n\nArmana had forgot that the losers would have to send one of their teammates home. She was now regretting breaking into a storm of laughter or slightly judging her team. She intently listened for someone's response.\n\n\"We need to think about who we're gonna vote off.\" Courtney answers.\n\"Well,\" Duncan speaks. \"I think it should be princess or the brick house here.\"\n\nArmana felt hugely perturbed when she heard Duncan say <i>princess. </i>But his thumbs were jutting at DJ and Courtney, secretly much to Armana's relief. \n\n\"What? Why?\" Courtney asks him out of disbelief.\n\"Because you two are the only ones that are wearing chicken hats. Besides, if we would have to lift a truck, I'd like our odds with the big guy.\" Duncan explains, in which he earns a smile from DJ.\n\"But, you guys need me I'm the only one–\"\n\"We know, you've had CIT experience,\" Bridgette infers. \"So who would you pick?\" \n\nArmana remained attentive as it was still between deliberation who they would pick.\n\n\"What about...him!\" Courtney finger points at Tyler.\n\"No!\" A blondie yells from the Gophers, but as everyone's eyes were on her she tried to play it off. \n\"I-I mean, no salt on the table, bummer.\"\n\n<i>'She's totally into him'</i>\n\nArmana thought how she failed that no one wouldn't catch on to how much she'd care if Tyler were to be voted off. He is dumb, Armana could see their only choice was to feel empathy for each other. \n\n\"H-Hey at least he jumped off the cliff chicken wing.\" Duncan says towards Courtney.\n\"Shut up!\" She yells.\nGeoff steps between the two, \"Alright you two, this is getting way too heavy.\" \n\nDuncan had looked Armana's direction and rolled his eyes. She could at least tell that he was feeling pretty annoyed by her. It gave Armana some type of feeling in her system that girls wouldn't just immediately come into Duncan's mind as some translation to trifle with them, but he still had feelings, thoughts, possibly standards that embodied an actual person. And hopefully one person. By this time, she wasn't sure of what to think of his flirting. She understood that he would just be playing with her, but now she's off balanced and it's mixing into a stew pot of her heart. \n\n\"Alright I've had enough prison food for one day, I'm gonna go have a nap.\" She hears Duncan say.\n\nBut then, she also liked his company. She enjoyed the thoughts of having a friend or someone to talk to, although at times it would be like he's mischievously curious.\n\n<i>'Don't go'</i>\n\nShe watched as he left the lodge and probably to their cabin. She sighs, an empty feeling in her chest, like she was joyous of being inspirited of those heart felt emotions and as if  they were carried by him. Little did she know, Bridgette had been watching Armana's reactions, feeling on edge ever since the two met if there could've been something between them.\n\nArmana hears a silent giggle, seeing that it was Bridgette's.\n\nSeeing the girl look at her, Armana asks, \"What's so funny?\"\n\"Nothing much, you two just seem like you'd get along.\" Bridgette says.\n\nArmana felt her face heating warm, a gasp intaking on her next deal of breath.\n\n\"What? No way.\" Armana denies, crossing her arms.\n\"Yeah right, don't try to be in denial. I can totally see how you act around Duncan.\" Bridgette shrugs.\n\"Or hello? How he acts around me? Whenever I go by him, it's like he thinks he has to flirt with me. He's not my type anyway.\" Armana says.\n\"Type? I don't believe in type, and I don't think you do either. It's simply if you like the person or not, it doesn't have to be an entire checklist.\"\n\nArmana was about to go on speaking until they notice all the girls look off, and it's silent.\n\n\"Yeah homeschool, enlighten us.\" Eva threatens at Ezekiel, pounding her fist on the table.\n\"It's just that I've learned that boys are better at sports than girls are.\" \n\nArmana shook her head.\n\n<i>'What a dumbass'</i>\n\nShe could already tell it was going to get dirty.\n\n\"Hey, Britt, I'm gonna go for a walk.\" She tells Bridgette.\n\nShe nods with a huff, staring at Ezekiel along the other girls in irritation. Armana leaves the lodge, feeling relaxed now that she was having some fresh air and it would give her some relief to think. She wasn't sure of what to think about what Bridgette said. She wasn't sure if it was true or not. It could've been, but her conscience just wouldn't remove her guard because it could've been Duncan trying to get her in her feelings. He couldn't have been really interested in her, and it could just be how he delivers himself towards other girls. \n\nShe decides it would be best just to relax and have a rest until it would be time to join by the campfire. \n\n\"Hey, where you going?\" Armana jolts at the sudden sound of Duncan's voice.\n\"I thought you were going to sleep.\" She looks at him standing in the doorway.\n\"Yeah, I kinda was, until I saw you here, it gave me a bit more energy.\" He smirked.\nArmana shakes her head, \"Yeah whatever.\"\n\nDuncan opens the door to his side of the cabin, \"Here, come on inside.\"\n\nArmana gives him a look, walking inside while she still kept an eye on him from over her shoulder. He keeps the door open, just so people wouldn't lose their shit why the door would be closed.\n\n\"So,\" He says, dragging the chair that was by the window and sitting across from her. \"Why did you get tense?\"\n\"Huh?\" Armana says, bewildered.\n\"Ya know, when I said it should've been Courtney or DJ to be kicked off. I simply called Courtney 'Princess', and I saw how nervous you got because you must've thought I was referring to you.\" Duncan says, a smile rising on his face.\n\nArmana simply looks away, trying to block the sheepish smile that was approaching her features.\n\n\"You know how adorable I find that?\" Duncan chuckles.\n\"Ugh whatever, I'm just so used to your flirting, that id expect it to be towards me..since we mainly talk to each other.\"\n\"Awww.\" Duncan teases her.\n\"Shut up, you're making it bigger than it is.\" Armana blushes.\n\nDuncan's laugh had filled the room, causing Armana to laugh too. It had been when he stopped, he looks into her eyes, not daring to look any other direction because it wouldn't have her face on it.\n\n\"Ya know,\" He says. \"If you ever have something to say to me...let something off your chest, I'll always be there to listen.\"", "Armana watched as the fire blazed, a warmth  pursuing the air.\n\n\"Killer Bass, marshmallows would usually represent a tasty treat that you would enjoy roasting by the fire. At this camp, marshmallows represent life.\" \n\nA plate of marshmallows were platformed on Chris's hand, as it had been time for elimination. \n\n\"You've all cast your votes and made your decision, there are only 11 marshmallows on this plate. If I call your name, come up and receive a marshmallow. But if I do not call your name, you must walk the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers. That means, you are out of this contest and won't be able to come back. Ever.\" \n\nArmana feels a soft panic rising in her chest, but at the same time she was confident. Surely, the team had summed up their votes with Ezekiel for his sexist comments. Maybe homeschool wasn't the best to be schooled. \n\n\"First marshmallow goes to...Geoff.\" Chris calls off.\n\nEveryone was holding a stick to roast their marshmallow with. Armana had never done that since she didn't really go camping. She listened until her name was called.\n\n\"Armana!\" \nShe smiles, pushing the marshmallow onto her stick.\n\"And finally, the last marshmallow goes to....,\" Chris waits dramatically, pointing his finger between the teens as if it were really too hard to decide.\n\"Courtney.\" \n\nThe girl smiles as she finally breathed, \"Phew, thanks.\"\n\nChris openly welcomed Ezekiel to the dock of shame, relief soothing on the rest of the contestants.\n\n\"For the rest of you,\" Chris looks at the group. \"You're all safe...for now.\"\n\nArmana smiles, satisfied with her marshmallow-on-a-stick. She feels someone nudge her, seeing that it was Duncan as they both were roasting their treats by the fire.\n\n\"So we still survive.\" He says.\nArmana nods, \"I could only imagine what he'll have for us next. I feel like that was a close game.\" \n\"Maybe it'll be even closer.\"\n\nDuncan dances his eyebrows at her, which she rolled her eyes and earned from the flirt his laughter. Armana huffs, but made sure to turn her stick so that her marshmallow could brown evenly.\n\n\"Oh come on babe.\" Duncan teases her, tossing his arm around her shoulder. \"You know you can't deny me.\"\n\"Or maybe I can and you're just not my standards.\" Armana retorts, a smile pleased on her face by her comeback before she smacks Duncan's hand off her shoulder.\n\"That's okay, I dig that in a chic. She knows what she wants, and if I have to work for it, it really tells me how you deem yourself.\" \n\"Aren't you the hawk-eye.\" Armana sarcastically invokes.\n\nDuncan shrugs, biting his marshmallow. Armana does the same, feeling light crunches underneath her teeth and gooeyness against the walls of her gum. It tasted delicious. She looks to see if anyone hadn't eaten their's but was disappointed to see their sticks headless. \n\n\"Well, I guess that's it for the night.\" Armana yawns.\n\"Want me to walk you?\" Duncan smiles.\n\"No I'm good, but thanks. Sweet dreams to any bed bugs.\" She waves him off.\n\"Looking forward to it.\"\n\nWith that, the two had ducked off into the respective sides of their cabin. Armana threw on her pajamas and decided to say one last thing as her video diary before officially going to sleep.\n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;Well, I guess things pretty much sums up my first day here at this camp. I feel like while you get used to things here, they'll start to be normal and just apart of having fun&lt;\n\nArmana felt herself drooling on her pillow and her clothes lifting against her skin. The woolen orange blanket was snuggled on her shoulder as she peacefully laid on the resilience of the mattress. The morning seemed to be innocuous. She heard morning birds like they were from a fairytale, possibly the water creeping up on the shore, and the screeching of an airhorn—somehow—augmented that it sounded like it was blaring off the speakers for a concert.\n\nArmana flips up from her pillow, nearly falling from her bunk. There was a phantom ringing in her ears as she defensively covered them from Chris being an asshole. \n\n\"Rise and shine campers! You have ten minutes to be outside for your next challenge.\" Chris announces, a screech of feedback coming from his megaphone.\n\"That guy is insane.\" Jojo murmurs as they all covered their ears.\n\nArmana dresses into her clothes; a pair of blue jeans and a simple white T-shirt that she would be wearing with her pair of Air Max. She brushes her teeth before scooping her hair into a bun, being one of the last people to be outside. \n\n\"Okay, I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in one minute.\" Chris taps his watch, seeming inhumanly enthusiastic.\n\"My god, its seven in the morning.\" Armana mumbled to herself, sleep pulling on her eyes.\n\"Morning sunshine.\" Duncan sarcastically enthuses, seeing Armana wear a grudge on her face.\n\nShe only hums, looking at the boy who had a dumb smile on his face. He wore a graphic shirt that was merch for what Armana figured a rock band; Metallica as the same blue cargo shorts hung loosely past his kneecaps. She rolls her eyes before it could've been more than a second to matter if she was staring or not.\n\n\"Um excuse me,\" Armana hears Owen, a really chubby teen boy. \"I don't think that's enough time to eat breakfast.\"\n\"Oh you'll have enough time to eat breakfast..right after your twenty kilometer run around the lake.\" Chris vigorously states.\nArmana groans out loud, irritated. It must've spread to Eva, just not as appropriate.\n\"Oh so you think you're funny huh?\" The girl challenged, her voice erupting with anger. \"You know what I think would be funny—\" \n\nArmana just shook her head at the boys holding Eva back as she was going for a punch.\n\n<i>'Chris just likes getting into situations where he can get his ass whooped'</i>\n\nCourtney whispered something to Eva but Armana was just irked by Chris's look of amusement.\n\n\"You're enjoying this, aren't you?\" Armana questions, squinting at the man.\nHe chuckles, \"A little. You have thirty seconds.\" \n\"Ugh.\"\n\nShe had no choice but to stance along the others. It was crazy that Chris was making them run 20 kilometers just about the lake. What for exactly? \n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;I am really starting to think that Chris is just mentally challenged or something. He seems like one of those creepy Zumba teachers, you know they seem too enthusiastic or with energy that you just don't know how they're up and about through the day. It's weird, but I feel like Chris is up to something, he just looks like the prankster&lt;\n\n\"Okay runners,\" Chris proclaims, Armana steadying on her legs. \"Get ready...\"\n\"You better move those short legs, pretty girl.\" Duncan tells her.\n\"Set.\"\n\"What, are you challenging me?\" She chuckles, surprised.\n\"If you can handle it.\" He's smug.\n\"You're on.\"\nThe two shook hands.\n\"Go!\"\n\nArmana raced forward, her feet light against the ground as she had sprinted competitively against the boy. There was an existent \"wind\" due to Armana's speed, a joy in her endurance like she was free. \n\n\"Bear's after your tail.\" She hears Duncan talking smack.\n\"Really? Thought it was sirens.\" Armana replies in between breaths, seeing as the boy ran faster.\n\nThey pass the others, more built on their contesting than the actual challenge.\n\n\"Wow, Armana and Duncan are really in the lead. Come on campers! Pick up the pace or else if you're not at the camp spot, you don't eat!\" They hear Chris's voice from a megaphone, who was also riding a Moped.\n\nArmana was in between chuckles right then when suddenly she trips and falls over the toe tip of her shoe. \n\n\"Aw! My boobs!\" Armana yells, clutching her chest.\n\nAlthough Duncan was really up in his competitiveness, he laughs, helping the girl up by her arm.\n\n\"Come on girl they're after us.\" Duncan says as the two looked behind them, an imaginary bear and parole officer running towards their direction.\n\nThe two continue running, feeling their lungs fatigue before they had just made it to the lodge. Armana gasps for air, taking deep breaths steadily as she stood upright against the cabin. Duncan stood with his hands on his knees, which was really incorrect as a method.\n\n\"Duncan,\" Armona manages to speak out, her lips expressing in a smile. \"You need to sit up or else you're scrunching up your lungs from any airway to pass through.\"\n\nDuncan does as Armana says, his face flushed from exhaustion. \n\n\"You must've really passed pacer tests.\" Duncan guessed.\nArmana chuckles.\n\"You must've really been out on the chase before.\" She says in return.\n\nThe two sit at their table, seeing that Chris was filing his nails on the wait for the rest of the teams. Armana suddenly hears Duncan chuckle, which was laced with the guttural tones of his voice. \n\n\"Oh boy, what's on your mind?\" Armana looks suspiciously at him.\n\"I had just realized what you said back there. You fell on your boobs, as if they could actually catch you.\" Duncan chuckles.\nThe girl playfully hits Duncan on his shoulder.\n\"Shut up, that's easy for you to say bird chest, boys are less matured than girls. Ugh, they still hurt actually.\" Armana says, murmuring the last part of her sentence as she felt on the pain lingering through her breasts.\nOf course Duncan heard it.\n\"I actually know a thing or two about massages for the human breasts. Here.\" Duncan reaches his hand towards her but she immediately grabs his wrist.\n\"Um no you freak! I know exactly what you're trying to do.\"\n\nA smile stretches on the corners of Duncan's mouth, loving how Armana would always act so defensively towards him. It turned him on a bit actually, it just extends his curiosity even more.\n\n\"Clear the tables! Stat!\" Owen shouts running through the door with a boy in his arms.\nLeshawna falls on her knees in the doorway, \"Phew, we made it.\"\n\nArmana watched as people approached through the doorway, seeing that it was Harold to be last on their team.\n\n\"What took you so long,\" Courtney complains, her hands on her hips. \"We just lost the challenge.\"\nHarold was breathing rather hard, wheezing a bit.\n\"I think I'm having heart palpitations.\" He says, clutching his chest.\n\nArmana felt her nostrils flare when she breathed in a gasp of air.\n\n<i>Wait, we lost?</i>\n\n\"Wait guys,\" Gwen speaks to her team. \"If they lost that means we won the challenge.\"\n\nThe Gophers shouted of joy, but suddenly Chris clarifies.\n\n\"Woah, there, hold your horses guys! That wasn't the challenge.\"\n<i>What did he just say </i>\n\"Who's hungry!\"\n\nA curtain retracts from a whole buffet table of food. Actual food. \n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;What do I think of this? Okay, it's the coolest thing ever. Who would want to keep eating that sludge crap?! But challenge...there's still a challenge coming up and I feel like we're just being Chris's cattle and he's like waving this bait at us. Something's fishy and it's not the food.&lt;\n\n\"Ey,\" Duncan comes over with a plate of food. \"You eating?\"\n\nArmana still sat at the table as she hadn't moved a muscle towards the food display.\n\nShe shook her head, \"I know Chris is planning something, I bet this is only the beginning of our challenge.\"\n\nDuncan munched on a turkey leg and some bread rolls he had dipped it in butter. He swallowed the huge chunk of food.\n\n\"Aw what, the only time they don't serve us any of that slop, you're giving it up because of some challenge?\" Duncan says, thinking that the girl was insane.\n\"Yeah Armana listen to your boyfriend, you're really missing out.\" Chris dips in.\n\"As if, get out of here Chris. We all know—I know–that you're thinking of some twisted plan and it's not going to work.\" Armana crosses her arms.\n\"Suit yourself, the food is almost gone.\" Chris walks away.\n\nArmana shrugs, watching as people wolfed their mouths with food. \n\n\"Here,\" Duncan offers her one of his turkey legs. \"It's the least you can eat. Have you even eaten anything since we first came here?\"\n\"Well yeah, I ate a couple of snacks last night before I went to sleep. Why do you care?\" She asks.\n\"Because you're human and there's a thing called starvation. Plus, you're a cool person to hang around with, I can't see any reason being with the rest of these losers.\" Duncan admits, feeling pleased when he made the girl smile.\n\"That's nice to hear, Duncan, it's the least of the worth staying at this place.\" \n\nThe two smile at each other.\n\n\"You're still a perv.\" Armana bites at her turkey.\n\"You're still on my bucket list.\" Duncan bit into his.\n\nLater, everyone had potbellies as the entire food on the table was gone.\n\n\"Jeez, it's like everyone just suddenly got wasted.\" Duncan is amused, hearing the teens moan with how much food they ate.\n\nChris stood on top of the table full of...leftovers, and spoke into his megaphone.\n\n\"Alright campers, time's for part two of your challenge!\" \n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;See I knew it, it's always the smile that tells you he has something up his sleeve. I'm really starting not to like this guy...come to think of it, I don't think anyone does.&lt;\n\n\"I thought eating was the second part.\" <i>We know Owen.</i>\n\"What more do you want from us?\" Gwen felt tortured.\n\"Ugh, weird goth girl is right, haven't we been through enough?\" Heather groans, rubbing her tummy.\n\nEveryone had looked pregnant, innocently lead by their hunger that it had look like they've been knocked up within fifteen minutes.\n\n\"Let me think about that,\" Chris says apart of Heather's question. \"No, but now it's time for...The Ultimate Awake-a-thon.\"\n\"I have a feeling this won't be good.\" Armana perceives.\n\"I can completely agree with you on that, guess you really were onto something, cutie...nice.\" \n\nArmana rolls her eyes at Duncan's pet naming.\n\n\"Don't worry, this is an easy one. The last person on one of the teams standing wins invincibility.\" Chris cheerfully elaborates.\n\"Stupid Chris, I knew you were up to something.\" Armana grumbles.\n\"Yup, and I'm still getting away with it. Move! Move! Move!\" \n\nThey all gathered at the campfire, where they would be staying up the night. Armana did this most of the time when she'd be at home, no worries for another thing to come the next day, and would stay up late on her phone possibly watching YouTube or drawing. But that was to tame her boredom, right now she was just sitting on a stump that didn't have any arm rests or back comforts for her to relax in. She wondered how she looked now that it was officially twelve hours to her surprise, but it was only the beginning of the challenge. \n\nShe groaned, wishing it would already end.\n\n\"Ey, you still awake?\" Duncan nudges the girl.\nShe nods her head, \"Mmhm.\"\n\"Man this is boring, would rather be doing that 20k run again.\" He wishes.\n\"I guess that's the point of it, to bore you out of your mind until you feel the hopes of falling asleep.\" \n\nThey simultaneously sigh. There was a moment of silence until Duncan spoke.\n\n\"We should do something.\" He broached.\n\"Mm, like what?\" \n\"Ya know, how I challenged racing you around that lake. It was pretty fun.\" He leads.\n\"So you wanna do another challenge?\" She asks him.\n\"No, I want to get to know you.\" \nArmana feels her face flush, but vocally hides it with a laugh.\n\"Why?\" She wondered.\n\"Because, it's like my heart is going crazy, and I want to know the reasons why.\"", "Armana didn't see that she had any other choice. If she wanted her team to win, she would have to stay up as long as possible until there was no one else awake. At least on the other team.\n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana</b><b>, 16</b>\n&gt;It's like that boy has been latched onto me since I don't know, a day we've been here. *sighs* What do I got to lose?&lt;\n\n\"Well, if it's really to kill the suspense, I guess I could let you in on a little backstory. What would you like to know?\" Armana questions, a bit for him to mind there'd be limitations to his curiosity.\n\"I don't care, anything really.\" Duncan shrugs, freely tempted.\n\"Okay, he's not holding us bondage, so I guess it's okay to walk around–just if you don't fall asleep. Yeah?\" Armana looks at Chris, who shrugs.\n\"It'll be midnight in five hours, you have to be back by then or else you'll immediately be counted for falling asleep and losing your team points.\" He warns.\n\"Oh we won't be out for that long, we'll be back by then.\" Armana tells Chris, while everyone else began to have thrills what the two would be up to.\n\"Lead the way m'lady.\" The two teens smile at each other, taking an answer by Chris's silence.\n\nArmana decided it would be enjoyable to walk around the lake, regarding its long distance, it would do a lot to have some movement in their muscles. \n\n\"I'm waiting.\" Duncan says full of tease and expectancy.\n\"Okay, okay,\" Armana chuckles at being rushed. \"Me and my family, we don't live in Canada, in fact we're just here on vacation for the summer.\"\n\nDuncan felt a bit disappointed, thinking of the fact that if Armana were to be kicked off, he may never see her again. \n\n\"So then, where do you normally live?\" He asks, trying to hide any mushiness. \n\"In Milwaukee, it's a big city in the state Wisconsin, ya know in America...the United States.\" \n\"Oh, how is it there?\" He's curious.\n\"Eh, it's really not that special. America's dairyland, we have all four seasons–can get really cold during the winter. There's a lot of roadwork, the crime rates are really high, especially in Milwaukee. Living the dream, notice the sarcasm.\" \n\nArmana knew she wasn't being the best representative for her native, especially since there wasn't many things famed around it. But she knew people who lived there had to admit they'd rather be somewhere more...prestigious. She wouldn't hear someone happily say, <i>Hey, let's go to Wisconsin.</i>\n\n\"So then,\" Duncan's voice breaks her out of her daze. \"Why did you want to be on a TV show?\"\n\"Mm, well, it's kind of obvious to us all that we want $100,000, but more on the point, I wanted to help my family. My mom owns this boutique, it's having some progress, some of her co-workers are a fan. Me and my dad are selling a lot of artwork, so we make some money from that. My brothers are...just my brothers. So I guess I'm just trying to win for the sake of the money.\" She explains.\n\"Huh, I didn't know you draw, or at least I haven't been seeing you do it.\"\n\nArmana nods, which is why Duncan finds being intrigued can lead to the best acknowledgement. A smile rose on his face.\n\n\"What type of stuff do you draw?\" He asks, and it must've been personal when he sees the girl suddenly turning shy.\n\"Well, it depends really. I like drawing from fictional sources, like cartoons or anime, to reality so it could possibly balance out how I anatomically proportion things.\" She slowly answers.\n\"That's a big word.\" \nArmana rolls her eyes.\n\"It has a thing to do with the body structure of something.\" She deadpans.\n\"You know so much.\" Duncan chuckles.\n\nShe sighs, deciding to kneel by the water to cup it with both of her hands and bring it to her face.\n\n\"What're you doing?\" Duncan watches her.\n\"Putting water on my face. It always messes up someone's sleep. See, try it.\" She smiles to try and influence him.\n\nShe watched as the boy imitated her actions, water dripping from his bit of facial hair. \n\nShe raises her eyebrows with expectancy when he looked at her, \"Eh?\"\n\"Yeah I feel bit more awake. Damn, that's quite a brain of yours.\" He admires.\n\"It's nothing, my dad used to do it to us all the time. But I think its just that you aren't as intelligent, that's all. Thanks though.\" Armana waves at the subject.\n\"Ya know, it turns me on how cheeky you can be, and I'm not just talking about your personality, babe.\"\n\nArmana flushes, hitting Duncan as he laughs. \n\n\"My god Duncan, I can never be around you.\" Armana crosses her arms, pretending a bit to be mad.\n\"Don't act like you're mad, you've just never came to the thought how true these things are.\" \nHe says.\nArmana shakes her head, \"Says you.\"\n\"And the thoughts of many other people....boop.\" Duncan pokes Armana's nose, adored how startled she looked when he did.\n\nShe knew he just liked seeing her flustered, how he was passing her through all these feelings like he had a remote and was flipping through different channels.\n\n\"Y-You're just playing with my feelings.\" She twigs, through her mind of course.\n\"Now now short stack, playing with someone's feelings is when you're <i>lying</i> to them. Trust me, I ain't lying.\" The boy chuckles.\n\nThey both share a look but it seemed unequal, since Duncan was full of fun and amusement and Armana looked as if she was gonna stick her foot up his ass. She rolls her eyes, continuing to walk.\n\n\"Hey, I still want to know about you, you know you're favorite color, birth month...your phone number.\" He whispers closely into her ear, his words causing her skin to crawl. \nArmana wipes her ear.\n\"Yeah right Duncan. You know how creepy you sound? Is this how you pick up girls?\" She tries to discourage him.\n\"Well, the girls usually come to me. But if it has take some time to settle in short stuff, I have all the time in the world.\"\n\"Ugh.\"\n\nDespite their small...debates, the two still talked to each other and it would be comfortable to consider them friends. For starters. Though, Armana was still confused how a boy could be attracted to her so quickly. It felt almost very unlikely for her. She guessed that, along common sense, that it was part of the reluctance she had trusting Duncan. But she felt glad to have someone always to talk and share her thoughts with.\n\n\"Favorite food?\"\n\"Mm, Mexican.\"\n\"Favorite color?\"\n\"Baby Pink.\"\n\"Favorite Song?\"\nArmona shrugs, \"I'm between Fergie's <i>Big Girls Don't Cry </i>and <i>California King Bed </i>by Rihanna.\"\n\"Piercings?\" This was a bit personal with what Duncan preferred in other girls.\n\"Well, just on my ears. I have two pairs on each ear so far, just on the lobes. I might get three though and I know I asked my mom for a belly piercing.\" \nDuncan was considerably interested.\n\"And what'd she say?\" He asked her.\n\"She was okay with it maybe more on the bit when I'm older, but she wasn't sure what my dad would think.\" \n\"Aw, it would look cute on you.\" \n\"We both know you would think that Duncan.\" She chuckles.\n\nThey then notice how dark it was getting.\n\nArmana's heart drops, \"Holy crap, what time is it?\" \n\"Ey dude you got a watch on you?\" Duncan asks the cameraman, who nodded and showed him his phone.\n\"Oh, it's nine o clock.\" He plainly reads.\n\"Okay, we've at least been gone for three hours. We should start heading back.\" She advises.\n\"Why? I'm liking this privacy thing.\" Duncan says, unconcerned and teasing.\n\"Duncan, didn't you hear what Chris said? He said if we didn't make it back before midnight which is the next day, we would be disqualified since we aren't under his watch for the time period standing and we'd possibly lose it for our team.\" Armana reasons.\n\"Fine, fine.\" Duncan replies to hearing the girl whine.\n\nThey had made it back to the campfire in time, Chris immediately turning his head when he hears approaching footsteps.\n\n\"Oh! I forgot about you two.\" Chris says, tapping his watch.\n\"Hm, only three hours, why so long?\" \nArmana glares at him for the male to defensively raise his arms while chuckling.\n\"Just kidding.\"\n\nArmana noticed everyone was staring, possibly for disarrayed hair, wrinkly clothes, or any communal body language between the two, before they immediately looked away. She sighs.\n\n\"You better stay with me shorty.\" Duncan murmurs, rubbing her shoulder, again for her to smack his hand away which already gave him a sign she was long awake.\n\nA couple hours later, Chris cheers.\n\n\"Congratulations campers, you've made it to the 24 hour mark, but it's time to take it up a notch. Next up, fairytales!\" He flips a white sheet off a pile of books while the chef was dressed as a sheep and held a harp.\n\n<i>'Quite the man chef'</i>\n\n\"Aw crap,\" Duncan mumbles. \"Fucking bed time stories.\"\nArmana was a bit surprised to hear the obscenity leave his mouth.\n\"Wow, someone must be tired.\" She remarks, causing the male to groan.\n\"Of course I'm tired, Chris and his boring ass challenge.\" Armana could tell the boy was pretty irritated.\n\nShe felt a bit intimidated, but held her ground.\n\n\"Well Duncan, if you're really that tired....you can go to sleep if you want to. It's not like I'm gonna look down on you if you do.\" Armana says, but he knew the girl would be disheartened.\n\"Nah, I don't go down without having a fight. Bed stories or not, I'm not going anywhere.\" \n\nThey share a promising glance before hearing a glissando of chef's harp.\n\n\"Once..upon a time..inside this boring kingdom..there was..a boring village.\" Chris started off, Armana knowing he was reading slowly on purpose.\n\nA couple of yawns were heard through everyone.\n\n<i>'Oh no, yawns are contagious'</i>\n\nArmana had yawned along the others, Duncan raising his head when he sees the girl stretching her body from being in the same position.\n\n\"You okay?\" He asks her.\nShe nods, \"I'm fine, it's just that Chris is really pushing it.\"\n\"I know, my butt's falling asleep.\" \n\nThe time went on to where somehow chef had changed into a ballerina dress. Armana looked at him weirdly as he sprang into the air with an elegant leap. It had even turned that she was so tired, there was little sparkles of dust sprinkling from Chef. \n\n\"Shit, I'm losing my shit.\" Duncan cusses.\n\"You see it too?\" Armana watched incredulously.\n\nChef had strewn the pixie-like dust onto the campers, some type of effect that they were even more weary.\n\n\"So tired.\" She yawns, but Duncan shakes her shoulder.\n\"No, don't you fall asleep on me princess, or else I won't see any point in winning this thing because the person who did is...eh too much explaining.\" Duncan gives up.\n\"No, no, what were you gonna say?\" Armana encourages.\n\"That she's asleep.\" Duncan finishes.\n\nArmana didn't want to have to sit through listening Chris and boring fairytales that she would fall asleep, that was when she thought of a small idea.\n\n\"Hey Duncan.\" Armana elicits.\n\"Yeah?\" He listens in.\n\"I haven't really heard much about you. I know the only thing we chatted about yesterday was only about my life and all I know is that you went to Juvie, and I don't want to hold that against you.\" \nA smile is evoked from Duncan at the girl's words, straightening his back from hunching over his crossed legs.\n\"So what you're asking, is that you want to know about me?\" The girl nods.\n\"Alrighty then, bring it in.\" Duncan beckons.\n\nArmana turns herself so she'd be facing the rebel. She didn't think they'd have to listen to Chris, although if she were as bored as this during a class session, she wouldn't dare try to talk over the teacher. But of course, this was different. Armana didn't realize—due to how tired she was—that her feet were inside of Duncan's lap. She hugged her legs, her arms engulfing the back of her thighs. Duncan rested his chin on top of his fingers, Armana's knees being his support. The two looked at each other, their eyes blood shot red with bags  under them, but briefly smile knowing they were going through the same torture.\n\n\"So,\" Duncan clears his throat. \"Uh, lets just say I'm not very fond of following rules.\"\n\"Mhm.\" Armana listens.\nHe smirks as he went on, \"Well, first of all, most of my family are police people. Ironic right?\" \nArmana nods, surprised as she lets him speak. \"Yeah, much for how I was accounted for truancy, violating age curfew laws, public violation, and uh underage possession and consumption of drugs.\"\n\"Aw, really Duncan.\" Armana looked at him mildly disappointed. \n\"I know, I know, it's a bad thing to do, which is why my parents sent me to Juvie and hired a parole officer.\" \n\"Do you still do that stuff? Ya know drugs?\" Armana asks, whispering her question.\n\"Aww does princess care about me?\" \n\nThe boy rubs Armana's chin, the girl instantly turning her head away. He was a bit afraid he ruined the close moment they were having, but was pleased when she only stayed put.\n\n\"Well I'd practically care about anyone if I found out they're using drugs. So do you or do you not?\" The girl hastes.\n\"No I don't princess, jeez.\" Duncan chuckles. \n\"Good cause I was about to kick you in your shit.\" She sighs of relief.\nThe boy chuckles again.\n\"So, how long have you been in Juvie?\" She asks.\n\"Eh I've been in and out a couple of times, maybe even more.\" The boy shrugs.\n\"Gee Duncan, if you keep it up you could really go to jail, or prison?\" Armana gives.\n\"Yeah I've been bothered about that for what? A million times.\" Duncan overstates.\n\"Because jail or prison is a really sucky place to be. Any captivity really, but Duncan you're still young, you shouldn't just give that up because you're thinking life is all fun and games.\" \n\nThe rebel rolls his eyes, but Armana pokes him rapidly to earn a smile from him.\n\n\"Yeah, yeah whatever I guess you're right.\" He admits, trying to stop himself from smiling.\n\"I can admit, I'm a good listener,\" Armana confides. \"But more importantly, besides our mistakes, just tell me what you know about yourself.\"\n\nDuncan went on explaining that his favorite music is punk rock, he likes to carve things with the knife he carries, before whispering all the clothes he wears are shoplifted, and that he keeps a lighter in each pocket in case he feels the urge to burn. Ultimately, most of the things about Duncan creeped Armana out but she felt that was what a person would initially think and the more you get to know them, they're actually a cool person.\n\n\"Also, I'm Asian.\" Duncan finishes, much for Armana's shock.\n\"Oh seriously? I had no clue.\" \n\nShe literally didn't. She was so focused on his hardcore characteristics, that she hadn't noticed how anatomically his eyes were shaped, but were slightly deceiving being the color blue. \n\n\"Yeah, I saw it on my documentation form.\" He says.\n\"Is it from one side of the family?\" Armana asks, seeing that he could've been biracial.\n\"Eh possibly from my dad—the bastard—we kinda look the same.\" He says, seeming a bit bumpy with the relationship of him and his father.\n\"Well that's actually pretty cool Duncan.\" \n\nArmana hadn't realized how close she brought her head to Duncan's chest, until she laid on it, thinking it was a pillow. Duncan looked at the girl surprised, seeing as she was looking off in the distance. He was flattered, but he knew she was just tired, she would be scarred if she was fully awake and heard about this. So he rested his arms behind him on the tree stump, being mindful of Armana's boundaries.\n\nHe hears snickers from the remaining campers, including Chris.\n\n\"The only thing you shits better be laughing about is how funny you'll look with my foot shoved up your ass.\" He sharply threatens.\n\nEveryone had gone quiet, enough for Duncan to hear quiet snores muffling into his shirt.\n\n\"Aw man Armana.\" He says, knowing she wanted to be one of the last ones to win the challenge. \nHe was adored how peaceful she looked, but then chuckles.\n\"Ha, she sleeps with her eyes open.\"", "The challenge was still lasting, four days having passed, it was torture. \n\nDuncan looked to see Chris bringing out a large book.\n\n\"And so I came up with the most sleep inducing activity I could find; the history of Canada. A pop up book, chapter one; The beaver, the national symbol and a \"dam\" fine hat.\" Chris reads.\n\nHe seemed so energetic, he even had a cup of coffee in his hand.\n\n<i>'Son of a bitch, hope he swallows a bug and chokes on it'</i>\n\nDuncan groaned, feeling his eyes becoming heavier and heavier to the point where it felt like they were being pulled by strings. Two more people had fell asleep, Heather and Eva, leaving him and Gwen as the last two people on either teams neck and neck. \n\nHe already missed Armana, simply because she hasn't been awake and he lived hearing her laugh or being nearly revolted when he'd flirt towards her, because he was given attention and all of hers would be on him. Now that she was asleep, as he said, it would be meaningless in winning because his one motivation was now disincentive. \n\nAfter a long period of Chris reading, he paused. \n\"Alright, time for a bathroom break. Any takers?\" He asks the leading competitors.\n\nDuncan slightly sighed of disappointment, seeing as he would have to lift Armana up from him. He had the strong urge to pee though.\n\n\"Struggling Duncan?\" Gwen teases at seeing Duncan's contemplation.\n\"Shut it.\" He comments.\n\nHe gently lays Armana gently on the ground beside where his lap was. His leg had fallen asleep as he staggered standing up.\n\n\"You've got five minutes,\" Chris gives. \"As long as you don't mind any company.\"\nDuncan looked at the cameraman following him.\n\"Fine, but just stay out of the stall.\" \nThe man nods.\n\nMeanwhile, Armana stretches, sitting herself up from the grass.\n\n\"Aw man, I lost the challenge. I don't even remember falling asleep.\" The girl mumbles to herself.\n\nShe looked around, wondering where Duncan was.\n\n\"And we have news,\" Chris suddenly announces. \"It looks like Duncan has taken a dive on the can. Which means, the official winner of the Awake-a-thon is...Gwen!\"\n\n<i>What, Duncan was the last to stand for our team?</i>\n\nArmana was shocked but for some reason, she felt proud. She guessed it was because it was like the two made a promise to each other that one of them would be the last ones to be awake. Although they didn't win, some satisfactory anchored in Armana's chest how far Duncan had came. \n\nShe decided to take a shower, which was accommodated in the communal bathroom, but luckily there wasn't really anyone there. She changes into the outfit she leaves outside from the water. She fixes her hair into a low bun while she wore a black halter neck that cropped to her waistline due to the tiny tassel balls hanging from the end of the shirt. She dances her hips into another pair of skinny blue jeans, seeming to be her best friend, before she stuck along with her tennis shoes again. \n\nShe walks back to the campground, hearing a loud commotion erupting from her team's cabin. She suddenly sees objects being thrown out of the window.\n\n\"What the hell,\" Armana was irked. \"Why is she throwing all of our stuff on the ground?\"\n\"Where is my MP3 player?!\" Eva yells.\n\"She's been going at it ever since she woke up.\" Bridgette says.\n\"Well she shouldn't be having a temper tantrum about it, she's acting like a complete child.\" \n\nArmana watched as the girl groaned and yelled, you could've believed if she were to turn into the Incredible Hulk.\n\n\"One of you must've stolen it,\" She points. \"I need my music! No one is going anywhere until I get my MP3 player back.\"\nArmana looks around.\n\"Could anyone please just save us the episode with finding Eva's MP3 player?\" She asks her teammates.\n\"I wouldn't have any idea where it is. For a person to lose their prize possessions, they are always accountable for whatever faults are along that attribute.\" Courtney confers. \n\nA moment later, a girl walks up to them. Her long legs kept her tall, her hips curvy, and her hair black and about her back. Heather walks up to the team.\n\n\"Wow, this place is quite a mess.\" She says, looking around her and stepping her heels away from any trash.\n\"Yeah someone stole Eva's MP3 player.\" Courtney sighs.\n\"You don't mean <i>this </i>do you?\" Heather takes a device out of her pocket. \"I just saw it lying around so I wasn't sure who it belonged to. You must've dropped it.\"\n\nEva runs up to Heather, full of relief and joy as she hugged the player to her face. Though, Armana felt something was up, sensing pretense in Heather's voice. \n\n\"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!\" She cheers.\n\"Sure thing.\" Heather walks away before Eva catches everyone glaring at her for her...unnecessary chaos.\n\"So, sorry about that..misunderstanding. Guess no one stole it after all....okay maybe I overreacted a little.\"\n\n<i>A way to downplay it don't you think?</i>\n\nThat day, the Killer Bass had to vote for another one of their team members. At the campfire, Armana sat next to a grumpy Duncan. She figured it was from the lack of sleep, he looked horrible. She ruffles Duncan's hair, feeling as he tensed and immediately turned with determination to crush the person. But when he sees the girl, he eases into her touch, Armana hearing as the boy deeply expired.\n\n\"Campers! You know the drill. There's one less marshmallow from your sitting team and of course, that ugly duckling will have to catch the Boat of Losers. Just to be on terms, you may never come back. Ever!\" Chris briefs.\n\nThe first marshmallow had gone to Duncan, of course since he was the last to stand on their team. Armana was the third to be announced, watching as it had wore down to Eva and Harold.\n\n\"Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening.\" Chris says.\n\nThe remaining two teens looked eagerly at the treat, again with the dramatic waiting.\n\n\"Harold.\"\n\nThe ginger smiled, walking away with his marshmallow. \n\n<i>Good for him.</i>\n\n\"Eva,\" Chris looks at the losing contestant. \"The dock awaits.\"\n\nEva didn't seem so happy with the team's deliberation. \n\n\"Nice. Really nice,\" She speaks sarcastically, as if to compliment like the team made a wise choice. \"Who needs this stupid TV Show anyway?\"\n\nThey all watched as she stormed off, stomping on Chris's foot in the process. But so then, she exited further and further away from their worries. After a quick time of roasting their marshmallows at the fire, Armana and Duncan walked together along the trip to their team's cabin.\n\n\"Ya know Duncan, to know that you stayed up like four days in a row and be near the last one standing, that takes a lot of guts. Plus it says a lot about how competitive you are.\" Armana says, basically complimenting him.\n\"I'm just glad it's over, stuff was torture.\" He says, before he breathes a strong yawn.\n\"So, tell me, why did you guys vote off Eva. The girl may have seemed quick to lose her temper, but she was a machine. The girl was like our strongest member.\" \nArmana shrugs.\n\"I guess you do have a point, our other reliance would be DJ. That guy's got some guns.\" \n\nArmana did see her type in guys with muscles, just because it was an indicator of their physical abilities and protection. \n\n\"I will admit that I'm not too far myself.\" Duncan bounces his eyebrows at her.\nArmana playfully pushes him away, \"Yeah, whatever.\"\n\nIt was a couple of seconds the two had walked in silence until Duncan easily scooped the female from underneath her knees and into his arms, carrying her bridal style.\n\n\"What the hell Duncan?! Put me down!\" The girl demanded, softly smacking him on his chest but was full of laughter.\n\nShe squealed and giggled as Duncan ran and carried her body until he was on the porch of the cabin. They look at each other but Armana breaks the glance by leaning her head back into his forearm and sighing. Duncan chuckles, letting the girl's feet settle on the wood.\n\n\"You're such a...\"Armana thought carefully, Duncan's armed crossed as he looked at the girl, his eyebrows raised, waiting for her answer.\n\"I'm waiting.\" He smirks.\nShe sighs, \"You're such a.\"\n\"I'm such a?\" He laughs.\n\"Yes, yourself as a person has become so artful with his decisions, that it's just to think what your next move would be, and therefore it's free to think of you anything despicably imaginative.\"\n\"Ouch.\"\n\nDuncan only laughs though, Armana cracking a smile. There was another silence, by then a band of crickets nowhere to be found. Armana had reached the door handle to step inside but Duncan stops her, cornering her by her back touching the bench. He leans his forehead onto hers, his hands on her arms while his thumbs were circling in place. There was only a gap between their lips, enough to breathe but possibly each other's air.\n\n\"Duncan?\" Armana softly speaks, eying him as he stayed in place.\n\nHe breaks himself away from her, the girl bewildered as he smiles.\n\n\"Night Armana.\" He wishes her, disappearing into the boys side of the cabin.\n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;I had no idea what had just happened...it was like he wanted to kiss me. He definitely caught me off guard, but I wondered why he stopped. It was almost as if he forced himself to...&lt;\n\nShortly, Armana pulls herself out of her trance and opens the door to her side of the cabin. She restrained herself with making too much noise since she wasn't sure who would be asleep or not. But as she walks in—\n\n\"We totally ship you and Duncan for life.\" \n\nEveryone was awake, looking at the girl with big smiles on their faces. Armana was shocked, a bit spooked how everyone must've heard them outside.\n\n\"What?\" Armana says to defensively keep herself attentive and at the same occurrence realizing what Katie and Sadie had just said.\n\"Armona, that was like the cutest thing ever. I knew there was something up.\" Bridgette says, revealing her sneaky perceptions.\n\nAll the girls hassled at Armana, which they knew would irritate the girl.\n\n\"Guys! Could you please just settle down.\" Armana wishes. \nAll the girls giggled and sat on the nearest furniture.\n\"Look, me and Duncan...we're just friends.\" Armana reasons, but it storms more laughter.\n\"They always say that.\" Jojo stereotyped.\n\"Armana, you and Duncan aren't just friends you two nearly kissed.\" Bridgette points.\n\"Yeah well.\" Armona struggled what to retort back, and of course failed.\n\nShe sighs, sitting down next to Bridgette.\n\n\"It's okay girl, just admit it, you have a crush. Nothing to be ashamed of.\" Jojo tells the girl.\n\"No, I don't have a crush on him,\" Armana denies, much to everyone's disappointment. \"Now let's all go to sleep, who knows what Chris will bring in the morning.\"\n\nArmana changed into her pajamas and climbed up her top bunk, trying to ignore the fast pounding in her chest.\n\nThe next morning, everyone was requested for breakfast. Armana didn't look much different from yesterday, except that her shirt spaghetti strapped her clavicle, cascading in linen flows to the buttoning of her jeans. She walks out the home cabin with the others. Duncan was leaning his back against the entrance of the lodge, feeling enlightened when he sees Armana approaching towards the area. \n\n\"Morning little lady.\" Duncan greets her.\n\"Duncan.\" She simply replies.\n\nThe two sat next to each other after they received their food, Duncan resting his head on the table.\n\n\"What's wrong? Get any sleep last night?\" Armana studies him, seeing the same bags under his eyes.\n\"Yeah, still tired though.\" Duncan replies.\n\"Duncaaan.\"\n\nChris walks in, the teen forcing himself to look at the host.\n\n\"You look like crap dude.\" He comments with a wide smirk on his face.\n\"Stuff it.\" Duncan retorts.\n\nArmana hadn't known when the boy rested his head back down, he leaned his head on her arm a bit.\n\n\"Ugh, I would've slept more easier if you guys weren't laughing so much plus Harold's snoring.\" Courtney complains towards her teammates.\n\"Oh sorry Courtney, I didn't know you were sleeping.\" Armana excuses.\n\"Wow,\" Chris amuses. \"Four nights with no sleep? How much are you hurting dude?\" \n\"Wanna find out?\" Duncan threatens a fist, Armona holding her hand near his abdomen in case he jumped out of his seat.\n\"No, no, it's cool but jeez to say snuggle bug Armana.\" \n\nChris winks at her while people began to snicker.\n\n\"Wait what? What's going on?\" Armana realizes it was something aiming towards her.\n\"Ahem, Armana,\" Bridgette says. \"You fell asleep during the challenge but it was to cuddling with Duncan.\"\n\nArmana gasps, looking at an innocent smiling Duncan.\n\n\"What? I don't remember any of this, are you guys just messing with me?\" Armana frowns.\n\"Nope, you were all up on him girl.\" LeShawna laughs.\n\nArmana huffs, embarrassed and finding it of a jerk that everyone was just laughing at her, including chef. Duncan chuckles, usually the code that would crack a smile from any seriousness on the girl's face but she faces away from the rebel. He began to feel bad and immediately defends her.\n\n\"Shut up idiots! She was obviously tired, so cut your shit and lay off.\" He defended, the room falling silent.\n\nIt was until he suddenly hears laughing again, ready to staple their mouths together until he looks ahead of him. Armana sees when Harold had sat in a open spot at their table, he had sharpie drawn above his lip as in to be a mustache.\n\n\"Okay, what?\" Harold asks, irritated.\n\"Someone messed with your face dude.\" Geoff chuckles.\nHe looks in his reflection of a spoon, smiling apparently.\n\"Woah, sweet stache.\"\n\nArmana rolls her eyes but she was glad the attention was fading away from her. At least as it had looked for the moment. She feels a nudge on her arm, turning to see Duncan smiling at her. She sighs, deciding to turn herself towards him.\n\n\"Thanks for standing up for me, D. I seriously didn't know what was happening that night to stay up for more than thirty hours. And to have people laughing at me makes me feel completely stupid.\" Armana says, embarrassed.\n\"You're not stupid, especially if you know it wasn't intended. I just hate it when people get extra irritating just because they're all in their hormones for some other people to start dating. Which I'm not saying it couldn't happen between us, but—\"\n\"Yeah keep dreaming.\" Armana says.\n\nShe liked Duncan's response though, it was like he could understand her from times of her getting irritated with him—especially since he defended her for the oblivion. The Gophers began cheering at the sight of Gwen, Armona seeing the girl was saying something before she face planted on the table. \n\n<i>Must've fallen asleep</i>\n\nShe looked as Duncan was resting for a bit, since he said he was tired. \n\n\"Hey fish heads!\" She hears Heather. \"Way to kick out your strongest player. Why don't you just give up now?\"\n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;I'm already not liking Heather, I feel like she had something to do with Eva's elimination even though yeah it was our decision but did she really just so happened to find Eva's MP3 player on the ground? She's enough of a Regina to do that, my bitch senses are tingling.&lt;\n\nCourtney flings a spoonful of oatmeal at Heather, but the girl dodges and it ends up flying in Gwen's face. \n\n\"Missed me.\" Heather smiles.\n\nBut Armana throws her drink in the girl's face, gasping although it was completely voluntary.\n\n\"Oh my gosh. Heather,\" Armana pretends to be astonished. \"I am so sorry, I thought you were a witch.\"\n\nEveryone laughs, Duncan having looked up by the time. \n\n\"You're going to regret this!\" Heather angrily portends.\n\n\"Oh my god,\" Duncan laughs, seeing Heather storm back to her seat. \"That was completely awesome! Put 'er there.\"\n\nThey both high five, Duncan interlocking his fingers between Armana's. She gives him a glare but is shocked when he brings the front of her hand up to his lips and kisses it. She snatches her hand away, but doesn't wipe it, feeling as the kiss was being memorized by her skin.", "\"Alright campers listen up, your next challenge will begin in 10 minutes and be prepared to bring it.\" Chris announces.\n\nArmana had looked at Duncan strangely as a big smirk expanded up his cheeks. They all left the dining hall and are lead to the shore where a set up of clear glass walls are encompassing a court. Armana looks up at her surroundings, entering the prearrangement. She is followed by Duncan who crashes on the bleachers.\n\n\"Wake me up, and it'll be the last thing you'll do.\" Duncan promises, pointing at his team—besides Armona—before exhaustedly laying the side of his face down on the bench.\n\nThey all stood in a line, on the (somehow) gym floor. Chef Hatchet was the ref, giving the teams ugly mugs and looks before standing with Chris.\n\n\"Today's challenge is the classic game of Dodgeball,\" Chris presents. \"The first rule of dodgeball is–\"\n\"Not talk about dodgeball?\" A short boy who Armana knew was a bit of a know-it-all, including his chosen sarcasm, interrupted Chris.\n\"As I was saying, if you get hit with the ball,\" \nChris throws the ball at Armana, which she catches, hearing as the ball resonates before chucking the same force at Chris. \n\"You're out. If you catch the ball, you'll get to bring another team member out on the court.\" \n\n\"Okay now Geoff try to hit me,\" He tosses a ball to the guy, having one himself. \"If you're holding a ball, you can use it to deflect the ball. But if the ball falls out of your hands, you're out.\"\n\nArmana never really played dodgeball, except games she's played in middle school but the balls were made of foam. She'd usually see these types of things in movies or other tv films, which probably sets the air that this could possibly be lethal.\n\n\"Wait, so what do I do when the ball is coming at me?\" Lindsay, the traditional pretty-blonde-yet-super-dumb girl, asks.\n\"You dodge!\" He deflects Geoff's ball with the one he's holding, which slightly ricochets and hits Lindsay in the face.\n<i>'Way to keep the tradition' </i>\n\"Oooh,\" Chris utters imagining how painful that ball could've been. \"You were suppose to dodge!\"\n\"Ugh, right.\" Lindsay listens, but there's a huge knot on her forehead.\n\nArmana shakes her head. But she could only imagine that would be her how clumsy she can be.\n\n\"You have one minute til game time. Gophers, you'll have to sit one person out each game.\" Chris finishes.\n\nArmana looks to see that there were already a certain number of people sitting out the game, which meant that she would have to play out court. They all stood behind an aligned row of balls on either sides. \n\n\"Bring it on fishies, winning three in a row just won't be as satisfying.\" Heather's smug. Much for Armana's irritation.\n\"Bring it on, were gonna bring the dinner to the table and then we're gonna eat it.\" Tyler <i>fails </i>to comeback, which Heather was probably looking for because she only worked her best with dumb enough people to think she's their savior.\nBut the entire team looked confident, which could've been apart of some plan.\n\"Alright, best five out of five wins! Let's play, some ball!\" Chris cues.\n\nArmana made sure she was one of the first people to pick up a ball, quickly peering at the Gophers as three of their members did so as well. A boy takes the first shot, the ball neighboring Tyler but he dodges. He then takes a spin, possibly as an initiative to build power in the strike of his arm but when he does, it completely goes out of bounds and ends up hitting Sadie in the face.\n\n\"That's one way to smear the makeup.\" Chris comments.\n\"Great job, now lets see if you can hit someone on their team.\" Courtney gives Tyler her ball, which chubster Owen tries to take advantage of.\n\nArmana chucks her ball at the boy as he was beyond focused on hitting Tyler. Without seeing the ball speeding towards him, It impacts the boy on his sides, seeing as his rolls rippled and flapped with it. Chef blows his whistle, Armana earning a cheer from her team.\n\n\"Nice blow by Armana.\" She hears Chris.\n\nHarold takes his turn next, looking at LeShawna.\n\n\"Time to unleash my wicked skills.\" He announces.\n\"Oh yeah string bean? Come on then, show me what ya got?\" \n\nHarold does some type of extra stepping before he makes his move, using his hands to just bounce the ball hardly on the floor and definitely overestimating logic for it to somehow hit the girl. But of course, it only bounces on his side and slowly rolls over by LeShawna's feet. She picks up the ball aiming towards a screaming Harold. Armana watched as she hits him into the wall.\n\n\"Ooh.\" Armana winces at the sight.\n\nBut she wondered why people were taking turns, it was only making the game more simpler than it was to actually throw the balls at each other. She watches as the Gophers cheered but Katie still having her ball, she launches it at a confused Lindsay. She receives another bruise on her face but apparently, her and Tyler were eying each other which sparked Heather into throwing a ball at Tyler.\n\n\"What the heck was that? Ref he's not even out on the court.\" Courtney protested at Chef.\nHe looked with contemplation but Heather innocently shrugs.\n\"Oops, slipped.\" She lies.\n\nArmana and Courtney groaned at the same time, the two looking at each other before agreeing to throw their ball on the same count. Courtney's ball was caught by a scrawny flirt named Cody from hitting Heather but Armana's ball had aimed on his thigh while he paid attention on Courtney. The Gophers were down to three players, one short from The Killer Bass. But it had came down to evenly being two players on either side, Armana and DJ lasting on the court.\n\nDJ aims for LeShawna, which she deflects with her ball, again a passageway for Armana to hit her ball at her. DJ was hit out and it came down to Armana and Heather. \n\n\"You got this Armana!\" She firstly hears from Courtney before the others begin cheering for her.\n\nShe glares at Heather who glares at her, both having an open field to dodge and use their weapons. But the girls suddenly hear Beth, a spitting-bracer-talking girl shouting.\n\n\"Look out! There's water!\" She yells.\n\nArmana looks down at the ground to catch the issue but much for her distraction, Heather took the advantage to throw her ball at the girl. Armana is shocked to feel a weight on her shoulder, suddenly seeing a ball bouncing from her way. Chef blows his whistle, calling the Gophers a win for the first round.\n\n\"Aw seriously?\" Armana groans underneath her breath, catching a glimpse of Heather and the girl giving each other a high five.\n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana</b><b>, 16</b>\n&gt;What a bitch&lt;\n\nHer team gathered around her, some patting her back.\n\n\"That was such a foul play, can't believe he still counted that.\" Bridgette says.\n\"You're telling me.\" Armana rolls her eyes. \n\nThe team huddled in.\n\n\"Guys, we can do this. We just need to believe in ourselves.\" Harold says.\n\"Oh I believe. I believe you suck!\" Courtney rebuttals.\n\"Yeah, you throw like a girl.\" Tyler comments.\n\"Ahem.\" Armana pretends to clear her throat, loud enough for Tyler to hear. \nThe boy reacts but Courtney points at him, \"You should talk.\" \n\"It was just a warm up throw. Look I can dominate this game, just give all the balls to me.\"\n\"Pfft. Good luck.\" Armana whispers to Bridgette, who chuckles.\n\nIt was the next round, Armana decided to sit out. She sat next to Duncan's head, listening to his light snores.\n\n\"God, Duncan, it's so boring that you're asleep and I have no one to talk to.\" Armana nonchalantly talks to the unconscious boy, figuring it was the only thing she could do to pass time.\nShe watches as her team is being knocked down.\n\"You should've seen what happened the first round. I was like, kicking ass until Miss Tomb Raider and Darla from Finding Nemo ruined it for me....you would totally laugh at that.\"\n\nBy then, her team lost another round.\n\n\"Hey! It's two to zero, how does it feel to suck so much?\" She hears Heather brag.\n\"Yes Heather how does it feel?\" Armana retorts, obviously double interpreting to what the girl meant.\nBridgette and Jojo laugh while the two girls glance daggers at each other.\n\nThe team sat on the bleachers, consulting through their given break before the next round. \n\n\"Okay this is bad, if they keep this up, we'll lose the whole challenge–again–we can't let that happen people. We need someone mean, someone who'll crush those stupid Gophers into the dirt!\" Courtney necessitates.\n\nEveryone looked at a certain person then of course at Armana, who wasn't paying attention.\n\n\"Well it ain't me, he'll kill us.\" DJ backs down.\n\"He won't kill us guys, he wants to win too.\" Courtney assures.\n\"Courtney's right, we'll need Duncan's fierceness.\" Harold agrees.\n\"That's the spirit Harold...now go wake him up.\"\nThe ginger was shocked when he was double-crossed.\n\"What?! Why me? The person who <i>should</i> wake him up is the only person here Duncan has the exception of killing. Armana.\"\n\nArmana perks up at the sound of her name.\n\n\"Hm? Did you guys say something?\" Armana checks.\n\"Yes, we need you to wake up Duncan so we can bring more aggression to our team.\" Courtney reasons.\n\nDuncan sighs in his sleep. Armana felt a bit bad because he wasn't having as much of an amount of sleep. She saw as her team steadily watched her, so it was like she was pressured to wake him up. She laughs but kneels down by Duncan's ear.\n\n\"Duncan...Duncan.\" She talks into his ear, slightly rubbing his back.\nHis snorts halt before his eyes eventually roll open.\n\"Hm?\" He mumbles.\n\"Duncan, hey look, we're all losing right now, so—\"\n\"What do you dimwits want?\" \n\nHe found Armana having to explain herself was already an indication that it was of the others. He was a bit pleased they at least heeded his warning, but his irritability was still preserved.\n\n\"Look, we're down two nothing, I can appreciate you need a little nap time but we need your help.\" Courtney tells him.\n\"Oh and why should I help you darling?\" Duncan mocks her.\n\"Because I can personally guarantee you if we lose this game, you'll be the one going home, darling.\" \n\nArmana was amused watching from the sidelines, but she secretly didn't want Duncan going home anytime soon. \n\nHe sighs, \"Fine I'll play but on one condition; you'll do what I say when I say it.\"\nCourtney nods.\n\"Okay, here's a strategy I learned during my first visit to Juvie. Its called, crush the new guy.\"\n\n<i>'So was he the new guy?'</i>\n\nArmana shrugged as Duncan went on explaining his methods. She feels Bridgette poking her finger into her arm.\n\n\"What is it Britt?\" Armana chuckles, knowing the girl always had a comment when she'd see Duncan and Armana in the same room.\n\"Did you see that? It's like he has a soft spot for you, he didn't yell at you or anything. Like he's leaving you out on all of his threats.\" Bridgette giggles.\n\"Really Britt? I don't know, maybe it's just how the guy is. He does try to act tough time to time.\" Armana passes off.\n\"But like every armored animal, they have their armory to protect whatever's mushy, which is what makes them vulnerable. Don't act like you don't know how strong his weak spot is for you, he's wants to please you. He likes your attention.\"\n\nArmana rolls her eyes, but a sheepish smile grew on her face.\n\n\"Eh, whatev–\"\n\"Whatever doesn't mean it's the end of an argument Armana. Quit thinking down on yourself, because you're only rejecting my words since you aren't secure about yourself being enough for Duncan. You aren't sure if you look good enough, if you're actually his type, if he means the words he says because you've never met a person so...affectionate about you.\"\n\nArmana felt as if Bridgette was looking right through her. She huffs, leaning her chin inside her palm.\n\n\"Britt, why are you so crazy about this, it's not like I bombard you about you and Geoff.\" Armana says, a flushed Bridgette.\n\"Well...th-that's off limits. But, I guess I would just totally be up for you and Duncan to admit that you two like each other, kiss, and that's that, Armancan.\" \nArmana laughs as Bridgette had combined her and Duncan's name.\n\"Seriously, Armancan? That's the corniest thing I have ever heard.\" Armana laughs.\n\"Well that's what all the fans are thinking.\"\n\nArmana shook her head, watching as the Killer Bass stood on the court mentally choreographed of Duncan's plan. The Gophers laughed, shit-eating grins on their faces as they laid loosely mindful of the other team.\n\n<i>'This is gonna be fun'</i>\n\nThe gophers took the first two throws, flying past Duncan as he easily stepped aside and let the balls bounce off the wall. Katie caught them in her arms, passing them down the row of her teammates for them all to have a ball. They throw it all at once, scoring efficiently when all the balls hit Owen. \n\n\"Wait, doesn't it just look like they learned how to play regular dodgeball?\" Bridgette asks.\n\"I thought that too,\" Armana chuckles. \"But it actually works, since you know if all those balls are coming at you, you won't really have a chance to dodge them, deflect them, or maybe even to react to them coming. It plays against your defenses.\"\n\"Hm.\"\n\nThe Killer Bass had won the round, cheering as the team huddled together.\n\n\"I think we should do the same thing all over again, so Harold sit this one out too.\" Courtney insists.\n\"But I don't want to sit another round out.\" Harold says.\n\"It's for the good of the team.\" Courtney shrugs.\nGeoff pats Harold's back as Courtney decided who should be out for the next round. Armana sits with Harold, mimicking his frown. She bumps her shoes next to Harold's, seeing as she repeated it he looks up at her.\n\n\"Sorry, it's not like I'm picking on you or anything. I just thought it was a bit bogus what Courtney said.\" Armana admits.\n\"Huh? Oh yeah, I just wanna be able to play ya know? It sucks that they think I'll let them down.\" Harold says.\n\"It's okay, shake it off. I think what really makes a team is motivating your teammates and supporting each other. You'll need to work with strengths and weaknesses for things to equal out. It just doesn't work if you only have certain people out on the court, then it would set weak spots since there isn't much cooperation between everyone. Ya know?\"\n\nHarold nods while Armana hadn't noticed that Duncan was watching her, talking to him. It slightly made him jealous, as he had simply thought. But no, he was completely enraged. He was focused on winning Armana's feelings, who knew if the wimpy dork was trying to be slick or something. \n\nThe Killer Bass had won their next round, tying the game two on two. It was the last round to be played before there'd be another loss for a camper. Both teams huddled in a circle, Duncan standing by Armana as he had only reached his arm around her neck and leaned her near his armpit.\n\n\"Okay? Who's going in?\" Duncan slightly aggresses, still provoked by the previous sight of Armana and Harold.\n\"I think it's my turn.\" Harold offers.\nDuncan looks at him bitterly.\n\"Fuck off, fuckface.\" Duncan insults.\n\"Holy crap Duncan, don't be rude,\" Armana tells him, the boy groaning. \"But we need to be resourceful of our team, watch where the ball is coming, see where the team is weak, keep using our strategy.\"\n\nEveryone nods.\n\n\"Gophers, Bass,\" Chris says. \"Let's send this to the lab and see what you're made of.\" \n\nEveryone was in and out, Armana having joined the court which puts a smirk on Duncan's face. He opens his mouth, but Armana knows what he'd say.\n\n\"Keep those thoughts to yourself.\" She says, the boy laughing.\n\nThe Gophers seemed to have picked up a strategy but began to follow behind the Bass. Armana had purposefully gotten herself out, having missed on the team's-altogether-throw. A ball was thrown at her and she walks around her team's half. She immediately offers her ball to Harold, who smiles.\n\n\"Back of the court, nerd.\" Duncan orders.\n\nHarold follows, but the team soon led to everyone being shot out, leaving the ginger alone against Owen who is more than three times his size. The room was silent, but there was a doubt on how the round would play out, the Gophers cheering for what they were thinking was an <i>easy out.</i>\n\n\"Sorry dude, but you gotta go down.\" Owen says.\n\nHarold pops into a few karate moves before beckoning the boy to move forward. Owen chucks all four of his balls at once, but Harold successively statures his movements to avoid them, the last ball turning into him bridging his back to perform a matrix. Everyone gasps.\n\n<i>'If only he played sooner'</i>\n\n\"Okay, time out! Time out!\" Courtney calls.\n\nArmana found it funny that there was a towel around his neck as Bridgette squeezed water into his mouth with a bucket held for him to spit it in. He was only out for a couple of seconds. They must've been giving him the nourishment because it was close game.\n\n\"Harold, that was an epic way to start the game,\" She high fives him. \"Where'd you learn to do that?\"\nHarold spits his water in Tyler's face.\n<i>'Gross'</i>\n\"Figure skating.\" He answers.\n\"Harold, that was awesome, but dodging isn't enough.\" Geoff says.\n\"He's right,\" Courtney sides. \"To win this, you'll either have to throw him out–\" \n\"Which we all know you can't do.\" Duncan possibly downgrades, since he hasn't been saying the nicest of things.\n\"Or you'll have to catch the ball. Yeah?\" Armana says.\n\nHarold nods, taking off as everyone –most of his team– cheered for him. Long story short, Harold caught Owen's fast throw, saving his team from another elimination. Armona felt proud seeing as Harold was being lifted on his team's shoulders out the door. She turns to Duncan who held a mug on his face.\n\n\"Hey,\" The boy looks at her. \"Why were you being mean to Harold?\"\nHe shrugs, \"Its not like there's any worry what I was saying towards him. I don't think anyone likes him as much anyway–\"\n\"Duncan, seriously, its not funny when people pick on others.\" \nDuncan sighs, listening to the girl since he cared about her.\n\"Fine, I was just a bit jealous okay? You were talking to him like you guys were becoming all buddy buddy. You weren't paying attention to me.\"\n\nArmana looks at Duncan confused, remembering how Bridgette's words were strangely pronounced.\n\n<i>Don't act like you don't know how strong his weak spot is for you, he's wants to please you. He likes your attention.</i>\n\n\"Why would you get jealous? It's not like you have property over me anyway.\" Armana shrugs.\n\"I know but...\"\n\nDuncan's words trailed off, Armana seeing as the blue hue of his eyes focused somewhere else along the ground. She smiles, pushing her finger on Duncan's jaw to have him look at her.\n\n\"We'll talk later, okay? I guess it's fine if you have protective feelings over me...it's kinda cute actually.\" Armana admits, watching as Duncan widely smirked.\n\"Oh yeah?\" He bites his lip.\n\"Yeah, but don't get it twisted, I still don't want you being mean to Harold and not just him specifically but other people too. I know you could be joking sometimes, just watch how you treat others. Cause ya know what?\" She leaned into Duncan's face.\n\"What?\" He touches his nose with her.\n\"I find nice guys pretty hot.\" She responds, backing away and walking off, leaving the boy aroused.", "Duncan panted, finishing his business as he zipped his pants back up. He washed and dried his hands, smiling as he came out of the bathroom with the new feeling of relief.\n\n<i>'Damn you </i><i>Armana</i><i>'</i>\n\nThe girl was sitting on one side of the porch of the cabin, something in her hands.\n\n\"Ya know Armana, fuck you.\" Duncan cussed at the girl, but when she looked at him he was clearly joking.\n\"Eh, not a fan,\" Armana chuckles. \"What happened?\"\n\"Don't act like you're all innocent, you know what you did back there.\" \nArmana chuckles, knowing what he was referring to.\n\"How does it feel?\" Armona teases.\n\"Well good now, now that it's gone.\" \nThere was a silence.\n\"Wait did you...\"\n\"Took my time doing it.\" Duncan shrugs.\n\nArmana covers her mouth in shock, bursting into laughter.\n\n\"Oh my god, seriously Duncan?\" She laughs.\n\"You shouldn't do things like that.\" Duncan says.\n\nThe girl shook her head but Duncan then sees what she has over her lap.\n\n\"Hey, are you drawing?\" Duncan immediately remembered her so said talent as he asks her, causing the girl's laughter to stop and hide her sketchbook.\n\"No.\" Her voice shrinks.\n\"Yes you are, or else you wouldn't be acting all shy and stuff and just show me. Come on, I promise I won't judge you or anything just let me see.\" Duncan opens his hand.\nArmana shakes her head no.\n\"Please, Princess?\"\n\nShe looks at Duncan as he pouted. She sighs, giving in and handing her book to him.\n\n\"It's not finished yet.\" She says quietly, carefully watching his reaction.\n\nDuncan studied the picture, seeing that she was just about outlining. He moves his thumb, first noticing the face of a girl. Her eyes are just about wide, that of a vacant stare of a doe, but they squinted with the lift of her cheeks and her expanding full smile. He looks at the fine line of her eyebrows, naturally full and arched. Her nose. He always liked her nose. It was broad and at the same time it seemed to curve perfectly on its shape. Her thick hair was kept in a low bun, distinctly coily with each strand. Altogether, it looked exactly like Armana, and he was surprised the girl drew so advanced that she could manage to.\n\nNoticing she only took up half of the paper, he moves his other thumb, a rhythmic bounce felt in his chest. He sees himself leaning his elbow on her shoulder, a smirk on his face as there's a speech bubble exacting his same words as <i>'Hey, short st</i><i>uff</i><i>'. </i>Armana watched him as he analyzed her drawing, patiently waiting for him to say something. Suddenly, he begins to flip through other pages to see any other of her drawings. Much for the girl's fear.\n\n\"N-No, Duncan.\" She reaches to grab her book, but Duncan holds it from her reach.\n\"What? Your drawings are great, you do even better than a camera.\" He compliments her, by then heat warming Armana's face.\n\"I really like the one you did of me, reminds me how hot I look.\" Duncan self assures himself.\n\"Can you just give it back please?\" Armana hides under her hand, reaching her other arm out and waving her fingers.\n\nHe decided to hand it back to her, especially since he didn't want anything to happen to it, knowing it was probably really special to her.\n\n\"Thanks though Duncan,\" Armana smiles. \"Took a lot of time, especially with your jaw work and your eyes.\" \nDuncan slides closer to her, enough to smell her scent.\n\"Where'd you learn to draw like that?\" He asks.\n\"My dad. Mainly. He's a really good artist, he taught me how to draw more males since I always used to draw girls. But I also learned on body work, proportions and stuff like that.\"\nDuncan nods.\n\nArmana turns to him, her hands on his thigh as she leaned.\n\n\"Are you good at anything?\" She asks, Duncan smirking before she realized what she was doing and removed her hands.\n\"Eh, nothing much, I just like to carve things, spray paint over walls, break the rules with stuff like that. But I can tell you one thing.\" Duncan says.\n\"Yeah?\" Armana waits.\n\"I'm known to be a really good kisse–\"\n\nArmana stands up to walk inside but Duncan grabs her wrist.\n\nHe laughs, \"I'm just kidding, you know I just like you.\"\n\"Mmhm.\" Armana hums knowingly.\n\"Oh come on pretty girl, quit hiding the obvious. We both like each other, we're meant to be.\" He confides.\n\"Duncan, keep your wild dreams to yourself. It's good to know you're still in check though.\" She waves.\n\nDuncan grunts, still not letting the girl go. Her body almost fell when she went and a tug was still on her wrist. She sees Duncan take a deep breath. Still having her wrist, he moves her hand on his choker then near his ear and lastly lifted her hand to where he had her thumbnail underneath his teeth and above his smiling lips.\n\n\"You're playing hard to get, I can feel it. I wouldn't do anything without your consent though, it's really not as attractive. I know you like me though, how couldn't you? Im irresistible. You don't have to be scared, but until then...\" \n\nHe takes her nail away from his lips, carefully placing her hand down to her side. While she stood still, he smoothes his hands down her arms and holds her hands before planting his lips on her cheek. He kept his lips there, puckering a second after the other. Until he took a deep breath and stopped himself from going any further.\n\n<i>'It's so hard'</i>\n\nHe looks at Armana who is in wild shock. He chuckles at her reaction.\n\n\"W-What was that for?\" Armana finally breathes.\n\"I don't know, kind of a clue for you to take a chance.\" He says.\n\nArmana's eyes are wide again. Her feet are frozen in place and her nostrils are flared with her steadied breathing. She doesn't know what's wrong with her. Her heart is obviously intelligent but her body is...somewhere else right now.\n\n\"Hey, it's cool, I'm not pushing anything,\" Duncan reassures her. \"I know your friends are all geeking out about us...well us mentally, so whatever there could be that they're saying, don't be pushed to do anything or else i'll feel it and it's like everything is built on being forced. I definitely wouldn't want that. Ya know?\"\nArmana nods.\n\nDuncan leans by her face again, Armana glaring at him.\n\n\"Just one more please?\" He asks, brushing his cheek against her own.\n\nHer silence gives him the permission to kiss her again. He kisses her cheek, giving her slightly extra kisses.\n\n\"Duncan.\" Armana tries to hide her laugh.\n\"Oh yeah, sorry.\" Duncan retreats from her.\n\nThe two slightly part.\n\n\"Think about me.\" Duncan tells her.\n\"Oh I will.\" Armona sarcastically says back.\n\nThey look at each other, before closing the doors to rest for the night.\n\n\nThe speakers on the post pole blared of Chris's voice.\n\"Alright campers enough beauty sleep. Time to show us what you're made of!\" \n\nArmana groggily wakes up from her pillow, sitting up immediately to be ready. \n\n\"I hate it how Chris does this every morning.\" Jojo says as they all rush to put their clothes on after their shower.\n\"I can agree with you on that, somehow its iconic that he's always light as day.\" Armana responds.\n\nShe decided she'd throw on a graphic shirt of one of her favorite music bands, Gorillaz, switching it up with a pair of denim shorts and going back to her Nike Air Max. She routines around the bathroom and brushes her hair into a high bun. She hated the feeling of being rushed, it only made things worse because you'd be thinking if you missed to do something or not.\n\nThey all arrive at a theater inspired set up. Armana guessed they were sitting on the wooden bleachers that sloped in front of the stage, of course divided into two different sets of steps that would make up as being on separate teams. \n\n\"Here, next to me.\" Duncan pats an open space next to him.\n\nArmana shrugs, walking up the creaky steps to substitute the spot Duncan indicated. \n\n\"I wonder what this whole set up thing is for. Do you think it could be our challenge?\" Armana asks him.\n\"Who knows. Maybe we'll see some Sugar Plum Fairy crap.\" Duncan responds.\nArmana laughs, remembering Chef in his tutu dress.\n\"Like remember the time Chef was dressed as a ballerina?\" She summons.\n\"Oh yeah, that big man was looking goofy as hell. He'd be stomping all over the stage.\"\n\nThe two laughed in the memory of chef's...costumes. It was a question why he chose them, especially if one were so muscular and mean that you'd never expect the sight. That was the best part of it.\n\n\"Welcome to our brand new deluxe, state of the art, outdoor Amphitheater,\" Chris greets. \"This week's challenge is a summer camp favorite; a talent contest.\"\n\"A talent contest?\" Armana mumbles, besides others cheering.\n\"Each team will have eight hours to pick their three most talented campers and they will represent you in the show tonight. Sing, dance, juggle. Anything goes, as long as it's legal.\" Armana laughs as Chris exchanges looks with Duncan, who snaps his fingers in shame. \n\"You'll be judged by our resident talent scout, former DJ BJ and rap legend; Grand Master Chef, who'll show his approval via the Chef o Meter. But which ever team loses will send one camper home..tonight. Good luck.\"\n\nThe sound of a talent contest was interesting, as Armana thought, there really wasn't a deadly end to it. They all walk back to their cabins, everyone full of thrill of what possibly made their team special. Armana sat on the top of the porch steps, watching along the others as they auditioned. Duncan slightly nudged the girl on her arm.\n\n\"You should audition.\" He suggests.\n\"Why? I don't really have anything like singing, dancing, or playing music.\" Armana sighs.\n\"It doesn't have to be anything like that. Like Chris said, 'anything goes'. Your drawings are amazing, just like you.\" \n\nArmana rolls her eyes with a smile, but catches a glimpse of Katie and Sadie dancing. \n\n<i>'What are they doing?'</i>\n\nThey helped exemplify exactly why the girl chooses not to dance. \n\n\"Well I definitely wouldn't name anyone else having a talent.\" Duncan says.\n\nArmana sighed as she watches Tyler fidgeting with his yo-yo, failing as the toy still spun with its string enclosing around his body. \n\n<i>'It's gonna be a long ride'</i>\n\nAs they sat through the team's tragic attempts, so far it wasn't becoming any better except DJ earning a spot with rhythmic gymnastics. Meanwhile, Armana felt a tickle in the inside of her thigh. She sees Duncan's fingernail lightly tracing along her skin as he leaned on his elbows to watch the others perform. \n\n\"Duncan,\" Armana mumbles, but loud enough for the boy to hear. \"What're you doing?\"\n\nDuncan looks down at his hand and presses his finger into Armana's skin, causing the girl to twitch.\n\n\"I don't know, just bored. I'd rather watch an entire TV show made of you if that was ever possible, princess.\" Duncan smirks.\n\nArmana moves his hand away, closing her legs. Duncan chuckles with the low depths of his voice, always pulling Armana into a world of feelings. She thinks she likes his laugh, there was something about it that just compliments his entire ego. It made her want to hug up against him, claim him hers and make the other girls jealous. But that, she still hesitated.\n\n\"Me! I can stand doing a hand stand for twenty minutes. Watch.\" Armana hears Bridgette challenge, the girl balancing herself on her hands.\n\"Yeah that'd be cute if you were a monkey,\" Courtney criticizes. \"I just don't think it's what we're looking for. Next!\"\n\nDuncan groans, looking at Armana again.\n\n\"This is boring, why couldn't we just choose any person and then there's that. Saves us a lifetime.\" Duncan complains.\n\"Because, we'd gain a lot of points depending on who Chef likes the best and so that would keep us from going to elimination. Like every other challenge duh.\" Armana states.\n\nDuncan smiles, always up for Armana's sassy comebacks. That was when a thought rang inside his head.\n\n\"Hey.\" He nudges her arm.\n\"Hm?\" She responds.\n\"Do you remember yesterday? Ya know when I gave you a kiss?\" He whispers.\nThe girl sighs, leading Duncan into laughs while she began to fluster.\n\"Yes, why?\" She asks, abashed.\n\"Does that mean I can do that? Ya know, kiss you?\" \n\nArmana looks at Duncan shyly before letting off a couple of giggles.\n\n\"I don't know Duncan. I thought it was just during that moment because you were trying to hold yourself back.\" She considered.\n\"Well yeah, to be honest I was. I know I can be a touchy-feely person, so I'm just asking for future measures.\" Duncan smugly shrugs.\nArmana shakes her head, sighing as it seemed Duncan was planning things.\nShe smiles, \"Don't think you're being slick Duncan, I'm not just some free ride.\" \n\"Mm, may I have a ticket then?\" \n\nTheir conversation was hung by their team clapping, Armana seeing Courtney with her violin and politely lowers into a bow. \n\n\"Well, that makes me a spot, and so there's just one more.\" Courtney signifies.\n\"Ey Court, watch me.\" Geoff notifies.\n\nHe offers with his skateboard, landing it on the ground before he rolls himself around the open space and stunts from over a mount. He manages to ride over a slant of a tree stump, kicking up his board afterwards. Everyone cheers, Courtney seeming to approve.\n\n\"Well, that makes the last of the list; DJ's ribbon dance or something, My violin solo, and Geoff's skateboard.\" Courtney lists off, giving Bridgette a high five.\n\nArmana and Duncan look back at each other. \n\n\"I wasn't even listening.\" Armana quietly admits.\n\"Me neither, like I ever do. Unless it's you of course.\" Duncan rubs Armana's chin.\nShe immediately flinches back, especially since others were around.\n\"You're funny Duncan.\" She doubts.\nDuncan's hands brush by the girl's wrist.\n\"That's the problem, you're not taking me seriously.\" He discerns.\n\"Now you're putting the pieces together.\" \n\nDuncan chuckles, a bit darkly if he were to take on a villain. His head tipped back to where Armana admired the slight allowance of his neck. It was a bit discouraging with his choker, but Armana could see the flexing of the prominence of his adam's apple she knew was throttling under the accessory. \n\n\"You're one to be sassy, but never be one to underestimate me Armana. It would be obvious if I were to like a girl. Which comes to the question why would I spend day to day talking to you?\" Duncan asks, a bit rhetorical.\nArmana shrugs, \"To give my ears paranoia.\"\nDuncan grabs her shoulders, \"No, it's because you're like the coolest person I've ever met. You listen to me, you're understanding, you're funny, you're smart, you're creative and you're hot.\"\nArmana jolts at his compliment. \n\"Yes I just called you hot.\" Duncan chuckles.\n\nSince most of everyone left, Duncan kisses Armana's cheek and adds another kiss on her temple.\n\n\"Could you please remember that? I feel like you're thinking that I'm flirting with everyone, that you're just the same.\" Duncan says, his lips still pressed to the side of the girl's head.\n\nThe two turn towards each other to read each other's eyes. Duncan can see an unspecified look in Armana's chocolate hues, possibly the look of desperation or yearn. But she sucks in a breath, and exhales with her head leaning into Duncan's chest.\n\n\"Duncan...I'm sorry,\" The girl mumbles, biting his shirt. \"I'm too much of a scaredy cat.\"", "\"I'm sorry Duncan.\"\n\nArmana's voice squeaks again but Duncan then kisses her jawline.\n\n\"Hey, no it's cool.\" He whispers into her ear, making her spine tingle and her heart crazy.\n\nHe kisses along her ear, dragging his lips along the cartilage.\n\n\"But you like me?\" He continues.\n\"...maybe I do...maybe I don't.\" She sighs then smiles.\n\nDuncan smirks, rolling his eyes. She sees him lick the front row of his teeth and chuckle.\n\n\"I'd like one of the odds.\" He says, conceited.\n\"That'll be a rare picture.\" Armana retorts.\n\"Still means a chance.\" \n\nThey then notice how quiet it was, only to see that everyone had already left.\n\n\"Oh, they've already gone.\" Armana chuckles.\n\"That's better than actually having an audience...well,\" Duncan looks at the camera. \"Right in front of you.\"\n\"Yeah, I wouldn't like to hear people teasing me everywhere I went.\"<i> </i>The girl sighs, causing Duncan to laugh.\n\"I can totally agree with you on that one. People wouldn't take me seriously if they actually see how affectionate I am towards you.\"\nArmana crosses her arms, \"Oh, so you like to play all 'Mr. Bad Boy'?\"\n\"Well it's better than that just being what people could use against me.\" Duncan defenses.\nThe girl nods, \"Yeah that's true.\"\n\nThe two walk to where they last saw the amphitheater, seeing their team sitting on the stage. Bridgette and Jojo were talking, noticing then that their friend had seemed to just arrive. They hopped off the stage, smiling broadly.\n\n\"Ooh, where were you two?\" Jojo teasingly questions.\n\"Yeah you two only seem ten minutes late from when we actually came here.\" Bridgette laughs.\nArmana rolls her eyes.\n\"We knew the contest didn't start until like what? Seven hours from now? We just walked along the area and decided to come here to see how everything was going.\" Armana li–cleverly uses her words.\n\"Yeah okay Armana.\" Bridgette doubts, but still wears her playful expression.\n\nThe girls walked off then, letting the subject off. For the moment. \n\n\"Two little weirdos.\" Duncan comments after they were considerably out of ear shot.\nArmana lightly elbows his arm, \"Hey, don't say that, they're my friends.\"\nDuncan shrugs, \"Well it's annoying that you'll already know people are gonna make things bigger than they really are.\"\nArmana chuckles, \"I know, that's what they're making a joke about. They'll fall out of their seats if there were to be anything further happening between us.\"\n\"I would too if I were to be some geeky fan girl finally seeing what's behind closed doors.\" Duncan smirks at her.\n\nShe playfully pushes his face away, responded with small bits of his laughter. They join the team on the stage, seeing they were occupied in practicing their performance for later on. \n\n\"So, can you really stand on your hands for twenty minutes?\" Geoff asks Bridgette.\n\"Wanna bet that I can't?\" The girl waves a chocolate bar.\nArmana's immediately interested, just on her cravings with chocolate.\n\"How about it's just kind offerings.\" Armana suggests for her own favor.\n\"Yeah, no, me and mr. chocolate bar would be peacefully ambitious of journeys inside my stomach. But if there really are any worthy takers...\" Bridgette leads on, seeing her fellow camp members' undivided attention.\n\"You're so on!\" Geoff challenges.\n\"I'd like to take a piece of that action.\" Harold tests.\n\"That's virtually impossible.\" DJ says doubtful of the girl, which signifies his curiosity.\n\"Empty up.\" Bridgette smiles.\n\nThey all give something of their own on one of the craters they used to sit on. Armana even sees Duncan placing a couple of change.\n\n\"You're joining in on this?\" She asks him.\nHe shrugs, \"I'd actually like to see the girl try.\"\n\"Armana?\" Bridgette eyes her friend.\nThe girl denies, \"No thanks, I'm gonna head back to our cabin real quick to grab my sketchbook.\" \n\nWhile Armana left, Duncan lifts his chin to look over certain obstacles...just to see she would be safe. Bridgette catches his gaze.\n\n\"You're staring.\" Bridgette amuses, catching the boy's attention.\n\"Yeah so?\" Duncan asks for her reasoning, casually approving his targeted attention.\n\"Can't use my eyeballs?\"\n\"Wow, you even openly admitted it?\" Bridgette looks at Duncan shocked.\n\"Yeah, nothing wrong with that. If I can't say the girl I like, then how could I date her?\" \n\nMeanwhile, Armana reaches for her sketchbook, flipping through the pages to make sure everything was there. She grabs a few utensils and takes them with her when she leaves the cabin. She would potentially draw the entire time the team would be practicing since it wasn't like she was participating to worry about anything else, plus it passes time.\n\nShe returns back, seeing Bridgette was already being timed with her (promised) handstand. Armana was already feeling something was wrong.\n\n\"Oh, hey baby girl,\" Duncan greets her. \"Got your sketchbook?\"\nArmana rolls her eyes, \"Yeah, just thought I'd get it since I wouldn't have anything to do all day.\" \n\"Same here, I want to watch you draw.\" Duncan says.\nArmana's cheeks blush.\n\"I thought you were influenced by Bridgette's <i>'Chocolate Grid'</i>.\" Armana believed. \n\"Eh, things weren't looking so well in the first place.\" \n\nThey watch Bridgette climb across the stage, her next turn from the end of it ends up with her right leg caught in the rope hanging from another utility. While she was struggling, she was actually causing the rope to loosen from its maintained grip. There, a stage light falls and hits Courtney.\n\n\"Wow, words are karma.\" Duncan simply says.\n\nArmana gasps, quickly jumping on the stage to check the state of the situation.\n\n\"Is she okay?\" She asks, seeing Courtney was laying on the styled floor unconscious.\n\nThe medical team takes Courtney to check her off for future preferences. They all watched Courtney being taken away, turning to look at Bridgette.\n\n\"Aw man, this is my fault, I knew I should've heeded being a monkey.\" Bridgette sighs.\n\"It's okay Bridgette, at least right now for the moment's stance.\" Armana comforts, wrapping her arm around her shoulder.\n\"Well she'll completely forget about her trauma once she sees her violin.\" Duncan states.\n\nHer violin was crashed into pieces; more discernibly it's body snapped in two. About two hours, it turns out Courtney had a concussion by the blow of almost a fifty pound weight falling on top of her head. When everyone sees her awake, her head had been bandaged.\n\n\"Hi Courtney.\" Everyone says almost in sync.\n\"Hey.\" She mumbles, holding her head.\n\"How're you feeling?\"Bridgette asks her.\n\"My head hurts.\" \n\nArmana felt bad for Courtney, simply because she was living a concussion and they had to throw her violin away.\n\n\"Do you think she remembers anything?\" Bridgette whispers to Armana.\nShe bites her lip, \"I think concussions have a side effect with people having a bit of memory loss. It might be temporary, hopefully. Its not like I've had one before.\"\n\nGeoff and DJ helps Courtney on the bleachers, carefully letting her sit for what would seem to be the rest of the day. \n\n\"Okay then, someone will have to take Courtney's place. We only have a couple of hours until the contest begins.\" Geoff says.\n\"I'll do it,\" Bridgette immediately offers.\n\"It's my fault Courtney had a concussion and to think she barely knows now what's going on, just sucks.\" \n\"That sounds about fine, yeah?\" Geoff looks at the others for approval.\nEveryone nods.\n\"Then it's settled, let's get to practicing and working hard.\"\n\nArmana sighs, finally looking at Duncan. There's a bit of a smile on his face, but Armana knows some function in Duncan's brain tracked everything as some sort of entertainment.\n\n\"You're thinking this is funny, aren't you?\" Armana crosses her arms.\nHe laughs, \"It's hilarious. Somehow this ends up into some whole tragic thing but I think it's funny just seeing Courtney sitting over there with a fucking bandage around her head.\"\n\nArmana rolls her eyes and begins walking her way to the bleachers.\n\n\"Hey wait up.\" Duncan walks up with her.\n\"Are you still going to draw something?\" He asks her.\n\"Sure, I don't know what specifically.\" Armana ponders.\n\"Maybe you could teach me. I know I'd love to have my girlfriend as all my pictures on the wall.\" He curls his finger under her chin, but she pushes it away.\n\"Shut up Duncan.\" She chuckles.\n\"But if you really want to know how to draw, I guess I could show you a few steps.\"\n\nHer sketchbook had a black hardcover. She slides her mechanical pencils down from inside the comb binding, handing one to Duncan.\n\n\"Animals Huh?\" Duncan comments, as his pencil had a pattern of little bunnies on it.\nArmana smiles, \"What? They're cute.\"\n\nShe opens her sketch book, having both of the consisting sides on either of her and Duncan's lap. She flips to a blank page, now feeling timid because it was a bit of a personal thing she did.\n\n\"So, what would you like to draw?\" She asks him.\n\"Well, I kinda want to know how you draw people.\" Duncan pronounces.\n\"Okay then.\"\n\nArmana feels her skin run cold and possibly exuding sweat. \n\n\"So first off, I would begin the head structure by drawing a simple circle.\" \nShe sketches her pencil along her paper, an accurate circle soon existent.\n\"Oh, and make sure to draw everything lightly, because you don't know if you want to change anything later.\" She explains, catching Duncan right on time when he had the pencil pressed against his paper.\n\nHe relaxes his hand to the side like Armana graces and it helps his attempted drawing like she instructed.\n\n\"So, do you want a boy or a girl?\" She asks him.\n\"Uh, would that matter?\" Duncan's bewildered.\n\"Of course it matters. If you pay attention, girls are more smaller than guys in their anatomy. It first happens with their face and head.\"\nArmana draws a quick addition of her person's jawline.\n\"This is a girl, her jaw isn't as broad or large and here's a guy,\" She draws on to Duncan's side. \"Most guys have more musculature.\"\n\nThey draw the jawline, Armana having to explain more because they were doing two different people and well Duncan didn't really prefer himself the most accommodated for an artist. \n\n\"And so the facials; I would first prefer drawing the face into fourths.\" Armana instructs, dissecting the face with two lines.\n\"That looks funny.\" Duncan says.\n\"I know–it does, I used to get teased when I was younger for doing it, but it's actually really important. The two lines are to measure out the facial features of a person's face. There is no difference anatomy wise, but it just helps where everything is suppose to be.\" She explains.\n\"So now what?\" \n\"So then I would draw the face into four more lines, but that would be better doing step by step so then everything is there.\"\n\nShe draws a line she explains would lineup after the eyebrows. \n\n\"Then you should use thin feathery strokes and kinda lead into an arch so the eyebrows can look natural.\" She explains, softly illustrating her words.\n\"Like that?\" Duncan asks.\n\nShe looks at his work, the eyebrows were a bit high as his drawing was dark and had rough lines slightly arched to be eyebrows. She wouldn't have expected him to be perfect.\n\nShe smiles and nods, \"Yeah.\"\n\nThen the line which was already half of the face, Armana says would lineup under the eyes. \n\n\"You could draw them in a way to help represent the person's race, or most of the time its just the person's art style,\" She explains. \"But you would start with the outline of the eye, which almost has an almond shape to it.\"\n\nShe draws the start of both of her eyes like two light ticks spaced well apart. \n\n\"When you're drawing the person's eyes, they should first be an eye width apart, as in to imagine if they had another eye in the middle of their face and the two of their other eyes are on the end of it. Just do this.\" \n\nShe draws the shape of an eye between the light ticks and watched as Duncan does the same.\n\n\"It also helps if you draw the eyes together at a time so it keeps from one looking better than the other. Then, for you,\" She points at his drawing. \"In order to have the guy look more masculine, they're kind of based on a rectangular shape. It explains the look of having sharper corners and straighter lines.\"\n\nArmana slides herself closer to Duncan to help exemplify her words. She draws one of the eyes to give him a reference then draws her own. When both of their eyes are finished, she smiles then carries on.\n\n\"Now onto the nose,\" She starts. \"The middle line drawn here helps separate the halves of the face. The top being the eyebrows and the eyes and the bottom being the nose and lips. So then drawing the nose, there's dozens of techniques with how the nose would look. But first off, there's an importance between both genders.\" \n\nArmana points out the structure of the nose, helping Duncan with knowing what difference the male would make. \n\n\"I usually use angular and sharp edges to create a chiseled look to it.\" She explains, comparing it to her female whose nose consists all at a minimum.\n\"Then lastly the mouth and lips.\" \n\nDuncan wiggles his eyebrows at her, causing the girl to laugh at the same time with elbowing him.\n\n\"Shut up,\" She chuckles. \"But pretty much, for me drawing a girl, they usually have more definition to their lips such as the detail of it, no matter if they're thin or full. And for a guy, I give them thin upper lips so that would be my advice apart of it, and then drawing the lower lip.\"\n\nHe follows her steps, although his lips did look a bit plump like they were swollen.\n\n\"Aw man that looks bad.\" Duncan laughs.\n\"That's okay, I'm not expecting you to  immediately be good at this, it all takes practice,\" Armana tells him. \"But then if you want, you can draw them hair, ears, a neck, it really doesn't matter. You don't even have to draw that. It's all about creativity, and that's the fun of art.\"\n\"Oh okay then.\"\n\nDuncan continued on his drawing, much for Armana's surprise. She thought she bored him to the point that she thought he just had to go along with it so he wouldn't be rude in saying otherwise. But against her worries, she had a feeling he was liking it. It could be a thing to do appropriately instead of on other people's property, Armana felt comfortable there was a connection between that.\n\n\"Armana?\" She sees Jojo.\n\"Hey Jojo.\" Armona smiles.\n\"What're you love birds up to?\" The girl teases.\n\"Metaphors? That's poetic,\" Armana subsides. \"We were just drawing.\"\n\nJojo looks at both of the teens' sketches and takes in whose were whose.\n\n\"That's cool, I didn't know you were good at drawing Armana.\" Jojo acknowledges. \n\"It's all practice,\" Armana shrugs. \"How're the others?\"\n\"I guess things are going good so far for the  looks of the contest. But I've been noticing Bridgette has been eating a lot lately.\" \n\"Really? Won't she be standing on her hands for what she said twenty minutes?\" \n\"Yeah, being upside down the whole time I wouldn't think would be good for her stomach.\" Jojo says.\n\"True.\" Armana agrees.\n\nHours tick by, and in the back of Armana's mind, she wasn't sure how Bridgette would stand for the contest. \n\n\"Hey, Princess,\" Duncan taps the girl's shoulder.\n\"Oh, hey Duncan.\" Armana responds.\n\"Look, I finished my drawing.\"\nArmana perks up with interest and looks at Duncan's drawing.\n\nThere was a lot of dots on the guy's face, what Armana guessed was his piercings. He had fangs, large ears and his hair looked like a large group of sticks.\n\n\"Nice Duncan, is he human, a rockstar, or some type of tattoo artist?\" Armana asks, a bit to give interest to his drawing.\n\"I have no idea actually, I just combined things I like into his face.\" Duncan explained.\nArmana chuckles.\n\"Well if that was your power of brainstorming, I like it. May I keep it?\" Armana abashed a bit in saying.\n\"Of course you can.\"\n\nArmana happily wrote Duncan's name on it, the date and a note.\n\n<i>who draws the strings of my heart </i>\n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana</b><b>, 16</b>\n&gt;You didn't see that.&lt;\n\nLuckily, she closed the book before Duncan could see it. \n\n\"Welcome to the very first Camp Wawanakwa talent contest,\" Chris announces. \"Where six campers will show their mad skills and desperately try not to humiliate themselves.\"\nArmana rolls her eyes.\n\"First up for the Screaming Gophers, is Justin!\"\n\nArmana sarcastically thought of the boy as Prince Charming, since girls melted to their knees of the boy's looks. She was sure that was the main thing that helped him pass through most situations. The Gophers cheering, Justin struts on stage. He posed as if he were modeling, turning his head like there was a camera on all of his angles. \n\n\"Are you serious?\" Duncan blandly looks at the boy as he sat in a chair and yanked a rope to have water spill all over him.\n\"You don't find this hot, do you?\" Duncan asks Armana.\nThe girl laughs, \"Me? No! why would I?\"\n\"I don't know, each time that guy comes from some corner all I hear is moaning in my ear.\" Duncan grumbles.\nShe laughs again.\n\n\"First up for the Killer Bass,\" Chris introduces. \"Make some noise for the big guy, DJ!\"\n\nThe team applauds for their representative who shows himself on stage in–what Armana didn't need to know much of–a tight suit that ran into shorts. She sees him compose his ribbon elegantly in twists and swirls that made it almost look like some looping illusion. She felt swayed until during one of his movements, he trips and falls from his ribbon tying around his ankles. \n\n\"Oh boy.\" Duncan smiles.\n\nDJ continued to struggle having his legs stuck. It was at least two minutes where he decided to stand up and efficiently unties the ribbon from him. \n\n\"At least he knew to 'always finish the race'.\" Armana says.\n\"Dainty and yet masculine,\" Chris comments. \"Let's see what Grand Master chef says.\"\n\nArmana assumed they had special effects for their TV production, but Chris clarifies.\n\n\"Two points. Not much.\" He says.\n\nDJ walks off stage for the next person performing.\n\n\"Aw poor DJ.\" Armana sympathizes.\n\"Eh, win or lose this show still sucks.\" Duncan shrugs.\n\nArmana stares at Duncan who shrugs with a smile. She hadn't known he laid his arm across the bench behind them, which would sometimes be some type of sign for affection.\n\n\"Next on deck, Trent. Take it away my bro.\" Chris announces.\n\nArmana rolls her eyes, Duncan hearing as she scoffed. He rubs her shoulder, catching the girl's attention.\n\n\"Want me to distract you from another situation again?\" He asks her in a whisper, secretly exciting her eardrums.\nArmana glares at him but her face softens and she smiles.\n\"If that's what you call it, sure.\" She accepts him.\n\"Well ya know, he reminds me of that one kid. Ya know, the famous singer, he has brown swoopy hair, plays a guitar like he's a country singer pretty boy.\" \nArmana chuckles, \"You mean Justin Bieber?\"\nDuncan nods, \"Yeah.\"\n\"Duncan, he's in jail.\"\nThe two quietly begin laughing.\n\"Well that's who he reminds of, sings like he's some classical music charm.\"\n\nArmana laughs, having her hand clamped around her mouth knowing she didn't want to be rude.\n\n\"I think that doesn't matter to Gwen.\" Armana whispers, the two looking at the girl as she swayed to his tune.\n\"Hm, at least we're sane.\" Duncan chuckles.\n\"Woah, eight points from chef. I'm liking your style dude, now quit hogging my light buddy.\" Chris says, pushing Trent into some other pile backstage.\n\"Damn.\" Duncan comments, causing him and Armana to laugh.\n\"The Killer Bass surely are sucking so far,\" They stop. \"Let's hear it for Bridgette.\"\n\nArmana began to frown, remembering how she felt for the girl.\n\n\"Weren't you guys talking that she was eating a lot while they were practicing.\" Duncan says.\nArmana nods, \"Yeah, I wonder if she's really gonna do a handstand for twenty minutes.\"\n\nShe wondered if she should check on her friend but immediately sees her walking her hands on stage. Armana sits back, taking a deep breath. For a moment of time, she began to think she was just worried until she hears Bridgette loudly burp.\n\n\"Uh oh, I don't think that sounds so good.\" Duncan says, Armana nudging him.\n\"Don't say that, you could jinx it.\" She says.\n\nHe still laughs, until another burp erupts from the girl. She suddenly throws up, retching a huge puddle of vomit.\n\nArmana gasps, \"Bridgette.\"\n\nBridgette moans but she heaves up another episode of vomit.\n\n\"Aw sick.\" Duncan chuckles. \n\nShe began barfing on everyone, Armana panicking to dodge from it being on her. She tries to stand somewhere else but subconsciously sits on Duncan's lap. She felt bad seeing her friend slip and fall into Tyler's arms.\n\n\"Hey puke on your own boyfriend!\" Lindsay yells at her.\n\nArmana rolls her eyes and walks down to help Bridgette before Duncan could say anything.\n\n\"Bridgette, are you okay?\" Armana asks watching her step from any throw up before lifting the girl from Tyler.\n\"I thought I was,\" Bridgette sighs. \"That was really embarrassing.\"\n\"Come on, let's see if we can find a trash bag in the back of the stage.\"\n\nArmana and Bridgette walked backstage only to find Geoff and his broken skateboard.\n\n\"Geoff?\" The girls looked at him bewildered as he's awkwardly scratching his neck.\n\"I accidentally broke my ride from trying to do a kick flip.\" He sadly answers.\n\"Now what? We need to put someone out there or else we're going to lose this.\" Bridgette frets.\nArmana deeply sighs.\n\"Well Katie and Sadie are covered in barf, Jojo's...kinda in the same position–\"\n\"Which just leaves the spotlight for you.\" \n\nArmana suddenly felt strong arms snake around her waist and Duncan's voice in her ear. She turns her head but nearly connects with his blushed pair of lips. She pushes him away to glare at him.\n\n\"Armana he could be right.\" Bridgette smiles.\n\"Well there's still Harold.\" Armana rejects.\n\"Nah babe, you got this.\" Duncan encouraged.\n\"Yeah, what can you do?\" Bridgette asks.\n\"Draw.\" Armana shrugs.\n\"That doesn't sound too shabby. You know what, do you think you could go out there?\" \n\nArmana bites her lip.", "\"Do you think you can do it?\"\n\nArmana felt it would be the least to do for her team, they were already sucking so what worst could she do. \n\n\"Okay, fine.\" She gives in.\n\nShe heard as her teammates silently cheered her on when she had walked in place of Geoff onto the stage. Her heart skipped a beat hearing people muttering in the audience, but she grabbed a chair and simply sat down with the book opened to a freshly new page.\n\n\"Chris,\" Armana calls upon the male. \"I'll need you as my reference.\"\n\nChris walks on stage, his broad smile causing Armana to shudder.\n\n\"Ooh, Are you gonna draw me?\" Chris asks.\n\"Yes, I am. Just make a simple pose.\" Armana says.\nShe suddenly sees him lay out on the ground.\n\"Draw me like one of your French girls.\" Chris purrs.\nThis evokes a couple of laughs while Armana's eyes blurts with terror.\n\"No, no, no,\" She says abruptly. \"Just act how you usually do in front of a camera.\"\n\nShe sighs of relief when he fixes his pose more casually, propping his hand against his cheek.\n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;I can't tell you how awkward this is. How creepy I find Chris and I had to draw him for about an hour. I mean, sure I didn't have to draw him, but I felt since he was partially the critic on this, maybe appreciation would debate the win or lose on the subject.&lt;\n\nShe sighs and stretches.\n\n\"Okay, I'm finished.\" Armana announces, proudly holding up her drawing.\n\"Wow, why don't you look at that,\" Chris exclaims. \"Seriously, it's like she took a picture.\"\nHe looks towards the camera. \n\"What do ya say chef?\"\n\nArmana awkwardly waits through the moment of silence until she hears a metallic ringing.\n\n\"Wow, ten points voted for Armana! This means, although they were head in the league, the Screaming Gophers have been trampled by the Killer Bass!\"\n\nArmana hadn't realized how strong she was smiling by the time of Chris's announcement. She felt other people running into her, but she held her ground and examples her pleasure with a continuous grin. \n\n\"Princess, that was awesome.\" Duncan praises, pulling the girl into him with his arm cupping her shoulder.\nShe chuckles at the same time straightening herself from his embrace.\n\"Thanks, it was really nothing.\" Armana shyly accepts.\n\"Yeah it was, you just won us the entire contest.\" Bridgette says.\n\nArmana chuckles, feeling happy as her team continued on with their night, giving slight pats on her back if they were to walk by. Duncan still stuck to her side, their pace now steadied along the trail.\n\n\"So,\" He starts. \"I'm glad that's over.\"\n\"Why?\" Armana asks.\nDuncan shrugs, \"A subject gets boring after a while–of course only certain ones.\"\nArmana rolls her eyes.\n\"Well I'm glad it's over too, then it can be a bit more interesting to see what the next challenge will be.\" \n\nThen the skids of rocks were heard in the silence between them. Catching the awkwardness, they both had the same urge to look at the other person but end up simultaneously looking at each other. Armana shyly looks away, of course Duncan still looking towards her direction. \n\n\"Hey.\" Duncan calls for her attention.\n\"Hm?\" She hums, still looking at the illuminant moonlight. \nDuncan chuckles, \"How're you feeling about this camp so far?\"\nShe turns her head.\n\"It's pretty cool for the start of it. Never went camping but other than that, I feel like Chris is just laughing at us because he knows we're embarrassing ourselves.\" Armana responds.\n\"People?\" He asks.\n\"Well...there's mainly you, Bridgette and Jojo since you guys are the main people I talk to. Or else everyone else i'm pretty easy with. Except well...Heather...is definitely some unique snowflake.\"\n\nDuncan laughs, patting Armana's shoulder.\n\n\"We should make an alliance or something.\" He proposes.\n\"An alliance?\"\n\"Yeah, like when people merge their efforts or  interests with each other like some form of agreement.\" Duncan explains.\n\"Oh yeah, I've seen that in other TV shows before. Why would you want to make an alliance?\" Armana asks.\n\"I don't know just so we have each other's back throughout the competition. Plus, just for the fun of being with you.\" \n\nAnother smile lifts Armana's cheeks. It was like it was to return, quickly after it had left. She didn't know why Duncan was growing a thing with corny sayings, but for some reason she appreciated what he would say. It helps establish a connection between them, like every time they were around each other an expectancy would spark about the other person in knowing how they'd act. With this, it was like their relationship was building on the characteristics and they were growing accustomed to it.\n\nThey reach their cabin, looking at each other underneath the porch light. \n\n\"I feel like this is always gonna be our checkpoint now.\" Duncan smiles.\n\"Probably,\" Armana giggles. \"But that's okay.\" \n\nThere's another break of silence, the two still standing in front of each other. Usually, this would mean something. Probably that their short talk wouldn't fill in all the blanks, as if it had seemed that if they weren't it wouldn't make a moment because there wasn't anything special to consider it with.\n\nArmana slowly watches as Duncan leaned himself down to her height. Her heart hurdles in her chest but she reached her arms to feel on his back muscles, accepting his motive in case her reluctance was the problem. She closes her eyes with falling into the moment but suddenly hears a scream. The two flinch back, seeing Heather running out of her cabin in her pajamas.\n\n\"Wonder what happened.\" Armana says.\n\"Oh yeah, Heather read part of Gwen's diary or something for that contest.\" Duncan answers.\n\"Really?! That was mean of her.\" Armana grudges.\n\"Yeah I know, but where were we?\"\n\nDuncan puckers his lips, but Armana laughs and presses her finger against them. Duncan frowns.\n\n\"Sorry, I'm pretty tired for the night.\" She smiles, going towards her cabin door.\n\nHe frustratedly sighs, kicking a pebble as he began to walk towards his side. But he suddenly feels a pair of hands grabbing his face down. Armana kisses him on his cheek, quickly hurrying back inside the cabin before Duncan had the chance to look at her. He smirks with the sensation of her chapstick staining on the side of his face.\n\n<i>'I knew you'd come around'</i>\n\n\n\n\"Campers today's challenge will test your outdoor survivor skills. I'm not gonna lie to you, some of you may not come back alive,\" Chris warns, delightfully feeding on everyone's gasps of fear.\n\"Just kidding.\" He assures. \n\"You just have to spend one night in the woods. Everything you need is at your team's campsite in the forest. You'll just have to find it.\"\n\nChris tosses two maps to either of the teams, Armana seeing as Duncan catches one but immediately has it snatched by Courtney. \n\n\"Whichever team comes back at the campground first wins invincibility.\" Chris declares, blowing an airhorn.\n\"Off you go.\"\n\nArmana groans from the sound screeching into her ear drums, standing up to follow her team.\n\n\"Some challenge,\" Armana speaks to Duncan. \"We have to be inside this infested woods. The main thing I don't like about going outside is mosquitos. Those little shits. They'd be everywhere. But Duncan, I'm not having a good feeling about this.\"\nDuncan chuckles, \"Oh what's to worry, there's only the natural outdoors like ticks, snakes, wolves, bears–\"\n\"Duncan!\" Armana yells.\n\"Okay, okay, you know I'm just playing with you. Because there's things worse than that like Bigfoot, alligators–\"\n\"Dude.\"\n\nDuncan laughed as he liked to tease Armana. Her reactions were the cutest. \n\nThey all follow Courtney on the forest path while she lead the direction with studying their map. Armana and Duncan stood behind the team a bit, a subconscious partnering habit the two began to have.\n\n\"Hey.\" Duncan whispers towards Armana.\n\"Hm?\"\n\"What was that kiss the other night?\"\n\nHe watches as she looked away with embarrassment, visualizing that her face was flushed while there was always that smile she couldn't forbear.\n\n\"I don't know.\" She answers, Duncan hearing the smile in her tone.\n\"You do know, you just won't admit to it.\" Duncan's smug.\nArmana then rolls her eyes with a puff.\n\"I-It was nothing. There was just the thing that since you kissed me, it would make sense to kiss you or else it would seem like you had to do all that–\"\nDuncan chuckles.\n\"You know, you don't always have to put up a reason for everything, no one's gonna think something's wrong with you. At least I wouldn't. This whole thing is between us and only us, so we're the ones to truly critique.\"\n\nArmana smiles but still felt abashed with showing it. \n\n\"Don't be embarrassed. We should do that more often...ya know?\" Duncan suggests, wearing his signature smirk.\n\"I..guess it wouldn't hurt.\" Armana admits, biting her lip while she exhibits her smile.\n\"Then you wouldn't mind this?\"\n\nDuncan began to lean down but Armana immediately kisses his nose.\n\n\"There, does that fix your hurting?\" Armana says, Duncan conveying her contempt.\n\"Well, not all my hurting. But it's better than nothing.\" He smirks.\n\nArmana rolls her eyes on the act with shaking her head.\n\n\"We better catch up with our group.\" She suggests.\n\nLater that day, the sky absents into a scene of darkness. The teens were by their campsite by then, having pitched up their tent. Courtney sent DJ to go and try to find food while they would have the place ready.\n\n\"What's for dinner women? I'm starving.\" Duncan regards the girls.\nArmana finishes tying the tent before dusting off her knees and shaking her head at the boy.\n\"Duncan, we ain't your mama.\" She retorts.\n\nLooking around, Armana shuddered with the cool air blowing through her jeans. She had never stayed overnight in a woods, nor would she have imagined it. It seemed ominously quiet, at least for anything other than her camp mates to look dangerous enough to kill her.\n\n\"Hey guys!\" The sudden voice startled Armana but she turned to see it's DJ.\nShe sighed with relief seeing him approach the team. He was hiding something in his hands.\n\"Look what I found.\" He said.\n\nHe revealed a rabbit, who's body filled the space of DJ's palms. It has this manly cough, but Armana is adored with its winsome eyes that looked completely black. It complimented with the darkness, so then it looked like they were huge. \n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;Cute, he's gonna catch rabies&lt;\n\n\"Aww, cute.\" Armana admired.\n\"Well, I've never had rabbit stew before but what the heck? I'm game.\" Duncan said.\n\nArmana's eyes are on a yarn ball.\n\n<i>' It's the least to think he's ate worse than to have any remorse.'</i>\n\n\"This is my new pet, I'm calling him bunny.\" DJ defended.\n\"You mean you couldn't find any food,\" Courtney remarked disappointedly, and sighed. \"Then it looks like we're eating grubs and berries for dinner.\"\n\nArmana remembered that the challenge was survival tasked, which meant that everything they'd have to take up their arms for.\n\n\"Has anyone seen tweedle dum and tweedle idiot?\" Duncan named.\n\nArmana looked around, noticing that Katie and Sadie were gone.\n\n\"Uh oh, should we look for them?\" Armana concerned.\n\"Eh, they'll find their way.\" Duncan answered.\n\nThey all decided to find warmth with their fed campfire. Despite being in a vulnerable environment, Armana felt peaceful watching the fire crackle, projecting long shadows on the surrounding area. The light cast by the flames danced across the dark trunks of the trees; twisting and curling in obscure shapes and providing a small radius of light. She sighed. \n\n\"You okay Armana?\" Bridgette asked.\n\"Hm? Oh yeah, just ya know...the woods...they remind me of some killer chase where the girl randomly trips on her foot and finds the struggle of getting back up.\" Armana said, harking back nearly at every old school scary movie she's watched.\n\nThe two laugh, Armana unintentionally setting a warmth between the two since being out in the wilderness just made things perturbing.\n\n\"This reminds me of this really scary story I heard once.\" Duncan mentioned.\n\"Awesome, tell it man.\" Geoff encouraged.\n\"Are you sure? Cause the story I'm thinking of is pretty hardcore.\" Duncan's indecisive.\n\"Ooh we're so scared.\" Courtney sarcastically remarked.\n\"Alright but don't say I didn't warn you.\" Duncan started.\n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;I was wondering what was all with leading everyone on. As much as how easy and hate being scared, I kinda like it, it like puts your heart on edge and everything suddenly seems more...with action.&lt;\n\n\"One night a lot like this one,\" Duncan began. \n\nArmana intently listened to Duncan, seeing that all his explaining was suppose to make some big climax. She glanced around the campfire, finding it funny how everyone seemed to be paying attention and grabbing on to the suspense. She even saw their storyteller stand up.\n\n<i>'Oh boy'</i>\n\n\"So suddenly, they heard this tap, tap, tapping on the side of the car and the girl started to freak out and by this time even the guy was getting a bit scared. So, he turned on the car and stepped on it. When they got back to the girl's house,\" Armana heard a loud gulp. \"She opened the door and screamed. Because there, hanging from the door handle...was the bloody hook.\"\n\nArmana opened her mouth to yawn but immediately covered it when she heard there was still more to the story.\n\n\"They say, that this killer is still alive–wandering these very woods. He could be just about anywhere really, maybe even right...here!\" Duncan revealed a hook from behind his back, earning a loud scream from his teammates.\n\nArmana chuckled seeing them hiding behind DJ. She turned to hearing Duncan maniacally laugh, a tingle in her lower region.\n\n<i>'That could possibly be the most legitimate, realest and sexiest evil laugh I would let a villain finish me off with'</i>\n\n\"Duncan, that was so not funny!\" Courtney detested.\n\"Oh yes it was, I just wish it was all on camera! Oh wait–it is!\" Duncan pointed at the cameraman.\n\"You are so vile! Do your parents even like you?\" \n\"I don't know jumpy mcchicken, I haven't asked them lately.\" \n\nArmana felt it could be like looking through another mirror of her relationship with Duncan. He would be this jerk, Armana would immediately act against it, it was humanly situational why the ones who get on your nerves would be the ones you care for. She felt lighthearted inside until a wolf howled in the distance and \"jumpy mcchicken\" hugged herself against Duncan. \n\n\"Oh no she didn't.\" Armana heard Jojo murmur into her ear, snickering with her comment.\nArmana huffed, jealousy putting itself somewhere in her gut. \n\nDuncan felt flattered but he gently pushes Courtney away from him, the casual smile on his face.\n\n\"You okay?\" He asked her.\n\"Uh, I'm fine whatever, don't know why you're hugging me.\" Courtney decided to turn the table on who was culprit, sitting back down in her seat.\n\nDuncan sat himself back next to Armana, studying her as she avoided her eyes somewhere else.\n\n\"You're quiet.\" Duncan acknowledged.\n\"What makes you say that?\" Armana tried to act innocent and hide the irritation in her chest.\n\"You're not saying anything funny like you'd usually do after I do something. Like I don't know, 'Duncan, that was a really corny ass story you told' or 'Duncan, why can't you hold me like that?'.\" Duncan impressioned but he knew his interested girlfriend well.\n\nShe looked at him, internally surprised to have read her thoughts. She only sighed, nonverbally admitting he was correct.\n\n\"Aww, is my princess jealous?\" Duncan teases.\n\"Shut up.\" Armana defended, turning away.\n\"Hey,\" Duncan supported her chin to angle her face back towards him. \"You getting jealous is pretty hot. You know I'm gonna be a jerk about it, because that's just who I am. But I don't want you feeling insecure about yourself because that's where jealousy usually belies.\"\n\nHis words lifted Armana's envy and made the girl smile. \n\n\"Hey Duncan?\" Armana's tone lowered into an attractive ear to ear voice range.\n\"Yeah?\" He answered to her curiosity.\n\"I could've sworn I saw that scary hook killer chasing someone nearby. Can I hold on to you so he doesn't come after me?\"\nDuncan laughed aloud, opening his arms to way room for Armana's torso.\n\"Of course.\"", "The night continued with everyone sleeping in the tent.\n\nArmana slightly laid comfortably on Duncan's chest. As she slumbered, she wasn't aware of one of Duncan's hands resting on her lower back. One or two of his fingers marginally slid her shirt up and tugged on the waistband of her underwear from under her jeans. She hears murmurs of voices through her suspended consciousness, adjusting in her sleep. She was satisfied for the moment of silence that shortly recurred, but suddenly hears screaming.\n\nThe voices of their terror startles Armana out of her sleep, nearly landing her hand on Duncan's face when she sat up.\n\n\"Wha–what?! What's wrong?\" She asks, frightened.\n\nRight as she was concerned, the tent dissolved into ashes. She's shocked, looking around her and seeing Bridgette sitting by the fire during her search. She innocently smiles and waves at her camp mates but Courtney growls.\n\n\"Great! That's just great Bridgette! Now. We have no where. To sleep!\" Courtney hollers.\n\nArmana sees Duncan's eyes droop open, looking at her contently until he hears Courtney yelling.\n\n\"Yo, What the hell drama queen? Relax.\" He tells her, annoyed.\n\"Relax? Things could not possibly get worse!\" Courtney says.\n\nArmana feels a droplet on her head.\n\n<i>'Aw shi–</i>\n\nA cloudburst pervaded amongst the teens, Armana instantly hating her hair and clothes becoming drenched. \n\n\"Hey, guys, quick! We can try sitting under this branch.\" DJ loudly says over the rain.\n\nThey all sat on the ground as close they could to DJ. Of course it wouldn't do anything, but maybe it could reduce the worst. Armana felt Duncan rest an arm around her, a time where he was grateful that she didn't smack it away. It conveyed a closer connection between them as the teens met each other's eye level. \n\n\"Have I told you how much I can hate water?\" Armana asks him.\n\"No, I don't think you have. What's wrong with it?\" He queries, as a bang of lightning sounds.\n\"It's just sometimes when it's not wanted, it really doesn't feel as comfortable. Plus, my hair will look terrible after this.\" Armana chuckles.\n\nDuncan laughs with her, giving her a slow, assuring, and passionate kiss on her temple. Of course everyone saw, he knew Armana would kill him after this. That rang deeply through his head seeing her still smiling. She giggles, pulling Duncan down by his earlobe.\n\n\"I am gonna pummel your ass.\" She <i>promises</i>.\n\nThe rain had stopped sometime overnight. Everyone had to sleep outside on the ground due to their tent gone. Armana slowly opens her eyes, a warm relief that it was morning. That meant they survived a night in the woods, which happily congratulated them to head back to camp. She yawns while stretching out her back. She didn't remember how or where she had fallen asleep.\n\n<i>'More like whom I fell asleep on'</i>\n\nShe looks around her, seeing her other camp mates just awaking as she did. She sees Duncan, who was lying on his back. She felt a bit easier seeing him every morning. Only this time, she was slightly annoyed seeing Courtney snuggling up to him.\n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;Okay, I'll admit, seeing Courtney being all touchy with Duncan and then denying it—i-it's honestly getting on my nerves.&lt;\n\n\n\"Morning Sunshine.\" Duncan greets towards Armana.\n\"As bright as I can be. Duncan.\" She forces a smile.\n\nShe didn't exactly want to be jealous or else it would feel like she's putting rules over him. Although, Duncan's words played in her mind.\n\n<i>\"You getting jealous is pretty hot. You know I'm gonna be a jerk about it, because that's just who I am. But I don't want you feeling insecure about yourself because that's where jealousy usually belies\"</i>\n\nShe sighs and slightly hated how somewhat Duncan knew her so well to give inspirational advice. The thought cued Armana's smile shortly before she returns to present.\n\n\"You were cuddling me!\" She suddenly hears Courtney.\n\"I was calmly laying on my back trying to catch a few z's. You were snuggling up to me.\" Duncan vindicated.\n\"You are such an ogre.\"\n\"Eh, I've been called worst.\"\n\nCourtney groans as Armana watched her walking away towards the confessional porta-potty. \n\n\"Chick yells about everything,\" Duncan remarks. \"I can see her apart of some law enforcement.\"\nArmana chuckles.\n\"You'd like that, wouldn't you Duncan?\" She knowingly asked, implying the opposition with his rebellious behavior.\n\"Yeah right.\"\n\nArmana smiles and helps the boy off the ground.\n\n\"Get some good sleep?\" He asks her.\nShe shrugs, \"I can't complain, despite being out in that rainstorm.\"\n\"And when I cuddled you to sleep.\" Duncan smugly marks.\n\"Oh! And that kiss.\"\n\nDuncan immediately looks at Armana, seeing as she cracked her knuckles.\n\n\"Oh come on princess, it was just a little kiss.\" Duncan tries to reason.\n\nBut she still treads towards him, startling Duncan into backing away. That was until she started running towards him and it causes him to cower into doing the same. Armana chases him around the area until one turn Duncan had took was a dead end. He looked around to see if she'd be behind him and exhaustedly groans through his consecutive pants when he sees she's right on his heels.\n\n\"Armana, babe, lets not get carried away here.\" He innocently smiles.\n\"Oh it'll only hurt a smidge<i>.</i>\" Armana smiles, mockingly mirroring his defensiveness.\n\"Look, okay, maybe I shouldn't have done that.\" He nervously chuckles.\n\"Yeah you shouldn't have.\"\n\nDuncan fearfully looked at Armana, flinching as she brought up her hand. She then laughs, using her palms as walls against Duncan's cheeks then harshly squeezes them.\n\n\"Ow.\" Duncan winced.\nArmana chuckles, \"I was just playing with you, D. I wasn't really gonna hit you, I'm not one of those aggressively affectionate girls.\"\nHe rubs his cheeks, his face now tinged red.\n\"Why do you act so defensive then. Ya know, excuses?\"\n\nArmana felt a difference in her heart rate, rubbing her arm through a reactive shyness. \n\n<i>'And I was thinking Courtney was bad'</i>\n\nShe ends up shrugging, smiling after.\n\n\"I don't know, we better head back to the team though, I wanna get out of this dumb forest.\"\n\nLater on, they all ended up racing towards the campground, the Killer Bass having an <i>expectancy </i>that <i>all </i>their team arrived first.\n\nCourtney gasps, \"We're the first ones back!\"\n\nArmana sees the Gophers approaching after them.\n\n\"Oh no! They beat us here. This is all your fault!\" Heather says, overdramatic as she pushes Owen.\n\"Nah ah ah, 'Golpherinos', it seems Killer Bass are missing a few fish.\" Chris announces.\n\nArmana rolled her eyes, remembering about Katie and Sadie, plus her being the one to ask in looking for them in the first place. She should've known it'd cost them the team.\n\n\"Oh you mean Katie and Sadie,\" Courtney asks.\n\"I'm pretty sure they got eaten by wolves last night.\"\n\n<i>'Now to think of it, that would be better'</i>\n\nArmana irritatedly thought to herself, and she figured so did the rest of the team. She suddenly hears short and quick breathing approaching the meeting spot, seeing as it was the two missing girls.\n\n\"We made it.\" Katie breathes.\n\"We're safe!\" Sadie exclaims. \"Oh my gosh guys we got totally lost and then got into this massive fight.\"\n\"And there was this huge bear, he was all <i>roar roar you're in my crib so get out!</i>\"\n\"And it was so scary!\"\n\nArmana looked between the two's side of the story, watching as there was some major hill and they must've been hugging it out. But of course they'll be hugging plenty over the lonely dock.\n\n\"Ahem, are you two done with your little love fest?\" Courtney kindly checks.\nThe two nod.\n\"Good, because thanks to you we just lost the challenge!\"\n\nArmana watched the girls' face fall as they were in the midst of hugging. She shakes her head at their stupidity. \n\n\"Alright, Killer Bass one of your fishy butts are going home. Gophers, you're getting an all expense paid trip to...the Tuck Shop!\" \n\nThe other teens watched as their opponents cheered and ran off with victory. Armana sighs, looking at Katie and Sadie. She felt she knew who they were voting out, or at least that was her guttural confidence. She hears Duncan groan.\n\n\"God, fricking idiots. Why does our team always have to miss out on all the good stuff?\" Duncan grumbles.\nArmana hears him.\n\"I don't know, I just know as we're losing our team, things are becoming easily outnumbered for us.\" She says.\n\nThey both huff, but Armana ruffles Duncan's hair.\n\n\"Well, I'm going to take a shower, but we can hang out after.\" She suggests.\n\nDuncan's face lifts through surprise and he smirks.\n\n\"Okay, what would you want to do?\" He asks her lead.\n\"We could hang out in the cabin, talk, listen to music and maybe the team will even discuss there. I don't care.\" Armana answers.\n\nWith that, she peacefully took her time enjoying the scorching water. She spent her pastime thinking to herself and how she was doing so far.\n\n<i>'All there is, is that I'm falling for some complete rebel.'</i>\n\nShe thought down on herself but she would've never expected such a connection, plus he made somewhat of a sweetheart other than his looks. Armana wrings her washrag, watching as the water died down into the drain. She was glad she suggested her idea, it would put forth in their relationship and make it more chancy with knowing each other. She hums, switching into comfortable clothes after drying off. \n\nShe sees Duncan patiently sitting on the porch, Courtney blabbering on about something to him. Armana stops in her tracks but Duncan's face lifts with amusement and possibly relief. She continues walking, putting up a smile.\n\n\"You smell nice.\" He compliments her with a few sniffs.\n\"Thanks–hi Courtney. Coming?\" She tempts Duncan, immediately hearing the porch creek as a sign of his trail.\n\nArmana pulls out her phone from her bag, realizing she hadn't been on it for the long while she's been on the island. As if they'd ever have the free time with how much crap Chris was inventing. She plays <i>Creep </i>by the music band <i>TLC </i>out loud from her iPhone. Satisfaction rushes through her as Duncan sits close behind her on her bunk.\n\n\"I really like this song...old school.\" Armana says.\n\"Nice, finally have a time to spend together huh?\" \n\nArmana hinders from saying something, clearly by not knowing how to respond to Duncan's comment. She gives up whatever defiance with a sigh.\n\n\"Yeah I guess it is,\" She admits. \"We get to talk as long as we want...well until our call to the campfire pit.\"\nDuncan nods, relaxing with wrapping his arms  around Armana's torso.\n\nShe chuckles. She had began brushing her hair after she had blow dried it, taking her time to updo it into a bun. She feels Duncan's lips brush the nape of her neck as he cuddled with her back.\n\n\"Have you ever...dated someone?\" Duncan says, enough of a murmur if there were people around but loud enough for Armana to hear.\n\"Well, it was probably a time or two with other guys.\" Armana confesses.\n\nDuncan's head lifts from her shoulder and he leans his chin on her shoulder blade with interest.\n\n\"Really? I mean–of course you probably did, but what were they like?\" Duncan slowly rephrased.\n\"Well, not all that special,\" Armana briefs. \"One, his name was Michael. I had a crush on him, and it turned out he just dated me because he didn't want me to feel bad. Then there was a guy named Jayden...he complimented me on the smallest things, thought of the cutest words, and made me feel special from all the other girls. Until, I found out he was just showing an easy example to his friends of how he picked up girls.\"\n\nDuncan couldn't see the look on Armana's face as she talked, but he felt a bit bad for asking about her past. He kisses the crook of her neck, leading a trail up to her jawline. He turns her body so he can fully see her.\n\n\"I shouldn't have asked.\" He says.\n\"No, no, it's okay...but why were you asking me that?\" Armana asks.\n\"Eh, just to tease you.\"\nShe rolls her eyes.\n\"Of course.\"\n\nArmana did feel her heart drop for a second, expecting him to say something climactic. But she easily facades her emotion with a smile and turns the question on Duncan.\n\n\"Have <i>you </i>ever dated someone?\" She asks him.\nHe smirks, a smug look pulling on his face.\n\"Of course I have. How else would you think I'm so powerful with flattery?\" He questions.\n\"Because you're a try hard.\" \nDuncan immediately surprised by Armana's comment, rebuttals, \"Pfft don't hate, you're one to speak princess.\"\nArmana rolls her eyes, \"Yes and I'm one to also ask about your past life experience. Duncan.\"\n\nHe laughs, pulling on Armana's heart again.\n\n\"Well if you must know,\" He speaks. \"I met a girl named Ryan.\"\n\"Ryan?\"\n\"Yeah, we were classmates and she would bring these fake tattoos to school.\" \nArmana interests, \"Okay, so as in school, how old were you at the time before you went to Juvie?\"\n\"I think this was like in middle school, thirteen to fourteen before during my freshman year I first went to Juvie.\" He answers, seeing the girl nod.\n\"Yeah, so I liked one she had. I think it was a skull...had a Mohawk—hair was green.\"\n\nArmana already began smiling.\n\nDuncan chuckles, \"Don't look at me like that.\"\nShe shakes her head, \"That's so cute Duncan, doing your hair after something with your childhood sweetheart.\"\nHe groans, a blush on his face.\n\"I'm not cute, I scare the living shit out of children.\"\nArmana laughs, stroking his bit of facial hair.\n\"Sure Duncan,\" She giggles. \"So what? Did you put the skull on? Stick it on your bedroom wall and make a shrine of it?\"\nHe rolls his eyes and responds, \"No. I think I shaved my hair afterwards, found some dye and there you go, look at me now.\"\n\nArmana smiles, pushing Duncan's face away with her finger when he had leaned into her.\n\n\"Is that where the piercings came from as well?\" She asks.\n\"Slowly afterwards, it had nothing to do with Ryan though.\"\n\"So what happened between you two?\"\nDuncan adjusts the collar of his shirt.\n\"Uh, she started giving me more tattoos to the time we'd start drawing on each other and get yelled by the teacher all the time to wash it off.\"\n\"Did you?\"\nDuncan chuckled with negating, \"No.\"\n\"Okay.\"\n\"Yeah, so then we just started liking each other then and there. She asked me out, I said yes and...\"\n\"Yeah?\" Armana encourages.\n\"She broke up with me for some other dude. I have no idea why except for the fact that he was popular, a bit of a jock. He was obviously pretending her.\"\n\"Aw I'm sorry.\" Armana pities.\n\"Oh no it's fine. I'm obviously okay, found out on the news like a couple of years later she got into a car accident and the cops found out she was high on cocaine and had a bag of weed stocked in her coat.\"\n\"Um...\"\nDuncan happily shrugs, \"Yeah.\"\n\nArmona didn't know what to say for a moment. She guessed the past would always be awkward, and therefore minded to be forgotten or rather left with its holes of mistakes. \n\n\"Okay,\" She chuckles. \"So...do you have any real tattoos?\"\n\"Oh yeah.\" He nonchalantly replies.\n\"What?\"\n\"Yeah, I have one on my arm,\" He rolls up his sleeve. \"See it's a heart. Cool isn't it?\"\n\nHe reveals a cartoonish drawn heart, at least that was how it was outlined. She sees that inside of the shape, it resembled an actual heart with warm colors of red, tan and highlights of blue. She even admired the shine it had to convince the idea. It did have a bit of a hazy look to it, but Armana could admit, it wasn't so stupid.\n\nShe sighs, \"What have you been getting into?\"\n\"Oh nothing but being the troublemaker.\" Duncan smirks.\n\nThe teens had talked for another while of erupting laughter, personal details, and Duncan's signature flirting. Through the time, Armana was drawing in her sketchbook, following Duncan's words.\n\n\"And you should give him this reptile look.\" Duncan characterizes, laughter eliciting from Armana during the goofy outlook.\n\nCourtney walked up to the cabin after a while of talking to the rest of the team about who they'd vote. She knocks on the door while she hears music and the two amidst of laughing. It continued, which meant they haven't heard her. She knocks on it again, this time louder and a bit more harsher for them to hear.\n\n\"Oh! It's open!\" Armana yells.\n\nCourtney opens the door, already annoyed seeing Duncan laying next to Armana as they faced towards the door. His chin was on her shoulder while when him and Courtney's eyes met, it felt like his teal eyes were looking into her soul. She internally shivered also feeling under the impression that he was glaring at her.\n\n\"Hi Courtney.\" Armana greets, breaking the girl's trance.\n\"Uh hi,\" Courtney breathes. \"You two haven't said who'd you vote for and it'll be about an hour until Chris has us meet at the campfire.\"\nDuncan speaks before Armana could, \"We don't care, so whoever you vote for just put it as our vote too.\"\n\nCourtney rolls her eyes and closes the door after her.\n\n\"Don't sound so rude.\" Armana pulls on Duncan's ear.\n\"Ow,\" Duncan groans but still faces the girl with a smirk. \"You know you still love me.\" \n\"Who said I ever did?\" \n\"Oh ho ho,\" Armana chuckles at his reaction. \"Just try me.\" \n\nAn hour, the speakers evoked to the teens from outside.\n\n\"Killer Bass! Your time has come to meet at the campfire pit and let the marshmallows decide your fate. Please arrive immediately or there will be some corrections made.\"\n\nArmana immediately pauses her music and climbs down the bunk with Duncan alongside her. They all make their way in front of the campfire, feeling then how tired they were with how late it became.\n\n\"You've all cast your votes,\" Chris states. \"The camper who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately hit the Dock of Shame and get the heck out of here. And you can't come back. Ever!\"\n\"Now I can see most of you are tired, so tonight I'll just throw them to you.\"\n\nArmana watches as Chris lists through the campers, more so by who was sitting down the line.\n\n\"Armana.\" Chris calls the girl, who perks up just in case he couldn't see the top of her head.\nWhich he still didn't and tosses the marshmallow to a smug Duncan, knowing they were sitting next to each other.\n\"Oh come on, I'm not even that short. I know he acted like he didn't see me on purpose.\" Armana was crossed.\n\"Yeah, I'm sure he's just doing it on purpose.\" Duncan eats both of the marshmallows, Armana looking at him in shock.\n\nShe growls, her arms folding across her chest.\n\n\"You ate my marshmallow.\" She looks at him.\n\"Would you like it back?\" Duncan inquires, sticking out his tongue.\n\nArmana cringes seeing the sticky, white chewy bits in his mouth.\n\n\"Ew Duncan close your mouth.\" She shudders.\nHe closes his mouth, licking the back of his teeth.\n\"Hm thought you didn't care as much.\" He smirks.\n\nChris had fallen on debate between Katie and Sadie, the girls clinging to each other.\n\n\"The final marshmallow of the evening,\" Chris chooses. \"Sadie.\"\n\"Oh why Katie?! Why her?!\" Sadie whines.\n\"It's so unfair.\" Armana hears closer to Katie, inferencing it from her as she sat behind the two.\n\nA couple minutes later, Armana checked with Bridgette as she was trying to talk to a mournful Sadie. She hears her convulsive gasps, laying on the dock as her head still lifted towards the water.\n\n\"Everything okay?\" Armana asks, more towards Bridgette.\nThe blonde sighs, \"She's been crying like this for five minutes, I was afraid she was gonna try to swim for her.\"\nArmana looks at Sadie, seeing her body tremble with her intake of breath.\n\nShe tries comforting her hand on the girl's shoulder, feeling her back convulse as if she'd have another breakdown.\n\n\"Hey, no don't cry,\" Armana assures. \"I'm sure Katie would like for you to go on for her, since you two are best friends and she'd root for you on any vote apart from her behalf.\"\nWhen Sadie finally stood up, Armana sees her eyes are swollen and red, and the muscles on her chin stilled into a steady sob. But she smiles at her.\n\"I promise, you'll be fine, you two might not have spent as much time apart before, but that's okay. There will always be the unfortunate.\" She comforts, walking behind the girl with her hands on her shoulders.\n\nThey lead Sadie to the campfire where everyone still sat, a bit tired from the girl's crying. Armana helps Sadie sit where she last was, rubbing her back a bit before she sat back next to Duncan. \n\n\"It was a long goodbye.\" She tells him.\n\"Hm, never knew a person could cry that much.\" Duncan sighs.\n\"Well yeah, there's always something that makes people respond with their emotions, but...I'm sure Sadie will get over it.\" \n\nSuddenly then, the teens jolt from a rattling made by the bushes. Courtney first sees who it's by.\n\n\"What do you guys want? Come by to rub it in?\" Courtney says in annoyance, Armana seeing it was the other team.\n\"We got some extra dessert after our Tuck Shop party,\" Trent explains with Beth holding a platter of green jello. \"Thought you might want some.\"\nCourtney shakes her head, \"So what, you just being nice?\"\n\"Okay,\" Gwen fesses up. \"Owen stank up our cabin so we're giving it some time to air out.\" \n\nArmana hears Owen fart, cringing at his reaction to start laughing. She catches Beth offering jello towards Courtney but the girl is frightened.\n\n\"No,\" Courtney yells. \"I mean—I'm good.\"\nWhen the plate is aimed towards Armana, she shook her head.\n\"Oh no thank you,\" She kindly negates. \"I don't like Jello.\"\n\"Why don't you like jello?\" Duncan suddenly asks her.\nShe plainly shrugs, \"I don't know I just wouldn't eat it if it was ever offered to me.\"\n\nThe two hear a person yell a couple seats after them.\n\n\"Snake!\" Seeing it was DJ who feared the worm inside of the (now smashed) jelly.\n\"Dude, it's just a gummy worm.\" Cody says.\n\"Oh sorry man, snakes just freak me out.\" DJ explains.\nTyler pats his back, \"I feel you man, chickens give me the creeps.\"\nArmana crinkled her eyebrows in confusion as Gwen repeats him in surprise, \"You're afraid of chickens?\"\n\nDuncan chuckles, shaking the boy's shoulder.\n\n\"Wow, that–that's really lame dude.\" He says, letting go of him.\n\"Well lets not tease each other, we're all afraid of something.\" Armana says, earning everyone's attention.\n\"How about you start princess?\" Duncan smiles.\nShe rolls her eyes but sees that everyone was looking at her.\nShe giggles, \"Okay I can get scared of a lot of things, but it's a bit embarrassing um...I'm scared of love.\"\n\nEveryone looked at her shocked, warmth heating on the girl's face.\n\nShe nods, \"I-I know it's really weird, but when I really meet a person, I always get scared of what they're thinking of me, how they're thinking of me, what my family will think of me, or if that person is being mindful of a future. It may just be a natural panic, but sometimes it comes with me just fully being in denial.\"", "<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;Some people may not believe me, but I think it's true, I become seriously insecure of myself, that I won't believe the person, or like I said, be in denial&lt;\n\nArmana shrugs her words off, looking for someone else to speak as they all looked at her in silence. She turns hearing Gwen clear her throat.\n\n\"Well, my worst fear–I guess–is being buried alive.\" Gwen speaks.\n\"Walking through a mine field...in heels.\" Lindsay says.\n\"Flying man, that's some crazy stuff.\" Owen admits.\n\nWhile hearing their words, Armana didn't acknowledge Duncan's look of disappointment, or more of hurt. He determined to talk with her later.\n\n\"I'm scared of hail. Small but deadly dude.\" Geoff says.\n\"Being left alone in the woods.\" Bridgette confesses.\n\"Saying the wrong line of a song if I'm asked on stage for a concert.\" Jojo says.\nSadie sniffs from crying, \"Bad haircuts.\"\n\"O-oh okay,\" Lindsay intervenes. \"I change mine, that's so much scarier than a mine field.\" \n\"Having to defuse a time bomb under pressure.\" Cody, too specifically, says.\n\"I'm not really afraid of anything.\" Courtney wishes people's attention.\n\"Bologna Courtney, you were totally freaked out last night by the campfire, or so, you had a spasm over green jello.\" Armana says, subconsciously leaning her elbow on Duncan's shoulder.\n\"As if, the things just suddenly came out of nowhere,\" Courtney shrugs and looks at Duncan. \n\"What exactly is your phobia bad boy?\" She asks him.\n\"Yeah Duncan, you've been a bit quiet.\" Armana chuckles.\n\nShe watched as Duncan averted his eyes in panic, lastly looking at Armana who taunts a smile at him. He sighs.\n\n\"C-Celine Dion music store standees.\" He says abruptly.\nCody chuckles, \"Exsqueeze me? I didn't quite get that.\"\n\"Did you say Celine Dion music store stand<i>ees</i>?\" Trent repeats, questioning.\nArmana tried holding back her laugh to resist any judgement on Duncan, who hides his face in fear with their words.\n\"Ooh I love Celine Dion,\" Lindsay delighted but then sunk with curiosity. \"What's a standee?\"\nGwen opens her mouth but Trent explains, \"Ya know, that card board cut out thing that stands in the music store.\"\n\nDuncan groans, frustratedly fearful now that everyone was intelligent.\n\n\"Don't say it dude!\" Duncan tells Trent.\n\"Kinda like a life size but flat Celine.\" The boy continued.\n\"So if we had a cardboard standee right now..?\" Courtney leads on.\nDuncan covered his ears in annoyance.\n\"Shut up!\" He groaned.\n\"Armana.\" He murmured, indicating the girl to tell them to leave him alone.\n\"Okay okay guys,\" She chuckles. \"What about your fear since you're ones to laugh.\"\n\nLater that night, Armana walked with Duncan to their cabin. While she talked, she sees Duncan face her and suddenly begin to walk where she stood and cause her to back up. He planned for her to back up against a large boulder while he stood in front of her somewhat as a barrier.\n\n\"Duncan, why are you–\n\"What you said back there, about...being scared of...love...\" Duncan says, somewhat of an ashamed expression on his face.\n\nShe found herself stuck to only look at Duncan from where she heightened, to his chest. She hears as his voice deepened into some sort of a slight distress.\n\n\"I thought about that and..it's sucky to hear.\" He tells her, his tone a bit quieted while she sees his words were abashed, experiencing inquisitiveness on what was interesting about the walk trail.\n\nArmana felt surprised but a bit impacted by his words. \n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;I didn't know Duncan would suddenly feel bad about what I said. Of course with his behavior at times it could've been possible that he'd react to it. But *chuckles* I find it kinda cute he'd tell me that&lt;\n\n\"Oh.\" Her voice cracks, becoming hushed with the pronunciation of her word but she blinks, finding her confidence.\n\"I know some things can be surprising to hear, especially if they're personal. But that's okay, right? That's part of how you bond with the person. You get to know their fears or any aspect of how they think or feel about something. I may be scared of certain things love can do to people, change how they act and stuff but, that doesn't mean I'm scared of you.\"\n\nDuncan's eyebrows slightly lift when he listened to her words. Armana mockingly lifts her eyebrows as well, her lips curling into a smile.\n\n\"Gotcha there.\" He watched as they deceived with a smirk.\n<i>'It's way sexier when she does it'</i>\nHe smiles, backing away from her as he tried brushing off the once saddened feelings he felt with an aloud laugh.\n\"Yeah you're laughing now.\" Armana says.\nHe rolls his eyes, \"Whatever, I just couldn't accept that as some thing I'd normally hear.\"\nArmana chuckles, \"And that's okay, I don't think most people would.\"\n\nA blush tinted on Duncan's face underneath the darkness, slightly annoyed.\n\n\"Are you annoyed?\" Armana asks.\nDuncan looks at her, feeling as a warmth eased from his unibrow. \n\"Mm,\" He shrugs. \"Maybe a little.\"\nArmana raises her eyebrows and felt as disappointment possessed her enjoyment.\n\"Oh. Sorry.\" She regrets, blaming herself.\n\"What? Oh no, it's not you.\" Duncan explains.\n\"Oh really?\"\n\"Yeah.\"\n\"That's good cause I hate it when I can be a pain sometimes. Unless I'm doing it on purpose. Why are you annoyed?\"\n\nDuncan scratches an itch in his hair and kicks up dirt with the tip of his shoe.\n\nHe sighs, \"Its just, I was annoyed that it seemed like I was emotional in front of you. I hate explaining all my feelings and stuff...like I am now. Feel like it makes me look soft.\"\n\"Oh yeah? I know how you feel–well maybe not being all tough and everything but–letting my feelings out about everything makes me feel easily sensitive. I don't like it and with your bad put-ups, I can tell you don't want it to seem like things get to you. Right?\"\nDuncan chuckles, displaying a smile, \"Yeah I guess you're onto something, princess.\"\n\nThe two smile at each other, reaching their cabin afterwards.\n\n\"Okay, you should really catch some sleep Duncan. You look pretty tired.\" Armana mentions.\nHe opens his mouth to say something, but it agapes into a yawn.\n\"May I have a kiss goodnight then?\" He tiredly smiles.\n\"Like I said 'you should catch some sleep'.\"\nArmana dismisses.\n\"Please Princess?\" \n\"What? Do you want me to tuck you in, read you a bedtime story, bake you some cookies while we're at it?\" Armana conveys contempt.\n\"No, just <i>one</i>, <i>simple</i>, kiss.\" They say simultaneously.\n\nArmana deeply sighs, seeing how his lips were uplifting into a smile, that they most likely wouldn't be ceasing his ideal thought.\n\n\"I shouldn't be kissing some boy.\" She mutters.\n\"Well you didn't go inside the cabin yet.\" Duncan remarks.\n\"Yeah.\"\n\"Yeah?\"\n\n<i>'God, I wonder if my parents are watching this'</i>\nArmana thought to herself.\n\n\"J-Just a kiss?\" She checks.\nDuncan contently shrugs, \"Yup I don't care how you wanna do it. A kiss is just however your lips land on me.\"\n\"Okay.\"\n\nDuncan closed his eyes, smugly waiting for Armana. She slowly steps up to the boy and gently feels her fingers on either side of his jawline. She presses her lips on his cheek, warmth circling on her lips. Then, she stops herself shortly after, backing away to see his reaction. \n\n\"Aww isn't that sweet. Thanks princess.\" He smiles.\n\"Oh it should be the help.\" Armana mocks but gives in with a smile back.\nShe squeaks when Duncan hugs her, slightly lifting her up and snuggling his nose into her neck.\nShe giggles as it prodded her skin, \"Duncan that tickles.\"\n\nShe hears his deep voice utter hitched breaths of laughter, not expecting a cool of wetness to pass on her skin.\n\n\"Ew! Duncan!\" Armana pushes the boy away, wiping her neck.\nDuncan chuckles, \"You know you were enjoying it.\"\nArmana was surprised by his words and speaks for her truth.\n\"Oh yeah sure! Getting my neck licked totally turns me on.\" She scoffs.\n\"Yeah it sure does,\" He yawns. \"I'm gonna hit the hay princess, see ya in the morning.\"\n\nShe murmurs a night, watching as he gives her one more smile before leaving into the cabin.\n\n\nThe next morning was the same expectancy as any other. Armana opens her eyes to the ceiling, feeling as rheum crusted on the brim of her eyelids. She sighed leaving out of bed and acting to put her clothes on. She pulls on one of the same halter neck tops she's worn, along her faded blue jeans and sandals. \n\nOutside, Duncan looks away from his acted carving on one of the logs constructed with the lodge, seeing Armana's tired expression. \n\n\"Princess.\" He says, hooking his arm around her.\n\"Hey Duncan.\" She responds, picking up one of his fingers and lifting his hand off her shoulder.\n\"Hey, I was dreaming of you.\" He tells her.\n\"Oh yeah? Well I really don't wanna know what it could've been about.\"\n\"Hm, that's good cause of any case I don't even remember any of it.\"\n\nArmana rolls her eyes but a smile breaks her neglecting manner, blurting out a soft laugh.\n\nDuncan smiles, \"Ha, did I make you laugh?\"\nArmana shakes her head, her smile as broad.\n\"It's just that, you're all on this dream, but there's no point of it because you don't remember anything.\" She explains, her words trailing into the resume of her laughter.\n\"No I don't—but I do remember one thing...\" \n\"Shoot me.\"\n\"You were there...smiling, laughing about something until you found the courage to kiss me.\"\nArmana cocks an eyebrow, \"Is that so?\"\nDuncan smirks, \"It is.\"\n\"That's because your brain is just trying to tell you <i>it's </i>okay for your endless suffering with imagining things that will <i>never </i>come true.\" Armana determines, kindly \n\"<i>Never </i>say <i>never</i>.\" Duncan smiles back.\n\nThe two's arguments were now comparative words to a point where there was an explanation on each end. But Armana's sassiness was always insatiable to Duncan. It was a salt shaker with her intelligence, the girl never backing down to say something that fills her mind but also the impressive that she knew her respects. He had an appetite for it. More than any taste with eating their breakfast that looked like chewed mush put into a bowl.\n\n\"Just can't wait to dig in huh?\" Duncan smirked, enjoying the look of disgust and disappointment Armana had discovering their meal.\n\"Yeah it's just to die for,\" She pushes the tray away. \"So, what do you think is gonna happen today?\"\n\"I don't know, probably another dumb challenge Chris will pull out of his ass.\"\nArmana chuckles, \"That's very likely. But the question is; What is the challenge.\"\n\nShe suddenly hears an aloud whistle, turning her head to a rather...prideful Chris.\n\n\"Well, we're fucked.\" Duncan murmurs.\n\"Campers! Your next challenge is a little game I like to call..phobia factor! Prepare to face your worst fear!\" Chris declares, smiling <i>ear to ear</i>.\n\nArmana feels herself rising with heat in her clothes, remembering what she disclosed last night.\n\n<i>\"Okay I can get scared of a lot of things, but it's a bit embarrassing um...I'm scared of love\"</i>\n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;I should've known Chris would make a challenge of the things we said. Especially me. Now I'm just embarrassed that he'll probably just put together some sappy crap he thinks girls are interested in&lt;\n\nShe hears Duncan's chuckling from behind her, seeing as he pursed his mouth into his signature smirk.\n\n\"Hm I only wonder what he'll do to you.\" He chuckles.\n\"Oh yes, hopefully it won't take much time from seeing you meet Celine Dion.\" Armana tauntingly pouts.\nDuncan disappointedly sighs, \"Shit.\"\n\n\"Now for our first victims; Heather meet us all on the theater,\" Chris enthuses. \"It's sumo time.\"\nArmana hears Heather loudly spit out her drink, seeing brown substance dripping from Trent's chin.\n\"Gwen, you, me, the beach...a few tons of sand.\" Chris lists.\n\"Chef Hatchet! Didn't you have a special order for Tyler here today.\"\n\nArmana watches as Chef reaches to Tyler with his deep frying basket, something fried that strangely took after the shape of a chicken. Tyler picks it up, slowly advancing his face towards his hand to bite into it. It was hallow. Tyler biting into it, the top simply broke off and still held its fowl shape. But suddenly, a chicken pokes its head from under the fried enclosure, causing Tyler to frantically scream and throw the chicken on the ground.\n\n\"Oh boy.\" Armana speaks underneath her breath.\n\nThey all follow Chris outside to the next test, consisting the girl-that-Armana-still-doesn't-like-for-tricking-her-in-dodgeball, Beth.\n\n\"Beth,\" Chris cheerfully pronounces. \"Let's see if you can swim with the bait.\"\n\nChris yanks a white sheet that was apparently over a kiddie pool, but worse of it was that it was filled with worms. \n\n\"Aw.\" Armana shudders, seeing as hundreds of them wiggled, turned, and toppled over each other.\n\"Ooh, that's a bit extreme.\" Duncan murmurs amusingly to the girl.\nShe shakes her head, \"That's just disgusting.\"\n\nMuch to her surprise, Beth didn't have any hesitation in diving into the pit of worms, coming back up with some in her mouth and hair.\n\n\"Aw-haw haw sick.\" Duncan laughs.\n\"And Beth sets the bar way up there.\" Chris says, Armana presuming it won the Gophers a point.\n\nShe wondered if they would've won double points if she were to swallow them—she feared looking back to see if she did. \n\n\"Katie and Lindsay, those do's just aren't you.\" Chris says, sneakily leading the girls to the lodge.\n\"Oh man, I hope he doesn't like...shave their hair or something.\" Armana tips her chin to look over the shoulders of the teens.\nDuncan leads her in front of him.\n\"Well, it is only a challenge. That would be bogus if he'd do that to them.\" He says.\n\nThey watched as Chris pulled out two mullet wigs, matching the same color brown as the hair was longly measured. Suddenly Owen grabs one of the wigs out of Chris's hand. He begins ballet dancing with it and trips over his next step which leads to him falling on the floor. \n\nArmana begins laughing behind her hand, watching as Chris takes the wig from Owen's head and places it on the two girls. \n\n\"Phew, well at least there's that for around twenty minutes. What's next?\" Armana asks more to herself, watching as Chris walks the two girls back outside.\n\"Owen and Izzy,\" He pronounces. \"Time to take to the sky.\"\n\nArmana watches the two being lead to a dingy yellow biplane. She could only imagine Chris was igniting the teens' fear with how the aircraft was took care of. From the distance there were scratches, dents, and tape around its wings. \n\n\"Those two could die,\" Armana watches. \"I mean—look at that thing. It looks like it could break down and fall apart then next thing you know they're splat.\"\n\"Hey, calm down precious. This is all just fun and games for the show. If anything, he wouldn't actually have us die on this crappy set up. He'd definitely get sued and you know what? Bad look on his career. So he won't be famous just for being famous anymore. Surely he wouldn't want that.\" Duncan assures her, pleased as the girl nods.\n\"That's true, I guess I'm just scared when it's gonna be my turn then.\" She says.\n\"I'll be right here beside you.\"\n\nThe two share a smile, as if it locked a promise on their words. Til then, Chris checked his watch, seeing as Owen and Izzy were landed back on ground and smiles with thoughts of the next person.\n\n\"Well, I've hired some cosplayers to dress as ninjas. They should be coming in while Harold is taking his fifteen minute dump. So then next, LeShawna! We have a surprise for you.\"\n\nLeShawna crouched to the ground in fear, Armana seeing as Chef was dressed as a huge purple spider. LeShawna struggles to stand back on her feet, screaming into the woods while she ran off. \n\n\"Hm, so she didn't get them a point I'm guessing.\" Armana says.\n\"Yeah, it looks like only if you face your fear it wins your team points.\" Duncan shrugs.\n\"Hm.\"\n\nThey all walked towards the amphitheater by Chris's directions, seeing a heavy man, most likely Japanese, in what Armana heard a training belt called <i>mawashi. </i>\n\n\"Heather,\" Chris says. \"May I ask you to come on stage to face this fine gentleman.\"\nArmana sees the girl shaking in her wedges walking up the stage, possibly rethinking her life at the moment.\n\"I wonder how this would play out.\" Armana watched, her expectations negative with the odds of nearly a three hundred pound man versus a shameful, mean, skinny girl who goes by the name Heather.\n\nThe stage creaks with the man's steps towards her, the girl cowering into hunkering to her feet. Surprisingly, the man is defeated by this by tripping over her body and rolling continuously into the forest.\n\n\"Well then that's a point for the Gophers,\" Chris smiles. \"Now onto Bridgette.\"\n\nArmana flips her head towards the blonde, who audibly gulps—scarcely expecting Chris's words.\n\n\"You must sit in the woods by yourself for exactly six hours.\" He declares.\n\"Six hours?\" Armana repeats, surprised.\n\"Yes, six hours in solitude—in the woods.\"\n\nBridgette sighs, stepping down from the bleachers.\n\n\"Is there a certain place I go?\" She asks, worried.\n\"Wherever, doesn't matter, find yourself a spot. Cameras will always be rolling.\" Chris shrugs.\n\"Okay then, I'll do it for the team. It's just the woods anyway, what's the harm?\" Bridgette esteems herself, considering a moment with taking a deep breath. \n\"Aw man, good luck Britt.\" Armana shouts, watching as the girl walked off.\n\nChris gathers the Gophers while Armana sees her team are staying at the theater.\n\n\"Killer Bass, you stay here. Gophers, it's time for Gwen's funeral.\" He darkly chuckles, walking off with the selected team.\n\nArmana sighs, feeling as things were running thinner. \n\n\"Man, I'm really beginning to worry what he'll have me do. Why did you put thoughts into my head?\" She asks Duncan.\nHe chuckles, \"I was just playing with you. Don't worry, it shouldn't be bad. I'm just curious on what he could've possibly planned since ya know, your fear has something to do with love.\"\nArmana nods, \"Yeah.\"\n\nSitting through a bit of silence, Duncan then looked at the girl.\n\n\"But may I ask; are you scared with relationships just being compatible? Like without any problems or anything?\" Duncan asks her.\nShe shrugs, \"I guess so. That makes it more easier to say.\"\n\"Oh princess, don't you worry your little head. You should know that there's always someone out there for you. Like some gravitational force is drawn between you and that person. Then there's that, some attraction holding it's string until you meet each other,\" He tells her. \"But here's the question...you're not scared of love in general. You're thinking about me, aren't you?\"\nArmana laughs, her tone dipped in mockery.\n\"You're just so full of yourself, it really wouldn't win you any battle.\" \n\"I—\n\"Killer Bass! It's your turn for DJ to face his fear. DJ could you please step on stage.\"\n\nChris had shortly came back in time for the teens to face off their next fear. Armana watches DJ take his turn on stage, nervously peering at the tank that was brought to him. From where she sat, she could only see a hazy image of a head through the glass. The snake, she presumed with DJ's struggling, must've been tiny.\n\n\"Ey you can do this big guy.\" Duncan cheers, clapping along his encouragement.\n\nDJ fearfully looks at the snake, suddenly cowering back.\n\n\"It blinked.\" He points.\n\"It means she likes you.\" Sadie tells him.\n\"It's the smallest snake ever DJ! Come on!\" Courtney yells.\n\"Yeah but it's slimy, and scaly, and slithery—\n\"We need this point DJ! Suck it up!\"\n\nSilence prolonging, she earned a couple reactions, defensively then handling her hips.\n\n\"What? We're heading back to loser-ville people.\" She words as an excuse.\nArmana rolls her eyes.\n\"Ya know Courtney, if you're doing all this yelling, I hope it means that you'll be doing better.\" She confronts the girl.\n\"Wha–of course I'll be showing my signs of commitment. I'm only yelling to let you guys know I'm not gonna sit here and just act all cool with my team losing this competition. So we need to step up our game.\"\n\"Okay, just so I'm hearing it ear to ear.\" \n\nDuncan chuckles by her words, another one of the moments when he'd adore Armana, especially when she makes herself strong in arguments. They all turn their attention back upfront, DJ having comprehended Courtney's panties were definitely well up her ass that he should face his fear before consequences could be existential. He extends a finger towards the snake as Armana presumed with his take of action.\n\n<i>'Possibly the biggest we'll get out of any progression'</i>\n\nShe was slightly surprised to see DJ managed to pick up the snake; a small body having slithered on his finger.\n\n\"And DJ wins Bass their first point.\" Chris announces through the teens' cheer.\n\"See, fear is only in the mind.\" Courtney asserts.\n\nArmana shook her head dismissing the girl's possible bipolarity. They all continue their walk near the shore with being lead by Chris. Armana walked a bit ahead of the group, seeing along the distance Trent was talking into a walkie-talkie, sitting by a broad timer ticking at two minutes. She assumed it was where Gwen was buried and how long she had to stay under, while Trent could've possibly been soothing her being solitary under ground. \n\nShe squints her eyes, seeing a slender man creeping towards the boy. He taps his shoulder, acting the impression of feeling a wall while Trent is horrified—giving a frenzied scream. The group watched him running away from the mime, Chris humoring that Trent's heels were still being treaded on. \n\n\"Just talk to him brah,\" He speaks through his megaphone. \"That's gonna make him go–away.\"\nHe checks his watch, \"Okay then, we still have two minutes before Gwen's done. Cody, you're up.\"\n\nArmana observed the boy facing cans of garbage attached to a bomb, remembering his words.\n\n<i>'Having to defuse a time bomb under pressure'</i>\n\nWhich to her stood too specific if you were to think innocuously of a moment without there being a convenience. But she wasn't any smarter than Cody, which is what she ashamed as the people counting down. \n\n\"And now that Cody will have his butt toasted after ten minutes, onto our next tour.\" \n\nChris leads the teens towards the cabins, Armana feeling a small panic when she suddenly sees the picture of a curvaceous woman in the open space.\n\n\"Um Duncan.\" She looks at the delinquent, who casually looks around for the next person until he sees a certain woman.\n\"Aw shit.\" He murmurs, earning tiny laughs from Armana.\n\"Duncan, Celine had heard one of her fans were so excited to meet her that she couldn't let her supporter down. And so here she is,\" Chris presents the standee.\n\"Just one hug and you're done.\"\n\nArmana rolls her eyes but surprisingly sees Courtney standing beside Duncan for possible comfort. She slightly felt annoyed with Courtney's presence but it wasn't like she was gonna push who Duncan should be around. She kept herself eased, seeing as Duncan looked at her—she smiled.\n\n\"That looks really—really real man.\" He tells her.\n\"Man she's made of cardboard! Get in the game!\" Armana sees Tyler yell from the sidelines and frowns.\n\"Hey shut it, chickens could be the least of anyone's worries.\" She retorts, the teen backing down. \n\nShe sighs but marks her attention back towards Duncan, seeing as his eyes blurted with fear. \n\n\"Hey, it's okay if you can't do it.\" Courtney cooed.\n\"Ya know, she's right. If it's really that bad, it's not like they'll kill you if you act against doing it. Even if it wouldn't give us any points, surely the others would understand with them being put in front of their worst fear.\" Armana tells him.\nHe takes a long breath, slowly enrolling with courage. \n\"I-I'll try.\" He assures them.\n\nCourtney grabs his hand and Armana settles both her hands on his shoulder, resting her chin on the support of her fingers as she looked at Celine.\n\nArmana whispers, \"She may look a bit creepy but that's okay. Just imagine she's some giant plush or someone you like—\n\"You?\" Duncan infers.\n\"Um, sure. If that really helps you, go for it.\"\n\nShe stares between Duncan and the standee before he takes a deep breath. \n\n\"Alright I'm going in.\" He conveys.\n\nHe darts towards Celine, extending his arms out for her. He embraces her into his chest, picking up the standee while he was at it. Armana couldn't help the smile urging on her lips, inspired with everyone's clamor. She sees Courtney dashing towards him.\n\n\"Duncan, you're awesome!\" She hugs him.\n\nDuncan accepts her embrace but is more effected seeing Armana approach him.\n\n\"Duncan, nice job. I'm proud of you.\" She praises him.\n\nHe laughs, the two giving each other a high \nfive—well that was the intention. Duncan grabs Armana's wrist, enabling him to pull the girl into his hug-free chest. She was surprised, but seeing Duncan's rapture, she approved with her arms engulfing his torso.\n\n<i>'Only this once'</i>", "\"Well Killer Bass, due to Duncan being able to face his fear with hugging Celine Dion, he wins you another point. Which at the moment marks you tied with the Screaming Gophers.\" \n\nAnother cheer emitted from the team, curious as to who the next person would be. \n\n\"Well I'm glad that's over.\" Duncan sighed, greatly appreciative.\nArmana laughs, \"Oh yeah? Don't tell me you'll be freaking out like that just seeing cardboard.\"\n\"Wha–hey, she looks completely different from some random cardboard box. I mean–look at her. It's creepy how she just stares at you and shit.\" He professes.\n\nArmana smiles and nods.\n\n\"I guess you have a point. There was one time when I was younger, I went out on a field trip to the movie theaters. When we went there, there was another new movie—a zombie movie–and they were kinda the same with the promotion of cardboard cut out things. I was creeped out how one of the zombies looked and I couldn't stop turning my head from the movie screen to check if one of them was there.\" She informs him.\n\"Yeah? Were they known to sneak up on you or something?\" Duncan asks her.\n\"No, it was just me about to crap my pants.\" \n\nShe evokes a laugh from him, the spontaneous sound filling in the silence with walking to their next destination. Armana thought about the others, such as Trent, Cody, Gwen or Bridgette. She wasn't sure about Bridgette standing sane for the point of time being alone in the woods, Cody and his skills with deactivation, or how much air Gwen still had being underground–thus far, Chris was killing her.\n\n\"Hey, you okay?\" Duncan breaks Armana out of her trance.\n\"Oh yeah–yeah I'm fine.\" She says, dispelling his concern with a smile.\nHe smiles in return.\n\"You seem to be thinking a lot.\" He claims.\nArmana giggles, \"That's because I am.\"\n\"What about?\" \nShe shook her head, dismissive, \"Nothing but how chaotic today is.\"\n\"I can agree, I'm bored now.\"\n\nArmana laughs, surprising Duncan with her sudden perception of humor. \n\n\"What?\" He questions.\n\"It's just funny. You were all psyched and scared on this thing and I guess since that held you up until it was your turn, you're just not seeing any point of anything anymore.\" She interpreted.\n\"Hm I guess so. And I wasn't scared, I was just creeped out by that bizarreness of a woman.\" \nArmana shakes her head still in the chain of laughter, \"Sure Duncan, you were shaking in your shoes.\" \n\nThe day continued with the pleasure of horror. Geoff had been pelted with hail, Jojo had sung for a mimic concert for Rihanna–of course still on the island, Tyler practically failed sitting in a pen with chickens and it lastly came down to Armana and Courtney. \n\n\"Actually, if you do the math you can't possibly win: the score's 7 to 3.\" Cody says, presenting his calculator.\n\"Not necessarily,\" Chris answers to Cody. \"We have two more challenges still set up.\"\n\nArmana suspected Courtney, as she did last night at the campfire when the girl nearly lost her shit from an offer of jelly.\n\n\"Who,\" Courtney felt the silence pressuring on her. \"It can't be me...but I didn't..\" \n\"You didn't have to. We're always watching you and your reactions.\" Chris confesses.\n\"Ha, I knew something was up Courtney.\" Armana had stayed concerned, a surge of confidence with being on the right mindset.\n\"Oh who cares? It's not gonna make a difference.\" Courtney dismissed.\n\"Let's make this interesting then,\"\nChris proposes. \"I'll give both of you girls triple points if you can complete your challenge.\"\n\"Okay hit me.\" Armana shrugs.\n\nThe teens watched as chef mixed a huge tub of green jello.\n\n\"Courtney, you can face your fear and dive straight into this pool of jelly.\" Chris announces.\n\"As for you Armana,\" Chris says, Duncan tauntingly leaning his elbow on the girl's shoulder. \"I couldn't wait to get to you.\"\n\"The suspense is killing me.\" She sarcastically mentions.\nChris chuckles, \"Your fear...it was a bit difficult to think what type of challenge could go with it. But for the assessment, I got it! You'll have to date Duncan for the rest of the day.\"\n\nA sharp gasp itched Armana's throat along everyone else's, the girl inspired with shock.\n\n\"What?!\" \nDuncan dissolved into laughter, asking the same question.\n\"Yeah 'what' is a firm term that I'm on top of the world right now.\" He laughs.\nArmana rolled her eyes but landed them spitefully on Chris.\n\"Chris,\" She pronounces. \"What the hell dude? Please don't tell me that's my actual challenge.\"\nChris wasn't any different from Duncan, laughing contemptibly at the girl.\n\"I'm just always up for your reactions.\" He wipes a tear.\nArmana smiles, \"So it wasn't?\"\n\"Oh no it is,\" Chris chuckles. \"But with these frame of choices girls, both of you could face your fear or let your team lose yet another challenge.\"\n\nArmana groans, turning to a smug Duncan.\n\n\"Wipe that dumb smile off your face.\" She tells him.\n\"Oh yeah? Well there's only one way to do that.\" \n\nDuncan puckered up his lips, aiming his face towards the girl but only receives the rejection with her turning away. She sighs, her arms crossed with her irritation.\n\n\"Armana.\" She sees Bridgette approaching her, a smile expressing on her face.\n\"Sorry,\" She hides it. \"Some challenge though.\"\nArmana shakes her head.\n\"It's fine, but 'some challenge' indeed.\" She agrees.\nBridgette laughs.\n\"I was always curious what plan Chris would put together for you. I was also surprised to hear what you said the other night too.\" \n\"Yeah,\" Armana shrugs. \"I think everyone else was too, especially Chris. He was definitely too surprised.\"\n\nShe sighs, Bridgette patting her on the back.\n\n\"Stop Bridgette.\" Armana says, causing the blonde to laugh.\n\"Okay, okay. I wouldn't want you to keep your boyfriend waiting.\" \n\nArmana turns behind her, seeing Duncan smiling and twinkling his fingers at her. \n\nShe rolls her eyes, \"And shall I shouldn't.\"\n\nBridgette laughs as Armana turns herself back towards Duncan. The couple shared a glance with each other; Duncan's side of amusement and her side of annoyance.\n\n\"Ooh and the team is let down with Courtney's failure to face the pool of sugary, jiggly snot. But we still have a chance with our teen couple. What'll it be Armana?\" Chris asks her, a smirk plastered on his face.\nShe glances at her peers, seeing as they all were intentionally listening. She then finally looked at Duncan, who taunts a smile.\nIt influences her to force a smile towards Chris, \"You're on.\"\n\nCheers emitted from the team, now rooting for the girl as she would be the redemption for the play of their game. \n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;I can't believe Chris has me dating Duncan as my challenge. It makes me so pissed that he did this just to tease me...but, I guess I'm not as freaked out, Duncan's not that bad of a guy...I won't go into details&lt;\n\nDuncan laughed as the girl facepalmed. \n\n\"Oh this is just gold.\" He glees.\n\"Ugh, it's stupid. I'm not even scared of you.\" Armana debates.\n\"No, but you are scared of something that has something to do with me.\" \nShe questions his words, \"What?\"\n\"Here, let's go on a walk...honey.\" \n\"Duncan, stop!\"\n\nHe laughs, grabbing a hold of her hand and swinging their arms playfully.\n\n\"So?\" Armana asks for his words.\nDuncan stops himself in front of her, Armana feeling as their conversation was steeping into seriousness.\n\"I'm head over heels for you. You know that right?\" He asks her.\n\"I-I guess so.\"\n\"How do you feel towards me?\"\nArmana felt heat rising on her cheeks, finding her answering difficult with looking directly at Duncan.\n\"We don't talk about that.\" \n\nDuncan laughs.\n\n\"So talk to me.\" He tells her.\nShe rolls her eyes but knows his eyes were still fixed on her.\nShe sighs, \"I...I've always liked you Duncan. As much as I didn't want to come to terms with my feelings, I knew they were always there. I can't identify what's holding me back or what's truly making me hesitant from really calling myself falling in love with a boy I nearly just met.\" \n\"Well, do you feel like things are going a bit too fast?\" He questions her.\n\"Maybe.\"\n\"Then let's make tonight something special. We could go off somewhere, forget about the cameras, the show, the people. It's not about them or the sake of entertainment. It'll just be us...and it won't have to end after tonight.\"\n\nArmana thought for a good measure, reading within her heart and the churning in her gut. She was tired of letting go of chances just because she was scared. That was what the point of the challenge was, wasn't it? Getting over your fear or taking a leap of courage over that hurdle you thought was an obstacle.\n\n\"I...I'd like that.\" She giggled, her words almost expressed in a whisper.\n\"Really? That's great,\" Duncan smiled. \"I could see in your eyes, you were speaking with your soul.\"\n\"Sounds kinda dark.\" She thought.\n\"Yeah but your soul is your inner self, it makes up your emotional nature, your identity and your morals. Its like for a moment you were speaking from deep within...like you were truly being honest with your emotions.\" \nArmana blushed but let's out another laugh.\n\"Jeez Duncan. How do you speak so poetically? The way you portray yourself tells me opposite.\"\nHe shrugged, \"Eh, I don't know exactly where I speak from. I guess it could be from deep within like I was telling you.\"\n\nThey both smile while he could see there was stars twinkling inside her eyes. He looked up, eying the others to see they were slightly creating an audience. He mugs them.\n\n\"Let's go somewhere where we could be alone.\" He decided, grabbing her hand while at it.\n\"And then there you have it,\" Chris announced, watching the couple. \"The Killer Bass win invincibility this week.\" \n\nArmana heard their team cheer behind them, shaking her head with a smile. \n\n\"So where are we going?\" She asked.\n\"I was thinking maybe the cabin, or we could find somewhere the cameras wouldn't be rolling.\" Duncan smirked with a wink.\nShe felt her lower region tingle, \"Would that be necessary?\" \n\"I would say it is unless you wanna do this in public.\"\n\n<i>'Do what in public'</i>\n\nShe felt her blood run cold and his hands slide on her curves.\n\n\"Of course if you're comfortable.\" He whispered in her ear, his voice resonating low and deep.\n\nShe grabbed his hand from her hip and made her way towards the woodland. They went as far as they'd like, even if there was a camera on nearly every tree, Duncan thought of throwing rocks at the ones that were in their view. Then, they wouldn't have to worry about being seen. As daylight faded, small patches of the sorbet sky peered in through the trees. She felt the silky smooth leaves against her arms as her back was pressed on a tree. Duncan touched his forehead with hers, steadying his lips before her face.\n\n\"Can you imagine how long I've been wanting to do this?\" He asked, slightly rhetorical.\n\"A little bit. I always knew you wanted a piece of me.\" She clued before he slammed his lips on hers. \n\nThe woods were silent and hot and still. Not a breeze stirred. Both of their ears picked up the slurps within their exchanges. Armana hardly had a moment to react before Duncan pressed his tongue to the seam of her lips. She granted him access, smiling a bit when he quickly delved inside her mouth. It was quite a sloppy kiss before she pulled away for a second to catch her breath. Duncan bit on her bottom lip as her head drew back. She arched up into his broad chest, moaning in the contact of body heat against her own, before she drew back into his lips. While at this, Duncan's hands roamed free on her body. One slid up and down along her torso, eventually sliding under her shirt and kneading her boob. \n\n\"Duncan.\" She moaned, feeling his cool hand against the warmth of her bare skin.\n\nHis other smoothed on her hip and slowly moved towards her ass—which he gladly grabbed a handful of. Armana wrapped her arms around his neck and felt her hand through his hair. \n\n\"Wanna take this further?\" He asked, kissing and licking her outer ear.\nShe shivered, \"We're not having sex in the woods.\"\nHe chuckled, \"So we can still have sex?\"\n\"No, I didn't mean it like that.\" \n\nHe laughed a bit more and kissed her neck.\n\n\"That's fine, just as long as you're mine is all my concern.\" He assured.\n\nShe smiled and stood silent feeling him begin to trail his lips over her neck. Her lungs contracted on their own, uttering her pleasure as she lengthened and exposed the side of her neck. She felt the beat of his breath while her senses were at peak. The fact that it was dark made the moment feel more steamier as she couldn't see anything that was coming. His lips prodded her skin, with the warmth of his tongue dabbing each area. Then as he began to kiss, the suction of his lips played with her nerve endings, sending warm shivers that spread out as waves through her body. She jolted when he began to nibble on her.\n\n\"Did that hurt?\" She felt him smirking.\n\"A little bit but...I don't want a hickey on my neck. Everyone will see.\" She fretted.\n\"Well what <i>do </i>you want?\"\n\"I want it where it'll be between only <i>us</i> to see. You could do it here.\" \n\nShe took his hands to lift her shirt above her chest. She unclipped her bra for him and accepted as he took her breast in his mouth, reacting in a whisper of profanity. He gently fondled them to feel on their size, their perkiness and how perfect he envisioned them. His teeth lightly bit at her tender flesh between sucks and constant kisses. His finger felt around her areola until he got to her nipple, feeling it get more harder and tender under his touch. He showed her left boob the same love and rubbed them between his fingers then twisted and yanked at them. Armana felt her panties getting wet by the action, thinking she could edge soon.\n\n\"I hate how dark it is, I wish I could see you.\" Duncan lusted. \nArmana smiled, \"You're doing good how much you're feeling on me. How long should we spend out here?\"\n\"As long as we'd like and stressing for. There's still a lot I wanna do. I'm not done listening to you.\"\n\nHis hand crept by her crotch, earning a gasp from her. He unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down until they pooled at her ankles.\n\n\"I-I thought I said we weren't having sex.\" She told him.\n\"Doesn't mean we can't go as close to doing it.\" He defined, caressing her through her panties. \"Damn you're soaked.\"\nHer face grew unbelievably hot how he felt on her clit, feeling herself melt through the fabric a bit more.\n\"Shut up.\" She could only say.\n\nHe chuckled, pulling them down also and slipping his fingers through. Her body writhed, leaning her head down on his shoulder.\n\n\"Aww does that feel nice baby? It could hardly compare to my nice cock.\" He told her erotically into her ear.\nHe adds another finger, quickly inserting it while he felt her walls quiver. \n\"Oh my..Duncan.\" Armana softly moaned, feeling his pace quicken as he added nearly all his fingers.\n\nShe was getting insanely turnt on by his dirty talk and imagining the substitute of him inside her almost drove her off a wall.\n\n\"Duncan,\" She slightly panted. \"I might cum.\"\n\"Oh yeah princess? Well let it all out for me. Let me taste you.\"\n\nShe felt herself unwind on his hand, her back slightly arching off the tree. He tasted his fingers and licked his lips.\n\n\"You taste so good baby girl,\" He pleasured. \"I think I want a little more.\"\n\nShe gasped feeling his mouth kissing and moving there. It felt like the top of a swirling slushy machine was gently being applied to the fibers of her very core. She experienced tingles and twirls and swirls and lush and lust, all slithering from the top of her clit to the bottom of her spine. Her eyes rolled back a bit, spreading her legs a bit more while pushing his head down. He started lapping at her delicate skin like he was a dog and moved his mouth inside the fat lips of it to create a smooching sound. \n\n\"Mmm,\" He moaned. \"I could eat you for hours.\"\n\nThe sensation vibrated her core, causing her to move her hips a bit. He licked his tongue deeper, feeling her drip on his chin to his facial hair. He fingered her more, drawing her closer to the edge with the sensation of his tongue and his determination. She threw her head back and soon came on his tastebuds. \n\nHer energy felt drained. She rocked her hips a bit against Duncan to calm down from her high as he licked the outside of her clean. \n\n\"You feeling okay?\" He then asked her, finishing off with a kiss on her labia. \n\"I feel..great.\" She shakily breathed. \"You must be packing though.\"\n\nArmana pushed him on the tree where she was. He smugly chuckled feeling her kiss his groin through his shorts, encouraging her with his hand behind her head. \n\n\"I wasn't sure how much longer I could take.\" He sighed.\n\"And now we'll see how long you'll last.\" She smirked, kissing his bulge and turning him on even more.\n\nShe unbuttoned his fly to expose his boner and continued to kiss the shape of it, feeling her lips along the ball shape in his boxers. Cupping her hand around his erection, she could feel how slightly heavy he was.\n\n\"Ugh babe, quit teasing.\" He groaned, bucking his hips a bit.\nShe giggled, \"Don't rush me.\"\n\nArmana excitedly pulled on his waistband. His dick sprang out on her face and slightly petted her on her nose. She trailed kisses on his length, feeling out on his anatomy. She then engulfed her mouth on the head and flicked her tongue inside his urethral hole. He throbbed inside her hand as she heard him murmur profanity. Spitting some on his length, she eagerly submerged him into her mouth—earning a sigh of relief from Duncan. Her tongue protruded under, adding much more of a sensation for him.\n\n\"Yeah, just like that.\" He quietly praised, controlling her pace with his hand grabbing on her hair.\n\nAfter another suck, she let's her mouth fall at the base. She sucked at the skin and lifted his member to kiss at his scrotum. She earned another trail of profanity from him as it was like she vacuum sealed it into her mouth. Then everything was like a cycle except that she would use her hands a few times. She began to use both of her hands and twisted them in opposite directions. \n\n\"Holy shit, this can't be your first time at this.\" Duncan breathed.\nArmana laughed, \"Well it is.\"\n\nIt motivated her to go on, hearing as his slight moans and groaning were music to her ears. She continued to feel him throb in her mouth, sinking her lips as far as she could to take him in her throat. \n\n\"Ugh damn baby girl, I might just cum about now,\" He moaned. \"Wait, stop moving.\"\n\nShe obeyed, still having him in her mouth. She then was shocked when he began to quickly thrust. It almost caught her off guard as he held both sides of her head and held her close to his dick. She moaned while trying her hardest not to gag.\n\n\"Fuck!\" He finally came, his release spurting along her tongue and against the walls of her gum.\nShe sat slightly disgusted but swallowed anyway. \n\"Phew, holy shit that was great.\"\nArmana chuckled as she wiped her mouth, \"Yeah I agree. I kinda wasn't expecting that turn of events.\"\n\"Me neither, wonder what time it is.\"\n\nThey had been in the woods for about a couple of minutes. By then, the nocturnal life were active: the sounds of distant and near birds, the buzzing of insects and the cries of frogs mixture behind the trees. Armana slightly cringed pulling her pants back up, feeling as her panties were wet.\n\n\"I'm definitely taking a shower.\" She affirmed.\n\"I can join you.\" Duncan suggested.\n\"No thanks, lover boy I've had enough heat for the night.\"\n\nHer statement made the boy laugh as they headed their way back. The place looked empty and was peaceful and quiet. \n\n\"Thank god, no unnecessary attention.\" Duncan said in repose.\n\"Well most likely not until the next morning.\" Armana admitted. \n\"True.\"\n\nThey continued their walk to the cabin and—as usual—stopped and looked at each other under the porch light. She giggled as they both stood in awe over what just happened.\n\n\"I don't know what to say.\" He smirked.\n\"Everything was pretty much wrapped up with tonight...how do you feel?\" She questioned, keeping a hushed tone.\n\"I feel...love and at the same time tired.\"\nShe chuckled then Duncan felt on her cheek. \n\"You've always had chubby cheeks.\" He remarked as he squeezed on it. \nShe rolled her eyes, \"Whatever, I'm going to bed. Goodnight.\"\n\"Wait.\" He held on to her wrist.\n\"What?\"\n\".....\" \n\"Come on Duncan there's mosquitos out.\"\nHe smiled, \"Alright, alright. But, does this mean we're dating?\"\n\"...You can call it that.\"\n\nAnd with that she left inside the cabin.\n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;I can't believe what happened tonight. I decided to give Duncan a chance going out with him. I wanna see how things go...what's the worse that could happen at this point?&lt;", "Armana dreamt of the woods. The night sky was almost a midnight blue and the moon a milky crescent. Her painted toes dug into the earth, the grass damp and the leaves catching under her feet. As he thrusted inward, each of them were deep and steady. So deep she felt it through her sleep, subconsciously having a pressure in her bladder but an arousal ringing in her vulva. He almost looked like a silhouette: a shadow casted over his body while their breaths rose in visible puffs and mingled into a cloud. \n\nThe cloud turned into a speech bubble, writing out her name. She began to hear her name in different voices. They surrounded her as his pace became more intense. The explosive bursts of their breath began to fog the area, shaping on her friends. Then he breathed in, the shape of her friends warping into his nostrils before he breathed out a cloud. It takes on another speech bubble.\n\n\"Armana!\" Bridgette shook on the girl's shoulder.\nHer body jolted as she shot out of her sleep. She gives the blonde a look of concern.\n\"Sorry, I don't mean to wake you but Chris wants us up soon for the next challenge.\"\n\nArmana deeply sighed, rubbing on her temples.\n\n\"Did you have a nice dream? You were making weird noises in your sleep. It sounded like that meme of that turtle moaning.\" Bridgette remarked before imitating the turtle's panting.\nArmana's cheeks burned hot but she couldn't help but to laugh at her friend's joke.\nShe rolled her eyes, \"It was nothing. Are you just trying to be funny?\"\n\"Well yeah but at the same time no. You were moaning in your sleep.\"\n\nBridgette eyed the girl down with a smirk as Armana looked at her shocked. Her embarrassment roasted under her cheeks once more, earning the blonde's enjoyment. \n\n\"Maybe we'll talk about it later. I'll let you get dressed.\" She offered between her snickering, leaving out the cabin.\n\nArmana shook her head in shame. She thought about the series that went through her mind; what happened last night and her dream Bridgette compared her to a turtle with. She tried pushing it to the back of her concerns and went through her clothes. She wore a basic yellow crop shirt, pulling up a pair of distressed knee length shorts over her curves then simply another pair of white Air Max's. Then for once, she decided to leave her hair out in its natural state; her kinks huddled in profusion above her shoulders. Joining the teens to meet outside where Chris would explain the next challenge—as expected—she stood next to her snickering friends. \n\n<i>'Great. Are they making fun of me now?'</i>\n\nHer frown is quickly replaced when a pair of arms abruptly embrace her. She recognizes the yellow sleeves as his lips met against her cheek. \n\n\"You could've said good morning.\" She giggled.\n\"Good morning.\" \n\nShe felt him smile as she laughed inwardly, his lips remaining on the crook of her neck due to their newfound affection. Armana felt a few pair of eyes on them, possibly questioning their openness of love for each other even though that was only yesterday's challenge. Although—at the back of her mind—she wasn't sure if it was right, she gave into the obvious. She knew she liked him, that some part of her has become attached to the boy while her curiosity peaked of what would happen. What would happen if she fell in love?\n\n<i>'Would I be called naive?' 'Would I be shamed for it?' </i>\n\n\"I think people are staring.\" She remarked momentarily.\n\"So what, we're on live TV anyway.\" He told her, looking at a camera as he kissed her. \n\nShe had to admit with herself that she felt weird about taking this step forward. \n\n<i>'Will I get backstabbed now that I'm letting my wall crumble?'</i>\n\nShe was always wary of herself and Duncan, as he constantly attempted to win her over. \n\n<i>'What happens now?'</i>\n\nWhat happens now that she's deciding to trust him? Will they become this happy couple like people think they were always meant to be? Or is there a goal he's trying to accomplish from finally taking her by his side? \n\n\"Ah, I see that I've finally hooked up my two love birds.\" Chris appeared, poking fun at their PDA. \n\"Quiet.\" Armana told him, crossing her arms.\n\"Might I say, I tried checking the cameras in the woods, but they were all broken. Mind elaborating?\"\nThe girl shrugged as Duncan innocently smiled at him as if he didn't know what he was talking about.\n\"Ah well, you two can share a swan ride cause Bass, Gophers. Today's challenge is a true summer camp experience: A canoe trip.\" \n\n<i>'Canoeing?'</i>\n\n\"You'll be paddling your canoes across the lake...<i>to Boney island</i>.\" Chris tried speaking in a spooky voice. \n\"Boney island?\" Armana whispered to Duncan. \"Do you know what that place is?\"\n\"A place to get boned.\" \n\nArmana shook her head as Duncan snickered in her ear before they listened on.\n\n\"When you get there, you must portage your canoes to the other side of the island—which is a two hour hike through treacherous, dense jungle.\" \n\"Wait did he say \"<i>Por-Taj</i>\"?\" Duncan realized.\nArmana chuckled, \"Yeah it's pronounced <i>Por-dij.</i>\"\n\"That's what I thought, should we correct him?\"\n\"Eh, it's rude to interrupt someone while they're talking.\"\n\"When you arrive at the other end of the island, you'll build a rescue fire that will be judged by me. The first team to paddle home and return with their canoes to the beach is the winner of invincibility. Move campers, move!\"\n\nEveryone was off. Until Chris called after them, \"Oh wait! One more thing I should mention, legend has it: if you take anything off the island, you'll be cursed forever.\"\n\nArmana cringed as he spoke in his spooky voice again, believing he was just trying to scare them. Lightning strikes on cue, seeming to gain everyone's reaction.\n\n\"Woo! A cursed island! Yeah!\" Owen questionably cheered, the rest of the group staying silent.\n\"Well then his fat ass can get cursed, I ain't trying to be in no paranormal activity.\" Jojo murmured, earning Armana's amusement.\n\"Now get in your canoes and let's have some fun!\"\n\nMaking their ways to the alignment of canoes at the shore, Duncan wrapped his arm around his girl.\n\n\"So Chris said we can choose paddling partners.\" He pointed out with a smirk.\n\"Hmm, wonder who I'll pick.\" She teased. \n\nShe sat in the canoe while Duncan pushed it into the water. She passed him a life jacket as she buckled one on and wondered how their journey would go.\n\n\"How do we know where we're going?\" She asked him.\nHe shrugged, \"I would just follow everyone else.\"\n\nAfter a short while, everyone was settled into their canoes and steadied as Chris would start the race.\n\n\"On your marks, get set, go!\" He commanded, firing a gun shot into the sky.\n\nArmana matched her paddles with Duncan, who was leading the boat. His paddles were rather a bit slower than the rest of the campers, deciding to enjoy the calm ride. For a moment, they listened to the water burble and calmly splash after their movements. While igniting the day anew with such brilliance, Earth's star beamed on Armana—continuing to bronze her skin as her mood happily mirrored the weather.\n\n\"We don't have to go as fast ya know.\" Duncan spoke up.\n\"Why so? This <i>is</i> a race.\" She emphasized.\n\"Not a race for us. As far as I'm thinking, this can just be a date.\" \n\nDuncan being the delinquent, he possibly contested that they don't participate in the challenge and simply enjoy the day canoeing.\n\n\"Duncan, you know that wouldn't be fair. Every member aids the team as a whole.\" Armana reasoned.\n\"So what, the only challenge I've been looking forward to is you. You becoming mine.\" He pridefully said.\n\"Well now that I'm yours, I'm curious. What made you fall for me? What made you keep wanting to flirt with me until you gained my trust to become your lover?\"\n\nFrom her words, he stopped paddling and turnt to her. \n\nHe smiled, \"Because I like you as a person. I liked ever since the day we first met and talked to each other, you had sass in you. Like this little chihuahua barking at a Rottweiler. It was so fucking cute. So I was thinking to myself if I was really attracted to you, if I wanted to pursue you. Pursue being in a relationship with you. Pursue having you in my world. And I do. I do want you, because this last week has been the best days of my life. Outside of Juvie and on some crappy island but hey, it makes it fun that we were grouped with people we could potentially become friends with. If not, sexually attracted to. Chris always had this in store for us. For you and me. He planned that staying on this island with other people for a month or so, we can't help but build connections with each other. You and me built a bond on love. You could've found me creepy like the rest of the girls, especially with all my piercings and this bad attitude. But we still talked day to day and you decided to learn who I am as a person and I can say the same about you. I liked that you were playing hard to get, that a lot of the challenges we had, we possibly wouldn't have won without you. And you're the best friend I've never had, and I've never let my feelings out like this to another person.\"\n\nArmana realized this was the first she heard Duncan confess his feelings. Well not the first, but actually explain himself. It was heartwarming to hear him like this, to be able to open himself up to her like she was his own confessional. They even heard the cameraman sniffling, annoying the boy when he realized people from the whole world could see him like this.\n\n\"Would you get out of here.\" He told him, striking fear in the other man before he quickly paddled to the other campers.\n\"Duncan, that was really cute what you said,\" Armana admired, leaning herself towards him. \"You really are a sweetheart, you know that?\"\nHe still looked annoyed from the cameraman but his features softened at her words, \"Yeah, I kinda got carried away a bit. What's the big deal anyway?\"\n\"What's the big deal?\" Armana repeated him incredulously. \"Because you do all this stuff that's put you in juvie. You like to act like a delinquent but ironically you're a good person. You're so good with your words. You should write me letters.\"\n\nDuncan chuckled and looked at the girl before he hugged her. He hugged her like he was longing to embrace her, or more like that he was finally able to embrace her. She immediately envelopes him closer to her body, wrapping her arms around his neck and swaying them to their heart beat. He rested his head on her shoulder, Armana remembering some of the oldies her parents would play while they cleaned.\n\n<i>'Put your head on my shoulder</i>\n<i>Hold me in your arms, baby.</i>\n<i>Squeeze me oh-so-tight—show me, that you love me too'</i>\n\nDuncan then adjusted his view onto her, resting his forehead upon her's so he could look into her brown eyes. Their noses brush, sharing an eskimo kiss which made Armana giggle. Her smile is immediately captured between his lips. In the kiss was the sweetness of passion, a million loving thoughts condensed into a moment. \n\n<i>'Put your lips next to mine, dear</i>\n<i>Won't you kiss me once, baby? </i>\n<i>Just a kiss goodnight, maybe?</i>\n<i>You and I will fall in love (you and I will fall in love)'</i>\n\nEventually, a mysterious mist began to hover over the water. The area appeared a bit foggy and ominous as Armana accidentally brushed one of her paddles against a sea stack along their way. The water seemed darker than the clean turquoise far back at the camp. It was until the fog cleared a bit that another island emerged with the face of a massive cliff in the shape of a human skull. \n\n\"Now this looks like a nice place to party.\" Duncan engrossed.\n\"Of course it does.\" Armana sarcastically said, her eyes latched onto her surroundings.\n\n<i>'You'll be paddling your canoes across the lake to Boney island.'</i>\n\nShe remembered Chris's words as their boat hits shore. Her body shuddered at a breeze of wind, hugging herself as they stepped out of the canoe.\n\n\"Jeez, when did it get so cold?\" She asked, earning Duncan's attention.\n\"I'm not cold.\" He smirked.\n\"Well, you're wearing long sleeves.\"\n\"Or it could just be that you're scared.\" He teased her but stayed close to her so there was warmth from their body contact.\nThey suddenly hear an eerie shriek from afar.\n\"Ok, let's just get this over with.\" Armana hears Gwen hasten, seeing her and Cody race off into the jungle.\n\"I'm right behind you.\"\n\"Pfft, scaredy cats.\"\n\nThe two teams portage their canoes as challenged and raced through the forest. Armana glimpsed at her surroundings once more: seeing human skulls decorate the woodland to her left and right. Both teams decide to separate and take a different turn to navigate what trail may lead to the end of the island. She sees some of her teammates stop up ahead, looking between two different paths. Her and Duncan also halt, analyzing their chances.\n\n\"Left, definitely left.\" She hears Courtney.\nArmana looked at the left path, seeing as it appeared a bit longer.\n\"I don't know I think we should take the one on the right.\" Geoff debated.\nAnd she looked at the right, feeling a bit more comfortable as it felt like they were still going straight.\n\"I'd go right.\" She spoke up, slightly losing her grip on her end of the canoe.\n\"The right trail is wider.\" Bridgette agreed.\n\nThey go right, so far things going peacefully for their team. But, Geoff suddenly trips over something, moaning in pain as he held his leg.\n\n\"Aw! My leg, I'm down! I'm dooown!\" He shouted. \"Aw it's so unfair! Why did this have to happen now? Why! Why!\" \n\"Geoff!\" Bridgette ran to his side as the team gathered around him.\n\"What exactly is he moaning about? He's just sticking his leg in the air.\" Duncan whispered.\nArmana suppressed her laugh but smiled, \"Well I wouldn't see any reason he'd try to pretend he's hurt.\"\n\"You've gotta go on without me.\" Geoff continued.\n\nCourtney began to walk off before DJ held onto her.\n\n\"We're not leaving any man behind.\" He told her. \"Not on my watch.\"\n\"Wow.\" Duncan chuckled. \n\nArmana felt he was slightly being over dramatic as she stepped closer. She cocked one of her eyebrows when she thought she saw something on his leg. However, as the others helped him on one of their canoes, her eye couldn't catch it again and dropped her train of thought. \n\n\"Pfft, what a baby.\" Duncan poked fun at him next to her.\n\"Hm, I don't think he's actually injured, just might've got poked or something.\" Armana assumed.\n\"And now because of his whining, we're gonna be behind the other team. I bet they're already there.\"\n\nDuncan guessed right. As DJ and Harold carried Geoff atop of their canoe, the Gophers were already starting on their fire—tauntingly waving at them.\n\n\"Ding, ding, ding.\" Duncan said, Armana groaning in response. \n\"Maybe we're not too far behind,\" She assured. \"I can see they're having trouble on their fire.\"\n\"Well all we just need are some sticks. I have my lighter on me.\" \n\"How convenient. Do you think it'll be against the rules?\" \n\"It shouldn't be. We're using an advantage. A bonfire is a bonfire.\" \n\nArmana agreed and went on the lookout for sticks. She was able to break some off a few trees as the others found some resources to help their fire. Much to the Gophers' surprise, the Bass had a flame going in seconds. \n\nCourtney clapped her hands in relief, \"Great now that we have a fire. We'll just have to make sure it doesn't go out.\"\nShe began blowing on it, which Armana wondered how it would help.\n<i>'Wouldn't blowing on a fire increase more oxygen? That makes it reduce its ability to burn the wood.'</i>\nShe hears Heather, \"How did they get a fire so quickly?\"\nDuncan revealed his lighter to her with a broad smirk. \n\nThey proceeded to gather more wood for the fire, seeing Geoff dragging himself with all of his strength just to add one stick in it.\n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;Ever since Geoff went to being Fred from Spongebob, I feel like he's been pretty exaggerating. I mean I barely saw a scratch and since everyone is playing into it—ya know making it bigger than it is—I'm wondering if it'll affect our progress&lt;\n\n\"Bridgette, you got first aid training right?\" DJ recalled. \"Maybe you can check out Geoff's wound.\"\n\n<i>'It just looked like a splinter.' </i>\n\nArmana thought against it but wouldn't intervene seeing that it could've brought Bridgette and Geoff closer. \n\n\"I don't think this is gonna be big enough.\" Courtney said dissatisfied, eying their small body of fire.\n\"You heard the girl, we need more wood guys.\" DJ called.\n\"We might as well cut a whole tree down.\" Duncan said to Armana.\nShe chuckled, \"I don't think that would work the way you're thinking it would.\"\n\"It would be better than grabbing all these sticks at a time. Wanna play fetch?\"\n\nArmana rolled her eyes with a smile and feeds more to their fire. She suddenly sees Harold in a panic, grabbing all of their paddles from their canoes and throwing it into the fire. It grabbed everyone's attention: horrifying and angering some of his teammates.\n\n\"We needed our paddles to race back to the camp.\" She tells him.\n\"How are we suppose to get home now?\" Bridgette angrily asked.\n\nArmana tried to see if they could save them but the wood was immediately burned and devoured. She then hears a massive explosion, seeing a plume of fire explode from the Gophers end. The flame rolled outwards like the smoke of a mushroom cloud. She knew that automatically gave them a point. This signaled the teens to head back to their canoes but they felt helpless without anything to propel and steer them through the water.\n\n\"What're we gonna do without paddles?\" Bridgette hassled.\nJust as Izzy and Leshawna were paddling by, the red head suggested, \"You guys could get someone to swim behind the boats and push them. I did that once with like this huge like sixty foot yacht, the whole crew had to like flutter kick for like eight days to get to shore. And like four of them got eaten by sharks, I mean it was insane. Ok later!\"\n\nThe teens stood in a moment of silence realizing Izzy might've helped them.\n\n\"Is that even possible?\" Jojo asked.\n\"That actually might work.\" Geoff approved.\n\"We need someone big enough to push all the canoes back.\" Bridgette proposed. \nArmana instantly turned to DJ, \"DJ, you should be strong enough to push the canoes back to the island.\"\n\"You can't have him do that, the dude can't swim.\" Geoff testified. \n\"Geoff I know you're friends but DJ's the only chance we've got.\" Bridgette explained. \n\"She's right, those skinny arms aren't gonna cut it.\" Courtney pointed to Harold.\n\nBy then Duncan yawned, blocking a bit of Armana's hearing as the Bass debated. \n\n\"Are you tired?\"\n\"No, just bored from all this talking and arguing of whose doing what. Not sure if they noticed that the other team is almost halfway there already.\" Duncan said.\n\"Well we're just trying to see who could push all the canoes as Izzy suggested. If DJ can't swim then who else would be as strong as him to do the task?\"\n\"I don't know, the guy might just have to man up and do it so we can get off this weird island.\" \nThen they hear DJ finally step up to the plate, \"I can do this. I have to.\"\n\nThey stack all of their canoes and sit inside the one that's at the top. As they root him on, DJ manages to out swim every Gopher's canoe. Armana noticed how fast they were speeding up to shore and braced for impact. They make a wipeout finish at home base, claiming them as the winner and winning invincibility until their next challenge. Armana sucked in cramped air, feeling as if her lungs were caving in on themselves. She saw a few of her teammates had landed on her, Duncan being on her torso. \n\n\"Ugh,\" He groaned as he held his head. \"You alright?\"\n\"I'm fine, that was kinda fun actually.\" She smiled.\n\nHe helped her off the sand before they'd dust their clothes and sit on one of the flipped canoes to watch as the water crashed against the sand. \n\n\"Ya know, about last night,\" Duncan began. \"That was some crazy shit.\"\nHe watched her cheeks risen, looking away in slight shyness.\n\"How can I explain it? Everything seemed so surreal, it all happened in the heat of the moment.\" She spoke, looking away at some of the scratched paint of the canoe.\nDuncan pulled her chin to face him.\n\"Look at me while you're talking.\" He encouraged. \nHis gesture made her blush, especially when keeping eye contact with his teal irises.\n\"I-I just wanted to admit how good you made me feel. I couldn't expect what was coming next because it was dark, but I liked that about it.\"\n\"What can I say? I had a childhood of licking chocolate pudding cups. Never knew it would come in handy.\"\n\nDuncan winked at her, evoking her laughter. Then he lands a hand on her thigh, caressing it going  rhythmically up and down before relaxing at her kneecap.\n\n\"Ya know, I was listening to you last night. The noises you made were beautiful, I'm sure your cries were heard from afar.\" He smiled when she rolled her eyes. \"I'm serious though. Who would've thought I'd get you.\"", "That night, Duncan nearly wanted to sleep in the girls' side of the cabin. He gently cupped both sides of Armana's face when he gave her one more kiss.\n\n\"Let go.\" Armana smiled.\n\nHer voice was slightly muffled due to Duncan's hands squishing her cheeks together.\n\n\"I don't want to. I think I'll just sleep with you tonight.\" He chose.\nArmana's smile grew as she shook her head, \"No, you need to go to bed, mister. No boys allowed.\"\n\nShe ruffled her hand through his hair as she said so, seeing how he relaxed under the sensation. She then softly pushed him towards the door.\n\n\"Goodnight.\" He wished her.\n\"Goodnight.\"\n\n As everyone was still getting ready to go to bed, Armana settled into her plaid pajama set. Before she could read a book until she fell asleep, she heard the floorboards squeaking close to her.\n\n\"Wassup, is something wrong?\" She asked, confused why they were smiling.\n\"Remember when I said 'we'll talk later'?\" Bridgette recalled. \"This is later.\"\n\"Jojo's in on it too?\"\n\"You can definitely trust me more than the guy that's making this tv show and the people filming it. They're always quick to record stuff just to have drama or to spice up each episode. For me, all I'd be asking for is to at least have a person I can talk to. Plus I wanna do your hair.\" \n\nArmana gladly let's Jojo sit behind her after she grabbed her hair products. She first moisturized her hair with Cantu <i>Coconut curling cream</i>, which moisturizes and strengthens strands with pure Shea butter to define curls without weighing them down. She next sectioned her hair into four parts, clipping one in place and deciding to start on the bottom right one first. She spritzed a bit of water to help hydrate her hair and went with a wide tooth comb to detangle her coarse strands. Then she parted a smaller section and began to twist, twisting the hair over and under until she reached the ends. This repeated through her thick head of hair.\n\n\"Soo?\" Bridgette initiates the topic.\n\"Soo what do you want to know?\" Armana questioned.\n\"What were you dreaming about?\"\n\nThe girl bit her lip, the events replaying in her mind like she could ever forget them. Her blood pressure increased, feeling a rise in her body temperature as the nerves in her nipples reacted to the stimuli of her thoughts of him. \n\n\"We were in the woods,\" She began, keeping her voice low. \"I could barely tell his features but I knew his hairstyle, the physique of his face and his broad shoulders. I was laying on the ground...my pants were off—well both of ours was. In my dream, I didn't look down, I only looked towards his face and felt this pressure between my hips. It was like I could actually feel it, like it was really happening...\"\n\nAs Armana explained, she heard quiet interjections from Jojo of <i>oohs </i>or <i>mm-mm. </i>It lifted the seriousness of the subject and caused Armana to playfully hit Jojo because of her commentary. But Bridgette studied over Armana's expression; deep in thought and as if anchored by this curiosity. \n\nShe sighed before continuing, \"The night might've been cold; I could see our breath exhaling out as puffs of smoke. Our breath became like speech bubbles and each time I heard my name, my name was written as if it belonged to someone...like someone was speaking to me. The clouds of our breath then took shapes on people, more familiarly you guys. They only looked like figures as they surrounded us. Duncan had inhaled all of the smoke in and when he exhaled, a huge speech bubble popped up. That was when I woke up to you calling my name.\"\n\"That definitely sounds as erotic as a wet dream.\" Jojo giggled. \n\"Yeah, that's a bit of a weird dream...now I understand why you were moaning.\"\nArmana groaned much to Bridgette's amusement. She crossed her arms and asked, \"Did you tell anyone else about it?\"\n\"No, as much as I was thinking about it all day.\"\nArmana shook her head but thought.\n\"It's pretty strange though,\" She called her dream. \"I never had a wet dream before.\"\n\"I can agree with you. I heard our dreams can be influenced by our waking lives. Was there anything that had to do with where you were like something that had to do with you in the <i>woods</i>?\"\n\nThe girl's heart began to panic, immediately rushing blood to her cheeks. But she managed to remain calm without her facial expression altering.\n\n\"No.\"\n\n\nGolden threads of morning light came as invitations to the day. Armana woke up in her bonnet, stirring to the sound of a helicopter right outside the window. She cursed under her breath knowing it was Chris. Getting up to put her clothes on, she felt a sharp cramp contract in her lower abdomen.\n\n\"Shit.\" She groaned, knowing her period was starting.\n\nGoing to the communal bathroom, she suddenly sees a line of girls outside. \n\n<i>'Could this get any worse?'</i>\n\n\"What's the hold up?\" She asked behind Jojo.\n\"I heard little miss queen bee here needed private time.\" She responded annoyed, trying her best at her pee dance to hold her bladder.\n\"That girl is trying it.\"\n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;I just wanna get it out there how I barely see girls going through these types of problems going on reality television. Ya know, getting their period and stuff unless it's behind closed doors. But everything is recorded which is why you think you're hearing chip bags&lt;\n\n\"I hope you're ready for the most challenging challenge yet. Breakfast in three minutes at the campfire pit.\" Chris's voice announced over the large speaker.\n\nArmana wasn't in the mood of being competitive, if anything she wanted to curl into a ball under the covers and sit in her own sadness. She almost continued her morning in her pajamas but traded them for a pair of baggy black sweat pants, a grey Thrasher tie dye shirt then yellow crocs. Jojo did Armana's hair so she would release her twists that morning, which resulted in a defined curly hair do.\n\n\"Hey short stuff.\" Her body jolted when Duncan greeted her. \"Did I scare you?\"\nShe responded with a hug, almost feeling completely better having his body against hers. He immediately hugged her back, nearly picking her up in the process. \n\"What's wrong? Did you miss me?\"\n\"I don't know, I just felt like I needed that.\" She said as she retracted herself from his warmth.\nHe only pulled her back into his torso, \"I need you too. By the way, do you just look prettier this morning?\"\n\"Thanks, but Jojo did my hair last night.\"\n\"What?\" Duncan said in fake shock. \"I could've done your hair.\"\n\"I am not letting you near my hair.\"\n\nHe chuckled from her words as they make it to the campfire pit. Once the teens assembled before Chris, he disclosed today's plans.\n\n\"Are you ready for today's extreme, max impact challenge?\" He asked the teens.\n\"We. Are. Ready!\" Owen hyped.\n\"Incoming.\" Chris threw a can of beans, first caught in Trent's hand. \"This is breakfast.\"\n\nArmana remained by Duncan's side, leaned into him with her head just under his armpit. If anything, he was happier than ever to have her snuggling against him as he allowed her access by wrapping his arm around her neck. But he couldn't help notice how she would usually be upbeat; sitting up straight in her seat all ears for the challenge of the day. As Chris chucked the cans, Duncan signaled for him to pass a second can at him for her.\n\n\"Hey, you alright? Wouldn't want to mess up your pretty hair.\" He cautioned.\n\"Oh yeah I'm fine.\" She assured him but sighed.\n\"You sure? Usually when someone says they're fine, it's actually a cover up of their suffering.\"\n\"Ok, well I feel alright, good, satisfactory.\" \nArmana smiled as Duncan looked at her seriously—as if he didn't believe in her answer.\n\"Today's challenge is about survival: we're going hunting.\" Chris unfolded, holding a green paintball gun.\n\"You know what?\" Duncan said. \"BS.\"\n\"How so?\"\n\"I mean, you haven't even eaten your beans. In fact you're still cuddling me.\"\n\"Ok then,\" Armana pulled herself away from him, almost making him feel guilty. \"First of all, you know the food here is like crap and second of all, I can't be next to you?\"\n\"So we won't be killing anything?\" Bridgette confirmed.\n\"Negatory. This is the first ever paintball deer hunt.\" Chris affirmed. \"I'll announce the teams once we get into the woods. So finish breakfast.\"\n\n\"No, I like having you against me. But, you're a Taurus. Tauruses are like the biggest foodies.\"\nArmana shrugged, \"I don't think I even believe in astrology, it's like they'll assume how people are and how they act.\"\n\"Tauruses also like to cuddle because they're sensual beings. Their love language is through physical touch.\" \nShe rolled her eyes as he wiggled his eyebrows, \"Since when did you know stuff about zodiacs? This also answers your concern of why I could be clingy today.\"\n\"Look, all I'm asking is; what's wrong?\"\nArmana sighed again, \"Ok. I don't wanna make this awkward but I'm just having cramps this morning, and potentially for the next six days.\"\n\"Oh...ohhhh okay, that explains it.\"\n\"Yeah, sorry to break it to your astro-logic.\"\n\nDuncan smiled and pulled her back into him. Both of their bodies yearned for each other just as quick as they had pulled away. As much as Duncan could outwardly present himself, he was a Capricorn. Capricorns and Tauruses are a naturally harmonious pair—both being earth signs. When two people with similar signs come together, they tend to have automatic chemistry and an implicit understanding of each other. In a relationship, the love and passion a Capricorn feels would be evident every day.\n\n\nIn the woods, Chris revealed an arsenal of paintball guns. \n\n\"And now for the team breakdowns. The killer bass hunters are Harold, Geoff, Bridgette and Armana, locked and loaded with bass blue paint. And using orange paint are the Gopher hunters; Leshawna, Beth, Owen and Lindsay.\" Chris said, each of the listed was handed a paintball gun. \n\"Woohoo that's awesome man!\" Owen cheered.\n\"You also get these stylin glasses and wicked camo caps.\" He described. \"The rest of you are now deer.\"\n\nHe presents their headgear being antlers, red noses, and white deer tails. \n\n\"Yeah right I am not wearing that.\" Heather neglected.\n\"There is no way I'm a deer.\" Duncan said dissatisfied.\n\"Take these off and your team is toast.\" Chris dictated, putting the gear on him.\n\nThe boy heard giggles beside him, seeing they were from Armana.\n\n\"Now this is a sight to see.\" She said, playing with his tail.\n\"Hey stop that.\" He whipped himself around. \"Someone must be feeling better.\"\n\"Heh, no, just thought I shouldn't spend the whole day being grumpy pants.\"\n\"You got a point. As much as I would've been into hunting deer, this is not what I would've expected. Maybe we can switch.\" He smirked at her with a wink.\n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;First, no I am not switching from hunter for being hunted. I would like to let my frustration out on people. Next, my day could've gotten better seeing Duncan dress as Rudolph. It's so cute.&lt;\n\nFrom afar, Armana saw Owen ogling Duncan before they started confronting each other. Owen teasingly stretched Duncan's waistband before Duncan thrusted his finger into the blond's chest and made an incomprehensible threat. With the rest of the bass hunters, they huddled and stacked their palms on top of each other. Then enthusiastically swung their arms back once Harold declared, \"And break.\". However, Bridgette looked down.\n\n\"Brit what's wrong?\" Armana asked.\n\"It's just I'm against this whole hunting thing. I never really supported the idea of animals being killed in these types of situations.\" She explained.\n\"Okay, you do realize this is all pretend right?\" Harold asked her. \"And that it's just paint, so say if you like hit Heather—\"\n\"Wait! Heather is a deer? Ohoho.\" \n\nArmana laughed when it improved Bridgette's outlook on the matter and it moved the group along. \n\n\"Start your paintballs! Game on!\" Chris announced.\n\nThe deer were given a head start in the woods before the hunters would have to go after them. While moving as a group, Armana thought back over the events that happened. How her and Duncan were in the woods that caused her erotic dream come to surface. As much as she felt comfortable trusting Bridgette, she couldn't come to say what happened the other night but it wasn't like she asked. \n\nAfter some silence, Armana asked, \"So do you think we can shoot the other hunters?\"\n\"Well we're suppose to be going for the targeted prey.\" Bridgette said. \"Why?\"\n\"Because we could see one of them hunting down for those who are on our team.\"\n\"Hm, maybe it wouldn't give us points but that could definitely be an advantage in slowing them down and letting the person get away.\" Harold said, seeing where the girl's head was.\nArmana nodded her head, \"Exactly.\"\n\"That's a pretty good plan.\" Geoff complimented.\n\nThe girl felt like she would always think outside of Chris's rules. As long as he wasn't there to deliberate anything, they could do whatever they wanted. On their trail, Armana heard someone in the distance.\n\n\"You're my burger now DJ!\" \n\nShe was convinced it sounded like Owen and something that he would say.\n\n<i>'Why does he almost sound close'</i>\n\nShe stayed behind the group for a bit and sees DJ questionably running on all fours. He was being chased by chubby and leaped across the stream. She aims her gun at Owen but stopped when he jumped after him and hits his groin on a rock. It was funny for her to see as he slowly slid into the water. Catching up with the rest of the hunters, they heard chattering in the distance. There was two girls talking, their words incoherent until they stepped closer.\n\n\"I'm tired of being your slave. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a challenge to compete.\" Beth said, walking away.\n\"Now would you look at that, Queenie herself.\" Armana ridiculed.\n\"Here's for holding up the bathroom earlier.\" Bridgette chuckled.\n\nShe takes a clean shot at Heather's arm.\n\n\"Ow. Whoever you are this is not cool—\"\n\nArmana wins a headshot, causing the girl to fall down from where she was sitting. She pumps her fist in the air, the two covering their giggles and landing a high five. She flipped her head to the sound of screaming in the midst of giggling. Jojo sprinted away from the sight of Beth, who was not too far from her and shot her paintballs at. Armana looked into her scope and slowed the girl down by shooting at her twice. She was content seeing as Beth stretched her shirt down to see blue paint shot at her and carried on before Beth could see her. \n\nThe rest of their journey was a bit quiet for a while. It smelt of damp leaves, their steps quietly crunched of dried bracken underfoot and she could hear the rustle of roosting birds in the trees. For the most part, she thought it could've been two hours into the challenge. Thus far, she wondered how everything was going for Duncan. \n\n<i>'Is he hopping and trotting like DJ was?'</i>\n\nIt brought a smile to her face knowing he wasn't looking forward to it. Along the way, an orange skull was spray painted on one of the trees. \n\n<i>'That was definitely him. Is he somewhere nearby?'</i>\n\nJust then, she hears a quirky voice. \n\n\"Very funny. Now let me go.\" \n\n<i>\"Is that Courtney?\"</i>\n\nShe curiously peeked behind the tree and caught sight of her and Duncan's antlers interlocked with each other. \n\n\"Hey princess, this isn't my idea of fun either.\" Duncan told her. \nCourtney growled in frustration, \"Great Duncan. Now what!\"\n\"...Wanna make out?\"", "Armana looked in shock, not sure how she should react. She heard herself gasp but immediately covered her mouth before they could hear. She reminded herself that the show wanted drama; they would let anything carry on for the sake of views and to gain more popularity for the show. She pinched the bridge of her nose in thought and decided to intervene before he could keep on with his flirting. \n\n<u>Intervene</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;Okay, as crazy as it sounds, I didn't want to overreact. Duncan has a weird sense of humor. Plus I'm sure Courtney isn't even into him, so she probably wouldn't have taken him seriously. *angry face (-᷅_-᷄๑)\n\n\"Babe!\" Duncan's eyes light up at the sight of her.\n<i>'Don't babe me.'</i>\n\"Phew, I was worried if we were stuck like this, we could get caught and wouldn't be able to run away if the other team saw us.\" Courtney said.\n\"Yeah I figured the same thing.\" Armana agreed in a deadpan tone. \n\"Could you help us out?\"\nShe fixed their antlers so they could stand up properly. \n\"So what happened anyway?\"\n\"I was walking and Courtney happened to be in my way. So we bumped into each other and somehow our antlers got stuck.\"\nCourtney rolled her eyes, \"You're saying it like it's my fault. I was casually wandering the woods just as you were—while trying to look out for my surroundings from any of the Gopher hunters.\"\n\"You were doing a good job at that, weren't you prissy princess?\"\n\"What did you just call me?\"\n\"Alright, alright drama queens.\"Armana interjected. \"So what you bumped into each other? Let's be grateful it wasn't another hunter who heard you two bickering.\"\nCourtney sighed, \"You're right. It isn't even worth arguing over. Thanks for helping us Armana.\"\n\"No problem.\"\n\nWith that, Courtney waved and carried on her way in the direction she was originally going. Armana and Duncan were then left with a silence between them, communicating through body language. They stood close to each other, looking at the other's height difference. While he was above her; her eyes looked up with contempt, suspicion and distrust. His piercing blue gaze lived with adoration, humor and enjoyment.\n\n\"I still think she bumped into me on purpose.\" Duncan held.\n\"Maybe she did, maybe she didn't. Who knows what would've happened if I left you two alone.\" Armana rhetorically questioned. She then wondered if it was her Courtney even waved at.\nHe humored her words, \"Hey, what're you trying to imply?\" \n\"Oh nothing, just saying it hypothetically.\" \n\"Are you trying to suggest something?\" \n\"No, it's nothing.\"\n\nArmana decided to drop her wariness about Courtney and Duncan; thinking between their polar interactions with each other it was his way of playing with/teasing Courtney. \n\n\"What're you thinking about? You look like you're worried about something.\" He looked over her, flipping her attention onto him from small flowering herbs.\n\"No I'm fine, I guess...it's just kinda quiet.\"\n\"Yeah I like to sneak off for lowlands full of willows or alders, or cutbanks along meandering streams and rock ledges.\"\n\"Pretty premeditative don't you think?\"\n\"Of course, not to add I have incomparable agility and evasion from escaping the cops.\"\n\"So you're adapting into this deer life is what you're saying?\"\n\"More like, another challenge that fills me up to my advantages.\"\n\nShe rolled her eyes before Duncan's hand suddenly enveloped her jaw and brought her to his lips. Her eyelids fell low but her eyes maintained on him. He peeked under his lashes, visualizing her face which began to look absentminded and as if clouded with lust. He kissed her deeper to render her body limp and between their moment—feel impracticable of her senses. She closed her eyes as in to succumb to the amorous feeling of the kiss and for it not to hinder the pleasure of Duncan's tongue. Focusing on her visual stimuli of maintaining her eyes on Duncan felt like her brain was doing too much instead of instinctively melting into him like she normally would. Duncan lightly moaned into their kiss from the satisfaction of the salivary exploration of her mouth and being able to feel her soft lips against his. Their session didn't end until they both felt carbon dioxide accumulate in their lungs and their bodies' desire to breathe and exhale.\n\nArmana was first to retreat, both breathing in air and expelling it out through large pants.\n\nDuncan smirked watching her catch her breath. \"I'm sorry, I didn't ask how you were doing also.\"\n\"You don't say.\" Armana retorted, crossing her arms with a hostile look on her face.\n\"Don't pretend to be mad after you just enjoyed that kiss, little girl.\"\n\"I know you're just trying to rouse me up, Duncan. Since when the hell have I answered to 'little girl'?.\"\n\"I'm just having fun, babe. You know me.\"\n\"Yeah...at least I'm the one you kissed, right?\"\n\"What? What're you talking about?\"\n\"......\"\n\".....Wait, you're talking about when Courtney was here? I wasn't being serious—\n\"Don't bother, I wasn't thinking about that anyway.\"\n\nAlthough, he knew she was. Before he could say anything else, an orange paint ball narrowly missed him. They split, Duncan scrambling away  from the marksman's range of view as he was saddened thinking about Armana having to hear/think of him being flirtatious with Courtney.\n\nLater catching up with the other hunters, they suddenly hear voices mingled with each other like they were arguing. Geoff signaled to stay silent as they crept closer to the sound of paintball pellets and looked behind a bush. They spot a paintball fight between Leshawna, Heather and Beth as Lindsay watched innocently on the sidelines. It was stupid but Armana assumed it had to do with girl drama or people being tired of dealing with Heather's shit. They intervene by shooting paintballs at them for their own fulfillment of fun.\n\n\"This is really fun.\" Bridgette broadly addressed over the noise.\n\"Attention human wild life and hunters,\" Chris spoke. \"Please report back to camp. It's time to show your eyes and rally up the scores.\" \n\nAt the campsite, Chris paced back and forth in front of an injured Cody.\n\n\"Tisk, tisk, tisk,\" He shook his head. \"Stealing from chef, eating chips in the woods, being mauled by a bear.\"\n<i>'Who was mauled by a bear?!' *Sees a banged up Cody on the sidelines* 'Oh that explains it.'</i>\n\"Do you know what I see here?\" He asked rhetorically. \"I see a very undisciplined group. I see a very disgraceful mess. I see a massive waste of paint product.\"\n<i>'What could you expect from a group of teenagers without any supervision and no set guidelines except to do role play?'</i>\n\"...And I have to say...that was awesome.\" He laughed.\n<i>'I can't wait until I'm eliminated from this show.'</i>\n\"When you guys opened fire on your own team?Wicked TV guys.\"\n\nArmana shook her head but had to admit it was what she expected from the TV host. As the show progressed, she picked up that Chris showed little concern for the well being of his contestants but only cared for money, higher ratings, and personal pleasure gained from the pain and suffering of others. It made him a bit creepier. She was getting the feeling of wanting out. She could analyze deep down that she missed her family and didn't like how much drama the show enfranchised despite that was the point of a TV series. To entertain people.\n\n<i>'But this guy is literally getting off to teenagers.'</i>\n\nShe theorized to herself that the guy wanted teenagers for the show because their frontal lobes haven't fully developed yet; which meant for emotional ups and downs, engagement in risky behavior, experimentation with the feeling of freedom, including sex. <i>'I wonder if that time...when...never mind that.' </i>The typical behavior of teenagers or their \"drama\" were the pivot of the show since they experience a hyperactive amygdala; which inside each cerebral hemisphere did it involve emotions. Beneath were a number of neurobiological changes and processes, co-occurred with the aforementioned of social changes. She started to recant about her decision of making it on the show. <i>'Maybe I should've just stayed enjoying our vacation. What was I thinking that I could win the cash prize for this show?'</i>\n\nWhile she brood, she felt the back of her body embrace into someone else's.\n\n\"Armana, I'm so sorry you listened to that. I didn't mean what I—\n\"Duncan, I don't need to hear it right now. I'm over it.\" She expressed, rather a bit perturbed than in a irrational mood.\n\"Are you..okay?\" He considered asking.\nNot that it helped that her period cycled today, her emotions were more set off or apparent than she would've liked.\n\"Yeah...yeah I'm fine.\"\n\nDuncan noticed how she wrapped her arms around herself to lower the levels of cortisol pumping in her bloodstream. Although he respected if she didn't want to be by him at the moment, he offered comfort with an arm swung over her shoulder. He tensed his bicep to bring her into an audible whisper, \"We'll talk about it later.\"\n\nMeanwhile, Chris announced, \"Well since three members of the Gophers are dripping in paint—make that four members and some of them aren't even deer, I think we have our winner.\" \n\nThe Killer Bass cheered as their victory streak still prevailed. Armana was just pleased she could finally sit down. She took another pill and swallowed it down with water. \n\n\nThe sun dispersed colors of yellows, oranges, and reds into the picturesque clouds. It was a beautiful scene to make up for the crappy island in Ontario. Armana silently snuggled to Duncan's side as he faced the ceiling with an arm draped over her—his thumb rubbing against her shoulder. After a bit, he relaxed his chin upon the top of her head as if to lean into her. She felt his hand fully run his fingers on the anatomy of her upper joint to comfort her even more. Then he sighed.\n\n\"Ya know, I wasn't being serious about what I said to Courtney.\" He spoke.\n\"I know, I already let it go after a little bit. I figured before losing my shit, that you were just teasing her.\"\n\"Regardless, I shouldn't have said it. I want you to trust me, even during times I could have to <u>work with her</u>.\"\n\nArmana softly let out a laugh from her smile. \n\n\"I do trust you, that's why I collected myself and let it go. It's just more drama for the show.\"\n\"And its exactly what he'll try to puppeteer. To be able to forge events at his hands and cast whatever he wants on the show while we're on some secluded island, he's controlling our limbs with strings. Sometime, we could get ourselves kicked off and escape this place.\"\n\"Ya know, this one time I think I agree with that inner rebel of yours. Just let me know what plan you come up with.\"\n\"Will do. Is there a reason you feel fed up of some sort?\"\n\"I just...I'm not sure if I wanna continue being on the show. Of course I appreciate being picked and my family letting me take this opportunity, but Chris is such a douche and the exact facade of someone who just wants to be in Hollywood. He uses us for entertainment, leading us on with a carrot on a stick. But that carrot on a stick is $100,000 grand. We're only humiliating ourselves and what do you get on the short end? Only a walk of shame.\"\n\nDuncan let her words sink in and turned to look into her eyes. His teal ones were always pretty to her.\n\n\"You're completely right Armana. You don't deserve this bullshit island, you deserve an actual paradise. That'll be my plan.\"\n\"Aww, thank you Duncan.\"\n\n<u>NEXT </u><u>*WEEK*</u> (With a purpose) (^_-)\n\n\n\"Today's challenge will test your minds, your teamwork and your skills in the kitchen.\" Chris informed.\n<i>'We're cooking from scratch?'</i>\n\"You'll be cooking a four course meal and serve to me for tasting.\"\n<i>'Figures.'</i>\n\"The winners get a reward, the losers will send somebody home. Each team will appoint a head chef to create the theme of the meal and to over see the cooking. I will also be assigning who will work as partners. But first, to cook you need ingredients. Every morning a truck brings us food. Today's task starts there.\"\n\nA truck emerged from the water as Chris spoke. The window rolled down to a dolphin trilling. It made her smile a bit after another morning of waking up to an episodic challenge. They look into the back of the truck to see a supply full of different meats. \n\nGeoff took note of the available ingredients, \"We can do a killer Italian theme.\"\n\"What makes you think Italian?\" Armana asked.\n\"I'm seeing some potatoes, rice, sausages, pork and stuff. We could definitely be versatile with those types of ingredients.\" He explained, everyone nodding in agreement.\n\"Hello head chef.\" Duncan nominated.\n\"Seriously?\" Geoff was in disbelief as his teammates agreed. \"So let's get grabbin.\"\n\nArmana was pleased as they found themselves plentiful of food; Cheese, tomatoes, bread sticks, eggs, meat etc. She was always interested in cooking. She grew up watching numerous baking shows and cooked for her brothers often when her parents weren't home. It was a huge scope for her to apply her creativity in. The Killer Bass grabbed components in accordance to a Italian cuisine. In the main lodge, they entered the kitchen through a pair of batwing doors. Chris stood in the facility with his same trademark smirk. \n\n<i>'Nothing bad is ever missing when he has that sadistic look on his face.'</i>\n\n\"Alright campers, I know I usually leave you to indulge in the day's challenge and be an asset to your team in the best way possible <i>but </i>*camera zooms in*<i> </i>I'm going to assign whose partners today.\" Chris said with his hand cued on his chest.\nEveryone looked on innocuously, however, Armana believed if she could foretell Chris's dictations, she could prosper higher into the competition.\n<i>'What is he up to?'</i>\n\"Okay? Is there a reason why?\" Geoff questioned.\n\"Why, to only make your life more difficult of course!\" Chris amused as he earned murmurs of complaints from his contestants. \"No but really. The competition is only getting shorter which means the stakes are getting higher. We'll start off with Killer Bass! Today's partners will be DJ and Bridgette, Harold and Sadie, Armana and Jojo, aaannd Duncan and Courtney!\"\n\nArmana knew jealousy didn't have to spur in any circumstance Duncan had to work with someone else or a girl of that matter. But, after her and Duncan had just settled over his choice of interaction with Courtney the other day, why did Chris just so happen to position him with the brunette again? Knowing they butt heads at any controversy; being the jewelry modifications Duncan donned versus the polarizing attitude Courtney possessed because she was a counselor in training. That's exactly why he put them together. Though, he could've chosen Harold if he was going to pick someone whom hadn't started off on the right foot in the past. \n\n<i>'But no. It's less drama. He did it on purpose. He rolls everything on camera after all. Including any insinuations between Duncan and Courtney....'</i>", "\"If anything, you should not fight or argue over a boy.\" Jojo advised.\n\nAfter the members of the team went into their  stations regarding the preparations of their dish, the two girls took on working on the appetizer. Jojo's ethnicity bounced in the full bodied curls of contrasted coils and wavy strands with a kind of artisanal topography that made them look soft to the touch. She was mixed with black and Mexican and without her rubber soled sneaker inspired slides—at a 5'2 stature. Over brainstorming an Italian concept, Jojo shared that her mother used to work as a bartender. She honed her abilities of factoring the base spirit, and making syrups when it came to the Hampton Cherry wood \"Hide A Bar\" cabinet in their basement; inset panels to veneers in parquet frames decorative of different liquor reps and shelves with glasses and tumblers. \n\nShe thought of the idea of making <i>Aperitivo </i>or <i>Aperitif</i>, a ritual pre-meal drink that is meant to \"open\" your stomach or whet your appetite for the food to come, which was practiced in Italian culture. \n\n\"It'll be like a mock-tail. The drink is interchangeably known as Spritz because it indicates a cocktail made with Prosecco and tonic water or soda. But of course since we're on a show starring 16 year olds, they wouldn't have alcohol as an applicable option in this situation.\" She described.\n\"Ok, so what would we need if we wanna make a non-alcoholic alternative?\" Armana queried.\n\"We can serve it over ice with bitter citrus and herbs like artichoke leaves or botanicals that'll help stimulate Chris's appetite. Use some long steeped tea, or orangey-grapefruitey notes and a touch of rhubarb to come through. There's plenty of ideas when it comes to making these type of drinks.\"\n\"Ok, we can go back to the delivery truck to see any fruits and different bitters they could have.\"\n\"Sounds like a plan.\"\n\nAs their portion of the coursed meal moved forward, Courtney and Duncan worked on the dessert. Courtney showed apparent reluctance to working with Duncan. There was unreciprocated personal prominence being subordinated by either of them from their intelligible fussing. When Chris delightfully partnered them, Duncan made his disinterest audible in Armana's ear.\n\n\"Ugh,\" He groaned. \"I'd rather see how you work in the kitchen, ma.\"\nThe blood vessels under her bronze skin sympathetically opened, the blood flooding her cheeks in a rosy warmth from his pet name.\nShe smiled, \"I've said it to you before Duncan. I'm not your <i>mama</i>.\"\n\"And I'll say it again, pretty woman, you are. It's an authoritative term in the respect I have for you. It's a role orientation for someone who holds <i>power</i> and <i>domination </i>in a man's life.\"\n\"You shouldn't have to explain it.\"\nDuncan chuckled, \"I shouldn't, but I wanted it to be known what unique nuances there are about the dynamic. Like things you could do to me.\"\n\"Really? You're saying this right now Duncan?\"\n\"I just like to get you roused up, my little woman. For tonight.\"\n\"What do you mean by <i>tonight</i>?\"\n\"Guess we'll just have to wait and see.\"\n\nShe hated the way he enticed her but comfortably connoting to her with that come-hither glint in his eyes made her feel like the only girl in the room. When he left her at nothing to comeback with, he took it as an open invitation in the atmosphere between them and winked at her before he walked away. Coming to think of it, Armana felt like she was a character in a chapter book. The book was a omniscient perspective of what it was like for a teenager to be on a tv show, but the chapters embarked on what that risked; different sensualities in her adolescence fueling sexually dimorphic brain circuits. Being a teenager was like living in a developmental sensitive period, entailing the phenotypic traits between herself and the male. She liked that his teal eyes were ocean strong as if you could swim in the warm sunlit currents. She liked that she could fit inside his hugs with his bigger/longer body enveloping her from anything else. She liked that he shelled himself into a rugged rebel because he needed a lot more understanding into what independence he hankered to find his identity. It also made him sexually desirable because it elicited a strong emotional response from her. \n\n<i>'Why does that boy do this to me? Does he mean like what we did last time? Would we do the same things as that night? How would we get away with it?'</i>\n\nThe sexuality of him lingered into erotic patterns at the back of her mind. Her mind zoned in on the last events of the coercion of sexually pursuing each other. The acoustics of the inhabitants in the woodland became a background behind her moans as he knew how to stir her arousal. Restricting the rest of her reality from the characterization her mind was conscious in. \n\n\"Armana?\" Jojo upsetted her hazy mental state.\n\"Yeah?\"\n\"You seemed...spaced out? Everything okay?\"\n\"Hm? Oh yeah!\" Armana nodded reassuringly. \"Just good at absorbing words.\"\n\"Ah, I see. Sorry, Im such a chatterbox. I can get carried away talking about nearly any trivial topic.\" Jojo expressed in pardon of herself, claiming she would try to give advice to Armana through simple girl to girl apprise about Duncan.\nArmana amused her embarrassment, \"It's alright Jojo. I appreciate having these kind of talks with someone, not that I'm talking bad on him.\"\n\"Of course. Other TV shows like for example, <i>Love &amp; Hip Hop</i>, that<i> </i>chronicled the melodrama of women and men orbiting rap scenes across America. Shows like that can act as a representative to presumptions of how all black people act. It makes black girls seem ghetto or ratchet or black men seem like womanizers....I still be watching that show 24/7 tho.\" \nJojo sneakily rushed through her last part like the voice that speedily hit you with a laundry list of side effects at the end of a prescription drug ad. \nCausing Armana to laugh at the irony, \"So you're part of the culprit for the show disproportionately supporting the demographic! The viewers give the show ratings and stuff to continue each season, ya know?\"\n\"Yeah yeah I know but my point is any man who puts you into a position where you feel like you have to compete for his love, attention or respect doesn't actually care about you. To say that he would be the only one coming out on top because he's getting both women to give him the full benefits of a relationship without any of the commitment or consequences.\"\n\nArmana non-verbally nodded in comprehension while adding two fresh Rosemary sprigs to steep in the <i>now</i> simmering syrup of both water and the dissolving sugar in a small saucepan. They decided to make a non alcoholic bitter citrus spritz/<i>mocktail</i> in substitution of what would've been a cocktail. Jojo listed to make <i>sunshine in a glass </i>included natural botanical distillates and extracts like natural rosemary, bittersweet oranges, a hint of rhubarb, and refreshing notes of grapefruit.\n\n\"We will need ice cubes, 2 ounces of fresh blood orange—and maybe we can throw in some grapefruits—juice. A type of simple syrup, which can be an integral part of a cocktail but also mocktails, kid's drinks or sorbet when it comes to adding sweetness and flavor to make the thing just right. We can make it out of Rosemary; by using 1/4 cup of sugar, 1 cup of water, and two rosemary sprigs. Then depending on how that'll taste in combination of the aperitif; 1 ounce/part of the simple syrup, how about 1 ounce of blood orange juice and 1 ounce of grapefruit juice, and a splash of tonic water.\"\n\nAside from Chris partnering certain contestants together to invoke drama, Jojo was apparently a great partner. She committed into the challenge by making it her own aptitude as Armana followed her leadership as the one up to par to today. Nearby, Courtney came loudly into earshot.\n\n\"You're such a slob! They all have to have the same amount of custard.\" She casted pedantic faults at him as Duncan squeezed disproportionate amounts of custard in their pastries.\n\"Oh relax they're fine.\" Duncan said, taking his own leisure. \"You know, you'd be a lot more fun without that pole up your butt.\"\n\"I'm like the most easy going person I know.\"\n\"Oh yeah you're totally laid back.\"\n\nJojo smiled between their dispute, \"They argue like they're an old married couple.\"\nArmana raised an eyebrow at her in curiosity while gesturing for her to go more into depth about what she said.\n\"Come on, not like that Armana. It's just, you can tell he likes getting on her nerves because of her reaction—\n\nDuncan aimed the nozzle of the piping bag at Courtney and projected the custard so it could hit her in the face. Courtney uttered a sound of shock before wiping off the pastry cream to show a look of irritation. Duncan's eyes widened as she grabbed the whole mixing bowl and threw it at his head. It invoked her to giggle into her hand. Then she sampled her finger with the dessert limply falling from his head and tasted it?\n\n<u>Intervene</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;I like how the camera man just spanned over at me to try and film my reaction. My thoughts are just...it's ok to mess with someone if it's out of kind/friendly intentions at the end of the day. But...why did she eat off of him??&lt;\n\nArmana was slowly analytical about the situation, another happenstance of what the show wanted elicited from her. <i>What did they want?</i> For her to lash out in anger? For her to throw something at Courtney too? The forming syrup just barely at the boiling point so she would get minor first degree burns? Armana tried moving to avert being stuck in a web of her own thoughts and inched towards Duncan to help him out with rinsing/washing his hair out.\n\n\"Wait, Armana,\" Jojo urged. \"It's almost time for Chris to judge the meals. Could you just help out with these final steps, please?\"\n\"Oh...ok.\"\n\nWhen Armana spared looking over her shoulder, Courtney currently ran water in the sink while Duncan abrasively used his fingertips to let soap rinse down each hair shaft. She could tell that in fact, Courtney did have feelings for him. The way she'd steadfastly deny the insinuation of her potentiality for Duncan rose suspicion. It was like, asking a child if they ate the last cookie and the child responded <i>no</i> with cookie crumbles around their mouth. Armana, of course, wanted Courtney to keep her feelings to herself because why do it? Would it be to curb the choice he had of dating her? Armana also refrained from being that jealous girlfriend. Picking out instances of him capably flirting, distrusting him of his faith for her, not liking him around other girls. She wasn't going to compete with another woman for something she wanted. She wouldn't exhibit a toxic characteristic that could hurt their relationship anyway. That would be misogynistic to think of her as another woman that's irrational and emotional like the show was trying to get a rise of. So she turned back around and sucked \njuice from an orange wedge.\n\n<i><u>*In a French narrator voice* </u></i><u>A Few Minutes Later ~</u>\n\n\"Starting off with Killer Bass's appetizers, might I ask you ladies what this is first? Is this a cocktail?\" Chris directed to Armana and Jojo.\n\"No, <i>but</i> it's a bitter citrus aperitif; the blood orange and grapefruit that'll pick up as a pungent taste in your taste receptors, and rosemary and rhubarb to make it a bit sweet and herbaceous.\"\n\"We have that?\"\n\"Um, yes Chris, we do. The drink is meant to sharpen your desire for the food.\"\n\"Hm, way to sell a product.\"\n\nChris drew the liquid through a straw, perceiving all of what flavor Jojo detailed—in his mouth. \n\n\"Mmm, I'm hungry already.\" Chris approved, seeing the girls high five in victory.\nChris proceeded through the team's depiction of a formal Italian cuisine, next being the second course with bite size small portions of olives, anchovies, cheeses and meats prepared by Harold and Sadie.\nHe swallowed down the food with an obscured expression, building suspense.\n\"Your antipasto passed the testo,\" Chris indicated with satisfaction. \"Pass the pasta please.\"\nThe third course appeared as pasta made in long, slender, solid strings ladled over with tomato sauce and good ol meatballs—spaghetti.\nChris pinched his fingers and kissed them away to make a chef's kiss, \"On a scale from one to ten..fifteen! How will the Gophers respoonnd?\"\n\nThe host questioned what to expect from the other team, possibly satiated with what the Bass served. Leshawna bowed in reverence to what supposedly would've been cue of presenting their main entrée. But the room was only met with silence, leaving her awkwardly positioned there and Lindsay and Gwen standing behind palm leaves like they were posing for a sarcophagus. Leshawna stood upright in bewilderment and bursted through the batwing doors, only to gasp in horror. \n\n\"Tell me you did not. <i>Just</i> eat. That entire thing of ribs!\" She chastised to someone.\nIn Armana's mind, a dotted silhouette of Owen remained to be filled by the person. \n<i>'Oh Owen. How could she had trust the guy?'</i>\n\nOwen was hastened out the kitchen. He had a platter of ribs in the flat of his palm...well, the scraps of them. His shirt was sullied with the sauce of the food he funnily owned in commission to the crime. He still placed the rack of bones in front of Chris.\n<i>'I guess effort matters?'</i>\n\"Yeah, this looks like it's uh been eaten.\" Chris pointed out, in case the boy wasn't aware.\n\"Not all of it. I think there's just a tiny chunk left on that...bone. Over there.\"\nThe camera man zoomed in on a speck of meat saved by Owen after he reached his full appetite. Chris followed his finger to the one he pointed to and tried a bite out of the food.\n\"Ya know what,\" He stated. \"I've had worse. Two points!\"\n\n<i>'Wow, Chris is feeling good today.'</i>\n\n\"Oooh close Owen. But! The Bass still lead fifteen to eleven. Time for dessert!\" \n\nThe Bass was up first to serve their fourth course. It was a delicacy that mirrored Italian cannoli with vanilla custard. Instead of a crisp and thin texture to its tubular shell, Chris bit down and broke a bite out of it with force. He took time to chew it, perhaps to think of a reasonable number. While doing so, Courtney waited in anticipation and raised her hand to contact Duncan's shoulder. His face assuringly rested towards her, which seemed to calm her nerves.\n\n\"Ehhhh, six,\" he gave, anticlimactically. \"The Bass have twenty one, <i>so</i>, the Gophers need all ten points to tie it up.\"\n\nArmana ruffled her hand in Duncan's hair to make across her affections for him, as well as to praise him for his teamwork. To which, his hair felt damp from the water clinging different strands together. Her gesture won his eyes on her.\n\n\"You know, I've been noticing you've been nicer to Courtney.\" She teased.\n\"Have you also been noticing the way it causes my soul physical discomfort when imbued with the likes of being nice to someone?\"\n\"Oh hush, drama queen. It means you're going out of your comfort zone.\"\n\nDuncan rolled his eyes at her answer, much to her entertainment. She observed the tousled green lengths of his hair that slacked to the side of his head.\n\n\"Duncan?\"\n\"Yeah?\"\n\"Has there ever been a time you pulled over to look at a billboard or pulling off to the next exit so that you can go back and look at it again?\" \n\"There used to be this one they had of casting calls for <i>Walk the Prank</i>. I wanted to be on that show since I pulled pranks on everyone in the daycare center I went to. Why wassup?\"\n\"It's just, have you ever thought of a difference of looking at that same billboard, but it's a person you're in a relationship with? You look at them with intent, to inspect and derive pleasure from what you see.\"\n\"Does that involve porn?\"\n\"Yes, Duncan, that would involve porn. But, when <i>I</i> look at you, I tend to inspect and proceed to tantalize myself with each second passed.\"\n\"Is that so, my little princess? Why don't you grab what's yours then?\"\n\nArmana noticed Duncan's prominent erection in his shorts. Both their heads shot up when they hear Chris was audibly trying to cough something up. Owen, who incorrectly looked like was doing a heimlich, added pressure to Chris's trachea with abdominal thrusts. A blackened piece of cake was shortly dislodged.\n\n\"Yes! Got it!\" Owen exclaimed, most likely not expecting for the maneuver to work.\n<i>'Poor Chris.'</i>\n\"Ewwwww.\" Beth expressed.\n<i>'That literally came from her own team.'</i>\n\"What the heck is this?!\" Chris held up the food that looked like a hair ball from a distance.\n\"I-It's Heather's recipe.\" Lindsay confessed.\n<i>'Oh yeah, I knew I didn't smell plastic for once.'</i>\nLindsay<i> </i>gasped, \"Oh my gosh! She's still in the fridge!\"\n<i>'In the fridge?!'</i>\nEveryone showed the same thought on their face before they looked at the Gophers.\n\"What? Girl was making everyone trip.\" Leshawna answered.\n\n<i>'I should use that method as a way to face my problems in life.'</i>\n\n\"Oh the horror!\" \n\nThe blood vessels in Heather's skin had constricted, decreasing its blood flow and the oxygen supply in the extremities of her body due to the cold surroundings of the fridge—thus her skin being blue. Wearing just a halter top and low rise denim shorts had an even worse causation to it. However, the drawn on eyebrows were not part of the symptoms.\n\n\"Y-You guys are s-sooo dead. Is it over?\" Heather asked Chris.\n\"It is. The Bass win twenty one to twelve and, it's not because I almost died. The ribs sucked too.\"\n\"Grrreat! That's just great! Why do we keep losing, people?!\"\n\"You said it Heather. The Killer Bass now lead nine members to the Gopher's soon to be six. And as promised the winners will be enjoying a reward tonight; a five star dinner under the stars.\"", "<b>Quick Author's Note :</b>\n<i>I want to warn that this chapter is really long. About almost 9,000 words (8,687 words to be exact). But it's really detailed, and I want you readers to have fun reading the chapter going in depth to draw out the experience Armana and Duncan are going through. I also apologize about the slow updates, I will try to push out more content as soon as I can! &lt;3</i>\n\nWhen the sun hung low in the evening, the beginning of the night on the island looked like oranges and purples melting into grey under the moonlight. Within the stars that was afore-cosseted by the light scattering properties of the sun's rays, the terms \"morning star\" and \"evening star\" applied only to the brightest planet of all, being Venus. It typically glowed with a steady, silvery light. Armana looked out for a \"non twinkling\" star just two degrees to the left from the moon. \n\nThe dinner had been set up with golden bistro lights festooned over the campers. The spot livened as an alfresco scene with separate dining tables seating two guests each. Armana sat on the opposing end from Duncan, both paralleled with their cutlery inside folded napkins—placed on top of their dinner plates. As a centerpiece, was a table runner with strands of eucalyptus leaves and a handful of tea light candles arranged along them that silhouetted a golden glow upon both the teens' features. Duncan perused through his menu card, taking a glance at Armana whose concern was focused on the sky.\n\n\"What do you see?\" Duncan chose to question, seeing how the look in her eyes was captivated by something.\n\"I see..Venus.\" Armana spoke slowly, carefully keeping her eyes on it.\n\"Venus? I didn't know you could see planets from here. How do you know?\"\n\"Well, you should first know that there's a difference between planets and stars; stars twinkle and planets don't. They both appear as pinpoints of light. But when you look at a star, you'll see that it twinkles and the light may appear to change colors. Stars are also very far away from the solar system, so planets are closer, even if they appear as tiny since ya know, we're down here. Come next to me.\"\n\nDuncan slid his chair from underneath the table and placed it next to Armana. After he shifted until he sat comfortably close enough to her, she pointed.\n\n\"Venus is one of the brightest objects in the night sky because it has these thick clouds reflecting the sun's light.\" She explained. \"It is the closest planet to Earth and as it's neighbor, it easily outshines all other celestial bodies in the night. Except the moon of course.\"\nDuncan sighed, \"Way to remind me how I get through in life using one brain cell.\"\n\"Nonsense, my baby brother just watches <i>Kids Learning Tube.</i>\"\n\"Still, I cherish who you are as a person. Being smart is a beautiful quality. You know what else you remind me of?\"\n\"What?\"\n\"What we <i>need</i> to pick back up from earlier. I still have plans for us tonight.\"\n\nArmana felt a rush of hormones travel into her bloodstream as a strong lustrous permeance. She had to push to the back of her mind of what he meant by <i>Tonight</i> in modesty of being able to engage in the challenge. She sensed he could've done it on purpose as a way of making her offset. \n\n\"Looks like you were having high hopes for tonight to come, huh?\" Duncan teased her, placing his hand on her adjacent thigh.\n\"I know what you said from earlier was on purpose. It probably wasn't even meant to be sexual, you just like to have that ability over me.\"\n\"What ability?\"\n\"By what you do to me. My emotions. Thousands of feelings that I feel like I've gone through ever since I met you. It has this counter effect that renders me from thinking straight.\"\n\"Well, how could I be able to resist charming the cutest doll such as you? Of course, I feel this sexual energy that's <i>postponed </i>between us. I was only pointing it out.\"\nArmana rolled her eyes at Duncan tempting her but paid attention to the present hand groping her thigh.\n\"Armana,\" He called to her with his voice lacking his usual jocular characteristic but serious in which, his vocal chords produced a low resonance saying her name. \"What's so nice about your thighs is that they're soft and smooth and so non-muscular. They feel so plush and would be cushiony around my cock if I lifted them up and fucked it in between them.\"\n\nHe looked her in her eyes as he spoke to her, sending shivers down her spine yet butterflies to engorge in her vulva.\n\n\"Ever since that time we spent in the woods..it..was scenic, even if the darkness stole both of our forms, the rest of my senses were enough for me. I mean, your cries were so melodic, I can still hear them as I bear looking at how tempestuous you are. Do you have the same struggles as I do?\"\nHis voice softened when he asked her, holding her with importance in his question.\n\"Yes,\" Armana admitted. \"I didn't tell you that I had this dream after that night. It was also in the woods but much more sensuous than what we did.\"\n\"Enlighten me then, babe.\"\n\"We we're on the ground...and...I could feel my toes curling into the dirt as you were pounding into me.\"\nArmana left out the insignificant details within the romantic ambience of the lights and candles. The bistro lights that Duncan sat closest to allowed for her to see the muscles in his irises dilate from his autonomic pursuit of gratification.\nHe then asked, \"Would you like me to do that to you?\"\n\nBefore she could answer, their waiter attended them. \n\n\"Good evening, our Killer Bass couple; Armana and Duncan. My name is Chris, I'll be your waiter tonight.\" The TV host wore the same attire for the occasion, excepted of a white apron. He was  essentially geared with a notepad, pens, table crumbers, or menu holders. When he approached the teens, he felt as if he was interrupting a rather intimate moment between the two.\n\"For you to be our waiter, you seem to already know us from putting us through this agonizing competition.\" Duncan told him.\n\"The physical and mental endurance you go through is usually meant to merit you something prizeworthy in the future.\" He replied. \"Ya know, breaking my character here but you gotta give me props for setting you two up together.\"\n\"Excuse me?\" Armana asked for him to repeat in another translation.\n\"I mean, without that fear factor challenge, you guys would've still been sitting here continuing to build this tension. Now look where you are. If you wouldn't win the prize, you'd have each other.\"\n\nArmana gave him a small smile, expressing props to him like he fulfilled. \n\n\"Actually Chris, could you give us a few more minutes?\" Armana asked him.\n\"With pleasure.\"\n\nThe teens were granted back their own privacy. Duncan moved his hand from her thigh to protectively wrap it around her waist. She responded by leaning into the warmth of his body but subconsciously sighed.\n\n\"You okay?\"\n\"Yeah, it's just, since we've done those things together...I couldn't help but worry if...he saw...if people watching could've...\" Armana began.\n\"Me either.\" He agreed. \"I threw rocks at any cameras in the vicinity but it was getting dark. I'm not sure if I got enough, ya know?\"\n\"Right. I'm...scared if I made a stupid decision while being on television.\"\nDuncan tilted her chin up so she could look at him while she talked, then cupped her cheeks. \n\"Hey, it's okay, I'm here. Everything will be alright, Armana. I promise. I'll keep you safe.\" \n\"But...\" She felt her lip quiver and downcasts her eyes again. Duncan gently chucked her under her chin, seeing her eyes brimmed with tears. \"H-He said h-he always has the cameras rolling. H-He could've been recording w-what we were talking about just a conversation ago.\"\nDuncan sponged up her words now in worrisome but wanted to be strong for her. As the person who almost shared enough of a marital bond with Armana, he wanted to offer her support and be her strength.\n\"Hey, you're going to be okay,\" He assured her. \"I'm sorry if I've been putting any pressure on you. I know as teenagers we experience these intensive hormones and still have to develop our frontal cortex or whatever with our decision making, so I make an even more bad influence at that. But hey, the bad can bring the great side of things. Plus, you're far from home. Being on an island where you're just surrounded by water, away from your family, your close friends, can concave on a person.\"\n\nHe paused and surveyed her facial elements; her eyes looked dewy but the secretion didn't pass her eyelash. At this, he felt heartened that he could make her feel at least a bit better. A spare tear rolled on the fringe of her eyelid but was caught with Duncan's finger.\n\n\"You haven't made any dumb decisions,\" He spoke in a hushed tone, with his eyes looking between her pretty orbs. \"You didn't make a mistake that night. I don't want you to feel like you regret it. Do...Do you regret it?\"\nHe watched her dab the tip of her tongue over her lip and slightly run her teeth over it.\n\"No,\" She cleared her throat. \"No. I don't regret a thing. I just wanted to be reassured. Thank you, Duncan.\"\n\"Of course.\"\nShe then could find herself to smile again and she chuckled, \"I'm sorry for getting emotional. I don't mean to get teary eyed, it makes things awkward.\"\nHe laughed too, \"No, no you're fine. It's what I'm here for.\"\n\nHe finally brought her into a hug and kissed her, slowly staging into something passionate. At first, Duncan meant for it to transmit his affection for her and to dote her. His movements were slow and paced his lips as if they had all the time in the world. But she wrapped her arms around his neck to close in any breathable, negative space between them. Her left hand reached the back of his head and tenderly combed her fingers through his smooth hair. It inspired him to lightly sweep his tongue over her lower lip before she immediately widened him access to make tentative contact with her tongue. It became lustful, returning the underhanded tactics they had planned initially. One hand lowered on her back and patterned back and forth under her shirt to feel goosebumps surface her skin. The other rubbed and kneaded on her cheek that evoked droned sounds of moaning from her. \n\n\"Let me guess,\" Chris arrived, surprising the two. \"You need another five minutes?\"\n\"Five minutes passed already? Uh, yeah, could you?\" Armana sheepishly smiled as Chris sighed.\n\n\nAfter the dinner, Duncan initiated to go to the boathouse. He held her hand as they sneakily crept on the pier and to the shed at the water's edge. He never looked or been inside, although he heard rumors of those who dreaded to go in there. Keeping it in mind, he peered inside first to keep Armana behind him. It was dark in the shed, but slight apertures in the wood admitted moonlight in. He saw canoe boats, oars, buckets, the hunting and deer gear they used for last episode, a chainsaw, numerous shark parts like sets of jaws with sharp teeth, etc.\n\n\"Well Duncan? What do you see?\" Armana asked from his silence.\n\"Yeah it is a bit spooky in here but really just recreational facilities. Wanna check it out?\"\n\nHe widened the door for her as she looked on from under his arm. Walking in, she observed her surroundings. Almost immediately she felt an ominous aura emanating the atmosphere as if they shouldn't be here. \n\n\"What do you think?\" Duncan checked with her.\n\"I...don't know. Im feeling some type of way about being in here...like something could happen.\" She reflected.\n\"Are you afraid we're gonna get caught?\" He teased in a babying voice.\nArmana crossed her arms without any admittance but Duncan appeased her by closing the door and using a bench that was in the shed to block it from being opened.\n\"There, that'll block the door just in case someone tries to barge right in on us. I don't see that happening though, since so many of the campers are scared to come here.\"\n\nArmana couldn't blame them. She almost didn't notice a dead shark that was suspended from a large fish hook. It hung above an exposed part of water inside two platforms that was supported on pillars leading out from the shore and into the body of water within the encasement of the shed.\n\n\"That shark's most likely for display—else it'd be stinking up the place.\" Duncan caught on to her suspense.\n\"Are you sure? I mean it's on a fish hook like they caught it.\" She retorted.\n\"Yeah I'm sure. Does it matter if it was caught? I mean, it's dead. Like I said, another effort to display it.\"\nShe sighed, letting go of the argument. \n\"Duncan, it's also kinda cold in here.\" She said.\n\"Well yeah you silly duckling, we're by the water. But trust me, we'll be warming up soon.\"\nArmana looked around for anymore perturbation yet Duncan swiftly came by her side to ease her.\n\"Relax babe. You seem so on edge.\" He chuckled, wrapping his arms into a hug around her. \n\"That's cause I am.\"\n\"Don't be. It's just us in here. Alone together. By ourselves. And as I promised, everything will be okay. I'm here to protect you.\" \n\nDuncan helped settle the mood addressing the romance the two owned at the moment. He wore a mischievous smile on his features, freely expressing the playful desire he had for them. Once he held her, Armana disregarded her chilled arms and let herself melt into the state of mind she priorly retained. They returned to their passionate kiss that wouldn't be interrupted by Chris, or kept in pardon of the people around them. \n\n<i>'Alone time'</i>\n\nIt was a favorable moment that felt relaxing but excitable to be able to engage in any experiment they wanted. No judgements or pressures could be imposed on them from others without the camera crew following them around like paparazzi. Of course that's what they applied for by being on a TV show, but it was just like becoming a celebrity; you never have any privacy, have time to relax or get mundane tasks done without camera bulbs flashing in your face. Filming them in this matter. \n\nDuncan put one hand around her waist and one on the back of her neck. His fingertips found her spine and both of his hands started below her shoulder blades to gently transition down each vertebrae in her back bone. They momentarily stopped at her waist to search her natural curves that seemed to intrigue him since it was something atypical of a man. Armana instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck not only in response of their body language but in the factor of their height differences. She felt aligned with his body this way, leaving the rest of her body to be softly caressed and grabbed in the heat of their kiss. Duncan reached to the back of her thighs as low as he could and traced the pads of his fingers in circles bringing them gradually back up. His hands made out the posterior of her gluteal muscle, using them to compress and massage around it. He pleasured hearing her moans emanate as hums in response, pressing their bodies closer to make her feel the print rigid in his shorts. \n\nHe delved his tongue in deeper, intensifying the intimacy he felt as their tongues engaged in a fight to desperately achieve control. As their lips remained locked, Armana continually moaned from the feeling of vigorously tussling it out with their muscular appendages, ultimately letting him dominate her. They soon detached from each other to look into ones' eyes.\n\nAfter silently awing each other, Duncan remarked, \"I can see you.\"\n\"Yeah that's what having eyes mean.\" Armana giggled.\n\"Don't give me sarcasm, little one. I mean I<i> </i>can actually <i>see you. </i>Last time when we were in the woods, it was nighttime. So we were making out and giving each other head without the pleasing sense of sight.\"\nArmana jibed, \"I thought you said the rest of your senses were enough for you Duncan.\"\n\"Trust me <i>they are</i>. I just can't help but get excited about how precious you'd look in this lighting though.\"\n\"<i>Precious</i>?\"\n\"Yeah like this idyllic setting of the moon. The way it aesthetically reflects on your skin. It doesn't dull in the dark, it like glistens.\"\nWhenever Duncan expressed this side of him, it always made her cheeks deeply dip in beneath her cheek bones from how hard she smiled.\n\"I don't think I ever heard anyone say or take the time to tell that to me. How sweet of you.\"\n\"Definitely. I'm just taking in my dinner is all.\"\nArmana shook her head, \"Excuse me mister, we just had some of the best qualifying food that'll probably be served to us for the last time in this competition, and you have the audacity to bring up dinner?\"\n\"Yeah, my little angel, what would you call eating that sweet peach of yours as I lap up your cunt juice?\" \n\nArmana stood there shocked, not even sure how to react or respond to that. Evoking smugness from him. \n\n<i>'How could he say that so nonchalantly?'</i>\n\nHe continued, \"Well? What would you?\"\n<i>\"</i>I...I don't know...\" She said, letting him answer. \nHe smiled at her uncertainty, \"I could get a full meal from eating you; enjoying the nice mellow taste and letting your juice run where it will. I wanna get drunk off of it.\"\nArmana remained with her arms folded, her eyebrows furrowed by how flustered she felt and how more of her slick kept secreting into her underwear.\n\"Why so silent?\" Duncan laughed. \"Cat got your tongue? I know your's is about to have mine.\"\nShe hated how it stroked his ego to see her submissive and not at the capacity to come up with something to comeback with.\n\nShe pulled him into another kiss to shut him up, feeling the smirk that was still on his lips to tell how she amused him. He primally bit down on her lower lip and began to gently suck on it, erotically driving both of them for more. His hands made their way for the button of her jeans, unfastening it from the reinforcement in the fabric and began to unzip her fly. He faced his palm down her crotch, feeling how much she soaked through from the outside of her undergarment. The way his fingers softly ran against the underside of her mons (the fatty tissue lying over the joint of the pubic bone) made her utter her pleasure to him.\n\n\"Yeah? You like that?\" Duncan spoke in her ear, kissing the cartilage and continue down to her neck.\n\nHe rubbed his fingers more against her clothed private to feel her reactively dampen the material until she saturated it. She continued to breathe audibly at his action, moving her hips against his motion. His lips intelligently kissed the erogenous spot on her nape, eliciting her vocals she tried to keep lowered as he adored how angelic they sound. \n\n\"You sound so heavenly, babe.\" He praised, raising his free hand to place it on one side of her neck as his lips lightly grazed the skin of the other. \"And we're just getting started.\"\n\nHe continued to discern with his fingers where her parts were, his erection sponging with more blood from much she lubricated on him. Only by the mere actions of gratifying her through her pink polyester undies did she react this much.\n\n\"Holy shit, you're so wet for me, princess.\" He spoke with amazement. \"I haven't even put my fingers inside, yet you're getting this turned on from the edge of actually getting your pussy touched. Right?\" \nHe rubbed more attentively against her clit to make a statement.\n\"Ah,\" Armana vocalized. \"Yes. Duncan, please...\"\n\"Please what, pretty girl?\" \nHe took his hand away from the soaked panel of her undies, withholding action until he was gave an instruction. Armana unintentionally let out a whine, broadening the confidence he felt in his role.\n\"Please...touch me inside my underwear, Duncan.\" She shyly made her request be known, beginning to satisfy herself with friction by caressing her middle finger between the cleft of her folds and finding the sensitive clit. \n\"Shit,\" Duncan cursed under his breath, licking his pink lips in anticipation. \"That's so hot babe. Touching yourself in front of me.\"\n\nHe quickly returned his hand to relieve her warm, pulsating, cutaneous skin of her vulva. His hand passed under the material and used his fingers to spread the lateral longitudinal borders of her lips and expose the soft, vulnerable tissue inside. He used his tallest finger to flex and extend to explore the vascular connective parts. Armana threw her head back at the feeling, passionately moaning to him as he delected the amount of her fluid that began to adhere between his fingers. \n\n\"All this juice you making for me, girl.\" He looked at with fulfillment. \n\nHe takes out his hand to admire his glistening, coated finger; an amount of it dripping from his fingertip and falling slowly with a thin stream to the floor. He bit his lip and Armana watched as he moaned at the taste of her in his mouth. She stood closer to him, putting her lips against the shining carpal bones under his skin and opened her mouth. Duncan took it as cue to place his fingers into her mouth for her to contract her plush lips around them. She sucked remnants of his saliva and herself from his digits, licking under his fingernails to get any of her trapped liquid from them. He listened to her swallow as her mouth salivated to help pass down whatever was transferred. He started to slide them back and forth, seeing it as a representation of how she could suction his dick with her lips and feel the walls of her cheeks close in on it. \n\nThen, he gently pulled his hand away from her mouth. He hungrily kissed her again, briefly engaging with her before asking, \n\"You wanna take your panties off?\"\nArmana eagerly nodded to him.\n\nHe chuckled at the sight and finished the process after he only undid her jeans. He pulled them down with a little effort as the garment closely fitted the contours of her lower body. He stopped once he reached her ankles, looking up at her from the angle.\n\n\"Do you want to lay on the floor? I know it might seem a bit cold and hurt your back a little. I could try to find something to prop you.\" He concerned himself.\n\"No, it's alright Duncan. I don't mind laying down.\" She accepted.\n\"Are you sure?\"\n\"Yes.\"\n\nAt that, she bent down and softly shifted her weight onto her hands to sit down. She slid her feet out of her sandals for him to fully remove her pants. Once he moved her shoes and bottoms to the side, he took his time to eye her underwear that remained a barrier from seeing her half naked. Armana was relaxed on her back, observing his actions from her perspective and waiting with bated breath. Duncan could sense her keen expectancy for him to discard the article, his face stretching with mirth. He finally hooked his fingers on the waistband by the protrusions of her pelvis. Armana lifted her hips up to ease the clothing to flow down and past her legs, gasping at the sudden feeling of the cool air hitting her area. In reaction, she tightly closed her thighs together before receptively opening them apart to let view of her glittering slit.\n\n\"God...look at how wet you are.\" Duncan pointed, feeling his mouth water at the sight and tried to swallow any excess saliva from drooling as his eyes fixated on it.\n\nHe began to thumb at it; using two of the thick digits to spread apart the lips and see the underlying pairs of folded skin. He used one thumb to carefully massage around the orifices the skin protected, watching Armana's face turn with blissful expressions. Her eyes closed and mouth slightly agape to emit the sounds her larynx contracted. He lied himself atop of her, keeping one hand to fondle with the innervated flesh and one to support himself. Facing her, allowed him to clearly see the desperation in her face and hear her sounds he modulated. He kissed her in advance to slowly inserting a finger in her. Her eyes rolled back to her pussy accommodating around his digit, the action alternating in and out steadily. It gradually released more substance as his finger began to slide more smoothly. \n\nDuncan consciously monitored her response to the penetration, tolerating the patience for her to become comfortable with his finger extending inside of her. Simultaneously, he used the pad of his thumb to circularly stroke against her clit. He attempted to curl his finger in the come-hither motion but backed himself a bit away from her. \n\n\"Here,\" He spoke. \"Just draw your knees back towards your chest for me.\"\nArmana looked at him confused, testily following as he said. \n\"Yeah, that's good.\" Then he smiled at her confusion. \"You'll see what I mean.\"\n\nHe entranced his finger with better access and curled it further with the significance to find something. He added another finger, running them along her frontal vaginal wall and towards her stomach. He continued until he felt a slightly rough, plump, walnut texture. Armana sharply gasped, arching her back to press her hips against Duncan's hand as her chest drew short breaths at the new sensation.\n\n\"See!\" He emphasized. \"Found your G-spot. Does it feel good, princess?\"\n\"Fuck...yes.\" She stressed, hoping it would esteem and purposely fish more from him.\n\nHe pumped another finger into her from her body's response, hearing her vocalizations mix with gasps or words of affirmation spasmodically. He thought she looked so attractive under his view, being able to see her this vulnerable and the moon shaping reflections, speculating highlights, and infusing color on her brown body. One hand reached for the hem of her graphic midriff tank top and raised it higher on her torso to give view of a basic colored nude push up bra. He curved his hand around one of the cups supporting her breast, lightly firming his fingers on the padding as if to cherish her spherical anatomy in a considerate manner. Armana loosened her bra from the closure, freeing her breasts to slightly fall outwards towards her arm pits. With his one hand, Duncan wrapped his fingers around her breast's fullness and squeezed softly. He slowly rotated his hand around its surface, using his index and middle finger as a track for her nipple to slide down to the webspace between his fingers. Despite the chill air, her inverted, flat nipples erected at the feeling of his hand, mirroring his movements with her hand on her opposite breast. He rolled and lightly pulled at her teat to make it stand at its full protuberance and be able to rhythmically suck on it. \n\nArmana softly sighed as his warm mouth contracted around her supple mound, sealing his mouth on certain areas to rupture the blood vessels underneath and suckle multiple love bites on her. As he mouthed at her skin, Duncan began to simultaneously position himself downward, taking a stop at her innie. He kissed atop the concave navel and protruded his tongue inside the depression. Armana instantly squirmed at the ticklish feeling, seeing him humorously smile at her. He then lowered his attention back by the junction between her legs. The only difference Armana noticed was that his face was much closer in front of the inner folds of her minora, feeling the rhythmical expels of his breath on the area. Her pulse quickened at the great suspense, excitedly waiting for his wet tongue to slide all over and down the nether region. Duncan bared his teeth in a hearty laugh at the way she looked at him with her eyes big, her nostrils flaring and chest rising as she drew air by how rapid her heart pulsated. \n\n\"Oh so you like the idea of me eating you out so good? How much you're tingling right now. You can't wait to get your pussy ate. Can you?\" He playfully teased her, lightly laughing to see her growing impatient.\nShe pushed herself closer to his face, adding to his amusement from being proven right. He drew awareness and circulations with the teeth marks he nibbled on her inner thighs and peripherally planted kisses around her vulva. She pouted with petulant annoyance at the built anticipation, seeing his face fall with genuine intention to finally satisfy her when he set his mouth against her sensitive skin. Armana threw her head back with a thud against the floor, a hand flying behind Duncan's head to push him more in contact with her. He liberally smothered his mouth in her substance, finding it un-quellable from indicating the satiable taste of her as he margined his mouth to be full with his lips surrounding around her. He flattened and ran his tongue inside while patterning on suctioning his lips on her inner folds to procure her bodily fluid. Her chest heaved with her vocals, firmly gripping at Duncan's hair. His nose bumped on her conical clit, endowing more pleasure to her while he still curled his fingers against her g spot. His Tyndall scattered blue eyes looked up at her, only getting view of the bottom of her chin and the nostrils of her nose in the valley of her thighs. He loved his field of vision from his intimate subservient pose; his lips flexing with different movements as he mushed them into her <i>cunnus</i> (cunny) as much as he could. He inspired her to raise her head up to look at him in awestruck of how great the feeling felt, watching him stuff his face between her thighs and going at it. For her, it felt titillating to make eye contact with him knowing as he devoured her and skillfully fucked his fingers in her at the same time.\n\nBeckoning him with her hand as she pressed his head into her, Duncan decidedly licked her nub above her urethra. Armana relaxed her neck again from the emotion of the euphoria tidal waving over her system. He lifted the skin of her vagina from its side walls and pushed back the hood her clit was tucked under to solely target the tissue dense with nerve endings.\n\n\"Fuck! Oh yes Duncan...please keep sucking my clit like that.\" Armana requested him.\n\nHe obliged her; consistently creating an airtight vacuum chamber around her clit to pull more blood and make it increasingly sensitive. As he methodically sucked her, he hermetically sealed the erected tissue in his mouth and used his tongue to lick it up, down, left and right. Repeating it over and over again. Armana's voice inflected higher, build up of tension arching her back off the floor. She began to feel Duncan's spiritual presence in her soul and body from how fantastic he ate her out. She was losing herself in a moment of surrender, her breathing seeming to be suspended though she was gasping. Her spine felt livelier than ever, her thighs feeling marinated with pleasure that oozed out of her vagina. Her toes curled in and her eyes rolled up, her body daring to orgasm.\n\n\"Duncan...,\" Armana managed to speak to him. \"Duncan...oh god...I'm gonna cum.\" \n\nHe unquestionably listened and continued his actions rapaciously until in a split second, she felt a neural explosion that she could describe to have lasted an entire eon. Her muscles contracted for a longer rhapsodic orgasm; originating at the apex between her legs and generating outward to encompass her whole body, convulsing. Duncan greedily took up her liquid, withdrawing his fingers to use his tongue to prevent any of her from flowing out. After a while, the muscles in her body slacked as she breathed more easily. Duncan licked her up a bit more before raising his head from her. She watched him wipe his mouth with his hand, silently looking at each other. Then they both eased the apprehension in the air by compelling themselves to softly laugh, laughing at each other over the intensity of the situation.\n\n\"Are you ok?\" Duncan examined her.\n\"Yes, thank you.\" Armana expressed. \"That was insane.\"\nDuncan shrugged his arms indefensibly, \"What can I say?\"\nArmana shook her head in silent wonderment. \"I bet you just feel elated for yourself don't you? Making me cum so hard.\" She then said with the intonation of her voice lowered as she approached herself closer to him.\n\nIt reminded Duncan of his rock hard cock, letting Armana sense how ecstatic he was for his turn to come (or <i>cum</i>) next. \n\n\"You poor thing.\" She pitied him, beginning to unhurriedly palm her hand on the print his dick impressed through the surface of his clothing. \n\nHe made inarticulate sounds to barely audible decibels as it meant he could finally isolate her attention on his aching hard on. He leaned back on his hands to give more way for her to manually contour his erection, his respiration slightly irregular than at rest. \n\n\"You were doing all that teasing to me, bad boy. Now you're under my mercy.\" Armana overlooked him, crouching on her knees before hovering astride him.\nThrough the moonlight, Duncan could view her pubic mound bounded inferiorly by the outer folds of her vulva, his penis throbbing at the sight.\n\"I was only doing it to bring out the greater good of you.\" Duncan defended. \"I get to see this sexy side of you taking control over me.\"\n\"Perhaps....maybe so...perchance.\"Armana indicated, her eyes landing on a charm that evoked resemblance to sadomasochistic activities. \"I bet this is an actual dog collar like I presumed when we shared our first interactions.\"\n\"....I...had a dog named Petey for as long as when I turned six as far as I can remember. He ran away but he h-had this collar....I've worn it as commemoration for him.\" \n\nArmana showed her surprise at his confession, feeling herself tingle at the thought of guiding him by the neck with a leash.\n\n\"I wasn't being serious if that was something personal to you. That's brave and hot of you to tell me, Duncan.\" She warmly expressed to him in the humility of the moment, undoing his shorts and upturning his fly in return. \n\nThe barrier was now thinner between the buttoned fly of his plaid patterned boxer shorts and a closer sensation of her hand rubbing him back and forth. He deeply sighed at her touch, the impression inside his underwear told his dick naturally sat sideways. She preceded different tactile sensations, carefully minding the same tension she'd use to hold a glass of water as she cycled her hand with upstrokes about his shaft. He watched her dominant hand retaining constant contact with the cotton material, closing her fingers a little as she reached the outline of the head and loosened them as she traveled back down to his base. Her movements were slow, savoring her time with him as she listened to his few low moans and deep groans. \n\n\"You don't know how good this feels, babe.\" Duncan comprehended to her. \nArmana smiled at how he pointed out his pleasure to her, \"I'm glad this is getting you excited, love. Lay back for me?\"\n\nDuncan did as she asked him, her following his reposition while she remained over him. She kissed his neck above his ornament, the choker now having a new outlook to his <i>bad </i>demeanor. She hooked a finger from under the leather band to lift his skin closer to her and tinily used it as a connotation of control. He reacted to her gesture with a pleased grunt as she could feel his laryngeal muscles under her lips. It was her turn to burst the capillaries under his skin and release blood to kiss discolorations on different locations. Duncan lengthened his neck to expose the stimulant area more as she let her breath outgo from her lips, separating them and gently moving her mouth up and down. She kissed along the edge of his jaw and to the bottom part of his mandible, hearing him thickly swallow. \n\nHis main fare was sharp inhales, exhales, groans and grunts before she testily cupped her hand under the mushroom cap of his penis on her next upstroke with a gentle squeeze. She maneuvered around the cap in a shorter twisting motion and used her thumb on the underside—through the material—to stroke against the elastic band of tissue connecting the foreskin (frenulum). Duncan deeply moaned at her maneuvers, pre-cum exuding against his underwear and dampening through the fabric. Armana kissed against his Adam's Apple at the acoustic and continued her movement at an apace. \n\nShe then closed her fingers together and had her thumb opposed from the digits to circularly motion her hand around his tip, knowledgeably influencing more of the mucoid liquid from his urethra. She used it as a light coat to spread on his penile length to minimize the friction, although he loved the tease of her rubbing him through the layer. \n\n\"How hard you are for me.\" Armana beheld, straddling herself on Duncan to grind her naked pussy on his clothed dick once.\n\"Oh fuck, Armana, that's so hot. Keep doing that.\" He said to her.\n\"Nah uh, my big devil. Look at how much your wetting through your draws. I wanna have as much fun with you as I can.\"\n\nShe swiped her thumb around the circumference of the head and appraised how his eyelids were leaden with pleasure, his brows frowned but face flushed with an erubescent gaze at her. His penis fully enlarged in her hand to the point it ached and yearned to be touched on unclad skin. \n\n\"Armana...please...just touch me.\" Duncan urged her.\n\"But I am touching you.\" Armana insisted.\nDuncan groaned, \"You know what I mean.\"\n\"Can you tell me then? Just for clarification?\"\nShe stopped her frictional stimulation and pulled off his shorts. Lifting up his shirt to egg him on with her chilled hands running over his toned abdomen and adjusting the elastic waistband to be under his v line until she could peek tufts of his pubic hair. \n\"Fuck......Can you touch my dick, Armana? Without my underwear?\"\nArmana smiled, \"Aww why didn't you say so?\"\n\nShe pulled his undershorts until it slimmed down his lower legs and rumpled at his shoes. His slender penis pointed upward and was tinged red on his shaft towards his tip but due to the <i>Purkinje</i> effect by the moonlight, it's clarity was contrasted by a blue and silver appearance on the area. She handled him inside her hand, suddenly feeling his pelvis jolt.\n\n\"Ah, your fingers are cold.\" Duncan winced.\n\"Oh sorry, I should've warned you first.\" Armana grimaced. \n\nHe mumbled in reassurance to her before she giggled and brought her hand back to grasp him. She watched how a crystal bead of his pre-cum slowly trickled from the duct, pumping him in a few motions to draw more. She circled the inner surface of her hand on the cap of pink tissue, using the viscous consistency as a light layer to smooth between her hand and his length. She dribbled spit onto him to promote more motion inside her curled fingers, listening to him utter like a meditator chanting a mantra once she started to languidly stroke him. She gripped his penis firmly in her hand and increased the pressure into a tight hold as she moved her fist up and down. \n\nShe first rhythms her hand slow to considerately cruise to his vocal responds. Doing so, she explored rubbing her thumb in small circles over his tip and frenulum while her fingers still motioned the roll of skin to retract and sheath the glans. With her other hand, she lightly ran the tip of her fingernails up and down Duncan's inner thigh, raising goosebumps on his skin from its chock full of nerve endings. Her hand then ran its thumb along his inguinal crease (the crease between his torso and his thigh), the touch exciting another thin, transparent stream due to its vicinage to his genitals. Her eyes trailed a visible raphe marking his penile length and ended at a longitudinal line in the middle where his left and right genital eminences fused. \n\nHer left hand running her thumb on the anterior of his abdominal wall and the inferior of his thigh (the inguinal groin) moved to his scrotum, stroking her thumb in the same motion as before. Duncan moaned at the vulnerable area—external without any protection from muscles and bones—being touched in accord with her right hand pumping him and prodding his tip. Her thumb swiped against the cordlike line running over the sac and passed it on a groove band (perineum) that extended from his anus to the skin. She stoked more noise from him at the catalyst. It was satisfaction to her ears at the exchange; reciprocating Duncan from his position of being able to see him from the higher angle.\n\nAs aforementioned, his moans involved sharp inhales and exhales but to <i>italicize</i>, his inhales were situationally jagged sounding and taken through the teeth like \"<i>ttttsssssscccchhhhh</i>\" while he puffed his cheeks exhaling \"<i>pooooooffffffhhh</i>\" or to be simpler \"<i>hhhh</i>\". He variated close mouthed <i>mmm'</i>s<i> </i>between vibrated lips and shallow exhales, sounding like a honeyed baritone of a sexual <i>didgeridoo</i> to her. Yet, she wanted to hear more expletives out of him and away from the low, slow, stoic sounds that he understated from conveying what was going on inside his head. His low lidded eyes contacted with hers, licking his lips after the saliva in his mouth suddenly stopped secreting and became dry. His caught keenness drew her to lower her lips on his, feeling him throb in her hand as they intensely kissed into another make out. \n\nDuncan felt as if he hungered for her sensually, searchingly feeling his hands down the rest of her naked body. His hands seized on her hips before slipping one down between her legs and cupping his fingers upwards inside her lubricious folds. Armana's moan hummed inside their kiss, reveling in the pleasure from his movement despite her orgasm ago. Before carbon dioxide could build pressure in their lungs, she softly separated from him. Her lips dragged to his neck in a cursory manner, trailing her face down in lip-to-body contact with him so her visage could be directly in front of his dick. The commissures of her mouth upturned into a smirk, looking up at him coquettishly from the position she predominated.\n\n\"Oh don't look at me like that.\" Duncan told her, tilting his head back as he drew in his next breath sibilantly. He talked irresponsibly as if he malleably hadn't been lying down with her smaller, soft hands pumping him. His breaths moved haltingly as his head filled back with reveries of her mouth as a warm, wet cavernous feeling. The soft skin of her gums as she'd suck in her cheeks and her lips tightly seal air from getting between his cock and her mouth, edged him on his seat. She hovered her lips barely any space away from his tip, teaching him patience from attempingly bucking his hips into the seam of her lips. They shared eye contact. \n\"How should I look at you then?\" She seductively queried, looking up at him with her irises and pupils unintelligibly said apart from which, appearing large, limpid and doe eyed.\n\nIt caused his stomach to flutter looking down at the angle she sat from. He watched her prod the tubercle of her upper lip and the pillows of her lower lip against his penis, moving them up the shaft and down the sides outermost of his width. Then she wrapped her left hand around his base to side way for her to kiss inside the junction of his inner thigh and his groin, looking up at him with the same allure in her eyes. She slowly glided her lips back up along the broadness, sloping his dick into her left hand as she pressed kisses into the skin until she met the head. Her eyes saccade to the distal summit of the glans, slowly making sure his attention was piqued on her.\n\nAfter she thought she delayed enough time, she opened her mouth with her lips pulled over her teeth to slowly engulf him. Duncan's eyes rolled back with a deep breath at the feeling of her plushy lips warming his cock like it was a popsicle, but looked back down to watch her. She sexily returned his gaze to be able to see his reactions, sheathing as much with her mouth as she could on her way to his base. Duncan lowly moaned as his dick reached the back of her soft palate; feeling the papillae at the back of her tongue as it twitched and the pendent, fleshy lobe of her uvula moving backwards to close off her nasopharynx. Taking him as far as she could on her first intake, he just touched the fleshy extension before she could gag, reacting more saliva to secrete to pass him easier in her mouth. She lifted her head back up to pull his dick with the muscles in her cheeks and tongue, following out until her mouth narrowed around him. \n\nThen she inclined her head, pushing her mouth back down where moisture laid to telltale how far she took him. She set a regular pace, occasionally humming to replicate a vibrator. She was also moaning in the context of giving him head, the salty and musky taste of him as she caught hints of his pre cum in her taste buds psychologically felt good to her. They continued to look at each \nother in regular intervals as in to mutually share the experience. Duncan put a hand behind her head to encourage her, profaning under his breath of being able to relish in her slaking oral repertoire. \n\n\"Fuck,\" He said more appreciably. \"You're sucking my cock so good, princess. Keep going, it feels so fucking good.\"\n\nWhen she next elevated her head, she fully took him out to alleviate her jaw starting to slightly fatigue. Doing so, she flicked her tongue against the circumference of the nerve packed head and repeatedly curled it on his frenulum. He moaned out affirmatives to her, watching her protrude the tip of her tongue inside his urethra. He cursed as he felt the bit of it swirl around the orifice before she continuously sucked her lips around a ridge of projecting margin where the neck of the <i>corona</i> separated from the rest of the body of the penis. She ran the papillary surface of her tongue on the glans' soft, cushiony protection, winning chivalrous endearments from him. Simultaneously, she twisted her right hand around the base and moved it up towards her mouth on his head in a patterned alternation. Her left thumb massaged the seam of his scrotum where afferent nerve fibers telegraphed signals to sensory neurons up his dick. She listened to him moan obscenities and encouragements with her eyes arrested on his reactions to the different sensations she made.\n\n\"Am I a good cocksucker for you, Duncan?\" Armana elicited, feeling his dick briefly spasm at her words. \"You like the way I suck you and work for your nut?\" \n\"F-Fuck,\" He stumbled at the way she explicitly talked to him. \"Yeah. Fuck yeah I do. I wanna cum for you. Want you to make me cum.\" \n\nAt his invocation, she slowly returned her mouth down on his dick, educing a genuine cry from him. Her tongue overhung her lower teeth and lip to intrinsically flatten against his underside as she bobbed her head. Her tongue pertained friction to the lateral motion; the rough, tiny raised protrusions smoothly planing against his skin. \n\n\"Ohh you're too good, Armana.\" Duncan sincerely told her in between breaths. \"Keep using your tongue like that.\" \n\nShe enthusiastically quickened her movement, hearing his voice modulating higher as his request sounded urgent. Her moan resonated inside her full mouth with his cock, wondering about his cum spouting from the pre-leaking slit. The funny thing to her was that it wasn't their first time doing this, but it felt just as sensuous and sexually exciting as it did before—if not, even more to what they experienced. Besides her worries, she liked that she could erode them down inside this escapade of <i>teenage dream</i> pleasure. Being lost in her muse, she subconsciously closed her eyes and sucked him in her mouth harder, causing him to continuously hit the back of her throat by her rhythm.\n\nDuncan moaned earnestly, feeling his dick repeatedly pulsate and tension increasing on his bladder. \n\n\"A-Armana,\" he pre-warned. \"I-I'm gonna cum.\" \n\nShe pursued him, his chest raising in short breaths before his whole body and mind transcended in a numb feeling. He strangely felt helpless and mentally vacant while the entirety of his tactile senses rushed to a single point of exit. He rhythmically contracted inside her mouth, his orgasm spurting in steady rhythmic intervals down her gullet. She swallowed it down, staying froze in her position to let him ride out his high. Duncan eventually relaxed and softened, realizing how tight his grip was on her head. His hand lessened and looked down at her to check how she was, discovering she was waiting until it was clear to pull off of him. \n\n<i>'She looks so pretty with me in her mouth.'</i>\n\nArmana slowly withdrew her mouth with her eyes cautiously on him and sat up to fully see him. His cheeks was mottled with patches of red in the moonlight, recovering in the refractory period of his orgasm. He esteemed her with the amazement in his eyes, making her laugh to see that he was still regaining full consciousness and was probably trying to form the right thing to say.\n\n\"Well fuck me.\" He abruptly remarked in a breathy chuckle. \"Who knew an ingenuous girl such as Armana could give that <i>gock gock.</i>\"\nArmana smacked him on his shoulder, \"Shut up, Duncan. You would already know that.\"\n\"Yeah but holy fuck, it felt like I came a whole testicle...jesus.\"\nShe rolled her eyes, \"You're just trying to flatter me.\"\n\"Babe...I'm not lying when I say I can't feel the rest of my lower body.\"\n\nShe deeply sighed at his excessiveness but smirked at his admiration.\n\n\"What can I say.\" She mocked him.\nDuncan groaned, \"Oh hardy har har.\"\n\nArmana giggled and welcomed herself into his arms. The lake's breeze circulated in the boathouse was long forgotten by the accumulation of the blood temperature in their skin. Duncan wrapped his arm around her and squeezed her closer into him to kiss her on the forehead.\n\n\"You wanna know what I like about a moment like this?\" He asked her.\n\"Hm?\"\n\"Besides being sneaky and doing the dirty things we're not supposed to, it's fun to be able to run away from everything. Not looking back at our worries, our troubles, the confines of this stupid show, and other undefined reasons. We're supposed to be able to enjoy our youth and do what we like. Its edgy, it's about finding...someone you love.\"\n<i>'Did he basically say he loved me?'</i>\nArmana smiled at the thought, \"Yeah, I thought the same thing exactly.\"", "After they changed back into their clothes, Duncan preceded himself on walking out the door. He heedfully checked in either directions; one towards the dark, vast body of water with the moon's strip of reflection being undulated by sparkling waves. The other being the campground where everyone quietly slept. Duncan's hand held onto Armana's as she closed the door behind her and they followed the pier. Armana listened to the water <i>babble</i>, <i>plash </i>and <i>murmur </i>when they walked on the lakeside, her eyes tracing the sound to a luminescent, silver moon turning pirouettes in the currents of the water. It was prepossessing to look at, especially during the nighttime when the moon couldn't be in the shadow of the sun. Duncan felt her procession after him slow down, turning to see her looking off towards the lake.\n\n\"Sorry, it's just pretty to look at.\" Armana bashfully smiled at herself but Duncan dismissively shook his head.\n\"It's fine, we can sit and look at the view if you'd like.\" He offered. She nodded in response.\n\nThey sat away from where the water swashed and by the rocky cliff where rocks were eventually loosened after the waves' sediment eroded the rock to split off a rock face and big boulders to break off into smaller pieces. \n\n\"Ya know, there's no mistake that this Wawanakwa place is dingy, old and a drag but you have the good, the bad and the ugly.\"\nDuncan began, hearing interjections of Armana conveying her comprehension. \"Basically, everything is each their own. Like, the bad is plainly the quality of this campsite, the ugly is the island's interconnection with the tv show but then the good is the nature about it. You get to see this type of beauty that you normally wouldn't see anywhere else.\"\n\"You're right, Duncan. This island has the prettiest sunsets. I tend to like to look at the water because it just seems more picturesque than it would if land masses were blocking it.\" \n\"Mhm.\"\n\nArmana listened to the water some more, feeling the breeze push cool air against her skin that allowed heat to transfer from it. Duncan pulled her close, always securing her from any imminent events that worried her mind. The angle of her inside his arm drew him, the vector, into her magnetic influence; kissing her on the forehead again. The intimacy and simplicity about it made a type of warm, bright energy flow from her frontal lobe, perhaps about the skull being cherished and protected by whom she considered a love one. Suddenly, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her in multiple places, causing her to react sheepishly.\n\n\"Duncan.\" She laughed as he kissed her, reflexively shrinking her neck into her shoulders. Although as she thought of it, he wouldn't publicly act this affectionate towards her, knowing he'd want to spare at least some of his reputation. \nHis lips then landed on hers, separating with a <i>smooch.</i>\n\"You're just so cute,\" He awed, still holding her face. \"I can't eat you up, so I'm just gonna deal my aggression through kissing you.\"\nArmana smirked, \"Well I mean, you can eat me up metaphorically. Or physically...like you just did a moment ago.\"\nDuncan wantonly licked his lips before leaning into her to bite her lower lip.\n\"Don't rouse me up again, princess.\" He cautioned her, his mouth speaking against her's.\nBut her tongue passed over the bottom vermillion and dabbed it over the mucosal transition so their lips were slightly interlocked.\n\"Doesn't sound like something dangerous to me.\"\n\"Not unless you want those clothes off again.\"\n\nDuncan distanced himself to look at her challengingly, cocking an eyebrow. Armana licked and pushed her tongue inside her cheek in ponder, resting her index finger on her chin. Then a smile rose in a look of humble. \n\n\"Maybe another night.\" She chose, hearing him laugh in response.\n\"What made you decide against it?\" He inquired her.\n\"I don't know, it's merely because I don't know how much time's passed since we've been out here. Everything feels risky too.\" She reasoned.\n\"You're right....but...isn't that what's edgy about it? The rush and thrill about getting caught? The temptation of doing something you shouldn't? The fear...you'll be found out?\" His voice lowered as he listed on, slowly filling her head. \n\"Yeah...that's what's drove me both times we've snuck off, Duncan. The idea that Chris or someone could be watching us in this surveillance room. Besides the morality of it of course.\" \n\nFrom her words, Duncan plunged his lips into her's, both their mouths parting to slip into a French kiss. After a long, rendezvous night, the two finally summed up to walk back to the cabins so they could catch some extent of sleep, not knowing what day could be ahead of them. \n\n\"We should do this more often.\" Duncan reminisced.\nArmana chuckled, \"We see each other everyday, Duncan.\"\n\"You know what I mean.\" He winked.\nShe rolled her eyes and pushed him on his shoulder, \"I'm not denying anything but we don't want to risk what achievement we've already garnered. So it's best to keep things down low.\"\n\"I hear ya.\"\n\"Alright. Get some good sleep, bad boy. I'll see you in a few hours.\" \n\"Not without my goodnight kiss.\"\n\"Wha—we just made out a few minutes ago.\"\n\"Yeah, a few minutes ago.\" \n\nArmana exaggeratedly sighed, despite loving the softhearted side of him. She briefly kissed him as he wished, pulling away to see he then conveyed his tiredness. \n\n\"Ok goodnight, for real this time.\" He tiredly farewelled. \nArmana smiled sympathetically for his weariness, \"Goodnight, Duncan.\"\n\nThey simultaneously opened the screen door to their side of the cabin and entered. Inside the cabin excluded electrical lighting, naturally exchanging the light from the outside on either faces of the wall and by the door before the room was split to the boys' bunks. Armana told through the darkness and crept to the shared bureau for her pajamas.\n\n\"Armana?\" She suddenly heard in a shocked whisper.\nArmana whipped her head to see Courtney sat up from her blanket with her sleep mask affixed on her hair fringe. \n\"Courtney?\" Armana shared the same surprise while her voice punctuated in uncertainty of if it was her.\n\"Goodness, what're you doing coming in so late? Was that Duncan's voice?\"\nArmana walked closer to Courtney's bed so they could talk easier.\n\"Yeah, we were having a date night.\"\n\"Ohhh,\" Courtney expressed in recollection. \"I almost forgot you two were dating, right?\"\n\"Mhm. What's keeping you up? Did I wake you?\"\n\"No, it's just Harold's snoring. I swear it's like these walls are so thin. By the way, Armana, is it because of that fear factor challenge? You don't have to put up with him anymore if you're afraid it'll take off a point/member or something.\"\n\n<b>cx_Freeze: Python error in main script</b>\n<i>Traceback (most recent call last):</i>\n<i>File \"&lt;Fuckdidshejustsaytome&gt;\"</i>\n\nArmana was momentarily silent as her face went in a blank expression. Usually it depicted someone neutrally sentiment, but could also convey as mild irritation or a deadpan sense of humor. In this case, mild irritation. \n\nShe faked a laugh as if Courtney made a joke, \"Thank you for your concern Courtney, but no everything's going fine. We're dating because we actually like each other.\"\nCourtney nodded, \"Alright. Try to catch some beauty sleep, ok?\"\n\"Ok.\"\n\nArmana changed into her jammies baffled about what Courtney meant. She didn't press on because the girls were whispering to each other for the sake of not waking up anyone else. She also wanted to keep it brief and didn't want anyone else's attention or asked closely as of why she was just coming in the cabin. Not that it was their business, but she still avoided that path just in case. She laid down in her bunk, turning on her right side towards the wall. Her eyes remained open as she was stirred by the same feelings from earlier. Feelings about Courtney. Kindling jealousy, confusion, anger, doubt, insecurity, recant. She didn't want to be that type of person; the type to begrudge someone or to have an altercation with them. She didn't need the drama nor was she gonna be a pawn of the tv show. Following her own declaration to stay strong, she closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.\n\n\nThe next morning, Armana woke up to take a shower and wore a pair of graphic sweatshorts with a black crop top in substitution. The crew men filmed the teens in their morning routine, Chris called for breakfast in the dining hall from the loudspeaker. \n\n\"Today's breakfast,\" Chef announced. \"Is Hawaiian Italian fusion casserole.\"\n\"You mean leftovers from the cooking challenge.\" Gwen debunked his euphemism.\n\"Yeah that's right! You got a problem with that?!\" \n\"Sir no sir!\"\n\nShe saluted before going to take a seat with her team. Armana inspected the \"fusion casserole\", averting the murky green color and wondering why he inserted a bendy straw like it'd make any difference if someone wanted to drink the slop than eat it. To issue in response, she caught DJ drawing up the food into his mouth only to dribble it in his pet bunny's to feed it. Her and Geoff's eyes widened in disturbance, quickly voiding her gaze as not to catch her staring.\nDuncan currently dispensed coffee into two orange mugs, carrying them back on a tray to his seat next to Armana.\n\n\"Coffee?\" He offered her.\nShe smiled contently, \"Yeah, thanks Duncan.\" \n\"No problem. Im not gonna lie, I was probably gonna steal it if you wouldn't have wanted it.\"\n\"Always looking for trouble. What were you gonna steal a <i>mug</i> for?\"\n\"Cause it's cool looking and I don't have one.\" He shrugged.\n\"See that's the thing; you don't even need it besides it being something small you can what–hide under your shirt?\"\n\"Now you're logically thinking.\" \n\nShe shook her head, finding no justice through words before sipping at the coffee. \n\n\"You get some good sleep?\" He then asked her.\n\"Yeah, I surprisingly feel awake this morning considering I only got a few hours of sleep.\" She answered him.\n\"I'm still a bit tired. Not gonna drink much of this since there's no additives for it to taste as good.\"\n\nSaying so, he laid his head down after a few mouthfuls. Armana stroked her fingers in his hair, from the shaved down black to the lengthy, lime colorant. Her soothing hand on his scalp caused him to pick his head back up on his folded arms to look at her.\n\n\"I had a dream of you last night, Armana.\" He said to her softly.\n\"You did?\"\nHe cleared his throat, \"Yeah. The funny thing about dreaming is that they're hard to remember. But uh, I opened my eyes to see I was in a field of these white flowers. Daisies maybe. I saw you across the land, but still visible enough to see that you had on this pretty dress that came short up on your legs. You were smiling and ran away to make me venture after you. As I chased, the flowers became taller, into like sunflowers, as if to make it harder for me to reach you. I was running up behind you before the field ended and  I realized I was back in front of the water. You were walking into the lake, beckoning me to come with you. I called out to dissuade you but you just kept walking, looking over your shoulder at me with your hand out. Of course I went into the water to try and grab you but you kept just going further and further the closer I came to you.\"\nHis description apparently worried her, stroking her knuckles against his cheekbone.\n\"I don't know, Duncan, kinda sounds like a nightmare to me.\" She labeled as she caressed him.\n\"I know. Didn't mention that dreams could be pretty weird too, huh?\" \n\"Is that how it ended?\"\n\"Yeah, or else I can't remember what else happened. Wondered what it could've meant.\"\n\nArmana nodded in conclusion, letting him put rest his head inside his elbow but more towards her. Silently prompting her to rub his head until he periodically napped, knowing she was there. For the next challenge, they all gathered at the <i>dock of shame; </i>either team standing on the structure where it split outward into opposing sides of the platform. Chris stood in the aisle of the dock between the teams.\n\n\"So, last week's challenge exposed a few Gopher issues,\" Chris noted at Gwen and Leshawna glaring at Heather then towards the Bass. \"And I'm sensing something a little funky floating in  the Bass pond.\"\n\nArmana felt his gaze on her and Courtney but didn't notice Duncan nudging Courtney with his elbow as Chris mentioned something funky. He shouted at the force she exerted when she pushed him to the wood. Although she didn't have to push him as hard, Armana humored the interaction, helping him up and dusting him off as he scowled at Courtney.\n\n\"Soo, this week's challenge is gonna be centered around building trust.\" Chris assigned. \"Because! All good things begin with just a little trust. There will be three major challenges completed by two or more members from each team. Normally, we like to have campers choose their partners. But yet again to test compatibility, not this time. More fun for meeeee.\"\n\n<i>'He's assigning partners again?! Don't tell me he's gonna put Duncan and Courtney together. I'm trying to be as compliant as I can about this.'</i>\n\nArmana let the thought go with a sigh, not wanting to be clouded by the angsty feelings afore. She apprehended letting anyone know about how she felt because it wasn't serious or like she questioned Duncan being around any other girls. Jojo would be the only one to recognize her vigilant suspicion from the last challenge as Chris analyzed. He led them to their first course, being by a cliff face they would freehand climb.\n\n\"Ok, so the first challenge; you'll be doing an extreme, freehand, rock climbing adventure.\" Chris introduced. \"Armana and Courtney will be participating for the Bass.\"\n<i>'What?!'</i>\n\"Heather and Gwen for the Gophers.\" \n\nTo think that she was preparing to see the discordant pair together yet contrarily was in that  position herself. She showed her startled reaction  at his words, seeing Jojo shoot her a grimace. \n\n\"Yeesh babe. I can tell you, working with her is like getting your foot shot off.\" Duncan warned her in advance.\n\"I heard that!\" Courtney informed him.\n\"Yeah, I wasn't trying to be quiet about it.\" \nArmana rubbed her temples with her fingertips as they argued, only imagining if this would've been a paradoxical image of how they'd do for their team. \n\"Here's your belay and harness.\" Chris tossed to the Gopher representatives.\nHeather snatched the belay from Gwen's hands.\n\"Hey, what's your damage?\" Gwen threatened.\n\"If you think I'm letting you hold me up, you're nuts.\" Heather reasoned.\n\"You won't be holding her up exactly,\" Chris differentiated. \"One camper pulls the slack through the belay as the partner climbs. If the climber falls, the belay will stop them from crashing.\"\n\nHe used Duncan as an illustration, the boy pulling on the rope.\n\n\"The catch; both the side and the base of the mountain are rigged with a few minor distractions <i>like</i> rusty nails, slippery oil slicks, mild explosives and a few other surprises.\"\n\"Wicked.\" Harold chipped in.\n\"The person on belay must also harness their partner up. It's all about trust people <i>and</i> remember; never let go of the rope. Your partner's life depends on it.\"\nArmana took a glance at Courtney, seeing that she was smiling at her. Armana relaxed her nerves by returning the friendly mutualism.\n\"Excuse me?\" Gwen raised her hand. \"Can we trade partners? I really don't feel like being dropped on my head today.\"\n\"<i>Paalease</i>,\" Heather protested. \"As much as I love your company, I'm not gonna throw a challenge just to kill you, yet. Now spread em.\"\n\nCourtney joined Armana's side with the climbing equipment.\n\n\"At least we can show that we have more cooperation. Right Armana?\" Courtney encouraged.\n\"Yeah. We definitely got this in the bag. Is there one you're more comfortable doing?\" Armana asked her.\n\"Well, in my experience being trained as a counselor, they demonstrated and discussed effective leadership techniques, skills in communication, group management, decision making or conflict making. Ya know, all the sweets and goodies. So I could probably hold the belay while you climb.\"\n\"Ok, yeah that's fine.\"\n\nArmana looked at the manual instructions of the sit harness. She loosened the waist belt and buckles of the leg loops so she could get into the harness at the appropriate accommodation of her body. Before she could put it on, she removed any twists, particularly in the leg loops since they seemed prone to twisting and flipping upside down. Once the stretchy straps on the back of the harness ran fairly straight to each leg loop, she stepped through the waist-belt and through the adjusted circumferences to pull it up by the belt like it was another pair of pants. The harness fitted around her upper thighs and just above the iliac crest of her hips, ensuring her to tighten the equipment snug on the narrowest part of her waist so that it couldn't be pulled down from her hips. The straps on the leg loops weren't too tight where it made it uncomfortable for her around her upper thighs and groin area. She lastly double backed the belt loop by pulling the strap over itself and back through the loop a second time.\n\nCourtney fed the tail ends of the dangling excess material through the belt buckles, then examined it for any shortcomings. \n\n\"Perfect,\" She assessed. \"Now we just need to tie in the climbing rope.\"\n\nShe formed a <i>bight </i>in the rope, keeping a shorter length to use as the working end. She passed the standing end of the rope through a formed bend and pulled it all the way to create a figure 8 knot. She drew the working end of the rope under the belay loop by finding the configuration of where to tie in the rope on the harness and pulled it through until the knot was away from her body.\nShe looked over to see Heather hooked Gwen up both in front and behind.\n\n\"There, you're all hooked up.\" Heather said. \n\"What's the second rope for?\" Gwen queried, eying behind her.\n\"Its a back up line.\"\n\nCourtney deliberated on doing the same thing, mimicking Heather's actions.\n\n\"What're you doing?\" Duncan intervened.\n\"You heard Heather. Chris fraudulently arranged the mountain with different hurdles, so it's good to have this as back up.\" Courtney justified.\n\"First of all, it's <i>Heather. </i>She's probably fucking it up for Gwen since they locked her in a freezer for how she was dictating their team.\"\n\"She also said she wasn't going to throw a challenge just to kill her.\"\n\"Like I said, it'sss <i>Heatherrr. </i>She has that shit eating grin on her face right now as she's lying through her teeth trying to talk Gwen into trusting her.\"\n\nThey dissolved into another argument, Armana frantically looking between the two. \n\n\"Stop,\" She raised her voice over them. \"This is exactly what Chris meant by being able to trust each other. Yes Heather is probably getting back at Gwen, but then, I'm putting my trust in Courtney by relying on her to hold the rope and make sure I don't fall.\" \nThe two fell silent to mentally take in her words.\nDuncan was the first to speak up, \"I just don't want Courtney to make the situation inadvertently worse.\"\n\"Of course you'd say that. Must I mind you, I have CIT experience.\"\n\"<i>Trust</i>.\" Armana italicized/emphasized to them both, particularly Duncan by kissing him on the cheek.\n\nHis expressed provident caution furrowed his brows, but smoothed from her kiss and upturned in concern for her, letting the two off to participate in the rock climb. Substantially in time, Armana ascended the natural rock formations vigilantly and watched for the impediments Chris previously mentioned. She let Gwen cruise up the rocky surfaces, blindly looking out for the explosives that were hidden. She let her set a chain reaction of them off, reversing her progress as the vigorous, outward release of energy sent her away from the vertical rock exposure. However, the explosions created more irregularities in the rock for handholds or footholds, making it trickier for Armana to exploit any of the cracks or slopes to propel herself. She tried to balance her foot on a tiny dime edge (barely wide enough for the toe of her shoe) but only felt the sole slip along the jagged rock from what must've been remnants of oil. She grunted at the misstep, putting more exertion on her upper arms and shoulders to keep her body up. \n\n\"Keep at it Armana and you'd have escaped prison!\" She heard Duncan cheer her on.\n\nShe laughed at his words of optimism, being able to find a crimp that was very small—only big enough for the pads of her fingers while the rest of her hand was draped onto the wall. She was able to move her body along as Courtney belayed, also attached to the rope by the ATC device that hooked them together. \n\n\"I promised surprises!\" She heard Chris say. \"Habanero pepper sauce, anyone?\" \n\nChris had a water gun presumably filled with the orange, hot chili sauce and first shot a jet at Heather with it.\n\n\"Ugh!\" She reacted, saturating her hair in the sauce until it plastered down her face and sullied her clothes. \"What the heck, Chris?!\"\n\nShe rubbed her eyes, letting go of the rope which responsively slackened from supporting Gwen and dropped her.\n\n\"Muy Caliente.\" Chris remarked with a toothy smile.\n\nCourtney's eyes widened in fear for her turn to come next, her heart rate panicking inside her ears. She winced in anticipation as Chris pistoled the hot sauce towards her, only to see Duncan jump in front of the stream with his mouth opened to swallow the hot sauce. He preparedly wore sunglasses to protect his eyes, the liquid welcomingly spattering against him. \n\nHe licked his lips tastily, \"There is no way you're ruining this for Armana.\"\nChris rolled his eyes, \"Ugh, simp.\"\n\"Wow, thanks Duncan.\" Courtney said still in shock, feeling her cheeks roseate.\n\"Trust, right?\"\n\nThey high five, Courtney unintentionally letting go of the rope. In that quick gap of a second, Armana suddenly felt gravity naturally incline her towards the ground. \n\n\"Courtney!\" She called, dragging out the long vowel in her name.\nCourtney sharply gasped in realized, \"I've got you Armana!\"\n\nShe instinctively yanked on the second rope, hoisting Armana up but heard something violently rip in retaliation.", "Courtney's eyelids widely retracted in shock at the incident, quickly palming her mouth in disbelief for words. Duncan removed his shades to see what was before him in actuality, also taken aback from speaking. Armana's bare ass was in view. Courtney pulled the second rope, successfully leaving Armana progress to climb the rock but unintentionally tearing away both of her bottom garments in the process. To mirror Heather's actions previously, she attached a large spring snap hook to the waistband of her shorts as the rope could pass through, which must've been fixed on her underwear as well.\n\n\"Well you don't see that every day.\" Chris entertained the occurrence.\n\"Jee, Courtney, great way of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. I was gonna do the same thing to rein Gwen from falling <i>behind</i>.\" Heather double crossed on her teammate by pulling on her second rope that would rip away only Gwen's skirt, revealing her pair of purple undies with a pink skull.\n\nCourtney looked on greatly appalled, comparatively dismayed by the fact that it was in Heather's true intentions to humiliate Gwen. Maybe not killing her, but surely making the person wish it did. \n\n\"See Courtney? What did I tell you? Heather's main shtick is to abruptly change her personality once she's used the person. That's how she's been playing the game in this competition since she oppressed Lindsay and Beth into an alliance from day one. Now this is gonna damage Armana compromising trust in you.\" Duncan told her off.\n\"It's not like I meant to do it.\" Courtney tried to lessen the blame off her, slightly intimidated by the boy's pointed anger.\n\nHearing something tore away from her body, Armana curiously searched for the source of sound below her. She became utterly stunned to see she was bottomless, currently in a <i>rock-over </i>position that opened her hips with her butt centered over her foot and shifted to sit on that ankle so it could propel her to the next hold. She remembered Gwen rejoined the climb below her and could potentially see her exposed goodies as several other of the contestants watched on for either to conquer the cliff's face first. She shied her legs closed, too ashamed from going forward by the attention that was already on her. She heard Chris and Heather laugh at her, overwhelming her with unmitigated anxiety. Sure she could've abashed Gwen into covering her eyes and falling once again, but Armana's capability of rationality was brimmed to the point of consternation that her eyes watered.\n\n\"PUT ME DOOOWWWWWNNNN!\" She cried out, a soft choked sob escaping her lips. \"Please! Put me down! Please!\"\n\"Armana! Here! Jump into my arms!\" She heard Duncan tell her. \"I'll catch you I promise!\"\n\nShe slowly turned away from the cliff, steadily maintaining her balance on the ledge. She opened her eyes to see that her tears rendered her vision blurry, not wanting to move her hands from covering her to dry her eyes. She felt even more flustered by turning to the audience for them to see she was crying, feeling weak, like a crybaby and that her face looked ugly expressing the spasmodic contractions in her throat.\n\n\"I'm right here.\" Duncan reassured her again, helping her feel less confined by her emotions and the pressure of whose eyes were on her.\n\nShe leapt feet first from the rock, officially forfeiting from the challenge. She closed her eyes, feeling the speed pick up as she fell in the air and the wind loud in her ears. She felt weightless succumbing to gravity, her muscles and gut twitching in anticipation of Duncan catching her. Suddenly her back and legs land in a person's arms, opening her eyes to see that he shared her sadness at her distressed state. Too chagrined to look at him or to be crying in the first place made her hide her face in his neck. He kissed her mandible below her earlobe and whispered sweet nothings to her, feeling her arm wrap herself closer to him. Courtney detached herself and took off the rope so Duncan could carry Armana to the cabin for a replacement of clothes, the girl left with a penitent expression for accidentally obstructing her own team member and most likely to be put up for elimination. \n\n\"Okaaaaaayyyyyyy.........due to a slight wardrobe malfunction, Gwen has won Gophers the first point for the challenge!\" Chris proclaimed.\n\nMeanwhile, Duncan continued to affectionately speak to Armana in an earshot only between them two. He whispered how good she competed, how strong she was to have made it as far up the cliff, how she was doing so good that they tried to send complications her way like Chris aiming a gun filled with hot sauce at Courtney. He told her how he jumped in the way so that he could eat the Habanero sauce for himself, making her smile and giggle picturing the scene. When he entered the girls' side of the cabin was when he let Armana on her feet to remove her harness and look through her clothes. On her way, he watched her hips sway along her ass cheeks withstanding the stress of propelling her body to walk; looking closely at how her right foot leading forward made her right hip rise and swing outward while her left moved down and slightly swung in. \n\n\"Do you have to make it obvious that you're staring?\" Armana perceived his ogling eyes.\n\"Sorry, I have a thing for asses.\" Duncan dismissively shrugged, making the girl chuckle.\n\nAfter eying a few articles of clothing in front of her, she asked him, \"Do you think I was being sensitive for crying?\"\n\"Of course not. I almost cussed Courtney out for putting you through that when I specifically told her Heather was fucking it up for Gwen. We could've avoided that mishap and win if she had just listened to me.\" Duncan scoffed.\nArmana walked up to the sitting boy to run her hand in his hair, hearing him sigh under her gesture.\n\"It's alright, Duncan. I'm sure she wouldn't have truly intended to do that...e-except....\"\n\"Except what?\"\n\"N-Nothing...\"\n\"...I'll eat you out if you tell me.\"\n\"What?!\"\n\"You're standing here with your naked pussy in front of me, and expect my knees not to buckle in at the sight of it?\"\n\nArmana rolled her eyes but looked into Duncan's to realize he was serious. It was her turn to become intimidated into telling him. Courtney damaged Armana's trust by ripping her clothes off and now—although she never outright admitted to it—would possibly be mistrusted by telling Duncan her crush on him. Duncan sensed her disinclination and brought her closer to him by her ass cheeks, sucking her clit into his mouth as his piercing eyes concurrently looked at her. She shivered at the sight and feeling, holding back a moan. \n\n\"O-Ok, ok,\" She yielded. \"I feel like she does—even though it's pretty obvious—but C-Courtney likes you.\"\nHer words befuddled him for a moment, parting himself away from her to express his surprise.\n\"You serious?\" He subsequently uttered.\nArmana nodded, \"I noticed as each episode went by she slowly showed indications. Like how we stayed out in the woods for one night for that Sucky Outdoors episode; she kept hugging you each time she got scared and vehemently denied it, even when she was caught snuggling up to you as we were all waking up.\"\n\"You mean allegedly cuddling with said Neanderthal?\" He sneered, air quoting her words.\n\"Yes, exactly. Phobia Factor; she held your hand and told you to be brave as her and I were trying to coax you to hug Céline—I mean—the standee. She hugged you again after you overcame your fear but realized her mistake and quickly let go of you once we all swarmed to congratulate you. The paintball shooting challenge; you two got your antlers stuck with each other's and it looked like she was waving at you after she was freed. Last challenge...she kept rebuking you about everything and I could hear as she ranted about all of your traits that annoyed her in the confessional while Jo and I would be walking to the truck to get supplies. And kept pointing out how having a crush on you is very unlikely even tho she ate custard off you and joyfully laughed helping you wash your hair out.\"\n\nAt that point, Armana vented out the frustration she built constantly witnessing the little insinuations Courtney left that she thought she could play down or get away with by claiming she didn't have feelings for him. Mentioning how all of the reprimands she casted towards him was in consideration of keeping him on the team. In her ventilation, she didn't notice Duncan stood up to calm her down until he kissed her in assurance. Once they separated, he cupped her face to awe her.\n\n\"I'm sorry, I might've been a little jealous too.\" Armana admitted in muffled words by his hands squishing her cheeks together.\n\"It's ok. I could've paid more attention. I just thought it was funny from whatever it'd be about me that pissed her off. Heck even my presence makes her hack,\" Duncan regaled. \"...I had a feeling she dug me though.\" \n\"Mhm.\"\n\"....Wanna teach her a lesson?\"\nArmana looked at him bemused for his reference, \"What do you mean <i>teach her a lesson</i>?\"\n\"Cause I mean, she felt awful for what she did to you so by <i>now</i>, her gut's telling her to come check up on you to apologize. But I say, she walks into you riding my face.\"\n\"U-Uh, I don't know Duncan, don't you think she could tattle to the producers on us?\"\n\"If she does I'll punch her in her shit, E for Everyone.\"\nArmana choked on her spit, \"B-But that isn't as reassuring until she actually does see us and you have to commit in the big game you're talking. And you know that doesn't look good for you since you have a parole officer.\"\n\"Alright, Alright, my little jiminy cricket. It's like what we talked about last night. The rush and thrill about getting caught, remember? It's what's hot about it.\"\n\nHe evoked her in the mood by slowly kissing down her neck as his hands felt the rest of her nudity. Armana hugged his neck, falling into the desire.\n\n\"Are you sure? We have to get back to the challenge, you know? They might start to wonder about us.\" Armana wised. \n\"Please 'mana? It'll be quick.\" \n\nShe sighed as her implication of giving in, feeling him intensely kiss on her body more after her consent. He grabbed behind her thighs to dispose  her to jump on him and wrap her legs around his waist. He turned them to sit back down on one of the bottom bunks so she was in his lap as they caught each other's lips to prolong in a make out session. Making out felt indulgent and integral to mediating affection between them, pervasively profiling chemicals of cortisol and testosterone inside their open mouthed kisses. They briefly glanced at each other's lips and up in each other's eyes as they powerfully kissed, deepening their interconnection to the sensuality.\n\nHer fingers stimulated his scalp and she gently tugged a handful of buzzed hair by its roots, hearing him moan at the innervated sensation. Slightly tilting his head back incentivized him to lean back into the bed's mattress, holding her close to him as to stay lip-locked. She straddled him, his hands shaping her body and malleably kneading his fingers into the flesh on her ass. Doing so opened and spread the prominences from her goodies situated under, exposing her sex organs to the atmosphere. His groping hands stretched the soft tissue of her labia folds off her vagina, rising her to moan into the kiss. \n\nShortly after, Duncan disconnected their kiss to talk dirty in her ear, licking the outside and inside the funneling auricle so that his words could shiver down her spine. Both hands cupped inside either thigh and along the gluteal fold to caress his fingertips on her labia.\n\n\"You're so dirty, who knew I could make a good girl go bad. Your parents wondering about how their precious daughter's doing when she's about to get fucked by my mouth.\" He explicitly imaged, exciting her vagina to clench in anticipation. \"This thick ass was just showed to everyone, now they could possibly see your sweet pussy all in the air right now. You want someone to see you even though you almost died from the humiliation?\" \nArmana nodded in a trance of lust, capturing his lips so hard their teeth clinked but recoiled into another passionate session.\n\nThen Duncan's hands trailed to her hips, sitting her up to face astriding him. \n\n\"Come on 'mana, come ride on my face. I wanna drown and suffocate in your pussy.\" He allured her.\n\nWith her heart pummeling in her chest, she scooted herself up his torso and towards his obsequiously groveling mouth. She continued until his head was between her thighs and widened them apart enough where his mouth was aligned with her private. She hovered above his face in a shy manner, keeping her weight on her knees and looking down at him biting her lip. His hands handled her hips and slowly lowered her down, sitting with her knees folded in front of her and splaying out to the sides in a <i>W sitting</i> <i>position</i>. Climactically, he sucked in her clit again but it was more sensual for her, having her pussy vulnerably exposed for his mouth to explore. He used his mouth to spread her folds and pursed his lips to easily access the sensitive skin, seeing her throw her head back so fast it could've caused whiplash. \n\nShe gripped her hand in his hair, intaking her breath as short gasps and moaning his name mellifluously. His hands began to guide her hips to slowly grind on his face back and forth, insinuating her clit to bump against his nose as her pussy slid to the back of his tongue. She reactively arched her back and moaned to the bottom of the top bunk. He momentarily stilled her by holding her hips in front of him so he could get a visual of her vulva and where to parse his mouth to provide her with different sensations. His eyes only dropped from her gaze when he minutely adjusted his mouth to stay close inside the furrow of her pudendal cleft. Then she felt him move her hips again, motioning herself to grind on his face as it rhythmically disappeared inside her. She circularly rotated her hips when he closed on her clit, responding in bliss at the miraculous sensation. \n\n\"Oh fuck Duncan! This feels so good. You eat me out so good.\" She desperately accoladed. \n\nHe moaned to the sound of her desperation, his tongue salivating as it sprightly tried to untether from the web of frenum. From his supine position, he regarded how the mounds of her breasts looked still clothed in her crop top and how her abdomen rose and fell to his oral sex. Her eyes would make contact with his, finding pleasure in watching him eat her as if she actually appeased his hunger. It made her feel in control being able to differ motions in her hips instead of only refraining from movement, meticulously changing methods so not to tire her hip flexors. Although, she minded if she was squishing Duncan from being able to breathe. He delighted in the lack of oxygen, feeling heavy beats of his breath from under his nostrils as he smothered his mouth in her sex. She attempted to hold herself up with her hips, only to feel him stern his hands against them and crane his neck to keep her intact with him.\n\nHer eyes rolled back at his shown partiality, as if to say she couldn't get away from him until she came. Meanwhile, seeing they still weren't back yet, Courtney couldn't help but feel inadequate going on in the challenge as time went by. She earned confusion and cynicism from her teammates who wholly opined her to apologize or work things out with Armana. Courtney traipsed to the cabin, hunched over with her arms embracing herself to comfort her from her sullen mood and thoughts. She wish she'd stop playing the scene in her head as it relapsed in slow motion, going to show how shocked she still was over not foreseeing the mistake. Her cheeks tinged with warmth at the repetition of Duncan's words, imagining how angry he actually was after they just quashed their dubiety in each other. She could swear how much his punk masquerade worked her up, but internally she lived for each of those moments that lessoned her of his especial characteristics. She lowered people's suspicions by being critical and an achiever for her team, not wanting to inflate Duncan into being even more annoying and seeing his relationship with Armana as detrimental to how she could look.\n\nTo pacify, her hands rubbed her shoulders, not realizing the moans that could be heard from inside the approaching cabin. She looked at her feet absentmindedly as she walked, not being observant until she stepped up the porch and twisted the door knob. She stopped mid-through once she hearkened to what was going on.\n\n\"<i>Duncan</i>.\" She heard Armana pleasurably vocalize in a mixture of obscenities before sucking in air through her teeth. \"<i>Keep licking me like that</i>.\"\n\nCourtney's eyes nearly popped from their sockets hearing them commit in such a venereal act. On a TV Show. <i>Has to be one of Duncan's shenanigans</i>, she figured and swiveled on her heel back to the rest of the cast. She could still hear the teens as she distanced, Armana desirously encouraging Duncan through high pitched affirmatives. Her fingernails scraped against the cover and crumpled it in towards her palm to form a fist, moving her body to distribute her arousal and increase her physical pleasure. She held onto the bed post supporting the top bunk, swinging her pelvis back and forth Duncan's face as he flexed, twirled and flattened his tongue. She particularly moaned to the three dimensional changes in his tongue, using her index and middle digits to spread her labia lips so she could expose the underlying minora's brownish black skin. \n\nShe then proceeded to rub the skin against his tongue, crying at the new stimulus of him gliding it inside the vestibule where it commissures her urethra and vagina. After enjoying the pleasure in a few repetitions, he stiffened his tongue to protrude onto her clit, wagging and twirling the erected tissue to play with it. She audibly breathed more laboriously, her right leg occasionally spasming and body involuntarily squirming at the cunnilingus. She tried to look back down and watch Duncan as they aforesaid shared but her eyelids seemed leaden and only opened half way, eyes rolling into her lids—closing and tossed her head back. He could sense her nearing orgasm by how her thighs clamped around his head to trap him in. He studied her expression as she began to grind herself on his face more distinctively to feel any projection bearing his side profile. She nudged her clit against the apex of his nose, picking up her innuendo and submerging the anterior facial region in her fissure. His hands grasped on her hips to hold her down and pin his face, rubbing the pointed cartilage up on her genitalia as his tongue wriggled in multiple crevices. Armana hastily bucked and swerved in figure eights, climbing closer to her orgasm while losing focal awareness in her senses.\n\nDuncan could feel the viscosity of her secretions being sniffed along the rim of his nostrils but persisted subservience in sexual more. She repeated his name in her mantra, nuancing him of the building stimulation inside her. In culmination, her breath was taken away, not breathing for a few seconds, her lips quivering and indistinctly uttering words. Then suddenly, her moans loudly quavered, her body synchronizing with her exhales as she rode out miniature grinds to soothe her orgasm. Her thighs shivered and felt her genital muscles contract, convulse, vicing him in deeper within her thighs. Eventually, her body slackened, feeling him gently lick up her fluids to clean her. \n\nShe slowly eased off of his face; seeing his cheeks were blotchy and mottled in smears of red. Her fluid coated his skin with a soft sheen, wiping his face although he was gladdened to have her as a moisturizer. \n\n\"Lord, princess, you have the sweetest pie.\" He grinned, licking his lips for another morsel of her flavor.\nArmana smiled modestly, \"Thank you, Duncan. Always happy to please.\"\n\"Likewise.\"\n\nShe sat up from the bed, her mind suddenly immersing in any impending events.\n\n\"...Do you think she saw?\" Armana evoked.\nHe turned down the corners of his mouth in a frown and shrugged, \"Eh, probably. She could've brought a cameraman with her to truly mark her apology to the audience.\"\n\"Ugh, Duncan, don't say that into existence. Then that means they could've heard what was going on.\"\n\"You're right, you're right. But the risk felt great, didn't it?\"\nShe sighed in exasperation but nodded, \"Yeah, it did. It made me come pretty undone. Sorry if I made you feel like you stuck your head out of a car window in a thunderstorm.\"\n\"No worries. It's a proclivity I have.\"\n\nArmana laughed and picked out a new pair of underwear then changed into another pair of blue jeans. Seeing her change the bottom half of her outfit made Duncan stretch out his shirt in front of him to think back to the orange stains of hot sauce.\n\n\"That reminds me; I should change too.\" He commented, Armana watching him roll his shirt up his torso to strip off above his head. \n\"You wanna wear one of mine?\" Armana offered, holding up a pink racer top.\n\"Tempting, tempting, but I got some more packed.\"\n\nHe swapped for a skull metal rock shirt that lengthened to his elbows. \n\n\"Hmm, good alternative.\" She alluded with a smirk.\n\"Yeah, not much for pink.\" Duncan shrugged.\n\"Alright, we better start heading back. We've already procrastinated enough time, <i>Duncan</i>.\"\n\nArmana spoke prominence on his name for their sexually active idea, causing him to chuckle. They walked to the mainland where they heard chattered of intermingled voices. Meanwhile they were gone, Chris assessed an <i>Extreme Cooking Challenge </i>partook by Geoff, Bridgette, Lindsay and Trent. They were to prepare a meal made of fugu blowfish, a poisonous Japanese fish, their partners would taste. The reliance on their teammates was of course that the blowfish contained tetrodotoxin in its organs, especially the liver, ovaries, eyes and skin. Meaning they had to carefully remove the intoxicated parts and avoid contaminating the meat. Or else, as of Trent befalling; incapability of breathing, hysteria, paleness in the complexion and nausea/vomiting, resulting in twenty four hours for recovery and staying in the infirmary to be administered by nurse Hatchet.\n\nThe next tests were three blind challenges; first <i>the blind william tell</i>, now <i>the blind trapeze</i>. Upon Armana's arrival, she was surprised to hear applause from some of her teammates. She sheepishly smiled her discomfiture being in the limelight, knowing she was the talk of the moment. Jojo exhibited frantic glee, speedily walking up to her with her arms held out. She tightly embraced Armana, squeezing her closer once she felt the girl reciprocate her endearment. \n\n\"Hopefully I didn't make you feel uncomfortable. Sorry that was so sudden.\" Jojo conveyed after they released each other.\n\"No, you're fine. Thank you for that. I didn't want to feel like the elephant in the room.\"\n\"Are you ok?....After what happened?\"\nArmana sighed as if to relive in the embarrassment, \"Yeah. I feel better after being able to recoup myself and would rather act as if it never happened.\"\n\"Ok...I know Courtney went to try and apologize to you but she came back rather taciturn about it.\"\n<i>'So she did see?!' </i>Armana pulled a face at the imagination. \n\"Where is Courtney anyway?\"\n\"Well, last challenge Chris called it the blind William Tell. One person had to be blindfolded and throw crab apples to try and bull's eye it through an arrow perched on their partner's head, doing so first would automate a point. Courtney wore the arrow on her head while Sadie fired apples. Her and Leshawna were both doing horribly at first until somehow Leshawna was first to aim her apple in the arrow. Of course, that would end the challenge, right? But Sadie kept throwing damn apples like she had her ears covered and not her eyes. She was hitting everybody and all types of wild animals aimlessly. It took Chris to grab her to snap out of it. Long story short, Courtney in the infirmary. I could've just said that damn near.\"\nArmana chuckled, \"No no I like the built anticipation.\"\n\nDuncan remained in Armana's presence, hearing them but not listening. He noticed DJ appeared dewy eyed as Geoff showed sympathy trying to explain something. He eavesdropped, overhearing Geoff saying that bunny ran away. \n\n\"U-Uh...he's not with us anymore. He uh hopped away? But I'm sure he'll be back. Sorry dude.\" Geoff apologized, presumably responsible for keeping watch on the boy's pet while he had to do something.\nDJ gripped Geoff's shoulder with whimpering lips, \"Nah. It's not your fault man.\"\n\nHe then moped away from the group, depressing him into wondering aloud of bunny's causation for leaving him. Duncan pondered of a solution, setting out towards the dining hall.\n\n\"Hey,\" Armana unexpectedly grabbed his hand. \"Is everything ok?\"\nDuncan nodded and smiled in reassurance, \"Everything's fine, cutie pie. I'm just gonna go look for something really quick, ok?\"\n\"Ok. Do you need help finding it?\"\n\"Nope, you don't need to worry your pretty little head about anything. You've already been through enough today.\"\n\"...Are you sure?\"\n\"Of course.\"\n\nHe briefly squeezed her hand and they let go of each other, leaving her curious for what he was finding. In the meantime, Harold would perform on an aerial apparatus such as a horizontal bar that hung by ropes from a ceiling support (the trapeze). Him as the catcher would build up swing from a still position and use the momentum to cue a blindfolded Bridgette to jump into his hands. Not to mention they were above a pond full of electric jellyfish. Another situation where their partner's life was in their hands.\n\n\"Okay, Bridgette,\" Harold readied. \"Jump! Now!\"\nBridgette walked over the edge to prepare herself but retracted to one of the posts supporting the platform.\n\"Aw!\" Harold deflated. \"If we're going to win, you've got to trust me!\"\n\"O-Okay, sorry! Next time!\" She promised subsequently.\n\"Okay. 1! 2! 3! Jump!\"\n\nBridgette sprung from the platform with searching hands, successfully being caught by Harold. Earning their teammates' whoops out of praise and joy. Heather and Lindsay were up next, Lindsay placed as the catcher. \n\n\"Ok Gophers your turn.\" Chris turned.\n\"Ok!\" Lindsay called for Heather to listen. \"1! 2! 3! J-Jump—N-No! N-Not yet!\" \nShe fell upon deaf ears as Heather expectantly hopped from the platform, only to meet excruciating voltage released by microscopic barbed stings the coelenterates defensed with. \n\nArmana supposed karma backfired on both perpetrators today. After Heather had to be sent to the infirmary to be treated, a final activity remained to deliberate one of the teams for immunity.\n\n\"And now the final leg; the blind toboggan race.\" Chris presented. \n\"The say what?!\" Leshawna interjected.\n\"Each team will have a driver and a navigator. The driver steers while the navigator shouts directions. Oh yeah! In case you haven't gotten the pattern here, the driver will be blindfolded.\"\nHe heard reactions of disapproval from the teens.\n\"Not many of you left, huh? Keep losing you guys.\" Chris chuckled, as if to tally them. \"Oh well. Uh Gwen and Leshawna. Geoff and DJ.\" \n\nThey were summoned to descend a steep hill containing a telltale course for the lubed underside of their toboggans to slide down. With the driver maneuvering blindly, the navigator would have to guide them from landforms surfacing the terrain. Duncan was able to lure a young rabbit, similar to the one DJ befriended, with a carrot. He pleasantly waved the tapered orange root in front of it as an incentive of where he was taking it. \n\n\"Ahem,\" Courtney advertised her presence, interrupting him. \"Why are you playing with DJ's rabbit? Give him back, he's probably looking all over for him.\"\nThe lagomorph caught up to Duncan as he stopped at Courtney's appearance, beginning to quickly feed on the carrot. He picked up the animal and stared at her, wordlessly sending the message.\n\"...Ohhh I get it,\" She said. \"You found him a new <i>bunny</i>, didn't you?\"\n\"...You tell anyone and what you thought was living in misery being on this show, is about to get a whole lot worse for you.\" He menaced.\n\"Pfft,\" Courtney scoffed, checking for any dirt in her fingernails. \"You just like to live up to this punk boy aesthetic so much, don't you? Trying to cast this image on others so you can seem more threatening? It's hard to subdue under you when there's a cute bunny rabbit in your hands. I guess I shouldn't tell anyone about what you and Armana were doing either, should I?\"\nDuncan chuckled, biting his lip and stroking the occupied rabbit's fur. \"Did you enjoy the show?\"\n\"You're disgusting for having the audacity of doing that on a TV show. You tread recklessly when you could've gotten caught on film. What is wrong with you? Kids could be watching this.\"\n\"Well kids can learn that we can do whatever the hell we want. We're sixteen, on our way to being adults. Being on this show means we're away from our parents, away from any surveillance and can actually have fun. You know, what makes you so bitchy is that you're uptight and chastise anyone about the slightest rule they break or refuse to conform to. It's about doing what you want.\"\n\"Yeah? Think about the repercussions that come with <i>'doing whatever the hell you want</i>', like <i>someone—</i>oh I don't know—who was detained to juvenile detention? Like what they teach to kids in 'Beyond Scared Straight'?\"\n\"I might be in juvie, sure, but it also means i'm a carefree, laidback, chill person who doesn't ostentatiously act so virtuous.\" Duncan said batting his eyelashes at the irate girl. \nHe then turned away, \"Consider it god's grace not getting voted off tonight. The odds look pretty against you.\"", "Armana watched Geoff and DJ sled down the precipitous hill, so far avoiding any obstacles. Duncan returned towards them reaching halfway down.\n\n\"Hey, you're back.\" Armana exuberantly welcomed him.\n\"Of course babe, I said it'll only be right quick.\" He said to her.\n\"Did you find what you were looking for?\"\n\"Yup, im holding it in my hand right now. Hey DJ! Look who I found!\"\n\nHe raised his hands above his head and opened them to present the rabbit sitting contently in his palms. He could see Geoff excitedly pointing his finger in his direction, speaking enthusiastically to DJ. It motivated him to steer with more purpose, Gwen and Leshawna catching up to just pass along them. The teams suddenly traveled past explosions igniting in proximal locations downhill. Off in the distance, Chris pushed a detonator to ignite the unsuspecting dynamite. Must be inspired a lot by Michael Bay. \n\n\"We had a few explosives left over and I just hate to waste.\" He sadistically reasoned.\n\nAdversely, DJ and Geoff slide right over a concealed explosive, shooting them high in the air and off course. Owen and Lindsay cheered prematurely seeing Gwen and Leshawna gain close to the bottom of the hill and predictively cross the finish line. The Killer Bass watched on disappointedly until they heard an omniscient sound of a slide whistle conveying something/someone rapidly descending. \n\nArmana looked skyward, animated to see DJ and Geoff coming back down.\n\"Look!\" She pointed, subconsciously pulling Duncan into her by his lower back. \n\nThey landed on the ribbon marking the finish line with a massive thud, Geoff froze in the midst of clinging onto DJ still petrified by the near death experience. Owen and Lindsay slumped in their posture, mouths agape at their convenient timing just as Gwen and Leshawna made it. The Bass clamored in shouts of joy, running to surround Geoff. Armana stayed by Duncan's side, watching DJ quickly tear off the occluding cloth and strode in awe of seeing the doppelgänger rabbit in the boy's hands. He gently picked it up with open palms before spinning around out of rejoice. He then wept, holding the rabbit soothingly close to his face.\n\n\"Thanks Duncan,\" He said, his voice trembling in between shedding tears. \"You're the best.\"\n\"Whatever man it's just a stupid rabbit.\" Duncan dismissed. \n\"Aww, he must've really missed him. I'm sure he's in your debt since you went out of your way to do that for him.\" Armana ascertained.\n\"Guy thinks he's mother nature trying to be one with these wild animals. It's annoying to be honest.\"\n\"<i>Yet </i>you still did it for him. I mean, didn't you go through the same thing when you were younger? Your dog ran away when you were a little boy, right? It's like a parallel situation in this case.\"\n\"Ok, ok fine. You saw right through me. I didn't want him to go through the same thing. I just...don't want people to think that I'm going soft or something.\"\n\"Oh Duncan, don't worry, I won't tell anyone. But on one condition.\"\n\"And what might that be?\"\n\"You have to promise me that you'll remember not to carry any burden of inadequacy. You'll be free to be yourself, know that your good enough for who you are and not on definitions of how masculine or manly someone may find you because that's just unrealistic and unnecessary.\"\n\"....I don't know if I can guarantee that, princess. That's a lot to promise on.\"\n\"It sounds like a lot but it's simple, you're a sweetheart. You don't have to be afraid to show it. Just try and remember that.\" She embodied him into a hug, smushing the side of her face in his chest. \nHe adored the sight and returned her sentiment. Then he kissed her ear before whispering into it, \"But how else am I gonna make sure these runner ups know you're mine?\"\nArmana tittered, \"Oh trust me, they know. Your hickeys haven't even healed yet.\"\n\"Healed? Are you kidding? I wanna exult and flaunt them like they're a fashion awareness.\"\n\nHis words elated Armana to laugh.\n\n\"And so Campers, here we meet again. Killer Bass as winners of the Toboggan race!\" Chris declared, seeing them illustrate their cheers.\n\"Unfortunately,\" Chris interposed over them. \"I said that these were blind challenges. By taking off the blindfold for a moment you broke the number one rule. Which makes the Gophers today's winner!\"\n\nArmana facepalmed at the likelihood staked against them. \n\n\"Well what do ya know, guess I called it.\" Duncan expressed in surprise. \n\"What do you mean?\" Armana questioned him.\n\"Just over a minute ago, Courtney and I had this big argument over something little. Basically, she caught me while I was luring the new rabbit for DJ. I threatened her cause ya know good ol defense mechanism and I didn't need her ruining my image. So she goes on trying to aim at how I dress and carry myself, following that she saw what we were doing as some type of retribution she was holding over me like a mistletoe. I wasn't scared about it like she probably wanted me to be, I instead implied that her presence got us off even more. She started hurling insults of how disgusting I was to be doing that on a TV show capably suitable for children. We go back and forth and I got the last word suspecting she would be the one getting voted off. Of course, only if we lost. Which in the endgame of this challenge, we did.\"\nArmana blinked, processing his words.\n\"I think it's obvious she should be going home tonight. Heck, I bet she hasn't even apologized to you yet.\"\n\"Well it's not like she didn't try to, <i>Duncan. </i>I heard another half of the story from Jojo, though. Said Sadie put Courtney in the infirmary from throwing apples at her when it was well past Chris ending the challenge.\"\nDuncan laughed, \"That's what she gets.\"\nArmana grabbed his mouth to close up his lips. \"Just like it wasn't Courtney's intention to embarrass me, Sadie was probably oblivious to what she was doing and didn't intend to hit her until she was seeing birds and stars. Yet, both of them are being put up for trial. So Sadie could be going home too.\"\nShe let go of him.\n\"But what about the stuff you were venting to me about her. I wouldn't let a guy get away with that.\" \n\"I know, I know. It's just...maybe I still trust her.\"\n\nDuncan wasn't expecting to hear Armana's words, wondering how she could have as much reliance on someone.\n\nHe sighed, \"You definitely are a forgiving person, you know that?\"\n\"Yeah, I know, maybe it'll hurt me in the end.\" Armana shrugged off.\n\"You're just a compassionate person who balances out my mean demeanor. You're my voice of reason to looking at things more sensibly.\"\n\nThey hugged again and cherished each other's lips into a kiss. Later, when Armana for once was by herself, Courtney approached her.\n\n\"Hey Armana.\" She happily greeted her, seeing her look up from what she was drawing in her sketchbook.\n\"Hey Courtney.\" Armana returned her intonation.\n\"Is it okay if we talked for a second?\"\n\"Yeah sure. Wassup?\"\nCourtney sat down next to her on the porch.\n\"I just want to say before the ceremony that I genuinely apologize for everything. I don't want you to think that I disregarded what happened. I felt completely horrible about doing that to you and want to get my words out there knowing that there's a bad outlook fixed on me right now.\"\n\"Thank you, I accept your apology. I know you tried to apologize earlier after Duncan helped me to the cabin, Jojo told me. Sorry you saw or heard what we were doing.\"\n<i>'Even though we were intending to do that so she would see us.'</i>\n\"Oh that, pooh, I forgot about it not too long it happened.\" She then felt a strong curiosity pique her interest. \"Although, I'm intrigued;...how do you two get away with that stuff? I'm sure for you to be that bold, it wasn't your first time.\"\n\"Hmmm.\" Armana audibly thought over telling her.\nCourtney laughed, \"Oh come on, Armana. I already caught you two in the act. You might as well tell me.\" \n\"Alright, alright, fair point. Duncan usually planned where we'd go as if he scoped the whole island out and knows where to surreptitiously move where cameras aren't set up. It must be in his intuition from disobeying the law. Anyways, it would usually be at night when everyone is going to sleep and the camera crew have packed up.\"\n\"Is that why you came in so late?\"\nShe nodded, \"Mhm.\"\n\"I can say I expected nothing less from him. He's so deviant.\"\n\"Yes but it's so fun how I wouldn't have expected him to bring out my libido, ya know? When I first met him, I thought he was just a flirt; that I was a girl he saw as a summer fling or appeased his options of who was on this island. But I got to know him, gave him a chance and he's the best person whose filled some void I didn't know I had. Like I was missing a part of him and he's extended this exploitative, mischievous, cunning side. It's <i>fun.</i>\"\n\nDuncan's words replayed in Courtney's head, '<i>Being on this show means we're away from our parents, away from any surveillance and can actually have fun.' </i>Although she personally wouldn't gratify through such acts in the affairs of this show, she could sense what was idealized about the sexuality. She slowly regarded it in a particular light through her questions, prevaricating for more vividness or to hear her word a rosier picture. \n\n<i>'Is he good?' 'What does his tongue feel like?' 'How does he know how to do all this stuff?'</i>\n\nArmana noticed Courtney queried a lot about Duncan, probably not even aware herself that she was. It's what he meant by what Courtney should be held accountable for, especially why they engaged in something to her being there prospectively. They chatted a bit more, ending the subject with how much Armana cared for Duncan and saw him as the boy she's longly romanticized for in her dreams. She puts her sketchbook up and walked over to the lake; hearing the ambience of the water and reactant laughter from the boys' hands bespattering each other in the distance. She took off her shoes and rolled up her jeans so she could sit on the dock and solely immerse her feet in. She twinkled her toes to feel the water move between them, smiling to see tiny fish skittering about. Her eyes squinted to see a shirtless Duncan afar boisterously playing with Geoff, Owen and DJ. He caught sight of her as Owen restrained him in a headlock while grinding his knuckles in his hair. Her head angled down to look through the transparency of the sunlight shone water. Then in his field of vision, she chinned up to brim her hand above her brow ridge and smiled at the sight at them. \n\n\"Come on Donuts. Say uncle!\" Owen subjected him.\n\nSuddenly, Duncan brought up his inside arm closest to Owen's body and over his back to grab his nose from behind. He squeezed Owen's nose as hard as he could and violently pulled him backward without losing his grip. Owen cried out in agony and lessened his arm from Duncan. The boys laughed to ridicule him at the reprisal.\n\nOwen protected his nose, \"Yo man, what's your issue? That hurt really bad.\"\n\"There's treasure ahead.\" Duncan thumbed at Armana with a smirk.\n\nHe breaststroked over to her, shortly ascending his upper body out the water to see her up close.\n\n\"Hey, mini me.\" Duncan said, swinging her feet with his hands.\n\"Hey Duncan.\" \n\"Why don't you come join us in the water? Some more skin could suit you.\"\n\"Because I only came to watch what you guys were doing. Looked like y'all were trying to make whirlpools out there.\"\n\"Oh yeah ya know, just practicing combat above and under the water like grappling and choking techniques. Casual boy-roughhousing.\"\n\"And you expect me to go in the water with you? I'd rather watch these cute, tiny fishies by my feet.\"\nLooking in the water, Duncan cupped liquid in his hand as a hemispherical vessel for a fish to swim in.\n\"Gnarly, this one looks like one of those anti stress toys you squeeze until its eyes pop out. Wanna see?\"\nArmana's face twisted in a grimace from his description, but eased and leaned forward to see the abnormality. She nodded.\n\"Ok, put your hand out.\" Duncan told her.\n\nOnce she did, Duncan took the opportune to grab her wrist and pull her into the water. \n\n\"Duncan!\" His name caught in her throat after her next breath came in a sudden inhalation. \"Fuck! This water is cold as fuck!\"\n\nShe felt the cool water immediately permeate through her clothes, overtaking her body with its low temperature. \n\n\"Duncan! I'm going to kill you!\" She angrily stated.\n\"Looking forward to it.\" Duncan pleasured, adoring her anger. \n\nIn spite of her former hesitancy, she wrestled him in the water; moving without ration as she reached for him and numerously attempted different ways to push him beneath. Her incensed struggle with him wasn't returned, instead seeing him smile and hearing him laugh turning tail to try and get away from her. His back turned, she jumped onto him. She encircled his neck with her right arm, his trachea at the crook of her elbow. The right hand then grasped her upper left arm, her left palm holding her opposite shoulder as an efficient choke from him to be able to escape. Her elbows were brought together so that the lateral pressure from her biceps and radius bone was applied to his neck on both sides. \n\nDuncan wheezed, \"W-Wait. A-Armana, babe, you're actually choking me.\"\nHe felt her legs lock around his waist and hook her ankles around each other to better enclose him.\n\"O-Okay, I'm serious, babe. Y-You're really holding onto me.\"\n\nHer small stature allowed her to keep Duncan captive, giggling in his ear to hear his next breaths come as hisses.\n\n\"Bet you won't pull me in the water again, will you?\" She elicited him, feeling him strain against her only to tighten her grip.\n\"A-Armana...\" Duncan breathed out.\n\"Answer me.\"\n\"N-No! No I won't!\"\n\"Won't what?\"\n\"I won't pull you in the water again.\"\n\nHe began to rapidly tap her thigh.\n\n\"O-Okay, I tap! I won't do it again!\" He pleaded, only to still struggle to breathe.\n\"I believe you have a few more seconds until you start to lose consciousness.\"\n\"O-Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! Uncle!\"\n\"Mm-mm.\"\n\"I'm sorry!\"\n\nJust as he started to fade out of consciousness, Armana let go of him, taking his place of smiling and laughing as he gasped, wheezed and coughed. \n\n\"Are you serious? You choke me til I almost pass out just because I pulled you into the lake?\" Duncan reflected in annoyance, now previously sharing her anger.\nArmana dropped back into the water to face him, seeing him pant as his face was suffused with colors of pink and red.\n\"Fix your face.\" She told him, chucking him under his chin and fondling his beard. \"You're not <i>really </i>mad at me...are you?\"\nShe beseeched with pleading eyes to show credulous innocence. Duncan frowned and deeply sighed.\n\"No. Of course I can't stay mad at you. A part of me actually liked it.\"\n\nThey both laugh and kissed to absolve each other's mistakes, elongating into a make out when they felt a conducive atmosphere to the leisure of being in the water. Courtney found Armana's sketchbook, flipping to the latest drawing she made. As she leafed through, she watched how her drawings transitioned to sketches of Duncan; capturing him in different moments or expressions with the date signed and a caption wrote as if they were diary entries. The first one was actually on their first day on the show.\n\n<i>'This is Duncan. He's a punk rock clad boy who I find creepy, he has all these piercings like those straight needles you put in a pincushion. And he's trying to come on to me. Funny thing is, I'm not uncomfortable about it. Anyways, I'm starting to like to draw him because I think he's really expressive and his piercings kinda make him fun to draw. That's it &lt;3.'</i>\n\nShe read the entries and chuckled at different moments she drew, watching as they grew more personal and erotic of the things they did. The drawing she saw her work on currently was two versions of herself or one to be a doppelgänger of her. They both posed between a symmetrical line; one her normal self seeming to express worrisome while the other leered with antagonistic and malevolent intentions. She found arts and craft; coloring her counterpart with a dark green shade in the correspondence of her hair color, eyebrows, eyes, lips and her clothes—only retaining her skin color. She illustrated how she felt herself was her own adversary in conflict of feeling jealousy, thus why her manifestation was green.\n\n<i>'What could she be jealous of?'</i>\n\nShe read along the recorded caption that described both personalities in pursuit to her curiosity. Comprehending her writing made her realize she shouldn't be looking in her sketchbook; where her innermost thoughts could explicitly be written and visually depicted in graphite. She abruptly closed the book and safely placed it back where it was, heading outside to enjoy what could be her last few remaining hours on the show. \n\nAt the campfire ceremony, Armana was comfortably changed into her pajamas after playing in the water with Duncan. Though her fingers were still pruned from how long they were in. She leaned her face on his shoulder, feeling the radiating warmth of the fire hit her arms and legs. The fire audibly popped and crackled as the wood split multiple crevices to release trapped steam. He stretched his arm adjacent to the upper joint she laid on to gently welcome her more access to his chest. She wasn't aware of how tired she was until he wrapped his arm around her and paced his hand up and down affectionately.\n\nChris ritualistically came with a platter of marshmallows.\n\"Who wants a treat; a tasty goody that represents exemption, security, peace of mind—\"\nCourtney rolled her eyes from the built anticipation, \"Just get on with it.\"\n\"Ifyoudon'tgetamarshmallowyouhavetowalkthedockofshameandyoucannevercomeback,\" Chris said in one breath. \"Ever. Let's see one for Duncan, one for Armana, one for Bridgette.\"\nHe counted the marshmallows three at a time to toss to the teens. \"DJ, Geoff. Harold, Jojo.\"\nAnd only one marshmallow remained on the plate for either Courtney or Sadie. \n\"Looks like we only have one left. Courtney...and Sadie. The final marshmallow...goes to....\"\n\nCourtney mean mugged Sadie from priorly blunting her with apples. Sadie cowered in her seat and showed worrisome for being voted off in result. She covered her eyes, shrinking in anxious uncertainty. Courtney didn't want to sit in the suspense that fictionally aroused tension for the audience. She sat with her cheek against her knuckles and groaned when they were still waiting.\n\n\"Oh come on already.\" Courtney urgently showed her endurance.\n\"Don't rush me! The audience eats up this kind of dramatic conclusion.\" Chris reasoned, waiting a bit longer. \"...Sadie.\"\n\nHe casually flicked the last marshmallow to Sadie, who seemed shocked herself. Courtney deeply sighed, not sure if she felt disappointed or at ease with being let go from the competition. She wordlessly glared at Sadie as she rose and advanced to the dock of shame. Her menacing glare was enough to strike fear in the girl before flipping her hair over her shoulder as if to flick away everyone behind and walked with some form of purpose in her gait. \n\n\"Courtney, wait!\"\nThe brunette stopped in her tracks, turning in surprise to see it was Armana with an uneaten marshmallow.\n\"Here, you can have mine. Ya know, like you never got voted off.\" Armana smiled.\nCourtney reacted taken aback, considering she read how Armana internally felt about her and knew her feelings for Duncan.\n\"U-Um, thank you, Armana,\" She accepted the confection. \"I'm sorry again.\"\n\"No worries, it was an accident.\"\n\"No, not just for that....\"\n\nArmana realized what she meant and with that, Courtney walked away. \n\nWhen she made it back to her tree stump next to Duncan, Chris declared, \"Rest of you are safe...for now.\"\nAs they all departed from the focal point, Duncan sneered, \"Well no one's gonna miss her, am I right?\"\nBut Armana didn't return the same delight about Courtney's absence, instead she shot him a dirty look.\n\"Oh come on my little doll, you don't actually feel bad for voting her off, do you?\"\n\"Of course I feel bad.\" Armana retorted.\n\"Why? It was the right thing to do. It already didn't look good for her even if what she did was an accident, she didn't respect me and she knew about the <i>things</i> we do. Now that was enough drink in my cup to bid her farewell cause neither of us would feel like worrying if she'll blabber her mouth off to others. We're going through enough trying to evade making pornography for Chris.\"\nArmana still expressed opposition but nodded that he had a point.\n\"Plus baby,\" Duncan looked her in her eyes and brought her close by her chin. \"She shouldn't have liked what was off limits. I'm yours, there's no one else I'd rather be with, so no point of prolonging anything, right? To add, you sounded really upset when you were telling me about her...like...you were absorbing it.\"\n\nArmana emitted a long sigh, stroking his jawline with her left hand as she touched his forehead with her's.\n\n\"I don't know why I feel guilty. Maybe because I'm just not a type of person to get back at someone. In the end; I usually just like to be the one above the situation and doing things rationally.\" She somberly explained.\nHis thumb caressed her lips, lifting her to meet his eye level, \"It's ok, baby, everything will be ok. You did exactly what an average person would do.\"\n\nShe licked the tip of his thumb, prompting him to press his thumb down on the soft skin to part her lips. He then slipped his tongue to immediately make out with her. They took their time that night kissing each other to show that they have one another as it slowly trickled down the numbers of contestants still left. Armana savored the taste of his tongue as her mouth felt inseparable from him. Duncan pressed her closer into him by her ass to conduct in the intensity of their kiss. \n\n<u>Intervene</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;Ok, I feel a bit better about Courtney being gone but I still feel bad that she had to be eliminated. It was for the best I guess. Night, people&lt;", "<b><u>Author's note </u></b>\n<i>Now time for Basic Straining, my favorite episode lol.</i>\n\nThat Monday morning, the camera optically captured Duncan carving into the cabin's hardie plank sidings with his pocket knife. He implemented his and Armana's initials inside a heart, only to be interrupted during his down time by an angry Harold.\n\n\"Ok! Whose made s'mores out of my underwear?!\" Harold insistently requested in an open ended demand. \n\nHe held up pairs of his underwear sandwiched in melted chocolate between graham crackers. Duncan was brought crouching over his knees in laughter along with Geoff, indicating who was the culprit. Harold cringed in disgust at their malicious practice of something funny, testily pulling out a pair to inspect it. It was completely soiled with chocolate, ultimately deduced to be useless/unwearable by the ginger. He neglected it to the side which just so happened to land in front of Armana's walk path. She shrieked in horror, recoiling—what would've been her next foot forward—to compress into her body. \n\n\"Harold!\" Armana petulantly moaned his name.\n\"Sorry, I didn't mean for that to land in front of you.\" He responsibly owned fault for. \n\"Ok, just don't leave your stuff lying around.\"\nSeeing her walk in the opposite direction, Harold scolded them, \"Idiots.\"\nHe shut himself into the cabin from the amused boys.\n\"Sometimes he just makes it too easy.\" Geoff attested.\nDuncan agreed, \"I hear ya man.\"\n\nSuddenly, the PA system squealed in feedback after picking up a brusque voice for the morning's announcements.\n\n\"Listen up you little cockroaches!\" He commanded. \"I demand for all campers to report to the Dock of Shame in all nine hundred hours.\"\n(9:00 A.M.)\nEveryone looked at each other for reference of what he meant, only to share confusion.\n\"That means now soldiers! Now!\" \n\nThey all scrambled with a sense of urgency to the destination. Alongshore, the teens were intermingled with either of their teams, standing in a single file row as a disciplinary manner. The co host, Chef Hatchet substituted Chris for the week's challenge as a drill sergeant; dressed in an olive green attire with black combat boots, shades and donned a matching hue of green campaign hat. Hatchet pulled out a red megaphone and a telescopic pointer to check everyone's posture. \n\n\"You call this proper formation?!\" He interrogated. \n\"Feet together!\" He whacked Geoff's legs.\n\"Arms down!\" He hit Duncan's folding arms to be at his sides, only for Duncan to cross them again after Chef's back was turned.\n\"Eyes forward!\" DJ turned and straightened his head to look in front of him.\n\"Chin up!\" He lifted Heather's head up.\n\nHe continuously slapped Harold with the metal rod, designating there was something all wrong in the way he stood. Furthering down the line, he yelled at Gwen through the megaphone for speaking without instruction to.\n\n\"What did you say to me, soldier?!\" He aggressively questioned her, her hair blowing behind her.\n\"Nothing.\" Gwen answered in fret.\n\"And you'll continue to say nothin until I tell you that you <i>can</i> say somethin.\"\nHe then paced back and fourth the platform.\n\"Today's challenge will not be an easy one. In fact, I do not expect all of you to come out alive.\"\nHe undertook his task solemnly to enforce practical preservation of good order and discipline. As well as procedures in customs and practices of military life, physical fitness, in the proper execution of military drill, and willingness to obey all lawful orders given by the superior.\nOwen chuckled in light of the situation, earning a harsh strike on his back.\n\"Aww! That hurt!\" He complained.\n\"My orders are to make sure that none of the babies in front of me drop out of boot camp (.step one. The last one standing wins immunity for their team.\"\n\"Uhhh, what happened to Chris?\" Heather asked, possibly transferring aloud what everyone else was thinking.\n<i>'Probably having a spa'</i>\n\"Rule number one; you will address me as Master Chief. Do you got that?\"\n\"Yes Master Chief.\" The teens responded in unison.\n\"You will sleep when I tell you to sleep. And you'll eat only when I tell you to eat. Is that clear?\"\n\"Yes Master Chief.\" Geoff replied in the reflection of Chief's lenses after he spoke authoritatively, exclusively to him.\n\"Rule number two; when y'all ready to give up, you walk to the end of the dock and ring that bell. Which brings me to Rule number three; without getting a quitter at the end of the first day, that day will not end until someone drops out. Now get your butts down to the end of the beach soldiers, now!\"\n\nThey all hurried down the passage of the dock and to two canoes; one green, one red. Chief emitted a high pitched, shrill release of air from an orange whistle strung around his neck, signifying the teens to have perked ears.\n\n\"Listen up; each team must hold a canoe over their head. I catch you taking your hands off the canoe and you will be eliminated. And no one gets lunch until someone drops out.\" He directed.\n\nFrom his words, the teens looked around at each other without surety in themselves. Armana sensed if he was giving them restrictions to truly test their physical exertion, not having to believe in limitations if they could bypass them. Both teams aligned shortest to tallest to equally proportionate their strengths in holding the canoes. First Armana, second Jojo, third Sadie, fourth Bridgette, fifth Harold, sixth Duncan, Seventh Geoff and eighth DJ.\n\n\"Canoes up!\" Chief ordered.\n\nThey all raised their boats, seeming to be extremely light at first since they were all carrying it compared to the physical effort it could take if it was one person.\n\nThis caused Owen to appraise their first task as something easily achievable.\n\"Pssh, this isn't that hard.\" He gauged.\n\"Piece of cake.\" Geoff agreed.\n\nHowever, as the sun moved across the sky to periodically contact the observer's meridian, it reached its highest position above the horizon and left the shortest shadow (being solar noon). Standing in the same spot, put strain on the contestants' arms for extending them for a prolonged amount of time. Less blood peripherally circulated through the limbs as they were being raised away from the heart, resulting in the members to start to react to fatigue. Chief noticed their wavering forms.\n\n\"Come on you sissies!\" He encouraged. \"It's only been three hours!\"\nChris popped up to check on the campers.\n\"Looks like they'll miss lunch today.\" He scrutinized.\n\"Mhm. Guess they just weren't huuunngrreeyy. Unless someone wants to quit now.\"\n\nThey used stools to prop themselves atop either of the canoe boats while the teams still managed to keep their balance; Chief on the Bass's and Chris on the Gophers'. Without being caught, Duncan managed to quietly use a fishing rod to barb Harold's underwear on the hook. He reeled in, managing to forcibly pull it upwards between Harold's cheeks and rip away from inside his pants—much to Harold's consternation.\n\n\"Ow! Idiots.\" He remonstrated, but quickly recovered himself from being distracted by Duncan and Geoff.\n\"Is there a problem down here?\" Chief addressed him, eying him from upside down.\n\"No!\"\n\nNighttime fell; Owen hoarsely snored in his sleep as he remained holding the canoe, Chief started a fire in a wheelie bin and pulled up a chair to share campfire stories. Armana thought about if Chief actually did serve time in the armed forces as he narrated flashbacks to them. Wondering if he suffered from PTSD which could be why he always came across domineering/militaristic when he served food. To account, he was burly and much more sizable than Chris, which could put the teens in line without him having to open his mouth.\n\n\"Twenty five of us went to the jungle that night...only five came back out.\" He vividly remembered.\nGwen interrupted with a yawn, \"What war were you in anyway?\"\n\"Did I ask you to speak?! Cause I don't remember asking you to speak.\"\nGwen rolled her eyes and grumbled under her breath.\n\"Guys,\" Lindsay spoke out. \"I-I can't do this anymore.\"\n\n<i>'Yes, does that mean she's giving up for us?'</i>\n\nArmana mentally cheered as she watched the blonde drop her arms down and plod in the direction of the bell.\n\n\"I have no more feeling in my arms.\" She whined.\n\"Looks like we got ourselves a quitter.\" Chief remarked in pleasure.\n\"Don't do it Lindsay.\" Owen dissuaded her.\n\nHowever, she proceeded to walk to the end of the dock and chimed the bell with her head, eliminating herself from the challenge. The Screaming Gophers groaned in defeat, dropping to the ground. The Killer Bass gladly chucked their canoe to the side, stretching out their body to get blood flowing through. \n\n\"As for the rest of you; head to the mess hall! Dinner is served!\" Chief told through the megaphone.\n\nArmana and Duncan made eye contact with each other and joined each other's side, both feeling like they hadn't talk to each other all day.\n\n\"I felt like I was gonna pass out listening to him have Vietnam flashbacks. Couldn't see how Owen slept like a horse still standing up.\" Duncan spoke, wrapping his arm around her.\n\"I get what you're saying. I was starting to get used to the feeling in my arms, although I felt someone else's shaking. Like badly. Maybe it was Sadie?\" Armana proposed.\n\"Well, all I know is I'm glad she didn't give in before ditzy blonde did.\" \n\"You know what else?\"\n\"Shoot.\"\n\"I just thought this challenge was right up your alley, ya know being on parole and everything.\"\nShe made Duncan chuckle.\n\"Oh yeah, I'm a whole lot familiar with officers, being sent to different rehabilitation programs like teen boot camp to try and wayward me, boy scouts, then came delinquency preventions. This is like good old times for me.\"\n\"Which is how I know you'll be hardheaded listening to Chief. Don't give him a hard time. I know how <i>slash </i>who you are Duncan.\"\n\"Who me? I wouldn't do a thing to make that old man's hackles rise.\"\n\"Your innocent voice sounds too pretentious. At least try to reassure me.\"\n\"There's nothing to reassure you about cause everything'll be fine.\"\n\nAt the main lodge, Chief and Chris caught up with them to disclose what was next to expect.\n\n\"Alright maggots, open your ears,\" He said. \"You've got ten minutes to eat before night training begins.\"\n<i>'Night training?!'</i>\n\"So get to it!\"\n\nDuncan shook his head in disapproval as everyone else bewailed the intensity they had to endure. \n\n\"Um, excuse me Master Chief. Where's the food?\" Gwen questioned, hoping for appeasement of getting to eat.\n\"You're looking at it.\" Chief showed to them with a dark chuckle. \n\nIn front of them was a row of metal garbage cans he scrutinized to them as their lunch. Owen was first to lift up one of the garbage lids to see if it guised something actually competent on the inside.\n\nBut only met confusion, \"This is the leftover garbage from this morning's breakfast.\"\n\"Darn right! When you're at war; you take what you can get.\" Chief advised.\n\nArmana rolled her eyes at the mistreatment of feeding them scraps, but her stomach peristaltically rumbled. She arrived at the logic that since Chief was presiding over them for their challenge, he wouldn't have had time to prepare them lunch.\n\n<i>'Not that it would've been something good, might as well been the trash he's feeding us now. Which makes this a paradox in a way.'</i>\n\nChief and Chris left the teens to scour for something adequate in the garbage, Owen blowing on a handful of the food waste as a caliber before sampling it in his mouth. Armana joined her peers to take on her chances, looking inside to see remnants of fruits and vegetables, scrapings of previous meals, and some of the food to have molded with green fungi. The sight squicked her and curbed her appetite. She saw Duncan holding a purple cup of a translucent, golden liquid with a semblance to apple juice. Duncan saw her eyes light up in elation for something to refresh her in the slightest, but he hurriedly waved his hand in rejection and mouthed numerous no's to her. Armana's face fell in puzzlement, seeing him smirk while cueing her to hang on.\n\n\"Hey Harold,\" Duncan approached the boy next to Geoff in genuine recognition. \"We felt really bad about the whole underwear fishing incident thing.\"\n<i>'The what?'</i>\n\"So here, have some apple juice.\"\n\"Thanks.\" Harold gladly accepted.\n\nHe drank the entire juice in one take before his eyes shot open and spitted the <i>juice </i>back in the cup.\n\n\"That's not juice.\" Harold protested, soon discovering he'd fallen for another one of their pranks.\n\"Oh—Oh my mistake dude,\" Duncan insincerely apologized in the midst of holding back a laugh. \"We must've confused it with the kitchen grease.\" \nHim and Geoff snickered holding in their laughs, their faces contorting as their bodies rocked and spines flexed.\n\"Ahem.\" Armana interrupted them, unamused.\n\"So you've been picking on Harold? Is that why his underwear was covered in what looked like shit this morning?\"\n\"Hey, he likes to leave his skid marked briefs on the floor. Man's got poor ass wiping skills. To add, I was trying to do push ups only to catch a whiff of odor and see a meaty line of shit on his tighties.\"\n\"......Duncan.\"\n\"Yeah?\"\n\"Just lean your head a little bit over here. Just a bit.\"\n\"....Why? What're you about to do?\"\n\"Nothing sweetie, just lean your head some.\"\n\nBeckoning him with a smile he shouldn't have trusted; he reluctantly obliged her, tilting his head in her direction. Once he was close enough, she wounded her hand back, inhaled a large breath and from the potential energy in relative of his head, she swung her hand. The impact of her hand diffused it's fast impetus on the back of his head, causing him in reaction to shrink into his body. Before his hands could impulsively fly to his head, she tightly gripped his mohawk and pulled him down to her level.\n\n\"You better be lucky I won't make you drink that kitchen grease Harold's already put in his mouth and had to mix with his saliva to spit it out. Do you think it's cool? That you have to be a bully cause you always feel like you have to exude that you're tough? That's Harold's personal business about what complications he has, you think that it couldn't be humiliating enough he's having people ridicule him for it? Now go apologize, like you originally said to him.\" Her tone was deadpanned but edged with the sound of a threat.\n\nShe let go of his hair so he could straighten his back, directing an annoyed expression at her as he fully stood up. She was unfazed though, crossing her arms with her weight leaning into one hip and tapped her foot as if to measure the time he had. Duncan deeply sighed, sensing a maternalistic vibe from her telling him what to do. Nevertheless, he still listened, advancing to Harold in another take.\n\n\"Harold.\" Duncan acknowledged the boy with a dispassionate tone, earning his attention.\n\"I'm sorry for making your underwear into s'mores and fishing your underwear, and <i>sigh </i>having you drink kitchen grease when I said it was apple juice.\"\n\nHe quickly walked away before Harold could deliberate forgiving him, although, he appreciated Armana for lowering Duncan's dignity so he was humble. It greatly irritated Duncan but he couldn't help feeling the cockles of his heart warm seeing Armana smiling happily at him. Her hands clasped and eyes twinkling like he's done something big.\n\n\"Would you quit smiling at me like that.\" He tried to project his annoyance when inside he was anything but.\n\nOnce their ten minutes passed, the teens were taken back by the shore to begin their night training. In precedent, they regarded their \"night training\" to be something vigorous, exhaustive, strenuous, thus grounding them with soldierly procedures. However, Chief stood on a platform to choreograph sequences of steps and moves of a dance routine. \n\n\"Besides the criterion, dancing conditions your body to perform the skills required of you, which will be coordination, mimicry and physical prowess. You will train yourselves to increase your stamina without a break or pause to ensure you can implement multiple abilities you'll need to execute.\" He ordered.\n\nThe dance was practically The Thriller broken into composition. Instead of the boombox producing a creaking door, footsteps walking on wooden planks, thunder crashing and the hot eighties pop beat that sounded like it could've been created on a Casio keyboard, another upbeat, disco-funk sound played. The beat mimicked the Thriller's instrumentation of a <i>minimoog</i> synthesizer, electric guitar, Rhodes piano, etc except it sounded as if it was trying not to be copyrighted. Chief demonstrated the dance; first standing in a straight posture before raising his arms to clap his hands above his head, lunging to the left, his foot sliding in shifting himself while facing forward and transversing his head left and right. Second, he stomped one foot then fluidly twisted in his ankles in and out while turning his head right and left at the same time of moving his feet. He repeated step one and two, but next only slid his right foot into him as he moved his head left and right, and did the same sliding his left foot into him. Then did one pelvic thrust. \n\nThey were to next bounce their body in the beat of the music, elbows bent away from them, palms facing the ground as they looked left and right in the same pace of their body moving. After, he swung his arms right and left, hands shaped like zombie claws with the inside leg of where he turned bent at the knee and foot pointed upward. Finally, back to swinging in ankles, right bicep curl for two repetitions, swinging in ankles, left bicep curl for two repetitions and pelvic thrust, pelvic thrust, pelvic thrust, pelvic thrust. And they would start back at the beginning to continuously do the dance over again. It practiced synchronization as well as commemorated how the army treaded in marches to intimidate enemies, their coincidences and togetherness in their stomps strong, steady and percussive (that'd usually be the scare element). Anyways, it militaristically had its own twist than the Halloween-esque song that'd make you want to bust down to the rhythmic groove of the bassline. Over time, some of the teens dropped in exhaustion from how many times they've continued to dance although were forced to still keep going.\n\nSuddenly, the music stopped, Armana looking to see Duncan abruptly turned it off. She gasped in mixture of some of the teens loudly sighing in relief. \n\n\"Duncan, what're you doing?!\" Armana fearfully questioned him.\nHe looked at her in acknowledgement for a short instant before looking smugly up at Chief, \"One of us drops out, we're done for the day.\"\n\"We're done when I say we're done.\" Chief emphasized. \"Now drop and give me twenty.\"\nDuncan rolled his eyes and obediently raised and lowered himself on his arms while glaring at him.\n<i>'He only meant well.'</i>\n\"Anybody else got something they want to say?\"\n\"Uh yeah, can I go to the bathroom?\" Gwen requested, who in turn was given a mop and a bucket to clean with for after she was done.\n\nThey succeeded to the dining hall for their next challenge, either teams sitting away from each other with a stack of papers at the end of both tables. \n\n\"For your next challenge,\" Chief distributed to them. \"You will complete a three hundred word essay about how much you <i>love </i>me. Anyone who falls asleep or fails to complete the challenge <i>will </i>be eliminated!\"\n\nArmana didn't mind writing, writing in academics was one of her favorite subjects in school. However, how could she write in positivity about Chief when all she could like about him was.....exactly. He started the timer for two hours, the teens getting up to pick up pieces of paper and a wooden numeral pencil. Within the registered time, the challenge was soporific; the majority remaining silent in order to be productive or else fell asleep. Armana was surprised to look over to see Duncan jotting away at his paper while her's was still blank and the clock was making it to the halfway point. She would've expected the opposite since he expressed apparent defiance and disagreement towards Chief, plus it was in his personality. The boy sensed her eyes on him, testing to see if they were by taking a glance at her. Seeing she was looking at him, he scooted her closer to him by the opposite side of her waist.\n\n\"Stuck?\" He asked her through a whisper.\n\"Well, more like purposefully throwing this challenge because I have nothing good to say about the man.\" Armana explained, but subconsciously sighed, telling her struggle.\n\"What do you have so far?\"\nShe exposed her blank paper to him. \n\"I would trade my papers for yours but it's a very smart-ass, contradictory essay.\"\nArmana giggled.\n\"It's fine, I'll try and think of something.\" \n\"Yeah cause you would write something better and actually sound and...I wanna be in this challenge with you. So tell that big, smart brain of yours to do it's job.\"\nHe made her grin and bay a laugh behind her lips. \n\"Thanks D.\" \n\nHe kissed her temple in return (cause that's where her brain is...her skull that is), both of them returning their eyes to their paper. \n\n<u>Dear Master Chief</u><i>,</i>\n<i>      I love that you coach, counsel and mentor us as a symbol of excellence as you transform us from </i><i>amygdaloid </i><i>teenagers to combat ready soldiers in this initial entry training. I love that it could be analogous to our civilian lives since we are being disciplined, assisted in being mentally and physically fit for the battlefield that it could also prepare us the real world. You live the army values, exemplify the warrior ethos and most importantly, you are the epitome of the army who we will emanate....</i>\n\n*<i>Driiiiin* </i>The timer rang, Armana finishing with 2/3rds of a page, bonus points since her penmanship was small. Everyone else was on the verge of falling asleep, their eyes leaden with dark shadows under their eyelids. Beside her, Duncan sat with his chin in the palm of his hand, waiting patiently for Chief to pass by him wearing a smirk. Chief rushed into the Dining Hall, going in a counter clockwise circle to collect their papers. He first took Harold's who was scribbling anything to try and finish his essay. He next took Duncan's who he read out loud as an attempt to tease him.\n\n\"I love Master Chief Hatchet because he's very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very....this is just one sentence with five pages of very's in between!\" Chief acknowledged.\n<i>'Ohhh so that's what he meant.' </i>She giggled at the discovery.\n\"It's three hundred words exactly,\" Duncan contradicted. \"You can count them if you want.\" \n\nChief groaned and accepted his paper, proceeding to Armana's and so on. On his way to a groggy Owen, he distractedly read the essays and slipped on his next footing, loudly collapsing on the floor. \n\n\"Wipe up that drool you little baby!\" Chief yelled with his clothes dampened by the pool salivating from Owen's mouth. \nHe banged his fist on the table to startle a dozing Trent awake, \"You three slackers are out.\"\nHe aimed at Trent, Jojo and DJ.\n\"The rest of you; get to bed and report to playing fields at all five hundred hours (5:00 A.M.).\" \n\nArmana noticed Duncan silently got up from his seat and approached Chief while his head was turned. He stood with his hands behind his back, giving off confidence or smugness, not to add the attributive smile on his face.\n\n\"Ah ha, missed a spot there, general.\" Duncan spoke rather sarcastically as he proffered one of his hands with Kleenex.\n\"Boy! Do you wanna run fifty laps around this camp right now?\" Chief implicitly demanded in question.\nArmana immediately backed Duncan off. \"Uh, I'm sorry Chief, I take responsibility for this child,\" She abashedly said, taking credit for Duncan's behavior and as an excuse of him not knowing better. \"You are going straight to bed mister.\"\n\nShe pulled Duncan by the wrist in a quick exit out of the Dining Hall as if to try and get away from Chief as soon as they could. Once they were outside, she showed her displeasure to the boy who was amused by his interaction with Chief.\n\n\"Duncan,\" Armana pinched the bridge of her nose. \"What're you doing? This is what I meant by saying I knew what to expect from you.\"\n\"Relax, patootie, I was hardly trying to get a rise out of the guy. He still had some of the drool on his neck. Which was hilarious how he slipped by the way.\" He absorbed.\n\"Well he would've been fine with it still on him. Obviously, you tried to help him and he regarded it as you criticizing or teasing him, so use your words carefully around the guy. He's ill tempered.\" \n\"Ok, ok...so...can I tuck you in?\"\n\"What?\"\n\"Come on, I've been dying to do it all our time on the show.\"\n\"No, I need to make sure you go to bed so you aren't causing anymore of your shenanigans.\" \n\"I will go to bed, I promise.\"\nArmana raised an eyebrow in suspicion.\n\"Please, I tried to make my innocent voice sound better.\"\n\nArmana sighed and let an air punching Duncan follow her into the girls' share of the cabin. She switched into her jammies and stuffed her hair into a pink bonnet. She climbed onto her top bunk, Duncan shortly accompanying her atop of the bed. She slid herself by her pillow to insert her feet first under the cover. He watched her shift for a comfortable position, pulling as much of the oblong piece to shorten around her. He waited for her to rest her head on her pillow to crawl towards her, arranging the cover so she could shrug it over her shoulder. \n\n\"You look so pretty when you're sleepy.\" Duncan admired, remarking to himself how she could hardly keep her eyes open from the weight of sleep, pressuring to succumb her. \nAlthough, she smiled modestly to express her consideration of his compliment. \"I didn't realize how tired I was until I laid my head down.\"\n\"Well of course, you're a princess, you need your beauty rest. I could kiss you as a reverse spell to put you to sleep.\"\n\"Like Sleeping Beauty...or Snow White?\"\nDuncan nodded.\n\"I would like that a lot, Prince Duncan.\" \n\nShe faced up, immediately feeling his warm lips plant in the juncture of hers. They deeply kissed without using their tongues, retaining simplistic affection.\n\nDuncan parted. \n\"Thank you for tucking me in.\" Armana said, her words slurring into each other, feeling even drowsier. \n\"Of course. Goodnight babe.\"\n\"Goodnight.\"\n\n\nAt five hundred hours, the remaining teens still lasting in the challenge stood in front of an obstacle course they'd have to race and drag their body over mud.\n<i>'Classic regime you'd see in the military.'</i>\n\n\"You will all run this course until you can <i>all </i>complete it in under one minute.\" Chief disclosed. \"Am I making myself clear?\"\nHe towered over Duncan who unambiguously replied, \"Crystal.\"\n\"Don't you pull anymore problems, Duncan.\" Armana warned to him in a hushed tone.\n\"Go maggots! Go!\"\n\nArmana unhesitatingly ran through the mud, hearing her shoes squelch and feeling them adhere as her feet sprung in each step. She leapt on top of a large wall, grunting as she pulled herself over and vaulted to the next obstacle. It was two tires being held inside a screen/fence exterior by four angular supports. Armana swung her body through one of the tires as if she would a chute of a slide. Next were two large axes oscillating from a fixed point, only giving room to military crawl. She dropped to the mud, pulling and maneuvering her body with her elbows to stay close as she could to the ground. She pushed her body forward using her bent leg's foot and drew herself with her arm in front of her to come into her body, alternating between her opposite legs and arms (also like spiderman you can say). Once safe to do so, she stood up, ignoring her muddied clothes and continued to two long ropes with ramps spaced apart enough to incline you into using them. She grabbed a rope and used her hands to pull her body up and suspend from it, constricting her legs close to her while she'd build momentum. She swung herself like she would on a swing, except she kept her legs into her and used her body to propel herself. As soon as she gained enough impetus, she threw herself from the rope and landed on the other ramp. \n\nThen they'd have to repeat the course, going back to square one. She caught up to Duncan, taking a few steps back to give herself the acceleration of making it to the top of the wall. She ran with powerful steps and bounded for the wall's ledge. Duncan smiled staying mounted on top of the wall to be able to see how strong she was. Her face scrunched from trying to use her upper body strength, rapidly kicking her legs at the exertion. \n\n\"Look at how strong my powerpuff girl is. Come on 'mana you got this!\" Duncan motivated her. \n\nShe finally managed to pull herself up. Unbeknownst to her, Harold struggled the same as her. When he strengthened himself to get over the wall, he inevitably leaned too forward and fell face first into the mud. Armana safely alighted down to check up on him. \n\n\"Harold?\"\nHe lifted his head out the sludge and started to greatly spew it out of his mouth.\nDuncan came after her and called out for Chief.\n\"Uh General Crazy,\" Duncan spoke out for Chief to come over. \"We've got a situation here.\"\n\"Too much <i>cough cough </i>mud.\" Harold told Chief.\n\"Ring the bell and report to the infirmary,\" Chief said pulling him off the ground. \"Your tour of duty is finished. \n\"Wow, poor guy.\" Duncan pretended to sympathize to Armana. \n\"Back on the court soldiers! Now!\"\nArmana proceeded but heard Chief tell Duncan, \"One false move and I'll be on you like stink on a poop wagon.\"\n\"I look forward to it, sir!\"\n\nShe deeply sighed, showing irritation at the boy's nuisances but internally worried for him. \n'<i>Not trying to get a rise out of him my ass.'  </i>\nShe was confused why he acted a certain way to irritate Chief. It would only detriment the team if they lost another player or had to suffer a punishment as a team effort because Duncan liked to goad him on. Sure he personified himself as a bad boy but it still meant he had common sense, right? \n\nOn her way of passing up the axes, Duncan and Leshawna was behind her. The mud readily yielded to pressure under Leshawna and began to sink her in, Duncan continuing without aiding her.\n\n\"Fallen soldier, I salute you!\" He farewelled, only to look up to Chief standing over him.\n\"You just bought yourself twenty more push-ups!\" Chief penalized.\n\"Thank you! Mmmwuah!\" \n\nDuncan kissed Chief on the nose to which Armana turned to the sound of Chief growling loudly.\n<i>'Duncan is so hardheaded!'</i>\n\n\"I think you might've pushed him over the edge, bro.\" Geoff warned him.\n\"III think you're right.\" Duncan grimaced. \n\"One night of solitary confinement in the boathouse.\" Chief gave in a collective tone.\n\nHe earned gasps in fear for him from the other teens, Duncan shrugging in nonchalance.\n\n\"Pfft, big deal, it's not like I haven't been in there before.\" He dismissed, winking at Armana.\n\nHowever, cleaning himself up and sitting inside the boathouse made him feel lonely and much more suspicious of his surroundings.\n\nHe exhaled over the absence of company, \"Knew I should've kept my big mouth shut.\"\n\nHe also knew a certain girl wouldn't be happy about him getting himself in trouble, he just grew ahead of himself and thought the challenge was past his league. Listening to crickets chirp and wolves howl in the distance, he passed time or interested himself in the thought of Armana's moans as his head was between her thighs. The taste of her, the sensuality, the way she looked in the moonlight. It was all under the moon as if the satellite planet only knew their secrets. He glimpsed at the shark, remembering how Armana was initially afraid of being in here until Duncan could get her to be comfortable. He lightly chuckled at her paranoia until he caught something, squinting his eyes to look hard at it.\n\nHis brows frowned deeper lines in his forehead, standing up on his feet to look closer. It was a red light blinking in the shark's inky black eyes. <i>Recording him</i>.", "After the challenge, the teens were to reside in the Dining Hall for lunch. Unlike the garbage they were fed the other day, on the menu's cuisine was a bowl of badly made porridge; appearing as goopy, sticky white mush or gruel. Armana spooned at her food but never brought it to her mouth, playing at the consistency as she thought about Duncan. She missed him although she told his pina colada head ass that there would be repercussions for his actions, and what happened? The consequences were more than what he intended to precipitate.\n\n\"You haven't eaten your food, Armana. You ok?\" Geoff asked her.\nShe nodded.\n\"Is it about Duncan?\"\n\"Can you tell?\" She groaned.\n\"Well I mean, you guys are usually inseparable from each other. Ever since you two met I always saw you together. Heck, he hangs out with you more than me and DJ.\"\nArmana laughed.\n\"That boy has got me hooked. I'm not sure what it is about him actually. If it's his aesthetic, his personality, his natural appearance, his courtship.\"\n\"Maybe it's all of those things.\" \n\"...You're right. I'm gonna go check up on him. It's the right thing to do. And I'll bring him some food.\"\n\nShe took her bowl of thin, soupy porridge and urged in her footsteps to the Boathouse. Once she reached it, her pace slowed into a traipse, that same type of menacing impression from a few nights ago creeping into her prudent judgement. Her eyes averted in different directions as if to have omnidirectional vision. The respiration through her nostrils condensed into tiny droplets as visual clouds of her breath. She thought in question of why the shed had to look much spookier at night, figuring it as one of the reasons why other campers feared going in. At the door, she pressed her ear against it, unable to hear anything through the barrier. \n\n<i>'Wonder what he's doing.'</i>\n\nShe slowly turned the door knob, shrinking at the harsh, high pitched creak at hinging open the door. Leaving it open to let light in, she walked mindfully into the darkness.\n\n\"Hello? Duncan?\" She called out to him, announcing her presence. \n\nHowever, she wasn't answered back to, her gut now suspecting her surroundings in perplexity. \n\n<i>'Where could he be? He's supposed to be in here. Did he manage to sneak out or something? That would be like him. Ooh just he wait when I see him, I am going to be on his ass like a hound dog.'</i>\n\n\"Duncan?\" She attempted calling to him again, her eyes searching relentlessly through the partiality of light. \n\nShe then heard someone slowly step onto a loose floorboard, emitting a loud screech at applying their weight on it.\n\n\"Boo.\" \n\nArmana abruptly jolted in alarm, dropping the bowl of porridge which spilled its contents. Duncan maniacally laughed at frightening her, irking her into recanting to herself why she worried about him in the first place.\n\n\"Duncan!\" She angrily called him.\n\"Aww what happened to that sweet little voice looking for me? Here I am, aren't I?\" He reflected amusedly.\n\"That doesn't mean you scare me!\" She groaned. \"I don't know why I bothered coming in here to check on you. You look like you're doing plenty fine by yourself if you're drawing people away \nby—\n\nHe pulled her into him and shushed her with a kiss, longingly connecting with her lips. She didn't pull away despite her voicing disapproval to him before. Instead, she cupped both of his cheeks in her hands, reciprocating effort, knowing he purposely used it as a method. Although when they separated, she felt less angered by the situation, seeing he sensed it by the way he smirked at her.\n\n\"No need to be so upset babe, I was just playing around.\" He claimed, smoothing his hands on her hips.\n\"Whatever. It's like you were waiting for me. How did you even know I was coming?\" She asked.\n\"I didn't. There was just something my gut was telling me that my loving, caring girlfriend Armana would see how her suffering boyfriend is holding up.\"\n\"Well her poor, self pitying boyfriend wouldn't be in this predicament if he would've just listened to me and not try Chief like I told him. Why did you do that? It's like you know your conscience is telling you to rationalize or think rationally. But then you have this devil on your shoulder tempting you into doing and enjoying things only for short term and not thinking how it affects the long term.\" \n\"I don't know. Maybe I just don't care. I'm used to being corrected for my behavior, taken to detention centers. It's part of my lifestyle. Ya know? I'm not disregarding your words, I'm just responding from my perspective.\"\n\"Yes, I want to see from your perspective because I don't understand how hardheaded you could be.\"\n\"Yeah, I know right. I have a family full of policemen, you know? Dad, mom, uncle, aunt, grandma, cousins, ancestors. They always ask me the same thing 'cause I'm the black sheep of the family. Cause I don't want to follow in their footsteps.\"\nArmana deeply sighed, \"Here, let's sit down.\"\n\nShe pulled up the same bench they used to block the door last time as Duncan grabbed a spare bucket to face it upside down.\n\n\"I'm sorry if I seem like I don't understand you or remind you of how your family may look at you. I love everything about you; your aesthetic, your personality, natural appearance, courtship, everything. I just really care about you. I don't want anything to happen to you.\" \n<i>'I love you.' </i>She practically translated through her words.\nHe held the same thought in his eyes before briefly blinking it away. \n\"I know. I tend to get ahead of myself sometimes than what I mean to happen. Everyone looks at chef as this big, strong black guy but I'm not afraid of him, I guess, and taking a piss out of him was my way of showing it. You gotta admit, it was pretty funny.\" He persuaded Armana into laughing.\n\"Ok, ok. It <i>was</i> pretty funny. The way you unconventionally wrote that essay was so clever. No one would've had the guts to do things like that except for a bad boy like you. How bold, Duncan.\"\n\nShe stood up with a seductive glint in her eyes and balled his shirt in her fists to pull him up into another kiss. It escalated in an intense make out session, leading him to walk her backwards against a wall. She pressed him into her more by his groin, hoisting herself up by widening her legs apart so Duncan could hold them from under her thighs. \n\n\"Grind into me.\" She beckoned to him between their kiss.\n\nHe accommodated her desire, beginning to dry hump his erecting dick into her crotch. They both gently moaned to each other in midst of kissing, indulging in the feeling of their sexes rubbing against one another.\n\n\"Harder, Duncan.\" Armana requested, now separating their kiss to concentrate on the feeling.\n\nHe lined up their bodies to be in alignment with their private parts and began to hump her in more determination. \n\n\"Fuck.\" Armana moaned, holding onto him.\n\nShe imagined herself in her dream of how good he dicked her on the forest's ground. Her back repeatedly rose up against the wall from him rhythmically thrusting his pelvis into her, hearing his breathing jerk/hitch in accordance to his movement.\n\n\"I've made you such a freak, haven't I 'mana? I bet you're thinking of my cock actually being in your pussy right now.\" He conduced, watching her moan through short catches of breath with her mouth agape. \n\"Fuck, Duncan,\" She softly called to him. \"You're fucking into me so good.\"\n\"Oh yeah? You like feeling how deep I can try to pump into you? Huh, baby?\"\n\"M-Mhm!\"\n\nDuncan bit his lip at the copulate simulation, kissing her in the crook of her neck. She ran her fingers through his mohawk, nails then digging into his scalp. He responsively moaned into her skin, sucking and licking at the sensitive area to lustily form a hickey on her. She tilted her head back perpendicularly to the ceiling and extended her neck for him. He responded with trailing kisses in random areas along the body part, including outside her larynx in concession to her hypnotizing moans. He felt her sounds vibrate under his lips as air passed through her vocal folds, sending him farther into his arousal for her. He lifted his head back up, facing her to directly look into her eyes and press his forehead against her's.\n\nHe maintained to and fro contact, pursuing the gratifying friction they felt they could take their time in doing. The pleasure about it was that it wasn't overbearing as it would've been if it was skin on skin. Instead, their clothes made a balance the two reveled in, desiring the time frame at their behest of taking as long as they could. With her head and shoulders supporting herself against the wall, Duncan hung her legs over his shoulders whereas her limbs were more squished into her body. In mind of their height difference, her legs prompted him to crouch down in proportion with her as his hands would grind her hips into his motion.\n\nArmana sensed the reposition made her feel him more effectively and susceptible to the pleasure despite the layers they wore. With her legs opened apart, her crotch area remained exposed as the clothing in her pants was pulled around the shape of her vagina. She made this aware by inflecting her moans higher. Duncan moaned alongside her, closely speaking praises and provocative suggestions to her. He pumped his movement with a shorter pace while pressing himself closer into her hips and vigorously grinding.\n\n\"You think this could get you off, babe?\" Duncan asked her through a smirk. \n\"Y-Yeah.\" Armana stuttered, her words sounding more vulnerable than she would've liked.\n\"I know, this is getting me off too, baby. I won't stop until I <i>do</i> get off. It's just too good for me to pass up fucking my dick into you like this.\"\n\nArmana authentically moaned when he rubbed his dick against a particular spot and repeatedly did so. \n\n\"Yes! Right there, Duncan!\" She acquainted.\n\nHe quickly rammed into her, both of them sensing their orgasm near. Towards the end of their outercourse did Duncan start to move more harshly as if to chase after the plateauing feeling and not lose it. Armana's bosom rose tumultuously, losing sense in her surroundings as everything went in slow motion. She felt that accumulated pleasure familiarly peak into a numbing feeling before it dispersed like a combustion of excitement through the rest of her lower body. Both of them stilled as their reproductive muscles contracted, eventually coming back to the setting they were in. They looked at each other after a while, listening to each other quickly breathe through their nose. \n\n\"That was so good.\" Duncan spoke up. \"I've never done anything like that before.\"\n\"Me neither, D.\" Armana shared with a smile.\nHe experimentally felt between her thighs, his eyes widening in shock.\n\"Goddamn, babe. You're soaked. I bet your pussy juice is all on me.\"\nArmana rolled her eyes.\n\"Don't flatter yourself, Duncan. What did you expect? It's a matter of how our body anatomically functions.\"\n\"Well sure but would you be ok with walking then?\"\n\"It might be a bit uncomfortable but yeah I'll be fine.\"\n\nHe gently set her down, concurrently when Armana felt a full breeze come from the water outside.\n\n\"Shit! I forgot the door was open. Do you think anyone could've heard us?\" She feared.\n\"Nah. The water can be pretty loud at night since you know, the moon has some effect on it's  waves or tides. Plus the boathouse's pretty distant from the main campground.\" He explained, dissolving her worriment.\n\"Which reminds me; you know how you were getting a <i>fishy</i> feeling about that shark? Badum tss, get it cause it's a shark...so it's fishy—ahem!\" \"Anywaaaays?\"\n\"So, turns out, you have prophetic powers cause you were right to have a gut feeling about it.\"\n\"See, you were even making me second guess myself cross questioning me like I had gone paranoid. Is that its eye missing?\"\nDuncan flashed his pocket knife, \"Its eye was a camera.\"\n\"What?\"\n\"I guess we underestimated Chris when he said there's cameras rolling literally everywhere.\"\n\"Duncan! You do know what this means, right?\"\n\"Of course I do. That's why I dug it out with my knife, stomped on it to smithereens and kicked them into the water.\"\n\"O-Ok but there has to be this....surveillance or central control room where all the cameras are monitored, right?\"\n\"Usually. Only thing about it is that surveillance rooms can be tightly secured and inaccessible to the general public, in means of the cast members.\"\n\"So....\"\nDuncan chuckled, \"Are you saying what I think you're saying?\"\n\nHe watched as Armana looked like she was concentrating; her eyebrows depressing a cutaneous rhytid in a respective frown and she crossed her arms to top her body language off. However, her eyes were comparatively dispirited, the inner corners of her eyebrows angled upward into an inverted V above her nose and what he thought was her folding her arms was actually her hugging herself. She then shook her head to herself in rejection, as if he was right about her concentrating over something.\n\n\"No...no...there...there isn't a way we-we'd be able to do that. Th-The camera people. Chris. I-It's not possible. Th-There's no way we'd be able to get away deleting camera footage. Is that even possible? Technology is so advanced. We're screwed—\n\"Armana.\" Duncan spoke over her ranting, winning her attention. He stroked her cheek. \"You know what the problem with your thinking is?\"\n\"Hm?\"\n\"You're being despondent. You're suspending your intellectual faculties by subjugating your mind to think what isn't possible from what <i>is </i>possible.\"\n\"Oh so you're saying we would be able to find the surveillance room, find which of the monitors the camera was transmitting the footage to so we could look on the footage's playback?\"\n\"Exactly! See how liberally the mind works when you think of different parallels?\" \n\"Ok...are you saying we would actually be able to do that?\"\n\"Sure. I've broken out of juvie before which involved messing with the cameras and whatnot. Trust me.\"\nHe lovingly kissed her on the lips, prolonging out the kiss before they slowly drew away from each other with a smooch.\n\"Ok, I trust you.\" Armana firmed.\n\"So you in?\"\n\"Yeah, let's go.\"\n\nThey sneakily walked out of the boathouse, Armana closing the door behind them. Currently, the night was quiet. A light illuminated from both of the cabins, meaning the other campers left from the dining hall to go rest for the night. Although, she interpreted they were still awake. She then turned her head at the water, listening to how it noisily swept against the shoreline. As always, the moon swapped with the sun to reign over an alternate side with the daytime. Nocturnal creatures with physical, predatory traits to adapt to the dark come out while the diurnal slept. She gave thought over everything, anxiety reducing blood flow from her stomach to fill her with butterflies flitting around. She kicked herself about why she put herself in this situation. They wouldn't have to go through all this if they weren't so horny, if she didn't catch feelings for him, if she just avoided him, carried on with herself and focused on the cash prize like she originally came to do. Why did she have to fall so hard for a boy she's only knew within about two months? Why did she have to portray herself to look like a hoe? Only hoes would do hoe-ish things like sneaking off into corners to get her pussy ate out and dry fuck until she came on herself. Did he see her as a hoe? How does she know this whole time that he isn't using her? That he likes her cause he's never gotten to do this with any other girl? She indeed made a very stupid choice on television. That could include liking Duncan in the first place.\n\n\"Ow. Babe you're squeezing my hand.\"\nShe didn't realize how tightly she clenched his hand in her's, sweat clamming between their palms. He looked over his shoulder to suddenly see her eyes large and quavering as if she was about to break down.\n\"Baby, what's wrong?\" Duncan softly asked her.\n\"N-Nothing, nothing. I'm just scared is all.\" She reassured him.\n\"Hey, don't underplay anything. What're you scared of?\"\n\"About Chris. Us being caught. Possibly humiliating ourselves in front of the entire media, of course. Why wouldn't I be afraid of that?\"\n\"Well, besides that, Armana. Are you really <i>only </i>afraid of that? You look even....more worried than you did before.\"\n\"I said it's nothing. It'll only slow us down. You're not even supposed to be out of the boathouse. We could get caught. Come on, let's go. Chris could—\n\"Ok, fuck Chris. It's you and me. <i>This</i> <i>is</i> <i>all</i> you and me. At the end of all this, the tv show, if one of us win, I just want any possible outcome to end with you and me together.\"\nThey stood silent for a moment, letting the water fill in the pause. They both looked out to the moon and the never-ending vastness indistinguishably telling junction from earth and sky.\n\"Remember that dream I told you I had? With you calling out to me but I couldn't reach you? I think it could mean my fear of losing you. Of a nebulous coherency each time I try to look into the aftermath or epilogue. It's like it all turns to static, white noise. You were calling out to me because you looked at me as someone you yearned for, to follow after you, your life as different obstacles blossomed. And then...\"\nArmana held his larger hands with hers, smiling to him.\n\"It's ok, Duncan. I don't know why I'd doubt you but no matter what, it'll be us against anything. A field of daisies, sunflowers, cameras, Hollywood, anything. We're too strong together. Of course things will get in our way to try and break us apart.\"\n\nAt her words, Duncan genuinely smiled and picked her up off the ground to spin her around and smush her into a bear hug. Armana laughed, letting him render her upper arms immobile before he finally loosened his grip to kiss her. They kissed momentarily until Armana forced herself away from him. \n\n\"Ok, ok! Let's go. For real this time.\" She urged.\n\"Ok, just follow my lead.\"\n\nFurther away from the campground was an emerging series of tents Armana assumed Chris camped in. Or more like \"glamped\" in. Its a portmanteau of \"glamorous\" and \"camping\", which described the style of accommodation with amenities, or resort style services not usually associated with \"traditional\" camping. The tents were large and bell shaped by the central apex being supported by a single reinforced pole. The guylines extended their canvas exterior outwards in order to sufficiently house space for various amenities or luxuries. They heard laughter come from a tent in the center of the campsite, golden, solar fairy lights strung along the tied down guylines specifically anchoring the A-framed door. A light from inside glowed along the tent's vertical walls, casting the shadows of two men indistinctly regaling about something. \n\nArmana awed her surroundings, seeing the place brightened by citronella candles, by the small sprites of lights or vines twining along the door frames of each tent, accommodating electricity, en-suite bathrooms, resort style toiletries, coffeemakers, a full kitchen, etc.\n\n<i>'How the fuck?'</i>\n\n\"So you're saying while we're being fed food one step from being inedible, sleeping in these low end cabins, while trying to survive off our natural instincts on this bogus island, this man is living in paradise with everything a person could want to daily function, basically at the palm of his hand?\" Armana spoke incredulously.\n\"Basically.\" Duncan replied. \"It's almost like what we had originally applied for when coming on the show.\"\nArmana shook her head in silent wonderment then gathered herself.\n\"Alright, so you think one of these tents would have a surveillance room in it? If that's possible?\"\n\"Yeah. These tents have to be three to four meters tall and four to five meters wide. They're meant to fit all types of facilities in them. Question is; which tent?\"\n\nArmana nodded, following behind Duncan quietly as they raised their heels and slightly walked on the balls of their feet. The only tent with its door drawn back was inhabited by the two men while the others' doors were zipped up, concealing the inside. Duncan decided to test all of the tents, keeping Armana behind him in case something could happen. The closest next to them, Duncan moved the vinyl flap apart, revealing a mesh door that must've meant keeping insects out. He slid the zipper down and lowered his head on crouching through the entrance. He vigilantly eyed around the shelter before proceeding his body through, only seeing it was where most of the food was kept. There was a cylindrical stove with its pipe extending through a built in jack in the tent's walls, a stash of snacks on a station of countertops away from the stove, a sink, a refrigerator and a table with chairs on each of its sides, near the center pole. \n\n\"See anything?\" Armana asked him.\n\"Nope. But maybe we could sneak in here after for some PB &amp; jam. What do you think?\" Duncan proposed.\n\"Mmm, that sounds good. I'm down.\"\n\"Alrighty, let's hurry up to the next one then.\"\n\nHe closed back the tent and they continued around the perimeter of the campsite. They crept to the last one which happened to be right next to the tent she heard the male voices in, hearing best from the proximity her and Duncan were currently in.\n\n\"Twenty five of us went in the jungle that night. Only five came out.\" She eavesdropped, hearing it belonged to Chief.\n<i>'He's explaining that story again?'</i>\n\"I mean come on,\" Chris said. \"I am nothing without my stubble.\"\n\"Amen brother!\"\n\nArmana rolled her eyes, turning her attention back on Duncan who was slowly unzipping the tent. \n\n\"This is right next to Chris and Chef, so we have to be careful, silent, furtive and quick.\" He whispered. \"It's like possessing the abilities of being a delinquent. You're a pretty good rookie at this, Armana.\"\n\"Rookie?\" Armana repeated in pretended offense.\n\"Yeah Ms. Goodytwoshoes, the Armana I met would've never thought of engaging in danger like this. Now look at you, a devil who looks like an angel.\"\nArmana giggled.\n\"Oh shut up, Duncan. Get your butt inside.\"\n\nUpon entering, they discovered this shelter was indeed a surveillance room. There were multiple electronic displays and panels visible from each angle they looked. One device broadcasted previous episodes of the show on its screen, while the others showed the footage being sent by numerous installations around the island.\n\n\"Wow.\" Armana expressed in disbelief. \"There's so many.\"\n\"I know right. It's no surprise since the guy would literally have them placed in trees, popping up from underground, high above our field of vision, as long as it's unobstructed. Basically anything to make it feel natural to watch you but also to capture everything possible.\" Duncan described.\n\"Do you think we would actually be able to control footage then? Ya know apart from just strictly observing what closed signal is allowing to be viewed through the connected monitor, there's something to like operate everything?\"\n\"Yeah. I believe this is where the network is operated and managed over different computers, telecommunications or satellites, all that technological junk. There's an ample desk space over there with some controlling instrument.\"\n\nThey walked closer to the monitors before them, Armana's eyes fixed on the various, contiguously, tiled CCTV's. There were cameras mounted in the communal bathrooms, the cabins, some showing through scotopic vision assumed to be in the woods, the Main Lodge, etc. \n\n\"This seems so voyeuristic.\" Armana judged. \"Why do they have to put cameras in the bathrooms where you're taking showers or in the cabin where you're changing out of your clothes to put on your pajamas. Or like that time I was half naked and we.....did those things.\"\nThey both deeply sighed, Duncan sitting in the swivel chair pushed into the desk. \"You know how there's those huge, long lists that you would skim through in order to agree to the terms at the end? It's like this in this scenario. We signed up and gave the producers permission to record us in all types of weird, obnoxious, non-privately ways.\"\n\"So, what do we do? This controlling thing seems complex.\"\n\nShe ran her hand along the implements displayed on the control panel. The panel was littered with multiple non-alphanumeric inputs and switches, unknowingly indicating the control settings to\nmanage the utilities and software systems in front of them. \n\n\"Surely whoever mans this surveillance couldn't actually keep up with all of this footage, right? There's just too many cameras.\" Duncan shrugged.\n\"Yeah, unless there's something really interesting happening to hold the attention of the operator.\" Armana gave, seeing him nod at what she was alluding to.\n\nDuncan deliberated which keys to click, not wanting to set off anything that'd make it harder for themselves. He looked at a section of the panel consisting of abutting, dark square keys, replicating the layout the CCTV monitors were in. The keys had arrows pointing in all cardinal directions and intermediate points; North cameras, East cameras, South cameras, West cameras.\n\n\"I think I understand it now.\" Duncan comprehended. \"These keys over here, they're like supposed to be programmed to move through the monitors like a cursor. These are the North ones, the East ones, South ones, West ones. And intermediate ones.\"\n\"Ok, that makes sense. The boathouse I believe is in the West, since we had to cross all the way over here to this escapism Chris diverted from the main ground.\" Armana said.\n\"Hmm, this monitor has these SMPTE color bars and says no signal. Which means it's the one that camera in the boathouse must've been sending footage to.\"\n\"So does that mean the footage is gone since you broke it?\"\n\"I would think so. That's the only camera I'm seeing been installed in that killer creepy shed. We could try checking our team's cabin for recorded footage if you'd like?\"\n\"Yeah, that'd be great.\"\n\nDuncan navigated to the intermediate cameras and looked down at the panel again. There was a large geometric key with an arrow veering to the left. He attempted clicking the key, seeing it brought him to different time revisions through when motion was last recorded. \n\n\"Oh I see now.\" Armana regarded.\n\"Mhm. There's this one that says two days ago at 2:06 PM.\"\n\"Hmm, two days ago.....actually yeah. Try that one—\n\"Well, well, well. Look at who we have here.\"\n\nThe teens instantly gazed behind them in the direction of a voice, seeing it was Chris. \n\n<i>'Wait, why isn't he questioning why we're here? Was he expecting us?'</i>\n\n\"Armana and Duncan, fidgeting with the cameras  I see. I wonder for what reason.\" He said through that same obstructing smile he always wore. It irritated Armana rather than being shamed they were caught.\n\"We were just being teenagers; causing mischief, having this strong curiosity for finding things to do and hey, we were bored.\" Duncan excused, playing it off well.\n\"And you just so happened to sneak in the camping pitch im staying in?\"\n\"Yeah, I'm pretty good at locating places out. See you've got the place made all nice, roomy, homey and dolled up like girls were doing on tumblr back in 2014. I've also seen you and Chef waltz in this direction to have actual food in case you were trying to see my relevancy.\"\n\"So why not sneak in the kitchen tent for some bags of chips, candy, cookies, peanut butter and jelly?\"\n<i>'Darn it!'</i>\n\"We wanted to play around with this thing, like I said.\"\n\"Do you think I'm really that stupid? I mean, I know I'm not the most considerate man, may seem narcissistic, selfish, arrogant, sadistic or some things may go over my head. But <i>you two </i>definitely didn't.\"\n\"What do you mean?\"\n\nArmana meant for her words to sound brave in this presage of danger, but it came out shaky, not realizing how fast her heart was pummeling. The  brightness from the monitors' screens casted on Chris's face, allowing them to see how he still expressed that smile as he talked. Obscuring if he was upset, angry, or disappointed for whatever reason, but it was instead that stupid, glazing smile. It killed Armana as she stood subconsciously closer to Duncan, feeling unnerved by Chris's appearance. \n\n\"I mean that you've two have gotten too close from Phobia Factor. Which brings me to say; one of you are gonna have to be kicked off the show.\"", "<i>'What?! Is he being serious?'</i>\n\nDuncan squeezed her hand responsively in reassurance, sensing she stood closer to him.\n\n\"You're kidding right?\" Duncan questioned Chris for any facetiousness.\n\"Of course I'm not.\" Chris protested, finally dropping his smile. \"This is Total <i>Drama </i>Island not Total Romantic or Total Dating Island. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with couples being on here, but this isn't a dating game show where we'd have a variety of human matchmaking systems and pick who goes with who for the amusement value than how compatible they actually are. Cause on shows like that, you can expect some pretty adult stuff. Get it? Cause they're <i>adults</i>?\"\n\"Oh come on, McLean. Would you really say this show is for kids? You have this centralized around teens. If anyone knows, especially adults, being a teenager is the most dangerous part of your life; the puberty and sexual hormones. We are literally missing the frontal parts of our brain that correlate decision making and our emotions.\"\n\"You don't say. I don't need all that scientific crap to try and evoke my empathy or sympathy. Not that I know the difference between the two.\"\n\"Well then why do you act like what we did was such a horrible thing to do? Like it's a crime? If you know it's something teenagers do?\"\n\"In case you haven't noticed; I'm the adult here and this is <i>my </i>show. I need to keep things under my control, in accordance to my rules and the system I have organized.\"\n\"Pfft, you and miss CIT are starting to sound much alike right now.\"\n\"If that's so, then the girl had good common sense and knew how to be malleble to my will. Off topic but she was a decent contestant. Can't believe you guys voted her off over Sadie. Sadie! <i>*Chuckles* </i>For what?\"\n\"Her ass was kicked to the curb because she acted like she was above everyone else trying to put her CIT experience over them <i>is what</i>. It made her this excessive prim and proper bitch and we weren't going to kiss up to her. Not to mention how she mortified, Armana. You don't just do that kind of thing and think you can get away with it, especially when you mess with my girl.\"\n\"What do you mean? It's not like she did it out of ill-intentions/will. It was good for the views, the comedy, the drama. She cared about filling in the genre of the show which is what made her a good composition for the cast. Besides, it's not like Armana isn't already putting herself out there.\"\nDuncan's brows elevated in shock at his words then pressed angry lines into his glabella, \"What did you just say?\"\n\"Oh come on, Duncan,\" Chris expressed, mimicking him from afore. \"It's not like I'm saying she has loose morals but *chuckles* doing those type of things on television? Does she have any morals for herself?\"\n\nHe spoke as if she wasn't there right in front of him, disrespecting her more and treated her like she was a side conversation topic. She noticed Duncan breathed heavily, seeing his chest dramatically enlarge with each inhalation as his shoulders broaden.\n\nThen he lunged for Chris, \"Why you—\n\"No!\"\n\nArmana instantly stepped in front of Duncan before he could hit Chris, seeing how much it bewildered him—probably—of why she would want to defend a conceited asshole like Chris who just insulted her.\n\n\"He's just saying that on purpose to provoke you into hitting him. He's gonna use it as an excuse to call your parole officer and take you back to Juvie.\" Armana disclosed.\nAfter a moment of registering her words, Duncan deeply sighed and decidedly calmed down.\n\"What would I do without you?\" He whispered to her, both of them realizing how difficult it'd be to go on without each other.\n\"Tsk, tsk, tsk. What am I going to do with you two?\" Chris shamed.\n\"Give us another chance,\" Armana spoke. \"We're sorry for behaving irresponsibly. We just got caught up with ourselves.\"\n\"Uh yeah, don't forget about how it could've tarnished my career for child pornography. Plus, you signed your contract which meant you agreed to the terms of being recorded and put on television.\"\n\"We know....we just....look Chris, do you have any kids?\"\n\"Goodness no! Don't scare me like that. You know how much time I spend with the stylist trying to keep my hair tousled like Keanu Reeves? <i>Sigh </i>I'm pretty sure my hairline just receded at the thought of feeling enslaved wiping a pooping, peeing, ravenous, whining crea—\n\"Ok! Ok! We get it, you don't have kids.\"\n\"Why would you ask me such a horrid question?!\"\n\"To see if that way you would be able to paternally understand kids will come to an age where they'll reach puberty, get hormones, and realize coming of age means to embrace the frankness of the human body and sexuality.\" \n\"Good thing that doesn't pertain to me then. I don't really care much for kids or how much you two like each other anyway. You're teens. Teens are promiscuous. Known for transience in their relationships. Once the summer's ended, you'll both go back to your normal lives and forget about each other.\"\nArmana and Duncan looked in each other's eyes and deflated over his words.\n\"Why not just eliminate us both then? We take responsibility for our actions and like you mojo; we'll never, ever, ever come back to the island again. Let alone come back on the show.\" Armana proposed.\n\"No, cause that would inhibit procession on the story. The two of you are what help provide valuable insights and analytics for how many people are consuming content. It's what decides the story to be profitable and worth keeping on people's schedules.\"\n\"Did you say 'story'?\" Duncan asked.\n\"What?\"\n\"Yeah you said 'inhibit procession on the story'. You said story twice actually.\" Armana quoted him.\n\"Huh? No, the tv show. We're on a tv show. Anyways, if at least one of you were on here, it would still help push more content. More views means more for the plot and money. Enough stalling. Duncan, by the morning I'll have Chef or an intern take you back home on the Boat of Losers.\"\n\"No! Chris please this isn't—\n\"Ah! This is non-negotiable. Consider this a life valuable lesson—\n\nAll of a sudden, the teens heard Chris loudly grunt and witnessed his body thud to the ground. They looked at each other once more but instead of the hopelessness they mirrored, they reflected hope. Has someone just saved them? In a prolonging moment of silence, they see a tall, hulk figure and heard the ground crunch underfoot as it ducked into the tent and took advancing steps to the teens.\n\n\"Chief?!\" The teens announced in unison, revealing it was he to have blunted Chris with an unknown object hard enough to knock him unconscious. \n<i>'But why?'</i>\n\"I heard you folks bickering like two people watching a sports game,\" His deep voice sternly uttered. \"Not the friendly, competitive, bettin' money for the opposite playing team type bickering but the type that usually starts bar fights, pridin' themselves as avid fans than bein' able to compatibly enjoy the sport for its own sake. Conducting fairness, respecting the other's opponent and having graciousness or courtesy in the ending outcome. What's funny is that there's no alcohol involved either but instead the mind is drunken off the person's emotions.\"\n\"....Chief,\" Armana addressed him. \"Why did you save us from Chris?\"\n\"...Cause unlike him who has no life outside of the sphere he's been building his public eminence in, I do. You see, before his stardom began, we were old friends. During his upbringing, his father was a celebrity himself but with grandiose narcissistic traits, especially once he found out his wife was pregnant. He often left Chris and his mother to care for themselves and find their own way to become financially stable. He would hardly be home but whenever he did come back to visit, Chris would witness his father abuse his mother; whether it was emotionally or physically. Else, when she had to work first or second shift and his father could watch him, he'd cast his mistreatment on Chris. After some time, his mother was able to afford for him to go to the neighborhood school we'd both attend. Somehow, we discovered we both had our own dreams, like wanting to become famous so his father could be proud of him or making enough money for him and his mother. I wanted to share the traditions in my family's lineage like going to the armed forces. So we both had our own personal aspirations. Not too long down on finishing high school, our careers split us in different paths. Chris went on to earn a bachelor's degree that could cover business, telecommunications and journalism so he strove  high for shows that needed someone as talkative, outgoing and ebullient as him. Meanwhile, I drafted myself into the military at the age of nineteen, jumping straight into action. I was able to become a culinary specialist after being on the forefront for a little while which meant providing food for the soldiers. At the time, the same companies that provided food for the army was the same that provided food for the federal prison system. Meaning we had to use the lowest grades of produce and meat the company had in their products.\"\n<i>'Is that why we're constantly being fed that crap everyday? Or does it still have to do with the inexpensive budget they allocated the show?'</i>\n\"That's why the food is purposely bad here. Why the challenge exerts psychological pressure to weed out the mentally weak and ultimately see how you'll cope with it. The lack of sleep, stringent discipline, the yelling and physical exercises is meant to raise your stress levels. The adaptation of the mind to effectively deal through the stress is what's prompted. See military life runs the gamut from boring to terror. Most of the life is actually beyond the scope of what can be imagined or recreated. It is nothing like what film makers or novelists will try to visualize, only few have gotten it right. So this boot camp is designed to purposely make the process tough, stressful, and emotionally and physically arduous, even painful. Your superiors will create a climate of fear just short of killing people to see what you'd do, how you'd react. How do you respond to fear? How do you respond to the pressure? Do you help others? Watch their backs? I'm talking to you, boy,\" Chief turned two fingers from his eyes and thrusted them at Duncan. \"I mean to say that I have a niece around the same age as y'all. Chris sees the lights and cameras as his family. He's always in the pursuit of attention and power and status. Whereas me on the other hand, I have plenty of family at home—so I'm capable of the empathy y'all were wishing for. You, soldier, remind me of my niece. Her name is Jacqui, short for Jacqueline.\"\nChief said to Armana, patting a large hand consolingly on her shoulder. \n\"I read your letter. You have talent in your chirography, soldier. I thought it stood out from your peers. Not in a bad way like your companion here. Though, I have a question if you don't mind me asking.\"\n\"Yes, sir?\"\n\"Is ya daddy in your life? Or a father figure at home?\"\n\"Yes sir.\"\n\"I ask that because of the dereliction from fathers in the black community. But also because a lot of these younger girls don't realize how important it means to have a father scaffold their entry into the world neither would see the affect their absence has on them. A committed father helps ensure his daughter values herself, to not demean or degrade themselves with selfless activities. You should carry yourself more carefully, young lady. Boys can be nothing but trouble.\"\n\"Yes sir.\"\n\"As for you, boy, I advise you stop being toffee nosed and actually listen for once. You ain't much different from the young brothers I see out in the streets of the inner city. These black boys affiliate their lives with these criminal street gangs in the aspect of urban survival because of the dysfunctional or oppressive environments that pressure them to become more vulnerable to feelings of low self esteem, hopelessness, helplessness, and ultimately aggressive behavior. In the criminal justice system, they're unjustly infiltrated for their ethnicity as young as ten—not viewed in the same light of childhood innocence as their white peers. Not to add, are being put in adult prisons without parole. While you are willingly putting yourself in adverse situations, thinking it's all fun and games because you'll only be held in secure detention for a short period of time and be released directly back into society. Just wait until you end up in an actual prison, where you won't be protected from grown men who like new meat.\"\n\nDuncan was crossing his arms as he stayed silent, mentally disregarding his words. He doubted what it had to do with their problematic situation. He felt tired of being in that visor of shame type of reflection; people looking down on him, feeling the need to add their two cents when he never asked for their opinion. But he realized it was Chief showing his empathy to him. That he didn't even sound deliberately spiteful in the way he talked.\n\n\"Put ya arms down, soldier,\" Duncan listened to him. \"I bet you have both your parents at home. Bet they both have great jobs. These young men think being out on the streets is providing structure and love away from their broken homes because their family members are unable or unwilling to be there for them. I bet you have plentiful family. You can try to act tough but I see right through you that you aren't. You know why? Cause you're surrounded by good people. And when you're surrounded by good people, thee art a valorous person at heart.\" \nHe friendly patted Duncan on his shoulder as well, the boy tilting in the direction of his large hand heavily coming down on his upper joint.\nChief continued, \"Chris did make a point about how transitory y'all can be in your relationships, though. So don't let it affect you too bad if y'all fall out. Y'all mentioned something about missing that decision making thing? Which is right, cause teens will go by their emotions making spontaneous choices. And when you go by your emotions, you're susceptible to heartbreak. So be patient with each other, give yourselves time for everything because if you really love the person, you are willing to wait and invest in a marital bond to engage in such risky behaviors. Treat each other well. Try to get some sleep. You are to report to duty at seven hundred hours. You're still in solitary confinement soldier, until the sun rises.\"\n\"Yes sir.\" They both said in unison and finally left the tent in a speed walk. \nOnce they were far enough from the campsite, Armana deeply exhaled in relief, realizing she walked with her shoulders back, chest puffed and her stomach sucked in. \n\"I can't believe what just happened, Duncan.\" She spoke with pity. \"We were about to get kicked off the show.\"\n\"Yeah, I know.....I would've gave up my chances of winning in order for you to go on, Armana.\" Duncan offered.\n\"That's lovely of you, D, but no way. Chris only chose you just to be a dick. You deserve every right to prosper in this competition.\"\n\"But it would've been either one of us if Hatchet hadn't saved us another chance and I'd like it to pursue to me being the one let go. Plus I'm a nobody. I have nothing to go back to except for juvie.\" \n\"You are not a nobody. You're a talented, intelligent, handsome, young man who is very capable of the things you put your mind to. When you first applied for this show, what were you hoping to do with $100,000? Be honest.\"\n\"Well, really I wanted to do anything and everything. Travel, buy anything I want, go to television casting calls, my parents were probably going to use some towards my lawyer. It's like a hedonic adaptation to winning the lottery; after that grand moment of earning the jack prize, you'll return to this personal median in a little while from that surge of happiness you felt. Why do you ask? You thought it would be something more?\"\nArmana shrugged, \"I guess so.\"\n\"I guess...there is more.....\"\nArmana laughed after a long silence, \"Well? Tell me.\"\n\"I wanted to buy a ticket to the United States. Ya know, since you told me you're only in Canada for vacation.\"\nHer smile fell. \"Yeah, I guess I haven't thought about what could be next for us if anything did happen. I've never been in a long distance relationship before. But from what I've heard, it's pretty hard....\"\n\"........\"\n\"........\"\n\"........\"\n\".........Come on, let's just focus on what we can enjoy together while we're here.\"\n\nDuncan nodded, letting her lead them back to the main campground. Although Armana tried to be optimistic, she knew at the back of both of their minds they wouldn't know what to do when it came time to go. Both of their fears encased not being able to see each other again. Cause what was the likeliness of her family staying in Canada? Most likely, when she left the show, her and her family will go back to Milwaukee. Did she see herself going back on television ever again after this? Probably not. Even if Chris hosted another season? The chances are slim. Didn't they already agree on quitting in the first place? Yes, but it's different from actually being kicked off the show. Plus, her and Duncan would've been separated if one of them stayed behind—not that she couldn't live without him—but it'd damn sure feel that way. \n\nIt was a silent walk back. Not having anything to say to fill in dialogue. Though, they weren't in a hurry like you'd expect two people to do when they may find themselves in deafening awkwardness. Instead, their steps subconsciously matched each other's as they ambled timelessly. They were solely glad they were able to get away from Chris's pitch, not knowing what to expect later. Once they made it to the main site, Armana inclined looking behind her to check on Duncan. His eyes wearied with sleep, involuntarily inhaling deeply before outstretching his arms in a yawn. He then smacked his lips a couple times and scratched an itch tickling along his torso.\n\n\"Sleep with me?\" He proposed without joviality.\nArmana realized they never actually slept together, of course since their sides of the cabin were separated on gender, but they only had to in the woods. She felt delighted at the thought.\n\"Hmm, should I?\" Armana pretended to consider.\nDuncan smirked, \"I think you should. It'll help me sleep better.\"\n\"Ok, ok. Let's hurry up then.\"\n\nThey entered the cool boathouse again, rolling out a large tarp and found throwable boat cushions to lay their heads on. They crouch and rest on a spacious area on the floor, Duncan laying out the tarp beyond their bodies so it stretched over the both of them. Then they could use their body heat as they laid next to each other, lying on their side to face one another and look in one's eyes. Duncan brought Armana closer to him, hugging her so her nose was in his neck.\n\n\"Ya know, this isn't what solitary confinement means.\" She giggled.\n\"Oh well, it's not like we're in actual imprisonment. Just in the disciplinary method of breaking a person's composure or sanity having to be in this creepy shed by yourself. I've already been in here though...<i>with you</i>, twice. Make that three times now.\" He flirted.\n\"Oh shut up.\"\n\"We both know you liked it, so don't even try to deny it.\"\n\"Well duh, of course I liked it. Wasn't that obvious? You like me admitting to it or something?\"\n\"Yeah, I do. I liked it too, don't think it negates from me hearing you say it.\"\n\nArmana chuckled and she lightly brought her nostrils into Duncan's neck to take in his scent. He didn't smell like anything in particular, not of any fragrance but not of any odor. Regardless, she still kept her nose in contact with his skin, finding it comfortable the position she was in. She hugged him into her as well, not that there was any space left between them—just liking to have him close.\n\n\"You tired?\" He spoke, his voice rather deep.\n\"A little bit.\" She said softly.\n\"Ok. I won't go to sleep until you do.\"\n\"Why? I'm right here.\"\n\"I know. I like the idea of protecting you.\"\nShe hummed in consideration.\n\"Have you had any more weird dreams?\" She then asked.\nDuncan chuckled, \"No. I haven't. Haven't had any dreams actually.\"\n\"Do you think you'll have a dream tonight?\"\n\"Yeah, maybe. Usually do if I'm sleeping good.\"\n\"I better get to sleepin' then.\"\n\"Yeah, hurry up already.\"\n\nArmana giggled and snuggled into him more, finally closing her eyes. Her smile slowly faded and her breathing evened into deep respirations. Duncan listened to the cadence of her sleeping, stroking a hand against her back. Well after taking in the therapeutic moment, he also let himself rest, making sure she was as close to him as possible.\n\n\n\n\n\nThe next morning, six contestants remained; engaging in the challenge of climbing up a tree and hanging upside down from its sturdy branches with designated teams on opposing sides. No they couldn't grip with all fours like a sloth. No they couldn't use their hands to hold themselves. Chief insisted that they only suspend with their legs, their arms dangling laterally, insisting it to be more straining.\n\n\"What you are experiencing; is an ancient form of torture. By now the blood has begun rushing to ya head. The next stage is nausea, followed by dizziness, flushed appearance, as the blood begins to pool in ya eyes. You may experience fainting spells.\" Chief told them. \nArmana gasped, \"Duncan!\"\n\nHe suddenly fell from the tree face first in a scorpion position, impending to Chief's explanation. Armana saw Bridgette rush to Duncan's health state, smiling up to her afterwards.\n\n\"It's ok, he's alright.\" Bridgette said to her in reassurance. \n\"Phew.\" Armana sighed.\n\"I've never seen someone actually fall like that except in that back-bending, spine-twisting freeze frame pose you'd see people klutz on the show, <i>Ridiculousness</i>. Have you heard of it?\" Geoff asked her.\n\"Oh yeah, I used to watch that show all the time.\" \n\"Shit's hilarious, man.\"\n\nThey minimally laughed, careful not to lose their balance by holding on to the branch for a bit. They look to the side, able to see Owen struggling to reach for the branch due to his weight.\n\n\"Come on,\" He grunted. \"I...can't...reach.\"\nHe groaned, unintentionally letting out a fart. Besides his flushed appearance due to the oxygen-rich blood reaching his head, he embarrassedly giggled, much to Heather's disgust.\n\"Ok, that's it I'm done.\" Heather quitted, hanging upright from the branch before dropping down.\nOwen still struggled trying to keep himself on the branch, feeling himself coming loose and subsequently, uncontrollably descend. He imminently fell on Heather, her smaller body scrambling to try and get from under Owen's. Hearing her voice muffle under him alerted him of his accident.\n\"Off of me you big ox!\" Heather casted with clarity.\n\"Sorry.\"\nGeoff chuckled at the sight but was interrupted at the sound of a cry from the wood they were on, warning to break.\n\"Aw, this branch is weak. I'll give up my spot for you.\" He offered.\n\"Really?\" Armana expressed in shock.\n\"Well yeah, you're shorter and smaller than me so that would mean you're also lighter.\"\n\nHe lightly swung in a momentum back and forth to flip from the branch and land his feet on the ground. It worked, the noise stopped. \n\n\"Thanks Geoff.\"\n\nNow, it was only her and Gwen left. \n\n\"Come on, babe, you can do it.\" Duncan cheered her on, Armana glad to see him recover fast.\n\"You got this, Gwen.\" Owen jibed in.\n\"Oh yeah, I can hang hear allll day.\" Gwen firmed.\n<i>'I bet she actually could.' </i>\nThe thought of it seemed dreary to Armana yet she did want to compensate for last episode when they raced up that mountain face. \n\nShe thought back to Chris; pondering what'd happen when he'd see them again. <i>'Would he still try to kick us off? Would he remember what happened? Did Chief talk him out of it?' </i>She quietly exhaled to herself, not wanting to summon anything to do with him until the campfire ceremony. If they were to lose that is. A quiet suspense wafted through the air, seeing the other teens were too anxious to even talk to each other. Armana squeezed her eyes shut from looking at the ground, feeling a sensation of vertiginous movement. Instead of looking down at them, she tried focusing up ahead at the other trees parallel to her level. She could see squirrels looking for cones or buds in the coniferous forest and small birds flittering about in a flock. She then looked at the trees from the linear perspective of her \"standing point\", seeing how they towered like perennial giants beyond them and stretched into a vanishing point towards the sky. \n\nShe peripherally heard an arboreal animal scurrying by her. She downcast her eyes to where her legs were, seeing it was another squirrel. 'She must've been blocking its home', she wondered. But why didn't it go past her like a normal squirrel minding its business would. That's when she realized the squirrel came up to her. '<i>Is it being territorial? Is it a female and she has kids? Clearly Im not going anywhere so I'm not a threat to it, right?' </i>As bewildering as the situation was, Armana didn't lose her composure. She spared keeping her balance on the tree than freaking out and losing the challenge overall for her team. So momentarily, her and the squirrel had a stare down; knowledgeably aiming its snout down at her since it's dewy, black, large eyes were anatomically on the sides of its head. Armana dropped her gaze to hold the branch with her hands, earning the squirrel's attention on her reposition. \n\nStrangely, the squirrel began to slowly step onto her, the girl bewaring of its razor sharp claws just daring to break the epidermis of her skin. '<i>Why the fuck is this squirrel crawling on me? Does anyone see this? Probably not from down there but is it stupid or something? We stared right at each other for a good two minutes at least, so it knows I'm here!' </i>Her breathing became offset. The squirrel's movements weren't quick and jerky like one's typically would be in order to constantly check their six for predators. This one was fully aware that it was instead walking up to a predator. <i>'What does it want?! Trying to get me to shoo it away? I won't do it!' </i>It descended towards her body headfirst; rotating its ankles one eighty degrees so it's hind paws were pointing backwards. It raised a paw and clung to her bare thigh as if it were the botanical bark on the tree. Armana grimaced in pain, holding in a yowl. \n\n\"That's it.\" She muttered her endurance.\n\nShe grabbed the critter, only for it to dig it's claws deeper into her skin—drawing prickles of blood. Armana yelped, hissing at the agony but she still gripped tighter on the squirrel to try and get its digital knives out of her thigh. It didn't budge. She could see the squirrel even tensed it's body to grasp her and keep from being moved. <i>'What in the actual fuck is wrong with this thing?! Why is it only doing this to me?! Why won't it let go?!' </i>Armana felt the back of her legs loosening from the branch, yet she used her left hand to grip and fix herself to stay on. Her face scrunched in frustration and the pain of its nails deepening. She was full-on pulling on this thing and it just wouldn't let go for some reason. \n\n\"I'm not doing anything to you, just let go of me.\" She whined under her breath.\n\nThe harder she pulled, the deeper it sank it's claws. Armana bit her lip at the physical harm it caused her, hanging her head back from the strain of what would've been looking down. <i>'Should I let it be? Well no! This fucker's hurting me!' </i>All of a sudden, it incised its fore-teeth in her leg. Armana hollered in hurt, finally freeing the mad creature from her, following with it's claws still dragging across her skin and it's toes curled as if it would've tried staying lodged in. She brought her arm back and chucked the squirrel with all her might—far into another tree, both of them falling to the ground at the same time.\n\n<i>'Was that a robot? It had to be.'</i>", "<i>'That had to be a robot! No normal squirrel would act like that! Am I gonna get fucking rabies?'</i>\n\n\"Armana! You ok?\" Duncan asked, running to her aid. \"You landed pretty hard on your head....hey you're bleeding. Did you scrape your leg on your way down?\"\n\nHe accounted to himself it was more than just a scrape. It was a nasty injury; there were numerous, black and blue contusions superficial to the dermal penetrations made within the region of her thigh. She had acute scratch marks cut into her flesh, ovoid red rings surrounding the lines of torn skin. He saw teeth marks inflicted upon her, particularly by incisors. He carefully brought his hand to cup her thigh in awe, analyzing how the bite wasn't compressed into the tissue with smaller teeth tearing the skin. Otherwise it would've been an open, jagged wound by a carnivore of some sort. It rather belonged to a rodent by its small, single puncture wounds and the amount of scratches she had.\n\n\"Are you ok? Does it hurt?\" He asked her in sympathy.\n\"I'm ok, just baffled over everything. This may sound crazy, but I bull-crap you not, this squirrel just randomly came up to me and started climbing on my leg. I tried to stay calm but it wouldn't get off of me. After a minute, I got fed up and grabbed it but then the little shit dug it's claws into me and bit me. Its like it was thwarting me to quit.\" She answered.\n\"You think it did this to you on purpose?\"\n\"Had to be. Squirrels are usually under predation. The last thing they'll want to do is come up to us giant, non-primitive humans.\"\n\"Well whatever it ends up being, I believe you.\"\n\nThey see the Screaming Gophers carry off Gwen in triumph, causing Armana to deeply sigh in deflation. Duncan rubbed her back soothingly, both of them hearing someone's steps quickly pad upon the grass behind them.\n\n\"Hey Armana, you ok?\" They see Bridgette came to examine the situation with Jojo tagged along.\nArmana nodded.\n\"She fell because she was attacked by a squirrel.\" Duncan pronounced.\n<i>'Well when you put it like that.'</i>\n\"Attacked by a squirrel?\"\nAs silly as it sounded to Bridgette, she moved in front of the couple to inspect a clearer angle of Armana.\n\"Ooooh, that's bad.\"\n\"Dang girl. Did you have peanut butter for lotion or something?\" Jojo interjected.\nArmana chuckled, \"That's the problem, I did nothing to deserve this.\"\n\"Ok, I took first aid training before cause I wanted to be a veterinarian some day. So we can treat you in the infirmary. Come on, help her up.\"\n\nDuncan lifted Armana with an arm supporting her by her waist, guiding her arm behind his neck and over his shoulder. Jojo mirrored his ministration and they lifted her off the ground. Armana limped in favor of her left leg, finding pain in trying to engage in her quads which you'd use in order to complete full strides when you walk. The infirmary was a dark green tent; multiple dingy, steel frame beds furnished with IVs and a station was made to access simple, basic medical care. They walked Armana to one in the middle of a row of beds particularly against the right side of the tent. \n\n\"These aren't even actual beds, how are you supposed to lay on this?\" Duncan accounted to the sturdy sort of bed frame without any comfortability a mattress would've gave. \n\"Well, we just need something to set her body on and keep it from moving. They'd also usually use LED lights to illuminate a local area or cavity of a patient too, but it's pretty bright outside.\" Bridgette judged.\n\"So we should take her back outside?\" Duncan asked.\n\"No, in here would be fine. We'd probably have to cut somewhere in this tent's fabric to let light in over Armana's leg with something sharp.\"\n\"Already got that part covered.\" Duncan smirked unfolding his pocketknife out.\n\nHe grabbed one of the beds to stand on top of in hopes of cutting an opening into the tent's roof.\n\n\"Be careful.\" Armana warned.\n\nHe positioned the bed next to the one she laid on and mindfully stuck out his arm to the extent of slightly balancing on his tiptoes. \n\n\"Cut vertically.\" Bridgette instructed.\n\nSticking out his arm, he slightly leaned to the right and pressed the point of his pocketknife into the nylon. He glanced down to envision where his hand paralleled with her thigh, retreating his knife shortly before jabbing it fully through the material. He protruded his tongue out the corner of his mouth in concentration, slowly tearing his knife in a line. Purposely letting sunlight aperture through, a slit in the tent's canvas desirably narrowed above Armana's injuries and allowed Bridgette to see into the integument of her skin. \n\n\"Ok, that's good.\" Bridgette permitted.\n\"Do you think she'll need a shot for rabies?\" Jojo projected.\n\"Well, according to different analytics, small rodents are almost never found to be infected with rabies and have not been known to transmit rabies to humans. But by Armana's testament, this particular squirrel did show strange behavior for <i>sciuridae</i>-lineage-critters known to be skittish. Assessing her injuries, she does have a bite or two by the puncture wounds broken through the skin's dermis—causing the bleeding. There's bruises that must've been inflicted upon biting or how it began scratching her. It isn't too major, we'll just need some simple first aid.\"\n\nJojo strode to the station for first aid and grabbed a red med kit. Bridgette opened the metal tin case and surveyed the medical supplies.\n\n\"First, we'll need to wash your injuries thoroughly with soap and water.\" She explained, taking out a 16 oz bottle of antibacterial soap and squeezing some into her hands.\n\"Here's a bottle of water I found at that desk.\" Duncan discovered.\n\nShe rubbed her frothy hands onto Armana's thigh, minutely letting Duncan trickle water so that the solution could bind together as the surfactants spread and evened. Eventually, she unrolled cotton gauze to dry the soap and water. \n\n\"Great, there's antibiotic ointment.\" She took out next.\n\"Would that fend off the rabies?\" Armana questioned.\nBridgette chuckled, \"You aren't gonna get rabies, Armana, I promise. The cream serves similarly to the antibacterial soap. Only, it's the most important type of antibacterial agent for fighting bacteria infections. So you'll be good.\"\n\nThen she bandaged Armana's thigh, tying a bow on top of the bindings.\n\n\"And you're done!\"\n\nWith that, Armana sat up, not sure what to think as she fixated on the strips of cotton covering her mid thigh, covering what happened.\n\n\"Thanks Bridgette.\" Her mouth moved, not looking at the girl to make known who she was addressing if she hadn't said her name.\n\"No problem,\" Bridgette smiled in her response. \"I'm just glad this torturous challenge is finally over. We lost—sure, but all those rigorous, correctional summons always required some sacrifice from either team anyway.\"\n\"Who do you think should go home?\" Jojo brought up for deliberation.\n\"Pfft, Sadie. She was gonna be my vote in the last episode.\"\n\"Wow, from how fast you answered, you been wanting her out from the get go, huh Bridgette?\" Duncan sneered.\n\"I mean no hard feelings against her, but, she's just a person I wouldn't mind being here anymore.\"\n\"Which while we're on the topic, Duncan, you were giving Chef a hard time. What if he made us all go through some punishment just cause you wanna be emo and act out of line.\"\n\"First of all, emo is a different fashion subculture from punk aesthetic. Second of all, Ive always tended to have discordance with rules defining a way of behavior. I'm often an outlier in the group.\" \n\"Well who do you think, Armana?\"\n\nBridgette questioned the girl who was far off from their conversation and instead, still stared at her bandage as of afore. Her attention was blanked with the thought of the squirrel's attack on her mind. Not that she was traumatized by it, but it sure never happened to her before. The peculiarity about it, the way it was an <i>outlier </i>in behavior as Duncan said. <i>Why?</i>\n\n\"Armana?\" Bridgette managed to catch Armana's ears this time.\n\"Huh?\" She audibly let out, showing she didn't even know what they were talking about. The two other girls chuckled. \n\"Who would you want to go home?\"\n\n\nAfter having a filling conversation over simple matter of events, they finally let Armana off with Duncan (as always). They walked back outside, the weather brilliantly sunny by a blue sky devoid and cleared of any clouds. It was a pleasant day to be engaged in the outdoors but Armana didn't like a feeling settling in the back of her conscious, stirring in her gut to twist and turn in knots. The picturesque woodland filled with trees overshadowed her small being, blocking the balmy sun in a oppressiveness of shade. She felt afraid of something while at the same time conflicted in a flip-e-rama of reassurance to try and satiate herself that it simply could've been 'the squirrel was crazy'. But what if she was purposely attacked in the concept of the squirrel being a robot like she suspected. As if that wasn't comical but she just had to consider <i>what if.</i>\n\n\"Yoohoo, earth to space ranger.\" A hand waved in front of her face.\n\"Oh! Sorry.\" She apologized for once again, <i>spacing</i> out (badum tsss).\n\"Jeez, you're really blanking out today. Is it about what happened?\" Duncan asked her.\n\"....It's just....I can't get my mind off of it. I don't want to be as stirred up as much as I am about it cause I'm sure it's a stance for something like that to happen. But I don't feel right about it, my gut is telling me something.\"\n\"Yeah it's always that gut feeling itching your rationale, huh? So do you actually think it could've been a robot then? As strange as it sounds?\"\n\"<i>Yes</i>,\" She emphasized. \"There's no recourse of reasoning or anything behind it.\"\n\"I don't know, I think your mind just wants to comprehend or confirm in what way the challenge could've been rigged. Which I'm not gonna dismiss—it could've. Yet, even if it was a robot, how would you find it? Hundreds to thousands of squirrels are in these woods.\"\nArmana sighed, \"You're right. I'd be damned trying to chase after the bastard that did this to me. I'll just forget about it and forgive it for it's natural instincts.\"\n\"Hang on...if you think it's a robot, are you saying it could've been made by Chris?\"\n<i>'He knows what I'm trying to say here' </i>\n\"Yeah, I didn't wanna seem assumptious and like I'm driving myself mad over the other night. I wanna forget it all if anything. But something just makes me think I could've been targeted by the squirrel if he somehow made it have an exoskeleton. *<i>Sigh* </i>Am I going crazy?\"\nDuncan chuckled, \"No, you're not going crazy. This whole thing has just upset your day as you try to make more sense out of the incident. A squirrel acting so strange that it could've been a robot, that's all that's trying to get the gears of your mind to rotate.\"\n\"But I don't want you to ridicule me or look at me like im unusual or nonsensical because a rabid animal attacked me. I'm working myself up over this whole thing. I'm gonna sit by the lake.\"\n\"Wait, im sorry, that's not how I meant to come off. Im on your side, Armana. I know I wasn't there to see what was happening to you, to protect you. I'm just glad there was no further damage done. Only, I don't want you to feel  threatened or like he's targeting you. Or be apprehensive around squirrels, cause I mean they're gonna be apart of our environment.  But let's forget about Chris, ok? I promise, I got you.\"\nShe nodded with a smile, \"Thanks Duncan.\"\nSeeing his words put her at somewhat of an ease, they could finally move on to another chapter.\n\"Now let's go by the lake until the sun sets.\"\n\n\n\nThe marveling sunset appeared as the sun falling into the horizon and with it, dragged a tail of its spectrum of colors grading from violets to blues and oranges and reds off of the billowing altocumuli—daytime melting by bits and fractions. Then as if the earth flipped, the sky morphed into dizygotic dark colors of obsidian, plum or midnight blue. Like it was a cue, interns were prompted to start a bonfire before Chris could speak on the PA system to call the Killer Bass for a denominated member. \n\nSeeing the host's face again—now—casted in the fiery glow sent shivers down Armana's spine. She could hardly look at the man, not sure why she felt as large as an elephant not belonging in the codified meeting. Even if his eyes weren't on her, she felt an overgrowing heaviness of shame on her shoulders. Her heart palpitated against her chest as she subconsciously dug her nails into her flesh as hard as she could. \n\n\"I have seven marshmallows on my plate and these marshmallows represent the campers that will continue to be.....campers...here.\" <i>'Someone forgot his lines' </i>\"You've all cast your ballots in the confession can. If I do not call your name, you must immediately go down to the dock of shame, catch the boat of losers and go home. And you can't come back. Ev-er!\" \nHe trickled down the list of contestants, tossing them their marshmallows.\n\"Armana.\" He called, sounding like venom to her ears as she rose her arms to catch her marshmallow with cupped palms. It then came down to one left on the platter, left between Sadie and Harold.\n\"Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the night.\" Chris told the two, both of them nervously expressing their uncertainty to each other.\n\"....Harold.\"\nSadie furrowed her eyebrows at the news, quickly rising from her seat as if she was ready.\n\"You know what?\" She said to her ex-teammates. \"That's fine with me you...marshmallow-eating freaks!\"\n\nShe ran off in heaving sobs, Duncan scoffing at her reaction.\n\n\"Did she want us to feel bad or something?\" He chuckled while nudging Armana.\nShe held back her amusement from his comment, \"Hey, we were doing her a favor. She obviously missed Katie a lot—I mean when she was voted off, Sadie was the quietest she's been since the first time she got on the show. Heck, they might even see each other again on the Boat of Losers.\"\n\"Yeah that does sound like something Katie would do.\"\n\nThe Bass then dispersed from the campfire to get ready for bed, Armana walking away as quickly as she could.\n\n\"Damn babe why you walking so fast?\" Duncan amusedly asked her. \"Oh never mind I get it.\"\n\"Yeah.\" Armana shot him a look, not wanting to say it out loud. \"It's like I can't even stand being within the same area as him. My heart was pounding out of my chest.\"\n\"I know, I understand. It did feel awkward but rest assured; I won't let a thing happen to you. That may not sound like much, but I'm a pretty determined guy when it comes to being on top of his game.\"\nArmana smiled, \"Of course, I know you're here for me Duncan. Thank you for knowing how to make me feel better. It's what you say to me that I feel like I don't have to worry about it.\" \n\"That's exactly the point.\"\n\nDuncan brought her into a kiss, starting as their lips simply osculating on each other's. The points of their noses slightly contorted on necessarily being close to each other's faces, which Duncan angled his face in attempt of dominantly kissing her. It successfully went in his intention, hugging her closer into him as he gestured his tongue on her lower lip. She widened her mouth to let him pliably interact with her tongue at the same time of lasciviously locking lips with her. Armana cupped his cheek before separating with a <i>smooch </i>leaving from both their lips.\n\n\"Get some good sleep while we actually can.\" She told him, earning a chortle kept partly suppressed from him.\n\"You got that right. You heard less sleep shrinks your brain? Sheesh.\" Duncan pretended to sweat, making Armana giggle.\n\"Don't believe those silly scientific stuff. It's not like we'd be able to tell the difference of yours anyway.\"\nThe boy dramatically gasped with a hand over his chest, inciting louder giggles from her.\n\"I'm just kidding D.\" She said to him jovially, kissing him in random places on his neck and jaw to compensate for it. \"Goodnight, love.\"\n\"Goodnight. I....\"\n\nArmana looked at him as she heard he was about to say something. But though his eyes momentarily appeared big, glossy and expressive, he relaxed and recanted what he was thinking.\n\n\"Never mind, goodnight, doll.\" He wished.\nShe decided to leave the matter of topic and nodded before they both entered the cabin.", "The next morning, Armana stirred awake to the strange disturbance of an airplane. The problem was; if you can hear one while it's thousands of feet in the air due to the sound pressure level decreased the further away you are from the source, imagine how loud it had to be sounding as close to being just outside your cabin. The searing sound of its jet engines harshly whooshed in Armana's ears, as if the ruckus was hardly being blocked by the cabin's walls. She tightly squeezed her eyes close as she attempted to block the sound out by covering her ears with her pillow. It seemed to have woken her two other cabin mates, not that she was surprised.\n\n\"Aw hell nah.\" Jojo sated, angrily flipping her cover from over her and stormed outside.\n\nStill in her bonnet, Armana joined her, seeing the other campers curiously seeking the noise. Above was a familiar yellow aircraft, the same biplane  used for Owen and Izzy's fear factor. And for some reason, it was heading right towards them.\n\n\"Hit the deeeeeeck!\" Geoff shouted, the campers screaming in fear as they made way of the plane landing.\n\nChris appeared to be horribly piloting the plane as he drove too close to the point that if he weren't careful—people could've been splattered against the propeller. He used an open path in the campground as a runway to slow down the plane and descend to the surface. As the disc brakes were deployed, the plane continued to roll upon landing; one of its pairs of wings breaking a shed in its path. It was eventually brought to a standstill, Chris casually hanging his arm out of the window as if he was cruising. \n\n\"Just flexing your muscles for today's X-Treme sport challenge!\" Chris exclaimed through a megaphone.\n\"This man crazy.\" Jojo demeaned. \"He know it is too early to be doing this shit.\"\n\"Damn right. Always trying to make these dramatic ass entrances.\" Armana claimed.\n\"This week you'll participate in three challenges; first up, X Treme Sofa Bed Skydiving!\"\n<i>'What in the hell even is that?'</i>\n\"Contestants will plummet—uhhh skydive—to a waiting sofa bed target below.\"\n\nThe furniture was brought for demonstration. \n\n<i>'Why does everything in this place have to look like it's about to break down?'</i>\n\nOne of the doors on the plane popped out and slid back to reveal Chef being the guinea pig for the presentation. You could guess in the case of any of the teens wondering if the stunt was safe to begin with (or if it was to have the producers' approval to make this an episode). As Chef wore a parachute backpack, below him was a shabby sofa with its back lowered to reveal its concealed mattress. \n\n\"If his heavy ass jump, that shit is going to collapse under him. There's springs poking out at this very second.\" Jojo murmured to Armana. \"Look, look, look.\"\nChef hopped onto the sofa bed and as soon as his body made contact, he was crushed by the sofa trying to fold back into a seat.\n\"Dayum!\" Jojo blurted but quickly covered her mouth, causing Armana to stifle a laugh.\nThey could hear muffled cries of pain being gave from the man. Armana grimaced.\n\"Of course, you'll be skydiving from five thousand feet.\"\n\"He just gone continue like that shit ain't happen? We about to die.\" Jojo softly interjected to her.\n\"Relax Jo, this is only our first challenge.\"\n\"And, you'll be using these.\"\n\nChris chucked two worn backpacks that seemed to be designated to either of the teams. \n\n\"Our lucky contestants are Trent and DJ.\" Chris appeared have to a list of designated names on a the sheet of paper he rustled out.\n\"Sure why not?\" Trent tolerated. \"You know what they say on Black Cone Mountain, bro; best glimpse of heaven on the way into hell. Let's do this.\"\n\"Yeah, uh, sure. Bring it o-on.\" DJ tried to match his energy.\n\"Not so fast because the second challenge of the day is; X-Treme Rodeo Moose Riding! Contestants will rodeo ride The Great Canadian Bucking Moose for eight seconds or get hoofed into a giant heap of stinky socks from the lost and found!\"\n\"That stank pile ain't nothing but laundry day back home.\" Leshawna took up.\n\"It's your lucky day, Leshawna. You're riding for Gophers! And Geoff, you're riding for Bass.\"\nGeoff expressed optimism, pumping his fist in the air.\n\"And the final challenge; X Treme Seadoo Water Skiing,\"\n\nThe ground was hollowed to embank a body of water—lengthened as a course. The only catch was that thus being done on land, the contestants were prompted to ski on a mud track. Possibly making it more difficult due to skimming on an earth matter much more softer, stickier and viscous than water. \n\n\"Contestants will water ski a race course grabbing as many flags as they can before crossing the finish line. While a member from the opposing team, tries to boot them.\"\n\"How can we water ski without water?\" Heather spoke Armana's thoughts aloud.\n\"It's really hard,\" Chris remarked in humor. \"Check it out.\"\n\nChef was put up as an exemplar again as they heard a purring motor near them. They witnessed him clumsily ride a <i>sea doo</i>, somehow losing the weight distribution over the watercraft. Which consequently, he screamed as he repeatedly bounced off the ground, as if it was something you'd humorously see out of a cartoon as the person descended and collided with different protuberances on their way down. Armana winced as he smacked into a tree, only to hear Chris amusedly chuckle into the megaphone.\n\n\"See? Awesome!\" He bespoke as if it adequately proved to the teens of their safety for the challenge. \"Harold, you'll ski for Killer Bass,\"\n\"Sweet.\" The ginger approved.\n\"And Lindsay for the Screaming Gophers.\"\nLindsay giggled, \"Coool, I can model with my new bikini.\"\n\"Now for the cool swag; whoever scores the most challenges gets bragging rights for the night, saves their butt from elimination, AND wins a trip down Multi-Massage Full Bot Shower.\"\n\nChef made a quick recovery as he strummed the long A note of a harp but Armana realized how it magically emphasized the sparkling, sheeny RV next to him. It's interior was made into a lavatory with matching fixtures of shower heads, prefilled towels, toiletries and recessed downlighting that brightly illuminated the room.\n\n<i>'Now WE HAVE to win this challenge'</i>\n\nAfterwards, Chris started back the biplane, the wind from it's airscrew harshly propelling against everyone's faces.\n\n\"Ok gang,\" he cued their dismissal. \"Doll yourselves up, chow for breaky and report back in 30 minutes for the X-Treme Sports Challenge!\"\n\nHe then drove off while dispersing dust in the air with thick aerosols of greenish-brown smoke. She fanned away the particles and coughed upon breathing it in. Armana then slowly watched him raise to the sky, wishing he'd keep going until he disappeared into a tiny sparkle. She made her way back to the cabin, subconsciously asking herself where Duncan was after the chaos they just witnessed.\n\n<i>'He should've woke up by how loud that plane was'</i>\n\nAfter taking care of her morning routine, she'd next see him in the Dining Hall, not sure why she had any hope of what was for breakfast, knowing she wasn't going to eat it. As if her hypothesis was answered, the teens were served some sort of crushed, soft mass—almost like mashed potatoes but it was overcooked. Everyone passed their plates to Owen, who unhesitatingly cocked his head back to hold the dish high and let the food pass over the edge so it could fall into his mouth and be swallowed in one take. Armana deeply sighed at the sight.\n\n\"What's got my girl down?\" Duncan suddenly appeared.\nShe shot him a look of distaste seeing him eat the breakfast, \"You're actually eating that?\"\n\" Hey I've been skipping the past few breakfasts. A person's gotta eat.\"\nShe rolled her eyes as she sat next to him.\n\"I guess you're right. But, I wasn't thinking of much. Did you catch the morning's scoop?\"\n\"Nope, mind catching me up?\"\n\"Basically, our challenge is supposed to be based on extreme sports. We have to skydive and manage to land on a sofa bed five thousand feet below, fare eight seconds rodeo riding an angry moose, and ride sea doos on mud while a person from the opposing team is towed by you on skis. You gotta try to boot them.\"\nDuncan scoffed, \"Sounds like the way to rave it up. What's the prize?\"\n\"A <i>brand </i>new sparkling shower in this RV. How neglected the showers are that we have, I'd kill for that.\"\n\"You sound like my mom; she'd watch those tv channels for middle aged people who have impetuous urges to renovate, sell, or buy a house to fulfill their desires for their dream home.\"\nArmana chuckled and pushed him on his shoulder, \"I'm not middle aged, I just have aesthetic standards for myself. You should want to <i>invigorate </i>your amenities or have something fresh since these producers are too cheap to do an upgrade around here.\" \n\"I mean sure if that's right of me to. But, I don't know, I'm looking forward to how this challenge goes. Sounds like a shit-show but we could have it in the bag, what do you think?\"\n\"Mmm, I'm not sure, it's all pretty on edge.\"\n\"Yeah but it's like the alternate rising and falling of the sea. You can either let it drift you along or you can surf on the crest of the wave like you're maneuvering and influencing the way of the tide.\"\n\"Sure but you have to distinguish freedom from its potential for destruction. What if Chris is just being sadistic? Does he actually expect us to come out alive from these tasks he's giving us?\"\n\"True. I believe he's raising the stakes higher for us since as the weeks go by, our numbers will gradually lower to the point we won't be in teams anymore.\"\n\"You're right, there will have to come to a final two in order for one person to win the cash prize. Makes me think of Hunger Games; where Katniss and Peeta were the last two remaining and instead of killing each other like the Capitol wanted, they both planned to consume Nightlock berries in order to kill themselves.\"\n\"Are you saying we'll be Katniss and Peeta?\"\nArmana chuckled, \"Its a bit corny but yeah in a sense if it does come down to us. Would you eat poisonous berries rather than win?\"\n\"Possibly, if Chris has us do something to bring each other harm.\" \n\"That really tells you how shitty this show is.\"\n\"Damn right.\"\n\nAfter the teens spent their limited amount of free time for breakfast, they were reported back to the main campground where Chris still remained piloting the plane for their first challenge; X Treme Sofa Bed Skydiving. With a heaving sigh, Duncan comfortably sat on one of the sofas as Chris went through instruction. \n\n\"Now remember, ground teams can wheelie the sofa beds wherever they want in order to help their comrade with the landing.\" He directed.\nOn the ground, Heather illustrated a dead body outline with white chalk.\n\"Sayonara Trent, I hope your attempts to impress weird Goth Girl was worth the chalk outline.\" Heather taunted.\n\"Uh, did you ever think that maybe Trent's doing this as a form of self expression; like Haiku?\" Gwen suggested, earning confusion from her peers. \"Or...not.\"\n\nDuncan curiously smirked as Bridgette wore rather smugness in her smile while shaking her head at Gwen. \n<i>'Wonder what that was all about?'</i>\nWith an atmospheric, awkward silence pervading the Screaming Gophers, Trent and DJ aboard the plane. Armana watched once again as Chris rose them to the sky, towards the light aquamarine of Lake Muskoka. \n\n\"We better get moving. They might get dropped by the shore.\" Armana regarded. \n\nHer teammates attended her words and quickly began to push the sofa towards the beach.\n\n\"Weird girl's right, follow them.\" Heather commanded, not noticing a sleeping Owen on the furniture which would progressively slow them down. \nAlong the way, Jojo questioned, \"Should we draw an outline for DJ to land? Ya know, like the one Heather drew?\"\nArmana laughed softly, \"No, that was just Heather being absurd. Besides, they have parachutes....well <i>should </i>have parachutes. This <i>is</i> Chris whose imperiling our lives here.\"<i> </i>\n\"Exactly right, it's so illogical using a fricking sofa to land on. The only practical thing about it is that we can lay out the bed for precaution.\" Bridgette added, earning nods in agreement.\n\nShortly coming across the strip of granular land, Armana shaded her eyes with her hand, looking at Chris high in the sky, hovering and circling the area like she predicted. \n\n\"They're getting ready to free fall, let's cross about halfway down the beach.\" Armana directed in estimation of a designated landing point.\nJojo suddenly sneered, \"Hey geniuses, you wouldn't be struggling so much if you didn't have Owen sleeping on the sofa!\"\n\nShe found even more amusement when the girls looked surprised upon the discovery, marking that they didn't even realize the teen wasn't helping them push. She tossed her hair seeing them pathetically try to pry him off.\n\n<i>'She always has to try and be the sassy one.' </i>\n\nArmana chuckled at her mocking exchange as they continued to push along the shore. Once halfway, they were left to look out for DJ. Next to no time, they see one of the campers transiting from the plane first. Armana realized it was Trent in belly-to-earth orientation.\n\n'<i>He's coming down rather fast. Why isn't he using his parachute?'</i>\n\n\"I don't think his parachute is deploying. Should we try to catch him? I mean he is closer to us.\" Armana proposed.\n\"Nah, that would give the Gophers a point.\" Bridgette answered.\n\"Plus, take a look at this.\" Jojo nudged her attention on Heather, Gwen, Leshawna and Lindsay, who were painting a red X on Owen's backside.\n\nThe Bass snickered at their attempt of using Owen for landing. She could at least give them a point for their effort.\n\n\"Trent could get seriously injured though.\" Armana propounded.\n\"Well, blame it on them for wasting their time trying to find paint and a paint brush.\" Duncan allayed to her. \n\nGaining speed, Trent screamed in terror as he came closer to the ground. Helplessly being pulled towards the earth, Trent plunged to the terra's surface, resulting in a powerful depression of his body similar to the one Heather drew. Everyone associatively looked with awe, some rooted in place and some of the Gophers (chiefly Gwen) hesitantly approaching him.\n\n\"Trent?\" Gwen softly spoke out to him for verification of if he was okay. \n\n<i>'Cause it's not like he fell five thousand feet from the plane'</i>\n\nArmana strangely felt infuriated from the incident, possibly because she was an empathetic person and felt racked with guilt. Before she could even think a thought or action, the Bass heard DJ audibly scream as he finally jumped from the plane. Unlike Trent who was lax with his stomach relative to earth—presenting his right sides to the wind—DJ frantically flailed his limbs which made his body descend like a sack of potatoes. Though as if he gathered himself together, his parachute billowed from his backpack. Armana expelled a breath of relief she didn't know she held, smiling with newfound humor as he still feared for his very life.\n\nHis erratic movements funnily caused the canopy to swing, the teens folding out the mattress within time as DJ slowly drifted downward like a feather. The teens clamored with cheer for his safe landing. Seeing he was on land, he looked around as if he was in another state of mind and currently back as himself. \n\n\"Everything's still here? Nothing's broken?\" DJ inspected.\n\"Nope, still in one piece, deej.\" Armana answered for him.\nDJ smiled, \"Phew! What a relief, I think I wanna do that again—\n\nThe couch instantly folded the bed back in by itself, trapping DJ within. The teens gasped in shock then whistled and distributed from the scene as if nothing happened. Afterwards, they all gathered back by the campground for the next Challenge: X Treme Rodeo Moose Riding. \n\n\"Ya know, standing closer to it, that thing is actually massive.\" Armana remarked.\n\"Yeah princess, they don't call it the Great Canadian Moose for nothing.\" Duncan responded with a bit of sarcasm.\n\nGeoff and Leshawna were put up, the surfer insisting on going first.\n\n\"Rodeo riding's kinda like surfin'; once you catch the lift, you just flow with the mojo.\" He reasoned, Gwen and Bridgette following him in inquiry possibly.\n\"We're totally gonna lose this challenge.\" Armana expressed.\n\"Now that's not the spirit for a spiffy, squeaky, new shower.\" Duncan said in pretended sulk.\nArmana rolled her eyes, \"Shut up. I only say that because Geoff says conventional things for his silly beach bum trope, like it's supposed to conjure wisdom. When really he's gonna be eating stinky socks.\"\n\"Come on babe, it's just like what I was saying about letting the water drag you along or buoyantly surf it. He knows what he's talking about.\"\n\"Well sure but—wait why is he pulling his pants down?\"\n\nPurely without context, the two witness Geoff stand on top of the moose's head and flash his ass to Bridgette and Gwen.\n\n<i>'Oh god, I couldn't think of what possible explanation he could have for that'</i>\n\nDuncan laughed, \"Told ya this would be a shit show but hell is this out of my expectations.\"\n\nJust then, Geoff enraged the large deer and as if on cue, chef fearfully unlocked the ruminant's enclosure. \n\n<i>'Oh no'</i>\n\nChef barely out of the way, the moose barged through the gate with Geoff still on top of its head and his pants down. It ran into the open space to angrily spring into the air and arch its back, vigorously kicking its hind legs. It didn't take long, in fact hardly even a nanosecond, for Geoff to be flung off of the moose and sent flying to land with a mouthful of the foul, odorous socks. \n\n\"And Geoff's...out?\" Chris announced, surprised. \"Oooh that stinks big time for Bass. No seriously, that is the frank stop. Leshawna, let's jet.\"\n\nIn opposition of the vibes Geoff sent Armana, Leshawna radiated confidence and toughness as she cracked her fingers. Aside from her conveying ease in the sport earlier, anyone could talk convincingly about their abilities. \n\nOnce she mounted on the apex of its humped shoulders, she spoke to Chef, \"I hope you got a moose burger recipe handy. Easy boy, you don't wanna make me mad now.\"\n\nHer words seemed to irate the moose; puffing visible steam through its large nostrils and displaying the white of its eyes (unlike the usual large, gentle, dark look you'd see). As Chef was put to open the enclosure, the moose was so furious, it broke through its barrier and ran him over. The mammal aggressively rushed back and forth with a bolting impetus, trying tactics like tossing its head upward like a horse as it ran or repeatedly raising its hinds in mean of throwing her forward. Yet, Leshawna didn't budge. She shouted in joy and made ad-libs as if it was innate. \n\n\"Well there goes our point.\" Armana negated.\n\"So we have a tie! Whoever wins the Xtreme Water Skiing Challenge wins invincibility.\" Chris appointed. \n\"I'm readyyy.\"\n\nThe teens curiously turn their heads to a female's voice, only to see Lindsay in her new green bikini as she aforementioned. She earned gasps of astonishment, Armana seeing Duncan looking more than she would've liked and decidedly covered his eyes. \n\n\"We are so dead.\" Heather said. \"Unless! I get to drive the wave jumper!\"\n\"Just win the dang shower so I can get my hair did.\" Leshawna said indifferently.\n\"Ok,\" Armana turned towards Duncan. \"You got this, D. Be the moose.\" \n\"Don't worry, babe, driving motorized vehicles are my niche.\" He ascertained. \n\"I'm serious, though, just because she's this bisque, porcelain doll who thinks she's the prettiest of the land, that makes her all the more frail and fragile.\"\nDuncan smirked, \"Got it.\"\n\nHarold was representing the Bass first as the skier versus Heather. Armana cringed to see Harold only in a red speedo/tighties and his sneakers. His body was scrawny and complexion pale but as she thought about the Dodgebrawl challenge back on episode four, he was a force to be reckoned with. \n\n\"You are so out of your league, alphageek.\" Heather gibed.\n\"Here's the road rules;\" Chris began. \"Oh wait, there are no rules which means this is gonna be awesome!\"\n\nArmana shook her head, <i>'Of course there's no rules. No rules means for more chaos to unleash, only the more extreme, right?'</i>\n\n\"And go!\"\n\nHeather readily revved the sea doo's engine and pulled off, so fast that Harold fell forward from his skis and could only be dragged by the vehicle. He was surprisingly capable of hanging on to the cable but laid face first in the mud. Following through the course, Heather drove over a ramp which in contradiction of her judgement, Harold grabbed a green flag.\n\n\"Flag one for Bass!\"\n\"Yes!\" Armana murmured.\n\"No!\" Heather feared but became further driven with determination.\n\nShe accelerated her speed and turned more sharply on the track. Yet, despite being dragged on his face, he proceeded to collect more flags. \n\n\"Five flags heading to goal!\"\n<i>'Come on, come on'</i>\n\"That's impossible!\" Heather said incredulously.\n\"Heather has to cross the finish line or be disqualified. But when she does, Harold will take five flags to victory for the Killer Bass.\" Chris said, his voice transmitting through loud speakers on a totem pole.\n\nApproaching the finish line, Armana caught only a glimpse of what appeared to be Heather turning away from the handgrips of the handle bars and instead towards Harold.\n\n<i>'What is she doing? She would only be facing that way if it concerned Harold. She's sabotaging him!'</i>\n\nEven if the ravenette were to cheat, Chris wouldn't care since he didn't permit any rules. Upon the realization, it vexed Armana; manifesting her anger as an imaginary, blazing/menacing aura. However, in a flash of a second, Harold crashed into a rock protruding from the mud. Not long ahead, Heather also collided with one and was consequently shot forward.\n\n\"I don't know what Heather did to make Harold lose his concentration but it's a total wipeout for the Bass team!\" Chris excitedly reported.\nThe Bass facepalmed at the news.\nArmana growled to herself <i>'We still lost because of that? How unfair'</i>\n\"Ok, forget that happened, we could still have a chance at this, Duncan.\" Armana told him.\n\"You can count on me.\" He responded, kissing her temple. \n\nDuncan sat astride another sea doo than the one Heather wrecked as Lindsay handled the cable towing from the vehicle and stood in her skis at the starting line. \n\n\"Ready, set, ride it like it's sweet sweet...go!\"\n\nDuncan sped off, Lindsay managing to retain a proper stance and her balance as she glided across the mud. As Duncan drove up a ramp, Lindsay caught the first flag, performing a graceful somersault off of the incline and landed back on her skis. Armana was surprised at the sudden feat, learning she shouldn't have underestimated her as everyone might've judged by her beauty. Duncan caught on to this as he stomped on the footwell of the seadoo to try to disturb the wire/Lindsay's concentration. Yet it was to no avail by proceeding to successfully collect more of her team's flags. This seemed to annoy Duncan as he peered over his shoulder at her accomplishment. He throttled the engine, gazing at Lindsay again to now see her hand full with all number of flags prompted. However, not paying attention to what was in front of him, he was about to drive into an apparent large rock akin to Heather. \n\n\"Duncan!\" Armana called, gaining the boy's attention.\n\nHe quickly faced forward to the obtrusion and screamed discerning he was too late to steer the vehicle in time. Duncan smacked into the rock—hard. He was flown from his seat and landed high in a tree, Lindsay still continuously gliding past and crossed the finish line. Armana stood agape registering what just happened but shook her head to pull herself back into reality and bounded in Duncan's direction.\n\n\"Gophers winnnn!\" Chris declared.\n<i>'Yeah there totally wasn't any bias here'</i>\nMaking it to the tree, Armana called for him once more, \"Duncan!\"\n\"I'm up here! I'm ok.\" He assured her.\n\"Don't worry, I'll get you down!\" \n\"What? No Armana don't do that i'm fine really.\"\n\nHis dissuasion fell upon deaf ears as Armana stepped back and moderately ran towards the tree to jump and grip the sides of it with her thighs and calves. She placed her right foot on a sturdy gnarl and searched with her hands for different footholds until she could reach its large branches. \n\n\"Stop, I'll come down,\" Duncan insisted but realized how aloft he was from the ground and the next branch. \"Shit.\"\n\"Just stay still, Duncan.\" Armana told him. \n\nShe stayed in route of the trunk, grabbing onto multiple sizes of protuberances to be able to push herself upward as she progressively rose and eventually leapt to a branch. She held the branch from underneath and tried to pull herself up to straddle the limb but it only dampened her palms and finger pads as her body shook with frailty at trying to use her upper body strength. She regressively dangled and slowly felt her grip loosening. She grunted as she tried to curl her fingers to use her nails as if they were claws to hook into the bark. Then, she heard a familiar sound of pattering claws scurrying rather close by her. Sure it was a tree with the natural habitation of wild animals but Armana was instilled with fear of yesterday's incident reoccurring.\n\nJust as she apprehended, a squirrel appeared from an unknown hollow of the tree. Not wanting to believe herself as paranoid, Armana tried to ignore the animal and reattempt pulling herself up. As the squirrel leapt in its gait, she couldn't help but cautiously watch as it approached the branch she was hanging by.\n\n<i>'Its like I have bad luck. Why is another squirrel coming to attack me? Is it something about me attract</i><i>ing </i><i>them?' </i>\n\nThe squirrel proceeded towards her until it stood atop of her like it knew she was struggling. Armana frustratedly growled but wouldn't give up even if the squirrel bit her. She'd bite back. Yet, she felt like she should've recognize it's dewy, black, large eyes, even if it shared uniformity with thousands more coated of silvery gray and black hairs. Unexpectedly, the squirrel placed its tiny paw on one of Armana's fingers with tender temperament. She realized this only meant the squirrel recognized her, unique in some degree from its species for having to come up to a human. Twice. \n\n<i>'Can it differentiate who are actual predators? Perhaps it owns a higher intelligence or conscious than the rest of its kind. It even knows how to communicate with another creature by connecting with their emotions'</i>\n\nFrom its sentimental touch, Armana understood it was apologizing for its aggression towards her, showing meekness in the way it kept its posture, not flagging its tail or squawking visualizations for its neighbors to hear. It still kept its paw on Armana's finger but after gaining her trust, the squirrel firmed it's hand like the grasp reflex of a baby. Armana then felt a positive emotional feeling like a sort of neuropsychological change than the difficulty she was enduring through failing to pull herself up the branch. It was determination, more particularly, an anticipatory flash of enthusiasm. And as if nothing happened, the squirrel hurried away from the girl.\n\n\"Wait!\" Armana said, easily pulling herself up after the interaction and tried to follow the critter.\n\nBut the squirrel was lightning on its feet and was gone like it wasn't there in the first place.\n\n<i>'How strange. What makes it even more stranger was that my emotions weren't upon instinct or intuition. Sure they're autonomic, but it's like they were being channeled for the squirrel's means of communication or expression. I have to be crazy. There's no way I just talked to an animal'</i>\n\n\"Armana? You okay?\" Duncan called out to her.\n\"Yeah! Sorry.\"\n\n\nBack at the campground, Armana was shocked to still see her team still by the mudded track.\n\n\"Why is everyone still here? Didn't we lose?\" Armana questioned them.\nJojo opened her mouth to answer but a male's voice came out. \"Glad to have you back with us, Armana. For our bonus round!\"\n\"Bonus round? Like for redemption?\"\n\"Very positive of you but no. For double elimination!\"\n\"Double elimination?\" Her and Duncan repeated in unison. \n\"Yes, you against Jojo.\"\n\n<i>'What?!'</i>", "\"A-Against Jojo?\" Armana echoed in stunned confusion. \n\"Why? We already have to vote someone off for losing the challenge.\" Duncan justified.\n\"Sure, but, really it's just to even the disproportion from your team and the Gophers'.\"\n\"Bullshit.\" Armana barely murmured.\n\"I beg your pardon?\" Chris cupped his ear.\nArmana opened her mouth but felt someone put their hand on her shoulder.\n\"It's alright, Armana,\" Jojo suddenly assured her. \"Because I forfeit this challenge.\"\nJojo earned expressions of shock from her peers and an unimpressed Chris.\n\"If you forfeit the challenge, you're immediately disqualified from the show.\" He told her.\n\"Did I stutter? That's the point of me forfeiting the challenge, genius.\"\nNow Armana grabbed Jojo's shoulder to face her.\n\"Jojo, what's up? Why are you doing this? Why are you giving up when we've already came this far?\" Armana incited with a whisper.\n\"As much as you're right, I don't think I can go on any further. Every sunrise I wake up and realize I'm still here, I've just been on the brink of quitting.\" Jojo frustratedly responded.\n\"Hold on Chris.\"\n\nArmana pulled Jojo to the side with well enough distance that the two could talk amongst themselves.\n\n\"Jo, think of $100,000. You could win this.\" \nBut Jojo shook her head, \"He's only using that reward to induce this desired behavior from us or see how far we'll go with this humiliation. Heck, this isn't even what we signed up for. We were told a five star resort, yet this looks like Shrek's swamp only it's an island.\"\n\"That's true, but guess what? You still went on with the show, because? Of the hope of winning the cash prize. Yeah these challenges are awful but they're supposed to test you. To see if Jojo, miss señorita, is likely to be the last one to stand. I mean, think about it; which challenge has been your favorite so far?\"\n\"...Mmmmm...I do have to say that we rocked that cooking one. It was like it had my name as a cipher in the challenge.\"\n\"See?\"\n\"But...I don't like that he chose us out of all people to pit against each other. I get it could've been anyone of us and if not now, then later but I just wonder if there's any reason behind it. Is it closeness in height? Weight? Our personalities? Or because we worked so well in that cooking challenge? I could just be overthinking it.\"\n\"I hear what you're saying. I wonder too. And I dont think it's fair. However, that still doesn't mean you should just quit. Even if it's by elimination, you'd be credited for your effort. Think of what made you want to come on here. Of who's watching at home.\"\nJojo looked to the side which Armana knew was in contemplation. \n\"Now I'm not trying to persuade you on behalf of the show, I just want you to give yourself an opportunity. You don't have to feel bad about going against me, I can take being eliminated if it's to see someone who means something to me success. We <i>are</i> competitors if you think about it.\"\n\"Yeah but there's just something I sense about you.\"\n\"What do you mean?\"\n\"You know how someone is the main character of a story? I just feel like you play an integral role to this whole thing. Even if you consider yourself an introvert, your influence on the show is extroverted. You being picked determined all of who came on here. Not even on any bullshit, you're powerful. It's like I was only planted in this moment of <i>your</i> life to support you. And therefore I am, by quitting or like you said, to see someone who means something to me success.\"\n\nArmana was astounded more so bewildered hearing Jojo's words. The strangest part was that she didn't speak with sarcasm but with a kind of awe as she spoke to try to make sense of how she was feeling.\n\n\"What?\"\n\"I know it's hard to realize right now but the further you go on in the competition, you'll utilize that power to your advantage. And when you do, it'll be a game of tossing balls at clowns. The bigger the clown, the bigger target you'll have.\" Jojo smiled.\n\nShe finally ended Armana's insistence, knowing she wouldn't stop her as she proceeded to their cabin to pack her bags.\n\n<u>Intervene </u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;I literally have no words. I don't know if I should. Like I'm beyond shocked. I don't know if I should be happy about her giving up her spot since I guess I won't be eliminated, but it's not as far as that. I wanted to make sure she valued herself and that she wasn't just giving up because she didn't feel good enough. It just makes me sad that she's going cause she definitely could've been a game changer.&lt;\n\n\nAfter some time, Jojo exchanged farewells with her teammates, group hugging with Armana and Bridgette. \n\n\"We'll miss you.\" Bridgette told her.\n\"Oh come on guys, don't be sad. Think of it like a 'see you later, alligator' type of thing.\" Jojo assured them. \"Here, let's say animal rhyming paradigms to each other! And British accents! Go!\"\n\"In a while, crocodile.\" Bridgette started.\n\"My leave I take, you ugly snake.\" Armana followed.\n\"My time to bail, my slimy snail.\"\n\"I can't stay, Sir Sting Ray.\"\n\"The end is near, Fawny Deer.\"\n\"Gotta scoot, my lil Newt.\"\n\"Gotta kick it, little Cricket.\"\n\"Must be off, my little Moth.\"\n\"Bye Bye, Dragon Fly.\"\n\"Farewell, Gazelle.\"\n\"Till then, penguin.\"\n\"Gonna hit the road, spotted toad—\n\"Hit the street, parakeet,\" Chris interrupted. \"Now, go.\"\n\n\nThe girls rolled their eyes but Armana and Bridgette waved as the Boat of Losers took Jojo further into the distance. After she left, Armana headed towards Duncan who appeared to be carving a piece of wood.\n\n\"Hey D. What you making?\" She asked him upon sitting down.\nBut he quickly hid it on her arrival, inducing a smirk from her.\n\"Hey! You don't have to be embarrassed!\" She reassured once she realized he genuinely didn't want to show her. \n\"..............\"\n\"Come on! Pretty pretty please?\"\nShe gave him her biggest puppy-dog-sad-face that she could give, smiling widely when he deeply sighed.\n\"Ok fine.\" He gave in.\n\nWith a deep blush on his face, he showed her his hand for her to see the wood carving small enough to be wholly encased by your hand. \n\n\"I-It's not finished yet.\" He stuttered while looking away.\n\nShe sweetly smiled at him and carefully picked it up. Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be two skulls forming a heart.\n\n\"Aww, Duncan, this is so cute.\" Armana praised him.\n\"It's not supposed to be cute, it's scary. Skulls are scary.\" He said, his blush still apparent on his face.\n\"Yeah okay, how can you tell me that when you purposely made them forming a heart. It just fits you since you're so compassionate.\"\nArmana began to quickly kiss him on his face, eliciting a laugh.\n\"Stop it babe, you're killing me here.\" Duncan smiled, his entire face crimson.\n\"A shy Duncan? Never thought I would see the day.\" \n\"Oh hush.\"\nArmana giggled and handed him back his art piece. \n\"Ya know.....I've been making these ever since we became a thing.\" He confessed.\n\"Really? And you're just now telling me?\" She flicked him on his head.\n\"Ow, it's just a personal thing for me, okay? I don't make these for just anyone. It's kind of like how you draw in your sketchbook. Whatever comes to my mind, I carve it. And you've been on my mind so.\"\n\"Awww!\"\n\"Stop saying that!\"\n\"Show me the other ones! Please?\"\n\"You don't have to ask, I was going to anyway.\"\n\nHe entered the cabin to grab the other carvings and shortly came back with multiple of them in his hand, similarly all the same size besides their shapes. It was almost like picking chocolates from a box, each with their own flavor, shape and toppings. Except, Duncan's hand was the box, his work the chocolate which of course wasn't edible. Armana caressed her thumb against the shape of a headless woman's torso, feeling how smooth he shaved the wood despite the visible portions and angles of where he carved in order to shape it.\n\n\"Do they all have a sort of meaning?\" She asked him.\n\"They do since they did come from my imagination.\" He answered.\n\"So this is a woman by the lady humps you made.  I'm assuming this is me?\"\n\"Yeah, it is. It's the first one I made of you. Ya know, after that fear factor challenge. I'm sure you remember.\" \nArmana pushed him on his shoulder in slight annoyance, \"Shut up. Why did you want to make this though? As a souvenir?\"\n\"You could say that, but it was dark—being night time—and I just remember feeling you out with my hands all over your body. Not only could I finally carry out how I felt about you, but the moment was just so enticing. All I could think about was where to put my hands and mouth on you so here we stand holding a mutilated body with dismembered legs and head.\" \n\"Don't try to downplay that beautiful explanation. It's meant to be looked at aesthetically for the appreciation of a woman's body. All of these are really nice though. It only takes certain talent for someone to do this. I mean you could be a carpenter, a sculptor or do cabinetry in the future.\"\n\"You really think so?\"\n\"Of course. I know they mean a big deal to you but may I keep one at least? I promise I won't lose it.\"\n\nDuncan was surprised by her words, expressing so through his raised eyebrows.\n\n\"Ya know, for a souvenir.\" Armana winked.\n\"U-Uh, y-yeah sure yeah that's fine. I-I mean I made them a-after you so they're basically yours to take.\" Duncan nervously permitted, with a blush mantled over his face again.\nArmana chuckled seeing his reaction.\n\"You're so cute.\" \n\nShe kissed him on his cheek and took all of his woodcarvings to put them somewhere safe with the rest of her belongings. Duncan continued to finish on his current work as she came back over, his face still warm since this hobby was always something he kept to himself or used whenever he had to cool off. Armana then rested her head on his shoulder and thought she'd let him focus, closing her eyes to listen to the wind blowing through the trees.\n\nAfter a momentary silence, Duncan asked, \"Are you okay? I know you were a bit sad about Jojo leaving.\"\n\"Yeah, I'm okay. Just wasn't expecting it, ya know?\"\n\"Mhm.\"\n\"...I mean....\"\nDuncan shifted his attention to her, \"What?...What's up with the prolonged silence?\"\n\"Its just...I only necessarily feel bad because of the reason she said she was leaving.\"\n\"What did she say?\"\n\"........\"\n\"Babe, just tell me.\" Duncan chuckled.\n\"........\"\n\"Armana.\"\n\"I can't.\"\n\"Why? It's not like I'll tell anyone.\"\n\"You won't believe me, you'll think I'm crazy.\"\n\"If you consider yourself crazy out of everyone else here, I might as well go insane because after everything we've been through so far? We only have each other's backs and really you're the most sane person here. So everyone else has to be pretty fucking deranged.\"\nArmana softly laughed and nodded in agreement, \"Okay, okay, okay, you're right, you're right.\"\nShe then deeply sighed, \"You might not be able to understand or wrap your head around this cause neither could I but...Jojo told me that the reason she was leaving was because she felt like I have some major part with the show. Like I was meant to be here and the odds of everyone else being picked was circumstantial. Like I controlled who was picked and who has all been eliminated.\"\n\"....Now that sounds like some pretty crazy shit.\" Duncan humored.\n\nArmana expected his reaction to be as such, not mirroring his response and instead held a serious atmosphere.\n\n\"Duncan,\" She adverted, who upon seeing her expression immediately quieted. \"This is serious. <i>She was </i>serious. She said I have powers, not in a metaphorical way but legitimate. I actually find it creepy.\"\nDuncan cocked an eyebrow at her sincerity, \"<i>You're</i> being serious? Before you say 'I told you you'd think I'm crazy', I don't think you're crazy it just seems far fetched. What makes you actually believe her?\"\nArmana considered his question, wondering how so could she had been telling the truth. But then she saw where Duncan scraped his leg from crashing into the tree earlier.\n\"Earlier? When I was coming to help you down from that tree? I ran into the same squirrel from yesterday. It's so strange to be saying this aloud than thinking about it but I knew it had to be the same one because of the way it came up to me. Like Bridgette was saying; squirrels wouldn't just come up to a human cause they evolved to be twitchy and alert to always watch for predators. While I was struggling to pull myself up on a branch, that squirrel came right up to me, looked me straight in the eyes and expressed this gentleness or kindness as it placed its paw on my hand like a gesture of comfort. Isn't that weird?\"\nDuncan nodded, listening on.\n\"What's weirder is that when it did that I felt this change in my emotional state. Sure from your intuition you'd be confused, astounded, or adored by the interaction so you'd experience some type of emotional state anyway—but it was the type of emotion I was surprised to feel. I felt stronger, praised, this newfound energy to pull myself up and literally ascend that tree like it was innate.\"\n\"I was a bit doubtful of how you were gonna get up there. But you did it and that may not be easy for the average human.\"\n\"Seeeeee?\"\n\"But what would that mean? What does that make you capable of exactly? Maybe you just needed a bit of courage.\"\nArmana leaned onto Duncan's shoulder once more, enjoying the feeling of another current of air breezing in. \n\"You're right D. Maybe I did.\"\n\n\n\nOn the way to next week, Armana didn't experience anymore strange encounters with the squirrel. Though she still felt that she wasn't in the right mind for seeking a creature out as such. They were always in the trees or running in a series of leaps while they looked for food. They were always squeaking away at each other that the only comprehensible way Armana could understand of her past situation was that the squirrel knew the spontaneity of emotion. Therefore, controlling it somehow. \n\nSunday morning, the teens were called into the Main Lodge for breakfast—as routined. Armana, along with Duncan, were one of the first people to enter the cabin. Chef and Chris stood next to the doorway to purposely make it appear that the teens weren't having any food. They started snickering as the teens were making this discovery, as it was part of their plan for what was potentially the lead of the new episode. \n\n\"We're already about to start our next challenge. Before breakfast even starts.\" Armana remarked.\n\"Or, it starts when we have breakfast. Perhaps, being what we eat.\" Duncan commented, making Armana groan on the realization.\n\"Congratulations to the remaining 10 campers for reaching the half way mark in the competition. You'll all be on the jury for the final episode.\" Chris announced.\n\"We got the power, yeah!\" Geoff exclaimed.\nArmana chuckled at his excitement, he always seemed to know how to set the mood of something. Maybe because he was your party kind of guy.\n\"The two teams will become one next week. But first, all the girls will be moved to the Gopher cabin and all the guys will stay in the Bass cabin.\" It was Duncan's turn to groan. \"This week's challenge is as old as history itself. A Battle of the Sexes.\"\nArmana quietly gasped, looking at Duncan who amusedly winked at her in return.\n\"Once everyone is settled in, I'll announce the challenge. And then you'll uh have a <i>fight</i> to eat. *snickers* Ready for a little good news though? This week, no one will be kicked off.\"\nThere was a clamor of cheers, Duncan hugging Armana from behind to show his enthusiasm.\n\"Cause it's all for reward and it's a <i>good </i>one. Okay! Time to relocate, let's move!\" \n\nThey left the Lodge and packed their luggage to switch into their assigned cabins, excluding the Bass boys. Thus, Duncan accompanied Armana while she gathered her things.\n\n\"Wow, we really only stuck by each other's side for majority of the competition. So this is new.\" Armana stated. \"Think you can handle time without me, tough boy?\"\n\"I've done it before haven't I?\" Duncan raised with a smirk, referring to his time in juvie.\nShe spoke in his ear, \"Yeah, but that was before you even knew I existed and that you <i>needed </i>me.\"\nDuncan smiled at the suggestive glint in her eyes.\n\"Are you really gonna tease me knowing we're gonna be in two different cabins? Not even the same team?\"\nArmana giggled, \"That's why I'm teasing you, silly. Plus we'll only be on different teams for this week's episode.\"\n\"Still you ol knee high, I do need you,\" Duncan embraced her. \"You're the <i>only</i> reason I made it this far.\" \n\"Oh Duncan,\" Armana soothingly rubbed her hands on his back. \"I need you too. It's came to a point where I feel inseparable from you. Id rather be no where else than by your side. Partners in crime.\"\n\nArmana always loved the soft side of Duncan; he didn't even care that he was firmly hugging her close in front of everyone. It was a time in the competition where the stakes were higher and losses may have a greater cost, given the prize being held with such high regard for this challenge. Duncan loosened his clutch only to fervently kiss her; deeply pressuring his mouth on her lips, hearing her audibly try to breathe through her nose as he transitioned into a make out session. He returned his hands on her body and pressed her into him. His hands grazed the skin of her midriff her crop top exposed, decidedly squeezing her there and slid his hands on the caused goosebumps. Armana softly moaned into the kiss from his actions, feeling her spine shivering as he progressed his hands up her torso to lightly caress her erecting nipples through her shirt. Duncan circled his thumbs around the protuberances then pressed them inward, concurrently becoming aroused by her breath, the heat of her lips, the texture, the taste of her saliva and her cute quiet moans. He sucked on her tongue, not caring about the drool beginning to drivel from the corner of her mouth. Subsequently, he shifted back onto her lips in a pattern of sucking on the bottom one and pursing wet kisses, the two occasionally parting and emitting loud smacking sounds. The pattern ended when they finally parted their faces away, panting from the intensity. Armana chuckled as they made eye contact, making Duncan smile and caress his thumb along the flesh of her mouth. He wiped away the drool and made one last kiss on her forehead.\n\n\"Sorry, I got a bit caught up in the moment.\" He sheepishly admitted.\n\"You don't say.\" Armana amused. \"You don't have to apologize though, that was perfect.\"\nDuncan laughed in response. \"Oh yeah and I almost forgot to give you this.\"\nHe handed her the artwork of the two skulls he was working on since last week. \nArmana immediately beamed with a gasp, \"Aww, this looks great. Thanks Dunkie.\"\nDuncan blushed at the nickname but cleared his throat, \"Hey it's no problem. Whatever you want, babe.\"\n\n\nArmana met up with Bridgette along walking to the Gophers' cabin.\n\n\"Sup Armana.\" Bridgette greeted.\n\"Hey Bridgette. Looks like we were the only girls left on Killer Bass. How do you feel about moving in with the others?\"\n\"Not gonna lie, I was a bit worried about it because of how catty girls can be. But you're one of the only people I trust here, so that makes me feel better.\"\n\"Same here. I completely relate with how you feel about girls being catty because a lot of times that's all they do; try to scratch each other's eyes out and piss about everything.\"\n\nBridgette gave a laugh as she opened the door, instantly quieting when the exact situation they described was going on.\n\n\"Nobody's leaving until I find out who ate my pudding pockets!\"\n\"I ate them, so what?\"\n\n<i>'Speaking of the devil'</i>\n\n\"Woah, pump the brakes a minute. You're so whatin me? That's my food and no one touches ma food!\" Leshawna emphasized with hand gestures such as the nagging finger and jutting her thumb on her chest.\n\"Whatever, deal with it! It serves you right for leaving your junk eeevvvvveerrrrryyyywhere. Especially that! That is bugging me!\" Heather pointed at an orchid purple bra hanging on one of the bunks that had to be a Double D cup.\n\nArmana rolled her eyes and shook her head.\n<i>'Heather will never learn until she gets a rude awakening of barking up the wrong black girl's tree'</i>\n\n\"Yeah it'd bug me too if I didn't have anything in the front or the back to shake.\" Leshawna gibed in emphasis of her tits and ass.\nArmana stifled a snort.\n\"Yeah? Well you got so much junk in your trunk your jeans should come with the trash compactor!\" Heather pointed.\nArmana's jaw dropped.\n\n<u>Intervene</u>\n<b><i>Armana, 16</i></b>\n&gt;Chilly, not even a second of Bridgette and I opening the door and we already walking into some drama. Can't wait to see how we win this challenge, hugely note the sarcasm&lt;\n\n\"Uh oh!\" Bridgette said aloud, earning the girls' attention of her and Armana's arrival.\n\"Bridgette and Armana, it's so nice to see you guys. We're gonna have so much fun.\" Heather chirped, Armana cocking an eyebrow although Bridgette didn't seem to suspect her. \"Get out of the doorway, you silly gooses. Don't be shy. We're like a big family in here.\"\n\"Big and dysfunctional.\" Gwen added.\n\"Anything you guys need, just yell.\" Heather said.\n\"Thanks for the awesome welcome, Heather.\" Bridgette said.\nArmana kept quiet, eying the cabin like it would've been any different from theirs.\n\"Welcome to the club! Like Heather said, this will be so much fun.\" Lindsay greeted. \"As long as you do everything she says.\"\nHeather side eyed Lindsay and kicked her in her shin.\n\"Ow!\"\nHeather laughed it off, \"Yeah we love joking off here in the girls cabin.\"\n\nArmana rolled her eyes at the sight and squinted her eyes as she watched Heather with cautious distrust.\n\n\"Bridgette, I made sure your bunk was next to mine—\n\"Hey! That's my bed! Ow!\" Heather kicked Lindsay again, who walked away limping.\n<i>'Poor Lindsay'</i>\n\"So we can talk and share and really get to know each other!\" Heather continued.\n\"Okay, yeah! Hey, thanks everybody. I can't wait to know all of you—\n\"Okay! Plenty of time to chat later! Let's unpack.\" Heather hastened.\n\nArmana's unsure of what she just watched but she was afraid if Heather was trying to convince Bridgette into being one of her puppets. She opened her hand, realizing she was still holding the heart Duncan made for her. She chuckled to herself and sighed as she already started missing him.\n\n<i>'I wonder how they're all getting along. I'm sure he's doing great' </i>\n\n\"Aww, you're smiling to yourself. I do that all the time too ya know, usually about all the cute clothes I'll buy with the cash prize when Heather and I win.\" Lindsay remarked. \"Uh well I mean, of course you could win too! Ooh, let's both think about cute clothes!\"\nLindsay's quirky personality made Armana laugh, \"Hi Lindsay.\"\n\"Hey, it's Alana right?\"\n\"It's actually Armana.\"\n\"Oops, sorry. Don't take it personally, I always forget names. I can be such an airhead sometimes!\" Lindsay groaned while knocking on her head. \"Knock, knock? See, you hear the emptiness?\"\nArmana laughed again, \"It's okay Lindsay. No offense taken....hey, can I ask you a question?\"\nLindsay excitedly gasped and stood closer, \"Oooh, are we gossiping? I love juicy gossip, it's like a daily newspaper!\"\n\"No, no, we're not gossiping. I just wanted to ask; Why do you let Heather treat you so poorly? You know she's only taking advantage of you to get ahead in the competition, right? She's using you for her dirty work. In fact, I don't even see her engage in some of these challenges.\"\n<i>'Okay in a way, it's gossip'</i>\n\"Heather? She would never. She's my best friend. We're like two peas in a pod.\"\n\"Lindsay, what do you think will happen if it comes down to the two of you in the finale? She'll just thank you for carrying her through the competition and throw you under the bus. Doesn't your back hurt?\"\n\"My back does hurt actually. I need some more bras.\"\nArmana mentally face palmed.\n\"Lindsay, I'm saying that you give yourself less credit than what you validate for. I mean, you rocked that last challenge making Duncan crash into that tree like that.\"\n<i>'Sorry Duncan'</i>\n\"Thanks! I like to go jet skiing a lot during the summer.\"\n\"See? You should hone your skills more often then.\"\n\"Hmmm, oh! I wore the cutest pink, six inch <i>Valentino </i>heels for my 16th birthday. For the whole day! Is that a skill?\"\n\"I don't see why not. That's pretty hard.\"\n\"Totally and—ooh make up. Come on!\"\n\nLindsay was distracted by Heather showing her floral box of makeup to Bridgette and pulled Armana alongside with her. \n\n<i>'Wait makeup? Bridgette doesn't seem the type to be into cosmetics or anything girly at that'</i>\n\n\"What's mine is yours; nail polish, scrunchies, earrings, just help yourself.\" Heather offered.\n\"Wow!\" Lindsay awed but Heather irritatedly snapped shut the box, which almost got Lindsay's fingers as she was about to reach in. She fearfully backed away by Armana.\n\"Thanks Heather but um I like to keep it natural.\" Bridgette politely declined.\nBut Heather chucked her under her chin, \"Like my mom always says; a lady can always use a little boost in the looks department.\"\nBridgette reluctantly gave in as Heather began shading in her eyebrow with a pencil.\n\"Hey Regina, she tried telling you no?\" Armana defended her while pulling Bridgette away. \nHeather glared at her, \"How about you mind your own business?\"\n\"We're a team and we gotta live in the same cabin so this is all of our business.\" Leshawna clarified.\n\"Yeah we're a team, we should be using this as an opportunity to get to know each other better.\" Bridgette intervened.\n\"You wanna play that way? Fine, be on their side.\" Heather said, grabbing a roll of grey duct tape and taping down the middle of the floor. \"This is my side,\" She pointed to the left. \"And this is your side.\"\n\"Yeah, you keep putting down that tape and if you cross it I'll smack you down.\" Leshawna said.\nHeather looked at Bridgette, \"You can choose the weird girls if you want but just so you know once you do? You're like not allowed on our side, right Lindsay?\" \n\nLindsay made eye contact with Armana who was now on the right side of the room but confidently nodded. Bridgette incredulously looked between the girls, as if she couldn't believe what was happening.\n\n\"Oh come on guys, let's build bridges not walls.\" Bridgette reasoned.\n\"Take your pick.\" Heather pressured her.\n\nAn elongated silence fell inside the cabin as they all looked at Bridgette with anticipation. Armana hated how the blond was put on the spot but didn't want to dictate who she hung out with so she watched as well. Bridgette deeply sighed at the realization that she truly had to choose between this feud. So from the left of the cabin, she dejectedly stepped over the tape and by Armana's side. Armana, Leshawna and Gwen breathed in relief.\n\n\"You just dug your own grave.\" Heather threatened as they dispersed from by their beds. \n\"Let's try to get along, okay? Otherwise the guys are gonna cream us, don't you get it?\" Bridgette imparted but Heather only threw her luggage back by her in response.\nArmana scoffed, \"What a bitch, am I right? She really expected you to kiss up to her if she showed you subservience.\"\nBridgette shook her head, \"Sheesh, I know girls can be dramatic but man it took literal seconds for that all to erupt. All I was trying to do was have us be civilized and act as young women.\"\n\"You weren't in the wrong, Brit. And to put you on the spot like that? I hope you don't feel guilty. Her trick is to make girls feel inferior next to her for her attractiveness and guile. It's honestly sad to have this overly heightened self esteem, be a possible sociopath, controlling, being a drama magnet. You just can't be normal, you always feel like you have to keep this status or else you're not good enough.\"\n\"You make a point, Armana. Sounds pretty miserable. I'd rather stick with my own principles, no matter what.\"\n\"That's it Bridgette. You did make a point too, we can only win this challenge if we work cohesively. Just need to get our shit together and fast.\"", "\"Sooo, how'd it go? You girls playing nice and getting along?\" Duncan sarcastically asked Armana, sensing how her experience went.\n\"I'm sure as you would expect a cabin full of girls would go. We were put into a irreconcilable team. Right as we walk in, Leshawna and Heather are already arguing over food and after Heather couldn't make Bridgette her minion since she's new to their team, she literally marked off which side of the room was hers like a spoiled ass child.\" Armana vented.\n\"I don't know, sounds like it went pretty well to me.\" Duncan chuckled.\n\"Oh ha ha.\" Armana falsely laughed while rolling her eyes since it meant her team was doomed to lose the challenge.\n\"Lighten up some babe, they still got you on their side. I would say you guys got the advantage here.\" Duncan winked at her, to which Armana sheepishly smiled.\n\"Oh stop, you're always one to charm.\"\n\"I only speak the truth, so really you're charming yourself.\" \n\"Well, the way you remark on it I admire.\"\n\"Hm.\"\nArmana laughed, \"How about you? Seems like you're doing plenty fine with your guy mates.\"\n\"Yeah, everything flowed smooth; drank some soda, listened to music. Geoff had let out the gnarliest burp I ever heard in my life, it literally ricocheted off the walls and you could see birds flying out of the trees from how much the earth shook. Just awesome.\"\n\"You're telling me Geoff's burp was so strong it caused a passage of seismic waves through the Earth's rocks?\"\n<i>'Didn't feel any tremors on our end. Well not literally'</i>\n\"You betcha, so we made him captain of our team.\"\n\"Again? Just like in that cooking challenge?\"\n\"What can I say? Geoff's a cool dude; he's positive, he cares for others, he's always amped up for any challenge thrown at us, not to add he loves to party so he always knows how to have a good time or to make sure people <i>are</i> having a good time. Kind of his motto.\"\nArmana sighed with a pout, \"I guess. At least it's good to know you guys can find common ground much easier than girls who generally have to be these aggressive bitches.\"\n\"Hey,\" Duncan caressed his thumb along her cheek. \"Fuck the others. You got this. If they can't get their shit together? Fine. Let it be on their own downfall. If you have to solo queue for the higher rank, let them compete against each other and be seen as fools at their own game. It's you and I against everyone here and we'll do whatever it takes to make sure they're nothing else but stepping stones to our victory. Ok?\"\n\nArmana expressed her surprise to his solacing words with agape but then smiled and nodded.\n\n\nIn the Main Lodge, the teens gathered before Chris and Chef Hatchet to disclose their next test. \n\n\"It's time for today's challenge!\" Chris announced.\n\"Uh, where's breakfast at?\" Leshawna questioned, earning snickers from the show hosts —yet again—as if they were two school girls sharing a secret.\n\"Stop doing that!\" Heather commanded.\n\"Let's just tell them today's challenge is; The Brunch of Disgustingness! You'll be getting a nine course meal and each member of each team must finish each dish. You will not know if the next dish is grosser than the last, not as gross or just as gross. Just that it will likely be gross.\" \n\"Tell them what they'll get if they win, Chris!\" Chef interjected.\n\"The winning team spends two days at a local five star resort where they'll be pampered, eat gourmet nosh, and given antibiotics against anything they might've caught while participating in this challenge! The losing team will go hungry tonight and spend the next two days here on total drama island with Chef.\"\n\"We are going to win this challenge.\" Heather asserted. \n\n<i>'Oh now she's persuaded once she heard about the beauty treatment. But we're already coming into the challenge as a dysfunctional group'</i>\n\nJust as Armana dreaded, Duncan was right; they were being challenged of if they could psych themselves out of the innate disgust of ingesting what they're prompted. Insects most likely being on the menu. Though Armana didn't confess it during the Phobia Factor challenge, one of her worst fears had to particularly be eating insects when coming on a tv show. Or rather, in a setting where they must provide basic survival necessities for themselves, thus having to eat the arthropods as a way to destigmatize our primitive, hunter-gathering selves. \n\n\"Hey, don't think about it too hard.\" Duncan remarked by the perturbance that settled upon her expression.\n\"You can tell?\" Armana queried, letting her fear be more apparent.\n\"Of course I can tell, you're my other half. I picked up on your body language, I kept in note of your favorite things. Everything I paid attention about you is like apart of my subconscious. I do it like the back of my hand.\"\nArmana sighed. She couldn't expect anything short from Duncan, they might as well be as one mind. \n\"We're you actually scared of love?\"\n\"Huh?\"\n\"Back during that Phobia Factor thing, you said you were scared of love. Was that really true?\"\n\"To a certain extent, since I was afraid of letting myself be vulnerable for someone in a relationship. It's like an uncharted territory and you just feel at risk and exposed to the person....emotionally. Of course then I realized vulnerability fosters more connection, trust and emotional intimacy between that someone.\"\nThey both smirked.\n\"Yeah, we both learned a lot about each other that day.\"\n\"Mhm, unfortunately though, with that out of the way, my mind is like frantic with worry about this challenge. Just imagining putting disgusting shit like bugs in my mouth is making me wanna retch at the thought of it. It's been one of my worst fears.\" \n\"I get it, it's not always stigmatized to eat insects but it's always been apart of people's cultures and everything. You see it's all in the mind. Our bodies evolved to biologically keep us safe or protect us from perceived dangers. As children we were cautioned about wasps, that flies carry diseases or that beetles can bite. But it's just a mental block. It's the same reason we're repulsed by thinking about drinking chunky milk or yogurt with a green film on top. Our bodies know that the spoiled product will hurt us by keeping us creeped out about it.\"\n\"Yeah but that's exactly the thing. My mind can't get over how creepy bugs are with their exoskeletons, multiple legs and eyeballs. They crawl on everything, can spread diseases and aren't clean. Hell, only about half of us are getting antibiotics for whatever shit we catch messing around and putting garbage in our mouths.\"\n\nBefore Duncan could reason with her more, their team members were already moving to their respective sides of the cabin.\n\n\"It's like what I told you, babe. It's all in here.\" He gestured, tapping a finger on his temple. \"You got this.\"\n\nHe brought her into him and kissed the center of her forehead, just between her eyebrows. Armana tried smiling assuringly at his denotation of comfort. But once he sat beside his teammates, she couldn't shake off the nervousness permeating her system. If anything, it was like she was facing two challenges; struggling to relinquish that mental aversion she grew up with versus by doing so, volitionally taking it through her mouth all in one moment. She wasn't sure what it was about the human's oral cavity that made her frighten the eating aspect of it. Maybe because through ingestion, your mouth had to break down food into small particles by mastication and mix it with saliva. Then in its digestible form had to be swallowed down the gullet. \n\n<i>'Yech!'</i>\n\nArmana shivered at the scrutinization of it. She had to stop thinking about it or at least control her repugnance to a milder revulsion if she wanted to move forward.\n\n\"Hey Armana, you ok?\" Bridgette asked next to her.\nArmana sighed, \"Yes, I'm fine. I just hate—no—absolutely loathe the idea of putting something that doesn't belong in my mouth, in my mouth. Like bugs.\"\n\"I understand. I feel the same way about eating meat. I just <i>can't </i>eat meat.\"\nArman chuckled at Bridgette's emphasis, making her feel a bit better if the two were to help each other out on looking past their fears.\n\"Ahem!\" Leshawna uttered for her peers to cast their eyes on her. \"Take a whiff boys <i>sniff </i>cause all I smell is victory from me and my girls!\"\n\n<i>'How can she be so confident?'</i>\n\nArmana had to applaud Leshawna for her large generosity and this positivity that emanated off of her as an aura that then became the atmosphere of any room she walked in. Armana sighed again, pushing back her anxiety and tried to look for the comfort of the kiss Duncan planted on her forehead.\n\n\"I'll eat anything, even my drawers if I have to!\" Owen defended, showing his dirtied pair of underpants. \"....Will I have to?\"\n\"Let's begin the challenge!\" Chris proclaimed. \"First, some order.\"\n\nChef served the first round of dishes with a cloche lid to the contestants. Armana lifted the lid to reveal something odd, oval and kidney shaped. It looked like organs of some sort with it's pink-bluish colored tissue. \n\n<i>'Wait...are these...'</i>\n\n\"Alright, meatballs! Bring it on!\" Owen expressed, guzzling down the whole plate.\n\"Well technically, you're right Owen, but these are kind of special.\" Chris smiled.\n\"It's beef meatballs or shall I call them, Prairie Oysters!\" Chef presented.\n\nOwen spewed out the chewed up testes onto DJ whose face became covered with green matter. Armana winced at the sight then looked down at her plate incredulously. She picked up an organ with an index and thumb; it felt smooth, devoid of any lumps or bumps and also firm but not hard. She sniffed it but discovered it didn't have a distinct smell to it. She then looked back at the guys who were all rather sentimental for the amount of bulls castrated for the culinary dish. Not only them but also Bridgette.\n\n<i>'That's right, she can't eat meat'</i>\n\nYet, Heather saw the guys' reluctancy as an advantage and suddenly began to unhesitatingly eat the testes. The other girls began following suit, including Armana (much to the boys' shock). She could familiarize the taste as being very potent and meaty. A bit bland but kind of like a robust chicken liver. \n\n\"What's the matter?\" Heather taunted. \"Mmm, big boys can't eat a little meatball?\"\n\"Come on, we can't let the girls win! Our manhood is at stake!\" Geoff buoyed up to which Armana chuckled at hearing.\n\nShe made eye contact with Duncan and smirked at his disinclination. Upon meeting her eyes, he mirrored her smugness and ate one whole. \n\n\"What are you doing? Why aren't you eating?\" Heather abruptly inquired from Bridgette.\n\"I'm a vegetarian, it's against my principles.\" Bridgette answered.\n\"Are you sabotaging the team just to spite me?\"\n\"I.....\"\n\"Back off, Heather.\" Armana warned. \"Let her decide on her own what she doesn't or want to eat.\"\n\"Look at you trying to be a hero. But I don't care whether or not she wants to eat it. I am going to make sure we go to that five star resort even if it means putting aside a little bit of dignity. Especially if it's not even in her religion.\"\n\nIt was Duncan's turn to laugh quietly as their team bonded.\n\n<i>'Knew they were getting along' </i>He thought.\n\n\"That still doesn't take away from her morals—\"\n\"Okay, okay, it's fine. I'll eat them. I just don't want us to fight.\" Bridgette stepped in.\n\"Kay, thanks lots, Bridge.\" Heather smiled and went back to her seat.\n\"I know she's a bitch but does she have to blatantly show it?\" Armana muttered. \"You don't have to, Brit. It's against your principles.\"\n\"I know but it's alright. It's not all that bad, they're sometimes castrated for medical reasons. Plus, I wanna be at that resort too.\"\n\nArmana exhaled and let go of the subject but still felt bad as Bridgette ate into the meat. She didn't like the idea of Heather unscrupulously controlling others. Throughout the competition, she's been manipulative of getting what she wants with her sights only on the cash prize. Sure you're playing in a competition but it didn't have to be done without scruples of conscience. Heather assumed the role as their \"captain\" or \"leader\" since she had the proclivity of asserting herself over others. Contrarily to the guys who were able to agree on Geoff as their head of the team while the girls had this hostile ambience between them. However, it deemed Heather's insistence to be worth it since Trent, Owen and DJ couldn't proceed with the challenge. \n\n\"I can't do it.\" Trent admitted, covering his eyes in embarrassment.\n\"Well, looks like the guys lost this round. The first challenge goes to the female campers!\" Chris stated, earning shouts of joy from the girls.\nDuncan narrowed his eyes at Armana who in response blew a raspberry. \n\"The score now stands one for girls and zero for guys. Now the next course in the Brunch of Disgustingness.\"\n\nOn cue, Chef came in with a bigger plate on a dining cart and as challenged; with a cloche lid to retain the mystery of what they'd eat. \n\n\"You guys like pizza?\" Chris questioned. \n<i>'This won't be good'</i>\n\"I could eat pizza anytime with <i>anything</i> on it.\" Owen replied, and that let Armana know that the girls were in for some big trouble.\n\"<i>Anything</i>?\" Chris remarked, prompting Armana's nervousness to return.\n\"How about live grasshopper with tangy jellyfish sauce and five anchovies?\"\n\n<i>'Oh hell no. Live grasshopper? Jellyfish? Anchovies?' </i>Armana thought in horror and repeated it to herself aloud for good measure. \n\nThe rest of girls reacted alike as Chef cut the pizza in various sections and proceeded to pass it to all of the contestants. Seeing a slice of the preparation actually in front of her made Armana slightly nauseous. She vurped (vomiting plus burping, yes it's a word) in reaction, accompanied by an icky taste being left in the back of her throat. \n\n\"Mm-mm! That is straight up nasty! I ain't eating that.\" Leshawna declined, moving her plate beside her.\n<i>'I'm with you on that'</i>\n\"Oh yes you are!\" Heather demanded. \"I am not missing out on a indoor heated pool just because you can't keep down a few....\"\nBefore she could finish her sentence, she noticed something on her finger.\n\"AAAAAAAHHHHH!\" She screamed, shooing a grasshopper off her fore she could regain her composure. \"Grasshoppers. Okay, I can't do this.\"\nBut as Heather stood up, Gwen grabbed her wrist.\n\"I'm digesting a bull's precious <i>cajones. </i>You're gonna eat!\" She told her.\n\"Fine! Can I at least get a little parmesan on this?\"\nChef shook his head causing the girl to shakily breathe and mentally prepare herself, \"O-Okay then, here I go.\"\nShe took a bite out of her slice and swallowed it down with an *<i>mmph</i>*. \"Delicious, who's up next?\" She offered with a fearful smile.\n\nArmana burped up a bit more vomit but quickly swallowed it back as she fixedly gazed at her food, particularly the grasshopper. It was green and 14-23 millimeters, so about smaller than your fingertip. She watched it in idle, allowing her to take notice of its finely pitted wings only about a quarter of its length. The room was filled with loud stridulation as the grasshoppers thumped wherever there was place for them. Although their chirruping noises fiddled in her ears, her grasshopper was quiet. It may be because it was imposed by a larger foe, such as her. It stilled next to the foraged anchovy presently throwing itself about at the struggle for oxygen. And what Armana thought was cheese, was actually a purple bell shaped hood of the fore-mentioned jellyfish, baked into some spicy sauce and the dough.\n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;I can't tell you how many times I threw up in my mouth just looking at the pizza. Just by looking at it and it was only the second round. I was on the verge of throwing up what I ate from the last one&lt;\n\nArmana's heart raced, turning her head to avert and close her eyes as if the dish would disappear. She tried covering her sensory areas being her nostrils and mouth as she felt the queasiness of nausea fill her stomach, urging the contents she's just ate to come out. But she repeatedly swallowed it down as her mouth built up with saliva. She became unbeknownst of her body hunching over where she sat, her body uncontrollably repeating rhythmic contractions in her respiratory muscles. \n\n<i>'It's like what I told you, babe. It's all in here' </i>She thought about Duncan in different instances as she tried to find emotional stability or her peace of mind. '<i>You're right, there will have to come to a final two in order for one person to win the cash prize. It makes me think of Hunger Games; where Katniss and Peeta were the last two remaining and instead of killing each other like the Capitol wanted, they both planned to consume Nightlock berries in order to kill themselves.' 'Are you saying we'll be Katniss and Peeta?' </i>'<i>Its</i> <i>a bit corny but yeah in a sense if it does come down to us. Would you eat poisonous berries rather than win?' 'Possibly, if Chris has us do something to bring each other harm.' 'That really tells you how shitty this show is.' 'Damn right.'</i>\n\nIn a sense, they were eating those poisonous berries because of the unpalatable sources they were being forced to eat. Sure the challenge wasn't necessarily being obligated by Chris because if you couldn't do it, it would simply cost you the round. And the resort. But it was pressured by the competition and both Armana and Duncan committed to each other what they'd have to do to win. \n\n\"Go Armana. Go Armana.\" Bridgette rooted as the girl concentrated. \n\nHer eyes remained squeezed shut at the mental effort. \n\n<i>'It's you and me. This is all you and me. At the end of all this, the tv show, if one of us win, I just want any possible outcome to end with you and me together.' 'It's you and I against everyone here and we'll do whatever it takes to make sure they're nothing else but stepping stones to our victory. Ok?'</i>\n\nShe felt that wave of sickness slowly diminish the more she thought of the peace of when it would just be her and Duncan. \n\n\"Go Armana. Go Armana.\"\n\n<i>'We could go off somewhere, forget about the cameras, the show, the people. It's not about them or the sake of entertainment. It'll just be us...and it won't have to end after tonight.'</i>\n\nThat was his first promise to her. The night they first kissed. The night they put the competition behind them and let their emotions take over. At that, she turned back to her plate and opened her eyes. It was like her surroundings came back to her once she realized Bridgette was cheering her on. Without another thought, Armana's body moved on its own and her hands quickly went for the waiting pizza slice. The grasshopper suddenly tried to fleet but Armana caught it in its jump and scoffed it into her mouth. Ah, the eating aspect of it. Her eyes rolled back at the loud crunch conducting in her ears as she crushed the insect with her teeth. It's hemolymph splattering against the wall of her gum and her tongue while she tried to swiftly complete the process of mastication. It's taste was pungent, particularly bitter like the glucosinolates in the mustard oils you'd taste in vegetables. After what felt like slow motion to her, she finally swallowed the grasshopper then ate the slice. Her spine shivered as she took sections of the pizza, tasting the fish combined with the salty, chewy mildness of the jellyfish and the burning capsaicin of the sauce like the jellyfish stung her. \n\n\"Woohoo!\" Bridgette shouted, few of the girls clapping with praise. \"How do you feel?\"\nArmana moaned, \"Like I was going to die.\"\n\"But hey, the thing about close death encounters is what you did to make it out of the encounter. You conquered one of your worst fears and you should be proud of yourself for that.\"\n\nArmana inarticulately grumbled in response, resting her head on her arms. Bridgette sighed seeing a weakened Armana and rubbed her back. Leshawna and Lindsay were left out of the group who hadn't ate or even touched their food.\n\nSeeing Armana fall ill made Lindsay retract from her plate, \"Uh, there is no way I'm eating that! It's not even food.\"\n\"Lindsay,\" Bridgette grabbed her shoulders. \"Lindsay. Listen, let's try a little yogic meditation, okay? It's kind of like how Armana was able to find the center of her mind but for this you'd have to get into lotus position.\"\n\nOn the table, Lindsay seated in a cross legged posture with the soles of her boots facing upward and heels close to her abdomen. She brought her hands into <i>Gyan Mudra </i>and straightened her spine, inhaling deeply to lift her rib cage and exhaled at a regular rhythm. She closed her eyes and repeated a mantra as Bridgette was also in the seating emblem but fed her the pizza on each <i>Om.</i>\n\n\"Now that's what I'm talking about; teamwork slamming some fingers!\" Leshawna enthused, spiritedly twinkling her fingers with Bridgette.\n\nMeanwhile, Trent struggled eating the pizza, also becoming engulfed by the feeling of nausea but was unable to hold it down. He dryly heaved into his hand before he had to excuse himself.\n\n\"I've got a weak stomach, uh be right back.\" He assured and ran to throw up outside.\n\nOn his return, he urged Geoff and DJ to push him down and force feed him the pizza 'no matter how much he screamed or begged'. It proved to be avail as Duncan and Owen held their nose to be unable to taste their food as they ate. Unfortunately, Leshawna hung back until she was the remaining girl to finish.\n\n\"O-Okay you know what? I can't be doing this! Little grasshopper minding his own business. What I want to go and bite his little head off for?\" She whimpered.\n\"The winners of this round...are the guys!\" Chris declared.\nLeshawna looked between Bridgette and Heather, earning a glare from the ravenette and for the blond to facepalm. \n\"What?\" She said with her shoulders raised.\n\"Alright, who's ready for the third course?\" Chris rhetorically questioned as the indication for the next round to begin.\n\nArmana raised her head with heavy eyelids once the next set of food was being passed to the teens. She felt herself growing sicker with each second ticking by. Her stomach lurched and gurgled while her brain felt like it would swell beyond the capacity of her skull. She quietly expressed it with another moan which concerned Bridgette further.\n\n\"Are you okay, Armana? You don't look so good. It's alright if you can't continue.\" Bridgette comforted, rubbing her back more. \n\"I'm okay Brit. I just need to get this challenge over with so I can finally rest.\" Armana responded, staring at her reflection in the cloche lid.\n\"Are you sure? I don't want you to put this dumb thing above your own health. They even said they basically wouldn't provide medication for the team who loses. I don't want you getting any sicker.\"\n\"Brit, I promise im okay. Just a bit green around the gills.\"\n\"Really? You're gonna use euphemism?\"\nArmana smiled, \"Yeah, just so my friend doesn't worry so much.\"\nBridgette smiled back and squeezed her shoulder.\n\"And for the third course, spaghetti! Well actually earthworms covered in snail slime sauce and hair balls!\" \n\n<u>Intervene:</u>\n<b>Armana, 16</b>\n&gt;It's like how do they even come up with this crap? They just mash whatever they can think of to mimic a cuisine. Not to add I already might've caught something from that forbidden pizza&lt;\n\n\"No! I can't take it anymore! AHH!\" Geoff yelled, his relaxed personality suddenly collapsing into a catatonic state.\n\"I'll take care of this.\" DJ ascertained his team.\n\nOn Geoff's way of running out the cabin, DJ unexpectedly followed close on his heels and tackled him to the grass. Armana shook her head, laughing inwardly with a smile. Then her face fell with seriousness, looking at the plate of worms with green mucus and collected hair. Her nose wrinkled and her upper lip raised, yet she put her fork into a few of the worms and let the tines rest against the curved indentation of the plate. She proceeded to twirl the fork around and gave it brief lifts to prevent too many of their bodies accumulating on the implement. Then as she found her peace of mind, she was actually able to eat the entire plate. Each group of worms she twisted around her fork and brought to her mouth, she ate quickly by hardly chewing them and letting their naturally-lubricated selves ease down her throat. While the slime was nondescript, the worms tasted earthy, unsurprising since it was simply in their diet. Although she was able to complete the challenge, the rest of the girls contended with the meal. \n\n\"Wow, Armana. You finished the whole plate? How are you feeling?\" Bridgette asked in surprise.\n\"I feel like I need to throw up but I won't until this challenge is over.\" Armana informed.\n\"I don't know if that's conducive for you, 'man. If you need to throw up, it's better for your body to get the toxins out of your system.\"\nArmana shook her head. \"I can't. Not when I just ate. It's part of the challenge or else I might as well eat my own vomit. And we both wouldn't wanna see that.\"\n\nBridgette nodded and turned to focus on eating her plate. Quickly, Armana felt another inclination to vomit. Saliva watered in her mouth once more, trying to swallow it back but it was only nugatory since she continued to salivate. She decided to raise from her seat and spit the excess in the garbage, realizing that swallowing it would worsen her nauseation as it was trying to serve as a protective layer against the acidic gastric content. Her hands were holding the edge of the garbage can as her head hung low. Perspiration settled upon her forehead and she became lightheaded, manifestations of her illness consecutively hitting her. She tried closing her eyes to alleviate her dizziness, wondering how she hasn't puked yet. \n\n<i>'It's coming any minute now. I can feel it. I'm only delaying the inevitable. How was I even able to eat that whole thing of worms? It only irritated my stomach more'</i>\n\nMeanwhile, the guys were able to strategically distract themselves by wearing blindfolds and using clothespins to clamp their nostrils together. Then they wouldn't be revulsed by the sight of what they were eating nor the taste since much of the flavor of food came from smell. \n\n\"And once again, the winners are the guys!\" Chris stated. \n\nAs the guys exuberantly shouted, the girls sat with their hands reversed and their chins in their palms, propping up their heads in a dispirited or bored manner. But Bridgette quickly lightened their mood.\n\n\"Come on you guys, let's show them some girl power!\" She heartened.\n\"Bridgette's right, let's kick some boy butt.\" Gwen assented.\n\"Yeah! Just like I've been saying all along. We've gotta act like a team.\" Heather agreed, though no one was buying her pretense.\n\"That's ironic coming from you.\" Armana muttered.\n\"Whatever.\" Leshawna said in response.\n\"Alright everybody! Time for course number four, no nine course meal would be complete without soup. Today's special is; French bunion soup with hangnail crackers.\"\n\nUpon lifting the domed cover from the plate, the liquid dish was a combination of water, meat stock, swimming pieces of pubes (cause it sure as hell wasn't from his head), toenail clippings and other unknown dregs at the bottom of the bowl. It appeared as a feculent green substance with flies already buzzing around it, one even floating in her food.\n\n\"Let's just get this over with.\" Armana deadpanned, not wanting to think much else about the soup.\n\nShe brought the bowl to her lips and tipped it up, letting the mixture pour in her mouth. <i>'</i><i>And</i><i> this shit cold'. </i>Even though she wasn't supposed to think about it, she was at least expecting the soup to be warm when it was prepared. Anywho, she could barely tell or taste the ingredients as she quickly passed it down her throat, wiping the dribbles that escaped past the corners of her mouth. Seeing Armana consume the soup gave Bridgette an idea. She found a golden colored funnel in the cabin, having Lindsay dip her head back and surround her lips on the utensil's narrowed tube. Bridgette channeled the soup into the device and watched it guide a downward flow into Lindsay's mouth with eagerness.\n\n\"I didn't even taste it.\" Lindsay approved.\nThe method worked for the rest of the team, earning their victory. \n\"The girls win again!\" Chris announced, marking them two points now. \"And it's now tied up in two. But only five courses left, bon appétit.\"\n\nThe upcoming courses ensued; a giant ball composed of several pieces of chewed up, multicolored gum (fifth serving), the pure essence of skunk oils liquefied, shaken and poured into a glass for the campers to drink through a straw (sixth serving), sandals with a silicone sealant smiley face drawn on it (seventh serving), and a stew of literal garbage with banana peels, fish heads, soda cans and among other things in a brown slop (eighth serving). \n\nCurrently, everyone exhaustedly groaned. Armana sat with her head resting on her arms again, on the verge of consciousness. The localized aching pain in her abdomen made her double over; feeling like her innards were being replaced by some kind of black hole as it became so intense that it left her unable to think or move until it passed. \n\n<i>'That's it, I can't eat anymore. The pain's become too much to bear. I need to throw up'</i>\n\n\"Wow, it's still tied up. We're down to the last course in the challenge!\" Chris said.\nArmana hadn't looked up as the last serving of dishes were being presented.\n\"Its delicious dolphin wieners! Hot dogs made of dolphins!\"\n\nHowever, at the announcement, Armana picked her head up and cocked an eyebrow at the sound of such a simplified item. She peeked at the food and was surprised to see that it was indeed a basic frankfurter served in a long roll. It didn't look different from any other sausage but just another cylindrical length of a certain minced meat that you'd have to take your cook's word for. She considered on trying it since she never tasted dolphin before, but ultimately deduced that she wasn't putting anything else in her mouth.\n\n\"But dolphins are our friends!\" Bridgette exclaimed in shock.\n\"What are you waiting for? It's already dead. If you don't eat it, we can't win!\" Heather coerced.\n\"Oh I can't! I'm a surfer, I swim with dolphins.\"\n\"Eat it!\"\n\"No! I'm not doing it! You can't pressure me to.\"\n\"I'm with you sister.\" DJ chipped in. \"I'm not eating no dolphin.\"\n\nAt that, DJ and Bridgette crossed their arms obstinately, putting a standstill on either teams.\n\nPeriodically, Chris sighed, \"Okay! Enough! We'll solve this by having an eat off.\"\n\nLeshawna and Owen were then pitted against each other, sitting together at a table with shot glasses aligned on a tray.\n\n\"Whoever can drink the most glasses of fresh, delicious blended cockroach will be the winner. This unlikely satisfying blend of eight different cockroaches is vitamin rich for your balanced lifestyle! On your mark, get set, go!\"\n\nThe teens hurriedly tilted their heads back and within the respect of doing said action, the liquid was shot. They matched in their pace but Leshawna noticeably slowed down towards the last three shots, six glasses downed by either teen. However as she met her limit, Owen's obscene eating habits kicked in and he finished the remaining three in rapid succession. He threw his arms in the air victoriously and passed out.\n\n\"Owen wins!\" Chris called out, marking the guys 3 to the girls' 2.\nThe guys happily clamored, angering Heather into confronting her teammate.\n\"Leshawna, you're completely useless!\" She chastised.\n\nBut Leshawna didn't utter a rebuttal, instead a chain of vomit unexpectedly ejected from her. The vomit expelled over the table in large quantities, working it's way to spill over the edge of the surface. A chain reaction soon unfolded; DJ vomiting in sequence, Trent, Chef, Chris, etc. Seeing the mess in front of her made Armana bolt outside. Another wave of nausea swept over her but this time off her feet.", "Armana sprinted into the open air, not wanting to feel cooped up inside where she'd share the same as her sick peers. \n\n\"Armana!\" She heard Duncan suddenly call out to her but she could only proceed to where there was shrubbery.\n\nShe breathed with loud laborious breaths through her mouth once she stopped, placing her hands on her knees and leaning forward above a bush. Duncan promptly arrived next to her, rubbing circles clockwise on her back to try to somewhat comfort her from her pain.\n\n\"Slow down your breathing. It's okay just try to breathe.\" He softly said, exchanging sweet nothings to calm her.\n\"It hurts, so bad.\" She hissed as a spike of pain intermittently shot through her abdomen. \"It feels like something is trying to tear me open!\"\n\"I know, precious, I know. Just take deep breaths for me and let it out.\"\n\nShe exercised a bit more diaphragmatic breathing; moving her stomach with each breath upon expanding while inhaling and contracting while exhaling. Subsequently, her abdominal muscles and her diaphragm simultaneously contracted in precedence of her emesis. The vigorous contractions came in short pulses, heaving without bringing up any substance though shortly as her stomach squeezed, intragastric pressure elevated to open the esophagus and close her glottis to seal the airway. The pyloric sphincter at the bottom of her stomach was held closed, leaving the only way out for the vomit to go being upwards. \n\n\"Blarghhh!\"\n\nThe contents forcefully erupted from her, propelling several feet away rather than coming in shorter, violent bursts. Her body purged an orange liquid with great exertion, feeling as though she was being suffocated by how she momentarily couldn't breathe for as long as it took to expel her stomach content. With each hurl she shot, she hungered for air as the sensation of the strong urge to breathe developed. Her short breaths increased in number per pause as she tried to take in larger amounts of air before her stomach squeezed again. Duncan listened as the substance proceeded to strike against the densely branched plants and smelled the fermented odor of butyric acid. But even as she convulsed and agonizingly vocalized with every round, he continued to rub her back in different patterns from clockwise circles to going in up and down zig zags. He maintained a gentle tone with words he still spoke in her ear along the lines of; \"you're okay\", \"that's it, beautiful\", \"let it out\".\n\nIt came to a standstill when she was brought to dry retches; only undergoing a few more of coordinated contractions in her abdomen. Finally after the expulsion, she was almost immediately met with relief after she felt a decreased pressure from her stomach. Although as she found peace to stand up, she moaned with a facial grimace at the consequent soreness in her abdomen. Duncan lightly embosomed her, kissing her in the same place of her forehead that made her want to melt into a puddle.\n\n\"You okay, prinny?\" He softly asked with his lips pressed onto her temple. \n\nThough as he asked her, he felt like he was making a minimization of her current health. She appeared debilitated by her closed, downcast eyes, dewed forehead, shallow breathing and paled skin. Taking in the sight made him tighten his arms and hold her closer. So close he hoped that she wouldn't even feel her own body weight on her feet and he could carry it all for her. \n\nBefore she could respond, he spoke, \"I shouldn't have asked such a silly question. Of course you're not okay. Just by looking at you I'm afraid if I let go you'll fall. That you won't even be able to handle the simple leisure of walking. Let me take you to lay down.\"\n\nWithout waiting for her to opine, he immediately lifted Armana up from the crook of her knees and behind her back. He knew she would've felt like she was an imposition of some sort, wanting to foreclose any fulfillment for her needs from being sick. But Duncan was disposed to help her more than anything, simply inborn with good nature. \n\n\"Duncan.\" Armana whined, the boy knowing she was ready to utter his name once she felt herself off the ground.\n\"I know what you're gonna say but I don't need further consideration to know what my princess deserves. So, doesn't that mean you've well earned some royal treatment?\" He plausibly questioned, wearing that characteristic smirk that always aroused admiration from her.\nShe smiled and placed her arms around his shoulders, \"Yeah, I guess it does.\"\n\nHe then brought her to the infirmary and laid her down on one of the beds.\n\n\"Sorry, I would've took you to your cabin but I didn't wanna hear any fuss for being a guy and ya know, like I was intruding.\" He explained.\n\"It's perfectly fine, Dunc. I really appreciate it.\" Armana thanked him. \"Bridgette would probably know some remedies for post-vomiting, too. I wouldn't want to hold you up on your little vacation.\"\n\"Are you kidding? I thought I was making it clear that I'm staying.\"\n\"What?!\"\n\"How can I enjoy myself if my pretty princess is ill? How will I know you're okay?\"\n\"D, I only threw up, it's not like I have gastroenteritis or something. Most likely just really bad food poisoning.\"\n\"Still, I care about you being sick. When I looked at you at first it was like you were enervated or weak. It almost scared me.\"\n\"Look, D, I love you but I'd rather you go on that luxurious trip than be on this dump of an island. I know you're worried about the losers not getting any medicine but since Bridgette has first aid training, I'm sure she could find a type of ailment with some of the common items or foods around here.\"\n\nDuncan stood there silent for a moment to process her words. Armana sat uncertain of why he looked more...surprised as he took a prolonged silence to speak. But then realized what she said. A coppery taste filled her mouth and she felt her cheeks instantly warm as her blood drew to the surface of her face. She began to quickly fidget with her fingers, fear stricken as she anticipated a negative evaluation from Duncan. That her words would be undermined and it'd disrupt their smooth relationship. \n\nShe stammered, \"I-I'm sorry Duncan, I-I didn't mean to—\"\n\"<i>Did</i> you mean it?\" He suddenly asked, with his head bowed and his brow ridge obscuring his eyes. \n\nFrom her angle, it caused a shadow to cast above the bridge of his nose like he had a blank expression. She felt intimidated from the distinctive solemnity generating from him. She abashedly gazed downwards, afraid to meet his eyes. But he approached her much to her unbeknownst, making her startle at the sensation of his hand stroking her chin. She could then direct contact with his eyes, reading a sort of desperation as she could see his question reflect in his teal irises with the way he imploringly searched her ocher ones.\n\n\"Tell me.\" He then commanded, awaiting for—what felt like an eternity—her confirmation. \nArmana deeply sighed and held his hand against her cheek, \"Of course I meant it, D. I noticed the more we moved into the competition, the more we fell for each other even as we're together. We would have conversations about leaving this show to live our lives, to have a future. Although it became clear to me that we want to be real, ya know outside of the affairs of meeting on a tv show, I was afraid of how you actually felt. Cause saying those three words signify a shift in the relationship, a move towards a new deeper level of commitment for couples. And we're teenagers. I didn't want to say it too soon that I could be confusing lust for love or be flippant with the phrase. Or else it would dilute the meaning. Nowadays, it just gets thrown around, so how would these people know on a scale of love that they mean any more to the person than their morning cereal? I mean, it's also going to be more of an emotional risk the earlier you say it. I didn't want to put you under that pressure to say it back. Especially if the feeling wasn't mutual and you'd become so frightened by the intensity of it that you'd choose to end the relationship as a whole. I wanted us to still get to know each other while we're in the midst of a casual and fresh relationship. For all these reasons, they're such pivotal words. So I wanted to wait for the right time to say it...so it could be true and heartfelt. I'm sorry. I ruined that for us.\"\n\nArmana looked close to tears, trying to suppress her large discontentment with the situation but ultimately broke down, blubbering. She quickly drew back from Duncan's touch and hunched over to hide her face in her hands. Her face clinched as her chin and lips visibly wobbled with her bursts of sobs, audibly inhaling deep breaths only to deflate with another erratic set of whimpers. Briefly, Duncan sat down and gently took Armana's hands, instantly stopping her tears as if he controlled them with a tap. He ran his thumbs over her hands' dorsum, feeling the tears that seeped through the crevices of her fingers having dried onto her skin. Then he flipped her hands to see her palms damped with the liquid caught and accumulated in the flexion creases. He placed her palms on his face to have her tears moisten his cheeks, as if he could share her sadness while indicating that he wanted to be cried on. She silently watched him in awe as he made the implication to her, moving her hands on her own with his atop. She curved her hands so her fingers would encase his jawline and that her opposable digits could caress his cheeks to swipe the remnant of her tears. Almost to say she was comforting him, a reversible gesture they shown to empathize with each other.\n\nMomentarily, Duncan relaxed her left hand from his face, turning it so he was holding it in his right and began to kiss her palm. The way his lips felt on the inner surface of her hand caused her to giggle and reflexively twitch. Catching her reaction, Duncan pressed harder kisses to evoke excited shrieks and her body to double up with explosives of her adorable laughter. Duncan chuckled at the girl then trailed his kisses up her arm and to her neck. Armana immediately sighed at the erogenous sensation, tilting her head and elongating her neck so she could feel his mouth prod and lick her skin. She lowly moaned and bit her lip at the melded pleasure, slight pain and pressure of his love bites. Pleased with the small bruises, he continued to the juncture of her neck and jaw and slowly worked his way up to her soft, full lips. Though, she then became reluctant. \n\n\"D-Don't kiss me, I just puked less than an hour ago.\" She shyly explained.\nThe boy laughed, \"Out of all the shit we ate you think I care about that? Trust me, this is the least disgusting thing for me today.\"\n\nSeeing her exhibit satisfaction with his answer, he inclined his head and latched his lips with hers. Upon kissing her did Duncan realize how much he craved for the prospect. It felt like the unity of two jigsaw pieces, fitted by the projection and recession of the other's lips that made the kiss feel right, complete or meant for connection. It fostered a sense of closeness and attachment in him, fervently pulling her into his body to relish the natural sweetness of her lips. He loved how the taste of her mouth befuddled him, every contact between their lips tantalizing him and addicting him for more. It was like a natural high along with the fascination of the disproportionate amount of space to the sensation of the lips compared to their larger body parts. \n\nIn the heat of their kiss, their lips opened to part way for their tongues to protrude and greet each other like they were featureless life forms. Their tongues interacted through different shapes from lengthening, shortening, curling or uncurling to convey vigorous elements of dominance. Through quick writhing movements to try to push the other tongue backwards and subdue it, either ceased wrestling and the life forms relaxed. At ease, they then engaged with softer intentions to learn each other and choreographed in a smooth coordination. The harmonization of their graceful motions became Yin and Yang; interconnecting their hosts in a stabilization of inner balance. The fleshy protuberances served fusing two bodies to dispatch communiques to either recipients which by keeping the teens in close proximity, they couldn't help but take in note of the temperature, the taste, the smell, or their movements. Cascades of neural impulses bounced between the brain, lips, facial muscles, skin and more tactile sensations, denoting billions of nerve connections to distribute around the body. It was an exciting excursion into the sensual, connecting with the other on a sense of well being and full bodied pleasure. A pleasure that emerged as a lusciousness pulling you out of the mundane and the ordinary and taking you into moments of the extraordinary. So they were more unified than ever, an intimacy even greater than copulation. \n\nDuncan cupped Armana's cheek and slowly detached from her, a thin string of saliva suspending from their lips. He protruded his tongue to catch the line and break it as he passed it over his lips and smirked to see her shyly look away. But as he held the side of her face, he stroked his thumb to win her eyes back on him. \n\n\"What we were talking about,\" He continued. \"Don't be sorry, cause you didn't ruin anything. You opened a new avenue for us. It changes things for the better as our relationship will only deepen. It's just like how you were talking to me about how you were afraid to be vulnerable, feeling emotionally at risk or exposed but letting that interpersonal aspect of intimacy intensify? It's that ability to deeply and authentically connect with each other that a feeling of peace and comfort existed and it flowed and progressed to the point that saying the words came naturally or when it felt right. The timing doesn't define the relationship but it's as long as it validates how you're feeling as well as feeling good to say it but also feeling good to hear it. That being said, I love you. I love you so much, Armana, so indefinitely that I couldn't even adequately describe it. And it scares me shitless, because I never thought I could fall for someone so hard—it's an intense, encompassing feeling. It feels irresponsible and uncontrollable. My perception of things, visibility, character, mental strength all just went for a toss. Once you came into my life, I discovered myself further and saw another aspect of me. Being with you 24/7; your appearance, personality, perception, how you dealt with a situation, all became a part of my life and I began to see these things creeping onto me. I changed and saw a shade of you in me. It's an energy that fills me with a red hot ball of warmth and vigor—liveliness that I want to savor, even in my breathing. I...I....\"\n\nAs if the energy was called forth, warm tears imminently pricked Duncan's eyes. Although he meant to blink them away, the silvery liquid ran down his cheeks. Some of them rolled off his chin or into the seam of his lips, tasting the saltiness of them without bothering to lick away their accumulation. He attempted wiping his sleeve across his face like his expression would be gone but it only changed by a few degrees, with lines trenching his skin. Folds furrowed his eyebrows as they contracted into a frown while tremors suddenly shook through his body as if he might erupt. The more he quivered—forewarning the pressure rising in his ocular conduits—the more his expression submitted by the inner corners of his brows raising, his eyelids loosening and the corner of his lips being pulled down. He finally crumbled and bursted forth with weeps, instantly hiding his eyes behind his forearm from Armana. He left view of the bottom half of his face while his mouth was widened with thinned, taut lips that made a squared opening upon producing his cries. \n\nThe last time he's actually cried was when he lost Petey. Although he was only 6, it stood as such a distinct memory for him because of the devastation he felt. He naturally grew so emotionally attached to his dog that he turned to him for comfort, to voice his fears and emotional experiences. After his disappearance, it was a lonely process for him since his family brushed it off and thus, he didn't have anyone to sympathetically or therapeutically talk to through his grievance. Since then, he used different outlets to express or deal with emotions as such, resenting his parents and shelling himself into a juvenile delinquent. Therefore, having now break down in front of his girlfriend, he felt 6, disgusted with himself and much too ashamed when he was supposed to be the \"rock\" in their relationship. It all transpired rather quickly for Armana but seeing him dissolve into the emotional state was all she needed to attend him. \n\n\"Duncan, baby what's wrong?\" She gently asked him, holding onto his shielding arm though he wouldn't budge. \"Hey, I'm right here, Dunny. I'm here for you. Just talk to me.\" \nYet, he continued to sob almost inconsolably. \n\nArmana decided to sympathetically hold him and let him cry on her. Her shoulder dampened as she hugged him closely by his neck and listened and felt each gasp he shakily took with spasmodic sniffles. He'd choke back on every few sobs to try and keep himself from crying but Armana would coax him '<i>let it out, baby</i>' or 'it's ok, <i>you can cry' </i>and he'd utter another weep aloud. Armana circled a hand over his back and ran the other through his hair, alternating her fingertips to rub against his scalp and to draw his strands in between her fingers. The pattern and her encouragement gradually calmed him down, noticing by how his crying quieted, his breathing evened and he repeatedly sniffled in a form of recovery. Even so, Armana continued her actions so she could indicate her support. To show that he could lay all of himself on her and no matter the circumstance of his troubles or for how long he needed to cry, he could rely on her. She would be there.\n\nAs she waited for when he felt ready to talk, she spoke, \"It's ok D, it's completely normal to cry. We aren't wired as cold machines who run on logic alone, who wants only what's sensible for ourselves. It's simply in our nature, to be an emotional person is embracing your humanity. To cry at a emotion is a strength to see and engage with what is truly being seen and felt. It's an open door readying to let any wanderer meet you as you truly are. It's a blessing of being part of the natural world along with so much to teach the open heart and mind. So seeing your eyes swim with the ocean currents of your tears as blue as your irises is so beautiful to me. So full of life and acknowledgment.\"\n\nBy then, Duncan looked up from her words, allowing her to see his tear streaked face with red blotches marked across his nose and cheeks. Nevertheless, Armana found his expressiveness appealing because it showed an authenticity of himself—where he could be who he really was versus how he usually is during most of his activities. He could let go, he could be vulnerable, he didn't have to prove anything to her. She observed his eyelashes stuck together in separate clusters from catching the liquid as a watery glaze overlayed his eyes. The inside of his eyebrows remained lifted with that conspicuous inverted V that collaborated in a artistic conveyance to her, thus, captivating her all the more. \n\n'<i>So beautiful' </i>She must've thought out loud because his face flushed warm and in turn he slightly looked away.\n\nArmana apologetically smiled and stroked his soul patch, \"I'm sorry, Dunc, I hope I'm not embarrassing you or anything. It's just, I'm in love with who you are and watching you constantly grow is exciting. We're <i>both</i> growing. We're both maturing. This is a learning process for us and handling powerful forces such as emotions can be difficult. Just like how you said it feels uncontrollable, it's because they can be so powerful and compelling that a person may feel out of control, losing the ability to think straight, to the point that it feels unbearable. We're both emotionally intense with a capacity for compassion, empathy, and sensitivity in our relationship while showing strong emotional attachments to people, places and things.\"\n\nAt that, Armana understood why Duncan was brought to tears without him having to make a coherent reason through his previous sobbing. It was him simply showing how much he truly loved her. His love for her so overwhelming that the emotion was out of his control and he couldn't hold back the ensuing tears. \n\n\"Men are deemed to be the strong one in the relationship, so I'm sure you had a lot of pressure on yourself. Glad to get that off, huh?\" Armana softly asked to which Duncan nodded and cleared his throat. \n\"Thank you, Armana, for everything. For you. For just naturally being who you are, doing what comes to your instincts or your character. You established this comfortability that I didn't have with myself. You said to me to promise that I'll remember not to carry any burden of inadequacy. I'll be free to be myself, know that I'm good enough for who I am and not on definitions of how masculine someone may find me. I tried to carry out your words and hope that it's good enough. That I'm good enough.\"\nArmana thrusted out her lips in sympathy, \"Oh Duncan, of course you're good enough. You're more than I could ask for. Than I could deserve. Now come here you big fluff ball.\"\n\nThey brought each other tightly into either ones' arms and heartily clutched the other's frame, prolonging the shared warmth with a slight sway and sounds of small groans and grunts.\n\n\"I love you.\" Duncan told her.\n\"I love you too.\" Armana responded.\n\".....Armana?\"\n\"Yes?\"\n\"Can I stay here with you? Pretty please?\"\n\nArmana internally held her chest. <i>'The cuteness! He's gonna be the death of me.'</i>\n\n\"Of course you can, D. You know I'm always here for you.\" Armana said with a sweet smile.\n\"Thank you.\"\n\n\nLater towards sunset, a yacht berthed at the Dock of Shame. Armana and Duncan, along with the other female contestants, watched as the guys proceeded towards the sailboat. \n\n\"Are you sure you don't want to go? It's not too late.\" Armana told him.\nThough he assented with a nod, she could see this contemplation he had on his face. It then registered to her that he wasn't sure if he should go. If he belonged on the trip when he just exposed the most vulnerable version of himself to her. \n\nFor that reason, Duncan felt naked. Like he wasn't the same person in his own clothes. They no longer covered him in the persona he projected. So why should he wear them? \n\n\"Duncan?\" Armana called to him, sensing his internal conflict. She cupped his cheek so he would face her, seeing him respond with his hand supporting her's. His eyes shined with tears again but Armana cooed, \"Hey, hey, I'm right here. You'll be ok, Duncan. I promise. Just go and enjoy yourself. Especially after today.\"\n\"A-Are you sure?\" He asked, despite himself in the situation.\nArmana giggled, \"I should be the one asking you that question. It's your trip. Your team won and you deserve to relax.\"\n\nShe then cupped both of his cheeks to bring him towards her, prompting him to close his eyes before she gently kissed both of them. She next kissed his lips also in a soft manner, treating him carefully as if he might break down again.\n\n\"I don't deserve you, Armana.\" Duncan spoke with a smile once he stood up straight.\n\"Yes you do, love. Every little bit.\"" ]
Title: One Boy. A Thousand Feelings | Duncan Description: Armana Smith seeks luxury at a five star hotel resort in a regional municipality, Muskoka, Ontario associated with a winning of C$100,000 in a competition. But is hugely disheartened to see a crappy island opposed from her expectations, her ride already leaving her back thousands of miles if she were to swim back home. She stomachs her rip off, meeting famous TV host Chris McLean and the rest of 23 contestants she doesn't expect in befriending. However, much to her surprise, she becomes especially close to a stranger boy, quite opposite from their likings but gravitational towards their affection, a thousand feelings and more. Tags: ['drama', 'duncanxoc', 'explicit', 'fanfiction', 'lemon', 'maturecontent', 'romance', 'sexualcontent', 'tdi', 'tdiduncan', 'tdiduncanxoc', 'tdilemon', 'totaldrama', 'totaldramaisland']
# ~ Chapter 1 ~ <b><i>Quick Author's Note</i></b> This is an old story I've been having my ups and downs with while contemplating if I should publish it or not. But I don't want a story with so much potential to be left in the corner and build dust, so I wanted to see what other readers thought of it :-) Enjoy &lt;3 Armana patiently sat aboard the speedboat, her eyes following the landscapes that were adjacent to the endless stretches of the turquoise water. A sigh left from her chest, feeling that she hadn't breathed for as long as ten seconds. Armana had never been this far away from home, more so her parents, while being sixteen she was a bit surprised they let her off with the news. She remembered her mother's upturned smile retreating from the frontal of her pearly teeth, as she had been surprised about what she said. <i>"Going on national television? $100,000?! Armana, go somewhere. What would you even do with money like that?"</i> Armana's face sheepishly lifted before she explained her thoughts. <i>"Well, I don't know specifically. It definitely is a big deal so I could just save the interest or save it towards that cute beetle we saw at the car shop. Ya know, 1st Quality Auto?"</i> Her mother looked at her, one of her eyebrows raised through consideration. <i>"It sounds interesting, I'd never have expect you to do anything like that. Where is it?" </i> She swipes her thumb to read more of Armana's cell phone screen, halting at a part of words that lead to her eyes lifting with surprise. <i>"Muskoka, Ontario? That's a place quite far from where we're staying."</i> Armana nodded. <i>"Yeah, don't know too much about that part but it would be great...or fun? Who knows? I think I should give this thing a shot, and well if I'm not lucky, at least I knew the odds of taking the chance."</i> Her mom looked at her in contemplation, her lips swished to the side. <i>"Mmmm, I don't know, I'll talk with your dad so we can tell you a firm answer on it."</i> They smiled at each other and went on to preparing dinner. Their every words looped in Armana's head as she stared far off into the scenery. Her and her family were initially in the United States, living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Of course Canada seemed like a questionable stay of traveling to, yet her parents had decided that it would be interesting heading further North for the summer. Her idea for the competition was first minded during their car ride. On the radio, a man was talking—to her presumption was just a commercial—but heard a sudden announcement. <i>"Yeah Steve, I'll be creating another TV show. A reality competition! Just 24 contestants to win a game for $100,000! There'll be many amenities; like a five star hotel, cruises, and massage rubs. Life in paradise."</i> <i>"What the hell Chris?" </i>The host, Steve chuckled. <i>"What would you be doing that for? I could only imagine if someone didn't know about your sly tricks that you'd be making this just for the fun of it." </i> With the familiarity of the other male's voice, it was now Chris's turn to laugh. <i>"Now, now Steve, who says a man has limits with his own TV Show?"</i> The two laughed along the cheer of the audience. <i>"Well folks, you've heard this from Chris McLean on Steve's Talk Show."</i> But It was ironic. A smile stifled on Armana's face as she had thought all of what she felt about reality TV Shows. She believed that things were dramatized, that the producers were just abusing the privilege in editing certain parts of episodes that just made the people sound bitchier. Or producers only hired flawed people for their shows because they would want people to talk about their weaknesses in any interventions so they would have a story to build on. Too much drama just to be apart of a show. But here she was, completely acting against her words by traveling to what she was expecting the place where Chris will be hosting the competition. She checked the time on her phone. It had at least been ten minutes since she's been picked up. She remembered all the things she did in video taping her audition. Her older brother was recording her, while her younger brother helped her with her set up. <i>"Is it rolling?"</i> She asked Euriah, 18 year old brother. <i>"Wha–yes for the third time." </i> He said, a bit irritated. <i>"Okay, okay. Um, hi, my name is Armana Smith and I want to compete in being one of your lucky 24. Now what's so special about me? Well, that's an interesting question, because I'm not, I'm simply an ordinary girl you just so happen to meet that wants to bring out a purpose being picked on your show. I've seen great shows like America's Got Talent, or The Voice, and it's all built on people who want to make a meaning of themselves, out of the population of millions of Americans just so that they're not along the ordinary or what you see everyday."</i> Masai, her 13 year old younger brother, had knocked over paint on her picture. His goofy laugh, her cameraman started laughing too, and it soon reached to her. She rolled her eyes, picking up her picture that had pink spilled over it but perfectly filled in the bubble letters wrote by a crayon. <i>"Well, what I mean to say is that I want do the same thing. I want to bring myself out of the crowd and do something that actually might make me special and well yes I'm practically saying I want to become famous," </i>She smiles and fully held her picture up. <i>"Thank you."</i> There was then a week after when she had received a call, announcing that she had been the 20th person to be picked for Chris McLean's latest show. She remembered trying to stay professional while the caller was still on the line, holding in her excitement so she wouldn't burst out laughing. She made sure to hear everything, that for her excursion there would be a boat to pick her up near the nearest beach, giving her the location and warning that she had to be there on time or else she would miss her trip and they would pick another person to choose for the show. And so here she was, awing her very presence on a boat to a lush resort. She imagined that there was free WiFi service, there was a scheduled time when you could eat and she would eat a whole box of pizza in one sitting. Or if there would be robotic massage chairs she remembered enjoying with the funny feeling of it's manipulative rolling against her back. She sighs with her series of thoughts, not noticing right then she had reached her destination. "Up, and here comes our Walter Mitty, Armana!" Armana was shook out of her trance when she suddenly hears the upbeat of a man's voice. She looked up from where she sat and saw a male with plenty other teens on a pier. She grabs her luggage, eying the man. "Excuse me?" She asks for a repetition, picking up on what he just said. "Nothing, nothing." The man easily drops his use of welcoming, a smile on his face as he took Armana by the hand to help her off. "Thanks—Oh! You must be Chris McLean." She acknowledges, comfortable that she at least knew one person out of the group of strangers. "That's me." He nods. Armana assented with another nod but looks onward and feels her heart drop, slowly surveying a grotty camp place. Her smile falls. "Yup, happy trails." Chris still bright as the day waving at her boat zipping past. <i>'Did I miss part of the description?'</i> Armana felt helpless seeing as her surroundings weren't becoming any better. She walks along the platform, standing at a comfortable spot as it appeared what everyone else was doing, plus she was one of the shortest people there. "You look like a lost puppy." She suddenly hears a voice from behind her. Armana flips her head over her shoulder but only meets the outlining heads of a guy's chest. She adjusts her eyes and startles, meeting a pair of blue looking directly at her through what the girl felt as some translation of amusement. "You can call it that," She steps back while straightening herself to face him. "Unless this hotel is invisible." She then hears a motor fading off, seeing that it was her boat leaving into the distance. "I just got scammed, didn't I?" She words. The boy chuckles, "I'm not too happy myself, but seeing the look of disappointment on people's faces makes me feel completely better." Armana rolls her eyes, heat warming under her facial scowl. She was embarrassed, only because her expectations was completely other than what she was seeing now. But, she could imagine that was how the others were feeling as well. "So, what brings you here anyway short stuff?" He teases, leaning his elbow on her shoulder as if she were a counter. She shrugged her shoulder away, looking up at the boy slightly annoyed. "I'd rather that not be any of your business." She responds while turning back. "Ooh," The boy is charmed. "Short and a bit sassy. I dig it." Armana huffs, seeing not only was she now stuck on a crappy island but is being teased at by a punk-dressed rebel. She watched as he was smug, crossing his arms, which appeared a bit more muscular than having them slack. She could sense that he was one to be a flirt, but of course he was naturally use to resisting rules, that a girl being utterly disgusted probably didn't make a difference. At least that was completely what she was comprehending through his immediate manner of trying to hit on her. "And here's our last camper, Jojo!" Armana caught Chris's announcement, hearing the wood planks creak as a girl just stepped on. She looked mixed as her hair spiraled in tight brown locks above her shoulders and the sunlight shone through her hazel irises. It wasn't like there was too much for Armana to care. "Welp since everyone's here, we'll need a group photo for the promos," Chris states. "Everyone at the end of the dock." Armana didn't really have a clue where she'd fit between everyone standing. "Over here shortcake." Duncan winks at her. She ignores him with an eye roll but interests being in front of the group. "It's better if I just sit in the front, mind if I get between you guys?" She sat where there was a gap between two girls. She hadn't picked up on their names since she arrived after quite a few people. They made room for her to sit until soon enough it was quiet, Armana assuming that everyone was posing for the camera. Chris stood on top of one of the speedboats—which was still by the pier—and held up his camera. "Okay everyone! 1..2..," Chris clicked the camera. "Oop! Forgot the lens cap!" <i>'Silly mistake'</i> "Ok hold that pose! 1..2..oh! No wait, cards full!" Armana's smile paused, confused on Chris's doings. She wondered if he was doing it on purpose, his too-big-of-a-smile weren't making his mistakes as convincing from otherwise. "Okay, okay," he readies. "Everyone say...Wawanakwa!" "Wawanak—waah!" Armana suddenly felt herself being sunk, quickly realizing that the dock must've broken from what might've been all their weight. She felt the coldness of the water damping into her clothes, kicking her legs and keeping her arms at a stroke to remain atop of the water. Chris had returned on what was left of the dock, which meant he actually snapped a picture. "Ok guys, dry off and meet me at the campfire pit in ten." Chris simply directs, the smile on his face. <i>'Psychopath...'</i> "Need a hand?" She hears a voice, seeing the flirt of a boy reaching his hand out for her. "Uh I'm fine." She assures with her succession on reaching shore. "Just trying to be a gentleman." He smirks. She averted her attention to her soaked clothes dripping onto the land. "Are you serious?" She murmurs, annoyed she'd have to sit the morning wet. <i>'Could it have been all our weight, or did that crusty old dock just finally reach its limit?'</i> "Could've been worse." The punk smirks. Armana shook her head while she minded she tried to at least wear something simple. She wore a gray short sleeve shirt that was now sticking to her skin. Her denim shorts made her skin itch as they were in no thin enough material for her to wring them out. Her socks squelched in her wet shell toes, deeply minding the possible after smell later on. "Oh yeah? Like what?" She asks, her voice a bit aggressive with irritation. Her up-did hair had dripped water along the sides of her face. Her hairspray the smell of citrus and mix of baby powder scented into her nostrils as she mentally begrudged the happened moment and her (then) frizzy hair. <i>'Damn black girl struggles'</i> "Well I don't know, could've drowned or there could've been sharks in the water." The boy explained, his smile adding joke to his voice. Armana rolls her eyes. "And since none of that happened, I could count this as the worst." She says. She wrung her clothes as much as she could until she gave up with the thought that they'll dry overtime. They all walk to an area where there was tree stumps aligned in rows for them to sit. "Welcome to Camp Wawanakwa; your home for the next 8 weeks," Chris establishes. "The campers sitting around you will be your cabin mates, your competition, and maybe even your friends. Ya dig?" Armana cracked a smile, especially at the use of him trying to use a slang word that was usually passed by teenagers. It completely reminded her of her dad that tried to act like the kids he teaches. <i>"Doesn't it go like this?" </i> His arms awkwardly went with his hips as he tried to do the floss. Her siblings had burst into laughter. <i>"Um, dad if I can't dance, neither can you."  </i>She laughed, trying her best in sounding honest but genuine. She sees a few people looking at each other, doing the same with looking to her right. She sees troublemaker threatening his fist at a ginger boy, but when he notices her gaze, he bites his lip through a smile and twinkles his fingers at her. "The camper who manages to stay on Total Drama Island the longest—without getting voted off—will win $100,000!" That seemed to uplift the girl's spirit, she was beginning to doubt the whole contest as some runaway summer camp. "Uh excuse me," She hears the familiar punk. "What will the sleeping arrangements be, because I'd like to request a bunk under her!" He points at Armana, which startled her being put on the spotlight. "Ugh, they don't happen to be coed do they?" Another girl felt the same distaste. "No, girls get one side of each cabin and dudes get the other." Chris clarified. She sighed with relief. "You're crazy...you know that?" She apprised. The boy chuckles. "Nice of you to say cutie," <i>'Cutie?'</i> "I was hoping you'd realize some time by now that...I'm gonna drive you insane." He tells her in her ear. Armana raised an eyebrow with a scoff. "Ha, first of all punk-boy, I ain't your cutie." She tells him. It secretly dragged the punk more into her. "Oh yeah? Got a dog collar?" He smugly says. "That isn't what's on your neck?" Armana retorts. There was a stare off between the two as Chris had still been talking. He then softly laughs, breaking their gaze. "It's a charm." He says, causing the girl to hum. "Mmhm." She listens. He chuckles. "I like <i>you</i>, you've got spunk." Armana dismissively laughed. "You just can't think of a comeback." She smirked. He shrugs, "Mm, my pockets are empty." She shook her head but feels her chin being pulled back above her shoulder. "What's your name girl?" Armana sided her chin away but her eyes still laid on the boy. "Armana," She answers. "Shouldn't be hard to enunciate." The boy chuckles, "Ooh, never heard of that name before. But I've never seen a girl like you either." "And what do you mean by that?" She checks him. "Just, girls I've met, they don't act the same way you do, or dress the same...that's a compliment." He explains, smiling as Armana eased. "Hm, better be, you were about to be in some big trouble." The boy laughs. "I'm known for that." He says. "Well it won't be up my alleyway...?" She says but hangs her sentence with an inquisitive look for his name. He chuckles. "Duncan." A smile creeps its way on the girl's face, "Right." # ~ Chapter 2 ~ "Here's the deal, we're gonna split you into two teams and if I call your name, you'll be standing over there on the opposite side from the others." Chris says, holding a paper Armana assumed he'd be reading off of. She waited until she'd hear her name, but took the time to see who was who if she was going to be staying around strangers for the next month. "Gwen. Trent. Heather. Cody. Lindsay. Beth. Katie. Owen. LeShawna. Noah. Justin. And...Izzy." Armana watched as he had gone person by person, who if were called had stood on the other side of the area. "You all are known as...The Screaming Gophers!" <i>'That was an interesting name'</i> As Armana was curious what her team would mascot, she had noticed her name wasn't called —which meant she would be filling in as the other group. Chris continues, "The rest of you over here; Geoff. Bridgette. DJ. Tyler. Sadie. Courtney. Ezekiel. Duncan. Eva. Armana. Jojo. And Harold. Move! Move! Move!" "Looks like you're with me short stuff." Duncan nudges Armana, pulling her attention from her trance. "Yeah, yeah don't get to thinking of any ideas." She says. Armana stood with her team, Duncan smiling at her as he had pushed someone aside to stand next to her. Chris throws a red banner to a ginger, who she remembers as Harold, while it unrolled from his hands to show a fish. "You guys will be officially known as...The Killer Bass." Chris proclaims. "Hm, pretty cool." Armana comments underneath her breath. "Alright, campers, you and your team will be on camera through all public areas in this competition." They walked on a tour, simply seeing the layout of the camp and all the separate areas in which they'd be in and probably where cameras would most likely be rolling. "You'll also be able to share your innermost thoughts with video diaries any time you want. Let the people know what you're really thinking or just get something off your chest." Chris explained, which these moments would be recorded in a porta-potty. A few people tested it out, Armana deciding to be one of the numbered. <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;I'm practically new at this, well, we all are. I don't have too much to say except, I know how much I talked to my family about this and winning $100,000. Honestly, it sounds crazy now that I'm here actually doing this, but I'll give it a chance other than not having my hotel&lt; After her words, she opened the door and rejoined with the campers outside. "Alright campers to continue on to our tour, now for your cabins." Chris greets two separate houses. "Gophers, you're in the East cabin. Bass, you're in the West." Armana followed the girls West into one of the doors of their designated cabin. She looked to see that their room was distributed with bunk beds, at least at a foot range from each other but stood easy enough for walk space from the clearance of the other side of the room. She decided to put her bags on one of the top bunks. "I call dibs on this bed." She made sure to call out, in case her luggage wasn't big enough of a saying where she would be sleeping. "Well I guess there's to say, as long as these dusty beds don't have bed bugs." Courtney, a girl with shoulder length brown hair and who looked like one of your supervisors, inspected under the covers. Armana shrugged, hearing Chris from outside. "Campers! You have a half hour to unpack before meeting me at the main lodge." He announces, tapping at his watch. Armana then began to unpack her belongings, surveying where she could put them. But promptly, she hears a huge scream prolonging through the island, even birds flitting away from the disturbance. "Man that white girl can scream." LeShawna, a black girl–broad in the beam–commented. They all look through the doorway of the other cabin, Armana peeking behind Duncan. He lifted up his arm and laid it over her neck for her to see what was happening. Lindsay was standing on a chair, but amazingly she balanced on only one of her cow boots. "What is that thing? Kill it!" She demands, her voice shaking as she posed. Armana looked at the floor to see it was a cockroach. She had to admit, the things were creepy. But to her surprise, DJ, a tall buff black boy, was the one to scream aloud and completely wreck one of the girls' beds. "That, was my bed." Gwen, a goth girl, indicates. It was to where everyone began screaming, trying to stomp on the insect as it scrambled around their feet. Armana sees Duncan lifting an axe over his head, looking at him in disbelief. "Seriously? An axe?" She poised her hands on her hips, one of her eyebrows cocked. "It'll do the job." He assures her. Armana rolls her eyes and quickly moved her foot in front of Duncan before he could proceed. She slowly pressed her shoe against the roach, emitting a loud crunch throughout the cabin. She hears groans of disgust from her peers but she shrugs, wiping her shoe against the floor away from the roach's entrails. She looks at Duncan, who was paused in his action. "Don't be weird." She tells him, before leaving the cabin and walking off to her preference. Everyone had returned to their origin to finish the rest of their time with unpacking. Armana had finished early while the rest of her cabin mates took their time. She decided to sit her time out front on the porch that sheltered between both of the rooms of the cabin. She hears the wood creaking, turning her gaze to see who's other weight it was. "Sup shorty." Duncan greeted her, sitting as close to her than she would like. "Uh," She eyes his small mind of space and adjusts herself more distantly from his comforts. But she faced her eyes towards him, still conveying attention. "Hi." "Hey, that was pretty gross what you did back there." He says, his smile signifying his admiration. "What? Stepping on a bug? It was just common sense. I wouldn't try and slice it with an axe." She asserted. "It would've been cooler that way—and less messier. But man, that made my skin crawl a bit." Armana giggled and eyed the bottom of her shoe. Splatters of the roach still remained on the outsole, one of its antennas hanging from it. It caused her stomach to turn. She faced her foot back on the step, smiling towards Duncan. "Well either way, it wouldn't have ended good for the guy." She expected with a shrug. "Alright campers! Time's up! Please gather at the main lodge!" Chris's voice spoke over a loud speaker that was supported by a large post. At the main lounge, it was like a small cafeteria. There was a lay out of two sets of tables in which must've been assigned for their teams. Following the line that went orderly by who went in after the other, Armana picked up a scent wafting through the air. She sees their lunch lady, a muscular old black man who seemed strict over his kitchen. "Listen up!" He orders. "I serve it three times a day, and you will eat it three times a day. So get ya food, and sit your butts down now!" They all walked up to the counter, taking their trays where he plopped their food. Armana watched as she was handed her tray and eyed after the chef scooping a grab of slop. He smacked it on one of the open bread buns, although it slowly drooped from the utensil and he had to flick his wrist to have it come from sticking. It seemed indigestible. She sits next to Duncan on the stump-like seats, pushing her tray away from her. "Food good?" He teased her. "I'd rather go hungry," She preferred. "This stuff looks like you could compare it to what they feed you in Prison or for school lunch." "Or Juvie." Duncan shrugged. "Juvie? I'd never think of that as bad." Duncan coughed on his next swallow of food. "What?" Armana asked, giving him an odd look through his episode. He manages to spit it into his cup. He cleared his throat and smiled, "You wouldn't know a thing about Juvie goody two shoes." "Oh, Sir? And your butt-hurt reaction tells me you haven't been so obedient with the law." She acknowledged. "Well there's nothing keeping me tied or in bondage," He implies. "So I like to take advantage of my freedom." They both eye each other before seeing one of the foods casually sliding along the floor to the other side of the room. Armana cringed before hearing Chris's voice. "Campers," He calls, walking into the cabin. "Welcome to the main lodge." "Yo my man," Geoff, your surfer dude, turns towards him. "Can we order a pizza?" But apparently on that wit, chef had tossed a cleaver right past Geoff's head. "Woah! It's cool G," Geoff abruptly tells the man. "Brown slop is cool! Right guys?" A few people nodding, Armana had looked at the blade that had stuck into the wall and back at chef holding a large kitchen knife. She just shook her head, turning back to Chris to listen to his announcement. "Your first challenge begins in one hour!" He says, walking back down the stairs of the entryway. "Aw crap," Armana sighed. "I completely forgot we were having challenges." Duncan pats her head to mock her, "Aw don't you worry your head, precious. How hard could it be?" Armana sided her head away. "Usually when people say things like that, they jinx the upcoming moment." She considered. Duncan simply shrugs to which Armana sighed again. She wasn't sure what to expect for their challenge, the suspense made her less hungry. She dumped her food away, Duncan chuckling a bit after her. "Waste of food there princess." He says. "It's not like I'd care, half these people probably didn't even eat it anyway. And Im not your princess." She alerts, earning another one of his smirks. "Alright campers, it is time for your first challenge!" Chris announces, bringing all the teens outside of the lodge. "You will all be wearing swimsuits, of course if you didn't bring any, you'll probably have to go in your undies. Or else, you know what that means," Chris looked at them mischievously. "But then, you will all meet at the top of that cliff." Armana follows Chris's arm pointing at a large precipice, her blood running cold. <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;Something tells me...this isn't going to be good&lt; Luckily, Armana had listened to her mom that there'd be lots of water where she was going. She changed into a plain one piece and wore a pair of black gym shorts over it. She then took her hair tie off and snapped on a swimming cap. Opening the door outside, she felt the cool breeze erecting goosebumps from her leg hairs. She could only imagine if Duncan— "Princess," <i>'Why'</i> "Ooh looking like a snack." "Ew, shut up." Armana immediately tells him, now feeling abashed of her presence. His succession in making her flustered amused him into laughing, seeing her shake her head. She looked as the boy was shirtless and remained in the same blue cargo shorts. But she hadn't noticed that he was stacked, a faint six pack pronounced on his abdomen. <i>'Juvie must've been quite a doozy'</i> It was after a few seconds, she looked away. Once everyone rejoined together, Chris stood proudly smiling. "Right this way." He lead them to an escalator that would take them to the very top of the cliff. <i>'Oh thank god'</i> Armana felt relieved not having to walk a trip up the cliff but slightly tripped where the belt had formed another stair. Duncan caught her by her lower back. "Watch yourself." He teasingly warns her. She rolled her eyes, mindful that she could be clumsy sometimes. She most likely inherited it from her dad, like the time he walked over his wine glass that was still full or the time he was carrying Christmas gifts and tripped over a ball that made him fall down the stairs. Armana stopped herself from smiling, remembering the present with herself on the escalator. They had arrived atop of the cliff, Armana already feeling lightheaded once she noticed how high they actually were. "Ok, today's challenge is threefold; your first task is to jump off this 1,000 foot high cliff into the lake." Chris directs. "Piece of cake." Bridgette—a blonde who Armana heard rumored was into surfing—says to her after both of them looked down at the water. "If you look down, you will see two target areas; the wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic," Chris chuckles. "Man eating sharks." <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt; Okay first of all; what're sharks doing in a lake? Then, I'm not sure if Chris was actually being serious or not. I had a feeling that he was but stayed hopeful that he would have some remorse&lt; "Inside that area is a safe zone," Chris continues. "That's your target area, which we're pretty sure is shark-free." "Wait, a-are you serious? In a circle that small you just expect us to land in there?" Armana asked the man. "No, but there is a logic between forced perspective. That area is exactly ten meters wide. You would know that, wouldn't you Armana?" Chris chuckled, indicating a joke of her petite height. She was surprised when she comprehended his words. "Real funny Chris." She says, her words of contempt. "Pfft, he called you short." Duncan amused. "Whatever, I'm still trying to assure myself that the producers would get sued if anything had to do with parts missing from my body." She feared. "For each member of your team that actually jumps and..survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below. Inside each crate, are supplies you'll need for the second part of the challenge; building a hot tub. The team to have the best one gets to have a wicked, hot tub party tonight. The losers...will be sending someone home," Chris looks at his victims. "Let's see, Killer Bass you're up first." Armana felt her heart stop, the blood in her toes and fingertips running cold. She watched as Bridgette looked at her teammates. "Ok, who wants to go first?" She asked. In Armana's mind, crickets chirped. She never would've imagined herself being taken to such a height, and jump down from it with–what'd she think–a fifty percent chance of dying. "Ladies first." Duncan suggested out of the silence, slightly a sick way of being a gentleman. "Ok fine. I'll go." Bridgette offers, already standing by the edge of the cliff. Armana watched as her body miniatured into the distance, perfectly plummeting into the water. She sees her head appear back up within the expanse of the safe zone. <i>'Well she made it look easy'</i> There was a boat sitting by which would pick up the campers, since if they were to swim back to land, they would be eaten by sharks. Armana's heart pounded against her chest, her ears occupied by its steady drum. "Hey, you alright?" She flipped her head to see Duncan attentive on her. She sighed. "Yeah I'm fine," She assures. "Just never cliff dived before. Or jump off anything this high." Duncan chuckles. "Don't worry, it's like jumping off a diving board." He says. "No it isn't, there's rocks and stuff you could easily hit your head on." She hears faint shouts echoing while her team made their way down. It slightly made her feel worse, because she'd be the last person and the pressure would be on her. "Come on doll we got this." Duncan nudges her. She bit her lip. "Now, now love birds, if you really are too scared to jump, you can lose your team another two points since two of your members have already chickened out." Chris says, holding up two chicken hats. "Dammit." The girl cussed underneath her breath. "You in?" Duncan asks her, hoping what her next answer would be. She eyed the water, taking a deep breath. She subconsciously took a few steps back and found herself leaping into the free, open air. Gravity effected its way on her, feeling as she swiftly descends closer to the water. She didn't know if she should have her body a certain way or if she was gonna prove herself stupid with cracking her head open. But the created wind with her fast movement influenced her to scream, her hope that it would indicate she was gonna shit herself. Her body hits the water. Cold sensated on her skin as she regained awareness with her dare. She quickly swims towards the sparkling surface, a bit panicked with where she could've landed. But as she reached closer, she hears muffled cheers. She picks her head out of the water, hearing claps from her team. She surveys her surroundings as she remained in a ring of buoys, sighing with relief before the water suddenly splashed beside her. Duncan appeared from underneath the surface. "See, what did I tell you?" He says through breaths, running his hand over his face. " 'Don't worry it's just like jumping off a diving board'." She responds. "Well, other than that, i'm saying you survived. Nothing happened." He presumed. They both climbed on the boat, earning soft pats on their back from their teammates. "Well not to leave both sides of fortune," Armana continued. "It <i>could've </i>happened." "And guess what," Duncan preceded. "There's not a scratch." She remained silent as he questioningly eyed her. She rolls her eyes, a smile portraying on her lips. They all return to shore, watching as it was the Gopher's turn to jump. Sitting on the sand, Duncan enjoyed himself next to Armana, admiring her melanin that glowed in the sun. Her cream streaked legs, and crept his eyes above her thighs where her shorts slightly lifted view over her butt. He scoots closer to her, earning the girl's caution. "I don't think I heard a 'thank you'." He broached. She sneers, "For what?" "Because I encouraged you into jumping off that cliff." Armana chuckles. "Well I wouldn't think of it as that much of a big deal, I was just scared for a second if I could've died." She says. "Is that part of the letter?" Duncan asks. "Wha–no." He laughs at her reaction. "I knew it wouldn't have been...because I'd enjoy something more appreciative." He flirted, leaning himself closer to the girl. She instinctively reacted with moving her head back and pushing him away.    "Don't get yourself carried away there buddy. I'm not another girl you've met or boo'd up." She tells him. Duncan reacts with a smirk, a signature Armana felt she'd have to be wary of to foresee any of his thoughts. "Okay, I see you're playing hard to get." He says. "Hard to get," Armana repeats, amused. "Who's catchin'?" Duncan laughs, "Guess we'll have to see." # ~ Chapter 3 ~ The next part of their challenge, everyone dressed back into their clothes as both teams were tasked to transfer their crates of supplies back to the camp place—where they'd start building their hot tub. "Building a hot tub? That's interesting. I wonder how we'll be able to do that." Armana says, pushing her crate. "Eh the man's insane. I couldn't see us chancing with getting past the first step of opening these things with our teeth." Duncan says, kicking his crate with either of his feet. <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;Already on our first challenge, it's a bit insane. But I guess we'll just have to see how how far we'll get within the task, so, I'm holding my breath&lt; Moving the crates along the shore, Armana hears one of her teammates. "Ow, I think I just got a splinter." She sees Courtney wince, observing where the wood must've been embedded in her finger. Armana eyed between the girl and the backs of the other team. She couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed, since it was the first distraction she was seeing with her team. <i>'Moving your mouth, doesn't do it for your feet as well'</i> She sees Eva, a dark haired brawny girl, pick up Courtney's crate, completely lifting it over her head as if it were weightless. "Shut up, and move your crate. Chicken." She tells Courtney, seeing her with the silly hat on. Courtney debates, "Hey, I'm the only one with CIT camping experience. You need me." Armana could already feel those psychic vibes from Eva's expression. <i>'What the fuck?'</i> "The hell is CIT?" Duncan questions, more quietly as it was addressed towards Armana. "It stands for Counselor in Training or something." She answers him, standing by her crate as her team had stopped moving. "How do you know?" He asks her knowledge. Armana shrugs, "My cousin took apart of a role at a summer camp once. She was looking for job opportunities, and I guess being a counselor turned out to be her thing." She could hear the Gophers singing, probably happy because they were using pull carts to carry everything. "Aw man," Armana sighs. "I wonder what the hold up is. We're already behind and it's like they're completely oblivious." "Ugh, I gotta take a whizz." Tyler—who Armana heard was known as a jock at his school—says, which would be another delay for the team. Duncan chuckled as the girl impatiently sighed. She simply breathed, walking up where the teens seemed to be sidetracked. "Is everything okay?" She asks them. Eva sets her crate down, "Well, I could say we have the crappiest people to have as a team." Armana felt amused by Eva's comment, soft laughter succeeding against her chest. But her eyes roam casually around her surroundings, suddenly seeing Courtney's swollen eye. "Courtney? What happened to your eye?" She concerned. "I'm not sure but, I know I have an allergy for bee stings." Courtney confesses, sighing. She then hears loud grating sounds beside her, seeing Katie and Sadie–two girls who were basically doppelgängers of each other through their outfits–scratching their butts rapidly. Armana stared at the girls inquisitively, only to notice their suffering had to do with their brightly reddened skin. They were wearing pink roll up shorts and through the sunlight, Armana witnessed their bare skin irritant with raising spots. "Um are you guys okay? In some cases, scratching usually makes things worse." She spoke in general. "Not unless you just have a simple itch. Do you think it's pee burn?" Katie asks. "Pee burn? You guys were peeing?" Armana asks them. They nod. "Did you squat down when you went to go pee in the woods?" Bridgette joins herself in on the conversation, obviously having bigger witness. The two girls nod. "Did you happen to notice what plants you were squatting over?" She further questions. "They were kind of oval shaped and green and all over the place." Sadie described. Armana knew where this was heading to. "Were they low to the ground? About this big?" She interferes, measuring her hands with her words. The girls nod. Bridgette chuckles, "You guys squatted over poison ivy." <i>'Oh brother'</i> "Oh boy." Armana mutters, a smile pushing up her cheeks as she thought of the girls goofy. She takes a seat on the sand, suddenly hearing tiny crunches of the grain approaching her. "I see that cute smile. Anything interesting?" She turns her head to see Duncan, who questions her. Rolling her eyes, she answered. "Well, I find it funny that Katie and Sadie peed over poison ivy...huge <i>bummer</i>." She releases amusement from the punk boy. "Ha ha ha I see what you did there. What a bunch of idiots." He insults. Armana giggles, "That's not very nice." "Pfft," He contempts. "You must've mistaken me as someone that is, sweetheart." At this point, the Killer Bass we're behind in building their hot tub. After notices, the team had finally made it to the campground where the Screaming Gophers were already tending to the supplies from their crates. "About time." One of the Gophers comments on their arrival. Armana only shakes her head, immediately beginning to bite down on the rope and pulling it with her head back. It almost seemed impossible until she was hearing the rope wear and finally snap. By then the rest of the team had arrived, seeming already exhausted when they hadn't even tried opening the boxes. "Kay dudes, it's not too late. We can do this." Geoff tries encouraging. There was only a moment of silence until Armana sees Ezekiel picking his nose. "Ew." She distances herself from him on their cabin porch. "Ezekiel, go wash your hands," Courtney says. "And look guys, we have a hot tub to complete and need a project manager. Since I've actually been a CIT before, I'm electing myself. Any objections?" "Where do we begin cyclops?" Duncan says aloud, marking towards Courtney's swollen eye. She points at him, "Open the crates. Bridgette go find those itchy girls. We need all the help we can get." Armana honestly didn't see any progression as she was already seeing the Gophers' hot tub actually seeming stable. She turned her head over at hers, seeing the boys just stacking the wood tiles by each other, hoping somehow it would be the third little piggy's brick house. Of course the planks had collapsed. She watched as the other team passed down a hammer, driving in a nail which looked to be the last one they needed in order to stabilize their construction. Duncan hands Tyler their hammer, but by the two struggling just to pass it over, the hammer flies out of their hands and hits Harold in his groin, triple ganged by Bridgette picking up a plank of wood. By then, the Gophers had their final bucket of water, while the Killer Bass just duct taped the pool for it to stay together, water spilling out from the bottom of their "tub". "Ok, this, is just sad." Duncan chuckles, looking at the comparison between theirs and the other team's. Armana is hit by a couple of chuckles but tries to hold in her laugh, "Duncan, it's not funny. We're still taking the fall because it's all for the whole team." It was then Chris looked at both of the team's results. "Oh my god." Duncan whispered, still chirping of laughter as Chris came by there's. "Duncan, shut up." Armana snorts. It caused Armana to even struggle more with the urge to laugh, seeing Chris tap at the wood for water to spray in his face and eventually the entire thing collapses. "He looks so pissed." Duncan chuckles. "Well it looks like we have a winner!" Chris announces. "Not our sorry asses." Duncan murmurs into Armana's ear, a laugh pushing against her smile. "The Screaming Gophers! You get to rock this awesome hot tub for the rest of the summer. Killer Bass, what can I say it sucks to be you right now." "Bitch." Duncan cusses, Armana pressing her hand up against her mouth. "See you at the bonfire tonight." They humorously watch as Chris walks off. Armana ducks her head into her elbow breaking into complete laughter, her face shunting red. She didn't want the others to see her so they wouldn't take the wrong idea but the sight of Duncan's newly pink cheeks became contagious and she could barely breathe after laughing. It had been several minutes when their spontaneous subsided and they were in the main lodge for lunch. It had been just a bowl of mushy slop, which no one was eating. Armana noticed the table was a bit quiet, beginning to feel that it would be weird to talk. "So," Katie started. "What do we do now?" Armana had forgot that the losers would have to send one of their teammates home. She was now regretting breaking into a storm of laughter or slightly judging her team. She intently listened for someone's response. "We need to think about who we're gonna vote off." Courtney answers. "Well," Duncan speaks. "I think it should be princess or the brick house here." Armana felt hugely perturbed when she heard Duncan say <i>princess. </i>But his thumbs were jutting at DJ and Courtney, secretly much to Armana's relief. "What? Why?" Courtney asks him out of disbelief. "Because you two are the only ones that are wearing chicken hats. Besides, if we would have to lift a truck, I'd like our odds with the big guy." Duncan explains, in which he earns a smile from DJ. "But, you guys need me I'm the only one–" "We know, you've had CIT experience," Bridgette infers. "So who would you pick?" Armana remained attentive as it was still between deliberation who they would pick. "What about...him!" Courtney finger points at Tyler. "No!" A blondie yells from the Gophers, but as everyone's eyes were on her she tried to play it off. "I-I mean, no salt on the table, bummer." <i>'She's totally into him'</i> Armana thought how she failed that no one wouldn't catch on to how much she'd care if Tyler were to be voted off. He is dumb, Armana could see their only choice was to feel empathy for each other. "H-Hey at least he jumped off the cliff chicken wing." Duncan says towards Courtney. "Shut up!" She yells. Geoff steps between the two, "Alright you two, this is getting way too heavy." Duncan had looked Armana's direction and rolled his eyes. She could at least tell that he was feeling pretty annoyed by her. It gave Armana some type of feeling in her system that girls wouldn't just immediately come into Duncan's mind as some translation to trifle with them, but he still had feelings, thoughts, possibly standards that embodied an actual person. And hopefully one person. By this time, she wasn't sure of what to think of his flirting. She understood that he would just be playing with her, but now she's off balanced and it's mixing into a stew pot of her heart. "Alright I've had enough prison food for one day, I'm gonna go have a nap." She hears Duncan say. But then, she also liked his company. She enjoyed the thoughts of having a friend or someone to talk to, although at times it would be like he's mischievously curious. <i>'Don't go'</i> She watched as he left the lodge and probably to their cabin. She sighs, an empty feeling in her chest, like she was joyous of being inspirited of those heart felt emotions and as if  they were carried by him. Little did she know, Bridgette had been watching Armana's reactions, feeling on edge ever since the two met if there could've been something between them. Armana hears a silent giggle, seeing that it was Bridgette's. Seeing the girl look at her, Armana asks, "What's so funny?" "Nothing much, you two just seem like you'd get along." Bridgette says. Armana felt her face heating warm, a gasp intaking on her next deal of breath. "What? No way." Armana denies, crossing her arms. "Yeah right, don't try to be in denial. I can totally see how you act around Duncan." Bridgette shrugs. "Or hello? How he acts around me? Whenever I go by him, it's like he thinks he has to flirt with me. He's not my type anyway." Armana says. "Type? I don't believe in type, and I don't think you do either. It's simply if you like the person or not, it doesn't have to be an entire checklist." Armana was about to go on speaking until they notice all the girls look off, and it's silent. "Yeah homeschool, enlighten us." Eva threatens at Ezekiel, pounding her fist on the table. "It's just that I've learned that boys are better at sports than girls are." Armana shook her head. <i>'What a dumbass'</i> She could already tell it was going to get dirty. "Hey, Britt, I'm gonna go for a walk." She tells Bridgette. She nods with a huff, staring at Ezekiel along the other girls in irritation. Armana leaves the lodge, feeling relaxed now that she was having some fresh air and it would give her some relief to think. She wasn't sure of what to think about what Bridgette said. She wasn't sure if it was true or not. It could've been, but her conscience just wouldn't remove her guard because it could've been Duncan trying to get her in her feelings. He couldn't have been really interested in her, and it could just be how he delivers himself towards other girls. She decides it would be best just to relax and have a rest until it would be time to join by the campfire. "Hey, where you going?" Armana jolts at the sudden sound of Duncan's voice. "I thought you were going to sleep." She looks at him standing in the doorway. "Yeah, I kinda was, until I saw you here, it gave me a bit more energy." He smirked. Armana shakes her head, "Yeah whatever." Duncan opens the door to his side of the cabin, "Here, come on inside." Armana gives him a look, walking inside while she still kept an eye on him from over her shoulder. He keeps the door open, just so people wouldn't lose their shit why the door would be closed. "So," He says, dragging the chair that was by the window and sitting across from her. "Why did you get tense?" "Huh?" Armana says, bewildered. "Ya know, when I said it should've been Courtney or DJ to be kicked off. I simply called Courtney 'Princess', and I saw how nervous you got because you must've thought I was referring to you." Duncan says, a smile rising on his face. Armana simply looks away, trying to block the sheepish smile that was approaching her features. "You know how adorable I find that?" Duncan chuckles. "Ugh whatever, I'm just so used to your flirting, that id expect it to be towards me..since we mainly talk to each other." "Awww." Duncan teases her. "Shut up, you're making it bigger than it is." Armana blushes. Duncan's laugh had filled the room, causing Armana to laugh too. It had been when he stopped, he looks into her eyes, not daring to look any other direction because it wouldn't have her face on it. "Ya know," He says. "If you ever have something to say to me...let something off your chest, I'll always be there to listen." # ~ Chapter 4 ~ Armana watched as the fire blazed, a warmth  pursuing the air. "Killer Bass, marshmallows would usually represent a tasty treat that you would enjoy roasting by the fire. At this camp, marshmallows represent life." A plate of marshmallows were platformed on Chris's hand, as it had been time for elimination. "You've all cast your votes and made your decision, there are only 11 marshmallows on this plate. If I call your name, come up and receive a marshmallow. But if I do not call your name, you must walk the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers. That means, you are out of this contest and won't be able to come back. Ever." Armana feels a soft panic rising in her chest, but at the same time she was confident. Surely, the team had summed up their votes with Ezekiel for his sexist comments. Maybe homeschool wasn't the best to be schooled. "First marshmallow goes to...Geoff." Chris calls off. Everyone was holding a stick to roast their marshmallow with. Armana had never done that since she didn't really go camping. She listened until her name was called. "Armana!" She smiles, pushing the marshmallow onto her stick. "And finally, the last marshmallow goes to....," Chris waits dramatically, pointing his finger between the teens as if it were really too hard to decide. "Courtney." The girl smiles as she finally breathed, "Phew, thanks." Chris openly welcomed Ezekiel to the dock of shame, relief soothing on the rest of the contestants. "For the rest of you," Chris looks at the group. "You're all safe...for now." Armana smiles, satisfied with her marshmallow-on-a-stick. She feels someone nudge her, seeing that it was Duncan as they both were roasting their treats by the fire. "So we still survive." He says. Armana nods, "I could only imagine what he'll have for us next. I feel like that was a close game." "Maybe it'll be even closer." Duncan dances his eyebrows at her, which she rolled her eyes and earned from the flirt his laughter. Armana huffs, but made sure to turn her stick so that her marshmallow could brown evenly. "Oh come on babe." Duncan teases her, tossing his arm around her shoulder. "You know you can't deny me." "Or maybe I can and you're just not my standards." Armana retorts, a smile pleased on her face by her comeback before she smacks Duncan's hand off her shoulder. "That's okay, I dig that in a chic. She knows what she wants, and if I have to work for it, it really tells me how you deem yourself." "Aren't you the hawk-eye." Armana sarcastically invokes. Duncan shrugs, biting his marshmallow. Armana does the same, feeling light crunches underneath her teeth and gooeyness against the walls of her gum. It tasted delicious. She looks to see if anyone hadn't eaten their's but was disappointed to see their sticks headless. "Well, I guess that's it for the night." Armana yawns. "Want me to walk you?" Duncan smiles. "No I'm good, but thanks. Sweet dreams to any bed bugs." She waves him off. "Looking forward to it." With that, the two had ducked off into the respective sides of their cabin. Armana threw on her pajamas and decided to say one last thing as her video diary before officially going to sleep. <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;Well, I guess things pretty much sums up my first day here at this camp. I feel like while you get used to things here, they'll start to be normal and just apart of having fun&lt; Armana felt herself drooling on her pillow and her clothes lifting against her skin. The woolen orange blanket was snuggled on her shoulder as she peacefully laid on the resilience of the mattress. The morning seemed to be innocuous. She heard morning birds like they were from a fairytale, possibly the water creeping up on the shore, and the screeching of an airhorn—somehow—augmented that it sounded like it was blaring off the speakers for a concert. Armana flips up from her pillow, nearly falling from her bunk. There was a phantom ringing in her ears as she defensively covered them from Chris being an asshole. "Rise and shine campers! You have ten minutes to be outside for your next challenge." Chris announces, a screech of feedback coming from his megaphone. "That guy is insane." Jojo murmurs as they all covered their ears. Armana dresses into her clothes; a pair of blue jeans and a simple white T-shirt that she would be wearing with her pair of Air Max. She brushes her teeth before scooping her hair into a bun, being one of the last people to be outside. "Okay, I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in one minute." Chris taps his watch, seeming inhumanly enthusiastic. "My god, its seven in the morning." Armana mumbled to herself, sleep pulling on her eyes. "Morning sunshine." Duncan sarcastically enthuses, seeing Armana wear a grudge on her face. She only hums, looking at the boy who had a dumb smile on his face. He wore a graphic shirt that was merch for what Armana figured a rock band; Metallica as the same blue cargo shorts hung loosely past his kneecaps. She rolls her eyes before it could've been more than a second to matter if she was staring or not. "Um excuse me," Armana hears Owen, a really chubby teen boy. "I don't think that's enough time to eat breakfast." "Oh you'll have enough time to eat breakfast..right after your twenty kilometer run around the lake." Chris vigorously states. Armana groans out loud, irritated. It must've spread to Eva, just not as appropriate. "Oh so you think you're funny huh?" The girl challenged, her voice erupting with anger. "You know what I think would be funny—" Armana just shook her head at the boys holding Eva back as she was going for a punch. <i>'Chris just likes getting into situations where he can get his ass whooped'</i> Courtney whispered something to Eva but Armana was just irked by Chris's look of amusement. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Armana questions, squinting at the man. He chuckles, "A little. You have thirty seconds." "Ugh." She had no choice but to stance along the others. It was crazy that Chris was making them run 20 kilometers just about the lake. What for exactly? <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;I am really starting to think that Chris is just mentally challenged or something. He seems like one of those creepy Zumba teachers, you know they seem too enthusiastic or with energy that you just don't know how they're up and about through the day. It's weird, but I feel like Chris is up to something, he just looks like the prankster&lt; "Okay runners," Chris proclaims, Armana steadying on her legs. "Get ready..." "You better move those short legs, pretty girl." Duncan tells her. "Set." "What, are you challenging me?" She chuckles, surprised. "If you can handle it." He's smug. "You're on." The two shook hands. "Go!" Armana raced forward, her feet light against the ground as she had sprinted competitively against the boy. There was an existent "wind" due to Armana's speed, a joy in her endurance like she was free. "Bear's after your tail." She hears Duncan talking smack. "Really? Thought it was sirens." Armana replies in between breaths, seeing as the boy ran faster. They pass the others, more built on their contesting than the actual challenge. "Wow, Armana and Duncan are really in the lead. Come on campers! Pick up the pace or else if you're not at the camp spot, you don't eat!" They hear Chris's voice from a megaphone, who was also riding a Moped. Armana was in between chuckles right then when suddenly she trips and falls over the toe tip of her shoe. "Aw! My boobs!" Armana yells, clutching her chest. Although Duncan was really up in his competitiveness, he laughs, helping the girl up by her arm. "Come on girl they're after us." Duncan says as the two looked behind them, an imaginary bear and parole officer running towards their direction. The two continue running, feeling their lungs fatigue before they had just made it to the lodge. Armana gasps for air, taking deep breaths steadily as she stood upright against the cabin. Duncan stood with his hands on his knees, which was really incorrect as a method. "Duncan," Armona manages to speak out, her lips expressing in a smile. "You need to sit up or else you're scrunching up your lungs from any airway to pass through." Duncan does as Armana says, his face flushed from exhaustion. "You must've really passed pacer tests." Duncan guessed. Armana chuckles. "You must've really been out on the chase before." She says in return. The two sit at their table, seeing that Chris was filing his nails on the wait for the rest of the teams. Armana suddenly hears Duncan chuckle, which was laced with the guttural tones of his voice. "Oh boy, what's on your mind?" Armana looks suspiciously at him. "I had just realized what you said back there. You fell on your boobs, as if they could actually catch you." Duncan chuckles. The girl playfully hits Duncan on his shoulder. "Shut up, that's easy for you to say bird chest, boys are less matured than girls. Ugh, they still hurt actually." Armana says, murmuring the last part of her sentence as she felt on the pain lingering through her breasts. Of course Duncan heard it. "I actually know a thing or two about massages for the human breasts. Here." Duncan reaches his hand towards her but she immediately grabs his wrist. "Um no you freak! I know exactly what you're trying to do." A smile stretches on the corners of Duncan's mouth, loving how Armana would always act so defensively towards him. It turned him on a bit actually, it just extends his curiosity even more. "Clear the tables! Stat!" Owen shouts running through the door with a boy in his arms. Leshawna falls on her knees in the doorway, "Phew, we made it." Armana watched as people approached through the doorway, seeing that it was Harold to be last on their team. "What took you so long," Courtney complains, her hands on her hips. "We just lost the challenge." Harold was breathing rather hard, wheezing a bit. "I think I'm having heart palpitations." He says, clutching his chest. Armana felt her nostrils flare when she breathed in a gasp of air. <i>Wait, we lost?</i> "Wait guys," Gwen speaks to her team. "If they lost that means we won the challenge." The Gophers shouted of joy, but suddenly Chris clarifies. "Woah, there, hold your horses guys! That wasn't the challenge." <i>What did he just say </i> "Who's hungry!" A curtain retracts from a whole buffet table of food. Actual food. <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;What do I think of this? Okay, it's the coolest thing ever. Who would want to keep eating that sludge crap?! But challenge...there's still a challenge coming up and I feel like we're just being Chris's cattle and he's like waving this bait at us. Something's fishy and it's not the food.&lt; "Ey," Duncan comes over with a plate of food. "You eating?" Armana still sat at the table as she hadn't moved a muscle towards the food display. She shook her head, "I know Chris is planning something, I bet this is only the beginning of our challenge." Duncan munched on a turkey leg and some bread rolls he had dipped it in butter. He swallowed the huge chunk of food. "Aw what, the only time they don't serve us any of that slop, you're giving it up because of some challenge?" Duncan says, thinking that the girl was insane. "Yeah Armana listen to your boyfriend, you're really missing out." Chris dips in. "As if, get out of here Chris. We all know—I know–that you're thinking of some twisted plan and it's not going to work." Armana crosses her arms. "Suit yourself, the food is almost gone." Chris walks away. Armana shrugs, watching as people wolfed their mouths with food. "Here," Duncan offers her one of his turkey legs. "It's the least you can eat. Have you even eaten anything since we first came here?" "Well yeah, I ate a couple of snacks last night before I went to sleep. Why do you care?" She asks. "Because you're human and there's a thing called starvation. Plus, you're a cool person to hang around with, I can't see any reason being with the rest of these losers." Duncan admits, feeling pleased when he made the girl smile. "That's nice to hear, Duncan, it's the least of the worth staying at this place." The two smile at each other. "You're still a perv." Armana bites at her turkey. "You're still on my bucket list." Duncan bit into his. Later, everyone had potbellies as the entire food on the table was gone. "Jeez, it's like everyone just suddenly got wasted." Duncan is amused, hearing the teens moan with how much food they ate. Chris stood on top of the table full of...leftovers, and spoke into his megaphone. "Alright campers, time's for part two of your challenge!" <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;See I knew it, it's always the smile that tells you he has something up his sleeve. I'm really starting not to like this guy...come to think of it, I don't think anyone does.&lt; "I thought eating was the second part." <i>We know Owen.</i> "What more do you want from us?" Gwen felt tortured. "Ugh, weird goth girl is right, haven't we been through enough?" Heather groans, rubbing her tummy. Everyone had looked pregnant, innocently lead by their hunger that it had look like they've been knocked up within fifteen minutes. "Let me think about that," Chris says apart of Heather's question. "No, but now it's time for...The Ultimate Awake-a-thon." "I have a feeling this won't be good." Armana perceives. "I can completely agree with you on that, guess you really were onto something, cutie...nice." Armana rolls her eyes at Duncan's pet naming. "Don't worry, this is an easy one. The last person on one of the teams standing wins invincibility." Chris cheerfully elaborates. "Stupid Chris, I knew you were up to something." Armana grumbles. "Yup, and I'm still getting away with it. Move! Move! Move!" They all gathered at the campfire, where they would be staying up the night. Armana did this most of the time when she'd be at home, no worries for another thing to come the next day, and would stay up late on her phone possibly watching YouTube or drawing. But that was to tame her boredom, right now she was just sitting on a stump that didn't have any arm rests or back comforts for her to relax in. She wondered how she looked now that it was officially twelve hours to her surprise, but it was only the beginning of the challenge. She groaned, wishing it would already end. "Ey, you still awake?" Duncan nudges the girl. She nods her head, "Mmhm." "Man this is boring, would rather be doing that 20k run again." He wishes. "I guess that's the point of it, to bore you out of your mind until you feel the hopes of falling asleep." They simultaneously sigh. There was a moment of silence until Duncan spoke. "We should do something." He broached. "Mm, like what?" "Ya know, how I challenged racing you around that lake. It was pretty fun." He leads. "So you wanna do another challenge?" She asks him. "No, I want to get to know you." Armana feels her face flush, but vocally hides it with a laugh. "Why?" She wondered. "Because, it's like my heart is going crazy, and I want to know the reasons why." # ~ Chapter 5 ~ Armana didn't see that she had any other choice. If she wanted her team to win, she would have to stay up as long as possible until there was no one else awake. At least on the other team. <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana</b><b>, 16</b> &gt;It's like that boy has been latched onto me since I don't know, a day we've been here. *sighs* What do I got to lose?&lt; "Well, if it's really to kill the suspense, I guess I could let you in on a little backstory. What would you like to know?" Armana questions, a bit for him to mind there'd be limitations to his curiosity. "I don't care, anything really." Duncan shrugs, freely tempted. "Okay, he's not holding us bondage, so I guess it's okay to walk around–just if you don't fall asleep. Yeah?" Armana looks at Chris, who shrugs. "It'll be midnight in five hours, you have to be back by then or else you'll immediately be counted for falling asleep and losing your team points." He warns. "Oh we won't be out for that long, we'll be back by then." Armana tells Chris, while everyone else began to have thrills what the two would be up to. "Lead the way m'lady." The two teens smile at each other, taking an answer by Chris's silence. Armana decided it would be enjoyable to walk around the lake, regarding its long distance, it would do a lot to have some movement in their muscles. "I'm waiting." Duncan says full of tease and expectancy. "Okay, okay," Armana chuckles at being rushed. "Me and my family, we don't live in Canada, in fact we're just here on vacation for the summer." Duncan felt a bit disappointed, thinking of the fact that if Armana were to be kicked off, he may never see her again. "So then, where do you normally live?" He asks, trying to hide any mushiness. "In Milwaukee, it's a big city in the state Wisconsin, ya know in America...the United States." "Oh, how is it there?" He's curious. "Eh, it's really not that special. America's dairyland, we have all four seasons–can get really cold during the winter. There's a lot of roadwork, the crime rates are really high, especially in Milwaukee. Living the dream, notice the sarcasm." Armana knew she wasn't being the best representative for her native, especially since there wasn't many things famed around it. But she knew people who lived there had to admit they'd rather be somewhere more...prestigious. She wouldn't hear someone happily say, <i>Hey, let's go to Wisconsin.</i> "So then," Duncan's voice breaks her out of her daze. "Why did you want to be on a TV show?" "Mm, well, it's kind of obvious to us all that we want $100,000, but more on the point, I wanted to help my family. My mom owns this boutique, it's having some progress, some of her co-workers are a fan. Me and my dad are selling a lot of artwork, so we make some money from that. My brothers are...just my brothers. So I guess I'm just trying to win for the sake of the money." She explains. "Huh, I didn't know you draw, or at least I haven't been seeing you do it." Armana nods, which is why Duncan finds being intrigued can lead to the best acknowledgement. A smile rose on his face. "What type of stuff do you draw?" He asks, and it must've been personal when he sees the girl suddenly turning shy. "Well, it depends really. I like drawing from fictional sources, like cartoons or anime, to reality so it could possibly balance out how I anatomically proportion things." She slowly answers. "That's a big word." Armana rolls her eyes. "It has a thing to do with the body structure of something." She deadpans. "You know so much." Duncan chuckles. She sighs, deciding to kneel by the water to cup it with both of her hands and bring it to her face. "What're you doing?" Duncan watches her. "Putting water on my face. It always messes up someone's sleep. See, try it." She smiles to try and influence him. She watched as the boy imitated her actions, water dripping from his bit of facial hair. She raises her eyebrows with expectancy when he looked at her, "Eh?" "Yeah I feel bit more awake. Damn, that's quite a brain of yours." He admires. "It's nothing, my dad used to do it to us all the time. But I think its just that you aren't as intelligent, that's all. Thanks though." Armana waves at the subject. "Ya know, it turns me on how cheeky you can be, and I'm not just talking about your personality, babe." Armana flushes, hitting Duncan as he laughs. "My god Duncan, I can never be around you." Armana crosses her arms, pretending a bit to be mad. "Don't act like you're mad, you've just never came to the thought how true these things are." He says. Armana shakes her head, "Says you." "And the thoughts of many other people....boop." Duncan pokes Armana's nose, adored how startled she looked when he did. She knew he just liked seeing her flustered, how he was passing her through all these feelings like he had a remote and was flipping through different channels. "Y-You're just playing with my feelings." She twigs, through her mind of course. "Now now short stack, playing with someone's feelings is when you're <i>lying</i> to them. Trust me, I ain't lying." The boy chuckles. They both share a look but it seemed unequal, since Duncan was full of fun and amusement and Armana looked as if she was gonna stick her foot up his ass. She rolls her eyes, continuing to walk. "Hey, I still want to know about you, you know you're favorite color, birth month...your phone number." He whispers closely into her ear, his words causing her skin to crawl. Armana wipes her ear. "Yeah right Duncan. You know how creepy you sound? Is this how you pick up girls?" She tries to discourage him. "Well, the girls usually come to me. But if it has take some time to settle in short stuff, I have all the time in the world." "Ugh." Despite their small...debates, the two still talked to each other and it would be comfortable to consider them friends. For starters. Though, Armana was still confused how a boy could be attracted to her so quickly. It felt almost very unlikely for her. She guessed that, along common sense, that it was part of the reluctance she had trusting Duncan. But she felt glad to have someone always to talk and share her thoughts with. "Favorite food?" "Mm, Mexican." "Favorite color?" "Baby Pink." "Favorite Song?" Armona shrugs, "I'm between Fergie's <i>Big Girls Don't Cry </i>and <i>California King Bed </i>by Rihanna." "Piercings?" This was a bit personal with what Duncan preferred in other girls. "Well, just on my ears. I have two pairs on each ear so far, just on the lobes. I might get three though and I know I asked my mom for a belly piercing." Duncan was considerably interested. "And what'd she say?" He asked her. "She was okay with it maybe more on the bit when I'm older, but she wasn't sure what my dad would think." "Aw, it would look cute on you." "We both know you would think that Duncan." She chuckles. They then notice how dark it was getting. Armana's heart drops, "Holy crap, what time is it?" "Ey dude you got a watch on you?" Duncan asks the cameraman, who nodded and showed him his phone. "Oh, it's nine o clock." He plainly reads. "Okay, we've at least been gone for three hours. We should start heading back." She advises. "Why? I'm liking this privacy thing." Duncan says, unconcerned and teasing. "Duncan, didn't you hear what Chris said? He said if we didn't make it back before midnight which is the next day, we would be disqualified since we aren't under his watch for the time period standing and we'd possibly lose it for our team." Armana reasons. "Fine, fine." Duncan replies to hearing the girl whine. They had made it back to the campfire in time, Chris immediately turning his head when he hears approaching footsteps. "Oh! I forgot about you two." Chris says, tapping his watch. "Hm, only three hours, why so long?" Armana glares at him for the male to defensively raise his arms while chuckling. "Just kidding." Armana noticed everyone was staring, possibly for disarrayed hair, wrinkly clothes, or any communal body language between the two, before they immediately looked away. She sighs. "You better stay with me shorty." Duncan murmurs, rubbing her shoulder, again for her to smack his hand away which already gave him a sign she was long awake. A couple hours later, Chris cheers. "Congratulations campers, you've made it to the 24 hour mark, but it's time to take it up a notch. Next up, fairytales!" He flips a white sheet off a pile of books while the chef was dressed as a sheep and held a harp. <i>'Quite the man chef'</i> "Aw crap," Duncan mumbles. "Fucking bed time stories." Armana was a bit surprised to hear the obscenity leave his mouth. "Wow, someone must be tired." She remarks, causing the male to groan. "Of course I'm tired, Chris and his boring ass challenge." Armana could tell the boy was pretty irritated. She felt a bit intimidated, but held her ground. "Well Duncan, if you're really that tired....you can go to sleep if you want to. It's not like I'm gonna look down on you if you do." Armana says, but he knew the girl would be disheartened. "Nah, I don't go down without having a fight. Bed stories or not, I'm not going anywhere." They share a promising glance before hearing a glissando of chef's harp. "Once..upon a time..inside this boring kingdom..there was..a boring village." Chris started off, Armana knowing he was reading slowly on purpose. A couple of yawns were heard through everyone. <i>'Oh no, yawns are contagious'</i> Armana had yawned along the others, Duncan raising his head when he sees the girl stretching her body from being in the same position. "You okay?" He asks her. She nods, "I'm fine, it's just that Chris is really pushing it." "I know, my butt's falling asleep." The time went on to where somehow chef had changed into a ballerina dress. Armana looked at him weirdly as he sprang into the air with an elegant leap. It had even turned that she was so tired, there was little sparkles of dust sprinkling from Chef. "Shit, I'm losing my shit." Duncan cusses. "You see it too?" Armana watched incredulously. Chef had strewn the pixie-like dust onto the campers, some type of effect that they were even more weary. "So tired." She yawns, but Duncan shakes her shoulder. "No, don't you fall asleep on me princess, or else I won't see any point in winning this thing because the person who did is...eh too much explaining." Duncan gives up. "No, no, what were you gonna say?" Armana encourages. "That she's asleep." Duncan finishes. Armana didn't want to have to sit through listening Chris and boring fairytales that she would fall asleep, that was when she thought of a small idea. "Hey Duncan." Armana elicits. "Yeah?" He listens in. "I haven't really heard much about you. I know the only thing we chatted about yesterday was only about my life and all I know is that you went to Juvie, and I don't want to hold that against you." A smile is evoked from Duncan at the girl's words, straightening his back from hunching over his crossed legs. "So what you're asking, is that you want to know about me?" The girl nods. "Alrighty then, bring it in." Duncan beckons. Armana turns herself so she'd be facing the rebel. She didn't think they'd have to listen to Chris, although if she were as bored as this during a class session, she wouldn't dare try to talk over the teacher. But of course, this was different. Armana didn't realize—due to how tired she was—that her feet were inside of Duncan's lap. She hugged her legs, her arms engulfing the back of her thighs. Duncan rested his chin on top of his fingers, Armana's knees being his support. The two looked at each other, their eyes blood shot red with bags  under them, but briefly smile knowing they were going through the same torture. "So," Duncan clears his throat. "Uh, lets just say I'm not very fond of following rules." "Mhm." Armana listens. He smirks as he went on, "Well, first of all, most of my family are police people. Ironic right?" Armana nods, surprised as she lets him speak. "Yeah, much for how I was accounted for truancy, violating age curfew laws, public violation, and uh underage possession and consumption of drugs." "Aw, really Duncan." Armana looked at him mildly disappointed. "I know, I know, it's a bad thing to do, which is why my parents sent me to Juvie and hired a parole officer." "Do you still do that stuff? Ya know drugs?" Armana asks, whispering her question. "Aww does princess care about me?" The boy rubs Armana's chin, the girl instantly turning her head away. He was a bit afraid he ruined the close moment they were having, but was pleased when she only stayed put. "Well I'd practically care about anyone if I found out they're using drugs. So do you or do you not?" The girl hastes. "No I don't princess, jeez." Duncan chuckles. "Good cause I was about to kick you in your shit." She sighs of relief. The boy chuckles again. "So, how long have you been in Juvie?" She asks. "Eh I've been in and out a couple of times, maybe even more." The boy shrugs. "Gee Duncan, if you keep it up you could really go to jail, or prison?" Armana gives. "Yeah I've been bothered about that for what? A million times." Duncan overstates. "Because jail or prison is a really sucky place to be. Any captivity really, but Duncan you're still young, you shouldn't just give that up because you're thinking life is all fun and games." The rebel rolls his eyes, but Armana pokes him rapidly to earn a smile from him. "Yeah, yeah whatever I guess you're right." He admits, trying to stop himself from smiling. "I can admit, I'm a good listener," Armana confides. "But more importantly, besides our mistakes, just tell me what you know about yourself." Duncan went on explaining that his favorite music is punk rock, he likes to carve things with the knife he carries, before whispering all the clothes he wears are shoplifted, and that he keeps a lighter in each pocket in case he feels the urge to burn. Ultimately, most of the things about Duncan creeped Armana out but she felt that was what a person would initially think and the more you get to know them, they're actually a cool person. "Also, I'm Asian." Duncan finishes, much for Armana's shock. "Oh seriously? I had no clue." She literally didn't. She was so focused on his hardcore characteristics, that she hadn't noticed how anatomically his eyes were shaped, but were slightly deceiving being the color blue. "Yeah, I saw it on my documentation form." He says. "Is it from one side of the family?" Armana asks, seeing that he could've been biracial. "Eh possibly from my dad—the bastard—we kinda look the same." He says, seeming a bit bumpy with the relationship of him and his father. "Well that's actually pretty cool Duncan." Armana hadn't realized how close she brought her head to Duncan's chest, until she laid on it, thinking it was a pillow. Duncan looked at the girl surprised, seeing as she was looking off in the distance. He was flattered, but he knew she was just tired, she would be scarred if she was fully awake and heard about this. So he rested his arms behind him on the tree stump, being mindful of Armana's boundaries. He hears snickers from the remaining campers, including Chris. "The only thing you shits better be laughing about is how funny you'll look with my foot shoved up your ass." He sharply threatens. Everyone had gone quiet, enough for Duncan to hear quiet snores muffling into his shirt. "Aw man Armana." He says, knowing she wanted to be one of the last ones to win the challenge. He was adored how peaceful she looked, but then chuckles. "Ha, she sleeps with her eyes open." # ~ Chapter 6 ~ The challenge was still lasting, four days having passed, it was torture. Duncan looked to see Chris bringing out a large book. "And so I came up with the most sleep inducing activity I could find; the history of Canada. A pop up book, chapter one; The beaver, the national symbol and a "dam" fine hat." Chris reads. He seemed so energetic, he even had a cup of coffee in his hand. <i>'Son of a bitch, hope he swallows a bug and chokes on it'</i> Duncan groaned, feeling his eyes becoming heavier and heavier to the point where it felt like they were being pulled by strings. Two more people had fell asleep, Heather and Eva, leaving him and Gwen as the last two people on either teams neck and neck. He already missed Armana, simply because she hasn't been awake and he lived hearing her laugh or being nearly revolted when he'd flirt towards her, because he was given attention and all of hers would be on him. Now that she was asleep, as he said, it would be meaningless in winning because his one motivation was now disincentive. After a long period of Chris reading, he paused. "Alright, time for a bathroom break. Any takers?" He asks the leading competitors. Duncan slightly sighed of disappointment, seeing as he would have to lift Armana up from him. He had the strong urge to pee though. "Struggling Duncan?" Gwen teases at seeing Duncan's contemplation. "Shut it." He comments. He gently lays Armana gently on the ground beside where his lap was. His leg had fallen asleep as he staggered standing up. "You've got five minutes," Chris gives. "As long as you don't mind any company." Duncan looked at the cameraman following him. "Fine, but just stay out of the stall." The man nods. Meanwhile, Armana stretches, sitting herself up from the grass. "Aw man, I lost the challenge. I don't even remember falling asleep." The girl mumbles to herself. She looked around, wondering where Duncan was. "And we have news," Chris suddenly announces. "It looks like Duncan has taken a dive on the can. Which means, the official winner of the Awake-a-thon is...Gwen!" <i>What, Duncan was the last to stand for our team?</i> Armana was shocked but for some reason, she felt proud. She guessed it was because it was like the two made a promise to each other that one of them would be the last ones to be awake. Although they didn't win, some satisfactory anchored in Armana's chest how far Duncan had came. She decided to take a shower, which was accommodated in the communal bathroom, but luckily there wasn't really anyone there. She changes into the outfit she leaves outside from the water. She fixes her hair into a low bun while she wore a black halter neck that cropped to her waistline due to the tiny tassel balls hanging from the end of the shirt. She dances her hips into another pair of skinny blue jeans, seeming to be her best friend, before she stuck along with her tennis shoes again. She walks back to the campground, hearing a loud commotion erupting from her team's cabin. She suddenly sees objects being thrown out of the window. "What the hell," Armana was irked. "Why is she throwing all of our stuff on the ground?" "Where is my MP3 player?!" Eva yells. "She's been going at it ever since she woke up." Bridgette says. "Well she shouldn't be having a temper tantrum about it, she's acting like a complete child." Armana watched as the girl groaned and yelled, you could've believed if she were to turn into the Incredible Hulk. "One of you must've stolen it," She points. "I need my music! No one is going anywhere until I get my MP3 player back." Armana looks around. "Could anyone please just save us the episode with finding Eva's MP3 player?" She asks her teammates. "I wouldn't have any idea where it is. For a person to lose their prize possessions, they are always accountable for whatever faults are along that attribute." Courtney confers. A moment later, a girl walks up to them. Her long legs kept her tall, her hips curvy, and her hair black and about her back. Heather walks up to the team. "Wow, this place is quite a mess." She says, looking around her and stepping her heels away from any trash. "Yeah someone stole Eva's MP3 player." Courtney sighs. "You don't mean <i>this </i>do you?" Heather takes a device out of her pocket. "I just saw it lying around so I wasn't sure who it belonged to. You must've dropped it." Eva runs up to Heather, full of relief and joy as she hugged the player to her face. Though, Armana felt something was up, sensing pretense in Heather's voice. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" She cheers. "Sure thing." Heather walks away before Eva catches everyone glaring at her for her...unnecessary chaos. "So, sorry about that..misunderstanding. Guess no one stole it after all....okay maybe I overreacted a little." <i>A way to downplay it don't you think?</i> That day, the Killer Bass had to vote for another one of their team members. At the campfire, Armana sat next to a grumpy Duncan. She figured it was from the lack of sleep, he looked horrible. She ruffles Duncan's hair, feeling as he tensed and immediately turned with determination to crush the person. But when he sees the girl, he eases into her touch, Armana hearing as the boy deeply expired. "Campers! You know the drill. There's one less marshmallow from your sitting team and of course, that ugly duckling will have to catch the Boat of Losers. Just to be on terms, you may never come back. Ever!" Chris briefs. The first marshmallow had gone to Duncan, of course since he was the last to stand on their team. Armana was the third to be announced, watching as it had wore down to Eva and Harold. "Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening." Chris says. The remaining two teens looked eagerly at the treat, again with the dramatic waiting. "Harold." The ginger smiled, walking away with his marshmallow. <i>Good for him.</i> "Eva," Chris looks at the losing contestant. "The dock awaits." Eva didn't seem so happy with the team's deliberation. "Nice. Really nice," She speaks sarcastically, as if to compliment like the team made a wise choice. "Who needs this stupid TV Show anyway?" They all watched as she stormed off, stomping on Chris's foot in the process. But so then, she exited further and further away from their worries. After a quick time of roasting their marshmallows at the fire, Armana and Duncan walked together along the trip to their team's cabin. "Ya know Duncan, to know that you stayed up like four days in a row and be near the last one standing, that takes a lot of guts. Plus it says a lot about how competitive you are." Armana says, basically complimenting him. "I'm just glad it's over, stuff was torture." He says, before he breathes a strong yawn. "So, tell me, why did you guys vote off Eva. The girl may have seemed quick to lose her temper, but she was a machine. The girl was like our strongest member." Armana shrugs. "I guess you do have a point, our other reliance would be DJ. That guy's got some guns." Armana did see her type in guys with muscles, just because it was an indicator of their physical abilities and protection. "I will admit that I'm not too far myself." Duncan bounces his eyebrows at her. Armana playfully pushes him away, "Yeah, whatever." It was a couple of seconds the two had walked in silence until Duncan easily scooped the female from underneath her knees and into his arms, carrying her bridal style. "What the hell Duncan?! Put me down!" The girl demanded, softly smacking him on his chest but was full of laughter. She squealed and giggled as Duncan ran and carried her body until he was on the porch of the cabin. They look at each other but Armana breaks the glance by leaning her head back into his forearm and sighing. Duncan chuckles, letting the girl's feet settle on the wood. "You're such a..."Armana thought carefully, Duncan's armed crossed as he looked at the girl, his eyebrows raised, waiting for her answer. "I'm waiting." He smirks. She sighs, "You're such a." "I'm such a?" He laughs. "Yes, yourself as a person has become so artful with his decisions, that it's just to think what your next move would be, and therefore it's free to think of you anything despicably imaginative." "Ouch." Duncan only laughs though, Armana cracking a smile. There was another silence, by then a band of crickets nowhere to be found. Armana had reached the door handle to step inside but Duncan stops her, cornering her by her back touching the bench. He leans his forehead onto hers, his hands on her arms while his thumbs were circling in place. There was only a gap between their lips, enough to breathe but possibly each other's air. "Duncan?" Armana softly speaks, eying him as he stayed in place. He breaks himself away from her, the girl bewildered as he smiles. "Night Armana." He wishes her, disappearing into the boys side of the cabin. <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;I had no idea what had just happened...it was like he wanted to kiss me. He definitely caught me off guard, but I wondered why he stopped. It was almost as if he forced himself to...&lt; Shortly, Armana pulls herself out of her trance and opens the door to her side of the cabin. She restrained herself with making too much noise since she wasn't sure who would be asleep or not. But as she walks in— "We totally ship you and Duncan for life." Everyone was awake, looking at the girl with big smiles on their faces. Armana was shocked, a bit spooked how everyone must've heard them outside. "What?" Armana says to defensively keep herself attentive and at the same occurrence realizing what Katie and Sadie had just said. "Armona, that was like the cutest thing ever. I knew there was something up." Bridgette says, revealing her sneaky perceptions. All the girls hassled at Armana, which they knew would irritate the girl. "Guys! Could you please just settle down." Armana wishes. All the girls giggled and sat on the nearest furniture. "Look, me and Duncan...we're just friends." Armana reasons, but it storms more laughter. "They always say that." Jojo stereotyped. "Armana, you and Duncan aren't just friends you two nearly kissed." Bridgette points. "Yeah well." Armona struggled what to retort back, and of course failed. She sighs, sitting down next to Bridgette. "It's okay girl, just admit it, you have a crush. Nothing to be ashamed of." Jojo tells the girl. "No, I don't have a crush on him," Armana denies, much to everyone's disappointment. "Now let's all go to sleep, who knows what Chris will bring in the morning." Armana changed into her pajamas and climbed up her top bunk, trying to ignore the fast pounding in her chest. The next morning, everyone was requested for breakfast. Armana didn't look much different from yesterday, except that her shirt spaghetti strapped her clavicle, cascading in linen flows to the buttoning of her jeans. She walks out the home cabin with the others. Duncan was leaning his back against the entrance of the lodge, feeling enlightened when he sees Armana approaching towards the area. "Morning little lady." Duncan greets her. "Duncan." She simply replies. The two sat next to each other after they received their food, Duncan resting his head on the table. "What's wrong? Get any sleep last night?" Armana studies him, seeing the same bags under his eyes. "Yeah, still tired though." Duncan replies. "Duncaaan." Chris walks in, the teen forcing himself to look at the host. "You look like crap dude." He comments with a wide smirk on his face. "Stuff it." Duncan retorts. Armana hadn't known when the boy rested his head back down, he leaned his head on her arm a bit. "Ugh, I would've slept more easier if you guys weren't laughing so much plus Harold's snoring." Courtney complains towards her teammates. "Oh sorry Courtney, I didn't know you were sleeping." Armana excuses. "Wow," Chris amuses. "Four nights with no sleep? How much are you hurting dude?" "Wanna find out?" Duncan threatens a fist, Armona holding her hand near his abdomen in case he jumped out of his seat. "No, no, it's cool but jeez to say snuggle bug Armana." Chris winks at her while people began to snicker. "Wait what? What's going on?" Armana realizes it was something aiming towards her. "Ahem, Armana," Bridgette says. "You fell asleep during the challenge but it was to cuddling with Duncan." Armana gasps, looking at an innocent smiling Duncan. "What? I don't remember any of this, are you guys just messing with me?" Armana frowns. "Nope, you were all up on him girl." LeShawna laughs. Armana huffs, embarrassed and finding it of a jerk that everyone was just laughing at her, including chef. Duncan chuckles, usually the code that would crack a smile from any seriousness on the girl's face but she faces away from the rebel. He began to feel bad and immediately defends her. "Shut up idiots! She was obviously tired, so cut your shit and lay off." He defended, the room falling silent. It was until he suddenly hears laughing again, ready to staple their mouths together until he looks ahead of him. Armana sees when Harold had sat in a open spot at their table, he had sharpie drawn above his lip as in to be a mustache. "Okay, what?" Harold asks, irritated. "Someone messed with your face dude." Geoff chuckles. He looks in his reflection of a spoon, smiling apparently. "Woah, sweet stache." Armana rolls her eyes but she was glad the attention was fading away from her. At least as it had looked for the moment. She feels a nudge on her arm, turning to see Duncan smiling at her. She sighs, deciding to turn herself towards him. "Thanks for standing up for me, D. I seriously didn't know what was happening that night to stay up for more than thirty hours. And to have people laughing at me makes me feel completely stupid." Armana says, embarrassed. "You're not stupid, especially if you know it wasn't intended. I just hate it when people get extra irritating just because they're all in their hormones for some other people to start dating. Which I'm not saying it couldn't happen between us, but—" "Yeah keep dreaming." Armana says. She liked Duncan's response though, it was like he could understand her from times of her getting irritated with him—especially since he defended her for the oblivion. The Gophers began cheering at the sight of Gwen, Armona seeing the girl was saying something before she face planted on the table. <i>Must've fallen asleep</i> She looked as Duncan was resting for a bit, since he said he was tired. "Hey fish heads!" She hears Heather. "Way to kick out your strongest player. Why don't you just give up now?" <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;I'm already not liking Heather, I feel like she had something to do with Eva's elimination even though yeah it was our decision but did she really just so happened to find Eva's MP3 player on the ground? She's enough of a Regina to do that, my bitch senses are tingling.&lt; Courtney flings a spoonful of oatmeal at Heather, but the girl dodges and it ends up flying in Gwen's face. "Missed me." Heather smiles. But Armana throws her drink in the girl's face, gasping although it was completely voluntary. "Oh my gosh. Heather," Armana pretends to be astonished. "I am so sorry, I thought you were a witch." Everyone laughs, Duncan having looked up by the time. "You're going to regret this!" Heather angrily portends. "Oh my god," Duncan laughs, seeing Heather storm back to her seat. "That was completely awesome! Put 'er there." They both high five, Duncan interlocking his fingers between Armana's. She gives him a glare but is shocked when he brings the front of her hand up to his lips and kisses it. She snatches her hand away, but doesn't wipe it, feeling as the kiss was being memorized by her skin. # ~ Chapter 7 ~ "Alright campers listen up, your next challenge will begin in 10 minutes and be prepared to bring it." Chris announces. Armana had looked at Duncan strangely as a big smirk expanded up his cheeks. They all left the dining hall and are lead to the shore where a set up of clear glass walls are encompassing a court. Armana looks up at her surroundings, entering the prearrangement. She is followed by Duncan who crashes on the bleachers. "Wake me up, and it'll be the last thing you'll do." Duncan promises, pointing at his team—besides Armona—before exhaustedly laying the side of his face down on the bench. They all stood in a line, on the (somehow) gym floor. Chef Hatchet was the ref, giving the teams ugly mugs and looks before standing with Chris. "Today's challenge is the classic game of Dodgeball," Chris presents. "The first rule of dodgeball is–" "Not talk about dodgeball?" A short boy who Armana knew was a bit of a know-it-all, including his chosen sarcasm, interrupted Chris. "As I was saying, if you get hit with the ball," Chris throws the ball at Armana, which she catches, hearing as the ball resonates before chucking the same force at Chris. "You're out. If you catch the ball, you'll get to bring another team member out on the court." "Okay now Geoff try to hit me," He tosses a ball to the guy, having one himself. "If you're holding a ball, you can use it to deflect the ball. But if the ball falls out of your hands, you're out." Armana never really played dodgeball, except games she's played in middle school but the balls were made of foam. She'd usually see these types of things in movies or other tv films, which probably sets the air that this could possibly be lethal. "Wait, so what do I do when the ball is coming at me?" Lindsay, the traditional pretty-blonde-yet-super-dumb girl, asks. "You dodge!" He deflects Geoff's ball with the one he's holding, which slightly ricochets and hits Lindsay in the face. <i>'Way to keep the tradition' </i> "Oooh," Chris utters imagining how painful that ball could've been. "You were suppose to dodge!" "Ugh, right." Lindsay listens, but there's a huge knot on her forehead. Armana shakes her head. But she could only imagine that would be her how clumsy she can be. "You have one minute til game time. Gophers, you'll have to sit one person out each game." Chris finishes. Armana looks to see that there were already a certain number of people sitting out the game, which meant that she would have to play out court. They all stood behind an aligned row of balls on either sides. "Bring it on fishies, winning three in a row just won't be as satisfying." Heather's smug. Much for Armana's irritation. "Bring it on, were gonna bring the dinner to the table and then we're gonna eat it." Tyler <i>fails </i>to comeback, which Heather was probably looking for because she only worked her best with dumb enough people to think she's their savior. But the entire team looked confident, which could've been apart of some plan. "Alright, best five out of five wins! Let's play, some ball!" Chris cues. Armana made sure she was one of the first people to pick up a ball, quickly peering at the Gophers as three of their members did so as well. A boy takes the first shot, the ball neighboring Tyler but he dodges. He then takes a spin, possibly as an initiative to build power in the strike of his arm but when he does, it completely goes out of bounds and ends up hitting Sadie in the face. "That's one way to smear the makeup." Chris comments. "Great job, now lets see if you can hit someone on their team." Courtney gives Tyler her ball, which chubster Owen tries to take advantage of. Armana chucks her ball at the boy as he was beyond focused on hitting Tyler. Without seeing the ball speeding towards him, It impacts the boy on his sides, seeing as his rolls rippled and flapped with it. Chef blows his whistle, Armana earning a cheer from her team. "Nice blow by Armana." She hears Chris. Harold takes his turn next, looking at LeShawna. "Time to unleash my wicked skills." He announces. "Oh yeah string bean? Come on then, show me what ya got?" Harold does some type of extra stepping before he makes his move, using his hands to just bounce the ball hardly on the floor and definitely overestimating logic for it to somehow hit the girl. But of course, it only bounces on his side and slowly rolls over by LeShawna's feet. She picks up the ball aiming towards a screaming Harold. Armana watched as she hits him into the wall. "Ooh." Armana winces at the sight. But she wondered why people were taking turns, it was only making the game more simpler than it was to actually throw the balls at each other. She watches as the Gophers cheered but Katie still having her ball, she launches it at a confused Lindsay. She receives another bruise on her face but apparently, her and Tyler were eying each other which sparked Heather into throwing a ball at Tyler. "What the heck was that? Ref he's not even out on the court." Courtney protested at Chef. He looked with contemplation but Heather innocently shrugs. "Oops, slipped." She lies. Armana and Courtney groaned at the same time, the two looking at each other before agreeing to throw their ball on the same count. Courtney's ball was caught by a scrawny flirt named Cody from hitting Heather but Armana's ball had aimed on his thigh while he paid attention on Courtney. The Gophers were down to three players, one short from The Killer Bass. But it had came down to evenly being two players on either side, Armana and DJ lasting on the court. DJ aims for LeShawna, which she deflects with her ball, again a passageway for Armana to hit her ball at her. DJ was hit out and it came down to Armana and Heather. "You got this Armana!" She firstly hears from Courtney before the others begin cheering for her. She glares at Heather who glares at her, both having an open field to dodge and use their weapons. But the girls suddenly hear Beth, a spitting-bracer-talking girl shouting. "Look out! There's water!" She yells. Armana looks down at the ground to catch the issue but much for her distraction, Heather took the advantage to throw her ball at the girl. Armana is shocked to feel a weight on her shoulder, suddenly seeing a ball bouncing from her way. Chef blows his whistle, calling the Gophers a win for the first round. "Aw seriously?" Armana groans underneath her breath, catching a glimpse of Heather and the girl giving each other a high five. <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana</b><b>, 16</b> &gt;What a bitch&lt; Her team gathered around her, some patting her back. "That was such a foul play, can't believe he still counted that." Bridgette says. "You're telling me." Armana rolls her eyes. The team huddled in. "Guys, we can do this. We just need to believe in ourselves." Harold says. "Oh I believe. I believe you suck!" Courtney rebuttals. "Yeah, you throw like a girl." Tyler comments. "Ahem." Armana pretends to clear her throat, loud enough for Tyler to hear. The boy reacts but Courtney points at him, "You should talk." "It was just a warm up throw. Look I can dominate this game, just give all the balls to me." "Pfft. Good luck." Armana whispers to Bridgette, who chuckles. It was the next round, Armana decided to sit out. She sat next to Duncan's head, listening to his light snores. "God, Duncan, it's so boring that you're asleep and I have no one to talk to." Armana nonchalantly talks to the unconscious boy, figuring it was the only thing she could do to pass time. She watches as her team is being knocked down. "You should've seen what happened the first round. I was like, kicking ass until Miss Tomb Raider and Darla from Finding Nemo ruined it for me....you would totally laugh at that." By then, her team lost another round. "Hey! It's two to zero, how does it feel to suck so much?" She hears Heather brag. "Yes Heather how does it feel?" Armana retorts, obviously double interpreting to what the girl meant. Bridgette and Jojo laugh while the two girls glance daggers at each other. The team sat on the bleachers, consulting through their given break before the next round. "Okay this is bad, if they keep this up, we'll lose the whole challenge–again–we can't let that happen people. We need someone mean, someone who'll crush those stupid Gophers into the dirt!" Courtney necessitates. Everyone looked at a certain person then of course at Armana, who wasn't paying attention. "Well it ain't me, he'll kill us." DJ backs down. "He won't kill us guys, he wants to win too." Courtney assures. "Courtney's right, we'll need Duncan's fierceness." Harold agrees. "That's the spirit Harold...now go wake him up." The ginger was shocked when he was double-crossed. "What?! Why me? The person who <i>should</i> wake him up is the only person here Duncan has the exception of killing. Armana." Armana perks up at the sound of her name. "Hm? Did you guys say something?" Armana checks. "Yes, we need you to wake up Duncan so we can bring more aggression to our team." Courtney reasons. Duncan sighs in his sleep. Armana felt a bit bad because he wasn't having as much of an amount of sleep. She saw as her team steadily watched her, so it was like she was pressured to wake him up. She laughs but kneels down by Duncan's ear. "Duncan...Duncan." She talks into his ear, slightly rubbing his back. His snorts halt before his eyes eventually roll open. "Hm?" He mumbles. "Duncan, hey look, we're all losing right now, so—" "What do you dimwits want?" He found Armana having to explain herself was already an indication that it was of the others. He was a bit pleased they at least heeded his warning, but his irritability was still preserved. "Look, we're down two nothing, I can appreciate you need a little nap time but we need your help." Courtney tells him. "Oh and why should I help you darling?" Duncan mocks her. "Because I can personally guarantee you if we lose this game, you'll be the one going home, darling." Armana was amused watching from the sidelines, but she secretly didn't want Duncan going home anytime soon. He sighs, "Fine I'll play but on one condition; you'll do what I say when I say it." Courtney nods. "Okay, here's a strategy I learned during my first visit to Juvie. Its called, crush the new guy." <i>'So was he the new guy?'</i> Armana shrugged as Duncan went on explaining his methods. She feels Bridgette poking her finger into her arm. "What is it Britt?" Armana chuckles, knowing the girl always had a comment when she'd see Duncan and Armana in the same room. "Did you see that? It's like he has a soft spot for you, he didn't yell at you or anything. Like he's leaving you out on all of his threats." Bridgette giggles. "Really Britt? I don't know, maybe it's just how the guy is. He does try to act tough time to time." Armana passes off. "But like every armored animal, they have their armory to protect whatever's mushy, which is what makes them vulnerable. Don't act like you don't know how strong his weak spot is for you, he's wants to please you. He likes your attention." Armana rolls her eyes, but a sheepish smile grew on her face. "Eh, whatev–" "Whatever doesn't mean it's the end of an argument Armana. Quit thinking down on yourself, because you're only rejecting my words since you aren't secure about yourself being enough for Duncan. You aren't sure if you look good enough, if you're actually his type, if he means the words he says because you've never met a person so...affectionate about you." Armana felt as if Bridgette was looking right through her. She huffs, leaning her chin inside her palm. "Britt, why are you so crazy about this, it's not like I bombard you about you and Geoff." Armana says, a flushed Bridgette. "Well...th-that's off limits. But, I guess I would just totally be up for you and Duncan to admit that you two like each other, kiss, and that's that, Armancan." Armana laughs as Bridgette had combined her and Duncan's name. "Seriously, Armancan? That's the corniest thing I have ever heard." Armana laughs. "Well that's what all the fans are thinking." Armana shook her head, watching as the Killer Bass stood on the court mentally choreographed of Duncan's plan. The Gophers laughed, shit-eating grins on their faces as they laid loosely mindful of the other team. <i>'This is gonna be fun'</i> The gophers took the first two throws, flying past Duncan as he easily stepped aside and let the balls bounce off the wall. Katie caught them in her arms, passing them down the row of her teammates for them all to have a ball. They throw it all at once, scoring efficiently when all the balls hit Owen. "Wait, doesn't it just look like they learned how to play regular dodgeball?" Bridgette asks. "I thought that too," Armana chuckles. "But it actually works, since you know if all those balls are coming at you, you won't really have a chance to dodge them, deflect them, or maybe even to react to them coming. It plays against your defenses." "Hm." The Killer Bass had won the round, cheering as the team huddled together. "I think we should do the same thing all over again, so Harold sit this one out too." Courtney insists. "But I don't want to sit another round out." Harold says. "It's for the good of the team." Courtney shrugs. Geoff pats Harold's back as Courtney decided who should be out for the next round. Armana sits with Harold, mimicking his frown. She bumps her shoes next to Harold's, seeing as she repeated it he looks up at her. "Sorry, it's not like I'm picking on you or anything. I just thought it was a bit bogus what Courtney said." Armana admits. "Huh? Oh yeah, I just wanna be able to play ya know? It sucks that they think I'll let them down." Harold says. "It's okay, shake it off. I think what really makes a team is motivating your teammates and supporting each other. You'll need to work with strengths and weaknesses for things to equal out. It just doesn't work if you only have certain people out on the court, then it would set weak spots since there isn't much cooperation between everyone. Ya know?" Harold nods while Armana hadn't noticed that Duncan was watching her, talking to him. It slightly made him jealous, as he had simply thought. But no, he was completely enraged. He was focused on winning Armana's feelings, who knew if the wimpy dork was trying to be slick or something. The Killer Bass had won their next round, tying the game two on two. It was the last round to be played before there'd be another loss for a camper. Both teams huddled in a circle, Duncan standing by Armana as he had only reached his arm around her neck and leaned her near his armpit. "Okay? Who's going in?" Duncan slightly aggresses, still provoked by the previous sight of Armana and Harold. "I think it's my turn." Harold offers. Duncan looks at him bitterly. "Fuck off, fuckface." Duncan insults. "Holy crap Duncan, don't be rude," Armana tells him, the boy groaning. "But we need to be resourceful of our team, watch where the ball is coming, see where the team is weak, keep using our strategy." Everyone nods. "Gophers, Bass," Chris says. "Let's send this to the lab and see what you're made of." Everyone was in and out, Armana having joined the court which puts a smirk on Duncan's face. He opens his mouth, but Armana knows what he'd say. "Keep those thoughts to yourself." She says, the boy laughing. The Gophers seemed to have picked up a strategy but began to follow behind the Bass. Armana had purposefully gotten herself out, having missed on the team's-altogether-throw. A ball was thrown at her and she walks around her team's half. She immediately offers her ball to Harold, who smiles. "Back of the court, nerd." Duncan orders. Harold follows, but the team soon led to everyone being shot out, leaving the ginger alone against Owen who is more than three times his size. The room was silent, but there was a doubt on how the round would play out, the Gophers cheering for what they were thinking was an <i>easy out.</i> "Sorry dude, but you gotta go down." Owen says. Harold pops into a few karate moves before beckoning the boy to move forward. Owen chucks all four of his balls at once, but Harold successively statures his movements to avoid them, the last ball turning into him bridging his back to perform a matrix. Everyone gasps. <i>'If only he played sooner'</i> "Okay, time out! Time out!" Courtney calls. Armana found it funny that there was a towel around his neck as Bridgette squeezed water into his mouth with a bucket held for him to spit it in. He was only out for a couple of seconds. They must've been giving him the nourishment because it was close game. "Harold, that was an epic way to start the game," She high fives him. "Where'd you learn to do that?" Harold spits his water in Tyler's face. <i>'Gross'</i> "Figure skating." He answers. "Harold, that was awesome, but dodging isn't enough." Geoff says. "He's right," Courtney sides. "To win this, you'll either have to throw him out–" "Which we all know you can't do." Duncan possibly downgrades, since he hasn't been saying the nicest of things. "Or you'll have to catch the ball. Yeah?" Armana says. Harold nods, taking off as everyone –most of his team– cheered for him. Long story short, Harold caught Owen's fast throw, saving his team from another elimination. Armona felt proud seeing as Harold was being lifted on his team's shoulders out the door. She turns to Duncan who held a mug on his face. "Hey," The boy looks at her. "Why were you being mean to Harold?" He shrugs, "Its not like there's any worry what I was saying towards him. I don't think anyone likes him as much anyway–" "Duncan, seriously, its not funny when people pick on others." Duncan sighs, listening to the girl since he cared about her. "Fine, I was just a bit jealous okay? You were talking to him like you guys were becoming all buddy buddy. You weren't paying attention to me." Armana looks at Duncan confused, remembering how Bridgette's words were strangely pronounced. <i>Don't act like you don't know how strong his weak spot is for you, he's wants to please you. He likes your attention.</i> "Why would you get jealous? It's not like you have property over me anyway." Armana shrugs. "I know but..." Duncan's words trailed off, Armana seeing as the blue hue of his eyes focused somewhere else along the ground. She smiles, pushing her finger on Duncan's jaw to have him look at her. "We'll talk later, okay? I guess it's fine if you have protective feelings over me...it's kinda cute actually." Armana admits, watching as Duncan widely smirked. "Oh yeah?" He bites his lip. "Yeah, but don't get it twisted, I still don't want you being mean to Harold and not just him specifically but other people too. I know you could be joking sometimes, just watch how you treat others. Cause ya know what?" She leaned into Duncan's face. "What?" He touches his nose with her. "I find nice guys pretty hot." She responds, backing away and walking off, leaving the boy aroused. # ~ Chapter 8 ~ Duncan panted, finishing his business as he zipped his pants back up. He washed and dried his hands, smiling as he came out of the bathroom with the new feeling of relief. <i>'Damn you </i><i>Armana</i><i>'</i> The girl was sitting on one side of the porch of the cabin, something in her hands. "Ya know Armana, fuck you." Duncan cussed at the girl, but when she looked at him he was clearly joking. "Eh, not a fan," Armana chuckles. "What happened?" "Don't act like you're all innocent, you know what you did back there." Armana chuckles, knowing what he was referring to. "How does it feel?" Armona teases. "Well good now, now that it's gone." There was a silence. "Wait did you..." "Took my time doing it." Duncan shrugs. Armana covers her mouth in shock, bursting into laughter. "Oh my god, seriously Duncan?" She laughs. "You shouldn't do things like that." Duncan says. The girl shook her head but Duncan then sees what she has over her lap. "Hey, are you drawing?" Duncan immediately remembered her so said talent as he asks her, causing the girl's laughter to stop and hide her sketchbook. "No." Her voice shrinks. "Yes you are, or else you wouldn't be acting all shy and stuff and just show me. Come on, I promise I won't judge you or anything just let me see." Duncan opens his hand. Armana shakes her head no. "Please, Princess?" She looks at Duncan as he pouted. She sighs, giving in and handing her book to him. "It's not finished yet." She says quietly, carefully watching his reaction. Duncan studied the picture, seeing that she was just about outlining. He moves his thumb, first noticing the face of a girl. Her eyes are just about wide, that of a vacant stare of a doe, but they squinted with the lift of her cheeks and her expanding full smile. He looks at the fine line of her eyebrows, naturally full and arched. Her nose. He always liked her nose. It was broad and at the same time it seemed to curve perfectly on its shape. Her thick hair was kept in a low bun, distinctly coily with each strand. Altogether, it looked exactly like Armana, and he was surprised the girl drew so advanced that she could manage to. Noticing she only took up half of the paper, he moves his other thumb, a rhythmic bounce felt in his chest. He sees himself leaning his elbow on her shoulder, a smirk on his face as there's a speech bubble exacting his same words as <i>'Hey, short st</i><i>uff</i><i>'. </i>Armana watched him as he analyzed her drawing, patiently waiting for him to say something. Suddenly, he begins to flip through other pages to see any other of her drawings. Much for the girl's fear. "N-No, Duncan." She reaches to grab her book, but Duncan holds it from her reach. "What? Your drawings are great, you do even better than a camera." He compliments her, by then heat warming Armana's face. "I really like the one you did of me, reminds me how hot I look." Duncan self assures himself. "Can you just give it back please?" Armana hides under her hand, reaching her other arm out and waving her fingers. He decided to hand it back to her, especially since he didn't want anything to happen to it, knowing it was probably really special to her. "Thanks though Duncan," Armana smiles. "Took a lot of time, especially with your jaw work and your eyes." Duncan slides closer to her, enough to smell her scent. "Where'd you learn to draw like that?" He asks. "My dad. Mainly. He's a really good artist, he taught me how to draw more males since I always used to draw girls. But I also learned on body work, proportions and stuff like that." Duncan nods. Armana turns to him, her hands on his thigh as she leaned. "Are you good at anything?" She asks, Duncan smirking before she realized what she was doing and removed her hands. "Eh, nothing much, I just like to carve things, spray paint over walls, break the rules with stuff like that. But I can tell you one thing." Duncan says. "Yeah?" Armana waits. "I'm known to be a really good kisse–" Armana stands up to walk inside but Duncan grabs her wrist. He laughs, "I'm just kidding, you know I just like you." "Mmhm." Armana hums knowingly. "Oh come on pretty girl, quit hiding the obvious. We both like each other, we're meant to be." He confides. "Duncan, keep your wild dreams to yourself. It's good to know you're still in check though." She waves. Duncan grunts, still not letting the girl go. Her body almost fell when she went and a tug was still on her wrist. She sees Duncan take a deep breath. Still having her wrist, he moves her hand on his choker then near his ear and lastly lifted her hand to where he had her thumbnail underneath his teeth and above his smiling lips. "You're playing hard to get, I can feel it. I wouldn't do anything without your consent though, it's really not as attractive. I know you like me though, how couldn't you? Im irresistible. You don't have to be scared, but until then..." He takes her nail away from his lips, carefully placing her hand down to her side. While she stood still, he smoothes his hands down her arms and holds her hands before planting his lips on her cheek. He kept his lips there, puckering a second after the other. Until he took a deep breath and stopped himself from going any further. <i>'It's so hard'</i> He looks at Armana who is in wild shock. He chuckles at her reaction. "W-What was that for?" Armana finally breathes. "I don't know, kind of a clue for you to take a chance." He says. Armana's eyes are wide again. Her feet are frozen in place and her nostrils are flared with her steadied breathing. She doesn't know what's wrong with her. Her heart is obviously intelligent but her body is...somewhere else right now. "Hey, it's cool, I'm not pushing anything," Duncan reassures her. "I know your friends are all geeking out about us...well us mentally, so whatever there could be that they're saying, don't be pushed to do anything or else i'll feel it and it's like everything is built on being forced. I definitely wouldn't want that. Ya know?" Armana nods. Duncan leans by her face again, Armana glaring at him. "Just one more please?" He asks, brushing his cheek against her own. Her silence gives him the permission to kiss her again. He kisses her cheek, giving her slightly extra kisses. "Duncan." Armana tries to hide her laugh. "Oh yeah, sorry." Duncan retreats from her. The two slightly part. "Think about me." Duncan tells her. "Oh I will." Armona sarcastically says back. They look at each other, before closing the doors to rest for the night. The speakers on the post pole blared of Chris's voice. "Alright campers enough beauty sleep. Time to show us what you're made of!" Armana groggily wakes up from her pillow, sitting up immediately to be ready. "I hate it how Chris does this every morning." Jojo says as they all rush to put their clothes on after their shower. "I can agree with you on that, somehow its iconic that he's always light as day." Armana responds. She decided she'd throw on a graphic shirt of one of her favorite music bands, Gorillaz, switching it up with a pair of denim shorts and going back to her Nike Air Max. She routines around the bathroom and brushes her hair into a high bun. She hated the feeling of being rushed, it only made things worse because you'd be thinking if you missed to do something or not. They all arrive at a theater inspired set up. Armana guessed they were sitting on the wooden bleachers that sloped in front of the stage, of course divided into two different sets of steps that would make up as being on separate teams. "Here, next to me." Duncan pats an open space next to him. Armana shrugs, walking up the creaky steps to substitute the spot Duncan indicated. "I wonder what this whole set up thing is for. Do you think it could be our challenge?" Armana asks him. "Who knows. Maybe we'll see some Sugar Plum Fairy crap." Duncan responds. Armana laughs, remembering Chef in his tutu dress. "Like remember the time Chef was dressed as a ballerina?" She summons. "Oh yeah, that big man was looking goofy as hell. He'd be stomping all over the stage." The two laughed in the memory of chef's...costumes. It was a question why he chose them, especially if one were so muscular and mean that you'd never expect the sight. That was the best part of it. "Welcome to our brand new deluxe, state of the art, outdoor Amphitheater," Chris greets. "This week's challenge is a summer camp favorite; a talent contest." "A talent contest?" Armana mumbles, besides others cheering. "Each team will have eight hours to pick their three most talented campers and they will represent you in the show tonight. Sing, dance, juggle. Anything goes, as long as it's legal." Armana laughs as Chris exchanges looks with Duncan, who snaps his fingers in shame. "You'll be judged by our resident talent scout, former DJ BJ and rap legend; Grand Master Chef, who'll show his approval via the Chef o Meter. But which ever team loses will send one camper home..tonight. Good luck." The sound of a talent contest was interesting, as Armana thought, there really wasn't a deadly end to it. They all walk back to their cabins, everyone full of thrill of what possibly made their team special. Armana sat on the top of the porch steps, watching along the others as they auditioned. Duncan slightly nudged the girl on her arm. "You should audition." He suggests. "Why? I don't really have anything like singing, dancing, or playing music." Armana sighs. "It doesn't have to be anything like that. Like Chris said, 'anything goes'. Your drawings are amazing, just like you." Armana rolls her eyes with a smile, but catches a glimpse of Katie and Sadie dancing. <i>'What are they doing?'</i> They helped exemplify exactly why the girl chooses not to dance. "Well I definitely wouldn't name anyone else having a talent." Duncan says. Armana sighed as she watches Tyler fidgeting with his yo-yo, failing as the toy still spun with its string enclosing around his body. <i>'It's gonna be a long ride'</i> As they sat through the team's tragic attempts, so far it wasn't becoming any better except DJ earning a spot with rhythmic gymnastics. Meanwhile, Armana felt a tickle in the inside of her thigh. She sees Duncan's fingernail lightly tracing along her skin as he leaned on his elbows to watch the others perform. "Duncan," Armana mumbles, but loud enough for the boy to hear. "What're you doing?" Duncan looks down at his hand and presses his finger into Armana's skin, causing the girl to twitch. "I don't know, just bored. I'd rather watch an entire TV show made of you if that was ever possible, princess." Duncan smirks. Armana moves his hand away, closing her legs. Duncan chuckles with the low depths of his voice, always pulling Armana into a world of feelings. She thinks she likes his laugh, there was something about it that just compliments his entire ego. It made her want to hug up against him, claim him hers and make the other girls jealous. But that, she still hesitated. "Me! I can stand doing a hand stand for twenty minutes. Watch." Armana hears Bridgette challenge, the girl balancing herself on her hands. "Yeah that'd be cute if you were a monkey," Courtney criticizes. "I just don't think it's what we're looking for. Next!" Duncan groans, looking at Armana again. "This is boring, why couldn't we just choose any person and then there's that. Saves us a lifetime." Duncan complains. "Because, we'd gain a lot of points depending on who Chef likes the best and so that would keep us from going to elimination. Like every other challenge duh." Armana states. Duncan smiles, always up for Armana's sassy comebacks. That was when a thought rang inside his head. "Hey." He nudges her arm. "Hm?" She responds. "Do you remember yesterday? Ya know when I gave you a kiss?" He whispers. The girl sighs, leading Duncan into laughs while she began to fluster. "Yes, why?" She asks, abashed. "Does that mean I can do that? Ya know, kiss you?" Armana looks at Duncan shyly before letting off a couple of giggles. "I don't know Duncan. I thought it was just during that moment because you were trying to hold yourself back." She considered. "Well yeah, to be honest I was. I know I can be a touchy-feely person, so I'm just asking for future measures." Duncan smugly shrugs. Armana shakes her head, sighing as it seemed Duncan was planning things. She smiles, "Don't think you're being slick Duncan, I'm not just some free ride." "Mm, may I have a ticket then?" Their conversation was hung by their team clapping, Armana seeing Courtney with her violin and politely lowers into a bow. "Well, that makes me a spot, and so there's just one more." Courtney signifies. "Ey Court, watch me." Geoff notifies. He offers with his skateboard, landing it on the ground before he rolls himself around the open space and stunts from over a mount. He manages to ride over a slant of a tree stump, kicking up his board afterwards. Everyone cheers, Courtney seeming to approve. "Well, that makes the last of the list; DJ's ribbon dance or something, My violin solo, and Geoff's skateboard." Courtney lists off, giving Bridgette a high five. Armana and Duncan look back at each other. "I wasn't even listening." Armana quietly admits. "Me neither, like I ever do. Unless it's you of course." Duncan rubs Armana's chin. She immediately flinches back, especially since others were around. "You're funny Duncan." She doubts. Duncan's hands brush by the girl's wrist. "That's the problem, you're not taking me seriously." He discerns. "Now you're putting the pieces together." Duncan chuckles, a bit darkly if he were to take on a villain. His head tipped back to where Armana admired the slight allowance of his neck. It was a bit discouraging with his choker, but Armana could see the flexing of the prominence of his adam's apple she knew was throttling under the accessory. "You're one to be sassy, but never be one to underestimate me Armana. It would be obvious if I were to like a girl. Which comes to the question why would I spend day to day talking to you?" Duncan asks, a bit rhetorical. Armana shrugs, "To give my ears paranoia." Duncan grabs her shoulders, "No, it's because you're like the coolest person I've ever met. You listen to me, you're understanding, you're funny, you're smart, you're creative and you're hot." Armana jolts at his compliment. "Yes I just called you hot." Duncan chuckles. Since most of everyone left, Duncan kisses Armana's cheek and adds another kiss on her temple. "Could you please remember that? I feel like you're thinking that I'm flirting with everyone, that you're just the same." Duncan says, his lips still pressed to the side of the girl's head. The two turn towards each other to read each other's eyes. Duncan can see an unspecified look in Armana's chocolate hues, possibly the look of desperation or yearn. But she sucks in a breath, and exhales with her head leaning into Duncan's chest. "Duncan...I'm sorry," The girl mumbles, biting his shirt. "I'm too much of a scaredy cat." # ~ Chapter 9 ~ "I'm sorry Duncan." Armana's voice squeaks again but Duncan then kisses her jawline. "Hey, no it's cool." He whispers into her ear, making her spine tingle and her heart crazy. He kisses along her ear, dragging his lips along the cartilage. "But you like me?" He continues. "...maybe I do...maybe I don't." She sighs then smiles. Duncan smirks, rolling his eyes. She sees him lick the front row of his teeth and chuckle. "I'd like one of the odds." He says, conceited. "That'll be a rare picture." Armana retorts. "Still means a chance." They then notice how quiet it was, only to see that everyone had already left. "Oh, they've already gone." Armana chuckles. "That's better than actually having an audience...well," Duncan looks at the camera. "Right in front of you." "Yeah, I wouldn't like to hear people teasing me everywhere I went."<i> </i>The girl sighs, causing Duncan to laugh. "I can totally agree with you on that one. People wouldn't take me seriously if they actually see how affectionate I am towards you." Armana crosses her arms, "Oh, so you like to play all 'Mr. Bad Boy'?" "Well it's better than that just being what people could use against me." Duncan defenses. The girl nods, "Yeah that's true." The two walk to where they last saw the amphitheater, seeing their team sitting on the stage. Bridgette and Jojo were talking, noticing then that their friend had seemed to just arrive. They hopped off the stage, smiling broadly. "Ooh, where were you two?" Jojo teasingly questions. "Yeah you two only seem ten minutes late from when we actually came here." Bridgette laughs. Armana rolls her eyes. "We knew the contest didn't start until like what? Seven hours from now? We just walked along the area and decided to come here to see how everything was going." Armana li–cleverly uses her words. "Yeah okay Armana." Bridgette doubts, but still wears her playful expression. The girls walked off then, letting the subject off. For the moment. "Two little weirdos." Duncan comments after they were considerably out of ear shot. Armana lightly elbows his arm, "Hey, don't say that, they're my friends." Duncan shrugs, "Well it's annoying that you'll already know people are gonna make things bigger than they really are." Armana chuckles, "I know, that's what they're making a joke about. They'll fall out of their seats if there were to be anything further happening between us." "I would too if I were to be some geeky fan girl finally seeing what's behind closed doors." Duncan smirks at her. She playfully pushes his face away, responded with small bits of his laughter. They join the team on the stage, seeing they were occupied in practicing their performance for later on. "So, can you really stand on your hands for twenty minutes?" Geoff asks Bridgette. "Wanna bet that I can't?" The girl waves a chocolate bar. Armana's immediately interested, just on her cravings with chocolate. "How about it's just kind offerings." Armana suggests for her own favor. "Yeah, no, me and mr. chocolate bar would be peacefully ambitious of journeys inside my stomach. But if there really are any worthy takers..." Bridgette leads on, seeing her fellow camp members' undivided attention. "You're so on!" Geoff challenges. "I'd like to take a piece of that action." Harold tests. "That's virtually impossible." DJ says doubtful of the girl, which signifies his curiosity. "Empty up." Bridgette smiles. They all give something of their own on one of the craters they used to sit on. Armana even sees Duncan placing a couple of change. "You're joining in on this?" She asks him. He shrugs, "I'd actually like to see the girl try." "Armana?" Bridgette eyes her friend. The girl denies, "No thanks, I'm gonna head back to our cabin real quick to grab my sketchbook." While Armana left, Duncan lifts his chin to look over certain obstacles...just to see she would be safe. Bridgette catches his gaze. "You're staring." Bridgette amuses, catching the boy's attention. "Yeah so?" Duncan asks for her reasoning, casually approving his targeted attention. "Can't use my eyeballs?" "Wow, you even openly admitted it?" Bridgette looks at Duncan shocked. "Yeah, nothing wrong with that. If I can't say the girl I like, then how could I date her?" Meanwhile, Armana reaches for her sketchbook, flipping through the pages to make sure everything was there. She grabs a few utensils and takes them with her when she leaves the cabin. She would potentially draw the entire time the team would be practicing since it wasn't like she was participating to worry about anything else, plus it passes time. She returns back, seeing Bridgette was already being timed with her (promised) handstand. Armana was already feeling something was wrong. "Oh, hey baby girl," Duncan greets her. "Got your sketchbook?" Armana rolls her eyes, "Yeah, just thought I'd get it since I wouldn't have anything to do all day." "Same here, I want to watch you draw." Duncan says. Armana's cheeks blush. "I thought you were influenced by Bridgette's <i>'Chocolate Grid'</i>." Armana believed. "Eh, things weren't looking so well in the first place." They watch Bridgette climb across the stage, her next turn from the end of it ends up with her right leg caught in the rope hanging from another utility. While she was struggling, she was actually causing the rope to loosen from its maintained grip. There, a stage light falls and hits Courtney. "Wow, words are karma." Duncan simply says. Armana gasps, quickly jumping on the stage to check the state of the situation. "Is she okay?" She asks, seeing Courtney was laying on the styled floor unconscious. The medical team takes Courtney to check her off for future preferences. They all watched Courtney being taken away, turning to look at Bridgette. "Aw man, this is my fault, I knew I should've heeded being a monkey." Bridgette sighs. "It's okay Bridgette, at least right now for the moment's stance." Armana comforts, wrapping her arm around her shoulder. "Well she'll completely forget about her trauma once she sees her violin." Duncan states. Her violin was crashed into pieces; more discernibly it's body snapped in two. About two hours, it turns out Courtney had a concussion by the blow of almost a fifty pound weight falling on top of her head. When everyone sees her awake, her head had been bandaged. "Hi Courtney." Everyone says almost in sync. "Hey." She mumbles, holding her head. "How're you feeling?"Bridgette asks her. "My head hurts." Armana felt bad for Courtney, simply because she was living a concussion and they had to throw her violin away. "Do you think she remembers anything?" Bridgette whispers to Armana. She bites her lip, "I think concussions have a side effect with people having a bit of memory loss. It might be temporary, hopefully. Its not like I've had one before." Geoff and DJ helps Courtney on the bleachers, carefully letting her sit for what would seem to be the rest of the day. "Okay then, someone will have to take Courtney's place. We only have a couple of hours until the contest begins." Geoff says. "I'll do it," Bridgette immediately offers. "It's my fault Courtney had a concussion and to think she barely knows now what's going on, just sucks." "That sounds about fine, yeah?" Geoff looks at the others for approval. Everyone nods. "Then it's settled, let's get to practicing and working hard." Armana sighs, finally looking at Duncan. There's a bit of a smile on his face, but Armana knows some function in Duncan's brain tracked everything as some sort of entertainment. "You're thinking this is funny, aren't you?" Armana crosses her arms. He laughs, "It's hilarious. Somehow this ends up into some whole tragic thing but I think it's funny just seeing Courtney sitting over there with a fucking bandage around her head." Armana rolls her eyes and begins walking her way to the bleachers. "Hey wait up." Duncan walks up with her. "Are you still going to draw something?" He asks her. "Sure, I don't know what specifically." Armana ponders. "Maybe you could teach me. I know I'd love to have my girlfriend as all my pictures on the wall." He curls his finger under her chin, but she pushes it away. "Shut up Duncan." She chuckles. "But if you really want to know how to draw, I guess I could show you a few steps." Her sketchbook had a black hardcover. She slides her mechanical pencils down from inside the comb binding, handing one to Duncan. "Animals Huh?" Duncan comments, as his pencil had a pattern of little bunnies on it. Armana smiles, "What? They're cute." She opens her sketch book, having both of the consisting sides on either of her and Duncan's lap. She flips to a blank page, now feeling timid because it was a bit of a personal thing she did. "So, what would you like to draw?" She asks him. "Well, I kinda want to know how you draw people." Duncan pronounces. "Okay then." Armana feels her skin run cold and possibly exuding sweat. "So first off, I would begin the head structure by drawing a simple circle." She sketches her pencil along her paper, an accurate circle soon existent. "Oh, and make sure to draw everything lightly, because you don't know if you want to change anything later." She explains, catching Duncan right on time when he had the pencil pressed against his paper. He relaxes his hand to the side like Armana graces and it helps his attempted drawing like she instructed. "So, do you want a boy or a girl?" She asks him. "Uh, would that matter?" Duncan's bewildered. "Of course it matters. If you pay attention, girls are more smaller than guys in their anatomy. It first happens with their face and head." Armana draws a quick addition of her person's jawline. "This is a girl, her jaw isn't as broad or large and here's a guy," She draws on to Duncan's side. "Most guys have more musculature." They draw the jawline, Armana having to explain more because they were doing two different people and well Duncan didn't really prefer himself the most accommodated for an artist. "And so the facials; I would first prefer drawing the face into fourths." Armana instructs, dissecting the face with two lines. "That looks funny." Duncan says. "I know–it does, I used to get teased when I was younger for doing it, but it's actually really important. The two lines are to measure out the facial features of a person's face. There is no difference anatomy wise, but it just helps where everything is suppose to be." She explains. "So now what?" "So then I would draw the face into four more lines, but that would be better doing step by step so then everything is there." She draws a line she explains would lineup after the eyebrows. "Then you should use thin feathery strokes and kinda lead into an arch so the eyebrows can look natural." She explains, softly illustrating her words. "Like that?" Duncan asks. She looks at his work, the eyebrows were a bit high as his drawing was dark and had rough lines slightly arched to be eyebrows. She wouldn't have expected him to be perfect. She smiles and nods, "Yeah." Then the line which was already half of the face, Armana says would lineup under the eyes. "You could draw them in a way to help represent the person's race, or most of the time its just the person's art style," She explains. "But you would start with the outline of the eye, which almost has an almond shape to it." She draws the start of both of her eyes like two light ticks spaced well apart. "When you're drawing the person's eyes, they should first be an eye width apart, as in to imagine if they had another eye in the middle of their face and the two of their other eyes are on the end of it. Just do this." She draws the shape of an eye between the light ticks and watched as Duncan does the same. "It also helps if you draw the eyes together at a time so it keeps from one looking better than the other. Then, for you," She points at his drawing. "In order to have the guy look more masculine, they're kind of based on a rectangular shape. It explains the look of having sharper corners and straighter lines." Armana slides herself closer to Duncan to help exemplify her words. She draws one of the eyes to give him a reference then draws her own. When both of their eyes are finished, she smiles then carries on. "Now onto the nose," She starts. "The middle line drawn here helps separate the halves of the face. The top being the eyebrows and the eyes and the bottom being the nose and lips. So then drawing the nose, there's dozens of techniques with how the nose would look. But first off, there's an importance between both genders." Armana points out the structure of the nose, helping Duncan with knowing what difference the male would make. "I usually use angular and sharp edges to create a chiseled look to it." She explains, comparing it to her female whose nose consists all at a minimum. "Then lastly the mouth and lips." Duncan wiggles his eyebrows at her, causing the girl to laugh at the same time with elbowing him. "Shut up," She chuckles. "But pretty much, for me drawing a girl, they usually have more definition to their lips such as the detail of it, no matter if they're thin or full. And for a guy, I give them thin upper lips so that would be my advice apart of it, and then drawing the lower lip." He follows her steps, although his lips did look a bit plump like they were swollen. "Aw man that looks bad." Duncan laughs. "That's okay, I'm not expecting you to  immediately be good at this, it all takes practice," Armana tells him. "But then if you want, you can draw them hair, ears, a neck, it really doesn't matter. You don't even have to draw that. It's all about creativity, and that's the fun of art." "Oh okay then." Duncan continued on his drawing, much for Armana's surprise. She thought she bored him to the point that she thought he just had to go along with it so he wouldn't be rude in saying otherwise. But against her worries, she had a feeling he was liking it. It could be a thing to do appropriately instead of on other people's property, Armana felt comfortable there was a connection between that. "Armana?" She sees Jojo. "Hey Jojo." Armona smiles. "What're you love birds up to?" The girl teases. "Metaphors? That's poetic," Armana subsides. "We were just drawing." Jojo looks at both of the teens' sketches and takes in whose were whose. "That's cool, I didn't know you were good at drawing Armana." Jojo acknowledges. "It's all practice," Armana shrugs. "How're the others?" "I guess things are going good so far for the  looks of the contest. But I've been noticing Bridgette has been eating a lot lately." "Really? Won't she be standing on her hands for what she said twenty minutes?" "Yeah, being upside down the whole time I wouldn't think would be good for her stomach." Jojo says. "True." Armana agrees. Hours tick by, and in the back of Armana's mind, she wasn't sure how Bridgette would stand for the contest. "Hey, Princess," Duncan taps the girl's shoulder. "Oh, hey Duncan." Armana responds. "Look, I finished my drawing." Armana perks up with interest and looks at Duncan's drawing. There was a lot of dots on the guy's face, what Armana guessed was his piercings. He had fangs, large ears and his hair looked like a large group of sticks. "Nice Duncan, is he human, a rockstar, or some type of tattoo artist?" Armana asks, a bit to give interest to his drawing. "I have no idea actually, I just combined things I like into his face." Duncan explained. Armana chuckles. "Well if that was your power of brainstorming, I like it. May I keep it?" Armana abashed a bit in saying. "Of course you can." Armana happily wrote Duncan's name on it, the date and a note. <i>who draws the strings of my heart </i> <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana</b><b>, 16</b> &gt;You didn't see that.&lt; Luckily, she closed the book before Duncan could see it. "Welcome to the very first Camp Wawanakwa talent contest," Chris announces. "Where six campers will show their mad skills and desperately try not to humiliate themselves." Armana rolls her eyes. "First up for the Screaming Gophers, is Justin!" Armana sarcastically thought of the boy as Prince Charming, since girls melted to their knees of the boy's looks. She was sure that was the main thing that helped him pass through most situations. The Gophers cheering, Justin struts on stage. He posed as if he were modeling, turning his head like there was a camera on all of his angles. "Are you serious?" Duncan blandly looks at the boy as he sat in a chair and yanked a rope to have water spill all over him. "You don't find this hot, do you?" Duncan asks Armana. The girl laughs, "Me? No! why would I?" "I don't know, each time that guy comes from some corner all I hear is moaning in my ear." Duncan grumbles. She laughs again. "First up for the Killer Bass," Chris introduces. "Make some noise for the big guy, DJ!" The team applauds for their representative who shows himself on stage in–what Armana didn't need to know much of–a tight suit that ran into shorts. She sees him compose his ribbon elegantly in twists and swirls that made it almost look like some looping illusion. She felt swayed until during one of his movements, he trips and falls from his ribbon tying around his ankles. "Oh boy." Duncan smiles. DJ continued to struggle having his legs stuck. It was at least two minutes where he decided to stand up and efficiently unties the ribbon from him. "At least he knew to 'always finish the race'." Armana says. "Dainty and yet masculine," Chris comments. "Let's see what Grand Master chef says." Armana assumed they had special effects for their TV production, but Chris clarifies. "Two points. Not much." He says. DJ walks off stage for the next person performing. "Aw poor DJ." Armana sympathizes. "Eh, win or lose this show still sucks." Duncan shrugs. Armana stares at Duncan who shrugs with a smile. She hadn't known he laid his arm across the bench behind them, which would sometimes be some type of sign for affection. "Next on deck, Trent. Take it away my bro." Chris announces. Armana rolls her eyes, Duncan hearing as she scoffed. He rubs her shoulder, catching the girl's attention. "Want me to distract you from another situation again?" He asks her in a whisper, secretly exciting her eardrums. Armana glares at him but her face softens and she smiles. "If that's what you call it, sure." She accepts him. "Well ya know, he reminds me of that one kid. Ya know, the famous singer, he has brown swoopy hair, plays a guitar like he's a country singer pretty boy." Armana chuckles, "You mean Justin Bieber?" Duncan nods, "Yeah." "Duncan, he's in jail." The two quietly begin laughing. "Well that's who he reminds of, sings like he's some classical music charm." Armana laughs, having her hand clamped around her mouth knowing she didn't want to be rude. "I think that doesn't matter to Gwen." Armana whispers, the two looking at the girl as she swayed to his tune. "Hm, at least we're sane." Duncan chuckles. "Woah, eight points from chef. I'm liking your style dude, now quit hogging my light buddy." Chris says, pushing Trent into some other pile backstage. "Damn." Duncan comments, causing him and Armana to laugh. "The Killer Bass surely are sucking so far," They stop. "Let's hear it for Bridgette." Armana began to frown, remembering how she felt for the girl. "Weren't you guys talking that she was eating a lot while they were practicing." Duncan says. Armana nods, "Yeah, I wonder if she's really gonna do a handstand for twenty minutes." She wondered if she should check on her friend but immediately sees her walking her hands on stage. Armana sits back, taking a deep breath. For a moment of time, she began to think she was just worried until she hears Bridgette loudly burp. "Uh oh, I don't think that sounds so good." Duncan says, Armana nudging him. "Don't say that, you could jinx it." She says. He still laughs, until another burp erupts from the girl. She suddenly throws up, retching a huge puddle of vomit. Armana gasps, "Bridgette." Bridgette moans but she heaves up another episode of vomit. "Aw sick." Duncan chuckles. She began barfing on everyone, Armana panicking to dodge from it being on her. She tries to stand somewhere else but subconsciously sits on Duncan's lap. She felt bad seeing her friend slip and fall into Tyler's arms. "Hey puke on your own boyfriend!" Lindsay yells at her. Armana rolls her eyes and walks down to help Bridgette before Duncan could say anything. "Bridgette, are you okay?" Armana asks watching her step from any throw up before lifting the girl from Tyler. "I thought I was," Bridgette sighs. "That was really embarrassing." "Come on, let's see if we can find a trash bag in the back of the stage." Armana and Bridgette walked backstage only to find Geoff and his broken skateboard. "Geoff?" The girls looked at him bewildered as he's awkwardly scratching his neck. "I accidentally broke my ride from trying to do a kick flip." He sadly answers. "Now what? We need to put someone out there or else we're going to lose this." Bridgette frets. Armana deeply sighs. "Well Katie and Sadie are covered in barf, Jojo's...kinda in the same position–" "Which just leaves the spotlight for you." Armana suddenly felt strong arms snake around her waist and Duncan's voice in her ear. She turns her head but nearly connects with his blushed pair of lips. She pushes him away to glare at him. "Armana he could be right." Bridgette smiles. "Well there's still Harold." Armana rejects. "Nah babe, you got this." Duncan encouraged. "Yeah, what can you do?" Bridgette asks. "Draw." Armana shrugs. "That doesn't sound too shabby. You know what, do you think you could go out there?" Armana bites her lip. # ~ Chapter 10 ~ "Do you think you can do it?" Armana felt it would be the least to do for her team, they were already sucking so what worst could she do. "Okay, fine." She gives in. She heard as her teammates silently cheered her on when she had walked in place of Geoff onto the stage. Her heart skipped a beat hearing people muttering in the audience, but she grabbed a chair and simply sat down with the book opened to a freshly new page. "Chris," Armana calls upon the male. "I'll need you as my reference." Chris walks on stage, his broad smile causing Armana to shudder. "Ooh, Are you gonna draw me?" Chris asks. "Yes, I am. Just make a simple pose." Armana says. She suddenly sees him lay out on the ground. "Draw me like one of your French girls." Chris purrs. This evokes a couple of laughs while Armana's eyes blurts with terror. "No, no, no," She says abruptly. "Just act how you usually do in front of a camera." She sighs of relief when he fixes his pose more casually, propping his hand against his cheek. <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;I can't tell you how awkward this is. How creepy I find Chris and I had to draw him for about an hour. I mean, sure I didn't have to draw him, but I felt since he was partially the critic on this, maybe appreciation would debate the win or lose on the subject.&lt; She sighs and stretches. "Okay, I'm finished." Armana announces, proudly holding up her drawing. "Wow, why don't you look at that," Chris exclaims. "Seriously, it's like she took a picture." He looks towards the camera. "What do ya say chef?" Armana awkwardly waits through the moment of silence until she hears a metallic ringing. "Wow, ten points voted for Armana! This means, although they were head in the league, the Screaming Gophers have been trampled by the Killer Bass!" Armana hadn't realized how strong she was smiling by the time of Chris's announcement. She felt other people running into her, but she held her ground and examples her pleasure with a continuous grin. "Princess, that was awesome." Duncan praises, pulling the girl into him with his arm cupping her shoulder. She chuckles at the same time straightening herself from his embrace. "Thanks, it was really nothing." Armana shyly accepts. "Yeah it was, you just won us the entire contest." Bridgette says. Armana chuckles, feeling happy as her team continued on with their night, giving slight pats on her back if they were to walk by. Duncan still stuck to her side, their pace now steadied along the trail. "So," He starts. "I'm glad that's over." "Why?" Armana asks. Duncan shrugs, "A subject gets boring after a while–of course only certain ones." Armana rolls her eyes. "Well I'm glad it's over too, then it can be a bit more interesting to see what the next challenge will be." Then the skids of rocks were heard in the silence between them. Catching the awkwardness, they both had the same urge to look at the other person but end up simultaneously looking at each other. Armana shyly looks away, of course Duncan still looking towards her direction. "Hey." Duncan calls for her attention. "Hm?" She hums, still looking at the illuminant moonlight. Duncan chuckles, "How're you feeling about this camp so far?" She turns her head. "It's pretty cool for the start of it. Never went camping but other than that, I feel like Chris is just laughing at us because he knows we're embarrassing ourselves." Armana responds. "People?" He asks. "Well...there's mainly you, Bridgette and Jojo since you guys are the main people I talk to. Or else everyone else i'm pretty easy with. Except well...Heather...is definitely some unique snowflake." Duncan laughs, patting Armana's shoulder. "We should make an alliance or something." He proposes. "An alliance?" "Yeah, like when people merge their efforts or  interests with each other like some form of agreement." Duncan explains. "Oh yeah, I've seen that in other TV shows before. Why would you want to make an alliance?" Armana asks. "I don't know just so we have each other's back throughout the competition. Plus, just for the fun of being with you." Another smile lifts Armana's cheeks. It was like it was to return, quickly after it had left. She didn't know why Duncan was growing a thing with corny sayings, but for some reason she appreciated what he would say. It helps establish a connection between them, like every time they were around each other an expectancy would spark about the other person in knowing how they'd act. With this, it was like their relationship was building on the characteristics and they were growing accustomed to it. They reach their cabin, looking at each other underneath the porch light. "I feel like this is always gonna be our checkpoint now." Duncan smiles. "Probably," Armana giggles. "But that's okay." There's another break of silence, the two still standing in front of each other. Usually, this would mean something. Probably that their short talk wouldn't fill in all the blanks, as if it had seemed that if they weren't it wouldn't make a moment because there wasn't anything special to consider it with. Armana slowly watches as Duncan leaned himself down to her height. Her heart hurdles in her chest but she reached her arms to feel on his back muscles, accepting his motive in case her reluctance was the problem. She closes her eyes with falling into the moment but suddenly hears a scream. The two flinch back, seeing Heather running out of her cabin in her pajamas. "Wonder what happened." Armana says. "Oh yeah, Heather read part of Gwen's diary or something for that contest." Duncan answers. "Really?! That was mean of her." Armana grudges. "Yeah I know, but where were we?" Duncan puckers his lips, but Armana laughs and presses her finger against them. Duncan frowns. "Sorry, I'm pretty tired for the night." She smiles, going towards her cabin door. He frustratedly sighs, kicking a pebble as he began to walk towards his side. But he suddenly feels a pair of hands grabbing his face down. Armana kisses him on his cheek, quickly hurrying back inside the cabin before Duncan had the chance to look at her. He smirks with the sensation of her chapstick staining on the side of his face. <i>'I knew you'd come around'</i> "Campers today's challenge will test your outdoor survivor skills. I'm not gonna lie to you, some of you may not come back alive," Chris warns, delightfully feeding on everyone's gasps of fear. "Just kidding." He assures. "You just have to spend one night in the woods. Everything you need is at your team's campsite in the forest. You'll just have to find it." Chris tosses two maps to either of the teams, Armana seeing as Duncan catches one but immediately has it snatched by Courtney. "Whichever team comes back at the campground first wins invincibility." Chris declares, blowing an airhorn. "Off you go." Armana groans from the sound screeching into her ear drums, standing up to follow her team. "Some challenge," Armana speaks to Duncan. "We have to be inside this infested woods. The main thing I don't like about going outside is mosquitos. Those little shits. They'd be everywhere. But Duncan, I'm not having a good feeling about this." Duncan chuckles, "Oh what's to worry, there's only the natural outdoors like ticks, snakes, wolves, bears–" "Duncan!" Armana yells. "Okay, okay, you know I'm just playing with you. Because there's things worse than that like Bigfoot, alligators–" "Dude." Duncan laughed as he liked to tease Armana. Her reactions were the cutest. They all follow Courtney on the forest path while she lead the direction with studying their map. Armana and Duncan stood behind the team a bit, a subconscious partnering habit the two began to have. "Hey." Duncan whispers towards Armana. "Hm?" "What was that kiss the other night?" He watches as she looked away with embarrassment, visualizing that her face was flushed while there was always that smile she couldn't forbear. "I don't know." She answers, Duncan hearing the smile in her tone. "You do know, you just won't admit to it." Duncan's smug. Armana then rolls her eyes with a puff. "I-It was nothing. There was just the thing that since you kissed me, it would make sense to kiss you or else it would seem like you had to do all that–" Duncan chuckles. "You know, you don't always have to put up a reason for everything, no one's gonna think something's wrong with you. At least I wouldn't. This whole thing is between us and only us, so we're the ones to truly critique." Armana smiles but still felt abashed with showing it. "Don't be embarrassed. We should do that more often...ya know?" Duncan suggests, wearing his signature smirk. "I..guess it wouldn't hurt." Armana admits, biting her lip while she exhibits her smile. "Then you wouldn't mind this?" Duncan began to lean down but Armana immediately kisses his nose. "There, does that fix your hurting?" Armana says, Duncan conveying her contempt. "Well, not all my hurting. But it's better than nothing." He smirks. Armana rolls her eyes on the act with shaking her head. "We better catch up with our group." She suggests. Later that day, the sky absents into a scene of darkness. The teens were by their campsite by then, having pitched up their tent. Courtney sent DJ to go and try to find food while they would have the place ready. "What's for dinner women? I'm starving." Duncan regards the girls. Armana finishes tying the tent before dusting off her knees and shaking her head at the boy. "Duncan, we ain't your mama." She retorts. Looking around, Armana shuddered with the cool air blowing through her jeans. She had never stayed overnight in a woods, nor would she have imagined it. It seemed ominously quiet, at least for anything other than her camp mates to look dangerous enough to kill her. "Hey guys!" The sudden voice startled Armana but she turned to see it's DJ. She sighed with relief seeing him approach the team. He was hiding something in his hands. "Look what I found." He said. He revealed a rabbit, who's body filled the space of DJ's palms. It has this manly cough, but Armana is adored with its winsome eyes that looked completely black. It complimented with the darkness, so then it looked like they were huge. <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;Cute, he's gonna catch rabies&lt; "Aww, cute." Armana admired. "Well, I've never had rabbit stew before but what the heck? I'm game." Duncan said. Armana's eyes are on a yarn ball. <i>' It's the least to think he's ate worse than to have any remorse.'</i> "This is my new pet, I'm calling him bunny." DJ defended. "You mean you couldn't find any food," Courtney remarked disappointedly, and sighed. "Then it looks like we're eating grubs and berries for dinner." Armana remembered that the challenge was survival tasked, which meant that everything they'd have to take up their arms for. "Has anyone seen tweedle dum and tweedle idiot?" Duncan named. Armana looked around, noticing that Katie and Sadie were gone. "Uh oh, should we look for them?" Armana concerned. "Eh, they'll find their way." Duncan answered. They all decided to find warmth with their fed campfire. Despite being in a vulnerable environment, Armana felt peaceful watching the fire crackle, projecting long shadows on the surrounding area. The light cast by the flames danced across the dark trunks of the trees; twisting and curling in obscure shapes and providing a small radius of light. She sighed. "You okay Armana?" Bridgette asked. "Hm? Oh yeah, just ya know...the woods...they remind me of some killer chase where the girl randomly trips on her foot and finds the struggle of getting back up." Armana said, harking back nearly at every old school scary movie she's watched. The two laugh, Armana unintentionally setting a warmth between the two since being out in the wilderness just made things perturbing. "This reminds me of this really scary story I heard once." Duncan mentioned. "Awesome, tell it man." Geoff encouraged. "Are you sure? Cause the story I'm thinking of is pretty hardcore." Duncan's indecisive. "Ooh we're so scared." Courtney sarcastically remarked. "Alright but don't say I didn't warn you." Duncan started. <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;I was wondering what was all with leading everyone on. As much as how easy and hate being scared, I kinda like it, it like puts your heart on edge and everything suddenly seems more...with action.&lt; "One night a lot like this one," Duncan began. Armana intently listened to Duncan, seeing that all his explaining was suppose to make some big climax. She glanced around the campfire, finding it funny how everyone seemed to be paying attention and grabbing on to the suspense. She even saw their storyteller stand up. <i>'Oh boy'</i> "So suddenly, they heard this tap, tap, tapping on the side of the car and the girl started to freak out and by this time even the guy was getting a bit scared. So, he turned on the car and stepped on it. When they got back to the girl's house," Armana heard a loud gulp. "She opened the door and screamed. Because there, hanging from the door handle...was the bloody hook." Armana opened her mouth to yawn but immediately covered it when she heard there was still more to the story. "They say, that this killer is still alive–wandering these very woods. He could be just about anywhere really, maybe even right...here!" Duncan revealed a hook from behind his back, earning a loud scream from his teammates. Armana chuckled seeing them hiding behind DJ. She turned to hearing Duncan maniacally laugh, a tingle in her lower region. <i>'That could possibly be the most legitimate, realest and sexiest evil laugh I would let a villain finish me off with'</i> "Duncan, that was so not funny!" Courtney detested. "Oh yes it was, I just wish it was all on camera! Oh wait–it is!" Duncan pointed at the cameraman. "You are so vile! Do your parents even like you?" "I don't know jumpy mcchicken, I haven't asked them lately." Armana felt it could be like looking through another mirror of her relationship with Duncan. He would be this jerk, Armana would immediately act against it, it was humanly situational why the ones who get on your nerves would be the ones you care for. She felt lighthearted inside until a wolf howled in the distance and "jumpy mcchicken" hugged herself against Duncan. "Oh no she didn't." Armana heard Jojo murmur into her ear, snickering with her comment. Armana huffed, jealousy putting itself somewhere in her gut. Duncan felt flattered but he gently pushes Courtney away from him, the casual smile on his face. "You okay?" He asked her. "Uh, I'm fine whatever, don't know why you're hugging me." Courtney decided to turn the table on who was culprit, sitting back down in her seat. Duncan sat himself back next to Armana, studying her as she avoided her eyes somewhere else. "You're quiet." Duncan acknowledged. "What makes you say that?" Armana tried to act innocent and hide the irritation in her chest. "You're not saying anything funny like you'd usually do after I do something. Like I don't know, 'Duncan, that was a really corny ass story you told' or 'Duncan, why can't you hold me like that?'." Duncan impressioned but he knew his interested girlfriend well. She looked at him, internally surprised to have read her thoughts. She only sighed, nonverbally admitting he was correct. "Aww, is my princess jealous?" Duncan teases. "Shut up." Armana defended, turning away. "Hey," Duncan supported her chin to angle her face back towards him. "You getting jealous is pretty hot. You know I'm gonna be a jerk about it, because that's just who I am. But I don't want you feeling insecure about yourself because that's where jealousy usually belies." His words lifted Armana's envy and made the girl smile. "Hey Duncan?" Armana's tone lowered into an attractive ear to ear voice range. "Yeah?" He answered to her curiosity. "I could've sworn I saw that scary hook killer chasing someone nearby. Can I hold on to you so he doesn't come after me?" Duncan laughed aloud, opening his arms to way room for Armana's torso. "Of course." # ~ Chapter 11~ The night continued with everyone sleeping in the tent. Armana slightly laid comfortably on Duncan's chest. As she slumbered, she wasn't aware of one of Duncan's hands resting on her lower back. One or two of his fingers marginally slid her shirt up and tugged on the waistband of her underwear from under her jeans. She hears murmurs of voices through her suspended consciousness, adjusting in her sleep. She was satisfied for the moment of silence that shortly recurred, but suddenly hears screaming. The voices of their terror startles Armana out of her sleep, nearly landing her hand on Duncan's face when she sat up. "Wha–what?! What's wrong?" She asks, frightened. Right as she was concerned, the tent dissolved into ashes. She's shocked, looking around her and seeing Bridgette sitting by the fire during her search. She innocently smiles and waves at her camp mates but Courtney growls. "Great! That's just great Bridgette! Now. We have no where. To sleep!" Courtney hollers. Armana sees Duncan's eyes droop open, looking at her contently until he hears Courtney yelling. "Yo, What the hell drama queen? Relax." He tells her, annoyed. "Relax? Things could not possibly get worse!" Courtney says. Armana feels a droplet on her head. <i>'Aw shi–</i> A cloudburst pervaded amongst the teens, Armana instantly hating her hair and clothes becoming drenched. "Hey, guys, quick! We can try sitting under this branch." DJ loudly says over the rain. They all sat on the ground as close they could to DJ. Of course it wouldn't do anything, but maybe it could reduce the worst. Armana felt Duncan rest an arm around her, a time where he was grateful that she didn't smack it away. It conveyed a closer connection between them as the teens met each other's eye level. "Have I told you how much I can hate water?" Armana asks him. "No, I don't think you have. What's wrong with it?" He queries, as a bang of lightning sounds. "It's just sometimes when it's not wanted, it really doesn't feel as comfortable. Plus, my hair will look terrible after this." Armana chuckles. Duncan laughs with her, giving her a slow, assuring, and passionate kiss on her temple. Of course everyone saw, he knew Armana would kill him after this. That rang deeply through his head seeing her still smiling. She giggles, pulling Duncan down by his earlobe. "I am gonna pummel your ass." She <i>promises</i>. The rain had stopped sometime overnight. Everyone had to sleep outside on the ground due to their tent gone. Armana slowly opens her eyes, a warm relief that it was morning. That meant they survived a night in the woods, which happily congratulated them to head back to camp. She yawns while stretching out her back. She didn't remember how or where she had fallen asleep. <i>'More like whom I fell asleep on'</i> She looks around her, seeing her other camp mates just awaking as she did. She sees Duncan, who was lying on his back. She felt a bit easier seeing him every morning. Only this time, she was slightly annoyed seeing Courtney snuggling up to him. <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;Okay, I'll admit, seeing Courtney being all touchy with Duncan and then denying it—i-it's honestly getting on my nerves.&lt; "Morning Sunshine." Duncan greets towards Armana. "As bright as I can be. Duncan." She forces a smile. She didn't exactly want to be jealous or else it would feel like she's putting rules over him. Although, Duncan's words played in her mind. <i>"You getting jealous is pretty hot. You know I'm gonna be a jerk about it, because that's just who I am. But I don't want you feeling insecure about yourself because that's where jealousy usually belies"</i> She sighs and slightly hated how somewhat Duncan knew her so well to give inspirational advice. The thought cued Armana's smile shortly before she returns to present. "You were cuddling me!" She suddenly hears Courtney. "I was calmly laying on my back trying to catch a few z's. You were snuggling up to me." Duncan vindicated. "You are such an ogre." "Eh, I've been called worst." Courtney groans as Armana watched her walking away towards the confessional porta-potty. "Chick yells about everything," Duncan remarks. "I can see her apart of some law enforcement." Armana chuckles. "You'd like that, wouldn't you Duncan?" She knowingly asked, implying the opposition with his rebellious behavior. "Yeah right." Armana smiles and helps the boy off the ground. "Get some good sleep?" He asks her. She shrugs, "I can't complain, despite being out in that rainstorm." "And when I cuddled you to sleep." Duncan smugly marks. "Oh! And that kiss." Duncan immediately looks at Armana, seeing as she cracked her knuckles. "Oh come on princess, it was just a little kiss." Duncan tries to reason. But she still treads towards him, startling Duncan into backing away. That was until she started running towards him and it causes him to cower into doing the same. Armana chases him around the area until one turn Duncan had took was a dead end. He looked around to see if she'd be behind him and exhaustedly groans through his consecutive pants when he sees she's right on his heels. "Armana, babe, lets not get carried away here." He innocently smiles. "Oh it'll only hurt a smidge<i>.</i>" Armana smiles, mockingly mirroring his defensiveness. "Look, okay, maybe I shouldn't have done that." He nervously chuckles. "Yeah you shouldn't have." Duncan fearfully looked at Armana, flinching as she brought up her hand. She then laughs, using her palms as walls against Duncan's cheeks then harshly squeezes them. "Ow." Duncan winced. Armana chuckles, "I was just playing with you, D. I wasn't really gonna hit you, I'm not one of those aggressively affectionate girls." He rubs his cheeks, his face now tinged red. "Why do you act so defensive then. Ya know, excuses?" Armana felt a difference in her heart rate, rubbing her arm through a reactive shyness. <i>'And I was thinking Courtney was bad'</i> She ends up shrugging, smiling after. "I don't know, we better head back to the team though, I wanna get out of this dumb forest." Later on, they all ended up racing towards the campground, the Killer Bass having an <i>expectancy </i>that <i>all </i>their team arrived first. Courtney gasps, "We're the first ones back!" Armana sees the Gophers approaching after them. "Oh no! They beat us here. This is all your fault!" Heather says, overdramatic as she pushes Owen. "Nah ah ah, 'Golpherinos', it seems Killer Bass are missing a few fish." Chris announces. Armana rolled her eyes, remembering about Katie and Sadie, plus her being the one to ask in looking for them in the first place. She should've known it'd cost them the team. "Oh you mean Katie and Sadie," Courtney asks. "I'm pretty sure they got eaten by wolves last night." <i>'Now to think of it, that would be better'</i> Armana irritatedly thought to herself, and she figured so did the rest of the team. She suddenly hears short and quick breathing approaching the meeting spot, seeing as it was the two missing girls. "We made it." Katie breathes. "We're safe!" Sadie exclaims. "Oh my gosh guys we got totally lost and then got into this massive fight." "And there was this huge bear, he was all <i>roar roar you're in my crib so get out!</i>" "And it was so scary!" Armana looked between the two's side of the story, watching as there was some major hill and they must've been hugging it out. But of course they'll be hugging plenty over the lonely dock. "Ahem, are you two done with your little love fest?" Courtney kindly checks. The two nod. "Good, because thanks to you we just lost the challenge!" Armana watched the girls' face fall as they were in the midst of hugging. She shakes her head at their stupidity. "Alright, Killer Bass one of your fishy butts are going home. Gophers, you're getting an all expense paid trip to...the Tuck Shop!" The other teens watched as their opponents cheered and ran off with victory. Armana sighs, looking at Katie and Sadie. She felt she knew who they were voting out, or at least that was her guttural confidence. She hears Duncan groan. "God, fricking idiots. Why does our team always have to miss out on all the good stuff?" Duncan grumbles. Armana hears him. "I don't know, I just know as we're losing our team, things are becoming easily outnumbered for us." She says. They both huff, but Armana ruffles Duncan's hair. "Well, I'm going to take a shower, but we can hang out after." She suggests. Duncan's face lifts through surprise and he smirks. "Okay, what would you want to do?" He asks her lead. "We could hang out in the cabin, talk, listen to music and maybe the team will even discuss there. I don't care." Armana answers. With that, she peacefully took her time enjoying the scorching water. She spent her pastime thinking to herself and how she was doing so far. <i>'All there is, is that I'm falling for some complete rebel.'</i> She thought down on herself but she would've never expected such a connection, plus he made somewhat of a sweetheart other than his looks. Armana wrings her washrag, watching as the water died down into the drain. She was glad she suggested her idea, it would put forth in their relationship and make it more chancy with knowing each other. She hums, switching into comfortable clothes after drying off. She sees Duncan patiently sitting on the porch, Courtney blabbering on about something to him. Armana stops in her tracks but Duncan's face lifts with amusement and possibly relief. She continues walking, putting up a smile. "You smell nice." He compliments her with a few sniffs. "Thanks–hi Courtney. Coming?" She tempts Duncan, immediately hearing the porch creek as a sign of his trail. Armana pulls out her phone from her bag, realizing she hadn't been on it for the long while she's been on the island. As if they'd ever have the free time with how much crap Chris was inventing. She plays <i>Creep </i>by the music band <i>TLC </i>out loud from her iPhone. Satisfaction rushes through her as Duncan sits close behind her on her bunk. "I really like this song...old school." Armana says. "Nice, finally have a time to spend together huh?" Armana hinders from saying something, clearly by not knowing how to respond to Duncan's comment. She gives up whatever defiance with a sigh. "Yeah I guess it is," She admits. "We get to talk as long as we want...well until our call to the campfire pit." Duncan nods, relaxing with wrapping his arms  around Armana's torso. She chuckles. She had began brushing her hair after she had blow dried it, taking her time to updo it into a bun. She feels Duncan's lips brush the nape of her neck as he cuddled with her back. "Have you ever...dated someone?" Duncan says, enough of a murmur if there were people around but loud enough for Armana to hear. "Well, it was probably a time or two with other guys." Armana confesses. Duncan's head lifts from her shoulder and he leans his chin on her shoulder blade with interest. "Really? I mean–of course you probably did, but what were they like?" Duncan slowly rephrased. "Well, not all that special," Armana briefs. "One, his name was Michael. I had a crush on him, and it turned out he just dated me because he didn't want me to feel bad. Then there was a guy named Jayden...he complimented me on the smallest things, thought of the cutest words, and made me feel special from all the other girls. Until, I found out he was just showing an easy example to his friends of how he picked up girls." Duncan couldn't see the look on Armana's face as she talked, but he felt a bit bad for asking about her past. He kisses the crook of her neck, leading a trail up to her jawline. He turns her body so he can fully see her. "I shouldn't have asked." He says. "No, no, it's okay...but why were you asking me that?" Armana asks. "Eh, just to tease you." She rolls her eyes. "Of course." Armana did feel her heart drop for a second, expecting him to say something climactic. But she easily facades her emotion with a smile and turns the question on Duncan. "Have <i>you </i>ever dated someone?" She asks him. He smirks, a smug look pulling on his face. "Of course I have. How else would you think I'm so powerful with flattery?" He questions. "Because you're a try hard." Duncan immediately surprised by Armana's comment, rebuttals, "Pfft don't hate, you're one to speak princess." Armana rolls her eyes, "Yes and I'm one to also ask about your past life experience. Duncan." He laughs, pulling on Armana's heart again. "Well if you must know," He speaks. "I met a girl named Ryan." "Ryan?" "Yeah, we were classmates and she would bring these fake tattoos to school." Armana interests, "Okay, so as in school, how old were you at the time before you went to Juvie?" "I think this was like in middle school, thirteen to fourteen before during my freshman year I first went to Juvie." He answers, seeing the girl nod. "Yeah, so I liked one she had. I think it was a skull...had a Mohawk—hair was green." Armana already began smiling. Duncan chuckles, "Don't look at me like that." She shakes her head, "That's so cute Duncan, doing your hair after something with your childhood sweetheart." He groans, a blush on his face. "I'm not cute, I scare the living shit out of children." Armana laughs, stroking his bit of facial hair. "Sure Duncan," She giggles. "So what? Did you put the skull on? Stick it on your bedroom wall and make a shrine of it?" He rolls his eyes and responds, "No. I think I shaved my hair afterwards, found some dye and there you go, look at me now." Armana smiles, pushing Duncan's face away with her finger when he had leaned into her. "Is that where the piercings came from as well?" She asks. "Slowly afterwards, it had nothing to do with Ryan though." "So what happened between you two?" Duncan adjusts the collar of his shirt. "Uh, she started giving me more tattoos to the time we'd start drawing on each other and get yelled by the teacher all the time to wash it off." "Did you?" Duncan chuckled with negating, "No." "Okay." "Yeah, so then we just started liking each other then and there. She asked me out, I said yes and..." "Yeah?" Armana encourages. "She broke up with me for some other dude. I have no idea why except for the fact that he was popular, a bit of a jock. He was obviously pretending her." "Aw I'm sorry." Armana pities. "Oh no it's fine. I'm obviously okay, found out on the news like a couple of years later she got into a car accident and the cops found out she was high on cocaine and had a bag of weed stocked in her coat." "Um..." Duncan happily shrugs, "Yeah." Armona didn't know what to say for a moment. She guessed the past would always be awkward, and therefore minded to be forgotten or rather left with its holes of mistakes. "Okay," She chuckles. "So...do you have any real tattoos?" "Oh yeah." He nonchalantly replies. "What?" "Yeah, I have one on my arm," He rolls up his sleeve. "See it's a heart. Cool isn't it?" He reveals a cartoonish drawn heart, at least that was how it was outlined. She sees that inside of the shape, it resembled an actual heart with warm colors of red, tan and highlights of blue. She even admired the shine it had to convince the idea. It did have a bit of a hazy look to it, but Armana could admit, it wasn't so stupid. She sighs, "What have you been getting into?" "Oh nothing but being the troublemaker." Duncan smirks. The teens had talked for another while of erupting laughter, personal details, and Duncan's signature flirting. Through the time, Armana was drawing in her sketchbook, following Duncan's words. "And you should give him this reptile look." Duncan characterizes, laughter eliciting from Armana during the goofy outlook. Courtney walked up to the cabin after a while of talking to the rest of the team about who they'd vote. She knocks on the door while she hears music and the two amidst of laughing. It continued, which meant they haven't heard her. She knocks on it again, this time louder and a bit more harsher for them to hear. "Oh! It's open!" Armana yells. Courtney opens the door, already annoyed seeing Duncan laying next to Armana as they faced towards the door. His chin was on her shoulder while when him and Courtney's eyes met, it felt like his teal eyes were looking into her soul. She internally shivered also feeling under the impression that he was glaring at her. "Hi Courtney." Armana greets, breaking the girl's trance. "Uh hi," Courtney breathes. "You two haven't said who'd you vote for and it'll be about an hour until Chris has us meet at the campfire." Duncan speaks before Armana could, "We don't care, so whoever you vote for just put it as our vote too." Courtney rolls her eyes and closes the door after her. "Don't sound so rude." Armana pulls on Duncan's ear. "Ow," Duncan groans but still faces the girl with a smirk. "You know you still love me." "Who said I ever did?" "Oh ho ho," Armana chuckles at his reaction. "Just try me." An hour, the speakers evoked to the teens from outside. "Killer Bass! Your time has come to meet at the campfire pit and let the marshmallows decide your fate. Please arrive immediately or there will be some corrections made." Armana immediately pauses her music and climbs down the bunk with Duncan alongside her. They all make their way in front of the campfire, feeling then how tired they were with how late it became. "You've all cast your votes," Chris states. "The camper who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately hit the Dock of Shame and get the heck out of here. And you can't come back. Ever!" "Now I can see most of you are tired, so tonight I'll just throw them to you." Armana watches as Chris lists through the campers, more so by who was sitting down the line. "Armana." Chris calls the girl, who perks up just in case he couldn't see the top of her head. Which he still didn't and tosses the marshmallow to a smug Duncan, knowing they were sitting next to each other. "Oh come on, I'm not even that short. I know he acted like he didn't see me on purpose." Armana was crossed. "Yeah, I'm sure he's just doing it on purpose." Duncan eats both of the marshmallows, Armana looking at him in shock. She growls, her arms folding across her chest. "You ate my marshmallow." She looks at him. "Would you like it back?" Duncan inquires, sticking out his tongue. Armana cringes seeing the sticky, white chewy bits in his mouth. "Ew Duncan close your mouth." She shudders. He closes his mouth, licking the back of his teeth. "Hm thought you didn't care as much." He smirks. Chris had fallen on debate between Katie and Sadie, the girls clinging to each other. "The final marshmallow of the evening," Chris chooses. "Sadie." "Oh why Katie?! Why her?!" Sadie whines. "It's so unfair." Armana hears closer to Katie, inferencing it from her as she sat behind the two. A couple minutes later, Armana checked with Bridgette as she was trying to talk to a mournful Sadie. She hears her convulsive gasps, laying on the dock as her head still lifted towards the water. "Everything okay?" Armana asks, more towards Bridgette. The blonde sighs, "She's been crying like this for five minutes, I was afraid she was gonna try to swim for her." Armana looks at Sadie, seeing her body tremble with her intake of breath. She tries comforting her hand on the girl's shoulder, feeling her back convulse as if she'd have another breakdown. "Hey, no don't cry," Armana assures. "I'm sure Katie would like for you to go on for her, since you two are best friends and she'd root for you on any vote apart from her behalf." When Sadie finally stood up, Armana sees her eyes are swollen and red, and the muscles on her chin stilled into a steady sob. But she smiles at her. "I promise, you'll be fine, you two might not have spent as much time apart before, but that's okay. There will always be the unfortunate." She comforts, walking behind the girl with her hands on her shoulders. They lead Sadie to the campfire where everyone still sat, a bit tired from the girl's crying. Armana helps Sadie sit where she last was, rubbing her back a bit before she sat back next to Duncan. "It was a long goodbye." She tells him. "Hm, never knew a person could cry that much." Duncan sighs. "Well yeah, there's always something that makes people respond with their emotions, but...I'm sure Sadie will get over it." Suddenly then, the teens jolt from a rattling made by the bushes. Courtney first sees who it's by. "What do you guys want? Come by to rub it in?" Courtney says in annoyance, Armana seeing it was the other team. "We got some extra dessert after our Tuck Shop party," Trent explains with Beth holding a platter of green jello. "Thought you might want some." Courtney shakes her head, "So what, you just being nice?" "Okay," Gwen fesses up. "Owen stank up our cabin so we're giving it some time to air out." Armana hears Owen fart, cringing at his reaction to start laughing. She catches Beth offering jello towards Courtney but the girl is frightened. "No," Courtney yells. "I mean—I'm good." When the plate is aimed towards Armana, she shook her head. "Oh no thank you," She kindly negates. "I don't like Jello." "Why don't you like jello?" Duncan suddenly asks her. She plainly shrugs, "I don't know I just wouldn't eat it if it was ever offered to me." The two hear a person yell a couple seats after them. "Snake!" Seeing it was DJ who feared the worm inside of the (now smashed) jelly. "Dude, it's just a gummy worm." Cody says. "Oh sorry man, snakes just freak me out." DJ explains. Tyler pats his back, "I feel you man, chickens give me the creeps." Armana crinkled her eyebrows in confusion as Gwen repeats him in surprise, "You're afraid of chickens?" Duncan chuckles, shaking the boy's shoulder. "Wow, that–that's really lame dude." He says, letting go of him. "Well lets not tease each other, we're all afraid of something." Armana says, earning everyone's attention. "How about you start princess?" Duncan smiles. She rolls her eyes but sees that everyone was looking at her. She giggles, "Okay I can get scared of a lot of things, but it's a bit embarrassing um...I'm scared of love." Everyone looked at her shocked, warmth heating on the girl's face. She nods, "I-I know it's really weird, but when I really meet a person, I always get scared of what they're thinking of me, how they're thinking of me, what my family will think of me, or if that person is being mindful of a future. It may just be a natural panic, but sometimes it comes with me just fully being in denial." # ~ Chapter 12 ~ <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;Some people may not believe me, but I think it's true, I become seriously insecure of myself, that I won't believe the person, or like I said, be in denial&lt; Armana shrugs her words off, looking for someone else to speak as they all looked at her in silence. She turns hearing Gwen clear her throat. "Well, my worst fear–I guess–is being buried alive." Gwen speaks. "Walking through a mine field...in heels." Lindsay says. "Flying man, that's some crazy stuff." Owen admits. While hearing their words, Armana didn't acknowledge Duncan's look of disappointment, or more of hurt. He determined to talk with her later. "I'm scared of hail. Small but deadly dude." Geoff says. "Being left alone in the woods." Bridgette confesses. "Saying the wrong line of a song if I'm asked on stage for a concert." Jojo says. Sadie sniffs from crying, "Bad haircuts." "O-oh okay," Lindsay intervenes. "I change mine, that's so much scarier than a mine field." "Having to defuse a time bomb under pressure." Cody, too specifically, says. "I'm not really afraid of anything." Courtney wishes people's attention. "Bologna Courtney, you were totally freaked out last night by the campfire, or so, you had a spasm over green jello." Armana says, subconsciously leaning her elbow on Duncan's shoulder. "As if, the things just suddenly came out of nowhere," Courtney shrugs and looks at Duncan. "What exactly is your phobia bad boy?" She asks him. "Yeah Duncan, you've been a bit quiet." Armana chuckles. She watched as Duncan averted his eyes in panic, lastly looking at Armana who taunts a smile at him. He sighs. "C-Celine Dion music store standees." He says abruptly. Cody chuckles, "Exsqueeze me? I didn't quite get that." "Did you say Celine Dion music store stand<i>ees</i>?" Trent repeats, questioning. Armana tried holding back her laugh to resist any judgement on Duncan, who hides his face in fear with their words. "Ooh I love Celine Dion," Lindsay delighted but then sunk with curiosity. "What's a standee?" Gwen opens her mouth but Trent explains, "Ya know, that card board cut out thing that stands in the music store." Duncan groans, frustratedly fearful now that everyone was intelligent. "Don't say it dude!" Duncan tells Trent. "Kinda like a life size but flat Celine." The boy continued. "So if we had a cardboard standee right now..?" Courtney leads on. Duncan covered his ears in annoyance. "Shut up!" He groaned. "Armana." He murmured, indicating the girl to tell them to leave him alone. "Okay okay guys," She chuckles. "What about your fear since you're ones to laugh." Later that night, Armana walked with Duncan to their cabin. While she talked, she sees Duncan face her and suddenly begin to walk where she stood and cause her to back up. He planned for her to back up against a large boulder while he stood in front of her somewhat as a barrier. "Duncan, why are you– "What you said back there, about...being scared of...love..." Duncan says, somewhat of an ashamed expression on his face. She found herself stuck to only look at Duncan from where she heightened, to his chest. She hears as his voice deepened into some sort of a slight distress. "I thought about that and..it's sucky to hear." He tells her, his tone a bit quieted while she sees his words were abashed, experiencing inquisitiveness on what was interesting about the walk trail. Armana felt surprised but a bit impacted by his words. <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;I didn't know Duncan would suddenly feel bad about what I said. Of course with his behavior at times it could've been possible that he'd react to it. But *chuckles* I find it kinda cute he'd tell me that&lt; "Oh." Her voice cracks, becoming hushed with the pronunciation of her word but she blinks, finding her confidence. "I know some things can be surprising to hear, especially if they're personal. But that's okay, right? That's part of how you bond with the person. You get to know their fears or any aspect of how they think or feel about something. I may be scared of certain things love can do to people, change how they act and stuff but, that doesn't mean I'm scared of you." Duncan's eyebrows slightly lift when he listened to her words. Armana mockingly lifts her eyebrows as well, her lips curling into a smile. "Gotcha there." He watched as they deceived with a smirk. <i>'It's way sexier when she does it'</i> He smiles, backing away from her as he tried brushing off the once saddened feelings he felt with an aloud laugh. "Yeah you're laughing now." Armana says. He rolls his eyes, "Whatever, I just couldn't accept that as some thing I'd normally hear." Armana chuckles, "And that's okay, I don't think most people would." A blush tinted on Duncan's face underneath the darkness, slightly annoyed. "Are you annoyed?" Armana asks. Duncan looks at her, feeling as a warmth eased from his unibrow. "Mm," He shrugs. "Maybe a little." Armana raises her eyebrows and felt as disappointment possessed her enjoyment. "Oh. Sorry." She regrets, blaming herself. "What? Oh no, it's not you." Duncan explains. "Oh really?" "Yeah." "That's good cause I hate it when I can be a pain sometimes. Unless I'm doing it on purpose. Why are you annoyed?" Duncan scratches an itch in his hair and kicks up dirt with the tip of his shoe. He sighs, "Its just, I was annoyed that it seemed like I was emotional in front of you. I hate explaining all my feelings and stuff...like I am now. Feel like it makes me look soft." "Oh yeah? I know how you feel–well maybe not being all tough and everything but–letting my feelings out about everything makes me feel easily sensitive. I don't like it and with your bad put-ups, I can tell you don't want it to seem like things get to you. Right?" Duncan chuckles, displaying a smile, "Yeah I guess you're onto something, princess." The two smile at each other, reaching their cabin afterwards. "Okay, you should really catch some sleep Duncan. You look pretty tired." Armana mentions. He opens his mouth to say something, but it agapes into a yawn. "May I have a kiss goodnight then?" He tiredly smiles. "Like I said 'you should catch some sleep'." Armana dismisses. "Please Princess?" "What? Do you want me to tuck you in, read you a bedtime story, bake you some cookies while we're at it?" Armana conveys contempt. "No, just <i>one</i>, <i>simple</i>, kiss." They say simultaneously. Armana deeply sighs, seeing how his lips were uplifting into a smile, that they most likely wouldn't be ceasing his ideal thought. "I shouldn't be kissing some boy." She mutters. "Well you didn't go inside the cabin yet." Duncan remarks. "Yeah." "Yeah?" <i>'God, I wonder if my parents are watching this'</i> Armana thought to herself. "J-Just a kiss?" She checks. Duncan contently shrugs, "Yup I don't care how you wanna do it. A kiss is just however your lips land on me." "Okay." Duncan closed his eyes, smugly waiting for Armana. She slowly steps up to the boy and gently feels her fingers on either side of his jawline. She presses her lips on his cheek, warmth circling on her lips. Then, she stops herself shortly after, backing away to see his reaction. "Aww isn't that sweet. Thanks princess." He smiles. "Oh it should be the help." Armana mocks but gives in with a smile back. She squeaks when Duncan hugs her, slightly lifting her up and snuggling his nose into her neck. She giggles as it prodded her skin, "Duncan that tickles." She hears his deep voice utter hitched breaths of laughter, not expecting a cool of wetness to pass on her skin. "Ew! Duncan!" Armana pushes the boy away, wiping her neck. Duncan chuckles, "You know you were enjoying it." Armana was surprised by his words and speaks for her truth. "Oh yeah sure! Getting my neck licked totally turns me on." She scoffs. "Yeah it sure does," He yawns. "I'm gonna hit the hay princess, see ya in the morning." She murmurs a night, watching as he gives her one more smile before leaving into the cabin. The next morning was the same expectancy as any other. Armana opens her eyes to the ceiling, feeling as rheum crusted on the brim of her eyelids. She sighed leaving out of bed and acting to put her clothes on. She pulls on one of the same halter neck tops she's worn, along her faded blue jeans and sandals. Outside, Duncan looks away from his acted carving on one of the logs constructed with the lodge, seeing Armana's tired expression. "Princess." He says, hooking his arm around her. "Hey Duncan." She responds, picking up one of his fingers and lifting his hand off her shoulder. "Hey, I was dreaming of you." He tells her. "Oh yeah? Well I really don't wanna know what it could've been about." "Hm, that's good cause of any case I don't even remember any of it." Armana rolls her eyes but a smile breaks her neglecting manner, blurting out a soft laugh. Duncan smiles, "Ha, did I make you laugh?" Armana shakes her head, her smile as broad. "It's just that, you're all on this dream, but there's no point of it because you don't remember anything." She explains, her words trailing into the resume of her laughter. "No I don't—but I do remember one thing..." "Shoot me." "You were there...smiling, laughing about something until you found the courage to kiss me." Armana cocks an eyebrow, "Is that so?" Duncan smirks, "It is." "That's because your brain is just trying to tell you <i>it's </i>okay for your endless suffering with imagining things that will <i>never </i>come true." Armana determines, kindly "<i>Never </i>say <i>never</i>." Duncan smiles back. The two's arguments were now comparative words to a point where there was an explanation on each end. But Armana's sassiness was always insatiable to Duncan. It was a salt shaker with her intelligence, the girl never backing down to say something that fills her mind but also the impressive that she knew her respects. He had an appetite for it. More than any taste with eating their breakfast that looked like chewed mush put into a bowl. "Just can't wait to dig in huh?" Duncan smirked, enjoying the look of disgust and disappointment Armana had discovering their meal. "Yeah it's just to die for," She pushes the tray away. "So, what do you think is gonna happen today?" "I don't know, probably another dumb challenge Chris will pull out of his ass." Armana chuckles, "That's very likely. But the question is; What is the challenge." She suddenly hears an aloud whistle, turning her head to a rather...prideful Chris. "Well, we're fucked." Duncan murmurs. "Campers! Your next challenge is a little game I like to call..phobia factor! Prepare to face your worst fear!" Chris declares, smiling <i>ear to ear</i>. Armana feels herself rising with heat in her clothes, remembering what she disclosed last night. <i>"Okay I can get scared of a lot of things, but it's a bit embarrassing um...I'm scared of love"</i> <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;I should've known Chris would make a challenge of the things we said. Especially me. Now I'm just embarrassed that he'll probably just put together some sappy crap he thinks girls are interested in&lt; She hears Duncan's chuckling from behind her, seeing as he pursed his mouth into his signature smirk. "Hm I only wonder what he'll do to you." He chuckles. "Oh yes, hopefully it won't take much time from seeing you meet Celine Dion." Armana tauntingly pouts. Duncan disappointedly sighs, "Shit." "Now for our first victims; Heather meet us all on the theater," Chris enthuses. "It's sumo time." Armana hears Heather loudly spit out her drink, seeing brown substance dripping from Trent's chin. "Gwen, you, me, the beach...a few tons of sand." Chris lists. "Chef Hatchet! Didn't you have a special order for Tyler here today." Armana watches as Chef reaches to Tyler with his deep frying basket, something fried that strangely took after the shape of a chicken. Tyler picks it up, slowly advancing his face towards his hand to bite into it. It was hallow. Tyler biting into it, the top simply broke off and still held its fowl shape. But suddenly, a chicken pokes its head from under the fried enclosure, causing Tyler to frantically scream and throw the chicken on the ground. "Oh boy." Armana speaks underneath her breath. They all follow Chris outside to the next test, consisting the girl-that-Armana-still-doesn't-like-for-tricking-her-in-dodgeball, Beth. "Beth," Chris cheerfully pronounces. "Let's see if you can swim with the bait." Chris yanks a white sheet that was apparently over a kiddie pool, but worse of it was that it was filled with worms. "Aw." Armana shudders, seeing as hundreds of them wiggled, turned, and toppled over each other. "Ooh, that's a bit extreme." Duncan murmurs amusingly to the girl. She shakes her head, "That's just disgusting." Much to her surprise, Beth didn't have any hesitation in diving into the pit of worms, coming back up with some in her mouth and hair. "Aw-haw haw sick." Duncan laughs. "And Beth sets the bar way up there." Chris says, Armana presuming it won the Gophers a point. She wondered if they would've won double points if she were to swallow them—she feared looking back to see if she did. "Katie and Lindsay, those do's just aren't you." Chris says, sneakily leading the girls to the lodge. "Oh man, I hope he doesn't like...shave their hair or something." Armana tips her chin to look over the shoulders of the teens. Duncan leads her in front of him. "Well, it is only a challenge. That would be bogus if he'd do that to them." He says. They watched as Chris pulled out two mullet wigs, matching the same color brown as the hair was longly measured. Suddenly Owen grabs one of the wigs out of Chris's hand. He begins ballet dancing with it and trips over his next step which leads to him falling on the floor. Armana begins laughing behind her hand, watching as Chris takes the wig from Owen's head and places it on the two girls. "Phew, well at least there's that for around twenty minutes. What's next?" Armana asks more to herself, watching as Chris walks the two girls back outside. "Owen and Izzy," He pronounces. "Time to take to the sky." Armana watches the two being lead to a dingy yellow biplane. She could only imagine Chris was igniting the teens' fear with how the aircraft was took care of. From the distance there were scratches, dents, and tape around its wings. "Those two could die," Armana watches. "I mean—look at that thing. It looks like it could break down and fall apart then next thing you know they're splat." "Hey, calm down precious. This is all just fun and games for the show. If anything, he wouldn't actually have us die on this crappy set up. He'd definitely get sued and you know what? Bad look on his career. So he won't be famous just for being famous anymore. Surely he wouldn't want that." Duncan assures her, pleased as the girl nods. "That's true, I guess I'm just scared when it's gonna be my turn then." She says. "I'll be right here beside you." The two share a smile, as if it locked a promise on their words. Til then, Chris checked his watch, seeing as Owen and Izzy were landed back on ground and smiles with thoughts of the next person. "Well, I've hired some cosplayers to dress as ninjas. They should be coming in while Harold is taking his fifteen minute dump. So then next, LeShawna! We have a surprise for you." LeShawna crouched to the ground in fear, Armana seeing as Chef was dressed as a huge purple spider. LeShawna struggles to stand back on her feet, screaming into the woods while she ran off. "Hm, so she didn't get them a point I'm guessing." Armana says. "Yeah, it looks like only if you face your fear it wins your team points." Duncan shrugs. "Hm." They all walked towards the amphitheater by Chris's directions, seeing a heavy man, most likely Japanese, in what Armana heard a training belt called <i>mawashi. </i> "Heather," Chris says. "May I ask you to come on stage to face this fine gentleman." Armana sees the girl shaking in her wedges walking up the stage, possibly rethinking her life at the moment. "I wonder how this would play out." Armana watched, her expectations negative with the odds of nearly a three hundred pound man versus a shameful, mean, skinny girl who goes by the name Heather. The stage creaks with the man's steps towards her, the girl cowering into hunkering to her feet. Surprisingly, the man is defeated by this by tripping over her body and rolling continuously into the forest. "Well then that's a point for the Gophers," Chris smiles. "Now onto Bridgette." Armana flips her head towards the blonde, who audibly gulps—scarcely expecting Chris's words. "You must sit in the woods by yourself for exactly six hours." He declares. "Six hours?" Armana repeats, surprised. "Yes, six hours in solitude—in the woods." Bridgette sighs, stepping down from the bleachers. "Is there a certain place I go?" She asks, worried. "Wherever, doesn't matter, find yourself a spot. Cameras will always be rolling." Chris shrugs. "Okay then, I'll do it for the team. It's just the woods anyway, what's the harm?" Bridgette esteems herself, considering a moment with taking a deep breath. "Aw man, good luck Britt." Armana shouts, watching as the girl walked off. Chris gathers the Gophers while Armana sees her team are staying at the theater. "Killer Bass, you stay here. Gophers, it's time for Gwen's funeral." He darkly chuckles, walking off with the selected team. Armana sighs, feeling as things were running thinner. "Man, I'm really beginning to worry what he'll have me do. Why did you put thoughts into my head?" She asks Duncan. He chuckles, "I was just playing with you. Don't worry, it shouldn't be bad. I'm just curious on what he could've possibly planned since ya know, your fear has something to do with love." Armana nods, "Yeah." Sitting through a bit of silence, Duncan then looked at the girl. "But may I ask; are you scared with relationships just being compatible? Like without any problems or anything?" Duncan asks her. She shrugs, "I guess so. That makes it more easier to say." "Oh princess, don't you worry your little head. You should know that there's always someone out there for you. Like some gravitational force is drawn between you and that person. Then there's that, some attraction holding it's string until you meet each other," He tells her. "But here's the question...you're not scared of love in general. You're thinking about me, aren't you?" Armana laughs, her tone dipped in mockery. "You're just so full of yourself, it really wouldn't win you any battle." "I— "Killer Bass! It's your turn for DJ to face his fear. DJ could you please step on stage." Chris had shortly came back in time for the teens to face off their next fear. Armana watches DJ take his turn on stage, nervously peering at the tank that was brought to him. From where she sat, she could only see a hazy image of a head through the glass. The snake, she presumed with DJ's struggling, must've been tiny. "Ey you can do this big guy." Duncan cheers, clapping along his encouragement. DJ fearfully looks at the snake, suddenly cowering back. "It blinked." He points. "It means she likes you." Sadie tells him. "It's the smallest snake ever DJ! Come on!" Courtney yells. "Yeah but it's slimy, and scaly, and slithery— "We need this point DJ! Suck it up!" Silence prolonging, she earned a couple reactions, defensively then handling her hips. "What? We're heading back to loser-ville people." She words as an excuse. Armana rolls her eyes. "Ya know Courtney, if you're doing all this yelling, I hope it means that you'll be doing better." She confronts the girl. "Wha–of course I'll be showing my signs of commitment. I'm only yelling to let you guys know I'm not gonna sit here and just act all cool with my team losing this competition. So we need to step up our game." "Okay, just so I'm hearing it ear to ear." Duncan chuckles by her words, another one of the moments when he'd adore Armana, especially when she makes herself strong in arguments. They all turn their attention back upfront, DJ having comprehended Courtney's panties were definitely well up her ass that he should face his fear before consequences could be existential. He extends a finger towards the snake as Armana presumed with his take of action. <i>'Possibly the biggest we'll get out of any progression'</i> She was slightly surprised to see DJ managed to pick up the snake; a small body having slithered on his finger. "And DJ wins Bass their first point." Chris announces through the teens' cheer. "See, fear is only in the mind." Courtney asserts. Armana shook her head dismissing the girl's possible bipolarity. They all continue their walk near the shore with being lead by Chris. Armana walked a bit ahead of the group, seeing along the distance Trent was talking into a walkie-talkie, sitting by a broad timer ticking at two minutes. She assumed it was where Gwen was buried and how long she had to stay under, while Trent could've possibly been soothing her being solitary under ground. She squints her eyes, seeing a slender man creeping towards the boy. He taps his shoulder, acting the impression of feeling a wall while Trent is horrified—giving a frenzied scream. The group watched him running away from the mime, Chris humoring that Trent's heels were still being treaded on. "Just talk to him brah," He speaks through his megaphone. "That's gonna make him go–away." He checks his watch, "Okay then, we still have two minutes before Gwen's done. Cody, you're up." Armana observed the boy facing cans of garbage attached to a bomb, remembering his words. <i>'Having to defuse a time bomb under pressure'</i> Which to her stood too specific if you were to think innocuously of a moment without there being a convenience. But she wasn't any smarter than Cody, which is what she ashamed as the people counting down. "And now that Cody will have his butt toasted after ten minutes, onto our next tour." Chris leads the teens towards the cabins, Armana feeling a small panic when she suddenly sees the picture of a curvaceous woman in the open space. "Um Duncan." She looks at the delinquent, who casually looks around for the next person until he sees a certain woman. "Aw shit." He murmurs, earning tiny laughs from Armana. "Duncan, Celine had heard one of her fans were so excited to meet her that she couldn't let her supporter down. And so here she is," Chris presents the standee. "Just one hug and you're done." Armana rolls her eyes but surprisingly sees Courtney standing beside Duncan for possible comfort. She slightly felt annoyed with Courtney's presence but it wasn't like she was gonna push who Duncan should be around. She kept herself eased, seeing as Duncan looked at her—she smiled. "That looks really—really real man." He tells her. "Man she's made of cardboard! Get in the game!" Armana sees Tyler yell from the sidelines and frowns. "Hey shut it, chickens could be the least of anyone's worries." She retorts, the teen backing down. She sighs but marks her attention back towards Duncan, seeing as his eyes blurted with fear. "Hey, it's okay if you can't do it." Courtney cooed. "Ya know, she's right. If it's really that bad, it's not like they'll kill you if you act against doing it. Even if it wouldn't give us any points, surely the others would understand with them being put in front of their worst fear." Armana tells him. He takes a long breath, slowly enrolling with courage. "I-I'll try." He assures them. Courtney grabs his hand and Armana settles both her hands on his shoulder, resting her chin on the support of her fingers as she looked at Celine. Armana whispers, "She may look a bit creepy but that's okay. Just imagine she's some giant plush or someone you like— "You?" Duncan infers. "Um, sure. If that really helps you, go for it." She stares between Duncan and the standee before he takes a deep breath. "Alright I'm going in." He conveys. He darts towards Celine, extending his arms out for her. He embraces her into his chest, picking up the standee while he was at it. Armana couldn't help the smile urging on her lips, inspired with everyone's clamor. She sees Courtney dashing towards him. "Duncan, you're awesome!" She hugs him. Duncan accepts her embrace but is more effected seeing Armana approach him. "Duncan, nice job. I'm proud of you." She praises him. He laughs, the two giving each other a high five—well that was the intention. Duncan grabs Armana's wrist, enabling him to pull the girl into his hug-free chest. She was surprised, but seeing Duncan's rapture, she approved with her arms engulfing his torso. <i>'Only this once'</i> # ~ Chapter 13 ~ "Well Killer Bass, due to Duncan being able to face his fear with hugging Celine Dion, he wins you another point. Which at the moment marks you tied with the Screaming Gophers." Another cheer emitted from the team, curious as to who the next person would be. "Well I'm glad that's over." Duncan sighed, greatly appreciative. Armana laughs, "Oh yeah? Don't tell me you'll be freaking out like that just seeing cardboard." "Wha–hey, she looks completely different from some random cardboard box. I mean–look at her. It's creepy how she just stares at you and shit." He professes. Armana smiles and nods. "I guess you have a point. There was one time when I was younger, I went out on a field trip to the movie theaters. When we went there, there was another new movie—a zombie movie–and they were kinda the same with the promotion of cardboard cut out things. I was creeped out how one of the zombies looked and I couldn't stop turning my head from the movie screen to check if one of them was there." She informs him. "Yeah? Were they known to sneak up on you or something?" Duncan asks her. "No, it was just me about to crap my pants." She evokes a laugh from him, the spontaneous sound filling in the silence with walking to their next destination. Armana thought about the others, such as Trent, Cody, Gwen or Bridgette. She wasn't sure about Bridgette standing sane for the point of time being alone in the woods, Cody and his skills with deactivation, or how much air Gwen still had being underground–thus far, Chris was killing her. "Hey, you okay?" Duncan breaks Armana out of her trance. "Oh yeah–yeah I'm fine." She says, dispelling his concern with a smile. He smiles in return. "You seem to be thinking a lot." He claims. Armana giggles, "That's because I am." "What about?" She shook her head, dismissive, "Nothing but how chaotic today is." "I can agree, I'm bored now." Armana laughs, surprising Duncan with her sudden perception of humor. "What?" He questions. "It's just funny. You were all psyched and scared on this thing and I guess since that held you up until it was your turn, you're just not seeing any point of anything anymore." She interpreted. "Hm I guess so. And I wasn't scared, I was just creeped out by that bizarreness of a woman." Armana shakes her head still in the chain of laughter, "Sure Duncan, you were shaking in your shoes." The day continued with the pleasure of horror. Geoff had been pelted with hail, Jojo had sung for a mimic concert for Rihanna–of course still on the island, Tyler practically failed sitting in a pen with chickens and it lastly came down to Armana and Courtney. "Actually, if you do the math you can't possibly win: the score's 7 to 3." Cody says, presenting his calculator. "Not necessarily," Chris answers to Cody. "We have two more challenges still set up." Armana suspected Courtney, as she did last night at the campfire when the girl nearly lost her shit from an offer of jelly. "Who," Courtney felt the silence pressuring on her. "It can't be me...but I didn't.." "You didn't have to. We're always watching you and your reactions." Chris confesses. "Ha, I knew something was up Courtney." Armana had stayed concerned, a surge of confidence with being on the right mindset. "Oh who cares? It's not gonna make a difference." Courtney dismissed. "Let's make this interesting then," Chris proposes. "I'll give both of you girls triple points if you can complete your challenge." "Okay hit me." Armana shrugs. The teens watched as chef mixed a huge tub of green jello. "Courtney, you can face your fear and dive straight into this pool of jelly." Chris announces. "As for you Armana," Chris says, Duncan tauntingly leaning his elbow on the girl's shoulder. "I couldn't wait to get to you." "The suspense is killing me." She sarcastically mentions. Chris chuckles, "Your fear...it was a bit difficult to think what type of challenge could go with it. But for the assessment, I got it! You'll have to date Duncan for the rest of the day." A sharp gasp itched Armana's throat along everyone else's, the girl inspired with shock. "What?!" Duncan dissolved into laughter, asking the same question. "Yeah 'what' is a firm term that I'm on top of the world right now." He laughs. Armana rolled her eyes but landed them spitefully on Chris. "Chris," She pronounces. "What the hell dude? Please don't tell me that's my actual challenge." Chris wasn't any different from Duncan, laughing contemptibly at the girl. "I'm just always up for your reactions." He wipes a tear. Armana smiles, "So it wasn't?" "Oh no it is," Chris chuckles. "But with these frame of choices girls, both of you could face your fear or let your team lose yet another challenge." Armana groans, turning to a smug Duncan. "Wipe that dumb smile off your face." She tells him. "Oh yeah? Well there's only one way to do that." Duncan puckered up his lips, aiming his face towards the girl but only receives the rejection with her turning away. She sighs, her arms crossed with her irritation. "Armana." She sees Bridgette approaching her, a smile expressing on her face. "Sorry," She hides it. "Some challenge though." Armana shakes her head. "It's fine, but 'some challenge' indeed." She agrees. Bridgette laughs. "I was always curious what plan Chris would put together for you. I was also surprised to hear what you said the other night too." "Yeah," Armana shrugs. "I think everyone else was too, especially Chris. He was definitely too surprised." She sighs, Bridgette patting her on the back. "Stop Bridgette." Armana says, causing the blonde to laugh. "Okay, okay. I wouldn't want you to keep your boyfriend waiting." Armana turns behind her, seeing Duncan smiling and twinkling his fingers at her. She rolls her eyes, "And shall I shouldn't." Bridgette laughs as Armana turns herself back towards Duncan. The couple shared a glance with each other; Duncan's side of amusement and her side of annoyance. "Ooh and the team is let down with Courtney's failure to face the pool of sugary, jiggly snot. But we still have a chance with our teen couple. What'll it be Armana?" Chris asks her, a smirk plastered on his face. She glances at her peers, seeing as they all were intentionally listening. She then finally looked at Duncan, who taunts a smile. It influences her to force a smile towards Chris, "You're on." Cheers emitted from the team, now rooting for the girl as she would be the redemption for the play of their game. <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;I can't believe Chris has me dating Duncan as my challenge. It makes me so pissed that he did this just to tease me...but, I guess I'm not as freaked out, Duncan's not that bad of a guy...I won't go into details&lt; Duncan laughed as the girl facepalmed. "Oh this is just gold." He glees. "Ugh, it's stupid. I'm not even scared of you." Armana debates. "No, but you are scared of something that has something to do with me." She questions his words, "What?" "Here, let's go on a walk...honey." "Duncan, stop!" He laughs, grabbing a hold of her hand and swinging their arms playfully. "So?" Armana asks for his words. Duncan stops himself in front of her, Armana feeling as their conversation was steeping into seriousness. "I'm head over heels for you. You know that right?" He asks her. "I-I guess so." "How do you feel towards me?" Armana felt heat rising on her cheeks, finding her answering difficult with looking directly at Duncan. "We don't talk about that." Duncan laughs. "So talk to me." He tells her. She rolls her eyes but knows his eyes were still fixed on her. She sighs, "I...I've always liked you Duncan. As much as I didn't want to come to terms with my feelings, I knew they were always there. I can't identify what's holding me back or what's truly making me hesitant from really calling myself falling in love with a boy I nearly just met." "Well, do you feel like things are going a bit too fast?" He questions her. "Maybe." "Then let's make tonight something special. We could go off somewhere, forget about the cameras, the show, the people. It's not about them or the sake of entertainment. It'll just be us...and it won't have to end after tonight." Armana thought for a good measure, reading within her heart and the churning in her gut. She was tired of letting go of chances just because she was scared. That was what the point of the challenge was, wasn't it? Getting over your fear or taking a leap of courage over that hurdle you thought was an obstacle. "I...I'd like that." She giggled, her words almost expressed in a whisper. "Really? That's great," Duncan smiled. "I could see in your eyes, you were speaking with your soul." "Sounds kinda dark." She thought. "Yeah but your soul is your inner self, it makes up your emotional nature, your identity and your morals. Its like for a moment you were speaking from deep within...like you were truly being honest with your emotions." Armana blushed but let's out another laugh. "Jeez Duncan. How do you speak so poetically? The way you portray yourself tells me opposite." He shrugged, "Eh, I don't know exactly where I speak from. I guess it could be from deep within like I was telling you." They both smile while he could see there was stars twinkling inside her eyes. He looked up, eying the others to see they were slightly creating an audience. He mugs them. "Let's go somewhere where we could be alone." He decided, grabbing her hand while at it. "And then there you have it," Chris announced, watching the couple. "The Killer Bass win invincibility this week." Armana heard their team cheer behind them, shaking her head with a smile. "So where are we going?" She asked. "I was thinking maybe the cabin, or we could find somewhere the cameras wouldn't be rolling." Duncan smirked with a wink. She felt her lower region tingle, "Would that be necessary?" "I would say it is unless you wanna do this in public." <i>'Do what in public'</i> She felt her blood run cold and his hands slide on her curves. "Of course if you're comfortable." He whispered in her ear, his voice resonating low and deep. She grabbed his hand from her hip and made her way towards the woodland. They went as far as they'd like, even if there was a camera on nearly every tree, Duncan thought of throwing rocks at the ones that were in their view. Then, they wouldn't have to worry about being seen. As daylight faded, small patches of the sorbet sky peered in through the trees. She felt the silky smooth leaves against her arms as her back was pressed on a tree. Duncan touched his forehead with hers, steadying his lips before her face. "Can you imagine how long I've been wanting to do this?" He asked, slightly rhetorical. "A little bit. I always knew you wanted a piece of me." She clued before he slammed his lips on hers. The woods were silent and hot and still. Not a breeze stirred. Both of their ears picked up the slurps within their exchanges. Armana hardly had a moment to react before Duncan pressed his tongue to the seam of her lips. She granted him access, smiling a bit when he quickly delved inside her mouth. It was quite a sloppy kiss before she pulled away for a second to catch her breath. Duncan bit on her bottom lip as her head drew back. She arched up into his broad chest, moaning in the contact of body heat against her own, before she drew back into his lips. While at this, Duncan's hands roamed free on her body. One slid up and down along her torso, eventually sliding under her shirt and kneading her boob. "Duncan." She moaned, feeling his cool hand against the warmth of her bare skin. His other smoothed on her hip and slowly moved towards her ass—which he gladly grabbed a handful of. Armana wrapped her arms around his neck and felt her hand through his hair. "Wanna take this further?" He asked, kissing and licking her outer ear. She shivered, "We're not having sex in the woods." He chuckled, "So we can still have sex?" "No, I didn't mean it like that." He laughed a bit more and kissed her neck. "That's fine, just as long as you're mine is all my concern." He assured. She smiled and stood silent feeling him begin to trail his lips over her neck. Her lungs contracted on their own, uttering her pleasure as she lengthened and exposed the side of her neck. She felt the beat of his breath while her senses were at peak. The fact that it was dark made the moment feel more steamier as she couldn't see anything that was coming. His lips prodded her skin, with the warmth of his tongue dabbing each area. Then as he began to kiss, the suction of his lips played with her nerve endings, sending warm shivers that spread out as waves through her body. She jolted when he began to nibble on her. "Did that hurt?" She felt him smirking. "A little bit but...I don't want a hickey on my neck. Everyone will see." She fretted. "Well what <i>do </i>you want?" "I want it where it'll be between only <i>us</i> to see. You could do it here." She took his hands to lift her shirt above her chest. She unclipped her bra for him and accepted as he took her breast in his mouth, reacting in a whisper of profanity. He gently fondled them to feel on their size, their perkiness and how perfect he envisioned them. His teeth lightly bit at her tender flesh between sucks and constant kisses. His finger felt around her areola until he got to her nipple, feeling it get more harder and tender under his touch. He showed her left boob the same love and rubbed them between his fingers then twisted and yanked at them. Armana felt her panties getting wet by the action, thinking she could edge soon. "I hate how dark it is, I wish I could see you." Duncan lusted. Armana smiled, "You're doing good how much you're feeling on me. How long should we spend out here?" "As long as we'd like and stressing for. There's still a lot I wanna do. I'm not done listening to you." His hand crept by her crotch, earning a gasp from her. He unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down until they pooled at her ankles. "I-I thought I said we weren't having sex." She told him. "Doesn't mean we can't go as close to doing it." He defined, caressing her through her panties. "Damn you're soaked." Her face grew unbelievably hot how he felt on her clit, feeling herself melt through the fabric a bit more. "Shut up." She could only say. He chuckled, pulling them down also and slipping his fingers through. Her body writhed, leaning her head down on his shoulder. "Aww does that feel nice baby? It could hardly compare to my nice cock." He told her erotically into her ear. He adds another finger, quickly inserting it while he felt her walls quiver. "Oh my..Duncan." Armana softly moaned, feeling his pace quicken as he added nearly all his fingers. She was getting insanely turnt on by his dirty talk and imagining the substitute of him inside her almost drove her off a wall. "Duncan," She slightly panted. "I might cum." "Oh yeah princess? Well let it all out for me. Let me taste you." She felt herself unwind on his hand, her back slightly arching off the tree. He tasted his fingers and licked his lips. "You taste so good baby girl," He pleasured. "I think I want a little more." She gasped feeling his mouth kissing and moving there. It felt like the top of a swirling slushy machine was gently being applied to the fibers of her very core. She experienced tingles and twirls and swirls and lush and lust, all slithering from the top of her clit to the bottom of her spine. Her eyes rolled back a bit, spreading her legs a bit more while pushing his head down. He started lapping at her delicate skin like he was a dog and moved his mouth inside the fat lips of it to create a smooching sound. "Mmm," He moaned. "I could eat you for hours." The sensation vibrated her core, causing her to move her hips a bit. He licked his tongue deeper, feeling her drip on his chin to his facial hair. He fingered her more, drawing her closer to the edge with the sensation of his tongue and his determination. She threw her head back and soon came on his tastebuds. Her energy felt drained. She rocked her hips a bit against Duncan to calm down from her high as he licked the outside of her clean. "You feeling okay?" He then asked her, finishing off with a kiss on her labia. "I feel..great." She shakily breathed. "You must be packing though." Armana pushed him on the tree where she was. He smugly chuckled feeling her kiss his groin through his shorts, encouraging her with his hand behind her head. "I wasn't sure how much longer I could take." He sighed. "And now we'll see how long you'll last." She smirked, kissing his bulge and turning him on even more. She unbuttoned his fly to expose his boner and continued to kiss the shape of it, feeling her lips along the ball shape in his boxers. Cupping her hand around his erection, she could feel how slightly heavy he was. "Ugh babe, quit teasing." He groaned, bucking his hips a bit. She giggled, "Don't rush me." Armana excitedly pulled on his waistband. His dick sprang out on her face and slightly petted her on her nose. She trailed kisses on his length, feeling out on his anatomy. She then engulfed her mouth on the head and flicked her tongue inside his urethral hole. He throbbed inside her hand as she heard him murmur profanity. Spitting some on his length, she eagerly submerged him into her mouth—earning a sigh of relief from Duncan. Her tongue protruded under, adding much more of a sensation for him. "Yeah, just like that." He quietly praised, controlling her pace with his hand grabbing on her hair. After another suck, she let's her mouth fall at the base. She sucked at the skin and lifted his member to kiss at his scrotum. She earned another trail of profanity from him as it was like she vacuum sealed it into her mouth. Then everything was like a cycle except that she would use her hands a few times. She began to use both of her hands and twisted them in opposite directions. "Holy shit, this can't be your first time at this." Duncan breathed. Armana laughed, "Well it is." It motivated her to go on, hearing as his slight moans and groaning were music to her ears. She continued to feel him throb in her mouth, sinking her lips as far as she could to take him in her throat. "Ugh damn baby girl, I might just cum about now," He moaned. "Wait, stop moving." She obeyed, still having him in her mouth. She then was shocked when he began to quickly thrust. It almost caught her off guard as he held both sides of her head and held her close to his dick. She moaned while trying her hardest not to gag. "Fuck!" He finally came, his release spurting along her tongue and against the walls of her gum. She sat slightly disgusted but swallowed anyway. "Phew, holy shit that was great." Armana chuckled as she wiped her mouth, "Yeah I agree. I kinda wasn't expecting that turn of events." "Me neither, wonder what time it is." They had been in the woods for about a couple of minutes. By then, the nocturnal life were active: the sounds of distant and near birds, the buzzing of insects and the cries of frogs mixture behind the trees. Armana slightly cringed pulling her pants back up, feeling as her panties were wet. "I'm definitely taking a shower." She affirmed. "I can join you." Duncan suggested. "No thanks, lover boy I've had enough heat for the night." Her statement made the boy laugh as they headed their way back. The place looked empty and was peaceful and quiet. "Thank god, no unnecessary attention." Duncan said in repose. "Well most likely not until the next morning." Armana admitted. "True." They continued their walk to the cabin and—as usual—stopped and looked at each other under the porch light. She giggled as they both stood in awe over what just happened. "I don't know what to say." He smirked. "Everything was pretty much wrapped up with tonight...how do you feel?" She questioned, keeping a hushed tone. "I feel...love and at the same time tired." She chuckled then Duncan felt on her cheek. "You've always had chubby cheeks." He remarked as he squeezed on it. She rolled her eyes, "Whatever, I'm going to bed. Goodnight." "Wait." He held on to her wrist. "What?" "....." "Come on Duncan there's mosquitos out." He smiled, "Alright, alright. But, does this mean we're dating?" "...You can call it that." And with that she left inside the cabin. <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;I can't believe what happened tonight. I decided to give Duncan a chance going out with him. I wanna see how things go...what's the worse that could happen at this point?&lt; # ~ Chapter 14 ~ Armana dreamt of the woods. The night sky was almost a midnight blue and the moon a milky crescent. Her painted toes dug into the earth, the grass damp and the leaves catching under her feet. As he thrusted inward, each of them were deep and steady. So deep she felt it through her sleep, subconsciously having a pressure in her bladder but an arousal ringing in her vulva. He almost looked like a silhouette: a shadow casted over his body while their breaths rose in visible puffs and mingled into a cloud. The cloud turned into a speech bubble, writing out her name. She began to hear her name in different voices. They surrounded her as his pace became more intense. The explosive bursts of their breath began to fog the area, shaping on her friends. Then he breathed in, the shape of her friends warping into his nostrils before he breathed out a cloud. It takes on another speech bubble. "Armana!" Bridgette shook on the girl's shoulder. Her body jolted as she shot out of her sleep. She gives the blonde a look of concern. "Sorry, I don't mean to wake you but Chris wants us up soon for the next challenge." Armana deeply sighed, rubbing on her temples. "Did you have a nice dream? You were making weird noises in your sleep. It sounded like that meme of that turtle moaning." Bridgette remarked before imitating the turtle's panting. Armana's cheeks burned hot but she couldn't help but to laugh at her friend's joke. She rolled her eyes, "It was nothing. Are you just trying to be funny?" "Well yeah but at the same time no. You were moaning in your sleep." Bridgette eyed the girl down with a smirk as Armana looked at her shocked. Her embarrassment roasted under her cheeks once more, earning the blonde's enjoyment. "Maybe we'll talk about it later. I'll let you get dressed." She offered between her snickering, leaving out the cabin. Armana shook her head in shame. She thought about the series that went through her mind; what happened last night and her dream Bridgette compared her to a turtle with. She tried pushing it to the back of her concerns and went through her clothes. She wore a basic yellow crop shirt, pulling up a pair of distressed knee length shorts over her curves then simply another pair of white Air Max's. Then for once, she decided to leave her hair out in its natural state; her kinks huddled in profusion above her shoulders. Joining the teens to meet outside where Chris would explain the next challenge—as expected—she stood next to her snickering friends. <i>'Great. Are they making fun of me now?'</i> Her frown is quickly replaced when a pair of arms abruptly embrace her. She recognizes the yellow sleeves as his lips met against her cheek. "You could've said good morning." She giggled. "Good morning." She felt him smile as she laughed inwardly, his lips remaining on the crook of her neck due to their newfound affection. Armana felt a few pair of eyes on them, possibly questioning their openness of love for each other even though that was only yesterday's challenge. Although—at the back of her mind—she wasn't sure if it was right, she gave into the obvious. She knew she liked him, that some part of her has become attached to the boy while her curiosity peaked of what would happen. What would happen if she fell in love? <i>'Would I be called naive?' 'Would I be shamed for it?' </i> "I think people are staring." She remarked momentarily. "So what, we're on live TV anyway." He told her, looking at a camera as he kissed her. She had to admit with herself that she felt weird about taking this step forward. <i>'Will I get backstabbed now that I'm letting my wall crumble?'</i> She was always wary of herself and Duncan, as he constantly attempted to win her over. <i>'What happens now?'</i> What happens now that she's deciding to trust him? Will they become this happy couple like people think they were always meant to be? Or is there a goal he's trying to accomplish from finally taking her by his side? "Ah, I see that I've finally hooked up my two love birds." Chris appeared, poking fun at their PDA. "Quiet." Armana told him, crossing her arms. "Might I say, I tried checking the cameras in the woods, but they were all broken. Mind elaborating?" The girl shrugged as Duncan innocently smiled at him as if he didn't know what he was talking about. "Ah well, you two can share a swan ride cause Bass, Gophers. Today's challenge is a true summer camp experience: A canoe trip." <i>'Canoeing?'</i> "You'll be paddling your canoes across the lake...<i>to Boney island</i>." Chris tried speaking in a spooky voice. "Boney island?" Armana whispered to Duncan. "Do you know what that place is?" "A place to get boned." Armana shook her head as Duncan snickered in her ear before they listened on. "When you get there, you must portage your canoes to the other side of the island—which is a two hour hike through treacherous, dense jungle." "Wait did he say "<i>Por-Taj</i>"?" Duncan realized. Armana chuckled, "Yeah it's pronounced <i>Por-dij.</i>" "That's what I thought, should we correct him?" "Eh, it's rude to interrupt someone while they're talking." "When you arrive at the other end of the island, you'll build a rescue fire that will be judged by me. The first team to paddle home and return with their canoes to the beach is the winner of invincibility. Move campers, move!" Everyone was off. Until Chris called after them, "Oh wait! One more thing I should mention, legend has it: if you take anything off the island, you'll be cursed forever." Armana cringed as he spoke in his spooky voice again, believing he was just trying to scare them. Lightning strikes on cue, seeming to gain everyone's reaction. "Woo! A cursed island! Yeah!" Owen questionably cheered, the rest of the group staying silent. "Well then his fat ass can get cursed, I ain't trying to be in no paranormal activity." Jojo murmured, earning Armana's amusement. "Now get in your canoes and let's have some fun!" Making their ways to the alignment of canoes at the shore, Duncan wrapped his arm around his girl. "So Chris said we can choose paddling partners." He pointed out with a smirk. "Hmm, wonder who I'll pick." She teased. She sat in the canoe while Duncan pushed it into the water. She passed him a life jacket as she buckled one on and wondered how their journey would go. "How do we know where we're going?" She asked him. He shrugged, "I would just follow everyone else." After a short while, everyone was settled into their canoes and steadied as Chris would start the race. "On your marks, get set, go!" He commanded, firing a gun shot into the sky. Armana matched her paddles with Duncan, who was leading the boat. His paddles were rather a bit slower than the rest of the campers, deciding to enjoy the calm ride. For a moment, they listened to the water burble and calmly splash after their movements. While igniting the day anew with such brilliance, Earth's star beamed on Armana—continuing to bronze her skin as her mood happily mirrored the weather. "We don't have to go as fast ya know." Duncan spoke up. "Why so? This <i>is</i> a race." She emphasized. "Not a race for us. As far as I'm thinking, this can just be a date." Duncan being the delinquent, he possibly contested that they don't participate in the challenge and simply enjoy the day canoeing. "Duncan, you know that wouldn't be fair. Every member aids the team as a whole." Armana reasoned. "So what, the only challenge I've been looking forward to is you. You becoming mine." He pridefully said. "Well now that I'm yours, I'm curious. What made you fall for me? What made you keep wanting to flirt with me until you gained my trust to become your lover?" From her words, he stopped paddling and turnt to her. He smiled, "Because I like you as a person. I liked ever since the day we first met and talked to each other, you had sass in you. Like this little chihuahua barking at a Rottweiler. It was so fucking cute. So I was thinking to myself if I was really attracted to you, if I wanted to pursue you. Pursue being in a relationship with you. Pursue having you in my world. And I do. I do want you, because this last week has been the best days of my life. Outside of Juvie and on some crappy island but hey, it makes it fun that we were grouped with people we could potentially become friends with. If not, sexually attracted to. Chris always had this in store for us. For you and me. He planned that staying on this island with other people for a month or so, we can't help but build connections with each other. You and me built a bond on love. You could've found me creepy like the rest of the girls, especially with all my piercings and this bad attitude. But we still talked day to day and you decided to learn who I am as a person and I can say the same about you. I liked that you were playing hard to get, that a lot of the challenges we had, we possibly wouldn't have won without you. And you're the best friend I've never had, and I've never let my feelings out like this to another person." Armana realized this was the first she heard Duncan confess his feelings. Well not the first, but actually explain himself. It was heartwarming to hear him like this, to be able to open himself up to her like she was his own confessional. They even heard the cameraman sniffling, annoying the boy when he realized people from the whole world could see him like this. "Would you get out of here." He told him, striking fear in the other man before he quickly paddled to the other campers. "Duncan, that was really cute what you said," Armana admired, leaning herself towards him. "You really are a sweetheart, you know that?" He still looked annoyed from the cameraman but his features softened at her words, "Yeah, I kinda got carried away a bit. What's the big deal anyway?" "What's the big deal?" Armana repeated him incredulously. "Because you do all this stuff that's put you in juvie. You like to act like a delinquent but ironically you're a good person. You're so good with your words. You should write me letters." Duncan chuckled and looked at the girl before he hugged her. He hugged her like he was longing to embrace her, or more like that he was finally able to embrace her. She immediately envelopes him closer to her body, wrapping her arms around his neck and swaying them to their heart beat. He rested his head on her shoulder, Armana remembering some of the oldies her parents would play while they cleaned. <i>'Put your head on my shoulder</i> <i>Hold me in your arms, baby.</i> <i>Squeeze me oh-so-tight—show me, that you love me too'</i> Duncan then adjusted his view onto her, resting his forehead upon her's so he could look into her brown eyes. Their noses brush, sharing an eskimo kiss which made Armana giggle. Her smile is immediately captured between his lips. In the kiss was the sweetness of passion, a million loving thoughts condensed into a moment. <i>'Put your lips next to mine, dear</i> <i>Won't you kiss me once, baby? </i> <i>Just a kiss goodnight, maybe?</i> <i>You and I will fall in love (you and I will fall in love)'</i> Eventually, a mysterious mist began to hover over the water. The area appeared a bit foggy and ominous as Armana accidentally brushed one of her paddles against a sea stack along their way. The water seemed darker than the clean turquoise far back at the camp. It was until the fog cleared a bit that another island emerged with the face of a massive cliff in the shape of a human skull. "Now this looks like a nice place to party." Duncan engrossed. "Of course it does." Armana sarcastically said, her eyes latched onto her surroundings. <i>'You'll be paddling your canoes across the lake to Boney island.'</i> She remembered Chris's words as their boat hits shore. Her body shuddered at a breeze of wind, hugging herself as they stepped out of the canoe. "Jeez, when did it get so cold?" She asked, earning Duncan's attention. "I'm not cold." He smirked. "Well, you're wearing long sleeves." "Or it could just be that you're scared." He teased her but stayed close to her so there was warmth from their body contact. They suddenly hear an eerie shriek from afar. "Ok, let's just get this over with." Armana hears Gwen hasten, seeing her and Cody race off into the jungle. "I'm right behind you." "Pfft, scaredy cats." The two teams portage their canoes as challenged and raced through the forest. Armana glimpsed at her surroundings once more: seeing human skulls decorate the woodland to her left and right. Both teams decide to separate and take a different turn to navigate what trail may lead to the end of the island. She sees some of her teammates stop up ahead, looking between two different paths. Her and Duncan also halt, analyzing their chances. "Left, definitely left." She hears Courtney. Armana looked at the left path, seeing as it appeared a bit longer. "I don't know I think we should take the one on the right." Geoff debated. And she looked at the right, feeling a bit more comfortable as it felt like they were still going straight. "I'd go right." She spoke up, slightly losing her grip on her end of the canoe. "The right trail is wider." Bridgette agreed. They go right, so far things going peacefully for their team. But, Geoff suddenly trips over something, moaning in pain as he held his leg. "Aw! My leg, I'm down! I'm dooown!" He shouted. "Aw it's so unfair! Why did this have to happen now? Why! Why!" "Geoff!" Bridgette ran to his side as the team gathered around him. "What exactly is he moaning about? He's just sticking his leg in the air." Duncan whispered. Armana suppressed her laugh but smiled, "Well I wouldn't see any reason he'd try to pretend he's hurt." "You've gotta go on without me." Geoff continued. Courtney began to walk off before DJ held onto her. "We're not leaving any man behind." He told her. "Not on my watch." "Wow." Duncan chuckled. Armana felt he was slightly being over dramatic as she stepped closer. She cocked one of her eyebrows when she thought she saw something on his leg. However, as the others helped him on one of their canoes, her eye couldn't catch it again and dropped her train of thought. "Pfft, what a baby." Duncan poked fun at him next to her. "Hm, I don't think he's actually injured, just might've got poked or something." Armana assumed. "And now because of his whining, we're gonna be behind the other team. I bet they're already there." Duncan guessed right. As DJ and Harold carried Geoff atop of their canoe, the Gophers were already starting on their fire—tauntingly waving at them. "Ding, ding, ding." Duncan said, Armana groaning in response. "Maybe we're not too far behind," She assured. "I can see they're having trouble on their fire." "Well all we just need are some sticks. I have my lighter on me." "How convenient. Do you think it'll be against the rules?" "It shouldn't be. We're using an advantage. A bonfire is a bonfire." Armana agreed and went on the lookout for sticks. She was able to break some off a few trees as the others found some resources to help their fire. Much to the Gophers' surprise, the Bass had a flame going in seconds. Courtney clapped her hands in relief, "Great now that we have a fire. We'll just have to make sure it doesn't go out." She began blowing on it, which Armana wondered how it would help. <i>'Wouldn't blowing on a fire increase more oxygen? That makes it reduce its ability to burn the wood.'</i> She hears Heather, "How did they get a fire so quickly?" Duncan revealed his lighter to her with a broad smirk. They proceeded to gather more wood for the fire, seeing Geoff dragging himself with all of his strength just to add one stick in it. <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;Ever since Geoff went to being Fred from Spongebob, I feel like he's been pretty exaggerating. I mean I barely saw a scratch and since everyone is playing into it—ya know making it bigger than it is—I'm wondering if it'll affect our progress&lt; "Bridgette, you got first aid training right?" DJ recalled. "Maybe you can check out Geoff's wound." <i>'It just looked like a splinter.' </i> Armana thought against it but wouldn't intervene seeing that it could've brought Bridgette and Geoff closer. "I don't think this is gonna be big enough." Courtney said dissatisfied, eying their small body of fire. "You heard the girl, we need more wood guys." DJ called. "We might as well cut a whole tree down." Duncan said to Armana. She chuckled, "I don't think that would work the way you're thinking it would." "It would be better than grabbing all these sticks at a time. Wanna play fetch?" Armana rolled her eyes with a smile and feeds more to their fire. She suddenly sees Harold in a panic, grabbing all of their paddles from their canoes and throwing it into the fire. It grabbed everyone's attention: horrifying and angering some of his teammates. "We needed our paddles to race back to the camp." She tells him. "How are we suppose to get home now?" Bridgette angrily asked. Armana tried to see if they could save them but the wood was immediately burned and devoured. She then hears a massive explosion, seeing a plume of fire explode from the Gophers end. The flame rolled outwards like the smoke of a mushroom cloud. She knew that automatically gave them a point. This signaled the teens to head back to their canoes but they felt helpless without anything to propel and steer them through the water. "What're we gonna do without paddles?" Bridgette hassled. Just as Izzy and Leshawna were paddling by, the red head suggested, "You guys could get someone to swim behind the boats and push them. I did that once with like this huge like sixty foot yacht, the whole crew had to like flutter kick for like eight days to get to shore. And like four of them got eaten by sharks, I mean it was insane. Ok later!" The teens stood in a moment of silence realizing Izzy might've helped them. "Is that even possible?" Jojo asked. "That actually might work." Geoff approved. "We need someone big enough to push all the canoes back." Bridgette proposed. Armana instantly turned to DJ, "DJ, you should be strong enough to push the canoes back to the island." "You can't have him do that, the dude can't swim." Geoff testified. "Geoff I know you're friends but DJ's the only chance we've got." Bridgette explained. "She's right, those skinny arms aren't gonna cut it." Courtney pointed to Harold. By then Duncan yawned, blocking a bit of Armana's hearing as the Bass debated. "Are you tired?" "No, just bored from all this talking and arguing of whose doing what. Not sure if they noticed that the other team is almost halfway there already." Duncan said. "Well we're just trying to see who could push all the canoes as Izzy suggested. If DJ can't swim then who else would be as strong as him to do the task?" "I don't know, the guy might just have to man up and do it so we can get off this weird island." Then they hear DJ finally step up to the plate, "I can do this. I have to." They stack all of their canoes and sit inside the one that's at the top. As they root him on, DJ manages to out swim every Gopher's canoe. Armana noticed how fast they were speeding up to shore and braced for impact. They make a wipeout finish at home base, claiming them as the winner and winning invincibility until their next challenge. Armana sucked in cramped air, feeling as if her lungs were caving in on themselves. She saw a few of her teammates had landed on her, Duncan being on her torso. "Ugh," He groaned as he held his head. "You alright?" "I'm fine, that was kinda fun actually." She smiled. He helped her off the sand before they'd dust their clothes and sit on one of the flipped canoes to watch as the water crashed against the sand. "Ya know, about last night," Duncan began. "That was some crazy shit." He watched her cheeks risen, looking away in slight shyness. "How can I explain it? Everything seemed so surreal, it all happened in the heat of the moment." She spoke, looking away at some of the scratched paint of the canoe. Duncan pulled her chin to face him. "Look at me while you're talking." He encouraged. His gesture made her blush, especially when keeping eye contact with his teal irises. "I-I just wanted to admit how good you made me feel. I couldn't expect what was coming next because it was dark, but I liked that about it." "What can I say? I had a childhood of licking chocolate pudding cups. Never knew it would come in handy." Duncan winked at her, evoking her laughter. Then he lands a hand on her thigh, caressing it going  rhythmically up and down before relaxing at her kneecap. "Ya know, I was listening to you last night. The noises you made were beautiful, I'm sure your cries were heard from afar." He smiled when she rolled her eyes. "I'm serious though. Who would've thought I'd get you." # ~ Chapter 15 ~ That night, Duncan nearly wanted to sleep in the girls' side of the cabin. He gently cupped both sides of Armana's face when he gave her one more kiss. "Let go." Armana smiled. Her voice was slightly muffled due to Duncan's hands squishing her cheeks together. "I don't want to. I think I'll just sleep with you tonight." He chose. Armana's smile grew as she shook her head, "No, you need to go to bed, mister. No boys allowed." She ruffled her hand through his hair as she said so, seeing how he relaxed under the sensation. She then softly pushed him towards the door. "Goodnight." He wished her. "Goodnight." As everyone was still getting ready to go to bed, Armana settled into her plaid pajama set. Before she could read a book until she fell asleep, she heard the floorboards squeaking close to her. "Wassup, is something wrong?" She asked, confused why they were smiling. "Remember when I said 'we'll talk later'?" Bridgette recalled. "This is later." "Jojo's in on it too?" "You can definitely trust me more than the guy that's making this tv show and the people filming it. They're always quick to record stuff just to have drama or to spice up each episode. For me, all I'd be asking for is to at least have a person I can talk to. Plus I wanna do your hair." Armana gladly let's Jojo sit behind her after she grabbed her hair products. She first moisturized her hair with Cantu <i>Coconut curling cream</i>, which moisturizes and strengthens strands with pure Shea butter to define curls without weighing them down. She next sectioned her hair into four parts, clipping one in place and deciding to start on the bottom right one first. She spritzed a bit of water to help hydrate her hair and went with a wide tooth comb to detangle her coarse strands. Then she parted a smaller section and began to twist, twisting the hair over and under until she reached the ends. This repeated through her thick head of hair. "Soo?" Bridgette initiates the topic. "Soo what do you want to know?" Armana questioned. "What were you dreaming about?" The girl bit her lip, the events replaying in her mind like she could ever forget them. Her blood pressure increased, feeling a rise in her body temperature as the nerves in her nipples reacted to the stimuli of her thoughts of him. "We were in the woods," She began, keeping her voice low. "I could barely tell his features but I knew his hairstyle, the physique of his face and his broad shoulders. I was laying on the ground...my pants were off—well both of ours was. In my dream, I didn't look down, I only looked towards his face and felt this pressure between my hips. It was like I could actually feel it, like it was really happening..." As Armana explained, she heard quiet interjections from Jojo of <i>oohs </i>or <i>mm-mm. </i>It lifted the seriousness of the subject and caused Armana to playfully hit Jojo because of her commentary. But Bridgette studied over Armana's expression; deep in thought and as if anchored by this curiosity. She sighed before continuing, "The night might've been cold; I could see our breath exhaling out as puffs of smoke. Our breath became like speech bubbles and each time I heard my name, my name was written as if it belonged to someone...like someone was speaking to me. The clouds of our breath then took shapes on people, more familiarly you guys. They only looked like figures as they surrounded us. Duncan had inhaled all of the smoke in and when he exhaled, a huge speech bubble popped up. That was when I woke up to you calling my name." "That definitely sounds as erotic as a wet dream." Jojo giggled. "Yeah, that's a bit of a weird dream...now I understand why you were moaning." Armana groaned much to Bridgette's amusement. She crossed her arms and asked, "Did you tell anyone else about it?" "No, as much as I was thinking about it all day." Armana shook her head but thought. "It's pretty strange though," She called her dream. "I never had a wet dream before." "I can agree with you. I heard our dreams can be influenced by our waking lives. Was there anything that had to do with where you were like something that had to do with you in the <i>woods</i>?" The girl's heart began to panic, immediately rushing blood to her cheeks. But she managed to remain calm without her facial expression altering. "No." Golden threads of morning light came as invitations to the day. Armana woke up in her bonnet, stirring to the sound of a helicopter right outside the window. She cursed under her breath knowing it was Chris. Getting up to put her clothes on, she felt a sharp cramp contract in her lower abdomen. "Shit." She groaned, knowing her period was starting. Going to the communal bathroom, she suddenly sees a line of girls outside. <i>'Could this get any worse?'</i> "What's the hold up?" She asked behind Jojo. "I heard little miss queen bee here needed private time." She responded annoyed, trying her best at her pee dance to hold her bladder. "That girl is trying it." <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;I just wanna get it out there how I barely see girls going through these types of problems going on reality television. Ya know, getting their period and stuff unless it's behind closed doors. But everything is recorded which is why you think you're hearing chip bags&lt; "I hope you're ready for the most challenging challenge yet. Breakfast in three minutes at the campfire pit." Chris's voice announced over the large speaker. Armana wasn't in the mood of being competitive, if anything she wanted to curl into a ball under the covers and sit in her own sadness. She almost continued her morning in her pajamas but traded them for a pair of baggy black sweat pants, a grey Thrasher tie dye shirt then yellow crocs. Jojo did Armana's hair so she would release her twists that morning, which resulted in a defined curly hair do. "Hey short stuff." Her body jolted when Duncan greeted her. "Did I scare you?" She responded with a hug, almost feeling completely better having his body against hers. He immediately hugged her back, nearly picking her up in the process. "What's wrong? Did you miss me?" "I don't know, I just felt like I needed that." She said as she retracted herself from his warmth. He only pulled her back into his torso, "I need you too. By the way, do you just look prettier this morning?" "Thanks, but Jojo did my hair last night." "What?" Duncan said in fake shock. "I could've done your hair." "I am not letting you near my hair." He chuckled from her words as they make it to the campfire pit. Once the teens assembled before Chris, he disclosed today's plans. "Are you ready for today's extreme, max impact challenge?" He asked the teens. "We. Are. Ready!" Owen hyped. "Incoming." Chris threw a can of beans, first caught in Trent's hand. "This is breakfast." Armana remained by Duncan's side, leaned into him with her head just under his armpit. If anything, he was happier than ever to have her snuggling against him as he allowed her access by wrapping his arm around her neck. But he couldn't help notice how she would usually be upbeat; sitting up straight in her seat all ears for the challenge of the day. As Chris chucked the cans, Duncan signaled for him to pass a second can at him for her. "Hey, you alright? Wouldn't want to mess up your pretty hair." He cautioned. "Oh yeah I'm fine." She assured him but sighed. "You sure? Usually when someone says they're fine, it's actually a cover up of their suffering." "Ok, well I feel alright, good, satisfactory." Armana smiled as Duncan looked at her seriously—as if he didn't believe in her answer. "Today's challenge is about survival: we're going hunting." Chris unfolded, holding a green paintball gun. "You know what?" Duncan said. "BS." "How so?" "I mean, you haven't even eaten your beans. In fact you're still cuddling me." "Ok then," Armana pulled herself away from him, almost making him feel guilty. "First of all, you know the food here is like crap and second of all, I can't be next to you?" "So we won't be killing anything?" Bridgette confirmed. "Negatory. This is the first ever paintball deer hunt." Chris affirmed. "I'll announce the teams once we get into the woods. So finish breakfast." "No, I like having you against me. But, you're a Taurus. Tauruses are like the biggest foodies." Armana shrugged, "I don't think I even believe in astrology, it's like they'll assume how people are and how they act." "Tauruses also like to cuddle because they're sensual beings. Their love language is through physical touch." She rolled her eyes as he wiggled his eyebrows, "Since when did you know stuff about zodiacs? This also answers your concern of why I could be clingy today." "Look, all I'm asking is; what's wrong?" Armana sighed again, "Ok. I don't wanna make this awkward but I'm just having cramps this morning, and potentially for the next six days." "Oh...ohhhh okay, that explains it." "Yeah, sorry to break it to your astro-logic." Duncan smiled and pulled her back into him. Both of their bodies yearned for each other just as quick as they had pulled away. As much as Duncan could outwardly present himself, he was a Capricorn. Capricorns and Tauruses are a naturally harmonious pair—both being earth signs. When two people with similar signs come together, they tend to have automatic chemistry and an implicit understanding of each other. In a relationship, the love and passion a Capricorn feels would be evident every day. In the woods, Chris revealed an arsenal of paintball guns. "And now for the team breakdowns. The killer bass hunters are Harold, Geoff, Bridgette and Armana, locked and loaded with bass blue paint. And using orange paint are the Gopher hunters; Leshawna, Beth, Owen and Lindsay." Chris said, each of the listed was handed a paintball gun. "Woohoo that's awesome man!" Owen cheered. "You also get these stylin glasses and wicked camo caps." He described. "The rest of you are now deer." He presents their headgear being antlers, red noses, and white deer tails. "Yeah right I am not wearing that." Heather neglected. "There is no way I'm a deer." Duncan said dissatisfied. "Take these off and your team is toast." Chris dictated, putting the gear on him. The boy heard giggles beside him, seeing they were from Armana. "Now this is a sight to see." She said, playing with his tail. "Hey stop that." He whipped himself around. "Someone must be feeling better." "Heh, no, just thought I shouldn't spend the whole day being grumpy pants." "You got a point. As much as I would've been into hunting deer, this is not what I would've expected. Maybe we can switch." He smirked at her with a wink. <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;First, no I am not switching from hunter for being hunted. I would like to let my frustration out on people. Next, my day could've gotten better seeing Duncan dress as Rudolph. It's so cute.&lt; From afar, Armana saw Owen ogling Duncan before they started confronting each other. Owen teasingly stretched Duncan's waistband before Duncan thrusted his finger into the blond's chest and made an incomprehensible threat. With the rest of the bass hunters, they huddled and stacked their palms on top of each other. Then enthusiastically swung their arms back once Harold declared, "And break.". However, Bridgette looked down. "Brit what's wrong?" Armana asked. "It's just I'm against this whole hunting thing. I never really supported the idea of animals being killed in these types of situations." She explained. "Okay, you do realize this is all pretend right?" Harold asked her. "And that it's just paint, so say if you like hit Heather—" "Wait! Heather is a deer? Ohoho." Armana laughed when it improved Bridgette's outlook on the matter and it moved the group along. "Start your paintballs! Game on!" Chris announced. The deer were given a head start in the woods before the hunters would have to go after them. While moving as a group, Armana thought back over the events that happened. How her and Duncan were in the woods that caused her erotic dream come to surface. As much as she felt comfortable trusting Bridgette, she couldn't come to say what happened the other night but it wasn't like she asked. After some silence, Armana asked, "So do you think we can shoot the other hunters?" "Well we're suppose to be going for the targeted prey." Bridgette said. "Why?" "Because we could see one of them hunting down for those who are on our team." "Hm, maybe it wouldn't give us points but that could definitely be an advantage in slowing them down and letting the person get away." Harold said, seeing where the girl's head was. Armana nodded her head, "Exactly." "That's a pretty good plan." Geoff complimented. The girl felt like she would always think outside of Chris's rules. As long as he wasn't there to deliberate anything, they could do whatever they wanted. On their trail, Armana heard someone in the distance. "You're my burger now DJ!" She was convinced it sounded like Owen and something that he would say. <i>'Why does he almost sound close'</i> She stayed behind the group for a bit and sees DJ questionably running on all fours. He was being chased by chubby and leaped across the stream. She aims her gun at Owen but stopped when he jumped after him and hits his groin on a rock. It was funny for her to see as he slowly slid into the water. Catching up with the rest of the hunters, they heard chattering in the distance. There was two girls talking, their words incoherent until they stepped closer. "I'm tired of being your slave. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a challenge to compete." Beth said, walking away. "Now would you look at that, Queenie herself." Armana ridiculed. "Here's for holding up the bathroom earlier." Bridgette chuckled. She takes a clean shot at Heather's arm. "Ow. Whoever you are this is not cool—" Armana wins a headshot, causing the girl to fall down from where she was sitting. She pumps her fist in the air, the two covering their giggles and landing a high five. She flipped her head to the sound of screaming in the midst of giggling. Jojo sprinted away from the sight of Beth, who was not too far from her and shot her paintballs at. Armana looked into her scope and slowed the girl down by shooting at her twice. She was content seeing as Beth stretched her shirt down to see blue paint shot at her and carried on before Beth could see her. The rest of their journey was a bit quiet for a while. It smelt of damp leaves, their steps quietly crunched of dried bracken underfoot and she could hear the rustle of roosting birds in the trees. For the most part, she thought it could've been two hours into the challenge. Thus far, she wondered how everything was going for Duncan. <i>'Is he hopping and trotting like DJ was?'</i> It brought a smile to her face knowing he wasn't looking forward to it. Along the way, an orange skull was spray painted on one of the trees. <i>'That was definitely him. Is he somewhere nearby?'</i> Just then, she hears a quirky voice. "Very funny. Now let me go." <i>"Is that Courtney?"</i> She curiously peeked behind the tree and caught sight of her and Duncan's antlers interlocked with each other. "Hey princess, this isn't my idea of fun either." Duncan told her. Courtney growled in frustration, "Great Duncan. Now what!" "...Wanna make out?" # ~ Chapter 16 ~ Armana looked in shock, not sure how she should react. She heard herself gasp but immediately covered her mouth before they could hear. She reminded herself that the show wanted drama; they would let anything carry on for the sake of views and to gain more popularity for the show. She pinched the bridge of her nose in thought and decided to intervene before he could keep on with his flirting. <u>Intervene</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;Okay, as crazy as it sounds, I didn't want to overreact. Duncan has a weird sense of humor. Plus I'm sure Courtney isn't even into him, so she probably wouldn't have taken him seriously. *angry face (-᷅_-᷄๑) "Babe!" Duncan's eyes light up at the sight of her. <i>'Don't babe me.'</i> "Phew, I was worried if we were stuck like this, we could get caught and wouldn't be able to run away if the other team saw us." Courtney said. "Yeah I figured the same thing." Armana agreed in a deadpan tone. "Could you help us out?" She fixed their antlers so they could stand up properly. "So what happened anyway?" "I was walking and Courtney happened to be in my way. So we bumped into each other and somehow our antlers got stuck." Courtney rolled her eyes, "You're saying it like it's my fault. I was casually wandering the woods just as you were—while trying to look out for my surroundings from any of the Gopher hunters." "You were doing a good job at that, weren't you prissy princess?" "What did you just call me?" "Alright, alright drama queens."Armana interjected. "So what you bumped into each other? Let's be grateful it wasn't another hunter who heard you two bickering." Courtney sighed, "You're right. It isn't even worth arguing over. Thanks for helping us Armana." "No problem." With that, Courtney waved and carried on her way in the direction she was originally going. Armana and Duncan were then left with a silence between them, communicating through body language. They stood close to each other, looking at the other's height difference. While he was above her; her eyes looked up with contempt, suspicion and distrust. His piercing blue gaze lived with adoration, humor and enjoyment. "I still think she bumped into me on purpose." Duncan held. "Maybe she did, maybe she didn't. Who knows what would've happened if I left you two alone." Armana rhetorically questioned. She then wondered if it was her Courtney even waved at. He humored her words, "Hey, what're you trying to imply?" "Oh nothing, just saying it hypothetically." "Are you trying to suggest something?" "No, it's nothing." Armana decided to drop her wariness about Courtney and Duncan; thinking between their polar interactions with each other it was his way of playing with/teasing Courtney. "What're you thinking about? You look like you're worried about something." He looked over her, flipping her attention onto him from small flowering herbs. "No I'm fine, I guess...it's just kinda quiet." "Yeah I like to sneak off for lowlands full of willows or alders, or cutbanks along meandering streams and rock ledges." "Pretty premeditative don't you think?" "Of course, not to add I have incomparable agility and evasion from escaping the cops." "So you're adapting into this deer life is what you're saying?" "More like, another challenge that fills me up to my advantages." She rolled her eyes before Duncan's hand suddenly enveloped her jaw and brought her to his lips. Her eyelids fell low but her eyes maintained on him. He peeked under his lashes, visualizing her face which began to look absentminded and as if clouded with lust. He kissed her deeper to render her body limp and between their moment—feel impracticable of her senses. She closed her eyes as in to succumb to the amorous feeling of the kiss and for it not to hinder the pleasure of Duncan's tongue. Focusing on her visual stimuli of maintaining her eyes on Duncan felt like her brain was doing too much instead of instinctively melting into him like she normally would. Duncan lightly moaned into their kiss from the satisfaction of the salivary exploration of her mouth and being able to feel her soft lips against his. Their session didn't end until they both felt carbon dioxide accumulate in their lungs and their bodies' desire to breathe and exhale. Armana was first to retreat, both breathing in air and expelling it out through large pants. Duncan smirked watching her catch her breath. "I'm sorry, I didn't ask how you were doing also." "You don't say." Armana retorted, crossing her arms with a hostile look on her face. "Don't pretend to be mad after you just enjoyed that kiss, little girl." "I know you're just trying to rouse me up, Duncan. Since when the hell have I answered to 'little girl'?." "I'm just having fun, babe. You know me." "Yeah...at least I'm the one you kissed, right?" "What? What're you talking about?" "......" ".....Wait, you're talking about when Courtney was here? I wasn't being serious— "Don't bother, I wasn't thinking about that anyway." Although, he knew she was. Before he could say anything else, an orange paint ball narrowly missed him. They split, Duncan scrambling away  from the marksman's range of view as he was saddened thinking about Armana having to hear/think of him being flirtatious with Courtney. Later catching up with the other hunters, they suddenly hear voices mingled with each other like they were arguing. Geoff signaled to stay silent as they crept closer to the sound of paintball pellets and looked behind a bush. They spot a paintball fight between Leshawna, Heather and Beth as Lindsay watched innocently on the sidelines. It was stupid but Armana assumed it had to do with girl drama or people being tired of dealing with Heather's shit. They intervene by shooting paintballs at them for their own fulfillment of fun. "This is really fun." Bridgette broadly addressed over the noise. "Attention human wild life and hunters," Chris spoke. "Please report back to camp. It's time to show your eyes and rally up the scores." At the campsite, Chris paced back and forth in front of an injured Cody. "Tisk, tisk, tisk," He shook his head. "Stealing from chef, eating chips in the woods, being mauled by a bear." <i>'Who was mauled by a bear?!' *Sees a banged up Cody on the sidelines* 'Oh that explains it.'</i> "Do you know what I see here?" He asked rhetorically. "I see a very undisciplined group. I see a very disgraceful mess. I see a massive waste of paint product." <i>'What could you expect from a group of teenagers without any supervision and no set guidelines except to do role play?'</i> "...And I have to say...that was awesome." He laughed. <i>'I can't wait until I'm eliminated from this show.'</i> "When you guys opened fire on your own team?Wicked TV guys." Armana shook her head but had to admit it was what she expected from the TV host. As the show progressed, she picked up that Chris showed little concern for the well being of his contestants but only cared for money, higher ratings, and personal pleasure gained from the pain and suffering of others. It made him a bit creepier. She was getting the feeling of wanting out. She could analyze deep down that she missed her family and didn't like how much drama the show enfranchised despite that was the point of a TV series. To entertain people. <i>'But this guy is literally getting off to teenagers.'</i> She theorized to herself that the guy wanted teenagers for the show because their frontal lobes haven't fully developed yet; which meant for emotional ups and downs, engagement in risky behavior, experimentation with the feeling of freedom, including sex. <i>'I wonder if that time...when...never mind that.' </i>The typical behavior of teenagers or their "drama" were the pivot of the show since they experience a hyperactive amygdala; which inside each cerebral hemisphere did it involve emotions. Beneath were a number of neurobiological changes and processes, co-occurred with the aforementioned of social changes. She started to recant about her decision of making it on the show. <i>'Maybe I should've just stayed enjoying our vacation. What was I thinking that I could win the cash prize for this show?'</i> While she brood, she felt the back of her body embrace into someone else's. "Armana, I'm so sorry you listened to that. I didn't mean what I— "Duncan, I don't need to hear it right now. I'm over it." She expressed, rather a bit perturbed than in a irrational mood. "Are you..okay?" He considered asking. Not that it helped that her period cycled today, her emotions were more set off or apparent than she would've liked. "Yeah...yeah I'm fine." Duncan noticed how she wrapped her arms around herself to lower the levels of cortisol pumping in her bloodstream. Although he respected if she didn't want to be by him at the moment, he offered comfort with an arm swung over her shoulder. He tensed his bicep to bring her into an audible whisper, "We'll talk about it later." Meanwhile, Chris announced, "Well since three members of the Gophers are dripping in paint—make that four members and some of them aren't even deer, I think we have our winner." The Killer Bass cheered as their victory streak still prevailed. Armana was just pleased she could finally sit down. She took another pill and swallowed it down with water. The sun dispersed colors of yellows, oranges, and reds into the picturesque clouds. It was a beautiful scene to make up for the crappy island in Ontario. Armana silently snuggled to Duncan's side as he faced the ceiling with an arm draped over her—his thumb rubbing against her shoulder. After a bit, he relaxed his chin upon the top of her head as if to lean into her. She felt his hand fully run his fingers on the anatomy of her upper joint to comfort her even more. Then he sighed. "Ya know, I wasn't being serious about what I said to Courtney." He spoke. "I know, I already let it go after a little bit. I figured before losing my shit, that you were just teasing her." "Regardless, I shouldn't have said it. I want you to trust me, even during times I could have to <u>work with her</u>." Armana softly let out a laugh from her smile. "I do trust you, that's why I collected myself and let it go. It's just more drama for the show." "And its exactly what he'll try to puppeteer. To be able to forge events at his hands and cast whatever he wants on the show while we're on some secluded island, he's controlling our limbs with strings. Sometime, we could get ourselves kicked off and escape this place." "Ya know, this one time I think I agree with that inner rebel of yours. Just let me know what plan you come up with." "Will do. Is there a reason you feel fed up of some sort?" "I just...I'm not sure if I wanna continue being on the show. Of course I appreciate being picked and my family letting me take this opportunity, but Chris is such a douche and the exact facade of someone who just wants to be in Hollywood. He uses us for entertainment, leading us on with a carrot on a stick. But that carrot on a stick is $100,000 grand. We're only humiliating ourselves and what do you get on the short end? Only a walk of shame." Duncan let her words sink in and turned to look into her eyes. His teal ones were always pretty to her. "You're completely right Armana. You don't deserve this bullshit island, you deserve an actual paradise. That'll be my plan." "Aww, thank you Duncan." <u>NEXT </u><u>*WEEK*</u> (With a purpose) (^_-) "Today's challenge will test your minds, your teamwork and your skills in the kitchen." Chris informed. <i>'We're cooking from scratch?'</i> "You'll be cooking a four course meal and serve to me for tasting." <i>'Figures.'</i> "The winners get a reward, the losers will send somebody home. Each team will appoint a head chef to create the theme of the meal and to over see the cooking. I will also be assigning who will work as partners. But first, to cook you need ingredients. Every morning a truck brings us food. Today's task starts there." A truck emerged from the water as Chris spoke. The window rolled down to a dolphin trilling. It made her smile a bit after another morning of waking up to an episodic challenge. They look into the back of the truck to see a supply full of different meats. Geoff took note of the available ingredients, "We can do a killer Italian theme." "What makes you think Italian?" Armana asked. "I'm seeing some potatoes, rice, sausages, pork and stuff. We could definitely be versatile with those types of ingredients." He explained, everyone nodding in agreement. "Hello head chef." Duncan nominated. "Seriously?" Geoff was in disbelief as his teammates agreed. "So let's get grabbin." Armana was pleased as they found themselves plentiful of food; Cheese, tomatoes, bread sticks, eggs, meat etc. She was always interested in cooking. She grew up watching numerous baking shows and cooked for her brothers often when her parents weren't home. It was a huge scope for her to apply her creativity in. The Killer Bass grabbed components in accordance to a Italian cuisine. In the main lodge, they entered the kitchen through a pair of batwing doors. Chris stood in the facility with his same trademark smirk. <i>'Nothing bad is ever missing when he has that sadistic look on his face.'</i> "Alright campers, I know I usually leave you to indulge in the day's challenge and be an asset to your team in the best way possible <i>but </i>*camera zooms in*<i> </i>I'm going to assign whose partners today." Chris said with his hand cued on his chest. Everyone looked on innocuously, however, Armana believed if she could foretell Chris's dictations, she could prosper higher into the competition. <i>'What is he up to?'</i> "Okay? Is there a reason why?" Geoff questioned. "Why, to only make your life more difficult of course!" Chris amused as he earned murmurs of complaints from his contestants. "No but really. The competition is only getting shorter which means the stakes are getting higher. We'll start off with Killer Bass! Today's partners will be DJ and Bridgette, Harold and Sadie, Armana and Jojo, aaannd Duncan and Courtney!" Armana knew jealousy didn't have to spur in any circumstance Duncan had to work with someone else or a girl of that matter. But, after her and Duncan had just settled over his choice of interaction with Courtney the other day, why did Chris just so happen to position him with the brunette again? Knowing they butt heads at any controversy; being the jewelry modifications Duncan donned versus the polarizing attitude Courtney possessed because she was a counselor in training. That's exactly why he put them together. Though, he could've chosen Harold if he was going to pick someone whom hadn't started off on the right foot in the past. <i>'But no. It's less drama. He did it on purpose. He rolls everything on camera after all. Including any insinuations between Duncan and Courtney....'</i> # ~ Chapter 17 ~ "If anything, you should not fight or argue over a boy." Jojo advised. After the members of the team went into their  stations regarding the preparations of their dish, the two girls took on working on the appetizer. Jojo's ethnicity bounced in the full bodied curls of contrasted coils and wavy strands with a kind of artisanal topography that made them look soft to the touch. She was mixed with black and Mexican and without her rubber soled sneaker inspired slides—at a 5'2 stature. Over brainstorming an Italian concept, Jojo shared that her mother used to work as a bartender. She honed her abilities of factoring the base spirit, and making syrups when it came to the Hampton Cherry wood "Hide A Bar" cabinet in their basement; inset panels to veneers in parquet frames decorative of different liquor reps and shelves with glasses and tumblers. She thought of the idea of making <i>Aperitivo </i>or <i>Aperitif</i>, a ritual pre-meal drink that is meant to "open" your stomach or whet your appetite for the food to come, which was practiced in Italian culture. "It'll be like a mock-tail. The drink is interchangeably known as Spritz because it indicates a cocktail made with Prosecco and tonic water or soda. But of course since we're on a show starring 16 year olds, they wouldn't have alcohol as an applicable option in this situation." She described. "Ok, so what would we need if we wanna make a non-alcoholic alternative?" Armana queried. "We can serve it over ice with bitter citrus and herbs like artichoke leaves or botanicals that'll help stimulate Chris's appetite. Use some long steeped tea, or orangey-grapefruitey notes and a touch of rhubarb to come through. There's plenty of ideas when it comes to making these type of drinks." "Ok, we can go back to the delivery truck to see any fruits and different bitters they could have." "Sounds like a plan." As their portion of the coursed meal moved forward, Courtney and Duncan worked on the dessert. Courtney showed apparent reluctance to working with Duncan. There was unreciprocated personal prominence being subordinated by either of them from their intelligible fussing. When Chris delightfully partnered them, Duncan made his disinterest audible in Armana's ear. "Ugh," He groaned. "I'd rather see how you work in the kitchen, ma." The blood vessels under her bronze skin sympathetically opened, the blood flooding her cheeks in a rosy warmth from his pet name. She smiled, "I've said it to you before Duncan. I'm not your <i>mama</i>." "And I'll say it again, pretty woman, you are. It's an authoritative term in the respect I have for you. It's a role orientation for someone who holds <i>power</i> and <i>domination </i>in a man's life." "You shouldn't have to explain it." Duncan chuckled, "I shouldn't, but I wanted it to be known what unique nuances there are about the dynamic. Like things you could do to me." "Really? You're saying this right now Duncan?" "I just like to get you roused up, my little woman. For tonight." "What do you mean by <i>tonight</i>?" "Guess we'll just have to wait and see." She hated the way he enticed her but comfortably connoting to her with that come-hither glint in his eyes made her feel like the only girl in the room. When he left her at nothing to comeback with, he took it as an open invitation in the atmosphere between them and winked at her before he walked away. Coming to think of it, Armana felt like she was a character in a chapter book. The book was a omniscient perspective of what it was like for a teenager to be on a tv show, but the chapters embarked on what that risked; different sensualities in her adolescence fueling sexually dimorphic brain circuits. Being a teenager was like living in a developmental sensitive period, entailing the phenotypic traits between herself and the male. She liked that his teal eyes were ocean strong as if you could swim in the warm sunlit currents. She liked that she could fit inside his hugs with his bigger/longer body enveloping her from anything else. She liked that he shelled himself into a rugged rebel because he needed a lot more understanding into what independence he hankered to find his identity. It also made him sexually desirable because it elicited a strong emotional response from her. <i>'Why does that boy do this to me? Does he mean like what we did last time? Would we do the same things as that night? How would we get away with it?'</i> The sexuality of him lingered into erotic patterns at the back of her mind. Her mind zoned in on the last events of the coercion of sexually pursuing each other. The acoustics of the inhabitants in the woodland became a background behind her moans as he knew how to stir her arousal. Restricting the rest of her reality from the characterization her mind was conscious in. "Armana?" Jojo upsetted her hazy mental state. "Yeah?" "You seemed...spaced out? Everything okay?" "Hm? Oh yeah!" Armana nodded reassuringly. "Just good at absorbing words." "Ah, I see. Sorry, Im such a chatterbox. I can get carried away talking about nearly any trivial topic." Jojo expressed in pardon of herself, claiming she would try to give advice to Armana through simple girl to girl apprise about Duncan. Armana amused her embarrassment, "It's alright Jojo. I appreciate having these kind of talks with someone, not that I'm talking bad on him." "Of course. Other TV shows like for example, <i>Love &amp; Hip Hop</i>, that<i> </i>chronicled the melodrama of women and men orbiting rap scenes across America. Shows like that can act as a representative to presumptions of how all black people act. It makes black girls seem ghetto or ratchet or black men seem like womanizers....I still be watching that show 24/7 tho." Jojo sneakily rushed through her last part like the voice that speedily hit you with a laundry list of side effects at the end of a prescription drug ad. Causing Armana to laugh at the irony, "So you're part of the culprit for the show disproportionately supporting the demographic! The viewers give the show ratings and stuff to continue each season, ya know?" "Yeah yeah I know but my point is any man who puts you into a position where you feel like you have to compete for his love, attention or respect doesn't actually care about you. To say that he would be the only one coming out on top because he's getting both women to give him the full benefits of a relationship without any of the commitment or consequences." Armana non-verbally nodded in comprehension while adding two fresh Rosemary sprigs to steep in the <i>now</i> simmering syrup of both water and the dissolving sugar in a small saucepan. They decided to make a non alcoholic bitter citrus spritz/<i>mocktail</i> in substitution of what would've been a cocktail. Jojo listed to make <i>sunshine in a glass </i>included natural botanical distillates and extracts like natural rosemary, bittersweet oranges, a hint of rhubarb, and refreshing notes of grapefruit. "We will need ice cubes, 2 ounces of fresh blood orange—and maybe we can throw in some grapefruits—juice. A type of simple syrup, which can be an integral part of a cocktail but also mocktails, kid's drinks or sorbet when it comes to adding sweetness and flavor to make the thing just right. We can make it out of Rosemary; by using 1/4 cup of sugar, 1 cup of water, and two rosemary sprigs. Then depending on how that'll taste in combination of the aperitif; 1 ounce/part of the simple syrup, how about 1 ounce of blood orange juice and 1 ounce of grapefruit juice, and a splash of tonic water." Aside from Chris partnering certain contestants together to invoke drama, Jojo was apparently a great partner. She committed into the challenge by making it her own aptitude as Armana followed her leadership as the one up to par to today. Nearby, Courtney came loudly into earshot. "You're such a slob! They all have to have the same amount of custard." She casted pedantic faults at him as Duncan squeezed disproportionate amounts of custard in their pastries. "Oh relax they're fine." Duncan said, taking his own leisure. "You know, you'd be a lot more fun without that pole up your butt." "I'm like the most easy going person I know." "Oh yeah you're totally laid back." Jojo smiled between their dispute, "They argue like they're an old married couple." Armana raised an eyebrow at her in curiosity while gesturing for her to go more into depth about what she said. "Come on, not like that Armana. It's just, you can tell he likes getting on her nerves because of her reaction— Duncan aimed the nozzle of the piping bag at Courtney and projected the custard so it could hit her in the face. Courtney uttered a sound of shock before wiping off the pastry cream to show a look of irritation. Duncan's eyes widened as she grabbed the whole mixing bowl and threw it at his head. It invoked her to giggle into her hand. Then she sampled her finger with the dessert limply falling from his head and tasted it? <u>Intervene</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;I like how the camera man just spanned over at me to try and film my reaction. My thoughts are just...it's ok to mess with someone if it's out of kind/friendly intentions at the end of the day. But...why did she eat off of him??&lt; Armana was slowly analytical about the situation, another happenstance of what the show wanted elicited from her. <i>What did they want?</i> For her to lash out in anger? For her to throw something at Courtney too? The forming syrup just barely at the boiling point so she would get minor first degree burns? Armana tried moving to avert being stuck in a web of her own thoughts and inched towards Duncan to help him out with rinsing/washing his hair out. "Wait, Armana," Jojo urged. "It's almost time for Chris to judge the meals. Could you just help out with these final steps, please?" "Oh...ok." When Armana spared looking over her shoulder, Courtney currently ran water in the sink while Duncan abrasively used his fingertips to let soap rinse down each hair shaft. She could tell that in fact, Courtney did have feelings for him. The way she'd steadfastly deny the insinuation of her potentiality for Duncan rose suspicion. It was like, asking a child if they ate the last cookie and the child responded <i>no</i> with cookie crumbles around their mouth. Armana, of course, wanted Courtney to keep her feelings to herself because why do it? Would it be to curb the choice he had of dating her? Armana also refrained from being that jealous girlfriend. Picking out instances of him capably flirting, distrusting him of his faith for her, not liking him around other girls. She wasn't going to compete with another woman for something she wanted. She wouldn't exhibit a toxic characteristic that could hurt their relationship anyway. That would be misogynistic to think of her as another woman that's irrational and emotional like the show was trying to get a rise of. So she turned back around and sucked juice from an orange wedge. <i><u>*In a French narrator voice* </u></i><u>A Few Minutes Later ~</u> "Starting off with Killer Bass's appetizers, might I ask you ladies what this is first? Is this a cocktail?" Chris directed to Armana and Jojo. "No, <i>but</i> it's a bitter citrus aperitif; the blood orange and grapefruit that'll pick up as a pungent taste in your taste receptors, and rosemary and rhubarb to make it a bit sweet and herbaceous." "We have that?" "Um, yes Chris, we do. The drink is meant to sharpen your desire for the food." "Hm, way to sell a product." Chris drew the liquid through a straw, perceiving all of what flavor Jojo detailed—in his mouth. "Mmm, I'm hungry already." Chris approved, seeing the girls high five in victory. Chris proceeded through the team's depiction of a formal Italian cuisine, next being the second course with bite size small portions of olives, anchovies, cheeses and meats prepared by Harold and Sadie. He swallowed down the food with an obscured expression, building suspense. "Your antipasto passed the testo," Chris indicated with satisfaction. "Pass the pasta please." The third course appeared as pasta made in long, slender, solid strings ladled over with tomato sauce and good ol meatballs—spaghetti. Chris pinched his fingers and kissed them away to make a chef's kiss, "On a scale from one to ten..fifteen! How will the Gophers respoonnd?" The host questioned what to expect from the other team, possibly satiated with what the Bass served. Leshawna bowed in reverence to what supposedly would've been cue of presenting their main entrée. But the room was only met with silence, leaving her awkwardly positioned there and Lindsay and Gwen standing behind palm leaves like they were posing for a sarcophagus. Leshawna stood upright in bewilderment and bursted through the batwing doors, only to gasp in horror. "Tell me you did not. <i>Just</i> eat. That entire thing of ribs!" She chastised to someone. In Armana's mind, a dotted silhouette of Owen remained to be filled by the person. <i>'Oh Owen. How could she had trust the guy?'</i> Owen was hastened out the kitchen. He had a platter of ribs in the flat of his palm...well, the scraps of them. His shirt was sullied with the sauce of the food he funnily owned in commission to the crime. He still placed the rack of bones in front of Chris. <i>'I guess effort matters?'</i> "Yeah, this looks like it's uh been eaten." Chris pointed out, in case the boy wasn't aware. "Not all of it. I think there's just a tiny chunk left on that...bone. Over there." The camera man zoomed in on a speck of meat saved by Owen after he reached his full appetite. Chris followed his finger to the one he pointed to and tried a bite out of the food. "Ya know what," He stated. "I've had worse. Two points!" <i>'Wow, Chris is feeling good today.'</i> "Oooh close Owen. But! The Bass still lead fifteen to eleven. Time for dessert!" The Bass was up first to serve their fourth course. It was a delicacy that mirrored Italian cannoli with vanilla custard. Instead of a crisp and thin texture to its tubular shell, Chris bit down and broke a bite out of it with force. He took time to chew it, perhaps to think of a reasonable number. While doing so, Courtney waited in anticipation and raised her hand to contact Duncan's shoulder. His face assuringly rested towards her, which seemed to calm her nerves. "Ehhhh, six," he gave, anticlimactically. "The Bass have twenty one, <i>so</i>, the Gophers need all ten points to tie it up." Armana ruffled her hand in Duncan's hair to make across her affections for him, as well as to praise him for his teamwork. To which, his hair felt damp from the water clinging different strands together. Her gesture won his eyes on her. "You know, I've been noticing you've been nicer to Courtney." She teased. "Have you also been noticing the way it causes my soul physical discomfort when imbued with the likes of being nice to someone?" "Oh hush, drama queen. It means you're going out of your comfort zone." Duncan rolled his eyes at her answer, much to her entertainment. She observed the tousled green lengths of his hair that slacked to the side of his head. "Duncan?" "Yeah?" "Has there ever been a time you pulled over to look at a billboard or pulling off to the next exit so that you can go back and look at it again?" "There used to be this one they had of casting calls for <i>Walk the Prank</i>. I wanted to be on that show since I pulled pranks on everyone in the daycare center I went to. Why wassup?" "It's just, have you ever thought of a difference of looking at that same billboard, but it's a person you're in a relationship with? You look at them with intent, to inspect and derive pleasure from what you see." "Does that involve porn?" "Yes, Duncan, that would involve porn. But, when <i>I</i> look at you, I tend to inspect and proceed to tantalize myself with each second passed." "Is that so, my little princess? Why don't you grab what's yours then?" Armana noticed Duncan's prominent erection in his shorts. Both their heads shot up when they hear Chris was audibly trying to cough something up. Owen, who incorrectly looked like was doing a heimlich, added pressure to Chris's trachea with abdominal thrusts. A blackened piece of cake was shortly dislodged. "Yes! Got it!" Owen exclaimed, most likely not expecting for the maneuver to work. <i>'Poor Chris.'</i> "Ewwwww." Beth expressed. <i>'That literally came from her own team.'</i> "What the heck is this?!" Chris held up the food that looked like a hair ball from a distance. "I-It's Heather's recipe." Lindsay confessed. <i>'Oh yeah, I knew I didn't smell plastic for once.'</i> Lindsay<i> </i>gasped, "Oh my gosh! She's still in the fridge!" <i>'In the fridge?!'</i> Everyone showed the same thought on their face before they looked at the Gophers. "What? Girl was making everyone trip." Leshawna answered. <i>'I should use that method as a way to face my problems in life.'</i> "Oh the horror!" The blood vessels in Heather's skin had constricted, decreasing its blood flow and the oxygen supply in the extremities of her body due to the cold surroundings of the fridge—thus her skin being blue. Wearing just a halter top and low rise denim shorts had an even worse causation to it. However, the drawn on eyebrows were not part of the symptoms. "Y-You guys are s-sooo dead. Is it over?" Heather asked Chris. "It is. The Bass win twenty one to twelve and, it's not because I almost died. The ribs sucked too." "Grrreat! That's just great! Why do we keep losing, people?!" "You said it Heather. The Killer Bass now lead nine members to the Gopher's soon to be six. And as promised the winners will be enjoying a reward tonight; a five star dinner under the stars." # ~ Chapter 18 ~ <b>Quick Author's Note :</b> <i>I want to warn that this chapter is really long. About almost 9,000 words (8,687 words to be exact). But it's really detailed, and I want you readers to have fun reading the chapter going in depth to draw out the experience Armana and Duncan are going through. I also apologize about the slow updates, I will try to push out more content as soon as I can! &lt;3</i> When the sun hung low in the evening, the beginning of the night on the island looked like oranges and purples melting into grey under the moonlight. Within the stars that was afore-cosseted by the light scattering properties of the sun's rays, the terms "morning star" and "evening star" applied only to the brightest planet of all, being Venus. It typically glowed with a steady, silvery light. Armana looked out for a "non twinkling" star just two degrees to the left from the moon. The dinner had been set up with golden bistro lights festooned over the campers. The spot livened as an alfresco scene with separate dining tables seating two guests each. Armana sat on the opposing end from Duncan, both paralleled with their cutlery inside folded napkins—placed on top of their dinner plates. As a centerpiece, was a table runner with strands of eucalyptus leaves and a handful of tea light candles arranged along them that silhouetted a golden glow upon both the teens' features. Duncan perused through his menu card, taking a glance at Armana whose concern was focused on the sky. "What do you see?" Duncan chose to question, seeing how the look in her eyes was captivated by something. "I see..Venus." Armana spoke slowly, carefully keeping her eyes on it. "Venus? I didn't know you could see planets from here. How do you know?" "Well, you should first know that there's a difference between planets and stars; stars twinkle and planets don't. They both appear as pinpoints of light. But when you look at a star, you'll see that it twinkles and the light may appear to change colors. Stars are also very far away from the solar system, so planets are closer, even if they appear as tiny since ya know, we're down here. Come next to me." Duncan slid his chair from underneath the table and placed it next to Armana. After he shifted until he sat comfortably close enough to her, she pointed. "Venus is one of the brightest objects in the night sky because it has these thick clouds reflecting the sun's light." She explained. "It is the closest planet to Earth and as it's neighbor, it easily outshines all other celestial bodies in the night. Except the moon of course." Duncan sighed, "Way to remind me how I get through in life using one brain cell." "Nonsense, my baby brother just watches <i>Kids Learning Tube.</i>" "Still, I cherish who you are as a person. Being smart is a beautiful quality. You know what else you remind me of?" "What?" "What we <i>need</i> to pick back up from earlier. I still have plans for us tonight." Armana felt a rush of hormones travel into her bloodstream as a strong lustrous permeance. She had to push to the back of her mind of what he meant by <i>Tonight</i> in modesty of being able to engage in the challenge. She sensed he could've done it on purpose as a way of making her offset. "Looks like you were having high hopes for tonight to come, huh?" Duncan teased her, placing his hand on her adjacent thigh. "I know what you said from earlier was on purpose. It probably wasn't even meant to be sexual, you just like to have that ability over me." "What ability?" "By what you do to me. My emotions. Thousands of feelings that I feel like I've gone through ever since I met you. It has this counter effect that renders me from thinking straight." "Well, how could I be able to resist charming the cutest doll such as you? Of course, I feel this sexual energy that's <i>postponed </i>between us. I was only pointing it out." Armana rolled her eyes at Duncan tempting her but paid attention to the present hand groping her thigh. "Armana," He called to her with his voice lacking his usual jocular characteristic but serious in which, his vocal chords produced a low resonance saying her name. "What's so nice about your thighs is that they're soft and smooth and so non-muscular. They feel so plush and would be cushiony around my cock if I lifted them up and fucked it in between them." He looked her in her eyes as he spoke to her, sending shivers down her spine yet butterflies to engorge in her vulva. "Ever since that time we spent in the woods..it..was scenic, even if the darkness stole both of our forms, the rest of my senses were enough for me. I mean, your cries were so melodic, I can still hear them as I bear looking at how tempestuous you are. Do you have the same struggles as I do?" His voice softened when he asked her, holding her with importance in his question. "Yes," Armana admitted. "I didn't tell you that I had this dream after that night. It was also in the woods but much more sensuous than what we did." "Enlighten me then, babe." "We we're on the ground...and...I could feel my toes curling into the dirt as you were pounding into me." Armana left out the insignificant details within the romantic ambience of the lights and candles. The bistro lights that Duncan sat closest to allowed for her to see the muscles in his irises dilate from his autonomic pursuit of gratification. He then asked, "Would you like me to do that to you?" Before she could answer, their waiter attended them. "Good evening, our Killer Bass couple; Armana and Duncan. My name is Chris, I'll be your waiter tonight." The TV host wore the same attire for the occasion, excepted of a white apron. He was  essentially geared with a notepad, pens, table crumbers, or menu holders. When he approached the teens, he felt as if he was interrupting a rather intimate moment between the two. "For you to be our waiter, you seem to already know us from putting us through this agonizing competition." Duncan told him. "The physical and mental endurance you go through is usually meant to merit you something prizeworthy in the future." He replied. "Ya know, breaking my character here but you gotta give me props for setting you two up together." "Excuse me?" Armana asked for him to repeat in another translation. "I mean, without that fear factor challenge, you guys would've still been sitting here continuing to build this tension. Now look where you are. If you wouldn't win the prize, you'd have each other." Armana gave him a small smile, expressing props to him like he fulfilled. "Actually Chris, could you give us a few more minutes?" Armana asked him. "With pleasure." The teens were granted back their own privacy. Duncan moved his hand from her thigh to protectively wrap it around her waist. She responded by leaning into the warmth of his body but subconsciously sighed. "You okay?" "Yeah, it's just, since we've done those things together...I couldn't help but worry if...he saw...if people watching could've..." Armana began. "Me either." He agreed. "I threw rocks at any cameras in the vicinity but it was getting dark. I'm not sure if I got enough, ya know?" "Right. I'm...scared if I made a stupid decision while being on television." Duncan tilted her chin up so she could look at him while she talked, then cupped her cheeks. "Hey, it's okay, I'm here. Everything will be alright, Armana. I promise. I'll keep you safe." "But..." She felt her lip quiver and downcasts her eyes again. Duncan gently chucked her under her chin, seeing her eyes brimmed with tears. "H-He said h-he always has the cameras rolling. H-He could've been recording w-what we were talking about just a conversation ago." Duncan sponged up her words now in worrisome but wanted to be strong for her. As the person who almost shared enough of a marital bond with Armana, he wanted to offer her support and be her strength. "Hey, you're going to be okay," He assured her. "I'm sorry if I've been putting any pressure on you. I know as teenagers we experience these intensive hormones and still have to develop our frontal cortex or whatever with our decision making, so I make an even more bad influence at that. But hey, the bad can bring the great side of things. Plus, you're far from home. Being on an island where you're just surrounded by water, away from your family, your close friends, can concave on a person." He paused and surveyed her facial elements; her eyes looked dewy but the secretion didn't pass her eyelash. At this, he felt heartened that he could make her feel at least a bit better. A spare tear rolled on the fringe of her eyelid but was caught with Duncan's finger. "You haven't made any dumb decisions," He spoke in a hushed tone, with his eyes looking between her pretty orbs. "You didn't make a mistake that night. I don't want you to feel like you regret it. Do...Do you regret it?" He watched her dab the tip of her tongue over her lip and slightly run her teeth over it. "No," She cleared her throat. "No. I don't regret a thing. I just wanted to be reassured. Thank you, Duncan." "Of course." She then could find herself to smile again and she chuckled, "I'm sorry for getting emotional. I don't mean to get teary eyed, it makes things awkward." He laughed too, "No, no you're fine. It's what I'm here for." He finally brought her into a hug and kissed her, slowly staging into something passionate. At first, Duncan meant for it to transmit his affection for her and to dote her. His movements were slow and paced his lips as if they had all the time in the world. But she wrapped her arms around his neck to close in any breathable, negative space between them. Her left hand reached the back of his head and tenderly combed her fingers through his smooth hair. It inspired him to lightly sweep his tongue over her lower lip before she immediately widened him access to make tentative contact with her tongue. It became lustful, returning the underhanded tactics they had planned initially. One hand lowered on her back and patterned back and forth under her shirt to feel goosebumps surface her skin. The other rubbed and kneaded on her cheek that evoked droned sounds of moaning from her. "Let me guess," Chris arrived, surprising the two. "You need another five minutes?" "Five minutes passed already? Uh, yeah, could you?" Armana sheepishly smiled as Chris sighed. After the dinner, Duncan initiated to go to the boathouse. He held her hand as they sneakily crept on the pier and to the shed at the water's edge. He never looked or been inside, although he heard rumors of those who dreaded to go in there. Keeping it in mind, he peered inside first to keep Armana behind him. It was dark in the shed, but slight apertures in the wood admitted moonlight in. He saw canoe boats, oars, buckets, the hunting and deer gear they used for last episode, a chainsaw, numerous shark parts like sets of jaws with sharp teeth, etc. "Well Duncan? What do you see?" Armana asked from his silence. "Yeah it is a bit spooky in here but really just recreational facilities. Wanna check it out?" He widened the door for her as she looked on from under his arm. Walking in, she observed her surroundings. Almost immediately she felt an ominous aura emanating the atmosphere as if they shouldn't be here. "What do you think?" Duncan checked with her. "I...don't know. Im feeling some type of way about being in here...like something could happen." She reflected. "Are you afraid we're gonna get caught?" He teased in a babying voice. Armana crossed her arms without any admittance but Duncan appeased her by closing the door and using a bench that was in the shed to block it from being opened. "There, that'll block the door just in case someone tries to barge right in on us. I don't see that happening though, since so many of the campers are scared to come here." Armana couldn't blame them. She almost didn't notice a dead shark that was suspended from a large fish hook. It hung above an exposed part of water inside two platforms that was supported on pillars leading out from the shore and into the body of water within the encasement of the shed. "That shark's most likely for display—else it'd be stinking up the place." Duncan caught on to her suspense. "Are you sure? I mean it's on a fish hook like they caught it." She retorted. "Yeah I'm sure. Does it matter if it was caught? I mean, it's dead. Like I said, another effort to display it." She sighed, letting go of the argument. "Duncan, it's also kinda cold in here." She said. "Well yeah you silly duckling, we're by the water. But trust me, we'll be warming up soon." Armana looked around for anymore perturbation yet Duncan swiftly came by her side to ease her. "Relax babe. You seem so on edge." He chuckled, wrapping his arms into a hug around her. "That's cause I am." "Don't be. It's just us in here. Alone together. By ourselves. And as I promised, everything will be okay. I'm here to protect you." Duncan helped settle the mood addressing the romance the two owned at the moment. He wore a mischievous smile on his features, freely expressing the playful desire he had for them. Once he held her, Armana disregarded her chilled arms and let herself melt into the state of mind she priorly retained. They returned to their passionate kiss that wouldn't be interrupted by Chris, or kept in pardon of the people around them. <i>'Alone time'</i> It was a favorable moment that felt relaxing but excitable to be able to engage in any experiment they wanted. No judgements or pressures could be imposed on them from others without the camera crew following them around like paparazzi. Of course that's what they applied for by being on a TV show, but it was just like becoming a celebrity; you never have any privacy, have time to relax or get mundane tasks done without camera bulbs flashing in your face. Filming them in this matter. Duncan put one hand around her waist and one on the back of her neck. His fingertips found her spine and both of his hands started below her shoulder blades to gently transition down each vertebrae in her back bone. They momentarily stopped at her waist to search her natural curves that seemed to intrigue him since it was something atypical of a man. Armana instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck not only in response of their body language but in the factor of their height differences. She felt aligned with his body this way, leaving the rest of her body to be softly caressed and grabbed in the heat of their kiss. Duncan reached to the back of her thighs as low as he could and traced the pads of his fingers in circles bringing them gradually back up. His hands made out the posterior of her gluteal muscle, using them to compress and massage around it. He pleasured hearing her moans emanate as hums in response, pressing their bodies closer to make her feel the print rigid in his shorts. He delved his tongue in deeper, intensifying the intimacy he felt as their tongues engaged in a fight to desperately achieve control. As their lips remained locked, Armana continually moaned from the feeling of vigorously tussling it out with their muscular appendages, ultimately letting him dominate her. They soon detached from each other to look into ones' eyes. After silently awing each other, Duncan remarked, "I can see you." "Yeah that's what having eyes mean." Armana giggled. "Don't give me sarcasm, little one. I mean I<i> </i>can actually <i>see you. </i>Last time when we were in the woods, it was nighttime. So we were making out and giving each other head without the pleasing sense of sight." Armana jibed, "I thought you said the rest of your senses were enough for you Duncan." "Trust me <i>they are</i>. I just can't help but get excited about how precious you'd look in this lighting though." "<i>Precious</i>?" "Yeah like this idyllic setting of the moon. The way it aesthetically reflects on your skin. It doesn't dull in the dark, it like glistens." Whenever Duncan expressed this side of him, it always made her cheeks deeply dip in beneath her cheek bones from how hard she smiled. "I don't think I ever heard anyone say or take the time to tell that to me. How sweet of you." "Definitely. I'm just taking in my dinner is all." Armana shook her head, "Excuse me mister, we just had some of the best qualifying food that'll probably be served to us for the last time in this competition, and you have the audacity to bring up dinner?" "Yeah, my little angel, what would you call eating that sweet peach of yours as I lap up your cunt juice?" Armana stood there shocked, not even sure how to react or respond to that. Evoking smugness from him. <i>'How could he say that so nonchalantly?'</i> He continued, "Well? What would you?" <i>"</i>I...I don't know..." She said, letting him answer. He smiled at her uncertainty, "I could get a full meal from eating you; enjoying the nice mellow taste and letting your juice run where it will. I wanna get drunk off of it." Armana remained with her arms folded, her eyebrows furrowed by how flustered she felt and how more of her slick kept secreting into her underwear. "Why so silent?" Duncan laughed. "Cat got your tongue? I know your's is about to have mine." She hated how it stroked his ego to see her submissive and not at the capacity to come up with something to comeback with. She pulled him into another kiss to shut him up, feeling the smirk that was still on his lips to tell how she amused him. He primally bit down on her lower lip and began to gently suck on it, erotically driving both of them for more. His hands made their way for the button of her jeans, unfastening it from the reinforcement in the fabric and began to unzip her fly. He faced his palm down her crotch, feeling how much she soaked through from the outside of her undergarment. The way his fingers softly ran against the underside of her mons (the fatty tissue lying over the joint of the pubic bone) made her utter her pleasure to him. "Yeah? You like that?" Duncan spoke in her ear, kissing the cartilage and continue down to her neck. He rubbed his fingers more against her clothed private to feel her reactively dampen the material until she saturated it. She continued to breathe audibly at his action, moving her hips against his motion. His lips intelligently kissed the erogenous spot on her nape, eliciting her vocals she tried to keep lowered as he adored how angelic they sound. "You sound so heavenly, babe." He praised, raising his free hand to place it on one side of her neck as his lips lightly grazed the skin of the other. "And we're just getting started." He continued to discern with his fingers where her parts were, his erection sponging with more blood from much she lubricated on him. Only by the mere actions of gratifying her through her pink polyester undies did she react this much. "Holy shit, you're so wet for me, princess." He spoke with amazement. "I haven't even put my fingers inside, yet you're getting this turned on from the edge of actually getting your pussy touched. Right?" He rubbed more attentively against her clit to make a statement. "Ah," Armana vocalized. "Yes. Duncan, please..." "Please what, pretty girl?" He took his hand away from the soaked panel of her undies, withholding action until he was gave an instruction. Armana unintentionally let out a whine, broadening the confidence he felt in his role. "Please...touch me inside my underwear, Duncan." She shyly made her request be known, beginning to satisfy herself with friction by caressing her middle finger between the cleft of her folds and finding the sensitive clit. "Shit," Duncan cursed under his breath, licking his pink lips in anticipation. "That's so hot babe. Touching yourself in front of me." He quickly returned his hand to relieve her warm, pulsating, cutaneous skin of her vulva. His hand passed under the material and used his fingers to spread the lateral longitudinal borders of her lips and expose the soft, vulnerable tissue inside. He used his tallest finger to flex and extend to explore the vascular connective parts. Armana threw her head back at the feeling, passionately moaning to him as he delected the amount of her fluid that began to adhere between his fingers. "All this juice you making for me, girl." He looked at with fulfillment. He takes out his hand to admire his glistening, coated finger; an amount of it dripping from his fingertip and falling slowly with a thin stream to the floor. He bit his lip and Armana watched as he moaned at the taste of her in his mouth. She stood closer to him, putting her lips against the shining carpal bones under his skin and opened her mouth. Duncan took it as cue to place his fingers into her mouth for her to contract her plush lips around them. She sucked remnants of his saliva and herself from his digits, licking under his fingernails to get any of her trapped liquid from them. He listened to her swallow as her mouth salivated to help pass down whatever was transferred. He started to slide them back and forth, seeing it as a representation of how she could suction his dick with her lips and feel the walls of her cheeks close in on it. Then, he gently pulled his hand away from her mouth. He hungrily kissed her again, briefly engaging with her before asking, "You wanna take your panties off?" Armana eagerly nodded to him. He chuckled at the sight and finished the process after he only undid her jeans. He pulled them down with a little effort as the garment closely fitted the contours of her lower body. He stopped once he reached her ankles, looking up at her from the angle. "Do you want to lay on the floor? I know it might seem a bit cold and hurt your back a little. I could try to find something to prop you." He concerned himself. "No, it's alright Duncan. I don't mind laying down." She accepted. "Are you sure?" "Yes." At that, she bent down and softly shifted her weight onto her hands to sit down. She slid her feet out of her sandals for him to fully remove her pants. Once he moved her shoes and bottoms to the side, he took his time to eye her underwear that remained a barrier from seeing her half naked. Armana was relaxed on her back, observing his actions from her perspective and waiting with bated breath. Duncan could sense her keen expectancy for him to discard the article, his face stretching with mirth. He finally hooked his fingers on the waistband by the protrusions of her pelvis. Armana lifted her hips up to ease the clothing to flow down and past her legs, gasping at the sudden feeling of the cool air hitting her area. In reaction, she tightly closed her thighs together before receptively opening them apart to let view of her glittering slit. "God...look at how wet you are." Duncan pointed, feeling his mouth water at the sight and tried to swallow any excess saliva from drooling as his eyes fixated on it. He began to thumb at it; using two of the thick digits to spread apart the lips and see the underlying pairs of folded skin. He used one thumb to carefully massage around the orifices the skin protected, watching Armana's face turn with blissful expressions. Her eyes closed and mouth slightly agape to emit the sounds her larynx contracted. He lied himself atop of her, keeping one hand to fondle with the innervated flesh and one to support himself. Facing her, allowed him to clearly see the desperation in her face and hear her sounds he modulated. He kissed her in advance to slowly inserting a finger in her. Her eyes rolled back to her pussy accommodating around his digit, the action alternating in and out steadily. It gradually released more substance as his finger began to slide more smoothly. Duncan consciously monitored her response to the penetration, tolerating the patience for her to become comfortable with his finger extending inside of her. Simultaneously, he used the pad of his thumb to circularly stroke against her clit. He attempted to curl his finger in the come-hither motion but backed himself a bit away from her. "Here," He spoke. "Just draw your knees back towards your chest for me." Armana looked at him confused, testily following as he said. "Yeah, that's good." Then he smiled at her confusion. "You'll see what I mean." He entranced his finger with better access and curled it further with the significance to find something. He added another finger, running them along her frontal vaginal wall and towards her stomach. He continued until he felt a slightly rough, plump, walnut texture. Armana sharply gasped, arching her back to press her hips against Duncan's hand as her chest drew short breaths at the new sensation. "See!" He emphasized. "Found your G-spot. Does it feel good, princess?" "Fuck...yes." She stressed, hoping it would esteem and purposely fish more from him. He pumped another finger into her from her body's response, hearing her vocalizations mix with gasps or words of affirmation spasmodically. He thought she looked so attractive under his view, being able to see her this vulnerable and the moon shaping reflections, speculating highlights, and infusing color on her brown body. One hand reached for the hem of her graphic midriff tank top and raised it higher on her torso to give view of a basic colored nude push up bra. He curved his hand around one of the cups supporting her breast, lightly firming his fingers on the padding as if to cherish her spherical anatomy in a considerate manner. Armana loosened her bra from the closure, freeing her breasts to slightly fall outwards towards her arm pits. With his one hand, Duncan wrapped his fingers around her breast's fullness and squeezed softly. He slowly rotated his hand around its surface, using his index and middle finger as a track for her nipple to slide down to the webspace between his fingers. Despite the chill air, her inverted, flat nipples erected at the feeling of his hand, mirroring his movements with her hand on her opposite breast. He rolled and lightly pulled at her teat to make it stand at its full protuberance and be able to rhythmically suck on it. Armana softly sighed as his warm mouth contracted around her supple mound, sealing his mouth on certain areas to rupture the blood vessels underneath and suckle multiple love bites on her. As he mouthed at her skin, Duncan began to simultaneously position himself downward, taking a stop at her innie. He kissed atop the concave navel and protruded his tongue inside the depression. Armana instantly squirmed at the ticklish feeling, seeing him humorously smile at her. He then lowered his attention back by the junction between her legs. The only difference Armana noticed was that his face was much closer in front of the inner folds of her minora, feeling the rhythmical expels of his breath on the area. Her pulse quickened at the great suspense, excitedly waiting for his wet tongue to slide all over and down the nether region. Duncan bared his teeth in a hearty laugh at the way she looked at him with her eyes big, her nostrils flaring and chest rising as she drew air by how rapid her heart pulsated. "Oh so you like the idea of me eating you out so good? How much you're tingling right now. You can't wait to get your pussy ate. Can you?" He playfully teased her, lightly laughing to see her growing impatient. She pushed herself closer to his face, adding to his amusement from being proven right. He drew awareness and circulations with the teeth marks he nibbled on her inner thighs and peripherally planted kisses around her vulva. She pouted with petulant annoyance at the built anticipation, seeing his face fall with genuine intention to finally satisfy her when he set his mouth against her sensitive skin. Armana threw her head back with a thud against the floor, a hand flying behind Duncan's head to push him more in contact with her. He liberally smothered his mouth in her substance, finding it un-quellable from indicating the satiable taste of her as he margined his mouth to be full with his lips surrounding around her. He flattened and ran his tongue inside while patterning on suctioning his lips on her inner folds to procure her bodily fluid. Her chest heaved with her vocals, firmly gripping at Duncan's hair. His nose bumped on her conical clit, endowing more pleasure to her while he still curled his fingers against her g spot. His Tyndall scattered blue eyes looked up at her, only getting view of the bottom of her chin and the nostrils of her nose in the valley of her thighs. He loved his field of vision from his intimate subservient pose; his lips flexing with different movements as he mushed them into her <i>cunnus</i> (cunny) as much as he could. He inspired her to raise her head up to look at him in awestruck of how great the feeling felt, watching him stuff his face between her thighs and going at it. For her, it felt titillating to make eye contact with him knowing as he devoured her and skillfully fucked his fingers in her at the same time. Beckoning him with her hand as she pressed his head into her, Duncan decidedly licked her nub above her urethra. Armana relaxed her neck again from the emotion of the euphoria tidal waving over her system. He lifted the skin of her vagina from its side walls and pushed back the hood her clit was tucked under to solely target the tissue dense with nerve endings. "Fuck! Oh yes Duncan...please keep sucking my clit like that." Armana requested him. He obliged her; consistently creating an airtight vacuum chamber around her clit to pull more blood and make it increasingly sensitive. As he methodically sucked her, he hermetically sealed the erected tissue in his mouth and used his tongue to lick it up, down, left and right. Repeating it over and over again. Armana's voice inflected higher, build up of tension arching her back off the floor. She began to feel Duncan's spiritual presence in her soul and body from how fantastic he ate her out. She was losing herself in a moment of surrender, her breathing seeming to be suspended though she was gasping. Her spine felt livelier than ever, her thighs feeling marinated with pleasure that oozed out of her vagina. Her toes curled in and her eyes rolled up, her body daring to orgasm. "Duncan...," Armana managed to speak to him. "Duncan...oh god...I'm gonna cum." He unquestionably listened and continued his actions rapaciously until in a split second, she felt a neural explosion that she could describe to have lasted an entire eon. Her muscles contracted for a longer rhapsodic orgasm; originating at the apex between her legs and generating outward to encompass her whole body, convulsing. Duncan greedily took up her liquid, withdrawing his fingers to use his tongue to prevent any of her from flowing out. After a while, the muscles in her body slacked as she breathed more easily. Duncan licked her up a bit more before raising his head from her. She watched him wipe his mouth with his hand, silently looking at each other. Then they both eased the apprehension in the air by compelling themselves to softly laugh, laughing at each other over the intensity of the situation. "Are you ok?" Duncan examined her. "Yes, thank you." Armana expressed. "That was insane." Duncan shrugged his arms indefensibly, "What can I say?" Armana shook her head in silent wonderment. "I bet you just feel elated for yourself don't you? Making me cum so hard." She then said with the intonation of her voice lowered as she approached herself closer to him. It reminded Duncan of his rock hard cock, letting Armana sense how ecstatic he was for his turn to come (or <i>cum</i>) next. "You poor thing." She pitied him, beginning to unhurriedly palm her hand on the print his dick impressed through the surface of his clothing. He made inarticulate sounds to barely audible decibels as it meant he could finally isolate her attention on his aching hard on. He leaned back on his hands to give more way for her to manually contour his erection, his respiration slightly irregular than at rest. "You were doing all that teasing to me, bad boy. Now you're under my mercy." Armana overlooked him, crouching on her knees before hovering astride him. Through the moonlight, Duncan could view her pubic mound bounded inferiorly by the outer folds of her vulva, his penis throbbing at the sight. "I was only doing it to bring out the greater good of you." Duncan defended. "I get to see this sexy side of you taking control over me." "Perhaps....maybe so...perchance."Armana indicated, her eyes landing on a charm that evoked resemblance to sadomasochistic activities. "I bet this is an actual dog collar like I presumed when we shared our first interactions." "....I...had a dog named Petey for as long as when I turned six as far as I can remember. He ran away but he h-had this collar....I've worn it as commemoration for him." Armana showed her surprise at his confession, feeling herself tingle at the thought of guiding him by the neck with a leash. "I wasn't being serious if that was something personal to you. That's brave and hot of you to tell me, Duncan." She warmly expressed to him in the humility of the moment, undoing his shorts and upturning his fly in return. The barrier was now thinner between the buttoned fly of his plaid patterned boxer shorts and a closer sensation of her hand rubbing him back and forth. He deeply sighed at her touch, the impression inside his underwear told his dick naturally sat sideways. She preceded different tactile sensations, carefully minding the same tension she'd use to hold a glass of water as she cycled her hand with upstrokes about his shaft. He watched her dominant hand retaining constant contact with the cotton material, closing her fingers a little as she reached the outline of the head and loosened them as she traveled back down to his base. Her movements were slow, savoring her time with him as she listened to his few low moans and deep groans. "You don't know how good this feels, babe." Duncan comprehended to her. Armana smiled at how he pointed out his pleasure to her, "I'm glad this is getting you excited, love. Lay back for me?" Duncan did as she asked him, her following his reposition while she remained over him. She kissed his neck above his ornament, the choker now having a new outlook to his <i>bad </i>demeanor. She hooked a finger from under the leather band to lift his skin closer to her and tinily used it as a connotation of control. He reacted to her gesture with a pleased grunt as she could feel his laryngeal muscles under her lips. It was her turn to burst the capillaries under his skin and release blood to kiss discolorations on different locations. Duncan lengthened his neck to expose the stimulant area more as she let her breath outgo from her lips, separating them and gently moving her mouth up and down. She kissed along the edge of his jaw and to the bottom part of his mandible, hearing him thickly swallow. His main fare was sharp inhales, exhales, groans and grunts before she testily cupped her hand under the mushroom cap of his penis on her next upstroke with a gentle squeeze. She maneuvered around the cap in a shorter twisting motion and used her thumb on the underside—through the material—to stroke against the elastic band of tissue connecting the foreskin (frenulum). Duncan deeply moaned at her maneuvers, pre-cum exuding against his underwear and dampening through the fabric. Armana kissed against his Adam's Apple at the acoustic and continued her movement at an apace. She then closed her fingers together and had her thumb opposed from the digits to circularly motion her hand around his tip, knowledgeably influencing more of the mucoid liquid from his urethra. She used it as a light coat to spread on his penile length to minimize the friction, although he loved the tease of her rubbing him through the layer. "How hard you are for me." Armana beheld, straddling herself on Duncan to grind her naked pussy on his clothed dick once. "Oh fuck, Armana, that's so hot. Keep doing that." He said to her. "Nah uh, my big devil. Look at how much your wetting through your draws. I wanna have as much fun with you as I can." She swiped her thumb around the circumference of the head and appraised how his eyelids were leaden with pleasure, his brows frowned but face flushed with an erubescent gaze at her. His penis fully enlarged in her hand to the point it ached and yearned to be touched on unclad skin. "Armana...please...just touch me." Duncan urged her. "But I am touching you." Armana insisted. Duncan groaned, "You know what I mean." "Can you tell me then? Just for clarification?" She stopped her frictional stimulation and pulled off his shorts. Lifting up his shirt to egg him on with her chilled hands running over his toned abdomen and adjusting the elastic waistband to be under his v line until she could peek tufts of his pubic hair. "Fuck......Can you touch my dick, Armana? Without my underwear?" Armana smiled, "Aww why didn't you say so?" She pulled his undershorts until it slimmed down his lower legs and rumpled at his shoes. His slender penis pointed upward and was tinged red on his shaft towards his tip but due to the <i>Purkinje</i> effect by the moonlight, it's clarity was contrasted by a blue and silver appearance on the area. She handled him inside her hand, suddenly feeling his pelvis jolt. "Ah, your fingers are cold." Duncan winced. "Oh sorry, I should've warned you first." Armana grimaced. He mumbled in reassurance to her before she giggled and brought her hand back to grasp him. She watched how a crystal bead of his pre-cum slowly trickled from the duct, pumping him in a few motions to draw more. She circled the inner surface of her hand on the cap of pink tissue, using the viscous consistency as a light layer to smooth between her hand and his length. She dribbled spit onto him to promote more motion inside her curled fingers, listening to him utter like a meditator chanting a mantra once she started to languidly stroke him. She gripped his penis firmly in her hand and increased the pressure into a tight hold as she moved her fist up and down. She first rhythms her hand slow to considerately cruise to his vocal responds. Doing so, she explored rubbing her thumb in small circles over his tip and frenulum while her fingers still motioned the roll of skin to retract and sheath the glans. With her other hand, she lightly ran the tip of her fingernails up and down Duncan's inner thigh, raising goosebumps on his skin from its chock full of nerve endings. Her hand then ran its thumb along his inguinal crease (the crease between his torso and his thigh), the touch exciting another thin, transparent stream due to its vicinage to his genitals. Her eyes trailed a visible raphe marking his penile length and ended at a longitudinal line in the middle where his left and right genital eminences fused. Her left hand running her thumb on the anterior of his abdominal wall and the inferior of his thigh (the inguinal groin) moved to his scrotum, stroking her thumb in the same motion as before. Duncan moaned at the vulnerable area—external without any protection from muscles and bones—being touched in accord with her right hand pumping him and prodding his tip. Her thumb swiped against the cordlike line running over the sac and passed it on a groove band (perineum) that extended from his anus to the skin. She stoked more noise from him at the catalyst. It was satisfaction to her ears at the exchange; reciprocating Duncan from his position of being able to see him from the higher angle. As aforementioned, his moans involved sharp inhales and exhales but to <i>italicize</i>, his inhales were situationally jagged sounding and taken through the teeth like "<i>ttttsssssscccchhhhh</i>" while he puffed his cheeks exhaling "<i>pooooooffffffhhh</i>" or to be simpler "<i>hhhh</i>". He variated close mouthed <i>mmm'</i>s<i> </i>between vibrated lips and shallow exhales, sounding like a honeyed baritone of a sexual <i>didgeridoo</i> to her. Yet, she wanted to hear more expletives out of him and away from the low, slow, stoic sounds that he understated from conveying what was going on inside his head. His low lidded eyes contacted with hers, licking his lips after the saliva in his mouth suddenly stopped secreting and became dry. His caught keenness drew her to lower her lips on his, feeling him throb in her hand as they intensely kissed into another make out. Duncan felt as if he hungered for her sensually, searchingly feeling his hands down the rest of her naked body. His hands seized on her hips before slipping one down between her legs and cupping his fingers upwards inside her lubricious folds. Armana's moan hummed inside their kiss, reveling in the pleasure from his movement despite her orgasm ago. Before carbon dioxide could build pressure in their lungs, she softly separated from him. Her lips dragged to his neck in a cursory manner, trailing her face down in lip-to-body contact with him so her visage could be directly in front of his dick. The commissures of her mouth upturned into a smirk, looking up at him coquettishly from the position she predominated. "Oh don't look at me like that." Duncan told her, tilting his head back as he drew in his next breath sibilantly. He talked irresponsibly as if he malleably hadn't been lying down with her smaller, soft hands pumping him. His breaths moved haltingly as his head filled back with reveries of her mouth as a warm, wet cavernous feeling. The soft skin of her gums as she'd suck in her cheeks and her lips tightly seal air from getting between his cock and her mouth, edged him on his seat. She hovered her lips barely any space away from his tip, teaching him patience from attempingly bucking his hips into the seam of her lips. They shared eye contact. "How should I look at you then?" She seductively queried, looking up at him with her irises and pupils unintelligibly said apart from which, appearing large, limpid and doe eyed. It caused his stomach to flutter looking down at the angle she sat from. He watched her prod the tubercle of her upper lip and the pillows of her lower lip against his penis, moving them up the shaft and down the sides outermost of his width. Then she wrapped her left hand around his base to side way for her to kiss inside the junction of his inner thigh and his groin, looking up at him with the same allure in her eyes. She slowly glided her lips back up along the broadness, sloping his dick into her left hand as she pressed kisses into the skin until she met the head. Her eyes saccade to the distal summit of the glans, slowly making sure his attention was piqued on her. After she thought she delayed enough time, she opened her mouth with her lips pulled over her teeth to slowly engulf him. Duncan's eyes rolled back with a deep breath at the feeling of her plushy lips warming his cock like it was a popsicle, but looked back down to watch her. She sexily returned his gaze to be able to see his reactions, sheathing as much with her mouth as she could on her way to his base. Duncan lowly moaned as his dick reached the back of her soft palate; feeling the papillae at the back of her tongue as it twitched and the pendent, fleshy lobe of her uvula moving backwards to close off her nasopharynx. Taking him as far as she could on her first intake, he just touched the fleshy extension before she could gag, reacting more saliva to secrete to pass him easier in her mouth. She lifted her head back up to pull his dick with the muscles in her cheeks and tongue, following out until her mouth narrowed around him. Then she inclined her head, pushing her mouth back down where moisture laid to telltale how far she took him. She set a regular pace, occasionally humming to replicate a vibrator. She was also moaning in the context of giving him head, the salty and musky taste of him as she caught hints of his pre cum in her taste buds psychologically felt good to her. They continued to look at each other in regular intervals as in to mutually share the experience. Duncan put a hand behind her head to encourage her, profaning under his breath of being able to relish in her slaking oral repertoire. "Fuck," He said more appreciably. "You're sucking my cock so good, princess. Keep going, it feels so fucking good." When she next elevated her head, she fully took him out to alleviate her jaw starting to slightly fatigue. Doing so, she flicked her tongue against the circumference of the nerve packed head and repeatedly curled it on his frenulum. He moaned out affirmatives to her, watching her protrude the tip of her tongue inside his urethra. He cursed as he felt the bit of it swirl around the orifice before she continuously sucked her lips around a ridge of projecting margin where the neck of the <i>corona</i> separated from the rest of the body of the penis. She ran the papillary surface of her tongue on the glans' soft, cushiony protection, winning chivalrous endearments from him. Simultaneously, she twisted her right hand around the base and moved it up towards her mouth on his head in a patterned alternation. Her left thumb massaged the seam of his scrotum where afferent nerve fibers telegraphed signals to sensory neurons up his dick. She listened to him moan obscenities and encouragements with her eyes arrested on his reactions to the different sensations she made. "Am I a good cocksucker for you, Duncan?" Armana elicited, feeling his dick briefly spasm at her words. "You like the way I suck you and work for your nut?" "F-Fuck," He stumbled at the way she explicitly talked to him. "Yeah. Fuck yeah I do. I wanna cum for you. Want you to make me cum." At his invocation, she slowly returned her mouth down on his dick, educing a genuine cry from him. Her tongue overhung her lower teeth and lip to intrinsically flatten against his underside as she bobbed her head. Her tongue pertained friction to the lateral motion; the rough, tiny raised protrusions smoothly planing against his skin. "Ohh you're too good, Armana." Duncan sincerely told her in between breaths. "Keep using your tongue like that." She enthusiastically quickened her movement, hearing his voice modulating higher as his request sounded urgent. Her moan resonated inside her full mouth with his cock, wondering about his cum spouting from the pre-leaking slit. The funny thing to her was that it wasn't their first time doing this, but it felt just as sensuous and sexually exciting as it did before—if not, even more to what they experienced. Besides her worries, she liked that she could erode them down inside this escapade of <i>teenage dream</i> pleasure. Being lost in her muse, she subconsciously closed her eyes and sucked him in her mouth harder, causing him to continuously hit the back of her throat by her rhythm. Duncan moaned earnestly, feeling his dick repeatedly pulsate and tension increasing on his bladder. "A-Armana," he pre-warned. "I-I'm gonna cum." She pursued him, his chest raising in short breaths before his whole body and mind transcended in a numb feeling. He strangely felt helpless and mentally vacant while the entirety of his tactile senses rushed to a single point of exit. He rhythmically contracted inside her mouth, his orgasm spurting in steady rhythmic intervals down her gullet. She swallowed it down, staying froze in her position to let him ride out his high. Duncan eventually relaxed and softened, realizing how tight his grip was on her head. His hand lessened and looked down at her to check how she was, discovering she was waiting until it was clear to pull off of him. <i>'She looks so pretty with me in her mouth.'</i> Armana slowly withdrew her mouth with her eyes cautiously on him and sat up to fully see him. His cheeks was mottled with patches of red in the moonlight, recovering in the refractory period of his orgasm. He esteemed her with the amazement in his eyes, making her laugh to see that he was still regaining full consciousness and was probably trying to form the right thing to say. "Well fuck me." He abruptly remarked in a breathy chuckle. "Who knew an ingenuous girl such as Armana could give that <i>gock gock.</i>" Armana smacked him on his shoulder, "Shut up, Duncan. You would already know that." "Yeah but holy fuck, it felt like I came a whole testicle...jesus." She rolled her eyes, "You're just trying to flatter me." "Babe...I'm not lying when I say I can't feel the rest of my lower body." She deeply sighed at his excessiveness but smirked at his admiration. "What can I say." She mocked him. Duncan groaned, "Oh hardy har har." Armana giggled and welcomed herself into his arms. The lake's breeze circulated in the boathouse was long forgotten by the accumulation of the blood temperature in their skin. Duncan wrapped his arm around her and squeezed her closer into him to kiss her on the forehead. "You wanna know what I like about a moment like this?" He asked her. "Hm?" "Besides being sneaky and doing the dirty things we're not supposed to, it's fun to be able to run away from everything. Not looking back at our worries, our troubles, the confines of this stupid show, and other undefined reasons. We're supposed to be able to enjoy our youth and do what we like. Its edgy, it's about finding...someone you love." <i>'Did he basically say he loved me?'</i> Armana smiled at the thought, "Yeah, I thought the same thing exactly." # ~ Chapter 19 ~ After they changed back into their clothes, Duncan preceded himself on walking out the door. He heedfully checked in either directions; one towards the dark, vast body of water with the moon's strip of reflection being undulated by sparkling waves. The other being the campground where everyone quietly slept. Duncan's hand held onto Armana's as she closed the door behind her and they followed the pier. Armana listened to the water <i>babble</i>, <i>plash </i>and <i>murmur </i>when they walked on the lakeside, her eyes tracing the sound to a luminescent, silver moon turning pirouettes in the currents of the water. It was prepossessing to look at, especially during the nighttime when the moon couldn't be in the shadow of the sun. Duncan felt her procession after him slow down, turning to see her looking off towards the lake. "Sorry, it's just pretty to look at." Armana bashfully smiled at herself but Duncan dismissively shook his head. "It's fine, we can sit and look at the view if you'd like." He offered. She nodded in response. They sat away from where the water swashed and by the rocky cliff where rocks were eventually loosened after the waves' sediment eroded the rock to split off a rock face and big boulders to break off into smaller pieces. "Ya know, there's no mistake that this Wawanakwa place is dingy, old and a drag but you have the good, the bad and the ugly." Duncan began, hearing interjections of Armana conveying her comprehension. "Basically, everything is each their own. Like, the bad is plainly the quality of this campsite, the ugly is the island's interconnection with the tv show but then the good is the nature about it. You get to see this type of beauty that you normally wouldn't see anywhere else." "You're right, Duncan. This island has the prettiest sunsets. I tend to like to look at the water because it just seems more picturesque than it would if land masses were blocking it." "Mhm." Armana listened to the water some more, feeling the breeze push cool air against her skin that allowed heat to transfer from it. Duncan pulled her close, always securing her from any imminent events that worried her mind. The angle of her inside his arm drew him, the vector, into her magnetic influence; kissing her on the forehead again. The intimacy and simplicity about it made a type of warm, bright energy flow from her frontal lobe, perhaps about the skull being cherished and protected by whom she considered a love one. Suddenly, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her in multiple places, causing her to react sheepishly. "Duncan." She laughed as he kissed her, reflexively shrinking her neck into her shoulders. Although as she thought of it, he wouldn't publicly act this affectionate towards her, knowing he'd want to spare at least some of his reputation. His lips then landed on hers, separating with a <i>smooch.</i> "You're just so cute," He awed, still holding her face. "I can't eat you up, so I'm just gonna deal my aggression through kissing you." Armana smirked, "Well I mean, you can eat me up metaphorically. Or physically...like you just did a moment ago." Duncan wantonly licked his lips before leaning into her to bite her lower lip. "Don't rouse me up again, princess." He cautioned her, his mouth speaking against her's. But her tongue passed over the bottom vermillion and dabbed it over the mucosal transition so their lips were slightly interlocked. "Doesn't sound like something dangerous to me." "Not unless you want those clothes off again." Duncan distanced himself to look at her challengingly, cocking an eyebrow. Armana licked and pushed her tongue inside her cheek in ponder, resting her index finger on her chin. Then a smile rose in a look of humble. "Maybe another night." She chose, hearing him laugh in response. "What made you decide against it?" He inquired her. "I don't know, it's merely because I don't know how much time's passed since we've been out here. Everything feels risky too." She reasoned. "You're right....but...isn't that what's edgy about it? The rush and thrill about getting caught? The temptation of doing something you shouldn't? The fear...you'll be found out?" His voice lowered as he listed on, slowly filling her head. "Yeah...that's what's drove me both times we've snuck off, Duncan. The idea that Chris or someone could be watching us in this surveillance room. Besides the morality of it of course." From her words, Duncan plunged his lips into her's, both their mouths parting to slip into a French kiss. After a long, rendezvous night, the two finally summed up to walk back to the cabins so they could catch some extent of sleep, not knowing what day could be ahead of them. "We should do this more often." Duncan reminisced. Armana chuckled, "We see each other everyday, Duncan." "You know what I mean." He winked. She rolled her eyes and pushed him on his shoulder, "I'm not denying anything but we don't want to risk what achievement we've already garnered. So it's best to keep things down low." "I hear ya." "Alright. Get some good sleep, bad boy. I'll see you in a few hours." "Not without my goodnight kiss." "Wha—we just made out a few minutes ago." "Yeah, a few minutes ago." Armana exaggeratedly sighed, despite loving the softhearted side of him. She briefly kissed him as he wished, pulling away to see he then conveyed his tiredness. "Ok goodnight, for real this time." He tiredly farewelled. Armana smiled sympathetically for his weariness, "Goodnight, Duncan." They simultaneously opened the screen door to their side of the cabin and entered. Inside the cabin excluded electrical lighting, naturally exchanging the light from the outside on either faces of the wall and by the door before the room was split to the boys' bunks. Armana told through the darkness and crept to the shared bureau for her pajamas. "Armana?" She suddenly heard in a shocked whisper. Armana whipped her head to see Courtney sat up from her blanket with her sleep mask affixed on her hair fringe. "Courtney?" Armana shared the same surprise while her voice punctuated in uncertainty of if it was her. "Goodness, what're you doing coming in so late? Was that Duncan's voice?" Armana walked closer to Courtney's bed so they could talk easier. "Yeah, we were having a date night." "Ohhh," Courtney expressed in recollection. "I almost forgot you two were dating, right?" "Mhm. What's keeping you up? Did I wake you?" "No, it's just Harold's snoring. I swear it's like these walls are so thin. By the way, Armana, is it because of that fear factor challenge? You don't have to put up with him anymore if you're afraid it'll take off a point/member or something." <b>cx_Freeze: Python error in main script</b> <i>Traceback (most recent call last):</i> <i>File "&lt;Fuckdidshejustsaytome&gt;"</i> Armana was momentarily silent as her face went in a blank expression. Usually it depicted someone neutrally sentiment, but could also convey as mild irritation or a deadpan sense of humor. In this case, mild irritation. She faked a laugh as if Courtney made a joke, "Thank you for your concern Courtney, but no everything's going fine. We're dating because we actually like each other." Courtney nodded, "Alright. Try to catch some beauty sleep, ok?" "Ok." Armana changed into her jammies baffled about what Courtney meant. She didn't press on because the girls were whispering to each other for the sake of not waking up anyone else. She also wanted to keep it brief and didn't want anyone else's attention or asked closely as of why she was just coming in the cabin. Not that it was their business, but she still avoided that path just in case. She laid down in her bunk, turning on her right side towards the wall. Her eyes remained open as she was stirred by the same feelings from earlier. Feelings about Courtney. Kindling jealousy, confusion, anger, doubt, insecurity, recant. She didn't want to be that type of person; the type to begrudge someone or to have an altercation with them. She didn't need the drama nor was she gonna be a pawn of the tv show. Following her own declaration to stay strong, she closed her eyes and soon fell asleep. The next morning, Armana woke up to take a shower and wore a pair of graphic sweatshorts with a black crop top in substitution. The crew men filmed the teens in their morning routine, Chris called for breakfast in the dining hall from the loudspeaker. "Today's breakfast," Chef announced. "Is Hawaiian Italian fusion casserole." "You mean leftovers from the cooking challenge." Gwen debunked his euphemism. "Yeah that's right! You got a problem with that?!" "Sir no sir!" She saluted before going to take a seat with her team. Armana inspected the "fusion casserole", averting the murky green color and wondering why he inserted a bendy straw like it'd make any difference if someone wanted to drink the slop than eat it. To issue in response, she caught DJ drawing up the food into his mouth only to dribble it in his pet bunny's to feed it. Her and Geoff's eyes widened in disturbance, quickly voiding her gaze as not to catch her staring. Duncan currently dispensed coffee into two orange mugs, carrying them back on a tray to his seat next to Armana. "Coffee?" He offered her. She smiled contently, "Yeah, thanks Duncan." "No problem. Im not gonna lie, I was probably gonna steal it if you wouldn't have wanted it." "Always looking for trouble. What were you gonna steal a <i>mug</i> for?" "Cause it's cool looking and I don't have one." He shrugged. "See that's the thing; you don't even need it besides it being something small you can what–hide under your shirt?" "Now you're logically thinking." She shook her head, finding no justice through words before sipping at the coffee. "You get some good sleep?" He then asked her. "Yeah, I surprisingly feel awake this morning considering I only got a few hours of sleep." She answered him. "I'm still a bit tired. Not gonna drink much of this since there's no additives for it to taste as good." Saying so, he laid his head down after a few mouthfuls. Armana stroked her fingers in his hair, from the shaved down black to the lengthy, lime colorant. Her soothing hand on his scalp caused him to pick his head back up on his folded arms to look at her. "I had a dream of you last night, Armana." He said to her softly. "You did?" He cleared his throat, "Yeah. The funny thing about dreaming is that they're hard to remember. But uh, I opened my eyes to see I was in a field of these white flowers. Daisies maybe. I saw you across the land, but still visible enough to see that you had on this pretty dress that came short up on your legs. You were smiling and ran away to make me venture after you. As I chased, the flowers became taller, into like sunflowers, as if to make it harder for me to reach you. I was running up behind you before the field ended and  I realized I was back in front of the water. You were walking into the lake, beckoning me to come with you. I called out to dissuade you but you just kept walking, looking over your shoulder at me with your hand out. Of course I went into the water to try and grab you but you kept just going further and further the closer I came to you." His description apparently worried her, stroking her knuckles against his cheekbone. "I don't know, Duncan, kinda sounds like a nightmare to me." She labeled as she caressed him. "I know. Didn't mention that dreams could be pretty weird too, huh?" "Is that how it ended?" "Yeah, or else I can't remember what else happened. Wondered what it could've meant." Armana nodded in conclusion, letting him put rest his head inside his elbow but more towards her. Silently prompting her to rub his head until he periodically napped, knowing she was there. For the next challenge, they all gathered at the <i>dock of shame; </i>either team standing on the structure where it split outward into opposing sides of the platform. Chris stood in the aisle of the dock between the teams. "So, last week's challenge exposed a few Gopher issues," Chris noted at Gwen and Leshawna glaring at Heather then towards the Bass. "And I'm sensing something a little funky floating in  the Bass pond." Armana felt his gaze on her and Courtney but didn't notice Duncan nudging Courtney with his elbow as Chris mentioned something funky. He shouted at the force she exerted when she pushed him to the wood. Although she didn't have to push him as hard, Armana humored the interaction, helping him up and dusting him off as he scowled at Courtney. "Soo, this week's challenge is gonna be centered around building trust." Chris assigned. "Because! All good things begin with just a little trust. There will be three major challenges completed by two or more members from each team. Normally, we like to have campers choose their partners. But yet again to test compatibility, not this time. More fun for meeeee." <i>'He's assigning partners again?! Don't tell me he's gonna put Duncan and Courtney together. I'm trying to be as compliant as I can about this.'</i> Armana let the thought go with a sigh, not wanting to be clouded by the angsty feelings afore. She apprehended letting anyone know about how she felt because it wasn't serious or like she questioned Duncan being around any other girls. Jojo would be the only one to recognize her vigilant suspicion from the last challenge as Chris analyzed. He led them to their first course, being by a cliff face they would freehand climb. "Ok, so the first challenge; you'll be doing an extreme, freehand, rock climbing adventure." Chris introduced. "Armana and Courtney will be participating for the Bass." <i>'What?!'</i> "Heather and Gwen for the Gophers." To think that she was preparing to see the discordant pair together yet contrarily was in that  position herself. She showed her startled reaction  at his words, seeing Jojo shoot her a grimace. "Yeesh babe. I can tell you, working with her is like getting your foot shot off." Duncan warned her in advance. "I heard that!" Courtney informed him. "Yeah, I wasn't trying to be quiet about it." Armana rubbed her temples with her fingertips as they argued, only imagining if this would've been a paradoxical image of how they'd do for their team. "Here's your belay and harness." Chris tossed to the Gopher representatives. Heather snatched the belay from Gwen's hands. "Hey, what's your damage?" Gwen threatened. "If you think I'm letting you hold me up, you're nuts." Heather reasoned. "You won't be holding her up exactly," Chris differentiated. "One camper pulls the slack through the belay as the partner climbs. If the climber falls, the belay will stop them from crashing." He used Duncan as an illustration, the boy pulling on the rope. "The catch; both the side and the base of the mountain are rigged with a few minor distractions <i>like</i> rusty nails, slippery oil slicks, mild explosives and a few other surprises." "Wicked." Harold chipped in. "The person on belay must also harness their partner up. It's all about trust people <i>and</i> remember; never let go of the rope. Your partner's life depends on it." Armana took a glance at Courtney, seeing that she was smiling at her. Armana relaxed her nerves by returning the friendly mutualism. "Excuse me?" Gwen raised her hand. "Can we trade partners? I really don't feel like being dropped on my head today." "<i>Paalease</i>," Heather protested. "As much as I love your company, I'm not gonna throw a challenge just to kill you, yet. Now spread em." Courtney joined Armana's side with the climbing equipment. "At least we can show that we have more cooperation. Right Armana?" Courtney encouraged. "Yeah. We definitely got this in the bag. Is there one you're more comfortable doing?" Armana asked her. "Well, in my experience being trained as a counselor, they demonstrated and discussed effective leadership techniques, skills in communication, group management, decision making or conflict making. Ya know, all the sweets and goodies. So I could probably hold the belay while you climb." "Ok, yeah that's fine." Armana looked at the manual instructions of the sit harness. She loosened the waist belt and buckles of the leg loops so she could get into the harness at the appropriate accommodation of her body. Before she could put it on, she removed any twists, particularly in the leg loops since they seemed prone to twisting and flipping upside down. Once the stretchy straps on the back of the harness ran fairly straight to each leg loop, she stepped through the waist-belt and through the adjusted circumferences to pull it up by the belt like it was another pair of pants. The harness fitted around her upper thighs and just above the iliac crest of her hips, ensuring her to tighten the equipment snug on the narrowest part of her waist so that it couldn't be pulled down from her hips. The straps on the leg loops weren't too tight where it made it uncomfortable for her around her upper thighs and groin area. She lastly double backed the belt loop by pulling the strap over itself and back through the loop a second time. Courtney fed the tail ends of the dangling excess material through the belt buckles, then examined it for any shortcomings. "Perfect," She assessed. "Now we just need to tie in the climbing rope." She formed a <i>bight </i>in the rope, keeping a shorter length to use as the working end. She passed the standing end of the rope through a formed bend and pulled it all the way to create a figure 8 knot. She drew the working end of the rope under the belay loop by finding the configuration of where to tie in the rope on the harness and pulled it through until the knot was away from her body. She looked over to see Heather hooked Gwen up both in front and behind. "There, you're all hooked up." Heather said. "What's the second rope for?" Gwen queried, eying behind her. "Its a back up line." Courtney deliberated on doing the same thing, mimicking Heather's actions. "What're you doing?" Duncan intervened. "You heard Heather. Chris fraudulently arranged the mountain with different hurdles, so it's good to have this as back up." Courtney justified. "First of all, it's <i>Heather. </i>She's probably fucking it up for Gwen since they locked her in a freezer for how she was dictating their team." "She also said she wasn't going to throw a challenge just to kill her." "Like I said, it'sss <i>Heatherrr. </i>She has that shit eating grin on her face right now as she's lying through her teeth trying to talk Gwen into trusting her." They dissolved into another argument, Armana frantically looking between the two. "Stop," She raised her voice over them. "This is exactly what Chris meant by being able to trust each other. Yes Heather is probably getting back at Gwen, but then, I'm putting my trust in Courtney by relying on her to hold the rope and make sure I don't fall." The two fell silent to mentally take in her words. Duncan was the first to speak up, "I just don't want Courtney to make the situation inadvertently worse." "Of course you'd say that. Must I mind you, I have CIT experience." "<i>Trust</i>." Armana italicized/emphasized to them both, particularly Duncan by kissing him on the cheek. His expressed provident caution furrowed his brows, but smoothed from her kiss and upturned in concern for her, letting the two off to participate in the rock climb. Substantially in time, Armana ascended the natural rock formations vigilantly and watched for the impediments Chris previously mentioned. She let Gwen cruise up the rocky surfaces, blindly looking out for the explosives that were hidden. She let her set a chain reaction of them off, reversing her progress as the vigorous, outward release of energy sent her away from the vertical rock exposure. However, the explosions created more irregularities in the rock for handholds or footholds, making it trickier for Armana to exploit any of the cracks or slopes to propel herself. She tried to balance her foot on a tiny dime edge (barely wide enough for the toe of her shoe) but only felt the sole slip along the jagged rock from what must've been remnants of oil. She grunted at the misstep, putting more exertion on her upper arms and shoulders to keep her body up. "Keep at it Armana and you'd have escaped prison!" She heard Duncan cheer her on. She laughed at his words of optimism, being able to find a crimp that was very small—only big enough for the pads of her fingers while the rest of her hand was draped onto the wall. She was able to move her body along as Courtney belayed, also attached to the rope by the ATC device that hooked them together. "I promised surprises!" She heard Chris say. "Habanero pepper sauce, anyone?" Chris had a water gun presumably filled with the orange, hot chili sauce and first shot a jet at Heather with it. "Ugh!" She reacted, saturating her hair in the sauce until it plastered down her face and sullied her clothes. "What the heck, Chris?!" She rubbed her eyes, letting go of the rope which responsively slackened from supporting Gwen and dropped her. "Muy Caliente." Chris remarked with a toothy smile. Courtney's eyes widened in fear for her turn to come next, her heart rate panicking inside her ears. She winced in anticipation as Chris pistoled the hot sauce towards her, only to see Duncan jump in front of the stream with his mouth opened to swallow the hot sauce. He preparedly wore sunglasses to protect his eyes, the liquid welcomingly spattering against him. He licked his lips tastily, "There is no way you're ruining this for Armana." Chris rolled his eyes, "Ugh, simp." "Wow, thanks Duncan." Courtney said still in shock, feeling her cheeks roseate. "Trust, right?" They high five, Courtney unintentionally letting go of the rope. In that quick gap of a second, Armana suddenly felt gravity naturally incline her towards the ground. "Courtney!" She called, dragging out the long vowel in her name. Courtney sharply gasped in realized, "I've got you Armana!" She instinctively yanked on the second rope, hoisting Armana up but heard something violently rip in retaliation. # ~ Chapter 20 ~ Courtney's eyelids widely retracted in shock at the incident, quickly palming her mouth in disbelief for words. Duncan removed his shades to see what was before him in actuality, also taken aback from speaking. Armana's bare ass was in view. Courtney pulled the second rope, successfully leaving Armana progress to climb the rock but unintentionally tearing away both of her bottom garments in the process. To mirror Heather's actions previously, she attached a large spring snap hook to the waistband of her shorts as the rope could pass through, which must've been fixed on her underwear as well. "Well you don't see that every day." Chris entertained the occurrence. "Jee, Courtney, great way of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. I was gonna do the same thing to rein Gwen from falling <i>behind</i>." Heather double crossed on her teammate by pulling on her second rope that would rip away only Gwen's skirt, revealing her pair of purple undies with a pink skull. Courtney looked on greatly appalled, comparatively dismayed by the fact that it was in Heather's true intentions to humiliate Gwen. Maybe not killing her, but surely making the person wish it did. "See Courtney? What did I tell you? Heather's main shtick is to abruptly change her personality once she's used the person. That's how she's been playing the game in this competition since she oppressed Lindsay and Beth into an alliance from day one. Now this is gonna damage Armana compromising trust in you." Duncan told her off. "It's not like I meant to do it." Courtney tried to lessen the blame off her, slightly intimidated by the boy's pointed anger. Hearing something tore away from her body, Armana curiously searched for the source of sound below her. She became utterly stunned to see she was bottomless, currently in a <i>rock-over </i>position that opened her hips with her butt centered over her foot and shifted to sit on that ankle so it could propel her to the next hold. She remembered Gwen rejoined the climb below her and could potentially see her exposed goodies as several other of the contestants watched on for either to conquer the cliff's face first. She shied her legs closed, too ashamed from going forward by the attention that was already on her. She heard Chris and Heather laugh at her, overwhelming her with unmitigated anxiety. Sure she could've abashed Gwen into covering her eyes and falling once again, but Armana's capability of rationality was brimmed to the point of consternation that her eyes watered. "PUT ME DOOOWWWWWNNNN!" She cried out, a soft choked sob escaping her lips. "Please! Put me down! Please!" "Armana! Here! Jump into my arms!" She heard Duncan tell her. "I'll catch you I promise!" She slowly turned away from the cliff, steadily maintaining her balance on the ledge. She opened her eyes to see that her tears rendered her vision blurry, not wanting to move her hands from covering her to dry her eyes. She felt even more flustered by turning to the audience for them to see she was crying, feeling weak, like a crybaby and that her face looked ugly expressing the spasmodic contractions in her throat. "I'm right here." Duncan reassured her again, helping her feel less confined by her emotions and the pressure of whose eyes were on her. She leapt feet first from the rock, officially forfeiting from the challenge. She closed her eyes, feeling the speed pick up as she fell in the air and the wind loud in her ears. She felt weightless succumbing to gravity, her muscles and gut twitching in anticipation of Duncan catching her. Suddenly her back and legs land in a person's arms, opening her eyes to see that he shared her sadness at her distressed state. Too chagrined to look at him or to be crying in the first place made her hide her face in his neck. He kissed her mandible below her earlobe and whispered sweet nothings to her, feeling her arm wrap herself closer to him. Courtney detached herself and took off the rope so Duncan could carry Armana to the cabin for a replacement of clothes, the girl left with a penitent expression for accidentally obstructing her own team member and most likely to be put up for elimination. "Okaaaaaayyyyyyy.........due to a slight wardrobe malfunction, Gwen has won Gophers the first point for the challenge!" Chris proclaimed. Meanwhile, Duncan continued to affectionately speak to Armana in an earshot only between them two. He whispered how good she competed, how strong she was to have made it as far up the cliff, how she was doing so good that they tried to send complications her way like Chris aiming a gun filled with hot sauce at Courtney. He told her how he jumped in the way so that he could eat the Habanero sauce for himself, making her smile and giggle picturing the scene. When he entered the girls' side of the cabin was when he let Armana on her feet to remove her harness and look through her clothes. On her way, he watched her hips sway along her ass cheeks withstanding the stress of propelling her body to walk; looking closely at how her right foot leading forward made her right hip rise and swing outward while her left moved down and slightly swung in. "Do you have to make it obvious that you're staring?" Armana perceived his ogling eyes. "Sorry, I have a thing for asses." Duncan dismissively shrugged, making the girl chuckle. After eying a few articles of clothing in front of her, she asked him, "Do you think I was being sensitive for crying?" "Of course not. I almost cussed Courtney out for putting you through that when I specifically told her Heather was fucking it up for Gwen. We could've avoided that mishap and win if she had just listened to me." Duncan scoffed. Armana walked up to the sitting boy to run her hand in his hair, hearing him sigh under her gesture. "It's alright, Duncan. I'm sure she wouldn't have truly intended to do that...e-except...." "Except what?" "N-Nothing..." "...I'll eat you out if you tell me." "What?!" "You're standing here with your naked pussy in front of me, and expect my knees not to buckle in at the sight of it?" Armana rolled her eyes but looked into Duncan's to realize he was serious. It was her turn to become intimidated into telling him. Courtney damaged Armana's trust by ripping her clothes off and now—although she never outright admitted to it—would possibly be mistrusted by telling Duncan her crush on him. Duncan sensed her disinclination and brought her closer to him by her ass cheeks, sucking her clit into his mouth as his piercing eyes concurrently looked at her. She shivered at the sight and feeling, holding back a moan. "O-Ok, ok," She yielded. "I feel like she does—even though it's pretty obvious—but C-Courtney likes you." Her words befuddled him for a moment, parting himself away from her to express his surprise. "You serious?" He subsequently uttered. Armana nodded, "I noticed as each episode went by she slowly showed indications. Like how we stayed out in the woods for one night for that Sucky Outdoors episode; she kept hugging you each time she got scared and vehemently denied it, even when she was caught snuggling up to you as we were all waking up." "You mean allegedly cuddling with said Neanderthal?" He sneered, air quoting her words. "Yes, exactly. Phobia Factor; she held your hand and told you to be brave as her and I were trying to coax you to hug Céline—I mean—the standee. She hugged you again after you overcame your fear but realized her mistake and quickly let go of you once we all swarmed to congratulate you. The paintball shooting challenge; you two got your antlers stuck with each other's and it looked like she was waving at you after she was freed. Last challenge...she kept rebuking you about everything and I could hear as she ranted about all of your traits that annoyed her in the confessional while Jo and I would be walking to the truck to get supplies. And kept pointing out how having a crush on you is very unlikely even tho she ate custard off you and joyfully laughed helping you wash your hair out." At that point, Armana vented out the frustration she built constantly witnessing the little insinuations Courtney left that she thought she could play down or get away with by claiming she didn't have feelings for him. Mentioning how all of the reprimands she casted towards him was in consideration of keeping him on the team. In her ventilation, she didn't notice Duncan stood up to calm her down until he kissed her in assurance. Once they separated, he cupped her face to awe her. "I'm sorry, I might've been a little jealous too." Armana admitted in muffled words by his hands squishing her cheeks together. "It's ok. I could've paid more attention. I just thought it was funny from whatever it'd be about me that pissed her off. Heck even my presence makes her hack," Duncan regaled. "...I had a feeling she dug me though." "Mhm." "....Wanna teach her a lesson?" Armana looked at him bemused for his reference, "What do you mean <i>teach her a lesson</i>?" "Cause I mean, she felt awful for what she did to you so by <i>now</i>, her gut's telling her to come check up on you to apologize. But I say, she walks into you riding my face." "U-Uh, I don't know Duncan, don't you think she could tattle to the producers on us?" "If she does I'll punch her in her shit, E for Everyone." Armana choked on her spit, "B-But that isn't as reassuring until she actually does see us and you have to commit in the big game you're talking. And you know that doesn't look good for you since you have a parole officer." "Alright, Alright, my little jiminy cricket. It's like what we talked about last night. The rush and thrill about getting caught, remember? It's what's hot about it." He evoked her in the mood by slowly kissing down her neck as his hands felt the rest of her nudity. Armana hugged his neck, falling into the desire. "Are you sure? We have to get back to the challenge, you know? They might start to wonder about us." Armana wised. "Please 'mana? It'll be quick." She sighed as her implication of giving in, feeling him intensely kiss on her body more after her consent. He grabbed behind her thighs to dispose  her to jump on him and wrap her legs around his waist. He turned them to sit back down on one of the bottom bunks so she was in his lap as they caught each other's lips to prolong in a make out session. Making out felt indulgent and integral to mediating affection between them, pervasively profiling chemicals of cortisol and testosterone inside their open mouthed kisses. They briefly glanced at each other's lips and up in each other's eyes as they powerfully kissed, deepening their interconnection to the sensuality. Her fingers stimulated his scalp and she gently tugged a handful of buzzed hair by its roots, hearing him moan at the innervated sensation. Slightly tilting his head back incentivized him to lean back into the bed's mattress, holding her close to him as to stay lip-locked. She straddled him, his hands shaping her body and malleably kneading his fingers into the flesh on her ass. Doing so opened and spread the prominences from her goodies situated under, exposing her sex organs to the atmosphere. His groping hands stretched the soft tissue of her labia folds off her vagina, rising her to moan into the kiss. Shortly after, Duncan disconnected their kiss to talk dirty in her ear, licking the outside and inside the funneling auricle so that his words could shiver down her spine. Both hands cupped inside either thigh and along the gluteal fold to caress his fingertips on her labia. "You're so dirty, who knew I could make a good girl go bad. Your parents wondering about how their precious daughter's doing when she's about to get fucked by my mouth." He explicitly imaged, exciting her vagina to clench in anticipation. "This thick ass was just showed to everyone, now they could possibly see your sweet pussy all in the air right now. You want someone to see you even though you almost died from the humiliation?" Armana nodded in a trance of lust, capturing his lips so hard their teeth clinked but recoiled into another passionate session. Then Duncan's hands trailed to her hips, sitting her up to face astriding him. "Come on 'mana, come ride on my face. I wanna drown and suffocate in your pussy." He allured her. With her heart pummeling in her chest, she scooted herself up his torso and towards his obsequiously groveling mouth. She continued until his head was between her thighs and widened them apart enough where his mouth was aligned with her private. She hovered above his face in a shy manner, keeping her weight on her knees and looking down at him biting her lip. His hands handled her hips and slowly lowered her down, sitting with her knees folded in front of her and splaying out to the sides in a <i>W sitting</i> <i>position</i>. Climactically, he sucked in her clit again but it was more sensual for her, having her pussy vulnerably exposed for his mouth to explore. He used his mouth to spread her folds and pursed his lips to easily access the sensitive skin, seeing her throw her head back so fast it could've caused whiplash. She gripped her hand in his hair, intaking her breath as short gasps and moaning his name mellifluously. His hands began to guide her hips to slowly grind on his face back and forth, insinuating her clit to bump against his nose as her pussy slid to the back of his tongue. She reactively arched her back and moaned to the bottom of the top bunk. He momentarily stilled her by holding her hips in front of him so he could get a visual of her vulva and where to parse his mouth to provide her with different sensations. His eyes only dropped from her gaze when he minutely adjusted his mouth to stay close inside the furrow of her pudendal cleft. Then she felt him move her hips again, motioning herself to grind on his face as it rhythmically disappeared inside her. She circularly rotated her hips when he closed on her clit, responding in bliss at the miraculous sensation. "Oh fuck Duncan! This feels so good. You eat me out so good." She desperately accoladed. He moaned to the sound of her desperation, his tongue salivating as it sprightly tried to untether from the web of frenum. From his supine position, he regarded how the mounds of her breasts looked still clothed in her crop top and how her abdomen rose and fell to his oral sex. Her eyes would make contact with his, finding pleasure in watching him eat her as if she actually appeased his hunger. It made her feel in control being able to differ motions in her hips instead of only refraining from movement, meticulously changing methods so not to tire her hip flexors. Although, she minded if she was squishing Duncan from being able to breathe. He delighted in the lack of oxygen, feeling heavy beats of his breath from under his nostrils as he smothered his mouth in her sex. She attempted to hold herself up with her hips, only to feel him stern his hands against them and crane his neck to keep her intact with him. Her eyes rolled back at his shown partiality, as if to say she couldn't get away from him until she came. Meanwhile, seeing they still weren't back yet, Courtney couldn't help but feel inadequate going on in the challenge as time went by. She earned confusion and cynicism from her teammates who wholly opined her to apologize or work things out with Armana. Courtney traipsed to the cabin, hunched over with her arms embracing herself to comfort her from her sullen mood and thoughts. She wish she'd stop playing the scene in her head as it relapsed in slow motion, going to show how shocked she still was over not foreseeing the mistake. Her cheeks tinged with warmth at the repetition of Duncan's words, imagining how angry he actually was after they just quashed their dubiety in each other. She could swear how much his punk masquerade worked her up, but internally she lived for each of those moments that lessoned her of his especial characteristics. She lowered people's suspicions by being critical and an achiever for her team, not wanting to inflate Duncan into being even more annoying and seeing his relationship with Armana as detrimental to how she could look. To pacify, her hands rubbed her shoulders, not realizing the moans that could be heard from inside the approaching cabin. She looked at her feet absentmindedly as she walked, not being observant until she stepped up the porch and twisted the door knob. She stopped mid-through once she hearkened to what was going on. "<i>Duncan</i>." She heard Armana pleasurably vocalize in a mixture of obscenities before sucking in air through her teeth. "<i>Keep licking me like that</i>." Courtney's eyes nearly popped from their sockets hearing them commit in such a venereal act. On a TV Show. <i>Has to be one of Duncan's shenanigans</i>, she figured and swiveled on her heel back to the rest of the cast. She could still hear the teens as she distanced, Armana desirously encouraging Duncan through high pitched affirmatives. Her fingernails scraped against the cover and crumpled it in towards her palm to form a fist, moving her body to distribute her arousal and increase her physical pleasure. She held onto the bed post supporting the top bunk, swinging her pelvis back and forth Duncan's face as he flexed, twirled and flattened his tongue. She particularly moaned to the three dimensional changes in his tongue, using her index and middle digits to spread her labia lips so she could expose the underlying minora's brownish black skin. She then proceeded to rub the skin against his tongue, crying at the new stimulus of him gliding it inside the vestibule where it commissures her urethra and vagina. After enjoying the pleasure in a few repetitions, he stiffened his tongue to protrude onto her clit, wagging and twirling the erected tissue to play with it. She audibly breathed more laboriously, her right leg occasionally spasming and body involuntarily squirming at the cunnilingus. She tried to look back down and watch Duncan as they aforesaid shared but her eyelids seemed leaden and only opened half way, eyes rolling into her lids—closing and tossed her head back. He could sense her nearing orgasm by how her thighs clamped around his head to trap him in. He studied her expression as she began to grind herself on his face more distinctively to feel any projection bearing his side profile. She nudged her clit against the apex of his nose, picking up her innuendo and submerging the anterior facial region in her fissure. His hands grasped on her hips to hold her down and pin his face, rubbing the pointed cartilage up on her genitalia as his tongue wriggled in multiple crevices. Armana hastily bucked and swerved in figure eights, climbing closer to her orgasm while losing focal awareness in her senses. Duncan could feel the viscosity of her secretions being sniffed along the rim of his nostrils but persisted subservience in sexual more. She repeated his name in her mantra, nuancing him of the building stimulation inside her. In culmination, her breath was taken away, not breathing for a few seconds, her lips quivering and indistinctly uttering words. Then suddenly, her moans loudly quavered, her body synchronizing with her exhales as she rode out miniature grinds to soothe her orgasm. Her thighs shivered and felt her genital muscles contract, convulse, vicing him in deeper within her thighs. Eventually, her body slackened, feeling him gently lick up her fluids to clean her. She slowly eased off of his face; seeing his cheeks were blotchy and mottled in smears of red. Her fluid coated his skin with a soft sheen, wiping his face although he was gladdened to have her as a moisturizer. "Lord, princess, you have the sweetest pie." He grinned, licking his lips for another morsel of her flavor. Armana smiled modestly, "Thank you, Duncan. Always happy to please." "Likewise." She sat up from the bed, her mind suddenly immersing in any impending events. "...Do you think she saw?" Armana evoked. He turned down the corners of his mouth in a frown and shrugged, "Eh, probably. She could've brought a cameraman with her to truly mark her apology to the audience." "Ugh, Duncan, don't say that into existence. Then that means they could've heard what was going on." "You're right, you're right. But the risk felt great, didn't it?" She sighed in exasperation but nodded, "Yeah, it did. It made me come pretty undone. Sorry if I made you feel like you stuck your head out of a car window in a thunderstorm." "No worries. It's a proclivity I have." Armana laughed and picked out a new pair of underwear then changed into another pair of blue jeans. Seeing her change the bottom half of her outfit made Duncan stretch out his shirt in front of him to think back to the orange stains of hot sauce. "That reminds me; I should change too." He commented, Armana watching him roll his shirt up his torso to strip off above his head. "You wanna wear one of mine?" Armana offered, holding up a pink racer top. "Tempting, tempting, but I got some more packed." He swapped for a skull metal rock shirt that lengthened to his elbows. "Hmm, good alternative." She alluded with a smirk. "Yeah, not much for pink." Duncan shrugged. "Alright, we better start heading back. We've already procrastinated enough time, <i>Duncan</i>." Armana spoke prominence on his name for their sexually active idea, causing him to chuckle. They walked to the mainland where they heard chattered of intermingled voices. Meanwhile they were gone, Chris assessed an <i>Extreme Cooking Challenge </i>partook by Geoff, Bridgette, Lindsay and Trent. They were to prepare a meal made of fugu blowfish, a poisonous Japanese fish, their partners would taste. The reliance on their teammates was of course that the blowfish contained tetrodotoxin in its organs, especially the liver, ovaries, eyes and skin. Meaning they had to carefully remove the intoxicated parts and avoid contaminating the meat. Or else, as of Trent befalling; incapability of breathing, hysteria, paleness in the complexion and nausea/vomiting, resulting in twenty four hours for recovery and staying in the infirmary to be administered by nurse Hatchet. The next tests were three blind challenges; first <i>the blind william tell</i>, now <i>the blind trapeze</i>. Upon Armana's arrival, she was surprised to hear applause from some of her teammates. She sheepishly smiled her discomfiture being in the limelight, knowing she was the talk of the moment. Jojo exhibited frantic glee, speedily walking up to her with her arms held out. She tightly embraced Armana, squeezing her closer once she felt the girl reciprocate her endearment. "Hopefully I didn't make you feel uncomfortable. Sorry that was so sudden." Jojo conveyed after they released each other. "No, you're fine. Thank you for that. I didn't want to feel like the elephant in the room." "Are you ok?....After what happened?" Armana sighed as if to relive in the embarrassment, "Yeah. I feel better after being able to recoup myself and would rather act as if it never happened." "Ok...I know Courtney went to try and apologize to you but she came back rather taciturn about it." <i>'So she did see?!' </i>Armana pulled a face at the imagination. "Where is Courtney anyway?" "Well, last challenge Chris called it the blind William Tell. One person had to be blindfolded and throw crab apples to try and bull's eye it through an arrow perched on their partner's head, doing so first would automate a point. Courtney wore the arrow on her head while Sadie fired apples. Her and Leshawna were both doing horribly at first until somehow Leshawna was first to aim her apple in the arrow. Of course, that would end the challenge, right? But Sadie kept throwing damn apples like she had her ears covered and not her eyes. She was hitting everybody and all types of wild animals aimlessly. It took Chris to grab her to snap out of it. Long story short, Courtney in the infirmary. I could've just said that damn near." Armana chuckled, "No no I like the built anticipation." Duncan remained in Armana's presence, hearing them but not listening. He noticed DJ appeared dewy eyed as Geoff showed sympathy trying to explain something. He eavesdropped, overhearing Geoff saying that bunny ran away. "U-Uh...he's not with us anymore. He uh hopped away? But I'm sure he'll be back. Sorry dude." Geoff apologized, presumably responsible for keeping watch on the boy's pet while he had to do something. DJ gripped Geoff's shoulder with whimpering lips, "Nah. It's not your fault man." He then moped away from the group, depressing him into wondering aloud of bunny's causation for leaving him. Duncan pondered of a solution, setting out towards the dining hall. "Hey," Armana unexpectedly grabbed his hand. "Is everything ok?" Duncan nodded and smiled in reassurance, "Everything's fine, cutie pie. I'm just gonna go look for something really quick, ok?" "Ok. Do you need help finding it?" "Nope, you don't need to worry your pretty little head about anything. You've already been through enough today." "...Are you sure?" "Of course." He briefly squeezed her hand and they let go of each other, leaving her curious for what he was finding. In the meantime, Harold would perform on an aerial apparatus such as a horizontal bar that hung by ropes from a ceiling support (the trapeze). Him as the catcher would build up swing from a still position and use the momentum to cue a blindfolded Bridgette to jump into his hands. Not to mention they were above a pond full of electric jellyfish. Another situation where their partner's life was in their hands. "Okay, Bridgette," Harold readied. "Jump! Now!" Bridgette walked over the edge to prepare herself but retracted to one of the posts supporting the platform. "Aw!" Harold deflated. "If we're going to win, you've got to trust me!" "O-Okay, sorry! Next time!" She promised subsequently. "Okay. 1! 2! 3! Jump!" Bridgette sprung from the platform with searching hands, successfully being caught by Harold. Earning their teammates' whoops out of praise and joy. Heather and Lindsay were up next, Lindsay placed as the catcher. "Ok Gophers your turn." Chris turned. "Ok!" Lindsay called for Heather to listen. "1! 2! 3! J-Jump—N-No! N-Not yet!" She fell upon deaf ears as Heather expectantly hopped from the platform, only to meet excruciating voltage released by microscopic barbed stings the coelenterates defensed with. Armana supposed karma backfired on both perpetrators today. After Heather had to be sent to the infirmary to be treated, a final activity remained to deliberate one of the teams for immunity. "And now the final leg; the blind toboggan race." Chris presented. "The say what?!" Leshawna interjected. "Each team will have a driver and a navigator. The driver steers while the navigator shouts directions. Oh yeah! In case you haven't gotten the pattern here, the driver will be blindfolded." He heard reactions of disapproval from the teens. "Not many of you left, huh? Keep losing you guys." Chris chuckled, as if to tally them. "Oh well. Uh Gwen and Leshawna. Geoff and DJ." They were summoned to descend a steep hill containing a telltale course for the lubed underside of their toboggans to slide down. With the driver maneuvering blindly, the navigator would have to guide them from landforms surfacing the terrain. Duncan was able to lure a young rabbit, similar to the one DJ befriended, with a carrot. He pleasantly waved the tapered orange root in front of it as an incentive of where he was taking it. "Ahem," Courtney advertised her presence, interrupting him. "Why are you playing with DJ's rabbit? Give him back, he's probably looking all over for him." The lagomorph caught up to Duncan as he stopped at Courtney's appearance, beginning to quickly feed on the carrot. He picked up the animal and stared at her, wordlessly sending the message. "...Ohhh I get it," She said. "You found him a new <i>bunny</i>, didn't you?" "...You tell anyone and what you thought was living in misery being on this show, is about to get a whole lot worse for you." He menaced. "Pfft," Courtney scoffed, checking for any dirt in her fingernails. "You just like to live up to this punk boy aesthetic so much, don't you? Trying to cast this image on others so you can seem more threatening? It's hard to subdue under you when there's a cute bunny rabbit in your hands. I guess I shouldn't tell anyone about what you and Armana were doing either, should I?" Duncan chuckled, biting his lip and stroking the occupied rabbit's fur. "Did you enjoy the show?" "You're disgusting for having the audacity of doing that on a TV show. You tread recklessly when you could've gotten caught on film. What is wrong with you? Kids could be watching this." "Well kids can learn that we can do whatever the hell we want. We're sixteen, on our way to being adults. Being on this show means we're away from our parents, away from any surveillance and can actually have fun. You know, what makes you so bitchy is that you're uptight and chastise anyone about the slightest rule they break or refuse to conform to. It's about doing what you want." "Yeah? Think about the repercussions that come with <i>'doing whatever the hell you want</i>', like <i>someone—</i>oh I don't know—who was detained to juvenile detention? Like what they teach to kids in 'Beyond Scared Straight'?" "I might be in juvie, sure, but it also means i'm a carefree, laidback, chill person who doesn't ostentatiously act so virtuous." Duncan said batting his eyelashes at the irate girl. He then turned away, "Consider it god's grace not getting voted off tonight. The odds look pretty against you." # ~ Chapter 21 ~ Armana watched Geoff and DJ sled down the precipitous hill, so far avoiding any obstacles. Duncan returned towards them reaching halfway down. "Hey, you're back." Armana exuberantly welcomed him. "Of course babe, I said it'll only be right quick." He said to her. "Did you find what you were looking for?" "Yup, im holding it in my hand right now. Hey DJ! Look who I found!" He raised his hands above his head and opened them to present the rabbit sitting contently in his palms. He could see Geoff excitedly pointing his finger in his direction, speaking enthusiastically to DJ. It motivated him to steer with more purpose, Gwen and Leshawna catching up to just pass along them. The teams suddenly traveled past explosions igniting in proximal locations downhill. Off in the distance, Chris pushed a detonator to ignite the unsuspecting dynamite. Must be inspired a lot by Michael Bay. "We had a few explosives left over and I just hate to waste." He sadistically reasoned. Adversely, DJ and Geoff slide right over a concealed explosive, shooting them high in the air and off course. Owen and Lindsay cheered prematurely seeing Gwen and Leshawna gain close to the bottom of the hill and predictively cross the finish line. The Killer Bass watched on disappointedly until they heard an omniscient sound of a slide whistle conveying something/someone rapidly descending. Armana looked skyward, animated to see DJ and Geoff coming back down. "Look!" She pointed, subconsciously pulling Duncan into her by his lower back. They landed on the ribbon marking the finish line with a massive thud, Geoff froze in the midst of clinging onto DJ still petrified by the near death experience. Owen and Lindsay slumped in their posture, mouths agape at their convenient timing just as Gwen and Leshawna made it. The Bass clamored in shouts of joy, running to surround Geoff. Armana stayed by Duncan's side, watching DJ quickly tear off the occluding cloth and strode in awe of seeing the doppelgänger rabbit in the boy's hands. He gently picked it up with open palms before spinning around out of rejoice. He then wept, holding the rabbit soothingly close to his face. "Thanks Duncan," He said, his voice trembling in between shedding tears. "You're the best." "Whatever man it's just a stupid rabbit." Duncan dismissed. "Aww, he must've really missed him. I'm sure he's in your debt since you went out of your way to do that for him." Armana ascertained. "Guy thinks he's mother nature trying to be one with these wild animals. It's annoying to be honest." "<i>Yet </i>you still did it for him. I mean, didn't you go through the same thing when you were younger? Your dog ran away when you were a little boy, right? It's like a parallel situation in this case." "Ok, ok fine. You saw right through me. I didn't want him to go through the same thing. I just...don't want people to think that I'm going soft or something." "Oh Duncan, don't worry, I won't tell anyone. But on one condition." "And what might that be?" "You have to promise me that you'll remember not to carry any burden of inadequacy. You'll be free to be yourself, know that your good enough for who you are and not on definitions of how masculine or manly someone may find you because that's just unrealistic and unnecessary." "....I don't know if I can guarantee that, princess. That's a lot to promise on." "It sounds like a lot but it's simple, you're a sweetheart. You don't have to be afraid to show it. Just try and remember that." She embodied him into a hug, smushing the side of her face in his chest. He adored the sight and returned her sentiment. Then he kissed her ear before whispering into it, "But how else am I gonna make sure these runner ups know you're mine?" Armana tittered, "Oh trust me, they know. Your hickeys haven't even healed yet." "Healed? Are you kidding? I wanna exult and flaunt them like they're a fashion awareness." His words elated Armana to laugh. "And so Campers, here we meet again. Killer Bass as winners of the Toboggan race!" Chris declared, seeing them illustrate their cheers. "Unfortunately," Chris interposed over them. "I said that these were blind challenges. By taking off the blindfold for a moment you broke the number one rule. Which makes the Gophers today's winner!" Armana facepalmed at the likelihood staked against them. "Well what do ya know, guess I called it." Duncan expressed in surprise. "What do you mean?" Armana questioned him. "Just over a minute ago, Courtney and I had this big argument over something little. Basically, she caught me while I was luring the new rabbit for DJ. I threatened her cause ya know good ol defense mechanism and I didn't need her ruining my image. So she goes on trying to aim at how I dress and carry myself, following that she saw what we were doing as some type of retribution she was holding over me like a mistletoe. I wasn't scared about it like she probably wanted me to be, I instead implied that her presence got us off even more. She started hurling insults of how disgusting I was to be doing that on a TV show capably suitable for children. We go back and forth and I got the last word suspecting she would be the one getting voted off. Of course, only if we lost. Which in the endgame of this challenge, we did." Armana blinked, processing his words. "I think it's obvious she should be going home tonight. Heck, I bet she hasn't even apologized to you yet." "Well it's not like she didn't try to, <i>Duncan. </i>I heard another half of the story from Jojo, though. Said Sadie put Courtney in the infirmary from throwing apples at her when it was well past Chris ending the challenge." Duncan laughed, "That's what she gets." Armana grabbed his mouth to close up his lips. "Just like it wasn't Courtney's intention to embarrass me, Sadie was probably oblivious to what she was doing and didn't intend to hit her until she was seeing birds and stars. Yet, both of them are being put up for trial. So Sadie could be going home too." She let go of him. "But what about the stuff you were venting to me about her. I wouldn't let a guy get away with that." "I know, I know. It's just...maybe I still trust her." Duncan wasn't expecting to hear Armana's words, wondering how she could have as much reliance on someone. He sighed, "You definitely are a forgiving person, you know that?" "Yeah, I know, maybe it'll hurt me in the end." Armana shrugged off. "You're just a compassionate person who balances out my mean demeanor. You're my voice of reason to looking at things more sensibly." They hugged again and cherished each other's lips into a kiss. Later, when Armana for once was by herself, Courtney approached her. "Hey Armana." She happily greeted her, seeing her look up from what she was drawing in her sketchbook. "Hey Courtney." Armana returned her intonation. "Is it okay if we talked for a second?" "Yeah sure. Wassup?" Courtney sat down next to her on the porch. "I just want to say before the ceremony that I genuinely apologize for everything. I don't want you to think that I disregarded what happened. I felt completely horrible about doing that to you and want to get my words out there knowing that there's a bad outlook fixed on me right now." "Thank you, I accept your apology. I know you tried to apologize earlier after Duncan helped me to the cabin, Jojo told me. Sorry you saw or heard what we were doing." <i>'Even though we were intending to do that so she would see us.'</i> "Oh that, pooh, I forgot about it not too long it happened." She then felt a strong curiosity pique her interest. "Although, I'm intrigued;...how do you two get away with that stuff? I'm sure for you to be that bold, it wasn't your first time." "Hmmm." Armana audibly thought over telling her. Courtney laughed, "Oh come on, Armana. I already caught you two in the act. You might as well tell me." "Alright, alright, fair point. Duncan usually planned where we'd go as if he scoped the whole island out and knows where to surreptitiously move where cameras aren't set up. It must be in his intuition from disobeying the law. Anyways, it would usually be at night when everyone is going to sleep and the camera crew have packed up." "Is that why you came in so late?" She nodded, "Mhm." "I can say I expected nothing less from him. He's so deviant." "Yes but it's so fun how I wouldn't have expected him to bring out my libido, ya know? When I first met him, I thought he was just a flirt; that I was a girl he saw as a summer fling or appeased his options of who was on this island. But I got to know him, gave him a chance and he's the best person whose filled some void I didn't know I had. Like I was missing a part of him and he's extended this exploitative, mischievous, cunning side. It's <i>fun.</i>" Duncan's words replayed in Courtney's head, '<i>Being on this show means we're away from our parents, away from any surveillance and can actually have fun.' </i>Although she personally wouldn't gratify through such acts in the affairs of this show, she could sense what was idealized about the sexuality. She slowly regarded it in a particular light through her questions, prevaricating for more vividness or to hear her word a rosier picture. <i>'Is he good?' 'What does his tongue feel like?' 'How does he know how to do all this stuff?'</i> Armana noticed Courtney queried a lot about Duncan, probably not even aware herself that she was. It's what he meant by what Courtney should be held accountable for, especially why they engaged in something to her being there prospectively. They chatted a bit more, ending the subject with how much Armana cared for Duncan and saw him as the boy she's longly romanticized for in her dreams. She puts her sketchbook up and walked over to the lake; hearing the ambience of the water and reactant laughter from the boys' hands bespattering each other in the distance. She took off her shoes and rolled up her jeans so she could sit on the dock and solely immerse her feet in. She twinkled her toes to feel the water move between them, smiling to see tiny fish skittering about. Her eyes squinted to see a shirtless Duncan afar boisterously playing with Geoff, Owen and DJ. He caught sight of her as Owen restrained him in a headlock while grinding his knuckles in his hair. Her head angled down to look through the transparency of the sunlight shone water. Then in his field of vision, she chinned up to brim her hand above her brow ridge and smiled at the sight at them. "Come on Donuts. Say uncle!" Owen subjected him. Suddenly, Duncan brought up his inside arm closest to Owen's body and over his back to grab his nose from behind. He squeezed Owen's nose as hard as he could and violently pulled him backward without losing his grip. Owen cried out in agony and lessened his arm from Duncan. The boys laughed to ridicule him at the reprisal. Owen protected his nose, "Yo man, what's your issue? That hurt really bad." "There's treasure ahead." Duncan thumbed at Armana with a smirk. He breaststroked over to her, shortly ascending his upper body out the water to see her up close. "Hey, mini me." Duncan said, swinging her feet with his hands. "Hey Duncan." "Why don't you come join us in the water? Some more skin could suit you." "Because I only came to watch what you guys were doing. Looked like y'all were trying to make whirlpools out there." "Oh yeah ya know, just practicing combat above and under the water like grappling and choking techniques. Casual boy-roughhousing." "And you expect me to go in the water with you? I'd rather watch these cute, tiny fishies by my feet." Looking in the water, Duncan cupped liquid in his hand as a hemispherical vessel for a fish to swim in. "Gnarly, this one looks like one of those anti stress toys you squeeze until its eyes pop out. Wanna see?" Armana's face twisted in a grimace from his description, but eased and leaned forward to see the abnormality. She nodded. "Ok, put your hand out." Duncan told her. Once she did, Duncan took the opportune to grab her wrist and pull her into the water. "Duncan!" His name caught in her throat after her next breath came in a sudden inhalation. "Fuck! This water is cold as fuck!" She felt the cool water immediately permeate through her clothes, overtaking her body with its low temperature. "Duncan! I'm going to kill you!" She angrily stated. "Looking forward to it." Duncan pleasured, adoring her anger. In spite of her former hesitancy, she wrestled him in the water; moving without ration as she reached for him and numerously attempted different ways to push him beneath. Her incensed struggle with him wasn't returned, instead seeing him smile and hearing him laugh turning tail to try and get away from her. His back turned, she jumped onto him. She encircled his neck with her right arm, his trachea at the crook of her elbow. The right hand then grasped her upper left arm, her left palm holding her opposite shoulder as an efficient choke from him to be able to escape. Her elbows were brought together so that the lateral pressure from her biceps and radius bone was applied to his neck on both sides. Duncan wheezed, "W-Wait. A-Armana, babe, you're actually choking me." He felt her legs lock around his waist and hook her ankles around each other to better enclose him. "O-Okay, I'm serious, babe. Y-You're really holding onto me." Her small stature allowed her to keep Duncan captive, giggling in his ear to hear his next breaths come as hisses. "Bet you won't pull me in the water again, will you?" She elicited him, feeling him strain against her only to tighten her grip. "A-Armana..." Duncan breathed out. "Answer me." "N-No! No I won't!" "Won't what?" "I won't pull you in the water again." He began to rapidly tap her thigh. "O-Okay, I tap! I won't do it again!" He pleaded, only to still struggle to breathe. "I believe you have a few more seconds until you start to lose consciousness." "O-Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! Uncle!" "Mm-mm." "I'm sorry!" Just as he started to fade out of consciousness, Armana let go of him, taking his place of smiling and laughing as he gasped, wheezed and coughed. "Are you serious? You choke me til I almost pass out just because I pulled you into the lake?" Duncan reflected in annoyance, now previously sharing her anger. Armana dropped back into the water to face him, seeing him pant as his face was suffused with colors of pink and red. "Fix your face." She told him, chucking him under his chin and fondling his beard. "You're not <i>really </i>mad at me...are you?" She beseeched with pleading eyes to show credulous innocence. Duncan frowned and deeply sighed. "No. Of course I can't stay mad at you. A part of me actually liked it." They both laugh and kissed to absolve each other's mistakes, elongating into a make out when they felt a conducive atmosphere to the leisure of being in the water. Courtney found Armana's sketchbook, flipping to the latest drawing she made. As she leafed through, she watched how her drawings transitioned to sketches of Duncan; capturing him in different moments or expressions with the date signed and a caption wrote as if they were diary entries. The first one was actually on their first day on the show. <i>'This is Duncan. He's a punk rock clad boy who I find creepy, he has all these piercings like those straight needles you put in a pincushion. And he's trying to come on to me. Funny thing is, I'm not uncomfortable about it. Anyways, I'm starting to like to draw him because I think he's really expressive and his piercings kinda make him fun to draw. That's it &lt;3.'</i> She read the entries and chuckled at different moments she drew, watching as they grew more personal and erotic of the things they did. The drawing she saw her work on currently was two versions of herself or one to be a doppelgänger of her. They both posed between a symmetrical line; one her normal self seeming to express worrisome while the other leered with antagonistic and malevolent intentions. She found arts and craft; coloring her counterpart with a dark green shade in the correspondence of her hair color, eyebrows, eyes, lips and her clothes—only retaining her skin color. She illustrated how she felt herself was her own adversary in conflict of feeling jealousy, thus why her manifestation was green. <i>'What could she be jealous of?'</i> She read along the recorded caption that described both personalities in pursuit to her curiosity. Comprehending her writing made her realize she shouldn't be looking in her sketchbook; where her innermost thoughts could explicitly be written and visually depicted in graphite. She abruptly closed the book and safely placed it back where it was, heading outside to enjoy what could be her last few remaining hours on the show. At the campfire ceremony, Armana was comfortably changed into her pajamas after playing in the water with Duncan. Though her fingers were still pruned from how long they were in. She leaned her face on his shoulder, feeling the radiating warmth of the fire hit her arms and legs. The fire audibly popped and crackled as the wood split multiple crevices to release trapped steam. He stretched his arm adjacent to the upper joint she laid on to gently welcome her more access to his chest. She wasn't aware of how tired she was until he wrapped his arm around her and paced his hand up and down affectionately. Chris ritualistically came with a platter of marshmallows. "Who wants a treat; a tasty goody that represents exemption, security, peace of mind—" Courtney rolled her eyes from the built anticipation, "Just get on with it." "Ifyoudon'tgetamarshmallowyouhavetowalkthedockofshameandyoucannevercomeback," Chris said in one breath. "Ever. Let's see one for Duncan, one for Armana, one for Bridgette." He counted the marshmallows three at a time to toss to the teens. "DJ, Geoff. Harold, Jojo." And only one marshmallow remained on the plate for either Courtney or Sadie. "Looks like we only have one left. Courtney...and Sadie. The final marshmallow...goes to...." Courtney mean mugged Sadie from priorly blunting her with apples. Sadie cowered in her seat and showed worrisome for being voted off in result. She covered her eyes, shrinking in anxious uncertainty. Courtney didn't want to sit in the suspense that fictionally aroused tension for the audience. She sat with her cheek against her knuckles and groaned when they were still waiting. "Oh come on already." Courtney urgently showed her endurance. "Don't rush me! The audience eats up this kind of dramatic conclusion." Chris reasoned, waiting a bit longer. "...Sadie." He casually flicked the last marshmallow to Sadie, who seemed shocked herself. Courtney deeply sighed, not sure if she felt disappointed or at ease with being let go from the competition. She wordlessly glared at Sadie as she rose and advanced to the dock of shame. Her menacing glare was enough to strike fear in the girl before flipping her hair over her shoulder as if to flick away everyone behind and walked with some form of purpose in her gait. "Courtney, wait!" The brunette stopped in her tracks, turning in surprise to see it was Armana with an uneaten marshmallow. "Here, you can have mine. Ya know, like you never got voted off." Armana smiled. Courtney reacted taken aback, considering she read how Armana internally felt about her and knew her feelings for Duncan. "U-Um, thank you, Armana," She accepted the confection. "I'm sorry again." "No worries, it was an accident." "No, not just for that...." Armana realized what she meant and with that, Courtney walked away. When she made it back to her tree stump next to Duncan, Chris declared, "Rest of you are safe...for now." As they all departed from the focal point, Duncan sneered, "Well no one's gonna miss her, am I right?" But Armana didn't return the same delight about Courtney's absence, instead she shot him a dirty look. "Oh come on my little doll, you don't actually feel bad for voting her off, do you?" "Of course I feel bad." Armana retorted. "Why? It was the right thing to do. It already didn't look good for her even if what she did was an accident, she didn't respect me and she knew about the <i>things</i> we do. Now that was enough drink in my cup to bid her farewell cause neither of us would feel like worrying if she'll blabber her mouth off to others. We're going through enough trying to evade making pornography for Chris." Armana still expressed opposition but nodded that he had a point. "Plus baby," Duncan looked her in her eyes and brought her close by her chin. "She shouldn't have liked what was off limits. I'm yours, there's no one else I'd rather be with, so no point of prolonging anything, right? To add, you sounded really upset when you were telling me about her...like...you were absorbing it." Armana emitted a long sigh, stroking his jawline with her left hand as she touched his forehead with her's. "I don't know why I feel guilty. Maybe because I'm just not a type of person to get back at someone. In the end; I usually just like to be the one above the situation and doing things rationally." She somberly explained. His thumb caressed her lips, lifting her to meet his eye level, "It's ok, baby, everything will be ok. You did exactly what an average person would do." She licked the tip of his thumb, prompting him to press his thumb down on the soft skin to part her lips. He then slipped his tongue to immediately make out with her. They took their time that night kissing each other to show that they have one another as it slowly trickled down the numbers of contestants still left. Armana savored the taste of his tongue as her mouth felt inseparable from him. Duncan pressed her closer into him by her ass to conduct in the intensity of their kiss. <u>Intervene</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;Ok, I feel a bit better about Courtney being gone but I still feel bad that she had to be eliminated. It was for the best I guess. Night, people&lt; # ~ Chapter 22 ~ <b><u>Author's note </u></b> <i>Now time for Basic Straining, my favorite episode lol.</i> That Monday morning, the camera optically captured Duncan carving into the cabin's hardie plank sidings with his pocket knife. He implemented his and Armana's initials inside a heart, only to be interrupted during his down time by an angry Harold. "Ok! Whose made s'mores out of my underwear?!" Harold insistently requested in an open ended demand. He held up pairs of his underwear sandwiched in melted chocolate between graham crackers. Duncan was brought crouching over his knees in laughter along with Geoff, indicating who was the culprit. Harold cringed in disgust at their malicious practice of something funny, testily pulling out a pair to inspect it. It was completely soiled with chocolate, ultimately deduced to be useless/unwearable by the ginger. He neglected it to the side which just so happened to land in front of Armana's walk path. She shrieked in horror, recoiling—what would've been her next foot forward—to compress into her body. "Harold!" Armana petulantly moaned his name. "Sorry, I didn't mean for that to land in front of you." He responsibly owned fault for. "Ok, just don't leave your stuff lying around." Seeing her walk in the opposite direction, Harold scolded them, "Idiots." He shut himself into the cabin from the amused boys. "Sometimes he just makes it too easy." Geoff attested. Duncan agreed, "I hear ya man." Suddenly, the PA system squealed in feedback after picking up a brusque voice for the morning's announcements. "Listen up you little cockroaches!" He commanded. "I demand for all campers to report to the Dock of Shame in all nine hundred hours." (9:00 A.M.) Everyone looked at each other for reference of what he meant, only to share confusion. "That means now soldiers! Now!" They all scrambled with a sense of urgency to the destination. Alongshore, the teens were intermingled with either of their teams, standing in a single file row as a disciplinary manner. The co host, Chef Hatchet substituted Chris for the week's challenge as a drill sergeant; dressed in an olive green attire with black combat boots, shades and donned a matching hue of green campaign hat. Hatchet pulled out a red megaphone and a telescopic pointer to check everyone's posture. "You call this proper formation?!" He interrogated. "Feet together!" He whacked Geoff's legs. "Arms down!" He hit Duncan's folding arms to be at his sides, only for Duncan to cross them again after Chef's back was turned. "Eyes forward!" DJ turned and straightened his head to look in front of him. "Chin up!" He lifted Heather's head up. He continuously slapped Harold with the metal rod, designating there was something all wrong in the way he stood. Furthering down the line, he yelled at Gwen through the megaphone for speaking without instruction to. "What did you say to me, soldier?!" He aggressively questioned her, her hair blowing behind her. "Nothing." Gwen answered in fret. "And you'll continue to say nothin until I tell you that you <i>can</i> say somethin." He then paced back and fourth the platform. "Today's challenge will not be an easy one. In fact, I do not expect all of you to come out alive." He undertook his task solemnly to enforce practical preservation of good order and discipline. As well as procedures in customs and practices of military life, physical fitness, in the proper execution of military drill, and willingness to obey all lawful orders given by the superior. Owen chuckled in light of the situation, earning a harsh strike on his back. "Aww! That hurt!" He complained. "My orders are to make sure that none of the babies in front of me drop out of boot camp (.step one. The last one standing wins immunity for their team." "Uhhh, what happened to Chris?" Heather asked, possibly transferring aloud what everyone else was thinking. <i>'Probably having a spa'</i> "Rule number one; you will address me as Master Chief. Do you got that?" "Yes Master Chief." The teens responded in unison. "You will sleep when I tell you to sleep. And you'll eat only when I tell you to eat. Is that clear?" "Yes Master Chief." Geoff replied in the reflection of Chief's lenses after he spoke authoritatively, exclusively to him. "Rule number two; when y'all ready to give up, you walk to the end of the dock and ring that bell. Which brings me to Rule number three; without getting a quitter at the end of the first day, that day will not end until someone drops out. Now get your butts down to the end of the beach soldiers, now!" They all hurried down the passage of the dock and to two canoes; one green, one red. Chief emitted a high pitched, shrill release of air from an orange whistle strung around his neck, signifying the teens to have perked ears. "Listen up; each team must hold a canoe over their head. I catch you taking your hands off the canoe and you will be eliminated. And no one gets lunch until someone drops out." He directed. From his words, the teens looked around at each other without surety in themselves. Armana sensed if he was giving them restrictions to truly test their physical exertion, not having to believe in limitations if they could bypass them. Both teams aligned shortest to tallest to equally proportionate their strengths in holding the canoes. First Armana, second Jojo, third Sadie, fourth Bridgette, fifth Harold, sixth Duncan, Seventh Geoff and eighth DJ. "Canoes up!" Chief ordered. They all raised their boats, seeming to be extremely light at first since they were all carrying it compared to the physical effort it could take if it was one person. This caused Owen to appraise their first task as something easily achievable. "Pssh, this isn't that hard." He gauged. "Piece of cake." Geoff agreed. However, as the sun moved across the sky to periodically contact the observer's meridian, it reached its highest position above the horizon and left the shortest shadow (being solar noon). Standing in the same spot, put strain on the contestants' arms for extending them for a prolonged amount of time. Less blood peripherally circulated through the limbs as they were being raised away from the heart, resulting in the members to start to react to fatigue. Chief noticed their wavering forms. "Come on you sissies!" He encouraged. "It's only been three hours!" Chris popped up to check on the campers. "Looks like they'll miss lunch today." He scrutinized. "Mhm. Guess they just weren't huuunngrreeyy. Unless someone wants to quit now." They used stools to prop themselves atop either of the canoe boats while the teams still managed to keep their balance; Chief on the Bass's and Chris on the Gophers'. Without being caught, Duncan managed to quietly use a fishing rod to barb Harold's underwear on the hook. He reeled in, managing to forcibly pull it upwards between Harold's cheeks and rip away from inside his pants—much to Harold's consternation. "Ow! Idiots." He remonstrated, but quickly recovered himself from being distracted by Duncan and Geoff. "Is there a problem down here?" Chief addressed him, eying him from upside down. "No!" Nighttime fell; Owen hoarsely snored in his sleep as he remained holding the canoe, Chief started a fire in a wheelie bin and pulled up a chair to share campfire stories. Armana thought about if Chief actually did serve time in the armed forces as he narrated flashbacks to them. Wondering if he suffered from PTSD which could be why he always came across domineering/militaristic when he served food. To account, he was burly and much more sizable than Chris, which could put the teens in line without him having to open his mouth. "Twenty five of us went to the jungle that night...only five came back out." He vividly remembered. Gwen interrupted with a yawn, "What war were you in anyway?" "Did I ask you to speak?! Cause I don't remember asking you to speak." Gwen rolled her eyes and grumbled under her breath. "Guys," Lindsay spoke out. "I-I can't do this anymore." <i>'Yes, does that mean she's giving up for us?'</i> Armana mentally cheered as she watched the blonde drop her arms down and plod in the direction of the bell. "I have no more feeling in my arms." She whined. "Looks like we got ourselves a quitter." Chief remarked in pleasure. "Don't do it Lindsay." Owen dissuaded her. However, she proceeded to walk to the end of the dock and chimed the bell with her head, eliminating herself from the challenge. The Screaming Gophers groaned in defeat, dropping to the ground. The Killer Bass gladly chucked their canoe to the side, stretching out their body to get blood flowing through. "As for the rest of you; head to the mess hall! Dinner is served!" Chief told through the megaphone. Armana and Duncan made eye contact with each other and joined each other's side, both feeling like they hadn't talk to each other all day. "I felt like I was gonna pass out listening to him have Vietnam flashbacks. Couldn't see how Owen slept like a horse still standing up." Duncan spoke, wrapping his arm around her. "I get what you're saying. I was starting to get used to the feeling in my arms, although I felt someone else's shaking. Like badly. Maybe it was Sadie?" Armana proposed. "Well, all I know is I'm glad she didn't give in before ditzy blonde did." "You know what else?" "Shoot." "I just thought this challenge was right up your alley, ya know being on parole and everything." She made Duncan chuckle. "Oh yeah, I'm a whole lot familiar with officers, being sent to different rehabilitation programs like teen boot camp to try and wayward me, boy scouts, then came delinquency preventions. This is like good old times for me." "Which is how I know you'll be hardheaded listening to Chief. Don't give him a hard time. I know how <i>slash </i>who you are Duncan." "Who me? I wouldn't do a thing to make that old man's hackles rise." "Your innocent voice sounds too pretentious. At least try to reassure me." "There's nothing to reassure you about cause everything'll be fine." At the main lodge, Chief and Chris caught up with them to disclose what was next to expect. "Alright maggots, open your ears," He said. "You've got ten minutes to eat before night training begins." <i>'Night training?!'</i> "So get to it!" Duncan shook his head in disapproval as everyone else bewailed the intensity they had to endure. "Um, excuse me Master Chief. Where's the food?" Gwen questioned, hoping for appeasement of getting to eat. "You're looking at it." Chief showed to them with a dark chuckle. In front of them was a row of metal garbage cans he scrutinized to them as their lunch. Owen was first to lift up one of the garbage lids to see if it guised something actually competent on the inside. But only met confusion, "This is the leftover garbage from this morning's breakfast." "Darn right! When you're at war; you take what you can get." Chief advised. Armana rolled her eyes at the mistreatment of feeding them scraps, but her stomach peristaltically rumbled. She arrived at the logic that since Chief was presiding over them for their challenge, he wouldn't have had time to prepare them lunch. <i>'Not that it would've been something good, might as well been the trash he's feeding us now. Which makes this a paradox in a way.'</i> Chief and Chris left the teens to scour for something adequate in the garbage, Owen blowing on a handful of the food waste as a caliber before sampling it in his mouth. Armana joined her peers to take on her chances, looking inside to see remnants of fruits and vegetables, scrapings of previous meals, and some of the food to have molded with green fungi. The sight squicked her and curbed her appetite. She saw Duncan holding a purple cup of a translucent, golden liquid with a semblance to apple juice. Duncan saw her eyes light up in elation for something to refresh her in the slightest, but he hurriedly waved his hand in rejection and mouthed numerous no's to her. Armana's face fell in puzzlement, seeing him smirk while cueing her to hang on. "Hey Harold," Duncan approached the boy next to Geoff in genuine recognition. "We felt really bad about the whole underwear fishing incident thing." <i>'The what?'</i> "So here, have some apple juice." "Thanks." Harold gladly accepted. He drank the entire juice in one take before his eyes shot open and spitted the <i>juice </i>back in the cup. "That's not juice." Harold protested, soon discovering he'd fallen for another one of their pranks. "Oh—Oh my mistake dude," Duncan insincerely apologized in the midst of holding back a laugh. "We must've confused it with the kitchen grease." Him and Geoff snickered holding in their laughs, their faces contorting as their bodies rocked and spines flexed. "Ahem." Armana interrupted them, unamused. "So you've been picking on Harold? Is that why his underwear was covered in what looked like shit this morning?" "Hey, he likes to leave his skid marked briefs on the floor. Man's got poor ass wiping skills. To add, I was trying to do push ups only to catch a whiff of odor and see a meaty line of shit on his tighties." "......Duncan." "Yeah?" "Just lean your head a little bit over here. Just a bit." "....Why? What're you about to do?" "Nothing sweetie, just lean your head some." Beckoning him with a smile he shouldn't have trusted; he reluctantly obliged her, tilting his head in her direction. Once he was close enough, she wounded her hand back, inhaled a large breath and from the potential energy in relative of his head, she swung her hand. The impact of her hand diffused it's fast impetus on the back of his head, causing him in reaction to shrink into his body. Before his hands could impulsively fly to his head, she tightly gripped his mohawk and pulled him down to her level. "You better be lucky I won't make you drink that kitchen grease Harold's already put in his mouth and had to mix with his saliva to spit it out. Do you think it's cool? That you have to be a bully cause you always feel like you have to exude that you're tough? That's Harold's personal business about what complications he has, you think that it couldn't be humiliating enough he's having people ridicule him for it? Now go apologize, like you originally said to him." Her tone was deadpanned but edged with the sound of a threat. She let go of his hair so he could straighten his back, directing an annoyed expression at her as he fully stood up. She was unfazed though, crossing her arms with her weight leaning into one hip and tapped her foot as if to measure the time he had. Duncan deeply sighed, sensing a maternalistic vibe from her telling him what to do. Nevertheless, he still listened, advancing to Harold in another take. "Harold." Duncan acknowledged the boy with a dispassionate tone, earning his attention. "I'm sorry for making your underwear into s'mores and fishing your underwear, and <i>sigh </i>having you drink kitchen grease when I said it was apple juice." He quickly walked away before Harold could deliberate forgiving him, although, he appreciated Armana for lowering Duncan's dignity so he was humble. It greatly irritated Duncan but he couldn't help feeling the cockles of his heart warm seeing Armana smiling happily at him. Her hands clasped and eyes twinkling like he's done something big. "Would you quit smiling at me like that." He tried to project his annoyance when inside he was anything but. Once their ten minutes passed, the teens were taken back by the shore to begin their night training. In precedent, they regarded their "night training" to be something vigorous, exhaustive, strenuous, thus grounding them with soldierly procedures. However, Chief stood on a platform to choreograph sequences of steps and moves of a dance routine. "Besides the criterion, dancing conditions your body to perform the skills required of you, which will be coordination, mimicry and physical prowess. You will train yourselves to increase your stamina without a break or pause to ensure you can implement multiple abilities you'll need to execute." He ordered. The dance was practically The Thriller broken into composition. Instead of the boombox producing a creaking door, footsteps walking on wooden planks, thunder crashing and the hot eighties pop beat that sounded like it could've been created on a Casio keyboard, another upbeat, disco-funk sound played. The beat mimicked the Thriller's instrumentation of a <i>minimoog</i> synthesizer, electric guitar, Rhodes piano, etc except it sounded as if it was trying not to be copyrighted. Chief demonstrated the dance; first standing in a straight posture before raising his arms to clap his hands above his head, lunging to the left, his foot sliding in shifting himself while facing forward and transversing his head left and right. Second, he stomped one foot then fluidly twisted in his ankles in and out while turning his head right and left at the same time of moving his feet. He repeated step one and two, but next only slid his right foot into him as he moved his head left and right, and did the same sliding his left foot into him. Then did one pelvic thrust. They were to next bounce their body in the beat of the music, elbows bent away from them, palms facing the ground as they looked left and right in the same pace of their body moving. After, he swung his arms right and left, hands shaped like zombie claws with the inside leg of where he turned bent at the knee and foot pointed upward. Finally, back to swinging in ankles, right bicep curl for two repetitions, swinging in ankles, left bicep curl for two repetitions and pelvic thrust, pelvic thrust, pelvic thrust, pelvic thrust. And they would start back at the beginning to continuously do the dance over again. It practiced synchronization as well as commemorated how the army treaded in marches to intimidate enemies, their coincidences and togetherness in their stomps strong, steady and percussive (that'd usually be the scare element). Anyways, it militaristically had its own twist than the Halloween-esque song that'd make you want to bust down to the rhythmic groove of the bassline. Over time, some of the teens dropped in exhaustion from how many times they've continued to dance although were forced to still keep going. Suddenly, the music stopped, Armana looking to see Duncan abruptly turned it off. She gasped in mixture of some of the teens loudly sighing in relief. "Duncan, what're you doing?!" Armana fearfully questioned him. He looked at her in acknowledgement for a short instant before looking smugly up at Chief, "One of us drops out, we're done for the day." "We're done when I say we're done." Chief emphasized. "Now drop and give me twenty." Duncan rolled his eyes and obediently raised and lowered himself on his arms while glaring at him. <i>'He only meant well.'</i> "Anybody else got something they want to say?" "Uh yeah, can I go to the bathroom?" Gwen requested, who in turn was given a mop and a bucket to clean with for after she was done. They succeeded to the dining hall for their next challenge, either teams sitting away from each other with a stack of papers at the end of both tables. "For your next challenge," Chief distributed to them. "You will complete a three hundred word essay about how much you <i>love </i>me. Anyone who falls asleep or fails to complete the challenge <i>will </i>be eliminated!" Armana didn't mind writing, writing in academics was one of her favorite subjects in school. However, how could she write in positivity about Chief when all she could like about him was.....exactly. He started the timer for two hours, the teens getting up to pick up pieces of paper and a wooden numeral pencil. Within the registered time, the challenge was soporific; the majority remaining silent in order to be productive or else fell asleep. Armana was surprised to look over to see Duncan jotting away at his paper while her's was still blank and the clock was making it to the halfway point. She would've expected the opposite since he expressed apparent defiance and disagreement towards Chief, plus it was in his personality. The boy sensed her eyes on him, testing to see if they were by taking a glance at her. Seeing she was looking at him, he scooted her closer to him by the opposite side of her waist. "Stuck?" He asked her through a whisper. "Well, more like purposefully throwing this challenge because I have nothing good to say about the man." Armana explained, but subconsciously sighed, telling her struggle. "What do you have so far?" She exposed her blank paper to him. "I would trade my papers for yours but it's a very smart-ass, contradictory essay." Armana giggled. "It's fine, I'll try and think of something." "Yeah cause you would write something better and actually sound and...I wanna be in this challenge with you. So tell that big, smart brain of yours to do it's job." He made her grin and bay a laugh behind her lips. "Thanks D." He kissed her temple in return (cause that's where her brain is...her skull that is), both of them returning their eyes to their paper. <u>Dear Master Chief</u><i>,</i> <i>      I love that you coach, counsel and mentor us as a symbol of excellence as you transform us from </i><i>amygdaloid </i><i>teenagers to combat ready soldiers in this initial entry training. I love that it could be analogous to our civilian lives since we are being disciplined, assisted in being mentally and physically fit for the battlefield that it could also prepare us the real world. You live the army values, exemplify the warrior ethos and most importantly, you are the epitome of the army who we will emanate....</i> *<i>Driiiiin* </i>The timer rang, Armana finishing with 2/3rds of a page, bonus points since her penmanship was small. Everyone else was on the verge of falling asleep, their eyes leaden with dark shadows under their eyelids. Beside her, Duncan sat with his chin in the palm of his hand, waiting patiently for Chief to pass by him wearing a smirk. Chief rushed into the Dining Hall, going in a counter clockwise circle to collect their papers. He first took Harold's who was scribbling anything to try and finish his essay. He next took Duncan's who he read out loud as an attempt to tease him. "I love Master Chief Hatchet because he's very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very....this is just one sentence with five pages of very's in between!" Chief acknowledged. <i>'Ohhh so that's what he meant.' </i>She giggled at the discovery. "It's three hundred words exactly," Duncan contradicted. "You can count them if you want." Chief groaned and accepted his paper, proceeding to Armana's and so on. On his way to a groggy Owen, he distractedly read the essays and slipped on his next footing, loudly collapsing on the floor. "Wipe up that drool you little baby!" Chief yelled with his clothes dampened by the pool salivating from Owen's mouth. He banged his fist on the table to startle a dozing Trent awake, "You three slackers are out." He aimed at Trent, Jojo and DJ. "The rest of you; get to bed and report to playing fields at all five hundred hours (5:00 A.M.)." Armana noticed Duncan silently got up from his seat and approached Chief while his head was turned. He stood with his hands behind his back, giving off confidence or smugness, not to add the attributive smile on his face. "Ah ha, missed a spot there, general." Duncan spoke rather sarcastically as he proffered one of his hands with Kleenex. "Boy! Do you wanna run fifty laps around this camp right now?" Chief implicitly demanded in question. Armana immediately backed Duncan off. "Uh, I'm sorry Chief, I take responsibility for this child," She abashedly said, taking credit for Duncan's behavior and as an excuse of him not knowing better. "You are going straight to bed mister." She pulled Duncan by the wrist in a quick exit out of the Dining Hall as if to try and get away from Chief as soon as they could. Once they were outside, she showed her displeasure to the boy who was amused by his interaction with Chief. "Duncan," Armana pinched the bridge of her nose. "What're you doing? This is what I meant by saying I knew what to expect from you." "Relax, patootie, I was hardly trying to get a rise out of the guy. He still had some of the drool on his neck. Which was hilarious how he slipped by the way." He absorbed. "Well he would've been fine with it still on him. Obviously, you tried to help him and he regarded it as you criticizing or teasing him, so use your words carefully around the guy. He's ill tempered." "Ok, ok...so...can I tuck you in?" "What?" "Come on, I've been dying to do it all our time on the show." "No, I need to make sure you go to bed so you aren't causing anymore of your shenanigans." "I will go to bed, I promise." Armana raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "Please, I tried to make my innocent voice sound better." Armana sighed and let an air punching Duncan follow her into the girls' share of the cabin. She switched into her jammies and stuffed her hair into a pink bonnet. She climbed onto her top bunk, Duncan shortly accompanying her atop of the bed. She slid herself by her pillow to insert her feet first under the cover. He watched her shift for a comfortable position, pulling as much of the oblong piece to shorten around her. He waited for her to rest her head on her pillow to crawl towards her, arranging the cover so she could shrug it over her shoulder. "You look so pretty when you're sleepy." Duncan admired, remarking to himself how she could hardly keep her eyes open from the weight of sleep, pressuring to succumb her. Although, she smiled modestly to express her consideration of his compliment. "I didn't realize how tired I was until I laid my head down." "Well of course, you're a princess, you need your beauty rest. I could kiss you as a reverse spell to put you to sleep." "Like Sleeping Beauty...or Snow White?" Duncan nodded. "I would like that a lot, Prince Duncan." She faced up, immediately feeling his warm lips plant in the juncture of hers. They deeply kissed without using their tongues, retaining simplistic affection. Duncan parted. "Thank you for tucking me in." Armana said, her words slurring into each other, feeling even drowsier. "Of course. Goodnight babe." "Goodnight." At five hundred hours, the remaining teens still lasting in the challenge stood in front of an obstacle course they'd have to race and drag their body over mud. <i>'Classic regime you'd see in the military.'</i> "You will all run this course until you can <i>all </i>complete it in under one minute." Chief disclosed. "Am I making myself clear?" He towered over Duncan who unambiguously replied, "Crystal." "Don't you pull anymore problems, Duncan." Armana warned to him in a hushed tone. "Go maggots! Go!" Armana unhesitatingly ran through the mud, hearing her shoes squelch and feeling them adhere as her feet sprung in each step. She leapt on top of a large wall, grunting as she pulled herself over and vaulted to the next obstacle. It was two tires being held inside a screen/fence exterior by four angular supports. Armana swung her body through one of the tires as if she would a chute of a slide. Next were two large axes oscillating from a fixed point, only giving room to military crawl. She dropped to the mud, pulling and maneuvering her body with her elbows to stay close as she could to the ground. She pushed her body forward using her bent leg's foot and drew herself with her arm in front of her to come into her body, alternating between her opposite legs and arms (also like spiderman you can say). Once safe to do so, she stood up, ignoring her muddied clothes and continued to two long ropes with ramps spaced apart enough to incline you into using them. She grabbed a rope and used her hands to pull her body up and suspend from it, constricting her legs close to her while she'd build momentum. She swung herself like she would on a swing, except she kept her legs into her and used her body to propel herself. As soon as she gained enough impetus, she threw herself from the rope and landed on the other ramp. Then they'd have to repeat the course, going back to square one. She caught up to Duncan, taking a few steps back to give herself the acceleration of making it to the top of the wall. She ran with powerful steps and bounded for the wall's ledge. Duncan smiled staying mounted on top of the wall to be able to see how strong she was. Her face scrunched from trying to use her upper body strength, rapidly kicking her legs at the exertion. "Look at how strong my powerpuff girl is. Come on 'mana you got this!" Duncan motivated her. She finally managed to pull herself up. Unbeknownst to her, Harold struggled the same as her. When he strengthened himself to get over the wall, he inevitably leaned too forward and fell face first into the mud. Armana safely alighted down to check up on him. "Harold?" He lifted his head out the sludge and started to greatly spew it out of his mouth. Duncan came after her and called out for Chief. "Uh General Crazy," Duncan spoke out for Chief to come over. "We've got a situation here." "Too much <i>cough cough </i>mud." Harold told Chief. "Ring the bell and report to the infirmary," Chief said pulling him off the ground. "Your tour of duty is finished. "Wow, poor guy." Duncan pretended to sympathize to Armana. "Back on the court soldiers! Now!" Armana proceeded but heard Chief tell Duncan, "One false move and I'll be on you like stink on a poop wagon." "I look forward to it, sir!" She deeply sighed, showing irritation at the boy's nuisances but internally worried for him. '<i>Not trying to get a rise out of him my ass.'  </i> She was confused why he acted a certain way to irritate Chief. It would only detriment the team if they lost another player or had to suffer a punishment as a team effort because Duncan liked to goad him on. Sure he personified himself as a bad boy but it still meant he had common sense, right? On her way of passing up the axes, Duncan and Leshawna was behind her. The mud readily yielded to pressure under Leshawna and began to sink her in, Duncan continuing without aiding her. "Fallen soldier, I salute you!" He farewelled, only to look up to Chief standing over him. "You just bought yourself twenty more push-ups!" Chief penalized. "Thank you! Mmmwuah!" Duncan kissed Chief on the nose to which Armana turned to the sound of Chief growling loudly. <i>'Duncan is so hardheaded!'</i> "I think you might've pushed him over the edge, bro." Geoff warned him. "III think you're right." Duncan grimaced. "One night of solitary confinement in the boathouse." Chief gave in a collective tone. He earned gasps in fear for him from the other teens, Duncan shrugging in nonchalance. "Pfft, big deal, it's not like I haven't been in there before." He dismissed, winking at Armana. However, cleaning himself up and sitting inside the boathouse made him feel lonely and much more suspicious of his surroundings. He exhaled over the absence of company, "Knew I should've kept my big mouth shut." He also knew a certain girl wouldn't be happy about him getting himself in trouble, he just grew ahead of himself and thought the challenge was past his league. Listening to crickets chirp and wolves howl in the distance, he passed time or interested himself in the thought of Armana's moans as his head was between her thighs. The taste of her, the sensuality, the way she looked in the moonlight. It was all under the moon as if the satellite planet only knew their secrets. He glimpsed at the shark, remembering how Armana was initially afraid of being in here until Duncan could get her to be comfortable. He lightly chuckled at her paranoia until he caught something, squinting his eyes to look hard at it. His brows frowned deeper lines in his forehead, standing up on his feet to look closer. It was a red light blinking in the shark's inky black eyes. <i>Recording him</i>. # ~ Chapter 23 ~ After the challenge, the teens were to reside in the Dining Hall for lunch. Unlike the garbage they were fed the other day, on the menu's cuisine was a bowl of badly made porridge; appearing as goopy, sticky white mush or gruel. Armana spooned at her food but never brought it to her mouth, playing at the consistency as she thought about Duncan. She missed him although she told his pina colada head ass that there would be repercussions for his actions, and what happened? The consequences were more than what he intended to precipitate. "You haven't eaten your food, Armana. You ok?" Geoff asked her. She nodded. "Is it about Duncan?" "Can you tell?" She groaned. "Well I mean, you guys are usually inseparable from each other. Ever since you two met I always saw you together. Heck, he hangs out with you more than me and DJ." Armana laughed. "That boy has got me hooked. I'm not sure what it is about him actually. If it's his aesthetic, his personality, his natural appearance, his courtship." "Maybe it's all of those things." "...You're right. I'm gonna go check up on him. It's the right thing to do. And I'll bring him some food." She took her bowl of thin, soupy porridge and urged in her footsteps to the Boathouse. Once she reached it, her pace slowed into a traipse, that same type of menacing impression from a few nights ago creeping into her prudent judgement. Her eyes averted in different directions as if to have omnidirectional vision. The respiration through her nostrils condensed into tiny droplets as visual clouds of her breath. She thought in question of why the shed had to look much spookier at night, figuring it as one of the reasons why other campers feared going in. At the door, she pressed her ear against it, unable to hear anything through the barrier. <i>'Wonder what he's doing.'</i> She slowly turned the door knob, shrinking at the harsh, high pitched creak at hinging open the door. Leaving it open to let light in, she walked mindfully into the darkness. "Hello? Duncan?" She called out to him, announcing her presence. However, she wasn't answered back to, her gut now suspecting her surroundings in perplexity. <i>'Where could he be? He's supposed to be in here. Did he manage to sneak out or something? That would be like him. Ooh just he wait when I see him, I am going to be on his ass like a hound dog.'</i> "Duncan?" She attempted calling to him again, her eyes searching relentlessly through the partiality of light. She then heard someone slowly step onto a loose floorboard, emitting a loud screech at applying their weight on it. "Boo." Armana abruptly jolted in alarm, dropping the bowl of porridge which spilled its contents. Duncan maniacally laughed at frightening her, irking her into recanting to herself why she worried about him in the first place. "Duncan!" She angrily called him. "Aww what happened to that sweet little voice looking for me? Here I am, aren't I?" He reflected amusedly. "That doesn't mean you scare me!" She groaned. "I don't know why I bothered coming in here to check on you. You look like you're doing plenty fine by yourself if you're drawing people away by— He pulled her into him and shushed her with a kiss, longingly connecting with her lips. She didn't pull away despite her voicing disapproval to him before. Instead, she cupped both of his cheeks in her hands, reciprocating effort, knowing he purposely used it as a method. Although when they separated, she felt less angered by the situation, seeing he sensed it by the way he smirked at her. "No need to be so upset babe, I was just playing around." He claimed, smoothing his hands on her hips. "Whatever. It's like you were waiting for me. How did you even know I was coming?" She asked. "I didn't. There was just something my gut was telling me that my loving, caring girlfriend Armana would see how her suffering boyfriend is holding up." "Well her poor, self pitying boyfriend wouldn't be in this predicament if he would've just listened to me and not try Chief like I told him. Why did you do that? It's like you know your conscience is telling you to rationalize or think rationally. But then you have this devil on your shoulder tempting you into doing and enjoying things only for short term and not thinking how it affects the long term." "I don't know. Maybe I just don't care. I'm used to being corrected for my behavior, taken to detention centers. It's part of my lifestyle. Ya know? I'm not disregarding your words, I'm just responding from my perspective." "Yes, I want to see from your perspective because I don't understand how hardheaded you could be." "Yeah, I know right. I have a family full of policemen, you know? Dad, mom, uncle, aunt, grandma, cousins, ancestors. They always ask me the same thing 'cause I'm the black sheep of the family. Cause I don't want to follow in their footsteps." Armana deeply sighed, "Here, let's sit down." She pulled up the same bench they used to block the door last time as Duncan grabbed a spare bucket to face it upside down. "I'm sorry if I seem like I don't understand you or remind you of how your family may look at you. I love everything about you; your aesthetic, your personality, natural appearance, courtship, everything. I just really care about you. I don't want anything to happen to you." <i>'I love you.' </i>She practically translated through her words. He held the same thought in his eyes before briefly blinking it away. "I know. I tend to get ahead of myself sometimes than what I mean to happen. Everyone looks at chef as this big, strong black guy but I'm not afraid of him, I guess, and taking a piss out of him was my way of showing it. You gotta admit, it was pretty funny." He persuaded Armana into laughing. "Ok, ok. It <i>was</i> pretty funny. The way you unconventionally wrote that essay was so clever. No one would've had the guts to do things like that except for a bad boy like you. How bold, Duncan." She stood up with a seductive glint in her eyes and balled his shirt in her fists to pull him up into another kiss. It escalated in an intense make out session, leading him to walk her backwards against a wall. She pressed him into her more by his groin, hoisting herself up by widening her legs apart so Duncan could hold them from under her thighs. "Grind into me." She beckoned to him between their kiss. He accommodated her desire, beginning to dry hump his erecting dick into her crotch. They both gently moaned to each other in midst of kissing, indulging in the feeling of their sexes rubbing against one another. "Harder, Duncan." Armana requested, now separating their kiss to concentrate on the feeling. He lined up their bodies to be in alignment with their private parts and began to hump her in more determination. "Fuck." Armana moaned, holding onto him. She imagined herself in her dream of how good he dicked her on the forest's ground. Her back repeatedly rose up against the wall from him rhythmically thrusting his pelvis into her, hearing his breathing jerk/hitch in accordance to his movement. "I've made you such a freak, haven't I 'mana? I bet you're thinking of my cock actually being in your pussy right now." He conduced, watching her moan through short catches of breath with her mouth agape. "Fuck, Duncan," She softly called to him. "You're fucking into me so good." "Oh yeah? You like feeling how deep I can try to pump into you? Huh, baby?" "M-Mhm!" Duncan bit his lip at the copulate simulation, kissing her in the crook of her neck. She ran her fingers through his mohawk, nails then digging into his scalp. He responsively moaned into her skin, sucking and licking at the sensitive area to lustily form a hickey on her. She tilted her head back perpendicularly to the ceiling and extended her neck for him. He responded with trailing kisses in random areas along the body part, including outside her larynx in concession to her hypnotizing moans. He felt her sounds vibrate under his lips as air passed through her vocal folds, sending him farther into his arousal for her. He lifted his head back up, facing her to directly look into her eyes and press his forehead against her's. He maintained to and fro contact, pursuing the gratifying friction they felt they could take their time in doing. The pleasure about it was that it wasn't overbearing as it would've been if it was skin on skin. Instead, their clothes made a balance the two reveled in, desiring the time frame at their behest of taking as long as they could. With her head and shoulders supporting herself against the wall, Duncan hung her legs over his shoulders whereas her limbs were more squished into her body. In mind of their height difference, her legs prompted him to crouch down in proportion with her as his hands would grind her hips into his motion. Armana sensed the reposition made her feel him more effectively and susceptible to the pleasure despite the layers they wore. With her legs opened apart, her crotch area remained exposed as the clothing in her pants was pulled around the shape of her vagina. She made this aware by inflecting her moans higher. Duncan moaned alongside her, closely speaking praises and provocative suggestions to her. He pumped his movement with a shorter pace while pressing himself closer into her hips and vigorously grinding. "You think this could get you off, babe?" Duncan asked her through a smirk. "Y-Yeah." Armana stuttered, her words sounding more vulnerable than she would've liked. "I know, this is getting me off too, baby. I won't stop until I <i>do</i> get off. It's just too good for me to pass up fucking my dick into you like this." Armana authentically moaned when he rubbed his dick against a particular spot and repeatedly did so. "Yes! Right there, Duncan!" She acquainted. He quickly rammed into her, both of them sensing their orgasm near. Towards the end of their outercourse did Duncan start to move more harshly as if to chase after the plateauing feeling and not lose it. Armana's bosom rose tumultuously, losing sense in her surroundings as everything went in slow motion. She felt that accumulated pleasure familiarly peak into a numbing feeling before it dispersed like a combustion of excitement through the rest of her lower body. Both of them stilled as their reproductive muscles contracted, eventually coming back to the setting they were in. They looked at each other after a while, listening to each other quickly breathe through their nose. "That was so good." Duncan spoke up. "I've never done anything like that before." "Me neither, D." Armana shared with a smile. He experimentally felt between her thighs, his eyes widening in shock. "Goddamn, babe. You're soaked. I bet your pussy juice is all on me." Armana rolled her eyes. "Don't flatter yourself, Duncan. What did you expect? It's a matter of how our body anatomically functions." "Well sure but would you be ok with walking then?" "It might be a bit uncomfortable but yeah I'll be fine." He gently set her down, concurrently when Armana felt a full breeze come from the water outside. "Shit! I forgot the door was open. Do you think anyone could've heard us?" She feared. "Nah. The water can be pretty loud at night since you know, the moon has some effect on it's  waves or tides. Plus the boathouse's pretty distant from the main campground." He explained, dissolving her worriment. "Which reminds me; you know how you were getting a <i>fishy</i> feeling about that shark? Badum tss, get it cause it's a shark...so it's fishy—ahem!" "Anywaaaays?" "So, turns out, you have prophetic powers cause you were right to have a gut feeling about it." "See, you were even making me second guess myself cross questioning me like I had gone paranoid. Is that its eye missing?" Duncan flashed his pocket knife, "Its eye was a camera." "What?" "I guess we underestimated Chris when he said there's cameras rolling literally everywhere." "Duncan! You do know what this means, right?" "Of course I do. That's why I dug it out with my knife, stomped on it to smithereens and kicked them into the water." "O-Ok but there has to be this....surveillance or central control room where all the cameras are monitored, right?" "Usually. Only thing about it is that surveillance rooms can be tightly secured and inaccessible to the general public, in means of the cast members." "So...." Duncan chuckled, "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" He watched as Armana looked like she was concentrating; her eyebrows depressing a cutaneous rhytid in a respective frown and she crossed her arms to top her body language off. However, her eyes were comparatively dispirited, the inner corners of her eyebrows angled upward into an inverted V above her nose and what he thought was her folding her arms was actually her hugging herself. She then shook her head to herself in rejection, as if he was right about her concentrating over something. "No...no...there...there isn't a way we-we'd be able to do that. Th-The camera people. Chris. I-It's not possible. Th-There's no way we'd be able to get away deleting camera footage. Is that even possible? Technology is so advanced. We're screwed— "Armana." Duncan spoke over her ranting, winning her attention. He stroked her cheek. "You know what the problem with your thinking is?" "Hm?" "You're being despondent. You're suspending your intellectual faculties by subjugating your mind to think what isn't possible from what <i>is </i>possible." "Oh so you're saying we would be able to find the surveillance room, find which of the monitors the camera was transmitting the footage to so we could look on the footage's playback?" "Exactly! See how liberally the mind works when you think of different parallels?" "Ok...are you saying we would actually be able to do that?" "Sure. I've broken out of juvie before which involved messing with the cameras and whatnot. Trust me." He lovingly kissed her on the lips, prolonging out the kiss before they slowly drew away from each other with a smooch. "Ok, I trust you." Armana firmed. "So you in?" "Yeah, let's go." They sneakily walked out of the boathouse, Armana closing the door behind them. Currently, the night was quiet. A light illuminated from both of the cabins, meaning the other campers left from the dining hall to go rest for the night. Although, she interpreted they were still awake. She then turned her head at the water, listening to how it noisily swept against the shoreline. As always, the moon swapped with the sun to reign over an alternate side with the daytime. Nocturnal creatures with physical, predatory traits to adapt to the dark come out while the diurnal slept. She gave thought over everything, anxiety reducing blood flow from her stomach to fill her with butterflies flitting around. She kicked herself about why she put herself in this situation. They wouldn't have to go through all this if they weren't so horny, if she didn't catch feelings for him, if she just avoided him, carried on with herself and focused on the cash prize like she originally came to do. Why did she have to fall so hard for a boy she's only knew within about two months? Why did she have to portray herself to look like a hoe? Only hoes would do hoe-ish things like sneaking off into corners to get her pussy ate out and dry fuck until she came on herself. Did he see her as a hoe? How does she know this whole time that he isn't using her? That he likes her cause he's never gotten to do this with any other girl? She indeed made a very stupid choice on television. That could include liking Duncan in the first place. "Ow. Babe you're squeezing my hand." She didn't realize how tightly she clenched his hand in her's, sweat clamming between their palms. He looked over his shoulder to suddenly see her eyes large and quavering as if she was about to break down. "Baby, what's wrong?" Duncan softly asked her. "N-Nothing, nothing. I'm just scared is all." She reassured him. "Hey, don't underplay anything. What're you scared of?" "About Chris. Us being caught. Possibly humiliating ourselves in front of the entire media, of course. Why wouldn't I be afraid of that?" "Well, besides that, Armana. Are you really <i>only </i>afraid of that? You look even....more worried than you did before." "I said it's nothing. It'll only slow us down. You're not even supposed to be out of the boathouse. We could get caught. Come on, let's go. Chris could— "Ok, fuck Chris. It's you and me. <i>This</i> <i>is</i> <i>all</i> you and me. At the end of all this, the tv show, if one of us win, I just want any possible outcome to end with you and me together." They stood silent for a moment, letting the water fill in the pause. They both looked out to the moon and the never-ending vastness indistinguishably telling junction from earth and sky. "Remember that dream I told you I had? With you calling out to me but I couldn't reach you? I think it could mean my fear of losing you. Of a nebulous coherency each time I try to look into the aftermath or epilogue. It's like it all turns to static, white noise. You were calling out to me because you looked at me as someone you yearned for, to follow after you, your life as different obstacles blossomed. And then..." Armana held his larger hands with hers, smiling to him. "It's ok, Duncan. I don't know why I'd doubt you but no matter what, it'll be us against anything. A field of daisies, sunflowers, cameras, Hollywood, anything. We're too strong together. Of course things will get in our way to try and break us apart." At her words, Duncan genuinely smiled and picked her up off the ground to spin her around and smush her into a bear hug. Armana laughed, letting him render her upper arms immobile before he finally loosened his grip to kiss her. They kissed momentarily until Armana forced herself away from him. "Ok, ok! Let's go. For real this time." She urged. "Ok, just follow my lead." Further away from the campground was an emerging series of tents Armana assumed Chris camped in. Or more like "glamped" in. Its a portmanteau of "glamorous" and "camping", which described the style of accommodation with amenities, or resort style services not usually associated with "traditional" camping. The tents were large and bell shaped by the central apex being supported by a single reinforced pole. The guylines extended their canvas exterior outwards in order to sufficiently house space for various amenities or luxuries. They heard laughter come from a tent in the center of the campsite, golden, solar fairy lights strung along the tied down guylines specifically anchoring the A-framed door. A light from inside glowed along the tent's vertical walls, casting the shadows of two men indistinctly regaling about something. Armana awed her surroundings, seeing the place brightened by citronella candles, by the small sprites of lights or vines twining along the door frames of each tent, accommodating electricity, en-suite bathrooms, resort style toiletries, coffeemakers, a full kitchen, etc. <i>'How the fuck?'</i> "So you're saying while we're being fed food one step from being inedible, sleeping in these low end cabins, while trying to survive off our natural instincts on this bogus island, this man is living in paradise with everything a person could want to daily function, basically at the palm of his hand?" Armana spoke incredulously. "Basically." Duncan replied. "It's almost like what we had originally applied for when coming on the show." Armana shook her head in silent wonderment then gathered herself. "Alright, so you think one of these tents would have a surveillance room in it? If that's possible?" "Yeah. These tents have to be three to four meters tall and four to five meters wide. They're meant to fit all types of facilities in them. Question is; which tent?" Armana nodded, following behind Duncan quietly as they raised their heels and slightly walked on the balls of their feet. The only tent with its door drawn back was inhabited by the two men while the others' doors were zipped up, concealing the inside. Duncan decided to test all of the tents, keeping Armana behind him in case something could happen. The closest next to them, Duncan moved the vinyl flap apart, revealing a mesh door that must've meant keeping insects out. He slid the zipper down and lowered his head on crouching through the entrance. He vigilantly eyed around the shelter before proceeding his body through, only seeing it was where most of the food was kept. There was a cylindrical stove with its pipe extending through a built in jack in the tent's walls, a stash of snacks on a station of countertops away from the stove, a sink, a refrigerator and a table with chairs on each of its sides, near the center pole. "See anything?" Armana asked him. "Nope. But maybe we could sneak in here after for some PB &amp; jam. What do you think?" Duncan proposed. "Mmm, that sounds good. I'm down." "Alrighty, let's hurry up to the next one then." He closed back the tent and they continued around the perimeter of the campsite. They crept to the last one which happened to be right next to the tent she heard the male voices in, hearing best from the proximity her and Duncan were currently in. "Twenty five of us went in the jungle that night. Only five came out." She eavesdropped, hearing it belonged to Chief. <i>'He's explaining that story again?'</i> "I mean come on," Chris said. "I am nothing without my stubble." "Amen brother!" Armana rolled her eyes, turning her attention back on Duncan who was slowly unzipping the tent. "This is right next to Chris and Chef, so we have to be careful, silent, furtive and quick." He whispered. "It's like possessing the abilities of being a delinquent. You're a pretty good rookie at this, Armana." "Rookie?" Armana repeated in pretended offense. "Yeah Ms. Goodytwoshoes, the Armana I met would've never thought of engaging in danger like this. Now look at you, a devil who looks like an angel." Armana giggled. "Oh shut up, Duncan. Get your butt inside." Upon entering, they discovered this shelter was indeed a surveillance room. There were multiple electronic displays and panels visible from each angle they looked. One device broadcasted previous episodes of the show on its screen, while the others showed the footage being sent by numerous installations around the island. "Wow." Armana expressed in disbelief. "There's so many." "I know right. It's no surprise since the guy would literally have them placed in trees, popping up from underground, high above our field of vision, as long as it's unobstructed. Basically anything to make it feel natural to watch you but also to capture everything possible." Duncan described. "Do you think we would actually be able to control footage then? Ya know apart from just strictly observing what closed signal is allowing to be viewed through the connected monitor, there's something to like operate everything?" "Yeah. I believe this is where the network is operated and managed over different computers, telecommunications or satellites, all that technological junk. There's an ample desk space over there with some controlling instrument." They walked closer to the monitors before them, Armana's eyes fixed on the various, contiguously, tiled CCTV's. There were cameras mounted in the communal bathrooms, the cabins, some showing through scotopic vision assumed to be in the woods, the Main Lodge, etc. "This seems so voyeuristic." Armana judged. "Why do they have to put cameras in the bathrooms where you're taking showers or in the cabin where you're changing out of your clothes to put on your pajamas. Or like that time I was half naked and we.....did those things." They both deeply sighed, Duncan sitting in the swivel chair pushed into the desk. "You know how there's those huge, long lists that you would skim through in order to agree to the terms at the end? It's like this in this scenario. We signed up and gave the producers permission to record us in all types of weird, obnoxious, non-privately ways." "So, what do we do? This controlling thing seems complex." She ran her hand along the implements displayed on the control panel. The panel was littered with multiple non-alphanumeric inputs and switches, unknowingly indicating the control settings to manage the utilities and software systems in front of them. "Surely whoever mans this surveillance couldn't actually keep up with all of this footage, right? There's just too many cameras." Duncan shrugged. "Yeah, unless there's something really interesting happening to hold the attention of the operator." Armana gave, seeing him nod at what she was alluding to. Duncan deliberated which keys to click, not wanting to set off anything that'd make it harder for themselves. He looked at a section of the panel consisting of abutting, dark square keys, replicating the layout the CCTV monitors were in. The keys had arrows pointing in all cardinal directions and intermediate points; North cameras, East cameras, South cameras, West cameras. "I think I understand it now." Duncan comprehended. "These keys over here, they're like supposed to be programmed to move through the monitors like a cursor. These are the North ones, the East ones, South ones, West ones. And intermediate ones." "Ok, that makes sense. The boathouse I believe is in the West, since we had to cross all the way over here to this escapism Chris diverted from the main ground." Armana said. "Hmm, this monitor has these SMPTE color bars and says no signal. Which means it's the one that camera in the boathouse must've been sending footage to." "So does that mean the footage is gone since you broke it?" "I would think so. That's the only camera I'm seeing been installed in that killer creepy shed. We could try checking our team's cabin for recorded footage if you'd like?" "Yeah, that'd be great." Duncan navigated to the intermediate cameras and looked down at the panel again. There was a large geometric key with an arrow veering to the left. He attempted clicking the key, seeing it brought him to different time revisions through when motion was last recorded. "Oh I see now." Armana regarded. "Mhm. There's this one that says two days ago at 2:06 PM." "Hmm, two days ago.....actually yeah. Try that one— "Well, well, well. Look at who we have here." The teens instantly gazed behind them in the direction of a voice, seeing it was Chris. <i>'Wait, why isn't he questioning why we're here? Was he expecting us?'</i> "Armana and Duncan, fidgeting with the cameras  I see. I wonder for what reason." He said through that same obstructing smile he always wore. It irritated Armana rather than being shamed they were caught. "We were just being teenagers; causing mischief, having this strong curiosity for finding things to do and hey, we were bored." Duncan excused, playing it off well. "And you just so happened to sneak in the camping pitch im staying in?" "Yeah, I'm pretty good at locating places out. See you've got the place made all nice, roomy, homey and dolled up like girls were doing on tumblr back in 2014. I've also seen you and Chef waltz in this direction to have actual food in case you were trying to see my relevancy." "So why not sneak in the kitchen tent for some bags of chips, candy, cookies, peanut butter and jelly?" <i>'Darn it!'</i> "We wanted to play around with this thing, like I said." "Do you think I'm really that stupid? I mean, I know I'm not the most considerate man, may seem narcissistic, selfish, arrogant, sadistic or some things may go over my head. But <i>you two </i>definitely didn't." "What do you mean?" Armana meant for her words to sound brave in this presage of danger, but it came out shaky, not realizing how fast her heart was pummeling. The  brightness from the monitors' screens casted on Chris's face, allowing them to see how he still expressed that smile as he talked. Obscuring if he was upset, angry, or disappointed for whatever reason, but it was instead that stupid, glazing smile. It killed Armana as she stood subconsciously closer to Duncan, feeling unnerved by Chris's appearance. "I mean that you've two have gotten too close from Phobia Factor. Which brings me to say; one of you are gonna have to be kicked off the show." # ~ Chapter 24 ~ <i>'What?! Is he being serious?'</i> Duncan squeezed her hand responsively in reassurance, sensing she stood closer to him. "You're kidding right?" Duncan questioned Chris for any facetiousness. "Of course I'm not." Chris protested, finally dropping his smile. "This is Total <i>Drama </i>Island not Total Romantic or Total Dating Island. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with couples being on here, but this isn't a dating game show where we'd have a variety of human matchmaking systems and pick who goes with who for the amusement value than how compatible they actually are. Cause on shows like that, you can expect some pretty adult stuff. Get it? Cause they're <i>adults</i>?" "Oh come on, McLean. Would you really say this show is for kids? You have this centralized around teens. If anyone knows, especially adults, being a teenager is the most dangerous part of your life; the puberty and sexual hormones. We are literally missing the frontal parts of our brain that correlate decision making and our emotions." "You don't say. I don't need all that scientific crap to try and evoke my empathy or sympathy. Not that I know the difference between the two." "Well then why do you act like what we did was such a horrible thing to do? Like it's a crime? If you know it's something teenagers do?" "In case you haven't noticed; I'm the adult here and this is <i>my </i>show. I need to keep things under my control, in accordance to my rules and the system I have organized." "Pfft, you and miss CIT are starting to sound much alike right now." "If that's so, then the girl had good common sense and knew how to be malleble to my will. Off topic but she was a decent contestant. Can't believe you guys voted her off over Sadie. Sadie! <i>*Chuckles* </i>For what?" "Her ass was kicked to the curb because she acted like she was above everyone else trying to put her CIT experience over them <i>is what</i>. It made her this excessive prim and proper bitch and we weren't going to kiss up to her. Not to mention how she mortified, Armana. You don't just do that kind of thing and think you can get away with it, especially when you mess with my girl." "What do you mean? It's not like she did it out of ill-intentions/will. It was good for the views, the comedy, the drama. She cared about filling in the genre of the show which is what made her a good composition for the cast. Besides, it's not like Armana isn't already putting herself out there." Duncan's brows elevated in shock at his words then pressed angry lines into his glabella, "What did you just say?" "Oh come on, Duncan," Chris expressed, mimicking him from afore. "It's not like I'm saying she has loose morals but *chuckles* doing those type of things on television? Does she have any morals for herself?" He spoke as if she wasn't there right in front of him, disrespecting her more and treated her like she was a side conversation topic. She noticed Duncan breathed heavily, seeing his chest dramatically enlarge with each inhalation as his shoulders broaden. Then he lunged for Chris, "Why you— "No!" Armana instantly stepped in front of Duncan before he could hit Chris, seeing how much it bewildered him—probably—of why she would want to defend a conceited asshole like Chris who just insulted her. "He's just saying that on purpose to provoke you into hitting him. He's gonna use it as an excuse to call your parole officer and take you back to Juvie." Armana disclosed. After a moment of registering her words, Duncan deeply sighed and decidedly calmed down. "What would I do without you?" He whispered to her, both of them realizing how difficult it'd be to go on without each other. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. What am I going to do with you two?" Chris shamed. "Give us another chance," Armana spoke. "We're sorry for behaving irresponsibly. We just got caught up with ourselves." "Uh yeah, don't forget about how it could've tarnished my career for child pornography. Plus, you signed your contract which meant you agreed to the terms of being recorded and put on television." "We know....we just....look Chris, do you have any kids?" "Goodness no! Don't scare me like that. You know how much time I spend with the stylist trying to keep my hair tousled like Keanu Reeves? <i>Sigh </i>I'm pretty sure my hairline just receded at the thought of feeling enslaved wiping a pooping, peeing, ravenous, whining crea— "Ok! Ok! We get it, you don't have kids." "Why would you ask me such a horrid question?!" "To see if that way you would be able to paternally understand kids will come to an age where they'll reach puberty, get hormones, and realize coming of age means to embrace the frankness of the human body and sexuality." "Good thing that doesn't pertain to me then. I don't really care much for kids or how much you two like each other anyway. You're teens. Teens are promiscuous. Known for transience in their relationships. Once the summer's ended, you'll both go back to your normal lives and forget about each other." Armana and Duncan looked in each other's eyes and deflated over his words. "Why not just eliminate us both then? We take responsibility for our actions and like you mojo; we'll never, ever, ever come back to the island again. Let alone come back on the show." Armana proposed. "No, cause that would inhibit procession on the story. The two of you are what help provide valuable insights and analytics for how many people are consuming content. It's what decides the story to be profitable and worth keeping on people's schedules." "Did you say 'story'?" Duncan asked. "What?" "Yeah you said 'inhibit procession on the story'. You said story twice actually." Armana quoted him. "Huh? No, the tv show. We're on a tv show. Anyways, if at least one of you were on here, it would still help push more content. More views means more for the plot and money. Enough stalling. Duncan, by the morning I'll have Chef or an intern take you back home on the Boat of Losers." "No! Chris please this isn't— "Ah! This is non-negotiable. Consider this a life valuable lesson— All of a sudden, the teens heard Chris loudly grunt and witnessed his body thud to the ground. They looked at each other once more but instead of the hopelessness they mirrored, they reflected hope. Has someone just saved them? In a prolonging moment of silence, they see a tall, hulk figure and heard the ground crunch underfoot as it ducked into the tent and took advancing steps to the teens. "Chief?!" The teens announced in unison, revealing it was he to have blunted Chris with an unknown object hard enough to knock him unconscious. <i>'But why?'</i> "I heard you folks bickering like two people watching a sports game," His deep voice sternly uttered. "Not the friendly, competitive, bettin' money for the opposite playing team type bickering but the type that usually starts bar fights, pridin' themselves as avid fans than bein' able to compatibly enjoy the sport for its own sake. Conducting fairness, respecting the other's opponent and having graciousness or courtesy in the ending outcome. What's funny is that there's no alcohol involved either but instead the mind is drunken off the person's emotions." "....Chief," Armana addressed him. "Why did you save us from Chris?" "...Cause unlike him who has no life outside of the sphere he's been building his public eminence in, I do. You see, before his stardom began, we were old friends. During his upbringing, his father was a celebrity himself but with grandiose narcissistic traits, especially once he found out his wife was pregnant. He often left Chris and his mother to care for themselves and find their own way to become financially stable. He would hardly be home but whenever he did come back to visit, Chris would witness his father abuse his mother; whether it was emotionally or physically. Else, when she had to work first or second shift and his father could watch him, he'd cast his mistreatment on Chris. After some time, his mother was able to afford for him to go to the neighborhood school we'd both attend. Somehow, we discovered we both had our own dreams, like wanting to become famous so his father could be proud of him or making enough money for him and his mother. I wanted to share the traditions in my family's lineage like going to the armed forces. So we both had our own personal aspirations. Not too long down on finishing high school, our careers split us in different paths. Chris went on to earn a bachelor's degree that could cover business, telecommunications and journalism so he strove  high for shows that needed someone as talkative, outgoing and ebullient as him. Meanwhile, I drafted myself into the military at the age of nineteen, jumping straight into action. I was able to become a culinary specialist after being on the forefront for a little while which meant providing food for the soldiers. At the time, the same companies that provided food for the army was the same that provided food for the federal prison system. Meaning we had to use the lowest grades of produce and meat the company had in their products." <i>'Is that why we're constantly being fed that crap everyday? Or does it still have to do with the inexpensive budget they allocated the show?'</i> "That's why the food is purposely bad here. Why the challenge exerts psychological pressure to weed out the mentally weak and ultimately see how you'll cope with it. The lack of sleep, stringent discipline, the yelling and physical exercises is meant to raise your stress levels. The adaptation of the mind to effectively deal through the stress is what's prompted. See military life runs the gamut from boring to terror. Most of the life is actually beyond the scope of what can be imagined or recreated. It is nothing like what film makers or novelists will try to visualize, only few have gotten it right. So this boot camp is designed to purposely make the process tough, stressful, and emotionally and physically arduous, even painful. Your superiors will create a climate of fear just short of killing people to see what you'd do, how you'd react. How do you respond to fear? How do you respond to the pressure? Do you help others? Watch their backs? I'm talking to you, boy," Chief turned two fingers from his eyes and thrusted them at Duncan. "I mean to say that I have a niece around the same age as y'all. Chris sees the lights and cameras as his family. He's always in the pursuit of attention and power and status. Whereas me on the other hand, I have plenty of family at home—so I'm capable of the empathy y'all were wishing for. You, soldier, remind me of my niece. Her name is Jacqui, short for Jacqueline." Chief said to Armana, patting a large hand consolingly on her shoulder. "I read your letter. You have talent in your chirography, soldier. I thought it stood out from your peers. Not in a bad way like your companion here. Though, I have a question if you don't mind me asking." "Yes, sir?" "Is ya daddy in your life? Or a father figure at home?" "Yes sir." "I ask that because of the dereliction from fathers in the black community. But also because a lot of these younger girls don't realize how important it means to have a father scaffold their entry into the world neither would see the affect their absence has on them. A committed father helps ensure his daughter values herself, to not demean or degrade themselves with selfless activities. You should carry yourself more carefully, young lady. Boys can be nothing but trouble." "Yes sir." "As for you, boy, I advise you stop being toffee nosed and actually listen for once. You ain't much different from the young brothers I see out in the streets of the inner city. These black boys affiliate their lives with these criminal street gangs in the aspect of urban survival because of the dysfunctional or oppressive environments that pressure them to become more vulnerable to feelings of low self esteem, hopelessness, helplessness, and ultimately aggressive behavior. In the criminal justice system, they're unjustly infiltrated for their ethnicity as young as ten—not viewed in the same light of childhood innocence as their white peers. Not to add, are being put in adult prisons without parole. While you are willingly putting yourself in adverse situations, thinking it's all fun and games because you'll only be held in secure detention for a short period of time and be released directly back into society. Just wait until you end up in an actual prison, where you won't be protected from grown men who like new meat." Duncan was crossing his arms as he stayed silent, mentally disregarding his words. He doubted what it had to do with their problematic situation. He felt tired of being in that visor of shame type of reflection; people looking down on him, feeling the need to add their two cents when he never asked for their opinion. But he realized it was Chief showing his empathy to him. That he didn't even sound deliberately spiteful in the way he talked. "Put ya arms down, soldier," Duncan listened to him. "I bet you have both your parents at home. Bet they both have great jobs. These young men think being out on the streets is providing structure and love away from their broken homes because their family members are unable or unwilling to be there for them. I bet you have plentiful family. You can try to act tough but I see right through you that you aren't. You know why? Cause you're surrounded by good people. And when you're surrounded by good people, thee art a valorous person at heart." He friendly patted Duncan on his shoulder as well, the boy tilting in the direction of his large hand heavily coming down on his upper joint. Chief continued, "Chris did make a point about how transitory y'all can be in your relationships, though. So don't let it affect you too bad if y'all fall out. Y'all mentioned something about missing that decision making thing? Which is right, cause teens will go by their emotions making spontaneous choices. And when you go by your emotions, you're susceptible to heartbreak. So be patient with each other, give yourselves time for everything because if you really love the person, you are willing to wait and invest in a marital bond to engage in such risky behaviors. Treat each other well. Try to get some sleep. You are to report to duty at seven hundred hours. You're still in solitary confinement soldier, until the sun rises." "Yes sir." They both said in unison and finally left the tent in a speed walk. Once they were far enough from the campsite, Armana deeply exhaled in relief, realizing she walked with her shoulders back, chest puffed and her stomach sucked in. "I can't believe what just happened, Duncan." She spoke with pity. "We were about to get kicked off the show." "Yeah, I know.....I would've gave up my chances of winning in order for you to go on, Armana." Duncan offered. "That's lovely of you, D, but no way. Chris only chose you just to be a dick. You deserve every right to prosper in this competition." "But it would've been either one of us if Hatchet hadn't saved us another chance and I'd like it to pursue to me being the one let go. Plus I'm a nobody. I have nothing to go back to except for juvie." "You are not a nobody. You're a talented, intelligent, handsome, young man who is very capable of the things you put your mind to. When you first applied for this show, what were you hoping to do with $100,000? Be honest." "Well, really I wanted to do anything and everything. Travel, buy anything I want, go to television casting calls, my parents were probably going to use some towards my lawyer. It's like a hedonic adaptation to winning the lottery; after that grand moment of earning the jack prize, you'll return to this personal median in a little while from that surge of happiness you felt. Why do you ask? You thought it would be something more?" Armana shrugged, "I guess so." "I guess...there is more....." Armana laughed after a long silence, "Well? Tell me." "I wanted to buy a ticket to the United States. Ya know, since you told me you're only in Canada for vacation." Her smile fell. "Yeah, I guess I haven't thought about what could be next for us if anything did happen. I've never been in a long distance relationship before. But from what I've heard, it's pretty hard...." "........" "........" "........" ".........Come on, let's just focus on what we can enjoy together while we're here." Duncan nodded, letting her lead them back to the main campground. Although Armana tried to be optimistic, she knew at the back of both of their minds they wouldn't know what to do when it came time to go. Both of their fears encased not being able to see each other again. Cause what was the likeliness of her family staying in Canada? Most likely, when she left the show, her and her family will go back to Milwaukee. Did she see herself going back on television ever again after this? Probably not. Even if Chris hosted another season? The chances are slim. Didn't they already agree on quitting in the first place? Yes, but it's different from actually being kicked off the show. Plus, her and Duncan would've been separated if one of them stayed behind—not that she couldn't live without him—but it'd damn sure feel that way. It was a silent walk back. Not having anything to say to fill in dialogue. Though, they weren't in a hurry like you'd expect two people to do when they may find themselves in deafening awkwardness. Instead, their steps subconsciously matched each other's as they ambled timelessly. They were solely glad they were able to get away from Chris's pitch, not knowing what to expect later. Once they made it to the main site, Armana inclined looking behind her to check on Duncan. His eyes wearied with sleep, involuntarily inhaling deeply before outstretching his arms in a yawn. He then smacked his lips a couple times and scratched an itch tickling along his torso. "Sleep with me?" He proposed without joviality. Armana realized they never actually slept together, of course since their sides of the cabin were separated on gender, but they only had to in the woods. She felt delighted at the thought. "Hmm, should I?" Armana pretended to consider. Duncan smirked, "I think you should. It'll help me sleep better." "Ok, ok. Let's hurry up then." They entered the cool boathouse again, rolling out a large tarp and found throwable boat cushions to lay their heads on. They crouch and rest on a spacious area on the floor, Duncan laying out the tarp beyond their bodies so it stretched over the both of them. Then they could use their body heat as they laid next to each other, lying on their side to face one another and look in one's eyes. Duncan brought Armana closer to him, hugging her so her nose was in his neck. "Ya know, this isn't what solitary confinement means." She giggled. "Oh well, it's not like we're in actual imprisonment. Just in the disciplinary method of breaking a person's composure or sanity having to be in this creepy shed by yourself. I've already been in here though...<i>with you</i>, twice. Make that three times now." He flirted. "Oh shut up." "We both know you liked it, so don't even try to deny it." "Well duh, of course I liked it. Wasn't that obvious? You like me admitting to it or something?" "Yeah, I do. I liked it too, don't think it negates from me hearing you say it." Armana chuckled and she lightly brought her nostrils into Duncan's neck to take in his scent. He didn't smell like anything in particular, not of any fragrance but not of any odor. Regardless, she still kept her nose in contact with his skin, finding it comfortable the position she was in. She hugged him into her as well, not that there was any space left between them—just liking to have him close. "You tired?" He spoke, his voice rather deep. "A little bit." She said softly. "Ok. I won't go to sleep until you do." "Why? I'm right here." "I know. I like the idea of protecting you." She hummed in consideration. "Have you had any more weird dreams?" She then asked. Duncan chuckled, "No. I haven't. Haven't had any dreams actually." "Do you think you'll have a dream tonight?" "Yeah, maybe. Usually do if I'm sleeping good." "I better get to sleepin' then." "Yeah, hurry up already." Armana giggled and snuggled into him more, finally closing her eyes. Her smile slowly faded and her breathing evened into deep respirations. Duncan listened to the cadence of her sleeping, stroking a hand against her back. Well after taking in the therapeutic moment, he also let himself rest, making sure she was as close to him as possible. The next morning, six contestants remained; engaging in the challenge of climbing up a tree and hanging upside down from its sturdy branches with designated teams on opposing sides. No they couldn't grip with all fours like a sloth. No they couldn't use their hands to hold themselves. Chief insisted that they only suspend with their legs, their arms dangling laterally, insisting it to be more straining. "What you are experiencing; is an ancient form of torture. By now the blood has begun rushing to ya head. The next stage is nausea, followed by dizziness, flushed appearance, as the blood begins to pool in ya eyes. You may experience fainting spells." Chief told them. Armana gasped, "Duncan!" He suddenly fell from the tree face first in a scorpion position, impending to Chief's explanation. Armana saw Bridgette rush to Duncan's health state, smiling up to her afterwards. "It's ok, he's alright." Bridgette said to her in reassurance. "Phew." Armana sighed. "I've never seen someone actually fall like that except in that back-bending, spine-twisting freeze frame pose you'd see people klutz on the show, <i>Ridiculousness</i>. Have you heard of it?" Geoff asked her. "Oh yeah, I used to watch that show all the time." "Shit's hilarious, man." They minimally laughed, careful not to lose their balance by holding on to the branch for a bit. They look to the side, able to see Owen struggling to reach for the branch due to his weight. "Come on," He grunted. "I...can't...reach." He groaned, unintentionally letting out a fart. Besides his flushed appearance due to the oxygen-rich blood reaching his head, he embarrassedly giggled, much to Heather's disgust. "Ok, that's it I'm done." Heather quitted, hanging upright from the branch before dropping down. Owen still struggled trying to keep himself on the branch, feeling himself coming loose and subsequently, uncontrollably descend. He imminently fell on Heather, her smaller body scrambling to try and get from under Owen's. Hearing her voice muffle under him alerted him of his accident. "Off of me you big ox!" Heather casted with clarity. "Sorry." Geoff chuckled at the sight but was interrupted at the sound of a cry from the wood they were on, warning to break. "Aw, this branch is weak. I'll give up my spot for you." He offered. "Really?" Armana expressed in shock. "Well yeah, you're shorter and smaller than me so that would mean you're also lighter." He lightly swung in a momentum back and forth to flip from the branch and land his feet on the ground. It worked, the noise stopped. "Thanks Geoff." Now, it was only her and Gwen left. "Come on, babe, you can do it." Duncan cheered her on, Armana glad to see him recover fast. "You got this, Gwen." Owen jibed in. "Oh yeah, I can hang hear allll day." Gwen firmed. <i>'I bet she actually could.' </i> The thought of it seemed dreary to Armana yet she did want to compensate for last episode when they raced up that mountain face. She thought back to Chris; pondering what'd happen when he'd see them again. <i>'Would he still try to kick us off? Would he remember what happened? Did Chief talk him out of it?' </i>She quietly exhaled to herself, not wanting to summon anything to do with him until the campfire ceremony. If they were to lose that is. A quiet suspense wafted through the air, seeing the other teens were too anxious to even talk to each other. Armana squeezed her eyes shut from looking at the ground, feeling a sensation of vertiginous movement. Instead of looking down at them, she tried focusing up ahead at the other trees parallel to her level. She could see squirrels looking for cones or buds in the coniferous forest and small birds flittering about in a flock. She then looked at the trees from the linear perspective of her "standing point", seeing how they towered like perennial giants beyond them and stretched into a vanishing point towards the sky. She peripherally heard an arboreal animal scurrying by her. She downcast her eyes to where her legs were, seeing it was another squirrel. 'She must've been blocking its home', she wondered. But why didn't it go past her like a normal squirrel minding its business would. That's when she realized the squirrel came up to her. '<i>Is it being territorial? Is it a female and she has kids? Clearly Im not going anywhere so I'm not a threat to it, right?' </i>As bewildering as the situation was, Armana didn't lose her composure. She spared keeping her balance on the tree than freaking out and losing the challenge overall for her team. So momentarily, her and the squirrel had a stare down; knowledgeably aiming its snout down at her since it's dewy, black, large eyes were anatomically on the sides of its head. Armana dropped her gaze to hold the branch with her hands, earning the squirrel's attention on her reposition. Strangely, the squirrel began to slowly step onto her, the girl bewaring of its razor sharp claws just daring to break the epidermis of her skin. '<i>Why the fuck is this squirrel crawling on me? Does anyone see this? Probably not from down there but is it stupid or something? We stared right at each other for a good two minutes at least, so it knows I'm here!' </i>Her breathing became offset. The squirrel's movements weren't quick and jerky like one's typically would be in order to constantly check their six for predators. This one was fully aware that it was instead walking up to a predator. <i>'What does it want?! Trying to get me to shoo it away? I won't do it!' </i>It descended towards her body headfirst; rotating its ankles one eighty degrees so it's hind paws were pointing backwards. It raised a paw and clung to her bare thigh as if it were the botanical bark on the tree. Armana grimaced in pain, holding in a yowl. "That's it." She muttered her endurance. She grabbed the critter, only for it to dig it's claws deeper into her skin—drawing prickles of blood. Armana yelped, hissing at the agony but she still gripped tighter on the squirrel to try and get its digital knives out of her thigh. It didn't budge. She could see the squirrel even tensed it's body to grasp her and keep from being moved. <i>'What in the actual fuck is wrong with this thing?! Why is it only doing this to me?! Why won't it let go?!' </i>Armana felt the back of her legs loosening from the branch, yet she used her left hand to grip and fix herself to stay on. Her face scrunched in frustration and the pain of its nails deepening. She was full-on pulling on this thing and it just wouldn't let go for some reason. "I'm not doing anything to you, just let go of me." She whined under her breath. The harder she pulled, the deeper it sank it's claws. Armana bit her lip at the physical harm it caused her, hanging her head back from the strain of what would've been looking down. <i>'Should I let it be? Well no! This fucker's hurting me!' </i>All of a sudden, it incised its fore-teeth in her leg. Armana hollered in hurt, finally freeing the mad creature from her, following with it's claws still dragging across her skin and it's toes curled as if it would've tried staying lodged in. She brought her arm back and chucked the squirrel with all her might—far into another tree, both of them falling to the ground at the same time. <i>'Was that a robot? It had to be.'</i> # ~ Chapter 25 ~ <i>'That had to be a robot! No normal squirrel would act like that! Am I gonna get fucking rabies?'</i> "Armana! You ok?" Duncan asked, running to her aid. "You landed pretty hard on your head....hey you're bleeding. Did you scrape your leg on your way down?" He accounted to himself it was more than just a scrape. It was a nasty injury; there were numerous, black and blue contusions superficial to the dermal penetrations made within the region of her thigh. She had acute scratch marks cut into her flesh, ovoid red rings surrounding the lines of torn skin. He saw teeth marks inflicted upon her, particularly by incisors. He carefully brought his hand to cup her thigh in awe, analyzing how the bite wasn't compressed into the tissue with smaller teeth tearing the skin. Otherwise it would've been an open, jagged wound by a carnivore of some sort. It rather belonged to a rodent by its small, single puncture wounds and the amount of scratches she had. "Are you ok? Does it hurt?" He asked her in sympathy. "I'm ok, just baffled over everything. This may sound crazy, but I bull-crap you not, this squirrel just randomly came up to me and started climbing on my leg. I tried to stay calm but it wouldn't get off of me. After a minute, I got fed up and grabbed it but then the little shit dug it's claws into me and bit me. Its like it was thwarting me to quit." She answered. "You think it did this to you on purpose?" "Had to be. Squirrels are usually under predation. The last thing they'll want to do is come up to us giant, non-primitive humans." "Well whatever it ends up being, I believe you." They see the Screaming Gophers carry off Gwen in triumph, causing Armana to deeply sigh in deflation. Duncan rubbed her back soothingly, both of them hearing someone's steps quickly pad upon the grass behind them. "Hey Armana, you ok?" They see Bridgette came to examine the situation with Jojo tagged along. Armana nodded. "She fell because she was attacked by a squirrel." Duncan pronounced. <i>'Well when you put it like that.'</i> "Attacked by a squirrel?" As silly as it sounded to Bridgette, she moved in front of the couple to inspect a clearer angle of Armana. "Ooooh, that's bad." "Dang girl. Did you have peanut butter for lotion or something?" Jojo interjected. Armana chuckled, "That's the problem, I did nothing to deserve this." "Ok, I took first aid training before cause I wanted to be a veterinarian some day. So we can treat you in the infirmary. Come on, help her up." Duncan lifted Armana with an arm supporting her by her waist, guiding her arm behind his neck and over his shoulder. Jojo mirrored his ministration and they lifted her off the ground. Armana limped in favor of her left leg, finding pain in trying to engage in her quads which you'd use in order to complete full strides when you walk. The infirmary was a dark green tent; multiple dingy, steel frame beds furnished with IVs and a station was made to access simple, basic medical care. They walked Armana to one in the middle of a row of beds particularly against the right side of the tent. "These aren't even actual beds, how are you supposed to lay on this?" Duncan accounted to the sturdy sort of bed frame without any comfortability a mattress would've gave. "Well, we just need something to set her body on and keep it from moving. They'd also usually use LED lights to illuminate a local area or cavity of a patient too, but it's pretty bright outside." Bridgette judged. "So we should take her back outside?" Duncan asked. "No, in here would be fine. We'd probably have to cut somewhere in this tent's fabric to let light in over Armana's leg with something sharp." "Already got that part covered." Duncan smirked unfolding his pocketknife out. He grabbed one of the beds to stand on top of in hopes of cutting an opening into the tent's roof. "Be careful." Armana warned. He positioned the bed next to the one she laid on and mindfully stuck out his arm to the extent of slightly balancing on his tiptoes. "Cut vertically." Bridgette instructed. Sticking out his arm, he slightly leaned to the right and pressed the point of his pocketknife into the nylon. He glanced down to envision where his hand paralleled with her thigh, retreating his knife shortly before jabbing it fully through the material. He protruded his tongue out the corner of his mouth in concentration, slowly tearing his knife in a line. Purposely letting sunlight aperture through, a slit in the tent's canvas desirably narrowed above Armana's injuries and allowed Bridgette to see into the integument of her skin. "Ok, that's good." Bridgette permitted. "Do you think she'll need a shot for rabies?" Jojo projected. "Well, according to different analytics, small rodents are almost never found to be infected with rabies and have not been known to transmit rabies to humans. But by Armana's testament, this particular squirrel did show strange behavior for <i>sciuridae</i>-lineage-critters known to be skittish. Assessing her injuries, she does have a bite or two by the puncture wounds broken through the skin's dermis—causing the bleeding. There's bruises that must've been inflicted upon biting or how it began scratching her. It isn't too major, we'll just need some simple first aid." Jojo strode to the station for first aid and grabbed a red med kit. Bridgette opened the metal tin case and surveyed the medical supplies. "First, we'll need to wash your injuries thoroughly with soap and water." She explained, taking out a 16 oz bottle of antibacterial soap and squeezing some into her hands. "Here's a bottle of water I found at that desk." Duncan discovered. She rubbed her frothy hands onto Armana's thigh, minutely letting Duncan trickle water so that the solution could bind together as the surfactants spread and evened. Eventually, she unrolled cotton gauze to dry the soap and water. "Great, there's antibiotic ointment." She took out next. "Would that fend off the rabies?" Armana questioned. Bridgette chuckled, "You aren't gonna get rabies, Armana, I promise. The cream serves similarly to the antibacterial soap. Only, it's the most important type of antibacterial agent for fighting bacteria infections. So you'll be good." Then she bandaged Armana's thigh, tying a bow on top of the bindings. "And you're done!" With that, Armana sat up, not sure what to think as she fixated on the strips of cotton covering her mid thigh, covering what happened. "Thanks Bridgette." Her mouth moved, not looking at the girl to make known who she was addressing if she hadn't said her name. "No problem," Bridgette smiled in her response. "I'm just glad this torturous challenge is finally over. We lost—sure, but all those rigorous, correctional summons always required some sacrifice from either team anyway." "Who do you think should go home?" Jojo brought up for deliberation. "Pfft, Sadie. She was gonna be my vote in the last episode." "Wow, from how fast you answered, you been wanting her out from the get go, huh Bridgette?" Duncan sneered. "I mean no hard feelings against her, but, she's just a person I wouldn't mind being here anymore." "Which while we're on the topic, Duncan, you were giving Chef a hard time. What if he made us all go through some punishment just cause you wanna be emo and act out of line." "First of all, emo is a different fashion subculture from punk aesthetic. Second of all, Ive always tended to have discordance with rules defining a way of behavior. I'm often an outlier in the group." "Well who do you think, Armana?" Bridgette questioned the girl who was far off from their conversation and instead, still stared at her bandage as of afore. Her attention was blanked with the thought of the squirrel's attack on her mind. Not that she was traumatized by it, but it sure never happened to her before. The peculiarity about it, the way it was an <i>outlier </i>in behavior as Duncan said. <i>Why?</i> "Armana?" Bridgette managed to catch Armana's ears this time. "Huh?" She audibly let out, showing she didn't even know what they were talking about. The two other girls chuckled. "Who would you want to go home?" After having a filling conversation over simple matter of events, they finally let Armana off with Duncan (as always). They walked back outside, the weather brilliantly sunny by a blue sky devoid and cleared of any clouds. It was a pleasant day to be engaged in the outdoors but Armana didn't like a feeling settling in the back of her conscious, stirring in her gut to twist and turn in knots. The picturesque woodland filled with trees overshadowed her small being, blocking the balmy sun in a oppressiveness of shade. She felt afraid of something while at the same time conflicted in a flip-e-rama of reassurance to try and satiate herself that it simply could've been 'the squirrel was crazy'. But what if she was purposely attacked in the concept of the squirrel being a robot like she suspected. As if that wasn't comical but she just had to consider <i>what if.</i> "Yoohoo, earth to space ranger." A hand waved in front of her face. "Oh! Sorry." She apologized for once again, <i>spacing</i> out (badum tsss). "Jeez, you're really blanking out today. Is it about what happened?" Duncan asked her. "....It's just....I can't get my mind off of it. I don't want to be as stirred up as much as I am about it cause I'm sure it's a stance for something like that to happen. But I don't feel right about it, my gut is telling me something." "Yeah it's always that gut feeling itching your rationale, huh? So do you actually think it could've been a robot then? As strange as it sounds?" "<i>Yes</i>," She emphasized. "There's no recourse of reasoning or anything behind it." "I don't know, I think your mind just wants to comprehend or confirm in what way the challenge could've been rigged. Which I'm not gonna dismiss—it could've. Yet, even if it was a robot, how would you find it? Hundreds to thousands of squirrels are in these woods." Armana sighed, "You're right. I'd be damned trying to chase after the bastard that did this to me. I'll just forget about it and forgive it for it's natural instincts." "Hang on...if you think it's a robot, are you saying it could've been made by Chris?" <i>'He knows what I'm trying to say here' </i> "Yeah, I didn't wanna seem assumptious and like I'm driving myself mad over the other night. I wanna forget it all if anything. But something just makes me think I could've been targeted by the squirrel if he somehow made it have an exoskeleton. *<i>Sigh* </i>Am I going crazy?" Duncan chuckled, "No, you're not going crazy. This whole thing has just upset your day as you try to make more sense out of the incident. A squirrel acting so strange that it could've been a robot, that's all that's trying to get the gears of your mind to rotate." "But I don't want you to ridicule me or look at me like im unusual or nonsensical because a rabid animal attacked me. I'm working myself up over this whole thing. I'm gonna sit by the lake." "Wait, im sorry, that's not how I meant to come off. Im on your side, Armana. I know I wasn't there to see what was happening to you, to protect you. I'm just glad there was no further damage done. Only, I don't want you to feel  threatened or like he's targeting you. Or be apprehensive around squirrels, cause I mean they're gonna be apart of our environment.  But let's forget about Chris, ok? I promise, I got you." She nodded with a smile, "Thanks Duncan." Seeing his words put her at somewhat of an ease, they could finally move on to another chapter. "Now let's go by the lake until the sun sets." The marveling sunset appeared as the sun falling into the horizon and with it, dragged a tail of its spectrum of colors grading from violets to blues and oranges and reds off of the billowing altocumuli—daytime melting by bits and fractions. Then as if the earth flipped, the sky morphed into dizygotic dark colors of obsidian, plum or midnight blue. Like it was a cue, interns were prompted to start a bonfire before Chris could speak on the PA system to call the Killer Bass for a denominated member. Seeing the host's face again—now—casted in the fiery glow sent shivers down Armana's spine. She could hardly look at the man, not sure why she felt as large as an elephant not belonging in the codified meeting. Even if his eyes weren't on her, she felt an overgrowing heaviness of shame on her shoulders. Her heart palpitated against her chest as she subconsciously dug her nails into her flesh as hard as she could. "I have seven marshmallows on my plate and these marshmallows represent the campers that will continue to be.....campers...here." <i>'Someone forgot his lines' </i>"You've all cast your ballots in the confession can. If I do not call your name, you must immediately go down to the dock of shame, catch the boat of losers and go home. And you can't come back. Ev-er!" He trickled down the list of contestants, tossing them their marshmallows. "Armana." He called, sounding like venom to her ears as she rose her arms to catch her marshmallow with cupped palms. It then came down to one left on the platter, left between Sadie and Harold. "Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the night." Chris told the two, both of them nervously expressing their uncertainty to each other. "....Harold." Sadie furrowed her eyebrows at the news, quickly rising from her seat as if she was ready. "You know what?" She said to her ex-teammates. "That's fine with me you...marshmallow-eating freaks!" She ran off in heaving sobs, Duncan scoffing at her reaction. "Did she want us to feel bad or something?" He chuckled while nudging Armana. She held back her amusement from his comment, "Hey, we were doing her a favor. She obviously missed Katie a lot—I mean when she was voted off, Sadie was the quietest she's been since the first time she got on the show. Heck, they might even see each other again on the Boat of Losers." "Yeah that does sound like something Katie would do." The Bass then dispersed from the campfire to get ready for bed, Armana walking away as quickly as she could. "Damn babe why you walking so fast?" Duncan amusedly asked her. "Oh never mind I get it." "Yeah." Armana shot him a look, not wanting to say it out loud. "It's like I can't even stand being within the same area as him. My heart was pounding out of my chest." "I know, I understand. It did feel awkward but rest assured; I won't let a thing happen to you. That may not sound like much, but I'm a pretty determined guy when it comes to being on top of his game." Armana smiled, "Of course, I know you're here for me Duncan. Thank you for knowing how to make me feel better. It's what you say to me that I feel like I don't have to worry about it." "That's exactly the point." Duncan brought her into a kiss, starting as their lips simply osculating on each other's. The points of their noses slightly contorted on necessarily being close to each other's faces, which Duncan angled his face in attempt of dominantly kissing her. It successfully went in his intention, hugging her closer into him as he gestured his tongue on her lower lip. She widened her mouth to let him pliably interact with her tongue at the same time of lasciviously locking lips with her. Armana cupped his cheek before separating with a <i>smooch </i>leaving from both their lips. "Get some good sleep while we actually can." She told him, earning a chortle kept partly suppressed from him. "You got that right. You heard less sleep shrinks your brain? Sheesh." Duncan pretended to sweat, making Armana giggle. "Don't believe those silly scientific stuff. It's not like we'd be able to tell the difference of yours anyway." The boy dramatically gasped with a hand over his chest, inciting louder giggles from her. "I'm just kidding D." She said to him jovially, kissing him in random places on his neck and jaw to compensate for it. "Goodnight, love." "Goodnight. I...." Armana looked at him as she heard he was about to say something. But though his eyes momentarily appeared big, glossy and expressive, he relaxed and recanted what he was thinking. "Never mind, goodnight, doll." He wished. She decided to leave the matter of topic and nodded before they both entered the cabin. # ~ Chapter 26 ~ The next morning, Armana stirred awake to the strange disturbance of an airplane. The problem was; if you can hear one while it's thousands of feet in the air due to the sound pressure level decreased the further away you are from the source, imagine how loud it had to be sounding as close to being just outside your cabin. The searing sound of its jet engines harshly whooshed in Armana's ears, as if the ruckus was hardly being blocked by the cabin's walls. She tightly squeezed her eyes close as she attempted to block the sound out by covering her ears with her pillow. It seemed to have woken her two other cabin mates, not that she was surprised. "Aw hell nah." Jojo sated, angrily flipping her cover from over her and stormed outside. Still in her bonnet, Armana joined her, seeing the other campers curiously seeking the noise. Above was a familiar yellow aircraft, the same biplane  used for Owen and Izzy's fear factor. And for some reason, it was heading right towards them. "Hit the deeeeeeck!" Geoff shouted, the campers screaming in fear as they made way of the plane landing. Chris appeared to be horribly piloting the plane as he drove too close to the point that if he weren't careful—people could've been splattered against the propeller. He used an open path in the campground as a runway to slow down the plane and descend to the surface. As the disc brakes were deployed, the plane continued to roll upon landing; one of its pairs of wings breaking a shed in its path. It was eventually brought to a standstill, Chris casually hanging his arm out of the window as if he was cruising. "Just flexing your muscles for today's X-Treme sport challenge!" Chris exclaimed through a megaphone. "This man crazy." Jojo demeaned. "He know it is too early to be doing this shit." "Damn right. Always trying to make these dramatic ass entrances." Armana claimed. "This week you'll participate in three challenges; first up, X Treme Sofa Bed Skydiving!" <i>'What in the hell even is that?'</i> "Contestants will plummet—uhhh skydive—to a waiting sofa bed target below." The furniture was brought for demonstration. <i>'Why does everything in this place have to look like it's about to break down?'</i> One of the doors on the plane popped out and slid back to reveal Chef being the guinea pig for the presentation. You could guess in the case of any of the teens wondering if the stunt was safe to begin with (or if it was to have the producers' approval to make this an episode). As Chef wore a parachute backpack, below him was a shabby sofa with its back lowered to reveal its concealed mattress. "If his heavy ass jump, that shit is going to collapse under him. There's springs poking out at this very second." Jojo murmured to Armana. "Look, look, look." Chef hopped onto the sofa bed and as soon as his body made contact, he was crushed by the sofa trying to fold back into a seat. "Dayum!" Jojo blurted but quickly covered her mouth, causing Armana to stifle a laugh. They could hear muffled cries of pain being gave from the man. Armana grimaced. "Of course, you'll be skydiving from five thousand feet." "He just gone continue like that shit ain't happen? We about to die." Jojo softly interjected to her. "Relax Jo, this is only our first challenge." "And, you'll be using these." Chris chucked two worn backpacks that seemed to be designated to either of the teams. "Our lucky contestants are Trent and DJ." Chris appeared have to a list of designated names on a the sheet of paper he rustled out. "Sure why not?" Trent tolerated. "You know what they say on Black Cone Mountain, bro; best glimpse of heaven on the way into hell. Let's do this." "Yeah, uh, sure. Bring it o-on." DJ tried to match his energy. "Not so fast because the second challenge of the day is; X-Treme Rodeo Moose Riding! Contestants will rodeo ride The Great Canadian Bucking Moose for eight seconds or get hoofed into a giant heap of stinky socks from the lost and found!" "That stank pile ain't nothing but laundry day back home." Leshawna took up. "It's your lucky day, Leshawna. You're riding for Gophers! And Geoff, you're riding for Bass." Geoff expressed optimism, pumping his fist in the air. "And the final challenge; X Treme Seadoo Water Skiing," The ground was hollowed to embank a body of water—lengthened as a course. The only catch was that thus being done on land, the contestants were prompted to ski on a mud track. Possibly making it more difficult due to skimming on an earth matter much more softer, stickier and viscous than water. "Contestants will water ski a race course grabbing as many flags as they can before crossing the finish line. While a member from the opposing team, tries to boot them." "How can we water ski without water?" Heather spoke Armana's thoughts aloud. "It's really hard," Chris remarked in humor. "Check it out." Chef was put up as an exemplar again as they heard a purring motor near them. They witnessed him clumsily ride a <i>sea doo</i>, somehow losing the weight distribution over the watercraft. Which consequently, he screamed as he repeatedly bounced off the ground, as if it was something you'd humorously see out of a cartoon as the person descended and collided with different protuberances on their way down. Armana winced as he smacked into a tree, only to hear Chris amusedly chuckle into the megaphone. "See? Awesome!" He bespoke as if it adequately proved to the teens of their safety for the challenge. "Harold, you'll ski for Killer Bass," "Sweet." The ginger approved. "And Lindsay for the Screaming Gophers." Lindsay giggled, "Coool, I can model with my new bikini." "Now for the cool swag; whoever scores the most challenges gets bragging rights for the night, saves their butt from elimination, AND wins a trip down Multi-Massage Full Bot Shower." Chef made a quick recovery as he strummed the long A note of a harp but Armana realized how it magically emphasized the sparkling, sheeny RV next to him. It's interior was made into a lavatory with matching fixtures of shower heads, prefilled towels, toiletries and recessed downlighting that brightly illuminated the room. <i>'Now WE HAVE to win this challenge'</i> Afterwards, Chris started back the biplane, the wind from it's airscrew harshly propelling against everyone's faces. "Ok gang," he cued their dismissal. "Doll yourselves up, chow for breaky and report back in 30 minutes for the X-Treme Sports Challenge!" He then drove off while dispersing dust in the air with thick aerosols of greenish-brown smoke. She fanned away the particles and coughed upon breathing it in. Armana then slowly watched him raise to the sky, wishing he'd keep going until he disappeared into a tiny sparkle. She made her way back to the cabin, subconsciously asking herself where Duncan was after the chaos they just witnessed. <i>'He should've woke up by how loud that plane was'</i> After taking care of her morning routine, she'd next see him in the Dining Hall, not sure why she had any hope of what was for breakfast, knowing she wasn't going to eat it. As if her hypothesis was answered, the teens were served some sort of crushed, soft mass—almost like mashed potatoes but it was overcooked. Everyone passed their plates to Owen, who unhesitatingly cocked his head back to hold the dish high and let the food pass over the edge so it could fall into his mouth and be swallowed in one take. Armana deeply sighed at the sight. "What's got my girl down?" Duncan suddenly appeared. She shot him a look of distaste seeing him eat the breakfast, "You're actually eating that?" " Hey I've been skipping the past few breakfasts. A person's gotta eat." She rolled her eyes as she sat next to him. "I guess you're right. But, I wasn't thinking of much. Did you catch the morning's scoop?" "Nope, mind catching me up?" "Basically, our challenge is supposed to be based on extreme sports. We have to skydive and manage to land on a sofa bed five thousand feet below, fare eight seconds rodeo riding an angry moose, and ride sea doos on mud while a person from the opposing team is towed by you on skis. You gotta try to boot them." Duncan scoffed, "Sounds like the way to rave it up. What's the prize?" "A <i>brand </i>new sparkling shower in this RV. How neglected the showers are that we have, I'd kill for that." "You sound like my mom; she'd watch those tv channels for middle aged people who have impetuous urges to renovate, sell, or buy a house to fulfill their desires for their dream home." Armana chuckled and pushed him on his shoulder, "I'm not middle aged, I just have aesthetic standards for myself. You should want to <i>invigorate </i>your amenities or have something fresh since these producers are too cheap to do an upgrade around here." "I mean sure if that's right of me to. But, I don't know, I'm looking forward to how this challenge goes. Sounds like a shit-show but we could have it in the bag, what do you think?" "Mmm, I'm not sure, it's all pretty on edge." "Yeah but it's like the alternate rising and falling of the sea. You can either let it drift you along or you can surf on the crest of the wave like you're maneuvering and influencing the way of the tide." "Sure but you have to distinguish freedom from its potential for destruction. What if Chris is just being sadistic? Does he actually expect us to come out alive from these tasks he's giving us?" "True. I believe he's raising the stakes higher for us since as the weeks go by, our numbers will gradually lower to the point we won't be in teams anymore." "You're right, there will have to come to a final two in order for one person to win the cash prize. Makes me think of Hunger Games; where Katniss and Peeta were the last two remaining and instead of killing each other like the Capitol wanted, they both planned to consume Nightlock berries in order to kill themselves." "Are you saying we'll be Katniss and Peeta?" Armana chuckled, "Its a bit corny but yeah in a sense if it does come down to us. Would you eat poisonous berries rather than win?" "Possibly, if Chris has us do something to bring each other harm." "That really tells you how shitty this show is." "Damn right." After the teens spent their limited amount of free time for breakfast, they were reported back to the main campground where Chris still remained piloting the plane for their first challenge; X Treme Sofa Bed Skydiving. With a heaving sigh, Duncan comfortably sat on one of the sofas as Chris went through instruction. "Now remember, ground teams can wheelie the sofa beds wherever they want in order to help their comrade with the landing." He directed. On the ground, Heather illustrated a dead body outline with white chalk. "Sayonara Trent, I hope your attempts to impress weird Goth Girl was worth the chalk outline." Heather taunted. "Uh, did you ever think that maybe Trent's doing this as a form of self expression; like Haiku?" Gwen suggested, earning confusion from her peers. "Or...not." Duncan curiously smirked as Bridgette wore rather smugness in her smile while shaking her head at Gwen. <i>'Wonder what that was all about?'</i> With an atmospheric, awkward silence pervading the Screaming Gophers, Trent and DJ aboard the plane. Armana watched once again as Chris rose them to the sky, towards the light aquamarine of Lake Muskoka. "We better get moving. They might get dropped by the shore." Armana regarded. Her teammates attended her words and quickly began to push the sofa towards the beach. "Weird girl's right, follow them." Heather commanded, not noticing a sleeping Owen on the furniture which would progressively slow them down. Along the way, Jojo questioned, "Should we draw an outline for DJ to land? Ya know, like the one Heather drew?" Armana laughed softly, "No, that was just Heather being absurd. Besides, they have parachutes....well <i>should </i>have parachutes. This <i>is</i> Chris whose imperiling our lives here."<i> </i> "Exactly right, it's so illogical using a fricking sofa to land on. The only practical thing about it is that we can lay out the bed for precaution." Bridgette added, earning nods in agreement. Shortly coming across the strip of granular land, Armana shaded her eyes with her hand, looking at Chris high in the sky, hovering and circling the area like she predicted. "They're getting ready to free fall, let's cross about halfway down the beach." Armana directed in estimation of a designated landing point. Jojo suddenly sneered, "Hey geniuses, you wouldn't be struggling so much if you didn't have Owen sleeping on the sofa!" She found even more amusement when the girls looked surprised upon the discovery, marking that they didn't even realize the teen wasn't helping them push. She tossed her hair seeing them pathetically try to pry him off. <i>'She always has to try and be the sassy one.' </i> Armana chuckled at her mocking exchange as they continued to push along the shore. Once halfway, they were left to look out for DJ. Next to no time, they see one of the campers transiting from the plane first. Armana realized it was Trent in belly-to-earth orientation. '<i>He's coming down rather fast. Why isn't he using his parachute?'</i> "I don't think his parachute is deploying. Should we try to catch him? I mean he is closer to us." Armana proposed. "Nah, that would give the Gophers a point." Bridgette answered. "Plus, take a look at this." Jojo nudged her attention on Heather, Gwen, Leshawna and Lindsay, who were painting a red X on Owen's backside. The Bass snickered at their attempt of using Owen for landing. She could at least give them a point for their effort. "Trent could get seriously injured though." Armana propounded. "Well, blame it on them for wasting their time trying to find paint and a paint brush." Duncan allayed to her. Gaining speed, Trent screamed in terror as he came closer to the ground. Helplessly being pulled towards the earth, Trent plunged to the terra's surface, resulting in a powerful depression of his body similar to the one Heather drew. Everyone associatively looked with awe, some rooted in place and some of the Gophers (chiefly Gwen) hesitantly approaching him. "Trent?" Gwen softly spoke out to him for verification of if he was okay. <i>'Cause it's not like he fell five thousand feet from the plane'</i> Armana strangely felt infuriated from the incident, possibly because she was an empathetic person and felt racked with guilt. Before she could even think a thought or action, the Bass heard DJ audibly scream as he finally jumped from the plane. Unlike Trent who was lax with his stomach relative to earth—presenting his right sides to the wind—DJ frantically flailed his limbs which made his body descend like a sack of potatoes. Though as if he gathered himself together, his parachute billowed from his backpack. Armana expelled a breath of relief she didn't know she held, smiling with newfound humor as he still feared for his very life. His erratic movements funnily caused the canopy to swing, the teens folding out the mattress within time as DJ slowly drifted downward like a feather. The teens clamored with cheer for his safe landing. Seeing he was on land, he looked around as if he was in another state of mind and currently back as himself. "Everything's still here? Nothing's broken?" DJ inspected. "Nope, still in one piece, deej." Armana answered for him. DJ smiled, "Phew! What a relief, I think I wanna do that again— The couch instantly folded the bed back in by itself, trapping DJ within. The teens gasped in shock then whistled and distributed from the scene as if nothing happened. Afterwards, they all gathered back by the campground for the next Challenge: X Treme Rodeo Moose Riding. "Ya know, standing closer to it, that thing is actually massive." Armana remarked. "Yeah princess, they don't call it the Great Canadian Moose for nothing." Duncan responded with a bit of sarcasm. Geoff and Leshawna were put up, the surfer insisting on going first. "Rodeo riding's kinda like surfin'; once you catch the lift, you just flow with the mojo." He reasoned, Gwen and Bridgette following him in inquiry possibly. "We're totally gonna lose this challenge." Armana expressed. "Now that's not the spirit for a spiffy, squeaky, new shower." Duncan said in pretended sulk. Armana rolled her eyes, "Shut up. I only say that because Geoff says conventional things for his silly beach bum trope, like it's supposed to conjure wisdom. When really he's gonna be eating stinky socks." "Come on babe, it's just like what I was saying about letting the water drag you along or buoyantly surf it. He knows what he's talking about." "Well sure but—wait why is he pulling his pants down?" Purely without context, the two witness Geoff stand on top of the moose's head and flash his ass to Bridgette and Gwen. <i>'Oh god, I couldn't think of what possible explanation he could have for that'</i> Duncan laughed, "Told ya this would be a shit show but hell is this out of my expectations." Just then, Geoff enraged the large deer and as if on cue, chef fearfully unlocked the ruminant's enclosure. <i>'Oh no'</i> Chef barely out of the way, the moose barged through the gate with Geoff still on top of its head and his pants down. It ran into the open space to angrily spring into the air and arch its back, vigorously kicking its hind legs. It didn't take long, in fact hardly even a nanosecond, for Geoff to be flung off of the moose and sent flying to land with a mouthful of the foul, odorous socks. "And Geoff's...out?" Chris announced, surprised. "Oooh that stinks big time for Bass. No seriously, that is the frank stop. Leshawna, let's jet." In opposition of the vibes Geoff sent Armana, Leshawna radiated confidence and toughness as she cracked her fingers. Aside from her conveying ease in the sport earlier, anyone could talk convincingly about their abilities. Once she mounted on the apex of its humped shoulders, she spoke to Chef, "I hope you got a moose burger recipe handy. Easy boy, you don't wanna make me mad now." Her words seemed to irate the moose; puffing visible steam through its large nostrils and displaying the white of its eyes (unlike the usual large, gentle, dark look you'd see). As Chef was put to open the enclosure, the moose was so furious, it broke through its barrier and ran him over. The mammal aggressively rushed back and forth with a bolting impetus, trying tactics like tossing its head upward like a horse as it ran or repeatedly raising its hinds in mean of throwing her forward. Yet, Leshawna didn't budge. She shouted in joy and made ad-libs as if it was innate. "Well there goes our point." Armana negated. "So we have a tie! Whoever wins the Xtreme Water Skiing Challenge wins invincibility." Chris appointed. "I'm readyyy." The teens curiously turn their heads to a female's voice, only to see Lindsay in her new green bikini as she aforementioned. She earned gasps of astonishment, Armana seeing Duncan looking more than she would've liked and decidedly covered his eyes. "We are so dead." Heather said. "Unless! I get to drive the wave jumper!" "Just win the dang shower so I can get my hair did." Leshawna said indifferently. "Ok," Armana turned towards Duncan. "You got this, D. Be the moose." "Don't worry, babe, driving motorized vehicles are my niche." He ascertained. "I'm serious, though, just because she's this bisque, porcelain doll who thinks she's the prettiest of the land, that makes her all the more frail and fragile." Duncan smirked, "Got it." Harold was representing the Bass first as the skier versus Heather. Armana cringed to see Harold only in a red speedo/tighties and his sneakers. His body was scrawny and complexion pale but as she thought about the Dodgebrawl challenge back on episode four, he was a force to be reckoned with. "You are so out of your league, alphageek." Heather gibed. "Here's the road rules;" Chris began. "Oh wait, there are no rules which means this is gonna be awesome!" Armana shook her head, <i>'Of course there's no rules. No rules means for more chaos to unleash, only the more extreme, right?'</i> "And go!" Heather readily revved the sea doo's engine and pulled off, so fast that Harold fell forward from his skis and could only be dragged by the vehicle. He was surprisingly capable of hanging on to the cable but laid face first in the mud. Following through the course, Heather drove over a ramp which in contradiction of her judgement, Harold grabbed a green flag. "Flag one for Bass!" "Yes!" Armana murmured. "No!" Heather feared but became further driven with determination. She accelerated her speed and turned more sharply on the track. Yet, despite being dragged on his face, he proceeded to collect more flags. "Five flags heading to goal!" <i>'Come on, come on'</i> "That's impossible!" Heather said incredulously. "Heather has to cross the finish line or be disqualified. But when she does, Harold will take five flags to victory for the Killer Bass." Chris said, his voice transmitting through loud speakers on a totem pole. Approaching the finish line, Armana caught only a glimpse of what appeared to be Heather turning away from the handgrips of the handle bars and instead towards Harold. <i>'What is she doing? She would only be facing that way if it concerned Harold. She's sabotaging him!'</i> Even if the ravenette were to cheat, Chris wouldn't care since he didn't permit any rules. Upon the realization, it vexed Armana; manifesting her anger as an imaginary, blazing/menacing aura. However, in a flash of a second, Harold crashed into a rock protruding from the mud. Not long ahead, Heather also collided with one and was consequently shot forward. "I don't know what Heather did to make Harold lose his concentration but it's a total wipeout for the Bass team!" Chris excitedly reported. The Bass facepalmed at the news. Armana growled to herself <i>'We still lost because of that? How unfair'</i> "Ok, forget that happened, we could still have a chance at this, Duncan." Armana told him. "You can count on me." He responded, kissing her temple. Duncan sat astride another sea doo than the one Heather wrecked as Lindsay handled the cable towing from the vehicle and stood in her skis at the starting line. "Ready, set, ride it like it's sweet sweet...go!" Duncan sped off, Lindsay managing to retain a proper stance and her balance as she glided across the mud. As Duncan drove up a ramp, Lindsay caught the first flag, performing a graceful somersault off of the incline and landed back on her skis. Armana was surprised at the sudden feat, learning she shouldn't have underestimated her as everyone might've judged by her beauty. Duncan caught on to this as he stomped on the footwell of the seadoo to try to disturb the wire/Lindsay's concentration. Yet it was to no avail by proceeding to successfully collect more of her team's flags. This seemed to annoy Duncan as he peered over his shoulder at her accomplishment. He throttled the engine, gazing at Lindsay again to now see her hand full with all number of flags prompted. However, not paying attention to what was in front of him, he was about to drive into an apparent large rock akin to Heather. "Duncan!" Armana called, gaining the boy's attention. He quickly faced forward to the obtrusion and screamed discerning he was too late to steer the vehicle in time. Duncan smacked into the rock—hard. He was flown from his seat and landed high in a tree, Lindsay still continuously gliding past and crossed the finish line. Armana stood agape registering what just happened but shook her head to pull herself back into reality and bounded in Duncan's direction. "Gophers winnnn!" Chris declared. <i>'Yeah there totally wasn't any bias here'</i> Making it to the tree, Armana called for him once more, "Duncan!" "I'm up here! I'm ok." He assured her. "Don't worry, I'll get you down!" "What? No Armana don't do that i'm fine really." His dissuasion fell upon deaf ears as Armana stepped back and moderately ran towards the tree to jump and grip the sides of it with her thighs and calves. She placed her right foot on a sturdy gnarl and searched with her hands for different footholds until she could reach its large branches. "Stop, I'll come down," Duncan insisted but realized how aloft he was from the ground and the next branch. "Shit." "Just stay still, Duncan." Armana told him. She stayed in route of the trunk, grabbing onto multiple sizes of protuberances to be able to push herself upward as she progressively rose and eventually leapt to a branch. She held the branch from underneath and tried to pull herself up to straddle the limb but it only dampened her palms and finger pads as her body shook with frailty at trying to use her upper body strength. She regressively dangled and slowly felt her grip loosening. She grunted as she tried to curl her fingers to use her nails as if they were claws to hook into the bark. Then, she heard a familiar sound of pattering claws scurrying rather close by her. Sure it was a tree with the natural habitation of wild animals but Armana was instilled with fear of yesterday's incident reoccurring. Just as she apprehended, a squirrel appeared from an unknown hollow of the tree. Not wanting to believe herself as paranoid, Armana tried to ignore the animal and reattempt pulling herself up. As the squirrel leapt in its gait, she couldn't help but cautiously watch as it approached the branch she was hanging by. <i>'Its like I have bad luck. Why is another squirrel coming to attack me? Is it something about me attract</i><i>ing </i><i>them?' </i> The squirrel proceeded towards her until it stood atop of her like it knew she was struggling. Armana frustratedly growled but wouldn't give up even if the squirrel bit her. She'd bite back. Yet, she felt like she should've recognize it's dewy, black, large eyes, even if it shared uniformity with thousands more coated of silvery gray and black hairs. Unexpectedly, the squirrel placed its tiny paw on one of Armana's fingers with tender temperament. She realized this only meant the squirrel recognized her, unique in some degree from its species for having to come up to a human. Twice. <i>'Can it differentiate who are actual predators? Perhaps it owns a higher intelligence or conscious than the rest of its kind. It even knows how to communicate with another creature by connecting with their emotions'</i> From its sentimental touch, Armana understood it was apologizing for its aggression towards her, showing meekness in the way it kept its posture, not flagging its tail or squawking visualizations for its neighbors to hear. It still kept its paw on Armana's finger but after gaining her trust, the squirrel firmed it's hand like the grasp reflex of a baby. Armana then felt a positive emotional feeling like a sort of neuropsychological change than the difficulty she was enduring through failing to pull herself up the branch. It was determination, more particularly, an anticipatory flash of enthusiasm. And as if nothing happened, the squirrel hurried away from the girl. "Wait!" Armana said, easily pulling herself up after the interaction and tried to follow the critter. But the squirrel was lightning on its feet and was gone like it wasn't there in the first place. <i>'How strange. What makes it even more stranger was that my emotions weren't upon instinct or intuition. Sure they're autonomic, but it's like they were being channeled for the squirrel's means of communication or expression. I have to be crazy. There's no way I just talked to an animal'</i> "Armana? You okay?" Duncan called out to her. "Yeah! Sorry." Back at the campground, Armana was shocked to still see her team still by the mudded track. "Why is everyone still here? Didn't we lose?" Armana questioned them. Jojo opened her mouth to answer but a male's voice came out. "Glad to have you back with us, Armana. For our bonus round!" "Bonus round? Like for redemption?" "Very positive of you but no. For double elimination!" "Double elimination?" Her and Duncan repeated in unison. "Yes, you against Jojo." <i>'What?!'</i> # ~ Chapter 27 ~ "A-Against Jojo?" Armana echoed in stunned confusion. "Why? We already have to vote someone off for losing the challenge." Duncan justified. "Sure, but, really it's just to even the disproportion from your team and the Gophers'." "Bullshit." Armana barely murmured. "I beg your pardon?" Chris cupped his ear. Armana opened her mouth but felt someone put their hand on her shoulder. "It's alright, Armana," Jojo suddenly assured her. "Because I forfeit this challenge." Jojo earned expressions of shock from her peers and an unimpressed Chris. "If you forfeit the challenge, you're immediately disqualified from the show." He told her. "Did I stutter? That's the point of me forfeiting the challenge, genius." Now Armana grabbed Jojo's shoulder to face her. "Jojo, what's up? Why are you doing this? Why are you giving up when we've already came this far?" Armana incited with a whisper. "As much as you're right, I don't think I can go on any further. Every sunrise I wake up and realize I'm still here, I've just been on the brink of quitting." Jojo frustratedly responded. "Hold on Chris." Armana pulled Jojo to the side with well enough distance that the two could talk amongst themselves. "Jo, think of $100,000. You could win this." But Jojo shook her head, "He's only using that reward to induce this desired behavior from us or see how far we'll go with this humiliation. Heck, this isn't even what we signed up for. We were told a five star resort, yet this looks like Shrek's swamp only it's an island." "That's true, but guess what? You still went on with the show, because? Of the hope of winning the cash prize. Yeah these challenges are awful but they're supposed to test you. To see if Jojo, miss señorita, is likely to be the last one to stand. I mean, think about it; which challenge has been your favorite so far?" "...Mmmmm...I do have to say that we rocked that cooking one. It was like it had my name as a cipher in the challenge." "See?" "But...I don't like that he chose us out of all people to pit against each other. I get it could've been anyone of us and if not now, then later but I just wonder if there's any reason behind it. Is it closeness in height? Weight? Our personalities? Or because we worked so well in that cooking challenge? I could just be overthinking it." "I hear what you're saying. I wonder too. And I dont think it's fair. However, that still doesn't mean you should just quit. Even if it's by elimination, you'd be credited for your effort. Think of what made you want to come on here. Of who's watching at home." Jojo looked to the side which Armana knew was in contemplation. "Now I'm not trying to persuade you on behalf of the show, I just want you to give yourself an opportunity. You don't have to feel bad about going against me, I can take being eliminated if it's to see someone who means something to me success. We <i>are</i> competitors if you think about it." "Yeah but there's just something I sense about you." "What do you mean?" "You know how someone is the main character of a story? I just feel like you play an integral role to this whole thing. Even if you consider yourself an introvert, your influence on the show is extroverted. You being picked determined all of who came on here. Not even on any bullshit, you're powerful. It's like I was only planted in this moment of <i>your</i> life to support you. And therefore I am, by quitting or like you said, to see someone who means something to me success." Armana was astounded more so bewildered hearing Jojo's words. The strangest part was that she didn't speak with sarcasm but with a kind of awe as she spoke to try to make sense of how she was feeling. "What?" "I know it's hard to realize right now but the further you go on in the competition, you'll utilize that power to your advantage. And when you do, it'll be a game of tossing balls at clowns. The bigger the clown, the bigger target you'll have." Jojo smiled. She finally ended Armana's insistence, knowing she wouldn't stop her as she proceeded to their cabin to pack her bags. <u>Intervene </u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;I literally have no words. I don't know if I should. Like I'm beyond shocked. I don't know if I should be happy about her giving up her spot since I guess I won't be eliminated, but it's not as far as that. I wanted to make sure she valued herself and that she wasn't just giving up because she didn't feel good enough. It just makes me sad that she's going cause she definitely could've been a game changer.&lt; After some time, Jojo exchanged farewells with her teammates, group hugging with Armana and Bridgette. "We'll miss you." Bridgette told her. "Oh come on guys, don't be sad. Think of it like a 'see you later, alligator' type of thing." Jojo assured them. "Here, let's say animal rhyming paradigms to each other! And British accents! Go!" "In a while, crocodile." Bridgette started. "My leave I take, you ugly snake." Armana followed. "My time to bail, my slimy snail." "I can't stay, Sir Sting Ray." "The end is near, Fawny Deer." "Gotta scoot, my lil Newt." "Gotta kick it, little Cricket." "Must be off, my little Moth." "Bye Bye, Dragon Fly." "Farewell, Gazelle." "Till then, penguin." "Gonna hit the road, spotted toad— "Hit the street, parakeet," Chris interrupted. "Now, go." The girls rolled their eyes but Armana and Bridgette waved as the Boat of Losers took Jojo further into the distance. After she left, Armana headed towards Duncan who appeared to be carving a piece of wood. "Hey D. What you making?" She asked him upon sitting down. But he quickly hid it on her arrival, inducing a smirk from her. "Hey! You don't have to be embarrassed!" She reassured once she realized he genuinely didn't want to show her. ".............." "Come on! Pretty pretty please?" She gave him her biggest puppy-dog-sad-face that she could give, smiling widely when he deeply sighed. "Ok fine." He gave in. With a deep blush on his face, he showed her his hand for her to see the wood carving small enough to be wholly encased by your hand. "I-It's not finished yet." He stuttered while looking away. She sweetly smiled at him and carefully picked it up. Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be two skulls forming a heart. "Aww, Duncan, this is so cute." Armana praised him. "It's not supposed to be cute, it's scary. Skulls are scary." He said, his blush still apparent on his face. "Yeah okay, how can you tell me that when you purposely made them forming a heart. It just fits you since you're so compassionate." Armana began to quickly kiss him on his face, eliciting a laugh. "Stop it babe, you're killing me here." Duncan smiled, his entire face crimson. "A shy Duncan? Never thought I would see the day." "Oh hush." Armana giggled and handed him back his art piece. "Ya know.....I've been making these ever since we became a thing." He confessed. "Really? And you're just now telling me?" She flicked him on his head. "Ow, it's just a personal thing for me, okay? I don't make these for just anyone. It's kind of like how you draw in your sketchbook. Whatever comes to my mind, I carve it. And you've been on my mind so." "Awww!" "Stop saying that!" "Show me the other ones! Please?" "You don't have to ask, I was going to anyway." He entered the cabin to grab the other carvings and shortly came back with multiple of them in his hand, similarly all the same size besides their shapes. It was almost like picking chocolates from a box, each with their own flavor, shape and toppings. Except, Duncan's hand was the box, his work the chocolate which of course wasn't edible. Armana caressed her thumb against the shape of a headless woman's torso, feeling how smooth he shaved the wood despite the visible portions and angles of where he carved in order to shape it. "Do they all have a sort of meaning?" She asked him. "They do since they did come from my imagination." He answered. "So this is a woman by the lady humps you made.  I'm assuming this is me?" "Yeah, it is. It's the first one I made of you. Ya know, after that fear factor challenge. I'm sure you remember." Armana pushed him on his shoulder in slight annoyance, "Shut up. Why did you want to make this though? As a souvenir?" "You could say that, but it was dark—being night time—and I just remember feeling you out with my hands all over your body. Not only could I finally carry out how I felt about you, but the moment was just so enticing. All I could think about was where to put my hands and mouth on you so here we stand holding a mutilated body with dismembered legs and head." "Don't try to downplay that beautiful explanation. It's meant to be looked at aesthetically for the appreciation of a woman's body. All of these are really nice though. It only takes certain talent for someone to do this. I mean you could be a carpenter, a sculptor or do cabinetry in the future." "You really think so?" "Of course. I know they mean a big deal to you but may I keep one at least? I promise I won't lose it." Duncan was surprised by her words, expressing so through his raised eyebrows. "Ya know, for a souvenir." Armana winked. "U-Uh, y-yeah sure yeah that's fine. I-I mean I made them a-after you so they're basically yours to take." Duncan nervously permitted, with a blush mantled over his face again. Armana chuckled seeing his reaction. "You're so cute." She kissed him on his cheek and took all of his woodcarvings to put them somewhere safe with the rest of her belongings. Duncan continued to finish on his current work as she came back over, his face still warm since this hobby was always something he kept to himself or used whenever he had to cool off. Armana then rested her head on his shoulder and thought she'd let him focus, closing her eyes to listen to the wind blowing through the trees. After a momentary silence, Duncan asked, "Are you okay? I know you were a bit sad about Jojo leaving." "Yeah, I'm okay. Just wasn't expecting it, ya know?" "Mhm." "...I mean...." Duncan shifted his attention to her, "What?...What's up with the prolonged silence?" "Its just...I only necessarily feel bad because of the reason she said she was leaving." "What did she say?" "........" "Babe, just tell me." Duncan chuckled. "........" "Armana." "I can't." "Why? It's not like I'll tell anyone." "You won't believe me, you'll think I'm crazy." "If you consider yourself crazy out of everyone else here, I might as well go insane because after everything we've been through so far? We only have each other's backs and really you're the most sane person here. So everyone else has to be pretty fucking deranged." Armana softly laughed and nodded in agreement, "Okay, okay, okay, you're right, you're right." She then deeply sighed, "You might not be able to understand or wrap your head around this cause neither could I but...Jojo told me that the reason she was leaving was because she felt like I have some major part with the show. Like I was meant to be here and the odds of everyone else being picked was circumstantial. Like I controlled who was picked and who has all been eliminated." "....Now that sounds like some pretty crazy shit." Duncan humored. Armana expected his reaction to be as such, not mirroring his response and instead held a serious atmosphere. "Duncan," She adverted, who upon seeing her expression immediately quieted. "This is serious. <i>She was </i>serious. She said I have powers, not in a metaphorical way but legitimate. I actually find it creepy." Duncan cocked an eyebrow at her sincerity, "<i>You're</i> being serious? Before you say 'I told you you'd think I'm crazy', I don't think you're crazy it just seems far fetched. What makes you actually believe her?" Armana considered his question, wondering how so could she had been telling the truth. But then she saw where Duncan scraped his leg from crashing into the tree earlier. "Earlier? When I was coming to help you down from that tree? I ran into the same squirrel from yesterday. It's so strange to be saying this aloud than thinking about it but I knew it had to be the same one because of the way it came up to me. Like Bridgette was saying; squirrels wouldn't just come up to a human cause they evolved to be twitchy and alert to always watch for predators. While I was struggling to pull myself up on a branch, that squirrel came right up to me, looked me straight in the eyes and expressed this gentleness or kindness as it placed its paw on my hand like a gesture of comfort. Isn't that weird?" Duncan nodded, listening on. "What's weirder is that when it did that I felt this change in my emotional state. Sure from your intuition you'd be confused, astounded, or adored by the interaction so you'd experience some type of emotional state anyway—but it was the type of emotion I was surprised to feel. I felt stronger, praised, this newfound energy to pull myself up and literally ascend that tree like it was innate." "I was a bit doubtful of how you were gonna get up there. But you did it and that may not be easy for the average human." "Seeeeee?" "But what would that mean? What does that make you capable of exactly? Maybe you just needed a bit of courage." Armana leaned onto Duncan's shoulder once more, enjoying the feeling of another current of air breezing in. "You're right D. Maybe I did." On the way to next week, Armana didn't experience anymore strange encounters with the squirrel. Though she still felt that she wasn't in the right mind for seeking a creature out as such. They were always in the trees or running in a series of leaps while they looked for food. They were always squeaking away at each other that the only comprehensible way Armana could understand of her past situation was that the squirrel knew the spontaneity of emotion. Therefore, controlling it somehow. Sunday morning, the teens were called into the Main Lodge for breakfast—as routined. Armana, along with Duncan, were one of the first people to enter the cabin. Chef and Chris stood next to the doorway to purposely make it appear that the teens weren't having any food. They started snickering as the teens were making this discovery, as it was part of their plan for what was potentially the lead of the new episode. "We're already about to start our next challenge. Before breakfast even starts." Armana remarked. "Or, it starts when we have breakfast. Perhaps, being what we eat." Duncan commented, making Armana groan on the realization. "Congratulations to the remaining 10 campers for reaching the half way mark in the competition. You'll all be on the jury for the final episode." Chris announced. "We got the power, yeah!" Geoff exclaimed. Armana chuckled at his excitement, he always seemed to know how to set the mood of something. Maybe because he was your party kind of guy. "The two teams will become one next week. But first, all the girls will be moved to the Gopher cabin and all the guys will stay in the Bass cabin." It was Duncan's turn to groan. "This week's challenge is as old as history itself. A Battle of the Sexes." Armana quietly gasped, looking at Duncan who amusedly winked at her in return. "Once everyone is settled in, I'll announce the challenge. And then you'll uh have a <i>fight</i> to eat. *snickers* Ready for a little good news though? This week, no one will be kicked off." There was a clamor of cheers, Duncan hugging Armana from behind to show his enthusiasm. "Cause it's all for reward and it's a <i>good </i>one. Okay! Time to relocate, let's move!" They left the Lodge and packed their luggage to switch into their assigned cabins, excluding the Bass boys. Thus, Duncan accompanied Armana while she gathered her things. "Wow, we really only stuck by each other's side for majority of the competition. So this is new." Armana stated. "Think you can handle time without me, tough boy?" "I've done it before haven't I?" Duncan raised with a smirk, referring to his time in juvie. She spoke in his ear, "Yeah, but that was before you even knew I existed and that you <i>needed </i>me." Duncan smiled at the suggestive glint in her eyes. "Are you really gonna tease me knowing we're gonna be in two different cabins? Not even the same team?" Armana giggled, "That's why I'm teasing you, silly. Plus we'll only be on different teams for this week's episode." "Still you ol knee high, I do need you," Duncan embraced her. "You're the <i>only</i> reason I made it this far." "Oh Duncan," Armana soothingly rubbed her hands on his back. "I need you too. It's came to a point where I feel inseparable from you. Id rather be no where else than by your side. Partners in crime." Armana always loved the soft side of Duncan; he didn't even care that he was firmly hugging her close in front of everyone. It was a time in the competition where the stakes were higher and losses may have a greater cost, given the prize being held with such high regard for this challenge. Duncan loosened his clutch only to fervently kiss her; deeply pressuring his mouth on her lips, hearing her audibly try to breathe through her nose as he transitioned into a make out session. He returned his hands on her body and pressed her into him. His hands grazed the skin of her midriff her crop top exposed, decidedly squeezing her there and slid his hands on the caused goosebumps. Armana softly moaned into the kiss from his actions, feeling her spine shivering as he progressed his hands up her torso to lightly caress her erecting nipples through her shirt. Duncan circled his thumbs around the protuberances then pressed them inward, concurrently becoming aroused by her breath, the heat of her lips, the texture, the taste of her saliva and her cute quiet moans. He sucked on her tongue, not caring about the drool beginning to drivel from the corner of her mouth. Subsequently, he shifted back onto her lips in a pattern of sucking on the bottom one and pursing wet kisses, the two occasionally parting and emitting loud smacking sounds. The pattern ended when they finally parted their faces away, panting from the intensity. Armana chuckled as they made eye contact, making Duncan smile and caress his thumb along the flesh of her mouth. He wiped away the drool and made one last kiss on her forehead. "Sorry, I got a bit caught up in the moment." He sheepishly admitted. "You don't say." Armana amused. "You don't have to apologize though, that was perfect." Duncan laughed in response. "Oh yeah and I almost forgot to give you this." He handed her the artwork of the two skulls he was working on since last week. Armana immediately beamed with a gasp, "Aww, this looks great. Thanks Dunkie." Duncan blushed at the nickname but cleared his throat, "Hey it's no problem. Whatever you want, babe." Armana met up with Bridgette along walking to the Gophers' cabin. "Sup Armana." Bridgette greeted. "Hey Bridgette. Looks like we were the only girls left on Killer Bass. How do you feel about moving in with the others?" "Not gonna lie, I was a bit worried about it because of how catty girls can be. But you're one of the only people I trust here, so that makes me feel better." "Same here. I completely relate with how you feel about girls being catty because a lot of times that's all they do; try to scratch each other's eyes out and piss about everything." Bridgette gave a laugh as she opened the door, instantly quieting when the exact situation they described was going on. "Nobody's leaving until I find out who ate my pudding pockets!" "I ate them, so what?" <i>'Speaking of the devil'</i> "Woah, pump the brakes a minute. You're so whatin me? That's my food and no one touches ma food!" Leshawna emphasized with hand gestures such as the nagging finger and jutting her thumb on her chest. "Whatever, deal with it! It serves you right for leaving your junk eeevvvvveerrrrryyyywhere. Especially that! That is bugging me!" Heather pointed at an orchid purple bra hanging on one of the bunks that had to be a Double D cup. Armana rolled her eyes and shook her head. <i>'Heather will never learn until she gets a rude awakening of barking up the wrong black girl's tree'</i> "Yeah it'd bug me too if I didn't have anything in the front or the back to shake." Leshawna gibed in emphasis of her tits and ass. Armana stifled a snort. "Yeah? Well you got so much junk in your trunk your jeans should come with the trash compactor!" Heather pointed. Armana's jaw dropped. <u>Intervene</u> <b><i>Armana, 16</i></b> &gt;Chilly, not even a second of Bridgette and I opening the door and we already walking into some drama. Can't wait to see how we win this challenge, hugely note the sarcasm&lt; "Uh oh!" Bridgette said aloud, earning the girls' attention of her and Armana's arrival. "Bridgette and Armana, it's so nice to see you guys. We're gonna have so much fun." Heather chirped, Armana cocking an eyebrow although Bridgette didn't seem to suspect her. "Get out of the doorway, you silly gooses. Don't be shy. We're like a big family in here." "Big and dysfunctional." Gwen added. "Anything you guys need, just yell." Heather said. "Thanks for the awesome welcome, Heather." Bridgette said. Armana kept quiet, eying the cabin like it would've been any different from theirs. "Welcome to the club! Like Heather said, this will be so much fun." Lindsay greeted. "As long as you do everything she says." Heather side eyed Lindsay and kicked her in her shin. "Ow!" Heather laughed it off, "Yeah we love joking off here in the girls cabin." Armana rolled her eyes at the sight and squinted her eyes as she watched Heather with cautious distrust. "Bridgette, I made sure your bunk was next to mine— "Hey! That's my bed! Ow!" Heather kicked Lindsay again, who walked away limping. <i>'Poor Lindsay'</i> "So we can talk and share and really get to know each other!" Heather continued. "Okay, yeah! Hey, thanks everybody. I can't wait to know all of you— "Okay! Plenty of time to chat later! Let's unpack." Heather hastened. Armana's unsure of what she just watched but she was afraid if Heather was trying to convince Bridgette into being one of her puppets. She opened her hand, realizing she was still holding the heart Duncan made for her. She chuckled to herself and sighed as she already started missing him. <i>'I wonder how they're all getting along. I'm sure he's doing great' </i> "Aww, you're smiling to yourself. I do that all the time too ya know, usually about all the cute clothes I'll buy with the cash prize when Heather and I win." Lindsay remarked. "Uh well I mean, of course you could win too! Ooh, let's both think about cute clothes!" Lindsay's quirky personality made Armana laugh, "Hi Lindsay." "Hey, it's Alana right?" "It's actually Armana." "Oops, sorry. Don't take it personally, I always forget names. I can be such an airhead sometimes!" Lindsay groaned while knocking on her head. "Knock, knock? See, you hear the emptiness?" Armana laughed again, "It's okay Lindsay. No offense taken....hey, can I ask you a question?" Lindsay excitedly gasped and stood closer, "Oooh, are we gossiping? I love juicy gossip, it's like a daily newspaper!" "No, no, we're not gossiping. I just wanted to ask; Why do you let Heather treat you so poorly? You know she's only taking advantage of you to get ahead in the competition, right? She's using you for her dirty work. In fact, I don't even see her engage in some of these challenges." <i>'Okay in a way, it's gossip'</i> "Heather? She would never. She's my best friend. We're like two peas in a pod." "Lindsay, what do you think will happen if it comes down to the two of you in the finale? She'll just thank you for carrying her through the competition and throw you under the bus. Doesn't your back hurt?" "My back does hurt actually. I need some more bras." Armana mentally face palmed. "Lindsay, I'm saying that you give yourself less credit than what you validate for. I mean, you rocked that last challenge making Duncan crash into that tree like that." <i>'Sorry Duncan'</i> "Thanks! I like to go jet skiing a lot during the summer." "See? You should hone your skills more often then." "Hmmm, oh! I wore the cutest pink, six inch <i>Valentino </i>heels for my 16th birthday. For the whole day! Is that a skill?" "I don't see why not. That's pretty hard." "Totally and—ooh make up. Come on!" Lindsay was distracted by Heather showing her floral box of makeup to Bridgette and pulled Armana alongside with her. <i>'Wait makeup? Bridgette doesn't seem the type to be into cosmetics or anything girly at that'</i> "What's mine is yours; nail polish, scrunchies, earrings, just help yourself." Heather offered. "Wow!" Lindsay awed but Heather irritatedly snapped shut the box, which almost got Lindsay's fingers as she was about to reach in. She fearfully backed away by Armana. "Thanks Heather but um I like to keep it natural." Bridgette politely declined. But Heather chucked her under her chin, "Like my mom always says; a lady can always use a little boost in the looks department." Bridgette reluctantly gave in as Heather began shading in her eyebrow with a pencil. "Hey Regina, she tried telling you no?" Armana defended her while pulling Bridgette away. Heather glared at her, "How about you mind your own business?" "We're a team and we gotta live in the same cabin so this is all of our business." Leshawna clarified. "Yeah we're a team, we should be using this as an opportunity to get to know each other better." Bridgette intervened. "You wanna play that way? Fine, be on their side." Heather said, grabbing a roll of grey duct tape and taping down the middle of the floor. "This is my side," She pointed to the left. "And this is your side." "Yeah, you keep putting down that tape and if you cross it I'll smack you down." Leshawna said. Heather looked at Bridgette, "You can choose the weird girls if you want but just so you know once you do? You're like not allowed on our side, right Lindsay?" Lindsay made eye contact with Armana who was now on the right side of the room but confidently nodded. Bridgette incredulously looked between the girls, as if she couldn't believe what was happening. "Oh come on guys, let's build bridges not walls." Bridgette reasoned. "Take your pick." Heather pressured her. An elongated silence fell inside the cabin as they all looked at Bridgette with anticipation. Armana hated how the blond was put on the spot but didn't want to dictate who she hung out with so she watched as well. Bridgette deeply sighed at the realization that she truly had to choose between this feud. So from the left of the cabin, she dejectedly stepped over the tape and by Armana's side. Armana, Leshawna and Gwen breathed in relief. "You just dug your own grave." Heather threatened as they dispersed from by their beds. "Let's try to get along, okay? Otherwise the guys are gonna cream us, don't you get it?" Bridgette imparted but Heather only threw her luggage back by her in response. Armana scoffed, "What a bitch, am I right? She really expected you to kiss up to her if she showed you subservience." Bridgette shook her head, "Sheesh, I know girls can be dramatic but man it took literal seconds for that all to erupt. All I was trying to do was have us be civilized and act as young women." "You weren't in the wrong, Brit. And to put you on the spot like that? I hope you don't feel guilty. Her trick is to make girls feel inferior next to her for her attractiveness and guile. It's honestly sad to have this overly heightened self esteem, be a possible sociopath, controlling, being a drama magnet. You just can't be normal, you always feel like you have to keep this status or else you're not good enough." "You make a point, Armana. Sounds pretty miserable. I'd rather stick with my own principles, no matter what." "That's it Bridgette. You did make a point too, we can only win this challenge if we work cohesively. Just need to get our shit together and fast." # ~ Chapter 28 ~ "Sooo, how'd it go? You girls playing nice and getting along?" Duncan sarcastically asked Armana, sensing how her experience went. "I'm sure as you would expect a cabin full of girls would go. We were put into a irreconcilable team. Right as we walk in, Leshawna and Heather are already arguing over food and after Heather couldn't make Bridgette her minion since she's new to their team, she literally marked off which side of the room was hers like a spoiled ass child." Armana vented. "I don't know, sounds like it went pretty well to me." Duncan chuckled. "Oh ha ha." Armana falsely laughed while rolling her eyes since it meant her team was doomed to lose the challenge. "Lighten up some babe, they still got you on their side. I would say you guys got the advantage here." Duncan winked at her, to which Armana sheepishly smiled. "Oh stop, you're always one to charm." "I only speak the truth, so really you're charming yourself." "Well, the way you remark on it I admire." "Hm." Armana laughed, "How about you? Seems like you're doing plenty fine with your guy mates." "Yeah, everything flowed smooth; drank some soda, listened to music. Geoff had let out the gnarliest burp I ever heard in my life, it literally ricocheted off the walls and you could see birds flying out of the trees from how much the earth shook. Just awesome." "You're telling me Geoff's burp was so strong it caused a passage of seismic waves through the Earth's rocks?" <i>'Didn't feel any tremors on our end. Well not literally'</i> "You betcha, so we made him captain of our team." "Again? Just like in that cooking challenge?" "What can I say? Geoff's a cool dude; he's positive, he cares for others, he's always amped up for any challenge thrown at us, not to add he loves to party so he always knows how to have a good time or to make sure people <i>are</i> having a good time. Kind of his motto." Armana sighed with a pout, "I guess. At least it's good to know you guys can find common ground much easier than girls who generally have to be these aggressive bitches." "Hey," Duncan caressed his thumb along her cheek. "Fuck the others. You got this. If they can't get their shit together? Fine. Let it be on their own downfall. If you have to solo queue for the higher rank, let them compete against each other and be seen as fools at their own game. It's you and I against everyone here and we'll do whatever it takes to make sure they're nothing else but stepping stones to our victory. Ok?" Armana expressed her surprise to his solacing words with agape but then smiled and nodded. In the Main Lodge, the teens gathered before Chris and Chef Hatchet to disclose their next test. "It's time for today's challenge!" Chris announced. "Uh, where's breakfast at?" Leshawna questioned, earning snickers from the show hosts —yet again—as if they were two school girls sharing a secret. "Stop doing that!" Heather commanded. "Let's just tell them today's challenge is; The Brunch of Disgustingness! You'll be getting a nine course meal and each member of each team must finish each dish. You will not know if the next dish is grosser than the last, not as gross or just as gross. Just that it will likely be gross." "Tell them what they'll get if they win, Chris!" Chef interjected. "The winning team spends two days at a local five star resort where they'll be pampered, eat gourmet nosh, and given antibiotics against anything they might've caught while participating in this challenge! The losing team will go hungry tonight and spend the next two days here on total drama island with Chef." "We are going to win this challenge." Heather asserted. <i>'Oh now she's persuaded once she heard about the beauty treatment. But we're already coming into the challenge as a dysfunctional group'</i> Just as Armana dreaded, Duncan was right; they were being challenged of if they could psych themselves out of the innate disgust of ingesting what they're prompted. Insects most likely being on the menu. Though Armana didn't confess it during the Phobia Factor challenge, one of her worst fears had to particularly be eating insects when coming on a tv show. Or rather, in a setting where they must provide basic survival necessities for themselves, thus having to eat the arthropods as a way to destigmatize our primitive, hunter-gathering selves. "Hey, don't think about it too hard." Duncan remarked by the perturbance that settled upon her expression. "You can tell?" Armana queried, letting her fear be more apparent. "Of course I can tell, you're my other half. I picked up on your body language, I kept in note of your favorite things. Everything I paid attention about you is like apart of my subconscious. I do it like the back of my hand." Armana sighed. She couldn't expect anything short from Duncan, they might as well be as one mind. "We're you actually scared of love?" "Huh?" "Back during that Phobia Factor thing, you said you were scared of love. Was that really true?" "To a certain extent, since I was afraid of letting myself be vulnerable for someone in a relationship. It's like an uncharted territory and you just feel at risk and exposed to the person....emotionally. Of course then I realized vulnerability fosters more connection, trust and emotional intimacy between that someone." They both smirked. "Yeah, we both learned a lot about each other that day." "Mhm, unfortunately though, with that out of the way, my mind is like frantic with worry about this challenge. Just imagining putting disgusting shit like bugs in my mouth is making me wanna retch at the thought of it. It's been one of my worst fears." "I get it, it's not always stigmatized to eat insects but it's always been apart of people's cultures and everything. You see it's all in the mind. Our bodies evolved to biologically keep us safe or protect us from perceived dangers. As children we were cautioned about wasps, that flies carry diseases or that beetles can bite. But it's just a mental block. It's the same reason we're repulsed by thinking about drinking chunky milk or yogurt with a green film on top. Our bodies know that the spoiled product will hurt us by keeping us creeped out about it." "Yeah but that's exactly the thing. My mind can't get over how creepy bugs are with their exoskeletons, multiple legs and eyeballs. They crawl on everything, can spread diseases and aren't clean. Hell, only about half of us are getting antibiotics for whatever shit we catch messing around and putting garbage in our mouths." Before Duncan could reason with her more, their team members were already moving to their respective sides of the cabin. "It's like what I told you, babe. It's all in here." He gestured, tapping a finger on his temple. "You got this." He brought her into him and kissed the center of her forehead, just between her eyebrows. Armana tried smiling assuringly at his denotation of comfort. But once he sat beside his teammates, she couldn't shake off the nervousness permeating her system. If anything, it was like she was facing two challenges; struggling to relinquish that mental aversion she grew up with versus by doing so, volitionally taking it through her mouth all in one moment. She wasn't sure what it was about the human's oral cavity that made her frighten the eating aspect of it. Maybe because through ingestion, your mouth had to break down food into small particles by mastication and mix it with saliva. Then in its digestible form had to be swallowed down the gullet. <i>'Yech!'</i> Armana shivered at the scrutinization of it. She had to stop thinking about it or at least control her repugnance to a milder revulsion if she wanted to move forward. "Hey Armana, you ok?" Bridgette asked next to her. Armana sighed, "Yes, I'm fine. I just hate—no—absolutely loathe the idea of putting something that doesn't belong in my mouth, in my mouth. Like bugs." "I understand. I feel the same way about eating meat. I just <i>can't </i>eat meat." Arman chuckled at Bridgette's emphasis, making her feel a bit better if the two were to help each other out on looking past their fears. "Ahem!" Leshawna uttered for her peers to cast their eyes on her. "Take a whiff boys <i>sniff </i>cause all I smell is victory from me and my girls!" <i>'How can she be so confident?'</i> Armana had to applaud Leshawna for her large generosity and this positivity that emanated off of her as an aura that then became the atmosphere of any room she walked in. Armana sighed again, pushing back her anxiety and tried to look for the comfort of the kiss Duncan planted on her forehead. "I'll eat anything, even my drawers if I have to!" Owen defended, showing his dirtied pair of underpants. "....Will I have to?" "Let's begin the challenge!" Chris proclaimed. "First, some order." Chef served the first round of dishes with a cloche lid to the contestants. Armana lifted the lid to reveal something odd, oval and kidney shaped. It looked like organs of some sort with it's pink-bluish colored tissue. <i>'Wait...are these...'</i> "Alright, meatballs! Bring it on!" Owen expressed, guzzling down the whole plate. "Well technically, you're right Owen, but these are kind of special." Chris smiled. "It's beef meatballs or shall I call them, Prairie Oysters!" Chef presented. Owen spewed out the chewed up testes onto DJ whose face became covered with green matter. Armana winced at the sight then looked down at her plate incredulously. She picked up an organ with an index and thumb; it felt smooth, devoid of any lumps or bumps and also firm but not hard. She sniffed it but discovered it didn't have a distinct smell to it. She then looked back at the guys who were all rather sentimental for the amount of bulls castrated for the culinary dish. Not only them but also Bridgette. <i>'That's right, she can't eat meat'</i> Yet, Heather saw the guys' reluctancy as an advantage and suddenly began to unhesitatingly eat the testes. The other girls began following suit, including Armana (much to the boys' shock). She could familiarize the taste as being very potent and meaty. A bit bland but kind of like a robust chicken liver. "What's the matter?" Heather taunted. "Mmm, big boys can't eat a little meatball?" "Come on, we can't let the girls win! Our manhood is at stake!" Geoff buoyed up to which Armana chuckled at hearing. She made eye contact with Duncan and smirked at his disinclination. Upon meeting her eyes, he mirrored her smugness and ate one whole. "What are you doing? Why aren't you eating?" Heather abruptly inquired from Bridgette. "I'm a vegetarian, it's against my principles." Bridgette answered. "Are you sabotaging the team just to spite me?" "I....." "Back off, Heather." Armana warned. "Let her decide on her own what she doesn't or want to eat." "Look at you trying to be a hero. But I don't care whether or not she wants to eat it. I am going to make sure we go to that five star resort even if it means putting aside a little bit of dignity. Especially if it's not even in her religion." It was Duncan's turn to laugh quietly as their team bonded. <i>'Knew they were getting along' </i>He thought. "That still doesn't take away from her morals—" "Okay, okay, it's fine. I'll eat them. I just don't want us to fight." Bridgette stepped in. "Kay, thanks lots, Bridge." Heather smiled and went back to her seat. "I know she's a bitch but does she have to blatantly show it?" Armana muttered. "You don't have to, Brit. It's against your principles." "I know but it's alright. It's not all that bad, they're sometimes castrated for medical reasons. Plus, I wanna be at that resort too." Armana exhaled and let go of the subject but still felt bad as Bridgette ate into the meat. She didn't like the idea of Heather unscrupulously controlling others. Throughout the competition, she's been manipulative of getting what she wants with her sights only on the cash prize. Sure you're playing in a competition but it didn't have to be done without scruples of conscience. Heather assumed the role as their "captain" or "leader" since she had the proclivity of asserting herself over others. Contrarily to the guys who were able to agree on Geoff as their head of the team while the girls had this hostile ambience between them. However, it deemed Heather's insistence to be worth it since Trent, Owen and DJ couldn't proceed with the challenge. "I can't do it." Trent admitted, covering his eyes in embarrassment. "Well, looks like the guys lost this round. The first challenge goes to the female campers!" Chris stated, earning shouts of joy from the girls. Duncan narrowed his eyes at Armana who in response blew a raspberry. "The score now stands one for girls and zero for guys. Now the next course in the Brunch of Disgustingness." On cue, Chef came in with a bigger plate on a dining cart and as challenged; with a cloche lid to retain the mystery of what they'd eat. "You guys like pizza?" Chris questioned. <i>'This won't be good'</i> "I could eat pizza anytime with <i>anything</i> on it." Owen replied, and that let Armana know that the girls were in for some big trouble. "<i>Anything</i>?" Chris remarked, prompting Armana's nervousness to return. "How about live grasshopper with tangy jellyfish sauce and five anchovies?" <i>'Oh hell no. Live grasshopper? Jellyfish? Anchovies?' </i>Armana thought in horror and repeated it to herself aloud for good measure. The rest of girls reacted alike as Chef cut the pizza in various sections and proceeded to pass it to all of the contestants. Seeing a slice of the preparation actually in front of her made Armana slightly nauseous. She vurped (vomiting plus burping, yes it's a word) in reaction, accompanied by an icky taste being left in the back of her throat. "Mm-mm! That is straight up nasty! I ain't eating that." Leshawna declined, moving her plate beside her. <i>'I'm with you on that'</i> "Oh yes you are!" Heather demanded. "I am not missing out on a indoor heated pool just because you can't keep down a few...." Before she could finish her sentence, she noticed something on her finger. "AAAAAAAHHHHH!" She screamed, shooing a grasshopper off her fore she could regain her composure. "Grasshoppers. Okay, I can't do this." But as Heather stood up, Gwen grabbed her wrist. "I'm digesting a bull's precious <i>cajones. </i>You're gonna eat!" She told her. "Fine! Can I at least get a little parmesan on this?" Chef shook his head causing the girl to shakily breathe and mentally prepare herself, "O-Okay then, here I go." She took a bite out of her slice and swallowed it down with an *<i>mmph</i>*. "Delicious, who's up next?" She offered with a fearful smile. Armana burped up a bit more vomit but quickly swallowed it back as she fixedly gazed at her food, particularly the grasshopper. It was green and 14-23 millimeters, so about smaller than your fingertip. She watched it in idle, allowing her to take notice of its finely pitted wings only about a quarter of its length. The room was filled with loud stridulation as the grasshoppers thumped wherever there was place for them. Although their chirruping noises fiddled in her ears, her grasshopper was quiet. It may be because it was imposed by a larger foe, such as her. It stilled next to the foraged anchovy presently throwing itself about at the struggle for oxygen. And what Armana thought was cheese, was actually a purple bell shaped hood of the fore-mentioned jellyfish, baked into some spicy sauce and the dough. <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;I can't tell you how many times I threw up in my mouth just looking at the pizza. Just by looking at it and it was only the second round. I was on the verge of throwing up what I ate from the last one&lt; Armana's heart raced, turning her head to avert and close her eyes as if the dish would disappear. She tried covering her sensory areas being her nostrils and mouth as she felt the queasiness of nausea fill her stomach, urging the contents she's just ate to come out. But she repeatedly swallowed it down as her mouth built up with saliva. She became unbeknownst of her body hunching over where she sat, her body uncontrollably repeating rhythmic contractions in her respiratory muscles. <i>'It's like what I told you, babe. It's all in here' </i>She thought about Duncan in different instances as she tried to find emotional stability or her peace of mind. '<i>You're right, there will have to come to a final two in order for one person to win the cash prize. It makes me think of Hunger Games; where Katniss and Peeta were the last two remaining and instead of killing each other like the Capitol wanted, they both planned to consume Nightlock berries in order to kill themselves.' 'Are you saying we'll be Katniss and Peeta?' </i>'<i>Its</i> <i>a bit corny but yeah in a sense if it does come down to us. Would you eat poisonous berries rather than win?' 'Possibly, if Chris has us do something to bring each other harm.' 'That really tells you how shitty this show is.' 'Damn right.'</i> In a sense, they were eating those poisonous berries because of the unpalatable sources they were being forced to eat. Sure the challenge wasn't necessarily being obligated by Chris because if you couldn't do it, it would simply cost you the round. And the resort. But it was pressured by the competition and both Armana and Duncan committed to each other what they'd have to do to win. "Go Armana. Go Armana." Bridgette rooted as the girl concentrated. Her eyes remained squeezed shut at the mental effort. <i>'It's you and me. This is all you and me. At the end of all this, the tv show, if one of us win, I just want any possible outcome to end with you and me together.' 'It's you and I against everyone here and we'll do whatever it takes to make sure they're nothing else but stepping stones to our victory. Ok?'</i> She felt that wave of sickness slowly diminish the more she thought of the peace of when it would just be her and Duncan. "Go Armana. Go Armana." <i>'We could go off somewhere, forget about the cameras, the show, the people. It's not about them or the sake of entertainment. It'll just be us...and it won't have to end after tonight.'</i> That was his first promise to her. The night they first kissed. The night they put the competition behind them and let their emotions take over. At that, she turned back to her plate and opened her eyes. It was like her surroundings came back to her once she realized Bridgette was cheering her on. Without another thought, Armana's body moved on its own and her hands quickly went for the waiting pizza slice. The grasshopper suddenly tried to fleet but Armana caught it in its jump and scoffed it into her mouth. Ah, the eating aspect of it. Her eyes rolled back at the loud crunch conducting in her ears as she crushed the insect with her teeth. It's hemolymph splattering against the wall of her gum and her tongue while she tried to swiftly complete the process of mastication. It's taste was pungent, particularly bitter like the glucosinolates in the mustard oils you'd taste in vegetables. After what felt like slow motion to her, she finally swallowed the grasshopper then ate the slice. Her spine shivered as she took sections of the pizza, tasting the fish combined with the salty, chewy mildness of the jellyfish and the burning capsaicin of the sauce like the jellyfish stung her. "Woohoo!" Bridgette shouted, few of the girls clapping with praise. "How do you feel?" Armana moaned, "Like I was going to die." "But hey, the thing about close death encounters is what you did to make it out of the encounter. You conquered one of your worst fears and you should be proud of yourself for that." Armana inarticulately grumbled in response, resting her head on her arms. Bridgette sighed seeing a weakened Armana and rubbed her back. Leshawna and Lindsay were left out of the group who hadn't ate or even touched their food. Seeing Armana fall ill made Lindsay retract from her plate, "Uh, there is no way I'm eating that! It's not even food." "Lindsay," Bridgette grabbed her shoulders. "Lindsay. Listen, let's try a little yogic meditation, okay? It's kind of like how Armana was able to find the center of her mind but for this you'd have to get into lotus position." On the table, Lindsay seated in a cross legged posture with the soles of her boots facing upward and heels close to her abdomen. She brought her hands into <i>Gyan Mudra </i>and straightened her spine, inhaling deeply to lift her rib cage and exhaled at a regular rhythm. She closed her eyes and repeated a mantra as Bridgette was also in the seating emblem but fed her the pizza on each <i>Om.</i> "Now that's what I'm talking about; teamwork slamming some fingers!" Leshawna enthused, spiritedly twinkling her fingers with Bridgette. Meanwhile, Trent struggled eating the pizza, also becoming engulfed by the feeling of nausea but was unable to hold it down. He dryly heaved into his hand before he had to excuse himself. "I've got a weak stomach, uh be right back." He assured and ran to throw up outside. On his return, he urged Geoff and DJ to push him down and force feed him the pizza 'no matter how much he screamed or begged'. It proved to be avail as Duncan and Owen held their nose to be unable to taste their food as they ate. Unfortunately, Leshawna hung back until she was the remaining girl to finish. "O-Okay you know what? I can't be doing this! Little grasshopper minding his own business. What I want to go and bite his little head off for?" She whimpered. "The winners of this round...are the guys!" Chris declared. Leshawna looked between Bridgette and Heather, earning a glare from the ravenette and for the blond to facepalm. "What?" She said with her shoulders raised. "Alright, who's ready for the third course?" Chris rhetorically questioned as the indication for the next round to begin. Armana raised her head with heavy eyelids once the next set of food was being passed to the teens. She felt herself growing sicker with each second ticking by. Her stomach lurched and gurgled while her brain felt like it would swell beyond the capacity of her skull. She quietly expressed it with another moan which concerned Bridgette further. "Are you okay, Armana? You don't look so good. It's alright if you can't continue." Bridgette comforted, rubbing her back more. "I'm okay Brit. I just need to get this challenge over with so I can finally rest." Armana responded, staring at her reflection in the cloche lid. "Are you sure? I don't want you to put this dumb thing above your own health. They even said they basically wouldn't provide medication for the team who loses. I don't want you getting any sicker." "Brit, I promise im okay. Just a bit green around the gills." "Really? You're gonna use euphemism?" Armana smiled, "Yeah, just so my friend doesn't worry so much." Bridgette smiled back and squeezed her shoulder. "And for the third course, spaghetti! Well actually earthworms covered in snail slime sauce and hair balls!" <u>Intervene:</u> <b>Armana, 16</b> &gt;It's like how do they even come up with this crap? They just mash whatever they can think of to mimic a cuisine. Not to add I already might've caught something from that forbidden pizza&lt; "No! I can't take it anymore! AHH!" Geoff yelled, his relaxed personality suddenly collapsing into a catatonic state. "I'll take care of this." DJ ascertained his team. On Geoff's way of running out the cabin, DJ unexpectedly followed close on his heels and tackled him to the grass. Armana shook her head, laughing inwardly with a smile. Then her face fell with seriousness, looking at the plate of worms with green mucus and collected hair. Her nose wrinkled and her upper lip raised, yet she put her fork into a few of the worms and let the tines rest against the curved indentation of the plate. She proceeded to twirl the fork around and gave it brief lifts to prevent too many of their bodies accumulating on the implement. Then as she found her peace of mind, she was actually able to eat the entire plate. Each group of worms she twisted around her fork and brought to her mouth, she ate quickly by hardly chewing them and letting their naturally-lubricated selves ease down her throat. While the slime was nondescript, the worms tasted earthy, unsurprising since it was simply in their diet. Although she was able to complete the challenge, the rest of the girls contended with the meal. "Wow, Armana. You finished the whole plate? How are you feeling?" Bridgette asked in surprise. "I feel like I need to throw up but I won't until this challenge is over." Armana informed. "I don't know if that's conducive for you, 'man. If you need to throw up, it's better for your body to get the toxins out of your system." Armana shook her head. "I can't. Not when I just ate. It's part of the challenge or else I might as well eat my own vomit. And we both wouldn't wanna see that." Bridgette nodded and turned to focus on eating her plate. Quickly, Armana felt another inclination to vomit. Saliva watered in her mouth once more, trying to swallow it back but it was only nugatory since she continued to salivate. She decided to raise from her seat and spit the excess in the garbage, realizing that swallowing it would worsen her nauseation as it was trying to serve as a protective layer against the acidic gastric content. Her hands were holding the edge of the garbage can as her head hung low. Perspiration settled upon her forehead and she became lightheaded, manifestations of her illness consecutively hitting her. She tried closing her eyes to alleviate her dizziness, wondering how she hasn't puked yet. <i>'It's coming any minute now. I can feel it. I'm only delaying the inevitable. How was I even able to eat that whole thing of worms? It only irritated my stomach more'</i> Meanwhile, the guys were able to strategically distract themselves by wearing blindfolds and using clothespins to clamp their nostrils together. Then they wouldn't be revulsed by the sight of what they were eating nor the taste since much of the flavor of food came from smell. "And once again, the winners are the guys!" Chris stated. As the guys exuberantly shouted, the girls sat with their hands reversed and their chins in their palms, propping up their heads in a dispirited or bored manner. But Bridgette quickly lightened their mood. "Come on you guys, let's show them some girl power!" She heartened. "Bridgette's right, let's kick some boy butt." Gwen assented. "Yeah! Just like I've been saying all along. We've gotta act like a team." Heather agreed, though no one was buying her pretense. "That's ironic coming from you." Armana muttered. "Whatever." Leshawna said in response. "Alright everybody! Time for course number four, no nine course meal would be complete without soup. Today's special is; French bunion soup with hangnail crackers." Upon lifting the domed cover from the plate, the liquid dish was a combination of water, meat stock, swimming pieces of pubes (cause it sure as hell wasn't from his head), toenail clippings and other unknown dregs at the bottom of the bowl. It appeared as a feculent green substance with flies already buzzing around it, one even floating in her food. "Let's just get this over with." Armana deadpanned, not wanting to think much else about the soup. She brought the bowl to her lips and tipped it up, letting the mixture pour in her mouth. <i>'</i><i>And</i><i> this shit cold'. </i>Even though she wasn't supposed to think about it, she was at least expecting the soup to be warm when it was prepared. Anywho, she could barely tell or taste the ingredients as she quickly passed it down her throat, wiping the dribbles that escaped past the corners of her mouth. Seeing Armana consume the soup gave Bridgette an idea. She found a golden colored funnel in the cabin, having Lindsay dip her head back and surround her lips on the utensil's narrowed tube. Bridgette channeled the soup into the device and watched it guide a downward flow into Lindsay's mouth with eagerness. "I didn't even taste it." Lindsay approved. The method worked for the rest of the team, earning their victory. "The girls win again!" Chris announced, marking them two points now. "And it's now tied up in two. But only five courses left, bon appétit." The upcoming courses ensued; a giant ball composed of several pieces of chewed up, multicolored gum (fifth serving), the pure essence of skunk oils liquefied, shaken and poured into a glass for the campers to drink through a straw (sixth serving), sandals with a silicone sealant smiley face drawn on it (seventh serving), and a stew of literal garbage with banana peels, fish heads, soda cans and among other things in a brown slop (eighth serving). Currently, everyone exhaustedly groaned. Armana sat with her head resting on her arms again, on the verge of consciousness. The localized aching pain in her abdomen made her double over; feeling like her innards were being replaced by some kind of black hole as it became so intense that it left her unable to think or move until it passed. <i>'That's it, I can't eat anymore. The pain's become too much to bear. I need to throw up'</i> "Wow, it's still tied up. We're down to the last course in the challenge!" Chris said. Armana hadn't looked up as the last serving of dishes were being presented. "Its delicious dolphin wieners! Hot dogs made of dolphins!" However, at the announcement, Armana picked her head up and cocked an eyebrow at the sound of such a simplified item. She peeked at the food and was surprised to see that it was indeed a basic frankfurter served in a long roll. It didn't look different from any other sausage but just another cylindrical length of a certain minced meat that you'd have to take your cook's word for. She considered on trying it since she never tasted dolphin before, but ultimately deduced that she wasn't putting anything else in her mouth. "But dolphins are our friends!" Bridgette exclaimed in shock. "What are you waiting for? It's already dead. If you don't eat it, we can't win!" Heather coerced. "Oh I can't! I'm a surfer, I swim with dolphins." "Eat it!" "No! I'm not doing it! You can't pressure me to." "I'm with you sister." DJ chipped in. "I'm not eating no dolphin." At that, DJ and Bridgette crossed their arms obstinately, putting a standstill on either teams. Periodically, Chris sighed, "Okay! Enough! We'll solve this by having an eat off." Leshawna and Owen were then pitted against each other, sitting together at a table with shot glasses aligned on a tray. "Whoever can drink the most glasses of fresh, delicious blended cockroach will be the winner. This unlikely satisfying blend of eight different cockroaches is vitamin rich for your balanced lifestyle! On your mark, get set, go!" The teens hurriedly tilted their heads back and within the respect of doing said action, the liquid was shot. They matched in their pace but Leshawna noticeably slowed down towards the last three shots, six glasses downed by either teen. However as she met her limit, Owen's obscene eating habits kicked in and he finished the remaining three in rapid succession. He threw his arms in the air victoriously and passed out. "Owen wins!" Chris called out, marking the guys 3 to the girls' 2. The guys happily clamored, angering Heather into confronting her teammate. "Leshawna, you're completely useless!" She chastised. But Leshawna didn't utter a rebuttal, instead a chain of vomit unexpectedly ejected from her. The vomit expelled over the table in large quantities, working it's way to spill over the edge of the surface. A chain reaction soon unfolded; DJ vomiting in sequence, Trent, Chef, Chris, etc. Seeing the mess in front of her made Armana bolt outside. Another wave of nausea swept over her but this time off her feet. # ~ Chapter 29 ~ Armana sprinted into the open air, not wanting to feel cooped up inside where she'd share the same as her sick peers. "Armana!" She heard Duncan suddenly call out to her but she could only proceed to where there was shrubbery. She breathed with loud laborious breaths through her mouth once she stopped, placing her hands on her knees and leaning forward above a bush. Duncan promptly arrived next to her, rubbing circles clockwise on her back to try to somewhat comfort her from her pain. "Slow down your breathing. It's okay just try to breathe." He softly said, exchanging sweet nothings to calm her. "It hurts, so bad." She hissed as a spike of pain intermittently shot through her abdomen. "It feels like something is trying to tear me open!" "I know, precious, I know. Just take deep breaths for me and let it out." She exercised a bit more diaphragmatic breathing; moving her stomach with each breath upon expanding while inhaling and contracting while exhaling. Subsequently, her abdominal muscles and her diaphragm simultaneously contracted in precedence of her emesis. The vigorous contractions came in short pulses, heaving without bringing up any substance though shortly as her stomach squeezed, intragastric pressure elevated to open the esophagus and close her glottis to seal the airway. The pyloric sphincter at the bottom of her stomach was held closed, leaving the only way out for the vomit to go being upwards. "Blarghhh!" The contents forcefully erupted from her, propelling several feet away rather than coming in shorter, violent bursts. Her body purged an orange liquid with great exertion, feeling as though she was being suffocated by how she momentarily couldn't breathe for as long as it took to expel her stomach content. With each hurl she shot, she hungered for air as the sensation of the strong urge to breathe developed. Her short breaths increased in number per pause as she tried to take in larger amounts of air before her stomach squeezed again. Duncan listened as the substance proceeded to strike against the densely branched plants and smelled the fermented odor of butyric acid. But even as she convulsed and agonizingly vocalized with every round, he continued to rub her back in different patterns from clockwise circles to going in up and down zig zags. He maintained a gentle tone with words he still spoke in her ear along the lines of; "you're okay", "that's it, beautiful", "let it out". It came to a standstill when she was brought to dry retches; only undergoing a few more of coordinated contractions in her abdomen. Finally after the expulsion, she was almost immediately met with relief after she felt a decreased pressure from her stomach. Although as she found peace to stand up, she moaned with a facial grimace at the consequent soreness in her abdomen. Duncan lightly embosomed her, kissing her in the same place of her forehead that made her want to melt into a puddle. "You okay, prinny?" He softly asked with his lips pressed onto her temple. Though as he asked her, he felt like he was making a minimization of her current health. She appeared debilitated by her closed, downcast eyes, dewed forehead, shallow breathing and paled skin. Taking in the sight made him tighten his arms and hold her closer. So close he hoped that she wouldn't even feel her own body weight on her feet and he could carry it all for her. Before she could respond, he spoke, "I shouldn't have asked such a silly question. Of course you're not okay. Just by looking at you I'm afraid if I let go you'll fall. That you won't even be able to handle the simple leisure of walking. Let me take you to lay down." Without waiting for her to opine, he immediately lifted Armana up from the crook of her knees and behind her back. He knew she would've felt like she was an imposition of some sort, wanting to foreclose any fulfillment for her needs from being sick. But Duncan was disposed to help her more than anything, simply inborn with good nature. "Duncan." Armana whined, the boy knowing she was ready to utter his name once she felt herself off the ground. "I know what you're gonna say but I don't need further consideration to know what my princess deserves. So, doesn't that mean you've well earned some royal treatment?" He plausibly questioned, wearing that characteristic smirk that always aroused admiration from her. She smiled and placed her arms around his shoulders, "Yeah, I guess it does." He then brought her to the infirmary and laid her down on one of the beds. "Sorry, I would've took you to your cabin but I didn't wanna hear any fuss for being a guy and ya know, like I was intruding." He explained. "It's perfectly fine, Dunc. I really appreciate it." Armana thanked him. "Bridgette would probably know some remedies for post-vomiting, too. I wouldn't want to hold you up on your little vacation." "Are you kidding? I thought I was making it clear that I'm staying." "What?!" "How can I enjoy myself if my pretty princess is ill? How will I know you're okay?" "D, I only threw up, it's not like I have gastroenteritis or something. Most likely just really bad food poisoning." "Still, I care about you being sick. When I looked at you at first it was like you were enervated or weak. It almost scared me." "Look, D, I love you but I'd rather you go on that luxurious trip than be on this dump of an island. I know you're worried about the losers not getting any medicine but since Bridgette has first aid training, I'm sure she could find a type of ailment with some of the common items or foods around here." Duncan stood there silent for a moment to process her words. Armana sat uncertain of why he looked more...surprised as he took a prolonged silence to speak. But then realized what she said. A coppery taste filled her mouth and she felt her cheeks instantly warm as her blood drew to the surface of her face. She began to quickly fidget with her fingers, fear stricken as she anticipated a negative evaluation from Duncan. That her words would be undermined and it'd disrupt their smooth relationship. She stammered, "I-I'm sorry Duncan, I-I didn't mean to—" "<i>Did</i> you mean it?" He suddenly asked, with his head bowed and his brow ridge obscuring his eyes. From her angle, it caused a shadow to cast above the bridge of his nose like he had a blank expression. She felt intimidated from the distinctive solemnity generating from him. She abashedly gazed downwards, afraid to meet his eyes. But he approached her much to her unbeknownst, making her startle at the sensation of his hand stroking her chin. She could then direct contact with his eyes, reading a sort of desperation as she could see his question reflect in his teal irises with the way he imploringly searched her ocher ones. "Tell me." He then commanded, awaiting for—what felt like an eternity—her confirmation. Armana deeply sighed and held his hand against her cheek, "Of course I meant it, D. I noticed the more we moved into the competition, the more we fell for each other even as we're together. We would have conversations about leaving this show to live our lives, to have a future. Although it became clear to me that we want to be real, ya know outside of the affairs of meeting on a tv show, I was afraid of how you actually felt. Cause saying those three words signify a shift in the relationship, a move towards a new deeper level of commitment for couples. And we're teenagers. I didn't want to say it too soon that I could be confusing lust for love or be flippant with the phrase. Or else it would dilute the meaning. Nowadays, it just gets thrown around, so how would these people know on a scale of love that they mean any more to the person than their morning cereal? I mean, it's also going to be more of an emotional risk the earlier you say it. I didn't want to put you under that pressure to say it back. Especially if the feeling wasn't mutual and you'd become so frightened by the intensity of it that you'd choose to end the relationship as a whole. I wanted us to still get to know each other while we're in the midst of a casual and fresh relationship. For all these reasons, they're such pivotal words. So I wanted to wait for the right time to say it...so it could be true and heartfelt. I'm sorry. I ruined that for us." Armana looked close to tears, trying to suppress her large discontentment with the situation but ultimately broke down, blubbering. She quickly drew back from Duncan's touch and hunched over to hide her face in her hands. Her face clinched as her chin and lips visibly wobbled with her bursts of sobs, audibly inhaling deep breaths only to deflate with another erratic set of whimpers. Briefly, Duncan sat down and gently took Armana's hands, instantly stopping her tears as if he controlled them with a tap. He ran his thumbs over her hands' dorsum, feeling the tears that seeped through the crevices of her fingers having dried onto her skin. Then he flipped her hands to see her palms damped with the liquid caught and accumulated in the flexion creases. He placed her palms on his face to have her tears moisten his cheeks, as if he could share her sadness while indicating that he wanted to be cried on. She silently watched him in awe as he made the implication to her, moving her hands on her own with his atop. She curved her hands so her fingers would encase his jawline and that her opposable digits could caress his cheeks to swipe the remnant of her tears. Almost to say she was comforting him, a reversible gesture they shown to empathize with each other. Momentarily, Duncan relaxed her left hand from his face, turning it so he was holding it in his right and began to kiss her palm. The way his lips felt on the inner surface of her hand caused her to giggle and reflexively twitch. Catching her reaction, Duncan pressed harder kisses to evoke excited shrieks and her body to double up with explosives of her adorable laughter. Duncan chuckled at the girl then trailed his kisses up her arm and to her neck. Armana immediately sighed at the erogenous sensation, tilting her head and elongating her neck so she could feel his mouth prod and lick her skin. She lowly moaned and bit her lip at the melded pleasure, slight pain and pressure of his love bites. Pleased with the small bruises, he continued to the juncture of her neck and jaw and slowly worked his way up to her soft, full lips. Though, she then became reluctant. "D-Don't kiss me, I just puked less than an hour ago." She shyly explained. The boy laughed, "Out of all the shit we ate you think I care about that? Trust me, this is the least disgusting thing for me today." Seeing her exhibit satisfaction with his answer, he inclined his head and latched his lips with hers. Upon kissing her did Duncan realize how much he craved for the prospect. It felt like the unity of two jigsaw pieces, fitted by the projection and recession of the other's lips that made the kiss feel right, complete or meant for connection. It fostered a sense of closeness and attachment in him, fervently pulling her into his body to relish the natural sweetness of her lips. He loved how the taste of her mouth befuddled him, every contact between their lips tantalizing him and addicting him for more. It was like a natural high along with the fascination of the disproportionate amount of space to the sensation of the lips compared to their larger body parts. In the heat of their kiss, their lips opened to part way for their tongues to protrude and greet each other like they were featureless life forms. Their tongues interacted through different shapes from lengthening, shortening, curling or uncurling to convey vigorous elements of dominance. Through quick writhing movements to try to push the other tongue backwards and subdue it, either ceased wrestling and the life forms relaxed. At ease, they then engaged with softer intentions to learn each other and choreographed in a smooth coordination. The harmonization of their graceful motions became Yin and Yang; interconnecting their hosts in a stabilization of inner balance. The fleshy protuberances served fusing two bodies to dispatch communiques to either recipients which by keeping the teens in close proximity, they couldn't help but take in note of the temperature, the taste, the smell, or their movements. Cascades of neural impulses bounced between the brain, lips, facial muscles, skin and more tactile sensations, denoting billions of nerve connections to distribute around the body. It was an exciting excursion into the sensual, connecting with the other on a sense of well being and full bodied pleasure. A pleasure that emerged as a lusciousness pulling you out of the mundane and the ordinary and taking you into moments of the extraordinary. So they were more unified than ever, an intimacy even greater than copulation. Duncan cupped Armana's cheek and slowly detached from her, a thin string of saliva suspending from their lips. He protruded his tongue to catch the line and break it as he passed it over his lips and smirked to see her shyly look away. But as he held the side of her face, he stroked his thumb to win her eyes back on him. "What we were talking about," He continued. "Don't be sorry, cause you didn't ruin anything. You opened a new avenue for us. It changes things for the better as our relationship will only deepen. It's just like how you were talking to me about how you were afraid to be vulnerable, feeling emotionally at risk or exposed but letting that interpersonal aspect of intimacy intensify? It's that ability to deeply and authentically connect with each other that a feeling of peace and comfort existed and it flowed and progressed to the point that saying the words came naturally or when it felt right. The timing doesn't define the relationship but it's as long as it validates how you're feeling as well as feeling good to say it but also feeling good to hear it. That being said, I love you. I love you so much, Armana, so indefinitely that I couldn't even adequately describe it. And it scares me shitless, because I never thought I could fall for someone so hard—it's an intense, encompassing feeling. It feels irresponsible and uncontrollable. My perception of things, visibility, character, mental strength all just went for a toss. Once you came into my life, I discovered myself further and saw another aspect of me. Being with you 24/7; your appearance, personality, perception, how you dealt with a situation, all became a part of my life and I began to see these things creeping onto me. I changed and saw a shade of you in me. It's an energy that fills me with a red hot ball of warmth and vigor—liveliness that I want to savor, even in my breathing. I...I...." As if the energy was called forth, warm tears imminently pricked Duncan's eyes. Although he meant to blink them away, the silvery liquid ran down his cheeks. Some of them rolled off his chin or into the seam of his lips, tasting the saltiness of them without bothering to lick away their accumulation. He attempted wiping his sleeve across his face like his expression would be gone but it only changed by a few degrees, with lines trenching his skin. Folds furrowed his eyebrows as they contracted into a frown while tremors suddenly shook through his body as if he might erupt. The more he quivered—forewarning the pressure rising in his ocular conduits—the more his expression submitted by the inner corners of his brows raising, his eyelids loosening and the corner of his lips being pulled down. He finally crumbled and bursted forth with weeps, instantly hiding his eyes behind his forearm from Armana. He left view of the bottom half of his face while his mouth was widened with thinned, taut lips that made a squared opening upon producing his cries. The last time he's actually cried was when he lost Petey. Although he was only 6, it stood as such a distinct memory for him because of the devastation he felt. He naturally grew so emotionally attached to his dog that he turned to him for comfort, to voice his fears and emotional experiences. After his disappearance, it was a lonely process for him since his family brushed it off and thus, he didn't have anyone to sympathetically or therapeutically talk to through his grievance. Since then, he used different outlets to express or deal with emotions as such, resenting his parents and shelling himself into a juvenile delinquent. Therefore, having now break down in front of his girlfriend, he felt 6, disgusted with himself and much too ashamed when he was supposed to be the "rock" in their relationship. It all transpired rather quickly for Armana but seeing him dissolve into the emotional state was all she needed to attend him. "Duncan, baby what's wrong?" She gently asked him, holding onto his shielding arm though he wouldn't budge. "Hey, I'm right here, Dunny. I'm here for you. Just talk to me." Yet, he continued to sob almost inconsolably. Armana decided to sympathetically hold him and let him cry on her. Her shoulder dampened as she hugged him closely by his neck and listened and felt each gasp he shakily took with spasmodic sniffles. He'd choke back on every few sobs to try and keep himself from crying but Armana would coax him '<i>let it out, baby</i>' or 'it's ok, <i>you can cry' </i>and he'd utter another weep aloud. Armana circled a hand over his back and ran the other through his hair, alternating her fingertips to rub against his scalp and to draw his strands in between her fingers. The pattern and her encouragement gradually calmed him down, noticing by how his crying quieted, his breathing evened and he repeatedly sniffled in a form of recovery. Even so, Armana continued her actions so she could indicate her support. To show that he could lay all of himself on her and no matter the circumstance of his troubles or for how long he needed to cry, he could rely on her. She would be there. As she waited for when he felt ready to talk, she spoke, "It's ok D, it's completely normal to cry. We aren't wired as cold machines who run on logic alone, who wants only what's sensible for ourselves. It's simply in our nature, to be an emotional person is embracing your humanity. To cry at a emotion is a strength to see and engage with what is truly being seen and felt. It's an open door readying to let any wanderer meet you as you truly are. It's a blessing of being part of the natural world along with so much to teach the open heart and mind. So seeing your eyes swim with the ocean currents of your tears as blue as your irises is so beautiful to me. So full of life and acknowledgment." By then, Duncan looked up from her words, allowing her to see his tear streaked face with red blotches marked across his nose and cheeks. Nevertheless, Armana found his expressiveness appealing because it showed an authenticity of himself—where he could be who he really was versus how he usually is during most of his activities. He could let go, he could be vulnerable, he didn't have to prove anything to her. She observed his eyelashes stuck together in separate clusters from catching the liquid as a watery glaze overlayed his eyes. The inside of his eyebrows remained lifted with that conspicuous inverted V that collaborated in a artistic conveyance to her, thus, captivating her all the more. '<i>So beautiful' </i>She must've thought out loud because his face flushed warm and in turn he slightly looked away. Armana apologetically smiled and stroked his soul patch, "I'm sorry, Dunc, I hope I'm not embarrassing you or anything. It's just, I'm in love with who you are and watching you constantly grow is exciting. We're <i>both</i> growing. We're both maturing. This is a learning process for us and handling powerful forces such as emotions can be difficult. Just like how you said it feels uncontrollable, it's because they can be so powerful and compelling that a person may feel out of control, losing the ability to think straight, to the point that it feels unbearable. We're both emotionally intense with a capacity for compassion, empathy, and sensitivity in our relationship while showing strong emotional attachments to people, places and things." At that, Armana understood why Duncan was brought to tears without him having to make a coherent reason through his previous sobbing. It was him simply showing how much he truly loved her. His love for her so overwhelming that the emotion was out of his control and he couldn't hold back the ensuing tears. "Men are deemed to be the strong one in the relationship, so I'm sure you had a lot of pressure on yourself. Glad to get that off, huh?" Armana softly asked to which Duncan nodded and cleared his throat. "Thank you, Armana, for everything. For you. For just naturally being who you are, doing what comes to your instincts or your character. You established this comfortability that I didn't have with myself. You said to me to promise that I'll remember not to carry any burden of inadequacy. I'll be free to be myself, know that I'm good enough for who I am and not on definitions of how masculine someone may find me. I tried to carry out your words and hope that it's good enough. That I'm good enough." Armana thrusted out her lips in sympathy, "Oh Duncan, of course you're good enough. You're more than I could ask for. Than I could deserve. Now come here you big fluff ball." They brought each other tightly into either ones' arms and heartily clutched the other's frame, prolonging the shared warmth with a slight sway and sounds of small groans and grunts. "I love you." Duncan told her. "I love you too." Armana responded. ".....Armana?" "Yes?" "Can I stay here with you? Pretty please?" Armana internally held her chest. <i>'The cuteness! He's gonna be the death of me.'</i> "Of course you can, D. You know I'm always here for you." Armana said with a sweet smile. "Thank you." Later towards sunset, a yacht berthed at the Dock of Shame. Armana and Duncan, along with the other female contestants, watched as the guys proceeded towards the sailboat. "Are you sure you don't want to go? It's not too late." Armana told him. Though he assented with a nod, she could see this contemplation he had on his face. It then registered to her that he wasn't sure if he should go. If he belonged on the trip when he just exposed the most vulnerable version of himself to her. For that reason, Duncan felt naked. Like he wasn't the same person in his own clothes. They no longer covered him in the persona he projected. So why should he wear them? "Duncan?" Armana called to him, sensing his internal conflict. She cupped his cheek so he would face her, seeing him respond with his hand supporting her's. His eyes shined with tears again but Armana cooed, "Hey, hey, I'm right here. You'll be ok, Duncan. I promise. Just go and enjoy yourself. Especially after today." "A-Are you sure?" He asked, despite himself in the situation. Armana giggled, "I should be the one asking you that question. It's your trip. Your team won and you deserve to relax." She then cupped both of his cheeks to bring him towards her, prompting him to close his eyes before she gently kissed both of them. She next kissed his lips also in a soft manner, treating him carefully as if he might break down again. "I don't deserve you, Armana." Duncan spoke with a smile once he stood up straight. "Yes you do, love. Every little bit."
ღ Glad I Met You. 2: Technology ღ ᴸˡᵒʸᵈ ˣ ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
Its been a year since Y/N, Kayla, Lloyd, Kai, Cole, Jay, and Zane saved the world from the Overlord. Ninjago was destroyed, but turned into New Ninjago City, with great technological advancements. But now they live somewhere else, and teach at Sensei Wu's new school. But lately, Cyrus Borg has been acting strange. Like, hes afraid of something. (If you just came, look at the first book if you haven't!)
[ "anime", "awesome", "book", "boyfriend", "fanfiction", "gladimetyou", "greenflame", "lemon", "lloyd", "lloydxreader", "mature", "ninjago", "ninjagoreboot", "reader", "scenarios", "season3", "technology", "wattpad" ]
[ "Teacher's Lounge", "Techno Blades", "The Evil Robots", "Techno Blades (2)", "Destroying Robots, and..", "Background Info of Y/N and Kayla", "Sensei Garmadon" ]
[ "<b>Y/N P.O.V</b>\n\nIt's been a year of us building back Ninjago City from what happened when we defeated the Overlord.\n\nWell I guess a year later, Ninjago City, became, <b>New Ninjago City.</b>\n\nIt became the center of great technological advancements.\n\nBut anyway, with an enemy to fight,, the age of the Ninja, came to an end.\n\n--\n\nWe came into the teacher's lounge, tired as heck. I plopped down our couch, while Sensei went to go get coffee.\n\nYeah, we worked at Sensei's Wu new Academy. Really stressed out about it.\n\n\" All right! Who took my pudding cup? My name was clearly written on it!\" Jay blurted out.\n\nCole threw a pudding cup in the trash, supposed to be Jay's clearly.\n\n\" I didn't see 'motor mouth' on it. \" He burped after.\n\nI tried my best to hold my laugh, but I don't what came to me.\n\nI started bursting out laughing, and everyone started looking at me\n\n\" Whats so funny, Y/N??? You wouldn't like it if someone took your pudding cup! \" Jay shouted and crossed his arms, with a little pout.\n\n\" Anyway, I'm telling the headmaster!-- \"\n\n\" Leave me out of it. \" Sensei Wu quickly said,\n\n\" I'm on break too, \"\n\n\" Relax Jay, you can have mine. \" Kai said, throwing his last pudding cup to him.\n\n\" But this isn't cold. \" I rolled my eyes. Jay can be so childish sometimes.\n\nZane instead used his powers to make cold as if it was in the freezer.\n\n\" Oh, give me! mm. \"\n\n\" Is anyone else chapped that Lloyd gets to be the Golden Ninja, and fly around accepting awards, while we're stuck here being teachers with no powers? \" Jay said.\n\n\" I don't even want to hear no one say Lloyd anymore. Its like he doesn't care about me at all.. All he does is ignore my texts and calls. I'm suppose to be out there too, but all he does is taking the credit! \" I said.\n\nYeah, Lloyd has been an asshole ever since New Ninjago City was completed.\n\n\" Exactly, Y/N! I miss our elemental powers. \" Jay said.\n\nWe saw Nya close the door quickly behind her before coming in.\n\n\" Hi Nya! I like your dress Miss Nya! \" I heard a boy say.\n\n\" Why is it when I teach, I get the feeling that none of the boys are listening? \" Nya complained.\n\n\" Maybe its because you're not teaching right. \" I muttered. <b>( yes. i kinda hate nya lmao )</b>\n\nNya looked over at me, and groaned. I chuckled.\n\nKayla LITERALLY ran inside the teacher's lounge, DEFINITELY making sure the door was closed and LOCKED.\n\n\" What are wrong with these kids??!? They're seriously perverts! \" Kayla shouted.\n\n\" I don't have a problem with them at all. \" I said, happily.\n\n\" They really love you, don't they? \" Kayla said, then layed down on my legs on the couch.\n\n\" Eh I don't know, I guess I'm too nice to them. \" I said.\n\n\" Anyway, did you guys here the news? \"\n\nEveryone turned around once they heard Nya say that.\n\n\" There's trouble? \"\n\n\" Danger? \"\n\n\" An emergency? \"\n\n\" OH OH! A new menace? \"\n\nI looked at all the boys, already ready to fight,,, Do they miss it that much?\n\n\" No.. We got a clearance for a field trip! \" Nya said.\n\nWhy does she sound so happy? It's not like we're going to the Mega Monster Amusement Park..\n\nEveryone groaned and fell on the floor.\n\n\" Not just any field trip... \" She continued,\n\n\" A field trip to tour Borg Industries! \"\n\nThats when I jumped, mistakingly making Kayla fall on her head.\n\n\" THE BORG INDUSTRIES? \"\n\nLooks like Jay did the same thing.\n\n\" As in home to super genius reclusive savant Cyrus Borg??? \" Me and Jay said in unison, still not done.\n\n\" Inventor of the hover car, and everything else cool in this world?!!?!?! \"\n\nWe stopped when Kayla hit me in the head, and Zane hitted Jay in the head.\n\n\" Ow what the hell Kayla. \"\n\n\" Paybackkkk.... \"\n\nMe and everyone else ran out to the bus, while Kai still talked and went to get some coffee.\n\n\" Who cares about Cyrus Borg? If you ask me, people should concern themselves with the lesson of the past. Not waste their time on the disposable fads of tomorrow when-- \"\n\nKai finally turned around, and saw a paper flying.\n\nWe weren't there.\n\nHe groaned, and went to catch up to us.\n\n--\n\n<b><u>A/N</u></b>\n\n<u><b>Sorry the first chapter of the second book is pretty boring, but I may make another chapter later today, so stay toon!</b></u>\n\n<b>- Alana</b>\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Y/N P.O.V\n\nI was kinda mad since we had to ride a old fashion bus, than the Ultra Sonic Raider, or the new flying cars.\n\nI sat in the back seat of the bus, playing with my nails, while Kayla sat on the edge, looking for new potions in her book.\n\nEveryone else sat in the front, just like the kids.\n\n\" Why can't we take Ultra Dragon, or the Ultra Sonic Raider? \" Brad asked.\n\n\" SAME THING I'M WONDERING! \" I shouted.\n\n\" Because they don't have one of these. \" Cole said, showing the microphone.\n\n\" Pretty cool, huh? I'm on a microphone. I am the MC! The Mighty Cole! \" He turned around and shaked his booty.\n\nEveryone groaned, and I shook my head.\n\n\" Mr. Cole is the worst! \" I heard a kid say.\n\n\" I heard that!! \" He finally sat down, then crossed his arms.\n\nI ran up to the front, and sat down next to Kai.\n\n\" So we really are going back to the city. \" Kai said to start a conversation.\n\n\" Yeah I guess so. We haven't been there since-- you know-- \"\n\n\" Last year is gone. \" Sensei interrupted.\n\n\" Tomorrow has not yet to come. \"\n\n\" We only have today.. Or else this offer expires! Get a move on Nya. \"\n\n\" Aye, Aye, Sensei! \" She finally started the bus, and we started to ride to New Ninjago City.\n\nBy the time we came, it was either 6:00.\n\nI pushed Kai out of the way to sit near the window.\n\nI looked at how Ninjago looked like.. It was so normal before, now its all about technology.\n\n\" Wow. You leave town for a short while and-- \"\n\nWe crashed into some kind of weird new car.\n\nEveryone NEARLY fell, while me, Kai, and Kayla dramatically fell from our seats.\n\n\" Ugh, who here still uses wheels anymore? Get with the progam! \" The old man asked.\n\n\" WELL, US! THE ONE WHO SAVED THE WORLD! \" I screamed at the old man.\n\n\" Shut up Y/N, Don't worry we'll free you up. Time for some old school muscle. \" I stick my tongue out at Cole, while he helped the man out of the crash.\n\nA robot came back from behind him, and actually talked.\n\n\" Stand back, pedestrian. \" The robot said.\n\nCole looked back, and had a mean frown on his face.\n\n\" Who you callin', pedestrian? \" He asked, but simply not wanting a answer.\n\n\" It appears our help is not welcome. \" Zane said.\n\n\" Well, I prefer traveling the old fashion way. On foot. Besides, its not like we can't find what we're looking for. \"\n\nWe all stepped out, and I lined up the girls, and Zane lined up the boys.\n\nWe all went in the Borg Industries, and looked around. Wow, fancier than my old house with my parents.\n\nA robotic girl came down from the steps, to introduce us.\n\nZane looked, and I knew he had the hots for her. He looked like he was shot in the heart.\n\n\" Welcome to Borg Industries. I'm P.I.X.A.L, Cyrus' Primary Interactive X-ternal Assistant Live Form. \" She explained to us.\n\n\n\n\" I'm sorry to hear about the traffic accident. \" P.I.X.A.L said.\n\n\" How did you kn-- \" P.I.X.A.L cut me off,\n\n\" Everything in New Ninjago City is fully automated and interconnected. \"\n\n\" Your antiquated bus should be ready shortly, \"\n\n\" Thats gr-- \" She cut me off again, but this time, I didn't mind. I just fangirled.\n\n\" You are Zane, a droid, like me. What does 'Zane' stand for? \" She asked.\n\n\" I stand for peace, freedom, and courage, in the face of all who threaten Ninjago. \"\n\n\" Zane, she didn't mean that tin can, she means your name. \" I laughed.\n\n\" I guess I'm just Zane. \"\n\n\" Permission to scan? \" P.I.X.A.L asked.\n\n\" Uh.. permission granted... \"\n\nMe, Jay, and Kayla fangirled so bad...\n\n\" ooo, Zane has an secret admirer! \" Jay said.\n\nI hit him on the head softly, to tell him to shut up.\n\n\" Your hardware is outdated, and your processor is slow and incompatible with ours. Peculiar. All droids must recharge our batteries, yet curiously, I'm unable to locate your energy source. \" \n\n\" Yeah, smartass. \" I said.\n\n\" Mr. Borg will like to see the ninja on the 100th floor. \" I cringed at that. 100 floors? What kind of shit is this? exercise? Oh wait, there's a elevator. Nothing to worry about.\n\n\" If the others would follow me for the rest of the tour. \"\n\nI don't know, but there's something fishy about this.. I just can't put my finger on it.\n\nMe, Kayla, and the rest of the ninja, except Zane, was going to the elevator.\n\nI looked over at Zane, who was still staring at P.I.X.A.L. So adorable.\n\n\" Zane you with us? \" He got out of his little moment finally.\n\n\" Y-yeah.. \" He walked over.\n\n--\n\nFor some reason, I could hear the elevator..\n\n<i>' Black Ninja, Blue Ninja, Red Ninja, White Ninja, (Pastel) Purple Ninja, Pink Ninja (Kayla), Golden Ninja not identified. Wait for action. '</i>\n\nI knew there was something going on. I wont tell them yet, but soon I will.\n\n--\n\nNya P.O.V (Ew)\n\nI walked over with the girls, and saw a Perfect Match Console, well, that's what they said.\n\n\" Whats Perfect Match? \" I asked.\n\n\" Its the latest craze. \"\n\n\" It finds your perfect partner with flawless results. You should try it, Ms Nya. \"\n\n\" I doubt a machine could know someones-- \"\n\n\" Hello Nya, you are an independent, self-confident young women who refuses to be in a boys club. Analyzing match now. \"\n\n\" Of course its gonna be Mr. Cole. \" I looked at the little girl who said that. They think I'm better off with Cole? (yeah bitch, no fighting for boys today.)\n\nA hologram showed up, and it was Jay. Who knew it wouldn't be? I smiled at the thought of him.. I liked him, and I know he likes me, but its hard to confess.\n\nThe girls gasped, as if it was a surprising thing. They just don't know, do they?\n\n--\n\nY/N P.O.V\n\nAfter 7 minutes, We were finally on the top where Cyrus Borg was. The elevator finally opened, and it revealed a office.\n\n\" I would've guessed the ninja to sneak in a window, not use the elevator. \" He joked.\n\nJay gasped as loud as he could.. \"Are you-- Are you--\"\n\n\" Cyrus Borg? Why yes. Unfortunately, when a parents gave me a name like that, my future in technology was predetermined. \"\n\n\n\n\n\nHe came from behind his desk, and instead of legs, its was spider-like. I dropped the cup I had from my hand, I guess Zane did also. \n\n\" Ah yes, Sadly, I've been disabled all my life. But its nothing that my mind couldn't fix. Speaking of which, my deepest condolences, Zane. I heard about your father. Oh, he was a brilliant mind. He would've fit right in. \"\n\n\" Thank you. But lost is inevitable. \" Zane said.\n\n\" Today maybe, but not tomorrow. Technology is making the impossible, possible! \"\n\nI looked around his office, and looked at the things he made, that I never seen before in my life.\n\nInspires me to invent.\n\n\" Isn't this the same place where the Overlord was destroyed? \"\n\nI looked at Kai, and I stand still. Like I couldn't move.\n\n\" Earth to Y/N? \" I heard Kayla say.\n\nI could feel the Overlord's presence here.. I don't know if I'm tripping, but I think I know what I'm talking about.\n\nI finally snapped out of it, and shook my head.\n\n\" Sorry I was thinking of something. I usually always zoom out when it comes to things like that. \"\n\n\" Usually when you do that, you knows something wr-- \"\n\n\" NO! No, I'm fine. \" I said.\n\nI looked over to Cyrus Borg, and he was sweating like crazy. He knows the Overlord is here, too. Hes just hiding it.. But how is he here?\n\n\" I don't see the Golden Ninja. \" Cyrus Borg said, ignoring everything else.\n\n\" Oh, his hands are a bit full, but we can tell him to stop by if we see him. \"\n\nMe and Cyrus Borg looked over at Cole, and opened our mouth.\n\n\" NO, its fine. \" We said.\n\n\" Uh, okay.. \"\n\n\" I want to give you a gift. \" He walked over to the statue.\n\n\"  A gift? I wont say no to that. It wouldn't happen to be cake, would it? \" Cole asked. I rolled my eyes, but I'm in the mood for cake too..\n\nHe opened the sheet, and it was a statue of him saying, ' The future is what we make it! '\n\n\" So, no cake? \" Cole and Kayla said annoyed.\n\n\" Oh wow, A statue, of yourself.. \" Me and Kai said.\n\n\" HAAA21!!@!!I KNOW!!HOWCOOLISTHAT!!!!! \" Jay said happily.\n\nCyrus Borg walked over to me, and whispered in my ear.\n\n\" Please, protect them with your life. All of Ninjago depends on it. \" I looked over at him. What the hell? Then I thought about it..\n\nOh shit.\n\n\" The Overlord, isn't it? \" I said quietly.\n\n\" Yes.. Hes back... I'll explain later. \" He whispered back.\n\nHe walked back to his desk.\n\n\" I'm sorry to cut this short, but there's things to invent. \"\n\nKayla came over to me, and whispered,\n\n\" What did he say? I saw you and him talking. \"\n\n\" Well uh, this is hard to say, but the Overlord is back. Well, your <b>father</b> I should say. Don't tell anyone, yet. \" I whispered.\n\n\" Oh my god.. Okay, deal.. \"\n\n\" Okay, we'll go. Lets take this statue with us. \" Cole said.\n\nWe all picked it up, and it was heavier than 2 damn couches at once.\n\nA statue can't be that heavy right?\n\nWe walked it in the elevator, but we all dropped it, and it broke.\n\n\" Ugh, see! Look at what you've done! \" Jay said.\n\n\" Wait, there's something in here.. \" Kai said, And took it out.\n\nIt was.. New Ninja Outfits? Who thought the day wouldn't come.\n\nThis time mine wasn't Dark Purple, it was Pastel Purple. THANK YOU!\n\nKayla took out hers, and it was Pastel Pink.\n\n\" Why would he give us new ninja outfits? \" Cole asked with confusion..\n\n\" I know why. Cyrus whispered in my ear saying, <i>'Protect it with your life. All Ninjago Depends on it.'</i> I don't know.. But I think the Overlord is back. When I didn't respond, its like I could feel his presence. \" I admitted.\n\nKai took out blades, but on the blade, it said <b>Techno Blades.</b>\n\n\" Guys, I think Y/N is onto something.. \"\n\nAll of a sudden, a alarm went off, saying,\n\n\" Techno Blades Located. Apprehend. Will the assailants stand down and drop the Techno Blades. \"\n\n\" First you call us pedestrians, and now we're assailants?? \" Jay said.\n\n\" No, we're not dropping them. \" I said.\n\n\" Okay, have it your way. \" The computer said.\n\nBefore you know it, the elevator was dropping down so fast, that we smashed on top of the elevator.\n\n\" Guys, we have to get off this thing! \" Cole said.\n\n\" Kayla, do you have a potion that can burn off a little square so we can get out?? \"\n\n\" Yeah, its called Toxic. \"\n\nShe poofed a potion in her hand, but somehow it didn't fall out her hand.\n\nShe used it on part of a ceiling, and it make a square for us to get out.\n\nWe got out one by one, but fast.\n\nWe made sure we had our techno blades, ninja suits, and got out of there. We saw another elevator coming, so we jumped on that one.\n\n\" Looks like we just quit or day jobs. \" I said excited.\n\nWe made a hole into the new one we got in, and luckily it didn't see the Techno Blades.\n\nWe got on our ninja suits, And we looked good as hell, I gotta admit.\n\nOnce the elevator opened, I flipped out, with Kayla, and we all did our dramatic poses.\n\nI guess I'll have to abandon my bow and arrow for this road.\n\n\" Lets go get the students, I think they're in trouble. and this time, We're STOPPING the Overlord for <b>good.</b> \"\n\n--\n\n<b><u>A/N</u></b>\n\n<b><u>They y'all go, I'll make another chapter tomorrow. Love you!!\n</u></b>\n\n\n\n\n<b><u>-Alana</u></b>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "\n\n\n<b><u>( READ A/N WHEN DONE PLEASE, IMPORTANT )</u></b>  \n\n\n\n\n\nNya P.O.V\n\nMe and Sensei walked the kids with the robot, PIXAL, as she showed us around.\n\n\" So, this is how factory line where-- \"\n\nShe suddenly stopped,\n\n\" This will be the end of your tour. \"\n\nHer eyes turned red, just like the other robots. Instead of them working, it looked like we were their prey.\n\nThe doors were locked, so we couldn't get out that way..\n\n\" Stay back and stay together! \" I told the kids, but INSTEAD they ran to a window.\n\n\" Great Idea! \" I said.\n\nBut they went without me saying go.\n\n\" WAIT WAIT!!! Ugh, why does the boys never listen to me? \"\n\nMe and Sensei kicked and punched the robots, breaking them into half.\n\nWe finally all gathered together, but there was still robots around... So many, I don't think we can handle it.\n\n\" Well, shit. \"\n\n--\n\nY/N P.O.V\n\nWe all got up from our ridiculous poses, and laughed a bit.\n\nWe jumped, and turned around once we saw 3 robots. Obviously the ones who called us a pedestrian.\n\n\" Oh yeah? Two can play that game! \" Kai said, With his techno blade.\n\nHe was holding it like a sword...\n\nI shake my head so hard.. He had no idea what the Techno Blades were for.\n\nHe swing the blade, and I sighed.\n\n\" What's with these things? How do we turn them on?? \" He asked.\n\n\" I have no idea, but I know for a fact its not a sword. \"\n\nWe got closer to a window, which I have no reason for, it just trapped us.\n\nThe robot shoot laser at us, which came too quick.\n\nWe all dodged it, and it went straight for the window..\n\nI facepalmed, and they had a 'oops' face.\n\nThe whole window cracked.\n\n\" Oh.. \"\n\nThen it shattered. We all flew out, but luckily held onto a fire water for times like this.\n\nWe fell, and were about to crash into another window.\n\n\" Ready to crash the party, boys and girls? \" Cole said.\n\nI smirked, and knew we were about to go in cool as hell.\n\nBut instead, we hit our faces on the window, and fell down to our death, probably.\n\nWe landed on one of those things that janitors use to clean off the window, but what hurt the most is that we piled on top of eachother, and I was at the bottom, Kayla was on top of me, and the Ninja were on top of both of us. So I was basically squished.\n\n<b><u>( READ A/N PLEASE, IMPORTANT )</u></b>\n\n--\n\n<b><u>A/N</u></b>\n\n<b><u>OKAY I'M SORRY THE ENDING OF THIS CHAPTER IS NOT EVEN A FUCKING ENDING WTF, BUT ANYWAY GO CHECK OUT MY NEW BOOK, THE STORY OF AMBROSIA STORM. ME AND MY FRIEND RIKARULES DECIDED TO MAKE IT, AND ITS PRETTY GOOD.</u></b>\n\n\n", "<b>A/N</b>\n\nhey yall its been like 4-5 months since i last updated?? im so sorry.. knowing you guys all love this book, i just slacked off on it and started making other books. But I decided to keep working on this one no matter what, might just be slow updates though.\n\n<b>But anyway do you know how hard i worked on the last chapter of gimy 1? final battle? 2-3k words, and I couldn't find the right words to fit in a lot of sentences, since i'm retarded and my vocabulary is small. but anyway here ya go. my writing might've improved, tell me down in the comments?</b>\n\n--\n\n\" Ah, shit... \" I said, face flat down, sighing. \" So are you guys gonna stay there or GET OFF ME? \" I shouted. \" Sorry! \" They all said, and quickly got off me.\n\n\" Do you guys know how damn heavy you are? be glad I didn't die! \" I brushed off dust from my ninja suit, and sighed once again.\n\n\" Yeah, yeah, we can argue later, we have something to do! \"\n\n<i>~Meanwhile~</i>\n\n\" You fool! You thought I wouldn't notice? I would get rid of you if I still didn't need you.. Don't think to betray me ever <i>again!</i> \" \n\n\" Of course not, I-I promise! I promise I wont! \"\n\n\" A promise isn't good enough! \"\n\nBefore he knew it, he was being pulled away, and was pushed onto a bed.\n\n\" Please, no more! \"\n\nCries and Whimpers were heard, while he tried to call out for help.\n\n--\n\n\" But anyway, that's when Borg said 'he' was listening! \" I explained to Jay. \" Do you really think hes the.. Overlord? \" Jay said with disgust.\n\n\" I know for sure. I felt the Overlord's presence in there, and evil power just like I sensed back at the Final battle. It's impossible though.. We defeated him!\" I said.\n\n\" Defeat, yes. but did you<i> destroy? </i>\" I looked over to Zane.\n\nWe all looked down, and started to think hard.\n\nWe saw a bright light hit us in the sky, and looked to the right.\n\n\" I don't know, Zane, but we can! \" Jay said.\n\nZane quickly ran over to the other side, and put a hand on Cole's shoulder.\n\n\" Cole, throw me. \"\n\n\" Excuse m-- \"\n\n<b><i>\" THROW ME! \"</i></b>\n\nCole quickly nodded, and threw Zane over to the helicopter.\n\nZane got on the back, and got out the Techno Bla--\n\n<i>WAIT WHY IS IT SUDDENLY CHANGED NOW?</i>\n\nHe then hit<i> </i>it on helicopter, hacking it, and making it his.\n\n\" Woah! \" I said with a smirk. \" Let me try! \"\n\nTo my luck, more helicopters were coming, shooting at us.\n\nI quickly snapped my concentrated, and made a dark cloud for me to use almost as a tiny plane.\n\nI zoomed over to the other side of the vechicle, and got off the cloud, pouncing onto the helicopter.\n\nI got out my Techno Blade, and instead of white, It turned a pretty Pastel Pink.\n\n\" Ooh, pretty.. \"\n\nI punched it onto it, and hacked into it.\n\nThe helicopter soon became mines. Covered with White and Pastel Purple, and had wings for decoration.\n\n\" Wow, beautiful. \" I got in.\n\nBy the time I was done, everyone has already gotten into theirs.\n\n\" Lets go !! \"\n\n\n\n\n<b><i>A/N</i></b>\n\nTHIS WAS ACTUALLY REALLY FUN TO MAKE BC IDK BUT BYE~", "\n\n\nSoon, we were driving our helicopters to go get Nya and the school kids, just for them to run out on time.\n\nI saw Pixel, but she didn't look like the Pixel we all knew. She tried to drag Nya back, but she end up kicking her in the face and catching up with the kids.\n\n\" Hurry, she's one of them, we have to go! \"\n\nI saw Zane look back at Pixel, and I sighed. \" I knew this was gonna happen. \"\n\nWe soon then got to the bus and let all the kids in.\n\n\" Nya, you have to drive them to the school, and bring back the Golden Ninja! \"\n\nI flinched at what Cole said. I'm gonna finally see Lloyd... that bastard.\n\nI then sensed the presence of an evil robot, and I started to look around, looking for the culprit. <i>' I sense it... Where could they be? '</i>\n\n\" Whats wrong, Y/N? \" Cole asked. \" I sense a evil presence coming our way... \"\n\nAfter I said that, I saw a robot running to the bus, getting ready to demolish it.\n\n\" Lightning! \" I shouted, and a strike of lightning came to strike from the sky to the robot, stopping it from harming anyone.\n\n\" Y/N, I almost forgot you can control the weather. \" Jay said.\n\nSoon the kids in the bus started cheering for me. \" Y/N is now my favorite teacher! \" Nya finally drove the school bus, and we huddled up.\n\n\" So we can hack into their system with the Techno Blades?\n\n\" Then we have a big advantage! \" I said.\n\n\" So, what would you say if we did a little hack-attack? \"\n\nWu started to put up a plan.\n\n\" Zane, Kai, Y/N, you take to the skies. I want Cole and Jay on the ground. as for me, I'll do what I can for the people. \"\n\nCole chuckled, \" Anyone else feeling all tingly inside? \"\n\n\" Me! I can't wait to drive in our new helicopters, and go find Lloyd. \" I smiled.\n\n\" Yeah, we already know you can't wait to see Lloyd. You love-birds. \"\n\n\" S-Shut up! \" I blushed.\n\n-\n\nMe, Zane and Kai were soon flying, but Kai was on top of our helicopters, since he hasn't found the one who suits him yet.\n\nI then sense another evil presence coming behind us, and I warned Kai.\n\n\" Kai! there is an evil robot behind us! Get ready. \"\n\nHe turned around and grinned\n\n\" Oooh, I want that one! \"\n\nHe hacked the helicopter soon making it his. It was covered with red, black, and a tiny bit of white with fake flames on the back.\n\n\" Your helicopter still isn't cooler than mine! \" I shouted.\n\nSoon, I heard Cyborg's voice in my helicopter.\n\n\" What the hell! \"\n\n<i>\" I see you have learned how to use the Techno Blades. Listen, they are far more important than what you think. But this is what I have to tell you. Weeks ago, we discovered a virus laying dormant in our system. <b>The Overlord.</b> You have to get the Techno Blades out of the city. If the Overlord finds out you have them, he will never let you leave the city. I've also given you new outfits to help block the facial recognition software. If I knew this was to happen, I would've never built where the Overlord was destroyed! Goodbye, ninja. And good luck. \"</i>\n\nSo the hologram closed, and I finally understood.\n\n\" So I was right. The Overlord really isn't gone. He's back. \"\n\nSoon after that flying robots came after me. I only managed to stop a few, but they were surprisingly too much for me.\n\nI gave a message to Jay and Cole, \" Can you guys handle that? \"\n\n\" Sure thing! \" Jay then hacked a huge vehicle, destroying the robots. \" Hey, Cole, need a hand with those security mechs? Or maybe just some old-fashioned artillery fire? \"\n\n\" I think I got a handle on it! \"\n\nHe hacked the ground robots, and continued to destroy them.\n\n\" Stomping robots to robot stomper! \"\n\n-\n\nThird Person\n\nNya came running in the school, shouting for Lloyd. \" Lloyd! The ninja are in trouble an-- \"\n\n\" Oh hi Nya. I was watching my favorite game show and boom, the T.V just dies on me. \"\n\n-\n\nBack to Y/N P.O.V\n\n\" We have to get the Techno Blades out of the city! \" I told everyone.\n\n\" But what about Sensei Wu? We can't just leave without him. \" Zane said.\n\n\" There he is. I'll pick him up and meet you guys there okay? \" I said.\n\n\" How about just let me do it Y/N-- \" Kai said,\n\n\" No, its fine. I'll do it. \"\n\nI finally got to Sensei, but there were too many robots.\n\n\" I can't find a place to land, Sensei! \"\n\nHe didn't speak not even one word, and jumped off one of the robots and held onto my wing on my 'copter.\n\nWe all parked at one place, only to be fully surrounded by robots.\n\n\" These are too many robots, we can't fight them. \"\n\n\" Fight them, they'll run out of batteries somehow! \"\n\n\"...Well, I'm not so sure about that. \"\n\nBut then suddenly, the robots were hit with a golden light, and turned back to normal.\n\nEveryone started cheering.\n\n\" Is it you, Lloyd? \"\n\nI saw him land with his Dragon, and smile.\n\n\" Robots versus Ninja? Ha, never. \"\n\nEveryone started to hug him.\n\n\" Alright!! \"\n\n\" You are a sight of sore eyes. \"\n\nLloyd finally looked at me, and it was something about him. I saw lust.\n\nI walked over to him and smiled.\n\n\" I missed you, Lloyd. \"\n\nHe grabbed my waist and put his face closer to mines.\n\n\" I missed you too. \"\n\nFinally, the gap between us was closed, as we passionately kissed.\n\nI heard a few whistles and them cheering Lloyd on.\n\nWe broke the kiss, and smiled at eachother.\n\n\" Well, lets go guys! \"\n\n--\n\n\n", "Y/N (Your Name) Storm\n\nAge: 17\n\nBirthday: (Your Birthday)\n\nElement: Master of Weather/Storms\n\n--\n\nWeapons Y/N uses: Bow and Arrow\n\nThe way Y/N uses this weapon is by shooting it up in the air \n\nfor rain, snow, or lightning. or shoot at anyone/anything and she\n\ncould make fire, water, and etc. She can also make Tornados,\n\nTsunamis, Hurricanes and many more Natural Disasters.\n\nThey're going to be a bit small, so it cannot destroy an entire city,\n\nstate, country, or nation.\n\n--\n\nBackground of Y/N: Her parents are Alyssa (L/N) and Brandon (L/N),\n\nHer mother was the Master of Weather/Storm like her and her father\n\ndid not have an element. Her parents knew all her life that she had an\n\nelement, but did not tell her. Instead, they decided to let her find out on\n\nher own later in life. Her Grandma, the best Master of Weather/Storm,\n\nwere partners with the First Spinjitzu Master. Their relationship was platonic,\n\nand they ended up finding love later in life.\n\n--\n\nY/N was destined to fall in love with Lloyd, and to be with him for eternity.\n\nas this is their prophecy.\n\n-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\n\nKayla Johnson\n\nAge: 16\n\nBirthday: August 25th\n\nElement: Master of Potions\n\n--\n\nWeapon Kayla uses: Unknown\n\nKayla has all different kinds of potions, that are for healing, evil, transforming, and more\n\nmagical things. She can use it on herself and also for other people.\n\n--\n\nBackground of Kayla\n\nKayla is the daughter of the Overlord. Yes, the Overlord had a child with a human, that\n\nhe wishes never to speak about. Instead, he decided to use Kayla for evil, and also make\n\nher spy on Lloyd. Meanwhile doing this she end up falling in love with Lloyd, and\n\nbetraying the Overlord after the fight with Y/N. Her mother is unknown, and will never\n\nfind out who her mother really is.\n\n--\n\n Kayla was destined to meet Lloyd, to betray the Overlord, and join Y/N and the Ninjas.\n\n\n\n\nThis was posted so I can remember! \n\n- Alana", "~\n\n\" So, you couldn't help yourself. \"\n\nWe suddenly stopped cheering, and looked around to find out where the voice is coming from.\n\n\"The Golden Ninja, and the Purple Ninja. we meet again.\"\n\nLloyd was about to say something, but I stopped him. \" What do you want from us? We defeated you before, and we can do it again. \" I looked over to Lloyd and smirked.\n\n\" Oh, I don't want to fight... I just want your <b>POWER! </b>\"\n\n\nMe and Lloyd got ready to fight, but Sensei stopped us.\n\n\" No, both of your powers are only making them stronger. \"\n\n\" Then how do we fight? \" I asked.\n\n\" We don't \" Kai replied, \" We need to get you and Lloyd out of the city and Techno Blades. \"\n\n\" We don't have much time, but I have a plan. Huddle close. \" Wu said.\n\n---\n\nJay, Cole, Zane and Kayla is getting out of the city with me and Lloyd, while Sensei and Kai is making a distraction for the Overlord.\n\nThe plan succeeded, and found a place to hide. Lloyd's Mother and Father place. It's kinda awkward since I'm his girlfriend, but this is very important right now, so we have no choice.\n\n\" Thank you goodness we found a place to lay low at. \" Lloyd said.\n\n\" Lloyd, heres a new gi so the signals will scramble up just incase they end up finding us. \" Nya handed his new outfit to him, and he quickly put it on.\n\nI smiled because it matched with ours, and now we can finally look cute. right?\n\n\" Lloyd? \"\n\nI turned around and saw Lloyd's mother, Misako.\n\n\" Mother! \" Lloyd shouted, and hugged her.\n\n\" Wheres 'Lord' Garmadon? \" Kai asked, obviously giving sass.\n\n\" Oh, he goes by the name 'Sensei' Garmadon now. \"\n\n\" Uhm, did you just say SENSEI Garmadon? \" Jay said.\n\n\" I'm glad hes on our side now, with Sensei Wu gone we could use some help. \" Zane said.\n\n\" Come in, but no weapons allowed. Ever since the battle with Lloyd, Garmadon sworn an oath to never fight, in hope to make up for his evil past. \"\n\nZane ending up watching the Techno Blades for us outside. I really thank him for that. We really take him for granted, don't we?\n\n---\n\nAfter some lessons from 'Sensei' Garmadon and practicing, we all went out separate ways and went to our rooms to rest. But me and Lloyd end up in the same bedroom.\n\nI took off my ninja gi infront of Lloyd, since I'm use to it and pretty much comfortable. We've been dating for a year, and a lot has happened.\n\nOne thing I sure did notice is that Lloyd has been staring at me with lust since we finally reunited. I wonder whats up with him.\n\nLloyd continued to stare at me as I undressed. I put on some tight shorts and a small shirt, just to go to sleep with. Totally not to seduce Lloyd.\n\nLloyd then walked up to me, and put his hands around my waist.\n\nI gasped, and looked at him in the eye. \" Whats up with you? \" I asked.\n\n<b>*A BIT OF EXPLICIT CONTENT*</b>\n\nHe looked at me up and down, and bit his lip. \" Got the nerve to look THAT delicious in front of me. You just want to get fucked. \"\n\nAh, did I mention that Lloyd has a REALLY freaky side? Yeah, you didn't see that coming didn't you. I really used to this, but it's been a while since he's been like this. No matter how many times he said he was going to fuck me, he hasn't. So I'm still a virgin.\n\nI said nothing and just wrapped my arms around his neck. He then guided us to the bed, and sat me down. He pushed me onto the bed and hovered over me, putting his hands in my shirt to touch my body.\n\nI moaned, and he smirked. Suddenly he roughly kissed me, as if he's been waiting to do this. I kissed him back, and put my arms around his neck once again. He continued to roam his hands around my body, but suddenly stopped kissing me to take off my shirt, to reveal my purple bra, my boobs slowly bouncing from him taking off the tight shirt. He watched as it bounced, and I could tell he was getting even more horny. I called it, cause suddenly I felt something hard slowly rubbing on my private. God, his thing is big.\n\nHe took off my shorts, then his pants to reveal the big print from his boxers. \" You ready? \" He asked me.\n\n\" I'm ready.. \"\n\n~\n\n<b>A/N</b>\n\n<b>I honestly APOLOGIZE if there were any underage CHRISTIAN children reading this book and did NOT expect me to add some mature things. :)</b>\n\n<b>-Alana</b>" ]
Title: ღ Glad I Met You. 2: Technology ღ ᴸˡᵒʸᵈ ˣ ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ Description: Its been a year since Y/N, Kayla, Lloyd, Kai, Cole, Jay, and Zane saved the world from the Overlord. Ninjago was destroyed, but turned into New Ninjago City, with great technological advancements. But now they live somewhere else, and teach at Sensei Wu's new school. But lately, Cyrus Borg has been acting strange. Like, hes afraid of something. (If you just came, look at the first book if you haven't!) Tags: ['anime', 'awesome', 'book', 'boyfriend', 'fanfiction', 'gladimetyou', 'greenflame', 'lemon', 'lloyd', 'lloydxreader', 'mature', 'ninjago', 'ninjagoreboot', 'reader', 'scenarios', 'season3', 'technology', 'wattpad']
# Teacher's Lounge <b>Y/N P.O.V</b> It's been a year of us building back Ninjago City from what happened when we defeated the Overlord. Well I guess a year later, Ninjago City, became, <b>New Ninjago City.</b> It became the center of great technological advancements. But anyway, with an enemy to fight,, the age of the Ninja, came to an end. -- We came into the teacher's lounge, tired as heck. I plopped down our couch, while Sensei went to go get coffee. Yeah, we worked at Sensei's Wu new Academy. Really stressed out about it. " All right! Who took my pudding cup? My name was clearly written on it!" Jay blurted out. Cole threw a pudding cup in the trash, supposed to be Jay's clearly. " I didn't see 'motor mouth' on it. " He burped after. I tried my best to hold my laugh, but I don't what came to me. I started bursting out laughing, and everyone started looking at me " Whats so funny, Y/N??? You wouldn't like it if someone took your pudding cup! " Jay shouted and crossed his arms, with a little pout. " Anyway, I'm telling the headmaster!-- " " Leave me out of it. " Sensei Wu quickly said, " I'm on break too, " " Relax Jay, you can have mine. " Kai said, throwing his last pudding cup to him. " But this isn't cold. " I rolled my eyes. Jay can be so childish sometimes. Zane instead used his powers to make cold as if it was in the freezer. " Oh, give me! mm. " " Is anyone else chapped that Lloyd gets to be the Golden Ninja, and fly around accepting awards, while we're stuck here being teachers with no powers? " Jay said. " I don't even want to hear no one say Lloyd anymore. Its like he doesn't care about me at all.. All he does is ignore my texts and calls. I'm suppose to be out there too, but all he does is taking the credit! " I said. Yeah, Lloyd has been an asshole ever since New Ninjago City was completed. " Exactly, Y/N! I miss our elemental powers. " Jay said. We saw Nya close the door quickly behind her before coming in. " Hi Nya! I like your dress Miss Nya! " I heard a boy say. " Why is it when I teach, I get the feeling that none of the boys are listening? " Nya complained. " Maybe its because you're not teaching right. " I muttered. <b>( yes. i kinda hate nya lmao )</b> Nya looked over at me, and groaned. I chuckled. Kayla LITERALLY ran inside the teacher's lounge, DEFINITELY making sure the door was closed and LOCKED. " What are wrong with these kids??!? They're seriously perverts! " Kayla shouted. " I don't have a problem with them at all. " I said, happily. " They really love you, don't they? " Kayla said, then layed down on my legs on the couch. " Eh I don't know, I guess I'm too nice to them. " I said. " Anyway, did you guys here the news? " Everyone turned around once they heard Nya say that. " There's trouble? " " Danger? " " An emergency? " " OH OH! A new menace? " I looked at all the boys, already ready to fight,,, Do they miss it that much? " No.. We got a clearance for a field trip! " Nya said. Why does she sound so happy? It's not like we're going to the Mega Monster Amusement Park.. Everyone groaned and fell on the floor. " Not just any field trip... " She continued, " A field trip to tour Borg Industries! " Thats when I jumped, mistakingly making Kayla fall on her head. " THE BORG INDUSTRIES? " Looks like Jay did the same thing. " As in home to super genius reclusive savant Cyrus Borg??? " Me and Jay said in unison, still not done. " Inventor of the hover car, and everything else cool in this world?!!?!?! " We stopped when Kayla hit me in the head, and Zane hitted Jay in the head. " Ow what the hell Kayla. " " Paybackkkk.... " Me and everyone else ran out to the bus, while Kai still talked and went to get some coffee. " Who cares about Cyrus Borg? If you ask me, people should concern themselves with the lesson of the past. Not waste their time on the disposable fads of tomorrow when-- " Kai finally turned around, and saw a paper flying. We weren't there. He groaned, and went to catch up to us. -- <b><u>A/N</u></b> <u><b>Sorry the first chapter of the second book is pretty boring, but I may make another chapter later today, so stay toon!</b></u> <b>- Alana</b> # Techno Blades Y/N P.O.V I was kinda mad since we had to ride a old fashion bus, than the Ultra Sonic Raider, or the new flying cars. I sat in the back seat of the bus, playing with my nails, while Kayla sat on the edge, looking for new potions in her book. Everyone else sat in the front, just like the kids. " Why can't we take Ultra Dragon, or the Ultra Sonic Raider? " Brad asked. " SAME THING I'M WONDERING! " I shouted. " Because they don't have one of these. " Cole said, showing the microphone. " Pretty cool, huh? I'm on a microphone. I am the MC! The Mighty Cole! " He turned around and shaked his booty. Everyone groaned, and I shook my head. " Mr. Cole is the worst! " I heard a kid say. " I heard that!! " He finally sat down, then crossed his arms. I ran up to the front, and sat down next to Kai. " So we really are going back to the city. " Kai said to start a conversation. " Yeah I guess so. We haven't been there since-- you know-- " " Last year is gone. " Sensei interrupted. " Tomorrow has not yet to come. " " We only have today.. Or else this offer expires! Get a move on Nya. " " Aye, Aye, Sensei! " She finally started the bus, and we started to ride to New Ninjago City. By the time we came, it was either 6:00. I pushed Kai out of the way to sit near the window. I looked at how Ninjago looked like.. It was so normal before, now its all about technology. " Wow. You leave town for a short while and-- " We crashed into some kind of weird new car. Everyone NEARLY fell, while me, Kai, and Kayla dramatically fell from our seats. " Ugh, who here still uses wheels anymore? Get with the progam! " The old man asked. " WELL, US! THE ONE WHO SAVED THE WORLD! " I screamed at the old man. " Shut up Y/N, Don't worry we'll free you up. Time for some old school muscle. " I stick my tongue out at Cole, while he helped the man out of the crash. A robot came back from behind him, and actually talked. " Stand back, pedestrian. " The robot said. Cole looked back, and had a mean frown on his face. " Who you callin', pedestrian? " He asked, but simply not wanting a answer. " It appears our help is not welcome. " Zane said. " Well, I prefer traveling the old fashion way. On foot. Besides, its not like we can't find what we're looking for. " We all stepped out, and I lined up the girls, and Zane lined up the boys. We all went in the Borg Industries, and looked around. Wow, fancier than my old house with my parents. A robotic girl came down from the steps, to introduce us. Zane looked, and I knew he had the hots for her. He looked like he was shot in the heart. " Welcome to Borg Industries. I'm P.I.X.A.L, Cyrus' Primary Interactive X-ternal Assistant Live Form. " She explained to us. " I'm sorry to hear about the traffic accident. " P.I.X.A.L said. " How did you kn-- " P.I.X.A.L cut me off, " Everything in New Ninjago City is fully automated and interconnected. " " Your antiquated bus should be ready shortly, " " Thats gr-- " She cut me off again, but this time, I didn't mind. I just fangirled. " You are Zane, a droid, like me. What does 'Zane' stand for? " She asked. " I stand for peace, freedom, and courage, in the face of all who threaten Ninjago. " " Zane, she didn't mean that tin can, she means your name. " I laughed. " I guess I'm just Zane. " " Permission to scan? " P.I.X.A.L asked. " Uh.. permission granted... " Me, Jay, and Kayla fangirled so bad... " ooo, Zane has an secret admirer! " Jay said. I hit him on the head softly, to tell him to shut up. " Your hardware is outdated, and your processor is slow and incompatible with ours. Peculiar. All droids must recharge our batteries, yet curiously, I'm unable to locate your energy source. "  " Yeah, smartass. " I said. " Mr. Borg will like to see the ninja on the 100th floor. " I cringed at that. 100 floors? What kind of shit is this? exercise? Oh wait, there's a elevator. Nothing to worry about. " If the others would follow me for the rest of the tour. " I don't know, but there's something fishy about this.. I just can't put my finger on it. Me, Kayla, and the rest of the ninja, except Zane, was going to the elevator. I looked over at Zane, who was still staring at P.I.X.A.L. So adorable. " Zane you with us? " He got out of his little moment finally. " Y-yeah.. " He walked over. -- For some reason, I could hear the elevator.. <i>' Black Ninja, Blue Ninja, Red Ninja, White Ninja, (Pastel) Purple Ninja, Pink Ninja (Kayla), Golden Ninja not identified. Wait for action. '</i> I knew there was something going on. I wont tell them yet, but soon I will. -- Nya P.O.V (Ew) I walked over with the girls, and saw a Perfect Match Console, well, that's what they said. " Whats Perfect Match? " I asked. " Its the latest craze. " " It finds your perfect partner with flawless results. You should try it, Ms Nya. " " I doubt a machine could know someones-- " " Hello Nya, you are an independent, self-confident young women who refuses to be in a boys club. Analyzing match now. " " Of course its gonna be Mr. Cole. " I looked at the little girl who said that. They think I'm better off with Cole? (yeah bitch, no fighting for boys today.) A hologram showed up, and it was Jay. Who knew it wouldn't be? I smiled at the thought of him.. I liked him, and I know he likes me, but its hard to confess. The girls gasped, as if it was a surprising thing. They just don't know, do they? -- Y/N P.O.V After 7 minutes, We were finally on the top where Cyrus Borg was. The elevator finally opened, and it revealed a office. " I would've guessed the ninja to sneak in a window, not use the elevator. " He joked. Jay gasped as loud as he could.. "Are you-- Are you--" " Cyrus Borg? Why yes. Unfortunately, when a parents gave me a name like that, my future in technology was predetermined. " He came from behind his desk, and instead of legs, its was spider-like. I dropped the cup I had from my hand, I guess Zane did also.  " Ah yes, Sadly, I've been disabled all my life. But its nothing that my mind couldn't fix. Speaking of which, my deepest condolences, Zane. I heard about your father. Oh, he was a brilliant mind. He would've fit right in. " " Thank you. But lost is inevitable. " Zane said. " Today maybe, but not tomorrow. Technology is making the impossible, possible! " I looked around his office, and looked at the things he made, that I never seen before in my life. Inspires me to invent. " Isn't this the same place where the Overlord was destroyed? " I looked at Kai, and I stand still. Like I couldn't move. " Earth to Y/N? " I heard Kayla say. I could feel the Overlord's presence here.. I don't know if I'm tripping, but I think I know what I'm talking about. I finally snapped out of it, and shook my head. " Sorry I was thinking of something. I usually always zoom out when it comes to things like that. " " Usually when you do that, you knows something wr-- " " NO! No, I'm fine. " I said. I looked over to Cyrus Borg, and he was sweating like crazy. He knows the Overlord is here, too. Hes just hiding it.. But how is he here? " I don't see the Golden Ninja. " Cyrus Borg said, ignoring everything else. " Oh, his hands are a bit full, but we can tell him to stop by if we see him. " Me and Cyrus Borg looked over at Cole, and opened our mouth. " NO, its fine. " We said. " Uh, okay.. " " I want to give you a gift. " He walked over to the statue. "  A gift? I wont say no to that. It wouldn't happen to be cake, would it? " Cole asked. I rolled my eyes, but I'm in the mood for cake too.. He opened the sheet, and it was a statue of him saying, ' The future is what we make it! ' " So, no cake? " Cole and Kayla said annoyed. " Oh wow, A statue, of yourself.. " Me and Kai said. " HAAA21!!@!!I KNOW!!HOWCOOLISTHAT!!!!! " Jay said happily. Cyrus Borg walked over to me, and whispered in my ear. " Please, protect them with your life. All of Ninjago depends on it. " I looked over at him. What the hell? Then I thought about it.. Oh shit. " The Overlord, isn't it? " I said quietly. " Yes.. Hes back... I'll explain later. " He whispered back. He walked back to his desk. " I'm sorry to cut this short, but there's things to invent. " Kayla came over to me, and whispered, " What did he say? I saw you and him talking. " " Well uh, this is hard to say, but the Overlord is back. Well, your <b>father</b> I should say. Don't tell anyone, yet. " I whispered. " Oh my god.. Okay, deal.. " " Okay, we'll go. Lets take this statue with us. " Cole said. We all picked it up, and it was heavier than 2 damn couches at once. A statue can't be that heavy right? We walked it in the elevator, but we all dropped it, and it broke. " Ugh, see! Look at what you've done! " Jay said. " Wait, there's something in here.. " Kai said, And took it out. It was.. New Ninja Outfits? Who thought the day wouldn't come. This time mine wasn't Dark Purple, it was Pastel Purple. THANK YOU! Kayla took out hers, and it was Pastel Pink. " Why would he give us new ninja outfits? " Cole asked with confusion.. " I know why. Cyrus whispered in my ear saying, <i>'Protect it with your life. All Ninjago Depends on it.'</i> I don't know.. But I think the Overlord is back. When I didn't respond, its like I could feel his presence. " I admitted. Kai took out blades, but on the blade, it said <b>Techno Blades.</b> " Guys, I think Y/N is onto something.. " All of a sudden, a alarm went off, saying, " Techno Blades Located. Apprehend. Will the assailants stand down and drop the Techno Blades. " " First you call us pedestrians, and now we're assailants?? " Jay said. " No, we're not dropping them. " I said. " Okay, have it your way. " The computer said. Before you know it, the elevator was dropping down so fast, that we smashed on top of the elevator. " Guys, we have to get off this thing! " Cole said. " Kayla, do you have a potion that can burn off a little square so we can get out?? " " Yeah, its called Toxic. " She poofed a potion in her hand, but somehow it didn't fall out her hand. She used it on part of a ceiling, and it make a square for us to get out. We got out one by one, but fast. We made sure we had our techno blades, ninja suits, and got out of there. We saw another elevator coming, so we jumped on that one. " Looks like we just quit or day jobs. " I said excited. We made a hole into the new one we got in, and luckily it didn't see the Techno Blades. We got on our ninja suits, And we looked good as hell, I gotta admit. Once the elevator opened, I flipped out, with Kayla, and we all did our dramatic poses. I guess I'll have to abandon my bow and arrow for this road. " Lets go get the students, I think they're in trouble. and this time, We're STOPPING the Overlord for <b>good.</b> " -- <b><u>A/N</u></b> <b><u>They y'all go, I'll make another chapter tomorrow. Love you!! </u></b> <b><u>-Alana</u></b> # The Evil Robots <b><u>( READ A/N WHEN DONE PLEASE, IMPORTANT )</u></b>   Nya P.O.V Me and Sensei walked the kids with the robot, PIXAL, as she showed us around. " So, this is how factory line where-- " She suddenly stopped, " This will be the end of your tour. " Her eyes turned red, just like the other robots. Instead of them working, it looked like we were their prey. The doors were locked, so we couldn't get out that way.. " Stay back and stay together! " I told the kids, but INSTEAD they ran to a window. " Great Idea! " I said. But they went without me saying go. " WAIT WAIT!!! Ugh, why does the boys never listen to me? " Me and Sensei kicked and punched the robots, breaking them into half. We finally all gathered together, but there was still robots around... So many, I don't think we can handle it. " Well, shit. " -- Y/N P.O.V We all got up from our ridiculous poses, and laughed a bit. We jumped, and turned around once we saw 3 robots. Obviously the ones who called us a pedestrian. " Oh yeah? Two can play that game! " Kai said, With his techno blade. He was holding it like a sword... I shake my head so hard.. He had no idea what the Techno Blades were for. He swing the blade, and I sighed. " What's with these things? How do we turn them on?? " He asked. " I have no idea, but I know for a fact its not a sword. " We got closer to a window, which I have no reason for, it just trapped us. The robot shoot laser at us, which came too quick. We all dodged it, and it went straight for the window.. I facepalmed, and they had a 'oops' face. The whole window cracked. " Oh.. " Then it shattered. We all flew out, but luckily held onto a fire water for times like this. We fell, and were about to crash into another window. " Ready to crash the party, boys and girls? " Cole said. I smirked, and knew we were about to go in cool as hell. But instead, we hit our faces on the window, and fell down to our death, probably. We landed on one of those things that janitors use to clean off the window, but what hurt the most is that we piled on top of eachother, and I was at the bottom, Kayla was on top of me, and the Ninja were on top of both of us. So I was basically squished. <b><u>( READ A/N PLEASE, IMPORTANT )</u></b> -- <b><u>A/N</u></b> <b><u>OKAY I'M SORRY THE ENDING OF THIS CHAPTER IS NOT EVEN A FUCKING ENDING WTF, BUT ANYWAY GO CHECK OUT MY NEW BOOK, THE STORY OF AMBROSIA STORM. ME AND MY FRIEND RIKARULES DECIDED TO MAKE IT, AND ITS PRETTY GOOD.</u></b> # Techno Blades (2) <b>A/N</b> hey yall its been like 4-5 months since i last updated?? im so sorry.. knowing you guys all love this book, i just slacked off on it and started making other books. But I decided to keep working on this one no matter what, might just be slow updates though. <b>But anyway do you know how hard i worked on the last chapter of gimy 1? final battle? 2-3k words, and I couldn't find the right words to fit in a lot of sentences, since i'm retarded and my vocabulary is small. but anyway here ya go. my writing might've improved, tell me down in the comments?</b> -- " Ah, shit... " I said, face flat down, sighing. " So are you guys gonna stay there or GET OFF ME? " I shouted. " Sorry! " They all said, and quickly got off me. " Do you guys know how damn heavy you are? be glad I didn't die! " I brushed off dust from my ninja suit, and sighed once again. " Yeah, yeah, we can argue later, we have something to do! " <i>~Meanwhile~</i> " You fool! You thought I wouldn't notice? I would get rid of you if I still didn't need you.. Don't think to betray me ever <i>again!</i> "  " Of course not, I-I promise! I promise I wont! " " A promise isn't good enough! " Before he knew it, he was being pulled away, and was pushed onto a bed. " Please, no more! " Cries and Whimpers were heard, while he tried to call out for help. -- " But anyway, that's when Borg said 'he' was listening! " I explained to Jay. " Do you really think hes the.. Overlord? " Jay said with disgust. " I know for sure. I felt the Overlord's presence in there, and evil power just like I sensed back at the Final battle. It's impossible though.. We defeated him!" I said. " Defeat, yes. but did you<i> destroy? </i>" I looked over to Zane. We all looked down, and started to think hard. We saw a bright light hit us in the sky, and looked to the right. " I don't know, Zane, but we can! " Jay said. Zane quickly ran over to the other side, and put a hand on Cole's shoulder. " Cole, throw me. " " Excuse m-- " <b><i>" THROW ME! "</i></b> Cole quickly nodded, and threw Zane over to the helicopter. Zane got on the back, and got out the Techno Bla-- <i>WAIT WHY IS IT SUDDENLY CHANGED NOW?</i> He then hit<i> </i>it on helicopter, hacking it, and making it his. " Woah! " I said with a smirk. " Let me try! " To my luck, more helicopters were coming, shooting at us. I quickly snapped my concentrated, and made a dark cloud for me to use almost as a tiny plane. I zoomed over to the other side of the vechicle, and got off the cloud, pouncing onto the helicopter. I got out my Techno Blade, and instead of white, It turned a pretty Pastel Pink. " Ooh, pretty.. " I punched it onto it, and hacked into it. The helicopter soon became mines. Covered with White and Pastel Purple, and had wings for decoration. " Wow, beautiful. " I got in. By the time I was done, everyone has already gotten into theirs. " Lets go !! " <b><i>A/N</i></b> THIS WAS ACTUALLY REALLY FUN TO MAKE BC IDK BUT BYE~ # Destroying Robots, and.. Soon, we were driving our helicopters to go get Nya and the school kids, just for them to run out on time. I saw Pixel, but she didn't look like the Pixel we all knew. She tried to drag Nya back, but she end up kicking her in the face and catching up with the kids. " Hurry, she's one of them, we have to go! " I saw Zane look back at Pixel, and I sighed. " I knew this was gonna happen. " We soon then got to the bus and let all the kids in. " Nya, you have to drive them to the school, and bring back the Golden Ninja! " I flinched at what Cole said. I'm gonna finally see Lloyd... that bastard. I then sensed the presence of an evil robot, and I started to look around, looking for the culprit. <i>' I sense it... Where could they be? '</i> " Whats wrong, Y/N? " Cole asked. " I sense a evil presence coming our way... " After I said that, I saw a robot running to the bus, getting ready to demolish it. " Lightning! " I shouted, and a strike of lightning came to strike from the sky to the robot, stopping it from harming anyone. " Y/N, I almost forgot you can control the weather. " Jay said. Soon the kids in the bus started cheering for me. " Y/N is now my favorite teacher! " Nya finally drove the school bus, and we huddled up. " So we can hack into their system with the Techno Blades? " Then we have a big advantage! " I said. " So, what would you say if we did a little hack-attack? " Wu started to put up a plan. " Zane, Kai, Y/N, you take to the skies. I want Cole and Jay on the ground. as for me, I'll do what I can for the people. " Cole chuckled, " Anyone else feeling all tingly inside? " " Me! I can't wait to drive in our new helicopters, and go find Lloyd. " I smiled. " Yeah, we already know you can't wait to see Lloyd. You love-birds. " " S-Shut up! " I blushed. - Me, Zane and Kai were soon flying, but Kai was on top of our helicopters, since he hasn't found the one who suits him yet. I then sense another evil presence coming behind us, and I warned Kai. " Kai! there is an evil robot behind us! Get ready. " He turned around and grinned " Oooh, I want that one! " He hacked the helicopter soon making it his. It was covered with red, black, and a tiny bit of white with fake flames on the back. " Your helicopter still isn't cooler than mine! " I shouted. Soon, I heard Cyborg's voice in my helicopter. " What the hell! " <i>" I see you have learned how to use the Techno Blades. Listen, they are far more important than what you think. But this is what I have to tell you. Weeks ago, we discovered a virus laying dormant in our system. <b>The Overlord.</b> You have to get the Techno Blades out of the city. If the Overlord finds out you have them, he will never let you leave the city. I've also given you new outfits to help block the facial recognition software. If I knew this was to happen, I would've never built where the Overlord was destroyed! Goodbye, ninja. And good luck. "</i> So the hologram closed, and I finally understood. " So I was right. The Overlord really isn't gone. He's back. " Soon after that flying robots came after me. I only managed to stop a few, but they were surprisingly too much for me. I gave a message to Jay and Cole, " Can you guys handle that? " " Sure thing! " Jay then hacked a huge vehicle, destroying the robots. " Hey, Cole, need a hand with those security mechs? Or maybe just some old-fashioned artillery fire? " " I think I got a handle on it! " He hacked the ground robots, and continued to destroy them. " Stomping robots to robot stomper! " - Third Person Nya came running in the school, shouting for Lloyd. " Lloyd! The ninja are in trouble an-- " " Oh hi Nya. I was watching my favorite game show and boom, the T.V just dies on me. " - Back to Y/N P.O.V " We have to get the Techno Blades out of the city! " I told everyone. " But what about Sensei Wu? We can't just leave without him. " Zane said. " There he is. I'll pick him up and meet you guys there okay? " I said. " How about just let me do it Y/N-- " Kai said, " No, its fine. I'll do it. " I finally got to Sensei, but there were too many robots. " I can't find a place to land, Sensei! " He didn't speak not even one word, and jumped off one of the robots and held onto my wing on my 'copter. We all parked at one place, only to be fully surrounded by robots. " These are too many robots, we can't fight them. " " Fight them, they'll run out of batteries somehow! " "...Well, I'm not so sure about that. " But then suddenly, the robots were hit with a golden light, and turned back to normal. Everyone started cheering. " Is it you, Lloyd? " I saw him land with his Dragon, and smile. " Robots versus Ninja? Ha, never. " Everyone started to hug him. " Alright!! " " You are a sight of sore eyes. " Lloyd finally looked at me, and it was something about him. I saw lust. I walked over to him and smiled. " I missed you, Lloyd. " He grabbed my waist and put his face closer to mines. " I missed you too. " Finally, the gap between us was closed, as we passionately kissed. I heard a few whistles and them cheering Lloyd on. We broke the kiss, and smiled at eachother. " Well, lets go guys! " -- # Background Info of Y/N and Kayla Y/N (Your Name) Storm Age: 17 Birthday: (Your Birthday) Element: Master of Weather/Storms -- Weapons Y/N uses: Bow and Arrow The way Y/N uses this weapon is by shooting it up in the air for rain, snow, or lightning. or shoot at anyone/anything and she could make fire, water, and etc. She can also make Tornados, Tsunamis, Hurricanes and many more Natural Disasters. They're going to be a bit small, so it cannot destroy an entire city, state, country, or nation. -- Background of Y/N: Her parents are Alyssa (L/N) and Brandon (L/N), Her mother was the Master of Weather/Storm like her and her father did not have an element. Her parents knew all her life that she had an element, but did not tell her. Instead, they decided to let her find out on her own later in life. Her Grandma, the best Master of Weather/Storm, were partners with the First Spinjitzu Master. Their relationship was platonic, and they ended up finding love later in life. -- Y/N was destined to fall in love with Lloyd, and to be with him for eternity. as this is their prophecy. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Kayla Johnson Age: 16 Birthday: August 25th Element: Master of Potions -- Weapon Kayla uses: Unknown Kayla has all different kinds of potions, that are for healing, evil, transforming, and more magical things. She can use it on herself and also for other people. -- Background of Kayla Kayla is the daughter of the Overlord. Yes, the Overlord had a child with a human, that he wishes never to speak about. Instead, he decided to use Kayla for evil, and also make her spy on Lloyd. Meanwhile doing this she end up falling in love with Lloyd, and betraying the Overlord after the fight with Y/N. Her mother is unknown, and will never find out who her mother really is. -- Kayla was destined to meet Lloyd, to betray the Overlord, and join Y/N and the Ninjas. This was posted so I can remember!  - Alana # Sensei Garmadon ~ " So, you couldn't help yourself. " We suddenly stopped cheering, and looked around to find out where the voice is coming from. "The Golden Ninja, and the Purple Ninja. we meet again." Lloyd was about to say something, but I stopped him. " What do you want from us? We defeated you before, and we can do it again. " I looked over to Lloyd and smirked. " Oh, I don't want to fight... I just want your <b>POWER! </b>" Me and Lloyd got ready to fight, but Sensei stopped us. " No, both of your powers are only making them stronger. " " Then how do we fight? " I asked. " We don't " Kai replied, " We need to get you and Lloyd out of the city and Techno Blades. " " We don't have much time, but I have a plan. Huddle close. " Wu said. --- Jay, Cole, Zane and Kayla is getting out of the city with me and Lloyd, while Sensei and Kai is making a distraction for the Overlord. The plan succeeded, and found a place to hide. Lloyd's Mother and Father place. It's kinda awkward since I'm his girlfriend, but this is very important right now, so we have no choice. " Thank you goodness we found a place to lay low at. " Lloyd said. " Lloyd, heres a new gi so the signals will scramble up just incase they end up finding us. " Nya handed his new outfit to him, and he quickly put it on. I smiled because it matched with ours, and now we can finally look cute. right? " Lloyd? " I turned around and saw Lloyd's mother, Misako. " Mother! " Lloyd shouted, and hugged her. " Wheres 'Lord' Garmadon? " Kai asked, obviously giving sass. " Oh, he goes by the name 'Sensei' Garmadon now. " " Uhm, did you just say SENSEI Garmadon? " Jay said. " I'm glad hes on our side now, with Sensei Wu gone we could use some help. " Zane said. " Come in, but no weapons allowed. Ever since the battle with Lloyd, Garmadon sworn an oath to never fight, in hope to make up for his evil past. " Zane ending up watching the Techno Blades for us outside. I really thank him for that. We really take him for granted, don't we? --- After some lessons from 'Sensei' Garmadon and practicing, we all went out separate ways and went to our rooms to rest. But me and Lloyd end up in the same bedroom. I took off my ninja gi infront of Lloyd, since I'm use to it and pretty much comfortable. We've been dating for a year, and a lot has happened. One thing I sure did notice is that Lloyd has been staring at me with lust since we finally reunited. I wonder whats up with him. Lloyd continued to stare at me as I undressed. I put on some tight shorts and a small shirt, just to go to sleep with. Totally not to seduce Lloyd. Lloyd then walked up to me, and put his hands around my waist. I gasped, and looked at him in the eye. " Whats up with you? " I asked. <b>*A BIT OF EXPLICIT CONTENT*</b> He looked at me up and down, and bit his lip. " Got the nerve to look THAT delicious in front of me. You just want to get fucked. " Ah, did I mention that Lloyd has a REALLY freaky side? Yeah, you didn't see that coming didn't you. I really used to this, but it's been a while since he's been like this. No matter how many times he said he was going to fuck me, he hasn't. So I'm still a virgin. I said nothing and just wrapped my arms around his neck. He then guided us to the bed, and sat me down. He pushed me onto the bed and hovered over me, putting his hands in my shirt to touch my body. I moaned, and he smirked. Suddenly he roughly kissed me, as if he's been waiting to do this. I kissed him back, and put my arms around his neck once again. He continued to roam his hands around my body, but suddenly stopped kissing me to take off my shirt, to reveal my purple bra, my boobs slowly bouncing from him taking off the tight shirt. He watched as it bounced, and I could tell he was getting even more horny. I called it, cause suddenly I felt something hard slowly rubbing on my private. God, his thing is big. He took off my shorts, then his pants to reveal the big print from his boxers. " You ready? " He asked me. " I'm ready.. " ~ <b>A/N</b> <b>I honestly APOLOGIZE if there were any underage CHRISTIAN children reading this book and did NOT expect me to add some mature things. :)</b> <b>-Alana</b>
The Walking Dead: The Revenant
"No one can kill me... the living, the dead, or this world we live in now could not put me down. I just keep on going, and I'm not going anywhere." Logan Glass is a man with a dark past and a secret he keeps to himself. When the apocalypse came, he ran into a group along the way. *A/N: I do not own The Walking Dead or its characters, only my own.*
[ "daryldixon", "lemon", "maggiegreene", "ocstory", "rickgrimes", "rositaespinosa", "survival", "thewalkingdead" ]
[ "Bio: Logan Glass", "Love Interest (Voting)?", "Final Vote (Love interest)", "Announcement", "Chapter 1: Safe Haven... I Hope" ]
[ "<b>Name: </b>Logan Glass \n\n<b>Age:</b> 25 \n\n<b>Height: </b>6'0 and a half \n\n<b>Body Type: </b>Athletic\n\n<b>Race: </b>Mixed/Caucasian/Native American \n\n<b>Nationality: </b>American\n\n<b>Country: </b>USA\n\n<b>State: </b>Georgia\n\n<b>Hair Color: </b>Black\n\n<b>Eye Colors: </b>Blue\n\nAppearance: \n\nSurvival Clothes:\n\nBackpack:\n\nWeapons:\n\n(Tomahawk)\n\n(Knife)\n\n(Hunting Bow)\n\n(Quiver)\n\n(1911 Pistol)\n\nAccessories: \n\n(Arrowhead Necklace)\n\n(Eagle Feathers) (Right side behind the right ear)\n\nLove interest: (TWD Characters or OC Females.) ???", "Vote\n\nMaggie Greene\n\n\n\nRosita Espinosa\n\n\n\nAndrea\n\n\n\nSasha Williams\n\n\n\nTara Chambler\n\n\n\nHaley\n\n\n\nFrancine", "Final Vote\n\n\n1. Maggie Greene (1)\n\n\n\n2. Rosita Espinosa (2)\n\n\n\n3. Andrea (3)\n\n\n\n4. Laura (4) \n(A/N: Almost forgot about her.)", "Before I could start this story, the voting for the love interest will end somewhere this weekend or the next. \n\nThe voting is close between Maggie Greene and Rosita Espinosa.\n\nThis is gonna be a tough one, to be honest. There are few ships on the two, and different writers hardly post them. \n\nThe two deserve to have a chance in the story. Maggie and Glenn are up and down but went through with it, but Glenn's death was a major impact. Glenn deserved some respect and not forgotten. RIP Glenn.\n\nRosita Espinosa is a survivor who has been through the worst in her life and is a total badass. And save her child in the end. She also deserves better. RIP Rosita.\n\nOh, and Laura is also on the voting for the ship, on the final voting. \n\nI'll think about who will be the ship for the OC and how to start the first chapter.\n\nKeep voting people on who will be the ship.", "<u>Somewhere in the Woods - Afternoon...</u>\n\nIt has been two or three months since the world went to hell: no government, no civilization, no law, or order. Just survive and try to stay alive. The world as a whole, along with half of the population, has been wiped out by the unknown infection. The modern world that we know now is long gone. But this wasn't new with Logan.\n\nA young man named Logan Glass walks through the woods with a backpack over his shoulders along with his bow and his Tomahawk strap onto his waist. He has black hair, blue eyes, an athletic build, and mixed with White and Native American.\n\nAs he walked, he scanned the area for any movement or threats. Suddenly, he hears some gunfire.\n\nLogan stops where he's at and turns to where the gunfire came from. It sounded far but not too far. He could go and check it out, but not long ago, he was attacked by other survivors. Let's just say it didn't turn out well for the survivors. Before he could leave, he heard a few more gunfire and yelling.\n\n<b>*Bang*</b>\n\n<b>*Bang*</b>\n\n<b>*Bang*</b>\n\nFemale: *Distance* Stay with me, Chris! Stay with me! \n\n<b>*Bange*</b>\n\n<b>*Bang*</b>\n\nLogan then hears a woman's voice from a distance. He stood there momentarily and thought about what to do, save her or leave... \n\nLogan: *Sigh and mutters* Argh fuck it.\n\nHe chose to help. Logan takes out his bow and nocks his arrow before running towards the gunfire. Getting close to where the fight is, he spots a large group of walkers surrounding the young woman who is holding a Glock 19 and sees a sick young man who is also holding a Glock 19. \n\n(A/N: Ignore the vest)\n\nFemale: Chris! You still with me!\n\nChris: *Cough* Yeah. *Cough* I'm fine, Susan. *Cough* Just stay focused. \n\nThe female named Susan nodded before aiming her Glock 19 at a walker approaching her. Before she shoots the walker's head off, an arrow pierces through behind its head and comes out from the right before falling.\n\nThe two had a surprised look on their faces, but then...\n\n<b>*Whistle*</b>\n\nThe two turn to the source of the whistle and spot Logan holding his bow. Logan puts away his bow and takes out his Tomahawk. \n\nChris: Who's that guy? *Cough* \n\nSusan: I don't know, but whoever he is, we sure as hell could use a hand.\n\nWhile Susan and Chris fend off against the walkers, Logan approaches a walker from behind and kicks the dead freak to the ground before hammering its head with his Tomahawk. Another Walker sneaks up behind him and goes to grab his hair, but with quick instincts, Logan lowers down and leg-sweeps the ugly bastard. He quickly gets up and bashes the walker's head with his Tomahawk. \n\nWhile Logan is taking care of the walkers at his end, Susan has already taken out five, and Chris has taken out four. Suddenly, Chris gets tackled by a walker. \n\nChris: Argh shit!\n\nSusan turned around when she heard Chris struggle.\n\nSusan: Fuck! Chris!\n\nBefore she could take the shot, a Tomahawk was thrown at its head before it could bite Chis's neck. Susan sees Logan approaching Chris and moves the corpse off of him. Then he pulls out his Tomahawk from the walker's head. Logan helps Chris up to his feet.\n\nLogan: You alright?\n\nChris: Yeah. *Cough* Thanks.\n\nLogan: You don't look so good. Are you..?\n\nSusan: *Walks up to them* No. He's not bit. He caught a fever on the road.\n\nLogan: *Sigh in relief* Good to know.\n\nSusan: Thanks for the help. Umm..? \n\nLogan: Logan. Logan Glass. And you are?\n\nSusan: Susan Blackwater.\n\nChris: Chris Grimes. *Coughs*\n\nSusan: You headed somewhere, Logan?\n\nLogan: Wherever I go. I've been on my own ever since the world went to shit. \n\nLogan walks over to a corpse and pulls his arrow from its head. He turns to them.\n\nLogan: I should go. \n\nHe was about to leave until Susan called him. \n\nSusan: Wait!\n\nLogan: What?\n\nSusan: I have a place that I know of. You should come with us, as a way of saying thanks for helping us. And besides, we need to stay together.\n\nLogan just stood there for a moment and studied her. She doesn't seem bad or show any hostility towards him. The other guy seems nice but needs some medicine or a place to rest. If not, he won't survive. After taking some thought, he gave his answer.\n\nLogan: Fine.\n\nBefore the woman could say anything, Logan cut her off.\n\nLogan: But if I see anything off when we get there... \n\nHe walks up to her with his hand near his Tomahawk as he stands in front of her.\n\nLogan: I will kill you.\n\nSusan lets out a frustrated sigh after hearing his response. She knows what he's talking about, and by the looks of it, he ran into some unwelcome company. \n\nChris, on the other hand, knew where this was going, so he had his hand near his Glock 19.\n\nSusan: It's a safe place, I promise. We're not some assholes who lure in people and kill them on the spot. Why would I offer you a place where you can have some decent place to rest and shelter?\n\nLogan looked deep into her hazel-green eyes and was telling the truth. He nods at her before stepping back and moving his hand away from his Tomahawk.\n\nLogan: Alright. How far is it?\n\nSusan: About ten or fifteen minutes northwest from here, it's a farmland owned by the Greenes. \n\nLogan: The Greenes? You know them.\n\nSusan: I do. They're a family friend, along with several others. \n\nChris: *Coughs*\n\nLogan and Susan turned to Chris.\n\nChris: I hate to cut it short, but we should keep moving.\n\nLogan: He's right. Those gunshots will draw in walkers here. Let's get to that farm.\n\nSusan: I'll take lead. Follow me.\n\nThey take their leave and head to the farmland, but they have slowed their pace because of Chris's condition.\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n<b>10 Minutes...</b>\n\nWalking out of the woods, the three individuals could see the farmland and a house from afar. As they walked, Logan had Chris's arm over his shoulder, supporting him.\n\nSusan: There it is—Hershel's farm. The place is still intact and the same. (It's been almost six months since I last saw this place. Good thing this place hasn't been overrun.)\n\nLogan: We need to get him inside, or else he won't survive.\n\nSusan: Right. Hershel knows what to do. Let's go.\n\nThey get to the house with haste. Getting close to the house, a group of people came out. There were three women and three men.\n\nLogan sees their surprised face when they look at Susan, almost like they haven't seen her forever. The older man then broke the silence. \n\nOlder Man: *Eyes Widen* Susan? \n\nSusan: *Smiles* Hershel.\n\nThe older man approaches her, and the two hug each other. Not long after, the others joined in, except Logan and Chris, who just looked at the reunion.\n\nChris: Well, this is nice. \n\nLogan: Sure is, buddy.\n\nAfter the small reunion, Hershel looked at the other two. Hershel then notices Chris's condition. \n\nHershel: Is he bit? \n\nSusan: No, he has a fever. He needs help.\n\nHershel: Bring him inside. I'll give him some Ibuprofen for the fever.\n\nLogan brought Chris inside the house, walked into the room, and set him down on the bed. Hershel walks into the room with Ibuprofen.\n\nHershel: I'll handle this from here. You should wait outside.\n\nLogan: Alright. Call me if you need anything. \n\nLogan pats his friend's shoulder before taking his leave. As he walked out, he went to the porch and set his backpack on the ground before leaning his back against a wall. He takes a good view of the land as the sunlight hits the area. It's a fine site.\n\nMinutes had passed since he arrived, and he was still at the same spot. Everything was quiet until a woman's voice was heard.\n\n???: Hey there.\n\nHe turns to the entrance to see the same woman that he saw earlier. She has short brown hair and green eyes and is probably around his age. \n\nFemale: What ya doing out here?\n\nLogan: Enjoying the view and some fresh air.\n\nFemale: *Hums* It gets nice out here often. \n\nShe walks up to him and sits on a chair beside him. She looks up and down at him, checking him out. He was wearing some unique clothes, and could see the muscles and minor scars on his arms. But what caught her eyes was his Tomahawk. \n\nFemale: Thank you.\n\nLogan: For what?\n\nFemale: For helping Susan to get here. She told us what happened in the woods. If it weren't for you and Chris, she wouldn't make it here. \n\nLogan: She needed some help, so I helped her. For someone like her gun skills, she's a pretty good shot.\n\nFemale: Yeah, she's a sheriff. She's a good shooter and likes to help people. *Smiles* Daddy hated to see her holding a gun;* Chuckles* she likes to give him a headache. \n\nLogan: *Chuckles* Was he against it? To let her to join?\n\nFemale: At first, yeah. But later on, he finally agreed to let her join. She's like a daughter to him and a sister to me.\n\nLogan: What happened to her parents?\n\nFemale: They passed away when she was two. Her family was very close to mine. Very close.\n\nLogan: I see. \n\nFemale: Your name is Logan?\n\nLogan: The last time I checked, yeah. *Slight smile*\n\nShe chuckles at his response.\n\nLogan: And yours?\n\nFemale: Maggie. I'm the eldest daughter here. \n\nLogan: Let me guess, the girl with the blonde hair is your sister.\n\nMaggie: Yup. Her name is Beth. She is our little angel in the family.\n\nLogan: She sure is. \n\nThey kept having a nice conversation for the past five minutes. They've gotten to know each other and joked around each other. Maggie couldn't help but stare at his blue eyes with admiration. It's almost like staring at a calm ocean. \n\nLogan, on the other hand, enjoyed this conversation and got to know her. He's not much of a conversation person but could make up one to get to know a person. He, too, couldn't help but admire Maggie's green eyes and character. He doesn't show his admiration, but inside, he does. \n\nLogan: (I guess this place is a safe haven... I hope. For their sake.)\n\n<b><u>Continue...</u></b>" ]
Title: The Walking Dead: The Revenant Description: "No one can kill me... the living, the dead, or this world we live in now could not put me down. I just keep on going, and I'm not going anywhere." Logan Glass is a man with a dark past and a secret he keeps to himself. When the apocalypse came, he ran into a group along the way. *A/N: I do not own The Walking Dead or its characters, only my own.* Tags: ['daryldixon', 'lemon', 'maggiegreene', 'ocstory', 'rickgrimes', 'rositaespinosa', 'survival', 'thewalkingdead']
# Bio: Logan Glass <b>Name: </b>Logan Glass <b>Age:</b> 25 <b>Height: </b>6'0 and a half <b>Body Type: </b>Athletic <b>Race: </b>Mixed/Caucasian/Native American <b>Nationality: </b>American <b>Country: </b>USA <b>State: </b>Georgia <b>Hair Color: </b>Black <b>Eye Colors: </b>Blue Appearance: Survival Clothes: Backpack: Weapons: (Tomahawk) (Knife) (Hunting Bow) (Quiver) (1911 Pistol) Accessories: (Arrowhead Necklace) (Eagle Feathers) (Right side behind the right ear) Love interest: (TWD Characters or OC Females.) ??? # Love Interest (Voting)? Vote Maggie Greene Rosita Espinosa Andrea Sasha Williams Tara Chambler Haley Francine # Final Vote (Love interest) Final Vote 1. Maggie Greene (1) 2. Rosita Espinosa (2) 3. Andrea (3) 4. Laura (4) (A/N: Almost forgot about her.) # Announcement Before I could start this story, the voting for the love interest will end somewhere this weekend or the next. The voting is close between Maggie Greene and Rosita Espinosa. This is gonna be a tough one, to be honest. There are few ships on the two, and different writers hardly post them. The two deserve to have a chance in the story. Maggie and Glenn are up and down but went through with it, but Glenn's death was a major impact. Glenn deserved some respect and not forgotten. RIP Glenn. Rosita Espinosa is a survivor who has been through the worst in her life and is a total badass. And save her child in the end. She also deserves better. RIP Rosita. Oh, and Laura is also on the voting for the ship, on the final voting. I'll think about who will be the ship for the OC and how to start the first chapter. Keep voting people on who will be the ship. # Chapter 1: Safe Haven... I Hope <u>Somewhere in the Woods - Afternoon...</u> It has been two or three months since the world went to hell: no government, no civilization, no law, or order. Just survive and try to stay alive. The world as a whole, along with half of the population, has been wiped out by the unknown infection. The modern world that we know now is long gone. But this wasn't new with Logan. A young man named Logan Glass walks through the woods with a backpack over his shoulders along with his bow and his Tomahawk strap onto his waist. He has black hair, blue eyes, an athletic build, and mixed with White and Native American. As he walked, he scanned the area for any movement or threats. Suddenly, he hears some gunfire. Logan stops where he's at and turns to where the gunfire came from. It sounded far but not too far. He could go and check it out, but not long ago, he was attacked by other survivors. Let's just say it didn't turn out well for the survivors. Before he could leave, he heard a few more gunfire and yelling. <b>*Bang*</b> <b>*Bang*</b> <b>*Bang*</b> Female: *Distance* Stay with me, Chris! Stay with me! <b>*Bange*</b> <b>*Bang*</b> Logan then hears a woman's voice from a distance. He stood there momentarily and thought about what to do, save her or leave... Logan: *Sigh and mutters* Argh fuck it. He chose to help. Logan takes out his bow and nocks his arrow before running towards the gunfire. Getting close to where the fight is, he spots a large group of walkers surrounding the young woman who is holding a Glock 19 and sees a sick young man who is also holding a Glock 19. (A/N: Ignore the vest) Female: Chris! You still with me! Chris: *Cough* Yeah. *Cough* I'm fine, Susan. *Cough* Just stay focused. The female named Susan nodded before aiming her Glock 19 at a walker approaching her. Before she shoots the walker's head off, an arrow pierces through behind its head and comes out from the right before falling. The two had a surprised look on their faces, but then... <b>*Whistle*</b> The two turn to the source of the whistle and spot Logan holding his bow. Logan puts away his bow and takes out his Tomahawk. Chris: Who's that guy? *Cough* Susan: I don't know, but whoever he is, we sure as hell could use a hand. While Susan and Chris fend off against the walkers, Logan approaches a walker from behind and kicks the dead freak to the ground before hammering its head with his Tomahawk. Another Walker sneaks up behind him and goes to grab his hair, but with quick instincts, Logan lowers down and leg-sweeps the ugly bastard. He quickly gets up and bashes the walker's head with his Tomahawk. While Logan is taking care of the walkers at his end, Susan has already taken out five, and Chris has taken out four. Suddenly, Chris gets tackled by a walker. Chris: Argh shit! Susan turned around when she heard Chris struggle. Susan: Fuck! Chris! Before she could take the shot, a Tomahawk was thrown at its head before it could bite Chis's neck. Susan sees Logan approaching Chris and moves the corpse off of him. Then he pulls out his Tomahawk from the walker's head. Logan helps Chris up to his feet. Logan: You alright? Chris: Yeah. *Cough* Thanks. Logan: You don't look so good. Are you..? Susan: *Walks up to them* No. He's not bit. He caught a fever on the road. Logan: *Sigh in relief* Good to know. Susan: Thanks for the help. Umm..? Logan: Logan. Logan Glass. And you are? Susan: Susan Blackwater. Chris: Chris Grimes. *Coughs* Susan: You headed somewhere, Logan? Logan: Wherever I go. I've been on my own ever since the world went to shit. Logan walks over to a corpse and pulls his arrow from its head. He turns to them. Logan: I should go. He was about to leave until Susan called him. Susan: Wait! Logan: What? Susan: I have a place that I know of. You should come with us, as a way of saying thanks for helping us. And besides, we need to stay together. Logan just stood there for a moment and studied her. She doesn't seem bad or show any hostility towards him. The other guy seems nice but needs some medicine or a place to rest. If not, he won't survive. After taking some thought, he gave his answer. Logan: Fine. Before the woman could say anything, Logan cut her off. Logan: But if I see anything off when we get there... He walks up to her with his hand near his Tomahawk as he stands in front of her. Logan: I will kill you. Susan lets out a frustrated sigh after hearing his response. She knows what he's talking about, and by the looks of it, he ran into some unwelcome company. Chris, on the other hand, knew where this was going, so he had his hand near his Glock 19. Susan: It's a safe place, I promise. We're not some assholes who lure in people and kill them on the spot. Why would I offer you a place where you can have some decent place to rest and shelter? Logan looked deep into her hazel-green eyes and was telling the truth. He nods at her before stepping back and moving his hand away from his Tomahawk. Logan: Alright. How far is it? Susan: About ten or fifteen minutes northwest from here, it's a farmland owned by the Greenes. Logan: The Greenes? You know them. Susan: I do. They're a family friend, along with several others. Chris: *Coughs* Logan and Susan turned to Chris. Chris: I hate to cut it short, but we should keep moving. Logan: He's right. Those gunshots will draw in walkers here. Let's get to that farm. Susan: I'll take lead. Follow me. They take their leave and head to the farmland, but they have slowed their pace because of Chris's condition. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <b>10 Minutes...</b> Walking out of the woods, the three individuals could see the farmland and a house from afar. As they walked, Logan had Chris's arm over his shoulder, supporting him. Susan: There it is—Hershel's farm. The place is still intact and the same. (It's been almost six months since I last saw this place. Good thing this place hasn't been overrun.) Logan: We need to get him inside, or else he won't survive. Susan: Right. Hershel knows what to do. Let's go. They get to the house with haste. Getting close to the house, a group of people came out. There were three women and three men. Logan sees their surprised face when they look at Susan, almost like they haven't seen her forever. The older man then broke the silence. Older Man: *Eyes Widen* Susan? Susan: *Smiles* Hershel. The older man approaches her, and the two hug each other. Not long after, the others joined in, except Logan and Chris, who just looked at the reunion. Chris: Well, this is nice. Logan: Sure is, buddy. After the small reunion, Hershel looked at the other two. Hershel then notices Chris's condition. Hershel: Is he bit? Susan: No, he has a fever. He needs help. Hershel: Bring him inside. I'll give him some Ibuprofen for the fever. Logan brought Chris inside the house, walked into the room, and set him down on the bed. Hershel walks into the room with Ibuprofen. Hershel: I'll handle this from here. You should wait outside. Logan: Alright. Call me if you need anything. Logan pats his friend's shoulder before taking his leave. As he walked out, he went to the porch and set his backpack on the ground before leaning his back against a wall. He takes a good view of the land as the sunlight hits the area. It's a fine site. Minutes had passed since he arrived, and he was still at the same spot. Everything was quiet until a woman's voice was heard. ???: Hey there. He turns to the entrance to see the same woman that he saw earlier. She has short brown hair and green eyes and is probably around his age. Female: What ya doing out here? Logan: Enjoying the view and some fresh air. Female: *Hums* It gets nice out here often. She walks up to him and sits on a chair beside him. She looks up and down at him, checking him out. He was wearing some unique clothes, and could see the muscles and minor scars on his arms. But what caught her eyes was his Tomahawk. Female: Thank you. Logan: For what? Female: For helping Susan to get here. She told us what happened in the woods. If it weren't for you and Chris, she wouldn't make it here. Logan: She needed some help, so I helped her. For someone like her gun skills, she's a pretty good shot. Female: Yeah, she's a sheriff. She's a good shooter and likes to help people. *Smiles* Daddy hated to see her holding a gun;* Chuckles* she likes to give him a headache. Logan: *Chuckles* Was he against it? To let her to join? Female: At first, yeah. But later on, he finally agreed to let her join. She's like a daughter to him and a sister to me. Logan: What happened to her parents? Female: They passed away when she was two. Her family was very close to mine. Very close. Logan: I see. Female: Your name is Logan? Logan: The last time I checked, yeah. *Slight smile* She chuckles at his response. Logan: And yours? Female: Maggie. I'm the eldest daughter here. Logan: Let me guess, the girl with the blonde hair is your sister. Maggie: Yup. Her name is Beth. She is our little angel in the family. Logan: She sure is. They kept having a nice conversation for the past five minutes. They've gotten to know each other and joked around each other. Maggie couldn't help but stare at his blue eyes with admiration. It's almost like staring at a calm ocean. Logan, on the other hand, enjoyed this conversation and got to know her. He's not much of a conversation person but could make up one to get to know a person. He, too, couldn't help but admire Maggie's green eyes and character. He doesn't show his admiration, but inside, he does. Logan: (I guess this place is a safe haven... I hope. For their sake.) <b><u>Continue...</u></b>
Art book
Fried chicken babe
[ "art", "badartwork", "big", "computerdrawn", "criticism", "dailyw", "digital", "digitalart", "drawing", "drawings", "hole", "iammid", "ihatemath", "ihatepngtiktokers", "immid", "lemon", "mature", "myocs", "pussyeater", "pussyeating", "sketch", "sketches", "ốc" ]
[ "This is only the beggining.. of cringy artworks..", "MER. 1927 artworks...", "I tried doing a pose, ", "practice/unfinished drawings", "I tried an oc challenge..", "i did another one", "A weird comic im working on...", "Special!", "Finished!!!!", "A drawing with a meaning", "Idk if ima continue this.", "Can you give me hair ideas?? :(", "Hmm", "Uhm- i made an oc based on the kind of music im listening too!", "I changed my art style!", "EHHH", "HAPPY PRIDE MONTH <3", "BE WHOOO YOU ARE FOR UR PRIDEEEE", "MIKU!!! :DDD", "Serenia?.", "Robloc", "All my current drawings on procreate!!!", "H", "SMACK OR PASS", "new art with actual backgrounds and actually fully colored", "my account is dead since september of 2022 🫤", "posted this cus im running out of storage", "Erm..." ]
[ "Update: Heres my current art now \n\nWARNING: BIGGEST GLOW UP EVER (I DONT DRAW GIRLS WHO LOOK LIKE TW1NKS ANYMORE)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Also sorry if the artstyle is different, all of these artworks are mine i just changed the usual brush I use.", "i still dont know how to do full body poses without it look weird, i know how to draw fullbody poses but im bad at doing legs ;')", "\n\n\n\n\n\nyea i know, its hideous... but for the unfinished ones that only consists a head, tell me if i should finish or just leave them there... ", "I tried an oc challenge.. i hate it...who the hell cut their hair...why is there only one eyee... this is beyond cursed...", "okk... this one is slightly better but not what i was expecting it to look, atleast the hair cut got slightly improved\n\nsketch:", "okkk so this comic is basically about this weird ass 10 year old boy, thristing over this girl from tv, he has no friends and has one friend that he forced to be his friend lmao, and has this very smexy 29 year MOMMA\n\n\n\n\nthis is side is not finished yet-\n\n\n", "Ok so I tried using an stylus for this first time, and also trying out ibis paint X for the first time! Here is how it turned out!\n\nUPDATE JUNE 2023: ITS NOW BEEN A YEAR OF USING A STYLUS\n\n(btw this is eyeless jack i yassified it into a hot topic emo kid)\n\nAUGUST 2023: EZ 🔥", "Ok so here is the finished product for my drawing!!", "Uhhh try to guess the meaning of this drawing??? ", "I drew coraline and cat, idk what to feel tbh", "I finished drawing the clothes for my oc, But I cant really think of any hair ideas so... Can any of yall please give me hair ideas? You can say either short boy hair, short girl hair, medium hair, or long hair??? Please tell me :(( And also give me what the hairstyle should be!", "Ok so i got aponia from honkai yesterday so I decided to draw her :DD", "It took me like an hour- the pain is finishing the entire piece :')", "\n\n\nI changed my art style to this art style!! Idk what it is called but i just like the style of it :)", "\n\n\nTHIS HOW I WANT TO LOOK- BUT IN REALITY I LOOK TERRIBLE TT", "SINCE ITS PRIDE MONTH I DECIDED TO DRAW ONE OF MY LESBIAN CHARACTERS :D\n\nCOMING SOON-", "Ok so before I show my final artwork, I'll show you my these other artworks I haven't posted here yet!\n\nOk... the big reveal!! (sorry if you get jumpscared :))\n\n\n\nI JUST NOTICED HOW MY ARTSTYLE CHANGED SO DAMN MUCH-\n\nJUN 2023:\n\n\n\n\nJULY 2023:", "SOMEONE PAID ME LIKE A 25$ APPLE GIFTCARD JUST FOR ME TO DRAW HERRR SO I DID = )\n\nI LOVE HOW SHE LOOKS IN MY ARTSTYLE, ANYWAYS SHOULD I DRAW MIKU AGAIN BUT NIGHTCORD AT 25 VERSION??", "OK SO ONE OF MY BBFS WANTED ME TO SHOW HOW SERENIA LOOKS LOKE SO HERE SHE IS", "I drew on rob,ox, well it didn't turn out good", "OKAY IVE BEEN WANTING TO SHOW THIS ", "", "BOTH BTW", "btw if you steal my art just letting u know that u have a small dick\n\n\n", "if this gets less than 5 comments im going to discontinue", "no one is going to see this fr but here is some art i did on chrome canvas", "" ]
Title: Art book Description: Fried chicken babe Tags: ['art', 'badartwork', 'big', 'computerdrawn', 'criticism', 'dailyw', 'digital', 'digitalart', 'drawing', 'drawings', 'hole', 'iammid', 'ihatemath', 'ihatepngtiktokers', 'immid', 'lemon', 'mature', 'myocs', 'pussyeater', 'pussyeating', 'sketch', 'sketches', 'ốc']
# This is only the beggining.. of cringy artworks.. Update: Heres my current art now  WARNING: BIGGEST GLOW UP EVER (I DONT DRAW GIRLS WHO LOOK LIKE TW1NKS ANYMORE) # MER. 1927 artworks... Also sorry if the artstyle is different, all of these artworks are mine i just changed the usual brush I use. # I tried doing a pose, i still dont know how to do full body poses without it look weird, i know how to draw fullbody poses but im bad at doing legs ;') # practice/unfinished drawings yea i know, its hideous... but for the unfinished ones that only consists a head, tell me if i should finish or just leave them there...  # I tried an oc challenge.. I tried an oc challenge.. i hate it...who the hell cut their hair...why is there only one eyee... this is beyond cursed... # i did another one okk... this one is slightly better but not what i was expecting it to look, atleast the hair cut got slightly improved sketch: # A weird comic im working on... okkk so this comic is basically about this weird ass 10 year old boy, thristing over this girl from tv, he has no friends and has one friend that he forced to be his friend lmao, and has this very smexy 29 year MOMMA this is side is not finished yet- # Special! Ok so I tried using an stylus for this first time, and also trying out ibis paint X for the first time! Here is how it turned out! UPDATE JUNE 2023: ITS NOW BEEN A YEAR OF USING A STYLUS (btw this is eyeless jack i yassified it into a hot topic emo kid) AUGUST 2023: EZ 🔥 # Finished!!!! Ok so here is the finished product for my drawing!! # A drawing with a meaning Uhhh try to guess the meaning of this drawing??? # Idk if ima continue this. I drew coraline and cat, idk what to feel tbh # Can you give me hair ideas?? :( I finished drawing the clothes for my oc, But I cant really think of any hair ideas so... Can any of yall please give me hair ideas? You can say either short boy hair, short girl hair, medium hair, or long hair??? Please tell me :(( And also give me what the hairstyle should be! # Hmm Ok so i got aponia from honkai yesterday so I decided to draw her :DD # Uhm- i made an oc based on the kind of music im listening too! It took me like an hour- the pain is finishing the entire piece :') # I changed my art style! I changed my art style to this art style!! Idk what it is called but i just like the style of it :) # EHHH THIS HOW I WANT TO LOOK- BUT IN REALITY I LOOK TERRIBLE TT # HAPPY PRIDE MONTH <3 SINCE ITS PRIDE MONTH I DECIDED TO DRAW ONE OF MY LESBIAN CHARACTERS :D COMING SOON- # BE WHOOO YOU ARE FOR UR PRIDEEEE Ok so before I show my final artwork, I'll show you my these other artworks I haven't posted here yet! Ok... the big reveal!! (sorry if you get jumpscared :)) I JUST NOTICED HOW MY ARTSTYLE CHANGED SO DAMN MUCH- JUN 2023: JULY 2023: # MIKU!!! :DDD SOMEONE PAID ME LIKE A 25$ APPLE GIFTCARD JUST FOR ME TO DRAW HERRR SO I DID = ) I LOVE HOW SHE LOOKS IN MY ARTSTYLE, ANYWAYS SHOULD I DRAW MIKU AGAIN BUT NIGHTCORD AT 25 VERSION?? # Serenia?. OK SO ONE OF MY BBFS WANTED ME TO SHOW HOW SERENIA LOOKS LOKE SO HERE SHE IS # Robloc I drew on rob,ox, well it didn't turn out good # All my current drawings on procreate!!! OKAY IVE BEEN WANTING TO SHOW THIS  # H # SMACK OR PASS BOTH BTW # new art with actual backgrounds and actually fully colored btw if you steal my art just letting u know that u have a small dick # my account is dead since september of 2022 🫤 if this gets less than 5 comments im going to discontinue # posted this cus im running out of storage no one is going to see this fr but here is some art i did on chrome canvas # Erm...
Cheater DxD x Male reader x DBZ/S (Being Rewritten)
A Second Cheater Story no description needed
[ "adventure", "cheater", "dbs", "dbz", "fighting", "highschooldxd", "lemon", "love", "malereader", "romance" ]
[ "Bio Information", "Cheaters/Harem/Friends", "Prologue Cheaters Caught and Into a New world", "Chapter 1 Meeting the Z Fighters", "Chapter 2 Punishment decided + Pecking Order Started", "Chapter 3 A New Emperor and Sparring with the prince", "Chapter 4 A Hellish Meeting", "Chapter 5 A Discovery", "Chapter 6 Team Vali Moves", "Chapter 7 Team Vali Meets the Z Fighters ", "Chapter 8 Unlocking Vali's Ki And The Training begins Part 1", "Chapter 9 Training interrupted and we're going where?!", "Chapter 10 Arrival to the past encounter with a Saiyan ", "Chapter 11 a meeting with a kai (Part 1 of 2)", "Chapter 12 A Meeting with A Kai (Part 2 of 2)", "Chapter 13 the match between friends" ]
[ "<b>Name:Y/N L/N (Your name and Last Name respectively)</b>\n<b>Age:19</b>\n<b>Gender:Male</b>\n<b>Race:Human (During Prologue) Saiyan (After Prologue)</b>\n<b>Looks:Imagine yourself but with these as your clothing</b>\n<b>Clothes:</b>\n\n<b>Jacket</b>\n\n<b>Shirt under the jacket</b>\n\n<b>Pants</b>\n\n<b>Boots (4 pics above are for casual outfit)</b>\n\n<b>Combat outfit:The Ultimate turtle hermit costume from xeno 2 but in the colors you want</b>\n\n<b>Likes:His Friends,Justice,Helping protect the innocents,His harem,Training</b>\n\n<b>Dislikes:His ex's,Evil,selfish enemies who only care about themselves,issei (Because why not),any innocent civilians being killed in front of him.</b>\n\n<b>Transformations (After becoming a saiyan):</b>\n<b>Super saiyan 1-4</b>\n<b>Super Saiyan 4 limit breaker</b>\n<b>Super Saiyan dragon (Only accessible when both host and dragon are in sync together)</b>\n<b>Super saiyan God </b><b>1-4</b>\n<b>Super saiyan blue+blue evolved </b><b>1-4</b>\n<b>Super saiyan beast (Although I never watched the movie xD)</b>\n<b>Super saiyan Wrath</b>\n<b>Legendary Super saiyan</b>", "<b>Cheaters:</b>\n\n<b>Xenovia</b>\n\n<b>Ravel</b>\n\n<b>Yubelluna</b>\n\n<b>Katase</b>\n\n<b>Aika</b>\n\n<b>Harem:</b>\n\n<b>Android 21</b>\n\n<b>Fem</b><b> </b><b>Gogeta</b>\n\n<b>Fem</b><b> </b><b>vegito</b>\n\n<b>Grayfia</b><b> (She won't be married to </b><b>sirzechs</b><b>)</b>\n\n<b>Fem</b><b> fused </b><b>zamasu</b><b> (Non Zero Mortals Crazy but a little Y/N crazy)</b>\n\n<b>Sona</b>\n\n<b>Serafall</b>\n\n<b>Goki aka fem Goku</b>\n\n<b>Fem Vegeta aka Vegetia</b>\n\n<b>Fem Broly aka Brolia</b>\n\n<b>Friends:</b>\n\n<b>Cell</b>\n\n<b>Cooler</b>\n\n<b>Frieza</b>\n\n<b>King cold</b>\n\n<b>Buu</b>\n\n<b>Broly</b>\n\n<b>Vali</b>", "<b>3rd POV</b>\n\nKuoh Japan a city where many residents of the supernatural reside from plain view of humanity\n\nBut every so often a human discovers the supernatural world\n\nAnd that very human just so happens to be a strong human by supernatural standards\n\nThe human is Y/N L/N a kuoh academy student who helps others out with no rewards needed from helping out\n\nY/N is seen walking through the academy trying to find his five girlfriends of whom are named Xenovia,Ravel,Yubelluna,Katase and Aika respectively which he is having trouble locating\n\n\"Where are they I doubt that they would miss our date for nothing...\" Y/N says out loud as he walks the academy grounds as it is after school hours\n\nSuddenly a few sets of footsteps can be heard approaching Y/N\n\n\"Hey Y/N wait up!\" A voice calls out \n\nTurning his head to the voice Y/N sees his friend Vali along with Sona Rias and Akeno\n\n\"Sup Vali what are you doing here with the three queens of the academy?\" Y/N asks his friend\n\n\"Turns out the three queens have a inkling one may say of where your so called lovers are\" Vali says to Y/N\n\n\"Is this true?\" Y/N says to Sona Rias and Akeno\n\n\"Yes while Akeno and I was doing our daily super natural work we happened to over hear Xenovia talk about meeting at the academy pool\" Rias says\n\n\"I over heard Saji say something similar to what rias just said\" Sona says\n\n\"If what your saying is true then I'm being betrayed behind my back and saji is one of the perpetrators that is seeing one of my girlfriends without either mine or Sona's consent on the matter\" Y/N says\n\n\"Issei is also missing as well but we all knew he would do anything for some\" Akeno says\n\n\"Vali how you have him as a rival is beyond me dude\" Y/N says to Vali as the five walk the academy grounds\n\n\"I know all that dumbass wants to do is see tits and ass not even wanting to train to give me and Albion a good fight\" Vali says\n\n\"Seriously though if I was the red dragon emperor I would train my ass off to atleast give my rival the fight of their life when the chosen time arrived\" Y/N says\n\nSoon the five arrive at the academy pool which just as the five arrive Vali halts Y/N from taking another step\n\n\"Val-\" Y/N trys to say before Vali shhs him\n\n\"What's going on?\" Y/N whispers\n\n\"We are hearing something that would break your heart Y/N\" Sona whispers\n\n\"Albion is it possible to temporarily allow Y/N to use the enhanced hearing of a dragon just for this moment?\" Vali whispers to Albion\n\n\"You can but it will only be for 10 seconds after that his hearing will return to normal and to start place your hand on his shoulder\" Albion whispers to Vali\n\nVali placed a hand on Y/Ns Shoulder which magic begins to flow into Y/N increasing his hearing\n\nSuddenly Y/N is able to hear what Vali Sona Akeno and Rias are hearing\n\n\"Oh Yes!~ Oh this feels fucking amazing!!\" A Voice says in pleasure\n\n\"9\" Albion quietly shouts\n\n\"Man who knew we would be able to pound these hotties of that weakling Y/N\" another voice says with no remorse what's so ever\n\n\"8\" Albion quietly shouts again\n\n\"Still I feel bad for doing this\" a third voice says\n\nHowever before anymore can be said Y/N has had enough and walks out from the hiding spot to confront his so called Lovers\n\n\"Ahem\" Y/N says loudly alerting his presence to the ten before him\n\n\"Y/N?!\" Y/Ns girlfriends say in shock\n\n\"So I'm just a weakling huh? Is that how you really feel?\" Y/N asks his girlfriends\n\n\"Well we um w-\" Ravel trys to say  but issei cuts her off\n\n\"Yeah that's how she feels! You are weak! In fact your the weakest human eve-\" is all issei can say before being punched in the face causing to fall on his back unconscious\n\n\"Now then Xenovia Ravel Yubelluna Katase aika I'm going to ask a few questions and you must answer them truthfully understand?\" Y/N says to his cheating girlfriends\n\n\"Y/N l-\" Aika trys to say before Y/N cuts her off\n\n\"I SAID UNDERSTAND?!\" Y/N shouts shocking everyone\n\n\"H-Hai!\" Y/Ns girlfriends all say together\n\n\"First question during any point of our relationships was I abusive or hurtful to you five?\" Y/N asks his girlfriends\n\n\"No you wasn't\" Ravel says\n\n\"Question 2 during the relationships was I caught in another girls bed?\" Y/N asks his girlfriends\n\n\"No you didn't sleep with another girl\" Yubelluna says\n\n\"Lastly what made you decide to have sex with the pervert trio saji and riser of all people?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"Well um-\" katase try to say before two individuals appear\n\n\"Oh my seems we came at a bad time\" one of the individuals says\n\n\"Who are you two suppose to be?\" Sona asks the individuals\n\n\"We little devil are a destroyer and his angel attendant but if names are a must I am beerus and he's whis\" the second of the two individuals says\n\n\"Alright but why are you both here?\" Rias asks the two\n\n\"Well we are looking for the human known as Y/N L/N I believe he is near yes?\" Whis says\n\n\"I'm him so what can I do for you two?\" Y/N says\n\n\"My father has tasked me with bringing you to our world but tell me something if given the opportunity to reach strengths far beyond a mere devil human or dragon could ever hope to reach would you take it?\" Whis asks Y/N\n\n\"I would take that opportunity so that i can better myself in order to protect those who can't protect themselves\" Y/N responds\n\n\"Would you take the opportunity if it meant a change to what makes you human must be made?\" Beerus asks\n\n\"Can you elaborate on that mr Beerus?\" Akeno asks\n\nBeerus and whis explain about their world\n\n\"I see so in your world there are humans but there are also saiyans which look like humans but have few overwhelming features\" Y/N says\n\n\"Not only that there are green skinned people called Nameks while on top of that there are many different races that would take all day to explain right?\" Vali says\n\n\"Yes that is correct\" Whis says\n\n\"A question if im able to ask one\" Y/N says to the two deities \n\n\"What is it?\" Beerus responds\n\n\"If by chance i wish to visit my friends here in this world during my time in your world would i be able to do so?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"You Will be able to yes but for now please stand next to myself and beerus and we will be off\" whis says\n\n\"Right lets go also Xenovia Ravel Yubelluna katase and aika we are done i hope you enjoy being in a relationship with the scum you had sex with.... Vali rias sona Akeno see you four later\" Y/N says as he stands near whis and beerus\n\nThe three soon vanish from sight\n\nAs the three are traveling Y/N trys to make small talk\n\n\"So lord beerus lord whis besides what you had explained about your world from before what else is there to know?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"Oh there are plenty things your learn about but one important thing you should know is about the seven dragon balls\" whis responds\n\n\"Your not talking abou-\" Y/N starts to say before beerus cuts him off\n\n\"No its not what your thinking of.... They are magical orbs which when all 7 are gathered summon a wish making dragon that can make any wish the summoner wants with a few exceptions of course\" Beerus says\n\n\"And judging by what you said about a change to what makes me human would mean that i would need to make a wish?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"Correct\" Whis says\n\nSoon the three arrive on an open field where several people can be seen waiting for the trio\n\n\"Welcome back Lord Beerus Lord Whis\" a stern looking individual says\n\n\"Is he the one you was tasked with finding?\" A feminine voice asks\n\n\"He is but first were you able to gather the dragon balls?\" Whis says \n\n\"We have lord whis\" a older looking individual says\n\nSoon seven orbs are placed in the middle between both groups \n\n\"Now then COME FORTH SHENRON!\" Beerus shouts\n\nSoon the orbs glow before a gigantic dragon appears\n\n\"Now that is a dragon...\" Y/N says \n\n\"What is your wish?\" Shenron says\n\n\"Now then Y/N about the race change that was talked about earlier in order to push you past your limits and become stronger then ever before you must wish to become a saiyan\" Beerus says\n\n\"And I'm right to assume that the stern looking gentleman over there *points to one in the other group* will be able to give a more detail explanation?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"You'll learn in a moment now make your wish\" whis says\n\nNodding his head Y/N steps forward\n\n\"Mighty Shenron I wish to become a Saiyan!\" Y/N Shouts\n\n\"Your wish is granted!\" Shenron says before its eyes glows red\n\nY/N is in enveloped in a bright light before the light disappears a moment after\n\nY/N is now more muscular while also sporting a tail \n\n\"Congratulations you are now a saiyan and Shenron that will be all for now\" whis says to Y/N before looking at Shenron\n\n\"As you wish lord Whis\" Shenron says before disappearing\n\n\"Now then let's get you introduced to the others shall we?\" Whis says as the other group approach the three \n\nY/N nods as he looks towards the group approaching\n\n<b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b>", "<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nAfter making a wish to become a saiyan as requested by Lord Whis and Lord Beerus i now stand with the two deities as the group from before walks over to us\n\nSoon the group stands infront of me\n\n\"So if we are doing introductions besides Lord Whis and Lord Beerus i am Y/N L/N\" i say to the group before me\n\n\"Hi there I'm goku over there is vegeta which we are saiyans like you\" Goku says\n\n\"I'm right to say that you two will be giving Me a more detailed look on what the pros and con's are for being a saiyan are?\" I ask the one named goku\n\n\"We will but after you learn who the others are\" Vegeta says\n\n\"Well to continue with introductions I am Gohan son to Goku and this is goten my younger brother\" The one called Gohan says\n\n\"Hi!\" Goten says\n\n\"Well after them I am Chichi and the woman near vegeta is Bulma and the one near Gohan is videl\" Chichi says\n\n\"And the three of us are the wife's of goku vegeta and gohan respectively\" Bulma says\n\n\"Its nice to meet you ma'am \" I say with respect\n\n\"Hmph names piccolo and I'm-\" the one called Piccolo starts to say but I cut him off\n\n\"Your a namekian right?\" I say to piccolo\n\n\"Yes how did you know?\" Piccolo says\n\n\"Lord Whis and Lord Beerus told me and a few residents from the world I came from about a few races that populates your world\" I say calmly\n\n\"Well that makes it easier then but anyway hello I'm Tien\" Tien says\n\n\"Hello youngster the name's Roshi\" the elderly gentleman named Roshi says\n\n\"Hey before we continue introductions can you tell us what happened to you because from what I see you look like you got stabbed in the back by someone close to you\" Tien asks me\n\nI let out a sigh before looking at the group seriously\n\n\"Right so for what happened to me I'm gonna ask that the males picture the following scenarios happening to them... The girls may do the same but picture you have boyfriends instead of girlfriends\" I say seriously\n\n\"Alright so what now?\" Gohan asks\n\n\"Now picture each of you are human meaning no saiyans no namekians no gods no angels just pure human\" I say\n\n\"Very well next?\" Whis says\n\n\"Next picture you are attending an academy that was once for girls only but became co-ed allowing Boys and girls to attend\" I say\n\n\"OK\" Bulma says\n\n\"Now picture you are a strong human able to handle anything that comes from either humanity or supernatural\" I say\n\n\"What do you mean supernatural?\" Videl asks\n\n\"The supernatural of the world I came from consists of many different races from devils,Angels and no not the same race that whis is despite having the same name anyway continuing there are fallen angels and Yokai\" I say in response to videl's question\n\n\"Anyway please continue the scenarios\" Tien says\n\n\"Right now picture you have five girlfriends or for the ladies in the group five boyfriends which you do everything in your being to make sure that each of your girlfriends/Boyfriends are happy and smiling\" I say\n\n\"I take that the worst part is coming up youngster?\" Roshi says\n\nI nod before speaking again\n\n\"Now picture you one day walking through the academy grounds to find your lovers but are unable to find them until four of your supernatural friends approach and help you find your lovers which upon finding them you hear something you don't wanna hear\" I say seriously\n\n\"And before you ask the scenario is not suited for young ones so if you want them to stay innocent I recommend having them go off somewhere\" i say\n\nNo one moves\n\n\"Right then so the scene that you witness happen to you is of your five girlfriends or boyfriends all cheating on you with no remorse to your feelings what's so ever and the ones your lovers cheat on you with are the perverted trio, a student council member and the older brother to one of your girlfriends/Boyfriends and that basically what happened to me\" I say to me\n\n\"Damn you had it rough haven't you?\" Tien asks\n\n\"In a way yes oh and I forgot to mention three of my five ex girlfriends are devils while the other two are humans oh and if you want further proof you can ask lord whis and lord beerus as they was there\" I say\n\n\"Well anyway to continue introductions I'm Krillin and this is my wife 18\" a bald short man says\n\n\"Call me Lazuli as to make communication between us better\" 18 or Lazuli says\n\nAfter an hour of intros I now know the group before me \n\n\"Now that we know each other can I know about the saiyans goku vegeta?\" I say to the two saiyans\n\n\"Hmph of course now as a saiyan you will have an high attitude for fighting doesn't matter if your opponent is human or another saiyan you will always want to prove yourself in a fight\" Vegeta says\n\n\"One down side though is you will have a really and I mean a really big appetite for food which as you train and fight will burn through like nothing\" Goku says\n\n\"So in other words if was to quote say get married then I would have to have a good paying job to ensure there is enough food for myself and my family?\" I ask\n\n\"Pretty much yeah\" Chichi and bulma both say at the same time\n\n\"By the way I know that we all exchanged introductions but my question is this how did gogeti and vegeti come to be?\" I ask\n\n\"Ah that well both gogeti and I are fused forms of kakkarot and Vegeta's female forms\" Vegeti says\n\n\"Which means we both have access to both of our male counterparts skills and transformations\" Gogeti says\n\n\"Wait you mean saiyans have a transformation they can achieve?\" I ask\n\n\"That is correct and the transformations are known as super saiyan forms\" Gohan says\n\n\"Im right to assume there is a catch to unlocking the forms?\" I say\n\n\"Yes for a few of us it involves having a desire not a need to help others while others sheer willpower it all depends on how you want to unlock the forms\" Goku says\n\n\"Alright oh and goku are you and vegeta rivals or something as i get the feeling that both of you train to best each other in combat\" i say\n\n\"Hmph very impressive but yes we are rivals\" Vegeta says\n\n\"Well i can say atleast you two are much better rivals then the rival one of my friends has to deal with back in the world i came from\" i say\n\n\"What do you mean?\" Tien asks\n\n\"Right so remember when i said that my girlfriends cheated on me with a trio known as the perverted trio?\" I ask\n\n\"Yeah what about them?\" Piccolo says\n\n\"Well one of the trio members is a devil who has access to what is called the boosted gear which houses the soul of a welsh dragon known as ddraig and as such is the rival to one of my friends back in my world\" i say\n\n\"Shouldn't that be a good thing?\" Hercule asks\n\n\"It would be if the red dragon emperor wasn't so fixed on and im sorry to all ladies present but if he wasn't so fixed on seeing tits and ass all the freaking time so yeah imagine having a rival like that who doesn't even train whats so ever\" i say to the group\n\n\"It would make the rivalry look pathetic having a rival like that\" piccolo says\n\n\"Anywho Whis and i must be going so i trust you all to help Y/N here get accustomed to how things work around here\" Beerus says\n\n\"Right you can count on us lord beerus\" Vegeta says\n\nSoon lord beerus and lord whis disappear from our sights leaving me with goku and the others\n\n<b>Meanwhile back at </b><b>Kuoh</b><b> Academy 3rd POV</b>\n\nBack at kuoh within the ORC clubhouse Rias akeno issei xenovia Ravel Yubelluna and Riser can be seen talking\n\n\"So you five what do you have to say for yourselves?\" Rias asks the five before her and akeno\n\n\"I say we done nothing wrong it was that weakling Y/Ns fault for having the babes to himself!\" Issei says loudly\n\n\"No one cares about what you think hyoudou she was asking Xenovia Ravel and Yubelluna since the three of them used to date Y/N\" Vali says\n\n\"Well as The red dragon emperor said its his fault he didn't share the usage of his girls\" Riser says\n\n\"You really think that he is to share who he is in love with raiser?\" Rias says with a confused look\n\n\"No he doesn't as he is the most caring individual known to all and he has is truly respectful towards others he meets\" Akeno says\n\n<b>Over with the student counci</b>l\n\nIn the student council office Sona and the rest of the council are judging Saji Katase aika motohama and matsuda\n\n\"Now what do you five have to say for your recent actions?\" Sona says\n\n\"President please you have to understand\" Saji says\n\n\"And what do i have to understand Saji?\" Sona asks\n\n\"I...i...it was their idea! *points to aika and katase* they forced me Matsuda and Motohama into it!\" Saji says loudly\n\n\"Whaaaat?! Thats a lie and you know it! You three are the ones who came to us and said that you could pleasure us better then Y/N could!\" Aika says with Katase nodding in agreement\n\nSoon the five begin to argue for a bit before a voice stops their arguement\n\n\"Enough!\" The voice bellows\n\nSoon a blue circle appears behind sona which serafall appears from\n\n\"Sister\" Sona says\n\n\"Hello sona and to katase aika matsuda motohama i am sona's big sister serafall\" serafall says\n\n\"Uh okay but how did you appear out of no where?\" Aika says with katase and the perv duo nodding in agreement\n\n\"I'll explain in a moment but for now just as i am here Ria's brother is at her location of the academy which we have one thing to say to both our siblings\" Serafall says\n\n\"What is it?\" Both Rias and Sona say at the same time\n\n\"You both have given you both the authority to give whatever punishment you feel is right to the ones who betrayed Y/Ns trust and love\" Both Sirzechs and Serafall say to their respective siblings\n\nLooking at the guilty ones both rias and sona have a serious look on their faces before they then speak\n\n\"We...\"\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n\n<b>Shadow here with the next chapter and as a heads up the ten's punishment will happen in the next chapter</b>\n\n<b>So my question to you all is the following</b>\n\n<b>What should the punishment of Xenovia,Ravel,</b><b>Yubelluna</b><b>,</b><b>Katase</b><b>,</b><b>Aika</b><b>,Issei,Raiser,</b><b>Motohama</b><b>,</b><b>matsuda</b><b> and Saji be?</b>\n\n<b>Leave a comment saying what the punishments for the ten be and ill see you all in the next </b><b>chapter</b>", "<b>Previously</b>\n\n\"We....\"\n\n<b>Current time 3rd POV</b>\n\n\"We will give you five a warning and that you reevaluate your motives especially towards individuals who are happy in a relationship with their loved ones\" both Sona and Rias say to the five they are each judging\n\n\"That's it? No threatening of being removed from the peerage/Council or anything like that?\" Issei and saji  say\n\n\"Do you want that to happen?\" Rias and Sona both say\n\n\"Because if so I can so make it happen especially with my sister/Brother here\" both Sona and Rias say\n\n\"And we will most certainly do it for our siblings too\" Sirzechs and Serafall say\n\nSuddenly those in the orc clubhouse hear a strange voice\n\n\"Then why don't I take these maggots off your hands\" the voice says\n\n\"Who's there?!\" Akeno yells\n\nA figure then appears within the clubhouse\n\n<b>R</b><b>e</b><b>place the area of the lookout with that of the orc clubhouse</b>\n\n\"Who the heck are you?!\" Issei shouts\n\nThe figure looks at Issei before bitch slapping him into the wall\n\n\"Be quiet maggot... Now the I am known as popo and I'm taking these five with me\" popo says as he points to Issei riser Ravel Yubelluna and Xenovia\n\n\"Like riser will go anywhere with a fatso\" riser says smugglingly \n\nPopo looks at riser before putting into a wall much like Issei\n\n\"Now then any more back talk?\" Popo asks the other three\n\n\"No sir! No back talk from us!\" Ravel says in a panic\n\n\"Good now you will wait here while I go get the other five of your little group\"\n\nPopo vanished from the orc clubhouse which he then appears in the council room\n\n\"Um who are you sir? And how did you appear like that?\" Sona asks respectively\n\nPopo looks at Sona  with a smile\n\n\"Seems there are some maggots that show respect towards others they just meet... Anyway I am called Popo and the five *points to saji matsuda motohama katase and aika* are coming me and the rest of their little group\" popo says\n\n\"Why would we go with you?\" Aika asks\n\n\"Because of what you did to a future pupil of mine one I'm surely you know\"  Popo says calmly\n\n\"Mr popo are you referring to Y/N?\" Sona asks\n\n\"Yes I am\" Popo says\n\n\"Can I ask how is doing in your world?\" Sona asks\n\n\"He is doing fine He's still adjusting to his new bloodline but he is doing just fine\" Popo says\n\nBoth Sona and Serafall breathe a sigh of relief\n\n\"Mr Popo can we ask what did you mean by new bloodline?\" Momo says\n\n\"All will be revealed in the future young one as for now let's go you five we got to pick up your other house members then you ten will be living the rest of your lives with me\" Popo says\n\n\"B-But...\" Is all Saji could say before he knocked out by Mr Popo\n\n<b>Author:Leave a comment if you think Saji Issei Ravel Riser and Yubelluna should have their peerage pieces removed or not</b>\n\nUsing a unknown technique to those in the room Popo picks up the five with ease before disappearing from the council room\n\nAfter popo left the council room can breathe normally\n\n\"Wow he's really strong!\" Momo says\n\n\"I agree it took all I could just to keep standing\" Tsubasa says\n\n\"But for all I know is that those ten are in for a rough time\" Serafall says with a sweat drop\n\nPopo arrives back at the orc clubhouse which he then does the same thing he did to the five in the council room to Issei Ravel Xenovia Yubelluna and riser\n\n\"Let's go...\" Popo\n\nPopo then vanishes from the orc clubhouse with the ten\n\n\"They are screwed aren't they?\" Koneko asks\n\n\"Yup.\" Sirzechs kiba Akeno and rias all say at the same time\n\n<b>Meanwhile with Y/N (His POV)</b>\n\nA few days has passed since I became a Saiyan and moved to the world I am now in\n\nDuring that time I decided to work for Bulma part time in order to make some zeni as the currency is called in this world so that I can some day get a place of my own\n\n\"Y/N can you please bring me the folder near the computer close to the doors to the lab?\" Dr Briefs asks me\n\n\"Right away Dr Briefs\" I say as I go and grab the folder\n\nWalking back to the Dr I hand over the folder\n\n\"Here you are sir\" I say as Dr Briefs takes the folder from me\n\n\"Thank you lad\" Dr Briefs says to me\n\n\"Your welcome sir\" I respond\n\nI then proceed to gently wipe off the nearby counters making sure I don't break anything\n\nAfter a few hours Dr Briefs calls out to me\n\n\"Alright Y/N that's it for the day here is your pay\" Dr Briefs says as he hands me 35 zeni\n\n\"Thank you sir I shall see you tomorrow sir\"  I say as I exit the lab\n\nAs I'm walking the halls of Capsule Corp a kid with light purple hair runs over to me\n\n\"Hey are you the new guy that just started working with my grandpa?\" The kid asks me\n\n\"Yes that's me but um who are you kid?\" I ask the child before me\n\n\"Oh right I wasn't at the meeting place when you arrived but my name is Trunks Briefs\" trunks says to me\n\n\"Wait you said that Dr Briefs is your grandfather and I recall that Ms Bulma and Mr Vegeta are married then...\" I start to say before trunks finishes what I was going to say\n\n\"Yes I'm Bulma and Vegeta's son\" trunks says to me\n\n\"Huh the more you know... So what can I do for you trunks?\" I ask the kid Infront of me\n\n\"You need to come with me my dad asked that I bring you to the training room for training\" Trunks says to me\n\n\"Well let's get going then lead the way trunks\" I say\n\nTrunks nods and motions for me to follow him which I do just that\n\nAfter a few minutes of walking we arrive at a door which we both enter\n\nUpon entering I see Vegeta hard at work training alone\n\n\"Dad! I brought him!\" Trunks shouts \n\nVegeta stops for a moment before turning to see trunks and myself standing in the training room \n\n\"Good your here\" Vegeta says to me\n\n\"So how will the training be sir?\" I ask Vegeta\n\n\"I want you to come at me so that I can see where you stand in terms of combat since now you are a Saiyan\" Vegeta says to me\n\n\"Alright do I need to go all out or hold back some of my strength?\" I ask\n\n\"Go all out with the intent to Kill  and don't worry I'll be able to handle your attacks\" Vegeta says\n\nThe two of us get into our fighting stances which trunks gives us some space\n\n\"Ready?!\" Trunks shouts as he looks to the two of us\n\nWe both nod and wait for the signal\n\n\"Go!\" Trunks yells\n\nWe both dash at each other with a fist cocked back yelling in the process\n\n\"RAAAAAAAHHHH!!!\" We both yell before our fists connects against each others\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n\n<b>Shadow here with the next chapter and yes Issei Xenovia Saji Ravel Rise </b><b>Katase</b><b> </b><b>Aika</b><b> </b><b>matsuda</b><b> and </b><b>motohama</b><b> have all been taking by lord popo as for their real punishments they will be announced later in the story as I have something let's say sinister in stored for the 10</b>\n\n<b>Anyway see you all in the next chapter </b>", "<b>3rd POV</b>\n\nWithin the training chambers at capsule Corp the sounds of punches can be heard connecting over and over\n\n\"HAAAAA!!\" Y/N shouts as his fist connects to Vegeta's face which Vegeta returns the punch to Y/Ns Face\n\nThe two continue to trade punches as Vegeta wants to see where Y/N stands in strength\n\n<b>Basically how the two are sparring but both are in the training room at capsule Corp and are in their normal forms and they are on the ground in the training room also Replace Goku with Y/N</b>\n\nAs the two spar Trunks is in awe at what he is witnessing happen in front of him\n\n\"Holy crap they look like they've been rivals for a long time!\" Trunks thought to himself\n\nY/N catches Vegeta's fist before gripping his right fist and punching Vegeta in the gut before elbowing his face\n\n<b>Meanwhile with the ten and Mr I mean Lord Popo</b>\n\n\"Where are we?\" Katase asks\n\n\"You are in your new home where you will spend the rest of your life's at\" Popo says\n\nRiser gets angry and conjures a fireball\n\n\"Riser demands you let us go now!\" Riser shouts\n\nPopo just silently stares at Riser before disappearing\n\n\"Where did he g-\" is all Saji could say before he and the rest hear riser scream in pain\n\n\"Aaaaaahhhh!!!!! My arm! You bastard!\" Riser shouts holding what used to be his left arm\n\n\"Holy shit! We're doomed!\" Aika yells\n\n\"Now anymore disrespect will cause each of you to receive the same fate as him *points to Riser* \" Popo says\n\n<b>Over with those in </b><b>Kuoh</b>\n\n\"So rias how will you explain to riser and ravel's parents on what happened?\" Sona asks her friend\n\n\"I'm not sure but they are not the only ones we need to tell the truth about\" Rias responds to her friends question\n\n\"Rias is right we also need to inform the parents of Issei Aika Katase as well as the siblings of Saji\" Akeno says\n\n\"The siblings part is what's gonna tear my heart strings apart... I can't stand to see poor innocent children alone and lost without anyone to guide them\" Tsubaki says\n\n\"Besides informing those of who was said a moment ago we also need to determine how to get our pawn pieces as well as your knight piece back from Issei Saji and Xenovia respectively\" Sona says\n\n\"I agree but we have no clue on where this popo fella has taken them to\" Akeno says\n\n\"Couldn't you just teleport to them since they are still in the peerage lady rias lady sona?\" Kiba asks\n\n\"We've tried Kiba but no matter what we do we can't teleport to them it's like no matter what we do the teleportation circles always fail\" Rias says\n\nSuddenly Sirzechs serafall as well as the parents of riser and Ravel appear in the room the group are conversing in\n\n\"Brother?\" Rias says\n\n\"Hello rias I'm here because riser and ravel's parents wish to speak with you\" Sirzechs says\n\n\"What can I do for you Lady Phoenix and Lord Phoenix?\" Rias asks the two devil's\n\n\"Well dear we just want to know where our children have disappeared off to as well as where Ravel's boyfriend is\" lady Phoenix says to rias\n\n\"And who this popo character that Sirzechs told us about\" Lord Phoenix says\n\nRias with the help of Sona begin to explain what all happened with Y/N Ravel and Riser to Lord and Lady Phoenix\n\n\"Oh my... And your positive this happened?\" Lady Phoenix asks\n\n\"Yes ma'am it did happen as myself Sona Akeno and the white dragon emperor was all there with Y/N when he found that ravel was cheating on him\" rias responds\n\n\"And after Y/N was taken by this Whis and Beerus deity's you gave the ten a warning for their actions which a being known as popo came and took them correct?\" Lord Phoenix says\n\n\"Yes sir that is correct\" Sona says\n\n\"Is it possible to meet Whis and Beerus?\" Lady Phoenix asks\n\nEveryone begins to ponder on how to get in touch with the two deities before the deities themselves appear\n\n\"Oh my it would seem you are trying to get ahold of us\" Whis says\n\n\"Yes we was actually but how did you know?\" Serafall asks\n\n\"Whis's orb on his staff caught wind of your conversation which we decided to come see what is it that you want from us\" Beerus says\n\n\"If the orb on lord whis's staff caught wind of our conversation then you Lord Whis should know what it is that we need help with\" Sona says\n\n\"I do you wish to get your pieces back from three who used attend this academy as well as the two pieces of the children belonging to the two *points to Ravel and Risers Parents* \" Whis says\n\n\"Actually we want our children back if possible my Lord\" Lady Phoenix says\n\n\"Afraid Not madame as the one who took them is one that neither I or Beerus wants to deal with and if he took the ten who betrayed young Y/N with him then you will never get them back\" Whis says\n\n\"Then can you please get their peerage pieces from them as well as something that belongs to them so that we can have something to remember them by?\" Sirzechs asks\n\n\"That seems reasonable we can do that but nothing more is that understood\" Beerus says\n\nEveryone in the room nods which Beerus and Whis leaves via teleportation\n\n<b>Back with The Eleven</b>\n\nEach member of the ten who betrayed Y/N are doing some sort of minimal task as given by Lord Popo\n\nSuddenly a teleportation sound is heard which Popo sees Whis and Beerus before him\n\n\"What brings you here?\" Popo asks\n\nWhis explains what was said earlier which Popo listens carefully\n\n\"Very well and I want the dragon out of that perv and given to Y/N\" Popo says\n\n\"Understood\" Beerus responds calmly\n\nPopo leads the two to the others\n\n<b>Back with Y/N</b>\n\nY/N and Vegeta have been sparring for quite some time as both not letting up on the spar\n\nSuddenly a voice is heard within the room\n\n\"Boost!\" The voice shouts\n\nY/N stops when he hears the voice\n\nVegeta punches Y/N in the face which causes Y/N to slide back on the ground\n\n\"Never stop in the middle of battle that will get you killed\" Vegeta says\n\n\"I know but I was caught off guard by something unexpected\" Y/N says\n\n\"Hey Y/N?\" Trunks says\n\n\"Yeah trunks?\" Y/N responds\n\n\"Why is there a red gauntlet on your left arm?\" Trunks asks\n\n\"Red gauntlet?\" Both Y/N and Vegeta say before looking at Y/Ns left arm\n\n\"Boost!\" The gauntlet shouts\n\n\"Hold up...Ddraig is that you?\" Y/N says to the gauntlet\n\n\"Yes it is i young L/N\" ddraig says from the gauntlet\n\n\"Aren't you suppose to be with the perv Issei?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"I used to before lord Whis and lord Beerus freed me from the pervert\" ddraig responds\n\n\"Explain dragon\" Vegeta says\n\nSoon ddraig explains what happened which no one flinches at what was said\n\n\"Really nothing? No reaction or anything?\" Ddraig says loudly\n\n\"No we are shocked don't get me wrong just never thought you would want to get away from the perv so quickly\" Y/N says\n\n\"Well after dealing with his bullshit I had enough and from what I seen from this popo character I will gladly take my freedom from that perv\" Ddraig says\n\n\"Huh so ontop of being a Saiyan I now have the power of the Welsh dragon ddraig... Neat oh and do I know this ddraig I'm not gonna follow your stupid rules about fighting Albion and all that non sense\" Y/N says matter of factly\n\n\"But the rivalry!\" Ddraig shouts from the gauntlet\n\n\"Yeah well Fuck the damn rivalry I'm not gonna be the red dragon emperor if all I'm gonna be used for is to see which dragon's host is stronger then the other no if your with me ddraig then you will be helping me improve myself for the sake of protecting others\" Y/N says seriously\n\nVegeta nods in approvement \n\n\"Very well but I have a feeling Albion won't like it\" Ddraig says\n\n\"Your rival is gonna have to get used to the changes dragon now then Y/N let's resume the spar\" Vegeta says as he gets into his combat stance\n\n\"Right!\" Y/N says as he gets into his combat stance\n\nThe two spar for the rest of the day before calling it quits on the spar\n\nY/N exits the training room and heads back to the room Bulma is letting him use at capsule Corp\n\nClimbing into the bed of the room which Y/N falls asleep fast like\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n\n<b>Shadow here with the next chapter and with a update to the story </b>\n\n<b>Now I have added a few transformations to the ones already listed in the bio mainly the 1-4 stages of super Saiyan god and super Saiyan blue/blue evolved</b>\n\n<b>But I also added a special transformation that is gonna be unique to the story</b>\n\n<b>Also a little fun event</b>\n\n<b>I'm thinking of changing the cover photo but I've been designing most myself</b>\n\n<b>So I would like one of you *points to the ones reading this* to design a cover for the story</b>\n\n<b>Simply make one and pm me the link to it I'll then take a look at it and see if its good</b>\n\n<b>Anyway see you in the next </b><b>chapter</b>", "<b>3rd POV</b>\n\nAs Y/N is sleeping in his bed at capsule Corp a strange portal sucks him in which transports him to the area known as hell\n\nFeeling a change in comfort Y/N begins to stir which he soon awakes\n\n\"Huh where the heck am I?\" Y/N asks as he gets up from the hard ground\n\nLooking around Y/N sees the water is a deep red\n\n\"Why is the water red for isn't it usually blue?\" Y/N asks himself as he stares at the water\n\nAs Y/N is gazing at the water two attacks approach\n\nThe attacks hit Y/N which knocks him into the water\n\n\"What the hell?! Who shot me?!\" Y/N says loudly\n\n\"That would be us monkey\" A voice says\n\nTurning to the sound of the voice Y/N sees a lizard like creature and a humanoid bug standing a few feet from the railing\n\n\"So who are you supposed to be?\" Y/N asks the two\n\n\"You kidding right? You don't know Frieza emperor of the universe? Or myself cell the perfect android?\" The humanoid bug known as cell says\n\n\"Nope never heard of either of you\" Y/N responds as he manages to get out of the red water\n\n\"How is it that a monkey like you has never heard of me Lord Frieza!\" The lizard creature known as Frieza yells\n\n\"Well perhaps it might be because I'm from another world or I guess dimension in simpler terms and only recently arrived in this dimension\" Y/N answers\n\n\"What are you talking about monkey?\" Another voice says\n\nSoon a figure similar to Frieza appears\n\n\"Brother what are you doing here?\" Frieza says\n\n\"I came to see what was taking you so long to return to the others but regardless what did you mean by your from another dimension monkey\" the brother of Frieza says\n\n\"Well first let me introduce myself I am Y/N L/N once human now Saiyan due to an order by Lord Whis and Lord Beerus\" Y/N says\n\n\"I'm Cooler since you only know Frieza and Cell\" Cooler says\n\n\"Right nice to meet you three so here's my story of what happened so far\" Y/N says as he begins to explain everything that happened to him\n\n\"Huh so this boosted gear is said to increase ones power every ten seconds?\" Cell says\n\n\"Yes that is correct and from what Vegeta told me of the Saiyans I would get a power boost if I survive from a fatal wound\" Y/N responds to Cell\n\n\"And topping the gear of yours I'm pretty sure you can become stronger then anyone well almost anyone\" Cooler says\n\n\"You know you guys are surprisingly calm at what I told you especially you Frieza since you are as cell said moments ago the emperor of the universe\" Y/N says\n\n\"I'd have to agree with him Frieza normally you'd kill any Saiyan you see\" Cooler says\n\n\"I know but for some strange reason I find myself wanting to be friends with this monkey\" Frieza says\n\n\"That's another thing I'm puzzled about you call me a monkey but I have no idea how that affects me in any sort of way\" Y/N says\n\n\"My brother and I will explain in a minute for now we are gonna take you to our father\" Cooler says\n\nAfter a little bit of walking the four arrive to a area where another lizard like figure is seen standing\n\n\"My children why haven't you killed this Saiyan yet?\" The figure asks Frieza and cooler\n\n\"About that father this monkey is more interesting than other monkeys.\" Frieza says to her father\n\n\"But before we go any further father please introduce yourself atleast\" Cooler says\n\n\"*Sigh* very well I am known as King Cold and I am the father to both Frieza and Cooler\" King Cold says to Y/N\n\nY/N kneels before speaking\n\n\"It is an honor to be in your presence your majesty and if I may be bold to ask a question of you sire\" Y/N says\n\n\"Hmm this is new but yes you may speak your question\" King Cold responds\n\n\"Well sire it's just that your frieza's and Cooler's father correct?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"Yes that is correct\" King Cold says\n\n\"Then may I be bold to ask what happened to your wife and their mother?\" Y/N asks which shocks Frieza and Cooler\n\n\"My quite a bold question you asked there Y/N\" Cell says\n\n\"I'm afraid I must decline answering that question as we only just met\" King Cold responds to Y/N\n\n\"I understand sire and forgive me for asking a inappropriate question of your family\" Y/N says\n\n\"You are forgiven child\" King Cold says\n\n\"Now then Frieza Cooler you both said that you would explain to me why Frieza calls me a monkey\" Y/N says to the brothers\n\n\"Right so the term monkey comes from the transformation you Saiyans have access to\" Cooler says\n\n\"Your referring to the super Saiyan transformations right?\" Y/N asks Cooler\n\n\"No that is not the transformation he is referring to he is referring to what is known as the ozaru or great ape\" Frieza says for his brother\n\n\"Uh what?\" Y/N says confused\n\n\"Allow me to help explain see the ozaru form is a transformation Saiyans can change into when they look at the moon\" cell says\n\n\"And for it to happen the Saiyan must have their tail attached to their bodies\" Frieza says\n\n\"The tail can be removed?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"Yes it can anyone with enough strength can yank the tail off of a Saiyan but it is reported that some Saiyans have had their tails regrown on their bodies\" King Cold says\n\n\"Huh but I take it that there is something else I'm not understanding about the ozaru form\" Y/N says to the four\n\n\"Right so the ozaru form increases the fighters combat prowess by ten times but because they are in the ozaru form they are uncontrollable\" Cell says\n\n\"So if I somehow transform into the Ozaru I would turn on both friend and foe alike?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"That is correct now there is two ways to revert back from the ozaru form\" Cooler says\n\n\"The first is to cut of the tail of the ape which will revert the Saiyan back to their human form\" Frieza says\n\n\"The second is to destroy whatever object the Saiyan looked at in the first place that allowed them to become the Ozaru\" Cell says\n\nY/N is taking in all this knowledge the four are telling him\n\n\"By the way child how did you arrive in hell?\" King Cold asks Y/N\n\n\"To be honest I have no idea I was sleeping in the bed in a room at capsule Corp when I suddenly woke up due to feeling the change in comfort and I found myself here\" Y/N says answering king colds question\n\n\"But who would cause you change scenes without so much as a word\" Ddraig says from the gauntlet that suddenly appeared on Y/Ns arm\n\n\"Your gauntlet is talking Y/N\" Cell says\n\n\"Yes it is. Allow me to introduce to you four ddraig who's soul is within the gauntlet and he is also the one who boosts my power every ten seconds\" Y/N says\n\n\"But how can a soul help you in battle?\" Cooler asks\n\nBefore anymore can be said Whis appears behind Y/N\n\n\"Ah there you are Y/N you caused quite the fright when you was not found in your room today\" Whis says\n\n\"Sorry it's just I somehow got brought here and we'll after a long talk made I think if they are accepting of it some friends here in hell\" Y/N says\n\n\"You would think of us as friends?\" Cooler asks\n\n\"Of course and if I may say what some would say but Villains are just people who have lost their grip on how things are viewed and with proper guidance and help can be reformed into powerful and respectable figures\" Y/N responds to Cooler\n\n\"My my I haven't heard that phrase in quite a long while but for now we must return to the others so please stand next to me\" Whis says\n\n\"Right let's go also Frieza Cell Cooler King Cold if you somehow get brought back to life and appear on earth I will have to fight you guys to make sure I'm not holding back during the fight\" Y/N says to his new friends\n\n\"We won't hold it against you and if anything we would want you to fight us with all you got as we are positive that you can give us an extraordinary fight child\" King Cold Says to Y/N\n\nSoon Whis and Y/N return to the entrance of Capsule Corp\n\n\"Hey there you are! Where did you go?!\" Bulma shouts\n\n\"Sorry I sort of ..... Took a trip around the world and didn't want to bother you or Mr Vegeta\" Y/N says\n\n\"Your hiding something but whatever tomorrow you will learn the basics of ki so you can gain access to flight\" Vegeta says to Y/N\n\nNodding his head in agreement Y/N spends the rest of the evening chatting with the z fighters before retiring to his bed within capsule Corp \n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n\n<b>Shadow here with the next chapter of the rewritten story and I hope you all enjoy it</b>\n\n<b>Before I go I have one question though</b>\n\n<b>For the friends to the reader (DBZ/Super) should I add Buu and </b><b>Broly</b><b> to the list of friends?</b>\n\n<b>Leave a comment with your answers to if I should or not and I will see you all in the next </b><b>chapter</b>", "<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nAfter meeting Frieza Cell Cooler and King Cold in hell I now sit up in the bed I'm allowed to use at capsule Corp\n\n\"I wonder how I will discover Ki?\" I ask myself\n\n\"There's no telling but you should be ready as Vegeta is here\" Ddraig says just as there is a knock on the door\n\n\"Come in!\" I shout which the door opens to reveal Vegeta\n\n\"Good your awake get dressed and let's go it's time for you to unlock your ki\" Vegeta says to me\n\n\"Is there a way that the ki can be unlocked?\" I ask Vegeta as I put my clothes on before  we exit the room\n\n\"You will learn how to once we reach the spot where you will unlock your ki\" Vegeta says to me\n\nI follow Vegeta which we see Bulma waiting  for us with a hover transport vehicle\n\n\"You are to go with Bulma meanwhile I will fly towards the location Bulma should know where to go\" Vegeta tells me which I nod in agreement\n\n\"Right\" I say as I board the vehicle which I see Vegeta fly off just as Bulma starts the Vehicle\n\nAfter riding on the vehicle we arrive at a wide open field with the others waiting for us\n\nExiting the vehicle I look at the group\n\n\"So how is this whole unlocking of ki suppose to happen?\" I ask the group\n\n\"Gohan and I will be teaching you how to bring out your latent ki which once that is done we each will help you improve your fighting techniques using Ki\" Goku tells me\n\n\"Alright do I need to do anything for the ki to be unlocked?\" I ask\n\nGohan tells me that I need to sit cross legged which I then need to search deep within myself for a ball of energy\n\nDoing as Gohan said I sit down and begin to search within myself\n\n<b>3rd POV</b>\n\nAs Y/N is searching for the ball of energy within himself the z fighters are conversing\n\n\"How big do you think his ki is?\" Krillin asks\n\n\"There's no telling but I'm positive we will find out soon\" Beerus says\n\nSuddenly a  red and green aura surround Y/N as the earth begins to shake\n\n\"What's going on?!\" Tien shouts\n\n\"Oh my it would seem that there are massive energies within the new Saiyan\" Whis says\n\n\"What do you mean Lord Whis?\" Vegeta asks\n\n\"Look\" Whis says as he points a finger to Y/N\n\nThe red aura then takes the form of ddraig which let's out a very loud roar which the green aura then takes the form of a ape with red glowing eyes the ape let's out a loud roar as well\n\n\"Holy is that a dragon?!\" Chichi shouts loudly\n\n\"It is\" Beerus says\n\n\"When did he become a dragon?! Videl yells\n\n\"He didn't become a dragon as he is still a Saiyan but for how the dragon is apart of him I'm sure lord Whis and lord Beerus can explain that in a moment\" Vegeta says which Whis and Beerus nod at\n\nThe two auras then merge together forming a great ape with dragon like wings and a mix of red and green auras\n\n\"Look! The auras have merged!\" Goten shouts\n\nThe auras then disappear which Y/N opens his eyes\n\n\"I take that something happened?\" Y/N asks the group\n\n\"You can say that youngster\" Roshi responds\n\n\"So what now?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"Now try bringing forth a ball of ki in your hand like so\" Goku says as he summons a ball of ki in his left hand\n\nNodding his head Y/N does exactly as Goku does which a ball of ki soon appears on Y/Ns right hand\n\n\"Huh well that was easy but I have a feeling there's something else to it then just summoning forth a ball of ki all willy nilly\" Y/N says\n\n\"Yes there is quite alot more to just that but what I wanna know is how you have a dragon apart of you\" Lazuli asks\n\n\"Allow us to explain how young L/N has the dragon he now possesses\" Whis says\n\nSoon both Whis and Beerus explain what all happened in order for Y/N to obtain ddraig\n\n\"Huh so that's how I got ddraig\" Y/N says calmly\n\n\"Who's this ddraig?\" Hercule asks\n\n\"Before I tell who he is can I ask who is the pink looking figure next to you is Mr Satan?\" Y/N asks\n\n<b>The figure</b>\n\n\"Oh right you never met him as he wasn't with us when you arrived *cough* this fella beside me is Majin Buu or just Buu for short\" Hercule says\n\n\"I'm guessing there's a story involving him?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"In a way yes but for now let us explain how we will be helping you improve in the usage of Ki\" Tien says\n\n<b>Author:Leave a comment on how the z fighters will help Y/N Improve with Ki</b>\n\nY/N then explains about Ddraig and what he can do to the Z fighters\n\n<b>Back in Kuoh</b>\n\nWithin Kuoh five devil's are heading to the first house on their list of homes to visit \n\n\"Alright here's Issei's place\" Rias says\n\n\"Are we ready for this Rias?\" Akeno asks\n\n\"We have no other choice Akeno other wise they will ask us how to get in contact with him and we can't afford to lie any more than we have to\" Sona responds to Akeno\n\nRias walks up to the door of Issei's home which she then knocks on the door\n\n\"Rias? Why knock on the door?\" Issei's mother says to rias\n\n\"Mrs Hyoudou we have something to tell you and it involves Issei\" Akeno answers for rias\n\n\"Did he do something stupid at school again?\" Issei's mother says with a sigh\n\n\"Stupid is putting it mildly ma'am\" Sona says\n\n\"May we come in?\" Rias asks\n\n\"Sure but you don't really need to ask you know this right...\" Issei's mother says to Rias\n\nRias Akeno and Sona are then sitting in the living room of the home\n\n\"So girls what's going on with Issei?\" Issei's father asks\n\n\"Let me first ask you both know a student by the name of Y/N L/N right?\" Sona asks\n\n\"He's the one that Issei always complains about having and I quote 'hot girls' right?\" Issei's father asks\n\n\"Yes that's him\" Akeno says\n\n\"What does he have to do with Issei?\" Issei's mother asks\n\nTaking a deep breath the three queens of Kuoh academy explain what all happened between Issei and Y/N\n\nAfter an hour of explaining the three are then seen exiting the home\n\n\"Well that went better then I could of hoped\" Sona says\n\n\"Though I wonder how Tsubaki and Kiba are handling saji's siblings\" Akeno says\n\n\"We can only hope for good results but for now we need to head to Aika's home next\" Rias says\n\nThe three continue onwards towards the next home on their list to explain what happened to The next one who betrayed Y/N\n\nAfter many hours of explaining rias Akeno Sona Tsubaki kiba koneko and momo  all meet up at the park\n\n\"How did it go with you four?\" Sona asks\n\n\"Saji's siblings were hurt that Saji could do that and that they would never be able to see him again\" Kiba says with a sad expression\n\n\"Katase's parents weren't any happier either they were shocked that she could do that to someone who truly cared for her\" Koneko says in her monotone voice\n\n\"None the less we told what we needed to tell for now let's head home and rest for tomorrow\" Rias says which everyone nods in agreement\n\nSoon the devil's all head back to their respective homes which everyone calls it a night\n\n<b>Back with Y/N and the Z fighters</b>\n\nAfter being told how the training will be the fighters all head back to their homes as well which Y/N goes with Bulma to Capsule Corp which he then heads for the room he has access to and falls asleep in the bed\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n\n<b>Shadow here with the next chapter and I hope you all enjoy it</b>\n\n<b>See you in the next </b><b>chapter</b>", "<b>Beerus's Planet 3rd POV</b>\n\nOn the planet of the god of destruction Beerus Whis is calmly tending to stuff around the planet\n\nSuddenly a figure appears before Whis similar to the deity\n\n\"Oh hello father what brings you here?\" Whis asks his father\n\n\"I have another assignment for you and Beerus Whis\" Whis's father says\n\n\"Well let me go get lord Beerus father\" Whis says as he heads to where Beerus is \n\nAfter several minutes Whis returns to his father with Beerus \n\n\"You have an assignment for us my lord?\" Beerus asks\n\n\"Yes now as I tasked you before with finding the human Y/N L/N. I now want to go get a half human half devil known as Vali Lucifer and his team here is their picture\" Whis's Father says as he summons a picture of Vali and his team\n\n\n\"Hmm I believe Whis and I encountered this Vali fellow when we went to pick up Y/N if I recall but his team I have no idea who they are\" Beerus says as he looks at the pictures\n\n\"So we are to go get them and bring them to Y/N and the Z Fighters?\" Whis asks\n\n\"That is correct now please begin your assignment you two\" Whis's Father says\n\n\"Yes sir\" Both Whis and Beerus says before disappearing\n\n<b>Within a Certain Groups hideout</b>\n\n\"Hey Vali do you think Y/N is doing alright?\" A individual asks\n\n\"I'm sure he's fine Arthur but what I can't understand is where did those who hurt Y/N go off to especially my rival\" Vali says\n\n\"We can tell you what happened young Lucifer\" Whis's voice echos in the room\n\nSoon Whis and Beerus appear before the group\n\n\"Who are you nya?\" A cat like individual asks\n\n\"Kuroka don't try anything as for the two are the ones who took Y/N with them\" Vali says\n\n\"It seems you do remember us\" Beerus says\n\n\"Of course but if I may ask why are you here?\" Vali asks the two deities \n\n\"Well young Vali pack your bags because your going to the same place your friend Y/N is at\" Whis says\n\n\"Wait your taking Vali to where Y/N is?!\" Arthur shouts\n\n\"Yes and not only him but you all as well\" Beerus says\n\n\"Wait we all go with you?\" A human with a monkey tail says\n\n\"Before anymore is said let me introduce my team Lord Beerus... The one who just spoke is called Bikou the girl who said Nya earlier is Kuroka the strict looking blond is Arthur and then you have Le Fay Arthur's sister\" Vali says \n\n\"We sorta knew that already but I must thank you for making it simpler\" Whis says\n\n\"Oh well all we need to do is stand next to you correct?\" Vali asks\n\n\"Correct now please do so now\" Beerus says \n\nTeam Vali stands next to Whis and Beerus which they soon vanish from the room\n\n<b>Meanwhile with Y/N and The Z Fighters (Y/Ns POV )</b>\n\nAfter learning how I will be trained by Goku and the others I am given a day to prepare myself as Vegeta told me that training will be hell\n\n\"I wonder how the others are doing back home...\" I say to myself \n\nSoon I see Lord Whis and Lord Beerus landing Infront of the Capsule Corp building\n\nHeading to the entrance I see Lord Whis and lord Beerus with several individuals next to them\n\n\"Hold the phone Vali is that you?\" I say as I look at one of the individuals\n\nVali grins which I grin back\n\nWe both walk to each other before doing our greeting\n\n\"Vali You son of a bitch!\" I say with a smile which Vali is seen smiling as well\n\n\"Seriously though Vali what are you doing here?\" I ask my friend\n\n\"They are going to be staying in this world with you\" Lord Beerus says to me\n\n\"Alright Lord Beerus... Oh Vali before I forget there's something you need to know\" I say calmly\n\n\"What is it\" Vali responds\n\n\"I'm the new red dragon emperor\" I say as I summon the gauntlet\n\n\"But I thought the perv had him\" Kuroka asks\n\nVali introduces his team to me which I nod\n\nLord Whis then informs Vali and his team of how I got Ddraig\n\n\"Huh alright so that means we are rivals then\" Vali says\n\n\"Yeah no...\" I say\n\n\"What do you mean no?\" Arthur asks me\n\n\"I mean no I'm not gonna follow some stupid rivalry by two dragons and it's as I told Ddraig when I first got him fuck the rivalry I'm not gonna be the red dragon emperor if all I'm gonna be used for is to see whether Vali or I is the strongest out of the two of us I'm only gonna be the emperor to improve myself and help others\" I say seriously\n\nVali's sacred gear appears on his back which Albion speaks\n\n\"You can't! The rivalry!\" Albion shouts\n\n\"I'm gonna agree with Y/N here Albion if all I'm gonna be used for is to see whether I or Y/N is the strongest then I'm gonna do the same thing he is doing and work on improving myself to help protect others\" Vali says which I nod in agreement much like Vegeta did when I said the same thing\n\n\"By the way Young L/N where are Goku and the others?\" Whis asks me\n\n\"They are off doing their thing since they told me I have a day to prepare before they begin training me\" I say calmly\n\n\"Well first thing tomorrow you are to introduce your friend and his team to them is that understood\" Lord Beerus says to me\n\n\"Understood Lord Beerus\" I say\n\n\"Good we shall be off now\" Lord Whis says before he and Lord Beerus disappears\n\n\"So what now?\" Bikou asks\n\n\"Now we head somewhere to make camp because i don't think the owners of this building would allow more then just me staying here just let me leave a note telling what's going on\" I say before entering capsule Corp which I immediately exit the building\n\nReturning to Vali and his team we all nod and begin to walk towards the forest where we set up camp for the night\n\n<b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b>", "<b>3rd POV </b>\n\nAfter spending a night in the wilderness in the new world Y/N Vali Kuroka Arthur Bikou and le Fay all stare up into the sky of their new home\n\n\"To think you've been spending your time here after what they did to you...\" Vali says to Y/N\n\n\"Yeah well when a god and his angel gives you specific instructions to follow you kinda have to do what they tell you but I still can't believe the craziness of what happened last night\" Y/N responds to Vali\n\n\"Seriously to think Saiyans can turn into a giant gorilla\" Bikou says as he remembers the previous night\n\n<b>Flashback to Last night</b>\n\nAfter arriving at the wasteland and setting up camp for the evening the six chat amongst themselves\n\n\"So what have you learned so far while you was in this dimension Y/N?\" Vali asks his friend\n\n\"Well not much really I recently unlocked my Ki which from what Goku and the others told me was two auras one shaped like a Oozaru or Great Ape and one shaped like a dragon\" Y/N tells Vali\n\n\"You have access to Ki nya?\" Kuroka asks Y/N\n\n\"Does she always say nya?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"Unfortunately yes as she and her sister who you might know as Koneko are the last of their species which are known as Nekomata's\" Arthur says to Y/N\n\n\"What's it like to be of a different race?\" Le Fay asks Y/N\n\n\"Well not much the only problem I have to deal with now is my huge appetite and lust for battle now which kinda makes me another Vali just add wanting to eat alot of food on top of battling alot\" Y/N says to Le Fay\n\n\"So is there any specific traits that the Saiyans have besides what you just said\" Bikou asks Y/N\n\n\"Well there is a form I can transform into that requires my tail that you all see *moves tail around* but I sort of have no control over my actions and it requires me to look at the moon in the sky\" Y/N responds to Bikou\n\n\"Like that one nya?\" Kuroka says as she points towards moon in the sky\n\nUpon looking at the moon Y/N begins to let out small growls before the growls get louder and louder \n\n\"What's going on?!\" Le Fay shouts loudly\n\nY/Ns eyes suddenly turn red as his growls are now louder then before\n\nSuddenly a wave a ki bursts from within Y/Ns body which forces vali and the rest back\n\nY/N then grows to the size of a giant with his body full of fur as he let's out a loud roar\n\nStomping around the area Y/N fires several beams of energy destroying several mountains\n\nVali and the others avoid the stomps and beams that Y/N is causing\n\n\"How do we stop him?!\" Arthur Shouts as he avoids another attack\n\n\"I don't know!\" Vali responds\n\nSuddenly a voice is heard speaking to Vali Bikou Arthur Kuroka and Le Fay\n\n\"If you wish to survive the night then listen and listen well there are two ways to return your friend to normal. The first is cut off his tail and the second to destroy whatever he looked at that caused the transformation which in this case the moon\" the voice tells the five\n\n\"So either Destroy the moon or cut off his tail\" Vali says\n\n\"But how do we destroy the moon? I don't think any of us is capable of destroying it\" Bikou says\n\n\"I don't suppose Albion has an ability to cut off tails?\" Le Fay asks\n\nThe divine dividing wings appear on Vali's back which begins to glow\n\n\"I do not possess an ability to cut off the tail off of something at large as that\" Albion says from the wings\n\n\"You guys won't need to do that anyway\" the sound of Y/Ns Voice can be heard saying to the five\n\n\"Huh?\" All five say as they look to the Oozaru of whom is looking at the five\n\n\"Y/N? Are you in control of your form?\" Bikou asks\n\n\"You could say that but I along with ddraig and the Oozaru which the form you see me in came to agreement and Vali is gonna hate me for what the agreement is...\" Y/N says with a deep tone\n\n\"What did you say....\" Vali says in an annoyed tone\n\n\"The agreement is that since I'm the host of ddraig and can't physically manifest him in his physical form and that the oozaru wants to test his strength against something really tough\" Y/N says\n\n\"And since I can use the juggernaut form you want me to use it to go against the Oozaru right?\" Vali asks\n\nY/N nods his head and explains the rest of the agreement\n\n<b>Flashback end</b>\n\n\"None the less atleast you have a worthy challenge now Vali\" Y/N says to his friend\n\n\"That is true it will be interesting to see where I stand in terms of power against your Oozaru form\" Vali says\n\nSuddenly Goku appears before everyone present\n\n\"Hey Y/N there you are! Uh who's your friend?\" Goku says to Y/N\n\n\"Hey Goku the people with me are from my world or dimension if you will and is anyone else coming?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"Yeah the others should be arriving soon\" Goku responds\n\nSoon the sound of a hovercraft vehicle can be heard from above \n\nThe vehicle lands and multiple feet touch the ground\n\n\"There you are Y/N you suddenly disappeared from the building\" Bulma says to Y/N\n\n\"Sorry Mrs Briefs it's just that if I was to stayed at your home with my friends I'm sure your husband would of gotten really angry at the way one of my friend's teammates speaks\" Y/N says\n\n\"How does your friend's teammate speak?\" Krillin asks\n\n\"She says Nya alot\" Both Y/N and Vali say at the same time\n\n\"You guys are jerks Nya!\" Kuroka yells\n\n\"In any case My name is Vali Lucifer I am Y/Ns best friend from back where he is originally from\" Vali says introducing himself to Goku and the others\n\n\"My name is Arthur Pendagon and the one beside me is Le Fay Pendagon\" Arthur introduces himself and le Fay to the others\n\n\"Hi Nya! I'm Kuroka Tohjou nice to meet you all!\" Kuroka says loudly\n\n\"It should be mentioned that Kuroka and her little sister who is back in the dimension we came from are the last of their kind so to the guys present it would be recommended that you keep a watchful look out for her as she will try to get with you to have babies\" Vali says\n\n\"She better not think of messing with my man....\"Chichi Bulma Videl and Lazuli says as they each hug their respective spouse\n\n\"It should be known that she can transform into a black cat so be on the lookout for that but in any case I'm Bikou descendant of Sun Wukong in the dimension we are from\" Bikou says as he introduces himself\n\n\"If I recall from before my arrival here Sun Wukong goes by another name which one person among us is gonna be surprised \" Y/N Says\n\n\"Really what's the name\" Trunks asks\n\n\"Sun Wukong's other name is Son Goku\" Vali says which shocks everyone except the ones who know\n\n\"Wait what?!\" The Z Fighters shout loudly\n\n\"You see the tale of sun Wukong begins with his Journey from the east all the way to the west so Goku did that happen to you?\" Y/N asks Goku\n\n\"Well I wasn't really born here as from what I was told by Vegeta here and my deceased Brother I was born on a planet called Planet Vegeta\" Goku says\n\nVegeta explains what all happened in the past which Y/N Vali and the others all nod at\n\n\"Anyway we came to tell you what we all agreed on for your training sessions with us\" Tien says to Y/N\n\n\"And may I ask what is the training sessions going to be about?\" Y/N responds\n\n\"The training sessions will be as follows... For strength and endurance my father and Vegeta will take you under their guidance in those two categories\" Gohan says\n\n\"For Ki Control Gohan will start you on the basics after which you will meet up with myself for intermediate Ki Control\" Tien says\n\n\"After Tien you will meet with King Kai for advanced Ki Control and after him is Lord Whis who will be teaching you the masterful ways of controlling your ki\" Vegeta says\n\n\"After you are taught how to control your ki you will then head to piccolo for intelligence and agility training\" Goku says\n\n\"Question is this piccolo character really that smart?\" Bikou asks\n\n\"Piccolo is super smart infact he is considered the sage of earth as to how much knowledge he knows\" Krillin says\n\nThe rest of Z fighters explain the rest of the training sessions for Y/N\n\n<b>Author:You decide on how the rest of the training sessions will be other then what was said already</b>\n\nAfter discussing the training sessions are told everyone goes back to doing whatever it was they were doing\n\nTime passes and Y/N Vali Kuroka Bikou Arthur and Le Fay all retire to their makeshift camp and fall asleep to rest for tomorrows day\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED </b>\n\n<b>Shadow here with the next chapter and I want to say I'm really sorry for not updating the story right away but I hope you enjoy the chapter </b>\n\n<b>Once again I'm truly sorry for taking so long to </b><b>update</b>", "<b>3rd POV</b>\n\nAfter meeting the Z fighters and learning of the training Regimen for Y/N Vali asks a question\n\n\"Would it be acceptable if I join Y/N during his training sessions?\" Vali asks Goku and the others\n\n\"What reason would you have for joining the training?\" Piccolo asks Vali\n\n\"Because he is my Rival\" Y/N says\n\n\"how is he your rival?\" Lazuli asks Y/N\n\n\"Right so do you all remember when we first met I told of a friend who had a pathetic rival who only wanted to stare at women all day...well Vali is that friend\" Y/N says\n\n\"That and I don't want my rival to be far stronger then me so I want to be able keep up with him in terms of power\" Vali responds\n\n\"An understandable purpose but you lack Ki\" Goku says to Vali\n\n\"Is this ki similar to senjetsu Nya?\" Kuroka asks\n\n\"Allow me to explain what senjetsu is\" Bikou says before explaining all about senjetsu\n\n\"So it is similar to Ki then\" Roshi says\n\n\"In a way yeah oh and before I forget is it possible to unlock Vali's Ki and as for why well since I am now the red dragon emperor and Vali is my rival I would like it if he could unlock the usage of Ki so that we can both further improve ourselves\" Y/N says\n\n\"A wise way of looking at things and I'm sure we can unlock his Ki potential\" Gohan says before instructing Vali to do the same method Y/N did to unlock his Ki\n\nAs Vali is searching within himself to unlock his Ki the earth once again begins to shake\n\n\"Again?!\" Tien shouts\n\nA white and black aura surround Vali which flows around his entire body rapidly\n\n\"I'm guessing by the way you said again that this has happened before Tien?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"Yeah it did and you was the cause of it the last time which I'm sure you remember as we told you after you unlocked your ki\" Tien responds to Y/N\n\nSuddenly the white side of the two auras take the shape of a white dragon which the black side takes the form of a devil which both unleash powerful roars\n\n\"Another dragon?!\" Roshi shouts\n\n\"Albion....\" Y/N quietly says\n\n\"You know the dragon Y/N?\" Piccolo asks\n\n\"Somewhat but Vali can better explain it once he is done\" Y/N responds to Piccolo\n\nSoon the earth stops shaking which Vali opens his eyes\n\n\"Well Vali you unlocked your Ki\" Y/N says to his friend\n\n\"So does this mean I have to do the same training your about to go through?\" Vali asks Y/N\n\n\"That depends on Goku and the others decision if they allow you to join in the training\" Y/N Says\n\nVali looks to the Z Fighters for an answer\n\n\"Hmm sure but for the strength training you both will have to be split up an example is Y/N Trains with Kakkarot and Vali with me then you both switch between the two of us\" Vegeta says\n\n\"So essentially we would switch between the two every.... How long will we be training with each of you?\" Y/N starts to say before asking a question\n\n\"Ah right kinda forgot to tell you well you will be training in a special room on a place called the lookout which is where the guardian of earth dende resides\" Piccolo says\n\n\"Is there something special about this room you speak of Mr Piccolo?\" Le fay asks the namekian\n\n\"Yes the room has 2 times more gravity then Earth's gravity but that's not all time flows differently within the room and what I mean by that is 1 day out here is a year in the room Y/N and Vali will be training in\" Piccolo says\n\n\"So essentially they can gain a year's worth of training and it would only be one day out here? Talk about OP as hell!\" Bikou says loudly\n\n\"None the less I'm right to assume training will begin now?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"Yup just you and Vali place a hand each on my back and I'll teleport us to where the training room we will be using is\" Goku says which Y/N and Vali both nod and does what Goku told them to do\n\n\"See you at the lookout Vegeta\" Goku says to Vegeta before disappearing \n\nSeconds later the three arrive at the lookout where they see two individuals waiting for them\n\n\n\"Ah Goku you're here and I take it the one of the two with you will be using the spirit of time room?\" One of the individuals asks Goku\n\n\"Actually both of them will be using the chamber as they are rivals and want to both improve themselves\" Goku says\n\n\"Allow me to Introduce myself I am Dende the new guardian of earth\" Dende says to Y/N and Vali\n\n\"And your Popo if I recall correctly from when you took my old rival back in the dimension we came from\" Vali says to the other individual\n\n\"So it seems you remember who I am none the less I'll be training Y/N after your done with everyone else\" Popo says to the two\n\n\"By the way how long will we be training for Goku?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"Well originally it was gonna be just a week and a half for you but seeing as your friend recently unlocked his Ki and wants to join in on the training it will be updated to a month tops\" Goku responds to Y/N\n\nBoth Vali and Y/N look at each other and nod in agreement\n\n\"Then let us begin the training!\" Both Y/N and Vali say loudly which causes Goku to smile\n\n\"Follow me boys\" Goku says as he walks towards the training room where they will be training at\n\nUpon arriving to the door the three see Vegeta waiting by the door\n\n\"Good your here let's go\" Vegeta says as he opens the door and walks in\n\nThe three follow behind which the door closes behind the last one to enter\n\nUpon entering the training room both Y/N and Vali are amazed at what they see\n\n\"This is where we are training?!\" Both Y/N and Vali say loudly\n\n\"That's right now let's get to it!\" Goku says with a grin before rushing at Y/N while Vegeta rushes at Vali\n\n<b>Days 1-7</b>\n\nFor the first week of their training both Y/N and Vali were pushed to their absolute limit by Goku and Vegeta which for Y/N was a blessing as he is a Saiyan like Goku and Vegeta and gained a massive increase in strength due to recovering from the near death experiences he went through during the week with the two Saiyan's \n\nAlas the four are now exiting the door of the training room with their clothes tattered\n\n\"Man that was a harsh first week of training\" Vali says exhausted\n\n\"True but it's worth it in the end\" Y/N says calmly\n\n\"You guys are done with us but Gohan should be coming for teaching you how to control your ki better\" Goku says\n\n\"Right we'll see you both at the end of the training\" Y/N says which Goku and Vegeta both leave just as Gohan arrived\n\n\"Alright you two I'll train you to better control your Ki\" Gohan says before entering the training room which Y/N and Vali follow behind\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED IN PART 2</b>\n\n<b>Shadow here with the next chapter and I'm sorry for not updating regularly as I should it's I'm trying to figure out how to make the chapters worth reading for you all but nonetheless I hope you enjoy the chapter and I will see you all in part 2 of the </b><b>training</b>", "<b>3rd POV</b>\n\nA short time after Gohan has begun to help Y/N and Vali learn the basics of ki the two friends are vigorously learning all they can\n\nHowever within a forbidden place that no mortal can ever enter unless approved by what resides in the place are Daishikan (the Grand Priest) and one unknown figure\n\n\"Daishikan What do we do?\" The unknown figure asks the Grand Priest\n\n\"Do what my lord?\" The Grand Priest responds to the figure\n\n\"I've been watching those who you asked whis to bring to Goku and the others\" the figure says\n\n\"Ah yes the young L/N and Lucifer what of them my lord?\" The Grand Priest asks\n\n\"Well they have begun their training by Goku and his friends but I don't think they are going to get stronger then what Goku and his friends have planned for them\" the figure says\n\n\"What do you propose they do then my lord?\" The Grand Priest asks\n\n\"Hmm oh hey I know what we can do and yes I know we aren't suppose to interfere with time but what about sending the two to the past?\" The figure asks The Grand Priest\n\n\"Well that all depends on how far you want to send them back my lord\" the Grand Priest responds\n\n\"How about to the point in which Goku met his older brother!\" The figure suggests to the grand priest\n\n\"That is quite far into the past my lord\" the grand priest responds\n\n\"Yeah but the two can gain unmeasurable strength from facing the foes of Goku's past\" the figure says excitedly\n\n\"Shall I summon the two?\" The grand priest asks the figure\n\n\"Yes please do and also summon their friends even those who respect young L/N from his original dimension\" the figure says\n\nThe grand priest nods before snapping his fingers and a ton of light pillars appear near the two which disappears revealing several devil's, angels, fallen angels,ophis,great red,Goku and the z fighters as well as whis Beerus and vali's team and Y/N and Vali themselves\n\n\"What the where are we?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"Your guess is good as mine Y/N\" Vali says\n\n\"Greetings everyone if I could have your attention please\" the grand priest says causing everyone to turn to the priest\n\n\"Um who are you supposed to be?\" Sona asks\n\n\"My name is Daishikan or for those unable to say it easy the grand priest \" the grand priest says\n\n\"And I'm Zeno Hi!\" The figure reveals who they are to everyone\n\n\"What seems to be important to call everyone here father?\" Whis asks the grand priest\n\n\"Before that is discussed can I ask who they are?\" Gogeti asks while pointing a finger to those from the dimension Y/N and Vali came from\n\n\"Allow Vali and Myself to introduce them to you all Gogeti\" Y/N says before he and Vali introduce the others from their original dimension\n\n\"It should be noted that myself Sona and akeno along side Vali helped Y/N find out he was being cheated on\" Rias says\n\n\"We kinda knew that already as Y/N told us when we first met him\" Vegeti says in response to what Rias said\n\n\"She is right as I did tell them what happened before my arrival in this dimension but regardless *look at Zeno and the grand priest* what is for our summoning to here exactly your grace?\" Y/N asks the two deities floating before everyone\n\n\"Well lord Zeno and I have been observing your training and while the hyperbolic time chamber is a good way to get the training you need to improve your fighting capabilities we have a much better method for you two\" Daishikan says\n\n\"And what's that your grace?\" Vali asks\n\n\"We will be sending both of you into the past of Goku and the rest of this dimension!\" Zeno says\n\n\"How far are you planning to send them if I may ask your grace?\" Michael asks the deities before him\n\n\"The two will be sent to past in which raditz Goku's older brother first arrives on earth\" Daishikan says\n\n\"Wait you're sending them that far?\" Krillin asks\n\n\"Yes as we believe that experiencing the fights you went through in the past can drastically help improve both Y/N and Vali's ability in combat but there will be a catch\" Zeno says\n\n\"What's the catch?\" Both Y/N and Vali ask\n\n\"The catch is that your sacred gear will be locked from being used until you reach a certain point in your journey of the past\" Daishikan\n\n\"Will there be signs as to when we will unlock the use of them again?\" Y/N asks\n\n\"Yes you will know the signs when you get to close to the specific event\" Zeno says\n\n\"What will happen to myself and the rest of vali's team?\" Arthur asks\n\n\"Vali your team will have their memories locked of you both until you unlock your sacred gear also they will be normal citizens until that time comes\" Daishikan says\n\n\"Right so when will we be sent to the past?\" Vail asks\n\n\"In five minutes so if you want to say anything now will be the time\" Zeno says\n\n\"Right *looks towards Vegeta* Vegeta do you remember when I suddenly disappeared from my room at capsule Corp and whis brought me back?\" Y/N asks the Saiyan prince\n\n\"Yeah I remember why?\" Vegeta says\n\n\"Well here's what really happened\" Y/N explains what really happened that day\n\n\"What?! You met Frieza cooler cell and king Cold?!\" Gohan shouts\n\n\"Yep and surprisingly the four didn't try to kill me despite Frieza knocking me into the water of the area with a sneak attack.....right Frieza?\" Y/N says before looking towards the individual in question\n\n\"You are correct about that which when we meet in the past I hope you live up to what you promised when we first met\" Frieza says with a grin\n\nY/N is then seen with a grin on his face\n\n\"You can count on it Frieza when I meet your past self I will give you the most exciting fight of your life even if I have to sacrifice my own to do so\" Y/N Confidently says\n\n\"Are you sure that you'll be able to handle him?\" Piccolo asks Y/N\n\n\"I'm sure it will be a struggle but as some would say what is an adventure without a bit of danger mixed into it?\" Y/N Responds\n\n\"That would be a boring kind of adventure oh and I should mention that both Y/N and Vali will be separate until they meet on earth which what I'm saying is that Y/N will be with Goku and others while Vali will be with Vegeta and Nappa\" Daishikan says\n\n\"So they only meet when Vegeta first arrives to earth in the past?\" Krillin asks\n\nZeno and Daishikan nods \n\nY/N and Vali look at each other before doing their friendship handshake\n\n\"Let's become stronger val and show what dragon emperor's can really become\" Y/N says with a smile\n\n\"Yes let us be the first ever red and white dragon emperor's to become so much stronger then those before us\" Vali says with a smile of his own\n\n\"Well are the two of you ready?\" Zeno asks the two\n\n\"We are ready your grace send us to the past and Goku I'll see you and the other z fighters of the past soon\" Y/N says to goku\n\n\"Same to you Vegeta\" Vali says to Vegeta\n\nSuddenly both Y/N and Vali are enveloped in two bright lights which one is meant to lock up their sacred gear until the appropriate time they would unlocked which the two then disappear from the area\n\nDaishikan then blocks the memory of Y/N and Vali from Valis team until the appropriate time which everyone is then teleported back to their previous locations\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED </b>", "<b>Y/</b><b>Ns</b><b> POV</b>\n\nAfter being sent via teleportation of the grand priest I now float through a weird portal as I wait for my destination to arrive\n\nSoon an opening appears Infront of me which I notice a island with a house on it\n\n\n\"I guess that's my destination for the start of the training\" I say to myself as I begin to fly towards the island\n\nAs I fly to towards I can see several individuals talking which I assume to be Goku and a few others of the z fighters of the past\n\nI then feel a powerful energy approaching the island which I fly faster to reach the island first\n\n<b>*Boom!*</b>\n\nI land on the island shocking those one the island\n\n\"Whoa who are you?\" A individual who looks identical to Goku asks me\n\n\"Wait he has a tail!\" Another individual shouts\n\nSuddenly another boom is heard which we turn our heads to see another individual has arrived on the island\n\n\"How many of you guys are going to show up?!\" A identical looking Bulma says\n\n\"So this is where you've been brother\" the rough looking individual says\n\n\"Who are you talking to?\" Goku asks the individual\n\n\"Kakkarot why haven't you killed everything on this pla-\" the rough looking individual begins to say before noticing me and my tail\n\n\"You! Your a Saiyan why haven't you helped Kakkarot with his task?!\" The rough looking Saiyan shouts at me\n\n\"Because I wasn't originally born as a Saiyan like you and Kakkarot over there are\" I say calmly which confuses everyone\n\n\"What do you mean you you weren't born as a Saiyan?\" Bulma asks me\n\n\"Simple I was born as a human but after a specific incident in my life I was ordered by two deities that I'm sure the Saiyan before us as well as the other two listening in on the side of Mr Saiyan's scouter know all too well to have my race changed from a human to Saiyan\" I calmly explain\n\nEveryone is silent as the Saiyan before us is seen shaking badly\n\n\"R-regardless I will not back away so easy!\" The Saiyan says before attacking Goku and picking up Gohan which he then flys away\n\n\"Gohan!\" Goku shouts as he watches his supposed brother take his son\n\nI offer a hand to Goku\n\n\"Come Goku let's get back your son.... You too piccolo I can sense you near by\" I say as Goku grabs my hand and pulls himself up\n\n\"Hmph I don't know who you are but I'm watching you\" piccolo says\n\n\"Let's get going! <b>FLYING NIMBUS!!!</b>\"<b> </b>Goku shouts before a cloud appears him\n\nSoon we begin flying after the saiyan\n\nAfter flying for a while we arrive at a field with a crater near the saiyan\n\n\"Alright raditz shall we get this bout started?\" I ask\n\n\"How do you know me?!\" Raditz responds\n\n\"That's for me to know just know this you are going to help me improve myself much like the two Saiyan's on the other side of your scouter is helping my friend improve\" I say\n\n\"Are you saying he is just a training obstacle to you?\" Piccolo asks\n\nI simply nod my head before getting into my fighting stance as does Goku and piccolo\n\n\"Fine! Let's see what you got!\" Raditz shouts\n\nThe three of us charge at raditz which Goku and I begin to trade punches with raditz with piccolo occasionally switching with goku\n\n<b>*Punch* *slam*</b>\n\nCan be heard from the fight which Raditz seems to be on the losing end\n\n\"How are you so powerful?!\" Raditz shouts as he blocks and punches Goku in the face after which he glares at me\n\n\"Simple I was trained by let's say another version of two Saiyan's one which I'm near and the other my friend is near\" I say\n\n\"Wait the only Saiyan near you would be Goku right?\" Piccolo asks me\n\nI simply nod my head before charging back into the fight\n\n<b>Meanwhile on the other side of the scouter at Vegeta's location</b>\n\nVegeta looks to Vali who simply gives the same nod I did to Goku\n\n<b>Back on earth at the fight</b>\n\nGoku piccolo and I continue to fight against Raditz\n\n\"Grrr take this! <b>DOUBLE SUNDAY!!</b>\" Raditz shouts before firing two purple beams from his hands \n\n\"Goku!\" I shout to the Saiyan near me which we both get into the same stance\n\n\"KA....ME....HA..ME...HA!!!!!\" We both shout before pushing our hands forward firing the Kamehameha wave at the two purple beams coming our way from raditz\n\nOur Kamehameha waves overpower raditz's attack and heads straight towards him\n\nRaditz barely dodges the attack before charging at the both of us\n\nRaditz manages to knock goku to the ground before turning his anger towards me\n\n\"You! I'll show you I'm not some training tool!!\" Raditz shouts\n\n\"Then prove it raditz show me the strength of the Saiyan who gave goku a hard time\" I say while doing the bring it gesture\n\nWe both charge at each other and begin to trade punches \n\nI merely evade each punch that raditz throws my way\n\n\"Come now raditz this surely can't be all you got\" I say as I block another punch\n\nSuddenly I notice Raditz's eyes begin to glow red\n\n<b>*Punch*</b>\n\nRaditz's punch felt stronger which sends me flying into a nearby rock\n\n\"Well that's an improvement\" I say as I get up \n\n\"I will destroy you!!!\" Raditz shouts\n\n\"Good I want a challenge!\" I shout back\n\nI charge at Raditz which Goku and Piccolo join in\n\nRaditz easily knocks out Goku and Piccolo before delivering a combo to me\n\nI wipe the blood from my mouth\n\n\"Not bad Raditz but *right eye suddenly turns emerald green* I'm just getting warmed up\" I say with a dragon like tone\n\nRushing at Raditz we trade hard punches over and over which I then send a hard kick to Raditz's stomach and break his left knee causing him to fall down\n\n\"Damn you! How are you this strong?!\" Raditz yells\n\n\"Constant training something you evil doers don't know the meaning of besides I think it's time we finish this little debut\" I say before moving away\n\nGoku and Piccolo then finish off Raditz with Goku dieing as well\n\nEveryone arrives which Piccolo and I explain what happened\n\n\"Y/N before you go off someone wants to see you at the lookout before they meet of with Goku in the afterlife\" Piccolo says before taking Gohan with him \n\nI am then flying towards the lookout curious as to who would want to see me\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>", "<b>Y/</b><b>Ns</b><b> POV</b>\n\nAfter besting raditz in a fight and being told that someone wants to meet me at the lookout which I'm currently flying to\n\nUpon my arrival I see Mr popo and a namek standing on the lookout\n\n<b>The namek</b>\n\n\"Greetings you are Y/N correct?\" The namek asks me\n\n\"I am yes and from what I remember before coming to the past you are kami the guardian of earth correct?\" I say to the kami\n\n\"You are correct but regardless we don't have much time please place a hand on my shoulder we need to get to where Goku is\" Kami says which I nod and do what he says which we then disappear from the lookout\n\nArriving at some sort of building we enter to see Goku talking with a giant\n\n\"I told you you can't go across sn- kami is that you?\" The giant says before looking at Kami\n\n\"Hello Yemma\" Kami simply says\n\n\"Yes hello to you too now who is the person you brought with you and why is he alive?\" Yemma says\n\n\"I brought him here because I believe king kai can help him and Goku improve further then what they are capable of\" Kami says\n\n\"You know very well I can't let anyone go across snake way without a proper reason\" Yemma says\n\n\"Excuse me Mr Yemma sir might I be permitted to ask a question?\" I say calmly\n\n\"You may ask your question\" Yemma says to me\n\n\"Well correct me if I'm wrong but judging by how you decide on where the deceased go based on what they did in life that would mean you are some sort of judge correct?\" I say to the giant\n\n\"Yes you are correct\" Yemma says to me\n\n\"Then by all means if Goku and I was to be denied with meeting this king kai fellow then the amount of deceased souls would rapidly increase\" I say seriously\n\n\"How so?\" Kami asks me\n\n\"Think about it despite the universe having a large collection of beings within it a single being or group of beings could be plotting to destroy life as we know it and as such if one being was to come to earth then Yemma here would have his work increased massively as there is at least over 6 billion individuals on earth\" I say to kami\n\nYemma begins to sweat profusely at what I said\n\n\"Fine! You both can go just get out of here before you cause me any more stress\" Yemma says loudly which Kami then leads us to the path we must take to reach king kai\n\n\"Alright boys this is snake way the path you both must travel to reach king kai who awaits for you at the end but be warned you can fall off and if you do it will be impossible to get back\" Kami says to us\n\n\"So stick to the path and don't fall out which we will find King kai at the end of the way right?\" I ask Kami as I prepare myself for the journey across snake way\n\n\"That is correct now you best get going \" Kami says as he disappears\n\n\"Well *looks to Goku* shall we start making our way to the end of Snake Way Goku?\" I ask the Saiyan near me\n\n\"Yeah let's go!\" Goku shouts as he starts running along the path which I follow behind\n\n<b>Meanwhile at Vegeta's Location 3rd POV</b>\n\n\"So if I heard right you were trained by a version of me?\" Vegeta asks Vali\n\n\"Yes as you originally was to train my friend Y/N with Goku which if I recall what Y/N told me is called Kakarott in Saiyan terms\" Vali says to Vegeta\n\n\"Wait you mean the lower class runt with a power level of 2?! How can he train someone like this Y/N you're talking about!\" Vegeta's partner shouts\n\n\"All I know is that both of us are here in the past to get stronger\" Vali says in a laid back tone\n\n\"Tell me something in the future do I avenge my race?\" Vegeta asks\n\n\"I have no idea to be honest with you so your best bet is to ask Y/N when we meet him\" Vali says\n\n\"But where should we go Vegeta?\" Vegeta's partner says\n\n\"Hmm I seem to recall something about dragon balls that can used to grant wishes\" Vegeta says while thinking carefully\n\n\"It would probably be our best course of action to head for earth as I seem to recall seeing some on that planet\" Vali says\n\n\"Hold up before anything else is said what are you? I mean both Vegeta and I know your not a Saiyan like us\" Vegeta's partner says to Vali\n\n\"Nappa is right so what race are you?\" Vegeta asks Vali\n\n\"I am a hybrid of a human and devil mixed\" Vali simply says\n\n\"In any case we need to get to earth to get these dragon balls which will take a year to get there\" Vegeta says\n\n\"Before we make our way there Vegeta I wanna see how well this kid fares in a fight especially since he was trained by a version of you\" Nappa says\n\n\"Good idea nappa as I am curious myself on how well a version of myself trained him\" Vegeta says\n\nBoth Vali and Nappa get into fighting positions which nappa let's out a loud war cry and charges at Vali \n\nOnce within range of vali nappa throws a hard right hook at Vali who uses his right arm to block the attack before delivering a combo to Nappa's midsection\n\nNappa tanks the combo before retaliating with a combo of his own\n\nThe two fighters continue their spar with Vegeta watching the bout\n\n<b>Meanwhile back with Goku and Y/N (Y/Ns POV)</b>\n\nSome time has passed since Goku and I began running along snake way which during that time we fell off once and had to start over again but we easy caught up to where we was\n\nAfter some more running we finally reach what looks to be the end of snake way\n\n\" *Out of breath* man that was a long run\" I say as I catch my breath\n\n\"No kidding but where is this king kai person kami told us about?\" Goku asks me\n\nI simply stare at something above us\n\n\"Up there Goku *points to what I'm looking at* I believe the one we seek is up on that planet above us\" I simply say\n\n\"Well what are we waiting for let's go!\" Goku says before jumping up to the planet which I follow suit\n\nArriving on the planet Goku crashes on the planet while I land safely on it\n\n\"How come you didn't crash?\" Goku asks me as he struggles to get up\n\n\"I'll tell how later. For now we need to find where King Kai is\" I say as I look around the surrounding area\n\n\"No need I'm right here\" a voice says coming from a nearby building located on the planet\n\nLooking towards the voice we see a figure in strange clothes looking at us\n\n\"I assume you are king kai correct?\" I ask the individual before me and Goku\n\n\"You are correct now why are you both here?\" King Kai asks us\n\n\"Well king kai we....\"\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED IN PART 2</b>", "<b>Shadow here with something I want to say before the chapter starts</b>\n\n<b>I have added 3 more girls to the harem which are fem Goku Vegeta and broly respectively</b>\n\n<b>But without further ado let the chapter begin </b>\n\n<b>Previously</b>\n\n\"Well king Kai we...\"\n\n<b>Present time Y/Ns POV</b>\n\n\"Well King Kai we hope you could train us to stop an incoming attack\" I calmly say to the Kai\n\n\"And why should I train you two?\" King Kai asks me and Goku\n\n\"Because King Kai if we are unable to be trained by you and if all those on earth were to die from the attack heading to earth then you may encounter greedy people who may take advantage of you for their own gain\" I calmly say to the Kai\n\nKing Kai begins to think at what I said\n\n\"Very well but before I even start training you both each of you needs to make me laugh somehow\" king Kai tells us\n\n\"So we gotta get you to laugh somehow\" Goku asks\n\n\"That is correct if you can make me laugh then I'll consider training you two\" King Kai responds to Goku\n\n<b>*Insert joke Goku used in the show here*</b>\n\n\"Hmm alright I got one\" I say\n\n\"Alright what's your way to make me laugh?\" King Kai says as he calms down from laughing at Goku's joke\n\n\"So King Kai what did one snowman say to the other snowman?\" I say the start the joke\n\n\"What did the snowman say?\" King Kai asks me\n\n\"The snowman asks do you smell carrot?\" I say finishing the joke which causes King Kai to laugh\n\n\"Haha it's stupid but true!\" King Kai says as he laughs\n\n\"So does this mean?\" Goku asks\n\n\"Yes I'll train you both but since your friend is used to my planets gravity already I'm gonna have to have him wear some training gear while he's here\" King Kai says\n\n\"That's fine King Kai anything to help me improve myself to help protect those I cherish\" I say with determination\n\n\"Very well give me just a second\" King Kai says as he walks into his home before walking out with some training gear\n\n\"Here put these on\" King Kai says handing me the training gear\n\nNodding my head I put the training gear which I am immediately forced down to the ground\n\n\"Ugh well then this changes everything\" I say as I try to get up off the ground\n\n\"Since you was able to stand up on my planet with ease I made the training gear I gave you heavier then what you are accustomed to\" King Kai tells me\n\nI slowly stand up on my feet\n\n\"Right so if I may ask what is our first training lesson?\" Goku asks King Kai\n\n\"Your first lesson is to catch bubbles here\" King Kai says as he points to the monkey\n\nBoth Goku and I look at the monkey near King Kai\n\n\"Sorry if I sound offensive here King Kai but you want us to catch a monkey?\" I say to the god in front of me and Goku\n\n\"That is correct and you must catch him within two hours or you both will fail\" King Kai says to us\n\nNodding our heads we begin chasing the monkey bubbles who effortlessly avoids our grab\n\nI struggle to move around the planet which Goku is going through the same thing\n\n<b>Back in space 3rd POV</b>\n\nWithin the vacuum of space Vegeta Nappa and Vali are seen traveling in Saiyan pods which Nappa taught Vali how to use his pod\n\n\"So what is this Y/N capable of?\" Vegeta asks Vali via his pod communicator\n\n\"He is quite strong and smart as he was able to deduct that his ex girlfriends was cheating on him without his consent\" Vali responds via his own pod communicator\n\n\"How many did he have?\" Nappa asks via his pod communicator \n\n\"About 6 or 7 I believe \" Vali responds to Nappa\n\n\"What was he trying to do with all those girls?\" Vegeta asks\n\n\"No clue all I know is that he treated them equally\" Vali says\n\n\"Regardless of him we have 7 more months before we reach our destination which I propose we sleep until we arrive\" Nappa says\n\n\"Will the pod let us know when we arrive?\" Vali asks\n\n\"It will wake us up when are approaching our destination \" Vegeta responds to Vali\n\nThe three then fall asleep in their respective pods as the pods steer their way to earth\n\n<b>On King Kais Planet Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nAfter two hours we managed to catch Bubbles which Goku and I are now attempting to hit a grasshopper named Gregory (<b>I think that's his name</b>) with a hammer that king Kai gave us\n\n\"Goku he's over there!\" I shout as I rush towards the grasshopper\n\nGregory dodges my swing before retaliating with an attack\n\n\" your still too slow!\" Gregory shouts as he dodges Goku's swing\n\n\"So you want speed huh? *Eyes glow emerald green* then you got speed\" I say in a dragon tone as I feel energy surging on my legs\n\nSuddenly I move faster then what Gregory can go and hit him with the hammer\n\nKing Kai is puzzled at what happened to me\n\nMy legs return to normal as I sit on the ground and watch Goku attempt to hit Gregory\n\nLooking up to the clouds above I think of what is to happen\n\n\"Soon we will meet again Vali\" I say quietly\n\n<b>3rd POV</b>\n\n\"And when we meet Y/N\" Vali says to himself\n\n\"Our Match will commence!\" Both Y/N and Vali shout in their minds\n\nBoth friends await the day when they will face off against each other\n\n<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nAfter managing to hit Gregory King Kai is now teaching some techniques of his which I allowed Goku to go first in learning them\n\n\"You have learned what you can from me Goku. now it's your friends turn\" King Kai says\n\n\"Right thanks for the lesson King Kai\" Goku says as he walks over to me\n\nWe both nod as I get up and walk over to King Kai which King Kai begins teaching me the techniques he taught Goku\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n\n<b>Shadow here and I hope you enjoy this chapter and a hint for the next chapter both fem Goku and Vegeta are to appear when the z fighters and the three meet on earth</b>\n\n<b>But in any case I'll see you all in the next chapter</b>\n\n<b>Peace</b>", "<b>3rd POV</b>\n\n7 months and the day of the attack by the saiyans has arrived\n\nDuring the 7 months Goku and Y/N has trained extensively with King Kai\n\n\"This all I can do for you both it's up to you how you use them\" King Kai tells Goku and Y/N\n\n\"We won't let you down King Kai that I guarantee you\" Y/N says to the Kai\n\nSuddenly Goku's halo disappears\n\n\"Looks like roshi and the others revived me\" Goku says\n\n\"Looks that way anyway we should get going thank for the training sessions King Kai\" Y/N says as he backflips off the planet before flying into the the sky and makes his way to king yama\n\nGoku soon follows behind Y/N\n\n<b>Meanwhile on earth</b>\n\nThe bout between those of earth and the saiyans has already begun\n\nThe humans yamcha tien and chaotzu have already perished at the hands of the Saiyan Nappa\n\nThe only ones to survive the beat down are piccolo krillin and Gohan\n\n\"Well time to finish the runt!\" Nappa shouts before charging an attack from his mouth\n\nBefore the attack can fire Y/N suddenly appears in front of nappa and delivers a hard punch to the saiyan's stomach\n\n\"Your not harming him that easily nappa\" Y/N says in a serious tone\n\nNappa walks back before falling to one knee\n\n\"H-How...\" Nappa says in pain\n\n\"Why bother explaining but in any case it's good to see you vali\" Y/N says before looking at his friend\n\n\"Likewise\" Vali responds to Y/N\n\nGoku then arrives\n\n\"So you're here at last Kakkarot I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up\" Vegeta says smugly\n\nBefore Goku could respond two beams of light appear near the two groups which then disappear to reveal two women\n\n\"Where are we?\" One of the women asks\n\n\"I don't know clown... Wait is that us as men?\" The second of the women before noticing Goku and Vegeta\n\n\"I'm going to assume that you both are the female counterparts to Goku and Vegeta here right?\" Y/N asks the two women\n\n\"That's right I'm goki and she's Vegetia\" goki says introducing the two of them\n\n\"I'm sorry but what the hell is going on?!\" Vegeta shouts \n\n\"Well as I said before the two ladies are yours and Kakkarot's female counter parts Vegeta \" Y/N says\n\n\"Tch whatever but before the fights resume I wanna ask you something *points to Y/N* \" Vegeta says while looking at Y/N\n\n\"What is it?\" Y/N asks Vegeta\n\n\"In the future where you and he *points to vali* came from did I by chance defeat Frieza?\" Vegeta asks\n\n\"From what your future self told me when I first met him yes yes you did but the one who technically killed Frieza was Goku or kakkarot in saiyan terms\" Y/N responds to Vegeta\n\n\"How?!\" Nappa shouts\n\n\"If I recall correctly Vegeta from the future told me that Kakkarot became something called a super Saiyan which is what he used to defeat Frieza\" Y/N says\n\n\"Sorry what? I must of misheard you... you're saying that this low class trash became the thing of legend passed down among our race and beat Frieza himself?!\" Nappa shouts\n\n\"That is what I just said\" Y/N says\n\n\"In any case let's get back to fighting\" Goku says in a eager tone\n\nVali and Y/N walk to a specific spot away from the group already fighting\n\n\"So Y/N are you ready?\" Vali asks his friend\n\n\"The better question should be are you ready?\" Y/N responds\n\nThe friends smirk at each other before unleashing their power shocking everyone else\n\n<b>Replace Goku with Y/N and Vali</b>\n\n\"Wh-what the hell is this pressure?!\" Vegeta shouts\n\nSoon Y/N and Vali both shout loudly\n\n\"VALIIIIIIII!!!!\" Y/N yells\n\n\"Y/NNNNNNNNN!!!!\" Vali yells\n\nThe two friends charge at each other and deliver a punch across each others cheek before rapidly trading punches\n\n<b>Like this but replace the two with Y/N and Vali and they are on earth</b><b> also they are in their normal forms</b>\n\nA dust cloud forms causing the others to drop their jaws at what they are witnessing\n\n\"Hold up you mean he was holding back in the spar we had?!\" Nappa shouts\n\nY/N delivers a gut punch to vali who in return drop kicks Y/N in the face \n\nSuddenly a red and white glow shine from the two friends\n\n\"Boost!\" A familiar red gauntlet can be heard saying\n\n\"Divide!\" A pair of wings can be heard saying\n\nThe two friends stop in their tracks which both individuals have a grin on their face\n\n\"Welcome back Ddraig\" Y/N says with a grin\n\n\"Same to you Albion\" Vali says with a grin as well\n\nThe friends charge back at each other which Y/N delivers a hard right punch to Vali's face sending the half devil flying far into the distance\n\n\"I'm gonna go watch!\" Goki says in a excited tone as she flys after Y/N and Vali\n\n\"Wait up you damn she clown!\" Vegetia shouts as she flys after goki\n\nY/N and Vali soon find themselves in a mountainous area\n\n\"Come on Vali this seriously can't be all you got\" Y/N says while smirking at Vali\n\n\"Your one to talk! I'm sure your holding back as well!\" Vali shouts\n\nThe two trade punches before Vali upper cuts Y/N which Y/N retaliates with a kick to the face of Vali\n\nThe energy from the match of the two is seen causing the surrounding area to break apart\n\nGoku and Vegeta soon arrive to their own part of the area and are surprised at the damage Y/N and Vali are causing\n\n\"Wow they sure are going at it huh\" Goku says in amazement\n\nVegeta is silent as he can't comprehend how the two are so much stronger\n\n\"Whatever your my target right now Kakkarot so let's see what you got low class trash\" Vegeta says while getting into his fighting stance\n\nGoku gets into his fighting stance \n\nGoku and Vegeta begin their match causing a lot of rubble to be seen from their fight\n\nTime passes which Vali is seen wearing his balance breaker armor\n\n\"Bringing out your armor huh... That's more of a challenge for me!\" Y/N shouts with a grin\n\nY/N charges at with a surprising Ki Dragon shot\n\n\"Eat this Vali! <b>Dragon Shot!</b>\" Y/N shouts as he fires a red orb at Vali\n\n\"<b>Divide!</b>\" Albion yells as the attack from Y/N shrinks before disappearing\n\n\"You should know Albion's ability by now Y/N\" Vali says with a grin\n\n\"That may be true that I know it but can it handle an unexpected attack like this? KAIOKEN!\" Y/N says before shouting his new technique\n\nA reddish aura surrounds Y/N which shocks Vali\n\nY/N grins before flying towards Vali at insane speeds which he then delivers a powerful combo\n\n\"Come now vali you are the white dragon emperor why not bring out your most powerful form!\" Y/N shouts while still delivering a powerful combo to Vali\n\nVali crashes into a rocky formation which he then wipes the blood from his mouth\n\n\"You want my most powerful form huh...Fine! But just know you asked for it!\" Vali shouts before saying the chant\n\nOver with Goku and Vegeta during their fight Goku has managed to upset Vegeta quite a bit which Vegeta then brings out an orb and throws it up to the sky \n\n\"Burst open and mix!\" Vegeta shouts\n\nQuickly glancing over at the orb the Ozaru inside Y/N growls from within Y/N\n\n\"I know big guy it's time\" Y/N responds to the Ozaru\n\nVali finishes transforming and glares at Y/N\n\n\"Well Vali remember that deal I made with the beast within me of him wanting to face your juggernaut form...it's time\" Y/N says seriously\n\n\"Then bring him out\" Vali says in a dragonic tone\n\nY/N nods and looks at the orb that Vegeta made and starts to transform\n\nSoon two great apes are standing in the mountainous area\n\n\"What the hell you also transformed?!\" Great ape Vegeta shouts\n\n\"Yes but your objective is Goku while mine is my friend over here so tend to your fight and I'll tend to mine\" Great Ape Y/N says\n\nThe four then resume their respective fights\n\nTime passes before Both Vali and Vegeta can be seen on the ground passed out and very injured which the same can be said for Y/N and Goku\n\n\"They really did a number on each other huh\" Goki as she stares at Y/N\n\n\"Yeah makes me wonder if those two *points to Y/N and Vali* have anything else they're not showing us\" Vegetia says while also staring at Y/N\n\nVegeta then wakes up and calls his pod which he crawls to after which he escapes from the area\n\nA aircraft lands near the area which Bulma and the rest learn of what happened and help the three fighters on to the aircraft which Bulma Goki Vegetia along with the three unconscious fighters all fly to a nearby hospital\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n\n<b>Shadow here with the next chapter which I hope you all enjoy it</b>" ]
Title: Cheater DxD x Male reader x DBZ/S (Being Rewritten) Description: A Second Cheater Story no description needed Tags: ['adventure', 'cheater', 'dbs', 'dbz', 'fighting', 'highschooldxd', 'lemon', 'love', 'malereader', 'romance']
# Bio Information <b>Name:Y/N L/N (Your name and Last Name respectively)</b> <b>Age:19</b> <b>Gender:Male</b> <b>Race:Human (During Prologue) Saiyan (After Prologue)</b> <b>Looks:Imagine yourself but with these as your clothing</b> <b>Clothes:</b> <b>Jacket</b> <b>Shirt under the jacket</b> <b>Pants</b> <b>Boots (4 pics above are for casual outfit)</b> <b>Combat outfit:The Ultimate turtle hermit costume from xeno 2 but in the colors you want</b> <b>Likes:His Friends,Justice,Helping protect the innocents,His harem,Training</b> <b>Dislikes:His ex's,Evil,selfish enemies who only care about themselves,issei (Because why not),any innocent civilians being killed in front of him.</b> <b>Transformations (After becoming a saiyan):</b> <b>Super saiyan 1-4</b> <b>Super Saiyan 4 limit breaker</b> <b>Super Saiyan dragon (Only accessible when both host and dragon are in sync together)</b> <b>Super saiyan God </b><b>1-4</b> <b>Super saiyan blue+blue evolved </b><b>1-4</b> <b>Super saiyan beast (Although I never watched the movie xD)</b> <b>Super saiyan Wrath</b> <b>Legendary Super saiyan</b> # Cheaters/Harem/Friends <b>Cheaters:</b> <b>Xenovia</b> <b>Ravel</b> <b>Yubelluna</b> <b>Katase</b> <b>Aika</b> <b>Harem:</b> <b>Android 21</b> <b>Fem</b><b> </b><b>Gogeta</b> <b>Fem</b><b> </b><b>vegito</b> <b>Grayfia</b><b> (She won't be married to </b><b>sirzechs</b><b>)</b> <b>Fem</b><b> fused </b><b>zamasu</b><b> (Non Zero Mortals Crazy but a little Y/N crazy)</b> <b>Sona</b> <b>Serafall</b> <b>Goki aka fem Goku</b> <b>Fem Vegeta aka Vegetia</b> <b>Fem Broly aka Brolia</b> <b>Friends:</b> <b>Cell</b> <b>Cooler</b> <b>Frieza</b> <b>King cold</b> <b>Buu</b> <b>Broly</b> <b>Vali</b> # Prologue Cheaters Caught and Into a New world <b>3rd POV</b> Kuoh Japan a city where many residents of the supernatural reside from plain view of humanity But every so often a human discovers the supernatural world And that very human just so happens to be a strong human by supernatural standards The human is Y/N L/N a kuoh academy student who helps others out with no rewards needed from helping out Y/N is seen walking through the academy trying to find his five girlfriends of whom are named Xenovia,Ravel,Yubelluna,Katase and Aika respectively which he is having trouble locating "Where are they I doubt that they would miss our date for nothing..." Y/N says out loud as he walks the academy grounds as it is after school hours Suddenly a few sets of footsteps can be heard approaching Y/N "Hey Y/N wait up!" A voice calls out Turning his head to the voice Y/N sees his friend Vali along with Sona Rias and Akeno "Sup Vali what are you doing here with the three queens of the academy?" Y/N asks his friend "Turns out the three queens have a inkling one may say of where your so called lovers are" Vali says to Y/N "Is this true?" Y/N says to Sona Rias and Akeno "Yes while Akeno and I was doing our daily super natural work we happened to over hear Xenovia talk about meeting at the academy pool" Rias says "I over heard Saji say something similar to what rias just said" Sona says "If what your saying is true then I'm being betrayed behind my back and saji is one of the perpetrators that is seeing one of my girlfriends without either mine or Sona's consent on the matter" Y/N says "Issei is also missing as well but we all knew he would do anything for some" Akeno says "Vali how you have him as a rival is beyond me dude" Y/N says to Vali as the five walk the academy grounds "I know all that dumbass wants to do is see tits and ass not even wanting to train to give me and Albion a good fight" Vali says "Seriously though if I was the red dragon emperor I would train my ass off to atleast give my rival the fight of their life when the chosen time arrived" Y/N says Soon the five arrive at the academy pool which just as the five arrive Vali halts Y/N from taking another step "Val-" Y/N trys to say before Vali shhs him "What's going on?" Y/N whispers "We are hearing something that would break your heart Y/N" Sona whispers "Albion is it possible to temporarily allow Y/N to use the enhanced hearing of a dragon just for this moment?" Vali whispers to Albion "You can but it will only be for 10 seconds after that his hearing will return to normal and to start place your hand on his shoulder" Albion whispers to Vali Vali placed a hand on Y/Ns Shoulder which magic begins to flow into Y/N increasing his hearing Suddenly Y/N is able to hear what Vali Sona Akeno and Rias are hearing "Oh Yes!~ Oh this feels fucking amazing!!" A Voice says in pleasure "9" Albion quietly shouts "Man who knew we would be able to pound these hotties of that weakling Y/N" another voice says with no remorse what's so ever "8" Albion quietly shouts again "Still I feel bad for doing this" a third voice says However before anymore can be said Y/N has had enough and walks out from the hiding spot to confront his so called Lovers "Ahem" Y/N says loudly alerting his presence to the ten before him "Y/N?!" Y/Ns girlfriends say in shock "So I'm just a weakling huh? Is that how you really feel?" Y/N asks his girlfriends "Well we um w-" Ravel trys to say  but issei cuts her off "Yeah that's how she feels! You are weak! In fact your the weakest human eve-" is all issei can say before being punched in the face causing to fall on his back unconscious "Now then Xenovia Ravel Yubelluna Katase aika I'm going to ask a few questions and you must answer them truthfully understand?" Y/N says to his cheating girlfriends "Y/N l-" Aika trys to say before Y/N cuts her off "I SAID UNDERSTAND?!" Y/N shouts shocking everyone "H-Hai!" Y/Ns girlfriends all say together "First question during any point of our relationships was I abusive or hurtful to you five?" Y/N asks his girlfriends "No you wasn't" Ravel says "Question 2 during the relationships was I caught in another girls bed?" Y/N asks his girlfriends "No you didn't sleep with another girl" Yubelluna says "Lastly what made you decide to have sex with the pervert trio saji and riser of all people?" Y/N asks "Well um-" katase try to say before two individuals appear "Oh my seems we came at a bad time" one of the individuals says "Who are you two suppose to be?" Sona asks the individuals "We little devil are a destroyer and his angel attendant but if names are a must I am beerus and he's whis" the second of the two individuals says "Alright but why are you both here?" Rias asks the two "Well we are looking for the human known as Y/N L/N I believe he is near yes?" Whis says "I'm him so what can I do for you two?" Y/N says "My father has tasked me with bringing you to our world but tell me something if given the opportunity to reach strengths far beyond a mere devil human or dragon could ever hope to reach would you take it?" Whis asks Y/N "I would take that opportunity so that i can better myself in order to protect those who can't protect themselves" Y/N responds "Would you take the opportunity if it meant a change to what makes you human must be made?" Beerus asks "Can you elaborate on that mr Beerus?" Akeno asks Beerus and whis explain about their world "I see so in your world there are humans but there are also saiyans which look like humans but have few overwhelming features" Y/N says "Not only that there are green skinned people called Nameks while on top of that there are many different races that would take all day to explain right?" Vali says "Yes that is correct" Whis says "A question if im able to ask one" Y/N says to the two deities "What is it?" Beerus responds "If by chance i wish to visit my friends here in this world during my time in your world would i be able to do so?" Y/N asks "You Will be able to yes but for now please stand next to myself and beerus and we will be off" whis says "Right lets go also Xenovia Ravel Yubelluna katase and aika we are done i hope you enjoy being in a relationship with the scum you had sex with.... Vali rias sona Akeno see you four later" Y/N says as he stands near whis and beerus The three soon vanish from sight As the three are traveling Y/N trys to make small talk "So lord beerus lord whis besides what you had explained about your world from before what else is there to know?" Y/N asks "Oh there are plenty things your learn about but one important thing you should know is about the seven dragon balls" whis responds "Your not talking abou-" Y/N starts to say before beerus cuts him off "No its not what your thinking of.... They are magical orbs which when all 7 are gathered summon a wish making dragon that can make any wish the summoner wants with a few exceptions of course" Beerus says "And judging by what you said about a change to what makes me human would mean that i would need to make a wish?" Y/N asks "Correct" Whis says Soon the three arrive on an open field where several people can be seen waiting for the trio "Welcome back Lord Beerus Lord Whis" a stern looking individual says "Is he the one you was tasked with finding?" A feminine voice asks "He is but first were you able to gather the dragon balls?" Whis says "We have lord whis" a older looking individual says Soon seven orbs are placed in the middle between both groups "Now then COME FORTH SHENRON!" Beerus shouts Soon the orbs glow before a gigantic dragon appears "Now that is a dragon..." Y/N says "What is your wish?" Shenron says "Now then Y/N about the race change that was talked about earlier in order to push you past your limits and become stronger then ever before you must wish to become a saiyan" Beerus says "And I'm right to assume that the stern looking gentleman over there *points to one in the other group* will be able to give a more detail explanation?" Y/N asks "You'll learn in a moment now make your wish" whis says Nodding his head Y/N steps forward "Mighty Shenron I wish to become a Saiyan!" Y/N Shouts "Your wish is granted!" Shenron says before its eyes glows red Y/N is in enveloped in a bright light before the light disappears a moment after Y/N is now more muscular while also sporting a tail "Congratulations you are now a saiyan and Shenron that will be all for now" whis says to Y/N before looking at Shenron "As you wish lord Whis" Shenron says before disappearing "Now then let's get you introduced to the others shall we?" Whis says as the other group approach the three Y/N nods as he looks towards the group approaching <b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 1 Meeting the Z Fighters <b>Y/Ns POV</b> After making a wish to become a saiyan as requested by Lord Whis and Lord Beerus i now stand with the two deities as the group from before walks over to us Soon the group stands infront of me "So if we are doing introductions besides Lord Whis and Lord Beerus i am Y/N L/N" i say to the group before me "Hi there I'm goku over there is vegeta which we are saiyans like you" Goku says "I'm right to say that you two will be giving Me a more detailed look on what the pros and con's are for being a saiyan are?" I ask the one named goku "We will but after you learn who the others are" Vegeta says "Well to continue with introductions I am Gohan son to Goku and this is goten my younger brother" The one called Gohan says "Hi!" Goten says "Well after them I am Chichi and the woman near vegeta is Bulma and the one near Gohan is videl" Chichi says "And the three of us are the wife's of goku vegeta and gohan respectively" Bulma says "Its nice to meet you ma'am " I say with respect "Hmph names piccolo and I'm-" the one called Piccolo starts to say but I cut him off "Your a namekian right?" I say to piccolo "Yes how did you know?" Piccolo says "Lord Whis and Lord Beerus told me and a few residents from the world I came from about a few races that populates your world" I say calmly "Well that makes it easier then but anyway hello I'm Tien" Tien says "Hello youngster the name's Roshi" the elderly gentleman named Roshi says "Hey before we continue introductions can you tell us what happened to you because from what I see you look like you got stabbed in the back by someone close to you" Tien asks me I let out a sigh before looking at the group seriously "Right so for what happened to me I'm gonna ask that the males picture the following scenarios happening to them... The girls may do the same but picture you have boyfriends instead of girlfriends" I say seriously "Alright so what now?" Gohan asks "Now picture each of you are human meaning no saiyans no namekians no gods no angels just pure human" I say "Very well next?" Whis says "Next picture you are attending an academy that was once for girls only but became co-ed allowing Boys and girls to attend" I say "OK" Bulma says "Now picture you are a strong human able to handle anything that comes from either humanity or supernatural" I say "What do you mean supernatural?" Videl asks "The supernatural of the world I came from consists of many different races from devils,Angels and no not the same race that whis is despite having the same name anyway continuing there are fallen angels and Yokai" I say in response to videl's question "Anyway please continue the scenarios" Tien says "Right now picture you have five girlfriends or for the ladies in the group five boyfriends which you do everything in your being to make sure that each of your girlfriends/Boyfriends are happy and smiling" I say "I take that the worst part is coming up youngster?" Roshi says I nod before speaking again "Now picture you one day walking through the academy grounds to find your lovers but are unable to find them until four of your supernatural friends approach and help you find your lovers which upon finding them you hear something you don't wanna hear" I say seriously "And before you ask the scenario is not suited for young ones so if you want them to stay innocent I recommend having them go off somewhere" i say No one moves "Right then so the scene that you witness happen to you is of your five girlfriends or boyfriends all cheating on you with no remorse to your feelings what's so ever and the ones your lovers cheat on you with are the perverted trio, a student council member and the older brother to one of your girlfriends/Boyfriends and that basically what happened to me" I say to me "Damn you had it rough haven't you?" Tien asks "In a way yes oh and I forgot to mention three of my five ex girlfriends are devils while the other two are humans oh and if you want further proof you can ask lord whis and lord beerus as they was there" I say "Well anyway to continue introductions I'm Krillin and this is my wife 18" a bald short man says "Call me Lazuli as to make communication between us better" 18 or Lazuli says After an hour of intros I now know the group before me "Now that we know each other can I know about the saiyans goku vegeta?" I say to the two saiyans "Hmph of course now as a saiyan you will have an high attitude for fighting doesn't matter if your opponent is human or another saiyan you will always want to prove yourself in a fight" Vegeta says "One down side though is you will have a really and I mean a really big appetite for food which as you train and fight will burn through like nothing" Goku says "So in other words if was to quote say get married then I would have to have a good paying job to ensure there is enough food for myself and my family?" I ask "Pretty much yeah" Chichi and bulma both say at the same time "By the way I know that we all exchanged introductions but my question is this how did gogeti and vegeti come to be?" I ask "Ah that well both gogeti and I are fused forms of kakkarot and Vegeta's female forms" Vegeti says "Which means we both have access to both of our male counterparts skills and transformations" Gogeti says "Wait you mean saiyans have a transformation they can achieve?" I ask "That is correct and the transformations are known as super saiyan forms" Gohan says "Im right to assume there is a catch to unlocking the forms?" I say "Yes for a few of us it involves having a desire not a need to help others while others sheer willpower it all depends on how you want to unlock the forms" Goku says "Alright oh and goku are you and vegeta rivals or something as i get the feeling that both of you train to best each other in combat" i say "Hmph very impressive but yes we are rivals" Vegeta says "Well i can say atleast you two are much better rivals then the rival one of my friends has to deal with back in the world i came from" i say "What do you mean?" Tien asks "Right so remember when i said that my girlfriends cheated on me with a trio known as the perverted trio?" I ask "Yeah what about them?" Piccolo says "Well one of the trio members is a devil who has access to what is called the boosted gear which houses the soul of a welsh dragon known as ddraig and as such is the rival to one of my friends back in my world" i say "Shouldn't that be a good thing?" Hercule asks "It would be if the red dragon emperor wasn't so fixed on and im sorry to all ladies present but if he wasn't so fixed on seeing tits and ass all the freaking time so yeah imagine having a rival like that who doesn't even train whats so ever" i say to the group "It would make the rivalry look pathetic having a rival like that" piccolo says "Anywho Whis and i must be going so i trust you all to help Y/N here get accustomed to how things work around here" Beerus says "Right you can count on us lord beerus" Vegeta says Soon lord beerus and lord whis disappear from our sights leaving me with goku and the others <b>Meanwhile back at </b><b>Kuoh</b><b> Academy 3rd POV</b> Back at kuoh within the ORC clubhouse Rias akeno issei xenovia Ravel Yubelluna and Riser can be seen talking "So you five what do you have to say for yourselves?" Rias asks the five before her and akeno "I say we done nothing wrong it was that weakling Y/Ns fault for having the babes to himself!" Issei says loudly "No one cares about what you think hyoudou she was asking Xenovia Ravel and Yubelluna since the three of them used to date Y/N" Vali says "Well as The red dragon emperor said its his fault he didn't share the usage of his girls" Riser says "You really think that he is to share who he is in love with raiser?" Rias says with a confused look "No he doesn't as he is the most caring individual known to all and he has is truly respectful towards others he meets" Akeno says <b>Over with the student counci</b>l In the student council office Sona and the rest of the council are judging Saji Katase aika motohama and matsuda "Now what do you five have to say for your recent actions?" Sona says "President please you have to understand" Saji says "And what do i have to understand Saji?" Sona asks "I...i...it was their idea! *points to aika and katase* they forced me Matsuda and Motohama into it!" Saji says loudly "Whaaaat?! Thats a lie and you know it! You three are the ones who came to us and said that you could pleasure us better then Y/N could!" Aika says with Katase nodding in agreement Soon the five begin to argue for a bit before a voice stops their arguement "Enough!" The voice bellows Soon a blue circle appears behind sona which serafall appears from "Sister" Sona says "Hello sona and to katase aika matsuda motohama i am sona's big sister serafall" serafall says "Uh okay but how did you appear out of no where?" Aika says with katase and the perv duo nodding in agreement "I'll explain in a moment but for now just as i am here Ria's brother is at her location of the academy which we have one thing to say to both our siblings" Serafall says "What is it?" Both Rias and Sona say at the same time "You both have given you both the authority to give whatever punishment you feel is right to the ones who betrayed Y/Ns trust and love" Both Sirzechs and Serafall say to their respective siblings Looking at the guilty ones both rias and sona have a serious look on their faces before they then speak "We..." <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> <b>Shadow here with the next chapter and as a heads up the ten's punishment will happen in the next chapter</b> <b>So my question to you all is the following</b> <b>What should the punishment of Xenovia,Ravel,</b><b>Yubelluna</b><b>,</b><b>Katase</b><b>,</b><b>Aika</b><b>,Issei,Raiser,</b><b>Motohama</b><b>,</b><b>matsuda</b><b> and Saji be?</b> <b>Leave a comment saying what the punishments for the ten be and ill see you all in the next </b><b>chapter</b> # Chapter 2 Punishment decided + Pecking Order Started <b>Previously</b> "We...." <b>Current time 3rd POV</b> "We will give you five a warning and that you reevaluate your motives especially towards individuals who are happy in a relationship with their loved ones" both Sona and Rias say to the five they are each judging "That's it? No threatening of being removed from the peerage/Council or anything like that?" Issei and saji  say "Do you want that to happen?" Rias and Sona both say "Because if so I can so make it happen especially with my sister/Brother here" both Sona and Rias say "And we will most certainly do it for our siblings too" Sirzechs and Serafall say Suddenly those in the orc clubhouse hear a strange voice "Then why don't I take these maggots off your hands" the voice says "Who's there?!" Akeno yells A figure then appears within the clubhouse <b>R</b><b>e</b><b>place the area of the lookout with that of the orc clubhouse</b> "Who the heck are you?!" Issei shouts The figure looks at Issei before bitch slapping him into the wall "Be quiet maggot... Now the I am known as popo and I'm taking these five with me" popo says as he points to Issei riser Ravel Yubelluna and Xenovia "Like riser will go anywhere with a fatso" riser says smugglingly Popo looks at riser before putting into a wall much like Issei "Now then any more back talk?" Popo asks the other three "No sir! No back talk from us!" Ravel says in a panic "Good now you will wait here while I go get the other five of your little group" Popo vanished from the orc clubhouse which he then appears in the council room "Um who are you sir? And how did you appear like that?" Sona asks respectively Popo looks at Sona  with a smile "Seems there are some maggots that show respect towards others they just meet... Anyway I am called Popo and the five *points to saji matsuda motohama katase and aika* are coming me and the rest of their little group" popo says "Why would we go with you?" Aika asks "Because of what you did to a future pupil of mine one I'm surely you know"  Popo says calmly "Mr popo are you referring to Y/N?" Sona asks "Yes I am" Popo says "Can I ask how is doing in your world?" Sona asks "He is doing fine He's still adjusting to his new bloodline but he is doing just fine" Popo says Both Sona and Serafall breathe a sigh of relief "Mr Popo can we ask what did you mean by new bloodline?" Momo says "All will be revealed in the future young one as for now let's go you five we got to pick up your other house members then you ten will be living the rest of your lives with me" Popo says "B-But..." Is all Saji could say before he knocked out by Mr Popo <b>Author:Leave a comment if you think Saji Issei Ravel Riser and Yubelluna should have their peerage pieces removed or not</b> Using a unknown technique to those in the room Popo picks up the five with ease before disappearing from the council room After popo left the council room can breathe normally "Wow he's really strong!" Momo says "I agree it took all I could just to keep standing" Tsubasa says "But for all I know is that those ten are in for a rough time" Serafall says with a sweat drop Popo arrives back at the orc clubhouse which he then does the same thing he did to the five in the council room to Issei Ravel Xenovia Yubelluna and riser "Let's go..." Popo Popo then vanishes from the orc clubhouse with the ten "They are screwed aren't they?" Koneko asks "Yup." Sirzechs kiba Akeno and rias all say at the same time <b>Meanwhile with Y/N (His POV)</b> A few days has passed since I became a Saiyan and moved to the world I am now in During that time I decided to work for Bulma part time in order to make some zeni as the currency is called in this world so that I can some day get a place of my own "Y/N can you please bring me the folder near the computer close to the doors to the lab?" Dr Briefs asks me "Right away Dr Briefs" I say as I go and grab the folder Walking back to the Dr I hand over the folder "Here you are sir" I say as Dr Briefs takes the folder from me "Thank you lad" Dr Briefs says to me "Your welcome sir" I respond I then proceed to gently wipe off the nearby counters making sure I don't break anything After a few hours Dr Briefs calls out to me "Alright Y/N that's it for the day here is your pay" Dr Briefs says as he hands me 35 zeni "Thank you sir I shall see you tomorrow sir"  I say as I exit the lab As I'm walking the halls of Capsule Corp a kid with light purple hair runs over to me "Hey are you the new guy that just started working with my grandpa?" The kid asks me "Yes that's me but um who are you kid?" I ask the child before me "Oh right I wasn't at the meeting place when you arrived but my name is Trunks Briefs" trunks says to me "Wait you said that Dr Briefs is your grandfather and I recall that Ms Bulma and Mr Vegeta are married then..." I start to say before trunks finishes what I was going to say "Yes I'm Bulma and Vegeta's son" trunks says to me "Huh the more you know... So what can I do for you trunks?" I ask the kid Infront of me "You need to come with me my dad asked that I bring you to the training room for training" Trunks says to me "Well let's get going then lead the way trunks" I say Trunks nods and motions for me to follow him which I do just that After a few minutes of walking we arrive at a door which we both enter Upon entering I see Vegeta hard at work training alone "Dad! I brought him!" Trunks shouts Vegeta stops for a moment before turning to see trunks and myself standing in the training room "Good your here" Vegeta says to me "So how will the training be sir?" I ask Vegeta "I want you to come at me so that I can see where you stand in terms of combat since now you are a Saiyan" Vegeta says to me "Alright do I need to go all out or hold back some of my strength?" I ask "Go all out with the intent to Kill  and don't worry I'll be able to handle your attacks" Vegeta says The two of us get into our fighting stances which trunks gives us some space "Ready?!" Trunks shouts as he looks to the two of us We both nod and wait for the signal "Go!" Trunks yells We both dash at each other with a fist cocked back yelling in the process "RAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" We both yell before our fists connects against each others <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> <b>Shadow here with the next chapter and yes Issei Xenovia Saji Ravel Rise </b><b>Katase</b><b> </b><b>Aika</b><b> </b><b>matsuda</b><b> and </b><b>motohama</b><b> have all been taking by lord popo as for their real punishments they will be announced later in the story as I have something let's say sinister in stored for the 10</b> <b>Anyway see you all in the next chapter </b> # Chapter 3 A New Emperor and Sparring with the prince <b>3rd POV</b> Within the training chambers at capsule Corp the sounds of punches can be heard connecting over and over "HAAAAA!!" Y/N shouts as his fist connects to Vegeta's face which Vegeta returns the punch to Y/Ns Face The two continue to trade punches as Vegeta wants to see where Y/N stands in strength <b>Basically how the two are sparring but both are in the training room at capsule Corp and are in their normal forms and they are on the ground in the training room also Replace Goku with Y/N</b> As the two spar Trunks is in awe at what he is witnessing happen in front of him "Holy crap they look like they've been rivals for a long time!" Trunks thought to himself Y/N catches Vegeta's fist before gripping his right fist and punching Vegeta in the gut before elbowing his face <b>Meanwhile with the ten and Mr I mean Lord Popo</b> "Where are we?" Katase asks "You are in your new home where you will spend the rest of your life's at" Popo says Riser gets angry and conjures a fireball "Riser demands you let us go now!" Riser shouts Popo just silently stares at Riser before disappearing "Where did he g-" is all Saji could say before he and the rest hear riser scream in pain "Aaaaaahhhh!!!!! My arm! You bastard!" Riser shouts holding what used to be his left arm "Holy shit! We're doomed!" Aika yells "Now anymore disrespect will cause each of you to receive the same fate as him *points to Riser* " Popo says <b>Over with those in </b><b>Kuoh</b> "So rias how will you explain to riser and ravel's parents on what happened?" Sona asks her friend "I'm not sure but they are not the only ones we need to tell the truth about" Rias responds to her friends question "Rias is right we also need to inform the parents of Issei Aika Katase as well as the siblings of Saji" Akeno says "The siblings part is what's gonna tear my heart strings apart... I can't stand to see poor innocent children alone and lost without anyone to guide them" Tsubaki says "Besides informing those of who was said a moment ago we also need to determine how to get our pawn pieces as well as your knight piece back from Issei Saji and Xenovia respectively" Sona says "I agree but we have no clue on where this popo fella has taken them to" Akeno says "Couldn't you just teleport to them since they are still in the peerage lady rias lady sona?" Kiba asks "We've tried Kiba but no matter what we do we can't teleport to them it's like no matter what we do the teleportation circles always fail" Rias says Suddenly Sirzechs serafall as well as the parents of riser and Ravel appear in the room the group are conversing in "Brother?" Rias says "Hello rias I'm here because riser and ravel's parents wish to speak with you" Sirzechs says "What can I do for you Lady Phoenix and Lord Phoenix?" Rias asks the two devil's "Well dear we just want to know where our children have disappeared off to as well as where Ravel's boyfriend is" lady Phoenix says to rias "And who this popo character that Sirzechs told us about" Lord Phoenix says Rias with the help of Sona begin to explain what all happened with Y/N Ravel and Riser to Lord and Lady Phoenix "Oh my... And your positive this happened?" Lady Phoenix asks "Yes ma'am it did happen as myself Sona Akeno and the white dragon emperor was all there with Y/N when he found that ravel was cheating on him" rias responds "And after Y/N was taken by this Whis and Beerus deity's you gave the ten a warning for their actions which a being known as popo came and took them correct?" Lord Phoenix says "Yes sir that is correct" Sona says "Is it possible to meet Whis and Beerus?" Lady Phoenix asks Everyone begins to ponder on how to get in touch with the two deities before the deities themselves appear "Oh my it would seem you are trying to get ahold of us" Whis says "Yes we was actually but how did you know?" Serafall asks "Whis's orb on his staff caught wind of your conversation which we decided to come see what is it that you want from us" Beerus says "If the orb on lord whis's staff caught wind of our conversation then you Lord Whis should know what it is that we need help with" Sona says "I do you wish to get your pieces back from three who used attend this academy as well as the two pieces of the children belonging to the two *points to Ravel and Risers Parents* " Whis says "Actually we want our children back if possible my Lord" Lady Phoenix says "Afraid Not madame as the one who took them is one that neither I or Beerus wants to deal with and if he took the ten who betrayed young Y/N with him then you will never get them back" Whis says "Then can you please get their peerage pieces from them as well as something that belongs to them so that we can have something to remember them by?" Sirzechs asks "That seems reasonable we can do that but nothing more is that understood" Beerus says Everyone in the room nods which Beerus and Whis leaves via teleportation <b>Back with The Eleven</b> Each member of the ten who betrayed Y/N are doing some sort of minimal task as given by Lord Popo Suddenly a teleportation sound is heard which Popo sees Whis and Beerus before him "What brings you here?" Popo asks Whis explains what was said earlier which Popo listens carefully "Very well and I want the dragon out of that perv and given to Y/N" Popo says "Understood" Beerus responds calmly Popo leads the two to the others <b>Back with Y/N</b> Y/N and Vegeta have been sparring for quite some time as both not letting up on the spar Suddenly a voice is heard within the room "Boost!" The voice shouts Y/N stops when he hears the voice Vegeta punches Y/N in the face which causes Y/N to slide back on the ground "Never stop in the middle of battle that will get you killed" Vegeta says "I know but I was caught off guard by something unexpected" Y/N says "Hey Y/N?" Trunks says "Yeah trunks?" Y/N responds "Why is there a red gauntlet on your left arm?" Trunks asks "Red gauntlet?" Both Y/N and Vegeta say before looking at Y/Ns left arm "Boost!" The gauntlet shouts "Hold up...Ddraig is that you?" Y/N says to the gauntlet "Yes it is i young L/N" ddraig says from the gauntlet "Aren't you suppose to be with the perv Issei?" Y/N asks "I used to before lord Whis and lord Beerus freed me from the pervert" ddraig responds "Explain dragon" Vegeta says Soon ddraig explains what happened which no one flinches at what was said "Really nothing? No reaction or anything?" Ddraig says loudly "No we are shocked don't get me wrong just never thought you would want to get away from the perv so quickly" Y/N says "Well after dealing with his bullshit I had enough and from what I seen from this popo character I will gladly take my freedom from that perv" Ddraig says "Huh so ontop of being a Saiyan I now have the power of the Welsh dragon ddraig... Neat oh and do I know this ddraig I'm not gonna follow your stupid rules about fighting Albion and all that non sense" Y/N says matter of factly "But the rivalry!" Ddraig shouts from the gauntlet "Yeah well Fuck the damn rivalry I'm not gonna be the red dragon emperor if all I'm gonna be used for is to see which dragon's host is stronger then the other no if your with me ddraig then you will be helping me improve myself for the sake of protecting others" Y/N says seriously Vegeta nods in approvement "Very well but I have a feeling Albion won't like it" Ddraig says "Your rival is gonna have to get used to the changes dragon now then Y/N let's resume the spar" Vegeta says as he gets into his combat stance "Right!" Y/N says as he gets into his combat stance The two spar for the rest of the day before calling it quits on the spar Y/N exits the training room and heads back to the room Bulma is letting him use at capsule Corp Climbing into the bed of the room which Y/N falls asleep fast like <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> <b>Shadow here with the next chapter and with a update to the story </b> <b>Now I have added a few transformations to the ones already listed in the bio mainly the 1-4 stages of super Saiyan god and super Saiyan blue/blue evolved</b> <b>But I also added a special transformation that is gonna be unique to the story</b> <b>Also a little fun event</b> <b>I'm thinking of changing the cover photo but I've been designing most myself</b> <b>So I would like one of you *points to the ones reading this* to design a cover for the story</b> <b>Simply make one and pm me the link to it I'll then take a look at it and see if its good</b> <b>Anyway see you in the next </b><b>chapter</b> # Chapter 4 A Hellish Meeting <b>3rd POV</b> As Y/N is sleeping in his bed at capsule Corp a strange portal sucks him in which transports him to the area known as hell Feeling a change in comfort Y/N begins to stir which he soon awakes "Huh where the heck am I?" Y/N asks as he gets up from the hard ground Looking around Y/N sees the water is a deep red "Why is the water red for isn't it usually blue?" Y/N asks himself as he stares at the water As Y/N is gazing at the water two attacks approach The attacks hit Y/N which knocks him into the water "What the hell?! Who shot me?!" Y/N says loudly "That would be us monkey" A voice says Turning to the sound of the voice Y/N sees a lizard like creature and a humanoid bug standing a few feet from the railing "So who are you supposed to be?" Y/N asks the two "You kidding right? You don't know Frieza emperor of the universe? Or myself cell the perfect android?" The humanoid bug known as cell says "Nope never heard of either of you" Y/N responds as he manages to get out of the red water "How is it that a monkey like you has never heard of me Lord Frieza!" The lizard creature known as Frieza yells "Well perhaps it might be because I'm from another world or I guess dimension in simpler terms and only recently arrived in this dimension" Y/N answers "What are you talking about monkey?" Another voice says Soon a figure similar to Frieza appears "Brother what are you doing here?" Frieza says "I came to see what was taking you so long to return to the others but regardless what did you mean by your from another dimension monkey" the brother of Frieza says "Well first let me introduce myself I am Y/N L/N once human now Saiyan due to an order by Lord Whis and Lord Beerus" Y/N says "I'm Cooler since you only know Frieza and Cell" Cooler says "Right nice to meet you three so here's my story of what happened so far" Y/N says as he begins to explain everything that happened to him "Huh so this boosted gear is said to increase ones power every ten seconds?" Cell says "Yes that is correct and from what Vegeta told me of the Saiyans I would get a power boost if I survive from a fatal wound" Y/N responds to Cell "And topping the gear of yours I'm pretty sure you can become stronger then anyone well almost anyone" Cooler says "You know you guys are surprisingly calm at what I told you especially you Frieza since you are as cell said moments ago the emperor of the universe" Y/N says "I'd have to agree with him Frieza normally you'd kill any Saiyan you see" Cooler says "I know but for some strange reason I find myself wanting to be friends with this monkey" Frieza says "That's another thing I'm puzzled about you call me a monkey but I have no idea how that affects me in any sort of way" Y/N says "My brother and I will explain in a minute for now we are gonna take you to our father" Cooler says After a little bit of walking the four arrive to a area where another lizard like figure is seen standing "My children why haven't you killed this Saiyan yet?" The figure asks Frieza and cooler "About that father this monkey is more interesting than other monkeys." Frieza says to her father "But before we go any further father please introduce yourself atleast" Cooler says "*Sigh* very well I am known as King Cold and I am the father to both Frieza and Cooler" King Cold says to Y/N Y/N kneels before speaking "It is an honor to be in your presence your majesty and if I may be bold to ask a question of you sire" Y/N says "Hmm this is new but yes you may speak your question" King Cold responds "Well sire it's just that your frieza's and Cooler's father correct?" Y/N asks "Yes that is correct" King Cold says "Then may I be bold to ask what happened to your wife and their mother?" Y/N asks which shocks Frieza and Cooler "My quite a bold question you asked there Y/N" Cell says "I'm afraid I must decline answering that question as we only just met" King Cold responds to Y/N "I understand sire and forgive me for asking a inappropriate question of your family" Y/N says "You are forgiven child" King Cold says "Now then Frieza Cooler you both said that you would explain to me why Frieza calls me a monkey" Y/N says to the brothers "Right so the term monkey comes from the transformation you Saiyans have access to" Cooler says "Your referring to the super Saiyan transformations right?" Y/N asks Cooler "No that is not the transformation he is referring to he is referring to what is known as the ozaru or great ape" Frieza says for his brother "Uh what?" Y/N says confused "Allow me to help explain see the ozaru form is a transformation Saiyans can change into when they look at the moon" cell says "And for it to happen the Saiyan must have their tail attached to their bodies" Frieza says "The tail can be removed?" Y/N asks "Yes it can anyone with enough strength can yank the tail off of a Saiyan but it is reported that some Saiyans have had their tails regrown on their bodies" King Cold says "Huh but I take it that there is something else I'm not understanding about the ozaru form" Y/N says to the four "Right so the ozaru form increases the fighters combat prowess by ten times but because they are in the ozaru form they are uncontrollable" Cell says "So if I somehow transform into the Ozaru I would turn on both friend and foe alike?" Y/N asks "That is correct now there is two ways to revert back from the ozaru form" Cooler says "The first is to cut of the tail of the ape which will revert the Saiyan back to their human form" Frieza says "The second is to destroy whatever object the Saiyan looked at in the first place that allowed them to become the Ozaru" Cell says Y/N is taking in all this knowledge the four are telling him "By the way child how did you arrive in hell?" King Cold asks Y/N "To be honest I have no idea I was sleeping in the bed in a room at capsule Corp when I suddenly woke up due to feeling the change in comfort and I found myself here" Y/N says answering king colds question "But who would cause you change scenes without so much as a word" Ddraig says from the gauntlet that suddenly appeared on Y/Ns arm "Your gauntlet is talking Y/N" Cell says "Yes it is. Allow me to introduce to you four ddraig who's soul is within the gauntlet and he is also the one who boosts my power every ten seconds" Y/N says "But how can a soul help you in battle?" Cooler asks Before anymore can be said Whis appears behind Y/N "Ah there you are Y/N you caused quite the fright when you was not found in your room today" Whis says "Sorry it's just I somehow got brought here and we'll after a long talk made I think if they are accepting of it some friends here in hell" Y/N says "You would think of us as friends?" Cooler asks "Of course and if I may say what some would say but Villains are just people who have lost their grip on how things are viewed and with proper guidance and help can be reformed into powerful and respectable figures" Y/N responds to Cooler "My my I haven't heard that phrase in quite a long while but for now we must return to the others so please stand next to me" Whis says "Right let's go also Frieza Cell Cooler King Cold if you somehow get brought back to life and appear on earth I will have to fight you guys to make sure I'm not holding back during the fight" Y/N says to his new friends "We won't hold it against you and if anything we would want you to fight us with all you got as we are positive that you can give us an extraordinary fight child" King Cold Says to Y/N Soon Whis and Y/N return to the entrance of Capsule Corp "Hey there you are! Where did you go?!" Bulma shouts "Sorry I sort of ..... Took a trip around the world and didn't want to bother you or Mr Vegeta" Y/N says "Your hiding something but whatever tomorrow you will learn the basics of ki so you can gain access to flight" Vegeta says to Y/N Nodding his head in agreement Y/N spends the rest of the evening chatting with the z fighters before retiring to his bed within capsule Corp <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> <b>Shadow here with the next chapter of the rewritten story and I hope you all enjoy it</b> <b>Before I go I have one question though</b> <b>For the friends to the reader (DBZ/Super) should I add Buu and </b><b>Broly</b><b> to the list of friends?</b> <b>Leave a comment with your answers to if I should or not and I will see you all in the next </b><b>chapter</b> # Chapter 5 A Discovery <b>Y/Ns POV</b> After meeting Frieza Cell Cooler and King Cold in hell I now sit up in the bed I'm allowed to use at capsule Corp "I wonder how I will discover Ki?" I ask myself "There's no telling but you should be ready as Vegeta is here" Ddraig says just as there is a knock on the door "Come in!" I shout which the door opens to reveal Vegeta "Good your awake get dressed and let's go it's time for you to unlock your ki" Vegeta says to me "Is there a way that the ki can be unlocked?" I ask Vegeta as I put my clothes on before  we exit the room "You will learn how to once we reach the spot where you will unlock your ki" Vegeta says to me I follow Vegeta which we see Bulma waiting  for us with a hover transport vehicle "You are to go with Bulma meanwhile I will fly towards the location Bulma should know where to go" Vegeta tells me which I nod in agreement "Right" I say as I board the vehicle which I see Vegeta fly off just as Bulma starts the Vehicle After riding on the vehicle we arrive at a wide open field with the others waiting for us Exiting the vehicle I look at the group "So how is this whole unlocking of ki suppose to happen?" I ask the group "Gohan and I will be teaching you how to bring out your latent ki which once that is done we each will help you improve your fighting techniques using Ki" Goku tells me "Alright do I need to do anything for the ki to be unlocked?" I ask Gohan tells me that I need to sit cross legged which I then need to search deep within myself for a ball of energy Doing as Gohan said I sit down and begin to search within myself <b>3rd POV</b> As Y/N is searching for the ball of energy within himself the z fighters are conversing "How big do you think his ki is?" Krillin asks "There's no telling but I'm positive we will find out soon" Beerus says Suddenly a  red and green aura surround Y/N as the earth begins to shake "What's going on?!" Tien shouts "Oh my it would seem that there are massive energies within the new Saiyan" Whis says "What do you mean Lord Whis?" Vegeta asks "Look" Whis says as he points a finger to Y/N The red aura then takes the form of ddraig which let's out a very loud roar which the green aura then takes the form of a ape with red glowing eyes the ape let's out a loud roar as well "Holy is that a dragon?!" Chichi shouts loudly "It is" Beerus says "When did he become a dragon?! Videl yells "He didn't become a dragon as he is still a Saiyan but for how the dragon is apart of him I'm sure lord Whis and lord Beerus can explain that in a moment" Vegeta says which Whis and Beerus nod at The two auras then merge together forming a great ape with dragon like wings and a mix of red and green auras "Look! The auras have merged!" Goten shouts The auras then disappear which Y/N opens his eyes "I take that something happened?" Y/N asks the group "You can say that youngster" Roshi responds "So what now?" Y/N asks "Now try bringing forth a ball of ki in your hand like so" Goku says as he summons a ball of ki in his left hand Nodding his head Y/N does exactly as Goku does which a ball of ki soon appears on Y/Ns right hand "Huh well that was easy but I have a feeling there's something else to it then just summoning forth a ball of ki all willy nilly" Y/N says "Yes there is quite alot more to just that but what I wanna know is how you have a dragon apart of you" Lazuli asks "Allow us to explain how young L/N has the dragon he now possesses" Whis says Soon both Whis and Beerus explain what all happened in order for Y/N to obtain ddraig "Huh so that's how I got ddraig" Y/N says calmly "Who's this ddraig?" Hercule asks "Before I tell who he is can I ask who is the pink looking figure next to you is Mr Satan?" Y/N asks <b>The figure</b> "Oh right you never met him as he wasn't with us when you arrived *cough* this fella beside me is Majin Buu or just Buu for short" Hercule says "I'm guessing there's a story involving him?" Y/N asks "In a way yes but for now let us explain how we will be helping you improve in the usage of Ki" Tien says <b>Author:Leave a comment on how the z fighters will help Y/N Improve with Ki</b> Y/N then explains about Ddraig and what he can do to the Z fighters <b>Back in Kuoh</b> Within Kuoh five devil's are heading to the first house on their list of homes to visit "Alright here's Issei's place" Rias says "Are we ready for this Rias?" Akeno asks "We have no other choice Akeno other wise they will ask us how to get in contact with him and we can't afford to lie any more than we have to" Sona responds to Akeno Rias walks up to the door of Issei's home which she then knocks on the door "Rias? Why knock on the door?" Issei's mother says to rias "Mrs Hyoudou we have something to tell you and it involves Issei" Akeno answers for rias "Did he do something stupid at school again?" Issei's mother says with a sigh "Stupid is putting it mildly ma'am" Sona says "May we come in?" Rias asks "Sure but you don't really need to ask you know this right..." Issei's mother says to Rias Rias Akeno and Sona are then sitting in the living room of the home "So girls what's going on with Issei?" Issei's father asks "Let me first ask you both know a student by the name of Y/N L/N right?" Sona asks "He's the one that Issei always complains about having and I quote 'hot girls' right?" Issei's father asks "Yes that's him" Akeno says "What does he have to do with Issei?" Issei's mother asks Taking a deep breath the three queens of Kuoh academy explain what all happened between Issei and Y/N After an hour of explaining the three are then seen exiting the home "Well that went better then I could of hoped" Sona says "Though I wonder how Tsubaki and Kiba are handling saji's siblings" Akeno says "We can only hope for good results but for now we need to head to Aika's home next" Rias says The three continue onwards towards the next home on their list to explain what happened to The next one who betrayed Y/N After many hours of explaining rias Akeno Sona Tsubaki kiba koneko and momo  all meet up at the park "How did it go with you four?" Sona asks "Saji's siblings were hurt that Saji could do that and that they would never be able to see him again" Kiba says with a sad expression "Katase's parents weren't any happier either they were shocked that she could do that to someone who truly cared for her" Koneko says in her monotone voice "None the less we told what we needed to tell for now let's head home and rest for tomorrow" Rias says which everyone nods in agreement Soon the devil's all head back to their respective homes which everyone calls it a night <b>Back with Y/N and the Z fighters</b> After being told how the training will be the fighters all head back to their homes as well which Y/N goes with Bulma to Capsule Corp which he then heads for the room he has access to and falls asleep in the bed <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> <b>Shadow here with the next chapter and I hope you all enjoy it</b> <b>See you in the next </b><b>chapter</b> # Chapter 6 Team Vali Moves <b>Beerus's Planet 3rd POV</b> On the planet of the god of destruction Beerus Whis is calmly tending to stuff around the planet Suddenly a figure appears before Whis similar to the deity "Oh hello father what brings you here?" Whis asks his father "I have another assignment for you and Beerus Whis" Whis's father says "Well let me go get lord Beerus father" Whis says as he heads to where Beerus is After several minutes Whis returns to his father with Beerus "You have an assignment for us my lord?" Beerus asks "Yes now as I tasked you before with finding the human Y/N L/N. I now want to go get a half human half devil known as Vali Lucifer and his team here is their picture" Whis's Father says as he summons a picture of Vali and his team "Hmm I believe Whis and I encountered this Vali fellow when we went to pick up Y/N if I recall but his team I have no idea who they are" Beerus says as he looks at the pictures "So we are to go get them and bring them to Y/N and the Z Fighters?" Whis asks "That is correct now please begin your assignment you two" Whis's Father says "Yes sir" Both Whis and Beerus says before disappearing <b>Within a Certain Groups hideout</b> "Hey Vali do you think Y/N is doing alright?" A individual asks "I'm sure he's fine Arthur but what I can't understand is where did those who hurt Y/N go off to especially my rival" Vali says "We can tell you what happened young Lucifer" Whis's voice echos in the room Soon Whis and Beerus appear before the group "Who are you nya?" A cat like individual asks "Kuroka don't try anything as for the two are the ones who took Y/N with them" Vali says "It seems you do remember us" Beerus says "Of course but if I may ask why are you here?" Vali asks the two deities "Well young Vali pack your bags because your going to the same place your friend Y/N is at" Whis says "Wait your taking Vali to where Y/N is?!" Arthur shouts "Yes and not only him but you all as well" Beerus says "Wait we all go with you?" A human with a monkey tail says "Before anymore is said let me introduce my team Lord Beerus... The one who just spoke is called Bikou the girl who said Nya earlier is Kuroka the strict looking blond is Arthur and then you have Le Fay Arthur's sister" Vali says "We sorta knew that already but I must thank you for making it simpler" Whis says "Oh well all we need to do is stand next to you correct?" Vali asks "Correct now please do so now" Beerus says Team Vali stands next to Whis and Beerus which they soon vanish from the room <b>Meanwhile with Y/N and The Z Fighters (Y/Ns POV )</b> After learning how I will be trained by Goku and the others I am given a day to prepare myself as Vegeta told me that training will be hell "I wonder how the others are doing back home..." I say to myself Soon I see Lord Whis and Lord Beerus landing Infront of the Capsule Corp building Heading to the entrance I see Lord Whis and lord Beerus with several individuals next to them "Hold the phone Vali is that you?" I say as I look at one of the individuals Vali grins which I grin back We both walk to each other before doing our greeting "Vali You son of a bitch!" I say with a smile which Vali is seen smiling as well "Seriously though Vali what are you doing here?" I ask my friend "They are going to be staying in this world with you" Lord Beerus says to me "Alright Lord Beerus... Oh Vali before I forget there's something you need to know" I say calmly "What is it" Vali responds "I'm the new red dragon emperor" I say as I summon the gauntlet "But I thought the perv had him" Kuroka asks Vali introduces his team to me which I nod Lord Whis then informs Vali and his team of how I got Ddraig "Huh alright so that means we are rivals then" Vali says "Yeah no..." I say "What do you mean no?" Arthur asks me "I mean no I'm not gonna follow some stupid rivalry by two dragons and it's as I told Ddraig when I first got him fuck the rivalry I'm not gonna be the red dragon emperor if all I'm gonna be used for is to see whether Vali or I is the strongest out of the two of us I'm only gonna be the emperor to improve myself and help others" I say seriously Vali's sacred gear appears on his back which Albion speaks "You can't! The rivalry!" Albion shouts "I'm gonna agree with Y/N here Albion if all I'm gonna be used for is to see whether I or Y/N is the strongest then I'm gonna do the same thing he is doing and work on improving myself to help protect others" Vali says which I nod in agreement much like Vegeta did when I said the same thing "By the way Young L/N where are Goku and the others?" Whis asks me "They are off doing their thing since they told me I have a day to prepare before they begin training me" I say calmly "Well first thing tomorrow you are to introduce your friend and his team to them is that understood" Lord Beerus says to me "Understood Lord Beerus" I say "Good we shall be off now" Lord Whis says before he and Lord Beerus disappears "So what now?" Bikou asks "Now we head somewhere to make camp because i don't think the owners of this building would allow more then just me staying here just let me leave a note telling what's going on" I say before entering capsule Corp which I immediately exit the building Returning to Vali and his team we all nod and begin to walk towards the forest where we set up camp for the night <b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 7 Team Vali Meets the Z Fighters <b>3rd POV </b> After spending a night in the wilderness in the new world Y/N Vali Kuroka Arthur Bikou and le Fay all stare up into the sky of their new home "To think you've been spending your time here after what they did to you..." Vali says to Y/N "Yeah well when a god and his angel gives you specific instructions to follow you kinda have to do what they tell you but I still can't believe the craziness of what happened last night" Y/N responds to Vali "Seriously to think Saiyans can turn into a giant gorilla" Bikou says as he remembers the previous night <b>Flashback to Last night</b> After arriving at the wasteland and setting up camp for the evening the six chat amongst themselves "So what have you learned so far while you was in this dimension Y/N?" Vali asks his friend "Well not much really I recently unlocked my Ki which from what Goku and the others told me was two auras one shaped like a Oozaru or Great Ape and one shaped like a dragon" Y/N tells Vali "You have access to Ki nya?" Kuroka asks Y/N "Does she always say nya?" Y/N asks "Unfortunately yes as she and her sister who you might know as Koneko are the last of their species which are known as Nekomata's" Arthur says to Y/N "What's it like to be of a different race?" Le Fay asks Y/N "Well not much the only problem I have to deal with now is my huge appetite and lust for battle now which kinda makes me another Vali just add wanting to eat alot of food on top of battling alot" Y/N says to Le Fay "So is there any specific traits that the Saiyans have besides what you just said" Bikou asks Y/N "Well there is a form I can transform into that requires my tail that you all see *moves tail around* but I sort of have no control over my actions and it requires me to look at the moon in the sky" Y/N responds to Bikou "Like that one nya?" Kuroka says as she points towards moon in the sky Upon looking at the moon Y/N begins to let out small growls before the growls get louder and louder "What's going on?!" Le Fay shouts loudly Y/Ns eyes suddenly turn red as his growls are now louder then before Suddenly a wave a ki bursts from within Y/Ns body which forces vali and the rest back Y/N then grows to the size of a giant with his body full of fur as he let's out a loud roar Stomping around the area Y/N fires several beams of energy destroying several mountains Vali and the others avoid the stomps and beams that Y/N is causing "How do we stop him?!" Arthur Shouts as he avoids another attack "I don't know!" Vali responds Suddenly a voice is heard speaking to Vali Bikou Arthur Kuroka and Le Fay "If you wish to survive the night then listen and listen well there are two ways to return your friend to normal. The first is cut off his tail and the second to destroy whatever he looked at that caused the transformation which in this case the moon" the voice tells the five "So either Destroy the moon or cut off his tail" Vali says "But how do we destroy the moon? I don't think any of us is capable of destroying it" Bikou says "I don't suppose Albion has an ability to cut off tails?" Le Fay asks The divine dividing wings appear on Vali's back which begins to glow "I do not possess an ability to cut off the tail off of something at large as that" Albion says from the wings "You guys won't need to do that anyway" the sound of Y/Ns Voice can be heard saying to the five "Huh?" All five say as they look to the Oozaru of whom is looking at the five "Y/N? Are you in control of your form?" Bikou asks "You could say that but I along with ddraig and the Oozaru which the form you see me in came to agreement and Vali is gonna hate me for what the agreement is..." Y/N says with a deep tone "What did you say...." Vali says in an annoyed tone "The agreement is that since I'm the host of ddraig and can't physically manifest him in his physical form and that the oozaru wants to test his strength against something really tough" Y/N says "And since I can use the juggernaut form you want me to use it to go against the Oozaru right?" Vali asks Y/N nods his head and explains the rest of the agreement <b>Flashback end</b> "None the less atleast you have a worthy challenge now Vali" Y/N says to his friend "That is true it will be interesting to see where I stand in terms of power against your Oozaru form" Vali says Suddenly Goku appears before everyone present "Hey Y/N there you are! Uh who's your friend?" Goku says to Y/N "Hey Goku the people with me are from my world or dimension if you will and is anyone else coming?" Y/N asks "Yeah the others should be arriving soon" Goku responds Soon the sound of a hovercraft vehicle can be heard from above The vehicle lands and multiple feet touch the ground "There you are Y/N you suddenly disappeared from the building" Bulma says to Y/N "Sorry Mrs Briefs it's just that if I was to stayed at your home with my friends I'm sure your husband would of gotten really angry at the way one of my friend's teammates speaks" Y/N says "How does your friend's teammate speak?" Krillin asks "She says Nya alot" Both Y/N and Vali say at the same time "You guys are jerks Nya!" Kuroka yells "In any case My name is Vali Lucifer I am Y/Ns best friend from back where he is originally from" Vali says introducing himself to Goku and the others "My name is Arthur Pendagon and the one beside me is Le Fay Pendagon" Arthur introduces himself and le Fay to the others "Hi Nya! I'm Kuroka Tohjou nice to meet you all!" Kuroka says loudly "It should be mentioned that Kuroka and her little sister who is back in the dimension we came from are the last of their kind so to the guys present it would be recommended that you keep a watchful look out for her as she will try to get with you to have babies" Vali says "She better not think of messing with my man...."Chichi Bulma Videl and Lazuli says as they each hug their respective spouse "It should be known that she can transform into a black cat so be on the lookout for that but in any case I'm Bikou descendant of Sun Wukong in the dimension we are from" Bikou says as he introduces himself "If I recall from before my arrival here Sun Wukong goes by another name which one person among us is gonna be surprised " Y/N Says "Really what's the name" Trunks asks "Sun Wukong's other name is Son Goku" Vali says which shocks everyone except the ones who know "Wait what?!" The Z Fighters shout loudly "You see the tale of sun Wukong begins with his Journey from the east all the way to the west so Goku did that happen to you?" Y/N asks Goku "Well I wasn't really born here as from what I was told by Vegeta here and my deceased Brother I was born on a planet called Planet Vegeta" Goku says Vegeta explains what all happened in the past which Y/N Vali and the others all nod at "Anyway we came to tell you what we all agreed on for your training sessions with us" Tien says to Y/N "And may I ask what is the training sessions going to be about?" Y/N responds "The training sessions will be as follows... For strength and endurance my father and Vegeta will take you under their guidance in those two categories" Gohan says "For Ki Control Gohan will start you on the basics after which you will meet up with myself for intermediate Ki Control" Tien says "After Tien you will meet with King Kai for advanced Ki Control and after him is Lord Whis who will be teaching you the masterful ways of controlling your ki" Vegeta says "After you are taught how to control your ki you will then head to piccolo for intelligence and agility training" Goku says "Question is this piccolo character really that smart?" Bikou asks "Piccolo is super smart infact he is considered the sage of earth as to how much knowledge he knows" Krillin says The rest of Z fighters explain the rest of the training sessions for Y/N <b>Author:You decide on how the rest of the training sessions will be other then what was said already</b> After discussing the training sessions are told everyone goes back to doing whatever it was they were doing Time passes and Y/N Vali Kuroka Bikou Arthur and Le Fay all retire to their makeshift camp and fall asleep to rest for tomorrows day <b>TO BE CONTINUED </b> <b>Shadow here with the next chapter and I want to say I'm really sorry for not updating the story right away but I hope you enjoy the chapter </b> <b>Once again I'm truly sorry for taking so long to </b><b>update</b> # Chapter 8 Unlocking Vali's Ki And The Training begins Part 1 <b>3rd POV</b> After meeting the Z fighters and learning of the training Regimen for Y/N Vali asks a question "Would it be acceptable if I join Y/N during his training sessions?" Vali asks Goku and the others "What reason would you have for joining the training?" Piccolo asks Vali "Because he is my Rival" Y/N says "how is he your rival?" Lazuli asks Y/N "Right so do you all remember when we first met I told of a friend who had a pathetic rival who only wanted to stare at women all day...well Vali is that friend" Y/N says "That and I don't want my rival to be far stronger then me so I want to be able keep up with him in terms of power" Vali responds "An understandable purpose but you lack Ki" Goku says to Vali "Is this ki similar to senjetsu Nya?" Kuroka asks "Allow me to explain what senjetsu is" Bikou says before explaining all about senjetsu "So it is similar to Ki then" Roshi says "In a way yeah oh and before I forget is it possible to unlock Vali's Ki and as for why well since I am now the red dragon emperor and Vali is my rival I would like it if he could unlock the usage of Ki so that we can both further improve ourselves" Y/N says "A wise way of looking at things and I'm sure we can unlock his Ki potential" Gohan says before instructing Vali to do the same method Y/N did to unlock his Ki As Vali is searching within himself to unlock his Ki the earth once again begins to shake "Again?!" Tien shouts A white and black aura surround Vali which flows around his entire body rapidly "I'm guessing by the way you said again that this has happened before Tien?" Y/N asks "Yeah it did and you was the cause of it the last time which I'm sure you remember as we told you after you unlocked your ki" Tien responds to Y/N Suddenly the white side of the two auras take the shape of a white dragon which the black side takes the form of a devil which both unleash powerful roars "Another dragon?!" Roshi shouts "Albion...." Y/N quietly says "You know the dragon Y/N?" Piccolo asks "Somewhat but Vali can better explain it once he is done" Y/N responds to Piccolo Soon the earth stops shaking which Vali opens his eyes "Well Vali you unlocked your Ki" Y/N says to his friend "So does this mean I have to do the same training your about to go through?" Vali asks Y/N "That depends on Goku and the others decision if they allow you to join in the training" Y/N Says Vali looks to the Z Fighters for an answer "Hmm sure but for the strength training you both will have to be split up an example is Y/N Trains with Kakkarot and Vali with me then you both switch between the two of us" Vegeta says "So essentially we would switch between the two every.... How long will we be training with each of you?" Y/N starts to say before asking a question "Ah right kinda forgot to tell you well you will be training in a special room on a place called the lookout which is where the guardian of earth dende resides" Piccolo says "Is there something special about this room you speak of Mr Piccolo?" Le fay asks the namekian "Yes the room has 2 times more gravity then Earth's gravity but that's not all time flows differently within the room and what I mean by that is 1 day out here is a year in the room Y/N and Vali will be training in" Piccolo says "So essentially they can gain a year's worth of training and it would only be one day out here? Talk about OP as hell!" Bikou says loudly "None the less I'm right to assume training will begin now?" Y/N asks "Yup just you and Vali place a hand each on my back and I'll teleport us to where the training room we will be using is" Goku says which Y/N and Vali both nod and does what Goku told them to do "See you at the lookout Vegeta" Goku says to Vegeta before disappearing Seconds later the three arrive at the lookout where they see two individuals waiting for them "Ah Goku you're here and I take it the one of the two with you will be using the spirit of time room?" One of the individuals asks Goku "Actually both of them will be using the chamber as they are rivals and want to both improve themselves" Goku says "Allow me to Introduce myself I am Dende the new guardian of earth" Dende says to Y/N and Vali "And your Popo if I recall correctly from when you took my old rival back in the dimension we came from" Vali says to the other individual "So it seems you remember who I am none the less I'll be training Y/N after your done with everyone else" Popo says to the two "By the way how long will we be training for Goku?" Y/N asks "Well originally it was gonna be just a week and a half for you but seeing as your friend recently unlocked his Ki and wants to join in on the training it will be updated to a month tops" Goku responds to Y/N Both Vali and Y/N look at each other and nod in agreement "Then let us begin the training!" Both Y/N and Vali say loudly which causes Goku to smile "Follow me boys" Goku says as he walks towards the training room where they will be training at Upon arriving to the door the three see Vegeta waiting by the door "Good your here let's go" Vegeta says as he opens the door and walks in The three follow behind which the door closes behind the last one to enter Upon entering the training room both Y/N and Vali are amazed at what they see "This is where we are training?!" Both Y/N and Vali say loudly "That's right now let's get to it!" Goku says with a grin before rushing at Y/N while Vegeta rushes at Vali <b>Days 1-7</b> For the first week of their training both Y/N and Vali were pushed to their absolute limit by Goku and Vegeta which for Y/N was a blessing as he is a Saiyan like Goku and Vegeta and gained a massive increase in strength due to recovering from the near death experiences he went through during the week with the two Saiyan's Alas the four are now exiting the door of the training room with their clothes tattered "Man that was a harsh first week of training" Vali says exhausted "True but it's worth it in the end" Y/N says calmly "You guys are done with us but Gohan should be coming for teaching you how to control your ki better" Goku says "Right we'll see you both at the end of the training" Y/N says which Goku and Vegeta both leave just as Gohan arrived "Alright you two I'll train you to better control your Ki" Gohan says before entering the training room which Y/N and Vali follow behind <b>TO BE CONTINUED IN PART 2</b> <b>Shadow here with the next chapter and I'm sorry for not updating regularly as I should it's I'm trying to figure out how to make the chapters worth reading for you all but nonetheless I hope you enjoy the chapter and I will see you all in part 2 of the </b><b>training</b> # Chapter 9 Training interrupted and we're going where?! <b>3rd POV</b> A short time after Gohan has begun to help Y/N and Vali learn the basics of ki the two friends are vigorously learning all they can However within a forbidden place that no mortal can ever enter unless approved by what resides in the place are Daishikan (the Grand Priest) and one unknown figure "Daishikan What do we do?" The unknown figure asks the Grand Priest "Do what my lord?" The Grand Priest responds to the figure "I've been watching those who you asked whis to bring to Goku and the others" the figure says "Ah yes the young L/N and Lucifer what of them my lord?" The Grand Priest asks "Well they have begun their training by Goku and his friends but I don't think they are going to get stronger then what Goku and his friends have planned for them" the figure says "What do you propose they do then my lord?" The Grand Priest asks "Hmm oh hey I know what we can do and yes I know we aren't suppose to interfere with time but what about sending the two to the past?" The figure asks The Grand Priest "Well that all depends on how far you want to send them back my lord" the Grand Priest responds "How about to the point in which Goku met his older brother!" The figure suggests to the grand priest "That is quite far into the past my lord" the grand priest responds "Yeah but the two can gain unmeasurable strength from facing the foes of Goku's past" the figure says excitedly "Shall I summon the two?" The grand priest asks the figure "Yes please do and also summon their friends even those who respect young L/N from his original dimension" the figure says The grand priest nods before snapping his fingers and a ton of light pillars appear near the two which disappears revealing several devil's, angels, fallen angels,ophis,great red,Goku and the z fighters as well as whis Beerus and vali's team and Y/N and Vali themselves "What the where are we?" Y/N asks "Your guess is good as mine Y/N" Vali says "Greetings everyone if I could have your attention please" the grand priest says causing everyone to turn to the priest "Um who are you supposed to be?" Sona asks "My name is Daishikan or for those unable to say it easy the grand priest " the grand priest says "And I'm Zeno Hi!" The figure reveals who they are to everyone "What seems to be important to call everyone here father?" Whis asks the grand priest "Before that is discussed can I ask who they are?" Gogeti asks while pointing a finger to those from the dimension Y/N and Vali came from "Allow Vali and Myself to introduce them to you all Gogeti" Y/N says before he and Vali introduce the others from their original dimension "It should be noted that myself Sona and akeno along side Vali helped Y/N find out he was being cheated on" Rias says "We kinda knew that already as Y/N told us when we first met him" Vegeti says in response to what Rias said "She is right as I did tell them what happened before my arrival in this dimension but regardless *look at Zeno and the grand priest* what is for our summoning to here exactly your grace?" Y/N asks the two deities floating before everyone "Well lord Zeno and I have been observing your training and while the hyperbolic time chamber is a good way to get the training you need to improve your fighting capabilities we have a much better method for you two" Daishikan says "And what's that your grace?" Vali asks "We will be sending both of you into the past of Goku and the rest of this dimension!" Zeno says "How far are you planning to send them if I may ask your grace?" Michael asks the deities before him "The two will be sent to past in which raditz Goku's older brother first arrives on earth" Daishikan says "Wait you're sending them that far?" Krillin asks "Yes as we believe that experiencing the fights you went through in the past can drastically help improve both Y/N and Vali's ability in combat but there will be a catch" Zeno says "What's the catch?" Both Y/N and Vali ask "The catch is that your sacred gear will be locked from being used until you reach a certain point in your journey of the past" Daishikan "Will there be signs as to when we will unlock the use of them again?" Y/N asks "Yes you will know the signs when you get to close to the specific event" Zeno says "What will happen to myself and the rest of vali's team?" Arthur asks "Vali your team will have their memories locked of you both until you unlock your sacred gear also they will be normal citizens until that time comes" Daishikan says "Right so when will we be sent to the past?" Vail asks "In five minutes so if you want to say anything now will be the time" Zeno says "Right *looks towards Vegeta* Vegeta do you remember when I suddenly disappeared from my room at capsule Corp and whis brought me back?" Y/N asks the Saiyan prince "Yeah I remember why?" Vegeta says "Well here's what really happened" Y/N explains what really happened that day "What?! You met Frieza cooler cell and king Cold?!" Gohan shouts "Yep and surprisingly the four didn't try to kill me despite Frieza knocking me into the water of the area with a sneak attack.....right Frieza?" Y/N says before looking towards the individual in question "You are correct about that which when we meet in the past I hope you live up to what you promised when we first met" Frieza says with a grin Y/N is then seen with a grin on his face "You can count on it Frieza when I meet your past self I will give you the most exciting fight of your life even if I have to sacrifice my own to do so" Y/N Confidently says "Are you sure that you'll be able to handle him?" Piccolo asks Y/N "I'm sure it will be a struggle but as some would say what is an adventure without a bit of danger mixed into it?" Y/N Responds "That would be a boring kind of adventure oh and I should mention that both Y/N and Vali will be separate until they meet on earth which what I'm saying is that Y/N will be with Goku and others while Vali will be with Vegeta and Nappa" Daishikan says "So they only meet when Vegeta first arrives to earth in the past?" Krillin asks Zeno and Daishikan nods Y/N and Vali look at each other before doing their friendship handshake "Let's become stronger val and show what dragon emperor's can really become" Y/N says with a smile "Yes let us be the first ever red and white dragon emperor's to become so much stronger then those before us" Vali says with a smile of his own "Well are the two of you ready?" Zeno asks the two "We are ready your grace send us to the past and Goku I'll see you and the other z fighters of the past soon" Y/N says to goku "Same to you Vegeta" Vali says to Vegeta Suddenly both Y/N and Vali are enveloped in two bright lights which one is meant to lock up their sacred gear until the appropriate time they would unlocked which the two then disappear from the area Daishikan then blocks the memory of Y/N and Vali from Valis team until the appropriate time which everyone is then teleported back to their previous locations <b>TO BE CONTINUED </b> # Chapter 10 Arrival to the past encounter with a Saiyan <b>Y/</b><b>Ns</b><b> POV</b> After being sent via teleportation of the grand priest I now float through a weird portal as I wait for my destination to arrive Soon an opening appears Infront of me which I notice a island with a house on it "I guess that's my destination for the start of the training" I say to myself as I begin to fly towards the island As I fly to towards I can see several individuals talking which I assume to be Goku and a few others of the z fighters of the past I then feel a powerful energy approaching the island which I fly faster to reach the island first <b>*Boom!*</b> I land on the island shocking those one the island "Whoa who are you?" A individual who looks identical to Goku asks me "Wait he has a tail!" Another individual shouts Suddenly another boom is heard which we turn our heads to see another individual has arrived on the island "How many of you guys are going to show up?!" A identical looking Bulma says "So this is where you've been brother" the rough looking individual says "Who are you talking to?" Goku asks the individual "Kakkarot why haven't you killed everything on this pla-" the rough looking individual begins to say before noticing me and my tail "You! Your a Saiyan why haven't you helped Kakkarot with his task?!" The rough looking Saiyan shouts at me "Because I wasn't originally born as a Saiyan like you and Kakkarot over there are" I say calmly which confuses everyone "What do you mean you you weren't born as a Saiyan?" Bulma asks me "Simple I was born as a human but after a specific incident in my life I was ordered by two deities that I'm sure the Saiyan before us as well as the other two listening in on the side of Mr Saiyan's scouter know all too well to have my race changed from a human to Saiyan" I calmly explain Everyone is silent as the Saiyan before us is seen shaking badly "R-regardless I will not back away so easy!" The Saiyan says before attacking Goku and picking up Gohan which he then flys away "Gohan!" Goku shouts as he watches his supposed brother take his son I offer a hand to Goku "Come Goku let's get back your son.... You too piccolo I can sense you near by" I say as Goku grabs my hand and pulls himself up "Hmph I don't know who you are but I'm watching you" piccolo says "Let's get going! <b>FLYING NIMBUS!!!</b>"<b> </b>Goku shouts before a cloud appears him Soon we begin flying after the saiyan After flying for a while we arrive at a field with a crater near the saiyan "Alright raditz shall we get this bout started?" I ask "How do you know me?!" Raditz responds "That's for me to know just know this you are going to help me improve myself much like the two Saiyan's on the other side of your scouter is helping my friend improve" I say "Are you saying he is just a training obstacle to you?" Piccolo asks I simply nod my head before getting into my fighting stance as does Goku and piccolo "Fine! Let's see what you got!" Raditz shouts The three of us charge at raditz which Goku and I begin to trade punches with raditz with piccolo occasionally switching with goku <b>*Punch* *slam*</b> Can be heard from the fight which Raditz seems to be on the losing end "How are you so powerful?!" Raditz shouts as he blocks and punches Goku in the face after which he glares at me "Simple I was trained by let's say another version of two Saiyan's one which I'm near and the other my friend is near" I say "Wait the only Saiyan near you would be Goku right?" Piccolo asks me I simply nod my head before charging back into the fight <b>Meanwhile on the other side of the scouter at Vegeta's location</b> Vegeta looks to Vali who simply gives the same nod I did to Goku <b>Back on earth at the fight</b> Goku piccolo and I continue to fight against Raditz "Grrr take this! <b>DOUBLE SUNDAY!!</b>" Raditz shouts before firing two purple beams from his hands "Goku!" I shout to the Saiyan near me which we both get into the same stance "KA....ME....HA..ME...HA!!!!!" We both shout before pushing our hands forward firing the Kamehameha wave at the two purple beams coming our way from raditz Our Kamehameha waves overpower raditz's attack and heads straight towards him Raditz barely dodges the attack before charging at the both of us Raditz manages to knock goku to the ground before turning his anger towards me "You! I'll show you I'm not some training tool!!" Raditz shouts "Then prove it raditz show me the strength of the Saiyan who gave goku a hard time" I say while doing the bring it gesture We both charge at each other and begin to trade punches I merely evade each punch that raditz throws my way "Come now raditz this surely can't be all you got" I say as I block another punch Suddenly I notice Raditz's eyes begin to glow red <b>*Punch*</b> Raditz's punch felt stronger which sends me flying into a nearby rock "Well that's an improvement" I say as I get up "I will destroy you!!!" Raditz shouts "Good I want a challenge!" I shout back I charge at Raditz which Goku and Piccolo join in Raditz easily knocks out Goku and Piccolo before delivering a combo to me I wipe the blood from my mouth "Not bad Raditz but *right eye suddenly turns emerald green* I'm just getting warmed up" I say with a dragon like tone Rushing at Raditz we trade hard punches over and over which I then send a hard kick to Raditz's stomach and break his left knee causing him to fall down "Damn you! How are you this strong?!" Raditz yells "Constant training something you evil doers don't know the meaning of besides I think it's time we finish this little debut" I say before moving away Goku and Piccolo then finish off Raditz with Goku dieing as well Everyone arrives which Piccolo and I explain what happened "Y/N before you go off someone wants to see you at the lookout before they meet of with Goku in the afterlife" Piccolo says before taking Gohan with him I am then flying towards the lookout curious as to who would want to see me <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 11 a meeting with a kai (Part 1 of 2) <b>Y/</b><b>Ns</b><b> POV</b> After besting raditz in a fight and being told that someone wants to meet me at the lookout which I'm currently flying to Upon my arrival I see Mr popo and a namek standing on the lookout <b>The namek</b> "Greetings you are Y/N correct?" The namek asks me "I am yes and from what I remember before coming to the past you are kami the guardian of earth correct?" I say to the kami "You are correct but regardless we don't have much time please place a hand on my shoulder we need to get to where Goku is" Kami says which I nod and do what he says which we then disappear from the lookout Arriving at some sort of building we enter to see Goku talking with a giant "I told you you can't go across sn- kami is that you?" The giant says before looking at Kami "Hello Yemma" Kami simply says "Yes hello to you too now who is the person you brought with you and why is he alive?" Yemma says "I brought him here because I believe king kai can help him and Goku improve further then what they are capable of" Kami says "You know very well I can't let anyone go across snake way without a proper reason" Yemma says "Excuse me Mr Yemma sir might I be permitted to ask a question?" I say calmly "You may ask your question" Yemma says to me "Well correct me if I'm wrong but judging by how you decide on where the deceased go based on what they did in life that would mean you are some sort of judge correct?" I say to the giant "Yes you are correct" Yemma says to me "Then by all means if Goku and I was to be denied with meeting this king kai fellow then the amount of deceased souls would rapidly increase" I say seriously "How so?" Kami asks me "Think about it despite the universe having a large collection of beings within it a single being or group of beings could be plotting to destroy life as we know it and as such if one being was to come to earth then Yemma here would have his work increased massively as there is at least over 6 billion individuals on earth" I say to kami Yemma begins to sweat profusely at what I said "Fine! You both can go just get out of here before you cause me any more stress" Yemma says loudly which Kami then leads us to the path we must take to reach king kai "Alright boys this is snake way the path you both must travel to reach king kai who awaits for you at the end but be warned you can fall off and if you do it will be impossible to get back" Kami says to us "So stick to the path and don't fall out which we will find King kai at the end of the way right?" I ask Kami as I prepare myself for the journey across snake way "That is correct now you best get going " Kami says as he disappears "Well *looks to Goku* shall we start making our way to the end of Snake Way Goku?" I ask the Saiyan near me "Yeah let's go!" Goku shouts as he starts running along the path which I follow behind <b>Meanwhile at Vegeta's Location 3rd POV</b> "So if I heard right you were trained by a version of me?" Vegeta asks Vali "Yes as you originally was to train my friend Y/N with Goku which if I recall what Y/N told me is called Kakarott in Saiyan terms" Vali says to Vegeta "Wait you mean the lower class runt with a power level of 2?! How can he train someone like this Y/N you're talking about!" Vegeta's partner shouts "All I know is that both of us are here in the past to get stronger" Vali says in a laid back tone "Tell me something in the future do I avenge my race?" Vegeta asks "I have no idea to be honest with you so your best bet is to ask Y/N when we meet him" Vali says "But where should we go Vegeta?" Vegeta's partner says "Hmm I seem to recall something about dragon balls that can used to grant wishes" Vegeta says while thinking carefully "It would probably be our best course of action to head for earth as I seem to recall seeing some on that planet" Vali says "Hold up before anything else is said what are you? I mean both Vegeta and I know your not a Saiyan like us" Vegeta's partner says to Vali "Nappa is right so what race are you?" Vegeta asks Vali "I am a hybrid of a human and devil mixed" Vali simply says "In any case we need to get to earth to get these dragon balls which will take a year to get there" Vegeta says "Before we make our way there Vegeta I wanna see how well this kid fares in a fight especially since he was trained by a version of you" Nappa says "Good idea nappa as I am curious myself on how well a version of myself trained him" Vegeta says Both Vali and Nappa get into fighting positions which nappa let's out a loud war cry and charges at Vali Once within range of vali nappa throws a hard right hook at Vali who uses his right arm to block the attack before delivering a combo to Nappa's midsection Nappa tanks the combo before retaliating with a combo of his own The two fighters continue their spar with Vegeta watching the bout <b>Meanwhile back with Goku and Y/N (Y/Ns POV)</b> Some time has passed since Goku and I began running along snake way which during that time we fell off once and had to start over again but we easy caught up to where we was After some more running we finally reach what looks to be the end of snake way " *Out of breath* man that was a long run" I say as I catch my breath "No kidding but where is this king kai person kami told us about?" Goku asks me I simply stare at something above us "Up there Goku *points to what I'm looking at* I believe the one we seek is up on that planet above us" I simply say "Well what are we waiting for let's go!" Goku says before jumping up to the planet which I follow suit Arriving on the planet Goku crashes on the planet while I land safely on it "How come you didn't crash?" Goku asks me as he struggles to get up "I'll tell how later. For now we need to find where King Kai is" I say as I look around the surrounding area "No need I'm right here" a voice says coming from a nearby building located on the planet Looking towards the voice we see a figure in strange clothes looking at us "I assume you are king kai correct?" I ask the individual before me and Goku "You are correct now why are you both here?" King Kai asks us "Well king kai we...." <b>TO BE CONTINUED IN PART 2</b> # Chapter 12 A Meeting with A Kai (Part 2 of 2) <b>Shadow here with something I want to say before the chapter starts</b> <b>I have added 3 more girls to the harem which are fem Goku Vegeta and broly respectively</b> <b>But without further ado let the chapter begin </b> <b>Previously</b> "Well king Kai we..." <b>Present time Y/Ns POV</b> "Well King Kai we hope you could train us to stop an incoming attack" I calmly say to the Kai "And why should I train you two?" King Kai asks me and Goku "Because King Kai if we are unable to be trained by you and if all those on earth were to die from the attack heading to earth then you may encounter greedy people who may take advantage of you for their own gain" I calmly say to the Kai King Kai begins to think at what I said "Very well but before I even start training you both each of you needs to make me laugh somehow" king Kai tells us "So we gotta get you to laugh somehow" Goku asks "That is correct if you can make me laugh then I'll consider training you two" King Kai responds to Goku <b>*Insert joke Goku used in the show here*</b> "Hmm alright I got one" I say "Alright what's your way to make me laugh?" King Kai says as he calms down from laughing at Goku's joke "So King Kai what did one snowman say to the other snowman?" I say the start the joke "What did the snowman say?" King Kai asks me "The snowman asks do you smell carrot?" I say finishing the joke which causes King Kai to laugh "Haha it's stupid but true!" King Kai says as he laughs "So does this mean?" Goku asks "Yes I'll train you both but since your friend is used to my planets gravity already I'm gonna have to have him wear some training gear while he's here" King Kai says "That's fine King Kai anything to help me improve myself to help protect those I cherish" I say with determination "Very well give me just a second" King Kai says as he walks into his home before walking out with some training gear "Here put these on" King Kai says handing me the training gear Nodding my head I put the training gear which I am immediately forced down to the ground "Ugh well then this changes everything" I say as I try to get up off the ground "Since you was able to stand up on my planet with ease I made the training gear I gave you heavier then what you are accustomed to" King Kai tells me I slowly stand up on my feet "Right so if I may ask what is our first training lesson?" Goku asks King Kai "Your first lesson is to catch bubbles here" King Kai says as he points to the monkey Both Goku and I look at the monkey near King Kai "Sorry if I sound offensive here King Kai but you want us to catch a monkey?" I say to the god in front of me and Goku "That is correct and you must catch him within two hours or you both will fail" King Kai says to us Nodding our heads we begin chasing the monkey bubbles who effortlessly avoids our grab I struggle to move around the planet which Goku is going through the same thing <b>Back in space 3rd POV</b> Within the vacuum of space Vegeta Nappa and Vali are seen traveling in Saiyan pods which Nappa taught Vali how to use his pod "So what is this Y/N capable of?" Vegeta asks Vali via his pod communicator "He is quite strong and smart as he was able to deduct that his ex girlfriends was cheating on him without his consent" Vali responds via his own pod communicator "How many did he have?" Nappa asks via his pod communicator "About 6 or 7 I believe " Vali responds to Nappa "What was he trying to do with all those girls?" Vegeta asks "No clue all I know is that he treated them equally" Vali says "Regardless of him we have 7 more months before we reach our destination which I propose we sleep until we arrive" Nappa says "Will the pod let us know when we arrive?" Vali asks "It will wake us up when are approaching our destination " Vegeta responds to Vali The three then fall asleep in their respective pods as the pods steer their way to earth <b>On King Kais Planet Y/Ns POV</b> After two hours we managed to catch Bubbles which Goku and I are now attempting to hit a grasshopper named Gregory (<b>I think that's his name</b>) with a hammer that king Kai gave us "Goku he's over there!" I shout as I rush towards the grasshopper Gregory dodges my swing before retaliating with an attack " your still too slow!" Gregory shouts as he dodges Goku's swing "So you want speed huh? *Eyes glow emerald green* then you got speed" I say in a dragon tone as I feel energy surging on my legs Suddenly I move faster then what Gregory can go and hit him with the hammer King Kai is puzzled at what happened to me My legs return to normal as I sit on the ground and watch Goku attempt to hit Gregory Looking up to the clouds above I think of what is to happen "Soon we will meet again Vali" I say quietly <b>3rd POV</b> "And when we meet Y/N" Vali says to himself "Our Match will commence!" Both Y/N and Vali shout in their minds Both friends await the day when they will face off against each other <b>Y/Ns POV</b> After managing to hit Gregory King Kai is now teaching some techniques of his which I allowed Goku to go first in learning them "You have learned what you can from me Goku. now it's your friends turn" King Kai says "Right thanks for the lesson King Kai" Goku says as he walks over to me We both nod as I get up and walk over to King Kai which King Kai begins teaching me the techniques he taught Goku <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> <b>Shadow here and I hope you enjoy this chapter and a hint for the next chapter both fem Goku and Vegeta are to appear when the z fighters and the three meet on earth</b> <b>But in any case I'll see you all in the next chapter</b> <b>Peace</b> # Chapter 13 the match between friends <b>3rd POV</b> 7 months and the day of the attack by the saiyans has arrived During the 7 months Goku and Y/N has trained extensively with King Kai "This all I can do for you both it's up to you how you use them" King Kai tells Goku and Y/N "We won't let you down King Kai that I guarantee you" Y/N says to the Kai Suddenly Goku's halo disappears "Looks like roshi and the others revived me" Goku says "Looks that way anyway we should get going thank for the training sessions King Kai" Y/N says as he backflips off the planet before flying into the the sky and makes his way to king yama Goku soon follows behind Y/N <b>Meanwhile on earth</b> The bout between those of earth and the saiyans has already begun The humans yamcha tien and chaotzu have already perished at the hands of the Saiyan Nappa The only ones to survive the beat down are piccolo krillin and Gohan "Well time to finish the runt!" Nappa shouts before charging an attack from his mouth Before the attack can fire Y/N suddenly appears in front of nappa and delivers a hard punch to the saiyan's stomach "Your not harming him that easily nappa" Y/N says in a serious tone Nappa walks back before falling to one knee "H-How..." Nappa says in pain "Why bother explaining but in any case it's good to see you vali" Y/N says before looking at his friend "Likewise" Vali responds to Y/N Goku then arrives "So you're here at last Kakkarot I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up" Vegeta says smugly Before Goku could respond two beams of light appear near the two groups which then disappear to reveal two women "Where are we?" One of the women asks "I don't know clown... Wait is that us as men?" The second of the women before noticing Goku and Vegeta "I'm going to assume that you both are the female counterparts to Goku and Vegeta here right?" Y/N asks the two women "That's right I'm goki and she's Vegetia" goki says introducing the two of them "I'm sorry but what the hell is going on?!" Vegeta shouts "Well as I said before the two ladies are yours and Kakkarot's female counter parts Vegeta " Y/N says "Tch whatever but before the fights resume I wanna ask you something *points to Y/N* " Vegeta says while looking at Y/N "What is it?" Y/N asks Vegeta "In the future where you and he *points to vali* came from did I by chance defeat Frieza?" Vegeta asks "From what your future self told me when I first met him yes yes you did but the one who technically killed Frieza was Goku or kakkarot in saiyan terms" Y/N responds to Vegeta "How?!" Nappa shouts "If I recall correctly Vegeta from the future told me that Kakkarot became something called a super Saiyan which is what he used to defeat Frieza" Y/N says "Sorry what? I must of misheard you... you're saying that this low class trash became the thing of legend passed down among our race and beat Frieza himself?!" Nappa shouts "That is what I just said" Y/N says "In any case let's get back to fighting" Goku says in a eager tone Vali and Y/N walk to a specific spot away from the group already fighting "So Y/N are you ready?" Vali asks his friend "The better question should be are you ready?" Y/N responds The friends smirk at each other before unleashing their power shocking everyone else <b>Replace Goku with Y/N and Vali</b> "Wh-what the hell is this pressure?!" Vegeta shouts Soon Y/N and Vali both shout loudly "VALIIIIIIII!!!!" Y/N yells "Y/NNNNNNNNN!!!!" Vali yells The two friends charge at each other and deliver a punch across each others cheek before rapidly trading punches <b>Like this but replace the two with Y/N and Vali and they are on earth</b><b> also they are in their normal forms</b> A dust cloud forms causing the others to drop their jaws at what they are witnessing "Hold up you mean he was holding back in the spar we had?!" Nappa shouts Y/N delivers a gut punch to vali who in return drop kicks Y/N in the face Suddenly a red and white glow shine from the two friends "Boost!" A familiar red gauntlet can be heard saying "Divide!" A pair of wings can be heard saying The two friends stop in their tracks which both individuals have a grin on their face "Welcome back Ddraig" Y/N says with a grin "Same to you Albion" Vali says with a grin as well The friends charge back at each other which Y/N delivers a hard right punch to Vali's face sending the half devil flying far into the distance "I'm gonna go watch!" Goki says in a excited tone as she flys after Y/N and Vali "Wait up you damn she clown!" Vegetia shouts as she flys after goki Y/N and Vali soon find themselves in a mountainous area "Come on Vali this seriously can't be all you got" Y/N says while smirking at Vali "Your one to talk! I'm sure your holding back as well!" Vali shouts The two trade punches before Vali upper cuts Y/N which Y/N retaliates with a kick to the face of Vali The energy from the match of the two is seen causing the surrounding area to break apart Goku and Vegeta soon arrive to their own part of the area and are surprised at the damage Y/N and Vali are causing "Wow they sure are going at it huh" Goku says in amazement Vegeta is silent as he can't comprehend how the two are so much stronger "Whatever your my target right now Kakkarot so let's see what you got low class trash" Vegeta says while getting into his fighting stance Goku gets into his fighting stance Goku and Vegeta begin their match causing a lot of rubble to be seen from their fight Time passes which Vali is seen wearing his balance breaker armor "Bringing out your armor huh... That's more of a challenge for me!" Y/N shouts with a grin Y/N charges at with a surprising Ki Dragon shot "Eat this Vali! <b>Dragon Shot!</b>" Y/N shouts as he fires a red orb at Vali "<b>Divide!</b>" Albion yells as the attack from Y/N shrinks before disappearing "You should know Albion's ability by now Y/N" Vali says with a grin "That may be true that I know it but can it handle an unexpected attack like this? KAIOKEN!" Y/N says before shouting his new technique A reddish aura surrounds Y/N which shocks Vali Y/N grins before flying towards Vali at insane speeds which he then delivers a powerful combo "Come now vali you are the white dragon emperor why not bring out your most powerful form!" Y/N shouts while still delivering a powerful combo to Vali Vali crashes into a rocky formation which he then wipes the blood from his mouth "You want my most powerful form huh...Fine! But just know you asked for it!" Vali shouts before saying the chant Over with Goku and Vegeta during their fight Goku has managed to upset Vegeta quite a bit which Vegeta then brings out an orb and throws it up to the sky "Burst open and mix!" Vegeta shouts Quickly glancing over at the orb the Ozaru inside Y/N growls from within Y/N "I know big guy it's time" Y/N responds to the Ozaru Vali finishes transforming and glares at Y/N "Well Vali remember that deal I made with the beast within me of him wanting to face your juggernaut form...it's time" Y/N says seriously "Then bring him out" Vali says in a dragonic tone Y/N nods and looks at the orb that Vegeta made and starts to transform Soon two great apes are standing in the mountainous area "What the hell you also transformed?!" Great ape Vegeta shouts "Yes but your objective is Goku while mine is my friend over here so tend to your fight and I'll tend to mine" Great Ape Y/N says The four then resume their respective fights Time passes before Both Vali and Vegeta can be seen on the ground passed out and very injured which the same can be said for Y/N and Goku "They really did a number on each other huh" Goki as she stares at Y/N "Yeah makes me wonder if those two *points to Y/N and Vali* have anything else they're not showing us" Vegetia says while also staring at Y/N Vegeta then wakes up and calls his pod which he crawls to after which he escapes from the area A aircraft lands near the area which Bulma and the rest learn of what happened and help the three fighters on to the aircraft which Bulma Goki Vegetia along with the three unconscious fighters all fly to a nearby hospital <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> <b>Shadow here with the next chapter which I hope you all enjoy it</b>
Seme male reader x female/male characters
If you don't like gay stuffs leave. Like what are you doing here? Just look away.
[ "bl", "female", "fluff", "lemon", "lgbtq", "lovers", "male", "malereader", "reader", "romantic", "sememalereader", "straight" ]
[ "what I will do", "✧Tenya Iida✧", "✪Manjiro sano✪" ]
[ "Animes I know:\n\nMy hero academia\nBlack clover\nAttack on Titan\nDemon slayer\nMob 100 psycho\nTokyo revengers\nTokyo ghoul\nOne piece\nNaruto\nBoruto\nSonny boy\nDeath note\nBanana fish\nHunter x hunter\nHaikyuu\nOne punch man\nJujutsu kaisen\nHigh-rise invation\nSaiki k\nThe promised Neverland\nTower of god\nGod of high school\nFire force\nKemono jihen\nAssassination classroom\nDoctor stone\nPokemon\nGenshin impact\nObey me\nBrungou stray dogs\nVocaloids\nThe classroom of elites (edited in)\nChainsaw Man (edited in)\nBlue lock (edited in)\n\nMovies I know:\nUmbrella academy\nAvengers\nHarry Potter\nSonic the hedgehog\nSonic the hedgehog 2\nNinjago\nIT Chapter 1-2 (edited in) \nThe black phone (edited in) \nWimpy kid (edited in) \n\nCartoons I know:\nThe owl house\nSonic the hedgehog\nNinjago\nLego monkie kid (edited in) \nThe Avatar the last Airbender (edited in) \n\nManhwa I know: (edited in)\nLookism (edited in)\nViral hit (edited in)\nWeak hero (edited in)\nGet schooled (edited in)\nZomgan (edited in)\nBlack sun (edited in)\nWind breaker (edited in)\nSolo leveling (edited in)\nSotgun boy (edited in)\nGhost eyes (edited in)\nStudy group (edited in)\nThe boxer (edited in)\nReturn of the Blossoming Blade (edited in)\n\n◉Fluff ☁\n\n◉Smut 🍋\n\n◉Lime 🍈\n\n◉ minors will become 16-18+\n◉ I will not do rape, abuse, sexual assault, insest, pedophiles, grooming, bullying. \n◉ no uke reader only seme\n◉ no seme characters only uke\n\nPlease follow these rules and enjoy (≧∇≦)/", "\n[THE IMAGE ABOVE IS NOT MINE]\n\nRequested by @Jacerthetransformer\n\nIida here is 18\n{Name} here is 18\n\nLemon 🍋🍋🍋 \n\nAuthor POV:\n\nIn the dorms it was a soft night for everyone. They all are sound asleep but for one or two I should say. \n\nIt was Tenya Iida and {Name} {last Name}. Wondering why the two males were awake about? Well it's a person matters. (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞\n\nAuthor/Third POV:\n\n\"Ah~{Name}\" The class representative moans out. The face that Iida was making made {Name} turned on more, the lead expression was everything to make {Name} even harder then he was.\n\n\"Be quiet you don't want anyone else to hear? Don't you My Love~\" said the (color hair) male. I think you can guess what the two males were doing? If not they're making love. (◕◡◕)\n\n\"AH~! {Name}~! Slow down Ah~\" said Iida\n\"Aw~ you can't take it can you~?\" Said the male that was pounding in to a sensitive Iida. Iida was a mess and I mean messy and lewdness, his mouth was covered by his hands and the other one was holding on to the bedsheets. The poor male was trying so hard to keep quiet, but all the pleasure he was getting he was seeing Stars.\n\n\"Oh~Iida you look so vulnerable~\" said {Name}.\nI mean he was right. \"{Name}~ p-please I'm g-gonna cum\" moaned or said Iida. \"Then keep begging my love~? You want to cum right?\" {Name} said smirking.\n\n\"P-Please {Name}~ please fuck me~ please let me cum~\" Iida begged. \"Aw~ you really want me to fuck you that much? What a slut you are.\" {Name} said. Iida new {Name} was right, just look at him begging to get filled up with the semes cum.\n\n\"Fine~ I'll fuck you and fill you up.\" {Name} said but soon pound into Iida. \"W-Wait!-\" Iida couldn't finish his sentence. Soon the room was filled with moans and skin clapping with each other.\n\n\"{Name}! Ah~Ah~!\" Iida moaned trying his best to stay quiet \"I-I'm cumming~!\" Iida said \"I'm g-gonna cum too Ah~\" they both cummed together and catch some air. \"I love you\" Iida said \"I love you too\" {Name} replied\n. \n\n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n(WHAT THE HELL DID I WRITE!?)\n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n\nTenya Iida: WHAT IS THIS AUTHOR!! THIS IS NOT ALLOWED FOR MINORS TO BE READING THIS!!!\n\nAuthor: Sorry Iida-san but it is what it is, minors are scary.\n. \n.\n. \n\nI'm gonna go and jump of a building bye 👋\n\n🏢\n🏢\n🏢\n\n\n🏢 🤸🏻‍♀️\n🏢\n🏢\n🏢\n🏢\n🏢\n🏢\n🏢\n🏢\n🏢\n🏢\n🏢", "ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ\n\nFluff☁ All the way!!!\n\n!TW! : panic attack, self hate, stress, isolation, male reader. \n\nAuthor POV:\n\nManjiro or Mikey is having a issue with something but it seems like nothing and no one can fix it except you. The one and only {Name} the lover of Manjiro sano aka The Invincible Mikey.\n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n{Name} POV:\n\nI am currently running to the sano estate because I got a text from Emma saying Manjiro is isolating him self and won't talk to anyone, not even Draken! I knew something was wrong. \n. \n. \n. \n. \nLe~ times skip~\n.\n. \n. \n. \n{Name} POV:\n\n{Name}: \"I'm sorry I took long\" I said while panting. I saw the captains and vice captains. \n\nEmma: No it's fine but Mikey didn't answer anyone. \nEmma said with concern for her big brother. \n\nBut I know everyone here is concern for Mikey's health. \n\nI started walking to the door of Mikey's room. \n\n{Name}: Manjiro, please open the door. Let's talk ok? \n\nI waited for a couple of minutes and the door was unlocked. I stepped in and looks around to see Mikey on his bed with a blanket on top of him covering his head. I soon close the door behind me and walk towards Mikey. Then I sat next to him on the bed. \n\n{Name}: Manjiro... Please tell me what's-\n\nBefore I could finish my sentence I was cut off by Manjiro hugging me and........he was shaking!?\n\nMikey: I can't breathe..!\n\nHe can't breathe-\nHis having a panic attack! \nI hugged him back.\n\n{Name}: Shhh everything is alright... Don't worry I'm here. \n\nI said calming. \n\n{Name}: Let's take deep breaths? Inhale *inhale* exhale *exhale*.\n\nMikey soon followed this steps and is now calming down a bit by bit. \n.\n. \n. \n.\n. \n. \n.\nLe~ times skip~\n.\n. \n. \n.\n.\n. \n. \n. \n{Name} POV!:\n\n{Name}: Manjiro please explain why you had a panic attack? \n\nI waited for an answer from him. \n\nMikey: I just....I was just thinking maybe I'm not a good leader for Toman...\n\n{Name}: Why would you think that? \n\nI asked \n\nMikey: I don't deserve it. I made decision and mistakes that hurts everyone and I never wanted to made them. Even you I don't think I deserve a loving lover like you I think you would be better of with someone else-HmM! \n\nI cut him of by kissing him. I soon break the kiss\n\n{Name}: Don't say such thing, your an amazing leader and we all make mistakes we're humans after all. And I love you Manjiro no one else, you are the love of my life and that will never change. \n\nManjiro was on the verge of tears. \n\n{Name}: Manjiro, crying is ok it shows what you can't explain from your words.\n\nHis then begins sobbing. I hugged him more and stroke his hair. \n.\n. \n. \n.\n.\n. \n. \n.\nLe~ times skip~\n.\n. \n. \n.\n.\n. \n. \n.\nAuthor POV:\n\n{Name} and Mikey are leaving the room and going to the living room. \n\n{Name}: Sorry if we took long.\n\nMikey: yeah... Sorry for making you all worried about me... \n\nEmma: No it's ok. Everyone has to have a break someday. \n\nDraken: But next time tell us. \n\nMitsuya: Yeah. But we think you need a break for awhile. We all talked about so you don't need to worry. \n\nMitsuya said with a smile. \n\nMikey: Really! But-\n\nEmma: No buts! You will not over stress yourself out! You got that! ⋌༼ •̀ ⌂ •́ ༽⋋\n\nMikey: Yes ma'am... o(╥﹏╥)\nMitsuya: I'm counting on you {Name} to take care of Mikey. \n\nMitsuya said while looking at {Name}.\n\n{Name}: I promise I'll take care of him. \n\nDraken: Oi Mikey, don't make {Name} have a hard time ok. \n\nMikey: Ken-chin! (๑•̀д•́๑) Don't be so mean!\nヽ('д';)/\n\nSoon everyone had laughed at Mikey's statement. They're were all glad that Mikey was now back to his childish behavior. \n.\n. \n. \n.\nThe End\nHope you liked it \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/" ]
Title: Seme male reader x female/male characters Description: If you don't like gay stuffs leave. Like what are you doing here? Just look away. Tags: ['bl', 'female', 'fluff', 'lemon', 'lgbtq', 'lovers', 'male', 'malereader', 'reader', 'romantic', 'sememalereader', 'straight']
# what I will do Animes I know: My hero academia Black clover Attack on Titan Demon slayer Mob 100 psycho Tokyo revengers Tokyo ghoul One piece Naruto Boruto Sonny boy Death note Banana fish Hunter x hunter Haikyuu One punch man Jujutsu kaisen High-rise invation Saiki k The promised Neverland Tower of god God of high school Fire force Kemono jihen Assassination classroom Doctor stone Pokemon Genshin impact Obey me Brungou stray dogs Vocaloids The classroom of elites (edited in) Chainsaw Man (edited in) Blue lock (edited in) Movies I know: Umbrella academy Avengers Harry Potter Sonic the hedgehog Sonic the hedgehog 2 Ninjago IT Chapter 1-2 (edited in) The black phone (edited in) Wimpy kid (edited in) Cartoons I know: The owl house Sonic the hedgehog Ninjago Lego monkie kid (edited in) The Avatar the last Airbender (edited in) Manhwa I know: (edited in) Lookism (edited in) Viral hit (edited in) Weak hero (edited in) Get schooled (edited in) Zomgan (edited in) Black sun (edited in) Wind breaker (edited in) Solo leveling (edited in) Sotgun boy (edited in) Ghost eyes (edited in) Study group (edited in) The boxer (edited in) Return of the Blossoming Blade (edited in) ◉Fluff ☁ ◉Smut 🍋 ◉Lime 🍈 ◉ minors will become 16-18+ ◉ I will not do rape, abuse, sexual assault, insest, pedophiles, grooming, bullying. ◉ no uke reader only seme ◉ no seme characters only uke Please follow these rules and enjoy (≧∇≦)/ # ✧Tenya Iida✧ [THE IMAGE ABOVE IS NOT MINE] Requested by @Jacerthetransformer Iida here is 18 {Name} here is 18 Lemon 🍋🍋🍋 Author POV: In the dorms it was a soft night for everyone. They all are sound asleep but for one or two I should say. It was Tenya Iida and {Name} {last Name}. Wondering why the two males were awake about? Well it's a person matters. (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ Author/Third POV: "Ah~{Name}" The class representative moans out. The face that Iida was making made {Name} turned on more, the lead expression was everything to make {Name} even harder then he was. "Be quiet you don't want anyone else to hear? Don't you My Love~" said the (color hair) male. I think you can guess what the two males were doing? If not they're making love. (◕◡◕) "AH~! {Name}~! Slow down Ah~" said Iida "Aw~ you can't take it can you~?" Said the male that was pounding in to a sensitive Iida. Iida was a mess and I mean messy and lewdness, his mouth was covered by his hands and the other one was holding on to the bedsheets. The poor male was trying so hard to keep quiet, but all the pleasure he was getting he was seeing Stars. "Oh~Iida you look so vulnerable~" said {Name}. I mean he was right. "{Name}~ p-please I'm g-gonna cum" moaned or said Iida. "Then keep begging my love~? You want to cum right?" {Name} said smirking. "P-Please {Name}~ please fuck me~ please let me cum~" Iida begged. "Aw~ you really want me to fuck you that much? What a slut you are." {Name} said. Iida new {Name} was right, just look at him begging to get filled up with the semes cum. "Fine~ I'll fuck you and fill you up." {Name} said but soon pound into Iida. "W-Wait!-" Iida couldn't finish his sentence. Soon the room was filled with moans and skin clapping with each other. "{Name}! Ah~Ah~!" Iida moaned trying his best to stay quiet "I-I'm cumming~!" Iida said "I'm g-gonna cum too Ah~" they both cummed together and catch some air. "I love you" Iida said "I love you too" {Name} replied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (WHAT THE HELL DID I WRITE!?) . . . . . . . . Tenya Iida: WHAT IS THIS AUTHOR!! THIS IS NOT ALLOWED FOR MINORS TO BE READING THIS!!! Author: Sorry Iida-san but it is what it is, minors are scary. . . . I'm gonna go and jump of a building bye 👋 🏢 🏢 🏢 🏢 🤸🏻‍♀️ 🏢 🏢 🏢 🏢 🏢 🏢 🏢 🏢 🏢 🏢 🏢 # ✪Manjiro sano✪ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ Fluff☁ All the way!!! !TW! : panic attack, self hate, stress, isolation, male reader. Author POV: Manjiro or Mikey is having a issue with something but it seems like nothing and no one can fix it except you. The one and only {Name} the lover of Manjiro sano aka The Invincible Mikey. . . . . . . {Name} POV: I am currently running to the sano estate because I got a text from Emma saying Manjiro is isolating him self and won't talk to anyone, not even Draken! I knew something was wrong. . . . . Le~ times skip~ . . . . {Name} POV: {Name}: "I'm sorry I took long" I said while panting. I saw the captains and vice captains. Emma: No it's fine but Mikey didn't answer anyone. Emma said with concern for her big brother. But I know everyone here is concern for Mikey's health. I started walking to the door of Mikey's room. {Name}: Manjiro, please open the door. Let's talk ok? I waited for a couple of minutes and the door was unlocked. I stepped in and looks around to see Mikey on his bed with a blanket on top of him covering his head. I soon close the door behind me and walk towards Mikey. Then I sat next to him on the bed. {Name}: Manjiro... Please tell me what's- Before I could finish my sentence I was cut off by Manjiro hugging me and........he was shaking!? Mikey: I can't breathe..! He can't breathe- His having a panic attack! I hugged him back. {Name}: Shhh everything is alright... Don't worry I'm here. I said calming. {Name}: Let's take deep breaths? Inhale *inhale* exhale *exhale*. Mikey soon followed this steps and is now calming down a bit by bit. . . . . . . . Le~ times skip~ . . . . . . . . {Name} POV!: {Name}: Manjiro please explain why you had a panic attack? I waited for an answer from him. Mikey: I just....I was just thinking maybe I'm not a good leader for Toman... {Name}: Why would you think that? I asked Mikey: I don't deserve it. I made decision and mistakes that hurts everyone and I never wanted to made them. Even you I don't think I deserve a loving lover like you I think you would be better of with someone else-HmM! I cut him of by kissing him. I soon break the kiss {Name}: Don't say such thing, your an amazing leader and we all make mistakes we're humans after all. And I love you Manjiro no one else, you are the love of my life and that will never change. Manjiro was on the verge of tears. {Name}: Manjiro, crying is ok it shows what you can't explain from your words. His then begins sobbing. I hugged him more and stroke his hair. . . . . . . . . Le~ times skip~ . . . . . . . . Author POV: {Name} and Mikey are leaving the room and going to the living room. {Name}: Sorry if we took long. Mikey: yeah... Sorry for making you all worried about me... Emma: No it's ok. Everyone has to have a break someday. Draken: But next time tell us. Mitsuya: Yeah. But we think you need a break for awhile. We all talked about so you don't need to worry. Mitsuya said with a smile. Mikey: Really! But- Emma: No buts! You will not over stress yourself out! You got that! ⋌༼ •̀ ⌂ •́ ༽⋋ Mikey: Yes ma'am... o(╥﹏╥) Mitsuya: I'm counting on you {Name} to take care of Mikey. Mitsuya said while looking at {Name}. {Name}: I promise I'll take care of him. Draken: Oi Mikey, don't make {Name} have a hard time ok. Mikey: Ken-chin! (๑•̀д•́๑) Don't be so mean! ヽ('д';)/ Soon everyone had laughed at Mikey's statement. They're were all glad that Mikey was now back to his childish behavior. . . . . The End Hope you liked it \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
Death's Avatar
When Lanius died, Death gave him a choice: kill the ones who've evaded her for too long, and in exchange, she'd give him the power to avenge his mother's death or go to the afterlife. He chose the former and began causing mayhem. (Morally Grey MC, Harem, Massive Crossover, and other surprises.)
[ "18andup", "anime", "avengers", "comicbooks", "crossover", "dc", "death", "dxd", "fairytale", "fluff", "harem", "justiceleague", "lemon", "majorcharacterdeath", "manga", "marvel", "mha", "onepiece", "originalcharacter", "oshinoko", "rwby", "superheroes", "supervillains", "tvshow" ]
[ "Chapter 1", "Chapter 2", "Chapter 3" ]
[ "<b>This story will be one of my more ambitious projects, as it's a massive crossover between not only anime but also DC, Marvel, Image Comics, Manga, Cartoons, and a few popular Television series, so expect me to take a lot of liberties with characters, lore, power scaling, etc. Also, this story will have longer chapters and will go at a slower pace than my other projects as I want to take my time with this series but, more importantly, have fun adding my own twists.</b> \n\n<b>If you guys have suggestions on what you'd like to see in this series, feel free to DM or leave a comment, but other than that, I hope you beautiful people enjoy the story!</b> \n\n<b>Third Person POV </b>\n\nLying on the ground were a dying twelve-year-old boy and a deceased woman. \n\nThe boy had light brown skin and long hair that was silver on the left side and black on the right side. His right eye was red, while his left eye was golden brown. He was tall for his age, standing at five feet six inches, and had a lean yet muscular body with scars of all shapes and sizes. \n\nThis boy is Lanius Monkey D. Lucifer, a descendant of Luffy D. Monkey, Boa Hancock, and the original Lucifer. He was also the current Red Dragon Emperor. \n\nHowever, that wouldn't be for long, as Lanius was bleeding out profusely, bathing in a pool of his own blood, and would die at any moment. \n\nThe boy was experiencing various emotions as his death was approaching. There was fear and sadness, but his most prominent feeling was rage. He was angry at himself for not being strong enough to protect his mother. Angry that his father killed the only person that ever showed him any compassion and love. And he was angry that he would never be able to avenge his mother. \n\n\"Hey, Ddraig...\" \n\n<b>\"Yes, partner...\" </b>the dragon's tone was gentle and filled with great sadness. \n\nTears began to run down the boy's cheeks. \"Thank you for being my friend. Without you or Mom, I wouldn't have made it as long as I did...it was an honor to be your host.\" \n\n<b>\"No, the honor was mine...I'm sorry I couldn't do more...\"</b> \n\nLanius let out a hollow chuckle. \"Don't be sorry. There was only so much my body and you could do...I don't blame you at all. I just...wish...I just...\" \n\nThe boy's eyes began to close, and his heart slowly stopped beating.  \n\n<b>\"Goodbye, partner...\" </b>Those were the last words the boy heard before everything went black. \n\nLanius opened his eyes and found himself in an empty white room. \n\n\"Where am I?\" he asked himself as he stood up. \n\n\"You're between the realms of life and death,\" said a female voice behind him. \n\nLanius's eyes widened, and he turned to face the woman behind him. \n\nThe woman had ghostly white skin and long, wild hair that was pitch black. She had black eyes, wore black lipstick, stood the same height as Lanius, and had a lean yet curvy figure. Lastly, the woman wore a black tank top, spiked belt, pants, and boots. \n\nThis woman was Death Of The Endless, the literal personification of life and death and one of the most powerful beings in existence. \n\n\"A-Are you...\" \n\n\"Death? Yup,\" she chirped. \n\nHer attitude and appearance dumbfounded Lanius. He expected Death to be a guy and more menacing, not a friendly and attractive-looking goth chick. \n\n\"W-Woah, you're not what I would imagined...\" \n\nDeath chuckled. \"Yeah, I get that a lot.\" \n\n\"H-Hehe yeah, I bet,\" he awkwardly laughed while attempting not to freak out about the fact that he was actually talking to Death herself. \"...I don't mean to be rude, but why are you talking to me? Shouldn't I be...you know, gone...\" \n\nShe smiled. \"I'm glad you asked my little hybrid. I'm here to offer you a deal.\" \n\nThe boy tilted his head in confusion. \"A deal?\" \nDeath nodded. \"Yup, I'll grant you a second chance at life and help make you strong, avenge your mother. In exchange, I want you to be my avatar and kill those who've avoided me for far too long.\" \n\nLanius's eyes widened in disbelief. The boy couldn't believe what he was hearing! \"D-Dont get me wrong, I'm incredibly thankful for the offer, but...why me?\" \n\nDeath looked at him with compassionate eyes and gave him a sad smile. \"Because it wasn't your time to die yet, you still have a role to play in the future,\" she vaguely explained with a heavy tone. \n\n\"What do you mean?\" Lanius couldn't help but ask. \n\nShe gave him an apologetic look. \"Sorry, but that's as much as I can tell you.\" \n\nHe sighed. \"I understand...but can you at least tell me if my mom is in a good place?\" \n\nDeath nodded and smiled sadly at him. \"She is.\" \n\nLanius smiled and was relieved by the information. \"Ok...that's good. I'll accept your deal.\" \n\nShe beamed. \"That's great, but before I let you go, I have to make a few things clear. As my servant, you'll receive certain benefits. One of them being that for each individual you kill, you'll be granted increased power and occasionally new abilities.\" \n\nHe grinned. \"Sounds awesome.\" \n\n\"I'm not finished yet,\" she looked at him sternly. \"There are also rules you need to abide by. Rule one, no excessive killing, and rule two, don't abuse the abilities I give you. Failure to follow these rules will result in losing a fraction of your power or worse. Do you accept these terms?\" \n\nLanius gave her a determined look and nodded. \"I accept. I won't let you down.\" \n\nDeath smirked and kissed his cheek. \"You better not'\" she breathed into his ear, causing him to shiver. \"Or else I'll have to punish you~\" \n\nWith a snap of her fingers, Death sent Lanius back to the world of the living. \n\n<b>Lanius POV</b> \n\nI yawned and slowly rubbed my eyes. I then sat up and saw that I was in a room. \n\nWhere the fuck am I? \n\n<b>\"You're in your new friend's home,\" </b>Death answered. \n\nI nearly jumped at hearing her voice but was able to stop myself and respond. \n\n'New friend?' I quirked an eyebrow. \n\n<b>\"Yup, since you're my avatar, I gotta make sure you're taken care of and have someone to watch your back in a fight.\" </b>\n\n'I see...thank you so, who's my new friend?' \n\n<b>\"Her name's Uta. She was a good friend of your ancestor,\" </b>she revealed, making my eyes widen at the information. \n\nUta, also known as The Siren of Death, was an incredibly powerful Outer God who fought alongside Luffy and his allies during the Great War. Many assumed she died like the others, but apparently, that wasn't the case. \n\n'I thought she died.' \n\n<b>\"Oh, she did, but like you, it wasn't time for her to die yet.'</b> \n\nBefore I could continue my conversation, I heard a familiar male voice. \n\n<b>\"Lanius?\"</b> \n\nI beamed brightly. \"Hey, Ddraig...\" I tried not to let my emotions get the best of me. \"Guess who's still kicking.\" \n\n<b>\"But how?\" </b>Ddraig asked incredulously. \n\n<b>\"That would be my doing,\" </b>Death replied, shocking the heavenly dragon. \n\n<b>\"L-Lady D-Death?\" </b>the dragon stammered, absolutely terrified that the literal abstract of life and death was talking to them, which is understandable. \n\nDeath snorted. <b>\"I'm certainly no lady. Anyway, I'm the reason why our friend here is alive. He's my first avatar.\" </b>\n\n<b>\"WHAT?!\" </b>\n\nWait what? \"I'm you're first avatar?\" \n\nHuh, I thought she'd have more than one. \n\nStrange... \n\n<b>\"Yup,\" </b>Death chirped. \n\n<b>\"Why?\" </b>\n\nDeath hummed. <b>\"Who knows?~\" </b>she playfully replied, making Ddraig groan. \n\nWho would've thought Death could be so cheeky? I shook my head in amusement and explained everything that transpired to Ddraig. \nAfter that, I left my room to meet my new friend. It didn't take me long; the place we were staying was small. She is currently in the kitchen cooking while singing. \n\n<i>\"We can choose the way of our future. Try a brand new path. If I change the world. If I change the world.\"</i> \n\n<i>\"Say goodbye to everyone who stands against us. No one has the power to stop a change that comes through music.\"</i> \n\n<i>\"No, you can't stop magic. Close your eyes, and you can see the future before you.\"</i> \n\n<i>\"Every note I sing is bringin' you closer to your purpose. Once you're there, don't let go.\"</i> \n\n<i>\"You wanna play a real game? Unfurl the chain. Melody strung out like we're walkin' on a tightrope. Don't wanna try, don't wanna cry, wanna forget. Just wanna live inside a dreamland.\"</i> \n\n<i>\"I wanna be free. And let a brand new era dawn. I know that we can create a new world! We can choose the way of our future. Try a brand new path. If I change the world. If I change the world. This boundless music brings transformation.\"</i> \n\n<i>\"Messages in the song reach even further. This dream will come true. I believe in you.\"</i> \n\n<i>\"Say goodbye to everything that's weighing you down. Transcend beyond reality to colorful worlds of music. We need to keep on rising.\"  </i>\n\n<i>\"Close your eyes and take my hand. We're runnin' together.</i>\n<i>We don't have to live like this. I know we can all do better</i>\n<i>I sing for liberation.\" </i>\n\n<i>\"You wanna play a real game, unfurl the chain. Melody lighting up the path to new horizons. Don't wanna try, don't wanna cry, wanna forget. Just wanna live inside a dreamland.</i>\n<i>I wanna be free. And let a brand new era dawn. I know that we can create a new world!\"</i> \n\n<i>\"We can choose the way of our future. Try a brand new path. If I change the world, If I change the world. This boundless music brings transformation. Messages in the song reach even further. Reach even further. A new genesis!\" she finally finished. </i>\n\n\"Wow, that was awesome!\" I praised with stars in my eyes. \n\nShe screamed and jumped in surprise. Then she turned around to glare at me while holding her chest and breathing heavily. \n\n\"You scared the shit out of me!\" \n\n\"Woah...\" That was my intellectual response to her. \n\nUta was said to be one of the most beautiful women to have ever existed. Her beauty was so great that it rivaled beings like Gabriel, Aphrodite, and Lilith. And I'm fortunate enough to say that those rumors were factual. \n\nUta was fair-skinned and had purple eyes, and her hair was red on the right side and white on the left side.  She had braids at the top of her head resembling bunny ears and two ponytails that went past her waist with circular braids at the end. She also wore a short white dress that did nothing to hide her figure, which all I could say was damn... \n\n<b>\"Did someone develop a little crush~\" </b>Death teased. \n\n'Shut it,\" I internally replied. \n\nI heard Ddraig chuckle ominously, making me sigh. They're never going to let this go, are they? \n\n<b>\"Nope!\" both replied in unison. </b>\n\nFuck. \n\nUta looked at me, momentarily confused, but quickly realized I was checking her out. Her eyes shined mischievously, and a grin formed on her beautiful features. \n\n\"Ara, Ara~ Does someone like what they see?~\" she teased, causing my cheeks to turn slightly red. \n\nHowever, I refused to succumb to her teasing like a beta male, so I shook the redness out of my cheeks and looked at her blankly. \n\n\"What if I do?\" I snapped back. \n\nMy reply took Uta aback for a second, and then she chuckled. \"I'm flattered, but you're a bit too young for me, although you are pretty adorable...maybe when you turn 16, I'll change my mind...Anyways, you hungry?\" I nodded dumbly. \"Great, go sit at the table over there, and I'll bring the food out,\" I did as I was told and sat at the table, still surprised by her earlier comment. \n\nDeath giggled. <b>\"I bet you're real happy about that, huh?\" </b>\n\n'Quiet.' \n\n<b>End</b>.", "<b>Lanius POV </b>\n\n<b>Location: Abandoned warehouse located somewhere in Gotham City. </b>\n\n'You know, I didn't expect my first target to be a clown of all people,' I deadpanned. \n\n<b>\"Why are you complaining? It's an easy kill.\" </b>\n\n\"If it's so easy, how come he ain't dead yet?\" I retorted. \n\nAs a warrior, I want to be challenged. \n\nAn average human with above-average intelligence isn't exactly giving me what I crave. \n\n<b>\"Watch the sass, boy. As for why he's not dead, there are specific laws I must follow. If I were to kill directly, my ass would be in deep shit. So, I'm limited to manipulating the probability of a person dying to a finite degree.\"</b> \n\nI frowned. 'Well, that's bullshit.' \n\n<b>\"Yeah, it can be, especially for people like the Joker, but the rules are the rules, I'm afraid.\"</b> \n\nI sighed. 'Whatever, let's just get this over with. The sooner this fucker dies, the better the world will be.' \n\nI still can't believe a guy like the Joker is still alive after all the death and destruction he caused. From what Death informed me, the Joker has been thrown in and broke out of Arkham over a HUNDRED times! How the absolute fuck does the justice system allow this to happen is beyond me. Well, I guess it doesn't really matter at this point because I'm here to do what they can't and put a stop to him permanently. \n\n'You ready little dude?' Uta telepathically asked. \n\n'Yeah, and who the fuck are you calling little, you walking candy cane? We're the same fucking height!' I exclaimed. \n\n'Fuck you, and did you just call me a candy cane?' she asked amusedly. \n\n'Yeah, what the fuck are you going to do about it, huh?' I taunted. \n\n'You know you're very aggressive and sassy for a twelve-year-old.' \n\n'Blame my sorry excuse of a family for that. Anyways, I'm  heading in.' \n\nI teleported inside the warehouse, and once I was in, I summoned a sword and began my onslaught. \n\n<b>Third Person POV</b> \n\nThe Joker was currently in his office, making plans to cause more chaos in Gotham and finding ways to piss off his favorite masked vigilante. He thought about robbing a bank but decided against thinking it was unoriginal. Then he thought about blowing up a building, but again, the same thing as the first. \n\nPerhaps...perhaps he could kidnap one of his sidekicks. \n\nHe had never attempted it before, but now that he thought about it, it sounded like a wonderful idea! And if he can't get one of the robins or bat girls, he could kidnap a few kids. It wouldn't be as satisfying as the former, but it was better than nothing, he supposed. He was brought out of his musings when he heard guns, and not a moment later, one of his men slammed the door open and had a terrified look on his features. \n\n'Did the Batsy already find me?' he thought with amusement. \n\n\"BOSS WHERE UNDER--\" Before the man could finish his sentence, his head exploded, causing blood and brain matter to splatter everywhere. \n\nThe Joker's eyes widen at the sight, and he instantly realizes that Batman isn't here. It was someone entirely... \n\nWhen the body of his henchman collapsed, a boy with bi-colored hair and eyes appeared out of thin air. \n\nA child... \n\nA child killed his henchman... \n\nHe would've laughed at the absurdity if it weren't for the fact that this boy was making him feel something he hadn't felt in decades. \n\nFear... \n\nHe felt fear for the first time in a long time... \n\n\"W-Who are you?\" Joker stammered. \n\nThe boy didn't answer; he instead favored slowly and menacingly approaching the Clown Prince Of Crime with an equally terrifying blade in his hand, covered in the blood of the clown's henchmen. Joker, panicking, pulled out a gun and fired at the boy, but his attempts to fight back were futile as the child deflected the bullets lazily with his blade. The clown pressed his back against the wall, and before he met his demise, the boy spoke. \n\n<b>\"Death,\" </b>he thrust his sword into the Joker's neck; he then twisted the blade and sliced downward, causing internal organs and blood to spill out. \n\nThe Joker's body dropped to the floor. Lanius looked down at the body with disgust and hate in his eyes. \n\n'Good riddance,' he thought. 'So, who's next?' he asked Death. \n\n<b>\"Victor Zsasz.\" </b>\n\n<b>Third Person POV</b> \n\nAfter killing the Joker, Lanius immediately went after his next target since he wasn't all that tired, and the people Death wanted dead were easy to take care of. His next kill was currently held in the infamous Arkham Asylum. Due to the location barely receiving any funding, it had poor security and was severely understaffed. It was the reason why criminals were able to break out and escape so often. \n\nThe hybrid couldn't understand why such a place existed or at least received a renovation. Lanius also couldn't figure out how the asylum still received funding and how people could be willing to work there, knowing the possibility of getting killed by its occupants was incredibly high. \n\nHe may not know how human society works, but he was pretty sure if this were any other city, Arkham Asylum would've been shut down in favor of creating a new one. It goes to show how terrible Gotham really is. \n\nThe city was filled with parasites that continued to leech off the innocent. They grew in strength and cruelty every second they were allowed to breathe and spread their influence. \n\nLanius couldn't allow that. He knew he couldn't completely clean the city of its filth, but he could at least cleanse a good portion of it. \n\n\"How are you holding up?\" Uta asked, looking at the boy with concern. \n\nLanius may be the descendant of several legendary figures, but he was still a child at the end of the day. \n\n\"I'm alright.\" \n\n\"You sure?\" \n\n\"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?\" he asked, looking at her with a raised eyebrow. \n\n\"You killed someone,\" she reminded him. \n\n\"And? It's not my first time killing someone,\" he revealed, surprising the singer. \n\n\"Seriously?\" \n\n\"Yeah, Dad and Grandpa didn't want me growing soft like the children of the Four Great Satans, so they trained me to be the perfect warrior and had me kill enemies of the Old Satan faction,\" he revealed further, shocking Uta. \n\n\"I see...you had one hell of a childhood,\" Uta said, making the pre-teen snort. \n\n\"That's putting it lightly. Alright, I'm heading inside,\" Uta nodded. \n\n\"Alright, don't take too long, and be sure to avoid being seen by the staff.\" \n\n\"Got it,\" he then teleported into Arkham Asylum. \n\nOnce in the Asylum, he cast a spell to make him invisible and began roaming the area. \n\n'While im in here, is there anyone else you want me to eliminate?' Lanius asked Death. \n\n<b>\"No, but there are people I believe you should recruit.\"</b> \n\n'You want me to recruit a couple of nutcases?' Lanius quirked an eyebrow. 'Why the fuck would you want me to do that?' \n\n<b>\"Because these individuals are known for their incredibly fierce loyalty and abilities. Why let them rot away in a place like this and not use them for your goals?\" </b>\n\nLanius had a feeling that Death wasn't telling him the entire truth but decided not to call her out on it yet. \n\n'Alright, what are their names and cell numbers?' \n\n<b>\"Harleen Frances Quinzel and Pamela Lillian Isley. Their numbers are 102 and 104.\" </b>\n'Victor is literally in between them. What a fucking confidence,' the boy chuckled. \n\nAfter several moments of searching, he found their cells and decided to deal with Victor before talking to his potential recruits. Before he put Victor on a T-shirt, he cast a large barrier that prevented any sounds from being heard and disabled the cameras. Once that was done, he tore the door from its hinges. \n\n\"W-What the fuck?!\" Victor exclaimed when he saw the door get ripped off. \"W-Who the--\" \n\nBefore he could finish his sentence, Lanius grabbed the serial killer by the face and smashed the back of his against the wall, causing blood to splatter everywhere. \n\n<b>\"You sure do love making a mess,\" </b>Death commented with an amused tone. \n\n'I was never one to care about making clean kills.' \n\n<b>\"Wow, really, I couldn't tell. So you ready to meet your recruits?\" </b>\n\n'I guess. I don't know how I'll convince the two to join me, though.' \n\n<b>\"Oh, don't worry about that. BIG DEATH has your back on that,\" </b>she then explained everything Lanius needed to know about Harleen and Pamela and how to recruit them. \n\n'Alright, let's start with the plant lover first, then.' \n\n<b>Third Person POV </b>\n\n\"Who are you?\" Poison asked Lanius cautiously with narrowed eyes. \n\nIt wasn't hard to figure out that the boy in front of her was no ordinary child, seeing that he effortlessly ripped her cell door off its hinges. It was natural to be wary of him. \n\n\"Lanius Monkey D. Lucifer, it's a pleasure to meet you, Pamela,\" he introduced himself with a genuine smile. \n\nShe narrowed her eyes further. \"How do you know my name?\" \n\n\"My employer informed me of who you are and told me to recruit you into our cause,\" he replied, keeping the details vague. \n\nPoison Ivy quirked an eyebrow at that. Who would employ a boy who looked barely old enough to attend middle school? \n\n\"And what's this cause of yours?\" \n\n\"In short, kill people who've evaded death for too long.\" \n\nShe frowned. \"Why should I help you and not just kill you now and escape?\" \n\n\"Because you'll just get caught again and be put back in here because of a certain little bat,\" he retorted, making the woman grimace. \"However, if you work for us, that won't be an issue anymore, and I'll give you these and more.\" \n\nLanius shows his palm and a unique-looking flower forms in his hand. The head of the plant was red and shaped like a star, with three white marks at the ends of the petals. Its stem was white, with two red leaves. \n\nPamela's eyes widened in shock, and she took it from the boy's hand gently. She looked at the planet in awe, admiring its beauty and unique look and coloration. \n\nShe looked at Lanius. \"Are you like me?\" \n\n\"I mean sorta. I'm definitely a hybrid, just not a plant one. Let's just say creating plant life is one of my many abilities,\" he explained. \n\n\"I see...and you can create plants similar to this?\" he nodded. \n\n\"Yeah, and more a lot. I can even give you the ability to create them...if you join me. Not only will your plants be even more beautiful and have more variety, but you and them will be stronger than ever.\" \n\nPoison Ivy perked up but was still cautious and skeptical of him and his offer. \"How do I know you're not lying?\" \n\nLanius snapped his fingers. \"Go ahead and try to recreate that flower.\" \n\nThe redhead did what she was told and created the same flower, shocking her. \"Ok...so if I come with you, you'll let me keep this power?\" she asked, now persuaded into joining Lanius. \n\n\"Yup, so what do you say?\" \n\nAfter a moment of silence, she said. \"...I'll join, but only if my friend can too.\" \n\n\"You mean Harley?\" the redhead's eyes widened at that. \n\n\"How did you--\" \n\n\"Like I said, my employer informed me of you,\" he smirked. \"But yeah, she can come with. I was going to recruit her anyways,\" he revealed, further surprising the plant lover. \n\n\"...Ok, I'll join you.\" \n\n\"Great,\" he summoned a strange skull-shaped object. \"Press this to the center of your chest.\" \n\n\"What is it?\" she asked, inspecting the item. \n\n\"It's a Death Piece; it'll drastically increase your capabilities and give you new abilities. It's also a tracker, so if you're ever in danger, I know where you'll be.\" \n\n\"I see,\" she pressed the Death Piece into her chest, and the object absorbed into her. \n\n\"How do you feel?\" \n\n\"Amazing...\" a beautiful smile formed on her lips. \n\nHe turned around. \"Thats good. Now let's go get your friend.\" \n\n\"Wait.\" \n\n\"What is--\" The moment he turned around, a soft pair of lips met his, and Lanius's eyes bulged out of their sockets. \n\nPoison Ivy kissed him. \n\n<b>\"Oh~ Well, this is quite the development. I wonder how Uta would feel about this,\" </b>she sinisterly chuckled. \n\n'Shut it.' \n\n\"What was that for?\" Lanius quirked an eyebrow at the redhead, who looked surprised that the boy wasn't a blushing mess. \n\n\"It was just a thank you,\" she smiled. \n\n\"Ah, ok. Well, let's go get your friend,\" he ripped the door off its hinges and was greeted by an attack he saw a mile away and effortlessly blocked. \"You know it quite rude to attack someone breaking you out of Arkham,\" he said, looking at the blonde in amusement. \n\nHarley's eyes went wide, and she saw that Poison Ivy was behind him. \"Hehe, sorry about that little man,\" she rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. \"Hey, Red, how you doin'?\" \n\nPoison Ivy chuckled. \"Pretty well, I suppose, thanks to our little savior.\" \n\nHarley looked at the boy, and her eyes shined. \"You know, now that I got a better look at ya, you're really adorable, and I love how your hair and eyes are different colors!\" she squealed in delight. \n\nThe boy chuckled. \"Thanks. Anyways, I have an offer for you that you might like.\" \n\nHarley grinned. \"Alright, let's hear it.\" \n\nLanes explained everything to the blonde beauty and asked. \"So what do you say?\" \n\nShe grinned. \"Hell yeah, I'll join ya, but I have a demand.\" \n\n\"Of course,\" he grinned as he knew what she was going to ask.\n\"Ever heard of a scumbag named the Joker?\" she asked with a bitter tone. \n\n\"Yeah, I killed him not too long ago,\" he revealed, shocking both the beauties. \n\nBefore he could react, he was bombarded with kisses all across his face by both older women. \n\n\"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!\" Harley said, hugging the boy with enough strength to snap an ordinary human's spine. \n\n\"I can't wait until you're older to show how thankful I really am~\" Ivy purred into his ear and squished her face against his. \n\n'Why do I feel like I'm in danger?' Lanius asked Death. \n\n<b>\"Who knows~\" </b>\n\nThe boy internally sighed and didn't bother asking any more questions. 'Oh well, I'll find out soon enough.' \n\n<b>End.</b>\n\n\n", "<b>Third Person POV </b>\n\nIt had been six months since the young hybrid had become the Avatar of Death, and his power progression within that time frame had been incredibly fruitful and bloody. So far, he's killed over a thousand humans/hybrids, four to three hundred mythical creatures, and around fifty aliens! \n\nEach kill increased his capabilities by two, although that changed when he got to his third month, as Death raised his advancement rate by four and gave him a sword called the Reaper Blade. \n\nIt had a unique effect that gave him a twenty-five percent chance to increase his gains by ten and possibly steal an opponent's abilities after he killed them. \n\nUta stated if Lanius continued the way he was going, he should be a planetary threat by the time the boy turned sixteen or even fifteen if he worked extra hard. \n\nThis statement encouraged the Lucifer descendant to work even harder than before as he trained even harder and began to hunt more dangerous targets, which worried his female companions. \n\nSpeaking of his female companions, his relationship with each of them has steadily progressed, and it was safe to say Lanius was incredibly attached to them. His only complaint is they argue with each other far too often for his liking. Other than that, everything, in his opinion, is perfect. \n\n<b>Location: Kuoh, Japan </b>\n\n\"There she is,\" Lanius said with a wicked grin.\n\nA few meters away from the pre-teen was a gigantic lesser blue dragon. He could feel the power oozing off it, and by his estimates, it was powerful enough to destroy an entire town in one attack. \n\n<b>\"Are you sure I can't convince you not to fight it?\" </b>Uta asked with a worried tone, as despite his progression, she didn't know if he was strong enough to face a dragon yet. \n\n\"I'm pretty sure, and weren't you the preaching no pain, no gain just a few hours ago?\" he rhetorically asked with a raised eyebrow. \n\n<b>\"YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I MEANT BY THAT YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!\"</b> she shrieked, enraged. \n\n\"I don't know, do I? You weren't very specific,\" he teased. \n\n<b>\"You motherfu--\" </b>the hybrid cut the link. \n\n\"Huh, I wonder what she was gonna say. Oh well,\" Lanius chirped and began approaching the dragon. \n\n<b>(With Uta)</b>\n\n\"That motherfucker hung up on me,\" Uta growled. \n\nShe promised if that dragon didn't kill Lanius, she'd kill him herself. \n\n\"You good?\" Harley asked. \n\nUta looked at the blonde. \"No, I'm not. Lanius was being stupid again and hung up on me,\" she cutely pouted and crossed her arms. \n\nHarley rolled her eyes at the Outer God and shook her head while chuckling. \"You worry too much about him, Candy-Cane. He can take care of himself.\" \n\nUta's eyebrow twitched. \"First of all, DON'T FUCKING CALL ME CANDY CANE! And second of all, he's fighting a dragon, so excuse me if I'm slightly worried.\" \n\nHarley paled. \"Oh...\".\n\n\"Yeah, oh.\" \n\n<b>(Back with Lanius) </b>\n\nLanius was not having a good time at the moment as, despite being a lesser dragon, the beast was easily one of the most powerful opponents he'd fought. However, he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the challenge of fighting a somewhat competent foe. \n\n<b>[DIVINE SLASH!!!!] </b>\n\nUsing a combination of Conqueror's Haki, Light, Demonic, and magical energy, he sent a powerful energy blast that thankfully made its mark as the Dragon roared in agony and crashed to the ground. \n\nHowever, just because the dragon was down didn't mean that the pre-teen was safe, as before the mighty beast went down, it cast a spell that caused magical lighting to shoot out of the sky. \n\nLanius's eyes widened as he was nearly hit with a lightning blast, but he was able to dodge the attack, albeit barely, as the magically imbued element was nearly as fast as the speed of light. \n\nMuch to his dismay, the lightning attack didn't stop, and the boy had constantly been on the move. To make matters worse, the dragon quickly recovered from his attack and let out a fearsome roar of rage, which seemed to increase the speed of the elemental attacks. \n\nThe pre-teen was only able to evade one more strike until he was bombarded with lighting strikes, causing the hybrid to grit his teeth in pain. \n\n'Ddraig!' \n\n<b>\"I got you!\" </b>\n\n<b>[BOOST!!]</b>\n\n<b>[BOOST!!] </b>\n\n<b>[BOOST!!] </b>\n\n<b>[BOOST!!] </b>\n\n<b>[BOOST!!] </b>\n\n<b>[BOOST!!] </b>\n\n<b>[BOOST!!] </b>\n\n<b>[BOOST!!] </b>\n\n<b>[BOOST!!] </b>\n\n<b>[BOOST!!] </b>\n\nNow, Lanius was easily able to react to attacks several times the speed of light and was effortlessly evading the lightning attacks. However, that didn't save him a surprise attack as the dragon smacked the shit out of him with its tail sending the boy crashing toward the ground and creating a massive crater. \n\nThe pre-teen quickly recovered and cast a powerful spell. \n\n<b>[LIGHT'S TERROR!!: MULTI BURST!!]</b>\n\nSeveral dozen massive beams of light struck the dragon, and each caused a devastating amount of damage to the mighty beast. \n\nThe beast let out another pained roar, and its rage magnified tenfold. It looked at the pre-teen with narrowed eyes and opened its mouth to unleash a devastating attack. A black orb appeared with several forms of elemental energy circling it at rapid speeds. Once it was large enough, the mighty beast aimed it at Lanius and released it. \n\nLanius's eyes widened as the orb was coming toward him faster than he had anticipated, and he had no choice but to cast a force field as he wouldn't be able to dodge in time. \n\n<b>[SHIELD OF LIGHT!!] </b>\n\nThe force field instantly surrounded his body, and to ensure it wouldn't shatter, he imbued the spell with Haki. When the blast made contact with the force field, it held well, but the attack moved the pre-teen several meters. \n\nOnce the blast dissipated, Lanius didn't waste time and blitzed toward the lesser dragon. He raised his Haki-Imbued sword and, with a powerful horizontal swing, he decapitated the beast.\n\nLanius blissfully sighed and watched as the dragon's corpse dropped like a sack of bricks. \n\n\"Well, that was fun,\" the boy chirped. \n\nHe landed on the ground and dismissed his armor. He was about to teleport home but stopped when he heard a male voice. \n\n\"That was pretty impressive,\" Lanius turned around and pointed his sword at the man. \n\n\"Who the fuck are you?\" he glared at the man. \n\n\"Relax, kid,\" the man chuckled and raised his hand in surrender. \"I'm not here to cause any trouble. I just wanna talk, that's all.\" \n\n\"Then speak.\" \n\n\"I've been getting reports of a strange-looking child killing supernatural and non-supernatural individuals around the world. Are you, by chance, that child?\" \n\nThe pre-teen shrugged. \"So what if I am? Got a problem with it?\" \n\n\"Me? Oh no, I couldn't care less. However, the same couldn't be said about the others.\" \n\nLanius furrowed his brows. \"What do you mean?\" \n\n\"Some of the people you killed were high-ranking members of prominent factions. Let's just say they're less than pleased about their own getting killed,\" he replied with an amused tone. \n\n\"I see...sounds like a personal problem. I'm just doing my job.\" \n\n\"And what's that?\" \n\n\"Eliminating people who've avoided death for far too long.  Anything else you wanna ask? I'd like to go home,\" the hybrid said impatiently. \n\n\"Yeah, what's your name, kid?\" \n\n\"Lanius. You?\" \n\n\"My name's Azrael. I have a proposition for you.\" \n\n\"And that is?\" \n\nThe fallen angel smirked. \"I need you to kill someone for me. Do that, and I'll give you anything you want if it's within reason.\" \n\nThe boy thought about it for a moment and then asked. \"Who do you want me to kill?\" \n\n\"His alias is Jack the Ripper.\" \n\n<b>End.</b>" ]
Title: Death's Avatar Description: When Lanius died, Death gave him a choice: kill the ones who've evaded her for too long, and in exchange, she'd give him the power to avenge his mother's death or go to the afterlife. He chose the former and began causing mayhem. (Morally Grey MC, Harem, Massive Crossover, and other surprises.) Tags: ['18andup', 'anime', 'avengers', 'comicbooks', 'crossover', 'dc', 'death', 'dxd', 'fairytale', 'fluff', 'harem', 'justiceleague', 'lemon', 'majorcharacterdeath', 'manga', 'marvel', 'mha', 'onepiece', 'originalcharacter', 'oshinoko', 'rwby', 'superheroes', 'supervillains', 'tvshow']
# Chapter 1 <b>This story will be one of my more ambitious projects, as it's a massive crossover between not only anime but also DC, Marvel, Image Comics, Manga, Cartoons, and a few popular Television series, so expect me to take a lot of liberties with characters, lore, power scaling, etc. Also, this story will have longer chapters and will go at a slower pace than my other projects as I want to take my time with this series but, more importantly, have fun adding my own twists.</b> <b>If you guys have suggestions on what you'd like to see in this series, feel free to DM or leave a comment, but other than that, I hope you beautiful people enjoy the story!</b> <b>Third Person POV </b> Lying on the ground were a dying twelve-year-old boy and a deceased woman. The boy had light brown skin and long hair that was silver on the left side and black on the right side. His right eye was red, while his left eye was golden brown. He was tall for his age, standing at five feet six inches, and had a lean yet muscular body with scars of all shapes and sizes. This boy is Lanius Monkey D. Lucifer, a descendant of Luffy D. Monkey, Boa Hancock, and the original Lucifer. He was also the current Red Dragon Emperor. However, that wouldn't be for long, as Lanius was bleeding out profusely, bathing in a pool of his own blood, and would die at any moment. The boy was experiencing various emotions as his death was approaching. There was fear and sadness, but his most prominent feeling was rage. He was angry at himself for not being strong enough to protect his mother. Angry that his father killed the only person that ever showed him any compassion and love. And he was angry that he would never be able to avenge his mother. "Hey, Ddraig..." <b>"Yes, partner..." </b>the dragon's tone was gentle and filled with great sadness. Tears began to run down the boy's cheeks. "Thank you for being my friend. Without you or Mom, I wouldn't have made it as long as I did...it was an honor to be your host." <b>"No, the honor was mine...I'm sorry I couldn't do more..."</b> Lanius let out a hollow chuckle. "Don't be sorry. There was only so much my body and you could do...I don't blame you at all. I just...wish...I just..." The boy's eyes began to close, and his heart slowly stopped beating.  <b>"Goodbye, partner..." </b>Those were the last words the boy heard before everything went black. Lanius opened his eyes and found himself in an empty white room. "Where am I?" he asked himself as he stood up. "You're between the realms of life and death," said a female voice behind him. Lanius's eyes widened, and he turned to face the woman behind him. The woman had ghostly white skin and long, wild hair that was pitch black. She had black eyes, wore black lipstick, stood the same height as Lanius, and had a lean yet curvy figure. Lastly, the woman wore a black tank top, spiked belt, pants, and boots. This woman was Death Of The Endless, the literal personification of life and death and one of the most powerful beings in existence. "A-Are you..." "Death? Yup," she chirped. Her attitude and appearance dumbfounded Lanius. He expected Death to be a guy and more menacing, not a friendly and attractive-looking goth chick. "W-Woah, you're not what I would imagined..." Death chuckled. "Yeah, I get that a lot." "H-Hehe yeah, I bet," he awkwardly laughed while attempting not to freak out about the fact that he was actually talking to Death herself. "...I don't mean to be rude, but why are you talking to me? Shouldn't I be...you know, gone..." She smiled. "I'm glad you asked my little hybrid. I'm here to offer you a deal." The boy tilted his head in confusion. "A deal?" Death nodded. "Yup, I'll grant you a second chance at life and help make you strong, avenge your mother. In exchange, I want you to be my avatar and kill those who've avoided me for far too long." Lanius's eyes widened in disbelief. The boy couldn't believe what he was hearing! "D-Dont get me wrong, I'm incredibly thankful for the offer, but...why me?" Death looked at him with compassionate eyes and gave him a sad smile. "Because it wasn't your time to die yet, you still have a role to play in the future," she vaguely explained with a heavy tone. "What do you mean?" Lanius couldn't help but ask. She gave him an apologetic look. "Sorry, but that's as much as I can tell you." He sighed. "I understand...but can you at least tell me if my mom is in a good place?" Death nodded and smiled sadly at him. "She is." Lanius smiled and was relieved by the information. "Ok...that's good. I'll accept your deal." She beamed. "That's great, but before I let you go, I have to make a few things clear. As my servant, you'll receive certain benefits. One of them being that for each individual you kill, you'll be granted increased power and occasionally new abilities." He grinned. "Sounds awesome." "I'm not finished yet," she looked at him sternly. "There are also rules you need to abide by. Rule one, no excessive killing, and rule two, don't abuse the abilities I give you. Failure to follow these rules will result in losing a fraction of your power or worse. Do you accept these terms?" Lanius gave her a determined look and nodded. "I accept. I won't let you down." Death smirked and kissed his cheek. "You better not'" she breathed into his ear, causing him to shiver. "Or else I'll have to punish you~" With a snap of her fingers, Death sent Lanius back to the world of the living. <b>Lanius POV</b> I yawned and slowly rubbed my eyes. I then sat up and saw that I was in a room. Where the fuck am I? <b>"You're in your new friend's home," </b>Death answered. I nearly jumped at hearing her voice but was able to stop myself and respond. 'New friend?' I quirked an eyebrow. <b>"Yup, since you're my avatar, I gotta make sure you're taken care of and have someone to watch your back in a fight." </b> 'I see...thank you so, who's my new friend?' <b>"Her name's Uta. She was a good friend of your ancestor," </b>she revealed, making my eyes widen at the information. Uta, also known as The Siren of Death, was an incredibly powerful Outer God who fought alongside Luffy and his allies during the Great War. Many assumed she died like the others, but apparently, that wasn't the case. 'I thought she died.' <b>"Oh, she did, but like you, it wasn't time for her to die yet.'</b> Before I could continue my conversation, I heard a familiar male voice. <b>"Lanius?"</b> I beamed brightly. "Hey, Ddraig..." I tried not to let my emotions get the best of me. "Guess who's still kicking." <b>"But how?" </b>Ddraig asked incredulously. <b>"That would be my doing," </b>Death replied, shocking the heavenly dragon. <b>"L-Lady D-Death?" </b>the dragon stammered, absolutely terrified that the literal abstract of life and death was talking to them, which is understandable. Death snorted. <b>"I'm certainly no lady. Anyway, I'm the reason why our friend here is alive. He's my first avatar." </b> <b>"WHAT?!" </b> Wait what? "I'm you're first avatar?" Huh, I thought she'd have more than one. Strange... <b>"Yup," </b>Death chirped. <b>"Why?" </b> Death hummed. <b>"Who knows?~" </b>she playfully replied, making Ddraig groan. Who would've thought Death could be so cheeky? I shook my head in amusement and explained everything that transpired to Ddraig. After that, I left my room to meet my new friend. It didn't take me long; the place we were staying was small. She is currently in the kitchen cooking while singing. <i>"We can choose the way of our future. Try a brand new path. If I change the world. If I change the world."</i> <i>"Say goodbye to everyone who stands against us. No one has the power to stop a change that comes through music."</i> <i>"No, you can't stop magic. Close your eyes, and you can see the future before you."</i> <i>"Every note I sing is bringin' you closer to your purpose. Once you're there, don't let go."</i> <i>"You wanna play a real game? Unfurl the chain. Melody strung out like we're walkin' on a tightrope. Don't wanna try, don't wanna cry, wanna forget. Just wanna live inside a dreamland."</i> <i>"I wanna be free. And let a brand new era dawn. I know that we can create a new world! We can choose the way of our future. Try a brand new path. If I change the world. If I change the world. This boundless music brings transformation."</i> <i>"Messages in the song reach even further. This dream will come true. I believe in you."</i> <i>"Say goodbye to everything that's weighing you down. Transcend beyond reality to colorful worlds of music. We need to keep on rising."  </i> <i>"Close your eyes and take my hand. We're runnin' together.</i> <i>We don't have to live like this. I know we can all do better</i> <i>I sing for liberation." </i> <i>"You wanna play a real game, unfurl the chain. Melody lighting up the path to new horizons. Don't wanna try, don't wanna cry, wanna forget. Just wanna live inside a dreamland.</i> <i>I wanna be free. And let a brand new era dawn. I know that we can create a new world!"</i> <i>"We can choose the way of our future. Try a brand new path. If I change the world, If I change the world. This boundless music brings transformation. Messages in the song reach even further. Reach even further. A new genesis!" she finally finished. </i> "Wow, that was awesome!" I praised with stars in my eyes. She screamed and jumped in surprise. Then she turned around to glare at me while holding her chest and breathing heavily. "You scared the shit out of me!" "Woah..." That was my intellectual response to her. Uta was said to be one of the most beautiful women to have ever existed. Her beauty was so great that it rivaled beings like Gabriel, Aphrodite, and Lilith. And I'm fortunate enough to say that those rumors were factual. Uta was fair-skinned and had purple eyes, and her hair was red on the right side and white on the left side.  She had braids at the top of her head resembling bunny ears and two ponytails that went past her waist with circular braids at the end. She also wore a short white dress that did nothing to hide her figure, which all I could say was damn... <b>"Did someone develop a little crush~" </b>Death teased. 'Shut it," I internally replied. I heard Ddraig chuckle ominously, making me sigh. They're never going to let this go, are they? <b>"Nope!" both replied in unison. </b> Fuck. Uta looked at me, momentarily confused, but quickly realized I was checking her out. Her eyes shined mischievously, and a grin formed on her beautiful features. "Ara, Ara~ Does someone like what they see?~" she teased, causing my cheeks to turn slightly red. However, I refused to succumb to her teasing like a beta male, so I shook the redness out of my cheeks and looked at her blankly. "What if I do?" I snapped back. My reply took Uta aback for a second, and then she chuckled. "I'm flattered, but you're a bit too young for me, although you are pretty adorable...maybe when you turn 16, I'll change my mind...Anyways, you hungry?" I nodded dumbly. "Great, go sit at the table over there, and I'll bring the food out," I did as I was told and sat at the table, still surprised by her earlier comment. Death giggled. <b>"I bet you're real happy about that, huh?" </b> 'Quiet.' <b>End</b>. # Chapter 2 <b>Lanius POV </b> <b>Location: Abandoned warehouse located somewhere in Gotham City. </b> 'You know, I didn't expect my first target to be a clown of all people,' I deadpanned. <b>"Why are you complaining? It's an easy kill." </b> "If it's so easy, how come he ain't dead yet?" I retorted. As a warrior, I want to be challenged. An average human with above-average intelligence isn't exactly giving me what I crave. <b>"Watch the sass, boy. As for why he's not dead, there are specific laws I must follow. If I were to kill directly, my ass would be in deep shit. So, I'm limited to manipulating the probability of a person dying to a finite degree."</b> I frowned. 'Well, that's bullshit.' <b>"Yeah, it can be, especially for people like the Joker, but the rules are the rules, I'm afraid."</b> I sighed. 'Whatever, let's just get this over with. The sooner this fucker dies, the better the world will be.' I still can't believe a guy like the Joker is still alive after all the death and destruction he caused. From what Death informed me, the Joker has been thrown in and broke out of Arkham over a HUNDRED times! How the absolute fuck does the justice system allow this to happen is beyond me. Well, I guess it doesn't really matter at this point because I'm here to do what they can't and put a stop to him permanently. 'You ready little dude?' Uta telepathically asked. 'Yeah, and who the fuck are you calling little, you walking candy cane? We're the same fucking height!' I exclaimed. 'Fuck you, and did you just call me a candy cane?' she asked amusedly. 'Yeah, what the fuck are you going to do about it, huh?' I taunted. 'You know you're very aggressive and sassy for a twelve-year-old.' 'Blame my sorry excuse of a family for that. Anyways, I'm  heading in.' I teleported inside the warehouse, and once I was in, I summoned a sword and began my onslaught. <b>Third Person POV</b> The Joker was currently in his office, making plans to cause more chaos in Gotham and finding ways to piss off his favorite masked vigilante. He thought about robbing a bank but decided against thinking it was unoriginal. Then he thought about blowing up a building, but again, the same thing as the first. Perhaps...perhaps he could kidnap one of his sidekicks. He had never attempted it before, but now that he thought about it, it sounded like a wonderful idea! And if he can't get one of the robins or bat girls, he could kidnap a few kids. It wouldn't be as satisfying as the former, but it was better than nothing, he supposed. He was brought out of his musings when he heard guns, and not a moment later, one of his men slammed the door open and had a terrified look on his features. 'Did the Batsy already find me?' he thought with amusement. "BOSS WHERE UNDER--" Before the man could finish his sentence, his head exploded, causing blood and brain matter to splatter everywhere. The Joker's eyes widen at the sight, and he instantly realizes that Batman isn't here. It was someone entirely... When the body of his henchman collapsed, a boy with bi-colored hair and eyes appeared out of thin air. A child... A child killed his henchman... He would've laughed at the absurdity if it weren't for the fact that this boy was making him feel something he hadn't felt in decades. Fear... He felt fear for the first time in a long time... "W-Who are you?" Joker stammered. The boy didn't answer; he instead favored slowly and menacingly approaching the Clown Prince Of Crime with an equally terrifying blade in his hand, covered in the blood of the clown's henchmen. Joker, panicking, pulled out a gun and fired at the boy, but his attempts to fight back were futile as the child deflected the bullets lazily with his blade. The clown pressed his back against the wall, and before he met his demise, the boy spoke. <b>"Death," </b>he thrust his sword into the Joker's neck; he then twisted the blade and sliced downward, causing internal organs and blood to spill out. The Joker's body dropped to the floor. Lanius looked down at the body with disgust and hate in his eyes. 'Good riddance,' he thought. 'So, who's next?' he asked Death. <b>"Victor Zsasz." </b> <b>Third Person POV</b> After killing the Joker, Lanius immediately went after his next target since he wasn't all that tired, and the people Death wanted dead were easy to take care of. His next kill was currently held in the infamous Arkham Asylum. Due to the location barely receiving any funding, it had poor security and was severely understaffed. It was the reason why criminals were able to break out and escape so often. The hybrid couldn't understand why such a place existed or at least received a renovation. Lanius also couldn't figure out how the asylum still received funding and how people could be willing to work there, knowing the possibility of getting killed by its occupants was incredibly high. He may not know how human society works, but he was pretty sure if this were any other city, Arkham Asylum would've been shut down in favor of creating a new one. It goes to show how terrible Gotham really is. The city was filled with parasites that continued to leech off the innocent. They grew in strength and cruelty every second they were allowed to breathe and spread their influence. Lanius couldn't allow that. He knew he couldn't completely clean the city of its filth, but he could at least cleanse a good portion of it. "How are you holding up?" Uta asked, looking at the boy with concern. Lanius may be the descendant of several legendary figures, but he was still a child at the end of the day. "I'm alright." "You sure?" "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" he asked, looking at her with a raised eyebrow. "You killed someone," she reminded him. "And? It's not my first time killing someone," he revealed, surprising the singer. "Seriously?" "Yeah, Dad and Grandpa didn't want me growing soft like the children of the Four Great Satans, so they trained me to be the perfect warrior and had me kill enemies of the Old Satan faction," he revealed further, shocking Uta. "I see...you had one hell of a childhood," Uta said, making the pre-teen snort. "That's putting it lightly. Alright, I'm heading inside," Uta nodded. "Alright, don't take too long, and be sure to avoid being seen by the staff." "Got it," he then teleported into Arkham Asylum. Once in the Asylum, he cast a spell to make him invisible and began roaming the area. 'While im in here, is there anyone else you want me to eliminate?' Lanius asked Death. <b>"No, but there are people I believe you should recruit."</b> 'You want me to recruit a couple of nutcases?' Lanius quirked an eyebrow. 'Why the fuck would you want me to do that?' <b>"Because these individuals are known for their incredibly fierce loyalty and abilities. Why let them rot away in a place like this and not use them for your goals?" </b> Lanius had a feeling that Death wasn't telling him the entire truth but decided not to call her out on it yet. 'Alright, what are their names and cell numbers?' <b>"Harleen Frances Quinzel and Pamela Lillian Isley. Their numbers are 102 and 104." </b> 'Victor is literally in between them. What a fucking confidence,' the boy chuckled. After several moments of searching, he found their cells and decided to deal with Victor before talking to his potential recruits. Before he put Victor on a T-shirt, he cast a large barrier that prevented any sounds from being heard and disabled the cameras. Once that was done, he tore the door from its hinges. "W-What the fuck?!" Victor exclaimed when he saw the door get ripped off. "W-Who the--" Before he could finish his sentence, Lanius grabbed the serial killer by the face and smashed the back of his against the wall, causing blood to splatter everywhere. <b>"You sure do love making a mess," </b>Death commented with an amused tone. 'I was never one to care about making clean kills.' <b>"Wow, really, I couldn't tell. So you ready to meet your recruits?" </b> 'I guess. I don't know how I'll convince the two to join me, though.' <b>"Oh, don't worry about that. BIG DEATH has your back on that," </b>she then explained everything Lanius needed to know about Harleen and Pamela and how to recruit them. 'Alright, let's start with the plant lover first, then.' <b>Third Person POV </b> "Who are you?" Poison asked Lanius cautiously with narrowed eyes. It wasn't hard to figure out that the boy in front of her was no ordinary child, seeing that he effortlessly ripped her cell door off its hinges. It was natural to be wary of him. "Lanius Monkey D. Lucifer, it's a pleasure to meet you, Pamela," he introduced himself with a genuine smile. She narrowed her eyes further. "How do you know my name?" "My employer informed me of who you are and told me to recruit you into our cause," he replied, keeping the details vague. Poison Ivy quirked an eyebrow at that. Who would employ a boy who looked barely old enough to attend middle school? "And what's this cause of yours?" "In short, kill people who've evaded death for too long." She frowned. "Why should I help you and not just kill you now and escape?" "Because you'll just get caught again and be put back in here because of a certain little bat," he retorted, making the woman grimace. "However, if you work for us, that won't be an issue anymore, and I'll give you these and more." Lanius shows his palm and a unique-looking flower forms in his hand. The head of the plant was red and shaped like a star, with three white marks at the ends of the petals. Its stem was white, with two red leaves. Pamela's eyes widened in shock, and she took it from the boy's hand gently. She looked at the planet in awe, admiring its beauty and unique look and coloration. She looked at Lanius. "Are you like me?" "I mean sorta. I'm definitely a hybrid, just not a plant one. Let's just say creating plant life is one of my many abilities," he explained. "I see...and you can create plants similar to this?" he nodded. "Yeah, and more a lot. I can even give you the ability to create them...if you join me. Not only will your plants be even more beautiful and have more variety, but you and them will be stronger than ever." Poison Ivy perked up but was still cautious and skeptical of him and his offer. "How do I know you're not lying?" Lanius snapped his fingers. "Go ahead and try to recreate that flower." The redhead did what she was told and created the same flower, shocking her. "Ok...so if I come with you, you'll let me keep this power?" she asked, now persuaded into joining Lanius. "Yup, so what do you say?" After a moment of silence, she said. "...I'll join, but only if my friend can too." "You mean Harley?" the redhead's eyes widened at that. "How did you--" "Like I said, my employer informed me of you," he smirked. "But yeah, she can come with. I was going to recruit her anyways," he revealed, further surprising the plant lover. "...Ok, I'll join you." "Great," he summoned a strange skull-shaped object. "Press this to the center of your chest." "What is it?" she asked, inspecting the item. "It's a Death Piece; it'll drastically increase your capabilities and give you new abilities. It's also a tracker, so if you're ever in danger, I know where you'll be." "I see," she pressed the Death Piece into her chest, and the object absorbed into her. "How do you feel?" "Amazing..." a beautiful smile formed on her lips. He turned around. "Thats good. Now let's go get your friend." "Wait." "What is--" The moment he turned around, a soft pair of lips met his, and Lanius's eyes bulged out of their sockets. Poison Ivy kissed him. <b>"Oh~ Well, this is quite the development. I wonder how Uta would feel about this," </b>she sinisterly chuckled. 'Shut it.' "What was that for?" Lanius quirked an eyebrow at the redhead, who looked surprised that the boy wasn't a blushing mess. "It was just a thank you," she smiled. "Ah, ok. Well, let's go get your friend," he ripped the door off its hinges and was greeted by an attack he saw a mile away and effortlessly blocked. "You know it quite rude to attack someone breaking you out of Arkham," he said, looking at the blonde in amusement. Harley's eyes went wide, and she saw that Poison Ivy was behind him. "Hehe, sorry about that little man," she rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "Hey, Red, how you doin'?" Poison Ivy chuckled. "Pretty well, I suppose, thanks to our little savior." Harley looked at the boy, and her eyes shined. "You know, now that I got a better look at ya, you're really adorable, and I love how your hair and eyes are different colors!" she squealed in delight. The boy chuckled. "Thanks. Anyways, I have an offer for you that you might like." Harley grinned. "Alright, let's hear it." Lanes explained everything to the blonde beauty and asked. "So what do you say?" She grinned. "Hell yeah, I'll join ya, but I have a demand." "Of course," he grinned as he knew what she was going to ask. "Ever heard of a scumbag named the Joker?" she asked with a bitter tone. "Yeah, I killed him not too long ago," he revealed, shocking both the beauties. Before he could react, he was bombarded with kisses all across his face by both older women. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Harley said, hugging the boy with enough strength to snap an ordinary human's spine. "I can't wait until you're older to show how thankful I really am~" Ivy purred into his ear and squished her face against his. 'Why do I feel like I'm in danger?' Lanius asked Death. <b>"Who knows~" </b> The boy internally sighed and didn't bother asking any more questions. 'Oh well, I'll find out soon enough.' <b>End.</b> # Chapter 3 <b>Third Person POV </b> It had been six months since the young hybrid had become the Avatar of Death, and his power progression within that time frame had been incredibly fruitful and bloody. So far, he's killed over a thousand humans/hybrids, four to three hundred mythical creatures, and around fifty aliens! Each kill increased his capabilities by two, although that changed when he got to his third month, as Death raised his advancement rate by four and gave him a sword called the Reaper Blade. It had a unique effect that gave him a twenty-five percent chance to increase his gains by ten and possibly steal an opponent's abilities after he killed them. Uta stated if Lanius continued the way he was going, he should be a planetary threat by the time the boy turned sixteen or even fifteen if he worked extra hard. This statement encouraged the Lucifer descendant to work even harder than before as he trained even harder and began to hunt more dangerous targets, which worried his female companions. Speaking of his female companions, his relationship with each of them has steadily progressed, and it was safe to say Lanius was incredibly attached to them. His only complaint is they argue with each other far too often for his liking. Other than that, everything, in his opinion, is perfect. <b>Location: Kuoh, Japan </b> "There she is," Lanius said with a wicked grin. A few meters away from the pre-teen was a gigantic lesser blue dragon. He could feel the power oozing off it, and by his estimates, it was powerful enough to destroy an entire town in one attack. <b>"Are you sure I can't convince you not to fight it?" </b>Uta asked with a worried tone, as despite his progression, she didn't know if he was strong enough to face a dragon yet. "I'm pretty sure, and weren't you the preaching no pain, no gain just a few hours ago?" he rhetorically asked with a raised eyebrow. <b>"YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I MEANT BY THAT YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!"</b> she shrieked, enraged. "I don't know, do I? You weren't very specific," he teased. <b>"You motherfu--" </b>the hybrid cut the link. "Huh, I wonder what she was gonna say. Oh well," Lanius chirped and began approaching the dragon. <b>(With Uta)</b> "That motherfucker hung up on me," Uta growled. She promised if that dragon didn't kill Lanius, she'd kill him herself. "You good?" Harley asked. Uta looked at the blonde. "No, I'm not. Lanius was being stupid again and hung up on me," she cutely pouted and crossed her arms. Harley rolled her eyes at the Outer God and shook her head while chuckling. "You worry too much about him, Candy-Cane. He can take care of himself." Uta's eyebrow twitched. "First of all, DON'T FUCKING CALL ME CANDY CANE! And second of all, he's fighting a dragon, so excuse me if I'm slightly worried." Harley paled. "Oh...". "Yeah, oh." <b>(Back with Lanius) </b> Lanius was not having a good time at the moment as, despite being a lesser dragon, the beast was easily one of the most powerful opponents he'd fought. However, he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the challenge of fighting a somewhat competent foe. <b>[DIVINE SLASH!!!!] </b> Using a combination of Conqueror's Haki, Light, Demonic, and magical energy, he sent a powerful energy blast that thankfully made its mark as the Dragon roared in agony and crashed to the ground. However, just because the dragon was down didn't mean that the pre-teen was safe, as before the mighty beast went down, it cast a spell that caused magical lighting to shoot out of the sky. Lanius's eyes widened as he was nearly hit with a lightning blast, but he was able to dodge the attack, albeit barely, as the magically imbued element was nearly as fast as the speed of light. Much to his dismay, the lightning attack didn't stop, and the boy had constantly been on the move. To make matters worse, the dragon quickly recovered from his attack and let out a fearsome roar of rage, which seemed to increase the speed of the elemental attacks. The pre-teen was only able to evade one more strike until he was bombarded with lighting strikes, causing the hybrid to grit his teeth in pain. 'Ddraig!' <b>"I got you!" </b> <b>[BOOST!!]</b> <b>[BOOST!!] </b> <b>[BOOST!!] </b> <b>[BOOST!!] </b> <b>[BOOST!!] </b> <b>[BOOST!!] </b> <b>[BOOST!!] </b> <b>[BOOST!!] </b> <b>[BOOST!!] </b> <b>[BOOST!!] </b> Now, Lanius was easily able to react to attacks several times the speed of light and was effortlessly evading the lightning attacks. However, that didn't save him a surprise attack as the dragon smacked the shit out of him with its tail sending the boy crashing toward the ground and creating a massive crater. The pre-teen quickly recovered and cast a powerful spell. <b>[LIGHT'S TERROR!!: MULTI BURST!!]</b> Several dozen massive beams of light struck the dragon, and each caused a devastating amount of damage to the mighty beast. The beast let out another pained roar, and its rage magnified tenfold. It looked at the pre-teen with narrowed eyes and opened its mouth to unleash a devastating attack. A black orb appeared with several forms of elemental energy circling it at rapid speeds. Once it was large enough, the mighty beast aimed it at Lanius and released it. Lanius's eyes widened as the orb was coming toward him faster than he had anticipated, and he had no choice but to cast a force field as he wouldn't be able to dodge in time. <b>[SHIELD OF LIGHT!!] </b> The force field instantly surrounded his body, and to ensure it wouldn't shatter, he imbued the spell with Haki. When the blast made contact with the force field, it held well, but the attack moved the pre-teen several meters. Once the blast dissipated, Lanius didn't waste time and blitzed toward the lesser dragon. He raised his Haki-Imbued sword and, with a powerful horizontal swing, he decapitated the beast. Lanius blissfully sighed and watched as the dragon's corpse dropped like a sack of bricks. "Well, that was fun," the boy chirped. He landed on the ground and dismissed his armor. He was about to teleport home but stopped when he heard a male voice. "That was pretty impressive," Lanius turned around and pointed his sword at the man. "Who the fuck are you?" he glared at the man. "Relax, kid," the man chuckled and raised his hand in surrender. "I'm not here to cause any trouble. I just wanna talk, that's all." "Then speak." "I've been getting reports of a strange-looking child killing supernatural and non-supernatural individuals around the world. Are you, by chance, that child?" The pre-teen shrugged. "So what if I am? Got a problem with it?" "Me? Oh no, I couldn't care less. However, the same couldn't be said about the others." Lanius furrowed his brows. "What do you mean?" "Some of the people you killed were high-ranking members of prominent factions. Let's just say they're less than pleased about their own getting killed," he replied with an amused tone. "I see...sounds like a personal problem. I'm just doing my job." "And what's that?" "Eliminating people who've avoided death for far too long.  Anything else you wanna ask? I'd like to go home," the hybrid said impatiently. "Yeah, what's your name, kid?" "Lanius. You?" "My name's Azrael. I have a proposition for you." "And that is?" The fallen angel smirked. "I need you to kill someone for me. Do that, and I'll give you anything you want if it's within reason." The boy thought about it for a moment and then asked. "Who do you want me to kill?" "His alias is Jack the Ripper." <b>End.</b>
Rafe x Barry / Rarry
Rarry! smut warning this is my first book so it's probs not great REQUESTS OPEN! enjoy (;
[ "bafe", "barry", "barryxrafe", "bxb", "gay", "lemon", "obx", "outerbanks", "rafe", "rafexbarry", "rarry", "storys" ]
[ "Anger", "Disappointment", "Stronger then coke" ]
[ "<b><u>Authors note</u></b>\n<b>Violence warning!</b>\n<b>guns, drugs, mentions of sexual content!</b>\n<b>this is my first piece of writing I've done hope u enjoy  </b>\n<b>—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-</b>\n\n Rafe has always been a angry person ever since he was young and especially after his mum died she was his light in his small world but it all came crashing down when she was gone. It made him so angry, \"how could someone just die like that\" he always recited in his head like a poem that he never dared to say out loud. It made him scrape away at his father trying to get the love he urged for, desired so much. Although this craving hadn't been payed attention he knew why; he knew his father. He knew he loved his <b>sister </b>more and he envied her for this he <b>hated </b>her, jealous of the attention, the love, even the gentle taps on the head. But now he was <b>stronger</b>, a man, or whatever the media portrays as a <b>man</b>. He thought it would make his father love him more <i>but everyone breaks after trying so hard. </i>\n\n Barry always knew <i>rafe</i> needed help, he was a addict, alcoholic, a <i>sex activist</i> and always needed validation. It was the whole reason he would let woman <i>grind</i> against his warm skin, let their penetrating eyes wonder over his body let them feel him. He needed the <b><i>validation</i></b> of sex, as a woman would get it off on his dick. But barry would break the oh so <b>fragile</b><b><i> </i></b>representation of manhood, so easily it was painful. Rafe hated how easily he would lean into his touch as he would <i>sob painful tears </i>into Barry's lose clothes gripping onto him. Rafe always was concerned that Barry was judging him, thinking he was weak, useless, couldn't do anything alone. He wouldn't ever voice that so instead he tried to be tuff, <b>aggressive </b>a useless attempt to make himself look strong.<b> </b>Barry's hurt face after he cussed him out or shouted at him how he <b>hates </b>him. He thrived at his affected face boosting his ego knowing he cares so dearly and strongly on Rafe Cameron's opinion.\n\n Although, barry cared he would place a <i>gentle</i> hand on Rafe's shoulder bruising his delicate ego once again, as Barry smiled at him <b>forcing</b> a <b>fake</b> laugh before walking by Rafe to get a beer for them both. It was learned to ignore rafe's desperate <i>cry's </i>for help as they always ended in both parties getting hurt...\n\n———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————\nTIME SKIP TO PRESENT: \n\nBarry was sitting on his porch with one of the rich old men who buy coke from him as a bag of coke lay on the small wooden coffee table occasionally putting some on the edge on of his card before snorting the white powder and downing some beer. He wasn't drunk or high yet, he had been busy all day. Thinking about how to to get more money out this random kook sitting opposite him before getting knocked out of thought from the sound off a certain black Range Rover pulling into the drive. Rafe got out stumbling forward a bit while closing the door before quickly making his way over to Barry. \n\"Whats sup country cluuhbb\" Barry recited.\nRafe swiftly walked by him ignoring him completely as Barry shrugged trying not to let it bother him before he stood up giving the guy his coke implying for him to leave. After exchanging some usual small talk while they walked over to the man's motorbike before the kook was left going on his way. Barry quickly made his way inside. It's normal for rafe to have a attitude don't get me wrong and be rude at times but he looked almost <b>frightened</b>.\n\"What's going on rafey\" he said as gently as he could glancing at rafes shaky hands before turning his head back up to make eye contact.\n\"Can I stay here tonight?\" He muttered unsure. This was weird, rafe worried or at least showing it.\n\"Yeah course bro, why something up,\" staring at Rafe trying to keep his worry locked inside. The taller male nodded slowly as the dreaded tears welled through his eyes, barry went to lean a comforting hand down as it got slapped away, body shaking, blurry vision looking down avoiding Barry's dominant gaze.\n\"Let's go somewhere with less windows-?\" He stated as casually as possible while standing up before catching Rafe's fist as he failed a punch. Barry ignored this and continued,\n\"come on, your okay baby boy your going to be okay,\" he soothed pulling him to his bedroom.\nRafe was the only one allowed in his bedroom he often slept there after he got worked up or something more. He dropped onto Barry's springy bed digging his sharp nails into the soft blanket knuckles turning white.\n\"Are you okay baby?\"\n\"Stop calling me that\" he said as sharply and he could make out under the muffled tears, \"I'm strong not weak! Ur treating me like a damn woman.\" He stated with more dreaded tears flowing down your pink tinted cheeks. Barry sat next to him careful not to touch the boy sprawled out on the small bed. \"Do you wanna talk about it?\" \"No.\" He replied before he could speak again. \"Ok,\" he whispered lying back into the bed on Rafe's left arm. They stayed like that for a while in comfortable silence Barry wouldn't dare to break. Rafe though wanted Barry to talk he needed to hear his voice weather it was comforting or not, \n\"Barry\"\n\"Yeah, rafe,\"\n\"Please.\" He paused for a minute. <i>Why did I say please wtf is wrong with me</i>\n\"Fuck me\" he attempted to sound casual about,\n\"What\" Barry hesitated at the absurd question.\n\"Just do something to me,\" as if that was a description.\n\"What like a handy\" Barry said glancing at Rafe's red but <b>honest</b> face his soft features scrunched at the thought.\n\"I don't care,\" like that was a great way to get Barry in the mood.\n\nBarry rolled over following his orders, hovering over rafe taking off his shirt, gently pressing on his soft stomach with his rough hands making rafe suck in a strong breath, starting kissing and sucking the weak skin on his neck. Rafe's hands gripping into the blanket, moving his head to the side to give him room without second thought.\n\"You wanna try something new?\"\n\"Like,\"\nBarry flipped them over so rafe was on top of barry, before glancing down confused. Before Barry slipped off Rafe's boxers, leaving him naked sitting on Barry getting a little worked up.\n\"Sit on my face\"\n\"Huh, no that's-\" rafe stated before being cut off by working hands clutching around his half hard cock and one hand on his hips.\n \"Mmm\" his eyes shot open as he moaned, glaring at the darker haired male.\n\"Just do what I say,\"\nRafe hesitated before moving up trying to avoid eye contact, cheeks hot as he hovered over Barry's neck.\n\"Sit\"\n\"Nah, bro it's embarrassing.\" He said trying to hide his shaky voice.\nBarry grabbed his hips <b>rough enough to bruise</b> dragging him down to sit on his face. Rafe's face a deep shade as he whimped feeling a <b>warm wet tongue diving deep into his tight muscle.</b> Arching his back to try feel more trying to grab onto something to try keep himself sane. bouncing slightly, feeling his tongue hitting every angle inside of him. Moaning groaning loudly, trying to sound manly, trying to hold a image. <i>Why did he try, he didn't really know either. </i>But barry wanted to hear him <b>whimper </b>again.\n\nBarry pulled him down once again finding his sweet spot, his prostate. <b>Rafe whimpered loudly</b>, he was always vocal when he was with Barry and Barry <i>loved it</i> there was something about Rafe's deep raspy voice moaning after giving up on the <b>manly groans</b>.\n\nPre-cum dripped of Rafe's tip, as his legs trembled non stop trying not to put all his weight on Barry. It wasn't that he was ashamed of his weight just felt as if he would squash him. The more Rafe's legs shook and the weak moans flying out his mouth the more pressure he let himself down onto Barry's face. As Barry worked on repeatedly hit his prostate before wrapping his hand around his dick pumping. Pushing rafe over edge.\n\nHe came, hard, strong, everywhere. Falling back onto Barry shaking after his organism. Barry sat up rubbing his back with one hand the other reaching for a clothe to wipe him off.\n\"That good baby boy?\"\n\"Ye\" ignoring the slight insult of being called baby.\n\"Relax now, ok your safe.\" Barry said comforting his lover who was lying back onto his legs. \nTears dried onto his face, skin sticky with sweat. Being lifted up taken into the bathroom closing his eyes letting Barry look after him do as his wishes. Placing him in the tub turning on the warm water letting it saturate his skin. Barry left to strip the sheets. Rafe was <b>content</b> with Barry looking after him.\nHe was a <i>angry </i>person but he was <i>safe</i> with Barry.\n\n\n                              ——————————————————————————————————————————————\nthis is the end of this chapter hope this was good for everyone !\nalso would you rather 1 shots or a series which only sort of follows the seasons.\nThis was fun but I have been worried about posting this hope everyone enjoys and tell me if you want more smuts or what you would rather (:\n\n\n<b>1580 words</b>\n\n                  ", "\nPlease feel free to leave requests!\nEnjoy this chapter it may be slightly shorter!\nOh and would everyone rather 3rd or 1st person / povs or not\n\n —————————————————————————————————————————————\n\nBarry's pov :\nI walked into the bathroom after changing the sheets, thinking a lot, 'why did he come here in such a mood' 'why was he so worried he is never worried,' 'ion know what's up with him'\n\"Baby boy.\" I stated softly under my ruff tone.\n\"Ye,\" he said looking slightly irritated opening one eye to look at me.\n\"What happened earlier hah?\" Leaning down to scoop the taller man up,\n\"I-i don't- i don't wanna talk about it mann,\" he slurred trying to make his voice less shaky trying to sound <b>bold.</b>\n\n\"Mmm okay,\" I started moving back to the bedroom, \n\"I need a line,\" he said as if he was telling him to go fetch him it. <i>Like you would a dog, quick, demanding.</i>\n\n<b>3rd person</b>\n\nBarry placed Rafe down on the bed, throwing clothes for him to wear. He gave up being all sweet since Rafe would have a attitude either way. He did this all the time but <b>every time </b>it <b>disappoints</b> Barry it makes Barry feel useless.\n\n\"Oi don't throw shit at me, fucking dickhead,\" \n\"Do you know what baby, you come here stressed so I do what you always want from me, we have sex and after?  You got a attitude.\" \n<b>Shouting loudly. </b>Rafe loved to shout, cause a riot a rampage make everyone angry but today he couldn't deal with the yelling. He didn't wanna here it. He already felt like a bother to have around. A <b>disappointment.</b>\n\n<b>\"Stop,\" </b>they both went quiet after that Barry just stared at Rafe and after a minute Rafe looked up and began to put on the boxers and tank top he was given. \n\"What happened, rafey,\" he looked down at his blue eyes glistening with <b>tears</b> ready to pour at any point. Rafe usually would let barry take lead but <i>he needed barry now. He was scared and alone.</i> \n\nHe grabbed Barry pulling him close, as tears fell <b>crying </b>again he hated it but he couldn't do anything else.\n\"What happened.\" He stated, stern straight faced which Rafe couldn't see. <i>With his head deep into his neck.</i>\n<i>\"</i>He hates me, he woke up and he, he and he and and,\" he felt himself breathing harder, eyes dipping out of blurry and black, tears dripping down his pink stained cheeks. \n\"Your alright man ion know what's going on but, I'm here match my breathing. Relax,\" Barry said bringing Rafe to his chest rubbing his back. Hated him like this. Crying , shaking, uncontrollable breathing, it wasn't rare too see Rafe in a state or at least for Barry it was. But each time it never gets easier to see him get himself all worked up.\n\nHis breathing slowed slightly before he continued,\n\"My dad, he said that I'm a <b>disappointment </b>to the family I think he really meant it .\" \n<i>Sigh </i>\nBarry just pulled him closer, drawing circles on his thigh before leaning back into the bed relaxing.\n\n\n\"Go to sleep baby boy, I'll look after you.\"\n\n        —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————\n\nHey everyone, hope you enjoyed this chapter, a little short since I have been very busy recently but hope you enjoyed.\nI wonder what's gonna happen with Rafe 🫢🫢\nPlease if you would like to see anything specific then tell me! I'm willing to take odd requests and consider adding them!\n\nHave a great day/night (:\n\n\n\n<b>Words:  583</b>", " Hey, sorry I disappeared for a month!\nHope everyone enjoys this chapter\nMEANTION'S OFF: rape, drugs, alcohol abuse and assault!\n ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-\nBarry woke up first, stumbling out of bed before making his way to the kitchen before grabbing some ingredients for breakfast. He regularly cooked, no one really thought he could <i>not even Rafe</i>, although Barry himself wasn't sure why he never mention it to him.\n\nWhen Rafe finally made a appearance he was fairly surprised to see the shorter dealer cooking food, it was shocking to Rafe, he never considered the tough-army man to be able to cook.\n\"G-morning Rafey, how'd ya sleep,\" he stated in a teasing manner turning his head slightly, getting a groan as a response.\n\"Can I have some?\" Rafe said glancing over the other's shoulder overstepping personal space, as if Rafe cared for that.\n\"Ye ion know if you would like it though, it's spicy,\" before flipping the eggs that are covered in chilli and other mixes of spices Rafe made his way onto the couch.\n\"I can handle some spice.\" Rafe muttered sounding slightly offended, Barry laughed at his pettiness.\n\"Sure baby boy, sure,\" he replied trying to get under Rafe's skin slightly,\n\"I didn't even know you could cook-\"\n\"You never asked,\" cutting him off calmly, before placing the eggs on avocado toast and flopping onto the couch next to Rafe. Rafe reached over to the brunette taking one slice of breed indulging in a large bite,\n\"Oh shit,\" he said in a panic placing (throwing) the breed back down running to the tap drinking down as much water down as possible, while Barry's laugh echoed through the small trailer.\n\nRafe's eyes was filled with water as he looked down into the sink feeling slightly sick from the spice, Barry stood placing a hand on his back rubbing it.\n\"Dramatic much ion think it's that hot,\" Barry felt his hand get slapped away, \"okay.\" He finished, rolling his eyes walking back to his food.\nRafe sat next to Barry looking straight forward in a stubborn manner.\n\"You wanna talk about last night hm?\" Barry whispered after finishing the mouthful, he was quiet in an attempt to not make Rafe get worked up.\n\n\"I got drugged,\" Rafe said casually but quickly, Barry nodded allowing Rafe to continue if needed.\n\"He- they.\" He cut himself off everything was happening so quickly <i>too quick, </i>fighting tears Barry placed a hand on the back of his neck trying to calm him. Barry was concerned what 'they' did, Rafe can usually take care off himself but not when he has been on 'stuff' though.\n\"I gave head.\" Rafe said, immediately wanting to throw up at the thought, tears began to fall he couldn't stop himself. The heavy breathing, black dots in his eyes.\n\nHe felt rough hands grab him, getting pulled onto the dealer's lap, <b>his dealer,</b> Barry rubbed his back calming him. He was good like that. Rafe felt so week he hated it, he slumped forwards either way resting his head on Barry's shoulder looking defeated. Tears running free.\n\nHis breathing began to steady as Barry whispered in his ear, 'your okay baby boy' ,' your safe' 'calm down Rafey' Rafe moved away hiding his face wiping his eyes. He got up and walking shakily towards Barry's sink throwing up. Barry sighed.\n\"Do you want to go for a drive?\" He said quietly walking over to the boy being sick, placing a hand on his shoulder, grabbing tissue whipping the sweat from his head and cleaning his mouth once he finished.\n\n\"Ye,\" he paused \"Ye let's go.\"\n\n —————————————\nAhh this was a interesting chapter to write! Where will they go though?\n Hope everyone enjoyed, feel free to leave suggestions and your opinions!\n\n<b>Words: 628</b>" ]
Title: Rafe x Barry / Rarry Description: Rarry! smut warning this is my first book so it's probs not great REQUESTS OPEN! enjoy (; Tags: ['bafe', 'barry', 'barryxrafe', 'bxb', 'gay', 'lemon', 'obx', 'outerbanks', 'rafe', 'rafexbarry', 'rarry', 'storys']
# Anger <b><u>Authors note</u></b> <b>Violence warning!</b> <b>guns, drugs, mentions of sexual content!</b> <b>this is my first piece of writing I've done hope u enjoy  </b> <b>—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-</b> Rafe has always been a angry person ever since he was young and especially after his mum died she was his light in his small world but it all came crashing down when she was gone. It made him so angry, "how could someone just die like that" he always recited in his head like a poem that he never dared to say out loud. It made him scrape away at his father trying to get the love he urged for, desired so much. Although this craving hadn't been payed attention he knew why; he knew his father. He knew he loved his <b>sister </b>more and he envied her for this he <b>hated </b>her, jealous of the attention, the love, even the gentle taps on the head. But now he was <b>stronger</b>, a man, or whatever the media portrays as a <b>man</b>. He thought it would make his father love him more <i>but everyone breaks after trying so hard. </i> Barry always knew <i>rafe</i> needed help, he was a addict, alcoholic, a <i>sex activist</i> and always needed validation. It was the whole reason he would let woman <i>grind</i> against his warm skin, let their penetrating eyes wonder over his body let them feel him. He needed the <b><i>validation</i></b> of sex, as a woman would get it off on his dick. But barry would break the oh so <b>fragile</b><b><i> </i></b>representation of manhood, so easily it was painful. Rafe hated how easily he would lean into his touch as he would <i>sob painful tears </i>into Barry's lose clothes gripping onto him. Rafe always was concerned that Barry was judging him, thinking he was weak, useless, couldn't do anything alone. He wouldn't ever voice that so instead he tried to be tuff, <b>aggressive </b>a useless attempt to make himself look strong.<b> </b>Barry's hurt face after he cussed him out or shouted at him how he <b>hates </b>him. He thrived at his affected face boosting his ego knowing he cares so dearly and strongly on Rafe Cameron's opinion. Although, barry cared he would place a <i>gentle</i> hand on Rafe's shoulder bruising his delicate ego once again, as Barry smiled at him <b>forcing</b> a <b>fake</b> laugh before walking by Rafe to get a beer for them both. It was learned to ignore rafe's desperate <i>cry's </i>for help as they always ended in both parties getting hurt... ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— TIME SKIP TO PRESENT: Barry was sitting on his porch with one of the rich old men who buy coke from him as a bag of coke lay on the small wooden coffee table occasionally putting some on the edge on of his card before snorting the white powder and downing some beer. He wasn't drunk or high yet, he had been busy all day. Thinking about how to to get more money out this random kook sitting opposite him before getting knocked out of thought from the sound off a certain black Range Rover pulling into the drive. Rafe got out stumbling forward a bit while closing the door before quickly making his way over to Barry. "Whats sup country cluuhbb" Barry recited. Rafe swiftly walked by him ignoring him completely as Barry shrugged trying not to let it bother him before he stood up giving the guy his coke implying for him to leave. After exchanging some usual small talk while they walked over to the man's motorbike before the kook was left going on his way. Barry quickly made his way inside. It's normal for rafe to have a attitude don't get me wrong and be rude at times but he looked almost <b>frightened</b>. "What's going on rafey" he said as gently as he could glancing at rafes shaky hands before turning his head back up to make eye contact. "Can I stay here tonight?" He muttered unsure. This was weird, rafe worried or at least showing it. "Yeah course bro, why something up," staring at Rafe trying to keep his worry locked inside. The taller male nodded slowly as the dreaded tears welled through his eyes, barry went to lean a comforting hand down as it got slapped away, body shaking, blurry vision looking down avoiding Barry's dominant gaze. "Let's go somewhere with less windows-?" He stated as casually as possible while standing up before catching Rafe's fist as he failed a punch. Barry ignored this and continued, "come on, your okay baby boy your going to be okay," he soothed pulling him to his bedroom. Rafe was the only one allowed in his bedroom he often slept there after he got worked up or something more. He dropped onto Barry's springy bed digging his sharp nails into the soft blanket knuckles turning white. "Are you okay baby?" "Stop calling me that" he said as sharply and he could make out under the muffled tears, "I'm strong not weak! Ur treating me like a damn woman." He stated with more dreaded tears flowing down your pink tinted cheeks. Barry sat next to him careful not to touch the boy sprawled out on the small bed. "Do you wanna talk about it?" "No." He replied before he could speak again. "Ok," he whispered lying back into the bed on Rafe's left arm. They stayed like that for a while in comfortable silence Barry wouldn't dare to break. Rafe though wanted Barry to talk he needed to hear his voice weather it was comforting or not, "Barry" "Yeah, rafe," "Please." He paused for a minute. <i>Why did I say please wtf is wrong with me</i> "Fuck me" he attempted to sound casual about, "What" Barry hesitated at the absurd question. "Just do something to me," as if that was a description. "What like a handy" Barry said glancing at Rafe's red but <b>honest</b> face his soft features scrunched at the thought. "I don't care," like that was a great way to get Barry in the mood. Barry rolled over following his orders, hovering over rafe taking off his shirt, gently pressing on his soft stomach with his rough hands making rafe suck in a strong breath, starting kissing and sucking the weak skin on his neck. Rafe's hands gripping into the blanket, moving his head to the side to give him room without second thought. "You wanna try something new?" "Like," Barry flipped them over so rafe was on top of barry, before glancing down confused. Before Barry slipped off Rafe's boxers, leaving him naked sitting on Barry getting a little worked up. "Sit on my face" "Huh, no that's-" rafe stated before being cut off by working hands clutching around his half hard cock and one hand on his hips. "Mmm" his eyes shot open as he moaned, glaring at the darker haired male. "Just do what I say," Rafe hesitated before moving up trying to avoid eye contact, cheeks hot as he hovered over Barry's neck. "Sit" "Nah, bro it's embarrassing." He said trying to hide his shaky voice. Barry grabbed his hips <b>rough enough to bruise</b> dragging him down to sit on his face. Rafe's face a deep shade as he whimped feeling a <b>warm wet tongue diving deep into his tight muscle.</b> Arching his back to try feel more trying to grab onto something to try keep himself sane. bouncing slightly, feeling his tongue hitting every angle inside of him. Moaning groaning loudly, trying to sound manly, trying to hold a image. <i>Why did he try, he didn't really know either. </i>But barry wanted to hear him <b>whimper </b>again. Barry pulled him down once again finding his sweet spot, his prostate. <b>Rafe whimpered loudly</b>, he was always vocal when he was with Barry and Barry <i>loved it</i> there was something about Rafe's deep raspy voice moaning after giving up on the <b>manly groans</b>. Pre-cum dripped of Rafe's tip, as his legs trembled non stop trying not to put all his weight on Barry. It wasn't that he was ashamed of his weight just felt as if he would squash him. The more Rafe's legs shook and the weak moans flying out his mouth the more pressure he let himself down onto Barry's face. As Barry worked on repeatedly hit his prostate before wrapping his hand around his dick pumping. Pushing rafe over edge. He came, hard, strong, everywhere. Falling back onto Barry shaking after his organism. Barry sat up rubbing his back with one hand the other reaching for a clothe to wipe him off. "That good baby boy?" "Ye" ignoring the slight insult of being called baby. "Relax now, ok your safe." Barry said comforting his lover who was lying back onto his legs. Tears dried onto his face, skin sticky with sweat. Being lifted up taken into the bathroom closing his eyes letting Barry look after him do as his wishes. Placing him in the tub turning on the warm water letting it saturate his skin. Barry left to strip the sheets. Rafe was <b>content</b> with Barry looking after him. He was a <i>angry </i>person but he was <i>safe</i> with Barry.                               —————————————————————————————————————————————— this is the end of this chapter hope this was good for everyone ! also would you rather 1 shots or a series which only sort of follows the seasons. This was fun but I have been worried about posting this hope everyone enjoys and tell me if you want more smuts or what you would rather (: <b>1580 words</b>                   # Disappointment Please feel free to leave requests! Enjoy this chapter it may be slightly shorter! Oh and would everyone rather 3rd or 1st person / povs or not ————————————————————————————————————————————— Barry's pov : I walked into the bathroom after changing the sheets, thinking a lot, 'why did he come here in such a mood' 'why was he so worried he is never worried,' 'ion know what's up with him' "Baby boy." I stated softly under my ruff tone. "Ye," he said looking slightly irritated opening one eye to look at me. "What happened earlier hah?" Leaning down to scoop the taller man up, "I-i don't- i don't wanna talk about it mann," he slurred trying to make his voice less shaky trying to sound <b>bold.</b> "Mmm okay," I started moving back to the bedroom, "I need a line," he said as if he was telling him to go fetch him it. <i>Like you would a dog, quick, demanding.</i> <b>3rd person</b> Barry placed Rafe down on the bed, throwing clothes for him to wear. He gave up being all sweet since Rafe would have a attitude either way. He did this all the time but <b>every time </b>it <b>disappoints</b> Barry it makes Barry feel useless. "Oi don't throw shit at me, fucking dickhead," "Do you know what baby, you come here stressed so I do what you always want from me, we have sex and after?  You got a attitude." <b>Shouting loudly. </b>Rafe loved to shout, cause a riot a rampage make everyone angry but today he couldn't deal with the yelling. He didn't wanna here it. He already felt like a bother to have around. A <b>disappointment.</b> <b>"Stop," </b>they both went quiet after that Barry just stared at Rafe and after a minute Rafe looked up and began to put on the boxers and tank top he was given. "What happened, rafey," he looked down at his blue eyes glistening with <b>tears</b> ready to pour at any point. Rafe usually would let barry take lead but <i>he needed barry now. He was scared and alone.</i> He grabbed Barry pulling him close, as tears fell <b>crying </b>again he hated it but he couldn't do anything else. "What happened." He stated, stern straight faced which Rafe couldn't see. <i>With his head deep into his neck.</i> <i>"</i>He hates me, he woke up and he, he and he and and," he felt himself breathing harder, eyes dipping out of blurry and black, tears dripping down his pink stained cheeks. "Your alright man ion know what's going on but, I'm here match my breathing. Relax," Barry said bringing Rafe to his chest rubbing his back. Hated him like this. Crying , shaking, uncontrollable breathing, it wasn't rare too see Rafe in a state or at least for Barry it was. But each time it never gets easier to see him get himself all worked up. His breathing slowed slightly before he continued, "My dad, he said that I'm a <b>disappointment </b>to the family I think he really meant it ." <i>Sigh </i> Barry just pulled him closer, drawing circles on his thigh before leaning back into the bed relaxing. "Go to sleep baby boy, I'll look after you."         ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Hey everyone, hope you enjoyed this chapter, a little short since I have been very busy recently but hope you enjoyed. I wonder what's gonna happen with Rafe 🫢🫢 Please if you would like to see anything specific then tell me! I'm willing to take odd requests and consider adding them! Have a great day/night (: <b>Words:  583</b> # Stronger then coke Hey, sorry I disappeared for a month! Hope everyone enjoys this chapter MEANTION'S OFF: rape, drugs, alcohol abuse and assault! ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Barry woke up first, stumbling out of bed before making his way to the kitchen before grabbing some ingredients for breakfast. He regularly cooked, no one really thought he could <i>not even Rafe</i>, although Barry himself wasn't sure why he never mention it to him. When Rafe finally made a appearance he was fairly surprised to see the shorter dealer cooking food, it was shocking to Rafe, he never considered the tough-army man to be able to cook. "G-morning Rafey, how'd ya sleep," he stated in a teasing manner turning his head slightly, getting a groan as a response. "Can I have some?" Rafe said glancing over the other's shoulder overstepping personal space, as if Rafe cared for that. "Ye ion know if you would like it though, it's spicy," before flipping the eggs that are covered in chilli and other mixes of spices Rafe made his way onto the couch. "I can handle some spice." Rafe muttered sounding slightly offended, Barry laughed at his pettiness. "Sure baby boy, sure," he replied trying to get under Rafe's skin slightly, "I didn't even know you could cook-" "You never asked," cutting him off calmly, before placing the eggs on avocado toast and flopping onto the couch next to Rafe. Rafe reached over to the brunette taking one slice of breed indulging in a large bite, "Oh shit," he said in a panic placing (throwing) the breed back down running to the tap drinking down as much water down as possible, while Barry's laugh echoed through the small trailer. Rafe's eyes was filled with water as he looked down into the sink feeling slightly sick from the spice, Barry stood placing a hand on his back rubbing it. "Dramatic much ion think it's that hot," Barry felt his hand get slapped away, "okay." He finished, rolling his eyes walking back to his food. Rafe sat next to Barry looking straight forward in a stubborn manner. "You wanna talk about last night hm?" Barry whispered after finishing the mouthful, he was quiet in an attempt to not make Rafe get worked up. "I got drugged," Rafe said casually but quickly, Barry nodded allowing Rafe to continue if needed. "He- they." He cut himself off everything was happening so quickly <i>too quick, </i>fighting tears Barry placed a hand on the back of his neck trying to calm him. Barry was concerned what 'they' did, Rafe can usually take care off himself but not when he has been on 'stuff' though. "I gave head." Rafe said, immediately wanting to throw up at the thought, tears began to fall he couldn't stop himself. The heavy breathing, black dots in his eyes. He felt rough hands grab him, getting pulled onto the dealer's lap, <b>his dealer,</b> Barry rubbed his back calming him. He was good like that. Rafe felt so week he hated it, he slumped forwards either way resting his head on Barry's shoulder looking defeated. Tears running free. His breathing began to steady as Barry whispered in his ear, 'your okay baby boy' ,' your safe' 'calm down Rafey' Rafe moved away hiding his face wiping his eyes. He got up and walking shakily towards Barry's sink throwing up. Barry sighed. "Do you want to go for a drive?" He said quietly walking over to the boy being sick, placing a hand on his shoulder, grabbing tissue whipping the sweat from his head and cleaning his mouth once he finished. "Ye," he paused "Ye let's go." ————————————— Ahh this was a interesting chapter to write! Where will they go though? Hope everyone enjoyed, feel free to leave suggestions and your opinions! <b>Words: 628</b>
"Newbie"- Steve X Alex Fanfic: LEMON 🍋
-Something you probably didn't expect for me to write...- *** Minecraft had no beginning, and no end. Minecraft had no story of how it came to be, and no story of how death connected to life. There was no story to be made, when Steve was the only person to ever walk the grassy Minecraft hills. There was no purpose for his life, when he had no one to share it with. Minecraft never had a story... That is, until Alex came into the picture. Steve isn't sure what to think of the stranger at first, but over time, he unwillingly falls in love. But just as all story's go, not all lives end happy. Especially when Steve realizes that Alex's presence brings a virus into Minecraft, that contains the ability to destroy Minecraft, and the only person that Steve loves. So Steve and Alex take the responsibility of saving his Minecraft world, before the virus crashes the entire game. *** NOT SURE OF WHAT YALL WILL THINK OF THIS FANFIC! Considering the fact that my other story is being updated slow, I hope this story doesn't make y'all mad! +++VIEWER DISCRETION IS RECOMMENDED- THIS FANFIC CONTAINS HIGH VIOLENCE, SMUT, FLUFF, SUICIDAL DECEPTIONS, USE OF DRUGS AND ALCOHOL, AS WELL AS MURDER... Soooo...Yeah. Minecraft, HERE I COME!+++
[ "alex", "depression", "enemy", "fanfic", "fanfiction", "friend", "friendship", "game", "lemon", "love", "lover", "minecraft", "romance", "steve" ]
[ "Chapter One" ]
[ "<b><i>AYYYYOOOO MY FELLOW READERS! </i></b>\n<b><i>So umm I'm sure you guys were not expecting a story like this from me, but oh well! I'm sure that most of the people who read this story are people who have read my Lorax Fanfic. And I promise- IM NOT DITCHING THAT STORY, OKAY?! I HAVE A SCHEDULE WHEN I WORK ON IT, AND I PROMISE- THATS NOT GONNA CHANGE! </i></b>\n<b><i>But anyways, I hope you guys like this story! I was playing Minecraft today, and I was so inspired by it, that I decided to just go ahead and write a story about it! </i></b>\n<b><i>I hope you enjoy! :) </i></b>\n<b><i>-Tori </i></b>\n\n\n<i>Where did it all go wrong? </i>\nThat was the same question that repeated in my head every day, from the moment I woke up, to the moment I went to sleep.\nMy life was only wasted, doing the same things day in and day out. I lived my entire life crafting, farming, and building. I spent every hour surviving in a world with no challenges. Every challenge I have faced was never great enough for me. \nNothing was ever hard enough, after I stopped being a newbie. I could do anything with no effort at all. \nI could kill animals with just the swing of my sword. I could cross oceans with just a hop in my boat. I could burn forests to the ground with just the flick of my steel. I could do it all. \nI could do it <i>ALL. </i>\nI could do <i>EVERYTHING. ANYTHING. </i>\nThere was nothing else to do! I had repeated every day of my life, just doing the same things, with nothing else. I fed my animals, harvested my crops, smelted some ores, and crafted marvelous things with the resources around me. \nAll of the excitement that i got from crafting had disappeared, as I have crafted nearly every single thing I could possibly think of. \nI was rich with resources that could last me for over a century, but no one would ever know that. I had all the things in Minecraft to myself, since I had no one to share it with. Oh, how I wish to share it though. \nI have never seen another living person in my presence before, besides the characters In my books. It seemed though as if other people couldn't exist like the characters did in books... \nBook-Characters were just a lie, very much like my life. \nA big, fat lie. \nThere was no one here... Except for me. That's what made it all a lie. Such an awful thing like this is what made my life worthless. There was nothing in this whole big, empty world- Except me, and my bland creations.\nAnd of course, no one to share it with... \n\nI lifted my head off of my folded arms, as I blinked down at the table. My entire top-half was slouched over my kitchen-table, like I had dozed off while I was in the middle of eating. \nI had to blink again to make the blurriness in my eyes disappear. It took a minute for me to make out my surroundings, and the piece of pumpkin pie resting on a plate in front of me. \nI was so tired, that I couldn't even remember making the pie in the first place.  \n<i>What time is it? </i>\nI craned my neck around and looked out the window. It was stained white with dust, and layered with a thick coat of cob webs. Through all of the grime, I could see the sun setting over the horizon, going down with the pink sky and scattered stars. \n<i>It must be 8:00. </i>I thought with a sigh. Since there was no real concept of time in this place, I kind of just came up with all of it on my own. If the sun was setting and the sky was still pink, then it was usually 8 o,clock. And when the sun was setting, and the sky was dark blue, then it was usually 9 o,clock. Everything just kind of had its own ways of working, and I had memorized it all by now. \nI pulled myself up to feet, cracking my back forward to stretch out all of my muscles. I placed my hands to my head as I strolled out of the door, stepping outside. The cool breeze in the air was faint, and carried the slight scent of pollen and freshly cut grass. \nI took a deep breath of the air and sighed. It was so typical. \n<i>I have to put the cows in the pen before it's becomes too dark... </i>I thought with a groan. \nI took another look at the setting sun, just to make sure that I still had time to gather all of the cows. I was right the first time, and it was really 8 o,clock. So with that, I continued forward and walked down the path of my house. It led straight ahead to my big open field, that was populated with my cows and sheep. I could see each and very one of them, simply grazing the grass as I approached them. \nThe field was quiet and peaceful, until I heard the faint barks coming from my dog up ahead. He appeared over the horizon of the field, herding the cows and sheep towards the pen. Just like he did every day. \nOnce he circled all of the cattle and got them close enough to the fence, I snapped my fingers loud enough for my dog to hear. His ears perked up, and he stopped barking to take a moment and look at me.\n\"RUSTY! That's enough! Come here!\" I shouted. \nAnd without even a moment of hesitation, the young dog took off running for me, leaving the cows and sheep behind. Once he made it to my side, I placed a hand over his head and stroked it gently- His soft wolf fur brushing against my skin. \n\"Good boy. I will finish the job.\" \nAnd just with that, Rusty sat down in that exact spot and watched as I grabbed a stick and began finishing the job. I herded the rest of the animals into the pen, and once the last cow stepped through the gate, I slammed the door shut and latched it tight. At this point, the moon was now in the sky. Way past sunset. \nI sighed, as I threw the stick to the ground and tucked my hands into my pockets. \nThe green grass was now shaded light gray with the sun being hidden by the moon, and I couldn't even see Rusty sitting in the dark. But after only a second of looking, I saw his ebony black eyes shining in the darkness, staring right into my soul as I approached him. \nI stroked my hand over his muzzle and patted the side of his head to my legs. \n\"Come on, Bud. Let's go home...\" \nAnd as Rusty jumped up to his feet, he took off running toward home, more eager to get home than <i>I</i> was. \nAs I watched him make his way to the house, I was left in complete silence besides the sound of my feet stamping into the ground. \n<i>Only MY feet. </i>I thought with a grimace. <i>No other feet have walked these fields besides mine. And it's going to be like that forever. I'm lonely now, and I'm going to be lonely forever. </i>\nI cut off my thought with a sigh. I bit my lip to keep down a groan that rose in my throat. \nI was so tired of the same thoughts, actions, and things repeating every day of my life. \nEvery day, I walked to my house. \nEvery day, I herded in the animals. \nEvery day, I thought about having somebody to be by my side. \nBut <i>every day, </i>still, nothing ever changed. \nEverything had been the same for me for my entire life. It didn't seem to bother Rusty at all, or any of my other animals or livestock. None of my animals seemed to be bothered by this lifestyle as much as it bothered <i>me</i>. \nBut it didn't matter. Maybe they had just gotten used to living like this, just like I had. \nI didn't <i>want </i>to be used to this way of life... But it wasn't like I had a choice. I had tried <i>so many times </i>to just end it all, and kill myself. I've tried <i>countless </i>times. \nWell, kind of. \nI've at least <i>thought</i> about it a lot. But every time I've attempted to do it, I always chickened out and step away. I've tried many times to let a creeper blow me up, I've tried many times to just let a skeleton shoot me in the heart, and I've tried many times to just throw myself off of a cliff and die. \nIm sure it sounds dramatic, but I have never succeeded at all. Well, mostly just because I've never really had the courage to pull through. I've been so close to just stabbing a knife through my throat, but there was always one part in the back of my mind that said... <i>Steve... Do you REALLY want to do this? Do you REALLY want to give up? You may be lonely, but you still have so much to live for. </i>\nWell, those thoughts were the only things that stopped me from killing myself. If I never had those thought, I for sure would have been dead by now. \nI close my eyes as the breeze in the air carried a slight chill with it. It was the first bit of cold air I have felt in a while, and it almost made my stomach twist. I was not much of a winter person, and I dreaded knowing that the snowy months were coming soon. Too soon. I simply wasn't ready to give up the warm weather. \nOnce I made it to the door, I tilted my head down to look at Rusty, with his tongue lolled out of the side of his mouth as he panted heavily. I bent down to the ground, setting my hands over his shoulders and stroking it.\n\"Well... At least I have you, little bud.\" I muttered. \"And I guess that's all the reason I really have left to live. Right? I have <i>you. </i>You have <i>me.</i>\" \nI opened up the door, stepping into the house. \n\"And so we should be happy happy happy.\" \nRusty rolled across the floor, ignoring every word I said. Well, he was necessarily ignoring me; He was just a mutt. He didn't understand anything I said, and I guess it wasn't his fault, butttt It would've been nice if he could. A therapist was all I really needed around here, and for some reason, something in my heart tells me that Rusty would be the <i>best </i>therapist in the world. \n...<i>Basically a therapy dog. </i>I thought to myself, a silent grin sneaking onto my face. Rusty was the only thing that could make me smile, even if it was for just a second. I loved him so much; And if I ever lost my only source of happiness- my bestest friend- Well...\nYeah. Then I really <i>would </i>give up on life. \nI rubbed my shoes into the scratchy carpet beneath me, as little flicks of dirt and mud flung across the ground. I slipped off my shoes and closed the door behind me, and suddenly, all of the cold air was gone. It had vanished, just as quickly as it had appeared. In replacement of it, there was a warm, soft glow that emitted from my furnace and made the whole house hot. \nIt was just the right temperature for me, but for anyone else, it would've been too much. \nBut I didn't have to worry about that. \nI slipped my gloves off my hands, gently throwing them onto the table across from me. Rusty ran beneath my legs right as I did it, which nearly tripped me and nearly made the gloves fly out of my hands. \n\"RUFF!\" He howled, as he collapsed onto the floor and exposed his belly towards me. I could feel my legs beginning to buckle as his tail whipped into my knee caps, but I caught myself from falling by grabbing onto the table. \n\"Rusty boy!\" I shouted, nearly falling on him before catching myself. \"Running around and acting like a lunatic is not what your supposed to do before bed! Before bed, you <i>eat.\" </i>I pointed to his food bowl. \n\"Now hurry up and eat before I go to bed!\" \n\"RUFF! RRRR!\" He growled, almost like he was protesting. He jumped up onto all four of his feet, sticking his tail into the air as he lowered the front half of his body, like he was pathetically getting ready to pounce on me. \nI raised an eyebrow at the little hound, and without any further complaints, Rusty turned around, trotted towards his food bowl, and ate whatever it was I gave him last. \nI sighed, turning around. I sat down into my wooden chair, as I titled my head back and watched Rusty eat. \n...<i>God... When was the last time </i>I <i>ate, anyways? Weeks? Months? Years? I can almost feel my soul fading from my body. </i>I thought with a slight wince from that thought. \n<i>But then again... I dont even know if I have a soul. Maybe I just have a consciousness. But there is a difference between a conscious body and a soul. Is it even </i>possible <i>to have both? </i>\n<i>Is there even a difference between the two?</i>\nI felt my eat trail to the ceiling, as I searched through my brain to come up with some kind of explanation of my existence. \n<i>From what I understand, a conscious is just the thing in your brain that comes up with pain, thoughts, and emotions. But a soul is something in your heart that makes you yourself.... I think. I mean- I don't really know. I have mixed feelings about all of this stuff. Because what do </i>I <i>know? I have no real evidence for ANYTHING that I know of, and no one to even care. </i>\nI placed an arm over my face, covering my eyes from the light of the furnace. I wanted to shield my own thoughts, but they just coming up in my brain like a recurring vomit. \n<i>Science. </i>That's<i> how I have a conscious mind. Because of some kind of scientific phenomenon. Maybe the Big Bang theory that I read about in a book once.  </i>\nA different thought pierced through my brain again. \n<i>But...then again... What if some old-stupid zombie wrote that book? Just to play tricks on me? That seems highly unlikely, but I don't know where that book came from. In fact; I don't know where ANY of my books came from! HOW DO I EVEN KNOW HOW TO READ, ANYWAYS?! </i>\n\"Oh my God, JUST STOP!!\" I screamed at myself. I pulled my arm away from my eyes, and placed them over my ears instead. Somehow, it made my thought echo even louder in my head. I would occasionally get spinning thoughts about life, and it was just overwhelming, and it made my head hurt. I hated thinking about how I got here, where I came from, where everyone is at, and a whole bunch of other un-important shit that just was so unnecessary. If I have even <i>one </i>thought about my life- I just start overthinking the whole thing. \nI hated it. \nAfter a moment or two, I pulled my hands away from my ears and laid them on my lap. When I squinted my eyes to an opening, I saw Rusty was sitting in front of me, his eyes wide and ears pointed up like metal poles. His tail was no longer wagging, and his tongue was no longer panting with joy. He was just watching me with his empty black eyes. \nI set a palm over his head and began to let his ears back for him. Ever so slightly, I saw his tail wiggle with a light yawn escaping his mouth. \nI could only sigh. \n\"Sorry, bud. I didn't mean to interrupt your dinner...Just another... Thinking-spree, that's all.\" I put my entire arm around his neck and pulled him in for a hug. I could feel his heart beating rapidly as I pressed his chest to my face, and a deep growl from within his body as he let out a big bark. \nI knew <i>exactly </i>what that bark meant. \nI pulled him away from my face, and looked him in the eyes that were now shining with glee. \n\"You ready for bed?\" I asked in a taunting voice. \n\"RUFF! RAFF! RUFF! RRRrrr!\" He answered back, jumping into my legs with his claws extended out. \nI laughed, throwing both of my hands at his ears and wiggling them from side it side. His eyes squinted shut and his tongue retracted back into his mouth. And right as I pulled away, he hopped down off of my lap and licked my fingers clean. \n\"Rrrrckk...RUFF!\" He yelped. \n\"Alright, alright.\" I said with a small eye-roll, that was soon followed by a chuckle. \n\"Let go upstairs, bud.\" \nI sat up, stretching my arms towards the sky, that triggered a big yawn to escape from my mouth. \nI didn't have to say another word to Rusty before he took off running up the stairs, hopping into the foot of my bed. I followed him, and laughed at the sight of him holding out one of his paws towards me, like he wanted to shake hands. \nHe did that quite often. I never knew what it meant, but he always did it before bed.  \nIt was real cute, either way. \n\"Okay. Just relax, Rusty-boy. I want to get a good nights sleep tonight! Because we have work tomorrow.\" \nI rested on that thought as I slipped under the wool covers of my bed. My head rested against the cotton pillows surrounding me. I had made at least eight of them from the cotton plants outside of the forest, and blended it with some wool from my sheep. It had worked surprisingly well, because it was the comfiest pillow I had probably ever made. I was proud of myself for making it, <i>that </i>was for sure. \nI closed my eyes forcefully when another yawn peered through my mouth. \nGod, I was tired. \n\"Gosh. I'm gonna sleep like a <i>baby</i> tonight, Rust. I'm not gonna get out of bed tomorrow...\" \nI snuck one last look at the dog at the foot of my bed, and then out of the thin window that was fogged black- The same color as the night sky outside. \nThe moon was just barely visible through the misty clouds ahead. \nBut there were no stars tonight. \n<i>That's different. </i>I thought with a shrug. \n<i>I hope they are visible tomorrow, at least. I planned on going star-gazing...But it is what it Is i guess. And I can't change what it is. </i>\n<i>If the world wants to take the stars out of the sky for one night, then I can't change that. And if the world plans on keeping me here by myself for the rest of my life...Then I can't change that either. </i>\nI pulled the covered over my shoulder. \n<i>Who knows. Maybe someday things will change. Maybe tonight- Maybe tomorrow- Or maybe hundreds of years from now. Maybe things will change sooner rather than later....</i>\n<i>...Gosh, how strange that would be. </i>\n\nLetting out a small sigh, there were no other thoughts to cross my mind. My exhaustion was starting to get the best of me, so all I could do now was close my eyes, and snuggle deeper into the covers as I drifted off into a deep sleep.\nBut even in my sleep, I knew: That if things were going to have to change... \nI would rather it be tomorrow. \n\n*****\n<b><i>BRUHHHHHHH!!! MY FIRST...KIND-OF CHAPTER I GUESS? GOD, I AM EXCITED TO GET THIS STORY GOING! OFC, I DONT EXPECT THIS STORY TO GET A LOT OF ATTENTION! I AN JUST WRITING IT TO ENHANCE MY WRITING SKILLS! NOTHING MORE! AND IF THIS STORY GETS A LOT OF VIEWS- THEN THATS GREAT! I JUST HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THE FIRST CHAPTER, AND STICK AROUND FOR THE FUTURE ONES TO COME! </i></b>\n<b><i>PEACE! -Tori</i></b>" ]
Title: "Newbie"- Steve X Alex Fanfic: LEMON 🍋 Description: -Something you probably didn't expect for me to write...- *** Minecraft had no beginning, and no end. Minecraft had no story of how it came to be, and no story of how death connected to life. There was no story to be made, when Steve was the only person to ever walk the grassy Minecraft hills. There was no purpose for his life, when he had no one to share it with. Minecraft never had a story... That is, until Alex came into the picture. Steve isn't sure what to think of the stranger at first, but over time, he unwillingly falls in love. But just as all story's go, not all lives end happy. Especially when Steve realizes that Alex's presence brings a virus into Minecraft, that contains the ability to destroy Minecraft, and the only person that Steve loves. So Steve and Alex take the responsibility of saving his Minecraft world, before the virus crashes the entire game. *** NOT SURE OF WHAT YALL WILL THINK OF THIS FANFIC! Considering the fact that my other story is being updated slow, I hope this story doesn't make y'all mad! +++VIEWER DISCRETION IS RECOMMENDED- THIS FANFIC CONTAINS HIGH VIOLENCE, SMUT, FLUFF, SUICIDAL DECEPTIONS, USE OF DRUGS AND ALCOHOL, AS WELL AS MURDER... Soooo...Yeah. Minecraft, HERE I COME!+++ Tags: ['alex', 'depression', 'enemy', 'fanfic', 'fanfiction', 'friend', 'friendship', 'game', 'lemon', 'love', 'lover', 'minecraft', 'romance', 'steve']
# Chapter One <b><i>AYYYYOOOO MY FELLOW READERS! </i></b> <b><i>So umm I'm sure you guys were not expecting a story like this from me, but oh well! I'm sure that most of the people who read this story are people who have read my Lorax Fanfic. And I promise- IM NOT DITCHING THAT STORY, OKAY?! I HAVE A SCHEDULE WHEN I WORK ON IT, AND I PROMISE- THATS NOT GONNA CHANGE! </i></b> <b><i>But anyways, I hope you guys like this story! I was playing Minecraft today, and I was so inspired by it, that I decided to just go ahead and write a story about it! </i></b> <b><i>I hope you enjoy! :) </i></b> <b><i>-Tori </i></b> <i>Where did it all go wrong? </i> That was the same question that repeated in my head every day, from the moment I woke up, to the moment I went to sleep. My life was only wasted, doing the same things day in and day out. I lived my entire life crafting, farming, and building. I spent every hour surviving in a world with no challenges. Every challenge I have faced was never great enough for me. Nothing was ever hard enough, after I stopped being a newbie. I could do anything with no effort at all. I could kill animals with just the swing of my sword. I could cross oceans with just a hop in my boat. I could burn forests to the ground with just the flick of my steel. I could do it all. I could do it <i>ALL. </i> I could do <i>EVERYTHING. ANYTHING. </i> There was nothing else to do! I had repeated every day of my life, just doing the same things, with nothing else. I fed my animals, harvested my crops, smelted some ores, and crafted marvelous things with the resources around me. All of the excitement that i got from crafting had disappeared, as I have crafted nearly every single thing I could possibly think of. I was rich with resources that could last me for over a century, but no one would ever know that. I had all the things in Minecraft to myself, since I had no one to share it with. Oh, how I wish to share it though. I have never seen another living person in my presence before, besides the characters In my books. It seemed though as if other people couldn't exist like the characters did in books... Book-Characters were just a lie, very much like my life. A big, fat lie. There was no one here... Except for me. That's what made it all a lie. Such an awful thing like this is what made my life worthless. There was nothing in this whole big, empty world- Except me, and my bland creations. And of course, no one to share it with... I lifted my head off of my folded arms, as I blinked down at the table. My entire top-half was slouched over my kitchen-table, like I had dozed off while I was in the middle of eating. I had to blink again to make the blurriness in my eyes disappear. It took a minute for me to make out my surroundings, and the piece of pumpkin pie resting on a plate in front of me. I was so tired, that I couldn't even remember making the pie in the first place.  <i>What time is it? </i> I craned my neck around and looked out the window. It was stained white with dust, and layered with a thick coat of cob webs. Through all of the grime, I could see the sun setting over the horizon, going down with the pink sky and scattered stars. <i>It must be 8:00. </i>I thought with a sigh. Since there was no real concept of time in this place, I kind of just came up with all of it on my own. If the sun was setting and the sky was still pink, then it was usually 8 o,clock. And when the sun was setting, and the sky was dark blue, then it was usually 9 o,clock. Everything just kind of had its own ways of working, and I had memorized it all by now. I pulled myself up to feet, cracking my back forward to stretch out all of my muscles. I placed my hands to my head as I strolled out of the door, stepping outside. The cool breeze in the air was faint, and carried the slight scent of pollen and freshly cut grass. I took a deep breath of the air and sighed. It was so typical. <i>I have to put the cows in the pen before it's becomes too dark... </i>I thought with a groan. I took another look at the setting sun, just to make sure that I still had time to gather all of the cows. I was right the first time, and it was really 8 o,clock. So with that, I continued forward and walked down the path of my house. It led straight ahead to my big open field, that was populated with my cows and sheep. I could see each and very one of them, simply grazing the grass as I approached them. The field was quiet and peaceful, until I heard the faint barks coming from my dog up ahead. He appeared over the horizon of the field, herding the cows and sheep towards the pen. Just like he did every day. Once he circled all of the cattle and got them close enough to the fence, I snapped my fingers loud enough for my dog to hear. His ears perked up, and he stopped barking to take a moment and look at me. "RUSTY! That's enough! Come here!" I shouted. And without even a moment of hesitation, the young dog took off running for me, leaving the cows and sheep behind. Once he made it to my side, I placed a hand over his head and stroked it gently- His soft wolf fur brushing against my skin. "Good boy. I will finish the job." And just with that, Rusty sat down in that exact spot and watched as I grabbed a stick and began finishing the job. I herded the rest of the animals into the pen, and once the last cow stepped through the gate, I slammed the door shut and latched it tight. At this point, the moon was now in the sky. Way past sunset. I sighed, as I threw the stick to the ground and tucked my hands into my pockets. The green grass was now shaded light gray with the sun being hidden by the moon, and I couldn't even see Rusty sitting in the dark. But after only a second of looking, I saw his ebony black eyes shining in the darkness, staring right into my soul as I approached him. I stroked my hand over his muzzle and patted the side of his head to my legs. "Come on, Bud. Let's go home..." And as Rusty jumped up to his feet, he took off running toward home, more eager to get home than <i>I</i> was. As I watched him make his way to the house, I was left in complete silence besides the sound of my feet stamping into the ground. <i>Only MY feet. </i>I thought with a grimace. <i>No other feet have walked these fields besides mine. And it's going to be like that forever. I'm lonely now, and I'm going to be lonely forever. </i> I cut off my thought with a sigh. I bit my lip to keep down a groan that rose in my throat. I was so tired of the same thoughts, actions, and things repeating every day of my life. Every day, I walked to my house. Every day, I herded in the animals. Every day, I thought about having somebody to be by my side. But <i>every day, </i>still, nothing ever changed. Everything had been the same for me for my entire life. It didn't seem to bother Rusty at all, or any of my other animals or livestock. None of my animals seemed to be bothered by this lifestyle as much as it bothered <i>me</i>. But it didn't matter. Maybe they had just gotten used to living like this, just like I had. I didn't <i>want </i>to be used to this way of life... But it wasn't like I had a choice. I had tried <i>so many times </i>to just end it all, and kill myself. I've tried <i>countless </i>times. Well, kind of. I've at least <i>thought</i> about it a lot. But every time I've attempted to do it, I always chickened out and step away. I've tried many times to let a creeper blow me up, I've tried many times to just let a skeleton shoot me in the heart, and I've tried many times to just throw myself off of a cliff and die. Im sure it sounds dramatic, but I have never succeeded at all. Well, mostly just because I've never really had the courage to pull through. I've been so close to just stabbing a knife through my throat, but there was always one part in the back of my mind that said... <i>Steve... Do you REALLY want to do this? Do you REALLY want to give up? You may be lonely, but you still have so much to live for. </i> Well, those thoughts were the only things that stopped me from killing myself. If I never had those thought, I for sure would have been dead by now. I close my eyes as the breeze in the air carried a slight chill with it. It was the first bit of cold air I have felt in a while, and it almost made my stomach twist. I was not much of a winter person, and I dreaded knowing that the snowy months were coming soon. Too soon. I simply wasn't ready to give up the warm weather. Once I made it to the door, I tilted my head down to look at Rusty, with his tongue lolled out of the side of his mouth as he panted heavily. I bent down to the ground, setting my hands over his shoulders and stroking it. "Well... At least I have you, little bud." I muttered. "And I guess that's all the reason I really have left to live. Right? I have <i>you. </i>You have <i>me.</i>" I opened up the door, stepping into the house. "And so we should be happy happy happy." Rusty rolled across the floor, ignoring every word I said. Well, he was necessarily ignoring me; He was just a mutt. He didn't understand anything I said, and I guess it wasn't his fault, butttt It would've been nice if he could. A therapist was all I really needed around here, and for some reason, something in my heart tells me that Rusty would be the <i>best </i>therapist in the world. ...<i>Basically a therapy dog. </i>I thought to myself, a silent grin sneaking onto my face. Rusty was the only thing that could make me smile, even if it was for just a second. I loved him so much; And if I ever lost my only source of happiness- my bestest friend- Well... Yeah. Then I really <i>would </i>give up on life. I rubbed my shoes into the scratchy carpet beneath me, as little flicks of dirt and mud flung across the ground. I slipped off my shoes and closed the door behind me, and suddenly, all of the cold air was gone. It had vanished, just as quickly as it had appeared. In replacement of it, there was a warm, soft glow that emitted from my furnace and made the whole house hot. It was just the right temperature for me, but for anyone else, it would've been too much. But I didn't have to worry about that. I slipped my gloves off my hands, gently throwing them onto the table across from me. Rusty ran beneath my legs right as I did it, which nearly tripped me and nearly made the gloves fly out of my hands. "RUFF!" He howled, as he collapsed onto the floor and exposed his belly towards me. I could feel my legs beginning to buckle as his tail whipped into my knee caps, but I caught myself from falling by grabbing onto the table. "Rusty boy!" I shouted, nearly falling on him before catching myself. "Running around and acting like a lunatic is not what your supposed to do before bed! Before bed, you <i>eat." </i>I pointed to his food bowl. "Now hurry up and eat before I go to bed!" "RUFF! RRRR!" He growled, almost like he was protesting. He jumped up onto all four of his feet, sticking his tail into the air as he lowered the front half of his body, like he was pathetically getting ready to pounce on me. I raised an eyebrow at the little hound, and without any further complaints, Rusty turned around, trotted towards his food bowl, and ate whatever it was I gave him last. I sighed, turning around. I sat down into my wooden chair, as I titled my head back and watched Rusty eat. ...<i>God... When was the last time </i>I <i>ate, anyways? Weeks? Months? Years? I can almost feel my soul fading from my body. </i>I thought with a slight wince from that thought. <i>But then again... I dont even know if I have a soul. Maybe I just have a consciousness. But there is a difference between a conscious body and a soul. Is it even </i>possible <i>to have both? </i> <i>Is there even a difference between the two?</i> I felt my eat trail to the ceiling, as I searched through my brain to come up with some kind of explanation of my existence. <i>From what I understand, a conscious is just the thing in your brain that comes up with pain, thoughts, and emotions. But a soul is something in your heart that makes you yourself.... I think. I mean- I don't really know. I have mixed feelings about all of this stuff. Because what do </i>I <i>know? I have no real evidence for ANYTHING that I know of, and no one to even care. </i> I placed an arm over my face, covering my eyes from the light of the furnace. I wanted to shield my own thoughts, but they just coming up in my brain like a recurring vomit. <i>Science. </i>That's<i> how I have a conscious mind. Because of some kind of scientific phenomenon. Maybe the Big Bang theory that I read about in a book once.  </i> A different thought pierced through my brain again. <i>But...then again... What if some old-stupid zombie wrote that book? Just to play tricks on me? That seems highly unlikely, but I don't know where that book came from. In fact; I don't know where ANY of my books came from! HOW DO I EVEN KNOW HOW TO READ, ANYWAYS?! </i> "Oh my God, JUST STOP!!" I screamed at myself. I pulled my arm away from my eyes, and placed them over my ears instead. Somehow, it made my thought echo even louder in my head. I would occasionally get spinning thoughts about life, and it was just overwhelming, and it made my head hurt. I hated thinking about how I got here, where I came from, where everyone is at, and a whole bunch of other un-important shit that just was so unnecessary. If I have even <i>one </i>thought about my life- I just start overthinking the whole thing. I hated it. After a moment or two, I pulled my hands away from my ears and laid them on my lap. When I squinted my eyes to an opening, I saw Rusty was sitting in front of me, his eyes wide and ears pointed up like metal poles. His tail was no longer wagging, and his tongue was no longer panting with joy. He was just watching me with his empty black eyes. I set a palm over his head and began to let his ears back for him. Ever so slightly, I saw his tail wiggle with a light yawn escaping his mouth. I could only sigh. "Sorry, bud. I didn't mean to interrupt your dinner...Just another... Thinking-spree, that's all." I put my entire arm around his neck and pulled him in for a hug. I could feel his heart beating rapidly as I pressed his chest to my face, and a deep growl from within his body as he let out a big bark. I knew <i>exactly </i>what that bark meant. I pulled him away from my face, and looked him in the eyes that were now shining with glee. "You ready for bed?" I asked in a taunting voice. "RUFF! RAFF! RUFF! RRRrrr!" He answered back, jumping into my legs with his claws extended out. I laughed, throwing both of my hands at his ears and wiggling them from side it side. His eyes squinted shut and his tongue retracted back into his mouth. And right as I pulled away, he hopped down off of my lap and licked my fingers clean. "Rrrrckk...RUFF!" He yelped. "Alright, alright." I said with a small eye-roll, that was soon followed by a chuckle. "Let go upstairs, bud." I sat up, stretching my arms towards the sky, that triggered a big yawn to escape from my mouth. I didn't have to say another word to Rusty before he took off running up the stairs, hopping into the foot of my bed. I followed him, and laughed at the sight of him holding out one of his paws towards me, like he wanted to shake hands. He did that quite often. I never knew what it meant, but he always did it before bed.  It was real cute, either way. "Okay. Just relax, Rusty-boy. I want to get a good nights sleep tonight! Because we have work tomorrow." I rested on that thought as I slipped under the wool covers of my bed. My head rested against the cotton pillows surrounding me. I had made at least eight of them from the cotton plants outside of the forest, and blended it with some wool from my sheep. It had worked surprisingly well, because it was the comfiest pillow I had probably ever made. I was proud of myself for making it, <i>that </i>was for sure. I closed my eyes forcefully when another yawn peered through my mouth. God, I was tired. "Gosh. I'm gonna sleep like a <i>baby</i> tonight, Rust. I'm not gonna get out of bed tomorrow..." I snuck one last look at the dog at the foot of my bed, and then out of the thin window that was fogged black- The same color as the night sky outside. The moon was just barely visible through the misty clouds ahead. But there were no stars tonight. <i>That's different. </i>I thought with a shrug. <i>I hope they are visible tomorrow, at least. I planned on going star-gazing...But it is what it Is i guess. And I can't change what it is. </i> <i>If the world wants to take the stars out of the sky for one night, then I can't change that. And if the world plans on keeping me here by myself for the rest of my life...Then I can't change that either. </i> I pulled the covered over my shoulder. <i>Who knows. Maybe someday things will change. Maybe tonight- Maybe tomorrow- Or maybe hundreds of years from now. Maybe things will change sooner rather than later....</i> <i>...Gosh, how strange that would be. </i> Letting out a small sigh, there were no other thoughts to cross my mind. My exhaustion was starting to get the best of me, so all I could do now was close my eyes, and snuggle deeper into the covers as I drifted off into a deep sleep. But even in my sleep, I knew: That if things were going to have to change... I would rather it be tomorrow. ***** <b><i>BRUHHHHHHH!!! MY FIRST...KIND-OF CHAPTER I GUESS? GOD, I AM EXCITED TO GET THIS STORY GOING! OFC, I DONT EXPECT THIS STORY TO GET A LOT OF ATTENTION! I AN JUST WRITING IT TO ENHANCE MY WRITING SKILLS! NOTHING MORE! AND IF THIS STORY GETS A LOT OF VIEWS- THEN THATS GREAT! I JUST HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THE FIRST CHAPTER, AND STICK AROUND FOR THE FUTURE ONES TO COME! </i></b> <b><i>PEACE! -Tori</i></b>
Hawks X Black Reader (What The Hell Y/N)
you are the reader who has been transmigrated to the body of a background character mha in a fan fict that you read , fated to die in order to show y/n's character development.You have to find a way to escape death and live happily blending in with the crowd
[ "hawksxreader", "lemon" ]
[ "Disappear " ]
[ "Disclaimer I do not own the characters in this story and the timeline is not accurate to o the anime and manga\nIt's also my first time writing so plz forgive the mistakes \nThis is dedicated to all the black girls out there who think y/n is annoying\nI really hope y'all enjoy.❤️❤️❤️\nThe untimely death \n\nAfter a long tiring day at the office you worked in you loved to wind down by reading fanfiction on anime ,k pop singers and even movies .you had just started watching my hero academia and you had the hots for hawks and just had to imagine him inside you and what better way to do that than reading fan made fiction.\nYou took a nice long shower and made your favorite tea then settled down in your couch with a blanket and went straight to Wattpad.\nYou read a couple of stories and time flew by as it was 12am in the morning\n\n\"Wow I should get to sleep now\" you said as you plugged your phone into the charger and got up to stretch.you gingerly walked into your bathroom to brushed your teeth while looking at yourself in the mirror as a thought crossed your mind. In all the ficts you had read that night Y/N either had wings ,multiple quirks,an op quirk and a tragic backstory.Not to mention she was not like other girls.This pissed you off to no extent.\"Y/N is a pick me bitch\" you said to yourself as you spat out the toothpaste and rinsed your mouth.\n\nWhat really angered you the most was how your favorite side characters had to die for Y/N to awaken her quirk in one of the fictions you read.\nYou did your nightly skin care as you logged into Wattpad as commented on that story saying the side character was cooler than the main character .\n\nYou then slid into your bed turned off the night lamp and closed your eyes as sleep devoured you. On the table your phone beeped with a notification from the author of the book you just read \n\n<i>Then why don't you become that character.</i>\n\nWas the only thing that was written but you were fast asleep.\n\n\nIf this gets likes I promise to continue\nAuthor out" ]
Title: Hawks X Black Reader (What The Hell Y/N) Description: you are the reader who has been transmigrated to the body of a background character mha in a fan fict that you read , fated to die in order to show y/n's character development.You have to find a way to escape death and live happily blending in with the crowd Tags: ['hawksxreader', 'lemon']
# Disappear Disclaimer I do not own the characters in this story and the timeline is not accurate to o the anime and manga It's also my first time writing so plz forgive the mistakes This is dedicated to all the black girls out there who think y/n is annoying I really hope y'all enjoy.❤️❤️❤️ The untimely death After a long tiring day at the office you worked in you loved to wind down by reading fanfiction on anime ,k pop singers and even movies .you had just started watching my hero academia and you had the hots for hawks and just had to imagine him inside you and what better way to do that than reading fan made fiction. You took a nice long shower and made your favorite tea then settled down in your couch with a blanket and went straight to Wattpad. You read a couple of stories and time flew by as it was 12am in the morning "Wow I should get to sleep now" you said as you plugged your phone into the charger and got up to stretch.you gingerly walked into your bathroom to brushed your teeth while looking at yourself in the mirror as a thought crossed your mind. In all the ficts you had read that night Y/N either had wings ,multiple quirks,an op quirk and a tragic backstory.Not to mention she was not like other girls.This pissed you off to no extent."Y/N is a pick me bitch" you said to yourself as you spat out the toothpaste and rinsed your mouth. What really angered you the most was how your favorite side characters had to die for Y/N to awaken her quirk in one of the fictions you read. You did your nightly skin care as you logged into Wattpad as commented on that story saying the side character was cooler than the main character . You then slid into your bed turned off the night lamp and closed your eyes as sleep devoured you. On the table your phone beeped with a notification from the author of the book you just read <i>Then why don't you become that character.</i> Was the only thing that was written but you were fast asleep. If this gets likes I promise to continue Author out
Loved By Killer Klowns From Outer Space Male Version
Y/N is an ordinary guy who lives alone in an apartment he spots some Klowns killing people with cotton candy cocoons they notice him, and they fall in love with him
[ "bibbo", "chubby", "family", "fatso", "frank", "joe", "jojo", "jojotheklownzilla", "jumbo", "killerklownsfromouterspace", "kkfos", "klownzilla", "lemon", "love", "loveatfirstsight", "malereader", "malexmale", "protective", "romance", "romancefanfiction", "rudy", "shorty", "slim", "spike" ]
[ "face to face with killer klowns ", "the klowns kidnap Y/N ", "the klowns take Y/N to the tent/spaceship", "Rudy's love for Y/N ", "Y/N shares his past with Rudy/romantic love ", "sexy time with Shorty ", "having a mental breakdown because of devil ex", "Slim protecting Y/N because he's scared of losing him to his evil ex", "Jumbo spies on Y/N and Slim then getting some action too", "Spike controls Y/N and bites him", "celebrating halloween with the klowns ", "celebrating Christmas with the klowns ", "fighting your Y/N's love ", "spicy time with Jojo and going on a date but ex shows up again", "Spikey controls Y/N and bites him(better version)" ]
[ "Y/N is awakened by the sound of his phone. He picks the phone up and presses dismiss. He stands up and goes to take a shower. A few minutes later, he gets in and puts on an F/C sweater and an F/C pants and shoes. He grabs his wallet and keys and goes to the store. Y/N sees some scary-looking klowns in the corner with some cotton candy cocoons. The klowns spot him standing and suddenly feel a strange feeling in their heart. They walk over to him, but he runs away.", "Y/n pov\nI came back to my apartment, and I was still in shock seeing those klowns. Why is there cotton candy around the klowns? I look around no one is there except the klowns, my eyes widen as I see klowns staring at me. Did they follow me back to my apartment? I close the door quickly. I heard a strange noise on my door, I opened the door and came face to face with a large skinny klown with red hair. I try to run away, but the klown grabs me and carries me away from my home.\n\njust pretend that he grabs you and carries you. You are too shocked to scream", "slims pov \nI carry him on my shoulder while my brothers follow me to the tent. I think to myself he's so handsome, I think I'm in love with him. I hear Shorty talking to her, \"<b>What's your name</b>?\" Shorty asks him. \"My name is Y/N. What's yours?\" Shorty answers, \"<b>My name is Shorty, You have a beautiful name, Y/N.</b>\" \"Oh, thank you shorty\". Y/N blushes hard. \" <b>These are my brothers, Rudy</b> ( points at Rudy who is next to Slim), <b>and this is Slim</b>,\" he points to me. \"N nice to meet you,\" says Y/N shyly. I smile sweetly while Rudy just looks at him with heart-filled eyes but doesn't say anything. \" <b>Hi Y/n</b>,\" I say. Y/n just looks around the tent for a while until he looks at me and smiles. \" I love your tent it's so colorful.\" I set Y/n on the bed.", "Rudy's POV\nI kept staring at Y/n while Slim put Y/n on the bed, \"<b>Well, I got to check if everything is fine.</b>\" Slim said and left, leaving me with Shorty, Jumbo, Bibbo, Fatso, and Spike. \"<b>I'm going to my room</b>,\" said Shorty. \"<b>Me too</b>,\" says Jumbo and Bibbo. Fatso just goes outside to explore. I see Spike smiling at Y/n. Y/n looks scared and grabs my hand. I look at him and smile sweetly and entwine our hands. I stare at Spike, \"<b>Aren't you going</b>? \" I say coldly. Spike storms off. I hold Y/n in my arms, \"<b>he's gone now Y/n</b>\", I say sweetly. He nods, \"Thanks Rudy\". I put him on my lap, and I looked into his e/c eyes, and he looked at mine. I get close to Y/n, and I feel him shivering at my touch, I lean forward and put my lips on his, I feel him shocked at first, but he gives in. It was a gentle kiss. I slowly pull away. He smiles at me before Y/n leans in and kisses me. \"<b>You're welcome Y/n</b>\", I say as he pulls away and hugs me.", "Y/n POV\nI was sitting in bed with Rudy getting to know each other, \"<b>So Y/n where are your parents</b>\", Rudy said. I look down, \"they abandoned me when I was 16,\" I say sadly. \"<b>I'm sorry Y/n</b>\", Rudy says. \"It's okay, Rudy, they never loved me. No one loves me,\" I say. \"<b>I love you Y/n and I'll protect you, and I'll be there for you</b>,\" says Rudy. \"Thanks, Rudy. I love you too,\" I say, staring lovingly at him. Rudy leans in and kisses me softly, we pull apart, \"So what is your favorite movie\", I say. \"<b>Rugrats in Paris</b>,\" says Rudy. My eyes widen, \"That's my favorite movie too\", I say. Then I remember, \"What you said earlier that you love me and you'll protect me and be there for me was the song from The Rugrats\", I say. \" <b>Yes, but </b><b>I really</b><b> mean what I said</b>,\" says Rudy. I look at his eyes, and tears run down my eyes, \"no one has ever said those kind words to me before,\" I say. Rudy gently grabs me and carries me to his lap. \" I always wanted to be loved, but they treated me badly, saying I deserved pain and sadness,\" I say. \"<b>Y/n my love you deserved to be treated with love, they are wrong you are </b><b>the most</b><b> sweetest person ever, you have a heart of gold please don't believe the lies they told you</b>\", says Rudy. I passionately kiss him, and he looks at me with lust in his eyes.\n\nLemon warning\n\nRudy POV \nI look at Y/n lustfully as we kiss, and I feel his body yearning for me, but he's a little scared. \"<b>What's wrong sweety</b>\", I say. \" I got heartbroken before, and I'm a virgin,\" says Y/n. \"<b>Who broke your heart</b>\", I say, angry. \"This girl I dated for a year, she always hurt me and bullied me constantly,\" says Y/n. \"<b>I will never let anyone hurt you anymore</b>,\" I say. He looks at me sweetly and leans in, and kisses me. I pull apart and start kissing his neck, chest, and thighs. I set y/n gently on the bed and lay on top of him. I slowly take off his clothes and kiss him all over his body, I take off my clothes and lay on top of him with my member inside of him. I slowly thrust as he grunts, moans, and screams. He kisses me and I feel him cumming on the bed after a few thrusts I cum inside of him and I pull out and lay down next to him. \" <b>I love you Y/N</b>\", I say. \"I love you too,\" says Y/n, and we fall asleep in each other's arms.", "Y/N's POV \nI woke up with Rudy looking at me, \"Good morning Rudy,\" I said, kissing Rudy on his lips. \"<b>Good morning, love,</b>\" says Rudy, kissing me back. I felt so happy I finally had someone to love, I really love Rudy so much who knew I would end up falling in love that easy and with a killer klown, also having a broken heart not so long ago. Rudy noticed my reactions or thoughts, and he sat up and pulled me to his lap. \"<b>I know you're still in heartbreak, but I feel the same thing about you</b>,\" says Rudy, kissing me passionately. I closed my eyes and kissed him with the same passion. \"I love you so that I will do anything for you, honey,\" I say looking into his eyes, it's true I would do anything for my Rudy little by little he's healed my heart. \" I love you so much. I am willing to do anything for you too my love,\" says Rudy. I smile and give Rudy a kiss, \"Honey, my heart healed and helped me find love again,\" I say. Rudy looked into my eyes and grabbed my hands, \"<b>Y/N I know this is sudden but I want you to know that I want you to be my mate this means like a couple, here on earth it means boyfriend and boyfriend so will you be my mate/boyfriend?</b>\" \n\nRudy's POV\nI was waiting for Y/N's answer. I couldn't see his expression, and then I heard what I wanted most. \"Yes, I love you so much,\" Y/N says, kissing me passionately. \"So what are we doing today?\" says my guy, looking at me sweetly. \"<b>Babe, I have to work.  To  Do all day. I won't be able to be with you</b>,\" I say, kissing Y/N. He looks up at me sadly, \" I wanted to be with you like we did,\" says Y/N, looking at me. \" <b>I know, honey. I want that too, but I have to do something important</b>,\" I say, standing up, and grabbing my suit. \" I understand. I love you. I'll see you later, love,\" says Y/N, grabbing his clothes and putting them on, walking up to me and kissing me passionately. I smile at him and wave goodbye, walking out of his bedroom. \n\nY/N's POV\nAfter Rudy was gone I went to the bathroom ( I don't know if they have bathrooms or showers but I'll just put it down) and turned on the shower taking off my clothes and stepped inside. Not knowing someone was watching me, I took my time enjoying the water on my skin. After some time, I stepped out of the shower, dried my hair, put my clothes on, and walked out of the bathroom. I was about to go to the room when I spotted a room open.\n\nShorty's POV (the moment we have been waiting for) I added a song while Shorty and Y/N were getting it on 😏\n\nI was in my room when I heard Y/N's room open. I got excited and saw him going to the bathroom. I followed Y/N, he turned on the shower, started taking off his clothes, and stepped inside. I was looking at his body while he was washing his hair. How I wish I was inside with him touching him and kissing him, making him mine. Yes, I have been in love with Y/N since I saw him with my brothers, I fell in love deeply and I couldn't take my eyes off him but he ran away but now I have him, I know about him and Rudy but I don't care he's Mine and me and my brothers can have him too because we share everything and they also fell in love with Y/N but only them not other people I will kill the guys or girls who flirt or talk with our Y/N. (omg Shorty is a yandere now). I continued watching him until he turned off the water stepped out of the shower, and dried his hair. I was back in my room when he closed the bathroom and was about to go to his room when he spotted my door open. I saw him walking in and turned around and spotted me. \"Oh hey there, Shorty, is this your room,\" says Y/N, hearing his voice made me hot. Oh, how I want to hear that voice while I make love to him. I nodded my head. I couldn't talk. My voice was out. All I could think about was his hot voice and his body. \"Are you okay shorty\", says my precious, who is standing there looking at me, worried. OH no, I can't take it anymore 'please baby don't look at me like that. \"<b>I'm fine, Y/N</b>,\" I say, trying not to lose control. \"Are you sure Shorty\", says my love, stepping closer to me so that I can feel his breath intoxicating me. Oh my, I can't take it anymore. I might as well get on with it. I grabbed him and slammed my lips on his, putting my tongue inside. I hear him groan and moan and try to get away, but I tighten my grip on him so he can't get away from me. \"S- shorty w- what a-are you doing,\" says my love, looking at me with his beautiful eyes. \"<b>I love you Y/N</b>\", I say as my lips go on his neck, leaving a little bite mark. \"Mm, mm shorty, please stop,\" says my love, trying to resist me. \"<b>Don't try resisting it baby you want me as bad as I want you</b>,\" I say as I continue leaving little bite marks all over his body. I feel him shiver against my body. \"Shorty, please don't do that,\" says my love, resisting me. Oh, baby, you won't be able to resist me any longer. Mmmm, you taste so good. \"<b>Come on baby, you want me to give it to me,</b>\" I say as I kiss his sweet lips. \"Mmmmm shorty\", says my love, finally giving up and giving me what I want. Oh yes, baby, I want your love. \"<b>That's it, baby, oh yes, give into the passion</b>,\" I say as he kisses me back. I push him on the wall and start ravaging him. \n\nLemon warning, listen to the music here \n\nY/N's POV\n\nI tried to resist Shorty, but I couldn't anymore once he said to give in to the passion, and I kissed him back. He pushed me into the wall and started ravaging me again. \"Mmmmmmm oh shorty,\" I say as he started touching my cock and asshole. \"<b>You like it baby oh I'm going to make you mine</b>,\" says Shorty putting his fat fingers inside ( lol fat fingers that made me laugh) my ass and going in and out. I moaned as he continued to finger fuck me. \"Shorty please\", I say as he continues to touch my ass. \"<b>Please what baby</b>\", says Shorty looking at me and placing his lips on mine. I moaned and kissed him back. \"Mmmmm please Shorty make me yours\", I say as I start taking off his pantsuit and stroking his member. \"<b>Mmmmm Y/N you so dirty and sweet, </b><b>y</b><b>ou</b> <b>my</b><b> </b><b>guy do you like it baby</b>\", says Shorty while I keep stroking his member. \"Shorty I don't think we should be doing this\", I say as my mind thinks about Rudy. I can't break Rudy's heart I love him so much I'm his boyfriend, his guy. It wouldn't be fair if I did this to him. \"<b>Don't you dare say we shouldn't do this, oh and if it's because of Rudy don't worry I know about you and my brother I don't mind if we share everything</b>\", says Shorty biting my lips with his sharp teeth, How does he know about me and Rudy? While I was thinking that, Shorty started taking my clothes off and dragged me to the bed where he pulled me in his lap facing him. He put his hard dick inside me. I looked into his eyes, pleading to stop, but his eyes told me he wouldn't stop.\n\nShorty's POV\nI began going up and down as my precious kept looking at me, tears going down his cheeks. \"<b>Aww, my precious don't cry. I love you so much,</b>\" I say while kissing him and continuing thrusting inside of him. I notice a spark in his eyes. He begins to put his arms around me and kisses me and I feel so close to cum I also noticed he's about to cum too. \"<b>Oh baby let's cum together</b>\", I say as I thrust harder inside of my guy. Y/N started to cum so he cummed on the bed and I started to also cum inside him. We stayed like this until Y/N's stomach growled and we stood up I grabbed his hand and led him to the storage facility. I grabbed a cotton candy cocoon gun and blasted it on the floor. Y/N's face showed fear when I started blasting the gun. I grabbed the cotton candy and stepped closer to my Y/N. \"<b>Open your mouth Y/N</b>\", I say as I put the candy close to his lips. He immediately opens his mouth and I put the sweet inside his mouth. After I fed him the treat I gave him a vitamin drink and we went back to my room and talked for a while. I put Y/N on my lap and kissed him. He leaned into me his lips kissing me hungrily. I put my arms around him and slowly kissed his neck. He started to groan and moan and I felt his body heat up. I bit down on his neck and licked it. I looked at my guy and I could see love in his eyes. He looked at me and licked his lips then kissed me passionately. The kiss started to get heated and lustful. Y/N tasted very sweet as we kissed. Suddenly he pulled away from me. He went back to his room and I followed after him. I saw him on the bed looking sad and turned to look at me. \" I was in love with a girl who was sweet at first then she changed and started hurting me,\" says my love with tears running down his eyes. \"She would abuse me because I was different from her and not even my parents loved me so after she confessed that she never loved me I was heartbroken but not as heartbroken when she left me for another man\", says Y/N with an empty look in his eyes. I came close to him and hugged him very tightly. \"<b>I'll never let you go I love you so much Y/N</b>\", I say looking at him and putting his hand on my chest where my heart is. \"I'll never use you and hurt you like she did we will never let that happen and we will never let him hurt you again, you belong to us and only us my precious\", I say closing the distance between us. Y/N closed her eyes and kissed me putting his hands on my cheeks. I kissed back passionately holding him in my arms. For once in his life he is finally loved and cherished. He is finally complete our precious little man, our Y/N, MY Y/N. I closed my eyes satisfied that he was mine no one would dare touch him because if they did we would kill anyone who talked to him or took him away from us or me. \" I love you Shorty\", Y/N says after we kiss. \" <b>I love you too Y/N</b>\", I say, smiling happily that I finally got him.", "Y/N's POV\nAfter Shorty's and my time together, I was kinda sleepy, so Shorty told me he would let me rest for a while. When I woke up, I heard my phone buzzing. I checked my phone and saw some messages on Instagram from Xgf/N(ex-girlfriend's name). I rolled my eyes and checked them out. \n\nXgf/N: Hey Y/N\n\nEX: Y/N are you there?\n\nEx started a video chat\n\nThe video chat ended. Call back \n\nEx started a video chat\n\nXgf/N: Y/N \n\nMe: What do you want? \n\nXgf/N: we need to talk. \n\nMe: What is there to talk about? You made it clear.\n\nXgf/N: I made a huge mistake. I know I hurt you, but I changed.\n\nMe: I \n\nXgf/N: Y/N, are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you\n\nI closed my phone and was screaming, and I was having one of the episodes I thought I was recovering from. I was throwing stuff while having a panic attack. \n\nThe klowns POV ( all of them)\nWe heard our love screaming and crying and throwing stuff, we went to his room and saw him on the floor with everything on the floor and his phone on the ground. We pick up our beloved from the ground wrap our arms around him and comfort him. We see his phone light up and see his ex calling him, so that's the reason he's like this it's her fault, she broke him. \n\nSlim's POV\nSo my brothers and I decided to answer her. I pressed the green button, and we immediately saw her face. Shorty made a disgusted face. I had to agree with him that she is way too ugly for someone like our Y/N, and she doesn't deserve him. He's too innocent for her, and she has tainted that innocence. Xgf/N and I kept staring at each other. \"Who tf are you?\" She says while looking at me with those big eyes of hers. I looked around her house, there were clothes on the floor, the bed not made, and food all over the place, this was not the right girl for our Y/N. I'm glad he's not with her. Shorty takes the phone out of my hands. \"<b>He's our boyfriend</b>,\" he says while glaring at that piece of trash. Y/N's ex laughs so loudly. \" Clearly, he doesn't know how to choose. He has bad taste in boyfriends or relationships,\" she says, still laughing so hard. Now I'm starting to hate her very much. \"I would watch what you say we don't like how you are speaking to us and our Y/N, you have done enough damage to him\", I say as I turn the camera around and show a damaged Y/N. She looks at him, shocked, and looks at him up and down. I get angry and pull him next to me and kiss him in front of her. He tenses at first, then kisses back, putting his hands on my cheeks, and deepening the kiss. I smile while Shorty is showing this douchbag that he's ours. She clears her throat, and that magical moment between us is ruined by this worthless piece of shit. We turn around, showing how angry we are. \" What do you want, Xgf/N?\" Our beloved says as he glares at her annoyed with her. \"I still love you Y/N\", she says with a look in her eyes. \"We talked about this Xgf/N I don't love you I will never love you, you hurt me so much, you abused me did lots of things that haunt me til this day,\" our love says without emotion in his eyes. I hate seeing him so cold-hearted because of her. Even though his touch changes, when he turns to me, his expression softens, and I can see his insecurities and emotions with us. I grab his phone end the call, and hug him. He's been through so much. He closes his eyes and rests. You're so innocent, love, he doesn't belong in this cruel world. We all kiss him and leave the room thinking of ways to protect him from anyone who hurts him or takes him away from us.", "Slim's POV\nI was waiting for Y/N to wake up. An hour passed, and I was getting worried, so I went to his room he was still sleeping with his phone flashing. I saw him starting to wake up. He spots me and hugs me. \"Hey, Slim,\" says my beloved as he leans towards me and kisses me. I hold him in my arms, and I see the lust in his eyes. A growl lets out of my lips as I lick my lips seductively causing him to shake with want. Clearly, he wants it. I'll give him what we want.\n\nLemon warning \n\nY/N's POV\nI noticed a bulge in Slim's clown suit, and I smirked seductively, Slim looked at me with lust showing. I get Slim's clown suit and boxers down and his cock is out I put my mouth on it saliva gets on his dick. I hear Slim moaning, more saliva goes down his cock. \"<b>Keep going sweetie</b>,\" says Slim as he moans louder. I feel Slim's fingers inside of my jeans as I continue sucking on his dick. Slim unbuttoned my jeans and took my boxers off as well. An hour has passed and he cummed inside my mouth, I swallow it and he turns me around. \"<b>Time for some real fun</b>,\" says Slim as he takes off my sweater, and f/c shirt(favorite color). Slim inserts his dick inside of my ass it slips easily inside from all the spit that came from my mouth. I groan and moan really loudly it feels very good, I'm on cloud nine. \"Slim faster please,\" I say moaning even louder. He goes faster and I scream/ moan in his ear, he suddenly picks me up with his dick still inside of me and we gently land on the bed with him on top of me. Slim thrusts deep inside of me and hits my prostate I moan in ecstasy, and I reach forward and kiss Slim passionately. He groans as I kiss him and slips his fingers inside my ass, his fingers feel good inside of me. I was about to cum but Slim switched places with me, I'm on top now.\n\nSlim's POV\nMy beloved was on top and I was at the bottom he felt so good I was in ecstasy as he began to move, I pounded into him hard and he groaned and moaned loudly. Just as I was about to grab my boyfriend's hard member his phone was flashing and that stupid ugly ex of his was shown on the screen, I let out a loud growl of irritation and my love looked at me confused. \"What's wrong babe,\" says the love of my life with a worried tone in his voice. One look at him and my anger melted away. \"<b>I can't believe she has the nerve to contact you again after what she has done!</b>\" I say, trying to control my anger. \"<b>She has gone too far I could lose you if she takes you away from me and I don't want to lose you!</b>\" I say, suddenly scared and realizing that was her plan. \"Everything is fine babe. I'll be fine.\" My love says, as I still think she will take him away from me. \"<b>Don't you dare say everything is fine! I could lose you forever and if I lost you....</b>\" I say trailing off as I gazed deep into his eyes before I pulled him even closer to me and I kissed him passionately pouring all my love and desperation into the kiss. We stayed like that for a while until my love slowly broke apart. \"<b>I don't think I can live without you if anything happens to you because of her</b>,\" I say still looking at him. \"I'm not going anywhere and you won't lose me.\" My love promised before pulling me into another kiss. As we kissed I pounded deeper into him, he moaned into my mouth. I immediately grabbed my boyfriend's hard member and cried in ecstasy, I inserted two fingers inside his wet ass. My beloved grinded his ass while riding me hard. After a few bounces and thrusts, we cummed together, I came inside of him and he came on the bed. I pulled him into my arms after we were done. \"<b>That was amazing, sweetie</b>,\" I say grinning. \"<b>You are mine all mine you belong to me.</b>\" \" I'm yours forever and always.\" My precious angel says smiling happily. I pulled the covers on each other and turned off the lights so my beloved could get to sleep. I can finally rest easily knowing I will always protect my love from anything now that he's mine.", "A/N So the picture above is Jumbo wanting to kill the reader's ex because she was flirting with him, don't worry all the klowns are the reader's boyfriends so he can tame them. There will be dominating and stuff like Jumbo being Y/N's master Besides being boyfriend and boyfriend there is more and Jumbo wants more because he loves Y/N so much and wants him for himself besides sharing with his brothers only no one else can have him.\n\nJumbo's POV \nI was at home hearing everything my brother and my angel said. I was there when Slim entered our love's room and kissed him passionately and seducing my angel to want him and fucking him. I wished I was Slim he made him his and I was there spying on them with my dick hard. God, I wished he would want me as much as I want him and to have him crave me every day. Begging for me to make love to him hard and fast, hearing him groaning and moaning loudly and sucking my dick fast. Oh, how I love you, baby. I want you to love me as I am deeply in love with you I want to touch you, kiss you make you mine. After my brother cummed inside of our love they made a promise to each other and my brother told my angel he is his. Ever since I saw him with the wind blowing through his h/l hair and those beautiful eyes of his kill me every time I see him. I like the smell and his s/c ( skin color)skin and the way he makes me feel every time I see him or I'm near him. I love that mouth of his natural gorgeous lips of his all-natural red or pink, I wish he would kiss me like he kisses my brothers. I want to wake up with him to make love after going places as a couple. He looks beautiful with anything he wears he gives me a fever. ( can klowns even get a fever I don't know let's just stick to that part). He speeds up my heartbeat every time, I like everything about him. I can't choose which parts of his body I want because I like everything about him. He likes wearing f/c clothes that match. For him I would eat anything he wants even healthy food I control myself and be quiet because I really want to have all of him that ass of his has gotten me addicted since I saw it, kissing those lips of his. I have seen him doing every sex position so we will do it too all day and night. Apple and Aloe Vera Shampoo his channel number 5 or Fresh and Clean from Victoria's Secret ( or any other shampoo and cologne I use this type of shampoo and perfume) he drives me crazy from head to toe. Soon we will be together forever baby and get married. They fall asleep and I do too in my bed dreaming about my sweet baby. \nInside Jumbo's Fantasies Lemon warning ( yes jumbo's fantasies are about fucking Y/N and dominating him) play the song here \n\nSo I am in my room talking to my angel and getting to know him better I was being his psychiatrist because he is still timid and shy he had trouble saying no to bad people who use him to their advantage. It was a hot day so he took off his sweater under his f/c shirt and I was staring at him as he looked at me blushing shyly, it's so cute how he gets so shy and then talks normally. He sat down on my bed, his leg would shake nervously when he would answer the questions I asked. I stopped talking and I leaned forward causing him to look up into my eyes. He blushes getting lost in my eyes. I put my hands on his cheeks. I kissed his lips softly at first then I began dominating his mouth he kissed back shyly. He tasted sweet and intoxicating. I pick him up and put him on my lap holding his waist, as I kiss him he grinds his ass on my dick. He gasped when he felt my hard dick. I could smell his arousal it's so intoxicating, I suddenly grind my cloth erection under his. I couldn't take it anymore and I pinned her down on the bed. He let out a small groan and moan as I was on top of my guy. \"<b>I never thought you could be this dirty and needy for a shy person like yourself and it's all for me</b>,\" I say as I see him trying to control his urges I immediately rub his ass and dick with my fingers I feel it soaking wet in his boxers then I position myself inside of him and start thrusting, my love starts groaning and moaning and as I was about to cum inside him when I wake up. I get up and make my bed when I see my sweet angel getting out of his room I notice it is quiet so I approach him. \"Oh hi, Jumbo I thought you left with the others,\" my love says closing the door. He is wearing a beautiful F/C clothes. I suddenly kiss him and take him to my room. \n\nY/N's POV \nJumbo takes me to his room and starts kissing me I have to admit Jumbo scares me but it also excites me and turns me on at the same time. \"<b>Strip my dearest</b>,\" Jumbo says with lust-filled eyes that scare me. I slowly take my clothes off and Jumbo pushes me down on the bed he gets on top of me I gasp when I feel something long poking me and he leaves love bites all over my body. Jumbo starts undressing I see what was poking me it's huge I don't think it can fit. He starts rubbing my ass and dick and gets down and bites my leg then soothes the bite with kisses and starts positioning himself inside of me causing me to groan and moan loudly after a while of him dominating me with kisses and sex commands we take a shower together it was normal at first but then it turned to a heated make out. After showering we go out for a walk hand in hand. We spot my ex-girlfriend outside a store waiting for her boyfriend to come back, she spots me then walks up to me and hugs me without noticing Jumbo gets next to me holding me close and furiously looking at ex touching me without my consent. \"<b>Excuse me don't touch my Y/N</b>,\" Jumbo says kissing me in front of my ex. Ex just looks at me and ignores Jumbo but then her boyfriend comes back and walks up to him like nothing happened. \"It was great seeing you Y/N Hope to see you again,\" she said in a flirtatious tone then they walked to her car and drove. Jumbo takes out his mallet (picture on the top) and starts running to them but I stop him and pull him into a passionate kiss he calms down and we head back home and we make love until we are exhausted and fall asleep holding each other lovingly.", "Y/N's POV \nI was lying on my bed when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and I saw Spike. I smiled at him but was confused so I let him in and sat on my bed waiting for him to talk he grabbed me by my arms and he bit my neck harshly and it hurt me so I begged him to stop.\n\nSpikes POV\n\"<b>You let her</b><b> hug you without permission after all he has hurt you I won't say it again you belong to us,</b>\" I say to my love biting him again he begins groaning and moaning I smirk seductively and kiss his neck sweetly now. I begin stripping our clothes I couldn't wait anymore so I rammed inside of him and he got on top of me until we cummed into each other and went to sleep.\nAN: sorry about the short chapter I couldn't think of anything else to write tomorrow will be a great chapter also Y/N dresses like a girl sometimes.\n", "Y/N's POV\nToday is Halloween 🎃 and my klown boyfriends love Halloween a lot we decorated the house with Halloween decorations I got my boyfriends their costumes I also made their favorite cookies and food I couldn't sleep so I woke up early and took a relaxing bath because I am excited. I put in calming salts to relieve the tension I felt, and then after the bath, I put on my Halloween outfit and waited for my boyfriends to wake up.\n\nKiller Klowns POV\nWe woke up, got dressed in our Halloween outfits, and went to the living room to see our love waiting for us. We got our Halloween baskets ready and we ate cookies and milk and played outside scaring people even though it was super cold we enjoyed it. We made more cookies together we watched Halloween movies and we prepared the candy for the trick-or-treaters. We made lunch together, too. Y/N ate more cookies than us.\n\nY/N's POV\nMy boyfriends and I made bloody eggs and sausage for lunch, and I made myself regular eggs and sausage and cheese and put some red food coloring. After lunch, we went to the store and made little individual cakes with frosting for everyone for dinner. We watched TV almost all day after dinner we went trick or treating for a while then came back home and gave out candy. we watched more Halloween movies and all went to bed and slept.", "Y/N's POV\nToday is Christmas ⛄ and my klown boyfriends love Christmas a lot we decorated the Christmas tree I got my boyfriend's their presents I also made their favorite cookies and food I couldn't sleep so I woke up early and took a relaxing bath because I was excited. I put in calming salts to relieve the tension I felt, then after the bath, I put on my Christmas outfit and waited for my boyfriends to wake up.\n\nKiller Klowns POV\nWe woke up, got dressed in our Christmas outfits, and went to the living room to see our love waiting for us. We opened our presents and ate cookies and milk played outside in the snow even though it was super cold we enjoyed it. We made more cookies together we watched Christmas movies we used our Christmas presents. We made lunch together, too. Y/N ate more cookies than us.\n\nY/N's POV\nMy boyfriends and I made bloody eggs and sausage for lunch, and I made myself regular eggs and sausage cheese and put some red and green food coloring. After lunch, we went to the store and made little individual cakes with frosting for everyone for dinner. We watched TV almost all day after dinner. we all went to bed and slept.", "A fight between killer boyfriends and Y/N's ex-girlfriend for his love\n\nY/N's POV\nI was with my boyfriend's killing and storing the cotton candy cocoons while eating some non-poisonous cotton candy and popcorn I turned around and saw my boyfriend's working still I suddenly got this love-sick feeling and I walked to them and started kissing all of my killer boyfriend's this sick feeling is I've fallen deeply in love with them and I want to show my devotion and love for them. I told my boyfriend's that I wanted to help them kill alone. They agreed and waited for their victim. I was pretending to be hurt by them. \"Help me please monstrous klowns want to kill me, somebody, somebody please help me.\" I was pretending to shake in fear thanks with the help of my killer klowns that made me look like I barely survived them with my tattered clothes and messed up hair with popcorn on it. I had to drag myself, making it look believable, all covered in bruises and sweat. I saw someone coming to me, and I smiled to myself as the \"victim\" came closer to me, and I could see their face. Oh no, it's my stupid ex-girlfriend with a worried face, then carries me in her arms bridal style. \"Xgf/N let me go,\" I say to her as her grip tightens on me. \"No, I knew they kidnapped you and hurt you, they threatened you so you let them kiss and fuck you pretending to be your boyfriend's which is not true I will keep you safe my love,\" Xgf/N says still carrying me as I look at her weirdly as my boyfriend's approach us with a mad look on their faces. Oh no, they're mad right now what are they thinking- my thoughts were interrupted by my boyfriend's pulling me out of Xgf/N's arms to their side then they started kissing me, some on my neck, and took turns kissing me on my lips. They bite my lips hard and then turn around to face my ex. \"<b>He isn't yours anymore he's ours</b>,\" they say, growling at her. A trickle of blood goes down my neck, but Spiky licks it while staring at my ex. \"<b>Don't dare touch our husband again or we are going to kill you or hurt your boyfriend</b>,\" my boyfriend's, or should I say, my husband's say, looking at me with love in their eyes. \" You're husband, I'm your husband,\" I say with tears in my eyes. \"Yes darling our husband <b>we love you so much we can't lose you to an asshole like your, ex</b>,\" they say pleading their love for me and I really want to marry them so badly and I kiss them so sweetly showing my husband's my love and devotion to them. \"Excuse me, but Y/N is still mine and always will be,\" says my annoying ex, who apparently wants to be killed. \"How many times have I told you that I don't love you anymore also you have a boyfriend and I love my killer boyfriend's they care about me so stop this fighting,\" I say turning around and telling my boyfriend's we should go and we left, leaving my ex looking at my boyfriend's angry. We came back home and we were tired so we got some rest.", "Jojo's POV \nI was waiting for Y/N to wake up while the others were at work, and he came out of his room for about 20 minutes. I went to him, and he stood like next to my leg he was tiny compared to my size. I'm a giant but that doesn't mean I can't treat a guy like Y/N he's the king I take him to my room. \"<b>Get on your knees baby</b>,\" I say looking at him with lust.\"<b>Strip my dearest</b>,\" I say with lust-filled eyes that scare him. He slowly takes his clothes off and I push him down on the bed I get on top of him he gasps when he feels something long poking him and I leave love bites all over his body. I start undressing he see what was poking him it was huge he don't think it can fit. I start rubbing his dick and ass and get down and bite his leg then soothes the bite with kisses and start positioning myself inside of him causing him to groan and moan loudly after a while of me dominating him with kisses and sex commands we take a shower together it was normal at first but then it turned to a heated make out. After showering we go out for a walk hand in hand. We spot his ex-girlfriend outside a store waiting for her boyfriend to come back, she spots him then walks up to him and hugs him without noticing me so I get next to him holding him close and furiously looking at his ex touching him without my consent. \"<b>Excuse me don't touch my husband my brothers warned you</b>,\" I say kissing him in front of his ex. Ex just looks at him and ignores me but then her boyfriend comes back and walks up to him like nothing happened. \"It was great seeing you Y/N Hope to see you again without your bodyguard,\" she said in a flirtatious tone then they walked to her car and drove. I was about to take out my anger on her (picture on the top) and start running to them but he stopped me and pulled me into a passionate kiss I calmed down and we headed back home and we made love but his phone rang I let a loud growl of irritation and my love looks at me confused. \"What's wrong babe,\" says the love of my life with a worried tone in his voice. One look at him and my anger melted away. \"<b>I can't believe she has the nerve to contact you again after what she has done earlier!</b>\" I say, trying to control my anger. \"<b>She has gone too far I could lose you if she takes you away from me she is flirtatious and I don't want to lose you!</b>\" I say, suddenly scared and realizing that was her plan. \"Everything is fine babe. I'll be fine.\" My love says, as I still think she will take him away from me. \"<b>Don't you dare say everything is fine she's a manipulator! I could lose you forever and if I lost you....</b>\" I say trailing off as I gazed deep into his eyes before I pulled him even closer to me and I kissed him passionately pouring all my love and desperation into the kiss. We stayed like that for a while until my love slowly broke apart. \" <b>I don't think I can live without you if anything happens to you because of her she's going to hurt you again</b>,\" I say still looking at him. \" I'm not going anywhere and you won't lose me also she has a boyfriend.\" My love promised before pulling me into another kiss. As we kissed I pounded deeper into him, he moaned into my mouth. I immediately grab my boyfriend's hard member and cried in ecstasy, I inserted two fingers inside his wet ass. My beloved grinded his ass while riding me hard. After a few bounces and thrusts, we cummed together, I came inside of him and he came on the bed and got on my dick. I pulled him into my arms after we were done. \"<b>That was amazing, sweetie</b>,\" I say grinning. \"<b>You are mine all mine you belong to me</b>.\" \" I'm yours forever and always.\" My precious angel says smiling happily. I pulled the covers on each other and turned off the lights so my beloved could get to sleep. I can finally rest easily knowing I will always protect my love from anything now that he's mine. The devil won't get him we are exhausted and fall asleep holding each other lovingly. ", "Y/N's POV \nI was in my room relaxing on my couch when I heard a noise outside and a knock at the door, I went to open it when I saw a spikey-haired klown looking at me it was Spikey one of my boyfriends. \"<b>Hello handsome, I have been thinking about you since we saw each other in your room the</b>\n<b>other night</b>,\" he says. \"Oh hey, Spikey\nhow are you,\" I say, a little bit nervous\nabout how he found out I was in my room.\"<b>I'm fine dear as I said I've been thinking about you a lot and I was stalking you these days, we didn't see each other</b>,\" says Spike with a possessive voice. \"Oh wow, you have been stalking me I am not surprised,\" I say looking at Spikey boldly. Spikey grabs me by my throat leaving me speechless. \"<b>You are mine</b>,\" says Spike letting go of me and he bit my neck harshly and it hurt me so I begged him to stop.\n\nSpikes POV\n\"You let her hug you without permission after all s<b>he has hurt you I won't say it again you belong to us</b>,\" I say to my love biting him again he begins moaning I smirk seductively and kiss his neck sweetly now. I begin stripping our clothes I couldn't wait anymore so I rammed inside of him and he got on top of me until we cummed into each other. \"Spikey listen to me Jojo told or more like warned her to stop touching me without his permission,\" says my beloved. \"<b>I'm sorry dear but you still belong to me so if I see her</b> <b>talking to you I will kill her and </b><b>her</b> <b>boyfriend and fucking you in front of them is that clear babe</b>, \"I say looking at my husband with a serious face. \"Yes, my love I understand,\" says my cute husband kissing me passionately but I wanted more so I made love to him three times before we got tired and we went to sleep.\nAN: sorry about the late chapter I couldn't think of anything else to write and I also have more books to write hopefully tomorrow there will be more great chapters. I will try to update more regularly\n" ]
Title: Loved By Killer Klowns From Outer Space Male Version Description: Y/N is an ordinary guy who lives alone in an apartment he spots some Klowns killing people with cotton candy cocoons they notice him, and they fall in love with him Tags: ['bibbo', 'chubby', 'family', 'fatso', 'frank', 'joe', 'jojo', 'jojotheklownzilla', 'jumbo', 'killerklownsfromouterspace', 'kkfos', 'klownzilla', 'lemon', 'love', 'loveatfirstsight', 'malereader', 'malexmale', 'protective', 'romance', 'romancefanfiction', 'rudy', 'shorty', 'slim', 'spike']
# face to face with killer klowns Y/N is awakened by the sound of his phone. He picks the phone up and presses dismiss. He stands up and goes to take a shower. A few minutes later, he gets in and puts on an F/C sweater and an F/C pants and shoes. He grabs his wallet and keys and goes to the store. Y/N sees some scary-looking klowns in the corner with some cotton candy cocoons. The klowns spot him standing and suddenly feel a strange feeling in their heart. They walk over to him, but he runs away. # the klowns kidnap Y/N Y/n pov I came back to my apartment, and I was still in shock seeing those klowns. Why is there cotton candy around the klowns? I look around no one is there except the klowns, my eyes widen as I see klowns staring at me. Did they follow me back to my apartment? I close the door quickly. I heard a strange noise on my door, I opened the door and came face to face with a large skinny klown with red hair. I try to run away, but the klown grabs me and carries me away from my home. just pretend that he grabs you and carries you. You are too shocked to scream # the klowns take Y/N to the tent/spaceship slims pov I carry him on my shoulder while my brothers follow me to the tent. I think to myself he's so handsome, I think I'm in love with him. I hear Shorty talking to her, "<b>What's your name</b>?" Shorty asks him. "My name is Y/N. What's yours?" Shorty answers, "<b>My name is Shorty, You have a beautiful name, Y/N.</b>" "Oh, thank you shorty". Y/N blushes hard. " <b>These are my brothers, Rudy</b> ( points at Rudy who is next to Slim), <b>and this is Slim</b>," he points to me. "N nice to meet you," says Y/N shyly. I smile sweetly while Rudy just looks at him with heart-filled eyes but doesn't say anything. " <b>Hi Y/n</b>," I say. Y/n just looks around the tent for a while until he looks at me and smiles. " I love your tent it's so colorful." I set Y/n on the bed. # Rudy's love for Y/N Rudy's POV I kept staring at Y/n while Slim put Y/n on the bed, "<b>Well, I got to check if everything is fine.</b>" Slim said and left, leaving me with Shorty, Jumbo, Bibbo, Fatso, and Spike. "<b>I'm going to my room</b>," said Shorty. "<b>Me too</b>," says Jumbo and Bibbo. Fatso just goes outside to explore. I see Spike smiling at Y/n. Y/n looks scared and grabs my hand. I look at him and smile sweetly and entwine our hands. I stare at Spike, "<b>Aren't you going</b>? " I say coldly. Spike storms off. I hold Y/n in my arms, "<b>he's gone now Y/n</b>", I say sweetly. He nods, "Thanks Rudy". I put him on my lap, and I looked into his e/c eyes, and he looked at mine. I get close to Y/n, and I feel him shivering at my touch, I lean forward and put my lips on his, I feel him shocked at first, but he gives in. It was a gentle kiss. I slowly pull away. He smiles at me before Y/n leans in and kisses me. "<b>You're welcome Y/n</b>", I say as he pulls away and hugs me. # Y/N shares his past with Rudy/romantic love Y/n POV I was sitting in bed with Rudy getting to know each other, "<b>So Y/n where are your parents</b>", Rudy said. I look down, "they abandoned me when I was 16," I say sadly. "<b>I'm sorry Y/n</b>", Rudy says. "It's okay, Rudy, they never loved me. No one loves me," I say. "<b>I love you Y/n and I'll protect you, and I'll be there for you</b>," says Rudy. "Thanks, Rudy. I love you too," I say, staring lovingly at him. Rudy leans in and kisses me softly, we pull apart, "So what is your favorite movie", I say. "<b>Rugrats in Paris</b>," says Rudy. My eyes widen, "That's my favorite movie too", I say. Then I remember, "What you said earlier that you love me and you'll protect me and be there for me was the song from The Rugrats", I say. " <b>Yes, but </b><b>I really</b><b> mean what I said</b>," says Rudy. I look at his eyes, and tears run down my eyes, "no one has ever said those kind words to me before," I say. Rudy gently grabs me and carries me to his lap. " I always wanted to be loved, but they treated me badly, saying I deserved pain and sadness," I say. "<b>Y/n my love you deserved to be treated with love, they are wrong you are </b><b>the most</b><b> sweetest person ever, you have a heart of gold please don't believe the lies they told you</b>", says Rudy. I passionately kiss him, and he looks at me with lust in his eyes. Lemon warning Rudy POV I look at Y/n lustfully as we kiss, and I feel his body yearning for me, but he's a little scared. "<b>What's wrong sweety</b>", I say. " I got heartbroken before, and I'm a virgin," says Y/n. "<b>Who broke your heart</b>", I say, angry. "This girl I dated for a year, she always hurt me and bullied me constantly," says Y/n. "<b>I will never let anyone hurt you anymore</b>," I say. He looks at me sweetly and leans in, and kisses me. I pull apart and start kissing his neck, chest, and thighs. I set y/n gently on the bed and lay on top of him. I slowly take off his clothes and kiss him all over his body, I take off my clothes and lay on top of him with my member inside of him. I slowly thrust as he grunts, moans, and screams. He kisses me and I feel him cumming on the bed after a few thrusts I cum inside of him and I pull out and lay down next to him. " <b>I love you Y/N</b>", I say. "I love you too," says Y/n, and we fall asleep in each other's arms. # sexy time with Shorty Y/N's POV I woke up with Rudy looking at me, "Good morning Rudy," I said, kissing Rudy on his lips. "<b>Good morning, love,</b>" says Rudy, kissing me back. I felt so happy I finally had someone to love, I really love Rudy so much who knew I would end up falling in love that easy and with a killer klown, also having a broken heart not so long ago. Rudy noticed my reactions or thoughts, and he sat up and pulled me to his lap. "<b>I know you're still in heartbreak, but I feel the same thing about you</b>," says Rudy, kissing me passionately. I closed my eyes and kissed him with the same passion. "I love you so that I will do anything for you, honey," I say looking into his eyes, it's true I would do anything for my Rudy little by little he's healed my heart. " I love you so much. I am willing to do anything for you too my love," says Rudy. I smile and give Rudy a kiss, "Honey, my heart healed and helped me find love again," I say. Rudy looked into my eyes and grabbed my hands, "<b>Y/N I know this is sudden but I want you to know that I want you to be my mate this means like a couple, here on earth it means boyfriend and boyfriend so will you be my mate/boyfriend?</b>" Rudy's POV I was waiting for Y/N's answer. I couldn't see his expression, and then I heard what I wanted most. "Yes, I love you so much," Y/N says, kissing me passionately. "So what are we doing today?" says my guy, looking at me sweetly. "<b>Babe, I have to work.  To  Do all day. I won't be able to be with you</b>," I say, kissing Y/N. He looks up at me sadly, " I wanted to be with you like we did," says Y/N, looking at me. " <b>I know, honey. I want that too, but I have to do something important</b>," I say, standing up, and grabbing my suit. " I understand. I love you. I'll see you later, love," says Y/N, grabbing his clothes and putting them on, walking up to me and kissing me passionately. I smile at him and wave goodbye, walking out of his bedroom. Y/N's POV After Rudy was gone I went to the bathroom ( I don't know if they have bathrooms or showers but I'll just put it down) and turned on the shower taking off my clothes and stepped inside. Not knowing someone was watching me, I took my time enjoying the water on my skin. After some time, I stepped out of the shower, dried my hair, put my clothes on, and walked out of the bathroom. I was about to go to the room when I spotted a room open. Shorty's POV (the moment we have been waiting for) I added a song while Shorty and Y/N were getting it on 😏 I was in my room when I heard Y/N's room open. I got excited and saw him going to the bathroom. I followed Y/N, he turned on the shower, started taking off his clothes, and stepped inside. I was looking at his body while he was washing his hair. How I wish I was inside with him touching him and kissing him, making him mine. Yes, I have been in love with Y/N since I saw him with my brothers, I fell in love deeply and I couldn't take my eyes off him but he ran away but now I have him, I know about him and Rudy but I don't care he's Mine and me and my brothers can have him too because we share everything and they also fell in love with Y/N but only them not other people I will kill the guys or girls who flirt or talk with our Y/N. (omg Shorty is a yandere now). I continued watching him until he turned off the water stepped out of the shower, and dried his hair. I was back in my room when he closed the bathroom and was about to go to his room when he spotted my door open. I saw him walking in and turned around and spotted me. "Oh hey there, Shorty, is this your room," says Y/N, hearing his voice made me hot. Oh, how I want to hear that voice while I make love to him. I nodded my head. I couldn't talk. My voice was out. All I could think about was his hot voice and his body. "Are you okay shorty", says my precious, who is standing there looking at me, worried. OH no, I can't take it anymore 'please baby don't look at me like that. "<b>I'm fine, Y/N</b>," I say, trying not to lose control. "Are you sure Shorty", says my love, stepping closer to me so that I can feel his breath intoxicating me. Oh my, I can't take it anymore. I might as well get on with it. I grabbed him and slammed my lips on his, putting my tongue inside. I hear him groan and moan and try to get away, but I tighten my grip on him so he can't get away from me. "S- shorty w- what a-are you doing," says my love, looking at me with his beautiful eyes. "<b>I love you Y/N</b>", I say as my lips go on his neck, leaving a little bite mark. "Mm, mm shorty, please stop," says my love, trying to resist me. "<b>Don't try resisting it baby you want me as bad as I want you</b>," I say as I continue leaving little bite marks all over his body. I feel him shiver against my body. "Shorty, please don't do that," says my love, resisting me. Oh, baby, you won't be able to resist me any longer. Mmmm, you taste so good. "<b>Come on baby, you want me to give it to me,</b>" I say as I kiss his sweet lips. "Mmmmm shorty", says my love, finally giving up and giving me what I want. Oh yes, baby, I want your love. "<b>That's it, baby, oh yes, give into the passion</b>," I say as he kisses me back. I push him on the wall and start ravaging him. Lemon warning, listen to the music here Y/N's POV I tried to resist Shorty, but I couldn't anymore once he said to give in to the passion, and I kissed him back. He pushed me into the wall and started ravaging me again. "Mmmmmmm oh shorty," I say as he started touching my cock and asshole. "<b>You like it baby oh I'm going to make you mine</b>," says Shorty putting his fat fingers inside ( lol fat fingers that made me laugh) my ass and going in and out. I moaned as he continued to finger fuck me. "Shorty please", I say as he continues to touch my ass. "<b>Please what baby</b>", says Shorty looking at me and placing his lips on mine. I moaned and kissed him back. "Mmmmm please Shorty make me yours", I say as I start taking off his pantsuit and stroking his member. "<b>Mmmmm Y/N you so dirty and sweet, </b><b>y</b><b>ou</b> <b>my</b><b> </b><b>guy do you like it baby</b>", says Shorty while I keep stroking his member. "Shorty I don't think we should be doing this", I say as my mind thinks about Rudy. I can't break Rudy's heart I love him so much I'm his boyfriend, his guy. It wouldn't be fair if I did this to him. "<b>Don't you dare say we shouldn't do this, oh and if it's because of Rudy don't worry I know about you and my brother I don't mind if we share everything</b>", says Shorty biting my lips with his sharp teeth, How does he know about me and Rudy? While I was thinking that, Shorty started taking my clothes off and dragged me to the bed where he pulled me in his lap facing him. He put his hard dick inside me. I looked into his eyes, pleading to stop, but his eyes told me he wouldn't stop. Shorty's POV I began going up and down as my precious kept looking at me, tears going down his cheeks. "<b>Aww, my precious don't cry. I love you so much,</b>" I say while kissing him and continuing thrusting inside of him. I notice a spark in his eyes. He begins to put his arms around me and kisses me and I feel so close to cum I also noticed he's about to cum too. "<b>Oh baby let's cum together</b>", I say as I thrust harder inside of my guy. Y/N started to cum so he cummed on the bed and I started to also cum inside him. We stayed like this until Y/N's stomach growled and we stood up I grabbed his hand and led him to the storage facility. I grabbed a cotton candy cocoon gun and blasted it on the floor. Y/N's face showed fear when I started blasting the gun. I grabbed the cotton candy and stepped closer to my Y/N. "<b>Open your mouth Y/N</b>", I say as I put the candy close to his lips. He immediately opens his mouth and I put the sweet inside his mouth. After I fed him the treat I gave him a vitamin drink and we went back to my room and talked for a while. I put Y/N on my lap and kissed him. He leaned into me his lips kissing me hungrily. I put my arms around him and slowly kissed his neck. He started to groan and moan and I felt his body heat up. I bit down on his neck and licked it. I looked at my guy and I could see love in his eyes. He looked at me and licked his lips then kissed me passionately. The kiss started to get heated and lustful. Y/N tasted very sweet as we kissed. Suddenly he pulled away from me. He went back to his room and I followed after him. I saw him on the bed looking sad and turned to look at me. " I was in love with a girl who was sweet at first then she changed and started hurting me," says my love with tears running down his eyes. "She would abuse me because I was different from her and not even my parents loved me so after she confessed that she never loved me I was heartbroken but not as heartbroken when she left me for another man", says Y/N with an empty look in his eyes. I came close to him and hugged him very tightly. "<b>I'll never let you go I love you so much Y/N</b>", I say looking at him and putting his hand on my chest where my heart is. "I'll never use you and hurt you like she did we will never let that happen and we will never let him hurt you again, you belong to us and only us my precious", I say closing the distance between us. Y/N closed her eyes and kissed me putting his hands on my cheeks. I kissed back passionately holding him in my arms. For once in his life he is finally loved and cherished. He is finally complete our precious little man, our Y/N, MY Y/N. I closed my eyes satisfied that he was mine no one would dare touch him because if they did we would kill anyone who talked to him or took him away from us or me. " I love you Shorty", Y/N says after we kiss. " <b>I love you too Y/N</b>", I say, smiling happily that I finally got him. # having a mental breakdown because of devil ex Y/N's POV After Shorty's and my time together, I was kinda sleepy, so Shorty told me he would let me rest for a while. When I woke up, I heard my phone buzzing. I checked my phone and saw some messages on Instagram from Xgf/N(ex-girlfriend's name). I rolled my eyes and checked them out. Xgf/N: Hey Y/N EX: Y/N are you there? Ex started a video chat The video chat ended. Call back Ex started a video chat Xgf/N: Y/N Me: What do you want? Xgf/N: we need to talk. Me: What is there to talk about? You made it clear. Xgf/N: I made a huge mistake. I know I hurt you, but I changed. Me: I Xgf/N: Y/N, are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you I closed my phone and was screaming, and I was having one of the episodes I thought I was recovering from. I was throwing stuff while having a panic attack. The klowns POV ( all of them) We heard our love screaming and crying and throwing stuff, we went to his room and saw him on the floor with everything on the floor and his phone on the ground. We pick up our beloved from the ground wrap our arms around him and comfort him. We see his phone light up and see his ex calling him, so that's the reason he's like this it's her fault, she broke him. Slim's POV So my brothers and I decided to answer her. I pressed the green button, and we immediately saw her face. Shorty made a disgusted face. I had to agree with him that she is way too ugly for someone like our Y/N, and she doesn't deserve him. He's too innocent for her, and she has tainted that innocence. Xgf/N and I kept staring at each other. "Who tf are you?" She says while looking at me with those big eyes of hers. I looked around her house, there were clothes on the floor, the bed not made, and food all over the place, this was not the right girl for our Y/N. I'm glad he's not with her. Shorty takes the phone out of my hands. "<b>He's our boyfriend</b>," he says while glaring at that piece of trash. Y/N's ex laughs so loudly. " Clearly, he doesn't know how to choose. He has bad taste in boyfriends or relationships," she says, still laughing so hard. Now I'm starting to hate her very much. "I would watch what you say we don't like how you are speaking to us and our Y/N, you have done enough damage to him", I say as I turn the camera around and show a damaged Y/N. She looks at him, shocked, and looks at him up and down. I get angry and pull him next to me and kiss him in front of her. He tenses at first, then kisses back, putting his hands on my cheeks, and deepening the kiss. I smile while Shorty is showing this douchbag that he's ours. She clears her throat, and that magical moment between us is ruined by this worthless piece of shit. We turn around, showing how angry we are. " What do you want, Xgf/N?" Our beloved says as he glares at her annoyed with her. "I still love you Y/N", she says with a look in her eyes. "We talked about this Xgf/N I don't love you I will never love you, you hurt me so much, you abused me did lots of things that haunt me til this day," our love says without emotion in his eyes. I hate seeing him so cold-hearted because of her. Even though his touch changes, when he turns to me, his expression softens, and I can see his insecurities and emotions with us. I grab his phone end the call, and hug him. He's been through so much. He closes his eyes and rests. You're so innocent, love, he doesn't belong in this cruel world. We all kiss him and leave the room thinking of ways to protect him from anyone who hurts him or takes him away from us. # Slim protecting Y/N because he's scared of losing him to his evil ex Slim's POV I was waiting for Y/N to wake up. An hour passed, and I was getting worried, so I went to his room he was still sleeping with his phone flashing. I saw him starting to wake up. He spots me and hugs me. "Hey, Slim," says my beloved as he leans towards me and kisses me. I hold him in my arms, and I see the lust in his eyes. A growl lets out of my lips as I lick my lips seductively causing him to shake with want. Clearly, he wants it. I'll give him what we want. Lemon warning Y/N's POV I noticed a bulge in Slim's clown suit, and I smirked seductively, Slim looked at me with lust showing. I get Slim's clown suit and boxers down and his cock is out I put my mouth on it saliva gets on his dick. I hear Slim moaning, more saliva goes down his cock. "<b>Keep going sweetie</b>," says Slim as he moans louder. I feel Slim's fingers inside of my jeans as I continue sucking on his dick. Slim unbuttoned my jeans and took my boxers off as well. An hour has passed and he cummed inside my mouth, I swallow it and he turns me around. "<b>Time for some real fun</b>," says Slim as he takes off my sweater, and f/c shirt(favorite color). Slim inserts his dick inside of my ass it slips easily inside from all the spit that came from my mouth. I groan and moan really loudly it feels very good, I'm on cloud nine. "Slim faster please," I say moaning even louder. He goes faster and I scream/ moan in his ear, he suddenly picks me up with his dick still inside of me and we gently land on the bed with him on top of me. Slim thrusts deep inside of me and hits my prostate I moan in ecstasy, and I reach forward and kiss Slim passionately. He groans as I kiss him and slips his fingers inside my ass, his fingers feel good inside of me. I was about to cum but Slim switched places with me, I'm on top now. Slim's POV My beloved was on top and I was at the bottom he felt so good I was in ecstasy as he began to move, I pounded into him hard and he groaned and moaned loudly. Just as I was about to grab my boyfriend's hard member his phone was flashing and that stupid ugly ex of his was shown on the screen, I let out a loud growl of irritation and my love looked at me confused. "What's wrong babe," says the love of my life with a worried tone in his voice. One look at him and my anger melted away. "<b>I can't believe she has the nerve to contact you again after what she has done!</b>" I say, trying to control my anger. "<b>She has gone too far I could lose you if she takes you away from me and I don't want to lose you!</b>" I say, suddenly scared and realizing that was her plan. "Everything is fine babe. I'll be fine." My love says, as I still think she will take him away from me. "<b>Don't you dare say everything is fine! I could lose you forever and if I lost you....</b>" I say trailing off as I gazed deep into his eyes before I pulled him even closer to me and I kissed him passionately pouring all my love and desperation into the kiss. We stayed like that for a while until my love slowly broke apart. "<b>I don't think I can live without you if anything happens to you because of her</b>," I say still looking at him. "I'm not going anywhere and you won't lose me." My love promised before pulling me into another kiss. As we kissed I pounded deeper into him, he moaned into my mouth. I immediately grabbed my boyfriend's hard member and cried in ecstasy, I inserted two fingers inside his wet ass. My beloved grinded his ass while riding me hard. After a few bounces and thrusts, we cummed together, I came inside of him and he came on the bed. I pulled him into my arms after we were done. "<b>That was amazing, sweetie</b>," I say grinning. "<b>You are mine all mine you belong to me.</b>" " I'm yours forever and always." My precious angel says smiling happily. I pulled the covers on each other and turned off the lights so my beloved could get to sleep. I can finally rest easily knowing I will always protect my love from anything now that he's mine. # Jumbo spies on Y/N and Slim then getting some action too A/N So the picture above is Jumbo wanting to kill the reader's ex because she was flirting with him, don't worry all the klowns are the reader's boyfriends so he can tame them. There will be dominating and stuff like Jumbo being Y/N's master Besides being boyfriend and boyfriend there is more and Jumbo wants more because he loves Y/N so much and wants him for himself besides sharing with his brothers only no one else can have him. Jumbo's POV I was at home hearing everything my brother and my angel said. I was there when Slim entered our love's room and kissed him passionately and seducing my angel to want him and fucking him. I wished I was Slim he made him his and I was there spying on them with my dick hard. God, I wished he would want me as much as I want him and to have him crave me every day. Begging for me to make love to him hard and fast, hearing him groaning and moaning loudly and sucking my dick fast. Oh, how I love you, baby. I want you to love me as I am deeply in love with you I want to touch you, kiss you make you mine. After my brother cummed inside of our love they made a promise to each other and my brother told my angel he is his. Ever since I saw him with the wind blowing through his h/l hair and those beautiful eyes of his kill me every time I see him. I like the smell and his s/c ( skin color)skin and the way he makes me feel every time I see him or I'm near him. I love that mouth of his natural gorgeous lips of his all-natural red or pink, I wish he would kiss me like he kisses my brothers. I want to wake up with him to make love after going places as a couple. He looks beautiful with anything he wears he gives me a fever. ( can klowns even get a fever I don't know let's just stick to that part). He speeds up my heartbeat every time, I like everything about him. I can't choose which parts of his body I want because I like everything about him. He likes wearing f/c clothes that match. For him I would eat anything he wants even healthy food I control myself and be quiet because I really want to have all of him that ass of his has gotten me addicted since I saw it, kissing those lips of his. I have seen him doing every sex position so we will do it too all day and night. Apple and Aloe Vera Shampoo his channel number 5 or Fresh and Clean from Victoria's Secret ( or any other shampoo and cologne I use this type of shampoo and perfume) he drives me crazy from head to toe. Soon we will be together forever baby and get married. They fall asleep and I do too in my bed dreaming about my sweet baby. Inside Jumbo's Fantasies Lemon warning ( yes jumbo's fantasies are about fucking Y/N and dominating him) play the song here So I am in my room talking to my angel and getting to know him better I was being his psychiatrist because he is still timid and shy he had trouble saying no to bad people who use him to their advantage. It was a hot day so he took off his sweater under his f/c shirt and I was staring at him as he looked at me blushing shyly, it's so cute how he gets so shy and then talks normally. He sat down on my bed, his leg would shake nervously when he would answer the questions I asked. I stopped talking and I leaned forward causing him to look up into my eyes. He blushes getting lost in my eyes. I put my hands on his cheeks. I kissed his lips softly at first then I began dominating his mouth he kissed back shyly. He tasted sweet and intoxicating. I pick him up and put him on my lap holding his waist, as I kiss him he grinds his ass on my dick. He gasped when he felt my hard dick. I could smell his arousal it's so intoxicating, I suddenly grind my cloth erection under his. I couldn't take it anymore and I pinned her down on the bed. He let out a small groan and moan as I was on top of my guy. "<b>I never thought you could be this dirty and needy for a shy person like yourself and it's all for me</b>," I say as I see him trying to control his urges I immediately rub his ass and dick with my fingers I feel it soaking wet in his boxers then I position myself inside of him and start thrusting, my love starts groaning and moaning and as I was about to cum inside him when I wake up. I get up and make my bed when I see my sweet angel getting out of his room I notice it is quiet so I approach him. "Oh hi, Jumbo I thought you left with the others," my love says closing the door. He is wearing a beautiful F/C clothes. I suddenly kiss him and take him to my room. Y/N's POV Jumbo takes me to his room and starts kissing me I have to admit Jumbo scares me but it also excites me and turns me on at the same time. "<b>Strip my dearest</b>," Jumbo says with lust-filled eyes that scare me. I slowly take my clothes off and Jumbo pushes me down on the bed he gets on top of me I gasp when I feel something long poking me and he leaves love bites all over my body. Jumbo starts undressing I see what was poking me it's huge I don't think it can fit. He starts rubbing my ass and dick and gets down and bites my leg then soothes the bite with kisses and starts positioning himself inside of me causing me to groan and moan loudly after a while of him dominating me with kisses and sex commands we take a shower together it was normal at first but then it turned to a heated make out. After showering we go out for a walk hand in hand. We spot my ex-girlfriend outside a store waiting for her boyfriend to come back, she spots me then walks up to me and hugs me without noticing Jumbo gets next to me holding me close and furiously looking at ex touching me without my consent. "<b>Excuse me don't touch my Y/N</b>," Jumbo says kissing me in front of my ex. Ex just looks at me and ignores Jumbo but then her boyfriend comes back and walks up to him like nothing happened. "It was great seeing you Y/N Hope to see you again," she said in a flirtatious tone then they walked to her car and drove. Jumbo takes out his mallet (picture on the top) and starts running to them but I stop him and pull him into a passionate kiss he calms down and we head back home and we make love until we are exhausted and fall asleep holding each other lovingly. # Spike controls Y/N and bites him Y/N's POV I was lying on my bed when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and I saw Spike. I smiled at him but was confused so I let him in and sat on my bed waiting for him to talk he grabbed me by my arms and he bit my neck harshly and it hurt me so I begged him to stop. Spikes POV "<b>You let her</b><b> hug you without permission after all he has hurt you I won't say it again you belong to us,</b>" I say to my love biting him again he begins groaning and moaning I smirk seductively and kiss his neck sweetly now. I begin stripping our clothes I couldn't wait anymore so I rammed inside of him and he got on top of me until we cummed into each other and went to sleep. AN: sorry about the short chapter I couldn't think of anything else to write tomorrow will be a great chapter also Y/N dresses like a girl sometimes. # celebrating halloween with the klowns Y/N's POV Today is Halloween 🎃 and my klown boyfriends love Halloween a lot we decorated the house with Halloween decorations I got my boyfriends their costumes I also made their favorite cookies and food I couldn't sleep so I woke up early and took a relaxing bath because I am excited. I put in calming salts to relieve the tension I felt, and then after the bath, I put on my Halloween outfit and waited for my boyfriends to wake up. Killer Klowns POV We woke up, got dressed in our Halloween outfits, and went to the living room to see our love waiting for us. We got our Halloween baskets ready and we ate cookies and milk and played outside scaring people even though it was super cold we enjoyed it. We made more cookies together we watched Halloween movies and we prepared the candy for the trick-or-treaters. We made lunch together, too. Y/N ate more cookies than us. Y/N's POV My boyfriends and I made bloody eggs and sausage for lunch, and I made myself regular eggs and sausage and cheese and put some red food coloring. After lunch, we went to the store and made little individual cakes with frosting for everyone for dinner. We watched TV almost all day after dinner we went trick or treating for a while then came back home and gave out candy. we watched more Halloween movies and all went to bed and slept. # celebrating Christmas with the klowns Y/N's POV Today is Christmas ⛄ and my klown boyfriends love Christmas a lot we decorated the Christmas tree I got my boyfriend's their presents I also made their favorite cookies and food I couldn't sleep so I woke up early and took a relaxing bath because I was excited. I put in calming salts to relieve the tension I felt, then after the bath, I put on my Christmas outfit and waited for my boyfriends to wake up. Killer Klowns POV We woke up, got dressed in our Christmas outfits, and went to the living room to see our love waiting for us. We opened our presents and ate cookies and milk played outside in the snow even though it was super cold we enjoyed it. We made more cookies together we watched Christmas movies we used our Christmas presents. We made lunch together, too. Y/N ate more cookies than us. Y/N's POV My boyfriends and I made bloody eggs and sausage for lunch, and I made myself regular eggs and sausage cheese and put some red and green food coloring. After lunch, we went to the store and made little individual cakes with frosting for everyone for dinner. We watched TV almost all day after dinner. we all went to bed and slept. # fighting your Y/N's love A fight between killer boyfriends and Y/N's ex-girlfriend for his love Y/N's POV I was with my boyfriend's killing and storing the cotton candy cocoons while eating some non-poisonous cotton candy and popcorn I turned around and saw my boyfriend's working still I suddenly got this love-sick feeling and I walked to them and started kissing all of my killer boyfriend's this sick feeling is I've fallen deeply in love with them and I want to show my devotion and love for them. I told my boyfriend's that I wanted to help them kill alone. They agreed and waited for their victim. I was pretending to be hurt by them. "Help me please monstrous klowns want to kill me, somebody, somebody please help me." I was pretending to shake in fear thanks with the help of my killer klowns that made me look like I barely survived them with my tattered clothes and messed up hair with popcorn on it. I had to drag myself, making it look believable, all covered in bruises and sweat. I saw someone coming to me, and I smiled to myself as the "victim" came closer to me, and I could see their face. Oh no, it's my stupid ex-girlfriend with a worried face, then carries me in her arms bridal style. "Xgf/N let me go," I say to her as her grip tightens on me. "No, I knew they kidnapped you and hurt you, they threatened you so you let them kiss and fuck you pretending to be your boyfriend's which is not true I will keep you safe my love," Xgf/N says still carrying me as I look at her weirdly as my boyfriend's approach us with a mad look on their faces. Oh no, they're mad right now what are they thinking- my thoughts were interrupted by my boyfriend's pulling me out of Xgf/N's arms to their side then they started kissing me, some on my neck, and took turns kissing me on my lips. They bite my lips hard and then turn around to face my ex. "<b>He isn't yours anymore he's ours</b>," they say, growling at her. A trickle of blood goes down my neck, but Spiky licks it while staring at my ex. "<b>Don't dare touch our husband again or we are going to kill you or hurt your boyfriend</b>," my boyfriend's, or should I say, my husband's say, looking at me with love in their eyes. " You're husband, I'm your husband," I say with tears in my eyes. "Yes darling our husband <b>we love you so much we can't lose you to an asshole like your, ex</b>," they say pleading their love for me and I really want to marry them so badly and I kiss them so sweetly showing my husband's my love and devotion to them. "Excuse me, but Y/N is still mine and always will be," says my annoying ex, who apparently wants to be killed. "How many times have I told you that I don't love you anymore also you have a boyfriend and I love my killer boyfriend's they care about me so stop this fighting," I say turning around and telling my boyfriend's we should go and we left, leaving my ex looking at my boyfriend's angry. We came back home and we were tired so we got some rest. # spicy time with Jojo and going on a date but ex shows up again Jojo's POV I was waiting for Y/N to wake up while the others were at work, and he came out of his room for about 20 minutes. I went to him, and he stood like next to my leg he was tiny compared to my size. I'm a giant but that doesn't mean I can't treat a guy like Y/N he's the king I take him to my room. "<b>Get on your knees baby</b>," I say looking at him with lust."<b>Strip my dearest</b>," I say with lust-filled eyes that scare him. He slowly takes his clothes off and I push him down on the bed I get on top of him he gasps when he feels something long poking him and I leave love bites all over his body. I start undressing he see what was poking him it was huge he don't think it can fit. I start rubbing his dick and ass and get down and bite his leg then soothes the bite with kisses and start positioning myself inside of him causing him to groan and moan loudly after a while of me dominating him with kisses and sex commands we take a shower together it was normal at first but then it turned to a heated make out. After showering we go out for a walk hand in hand. We spot his ex-girlfriend outside a store waiting for her boyfriend to come back, she spots him then walks up to him and hugs him without noticing me so I get next to him holding him close and furiously looking at his ex touching him without my consent. "<b>Excuse me don't touch my husband my brothers warned you</b>," I say kissing him in front of his ex. Ex just looks at him and ignores me but then her boyfriend comes back and walks up to him like nothing happened. "It was great seeing you Y/N Hope to see you again without your bodyguard," she said in a flirtatious tone then they walked to her car and drove. I was about to take out my anger on her (picture on the top) and start running to them but he stopped me and pulled me into a passionate kiss I calmed down and we headed back home and we made love but his phone rang I let a loud growl of irritation and my love looks at me confused. "What's wrong babe," says the love of my life with a worried tone in his voice. One look at him and my anger melted away. "<b>I can't believe she has the nerve to contact you again after what she has done earlier!</b>" I say, trying to control my anger. "<b>She has gone too far I could lose you if she takes you away from me she is flirtatious and I don't want to lose you!</b>" I say, suddenly scared and realizing that was her plan. "Everything is fine babe. I'll be fine." My love says, as I still think she will take him away from me. "<b>Don't you dare say everything is fine she's a manipulator! I could lose you forever and if I lost you....</b>" I say trailing off as I gazed deep into his eyes before I pulled him even closer to me and I kissed him passionately pouring all my love and desperation into the kiss. We stayed like that for a while until my love slowly broke apart. " <b>I don't think I can live without you if anything happens to you because of her she's going to hurt you again</b>," I say still looking at him. " I'm not going anywhere and you won't lose me also she has a boyfriend." My love promised before pulling me into another kiss. As we kissed I pounded deeper into him, he moaned into my mouth. I immediately grab my boyfriend's hard member and cried in ecstasy, I inserted two fingers inside his wet ass. My beloved grinded his ass while riding me hard. After a few bounces and thrusts, we cummed together, I came inside of him and he came on the bed and got on my dick. I pulled him into my arms after we were done. "<b>That was amazing, sweetie</b>," I say grinning. "<b>You are mine all mine you belong to me</b>." " I'm yours forever and always." My precious angel says smiling happily. I pulled the covers on each other and turned off the lights so my beloved could get to sleep. I can finally rest easily knowing I will always protect my love from anything now that he's mine. The devil won't get him we are exhausted and fall asleep holding each other lovingly. # Spikey controls Y/N and bites him(better version) Y/N's POV I was in my room relaxing on my couch when I heard a noise outside and a knock at the door, I went to open it when I saw a spikey-haired klown looking at me it was Spikey one of my boyfriends. "<b>Hello handsome, I have been thinking about you since we saw each other in your room the</b> <b>other night</b>," he says. "Oh hey, Spikey how are you," I say, a little bit nervous about how he found out I was in my room."<b>I'm fine dear as I said I've been thinking about you a lot and I was stalking you these days, we didn't see each other</b>," says Spike with a possessive voice. "Oh wow, you have been stalking me I am not surprised," I say looking at Spikey boldly. Spikey grabs me by my throat leaving me speechless. "<b>You are mine</b>," says Spike letting go of me and he bit my neck harshly and it hurt me so I begged him to stop. Spikes POV "You let her hug you without permission after all s<b>he has hurt you I won't say it again you belong to us</b>," I say to my love biting him again he begins moaning I smirk seductively and kiss his neck sweetly now. I begin stripping our clothes I couldn't wait anymore so I rammed inside of him and he got on top of me until we cummed into each other. "Spikey listen to me Jojo told or more like warned her to stop touching me without his permission," says my beloved. "<b>I'm sorry dear but you still belong to me so if I see her</b> <b>talking to you I will kill her and </b><b>her</b> <b>boyfriend and fucking you in front of them is that clear babe</b>, "I say looking at my husband with a serious face. "Yes, my love I understand," says my cute husband kissing me passionately but I wanted more so I made love to him three times before we got tired and we went to sleep. AN: sorry about the late chapter I couldn't think of anything else to write and I also have more books to write hopefully tomorrow there will be more great chapters. I will try to update more regularly
I am Rider Psyga/White ranger(Male reader x crossover Harem)
Welcome to verse city home to worlds supposed heroes of the world that are trained in Union there they teach people with powers how to defense people and save them has they learn to be Heroes,huntsmen or huntresses,I.S pilots,Magus,Ninja and other things but sadly that is all fake has those kinds of people this days only care about fame,money and women but there's at least one person who see this and his name is Y/N L/N the Kamen rider Psyga/Power ranger white Dino ranger has he fights both people from evil and does who think they are good while also getting attention from some girls (Do remember that like always that the wide range of games, anime's, and comic books, the characters, fanart, images and videos/gif are not own by me)
[ "bolthund", "crossover", "dinothunder", "fakeheroesvsvillains", "harem", "kamennrider", "lemon", "malereader", "powerrangers", "psyga", "union", "vigilante", "whiteranger", "zords" ]
[ "Y/N BIO", "Harem ", "Friends/allies", "Enemies ", "Chapter 1:The first vigilante ", "Chapter 2:Meeting the eyepatch I.S pilot ", "Chapter 3:Nice chat with the White queen " ]
[ "Name:Y/N L/N\nage:20\nCodenames:Kamen rider Psyga and White Ranger\n\nLikes:True heroes, vigilantes, his zords, flying around, bolthund, his Pokémon, his girls, power rangers, Kamen riders, pizza, Pokémon trainers(the good ones), his regular life, saving people and a lot of other things \n\nDislikes:Union, fake heroes, Villains (but there are some he respects like Roman) perverts, rapist, anyone who hurts his Pokémon, factions, evil and evil actions of any kind and a lot of others things \n\nAbilities:\n1.Inhuman Strength \n2.Inhuman Speed\n3.Agility\n4.Durability \n5.High amount of stamina \n6.Strong senses \n7.Healing factor \n8.Camouflage or Cloaking\n9.Skilled in hand to hand combat \n10.Skilled with many melee weapons and forearms \n11.Ki control \n12.Stealthy \n\nBattle clothes \n\ndouble bladed sword:Kindred \n\nSB-315B Psyga driver \n\nPsyga forms \n1.Regular \n\n2.Jetpack mode\n\nWeapons:Edge Tonfas \n\n\nWhite Dino morpher \n\nWhite ranger forms \n1.Regular \n\n2.Super Dino mode \n\nWeapon:Drago dagger \n\nZords \n1.Dragozord\n\n2.Stegazord\n\nMegazord \n\nVehicles\n1.Delta bike\n\n3.Drago runner\n\nPokemon companion:Boltund \n\nAttacks \n1.Crunch \n2.Flame Charge \n3.Thunderbolt \n4.Rising Voltage \n\nHis Pokémon/Pokémon Team:", "1.Coco and Velvet \n\n2.Miruko\n\n3.Mina\n\n4.Asia \n\n5.Laura \n\n6.Kagura and Naraku\n\n7.Ryōki\n\n8.Baobhan,Barghest and Mélusine\n\n9.Hilda\n\n10.Esdeath\n\n11.Akagi and Kaga\n\n12.Agent\n\n13.Gold Third\n\n14.Jolyne\n\n15.Mitsuru\n\n16.Mai\n\n17.Power Girl\n\n18.Emma Frost\n\n19.Psylocke\n\n20.Yellow Dino ranger and Kamen rider Marika", "1.Tommy Oliver(Green ranger)\n\n2.Wes Collins(Red ranger)\n\n3.Takeshi Hongo(Kamen rider Ichigo)\n\n4.Takumi Inui(Kamen rider Faiz)\n\n5.Nezu \n\n6.Ingenium \n\n7.Aizawa a.k.a Eraserhead \n\n8.Gran Torino \n\n9.Wild Wild Pussy cats \n\n10.Qrow Branwen \n\n11.Fox and Yatsuhashi \n\n12.Vali\n\n13.Yasaka\n\n 14.Sayuri \n\n15.Red Hood a.k.a Jason Todd\n\n16.The defenders \n\n17.Elite four \n\n18.Jotaro \n\n19.Ragna \n\n20.Rachel ", "1.Zetrax\n\n2.Kamen rider Orga \n\n3.Kamen rider Delta \n\n4.Headmasters(except Nezu)\n\n5.Chifuyu\n\n6.League of Villains\n\n7.Raven \n\n8.Salem \n\n9.Rias Peerage \n\n10.Team RWBY\n\n11.Justice League\n\n12.Avengers \n\n13.Hakumen\n\n14.Hazama\n\n15.Union T-dolls \n\n16.Eagle union \n\n17.CPU's \n\n18.Ninja girls from Union \n\n19.Gudako\n\n20.Night raid\n\n\nOther enemies:\n21.Team Zodiac\n22.Senki shu\n23.Young justice\n24.Sona's peerage\n25.Dc villains\n26.Marvel villains \n27.Shirou Emiya \n28.evil guns\n29.Azreal(Blazeblue)\n30.Dino monsters \n31.Sirens \n32.Yoma\n33.Phantom task  \n34.Jin", "<b>\"Welcome to verse a world filled with very interesting people you could say there are those who are born with quirks which are people with super powers with some being able to change a person to a humanoid animal </b>\n\n<b>then you have the ones that use aura which is a shield people are born well specific people has it also grants them a semblance which is also a superpower adding to that those who can fully use aura are called Faunus humans that have attributes of animals </b>\n\n<b>next you have those of the supernatural world the main ones being devils,fallen Angels and Angels has they bring magic abs the evils being peerages a group of people that have powers that granted by chess pieces and there those who wield sacred gears which are artifacts that have increasingly abilities some can even called god killers </b>\n\n<b>After those three you have those who are ninjas warriors who fight in the shadows and with honor only that changed when only girls could become ninjas and it changed the rules completely of the ninja world has the ninjas of now relay more on power than in there skill</b>\n\n<b>Next you the I.S pilots girls who have had a connection with a mechanical robot suit which they use for air battles and on the ground there are different versions of the mechs because it all depends on the skill of the pilot and there abilities </b>\n\n<b>Up next is the Magus humans who like the supernatural beings have learned how to use magic and they've used it for there every day lives has beyond that they are able to summon heroes of the past or great historical beings who have lived ones in verse</b>\n\n<b>You have then the trainers Pokémon trainers who are humans that go on adventures to capture creatures that are called Pokémon and battle with them,to form bond with them and heck even fall in love with them only those who are powerless have taken on this role </b>\n\n<b>Then you have those that use Imperial Arm's which are dangerous weapons that can even kill there user or host there are about 48 of them but only some have had the privilege and the ability to master them without dying</b>\n\n<b>Then you have those that are called CPU's which are goddesses in the bodies of girls not many are chosen and only the original goddesses can decide there successors but there have been some that have the powers of a goddesses and could even match them </b>\n\n<b>After you have the ship girls and the T-Dolls which are artificial beings created by either a specific type gun or a specific type of battle ship each one has there own personality and there on abilities with some also being siblings</b>\n\n<b>After them you have those that have Stands and Persona's which are beings or shadows people world inside them while Stands can only be in specific people and cannot be seen by all Persona's are those who have dark shadows in them and can be seen by all but both beings have a link so if either a stand or persona user gets hurt or there friend gets hurt they'll receive equal damage </b>\n\n<b>Then you hand those who have infused magic into there body or into there weapons or can uses it for other means like the azure which is wield by a very cool person </b>\n\n<b>Lastly you have those who hand had the privilege to become heroes or have find power to be ones but besides those there those that are called mutants which are powerless people being born with powers ever seen they were but little babies there not many of them but there are has some fight fir there kind others protect the humans</b>\n\n<b>All those fifteen types of things are what define the people of verse had there are those with incredible skill dnd power there are those who don't get lucky like them a lot are not born with power,are not given that power nor did the Pokémon ever wanted them this people are titled the powerless or quirkless they are the ones who get mistreated and abused by society who at the beginning was peaceful was now turned into a corrupted system that only specific few noticed it one of them who noticed this corruption was the first one who went against the corrupt society he is called many names but the one his known for the most was vigilante not yoyr regular anti hero no he was the first anti hero / Vigilante but there are two name that define him and those are\"</b>\n\nVerse city night has fallen down and the people are either in there homes or partying but the nights aren't always the best has villains like to strike more on those times has we see a group of fifteen thugs walking in an alleyway has they walk towards the back door of a store had one them is lock piking \n\nThug 1:Come on man hurry up we don't want get caught already \n\nThug 2:Dude do you think this is easy it took me five years to learn how to lock pick calm your balls \n\nThug 1:I'll calm them when you get that stupid door open \n\nWhile some of the thugs are guarding the two entrances to alleyway a group of four thugs were close to the door has they talked amongst each other \n\nThug 3:Hey \n\nThug 4/5/6:Yeah?\n\nThug 3:Have you guys ever heard the rumors about the first vigilante?\n\nThug 4:Oh you mean the guy who started the hole anti hero business yeah heard they been popping up again \n\nThug 5:Really?tsk! we better finish this quick I don't want to die yet \n\nThug 6:Wait wait what are you guys talking about first vigilante?\n\nThe other three thugs look at the him surprised for what he ask \n\nThug 4:Wait you never heard of the first vigilante \n\nThug 6:Nah dude never heard nor seen \n\nThug 3:Then your lucky you have t seen him you want to be one of his many kills \n\nThug 6:Huh?!\n\nThug 5:You really don't know anything do you?\n\nThug 6:No\n\nThug 4:Well to keep you a short summary the first vigilante was the one who started the hole anti hero business is said that he started ever seen a All might began his career has a hero \n\n(A/N:Just do you guys know the Dino gem slowed Y/N aging)\n\nThug 6:Than shouldn't he be and old man or something it's easy pickings \n\nThug 3:Don't you dare say that dude even he was old that guy could take us out in a matter of seconds without even trying \n\nThug 5:I heard that he killed people like Deathstroke,Green Goblin,Carnage,destroyed an entire army of Yoma and Grimm without even breaking a sweat \n\nThug 4:Same heard he even defeated professional huntsman's like Summer rose,Winter Soldier,Jin, Hakumen,The avengers,Wolverine and many others who fit in his way \n\nThug 6:Da*m this guy sounds dangerous for us villains why hasn't no one catch him yet?\n\nThug 4:Haven't we told you enough no one can beat him not even the strongest hero who died fighting him actually I saw the fight on YouTube and I'm telling you the first V is no joke \n\n???:Interesting you know so much about me and for that I might let you live for not underestimating me \n\nBefore the thugs could react someone in a blurr appears out of nowhere has he slashes at the the four thugs cutting them up has the mysterious attacker appears a few feet away from them has all the thugs fall to the ground alerting the other two thugs dealing with the door \n\nThug 2:What the f!—Oh no \n\nThug 1:What's wr*turns around*Oh we are so screwed \n\n???:So you too no me good \n\nThe light of the moon shines down at the mysterious warrior has it reveals his white and black suit then it shows his red visor with his helmet having one horn has he is revealed to be \n\n<b>White Ranger a.k.a ??? and ???</b>\n\nHe holds his Draco dagger has he then moves it pouting the bottom tip towards the two thugs has he started moving around creating laser arrows has he turns them towards the thugs who are scared out there lives \n\nW.R:Laser arrows\n\nHe swings his dagger and fires his laser arrows at the two thugs who try to move out the way but they get hit by every single arrow he created has they send them flying away knock out has they crash into some trash cans the sound didn't go unnoticed has the rest of the thugs run towards and spot there unconscious allies and White ranger has our hero sees about nine thugs \n\nThug 7:Dang the boys got knock out!!\n\nThug 8:Wait is that oh s***t!!! that's the white ranger everym!!—\n\nThe thug got kicked in the face knocking him out and sending him flying has White ranger spun in the air between the two thugs and hits on of them in the head literally planting him on the ground has he slashes at the other and continues his slash until he launch him towards a wall which he gets stuck on the other thugs charge at him has White ranger dodges three punches and makes the other two thugs hit themselves has he then multi hits them all sending them flying back has he created three laser arrows abs fires it at three of the thugs hitting them directly knocking them out has he then speeds towards the rest slashing them down has he stands in front the door they tried to get in with his arms crossed has all thugs fall to the ground \n\nW.R:*sigh*Easy take downs like the last group but what where they even trying to find in here Power down!\n\nThe white ranger says dies words and his armor disappears has there stands a man with white skin, red eyes and red hair has he wears some Japanese clothing which is his battle clothes has it revealed to be \n\n<b>Y/N L/N a.k.a White ranger and ???</b>\n\nY/N:Alright then time to check what this guys were even trying to rob \n\nHe crouched down and then jump the two buildings in the alleyway side to side has he speeds to the top has he rolls on the roof and walks towards the edge of the front part of the buildings has he looks down and sees what the thugs were trying to get into and it was a lamb store has Y/N looks at it dumbfounded but what he just saw \n\nY/N:You have got to be kidding me well time to live the note than deal with the next set of problems \n\nY/N returns towards the unconscious thugs has he begins to tie them up and beside that he writes on a note what they were trying to do has ones he sticks it at one of the thugs head he jumps walks away from the scene has he goes to his next destination \n\n<b>Time Skip brought to you by Y/N looking down nervous has he started at both the white ranger morpher and the Psyga driver has he thinks who to be he turns towards his zords who shrugg has Y/N looks down defeated </b>\n\nFar away from where Y/N took care of the thugs another group of thugs are trying something to big this is not a simple thugs group has in an acid factory people wearing clown mask stand outside guarding the entrance gate\n\nClown thug 1:You know now that think about why are we here?\n\nClown thug 2:You might want to be a little more specific buddy?\n\nClown thug 1:Like why are we working for one day he worked must dangerous and must villainous person to ever be alive \n\nClown thug 2:You know now that I think about why are we here with that maniac? oh yeah because we're just normal guys trying to get some money by killing people or raping them \n\nClown thug 1:Raping? I killed but I haven't heard that one before you guys take girls or something \n\nClown thug 2:Yep dude yo-!*his head gets his cut off*\n\nClown thug 1:Nani!!?*gets stab in the chest*\n\nThe now dying clown thug look straight at the person who pierce him and it's revealed to be Y/N with his double bladed sword has he then spun the sword on the clown thug slicing him in haft has his haft fall on the ground has Y/N spun his sword and lowers it \n\nY/N:Good to know I didn't kill someone nice actually blame your actions for gore death has you*points at the headless clown thug*the second one rape and killed people plus you*points at the haft clown thug* killed people for money you deserve this............*sigh* why I'm a talking to a dead person again* shakes his head*come on Y/N your losing it \n\nY/N shrinks his sword has he places it on his waist and jumps over the gates has he walks towards the bio ring looking at it he sees multiple shadows inside seeing them from the windows has he also spotted them in upper floors \n\nY/N:Hmm this almost looks like a level from a video game well if this a game*chuckles*\n\nY/N moves his kimono a little to the side showing a belt with a phone on it he takes out the phone and opens it has he presses the buttons 3-1-5 has he closes it abs then places it on the belt \n\nY/N:Henshin \n\nHe places it on the belt and his body lights up with blue lines surrounded him has an Amor appears on him has its white,silver,blue,black and purple visor on his face plat and his chest plat \n\nY/N:Let the game begin*points at the building*\n\n<b>Kamen Rider Psyga a.k.a Y/N and White Ranger</b>\n\n\nPsyga:*clenches his fist*Time to finish up the clown\n\nPsyga lunges towards the building has he burst through the doors and takes out his phone driver has it transforms into a blaster has he fires at the clown thugs who were to distracted has he shoots all five of them killing them all he then looks up and shoots at the other clown thugs has Psyga jumps high and gets to the second floor has he kicks a thug and then shoots him has he then fires it at the other two who were to late to react has he kills the three and goes to the next floor has in the upper floor in the office of Ace chemicals a man stands there looking out the window with a maniac smile on his face he has green hair,pale white skin and a purple suit has he is revealed to be \n\n<b>Joker </b>\n\nJoker:Hmm why do I have a bad felling about this HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh!~ it's probably nothing \n\nJoker chuckles a little bit more has he drinks his beer or what's left of it and then throws it aside has the glass breaks he turns around abs the doors of the office burst open has a dead Cloen thug gets thrown in the room has he lands in front of Jokers desk who looks at Psyga with a psychotic smile \n\nJoker:Oh that's what I call an entrance HAHAHA!!!!\n\nPsyga:I would shut up if I were you Joker seen this will be the last words \n\nJoker:Oh~ your here to kill me huh*chuckles*many have tried but all have failed hehehe so what makes you think you'll succeed \n\nPsyga:Simple I don't waste my time \n\nPsyga lunges towards Joker has he grabs him by the neck and launches them towards the window has he burst through them has they fall to the ground Joker tries to make Psyga let go of him by punching his helmet but it doesn't work has Psyga only glares through the helmet has they crashed on the ground with Psyga using Joker body to break his fall has Joker spits out blood that hits Psyga who stands up and points his phone blaster at him \n\nPsyga:Is over Joker \n\nJoker:No no NO!! you weren't supposed to be one to kill me!!! it supposed to be Batman!!!\n\nPsyga:Well his not here and after all Batman would never pass his line that why he is weak just like you \n\nPsyga shoots Joker straight in the head has joker cracks a smile and his head touches the ground but it doesn't end there has Psyga continues to fire at Joker making multiple holes on his body has he then started waking away from him has the ace chemical building blows up has Psyga disappears and slither menace to the world is killed", "<b>Previously on \"I'm the white ranger/Rider Psyga\" we're presented to the main man himself Y/N L/N who is both the anti hero White Ranger and Kamen Rider Psyga has he's revealed not just be those two but to be the first anti hero in the history of verse who said to have retired but it seems his returned and his already started his battles has he first takes down a group of thugs killing some of them and then ends the reign of the Joker killing him has he takes down one person of his list</b>\n<b>—————————————————————————</b>\n<b>Location:Verse city in the day </b>\n\n\"Verse city it is said to be a place a hope a place we're you can purpose, meaning and destiny plus it said to be the safest place on the planet.................................HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah that's not true while this city holds the supposed greatest school in the world Union City this place has meet its fair share of destructions that have brought the deaths of many but that's not what makes this place targ—I mean populated it is it's environment that brings the people with powers has this world is divided between those with Aura/quirks/sacred gears/magic/I.S pilots/techno magic/ninjas/Pokémon trainers/teigu users/ship girls/gun girls/those with mysterious abilities/the rich here they train in union to become the supposed protectors of the world\"\n\nA regular morning for the people of verse city tragic is heavy has always people go out to either work or in the protectors case patrol to be ready but one person a certain German girl is not having a not so good day she has silver hair,pale white skin,red eyes and an eyepatch hiding her left eye has she's revealed to be \n\n<b>Laura Bodewig(I.S Pilot-training)</b>\n\nLaura:*mind*Stupid Ichika always going with those hüdin he's supposed to be my bride! yet he just ignores me that idiot after all the hilfe I've given him\n\nLaura continues to angrily walk has unknown to her someone is looking down at her a figure stands in the edge of a building looking directly at Laura \n\n???:hmm this one we shall see if what she holds is true if not I'll simply dispose of her \n\nBack with Laura she's now walking in the park which seemed to have calm her down has she now sits on a bench has she thinks on her situation \n\nLaura:*sigh*Was should I do now the only reason I've fallen for him was because he saved me but maybe I was wrong in picking him has my bride \n\nHer thoughts are interrupted by a butterfly that flies in front of her she smiles seeing the majestic insect has she watched it fly around her but the moment was destroyed by someone lunging towards Laura who spits the individual has she jumps off the bench dodging the swing of an axe one she looks up and sees who attacked her it's revealed to be \n\n<b>Zeltrax </b>\n\nZeltrax:Laura Bodewig your power is needed for my cause\n\nLaura:And wer are you supposed to be \n\nZeltrax:I am Zeltrax*readies himself*your superior and your destroyer \n\nLaura body gets covered in a flash on light has when it died down she appears again but this time wearing grey body suit and her I.S Shwarner Regen\n\nLaura(I.S on):My superior huh I only have one abs that's my mentor\n\nZeltrax:Than let us see if she's trained you right \n\nLaura charges first has she activated her energy blade and goes to slash Zeltrax who blocks her first slash with his shield has he jumps back but she doesn't stop has she goes straight him swing her blade Zeltrax easily blocks each strike has he then blocks one with his axe has he pushes her energy sword away has he then goes to strike her Laura's shield activates has it blocks Zeltrax first attack \n\nZeltrax:Force Field?\n\nLaura(I.S on):You cannot harm me fool you fall here villain!!*aims her cannon at Zeltrax*\n\nZeltrax reacts to slow has Laura opens fire at him the blast hits him directly in the chest sending g him flying through eight trees has he slowly started getting up \n\nZeltrax:*groans*Da*m she's strong but not strong enough*looks towards where she is*if my knowledge is correct I.S have other forms yet hers is still in the first so defeat is not assured for me yet \n\nLaura(I.S on):Take this!!!\n\nZeltrax looks back at Laura has he sees her dashing towards him energy blade on has he readies himself he blocks her strike has he spun around and goes to hit her the shield blocks his attack he jumps back away from her has he then fires and electric blast that the shield also blocks has Laura smirks\n\nLaura(I.S on):*chuckles*You are a fool to believe you could have beaten me all on your own \n\nZeltrax:*continues to blast his electricity but chuckles*Oh do not worry my dear I did not come alone I always come prepared \n\nLaura(I.S on):What?\n\nBefore she could react someone attacks her from behind two figures slashed her she stumbled forward but with enough strength she turned around and sliced her attackers has her eyes widen seeing that they were not alone has she just destroyed two of the twelve Tyranodrones\n\nLaura(I.S on):What are those things aahhh!!!\n\nLaura gets blasted by Zeltrax has she gets pushed forward one of Tyranidrones goes to slash her but the shield protects her has she activated her energy blade and cuts him in haft she turned towards Zeltrax who goes to slice her face she blocks the attack with her left mech hand has she points her cannon at Zeltrax but before she could fire the other Tyranodrones jump on her has they hold her down \n\nLaura(I.S on):Let mich go!!\n\nZeltrax:Sorry can't do that but first let us take that armor of you*charges up electricity*\n\nThe Tyranodrones jump away from Laura has Zeltrax fires a powerful electric blast that her shield couldn't stop it on time has she get shocked she scream in pain has ones Zeltrax stopped she fell on the ground and her I.S disappeared has Zeltrax was about to walk over to her until \n\n???:You know it's not fair to do a one v ten fight let me even the odds\n\nHas before Zeltrax and the Tyranodrones could react a white blurr comes out of nowhere and cuts down five of the nine Tyranodrones \n\nthey land a few feet away has they turn around has a familiar figure appears the white ranger \n\nWhite Ranger:Sup Zeltrax\n\nZeltrax:White Ranger!!\n\nWhite Ranger:I see your still looking for something that will give you and edge over me \n\nZeltrax:Tsk and you continue to get in my way why can't you just do a blind eye and ignore my business\n\nWhite Ranger:*chuckles*Sorry can't do that now let's see hmmm still not fair there still five of you left*takes out his Drago dagger*let's change that \n\nWhite Ranger:Laser arrows*fires them*\n\nWhite Ranger fires his multiple laser arrows has they are aimed at the Tyranodrones and Zeltrax said villain uses his shield to block the attack but his minions meet another fate has the Tyranodrones get hit directly has they get pushed back and explode\n\nWhite Ranger:There now it's fair \n\nZeltrax:You'll pay for your interference!!\n\nWhite Ranger:*gets in a stance*Will see about that \n\nA few seconds passed but then Zeltrax and White Ranger charge at one another has they clash \n\nThey almost look even but is White Ranger who gaining the advantage in this fight has he easily blocks abs dodges Zeltrax attack has he blocks his axe has he then pushes it up he then sweeps the villains legs has Zeltrax was falling White Ranger incased his dagger in energy has he slashes Zeltrax the impact sends him flying has Zeltrax breaks another tree \n\nWhite Ranger:Come on Zel!! you got any respect for nature you've already destroyed eight trees today\n\nZeltrax:*gets up*You will pay for this Ranger mark my words*points at him but then teleports out of there*\n\nWhite Ranger:*lowers his dagger*Phew! easy does it now*turns to the unconscious Laura*power down\n\nThe suit disappears revealing Y/N has he walks up to the unconscious Laura he kneels down and places two fingers on her neck curling her pulse feeling one he sighs in relief \n\nY/N:*looks at her*Now what could Zeltrax want with a cute girl like you\n\nY/N takes a few seconds but then decides to help her he picks her up and places her on his shoulder has after doing that he stands up and turns invisible has he leaves the scene \n\n<b>Time skip brought to you by Y/N giving Laura a headpat has she blushes from the sensations she smiles and closes her eyes has Y/N smiles down at her has unknown to them the girls are looking at Laura with jealousy has dark auras surround them </b>\n\nLaura slowly started opening her eyes has then they turned wide has she moves up from the bed panting has she remembers the previous events \n\nLaura:What has happened abs where is that monster\n\n???:*bark!*\n\nLaura:Huh?\n\nLaura turned her head towards the bark has she is surprised to see the creature beside the bed to rest on the Pokémon had yellow,white and black fur with very cute and adorable eyes has his revealed to be the electric type dog Pokémon \n\n<b>Boltund(type-electric) </b>\n\nLaura:*blinks blink*Ha bolthund?\n\nBoltund:*barks and the smiles*\n\nLaura:*mind*Why is there a Boltund watching me and how did I get here \n\nHer train of thought gets interrupted has the door opens and Y/N walks in Laura turns to him abs blushes one's seeing his looks but then she notices the plate of food in his hands \n\nY/N:*smiles*Oh you are awake good \n\nLaura:Wer bist du?...............*blushes*\n\nY/N:*confused*What?\n\nLaura:*blushes*Sorry I just spoke German \n\nY/N:Oh! I see well I've come to give you lunch you've been knock out for three hours \n\nLaura:*surprise*Three hours!!\n\nY/N:Yep found you beaten up in the park but whatever hurt you ran off when I got there \n\nLaura:You.....got me out of there \n\nY/N:Well? yeah I mean I wants gonna leave a cute girl like you there \n\nLaura:*mind blush*He called me cute\n\nY/N:So while I made you some lunch I had*pets Boltund*my little buddy here watch over you \n\nBoltund:*barks!*\n\nLaura:Well thank you so much hhhaa\n\nY/N:Oh right my name you can call me Y/N L/N you?\n\nLaura:Laura Bodewig \n\nY/N:*smiles*Well it's nice to meet you Laura*places the plate in the bed*now eat up you gonna need a lot of energy \n\nLaura:Thank you J/N(that's German for Y/N)\n\nLaura grab the spoon and took the first bite on the food she was given and ones she did that she felt peace,calm and freedom she felt happy \n\nLaura:This dish is so delicious!!\n\nY/N:*chuckles*Good to hear you like what I made \n\nLaura:*looks at him shocked*You made this for me \n\nY/N:Yep \n\nAnd with that they started a conversation has Laura eats Y/N's cooking enjoying it very well has Laura told him what happened and where she comes from Y/N knew she was from Union but he played it off to be surprised when hearing that she was from there and so he told her a little bit of himself they both enjoyed this moment and Laura she started feeling something in her heart which was the same feeling she used to feel for Ichika but she's feeling it for Y/N but is stronger after eating abs watching the plate Y/N and Boltund accompanied her back to Union just in case has they continued to talk along the way but ones they reach the entrance of Union Y/N took a piece of paper out abs gave it to Laura who takes it \n\nLaura:Wa is this \n\nY/N:My number you ever need something or wanna talk give me a call*smiles*\n\nLaura:*blushes*Oh sure! I'll remember that \n\nIt changes to showing Y/N and Boltund waking away from her has he waves at her one last time she waves back has Laura sees the two disappear in the crowd abs ones there out of sight she places her hand on her chest has she feels the same feeling she felt when they were at his apartment \n\nLaura:Y/N L/N just who are you and why*blushes*is it that I'm feeling this way with you \n\n???:Laura!!\n\nThe German candidate hears two familiar voices has she turns around and sees two people running towards has they are revealed to be \n\n<b>Charlotte Dunois</b>\n\n<b>Ichika Orimura(the densest dumbass of all anime)</b>\n\nLaura:Oh hello comrades \n\nCharlotte:Laura where have you been we've been worried sick about you\n\nLaura:I was just having a nice walk around the city \n\nIchika:Phew that's a relief hey you wanna go with us and get lunch \n\nLaura:No sadly I do not Ichika so you two may leave me be*begins to walk away*\n\nCharlotte:*mind*What? did Laura just called Ichika by his name but she usual calls him by bride \n\nIchika:Okay? we'll see ya later!\n\nLaura doesn't respond back has she just continued to walk away from them Ichika being dense doesn't realize the issue while Charlotte does has she stares at Laura shocked \n\nIchika:Wonder what's wrong with her\n\nCharlotte:I don't know but it's odd \n\nIchika:Why?\n\nCharlotte:Well she didn't call you bride and well doesn't she usually accepts to go with you when you ask her to a company you \n\nIchika:Hmm yeah your right but don't worry about I'm sure things will go back to normal tomorrow \n\nIchika walks away but Charlotte takes one more look at Laura who enters the building that houses the dorms of the I.S pilots", "<b>Previously on \"I am Rider Psyga/White ranger\"</b>\n\n<b>At the entrance of Union Y/N took a piece of paper out abs gave it to Laura who takes it </b>\n\n<b>Laura:Wa is this </b>\n\n<b>Y/N:My number you ever need something or wanna talk give me a call*smiles*</b>\n\n<b>Laura:*blushes*Oh sure! I'll remember that </b>\n\n<b>It changes to showing Y/N and Boltund waking away from her has he waves at her one last time she waves back has Laura sees the two disappear in the crowd abs ones there out of sight she places her hand on her chest has she feels the same feeling she felt when they were at his apartment </b>\n\n<b>Laura:Y/N L/N just who are you and why*blushes*is it that I'm feeling this way with you </b>\n\n<b>???:Laura!!</b>\n\n<b>The German candidate hears two familiar voices has she turns around and sees two people running towards has they are revealed to be </b>\n\n<b>Charlotte Dunois</b>\n\n<b>Ichika Orimura(the densest dumbass of all anime)</b>\n\n<b>Laura:Oh hello comrades </b>\n\n<b>Charlotte:Laura where have you been we've been worried sick about you</b>\n\n<b>Laura:I was just having a nice walk around the city </b>\n\n<b>Ichika:Phew that's a relief hey you wanna go with us and get lunch </b>\n\n<b>Laura:No sadly I do not Ichika so you two may leave me be*begins to walk away*</b>\n\n<b>Charlotte:*mind*What? did Laura just called Ichika by his name but she usual calls him by bride </b>\n\n<b>Ichika:Okay? we'll see ya later!</b>\n\n<b>Laura doesn't respond back has she just continued to walk away from them Ichika being dense doesn't realize the issue while Charlotte does has she stares at Laura shocked </b>\n\n<b>Ichika:Wonder what's wrong with her</b>\n\n<b>Charlotte:I don't know but it's odd </b>\n\n<b>Ichika:Why?</b>\n\n<b>Charlotte:Well she didn't call you bride and well doesn't she usually accepts to go with you when you ask her to a company you </b>\n\n<b>Ichika:Hmm yeah your right but don't worry about I'm sure things will go back to normal tomorrow </b>\n\n<b>Ichika walks away but Charlotte takes one more look at Laura who enters the building that houses the dorms of the I.S pilots</b>\n<b>_____________________________________________________________________________________________</b>\n\nThings open up with showing Unity city at its very morning time or more specifically at ten thirty in the morning as down below in the street we see cars passing by and people out of their homes either going to work or on patrol as in this streets heroes could be seen walking with a other hero or alone while citizens admired them\n\n\"Tapping shows sound!\"\n\nBut one hero in particular was getting a lot of unwanted attention by both guys and girls more so the guys \n\nAs down in the side walk we see a beautiful blond haired, white skin, blue eyes woman wearing a bit to revealing costume which shows of a little of her upper bodies bottom haft and a little bit of her top haft as we see an X logo placed in middle which also works on putting together the cape that she has \n\nShe is one the proud members of a quirk users team called the X-men and this is their Ice queen who has two different abilities \n\n<b>Emma Frost a.k.a White Queen </b>\n\nA very popular and fan favorite of the world many people admire her look and powers while some just look in awe at her beauty \n\nWill a few would actually ogle over her beauty because this world is sadly field with perverts and Emma being a telepath and reading this doesn't really like the attention \n\nEmma: *mind* Can't just have one normal patrol without getting unwanted attention \n\nEmma stops and turns around towards the people with a fake but believable smile on her face as the people who were looking at her gasp in knowing she turned to look at them \n\nEmma:Well darlings I hope you all a have nice day but you see in little busy right now so \"places her right hand on her hand* I'm gonna she you all *mental voice* <b>to go back to walking to your destination </b>\n\nSending a wave that one could see the citizens that were looking at Emma soon began to turn opposite ways and some even walked right passed her like she didn't even exist as it would seem she used her powers to make everyone just back to their normal day \n\nEmma: *satisfied sigh* Finally \n\n???:Well that's one way to get rid of a crowd \n\nA familiar red head walked pass her knowing she was there but he was also choosing to ignore she was there as Emma eyes widen when she sees a red head guy who's about her height walk pass her like she's not there but he knows she there \n\nThis is the first anti hero that no one knows of having a normal day in Unity city Y/N L/N who has now walked pass one the most sexiest heroines of the world \n\nEmma: *mind* Wait if he was in the crowd how did he not get affected by my power hmmm well at least he's not like this pedestrians \n\nEmma decides to continue her walk which is also the same direction Y/N was going so she catches up with him and starts to walk along side him which Y/N quickly takes notices \n\nY/N:Hmmm something you need? \n\nEmma:Well it just happens to be that we are going the same way so why not get along and let's go to our location together \n\nY/N: *chuckles* That so huh? well if you read my mind to know that I'm just heading to a cafe to get a nice cup of a coffee then I guess your heading to huh? \n\nEmma:Why yes you know that nice cup of a coffee is all that you need to get the day going \n\nY/N:True but you know if you wanted to hang out with me White Queen you could have just asked? *looks at her with a smirk* you know? \n\nEmma: *smirks* Oh do not flatter yourself now dear we just so happen to be heading towards the same location so don't expect this ti be a recurring thing \n\nY/N:Hahahah no no I don't see it like that after all heroes like you are busy to hang out with normal guys like me right? \n\nEmma:Oh~ but don't cut yourself short there dear *takes a good look at him while they walk* you certainly are one handsome looking man so I wouldn't be saying no to seeing you again some other time \n\nY/N: *chuckles* Alright I'll hold you up for that \n\nEmma: *giggles* Oh please do~ but while we're in the subject what is your name? \n\nY/N:Ladies first~\n\nEmma: *smiles* Oh my such a gentleman well if you must know I am Emma Frost the white queen of the X-men \n\nY/N:X-men huh? well that X there on your suit certainly gives a dead give away \n\nEmma:Hahaha well we do have to show who where we belong now don't we? but please who might be the identity of the handsome fellow beside me? \n\nY/N:Heheheh the names Y/N L/N a king time former student of Union academy  \n\nEmma:Huh? former student how did that happen you do something wrong?\n\nY/N:I'll tell you later after we get our coffee's \n\n\"BOMB!\"\n\nBut it would seem that coffee time will have to wait as down the corner of the next street to their right a loud explosion is heard and smoke could be seen coming from that direction\n\nY/N:Guess coffee will have to wait Huh? \n\nEmma: *giggles* It most certainly will do if you excuse me I'll find you later handsome okay? \n\nY/N: *chuckles* Alright do t take to long I'll be waiting in the cafe \n\nEmma:You better \n\nWith that Emma runs off and towards the action as she passes many citizens that were screaming and running away from where the action is happening \n\nSeeing that Emma just ran pass the corner of the street gives Y/N the confirmation to run towards the alleyway that leads towards where the action is so he passes and pushes citizens that were in his way before he made it to the alleyway and ran down it a bit before stopping mid way to the other side of the alley way \n\nY/N:I don't normally like to show myself in brought daylight but villains who like to do attacks means they want to cause chaos so I guess it's time to go to work \n\nFrom his cloak he takes out the Psyga phone which then summons the belt where he has to place his driver \n\nOpening up the phone he puts the numbers 3 1 5 and after that he closes the phone and holds it tightly in his hands \n\nY/N:Henshin\n\nPsyga: *raises his right arm* Let the game begin \n\nAppearing in his white, blue, silver and purple lighting armor and already having his jetpack mode ready he clenches his fist and takes flight \n\nReaching high up above the buildings that were around him he later descends down towards one the buildings that were beside where the action was taking place as he uses the edge of a building to look down at the battle \n\nPsyga:Alright let's see what we're dealing with? \n\nLooking down at the ground Psyga could see a group of armed men firing at the cops who fired back at them with their pistols while the armed men had stronger fire power as they wielded FN SCARs and M16s \n\nPsyga:Ouf the cops really have their handful with this ones luckily it seems that innocents are not involve with this  \n\n\"HA! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!\"\n\nPsyga:And here's our big bad \n\nDown below in the street surrounded by the men with guns that were wearing red suits and a red helmet that had the omega symbol on them as the man in the middle had the same symbol in a head band \n\n???:Come on! where are this righteous heroes you guys worship so much!! \n\nHe had pale white skin, blonde hair tied in a ponytail, red eyes and was wearing a red and grey suit \n\n<b>Omega Red </b>\n\nA villain with a mutant quirk that gives him great strength, good reflexes, a healing factor that's almost instantaneous and metal whips which he can control and use to shock people \n\nHe is an enemy of the X-men and very deadly villain who enjoys what he does and what he does to people \n\nOmega Red:Seriously! where's my fun!!? \n\n\"BANG!\"\n\n\"BANG!\"\n\n\"BANG!\"\n\nThree well aimed shots were fired at Omega Red who gets hit in the head,  left arm and right side of his chest but quickly enough as the bullets went in the bullets then started coming out and his wounds heal \n\nOmega Red:Okay *smirks* now it's fun \n\nOmega Red launches one of his whips at one the cops cars that quickly get crushed by the metal whip as the cop who was using it to hide for cover has to jump out of the way as the cop car then explodes \n\nOmega Red:HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Come on you cops! give me your best shot!!!\n\nHis soldiers stop firing their guns and quickly take cover behind cars as Omega Red starts to let out his excitement on the cops as he launches both his metal whips at them \n\nWatching from above Psyga places a hand on his shin as he thinks about what he saw \n\nPsyga:Those whips of his are gonna be a problem but that healing factor of his heheheh just made this not a waste of time \n\nPsyga looks to see Omega Red laughing while swing his wipes at the cop cars and cops who are hit by them and send crashing towards the stores that were in this street then he looks at Omega Red's back group and sees Emma Frost approaching the scene walking \n\nPsyga:Emma? \n\nOn the ground we see Emma walking towards where Omega Red is but three of his men quickly spot her and aim their weapons at her while approaching her \n\nOmega Red soldier 1:Hold it right there! \n\nEmma stops six feet away from the three soldiers who had their guns trained on her which got one the soldiers to spot the X in her suit \n\nOmega Red soldier 2: *to his comrade* She's X-men the boss's enemies \n\nOmega Red soldier 1: *mumbles* That so huh. . . . . . .alright sweet tits hand behind your back and come with us \n\nEmma:Sweet Tits really? \n\nOmega Red soldier 1:I won't repeat myself a third time X-men! hand behind your head abc come with us\n\nEmma:Hmm no I don't think I'll do that darling \n\nHer body is then covered in a diamond like substance that changed her looks completely \n\nThe three soldiers see that she's not doing what they say so they decide to open fire at her and while the bullets do land on her they do absolutely nothing \n\nEmma then starts walking again only this time in her diamond state and going through bullets that do y even harm her as the ones who were shooting her soon run out of bullets \n\nOmega Red Soldier 1:Shit\n\nEmma:Awww~ run out of bullets there boys \n\nThe men decide to charge in with their fist as Emma dodges one theirs fist and then knees the soldier in the stomach hard enough for him to fall as she then dodges another punch that she then returns with a uppercut that makes a small cracking sound when her fist makes contact with the second guy's shin a small cracking sound could be heard as when the third guy tries to land a hit on her she grabs his arm and throws him over her shoulder and onto the first guy she took down \n\nEmma:Good try boys a fairly good try \n\nOmega Red Soldier 3:Gaah nnngaahh\n\nEmma:Oh your still conscious *kicks him hard in the face* there now stay down \n\nAbove in the building we see Psyga looking down surprised \n\nPsyga:Wow \n\nBack down on the ground we see Emma then get out of her diamond form which she then ultimately regrets when she is suddenly wrapped up in a metal whip and pulled towards Omega Red \n\nOmega Red:Tsk! Tsk! why is it that out of all the X-men your the one I have to deal with \n\nEmma:Well it's not like anyone else is trying to stop you now \n\nOmega Red:True true but I'm not wasting my time with you White Queen \n\nOmega Red then fires a surge of a electricity that shocks Emma who starts to scream in pain from the shock \n\nOmega Red:This is the pain I bring to others when they don't give me what I want \n\nBack on the edge of the building we see Psyga stand up and beginning to start his jetpack \n\nPsyga:Alright that's enough watching\n\nStarts to make his way down towards the action where we see Omega Red stop shocking Emma who is still awake and strong as she takes this chance to fire a metal wave that hits Omega Red forcing him to let go of Emma \n\nOmega:Rraaahh!! Gah! shoot her! now!\n\nEmma gasp and quickly changes into her diamond form as bullets begin to hit on her but not hurt her \n\nBut then one of the soldiers get blasted right through his head making his now dead body fall to the ground which is taken noticed by everyone else as they look up and see Psyga firing three more laser shots \n\nPsyga:Incoming!!\n\nOmega Red:Tttrsshh take cover!!\n\nHe and many other of his men start to take cover behind the cars but two of Omega Red's soldiers weren't so lucky as they were killed directly by the laser shots \n\nPsyga: *lands beside Emma* You okay there White Queen? \n\nEmma: *eyes widen* Your him the first vigilante Psyga \n\nPsyga:Yeah well I go by many names but Psyga is the one I'll be using today beautiful \n\nOmega Red:Get them\n\nPsyga:Help if you want but what I do here is because I want to and because is the thing that I must do \n\nTurning to the left he fires a laser shot at the car that three soldiers where hiding in as when it explodes it takes them with it he then fires another shot at another car that Omega red soldiers were using to hide \n\nOmega Red peeks out of his spot and sees the two behind cars with the corpses under them he then looks at Psyga who was looking at him and pointing at where he is \n\nPsyga:\n\nLiterally marking him for death this sign makes Omega Red have shills going down his spine \n\nEmma was honestly just shocked with what's happening but then she sees sone of the soldiers start to come out of hiding \n\nEmma:Here they come! \n\nEmma quickly takes action and fires a mental wave at the three soldiers that were about to fire quickly knocking them down she turns to the right hearing someone relied their gun and sees two Omega Red Soldiers about to fire at them but she does the same thing to them sending metal wave that knock them out \n\nOmega Red soldier 5:Raah!\n\nQuickly appearing her diamond skin armor she blocks a knife attack from a omega red soldier that she then kicks back allowing Psyga to kill him with a blast to the chest \n\nEmma:Wait! *turning towards Psyga* \n\nPsyga:Sorry but you ain't getting mercy from me! \n\nPsyga turns around and spots a grenade still in the air but heading their way so fires at it destroying it in the air before it could reach them he then gets hit by some bullets that don't do anything but give the soldier's location which Psyga finds behind a car so he fires a laser shot that hits him straight in the face \n\nPsyga:Alright time to take the skies \n\nPsyga flies up and above to them spot the remaining eight soldiers with two spotting him in the air while the reaming six were focusing on Emma who was getting surrounded by bullets \n\nPsyga:Let's take care of this quick \n\nPsyga presses his triggers together and keeps them pressed as he charges up an attack which resulted in when he lets go of the triggers a straight blast was fired from his two turrets as they hit all the reaming soldiers in one lined blast \n\nPsyga lands on the ground and starts to make his way towards Emma who remains in her diamond form while crossing her arms and looking angrily at Psyga \n\nPsyga:What? \n\nEmma:You could have just knock them out you know \n\nPsyga:Yeah I could but this guys work with a guy who loves to kill people so I'm pretty sure this guy love to do what they do and does are the kind of guys I can't let go to do this again \n\nEmma: *sigh* I'll give you that one but what about Omega Red where is he \n\nPsyga:Pretty sure his right behind me\n\nPsyga right as he says both he and Emma dodge a metal whip that was aimed at Psyga who turns towards Omega Red and fires a blast that disintegrate his left shoulder \n\nOmega Red:AAAAAAAHHH!!!\n\nPsyga:Wait here White Queen I have a job to finish \n\nEmma looks to see Psyga making his way towards Omega Red who crouches down to go pick up his arm \n\nEmma: *mind* Well then while you do that I'll like to take a look at who you are exactly *starts to transform back to normal* \n\nAnd then she tries to get in his head but ones she was making connection with Psyga's mind she was quickly backlashed by something that makes her go numb \n\nEmma: *mind* Wh-W-What? \n\nEmma falls to the ground with her eyes open as she could not understand what just happened and why has her body gone completely numb \n\nHearing the sound of her falling Psyga turns around to see her in the state that she's in \n\nPsyga: *mind* Sorry queen but my mind is the one place you wouldn't like to see \n\nWithout looking he catches one of Omega Red's metal whips making him turn around as he sees Omega Red with his left shoulder now healed up but he used his right whip to try and attack him \n\nPsyga:I'm sorry where you trying to do something? *uses his left turret to fire a laser shot at him* \n\nThe laser shit hits his right leg which makes him fall but it also allows Psyga to charge at him with a boost of his jetpack and once his close enough he fires a laser blast at his chest which goes through completely as it burns gist heart \n\nOmega Red:That ain't gonna do shit!!\n\nPsyga:Yeah well this might \n\nHe then fires two laser blast at both his shoulders disintegrating them so that his arms would fall to the ground taking away his weapon \n\nOmega Red:AAAAAAHHH!! you bastard!!\n\nPsyga:We're not done \n\nPsyga then double kicks him back which sends him falling to the ground while Osyga takes flight spinning before aiming his turrets at the armless Omega Red \n\nPsyga:Your healing factor works only if something from you remains *turrets start lighting up blue* let's change that!! \n\nHis turrets fire a huge a combined blue blast of energy that hits Omega Red head on as inside the blast we can see him scream and quickly start to be annihilated by the blast \n\nOmega Red:Damm yo—-\n\nHe could not finish his sentence as both his mouth and his entire body get completely disintegrated by one of Psyga's ultimate moves as he in the air looks down at the now burning hole on the ground as nothing of Omega Red was left behind \n\nPsyga then flies towards Emma and lands beside her body which is still on the ground with her eyes still open \n\nPsyga:Hey you still with me? \n\nEmma:Why—Why—Why couldn't I—I—\n\nPsyga:See my mind well you see this helmet of mine protects me from telepathic attacks or mental search so it creates a backlash to the person that tries to look through my memories without permission but let's forget about that let me help you in your situation \n\nEmma:Ho—How?\n\nPsyga:Grit your teeth if you can \n\nPsyga karate chops Emma frost in the stomach which makes the woman's upper body quickly move up and gasp out for air \n\nPsyga:There we go *stands up* until we meet again White Queen *walks away* \n\nEmma:Wa—Wait a minute \n\nIt was too late he had already taken flight and was heading towards the same location he and Emma were going only she doesn't realize that \n\nEmma could only watch as the anti hero flies away leaving a destroyed street filled with corpses and knock out individuals \n\nLater on we see Emma walking down the side walk while thinking about something \n\nEmma: *mind* I thought only magneto and Juggernaut had a the means to create or to have helmets like those but his is more advance and futuristic which would make sense why he would create something like that *metal sigh* just who is this guy *out loud* Tsk! forget it I have better thing to do now \n\nWalking ahead she sees the cafe she was planning to go to and outside sitting in a two chair table was Y/N who spots her which makes him smile and wave at her which she returns the gestures \n\nWe see then the two sitting in the two chair table with two cups of coffee \n\nY/N: *chuckles* You seriously did that by just telling that metal guy what the other guy did \n\nEmma: *giggles* Yes it was quite the show that no one knows that I was the one who caused it \n\nY/N:Well you'll know that I'm a great person at keeping secrets so I'll keep this between us \n\nEmma:You better \n\nThey both share another laugh which is then quickly changed to smile the two send each other \n\nEmma:So what was that about you being a former Union student?\n\nY/N:Oh. . . . .that well you see I don't know if you haven't noticed but the world of heroes here has changed from being a thing people do for the safety of others to now being a job that brings people who only want money, fame and glory \n\nEmma:Yes I have noticed that quite a lot especially in X-men with some of its members \n\nY/N:Yeah so I didn't want to become a part of that world so I left the school because I knew that if I turned hero there things would have gone downhill for me \n\nEmma:Hmmm I see I can tell it is also not a subject you like to talk about \n\nY/N:Yeah *takes a sip from his coffee before putting down his cup* aaaaa that is just what I needed today a good cup of a coffee and a beautiful woman keeping me company here \n\nEmma: *giggles* I'm happy to gives you some company and you know I found this encounter of ours quite amusing and enjoyable want to meet up sone other time? \n\nY/N:Sure *takes out his phone* mind giving me your number \n\nEmma:Certainly \n\nAfter exchanging numbers we now find them waking down alone in the side walk as they then reach a cross road where they stop at \n\nY/N:My apartment is down this way so I'll see you around Emma *extends his hand* \n\nEmma:I do hope so that'll be soon *shakes his hand* \n\nY/N: *kisses her hand before looking up at her with a smirk* We'll just have to wait and see \n\nWith that Y/N walks away from a surprised Emma Frost who then flashes a smile and starts to walk the other direction while rubbing the hand he kissed \n\nEmma: *mind* Ohhh~ Y/N~ just what kind of person are you~ that I can't even look at their mind~ just like Psyga you are but a mystery that I intend to get~ and discover~" ]
Title: I am Rider Psyga/White ranger(Male reader x crossover Harem) Description: Welcome to verse city home to worlds supposed heroes of the world that are trained in Union there they teach people with powers how to defense people and save them has they learn to be Heroes,huntsmen or huntresses,I.S pilots,Magus,Ninja and other things but sadly that is all fake has those kinds of people this days only care about fame,money and women but there's at least one person who see this and his name is Y/N L/N the Kamen rider Psyga/Power ranger white Dino ranger has he fights both people from evil and does who think they are good while also getting attention from some girls (Do remember that like always that the wide range of games, anime's, and comic books, the characters, fanart, images and videos/gif are not own by me) Tags: ['bolthund', 'crossover', 'dinothunder', 'fakeheroesvsvillains', 'harem', 'kamennrider', 'lemon', 'malereader', 'powerrangers', 'psyga', 'union', 'vigilante', 'whiteranger', 'zords']
# Y/N BIO Name:Y/N L/N age:20 Codenames:Kamen rider Psyga and White Ranger Likes:True heroes, vigilantes, his zords, flying around, bolthund, his Pokémon, his girls, power rangers, Kamen riders, pizza, Pokémon trainers(the good ones), his regular life, saving people and a lot of other things Dislikes:Union, fake heroes, Villains (but there are some he respects like Roman) perverts, rapist, anyone who hurts his Pokémon, factions, evil and evil actions of any kind and a lot of others things Abilities: 1.Inhuman Strength 2.Inhuman Speed 3.Agility 4.Durability 5.High amount of stamina 6.Strong senses 7.Healing factor 8.Camouflage or Cloaking 9.Skilled in hand to hand combat 10.Skilled with many melee weapons and forearms 11.Ki control 12.Stealthy Battle clothes double bladed sword:Kindred SB-315B Psyga driver Psyga forms 1.Regular 2.Jetpack mode Weapons:Edge Tonfas White Dino morpher White ranger forms 1.Regular 2.Super Dino mode Weapon:Drago dagger Zords 1.Dragozord 2.Stegazord Megazord Vehicles 1.Delta bike 3.Drago runner Pokemon companion:Boltund Attacks 1.Crunch 2.Flame Charge 3.Thunderbolt 4.Rising Voltage His Pokémon/Pokémon Team: # Harem 1.Coco and Velvet 2.Miruko 3.Mina 4.Asia 5.Laura 6.Kagura and Naraku 7.Ryōki 8.Baobhan,Barghest and Mélusine 9.Hilda 10.Esdeath 11.Akagi and Kaga 12.Agent 13.Gold Third 14.Jolyne 15.Mitsuru 16.Mai 17.Power Girl 18.Emma Frost 19.Psylocke 20.Yellow Dino ranger and Kamen rider Marika # Friends/allies 1.Tommy Oliver(Green ranger) 2.Wes Collins(Red ranger) 3.Takeshi Hongo(Kamen rider Ichigo) 4.Takumi Inui(Kamen rider Faiz) 5.Nezu 6.Ingenium 7.Aizawa a.k.a Eraserhead 8.Gran Torino 9.Wild Wild Pussy cats 10.Qrow Branwen 11.Fox and Yatsuhashi 12.Vali 13.Yasaka 14.Sayuri 15.Red Hood a.k.a Jason Todd 16.The defenders 17.Elite four 18.Jotaro 19.Ragna 20.Rachel # Enemies 1.Zetrax 2.Kamen rider Orga 3.Kamen rider Delta 4.Headmasters(except Nezu) 5.Chifuyu 6.League of Villains 7.Raven 8.Salem 9.Rias Peerage 10.Team RWBY 11.Justice League 12.Avengers 13.Hakumen 14.Hazama 15.Union T-dolls 16.Eagle union 17.CPU's 18.Ninja girls from Union 19.Gudako 20.Night raid Other enemies: 21.Team Zodiac 22.Senki shu 23.Young justice 24.Sona's peerage 25.Dc villains 26.Marvel villains 27.Shirou Emiya 28.evil guns 29.Azreal(Blazeblue) 30.Dino monsters 31.Sirens 32.Yoma 33.Phantom task  34.Jin # Chapter 1:The first vigilante <b>"Welcome to verse a world filled with very interesting people you could say there are those who are born with quirks which are people with super powers with some being able to change a person to a humanoid animal </b> <b>then you have the ones that use aura which is a shield people are born well specific people has it also grants them a semblance which is also a superpower adding to that those who can fully use aura are called Faunus humans that have attributes of animals </b> <b>next you have those of the supernatural world the main ones being devils,fallen Angels and Angels has they bring magic abs the evils being peerages a group of people that have powers that granted by chess pieces and there those who wield sacred gears which are artifacts that have increasingly abilities some can even called god killers </b> <b>After those three you have those who are ninjas warriors who fight in the shadows and with honor only that changed when only girls could become ninjas and it changed the rules completely of the ninja world has the ninjas of now relay more on power than in there skill</b> <b>Next you the I.S pilots girls who have had a connection with a mechanical robot suit which they use for air battles and on the ground there are different versions of the mechs because it all depends on the skill of the pilot and there abilities </b> <b>Up next is the Magus humans who like the supernatural beings have learned how to use magic and they've used it for there every day lives has beyond that they are able to summon heroes of the past or great historical beings who have lived ones in verse</b> <b>You have then the trainers Pokémon trainers who are humans that go on adventures to capture creatures that are called Pokémon and battle with them,to form bond with them and heck even fall in love with them only those who are powerless have taken on this role </b> <b>Then you have those that use Imperial Arm's which are dangerous weapons that can even kill there user or host there are about 48 of them but only some have had the privilege and the ability to master them without dying</b> <b>Then you have those that are called CPU's which are goddesses in the bodies of girls not many are chosen and only the original goddesses can decide there successors but there have been some that have the powers of a goddesses and could even match them </b> <b>After you have the ship girls and the T-Dolls which are artificial beings created by either a specific type gun or a specific type of battle ship each one has there own personality and there on abilities with some also being siblings</b> <b>After them you have those that have Stands and Persona's which are beings or shadows people world inside them while Stands can only be in specific people and cannot be seen by all Persona's are those who have dark shadows in them and can be seen by all but both beings have a link so if either a stand or persona user gets hurt or there friend gets hurt they'll receive equal damage </b> <b>Then you hand those who have infused magic into there body or into there weapons or can uses it for other means like the azure which is wield by a very cool person </b> <b>Lastly you have those who hand had the privilege to become heroes or have find power to be ones but besides those there those that are called mutants which are powerless people being born with powers ever seen they were but little babies there not many of them but there are has some fight fir there kind others protect the humans</b> <b>All those fifteen types of things are what define the people of verse had there are those with incredible skill dnd power there are those who don't get lucky like them a lot are not born with power,are not given that power nor did the Pokémon ever wanted them this people are titled the powerless or quirkless they are the ones who get mistreated and abused by society who at the beginning was peaceful was now turned into a corrupted system that only specific few noticed it one of them who noticed this corruption was the first one who went against the corrupt society he is called many names but the one his known for the most was vigilante not yoyr regular anti hero no he was the first anti hero / Vigilante but there are two name that define him and those are"</b> Verse city night has fallen down and the people are either in there homes or partying but the nights aren't always the best has villains like to strike more on those times has we see a group of fifteen thugs walking in an alleyway has they walk towards the back door of a store had one them is lock piking Thug 1:Come on man hurry up we don't want get caught already Thug 2:Dude do you think this is easy it took me five years to learn how to lock pick calm your balls Thug 1:I'll calm them when you get that stupid door open While some of the thugs are guarding the two entrances to alleyway a group of four thugs were close to the door has they talked amongst each other Thug 3:Hey Thug 4/5/6:Yeah? Thug 3:Have you guys ever heard the rumors about the first vigilante? Thug 4:Oh you mean the guy who started the hole anti hero business yeah heard they been popping up again Thug 5:Really?tsk! we better finish this quick I don't want to die yet Thug 6:Wait wait what are you guys talking about first vigilante? The other three thugs look at the him surprised for what he ask Thug 4:Wait you never heard of the first vigilante Thug 6:Nah dude never heard nor seen Thug 3:Then your lucky you have t seen him you want to be one of his many kills Thug 6:Huh?! Thug 5:You really don't know anything do you? Thug 6:No Thug 4:Well to keep you a short summary the first vigilante was the one who started the hole anti hero business is said that he started ever seen a All might began his career has a hero (A/N:Just do you guys know the Dino gem slowed Y/N aging) Thug 6:Than shouldn't he be and old man or something it's easy pickings Thug 3:Don't you dare say that dude even he was old that guy could take us out in a matter of seconds without even trying Thug 5:I heard that he killed people like Deathstroke,Green Goblin,Carnage,destroyed an entire army of Yoma and Grimm without even breaking a sweat Thug 4:Same heard he even defeated professional huntsman's like Summer rose,Winter Soldier,Jin, Hakumen,The avengers,Wolverine and many others who fit in his way Thug 6:Da*m this guy sounds dangerous for us villains why hasn't no one catch him yet? Thug 4:Haven't we told you enough no one can beat him not even the strongest hero who died fighting him actually I saw the fight on YouTube and I'm telling you the first V is no joke ???:Interesting you know so much about me and for that I might let you live for not underestimating me Before the thugs could react someone in a blurr appears out of nowhere has he slashes at the the four thugs cutting them up has the mysterious attacker appears a few feet away from them has all the thugs fall to the ground alerting the other two thugs dealing with the door Thug 2:What the f!—Oh no Thug 1:What's wr*turns around*Oh we are so screwed ???:So you too no me good The light of the moon shines down at the mysterious warrior has it reveals his white and black suit then it shows his red visor with his helmet having one horn has he is revealed to be <b>White Ranger a.k.a ??? and ???</b> He holds his Draco dagger has he then moves it pouting the bottom tip towards the two thugs has he started moving around creating laser arrows has he turns them towards the thugs who are scared out there lives W.R:Laser arrows He swings his dagger and fires his laser arrows at the two thugs who try to move out the way but they get hit by every single arrow he created has they send them flying away knock out has they crash into some trash cans the sound didn't go unnoticed has the rest of the thugs run towards and spot there unconscious allies and White ranger has our hero sees about nine thugs Thug 7:Dang the boys got knock out!! Thug 8:Wait is that oh s***t!!! that's the white ranger everym!!— The thug got kicked in the face knocking him out and sending him flying has White ranger spun in the air between the two thugs and hits on of them in the head literally planting him on the ground has he slashes at the other and continues his slash until he launch him towards a wall which he gets stuck on the other thugs charge at him has White ranger dodges three punches and makes the other two thugs hit themselves has he then multi hits them all sending them flying back has he created three laser arrows abs fires it at three of the thugs hitting them directly knocking them out has he then speeds towards the rest slashing them down has he stands in front the door they tried to get in with his arms crossed has all thugs fall to the ground W.R:*sigh*Easy take downs like the last group but what where they even trying to find in here Power down! The white ranger says dies words and his armor disappears has there stands a man with white skin, red eyes and red hair has he wears some Japanese clothing which is his battle clothes has it revealed to be <b>Y/N L/N a.k.a White ranger and ???</b> Y/N:Alright then time to check what this guys were even trying to rob He crouched down and then jump the two buildings in the alleyway side to side has he speeds to the top has he rolls on the roof and walks towards the edge of the front part of the buildings has he looks down and sees what the thugs were trying to get into and it was a lamb store has Y/N looks at it dumbfounded but what he just saw Y/N:You have got to be kidding me well time to live the note than deal with the next set of problems Y/N returns towards the unconscious thugs has he begins to tie them up and beside that he writes on a note what they were trying to do has ones he sticks it at one of the thugs head he jumps walks away from the scene has he goes to his next destination <b>Time Skip brought to you by Y/N looking down nervous has he started at both the white ranger morpher and the Psyga driver has he thinks who to be he turns towards his zords who shrugg has Y/N looks down defeated </b> Far away from where Y/N took care of the thugs another group of thugs are trying something to big this is not a simple thugs group has in an acid factory people wearing clown mask stand outside guarding the entrance gate Clown thug 1:You know now that think about why are we here? Clown thug 2:You might want to be a little more specific buddy? Clown thug 1:Like why are we working for one day he worked must dangerous and must villainous person to ever be alive Clown thug 2:You know now that I think about why are we here with that maniac? oh yeah because we're just normal guys trying to get some money by killing people or raping them Clown thug 1:Raping? I killed but I haven't heard that one before you guys take girls or something Clown thug 2:Yep dude yo-!*his head gets his cut off* Clown thug 1:Nani!!?*gets stab in the chest* The now dying clown thug look straight at the person who pierce him and it's revealed to be Y/N with his double bladed sword has he then spun the sword on the clown thug slicing him in haft has his haft fall on the ground has Y/N spun his sword and lowers it Y/N:Good to know I didn't kill someone nice actually blame your actions for gore death has you*points at the headless clown thug*the second one rape and killed people plus you*points at the haft clown thug* killed people for money you deserve this............*sigh* why I'm a talking to a dead person again* shakes his head*come on Y/N your losing it Y/N shrinks his sword has he places it on his waist and jumps over the gates has he walks towards the bio ring looking at it he sees multiple shadows inside seeing them from the windows has he also spotted them in upper floors Y/N:Hmm this almost looks like a level from a video game well if this a game*chuckles* Y/N moves his kimono a little to the side showing a belt with a phone on it he takes out the phone and opens it has he presses the buttons 3-1-5 has he closes it abs then places it on the belt Y/N:Henshin He places it on the belt and his body lights up with blue lines surrounded him has an Amor appears on him has its white,silver,blue,black and purple visor on his face plat and his chest plat Y/N:Let the game begin*points at the building* <b>Kamen Rider Psyga a.k.a Y/N and White Ranger</b> Psyga:*clenches his fist*Time to finish up the clown Psyga lunges towards the building has he burst through the doors and takes out his phone driver has it transforms into a blaster has he fires at the clown thugs who were to distracted has he shoots all five of them killing them all he then looks up and shoots at the other clown thugs has Psyga jumps high and gets to the second floor has he kicks a thug and then shoots him has he then fires it at the other two who were to late to react has he kills the three and goes to the next floor has in the upper floor in the office of Ace chemicals a man stands there looking out the window with a maniac smile on his face he has green hair,pale white skin and a purple suit has he is revealed to be <b>Joker </b> Joker:Hmm why do I have a bad felling about this HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh!~ it's probably nothing Joker chuckles a little bit more has he drinks his beer or what's left of it and then throws it aside has the glass breaks he turns around abs the doors of the office burst open has a dead Cloen thug gets thrown in the room has he lands in front of Jokers desk who looks at Psyga with a psychotic smile Joker:Oh that's what I call an entrance HAHAHA!!!! Psyga:I would shut up if I were you Joker seen this will be the last words Joker:Oh~ your here to kill me huh*chuckles*many have tried but all have failed hehehe so what makes you think you'll succeed Psyga:Simple I don't waste my time Psyga lunges towards Joker has he grabs him by the neck and launches them towards the window has he burst through them has they fall to the ground Joker tries to make Psyga let go of him by punching his helmet but it doesn't work has Psyga only glares through the helmet has they crashed on the ground with Psyga using Joker body to break his fall has Joker spits out blood that hits Psyga who stands up and points his phone blaster at him Psyga:Is over Joker Joker:No no NO!! you weren't supposed to be one to kill me!!! it supposed to be Batman!!! Psyga:Well his not here and after all Batman would never pass his line that why he is weak just like you Psyga shoots Joker straight in the head has joker cracks a smile and his head touches the ground but it doesn't end there has Psyga continues to fire at Joker making multiple holes on his body has he then started waking away from him has the ace chemical building blows up has Psyga disappears and slither menace to the world is killed # Chapter 2:Meeting the eyepatch I.S pilot <b>Previously on "I'm the white ranger/Rider Psyga" we're presented to the main man himself Y/N L/N who is both the anti hero White Ranger and Kamen Rider Psyga has he's revealed not just be those two but to be the first anti hero in the history of verse who said to have retired but it seems his returned and his already started his battles has he first takes down a group of thugs killing some of them and then ends the reign of the Joker killing him has he takes down one person of his list</b> <b>—————————————————————————</b> <b>Location:Verse city in the day </b> "Verse city it is said to be a place a hope a place we're you can purpose, meaning and destiny plus it said to be the safest place on the planet.................................HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah that's not true while this city holds the supposed greatest school in the world Union City this place has meet its fair share of destructions that have brought the deaths of many but that's not what makes this place targ—I mean populated it is it's environment that brings the people with powers has this world is divided between those with Aura/quirks/sacred gears/magic/I.S pilots/techno magic/ninjas/Pokémon trainers/teigu users/ship girls/gun girls/those with mysterious abilities/the rich here they train in union to become the supposed protectors of the world" A regular morning for the people of verse city tragic is heavy has always people go out to either work or in the protectors case patrol to be ready but one person a certain German girl is not having a not so good day she has silver hair,pale white skin,red eyes and an eyepatch hiding her left eye has she's revealed to be <b>Laura Bodewig(I.S Pilot-training)</b> Laura:*mind*Stupid Ichika always going with those hüdin he's supposed to be my bride! yet he just ignores me that idiot after all the hilfe I've given him Laura continues to angrily walk has unknown to her someone is looking down at her a figure stands in the edge of a building looking directly at Laura ???:hmm this one we shall see if what she holds is true if not I'll simply dispose of her Back with Laura she's now walking in the park which seemed to have calm her down has she now sits on a bench has she thinks on her situation Laura:*sigh*Was should I do now the only reason I've fallen for him was because he saved me but maybe I was wrong in picking him has my bride Her thoughts are interrupted by a butterfly that flies in front of her she smiles seeing the majestic insect has she watched it fly around her but the moment was destroyed by someone lunging towards Laura who spits the individual has she jumps off the bench dodging the swing of an axe one she looks up and sees who attacked her it's revealed to be <b>Zeltrax </b> Zeltrax:Laura Bodewig your power is needed for my cause Laura:And wer are you supposed to be Zeltrax:I am Zeltrax*readies himself*your superior and your destroyer Laura body gets covered in a flash on light has when it died down she appears again but this time wearing grey body suit and her I.S Shwarner Regen Laura(I.S on):My superior huh I only have one abs that's my mentor Zeltrax:Than let us see if she's trained you right Laura charges first has she activated her energy blade and goes to slash Zeltrax who blocks her first slash with his shield has he jumps back but she doesn't stop has she goes straight him swing her blade Zeltrax easily blocks each strike has he then blocks one with his axe has he pushes her energy sword away has he then goes to strike her Laura's shield activates has it blocks Zeltrax first attack Zeltrax:Force Field? Laura(I.S on):You cannot harm me fool you fall here villain!!*aims her cannon at Zeltrax* Zeltrax reacts to slow has Laura opens fire at him the blast hits him directly in the chest sending g him flying through eight trees has he slowly started getting up Zeltrax:*groans*Da*m she's strong but not strong enough*looks towards where she is*if my knowledge is correct I.S have other forms yet hers is still in the first so defeat is not assured for me yet Laura(I.S on):Take this!!! Zeltrax looks back at Laura has he sees her dashing towards him energy blade on has he readies himself he blocks her strike has he spun around and goes to hit her the shield blocks his attack he jumps back away from her has he then fires and electric blast that the shield also blocks has Laura smirks Laura(I.S on):*chuckles*You are a fool to believe you could have beaten me all on your own Zeltrax:*continues to blast his electricity but chuckles*Oh do not worry my dear I did not come alone I always come prepared Laura(I.S on):What? Before she could react someone attacks her from behind two figures slashed her she stumbled forward but with enough strength she turned around and sliced her attackers has her eyes widen seeing that they were not alone has she just destroyed two of the twelve Tyranodrones Laura(I.S on):What are those things aahhh!!! Laura gets blasted by Zeltrax has she gets pushed forward one of Tyranidrones goes to slash her but the shield protects her has she activated her energy blade and cuts him in haft she turned towards Zeltrax who goes to slice her face she blocks the attack with her left mech hand has she points her cannon at Zeltrax but before she could fire the other Tyranodrones jump on her has they hold her down Laura(I.S on):Let mich go!! Zeltrax:Sorry can't do that but first let us take that armor of you*charges up electricity* The Tyranodrones jump away from Laura has Zeltrax fires a powerful electric blast that her shield couldn't stop it on time has she get shocked she scream in pain has ones Zeltrax stopped she fell on the ground and her I.S disappeared has Zeltrax was about to walk over to her until ???:You know it's not fair to do a one v ten fight let me even the odds Has before Zeltrax and the Tyranodrones could react a white blurr comes out of nowhere and cuts down five of the nine Tyranodrones they land a few feet away has they turn around has a familiar figure appears the white ranger White Ranger:Sup Zeltrax Zeltrax:White Ranger!! White Ranger:I see your still looking for something that will give you and edge over me Zeltrax:Tsk and you continue to get in my way why can't you just do a blind eye and ignore my business White Ranger:*chuckles*Sorry can't do that now let's see hmmm still not fair there still five of you left*takes out his Drago dagger*let's change that White Ranger:Laser arrows*fires them* White Ranger fires his multiple laser arrows has they are aimed at the Tyranodrones and Zeltrax said villain uses his shield to block the attack but his minions meet another fate has the Tyranodrones get hit directly has they get pushed back and explode White Ranger:There now it's fair Zeltrax:You'll pay for your interference!! White Ranger:*gets in a stance*Will see about that A few seconds passed but then Zeltrax and White Ranger charge at one another has they clash They almost look even but is White Ranger who gaining the advantage in this fight has he easily blocks abs dodges Zeltrax attack has he blocks his axe has he then pushes it up he then sweeps the villains legs has Zeltrax was falling White Ranger incased his dagger in energy has he slashes Zeltrax the impact sends him flying has Zeltrax breaks another tree White Ranger:Come on Zel!! you got any respect for nature you've already destroyed eight trees today Zeltrax:*gets up*You will pay for this Ranger mark my words*points at him but then teleports out of there* White Ranger:*lowers his dagger*Phew! easy does it now*turns to the unconscious Laura*power down The suit disappears revealing Y/N has he walks up to the unconscious Laura he kneels down and places two fingers on her neck curling her pulse feeling one he sighs in relief Y/N:*looks at her*Now what could Zeltrax want with a cute girl like you Y/N takes a few seconds but then decides to help her he picks her up and places her on his shoulder has after doing that he stands up and turns invisible has he leaves the scene <b>Time skip brought to you by Y/N giving Laura a headpat has she blushes from the sensations she smiles and closes her eyes has Y/N smiles down at her has unknown to them the girls are looking at Laura with jealousy has dark auras surround them </b> Laura slowly started opening her eyes has then they turned wide has she moves up from the bed panting has she remembers the previous events Laura:What has happened abs where is that monster ???:*bark!* Laura:Huh? Laura turned her head towards the bark has she is surprised to see the creature beside the bed to rest on the Pokémon had yellow,white and black fur with very cute and adorable eyes has his revealed to be the electric type dog Pokémon <b>Boltund(type-electric) </b> Laura:*blinks blink*Ha bolthund? Boltund:*barks and the smiles* Laura:*mind*Why is there a Boltund watching me and how did I get here Her train of thought gets interrupted has the door opens and Y/N walks in Laura turns to him abs blushes one's seeing his looks but then she notices the plate of food in his hands Y/N:*smiles*Oh you are awake good Laura:Wer bist du?...............*blushes* Y/N:*confused*What? Laura:*blushes*Sorry I just spoke German Y/N:Oh! I see well I've come to give you lunch you've been knock out for three hours Laura:*surprise*Three hours!! Y/N:Yep found you beaten up in the park but whatever hurt you ran off when I got there Laura:You.....got me out of there Y/N:Well? yeah I mean I wants gonna leave a cute girl like you there Laura:*mind blush*He called me cute Y/N:So while I made you some lunch I had*pets Boltund*my little buddy here watch over you Boltund:*barks!* Laura:Well thank you so much hhhaa Y/N:Oh right my name you can call me Y/N L/N you? Laura:Laura Bodewig Y/N:*smiles*Well it's nice to meet you Laura*places the plate in the bed*now eat up you gonna need a lot of energy Laura:Thank you J/N(that's German for Y/N) Laura grab the spoon and took the first bite on the food she was given and ones she did that she felt peace,calm and freedom she felt happy Laura:This dish is so delicious!! Y/N:*chuckles*Good to hear you like what I made Laura:*looks at him shocked*You made this for me Y/N:Yep And with that they started a conversation has Laura eats Y/N's cooking enjoying it very well has Laura told him what happened and where she comes from Y/N knew she was from Union but he played it off to be surprised when hearing that she was from there and so he told her a little bit of himself they both enjoyed this moment and Laura she started feeling something in her heart which was the same feeling she used to feel for Ichika but she's feeling it for Y/N but is stronger after eating abs watching the plate Y/N and Boltund accompanied her back to Union just in case has they continued to talk along the way but ones they reach the entrance of Union Y/N took a piece of paper out abs gave it to Laura who takes it Laura:Wa is this Y/N:My number you ever need something or wanna talk give me a call*smiles* Laura:*blushes*Oh sure! I'll remember that It changes to showing Y/N and Boltund waking away from her has he waves at her one last time she waves back has Laura sees the two disappear in the crowd abs ones there out of sight she places her hand on her chest has she feels the same feeling she felt when they were at his apartment Laura:Y/N L/N just who are you and why*blushes*is it that I'm feeling this way with you ???:Laura!! The German candidate hears two familiar voices has she turns around and sees two people running towards has they are revealed to be <b>Charlotte Dunois</b> <b>Ichika Orimura(the densest dumbass of all anime)</b> Laura:Oh hello comrades Charlotte:Laura where have you been we've been worried sick about you Laura:I was just having a nice walk around the city Ichika:Phew that's a relief hey you wanna go with us and get lunch Laura:No sadly I do not Ichika so you two may leave me be*begins to walk away* Charlotte:*mind*What? did Laura just called Ichika by his name but she usual calls him by bride Ichika:Okay? we'll see ya later! Laura doesn't respond back has she just continued to walk away from them Ichika being dense doesn't realize the issue while Charlotte does has she stares at Laura shocked Ichika:Wonder what's wrong with her Charlotte:I don't know but it's odd Ichika:Why? Charlotte:Well she didn't call you bride and well doesn't she usually accepts to go with you when you ask her to a company you Ichika:Hmm yeah your right but don't worry about I'm sure things will go back to normal tomorrow Ichika walks away but Charlotte takes one more look at Laura who enters the building that houses the dorms of the I.S pilots # Chapter 3:Nice chat with the White queen <b>Previously on "I am Rider Psyga/White ranger"</b> <b>At the entrance of Union Y/N took a piece of paper out abs gave it to Laura who takes it </b> <b>Laura:Wa is this </b> <b>Y/N:My number you ever need something or wanna talk give me a call*smiles*</b> <b>Laura:*blushes*Oh sure! I'll remember that </b> <b>It changes to showing Y/N and Boltund waking away from her has he waves at her one last time she waves back has Laura sees the two disappear in the crowd abs ones there out of sight she places her hand on her chest has she feels the same feeling she felt when they were at his apartment </b> <b>Laura:Y/N L/N just who are you and why*blushes*is it that I'm feeling this way with you </b> <b>???:Laura!!</b> <b>The German candidate hears two familiar voices has she turns around and sees two people running towards has they are revealed to be </b> <b>Charlotte Dunois</b> <b>Ichika Orimura(the densest dumbass of all anime)</b> <b>Laura:Oh hello comrades </b> <b>Charlotte:Laura where have you been we've been worried sick about you</b> <b>Laura:I was just having a nice walk around the city </b> <b>Ichika:Phew that's a relief hey you wanna go with us and get lunch </b> <b>Laura:No sadly I do not Ichika so you two may leave me be*begins to walk away*</b> <b>Charlotte:*mind*What? did Laura just called Ichika by his name but she usual calls him by bride </b> <b>Ichika:Okay? we'll see ya later!</b> <b>Laura doesn't respond back has she just continued to walk away from them Ichika being dense doesn't realize the issue while Charlotte does has she stares at Laura shocked </b> <b>Ichika:Wonder what's wrong with her</b> <b>Charlotte:I don't know but it's odd </b> <b>Ichika:Why?</b> <b>Charlotte:Well she didn't call you bride and well doesn't she usually accepts to go with you when you ask her to a company you </b> <b>Ichika:Hmm yeah your right but don't worry about I'm sure things will go back to normal tomorrow </b> <b>Ichika walks away but Charlotte takes one more look at Laura who enters the building that houses the dorms of the I.S pilots</b> <b>_____________________________________________________________________________________________</b> Things open up with showing Unity city at its very morning time or more specifically at ten thirty in the morning as down below in the street we see cars passing by and people out of their homes either going to work or on patrol as in this streets heroes could be seen walking with a other hero or alone while citizens admired them "Tapping shows sound!" But one hero in particular was getting a lot of unwanted attention by both guys and girls more so the guys As down in the side walk we see a beautiful blond haired, white skin, blue eyes woman wearing a bit to revealing costume which shows of a little of her upper bodies bottom haft and a little bit of her top haft as we see an X logo placed in middle which also works on putting together the cape that she has She is one the proud members of a quirk users team called the X-men and this is their Ice queen who has two different abilities <b>Emma Frost a.k.a White Queen </b> A very popular and fan favorite of the world many people admire her look and powers while some just look in awe at her beauty Will a few would actually ogle over her beauty because this world is sadly field with perverts and Emma being a telepath and reading this doesn't really like the attention Emma: *mind* Can't just have one normal patrol without getting unwanted attention Emma stops and turns around towards the people with a fake but believable smile on her face as the people who were looking at her gasp in knowing she turned to look at them Emma:Well darlings I hope you all a have nice day but you see in little busy right now so "places her right hand on her hand* I'm gonna she you all *mental voice* <b>to go back to walking to your destination </b> Sending a wave that one could see the citizens that were looking at Emma soon began to turn opposite ways and some even walked right passed her like she didn't even exist as it would seem she used her powers to make everyone just back to their normal day Emma: *satisfied sigh* Finally ???:Well that's one way to get rid of a crowd A familiar red head walked pass her knowing she was there but he was also choosing to ignore she was there as Emma eyes widen when she sees a red head guy who's about her height walk pass her like she's not there but he knows she there This is the first anti hero that no one knows of having a normal day in Unity city Y/N L/N who has now walked pass one the most sexiest heroines of the world Emma: *mind* Wait if he was in the crowd how did he not get affected by my power hmmm well at least he's not like this pedestrians Emma decides to continue her walk which is also the same direction Y/N was going so she catches up with him and starts to walk along side him which Y/N quickly takes notices Y/N:Hmmm something you need? Emma:Well it just happens to be that we are going the same way so why not get along and let's go to our location together Y/N: *chuckles* That so huh? well if you read my mind to know that I'm just heading to a cafe to get a nice cup of a coffee then I guess your heading to huh? Emma:Why yes you know that nice cup of a coffee is all that you need to get the day going Y/N:True but you know if you wanted to hang out with me White Queen you could have just asked? *looks at her with a smirk* you know? Emma: *smirks* Oh do not flatter yourself now dear we just so happen to be heading towards the same location so don't expect this ti be a recurring thing Y/N:Hahahah no no I don't see it like that after all heroes like you are busy to hang out with normal guys like me right? Emma:Oh~ but don't cut yourself short there dear *takes a good look at him while they walk* you certainly are one handsome looking man so I wouldn't be saying no to seeing you again some other time Y/N: *chuckles* Alright I'll hold you up for that Emma: *giggles* Oh please do~ but while we're in the subject what is your name? Y/N:Ladies first~ Emma: *smiles* Oh my such a gentleman well if you must know I am Emma Frost the white queen of the X-men Y/N:X-men huh? well that X there on your suit certainly gives a dead give away Emma:Hahaha well we do have to show who where we belong now don't we? but please who might be the identity of the handsome fellow beside me? Y/N:Heheheh the names Y/N L/N a king time former student of Union academy  Emma:Huh? former student how did that happen you do something wrong? Y/N:I'll tell you later after we get our coffee's "BOMB!" But it would seem that coffee time will have to wait as down the corner of the next street to their right a loud explosion is heard and smoke could be seen coming from that direction Y/N:Guess coffee will have to wait Huh? Emma: *giggles* It most certainly will do if you excuse me I'll find you later handsome okay? Y/N: *chuckles* Alright do t take to long I'll be waiting in the cafe Emma:You better With that Emma runs off and towards the action as she passes many citizens that were screaming and running away from where the action is happening Seeing that Emma just ran pass the corner of the street gives Y/N the confirmation to run towards the alleyway that leads towards where the action is so he passes and pushes citizens that were in his way before he made it to the alleyway and ran down it a bit before stopping mid way to the other side of the alley way Y/N:I don't normally like to show myself in brought daylight but villains who like to do attacks means they want to cause chaos so I guess it's time to go to work From his cloak he takes out the Psyga phone which then summons the belt where he has to place his driver Opening up the phone he puts the numbers 3 1 5 and after that he closes the phone and holds it tightly in his hands Y/N:Henshin Psyga: *raises his right arm* Let the game begin Appearing in his white, blue, silver and purple lighting armor and already having his jetpack mode ready he clenches his fist and takes flight Reaching high up above the buildings that were around him he later descends down towards one the buildings that were beside where the action was taking place as he uses the edge of a building to look down at the battle Psyga:Alright let's see what we're dealing with? Looking down at the ground Psyga could see a group of armed men firing at the cops who fired back at them with their pistols while the armed men had stronger fire power as they wielded FN SCARs and M16s Psyga:Ouf the cops really have their handful with this ones luckily it seems that innocents are not involve with this  "HA! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" Psyga:And here's our big bad Down below in the street surrounded by the men with guns that were wearing red suits and a red helmet that had the omega symbol on them as the man in the middle had the same symbol in a head band ???:Come on! where are this righteous heroes you guys worship so much!! He had pale white skin, blonde hair tied in a ponytail, red eyes and was wearing a red and grey suit <b>Omega Red </b> A villain with a mutant quirk that gives him great strength, good reflexes, a healing factor that's almost instantaneous and metal whips which he can control and use to shock people He is an enemy of the X-men and very deadly villain who enjoys what he does and what he does to people Omega Red:Seriously! where's my fun!!? "BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" Three well aimed shots were fired at Omega Red who gets hit in the head,  left arm and right side of his chest but quickly enough as the bullets went in the bullets then started coming out and his wounds heal Omega Red:Okay *smirks* now it's fun Omega Red launches one of his whips at one the cops cars that quickly get crushed by the metal whip as the cop who was using it to hide for cover has to jump out of the way as the cop car then explodes Omega Red:HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Come on you cops! give me your best shot!!! His soldiers stop firing their guns and quickly take cover behind cars as Omega Red starts to let out his excitement on the cops as he launches both his metal whips at them Watching from above Psyga places a hand on his shin as he thinks about what he saw Psyga:Those whips of his are gonna be a problem but that healing factor of his heheheh just made this not a waste of time Psyga looks to see Omega Red laughing while swing his wipes at the cop cars and cops who are hit by them and send crashing towards the stores that were in this street then he looks at Omega Red's back group and sees Emma Frost approaching the scene walking Psyga:Emma? On the ground we see Emma walking towards where Omega Red is but three of his men quickly spot her and aim their weapons at her while approaching her Omega Red soldier 1:Hold it right there! Emma stops six feet away from the three soldiers who had their guns trained on her which got one the soldiers to spot the X in her suit Omega Red soldier 2: *to his comrade* She's X-men the boss's enemies Omega Red soldier 1: *mumbles* That so huh. . . . . . .alright sweet tits hand behind your back and come with us Emma:Sweet Tits really? Omega Red soldier 1:I won't repeat myself a third time X-men! hand behind your head abc come with us Emma:Hmm no I don't think I'll do that darling Her body is then covered in a diamond like substance that changed her looks completely The three soldiers see that she's not doing what they say so they decide to open fire at her and while the bullets do land on her they do absolutely nothing Emma then starts walking again only this time in her diamond state and going through bullets that do y even harm her as the ones who were shooting her soon run out of bullets Omega Red Soldier 1:Shit Emma:Awww~ run out of bullets there boys The men decide to charge in with their fist as Emma dodges one theirs fist and then knees the soldier in the stomach hard enough for him to fall as she then dodges another punch that she then returns with a uppercut that makes a small cracking sound when her fist makes contact with the second guy's shin a small cracking sound could be heard as when the third guy tries to land a hit on her she grabs his arm and throws him over her shoulder and onto the first guy she took down Emma:Good try boys a fairly good try Omega Red Soldier 3:Gaah nnngaahh Emma:Oh your still conscious *kicks him hard in the face* there now stay down Above in the building we see Psyga looking down surprised Psyga:Wow Back down on the ground we see Emma then get out of her diamond form which she then ultimately regrets when she is suddenly wrapped up in a metal whip and pulled towards Omega Red Omega Red:Tsk! Tsk! why is it that out of all the X-men your the one I have to deal with Emma:Well it's not like anyone else is trying to stop you now Omega Red:True true but I'm not wasting my time with you White Queen Omega Red then fires a surge of a electricity that shocks Emma who starts to scream in pain from the shock Omega Red:This is the pain I bring to others when they don't give me what I want Back on the edge of the building we see Psyga stand up and beginning to start his jetpack Psyga:Alright that's enough watching Starts to make his way down towards the action where we see Omega Red stop shocking Emma who is still awake and strong as she takes this chance to fire a metal wave that hits Omega Red forcing him to let go of Emma Omega:Rraaahh!! Gah! shoot her! now! Emma gasp and quickly changes into her diamond form as bullets begin to hit on her but not hurt her But then one of the soldiers get blasted right through his head making his now dead body fall to the ground which is taken noticed by everyone else as they look up and see Psyga firing three more laser shots Psyga:Incoming!! Omega Red:Tttrsshh take cover!! He and many other of his men start to take cover behind the cars but two of Omega Red's soldiers weren't so lucky as they were killed directly by the laser shots Psyga: *lands beside Emma* You okay there White Queen? Emma: *eyes widen* Your him the first vigilante Psyga Psyga:Yeah well I go by many names but Psyga is the one I'll be using today beautiful Omega Red:Get them Psyga:Help if you want but what I do here is because I want to and because is the thing that I must do Turning to the left he fires a laser shot at the car that three soldiers where hiding in as when it explodes it takes them with it he then fires another shot at another car that Omega red soldiers were using to hide Omega Red peeks out of his spot and sees the two behind cars with the corpses under them he then looks at Psyga who was looking at him and pointing at where he is Psyga: Literally marking him for death this sign makes Omega Red have shills going down his spine Emma was honestly just shocked with what's happening but then she sees sone of the soldiers start to come out of hiding Emma:Here they come! Emma quickly takes action and fires a mental wave at the three soldiers that were about to fire quickly knocking them down she turns to the right hearing someone relied their gun and sees two Omega Red Soldiers about to fire at them but she does the same thing to them sending metal wave that knock them out Omega Red soldier 5:Raah! Quickly appearing her diamond skin armor she blocks a knife attack from a omega red soldier that she then kicks back allowing Psyga to kill him with a blast to the chest Emma:Wait! *turning towards Psyga* Psyga:Sorry but you ain't getting mercy from me! Psyga turns around and spots a grenade still in the air but heading their way so fires at it destroying it in the air before it could reach them he then gets hit by some bullets that don't do anything but give the soldier's location which Psyga finds behind a car so he fires a laser shot that hits him straight in the face Psyga:Alright time to take the skies Psyga flies up and above to them spot the remaining eight soldiers with two spotting him in the air while the reaming six were focusing on Emma who was getting surrounded by bullets Psyga:Let's take care of this quick Psyga presses his triggers together and keeps them pressed as he charges up an attack which resulted in when he lets go of the triggers a straight blast was fired from his two turrets as they hit all the reaming soldiers in one lined blast Psyga lands on the ground and starts to make his way towards Emma who remains in her diamond form while crossing her arms and looking angrily at Psyga Psyga:What? Emma:You could have just knock them out you know Psyga:Yeah I could but this guys work with a guy who loves to kill people so I'm pretty sure this guy love to do what they do and does are the kind of guys I can't let go to do this again Emma: *sigh* I'll give you that one but what about Omega Red where is he Psyga:Pretty sure his right behind me Psyga right as he says both he and Emma dodge a metal whip that was aimed at Psyga who turns towards Omega Red and fires a blast that disintegrate his left shoulder Omega Red:AAAAAAAHHH!!! Psyga:Wait here White Queen I have a job to finish Emma looks to see Psyga making his way towards Omega Red who crouches down to go pick up his arm Emma: *mind* Well then while you do that I'll like to take a look at who you are exactly *starts to transform back to normal* And then she tries to get in his head but ones she was making connection with Psyga's mind she was quickly backlashed by something that makes her go numb Emma: *mind* Wh-W-What? Emma falls to the ground with her eyes open as she could not understand what just happened and why has her body gone completely numb Hearing the sound of her falling Psyga turns around to see her in the state that she's in Psyga: *mind* Sorry queen but my mind is the one place you wouldn't like to see Without looking he catches one of Omega Red's metal whips making him turn around as he sees Omega Red with his left shoulder now healed up but he used his right whip to try and attack him Psyga:I'm sorry where you trying to do something? *uses his left turret to fire a laser shot at him* The laser shit hits his right leg which makes him fall but it also allows Psyga to charge at him with a boost of his jetpack and once his close enough he fires a laser blast at his chest which goes through completely as it burns gist heart Omega Red:That ain't gonna do shit!! Psyga:Yeah well this might He then fires two laser blast at both his shoulders disintegrating them so that his arms would fall to the ground taking away his weapon Omega Red:AAAAAAHHH!! you bastard!! Psyga:We're not done Psyga then double kicks him back which sends him falling to the ground while Osyga takes flight spinning before aiming his turrets at the armless Omega Red Psyga:Your healing factor works only if something from you remains *turrets start lighting up blue* let's change that!! His turrets fire a huge a combined blue blast of energy that hits Omega Red head on as inside the blast we can see him scream and quickly start to be annihilated by the blast Omega Red:Damm yo—- He could not finish his sentence as both his mouth and his entire body get completely disintegrated by one of Psyga's ultimate moves as he in the air looks down at the now burning hole on the ground as nothing of Omega Red was left behind Psyga then flies towards Emma and lands beside her body which is still on the ground with her eyes still open Psyga:Hey you still with me? Emma:Why—Why—Why couldn't I—I— Psyga:See my mind well you see this helmet of mine protects me from telepathic attacks or mental search so it creates a backlash to the person that tries to look through my memories without permission but let's forget about that let me help you in your situation Emma:Ho—How? Psyga:Grit your teeth if you can Psyga karate chops Emma frost in the stomach which makes the woman's upper body quickly move up and gasp out for air Psyga:There we go *stands up* until we meet again White Queen *walks away* Emma:Wa—Wait a minute It was too late he had already taken flight and was heading towards the same location he and Emma were going only she doesn't realize that Emma could only watch as the anti hero flies away leaving a destroyed street filled with corpses and knock out individuals Later on we see Emma walking down the side walk while thinking about something Emma: *mind* I thought only magneto and Juggernaut had a the means to create or to have helmets like those but his is more advance and futuristic which would make sense why he would create something like that *metal sigh* just who is this guy *out loud* Tsk! forget it I have better thing to do now Walking ahead she sees the cafe she was planning to go to and outside sitting in a two chair table was Y/N who spots her which makes him smile and wave at her which she returns the gestures We see then the two sitting in the two chair table with two cups of coffee Y/N: *chuckles* You seriously did that by just telling that metal guy what the other guy did Emma: *giggles* Yes it was quite the show that no one knows that I was the one who caused it Y/N:Well you'll know that I'm a great person at keeping secrets so I'll keep this between us Emma:You better They both share another laugh which is then quickly changed to smile the two send each other Emma:So what was that about you being a former Union student? Y/N:Oh. . . . .that well you see I don't know if you haven't noticed but the world of heroes here has changed from being a thing people do for the safety of others to now being a job that brings people who only want money, fame and glory Emma:Yes I have noticed that quite a lot especially in X-men with some of its members Y/N:Yeah so I didn't want to become a part of that world so I left the school because I knew that if I turned hero there things would have gone downhill for me Emma:Hmmm I see I can tell it is also not a subject you like to talk about Y/N:Yeah *takes a sip from his coffee before putting down his cup* aaaaa that is just what I needed today a good cup of a coffee and a beautiful woman keeping me company here Emma: *giggles* I'm happy to gives you some company and you know I found this encounter of ours quite amusing and enjoyable want to meet up sone other time? Y/N:Sure *takes out his phone* mind giving me your number Emma:Certainly After exchanging numbers we now find them waking down alone in the side walk as they then reach a cross road where they stop at Y/N:My apartment is down this way so I'll see you around Emma *extends his hand* Emma:I do hope so that'll be soon *shakes his hand* Y/N: *kisses her hand before looking up at her with a smirk* We'll just have to wait and see With that Y/N walks away from a surprised Emma Frost who then flashes a smile and starts to walk the other direction while rubbing the hand he kissed Emma: *mind* Ohhh~ Y/N~ just what kind of person are you~ that I can't even look at their mind~ just like Psyga you are but a mystery that I intend to get~ and discover~
Your lemon boyfriend
Peter lives with his sister whom loves him dearly. Sarah wanted to be in a settle relationship with her boyfriend Michele. Jealousy rises for Peter .
[ "boyfriend", "lemon", "peter", "romance", "sarah" ]
[ "Ch 1", "Ch 2", "Ch 3", "Ch 4", "Ch 5 ", "Ch 6", "Ch7 " ]
[ "\nIt was time for work he thought to himself one morning. Peter stood tall and proud. His hair was the color gery as his eye color was blue. He waited for Sarah to come out of the bathroom. Sigh , I want to look super cute this morning. She drops her hair down and curly her highlights. Peter peek in to see his sister nude . No judgement how ever.\n\nHer waist was thin as her skin was tan . What a freak Peter ! She screams. Huh , don't worry sis . I won't tell your crush .\nShe shed her body with a towel. Man I'm two beautiful to workout . As she sha said . Down back .\nShe forgot her phone . As Peter picks it up . Hmm , I wonder . As he read each message carefully.\n\n\" hey babe , I miss your body it's so steamy.\" - Michelle . Sarah \" sigh , your just my type .\" \nWhile scrolling down , peter placed the phone's in his pocket .\nAfter all thats what big brother do. \n\nHey Peter , let's me see what's behind your back . She placed her hand out .\nSigh , peter growled . I can't stand u . Your Boyfriend n really does love u .\n\nSarah , please mind your own business I'm busy.", "Michelle was waiting outside in front of school . She was sweet and kind . Her typical teenager .\nSarah smiles as she left a kiss on her cheek. The two girls enter the room .\nStudents were in awe . As both girls held hands . So , lover huh. Wait they're girlfriends.\n\nMichelle garbs a notebook as she written in her journal. \" I want a new fresh start on this school year .\"\nHer teacher was writing on the board's as she headed out the final testes. Sarah was relieved and a bit overwhelmed.\nPeter smiles graceful as he watch and listen .\n\nYour name was very quite . As he stuck out his tongue to taste a pice of gum from his mouth.", "As the 3 student were eating lunches. They complained on there cell phone. Messages there parents on there book report.\nLately peter stood there in awe . Huh , peter quite staring at your name . Your name waved his hand .\n Your name was the awkward type . He mostly listen to music and sing in a high pitch tone . While many girls were in awe.\n\nMichelle wanted to taste Sarah lips . She placed a lollipop in her mouth. Sour apple was her favorite.\nYou look lovely Sarah . She placed a hand on her hip . As they began to kiss .\nHeat roses up as they swallow each other .\n\nAnd just like that the bell rang. Ring ring . Each student line up and went back home.", "\nYour name was biting a bittersweet raspberry lollipop. He wanted to make love to his boyfriend peter.\nYour name grabs off his shirt while his muscles shine through his shirt.  He pucks his pants down and sigh .\n\" I really want to eat you right up . \" \nPeter  leand down on the bed . He was wearing a normal blue T-shirt and jeans.\nYour name pecks him all over . He waited till it pop . They were on the bed together.\n\nWait , peter I'm your present tonight. He licks him up and down. As he moan with delight.\nPeter rubs his membrane to the core . He was burning up . While he blushed up and down.\nYour name smirk. We're boyfriend aren't we .\n\nThey licked each other as he's tongue clash together.", "\nPeter was in awe . The soft rock music was played. As he began to relax . His phone rang in his pocket.\nHello , I'm short of busy at the moment. He replied. Your name was watching him moan and goan .\nPretty cute huh ? Peter your all mine . Peter was in awe the cutest moan ever . \n\nYour right , I'm pretty gay aren't I ! He said to himself . Your name arch's his hand toward his dick.\nHe rubs his inside up and down while licking up his semen . Man your adorable Peter , that what I like about u.\nPeter begs him to place it in. While doing so both boys increases.\n\nI'm reaching my climax . Your always teasing me . Your name . What did I ever do to u ? Said Peter.", "\nBoth boys were relaxed . They smiled ears from ears . As they talked about sexual active .\nHmm , I want you to know that Sarah dating Michelle. Now she's a very sweet kid .\nSigh , I noticed you had a crush on your sister. It's short of weird.\nYour named giggled . \"Hmm , yeah I bet your words are wrote then his bit. \"\n\nPeter walked out of the room . Crying his eyes out . The grey boy with black hair had a good sex life .\nHmm , I wonder he looked at his mirror. He reaches his climax not so after .\nYour name hugs his boyfriend. As he order chicken wings and French fries from wing stops.\n\nSigh order up . It was there mother . They two brothers were undone.\nShe smiles happily . Mom your home .", "\nSarah and Michelle talked and talked on the phone . Sarah was drenched in blood caring a knife in one hand .\nSigh , you're so cute to eat . She sighed . Michelle giggled happily. \nUm , so would u like to have sex one day ? It was a perky question. Michelle answered back.\nHuh , wait I could have kids with you . Poor Sarah.\n\nMichelle grips Sarah for a tongue kiss . It tasted so sweet like chewing gum . Sigh , both girls had fallen in love .\nSarah smiled happily as her breast where showings through her shirt. Michelle flicks her chest back and forth.\nHer boobs began to bounce. As Michelle kissed her tenderly. It was the heat of the moment.\n\nI love you so much . Remember how sexy you look in the uniform. Or that one time when your boyfriend came over .\nLol , Michelle pleases eat me up . Michele did what she was told. Her fingers reaches through her shirt.\nAs she arches her shirt down folded.revealing her breasts. Fingering her at night ." ]
Title: Your lemon boyfriend Description: Peter lives with his sister whom loves him dearly. Sarah wanted to be in a settle relationship with her boyfriend Michele. Jealousy rises for Peter . Tags: ['boyfriend', 'lemon', 'peter', 'romance', 'sarah']
# Ch 1 It was time for work he thought to himself one morning. Peter stood tall and proud. His hair was the color gery as his eye color was blue. He waited for Sarah to come out of the bathroom. Sigh , I want to look super cute this morning. She drops her hair down and curly her highlights. Peter peek in to see his sister nude . No judgement how ever. Her waist was thin as her skin was tan . What a freak Peter ! She screams. Huh , don't worry sis . I won't tell your crush . She shed her body with a towel. Man I'm two beautiful to workout . As she sha said . Down back . She forgot her phone . As Peter picks it up . Hmm , I wonder . As he read each message carefully. " hey babe , I miss your body it's so steamy." - Michelle . Sarah " sigh , your just my type ." While scrolling down , peter placed the phone's in his pocket . After all thats what big brother do. Hey Peter , let's me see what's behind your back . She placed her hand out . Sigh , peter growled . I can't stand u . Your Boyfriend n really does love u . Sarah , please mind your own business I'm busy. # Ch 2 Michelle was waiting outside in front of school . She was sweet and kind . Her typical teenager . Sarah smiles as she left a kiss on her cheek. The two girls enter the room . Students were in awe . As both girls held hands . So , lover huh. Wait they're girlfriends. Michelle garbs a notebook as she written in her journal. " I want a new fresh start on this school year ." Her teacher was writing on the board's as she headed out the final testes. Sarah was relieved and a bit overwhelmed. Peter smiles graceful as he watch and listen . Your name was very quite . As he stuck out his tongue to taste a pice of gum from his mouth. # Ch 3 As the 3 student were eating lunches. They complained on there cell phone. Messages there parents on there book report. Lately peter stood there in awe . Huh , peter quite staring at your name . Your name waved his hand . Your name was the awkward type . He mostly listen to music and sing in a high pitch tone . While many girls were in awe. Michelle wanted to taste Sarah lips . She placed a lollipop in her mouth. Sour apple was her favorite. You look lovely Sarah . She placed a hand on her hip . As they began to kiss . Heat roses up as they swallow each other . And just like that the bell rang. Ring ring . Each student line up and went back home. # Ch 4 Your name was biting a bittersweet raspberry lollipop. He wanted to make love to his boyfriend peter. Your name grabs off his shirt while his muscles shine through his shirt.  He pucks his pants down and sigh . " I really want to eat you right up . " Peter  leand down on the bed . He was wearing a normal blue T-shirt and jeans. Your name pecks him all over . He waited till it pop . They were on the bed together. Wait , peter I'm your present tonight. He licks him up and down. As he moan with delight. Peter rubs his membrane to the core . He was burning up . While he blushed up and down. Your name smirk. We're boyfriend aren't we . They licked each other as he's tongue clash together. # Ch 5 Peter was in awe . The soft rock music was played. As he began to relax . His phone rang in his pocket. Hello , I'm short of busy at the moment. He replied. Your name was watching him moan and goan . Pretty cute huh ? Peter your all mine . Peter was in awe the cutest moan ever . Your right , I'm pretty gay aren't I ! He said to himself . Your name arch's his hand toward his dick. He rubs his inside up and down while licking up his semen . Man your adorable Peter , that what I like about u. Peter begs him to place it in. While doing so both boys increases. I'm reaching my climax . Your always teasing me . Your name . What did I ever do to u ? Said Peter. # Ch 6 Both boys were relaxed . They smiled ears from ears . As they talked about sexual active . Hmm , I want you to know that Sarah dating Michelle. Now she's a very sweet kid . Sigh , I noticed you had a crush on your sister. It's short of weird. Your named giggled . "Hmm , yeah I bet your words are wrote then his bit. " Peter walked out of the room . Crying his eyes out . The grey boy with black hair had a good sex life . Hmm , I wonder he looked at his mirror. He reaches his climax not so after . Your name hugs his boyfriend. As he order chicken wings and French fries from wing stops. Sigh order up . It was there mother . They two brothers were undone. She smiles happily . Mom your home . # Ch7 Sarah and Michelle talked and talked on the phone . Sarah was drenched in blood caring a knife in one hand . Sigh , you're so cute to eat . She sighed . Michelle giggled happily. Um , so would u like to have sex one day ? It was a perky question. Michelle answered back. Huh , wait I could have kids with you . Poor Sarah. Michelle grips Sarah for a tongue kiss . It tasted so sweet like chewing gum . Sigh , both girls had fallen in love . Sarah smiled happily as her breast where showings through her shirt. Michelle flicks her chest back and forth. Her boobs began to bounce. As Michelle kissed her tenderly. It was the heat of the moment. I love you so much . Remember how sexy you look in the uniform. Or that one time when your boyfriend came over . Lol , Michelle pleases eat me up . Michele did what she was told. Her fingers reaches through her shirt. As she arches her shirt down folded.revealing her breasts. Fingering her at night .
~||To you, I'm only a childhood friend||~Kyn/Obanai x Mitsuri~||
🌸~'Welcome to my first Obanai x Mitsuri book'~🌸 ~'|I'll try to upload as much and quickly as possible y'all|'~ "My love is yours but your love is not mine..." -Obanai Iguro "If your in love with two people, choose the second one, because if you really love the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one" -Mitsuri Kanoji 🌸~Description~🌸 When Obanai and Mitsuri first met in grade school, Obanai couldn't help but fall in love with her at first sight, he adored her in every way and accepts her for who she truely is. However as years went by, the day before Obanai could confess, he find out that Mitsuri has eyes on another boy and is willing to change her entire personality and looks just for him. Obanai supports her but feels bad for what she is doing to herself. As Obanai helps try to matchmake her with her crush, Mitsuri feels something she never felt before towards Obanai. ---- 🌸~Ships~🌸 Obanai x Mitsuri Giyu x Sabito Muichiro x Tanjiro Zenitsu x Nezuko Kanae x Sanemi ---- 🌸⚠️~Warnings~⚠️🌸 Small make out session 🤏🤏🤏🍋 Obanai x Mitsuri Ships Lbgt Cursing Drama Fluff Suicide mentions Suicide attempt Slight Angst Started: August 30thish, 2023 Ended: October 19th, 2033 Completed?: Yes
[ "cursing", "demonslayer", "fuff", "lbgt", "lemon", "mitsurixobanai", "obamitsu", "obanaixmitsuri" ]
[ "🌷~||Character introduction||~🌷", "🌷~||Prologue||~🌷", "🌷~||Volume 1||~🌷", "🌷~||Volume 2||~🌷", "🌷~||Volume 3||~🌷", "🌷~||Volume 4|~🌷", "🌷~||Volume 5|~🌷", "🌷~||Volume 6|~🌷", "🌷~||Volume 7|~🌷", "🌷~||Volume 8|~🌷", "🌷~||Volume 9|~🌷", "🌷~||Volume 10||~🌷", "🌷~||Epilogue||~🌷" ]
[ "<i>🌷~||Welcome to my first Obamitsu book||~🌷</i>\n\n<i>----</i>\n<i>Um I am adding my own ships in here so if you dislike any I'm sorry.</i>\n🌷<i>~Mitsuri x Obanai~</i>🐍\n🌊<i>~Giyu x Sabito~</i>🌹\n🌙<i>~Muichiro x Tanjiro~</i><i>☀️</i>\n<i>🌸~Nezuko x Zenitsu~🌼</i>\n🦋<i>~Kanae x Sanemi~</i>💨\n\n<b><i>🌸~Main Characters~🌸</i></b>\n\n<i>Name: Iguro Obanai</i>\n<i>Age: 17</i>\n<i>-4th year-</i>\n<i>Crush: Mitsuri</i>\n<i>Ends up with: Mitsuri</i>\n<i>R</i><i>eputation: 67/100</i>\n<i>~Short description~</i>\n<i>O</i>\n\n<i>banai is seemed pretty rude to most people due to unknown reasons to many. However he is the complete opposite around Mitsuri and is often caring to her, some say it's because they were childhood friends and grew together, to them it's a completely different story.</i>\n\n<i>Name: Kanroji Mitsuri</i>\n<i>Age: 16</i>\n<i>-3rd year-</i>\n<i>Crush: Obanai</i>\n<i>Ends up with: Obanai</i>\n<i>Reputation: 96/100</i>\n<i>~Short description~</i>\n<i>Mitsuri is of the most popular girls attending her School, she is kind, confident, and pretty looks for her age. She is often a little loud for some and a lot of boys tend to confess to her from time to time. Even if she is a hopeless romantic to herself, she is easily oblivious when someone actually has feelings for her.</i>\n\n<b><i>🌸~Friends~🌸</i></b>\n\n<i><i>Name: </i></i><i>Kocho</i><i> Shinobu</i>\n\n<i><i>Age: 1</i></i><i>5</i>\n<i><i>-3rd year-</i></i>\n<i><i>Crush: </i></i><i>Giyu</i>\n<i><i>Ends up with: </i></i><i>Noone</i>\n<i><i>R</i></i><i><i>eputation: 91/100</i></i>\n<i><i>~Short description~</i></i>\n<i>S</i>\n\n<i>hinobu is a really kind and helpful young girl. She often helps the teachers and staff with many things and is the second most well known girl in the school. Other then her two sister's she is the most known out of the 3. She was Mitsuri's best friend since forever and is also one of Giyu's childhood friends, who she soon gained feelings for.</i>\n\n\n<i><i>Name: </i></i><i>Rengoku Kyojuro</i>\n<i><i>Age: 1</i></i><i>8</i>\n<i><i>-4th year-</i></i>\n<i><i>Crush:</i></i><i> None</i>\n<i><i>Ends up with: </i></i><i>Noone</i>\n<i><i>R</i></i><i><i>eputation: 87/100</i></i>\n<i><i>~Short description~</i></i>\n<i>R</i>\n\n<i>engoku is one of the few loudest males in the school and is often respected by the underclassmens. He often helps others with homework, school work, and anything else school related and has a really kind heart. He is one of Mitsuri's bestest friends since Middle School.</i>\n\n<i><i>Name:</i></i><i> Tokito Muichiro</i>\n<i><i>Age: </i></i><i>14</i>\n<i><i>-1st year-</i></i>\n<i><i>Crush:</i></i><i> Tanjiro</i>\n<i><i>Ends up with: </i></i><i>Tanjiro</i>\n<i><i>R</i></i><i><i>eputation: 79/100</i></i>\n<i><i>~Short description~</i></i>\n<i>M</i>\n\n<i>uichiro is a bit of an airhead to some. he often forgets things easily and has a mood, picking up from his twin brother who passed away when they were ten. He is pretty popular with he girls though he has he eye on an upperclassmen which helped him recover most of his memory and is his personal tutor.</i><i> He is also the friend of both Mitsuri and Obanai since his second year of Middle School.</i>\n\n<i>Name:</i> <i>Shinazugawa Sanemi</i>\n<i>Age: </i><i>18</i>\n<i>-4th year-</i>\n<i>Crush: </i><i>Kanae</i>\n<i>Ends up with: </i><i>Kanae</i>\n<i>Reputation: 56/100</i>\n<i>~Short description</i><i>~</i>\n<i>Sanemi is seen as a scary type of person, people misjudged him due to his appearance and he very rude to others. He is one the friends of Obanai since they were kids and love to joke around with others, mainly Giyu. However he does have a soft spot for a certain girl.</i>\n\n<i>Name: Kamado Tanjiro</i>\n<i>Age: 16</i>\n\n<i>-3rd year-</i>\n<i>Crush: None</i>\n<i>Ends up with: Muichiro</i>\n<i>Reputation: 84/100</i>\n<i>~Short description~</i>\n<i>Tanjiro is shown to be a very kid hearted person and often tutors his classmates to catch them up and help them so they can make it in life. He also loves his younger sister and often si seen with her most of the time, or the boy he is currently tutoring and help, Muichiro. He is one the friends of Mitsuri and is seen as an enemy to Obanai.</i>\n\n\n<i><i>Name:</i></i><i> Kamado Nezuko</i>\n<i><i>Age: </i></i><i>15</i>\n<i><i>-Second year-</i></i>\n<i><i>Crush: </i></i><i>Zenitsu</i>\n<i><i>Ends up with: </i></i><i>Zenitsu</i>\n<i><i>Reputation: 86/</i></i><i>100</i>\n<i><i>~Short description</i></i><i><i>~</i></i>\n<i><i>Nezuko is open the best friends of Mitsuri since she joined highschool and often adores her. She is a kind and gentle girl who often thinks of others as a family after a certain period of time. She loves to talk to others and meeting new people and is often of the smartest girl's in her grade.</i></i>\n\n<i>N</i><i><i>ame:</i></i><i> Tomioka </i><i>Giyu</i>\n<i><i>A</i></i>\n\n<i><i>ge: </i></i><i><i>18</i></i>\n\n<i><i>-4th year-</i></i>\n<i><i>Crush: </i></i><i>Sabito</i>\n<i><i>Ends up with: </i></i><i>Sabito</i>\n<i><i>Reputation: 90/100</i></i>\n<i><i>~Short description</i></i><i><i>~</i></i>\n<i><i>Giyu seems like a cold-hearted person but is often kind to others. </i></i><i>He is one of the few smartest kids in his grade currently and is often targeted by Sanemi and Obanai for unknown reasons, to Obanai it's because Mitsuri thinks he's cute. Giyu is told he has no friend about is friends with Sabito which is his current crush.</i>\n\n<i>Name: Sabito</i>\n<i>Age: 18</i>\n<i>-4th year-</i>\n<i>Crush: Giyu</i>\n<i>Ends up with: Giyu</i>\n<i>Reputation: 89/100</i>\n<i>~Short description~</i>\n<i>Sabito is kind to others around him hut is also pretty harsh sometimes. He enjoys spending his time with Giyu is is pretty talented at a lot of things. Obanai mainly talks to him because they share the same science class together. Sabito also seems to be popular among most students.</i>\n\n<i>Some others characters may be added but here are some of them :)</i>\n\n<i>🌷~Prologue coming soon~🌷</i>", "<i>🌷~Prologue~🌷</i>\n<i>---</i>\n\n<i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i>\n<i>This chapter contains...</i>\n<i>Language</i>\n<i>Bad spelling,</i>\n<i>Bad grammer,</i>\n<i>Side ships,</i>\n<i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n<i>Obanai's pov</i>\n<i>----- </i>\n\n<i>\"Yo Obanai! Get your ass over here! There is something I want to show you!\" I heard my friend, Sanemi yell and I turned around and said, \"You better watch your language before the teacher comes after you!\" I watched Sanemi roll his eyes and yelled back, \"I'm 9 years old! I'm not a baby anymore!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"I'm not sure how a </i><i>9 year old can curse! Anyways what?\"</i><i> I shouted back. I stood up from the ground and then followed Sanemi over to another area of the playground. It was valentine's day, and everyone was basically still giving out their gifts to everyone, it was cute and all but I didn't really care back then for that specific day. \"Look!\" I heard Sanemi yell and pointed towards a girl. Kinda looks creepy because we were hiding behind a bush. The girl had long hair abd butterfly clips attached to both sides of her head, along wearing our School uniform \"What about her? Ain't she like 3 years older then us?\" </i>\n\n<i>\"She's cute! Cuter then her younger sister\" I rolled my eyes at the comment and yelled, \"Ew! You have a crush on someone!\" I crossed my arms and the he pointed towards another girl who looked similar to the last one, \"How bout her younger sister! Do you like her?\" I stared at the girl, she looked alot like the last one, though her hair slightly faded into a purple and there was one butterfly clip in her hair, possibly attached to a tiny ponytail.</i>\n\n<i>\"Eh..\" I said, the girl didn't catch my interest, but then I heard from the other side of where the girl was at, \"Shinobu! Look what I found!\" A girl ran with a huge rock in her hand which surprised the other one, which apparently is named Shinobu. \"Wow Mitsuri! Your so strong!\" She complimented the girl, Mitsuri, which led her to smile. Her hair was tied into </i><i>three braids, her hair was pink fading into a green color, also matching her green eyes.</i>\n\n<i>\"Shinobu! I think today is the day! I am gonna ask my crush to be my valentine!\" She yelled happily and her friend supported her. Her cheerful self and nature kinda pulled me in towards her. She was very cute and looked really kind. I was a little to distracted by her before Sanemi snapped his fingers in my face and I snapped back into reality.</i><i> \"I'm alive!\" I yelled and Sanemi looked at me confused, \"I did your name 4 times, what the heck happened?\" I shrugged my shoulders and turned back to see the girl gone and I was alittle sad.</i>\n\n<i>\"We're you staring at that annoying Mitsuri girl?\" He asked and I shook my head and I felt my face heat up, \"I wasn't staring at her!\" I yelled, \"sure look like you were zones out in her direction.\" I shook my head and then left Sanemi confused and I went after to look for her, atleast to say something to her. As I finally found her, the whistle blew and everyone was told to get back to their classroom and I was a sad again. I ran over to my classroom </i><i>and then began eating for the bell to ring again allowing us to leave for the day.</i>\n\n<i>----</i>\n\n<i>When the finale bell rang, I then was allowed to leave and I began walking home with a couple of other students that were currently talking to their friends. Sanemi takes the bus with his younger brother so I was lonely whenever I walked home. It slowly began to rain which was expected to some students because along with me we took out our umbrellas. When I was almost home, I heard small cries from the park nearby my place. I was confused and began to investigate and found the girl from eailer sitting there, crying and sad.</i>\n\n<i>I slowly walked over to her and placed my unbrella under her which led her to look up confused and we made eye contact. Her eyes were beautiful to me and I felt my fave heat up a little.</i>\n\n\n\n<i>\"Hey..are you okay? Why are you crying?\" I asked, in my non-clear voice, I had bandages wrapped around my mouth so it was hard for some people to hear me. \"Well...I kinda liked a boy and I tried to ask them to be my valentine but they told me I was ugly and bks I didn't even act like a girl! They even said they prefered my friend...\" She cried out and tears foamed in her eyes, slowly falling down her pretty eyes. \"I'm sorry to hear that, I can stay here until you stop crying\" I said and she was surprised and then nodded slowly.</i>\n\n<i>\"I'm Obanai by the way...we go to the same school..\"</i>\n\n<i>\"I'm Mitsuri...\" She said as she wiped her tears away, she slowly layed her head in my chest and layed there crying onto me. I suspected her to cry in my shoulder but I didn't mind my chest either, as long as her tears go away. I felt my face turn red again and I tried to shake the feeling away from me and tried to think of something else other than me thinking she is adorable.</i>\n\n<i>She layed took her head off my chest and I was a little sad and she smiled softly, which led me to turn even redder. She smiled at me, and it's a gentle one as well. \"Thank you, Obanai...I feel a little better now. Say you want to play with me?\" She asked and I nodded and the she grabbed my hand and pulled me up and then began am running with me, smiling.</i>\n\n<i>\"Let's go Obanai! I know a perfect game to play!\"</i>\n\n<i>That's when I knew I </i><i>developed</i><i> feelings for Mitsuri..</i>\n\n<i>🌷💮'~Thanks for Reading ~'💮🌷</i>\n\n\n<i>Volume 1</i>\n<i>Coming soon</i>", "<i>🌷~Chapter 1~🌷</i>\n<i>\"Mitsuri's crush\"</i>\n<i>---</i>\n\n<i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i>\n<i>This chapter contains...</i>\n<i>Language</i>\n<i>Bad spelling,</i>\n<i>Bad grammer,</i>\n<i>Side ships,</i>\nObanai x Mitsuri\n\n<b><i>Idk why this took a while to get out-</i></b>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n<i>Obanai's pov</i>\n<i>----- </i>\n\n<i>I stood waiting for Mitsuri to finish getting ready while I was downstairs, drinking tea that her mother gave me. It been a couple years since I knew Mitsuri, ever since that day we met we bonded in the cold rainy day and now I'm in my 3rd year of middle school and she is in her 2nd. Today was the day I wanted to confess my love to Mitsuri and I was prepared. At the moment I had only a few people by my side, that only being Sanemi and Kyojuro, who is friends with Mitsuri. Shinobu, who is Mitsuri's bestest friend is unaware that I like her, atleast it think so.</i>\n\n<i>As I was about to go find Mitsuri I was interrupted but Shinobu, or butterfly bitch, something among those words since she is one herself. \"Obanai~where are you going? Mitsuri is looking for you?\" She said in her annoying voice. Shinobu and I had a strange relationship, sometimes I like her and sometimes I don't, I guess she doesn't want to be replaced on her current role to Mitsuri. \"I was just looking for her until you interrupted me-\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Obanai! There you are!\" Speaking of Mitsuri, she ran towards me and pulled me into a hug and I blushed red. \"Hey Mitsuri, hey there is something I wanted to tell you...\" She pulled away from the hug, making me upset a little, \"There is something I wanted to tell you as well! Say you want to go first?\" She asked me and I shook my head, \"You can go first\" I said and she smiled, but the words she was about to yell were the words I didn't want to hear, not at this time...</i>\n\n<i>\"I met a upperclassmen and I just fell in love with him! Though it seems like I am nowhere near his type! I just thought how bout I try to perfect his type and to do that I have to be 'normal!'\" her sentence killed me. I did want to know she liked someone else but if I just told her I liked her first before that, I would have got rejected right then and there. Our friendship would have been broken. Along with her last word, the word 'Normal' I hated that word for her, she is perfect just the way she is and yet she wants to change herself for someone else?</i>\n\n<i>\"I-That's great Mitsuri! I'm glad you found someone you like!\" I replied, though it was not the words I wanted to say. I wanted to tell her how I felt, on this situation, to tell her that she was perfect and she didn't need to change how she is now. \"Thank you Obanai! Now! What were you gonna tell me?\" She yelled, with the mind curiosity in her eyes, and the sweet smiled planted in her face.</i>\n\n<i>\"I just wanted to tell you that uhhh... well there is someone I like as well!\" I said and Mitsuri's eyes beamed with interest and excitement, \"Really?! Tell me! Tell me! Who is the lucky person! Atleast tell me the gender!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"I'm not comfortable with that information just yet... I'll tell you soon..but tell me more about this guy.\" I saidz even if I was not interested in learning about this upperclassmen. I didn't want to hear the way she described him and how I didn't match her type, I didn't even know her type. As she rambled on about the guy, the more heartbroken I felt, my heart shattered in many pieces, and yet I didn't even confess to her.</i>\n\n<i>\"So what is his type...? What are you changing about yourself?\" I asked and she tired to think, \"He doesn't care for strong girls, he cares for girls with actual natural hair, I guess I just have to be more...normal?\" I froze on the amount of changes this girl is willing to make for this stupid boy. He wouldn't even be going for the actual girl, just the loving the one wearing the mask, behind it however is the one I love. \"I wouldn't suggest you do it right away..maybe you try to talk to him and then how bout see if that's just his current type. Maybe with your perfect self you would become his type.\"</i>\n\n<i>\"You right! Thank you Obanai! I'll try my best! Your such a good friend! I'm so lucky I found you!\" I felt my heart shattered again, I just got friend zoned right there and not in the good way. I sighed and nodded and she looked confused, \"is something wrong? Can I do anything to help? Tell me what's wrong?\" She got closer to my face and the titled her head. I blushed and she smiled slowly, \"I'm fine, just had something on my mind for a minute, now go talk to your future husband\" I said and she blushed red, only if it was actually at me and not embarrassment.</i>\n\n<i>\"That would have been a dream!\" Mitsuri yelled placing her hands on her face. I remembered she always talked about getting married to the man she falls in love with and talking about how she wants to picture her life with them. I always felt like one day she would like me back but I was never in her sight. She always had a crush on a guy and in the end get rejected, though the amount of times I try she seems to never look my way. Maybe it was time to just give up, let her go be with someone else and hopefully this guy is the right one for her.</i>\n\n<i>Who knows maybe I might like someone else like Mitsuri.</i>\n\n<i>\"See you later Obanai!\" I heard Mitsuri yell as she then later waved, running off to find that guy. No I can't fall in love with someone else that easily like her, there is no way someone could perfect Mitsuri. I know Mitsuri my first and last crush ever, it sucks I have to give it all away now.</i>\n\n<i>But who may this guy be?</i>\n\n<i>----</i>\n\n<i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i>\n", "<i>🌷~Chapter 2~🌷</i>\n<i>\"Our history teacher\"</i>\n<i>---</i>\n\n<i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i>\n<i>This chapter contains...</i>\n<i>Language</i>\n<i>Bad spelling,</i>\n<i>Bad grammer,</i>\n<i>Side ships,</i>\n<i>Sexual harassment</i>\n<i>Pedophile</i>\n<i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i>\n\n<i>Sorry for not uploading as much as I usually do, busy with </i><i>school and have an exam for an end of a unit so there is that I have to study for.</i>\n\n<i>Giyu x Sabito is in this book but would you guys rather have me make a Sabigiyuu book first or a </i><i>Giyushino book first? Not making either at the moment prob not until this book is Completed maybe.</i>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n<i>Mitsuri's pov</i>\n<i>----- </i>\n\n<i>\"Mitsuri! Your in a hurry!\" Shinobu commented and I turned around at the girl who was still catching up to me. Shinobu and I had been friends for a long time now, even longer then Obanai and I, she is the first to know about everything so I knew I had to tell her. \"I am gonna ask my crush out! And I want it to be lunch already so I could that!\" I said and she smiled and clapped her hands together. \"Finally! I'm sure he would accept! Who would reject someone like you?\" I felt like I should be saying that to her instead.</i>\n\n<i>I knew Shinobu has a crush on her friend Giyu and had one since middle school. Shinobu is a really pretty and kind girl, a pure combination of beauty and brains. I adored her and sometimes envy her for being that pretty. I sometimes wish I were here because of the amount of chances she has in getting a love life. Once she confesses to Giyu, there is a really high chance of being his girlfriend. I think they would make a really cute couple! Though I heard rumors of Giyu liking someone else. I believe I should inform Shinobu Bout that to see if she already knows about them.</i>\n\n<i>I heard the next bell rang and I ran to my class, waving Shinobu goodbye. When I entered the room, Obanai waved to me at his table and I sat down next to him. \"Hey Obanai! </i><i>Do you know what we are doing today?\" I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders as he was getting out his notebook. I did the same thing and then began writing the date and learning target. Surprisedly even if Obanai is a grade above me the teacher teaches both grades as if it was an elective class. It was one of my worst subjects, history. I think I have a C in this class and I think I would have no improvement with a tutor. Although the person in our tutoring program, working as one is pretty cute. </i>\n\n<i>\"Mitsuri...your daydreaming again\" Obanai said as he waved his hand Infront of my face and I apologized, \"Sorry! Just picturing things again...\" I said laughing nervously. \"Your thinking of cute boys again aren't you?\" I think Obanai knew me long enough to know what I think about. \"Sorry! I just think Tanjiro is super cute!\" </i><i>Obanai tried to remebe the boy, \"You mean the lowerclassmen in the turtoring club? Muichiro tutor?\" He asked and I nodded. Muichiro Tokito ks one of my friends and he is supper chill, and I have another friend named Nezuko who is the younger sister of Tanjiro.</i>\n\n<i>\"You know Muichiro has a crush on him right?\" He asked and I was surprised and jumped up from my chair catching everyone's attention. \"Oops sorry!\" I bowed down and the teacher smiled at me and just told me to sit down. The teacher was super nice to me and somehow gives me more special treatment than most of the students in this class. All my current friends says it's weird and creepy but I don't really care as long as I am on a teacher's good side. </i>\n\n<i>Later in the class period when the bell was about to ring for lunch, I saw the teacher walk by me and bended down slowly and I whispered, \"please stay after class, there is something I wanna discuss to you alone..\" he said and I nodded but also was scared. It was most likely about my grades! I know they were terrible but now knowing how low a C I know the teacher is vkn a wanna talk about it and make me fix it somehow. \"What did he say?\" Obanai asked and I turned to him, \"He just wants me to stay after class for a bit, do you mind waiting for me? Unless you want to go off and eat without me that's fine with my to.\" I said and Obanai shook his head.</i>\n\n<i>\"I'll wait for you Mitsuri\" he said and I smiled and looked into Obanai's eyes, they were so pretty and rare, he is the first person I met with two different eye colors and not to mention his hair was also really pretty, though I never really saw his full face, and that being he has bandages around his mouth, I still kinda think he is handsome. I blushed a little just thinking about it and shook my head. </i><i>I didn't see Obanai more than just a friend so I think it would be werid to think of him if something more now since I never did before.</i>\n\n<i>When the bell rang I packed my stuff and Obanai told me he be waiting for me outside.</i><i> When I finished packing my things, I walked over to my teacher and placed my hands behind my back, \"is there some you need sir?\" I asked and he smiled as he stood up and I took a step back a little. \"In fact yes there is, I noticed your grades have been losing a lot quickly and you seem to be failing my class...\" A C means a failing grade?! I was scared to see the disapproval planted on my parents faces once they find out but then the teacher walked closer to me.</i>\n\n<i>\"But there is one quicker way to fix that...\" He said in a low voice, saying it directly to my ear, I felt a chil run down my spine and I was beginning to get a little uncomfortable. \"What's that? Get a tutor?\" I asked and he shook his head and then that's when he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. t this point I was about to shout and defend myself but he seems a little stronger then I was. I was upset and uncomfortable of what was going on, I could feel his breath on my neck and I knew on what this man was doing was definitely something he could get in real trouble for.</i>\n\n<i>\"Stop that! I'm still a teenager your like 36!! \" I yelled, as I tried to escape his grip to fail multiple times. \"Age really is just a number... don't you want to make your parents proud?\" He asked and I thought for a minute, even if I did this was very wrong and disgusting. I always wanted a romantic life, but this is the complete opposite of what I wanted. What the hell is he gonna do? Possibly rape me?! In a god damn classroom?! I screamed for help as loud as I could before I felt a cloth entered my mouth and I was surprised on how bold he was.</i>\n\n<i>A teacher doing this to a teenager during school hours, it's quite impressive but why does he have to do it in this way?! All a sudden I heard someone kick open the door and then jumped into my teacher and tackled him to the ground. I took the the with my now free arms and removed the cloth around my mouth and quickly buttoned my shirt which I didn't notice was unbuttoned. Guess I was so lost in my thoughts and the whole process going so fast I didn't even realize. I turned around and saw Obanai beating the crap out of the man who tired to lay his hands on me in disturbing ways. </i>\n\n<i>I stood up quickly and ran out, searching for a staff member and then when I caught a staff members attention, they immediately encountered the scene and I have no idea on what happened next. I was justooking for Shinobu to inform her on what was going on but ran into Rengoku instead. He was one of my friends as well, since middle school. \"Mitsuri! Are you alright?! Why are you crying?\" He yelled and Nezuko appeared behind him as well as Tanjrio. \"Mitsuri?!\" Nezuko yelled in a concerned voice and I began crying and fell to the ground. I felt warm arms wrap around me and Iturned around and saw Obanai hugging me.</i>\n\n<i>\"Your safe now Alright...?\" I couldn't say thank you even if I wanted to at that moment, I could only cry onto his chest and tried to forget what happened a couple of minutes ago..</i>\n\n<i>----</i>\n\n<i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i>\n", "<i>🌷~Chapter 3~🌷</i>\n<i>\"A sudden change\"</i>\n<i>---</i>\n\n<i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i>\n<i>This chapter contains...</i>\n<i>Language</i>\n<i>Bad spelling,</i>\n<i>Bad grammer,</i>\n<i>Side ships,</i>\n<i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n\n<i>Mitsuri's pov</i>\n<i>-----</i>\n\n<i>Once upon a time, there was once a girl who dreamed of being in the arms of her future love, but for some reason it never happened for her, because love was not her fate and she was never granted it. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't fall in love, until one day she met a boy and instantly fell in love with him. The more they talked the more she fell, that was until one day he accepted a girls confession right in front of her, and her heart shattered into millions of pieces. When she killed herself, was when she realized she fell in love with not the man she though, but with the man who lived next door, who also loved her.</i>\n\n<i>.</i>\n<i>.</i>\n<i>.</i>\n\n<i>What a sad beautiful love story! It was one of my favorite books, a combination of sad and romantic is one of my favorites. It's like when a girl dies in the boys arms who also dies! That story makes me so sad...Shinobu finds my taste in these kind of books weird but she is wrong! \"Hmm, I'm not sure what to pick for the day...I read basically every one of these romance books since I was a kid...now I'm not sure...\" I said to myself, searching for a new book in our school's library and then I felt someone throw a book at me.</i>\n\n<i>\"Hey! What was that fo-\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Mitsuri, I found you a book I think you might like...\" The boy said to me as she turned his head away. Long hair ending with tealish color, in our male's school uniform in his own style. \"Wow! Thank you Muichiro! I haven't read this one but it looks interesting!\" I said smiling at him and he shrugged his shoulders.</i><i> Like I said before Muichiro was a friend of mine since middle school and always tends to buy me new romance novels along with Rengoku everyear either near or on my birthday!</i>\n\n<i><b>(I forgot about this until today um, happy late birthday Obanai! 😊🌸)</b></i>\n\n<i>Which is strange because my birthday is nowhere near from now, it's still a long way from now. I read the title and the description reach seemed about a male moving into a new school and later falling in love with his teacher? Sounds interesting! Atleast he is 18 and she is 23 but still reminds me of what happened a couple of days ago. I'm glad Obanai was able to stand up for me, I don't even want to think about what might have happen if he was not outside that door. </i>\n\n<i>\"Oh? Heading off so soon Muichiro?\" I asked as I saw Muichiro walking away, \"Well Tanjiro wants me to meet him over there to study.\" Muichiro has been falling behind on his classes and later had Tanjiro, an upperclassmen for Muichiro atleast as his tutor. Tanjiro and I are in the same grade though we have no classes together anymore. \"Alright! Tell Tanjiro I said hi!\" He nodded and left. Tanjiro and Muichiro seemed to be getting closer lately besides being friends and all that. It's super cute though!</i>\n\n<i>When I was about to leave the library, I saw a male student there, sitting on the table, talking to another female student attending here. That was the boy I liked and fell in love with, I smiled slowly, wanting to speak to him, but he was already talking to another girl who seems to be taking an interest in him. It made me feel upset knowing he might fall in love with her before he does with me. I'm not even sure if he would like me for being myself, which is fine because I don't mind changing myself if it means being normal and being the one he marries.</i>\n\n<i>----</i>\n\n<i>I ran trying to find my friend but instead </i><i>bumped into what seemed like an upperclassmen and I looked up and saw a male, long black hair tied in a low ponytail almost and dark blue eyes. This was Giyu Tomioka, Shinobu's crush, he is very cute but </i><i>I do suspect him of liking somebody else. How come almost everyone I like, falls in love with someone else? But I would never want to deeply fall in love with Giyu because Shinobu likes him as well. I wouldn't betray my best friend. </i>\n\n<i>\"Sorry Tomioka! Do you know where Obanai is?\" I asked him and he nodded slowly, pointing to a nearby classroom and I thanked him by bowing down and ran off. When I entered the classroom, he was talking to a female, </i><i>the girl has long hair and two butterfly clips attached to both sides of her head, he was also In a room with another boy with white hair. Sanemi and Kanae, Shinobu's older sister. I heard they like each other but I have not looked into it as much.</i>\n\n<i>Kanae is super beautiful and caring, she is like Shinobu, whenever she is aorund Shinobu however, Shinobu tends to change her personality quite a bit. Sanemi is a little scary in my opinion but he is also charming as well! Obanai began talking to Kanae and I felt a strange feeling in me but I tried to ignore it as much as I could. I didn't want to think of what the feeling might be so I ignored and waved my hand up and yelled, \"Hey guys! Am I interrupting something?\" I asked and they shook their heads.</i>\n\n<i>\"Hey Mitsuri...I thought you were at the library.\" He said and I shook my head, \"I was but I found what I was looking for and left. I was actually looking for you..\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Oh really? Is something wrong Mitsuri?\" He asked and walked closer to me. Obanai was a little shorter than me which I found adorable! \"Yeah I was wondering...how would you feel if I..\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Hm?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"How would you feel if I died my hair to youe color...?\"</i>\n\n\n<i>----</i>\n\n<i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i>", "<i>🌷~Chapter 4~🌷</i>\n<i>\"Her beautiful hair\"</i>\n<i>---</i>\n\n<i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i>\n<i>This chapter contains...</i>\n<i>Language</i>\n<i>Bad spelling,</i>\n<i>Bad grammer,</i>\n<i>Side ships,</i>\n<i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n<i>Obanai</i><i>'s pov</i>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n\n<i>I was surprised at the sudden questioned Mitsuri just asked. Her cutting her beautiful hair? That's impossible and I hated the idea of her cutting her beautiful hair off. Why? All because a stupid boy she likes? Does she not understand she does not need to change herself just to please others? I hated what she was doing to herself. I was mainly confused but if it meant I had to agree in honer to be a good friend, then that was all I had to do. </i>\n\n<i>\"I...yeah sure..I think that's a great idea!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Wait really? I was thinking about it but I was not internally sure..\"</i>\n\n<i>\"I mean it really is up to you, how do you feel dying your beau- I-I mean your hair?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Whatever it takes to get my crush to like me I'll do it! I was thi k of heading over to Shinobu's house and doing it! What do you say?\" She asked and I nodded slowly, unfortunately lying to her about the whole situation.</i>\n\n<i>\"I wouldn't mind going over, I think it's time me and Shinobu to get along..\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Wait you guys have not got along yet? She still mad about the whole me and you being friends?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"I'm just assuming she is jealous that's all..\" We both laughed it off and Mitsuri waved to me goodbye and left the classroom and Kanae kneeled down at me slowly and said, \"Your definitely lying to her aren't you?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"I just hate that she wants to change herself just for some stupid boy, it gets on my nerves whenever she starts talking about him...\"what so good about him anyway?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"I'm not sure who her stupid crush is so I can't tell you, not that I care either way..\" Sanemi commented and I rolled my eyes. So much for my best friend helping me out over here. I just went with the flow and will just watch as her pretty hair get's change into a different color. Even if her hair was somewhat natural, I think if her hair changed to that color, she should have kept it. I really don't think it's ugly at all but she always assumes it is ugly. </i>\n\n<i>Mitsuri is perfect the way she is but she still thinks she is not normal honestly. I hate whenever she thinks that way, it is always me and Shinobu who have to </i><i>resure</i><i> her that she is beautiful. But isn't that most girl's? A lot of them are like copy and paste from my perspective, some of them are not even normal and are little fucking brats walking in this earth freely, pissed me off. </i>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n\n<i>Later that day though, I headed to Shinobu's house and when she answered the door after I knocked on it, she glared at me with a smile on her face. \"Hello Obanai! Looking ugly as always~!\" She said in her annoying voice, this is why I prefer her sister over her any day. \"This is why Giyu doesn't like you and likes Sabito instead\" Her so called kind expression turned into a pissed off one and Mitsuri shoved Shinobu to the side a little and came in between us. \"Let's all get along please!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"So is it just me, you and butterfly bitch?\" Shinobu clenched her fist and Mitsuri nervously laughed, \"Um! Her name is Shinobu please...and It is me, you, Shinobu, Muichiro, and Rengoku, and Giyu!\" Oh she just shd to invite the boy I hate, that thing Giyu, always acts do depressing it's fucking annoying.</i>\n\n<i>\"Hello Iguro!\" Rengoku yelled as Shinobu closed the door. I waved to everyone and Muichiro grabbed some gloves and put them on along with a mask and I realized what he was doing, \"Your gonna let Muichiro dye your hair?\" Mitsuri smiled and nodded and they walked into the bathroom while everyone sat in there and Shinobu handed me a mask and then took it back</i>\n\n<i>\"Pardon me! I must have forgotten you had bandages on! How rude of me!\" She said as she placed a mask on and I felt the need to punch her. Shinobu also grabbed gloves and put them on. Which honestly is a good idea for Shinobu to dye her hair since she dyed her own hair herself, she must had some experience. I think Muichiro's hair was dyed but he says it's natural. I sat down with Rengoku and Giyu and watched as the two began starting. The bleech smelled so bad but I tried to ignore it. </i>\n\n<i>\"So since we are all here...what do y'all want to do after we are done?\" Shinobu asked as she wrapped the tin foil up and tied it. \"Well...we could play a game..\" Giyu quietly said.</i>\n\n<i>\"I agree with Tomioka!\" Rengoku has a habit of calling everyone by their last names besides Mitsuri and Muichiro. \"Alright what game? Let's not be to loud now, my older sister is sleeping with her boyfriend...\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Boyfriend?\" I questioned and Shinobu turned to me and her mouth crinkled a little, showing she was smiling under it. \"Your best friend Shinazugawa haven't told you? He is dating my sister! I though he would have told you by now~\"</i>\n\n<i>\"I mean they just started dating a day ago...they took their path fast upstairs...\" Muichiro commented and I got the wrong idea. \"They fell asleep on her bed! They didn't do any of that dirty crap!\" She yelled at Muichiro and he slowly laughed along with me, Giyu, Rengoku, and Mitsuri. \"Y'all wanna play truth or dare!\" Misturi asked and we all agreed. When Muichiro and Shinobu finished with the tinfoil part we all say in Shinobu's living room and went around in a circle.</i>\n\n<i>\"I forgot to ask, where is Kanao, Shinobu? Mitsuri asked, talking about Shinobu's younger sister, \"Oh she went our with her friend Tanjiro I think!\" I heard Muichiro next to me make a, 'Tsk' sound. </i>\n\n<i>Shinobu placed a bottle.jn the middle of everyone and Mitsuri was the first one to spin the bottle since she was the first to want to play the game,</i><i> and it first landed it on Muichiro and Mitsuri smiled, asking, \"Truth or dare?\" Muichiro thought about to for a second before answering, \"Truth..\" Muichiro tried to think of a question, \"Is it true that you have a crush on a male in our school?\" She smirked and Muichiro blushed and slowly nodded.</i>\n\n<i>Muichiro spun the bottle and it landed on Rengoku and he asked, \"Truth or dare..?\" Rengoku replied quickly, \"Truth!\" And Muichiro replied back, \"Is it true that you find yourself the slightest bit annoying?\" That was a cold one...\"It is not true!\" Someone has to lying over here...</i>\n\n<i>Rengoku spinned the bottle and it landed in Mitsuri, lucky bitch..\"Mitsuri! Truth or dare!\" Mitsuri responded happily, \"Dare!\" She said with joy and Rengoku nodded, \"I dare you to tell everyone your crush!\" Mitsuri blushed from embarrassment and slowly said...\"His name is Yukito.. Nakamura...in class C-2..\" She covered her face with her ha D's which to me was cute, but now I know who she is trying to impress.. Everyone was amazed at her confidence.</i>\n\n<i>She grabbed the bottle and sound it fast and it landed on Giyu, \"Truth or dare!\" She said, sounding like herself against and Giyu said, \"Truth please..</i>\n<i>\" Why is everyone picking truth? So boring..\"Is it true that you like someone in this room perhaps?\" She winked at Shinobu and she blushed and I knew she was trying to get Giyu to say wether he likes Shinobu or not. \"No... it's not true, I like someone else...she is like an annoying sister...\" Shinobu eyes widen and I knew her heart shattered. For some reason I felt bad for her, that's one one to find out your crush does not feel the same way about you...</i>\n\n<i>Giyu soun the bottle and it landed on Muichiro again and he asked, \"Truth or dare Tokito..?\" Muichiro hummed a little and shrugged his shoulders, \"I guess dare..\" Giyu stared at everyone for a moment and asked, \"I dare you to say your crush...answer honestly...\" Giyu said and Muichiro was a tomato and everyone smirked and laughed besides me who was interested and Giyu. \"Ummm... It's Nezuko's...older brother...\" \"I knew it!\" Mitsuri yelled and I knew he had a crush on Tanjiro, it was kinda obvious not gonna lie, he did acted different towards Tanjiro.</i>\n\n<i>Muichiro grabbed the bottle and spinned it and it landed on Shinobu and Shinobu answered before Muichiro could, \"I pick truth Muichiro!\" She said with a smile on her face and Muichiro nodded and said, \"Is it true that you were heartbroken at the fact that Giyu liked someone who is not you?\" Muichiro asked and Shinobu was confused and slowly nodded. \"Nevermind that... it's my turn...\"</i>\n\n<i>It was about time, because when she soun the bottle it landed on me. \"Truth or dare snake?\" She said with a cold smile and I answered, \"Dare...\" She smiled and clapped her hands together, \"I dare you to kids the prettiest male and femals in the room on their forehead!\" She said and I blushed, knowing who I was gonna kiss on the forehead for the female but I was unaware for the male.</i>\n\n<i>I sighed and walked over to Giyu and kisses his forehead quickly and pulled away and he was confused and everyone else was laughing. I then slowly walked over to Mitsuri and her cheeks turned into a pinkish red color, which I found adorable. I then kissed her forehead gently and pulled away and she smiled slowly. Knowing I called her pretty.</i>\n\n<i>After a while kd playing, Shinobu stood up and led Mitsuri into the bathroom and began puttingt he dye into her hair and eventually layer, she came out for the restroom and ehr hair was a completely new color. I hated it, black looked good on her but she didn't seem like Mitsuri anymore. \"I-I..um...I love it! Thank you..!\" She said with what seems a weak smile and Shinobu nodded and the I grabbed Mitsuri's hand when everyone was going into he kitchen and whispered in her ear,</i>\n\n<i>\"Do you hate it...?\"</i>\n\n<i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i>", "<i>🌷~Chapter 5~🌷</i>\n<i>\"Do I hate it?\"</i>\n<i>---</i>\n\n<i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i>\n<i>This chapter contains...</i>\n<i>Language</i>\n<i>Bad spelling,</i>\n<i>Bad grammer,</i>\n<i>Side ships,</i>\n<i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n<i>Mitsuri</i><i>'s pov</i>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n\n<i>~'|Flashback/2 years ago|'~</i>\n\n<i>There was a male in my class,</i><i> named </i><i>Nakamura Yukito, the male was handsome, kind, and so just someone fit to me a perfect husband. Though I liked him for quite some time, he later transfer into a new class and I was alone again front here. I decided I would confess my love to him since I lost my chance in the same class as him. I wonder if he even knew who I was, I really hope not, I want him to love me just as much as I loved him! That day, I went over to him during lunch and asked, \"Hey Yukito, may I speak to you in private\" he was talking to another girl and I felt myself getting jealous.</i>\n\n<i>When we went into a more private area, I yelled from my chest, \"Yukito! I like you! I like you more then anything else! Will you be my boyfriend!?\" I felt myself turning red, I could held back my smile creeping on my face. The boy was confused, replying with words that shattered my heart, \"Sorry, I'm not interested in you, your kinda out of my league, not to mention your kinda...well..annoying? And pretty ugly to me..\" I felt my eyes widen and shock and tears foaming in my eyes. </i>\n\n<i>Ever since that day I always changed myself a little more after each rejection, I always confessed my love to him and hope he will look at me the same, but each time I did it, the more his rejections gotten to me, for some reason it motivated me to keep trying. When I heard he got a girlfriend after 7 months of doing this, I was absolutely heartbroken, but I now know his type, investigating that girl, she was nothing like I was, she was what a perfect housewife was basically.</i>\n\n<i>She was weak, fragile, beautiful, caring, loves cleaning, intelligent, and she was all natural as well. Unlike me who was different then normal...However when their relationship didn't work out, it made me keep trying all over again. Until one day, he said something that shattered and ripped the bandage on my heart. \"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU CREEP! I DON'T LIKE YOU ALRIGHT?! YOUR SO ANNOYING! I DON'T WANT BE SEEN WITH A TRY-HARD\" I hated how sensitive I was, everyone would hear that and just insult them back hut I had nothing, why did I even try...</i>\n\n<i>I quickly apologized and ran off, but for some reason my heart yearned for him still. I didn't understand why people could love someone who hates them, I always seen in my novals but never in real life actually.</i>\n\n<i>----</i>\n\n<i>However now that I have not spoken to him in a way, for some reason after a year later, he waves at me, even if when someone talks about me to him, he always has a disgust expression on his pretty face. I couldn't help myself but still love him, was I just that desperate? Now my hair is dyed, there really was no turning back, if it meant I would be his girlfriend then I don't care. The words Obanai spoke, \"Do you hate it?\" I wondered, did I hate it? I dyed it for a reason so I though no.</i>\n\n<i>\"Why would I hate it? I wouldn't have dyed it if I hated myself in this color!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Don't lie to me Mitsuri, your a terrible lair you know..\" I didn't hate it though, I know I didn't. But why does he say I'm lying? I know what I am saying is true so why am I saying it as if I'm lying? Was I lying to myself without realizing it? \"I'm not sure what your talking about Obanai...\"</i>\n\n<i>He let go of my hand and we just continued our way to Shinobu's kitchen and watched her make food. \"So who is staying the night and who is not?\" Shinobu asked, in her gentle voice. Apparently me, Obanai, and Giyu are the ones staying the night, the others can't. Muichiro can't stay the night at someone's house unless his parents know the person parents, and Rengoku has a strict father. </i>\n\n<i>\"So </i><i>I have spare sleeping bags upstairs in my attic, I would go grab them for you guys!\" Shinobu said as Rengoku and Muichoro finished eating and about to take off. \"Alright I'm back! Oh! Youe both leaving so soon?\" I heard Shinobu say as Muichiro and Rengoku were at the front door. \"Yeah, we are leaving! I'm gonna walk Muichiro home since I know he gets lost easily!\" We all nodded and waved the two goodbye as Shinobu settled up the sleeping backs. I washed my dish and then layed onto my sleeping back, and watched Obanai getting into his. </i>\n\n<i>I was on my phone scrolling through my mother's messages and Shinobu tried to talk to Giyu with a smile plastered on her face. It sucks the way she found out Giyu liked someone else. I should have told her sooner the minute I heard of it, I'm a terrible friend...To late to go back in time. Though either way she would have been heartbroken. I cant understand dhow she can still hold a smile even if she just got rejected. If only I was like her, could still be able to smile and act like I never got rejected or the opposite happened. </i>\n\n<i>But I rejected over 100 times, yet still I react the same way.. I layed my head on my pillow as everyone else began falling asleep, \"Good night you guys!\" I said and everyone turned to each other,</i>\n\n<i>\"Good night everyone!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Night!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Night..\"</i>\n\n<i>As the lights of everyone phone shut off, I stared at the ceiling as ny mind was full of thoughts. I grabbed a couple of strands of my hair an stared at the new color. Obanai's words were stuck in my head. Even if I said I liked it, it didn't feel right, but when I say I dislike it, it feels wrong. Did I hate it or no?</i>\n\n<i>Its to late to go back isn't it?</i>\n\n\n\n\n<i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i>", "<i>🌷~Chapter 6~🌷</i>\n<i>\"Another second thought\"</i>\n<i>---</i>\n\n<i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i>\n<i>This chapter contains...</i>\n<i>Language</i>\n<i>Bad spelling,</i>\n<i>Bad grammer,</i>\n<i>Side ships,</i>\n<i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n<i>Mitsuri's pov</i>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n\n<i>\"Good night you guys!\" I said and everyone turned to each other,</i>\n\n<i>\"Good night everyone!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Night!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Night..\"</i>\n\n<i>As the lights of everyone phone shut off, I stared at the ceiling as my mind was full of thoughts. I grabbed a couple of strands of my hair an stared at the new color. Obanai's words were stuck in my head. Even if I said I liked it, it didn't feel right, but when I say I dislike it, it feels wrong. Did I hate it or no?</i>\n\n<i>Its to late to go back isn't it?</i>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n\n<i>There had been many thoughts running my mind, that being one about my feelings towards my current crush, do I actually like him? I mist have liked him, because why else would I be doing all this work for right? It would only make sense in the end. I believe I am thinking to much for my weak...helpless mind..I woke up, the sun was just rising and everyone was still sleeping. I forgot we were at Shinobu's place. I stood up, walking to the restroom and began washing my face. I was shocked when I looked into the mirror.</i>\n\n<i>It wasn't me...it was a different person...</i>\n\n<i>This person was me...just didn't act like me...was this the only way to love someone? It feels very wrong...</i><i>the girl I saw in the mirror...tried to act normal to hide her true self, black hair tied in 3 braids...being like this to win a boys heart. Who else would love me for who I truely am though? Being jusy like every other housewive...the definition, I must be somewhat of the oppsite I am. And discard my flaws I hate about myself.</i>\n\n<i>I felt tears foaming into my eyes, I fell down to my knees wondering why I was doibg this to myself, I didn't want to be like this anymore. But if it meant I would be loved by someone, someone I love, I would do anything to win their heart. I heard a knock on the door, which made me gasp and wipe my tears away. </i>\n\n<i>\"Mitsuri...are you alright in there...?\" I heard a voife said from the other side of the door I was behind. That voice, is belonh to Obanai, I stood up and unlocked the door, slowly opening it, revealing the male standing behind it. \"I'm fine...have a fee things running through my mind! I'm fine though!\" I said with a smile, but I was a terrible lair and he knows it.</i>\n\n<i>\"Please tell me the truth Mitsuri, what or who is bothering you? I would hurr them if you like...\" I was surprised on what Obanai was wanting to do, I did not expect him to want to fight anyone, despite him being a little blinding one eye, how would he even be able to see someone's moves? </i>\n\n<i>\"I dont really know anymore...It feels wrong to change who I am even if I already hate it.\" Obanai cupped my cheek and brought me closer to him, making my face go red, I dont even understand why. \"Its alright to feel that way but just know if you change...I love the old you...but as your friend, I will support you no matter what alright?\" He said in a low voice and I slowly nodded. I feel so save around him, even more safer than with my crush. I smiled slowly and nodded.</i>\n\n<i>His presence feels different, it feels good honestly, I always liked his presence, this time it felt different but I did not bother to think to much about it. </i><i>As I smiled, we both stood up and then I tugged on his bandages. \"How come I never get to see you with them off...is there something your hiding from me yourself?\" He gasp and nodded. \"I hate how I look without them...there was an incident between me and my...'family' I don't really wanna talk about it\"</i>\n\n<i>\"When you are ready... I'll be here!\" I said snd he his bandages seemed to form with his smile. I felt myself blush and tried to ignore it.</i>\n\n<i>This feeling, was it just my imagination?</i>\n\n<i>Or could it be...</i>\n\n<i>I'm falling in love with my best friend?</i>\n\n<i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i>", "<i>🌷~Chapter 7~🌷</i>\n<i>\"</i><i>Let me kiss your lips\"</i>\n\n<i>---</i>\n\n<i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i>\n<i>This chapter contains...</i>\n<i>Language</i>\n<i>Bad spelling,</i>\n<i>Bad grammer,</i>\n<i>Side ships,</i>\n<i>Slight angst</i>\n<i>Suicide mentions</i>\n<i>Suicide attempts</i>\n<i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n<i>Obanai'</i><i>s pov</i>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n\n<i>It's been a couple of weeks since me and Mitsuri last spoken about her situation...lately I been helping her unfortunately change her personality. Now she is more timid, calm, quieter, and she hardly eats now. Her appearance even changed, I upset and wanted the old Mitsuri back. And recently as well, her crush is taking an interest in her, and it's making my blood boil the more I see them talk.</i>\n\n<i>I wanted nothing more to do, then tear him limb by limb...watching as the pain washes down his face, the screams of pain flooding around the room, and watch him die. But! That can't happen since I can't make Mitsuri upset, her smile is all I want. \"Oi! Obanai! You don't look so well...\" I heard Sanemi yell.</i><i> I was confused, Sanemi never checked up on me when I was sad, he always laughed at me and called me a baby. Acted like how a sibling would. \"You never checked up on me..? What's with the sudden change?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Sure I always laughed at you, but you actually don't look so good. Did Mitsuri finally reject you?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Not quite, I never confessed my love for her all this time because she always had a crush on someone new and I can never find the perfect time during the time when she is not interested in someone...\"</i>\n\n<i>\"So what exactly happened then?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Well, the changed herself completely. Sure she changed small things whenever she likes someone, but she is serious about this one for some reason. She is the opposite of what she used to be and hey they are actually talking! Pisses me off and I miss the old her\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Hey, you might find someone like her in the future and if that is what she wants then it's best to let her go.\" Since when did you become soft?</i>\n\n<i>I nodded to Sanemi's advice, though it just hurts just to think about it. I just think it fucking hurts to let her go looking and acting like that! During she looks good in a lot of looks but it does not seem like her anymore. I stood up and then saw Shinobu standing alone for what it seems and clapping her hands with her stupid gentle smile.</i>\n\n<i>I walked over to her and waved my hand and it caught her attention, she seemed upset to see me but she always hid her true emotions. \"Need anything, Obanai? To ruin this perfect moment?\" I was confused, \"Perfect moment?\" I asked and she nodded and pointed her at the direction of..</i>\n\n<i>Mitsuri and her crush kissing?!</i>\n\n<i>\"Sorry! Must have missed your chance! Oh how I would love to see your jealous face! Must be better staying away from her! I heard her crush..or boyfriend I should say, sould hate to see her around you...\" Shinobu, is a fucking bitch. Saying those words so calmly normal! Of course she knew I liked her and it pains me to see that boy's arms, wrapping around Mitsuri. But she didn't have to add on to it.</i>\n\n<i>As Shinobu walked away and so did Mitsuri and her...boyfriend, it left me and her alone. \"Don't you dare act like that!! I know your just upset because Giyu likes Sabito and not someone like you! Do I blame him though?! Your a fucking airhead and bitch, who seems to look down on others besides your friends! You annoy him all the time and make fun of him for being so called lonely! It's no wonder why he wouldn't like you back! I wonder why Mitsuri is still friends with someone like you!\"</i>\n\n<i>Shinobu stopped in her tracks, slowly turning to me with her eyes widen and scared almost. Frighten to probably hear the truth and she was about to say something but nothing came out. \"I... that's not true! The one who is a fucking bitch is you Obanai! Taking my friend away from me! She never tells me anything anymore! It's always you! Atleast I actually learned to somehow let go of Giyu quickly!\"</i>\n\n<i>I was surprised, she had sudden anger in her, her expression completely change. Could this be her true personality? \"No matter how hard you try you would never be like your sister! Even if your envy takes control that won't get you anywhere! Sure you real personally seems strange and unsettling to Mitsuri, it's not right to change it you idiot. I only hated you because of the way you act, I knew you were always fake.\"</i>\n\n<i>After I said that, I saw tears forming in Shinobu's eyes as she finally gave up and she fell down to her knees, \"Everyone likes her.. I'm always discarded for the way I act, so I tried to perfect my sister's was behind her back, now that someone found out...how can I? Your right, envy and perfecting someone is not gonna help...your actual self will break out of the cage it's locked behind eventually.\" The covered her face with her knees and I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug.</i>\n\n<i>\"I feel the same way...I always hide my feelings from Mitsuri and now, keeping them for to long, I lost her... If only I said it eailer, even if she rejects me...I don't think how long I can keep them in anymore.\"</i>\n\n<i>\"I think it's right if you tell her....even if she does reject you..\"</i>\n\n<i>----</i>\n\n<i>Standing on top of the edge, the river below allowing someonento drown if they fall from this height into it. The waves carefully moving and the wind going through my hair slowly. The moon so bright and lights ho most of the sky. The stars slowly making an appearance. It would be a last time for me to see it. I loved her and yet I never said it...I kept it in and I can't handle the pain if she rejects me. She would reject me, she has a boyfriend now. If I ended my life here, I would be free, free from the past and free from the present, I don't think I would be able to handle when the future hits me.</i>\n\n<i>Who would care if I die? Sanemi, maybe, but he has his family who loves him, and he would get over it quickly, if he did care about me. Mitsuri has a boyfriend, she wouldn't mind losing a friend. Shinobu always hated me, she wouldn't even cry. Muichiro, would forget. Rengoku, would have his smile still. Giyu I always bullied, he wouldn't care. Everyone, would get over me if they cared about me. It wouldn't matter if I were gone.</i>\n\n<i>I began taking off my shoes and breathing in and out slowly. As I lifted my foot up, slowly moving it forward, I heard a scream up close to me and pull me backwards, allowing me to fall in them. Was I really saved by a stranger? I turned around and look at the person, studying their appearance, black hair...green eyes...</i>\n\n<i>Kanroji..</i>\n\n<i>\"K-Kanroji..?\" I said quietly as she began crying hysterically and hugged me, allowing her tears to fall onto my back. \"Don't do that crap! Dont even kill yourself! I care! You might think Noone does but I care! Don't leave me!\" I couldn't bring myself to look at her, bit even say her first name. I then pulled back and stared at her blankly and she wiped her tears away.</i>\n\n<i>Suddenly, she grabbed me by my shirt collar, pulling me closer, and</i>\n\n<i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i>\n", "<i>🌷~Chapter 8~🌷</i>\n<i>\"My heart beats for you..\"</i>\n\n<i>---</i>\n\n<i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i>\n<i>This chapter contains...</i>\n<i>Language</i>\n<i>Bad spelling,</i>\n<i>Bad grammer,</i>\n<i>Side ships,</i>\n<i>Suicide mentions</i>\n<i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n<i>Mitsuri</i><i>'s pov</i>\n<i>-----</i>\n\n<i>My heart stopped as I heard the boy finish his words, \"Mitsuri...I like you to..\" after all this time, all the rejections he gave me, he finally accepts my feelings. I thought it would be a moment of happiness, that my heart would race and I will fall into his arms and share a kiss under the Sakura trees. However, I was confused and stunned, my heart never raced and it was only him who had a face full of happiness. I felt him grab me and pull me into a kiss under that Sakura tree, however, I didn't feel my body lit of, it didn't feel warm at all, It felt cold.</i>\n\n<i>This was not how I wanted this moment to turn out. I lost all feelings for him and yet I was stupid enough to confess my love, thinking he would reject me and I would be done acting. Now I can't break his heart, I don't want to hurt him the way he hurted me, saying those harsh words in the pass. I now know the person I actually loved was Obanai, my best friend, the boy who was in front of me all along. I walked away as he held my hand, but I didn't return the emotion of felt. </i>\n\n<i>I was mad, mad at myself. I was stupid, chasing after people who don't return my feelings unless I change something about myself and yet the boy who loved me for who I was, was the boy I fell in love with after </i><i>around 7 years of knowing know. How can I be that blind and stupid? I was sitting down at the table and was eating with my.. \"Boyfriend\" and I felt very hungry, but I couldn't bring myself to eat so much Infront fo this guy.</i>\n\n<i>\"Mitsuri...I want to talk to you!\" Shinobu said but she was not wearing her friendly smile as usual. Her smile was now faded into a serious look, plastered on her face. \"Uh! Sure!\" I said and excused myself and walked over by a corner of the School, where Noone was around. \"I can't stand being around you anymore...\"</i>\n\n<i>\"What?! What do you mean?! Did I do som-\"</i>\n\n<i>\"You did do something wrong...Mitsuri, I always liked the way you were as a child up until now, you were kind, cute, loud, energetic, confident, and a joy to be around. Your love for food always got me, and you were not afraid to be yourself. Until you met that guy...You changed everything...I want you back but it seems like your not changing yourself until he leaves you...I know you not gonna give up that easily. I'm discontinuing our friendship... I'm sure Obanai feels the same way...\"</i>\n\n<i>\"B-But! Shinobu! I'm sorry! I was so desperate I just jumped into a relationship I don't want to be him! I don't have feelings for him and yet I was stupid to confess my love! I thought he was gonna reject me and I could free myself from the chapter of my book I created! That didn't happen! I like Obanai and I just realized these feelings I felt for him all along was love!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"It's to late...he always loved you...he never told you because you were caught up with people who didn't like you...I will help you break up with him..just know Obanai will be a difficult task to complete. You went way to far on this guy...\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Thank you Shinobu!\"</i>\n\n<i>----</i>\n\n<i>That day, Shinobu and I were unable to tell that guy the truth... however that same time, I was out on a walk, when I saw Obanai beside a bridge and I was happy to see him. Shinobu informed it will be difficult, knowing how far I have gone, but not that I see him, It just felt so nice, I still always loved his presence. My heart stopped for a second time today, because I saw him climbing over that bridge after taking off his shoes and I quickly began running after him when he was about to take a step forward, though there was nothing underneath for him to step on.</i>\n\n<i>\"OBANAI! STOP!\" I screamed and managed to catch up and drag him off the edge, and let him fall onto me. </i><i>\"</i><i>K-Kanroji</i><i>..?\" I heard him say in a soft voice, he must hate me that much to the point he would say my name how he used to before. I began crying hysterically as I saw his face, the pain plastered all over it and I decided to wrap my arms around him, pulling him into a hug as my tears began falling down my face \"Don't do that crap! Dont even kill yourself! I care! You might think Noone does but I care! Don't leave me!\" I yelled through my tears and suddenly he pulled back and stared at me with a blank expression on his face.</i>\n\n<i>I started wiping my tears away and stared at him, reliefed I was able to get to him in time. I couldn't bear the though of losing the person I loved. I felt the urge to kiss him, I couldn't take it anymore, and I can't hold myself back from the thought of my lips contacting his. I then grabbed his bandages and took them off quickly, leading him to gasp, I was surprised myself. Those scars in his face, were beautiful, though it's a shame he hid them for so long. I then grab his shirt collar and pulled him into a kiss.</i>\n\n<i>I felt the sparks fly, my body warmed up more and my heart was racing. It felt like Sakura petals were around us now. This was everything I wanted, and everything I could wish for. I pulled away and his face was deep red. \"I love you...Obanai...I don't want you to leave me ever...\" He cupped my cheek and kissed me again and I blushed. \"I love you to Mitsuri...but what about-?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"He is not the one I truely love...my heart only beats for you now...\"</i>\n\n\n<i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i>", "<i>🌷~Chapter 9~🌷</i>\n<i>\"An secret relationship\"</i>\n\n<i>---</i>\n\n<i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i>\n<i>This chapter contains...</i>\n<i>Language</i>\n<i>Bad spelling,</i>\n<i>Bad grammer,</i>\n<i>Side ships,</i>\n<i>Small make out session</i>\n<i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i>\n\n<i>There is a small takeout session during around the middle of the chapter so your allowed to skip that part of the chapter if your disturbed on that fact :)</i>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n<i>Obanai</i><i>'s pov</i>\n<i>-----</i>\n\n\n<i>I was shocked at Mitsuri's sudden action eailer, her lips contacting mine, and the fact that she it even if she was in a relationship. \"Mitsuri...you do realize you cheated on your boyfriend...right?\" I asked and she smiled softly and said, \"Unfortunately yes...but if it was with someone like you... I'm perfectly fine with that..\" she kissed me again and rubbed my scars and I blushed. Later that same week, Mitsuri said she wants to find a way to break up with that boy politely but she does not know how knowing what she did with me. </i>\n\n<i>At the point it is confirmed we are dating, but it's more of a secretive relationship for now. \"Why even break up with him politely? After all he has done and say to you in the past, and yet inly acts kind because you changed yourself?\" Mitsuri eyes widen and she said, \"I guess your right about that...I hate myself for doing that. I wanna change back! I'm dying my hair back to how it was before!\" She claimed and I smiled, knowing I get to see her truth self again. </i>\n\n<i>As I helped Mitsuri dye her hair, Shinobu called Mitsuri during the middle of it and Mitsuri immediately picked up the phone and in her sweet cheerful side, \"Hello Shinobu! What's up?\" She asked and Shinobu replied, \"Hey you have any ideas to break up with him yet? I was thinking murdering him but that is kinda harsh! Muichiro said throw him off a cliff and I also think that is kinda harsh but a great idea!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"I-none of them are good...I don't want to go to hell Shinobu...\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Oh right! Forgot that existed! Hmm...blackmail him?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"No! Nothing rude!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"You no fun! Anyways what are you doing anyways?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"I'm dying my hair back with Obanai! Oh and don't tell anyone besides Rengoku and Muichiro but um...me and Obanai are dating now!!\" Mitsuri yelled and I smiled and I continued wrapping the tin foil and I could hear Shinobu clapping her hands over the phone. \"Awe! You dated that ugly idiot~? How cute!\"</i>\n\n<i>I knew she was saying it out loud on purpose to get me piss off, and jr is working.</i>\n\n<i>----</i>\n\n<i>Hours went by and Mitsuri hair was done and she was happier then ever. I kissed her lips again and she smiled at me, her smile was always adorable and I'm glad I got to see it so often, it's beautiful and perfect. Soon after she kissed me back, I couldn't help myself a little and began kissing her more and eventually she did started touching my back and wrap her arms around my shoulders.</i>\n\n<b><i>(Um, small make out session on here, I suggest you skip here if your not into that bullshit :)</i></b>\n\n<i>Suddenly Mitsuri added more force into the kiss and I moaned a little and she smiled and laughed a little, she done it again to get another reaction but instead I grabbed her waist and sat her on me lap. We stayed there for a minute just kissing each other and she kept making small noises during it and eventually she went after my neck. I was surprised on how far we are already going despite us just beginning to date after a few short days. I didn't mind though, I grabbed more of her lower half and she then stopped kissing my neck and and stared down at me.</i>\n\n<i>As she smiled, I blushed more as she kept touching me in certain areas of my body, She then grabbed the hem of my shirt and when she was about to take it off of my body, the door open and it disturbed me and Mitsuri, leading her to unfortunately stop.</i>\n\n<i>\"Ummm.... I'm confused on what you two were trying to do...\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Uh! Muichiro! Um...wait who...who let you in?!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"You gave me a spare key....um... I'm gonna wait until you done....goodbye...\" Muichiro turned away and left and we both shrugged our shoulders but it was quite embarrassing knowing Muichiro was right outside and saw what we're doing. She then slowly climbed off me and apologized, \"I'm sorry for my actions Obanai! It was mature of me to act like this! We are still in highschool as well! I'm sorry!\" but I kissed her lips snd said, \"it's alright Mitsuri, it felt good...\" she smiled and kissed and we walked to see Muichiro laying on the couch staring at the ceiling.</i>\n\n<i>\"So what brings you here Muichiro? You don't come here often unless you come to inform me about something and then forget it again..\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Um....I saw your boyfriend kissing another girl but it seems like you were kissing another boy as well so it seems like that is a great excuse to breakup with him.\"</i>\n\n<i>\"O-Oh! That's... intresting to know. But I'm confused..\"</i>\n\n<i>\"He probably wanted you because you make him look good I guess, which makes sense because your beautiful...\" I commented and she blushed. \"Thank you Obanai!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Cringe...\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Be quiet Muichiro! You always say werid things as well!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Oh...Tanjiro and I are dating by the way now...\"</i>\n\n<i>\"What wait?! Since when?! Why did you not tell me eailer??\" Mitsuri whined and Muichiro shrugged his shoulders, \"since last month but who is counting right now.\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Tell me how it happened!!\" Mitsuri yelled and her eyes lit up, \"it's simple...one day when he was tutoring at my house, Tanjiro suddenly kissed me and began complimenting me and just right then and there I just confessed my love to him.. that's pretty much it..\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Awe!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"How did you two get together?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"You don't want to know..\"</i>\n\n<i>\"So...I should go break up with Yukito now right?\" Mitsuri asked and I nodded. Which is a relief because who wants to be with someone who is cheating with you?</i>\n\n<i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i>", "<i>🌷~Chapter 10~🌷</i>\n<i>\"My favorite fairytale\"</i>\n\n<i>---</i>\n\n<i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i>\n<i>This chapter contains...</i>\n<i>Language</i>\n<i>Bad spelling,</i>\n<i>Bad grammer,</i>\n<i>Side ship</i>s\n<i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n<i>Mitsuri</i><i>'s pov</i>\n<i>-----</i>\n\n<i>The boy I yet wanted to marry was not the boy I will end up with. Because I fell in love with someone else. There was a quote I once heard, \"if you love two people at the same time, choose the second one, because if you really love the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one..\" I never truely believed in that one in real life, only in my romance fantasies, atleast that is what my little brother called them. I wish there was something more to it back then, but now that I found Obanai, I knew I found it, and I loved it.</i>\n\n<i>\"Hey babe! Want me to walk you to class- What's wrong with your hair and, whose this?\" That boy I used to like, asked, my so called boyfriend. \"Oh! This is my boyfriend! Iguro Obanai!\" I said happily to him, and Shinobu who was with me as pure usual, choked on her drink and snorted. \"I-? Excuse me? What did you just say?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"I'm Obanai, Mitsuri's boyfriend..\"</i>\n\n<i>\"I think your mistaken, that has to be a joke, last time I remember, Mitsuri was my girlfriend!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Well she 'was' your friend, now she is mine!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Sorry</i> <i>Yukito, it's just not made to be. You see over when we were 'dating' I happen to realize I liked Obanai more then you. He actually traits me with respect and cares for who I actually am!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"This is fucking stupid! Your just gonna cheat on me?!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Sorry! That's just how it is! Oh and say hi to Totomi for me! Goodbye Nakamura</i><i>!\" I said, pronouncing his last name on purpose, and saying his new girlfriends name.</i>\n\n<i>----</i>\n\n<i>I felt more confident then I ever did, it was such a relief to get out of that relationship. \"Mitsuri! I'm so proud of you..!\" Shinobu said in a low voice and it sounded not right with me, \"Shinobu! What's going on lately? You have not been acting like yourself?\" I asked and she weakly smiled, \"Obanai told me I should start acting like my actual self instead of perfecting everything like my sister...\"</i>\n\n<i>\"I'm support you for that! So have you seen Kyojuro yet? Or is he absent today?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"He had his ass beat by his dad, very unfortunate! So he won't be coming to school since he is grounded!\"</i>\n\n<i>Whenever Kyojuro gets grounded, he has to skip school because his dad is not around to watch him to see if he is breaking rules. He also does not want him to see him being happy around us</i><i>. \"Oh did you hear? Sabito and Giyu are dating?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Really?! Awe! Wait your not sad?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"No why?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Nevermind...\" I was talking to Shinobu and Nezuko for a bit.</i><i> When Obanai walked by and kissed me on my forehead and Nezuko </i><i>squealed in excitement. \"Wish I had that!\" Nezuko whined and Shinobu rolled her eyes, \"your dating Zenitsu?\" Nezuko shrugged her shoulders and we all laughed and Kanae interrupted and said, \"Hey when's the wedding?\" And as she turned to me and Obanai, I knew she was talking to us. I blushed and so did Obanai and everyone else laughed again.</i>\n\n<i>What would I do without these guys? Recently over these past weeks, Totomi and Yukito broke up apparently after she found out he was already dating me during the time and how he has been eyeing another girl. Which I feel bad for her but when I tried making friends with her, she already knew my name and face and moved school's after that. </i>\n\n<i>---</i>\n\n<i>I felt like everything turned out to how I dreamed it would be. I found the boy I was looking for after some drama and you know what, it was worth the wait. Waiting for over 10 years for this moment and now it has came. Obanai did end up meeting my parents a little later after they found out about him through Muichiro when he and some other friends of mine came to stau the night. Obanai seemed scared but my parents really did seem to like him. </i>\n\n<i>I eventually got Shinobu, after cutting Giyu off for a long time ever since she found out his crush, to end up talking to him again. She completely lost all feelings for him and they are the friends they used to be, sure Shinobu teases him as always but they seem to get a long and she even get's along with Sabito now, it's amazing to remember!</i>\n\n<i>However everything happened a few years ago, I'm 23 now, Obanai and I had been dating since day and eventually moved in with each other. \"Hey Mitsuri...happy birthday sweetheart~\" Obanai said as I awoke from my slumber. I yawned and stretched and smiled at the boy next to me, with his bandages off only Infront of me. \"Thank you! You remembered!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"I always remembered since we were kids! How could I forget?\" Obanai began making breakfast and we were both working today, we basically started a restaurant with each other and are pretty popular around town, Obanai says it mainly because of our food and my looks and I laugh about it. As we began working as pure usual, all my friends happen to come in at the same time, probably because today was my birthday. </i>\n\n<i>Hello everyone good evening! May I have everyone attention for this special day?\" Obanai annoced and I felt a little embarrassed for what he was about to do. \"So today is my girlfriend's special day, her birthday if I must say\" everyone began clapping and I watched from a far, wondering what this wonderful man was doing. He turned to me and grabbed my hand.</i>\n\n<i>\"Mitsuri, from the day we first met, the day I first saw you after Sanemi showed me his crush, I couldn't take my eyes off of you, you were beautiful to me and something about you sparked my interest so much! To everyone your just a beautiful girl which they are not wrong, but there is more to you, your funny, kindhearted, a joy to be around with, confident, hardworking, and so much more!\" Suddenly Obanai went down on one knee and I felt my eyes beginning to water.</i>\n\n<i>\"In other words, Mitsuri...I ask of you...will you marry me?\" He said and I blushed red and felt tears falling down my face, \"Yes! I would love to marry you!\" I yelled and everyone in the restaurant began clapping and we both shared a kiss with each other.</i>\n\n<i>This didn't feel real, it felt like a fairytale, and I absolutely found my favorite fairytale..</i>\n\n<i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i>", "<i>🌷~Epilogue~🌷</i>\n\n<i>---</i>\n\n<i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i>\n<i>This chapter contains...</i>\n<i>Language</i>\n<i>Bad spelling,</i>\n<i>Bad grammer,</i>\n<i>Side ships,</i>\n<i>Ending</i>\n<i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n<i>3rd person pov</i>\n<i>-----</i>\n\n<i>\"Mitsuri, from the day we first met, the day I first saw you after Sanemi showed me his crush, I couldn't take my eyes off of you, you were beautiful to me and something about you sparked my interest so much! To everyone your just a beautiful girl which they are not wrong, but there is more to you, your funny, kindhearted, a joy to be around with, confident, hardworking, and so much more!\" Suddenly Obanai went down on one knee and Mitsuri felt her eyes beginning to water.</i>\n\n<i>\"In other words, Mitsuri...I ask of you...will you marry me?\" He said and Mitsuri blushed red and felt tears falling down her face, \"Yes! I would love to marry you!\" She yelled and everyone in the restaurant began clapping and they both shared a kiss with each other.</i>\n\n<i>Over 7 years ago, an boy has a crush on a girl, and introduced their friend to her, however he found more interest in that girl's younger sister's best friend. An girl named Mitsuri Kanroji. But she never felt the same way to him after they became friends, not until her 3rd year of highschool after she dated a boys she thought she loved, and they both began dating as their friends stayed by their side of the way...</i>\n\n<i>Mitsuri and Obanai grew up the rest of the way and now on the day of their wedding...</i>\n\n<i>Shinobu began studying at a medical school and began acting more like herself then just her sister.</i>\n\n<i>Sanemi eventually confessed his love to Kanae and ended up dating her, now just proposing to her 8 months after Obanai proposed.</i>\n\n<i>Muichiro eventually passed all his exams with the help and Tanjiro and Tanjiro wishes to propose some time after Mitsuri's and Obanai's wedding.</i>\n\n<i>Nezuko did ended up passing school with her boyfriend Zenitsu and are now living a happy life with each other.</i>\n\n<i>Kyojuro still being in college, ended up graduating highschool and celebrated himself for being single.</i>\n\n<i>Sabito and Giyu dated for a while after highschool and Sabito is not sure when to ask Giyu to be his husband.</i>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n\n<i>\"Do you Mitsuri...take Obanai to your love wedding husband?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"I do!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"And do you Obanai take Mitsuri to be your love wedding wife?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"I do..\"</i>\n\n<i>\"You may now kiss the bride...\" as soon as their words were spoken out of the priest mouth, aka Gyomei's, Mistrui immediately grabbed Obanai and swinged him downwards and kissed his lips. Everyone gang clapping and Mitsuri's parents began crying with tears of joy. As the two began dancing across the dance floor, Obanai can't help but stare at Mitsuri's beauty, he wondered why god sent him a perfect sweet angel but he was happy that it happened.</i>\n\n<i>Mitsuri though the same thing, she kebe things were a bit of bullshitty in the past, but she glad she was able to change her mind before she was heartbroken herself. As the two shared another kiss, it was time to throw the bouguet. Mitsuri then took a deep breath and saw her friends and other close friends or relatives there and then turned around and threw them behind her back.</i>\n\n<i>She felt people yelling with joy and a lot of people were shocked to see the person who caught the flowers, Mitsuri turned around to see the boy who interrupted her fun time with Obanai, Tokito Muichiro. He blushed as he stared at Tanjiro and Mitsuri laughed a little. As the two now married couple dances more they then began taking pictures and eventually the two were now left alone or a bit.</i>\n\n<i>\"So...Mrs. Iguro, what would you like to do now that we are alone and married?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"I never really want to say this out loud...but I want a family..\" Mitsuri said as her face was red and so was Obanai's at the thought of having children. But he knew Mitsuri would have been a lovely mother and he smiled at the thought. \"Of course I would like to start a family with you..\" Mitsuri's eyes beamed with joy and she smiled brightly and kissed her husband.</i>\n\n<i>\"Mitsuri! Obanai! It's time to cut the cake!\" Shinobu yelled and the two walked over and Shinobu hugged Mitsuri tightly. Mitsuri always teased growing up that she would see her friend Shinobu in a white dress and Giyu in a suit before she would see herself in a white dress. </i>\n\n<i>---</i>\n\n<i>\"You know what I imagine Shinobu?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"What?\"</i>\n\n<i>\"One day! Your gonna be a pretty white dress! And Giyu in one of those fancy suits!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"Ah! Mitsuri! Don't tease me like that!\" </i>\n\n<i>\"Haha! You never know!\"</i>\n\n<i>---</i>\n\n<i>However that did not happen. But Shinobu never cared, she was happy to see her friend now dressed up for a special day. Mitsuri and her walked back I side to now cut the cat..</i>\n\n<i>Years later now, Mitsuri and Obanai were able to have their first child, now being a baby boy, Mitsuri cried tears of joy in her hospital bed and knew she would have to look after this child with her full protection</i><i> along with Obanai but to them it felt like a perfect happy ending.</i>\n\n<i>----</i>\n\n<i>The trees flow and moved peacefully to the autumn breeze</i><i> and a gir with pink hair that fades into a green color. She was late to her first day of school and had no time to waste and what was worst she missed the bus. \"Shoot! I'm late! So much for a good first day of school..\" the girl ran sadly the rest of the way and then sat in the principals office. \"I'll have one of the student councils come here and show you around campus...\" the girl happily sighed of relief and then she the student walk in with plain black hair that hid his face in a mask.</i>\n\n<i>His eyes were beautiful to her and she blushed at his appearance a little and the boy looked up and saw the girl standing her and he blushed red. \"Uh! It's nice to meet you! I'm the student council vice President!\"</i>\n\n<i>\"It's nice to meet you to!</i>\n\n<i>Little did the two know they knew each other in their past life as well...</i>\n\n<i>-----</i>\n\n<i>🌷~'|The End|'~🌷</i>\n\n\n<i>Thank you to all who were patient and were here since the beginning I loved how the book turned out sadly it was a little short but I still loved it! Not sure when I will make another book of these two but I do have other demon slayer books either this ship in them, sorry if you don't like the ship they are featured in.</i>\n\n<i>But thanks for reading this short story I made! :D</i>" ]
Title: ~||To you, I'm only a childhood friend||~Kyn/Obanai x Mitsuri~|| Description: 🌸~'Welcome to my first Obanai x Mitsuri book'~🌸 ~'|I'll try to upload as much and quickly as possible y'all|'~ "My love is yours but your love is not mine..." -Obanai Iguro "If your in love with two people, choose the second one, because if you really love the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one" -Mitsuri Kanoji 🌸~Description~🌸 When Obanai and Mitsuri first met in grade school, Obanai couldn't help but fall in love with her at first sight, he adored her in every way and accepts her for who she truely is. However as years went by, the day before Obanai could confess, he find out that Mitsuri has eyes on another boy and is willing to change her entire personality and looks just for him. Obanai supports her but feels bad for what she is doing to herself. As Obanai helps try to matchmake her with her crush, Mitsuri feels something she never felt before towards Obanai. ---- 🌸~Ships~🌸 Obanai x Mitsuri Giyu x Sabito Muichiro x Tanjiro Zenitsu x Nezuko Kanae x Sanemi ---- 🌸⚠️~Warnings~⚠️🌸 Small make out session 🤏🤏🤏🍋 Obanai x Mitsuri Ships Lbgt Cursing Drama Fluff Suicide mentions Suicide attempt Slight Angst Started: August 30thish, 2023 Ended: October 19th, 2033 Completed?: Yes Tags: ['cursing', 'demonslayer', 'fuff', 'lbgt', 'lemon', 'mitsurixobanai', 'obamitsu', 'obanaixmitsuri']
# 🌷~||Character introduction||~🌷 <i>🌷~||Welcome to my first Obamitsu book||~🌷</i> <i>----</i> <i>Um I am adding my own ships in here so if you dislike any I'm sorry.</i> 🌷<i>~Mitsuri x Obanai~</i>🐍 🌊<i>~Giyu x Sabito~</i>🌹 🌙<i>~Muichiro x Tanjiro~</i><i>☀️</i> <i>🌸~Nezuko x Zenitsu~🌼</i> 🦋<i>~Kanae x Sanemi~</i>💨 <b><i>🌸~Main Characters~🌸</i></b> <i>Name: Iguro Obanai</i> <i>Age: 17</i> <i>-4th year-</i> <i>Crush: Mitsuri</i> <i>Ends up with: Mitsuri</i> <i>R</i><i>eputation: 67/100</i> <i>~Short description~</i> <i>O</i> <i>banai is seemed pretty rude to most people due to unknown reasons to many. However he is the complete opposite around Mitsuri and is often caring to her, some say it's because they were childhood friends and grew together, to them it's a completely different story.</i> <i>Name: Kanroji Mitsuri</i> <i>Age: 16</i> <i>-3rd year-</i> <i>Crush: Obanai</i> <i>Ends up with: Obanai</i> <i>Reputation: 96/100</i> <i>~Short description~</i> <i>Mitsuri is of the most popular girls attending her School, she is kind, confident, and pretty looks for her age. She is often a little loud for some and a lot of boys tend to confess to her from time to time. Even if she is a hopeless romantic to herself, she is easily oblivious when someone actually has feelings for her.</i> <b><i>🌸~Friends~🌸</i></b> <i><i>Name: </i></i><i>Kocho</i><i> Shinobu</i> <i><i>Age: 1</i></i><i>5</i> <i><i>-3rd year-</i></i> <i><i>Crush: </i></i><i>Giyu</i> <i><i>Ends up with: </i></i><i>Noone</i> <i><i>R</i></i><i><i>eputation: 91/100</i></i> <i><i>~Short description~</i></i> <i>S</i> <i>hinobu is a really kind and helpful young girl. She often helps the teachers and staff with many things and is the second most well known girl in the school. Other then her two sister's she is the most known out of the 3. She was Mitsuri's best friend since forever and is also one of Giyu's childhood friends, who she soon gained feelings for.</i> <i><i>Name: </i></i><i>Rengoku Kyojuro</i> <i><i>Age: 1</i></i><i>8</i> <i><i>-4th year-</i></i> <i><i>Crush:</i></i><i> None</i> <i><i>Ends up with: </i></i><i>Noone</i> <i><i>R</i></i><i><i>eputation: 87/100</i></i> <i><i>~Short description~</i></i> <i>R</i> <i>engoku is one of the few loudest males in the school and is often respected by the underclassmens. He often helps others with homework, school work, and anything else school related and has a really kind heart. He is one of Mitsuri's bestest friends since Middle School.</i> <i><i>Name:</i></i><i> Tokito Muichiro</i> <i><i>Age: </i></i><i>14</i> <i><i>-1st year-</i></i> <i><i>Crush:</i></i><i> Tanjiro</i> <i><i>Ends up with: </i></i><i>Tanjiro</i> <i><i>R</i></i><i><i>eputation: 79/100</i></i> <i><i>~Short description~</i></i> <i>M</i> <i>uichiro is a bit of an airhead to some. he often forgets things easily and has a mood, picking up from his twin brother who passed away when they were ten. He is pretty popular with he girls though he has he eye on an upperclassmen which helped him recover most of his memory and is his personal tutor.</i><i> He is also the friend of both Mitsuri and Obanai since his second year of Middle School.</i> <i>Name:</i> <i>Shinazugawa Sanemi</i> <i>Age: </i><i>18</i> <i>-4th year-</i> <i>Crush: </i><i>Kanae</i> <i>Ends up with: </i><i>Kanae</i> <i>Reputation: 56/100</i> <i>~Short description</i><i>~</i> <i>Sanemi is seen as a scary type of person, people misjudged him due to his appearance and he very rude to others. He is one the friends of Obanai since they were kids and love to joke around with others, mainly Giyu. However he does have a soft spot for a certain girl.</i> <i>Name: Kamado Tanjiro</i> <i>Age: 16</i> <i>-3rd year-</i> <i>Crush: None</i> <i>Ends up with: Muichiro</i> <i>Reputation: 84/100</i> <i>~Short description~</i> <i>Tanjiro is shown to be a very kid hearted person and often tutors his classmates to catch them up and help them so they can make it in life. He also loves his younger sister and often si seen with her most of the time, or the boy he is currently tutoring and help, Muichiro. He is one the friends of Mitsuri and is seen as an enemy to Obanai.</i> <i><i>Name:</i></i><i> Kamado Nezuko</i> <i><i>Age: </i></i><i>15</i> <i><i>-Second year-</i></i> <i><i>Crush: </i></i><i>Zenitsu</i> <i><i>Ends up with: </i></i><i>Zenitsu</i> <i><i>Reputation: 86/</i></i><i>100</i> <i><i>~Short description</i></i><i><i>~</i></i> <i><i>Nezuko is open the best friends of Mitsuri since she joined highschool and often adores her. She is a kind and gentle girl who often thinks of others as a family after a certain period of time. She loves to talk to others and meeting new people and is often of the smartest girl's in her grade.</i></i> <i>N</i><i><i>ame:</i></i><i> Tomioka </i><i>Giyu</i> <i><i>A</i></i> <i><i>ge: </i></i><i><i>18</i></i> <i><i>-4th year-</i></i> <i><i>Crush: </i></i><i>Sabito</i> <i><i>Ends up with: </i></i><i>Sabito</i> <i><i>Reputation: 90/100</i></i> <i><i>~Short description</i></i><i><i>~</i></i> <i><i>Giyu seems like a cold-hearted person but is often kind to others. </i></i><i>He is one of the few smartest kids in his grade currently and is often targeted by Sanemi and Obanai for unknown reasons, to Obanai it's because Mitsuri thinks he's cute. Giyu is told he has no friend about is friends with Sabito which is his current crush.</i> <i>Name: Sabito</i> <i>Age: 18</i> <i>-4th year-</i> <i>Crush: Giyu</i> <i>Ends up with: Giyu</i> <i>Reputation: 89/100</i> <i>~Short description~</i> <i>Sabito is kind to others around him hut is also pretty harsh sometimes. He enjoys spending his time with Giyu is is pretty talented at a lot of things. Obanai mainly talks to him because they share the same science class together. Sabito also seems to be popular among most students.</i> <i>Some others characters may be added but here are some of them :)</i> <i>🌷~Prologue coming soon~🌷</i> # 🌷~||Prologue||~🌷 <i>🌷~Prologue~🌷</i> <i>---</i> <i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i> <i>This chapter contains...</i> <i>Language</i> <i>Bad spelling,</i> <i>Bad grammer,</i> <i>Side ships,</i> <i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i> <i>-----</i> <i>Obanai's pov</i> <i>----- </i> <i>"Yo Obanai! Get your ass over here! There is something I want to show you!" I heard my friend, Sanemi yell and I turned around and said, "You better watch your language before the teacher comes after you!" I watched Sanemi roll his eyes and yelled back, "I'm 9 years old! I'm not a baby anymore!"</i> <i>"I'm not sure how a </i><i>9 year old can curse! Anyways what?"</i><i> I shouted back. I stood up from the ground and then followed Sanemi over to another area of the playground. It was valentine's day, and everyone was basically still giving out their gifts to everyone, it was cute and all but I didn't really care back then for that specific day. "Look!" I heard Sanemi yell and pointed towards a girl. Kinda looks creepy because we were hiding behind a bush. The girl had long hair abd butterfly clips attached to both sides of her head, along wearing our School uniform "What about her? Ain't she like 3 years older then us?" </i> <i>"She's cute! Cuter then her younger sister" I rolled my eyes at the comment and yelled, "Ew! You have a crush on someone!" I crossed my arms and the he pointed towards another girl who looked similar to the last one, "How bout her younger sister! Do you like her?" I stared at the girl, she looked alot like the last one, though her hair slightly faded into a purple and there was one butterfly clip in her hair, possibly attached to a tiny ponytail.</i> <i>"Eh.." I said, the girl didn't catch my interest, but then I heard from the other side of where the girl was at, "Shinobu! Look what I found!" A girl ran with a huge rock in her hand which surprised the other one, which apparently is named Shinobu. "Wow Mitsuri! Your so strong!" She complimented the girl, Mitsuri, which led her to smile. Her hair was tied into </i><i>three braids, her hair was pink fading into a green color, also matching her green eyes.</i> <i>"Shinobu! I think today is the day! I am gonna ask my crush to be my valentine!" She yelled happily and her friend supported her. Her cheerful self and nature kinda pulled me in towards her. She was very cute and looked really kind. I was a little to distracted by her before Sanemi snapped his fingers in my face and I snapped back into reality.</i><i> "I'm alive!" I yelled and Sanemi looked at me confused, "I did your name 4 times, what the heck happened?" I shrugged my shoulders and turned back to see the girl gone and I was alittle sad.</i> <i>"We're you staring at that annoying Mitsuri girl?" He asked and I shook my head and I felt my face heat up, "I wasn't staring at her!" I yelled, "sure look like you were zones out in her direction." I shook my head and then left Sanemi confused and I went after to look for her, atleast to say something to her. As I finally found her, the whistle blew and everyone was told to get back to their classroom and I was a sad again. I ran over to my classroom </i><i>and then began eating for the bell to ring again allowing us to leave for the day.</i> <i>----</i> <i>When the finale bell rang, I then was allowed to leave and I began walking home with a couple of other students that were currently talking to their friends. Sanemi takes the bus with his younger brother so I was lonely whenever I walked home. It slowly began to rain which was expected to some students because along with me we took out our umbrellas. When I was almost home, I heard small cries from the park nearby my place. I was confused and began to investigate and found the girl from eailer sitting there, crying and sad.</i> <i>I slowly walked over to her and placed my unbrella under her which led her to look up confused and we made eye contact. Her eyes were beautiful to me and I felt my fave heat up a little.</i> <i>"Hey..are you okay? Why are you crying?" I asked, in my non-clear voice, I had bandages wrapped around my mouth so it was hard for some people to hear me. "Well...I kinda liked a boy and I tried to ask them to be my valentine but they told me I was ugly and bks I didn't even act like a girl! They even said they prefered my friend..." She cried out and tears foamed in her eyes, slowly falling down her pretty eyes. "I'm sorry to hear that, I can stay here until you stop crying" I said and she was surprised and then nodded slowly.</i> <i>"I'm Obanai by the way...we go to the same school.."</i> <i>"I'm Mitsuri..." She said as she wiped her tears away, she slowly layed her head in my chest and layed there crying onto me. I suspected her to cry in my shoulder but I didn't mind my chest either, as long as her tears go away. I felt my face turn red again and I tried to shake the feeling away from me and tried to think of something else other than me thinking she is adorable.</i> <i>She layed took her head off my chest and I was a little sad and she smiled softly, which led me to turn even redder. She smiled at me, and it's a gentle one as well. "Thank you, Obanai...I feel a little better now. Say you want to play with me?" She asked and I nodded and the she grabbed my hand and pulled me up and then began am running with me, smiling.</i> <i>"Let's go Obanai! I know a perfect game to play!"</i> <i>That's when I knew I </i><i>developed</i><i> feelings for Mitsuri..</i> <i>🌷💮'~Thanks for Reading ~'💮🌷</i> <i>Volume 1</i> <i>Coming soon</i> # 🌷~||Volume 1||~🌷 <i>🌷~Chapter 1~🌷</i> <i>"Mitsuri's crush"</i> <i>---</i> <i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i> <i>This chapter contains...</i> <i>Language</i> <i>Bad spelling,</i> <i>Bad grammer,</i> <i>Side ships,</i> Obanai x Mitsuri <b><i>Idk why this took a while to get out-</i></b> <i>-----</i> <i>Obanai's pov</i> <i>----- </i> <i>I stood waiting for Mitsuri to finish getting ready while I was downstairs, drinking tea that her mother gave me. It been a couple years since I knew Mitsuri, ever since that day we met we bonded in the cold rainy day and now I'm in my 3rd year of middle school and she is in her 2nd. Today was the day I wanted to confess my love to Mitsuri and I was prepared. At the moment I had only a few people by my side, that only being Sanemi and Kyojuro, who is friends with Mitsuri. Shinobu, who is Mitsuri's bestest friend is unaware that I like her, atleast it think so.</i> <i>As I was about to go find Mitsuri I was interrupted but Shinobu, or butterfly bitch, something among those words since she is one herself. "Obanai~where are you going? Mitsuri is looking for you?" She said in her annoying voice. Shinobu and I had a strange relationship, sometimes I like her and sometimes I don't, I guess she doesn't want to be replaced on her current role to Mitsuri. "I was just looking for her until you interrupted me-"</i> <i>"Obanai! There you are!" Speaking of Mitsuri, she ran towards me and pulled me into a hug and I blushed red. "Hey Mitsuri, hey there is something I wanted to tell you..." She pulled away from the hug, making me upset a little, "There is something I wanted to tell you as well! Say you want to go first?" She asked me and I shook my head, "You can go first" I said and she smiled, but the words she was about to yell were the words I didn't want to hear, not at this time...</i> <i>"I met a upperclassmen and I just fell in love with him! Though it seems like I am nowhere near his type! I just thought how bout I try to perfect his type and to do that I have to be 'normal!'" her sentence killed me. I did want to know she liked someone else but if I just told her I liked her first before that, I would have got rejected right then and there. Our friendship would have been broken. Along with her last word, the word 'Normal' I hated that word for her, she is perfect just the way she is and yet she wants to change herself for someone else?</i> <i>"I-That's great Mitsuri! I'm glad you found someone you like!" I replied, though it was not the words I wanted to say. I wanted to tell her how I felt, on this situation, to tell her that she was perfect and she didn't need to change how she is now. "Thank you Obanai! Now! What were you gonna tell me?" She yelled, with the mind curiosity in her eyes, and the sweet smiled planted in her face.</i> <i>"I just wanted to tell you that uhhh... well there is someone I like as well!" I said and Mitsuri's eyes beamed with interest and excitement, "Really?! Tell me! Tell me! Who is the lucky person! Atleast tell me the gender!"</i> <i>"I'm not comfortable with that information just yet... I'll tell you soon..but tell me more about this guy." I saidz even if I was not interested in learning about this upperclassmen. I didn't want to hear the way she described him and how I didn't match her type, I didn't even know her type. As she rambled on about the guy, the more heartbroken I felt, my heart shattered in many pieces, and yet I didn't even confess to her.</i> <i>"So what is his type...? What are you changing about yourself?" I asked and she tired to think, "He doesn't care for strong girls, he cares for girls with actual natural hair, I guess I just have to be more...normal?" I froze on the amount of changes this girl is willing to make for this stupid boy. He wouldn't even be going for the actual girl, just the loving the one wearing the mask, behind it however is the one I love. "I wouldn't suggest you do it right away..maybe you try to talk to him and then how bout see if that's just his current type. Maybe with your perfect self you would become his type."</i> <i>"You right! Thank you Obanai! I'll try my best! Your such a good friend! I'm so lucky I found you!" I felt my heart shattered again, I just got friend zoned right there and not in the good way. I sighed and nodded and she looked confused, "is something wrong? Can I do anything to help? Tell me what's wrong?" She got closer to my face and the titled her head. I blushed and she smiled slowly, "I'm fine, just had something on my mind for a minute, now go talk to your future husband" I said and she blushed red, only if it was actually at me and not embarrassment.</i> <i>"That would have been a dream!" Mitsuri yelled placing her hands on her face. I remembered she always talked about getting married to the man she falls in love with and talking about how she wants to picture her life with them. I always felt like one day she would like me back but I was never in her sight. She always had a crush on a guy and in the end get rejected, though the amount of times I try she seems to never look my way. Maybe it was time to just give up, let her go be with someone else and hopefully this guy is the right one for her.</i> <i>Who knows maybe I might like someone else like Mitsuri.</i> <i>"See you later Obanai!" I heard Mitsuri yell as she then later waved, running off to find that guy. No I can't fall in love with someone else that easily like her, there is no way someone could perfect Mitsuri. I know Mitsuri my first and last crush ever, it sucks I have to give it all away now.</i> <i>But who may this guy be?</i> <i>----</i> <i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i> # 🌷~||Volume 2||~🌷 <i>🌷~Chapter 2~🌷</i> <i>"Our history teacher"</i> <i>---</i> <i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i> <i>This chapter contains...</i> <i>Language</i> <i>Bad spelling,</i> <i>Bad grammer,</i> <i>Side ships,</i> <i>Sexual harassment</i> <i>Pedophile</i> <i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i> <i>Sorry for not uploading as much as I usually do, busy with </i><i>school and have an exam for an end of a unit so there is that I have to study for.</i> <i>Giyu x Sabito is in this book but would you guys rather have me make a Sabigiyuu book first or a </i><i>Giyushino book first? Not making either at the moment prob not until this book is Completed maybe.</i> <i>-----</i> <i>Mitsuri's pov</i> <i>----- </i> <i>"Mitsuri! Your in a hurry!" Shinobu commented and I turned around at the girl who was still catching up to me. Shinobu and I had been friends for a long time now, even longer then Obanai and I, she is the first to know about everything so I knew I had to tell her. "I am gonna ask my crush out! And I want it to be lunch already so I could that!" I said and she smiled and clapped her hands together. "Finally! I'm sure he would accept! Who would reject someone like you?" I felt like I should be saying that to her instead.</i> <i>I knew Shinobu has a crush on her friend Giyu and had one since middle school. Shinobu is a really pretty and kind girl, a pure combination of beauty and brains. I adored her and sometimes envy her for being that pretty. I sometimes wish I were here because of the amount of chances she has in getting a love life. Once she confesses to Giyu, there is a really high chance of being his girlfriend. I think they would make a really cute couple! Though I heard rumors of Giyu liking someone else. I believe I should inform Shinobu Bout that to see if she already knows about them.</i> <i>I heard the next bell rang and I ran to my class, waving Shinobu goodbye. When I entered the room, Obanai waved to me at his table and I sat down next to him. "Hey Obanai! </i><i>Do you know what we are doing today?" I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders as he was getting out his notebook. I did the same thing and then began writing the date and learning target. Surprisedly even if Obanai is a grade above me the teacher teaches both grades as if it was an elective class. It was one of my worst subjects, history. I think I have a C in this class and I think I would have no improvement with a tutor. Although the person in our tutoring program, working as one is pretty cute. </i> <i>"Mitsuri...your daydreaming again" Obanai said as he waved his hand Infront of my face and I apologized, "Sorry! Just picturing things again..." I said laughing nervously. "Your thinking of cute boys again aren't you?" I think Obanai knew me long enough to know what I think about. "Sorry! I just think Tanjiro is super cute!" </i><i>Obanai tried to remebe the boy, "You mean the lowerclassmen in the turtoring club? Muichiro tutor?" He asked and I nodded. Muichiro Tokito ks one of my friends and he is supper chill, and I have another friend named Nezuko who is the younger sister of Tanjiro.</i> <i>"You know Muichiro has a crush on him right?" He asked and I was surprised and jumped up from my chair catching everyone's attention. "Oops sorry!" I bowed down and the teacher smiled at me and just told me to sit down. The teacher was super nice to me and somehow gives me more special treatment than most of the students in this class. All my current friends says it's weird and creepy but I don't really care as long as I am on a teacher's good side. </i> <i>Later in the class period when the bell was about to ring for lunch, I saw the teacher walk by me and bended down slowly and I whispered, "please stay after class, there is something I wanna discuss to you alone.." he said and I nodded but also was scared. It was most likely about my grades! I know they were terrible but now knowing how low a C I know the teacher is vkn a wanna talk about it and make me fix it somehow. "What did he say?" Obanai asked and I turned to him, "He just wants me to stay after class for a bit, do you mind waiting for me? Unless you want to go off and eat without me that's fine with my to." I said and Obanai shook his head.</i> <i>"I'll wait for you Mitsuri" he said and I smiled and looked into Obanai's eyes, they were so pretty and rare, he is the first person I met with two different eye colors and not to mention his hair was also really pretty, though I never really saw his full face, and that being he has bandages around his mouth, I still kinda think he is handsome. I blushed a little just thinking about it and shook my head. </i><i>I didn't see Obanai more than just a friend so I think it would be werid to think of him if something more now since I never did before.</i> <i>When the bell rang I packed my stuff and Obanai told me he be waiting for me outside.</i><i> When I finished packing my things, I walked over to my teacher and placed my hands behind my back, "is there some you need sir?" I asked and he smiled as he stood up and I took a step back a little. "In fact yes there is, I noticed your grades have been losing a lot quickly and you seem to be failing my class..." A C means a failing grade?! I was scared to see the disapproval planted on my parents faces once they find out but then the teacher walked closer to me.</i> <i>"But there is one quicker way to fix that..." He said in a low voice, saying it directly to my ear, I felt a chil run down my spine and I was beginning to get a little uncomfortable. "What's that? Get a tutor?" I asked and he shook his head and then that's when he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. t this point I was about to shout and defend myself but he seems a little stronger then I was. I was upset and uncomfortable of what was going on, I could feel his breath on my neck and I knew on what this man was doing was definitely something he could get in real trouble for.</i> <i>"Stop that! I'm still a teenager your like 36!! " I yelled, as I tried to escape his grip to fail multiple times. "Age really is just a number... don't you want to make your parents proud?" He asked and I thought for a minute, even if I did this was very wrong and disgusting. I always wanted a romantic life, but this is the complete opposite of what I wanted. What the hell is he gonna do? Possibly rape me?! In a god damn classroom?! I screamed for help as loud as I could before I felt a cloth entered my mouth and I was surprised on how bold he was.</i> <i>A teacher doing this to a teenager during school hours, it's quite impressive but why does he have to do it in this way?! All a sudden I heard someone kick open the door and then jumped into my teacher and tackled him to the ground. I took the the with my now free arms and removed the cloth around my mouth and quickly buttoned my shirt which I didn't notice was unbuttoned. Guess I was so lost in my thoughts and the whole process going so fast I didn't even realize. I turned around and saw Obanai beating the crap out of the man who tired to lay his hands on me in disturbing ways. </i> <i>I stood up quickly and ran out, searching for a staff member and then when I caught a staff members attention, they immediately encountered the scene and I have no idea on what happened next. I was justooking for Shinobu to inform her on what was going on but ran into Rengoku instead. He was one of my friends as well, since middle school. "Mitsuri! Are you alright?! Why are you crying?" He yelled and Nezuko appeared behind him as well as Tanjrio. "Mitsuri?!" Nezuko yelled in a concerned voice and I began crying and fell to the ground. I felt warm arms wrap around me and Iturned around and saw Obanai hugging me.</i> <i>"Your safe now Alright...?" I couldn't say thank you even if I wanted to at that moment, I could only cry onto his chest and tried to forget what happened a couple of minutes ago..</i> <i>----</i> <i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i> # 🌷~||Volume 3||~🌷 <i>🌷~Chapter 3~🌷</i> <i>"A sudden change"</i> <i>---</i> <i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i> <i>This chapter contains...</i> <i>Language</i> <i>Bad spelling,</i> <i>Bad grammer,</i> <i>Side ships,</i> <i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i> <i>-----</i> <i>Mitsuri's pov</i> <i>-----</i> <i>Once upon a time, there was once a girl who dreamed of being in the arms of her future love, but for some reason it never happened for her, because love was not her fate and she was never granted it. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't fall in love, until one day she met a boy and instantly fell in love with him. The more they talked the more she fell, that was until one day he accepted a girls confession right in front of her, and her heart shattered into millions of pieces. When she killed herself, was when she realized she fell in love with not the man she though, but with the man who lived next door, who also loved her.</i> <i>.</i> <i>.</i> <i>.</i> <i>What a sad beautiful love story! It was one of my favorite books, a combination of sad and romantic is one of my favorites. It's like when a girl dies in the boys arms who also dies! That story makes me so sad...Shinobu finds my taste in these kind of books weird but she is wrong! "Hmm, I'm not sure what to pick for the day...I read basically every one of these romance books since I was a kid...now I'm not sure..." I said to myself, searching for a new book in our school's library and then I felt someone throw a book at me.</i> <i>"Hey! What was that fo-"</i> <i>"Mitsuri, I found you a book I think you might like..." The boy said to me as she turned his head away. Long hair ending with tealish color, in our male's school uniform in his own style. "Wow! Thank you Muichiro! I haven't read this one but it looks interesting!" I said smiling at him and he shrugged his shoulders.</i><i> Like I said before Muichiro was a friend of mine since middle school and always tends to buy me new romance novels along with Rengoku everyear either near or on my birthday!</i> <i><b>(I forgot about this until today um, happy late birthday Obanai! 😊🌸)</b></i> <i>Which is strange because my birthday is nowhere near from now, it's still a long way from now. I read the title and the description reach seemed about a male moving into a new school and later falling in love with his teacher? Sounds interesting! Atleast he is 18 and she is 23 but still reminds me of what happened a couple of days ago. I'm glad Obanai was able to stand up for me, I don't even want to think about what might have happen if he was not outside that door. </i> <i>"Oh? Heading off so soon Muichiro?" I asked as I saw Muichiro walking away, "Well Tanjiro wants me to meet him over there to study." Muichiro has been falling behind on his classes and later had Tanjiro, an upperclassmen for Muichiro atleast as his tutor. Tanjiro and I are in the same grade though we have no classes together anymore. "Alright! Tell Tanjiro I said hi!" He nodded and left. Tanjiro and Muichiro seemed to be getting closer lately besides being friends and all that. It's super cute though!</i> <i>When I was about to leave the library, I saw a male student there, sitting on the table, talking to another female student attending here. That was the boy I liked and fell in love with, I smiled slowly, wanting to speak to him, but he was already talking to another girl who seems to be taking an interest in him. It made me feel upset knowing he might fall in love with her before he does with me. I'm not even sure if he would like me for being myself, which is fine because I don't mind changing myself if it means being normal and being the one he marries.</i> <i>----</i> <i>I ran trying to find my friend but instead </i><i>bumped into what seemed like an upperclassmen and I looked up and saw a male, long black hair tied in a low ponytail almost and dark blue eyes. This was Giyu Tomioka, Shinobu's crush, he is very cute but </i><i>I do suspect him of liking somebody else. How come almost everyone I like, falls in love with someone else? But I would never want to deeply fall in love with Giyu because Shinobu likes him as well. I wouldn't betray my best friend. </i> <i>"Sorry Tomioka! Do you know where Obanai is?" I asked him and he nodded slowly, pointing to a nearby classroom and I thanked him by bowing down and ran off. When I entered the classroom, he was talking to a female, </i><i>the girl has long hair and two butterfly clips attached to both sides of her head, he was also In a room with another boy with white hair. Sanemi and Kanae, Shinobu's older sister. I heard they like each other but I have not looked into it as much.</i> <i>Kanae is super beautiful and caring, she is like Shinobu, whenever she is aorund Shinobu however, Shinobu tends to change her personality quite a bit. Sanemi is a little scary in my opinion but he is also charming as well! Obanai began talking to Kanae and I felt a strange feeling in me but I tried to ignore it as much as I could. I didn't want to think of what the feeling might be so I ignored and waved my hand up and yelled, "Hey guys! Am I interrupting something?" I asked and they shook their heads.</i> <i>"Hey Mitsuri...I thought you were at the library." He said and I shook my head, "I was but I found what I was looking for and left. I was actually looking for you.."</i> <i>"Oh really? Is something wrong Mitsuri?" He asked and walked closer to me. Obanai was a little shorter than me which I found adorable! "Yeah I was wondering...how would you feel if I.."</i> <i>"Hm?"</i> <i>"How would you feel if I died my hair to youe color...?"</i> <i>----</i> <i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i> # 🌷~||Volume 4|~🌷 <i>🌷~Chapter 4~🌷</i> <i>"Her beautiful hair"</i> <i>---</i> <i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i> <i>This chapter contains...</i> <i>Language</i> <i>Bad spelling,</i> <i>Bad grammer,</i> <i>Side ships,</i> <i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i> <i>-----</i> <i>Obanai</i><i>'s pov</i> <i>-----</i> <i>I was surprised at the sudden questioned Mitsuri just asked. Her cutting her beautiful hair? That's impossible and I hated the idea of her cutting her beautiful hair off. Why? All because a stupid boy she likes? Does she not understand she does not need to change herself just to please others? I hated what she was doing to herself. I was mainly confused but if it meant I had to agree in honer to be a good friend, then that was all I had to do. </i> <i>"I...yeah sure..I think that's a great idea!"</i> <i>"Wait really? I was thinking about it but I was not internally sure.."</i> <i>"I mean it really is up to you, how do you feel dying your beau- I-I mean your hair?"</i> <i>"Whatever it takes to get my crush to like me I'll do it! I was thi k of heading over to Shinobu's house and doing it! What do you say?" She asked and I nodded slowly, unfortunately lying to her about the whole situation.</i> <i>"I wouldn't mind going over, I think it's time me and Shinobu to get along.."</i> <i>"Wait you guys have not got along yet? She still mad about the whole me and you being friends?"</i> <i>"I'm just assuming she is jealous that's all.." We both laughed it off and Mitsuri waved to me goodbye and left the classroom and Kanae kneeled down at me slowly and said, "Your definitely lying to her aren't you?"</i> <i>"I just hate that she wants to change herself just for some stupid boy, it gets on my nerves whenever she starts talking about him..."what so good about him anyway?"</i> <i>"I'm not sure who her stupid crush is so I can't tell you, not that I care either way.." Sanemi commented and I rolled my eyes. So much for my best friend helping me out over here. I just went with the flow and will just watch as her pretty hair get's change into a different color. Even if her hair was somewhat natural, I think if her hair changed to that color, she should have kept it. I really don't think it's ugly at all but she always assumes it is ugly. </i> <i>Mitsuri is perfect the way she is but she still thinks she is not normal honestly. I hate whenever she thinks that way, it is always me and Shinobu who have to </i><i>resure</i><i> her that she is beautiful. But isn't that most girl's? A lot of them are like copy and paste from my perspective, some of them are not even normal and are little fucking brats walking in this earth freely, pissed me off. </i> <i>-----</i> <i>Later that day though, I headed to Shinobu's house and when she answered the door after I knocked on it, she glared at me with a smile on her face. "Hello Obanai! Looking ugly as always~!" She said in her annoying voice, this is why I prefer her sister over her any day. "This is why Giyu doesn't like you and likes Sabito instead" Her so called kind expression turned into a pissed off one and Mitsuri shoved Shinobu to the side a little and came in between us. "Let's all get along please!"</i> <i>"So is it just me, you and butterfly bitch?" Shinobu clenched her fist and Mitsuri nervously laughed, "Um! Her name is Shinobu please...and It is me, you, Shinobu, Muichiro, and Rengoku, and Giyu!" Oh she just shd to invite the boy I hate, that thing Giyu, always acts do depressing it's fucking annoying.</i> <i>"Hello Iguro!" Rengoku yelled as Shinobu closed the door. I waved to everyone and Muichiro grabbed some gloves and put them on along with a mask and I realized what he was doing, "Your gonna let Muichiro dye your hair?" Mitsuri smiled and nodded and they walked into the bathroom while everyone sat in there and Shinobu handed me a mask and then took it back</i> <i>"Pardon me! I must have forgotten you had bandages on! How rude of me!" She said as she placed a mask on and I felt the need to punch her. Shinobu also grabbed gloves and put them on. Which honestly is a good idea for Shinobu to dye her hair since she dyed her own hair herself, she must had some experience. I think Muichiro's hair was dyed but he says it's natural. I sat down with Rengoku and Giyu and watched as the two began starting. The bleech smelled so bad but I tried to ignore it. </i> <i>"So since we are all here...what do y'all want to do after we are done?" Shinobu asked as she wrapped the tin foil up and tied it. "Well...we could play a game.." Giyu quietly said.</i> <i>"I agree with Tomioka!" Rengoku has a habit of calling everyone by their last names besides Mitsuri and Muichiro. "Alright what game? Let's not be to loud now, my older sister is sleeping with her boyfriend..."</i> <i>"Boyfriend?" I questioned and Shinobu turned to me and her mouth crinkled a little, showing she was smiling under it. "Your best friend Shinazugawa haven't told you? He is dating my sister! I though he would have told you by now~"</i> <i>"I mean they just started dating a day ago...they took their path fast upstairs..." Muichiro commented and I got the wrong idea. "They fell asleep on her bed! They didn't do any of that dirty crap!" She yelled at Muichiro and he slowly laughed along with me, Giyu, Rengoku, and Mitsuri. "Y'all wanna play truth or dare!" Misturi asked and we all agreed. When Muichiro and Shinobu finished with the tinfoil part we all say in Shinobu's living room and went around in a circle.</i> <i>"I forgot to ask, where is Kanao, Shinobu? Mitsuri asked, talking about Shinobu's younger sister, "Oh she went our with her friend Tanjiro I think!" I heard Muichiro next to me make a, 'Tsk' sound. </i> <i>Shinobu placed a bottle.jn the middle of everyone and Mitsuri was the first one to spin the bottle since she was the first to want to play the game,</i><i> and it first landed it on Muichiro and Mitsuri smiled, asking, "Truth or dare?" Muichiro thought about to for a second before answering, "Truth.." Muichiro tried to think of a question, "Is it true that you have a crush on a male in our school?" She smirked and Muichiro blushed and slowly nodded.</i> <i>Muichiro spun the bottle and it landed on Rengoku and he asked, "Truth or dare..?" Rengoku replied quickly, "Truth!" And Muichiro replied back, "Is it true that you find yourself the slightest bit annoying?" That was a cold one..."It is not true!" Someone has to lying over here...</i> <i>Rengoku spinned the bottle and it landed in Mitsuri, lucky bitch.."Mitsuri! Truth or dare!" Mitsuri responded happily, "Dare!" She said with joy and Rengoku nodded, "I dare you to tell everyone your crush!" Mitsuri blushed from embarrassment and slowly said..."His name is Yukito.. Nakamura...in class C-2.." She covered her face with her ha D's which to me was cute, but now I know who she is trying to impress.. Everyone was amazed at her confidence.</i> <i>She grabbed the bottle and sound it fast and it landed on Giyu, "Truth or dare!" She said, sounding like herself against and Giyu said, "Truth please..</i> <i>" Why is everyone picking truth? So boring.."Is it true that you like someone in this room perhaps?" She winked at Shinobu and she blushed and I knew she was trying to get Giyu to say wether he likes Shinobu or not. "No... it's not true, I like someone else...she is like an annoying sister..." Shinobu eyes widen and I knew her heart shattered. For some reason I felt bad for her, that's one one to find out your crush does not feel the same way about you...</i> <i>Giyu soun the bottle and it landed on Muichiro again and he asked, "Truth or dare Tokito..?" Muichiro hummed a little and shrugged his shoulders, "I guess dare.." Giyu stared at everyone for a moment and asked, "I dare you to say your crush...answer honestly..." Giyu said and Muichiro was a tomato and everyone smirked and laughed besides me who was interested and Giyu. "Ummm... It's Nezuko's...older brother..." "I knew it!" Mitsuri yelled and I knew he had a crush on Tanjiro, it was kinda obvious not gonna lie, he did acted different towards Tanjiro.</i> <i>Muichiro grabbed the bottle and spinned it and it landed on Shinobu and Shinobu answered before Muichiro could, "I pick truth Muichiro!" She said with a smile on her face and Muichiro nodded and said, "Is it true that you were heartbroken at the fact that Giyu liked someone who is not you?" Muichiro asked and Shinobu was confused and slowly nodded. "Nevermind that... it's my turn..."</i> <i>It was about time, because when she soun the bottle it landed on me. "Truth or dare snake?" She said with a cold smile and I answered, "Dare..." She smiled and clapped her hands together, "I dare you to kids the prettiest male and femals in the room on their forehead!" She said and I blushed, knowing who I was gonna kiss on the forehead for the female but I was unaware for the male.</i> <i>I sighed and walked over to Giyu and kisses his forehead quickly and pulled away and he was confused and everyone else was laughing. I then slowly walked over to Mitsuri and her cheeks turned into a pinkish red color, which I found adorable. I then kissed her forehead gently and pulled away and she smiled slowly. Knowing I called her pretty.</i> <i>After a while kd playing, Shinobu stood up and led Mitsuri into the bathroom and began puttingt he dye into her hair and eventually layer, she came out for the restroom and ehr hair was a completely new color. I hated it, black looked good on her but she didn't seem like Mitsuri anymore. "I-I..um...I love it! Thank you..!" She said with what seems a weak smile and Shinobu nodded and the I grabbed Mitsuri's hand when everyone was going into he kitchen and whispered in her ear,</i> <i>"Do you hate it...?"</i> <i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i> # 🌷~||Volume 5|~🌷 <i>🌷~Chapter 5~🌷</i> <i>"Do I hate it?"</i> <i>---</i> <i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i> <i>This chapter contains...</i> <i>Language</i> <i>Bad spelling,</i> <i>Bad grammer,</i> <i>Side ships,</i> <i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i> <i>-----</i> <i>Mitsuri</i><i>'s pov</i> <i>-----</i> <i>~'|Flashback/2 years ago|'~</i> <i>There was a male in my class,</i><i> named </i><i>Nakamura Yukito, the male was handsome, kind, and so just someone fit to me a perfect husband. Though I liked him for quite some time, he later transfer into a new class and I was alone again front here. I decided I would confess my love to him since I lost my chance in the same class as him. I wonder if he even knew who I was, I really hope not, I want him to love me just as much as I loved him! That day, I went over to him during lunch and asked, "Hey Yukito, may I speak to you in private" he was talking to another girl and I felt myself getting jealous.</i> <i>When we went into a more private area, I yelled from my chest, "Yukito! I like you! I like you more then anything else! Will you be my boyfriend!?" I felt myself turning red, I could held back my smile creeping on my face. The boy was confused, replying with words that shattered my heart, "Sorry, I'm not interested in you, your kinda out of my league, not to mention your kinda...well..annoying? And pretty ugly to me.." I felt my eyes widen and shock and tears foaming in my eyes. </i> <i>Ever since that day I always changed myself a little more after each rejection, I always confessed my love to him and hope he will look at me the same, but each time I did it, the more his rejections gotten to me, for some reason it motivated me to keep trying. When I heard he got a girlfriend after 7 months of doing this, I was absolutely heartbroken, but I now know his type, investigating that girl, she was nothing like I was, she was what a perfect housewife was basically.</i> <i>She was weak, fragile, beautiful, caring, loves cleaning, intelligent, and she was all natural as well. Unlike me who was different then normal...However when their relationship didn't work out, it made me keep trying all over again. Until one day, he said something that shattered and ripped the bandage on my heart. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU CREEP! I DON'T LIKE YOU ALRIGHT?! YOUR SO ANNOYING! I DON'T WANT BE SEEN WITH A TRY-HARD" I hated how sensitive I was, everyone would hear that and just insult them back hut I had nothing, why did I even try...</i> <i>I quickly apologized and ran off, but for some reason my heart yearned for him still. I didn't understand why people could love someone who hates them, I always seen in my novals but never in real life actually.</i> <i>----</i> <i>However now that I have not spoken to him in a way, for some reason after a year later, he waves at me, even if when someone talks about me to him, he always has a disgust expression on his pretty face. I couldn't help myself but still love him, was I just that desperate? Now my hair is dyed, there really was no turning back, if it meant I would be his girlfriend then I don't care. The words Obanai spoke, "Do you hate it?" I wondered, did I hate it? I dyed it for a reason so I though no.</i> <i>"Why would I hate it? I wouldn't have dyed it if I hated myself in this color!"</i> <i>"Don't lie to me Mitsuri, your a terrible lair you know.." I didn't hate it though, I know I didn't. But why does he say I'm lying? I know what I am saying is true so why am I saying it as if I'm lying? Was I lying to myself without realizing it? "I'm not sure what your talking about Obanai..."</i> <i>He let go of my hand and we just continued our way to Shinobu's kitchen and watched her make food. "So who is staying the night and who is not?" Shinobu asked, in her gentle voice. Apparently me, Obanai, and Giyu are the ones staying the night, the others can't. Muichiro can't stay the night at someone's house unless his parents know the person parents, and Rengoku has a strict father. </i> <i>"So </i><i>I have spare sleeping bags upstairs in my attic, I would go grab them for you guys!" Shinobu said as Rengoku and Muichoro finished eating and about to take off. "Alright I'm back! Oh! Youe both leaving so soon?" I heard Shinobu say as Muichiro and Rengoku were at the front door. "Yeah, we are leaving! I'm gonna walk Muichiro home since I know he gets lost easily!" We all nodded and waved the two goodbye as Shinobu settled up the sleeping backs. I washed my dish and then layed onto my sleeping back, and watched Obanai getting into his. </i> <i>I was on my phone scrolling through my mother's messages and Shinobu tried to talk to Giyu with a smile plastered on her face. It sucks the way she found out Giyu liked someone else. I should have told her sooner the minute I heard of it, I'm a terrible friend...To late to go back in time. Though either way she would have been heartbroken. I cant understand dhow she can still hold a smile even if she just got rejected. If only I was like her, could still be able to smile and act like I never got rejected or the opposite happened. </i> <i>But I rejected over 100 times, yet still I react the same way.. I layed my head on my pillow as everyone else began falling asleep, "Good night you guys!" I said and everyone turned to each other,</i> <i>"Good night everyone!"</i> <i>"Night!"</i> <i>"Night.."</i> <i>As the lights of everyone phone shut off, I stared at the ceiling as ny mind was full of thoughts. I grabbed a couple of strands of my hair an stared at the new color. Obanai's words were stuck in my head. Even if I said I liked it, it didn't feel right, but when I say I dislike it, it feels wrong. Did I hate it or no?</i> <i>Its to late to go back isn't it?</i> <i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i> # 🌷~||Volume 6|~🌷 <i>🌷~Chapter 6~🌷</i> <i>"Another second thought"</i> <i>---</i> <i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i> <i>This chapter contains...</i> <i>Language</i> <i>Bad spelling,</i> <i>Bad grammer,</i> <i>Side ships,</i> <i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i> <i>-----</i> <i>Mitsuri's pov</i> <i>-----</i> <i>"Good night you guys!" I said and everyone turned to each other,</i> <i>"Good night everyone!"</i> <i>"Night!"</i> <i>"Night.."</i> <i>As the lights of everyone phone shut off, I stared at the ceiling as my mind was full of thoughts. I grabbed a couple of strands of my hair an stared at the new color. Obanai's words were stuck in my head. Even if I said I liked it, it didn't feel right, but when I say I dislike it, it feels wrong. Did I hate it or no?</i> <i>Its to late to go back isn't it?</i> <i>-----</i> <i>There had been many thoughts running my mind, that being one about my feelings towards my current crush, do I actually like him? I mist have liked him, because why else would I be doing all this work for right? It would only make sense in the end. I believe I am thinking to much for my weak...helpless mind..I woke up, the sun was just rising and everyone was still sleeping. I forgot we were at Shinobu's place. I stood up, walking to the restroom and began washing my face. I was shocked when I looked into the mirror.</i> <i>It wasn't me...it was a different person...</i> <i>This person was me...just didn't act like me...was this the only way to love someone? It feels very wrong...</i><i>the girl I saw in the mirror...tried to act normal to hide her true self, black hair tied in 3 braids...being like this to win a boys heart. Who else would love me for who I truely am though? Being jusy like every other housewive...the definition, I must be somewhat of the oppsite I am. And discard my flaws I hate about myself.</i> <i>I felt tears foaming into my eyes, I fell down to my knees wondering why I was doibg this to myself, I didn't want to be like this anymore. But if it meant I would be loved by someone, someone I love, I would do anything to win their heart. I heard a knock on the door, which made me gasp and wipe my tears away. </i> <i>"Mitsuri...are you alright in there...?" I heard a voife said from the other side of the door I was behind. That voice, is belonh to Obanai, I stood up and unlocked the door, slowly opening it, revealing the male standing behind it. "I'm fine...have a fee things running through my mind! I'm fine though!" I said with a smile, but I was a terrible lair and he knows it.</i> <i>"Please tell me the truth Mitsuri, what or who is bothering you? I would hurr them if you like..." I was surprised on what Obanai was wanting to do, I did not expect him to want to fight anyone, despite him being a little blinding one eye, how would he even be able to see someone's moves? </i> <i>"I dont really know anymore...It feels wrong to change who I am even if I already hate it." Obanai cupped my cheek and brought me closer to him, making my face go red, I dont even understand why. "Its alright to feel that way but just know if you change...I love the old you...but as your friend, I will support you no matter what alright?" He said in a low voice and I slowly nodded. I feel so save around him, even more safer than with my crush. I smiled slowly and nodded.</i> <i>His presence feels different, it feels good honestly, I always liked his presence, this time it felt different but I did not bother to think to much about it. </i><i>As I smiled, we both stood up and then I tugged on his bandages. "How come I never get to see you with them off...is there something your hiding from me yourself?" He gasp and nodded. "I hate how I look without them...there was an incident between me and my...'family' I don't really wanna talk about it"</i> <i>"When you are ready... I'll be here!" I said snd he his bandages seemed to form with his smile. I felt myself blush and tried to ignore it.</i> <i>This feeling, was it just my imagination?</i> <i>Or could it be...</i> <i>I'm falling in love with my best friend?</i> <i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i> # 🌷~||Volume 7|~🌷 <i>🌷~Chapter 7~🌷</i> <i>"</i><i>Let me kiss your lips"</i> <i>---</i> <i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i> <i>This chapter contains...</i> <i>Language</i> <i>Bad spelling,</i> <i>Bad grammer,</i> <i>Side ships,</i> <i>Slight angst</i> <i>Suicide mentions</i> <i>Suicide attempts</i> <i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i> <i>-----</i> <i>Obanai'</i><i>s pov</i> <i>-----</i> <i>It's been a couple of weeks since me and Mitsuri last spoken about her situation...lately I been helping her unfortunately change her personality. Now she is more timid, calm, quieter, and she hardly eats now. Her appearance even changed, I upset and wanted the old Mitsuri back. And recently as well, her crush is taking an interest in her, and it's making my blood boil the more I see them talk.</i> <i>I wanted nothing more to do, then tear him limb by limb...watching as the pain washes down his face, the screams of pain flooding around the room, and watch him die. But! That can't happen since I can't make Mitsuri upset, her smile is all I want. "Oi! Obanai! You don't look so well..." I heard Sanemi yell.</i><i> I was confused, Sanemi never checked up on me when I was sad, he always laughed at me and called me a baby. Acted like how a sibling would. "You never checked up on me..? What's with the sudden change?"</i> <i>"Sure I always laughed at you, but you actually don't look so good. Did Mitsuri finally reject you?"</i> <i>"Not quite, I never confessed my love for her all this time because she always had a crush on someone new and I can never find the perfect time during the time when she is not interested in someone..."</i> <i>"So what exactly happened then?"</i> <i>"Well, the changed herself completely. Sure she changed small things whenever she likes someone, but she is serious about this one for some reason. She is the opposite of what she used to be and hey they are actually talking! Pisses me off and I miss the old her"</i> <i>"Hey, you might find someone like her in the future and if that is what she wants then it's best to let her go." Since when did you become soft?</i> <i>I nodded to Sanemi's advice, though it just hurts just to think about it. I just think it fucking hurts to let her go looking and acting like that! During she looks good in a lot of looks but it does not seem like her anymore. I stood up and then saw Shinobu standing alone for what it seems and clapping her hands with her stupid gentle smile.</i> <i>I walked over to her and waved my hand and it caught her attention, she seemed upset to see me but she always hid her true emotions. "Need anything, Obanai? To ruin this perfect moment?" I was confused, "Perfect moment?" I asked and she nodded and pointed her at the direction of..</i> <i>Mitsuri and her crush kissing?!</i> <i>"Sorry! Must have missed your chance! Oh how I would love to see your jealous face! Must be better staying away from her! I heard her crush..or boyfriend I should say, sould hate to see her around you..." Shinobu, is a fucking bitch. Saying those words so calmly normal! Of course she knew I liked her and it pains me to see that boy's arms, wrapping around Mitsuri. But she didn't have to add on to it.</i> <i>As Shinobu walked away and so did Mitsuri and her...boyfriend, it left me and her alone. "Don't you dare act like that!! I know your just upset because Giyu likes Sabito and not someone like you! Do I blame him though?! Your a fucking airhead and bitch, who seems to look down on others besides your friends! You annoy him all the time and make fun of him for being so called lonely! It's no wonder why he wouldn't like you back! I wonder why Mitsuri is still friends with someone like you!"</i> <i>Shinobu stopped in her tracks, slowly turning to me with her eyes widen and scared almost. Frighten to probably hear the truth and she was about to say something but nothing came out. "I... that's not true! The one who is a fucking bitch is you Obanai! Taking my friend away from me! She never tells me anything anymore! It's always you! Atleast I actually learned to somehow let go of Giyu quickly!"</i> <i>I was surprised, she had sudden anger in her, her expression completely change. Could this be her true personality? "No matter how hard you try you would never be like your sister! Even if your envy takes control that won't get you anywhere! Sure you real personally seems strange and unsettling to Mitsuri, it's not right to change it you idiot. I only hated you because of the way you act, I knew you were always fake."</i> <i>After I said that, I saw tears forming in Shinobu's eyes as she finally gave up and she fell down to her knees, "Everyone likes her.. I'm always discarded for the way I act, so I tried to perfect my sister's was behind her back, now that someone found out...how can I? Your right, envy and perfecting someone is not gonna help...your actual self will break out of the cage it's locked behind eventually." The covered her face with her knees and I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug.</i> <i>"I feel the same way...I always hide my feelings from Mitsuri and now, keeping them for to long, I lost her... If only I said it eailer, even if she rejects me...I don't think how long I can keep them in anymore."</i> <i>"I think it's right if you tell her....even if she does reject you.."</i> <i>----</i> <i>Standing on top of the edge, the river below allowing someonento drown if they fall from this height into it. The waves carefully moving and the wind going through my hair slowly. The moon so bright and lights ho most of the sky. The stars slowly making an appearance. It would be a last time for me to see it. I loved her and yet I never said it...I kept it in and I can't handle the pain if she rejects me. She would reject me, she has a boyfriend now. If I ended my life here, I would be free, free from the past and free from the present, I don't think I would be able to handle when the future hits me.</i> <i>Who would care if I die? Sanemi, maybe, but he has his family who loves him, and he would get over it quickly, if he did care about me. Mitsuri has a boyfriend, she wouldn't mind losing a friend. Shinobu always hated me, she wouldn't even cry. Muichiro, would forget. Rengoku, would have his smile still. Giyu I always bullied, he wouldn't care. Everyone, would get over me if they cared about me. It wouldn't matter if I were gone.</i> <i>I began taking off my shoes and breathing in and out slowly. As I lifted my foot up, slowly moving it forward, I heard a scream up close to me and pull me backwards, allowing me to fall in them. Was I really saved by a stranger? I turned around and look at the person, studying their appearance, black hair...green eyes...</i> <i>Kanroji..</i> <i>"K-Kanroji..?" I said quietly as she began crying hysterically and hugged me, allowing her tears to fall onto my back. "Don't do that crap! Dont even kill yourself! I care! You might think Noone does but I care! Don't leave me!" I couldn't bring myself to look at her, bit even say her first name. I then pulled back and stared at her blankly and she wiped her tears away.</i> <i>Suddenly, she grabbed me by my shirt collar, pulling me closer, and</i> <i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i> # 🌷~||Volume 8|~🌷 <i>🌷~Chapter 8~🌷</i> <i>"My heart beats for you.."</i> <i>---</i> <i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i> <i>This chapter contains...</i> <i>Language</i> <i>Bad spelling,</i> <i>Bad grammer,</i> <i>Side ships,</i> <i>Suicide mentions</i> <i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i> <i>-----</i> <i>Mitsuri</i><i>'s pov</i> <i>-----</i> <i>My heart stopped as I heard the boy finish his words, "Mitsuri...I like you to.." after all this time, all the rejections he gave me, he finally accepts my feelings. I thought it would be a moment of happiness, that my heart would race and I will fall into his arms and share a kiss under the Sakura trees. However, I was confused and stunned, my heart never raced and it was only him who had a face full of happiness. I felt him grab me and pull me into a kiss under that Sakura tree, however, I didn't feel my body lit of, it didn't feel warm at all, It felt cold.</i> <i>This was not how I wanted this moment to turn out. I lost all feelings for him and yet I was stupid enough to confess my love, thinking he would reject me and I would be done acting. Now I can't break his heart, I don't want to hurt him the way he hurted me, saying those harsh words in the pass. I now know the person I actually loved was Obanai, my best friend, the boy who was in front of me all along. I walked away as he held my hand, but I didn't return the emotion of felt. </i> <i>I was mad, mad at myself. I was stupid, chasing after people who don't return my feelings unless I change something about myself and yet the boy who loved me for who I was, was the boy I fell in love with after </i><i>around 7 years of knowing know. How can I be that blind and stupid? I was sitting down at the table and was eating with my.. "Boyfriend" and I felt very hungry, but I couldn't bring myself to eat so much Infront fo this guy.</i> <i>"Mitsuri...I want to talk to you!" Shinobu said but she was not wearing her friendly smile as usual. Her smile was now faded into a serious look, plastered on her face. "Uh! Sure!" I said and excused myself and walked over by a corner of the School, where Noone was around. "I can't stand being around you anymore..."</i> <i>"What?! What do you mean?! Did I do som-"</i> <i>"You did do something wrong...Mitsuri, I always liked the way you were as a child up until now, you were kind, cute, loud, energetic, confident, and a joy to be around. Your love for food always got me, and you were not afraid to be yourself. Until you met that guy...You changed everything...I want you back but it seems like your not changing yourself until he leaves you...I know you not gonna give up that easily. I'm discontinuing our friendship... I'm sure Obanai feels the same way..."</i> <i>"B-But! Shinobu! I'm sorry! I was so desperate I just jumped into a relationship I don't want to be him! I don't have feelings for him and yet I was stupid to confess my love! I thought he was gonna reject me and I could free myself from the chapter of my book I created! That didn't happen! I like Obanai and I just realized these feelings I felt for him all along was love!"</i> <i>"It's to late...he always loved you...he never told you because you were caught up with people who didn't like you...I will help you break up with him..just know Obanai will be a difficult task to complete. You went way to far on this guy..."</i> <i>"Thank you Shinobu!"</i> <i>----</i> <i>That day, Shinobu and I were unable to tell that guy the truth... however that same time, I was out on a walk, when I saw Obanai beside a bridge and I was happy to see him. Shinobu informed it will be difficult, knowing how far I have gone, but not that I see him, It just felt so nice, I still always loved his presence. My heart stopped for a second time today, because I saw him climbing over that bridge after taking off his shoes and I quickly began running after him when he was about to take a step forward, though there was nothing underneath for him to step on.</i> <i>"OBANAI! STOP!" I screamed and managed to catch up and drag him off the edge, and let him fall onto me. </i><i>"</i><i>K-Kanroji</i><i>..?" I heard him say in a soft voice, he must hate me that much to the point he would say my name how he used to before. I began crying hysterically as I saw his face, the pain plastered all over it and I decided to wrap my arms around him, pulling him into a hug as my tears began falling down my face "Don't do that crap! Dont even kill yourself! I care! You might think Noone does but I care! Don't leave me!" I yelled through my tears and suddenly he pulled back and stared at me with a blank expression on his face.</i> <i>I started wiping my tears away and stared at him, reliefed I was able to get to him in time. I couldn't bear the though of losing the person I loved. I felt the urge to kiss him, I couldn't take it anymore, and I can't hold myself back from the thought of my lips contacting his. I then grabbed his bandages and took them off quickly, leading him to gasp, I was surprised myself. Those scars in his face, were beautiful, though it's a shame he hid them for so long. I then grab his shirt collar and pulled him into a kiss.</i> <i>I felt the sparks fly, my body warmed up more and my heart was racing. It felt like Sakura petals were around us now. This was everything I wanted, and everything I could wish for. I pulled away and his face was deep red. "I love you...Obanai...I don't want you to leave me ever..." He cupped my cheek and kissed me again and I blushed. "I love you to Mitsuri...but what about-?"</i> <i>"He is not the one I truely love...my heart only beats for you now..."</i> <i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i> # 🌷~||Volume 9|~🌷 <i>🌷~Chapter 9~🌷</i> <i>"An secret relationship"</i> <i>---</i> <i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i> <i>This chapter contains...</i> <i>Language</i> <i>Bad spelling,</i> <i>Bad grammer,</i> <i>Side ships,</i> <i>Small make out session</i> <i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i> <i>There is a small takeout session during around the middle of the chapter so your allowed to skip that part of the chapter if your disturbed on that fact :)</i> <i>-----</i> <i>Obanai</i><i>'s pov</i> <i>-----</i> <i>I was shocked at Mitsuri's sudden action eailer, her lips contacting mine, and the fact that she it even if she was in a relationship. "Mitsuri...you do realize you cheated on your boyfriend...right?" I asked and she smiled softly and said, "Unfortunately yes...but if it was with someone like you... I'm perfectly fine with that.." she kissed me again and rubbed my scars and I blushed. Later that same week, Mitsuri said she wants to find a way to break up with that boy politely but she does not know how knowing what she did with me. </i> <i>At the point it is confirmed we are dating, but it's more of a secretive relationship for now. "Why even break up with him politely? After all he has done and say to you in the past, and yet inly acts kind because you changed yourself?" Mitsuri eyes widen and she said, "I guess your right about that...I hate myself for doing that. I wanna change back! I'm dying my hair back to how it was before!" She claimed and I smiled, knowing I get to see her truth self again. </i> <i>As I helped Mitsuri dye her hair, Shinobu called Mitsuri during the middle of it and Mitsuri immediately picked up the phone and in her sweet cheerful side, "Hello Shinobu! What's up?" She asked and Shinobu replied, "Hey you have any ideas to break up with him yet? I was thinking murdering him but that is kinda harsh! Muichiro said throw him off a cliff and I also think that is kinda harsh but a great idea!"</i> <i>"I-none of them are good...I don't want to go to hell Shinobu..."</i> <i>"Oh right! Forgot that existed! Hmm...blackmail him?"</i> <i>"No! Nothing rude!"</i> <i>"You no fun! Anyways what are you doing anyways?"</i> <i>"I'm dying my hair back with Obanai! Oh and don't tell anyone besides Rengoku and Muichiro but um...me and Obanai are dating now!!" Mitsuri yelled and I smiled and I continued wrapping the tin foil and I could hear Shinobu clapping her hands over the phone. "Awe! You dated that ugly idiot~? How cute!"</i> <i>I knew she was saying it out loud on purpose to get me piss off, and jr is working.</i> <i>----</i> <i>Hours went by and Mitsuri hair was done and she was happier then ever. I kissed her lips again and she smiled at me, her smile was always adorable and I'm glad I got to see it so often, it's beautiful and perfect. Soon after she kissed me back, I couldn't help myself a little and began kissing her more and eventually she did started touching my back and wrap her arms around my shoulders.</i> <b><i>(Um, small make out session on here, I suggest you skip here if your not into that bullshit :)</i></b> <i>Suddenly Mitsuri added more force into the kiss and I moaned a little and she smiled and laughed a little, she done it again to get another reaction but instead I grabbed her waist and sat her on me lap. We stayed there for a minute just kissing each other and she kept making small noises during it and eventually she went after my neck. I was surprised on how far we are already going despite us just beginning to date after a few short days. I didn't mind though, I grabbed more of her lower half and she then stopped kissing my neck and and stared down at me.</i> <i>As she smiled, I blushed more as she kept touching me in certain areas of my body, She then grabbed the hem of my shirt and when she was about to take it off of my body, the door open and it disturbed me and Mitsuri, leading her to unfortunately stop.</i> <i>"Ummm.... I'm confused on what you two were trying to do..."</i> <i>"Uh! Muichiro! Um...wait who...who let you in?!"</i> <i>"You gave me a spare key....um... I'm gonna wait until you done....goodbye..." Muichiro turned away and left and we both shrugged our shoulders but it was quite embarrassing knowing Muichiro was right outside and saw what we're doing. She then slowly climbed off me and apologized, "I'm sorry for my actions Obanai! It was mature of me to act like this! We are still in highschool as well! I'm sorry!" but I kissed her lips snd said, "it's alright Mitsuri, it felt good..." she smiled and kissed and we walked to see Muichiro laying on the couch staring at the ceiling.</i> <i>"So what brings you here Muichiro? You don't come here often unless you come to inform me about something and then forget it again.."</i> <i>"Um....I saw your boyfriend kissing another girl but it seems like you were kissing another boy as well so it seems like that is a great excuse to breakup with him."</i> <i>"O-Oh! That's... intresting to know. But I'm confused.."</i> <i>"He probably wanted you because you make him look good I guess, which makes sense because your beautiful..." I commented and she blushed. "Thank you Obanai!"</i> <i>"Cringe..."</i> <i>"Be quiet Muichiro! You always say werid things as well!"</i> <i>"Oh...Tanjiro and I are dating by the way now..."</i> <i>"What wait?! Since when?! Why did you not tell me eailer??" Mitsuri whined and Muichiro shrugged his shoulders, "since last month but who is counting right now."</i> <i>"Tell me how it happened!!" Mitsuri yelled and her eyes lit up, "it's simple...one day when he was tutoring at my house, Tanjiro suddenly kissed me and began complimenting me and just right then and there I just confessed my love to him.. that's pretty much it.."</i> <i>"Awe!"</i> <i>"How did you two get together?"</i> <i>"You don't want to know.."</i> <i>"So...I should go break up with Yukito now right?" Mitsuri asked and I nodded. Which is a relief because who wants to be with someone who is cheating with you?</i> <i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i> # 🌷~||Volume 10||~🌷 <i>🌷~Chapter 10~🌷</i> <i>"My favorite fairytale"</i> <i>---</i> <i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i> <i>This chapter contains...</i> <i>Language</i> <i>Bad spelling,</i> <i>Bad grammer,</i> <i>Side ship</i>s <i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i> <i>-----</i> <i>Mitsuri</i><i>'s pov</i> <i>-----</i> <i>The boy I yet wanted to marry was not the boy I will end up with. Because I fell in love with someone else. There was a quote I once heard, "if you love two people at the same time, choose the second one, because if you really love the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one.." I never truely believed in that one in real life, only in my romance fantasies, atleast that is what my little brother called them. I wish there was something more to it back then, but now that I found Obanai, I knew I found it, and I loved it.</i> <i>"Hey babe! Want me to walk you to class- What's wrong with your hair and, whose this?" That boy I used to like, asked, my so called boyfriend. "Oh! This is my boyfriend! Iguro Obanai!" I said happily to him, and Shinobu who was with me as pure usual, choked on her drink and snorted. "I-? Excuse me? What did you just say?"</i> <i>"I'm Obanai, Mitsuri's boyfriend.."</i> <i>"I think your mistaken, that has to be a joke, last time I remember, Mitsuri was my girlfriend!"</i> <i>"Well she 'was' your friend, now she is mine!"</i> <i>"Sorry</i> <i>Yukito, it's just not made to be. You see over when we were 'dating' I happen to realize I liked Obanai more then you. He actually traits me with respect and cares for who I actually am!"</i> <i>"This is fucking stupid! Your just gonna cheat on me?!"</i> <i>"Sorry! That's just how it is! Oh and say hi to Totomi for me! Goodbye Nakamura</i><i>!" I said, pronouncing his last name on purpose, and saying his new girlfriends name.</i> <i>----</i> <i>I felt more confident then I ever did, it was such a relief to get out of that relationship. "Mitsuri! I'm so proud of you..!" Shinobu said in a low voice and it sounded not right with me, "Shinobu! What's going on lately? You have not been acting like yourself?" I asked and she weakly smiled, "Obanai told me I should start acting like my actual self instead of perfecting everything like my sister..."</i> <i>"I'm support you for that! So have you seen Kyojuro yet? Or is he absent today?"</i> <i>"He had his ass beat by his dad, very unfortunate! So he won't be coming to school since he is grounded!"</i> <i>Whenever Kyojuro gets grounded, he has to skip school because his dad is not around to watch him to see if he is breaking rules. He also does not want him to see him being happy around us</i><i>. "Oh did you hear? Sabito and Giyu are dating?"</i> <i>"Really?! Awe! Wait your not sad?"</i> <i>"No why?"</i> <i>"Nevermind..." I was talking to Shinobu and Nezuko for a bit.</i><i> When Obanai walked by and kissed me on my forehead and Nezuko </i><i>squealed in excitement. "Wish I had that!" Nezuko whined and Shinobu rolled her eyes, "your dating Zenitsu?" Nezuko shrugged her shoulders and we all laughed and Kanae interrupted and said, "Hey when's the wedding?" And as she turned to me and Obanai, I knew she was talking to us. I blushed and so did Obanai and everyone else laughed again.</i> <i>What would I do without these guys? Recently over these past weeks, Totomi and Yukito broke up apparently after she found out he was already dating me during the time and how he has been eyeing another girl. Which I feel bad for her but when I tried making friends with her, she already knew my name and face and moved school's after that. </i> <i>---</i> <i>I felt like everything turned out to how I dreamed it would be. I found the boy I was looking for after some drama and you know what, it was worth the wait. Waiting for over 10 years for this moment and now it has came. Obanai did end up meeting my parents a little later after they found out about him through Muichiro when he and some other friends of mine came to stau the night. Obanai seemed scared but my parents really did seem to like him. </i> <i>I eventually got Shinobu, after cutting Giyu off for a long time ever since she found out his crush, to end up talking to him again. She completely lost all feelings for him and they are the friends they used to be, sure Shinobu teases him as always but they seem to get a long and she even get's along with Sabito now, it's amazing to remember!</i> <i>However everything happened a few years ago, I'm 23 now, Obanai and I had been dating since day and eventually moved in with each other. "Hey Mitsuri...happy birthday sweetheart~" Obanai said as I awoke from my slumber. I yawned and stretched and smiled at the boy next to me, with his bandages off only Infront of me. "Thank you! You remembered!"</i> <i>"I always remembered since we were kids! How could I forget?" Obanai began making breakfast and we were both working today, we basically started a restaurant with each other and are pretty popular around town, Obanai says it mainly because of our food and my looks and I laugh about it. As we began working as pure usual, all my friends happen to come in at the same time, probably because today was my birthday. </i> <i>Hello everyone good evening! May I have everyone attention for this special day?" Obanai annoced and I felt a little embarrassed for what he was about to do. "So today is my girlfriend's special day, her birthday if I must say" everyone began clapping and I watched from a far, wondering what this wonderful man was doing. He turned to me and grabbed my hand.</i> <i>"Mitsuri, from the day we first met, the day I first saw you after Sanemi showed me his crush, I couldn't take my eyes off of you, you were beautiful to me and something about you sparked my interest so much! To everyone your just a beautiful girl which they are not wrong, but there is more to you, your funny, kindhearted, a joy to be around with, confident, hardworking, and so much more!" Suddenly Obanai went down on one knee and I felt my eyes beginning to water.</i> <i>"In other words, Mitsuri...I ask of you...will you marry me?" He said and I blushed red and felt tears falling down my face, "Yes! I would love to marry you!" I yelled and everyone in the restaurant began clapping and we both shared a kiss with each other.</i> <i>This didn't feel real, it felt like a fairytale, and I absolutely found my favorite fairytale..</i> <i>🌷~'Thanks for reading'~🌷</i> # 🌷~||Epilogue||~🌷 <i>🌷~Epilogue~🌷</i> <i>---</i> <i>🌸⚠️!Small warnings!⚠️🌸</i> <i>This chapter contains...</i> <i>Language</i> <i>Bad spelling,</i> <i>Bad grammer,</i> <i>Side ships,</i> <i>Ending</i> <i>Obanai x Mitsuri</i> <i>-----</i> <i>3rd person pov</i> <i>-----</i> <i>"Mitsuri, from the day we first met, the day I first saw you after Sanemi showed me his crush, I couldn't take my eyes off of you, you were beautiful to me and something about you sparked my interest so much! To everyone your just a beautiful girl which they are not wrong, but there is more to you, your funny, kindhearted, a joy to be around with, confident, hardworking, and so much more!" Suddenly Obanai went down on one knee and Mitsuri felt her eyes beginning to water.</i> <i>"In other words, Mitsuri...I ask of you...will you marry me?" He said and Mitsuri blushed red and felt tears falling down her face, "Yes! I would love to marry you!" She yelled and everyone in the restaurant began clapping and they both shared a kiss with each other.</i> <i>Over 7 years ago, an boy has a crush on a girl, and introduced their friend to her, however he found more interest in that girl's younger sister's best friend. An girl named Mitsuri Kanroji. But she never felt the same way to him after they became friends, not until her 3rd year of highschool after she dated a boys she thought she loved, and they both began dating as their friends stayed by their side of the way...</i> <i>Mitsuri and Obanai grew up the rest of the way and now on the day of their wedding...</i> <i>Shinobu began studying at a medical school and began acting more like herself then just her sister.</i> <i>Sanemi eventually confessed his love to Kanae and ended up dating her, now just proposing to her 8 months after Obanai proposed.</i> <i>Muichiro eventually passed all his exams with the help and Tanjiro and Tanjiro wishes to propose some time after Mitsuri's and Obanai's wedding.</i> <i>Nezuko did ended up passing school with her boyfriend Zenitsu and are now living a happy life with each other.</i> <i>Kyojuro still being in college, ended up graduating highschool and celebrated himself for being single.</i> <i>Sabito and Giyu dated for a while after highschool and Sabito is not sure when to ask Giyu to be his husband.</i> <i>-----</i> <i>"Do you Mitsuri...take Obanai to your love wedding husband?"</i> <i>"I do!"</i> <i>"And do you Obanai take Mitsuri to be your love wedding wife?"</i> <i>"I do.."</i> <i>"You may now kiss the bride..." as soon as their words were spoken out of the priest mouth, aka Gyomei's, Mistrui immediately grabbed Obanai and swinged him downwards and kissed his lips. Everyone gang clapping and Mitsuri's parents began crying with tears of joy. As the two began dancing across the dance floor, Obanai can't help but stare at Mitsuri's beauty, he wondered why god sent him a perfect sweet angel but he was happy that it happened.</i> <i>Mitsuri though the same thing, she kebe things were a bit of bullshitty in the past, but she glad she was able to change her mind before she was heartbroken herself. As the two shared another kiss, it was time to throw the bouguet. Mitsuri then took a deep breath and saw her friends and other close friends or relatives there and then turned around and threw them behind her back.</i> <i>She felt people yelling with joy and a lot of people were shocked to see the person who caught the flowers, Mitsuri turned around to see the boy who interrupted her fun time with Obanai, Tokito Muichiro. He blushed as he stared at Tanjiro and Mitsuri laughed a little. As the two now married couple dances more they then began taking pictures and eventually the two were now left alone or a bit.</i> <i>"So...Mrs. Iguro, what would you like to do now that we are alone and married?"</i> <i>"I never really want to say this out loud...but I want a family.." Mitsuri said as her face was red and so was Obanai's at the thought of having children. But he knew Mitsuri would have been a lovely mother and he smiled at the thought. "Of course I would like to start a family with you.." Mitsuri's eyes beamed with joy and she smiled brightly and kissed her husband.</i> <i>"Mitsuri! Obanai! It's time to cut the cake!" Shinobu yelled and the two walked over and Shinobu hugged Mitsuri tightly. Mitsuri always teased growing up that she would see her friend Shinobu in a white dress and Giyu in a suit before she would see herself in a white dress. </i> <i>---</i> <i>"You know what I imagine Shinobu?"</i> <i>"What?"</i> <i>"One day! Your gonna be a pretty white dress! And Giyu in one of those fancy suits!"</i> <i>"Ah! Mitsuri! Don't tease me like that!" </i> <i>"Haha! You never know!"</i> <i>---</i> <i>However that did not happen. But Shinobu never cared, she was happy to see her friend now dressed up for a special day. Mitsuri and her walked back I side to now cut the cat..</i> <i>Years later now, Mitsuri and Obanai were able to have their first child, now being a baby boy, Mitsuri cried tears of joy in her hospital bed and knew she would have to look after this child with her full protection</i><i> along with Obanai but to them it felt like a perfect happy ending.</i> <i>----</i> <i>The trees flow and moved peacefully to the autumn breeze</i><i> and a gir with pink hair that fades into a green color. She was late to her first day of school and had no time to waste and what was worst she missed the bus. "Shoot! I'm late! So much for a good first day of school.." the girl ran sadly the rest of the way and then sat in the principals office. "I'll have one of the student councils come here and show you around campus..." the girl happily sighed of relief and then she the student walk in with plain black hair that hid his face in a mask.</i> <i>His eyes were beautiful to her and she blushed at his appearance a little and the boy looked up and saw the girl standing her and he blushed red. "Uh! It's nice to meet you! I'm the student council vice President!"</i> <i>"It's nice to meet you to!</i> <i>Little did the two know they knew each other in their past life as well...</i> <i>-----</i> <i>🌷~'|The End|'~🌷</i> <i>Thank you to all who were patient and were here since the beginning I loved how the book turned out sadly it was a little short but I still loved it! Not sure when I will make another book of these two but I do have other demon slayer books either this ship in them, sorry if you don't like the ship they are featured in.</i> <i>But thanks for reading this short story I made! :D</i>
könig x reader - one shots (18+)
smutty one shots of my call of duty fave bc there just isn't enough good ones.
[ "call", "callofduty", "callofdutymodernwarefare2", "cod", "codmw2", "duty", "gaz", "ghost", "keegan", "konigcod", "konigoneshot", "könig", "lemon", "one", "price", "shots", "soap" ]
[ "- too close -" ]
[ "you and König were assigned to be roommates when you both joined KorTac. König, your tall, quiet, and reserved roommate rarely lashed out at you or even talked to you outside of your missions. But today was different. \n\n I was training with a fellow rookie, doing hand to hand combat. While we were sparring, Joel, the rookie, tackled me to the ground. I chuckled at it, thinking nothing else of it, before Joel laughed along and helped me up. \n\nWhat I didn't know was that a jealous feeling was brewing inside of König. He watched as Joel tackled me, a hatred brewing inside of him. \n\nJoel's hands rest on my shoulder as he wishes no hard feelings for winning the sparring match. I smile back at him and before I knew it, König began to pull me away. \n\n\"You're too damn close to him. I don't like the way he's touching you.\" König growls. \n\nThis was weird. König's usual quiet and reserved demeanor was replaced with a now cold and possessive one. \n\n\"You're done here. Grab your things. Jetzt.\" he commanded and grabbed onto my wrist tightly. \n\n\"König!\" I exclaim as he pulls me with him, his grasp was tight and slightly hurt. \n\nHe spins me towards him, not really caring if I got hurt in the process, \"Did I stutter? We're leaving.\"\n\nHis usual quiet demeanor is gone, this cold, harsh treatment is new for me, especially from him. I wasn't used to this weird demanding treatment, he usually ignored my existence. \n\nI grab my things and follow behind him a small amount of fear rising inside me the more I thought about his behavior.\n\nHe doesn't speak to me, but simply leads the way until we are both back at our room. He closes the door behind me and locks it before turning to face me.\n\n\"What is your problem?\" I yell at him. \n\n\"My 'problem' is you.\" His eyes are unblinking and hard as he glares down at me. \n\nI don't think you've ever seen him look at me this way before. He's always been quiet and mysterious, but never this cold and distant.\n\n\"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?\" I spit, throwing my training bag on my bunk bed.\n\n\"What the hell do you think you were doing sparring with that rookie?\"\n\nHe takes a step closer to me and my heart races, he hasn't ever been this confrontational with me. He looks at me, his eyes almost daring me to move, daring me to talk back to him.\n\n\"We were training könig, plus what's it matter to you how I touch someone, I'm not your girlfriend.\" I spew.\n\n\"You're right, rookie.\" Another step closer and my heart races, fear creeping into my body with every inch he takes closer. \n\nHe stands before me, the size of him intimidating you.\n\nHe leans in towards me until your chests touch and whispers, \"but you are my roommate.\" \n\nHis lips are a breath away from mine as he speaks, his rough voice causing my heart to race even more than I though possible.\n\n\"Now sit.\"\n\nI look at him, my entire body wanting to fight back and not obey his weird commanding tone. But my brain took over and submitted to his demand, obeying him instantly. I sat on my bed and looked up at this tall, towering figure. \n\nMy cheeks burn as he steps back and I look up to see him watching me. His expression unreadable under that sniper hood of his.\n\nI look down at my legs as my mind races trying to figure out what just happened. His footsteps disappear as he leaves the room, locking the door behind him. The sound of a beer can opening and him drinking it could be heard on the other side of the door. \n\nI shake my head at his odd and erratic behavior before deciding to change out of my workout clothes into something comfortable. I put on a sports bra and pajama pants and climb up to my bunk and lay down. \n\nI pull out my phone and scroll through tiktok, trying to ignore könig's weird behavior today. I attempted to focus on your phone but your mind can't help but stay on one subject. It kept drifting to the thought of König. \n\nI hear your door unlock and turn to see your roommate reenter the room, another beer in hand. \n\nHe sits at his desk and puts on some headphones connected to a laptop. I can hear loud music coming from the headphones. It sounded like heavy metal, probably Rammstein or Slipknot. \n\nHe takes a drink and looks over at me. His gaze made me wonder if he's mad still or not. I look back at him for a second before turning back to my phone and turning my back to him. \n\nAfter I while, a few hours or so, my stomach rumbles. I look down and decided on getting a snack. I put on my headphones and get up, taking my phone with me. I walk past könig and out our shared dorm room.\n\nIn the common kitchen, I prepare a small snack, just some apple slices with peanut butter. I sit at one of the tables, all open from the time of night. I didn't notice that König followed me into the kitchen. \n\nI open up a random youtube video and watch on my phone while I dip my sour apple slices into the peanut butter. The sound of a beer cracking open catches my attention and I look up at the table infront of me. There he was.\n\nKönig sat at the table across from me, he now was changed in a black compression shirt and blue and green pajama shorts. My eyes linger on his form before shooting back down at my phone. \n\nI hear him make a sound in his throat, making my eyes look back up. His sharp gaze cuts into mine, a judgmental expression can be seen even under his sniper hood. <i>How the hell is he even drinking with that stupid hood on? </i>\n\n\"Why did you have to leave the room in such revealing clothing?\" His voice echoes, a venom behind his words. \n\nI look down at myself in a confused fashion.\n\n\"I'm just wearing a sports bra and pajama pants?\" I reply. \n\n\"You're still dressed too revealingly, cover up.\" \n\nThe tone in his voice seems to be a demand. I could tell he wasn't joking as he looks me over before looking me in the eyes. \n\nI roll my eyes and look back at my phone as I eat my snack, \"Nobody is even out here König.\" \n\n\"That's not the point. You shouldn't ever leave the room in anything that revealing.\"\n\nHe keeps his eyes on me, his expression unchanged.\n\n\"You don't want all of these rookies walking around thinking they have a chance with you, do you? Put on a sweatshirt or something.\"\n\n\"Jeez stop being so controlling König.\" I say, continuing to scroll on my phone. \n\n\"Controlling? I'm simply looking out for you, rookie.\" He slithers. \n\n\"The men in this building aren't as respectful of women as you'd expect them to be, they see you dressed like that and they think they can get away with anything.\" \n\n\"I'm looking out for your safety, rookie. Now go change.\" König demand again. \n\n\"Ugh whatever. Not even hungry anymore.\" I mumble to myself, getting up to  throw my snack away before returning to our shared room and climbing back into my bed. \n\nMy heart began to race as I listen to Koenig moving around behind me. I could tell he was staring at me by the way the room feels, the tension in the air and the uncomfortable feeling I felt under his gaze.\n\nKönig waits for several minutes before making a move, I hear the sound of him moving my training bag to the foot of your bed and then my mattress shifting as he lays down next to me.\n\nI look over at him with a confused expression. \n\n\"What are you doing könig?\" I ask annoyingly. \n\nHe doesn't respond for a moment and just looks over at me, his expression neutral and emotionless.\n\n\"What does it look like?\"\n\nI could feel his eyes tracing over my body, making a hint of blush spread on my cheeks. \n\n\"It looks like you're climbing into bed with me, but i don't know why.\" I say with a confused gaze, trying to hide my flushed face. \n\n\"I think you know why, rookie.\"\n\nHis eyes continue to examine every inch of my body and I feel embarrassed under his gaze.\n\n\"You can either ignore it or you can act on it, it's your choice.\"\n\n\"König you're being really weird, like all day you've been weird.\" I say, my face flushing more from the embarrassment. I raise my covers to cover my chest, trying to hide my body from his gaze. \n\n\"Maybe I am being weird, I don't really care either way.\" He says in a low tone. \n\nHe continues to gaze me over, his eyes traveling from my chest to my face, studying me.\n\n\"You know what's actually weird, rookie?\" his voice continues as his eyes meet mine. \n\n\"Huh?\" I whisper out, my breathing getting heavy. \n\n\"The way I'm feeling right now, the way I've been looking at you the past couple of months.\" He says while shifting closer to me.\n\n\"The way my body is reacting when you move, the way my mind can't stop thinking about what it would be like to touch you.\"\n\nI look at him, my heart skipping a beat at his words. I couldn't begin to form a response in my brain, my body responding for me. The thought of König touching me sends shivers down my spine. My underwear slowly was getting damp from his sultry tone and proximity. This new effect he had on me left me overwhelmed and confused. \n\n\"But I don't know if it has to be weird. If you don't want it to be weird.\"\n\nHe takes the blankets off of me and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling you close. I could feel his chest press against mine as he leans forward and whispers, \"Do you want me to touch you?\"\n\nI didn't know how to respond. The ability to form words felt miles away. I wanted nothing more for him to touch me, to feel his skin against mine. My heart quicken, my breath heavy, and my panties now soaked. \n\nI reach my hand out and touch the hem of his mask, the only response I could think of. I tug at it, slowly peeling it off of him to reveal his face.\n\nKönig's face was now revealed to me for the first time. His features stealing the breath right out of my lungs. His face must have been chiseled by God himself, the perfection and perplexity too godlike to be done by human hand. \n\nHis eyes were framed by brown, bushy, eyebrows, a slight arch within them. His nose was sharp with a slight hook showing off his Austrian ancestry. He had high cheekbones but not too strong of ones, just enough to accentuate his face. His lips were rosy and plump, a slight chappedness painting them. Lastly a blonde stubble framed his jaw to match his fluffy blonde hair. \n\nBefore I can get any words out his lips take mine, his touch warm against me. He pushes me back against the mattress before rolling over so that I am under him\n\nHis lips continue against mine making a  a warm feeling spread in my body, almost as if I can't breathe. Time stands still for a moment as I can't believe what's even happening before feeling his hands travel against my skin.\n\nI pull away to catch my breath, taking in a closer examination of his handsome features. His expression has remained the same as you I away from him.\n\nMy heart racing at the speed of sound as my eyes move from the color of his eyes to the angle of his face.\n\nHis lips are just within reach as he looks down at me.\n\n\"Come closer.\"\n\nI can feel the heat from his breath against my cheek as he whispers his demand.\n\nI lean in closer, \"You're already on top of me König how much closer can we get\" I tease him. \n\nHe smiles for the first time as he leans down, \"This.\"\n\nAs his lips meet mine again, he lifts himself off of me before rolling over so I was on top of him.\n\nI felt his arms move around my waist, almost as if preparing to lift me or hold me down. This action soaking me even more. His chest is pressed up against mine, his breaths quick and uneven as he smiles.\n\n\"Better?\" He asks, \"I like this better.\"\n\nI nod and lean in to kiss him again. My hands move behind his head, my fingers wrapping in his hair as I kiss him again.\n\nI felt the heat from his body against mine, the proximity driving me crazy.  I couldn't even tell if I was even breathing properly right now. The feeling of our lips and bodies fused together felt like no other, like nothing mattered. There was nothing else happening in the world except for this right now.\n\nKönig kisses me for moments longer before finally pulling away with a smile on his face, \"Is this what you wanted, rookie?\"\n\nI nod, my breathing out of control and a lustful haze clouding my eyes. He takes notice and runs his hands down the small of my back with a smirk. I let out a whimper as his hands move up and down my back, the touch of his calloused hand intoxicating.\n\nHe smiles to himself as I whimper and leans in to me, his lips not moving away from mine for a single moment. His tongue snakes out, pressing as softly as possible against my lips. I open my mouth , deepening our kiss more, needed to feel him as much as possible. \n\nI hear him make a noise of pleasure as my tongue touches his, the heat from his body growing as he pulls me closer to him.  His hands continue moving up and down my back as the heat between the  two of us rises exponentially. \n\nI grind my hips against him, desperately needing more. He lets out a growl and grips on to my left hip tightly, pushing me down against him. Small moans escaping my mouth and being swallowed into his. \n\nAfter a few minutes of our desperate grinding. He wraps his arms around me and begins to turn both of us until he's laying on top of me again, his body pressing down against mine.\n\nHis body felt hot against mine. I needed more. I craved more. The teasing was getting hard to control. I tug at his shirt and begin to pull it off, desperate to feel more of his skin. \n\nHis expression changes, his eyes widening as his eyebrows raise slightly.\n\n\"I can do that myself.\"\n\nHe sits up and takes off his shirt quickly, tossing it on the floor before climbing back onto me with his hands moving back and forth along my body. His touch sending electric currents although out my body.  \n\nHe leans in and his lips make contact with my chest and I feel a rush of heat in my body as he kisses and nibbles on my skin.  I let out a moan and my body is overwhelmed by a mix of strange new emotions. \n\nMy moans encourage him to continue, as he bites harder and deeper into my skin causing your entire body to feel like it's on fire. He left his mark on me, a visual claim that I was his. \n\nHis hands move up and down my body, feeling my arms, my thighs, my waist, my back, everywhere.\n\n\"You belong to me.\" he whispers, \"Say it.\"\n\nHe looks at me with those same eyes, \"Say you belong to me.\"\n\n\"I belong to you.\" I moan out. His possessiveness only turning me on more. Fuck I was his, he was mine, and I wanted to desperately be taken by him. \n\n\"Good.\"\n\nHe bites into my skin again, harder this time.\n\n\"Do you like this, Y/N?\" he whispers.\n\nHis hands are touching me everywhere, my breath becoming uneven, my body responding to everything he does. I feel him slide my sports bra off my body and hear it hit the floor.\n\nMy boobs now exposed to him. The brisk air hardening my nipples and only furthering the firing lust inside my body. He smirks as he analyses my body. \n\n\"You're beautiful.\" he says in that sultry tone of his, before leaning down to kiss my chest. \n\nHis plump lips leave small kisses all over my tits, making goosebumps form all over my body. König moves his warm mouth over my left tit and envelops it inside. A small gasp escaping my lips as his tongue circles around my nipple. His hand massaging the right one, making sure neither was left needy. \n\nMy gasps and whimpers only encourage him, as his hands move over my body, his lips kissing every inch of it. He holds my arms and pins them down on either side of my body, his eyes locked with mine before leaning down to kiss my neck. \n\nI squirm from the pleasure as he attacks my sweet spot, letting the moans continue to escape my lips.  He moves his hands along my body, my waist, my thighs, my chest, and my ass, leaning no inch of me untouched. \n\nAs I squirm and moan, he bites and pulls on me skin harder, making sure to leave marks. I was his and he made sure of that. I feel the bed shake as he holds me down, every sensation is turning me on more and more.\n\n\"König~ fuck~\" I moan out, my body on fire from his touch. \n\nK feel him pause at my last word. He raises his head slightly as he looks down at me.\n\n\"What did you just say?\"\n\n\"Fuck?\" I pant out. \n\n\"Say it again for me, schatz.\" he orders, his fingers grazing my nipples once again.\n\n\"Fuck.\" I gasp out while looking at his alluring eyes. \n\nHe smiles slightly as he shifts his weight onto me more, his body almost completely covering mine.\n\n\"Say it louder.\" he demands. \n\n\"Make me.\" I smirk daring to push him farther. \n\nAs soon as he hears my response he shifts and pulls me in close by my waist, his arms moving around me before pinning me down to the bed. I feel his body pressing into mine, his muscles holding me down.\n\nHis mouth attacks the sweet spot of my neck again and his hand reaches down to touch against my soaked pussy through my pajama pants. The much awaited touch leaves me swooning. \n\n\"Fuck!\" I moan out louder. \n\nHe smirks and pulls away from me, lifting himself off of my body as he sits up. A whimper escaped my lips as he moves away, leaving them in a pouting position. \n\nAnother smile spreads across his face as he moves down to sits in between your legs. He slowly peels off my pants leaving me in my soaked panties, panties that feel frigid in the exposed air. \n\n\"Awe look at mein schatz, absolutely soaked for me already?\" könig says in the low tone he's used all night. \n\nI feel him lean forward and whisper in my ear, \"Can I do whatever I want with you?\"\n\nThe way he whispered it and the look in his eyes leaves me unable to speak. I nod my head quickly, desperate to have him explore me more. \n\n\"Good girl.\"\n\nHis hands move slowly, one up along my waist and the other along my arm, slowly moving closer to my chest. In one fluid motion his lips touch my neck, biting and pulling lightly as he does.\n\nI gasp as his lips meet my neck. The pleasure making me close my eyes and throw my head back. His hands moving down to circle my inner thigh. \n\nI feel his breath along your neck once more, \"Open your eyes and look at me schatz.\"\n\nI obey his demand immediately, opening my eyes and looking at him as his fingers continue to circle my inner thigh. He moves his body down so his face rested right in between my thighs. \n\n\"I want you to say it again.\" he murmurs, his fingers tugging at the waist band of my panties. \n\n \"Say what.\" I pant out. \n\nHis voice changes, that deep rough edge of his voice becoming much more apparent as he whispers against my wet. \n\n\"Say that you belong to me, schatz.\"\n\n\"I belong to you.\" I whimper. \n\n\"Good girl.\" He says as he lowers his head close to my inner thigh. \n\n\"I love these fluffy thighs of yours schatz.\"   He murmurs. \n\n\"Can I kiss these luscious thighs of yours?\" he murmurs. \n\nI nod my head, desperate for more. I needed more. His teasing drove me crazy. \n\n\"Use your words schatz.\" he slithers. \n\n\"Yes you can touch my legs.\" i whimper. \n\n\"Good girl.\" he replies. \n\nHe smiles as his hands move down my legs, his palms pressing into my thighs.\n\n\"God...\" He mutters to himself, \"No one should be this perfect...\"\n\nHe leans closer, his lips brushing against my leg and I feel himself breathe heavily. He plants soft kisses on my inner thigh, moving up closer to my throbbing pussy. He plants a kiss on my clothed clit, making me moan out his name. \n\nYou feel his teeth gently nip onto my clothed clit, \"Mmm yes schatz. Say my name. Say König...\"\n\n\"König-\" I moan out, pleasure overwhelming my body. \n\n\"Good girl. Say it again.\"\n\nHe smiles as his fingers pull down my underwear , \"My name deserves something much more...\"\n\nHis lips moving onto my clit, sucking it. My hips buck into mouth, finally receiving the pleasure I long awaited. \n\n\"König!\" I moan out louder. \n\n\"That's it schatz, moan my name. Let that stupid rookie know that you're mine, let him know he can't ever tackle you or touch you ever again. You're mine.\" he growls and shoves two fingers into me. \n\n\"Fuck!\" I gasp out, his fingers pumping in and out of me, curling upwards. \n\n\"Atta girl, that feels good ja?\" He teases in that hot tone of his. \n\n\"Y-yes!\" I moan. \n\nKönig finger fucks me faster, curling up right at my g-spot while his tongue circles my clit. He leaves me a moaning mess under his touch. My stomach tightens and I feel my walls clench around his fingers, my long awaited orgasm escaping me at last. König smirks, looking me in my eyes the entire time, before moving down to lap up my juices. \n\n\"God you taste so heavenly.\" He coos. \n\n\"F-Fuck me.\" I whisper. \n\n\"Louder schatz~\" König demands as he reaches his head up from my thighs. \n\n\"Please, fuck me König, just take me.\" I say desperately. \n\n\"Good girl.\" He smiles and pulls off his pajama pants. \n\nHis bulge showed through his boxers, giant and desperate for its release. I reach my hand to help him, to release him. He grips my wrists and stops me. \n\n\"Nuh uh schatz, let me do the work, you just lie there and look pretty for me my love.\" He coos and strips down his boxers. \n\nHis cock springs out, exposing his large size. My eyes widen at him. He notices my wide eyes and he rests a hand on my cheek. \n\n\"I'll be gentle schatz, don't worry.\" He whispers. \n\nKönig lines himself up and lightly presses his tip into me. A moan escapes my mouth as he slowly pushes into my slit. His cock stretching me, filling my body with a firey pleasure. \n\n\"König!\" I moan out. \n\n\"Fuck schatz, you're so tight.\" König grunts. \n\nHe thrusts himself into me slowly, making sure I adjust to his size. His slow thrusts quicken and his grunts become louder. The sound of moans and skin slapping fills the room as a second orgasm rises on the horizon. \n\nAs his thrusts become harsher and quicker, my moans get louder, eventually leading me to scream his name. \n\n\"König! I'm going to cum.\" I scream out. \n\nHis thrusts get sloppier and rougher and the knot in my stomach gets more tangled. \n\n\"Fuck, me too schatz, keep going, you're being such a good girl for me. Taking my cock so good.\" He moans in my ear. \n\nKönig plants his lips on mine as the knot bursts and my walls clench around him, cumming on his cock. I moan into the kiss loudly, the pleasure leaning my legs shaking as he pumps into me one last time, cumming deep inside me. \n\nHe pulls out and looks at me with worry. \n\n\"Oh fuck schatz, I'm sorry I didn't mean to cum inside.\" He begins to ramble with panic. \n\nI reach out my hand and touch his face, \"It's okay I'm on the pill.\" I reassure him. \n\nHe smiles and lets out a breath of relief before plopping down next to me. He wraps his arms around me and snuggles his head on my chest. \n\n\"I'm glad you're mine.\" He murmurs before falling asleep on me. \n\nI'm in so much trouble. \n\n<b><i>A/N:</i></b>\n<b><i>writing this on my period while listening to badjhur audios. i need help. </i></b>\n\n<b><i>word count: 4265 </i></b>" ]
Title: könig x reader - one shots (18+) Description: smutty one shots of my call of duty fave bc there just isn't enough good ones. Tags: ['call', 'callofduty', 'callofdutymodernwarefare2', 'cod', 'codmw2', 'duty', 'gaz', 'ghost', 'keegan', 'konigcod', 'konigoneshot', 'könig', 'lemon', 'one', 'price', 'shots', 'soap']
# - too close - you and König were assigned to be roommates when you both joined KorTac. König, your tall, quiet, and reserved roommate rarely lashed out at you or even talked to you outside of your missions. But today was different. I was training with a fellow rookie, doing hand to hand combat. While we were sparring, Joel, the rookie, tackled me to the ground. I chuckled at it, thinking nothing else of it, before Joel laughed along and helped me up. What I didn't know was that a jealous feeling was brewing inside of König. He watched as Joel tackled me, a hatred brewing inside of him. Joel's hands rest on my shoulder as he wishes no hard feelings for winning the sparring match. I smile back at him and before I knew it, König began to pull me away. "You're too damn close to him. I don't like the way he's touching you." König growls. This was weird. König's usual quiet and reserved demeanor was replaced with a now cold and possessive one. "You're done here. Grab your things. Jetzt." he commanded and grabbed onto my wrist tightly. "König!" I exclaim as he pulls me with him, his grasp was tight and slightly hurt. He spins me towards him, not really caring if I got hurt in the process, "Did I stutter? We're leaving." His usual quiet demeanor is gone, this cold, harsh treatment is new for me, especially from him. I wasn't used to this weird demanding treatment, he usually ignored my existence. I grab my things and follow behind him a small amount of fear rising inside me the more I thought about his behavior. He doesn't speak to me, but simply leads the way until we are both back at our room. He closes the door behind me and locks it before turning to face me. "What is your problem?" I yell at him. "My 'problem' is you." His eyes are unblinking and hard as he glares down at me. I don't think you've ever seen him look at me this way before. He's always been quiet and mysterious, but never this cold and distant. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I spit, throwing my training bag on my bunk bed. "What the hell do you think you were doing sparring with that rookie?" He takes a step closer to me and my heart races, he hasn't ever been this confrontational with me. He looks at me, his eyes almost daring me to move, daring me to talk back to him. "We were training könig, plus what's it matter to you how I touch someone, I'm not your girlfriend." I spew. "You're right, rookie." Another step closer and my heart races, fear creeping into my body with every inch he takes closer. He stands before me, the size of him intimidating you. He leans in towards me until your chests touch and whispers, "but you are my roommate." His lips are a breath away from mine as he speaks, his rough voice causing my heart to race even more than I though possible. "Now sit." I look at him, my entire body wanting to fight back and not obey his weird commanding tone. But my brain took over and submitted to his demand, obeying him instantly. I sat on my bed and looked up at this tall, towering figure. My cheeks burn as he steps back and I look up to see him watching me. His expression unreadable under that sniper hood of his. I look down at my legs as my mind races trying to figure out what just happened. His footsteps disappear as he leaves the room, locking the door behind him. The sound of a beer can opening and him drinking it could be heard on the other side of the door. I shake my head at his odd and erratic behavior before deciding to change out of my workout clothes into something comfortable. I put on a sports bra and pajama pants and climb up to my bunk and lay down. I pull out my phone and scroll through tiktok, trying to ignore könig's weird behavior today. I attempted to focus on your phone but your mind can't help but stay on one subject. It kept drifting to the thought of König. I hear your door unlock and turn to see your roommate reenter the room, another beer in hand. He sits at his desk and puts on some headphones connected to a laptop. I can hear loud music coming from the headphones. It sounded like heavy metal, probably Rammstein or Slipknot. He takes a drink and looks over at me. His gaze made me wonder if he's mad still or not. I look back at him for a second before turning back to my phone and turning my back to him. After I while, a few hours or so, my stomach rumbles. I look down and decided on getting a snack. I put on my headphones and get up, taking my phone with me. I walk past könig and out our shared dorm room. In the common kitchen, I prepare a small snack, just some apple slices with peanut butter. I sit at one of the tables, all open from the time of night. I didn't notice that König followed me into the kitchen. I open up a random youtube video and watch on my phone while I dip my sour apple slices into the peanut butter. The sound of a beer cracking open catches my attention and I look up at the table infront of me. There he was. König sat at the table across from me, he now was changed in a black compression shirt and blue and green pajama shorts. My eyes linger on his form before shooting back down at my phone. I hear him make a sound in his throat, making my eyes look back up. His sharp gaze cuts into mine, a judgmental expression can be seen even under his sniper hood. <i>How the hell is he even drinking with that stupid hood on? </i> "Why did you have to leave the room in such revealing clothing?" His voice echoes, a venom behind his words. I look down at myself in a confused fashion. "I'm just wearing a sports bra and pajama pants?" I reply. "You're still dressed too revealingly, cover up." The tone in his voice seems to be a demand. I could tell he wasn't joking as he looks me over before looking me in the eyes. I roll my eyes and look back at my phone as I eat my snack, "Nobody is even out here König." "That's not the point. You shouldn't ever leave the room in anything that revealing." He keeps his eyes on me, his expression unchanged. "You don't want all of these rookies walking around thinking they have a chance with you, do you? Put on a sweatshirt or something." "Jeez stop being so controlling König." I say, continuing to scroll on my phone. "Controlling? I'm simply looking out for you, rookie." He slithers. "The men in this building aren't as respectful of women as you'd expect them to be, they see you dressed like that and they think they can get away with anything." "I'm looking out for your safety, rookie. Now go change." König demand again. "Ugh whatever. Not even hungry anymore." I mumble to myself, getting up to  throw my snack away before returning to our shared room and climbing back into my bed. My heart began to race as I listen to Koenig moving around behind me. I could tell he was staring at me by the way the room feels, the tension in the air and the uncomfortable feeling I felt under his gaze. König waits for several minutes before making a move, I hear the sound of him moving my training bag to the foot of your bed and then my mattress shifting as he lays down next to me. I look over at him with a confused expression. "What are you doing könig?" I ask annoyingly. He doesn't respond for a moment and just looks over at me, his expression neutral and emotionless. "What does it look like?" I could feel his eyes tracing over my body, making a hint of blush spread on my cheeks. "It looks like you're climbing into bed with me, but i don't know why." I say with a confused gaze, trying to hide my flushed face. "I think you know why, rookie." His eyes continue to examine every inch of my body and I feel embarrassed under his gaze. "You can either ignore it or you can act on it, it's your choice." "König you're being really weird, like all day you've been weird." I say, my face flushing more from the embarrassment. I raise my covers to cover my chest, trying to hide my body from his gaze. "Maybe I am being weird, I don't really care either way." He says in a low tone. He continues to gaze me over, his eyes traveling from my chest to my face, studying me. "You know what's actually weird, rookie?" his voice continues as his eyes meet mine. "Huh?" I whisper out, my breathing getting heavy. "The way I'm feeling right now, the way I've been looking at you the past couple of months." He says while shifting closer to me. "The way my body is reacting when you move, the way my mind can't stop thinking about what it would be like to touch you." I look at him, my heart skipping a beat at his words. I couldn't begin to form a response in my brain, my body responding for me. The thought of König touching me sends shivers down my spine. My underwear slowly was getting damp from his sultry tone and proximity. This new effect he had on me left me overwhelmed and confused. "But I don't know if it has to be weird. If you don't want it to be weird." He takes the blankets off of me and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling you close. I could feel his chest press against mine as he leans forward and whispers, "Do you want me to touch you?" I didn't know how to respond. The ability to form words felt miles away. I wanted nothing more for him to touch me, to feel his skin against mine. My heart quicken, my breath heavy, and my panties now soaked. I reach my hand out and touch the hem of his mask, the only response I could think of. I tug at it, slowly peeling it off of him to reveal his face. König's face was now revealed to me for the first time. His features stealing the breath right out of my lungs. His face must have been chiseled by God himself, the perfection and perplexity too godlike to be done by human hand. His eyes were framed by brown, bushy, eyebrows, a slight arch within them. His nose was sharp with a slight hook showing off his Austrian ancestry. He had high cheekbones but not too strong of ones, just enough to accentuate his face. His lips were rosy and plump, a slight chappedness painting them. Lastly a blonde stubble framed his jaw to match his fluffy blonde hair. Before I can get any words out his lips take mine, his touch warm against me. He pushes me back against the mattress before rolling over so that I am under him His lips continue against mine making a  a warm feeling spread in my body, almost as if I can't breathe. Time stands still for a moment as I can't believe what's even happening before feeling his hands travel against my skin. I pull away to catch my breath, taking in a closer examination of his handsome features. His expression has remained the same as you I away from him. My heart racing at the speed of sound as my eyes move from the color of his eyes to the angle of his face. His lips are just within reach as he looks down at me. "Come closer." I can feel the heat from his breath against my cheek as he whispers his demand. I lean in closer, "You're already on top of me König how much closer can we get" I tease him. He smiles for the first time as he leans down, "This." As his lips meet mine again, he lifts himself off of me before rolling over so I was on top of him. I felt his arms move around my waist, almost as if preparing to lift me or hold me down. This action soaking me even more. His chest is pressed up against mine, his breaths quick and uneven as he smiles. "Better?" He asks, "I like this better." I nod and lean in to kiss him again. My hands move behind his head, my fingers wrapping in his hair as I kiss him again. I felt the heat from his body against mine, the proximity driving me crazy.  I couldn't even tell if I was even breathing properly right now. The feeling of our lips and bodies fused together felt like no other, like nothing mattered. There was nothing else happening in the world except for this right now. König kisses me for moments longer before finally pulling away with a smile on his face, "Is this what you wanted, rookie?" I nod, my breathing out of control and a lustful haze clouding my eyes. He takes notice and runs his hands down the small of my back with a smirk. I let out a whimper as his hands move up and down my back, the touch of his calloused hand intoxicating. He smiles to himself as I whimper and leans in to me, his lips not moving away from mine for a single moment. His tongue snakes out, pressing as softly as possible against my lips. I open my mouth , deepening our kiss more, needed to feel him as much as possible. I hear him make a noise of pleasure as my tongue touches his, the heat from his body growing as he pulls me closer to him.  His hands continue moving up and down my back as the heat between the  two of us rises exponentially. I grind my hips against him, desperately needing more. He lets out a growl and grips on to my left hip tightly, pushing me down against him. Small moans escaping my mouth and being swallowed into his. After a few minutes of our desperate grinding. He wraps his arms around me and begins to turn both of us until he's laying on top of me again, his body pressing down against mine. His body felt hot against mine. I needed more. I craved more. The teasing was getting hard to control. I tug at his shirt and begin to pull it off, desperate to feel more of his skin. His expression changes, his eyes widening as his eyebrows raise slightly. "I can do that myself." He sits up and takes off his shirt quickly, tossing it on the floor before climbing back onto me with his hands moving back and forth along my body. His touch sending electric currents although out my body.  He leans in and his lips make contact with my chest and I feel a rush of heat in my body as he kisses and nibbles on my skin.  I let out a moan and my body is overwhelmed by a mix of strange new emotions. My moans encourage him to continue, as he bites harder and deeper into my skin causing your entire body to feel like it's on fire. He left his mark on me, a visual claim that I was his. His hands move up and down my body, feeling my arms, my thighs, my waist, my back, everywhere. "You belong to me." he whispers, "Say it." He looks at me with those same eyes, "Say you belong to me." "I belong to you." I moan out. His possessiveness only turning me on more. Fuck I was his, he was mine, and I wanted to desperately be taken by him. "Good." He bites into my skin again, harder this time. "Do you like this, Y/N?" he whispers. His hands are touching me everywhere, my breath becoming uneven, my body responding to everything he does. I feel him slide my sports bra off my body and hear it hit the floor. My boobs now exposed to him. The brisk air hardening my nipples and only furthering the firing lust inside my body. He smirks as he analyses my body. "You're beautiful." he says in that sultry tone of his, before leaning down to kiss my chest. His plump lips leave small kisses all over my tits, making goosebumps form all over my body. König moves his warm mouth over my left tit and envelops it inside. A small gasp escaping my lips as his tongue circles around my nipple. His hand massaging the right one, making sure neither was left needy. My gasps and whimpers only encourage him, as his hands move over my body, his lips kissing every inch of it. He holds my arms and pins them down on either side of my body, his eyes locked with mine before leaning down to kiss my neck. I squirm from the pleasure as he attacks my sweet spot, letting the moans continue to escape my lips.  He moves his hands along my body, my waist, my thighs, my chest, and my ass, leaning no inch of me untouched. As I squirm and moan, he bites and pulls on me skin harder, making sure to leave marks. I was his and he made sure of that. I feel the bed shake as he holds me down, every sensation is turning me on more and more. "König~ fuck~" I moan out, my body on fire from his touch. K feel him pause at my last word. He raises his head slightly as he looks down at me. "What did you just say?" "Fuck?" I pant out. "Say it again for me, schatz." he orders, his fingers grazing my nipples once again. "Fuck." I gasp out while looking at his alluring eyes. He smiles slightly as he shifts his weight onto me more, his body almost completely covering mine. "Say it louder." he demands. "Make me." I smirk daring to push him farther. As soon as he hears my response he shifts and pulls me in close by my waist, his arms moving around me before pinning me down to the bed. I feel his body pressing into mine, his muscles holding me down. His mouth attacks the sweet spot of my neck again and his hand reaches down to touch against my soaked pussy through my pajama pants. The much awaited touch leaves me swooning. "Fuck!" I moan out louder. He smirks and pulls away from me, lifting himself off of my body as he sits up. A whimper escaped my lips as he moves away, leaving them in a pouting position. Another smile spreads across his face as he moves down to sits in between your legs. He slowly peels off my pants leaving me in my soaked panties, panties that feel frigid in the exposed air. "Awe look at mein schatz, absolutely soaked for me already?" könig says in the low tone he's used all night. I feel him lean forward and whisper in my ear, "Can I do whatever I want with you?" The way he whispered it and the look in his eyes leaves me unable to speak. I nod my head quickly, desperate to have him explore me more. "Good girl." His hands move slowly, one up along my waist and the other along my arm, slowly moving closer to my chest. In one fluid motion his lips touch my neck, biting and pulling lightly as he does. I gasp as his lips meet my neck. The pleasure making me close my eyes and throw my head back. His hands moving down to circle my inner thigh. I feel his breath along your neck once more, "Open your eyes and look at me schatz." I obey his demand immediately, opening my eyes and looking at him as his fingers continue to circle my inner thigh. He moves his body down so his face rested right in between my thighs. "I want you to say it again." he murmurs, his fingers tugging at the waist band of my panties. "Say what." I pant out. His voice changes, that deep rough edge of his voice becoming much more apparent as he whispers against my wet. "Say that you belong to me, schatz." "I belong to you." I whimper. "Good girl." He says as he lowers his head close to my inner thigh. "I love these fluffy thighs of yours schatz."   He murmurs. "Can I kiss these luscious thighs of yours?" he murmurs. I nod my head, desperate for more. I needed more. His teasing drove me crazy. "Use your words schatz." he slithers. "Yes you can touch my legs." i whimper. "Good girl." he replies. He smiles as his hands move down my legs, his palms pressing into my thighs. "God..." He mutters to himself, "No one should be this perfect..." He leans closer, his lips brushing against my leg and I feel himself breathe heavily. He plants soft kisses on my inner thigh, moving up closer to my throbbing pussy. He plants a kiss on my clothed clit, making me moan out his name. You feel his teeth gently nip onto my clothed clit, "Mmm yes schatz. Say my name. Say König..." "König-" I moan out, pleasure overwhelming my body. "Good girl. Say it again." He smiles as his fingers pull down my underwear , "My name deserves something much more..." His lips moving onto my clit, sucking it. My hips buck into mouth, finally receiving the pleasure I long awaited. "König!" I moan out louder. "That's it schatz, moan my name. Let that stupid rookie know that you're mine, let him know he can't ever tackle you or touch you ever again. You're mine." he growls and shoves two fingers into me. "Fuck!" I gasp out, his fingers pumping in and out of me, curling upwards. "Atta girl, that feels good ja?" He teases in that hot tone of his. "Y-yes!" I moan. König finger fucks me faster, curling up right at my g-spot while his tongue circles my clit. He leaves me a moaning mess under his touch. My stomach tightens and I feel my walls clench around his fingers, my long awaited orgasm escaping me at last. König smirks, looking me in my eyes the entire time, before moving down to lap up my juices. "God you taste so heavenly." He coos. "F-Fuck me." I whisper. "Louder schatz~" König demands as he reaches his head up from my thighs. "Please, fuck me König, just take me." I say desperately. "Good girl." He smiles and pulls off his pajama pants. His bulge showed through his boxers, giant and desperate for its release. I reach my hand to help him, to release him. He grips my wrists and stops me. "Nuh uh schatz, let me do the work, you just lie there and look pretty for me my love." He coos and strips down his boxers. His cock springs out, exposing his large size. My eyes widen at him. He notices my wide eyes and he rests a hand on my cheek. "I'll be gentle schatz, don't worry." He whispers. König lines himself up and lightly presses his tip into me. A moan escapes my mouth as he slowly pushes into my slit. His cock stretching me, filling my body with a firey pleasure. "König!" I moan out. "Fuck schatz, you're so tight." König grunts. He thrusts himself into me slowly, making sure I adjust to his size. His slow thrusts quicken and his grunts become louder. The sound of moans and skin slapping fills the room as a second orgasm rises on the horizon. As his thrusts become harsher and quicker, my moans get louder, eventually leading me to scream his name. "König! I'm going to cum." I scream out. His thrusts get sloppier and rougher and the knot in my stomach gets more tangled. "Fuck, me too schatz, keep going, you're being such a good girl for me. Taking my cock so good." He moans in my ear. König plants his lips on mine as the knot bursts and my walls clench around him, cumming on his cock. I moan into the kiss loudly, the pleasure leaning my legs shaking as he pumps into me one last time, cumming deep inside me. He pulls out and looks at me with worry. "Oh fuck schatz, I'm sorry I didn't mean to cum inside." He begins to ramble with panic. I reach out my hand and touch his face, "It's okay I'm on the pill." I reassure him. He smiles and lets out a breath of relief before plopping down next to me. He wraps his arms around me and snuggles his head on my chest. "I'm glad you're mine." He murmurs before falling asleep on me. I'm in so much trouble. <b><i>A/N:</i></b> <b><i>writing this on my period while listening to badjhur audios. i need help. </i></b> <b><i>word count: 4265 </i></b>
[ "lemon" ]
[ "lemon", "lemon?" ]
[ 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Pipe (Sammy X Motorcycle)
(TW: LEMON!!!!!!, GORE) Sammy is drunk after a party, she decides to drive her motorcycle but as she gets on her downstairs area starts to tingle she feels wet.
[ "lemon" ]
[ "After party" ]
[ "\n\n\nSammy stumbles her everything, she leaves the party drunk and starts heading to her motorcycle. She sits on her motorcycle, as she sits down a bit too hard and aggressive, leaving a feeling in her dussy. The feeling was rough, and it was a little painful, but Sammy kinda liked it.\n\nThe feeling left her wanting more, she starts grinding her pussy against the seat of the motorcycle. She goes up and down, each time getting rougher and faster, Sammy lets out a few soft moans as she grinds against the seat of the motorcycle. She grinds so hard her dussy starts to bleed she sees the blood staining her jeans, so she quickly takes them off and throws them on the floor fast she takes everything off. The more she grinds, the more she thinks about her crush. After the image of her crush she moaned louder, in her eyes it wasn't a motorcycle, it was her crush.\n\nShe stops grinding and gets off the blood stained seat (in her eyes, it's her crushes lap). She finds the pipe of the motorcycle and bends down knees on the hard, rough concrete and attaches her moist hole to the pipe. And starts moving her body, causing the pipe to move in and out of her. She thinks of her crush while doing this and moans loudly, clearly in joining this. She turns the motorcycle on and puts the pipe in her dussy she rotates the handle causing the pip to leave a burning sensation in her dussy is burns so good. Not only that, but she can feel her dussy blood dripping like a water fall, but she doesn't care the more the pain the more the lust she then rubs her titties against the wheel but then the wheel moves crushing her nipple she moans and pulls her titties out of the wheel causing her nipple to detach from her tit she's moaning she's in pain but can't get enough, it feels too good.\n\n\n\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nTo be continued?????" ]
Title: Pipe (Sammy X Motorcycle) Description: (TW: LEMON!!!!!!, GORE) Sammy is drunk after a party, she decides to drive her motorcycle but as she gets on her downstairs area starts to tingle she feels wet. Tags: ['lemon']
# After party Sammy stumbles her everything, she leaves the party drunk and starts heading to her motorcycle. She sits on her motorcycle, as she sits down a bit too hard and aggressive, leaving a feeling in her dussy. The feeling was rough, and it was a little painful, but Sammy kinda liked it. The feeling left her wanting more, she starts grinding her pussy against the seat of the motorcycle. She goes up and down, each time getting rougher and faster, Sammy lets out a few soft moans as she grinds against the seat of the motorcycle. She grinds so hard her dussy starts to bleed she sees the blood staining her jeans, so she quickly takes them off and throws them on the floor fast she takes everything off. The more she grinds, the more she thinks about her crush. After the image of her crush she moaned louder, in her eyes it wasn't a motorcycle, it was her crush. She stops grinding and gets off the blood stained seat (in her eyes, it's her crushes lap). She finds the pipe of the motorcycle and bends down knees on the hard, rough concrete and attaches her moist hole to the pipe. And starts moving her body, causing the pipe to move in and out of her. She thinks of her crush while doing this and moans loudly, clearly in joining this. She turns the motorcycle on and puts the pipe in her dussy she rotates the handle causing the pip to leave a burning sensation in her dussy is burns so good. Not only that, but she can feel her dussy blood dripping like a water fall, but she doesn't care the more the pain the more the lust she then rubs her titties against the wheel but then the wheel moves crushing her nipple she moans and pulls her titties out of the wheel causing her nipple to detach from her tit she's moaning she's in pain but can't get enough, it feels too good. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To be continued?????
"What is love?"[Benkei X Reader]
I searched and I didn't find any for this man. So here you go Benkei simps 🙂. All characters belong to Ken Wakui.
[ "angst", "benkei", "benkeixreader", "brahman", "fluff", "keizoarashi", "lemon", "tokyorevengers", "wakasa", "xreader" ]
[ "Introduction", "Chapter 1", "Chapter 2", "Chapter 3", "Chapter 4", "Chapter 5", "Chapter 6", "Long time no see", "Chapter 7", "Halloween Special", "New Year Special", "Chapter 8", "Chapter 9", "Chapter 10" ]
[ "     Okay, so I made this as like joke but also because none made any off of Keizo(Benkei), so I was like why not.\nAnyways, the story takes place with Benkei having a match account because Zebra man(Wakasa) made it for him. So he found you first and decided to give it a try. Man's need some love too. You also agreed to this date because you have no one as well. I also don't know how many chapters I want this to be because I do have things to do, but I will try to put some chapters at least. \n\n     I also don't know what type of story will it be, like angst, lemon, etc., but like I said this is just a joke.\n\n     So yeah hope you enjoy this and <u><b>thanks for the 94 reads on my first book, Hisoka Headcannons.</b></u>\n<u><b>I can't believe people actually read that 😳.</b></u>", "\"I dunno, what if I get rejected?\"Benkei asked Wakasa. Wakasa was currently making Benkei's profile. \"Dude, it's Match, you'll probably have a good chance,\" replied Wakasa \"Besides, even if you do, there are plenty of other fish in the sea.\" \"Yeah, I guess your right,\" said Keizo with a sigh. \n\"What's wrong?\" \n\"It's just that, what if my appearance gives off the wrong message, you know.\"\n\"Well I think you are just overthinking this,\" said Wakasa. As he was saying this, he then finished Benkei's account. \"Alright, your all set, now try to find someone you may find interesting.\"\n\"Fine,\" said Benkei, who was still very hesitant about this app. \n\nHe was having trouble trying to find a perfect match. He liked some, yet he still had his doubts, based off of his scary appearance. Then, he came across a new person one day. \"Hmm, they seem interesting,\" he thought to himself.\n", "     So, obviously he decided to try and set up a date. \"I'll give this a shot,\" he told his friend over a phone call.\n\"Alright, if you need any help with this, call me whenever, okay?\"\n\"Alright.\"\n<b><u>At your house</u></b>\n     You received a notification on match. You were so happy that someone found you interesting. However, that happiness soon died down when you saw the person's name, Keizo Arashi. Now look, you aren't exactly the type to not go out with someone based off of looks, let alone a name. No, you were more worried about his reputation. You knew he was in a gang and didn't know if he was going to be nice or rude to you. Or maybe for your guys first date, there could be some trouble especially with a rival gang. Truth be told, you were definitely overthinking this. However, your mind soon changed as you read his bio. \n\n\"Very tall, on the streets most often, rather lonely.\"\n     That made you rather sad that he described himself as lonely. So, out of pity, you found that you should give him a try. You clicked on his profile to get his contact information. He had quite a bit of ways to get in touch with him from email, to a chat room, and even...a discord link? You definitely didn't take him for someone who would be willing to give off every single way of contacting him or using discord. You settled with phone call, just to make sure it is the real Keizo Arashi. In which he was. You were greeted with a harsh hello. \n\n\"Hello, I found your profile on Match so I decided to contact you.\"\n\"Is this a spam or joke call?\" He seriously thought you were pranking him.\n\"No, I just wanted to ask when you wanted to meet up.\"\n\"Umm, hold on one second.\" \n     With that, he left. He left you.\n<b><u>At Benkei's house</u></b>\n     Benkei called his friend right away. He obviously was not expecting someone to call him up. \n\n\"DUDE I NEED YOUR HELP!\" He screamed, possibly breaking Wakasa's eardrum.\n\"Okay, first of all, chill. And second of all, what do you need help with.\"\n\"Sorry man, it's just that someone called me and said they found my Match profile.\"\n\"Well that's good, did you talk to them?\"\n\"No because I didn't know what to say.\"\n\"Did they ask to hang out?\"\n\"Well kind of, I kinda hanged up--\"\n\"WHY WOULD YOU HANG UP?\"\n\"BECAUSE I WAS GOING TO ASK YOU FOR HELP!\"\n\"WELL DON'T HANG UP WHEN YOUR TALKING WITH THEM! Dumb*ss.\"\n\"Okay, so now what do I do?\"\n\"Call them back, apologize first, obviously. Then ask them if they still want to go out and take it from there.\"\n\"Okay, thanks homie.\"\n\"Aye, I'll help a brother out anytime.\"\n     Benkei hanged up and called you again. Hoping you would not hang up. He started off apologizing to you just like what Wakasa said to do. There was a long pause of silence. Not knowing who would talk next until Benkei said... \n\n\"So, wanna hang out?\"\n\n\n\n\nA<b>/N: </b><u><b>Hello. </b></u><u><b>It's</b></u><u><b> been awhile since I worked on this story, but after seeing people actually reading it. I changed my mind. Also, thank you all for all of the reads on all of my other stories. I </b></u><u><b>also</b></u><u><b> saw that I lot of people like the Taiju one, so... I see what y'all are into 😏. Anyways, thank you all so much for reading my stuff.</b></u>", "     He wants to hang out now. After the whole mess, he wants to hang out. Well really, you got over it real quickly so you said yes. You then noticed he was on mute for a second and then he unmuted again.\n\"Why did you-\"\n\"Reasons.\" He interrupted.\n\"Okay,\" you said trying to not mind, \"You wanna meet up at a park or something?\"\n\"Umm, hold on one second.\" Then he hanged up.\n\"Oh, okay.\"\n<b><u>At Benkei's house</u></b>\n     Benkei typed, First date places, as fast as he could in his search engine. One of the first things that popped up was \"tea house\". \"People still like tea, right?\" He thought and soon answered with a nod. He went back to his numbers and clicked yours.\n\n\"I just know the right place!\"\n\"Okay, what?\" You asked confused.\n\"That new tea place in Gotanda, I heard it was good from some friends.\"\n\"Alright sounds like a good meet up place, I'll see you there at 10.\" You said with a little flirt in your voice and you both said your goodbyes.\nHe hanged up and saw that his cheeks had a light shade of red on them. \n\"SHOOT, WHAT AM I GONNA WEAR?!\" \n\n     Once more, he called his homie to come over so he can give some suggestions. The last thing he wanted was to look like a clown on his first date. That being aside from his date going down in flames. \n\n     After a few moments, Wakasa arrived, looking to tired for this crap.\n\"Dude, you could have just give me a phone call or-\" He said rubbing his eyes before Benkei interrupted.\n\"I DONT KNOW WHAT TO WEAR!\"\n\"Stop screaming!\" Wakasa was not having it, \" Look just find something nice that would go with the occasion. Like where are you going?\"\n\"The tea place at Gotanda\"\n\"Oh, well, that's simple. Just put on some casual clothing and come out to the living room. I'll review it and give you a go.\" \n\n     Benkei went rummaging through his closet and took out a black tee, blue jeans, and his Brahman jacket. \"Okay, how about this?\" He asked when he walked out.\n\"Bro, it's like 68 degrees in Gotanda and your wearing black and that thick a* jacket.\"\n\"So...lose the jacket.\"\n\"No s*, Sherlock. Here let me check your wardrobe because you are obviously new at this.\"\n\n<b><u>A/N: </u></b><b><u>I'm</u></b><b><u> so sorry for not updating this. I was busy with school and after school stuff. Thanks for all of the </u></b><b><u>support</u></b><b><u> and telling me to update this ❤️</u></b>", "     You didn't find it very hard to find your outfit for your date. Benkei, on the other hand, was having some problems. \n\n\"You mean to tell me you have only 4 shirts and 2 pairs of jeans?\" \n\"Well I don't have Louis for MY FIRST DATE!\"\nWakasa shook his head in disbelief. \"I'm wondering what else do you wear, on a normal basis, if you have a minimum closet.\" \"Oh, so now it's MY FAULT!\" Benkei yelled. \n\n\"STOP YELLING AT ME!\" Wakasa was at his max point with Benkei's attitude. \"FOR THE LOVE OF FREAKING GOD, CALM DOWN!\"\n\"Sorry.\" Benkei said with his head down.\n\"Jesus.\" Wakasa knew how to put Benkei in his place. Yet, they still remain good friends. \n     After a few moments, they were truly at a blank. So the best thing to help them was...Google. Wakasa typed in the engine, how to make old fashion look good, while Benkei was still trying to decide what to wear. The result were mostly YouTube videos, and, considering the little time they had left, they settled on a white tank top and black pants. They were the cleanest things Benkei had and looked somewhat acceptable. \n     Benkei was cursing to himself under his breath saying how bad his outfit was. Wakasa trying to convince Benkei that his outfit looked good as he was walking to his car. \n\n\"You're fine, it's shows how jacked you are,\" as he pointed to his muscles.\n\"Yeah, and it also shows my tattoos. My rough edged gang tattoos, totally doesn't give off the wrong message,\" he sighed.\n\"Hey look at me.\" Benkei turned his head towards Wakasa. \"You'll be fine, alright?\" He nodded back in response. \n\n\"Dude I thought we finna kiss,\" Benkei chuckled as his put his car in reverse, Wakasa flicking him off as he drove out. Yep, that was their best friend sign of good luck.\n\n<u><b>A/N: Sorry that this chapter is short, </b></u><u><b>I</b></u><u><b> wanted to at least update this story before the weekend comes up. Yet, the </b></u><u><b>chapters</b></u><u><b> are pretty </b></u><u><b>short</b></u><u><b> anyways. I will be excited for the next one though with you both meeting up. </b></u><u><b>Thanks</b></u><u><b> </b></u><u><b>for your</b></u><u><b> continued support ❤🧡💛💚💙💜.</b></u>", "     Benkei was trying his hardest at flushing out bad scenarios of his date. He tried to listen to some music, hoping it would calm him down. Sadly, His thoughts were constantly thinking of lukewarm tea, fire alarms, and creeps, as well with being creepy. He then remembered that there were other fish in the sea, so he calmed down a bit. On the other hand, he didn't know if his date will talk about this anywhere, so it made his a nervous reck again. This date was basically a make or break for him. \n\n<u><b>Moments later...</b></u>\n     You looked outside the window, wondering if you got ditched. Considering Benkei's nervous behavior on the phone, you were not surprised if he did chicken out. All of a sudden, that changed when you saw a car pulled up in the parking lot. \n\"That must be him.\" \n\n     And it was, he got out of his car, bones rattling and all. He walked in looking for you and it wasn't that hard.\n\"Hello! You must be Keizo Arashi, yes?\"\n\"Umm, yeah! That's me, but you can call me Benkei.\" His voice was trembling but calm still. He then sat down across from you. \n\nThere was an awkward silence. \n\n\"So, what do you like to do?\" You asked.\n\"Oh, well, I like to go around the city, I guess.\"\n\"Interesting...\" \n\nAnother moment of silence. \n\n\"What do you like to do?\" He asked the returning question.\n\"I like gardening.\"\n\"Really.\" He said with interest.\nYou shook your head. \"Yeah, I only grew like the size of a mini bouquet, but the flowers are very vibrant.\" You took out your phone to show him a picture. The flowers were in the sunlight with their bright pink, orange, yellow, and red petals taking in the light. \"Don't they look beautiful?\"\n\"Not as beautiful as you.\" He mumbled with a light shade of pink on his face.\n\"What?\" You asked, also flustered yourself.\n\"Oh, um, nothing!\" \n     Once again, the conversation went silent, but it was cute seeing him looking 50 different directions. Benkei was trying to avoid eye contact, after what just happened, but he was doing a bad job at it. When you were looking down, he was staring at you, then when you look up at him, he changes his direct stares.\n     You both had lunch together and had some small talk ranging from flowers to his closet. \n\"That was so amazing,\" you said as you were both heading out, \"I hope we can do this again♡.\"\n\"Well, I'm free tomorrow so,\" he started and soon his voice was getting quiet and soft, \"If you wanted to come over at my place, I'll be fine with it.\" He was blushing a little. \n\n\"Sure, I'm down.\" \n\n\n     \n\n\n<u>A/N: I managed 💪😈</u>", "     After the date, Benkei was a blushing mess. His stomach was filled with butterflies of good feeling when he was starting his car. \"I got another date,\" he said to himself, \"SHOOT, what will I wear though?\" He sped-dialed his best friend and master at these situations. \n\n     \"Bruv, how did your date go?\" It sounded like Wakasa just woke up, but he wasn't in a bad mood.\n\"It went great! I thought it was going to be down bad.\"\n\"Well, seems like you overreacted over nothing.\"\n\"Yeah, sorry 'bout that homie. But do you think you could help me picking out an outfit for tomorrow?\"\n\"Woah, did you get another date?\" Wakasa was stunned. \n\n     \"Yeah, and I said we could meet up at my place tomorrow,\" Benkei replied, \"Why is there something wrong?\"\n\"No, nothing. Just wear some good clothes you have.\"\n\"But I don't have good clothes! YOU SAW MY CLOSET!\" Benkei was having his mini panic attack again. It was probably from his nerves being a wreak again. \n\n\"You keep yelling at me, and I won't help you.\" Wakasa spoke nothing but truth.\n\n     \"I'm sorry, man, it's just a habit.\"\n\"Well it's a bad one.\"\n\"I know.\" Benkei started to put his car in drive, \"Alright, I'll probably go out and buy some clothes.\"\n\"Good job, someone's looking out for themselves.\" Waka had a bit of sarcasm in his voice. \n\n\"Oh, stop. You're flattering me~.\" Just like that, Wakasa hung up. \"Dayum.\" \n\n<b><u>At Your House...</u></b>\n     As soon as you got home, you plopped down on your couch. Your cat came over and layed down on your stomach, as you were scrolling on your phone. \"Someone missed me, huh?\" The cat meowed in agreement. As usual, you checked your notifications and saw a text message from a number. \"It must be Benkei,\" you thought. You changed his name form the number to Benkei🥰. Since you guys are dating, you believed it was needed. \n\n<b><u>While texting</u></b>\nBenkei🥰: Hey, I was just wondering if this outfit was good for tomorrow. What do you think?\nIt was a black tee shirt and a pair of jeans. \"So simple,\" you giggled to yourself.\nYou: Yeah, it looks great. Although, I don't think you need a whole outfit, if we are going over your place tomorrow 🙂.\nBenkei🥰: SHOOT, SORRY that text was for someone else 😨\n\nThis made you crack up.\n\nYou: No its alright, but remember you don't have\nto spend your money. It is just out second date 😉\nBenkei🥰: No I do need more clothes tho\nYou: Well, maybe you should try something else like have you wore red before maybe green?\nBenkei🥰: That's not a bad idea, I might try it, thanks 😀\nYou: Np, babe\n\nBenkei🥰: Babe? 😳\n\nYou: Yeah, we are dating now, right?\nBenkei🥰: YES OFC 😄\nYou: Ok, I'm gonna let you go\nBenkei🥰: WAIT YOUR LEAVING ME!!!\nYou: No, I'm going to let you continue what your doing. Yk so you can actually ask the question to the person you want\nBenkei🥰: Oh, right sorry 😞 \nYou: It's OK, bye 👋 \nBenkei🥰: Bye 👋 🙂 \n\n<b><u>Offline</u></b>\n     Your heart was feeling fluttery. You never thought you would be in a relationship. The cat on your stomach was now near your hands, a sign for you to pick them up. \"This day was so exciting!\" You exclaimed while pulling them in a tight hug. They meowed back in response.\n\n\n<b><u>A/N: I had a lot of fun making this chapter.</u></b>", "Okay so, I'm so sorry for the hiatus. My summer has been a hassle and school's in now so it's kind of been hard to get a chapter out. I feel really bad for leaving you all in the dust and I really missed you all so I'm back. Might try to get a chapter out on the weekend but I'm not making exact promises. Here's a lil sketch of Wakasa I made back. \n\nI know I messed up his hair 😅.\n\nBut overall, I do hope on coming back and trying to get some chapters because I want to see where this story goes. Oh and my unpublished stories might try to be back online, I'm not sure on those yet. Overall, hope you have a wonderful day/night.", "<b>The next day</b>\n     After a long night of tossing and turning, Benkei was rather anxious. You were going to be coming over around noon. As each minute passed, his heat was rising, both emotionally and physically, it was rather warm in there. He got up and changed into is new clothes minus the jeans, instead he wore some short pants because it was hot. \"I probably should turn the AC on,\" He wondered to himself.\n     Now that he was dressed, he made himself some breakfast, (or more like cereal), brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and fed his goldfish. Everything was in place, after a long night of cleaning, and all he had to do was wait until you arrived. It was silent. The clock was ticking back and forth, repeatedly. Keizo was starting at 4 walls, waiting for a sign. \n\n     \"AAUGHGG!\" He let out a frustrated sound and pulled himself up from the couch. \"Maybe I should text them?\" He thought. What should he text though. There were many possibilities and Benkei is an overthinker. He could say good morning, but that's basic. Or he could say hello, but that's lame. So replied with a simple tea emojis, just to remind you guys of your date. You responded back with tea and a sunrise emojis. A light shade of pink flushed across his face. He gave a smiley face back, and to which you replied with a red heart. Keizo's head was in a million places when he read that. \n\n<b>2 hours later</b>\n     After some time, you arrived at his doorstep and knocked. On the outside, his house didn't look so bad, it looked rather immaculate, making you wonder how the inside looked. Benkei opened the door, the black tee that he was wearing was showing off his toned muscles and some of his tattoos throught the fabric. It made you blush a little. Both of you didn't know how this might head, but he welcomed you in with open arms.\n\n\n\n<b>OMG THANK YOU ALL FOR THE 1K READS KFDOZKKFOAOOS. THE LOVE IS FOR YOU ❤❤❤❣️💞💜💞💕💔💕💘💕💖💖💞💞💕❤❤💟💜💚💙</b>\n\n<b>Also.....</b>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<b>Happy (late) Birthday Izana!🥳</b>\n\n\n<b>I ♡ Him, if you </b><b>couldn't</b><b> tell.</b>\n", "     You were walking out of your house and greeted your boyfriend, Benkei. He decided to be a ghost this halloween and his costume was kind of cute on him. \n\nA blanket with 2 cutout holes for the eyes.\n\n    \"What's so funny?\" He asked harshly but concerned. \"It's nothing,\" you replied. You were also wearing your costume, Bloody Mary. \n\n\"You look nice,\" He whisper, blushing.\n\n\"Awe, thanks!\" You exclaimed. \"NO YOU WERENT SUPPOSED TO HEAR THAT!!\"\n\n     You guys went trick or treating with Wakasa tagging along. However, the neighbors were actually scared of Beneki.\n\n\"Oh, and are you supposed to be a ghost?\" They asked cheerfully. And then Beneki would uncover his face and they all would start screaming at a 26-28 year old that certainly gave them a scare for the rest of their day\n\n\n<b>A/N: Happy halloween everyone🎃🎃. I was going to post this yesterday but didnt get the chance. Also, happy belated BDay Rindou(20)</b>\n\n", "     It was Benkei's first time spending New Years with someone other than his friends. You all were watching the fireworks from a distance on an assortment of different picnic blankets. Good thing too, considering you all were a bit tipsy. \"Oi, Beneki, pass me another will ya,\" Shinichiro slurred his words together.\n     \"Dude, no, you're drunk enough,\" Benkei laughed lightheartedly. \"You're drunk too~,\" Shinichiro pouted. \"Shin, just get it yourself, that's what I did,\" Wakasa interjected in the conversation. \"But I don't wanna get uppp~.\" \"It's freaking 5 INCHES away from you,\" Wakasa said, annoyed with Shinichiro's actions. \"But y'know, Beniki, you're lucky.\" Shin stated. \"How?\" Benkei was confused by Shin's statement. \"You got a girl. And, sorry if it's rude, you're not the most social person towards women.\" Benkei came up with a funny remark. \"The power of Match,\" he then looked at Wakasa, who was grabbing another drink. \"Bullshit. I've tried Match, Tinder, Eharmony, Snapchat, and every other tactic of dating there is, and I still have no biatches.\" His words slurring were so funny, no one could suppress their laughs. \"Okay, can y'all just shut the fuck up. The 1-minute countdown is starting.\n     1 minute until your make or break with Benkei. \"Hey babe, can you come over here?\" You asked him. \"Ooo~, someone's calling.\" Benkei ignored Shin and walked over to you, \"Sure, what is it bae?\" For the new year, you're hoping that maybe you and Benkei would be able to get more comfortable in your relationship. You knew he never dated anyone before, but you wanted to move past the awkwardness. Sure there were the times of pecks on the cheeks, but they came mostly, if not only, from you. However, you can't blame him.\n\n10\n\"Hey, can you promise me something next year,\" you started. \"Of course, anything.\" It was nice having someone to give you this much attention. \n\n9\n\"Promise me that you'll be more open in our relationship, not afraid to give hugs or such. You know, relax a little,\" you said this as a smile grew on your face.\n\n8\n\"Well that's kind of a resolution I had too,\" he turned to face the show, but that didn't stop you from seeing the red blush appear on his face.\n\n7\n\"You're just so natural at this, HOW?\" He turned your way again.\n\n6\nFireworks went off slowly one by one. The colors of gold, silver, and blue were lighting up the sky.\n\n5\nYour face had the colors of the fireworks illuminating your face so perfectly. If Benkei had his phone, he would have taken your picture right there.\n\n4\nYou both got closer, even though both of your breaths smelled of beer. However, that doesn't matter now.\n\n3 \nIn the background, the rest of the group was too busy doing their own things. Takeomi being really the only one paying attention to the show.\n\n2 \nBenkei and yourself were too busy looking at each other. Benkei was fixated on your eyes, that he didn't notice your gaze on his lips.\n\n1\nYou went for the kill and made contact with Benkei's lips. Your arms wrapped around his neck. He got the memo quickly and wrapped his arms around your back. You enjoyed that his arms were quite muscular, making the hug fuller. \n     When you broke the kiss, you noticed Benkei's face was full of surprise and blush. \"OH SH-\". Laughing was inevitable. Takeomi was wearing his new year drip which consisted of glasses that had the new year on it and a gold, black, and silver hat. He had his phone recording the show, but decided to record another phenomenon happening. \"OMG, PLEASE TELL ME YOU WEREN'T RECORDING!\" \"No, I was recording these two.\" He motioned towards Shinichiro and Wakasa who were having a practical makeout session. \"Bro, you guys can stop now,\" Takeomi interrupted. \"We said \"No homo\" so it don't count,\" Shin explained. \"Yeah,\" Wakasa started, \"Now let's finish.\" \"Nah, do that shit somewhere else.\"\n", "     After your suffocating bear hug, you walk inside. \"Some digs you got, Benkei,\" you chuckled. \"It's a bit shabby, but thank you.\" Benkei went into the kitchen and asked if you wanted any \"refreshments,\" as he calls it. \"Some water will do fine. (It's hotter than a bish out there.)\" He put your water in a glass container. It seems as if you are learning new things about him each day: He's incredibly bashful: He owns his own gym with Wakasa and is absolutely jacked; plus, he likes ducks. Well, the last one is just a guess. You didn't know if it was the first glass he grabbed or if he actually liked ducklings.\n     Next, you decided to sit down. You moved your position towards Benkei. It was already obvious he had no dating experience, but you leaned on his shoulder, hoping he got the idea. \n\nBenkei felt hot. He was heating up.\n\n     \"You alright?\" You asked. \"Oh-yeah, I'm good,\" he stuttered. \"Well, how about this.\" After that sentence, you moved his arm to be over your shoulder and let it drap over you. \"Is that fine?\"Yeah, this is nice,\" Keizo turned to the other side to hide his abundant amount of blush. Once situated, you put on a movie and relaxed. It was about halfway when you began to feel tired. Benkei noticed and pulled you up closer to him.\n     His body heat was very warm, almost comforting. He placed you in his lap and wrapped his giant arms around you. Even though his arms were muscular, they still had a nice feel to them and made you fall asleep, along with his steady heartbeat. Compared to him, your weight was nothing, so you falling asleep on him had no effect. It was a delightful and pleasurable experience for both of you.\n\n<b>Moments later, Benkei fell asleep as well.</b>\n", "     You awoke next to a larger figure, a bit spooked, but the memories came back to you. The figure was just Benkei, and it made you blush slightly. You moved in a more comfortable position, only to accidentally wake Benkei. \"Sorry about that.\" His face  turned red slightly, \"It's okay,\" he replied. You sat up and turned your body towards Benkei. Arms wrapped around his neck. Eyes locking. \n\n    You leaned forward and landed a soft peck on Benkei's lips. He was frozen, but you went down once again, placing another kiss, slow and tender. He kissed back, not really in sync though. You couldn't help but smile a little. Both of you pulled back for a breath of air. \"First time?\" You smiled. \"Y-yeah,\" he muttered out. \"Just relax,\" You put both of your hands on his cheeks and kissed him again. Benkei was more at ease, yet he still held on to some restraint, no bother, it was his first time kissing someone.\n\nJust as you wanted to turn the heat up, a phone rang. Benkei's phone. \"IM SO SORRY!\" He exclaimed. \"It's good,\" You lied. Benkei took the call from Wakasa and sighed. \"Of all the times,\" he sighed, \"He wants me at work in 20 minutes.\" \"For what?\" \"Some client is complaining 🙄.\" \"Okay, so it should take too long, right?\" \"No, I don't think so,\" he sounded confident in his answer. \"Welp, I'll just be here waiting for you, love~.\" It was cute seeing his face flushed red. He got up and began to get ready.\n\n<b>Some time later, Benkei left.</b>", "     \"So, how was your date?\" Waka asked once the client left. Benkei flushed at the thought of the kiss. \"Uhm... It was actually rather relaxing,\" he smiled, \"until I had to go to work.\" Wakasa's face turned from an expression of glee into a frown. \"Yeah, sorry about that, I tried to tell the client that they need to have an appointment in order to get checked in. Turns out they were just out of gas.\"\n     \"Man, people really need to pay more attention to small things like that.\" Benkei was really ticked off about this. The customer came in accussing Waka that they sold him a crappy bike. Shinichiro was gone for vacation, and Takeomi was sick, so Wakasa took his spot as boss for the day. Due to the customer not cooperating with him, he called Benkei, hoping it would help intimidate the customer. In which it did, considering the big man's size and muscles, but he didn't know that it was going to interrupt his friend's date. \n     \"Sorry, about this again man.\" The guilt was consuming Wakasa as more time passes. \"It's alright man, I didn't tell you about this.\" \"No, I should've asked instead of assuming you weren't busy.\" The sentence brought Benkei back to the kiss with you. His face was beginning to turn red again and Waka chuckled. \"Wha-what AR you laughing at?!\" \"Nothing, you're relieved of work, now go back home, you wouldn't want to keep her waiting.\"\n\n\n<b><b><b><b><b><b>A/N</b></b></b></b></b></b><b><b><b><b><b> </b></b></b></b></b><b><b><b><b><b><b>SORRY IVE </b></b></b></b></b></b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b>BEEN INACTIVE </b></b></b></b></b></b></b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b>🥺🥺</b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b>" ]
Title: "What is love?"[Benkei X Reader] Description: I searched and I didn't find any for this man. So here you go Benkei simps 🙂. All characters belong to Ken Wakui. Tags: ['angst', 'benkei', 'benkeixreader', 'brahman', 'fluff', 'keizoarashi', 'lemon', 'tokyorevengers', 'wakasa', 'xreader']
# Introduction      Okay, so I made this as like joke but also because none made any off of Keizo(Benkei), so I was like why not. Anyways, the story takes place with Benkei having a match account because Zebra man(Wakasa) made it for him. So he found you first and decided to give it a try. Man's need some love too. You also agreed to this date because you have no one as well. I also don't know how many chapters I want this to be because I do have things to do, but I will try to put some chapters at least.      I also don't know what type of story will it be, like angst, lemon, etc., but like I said this is just a joke.      So yeah hope you enjoy this and <u><b>thanks for the 94 reads on my first book, Hisoka Headcannons.</b></u> <u><b>I can't believe people actually read that 😳.</b></u> # Chapter 1 "I dunno, what if I get rejected?"Benkei asked Wakasa. Wakasa was currently making Benkei's profile. "Dude, it's Match, you'll probably have a good chance," replied Wakasa "Besides, even if you do, there are plenty of other fish in the sea." "Yeah, I guess your right," said Keizo with a sigh. "What's wrong?" "It's just that, what if my appearance gives off the wrong message, you know." "Well I think you are just overthinking this," said Wakasa. As he was saying this, he then finished Benkei's account. "Alright, your all set, now try to find someone you may find interesting." "Fine," said Benkei, who was still very hesitant about this app. He was having trouble trying to find a perfect match. He liked some, yet he still had his doubts, based off of his scary appearance. Then, he came across a new person one day. "Hmm, they seem interesting," he thought to himself. # Chapter 2      So, obviously he decided to try and set up a date. "I'll give this a shot," he told his friend over a phone call. "Alright, if you need any help with this, call me whenever, okay?" "Alright." <b><u>At your house</u></b>      You received a notification on match. You were so happy that someone found you interesting. However, that happiness soon died down when you saw the person's name, Keizo Arashi. Now look, you aren't exactly the type to not go out with someone based off of looks, let alone a name. No, you were more worried about his reputation. You knew he was in a gang and didn't know if he was going to be nice or rude to you. Or maybe for your guys first date, there could be some trouble especially with a rival gang. Truth be told, you were definitely overthinking this. However, your mind soon changed as you read his bio. "Very tall, on the streets most often, rather lonely."      That made you rather sad that he described himself as lonely. So, out of pity, you found that you should give him a try. You clicked on his profile to get his contact information. He had quite a bit of ways to get in touch with him from email, to a chat room, and even...a discord link? You definitely didn't take him for someone who would be willing to give off every single way of contacting him or using discord. You settled with phone call, just to make sure it is the real Keizo Arashi. In which he was. You were greeted with a harsh hello. "Hello, I found your profile on Match so I decided to contact you." "Is this a spam or joke call?" He seriously thought you were pranking him. "No, I just wanted to ask when you wanted to meet up." "Umm, hold on one second."      With that, he left. He left you. <b><u>At Benkei's house</u></b>      Benkei called his friend right away. He obviously was not expecting someone to call him up. "DUDE I NEED YOUR HELP!" He screamed, possibly breaking Wakasa's eardrum. "Okay, first of all, chill. And second of all, what do you need help with." "Sorry man, it's just that someone called me and said they found my Match profile." "Well that's good, did you talk to them?" "No because I didn't know what to say." "Did they ask to hang out?" "Well kind of, I kinda hanged up--" "WHY WOULD YOU HANG UP?" "BECAUSE I WAS GOING TO ASK YOU FOR HELP!" "WELL DON'T HANG UP WHEN YOUR TALKING WITH THEM! Dumb*ss." "Okay, so now what do I do?" "Call them back, apologize first, obviously. Then ask them if they still want to go out and take it from there." "Okay, thanks homie." "Aye, I'll help a brother out anytime."      Benkei hanged up and called you again. Hoping you would not hang up. He started off apologizing to you just like what Wakasa said to do. There was a long pause of silence. Not knowing who would talk next until Benkei said... "So, wanna hang out?" A<b>/N: </b><u><b>Hello. </b></u><u><b>It's</b></u><u><b> been awhile since I worked on this story, but after seeing people actually reading it. I changed my mind. Also, thank you all for all of the reads on all of my other stories. I </b></u><u><b>also</b></u><u><b> saw that I lot of people like the Taiju one, so... I see what y'all are into 😏. Anyways, thank you all so much for reading my stuff.</b></u> # Chapter 3      He wants to hang out now. After the whole mess, he wants to hang out. Well really, you got over it real quickly so you said yes. You then noticed he was on mute for a second and then he unmuted again. "Why did you-" "Reasons." He interrupted. "Okay," you said trying to not mind, "You wanna meet up at a park or something?" "Umm, hold on one second." Then he hanged up. "Oh, okay." <b><u>At Benkei's house</u></b>      Benkei typed, First date places, as fast as he could in his search engine. One of the first things that popped up was "tea house". "People still like tea, right?" He thought and soon answered with a nod. He went back to his numbers and clicked yours. "I just know the right place!" "Okay, what?" You asked confused. "That new tea place in Gotanda, I heard it was good from some friends." "Alright sounds like a good meet up place, I'll see you there at 10." You said with a little flirt in your voice and you both said your goodbyes. He hanged up and saw that his cheeks had a light shade of red on them. "SHOOT, WHAT AM I GONNA WEAR?!"      Once more, he called his homie to come over so he can give some suggestions. The last thing he wanted was to look like a clown on his first date. That being aside from his date going down in flames.      After a few moments, Wakasa arrived, looking to tired for this crap. "Dude, you could have just give me a phone call or-" He said rubbing his eyes before Benkei interrupted. "I DONT KNOW WHAT TO WEAR!" "Stop screaming!" Wakasa was not having it, " Look just find something nice that would go with the occasion. Like where are you going?" "The tea place at Gotanda" "Oh, well, that's simple. Just put on some casual clothing and come out to the living room. I'll review it and give you a go."      Benkei went rummaging through his closet and took out a black tee, blue jeans, and his Brahman jacket. "Okay, how about this?" He asked when he walked out. "Bro, it's like 68 degrees in Gotanda and your wearing black and that thick a* jacket." "So...lose the jacket." "No s*, Sherlock. Here let me check your wardrobe because you are obviously new at this." <b><u>A/N: </u></b><b><u>I'm</u></b><b><u> so sorry for not updating this. I was busy with school and after school stuff. Thanks for all of the </u></b><b><u>support</u></b><b><u> and telling me to update this ❤️</u></b> # Chapter 4      You didn't find it very hard to find your outfit for your date. Benkei, on the other hand, was having some problems. "You mean to tell me you have only 4 shirts and 2 pairs of jeans?" "Well I don't have Louis for MY FIRST DATE!" Wakasa shook his head in disbelief. "I'm wondering what else do you wear, on a normal basis, if you have a minimum closet." "Oh, so now it's MY FAULT!" Benkei yelled. "STOP YELLING AT ME!" Wakasa was at his max point with Benkei's attitude. "FOR THE LOVE OF FREAKING GOD, CALM DOWN!" "Sorry." Benkei said with his head down. "Jesus." Wakasa knew how to put Benkei in his place. Yet, they still remain good friends.      After a few moments, they were truly at a blank. So the best thing to help them was...Google. Wakasa typed in the engine, how to make old fashion look good, while Benkei was still trying to decide what to wear. The result were mostly YouTube videos, and, considering the little time they had left, they settled on a white tank top and black pants. They were the cleanest things Benkei had and looked somewhat acceptable.      Benkei was cursing to himself under his breath saying how bad his outfit was. Wakasa trying to convince Benkei that his outfit looked good as he was walking to his car. "You're fine, it's shows how jacked you are," as he pointed to his muscles. "Yeah, and it also shows my tattoos. My rough edged gang tattoos, totally doesn't give off the wrong message," he sighed. "Hey look at me." Benkei turned his head towards Wakasa. "You'll be fine, alright?" He nodded back in response. "Dude I thought we finna kiss," Benkei chuckled as his put his car in reverse, Wakasa flicking him off as he drove out. Yep, that was their best friend sign of good luck. <u><b>A/N: Sorry that this chapter is short, </b></u><u><b>I</b></u><u><b> wanted to at least update this story before the weekend comes up. Yet, the </b></u><u><b>chapters</b></u><u><b> are pretty </b></u><u><b>short</b></u><u><b> anyways. I will be excited for the next one though with you both meeting up. </b></u><u><b>Thanks</b></u><u><b> </b></u><u><b>for your</b></u><u><b> continued support ❤🧡💛💚💙💜.</b></u> # Chapter 5      Benkei was trying his hardest at flushing out bad scenarios of his date. He tried to listen to some music, hoping it would calm him down. Sadly, His thoughts were constantly thinking of lukewarm tea, fire alarms, and creeps, as well with being creepy. He then remembered that there were other fish in the sea, so he calmed down a bit. On the other hand, he didn't know if his date will talk about this anywhere, so it made his a nervous reck again. This date was basically a make or break for him. <u><b>Moments later...</b></u>      You looked outside the window, wondering if you got ditched. Considering Benkei's nervous behavior on the phone, you were not surprised if he did chicken out. All of a sudden, that changed when you saw a car pulled up in the parking lot. "That must be him."      And it was, he got out of his car, bones rattling and all. He walked in looking for you and it wasn't that hard. "Hello! You must be Keizo Arashi, yes?" "Umm, yeah! That's me, but you can call me Benkei." His voice was trembling but calm still. He then sat down across from you. There was an awkward silence. "So, what do you like to do?" You asked. "Oh, well, I like to go around the city, I guess." "Interesting..." Another moment of silence. "What do you like to do?" He asked the returning question. "I like gardening." "Really." He said with interest. You shook your head. "Yeah, I only grew like the size of a mini bouquet, but the flowers are very vibrant." You took out your phone to show him a picture. The flowers were in the sunlight with their bright pink, orange, yellow, and red petals taking in the light. "Don't they look beautiful?" "Not as beautiful as you." He mumbled with a light shade of pink on his face. "What?" You asked, also flustered yourself. "Oh, um, nothing!"      Once again, the conversation went silent, but it was cute seeing him looking 50 different directions. Benkei was trying to avoid eye contact, after what just happened, but he was doing a bad job at it. When you were looking down, he was staring at you, then when you look up at him, he changes his direct stares.      You both had lunch together and had some small talk ranging from flowers to his closet. "That was so amazing," you said as you were both heading out, "I hope we can do this again♡." "Well, I'm free tomorrow so," he started and soon his voice was getting quiet and soft, "If you wanted to come over at my place, I'll be fine with it." He was blushing a little. "Sure, I'm down."      <u>A/N: I managed 💪😈</u> # Chapter 6      After the date, Benkei was a blushing mess. His stomach was filled with butterflies of good feeling when he was starting his car. "I got another date," he said to himself, "SHOOT, what will I wear though?" He sped-dialed his best friend and master at these situations.      "Bruv, how did your date go?" It sounded like Wakasa just woke up, but he wasn't in a bad mood. "It went great! I thought it was going to be down bad." "Well, seems like you overreacted over nothing." "Yeah, sorry 'bout that homie. But do you think you could help me picking out an outfit for tomorrow?" "Woah, did you get another date?" Wakasa was stunned.      "Yeah, and I said we could meet up at my place tomorrow," Benkei replied, "Why is there something wrong?" "No, nothing. Just wear some good clothes you have." "But I don't have good clothes! YOU SAW MY CLOSET!" Benkei was having his mini panic attack again. It was probably from his nerves being a wreak again. "You keep yelling at me, and I won't help you." Wakasa spoke nothing but truth.      "I'm sorry, man, it's just a habit." "Well it's a bad one." "I know." Benkei started to put his car in drive, "Alright, I'll probably go out and buy some clothes." "Good job, someone's looking out for themselves." Waka had a bit of sarcasm in his voice. "Oh, stop. You're flattering me~." Just like that, Wakasa hung up. "Dayum." <b><u>At Your House...</u></b>      As soon as you got home, you plopped down on your couch. Your cat came over and layed down on your stomach, as you were scrolling on your phone. "Someone missed me, huh?" The cat meowed in agreement. As usual, you checked your notifications and saw a text message from a number. "It must be Benkei," you thought. You changed his name form the number to Benkei🥰. Since you guys are dating, you believed it was needed. <b><u>While texting</u></b> Benkei🥰: Hey, I was just wondering if this outfit was good for tomorrow. What do you think? It was a black tee shirt and a pair of jeans. "So simple," you giggled to yourself. You: Yeah, it looks great. Although, I don't think you need a whole outfit, if we are going over your place tomorrow 🙂. Benkei🥰: SHOOT, SORRY that text was for someone else 😨 This made you crack up. You: No its alright, but remember you don't have to spend your money. It is just out second date 😉 Benkei🥰: No I do need more clothes tho You: Well, maybe you should try something else like have you wore red before maybe green? Benkei🥰: That's not a bad idea, I might try it, thanks 😀 You: Np, babe Benkei🥰: Babe? 😳 You: Yeah, we are dating now, right? Benkei🥰: YES OFC 😄 You: Ok, I'm gonna let you go Benkei🥰: WAIT YOUR LEAVING ME!!! You: No, I'm going to let you continue what your doing. Yk so you can actually ask the question to the person you want Benkei🥰: Oh, right sorry 😞 You: It's OK, bye 👋 Benkei🥰: Bye 👋 🙂 <b><u>Offline</u></b>      Your heart was feeling fluttery. You never thought you would be in a relationship. The cat on your stomach was now near your hands, a sign for you to pick them up. "This day was so exciting!" You exclaimed while pulling them in a tight hug. They meowed back in response. <b><u>A/N: I had a lot of fun making this chapter.</u></b> # Long time no see Okay so, I'm so sorry for the hiatus. My summer has been a hassle and school's in now so it's kind of been hard to get a chapter out. I feel really bad for leaving you all in the dust and I really missed you all so I'm back. Might try to get a chapter out on the weekend but I'm not making exact promises. Here's a lil sketch of Wakasa I made back. I know I messed up his hair 😅. But overall, I do hope on coming back and trying to get some chapters because I want to see where this story goes. Oh and my unpublished stories might try to be back online, I'm not sure on those yet. Overall, hope you have a wonderful day/night. # Chapter 7 <b>The next day</b>      After a long night of tossing and turning, Benkei was rather anxious. You were going to be coming over around noon. As each minute passed, his heat was rising, both emotionally and physically, it was rather warm in there. He got up and changed into is new clothes minus the jeans, instead he wore some short pants because it was hot. "I probably should turn the AC on," He wondered to himself.      Now that he was dressed, he made himself some breakfast, (or more like cereal), brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and fed his goldfish. Everything was in place, after a long night of cleaning, and all he had to do was wait until you arrived. It was silent. The clock was ticking back and forth, repeatedly. Keizo was starting at 4 walls, waiting for a sign.      "AAUGHGG!" He let out a frustrated sound and pulled himself up from the couch. "Maybe I should text them?" He thought. What should he text though. There were many possibilities and Benkei is an overthinker. He could say good morning, but that's basic. Or he could say hello, but that's lame. So replied with a simple tea emojis, just to remind you guys of your date. You responded back with tea and a sunrise emojis. A light shade of pink flushed across his face. He gave a smiley face back, and to which you replied with a red heart. Keizo's head was in a million places when he read that. <b>2 hours later</b>      After some time, you arrived at his doorstep and knocked. On the outside, his house didn't look so bad, it looked rather immaculate, making you wonder how the inside looked. Benkei opened the door, the black tee that he was wearing was showing off his toned muscles and some of his tattoos throught the fabric. It made you blush a little. Both of you didn't know how this might head, but he welcomed you in with open arms. <b>OMG THANK YOU ALL FOR THE 1K READS KFDOZKKFOAOOS. THE LOVE IS FOR YOU ❤❤❤❣️💞💜💞💕💔💕💘💕💖💖💞💞💕❤❤💟💜💚💙</b> <b>Also.....</b> <b>Happy (late) Birthday Izana!🥳</b> <b>I ♡ Him, if you </b><b>couldn't</b><b> tell.</b> # Halloween Special      You were walking out of your house and greeted your boyfriend, Benkei. He decided to be a ghost this halloween and his costume was kind of cute on him. A blanket with 2 cutout holes for the eyes.     "What's so funny?" He asked harshly but concerned. "It's nothing," you replied. You were also wearing your costume, Bloody Mary. "You look nice," He whisper, blushing. "Awe, thanks!" You exclaimed. "NO YOU WERENT SUPPOSED TO HEAR THAT!!"      You guys went trick or treating with Wakasa tagging along. However, the neighbors were actually scared of Beneki. "Oh, and are you supposed to be a ghost?" They asked cheerfully. And then Beneki would uncover his face and they all would start screaming at a 26-28 year old that certainly gave them a scare for the rest of their day <b>A/N: Happy halloween everyone🎃🎃. I was going to post this yesterday but didnt get the chance. Also, happy belated BDay Rindou(20)</b> # New Year Special      It was Benkei's first time spending New Years with someone other than his friends. You all were watching the fireworks from a distance on an assortment of different picnic blankets. Good thing too, considering you all were a bit tipsy. "Oi, Beneki, pass me another will ya," Shinichiro slurred his words together.      "Dude, no, you're drunk enough," Benkei laughed lightheartedly. "You're drunk too~," Shinichiro pouted. "Shin, just get it yourself, that's what I did," Wakasa interjected in the conversation. "But I don't wanna get uppp~." "It's freaking 5 INCHES away from you," Wakasa said, annoyed with Shinichiro's actions. "But y'know, Beniki, you're lucky." Shin stated. "How?" Benkei was confused by Shin's statement. "You got a girl. And, sorry if it's rude, you're not the most social person towards women." Benkei came up with a funny remark. "The power of Match," he then looked at Wakasa, who was grabbing another drink. "Bullshit. I've tried Match, Tinder, Eharmony, Snapchat, and every other tactic of dating there is, and I still have no biatches." His words slurring were so funny, no one could suppress their laughs. "Okay, can y'all just shut the fuck up. The 1-minute countdown is starting.      1 minute until your make or break with Benkei. "Hey babe, can you come over here?" You asked him. "Ooo~, someone's calling." Benkei ignored Shin and walked over to you, "Sure, what is it bae?" For the new year, you're hoping that maybe you and Benkei would be able to get more comfortable in your relationship. You knew he never dated anyone before, but you wanted to move past the awkwardness. Sure there were the times of pecks on the cheeks, but they came mostly, if not only, from you. However, you can't blame him. 10 "Hey, can you promise me something next year," you started. "Of course, anything." It was nice having someone to give you this much attention. 9 "Promise me that you'll be more open in our relationship, not afraid to give hugs or such. You know, relax a little," you said this as a smile grew on your face. 8 "Well that's kind of a resolution I had too," he turned to face the show, but that didn't stop you from seeing the red blush appear on his face. 7 "You're just so natural at this, HOW?" He turned your way again. 6 Fireworks went off slowly one by one. The colors of gold, silver, and blue were lighting up the sky. 5 Your face had the colors of the fireworks illuminating your face so perfectly. If Benkei had his phone, he would have taken your picture right there. 4 You both got closer, even though both of your breaths smelled of beer. However, that doesn't matter now. 3 In the background, the rest of the group was too busy doing their own things. Takeomi being really the only one paying attention to the show. 2 Benkei and yourself were too busy looking at each other. Benkei was fixated on your eyes, that he didn't notice your gaze on his lips. 1 You went for the kill and made contact with Benkei's lips. Your arms wrapped around his neck. He got the memo quickly and wrapped his arms around your back. You enjoyed that his arms were quite muscular, making the hug fuller.      When you broke the kiss, you noticed Benkei's face was full of surprise and blush. "OH SH-". Laughing was inevitable. Takeomi was wearing his new year drip which consisted of glasses that had the new year on it and a gold, black, and silver hat. He had his phone recording the show, but decided to record another phenomenon happening. "OMG, PLEASE TELL ME YOU WEREN'T RECORDING!" "No, I was recording these two." He motioned towards Shinichiro and Wakasa who were having a practical makeout session. "Bro, you guys can stop now," Takeomi interrupted. "We said "No homo" so it don't count," Shin explained. "Yeah," Wakasa started, "Now let's finish." "Nah, do that shit somewhere else." # Chapter 8      After your suffocating bear hug, you walk inside. "Some digs you got, Benkei," you chuckled. "It's a bit shabby, but thank you." Benkei went into the kitchen and asked if you wanted any "refreshments," as he calls it. "Some water will do fine. (It's hotter than a bish out there.)" He put your water in a glass container. It seems as if you are learning new things about him each day: He's incredibly bashful: He owns his own gym with Wakasa and is absolutely jacked; plus, he likes ducks. Well, the last one is just a guess. You didn't know if it was the first glass he grabbed or if he actually liked ducklings.      Next, you decided to sit down. You moved your position towards Benkei. It was already obvious he had no dating experience, but you leaned on his shoulder, hoping he got the idea. Benkei felt hot. He was heating up.      "You alright?" You asked. "Oh-yeah, I'm good," he stuttered. "Well, how about this." After that sentence, you moved his arm to be over your shoulder and let it drap over you. "Is that fine?"Yeah, this is nice," Keizo turned to the other side to hide his abundant amount of blush. Once situated, you put on a movie and relaxed. It was about halfway when you began to feel tired. Benkei noticed and pulled you up closer to him.      His body heat was very warm, almost comforting. He placed you in his lap and wrapped his giant arms around you. Even though his arms were muscular, they still had a nice feel to them and made you fall asleep, along with his steady heartbeat. Compared to him, your weight was nothing, so you falling asleep on him had no effect. It was a delightful and pleasurable experience for both of you. <b>Moments later, Benkei fell asleep as well.</b> # Chapter 9      You awoke next to a larger figure, a bit spooked, but the memories came back to you. The figure was just Benkei, and it made you blush slightly. You moved in a more comfortable position, only to accidentally wake Benkei. "Sorry about that." His face  turned red slightly, "It's okay," he replied. You sat up and turned your body towards Benkei. Arms wrapped around his neck. Eyes locking.     You leaned forward and landed a soft peck on Benkei's lips. He was frozen, but you went down once again, placing another kiss, slow and tender. He kissed back, not really in sync though. You couldn't help but smile a little. Both of you pulled back for a breath of air. "First time?" You smiled. "Y-yeah," he muttered out. "Just relax," You put both of your hands on his cheeks and kissed him again. Benkei was more at ease, yet he still held on to some restraint, no bother, it was his first time kissing someone. Just as you wanted to turn the heat up, a phone rang. Benkei's phone. "IM SO SORRY!" He exclaimed. "It's good," You lied. Benkei took the call from Wakasa and sighed. "Of all the times," he sighed, "He wants me at work in 20 minutes." "For what?" "Some client is complaining 🙄." "Okay, so it should take too long, right?" "No, I don't think so," he sounded confident in his answer. "Welp, I'll just be here waiting for you, love~." It was cute seeing his face flushed red. He got up and began to get ready. <b>Some time later, Benkei left.</b> # Chapter 10      "So, how was your date?" Waka asked once the client left. Benkei flushed at the thought of the kiss. "Uhm... It was actually rather relaxing," he smiled, "until I had to go to work." Wakasa's face turned from an expression of glee into a frown. "Yeah, sorry about that, I tried to tell the client that they need to have an appointment in order to get checked in. Turns out they were just out of gas."      "Man, people really need to pay more attention to small things like that." Benkei was really ticked off about this. The customer came in accussing Waka that they sold him a crappy bike. Shinichiro was gone for vacation, and Takeomi was sick, so Wakasa took his spot as boss for the day. Due to the customer not cooperating with him, he called Benkei, hoping it would help intimidate the customer. In which it did, considering the big man's size and muscles, but he didn't know that it was going to interrupt his friend's date.      "Sorry, about this again man." The guilt was consuming Wakasa as more time passes. "It's alright man, I didn't tell you about this." "No, I should've asked instead of assuming you weren't busy." The sentence brought Benkei back to the kiss with you. His face was beginning to turn red again and Waka chuckled. "Wha-what AR you laughing at?!" "Nothing, you're relieved of work, now go back home, you wouldn't want to keep her waiting." <b><b><b><b><b><b>A/N</b></b></b></b></b></b><b><b><b><b><b> </b></b></b></b></b><b><b><b><b><b><b>SORRY IVE </b></b></b></b></b></b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b>BEEN INACTIVE </b></b></b></b></b></b></b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b>🥺🥺</b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b>
The child and the clown
pomni not only remembered her life before the circus she despised it. the only light in her horrid life was a little man who made her happy. even though he was the child of another she knew he was meant to be hers and so she enacted her plan... join us as jeane tries to rediscover his past while evading the possessive advances his new mother figure pomni
[ "abuse", "caine", "forcedlove", "gangle", "jax", "kinger", "lemon", "mystery", "no", "pomni", "pomnimommy", "possessivepomni", "ragatha", "yandere" ]
[ "Arrival in terror", "Cirque de Psychosis" ]
[ "\n\n\n\tA dark room illuminated by a computer screen. The clicking of a keyboard echoed rapidly.\n\n\t<i>Mama </i>a small voice chirped.\n\n \tThe clicking intensified.\n\n\t<i>Mama im scared </i>the little voice a boys voice whined\n\n \tThe clicking stopped.\n\n\t<i>Bang!</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>A scream echoed as a clown boy eyes opened. He was surrounded by a virbant circus like tent walls and he breathed heavily.\n\n\t<i>Where am I? </i>The boy clown asked checking his surroundings.\n\n\t<i>Hello. </i>The boys voice echoed throughout the tent.\n\n \tThe boy picked himself up and saw he wore white pantaloons with white stripes on the legs. He did a double take as he noticed his shirt was a similar pattern but also like a harlequins outfit. He began freaking out biting his nails as he took a step back then ran face first into a mirror.\n\n \tThe boy looked at himself his face was pale white with white and black eyes and a harlequin hat of black and white. He backed away again as he saw that he was a four foot even scrawny clown.\n\n \tThe clown cried out and ran in a random direction.\n\n\t<i>Whats going on. Why is this happening to me. </i>His mind ran circles in his head as he dashed down the hall of the big circus.\n\n \tHe couldn't remember his name, how he got here... why is this happening.\n\n \tThe boy kept running into he slammed face first into someone. The boy fell backwards and looked up in fear.\n\n \tThe man had his back turned him and checked his pocket watch. Jeane couldn't see his head but noticed his outfit was like a ring master.\n\n\t<i>Excuse me. Sir... where am I.</i>\n\n<i>\tWhere are you? </i>His voice was low. <i>Ill tell you exactly where you are </i><i>jeane</i><i>...</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>the twirled and turned and jeane saw his head was like a novelty set of clacking teeth with a pair of eyes ball in the mouth as the mans voice turned higher and he cheered.\n\n\t<i>Your in the amazing digital circus and welcome to being the latest addition. Jeane. </i>The man said the last word like he left a bad taste in his mouth. <i>Im caine, the ring master of the circus and you have been chosen for a very special role in our circus.</i>\n\n<i>\tDigital... circus.</i>\n\n<i>\tExactly you got it... now my young friend. How do you feel about cuddles... asking for a friend. </i>Caine asked his eyeballs glaring into jeanes soul.\n\n\t<i>I don't know. </i>Jeane replied confused\n\n\t<i>excellent! Im gonna mark you as inexperienced but eager to learn. Next question do you kiss on the first date because I do. </i>Caine then clacked his teeth in glee.\n\n<i>\t</i><i>No... ive never been on a date. Have I? </i>Jeane couldn't think of anyone he had dated.\n\n\t<i>Great! Now final question. Are you attracted to girls.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Jeane took a step back from caine who took a step toward him then wrapped his arm around him.\n\n\t<i>Are you a girl.</i>\n\n<i>\tUnclear... but ill take your rude inquiry into my gender as an romantic advance and I must sadly reject as I am neither attracted to you and even if I was I love my eye balls where they are thank you very much.</i>\n\n<i>\tWhat are you talking about. </i>Jeane then realized that caine had lifted him from the ground and before he could ask another question the pair surged forward to a room that had a stage in the center and jeane saw four figures on stage two sitting on a lounge chair drinking from a paper cut with smoke emitting from the top. \n\n \tThese two looked like a person made of streamer ribbons and a purple cartoon humanlike rabbit. The rabbit looked dissatisfied while the streamer ribbons guy had a smile on his face which was an opera comedy mask.\n\n \tAcross from them standing near a long table with paper cups stacked near a coffee machine a rag doll looking woman and a king chess piece with floating arms and legs were chatting.\n\n\t<i>Attention everyone. Our new arrival has arrived. </i>Caine proclaim in his typical carnival barker tone. As he showed jeane.\n\n\t<i>He doesn't look like much. </i>The rabbit said taking a sip of coffee and looked dissatisfied by the taste. <i>God this is awful.</i>\n\n<i>\tWell you shouldn't have insulted her like you did. </i>The rag doll retorted then looking at jeane with a said look on his face.\n\n\t<i>I like him. He looks funny. </i>The ribbon man said with a smile on his face.\n\n\tThe king piece shook nervously. <i>Did somebody say something about ant farms.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>The three other denezins shook their heads and face palmed.\n\n\t<i>Anyway caine cant you freshen up the ole tastebuds for a pal. </i>The rabbit asked shaking the coffee cup lightly with a smile on his face.\n\n\t<i>No can do jax old friend. The boss says you are banned from your taste privileges until after the next adventure and cant go against her. </i>Caine replied cheerful.\n\n \tThe rabbit jax rolled his eyes then sipped at his coffee wincing away from the cup. He shouted something but a bunch of symbols showed over his mouth and a silly sound came out.\n\n\t<i>You know better jax. No profanity. </i>Caine wagged his finger.\n\n \tJeane saw all eyes on him as the four looked at him in fear and even jax flinched under his gaze.\n\n\t<i>Now don't be shy. Introduce yourselfs. But keep your hands where I can see them. You know how the boss gets. </i>Caine instructed. Instantly teleporting jeane to the top of the stage.\n\n \tThe boy quivered in fear as he looked around. The boy noticed the rag doll had a sad look on her face and decided to talk with her.\n\n\t<i>Hello my name is jeane... apparently. </i>The boy introduced and extended his hand.\n\n \tThe ragdoll placed her hand on his and jeane realized he couldn't feel anything from the touch. It took him a second to wrap his fingers around her hand fumbling.\n\n\t<i>Im ragatha. Its nice to meet ya. I like your hat. </i>She replied hesitantly but with genuine care.\n\n\tThe boy smiled. <i>Thank you, I like your hair.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Ragatha eased her posture and realized jeanes hand. <i>Thanks. Its all natural.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Jeane chuckled at that half nervous half amused.\n\n \tThe clown boy then looked at the king piece.\n\n\t<i>Its a pleasure to meet you mr...</i>\n\n<i>\tant farms! </i>The king piece exclaimed fleeing from him.\n\n\t<i>Don't mind kinger... hes nervous around newbies... and anyone for that matter.</i>\n\n<i>\tHes a kooky king. But anyway what can you do newbie. </i>Jax the rabbit asked cockily.\n\n \tThe boy turned to him and was about to answer when caine moved forward placing his finger in front of jeanes mouth shaking his head.\n\n\t<i>Jax, you don't need to interrogate the poor kid. He just came here. </i>Ragatha scolded the rabbit who shrugged in reply as he finished his coffee crushing the cup and dropping it on the ground with a smile.\n\n \tThe ribbon person walked up with a smile on his comedic mask then extended his ribbon hand which then made him trip and break his mask revealing a second sadder mask.\n\n\t<i>Ah man. My comedy mask... not again. </i>The sad mask said with small tears falling down his face.\n\n\tJeane leaned down and picked it up and when he did he felt an urge to press it together.\n\n \tThe mask glitched out for a second then became a comedy mask again. Jeane handed it back to the the ribbon man.\n\n\t<i>Here you go. </i>Jeane handed it to the creature and it put it back on immediately returning to a happy smile.\n\n\t<i>Thanks pal. Names gangle and we've been waiting a long time for you pal. </i>Gangle said with his smile mask on shaking jeanes hand vigorously.\n\n\t<i>What is here... can all of you tell me.</i>\n\n<i>\tIts a circus. </i>Gangle replied.\n\n\t<i>Its a family </i>ragatha said\n\n\t<i>its hell and your the latest sinner. </i>Jax replied with smirk getting a slap by ragatha\n\n\t<i>its a ant farm! </i>Kinger exclaimed from behind jeane with a smile.\n\n\t<i>I like kingers explanation better... for the first time. </i>Jax snickered to himself.\n\n\t<i>Its all those things and more! </i>Caine exclaimed levitating over jeanes head. <i>But most of all its your new home away from home... welcome home jeane. Your gonna love it here.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i><i>But mr. Caine what if I wanna go back to the real world. </i>Jeane raised his finger and caine immediately snapped forward face to face with jeane with a toothy smile and blinky eyes.\n\n\t<i>No can do kiddo there is no way out of here... your stuck here for eternity and beyond... unless you wanna try your luck in the void.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>The other characters shivered at the thought of that.\n\n\t<i>The void?</i>\n\n<i>\tYes siree. The void where no one has ever come back from and if your banished their you will surly perish from the abstracts.</i>\n\n<i>\tWhat are they.</i>\n\n<i>\tMonsters. </i>Gangled replied showing his sad mask.\n\n\t<i>Victims. </i>Ragatha said looking down sad.\n\n\t<i>Friendly pals you should totally talk to. </i>Jax snapped his fingers at jeane with a con mans smile.\n\n\t<i>Giant Ants. </i>Kinger replied shaking his head.\n\n\t<i>So you don't want to be anywhere near them unless you want to be deleted. </i>Caine replied. <i>Like </i><i>koufmo</i><i> the clown.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>All the others turned their head from caine. Ragatha most of all looked sad.\n\n\t<i>Jeane, I need you to be a good boy now... your gonna stay here... because we need you.</i>\n\n<i>\tWhy! Whats so special about me.</i>\n\n<i>\tAbsolutely nothing thats why we need you. We need an everyman for the show to be a success. Every story needs an hero from average beginnings who will rise up and face the odds and become the hero we all need. </i>Caine said in a heightened tone.\n\n\t<i>Isnt it because pomni needed a... </i>jax started but ragatha placed her hands over his mouth.\n\n\t<i>Now now jax, no spoiling the surprise. </i>Caine wagged his finger then looked down at jeane with smile. <i>Speak of the devil. Here she comes with zoble.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Everyone turned their attention to east where a hallway flanked on both sides by doors. Walking down the hallway with a click of shows came a mishmash of shapes carrying a scroll. As soon as she reached the end of the hallway everyone bowed down including caine.\n\n \tJeane stood dumbfounded.\n\n\t<i>Alright everyone coffee break is over. Today we have a lot of data mining to do. Remember to get some rest tonight because tommorrow pomni will annouce next weeks challenge. Remember if you mess up in rehearsal there will be punishments. Also has the new arrival appeared yet.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Caine raised his hand then pointed at jeane. <i>He's right there zoble. </i> \n\n\tZoble rolled her googly eye then pointed at jeane. <i>Your to come with me to your room. Now.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Jeane froze as the others looked at him sad.\n\n\t<i>Go on, she'll be angry if you make her wait. </i>Ragatha insisted.\n\n\t<i>Do it anyway. </i>Jax snickered\n\n<i>\t</i>the boy walk off the stage then made his way to zoble.\n\n\t<i>Hello my name is jeane and you must be zobel.</i>\n\n<i>\tJeane, let me make this clear. I don't care as long as you do as your told. Because if you don't we are all gonna be punished. </i>Zobel replied with raising her hand to jeanes face.\n\n \tThe boy looked down the hall and saw that the doors had the faces of the characters jeane met on the face. The boy followed zobel down looking for his door.\n\n \tThey eventually stopped at the end of the hallway with a door that looked like jeanes face but the hat had blue and red colors rather then white and black. The boy gulped.\n\n\t<i>They got my hat wrong. </i>He chuckled.\n\n\t<i>This isnt just your room. </i>Zobel retorted. <i>Be nice, be polite, and do as she tells you or else.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Jeane shook as Zobel knocked five times on the door and they waited in silence.\n\n \tThe door slowly opened to reveal a clown that looked just like jeane but her color scheme was red and blue and her face had more feminite features. The boy shook in fear under gaze and the normally frowning clown smiled in a way that shook jeanes spine. He took a step back and felt a hand against his back.\n\n\t<i>Go on... don't make me push you in. </i>Zobel growled keeping jeane from backing away.\n\n\tThe blue and red clown girl smiled at jeane then looked at zobel. <i>Now don't be rude zobel. Our little friend here is shocked and doesn't fully understand his place yet. Come on in jeane, ill explain everything.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Jeane looked up at zobel who glared at him with a frown.\n\n \tThe boy followed behind the clown girl and the door instantly closed.\n\n \tThe boy looked around and noticed this room was extravagent with white marble walls and gold lined pillars. Pictures of the clown woman staring down in authoritarian looks. Marble statues of her holding a baby bundle and a little boy that looked scrawny and scared holding her leg.\n\n\t<i>Do you like them. I can pretty much get everything I want. So if you need anything don't be afraid to ask. </i>The clown girl said walking up some stairs while jeane followed.\n\n\t<i>Can I go home. </i>Jeane piped up.\n\n \tThe clown stopped then turned to him a dark look on her face and a frown which bore into his soul. The clown girl then instantly smiled.\n\n\t<i>Sweetie your already home. I cant send you back to the real world even if I wanted to. Now, hows about something to eat. </i>The clown girl reached out her hand. <i>Go on jeane, take it... take my hand.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>The boy gulped and did so. They instantly teleported to a dinner table with a spread of good foods including chicken, ham, pancakes, bacon, muffins, and more.\n\n \tJeane leaned down and grabbed a muffin then took a bite and the taste of blueberry entered his tongue. The boy smiled as it reminded him of a kiss on his forehead from someone he loved.\n\n\t<i>I love you jeane. </i>A female voice said in his mind.\n\n \tThe boy felt warmth enter his body then a hand lapped over his.\n\n\t<i>How was it... do you like it. I made them myself. </i>The clown girl said taking jeanes hand in her hand and kissing it.\n\n\t<i>What are you doing to my son! </i>The same woman voice screamed and jeane grabbed his hand.\n\n \tThe sound of crying echoed in his head and sirens blaring.\n\n\t<i>Stop her, she has my son. </i>The woman voice entered my head.\n\n\t<i>You will be mine... forever. </i>Another younger female voice entered and jeane looked up at her and saw a glitched scribble appear flashing a word reading its her\n\n\t<i>Who are you. </i>Jeane asked his vision returning to normal.\n\n\t<i>Im pomni... im your new mommy... you are gonna love it here. She</i> replied smiling creepily.\n\n\tJeane leapt up from the table moving away from her. <i>No way! Your crazy!</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Pomni frowned as she got up and took a couple steps toward jeane<i>. </i><i>Now jeane, you don't mean that... im not crazy... its me... pomni... I love you.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Jeane turned and ran from the crazed clown out into a hallway full of pictures of him in various positions. Bathing with pomni, being kissed by her, and even sleeping with her. The boy ran down the hall which seemed to go on forever.\n\n\tThe boy tripped over something only to see pomni leaning agains the wall to a room opening. She looked down at him creepily.\n\n\t<i>Going somewhere... jeane.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Pomni then grabbed jeane by the leg lifting him over her shoulder. She then walked back into the dinner room and placed him over her knee and began spanking him hard.\n\n\tJeane let out cries of pain and tried to get her off him.\n\n\t<i>Now why did you make me do this. I was gonna love you and treat you like a prince. Now I have to punish you like a brat. I don't want to do this... you made me do this.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Jeane could feel the pain on his rear as he cried out. <i>Please stop.</i>\n\n<i>\tApologize.</i>\n\n<i>\tLet me go, please let me go.</i>\n\n<i>\tApologize.</i>\n\n<i>\tI don't want to live here.</i>\n\n<i>\tApologize!</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Each hit made jeanes butt feel sore. Pomni then summoned a thorny rod. <i>Anything you want to say jeane.</i>\n\n<i>\tI Want my mommy. </i>Jeane cried out letting himself sob uncontrollable as pomnis eyes softened. She looked at the implement she summoned then threw it aside and flipped jeane holding him in her arms and rocking him.\n\n\t<i>Mommys sorry jeane. She went too far. But now you know better then to fight her love. </i>Pomni then summoned a bottle of milk which she simulated to be like it came from her breast. She then pressed the button to jeanes lips and he suckled softly. Crying between each sip.\n\n\t<i>There there, its over, its all over now. Mommy will never hurt you again... because your gonna listen to mommy now, arent ya.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Jeane finished the milk and nodded his head.\n\n\t<i>Good. Now lets finish our meal then I will tuck you into our bed and sing you a lullaby while we cuddle.</i>", "\n\n\n\tAn empty courtroom brightly light from the sun outside the court window.\n\n\tThe tapping of the court stenographers type writer echoed throughout the room.\n\n\tJeane found himself next to a tall feminine figure formed out of shadow whose arm was wrapped over him bringing him close to her. Jeane turned his head and saw another shadowy figure next to a shadowy figure with a briefcase.\n\n\tThe banging of a gavel caught everyones attention and all they saw was an empty judges stand.\n\n\t<i>I have reached my verdict. I find the defend guilty of all charges. Take her away.</i>\n\n<i>\tNo, he's mine! My precious baby. You wont keep me away from him... no matter where he goes I will be there. </i>The shadowy figure cried out as they vanished.\n\n\tJeane felt the figure beside him tighten their grip and then kiss his forehead.\n\n\t<i>Its over now, sweetie... she wont hurt you again. </i>The figure said in a calming voice.\n\n\t<i>Click</i>\n\n<i>\tBang!</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Jeane awoke with a scream he looked around and noticed he was in complete darkness and was naked. He looked down at his black and white skin then heard a groaning.\n\n\tThe boy froze in terror as he saw the white skinned clown woman whom abducted him and called her his mommy rubbed the sleep from her eye.\n\n\t<i>Jeane, baby, are you okay... did you have a bad dream. </i>She asked nicely getting up revealing her naked body.\n\n\tJeane nodded his head remembering what she did to him the last time he misbehaved.\n\n\t<i>Dah, my poor baby... come here. </i>She cooed placing arms around him and slowly moved him to bed before lightly kissing his neck.\n\n\tShe then rubbed his back while humming. Jeane would be lying if he said he didn't like it and he felt himself grow tired.\n\n\tThe boy fell asleep in her arms.\n\n\t<i>Thats it, your never gonna have to be scared as long as im here. Mommy loves you my precious little prince. </i>Pomni kissed his forehead. <i>Tommorrow I have so much fun stuff planned.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Jeane fell asleep in her arms and his eyes closed as the humming stopped.\n\n\tJeane awoke in the morning with pomni rubbing his back slowly. She smiled and kissed his lips.\n\n\t<i>Mommy couldn't resist watching you sleep. </i>She then began scratcching his back. <i>Do you like it when mommy gives you special attention.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i><i>Yes mommy. </i>Jeane choked out trying not to moan as pomnis fingers scritched the right spots. He decided to hide his face into her shoulders.\n\n\t<i>Oh your being so good today. Im glad that nasty business of punishment is behind us. </i>Pomni cooed rubbing his back as jeane moaned into her shoulder.\n\n\t<i>Alright jeane its food time... we need you to keep your strength up for mommy. </i>Pomni lifted jeane up and held him close her chest. She then conjured a bottle full of her milk. <i>Open wide, here comes the air plane.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Pomni then began to make the airplane noises and swerving the bottle in the air towards jeanes mouth.\n\n\tThe boy wanted to resist but his but was still sore from yesterday and didn't want her to hit him again. He opened his mouth and let the bottle go in.\n\n\tHe drank the milk and felt his body warm as he remembered being comforted when he was sad and he tasted the milk.\n\n\t<i>Thats it, drink it all up... mamas milk is for you and you alone... my precious little prince. </i>She cooed as jeane finished the milk.\n\n\tPomni then flung jeane over her shoulder and began burping him.\n\n\tThe boy belched and pomni giggled as she took him to the dinner table.\n\n\tThe spread was still good with pancakes, bacon, eggs, biscuits, orange juice, and a new bottle of blueberry syrup. Jeanes favorite.\n\n\tThe boy was set down by pomni who rubbed his head then clicked her finger.\n\n\tThe food then digitized into a perfect plate for jeane filled with all that the table had to offer complete with pancakes buried in syrup.\n\n\tThe boy smiles and began eating vigorously. He hadnt eaten much yesterday due to his distresss.\n\n\t<i>Your a hungry boy arent you. Well mommy will make sure you have plenty to eat. </i>Pomni smiled not eating the food.\n\n\t<i>Thank you... mommy. </i>Jeane replied swallowing a mouthful.\n\n\tPomni smirked with a smile at that. <i>So jeane, today we have a lot of fun stuff planned. We can go to the fairgrounds and ride some rides. Then ill let you watch the rehearsal for next weeks challenge.</i>\n\n<i>\tWhat are the challenges. </i>Jeane had so many questions about this new world he was stuck in. If he was gonna go back to the real world he would need to gather info.\n\n\t<i>Well sweetie... mommys world is maintained by a big company. That company needs cash to come in so the world will persist so she does challenges which people pay money to see. </i>Pomni explained.\n\n\t<i>So people are watching us? </i>Jeane asked nervous.\n\n\t<i>Technically yes but they will only see us on the weekly show. Don't worry sweetie the only one who will see your private moments are me and you... the only people who should. Not like the rest of the workers. </i>Pomni then took a bite out of pancake then noticed jeane had stopped eating looking sad.\n\n\t<i>Sweetie, whats wrong. </i> \n\n\t<i>I Miss the real world... </i>jeane replied he had thought about his old life and wandered if anyone missed him. He imagined the woman in his mind would never see him again and this made him cry.\n\n\t<i>No no, sweetie. Don't cry. You don't need the outside world. Anything you want is yours all you need to do is ask.</i>\n\n<i>\tI want a friend. </i>Jeane replied.\n\n\tPomni was dumbfounded then brightened her idea. <i>You want a friend. Its yours.</i> <i>Caine!</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Pomnis voice echoed out in a thunderous roar.\n\n\tThe ringmaster outfitted chittering teeth with eyeballs man teleported in. <i>Yes boss. What can your most loyal and beloved servant do for you.</i>\n\n<i>\tJeane needs a friend... find someone amongst the cast who can suffice. Try to pick kinger or jax... I don't want my little man led astray by those vulgar women.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Jeane blushed at that.\n\n\t<i>You got it maam. Ill take jeane onto my daily duties and let him meet each of the cast members... that way he can pick.</i>\n\n<i>\tAlright while your doing that... ill be right behind you making sure jeane makes the right choice.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Caine looked nervous and turned his eyes backyards.\t\n\n\t<i>Whats the matter caine.</i>\n\n<i>\tYou have several meetings today. HQ needs reports on the revenue and the budget for the new character. </i>Caine replied pointing to jeane.\n\n\tPomni instantly teleported next to jeane and grabbed him pulling him to her chest.\n\n\t<i>Jeane is not a character. I made it clear to those paper pushers that when I brought him here he would be taking an leadership role and not be among the plebians.</i>\n\n<i>\tYes maam but they still wanna talk with you today... your... ahem... father is amongst them. </i>Caine kept shaking as pomnis eyes glared at him and then she huffed.\n\n\t<i>Jeane baby, mommys gonna be busy today... she needs you to be brave and a good boy... you can have one friend but try to pick a boy... all women are liars and just want to take you away from me... and I wont let that happen again.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Pomni had an intensity in her eyes when she talked like that and jeanes mind flashed back to a memory.\n\n\tJeane eyes closed as he fell back onto the floor.\n\n\tJeane awoke on a bed with black and white sheets and coloring. The boy looked around and noticed a lot of circus memorabilia around his room... what he presumed was his room.\n\n\tThe boy saw a tv playing a show called Lokos the clown circus psychosis. The boy watched the clown dressed in a ringmaster outfit similar to caine with a purple harlequin hat on top sing to the kids in the audience.\n\n\t<i>Sweetie... babysitters here. You ready for the circus.</i> A sweet voice from behidn jeanes door. The boy unconsciously leapt from his seat and ran. The boy noticed he was smaller as his head barely touched the top of the bed when he stood up.\n\n\tThe boy opened the door and saw a lavish house with an open area and a water fountain in the middle. The boy ran to the living room where a tall shadowy figure laughed.\n\n\t<i>Eager to go then... well she is here... be a good boy and I gave her money for you to eat lunch on... no toys and no cotton candy. It will spoil your door. If your good I gave her permission to take you to ice cream</i><i>, one scoop and no sprinkles... pinkie promise</i><i>.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>The boy looked up and smiled at the shadowy who made him happy when she spoke. The boy felt himself answer but his voice was blocked out by tv Static.\n\n\t<i>Good boy... </i> \n\n\tAnother figure showed up from down the hall. The figure was feminine but way shorter then the other and was only barely taller then jeane. She had a harlequin shaped head and a crooked smile which filled jeane with terror.\n\n\t<i>Come on little guy, were going to have such fun. </i>She said and jeane saw the words exit her mouth like steam which then formed the words. <i>Don't trust her lies.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Before the boy could answer the image bleed out like water color paint soaked and returned to a vision of jeane in the car in front of a huge circus tent with words. Loko and his merry band of madmen present circus psychosis shock therapy tour. The image showed the clown with shock sensors all over his body and a shock emitting from them showing his skeleton.\n\n\t<i>Who this place Is creepy. Im a little scared. Will you be my brave knight and protect me. </i>The shadowy figure asked her grin lined with sharp teeth. A smoke bubble over her head read say no.\n\n\tJeane didn't her her reply as the image distorted again to the pair in front row watching the clowns do weird acts. Jeane felt and arm wrap around him and pull him close.\n\n\t<i>Jeane I really like hanging out with you. You just get me. My daddy is such a jerk. He says that I have to go to college when I graduate in order to help run his stupid company. Id rather stay with you... maybe you can runaway with me.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Jeane felt her hand reach inside his shirt and rub his chest.\n\n\t<i>Your growing into a big man arent you. I feel a chest hair. Wont be too long before the girls start throwing themselves at you like wild animals. Wont you hold out for your beloved babysitter.</i> Jeane could feel her hand reaching down toward his pants.\n\n\t<i>Tell me jeane have you ever seen a girls breast before. </i>Her voice held dark malice as the image distorted to the abandoned bathroom of the stadium and jeane could see the shadowy figures breasts with perky nipples.\n\n\t<i>I don't think we should be doing this. </i>Jeanes voice replied for once being able to be heard.\n\n\t<i>Why not. </i>The girl asked.\n\n\t<i>Its naughty.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Jeane could hear her laugh.\n\n\t<i>I like naughty. Here touch them. </i>Jeane could feel her grab his hands and press them to her breast. <i>Now knead them like the cookie mix we made last week.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Jeane subconsciously did so and the shadowy figure moaned in pleasure as he did so.\n\n\t<i>I Love you jeane. Your my special little guy and I cant wait until your birthday next week. I have a special surprise for you.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Jeanes mind flashed to the carride where he was eating cotton candy.\n\n\t<i>Now jeane don't tell your mother I bought you cotton candy and hide that toy spinner inside your jacket. When we get home you cant tell her about our special play time either... or she will take you away from me and ill never see you again. You don't want that do you.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Jeane shook his head and felt a pair of lips on his.\n\n\t<i>Your my perfect little prince. When were both adults I want you to be my husband.</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>Jeanes mind raced back to the room with the typewriter in the middle which clicked to live.\n\n\t<i>Mama, im scared. </i>He could hear his child voice say.\n\n\t<i>Jeane, sweetie... go to sleep. No one is gonna hurt you while im here. </i> \n\n\t<i>Crash! </i>A sound from downstairs echoed as the sound of steps rushing up the stairs.\n\n\t<i>Jeane come her right now!</i>\n\n<i>\t</i>The image distorted as each of the step grew closer.\n\n\t<i>No you cant do this... no... my baby... you cant take my son. </i>The woman cried as the image was black. \n\n\tThe boy awoke in the arms of someone he groaned as his eyes meet caines.\n\n\t<i>Oh good, I thought I lost you there. Pomni would not take that kindly. </i>Caine spoke in his same excited voice then picked jeane up.\n\n\t<i>Well no time to dwaddle weve got an exciting day ahead of us and a new friend just for you.</i>\n\n<i>\tWhere is pomni?</i>\n\n<i>\tIn meetings youll see her tonight for dinner. She also told me that if your scared you can have these. </i>Caine revealed a pair of blue panties with a red stripe down the middle.\n\n\t<i>What are those.</i>\n\n<i>\tPomnis underwear, she said that her fragrance would remind her of how much she loves you. </i>Caine then placed them in jeanes shirt pocket. The boy cringed as caine grabbed his hand and teleported him away." ]
Title: The child and the clown Description: pomni not only remembered her life before the circus she despised it. the only light in her horrid life was a little man who made her happy. even though he was the child of another she knew he was meant to be hers and so she enacted her plan... join us as jeane tries to rediscover his past while evading the possessive advances his new mother figure pomni Tags: ['abuse', 'caine', 'forcedlove', 'gangle', 'jax', 'kinger', 'lemon', 'mystery', 'no', 'pomni', 'pomnimommy', 'possessivepomni', 'ragatha', 'yandere']
# Arrival in terror A dark room illuminated by a computer screen. The clicking of a keyboard echoed rapidly. <i>Mama </i>a small voice chirped. The clicking intensified. <i>Mama im scared </i>the little voice a boys voice whined The clicking stopped. <i>Bang!</i> <i> </i>A scream echoed as a clown boy eyes opened. He was surrounded by a virbant circus like tent walls and he breathed heavily. <i>Where am I? </i>The boy clown asked checking his surroundings. <i>Hello. </i>The boys voice echoed throughout the tent. The boy picked himself up and saw he wore white pantaloons with white stripes on the legs. He did a double take as he noticed his shirt was a similar pattern but also like a harlequins outfit. He began freaking out biting his nails as he took a step back then ran face first into a mirror. The boy looked at himself his face was pale white with white and black eyes and a harlequin hat of black and white. He backed away again as he saw that he was a four foot even scrawny clown. The clown cried out and ran in a random direction. <i>Whats going on. Why is this happening to me. </i>His mind ran circles in his head as he dashed down the hall of the big circus. He couldn't remember his name, how he got here... why is this happening. The boy kept running into he slammed face first into someone. The boy fell backwards and looked up in fear. The man had his back turned him and checked his pocket watch. Jeane couldn't see his head but noticed his outfit was like a ring master. <i>Excuse me. Sir... where am I.</i> <i> Where are you? </i>His voice was low. <i>Ill tell you exactly where you are </i><i>jeane</i><i>...</i> <i> </i>the twirled and turned and jeane saw his head was like a novelty set of clacking teeth with a pair of eyes ball in the mouth as the mans voice turned higher and he cheered. <i>Your in the amazing digital circus and welcome to being the latest addition. Jeane. </i>The man said the last word like he left a bad taste in his mouth. <i>Im caine, the ring master of the circus and you have been chosen for a very special role in our circus.</i> <i> Digital... circus.</i> <i> Exactly you got it... now my young friend. How do you feel about cuddles... asking for a friend. </i>Caine asked his eyeballs glaring into jeanes soul. <i>I don't know. </i>Jeane replied confused <i>excellent! Im gonna mark you as inexperienced but eager to learn. Next question do you kiss on the first date because I do. </i>Caine then clacked his teeth in glee. <i> </i><i>No... ive never been on a date. Have I? </i>Jeane couldn't think of anyone he had dated. <i>Great! Now final question. Are you attracted to girls.</i> <i> </i>Jeane took a step back from caine who took a step toward him then wrapped his arm around him. <i>Are you a girl.</i> <i> Unclear... but ill take your rude inquiry into my gender as an romantic advance and I must sadly reject as I am neither attracted to you and even if I was I love my eye balls where they are thank you very much.</i> <i> What are you talking about. </i>Jeane then realized that caine had lifted him from the ground and before he could ask another question the pair surged forward to a room that had a stage in the center and jeane saw four figures on stage two sitting on a lounge chair drinking from a paper cut with smoke emitting from the top. These two looked like a person made of streamer ribbons and a purple cartoon humanlike rabbit. The rabbit looked dissatisfied while the streamer ribbons guy had a smile on his face which was an opera comedy mask. Across from them standing near a long table with paper cups stacked near a coffee machine a rag doll looking woman and a king chess piece with floating arms and legs were chatting. <i>Attention everyone. Our new arrival has arrived. </i>Caine proclaim in his typical carnival barker tone. As he showed jeane. <i>He doesn't look like much. </i>The rabbit said taking a sip of coffee and looked dissatisfied by the taste. <i>God this is awful.</i> <i> Well you shouldn't have insulted her like you did. </i>The rag doll retorted then looking at jeane with a said look on his face. <i>I like him. He looks funny. </i>The ribbon man said with a smile on his face. The king piece shook nervously. <i>Did somebody say something about ant farms.</i> <i> </i>The three other denezins shook their heads and face palmed. <i>Anyway caine cant you freshen up the ole tastebuds for a pal. </i>The rabbit asked shaking the coffee cup lightly with a smile on his face. <i>No can do jax old friend. The boss says you are banned from your taste privileges until after the next adventure and cant go against her. </i>Caine replied cheerful. The rabbit jax rolled his eyes then sipped at his coffee wincing away from the cup. He shouted something but a bunch of symbols showed over his mouth and a silly sound came out. <i>You know better jax. No profanity. </i>Caine wagged his finger. Jeane saw all eyes on him as the four looked at him in fear and even jax flinched under his gaze. <i>Now don't be shy. Introduce yourselfs. But keep your hands where I can see them. You know how the boss gets. </i>Caine instructed. Instantly teleporting jeane to the top of the stage. The boy quivered in fear as he looked around. The boy noticed the rag doll had a sad look on her face and decided to talk with her. <i>Hello my name is jeane... apparently. </i>The boy introduced and extended his hand. The ragdoll placed her hand on his and jeane realized he couldn't feel anything from the touch. It took him a second to wrap his fingers around her hand fumbling. <i>Im ragatha. Its nice to meet ya. I like your hat. </i>She replied hesitantly but with genuine care. The boy smiled. <i>Thank you, I like your hair.</i> <i> </i>Ragatha eased her posture and realized jeanes hand. <i>Thanks. Its all natural.</i> <i> </i>Jeane chuckled at that half nervous half amused. The clown boy then looked at the king piece. <i>Its a pleasure to meet you mr...</i> <i> ant farms! </i>The king piece exclaimed fleeing from him. <i>Don't mind kinger... hes nervous around newbies... and anyone for that matter.</i> <i> Hes a kooky king. But anyway what can you do newbie. </i>Jax the rabbit asked cockily. The boy turned to him and was about to answer when caine moved forward placing his finger in front of jeanes mouth shaking his head. <i>Jax, you don't need to interrogate the poor kid. He just came here. </i>Ragatha scolded the rabbit who shrugged in reply as he finished his coffee crushing the cup and dropping it on the ground with a smile. The ribbon person walked up with a smile on his comedic mask then extended his ribbon hand which then made him trip and break his mask revealing a second sadder mask. <i>Ah man. My comedy mask... not again. </i>The sad mask said with small tears falling down his face. Jeane leaned down and picked it up and when he did he felt an urge to press it together. The mask glitched out for a second then became a comedy mask again. Jeane handed it back to the the ribbon man. <i>Here you go. </i>Jeane handed it to the creature and it put it back on immediately returning to a happy smile. <i>Thanks pal. Names gangle and we've been waiting a long time for you pal. </i>Gangle said with his smile mask on shaking jeanes hand vigorously. <i>What is here... can all of you tell me.</i> <i> Its a circus. </i>Gangle replied. <i>Its a family </i>ragatha said <i>its hell and your the latest sinner. </i>Jax replied with smirk getting a slap by ragatha <i>its a ant farm! </i>Kinger exclaimed from behind jeane with a smile. <i>I like kingers explanation better... for the first time. </i>Jax snickered to himself. <i>Its all those things and more! </i>Caine exclaimed levitating over jeanes head. <i>But most of all its your new home away from home... welcome home jeane. Your gonna love it here.</i> <i> </i><i>But mr. Caine what if I wanna go back to the real world. </i>Jeane raised his finger and caine immediately snapped forward face to face with jeane with a toothy smile and blinky eyes. <i>No can do kiddo there is no way out of here... your stuck here for eternity and beyond... unless you wanna try your luck in the void.</i> <i> </i>The other characters shivered at the thought of that. <i>The void?</i> <i> Yes siree. The void where no one has ever come back from and if your banished their you will surly perish from the abstracts.</i> <i> What are they.</i> <i> Monsters. </i>Gangled replied showing his sad mask. <i>Victims. </i>Ragatha said looking down sad. <i>Friendly pals you should totally talk to. </i>Jax snapped his fingers at jeane with a con mans smile. <i>Giant Ants. </i>Kinger replied shaking his head. <i>So you don't want to be anywhere near them unless you want to be deleted. </i>Caine replied. <i>Like </i><i>koufmo</i><i> the clown.</i> <i> </i>All the others turned their head from caine. Ragatha most of all looked sad. <i>Jeane, I need you to be a good boy now... your gonna stay here... because we need you.</i> <i> Why! Whats so special about me.</i> <i> Absolutely nothing thats why we need you. We need an everyman for the show to be a success. Every story needs an hero from average beginnings who will rise up and face the odds and become the hero we all need. </i>Caine said in a heightened tone. <i>Isnt it because pomni needed a... </i>jax started but ragatha placed her hands over his mouth. <i>Now now jax, no spoiling the surprise. </i>Caine wagged his finger then looked down at jeane with smile. <i>Speak of the devil. Here she comes with zoble.</i> <i> </i>Everyone turned their attention to east where a hallway flanked on both sides by doors. Walking down the hallway with a click of shows came a mishmash of shapes carrying a scroll. As soon as she reached the end of the hallway everyone bowed down including caine. Jeane stood dumbfounded. <i>Alright everyone coffee break is over. Today we have a lot of data mining to do. Remember to get some rest tonight because tommorrow pomni will annouce next weeks challenge. Remember if you mess up in rehearsal there will be punishments. Also has the new arrival appeared yet.</i> <i> </i>Caine raised his hand then pointed at jeane. <i>He's right there zoble. </i> Zoble rolled her googly eye then pointed at jeane. <i>Your to come with me to your room. Now.</i> <i> </i>Jeane froze as the others looked at him sad. <i>Go on, she'll be angry if you make her wait. </i>Ragatha insisted. <i>Do it anyway. </i>Jax snickered <i> </i>the boy walk off the stage then made his way to zoble. <i>Hello my name is jeane and you must be zobel.</i> <i> Jeane, let me make this clear. I don't care as long as you do as your told. Because if you don't we are all gonna be punished. </i>Zobel replied with raising her hand to jeanes face. The boy looked down the hall and saw that the doors had the faces of the characters jeane met on the face. The boy followed zobel down looking for his door. They eventually stopped at the end of the hallway with a door that looked like jeanes face but the hat had blue and red colors rather then white and black. The boy gulped. <i>They got my hat wrong. </i>He chuckled. <i>This isnt just your room. </i>Zobel retorted. <i>Be nice, be polite, and do as she tells you or else.</i> <i> </i>Jeane shook as Zobel knocked five times on the door and they waited in silence. The door slowly opened to reveal a clown that looked just like jeane but her color scheme was red and blue and her face had more feminite features. The boy shook in fear under gaze and the normally frowning clown smiled in a way that shook jeanes spine. He took a step back and felt a hand against his back. <i>Go on... don't make me push you in. </i>Zobel growled keeping jeane from backing away. The blue and red clown girl smiled at jeane then looked at zobel. <i>Now don't be rude zobel. Our little friend here is shocked and doesn't fully understand his place yet. Come on in jeane, ill explain everything.</i> <i> </i>Jeane looked up at zobel who glared at him with a frown. The boy followed behind the clown girl and the door instantly closed. The boy looked around and noticed this room was extravagent with white marble walls and gold lined pillars. Pictures of the clown woman staring down in authoritarian looks. Marble statues of her holding a baby bundle and a little boy that looked scrawny and scared holding her leg. <i>Do you like them. I can pretty much get everything I want. So if you need anything don't be afraid to ask. </i>The clown girl said walking up some stairs while jeane followed. <i>Can I go home. </i>Jeane piped up. The clown stopped then turned to him a dark look on her face and a frown which bore into his soul. The clown girl then instantly smiled. <i>Sweetie your already home. I cant send you back to the real world even if I wanted to. Now, hows about something to eat. </i>The clown girl reached out her hand. <i>Go on jeane, take it... take my hand.</i> <i> </i>The boy gulped and did so. They instantly teleported to a dinner table with a spread of good foods including chicken, ham, pancakes, bacon, muffins, and more. Jeane leaned down and grabbed a muffin then took a bite and the taste of blueberry entered his tongue. The boy smiled as it reminded him of a kiss on his forehead from someone he loved. <i>I love you jeane. </i>A female voice said in his mind. The boy felt warmth enter his body then a hand lapped over his. <i>How was it... do you like it. I made them myself. </i>The clown girl said taking jeanes hand in her hand and kissing it. <i>What are you doing to my son! </i>The same woman voice screamed and jeane grabbed his hand. The sound of crying echoed in his head and sirens blaring. <i>Stop her, she has my son. </i>The woman voice entered my head. <i>You will be mine... forever. </i>Another younger female voice entered and jeane looked up at her and saw a glitched scribble appear flashing a word reading its her <i>Who are you. </i>Jeane asked his vision returning to normal. <i>Im pomni... im your new mommy... you are gonna love it here. She</i> replied smiling creepily. Jeane leapt up from the table moving away from her. <i>No way! Your crazy!</i> <i> </i>Pomni frowned as she got up and took a couple steps toward jeane<i>. </i><i>Now jeane, you don't mean that... im not crazy... its me... pomni... I love you.</i> <i> </i>Jeane turned and ran from the crazed clown out into a hallway full of pictures of him in various positions. Bathing with pomni, being kissed by her, and even sleeping with her. The boy ran down the hall which seemed to go on forever. The boy tripped over something only to see pomni leaning agains the wall to a room opening. She looked down at him creepily. <i>Going somewhere... jeane.</i> <i> </i>Pomni then grabbed jeane by the leg lifting him over her shoulder. She then walked back into the dinner room and placed him over her knee and began spanking him hard. Jeane let out cries of pain and tried to get her off him. <i>Now why did you make me do this. I was gonna love you and treat you like a prince. Now I have to punish you like a brat. I don't want to do this... you made me do this.</i> <i> </i>Jeane could feel the pain on his rear as he cried out. <i>Please stop.</i> <i> Apologize.</i> <i> Let me go, please let me go.</i> <i> Apologize.</i> <i> I don't want to live here.</i> <i> Apologize!</i> <i> </i>Each hit made jeanes butt feel sore. Pomni then summoned a thorny rod. <i>Anything you want to say jeane.</i> <i> I Want my mommy. </i>Jeane cried out letting himself sob uncontrollable as pomnis eyes softened. She looked at the implement she summoned then threw it aside and flipped jeane holding him in her arms and rocking him. <i>Mommys sorry jeane. She went too far. But now you know better then to fight her love. </i>Pomni then summoned a bottle of milk which she simulated to be like it came from her breast. She then pressed the button to jeanes lips and he suckled softly. Crying between each sip. <i>There there, its over, its all over now. Mommy will never hurt you again... because your gonna listen to mommy now, arent ya.</i> <i> </i>Jeane finished the milk and nodded his head. <i>Good. Now lets finish our meal then I will tuck you into our bed and sing you a lullaby while we cuddle.</i> # Cirque de Psychosis An empty courtroom brightly light from the sun outside the court window. The tapping of the court stenographers type writer echoed throughout the room. Jeane found himself next to a tall feminine figure formed out of shadow whose arm was wrapped over him bringing him close to her. Jeane turned his head and saw another shadowy figure next to a shadowy figure with a briefcase. The banging of a gavel caught everyones attention and all they saw was an empty judges stand. <i>I have reached my verdict. I find the defend guilty of all charges. Take her away.</i> <i> No, he's mine! My precious baby. You wont keep me away from him... no matter where he goes I will be there. </i>The shadowy figure cried out as they vanished. Jeane felt the figure beside him tighten their grip and then kiss his forehead. <i>Its over now, sweetie... she wont hurt you again. </i>The figure said in a calming voice. <i>Click</i> <i> Bang!</i> <i> </i>Jeane awoke with a scream he looked around and noticed he was in complete darkness and was naked. He looked down at his black and white skin then heard a groaning. The boy froze in terror as he saw the white skinned clown woman whom abducted him and called her his mommy rubbed the sleep from her eye. <i>Jeane, baby, are you okay... did you have a bad dream. </i>She asked nicely getting up revealing her naked body. Jeane nodded his head remembering what she did to him the last time he misbehaved. <i>Dah, my poor baby... come here. </i>She cooed placing arms around him and slowly moved him to bed before lightly kissing his neck. She then rubbed his back while humming. Jeane would be lying if he said he didn't like it and he felt himself grow tired. The boy fell asleep in her arms. <i>Thats it, your never gonna have to be scared as long as im here. Mommy loves you my precious little prince. </i>Pomni kissed his forehead. <i>Tommorrow I have so much fun stuff planned.</i> <i> </i>Jeane fell asleep in her arms and his eyes closed as the humming stopped. Jeane awoke in the morning with pomni rubbing his back slowly. She smiled and kissed his lips. <i>Mommy couldn't resist watching you sleep. </i>She then began scratcching his back. <i>Do you like it when mommy gives you special attention.</i> <i> </i><i>Yes mommy. </i>Jeane choked out trying not to moan as pomnis fingers scritched the right spots. He decided to hide his face into her shoulders. <i>Oh your being so good today. Im glad that nasty business of punishment is behind us. </i>Pomni cooed rubbing his back as jeane moaned into her shoulder. <i>Alright jeane its food time... we need you to keep your strength up for mommy. </i>Pomni lifted jeane up and held him close her chest. She then conjured a bottle full of her milk. <i>Open wide, here comes the air plane.</i> <i> </i>Pomni then began to make the airplane noises and swerving the bottle in the air towards jeanes mouth. The boy wanted to resist but his but was still sore from yesterday and didn't want her to hit him again. He opened his mouth and let the bottle go in. He drank the milk and felt his body warm as he remembered being comforted when he was sad and he tasted the milk. <i>Thats it, drink it all up... mamas milk is for you and you alone... my precious little prince. </i>She cooed as jeane finished the milk. Pomni then flung jeane over her shoulder and began burping him. The boy belched and pomni giggled as she took him to the dinner table. The spread was still good with pancakes, bacon, eggs, biscuits, orange juice, and a new bottle of blueberry syrup. Jeanes favorite. The boy was set down by pomni who rubbed his head then clicked her finger. The food then digitized into a perfect plate for jeane filled with all that the table had to offer complete with pancakes buried in syrup. The boy smiles and began eating vigorously. He hadnt eaten much yesterday due to his distresss. <i>Your a hungry boy arent you. Well mommy will make sure you have plenty to eat. </i>Pomni smiled not eating the food. <i>Thank you... mommy. </i>Jeane replied swallowing a mouthful. Pomni smirked with a smile at that. <i>So jeane, today we have a lot of fun stuff planned. We can go to the fairgrounds and ride some rides. Then ill let you watch the rehearsal for next weeks challenge.</i> <i> What are the challenges. </i>Jeane had so many questions about this new world he was stuck in. If he was gonna go back to the real world he would need to gather info. <i>Well sweetie... mommys world is maintained by a big company. That company needs cash to come in so the world will persist so she does challenges which people pay money to see. </i>Pomni explained. <i>So people are watching us? </i>Jeane asked nervous. <i>Technically yes but they will only see us on the weekly show. Don't worry sweetie the only one who will see your private moments are me and you... the only people who should. Not like the rest of the workers. </i>Pomni then took a bite out of pancake then noticed jeane had stopped eating looking sad. <i>Sweetie, whats wrong. </i> <i>I Miss the real world... </i>jeane replied he had thought about his old life and wandered if anyone missed him. He imagined the woman in his mind would never see him again and this made him cry. <i>No no, sweetie. Don't cry. You don't need the outside world. Anything you want is yours all you need to do is ask.</i> <i> I want a friend. </i>Jeane replied. Pomni was dumbfounded then brightened her idea. <i>You want a friend. Its yours.</i> <i>Caine!</i> <i> </i>Pomnis voice echoed out in a thunderous roar. The ringmaster outfitted chittering teeth with eyeballs man teleported in. <i>Yes boss. What can your most loyal and beloved servant do for you.</i> <i> Jeane needs a friend... find someone amongst the cast who can suffice. Try to pick kinger or jax... I don't want my little man led astray by those vulgar women.</i> <i> </i>Jeane blushed at that. <i>You got it maam. Ill take jeane onto my daily duties and let him meet each of the cast members... that way he can pick.</i> <i> Alright while your doing that... ill be right behind you making sure jeane makes the right choice.</i> <i> </i>Caine looked nervous and turned his eyes backyards. <i>Whats the matter caine.</i> <i> You have several meetings today. HQ needs reports on the revenue and the budget for the new character. </i>Caine replied pointing to jeane. Pomni instantly teleported next to jeane and grabbed him pulling him to her chest. <i>Jeane is not a character. I made it clear to those paper pushers that when I brought him here he would be taking an leadership role and not be among the plebians.</i> <i> Yes maam but they still wanna talk with you today... your... ahem... father is amongst them. </i>Caine kept shaking as pomnis eyes glared at him and then she huffed. <i>Jeane baby, mommys gonna be busy today... she needs you to be brave and a good boy... you can have one friend but try to pick a boy... all women are liars and just want to take you away from me... and I wont let that happen again.</i> <i> </i>Pomni had an intensity in her eyes when she talked like that and jeanes mind flashed back to a memory. Jeane eyes closed as he fell back onto the floor. Jeane awoke on a bed with black and white sheets and coloring. The boy looked around and noticed a lot of circus memorabilia around his room... what he presumed was his room. The boy saw a tv playing a show called Lokos the clown circus psychosis. The boy watched the clown dressed in a ringmaster outfit similar to caine with a purple harlequin hat on top sing to the kids in the audience. <i>Sweetie... babysitters here. You ready for the circus.</i> A sweet voice from behidn jeanes door. The boy unconsciously leapt from his seat and ran. The boy noticed he was smaller as his head barely touched the top of the bed when he stood up. The boy opened the door and saw a lavish house with an open area and a water fountain in the middle. The boy ran to the living room where a tall shadowy figure laughed. <i>Eager to go then... well she is here... be a good boy and I gave her money for you to eat lunch on... no toys and no cotton candy. It will spoil your door. If your good I gave her permission to take you to ice cream</i><i>, one scoop and no sprinkles... pinkie promise</i><i>.</i> <i> </i>The boy looked up and smiled at the shadowy who made him happy when she spoke. The boy felt himself answer but his voice was blocked out by tv Static. <i>Good boy... </i> Another figure showed up from down the hall. The figure was feminine but way shorter then the other and was only barely taller then jeane. She had a harlequin shaped head and a crooked smile which filled jeane with terror. <i>Come on little guy, were going to have such fun. </i>She said and jeane saw the words exit her mouth like steam which then formed the words. <i>Don't trust her lies.</i> <i> </i>Before the boy could answer the image bleed out like water color paint soaked and returned to a vision of jeane in the car in front of a huge circus tent with words. Loko and his merry band of madmen present circus psychosis shock therapy tour. The image showed the clown with shock sensors all over his body and a shock emitting from them showing his skeleton. <i>Who this place Is creepy. Im a little scared. Will you be my brave knight and protect me. </i>The shadowy figure asked her grin lined with sharp teeth. A smoke bubble over her head read say no. Jeane didn't her her reply as the image distorted again to the pair in front row watching the clowns do weird acts. Jeane felt and arm wrap around him and pull him close. <i>Jeane I really like hanging out with you. You just get me. My daddy is such a jerk. He says that I have to go to college when I graduate in order to help run his stupid company. Id rather stay with you... maybe you can runaway with me.</i> <i> </i>Jeane felt her hand reach inside his shirt and rub his chest. <i>Your growing into a big man arent you. I feel a chest hair. Wont be too long before the girls start throwing themselves at you like wild animals. Wont you hold out for your beloved babysitter.</i> Jeane could feel her hand reaching down toward his pants. <i>Tell me jeane have you ever seen a girls breast before. </i>Her voice held dark malice as the image distorted to the abandoned bathroom of the stadium and jeane could see the shadowy figures breasts with perky nipples. <i>I don't think we should be doing this. </i>Jeanes voice replied for once being able to be heard. <i>Why not. </i>The girl asked. <i>Its naughty.</i> <i> </i>Jeane could hear her laugh. <i>I like naughty. Here touch them. </i>Jeane could feel her grab his hands and press them to her breast. <i>Now knead them like the cookie mix we made last week.</i> <i> </i>Jeane subconsciously did so and the shadowy figure moaned in pleasure as he did so. <i>I Love you jeane. Your my special little guy and I cant wait until your birthday next week. I have a special surprise for you.</i> <i> </i>Jeanes mind flashed to the carride where he was eating cotton candy. <i>Now jeane don't tell your mother I bought you cotton candy and hide that toy spinner inside your jacket. When we get home you cant tell her about our special play time either... or she will take you away from me and ill never see you again. You don't want that do you.</i> <i> </i>Jeane shook his head and felt a pair of lips on his. <i>Your my perfect little prince. When were both adults I want you to be my husband.</i> <i> </i>Jeanes mind raced back to the room with the typewriter in the middle which clicked to live. <i>Mama, im scared. </i>He could hear his child voice say. <i>Jeane, sweetie... go to sleep. No one is gonna hurt you while im here. </i> <i>Crash! </i>A sound from downstairs echoed as the sound of steps rushing up the stairs. <i>Jeane come her right now!</i> <i> </i>The image distorted as each of the step grew closer. <i>No you cant do this... no... my baby... you cant take my son. </i>The woman cried as the image was black. The boy awoke in the arms of someone he groaned as his eyes meet caines. <i>Oh good, I thought I lost you there. Pomni would not take that kindly. </i>Caine spoke in his same excited voice then picked jeane up. <i>Well no time to dwaddle weve got an exciting day ahead of us and a new friend just for you.</i> <i> Where is pomni?</i> <i> In meetings youll see her tonight for dinner. She also told me that if your scared you can have these. </i>Caine revealed a pair of blue panties with a red stripe down the middle. <i>What are those.</i> <i> Pomnis underwear, she said that her fragrance would remind her of how much she loves you. </i>Caine then placed them in jeanes shirt pocket. The boy cringed as caine grabbed his hand and teleported him away.
Fairy Tail One Shots
Taking requests!
[ "erza", "fairy", "fairytail", "gray", "jellal", "lemon", "lucy", "natsu", "oneshots", "random", "romance", "sting", "tail" ]
[ "Sting x Reader" ]
[ "<b>(Y/N)'s POV:</b>\n\nIt was late at night and I couldn't sleep. All the Fairy Tail guild members were already fast asleep while I was still awake, clearly exhausted. It was currently day 3 of The Grand Magic Games. The only thing I had in mind was Sting. The daring and incredibly gorgeous Light Dragon Slayer of the Sabertooth's guild. The moment I laid my eyes on him, I knew I had fallen in love. But I knew there was no chance of me being with him. We were both in separate guilds, and I don't think he cares less about me. \n\nI sigh as I tuck a piece of my (H/C) coloured hair behind my ear. I think I need a short walk outside to get him out of my mind...\n\n-=+=-\n\nI walk outside with my night robe on, not caring less what I wore and began to walk further. I gazed up at the sky where the stars were shinning bright and the moon sparkling brightly. I couldn't help but put a small smile at the wonderful view of the starry night. The wind outside was cold and a bit windy, but it was fine for me. I like the way the breeze of the wind cools me down since it makes me feel much more better. \n\nAs I was enjoying my peaceful walk, I heard light footsteps behind me. <i>Who could it be this late at night? </i>I turn around and see no other but the great dragon slayer, Sting Eucliffe, himself. He stopped walking as soon as I turned around. My eyes widened a bit. I couldn't believe it was him. \n\nI tried to act casual in front of him. \n\n\"W-What are you doing here?\" I asked, cursing at myself for my shuttering. I probably look pathetic right now in front of him.\n\nTo my surprise, Sting looks at me with a smirk. Like he had just seen a prey in his eyes. \n\n\"I'm taking a walk,\" he replied with a smirk, \"Do you have a problem with that?\"\n\n\"N-No, it's just that I didn't think I would see you here, this late,\" I explained blushing bright red. My insides were churning just by looking at him. He looked better than ever, now that he was close in front of me.\n\n\"Same goes for you,\" he replied, staring at me intensely and eyeing me up and down. I felt like I was gonna collapse any second now.\n\nI didn't reply, but instead, Sting takes a few more steps towards me to get closer. I back away from him.\n\n\"Are you scared of me, (Y/N)?\" He asks getting closer and closer, but I keeping backing away. I could feel my face heating up and getting even more red than it was before.\n\nBefore I knew it, my back was hit against a wall, making me whimper.\n\nSting looks pleased with that action, and walks closer to me. I look down, unable to look at him.\n\nHe puts his hands on either side of the wall, with me in the middle, trapping me completely. He then lowers his head to my height, his hair brushing against my cheek and whispers, \"You can't hide from me now, (Y/N),\" then proceeds to lightly nibble my ear, licking it as well. \n\nI shiver at his touch and whimper a bit, feeling weak. \n\nHe then traces his tongue down from my ear, making a long slick down my neck. I bite my lip from making any embarrassing sounds. Sting seems annoyed, and tilts my head up with his hand, then trailing kisses down my jawline and to my neck. He sucks on my neck hard and bites it, making me moan. I could sense him smirking. \n\nHe then runs his hands on either side of my waist, trailing one hand down my thigh and slowly bringing it up under my soft night robe, where he gropes my ass. I can't control myself, and let out a loud moan before grabbing hold of his biceps, feeling his strong muscles. Sting chuckles before roughly kissing me out of the blue. I'm completely surprised by his action, but kiss him back. He continues to roughly make out with me then takes it a step further and grabs by thighs and bringing me up to his waist. I quickly wrap my legs around his waist and grab a hold of his shoulders during our heated make out session. Sting then slips his tongue in my mouth, catching me completely off guard. I moan in his mouth and grip his hair harshly, as I feel his tongue exploring my mouth. \n\nAfter our heavy make out session, we both run of out air and Sting places me gently on the ground. I lean against the wall as Sting's forehead touches mine, both of us panting. \n\n\"Oh fuck (Y/N)...you're so fun to mess with,\" he says, while panting.\n\nSting doesn't stop there. He roughly pushes me against the wall making me whimper and gropes one of my breasts. He continues on to my neck, sucking hard and bitting. I was sure gonna have a heck of a hickey after this. I moan and pull hard on his soft blonde hair making him growl sexily. After he's done with my neck, he brings his hands down again and goes up under my robe to my bare body. I shiver against his touch. It felt so good. \n\n\"Wanna continue this in my bedroom?\" He asked in a raspy voice in my ear.\n\nI wanted to say yes, but before I could reply, we were both interrupted.\n\n\"Sting! What the hell are you doing with this girl?!\" \n\nSting quickly backed away from me, his face completely shocked. I felt a bit hurt by his actions. I wanted him close to me, making me feel good again.\n\n\"Rogue, it's not what it looks like,\" Sting replied as Rogue came to the view. \n\n\"Oh really? It seemed like both of you were very <i>busy </i>at the moment,\" said Rogue, with a cocky smirk.\n\nI blushed red, trying my best to blend in with the background. There was a moment of silence until Sting spoke. \n\n\"Whatever, it's none of your business anyways Rogue,\" Sting glared and Rogue laughed.\n\n\"And for you,\" Sting added looking at me, \"We're gonna continue this tomorrow.\" \n\nI blush brighter red, as Sting winked at me before walking off with Rogue who seemed to enjoy the show.\n\n-=+=-\n\n<b><i>(A/N: Should I make a part two? XD)</i></b>" ]
Title: Fairy Tail One Shots Description: Taking requests! Tags: ['erza', 'fairy', 'fairytail', 'gray', 'jellal', 'lemon', 'lucy', 'natsu', 'oneshots', 'random', 'romance', 'sting', 'tail']
# Sting x Reader <b>(Y/N)'s POV:</b> It was late at night and I couldn't sleep. All the Fairy Tail guild members were already fast asleep while I was still awake, clearly exhausted. It was currently day 3 of The Grand Magic Games. The only thing I had in mind was Sting. The daring and incredibly gorgeous Light Dragon Slayer of the Sabertooth's guild. The moment I laid my eyes on him, I knew I had fallen in love. But I knew there was no chance of me being with him. We were both in separate guilds, and I don't think he cares less about me. I sigh as I tuck a piece of my (H/C) coloured hair behind my ear. I think I need a short walk outside to get him out of my mind... -=+=- I walk outside with my night robe on, not caring less what I wore and began to walk further. I gazed up at the sky where the stars were shinning bright and the moon sparkling brightly. I couldn't help but put a small smile at the wonderful view of the starry night. The wind outside was cold and a bit windy, but it was fine for me. I like the way the breeze of the wind cools me down since it makes me feel much more better. As I was enjoying my peaceful walk, I heard light footsteps behind me. <i>Who could it be this late at night? </i>I turn around and see no other but the great dragon slayer, Sting Eucliffe, himself. He stopped walking as soon as I turned around. My eyes widened a bit. I couldn't believe it was him. I tried to act casual in front of him. "W-What are you doing here?" I asked, cursing at myself for my shuttering. I probably look pathetic right now in front of him. To my surprise, Sting looks at me with a smirk. Like he had just seen a prey in his eyes. "I'm taking a walk," he replied with a smirk, "Do you have a problem with that?" "N-No, it's just that I didn't think I would see you here, this late," I explained blushing bright red. My insides were churning just by looking at him. He looked better than ever, now that he was close in front of me. "Same goes for you," he replied, staring at me intensely and eyeing me up and down. I felt like I was gonna collapse any second now. I didn't reply, but instead, Sting takes a few more steps towards me to get closer. I back away from him. "Are you scared of me, (Y/N)?" He asks getting closer and closer, but I keeping backing away. I could feel my face heating up and getting even more red than it was before. Before I knew it, my back was hit against a wall, making me whimper. Sting looks pleased with that action, and walks closer to me. I look down, unable to look at him. He puts his hands on either side of the wall, with me in the middle, trapping me completely. He then lowers his head to my height, his hair brushing against my cheek and whispers, "You can't hide from me now, (Y/N)," then proceeds to lightly nibble my ear, licking it as well. I shiver at his touch and whimper a bit, feeling weak. He then traces his tongue down from my ear, making a long slick down my neck. I bite my lip from making any embarrassing sounds. Sting seems annoyed, and tilts my head up with his hand, then trailing kisses down my jawline and to my neck. He sucks on my neck hard and bites it, making me moan. I could sense him smirking. He then runs his hands on either side of my waist, trailing one hand down my thigh and slowly bringing it up under my soft night robe, where he gropes my ass. I can't control myself, and let out a loud moan before grabbing hold of his biceps, feeling his strong muscles. Sting chuckles before roughly kissing me out of the blue. I'm completely surprised by his action, but kiss him back. He continues to roughly make out with me then takes it a step further and grabs by thighs and bringing me up to his waist. I quickly wrap my legs around his waist and grab a hold of his shoulders during our heated make out session. Sting then slips his tongue in my mouth, catching me completely off guard. I moan in his mouth and grip his hair harshly, as I feel his tongue exploring my mouth. After our heavy make out session, we both run of out air and Sting places me gently on the ground. I lean against the wall as Sting's forehead touches mine, both of us panting. "Oh fuck (Y/N)...you're so fun to mess with," he says, while panting. Sting doesn't stop there. He roughly pushes me against the wall making me whimper and gropes one of my breasts. He continues on to my neck, sucking hard and bitting. I was sure gonna have a heck of a hickey after this. I moan and pull hard on his soft blonde hair making him growl sexily. After he's done with my neck, he brings his hands down again and goes up under my robe to my bare body. I shiver against his touch. It felt so good. "Wanna continue this in my bedroom?" He asked in a raspy voice in my ear. I wanted to say yes, but before I could reply, we were both interrupted. "Sting! What the hell are you doing with this girl?!" Sting quickly backed away from me, his face completely shocked. I felt a bit hurt by his actions. I wanted him close to me, making me feel good again. "Rogue, it's not what it looks like," Sting replied as Rogue came to the view. "Oh really? It seemed like both of you were very <i>busy </i>at the moment," said Rogue, with a cocky smirk. I blushed red, trying my best to blend in with the background. There was a moment of silence until Sting spoke. "Whatever, it's none of your business anyways Rogue," Sting glared and Rogue laughed. "And for you," Sting added looking at me, "We're gonna continue this tomorrow." I blush brighter red, as Sting winked at me before walking off with Rogue who seemed to enjoy the show. -=+=- <b><i>(A/N: Should I make a part two? XD)</i></b>
Cheater HDN x Male Reader x DxD
a reversed story to an already on going story
[ "angels", "devils", "fallen", "fanfiction", "gamindustri", "lemon", "love", "neptunia", "romance" ]
[ "Bio Information ", "Ex's,Best Friends,Harem", "Chapter 1 The Unwanted Discovery and A New World", "Chapter 2 Meeting New People + Telling of Friends", "Chapter 3 A New Day", "Chapter 4 Family and Friends Arrive", "Chapter 5 meeting the KFC Reject", "Chapter 6 Training the devils + Rating game", "Peerage Member List", "Chapter 7 Recruiting Peerage Members", "Chapter 8 New Teachers and students", "Chapter 9 Exorcists Holy Project and War Crazed", "Chapter 10 Sacred gear explanation ", "Chapter 11 Peace Meeting", "Chapter 12 the Harem is formed", "Chapter 13 The Peerage is complete ", "Chapter 14 The Confrontation of Ex's" ]
[ "<b>Name:Y/N L/N</b>\n<b>Age:18</b>\n<b>Gender:Male</b>\n<b>Race:Immortal Human</b>\n<b>Status:Alive</b>\n<b>Association:Lastation CPU Candidate</b>\n<b>Looks:</b>\n\n<b>Human form</b>\n\n<b>Candidate form just picture a male version to what the pic shows</b>\n\n<b>Family:</b>\n\n<b>Noire (Big Sister) Uni (Little Sister)</b>\n\n<b>Sacred Gear:</b>\n\n<b>Moonlight Wings</b>\n\n<b>Sacred Gear ability:Reflect </b><b>A ability where the user reflects the energy of an attack to increase his own strength</b>\n\n<b>Spirit inside the wings:</b>\n\n<b>Selene the Moon Dragon Goddess</b>\n\n<b>Balance Breaker</b>\n\n<b>Juggernaut Drive (Basically the dragon behind Selene is your juggernaut Drive form)</b>\n\n<b>Exceed Juggernaut Drive</b>\n\n<b>Weapons:</b>\n\n<b>The dark blue one is the one you use (While as a human)</b>\n\n<b>Your weapon when your in candidate form</b>", "<b>Ex Girlfriends:</b>\n\n<b>IF and </b><b>Compa</b>\n\n<b>Best Friends:</b>\n\n<b>The CPUs of Gamindustri</b>\n\n<b>The Candidates</b>\n\n<b>Harem:</b>\n\n<b>Velena and Rias</b>\n\n<b>Ravel</b>\n\n<b>Lady Phoenix</b>\n\n<b>Yasaka and Kunou</b>\n\n<b>Serafall</b>\n\n<b>Neptune and Nepgear</b>\n\n<b>Noire and Uni</b>\n\n<b>Blanc Rom and Ram</b>\n\n<b>Vert</b>\n\n<b>Rei</b>\n\n<b>Pure Arfoire and Histoire (Yes Histoire will share the same pure form as Arfoire)</b>", "<b>3rd POV</b>\n\nWithin the sky's of gamindustri is one of the two candidates for Lastation\n\nThe candidate is Y/N L/N little brother to Noire and Big Brother to Uni\n\nY/N is heading towards Planeptune to see his girlfriends IF and Compa but as he is flying towards Planeptune Y/N is currently talking to himself\n\nY/N:Why...Why have they not answered my calls? It's just not right for them to ignore me unless....I can only hope I'm wrong about what I'm thinking they're doing\n\nAfter several minutes of flying Y/N lands in Planeptune which he then heads for the apartment that IF and Compa are living in together\n\nBut alas as Y/N is walking towards the apartment his enhanced hearing due to being a candidate of Lastation suddenly picks up sounds coming from the apartment\n\nY/N:These sounds....oh Celestia I pray that I'm wrong in what they really are doing!\n\nY/N quickly runs towards the door of the apartment which he begins to knock on the door repeatedly\n\nY/N:IF! Compa! It's me Y/N! I'm coming in okay!\n\nY/N opens the door and step into the apartment where the sounds he was able to pick up on becomes louder\n\nY/N:IF Compa where are you at?!\n\nSuddenly as Y/N is walking through the apartment the sounds he heard outside and as he stepped into the apartment became clear as day\n\nIt was the sounds of a girl in pleasure more importantly two girls in pleasure\n\nArriving at the door where the sounds are coming Y/N listens in while also tapping the button on his mobile device to send a signal to his sisters and friends of whats going on with him\n\nThis is what is heard from the other side of the door that Y/N is standing Infront of\n\nVoice 1:Oh Yes! *Moans!* Keep fucking my Pussy! *Moans!*\n\nVoice 2:Wow for being an agent of the guild you sure are loose down below aren't ya?!\n\nVoice 3:Not only her but this Nurse in training is really good at riding like a cowgirl on this dick!\n\nVoice 4:Yes! I love this dick! It feels so good inside me!\n\nVoice 2: Don't you girls have a boyfriend though?\n\nVoice 1:We do! But he's a weakling! And not all that good in terms of Romance! *moans*\n\nVoice 4:Yeah! *Moans* but we never loved him! He was only good for the Free Passes he has Access to! *Moans*\n\nY/N hears the door to the apartment open which he glances behind him to see the CPUs as well as the candidates\n\nNoire:*whisper* what's going on Y/N?\n\nY/N:*Whisper* first Rom and Ram may want to leave the apartment for a moment unless Blanc wants their innocence to be ruined by what is going on behind the door here\n\nBlanc:*Whisper* Rom Ram go wait outside until we settle what's going on here\n\nRom:*Whisper* but!\n\nY/N:*Whisper* Rom please listen to your sister she is only wanting what's best for you and if you comply with her words I'll play with you and Ram after this is over\n\nRom:*Whisper* Promise?\n\nY/N extends his pinky finger out \n\nY/N:*Whisper* I pinky promise you and Ram both just please wait outside like your sister asked\n\nRom and Ram look at each other and nod which the two then pinky promise Y/N before heading outside\n\nBlanc:*Whisper* thank you for that Y/N\n\nY/N nods which he raises his right hand and begins to count down from 3\n\nY/N:*Whisper* 3....2.....1!\n\nY/N opens the door to see IF and Compa completely Naked while being Fucked by two unknown men\n\nY/N let's out a cough alerting his group's presence to the four before them\n\nIF:Wah! Y/N! What are you d-doing here?!\n\nY/N:Oh you know just checking the view of Planeptune trying to find out why my girlfriends never loved me and used me for the Free Passes that I have access to no big deal oh and let's not forgot cheating on me with two unknown men as well\n\nCompa:W-we Can Explain!\n\nY/N: what's there to explain Compa I clearly heard what you said earlier but since you and IF are Neptune's friends I'll let her deal with you both as I feel she has the right to dish out whatever punishment for the two of you\n\nNoire:Y/N you go wait outside with Rom and Ram Uni please go with him\n\nNeptune:Nepgear you go as well\n\nNepgear&amp;Uni:Right!\n\nY/N Nepgear and Uni exit the room which the three head outside the apartment to where Rom and Ram are at\n\n<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nAfter I exit the apartment with Nepgear and my little sister Uni I sit on the steps leading up to the apartment door which I let out a loud sigh\n\nY/N:Girls tell me what did I do wrong to deserve this kind of betrayal from Those two\n\nUni:I don't know big brother I mean you did everything a boyfriend was suppose to do as far as I know\n\nNepgear:She's Right Y/N you truly did everything to the best of your abilities just turns out that IF and Compa didn't really care for you\n\nRam:What happened in there?\n\nI along with Uni and Nepgear explain what was said without going into exact details of what was seen\n\nSoon the apartment door opens which Noire and the other CPUs appear before us\n\nY/N:So? What's going to happen?\n\nNoire:Well after much discussion as well as a few heated words from Blanc here Neptune has decided their punishments\n\nNepgear:And that is?\n\nNeptune:That IF and Compa are here by banished from entering any of the nations \n\nBlanc:Not only that but IF's status of guild agent will be revoked\n\nPlutia:While Compa's Status of Nurse in training will also be removed \n\nRei:not only those two punishments but they will also be under watch to ensure they don't do anything to break the punishments\n\nVert:But our main priority is you Y/N since you are the one affected by what they did to you\n\nSoon everyone is staring at me\n\nY/N:*sigh* I don't know what to do if I'm being honest here it's just if I stay here I have a feeling I would do something unworthy of a candidate\n\nVoice:Then perhaps traveling dimensions would be the best choice\n\nWe turn our heads to see Arfoire and Histoire walking over to us\n\nUzume:What do you mean Historie?\n\nHistoire:Well Arfoire and I have been doing some research into dimensional traveling without having to wait for three days to prepare\n\nArfoire:plus the dimension we found has super natural races amongst the humans of it\n\nAll of us:Super natural races?\n\nHistoire:Yes the dimension we can send you have people of the Devil's,Angels,Fallen Angels and Yokai races\n\nArfoire:And as for the fallen angels they are angels that has fallen for their own particular reasons\n\nY/N:Anyway you think that this dimension would be a good choice for me to go to?\n\nHistoire:Yes as you said moments before our arrival you don't wanna do anything bad to happen as you are a candidate\n\nY/N:Well do I have to find anyone over there to get help in that dimension?\n\nArfoire:I'm afraid not as we only learned of the races the dimension has access to not anyone over there\n\nNoire:I see well do you both mind giving us some time to talk with Y/N about it?\n\nHistoire:of course we will be at the basilicom\n\nArfoire and Histoire walk towards Neptune's Basilicom\n\nY/N:So what should I do in your honest opinions?\n\nVert:I say you should go but I believe Noire should make the decision for you\n\nI look to My big sister Noire who stares at me\n\nNoire:Well Y/N you can go but I want you to do one thing for me\n\nY/N:What is it?\n\nNoire:Make sure you call me and Uni as we want to make sure you are doing alright over there\n\nY/N:I promise you sis that I will keep in touch with you and Uni\n\nBoth Noire and Uni hugs me which the three of us smile\n\nNepgear:Y/N if you'd like I can modify your tablet to where you can call between dimensions\n\nY/N:Really? You would do that for me Nepgear?\n\nNepgear:Of Course just give me a hour to modify it for you\n\nI nod and hand my tablet to Nepgear which she then goes to her and Neptune's basilicom\n\nI along with the others then begin to walk over the Neptune's basilicom where we chat in the living room until nepgear is done\n\nAfter an hour and a half nepgear is done\n\nNepgear:It's done Y/N and I made a copy of it so that you can test it out\n\nY/N:Okay but who will help test it?\n\nUzume:I'll do it I can head over to zero dimension with the copy\n\nY/N:Alright\n\nUzume:right give me a few minutes then you can call\n\nI nod my head as Uzume disappears which I then proceed to call the copy tablet\n\nY/N:Uzume?\n\nUzume (Call):Yep it works perfectly\n\nVert:Very good now please return to us Uzume\n\nUzume (Call):right be there soon\n\nHanging up we soon see Uzume reappear in the room\n\nArfoire and Historie then walk over to us\n\nArfoire:Have you decided Y/N\n\nY/N:Yes Lady Arfoire I have and I will go to this new dimension you and lady Histoire have found\n\nHistoire:very well we will get the portal ready now\n\nWe nod our heads which Arfoire and Histoire begin to get the portal ready\n\nY/N:Big Sis\n\nNoire:What is it?\n\nY/N:Do you think I could get a picture of all of us together before I go to the dimension I'm about to head to?\n\nNoire:Of course you can Y/N you don't need to ask that question for a simple picture of everyone\n\nNeptune:Yeah! Come on girls let's take a picture before Y/N goes to the dimension!\n\nEveryone:yeah!\n\nWe go out to the balcony where there is more space for every which I put the camera on auto take and quickly get to the others\n\nThe flash goes off which we all look at the picture\n\n<b>Remove IF and Compa as well as the other oracles 5pb and mages also add Uzume and Rei to the pic</b>\n\nArfoire then shouts saying the portal is ready\n\nWalking inside we see a portal in the room\n\n<b>The portal</b>\n\nY/N:So this will take me to the dimension?\n\nHistoire:that is correct just step through\n\nI then turn to face the others\n\nY/N:Well this is it I'll miss you all especially you big sister Noire and you Lil sis Uni\n\nUni:*Sniff* you better not get hurt big brother you hear me! *Hugs me tightly*\n\nI hug uni back \n\nY/N:I promise uni I won't get hurt in the new dimension also Rom Ram I'm sorry but I can't keep the pinky promise I made to you both now\n\nRam:It's fine...Just be safe okay?!\n\nI nod which I then look at noire who is staring at me\n\nWe share a hug as noire has a few tears falling off her face\n\nNoire:Promise you'll call us when you are able to okay? *Sniff*\n\nY/N:I promise sis as soon as I can relax I'll call everyone to inform you what's going on with me in the new dimension\n\nWe stop the hug which I then step forward to the portal\n\nY/N:Well goodbye everyone see you in the future someday\n\nI enter the portal which closes behind me\n\nAfter traveling through the portal for several minutes I come to a room which dim lighting in it\n\nY/N:Where am I?\n\nVoice 1:Who are you?\n\nTurning my head I see several people all sitting at a meeting table\n\n<b>Picture the three sitting at a meeting table as well as the next individual</b>\n\nY/N:Before I say anything can I please have your names as to make communication between the five of us easier\n\nRed haired:Very well since you asked politely I am Sirzechs Lucifer the Satan devil king\n\nTwin tailed:I'm Serafall Leviathan the Leviathan devil king\n\nY/N:Pardon me for saying this out of concept but wouldn't you be a devil Queen not a king due to your gender Lady leviathan?\n\nSerafall:Yes! Finally someone gets me!\n\nThe others sweat drop at their fellow devil king\n\nGreen haired:right well to continue with introductions I am Ajuka beezelbub the beezelbub devil king\n\nTired individual:and I am Falbium Asmodeus the Asmodeus devil king\n\nSirzechs:Now who are you?\n\nY/N:My name is Y/N L/N and I am well how to say this without offending you four I am a god in training or if it's easier for you four a candidate in training to become a god from another dimension\n\nSerafall:Wait what?! You mean you are training to become a god?!\n\nI nod my head as to say yes\n\nAjuka:Do you have a form that we can see?\n\nY/N:Yes....ACCESS!\n\nA particle beam envelopes me blinding the devil kings\n\nSoon the beam disappears and I stand before the four in my candidate form\n\nSirzechs:my word this is the form you can transform into?\n\nY/N:Yes the form you see me in is my candidate form which increases my combat attributes\n\nI return to my normal form\n\nSerafall:So what brings you to our \"dimension\"?\n\nY/N:*sigh* it's best I get the four of you caught up with what happened recently before my arrival here\n\nI explain what all happened earlier which the four devil kings listen to intently\n\nSerafall (Pissed):So just because you've are not the best at what you do which all of us was once the same in terms of power your ex girlfriends decided to have sex with two unknown men and Infront of you no less?!\n\nY/N:Yes which two people of high authority in my dimension offered for me to come here but they only told me about the races here as they said that they never came in contact with anyone from this side\n\nAjuka:I see \n\nSirzechs:You said you are a candidate in training to become a god correct?\n\nY/N:Yes I did why do you ask?\n\nSirzechs:well I was just curious to know if there is anyone else from your dimension with similar status?\n\nY/N:There are infact I can show you four the picture I took with my best friends/family before my arrival\n\nI bring out my tablet and bring up the picture I took which I then hand the tablet to Sirzechs\n\nSirzechs:So these are your friends/Family?\n\nY/N:Yes my family is the two girls with black hair like mine they are named Noire and Uni respectively\n\nSerafall:What about the other girls?\n\nY/N:The girls with lilac hair colors and the girl with what looks to be dark purple hair color are Neptune,Nepgear and Plutia respectively which I should of mentioned this earlier but Noire is a goddess much like Neptune and Plutia are while Nepgear and my sister Uni are the same as me\n\nAjuka:Wait so you have three goddesses living in your dimension?\n\nY/N:Well more then 3 actually the goddesses are as follows Neptune aka Purple Heart,Noire aka Black heart,Blanc aka White heart, Vert aka Green Heart,Uzume aka Orange Heart,Plutia aka Iris heart,Peashy aka yellow heart and Rei Ryghts aka Cyan Heart\n\nFalbium:so each goddess is named after a color?\n\nY/N:Pretty much also I should mention about Plutia's goddess form but her goddess form is into S and M heavily so if she was ever able to come over here it'd be best to not do anything she would count as naughty\n\nSirzechs:I may know someone here with a similar persona...but I digress what will you do now?\n\nY/N:Hmm is there a place where I can learn about this dimension like a school or a library?\n\nSerafall:There is a school that both sirzechs and my little sisters go to I can get my little sister to get you into the school if that works\n\nY/N:that will work fine lady leviathan now is there a way I can rest while I wait for Lady Leviathan to get me into the school her sister attends\n\nSirzechs:My family has a spare room you can use for the time being please follow me\n\nI nod and follow sirzechs\n\nSoon Sirzechs leads me to his family home which he takes me to a spare bedroom which I climb in bed falling asleep\n\n<b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b>", "<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nSlowly waking up in the guest bed that Sirzechs and his family is letting me I stretch my arms\n\nSuddenly a knock is heard on the guest door\n\nY/N:Come in!\n\nThe door opens and a maid with gray braided hair enters\n\n<b>The maid</b>\n\nMaid:I see that you're up\n\nY/N:Yes um may I have your name miss?\n\nGrayfia:I am Grayfia Lucierge Sirzechs Wife\n\nY/N:Oh well it's a pleasure to meet ma'am my name is Y/N L/N\n\nGrayfia:nice to meet you as well now then if you would please follow me the lady of the manor and her daughter would like to meet you\n\nI stand up from the bed and nod which Grayfia then leads me to the individuals who wants to meet me\n\nArriving at a door we step through where I see two individuals sitting in arm chairs which have vulpous figures\n\n\nBrown haired woman:ah Grayfia is this he?\n\nGrayfia:Yes my lady this is Y/N L/N \n\nY/N:It's a honor to be in your presence ma'am\n\nI bow showing respect to the two\n\nRed haired girl:So Polite well my name is Rias Gremory and This is my mother Venelana Gremory\n\nVenelana:so my son said that your from another dimension?\n\nY/N:Yes Mrs Gremory that is correct I am and like I said to Sirzechs a candidate in training to become a God which a God or Goddess for the females is basically a leader of a entire nation in my dimension so think of the candidate like a protege training to take over a leaders position of a town\n\nRias:Right also my brother told us that you have a form I believe he said is called a Candidate form?\n\nY/N:I do but first before I show the form off can I ask where exactly am I besides being in your manor as I never asked sirzechs yesterday \n\nVenelana:Your are in the Underworld where we devil's live at\n\nY/N:I see anyway let me show off my candidate form....ACCESS!!\n\nI transform into my candidate form which surprises the three in the room\n\nRias:This is your candidate form?\n\nY/N (Candidate):Yes it is\n\nI return to normal\n\nSuddenly Lady Leviathan appears in the room with us\n\nSerafall:There you are Y/N! I managed to get Sona to put you in the school\n\nRias:Wait you was wanting to go to Kuoh Academy?\n\nY/N:Is that the name of the school?\n\nRias:yes I go there along with Sona along with my peerage and Sona's Peerage\n\nY/N:uh what?\n\nSerafall:tell us Y/N have you ever heard of the board game called Chess?\n\nY/N:No I haven't actually as most of the stuff I did in my dimension was to complete tasks known as guild quests\n\nGrayfia:Guild quests?\n\nY/N: Basically what a guild quest is well it's a task that someone in the town asks for help with for example an old lady asking for help with monsters on a dirt path that is preventing the old lady from visiting her children in the town over from her location\n\nVenelana:So like what we do for the arch duke of the devil's sometimes\n\nRias:Anyway what a peerage is well it's like the game chess which has fifteen pieces which are the following a king,a queen,two knights,two rooks,two bishops and eight pawn\n\nSerafall:each piece has a certain attribute applied to them for example the king piece gains high increase to their combat prowless while the queen piece follow close behind the king \n\nGrayfia:the knight piece has a massive increase in speed but sacrifice their defense while the rook is the polar opposite of the knight gaining massive defense but sacrificing their speed\n\nVenelana:The Bishops are the magic based users of a peerage which they can be the offensive or defensive type in regards to what the person who is the bishop piece can use in terms of magic\n\nRias:Now the pawn while not gaining any bonuses has one feature that makes it feared in battle\n\nY/N:And that is?\n\nRias:The pawn can promote it self to any other piece of the peerage except the king if given permission by said king\n\nY/N:I see so besides the peerage is there a way I can see this Kuoh Academy? So that I can be familiar with this dimension?\n\nGrayfia:Are you able to use magic?\n\nY/N:I can use some offensive magic along side my skills that I've learned over my life with my family and friends but no teleportation magic\n\nRias:Well if you let me see your hand I can apply a temporary Gremory seal that will allow you to use my family's magic circle of teleportation\n\nI extend my hand which Rias stamps a temporary seal on my hand\n\nRias:Now if you will stand by me we can get to the academy where you wish to go\n\nI nod my head and stand next to rias which we soon disappear from the  room of the manor\n\nSoon we appear inside a building on what looks to be a school ground\n\nRias:Please follow me and I'll introduce to you my peerage before we go see Sona to get you in the academy\n\nNodding my head I follow Rias to a room where several others are\n\n<b>Ignore Rias as she is with you and it's just the rest of the peerage</b>\n\nBoy:My lady who is he?\n\nRias sits at a desk while I still stand up\n\nRias:Well Kiba he is someone who is new to our dimension of sorts\n\nPonytail girl:What do you mean new to our dimension rias?\n\nRias:Before he explains please introduce yourselves to him so that he can make communication between us easier\n\nRias's peerage then introduce themselves to me which I nod at the information\n\nY/N:Right it's nice to meet you all my name is Y/N L/N and I am what one would call a candidate in training to become a god \n\nAsia:Wait you're training to become a heavenly father?! Ow\n\nI look towards rias with a eye brow raised\n\nRias:I'll explain in due time just know that it hurts a devil to say anything related to up there\n\nRias says while pointing a finger upwards\n\nY/N:Okay... Well I'm not sure if the status I'm training for is the same as this dimension but the term God or for the lady's of the room goddess is basically a leader in my dimension which there are four nations along with it's leaders\n\nKoneko:do you have a pic we can see?\n\nY/N:I do yes here please take a look at my tablet here\n\nI take out my tablet and bring up the picture I took with Noire and the rest which I place on the table in between the couches of the room\n\nKoneko picks up the tablet and looks at the picture\n\nRias:Are these girls your family?\n\nY/N:Most of them are my best friends but the ones who are my family are the two girls with hair color like my own\n\nThe six look at the picture before noticing the girls similar to me\n\nAkeno:Are we able to know their names cutie?\n\nY/N:Sure the girls with lilac hair color are Neptune and Nepgear CPU or Console patron unit if you will and CPU candidate respectively which their names in their transformed states are Purple heart and Purple sister\n\nKiba:So they are named after a color?\n\nY/N:In a way yes now the next two are my sister's who are Noire and Uni which Noire is my big sister and Uni is my little sister anyway Noire's CPU name is Black Heart while Uni's is Black Sister and I'm Black Brother when I'm transformed anyway I forgot to mention with Neptune and Nepgear but the town which Neptune and Nepgear rules over is called Planeptune while Noire's is called Lastation\n\nAsia:Do you use any sort of weapons?\n\nY/N:Yes each goddess/Candidate use their own specific weapons in battle which I'll tell more about after the introductions \n\nRias:Please continue\n\nY/N:Next are the three girls with light brown hair color who are known as Blanc Rom and Ram aka CPU White Heart and CPU Candidates the white sisters also I should mention that Blanc is known for her rage and will literally and pardon my language but will literally tear your ass a new one if you make fun of her figure especially her chest\n\nIssei:I doubt she's strong\n\nY/N:Well you just signed your death warrant Issei infact let me call her right now\n\n<b>A/N:The copy tablet Nepgear made will be moved around in gamindustri between Y/Ns sisters and friends so for the scenario coming up Blanc will have the copy tablet</b>\n\nI pick up my tablet and call the copy one which I put the call on speaker\n\nBlanc (Call):Y/N? Did you make it over there\n\nY/N:I did Blanc and I'm calling to tell you something\n\nBlanc (Call):What is it?\n\nI tell Blanc what Issei said which we soon hear glass breaking on the other side\n\nSoon Blanc is throwing out curse words that would make a sailor blush deep red\n\nAfter a while Blanc finally stops\n\nY/N:You good lady Blanc?\n\nBlanc (Call):Yeah I'm good now just tell this Issei as he's called to be prepared if we was to ever meet in person!\n\nI hang up the call to see a paled looking Issei\n\nY/N:And there you have it I hope your ready in the future issei\n\nY/N:Anyway continuing on with the names of my family and friends oh and Blanc's nation is called Lowee anyway up next is the lady with long blonde hair who is named Vert \n\nI bring the picture back up and point to vert in the picture\n\nY/N:Now Vert is the leader of the nation known as Leanbox which her CPU name is Green Heart and she is a heavy gamer as well as being someone into *cough* Guy on Guy action *cough*\n\nRias Akeno and koneko all blush at my words about verts fantasy she's into\n\nY/N:Up next is the girl in the pic that has dark lilac hair color and is holding a doll in her hand\n\nKiba:So her?\n\nKiba points to Plutia\n\nY/N:Yes that's her anyway her name is Plutia she is the leader of a parallel version to Neptune's Planeptune and her CPU name is Iris heart which her CPU form is heavily into S&amp;M \n\nI then notice Akeno breathing heavy?\n\nRias:Before you ask yes Akeno is into S&amp;M too\n\nI just nod at the information suddenly the door opens and I see a female with a bobcut hair style wearing glasses\n\nY/N:Rias who is she?\n\nRias:She is Sona Lady Leviathan's little sister\n\nY/N:Ah Okay so what brings you here ma'am?\n\nSona:Well my sister told me that you wanted to attend Kuoh Academy but you never showed up to the student council office which I came here as Rias might of known where you was at\n\nY/N:I see I'm sorry for now showing up I was just telling about my family and friends from my dimension to rias and her group\n\nSona:I'm curious to know as well may I hear  too?\n\nI nod and explain what was all said earlier before her arrival to which Sona nods at the info\n\nY/N:The next friend of mine is the girl with red hair *points to Uzume in the pic* she is called Uzume and she is how you say a tomboy but she is a caring person her CPU name is orange heart as for her nation she is the former leader of Planeptune before Neptune became the leader\n\nI then point to Rei in the picture\n\nY/N:Next is the girl with cyan color hair who is named Rei Ryghts and yes I know it's supposed to be spelled rights but rei prefers it to be spell Ryghts. Anyway Rei's CPU name is Cyan heart and for her nation she was once the leader of a nation called Tari as for why she named it that I have no idea even if I'm her best friend\n\nY/N:up next is the strongest CPU in terms of raw strength with Blanc close behind is Peashy who is the little girl in the pic\n\nRias and her group look at the pic before noticing Peashy\n\nKoneko:You mean the girl with a bee outfit on?\n\nY/N:Yes that is Peashy she is well how you say rambunctious for her stature but she believes in protecting her friends and her CPU name is Yellow Heart as for the nation she co shares Plutia's Planeptune with her\n\nI then grab the tablet and put it up\n\nRias:by the way you never said what made you come to our dimension\n\nY/N:I guess I never did huh I only remember telling Sirzechs and the other devil kings why I am here but I'll tell you all\n\nI then explain what happened to me yesterday before arriving in the dimension\n\nRias soon has an angry Aura surrounding her\n\nRias (Angry):So just because you did your best to be a good boyfriend to them they just up and betrayed your heart for no reason once so ever?!\n\nY/N:That and they said that I was no good in romance and that they only used me for the Free pass to the facilities a CPU/candidate has access to\n\nRias's anger increases even more to the point that the building is shaking violently\n\nAkeno:Rias Calm Down!\n\nKiba:Your Shaking the Building!\n\nSona:Please Rias you have to remain calm!\n\nAfter several minutes Rias finally calms down\n\nRias:I'm sorry about that I just can't stand for what your ex girlfriends did to you\n\nY/N:It's fine Rias I completely understand oh and before I forget the weapons each of my friends/Family uses are the following. A no daichi katana for Neptune,A beam rifle for Nepgear,A sword for Noire,A Gun for Uni,A Hammer/Battle Axe for Blanc,Wands for Rom and Ram,Spear for Vert,Fists for Peashy,Megaphone for Uzume,Whip for Plutia,Short sword for Rei (I don't remember exactly what her weapon is)\n\nSona:In any case can you follow me Y/N so that we can get your paperwork done for your enrollment into Kuoh Academy?\n\nY/N:Of course please lead the way Ma'am\n\nSona exits the room which I follow behind\n\nWe soon arrive at a door labeled student council which Sona enters first and I follow after\n\nSona:Please have a seat\n\nI nod and sit down on one of the couch cushions \n\nSona then proceeds to ask me some questions which I answer to the best of my abilities\n\nSona:So for the where you are from we need to keep those who don't know that your from another dimension\n\nY/N:What should I say if someone asks me that question?\n\nSona:Just say your from a really far off country and that you decided to move to Kuoh to learn from the academy\n\nY/N:Alright but I should mention this ahead of time but I have no place to stay at in dimension so I will probably camp out in the woods until I can but anyway I'll see you first thing tomorrow then Ms President?\n\nSona:Yes see you tomorrow\n\nI leave the room and exit the school building \n\nReaching a park with a forest near it I walk into the forest which I soon find a place to rest which I then fall asleep against a tree\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n", "<b>3rd POV</b>\n\nWaking up in the forest Y/N stretches his arms before walking out of the forest \n\nAs Y/N is standing in the park he notices a female walking over to him\n\nThe female has medium white hair while wearing the Kuoh Academy uniform that Y/N seen yesterday\n\nY/N:Can I help you miss?\n\nMomo:Yes my name is Momo Hanakai I am a member of the student council at Kuoh Academy I was asked by Sona to bring you to get the academy and to show you to your classes\n\nY/N nods his head which he Follows Momo back to the academy\n\nUpon arrival the two head for the student council office which Y/N gets his school uniform which he goes to the boys restroom and puts the uniform on\n\nExiting the rest he sees momo which he hands he regular clothes to after which momo shows him to his class\n\nMomo:Here's you class Please be respectful to your classmates\n\nY/N: Right thank you for bringing me here Ms Hanakai\n\nMomo then walks off to her own class\n\n<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nAfter Momo leaves I knock on the classroom door\n\nThe door opens and out walks a gentleman which I believe is the teacher\n\nTeacher?:Can I help you?\n\nY/N:Yes sir I have you for the semester as my teacher\n\nI hand the teacher my schedule which he looks over and nods \n\nTeacher:Very well please wait here while I address the class then I'll call you\n\nY/N:Yes sir\n\nThe teacher enters the class which I hear voices which the teacher then calls for me to enter\n\nEntering through the door I walk to the front of the class just Infront of the teacher's desk\n\nTeacher:Please introduce yourself\n\nY/N:Hello My name is Y/N L/N it is a pleasure to meet you all I hope to learn many things with you please take care of me this semester\n\nI bow in respect\n\nTeacher:Now then does anyone have any questions for Mr L/N?\n\nA girl student raises her hand\n\nY/N:yes you in the front what do you wish to ask me?\n\nKatase:Yes my name is katase and I was wanting to know are you a pervert?\n\nY/N:No I am not a pervert\n\nThe girls of the class cheer which then a male student raises his hand\n\nY/N:Yes you in the middle what's your question?\n\nBrad:yes my name is Brad and I was wanting to ask where you are from?\n\nY/N:All I can say is I'm from far away \n\nTeacher:Alright enough questions Mr L/N please go sit at the desk in the back right corner of the classroom\n\nY/N:Yes Sir\n\nI walk to the desk and sit down which the teacher begins the lesson of the day\n\nSometime during the lesson the lunch bell rings which I go to sit on the roof of the academy\n\nAs I'm sitting on the roof I take out tablet and call those from home\n\nThe tablet rings a few times before it's picked up from the other side\n\nNoire (Call):Y/N?\n\nY/N:Hey sis how's things going over there?\n\nNoire (Call):Everything is fine we did hear about what you told Blanc yesterday\n\nY/N:ah well I'm guessing Blanc is still preparing for when you all come over here I take it?\n\nNoire (Call):That's right oh and Uni is here if you wanna say hey to her\n\nY/N:Sure put her on the phone if she wants to talk\n\nNoire (Call):Y/N you know she will always want to talk with you your her brother\n\nY/N:Your right I'm sorry Noire\n\nNoire (Call):it's fine let me go get her for you one sec\n\nNoire leaves for a second which I hear the door open and close on her end before it opens and close again\n\nUni (Call):Big brother is that you?\n\nY/N:Yes lil sis it's me everything alright with you besides hearing what Blanc told everyone?\n\nUni (Call): I'm fine big brother still practicing my shooting so we can snipe enemies together when we meet again\n\nY/N:That's good Uni keep at it *hears bell ring* listen I gotta go I'll call you both again sometime love you both\n\nN&amp;U <b>(Noire and Uni respectively)</b>:We love you two little brother/Big brother\n\nI hang up the call and head back for the classroom\n\nRe-entering the classroom I sit at my assigned desk where the teacher resumes the lesson\n\nAfter some time passes the final bell rings ending the school day\n\nExiting the classroom I try to decide on what to do now since I have nothing that I own in this world\n\nI go to the sco (Student council office) and pick up my normal clothes which I then exit the main building as I'm exiting the building I hear a commotion coming from behind the building \n\nWalking to the commotion I see Issei and two other students running from a group of girls\n\nI let out a sigh before disappearing into the forest on the school ground where I transform into my candidate form\n\nTaking my rifle in hand I lay on the grass and take aim at the three and fire a shot that goes right pass them in the middle of the air which causes them to stop just as the girls catch up to them\n\nPutting my rifle up I return to my normal form and casually walk out of the forest\n\nWalking over to the building rias and her peerage use I enter the room where I'm greeted by Rias Akeno and Koneko\n\nRias:Ah there you are Y/N how was your first day of school?\n\nY/N:It was fine talked with my sister's from my dimension during lunch but mostly fine\n\nKiba and Issei and Asia then enter the room\n\nRias:What happened to you Issei?\n\nIssei:A bullet went past me and my friends which caused the kendo girls to catch us easily\n\nY/N:That was me\n\nIssei:You?! Why did you do that for?!\n\nY/N:Listen well Issei now while I don't tell you how to live your life as each and everyone is entitled to live their lives how they want but one thing I won't tolerate is perverts looking at women disgustingly so here's a warning to you Issei\n\nI say while glaring at the individual\n\nY/N:If I ever catch you perving my friends from my world especially my sister's I will not miss with my shot and will personally end you even if you are a devil and it's not just me literally all my friends will end you especially my sister's as they absolutely hate perverts so you best behave when they arrive in the future or Rias will have to look for a new pawn in her peerage\n\nIssei:Y-Your kidding right?\n\nA bullet goes pass Issei's right ear which he flinches and sees my rifle in my hand\n\nY/N:I'm deadly serious so try looking at my friends and sisters pervertedly and see what happens...\n\nI put my rifle up\n\nKoneko:I like him he knows what's up\n\nRias:Anyway Y/N I noticed you didn't have a place to stay and that you resulted to sleep in the forest near the park\n\nY/N:That's right\n\nRias:Well you can use the guest room we have here in the clubhouse\n\nY/N:Are you sure I don't want to impose on you I'm fine with sleeping in the forest near the park if I have to\n\nRias:No no it's fine it will save you the trouble of having to walk from the park to here every morning\n\nY/N:Then I will gladly take the offer to use the room Ms Gremory\n\nRias:Please you can call me just Rias now Akeno please show him to the guest room\n\nAkeno:Hai hai please follow me\n\nRias:As for everyone else it's time to get to work\n\nI follow Akeno through the building which I am then lead to a room\n\nAkeno:Here's the room you can use\n\nY/N:Thank you\n\nAkeno leaves to go back to Rias which I climb into bed and fall asleep thinking of what to do tomorrow\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>", "<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nWaking up in the guest room I stretch my arms before getting dressed in my school uniform which I then head for the academy building on the campus\n\nAs I am early I arrive at the classroom where I sit at my desk and patiently wait for class to begin\n\nSoon the other classmates arrive as does the teacher which the teacher then begins today's lesson\n\nAs the day goes on I study intensely what the teacher is teaching so that I can make a good impression on the academy\n\nLunch bell rings which I grab some food and sit at a table in the cafeteria\n\nWhile eating my food Rias of all people of the school decides to sit at the table with me\n\nY/N:*Gulp* can I help you Rias?\n\nRias: I'd just like to sit and eat lunch with you That's okay isn't it?\n\nY/N:It's fine but I'm pretty sure the boys in the cafeteria want to murder me for sitting with and I quote \"The Queen of the School\"\n\nRias:Just ignore them that's usual how Akeno Sona and I handle it\n\nY/N:Very well\n\nI say as I continue to eat\n\nRias:How is your second day at Kuoh coming along?\n\nY/N:It's going fine I am learning quite a bit of interesting things though\n\nThe two of us continue to eat our lunches which the bell ending lunch rings which Rias and I each go to our separate classes\n\nSitting back at my desk the teacher resumes the lesson \n\nAs the day goes on i continue to write down what is being said by the teacher in order to pass the test if one is to come our way\n\nTime passes and the final bell rings which I head to the ORC clubhouse\n\nEntering the room where rias and the other are I sit on one of the couch cushions\n\nSuddenly my Tablet begins to ring\n\nY/N:Hello?\n\nArfoire (Call):Y/N it's Arfoire\n\nY/N:What can I do for you Lady Arfoire?\n\nRias and the others listen to the call\n\nArfoire (Call):Listen we decided to head over to your location to help you out\n\nY/N:Your coming over now? But it's only been like what two days\n\nArfoire (Call):While it's been two days for you it's been like two years for us\n\nY/N:Ah right the whole time difference between dimensions I got ya anyway do I need to be at a specific spot for the arrival?\n\nArfoire (Call):Yes you need to be at the spot of where you first arrived in that dimension so go to the spot then call me and I'll open the portal with Historie to you\n\nY/N:Right I'll call you again soon\n\nI hang up and place my tablet in my back pocket\n\nRias:So your friends are coming soon?\n\nY/N:Yes which I'll need you to call your brother here Rias tell him it's very important\n\nRias nods her head and calls her brother\n\nSoon Sirzechs appears in the room\n\nSirzechs:What's so important Rias?\n\nY/N:Actually Sirzechs I was the one who asked for Rias to call you here \n\nSirzechs:What can I do for you Y/N?\n\nY/N:I need to go to the room where I met you and the other devil kings as my friends and sisters will be coming to this dimension soon\n\nSirzechs:Really they're coming to our dimension?\n\nY/N:Yes and one of the two deities that helped me get here said that I need to be in the spot where I first appeared in this dimension which is the room I met you and the other devil kings in\n\nSirzechs:Very well Rias if you would please bring Y/N to the meeting room I'll meet you there with the other devil kings\n\nRias:Right\n\nSirzechs disappears which Rias then asks us to gather around where we all teleport to underworld\n\nAs we arrive we see Serafall waiting for us\n\nSerafall:There you guys are come on let's go!\n\nWe follow Serafall to the meeting room where upon entering I take out my tablet and called Lady Arfoire\n\nY/N:Lady Arfoire I am in the room which I first appeared in this dimension\n\nArfoire (Call):Very well Histoire and I will activate the portal now\n\nHanging up the call we patiently wait which a portal soon appears\n\nFrom said portal many individuals appear from\n\nY/N:Noire Uni everyone your here\n\nNoire&amp;Uni:Y/N...\n\nThe three siblings share a heart felt hug\n\nBreaking from the hug I then smirk a little \n\nY/N:Hey Blanc I think it's time to make good on your word in regards to what was said the other day don't you\n\nBlanc's eyes turn red as she cracks her knuckles\n\n<b>Basically how Blanc looks right now</b>\n\nBlanc:Where's the bastard at!!\n\nKoneko:He's over there trying to sneak out\n\nKoneko says while pointing towards Issei who is trying to sneak out of the room\n\nBlanc Summons her Hammer and charges at Issei\n\nIssei:Oh Shit!!\n\nIssei runs out of the room with Blanc chasing him\n\n<b>A/N:Calling all Coffin Dance Members I repeat calling all Coffin Dance Members we got a Code Red repeat a Code red!</b>\n\nAsia:Will he be alright?\n\nVert: He'll be fine dear Blanc won't go too far\n\nIssei is then tossed into the room injured and bruised\n\nY/N:Anyway now that that's over allow me to introduce to you all the devil's of this dimension\n\nY/N:Up first is the devil kings of the Underworld Sirzechs Serafall Ajuka and Falbium\n\nRom: Shouldn't she be a queen not king?\n\nRom points to Serafall\n\nSirzechs and Ajuka hold back Serafall from doing anything embarrassing\n\nY/N:After them is Grayfia who is a maid and wife to Sirzechs\n\nGrayfia:Greetings\n\nY/N:After Her is Sirzechs's Sister Rias Gremory\n\nRias:Hello\n\nY/N:Next is Akeno Himejima who is into S&amp;M yes Plutia your CPU side has a friend in Sadistism\n\nPlutia transforms into her CPU form\n\nIris:Is that right?\n\nRias:I can confirm what he said is true Akeno really is into S&amp;M\n\nIris:Then I'll have to give her a firm lesson won't I\n\nWe all notice Akeno shivering in pleasure\n\nAkeno:Yes mistress~\n\nY/N:Okay before things get too creepy up next is Kiba Yuuto who is a swordsman if you will of this dimension\n\nKiba:Hello\n\nY/N:After Him is Koneko Tohjou resident sugar lover and someone who will literally beat the crap out of you if you make fun of her or are a pervert\n\nKoneko doesn't say anything\n\nY/N:Next is Asia who is basically an alternate version of Rom as she really sweet and innocent\n\nUni:Is she really big brother?\n\nY/N:Well that's just what I was told by Rias and her group but anyway after her is Issei hyoudou who is the one Blanc pummeled earlier\n\nIssei just twitches from the ground \n\nNepgear:Has everything been alright over here since you arrived Y/N?\n\nY/N:Everythings been fine Nepgear I just haven't explored much of the dimension as I only been to what I think is 4 places in this dimension?\n\nHistoire:What places have you been to?\n\nSirzechs:He's been here in this room\n\nRias:My family's manor\n\nKiba:A Park\n\nKoneko:And the Academy which several of us attend\n\nUzume:Ok but why a park?\n\nY/N:Well when I first arrived I didn't have a place to use nor did I wanna impose on anyone here in this dimension so I slept in a forest near a park\n\nSirzechs:Actually if you'd like Y/N my family can build a home for you and your friends if you'd like\n\nY/N:You'd really do something like that for a group of people not even from your dimension?\n\nSirzechs:Of course if we are to make better relationships with everyone then the very least we can do is make your group a home to live in\n\nRei:Well then we thank you for offering it then\n\nY/N:For now can we show my friends and sisters around you know let them see how things are here in the Underworld?\n\nAjuka:Of course please follow us \n\nEveryone exits the room which Noire and the others listen to Those of the Underworld explain about their home which after the tour Sirzechs and Rias offers the let everyone stay at their manor for the night so that everyone can have a good night sleep\n\n<b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b>", "<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nSitting in the living room of The Gremory family manor my sister's myself and my friends all have a nice chat as Rias told me that she explain to Sona and the teachers at the academy why I wasn't able to attend today\n\nZeoticus:So in your dimension they are a total of four nations?\n\nArfoire and Histoire nod their heads and explain about the dimension\n\nSuddenly Sirzechs appears\n\nSirzechs:Y/N the home for your friends and sisters is finally done\n\nNeptune:Nepu wow thanks!\n\nSirzechs and the Gremory family minus rias then help us get to the home\n\nArriving at the home we are shocked beyond words\n\n<b>The home for Y/N and his friends/Sisters</b>\n\nNoire:You really made this for us?\n\nSirzechs:Of course your ladyship I want your experience of our dimension to be a pleasant one\n\nVert:Well thank you much then\n\nSirzechs nods and shows us around the newly built home\n\nI then notice grayfia is missing\n\nY/N:Hey I just noticed Grayfia is missing\n\nUzume:Your right Y/N where did she go?\n\nSirzechs:She went to check on Rias as her fiance will be meeting with her later today\n\nY/N:Fiance?\n\nSirzechs nods and explains about the marriage which my group learns it is an arranged one which Rias doesn't want to be apart of \n\nRei:Okay in all honesty that is the most idiotic thing you can do in regards to her well being\n\nBlanc:I agree with Rei you should of consulted with her before throwing her under the bus like that\n\nY/N:Sirzechs I want you to confirm something for me\n\nSirzechs:What is it?\n\nY/N:You are a devil king correct? More importantly the Lucifer of devil kings correct?\n\nSirzechs:Yes?\n\nY/N:And as such your word is law amongst the devil race right?\n\nSirzechs: that's right\n\nBefore anymore could be said I disappear from the room which I find myself in the clubhouse where Rias is located at\n\nY/N:Rias?\n\nRias:Y/N how did you get here?\n\nY/N:I don't know all I know is that I was about to straighten out your brother for his idiotic way of putting you in an arranged marriage without your well being \n\n????:Rias who is the weakling that appeared?\n\nTurning my head I see a male individual with blond hair a cock grin red jacket with matching pants as well as a white undershirt\n\n\nY/N:So who's the KFC Reject Rias?\n\nRiser:How dare you talk to Riser Like that! I am of the Noble Phoenix Family!!\n\nY/N:Then you are a devil like Rias right?\n\nRias:He is yes\n\nY/N:And if I remember reading from the library rias's family owns devil's are weak to anything holy or Divine correct\n\nAkeno:You are correct Y/N\n\nBefore any action can be done Riser snaps his fingers and a group of girls appear behind him\n\nY/N:And are they supposed to scare me or something?\n\nRiser:They will show you how weak you are!!\n\nMy eyes flash the color of my candidate form which I summon my sword\n\nY/N (Divine Voice):Then try it if you can devil....\n\nRiser:Grr get him!!\n\nRiser's group charges at me which I make quick work of\n\nSoon the group of riser is on the ground groaning in pain\n\nRiser:How dare you!!!\n\nRiser attempts to attack me but a ice wall appears which I notice grayfia behind me\n\nGrayfia:I would recommend the two of you stop your actions especially you Lord Riser\n\nRiser:Why should Riser stop his attack against the weakling?!\n\nY/N (Divine Voice):Because This Weakling as you call him is a candidate to become a god meaning I'm the very being your race is scared off \n\nRiser:Lies Riser Don't believe you!!\n\nY/N:Then why don't I show you the power I possess\n\n<b>Y/N: ACCESS!!!</b>\n\nI then transform into my candidate form which shocks Riser\n\nRiser:How-How do you have access to that?!\n\nY/N (Candidate Form):Oh? It seems you know what this form is...Pray tell how you know?\n\nGirl similar to Riser:I can answer that sir\n\nThe girl says as she struggles to get up from the ground\n\nY/N (Divine Voice):And pray tell who you are?\n\nRavel:I am Ravel Phoenix Riser's sister and bishop\n\nY/N:*Mind* note to self beat the ever living shit out of Riser for being a complete creep... *Outloud* now explain how Riser knows of my form and is scared when he saw it\n\nRavel:He knows it as do I because we both read a book which describes of a hidden futuristic world which has four nations and with in those nations are several very powerful beings\n\nY/N (Divine Voice):Can you explain more about what you know?\n\nRavel nods \n\nRavel:The first nation the book tells has two individuals of lilac hair color the older of the two while carefree and super friendly will literally destroy any who harms those close to her or within the nation she resides in the younger of the two while being clumsy will literally do the same as the older of the two\n\nRavel:After those two the next one the book talks about is a nation covered in machinery\n\nRiser:The book tells of three powerful individuals within it's walls of the nation the oldest and most powerful of the three is the one who endlessly works to ensure those within the nation are well protected after the oldest is the first of the two after the oldest who is said to be very hard working and strong lastly the third of the three is a complete gun nut as they tend to have a weird fetish for fire arms\n\nY/N:*Mind* boy uni would tear him a new asshole if she heard what he just said\n\nRavel: After those three is the next nation which is said to be very cold as well as to host the three deadliest of the beings who are known to have brown hair....the first is usual a bookworm and is quiet most of the time but will literally go into an unbreakable rage at the drop of a hat\n\nRias and the others Y/N included:*Mind* she has no idea how right she is about that\n\nRiser:After the oldest are the two younger ones to the oldest of the third nation which are said to be very childlike but unmatched in terms of magic\n\nRavel:Lastly is the one the book tells of the nation of green which hosts a powerful spear wielder who has blond hair like myself and my brother\n\nRiser:The spear wielder is said to be a complete geek but like the others will literally rip those who harm the ones closest to them a new one \n\nI soon let out a laugh which confuses the two\n\nRavel:Why are you laughing?\n\nI return to normal before showing a grin on my face\n\nY/N:Oh nothing just you think they those you described from your book are just that part of the book right?\n\nRavel:Of course why ask?\n\nI pull out my tablet and call Historie\n\nY/N:Hey Histoire can you and Arfoire make a portal to where I am I have a few people that would like to meet the others\n\nHistoire (Call):Of course we'll be there soon\n\nI hang up and put my tablet up which a portal opens up behind me\n\nNeptune and the rest soon stand around me\n\nRavel:Who are they?\n\nY/N:Well Ravel you know how the book told you and riser of powerful beings in a hidden futuristic world?\n\nRavel nods\n\nY/N:Well meet those very individuals themselves Girls your up\n\nRiser:Impossible...\n\nGrayfia:Anyway before anymore distractions is said my lady the only way you will be able to get free from the marriage would to win a rating game\n\nAfter much discussion about the marriage and rating game I along with those from Gamindustri offer to train Rias's group for the match which Riser gave Rias ten days to prepare\n\nGrayfia and riser's group leave the building\n\nRias:can you meet us at the entrance to the academy early tomorrow\n\nNodding our heads my group then heads back to the home that Sirzechs and the devil's made for us which we then retire to sleep\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>", "<b>3rd POV</b>\n\nAt Kuoh Academy's Entrance early in the morning is Y/N his sisters and their friends as they stand at the entrance waiting for Rias and her peerage\n\nBlanc:Where the hell are they?!\n\nUzume:Calm yourself Blanc im sure they will be here soon\n\nJust as Uzume finishes speaking Rias and her peerage can be seen approaching the Academy\n\nRias:Sorry we're late it was somewhat difficult to wake some up\n\nY/N:It's no trouble Rias now we aren't really gonna train in the city are we?\n\nRias:no we are gonna head for a vacation home my family uses which is in the forest up on a hill\n\nRei:Then lead the way\n\nRias nods as she and her group leads the group from Gamindustri to her family's vacation home\n\nAfter several hours the groups reach the bottom of the hill where the vacation home is located at\n\nNepgear:That's the vacation home?\n\nRias:Yes it is Lady Nepgear\n\nY/N then notices kiba koneko and reluctantly Issei all putting on a bag to carry on their backs\n\nY/N: Rias how much do each of those bags kiba koneko and Issei are carrying weigh?\n\nRias:it varies about 20-30 pounds for koneko 10-15 for kiba and about 1-5 for Issei\n\nY/N:Yeah I'm gonna have to tell you that's not gonna work\n\nY/N says in a deadpan tone\n\nRias:What do you mean?\n\nVert:What he means is that those weights for the bags are merely for those weak in terms of battle power\n\nNoire:Which Y/N late last night asked Blanc and Peashy to get five of the most heaviest objects from our dimension\n\nNoire looks to Blanc then to Peashy and nods which the two return the nod\n\nSoon five Blocks of the heaviest metal in gamindustri appears from the inventory of Blanc and Peashy\n\nThe five Blocks then float over to Kiba Koneko Issei Akeno and Rias\n\nRias:Wait why are me in Akeno doing this?\n\nAkeno:And how heavy are these?\n\nY/N:For your question Rias it's simple just because your the king or rather leader of your peerage doesn't mean you get a free pass at not doing any training which both you and Akeno will participate in the training as well\n\nRei:and for the second question each block weight 500,000 pounds but there's a catch to them \n\nKoneko:what's the catch?\n\nBlanc:the catch is that every 5 minutes that pass and your not up at the top of the hill the blocks will increase in weight by 20,000 pounds\n\nY/N:And to make it harsher for you five...Rom Ram if you both would\n\nThe twins nod and use their magic to cast a harsh blizzard on the path up the hill to the vacation home\n\nIssei:Are you kidding me?!\n\nIssei shouts as he is struggling to hold on to the block\n\nNeptune: we're serious I mean you devil's have improved sight right so you should be able see through the blizzard no problem\n\nUni:one more thing will happen as the five of you are attempting to reach the top which is\n\nY/N:Myself and Uni will be hiding in the near by trees somewhere where you can't see us and taking shots at you five\n\nNepgear:So not only do you five have the heaviest object from Gamindustri on your backs\n\nRam:You also have a blizzard conjured by me and Rom\n\nNoire:As well as Y/N and Uni taking shots at the five of you\n\nY/N:Your time limit to reach the top is just when the sun starts to set also Neptune can you take Asia up to the top since she is more of the support type rather then the fighting type\n\nNeptune transforms into her CPU form\n\nPurple heart:Of course hold on tight Asia\n\nNeptune says in her CPU form as she grabs ahold of Asia's hand\n\nThe two fly up to the top where the home is as does everyone else who's not participating at the moment\n\nY/N:Your training begins NOW!\n\nY/N and Uni quickly disappear into the tree's as they get into position\n\nRias Akeno koneko kiba and issei then begin their trek through the blizzard to reach the top\n\nSeveral hours pass and Koneko makes it to the top with ease as does Kiba and Akeno\n\nRias and Issei however are having difficulty reaching the top\n\nRias:Stop shooting me!\n\nRias shouts from the blizzard\n\nNoire:Rias do you really think this riser person is gonna let you and your peerage take a break? Especially in the middle of battle?\n\nVert:No he will not so unless you see through harsh weather conditions and are able to predict where Y/N and Uni are going to shoot at next you'll more likely lose the match\n\nRias can be be heard muttering to herself\n\nEventually Rias and Issei reach the top which Y/N and Uni return to the group\n\nY/N: Now you five get a few hours of rest before we continue training\n\nIssei:Oh come on! We just got up here you guys are evil!\n\nArfoire:No they are not if anyone is evil it's me as that's how I was in the past but besides that the reason why we are pushing you to your limits\n\nUzume:is because unless we do so you will easily lose to your opponent\n\nY/N:Which in this case is your supposed fiance Rias also Nepgear please remind me to straighten out sirzechs for idiotic ways of being a leader\n\nNepgear:Alright\n\nRias:You can't lecture my brother he's the devil king!\n\nPlutia:Oh but he can you see Y/N Uni Nepgear Rom and Ram are all training to take over their respective siblings nation which means\n\nNeptune:That myself noire and Blanc each are teaching them what to do and how to do it when we retire \n\nNoire:And as such we are teaching them how to handle such things like leadership capabilities politics and other such tasks a leader would need to do\n\nUzume:And with such leaders like myself rei and Plutia helping them learn the five will more than likely be leadership ready when the time comes\n\nY/N:But enough about that after you rested for a few hours I want Rias Akeno Koneko kiba and Issei to face my group so that we can judge where you stand\n\nIssei:Why does Asia get a free pass?\n\nNeptune:She's not getting a free pass from the actual training just from this part as she is more of the support type\n\nBlanc: Don't worry though we won't use our divine forms only our human forms\n\nY/N:Now then let's begin\n\nSoon a few hours pass which Rias Akeno Koneko Kiba and Issei then all charge at Y/N and his group which the sound of a loud explosion can be heard\n\nAfter several more hours pass before Y/N tells everyone to stop\n\nY/N:Alright that's enough we see where your group stands Rias\n\nRias:and what's the results\n\nUni:to be honest you all suck \n\nNoire:Uni is right you don't even bother working together as an actual team you only think of yourselves not of your peerage members\n\nKiba:Then what do we need to improve so that we can better\n\nNepgear:Right so here's where you guys need to improve\n\nY/N:Kiba while you are quick on the field you lack the strength and Defense of a actual swordsman so for your training Blanc and Peashy will help you increase in those fields\n\nArfoire:Next is Koneko while you are strong and resilient in terms of being the rook of rias's group you lack the speed to catch a foe that specializes in speed so for your training Vert will help you increase your speed\n\nY/N:Next up is Akeno now while you are the queen of the peerage you lack any form of hand to hand combat or any other form of combat other then the use of your magic so for your training you will have two trainers which are Nepgear and Ram\n\nNeptune:Next is Issei and quite frank you are the weakest one out of the other five I mean seriously you couldn't even land a punch on either one of us so most of us will be training you harshly\n\nY/N:Finally Rias and let me just say that you focus way too much on your family's power which If I remember correctly is the power of destruction so safe to say you don't have any sort of training so for you Arfoire Histoire will train you on being a leader while Uzume and Rei will focus on training you in combat situations\n\nRias:But I'm the devil king Lucifer's sister I shouldn't have to train\n\nBlanc:And that's your problem right there no one on the field of battle will simply let you win or get away with saying that hell take Arfoire for example she never let us goddesses get away with saying we are the CPUs of our nations when she was evil \n\nY/N:Let me ask something do you want to be known as Rias Gremory or do you want to be known as Rias Phoenix because if you don't properly train that is what will happen to you\n\nRias is silent before nodding at the training regimen Y/N and his group has planned for her\n\nVert:Also Asia dear since you are the support type you will be trained by Rom who will train you in more advanced healing spells as well as a few battle spells to help defend yourself\n\nAsia:Okay\n\nY/N:Right now everyone get to training\n\n<b>Timeskip 5 days</b>\n\nDuring the first five days Rias and her peerage improved a bit but not much as the group was still weak in terms of combat\n\n<b>Timeskip remaining 5 days</b>\n\nOver the last five days of training Rias and her group have atleast showed a moderate improvement\n\nY/N:right so our training is done for now and wether you and your peerage put our training to use is on you all\n\nBlanc:Best of luck to you all and don't misuse our training\n\nY/N and His group walk away as Rias and her peerage teleport back to Kuoh Academy\n\nBack at the home for those from Gamindustri Y/N and the other deities are chatting about what's going on\n\nNeptune:You think they'll win?\n\nY/N:I don't know Neptune all we can do is believe in them\n\nSuddenly a magic circle appears and from the circle is a familiar bob cut girl\n\nY/N:Sona? What brings you here?\n\nNoire:Who's this Y/N?\n\nY/N:Well big sis this is the student council president of the academy I attend \n\nSona:Greetings my name is Sona Sitri but I go by Sitori in the human world and I am a devil like Rias is\n\nUni:So what brings you to our home?\n\nSona:I'm here because I would like to show you all the match between riser and Rias\n\nHistoire:You are able to do that?\n\nSona:Yes ma'am I can now if you all will kindly set your sights on the orb before you\n\nSona casts a spell which makes a video orb appear before Y/N and his group\n\n<b>During the Rating Game Kiba's PoV</b>\n\nRight now I am standing against a few of riser's knights as well as a bishop and rook\n\nSoon Issei and Koneko join me\n\nKiba:Seems you took care of your opponents\n\nKoneko:yeah but dumbass here decided to shred their clothes with a dumb spell\n\nIssei:H-Heh good thing he's not hearing what you said\n\nRias then makes a telepathic call to us\n\nRias (Call):No he can hear your conversation Sona is at his home broadcasting the match now\n\nI then see Issei pale at what rias just said now\n\nSoon one of Riser's knights approaches us which i step forward\n\nKiba:I am Knight of Rias Gremory you will not get close to them\n\nRiser's Knight: then I will defeat you for lord Riser!\n\n<b>3rd POV</b>\n\nThe two knights clash swords as koneko and issei fight the remaining members of riser's peerage that are before them\n\nKoneko manages to handle one of the peerage members but Issei does something completely moronic\n\nSoon two of the girls that are fighting Koneko and Issei clothes are shredded causing the girls to be naked\n\n<b>Back with those from Gamindustri</b>\n\nY/N:I'm seriously gonna hurt the fool\n\nY/N says as he has a menacing aura surrounding him\n\nNoire/Uni: We'll Join you...\n\nBlanc:Seriously what the hell?! \n\nBlanc shouts as she is pissed at what she sees\n\nY/N:Oh and Uni you know riser the one Rias is facing off against?\n\nUni:What about him?\n\nY/N:Well before you and the others arrived at the clubhouse of Rias he told me about a book that involves us and that from our nation in the book you are a gun nut and that you have a weird gun fetish\n\nY/Ns words push Uni's aura to extreme levels\n\nUni:That's two I gotta deal with huh....Perfect\n\nUni says with a grin\n\n<b>Over with the peerage match between Rias and riser</b>\n\nThe match is still going on with most of rias peerage defeated leaving only rias Issei and asia while on the other side Riser is the only one standing from his peerage\n\nRiser:Riser must admit I never would of thought you actually give my peerage a challenge but alas Riser will win!\n\nIssei:Not on your life pal!\n\nIssei charges at Riser blindly which Riser smirks at\n\nAfter a brutal beat down of Issei Riser knockouts Asia with a slap leaving only Rias\n\nRiser:Riser thinks it's time to end this\n\nRiser prepares to throw a fireball at Issei which Rias immediately covers\n\nRias:Stop I surrender!\n\nVoice:Resignment acknowledged The Winner is Riser\n\nThe rating match ends\n\n<b>With those from Gamindustri Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nY/N:That idiot devil she never took our training to heart\n\nRei:Seems that way\n\nUni:What do we do now big brother?\n\nY/N:Only thing we can do is to wait and see if anyone comes and picks us up but until then we can only wait\n\nNoire:He's right\n\nThe rest of the day is spent relaxing and training\n\nSoon grayfia appears\n\nNeptune:Nepu what brings you here maid lady?\n\nGrayfia:I'm here with a invitation for Mr Y/N\n\nY/N:and what is the invitation about?\n\nGrayfia:it's a invitation to the wedding of riser and Rias also Sirzechs sends a message\n\nNoire:What's the message?\n\nGrayfia:<b>\"Y/N please end this marriage that I so stupidly made happen I'll reward you with something only high ranking devil's can obtain\"</b>\n\nY/N:Very well when's the supposed wedding?\n\nGrayfia:In a few hours I will pick up before it happens\n\nY/N: alright\n\nGrayfia disappears which I use the time to train\n\n<b>Timeskip a few hours</b>\n\nGrayfia appears and asks if I'm ready which I nod \n\nWe disappear from the home where I am standing outside a manor while grayfia goes to Sirzechs\n\nI approach the door which one of the devil guards stop me\n\nGuard:Halt do you have a invitation?\n\nY/N:Yeah I was personally invited by Sirzechs\n\nGuard:Sure you do and I'm Lord Lucifer himself now beat it Kid\n\nY/N shrugs his shoulders before cracking his knuckles\n\nY/N:Oh well I tried to be reasonable but I guess I gotta make a entrance the hard way\n\nI knock out the other guard before approaching the one who denied me entry\n\nY/N:Hey before I hurt you I gotta ask do you know what yeet means?\n\nGuard:Yeet?\n\nY/N:This Bitch is Empty YEET!\n\nI punch the guard in the stomach before tossing him hard through the doors\n\nY/N:So what I'm not allowed at this supposed wedding?\n\nRias&amp;Peerage:Y/N!\n\nRiser:How dare you enter here without permission guards seize him!\n\nI smirk before whistling loudly as the guards charge at me\n\nSoon a axe appears from above as two shots also hit the two guards in the knee\n\nRiser:What?! Who's there?!\n\nY/N:Come on Riser you didn't really think I wouldn't have came alone now did you?\n\nNoire Uni and everyone else appear behind and from above me\n\nRiser:who do you think you are weakling?!\n\nY/N:Me? Why just a individual who is training to become a God and no I'm not a angel if that's what most of you devil's are thinking but in any case riser I challenge you for the freedom of Rias Gremory\n\nRiser:Riser declines I will not waste my breath on such a weakling\n\nSirzechs:Oh but you do have to face him riser\n\nWe turn our heads to see sirzechs approaching riser\n\nRiser:My Lord!\n\nSirzechs:Such a crazy turn of events wouldn't you say?\n\nY/N:Sure oh and don't forget Sirzechs I still need to straighten you out from the other day before I disappeared\n\nSirzechs sweatdrops at what I said\n\nSirzechs:In any case the match will between riser phoenix vs Y/N L/N now what do you want if you win Y/N\n\nY/N:You already know my answer but I'll say it again I want Rias Gremory to freely choose who she wishes to be with and not be ordered by some old geezers\n\nOld devil:How dare you?!\n\nUni shoots the ground Infront of the devil\n\nUni:Talk bad about him and the next shot won't miss...\n\nSirzechs:Well in any case Grayfia please teleport the two to the arena\n\nGrayfia:right...\n\nRiser and I soon teleport from the manor which we appear in the arena\n\nRiser:Riser will make this quick!\n\nGrayfia announces the match which we both then heard the words to begin\n\nSummoning my sword I quickly make a dash towards Riser as he begins to throw fire balls at me\n\nI dodge the fireballs with ease before shouting\n\nY/N:<b>6th Sword technique Aquatic Slash!</b>\n\nI Slash riser with a water based Slash which harms him\n\nRiser:How dare you make Riser wet!\n\nRiser throws a large fireball which I spin my sword in place before stabbing the ground\n\nY/N:<b>13th Sword technique Ground Wall!</b>\n\nSoon a large wall appears in front of me which blocks the fireball\n\nI speed around the wall which my sword begins to glow brightly\n\nY/N:<b>1st Sword technique Divine heavens Slash!</b>\n\nMy attack causes riser to fall onto the ground in pain\n\nRiser:Stop! Don't you understand this marriage is for better of all devil's!\n\nY/N:But yet Rias doesn't want to be with you which makes it all the worth while to free her from your greedy clutches! Now for the finishing blow\n\nI create a clone which we both hold our swords\n\nY/N&amp;Clone:<b>4th Sword technique Voltaic Twin Slash!</b>\n\nMy clone and I both dash at riser which we both deliver a slash across riser at the same time causing riser to scream in pain before passing out\n\nGrayfia:Riser Phoenix is knocked out! The winner is Y/N L/N!\n\nRiser disappears which I transform into my CPU candidate form and float above the arena as it begins to crumble\n\nNoire:Well done Y/N\n\nY/N:Thanks sis\n\nUni:You totally creamed him!\n\nNeptune:Yuppers you sure did\n\nVert:But now I believe someone wants to thank you dear\n\nThey all make a opening as Rias flys into my arms\n\nRias:Oh Thank you thank you so much Y/N!\n\nY/N:It's no trouble really rias I always help my friends no matter how difficult the situation they are in\n\nRias smiles brightly which we return to Sirzechs \n\nSirzechs:Well done I'd never seen such sword skills\n\nY/N:Well I studied and practiced many sword techniques before coming here so yeah there's that\n\nSirzechs:Right now if you will follow me I can deliver to you what I said in the message grayfia told you\n\nWe walk away which I hear what the others are saying \n\nRias:What's going on?\n\nPeashy: Don't know \n\nArfoire:all we know is that the message said something only high rank devil's get\n\nAkeno:Oh my you don't think ..\n\nSona:That he's getting a peerage set?!\n\nRias and the rest all rush after myself and Sirzechs\n\nAs for myself and Sirzechs we enter a room where Ajuka is waiting with a strange device\n\nAjuka:welcome Y/N I've been waiting for you\n\nY/N:Hello Lord Ajuka and what is that device?\n\nAjuka:This device is what we use to create devil pieces or peerage pieces if you will\n\nY/N:Do I need to do anything to make it work?\n\nAjuka:Just stick your hand in the machine and give a little of your power which the machine will pop out your pieces\n\nY/N:Alright\n\nI place my hand in the machine which I give some of power\n\nSoon the machine pop out 16 pieces all glowing white in color\n\nAjuka:My word they are glowing brightly and they are all mutated too\n\nSirzechs:Wait what?! How?!\n\nY/N:I think I might know and I'm only guessing this by the way but I think the pieces are glowing with my God energy meaning whoever joins will also receive the energy of the pieces\n\nAjuka:I think your right\n\nSoon the door opens which reveals to be the others\n\nRias:did you already get your set Y/N\n\nSirzechs:He did which all he needs to do is apply the king piece to himself oh and his entire set is mutated\n\nI nod which sirzechs helps apply the piece which I then feel a increase in power from the mutated piece\n\nY/N:I feel stronger\n\nI say as I open and close my hands\n\nTsubaki:Do you know who you wish to recruit to your peerage?\n\nY/N:I know most that wish to recruit \n\nKoneko:Who are they?\n\nY/N:They are.....\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n\n<b>Shadow here with the next chapter for the story and for who joins the peerage find out on the next exciting episode of Cheater HDN </b>\n\n<b>(Sorry had to put that in atleast one of the storys)</b>", "<b>King:</b>\n\n\n<b>Y/N</b>\n\n<b>Queen:</b>\n\n\n<b>Rei Ryghts</b>\n\n<b>Bishops:</b>\n\n\n<b>Rom and Ram</b>\n\n<b>Rook 1:</b>\n\n\n<b>Blanc</b>\n\n<b>Rook 2:</b>\n\n<b>P</b><b>eashy</b>\n\n<b>Knight 1:</b>\n\n\n<b>Neptune</b>\n\n<b>Knight 2:</b>\n\n\n<b>Noire</b>\n\n<b>Pawn 1:</b>\n\n\n<b>Vert</b>\n\n<b>Pawn 2:</b>\n\n\n<b>Kunou</b>\n\n<b>Pawn 3</b>\n\n\n<b>Uni</b>\n\n<b>Pawn 4:</b>\n\n\n<b>Nepgear</b>\n\n<b>Pawn 5:</b>\n\n\n<b>Venelana</b>\n\n<b>Pawn 6</b>:\n\n<b>Lady Phoenix (2 pieces)</b>\n\n<b>Pawn 7:</b>\n\n<b>Yasaka</b>\n\n<b>Shadow:</b><b>These are the peerage members for Y/Ns Mutated Peerage anyway I hope to see you all in the next chapter of the </b><b>story</b>", "<b>Previously</b>\n\nY/N:They are...\n\n<b>Currently Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nY/N:They are the following individuals located in this room\n\nNoire:Who are they little brother?\n\nY/N:For the queen piece I am picking rei Ryghts\n\nRei:Me but why me?\n\nY/N:I pick you because and I know you and the other girls always tell me not to mention a girls age but for this one moment I'll break that rule it's because you are the oldest and wisest of the goddesses of Gamindustri along side Arfoire and Histoire so you will be able to help me lead the Peerage\n\nArfoire:He's right Rei you are in mine and histoires knowledge range\n\nRei:Very well I accept\n\nI nod and walk over to rei with the queen piece and place it on her chest which the piece goes into her chest\n\nA bright light envelopes rei which we cover our eyes\n\nThe light disappears and rei looks at herself\n\nY/N:How do you feel rei?\n\nRei:I feel... Amazing!\n\nUni:So the pieces greatly increases our powers?\n\nY/N:Seems that way sis anyway for the bishops I would like for Rom and Ram to join as the bishops as they have more magical talent then anyone from Gamindustri \n\nNeptune:Nepu they sure do!\n\nBlanc:Well Rom Ram do you both wanna join?\n\nRom and Ram look at each other and nod \n\nTwins: We'll Join!\n\nI nod my head and use both bishop pieces on Rom and Ram who's power greatly increases like Rei did\n\nY/N:Now on to the rooks and well I don't really need to say who they are as everyone from Gamindustri should know the two physical power houses of Gamindustri\n\nBlanc:It's myself and Peashy ain't it?\n\nY/N:Yes Blanc it's you and Peashy so I ask will the two of you join as the rooks?\n\nBlanc:Sure I'll join\n\nPeashy:Yeah!\n\nI nod and use the rook pieces on Blanc and Peashy who as before power greatly increases like the rest\n\nY/N:Now the knights are big Sister Noire and Lady Neptune which if I remember from the explaination that rias grayfia and her mother told will greatly increase the speed of which the two move in battle\n\nNoire:I'll gladly join little brother\n\nNeptune:Yeah!\n\nI use the knight pieces on Noire and Neptune which the pieces enter their bodies soon the two are smiling at their newfound strength\n\nY/N:Now for most of the pawns of the peerage. The first one I would like to recruit as a pawn is Vert\n\nVert:Why a pawn dear?\n\nRias:Well vert what a pawn is for the peerage is basically the real soldier of the peerage and what I mean is that if y/n was to give you permission you can promote yourself to any other piece except his Position\n\nNoire:So for example if she wanted she could promote herself to say Blanc and Peashy's Piece and greatly increase her physical powers right?\n\nRias nods as to say yes\n\nVert:Then I will gladly join \n\nI nod and use one pawn piece on Vert\n\nY/N:Next pawn piece member is My little Sis Uni... Do you wish to join Uni?\n\nUni:Of course big brother!\n\nI smile and use a pawn piece on Uni\n\nY/N:After her is Nepgear so I'll ask will you join Nepgear?\n\nNepgear:Of Course\n\nI nod and use a pawn piece on Nepgear\n\nY/N:And that is most of who I wish to recruit to the peerage and I know I have four pawn pieces I just don't know who else to recruit at the moment\n\nAkeno:Well you got most of the positions filled for your peerage so it's something to say atleast\n\nSirzechs:She's right but for now what will you do?\n\nY/N:Probably head back to the house you built us and discuss some stuff that needs to be addressed but before we go.... Uni don't you need to take care of something here or rather greatly harm someone who did something you hated?\n\nUni:Oh yeah....\n\nUni turns to face Issei who's sweating bullets right now\n\nSummoning her gun she fires a warning shot at Issei who flinches before running out the door with Uni following close behind\n\nKiba:What's going on?\n\nVert:Well We all watched your match against riser and let's say that Uni and Y/N were ultimately pissed at what Issei did during the match so as you just saw Uni wanted to harshly deal with Issei\n\nY/N:I want to harm him too but I'll deal with him at a later time\n\nSoon Issei returns which he falls face first with multiple bullet wounds in his body\n\nRias: *sigh* Asia please heal him\n\nAsia:Hai\n\nAsia begins to heal Issei\n\nY/N:Anyway we will go now see you at School Rias Sona\n\nMy peerage and I then vanish from the room via the portal which we appear back in the house\n\nSitting in the living room we begin to converse\n\nRei:So what is needed to be addressed Y/N\n\nY/N:Well what is needed to be addressed is our training schedules so that we can be prepared for any fight or villain that comes our way in this dimension\n\nVert:he's right we don't know how strong those of this dimension are\n\nNoire:Right and if we are unprepared that could mean one thing\n\nNepgear:That we'd die from not training properly\n\nY/N:Exactly Nepgear which is why we need to discuss training regimens as to avoid that happening dispite us being immortals\n\nBlanc:Right just because we are immortal doesn't mean the opponent could find a way to get past the immortal status and kill us\n\nUni:How will the training regimens be big brother?\n\nY/N:Hmm I'm not sure to be honest Little Sis\n\nArfoire:Might I suggest what you could do?\n\nWe look towards Arfoire\n\nArfoire then explains the way we could train which we look a each other nod\n\nY/N: We'll use your method for training lady Arfoire\n\nRei:Right but for now we should rest as we had a busy week training Rias and her peerage for the past ten days \n\nNoire:She's right I'm sure we are all still tired from those ten days despite still sleeping during those days\n\nNodding our heads we head for our bedrooms which we all climb in our beds and fall asleep\n\n<b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b>", "<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nWaking up I stretch before putting my academy uniform on\n\nAs I walk down stairs I notice several of my friends in academy uniforms as well as teaching uniforms\n\nY/N:Uh what's going on?\n\nNoire:Well we will be joining you at your school Little brother\n\nArfoire:And as for what a few of us are well you'll just have to wait to find out\n\nRei:For now you all best get moving you don't wanna be late and we'll see you at the academy\n\nNodding our heads my group exits the home which we then make our way to the academy\n\nUpon stepping through the gate of the academy many of the students begin to gossip about us\n\nNone of which made any sense to us\n\nHeading to the student council office I allow Noire and the others of my group to get their schedules which two members of the student council off to help those who are not in my class find theirs \n\nSplitting up we all head for our classes\n\nWhich I enter first as Blanc Uni and Neptune all stay outside the door as to wait for the teacher\n\nSitting at my desk opens to reveal Rei the Queen of my peerage walking up to the teaching desk\n\nRei:Good Morning Class my name is Ms Ryghts and I will be your new teacher for the rest of the semester\n\nStudent 1:Excuse me but isn't it suppose to be spelled Rights not Ryghts?\n\nY/N:Look just sit back down your not gonna change her mind about it no better then I ever could and trust me I tried\n\nStudent 3:How do you know her Y/N?\n\nY/N:Because she is from the same part of the world I am not only that but she's also one of my many trainers in self defense lessons just as the three who are about to enter...Ms Ryghts if you would?\n\nRei nods\n\nRei:You may enter now!\n\nThe door opens and Blanc Uni and Neptune all enter and stand at the front of the class\n\nRei:Please introduce yourselves\n\nBlanc:Blanc don't make fun of me or I'll put you in the ground\n\nStudent 2:Your K-Kidding right?\n\nY/N:No she's not if anyone doesn't matter if your boy or girl make fun of how she looks especially her chest well all I can say that it was nice knowing you\n\nUni:Moving on My name is Uni L/N and I'm Y/Ns little sister\n\nY/N:And a tip for the boys of the class if I catch wind of any of you even if it's off academy grounds of perving my lil sis you can kiss your jewels goodbye and I do mean that literally\n\nI say with a deep angry tone\n\nMale students:H-Hai!\n\nNeptune:Well hi! I'm Neptune it's nice to meet Cha!\n\nStudent 4:Wait a minute Neptune Blanc Uni?\n\nStudent 6:Along with Rei... You don't think that they are from\n\nStudents 4&amp;6: Gamindustri?!\n\nY/N:Wether they are from Gamindustri or not is completely up to them to tell but for now I believe class should start right Ms Ryghts?\n\nRei nods and tells Blanc Neptune and Uni to sit in the available desks near mine which she then begins the lesson\n\nTime passes till the lunch bell rings which Blanc Neptune Uni and myself all head for the cafeteria to meet with the other students from our group\n\nSitting at a table we all converse\n\nY/N:So how's everything going for you all?\n\nNoire:Everything is fine little brother\n\nVert:Just boys being perverts at our body's\n\nY/N:Just give the signal vert and I'll make sure they never look at you or anyone else pervertedly ever again....\n\nUzume:Calm yourself Y/N you don't wanna be expelled from the academy\n\nY/N:*Sigh* maybe so but still I don't trust the boy population of the academy any more then I can throw them\n\nRom:This food is yummy..\n\nBlanc:Chew your food carefully you two no need to rush it\n\nTwins:Hai!\n\nNoire:Still it's amazing to think you was eating this kind of stuff over the several years we was separated lil brother\n\nY/N:Yeah well when this is the only food that is available and not the ones we're used to eating you have to make due with what you can\n\nY/N:But enough about me what has those \"two\" been doing after the punishment was put on them while I was over here?\n\nUni:Not good Big brother \n\nNepgear:yes IF has gone off the harsh end as she is constantly attacking anyone and anything that she sees after the banishment from the nations\n\nY/N:Of course she would become ruthless after the break up\n\nIris:As for Compa well she no longer smiles like she used to as she now harshly gives anyone a shot with her now deluded needle that comes in the viewing range of her eyes\n\nRam:Um ms Iris aren't you suppose to be eating with the teachers?\n\nIris:No need to worry dear I am merely checking on a few students is what I told them\n\nY/N:In any case the two have gone off the deep end as of the break up a few years ago\n\nUmuze:Exactly\n\nY/N:by the way where is Peashy?\n\nVert:She is in a class with children her age dear\n\nUzume:One of us will pick her up after school\n\nSoon the bell rings ending lunch which we all then head back to our classes\n\nRe-entering the class Blanc Uni Neptune and Myself all sit at our assigned desks which rei resumes the lesson\n\nAfter a while the final bell rings which myself Blanc Uni and Neptune all meet up with the others\n\nVert walks over to the group with Peashy in her arms\n\nY/N:Well hello Peashy how are you doing?\n\nPeashy:I'm fine!\n\nSoon we all head back to the manor that Sirzechs made for us\n\nUpon entering we see Rias and Her peerage waiting for us\n\nY/N:Rias? What are you doing here with your peerage?\n\nRias:We need your help with something related to the church that we devil's can't handle\n\nBlanc:And what does the church need your help with?\n\nVoice:We need help recovering the holy swords that was stolen from the church\n\nMy group then notices two hooded figures in the room \n\nNoire:Who are you two?\n\nFigure 1:My name is....\n\n<b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b>", "<b>Previously</b>\n\nFigure 1: My name is...\n\n<b>Present time 3rd POV</b>\n\nFigure 1:My name is Irina Shindou \n\nFigure 2:And I'm Xenovia Quarta\n\nThe two figures lower their hoods to show their faces\n\nVert:Well nice to meet you but why are you in our home?\n\nIrina:Your home? Isn't this Issei's home?\n\nY/N:No it's not it's mine and my friends home\n\nXenovia:Who are you all?\n\nNepgear:Rias we believe that you and your peerage should exit the room unless you wanna receive massive headaches from what we are about to say\n\nRias:Right let's go everyone \n\nRias's group leaves the living room leaving only Irina Xenovia and those from Gamindustri in the room\n\nIrina:Why did they have to leave?\n\nNoire:You'll know why in a moment but we have a question for you both\n\nXenovia:what is it?\n\nRei:Now seeing as your both members of the church means you both believe in holy beings for example god right?\n\nIrina:Oh most definitely God is our savior!\n\nY/N:Yeah about that well my group are similar to this god you worship\n\nXenovia:I call bull there is no way you are gods\n\nBlanc:The term for us females is Goddess but have you two heard of a place called Gamindustri?\n\nXenovia: I've read about that place in the church archives it talks about a world where powerful deities known as CPUs and CPU candidates live if I recall correctly why\n\nPlutia:Well we are those very deities themselves\n\nIrina:No way.... Prove it! I want proof that you are really them!\n\nY/N:Very well let's transform everyone\n\nEveryone from Gamindustri:Right!\n\nSoon one word is heard being shouted from those of Gamindustri\n\nEveryone from Gamindustri (Minus Arfoire and Histiore):<b>ACCESS!!</b>\n\nSoon multiple beams of light appear and blind the two from the church\n\nAfter a few minutes the beams disappear in place of the beam are Y/N his sisters and the rest of the deities from Gamindustri in their CPU/Candidates forms\n\nUni (Black Sister):Now then is this proof enough for you..\n\nBoth Irina and Xenovia are shocked at what they see\n\nXenovia:Y-You \n\nIrina:No way...\n\nThe two church members immediately bow before Y/N and his friends/Family\n\nY/N (Black Brother):rise you two\n\nThe two stand back up\n\nBlanc (White Heart):now what is it that you need the help of the devil known as Ria's gremory and her peerage?\n\nIrina:Well your ladyship a few pieces of the sword Excalibur was stolen from the church and we was told that they was sited in kuoh\n\nUzume (Orange Heart):and the church really didn't think it through when it came to searching for the pieces did they?\n\nXenovia:What do you mean your ladyship?\n\nHistoire:What she means is that instead of asking for help from a race that is weak to anything divine or holy you should research those within the city and see if any would have an affinity to anything holy as to make the search easier\n\nIrina:Ah I see but why did issei leave with that red haired girl?\n\nY/N (Black Brother):Because issei is a devil now as is Asia oh and one thing if either of you attempt to harm Asia... Issei can croke for all I care anyway if you try to harm Asia I won't be so merciful\n\nXenovia:Your joking right?\n\nA bullet goes pass xenovia's face which she sees smoke coming from Y/Ns gun\n\nY/N (Black Brother Divine Voice):I don't joke human....\n\nNoire (Black Heart): OK little brother calm down now\n\nY/N takes a Deep breath before exhaling and returning to normal as does everyone from Gamindustri that transformed\n\nY/N:Sorry I just don't like innocent civilians being harassed for no reason no matter their race anyway Uni can you go get rias and her group\n\nUni:Sure big brother\n\nUni goes to get rias which she then returns a moment later\n\nNeptune:Now then kindly explain to rias why you are here\n\nIrina and Xenovia nod which the two explain their reason for being in kuoh\n\nKiba is then seen clenching his fists angrily which is noticed by Y/N\n\nY/N:Kiba you have some sort of problem with the project the church did in the past don't you...\n\nKiba:it's none of your business....\n\nY/N:oh but you see it is my business since you and the others helped me when I arrived here so I will help you..\n\nY/N Grabs kiba by the collar of his shirt and drags him off\n\nY/N: We'll be just a moment I need to talk to pretty boy here. You all can continue the conversation while we aren't in the room\n\nPlutia:Do you need my help N/N?\n\nY/N:I got this lady Plutia besides I don't want you to traumatize Kiba with your CPU form\n\nY/N and Kiba them exit the room\n\n<b>Timeskip to after the tal</b>k\n\nY/N and Kiba return to the group\n\nNeptune:Did the talk go well?\n\nY/N:It did lady Neptune and Kiba knows not what to do during the events that plan to happen soon.... right kiba?\n\nKiba:Yes i understand\n\nNoire:Now then how should things work out from now on?\n\nY/N:Irina and Xenovia are searching fragments of the holy sword Excalibur right? Then i propose that we each split up into pairs of three to cover more ground in the city\n\nArfoire:Good idea and to make communication easier here are some headset pieces for everyone so that all we will need to do is tap on the ear piece to convey anything we find out\n\nBlanc:Good then lets get to streets people\n\nEveryone:Right!\n\nSoon everyone splits up and heads into the city\n\n<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nAs myself nepgear and Xenovia are running through the streets we search high and low for any signs of where the excalibur pieces are located\n\nY/N:See any signs you two?!\n\nNepgear:None so far!\n\nXenovia:I see nothing either!\n\nSuddenly we get a call from issei via the headsets\n\nIssei (Headset):Hey! We need help!\n\nUni (Headset):Whats going on?!\n\nIssei (Headset):Koneko Kiba and I encountered the crazed priest and he has two of the excalibur pieces!\n\nNeptune (Headset): Wheres your location!\n\nWe hear issei tell the location of where he is at\n\nY/N (Headset):Big Sis Noire,Lady Neptune utilize the speed of your knight pieces and get over to them Pronto!\n\nNoire&amp;Neptune (Headset):On it!\n\nY/N (Headset):As for everyone else get to the location as quick as you can!\n\nEveryone else (headset But issei kiba and koneko):Right!\n\nY/N:Nepgear!\n\nNepgear:right!\n\nWe transform into our candidate forms\n\nY/N (Black Brother):Xenovia grab our hands!\n\nXenovia:alright!\n\nWe hover in the air which xenovia grabs ahold of our hands\n\nFlying through the city we reach the spot where issei kiba and koneko are\n\nLanding near the group we untransform and enter the warehouse where the fighting is happening\n\nPlutia:So this is the one who has the pieces of the Excalibur sword?\n\nPriest:Who are you people?! Especially the hottie over there with the big chest i could motorboat them hehe *points to vert*\n\nVert:My my as much as i wanna say thanks for the compliment you just signed your death warrant\n\nPriest:oh and hows that?\n\nNoire:My little brother absolutely despises perverts and any caught being one infront of him...\n\nUni:Will meet their end by him personally\n\nPriest:Ha! As if he could kill me!\n\nI grip my fist tightly before transforming again\n\nMaking 10 clones we all surround the priest with our guns pointed at the priest\n\nY/N (main) all devils cover your eyes and get to the ground...NOW!!\n\nRias and her peerage all drop onto the ground and cover their eyes\n\n<b>Y/N (Main and Clones):16th Gun Technique Elemental Rapid Barrage Shot</b>!\n\nWe fire multiple elemental shots at the priest filling him up with holes\n\nThe priest screams in pain before dieing on the ground in a pool of blood\n\nIssei:Holy shit! Im glad i only got a warning shot!\n\nVoice:What happened!\n\nBlanc:Whos this old prick!?\n\nKiba:Valper!\n\nValper throws a smoke bomb down and escapes\n\nRam:We have to go after him!\n\nBlanc:Don't ram he will more than likely head to his superior\n\nUzume:Not only that but he took the pieces with him too\n\nRom:What do we do now?\n\nArfoire:Rias correct me if im wrong but in your great war there was three races in the war correct?\n\nRias:Yes ma'am that's correct the races were the devils,the angels, and the fallen angels\n\nNepgear:So far we met the devils and if im right since the members of the church are the holy type that would mean they are allied with the angels\n\nReturning to normal i look towards the group\n\nY/N:Then that would mean that the faction that is causing all the commotion with this whole Excalibur non sense is the fallen angels\n\nNoire:But the question is why?\n\nSuddenly a voice speaks to me in my mind\n\nVoice (Mind):<u>you must get to your academ</u>y\n\nY/N (Mind):Who are you?\n\nVoice (Mind):<u>you will know soon for now you must get moving...Hurry!</u>\n\nY/N:Listen we need to get back to the academy\n\nNeptune:Nepu what for?\n\nY/N:Call me crazy if you want but a voice just spoke to me in my mind and told me that something is happening at the academy and that we need to hurry\n\nI run out of the warehouse and make a b line to the academy with the others following behind as Rias and her peerage teleport to the academy\n\nArriving at the academy entrance my group sees rias and her peerage talking to someone in the sky\n\n????:Ah it seems we have some guests\n\nBlanc:who's he rias?\n\nKokabiel:I am Kokabiel warmonger of the fallen angels\n\nRei:Then it's safe to say that your the \"boss\" of what's been going on lately right?\n\nKokabiel:That is correct and I heard that one of my \"pawns\" was gunned down by some boy among you\n\nY/N:That would be me Old man as I'm the one who gunned down the \"pawn\" of yours for being a perverted fool Infront of me\n\nKokabiel:None the less you won't be able to stop me once I destroyed the Gremory and sitri heiresses their older siblings will come and another great war will happen!\n\nArfoire:Your kidding right? All this to cause a war?\n\nKokabiel:Yes! Azazel the leader of the fallen retreated during the war when the fallen could of killed the devil's and the angels and been the dominant race!\n\nRias:That will not happen while I'm still around!\n\nKokabiel:Then show me the proof. Show me the strength of you all!\n\nKokabiel then moves above the academy which Sona and her peerage shows up and we tell her what's all going on\n\nSona:We will put a barrier up meanwhile you all deal with Kokabiel\n\nY/N:got it!\n\nMy friends/sisters and I walk through the gates to the academy as does Rias and her group\n\nReaching the spot before the doors to the academy we see Kokabiel and valper \n\nKokabiel:You made it... Let's begin shall we?\n\nY/N:then let's transform everyone!\n\nGamindustri group:Right!\n\nMy friend/sisters and I transform into our CPU/Candidate forms respectively \n\nKokabiel:This feeling... Why do you all have the same feeling as God!\n\nNoire (Black Heart):Tell us Kokabiel surely you heard of a world called Gamindustri Right?\n\nKokabiel:yes but what about that world that no one can reach?\n\nUzume (Orange Heart):Well we are from that very world\n\nSuddenly two three headed dogs appear out of nowhere\n\nRias:That's Cerebus the guard dog of hades!\n\nArfoire:No its not rias that creature is a fake version of the original\n\nAkeno:Meaning it doesn't have the strength of the original right?\n\nArfoire:Correct\n\nAkeno:Lady Iris would you care to join me in teaching a naughty doggy some manners~?\n\nLooking towards iris i see a grin appear on her face\n\nIris:Why yes i will~ the doggy needs to be seriously punished!\n\nI immediately cover roms eyes and ears as issei covers Asia's\n\n<b>*Cue the warning pic from neptunia victory 1 appearing (the one where child IF gets </b><b>tramatized</b><b> fyi) *</b>\n\nKoneko:Holy shit...\n\nIssei:You ain't kidding.\n\nAsia:Issei let me see!\n\nIssei:Nuh uh not until they are done\n\nTime passes before we see the fake cerebus disappearing in a puff of smoke\n\nIrina&amp;Xenovia:Remind us not to piss them off!\n\nValper:I gotta get out of here!\n\nWe see Valper start to run\n\nKiba:Oh no you don't!\n\nKiba chases after Valper\n\nY/N (Black Brother):Kiba stop!\n\nIgnoring my words kiba keeps chasing valper\n\nY/N (Black Brother):Damn it!\n\nUni (Black Sister):Forget about him for now big brother we got more important matters to deal with\n\nLooking back at kokabiel we ready our weapons\n\nKokabiel summons alot of light based projectiles which he fires with precise precision\n\nAvoiding his attack we begin our counter attack\n\nBlanc (White Heart):Peashy lets go!\n\nPeashy (Yellow Heart):Yeah!\n\nBoth blanc and peashy deliver a hard attack to Kokabiel\n\nY/N (Black Brother):Nice job you two now then Vert Uni Nepgear you have my permission for promotion!\n\nThe three:Right!\n\nVert (Green heart):Promotion Knight!\n\nI see Vert deliver a speedy stab at Kokabiel\n\nNepgear (Purple Sister):Promotion Bishop!\n\nNepgear then sends a powerful magic spell at Kokabiel which hits him hard\n\nUni (Black Sister):Promotion Rook!\n\nUni fires several shots from her rifle which sends kokabiel to the ground\n\nKokabiel:Damn you!!\n\n<b>3rd POV</b>\n\nKokabiel angrily gets up from the ground and unleashes a barrage of light based magic attacks at the group\n\nEveryone does their best to avoid the attacks \n\nY/N however sees one of the attacks heading towards Rias\n\nY/N (Black Brother):Rias look out!!!\n\nY/N moves quickly and pushes Rias out of the way of an oncoming attack heading towards her\n\nY/N (Black Brother):Guh!\n\nIs all Y/N can say as he is hit in the gut by the attack which causes him to crash on the ground\n\nEveryone (Except Kokabiel Kiba and Valper):Y/N!!!!\n\nLaying on the ground unconscious the peerages walk over to Y/Ns unconscious body\n\nUni (Black Sister):B-Big brother?\n\nNo response is heard from Y/N\n\nNoire (Black Heart):Come on Y/N T-This isn't f-Funny now... Wake up!\n\nStill no response is heard\n\nUzume (Orange Heart):H-He can't not yet\n\nRei:Come on everyone we need to finish this fight...\n\nSuddenly noire and uni gain a aura of pure hatred\n\n<b>Noire and Uni's aura right now just replace the two in the gif with noire and uni</b>\n\nNoire (Black Heart):Rei is right...\n\nUni (Black Sister):Yeah... The bastard hurt our family big sis\n\nNoire (Black Heart):And for that he....\n\nNoire&amp;Uni (Black Heart&amp;Sister):He will die by our hands!!\n\nNoire and uni both charge at Kokabiel in rage\n\nRias:Asia can you try to heal him?\n\nAsia:I'll try\n\nAsia kneels beside Y/Ns unconscious body and uses her sacred gear to try and heal him\n\nRei:Blanc Neptune Nepgear you three help guard asia as she is healing Y/N\n\nBlanc:Right and Rom you help with the healing too\n\nRom:Ok!\n\nRom begins to help heal Y/N\n\n<b>Within Y/Ns </b><b>Mindscap</b>e\n\nY/N:Damn it! *sigh* never thought i would get done in by a magical attack\n\nVoice:You are not dead child\n\nY/N:Who's there?! Show yourself!\n\nSuddenly a dragon appears before Y/N shining in the dark\n\nY/N:Woah a dragon...so who are you?\n\nSelene:My name is selene and i am the dragon of the moon and not only that but i am the one inside your sacred gear\n\nY/N:Sacred gear? But i thought only the humans of this dimension could obtain them? Besides I'm a god in training so how will the sacred gear improve my already fighting prowess\n\nSelene:It will help you in the fight against kokabiel and as for increasing your strength the ability the gear has which is known as reflect will let you take in some of the attacks original strength as your own\n\nY/N:Right so how do i get out of here?\n\nSelene:You gotta wake up...\n\n<b>Outside the </b><b>mindscap</b>e\n\nAsia and rom are doing their best to heal Y/N but no result still\n\nSuddenly Y/Ns body begins to vibrate and glow\n\nRom:S-Sis!\n\nBlanc:what the hell?!\n\nY/Ns Body then begins to float up into the sky as a pair of dragon wings appear on Y/Ns Back\n\nOpening his eyes Y/Ns eyes can be seen shining like the moon\n\nY/N rushes towards the fight between his sisters and kokabiel\n\nKokabiel:Take this you brats!\n\nKokabiel fires a large magical spear at Noire and Uni\n\nNoire and uni brace for impact\n\nBut before the spear could hit the sisters they hear a voice shout\n\n????:<b>Reflect!!</b>\n\nThe attack is sent back at Kokabiel while a portion of it goes into Y/N\n\nLooking at the one who saved them both Noire and Uni have happy expressions on their face \n\nNoire&amp;Uni:Y/N!!!\n\nY/N:Sorry about that you two and you can scold me later for now we gotta kill this warmonger\n\nNoire&amp;Uni:Right!\n\nThe lastation siblings float side by side each other\n\nY/N:Its time for you to perish Kokabiel... Lets go you two!\n\nLastation Siblings:<b>Enternal Volcanic Eruption!!</b>\n\nThe three lastation siblings unleash their family ex skill which burns Kokabiel to ashes as he screams in pain from the intense heat\n\nSeeing kokabiel die Y/N falls to the ground and passes out\n\nNeptune:Hes not?\n\nKoneko:He's alive just asleep\n\nNepgear:Thank goodness...\n\nBlanc:Come on lets get him back to the house so he can rest\n\nRei:Yes lets go and rias we will see you tomorrow\n\nThe group from gamindustri leaves the academy grounds and heads back to their home in the dimension which noire and uni places Y/N in his bed \n\nEveryone else in the house each head to their own beds which all the lights are turned off\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>", "<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nY/N:Ugh where am I?\n\nI say as I sit up in what looks to be my bed at the home Sirzechs built me\n\nY/N:This is...\n\nI then hear heavy breathing as I then look at my bedside and see Big Sis Noire asleep on her arms on the left side of the bed and Uni on the right side of the bed in the same sleeping position\n\nI gently rub their heads smiling\n\n<b>Selene:</b><b><u>the two stayed by your side all night</u></b>\n\nY/N:Well that's family for you \n\nThe two begin to stir from the noise before opening their eyes\n\nNoire:What's going on?\n\nUni:Yeah who keeps talking so loud?\n\nThey look around before noticing I'm awake\n\nNoire/Uni:Y/N!!!!!!\n\nI am then tackled into a hug by the two\n\nY/N:Easy you two I'm still wounded from protecting Rias from that attack last night\n\nNoire slaps me hard as I felt a bit of her divine power in the slap\n\nNoire:YOU IDIOT!!!! Don't you ever do that again I would never forgive myself for not being able to save you or if you died infront of me like that again\n\nUni:Big brother if you ever perform something like that again without me or big sis knowing I swear I will fill you with so many holes that you could replace swiss cheese!!!!!\n\n*Knock* *knock*\n\nY/N:Come in!\n\nI call out to whoever is at the door which reveals to be the others\n\nNepgear:Goodness your awake!\n\nThe others rush to my bed side\n\nY/N:Yeah sorry about that I couldn't let one of the few friends I've made here be harmed I mean what kind of god in training would I be if I couldn't protect those I cherish\n\nVert:Well said dear spoken like a true deity should \n\nRei:Regardless you are needed at the living room Sirzechs and his sister along with a few unknown individuals are waiting for you\n\nY/N:Right let's go meet with them\n\nI get out of bed which I head to the nearby bathroom and put my normal clothes on which I then head to the living room where I see Rias her peerage as well as Sirzechs and two unknown figures\n\nRias:Y/N you're okay!!\n\nRias hugs me tightly\n\nSirzechs:Rias you might want to let go your hugging him too tightly\n\nY/N:It's fine Sirzechs I mean peashy over here is one of the two strongest individuals I know so Rias is not even harming me right now\n\nSirzechs:Very well oh and let me Introduce to you the two who are with me\n\nSirzechs points to a individual with Blond hair color similar to Asia in a way\n\nSirzechs:This is Michael leader of the angels after God's passing in our war from 300 years ago\n\nMichael:Hello young one it is a pleasure to meet you\n\nY/N:Likewise so who's the pervy sage rip off?\n\nMy words causes the other individual to fall over onto the ground\n\n<b>The other individual</b>\n\nSirzechs:He is named Azazel also known as the founder of the fallen angel faction\n\nY/N:Which is?\n\nMichael then explains what the fallen are about\n\nNeptune:Cool cool so question for Mikey over there *points to Michael*\n\nMichael:M-Mikey? *Sweatdrops*\n\nNepgear:I'm sorry sir she kinda has a habit of giving people nicknames sort of like her predacessor before her\n\nMichael:You are fine but what is the question?\n\nNeptune:Well from what Sirzechs just said is that you lead the angels after your god died right?\n\nMichael:That is correct\n\nNeptune:Then you should be able to sense divine energy right?\n\nMichael:Yes I should infact the other day I along with the other arch angels felt multiple divine energies the other day but we was unable to find the source\n\nY/N: Yeah that was us\n\nAzazel:What do you mean kid?\n\nArfoire:It will be best if they show you both\n\nY/N and the goddesses/Candidates:ACCESS!!\n\nWe soon begin to transform which after a minute float off the ground in our HDD forms\n\nLooking at Michael and Azazel I see the two of them are shocked \n\nAzazel&amp;Michael:How?\n\nWe soon return to normal before speaking\n\nNoire:Tell us something Michael,Azazel have either of you heard of Gamindustri\n\nAzazel:You mean the dimension where many powerful deities come from? I've heard of it\n\nMichael:I also heard of it but why ask?\n\nNoire:Because we are from that very Dimension\n\nBlanc:Before we continue I gotta ask something more importantly you *points to me*\n\nY/N:What is it?\n\nBlanc:What was with those dragon wings that appeared on your back!\n\nRias:Dragon Wings?\n\nBlanc:Yeah after saving you from the attacked aimed at you a pair of dragon wings showed up on his back\n\nSaid wings then show up on my back again\n\n<b>Selene (Wings):</b><u><b>That is because I picked him as my host</b></u>\n\nSuddenly Issei's gauntlet appears on his arm which the gem begins to glow\n\nDdraig (Gauntlet):<b>i-it can't b-be You're!!</b>\n\nIssei:Who is it ddraig?\n\nSelene (Wings):<b><u>Allow me to introduce myself I am Selene the Dragon Goddess of the moon</u></b>\n\nAkeno:are you like the other two dragon gods?\n\nSelene (Wings):<b><u>I am more then ophis and red little fallen hybrid</u></b>\n\nSelene's words causes Akeno to flinch\n\nNoire:In any case why did you choose my little brother for?\n\nSelene (Wings):<b><u>I picked him because he met with the requirements I set for myself to find a worthy host</u></b>\n\nBlanc:and the requirements are what exactly?\n\nSelene (Wings):<b><u>the first requirement is that my host must be selfless meaning he or she must put the needs of others before him or herself</u></b>\n\nUni:Big brother does do that alot\n\nY/N:What can I say I would rather be a kind and respectful god then a god who rules with an iron fist... No offense Lady Arfoire\n\nArfoire:none taken\n\nPeashy:What's the second one!\n\nSelene (Wings):<b><u>the second one is that my host be someone with divinity much like myself</u></b>\n\nY/N:While I have divinity I'm not a dragon though\n\nSelene (Wings):<b><u>you do not need the be of the same race as me just so long as you put others before yourself and are divine deity then that's all that matters</u></b>\n\nThe wings disappear from my back\n\nAzazel:Well kid you have quite the sacred gear I would suggest you becareful as there are others who will come to fight you\n\nY/N:Then I will have to up my training regimen won't I besides if they try to fight me they will have to get past my family and friends who came from Gamindustri like myself\n\nNoire:And trust us when we say this\n\nBig sister's eyes as well as everyone else except myself and those of the supernatural begin to glow the color of their respectful HDD forms\n\nGamindustri deities besides Y/N:NO ONE WILL HURT OUR FAMILY/FRIEND EVER AGAIN!!\n\nY/N:Regardless is that all that was needed?\n\nSirzechs:That and I want to say thank you for protecting my sister from Kokabiel's attack I am truly grateful for what you did\n\nY/N:your welcome Sirzechs and besides as I said before what kind of god in training would I be if I couldn't protect those I cherish most\n\nMichael:Wise words to live by but without any further objections I shall take my leave\n\nAzazel:same it was nice meeting you kid\n\nY/N:See ya Pervy sage\n\nAzazel sweatdrops before leaving in a magic circle which Sirzechs leaves after Michael and Azazel are gone\n\nKiba:Hey Y/N what ability does Selene have exactly?\n\nY/N:From what I can remember from last night I believe her ability is called Reflect which is able to reflect the attack of a enemy back at them while giving me a portion of the attacks strength\n\nAsia:So the stronger the attack the stronger you become after reflecting the attack\n\nY/N:Exactly\n\nRias:In any case we shall be off see you tomorrow everyone and thank you again Y/N really I mean it\n\nRias and her peerage then leaves which leaves myself and everyone else from Gamindustri\n\nRei:Now then shall we begin the torture of one Y/N?\n\nY/N:Wait...what?\n\nPlutia transforms into iris heart\n\nIris:Mmm yes we shall for he has been a naughty boy for scaring us like that\n\nY/N:Hey come on girls I only did it to save a friend from being hurt!\n\nI say as I back up to the nearby wall\n\nNeptune:None the less buddy boy you gave everyone a fright so as your torture assignment you are to spend the rest of the day following pluties orders\n\nY/N:Your joking....right?\n\nUni: unfortunately we are not big brother as it was decided by everyone while you was recovering in bed from what happened last night\n\nI then hear the sound of a whip hitting the floor which I begin to sweat profusely\n\nY/N:M-Mercy?\n\nIris:Sorry all out of Mercy~\n\nI then feel a whip wrap around my left leg as I try to prevent myself from being dragged off by Plutia\n\nY/N:Arg! I'm not gonna go that easy!\n\nI shout as I try to keep myself from being dragged\n\nSuddenly I'm hit by a rubber bullet which causes me to let go of the carpet\n\nY/N:Uni You TRAITOR!!!!!\n\nI shout as I get dragged into a nearby room\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>", "<b>Y/</b><b>Ns</b><b> POV</b>\n\nAfter dealing with Plutia and her torture methods for a day I'm finally able to relax\n\nY/N:Finally that's over with\n\nNepgear:Goodness you survived!\n\nY/N:yeah no thanks to you all plotting it behind my back after I saved a friend from getting hurt by a magical attack\n\nNoire:Well Y/N you ought to know what not to do next time without informing us of your plan\n\nNeptune:Nepu! Yeah don't do it again buddy boy!\n\nArfoire: Regardless we should get going we don't want to be late\n\nWe all nod and exit the house which we head for Kuon Academy\n\nArriving at the gates of the academy we step through which those who have a teaching position of the academy head to their respective classes\n\nArriving at the class that rei teaches I along with blanc Neptune and uni all go to our assigned desks\n\nRei:now then please open your text books to page 79\n\nNodding our heads we do exactly that\n\n<b>3rd POV</b>\n\nAs the school day is going on a commotion is happening at the fallen angels hq\n\nAzazel:Vali what's got you so upset?\n\nVali:You know damn well why I'm upset Azazel!!!\n\nAzazel:Well it would help if I knew exactly what the reason is\n\nA glass bottle is shattered on the ground\n\nVali:The Boy who took out kokabiel with those two girls how is he able to unlock a sacred gear?!\n\nAzazel:yeah about them well they are deities and as for the boy he is training to become a god \n\nVali:Still doesn't explain how he has a sacred gear Azazel!\n\nAzazel:You'll know in time Vali just don't screw yourself over as I heard from Sirzechs that the boy was able to kill a ex-priest in a brutal fashion\n\n<b>Back over at Kuoh Academy</b>\n\nAt the academy the residents of gamindustri are sitting in the cafeteria enjoying their lunch while those who are teachers enjoy their lunch with other teachers\n\nBlanc:So what is the plan for after school?\n\nY/N:I'm not sure Blanc I wanna say that we should improve ourselves via training sessions but I have a feeling we won't be able to today\n\nUni:What do you mean big bro?\n\nY/N:All I can say is that I have a feeling that something will happen that will push one of us and I'm not mentioning you Blanc but something that will push one of us over the edge\n\nNoire:That's not a good sign if you are getting the feeling little brother\n\nNepgear:well maybe not everything will be too bad?\n\nNeptune:Only time can tell nep Jr\n\nY/N:Regardless we should all make sure not to let our guard down for anything as one slip up can easily kill us despite our immortality\n\nVert:Quite right you are Y/N\n\nThe group continues eating their lunch which after five minutes has passed the bell ending lunch rings which everyone goes back to their respective classes\n\nThe rest of the school day goes on as normal which after the final bell rings Y/N can be seen laying under a tree\n\nKiba then approaches Y/N\n\nKiba:Y/N can you come with me to the clubhouse rias and lord sirzechs wants to speak with you about something\n\nStretching his arms Y/N stands up\n\nY/N:Sure lead the way kiba\n\nThe two head for the orc clubhouse which upon arrival to the room where Rias normally uses for her devil duties\n\nY/N:So Rias, Sirzechs what is it you needed me for?\n\nSirzechs:Well we are going to hold a meeting for peace between the devil's,the angels and the fallen angels later today and was wanting to know if you and your friends could attend as security\n\nY/N:And you couldn't just ask for all of us instead of just me?\n\nRias:Most of you are busy with stuff around school and you weren't doing anything at the time I sent Kiba to fetch you\n\nY/N:Regardless we would just need to act as security for this meeting correct?\n\nSirzechs:that is correct and the meeting will be happening in a few hours \n\nY/N:right I'll go inform the others now\n\nY/N leaves the clubhouse which he then flys back to the house he shares with his sister's and friends\n\nY/N:I'm home!\n\nUni rushes into Y/N and hugs him which Y/N hugs back\n\nNoire:Where did you go little brother?\n\nNeptune: Yeah!\n\nY/N:Rias and Sirzechs wanted to see me so I went and spoke with them at the clubhouse Rias uses for her peerage\n\nUzume:Was it anything that we should know of?\n\nY/N:Sort of.... See the devil,angel and fall angel leaders are going to be having a peace meeting for peace between the three factions and as such Sirzechs has asked for us to stand guard as security for the meeting\n\nBlanc:He made a good choice then as no one will be able to get past us\n\nRam:yeah and especially with our group count we will be able to see all corners of the room the meeting will take place in\n\nAfoire:That is a good idea but it would also be wise to have eyes outside the room to see if any try to sneak to the building the meeting room will be in\n\nHistorie:good idea afoire now we need to get moving to the meeting place which I assume will be at the academy correct (Y/N Nods) as we don't want to be late for our jobs as security guards\n\nVert:She's right let's get going shall we?\n\nEveryone nods and the group leaves the house \n\nAfter five minutes of walking the group arrives at kuoh academy where they see akeno waiting for them at the entrance\n\nAkeno:Over here everyone please follow me and I'll take you to where the meeting will be held\n\nBlanc:Then lead the way akeno \n\nFollowing akeno the group from gamindustri arrive at the room which they agree to split up with some inside the room and some outside to act as security guards for the meeting\n\nSirzechs:Ah good you're here but where's the rest?\n\nNepgear:we decided to split our group which some of us will stand inside this some while the others who are outside will perform their duties as security guards\n\nAzazel:Impressive way of thinking\n\nNoire:Regardless the meeting should be starting now correct?\n\nMichael:Yes your ladyship we will begin now\n\nSirzechs:Now our current discussion should be the rogue fallen that attempted to attack rias and sona\n\nVert:I am curious as to why he went rogue in the first place\n\nMichael:It might have something to do with the war that was stopped in the past your ladyship\n\nY/N:The war which the three of four races of the supernatural tried to kill each other but ultimately stopped when the leaders of hell and heaven died correct?\n\nAzazel:Yes that's right but how did you know?\n\nAfoire:Myself and historie decided to do some research of this dimension which we learned of the war you had and what happened during it\n\nNeptune:Regardless we know his reason was to start a war again correct?\n\nSerafall:Correct Lady Neptune\n\nY/N:And seeing as kokabiel was a fallen angel you didn't think to put whatever you was doing to a stop and tend to the situation Azazel?\n\nNoire:Y/N is right you are a leader Azazel and as such a leader has to put their foot down and deal with the situation within their own domain even if it would cause a stir amongst the others of the same domain\n\nEveryone is silent\n\nBefore anyone could speak time suddenly stands still which those with high power are able to still move\n\nY/N:Seems someone or something has time manipulation as a power\n\nRias:The only one who has that....*Gasps* Gasper!\n\nNoire:Who?\n\nUni opens the door\n\nUni:everyone mages are appearing all over campus and a few has entered the clubhouse Rias uses!!\n\nY/N:Uni Nepgear you both head to the clubhouse and rescue whoever this Gasper person is and ensure his or her safety by bringing them here\n\nRias:I'll go with you!\n\nBlanc:No you won't rias as you remember you have to believe in your peerage as you are a leader with responsibilities to plan out how to handle the current situation so send the perv to go with uni and nepgear\n\nY/N:Just remember issei if I find out you did something inappropriate to my sister or my friend *voice turns deep* you will be killed got it?\n\nIssei let's out a loud gulp\n\nIssei:G-got it\n\nIssei nepgear and uni exit the room and run towards the clubhouse\n\nVert:Now then it would how should we handle these pesky mages?\n\nY/N:Blanc can you ask rom and ram to go and heal the allied forces on our side and before you say anything I know I'm the leader of the peerage but I still want to ask your permission\n\nBlanc:Of course I'll go tell them now\n\nNoire:What about the rest of us little bro?\n\nY/N:big sis I want you and the rest to help aid those who are unable to fight and protect those who need support \n\nNeptune:And you?\n\nY/N:me? *Wings appear on back* I'm gonna give my new found abilities a test drive \n\nVert:Well you heard him girls of gamindustri we have our objective let's get going!\n\nMultiple beams of light appear before the sound of a window breaking is heard and multiple colored lights fly towards the battle field\n\nY/N:Now then Selene are you ready for a test drive?\n\n<b>Selene:Yes I am ready partner let us teach them a lesson</b>\n\nY/N Nods and flys out towards the mages and begins to dominate the battle field\n\nSirzechs:Rias who is this Selene lord Y/N was talking to?\n\nRias:Selene is the dragon goddess of the moon and from her own words she is far stronger then ophis and great red\n\n<b>Timeskip to the main two fights</b>\n\nAfter dealing with the mages a magic circle appears and from it a woman appears\n\nSerafall:Kaetea! What are you doing here?!\n\nKaetea:Well if it isn't the false leviathan and you had to recruit help from false deites to fend off us such a shame especially that pathetic boy *points to Y/N* over there\n\nNoire slowly begins to grip her fist tightly\n\nNeptune:Nepu! You take that back!\n\nBlanc:Yeah bitch he is not weak!!!\n\nIris:Oh my it would seem that someone needs to be harshly punished~\n\nIris slams her whip on the ground hard causing a crack to appear\n\nKaetea:Why would I take back something that is true?\n\nNoire:*quietly*take it back....\n\nUni is seen comforting her big brother who has a depressed look\n\nPeashy:You take back what you said lady!\n\nKaetea:No I will not\n\nNoire:(getting louder) take it back\n\nKaetea:and what are you going to do about it? I bet you're just as weak as he is!\n\nSuddenly a loud rumble is heard before Noire disappears and reappears in front of the devil which noire grips kaetea's neck harshly\n\n<b>Replace the one being choked with Kaetea and the one choking her with noire</b>\n\nNoire:*divine tone* I said...take..it...back..NOW!!!\n\n\n\n\n<b>Noire current look just replace the one in the gif with noire in her CPU from</b>\n\nVert:Oh dear she done it now\n\nAjuka:W-whats going on?\n\nNeptune:there is one thing no one should ever do no matter who they are or who they ally themselves with and that is to never disrespect Y/N in front of Noire as she cares for her family very much\n\nBlanc:and as such anyone who does do what she did will find themselves at the mercy of the one who is called the goddess black heart\n\nSuddenly the sounds of arms cracking legs breaking and rapid punches are heard as everyone looks to see noire beating the shit out of the devil in her grasp\n\nFinally a neck snap is heard before the body burns to ash\n\nAzazel:Remind me to stay in her good grace....\n\nAfter killing off kaetea Noire walks over to Y/N to comfort him\n\nAn attack is suddenly heard heading towards the group which Y/Ns sacred gear immediately activates it's ability\n\n<b>Selene:Reflect!</b>\n\nThe attack goes back to the one who sent the attack which a voice is then heard \n\n<b>????: Divide Divide!</b>\n\nAzazel:Bad move Vali\n\nVali:You ought to know how I am Azazel but enough about that you *points to Y/N* fight me\n\nY/N stands up and looks up at Vali \n\nY/N:And why should I fight one of the two dragon emperor's who is doing everything for completely idiotic reasons \n\nVali:because I want a great fight and you are the one that will give me that fight\n\nY/N:Yeah no I'm not going to fight you as your supposed rival is over there *points to issei* so take your fight to him\n\nAnother attack heads towards Y/N from Vali which the same thing happened again\n\nY/N:you know it's pointless to attack me I can reflect whatever you send my way while absorbing some strength of your attack\n\nVali:but can you reflect this? <b>Half dimension!</b>\n\nThe attack starts to go off but is suddenly canceled by an unknown magical source\n\nVali:What?! How!\n\nHistorie:that is because of myself and Afoire\n\nAfoire:correct see both Historie and I have been researching everything there is to know whether they are super natural or human related\n\nHistorie:and as such we came across several dragon documents which contained detailed information about the powerful dragons that use great abilities\n\nAfoire:which one such dragon is known as Albion which we prepared to counter out his powerful ability the half dimension ability\n\nAjuka: Amazing to prepare for such a scenario\n\nY/N:Regardless you need to sleep Vali\n\nInstantly appearing behind Vali Y/N chops Vali on the back of the neck which knocks Vali out cold\n\nAll of a sudden another figure appears\n\n????:Woah what happened here?\n\nY/N:I don't know who you are but if you're here to attack the peace meeting then *transforms into CPU candidate form* I will show no mercy\n\nNoire uni and the other deities of gamindustri all float behind Y/N sending harsh glares to the unknown individual\n\nLetting out a loud gulp the unknown individual quickly grabs Vali and leaves\n\nThe gamindustri group all return to normal\n\nNoire:Now then we can be assured no more interruptions will appear and that the treaty can be signed right?\n\nNoire asks the three faction leaders\n\nSirzechs:Of course your ladyship\n\nIssei then asks if Asia and xenovia can pray again which Michael says he will have to make some adjustments\n\nAfter the whole meeting is said and done The gamindustri group all returns to their home which the group then decides to call it a day and retire to their rooms to sleep\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>", "<b>3rd POV</b>\n\nA week has passed since the peace treaty was formed between the three factions \n\nRight now at the home of the gamindustri deities the group can be seen chatting amongst each other\n\nNoire:So training will be increased right little brother?\n\nY/N:That is correct big sis as while we m-\n\nIs all Y/N can say before a knock is heard coming from the front door of the home\n\n*Knock* *Knock*\n\nY/N:I'll answer it\n\nY/N gets up from the couch where he was sitting and walks over to the door\n\nUpon opening the door Y/N sees many individuals at the door\n\nY/N:Rias? What brings you here?\n\nRias:may we come in?\n\nY/N nods his head and let's the group in\n\nNeptune:Nepu? Rias why are you here?\n\nVert:and who are they?\n\nVert points to the three unknown individuals\n\nRavel:They Lady next to me is my mother Lady Vert\n\n<b>Not a hologram</b>\n\nClaire:Greetings my name is Claire Phoenix and I am the mother to Ravel here as well as riser\n\nBlanc:the one Y/N took on for Rias's freedom\n\nClaire nods\n\nSerafall:and the two on the other side of Claire are Yasaka and her daughter Kunou\n\nYasaka:it's a pleasure to meet you all my name is as Lady Leviathan said is Yasaka and this here is my daughter Kunou I should also mention I am the leader of the Yokai race\n\nKunou:hello *bows*\n\nNoire:it's nice to meet you three but why come here?\n\nVelena:well could we have a little girl talk as we have something we wish to talk with the girl deities about\n\nEvery female goddess/candidate look at each other and nod\n\nBlanc:sure we don't mind\n\nRias:Great oh and Y/N my brother wanted to know if you could help him with something I can teleport you to him\n\nY/N:Alright\n\nThe two disappear only for Rias to return alone\n\nUni:alright now what is it you wish to talk about?\n\nSerafall:Well Lady Uni was wanting to know if we could be in a relationship with Y/N\n\nRam:wait you saying you each love Y/N?\n\nRias:yes that is right Lady Ram\n\nUzume:but how can Claire Yasaka and Kunou love Y/N when they just recently met him?\n\nYasaka:my daughter and I was told all about him by Lady Leviathan we even know of his reason for coming here to our dimension\n\nKunou:yes and after learning we felt that he deserved new love so my mother and I both agreed on being in a relationship with him\n\nClaire:as for me you probably didn't see me but I was in attendance at the supposed wedding of riser and rias and when I saw Y/N fight for Rias's freedom I felt a connection with him\n\nRei:alright but what about your mother Rias isn't she married?\n\nVelena: actually I'm a widower Lady Rei as my husband was killed in an attack a few years back so I had to raise both sirzechs and Rias on my own\n\nNoire:We are sorry for your loss Velena\n\nVelena:Thank you Lady Noire\n\nRavel:but in regards to being in a relationship with Y/N can we be in one?\n\nNoire:you may but\n\nRias:but what?\n\nNoire:but myself and uni will be the first to confess to him\n\nUni nods in agreement\n\nYasaka:but aren't you family?\n\nHistorie:they are family yes but you have to take in consideration that a divine being like ourselves are exempt from the inces laws you follow so it is allowed between the three\n\nEvery gamindustri deity minus Y/N nods in agreement\n\nRias:alright but how will the confessions work for everyone?\n\nNepgear:after noire and Uni confess I believe the rest of us from gamindustri should confess to him\n\nClaire:Then perhaps we mother's can confess after you?\n\nBlanc:that is acceptable with us\n\nRavel:which leaves the rest of us to confess last then\n\nPlutia:Seems that way\n\nSerafall:Now that we got the order figured out how will each confession play out?\n\nNoire:for myself and Uni we will head back to our nation and take Y/N to a special spot that the three of us go to for some family time\n\nVelena:very well\n\nNoire:so Rias can you please go get him while we head for the spot\n\nUni:when he asks where we are just tell him at a spot back home where we go for family time together\n\nRias nods and disappears which Historie and Afoire quickly activate the portal which Noire and uni go through\n\nThe portal closes just as Rias and Y/N return\n\nY/N:Where is Noire and Uni?\n\nRias:they are at place in your home dimension which the place is where the three of you go to spend time as a family\n\nY/N:They are there? Well afoire historie can you open a portal back to gamindustri?\n\nAfoire:of course\n\nThe portal opens again which Y/N goes through\n\n<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nUpon returning to gamindustri I transform into my candidate form and fly towards the spot the three of us go to for family time\n\nAs I arrive at the spot I see both Noire and Uni waiting for me\n\nI return to my human form which I walk over to the two\n\nY/N:Big sis? What's going on why ask for me to come here for?\n\nNoire:Y/N let me ask you a question\n\nY/N looks at Noire confused\n\nNoire:if we told you that we love you not as a brother but as a woman loves a man how would you react?\n\nUni:yeah what would your reaction be big bro?\n\nY/N:In all honesty at first I would be shocked but then I would literally shout FUCKING FINALLY why?\n\nUni:wait what do you mean by that last part?\n\nY/N:See I sort of had romantic feelings for you both but I couldn't bring myself to tell you both without hurting the feelings of one of you if I was to confess at the wrong time\n\nNoire:Well little no Y/N we do love you as a lover\n\nUni:so will you accept our confessions?\n\nI nod and smile\n\nY/N:Of course I accept your confessions\n\nI soon see a smile on both Noire and Uni's face \n\nNoire then walks over to me and places her lips on mine causing us to share a passionate kiss\n\nAfter separating from Noire I am Then kissed the same way by Uni \n\nSuddenly my nep phone receives a message\n\nY/N:Huh the others are also telling me to meet them at specific place\n\nNoire:you'll just have to find out darling now you best not keep a lady waiting\n\nUni:yeah get going mister!\n\nI nod and transform into my candidate form which I fly to the spot I was told\n\nArriving to the next spot I can see everyone else waiting for me\n\nY/N:what's going on everyone?\n\nBlanc:Hello Y/N Good to see you came after you received our message\n\nY/N:I flew as quick as I could when you said it was important\n\nRam:it is important\n\nRom:very important\n\nY/N:Okay? But what's so important?\n\nNeptune:Well buddy boy since you have been helping us over the time you were in a relationship to IF and Compa\n\nNepgear:which we are sorry for bringing them up but they had to be mentioned for this one moment\n\nY/N:It's fine but please continue\n\nUzume:right so as Neptune said during the time you've been helping us we sort of gained romantic feelings for you much like noire and uni did\n\nY/N:Wait are you saying?\n\nVert:yes dear we are saying that we each love you romantically\n\nY/N:please don't take this the wrong way but wouldn't there be someone better then me?\n\nRei:there is no one else but you Y/N\n\nAfoire:indeed we love no one else but you as you have been on our minds and In our hearts when we sent you to the dimension that Rias and them are from\n\nHistorie:so we all want to ask you one question Y/N\n\nY/N:And that is?\n\nCPUs &amp; Candidates + Afoire and Histoire (Minus Noire and Uni):Please be our boyfriend Y/N!\n\nY/N:Everyone.... Of course I'll gladly be your boyfriend!\n\nEveryone smiles at me before I receive multiple kisses on the lips\n\nAfoire:now then you should head back to the home as you have another meeting waiting for you\n\nI nod my head which Afoire and histoire opens the portal to the home\n\nPlutia: don't worry we will be there in a bit you just go ahead of us\n\nY/N:Alright see you then\n\nI walk through the portal which upon returning to the home I see Velena Claire and Yasaka waiting for me\n\nY/N:Mrs Gremory?\n\nVelena:please call me Velena Y/N\n\nClaire:Have a seat Y/N\n\nI sit on the available couch cushion\n\nY/N:So I'm just going to take a swing and say you each love me too?\n\nYasaka:I suppose when you have been confessed multiple times that you would be able to figure it out\n\nY/N:of course but can I ask when did you each had feelings for me?\n\nVelena:you can and for me it started when rias told me of what happened to you before you came to our dimension to get away from your break up \n\nClaire:I started having feelings for you after you bested my son riser at the supposed wedding between him and Rias\n\nY/N:Alright but what about you Ms Yasaka?\n\nYasaka:I fell for you as serafall have told me of what happened to you\n\nVelena:so we ask you Y/N\n\nClaire:will you accept us as your girlfriends much like the rest of your group confessed to you?\n\nY/N:but aren't you each married?\n\nYasaka:no dear we are widowed as our husbands have all passed on years ago\n\nY/N:I'm sorry for your losses\n\nClaire:Thank you dear but what is your answer to our confessions?\n\nI nod my head in acceptance\n\nY/N:I accept your confessions \n\nThe three mothers smile and give me a kiss each\n\nYasaka:you have a few more girls to go see honey\n\nVelena:yes and they are waiting for you at the clubhouse rias uses for her devil duties\n\nY/N:Alright I guess I'll see everyone when I return\n\nClaire:Yes you shall... Now get going mister\n\nI nod and walk out the door of the home which I make my way to the academy\n\nUpon my arrival to the gates of the academy I find out that Sona is waiting for me\n\nY/N:Sona? What are you doing here?\n\nSona:I'm here to lead you to the clubhouse as my sister asked me to\n\nY/N: Alright\n\nSona leads me to the clubhouse where she then walks away\n\nOpening the door I make my way to the room where Rias does her club meeting to see Rias Serafall Ravel and Kunou waiting for me\n\nRias:you made it Y/N\n\nY/N:Sorry for being late\n\nSerafall:You're fine we understand you had to go through a lot of confessions\n\nY/N:So what's the reason you each fell for me? Or is it similar to what the others said?\n\nRavel:well for me it's when we first met and after I conversed with Rias about who you really are \n\nRias:which I told her of why you were in our dimension\n\nRavel:yes and as such which much like everyone else so far I have fell for you romantically\n\nSerafall:as for me and Rias it's basically when you told us of why you came here\n\nY/N:the two days of when I explained what happened\n\nRias:Yes when we heard how they mistreated you like you was nothing no offense by the way\n\nY/N:None taken\n\nRias:well continuing on both Serafall and I agreed that we wanted to be in a relationship with you\n\nY/N:Okay but I thought you had eyes for Issei Rias?\n\nRias:oh no he is far too perverted for my taste besides he only wants to be with Asia\n\nY/N:Alright\n\nRavel:So we ask of you Y/N\n\nI cut Ravel off\n\nY/N:You want to ask if I could be your boyfriend?\n\nKunou:it's that obvious huh\n\nY/N:well as your mother said Kunou it became obvious since I have been confessed so many times today\n\nRavel:true you did receive alot of confessions\n\nY/N:So to make it short yes I accept your confessions\n\nAgain I am kissed multiple times\n\nThe five of us then return to the home where everyone is waiting\n\nNoire: you're back\n\nBefore I can speak I notice a glow coming from my room\n\nY/N:Uh my room is glowing girls\n\nEveryone looks to where I'm looking at to see the same thing I see\n\nNeptune:Nepu why is there a glow?\n\nSerafall:wait don't you have a few unused pawn pieces honey?\n\nY/N:Yeah I don't have a full set why?\n\nSerafall:this is just me but what if you're remaining pieces are glowing because the ones you are to recruit to your peerage are present right now\n\nY/N:Maybe but for now let's worry about that tomorrow alright\n\nVelena:very well we shall see you tomorrow darling\n\nI nod which I receive kisses from Velena rias serafall ravel Claire Yasaka and Kunou which the seven then disappear\n\nY/N:Alright I'm gonna head to bed I'll see you all in the morning\n\nUni:Good night Y/N\n\nI nod and walk to my room and climb into my bed which I fall asleep\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>", "<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nA few days has passed since noire and everyone confessed to me which we are all chatting at the house that I along with everyone else from gamindustri uses while we are in Kuoh\n\nUni:Your room is glowing again Honey\n\nI walk to my room and walk where I see the case where my peerage pieces are glowing\n\nGrabbing the case I walk back to the living room\n\nSerafall:so I was right your remaining pieces are glowing because the ones you are to recruit are present\n\nBlanc:but who could they be?\n\nVert:perhaps we could have Velena Claire Yasaka and Kunou try picking up a piece and see if it glows any brighter then what they are doing now?\n\nRias:it could be worth a shot\n\nThe four individuals nod and each pick up a pawn piece which to my surprise along with everyone else the pieces glow brighter then before\n\nY/N:it would seem you four are my last remaining pieces for my peerage\n\nVelena:well this is something\n\nNoire:it would seem that you four will receive divine energy from the pawn pieces\n\nRias:but won't that hurt my mother as well as Claire?\n\nY/N:hmm I think it will which is why I would like you to call sirzechs here Rias\n\nRias nods and calls sirzechs who arrives a minute after rias calls him\n\nSirzechs:what can I do for you Y/N?\n\nY/N:Right so since I was unable to find the last of those who are to join my peerage and I along with everyone present just noticed that your mother and Claire along side Yasaka and her daughter Kunou are destined to be in my peerage\n\nNeptune:but there's a problem velena and Claire are devil's while we are divine deites so our energy could seriously harm them\n\nSirzechs:that is concerning... Maybe lady rom and my sisters bishop Asia could help heal them during the process?\n\nRias:that might work I'll go get Asia\n\nRias disappears to go get Asia\n\nY/N:While she is going to get Asia I wanna ask Claire and Velena something while your present sirzechs\n\nClaire:What is it?\n\nY/N:Well since I'm technically dating you both does that technically mean that both sirzechs and riser will eventually become my step-sons since their birth father is dead?\n\nVelena Sirzechs and Claire are all silent\n\nUzume:I think that is true? Historie what do you think?\n\nHistoire:I believe it is true since he is dating the two of them\n\nY/N:So Apparently I got a devil king and a high class devil as my step children?\n\nVelena:it would appear so dear\n\nY/N:Then I'll have to take my role as step father seriously and spend time with the two whenever I can\n\nRias then returns with Asia in tow\n\nRias: we're back uh what happened while I was away?\n\nRei: we'll tell you in a minute Rias\n\nBlanc:now then rom are you ready?\n\nRias:same to you Asia are you ready to heal my mother and Ms Phoenix?\n\nThe two girls look at each other and nod\n\nRom/Asia:we are ready\n\nI nod and grab the first pawn piece\n\nWalking over to Velena I ask the devil to stand\n\nY/N:Alright Velena the healers are on standby are you ready?\n\nVelena takes a deep breath and exhales\n\nVelena:I'm ready dear\n\nI nod\n\nY/N:Right here we go\n\nI place the pawn piece on her chest which slowly sinks into her chest\n\nVelena trys to endure the pain which rom and Asia begin healing her\n\nY/N:Come on Velena a few more seconds and it will be all over\n\nA couple of seconds pass before Velena falls onto the couch passed out\n\nRias:is she?\n\nUzume checks on Velena and smiles\n\nUzume:she's fine just tired from what she had to go through\n\nSirzechs and Rias let out a sigh of relief\n\nNepgear:Next up is Claire\n\nClaire stands in front of me which i hold up a pawn piece\n\nI proceed to place the piece onto her but nothing happens\n\nY/N:maybe it takes two for you Claire?\n\nI grab another piece and do the same thing which Claire then begins experiencing the pain Velena went through\n\nI grab Claire's hand to ensure her I'm right there with her while rom and Asia heal her through the procedure\n\nClaire soon passes out like Velena did\n\nRavel:So does that make our mothers divine devil's?\n\nY/N:There's no telling to be honest ravel but in any case Yasaka Kunou please stand in front of me\n\nThe two Yokai nod and stand in front of me\n\nI then proceed to recruit the two into the peerage\n\nRias:it would seem your peerage is complete honey\n\nY/N:That would appear so... Sirzechs\n\nSirzechs:Yes?\n\nY/N: Technically since we are to be family in the near future do you have a day when you aren't really doing any devil king duties?\n\nSirzechs:I'm unsure but I can check my schedule back home\n\nY/N:Alright just have grayfia come tell me or inform Rias if you have an available day for relaxation\n\nSirzechs nods and leaves to go continue his devil king duties\n\nPlutia:So since your peerage is complete does that mean you all will be doing some intense training?\n\nY/N:that's the plan but my question is how does Velena and Claire fair in terms of combat?\n\nClaire:we are a bit rusty but we have had our fair share of combat\n\nRam:then I propose that until the actual peerage training begins several of us help the two train also what about Yasaka and Kunou\n\nYasaka:we are able to fight lady ram\n\nKunou:but we wouldn't mind joining for the training that Ms Velena and Ms Claire will go through\n\nArfoire:it would be best if you joined them\n\nY/N:Right so since the peerage I propose we rest for the rest of the day especially Claire and Velena since they went through a painful procedure when they were recruited into the peerage\n\nRias:I agree \n\nRavel:same here\n\nWe all nod which rias Velena Claire ravel Yasaka and Kunou all leave to go back home\n\nAfter discussing the training plan with noire and the rest I retire to my room and lay on the bed\n\nY/N:I can tell something far crazier is approaching and I don't know what that is but *yawns* only time will tell when it appears\n\nI then fall asleep to prepare for the next day\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED </b>", "<b>Y/Ns POV</b>\n\nAfter completing my peerage I think of how the training will be for everyone in the peerage as well as those out of the peerage\n\nYasaka:Dear are you alright?\n\nLooking up I see Yasaka and Vert looking at me with worried looks\n\nY/N:I'm fine you two honest I am just thinking how the training sessions will be for everyone\n\nVert:Well try not to overthink yourself darling we don't wanna tell the others that you harmed yourself because you overthinked yourself\n\nY/N:I'll try not to do that but thank you both for supporting me\n\nYasaka:it's our job honey we can't let our man be harmed in anyway\n\nRias then appears from her family circle\n\nRias:Darling I've just been told by Koneko that two unknown girls are walking around Kuoh\n\nY/N:Did Koneko tell you what the two girls look like?\n\nRias:She did and one girl appears to have a cotton pink sweater while the other has a large blue jacket and has a green ribbon in her hair\n\nI along side vert immediately gained a serious look\n\nVert:Your positive that Koneko told you those exact descriptions rias?\n\nRias:Yes Vert she did\n\nY/N:Well Rias go get the others of the supernatural and wait in the kitchen for our signal as the two Koneko described to you are the very girls that cheated on me\n\nRias:What?!?!\n\nVert:indeed now go get everyone that knows us and wait for the signal...Yasaka you help her\n\nYasaka:Right!\n\nThe two nod and leave the room\n\nVert and I both nod which I grab my nep phone and activate the emergency call button\n\nSoon noire and the rest appear\n\nNepgear:Y/N? Why did you press the emergency call button on your nep phone?\n\nY/N:IF and Compa somehow made it to this dimension\n\nEveryone:What!!!\n\nHistoire:but how?! Only Arfoire and I can make the portals between dimensions\n\nSuddenly rias and Yasaka return with everyone who supports us \n\nSerafall:are they really here darling?!\n\nY/N:Yes Sera now get to the kitchen and wait for the signal to make your appearance and be prepared\n\nThe supernatural nod and go to the kitchen just as the doorbell to the house rings\n\nLooking at Neptune and the others we all share a nod\n\nWalking over to the door I open it to see IF and Compa standing at the door\n\nY/N:so mind telling me how you two got here IF,Compa?\n\nIF:Y/N?! Since when have you been here!\n\nY/N:for over a few months which is years in gamindustri terms \n\nCompa:Please N/N take us back!\n\nY/N:and why should I when you both didn't care for me and only used me for the advantages that a candidate has access to\n\nIF:We was brainwashed by the two guys you saw us with!\n\nBlanc:that is a bullshit lie you sluts!\n\nBlanc shouts from within the home\n\nCompa:Was that?\n\nY/N:Yes that was Blanc as she and the other CPUs as well as uni and the other candidates along side Histoire and Arfoire stay with me in this dimension\n\nI walk into the house which IF and Compa also walk in\n\nNeptune:Do tell us how exactly you both got here in this dimension....\n\nArfoire: Especially when Only I and Histoire can make a portal between here and gamindustri\n\nNoire:Spill it...NOW!\n\nCompa:W-We was minding our business when a strange portal appeared beneath us\n\nPlutia:Is what she said the truth? *Looks at IF and activates divine authority* tell us now!\n\nIF:*sweats heavily* y-yes what Compa said is true a portal did appear under us when we met up back in gamindustri and we only recently arrived in this dimension\n\nY/N:So you just so happened to fall into a mysterious portal which appeared out of no where? Talk about idiotic\n\nIF:Oh yeah! Well what about you?! You up in left on that day which we tried to find you to apologize about what we did!\n\nY/N:While I did vanish I will never accept your apology IF nor will I ever accept one from Compa but besides me there is a few  individuals who would love to meet you both... Noire would you and everyone else please call our friends out\n\nNoire:Certainly\n\nEveryone of Gamindustri (minus Y/N IF and Compa): Supernatural of the dimension we now reside in please exit from the kitchen and make your appearance!\n\nThe door opens to reveal Rias and her peerage Velena sirzechs serafall Sona and her peerage Claire riser ravel Michael Azazel ajuka falbium Yasaka Kunou which the group stares at the two\n\nI then smirk as I soon speak up\n\nY/N:Everyone of the supernatural please introduce yourselves and what your race is\n\nRias and the rest nod and Introduce themselves \n\nY/N:It should also be noted that I am in a new relationship now\n\nIF/Compa:With who?!\n\nNoire:He's in a relationship with us\n\nNoire says as she gestures to herself and the rest of the gamindustri CPUs/Candidates\n\nArfoire:Histoire and I are also in a relationship with him\n\nRias:My mother and I are apart of the relationship he has with the others\n\nSerafall:I'm included\n\nClaire:As is myself and my daughter ravel\n\nYasaka:Along side me and my daughter Kunou\n\nY/N:And while technically not in a romantic relationship I will eventually have two step children who are far more powerful then you both which one of them I may have had a rough start with but they are sirzechs and Riser\n\nRiser:Riser will burn them to a crisp!\n\nY/N:Riser don't and we will talk about your third person talking later\n\nRiser glares at me which I send one back \n\nRiser:Riser understands\n\nI nod before looking back at the two\n\nY/N:Now then how should we deal with you two.... Oh I got a idea\n\nI soon have a evil grin on my face\n\nI motion for rias to come over which I whisper in her ear what I have planned which she then has the same expression\n\nRias goes to akeno and whispers what I told her\n\nLooking to plutia I whisper in her ear what I told Rias\n\nPlutia transforms into her CPU form\n\nIris:Akeno dear let's take our new Pets into the back room shall we~\n\nAkeno:Yes mistress~\n\nY/N:Blanc you and Peashy stand outside the door to ensure they don't try to make a break for it\n\nBlanc:With pleasure babe\n\nPeashy:leave it to us!\n\nIris then wraps her whip around IF's leg while akeno shocks Compa unconscious which the two take them away while Peashy and Blanc follow\n\nRias:They are going to be traumatized for life\n\nNepgear: Especially what they did to Y/N it's what they deserve\n\nY/N:In any case Riser Claire come with me so we can talk about risers third person talking\n\nThe two nod and follow me into a separate room\n\n<b>TO BE CONTINUED</b>\n\n<b>Shadow here and yes IF and Compa somehow got to Kuoh which they will be enduring a long painful torture at the hands of Iris and akeno which riser will be a new person in the next chapter </b>\n\n<b>But regardless I hope you all enjoy the chapter and I'll see you in the next one</b>" ]
Title: Cheater HDN x Male Reader x DxD Description: a reversed story to an already on going story Tags: ['angels', 'devils', 'fallen', 'fanfiction', 'gamindustri', 'lemon', 'love', 'neptunia', 'romance']
# Bio Information <b>Name:Y/N L/N</b> <b>Age:18</b> <b>Gender:Male</b> <b>Race:Immortal Human</b> <b>Status:Alive</b> <b>Association:Lastation CPU Candidate</b> <b>Looks:</b> <b>Human form</b> <b>Candidate form just picture a male version to what the pic shows</b> <b>Family:</b> <b>Noire (Big Sister) Uni (Little Sister)</b> <b>Sacred Gear:</b> <b>Moonlight Wings</b> <b>Sacred Gear ability:Reflect </b><b>A ability where the user reflects the energy of an attack to increase his own strength</b> <b>Spirit inside the wings:</b> <b>Selene the Moon Dragon Goddess</b> <b>Balance Breaker</b> <b>Juggernaut Drive (Basically the dragon behind Selene is your juggernaut Drive form)</b> <b>Exceed Juggernaut Drive</b> <b>Weapons:</b> <b>The dark blue one is the one you use (While as a human)</b> <b>Your weapon when your in candidate form</b> # Ex's,Best Friends,Harem <b>Ex Girlfriends:</b> <b>IF and </b><b>Compa</b> <b>Best Friends:</b> <b>The CPUs of Gamindustri</b> <b>The Candidates</b> <b>Harem:</b> <b>Velena and Rias</b> <b>Ravel</b> <b>Lady Phoenix</b> <b>Yasaka and Kunou</b> <b>Serafall</b> <b>Neptune and Nepgear</b> <b>Noire and Uni</b> <b>Blanc Rom and Ram</b> <b>Vert</b> <b>Rei</b> <b>Pure Arfoire and Histoire (Yes Histoire will share the same pure form as Arfoire)</b> # Chapter 1 The Unwanted Discovery and A New World <b>3rd POV</b> Within the sky's of gamindustri is one of the two candidates for Lastation The candidate is Y/N L/N little brother to Noire and Big Brother to Uni Y/N is heading towards Planeptune to see his girlfriends IF and Compa but as he is flying towards Planeptune Y/N is currently talking to himself Y/N:Why...Why have they not answered my calls? It's just not right for them to ignore me unless....I can only hope I'm wrong about what I'm thinking they're doing After several minutes of flying Y/N lands in Planeptune which he then heads for the apartment that IF and Compa are living in together But alas as Y/N is walking towards the apartment his enhanced hearing due to being a candidate of Lastation suddenly picks up sounds coming from the apartment Y/N:These sounds....oh Celestia I pray that I'm wrong in what they really are doing! Y/N quickly runs towards the door of the apartment which he begins to knock on the door repeatedly Y/N:IF! Compa! It's me Y/N! I'm coming in okay! Y/N opens the door and step into the apartment where the sounds he was able to pick up on becomes louder Y/N:IF Compa where are you at?! Suddenly as Y/N is walking through the apartment the sounds he heard outside and as he stepped into the apartment became clear as day It was the sounds of a girl in pleasure more importantly two girls in pleasure Arriving at the door where the sounds are coming Y/N listens in while also tapping the button on his mobile device to send a signal to his sisters and friends of whats going on with him This is what is heard from the other side of the door that Y/N is standing Infront of Voice 1:Oh Yes! *Moans!* Keep fucking my Pussy! *Moans!* Voice 2:Wow for being an agent of the guild you sure are loose down below aren't ya?! Voice 3:Not only her but this Nurse in training is really good at riding like a cowgirl on this dick! Voice 4:Yes! I love this dick! It feels so good inside me! Voice 2: Don't you girls have a boyfriend though? Voice 1:We do! But he's a weakling! And not all that good in terms of Romance! *moans* Voice 4:Yeah! *Moans* but we never loved him! He was only good for the Free Passes he has Access to! *Moans* Y/N hears the door to the apartment open which he glances behind him to see the CPUs as well as the candidates Noire:*whisper* what's going on Y/N? Y/N:*Whisper* first Rom and Ram may want to leave the apartment for a moment unless Blanc wants their innocence to be ruined by what is going on behind the door here Blanc:*Whisper* Rom Ram go wait outside until we settle what's going on here Rom:*Whisper* but! Y/N:*Whisper* Rom please listen to your sister she is only wanting what's best for you and if you comply with her words I'll play with you and Ram after this is over Rom:*Whisper* Promise? Y/N extends his pinky finger out Y/N:*Whisper* I pinky promise you and Ram both just please wait outside like your sister asked Rom and Ram look at each other and nod which the two then pinky promise Y/N before heading outside Blanc:*Whisper* thank you for that Y/N Y/N nods which he raises his right hand and begins to count down from 3 Y/N:*Whisper* 3....2.....1! Y/N opens the door to see IF and Compa completely Naked while being Fucked by two unknown men Y/N let's out a cough alerting his group's presence to the four before them IF:Wah! Y/N! What are you d-doing here?! Y/N:Oh you know just checking the view of Planeptune trying to find out why my girlfriends never loved me and used me for the Free Passes that I have access to no big deal oh and let's not forgot cheating on me with two unknown men as well Compa:W-we Can Explain! Y/N: what's there to explain Compa I clearly heard what you said earlier but since you and IF are Neptune's friends I'll let her deal with you both as I feel she has the right to dish out whatever punishment for the two of you Noire:Y/N you go wait outside with Rom and Ram Uni please go with him Neptune:Nepgear you go as well Nepgear&amp;Uni:Right! Y/N Nepgear and Uni exit the room which the three head outside the apartment to where Rom and Ram are at <b>Y/Ns POV</b> After I exit the apartment with Nepgear and my little sister Uni I sit on the steps leading up to the apartment door which I let out a loud sigh Y/N:Girls tell me what did I do wrong to deserve this kind of betrayal from Those two Uni:I don't know big brother I mean you did everything a boyfriend was suppose to do as far as I know Nepgear:She's Right Y/N you truly did everything to the best of your abilities just turns out that IF and Compa didn't really care for you Ram:What happened in there? I along with Uni and Nepgear explain what was said without going into exact details of what was seen Soon the apartment door opens which Noire and the other CPUs appear before us Y/N:So? What's going to happen? Noire:Well after much discussion as well as a few heated words from Blanc here Neptune has decided their punishments Nepgear:And that is? Neptune:That IF and Compa are here by banished from entering any of the nations Blanc:Not only that but IF's status of guild agent will be revoked Plutia:While Compa's Status of Nurse in training will also be removed Rei:not only those two punishments but they will also be under watch to ensure they don't do anything to break the punishments Vert:But our main priority is you Y/N since you are the one affected by what they did to you Soon everyone is staring at me Y/N:*sigh* I don't know what to do if I'm being honest here it's just if I stay here I have a feeling I would do something unworthy of a candidate Voice:Then perhaps traveling dimensions would be the best choice We turn our heads to see Arfoire and Histoire walking over to us Uzume:What do you mean Historie? Histoire:Well Arfoire and I have been doing some research into dimensional traveling without having to wait for three days to prepare Arfoire:plus the dimension we found has super natural races amongst the humans of it All of us:Super natural races? Histoire:Yes the dimension we can send you have people of the Devil's,Angels,Fallen Angels and Yokai races Arfoire:And as for the fallen angels they are angels that has fallen for their own particular reasons Y/N:Anyway you think that this dimension would be a good choice for me to go to? Histoire:Yes as you said moments before our arrival you don't wanna do anything bad to happen as you are a candidate Y/N:Well do I have to find anyone over there to get help in that dimension? Arfoire:I'm afraid not as we only learned of the races the dimension has access to not anyone over there Noire:I see well do you both mind giving us some time to talk with Y/N about it? Histoire:of course we will be at the basilicom Arfoire and Histoire walk towards Neptune's Basilicom Y/N:So what should I do in your honest opinions? Vert:I say you should go but I believe Noire should make the decision for you I look to My big sister Noire who stares at me Noire:Well Y/N you can go but I want you to do one thing for me Y/N:What is it? Noire:Make sure you call me and Uni as we want to make sure you are doing alright over there Y/N:I promise you sis that I will keep in touch with you and Uni Both Noire and Uni hugs me which the three of us smile Nepgear:Y/N if you'd like I can modify your tablet to where you can call between dimensions Y/N:Really? You would do that for me Nepgear? Nepgear:Of Course just give me a hour to modify it for you I nod and hand my tablet to Nepgear which she then goes to her and Neptune's basilicom I along with the others then begin to walk over the Neptune's basilicom where we chat in the living room until nepgear is done After an hour and a half nepgear is done Nepgear:It's done Y/N and I made a copy of it so that you can test it out Y/N:Okay but who will help test it? Uzume:I'll do it I can head over to zero dimension with the copy Y/N:Alright Uzume:right give me a few minutes then you can call I nod my head as Uzume disappears which I then proceed to call the copy tablet Y/N:Uzume? Uzume (Call):Yep it works perfectly Vert:Very good now please return to us Uzume Uzume (Call):right be there soon Hanging up we soon see Uzume reappear in the room Arfoire and Historie then walk over to us Arfoire:Have you decided Y/N Y/N:Yes Lady Arfoire I have and I will go to this new dimension you and lady Histoire have found Histoire:very well we will get the portal ready now We nod our heads which Arfoire and Histoire begin to get the portal ready Y/N:Big Sis Noire:What is it? Y/N:Do you think I could get a picture of all of us together before I go to the dimension I'm about to head to? Noire:Of course you can Y/N you don't need to ask that question for a simple picture of everyone Neptune:Yeah! Come on girls let's take a picture before Y/N goes to the dimension! Everyone:yeah! We go out to the balcony where there is more space for every which I put the camera on auto take and quickly get to the others The flash goes off which we all look at the picture <b>Remove IF and Compa as well as the other oracles 5pb and mages also add Uzume and Rei to the pic</b> Arfoire then shouts saying the portal is ready Walking inside we see a portal in the room <b>The portal</b> Y/N:So this will take me to the dimension? Histoire:that is correct just step through I then turn to face the others Y/N:Well this is it I'll miss you all especially you big sister Noire and you Lil sis Uni Uni:*Sniff* you better not get hurt big brother you hear me! *Hugs me tightly* I hug uni back Y/N:I promise uni I won't get hurt in the new dimension also Rom Ram I'm sorry but I can't keep the pinky promise I made to you both now Ram:It's fine...Just be safe okay?! I nod which I then look at noire who is staring at me We share a hug as noire has a few tears falling off her face Noire:Promise you'll call us when you are able to okay? *Sniff* Y/N:I promise sis as soon as I can relax I'll call everyone to inform you what's going on with me in the new dimension We stop the hug which I then step forward to the portal Y/N:Well goodbye everyone see you in the future someday I enter the portal which closes behind me After traveling through the portal for several minutes I come to a room which dim lighting in it Y/N:Where am I? Voice 1:Who are you? Turning my head I see several people all sitting at a meeting table <b>Picture the three sitting at a meeting table as well as the next individual</b> Y/N:Before I say anything can I please have your names as to make communication between the five of us easier Red haired:Very well since you asked politely I am Sirzechs Lucifer the Satan devil king Twin tailed:I'm Serafall Leviathan the Leviathan devil king Y/N:Pardon me for saying this out of concept but wouldn't you be a devil Queen not a king due to your gender Lady leviathan? Serafall:Yes! Finally someone gets me! The others sweat drop at their fellow devil king Green haired:right well to continue with introductions I am Ajuka beezelbub the beezelbub devil king Tired individual:and I am Falbium Asmodeus the Asmodeus devil king Sirzechs:Now who are you? Y/N:My name is Y/N L/N and I am well how to say this without offending you four I am a god in training or if it's easier for you four a candidate in training to become a god from another dimension Serafall:Wait what?! You mean you are training to become a god?! I nod my head as to say yes Ajuka:Do you have a form that we can see? Y/N:Yes....ACCESS! A particle beam envelopes me blinding the devil kings Soon the beam disappears and I stand before the four in my candidate form Sirzechs:my word this is the form you can transform into? Y/N:Yes the form you see me in is my candidate form which increases my combat attributes I return to my normal form Serafall:So what brings you to our "dimension"? Y/N:*sigh* it's best I get the four of you caught up with what happened recently before my arrival here I explain what all happened earlier which the four devil kings listen to intently Serafall (Pissed):So just because you've are not the best at what you do which all of us was once the same in terms of power your ex girlfriends decided to have sex with two unknown men and Infront of you no less?! Y/N:Yes which two people of high authority in my dimension offered for me to come here but they only told me about the races here as they said that they never came in contact with anyone from this side Ajuka:I see Sirzechs:You said you are a candidate in training to become a god correct? Y/N:Yes I did why do you ask? Sirzechs:well I was just curious to know if there is anyone else from your dimension with similar status? Y/N:There are infact I can show you four the picture I took with my best friends/family before my arrival I bring out my tablet and bring up the picture I took which I then hand the tablet to Sirzechs Sirzechs:So these are your friends/Family? Y/N:Yes my family is the two girls with black hair like mine they are named Noire and Uni respectively Serafall:What about the other girls? Y/N:The girls with lilac hair colors and the girl with what looks to be dark purple hair color are Neptune,Nepgear and Plutia respectively which I should of mentioned this earlier but Noire is a goddess much like Neptune and Plutia are while Nepgear and my sister Uni are the same as me Ajuka:Wait so you have three goddesses living in your dimension? Y/N:Well more then 3 actually the goddesses are as follows Neptune aka Purple Heart,Noire aka Black heart,Blanc aka White heart, Vert aka Green Heart,Uzume aka Orange Heart,Plutia aka Iris heart,Peashy aka yellow heart and Rei Ryghts aka Cyan Heart Falbium:so each goddess is named after a color? Y/N:Pretty much also I should mention about Plutia's goddess form but her goddess form is into S and M heavily so if she was ever able to come over here it'd be best to not do anything she would count as naughty Sirzechs:I may know someone here with a similar persona...but I digress what will you do now? Y/N:Hmm is there a place where I can learn about this dimension like a school or a library? Serafall:There is a school that both sirzechs and my little sisters go to I can get my little sister to get you into the school if that works Y/N:that will work fine lady leviathan now is there a way I can rest while I wait for Lady Leviathan to get me into the school her sister attends Sirzechs:My family has a spare room you can use for the time being please follow me I nod and follow sirzechs Soon Sirzechs leads me to his family home which he takes me to a spare bedroom which I climb in bed falling asleep <b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 2 Meeting New People + Telling of Friends <b>Y/Ns POV</b> Slowly waking up in the guest bed that Sirzechs and his family is letting me I stretch my arms Suddenly a knock is heard on the guest door Y/N:Come in! The door opens and a maid with gray braided hair enters <b>The maid</b> Maid:I see that you're up Y/N:Yes um may I have your name miss? Grayfia:I am Grayfia Lucierge Sirzechs Wife Y/N:Oh well it's a pleasure to meet ma'am my name is Y/N L/N Grayfia:nice to meet you as well now then if you would please follow me the lady of the manor and her daughter would like to meet you I stand up from the bed and nod which Grayfia then leads me to the individuals who wants to meet me Arriving at a door we step through where I see two individuals sitting in arm chairs which have vulpous figures Brown haired woman:ah Grayfia is this he? Grayfia:Yes my lady this is Y/N L/N Y/N:It's a honor to be in your presence ma'am I bow showing respect to the two Red haired girl:So Polite well my name is Rias Gremory and This is my mother Venelana Gremory Venelana:so my son said that your from another dimension? Y/N:Yes Mrs Gremory that is correct I am and like I said to Sirzechs a candidate in training to become a God which a God or Goddess for the females is basically a leader of a entire nation in my dimension so think of the candidate like a protege training to take over a leaders position of a town Rias:Right also my brother told us that you have a form I believe he said is called a Candidate form? Y/N:I do but first before I show the form off can I ask where exactly am I besides being in your manor as I never asked sirzechs yesterday Venelana:Your are in the Underworld where we devil's live at Y/N:I see anyway let me show off my candidate form....ACCESS!! I transform into my candidate form which surprises the three in the room Rias:This is your candidate form? Y/N (Candidate):Yes it is I return to normal Suddenly Lady Leviathan appears in the room with us Serafall:There you are Y/N! I managed to get Sona to put you in the school Rias:Wait you was wanting to go to Kuoh Academy? Y/N:Is that the name of the school? Rias:yes I go there along with Sona along with my peerage and Sona's Peerage Y/N:uh what? Serafall:tell us Y/N have you ever heard of the board game called Chess? Y/N:No I haven't actually as most of the stuff I did in my dimension was to complete tasks known as guild quests Grayfia:Guild quests? Y/N: Basically what a guild quest is well it's a task that someone in the town asks for help with for example an old lady asking for help with monsters on a dirt path that is preventing the old lady from visiting her children in the town over from her location Venelana:So like what we do for the arch duke of the devil's sometimes Rias:Anyway what a peerage is well it's like the game chess which has fifteen pieces which are the following a king,a queen,two knights,two rooks,two bishops and eight pawn Serafall:each piece has a certain attribute applied to them for example the king piece gains high increase to their combat prowless while the queen piece follow close behind the king Grayfia:the knight piece has a massive increase in speed but sacrifice their defense while the rook is the polar opposite of the knight gaining massive defense but sacrificing their speed Venelana:The Bishops are the magic based users of a peerage which they can be the offensive or defensive type in regards to what the person who is the bishop piece can use in terms of magic Rias:Now the pawn while not gaining any bonuses has one feature that makes it feared in battle Y/N:And that is? Rias:The pawn can promote it self to any other piece of the peerage except the king if given permission by said king Y/N:I see so besides the peerage is there a way I can see this Kuoh Academy? So that I can be familiar with this dimension? Grayfia:Are you able to use magic? Y/N:I can use some offensive magic along side my skills that I've learned over my life with my family and friends but no teleportation magic Rias:Well if you let me see your hand I can apply a temporary Gremory seal that will allow you to use my family's magic circle of teleportation I extend my hand which Rias stamps a temporary seal on my hand Rias:Now if you will stand by me we can get to the academy where you wish to go I nod my head and stand next to rias which we soon disappear from the  room of the manor Soon we appear inside a building on what looks to be a school ground Rias:Please follow me and I'll introduce to you my peerage before we go see Sona to get you in the academy Nodding my head I follow Rias to a room where several others are <b>Ignore Rias as she is with you and it's just the rest of the peerage</b> Boy:My lady who is he? Rias sits at a desk while I still stand up Rias:Well Kiba he is someone who is new to our dimension of sorts Ponytail girl:What do you mean new to our dimension rias? Rias:Before he explains please introduce yourselves to him so that he can make communication between us easier Rias's peerage then introduce themselves to me which I nod at the information Y/N:Right it's nice to meet you all my name is Y/N L/N and I am what one would call a candidate in training to become a god Asia:Wait you're training to become a heavenly father?! Ow I look towards rias with a eye brow raised Rias:I'll explain in due time just know that it hurts a devil to say anything related to up there Rias says while pointing a finger upwards Y/N:Okay... Well I'm not sure if the status I'm training for is the same as this dimension but the term God or for the lady's of the room goddess is basically a leader in my dimension which there are four nations along with it's leaders Koneko:do you have a pic we can see? Y/N:I do yes here please take a look at my tablet here I take out my tablet and bring up the picture I took with Noire and the rest which I place on the table in between the couches of the room Koneko picks up the tablet and looks at the picture Rias:Are these girls your family? Y/N:Most of them are my best friends but the ones who are my family are the two girls with hair color like my own The six look at the picture before noticing the girls similar to me Akeno:Are we able to know their names cutie? Y/N:Sure the girls with lilac hair color are Neptune and Nepgear CPU or Console patron unit if you will and CPU candidate respectively which their names in their transformed states are Purple heart and Purple sister Kiba:So they are named after a color? Y/N:In a way yes now the next two are my sister's who are Noire and Uni which Noire is my big sister and Uni is my little sister anyway Noire's CPU name is Black Heart while Uni's is Black Sister and I'm Black Brother when I'm transformed anyway I forgot to mention with Neptune and Nepgear but the town which Neptune and Nepgear rules over is called Planeptune while Noire's is called Lastation Asia:Do you use any sort of weapons? Y/N:Yes each goddess/Candidate use their own specific weapons in battle which I'll tell more about after the introductions Rias:Please continue Y/N:Next are the three girls with light brown hair color who are known as Blanc Rom and Ram aka CPU White Heart and CPU Candidates the white sisters also I should mention that Blanc is known for her rage and will literally and pardon my language but will literally tear your ass a new one if you make fun of her figure especially her chest Issei:I doubt she's strong Y/N:Well you just signed your death warrant Issei infact let me call her right now <b>A/N:The copy tablet Nepgear made will be moved around in gamindustri between Y/Ns sisters and friends so for the scenario coming up Blanc will have the copy tablet</b> I pick up my tablet and call the copy one which I put the call on speaker Blanc (Call):Y/N? Did you make it over there Y/N:I did Blanc and I'm calling to tell you something Blanc (Call):What is it? I tell Blanc what Issei said which we soon hear glass breaking on the other side Soon Blanc is throwing out curse words that would make a sailor blush deep red After a while Blanc finally stops Y/N:You good lady Blanc? Blanc (Call):Yeah I'm good now just tell this Issei as he's called to be prepared if we was to ever meet in person! I hang up the call to see a paled looking Issei Y/N:And there you have it I hope your ready in the future issei Y/N:Anyway continuing on with the names of my family and friends oh and Blanc's nation is called Lowee anyway up next is the lady with long blonde hair who is named Vert I bring the picture back up and point to vert in the picture Y/N:Now Vert is the leader of the nation known as Leanbox which her CPU name is Green Heart and she is a heavy gamer as well as being someone into *cough* Guy on Guy action *cough* Rias Akeno and koneko all blush at my words about verts fantasy she's into Y/N:Up next is the girl in the pic that has dark lilac hair color and is holding a doll in her hand Kiba:So her? Kiba points to Plutia Y/N:Yes that's her anyway her name is Plutia she is the leader of a parallel version to Neptune's Planeptune and her CPU name is Iris heart which her CPU form is heavily into S&amp;M I then notice Akeno breathing heavy? Rias:Before you ask yes Akeno is into S&amp;M too I just nod at the information suddenly the door opens and I see a female with a bobcut hair style wearing glasses Y/N:Rias who is she? Rias:She is Sona Lady Leviathan's little sister Y/N:Ah Okay so what brings you here ma'am? Sona:Well my sister told me that you wanted to attend Kuoh Academy but you never showed up to the student council office which I came here as Rias might of known where you was at Y/N:I see I'm sorry for now showing up I was just telling about my family and friends from my dimension to rias and her group Sona:I'm curious to know as well may I hear  too? I nod and explain what was all said earlier before her arrival to which Sona nods at the info Y/N:The next friend of mine is the girl with red hair *points to Uzume in the pic* she is called Uzume and she is how you say a tomboy but she is a caring person her CPU name is orange heart as for her nation she is the former leader of Planeptune before Neptune became the leader I then point to Rei in the picture Y/N:Next is the girl with cyan color hair who is named Rei Ryghts and yes I know it's supposed to be spelled rights but rei prefers it to be spell Ryghts. Anyway Rei's CPU name is Cyan heart and for her nation she was once the leader of a nation called Tari as for why she named it that I have no idea even if I'm her best friend Y/N:up next is the strongest CPU in terms of raw strength with Blanc close behind is Peashy who is the little girl in the pic Rias and her group look at the pic before noticing Peashy Koneko:You mean the girl with a bee outfit on? Y/N:Yes that is Peashy she is well how you say rambunctious for her stature but she believes in protecting her friends and her CPU name is Yellow Heart as for the nation she co shares Plutia's Planeptune with her I then grab the tablet and put it up Rias:by the way you never said what made you come to our dimension Y/N:I guess I never did huh I only remember telling Sirzechs and the other devil kings why I am here but I'll tell you all I then explain what happened to me yesterday before arriving in the dimension Rias soon has an angry Aura surrounding her Rias (Angry):So just because you did your best to be a good boyfriend to them they just up and betrayed your heart for no reason once so ever?! Y/N:That and they said that I was no good in romance and that they only used me for the Free pass to the facilities a CPU/candidate has access to Rias's anger increases even more to the point that the building is shaking violently Akeno:Rias Calm Down! Kiba:Your Shaking the Building! Sona:Please Rias you have to remain calm! After several minutes Rias finally calms down Rias:I'm sorry about that I just can't stand for what your ex girlfriends did to you Y/N:It's fine Rias I completely understand oh and before I forget the weapons each of my friends/Family uses are the following. A no daichi katana for Neptune,A beam rifle for Nepgear,A sword for Noire,A Gun for Uni,A Hammer/Battle Axe for Blanc,Wands for Rom and Ram,Spear for Vert,Fists for Peashy,Megaphone for Uzume,Whip for Plutia,Short sword for Rei (I don't remember exactly what her weapon is) Sona:In any case can you follow me Y/N so that we can get your paperwork done for your enrollment into Kuoh Academy? Y/N:Of course please lead the way Ma'am Sona exits the room which I follow behind We soon arrive at a door labeled student council which Sona enters first and I follow after Sona:Please have a seat I nod and sit down on one of the couch cushions Sona then proceeds to ask me some questions which I answer to the best of my abilities Sona:So for the where you are from we need to keep those who don't know that your from another dimension Y/N:What should I say if someone asks me that question? Sona:Just say your from a really far off country and that you decided to move to Kuoh to learn from the academy Y/N:Alright but I should mention this ahead of time but I have no place to stay at in dimension so I will probably camp out in the woods until I can but anyway I'll see you first thing tomorrow then Ms President? Sona:Yes see you tomorrow I leave the room and exit the school building Reaching a park with a forest near it I walk into the forest which I soon find a place to rest which I then fall asleep against a tree <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 3 A New Day <b>3rd POV</b> Waking up in the forest Y/N stretches his arms before walking out of the forest As Y/N is standing in the park he notices a female walking over to him The female has medium white hair while wearing the Kuoh Academy uniform that Y/N seen yesterday Y/N:Can I help you miss? Momo:Yes my name is Momo Hanakai I am a member of the student council at Kuoh Academy I was asked by Sona to bring you to get the academy and to show you to your classes Y/N nods his head which he Follows Momo back to the academy Upon arrival the two head for the student council office which Y/N gets his school uniform which he goes to the boys restroom and puts the uniform on Exiting the rest he sees momo which he hands he regular clothes to after which momo shows him to his class Momo:Here's you class Please be respectful to your classmates Y/N: Right thank you for bringing me here Ms Hanakai Momo then walks off to her own class <b>Y/Ns POV</b> After Momo leaves I knock on the classroom door The door opens and out walks a gentleman which I believe is the teacher Teacher?:Can I help you? Y/N:Yes sir I have you for the semester as my teacher I hand the teacher my schedule which he looks over and nods Teacher:Very well please wait here while I address the class then I'll call you Y/N:Yes sir The teacher enters the class which I hear voices which the teacher then calls for me to enter Entering through the door I walk to the front of the class just Infront of the teacher's desk Teacher:Please introduce yourself Y/N:Hello My name is Y/N L/N it is a pleasure to meet you all I hope to learn many things with you please take care of me this semester I bow in respect Teacher:Now then does anyone have any questions for Mr L/N? A girl student raises her hand Y/N:yes you in the front what do you wish to ask me? Katase:Yes my name is katase and I was wanting to know are you a pervert? Y/N:No I am not a pervert The girls of the class cheer which then a male student raises his hand Y/N:Yes you in the middle what's your question? Brad:yes my name is Brad and I was wanting to ask where you are from? Y/N:All I can say is I'm from far away Teacher:Alright enough questions Mr L/N please go sit at the desk in the back right corner of the classroom Y/N:Yes Sir I walk to the desk and sit down which the teacher begins the lesson of the day Sometime during the lesson the lunch bell rings which I go to sit on the roof of the academy As I'm sitting on the roof I take out tablet and call those from home The tablet rings a few times before it's picked up from the other side Noire (Call):Y/N? Y/N:Hey sis how's things going over there? Noire (Call):Everything is fine we did hear about what you told Blanc yesterday Y/N:ah well I'm guessing Blanc is still preparing for when you all come over here I take it? Noire (Call):That's right oh and Uni is here if you wanna say hey to her Y/N:Sure put her on the phone if she wants to talk Noire (Call):Y/N you know she will always want to talk with you your her brother Y/N:Your right I'm sorry Noire Noire (Call):it's fine let me go get her for you one sec Noire leaves for a second which I hear the door open and close on her end before it opens and close again Uni (Call):Big brother is that you? Y/N:Yes lil sis it's me everything alright with you besides hearing what Blanc told everyone? Uni (Call): I'm fine big brother still practicing my shooting so we can snipe enemies together when we meet again Y/N:That's good Uni keep at it *hears bell ring* listen I gotta go I'll call you both again sometime love you both N&amp;U <b>(Noire and Uni respectively)</b>:We love you two little brother/Big brother I hang up the call and head back for the classroom Re-entering the classroom I sit at my assigned desk where the teacher resumes the lesson After some time passes the final bell rings ending the school day Exiting the classroom I try to decide on what to do now since I have nothing that I own in this world I go to the sco (Student council office) and pick up my normal clothes which I then exit the main building as I'm exiting the building I hear a commotion coming from behind the building Walking to the commotion I see Issei and two other students running from a group of girls I let out a sigh before disappearing into the forest on the school ground where I transform into my candidate form Taking my rifle in hand I lay on the grass and take aim at the three and fire a shot that goes right pass them in the middle of the air which causes them to stop just as the girls catch up to them Putting my rifle up I return to my normal form and casually walk out of the forest Walking over to the building rias and her peerage use I enter the room where I'm greeted by Rias Akeno and Koneko Rias:Ah there you are Y/N how was your first day of school? Y/N:It was fine talked with my sister's from my dimension during lunch but mostly fine Kiba and Issei and Asia then enter the room Rias:What happened to you Issei? Issei:A bullet went past me and my friends which caused the kendo girls to catch us easily Y/N:That was me Issei:You?! Why did you do that for?! Y/N:Listen well Issei now while I don't tell you how to live your life as each and everyone is entitled to live their lives how they want but one thing I won't tolerate is perverts looking at women disgustingly so here's a warning to you Issei I say while glaring at the individual Y/N:If I ever catch you perving my friends from my world especially my sister's I will not miss with my shot and will personally end you even if you are a devil and it's not just me literally all my friends will end you especially my sister's as they absolutely hate perverts so you best behave when they arrive in the future or Rias will have to look for a new pawn in her peerage Issei:Y-Your kidding right? A bullet goes pass Issei's right ear which he flinches and sees my rifle in my hand Y/N:I'm deadly serious so try looking at my friends and sisters pervertedly and see what happens... I put my rifle up Koneko:I like him he knows what's up Rias:Anyway Y/N I noticed you didn't have a place to stay and that you resulted to sleep in the forest near the park Y/N:That's right Rias:Well you can use the guest room we have here in the clubhouse Y/N:Are you sure I don't want to impose on you I'm fine with sleeping in the forest near the park if I have to Rias:No no it's fine it will save you the trouble of having to walk from the park to here every morning Y/N:Then I will gladly take the offer to use the room Ms Gremory Rias:Please you can call me just Rias now Akeno please show him to the guest room Akeno:Hai hai please follow me Rias:As for everyone else it's time to get to work I follow Akeno through the building which I am then lead to a room Akeno:Here's the room you can use Y/N:Thank you Akeno leaves to go back to Rias which I climb into bed and fall asleep thinking of what to do tomorrow <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 4 Family and Friends Arrive <b>Y/Ns POV</b> Waking up in the guest room I stretch my arms before getting dressed in my school uniform which I then head for the academy building on the campus As I am early I arrive at the classroom where I sit at my desk and patiently wait for class to begin Soon the other classmates arrive as does the teacher which the teacher then begins today's lesson As the day goes on I study intensely what the teacher is teaching so that I can make a good impression on the academy Lunch bell rings which I grab some food and sit at a table in the cafeteria While eating my food Rias of all people of the school decides to sit at the table with me Y/N:*Gulp* can I help you Rias? Rias: I'd just like to sit and eat lunch with you That's okay isn't it? Y/N:It's fine but I'm pretty sure the boys in the cafeteria want to murder me for sitting with and I quote "The Queen of the School" Rias:Just ignore them that's usual how Akeno Sona and I handle it Y/N:Very well I say as I continue to eat Rias:How is your second day at Kuoh coming along? Y/N:It's going fine I am learning quite a bit of interesting things though The two of us continue to eat our lunches which the bell ending lunch rings which Rias and I each go to our separate classes Sitting back at my desk the teacher resumes the lesson As the day goes on i continue to write down what is being said by the teacher in order to pass the test if one is to come our way Time passes and the final bell rings which I head to the ORC clubhouse Entering the room where rias and the other are I sit on one of the couch cushions Suddenly my Tablet begins to ring Y/N:Hello? Arfoire (Call):Y/N it's Arfoire Y/N:What can I do for you Lady Arfoire? Rias and the others listen to the call Arfoire (Call):Listen we decided to head over to your location to help you out Y/N:Your coming over now? But it's only been like what two days Arfoire (Call):While it's been two days for you it's been like two years for us Y/N:Ah right the whole time difference between dimensions I got ya anyway do I need to be at a specific spot for the arrival? Arfoire (Call):Yes you need to be at the spot of where you first arrived in that dimension so go to the spot then call me and I'll open the portal with Historie to you Y/N:Right I'll call you again soon I hang up and place my tablet in my back pocket Rias:So your friends are coming soon? Y/N:Yes which I'll need you to call your brother here Rias tell him it's very important Rias nods her head and calls her brother Soon Sirzechs appears in the room Sirzechs:What's so important Rias? Y/N:Actually Sirzechs I was the one who asked for Rias to call you here Sirzechs:What can I do for you Y/N? Y/N:I need to go to the room where I met you and the other devil kings as my friends and sisters will be coming to this dimension soon Sirzechs:Really they're coming to our dimension? Y/N:Yes and one of the two deities that helped me get here said that I need to be in the spot where I first appeared in this dimension which is the room I met you and the other devil kings in Sirzechs:Very well Rias if you would please bring Y/N to the meeting room I'll meet you there with the other devil kings Rias:Right Sirzechs disappears which Rias then asks us to gather around where we all teleport to underworld As we arrive we see Serafall waiting for us Serafall:There you guys are come on let's go! We follow Serafall to the meeting room where upon entering I take out my tablet and called Lady Arfoire Y/N:Lady Arfoire I am in the room which I first appeared in this dimension Arfoire (Call):Very well Histoire and I will activate the portal now Hanging up the call we patiently wait which a portal soon appears From said portal many individuals appear from Y/N:Noire Uni everyone your here Noire&amp;Uni:Y/N... The three siblings share a heart felt hug Breaking from the hug I then smirk a little Y/N:Hey Blanc I think it's time to make good on your word in regards to what was said the other day don't you Blanc's eyes turn red as she cracks her knuckles <b>Basically how Blanc looks right now</b> Blanc:Where's the bastard at!! Koneko:He's over there trying to sneak out Koneko says while pointing towards Issei who is trying to sneak out of the room Blanc Summons her Hammer and charges at Issei Issei:Oh Shit!! Issei runs out of the room with Blanc chasing him <b>A/N:Calling all Coffin Dance Members I repeat calling all Coffin Dance Members we got a Code Red repeat a Code red!</b> Asia:Will he be alright? Vert: He'll be fine dear Blanc won't go too far Issei is then tossed into the room injured and bruised Y/N:Anyway now that that's over allow me to introduce to you all the devil's of this dimension Y/N:Up first is the devil kings of the Underworld Sirzechs Serafall Ajuka and Falbium Rom: Shouldn't she be a queen not king? Rom points to Serafall Sirzechs and Ajuka hold back Serafall from doing anything embarrassing Y/N:After them is Grayfia who is a maid and wife to Sirzechs Grayfia:Greetings Y/N:After Her is Sirzechs's Sister Rias Gremory Rias:Hello Y/N:Next is Akeno Himejima who is into S&amp;M yes Plutia your CPU side has a friend in Sadistism Plutia transforms into her CPU form Iris:Is that right? Rias:I can confirm what he said is true Akeno really is into S&amp;M Iris:Then I'll have to give her a firm lesson won't I We all notice Akeno shivering in pleasure Akeno:Yes mistress~ Y/N:Okay before things get too creepy up next is Kiba Yuuto who is a swordsman if you will of this dimension Kiba:Hello Y/N:After Him is Koneko Tohjou resident sugar lover and someone who will literally beat the crap out of you if you make fun of her or are a pervert Koneko doesn't say anything Y/N:Next is Asia who is basically an alternate version of Rom as she really sweet and innocent Uni:Is she really big brother? Y/N:Well that's just what I was told by Rias and her group but anyway after her is Issei hyoudou who is the one Blanc pummeled earlier Issei just twitches from the ground Nepgear:Has everything been alright over here since you arrived Y/N? Y/N:Everythings been fine Nepgear I just haven't explored much of the dimension as I only been to what I think is 4 places in this dimension? Histoire:What places have you been to? Sirzechs:He's been here in this room Rias:My family's manor Kiba:A Park Koneko:And the Academy which several of us attend Uzume:Ok but why a park? Y/N:Well when I first arrived I didn't have a place to use nor did I wanna impose on anyone here in this dimension so I slept in a forest near a park Sirzechs:Actually if you'd like Y/N my family can build a home for you and your friends if you'd like Y/N:You'd really do something like that for a group of people not even from your dimension? Sirzechs:Of course if we are to make better relationships with everyone then the very least we can do is make your group a home to live in Rei:Well then we thank you for offering it then Y/N:For now can we show my friends and sisters around you know let them see how things are here in the Underworld? Ajuka:Of course please follow us Everyone exits the room which Noire and the others listen to Those of the Underworld explain about their home which after the tour Sirzechs and Rias offers the let everyone stay at their manor for the night so that everyone can have a good night sleep <b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 5 meeting the KFC Reject <b>Y/Ns POV</b> Sitting in the living room of The Gremory family manor my sister's myself and my friends all have a nice chat as Rias told me that she explain to Sona and the teachers at the academy why I wasn't able to attend today Zeoticus:So in your dimension they are a total of four nations? Arfoire and Histoire nod their heads and explain about the dimension Suddenly Sirzechs appears Sirzechs:Y/N the home for your friends and sisters is finally done Neptune:Nepu wow thanks! Sirzechs and the Gremory family minus rias then help us get to the home Arriving at the home we are shocked beyond words <b>The home for Y/N and his friends/Sisters</b> Noire:You really made this for us? Sirzechs:Of course your ladyship I want your experience of our dimension to be a pleasant one Vert:Well thank you much then Sirzechs nods and shows us around the newly built home I then notice grayfia is missing Y/N:Hey I just noticed Grayfia is missing Uzume:Your right Y/N where did she go? Sirzechs:She went to check on Rias as her fiance will be meeting with her later today Y/N:Fiance? Sirzechs nods and explains about the marriage which my group learns it is an arranged one which Rias doesn't want to be apart of Rei:Okay in all honesty that is the most idiotic thing you can do in regards to her well being Blanc:I agree with Rei you should of consulted with her before throwing her under the bus like that Y/N:Sirzechs I want you to confirm something for me Sirzechs:What is it? Y/N:You are a devil king correct? More importantly the Lucifer of devil kings correct? Sirzechs:Yes? Y/N:And as such your word is law amongst the devil race right? Sirzechs: that's right Before anymore could be said I disappear from the room which I find myself in the clubhouse where Rias is located at Y/N:Rias? Rias:Y/N how did you get here? Y/N:I don't know all I know is that I was about to straighten out your brother for his idiotic way of putting you in an arranged marriage without your well being ????:Rias who is the weakling that appeared? Turning my head I see a male individual with blond hair a cock grin red jacket with matching pants as well as a white undershirt Y/N:So who's the KFC Reject Rias? Riser:How dare you talk to Riser Like that! I am of the Noble Phoenix Family!! Y/N:Then you are a devil like Rias right? Rias:He is yes Y/N:And if I remember reading from the library rias's family owns devil's are weak to anything holy or Divine correct Akeno:You are correct Y/N Before any action can be done Riser snaps his fingers and a group of girls appear behind him Y/N:And are they supposed to scare me or something? Riser:They will show you how weak you are!! My eyes flash the color of my candidate form which I summon my sword Y/N (Divine Voice):Then try it if you can devil.... Riser:Grr get him!! Riser's group charges at me which I make quick work of Soon the group of riser is on the ground groaning in pain Riser:How dare you!!! Riser attempts to attack me but a ice wall appears which I notice grayfia behind me Grayfia:I would recommend the two of you stop your actions especially you Lord Riser Riser:Why should Riser stop his attack against the weakling?! Y/N (Divine Voice):Because This Weakling as you call him is a candidate to become a god meaning I'm the very being your race is scared off Riser:Lies Riser Don't believe you!! Y/N:Then why don't I show you the power I possess <b>Y/N: ACCESS!!!</b> I then transform into my candidate form which shocks Riser Riser:How-How do you have access to that?! Y/N (Candidate Form):Oh? It seems you know what this form is...Pray tell how you know? Girl similar to Riser:I can answer that sir The girl says as she struggles to get up from the ground Y/N (Divine Voice):And pray tell who you are? Ravel:I am Ravel Phoenix Riser's sister and bishop Y/N:*Mind* note to self beat the ever living shit out of Riser for being a complete creep... *Outloud* now explain how Riser knows of my form and is scared when he saw it Ravel:He knows it as do I because we both read a book which describes of a hidden futuristic world which has four nations and with in those nations are several very powerful beings Y/N (Divine Voice):Can you explain more about what you know? Ravel nods Ravel:The first nation the book tells has two individuals of lilac hair color the older of the two while carefree and super friendly will literally destroy any who harms those close to her or within the nation she resides in the younger of the two while being clumsy will literally do the same as the older of the two Ravel:After those two the next one the book talks about is a nation covered in machinery Riser:The book tells of three powerful individuals within it's walls of the nation the oldest and most powerful of the three is the one who endlessly works to ensure those within the nation are well protected after the oldest is the first of the two after the oldest who is said to be very hard working and strong lastly the third of the three is a complete gun nut as they tend to have a weird fetish for fire arms Y/N:*Mind* boy uni would tear him a new asshole if she heard what he just said Ravel: After those three is the next nation which is said to be very cold as well as to host the three deadliest of the beings who are known to have brown hair....the first is usual a bookworm and is quiet most of the time but will literally go into an unbreakable rage at the drop of a hat Rias and the others Y/N included:*Mind* she has no idea how right she is about that Riser:After the oldest are the two younger ones to the oldest of the third nation which are said to be very childlike but unmatched in terms of magic Ravel:Lastly is the one the book tells of the nation of green which hosts a powerful spear wielder who has blond hair like myself and my brother Riser:The spear wielder is said to be a complete geek but like the others will literally rip those who harm the ones closest to them a new one I soon let out a laugh which confuses the two Ravel:Why are you laughing? I return to normal before showing a grin on my face Y/N:Oh nothing just you think they those you described from your book are just that part of the book right? Ravel:Of course why ask? I pull out my tablet and call Historie Y/N:Hey Histoire can you and Arfoire make a portal to where I am I have a few people that would like to meet the others Histoire (Call):Of course we'll be there soon I hang up and put my tablet up which a portal opens up behind me Neptune and the rest soon stand around me Ravel:Who are they? Y/N:Well Ravel you know how the book told you and riser of powerful beings in a hidden futuristic world? Ravel nods Y/N:Well meet those very individuals themselves Girls your up Riser:Impossible... Grayfia:Anyway before anymore distractions is said my lady the only way you will be able to get free from the marriage would to win a rating game After much discussion about the marriage and rating game I along with those from Gamindustri offer to train Rias's group for the match which Riser gave Rias ten days to prepare Grayfia and riser's group leave the building Rias:can you meet us at the entrance to the academy early tomorrow Nodding our heads my group then heads back to the home that Sirzechs and the devil's made for us which we then retire to sleep <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 6 Training the devils + Rating game <b>3rd POV</b> At Kuoh Academy's Entrance early in the morning is Y/N his sisters and their friends as they stand at the entrance waiting for Rias and her peerage Blanc:Where the hell are they?! Uzume:Calm yourself Blanc im sure they will be here soon Just as Uzume finishes speaking Rias and her peerage can be seen approaching the Academy Rias:Sorry we're late it was somewhat difficult to wake some up Y/N:It's no trouble Rias now we aren't really gonna train in the city are we? Rias:no we are gonna head for a vacation home my family uses which is in the forest up on a hill Rei:Then lead the way Rias nods as she and her group leads the group from Gamindustri to her family's vacation home After several hours the groups reach the bottom of the hill where the vacation home is located at Nepgear:That's the vacation home? Rias:Yes it is Lady Nepgear Y/N then notices kiba koneko and reluctantly Issei all putting on a bag to carry on their backs Y/N: Rias how much do each of those bags kiba koneko and Issei are carrying weigh? Rias:it varies about 20-30 pounds for koneko 10-15 for kiba and about 1-5 for Issei Y/N:Yeah I'm gonna have to tell you that's not gonna work Y/N says in a deadpan tone Rias:What do you mean? Vert:What he means is that those weights for the bags are merely for those weak in terms of battle power Noire:Which Y/N late last night asked Blanc and Peashy to get five of the most heaviest objects from our dimension Noire looks to Blanc then to Peashy and nods which the two return the nod Soon five Blocks of the heaviest metal in gamindustri appears from the inventory of Blanc and Peashy The five Blocks then float over to Kiba Koneko Issei Akeno and Rias Rias:Wait why are me in Akeno doing this? Akeno:And how heavy are these? Y/N:For your question Rias it's simple just because your the king or rather leader of your peerage doesn't mean you get a free pass at not doing any training which both you and Akeno will participate in the training as well Rei:and for the second question each block weight 500,000 pounds but there's a catch to them Koneko:what's the catch? Blanc:the catch is that every 5 minutes that pass and your not up at the top of the hill the blocks will increase in weight by 20,000 pounds Y/N:And to make it harsher for you five...Rom Ram if you both would The twins nod and use their magic to cast a harsh blizzard on the path up the hill to the vacation home Issei:Are you kidding me?! Issei shouts as he is struggling to hold on to the block Neptune: we're serious I mean you devil's have improved sight right so you should be able see through the blizzard no problem Uni:one more thing will happen as the five of you are attempting to reach the top which is Y/N:Myself and Uni will be hiding in the near by trees somewhere where you can't see us and taking shots at you five Nepgear:So not only do you five have the heaviest object from Gamindustri on your backs Ram:You also have a blizzard conjured by me and Rom Noire:As well as Y/N and Uni taking shots at the five of you Y/N:Your time limit to reach the top is just when the sun starts to set also Neptune can you take Asia up to the top since she is more of the support type rather then the fighting type Neptune transforms into her CPU form Purple heart:Of course hold on tight Asia Neptune says in her CPU form as she grabs ahold of Asia's hand The two fly up to the top where the home is as does everyone else who's not participating at the moment Y/N:Your training begins NOW! Y/N and Uni quickly disappear into the tree's as they get into position Rias Akeno koneko kiba and issei then begin their trek through the blizzard to reach the top Several hours pass and Koneko makes it to the top with ease as does Kiba and Akeno Rias and Issei however are having difficulty reaching the top Rias:Stop shooting me! Rias shouts from the blizzard Noire:Rias do you really think this riser person is gonna let you and your peerage take a break? Especially in the middle of battle? Vert:No he will not so unless you see through harsh weather conditions and are able to predict where Y/N and Uni are going to shoot at next you'll more likely lose the match Rias can be be heard muttering to herself Eventually Rias and Issei reach the top which Y/N and Uni return to the group Y/N: Now you five get a few hours of rest before we continue training Issei:Oh come on! We just got up here you guys are evil! Arfoire:No they are not if anyone is evil it's me as that's how I was in the past but besides that the reason why we are pushing you to your limits Uzume:is because unless we do so you will easily lose to your opponent Y/N:Which in this case is your supposed fiance Rias also Nepgear please remind me to straighten out sirzechs for idiotic ways of being a leader Nepgear:Alright Rias:You can't lecture my brother he's the devil king! Plutia:Oh but he can you see Y/N Uni Nepgear Rom and Ram are all training to take over their respective siblings nation which means Neptune:That myself noire and Blanc each are teaching them what to do and how to do it when we retire Noire:And as such we are teaching them how to handle such things like leadership capabilities politics and other such tasks a leader would need to do Uzume:And with such leaders like myself rei and Plutia helping them learn the five will more than likely be leadership ready when the time comes Y/N:But enough about that after you rested for a few hours I want Rias Akeno Koneko kiba and Issei to face my group so that we can judge where you stand Issei:Why does Asia get a free pass? Neptune:She's not getting a free pass from the actual training just from this part as she is more of the support type Blanc: Don't worry though we won't use our divine forms only our human forms Y/N:Now then let's begin Soon a few hours pass which Rias Akeno Koneko Kiba and Issei then all charge at Y/N and his group which the sound of a loud explosion can be heard After several more hours pass before Y/N tells everyone to stop Y/N:Alright that's enough we see where your group stands Rias Rias:and what's the results Uni:to be honest you all suck Noire:Uni is right you don't even bother working together as an actual team you only think of yourselves not of your peerage members Kiba:Then what do we need to improve so that we can better Nepgear:Right so here's where you guys need to improve Y/N:Kiba while you are quick on the field you lack the strength and Defense of a actual swordsman so for your training Blanc and Peashy will help you increase in those fields Arfoire:Next is Koneko while you are strong and resilient in terms of being the rook of rias's group you lack the speed to catch a foe that specializes in speed so for your training Vert will help you increase your speed Y/N:Next up is Akeno now while you are the queen of the peerage you lack any form of hand to hand combat or any other form of combat other then the use of your magic so for your training you will have two trainers which are Nepgear and Ram Neptune:Next is Issei and quite frank you are the weakest one out of the other five I mean seriously you couldn't even land a punch on either one of us so most of us will be training you harshly Y/N:Finally Rias and let me just say that you focus way too much on your family's power which If I remember correctly is the power of destruction so safe to say you don't have any sort of training so for you Arfoire Histoire will train you on being a leader while Uzume and Rei will focus on training you in combat situations Rias:But I'm the devil king Lucifer's sister I shouldn't have to train Blanc:And that's your problem right there no one on the field of battle will simply let you win or get away with saying that hell take Arfoire for example she never let us goddesses get away with saying we are the CPUs of our nations when she was evil Y/N:Let me ask something do you want to be known as Rias Gremory or do you want to be known as Rias Phoenix because if you don't properly train that is what will happen to you Rias is silent before nodding at the training regimen Y/N and his group has planned for her Vert:Also Asia dear since you are the support type you will be trained by Rom who will train you in more advanced healing spells as well as a few battle spells to help defend yourself Asia:Okay Y/N:Right now everyone get to training <b>Timeskip 5 days</b> During the first five days Rias and her peerage improved a bit but not much as the group was still weak in terms of combat <b>Timeskip remaining 5 days</b> Over the last five days of training Rias and her group have atleast showed a moderate improvement Y/N:right so our training is done for now and wether you and your peerage put our training to use is on you all Blanc:Best of luck to you all and don't misuse our training Y/N and His group walk away as Rias and her peerage teleport back to Kuoh Academy Back at the home for those from Gamindustri Y/N and the other deities are chatting about what's going on Neptune:You think they'll win? Y/N:I don't know Neptune all we can do is believe in them Suddenly a magic circle appears and from the circle is a familiar bob cut girl Y/N:Sona? What brings you here? Noire:Who's this Y/N? Y/N:Well big sis this is the student council president of the academy I attend Sona:Greetings my name is Sona Sitri but I go by Sitori in the human world and I am a devil like Rias is Uni:So what brings you to our home? Sona:I'm here because I would like to show you all the match between riser and Rias Histoire:You are able to do that? Sona:Yes ma'am I can now if you all will kindly set your sights on the orb before you Sona casts a spell which makes a video orb appear before Y/N and his group <b>During the Rating Game Kiba's PoV</b> Right now I am standing against a few of riser's knights as well as a bishop and rook Soon Issei and Koneko join me Kiba:Seems you took care of your opponents Koneko:yeah but dumbass here decided to shred their clothes with a dumb spell Issei:H-Heh good thing he's not hearing what you said Rias then makes a telepathic call to us Rias (Call):No he can hear your conversation Sona is at his home broadcasting the match now I then see Issei pale at what rias just said now Soon one of Riser's knights approaches us which i step forward Kiba:I am Knight of Rias Gremory you will not get close to them Riser's Knight: then I will defeat you for lord Riser! <b>3rd POV</b> The two knights clash swords as koneko and issei fight the remaining members of riser's peerage that are before them Koneko manages to handle one of the peerage members but Issei does something completely moronic Soon two of the girls that are fighting Koneko and Issei clothes are shredded causing the girls to be naked <b>Back with those from Gamindustri</b> Y/N:I'm seriously gonna hurt the fool Y/N says as he has a menacing aura surrounding him Noire/Uni: We'll Join you... Blanc:Seriously what the hell?! Blanc shouts as she is pissed at what she sees Y/N:Oh and Uni you know riser the one Rias is facing off against? Uni:What about him? Y/N:Well before you and the others arrived at the clubhouse of Rias he told me about a book that involves us and that from our nation in the book you are a gun nut and that you have a weird gun fetish Y/Ns words push Uni's aura to extreme levels Uni:That's two I gotta deal with huh....Perfect Uni says with a grin <b>Over with the peerage match between Rias and riser</b> The match is still going on with most of rias peerage defeated leaving only rias Issei and asia while on the other side Riser is the only one standing from his peerage Riser:Riser must admit I never would of thought you actually give my peerage a challenge but alas Riser will win! Issei:Not on your life pal! Issei charges at Riser blindly which Riser smirks at After a brutal beat down of Issei Riser knockouts Asia with a slap leaving only Rias Riser:Riser thinks it's time to end this Riser prepares to throw a fireball at Issei which Rias immediately covers Rias:Stop I surrender! Voice:Resignment acknowledged The Winner is Riser The rating match ends <b>With those from Gamindustri Y/Ns POV</b> Y/N:That idiot devil she never took our training to heart Rei:Seems that way Uni:What do we do now big brother? Y/N:Only thing we can do is to wait and see if anyone comes and picks us up but until then we can only wait Noire:He's right The rest of the day is spent relaxing and training Soon grayfia appears Neptune:Nepu what brings you here maid lady? Grayfia:I'm here with a invitation for Mr Y/N Y/N:and what is the invitation about? Grayfia:it's a invitation to the wedding of riser and Rias also Sirzechs sends a message Noire:What's the message? Grayfia:<b>"Y/N please end this marriage that I so stupidly made happen I'll reward you with something only high ranking devil's can obtain"</b> Y/N:Very well when's the supposed wedding? Grayfia:In a few hours I will pick up before it happens Y/N: alright Grayfia disappears which I use the time to train <b>Timeskip a few hours</b> Grayfia appears and asks if I'm ready which I nod We disappear from the home where I am standing outside a manor while grayfia goes to Sirzechs I approach the door which one of the devil guards stop me Guard:Halt do you have a invitation? Y/N:Yeah I was personally invited by Sirzechs Guard:Sure you do and I'm Lord Lucifer himself now beat it Kid Y/N shrugs his shoulders before cracking his knuckles Y/N:Oh well I tried to be reasonable but I guess I gotta make a entrance the hard way I knock out the other guard before approaching the one who denied me entry Y/N:Hey before I hurt you I gotta ask do you know what yeet means? Guard:Yeet? Y/N:This Bitch is Empty YEET! I punch the guard in the stomach before tossing him hard through the doors Y/N:So what I'm not allowed at this supposed wedding? Rias&amp;Peerage:Y/N! Riser:How dare you enter here without permission guards seize him! I smirk before whistling loudly as the guards charge at me Soon a axe appears from above as two shots also hit the two guards in the knee Riser:What?! Who's there?! Y/N:Come on Riser you didn't really think I wouldn't have came alone now did you? Noire Uni and everyone else appear behind and from above me Riser:who do you think you are weakling?! Y/N:Me? Why just a individual who is training to become a God and no I'm not a angel if that's what most of you devil's are thinking but in any case riser I challenge you for the freedom of Rias Gremory Riser:Riser declines I will not waste my breath on such a weakling Sirzechs:Oh but you do have to face him riser We turn our heads to see sirzechs approaching riser Riser:My Lord! Sirzechs:Such a crazy turn of events wouldn't you say? Y/N:Sure oh and don't forget Sirzechs I still need to straighten you out from the other day before I disappeared Sirzechs sweatdrops at what I said Sirzechs:In any case the match will between riser phoenix vs Y/N L/N now what do you want if you win Y/N Y/N:You already know my answer but I'll say it again I want Rias Gremory to freely choose who she wishes to be with and not be ordered by some old geezers Old devil:How dare you?! Uni shoots the ground Infront of the devil Uni:Talk bad about him and the next shot won't miss... Sirzechs:Well in any case Grayfia please teleport the two to the arena Grayfia:right... Riser and I soon teleport from the manor which we appear in the arena Riser:Riser will make this quick! Grayfia announces the match which we both then heard the words to begin Summoning my sword I quickly make a dash towards Riser as he begins to throw fire balls at me I dodge the fireballs with ease before shouting Y/N:<b>6th Sword technique Aquatic Slash!</b> I Slash riser with a water based Slash which harms him Riser:How dare you make Riser wet! Riser throws a large fireball which I spin my sword in place before stabbing the ground Y/N:<b>13th Sword technique Ground Wall!</b> Soon a large wall appears in front of me which blocks the fireball I speed around the wall which my sword begins to glow brightly Y/N:<b>1st Sword technique Divine heavens Slash!</b> My attack causes riser to fall onto the ground in pain Riser:Stop! Don't you understand this marriage is for better of all devil's! Y/N:But yet Rias doesn't want to be with you which makes it all the worth while to free her from your greedy clutches! Now for the finishing blow I create a clone which we both hold our swords Y/N&amp;Clone:<b>4th Sword technique Voltaic Twin Slash!</b> My clone and I both dash at riser which we both deliver a slash across riser at the same time causing riser to scream in pain before passing out Grayfia:Riser Phoenix is knocked out! The winner is Y/N L/N! Riser disappears which I transform into my CPU candidate form and float above the arena as it begins to crumble Noire:Well done Y/N Y/N:Thanks sis Uni:You totally creamed him! Neptune:Yuppers you sure did Vert:But now I believe someone wants to thank you dear They all make a opening as Rias flys into my arms Rias:Oh Thank you thank you so much Y/N! Y/N:It's no trouble really rias I always help my friends no matter how difficult the situation they are in Rias smiles brightly which we return to Sirzechs Sirzechs:Well done I'd never seen such sword skills Y/N:Well I studied and practiced many sword techniques before coming here so yeah there's that Sirzechs:Right now if you will follow me I can deliver to you what I said in the message grayfia told you We walk away which I hear what the others are saying Rias:What's going on? Peashy: Don't know Arfoire:all we know is that the message said something only high rank devil's get Akeno:Oh my you don't think .. Sona:That he's getting a peerage set?! Rias and the rest all rush after myself and Sirzechs As for myself and Sirzechs we enter a room where Ajuka is waiting with a strange device Ajuka:welcome Y/N I've been waiting for you Y/N:Hello Lord Ajuka and what is that device? Ajuka:This device is what we use to create devil pieces or peerage pieces if you will Y/N:Do I need to do anything to make it work? Ajuka:Just stick your hand in the machine and give a little of your power which the machine will pop out your pieces Y/N:Alright I place my hand in the machine which I give some of power Soon the machine pop out 16 pieces all glowing white in color Ajuka:My word they are glowing brightly and they are all mutated too Sirzechs:Wait what?! How?! Y/N:I think I might know and I'm only guessing this by the way but I think the pieces are glowing with my God energy meaning whoever joins will also receive the energy of the pieces Ajuka:I think your right Soon the door opens which reveals to be the others Rias:did you already get your set Y/N Sirzechs:He did which all he needs to do is apply the king piece to himself oh and his entire set is mutated I nod which sirzechs helps apply the piece which I then feel a increase in power from the mutated piece Y/N:I feel stronger I say as I open and close my hands Tsubaki:Do you know who you wish to recruit to your peerage? Y/N:I know most that wish to recruit Koneko:Who are they? Y/N:They are..... <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> <b>Shadow here with the next chapter for the story and for who joins the peerage find out on the next exciting episode of Cheater HDN </b> <b>(Sorry had to put that in atleast one of the storys)</b> # Peerage Member List <b>King:</b> <b>Y/N</b> <b>Queen:</b> <b>Rei Ryghts</b> <b>Bishops:</b> <b>Rom and Ram</b> <b>Rook 1:</b> <b>Blanc</b> <b>Rook 2:</b> <b>P</b><b>eashy</b> <b>Knight 1:</b> <b>Neptune</b> <b>Knight 2:</b> <b>Noire</b> <b>Pawn 1:</b> <b>Vert</b> <b>Pawn 2:</b> <b>Kunou</b> <b>Pawn 3</b> <b>Uni</b> <b>Pawn 4:</b> <b>Nepgear</b> <b>Pawn 5:</b> <b>Venelana</b> <b>Pawn 6</b>: <b>Lady Phoenix (2 pieces)</b> <b>Pawn 7:</b> <b>Yasaka</b> <b>Shadow:</b><b>These are the peerage members for Y/Ns Mutated Peerage anyway I hope to see you all in the next chapter of the </b><b>story</b> # Chapter 7 Recruiting Peerage Members <b>Previously</b> Y/N:They are... <b>Currently Y/Ns POV</b> Y/N:They are the following individuals located in this room Noire:Who are they little brother? Y/N:For the queen piece I am picking rei Ryghts Rei:Me but why me? Y/N:I pick you because and I know you and the other girls always tell me not to mention a girls age but for this one moment I'll break that rule it's because you are the oldest and wisest of the goddesses of Gamindustri along side Arfoire and Histoire so you will be able to help me lead the Peerage Arfoire:He's right Rei you are in mine and histoires knowledge range Rei:Very well I accept I nod and walk over to rei with the queen piece and place it on her chest which the piece goes into her chest A bright light envelopes rei which we cover our eyes The light disappears and rei looks at herself Y/N:How do you feel rei? Rei:I feel... Amazing! Uni:So the pieces greatly increases our powers? Y/N:Seems that way sis anyway for the bishops I would like for Rom and Ram to join as the bishops as they have more magical talent then anyone from Gamindustri Neptune:Nepu they sure do! Blanc:Well Rom Ram do you both wanna join? Rom and Ram look at each other and nod Twins: We'll Join! I nod my head and use both bishop pieces on Rom and Ram who's power greatly increases like Rei did Y/N:Now on to the rooks and well I don't really need to say who they are as everyone from Gamindustri should know the two physical power houses of Gamindustri Blanc:It's myself and Peashy ain't it? Y/N:Yes Blanc it's you and Peashy so I ask will the two of you join as the rooks? Blanc:Sure I'll join Peashy:Yeah! I nod and use the rook pieces on Blanc and Peashy who as before power greatly increases like the rest Y/N:Now the knights are big Sister Noire and Lady Neptune which if I remember from the explaination that rias grayfia and her mother told will greatly increase the speed of which the two move in battle Noire:I'll gladly join little brother Neptune:Yeah! I use the knight pieces on Noire and Neptune which the pieces enter their bodies soon the two are smiling at their newfound strength Y/N:Now for most of the pawns of the peerage. The first one I would like to recruit as a pawn is Vert Vert:Why a pawn dear? Rias:Well vert what a pawn is for the peerage is basically the real soldier of the peerage and what I mean is that if y/n was to give you permission you can promote yourself to any other piece except his Position Noire:So for example if she wanted she could promote herself to say Blanc and Peashy's Piece and greatly increase her physical powers right? Rias nods as to say yes Vert:Then I will gladly join I nod and use one pawn piece on Vert Y/N:Next pawn piece member is My little Sis Uni... Do you wish to join Uni? Uni:Of course big brother! I smile and use a pawn piece on Uni Y/N:After her is Nepgear so I'll ask will you join Nepgear? Nepgear:Of Course I nod and use a pawn piece on Nepgear Y/N:And that is most of who I wish to recruit to the peerage and I know I have four pawn pieces I just don't know who else to recruit at the moment Akeno:Well you got most of the positions filled for your peerage so it's something to say atleast Sirzechs:She's right but for now what will you do? Y/N:Probably head back to the house you built us and discuss some stuff that needs to be addressed but before we go.... Uni don't you need to take care of something here or rather greatly harm someone who did something you hated? Uni:Oh yeah.... Uni turns to face Issei who's sweating bullets right now Summoning her gun she fires a warning shot at Issei who flinches before running out the door with Uni following close behind Kiba:What's going on? Vert:Well We all watched your match against riser and let's say that Uni and Y/N were ultimately pissed at what Issei did during the match so as you just saw Uni wanted to harshly deal with Issei Y/N:I want to harm him too but I'll deal with him at a later time Soon Issei returns which he falls face first with multiple bullet wounds in his body Rias: *sigh* Asia please heal him Asia:Hai Asia begins to heal Issei Y/N:Anyway we will go now see you at School Rias Sona My peerage and I then vanish from the room via the portal which we appear back in the house Sitting in the living room we begin to converse Rei:So what is needed to be addressed Y/N Y/N:Well what is needed to be addressed is our training schedules so that we can be prepared for any fight or villain that comes our way in this dimension Vert:he's right we don't know how strong those of this dimension are Noire:Right and if we are unprepared that could mean one thing Nepgear:That we'd die from not training properly Y/N:Exactly Nepgear which is why we need to discuss training regimens as to avoid that happening dispite us being immortals Blanc:Right just because we are immortal doesn't mean the opponent could find a way to get past the immortal status and kill us Uni:How will the training regimens be big brother? Y/N:Hmm I'm not sure to be honest Little Sis Arfoire:Might I suggest what you could do? We look towards Arfoire Arfoire then explains the way we could train which we look a each other nod Y/N: We'll use your method for training lady Arfoire Rei:Right but for now we should rest as we had a busy week training Rias and her peerage for the past ten days Noire:She's right I'm sure we are all still tired from those ten days despite still sleeping during those days Nodding our heads we head for our bedrooms which we all climb in our beds and fall asleep <b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 8 New Teachers and students <b>Y/Ns POV</b> Waking up I stretch before putting my academy uniform on As I walk down stairs I notice several of my friends in academy uniforms as well as teaching uniforms Y/N:Uh what's going on? Noire:Well we will be joining you at your school Little brother Arfoire:And as for what a few of us are well you'll just have to wait to find out Rei:For now you all best get moving you don't wanna be late and we'll see you at the academy Nodding our heads my group exits the home which we then make our way to the academy Upon stepping through the gate of the academy many of the students begin to gossip about us None of which made any sense to us Heading to the student council office I allow Noire and the others of my group to get their schedules which two members of the student council off to help those who are not in my class find theirs Splitting up we all head for our classes Which I enter first as Blanc Uni and Neptune all stay outside the door as to wait for the teacher Sitting at my desk opens to reveal Rei the Queen of my peerage walking up to the teaching desk Rei:Good Morning Class my name is Ms Ryghts and I will be your new teacher for the rest of the semester Student 1:Excuse me but isn't it suppose to be spelled Rights not Ryghts? Y/N:Look just sit back down your not gonna change her mind about it no better then I ever could and trust me I tried Student 3:How do you know her Y/N? Y/N:Because she is from the same part of the world I am not only that but she's also one of my many trainers in self defense lessons just as the three who are about to enter...Ms Ryghts if you would? Rei nods Rei:You may enter now! The door opens and Blanc Uni and Neptune all enter and stand at the front of the class Rei:Please introduce yourselves Blanc:Blanc don't make fun of me or I'll put you in the ground Student 2:Your K-Kidding right? Y/N:No she's not if anyone doesn't matter if your boy or girl make fun of how she looks especially her chest well all I can say that it was nice knowing you Uni:Moving on My name is Uni L/N and I'm Y/Ns little sister Y/N:And a tip for the boys of the class if I catch wind of any of you even if it's off academy grounds of perving my lil sis you can kiss your jewels goodbye and I do mean that literally I say with a deep angry tone Male students:H-Hai! Neptune:Well hi! I'm Neptune it's nice to meet Cha! Student 4:Wait a minute Neptune Blanc Uni? Student 6:Along with Rei... You don't think that they are from Students 4&amp;6: Gamindustri?! Y/N:Wether they are from Gamindustri or not is completely up to them to tell but for now I believe class should start right Ms Ryghts? Rei nods and tells Blanc Neptune and Uni to sit in the available desks near mine which she then begins the lesson Time passes till the lunch bell rings which Blanc Neptune Uni and myself all head for the cafeteria to meet with the other students from our group Sitting at a table we all converse Y/N:So how's everything going for you all? Noire:Everything is fine little brother Vert:Just boys being perverts at our body's Y/N:Just give the signal vert and I'll make sure they never look at you or anyone else pervertedly ever again.... Uzume:Calm yourself Y/N you don't wanna be expelled from the academy Y/N:*Sigh* maybe so but still I don't trust the boy population of the academy any more then I can throw them Rom:This food is yummy.. Blanc:Chew your food carefully you two no need to rush it Twins:Hai! Noire:Still it's amazing to think you was eating this kind of stuff over the several years we was separated lil brother Y/N:Yeah well when this is the only food that is available and not the ones we're used to eating you have to make due with what you can Y/N:But enough about me what has those "two" been doing after the punishment was put on them while I was over here? Uni:Not good Big brother Nepgear:yes IF has gone off the harsh end as she is constantly attacking anyone and anything that she sees after the banishment from the nations Y/N:Of course she would become ruthless after the break up Iris:As for Compa well she no longer smiles like she used to as she now harshly gives anyone a shot with her now deluded needle that comes in the viewing range of her eyes Ram:Um ms Iris aren't you suppose to be eating with the teachers? Iris:No need to worry dear I am merely checking on a few students is what I told them Y/N:In any case the two have gone off the deep end as of the break up a few years ago Umuze:Exactly Y/N:by the way where is Peashy? Vert:She is in a class with children her age dear Uzume:One of us will pick her up after school Soon the bell rings ending lunch which we all then head back to our classes Re-entering the class Blanc Uni Neptune and Myself all sit at our assigned desks which rei resumes the lesson After a while the final bell rings which myself Blanc Uni and Neptune all meet up with the others Vert walks over to the group with Peashy in her arms Y/N:Well hello Peashy how are you doing? Peashy:I'm fine! Soon we all head back to the manor that Sirzechs made for us Upon entering we see Rias and Her peerage waiting for us Y/N:Rias? What are you doing here with your peerage? Rias:We need your help with something related to the church that we devil's can't handle Blanc:And what does the church need your help with? Voice:We need help recovering the holy swords that was stolen from the church My group then notices two hooded figures in the room Noire:Who are you two? Figure 1:My name is.... <b>TO BE </b><b>CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 9 Exorcists Holy Project and War Crazed <b>Previously</b> Figure 1: My name is... <b>Present time 3rd POV</b> Figure 1:My name is Irina Shindou Figure 2:And I'm Xenovia Quarta The two figures lower their hoods to show their faces Vert:Well nice to meet you but why are you in our home? Irina:Your home? Isn't this Issei's home? Y/N:No it's not it's mine and my friends home Xenovia:Who are you all? Nepgear:Rias we believe that you and your peerage should exit the room unless you wanna receive massive headaches from what we are about to say Rias:Right let's go everyone Rias's group leaves the living room leaving only Irina Xenovia and those from Gamindustri in the room Irina:Why did they have to leave? Noire:You'll know why in a moment but we have a question for you both Xenovia:what is it? Rei:Now seeing as your both members of the church means you both believe in holy beings for example god right? Irina:Oh most definitely God is our savior! Y/N:Yeah about that well my group are similar to this god you worship Xenovia:I call bull there is no way you are gods Blanc:The term for us females is Goddess but have you two heard of a place called Gamindustri? Xenovia: I've read about that place in the church archives it talks about a world where powerful deities known as CPUs and CPU candidates live if I recall correctly why Plutia:Well we are those very deities themselves Irina:No way.... Prove it! I want proof that you are really them! Y/N:Very well let's transform everyone Everyone from Gamindustri:Right! Soon one word is heard being shouted from those of Gamindustri Everyone from Gamindustri (Minus Arfoire and Histiore):<b>ACCESS!!</b> Soon multiple beams of light appear and blind the two from the church After a few minutes the beams disappear in place of the beam are Y/N his sisters and the rest of the deities from Gamindustri in their CPU/Candidates forms Uni (Black Sister):Now then is this proof enough for you.. Both Irina and Xenovia are shocked at what they see Xenovia:Y-You Irina:No way... The two church members immediately bow before Y/N and his friends/Family Y/N (Black Brother):rise you two The two stand back up Blanc (White Heart):now what is it that you need the help of the devil known as Ria's gremory and her peerage? Irina:Well your ladyship a few pieces of the sword Excalibur was stolen from the church and we was told that they was sited in kuoh Uzume (Orange Heart):and the church really didn't think it through when it came to searching for the pieces did they? Xenovia:What do you mean your ladyship? Histoire:What she means is that instead of asking for help from a race that is weak to anything divine or holy you should research those within the city and see if any would have an affinity to anything holy as to make the search easier Irina:Ah I see but why did issei leave with that red haired girl? Y/N (Black Brother):Because issei is a devil now as is Asia oh and one thing if either of you attempt to harm Asia... Issei can croke for all I care anyway if you try to harm Asia I won't be so merciful Xenovia:Your joking right? A bullet goes pass xenovia's face which she sees smoke coming from Y/Ns gun Y/N (Black Brother Divine Voice):I don't joke human.... Noire (Black Heart): OK little brother calm down now Y/N takes a Deep breath before exhaling and returning to normal as does everyone from Gamindustri that transformed Y/N:Sorry I just don't like innocent civilians being harassed for no reason no matter their race anyway Uni can you go get rias and her group Uni:Sure big brother Uni goes to get rias which she then returns a moment later Neptune:Now then kindly explain to rias why you are here Irina and Xenovia nod which the two explain their reason for being in kuoh Kiba is then seen clenching his fists angrily which is noticed by Y/N Y/N:Kiba you have some sort of problem with the project the church did in the past don't you... Kiba:it's none of your business.... Y/N:oh but you see it is my business since you and the others helped me when I arrived here so I will help you.. Y/N Grabs kiba by the collar of his shirt and drags him off Y/N: We'll be just a moment I need to talk to pretty boy here. You all can continue the conversation while we aren't in the room Plutia:Do you need my help N/N? Y/N:I got this lady Plutia besides I don't want you to traumatize Kiba with your CPU form Y/N and Kiba them exit the room <b>Timeskip to after the tal</b>k Y/N and Kiba return to the group Neptune:Did the talk go well? Y/N:It did lady Neptune and Kiba knows not what to do during the events that plan to happen soon.... right kiba? Kiba:Yes i understand Noire:Now then how should things work out from now on? Y/N:Irina and Xenovia are searching fragments of the holy sword Excalibur right? Then i propose that we each split up into pairs of three to cover more ground in the city Arfoire:Good idea and to make communication easier here are some headset pieces for everyone so that all we will need to do is tap on the ear piece to convey anything we find out Blanc:Good then lets get to streets people Everyone:Right! Soon everyone splits up and heads into the city <b>Y/Ns POV</b> As myself nepgear and Xenovia are running through the streets we search high and low for any signs of where the excalibur pieces are located Y/N:See any signs you two?! Nepgear:None so far! Xenovia:I see nothing either! Suddenly we get a call from issei via the headsets Issei (Headset):Hey! We need help! Uni (Headset):Whats going on?! Issei (Headset):Koneko Kiba and I encountered the crazed priest and he has two of the excalibur pieces! Neptune (Headset): Wheres your location! We hear issei tell the location of where he is at Y/N (Headset):Big Sis Noire,Lady Neptune utilize the speed of your knight pieces and get over to them Pronto! Noire&amp;Neptune (Headset):On it! Y/N (Headset):As for everyone else get to the location as quick as you can! Everyone else (headset But issei kiba and koneko):Right! Y/N:Nepgear! Nepgear:right! We transform into our candidate forms Y/N (Black Brother):Xenovia grab our hands! Xenovia:alright! We hover in the air which xenovia grabs ahold of our hands Flying through the city we reach the spot where issei kiba and koneko are Landing near the group we untransform and enter the warehouse where the fighting is happening Plutia:So this is the one who has the pieces of the Excalibur sword? Priest:Who are you people?! Especially the hottie over there with the big chest i could motorboat them hehe *points to vert* Vert:My my as much as i wanna say thanks for the compliment you just signed your death warrant Priest:oh and hows that? Noire:My little brother absolutely despises perverts and any caught being one infront of him... Uni:Will meet their end by him personally Priest:Ha! As if he could kill me! I grip my fist tightly before transforming again Making 10 clones we all surround the priest with our guns pointed at the priest Y/N (main) all devils cover your eyes and get to the ground...NOW!! Rias and her peerage all drop onto the ground and cover their eyes <b>Y/N (Main and Clones):16th Gun Technique Elemental Rapid Barrage Shot</b>! We fire multiple elemental shots at the priest filling him up with holes The priest screams in pain before dieing on the ground in a pool of blood Issei:Holy shit! Im glad i only got a warning shot! Voice:What happened! Blanc:Whos this old prick!? Kiba:Valper! Valper throws a smoke bomb down and escapes Ram:We have to go after him! Blanc:Don't ram he will more than likely head to his superior Uzume:Not only that but he took the pieces with him too Rom:What do we do now? Arfoire:Rias correct me if im wrong but in your great war there was three races in the war correct? Rias:Yes ma'am that's correct the races were the devils,the angels, and the fallen angels Nepgear:So far we met the devils and if im right since the members of the church are the holy type that would mean they are allied with the angels Returning to normal i look towards the group Y/N:Then that would mean that the faction that is causing all the commotion with this whole Excalibur non sense is the fallen angels Noire:But the question is why? Suddenly a voice speaks to me in my mind Voice (Mind):<u>you must get to your academ</u>y Y/N (Mind):Who are you? Voice (Mind):<u>you will know soon for now you must get moving...Hurry!</u> Y/N:Listen we need to get back to the academy Neptune:Nepu what for? Y/N:Call me crazy if you want but a voice just spoke to me in my mind and told me that something is happening at the academy and that we need to hurry I run out of the warehouse and make a b line to the academy with the others following behind as Rias and her peerage teleport to the academy Arriving at the academy entrance my group sees rias and her peerage talking to someone in the sky ????:Ah it seems we have some guests Blanc:who's he rias? Kokabiel:I am Kokabiel warmonger of the fallen angels Rei:Then it's safe to say that your the "boss" of what's been going on lately right? Kokabiel:That is correct and I heard that one of my "pawns" was gunned down by some boy among you Y/N:That would be me Old man as I'm the one who gunned down the "pawn" of yours for being a perverted fool Infront of me Kokabiel:None the less you won't be able to stop me once I destroyed the Gremory and sitri heiresses their older siblings will come and another great war will happen! Arfoire:Your kidding right? All this to cause a war? Kokabiel:Yes! Azazel the leader of the fallen retreated during the war when the fallen could of killed the devil's and the angels and been the dominant race! Rias:That will not happen while I'm still around! Kokabiel:Then show me the proof. Show me the strength of you all! Kokabiel then moves above the academy which Sona and her peerage shows up and we tell her what's all going on Sona:We will put a barrier up meanwhile you all deal with Kokabiel Y/N:got it! My friends/sisters and I walk through the gates to the academy as does Rias and her group Reaching the spot before the doors to the academy we see Kokabiel and valper Kokabiel:You made it... Let's begin shall we? Y/N:then let's transform everyone! Gamindustri group:Right! My friend/sisters and I transform into our CPU/Candidate forms respectively Kokabiel:This feeling... Why do you all have the same feeling as God! Noire (Black Heart):Tell us Kokabiel surely you heard of a world called Gamindustri Right? Kokabiel:yes but what about that world that no one can reach? Uzume (Orange Heart):Well we are from that very world Suddenly two three headed dogs appear out of nowhere Rias:That's Cerebus the guard dog of hades! Arfoire:No its not rias that creature is a fake version of the original Akeno:Meaning it doesn't have the strength of the original right? Arfoire:Correct Akeno:Lady Iris would you care to join me in teaching a naughty doggy some manners~? Looking towards iris i see a grin appear on her face Iris:Why yes i will~ the doggy needs to be seriously punished! I immediately cover roms eyes and ears as issei covers Asia's <b>*Cue the warning pic from neptunia victory 1 appearing (the one where child IF gets </b><b>tramatized</b><b> fyi) *</b> Koneko:Holy shit... Issei:You ain't kidding. Asia:Issei let me see! Issei:Nuh uh not until they are done Time passes before we see the fake cerebus disappearing in a puff of smoke Irina&amp;Xenovia:Remind us not to piss them off! Valper:I gotta get out of here! We see Valper start to run Kiba:Oh no you don't! Kiba chases after Valper Y/N (Black Brother):Kiba stop! Ignoring my words kiba keeps chasing valper Y/N (Black Brother):Damn it! Uni (Black Sister):Forget about him for now big brother we got more important matters to deal with Looking back at kokabiel we ready our weapons Kokabiel summons alot of light based projectiles which he fires with precise precision Avoiding his attack we begin our counter attack Blanc (White Heart):Peashy lets go! Peashy (Yellow Heart):Yeah! Both blanc and peashy deliver a hard attack to Kokabiel Y/N (Black Brother):Nice job you two now then Vert Uni Nepgear you have my permission for promotion! The three:Right! Vert (Green heart):Promotion Knight! I see Vert deliver a speedy stab at Kokabiel Nepgear (Purple Sister):Promotion Bishop! Nepgear then sends a powerful magic spell at Kokabiel which hits him hard Uni (Black Sister):Promotion Rook! Uni fires several shots from her rifle which sends kokabiel to the ground Kokabiel:Damn you!! <b>3rd POV</b> Kokabiel angrily gets up from the ground and unleashes a barrage of light based magic attacks at the group Everyone does their best to avoid the attacks Y/N however sees one of the attacks heading towards Rias Y/N (Black Brother):Rias look out!!! Y/N moves quickly and pushes Rias out of the way of an oncoming attack heading towards her Y/N (Black Brother):Guh! Is all Y/N can say as he is hit in the gut by the attack which causes him to crash on the ground Everyone (Except Kokabiel Kiba and Valper):Y/N!!!! Laying on the ground unconscious the peerages walk over to Y/Ns unconscious body Uni (Black Sister):B-Big brother? No response is heard from Y/N Noire (Black Heart):Come on Y/N T-This isn't f-Funny now... Wake up! Still no response is heard Uzume (Orange Heart):H-He can't not yet Rei:Come on everyone we need to finish this fight... Suddenly noire and uni gain a aura of pure hatred <b>Noire and Uni's aura right now just replace the two in the gif with noire and uni</b> Noire (Black Heart):Rei is right... Uni (Black Sister):Yeah... The bastard hurt our family big sis Noire (Black Heart):And for that he.... Noire&amp;Uni (Black Heart&amp;Sister):He will die by our hands!! Noire and uni both charge at Kokabiel in rage Rias:Asia can you try to heal him? Asia:I'll try Asia kneels beside Y/Ns unconscious body and uses her sacred gear to try and heal him Rei:Blanc Neptune Nepgear you three help guard asia as she is healing Y/N Blanc:Right and Rom you help with the healing too Rom:Ok! Rom begins to help heal Y/N <b>Within Y/Ns </b><b>Mindscap</b>e Y/N:Damn it! *sigh* never thought i would get done in by a magical attack Voice:You are not dead child Y/N:Who's there?! Show yourself! Suddenly a dragon appears before Y/N shining in the dark Y/N:Woah a dragon...so who are you? Selene:My name is selene and i am the dragon of the moon and not only that but i am the one inside your sacred gear Y/N:Sacred gear? But i thought only the humans of this dimension could obtain them? Besides I'm a god in training so how will the sacred gear improve my already fighting prowess Selene:It will help you in the fight against kokabiel and as for increasing your strength the ability the gear has which is known as reflect will let you take in some of the attacks original strength as your own Y/N:Right so how do i get out of here? Selene:You gotta wake up... <b>Outside the </b><b>mindscap</b>e Asia and rom are doing their best to heal Y/N but no result still Suddenly Y/Ns body begins to vibrate and glow Rom:S-Sis! Blanc:what the hell?! Y/Ns Body then begins to float up into the sky as a pair of dragon wings appear on Y/Ns Back Opening his eyes Y/Ns eyes can be seen shining like the moon Y/N rushes towards the fight between his sisters and kokabiel Kokabiel:Take this you brats! Kokabiel fires a large magical spear at Noire and Uni Noire and uni brace for impact But before the spear could hit the sisters they hear a voice shout ????:<b>Reflect!!</b> The attack is sent back at Kokabiel while a portion of it goes into Y/N Looking at the one who saved them both Noire and Uni have happy expressions on their face Noire&amp;Uni:Y/N!!! Y/N:Sorry about that you two and you can scold me later for now we gotta kill this warmonger Noire&amp;Uni:Right! The lastation siblings float side by side each other Y/N:Its time for you to perish Kokabiel... Lets go you two! Lastation Siblings:<b>Enternal Volcanic Eruption!!</b> The three lastation siblings unleash their family ex skill which burns Kokabiel to ashes as he screams in pain from the intense heat Seeing kokabiel die Y/N falls to the ground and passes out Neptune:Hes not? Koneko:He's alive just asleep Nepgear:Thank goodness... Blanc:Come on lets get him back to the house so he can rest Rei:Yes lets go and rias we will see you tomorrow The group from gamindustri leaves the academy grounds and heads back to their home in the dimension which noire and uni places Y/N in his bed Everyone else in the house each head to their own beds which all the lights are turned off <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 10 Sacred gear explanation <b>Y/Ns POV</b> Y/N:Ugh where am I? I say as I sit up in what looks to be my bed at the home Sirzechs built me Y/N:This is... I then hear heavy breathing as I then look at my bedside and see Big Sis Noire asleep on her arms on the left side of the bed and Uni on the right side of the bed in the same sleeping position I gently rub their heads smiling <b>Selene:</b><b><u>the two stayed by your side all night</u></b> Y/N:Well that's family for you The two begin to stir from the noise before opening their eyes Noire:What's going on? Uni:Yeah who keeps talking so loud? They look around before noticing I'm awake Noire/Uni:Y/N!!!!!! I am then tackled into a hug by the two Y/N:Easy you two I'm still wounded from protecting Rias from that attack last night Noire slaps me hard as I felt a bit of her divine power in the slap Noire:YOU IDIOT!!!! Don't you ever do that again I would never forgive myself for not being able to save you or if you died infront of me like that again Uni:Big brother if you ever perform something like that again without me or big sis knowing I swear I will fill you with so many holes that you could replace swiss cheese!!!!! *Knock* *knock* Y/N:Come in! I call out to whoever is at the door which reveals to be the others Nepgear:Goodness your awake! The others rush to my bed side Y/N:Yeah sorry about that I couldn't let one of the few friends I've made here be harmed I mean what kind of god in training would I be if I couldn't protect those I cherish Vert:Well said dear spoken like a true deity should Rei:Regardless you are needed at the living room Sirzechs and his sister along with a few unknown individuals are waiting for you Y/N:Right let's go meet with them I get out of bed which I head to the nearby bathroom and put my normal clothes on which I then head to the living room where I see Rias her peerage as well as Sirzechs and two unknown figures Rias:Y/N you're okay!! Rias hugs me tightly Sirzechs:Rias you might want to let go your hugging him too tightly Y/N:It's fine Sirzechs I mean peashy over here is one of the two strongest individuals I know so Rias is not even harming me right now Sirzechs:Very well oh and let me Introduce to you the two who are with me Sirzechs points to a individual with Blond hair color similar to Asia in a way Sirzechs:This is Michael leader of the angels after God's passing in our war from 300 years ago Michael:Hello young one it is a pleasure to meet you Y/N:Likewise so who's the pervy sage rip off? My words causes the other individual to fall over onto the ground <b>The other individual</b> Sirzechs:He is named Azazel also known as the founder of the fallen angel faction Y/N:Which is? Michael then explains what the fallen are about Neptune:Cool cool so question for Mikey over there *points to Michael* Michael:M-Mikey? *Sweatdrops* Nepgear:I'm sorry sir she kinda has a habit of giving people nicknames sort of like her predacessor before her Michael:You are fine but what is the question? Neptune:Well from what Sirzechs just said is that you lead the angels after your god died right? Michael:That is correct Neptune:Then you should be able to sense divine energy right? Michael:Yes I should infact the other day I along with the other arch angels felt multiple divine energies the other day but we was unable to find the source Y/N: Yeah that was us Azazel:What do you mean kid? Arfoire:It will be best if they show you both Y/N and the goddesses/Candidates:ACCESS!! We soon begin to transform which after a minute float off the ground in our HDD forms Looking at Michael and Azazel I see the two of them are shocked Azazel&amp;Michael:How? We soon return to normal before speaking Noire:Tell us something Michael,Azazel have either of you heard of Gamindustri Azazel:You mean the dimension where many powerful deities come from? I've heard of it Michael:I also heard of it but why ask? Noire:Because we are from that very Dimension Blanc:Before we continue I gotta ask something more importantly you *points to me* Y/N:What is it? Blanc:What was with those dragon wings that appeared on your back! Rias:Dragon Wings? Blanc:Yeah after saving you from the attacked aimed at you a pair of dragon wings showed up on his back Said wings then show up on my back again <b>Selene (Wings):</b><u><b>That is because I picked him as my host</b></u> Suddenly Issei's gauntlet appears on his arm which the gem begins to glow Ddraig (Gauntlet):<b>i-it can't b-be You're!!</b> Issei:Who is it ddraig? Selene (Wings):<b><u>Allow me to introduce myself I am Selene the Dragon Goddess of the moon</u></b> Akeno:are you like the other two dragon gods? Selene (Wings):<b><u>I am more then ophis and red little fallen hybrid</u></b> Selene's words causes Akeno to flinch Noire:In any case why did you choose my little brother for? Selene (Wings):<b><u>I picked him because he met with the requirements I set for myself to find a worthy host</u></b> Blanc:and the requirements are what exactly? Selene (Wings):<b><u>the first requirement is that my host must be selfless meaning he or she must put the needs of others before him or herself</u></b> Uni:Big brother does do that alot Y/N:What can I say I would rather be a kind and respectful god then a god who rules with an iron fist... No offense Lady Arfoire Arfoire:none taken Peashy:What's the second one! Selene (Wings):<b><u>the second one is that my host be someone with divinity much like myself</u></b> Y/N:While I have divinity I'm not a dragon though Selene (Wings):<b><u>you do not need the be of the same race as me just so long as you put others before yourself and are divine deity then that's all that matters</u></b> The wings disappear from my back Azazel:Well kid you have quite the sacred gear I would suggest you becareful as there are others who will come to fight you Y/N:Then I will have to up my training regimen won't I besides if they try to fight me they will have to get past my family and friends who came from Gamindustri like myself Noire:And trust us when we say this Big sister's eyes as well as everyone else except myself and those of the supernatural begin to glow the color of their respectful HDD forms Gamindustri deities besides Y/N:NO ONE WILL HURT OUR FAMILY/FRIEND EVER AGAIN!! Y/N:Regardless is that all that was needed? Sirzechs:That and I want to say thank you for protecting my sister from Kokabiel's attack I am truly grateful for what you did Y/N:your welcome Sirzechs and besides as I said before what kind of god in training would I be if I couldn't protect those I cherish most Michael:Wise words to live by but without any further objections I shall take my leave Azazel:same it was nice meeting you kid Y/N:See ya Pervy sage Azazel sweatdrops before leaving in a magic circle which Sirzechs leaves after Michael and Azazel are gone Kiba:Hey Y/N what ability does Selene have exactly? Y/N:From what I can remember from last night I believe her ability is called Reflect which is able to reflect the attack of a enemy back at them while giving me a portion of the attacks strength Asia:So the stronger the attack the stronger you become after reflecting the attack Y/N:Exactly Rias:In any case we shall be off see you tomorrow everyone and thank you again Y/N really I mean it Rias and her peerage then leaves which leaves myself and everyone else from Gamindustri Rei:Now then shall we begin the torture of one Y/N? Y/N:Wait...what? Plutia transforms into iris heart Iris:Mmm yes we shall for he has been a naughty boy for scaring us like that Y/N:Hey come on girls I only did it to save a friend from being hurt! I say as I back up to the nearby wall Neptune:None the less buddy boy you gave everyone a fright so as your torture assignment you are to spend the rest of the day following pluties orders Y/N:Your joking....right? Uni: unfortunately we are not big brother as it was decided by everyone while you was recovering in bed from what happened last night I then hear the sound of a whip hitting the floor which I begin to sweat profusely Y/N:M-Mercy? Iris:Sorry all out of Mercy~ I then feel a whip wrap around my left leg as I try to prevent myself from being dragged off by Plutia Y/N:Arg! I'm not gonna go that easy! I shout as I try to keep myself from being dragged Suddenly I'm hit by a rubber bullet which causes me to let go of the carpet Y/N:Uni You TRAITOR!!!!! I shout as I get dragged into a nearby room <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 11 Peace Meeting <b>Y/</b><b>Ns</b><b> POV</b> After dealing with Plutia and her torture methods for a day I'm finally able to relax Y/N:Finally that's over with Nepgear:Goodness you survived! Y/N:yeah no thanks to you all plotting it behind my back after I saved a friend from getting hurt by a magical attack Noire:Well Y/N you ought to know what not to do next time without informing us of your plan Neptune:Nepu! Yeah don't do it again buddy boy! Arfoire: Regardless we should get going we don't want to be late We all nod and exit the house which we head for Kuon Academy Arriving at the gates of the academy we step through which those who have a teaching position of the academy head to their respective classes Arriving at the class that rei teaches I along with blanc Neptune and uni all go to our assigned desks Rei:now then please open your text books to page 79 Nodding our heads we do exactly that <b>3rd POV</b> As the school day is going on a commotion is happening at the fallen angels hq Azazel:Vali what's got you so upset? Vali:You know damn well why I'm upset Azazel!!! Azazel:Well it would help if I knew exactly what the reason is A glass bottle is shattered on the ground Vali:The Boy who took out kokabiel with those two girls how is he able to unlock a sacred gear?! Azazel:yeah about them well they are deities and as for the boy he is training to become a god Vali:Still doesn't explain how he has a sacred gear Azazel! Azazel:You'll know in time Vali just don't screw yourself over as I heard from Sirzechs that the boy was able to kill a ex-priest in a brutal fashion <b>Back over at Kuoh Academy</b> At the academy the residents of gamindustri are sitting in the cafeteria enjoying their lunch while those who are teachers enjoy their lunch with other teachers Blanc:So what is the plan for after school? Y/N:I'm not sure Blanc I wanna say that we should improve ourselves via training sessions but I have a feeling we won't be able to today Uni:What do you mean big bro? Y/N:All I can say is that I have a feeling that something will happen that will push one of us and I'm not mentioning you Blanc but something that will push one of us over the edge Noire:That's not a good sign if you are getting the feeling little brother Nepgear:well maybe not everything will be too bad? Neptune:Only time can tell nep Jr Y/N:Regardless we should all make sure not to let our guard down for anything as one slip up can easily kill us despite our immortality Vert:Quite right you are Y/N The group continues eating their lunch which after five minutes has passed the bell ending lunch rings which everyone goes back to their respective classes The rest of the school day goes on as normal which after the final bell rings Y/N can be seen laying under a tree Kiba then approaches Y/N Kiba:Y/N can you come with me to the clubhouse rias and lord sirzechs wants to speak with you about something Stretching his arms Y/N stands up Y/N:Sure lead the way kiba The two head for the orc clubhouse which upon arrival to the room where Rias normally uses for her devil duties Y/N:So Rias, Sirzechs what is it you needed me for? Sirzechs:Well we are going to hold a meeting for peace between the devil's,the angels and the fallen angels later today and was wanting to know if you and your friends could attend as security Y/N:And you couldn't just ask for all of us instead of just me? Rias:Most of you are busy with stuff around school and you weren't doing anything at the time I sent Kiba to fetch you Y/N:Regardless we would just need to act as security for this meeting correct? Sirzechs:that is correct and the meeting will be happening in a few hours Y/N:right I'll go inform the others now Y/N leaves the clubhouse which he then flys back to the house he shares with his sister's and friends Y/N:I'm home! Uni rushes into Y/N and hugs him which Y/N hugs back Noire:Where did you go little brother? Neptune: Yeah! Y/N:Rias and Sirzechs wanted to see me so I went and spoke with them at the clubhouse Rias uses for her peerage Uzume:Was it anything that we should know of? Y/N:Sort of.... See the devil,angel and fall angel leaders are going to be having a peace meeting for peace between the three factions and as such Sirzechs has asked for us to stand guard as security for the meeting Blanc:He made a good choice then as no one will be able to get past us Ram:yeah and especially with our group count we will be able to see all corners of the room the meeting will take place in Afoire:That is a good idea but it would also be wise to have eyes outside the room to see if any try to sneak to the building the meeting room will be in Historie:good idea afoire now we need to get moving to the meeting place which I assume will be at the academy correct (Y/N Nods) as we don't want to be late for our jobs as security guards Vert:She's right let's get going shall we? Everyone nods and the group leaves the house After five minutes of walking the group arrives at kuoh academy where they see akeno waiting for them at the entrance Akeno:Over here everyone please follow me and I'll take you to where the meeting will be held Blanc:Then lead the way akeno Following akeno the group from gamindustri arrive at the room which they agree to split up with some inside the room and some outside to act as security guards for the meeting Sirzechs:Ah good you're here but where's the rest? Nepgear:we decided to split our group which some of us will stand inside this some while the others who are outside will perform their duties as security guards Azazel:Impressive way of thinking Noire:Regardless the meeting should be starting now correct? Michael:Yes your ladyship we will begin now Sirzechs:Now our current discussion should be the rogue fallen that attempted to attack rias and sona Vert:I am curious as to why he went rogue in the first place Michael:It might have something to do with the war that was stopped in the past your ladyship Y/N:The war which the three of four races of the supernatural tried to kill each other but ultimately stopped when the leaders of hell and heaven died correct? Azazel:Yes that's right but how did you know? Afoire:Myself and historie decided to do some research of this dimension which we learned of the war you had and what happened during it Neptune:Regardless we know his reason was to start a war again correct? Serafall:Correct Lady Neptune Y/N:And seeing as kokabiel was a fallen angel you didn't think to put whatever you was doing to a stop and tend to the situation Azazel? Noire:Y/N is right you are a leader Azazel and as such a leader has to put their foot down and deal with the situation within their own domain even if it would cause a stir amongst the others of the same domain Everyone is silent Before anyone could speak time suddenly stands still which those with high power are able to still move Y/N:Seems someone or something has time manipulation as a power Rias:The only one who has that....*Gasps* Gasper! Noire:Who? Uni opens the door Uni:everyone mages are appearing all over campus and a few has entered the clubhouse Rias uses!! Y/N:Uni Nepgear you both head to the clubhouse and rescue whoever this Gasper person is and ensure his or her safety by bringing them here Rias:I'll go with you! Blanc:No you won't rias as you remember you have to believe in your peerage as you are a leader with responsibilities to plan out how to handle the current situation so send the perv to go with uni and nepgear Y/N:Just remember issei if I find out you did something inappropriate to my sister or my friend *voice turns deep* you will be killed got it? Issei let's out a loud gulp Issei:G-got it Issei nepgear and uni exit the room and run towards the clubhouse Vert:Now then it would how should we handle these pesky mages? Y/N:Blanc can you ask rom and ram to go and heal the allied forces on our side and before you say anything I know I'm the leader of the peerage but I still want to ask your permission Blanc:Of course I'll go tell them now Noire:What about the rest of us little bro? Y/N:big sis I want you and the rest to help aid those who are unable to fight and protect those who need support Neptune:And you? Y/N:me? *Wings appear on back* I'm gonna give my new found abilities a test drive Vert:Well you heard him girls of gamindustri we have our objective let's get going! Multiple beams of light appear before the sound of a window breaking is heard and multiple colored lights fly towards the battle field Y/N:Now then Selene are you ready for a test drive? <b>Selene:Yes I am ready partner let us teach them a lesson</b> Y/N Nods and flys out towards the mages and begins to dominate the battle field Sirzechs:Rias who is this Selene lord Y/N was talking to? Rias:Selene is the dragon goddess of the moon and from her own words she is far stronger then ophis and great red <b>Timeskip to the main two fights</b> After dealing with the mages a magic circle appears and from it a woman appears Serafall:Kaetea! What are you doing here?! Kaetea:Well if it isn't the false leviathan and you had to recruit help from false deites to fend off us such a shame especially that pathetic boy *points to Y/N* over there Noire slowly begins to grip her fist tightly Neptune:Nepu! You take that back! Blanc:Yeah bitch he is not weak!!! Iris:Oh my it would seem that someone needs to be harshly punished~ Iris slams her whip on the ground hard causing a crack to appear Kaetea:Why would I take back something that is true? Noire:*quietly*take it back.... Uni is seen comforting her big brother who has a depressed look Peashy:You take back what you said lady! Kaetea:No I will not Noire:(getting louder) take it back Kaetea:and what are you going to do about it? I bet you're just as weak as he is! Suddenly a loud rumble is heard before Noire disappears and reappears in front of the devil which noire grips kaetea's neck harshly <b>Replace the one being choked with Kaetea and the one choking her with noire</b> Noire:*divine tone* I said...take..it...back..NOW!!! <b>Noire current look just replace the one in the gif with noire in her CPU from</b> Vert:Oh dear she done it now Ajuka:W-whats going on? Neptune:there is one thing no one should ever do no matter who they are or who they ally themselves with and that is to never disrespect Y/N in front of Noire as she cares for her family very much Blanc:and as such anyone who does do what she did will find themselves at the mercy of the one who is called the goddess black heart Suddenly the sounds of arms cracking legs breaking and rapid punches are heard as everyone looks to see noire beating the shit out of the devil in her grasp Finally a neck snap is heard before the body burns to ash Azazel:Remind me to stay in her good grace.... After killing off kaetea Noire walks over to Y/N to comfort him An attack is suddenly heard heading towards the group which Y/Ns sacred gear immediately activates it's ability <b>Selene:Reflect!</b> The attack goes back to the one who sent the attack which a voice is then heard <b>????: Divide Divide!</b> Azazel:Bad move Vali Vali:You ought to know how I am Azazel but enough about that you *points to Y/N* fight me Y/N stands up and looks up at Vali Y/N:And why should I fight one of the two dragon emperor's who is doing everything for completely idiotic reasons Vali:because I want a great fight and you are the one that will give me that fight Y/N:Yeah no I'm not going to fight you as your supposed rival is over there *points to issei* so take your fight to him Another attack heads towards Y/N from Vali which the same thing happened again Y/N:you know it's pointless to attack me I can reflect whatever you send my way while absorbing some strength of your attack Vali:but can you reflect this? <b>Half dimension!</b> The attack starts to go off but is suddenly canceled by an unknown magical source Vali:What?! How! Historie:that is because of myself and Afoire Afoire:correct see both Historie and I have been researching everything there is to know whether they are super natural or human related Historie:and as such we came across several dragon documents which contained detailed information about the powerful dragons that use great abilities Afoire:which one such dragon is known as Albion which we prepared to counter out his powerful ability the half dimension ability Ajuka: Amazing to prepare for such a scenario Y/N:Regardless you need to sleep Vali Instantly appearing behind Vali Y/N chops Vali on the back of the neck which knocks Vali out cold All of a sudden another figure appears ????:Woah what happened here? Y/N:I don't know who you are but if you're here to attack the peace meeting then *transforms into CPU candidate form* I will show no mercy Noire uni and the other deities of gamindustri all float behind Y/N sending harsh glares to the unknown individual Letting out a loud gulp the unknown individual quickly grabs Vali and leaves The gamindustri group all return to normal Noire:Now then we can be assured no more interruptions will appear and that the treaty can be signed right? Noire asks the three faction leaders Sirzechs:Of course your ladyship Issei then asks if Asia and xenovia can pray again which Michael says he will have to make some adjustments After the whole meeting is said and done The gamindustri group all returns to their home which the group then decides to call it a day and retire to their rooms to sleep <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 12 the Harem is formed <b>3rd POV</b> A week has passed since the peace treaty was formed between the three factions Right now at the home of the gamindustri deities the group can be seen chatting amongst each other Noire:So training will be increased right little brother? Y/N:That is correct big sis as while we m- Is all Y/N can say before a knock is heard coming from the front door of the home *Knock* *Knock* Y/N:I'll answer it Y/N gets up from the couch where he was sitting and walks over to the door Upon opening the door Y/N sees many individuals at the door Y/N:Rias? What brings you here? Rias:may we come in? Y/N nods his head and let's the group in Neptune:Nepu? Rias why are you here? Vert:and who are they? Vert points to the three unknown individuals Ravel:They Lady next to me is my mother Lady Vert <b>Not a hologram</b> Claire:Greetings my name is Claire Phoenix and I am the mother to Ravel here as well as riser Blanc:the one Y/N took on for Rias's freedom Claire nods Serafall:and the two on the other side of Claire are Yasaka and her daughter Kunou Yasaka:it's a pleasure to meet you all my name is as Lady Leviathan said is Yasaka and this here is my daughter Kunou I should also mention I am the leader of the Yokai race Kunou:hello *bows* Noire:it's nice to meet you three but why come here? Velena:well could we have a little girl talk as we have something we wish to talk with the girl deities about Every female goddess/candidate look at each other and nod Blanc:sure we don't mind Rias:Great oh and Y/N my brother wanted to know if you could help him with something I can teleport you to him Y/N:Alright The two disappear only for Rias to return alone Uni:alright now what is it you wish to talk about? Serafall:Well Lady Uni was wanting to know if we could be in a relationship with Y/N Ram:wait you saying you each love Y/N? Rias:yes that is right Lady Ram Uzume:but how can Claire Yasaka and Kunou love Y/N when they just recently met him? Yasaka:my daughter and I was told all about him by Lady Leviathan we even know of his reason for coming here to our dimension Kunou:yes and after learning we felt that he deserved new love so my mother and I both agreed on being in a relationship with him Claire:as for me you probably didn't see me but I was in attendance at the supposed wedding of riser and rias and when I saw Y/N fight for Rias's freedom I felt a connection with him Rei:alright but what about your mother Rias isn't she married? Velena: actually I'm a widower Lady Rei as my husband was killed in an attack a few years back so I had to raise both sirzechs and Rias on my own Noire:We are sorry for your loss Velena Velena:Thank you Lady Noire Ravel:but in regards to being in a relationship with Y/N can we be in one? Noire:you may but Rias:but what? Noire:but myself and uni will be the first to confess to him Uni nods in agreement Yasaka:but aren't you family? Historie:they are family yes but you have to take in consideration that a divine being like ourselves are exempt from the inces laws you follow so it is allowed between the three Every gamindustri deity minus Y/N nods in agreement Rias:alright but how will the confessions work for everyone? Nepgear:after noire and Uni confess I believe the rest of us from gamindustri should confess to him Claire:Then perhaps we mother's can confess after you? Blanc:that is acceptable with us Ravel:which leaves the rest of us to confess last then Plutia:Seems that way Serafall:Now that we got the order figured out how will each confession play out? Noire:for myself and Uni we will head back to our nation and take Y/N to a special spot that the three of us go to for some family time Velena:very well Noire:so Rias can you please go get him while we head for the spot Uni:when he asks where we are just tell him at a spot back home where we go for family time together Rias nods and disappears which Historie and Afoire quickly activate the portal which Noire and uni go through The portal closes just as Rias and Y/N return Y/N:Where is Noire and Uni? Rias:they are at place in your home dimension which the place is where the three of you go to spend time as a family Y/N:They are there? Well afoire historie can you open a portal back to gamindustri? Afoire:of course The portal opens again which Y/N goes through <b>Y/Ns POV</b> Upon returning to gamindustri I transform into my candidate form and fly towards the spot the three of us go to for family time As I arrive at the spot I see both Noire and Uni waiting for me I return to my human form which I walk over to the two Y/N:Big sis? What's going on why ask for me to come here for? Noire:Y/N let me ask you a question Y/N looks at Noire confused Noire:if we told you that we love you not as a brother but as a woman loves a man how would you react? Uni:yeah what would your reaction be big bro? Y/N:In all honesty at first I would be shocked but then I would literally shout FUCKING FINALLY why? Uni:wait what do you mean by that last part? Y/N:See I sort of had romantic feelings for you both but I couldn't bring myself to tell you both without hurting the feelings of one of you if I was to confess at the wrong time Noire:Well little no Y/N we do love you as a lover Uni:so will you accept our confessions? I nod and smile Y/N:Of course I accept your confessions I soon see a smile on both Noire and Uni's face Noire then walks over to me and places her lips on mine causing us to share a passionate kiss After separating from Noire I am Then kissed the same way by Uni Suddenly my nep phone receives a message Y/N:Huh the others are also telling me to meet them at specific place Noire:you'll just have to find out darling now you best not keep a lady waiting Uni:yeah get going mister! I nod and transform into my candidate form which I fly to the spot I was told Arriving to the next spot I can see everyone else waiting for me Y/N:what's going on everyone? Blanc:Hello Y/N Good to see you came after you received our message Y/N:I flew as quick as I could when you said it was important Ram:it is important Rom:very important Y/N:Okay? But what's so important? Neptune:Well buddy boy since you have been helping us over the time you were in a relationship to IF and Compa Nepgear:which we are sorry for bringing them up but they had to be mentioned for this one moment Y/N:It's fine but please continue Uzume:right so as Neptune said during the time you've been helping us we sort of gained romantic feelings for you much like noire and uni did Y/N:Wait are you saying? Vert:yes dear we are saying that we each love you romantically Y/N:please don't take this the wrong way but wouldn't there be someone better then me? Rei:there is no one else but you Y/N Afoire:indeed we love no one else but you as you have been on our minds and In our hearts when we sent you to the dimension that Rias and them are from Historie:so we all want to ask you one question Y/N Y/N:And that is? CPUs &amp; Candidates + Afoire and Histoire (Minus Noire and Uni):Please be our boyfriend Y/N! Y/N:Everyone.... Of course I'll gladly be your boyfriend! Everyone smiles at me before I receive multiple kisses on the lips Afoire:now then you should head back to the home as you have another meeting waiting for you I nod my head which Afoire and histoire opens the portal to the home Plutia: don't worry we will be there in a bit you just go ahead of us Y/N:Alright see you then I walk through the portal which upon returning to the home I see Velena Claire and Yasaka waiting for me Y/N:Mrs Gremory? Velena:please call me Velena Y/N Claire:Have a seat Y/N I sit on the available couch cushion Y/N:So I'm just going to take a swing and say you each love me too? Yasaka:I suppose when you have been confessed multiple times that you would be able to figure it out Y/N:of course but can I ask when did you each had feelings for me? Velena:you can and for me it started when rias told me of what happened to you before you came to our dimension to get away from your break up Claire:I started having feelings for you after you bested my son riser at the supposed wedding between him and Rias Y/N:Alright but what about you Ms Yasaka? Yasaka:I fell for you as serafall have told me of what happened to you Velena:so we ask you Y/N Claire:will you accept us as your girlfriends much like the rest of your group confessed to you? Y/N:but aren't you each married? Yasaka:no dear we are widowed as our husbands have all passed on years ago Y/N:I'm sorry for your losses Claire:Thank you dear but what is your answer to our confessions? I nod my head in acceptance Y/N:I accept your confessions The three mothers smile and give me a kiss each Yasaka:you have a few more girls to go see honey Velena:yes and they are waiting for you at the clubhouse rias uses for her devil duties Y/N:Alright I guess I'll see everyone when I return Claire:Yes you shall... Now get going mister I nod and walk out the door of the home which I make my way to the academy Upon my arrival to the gates of the academy I find out that Sona is waiting for me Y/N:Sona? What are you doing here? Sona:I'm here to lead you to the clubhouse as my sister asked me to Y/N: Alright Sona leads me to the clubhouse where she then walks away Opening the door I make my way to the room where Rias does her club meeting to see Rias Serafall Ravel and Kunou waiting for me Rias:you made it Y/N Y/N:Sorry for being late Serafall:You're fine we understand you had to go through a lot of confessions Y/N:So what's the reason you each fell for me? Or is it similar to what the others said? Ravel:well for me it's when we first met and after I conversed with Rias about who you really are Rias:which I told her of why you were in our dimension Ravel:yes and as such which much like everyone else so far I have fell for you romantically Serafall:as for me and Rias it's basically when you told us of why you came here Y/N:the two days of when I explained what happened Rias:Yes when we heard how they mistreated you like you was nothing no offense by the way Y/N:None taken Rias:well continuing on both Serafall and I agreed that we wanted to be in a relationship with you Y/N:Okay but I thought you had eyes for Issei Rias? Rias:oh no he is far too perverted for my taste besides he only wants to be with Asia Y/N:Alright Ravel:So we ask of you Y/N I cut Ravel off Y/N:You want to ask if I could be your boyfriend? Kunou:it's that obvious huh Y/N:well as your mother said Kunou it became obvious since I have been confessed so many times today Ravel:true you did receive alot of confessions Y/N:So to make it short yes I accept your confessions Again I am kissed multiple times The five of us then return to the home where everyone is waiting Noire: you're back Before I can speak I notice a glow coming from my room Y/N:Uh my room is glowing girls Everyone looks to where I'm looking at to see the same thing I see Neptune:Nepu why is there a glow? Serafall:wait don't you have a few unused pawn pieces honey? Y/N:Yeah I don't have a full set why? Serafall:this is just me but what if you're remaining pieces are glowing because the ones you are to recruit to your peerage are present right now Y/N:Maybe but for now let's worry about that tomorrow alright Velena:very well we shall see you tomorrow darling I nod which I receive kisses from Velena rias serafall ravel Claire Yasaka and Kunou which the seven then disappear Y/N:Alright I'm gonna head to bed I'll see you all in the morning Uni:Good night Y/N I nod and walk to my room and climb into my bed which I fall asleep <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> # Chapter 13 The Peerage is complete <b>Y/Ns POV</b> A few days has passed since noire and everyone confessed to me which we are all chatting at the house that I along with everyone else from gamindustri uses while we are in Kuoh Uni:Your room is glowing again Honey I walk to my room and walk where I see the case where my peerage pieces are glowing Grabbing the case I walk back to the living room Serafall:so I was right your remaining pieces are glowing because the ones you are to recruit are present Blanc:but who could they be? Vert:perhaps we could have Velena Claire Yasaka and Kunou try picking up a piece and see if it glows any brighter then what they are doing now? Rias:it could be worth a shot The four individuals nod and each pick up a pawn piece which to my surprise along with everyone else the pieces glow brighter then before Y/N:it would seem you four are my last remaining pieces for my peerage Velena:well this is something Noire:it would seem that you four will receive divine energy from the pawn pieces Rias:but won't that hurt my mother as well as Claire? Y/N:hmm I think it will which is why I would like you to call sirzechs here Rias Rias nods and calls sirzechs who arrives a minute after rias calls him Sirzechs:what can I do for you Y/N? Y/N:Right so since I was unable to find the last of those who are to join my peerage and I along with everyone present just noticed that your mother and Claire along side Yasaka and her daughter Kunou are destined to be in my peerage Neptune:but there's a problem velena and Claire are devil's while we are divine deites so our energy could seriously harm them Sirzechs:that is concerning... Maybe lady rom and my sisters bishop Asia could help heal them during the process? Rias:that might work I'll go get Asia Rias disappears to go get Asia Y/N:While she is going to get Asia I wanna ask Claire and Velena something while your present sirzechs Claire:What is it? Y/N:Well since I'm technically dating you both does that technically mean that both sirzechs and riser will eventually become my step-sons since their birth father is dead? Velena Sirzechs and Claire are all silent Uzume:I think that is true? Historie what do you think? Histoire:I believe it is true since he is dating the two of them Y/N:So Apparently I got a devil king and a high class devil as my step children? Velena:it would appear so dear Y/N:Then I'll have to take my role as step father seriously and spend time with the two whenever I can Rias then returns with Asia in tow Rias: we're back uh what happened while I was away? Rei: we'll tell you in a minute Rias Blanc:now then rom are you ready? Rias:same to you Asia are you ready to heal my mother and Ms Phoenix? The two girls look at each other and nod Rom/Asia:we are ready I nod and grab the first pawn piece Walking over to Velena I ask the devil to stand Y/N:Alright Velena the healers are on standby are you ready? Velena takes a deep breath and exhales Velena:I'm ready dear I nod Y/N:Right here we go I place the pawn piece on her chest which slowly sinks into her chest Velena trys to endure the pain which rom and Asia begin healing her Y/N:Come on Velena a few more seconds and it will be all over A couple of seconds pass before Velena falls onto the couch passed out Rias:is she? Uzume checks on Velena and smiles Uzume:she's fine just tired from what she had to go through Sirzechs and Rias let out a sigh of relief Nepgear:Next up is Claire Claire stands in front of me which i hold up a pawn piece I proceed to place the piece onto her but nothing happens Y/N:maybe it takes two for you Claire? I grab another piece and do the same thing which Claire then begins experiencing the pain Velena went through I grab Claire's hand to ensure her I'm right there with her while rom and Asia heal her through the procedure Claire soon passes out like Velena did Ravel:So does that make our mothers divine devil's? Y/N:There's no telling to be honest ravel but in any case Yasaka Kunou please stand in front of me The two Yokai nod and stand in front of me I then proceed to recruit the two into the peerage Rias:it would seem your peerage is complete honey Y/N:That would appear so... Sirzechs Sirzechs:Yes? Y/N: Technically since we are to be family in the near future do you have a day when you aren't really doing any devil king duties? Sirzechs:I'm unsure but I can check my schedule back home Y/N:Alright just have grayfia come tell me or inform Rias if you have an available day for relaxation Sirzechs nods and leaves to go continue his devil king duties Plutia:So since your peerage is complete does that mean you all will be doing some intense training? Y/N:that's the plan but my question is how does Velena and Claire fair in terms of combat? Claire:we are a bit rusty but we have had our fair share of combat Ram:then I propose that until the actual peerage training begins several of us help the two train also what about Yasaka and Kunou Yasaka:we are able to fight lady ram Kunou:but we wouldn't mind joining for the training that Ms Velena and Ms Claire will go through Arfoire:it would be best if you joined them Y/N:Right so since the peerage I propose we rest for the rest of the day especially Claire and Velena since they went through a painful procedure when they were recruited into the peerage Rias:I agree Ravel:same here We all nod which rias Velena Claire ravel Yasaka and Kunou all leave to go back home After discussing the training plan with noire and the rest I retire to my room and lay on the bed Y/N:I can tell something far crazier is approaching and I don't know what that is but *yawns* only time will tell when it appears I then fall asleep to prepare for the next day <b>TO BE CONTINUED </b> # Chapter 14 The Confrontation of Ex's <b>Y/Ns POV</b> After completing my peerage I think of how the training will be for everyone in the peerage as well as those out of the peerage Yasaka:Dear are you alright? Looking up I see Yasaka and Vert looking at me with worried looks Y/N:I'm fine you two honest I am just thinking how the training sessions will be for everyone Vert:Well try not to overthink yourself darling we don't wanna tell the others that you harmed yourself because you overthinked yourself Y/N:I'll try not to do that but thank you both for supporting me Yasaka:it's our job honey we can't let our man be harmed in anyway Rias then appears from her family circle Rias:Darling I've just been told by Koneko that two unknown girls are walking around Kuoh Y/N:Did Koneko tell you what the two girls look like? Rias:She did and one girl appears to have a cotton pink sweater while the other has a large blue jacket and has a green ribbon in her hair I along side vert immediately gained a serious look Vert:Your positive that Koneko told you those exact descriptions rias? Rias:Yes Vert she did Y/N:Well Rias go get the others of the supernatural and wait in the kitchen for our signal as the two Koneko described to you are the very girls that cheated on me Rias:What?!?! Vert:indeed now go get everyone that knows us and wait for the signal...Yasaka you help her Yasaka:Right! The two nod and leave the room Vert and I both nod which I grab my nep phone and activate the emergency call button Soon noire and the rest appear Nepgear:Y/N? Why did you press the emergency call button on your nep phone? Y/N:IF and Compa somehow made it to this dimension Everyone:What!!! Histoire:but how?! Only Arfoire and I can make the portals between dimensions Suddenly rias and Yasaka return with everyone who supports us Serafall:are they really here darling?! Y/N:Yes Sera now get to the kitchen and wait for the signal to make your appearance and be prepared The supernatural nod and go to the kitchen just as the doorbell to the house rings Looking at Neptune and the others we all share a nod Walking over to the door I open it to see IF and Compa standing at the door Y/N:so mind telling me how you two got here IF,Compa? IF:Y/N?! Since when have you been here! Y/N:for over a few months which is years in gamindustri terms Compa:Please N/N take us back! Y/N:and why should I when you both didn't care for me and only used me for the advantages that a candidate has access to IF:We was brainwashed by the two guys you saw us with! Blanc:that is a bullshit lie you sluts! Blanc shouts from within the home Compa:Was that? Y/N:Yes that was Blanc as she and the other CPUs as well as uni and the other candidates along side Histoire and Arfoire stay with me in this dimension I walk into the house which IF and Compa also walk in Neptune:Do tell us how exactly you both got here in this dimension.... Arfoire: Especially when Only I and Histoire can make a portal between here and gamindustri Noire:Spill it...NOW! Compa:W-We was minding our business when a strange portal appeared beneath us Plutia:Is what she said the truth? *Looks at IF and activates divine authority* tell us now! IF:*sweats heavily* y-yes what Compa said is true a portal did appear under us when we met up back in gamindustri and we only recently arrived in this dimension Y/N:So you just so happened to fall into a mysterious portal which appeared out of no where? Talk about idiotic IF:Oh yeah! Well what about you?! You up in left on that day which we tried to find you to apologize about what we did! Y/N:While I did vanish I will never accept your apology IF nor will I ever accept one from Compa but besides me there is a few  individuals who would love to meet you both... Noire would you and everyone else please call our friends out Noire:Certainly Everyone of Gamindustri (minus Y/N IF and Compa): Supernatural of the dimension we now reside in please exit from the kitchen and make your appearance! The door opens to reveal Rias and her peerage Velena sirzechs serafall Sona and her peerage Claire riser ravel Michael Azazel ajuka falbium Yasaka Kunou which the group stares at the two I then smirk as I soon speak up Y/N:Everyone of the supernatural please introduce yourselves and what your race is Rias and the rest nod and Introduce themselves Y/N:It should also be noted that I am in a new relationship now IF/Compa:With who?! Noire:He's in a relationship with us Noire says as she gestures to herself and the rest of the gamindustri CPUs/Candidates Arfoire:Histoire and I are also in a relationship with him Rias:My mother and I are apart of the relationship he has with the others Serafall:I'm included Claire:As is myself and my daughter ravel Yasaka:Along side me and my daughter Kunou Y/N:And while technically not in a romantic relationship I will eventually have two step children who are far more powerful then you both which one of them I may have had a rough start with but they are sirzechs and Riser Riser:Riser will burn them to a crisp! Y/N:Riser don't and we will talk about your third person talking later Riser glares at me which I send one back Riser:Riser understands I nod before looking back at the two Y/N:Now then how should we deal with you two.... Oh I got a idea I soon have a evil grin on my face I motion for rias to come over which I whisper in her ear what I have planned which she then has the same expression Rias goes to akeno and whispers what I told her Looking to plutia I whisper in her ear what I told Rias Plutia transforms into her CPU form Iris:Akeno dear let's take our new Pets into the back room shall we~ Akeno:Yes mistress~ Y/N:Blanc you and Peashy stand outside the door to ensure they don't try to make a break for it Blanc:With pleasure babe Peashy:leave it to us! Iris then wraps her whip around IF's leg while akeno shocks Compa unconscious which the two take them away while Peashy and Blanc follow Rias:They are going to be traumatized for life Nepgear: Especially what they did to Y/N it's what they deserve Y/N:In any case Riser Claire come with me so we can talk about risers third person talking The two nod and follow me into a separate room <b>TO BE CONTINUED</b> <b>Shadow here and yes IF and Compa somehow got to Kuoh which they will be enduring a long painful torture at the hands of Iris and akeno which riser will be a new person in the next chapter </b> <b>But regardless I hope you all enjoy the chapter and I'll see you in the next one</b>
Little Club one-shots (Discontinued)
Discontinued because of motivation, drama on YouTube and focusing more on my YouTube content and my personal life.
[ "donny", "fluff", "jack", "jack771", "lemon", "littleclub", "littledonny", "littlekelly", "littleleah", "littlelizard", "littleropo", "love", "oneshot", "ropo", "sharky", "tinyturtle" ]
[ "Rules", "Leo exe x Raven exe ", "Leah x Donny", "Donny x Donut", "Kelly x Donny", "Donny x Donut", "Donny x Donut", "Leah x Donny", "Little Kelly x Sharky", "Donny x Donut", "Donny x Donut", "RoPo x Jack", "Donny x Donut", "Raven x Leo", "Little Donny x Little Kelly", "Donny x Donut", "Vampire Donny x Donut", "Donny x Werewolf Donut", "Zombie Donny x Donut part one", "Zombie Donny x Donut part two", "RoPo.exe x Jack.exe", "Donny x Spirit Donut", "Vampire Jack x RoPo part one ", "Vampire Jack x RoPo part two", "Donny x Donut part one", "Donny x Donut part two", "Donny x Donut part three", "Donny x Donut part four", "RoPo.exe x Jack", "Donny x Donut part five", "RoPo.exe x Jack part two", "Donny x Donut", "Donny x Donut", "Yandere Donut x Yandere Donny", "Yandere RoPo.exe x Jack.exe", "Yandere Donut x Donny", "Donny x Donut", "Yandere RoPo.exe x Jack.exe part two", "Donny x Donut", "Donny x Leah", "Yandere RoPo.exe x Jack.exe part three", "Donny x Donut", "Yandere RoPo.exe x Jack.exe part four", "Donny x Donut", "Donny x Donut", "Vampire RoPo.exe x Jack part one", "Donny x Donut part one", "Donny x Dount part two", "Donny x Donut", "RoPo.exe and Jack.exe x Caylie", "Raven x Leo", "Kelly x Donny", "Donny x Donut", "RoPo.exe and Jack.exe x Caylie part two", "Donny x Donut", "Vampire RoPo.exe x Jack part two", "Vampire RoPo.exe x Jack part three", "Donny x Donut", "Yandere RoPo.exe and Jack.exe part five", "Rapper Donny x Donut", "Yandere RoPo.exe x Jack.exe part six", "Donny x Donut", "Why This Book Is Discontinued" ]
[ "1. You can request any Little Club characters you want.\n\n2. The one-shot has to be in-between the ages of thirteen to sixteen.\n\n3. You are allowed to request fluff smut and lemon.\n\n4. You are allowed to request for a .exe and Little Club character together.\n\n5. If you want to request any of My OCs you have to say what one you want like Little Jade or a different OC.\n\n6. You don't have to request a plot for the one-shot if you don't want to.\n\n7. You are allowed to request for the characters to have a counterpart, job or animal form (For example Zombie RoPo x Gamer Jack.)\n\n8. You are allowed to request a threesome or a foursome.\n\n9. You are allowed to request more than once.\n\n10. You can request for JJ, Natalie, Reilly and Rae to be in a One-shot.\n\n11. You can request for a holiday one-shot if it is that time (For example if it is October then you can request for a Halloween One-shot.)\n\n12. You can request a One-shot that is mixed with another fandom as long as it follows the rules here are some fandoms you can request that I know and can easily do. (Danganronpa, Happy Tree Friends, Persona, Creepypasta, Project Diva/Vocaloid, Nintendo.) \n\n13. You can also request a fandom of your choice however if it's a fandom I don't know then you will have to give me some details.\n\n14. You can also request a One-shot that is mixed with GoAnimate it's not a fandom it's a community but I can easily do that.\n\n15. You can also request a One-shot that is mixed with Bayonetta. (It's a video game in case you are wondering.)\n\n16. Requesting a One-shot that is mixed with a show that is for babies/toddlers is NOT allowed.\n\n17. If you want to request a One-shot mixed with another fandom you have to say which ship then fandom related (For example RoPo x Jack Happy tree friends related.)\n\nThat's all now you can leave requests if you want to.", "Thank you for your request @Zz037zZ \n\nRaven exe's Pov\nI was sitting in the living room watching tv when Leo exe came in and jumped on the couch beside me. \"Hey Babe let's have some fun,\" he said with a smirk \"No I'm too busy watching tv,\" I replied \"But Babe you are always watching tv and you never spend any time with me,\" he said in a huff \"Fine come here,\" I said. Then I pinned him down and started to kiss him, I put my hand on his left cheek \"You have no idea what you got yourself into,\" I said \"What do you mean,\" he asked I smirked at him then I started to undo his belt whlie still kissing leaving him in his top and boxers \"how about we take this to the bed,\" I asked. He warped his legs around my waist and put his arms around my neck, I then took him to my bedroom while kissing him I then threw him onto the bed and I locked the door.\n\nLeo exe's Pov\nRaven exe climbed on top of me and took my top off and boxers leaving me with no clothing \"That's not fair you still have clothes on,\" I wined. He took off his top revealing his six-pack I blushed at this \"Like what you see,\" he asked I looked away. He put his hand on my cheek and made me look back at him, he then to off his clothes leaving him with no clothing \"Ok Babe this might hurt a little,\" he said. He pushed in inside me I screamed a bit in pain \"Shhh Babe just tell me when to move,\" he said. A few minutes passed I told him to move I moaned at this he got faster with each push then we heard a loud knock at the door \"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING IN THERE RAVEN EXE UNLOCK THE DOOR RIGHT NOW,\" we heard someone shout. \"WE ARE BUSY RIGHT NOW PLEASE LEAVE US ALONE ROPO EXE,\" he shouted back \"Ok sorry about that go back to whatever you were doing,\" he said then me and Raven exe went back to what we were doing, this will be a night I will never forget.\n\nA/N\nThe first one-shot is done\n\nAnyone else want to request for their favourite characters to be in a one-shot?", "Thank you for your request @GinasimpsDonny\n\nLeah's Pov\nI was watching the kids whlie Donny went to work I gave him a kiss before he left. I made the kids some lunch I went up to Baby Kayla's room to give her lunch but she wasn't there. \"Hey mommy,\" I heard a voice behind me I turned around to see Baby Lily \"Baby Lily why are you so hyper,\" I asked \"Daddy give me a lot of sugar before he went to work,\" she replied. I was so angry I'm going to have a talk with Donny when he gets home \"Where is Baby Kai,\" I asked \"He went for a walk,\" she replied \"What why,\" I asked \"Daddy said he could,\" she said, I was angry all of my kids are driving me crazy.\n\nDonny's Pov\nI came home from work to see Leah very angry \"DONNY BABY KAYLA AND BABY KAI ARE NOT HERE,\" she shouted \"What are you talking about,\" I asked \"BABY LILY TOLD ME THAT YOU SAID BABY KAI COULD GO OUT FOR A WALK AND HE HASN'T RETURNED HOME,\" She replied. \"Let's just go and find them,\" I said we went outside to find them \"This is all your fault,\" she said \"How is it my fault,\" I asked, \"You said he can go for a walk on his own,\" she replied \"FINE IF YOU CARE ABOUT BABY KAI SO MUCH YOU GO LOOK FOR HIM AND I WILL GO LOOK FOR BABY KAYLA,\" I shouted \"FINE,\" she said. We went our separate ways and I looked for Baby Kayla eventually, I found her she was shivering \"Daddy I'm so happy that you found me,\" she said \"What happened why are you out here on your own,\" I asked \"Well I went out to look for Baby Kai but I couldn't find him anywhere,\" she replied whlie crying \"It's ok your mother will find him,\" I said.\n\nBack to Leah's Pov\nI was looking for Baby Kai when I heard crying, I went to where the crying was coming from and it was Baby Kai \"Mommy is that you,\" he asked \"Yes it's me,\" I replied. I picked him up in my arms and carried him home and sent him to bed, I got my pyjamas on and went to bed \"Hey Leah I'm sorry about earlier,\" he said \"It's ok I'm sorry for shouting,\" I said then he kissed me and we had a make-out session.\n\nA/N\nAnother one-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonny's Pov\nMe and Donut were sitting in a chair I was on his lap and we were kissing, we pulled away when we needed air \"Babe can we go to the park,\" I asked \"Sure anything for you,\" he replied. I got off his lap and we went to the park. Then out of nowhere two wild dogs started to attack me, they were biting and beating me up \"GET OFF HIM,\" Donut shouted \"Why should we,\" one of them said \"BECAUSE HE'S MY BOYFRIEND,\" he shouted. The two dogs laughed \"Really he is your boyfriend,\" the other one asked.\n\nDonut's Pov\nI was so angry at those wild dogs that I jump on one of them and started to beat them up. I punched them hard in the face then I bit him, he stood up whimpering and ran off the other one got scared and did the same. I walked over to Donny who was covered with blood he coughed \"Donut help me I'm bleeding,\" he said weakly \"Don't worry Babe I will get help,\" I said as I pulled out my phone and called 911 \"911 what's your emergency,\" someone said \"My boyfriend was beaten up by two wild dogs and he's bleeding pretty bad,\" I said with tears in my eyes \"We will an ambulance where are you,\" they asked \"At the park,\" I replied. I got off the phone, and a few minutes later I heard the ambulance come they picked up Donny who was unconscious and put him in the back I got in with him. They were doing CPR on him \"He is going to be ok,\" one of the paramedics said. I was so angry at those dogs for beating him up, we arrived at the hospital we got inside and they told me to wait in the waiting room, a few minutes later they told me I could come in.\n\nBack to Donny's Pov\nI woke up in a hospital \"Donut is that you,\" I asked weakly \"Yes Babe it's me,\" he replied. I sat up and looked to see that I had bandages on me \"Well Donny it seems like your awake your wounds weren't that bad,\" the doctor said then he left and Donut kissed me and I can't to go home.\n\nA/N\nAnother one-shot is done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @GinasimpsDonny\n\nKelly's Pov\nI was sitting in the garden with Donny, we were looking at the flowers \"Wow these flowers are so beautiful,\" I said happily \"Not as beautiful as you,\" he said \"Aww Babe your so sweet,\" I said then I kissed him on the cheek. He blushed when I kissed him on the cheek then he grabbed me and kissed me on the lips. We pulled away for air \"Ok Donny I have to go and do something,\" I said \"Ok bye,\" he said I went to get Donny his surprise then I got hit over the head and everything blacked out.\n\nDonny's Pov\nI was waiting for Kelly to come back when the guards came \"Prince Donny Kelly had been kidnapped,\" one of them said \"What,\" I said with shock \"We are going to save her go gather up the rest of them,\" I said Kelly where ever you are I will find you.\n\nBack to Kelly's Pov\nI woke up in someplace \"Oh your finally awake Princess,\" I heard someone say \"Where am I,\" I asked \"You are in our secret base Princess,\" one of them said. I looked down and saw that I was tied up \"What are you going to do with me,\" I asked with tears in my eyes \"Don't cry Princess we are just doing our job the boss wants us to keep you hostage,\" the other one said then I heard a crash coming from outside they grabbed their guns and went outside to investigate leaving me unguarded. I was all alone scared then suddenly Donny came in with a few wounds \"Donny what happened to you,\" I asked with worry \"Shhh don't worry about me now let's get you untied,\" he said then he started to untie me I hugged him and I started to cry \"Hey Babe it's ok your safe now,\" he said then he picked me up in his arms and took me home. He placed me on the couch \"Wait I have a surprise for you,\" I said I went into the room and got our crowns \"Thanks Kelly,\" he said as he put on his crown \"No problem Babe,\" I said as I put my crown on we were now king and queen, then we went to our room got our pyjamas on and got into bed \"I love you Kelly,\" he said \"I love you too Donny,\" I said then he kissed me on the forehead and we went to sleep.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonny's Pov\nMe and Donut have been dating for a few weeks, we were going to tell our parents about our relationship but we are worried that they will not support it. \"Hey Donny,\" he said \"What's up Donut,\" I asked \"Do you think our parents will support our relationship,\" he replied \"I hope so and if not we will pack up and run away,\" I said, \"I think we should tell them today,\" he said \"that's a good idea Donut,\" I said.\n\nDonut's Pov\nI kissed Donny and I went home to tell my parents about mine and Donny's relationship. \"Mom Dad I have something to tell you,\" I said \"WHAT IS IT DONUT CAN'T YOU SEE I'M TRYING TO WATCH THE FOOTBALL,\" my Dad shouted \"I'm in a relationship with Donny,\" I said \"WHAT YOUR IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH DONNY,\" my Mom shouted \"Yes I am in a relationship with Donny,\" I said \"I DON'T APPROVE OF THIS,\" my Mom shouted \"But Mom I love him,\" I said \"DONUT LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER WE DON'T APPROVE OF YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH DONNY AND THAT IS FINAL,\" my Dad shouted. \"FINE IF YOU TWO DON'T SUPPORT OUR RELATIONSHIP THEN I WILL PACK MY THINGS AND RUN AWAY,\" I shouted, I stomped upstairs to my room and packed my things went outside of Donny's castle to see if his parents support our relationship, a few minutes later I saw him come outside with his stuff \"Did your parents say they support our relationship,\" I asked.\n\nBack to Donny's Pov\n\"No, they said that they didn't approve of our relationship so I went up to my room and packed my stuff,\" I replied \"Ready to run away,\" he asked \"Yeah let's go,\" I replied. I held Donut's hand and we ran away to a hotel when we got there we unpacked all our things. We went to the bathroom and got our pyjamas on and got into bed, me and Donut were so happy together he kissed me on forehead \"I love you Donny,\" he said \"I love you too Donut,\" I said and we both fell asleep.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?\n", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonny's Pov\nMe and Donut were taking of Baby Leah and Baby Max, I've been stressing about the fact that Mom is with Jonathan. So we decided to hang out to my mind off it, we went to the shop and got some ice cream \"Hey what flavour of ice cream do you want,\" I asked them \"I will have the chocolate please,\" Donut replied \"Same,\" Baby Max replied \"I will have strawberry please,\" Baby Leah replied then I bought all their ice creams even my own, I got vanilla. Then we took them to the park to play \"All kids go and play at the park me and Donut will be watching from the bench,\" I said. we spend the whole day hanging out then we all went back to Donut's house to watch a movie we all got snacks and popcorn then we all sat down on the couch and Donut pressed play and the movie started.\n\nDonut's Pov\nAfter the movie Baby Leah and Baby Max went upstairs to play whlie me and Donny had a talk. \"So Donut I need to talk about something,\" he said \"What is it Donny,\" I asked \"It's about what's going on at home,\" he replied \"What's been going on at home,\" I asked \"So my mom got a new boyfriend named Jonathan and he's really mean,\" he replied \"It's ok Donny how about we watch something to take your mind off it,\" i said and he agreed.\n\nBaby Leah's Pov\nMe and Baby Max were upstairs in his room playing with some toys, we were having lots of fun playing knights and princesses. We then started to play music and dance like we were having a party, then I heard Donny come upstairs \"Ok Baby Leah it's time to go,\" he said. I said bye to Baby Max and we went home \"So did you have a nice time hanging out with Baby Max,\" he asked \"Yeah we played knights and princesses,\" I replied \"Well I enjoyed hanging out with Donut to take my mind off what I'm stressing about.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @GinasimpsDonny\n\nDonny's Pov\nJonathan took me and Leah as his slaves a few months ago, we had to do what he said or we would be punished. We had to decorate the whole castle, and we also had to cook and clean \"Donny when are we going to get out of here,\" Leah asked \"Don't worry Leah we will escape one day,\" I replied \"Ok Donny,\" she said. We were both hungry Jonathan didn't let us eat any food since he took us as his slaves when he did let us eat we were only given bread and water. \"Alright Donny and Leah come with me I have something for you two to do,\" Jonathan said as he came into mine and Leah's cell.\n\nLittle Leah's Pov\nMe and Donny followed Jonathan to a room, he said that he had something for us to do. When we got to the room he stopped \"Donny can you stand here,\" he said \"Ok,\" Donny said then he stood where Jonathan told him to then he pulled out a gun and shot Donny and he fell to the floor. I couldn't believe it Jonathan killed Donny right in front of me, I ran to Donny and held his lifeless body whlie crying. \"Why would you do something like this,\" I asked \"Because I hate you two,\" he said then he pointed the gun at me \"What are you doing,\" I asked \"Do you want to join him,\" he replied \"Yes I do,\" I said then he fired the gun and shot me then everything went black.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nLittle Kelly's Pov\nIt was 8.00pm and I was in my room getting ready to go to prom with Sharky, I put on a light pink sparkling dress with a silver sequence.\n\nI was almost ready, now all I had to do was put on my makeup and then I was ready to go and meet Sharky.\n\nSharky's Pov\nI was standing outside by the car waiting for Little Kelly, we were going to prom on a lovely boat cruise. A few minutes later she came outside in a light pink sparkling dress with a sliver sequence, \"Wow Little Kelly you look so beautiful,\" I said while blushing \"Thanks Sharky,\" she said. We got in the car and went on the lovely boat cruise where the prom was taking place, we danced and partied, we also got some food and drinks. A few of our friends were also there, we said hello to them then they started to dance to the music the DJ started to play our favourite song. Me and Little Kelly started to dance to it this was going to be the best night of our lives. After the prom, we said bye to our friends who were leaving the boat to go home while me and Little Kelly got off the boat it was midnight, we got into the car went to a hotel and spent the night there, it was the best night of our lives.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonut's Pov\nI woke up this morning and I felt really unwell, suddenly I felt like I was going to be sick so I ran to the bathroom to throw up. I walked out of the bathroom and rang Donny \"Hello Donny,\" I said weakly \"Hey Donut,\" he replied weakly \"Donny are you sick as well,\" I asked \"Yes,\" he replied \"Can you come over we can take care of each other,\" I asked \"Yes but I will need to get a taxi,\" he replied then I hung up and waited for him to come.\n\nDonny's Pov\nI waited for the taxi to come and pick me up, a few minutes later the taxi came and I told the diver that I was going to Donut's place. When I got there Donut was in bed \"Hey Donut looks like we are both sick,\" I said \"Yeah can you please bring me a bowl of soup,\" he asked \"Sure I will make one for myself as well,\" I replied. Suddenly I felt like I was going to be sick so I ran to the bathroom and threw up, Donut came into the bathroom \"You make the soups and I will clean this up,\" he said so I went to the kitchen to the soup. After I was done I went back to Donut's room he must be cleaning the bathroom then he went back to bed, I placed the soup on his bedside table and we spent the rest of the day taking care of each other.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonny's Pov\nI decided to play a prank on Donut, I was in the park, then I saw a guy and I walked up to him and started to flirt with him.\n\nDonut's Pov\nI saw Donny flirting with another guy I was so angry and upset, so I went up to them and attacked the guy. Donny just stood there in shock and he got me off of him and he ran away. I turned to Donny with anger \"Donut it was a prank,\" he said with sadness \"I will punish you for this,\" I said then we went home.\n\nBack to Donny's Pov\nWhen we got home Donut threw me into his bedroom, then he locked the door and walked towards me \"It's time for your punishment,\" he said. Then he pinned me to the bed and started to kiss me then he started to take my shirt off I blushed when he did this, he put his hands on my trousers and looked at me for permission I nodded. Then he took them off leaving me in my boxers, I tried to cover myself \"Come on Donny don't try to hide that body of yours,\" he said whlie smirking then he pulled off my boxers now I had no clothes on I was so embarrassed then I felt Donut push into me I screamed in pain \"Shhh it's ok just tell me when to move,\" he said. A few minutes passed and I told him to move and we spent the rest of the night doing it.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @GinasimpsDonny\n\nRoPo's Pov\nI was on my way to Jack's house we were going to hang out for the day, I knocked on the door.\n\nJack's Pov\nI heard a knock at the door, I went to answer it \"Hey RoPo,\" I said \"Hi Jack,\" he said \"So where are we going,\" I asked \"We are going to the park for a walk,\" he replied \"Oh awesome,\" I said. So we went to the park for a walk and we were talking the whole time \"So how has your day been,\" I asked \"It's been fine,\" he replied. \"Have you been up to anything lately,\" he asked \"Not much,\" I replied. Then the mushroom gang attacked me knocking me out.\n\nBack to RoPo's Pov\nJack was knocked out by a member of the mushroom gang, and I was so angry that I punched them in the face and started to beat all of them up. After I was done two of them ran away and I check on Jack to make sure that he was ok \"Jack wake up,\" I said then I tried shaking him and he woke up. \"RoPo what happened,\" he asked \"You were knocked out by a member of the mushroom gang and I took them on but two of them ran away,\" I replied \"Oh,\" he said \"Are you ok,\" I asked \"I'm fine,\" he replied. He stood and we went back to his place and watched a movie and spent the rest of the day there.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonut's Pov\nI was heading to Donny's castle, I was so excited we were going to our first-ever pride parade. I even brought some rainbow flags with me, when I arrived at Donny's castle I knocked on the door and waited for an answer.\n\nDonny's Pov\nI was getting ready to go to my first-ever pride parade with Donut when I heard a knock at the door, so I went to answer it. \"Hey Donny ready to go to our first-ever pride parade,\" he asked \"Yeah I'm ready,\" I replied. We went to the pride parade holding hands while holding our rainbow flags in the other, when we got there a lot of people were standing waving their flags around whlie loud music was playing. Me and Donut held up our flags and started to wave them around still holding hands, there were a lot of couples holding hands. Some were two boys some were two girls and some were a boy and a girl, after the music stopped me and Donut went to meet some people we talked for a whlie they asked if it was our first time being at a pride parade and we told them that it was.\n\nBack to Donut's Pov\nAfter we talked to some people, me and Donny went to get some ice cream \"So did you enjoy your first pride parade,\" he asked \"Yeah I had fun,\" I replied then I pulled him in for a kiss and we spent the rest of the night together.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @GinasimpsDonny\n\nRaven's Pov\nI was heading over to Leo's castle we were going to hang out for the day, I knocked on the door and Leo's father came to the door. \"What do you want,\" he asked in anger \"I'm going to hang out with Leo for the day,\" I replied \"Absolutely not,\" he said \"Why not,\" I asked \"Because he is busy right now,\" he replied then he slammed the door. I knew that Leo wasn't busy his father just doesn't want him to hang out with me, so I came up with a plan to sneak in without him seeing me.\n\nLeo's Pov\nI was upstairs in my room when I heard the door slam, I knew it was Raven we are supposed to be hanging out for the day but my father doesn't want me to see him. Then he came into my room \"Hey Dad was Raven at the door,\" I asked \"Yes he was,\" he replied \"Can I go see him,\" I asked \"No you can't,\" he replied \"But why,\" I asked \"Because you are forbidden to see him,\" he replied then he slammed the door. I can't believe that my father doesn't let me see Raven I laid down on my bed and started to cry.\n\nBack to Raven's Pov\nI found a way to sneak into the castle without anyone seeing me, I climbed onto the castle roof. I got up to Leo's window and tapped on it he opened the window and climbed out then we spent the day hanging out together.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nLittle Kelly's Pov\nI was getting ready for my date with Donny, he is going to take me to a five-star fancy restaurant. I was putting on my makeup and I put on a very special dress for tonight it was light pink with a gold sequence. I was putting on my bright pink high heels when I heard a knock at the door so I went to answer it.\n\nLittle Donny's Pov\nI knocked on the door and waited for an answer, then two minutes later Little Kelly opened the door \"Hey Little Kelly you look so beautiful tonight,\" I said whlie blushing \"Thanks you look so handsome,\" she said. We got into the car and went to the five-star fancy restaurant, when we got in I told the waiter that we wanted a table for two. He showed us to our table the restaurant was packed I'm surprised I managed to get a table in this place.\n\nBack to Little Kelly's Pov\nAfter me and Little Donny sat down at our table the waiter came and gave us a menu, we looked through it to see what we were getting. A few minutes later the waiter came back and we told him what we wanted and he left to tell the chief our orders, after a few minutes of waiting we got our food. After we were finished Little Donny paid the waiter and he drove me home, I said bye to him and went inside what a romantic date.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonut's Pov\nI was driving over to Donny's palace, we are going to spend the day together and we had so many things planned. I parked my car and got out, I knocked on the door and waited for Donny to answer.\n\nDonny's Pov\nI heard a knock at the door so I went to answer it and it was Donut \"Hey Donut,\" I said \"Hi Donny,\" he said \"Are you ready to hang out for the day,\" I asked \"Yes,\" he replied. We got in his car and went to the ice cream shop \"So Donut what flavour of ice cream are you getting,\" I asked \"I'm getting chocolate,\" he replied \"Ok two chocolate ice creams please,\" I said then the cashier gave us our ice creams then after that we went to the cinema, we got popcorn, drinks and some snacks and we went in took our seats and waited for the movie to start. After the movie was over we went to a restaurant for dinner, when we went inside the waiter showed us to our table and gave us the menu.\n\nBack to Donut's Pov\n\"So Donny what are you getting for dinner,\" I asked \"I'm getting chicken with a 7-up,\" he replied \"I'm getting steak with a Pepsi,\" I said. A few minutes later the waiter came back and we gave him our orders and he came back with our food and drinks a few minutes after we ate our food we went home. \"You know Donny I had fun today,\" I said \"Yeah me too,\" he said, we waved to each other and I drove back home.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonny's Pov\nIt was nearly nighttime and I was having a sleepover at Donut's house but I had a secret I was a vampire, and I was scared that if Donut found then he wouldn't be my friend anymore. The moon was almost up and it was a full moon which means I could turn into a vampire at any minute, I went into the kitchen and got some food and a drink.\n\nDonut's Pov\nI was getting hungry so I went downstairs to get something to eat, and saw that Donny was sitting at the table. \"Hey Donny,\" I said \"Hey Donut,\" he said \"Do you want to watch a movie,\" I asked \"Sure,\" he replied. I opened the fridge to look for something to eat and drink, after I found something to eat and drink I sat at the table beside Donny.\n\nBack to Donny's Pov\nAfter we were done with our food and drinks we went into the living room to watch a movie, but when we sat down on the couch I felt my fangs grow I was turning into a vampire I guess Donut will not want to be my friend anymore.\n\nBack to Donut's Pov\nI saw Donny turning into a vampire after that he jumped on top of me and sunk his fangs into my neck, I yelped in pain. After a few minutes, he stopped \"Donut I'm sorry,\" he said with sadness \"It's ok Donny I forgive you,\" I said \"I just need some blood,\" he said \"Ok let's go outside and get you some blood,\" I said. We went outside to get Donny some blood and after that, we went back home and went to bed whlie Donny cuddled me and we both fell asleep.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonut's Pov\nThe nights never get easier, I had a secret I am a werewolf and there are hunters trying to kill me. I was worried that if Donny found out that I was a werewolf then he wouldn't want to be my friend anymore, I don't want that to happen so I will keep it a secret for now. I was snapped out of my thoughts when my phone rang, I pulled it out to see that Donny was calling me so I answered the call \"Hey Donut,\" he said \"Hi Donny,\" I said \"Do you want to have Dinner at my place,\" he asked \"Sure,\" I replied \"Ok see you there,\" he said \"Bye,\" I said then I hung up.\n\nDonny's Pov\nI was waiting for Donut to come, in the meantime I decided to set the table for dinner, I put the table mat on and asked the cheifs to prepare dinner. After I got everything sorted I was about to sit down and watch tv when I heard a knock at the door so I went to answer it, I opened the door and saw Donut standing there. He came inside and we sat at the table waiting for dinner, a few minutes later the cheifs came in with the food and we started to eat. After we were done we went upstairs but when I turned around I saw Donut turn into a werewolf he then started to whimper, I walked up to him and started to pet him I guess there must be hunters trying to kill him and if there is I will protect him.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?\n", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonut's Pov\nI was in my room crying, Donny just died from a car crash on his way here. I had to get ready for his funeral so I went into my wardrobe and put on a red suit and I got in my car and drove to the grave where he was being buried, but first I needed to get some flowers to place on his grave. After that I went to his funeral and said a few words, after that I put the flowers on his grave when the funeral was over I drove back home. I went upstairs to my bedroom and put a photo of me and Donny on my bedside table and I went to sleep I'm going to miss Donny.\n\nDonny's Pov\nI woke up under the dirt so I crawled out, when I looked down I realized that I was a zombie. This is bad if someone saw me like this they are going to freak out, I have to be careful maybe I should go to Donut's house and let him know that I'm still here and I could also get revenge on the person who caused the crash and made me die. But for now I will go to Donut's house and let him know that I'm still here, I wonder how he would react if he saw that I was a zombie I hope I don't scare him and I hope he won't hate me.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonny's Pov\nI was on my way to Donut's house, I know it's really late at night but I want to let him know that I'm still here. I have to make sure no one sees me if I did something bad will happen to me and I am also going to get revenge on the person who killed me.\n\nDonut's Pov\nI was trying to sleep but I couldn't I really miss Donny, I went downstairs to get a glass of water when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see a zombie that looked like Donny \"Get away from me,\" I said \"Donut it's me Donny,\" he said \"I missed you,\" I said while crying \"Well I'm still here,\" he said. I walked up to him and hugged him while crying \"I'm so happy that your still here,\" I said \"You should probably go back to sleep it's really late,\" he said \"Ok it was nice to see you again,\" I said \"Nice to see you again too,\" he said then I went upstairs and went to back to sleep.\n\nBack to Donny's Pov\nAfter Donut went upstairs I went back outside to find the person who killed me, I was walking in the streets when I saw a silver car that looked familiar. Then I realized that was the car that hit me it's time to get revenge, I ran behind the car and caught up to it then I climbed into the car and ate the person alive. After I was done I went back to the graveyard crawled back into my grave and went to sleep.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Caylie274\n\nRoPo.exe's Pov\nI was in my office working on my computer, I don't know where Jack.exe went probably out to eat some humans. I've had a crush on him for a while now and I'm going to tell him when he comes back, I also have a surprise for him we are going to have fun tonight.\n\nJack.exe's Pov\nI was out eating humans and they were tasty, I thought about RoPo.exe I've had feelings for him for a while I should go back and tell him. So I went back to tell him how I feel, when I got back RoPo.exe was on his computer. \"Hey RoPo.exe I have something to tell you,\" I said \"Me too,\" he said \"What do you have to tell me,\" I asked \"Well I've had a crush on you for a while and I just want to say that I love you,\" he replied \"Oh RoPo.exe I love you too,\" I said then he pulled me in for a kiss.\n\nBack to RoPo.exe's Pov\nThe kiss lasted for a few minutes, \"I have a surprise for you,\" I said \"What is it,\" he asked \"Follow me,\" I replied. He followed me all the way to my bedroom, when we got in I pushed him on to my bed and locked the door. \"What are you doing,\" he asked \"Just relax we're going to have fun tonight,\" I replied. I started to kiss him, I will make this a night he will never forget.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonny's Pov\nDonut passed away two weeks ago in a car crash and I really miss him, I decided to go to his house and pick up some stuff. I was walking to his house when I heard a voice calling my name and it sounded like Donut, I thought it was all in my head so I just kept walking. I finally got to Donut's house, I went inside and I heard the same voice again. Maybe I'm just hearing things when I got to Donut's room I saw a spirit that looked like Donut, I was so shocked that I passed out.\n\nDonut's Pov\nDonny passed out right in front of me, I'm a spirit so I don't know if I can pick him up but it's worth a try. I tried to pick Donny up and it worked, I carried him to my bed and placed him there. Now all I have to do is wait for him to wake up, in the meantime I decided to go around the house and keep an eye out for any intruders. I died two weeks ago but my spirit is still in my house, I scare away any intruders that come into my house then I felt that Donny was waking up so I went to check on him.\n\nBack to Donny's Pov\nI woke up and saw Donut's spirit in front of me, \"Donny don't freak out,\" he said \"Donut how are you here you died two weeks ago,\" I asked \"Well my spirit is in this house,\" he replied \"So what will you do now,\" I asked \"Stay here and I will protect you,\" he replied. So I agreed to stay at Donut's house, even though he's a spirit I think I will be happy living with him.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request? ", "Thank you for your request @Caylie274\n\nJack's Pov\nMe and RoPo were setting up decorations for the Halloween party tonight, I was excited that all our friends were coming to the party. I have a secret I'm a vampire and if RoPo found out, he might not want to be my friend anymore. \"Alright Jack we got all the decorations set up for the Halloween party tonight,\" he said \"Now we need to put the food and drinks on the table and then we are done,\" I said. \n\nRoPo's Pov\nWe went into the fridge to get some food for the party while Jack got the drinks, we then put them on the table and we sat down to have a rest. We still had a few hours before the party, so used that time to hang out.\n\nBack to Jack's Pov (A few hours later)\nIt was time for the party to start, some of our friends started to arrive. Then I felt wired then it hit me, I was turning into a vampire. I felt fangs and wings coming out, what am I going to do now if someone sees me like this they will freak out. I have no choice but to tell RoPo, \"Hey RoPo can we have a talk upstairs,\" I asked \"Sure,\" he replied then we went upstairs. \"So what do you want to talk about,\" he asked \"Well I have a secret to tell you,\" I replied \"What is it,\" he asked \"I'm a vampire,\" I said \"Wait a real one,\" he asked in shock \"Yes,\" I replied \"If you need blood you will have to wait until the party is over,\" he said \"Ok I think I can control myself and wait until the party is over,\" I said then we went downstairs to party and went out for blood after the party was over.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Caylie274\n\nRoPo's Pov\nThe party was over and everyone was starting to leave, after everyone left me and Jack went out to look for blood. On our walk we found a group of guys throwing eggs at someone's house, \"HEY,\" I shouted \"What do you want,\" one of them asked \"Your throwing eggs at someone's house,\" I replied \"Yeah so,\" the other one said then threw another egg at the house. I was just about to teach them a lesson when Jack jumped on one of them, bit the guy and started to suck his blood. He did the same with the other one.\n\nJack's Pov\nI finished drinking the blood from the two guys, the other three tried to run away but I jumped right in front of them. \"Take this,\" one of them said then he threw an egg at me. I was so angry at this that I grabbed the guy and started to beat him up until he died then I started to suck his blood, I did the same with the other two. \"Jack please calm down,\" I heard RoPo say \"I'm still hungry RoPo and your next,\" I said. I started to walk towards him and he was scared, when I got close enough I was about to bite him when he kissed me. I kissed him back, \"Why did you kiss me,\" I asked \"Because I wanted you to calm down,\" he replied. I picked him up in my arms and we flew home, I placed him on his bed and I left.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora\n\nDonny's Pov\nI was so excited to hang out with Donut, I was on my way to his house. Then I got the feeling that someone was watching me, maybe I was imagining things. I turned around and no one was there, so I just kept walking then I felt someone jump on top of me and they threw me on the ground then I felt something hit me over the head and everything went black.\n\nDonut's Pov\nI was waiting for Donny to come, we were going to hang out. He is taking his time maybe I should give him a call, I pulled out my phone and called Donny. I waited for a few minutes and then a voice picked up \"Don't call this number again,\" they said \"Who are you,\" I asked \"We kidnapped your friend,\" they replied \"You kidnapped Donny,\" I said in shock \"Yes and we are keeping him hostage,\" they said \"For how long,\" I asked \"Until our boss gives us orders on what to do with him,\" they replied \"What can I do to get him back,\" I asked \"You have to pay us £100,000 or we will kill him,\" they replied \"What,\" I said in shock \"Expect this to be done by the end of the month or we will kill him,\" they said. They ended the call, and now I have to get a few jobs if I want to get that amount of money to save Donny.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nThis will be split into more than two parts\n\nDonny's Pov\nI woke up in a strange place, I looked down and saw that I was tied up. \"Oh your finally awake,\" someone said \"Where am I,\" I asked \"In our basement,\" they replied \"How long are you going to keep me here,\" I asked \"Until the boss gives us orders on what to do with you,\" they replied \"Us,\" I said with confusion \"Yep there's more,\" they said then they left. I really hope Donut is going to save me, maybe he has to pay these guys a lot of money either way I hope he is going to save me.\n\nDonut's Pov\nI was trying to get a few jobs, I need to get £100,000 to save Donny. I already applied for three jobs, so I have to go to three interviews and they are all on the same day. Now I have to go to one of my current jobs which is working in a supermarket as a cashier, I put on my work clothes and headed to work. I got to work and went to the checkout that my boss told me to go to, all I had to do was wait for customers to pay for their groceries. A few minutes later a woman came over to the checkout to pay for her groceries, I scanned them all \"That will be £102 and 98 pence,\" I said \"Ok,\" she said then she gave me the money and took her groceries then left, I need a lot more money if I want Donny back.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nThere will be two more parts to this\n\nDonut's Pov\nI got home after a long day of work, I managed to make £1000 and 50 pence but it's nowhere close to £100,000. Well, I have three interviews tomorrow so I should get ready for bed, so I got upstairs and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on my pajamas then I went to my bedroom. I got into bed and went to sleep, I hope Donny is ok.\n\nDonny's Pov\nI was sitting on a mattress in the basement, I was so cold and hungry. I really hope that Donut is going to save me soon, I laid down on the mattress and went to sleep.\n\nBack to Donut's Pov\nI woke up to the sun shining, I got out of bed and got ready for my three interviews. I rushed out the door to go to my first interview at the pet shop, I gave the man my information form. After two hours he told me I got the job and I start at 3pm till 4pm tomorrow, then I went to my next interview at the museum. I gave the man my interview form, he had a read through it and he accepted me. He told me that I start at 8am till 10am tomorrow, then I went to my last interview in a bank. I gave the man my interview form, after he checked all the details he told me that I got the job and I start at 9pm till 11pm tonight. After all those interviews I went home to relax, before my shift tonight.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonut's Pov\nI was getting ready for my two-hour night shift, I am working as a security guard and I have to make sure no robbers break in and steal money. I put on my security guard clothes and went to work, when I got there the boss gave me the keys and a walkie-talkie so I can call him if something went wrong. He gave me a list of things to do if a robber tries to break in, then he went to his office whlie I checked all the rooms to make sure everything was ok. After I checked everything, I went to guard the main doors. So far no robbers were trying to break in, but I couldn't stop thinking about Donny his kidnappers must be treating him badly.\n\nDonny's Pov\nI was sitting on the mattress badly beaten up, my kidnappers tried to get me to do something that I was not comfortable with. So they bet me up when I refused, they gave me bread and water but no bandages or ice packs for my injuries. I really hope Donut saves me soon because I really hate it here, I laid down on the mattress and went to sleep.\n\nDonut's Pov (two hours later)\nI just got home from my shift, I got paid £10,000. I still need more money if I want to save Donny, I really miss him and who knows what the kidnappers are doing to him. I hope he is ok and I really hope I can get £100,000 as so as possible, I need to save him before it's too late.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?\n", "Thank you for your request @Caylie274\n\nRoPo.exe's Pov\nI was going around infecting the rest of the Little Club, I had Jack trying to stop me and he was shooting at me but I dodged all of the bullets. Suddenly I felt my head go fuzzy, I could barely make out what Jack was saying but I could see his lips moving. I tried to shoot him but I missed then I passed out.\n\nJack's Pov\nI can't believe that RoPo.exe just passed out right in front of me, I can't just leave him there even though he's a .exe he is still my best friend. I picked him up and carried him to a hospital bed, he was trying to get Little Lizard who was upstairs making a cure. Now that RoPo.exe is in bed I can check on Little Lizard to see how he was getting on with the cure, so I went upstairs to see Little Lizard. \"Hey Little Lizard,\" I said \"Hi Jack,\" he said \"How's the cure doing,\" I asked \"It's doing ok,\" he replied \"Ok I will go back downstairs to stop RoPo.exe,\" I said then I left.\n\nBack to RoPo.exe's Pov\nI woke up in a hospital bed I guess Jack must have brought me here after I passed out, I got out of bed and went back to finding Little Lizard and infecting him. After going through locks and keys I finally to Little Lizard and I infected him, Jack ran away I will get him soon.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done \n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nThis is the last part to this\n\nDonut's Pov\nFinally, after working for a few weeks, I managed to get £100,000 well I got more than that but I got the amount that I needed to save Donny. I heard my phone go off so I answered it and it was the kidnappers \"Did you get the money,\" they asked \"Yes I got the money,\" I replied \"Good,\" they said \"Where do you want me to give it to you,\" I asked \"We will let him go and we are coming to your house to collect the money,\" they replied then they hang up. I was happy that I get to see Donny again, he is probably starving so I decided to cook him a meal while I wait for him.\n\nDonny's Pov\nI was sitting on the mattress when the kidnappers came in, \"Alright your friend got the money take us to his house so we can get it,\" they said \"Ok,\" I said. I stood and we went to Donut's house, I knocked on the door and he answered it then he gave the kidnappers the money and they left. I went inside \"Are you ok Donny,\" he asked \"No I'm starving and I'm injured,\" I replied \"Well I made you a meal and will get some bandages and an ice pack for your injuries,\" he said. I saw a bunch of food on the table and I ate it all then we went to Donut's room and spent the rest of the day hanging out.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Caylie274\n\nRoPo.exe's Pov\nI was going to the neighbor's house to infect Tiny Turtle, while my .exe army was going around the city infecting as many people as they can. I heard gunshots being fired at me which means that Jack must be here, \"Hey Jack come and fight me,\" I said \"Ok,\" he said. We started to fight and I was getting some really good punches on him.\n\nJack's Pov\nRoPo.exe was punching me then he threw me against the wall, grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the sides. \"What are you doing,\" I asked \"You'll see Jack,\" he said then he kissed me. I was shocked at first but then I started to kiss back, the kiss lasted for a few minutes we pulled away when we needed air then he knocked me out.\n\nBack to RoPo.exe's Pov\nI knocked out Jack, I will just leave him there until I infect Tiny Turtle. I was going through a lot of locks and keys until I found Tiny Turtle and infected him, we went to where I left Jack I picked him up and carried him to the couch I placed him there and waited for him to wake up.\n\nBack to Jack's Pov\nI woke up to see RoPo.exe stareing at me \"Oh your awake,\" he said then he pinned my wrists above my head \"Um,\" I said \"Let's start a new life together,\" he said the he started to make out with me.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonny's Pov\nMe and Donut were out shopping for food, we plan on having a big dinner tonight. We paid for everything as we were leaving we saw a biker gang coming towards us and they started to beat me up.\n\nDonut's Pov\nThe biker gang was beating up Donny, I have to stop them before Donny ends up in the hospital. So I jumped on one of them and started to beat him up, the other three saw this and ran towards me I had no choice but to fight them. So I started to beat the other three up, when they were badly injured they tried to run away but the police caught them and they were arrested. I turned to Donny who was unconscious and badly beaten, I picked him up and carried him and the bags of food back to my house. I placed the bags of food on the kitchen counter then I went upstairs and placed Donny on my bed, I went to get him some bandages and an ice pack.\n\nBack to Donny's Pov\nI woke up in Donut's bed, I sat up in pain \"Oh your awake,\" he said \"What happened,\" I asked \"You were beaten up by a biker gang,\" he replied. He walked towards me with some bandages and an ice pack, he started to bandage me up after he was done he gave me the ice pack for my head. He then went downstairs to make dinner and I stayed in bed.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonut's Pov\nI was so excited for today, me and Donny are going to hang out. I have so many fun things planned and I know that we were both going to have a good time, he should be here any minute. I heard a knock at the door so I went to answer it. When I opened the door I saw Donny standing there, \"Hi Donut,\" he said \"Hi Donny,\" I said \"Are you ready to have a day of fun,\" he asked \"Yes I got everything we need for our fun day together,\" I replied.\n\nDonny's Pov\nWe headed to the mall to buy some baking supplies, we plan on making cookies later. After that we went to the ice cream shop \"Hello sir what can I get you,\" the cashier asked \"I would like to get two chocolate ice creams please,\" I replied. The cashier took an ice cream cone and a scooper then scooped up the chocolate ice cream and put it on top the cone, they did the same with the other one. \"Here you go sir,\" they said \"Thank you,\" I said then I went to the table where Donut was sitting and I gave him his ice cream.\n\nBack to Donut's Pov\nAfter me and Donny finished our ice creams we went back to my place to make cookies, after we made them we waited for them to cool and we started to eat them they were delicious.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonut's Pov\nI've had a crush on Donny for a while now but he has been hanging out with Little Leah recently, I'm so jealous he should be hanging out with me. Well, I have been hanging out with Jack recently and I am on my way to his house, I need to come up with a plan to kill Little Leah.\n\nDonny's Pov\nI was hanging out with Little Leah, we talked for a little bit then she went to put the kettle on to make some coffee. I have a crush on Donut but he's been hanging out with Jack a lot recently and it's making me jealous, I need to come up with a plan to kill him. Since Little Leah is downstairs making coffee I pulled out my phone and call Donut, the phone rang for a few minutes and he finally answered \"Hi Donny,\" he said \"Hi Donut,\" I said \"Why are you hanging out with Little Leah,\" he asked \"Because you have been hanging out with Jack and I was getting jealous,\" I replied \"Do you have a crush on me,\" he asked \"Yes,\" I replied \"How about you knock Little Leah out and bring her to Jack's house,\" he said \"Ok,\" I said then I ended the call.\n\nBack to Donut's Pov\nWhile I was waiting for Donny to bring Little Leah to Jack's house, I decided to knock Jack out and then I dragged him to the basement. A few minutes later Donny came with Little Leah who was unconscious, when they woke up we stabbed them until they died. I was so happy that me and Donny were finally able to live a happy life together, We kissed and made out on Jack's sofa.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Caylie274\n\nRoPo.exe's Pov\nI have a crush on Jack.exe and I will eat anyone who dares to try and take him away from me, whether they are humans or .exes. I will eat them if I have to, Jack.exe came in man he was so handsome. \"Hey RoPo.exe I got a girlfriend,\" he said \"That's great,\" I said \"Yep and we are going on a date tonight,\" he said \"Ok have fun,\" I said \"I will,\" he said then he left. I can't believe he has a girlfriend, I will eat her and I don't care if she is a .exe Jack.exe is mine and only mine.\n\nJack.exe's Pov\nI was getting ready to meet my girlfriend I even got her a black rose, after I had finished getting ready I went outside to meet my girlfriend. I found her sitting on a skeleton so I walked up to her and kissed her, we pulled away when we needed air \"Here you go babe,\" I said as I gave her the black rose \"Thank you for the black rose,\" she said \"Your welcome babe,\" I said. We talked for a little bit until I needed to use the restroom.\n\nBack to RoPo.exe's Pov\nI was spying on Jack.exe and his girlfriend, I saw him get up and go somewhere. Now that his girlfriend was alone I snuck up behind her and started to eat her, then I went to find Jack.exe and I knocked him out then I dragged him to my basement. A few minutes later he woke up, \"RoPo.exe,\" he said \"Hey sleepyhead,\" I said \"Why am I in the basement,\" he asked \"Because your mine,\" I replied \"What do you mean,\" he asked then I kissed him.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonut's Pov\nI've had a crush on Donny for a few months now and I plan on confessing my feelings to him, the only problem is he has been hanging out with RoPo recently and I'm jealous. I need to come up with a plan to kill RoPo he is taking Donny away from me, I was snapped out of my thoughts when Donny came in \"Hey Donut I'm going to hang out with RoPo,\" he said \"Ok have fun,\" I said. He left with a smile on his face, I followed after him because I am going to wait until RoPo is alone and that's when I will kill him.\n\nDonny's Pov\nI went to the forest to meet RoPo, I saw him standing beside a tree. \"Hi RoPo,\" I said \"Hey Donny,\" he said \"Why did you want to meet me here,\" I asked \"Well I found a cabin and I wanted to check it out,\" he replied \"Ok lead the way,\" I said. We walked for a few minutes until we finally reached the cabin and we went inside, the cabin was pretty old but nice \"I'm going out for a little bit,\" he said \"Ok,\" I said\n\nBack to Donut's Pov\nI saw RoPo coming out of the cabin, now that he was alone I can kill him. I ran up to him and stabbed him until he died and I threw his body into a lake then I washed the blood off of me. I went into the cabin and saw Donny, I walked up to him and kissed him I felt him kiss back I was so happy now I don't have to worry about anyone else taking him away from me.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonut's Pov\nI was heading over to Donny's place, I am taking him out on a very special date we have been in a relationship for a very long time. I knocked on the door and he answered it, \"Hi Donut,\" he said \"Hi Donny,\" I said \"Let's go on our special date,\" he said \"Yeah let's go,\" I said. He held my hand and we went to an autumn forest, we started to walk through the forest I am leading Donny to a very special place within the forest. I have gone through the pain of losing Donny a few times and I realize that I never want to lose him.\n\nDonny's Pov\nDonut was leading me somewhere, when we got to the place there was a blanket surrounded by candles. \"Hey Donny,\" he said \"What is it Donut,\" I asked \"You mean so much to me and I love you so much,\" he replied \"I love you too Donut,\" I said \"I want to be with you for the rest of my life,\" he said \"I want to spend the rest of my life with you too Donut,\" I said. We talked about our future for a few minutes until we both stood up \"Donny I have something to ask you,\" he said \"What is it,\" I asked then he got down one knee \"Will you marry me,\" he asked \"Yes,\" I replied then we kissed.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Caylie274\n\nJack.exe's Pov\nThe kiss lasted for a few until we pulled for air, \"Why did you kiss me,\" I asked \"Because I love you,\" he replied \"Ok well I have work to do,\" I said \"Wait you can't leave me,\" he said \"Why,\" I asked \"Your mine,\" he replied \"RoPo.exe I need to finish my project,\" I said \"Fine,\" he said then I went to my office to finish my project.\n\nRoPo.exe's Pov\nI can't believe I had to let Jack.exe leave my side just so he could finish his project, I know his work is important but I don't want him to get another girlfriend. I'm going to send him some gifts of human parts and corpses because I know he will get hungry in his office and so that he doesn't need to come out and get human flesh, I went out to get some human parts and corpses.\n\nBack to Jack.exe's Pov (An hour later)\nI was working on my project when I heard my stomach growl, I was just about to leave my office for humans when a package slid through my door. I opened it and there was a human corpse I started to eat it but I wasn't full, then a present came through I opened it and there was a human lung so I ate that. After I ate a few human parts and corpses that someone kept on sending me, the last one was a human heart and it came with a note it said 'Did you like the gifts I sent you this final gift is to show how much I love you, lots of love RoPo.exe. So it was RoPo.exe who sent me all these gifts I was about to eat the human heart when RoPo.exe came with a kinfe, he cut the human heart in half and we ate it together.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?\n", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonut's Pov\nI was so excited today was mine and Donny's wedding, I can't wait to marry him. I was kinda nervous though then Jack came in. \"Excited for your wedding Donut,\" he said \"Yeah I'm kinda nervous,\" I said \"Why are you nervous,\" he asked \"What if he says no,\" I replied \"He won't trust me,\" he said \"Ok,\" I said.\n\nDonny's Pov\nIt was almost time for me to walk down the aisle, \"Ready to walk down the aisle,\" RoPo asked \"Yes,\" I replied. Me and RoPo walked down the aisle as the music started to play, I stood opposite Donut and RoPo took his seat then the priest started to speak. \"We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Donny and Donut,\" he said \"Before we continue is there anyone who has a reason why these two should not get married,\" he continued. Everyone stayed silent \"Ok it seems like no one has any objections,\" he said.\n\nBack to Donut's Pov\nI was happy that no one had any objections, the priest continued to speak \"Donut do you take Donny to be your lawfully wedded husband as long as you both shall live,\" he asked \"I do,\" I replied \"Donny do you take Donut to your lawfully wedded husband as long as you both shall live,\" he asked \"I do,\" Donny replied \"You may kiss the groom,\" he said then me and Donny kissed. Everyone was cheering and clapping then we started to party.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Skygarmadon2\n\nI used to watch Ninjago but I stopped after I watched the movie so some things might be out of place\n\nDonny's Pov\nI've spent fifthteen days trapped in the kryptarium prison, I have been fighting some old enemies. I was trying to find some food when the crystal zombies started to walk towards me, I pulled out my sword and started to fight them. I tried to slash them but they were too powerful and there were too many of them, eventually I was cornered then a girl with blonde hair came in and saved me.\n\nLittle Leah's Pov\nI dragged the guy away from the crystal zombies and into a safe place, \"Are you ok,\" I asked \"Yeah,\" he replied \"What's your name,\" I asked \"My name is Donny,\" he replied \"Nice to meet you Donny my name is Leah,\" I said \"That's a pretty name,\" he said and I blushed \"Do you want to hang out,\" I asked \"Yeah sure,\" he said.\n\nBack to Donny's Pov\nMe and Leah started to walk through the kryptarium prison, I showed her all the crystals. \"Wow the crystals are so beautiful,\" she said \"Not as beautiful as you,\" I said \"Are you flirting with me,\" she asked \"Yes am I,\" I replied \"So it's a date,\" she asked \"If you want,\" I replied \"Ok it's a date,\" she said. We were about to kiss when a crystal zombie came out of nowhere, I turned around and punched it in the face and we started to run to a safe place.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Caylie274\n\nJack.exe's Pov\nThere is something wrong with RoPo.exe, he is insanely overprotective of me I know he loves me but I can never get away from him even when I have to use the bathroom he just stands outside. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard screaming it was coming from the basement so I went downstairs to check it out.\n\nRoPo.exe's Pov\nI was in the basement torturing humans and .exes, it was so entertaining to hear their screams. I needed to stock up on flesh, I couldn't stop thinking about Jack.exe maybe I could give him a human head to enjoy. I just don't want anyone else to take Jack.exe away from me, so I'm torturing anyone in sight human or .exe they will die. I just finished torturing all the humans and the .exe one human tried to escape but I jumped on them and chopped their head off, I threw the body into a corner then I picked up the head and took it up to Jack.exe.\n\nBack to Jack.exe's Pov\nI was going to the basement when RoPo.exe came right in front of me holding a human head, \"RoPo.exe what are you doing,\" I asked \"I got you this,\" he replied as he gave me the human head \"Thank you,\" I said. I ate the human head it was delicious, then I walked up to RoPo.exe and gave him a hug.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonut's Pov\nMe and Donny were packing our things we were going on our honeymoon, \"Ready to go on our honeymoon Donny,\" I asked \"Yep,\" he replied. We grabbed our suitcases and went to the airport when we got there we booked a flight to Hawaii and waited for our flight to be called, a few minutes later our flight was called and we got on the plane.\n\nDonny's Pov\nAfter a few hours, we finally got to Hawaii and we went to a Hotel. We booked a room then we went to that room and unpacked our stuff, after we were done we went to the beach to party \"Hey Donut do you want to dance,\" I asked \"Sure,\" he replied and we started to dance. Then we went back to our room and put on our pajamas and went to sleep.\n\nBack to Donut's Pov\nAfter our honeymoon, we moved into a new bigger mansion and we were happy with our lives. \"Hey Donut there's something I have been thinking about,\" he said \"What is it babe,\" I asked \"I was thinking about adopting a kid,\" he replied \"Why do you want to adopt a kid,\" I asked \"I have been thinking about raising one and I love the idea,\" he replied \"Ok let's go to the adoption center,\" I said then we went to the adoption center to find a kid to adopt.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Caylie274\n\nRoPo.exe's Pov\nWe pulled away from our hug, \"Hey Jack.exe are you hungry,\" I asked \"Yeah I am pretty hungry,\" he replied \"Ok let's go look for humans,\" I said. We went outside to look for humans to eat for dinner. Our hunger level is running low so if we don't find any humans fast enough then we will go crazy, we were holding hands to show that Jack.exe is mine I can't have another girl take him away from me.\n\nJack.exe's Pov\nMine and RoPo.exe's hunger level was running low and we were going crazy, we needed to find humans fast. When we found them there was a gang they tried to jump us but we started to rip them apart and then we started to eat them. They were tasty and we drank their blood it was delicious, \"Weren't those humans delicious,\" I asked \"Yeah they were so good,\" he replied.\n\nBack to RoPo.exe's Pov\nAfter me and Jack.exe finished hunting humans for dinner we went back home, we went into my room and I pinned him to the bed \"Um RoPo.exe what are you doing,\" he asked \"Shhhhh relax Jackie I got you,\" I replied. I started to kiss him and move my hands down to his waist, I grabbed his hoodie and pulled it off I did the same with his shirt. \"Nice abs you got there,\" I said \"Thanks,\" he said then we spent the rest of the night making out.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonut's Pov\nMe and Donny were at the adoption center, we went to the receptionist \"Hi how may I help you today,\" she asked \"Hi we are looking for a kid to adopt,\" I replied \"Ok follow me,\" she said. We followed her to where the kids were, there were so many of them some were boys and some were girls. \"So babe which one do you want to adopt,\" I asked \"I think that one in the blue shirt,\" he replied as he pointed to a little boy \"Ok,\" I said.\n\nDonny's Pov\nWe walked towards the little boy \"Hey little guy what's your name,\" I asked \"My name is Brian,\" he replied \"Hi Brian me and my husband are going to adopt you,\" Donut said \"Ok,\" he said. We went to get the adoption papers, after we got them we filled them in I think Brian is a little bit nervous. \"Hey Brian are you nervous,\" I asked \"Yeah,\" he replied \"It's ok we are nice people we won't hurt you,\" I replied.\n\nBack to Donut's Pov\nAfter we finished filling in the adoption papers we took Brian home, we gave him a tour of our mansion and he loved it. \"Hey babe should we buy Brian some stuff,\" I asked \"Yeah we need to provide him with some stuff if he is going to be living with us,\" he replied \"But we need to find him a babysitter first,\" I said. We looked for a babysitter to look after Brian and then we went out shopping.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonut's Pov\nMe and Donny were in the kitchen talking about what we are going to do today, \"So babe any plans for today,\" I asked \"How about we take Brian to the playground,\" he replied \"Good idea he can make some new friends,\" I said \"We should introduce him to Max and Leah,\" he said \"Yes we should but first we need to have breakfast and get ready,\" I said. I started to make breakfast while Donny went to get Brian, once they were both downstairs we ate breakfast and went to get ready.\n\nDonny's Pov\nAfter we got ready we went to the playground, there were a few kids there so Brian will make some friends. Me and Donut sat on a bench and watched him play, we saw Leah and Max talking to him. They asked Brian if they could be his friends and he said yes, they started to play together I was so happy that Brian made some new friends he looked so happy. He walked up to us and showed us the sand castle that they built together, \"Wow guys that sand castle looks awesome,\" I said \"Thank you,\" he said\n\nBack to Donut's Pov (A few hours later)\nWe were heading home after a long day at the playground, \"Did you have fun today,\" Donny asked \"Yeah I made some new friends,\" Brian replied. When we got home Brian got ready for bed, whlie me and Donny watched tv.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?\n", "Thank you for your request @Caylie274\n\nJack's Pov\nI was walking around the city, there have been reports that a .exe vampire has been going around drinking people's blood and killing them. I was looking for the .exe vampire so I can kill them, I had a gun and some garlic on me just in case I get attacked by them. I was just about to get some equipment for a trap that I plan on making for the .exe vampire I heard screaming, I went to check it out when I did I saw RoPo.exe drinking a man's blood.\n\nRoPo.exe's Pov\nI finished drinking the man's blood it was delicious, I turned to see Jack standing there. I ran up to him and he pulled out some garlic, well garlic doesn't affect me so I pulled my gun and fired a tranquilizer at him. \"Why would fire a tranquilizer at me,\" he asked \"Because your going to be my slave,\" I replied then he passed out. I picked him up in my arms and carried him to my house, I placed him on the sofa and I put a blanket on him to keep him warm and I waited for him to wake up.\n\nBack to Jack's Pov (A few hours later)\nI woke up in a strange place, I saw RoPo.exe stareing at me. \"Your finally awake sleepyhead,\" he said \"Where am I,\" I asked \"Your in my house,\" he replied \"What are you going to do with me,\" I asked \"Make you my slave,\" he replied\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nI decided to mix this One-shot with Persona 4 arena ultimax (Requesting something like this is allowed)\n\nDonut's Pov\nMe and Donny were hanging out at Junes while we waited for the rest to arrive, \"So Donny do you want to get something to eat,\" I asked \"Yeah I am kinda hungry,\" he replied. We went inside and ordered our food then took it back outside, the others had arrived \"Hi guys it's a beautiful day to be outside,\" Little Kelly said \"Yep it sure is,\" Jack said. We started chatting until it started to rain so we all went inside and talked about what just happened.\n\nDonny's Pov (A few hours later)\nI was walking home while I was talking to Donut on the phone when suddenly the power went out and the call ended, I tried to turn my phone back on but it wouldn't work then I saw that fog had started to appear but it was red. I have to find Donny I hope he is ok, I ran to find Donny and I ended up running into Jack. \"Jack I'm glad your safe,\" I said \"Of course I am,\" he said \"Have you seen Donny anywhere,\" I asked \"That pathetic prince no haven't seen him,\" he replied \"What Jack why would you say something like that,\" I asked. His eyes turned yellow \"Because I'm a fake,\" he replied with a slightly evil voice \"What are you talking about,\" I asked \"You will just have to fight me,\" he replied.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonut's Pov\nI have no choice but to fight fake Jack, \"If you win you get to move on but if you lose you stay,\" he said \"What do you mean,\" I asked \"It's the P-1 Grand Prix,\" he replied. A tv appeared in front of me it turned on and a robot bear, \"Who are you,\" I asked \"I'm General Teddie,\" he replied \"What is going on,\" I asked \"The P-1 Grand Prix is happening and if you don't get to the tower within the hour the world will end,\" he said \"Can we just fight already I'm so bored of waiting,\" fake Jack said annoyed \"Ok,\" I said. The tv disappeared and I started to fight fake Jack.\n\nDonny's Pov\nI was searching for Donut, I was also fighting the fakes that appeared in my way. I saw a tower in the distance so I decided to go there, maybe Donut is there I really hope he is ok.\n\nBack to Donut's Pov\nAfter a few fights, I finally got to the tower now I just had to wait for Donny. An hour later he showed up \"Donny your here,\" I said \"Yep I'm glad your ok,\" he said \"I have been fighting through all the fakes on my way here,\" I said \"Same here,\" he said. Then a guy with red hair appeared and attacked us, we fought him until he was defeated then the world went back to normal.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nThis is a Halloween special\n\nDonut's Pov\nMe and Donny were getting things ready for the Halloween party, we got the decorations set up and then we put the food and drinks on the table. \"Hey Donny are you ready for the Halloween party,\" I asked \"Almost I just need to put my costume on then I will be ready,\" he replied \"Your right I will put mine on as well,\" I said. We both went upstairs to put our Halloween costumes on. I put on my werewolf costume and went downstairs, some of our friends had arrived I waited for Donny to come downstairs.\n\nDonny's Pov\nI put on my vampire costume and went downstairs, some of our friends were here. The music started to play and some people started to dance, some were eating and having a drink. \"Hey guys great party you planned,\" Jack said \"Thanks,\" I said \"No problem,\" he said.\n\nBack to Donut's Pov\nEveryone was having a good time, RoPo was digging into the chocolate-covered marshmallows and Jack was enjoying the fizzy orange soda. After a few hours of partying everyone went home, \"Hey Donny I think we should tidy up the place,\" I said \"Yeah let's clean up,\" he said\n\nBack to Donny's Pov\nMe and Donut started to clean up the place, after we were done we went upstairs to put our pajamas on we got into bed. We cuddled each other \"Goodnight Donut,\" I said \"Goodnight Donny,\" he said then we fell asleep.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Caylie274\n\nRoPo.exe's Pov\nMe and Jack.exe were out eating humans, we were starving and drinking their blood if we were thirsty. Then we saw a girl walk by, \"Hey Jack.exe are you thinking what I'm thinking,\" I asked \"Yeah we should kidnap her and keep her hostage,\" he replied. We snuck up behind the girl and knocked her out, we dragged her to our hideout and waited for her to wake up.\n\nCaylie's Pov (A few hours later)\nI woke up and saw two .exe stareing at me I panicked, \"Relax we are not going to hurt you,\" the .exe in the red hoodie said \"Yeah your too cute,\" the .exe in the black hoodie said. I was in shock that they said that they weren't going to hurt me, we decided to introduce ourselves and we talked.\n\nJack.exe's Pov\nWe were talking for a few minutes until mine and RoPo.exe's stomachs started to growl, \"We are hungry,\" RoPo.exe said \"Please don't eat me,\" Caylie said in panic \"Hey shhhhh it's ok we are not going to eat you,\" I said in a calm tone. Me and RoPo.exe hugged her and calmed her down, \"Hey RoPo.exe,\" I said \"What is it Jack.exe,\" he asked \"I think we should stay with Caylie for now we can eat humans later,\" I replied \"Yeah your right we will stay with her,\" he said. So we stayed with her, and went to eat humans when she fell asleep.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Camthecriminal\n\nRaven's Pov\nI was so excited to hang out with Leo today, I was just about to go out when Ramona stopped me. \"Where do you think your going,\" she asked \"To hang out with Leo,\" I replied \"Oh no you are not,\" she said \"Why,\" I asked \"Because you have to help me around the castle,\" she replied \"Fine,\" I said in anger. I really hate Ramona she never lets me do anything, she always wants me to help her around the castle. I need to come up with a plan to sneak out of the castle to go hang out with Leo.\n\nLeo's Pov\nI was waiting for Raven we planned on hanging out, but he hasn't turned up. Maybe Ramona didn't let him come over, he always has to help her around the castle. I have to help him sneak out of the castle so we can hang out, I went out to get Raven I hope that Ramona doesn't catch me.\n\nBack to Raven's Pov\nI had just finished helping Ramona clean the kitchen, I went upstairs to my room to relax for a bit. I was about to sit down when I heard a tip on my window so I got up to check who it was, when I looked out the window I saw Leo he must have come to help me. I opened the window and climbed out, we got down safely and we spent the day hanging out.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Skygarmadon2\n\nKelly's Pov\nRobin and sunny have been missing for two days now, me and Donny have been searching for them since. \"Where could they be,\" I asked \"I don't know we have been searching for two days,\" he replied. I was getting really worried about them what if someone kidnapped or killed them, I hope they are ok wherever they are. It was nighttime, and we had torches so we could see where we are going.\n\nDonny's Pov\nWe have been searching for hours until we found a forest, \"Could this be where the kids are,\" she asked \"I don't know we should check,\" I replied \"Ok let's go,\" she said. We went into the forest, we searched for a few minutes until we heard crying \"Hey Kelly someone's crying,\" I said \"It sounds like children,\" she said \"We should go and check it out,\" I said \"It could be Robin and sunny,\" she said. We followed the crying sound and what we saw was shocking, we saw that sunny's leg was in a bear trap. \"Oh no sunny how did this happen,\" Kelly asked \"We heard something rattling in the bushes so we ran as fast as we could and sunny's leg got stuck in a bear trap,\" Robin replied.\n\nBack to Kelly's Pov\nMe and Donny pulled the bear trap open and I picked up sunny and Donny picked up Robin, we went out of the forest and went the hospital to get sunny's leg healed.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonut's Pov\nI was really bored today, I decided to call Donny and see what he was up to. I pulled out my phone and called Donny, it rang for a few minutes then he picked up \"Hey Donut,\" he said \"Hey Donny,\" I said \"What are you up to,\" he asked \"I'm bored so I wanted to see what you were up to,\" I replied \"Well I'm heading to the gym if you want to come,\" he said \"Ok I will bring my gym equipment and I will meet you there,\" I said \"Ok see you there,\" he said.\n\nDonny's Pov\nI ended the call with Donut and I went to the gym, an hour later he arrived and we went into the gym together. We first went on the treadmills, we got a good run until we needed a break so we stopped. After our break we decided to lift some weights, \"Hey Donut doesn't it feel good to go to the gym and get some exercise,\" I asked \"Yep,\" he replied.\n\nBack to Donut's Pov\nMe and Donny decided to use the step-ups \"Getting a good workout over there Donny,\" I asked \"Yeah we should have another break after this,\" he replied. After a few minutes we had another break, we had a drink of water and are our snacks. We went back to working out until we decided to stop for the day, we grabbed our gym equipment and went home.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Caylie274\n\nCaylie's Pov (Two hours later)\nI woke up from my nap, I sat up and saw RoPo.exe and Jack.exe stareing at me. \"Hi sweetie glad your awake,\" RoPo.exe said \"Ok I'm just going to go out for a walk,\" I said \"Wait,\" Jack.exe said \"What is it,\" I asked \"We are coming with you,\" RoPo.exe replied \"Ok,\" I said. We went outside for a walk around the city, as soon as we saw some humans RoPo.exe and Jack.exe ran towards them grabbed them and started to eat them.\n\nRoPo.exe's Pov\nMe and Jack.exe just finished eating the humans that we saw, we were still hungry though so we continued to walk until we saw Kyler.exe. \"Hey Kyler.exe,\" I said \"Hi RoPo.exe,\" he said \"What are you doing,\" he asked \"We are just going for a walk,\" I replied \"What are you doing,\" Jack.exe asked \"I'm just looking for humans,\" he replied \"Oh me and Jack.exe are also looking for humans we are hungry,\" I said \"May I talk to Caylie for a little bit,\" he asked \"Sure bring her back at about 5pm,\" I replied.\n\nKyler.exe's Pov\nCaylie came with me and we talked, I noticed that some .exes were stareing at us. I growled at them and Caylie hid behind me, \"Caylie stay behind me,\" I said \"Ok,\" she said. One .exe walked towards us and I kicked them to the ground, then they got up and ran away.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonut's Pov\nMe and Donny just got to his place after our day of fun, we were having a sleepover so I brought my stuff over. After we put on our pajamas we went to brush our teeth, then we went to his bedroom. I placed down my sleeping bag, when we made ourselves comfy we fell asleep.\n\nDonny's Pov\n(In the nightmare) I woke up and noticed I was tied to a chair, I saw Donut walk towards me. \"Hey Donut,\" I said \"Hey Donny,\" he said \"Can you untie me,\" I asked \"No,\" he replied \"Why,\" I asked \"Because I don't like you,\" he replied then he kicked the chair and I fell into a hole. A few minutes later I woke up in Jonathan's castle, what am I having another nightmare then I saw Jonathan coming towards me with a knife in his hand. I backed away until I was cornered then he raised the knife and stabbed me in the heart and everything went black, I woke up to see that all of the Little Club were beating me up with weapons. Before I could say anything I was hit on the head with a bat, and everything went black I kept having more nightmares after that.\n\nBack to Donut's Pov (An hour later)\nI woke up hearing Donny screaming and crying, I got out of my sleeping bag and went up to him. \"Donny what's wrong,\" I asked \"I've been having so many horrible nightmares,\" he replied. I decided to help him through all of the nightmares he had been having, after I helped him get through them we went back to sleep.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @luckiruswashere\n\nJack's Pov\n\"Wait you are going to make me your slave,\" I asked in shock \"That's right now get up and start working,\" he replied \"Ok but what do you want me to do,\" I asked \"I have a list of things for you to do if these are not done by the end of the day you will be punished,\" he replied as he handed me the list. I had a look at the list there was a lot of things on it, I grabbed a broom and started to sweep.\n\nRoPo.exe's Pov\nI went outside even though it was daytime, sunlight doesn't affect me so I don't have to worry about getting burnt. I was hungry so I decided to go to a dark place and wait for someone to come, I like to hide in dark places when it's daytime it makes it easier for me to catch people without getting caught. I am one of the most powerful vampires so normal things that would kill a vampire can't kill me, I can kill anyone at any time I wanted. A few minutes later a guy walked by so I jumped on him and started to suck his blood, I looked up and saw a group of people and I did the same to them.\n\nJack's Pov\nI was trying to do all the things on the list that RoPo.exe gave, if I don't get these done by the end of the day I will will be punished and I don't want to know what type of punishment he will give me.\n\nA/N\nOne-shot done\n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Caylie274\n\nJack's Pov (A few hours later)\nIt was nighttime and I had just finished doing all the things on the list, I sat down on the couch and decided to relax before RoPo.exe came home.\n\nRoPo.exe's Pov\nI was returning home after eating so many humans, I opened the door to see that Jack was sleeping on the couch. I saw the list on the ground so I picked it up and I had a look at it, they were alot of things crossed out which meant that he had done it. As I was looking through them I realized that one wasn't crossed out, he hasn't done that one. Since he hasn't done one of them I have to punish him, and I know just the punishment to give him.\n\nBack to Jack's Pov\nI woke up to RoPo.exe shaking me, \"Hi RoPo.exe,\" I said \"Hey Jack you didn't do one of the things that was on the list,\" he said \"What do you mean,\" I asked. He showed me the list and I saw what he meant, \"Sorry but I have to punish you,\" he said. He climbed on top of me and started to kiss me, \"What are you doing,\" I asked \"This is your punishment,\" he replied \"Ok kiss me,\" I said \"If you insist,\" he said. He kissed me again and we spent the night having fun together even if it was my punishment.\n\nA/N \nOne-shot done \n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nDonut's Pov \nMe and Donny were sitting on the couch watching tv, we were deciding what to watch when I heard my phone ringing so I picked it up and answered it. \"Hello,\" I said \"Hello this is Baby Leah's teacher,\" a woman said \"Ok did something happen,\" I asked \"Well Baby Leah had gotten sick during class and she is now in the nurses office,\" she replied \"Ok me and Donny will head to the school to pick her up,\" I said then I ended the call. \n\nDonny's Pov \n\"Who was on the phone,\" I asked \"It was Baby Leah's teacher,\" he replied \"Did something happen,\" I asked in shock \"Baby Leah got sick during class,\" he replied \"Let's go to the school to pick her up,\" I said. We got into Donut's car and drove to the school, when we got to the school the receptionist showed us to the nurse's office. When we got to the nurse's office Baby Leah was sleeping on the couch \"Hi Donut and Donny,\" the nurse said \"Hi nurse,\" I said \"Do you want to take Baby Leah home,\" she asked \"Yeah it would be best,\" I replied. I picked up Baby Leah and we went back home we went upstairs and put Baby Leah to bed and made sure that she was comfy, I stayed by her side me and Donut helped her get better.\n\nA/N \nOne-shot done \n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Caylie274\n\n\nJack.exe's Pov \nIt's been two days since all that crazy stuff happened, the cold weather just hit and I was really cold. I grabbed a hat, an extra hoodie, a scarf and a few blankets but I was still cold I guess the weather was colder than I thought.\n\nRoPo.exe's Pov \nI just go back from hunting humans, me and Jack.exe we're needing to stock up for the winter coming and it was a good thing I went out hunting because I don't want someone else to try and take him away from me. After I finished putting all the flesh and body parts in the fridge I went upstairs to see Jack.exe wrapped in a lot of clothing and a few blankets \"Hey babe why are shivering your wrapped up in a lot of clothing and a few blankets,\" I asked \"Well RoPo.exe I was really cold and I needed to warm myself up but I'm still cold,\" he replied \"Aww baby let me help,\" I said.\n\nBack to Jack.exe's Pov \nRoPo.exe started to walk towards me, \"Umm babe what are you doing,\" I asked \"Shhhhh just let me warm you up,\" he replied. He took off the blankets and wrapped his arms around me, he came a lot closer and I was starting to feel a lot warmer now that he was here. \"I went out hunting so now we have enough human flesh and blood to last us the whole winter,\" he said. Good thing RoPo.exe went out hunting we needed human flesh for the winter, I stayed in his arms until I fell asleep.\n\nA/N \nOne-shot done \n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3\n\nThis One-shot is mixed with FNF (Friday Night Funkin')\n\nDonut's Pov \nI woke up in a strange place, I looked to see that Donny had just woken up. \"Hey Donut where are we,\" he asked \"I don't know the last thing I remember was that we jumped into a portal,\" I replied \"Beep bo bop,\" we heard someone say. We looked up to see a short blue haired boy holding a microphone and a girl with brown hair and a red outfit sitting on the speakers.\n\nDonny's Pov \n\"You both are finally awake,\" she said \"Who are you guys,\" I asked \"My name is Girlfriend and this is Boyfriend,\" she replied \"Nice to meet you,\" Donut said \"Beep bo bop beep beep bo bop,\" Boyfriend said \"What,\" I asked with confusion \"He wants to have a rap battle with you,\" Girlfriend replied \"Well I am known for being a rapper so I guess I can have a rap battle with you,\" I said.\n\nBack to Donut's Pov \nI got on speaker and sat beside Girlfriend while Donny and Boyfriend got ready to have a rap battle, the song they were singing was prey. The song started to play and Donny started to sing, then Boyfriend started to sing and I decided to join in part way through the song. After the song was over a portal opened and we waved goodbye to Boyfriend and Girlfriend \"Let's do this again sometime,\" Boyfriend said \"Yeah,\" I said. We went through the portal and went back home, I was surprised that Boyfriend can talk because he was saying beep bo bop before we started singing.\n\nA/N \nOne-shot done \n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Caylie274 \n\nRoPo.exe's Pov \nFour days have passed and I have been going out and my love has started to go insane, I've also been killing people and feeding Jack.exe. I decided to go back outside and kill more people.\n\nJack.exe's Pov \nRoPo.exe has gone insane recently he has been feeding me humans, he won't let me go outside because he doesn't want anyone else to take me away from him. I know he loves me but he is really overprotective of me, I think his obsession with me has gotten out of hand but I don't mind I still love him.\n\nBack to RoPo.exe's Pov (an hour later)\nI went back home carrying the corpses of children to my room, I threw the corpses on the floor and started to eat them. As I was about to eat the second one I heard my door open a little bit, I looked to see that Jack.exe was peeking through the door. \"Hey Jack.exe what are you doing,\" I asked \"I just wanted to see what you were up to,\" he replied.\n\nBack to Jack.exe's Pov \n\"Well I was just eating the corpses of children,\" he said \"Oh can I join,\" I asked \"Wait you don't mind,\" he replied \"No I don't mind you eating the corpses of children I only wanted to join you,\" I said \"Ok you can join me,\" he said. We started to eat the corpses of children, and he gave me a heart.\n\nA/N \nOne-shot done \n\nAnyone else have a request?", "Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 \n\nDonut's Pov \nI have been sick for the past few days, I haven't been able to do much and Donny has been looking after me. \"Hey Donut I just came in to check your temperature,\" he said \"Ok,\" I said. He walked towards me and checked my temperature, \"What are the results,\" I asked \"Your fever hasn't gone down,\" he replied \"Not even a little bit,\" I asked \"Nope,\" he replied \"If I don't get better soon I might have to go to the hospital,\" I said \"Yeah just rest up for now and I will bring you some food and water,\" he said.\n\nDonny's Pov \nI went downstairs to get Donut some food and water, then I went back upstairs to give them to him. \"How are you feeling,\" I asked \"I'm starting to feel a little bit better,\" he replied \"That's good to hear,\" I said \"I will eat the food and go back to sleep,\" he said. I went back downstairs to watch some tv.\n\nBack to Donut's Pov (A month later)\nIt's been a month and I have recovered with Donny's help, I now feel a lot better. Me and Donny decided to hang out for the day, we went to the ice cream shop to get some ice cream. We both got chocolate and after that we decided to do a bit of shopping, and we went home and Donny stay over for a bit before he went home.\n\nA/N\n\nOne-shot done", "Sorry Superfans but this book is discontinued here's why.\n\n1. I have lost motivation \n\n2. It's hard trying to come up with new ideas, I'm just doing the same thing over and over again\n\n3. I have been dealing with a lot of drama on YouTube, so I find it hard to make this due to toxic users putting me in a bad mood.\n\n4. I'm focusing more on my YouTube content and my personal life.\n\nI hope you all understand" ]
Title: Little Club one-shots (Discontinued) Description: Discontinued because of motivation, drama on YouTube and focusing more on my YouTube content and my personal life. Tags: ['donny', 'fluff', 'jack', 'jack771', 'lemon', 'littleclub', 'littledonny', 'littlekelly', 'littleleah', 'littlelizard', 'littleropo', 'love', 'oneshot', 'ropo', 'sharky', 'tinyturtle']
# Rules 1. You can request any Little Club characters you want. 2. The one-shot has to be in-between the ages of thirteen to sixteen. 3. You are allowed to request fluff smut and lemon. 4. You are allowed to request for a .exe and Little Club character together. 5. If you want to request any of My OCs you have to say what one you want like Little Jade or a different OC. 6. You don't have to request a plot for the one-shot if you don't want to. 7. You are allowed to request for the characters to have a counterpart, job or animal form (For example Zombie RoPo x Gamer Jack.) 8. You are allowed to request a threesome or a foursome. 9. You are allowed to request more than once. 10. You can request for JJ, Natalie, Reilly and Rae to be in a One-shot. 11. You can request for a holiday one-shot if it is that time (For example if it is October then you can request for a Halloween One-shot.) 12. You can request a One-shot that is mixed with another fandom as long as it follows the rules here are some fandoms you can request that I know and can easily do. (Danganronpa, Happy Tree Friends, Persona, Creepypasta, Project Diva/Vocaloid, Nintendo.) 13. You can also request a fandom of your choice however if it's a fandom I don't know then you will have to give me some details. 14. You can also request a One-shot that is mixed with GoAnimate it's not a fandom it's a community but I can easily do that. 15. You can also request a One-shot that is mixed with Bayonetta. (It's a video game in case you are wondering.) 16. Requesting a One-shot that is mixed with a show that is for babies/toddlers is NOT allowed. 17. If you want to request a One-shot mixed with another fandom you have to say which ship then fandom related (For example RoPo x Jack Happy tree friends related.) That's all now you can leave requests if you want to. # Leo exe x Raven exe Thank you for your request @Zz037zZ Raven exe's Pov I was sitting in the living room watching tv when Leo exe came in and jumped on the couch beside me. "Hey Babe let's have some fun," he said with a smirk "No I'm too busy watching tv," I replied "But Babe you are always watching tv and you never spend any time with me," he said in a huff "Fine come here," I said. Then I pinned him down and started to kiss him, I put my hand on his left cheek "You have no idea what you got yourself into," I said "What do you mean," he asked I smirked at him then I started to undo his belt whlie still kissing leaving him in his top and boxers "how about we take this to the bed," I asked. He warped his legs around my waist and put his arms around my neck, I then took him to my bedroom while kissing him I then threw him onto the bed and I locked the door. Leo exe's Pov Raven exe climbed on top of me and took my top off and boxers leaving me with no clothing "That's not fair you still have clothes on," I wined. He took off his top revealing his six-pack I blushed at this "Like what you see," he asked I looked away. He put his hand on my cheek and made me look back at him, he then to off his clothes leaving him with no clothing "Ok Babe this might hurt a little," he said. He pushed in inside me I screamed a bit in pain "Shhh Babe just tell me when to move," he said. A few minutes passed I told him to move I moaned at this he got faster with each push then we heard a loud knock at the door "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING IN THERE RAVEN EXE UNLOCK THE DOOR RIGHT NOW," we heard someone shout. "WE ARE BUSY RIGHT NOW PLEASE LEAVE US ALONE ROPO EXE," he shouted back "Ok sorry about that go back to whatever you were doing," he said then me and Raven exe went back to what we were doing, this will be a night I will never forget. A/N The first one-shot is done Anyone else want to request for their favourite characters to be in a one-shot? # Leah x Donny Thank you for your request @GinasimpsDonny Leah's Pov I was watching the kids whlie Donny went to work I gave him a kiss before he left. I made the kids some lunch I went up to Baby Kayla's room to give her lunch but she wasn't there. "Hey mommy," I heard a voice behind me I turned around to see Baby Lily "Baby Lily why are you so hyper," I asked "Daddy give me a lot of sugar before he went to work," she replied. I was so angry I'm going to have a talk with Donny when he gets home "Where is Baby Kai," I asked "He went for a walk," she replied "What why," I asked "Daddy said he could," she said, I was angry all of my kids are driving me crazy. Donny's Pov I came home from work to see Leah very angry "DONNY BABY KAYLA AND BABY KAI ARE NOT HERE," she shouted "What are you talking about," I asked "BABY LILY TOLD ME THAT YOU SAID BABY KAI COULD GO OUT FOR A WALK AND HE HASN'T RETURNED HOME," She replied. "Let's just go and find them," I said we went outside to find them "This is all your fault," she said "How is it my fault," I asked, "You said he can go for a walk on his own," she replied "FINE IF YOU CARE ABOUT BABY KAI SO MUCH YOU GO LOOK FOR HIM AND I WILL GO LOOK FOR BABY KAYLA," I shouted "FINE," she said. We went our separate ways and I looked for Baby Kayla eventually, I found her she was shivering "Daddy I'm so happy that you found me," she said "What happened why are you out here on your own," I asked "Well I went out to look for Baby Kai but I couldn't find him anywhere," she replied whlie crying "It's ok your mother will find him," I said. Back to Leah's Pov I was looking for Baby Kai when I heard crying, I went to where the crying was coming from and it was Baby Kai "Mommy is that you," he asked "Yes it's me," I replied. I picked him up in my arms and carried him home and sent him to bed, I got my pyjamas on and went to bed "Hey Leah I'm sorry about earlier," he said "It's ok I'm sorry for shouting," I said then he kissed me and we had a make-out session. A/N Another one-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donny's Pov Me and Donut were sitting in a chair I was on his lap and we were kissing, we pulled away when we needed air "Babe can we go to the park," I asked "Sure anything for you," he replied. I got off his lap and we went to the park. Then out of nowhere two wild dogs started to attack me, they were biting and beating me up "GET OFF HIM," Donut shouted "Why should we," one of them said "BECAUSE HE'S MY BOYFRIEND," he shouted. The two dogs laughed "Really he is your boyfriend," the other one asked. Donut's Pov I was so angry at those wild dogs that I jump on one of them and started to beat them up. I punched them hard in the face then I bit him, he stood up whimpering and ran off the other one got scared and did the same. I walked over to Donny who was covered with blood he coughed "Donut help me I'm bleeding," he said weakly "Don't worry Babe I will get help," I said as I pulled out my phone and called 911 "911 what's your emergency," someone said "My boyfriend was beaten up by two wild dogs and he's bleeding pretty bad," I said with tears in my eyes "We will an ambulance where are you," they asked "At the park," I replied. I got off the phone, and a few minutes later I heard the ambulance come they picked up Donny who was unconscious and put him in the back I got in with him. They were doing CPR on him "He is going to be ok," one of the paramedics said. I was so angry at those dogs for beating him up, we arrived at the hospital we got inside and they told me to wait in the waiting room, a few minutes later they told me I could come in. Back to Donny's Pov I woke up in a hospital "Donut is that you," I asked weakly "Yes Babe it's me," he replied. I sat up and looked to see that I had bandages on me "Well Donny it seems like your awake your wounds weren't that bad," the doctor said then he left and Donut kissed me and I can't to go home. A/N Another one-shot is done Anyone else have a request? # Kelly x Donny Thank you for your request @GinasimpsDonny Kelly's Pov I was sitting in the garden with Donny, we were looking at the flowers "Wow these flowers are so beautiful," I said happily "Not as beautiful as you," he said "Aww Babe your so sweet," I said then I kissed him on the cheek. He blushed when I kissed him on the cheek then he grabbed me and kissed me on the lips. We pulled away for air "Ok Donny I have to go and do something," I said "Ok bye," he said I went to get Donny his surprise then I got hit over the head and everything blacked out. Donny's Pov I was waiting for Kelly to come back when the guards came "Prince Donny Kelly had been kidnapped," one of them said "What," I said with shock "We are going to save her go gather up the rest of them," I said Kelly where ever you are I will find you. Back to Kelly's Pov I woke up in someplace "Oh your finally awake Princess," I heard someone say "Where am I," I asked "You are in our secret base Princess," one of them said. I looked down and saw that I was tied up "What are you going to do with me," I asked with tears in my eyes "Don't cry Princess we are just doing our job the boss wants us to keep you hostage," the other one said then I heard a crash coming from outside they grabbed their guns and went outside to investigate leaving me unguarded. I was all alone scared then suddenly Donny came in with a few wounds "Donny what happened to you," I asked with worry "Shhh don't worry about me now let's get you untied," he said then he started to untie me I hugged him and I started to cry "Hey Babe it's ok your safe now," he said then he picked me up in his arms and took me home. He placed me on the couch "Wait I have a surprise for you," I said I went into the room and got our crowns "Thanks Kelly," he said as he put on his crown "No problem Babe," I said as I put my crown on we were now king and queen, then we went to our room got our pyjamas on and got into bed "I love you Kelly," he said "I love you too Donny," I said then he kissed me on the forehead and we went to sleep. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donny's Pov Me and Donut have been dating for a few weeks, we were going to tell our parents about our relationship but we are worried that they will not support it. "Hey Donny," he said "What's up Donut," I asked "Do you think our parents will support our relationship," he replied "I hope so and if not we will pack up and run away," I said, "I think we should tell them today," he said "that's a good idea Donut," I said. Donut's Pov I kissed Donny and I went home to tell my parents about mine and Donny's relationship. "Mom Dad I have something to tell you," I said "WHAT IS IT DONUT CAN'T YOU SEE I'M TRYING TO WATCH THE FOOTBALL," my Dad shouted "I'm in a relationship with Donny," I said "WHAT YOUR IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH DONNY," my Mom shouted "Yes I am in a relationship with Donny," I said "I DON'T APPROVE OF THIS," my Mom shouted "But Mom I love him," I said "DONUT LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER WE DON'T APPROVE OF YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH DONNY AND THAT IS FINAL," my Dad shouted. "FINE IF YOU TWO DON'T SUPPORT OUR RELATIONSHIP THEN I WILL PACK MY THINGS AND RUN AWAY," I shouted, I stomped upstairs to my room and packed my things went outside of Donny's castle to see if his parents support our relationship, a few minutes later I saw him come outside with his stuff "Did your parents say they support our relationship," I asked. Back to Donny's Pov "No, they said that they didn't approve of our relationship so I went up to my room and packed my stuff," I replied "Ready to run away," he asked "Yeah let's go," I replied. I held Donut's hand and we ran away to a hotel when we got there we unpacked all our things. We went to the bathroom and got our pyjamas on and got into bed, me and Donut were so happy together he kissed me on forehead "I love you Donny," he said "I love you too Donut," I said and we both fell asleep. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donny's Pov Me and Donut were taking of Baby Leah and Baby Max, I've been stressing about the fact that Mom is with Jonathan. So we decided to hang out to my mind off it, we went to the shop and got some ice cream "Hey what flavour of ice cream do you want," I asked them "I will have the chocolate please," Donut replied "Same," Baby Max replied "I will have strawberry please," Baby Leah replied then I bought all their ice creams even my own, I got vanilla. Then we took them to the park to play "All kids go and play at the park me and Donut will be watching from the bench," I said. we spend the whole day hanging out then we all went back to Donut's house to watch a movie we all got snacks and popcorn then we all sat down on the couch and Donut pressed play and the movie started. Donut's Pov After the movie Baby Leah and Baby Max went upstairs to play whlie me and Donny had a talk. "So Donut I need to talk about something," he said "What is it Donny," I asked "It's about what's going on at home," he replied "What's been going on at home," I asked "So my mom got a new boyfriend named Jonathan and he's really mean," he replied "It's ok Donny how about we watch something to take your mind off it," i said and he agreed. Baby Leah's Pov Me and Baby Max were upstairs in his room playing with some toys, we were having lots of fun playing knights and princesses. We then started to play music and dance like we were having a party, then I heard Donny come upstairs "Ok Baby Leah it's time to go," he said. I said bye to Baby Max and we went home "So did you have a nice time hanging out with Baby Max," he asked "Yeah we played knights and princesses," I replied "Well I enjoyed hanging out with Donut to take my mind off what I'm stressing about. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Leah x Donny Thank you for your request @GinasimpsDonny Donny's Pov Jonathan took me and Leah as his slaves a few months ago, we had to do what he said or we would be punished. We had to decorate the whole castle, and we also had to cook and clean "Donny when are we going to get out of here," Leah asked "Don't worry Leah we will escape one day," I replied "Ok Donny," she said. We were both hungry Jonathan didn't let us eat any food since he took us as his slaves when he did let us eat we were only given bread and water. "Alright Donny and Leah come with me I have something for you two to do," Jonathan said as he came into mine and Leah's cell. Little Leah's Pov Me and Donny followed Jonathan to a room, he said that he had something for us to do. When we got to the room he stopped "Donny can you stand here," he said "Ok," Donny said then he stood where Jonathan told him to then he pulled out a gun and shot Donny and he fell to the floor. I couldn't believe it Jonathan killed Donny right in front of me, I ran to Donny and held his lifeless body whlie crying. "Why would you do something like this," I asked "Because I hate you two," he said then he pointed the gun at me "What are you doing," I asked "Do you want to join him," he replied "Yes I do," I said then he fired the gun and shot me then everything went black. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Little Kelly x Sharky Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Little Kelly's Pov It was 8.00pm and I was in my room getting ready to go to prom with Sharky, I put on a light pink sparkling dress with a silver sequence. I was almost ready, now all I had to do was put on my makeup and then I was ready to go and meet Sharky. Sharky's Pov I was standing outside by the car waiting for Little Kelly, we were going to prom on a lovely boat cruise. A few minutes later she came outside in a light pink sparkling dress with a sliver sequence, "Wow Little Kelly you look so beautiful," I said while blushing "Thanks Sharky," she said. We got in the car and went on the lovely boat cruise where the prom was taking place, we danced and partied, we also got some food and drinks. A few of our friends were also there, we said hello to them then they started to dance to the music the DJ started to play our favourite song. Me and Little Kelly started to dance to it this was going to be the best night of our lives. After the prom, we said bye to our friends who were leaving the boat to go home while me and Little Kelly got off the boat it was midnight, we got into the car went to a hotel and spent the night there, it was the best night of our lives. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donut's Pov I woke up this morning and I felt really unwell, suddenly I felt like I was going to be sick so I ran to the bathroom to throw up. I walked out of the bathroom and rang Donny "Hello Donny," I said weakly "Hey Donut," he replied weakly "Donny are you sick as well," I asked "Yes," he replied "Can you come over we can take care of each other," I asked "Yes but I will need to get a taxi," he replied then I hung up and waited for him to come. Donny's Pov I waited for the taxi to come and pick me up, a few minutes later the taxi came and I told the diver that I was going to Donut's place. When I got there Donut was in bed "Hey Donut looks like we are both sick," I said "Yeah can you please bring me a bowl of soup," he asked "Sure I will make one for myself as well," I replied. Suddenly I felt like I was going to be sick so I ran to the bathroom and threw up, Donut came into the bathroom "You make the soups and I will clean this up," he said so I went to the kitchen to the soup. After I was done I went back to Donut's room he must be cleaning the bathroom then he went back to bed, I placed the soup on his bedside table and we spent the rest of the day taking care of each other. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donny's Pov I decided to play a prank on Donut, I was in the park, then I saw a guy and I walked up to him and started to flirt with him. Donut's Pov I saw Donny flirting with another guy I was so angry and upset, so I went up to them and attacked the guy. Donny just stood there in shock and he got me off of him and he ran away. I turned to Donny with anger "Donut it was a prank," he said with sadness "I will punish you for this," I said then we went home. Back to Donny's Pov When we got home Donut threw me into his bedroom, then he locked the door and walked towards me "It's time for your punishment," he said. Then he pinned me to the bed and started to kiss me then he started to take my shirt off I blushed when he did this, he put his hands on my trousers and looked at me for permission I nodded. Then he took them off leaving me in my boxers, I tried to cover myself "Come on Donny don't try to hide that body of yours," he said whlie smirking then he pulled off my boxers now I had no clothes on I was so embarrassed then I felt Donut push into me I screamed in pain "Shhh it's ok just tell me when to move," he said. A few minutes passed and I told him to move and we spent the rest of the night doing it. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # RoPo x Jack Thank you for your request @GinasimpsDonny RoPo's Pov I was on my way to Jack's house we were going to hang out for the day, I knocked on the door. Jack's Pov I heard a knock at the door, I went to answer it "Hey RoPo," I said "Hi Jack," he said "So where are we going," I asked "We are going to the park for a walk," he replied "Oh awesome," I said. So we went to the park for a walk and we were talking the whole time "So how has your day been," I asked "It's been fine," he replied. "Have you been up to anything lately," he asked "Not much," I replied. Then the mushroom gang attacked me knocking me out. Back to RoPo's Pov Jack was knocked out by a member of the mushroom gang, and I was so angry that I punched them in the face and started to beat all of them up. After I was done two of them ran away and I check on Jack to make sure that he was ok "Jack wake up," I said then I tried shaking him and he woke up. "RoPo what happened," he asked "You were knocked out by a member of the mushroom gang and I took them on but two of them ran away," I replied "Oh," he said "Are you ok," I asked "I'm fine," he replied. He stood and we went back to his place and watched a movie and spent the rest of the day there. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donut's Pov I was heading to Donny's castle, I was so excited we were going to our first-ever pride parade. I even brought some rainbow flags with me, when I arrived at Donny's castle I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Donny's Pov I was getting ready to go to my first-ever pride parade with Donut when I heard a knock at the door, so I went to answer it. "Hey Donny ready to go to our first-ever pride parade," he asked "Yeah I'm ready," I replied. We went to the pride parade holding hands while holding our rainbow flags in the other, when we got there a lot of people were standing waving their flags around whlie loud music was playing. Me and Donut held up our flags and started to wave them around still holding hands, there were a lot of couples holding hands. Some were two boys some were two girls and some were a boy and a girl, after the music stopped me and Donut went to meet some people we talked for a whlie they asked if it was our first time being at a pride parade and we told them that it was. Back to Donut's Pov After we talked to some people, me and Donny went to get some ice cream "So did you enjoy your first pride parade," he asked "Yeah I had fun," I replied then I pulled him in for a kiss and we spent the rest of the night together. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Raven x Leo Thank you for your request @GinasimpsDonny Raven's Pov I was heading over to Leo's castle we were going to hang out for the day, I knocked on the door and Leo's father came to the door. "What do you want," he asked in anger "I'm going to hang out with Leo for the day," I replied "Absolutely not," he said "Why not," I asked "Because he is busy right now," he replied then he slammed the door. I knew that Leo wasn't busy his father just doesn't want him to hang out with me, so I came up with a plan to sneak in without him seeing me. Leo's Pov I was upstairs in my room when I heard the door slam, I knew it was Raven we are supposed to be hanging out for the day but my father doesn't want me to see him. Then he came into my room "Hey Dad was Raven at the door," I asked "Yes he was," he replied "Can I go see him," I asked "No you can't," he replied "But why," I asked "Because you are forbidden to see him," he replied then he slammed the door. I can't believe that my father doesn't let me see Raven I laid down on my bed and started to cry. Back to Raven's Pov I found a way to sneak into the castle without anyone seeing me, I climbed onto the castle roof. I got up to Leo's window and tapped on it he opened the window and climbed out then we spent the day hanging out together. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Little Donny x Little Kelly Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Little Kelly's Pov I was getting ready for my date with Donny, he is going to take me to a five-star fancy restaurant. I was putting on my makeup and I put on a very special dress for tonight it was light pink with a gold sequence. I was putting on my bright pink high heels when I heard a knock at the door so I went to answer it. Little Donny's Pov I knocked on the door and waited for an answer, then two minutes later Little Kelly opened the door "Hey Little Kelly you look so beautiful tonight," I said whlie blushing "Thanks you look so handsome," she said. We got into the car and went to the five-star fancy restaurant, when we got in I told the waiter that we wanted a table for two. He showed us to our table the restaurant was packed I'm surprised I managed to get a table in this place. Back to Little Kelly's Pov After me and Little Donny sat down at our table the waiter came and gave us a menu, we looked through it to see what we were getting. A few minutes later the waiter came back and we told him what we wanted and he left to tell the chief our orders, after a few minutes of waiting we got our food. After we were finished Little Donny paid the waiter and he drove me home, I said bye to him and went inside what a romantic date. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donut's Pov I was driving over to Donny's palace, we are going to spend the day together and we had so many things planned. I parked my car and got out, I knocked on the door and waited for Donny to answer. Donny's Pov I heard a knock at the door so I went to answer it and it was Donut "Hey Donut," I said "Hi Donny," he said "Are you ready to hang out for the day," I asked "Yes," he replied. We got in his car and went to the ice cream shop "So Donut what flavour of ice cream are you getting," I asked "I'm getting chocolate," he replied "Ok two chocolate ice creams please," I said then the cashier gave us our ice creams then after that we went to the cinema, we got popcorn, drinks and some snacks and we went in took our seats and waited for the movie to start. After the movie was over we went to a restaurant for dinner, when we went inside the waiter showed us to our table and gave us the menu. Back to Donut's Pov "So Donny what are you getting for dinner," I asked "I'm getting chicken with a 7-up," he replied "I'm getting steak with a Pepsi," I said. A few minutes later the waiter came back and we gave him our orders and he came back with our food and drinks a few minutes after we ate our food we went home. "You know Donny I had fun today," I said "Yeah me too," he said, we waved to each other and I drove back home. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Vampire Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donny's Pov It was nearly nighttime and I was having a sleepover at Donut's house but I had a secret I was a vampire, and I was scared that if Donut found then he wouldn't be my friend anymore. The moon was almost up and it was a full moon which means I could turn into a vampire at any minute, I went into the kitchen and got some food and a drink. Donut's Pov I was getting hungry so I went downstairs to get something to eat, and saw that Donny was sitting at the table. "Hey Donny," I said "Hey Donut," he said "Do you want to watch a movie," I asked "Sure," he replied. I opened the fridge to look for something to eat and drink, after I found something to eat and drink I sat at the table beside Donny. Back to Donny's Pov After we were done with our food and drinks we went into the living room to watch a movie, but when we sat down on the couch I felt my fangs grow I was turning into a vampire I guess Donut will not want to be my friend anymore. Back to Donut's Pov I saw Donny turning into a vampire after that he jumped on top of me and sunk his fangs into my neck, I yelped in pain. After a few minutes, he stopped "Donut I'm sorry," he said with sadness "It's ok Donny I forgive you," I said "I just need some blood," he said "Ok let's go outside and get you some blood," I said. We went outside to get Donny some blood and after that, we went back home and went to bed whlie Donny cuddled me and we both fell asleep. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Werewolf Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donut's Pov The nights never get easier, I had a secret I am a werewolf and there are hunters trying to kill me. I was worried that if Donny found out that I was a werewolf then he wouldn't want to be my friend anymore, I don't want that to happen so I will keep it a secret for now. I was snapped out of my thoughts when my phone rang, I pulled it out to see that Donny was calling me so I answered the call "Hey Donut," he said "Hi Donny," I said "Do you want to have Dinner at my place," he asked "Sure," I replied "Ok see you there," he said "Bye," I said then I hung up. Donny's Pov I was waiting for Donut to come, in the meantime I decided to set the table for dinner, I put the table mat on and asked the cheifs to prepare dinner. After I got everything sorted I was about to sit down and watch tv when I heard a knock at the door so I went to answer it, I opened the door and saw Donut standing there. He came inside and we sat at the table waiting for dinner, a few minutes later the cheifs came in with the food and we started to eat. After we were done we went upstairs but when I turned around I saw Donut turn into a werewolf he then started to whimper, I walked up to him and started to pet him I guess there must be hunters trying to kill him and if there is I will protect him. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Zombie Donny x Donut part one Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donut's Pov I was in my room crying, Donny just died from a car crash on his way here. I had to get ready for his funeral so I went into my wardrobe and put on a red suit and I got in my car and drove to the grave where he was being buried, but first I needed to get some flowers to place on his grave. After that I went to his funeral and said a few words, after that I put the flowers on his grave when the funeral was over I drove back home. I went upstairs to my bedroom and put a photo of me and Donny on my bedside table and I went to sleep I'm going to miss Donny. Donny's Pov I woke up under the dirt so I crawled out, when I looked down I realized that I was a zombie. This is bad if someone saw me like this they are going to freak out, I have to be careful maybe I should go to Donut's house and let him know that I'm still here and I could also get revenge on the person who caused the crash and made me die. But for now I will go to Donut's house and let him know that I'm still here, I wonder how he would react if he saw that I was a zombie I hope I don't scare him and I hope he won't hate me. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Zombie Donny x Donut part two Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donny's Pov I was on my way to Donut's house, I know it's really late at night but I want to let him know that I'm still here. I have to make sure no one sees me if I did something bad will happen to me and I am also going to get revenge on the person who killed me. Donut's Pov I was trying to sleep but I couldn't I really miss Donny, I went downstairs to get a glass of water when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see a zombie that looked like Donny "Get away from me," I said "Donut it's me Donny," he said "I missed you," I said while crying "Well I'm still here," he said. I walked up to him and hugged him while crying "I'm so happy that your still here," I said "You should probably go back to sleep it's really late," he said "Ok it was nice to see you again," I said "Nice to see you again too," he said then I went upstairs and went to back to sleep. Back to Donny's Pov After Donut went upstairs I went back outside to find the person who killed me, I was walking in the streets when I saw a silver car that looked familiar. Then I realized that was the car that hit me it's time to get revenge, I ran behind the car and caught up to it then I climbed into the car and ate the person alive. After I was done I went back to the graveyard crawled back into my grave and went to sleep. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # RoPo.exe x Jack.exe Thank you for your request @Caylie274 RoPo.exe's Pov I was in my office working on my computer, I don't know where Jack.exe went probably out to eat some humans. I've had a crush on him for a while now and I'm going to tell him when he comes back, I also have a surprise for him we are going to have fun tonight. Jack.exe's Pov I was out eating humans and they were tasty, I thought about RoPo.exe I've had feelings for him for a while I should go back and tell him. So I went back to tell him how I feel, when I got back RoPo.exe was on his computer. "Hey RoPo.exe I have something to tell you," I said "Me too," he said "What do you have to tell me," I asked "Well I've had a crush on you for a while and I just want to say that I love you," he replied "Oh RoPo.exe I love you too," I said then he pulled me in for a kiss. Back to RoPo.exe's Pov The kiss lasted for a few minutes, "I have a surprise for you," I said "What is it," he asked "Follow me," I replied. He followed me all the way to my bedroom, when we got in I pushed him on to my bed and locked the door. "What are you doing," he asked "Just relax we're going to have fun tonight," I replied. I started to kiss him, I will make this a night he will never forget. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Spirit Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donny's Pov Donut passed away two weeks ago in a car crash and I really miss him, I decided to go to his house and pick up some stuff. I was walking to his house when I heard a voice calling my name and it sounded like Donut, I thought it was all in my head so I just kept walking. I finally got to Donut's house, I went inside and I heard the same voice again. Maybe I'm just hearing things when I got to Donut's room I saw a spirit that looked like Donut, I was so shocked that I passed out. Donut's Pov Donny passed out right in front of me, I'm a spirit so I don't know if I can pick him up but it's worth a try. I tried to pick Donny up and it worked, I carried him to my bed and placed him there. Now all I have to do is wait for him to wake up, in the meantime I decided to go around the house and keep an eye out for any intruders. I died two weeks ago but my spirit is still in my house, I scare away any intruders that come into my house then I felt that Donny was waking up so I went to check on him. Back to Donny's Pov I woke up and saw Donut's spirit in front of me, "Donny don't freak out," he said "Donut how are you here you died two weeks ago," I asked "Well my spirit is in this house," he replied "So what will you do now," I asked "Stay here and I will protect you," he replied. So I agreed to stay at Donut's house, even though he's a spirit I think I will be happy living with him. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Vampire Jack x RoPo part one Thank you for your request @Caylie274 Jack's Pov Me and RoPo were setting up decorations for the Halloween party tonight, I was excited that all our friends were coming to the party. I have a secret I'm a vampire and if RoPo found out, he might not want to be my friend anymore. "Alright Jack we got all the decorations set up for the Halloween party tonight," he said "Now we need to put the food and drinks on the table and then we are done," I said. RoPo's Pov We went into the fridge to get some food for the party while Jack got the drinks, we then put them on the table and we sat down to have a rest. We still had a few hours before the party, so used that time to hang out. Back to Jack's Pov (A few hours later) It was time for the party to start, some of our friends started to arrive. Then I felt wired then it hit me, I was turning into a vampire. I felt fangs and wings coming out, what am I going to do now if someone sees me like this they will freak out. I have no choice but to tell RoPo, "Hey RoPo can we have a talk upstairs," I asked "Sure," he replied then we went upstairs. "So what do you want to talk about," he asked "Well I have a secret to tell you," I replied "What is it," he asked "I'm a vampire," I said "Wait a real one," he asked in shock "Yes," I replied "If you need blood you will have to wait until the party is over," he said "Ok I think I can control myself and wait until the party is over," I said then we went downstairs to party and went out for blood after the party was over. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Vampire Jack x RoPo part two Thank you for your request @Caylie274 RoPo's Pov The party was over and everyone was starting to leave, after everyone left me and Jack went out to look for blood. On our walk we found a group of guys throwing eggs at someone's house, "HEY," I shouted "What do you want," one of them asked "Your throwing eggs at someone's house," I replied "Yeah so," the other one said then threw another egg at the house. I was just about to teach them a lesson when Jack jumped on one of them, bit the guy and started to suck his blood. He did the same with the other one. Jack's Pov I finished drinking the blood from the two guys, the other three tried to run away but I jumped right in front of them. "Take this," one of them said then he threw an egg at me. I was so angry at this that I grabbed the guy and started to beat him up until he died then I started to suck his blood, I did the same with the other two. "Jack please calm down," I heard RoPo say "I'm still hungry RoPo and your next," I said. I started to walk towards him and he was scared, when I got close enough I was about to bite him when he kissed me. I kissed him back, "Why did you kiss me," I asked "Because I wanted you to calm down," he replied. I picked him up in my arms and we flew home, I placed him on his bed and I left. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut part one Thank you for your request @Adelamora Donny's Pov I was so excited to hang out with Donut, I was on my way to his house. Then I got the feeling that someone was watching me, maybe I was imagining things. I turned around and no one was there, so I just kept walking then I felt someone jump on top of me and they threw me on the ground then I felt something hit me over the head and everything went black. Donut's Pov I was waiting for Donny to come, we were going to hang out. He is taking his time maybe I should give him a call, I pulled out my phone and called Donny. I waited for a few minutes and then a voice picked up "Don't call this number again," they said "Who are you," I asked "We kidnapped your friend," they replied "You kidnapped Donny," I said in shock "Yes and we are keeping him hostage," they said "For how long," I asked "Until our boss gives us orders on what to do with him," they replied "What can I do to get him back," I asked "You have to pay us £100,000 or we will kill him," they replied "What," I said in shock "Expect this to be done by the end of the month or we will kill him," they said. They ended the call, and now I have to get a few jobs if I want to get that amount of money to save Donny. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut part two Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 This will be split into more than two parts Donny's Pov I woke up in a strange place, I looked down and saw that I was tied up. "Oh your finally awake," someone said "Where am I," I asked "In our basement," they replied "How long are you going to keep me here," I asked "Until the boss gives us orders on what to do with you," they replied "Us," I said with confusion "Yep there's more," they said then they left. I really hope Donut is going to save me, maybe he has to pay these guys a lot of money either way I hope he is going to save me. Donut's Pov I was trying to get a few jobs, I need to get £100,000 to save Donny. I already applied for three jobs, so I have to go to three interviews and they are all on the same day. Now I have to go to one of my current jobs which is working in a supermarket as a cashier, I put on my work clothes and headed to work. I got to work and went to the checkout that my boss told me to go to, all I had to do was wait for customers to pay for their groceries. A few minutes later a woman came over to the checkout to pay for her groceries, I scanned them all "That will be £102 and 98 pence," I said "Ok," she said then she gave me the money and took her groceries then left, I need a lot more money if I want Donny back. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut part three Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 There will be two more parts to this Donut's Pov I got home after a long day of work, I managed to make £1000 and 50 pence but it's nowhere close to £100,000. Well, I have three interviews tomorrow so I should get ready for bed, so I got upstairs and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on my pajamas then I went to my bedroom. I got into bed and went to sleep, I hope Donny is ok. Donny's Pov I was sitting on a mattress in the basement, I was so cold and hungry. I really hope that Donut is going to save me soon, I laid down on the mattress and went to sleep. Back to Donut's Pov I woke up to the sun shining, I got out of bed and got ready for my three interviews. I rushed out the door to go to my first interview at the pet shop, I gave the man my information form. After two hours he told me I got the job and I start at 3pm till 4pm tomorrow, then I went to my next interview at the museum. I gave the man my interview form, he had a read through it and he accepted me. He told me that I start at 8am till 10am tomorrow, then I went to my last interview in a bank. I gave the man my interview form, after he checked all the details he told me that I got the job and I start at 9pm till 11pm tonight. After all those interviews I went home to relax, before my shift tonight. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut part four Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donut's Pov I was getting ready for my two-hour night shift, I am working as a security guard and I have to make sure no robbers break in and steal money. I put on my security guard clothes and went to work, when I got there the boss gave me the keys and a walkie-talkie so I can call him if something went wrong. He gave me a list of things to do if a robber tries to break in, then he went to his office whlie I checked all the rooms to make sure everything was ok. After I checked everything, I went to guard the main doors. So far no robbers were trying to break in, but I couldn't stop thinking about Donny his kidnappers must be treating him badly. Donny's Pov I was sitting on the mattress badly beaten up, my kidnappers tried to get me to do something that I was not comfortable with. So they bet me up when I refused, they gave me bread and water but no bandages or ice packs for my injuries. I really hope Donut saves me soon because I really hate it here, I laid down on the mattress and went to sleep. Donut's Pov (two hours later) I just got home from my shift, I got paid £10,000. I still need more money if I want to save Donny, I really miss him and who knows what the kidnappers are doing to him. I hope he is ok and I really hope I can get £100,000 as so as possible, I need to save him before it's too late. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # RoPo.exe x Jack Thank you for your request @Caylie274 RoPo.exe's Pov I was going around infecting the rest of the Little Club, I had Jack trying to stop me and he was shooting at me but I dodged all of the bullets. Suddenly I felt my head go fuzzy, I could barely make out what Jack was saying but I could see his lips moving. I tried to shoot him but I missed then I passed out. Jack's Pov I can't believe that RoPo.exe just passed out right in front of me, I can't just leave him there even though he's a .exe he is still my best friend. I picked him up and carried him to a hospital bed, he was trying to get Little Lizard who was upstairs making a cure. Now that RoPo.exe is in bed I can check on Little Lizard to see how he was getting on with the cure, so I went upstairs to see Little Lizard. "Hey Little Lizard," I said "Hi Jack," he said "How's the cure doing," I asked "It's doing ok," he replied "Ok I will go back downstairs to stop RoPo.exe," I said then I left. Back to RoPo.exe's Pov I woke up in a hospital bed I guess Jack must have brought me here after I passed out, I got out of bed and went back to finding Little Lizard and infecting him. After going through locks and keys I finally to Little Lizard and I infected him, Jack ran away I will get him soon. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut part five Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 This is the last part to this Donut's Pov Finally, after working for a few weeks, I managed to get £100,000 well I got more than that but I got the amount that I needed to save Donny. I heard my phone go off so I answered it and it was the kidnappers "Did you get the money," they asked "Yes I got the money," I replied "Good," they said "Where do you want me to give it to you," I asked "We will let him go and we are coming to your house to collect the money," they replied then they hang up. I was happy that I get to see Donny again, he is probably starving so I decided to cook him a meal while I wait for him. Donny's Pov I was sitting on the mattress when the kidnappers came in, "Alright your friend got the money take us to his house so we can get it," they said "Ok," I said. I stood and we went to Donut's house, I knocked on the door and he answered it then he gave the kidnappers the money and they left. I went inside "Are you ok Donny," he asked "No I'm starving and I'm injured," I replied "Well I made you a meal and will get some bandages and an ice pack for your injuries," he said. I saw a bunch of food on the table and I ate it all then we went to Donut's room and spent the rest of the day hanging out. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # RoPo.exe x Jack part two Thank you for your request @Caylie274 RoPo.exe's Pov I was going to the neighbor's house to infect Tiny Turtle, while my .exe army was going around the city infecting as many people as they can. I heard gunshots being fired at me which means that Jack must be here, "Hey Jack come and fight me," I said "Ok," he said. We started to fight and I was getting some really good punches on him. Jack's Pov RoPo.exe was punching me then he threw me against the wall, grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the sides. "What are you doing," I asked "You'll see Jack," he said then he kissed me. I was shocked at first but then I started to kiss back, the kiss lasted for a few minutes we pulled away when we needed air then he knocked me out. Back to RoPo.exe's Pov I knocked out Jack, I will just leave him there until I infect Tiny Turtle. I was going through a lot of locks and keys until I found Tiny Turtle and infected him, we went to where I left Jack I picked him up and carried him to the couch I placed him there and waited for him to wake up. Back to Jack's Pov I woke up to see RoPo.exe stareing at me "Oh your awake," he said then he pinned my wrists above my head "Um," I said "Let's start a new life together," he said the he started to make out with me. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donny's Pov Me and Donut were out shopping for food, we plan on having a big dinner tonight. We paid for everything as we were leaving we saw a biker gang coming towards us and they started to beat me up. Donut's Pov The biker gang was beating up Donny, I have to stop them before Donny ends up in the hospital. So I jumped on one of them and started to beat him up, the other three saw this and ran towards me I had no choice but to fight them. So I started to beat the other three up, when they were badly injured they tried to run away but the police caught them and they were arrested. I turned to Donny who was unconscious and badly beaten, I picked him up and carried him and the bags of food back to my house. I placed the bags of food on the kitchen counter then I went upstairs and placed Donny on my bed, I went to get him some bandages and an ice pack. Back to Donny's Pov I woke up in Donut's bed, I sat up in pain "Oh your awake," he said "What happened," I asked "You were beaten up by a biker gang," he replied. He walked towards me with some bandages and an ice pack, he started to bandage me up after he was done he gave me the ice pack for my head. He then went downstairs to make dinner and I stayed in bed. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donut's Pov I was so excited for today, me and Donny are going to hang out. I have so many fun things planned and I know that we were both going to have a good time, he should be here any minute. I heard a knock at the door so I went to answer it. When I opened the door I saw Donny standing there, "Hi Donut," he said "Hi Donny," I said "Are you ready to have a day of fun," he asked "Yes I got everything we need for our fun day together," I replied. Donny's Pov We headed to the mall to buy some baking supplies, we plan on making cookies later. After that we went to the ice cream shop "Hello sir what can I get you," the cashier asked "I would like to get two chocolate ice creams please," I replied. The cashier took an ice cream cone and a scooper then scooped up the chocolate ice cream and put it on top the cone, they did the same with the other one. "Here you go sir," they said "Thank you," I said then I went to the table where Donut was sitting and I gave him his ice cream. Back to Donut's Pov After me and Donny finished our ice creams we went back to my place to make cookies, after we made them we waited for them to cool and we started to eat them they were delicious. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Yandere Donut x Yandere Donny Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donut's Pov I've had a crush on Donny for a while now but he has been hanging out with Little Leah recently, I'm so jealous he should be hanging out with me. Well, I have been hanging out with Jack recently and I am on my way to his house, I need to come up with a plan to kill Little Leah. Donny's Pov I was hanging out with Little Leah, we talked for a little bit then she went to put the kettle on to make some coffee. I have a crush on Donut but he's been hanging out with Jack a lot recently and it's making me jealous, I need to come up with a plan to kill him. Since Little Leah is downstairs making coffee I pulled out my phone and call Donut, the phone rang for a few minutes and he finally answered "Hi Donny," he said "Hi Donut," I said "Why are you hanging out with Little Leah," he asked "Because you have been hanging out with Jack and I was getting jealous," I replied "Do you have a crush on me," he asked "Yes," I replied "How about you knock Little Leah out and bring her to Jack's house," he said "Ok," I said then I ended the call. Back to Donut's Pov While I was waiting for Donny to bring Little Leah to Jack's house, I decided to knock Jack out and then I dragged him to the basement. A few minutes later Donny came with Little Leah who was unconscious, when they woke up we stabbed them until they died. I was so happy that me and Donny were finally able to live a happy life together, We kissed and made out on Jack's sofa. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Yandere RoPo.exe x Jack.exe Thank you for your request @Caylie274 RoPo.exe's Pov I have a crush on Jack.exe and I will eat anyone who dares to try and take him away from me, whether they are humans or .exes. I will eat them if I have to, Jack.exe came in man he was so handsome. "Hey RoPo.exe I got a girlfriend," he said "That's great," I said "Yep and we are going on a date tonight," he said "Ok have fun," I said "I will," he said then he left. I can't believe he has a girlfriend, I will eat her and I don't care if she is a .exe Jack.exe is mine and only mine. Jack.exe's Pov I was getting ready to meet my girlfriend I even got her a black rose, after I had finished getting ready I went outside to meet my girlfriend. I found her sitting on a skeleton so I walked up to her and kissed her, we pulled away when we needed air "Here you go babe," I said as I gave her the black rose "Thank you for the black rose," she said "Your welcome babe," I said. We talked for a little bit until I needed to use the restroom. Back to RoPo.exe's Pov I was spying on Jack.exe and his girlfriend, I saw him get up and go somewhere. Now that his girlfriend was alone I snuck up behind her and started to eat her, then I went to find Jack.exe and I knocked him out then I dragged him to my basement. A few minutes later he woke up, "RoPo.exe," he said "Hey sleepyhead," I said "Why am I in the basement," he asked "Because your mine," I replied "What do you mean," he asked then I kissed him. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Yandere Donut x Donny Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donut's Pov I've had a crush on Donny for a few months now and I plan on confessing my feelings to him, the only problem is he has been hanging out with RoPo recently and I'm jealous. I need to come up with a plan to kill RoPo he is taking Donny away from me, I was snapped out of my thoughts when Donny came in "Hey Donut I'm going to hang out with RoPo," he said "Ok have fun," I said. He left with a smile on his face, I followed after him because I am going to wait until RoPo is alone and that's when I will kill him. Donny's Pov I went to the forest to meet RoPo, I saw him standing beside a tree. "Hi RoPo," I said "Hey Donny," he said "Why did you want to meet me here," I asked "Well I found a cabin and I wanted to check it out," he replied "Ok lead the way," I said. We walked for a few minutes until we finally reached the cabin and we went inside, the cabin was pretty old but nice "I'm going out for a little bit," he said "Ok," I said Back to Donut's Pov I saw RoPo coming out of the cabin, now that he was alone I can kill him. I ran up to him and stabbed him until he died and I threw his body into a lake then I washed the blood off of me. I went into the cabin and saw Donny, I walked up to him and kissed him I felt him kiss back I was so happy now I don't have to worry about anyone else taking him away from me. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donut's Pov I was heading over to Donny's place, I am taking him out on a very special date we have been in a relationship for a very long time. I knocked on the door and he answered it, "Hi Donut," he said "Hi Donny," I said "Let's go on our special date," he said "Yeah let's go," I said. He held my hand and we went to an autumn forest, we started to walk through the forest I am leading Donny to a very special place within the forest. I have gone through the pain of losing Donny a few times and I realize that I never want to lose him. Donny's Pov Donut was leading me somewhere, when we got to the place there was a blanket surrounded by candles. "Hey Donny," he said "What is it Donut," I asked "You mean so much to me and I love you so much," he replied "I love you too Donut," I said "I want to be with you for the rest of my life," he said "I want to spend the rest of my life with you too Donut," I said. We talked about our future for a few minutes until we both stood up "Donny I have something to ask you," he said "What is it," I asked then he got down one knee "Will you marry me," he asked "Yes," I replied then we kissed. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Yandere RoPo.exe x Jack.exe part two Thank you for your request @Caylie274 Jack.exe's Pov The kiss lasted for a few until we pulled for air, "Why did you kiss me," I asked "Because I love you," he replied "Ok well I have work to do," I said "Wait you can't leave me," he said "Why," I asked "Your mine," he replied "RoPo.exe I need to finish my project," I said "Fine," he said then I went to my office to finish my project. RoPo.exe's Pov I can't believe I had to let Jack.exe leave my side just so he could finish his project, I know his work is important but I don't want him to get another girlfriend. I'm going to send him some gifts of human parts and corpses because I know he will get hungry in his office and so that he doesn't need to come out and get human flesh, I went out to get some human parts and corpses. Back to Jack.exe's Pov (An hour later) I was working on my project when I heard my stomach growl, I was just about to leave my office for humans when a package slid through my door. I opened it and there was a human corpse I started to eat it but I wasn't full, then a present came through I opened it and there was a human lung so I ate that. After I ate a few human parts and corpses that someone kept on sending me, the last one was a human heart and it came with a note it said 'Did you like the gifts I sent you this final gift is to show how much I love you, lots of love RoPo.exe. So it was RoPo.exe who sent me all these gifts I was about to eat the human heart when RoPo.exe came with a kinfe, he cut the human heart in half and we ate it together. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donut's Pov I was so excited today was mine and Donny's wedding, I can't wait to marry him. I was kinda nervous though then Jack came in. "Excited for your wedding Donut," he said "Yeah I'm kinda nervous," I said "Why are you nervous," he asked "What if he says no," I replied "He won't trust me," he said "Ok," I said. Donny's Pov It was almost time for me to walk down the aisle, "Ready to walk down the aisle," RoPo asked "Yes," I replied. Me and RoPo walked down the aisle as the music started to play, I stood opposite Donut and RoPo took his seat then the priest started to speak. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Donny and Donut," he said "Before we continue is there anyone who has a reason why these two should not get married," he continued. Everyone stayed silent "Ok it seems like no one has any objections," he said. Back to Donut's Pov I was happy that no one had any objections, the priest continued to speak "Donut do you take Donny to be your lawfully wedded husband as long as you both shall live," he asked "I do," I replied "Donny do you take Donut to your lawfully wedded husband as long as you both shall live," he asked "I do," Donny replied "You may kiss the groom," he said then me and Donny kissed. Everyone was cheering and clapping then we started to party. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Leah Thank you for your request @Skygarmadon2 I used to watch Ninjago but I stopped after I watched the movie so some things might be out of place Donny's Pov I've spent fifthteen days trapped in the kryptarium prison, I have been fighting some old enemies. I was trying to find some food when the crystal zombies started to walk towards me, I pulled out my sword and started to fight them. I tried to slash them but they were too powerful and there were too many of them, eventually I was cornered then a girl with blonde hair came in and saved me. Little Leah's Pov I dragged the guy away from the crystal zombies and into a safe place, "Are you ok," I asked "Yeah," he replied "What's your name," I asked "My name is Donny," he replied "Nice to meet you Donny my name is Leah," I said "That's a pretty name," he said and I blushed "Do you want to hang out," I asked "Yeah sure," he said. Back to Donny's Pov Me and Leah started to walk through the kryptarium prison, I showed her all the crystals. "Wow the crystals are so beautiful," she said "Not as beautiful as you," I said "Are you flirting with me," she asked "Yes am I," I replied "So it's a date," she asked "If you want," I replied "Ok it's a date," she said. We were about to kiss when a crystal zombie came out of nowhere, I turned around and punched it in the face and we started to run to a safe place. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Yandere RoPo.exe x Jack.exe part three Thank you for your request @Caylie274 Jack.exe's Pov There is something wrong with RoPo.exe, he is insanely overprotective of me I know he loves me but I can never get away from him even when I have to use the bathroom he just stands outside. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard screaming it was coming from the basement so I went downstairs to check it out. RoPo.exe's Pov I was in the basement torturing humans and .exes, it was so entertaining to hear their screams. I needed to stock up on flesh, I couldn't stop thinking about Jack.exe maybe I could give him a human head to enjoy. I just don't want anyone else to take Jack.exe away from me, so I'm torturing anyone in sight human or .exe they will die. I just finished torturing all the humans and the .exe one human tried to escape but I jumped on them and chopped their head off, I threw the body into a corner then I picked up the head and took it up to Jack.exe. Back to Jack.exe's Pov I was going to the basement when RoPo.exe came right in front of me holding a human head, "RoPo.exe what are you doing," I asked "I got you this," he replied as he gave me the human head "Thank you," I said. I ate the human head it was delicious, then I walked up to RoPo.exe and gave him a hug. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donut's Pov Me and Donny were packing our things we were going on our honeymoon, "Ready to go on our honeymoon Donny," I asked "Yep," he replied. We grabbed our suitcases and went to the airport when we got there we booked a flight to Hawaii and waited for our flight to be called, a few minutes later our flight was called and we got on the plane. Donny's Pov After a few hours, we finally got to Hawaii and we went to a Hotel. We booked a room then we went to that room and unpacked our stuff, after we were done we went to the beach to party "Hey Donut do you want to dance," I asked "Sure," he replied and we started to dance. Then we went back to our room and put on our pajamas and went to sleep. Back to Donut's Pov After our honeymoon, we moved into a new bigger mansion and we were happy with our lives. "Hey Donut there's something I have been thinking about," he said "What is it babe," I asked "I was thinking about adopting a kid," he replied "Why do you want to adopt a kid," I asked "I have been thinking about raising one and I love the idea," he replied "Ok let's go to the adoption center," I said then we went to the adoption center to find a kid to adopt. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Yandere RoPo.exe x Jack.exe part four Thank you for your request @Caylie274 RoPo.exe's Pov We pulled away from our hug, "Hey Jack.exe are you hungry," I asked "Yeah I am pretty hungry," he replied "Ok let's go look for humans," I said. We went outside to look for humans to eat for dinner. Our hunger level is running low so if we don't find any humans fast enough then we will go crazy, we were holding hands to show that Jack.exe is mine I can't have another girl take him away from me. Jack.exe's Pov Mine and RoPo.exe's hunger level was running low and we were going crazy, we needed to find humans fast. When we found them there was a gang they tried to jump us but we started to rip them apart and then we started to eat them. They were tasty and we drank their blood it was delicious, "Weren't those humans delicious," I asked "Yeah they were so good," he replied. Back to RoPo.exe's Pov After me and Jack.exe finished hunting humans for dinner we went back home, we went into my room and I pinned him to the bed "Um RoPo.exe what are you doing," he asked "Shhhhh relax Jackie I got you," I replied. I started to kiss him and move my hands down to his waist, I grabbed his hoodie and pulled it off I did the same with his shirt. "Nice abs you got there," I said "Thanks," he said then we spent the rest of the night making out. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donut's Pov Me and Donny were at the adoption center, we went to the receptionist "Hi how may I help you today," she asked "Hi we are looking for a kid to adopt," I replied "Ok follow me," she said. We followed her to where the kids were, there were so many of them some were boys and some were girls. "So babe which one do you want to adopt," I asked "I think that one in the blue shirt," he replied as he pointed to a little boy "Ok," I said. Donny's Pov We walked towards the little boy "Hey little guy what's your name," I asked "My name is Brian," he replied "Hi Brian me and my husband are going to adopt you," Donut said "Ok," he said. We went to get the adoption papers, after we got them we filled them in I think Brian is a little bit nervous. "Hey Brian are you nervous," I asked "Yeah," he replied "It's ok we are nice people we won't hurt you," I replied. Back to Donut's Pov After we finished filling in the adoption papers we took Brian home, we gave him a tour of our mansion and he loved it. "Hey babe should we buy Brian some stuff," I asked "Yeah we need to provide him with some stuff if he is going to be living with us," he replied "But we need to find him a babysitter first," I said. We looked for a babysitter to look after Brian and then we went out shopping. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donut's Pov Me and Donny were in the kitchen talking about what we are going to do today, "So babe any plans for today," I asked "How about we take Brian to the playground," he replied "Good idea he can make some new friends," I said "We should introduce him to Max and Leah," he said "Yes we should but first we need to have breakfast and get ready," I said. I started to make breakfast while Donny went to get Brian, once they were both downstairs we ate breakfast and went to get ready. Donny's Pov After we got ready we went to the playground, there were a few kids there so Brian will make some friends. Me and Donut sat on a bench and watched him play, we saw Leah and Max talking to him. They asked Brian if they could be his friends and he said yes, they started to play together I was so happy that Brian made some new friends he looked so happy. He walked up to us and showed us the sand castle that they built together, "Wow guys that sand castle looks awesome," I said "Thank you," he said Back to Donut's Pov (A few hours later) We were heading home after a long day at the playground, "Did you have fun today," Donny asked "Yeah I made some new friends," Brian replied. When we got home Brian got ready for bed, whlie me and Donny watched tv. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Vampire RoPo.exe x Jack part one Thank you for your request @Caylie274 Jack's Pov I was walking around the city, there have been reports that a .exe vampire has been going around drinking people's blood and killing them. I was looking for the .exe vampire so I can kill them, I had a gun and some garlic on me just in case I get attacked by them. I was just about to get some equipment for a trap that I plan on making for the .exe vampire I heard screaming, I went to check it out when I did I saw RoPo.exe drinking a man's blood. RoPo.exe's Pov I finished drinking the man's blood it was delicious, I turned to see Jack standing there. I ran up to him and he pulled out some garlic, well garlic doesn't affect me so I pulled my gun and fired a tranquilizer at him. "Why would fire a tranquilizer at me," he asked "Because your going to be my slave," I replied then he passed out. I picked him up in my arms and carried him to my house, I placed him on the sofa and I put a blanket on him to keep him warm and I waited for him to wake up. Back to Jack's Pov (A few hours later) I woke up in a strange place, I saw RoPo.exe stareing at me. "Your finally awake sleepyhead," he said "Where am I," I asked "Your in my house," he replied "What are you going to do with me," I asked "Make you my slave," he replied A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut part one Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 I decided to mix this One-shot with Persona 4 arena ultimax (Requesting something like this is allowed) Donut's Pov Me and Donny were hanging out at Junes while we waited for the rest to arrive, "So Donny do you want to get something to eat," I asked "Yeah I am kinda hungry," he replied. We went inside and ordered our food then took it back outside, the others had arrived "Hi guys it's a beautiful day to be outside," Little Kelly said "Yep it sure is," Jack said. We started chatting until it started to rain so we all went inside and talked about what just happened. Donny's Pov (A few hours later) I was walking home while I was talking to Donut on the phone when suddenly the power went out and the call ended, I tried to turn my phone back on but it wouldn't work then I saw that fog had started to appear but it was red. I have to find Donny I hope he is ok, I ran to find Donny and I ended up running into Jack. "Jack I'm glad your safe," I said "Of course I am," he said "Have you seen Donny anywhere," I asked "That pathetic prince no haven't seen him," he replied "What Jack why would you say something like that," I asked. His eyes turned yellow "Because I'm a fake," he replied with a slightly evil voice "What are you talking about," I asked "You will just have to fight me," he replied. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Dount part two Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donut's Pov I have no choice but to fight fake Jack, "If you win you get to move on but if you lose you stay," he said "What do you mean," I asked "It's the P-1 Grand Prix," he replied. A tv appeared in front of me it turned on and a robot bear, "Who are you," I asked "I'm General Teddie," he replied "What is going on," I asked "The P-1 Grand Prix is happening and if you don't get to the tower within the hour the world will end," he said "Can we just fight already I'm so bored of waiting," fake Jack said annoyed "Ok," I said. The tv disappeared and I started to fight fake Jack. Donny's Pov I was searching for Donut, I was also fighting the fakes that appeared in my way. I saw a tower in the distance so I decided to go there, maybe Donut is there I really hope he is ok. Back to Donut's Pov After a few fights, I finally got to the tower now I just had to wait for Donny. An hour later he showed up "Donny your here," I said "Yep I'm glad your ok," he said "I have been fighting through all the fakes on my way here," I said "Same here," he said. Then a guy with red hair appeared and attacked us, we fought him until he was defeated then the world went back to normal. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 This is a Halloween special Donut's Pov Me and Donny were getting things ready for the Halloween party, we got the decorations set up and then we put the food and drinks on the table. "Hey Donny are you ready for the Halloween party," I asked "Almost I just need to put my costume on then I will be ready," he replied "Your right I will put mine on as well," I said. We both went upstairs to put our Halloween costumes on. I put on my werewolf costume and went downstairs, some of our friends had arrived I waited for Donny to come downstairs. Donny's Pov I put on my vampire costume and went downstairs, some of our friends were here. The music started to play and some people started to dance, some were eating and having a drink. "Hey guys great party you planned," Jack said "Thanks," I said "No problem," he said. Back to Donut's Pov Everyone was having a good time, RoPo was digging into the chocolate-covered marshmallows and Jack was enjoying the fizzy orange soda. After a few hours of partying everyone went home, "Hey Donny I think we should tidy up the place," I said "Yeah let's clean up," he said Back to Donny's Pov Me and Donut started to clean up the place, after we were done we went upstairs to put our pajamas on we got into bed. We cuddled each other "Goodnight Donut," I said "Goodnight Donny," he said then we fell asleep. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # RoPo.exe and Jack.exe x Caylie Thank you for your request @Caylie274 RoPo.exe's Pov Me and Jack.exe were out eating humans, we were starving and drinking their blood if we were thirsty. Then we saw a girl walk by, "Hey Jack.exe are you thinking what I'm thinking," I asked "Yeah we should kidnap her and keep her hostage," he replied. We snuck up behind the girl and knocked her out, we dragged her to our hideout and waited for her to wake up. Caylie's Pov (A few hours later) I woke up and saw two .exe stareing at me I panicked, "Relax we are not going to hurt you," the .exe in the red hoodie said "Yeah your too cute," the .exe in the black hoodie said. I was in shock that they said that they weren't going to hurt me, we decided to introduce ourselves and we talked. Jack.exe's Pov We were talking for a few minutes until mine and RoPo.exe's stomachs started to growl, "We are hungry," RoPo.exe said "Please don't eat me," Caylie said in panic "Hey shhhhh it's ok we are not going to eat you," I said in a calm tone. Me and RoPo.exe hugged her and calmed her down, "Hey RoPo.exe," I said "What is it Jack.exe," he asked "I think we should stay with Caylie for now we can eat humans later," I replied "Yeah your right we will stay with her," he said. So we stayed with her, and went to eat humans when she fell asleep. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Raven x Leo Thank you for your request @Camthecriminal Raven's Pov I was so excited to hang out with Leo today, I was just about to go out when Ramona stopped me. "Where do you think your going," she asked "To hang out with Leo," I replied "Oh no you are not," she said "Why," I asked "Because you have to help me around the castle," she replied "Fine," I said in anger. I really hate Ramona she never lets me do anything, she always wants me to help her around the castle. I need to come up with a plan to sneak out of the castle to go hang out with Leo. Leo's Pov I was waiting for Raven we planned on hanging out, but he hasn't turned up. Maybe Ramona didn't let him come over, he always has to help her around the castle. I have to help him sneak out of the castle so we can hang out, I went out to get Raven I hope that Ramona doesn't catch me. Back to Raven's Pov I had just finished helping Ramona clean the kitchen, I went upstairs to my room to relax for a bit. I was about to sit down when I heard a tip on my window so I got up to check who it was, when I looked out the window I saw Leo he must have come to help me. I opened the window and climbed out, we got down safely and we spent the day hanging out. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Kelly x Donny Thank you for your request @Skygarmadon2 Kelly's Pov Robin and sunny have been missing for two days now, me and Donny have been searching for them since. "Where could they be," I asked "I don't know we have been searching for two days," he replied. I was getting really worried about them what if someone kidnapped or killed them, I hope they are ok wherever they are. It was nighttime, and we had torches so we could see where we are going. Donny's Pov We have been searching for hours until we found a forest, "Could this be where the kids are," she asked "I don't know we should check," I replied "Ok let's go," she said. We went into the forest, we searched for a few minutes until we heard crying "Hey Kelly someone's crying," I said "It sounds like children," she said "We should go and check it out," I said "It could be Robin and sunny," she said. We followed the crying sound and what we saw was shocking, we saw that sunny's leg was in a bear trap. "Oh no sunny how did this happen," Kelly asked "We heard something rattling in the bushes so we ran as fast as we could and sunny's leg got stuck in a bear trap," Robin replied. Back to Kelly's Pov Me and Donny pulled the bear trap open and I picked up sunny and Donny picked up Robin, we went out of the forest and went the hospital to get sunny's leg healed. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donut's Pov I was really bored today, I decided to call Donny and see what he was up to. I pulled out my phone and called Donny, it rang for a few minutes then he picked up "Hey Donut," he said "Hey Donny," I said "What are you up to," he asked "I'm bored so I wanted to see what you were up to," I replied "Well I'm heading to the gym if you want to come," he said "Ok I will bring my gym equipment and I will meet you there," I said "Ok see you there," he said. Donny's Pov I ended the call with Donut and I went to the gym, an hour later he arrived and we went into the gym together. We first went on the treadmills, we got a good run until we needed a break so we stopped. After our break we decided to lift some weights, "Hey Donut doesn't it feel good to go to the gym and get some exercise," I asked "Yep," he replied. Back to Donut's Pov Me and Donny decided to use the step-ups "Getting a good workout over there Donny," I asked "Yeah we should have another break after this," he replied. After a few minutes we had another break, we had a drink of water and are our snacks. We went back to working out until we decided to stop for the day, we grabbed our gym equipment and went home. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # RoPo.exe and Jack.exe x Caylie part two Thank you for your request @Caylie274 Caylie's Pov (Two hours later) I woke up from my nap, I sat up and saw RoPo.exe and Jack.exe stareing at me. "Hi sweetie glad your awake," RoPo.exe said "Ok I'm just going to go out for a walk," I said "Wait," Jack.exe said "What is it," I asked "We are coming with you," RoPo.exe replied "Ok," I said. We went outside for a walk around the city, as soon as we saw some humans RoPo.exe and Jack.exe ran towards them grabbed them and started to eat them. RoPo.exe's Pov Me and Jack.exe just finished eating the humans that we saw, we were still hungry though so we continued to walk until we saw Kyler.exe. "Hey Kyler.exe," I said "Hi RoPo.exe," he said "What are you doing," he asked "We are just going for a walk," I replied "What are you doing," Jack.exe asked "I'm just looking for humans," he replied "Oh me and Jack.exe are also looking for humans we are hungry," I said "May I talk to Caylie for a little bit," he asked "Sure bring her back at about 5pm," I replied. Kyler.exe's Pov Caylie came with me and we talked, I noticed that some .exes were stareing at us. I growled at them and Caylie hid behind me, "Caylie stay behind me," I said "Ok," she said. One .exe walked towards us and I kicked them to the ground, then they got up and ran away. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donut's Pov Me and Donny just got to his place after our day of fun, we were having a sleepover so I brought my stuff over. After we put on our pajamas we went to brush our teeth, then we went to his bedroom. I placed down my sleeping bag, when we made ourselves comfy we fell asleep. Donny's Pov (In the nightmare) I woke up and noticed I was tied to a chair, I saw Donut walk towards me. "Hey Donut," I said "Hey Donny," he said "Can you untie me," I asked "No," he replied "Why," I asked "Because I don't like you," he replied then he kicked the chair and I fell into a hole. A few minutes later I woke up in Jonathan's castle, what am I having another nightmare then I saw Jonathan coming towards me with a knife in his hand. I backed away until I was cornered then he raised the knife and stabbed me in the heart and everything went black, I woke up to see that all of the Little Club were beating me up with weapons. Before I could say anything I was hit on the head with a bat, and everything went black I kept having more nightmares after that. Back to Donut's Pov (An hour later) I woke up hearing Donny screaming and crying, I got out of my sleeping bag and went up to him. "Donny what's wrong," I asked "I've been having so many horrible nightmares," he replied. I decided to help him through all of the nightmares he had been having, after I helped him get through them we went back to sleep. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Vampire RoPo.exe x Jack part two Thank you for your request @luckiruswashere Jack's Pov "Wait you are going to make me your slave," I asked in shock "That's right now get up and start working," he replied "Ok but what do you want me to do," I asked "I have a list of things for you to do if these are not done by the end of the day you will be punished," he replied as he handed me the list. I had a look at the list there was a lot of things on it, I grabbed a broom and started to sweep. RoPo.exe's Pov I went outside even though it was daytime, sunlight doesn't affect me so I don't have to worry about getting burnt. I was hungry so I decided to go to a dark place and wait for someone to come, I like to hide in dark places when it's daytime it makes it easier for me to catch people without getting caught. I am one of the most powerful vampires so normal things that would kill a vampire can't kill me, I can kill anyone at any time I wanted. A few minutes later a guy walked by so I jumped on him and started to suck his blood, I looked up and saw a group of people and I did the same to them. Jack's Pov I was trying to do all the things on the list that RoPo.exe gave, if I don't get these done by the end of the day I will will be punished and I don't want to know what type of punishment he will give me. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Vampire RoPo.exe x Jack part three Thank you for your request @Caylie274 Jack's Pov (A few hours later) It was nighttime and I had just finished doing all the things on the list, I sat down on the couch and decided to relax before RoPo.exe came home. RoPo.exe's Pov I was returning home after eating so many humans, I opened the door to see that Jack was sleeping on the couch. I saw the list on the ground so I picked it up and I had a look at it, they were alot of things crossed out which meant that he had done it. As I was looking through them I realized that one wasn't crossed out, he hasn't done that one. Since he hasn't done one of them I have to punish him, and I know just the punishment to give him. Back to Jack's Pov I woke up to RoPo.exe shaking me, "Hi RoPo.exe," I said "Hey Jack you didn't do one of the things that was on the list," he said "What do you mean," I asked. He showed me the list and I saw what he meant, "Sorry but I have to punish you," he said. He climbed on top of me and started to kiss me, "What are you doing," I asked "This is your punishment," he replied "Ok kiss me," I said "If you insist," he said. He kissed me again and we spent the night having fun together even if it was my punishment. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donut's Pov Me and Donny were sitting on the couch watching tv, we were deciding what to watch when I heard my phone ringing so I picked it up and answered it. "Hello," I said "Hello this is Baby Leah's teacher," a woman said "Ok did something happen," I asked "Well Baby Leah had gotten sick during class and she is now in the nurses office," she replied "Ok me and Donny will head to the school to pick her up," I said then I ended the call. Donny's Pov "Who was on the phone," I asked "It was Baby Leah's teacher," he replied "Did something happen," I asked in shock "Baby Leah got sick during class," he replied "Let's go to the school to pick her up," I said. We got into Donut's car and drove to the school, when we got to the school the receptionist showed us to the nurse's office. When we got to the nurse's office Baby Leah was sleeping on the couch "Hi Donut and Donny," the nurse said "Hi nurse," I said "Do you want to take Baby Leah home," she asked "Yeah it would be best," I replied. I picked up Baby Leah and we went back home we went upstairs and put Baby Leah to bed and made sure that she was comfy, I stayed by her side me and Donut helped her get better. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Yandere RoPo.exe and Jack.exe part five Thank you for your request @Caylie274 Jack.exe's Pov It's been two days since all that crazy stuff happened, the cold weather just hit and I was really cold. I grabbed a hat, an extra hoodie, a scarf and a few blankets but I was still cold I guess the weather was colder than I thought. RoPo.exe's Pov I just go back from hunting humans, me and Jack.exe we're needing to stock up for the winter coming and it was a good thing I went out hunting because I don't want someone else to try and take him away from me. After I finished putting all the flesh and body parts in the fridge I went upstairs to see Jack.exe wrapped in a lot of clothing and a few blankets "Hey babe why are shivering your wrapped up in a lot of clothing and a few blankets," I asked "Well RoPo.exe I was really cold and I needed to warm myself up but I'm still cold," he replied "Aww baby let me help," I said. Back to Jack.exe's Pov RoPo.exe started to walk towards me, "Umm babe what are you doing," I asked "Shhhhh just let me warm you up," he replied. He took off the blankets and wrapped his arms around me, he came a lot closer and I was starting to feel a lot warmer now that he was here. "I went out hunting so now we have enough human flesh and blood to last us the whole winter," he said. Good thing RoPo.exe went out hunting we needed human flesh for the winter, I stayed in his arms until I fell asleep. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Rapper Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 This One-shot is mixed with FNF (Friday Night Funkin') Donut's Pov I woke up in a strange place, I looked to see that Donny had just woken up. "Hey Donut where are we," he asked "I don't know the last thing I remember was that we jumped into a portal," I replied "Beep bo bop," we heard someone say. We looked up to see a short blue haired boy holding a microphone and a girl with brown hair and a red outfit sitting on the speakers. Donny's Pov "You both are finally awake," she said "Who are you guys," I asked "My name is Girlfriend and this is Boyfriend," she replied "Nice to meet you," Donut said "Beep bo bop beep beep bo bop," Boyfriend said "What," I asked with confusion "He wants to have a rap battle with you," Girlfriend replied "Well I am known for being a rapper so I guess I can have a rap battle with you," I said. Back to Donut's Pov I got on speaker and sat beside Girlfriend while Donny and Boyfriend got ready to have a rap battle, the song they were singing was prey. The song started to play and Donny started to sing, then Boyfriend started to sing and I decided to join in part way through the song. After the song was over a portal opened and we waved goodbye to Boyfriend and Girlfriend "Let's do this again sometime," Boyfriend said "Yeah," I said. We went through the portal and went back home, I was surprised that Boyfriend can talk because he was saying beep bo bop before we started singing. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Yandere RoPo.exe x Jack.exe part six Thank you for your request @Caylie274 RoPo.exe's Pov Four days have passed and I have been going out and my love has started to go insane, I've also been killing people and feeding Jack.exe. I decided to go back outside and kill more people. Jack.exe's Pov RoPo.exe has gone insane recently he has been feeding me humans, he won't let me go outside because he doesn't want anyone else to take me away from him. I know he loves me but he is really overprotective of me, I think his obsession with me has gotten out of hand but I don't mind I still love him. Back to RoPo.exe's Pov (an hour later) I went back home carrying the corpses of children to my room, I threw the corpses on the floor and started to eat them. As I was about to eat the second one I heard my door open a little bit, I looked to see that Jack.exe was peeking through the door. "Hey Jack.exe what are you doing," I asked "I just wanted to see what you were up to," he replied. Back to Jack.exe's Pov "Well I was just eating the corpses of children," he said "Oh can I join," I asked "Wait you don't mind," he replied "No I don't mind you eating the corpses of children I only wanted to join you," I said "Ok you can join me," he said. We started to eat the corpses of children, and he gave me a heart. A/N One-shot done Anyone else have a request? # Donny x Donut Thank you for your request @Adelamora3 Donut's Pov I have been sick for the past few days, I haven't been able to do much and Donny has been looking after me. "Hey Donut I just came in to check your temperature," he said "Ok," I said. He walked towards me and checked my temperature, "What are the results," I asked "Your fever hasn't gone down," he replied "Not even a little bit," I asked "Nope," he replied "If I don't get better soon I might have to go to the hospital," I said "Yeah just rest up for now and I will bring you some food and water," he said. Donny's Pov I went downstairs to get Donut some food and water, then I went back upstairs to give them to him. "How are you feeling," I asked "I'm starting to feel a little bit better," he replied "That's good to hear," I said "I will eat the food and go back to sleep," he said. I went back downstairs to watch some tv. Back to Donut's Pov (A month later) It's been a month and I have recovered with Donny's help, I now feel a lot better. Me and Donny decided to hang out for the day, we went to the ice cream shop to get some ice cream. We both got chocolate and after that we decided to do a bit of shopping, and we went home and Donny stay over for a bit before he went home. A/N One-shot done # Why This Book Is Discontinued Sorry Superfans but this book is discontinued here's why. 1. I have lost motivation 2. It's hard trying to come up with new ideas, I'm just doing the same thing over and over again 3. I have been dealing with a lot of drama on YouTube, so I find it hard to make this due to toxic users putting me in a bad mood. 4. I'm focusing more on my YouTube content and my personal life. I hope you all understand
to rebuild a broken heart (observer x reader)
*this book is cringe and I have no reason for it, ps. I'm still working on the book just need a break.* (Book four) The observer had taken (Y/n) in, not because habit was now on the hunt for her but to make her fall for him. She hadn't known but he had his eyes on her for a while now.
[ "fluff", "lemon", "observer", "observerxreader", "observerxreadersmutt", "slenderverse", "slenderverseobserver", "slenderversexreader", "smutt", "tribetwelve", "tribetwelveobserver", "tribetwelvesmutt", "tribetwelvexreader", "xreader" ]
[ "day one", "scrambled egg", "alone", "the announcement", "wake up", "the meeting", "the meet up", "the ceremony", "home", "Update" ]
[ "You sat on the couch while observer talked to someone in the kitchen, you were afraid to move. You were used to Habits rules, you were afraid he would leave you. The person in the kitchen got up and left the room, giving you a small nod before they left.\n\n\" Why aren't you doing anything, you can do stuff here no need for my word,\" he said with a smile as he sat next to you.\n\n\" oh,\" you said as you looked down and smiled slightly. \"I'm just used to sitting and doing nothing,\" you looked away embarrassed.\n\n\" I'm not going to hurt you, I promise,\" he said as he looked at you with a smile.\n\nHe sighed and turned off the shadow form, he smiled and relaxed.\n\n\" do you want me to get you a book or something, till you get used to this new life,\" he said with a smile.\n\nYou looked at him and nodded, he chuckled and stood up. He walked to the bookshelf and grabbed a book, he smiled as he walked back to you and handed you the book. You smiled as you grabbed it from him and opened it to the first page.\n\n\"Thank you,\" you said with a small smile.\n\nHe nodded and sat down next to you, you began to read while he grabbed a few papers next to him and began to fill them out.\n\n\" What's that,\" you asked as you looked up from your book.\n\n\" Just work I have to finish,\" he said as he looked at you.\n\nYou nodded and went back to reading, not wanting to get in his way. You were afraid he would lash out if you got in his way, yet you knew you were being silly but the thought wouldn't leave your mind.\n\n\" Are you alright,\" he asked as he looked back at you.\n\n\" I'm fine just not used to this life,\" you said as you kept your eyes on the book.\n\nHe nodded and put his hand on your shoulder, you smiled as you calmed down.\n\n\" If you want you can read in the bedroom till you feel safe, I won't blame you,\" he said with a small smile.\n\nYou nodded. He smiled and stood up, you stood up and followed him. He opened the door and you both entered the darkroom, he flipped the light sending the darkroom into a well-lit one. You sat on the bed while he left the room, leaving the door open. you smiled as you began to read the book, it was actually calming. you hadn't felt like this in years, you sighed as you flipped the page. Though you were just glad you found something that would calm you down, yet you didn't want to read fast as you were afraid there were limited books in the house. And with habit out on the lose you feared that what in the house was the only thing you could read. You flipped the page before looking up, you glanced at the door before looking back at your book. You closed the book and lied down, you would take a small nap.", "\"(Y/n),\" a voice said softly.\n\nYou shifted in your sleep, you felt warm and didn't want to wake up.\n\n\" (Y/n),\" the voice said again.\n\n\" What,\" you muttered under your breath.\n\n\" It's morning, time for you to get something to eat,\" The voice said again.\n\nYou opened your eyes and looked around, you smiled as you remembered where you were. You looked at the male next to you, he smiled at you as he helped you out of the bed.\n\n\" Did you sleep good,\" he asked.\n\n\" Yeah,\" you said before yawning.\n\nHe smiled as he handed you your eggs, you smiled and sat down.\n\n\" Glad you slept good,\" he said as he sat next to you.\n\n\" Thanks,\" you said before eating.\n\nHe nodded as he started to fill out his worksheets, you kept eating not wanting to bother him.\n\n\" So any dreams,\" he asked as he looked at you.\n\n\" Not to my knowledge,\" you said as you looked at him.\n\nHe nodded and went back to his work, the room fell silent not a word spoken. You went back to eating, nothing else was said for a few more minutes.\n\n\" So how is it here,\" he asked worried you didn't want to be here.\n\n\" It's nice,\" You said before looking at your plate. \" Can I see my kid,\" you asked calmly.\n\n\" You don't have to ask, they're in the other room next to the bathroom,\" he said as he pointed to the hall.\n\nYou nodded and stood up and walked to the room, you stopped at the door before pushing it open. You smiled as you saw them asleep in their crib, you walked to them and sat next to their crib. They looked so peaceful, you smiled as you watched them. You wished they could have had a better life, instead, she got a troubled life. she was only a year old almost two. You felt like a terrible mother, how could you have done this to her. You were supposed to protect her from this life, you sighed and looked at the door. You jumped up and ran to the bathroom, you hovered over the toilet and vomited. Observer stood up and walked to the bathroom, he was worried.\n\n\" Are you alright,\" he asked as he stood next to you.\n\n\" I don't know,\" you said as you looked at him.\n\n\" I might have undercooked the eggs, sorry about that,\" he said as he handed you the toilet paper.\n\n\" It's alright,\" you said as you wiped your mouth.\n\nFlushing the Toilet, you left the room and walked back into your baby room. You sat down and began to watch her, you sighed as your head spun. Something was happening and it wasn't the scrambled eggs.\n\n", "Days had passed and you and your child had fully gotten used to the new life, Your relationship with Observer had gotten better. Yet it was still tense, he didn't blame you as he knew where you have been.\nYou sighed as you held your child as you sat on the couch, she was currently having a fuss over the book you were reading. You were alone and had nothing else to do, observer didn't want you out of the house till the habit problem was solved. You feared you would be here forever, yet it was better than being stuck with habit. You felt safer and your body had time to rest, you sighed as your child pulled the book out of your hand. You sighed as you picked the book back up and set it on the couch, you stood up and carried her to the crib. You set her down and left the room, you put the book away and grabbed another book. You sat down and began to read, yet the dizziness made it hard to focus on the words. You wondered if you were pregnant, you wouldn't doubt it your previous relationship was unprotected. You sighed as you looked away from the book and at the front door, you closed the book and put it away. You headed to the bedroom, you lied down on the bed and turned off the lights. You lied in the dark as you placed your hand on your stomach, you wondered if it was a good idea to keep the kid. You sighed as you decide to keep it, the child had never done anything to you it wasn't even born yet. It could just be a small flu that was passing, yet you just had a feeling it wasn't. You sighed and closed your eyes, falling into a deep sleep. Observer, on the other hand, was with the council, they were talking about the big problem at hand. Habit was looking around for you, and observer had a feeling it would end well if they didn't stop it. He sighed as the council gave out ideas which were pretty shitty and mostly to fail, but they were still ideas. Better than nothing.", "You graze the words in the book, it was your second time reading it. You sighed in announcing, you did fancy this. Book but this was the third book out of ten, you had no idea how the main character got her or why their life was a mess and you had no idea what was after that last page as it was on a dame cliffhanger. You despise people that did that, you put the book down knowing full well you would throw it. You had read every single book, which wasn't a lot as there were only seven books that were meant for adults, and the five other books were for toddlers. You stood up and put the book away and lied on the couch, your head hurt like hell, and you had the throbbing feeling in the back of your thought. You looked at the door, observer hadn't shown in a few days. You knew he was busy yet it felt empty in here without him comforting you, glancing at the door. You stood up and walked to your child's room, looking on to see them asleep. They looked happy and plumper than they did at his house, you sighed as clutched your stomach in pain. You would tell him about the pains and the feeling of being pregnant, you knew he wouldn't be mad. He was happy to have your daughter around, you smiled as you sat back on the couch and let out a sigh. You lied down and closed your eyes, maybe if you went to sleep he would be there when you woke up. You opened your eyes to find yourself in a dark room with a familiar voice whispering to you, you felt sick as you figure out who it belongs to.\n\n\" Come here my dear rabbit, come back to your master. I won't be mad if you come back, I lashed out and I'm sorry,\" you backed up trying to avoid the voice.\n\nYou knew he was bluffing you could hear it in his voice, how it was low and demonic. You looked around to see no exit, yet the voice got louder and louder to it was next to your ear. You let out a scream as you jolted awake.\n\n\" (Y/n)/ are you alright,\" observer asked as he closed the door behind him and ran to you.\n\n\" Sorry, just a nightmare,\" you said as you rubbed your eyes.\n\nHe nodded and sat next to you.\n\n\" Sorry that I was keeping you alone, just had some problems that still need fixing,\" he said as he looked at you with a smile.\n\n\" I'm pregnant,\" you said as you looked at him with sad eyes.\n\nHis eyes held emotions, none of them were anger. But instead was happiness, worry, and sadness, he knew who the father was and he feared that this would drive habit up the wall to the point of breaking the truce they had.\n\n\" It's alright I'm here, though if you want to have an abortion I won't stop you,\" he said as he held your hand.\n\nYou nodded and snuggled close to him, he smiled as he held you close till you passed out. He sighed as he looked at the door, now he really needed to get rid of him. The new plan was now out of the question, they would not let habit roam while you were pregnant. Though they could lock him in an item and put him in a dibbit box, though how would they do it. They knew he was unpredictable and fucking phychotic to the point that his own boss wouldn't fuck with him, he sighed as he knew those two used to be good friends till one of them betrayed the other person. He couldn't pick sides as he knew his boss wasn't loyal himself, but neither was habit.", "It was quiet and observer smiled as he looked at you as you lied on him, your head on his chest. He still felt butterfly's in his stomach, you were too cute. He chuckled as he pet your hair, you snuggled close causing him to grunt. If you kept moving he would have to move you off him, he didn't want his member to poke you while you slept. He was worried about how you would react, he didn't want to trigger anything. He sighed as he continued to pet you, you looked so happy. He sighed as he cupped your sleeping face, he would do anything to keep you safe. He looked around his house, it was kinda tasteless like he just moved shit in and left it there. He looked back at you, he smiled as you slowly opened your eyes. You let out a yawn and stretch, observer covered his mouth to stop a moan. You sat up and looked around, guess you fell asleep on the couch.\n\n\"Hey,\" you said with a smile as he nodded slightly.\n\n\"Hi,\" he responded as he sat in a better position to hide his boner.\n\nYou looked at him and raised a brow, he smiled sheepishly as he let out a small chuckle.\n\n\"What's wrong,\" you asked as you leaned close to him, stopping inches from his face.\n\nHe took a big swallow as his face flushed, you chuckled as you kissed his cheek.\n\n\"You're cute you know that,\" you said as he smiled. \"But seriously what's wrong,\" you asked as you placed a hand on his thigh.\n\n\" Umm, I have a boner and I didn't want to upset you, knowing your past and all,\" he said as he looked away.\n\nYou smiled as you cupped his face and turned him to look at you, your faces inches from each other. You pulled him into a soft kiss, he smiled before kissing back. You wrapped your arms around his neck, his hands moved to your back. You pulled away and took in a few deep breaths, you pulled him back into a kiss. Observer licked your lips asking for entrance, you opened your mouth allowing him excess. He slid your tongue in swirling his tongue around your mouth, you jokingly moved your tongue against his. He pulled away with his tongue out, saliva sliding off each other tongues. He smiled and went back into the kiss, his tongue dancing around yours. You smiled as you pulled away, the both of you huffing as you stared at each other. His smile disappeared as he looked away, he looked back as he grabbed your hand.\n\n\" you know you don't have to rush things, take your time, I'll wait till your ready,' he said with a smile.\n\nYou nodded and kissed his cheeks.\n\n\" Thanks,\" you said with a small smile.\n\nHe nodded as he let go of your hand.\n\n\" I'm gonna make breakfast,\" he said as he stood up.\n\nYou sat right on the couch as his words repeated in your head, no of your partners had said that before. You smiled slightly, you weren't ready for that. You needed to heal from your two previous partners, they had a negative effect on you. Observer came back into the room with a bowl of cereal, he handed it to you able fore sit down. You began to eat, and he began to scheme. He looked at you and smiled, anything thing for you. You smiled at him and went back to eating, he chuckled as he began to think of the plan. You needed to avoid this no matter what, he couldn't have you go back to him.\n\n\" I'm gonna go meet up with my work buddies,\" he said using simple words that you would understand, he didn't need you to look in the dictionary again to understand him.\n\nYou nodded as you stuffed your mouth full, he smiled and walked out sealing the door shut behind him. He sighed as he stood in an endless dock, he usually found this area fun as he could chase Noah. But right now he was being harassed by his future self and his other opposite, he couldn't think of his name. He believed it was shadowban or something else, he didn't care at the moment. He began to walk to one of the trees, its eyes jerking in his direction.\n\n\" I need out,\" he said as black slim dripped from the red sky. He smiled as the slim took shape of a door and harden, instantly becoming what he wanted it to be. He walked out, heading to the meeting in his boss another world. He sighed hoping the nazi was going to attend, he was getting annoyed being called a slur for having a colored host.", "Observer sighed, everyone was there including the nazi who had his arms crossed. God, it was his unlucky day, he sat down next to Mr.scar who was picking at his old wounds. He didn't mind him, even though he wasn't loyal to anyone here but he was the nicest and most understanding unless it was the lady next to him. He knew why he hated her, he also felt the same way towards her. She was the worst and tried to be the leader of the group, he groaned as he began to speak.\n\n\"How're your leftovers,\" deadhead spoke as he glanced at observer.\n\nEveryone looked at him shocked but quickly looked away, observer rolled his eyes and looked at Mr.Scars who smiled slightly.\n\n\" Just ignore him he's just upset he lost something on his last job,\" Observer nodded and looked down.\n\nThe sound of someone standing up caught everyone's attention, observer groaned as swain pranced towards him. He knew what was coming and honestly, he wasn't in the mood for his sex conversation and or jokes. He had too much on his mind and was at his limits, he stopped next to him his mask held that smile.\n\n\" soooo I heard you got a new friend,\" he said as he leaned on the table.\n\n\" Not today, I'm not in a good mood right now,\" he spoke as swain nodded and stood up.\n\n\" Alright, maybe another time,\" he said as he looked around.\n\n\" God your such a pain, go back to your chair,\" deadhead spoke as he glared at the masked male.\n\n\" no need to be hostile, I was heading to it anyways,\" he explained.\n\n\" not fast enough,\" the skull-masked man hissed.\n\n\"you're just mad that you're single and observer has someone to hold at night,\" Swain sang getting most people to snicker.\n\nObserver held in a laugh knowing he would hear it from deadhead or cross. Deadhead stood up flipping his chair back as everyone looked at him, a few were ready to stop a fight.\n\n\" I am sick of your Sex jokes and comments you adult child,\" deadhead hissed as Swain chuckled.\n\n\" Are you mad because your a virgin or something?\" he said as he put his hand to the mask mouth to single a petty laugh.\n\n\" You motherfucker,\" deadhead hissed as he jumped on the table and leaped towards him.\n\nObserver and MR. Scare grabbed him before he could touch Swain, Swain backed up as he made a tsk sound as he waved his finger to show disapproval.\n\n\" That's not nice, you should use your words next time,\" he said before going back to his seat.\n\nObserver and MR. Scare let go of deadhead and sat down as the masked man walked back to his seat huffing in anger.\n\n\" Anyways before we were interrupted so rudely,\" observer said as he looked at deadhead who flipped him off. \" We need to rid of Habit for as long as possible, I care if it's only a year or two It'll give us time to find a longer trap,\" Observer said as he looked around.\n\nThey agreed Habit had to go, yet the reason behind it made a few feel annoyed and felt like observer was being unprofessional. Though a few thought it was romantic, deadhead was the only one who felt the girl should be thrown back to Habit. He believed she didn't learn her lesson, plus it would be better for the group to rid of suck weakness. He kept those opinions to himself as he knew he would be deck by most people in this room.\n\n\" We could do the same thing we did twenty-seven years ago and lock him into a babies body again, though it would take about five years for him to get out but it would give us enough time to find a permanent solution,\" deadhead said as he looked around the table.\n\nSwain looked down knowing it was the only way, he hated it the first time they did it. They caused a baby to fuse their soul with Habit almost destroying the soul, he sighed and looked back up to see everyone looking at him. He was the only one who knew how to do it, he nodded and looked down again in shame.\n\n\" it's for the best, just find a baby who has brain damage. It'll be the safest way for everyone including the baby,\" he spoke as he stood up and left.\n\nDeadhead rolled his eyes.\n\n\" I see you're afraid of this,\" he chuckled as Swain looked at him.\n\n\" No, I just won't make the same mistake again. We shouldn't have put Habit in Evan, we gave him a permanent body and made him stronger and more dangerous,\" everyone looked at him before looking away.\n\n\" it's settled, MR. Scare you'll find the perfect baby for this,\" observer said as he stood up and left.\n\nHe sighed as he took a step in the red world as he walked on the docks, he wondered if this was the right choice. Small ticking sounds followed him yet he ignored them, he stopped and took a deep breath in. A small pitch on his shoulder made him grab the area and pulled whatever cause it, he watched as the spider was ripped off its web. It hissed as it hit the ground and backed up as its front legs raised high. He pointed to the lookout as it crawled away, he began to walk to one of the many doors that led to a black world that held many keys that only followed the person in it. He pulled the door open and walked into his house, he smiled as he saw you asleep. He closed the door and locked it, he picked you up and carried you to the bed, and layer you down. He snuggled close to you as he closed his eyes. Guilt filled his mind, he sighed as he held you close. He hoped he did the right thing.", "You glanced at the door, observer was gone he left with his head down in a slightly sad toon. You never seen him like that, he looked disgusted with himself like he was going to do something he was regretting. You sighed and rocked your daughter in your arms as she cried, she seemed to know what was happening. You stood up and walked to the bedroom, placing her in the crib, and tucked her in. You sat next to her and waited for her to calm down, she hadn't she just cried and cried as if they were hurt. You stood up and picked her up, you took off their onesies and checked for marks. Nothing was there, you sighed with a smile. You were glad it was just a thought, you never trusted anyone with her. Not after you two old partners, you picked her up and brought her to the bathroom, and placed her on the counter. You began to change her diaper, the diaper was cleaned and she didn't have a rash. You began to wonder if she could sense something if she knew something you didn't, you shook your head and put a new diaper on her. You put on a new onesie, you picked her up and walked back to her room, and placed her in her crib. You sat next to the crib again, you began to hum a soft toon. She didn't let up, she just cried her voice cracking from the constant crying. Why was she crying?\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nHours before\n\nObserver opened his eyes as he looked around, he smiled as he saw you asleep on him. You looked so peaceful, he sighed as he moved you off him. He knew what he had to do, he had to meet up with the others. He slid off the bed, he went to leave but froze when he heard your voice.\n\n\"Where are you going,\" you said in a groggy voice.\n\n\"I need to get to work, they need me right now,\" he said with a weak smile.\n\nHe felt horrible for what he was going to do, how could he do this to a newborn he had thought once again. Today would haunt him for a long time, he would never forgive himself. He would never tell you, he knew how you would react. You were a mother, you would kill for your child.\n\n\" Oh ok,\" you said as you lied hack down, your eyes looking at him as he got ready.\n\nHe walked out with his head down, muttering something. But the word \"sorry,\" was all you could understand, you wonder what he had done. He walked to the baby's room and picked them up and brought them to the bathroom, he changed their diaper and put them in a onesie. He brought them back to their room and placed her back in their crib, she looked at him as he sighed.\n\n\" I'm sorry little one, I hope you never have to know my secret,\" he said as he walked out of the room.\n\nHe walked out of the house and into the red void that Noah was stuck in, he sighed as he began to walk around looking for a door. They never stayed in one place, it was more to mess with Noah, but it also was a pain in the ass when it was time to leave the place. He followed the docks, the sound of the spider crawling echoed through the void. A loud scream echoed, with the screech of the spider. The spider must have found Noah, he wasn't surprised about that. He just kept walking, he turned onto one of the dark parts of the dock. He smiled as a door was barely noticeable, he walked to it and placed a hand on it. The door opened and he walked through, his gang was there waiting for him. MR.Scar was sitting on the ground pulling grass out of the ground, cross was next to him lecturing him about him sitting wrong. Deadhead was glaring at cross, he was tired of her bullshit and how to be proper rants. Swain on the other hand was reading a book, he seemed out of it. He was quiet, he could see his facile expression even with his mask on. He didn't have a smile, his face was resting and completely numb. He didn't blame him, observer sighed and sat down next to him.\n\"How are you holding up?\" he asked as swain looked at him.\n\n\"Take a guess,\" he said softly as he looked down. \"I found a baby for our mission, the family is horrid people. Abusive, and the baby won't make it to their early teens. It was the only child that was mentally handicapped, they are high on the spectrum,\" swain said quietly as if he said it loud it would be written down for everyone to read.\n\nObserver nodded as he looked down, he felt horrible and disgusted with himself. But it had to bed done, they had to stop him as long as possible.\n\n\"Shut the fuck up,\" deadhead screamed at cross who was telling MR.Scar to cover his scars up because they were trigging her.\n\nHonestly, he would have yelled at her but he wasn't in the mood to fight with her. Cross turned to him ready to give him a piece of her mind, she looked away when he pulled out a blade. MR.Scar got up and walked away and sat next to the two males who were down in the gutter, they looked at him and gave him a sheepish smile.\n\n\"Did you find a child for our mission,\" he asked as the two males looked down. \"Ah I see, sorry for intruding on you two,\" he said as he got up and walk away.\n\nObserver sighed as he looked at his hands, if he was religious he would have prayed for forgiveness even though God had left many years ago. He had left due to this cruel world, God had made this place hell for anyone who wasn't worthy to leave.", "They left the room and quickly walked into one of the real realms, observer sighed as he picked at his shirt. He knew this would be hellish, and when Habit would get out of the host he would find a way to get back at him. He glanced at the others, they all looked disgusted with this beside Skullhead and cross who were bickering at each other like always. They walked on the line down the road as swain led the way, they stopped at a house where two adults yelling while throwing stuff in the living room. The woman was calling him a cheater and him calling her a whore, while their newborn baby cried in the bedroom alone. Swain snuck in and grabbed the baby before quickly leaving and walked to the open door and back to the room they were in, everyone began to get the room ready for the ceremony, deadhead looked at him and smiled.\n\n\"Are you ready to be chased,\" he asked knowing observer was the one to get Habit to chase him without dying.\n\nObserver sighed as he nodded and walked ttough the same door and ran to the location cross had sent Habit on for the 'Key' he was looking for, he slowed down as he listened to his surroundings hoping this would be easy.\n\n'Snap, crack, crunch, crunch, crunch,\" he jumped back as something swung at him, barely missing his neck.\n\nHe looked at the person that swung only to see Habit, his eyes a dark purple he looked rabid and unhinged. He straightened up as he wiped the foam from his mouth, a smile quickly covering his face as he pointed his knife at him. Ignoring the blood all over himself, observer didn't know if it was the host or something else, though it might have been both.\n\n\"Where's that whore you stole from me,\" Habit said with a smile, that had a mocking tone to it.\n\n\"Why do you care, you miss her or something,\" Observer sneered at Habit who chuckled.\n\n\"Nah, just wondering if she screams your name the same she did for me,\" Habit laughed as Observer caught his voice in his throat, he had to be careful with him.\n\n\"Fuck you, you bastard,\" Observer said calmly as Habit's smile disappear, not a single emotional showed on his face.\n\n\"Always fuck you,\" he said as he began to walk toward the shorter male.\n\n\"I'm gonna cut you up and send you to (Y/n) so she can see how much of a weak entity that you really are,\" he hissed as he swung his knife at him.\n\nObserver jumped back before running, he knew where to go. Though it was How fast Habit could get the knife out the tree and run was what worried him, Habit ran after him laughing as he swung his knife. Observer ran into the hidden door and into the room that had the markings everywhere, Habit soon followed after thinking he had beaten Observer at his own game once again. Yet this time he was wrong, he glared at the marking on the floor, walls, and ceiling.\n\n\"You son of a bitch,\" he hissed as observer backed up as the other began to chant. \"I'll be back and when I am, I'm coming after that fucking whore you love so much,\" he hissed before his body dropped to the floor leaving his old host to lie weakly on the floor, shaking from the strain Habit caused to his body.\n\n\"Bring the child back to its home and cross will take Evan home,\" Observer said as the other nodded.\n\nHe sighed as he quickly went home, he needed to see (Y/n) right away to see if she was ok. Even though he knew she was, it was today that messed with him.", "(Sorry for the short chapter, I'm homeless)\n\nYou sat on the couch as your eyes stared at the door to your child's room, something felt off and you didn't like being the one in the dark. Then again who did, it was something everyone dreaded.\n\n'Click,' you looked at the front door to see observer walking in, he looked distressed and out of it. His face held a look of stress and humour.\n\n\"Are you alright,\" you asked worriedly as you felt your heart race.\n\n\"Habit, I saw Habit and he chased me. Though we got him out of the picture for a bit, don't know when he'll get out but I'm fucked when he does,\" he said as he sat down on the couch.\n\nHe waited for you to ask about details yet you didn't, you grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss.\n\n\"Thank God you are alive, I can't lose you,\" you said as he smiled slightly, the stress leaving him.\n\nYou sighed as he now looked dazed from the kiss, amateur. Though you found stopped and smiled, he was so innocent yet so much like a loose canon. He looked at you and smiled, you glanced at him and blushed slightly.\n\n\"I think I'm ready,\" you said with a smile.\n\nYou smiled as he stood up and pulled you off the couch, you followed him to the room and sat on the bed dragging you with him. It was such a feeling to be seen as a person amd not as a symbol or object, the long minutes in the room was worth the trouble, the pain as he held you close with, love, lost and desire. Hands on you like a priceless object that many needed, kisses that remind you of what love was supposed to be like, how it was supposed to feel like.\n\nThe night went by and you layed next to him, a smile on your face as he hummed a soft song that you couldn't put place to. Everything felt right, it felt perfect as if you belong, like it was you home, your fate.", "Working on the story again just need a few days before it's posted" ]
Title: to rebuild a broken heart (observer x reader) Description: *this book is cringe and I have no reason for it, ps. I'm still working on the book just need a break.* (Book four) The observer had taken (Y/n) in, not because habit was now on the hunt for her but to make her fall for him. She hadn't known but he had his eyes on her for a while now. Tags: ['fluff', 'lemon', 'observer', 'observerxreader', 'observerxreadersmutt', 'slenderverse', 'slenderverseobserver', 'slenderversexreader', 'smutt', 'tribetwelve', 'tribetwelveobserver', 'tribetwelvesmutt', 'tribetwelvexreader', 'xreader']
# day one You sat on the couch while observer talked to someone in the kitchen, you were afraid to move. You were used to Habits rules, you were afraid he would leave you. The person in the kitchen got up and left the room, giving you a small nod before they left. " Why aren't you doing anything, you can do stuff here no need for my word," he said with a smile as he sat next to you. " oh," you said as you looked down and smiled slightly. "I'm just used to sitting and doing nothing," you looked away embarrassed. " I'm not going to hurt you, I promise," he said as he looked at you with a smile. He sighed and turned off the shadow form, he smiled and relaxed. " do you want me to get you a book or something, till you get used to this new life," he said with a smile. You looked at him and nodded, he chuckled and stood up. He walked to the bookshelf and grabbed a book, he smiled as he walked back to you and handed you the book. You smiled as you grabbed it from him and opened it to the first page. "Thank you," you said with a small smile. He nodded and sat down next to you, you began to read while he grabbed a few papers next to him and began to fill them out. " What's that," you asked as you looked up from your book. " Just work I have to finish," he said as he looked at you. You nodded and went back to reading, not wanting to get in his way. You were afraid he would lash out if you got in his way, yet you knew you were being silly but the thought wouldn't leave your mind. " Are you alright," he asked as he looked back at you. " I'm fine just not used to this life," you said as you kept your eyes on the book. He nodded and put his hand on your shoulder, you smiled as you calmed down. " If you want you can read in the bedroom till you feel safe, I won't blame you," he said with a small smile. You nodded. He smiled and stood up, you stood up and followed him. He opened the door and you both entered the darkroom, he flipped the light sending the darkroom into a well-lit one. You sat on the bed while he left the room, leaving the door open. you smiled as you began to read the book, it was actually calming. you hadn't felt like this in years, you sighed as you flipped the page. Though you were just glad you found something that would calm you down, yet you didn't want to read fast as you were afraid there were limited books in the house. And with habit out on the lose you feared that what in the house was the only thing you could read. You flipped the page before looking up, you glanced at the door before looking back at your book. You closed the book and lied down, you would take a small nap. # scrambled egg "(Y/n)," a voice said softly. You shifted in your sleep, you felt warm and didn't want to wake up. " (Y/n)," the voice said again. " What," you muttered under your breath. " It's morning, time for you to get something to eat," The voice said again. You opened your eyes and looked around, you smiled as you remembered where you were. You looked at the male next to you, he smiled at you as he helped you out of the bed. " Did you sleep good," he asked. " Yeah," you said before yawning. He smiled as he handed you your eggs, you smiled and sat down. " Glad you slept good," he said as he sat next to you. " Thanks," you said before eating. He nodded as he started to fill out his worksheets, you kept eating not wanting to bother him. " So any dreams," he asked as he looked at you. " Not to my knowledge," you said as you looked at him. He nodded and went back to his work, the room fell silent not a word spoken. You went back to eating, nothing else was said for a few more minutes. " So how is it here," he asked worried you didn't want to be here. " It's nice," You said before looking at your plate. " Can I see my kid," you asked calmly. " You don't have to ask, they're in the other room next to the bathroom," he said as he pointed to the hall. You nodded and stood up and walked to the room, you stopped at the door before pushing it open. You smiled as you saw them asleep in their crib, you walked to them and sat next to their crib. They looked so peaceful, you smiled as you watched them. You wished they could have had a better life, instead, she got a troubled life. she was only a year old almost two. You felt like a terrible mother, how could you have done this to her. You were supposed to protect her from this life, you sighed and looked at the door. You jumped up and ran to the bathroom, you hovered over the toilet and vomited. Observer stood up and walked to the bathroom, he was worried. " Are you alright," he asked as he stood next to you. " I don't know," you said as you looked at him. " I might have undercooked the eggs, sorry about that," he said as he handed you the toilet paper. " It's alright," you said as you wiped your mouth. Flushing the Toilet, you left the room and walked back into your baby room. You sat down and began to watch her, you sighed as your head spun. Something was happening and it wasn't the scrambled eggs. # alone Days had passed and you and your child had fully gotten used to the new life, Your relationship with Observer had gotten better. Yet it was still tense, he didn't blame you as he knew where you have been. You sighed as you held your child as you sat on the couch, she was currently having a fuss over the book you were reading. You were alone and had nothing else to do, observer didn't want you out of the house till the habit problem was solved. You feared you would be here forever, yet it was better than being stuck with habit. You felt safer and your body had time to rest, you sighed as your child pulled the book out of your hand. You sighed as you picked the book back up and set it on the couch, you stood up and carried her to the crib. You set her down and left the room, you put the book away and grabbed another book. You sat down and began to read, yet the dizziness made it hard to focus on the words. You wondered if you were pregnant, you wouldn't doubt it your previous relationship was unprotected. You sighed as you looked away from the book and at the front door, you closed the book and put it away. You headed to the bedroom, you lied down on the bed and turned off the lights. You lied in the dark as you placed your hand on your stomach, you wondered if it was a good idea to keep the kid. You sighed as you decide to keep it, the child had never done anything to you it wasn't even born yet. It could just be a small flu that was passing, yet you just had a feeling it wasn't. You sighed and closed your eyes, falling into a deep sleep. Observer, on the other hand, was with the council, they were talking about the big problem at hand. Habit was looking around for you, and observer had a feeling it would end well if they didn't stop it. He sighed as the council gave out ideas which were pretty shitty and mostly to fail, but they were still ideas. Better than nothing. # the announcement You graze the words in the book, it was your second time reading it. You sighed in announcing, you did fancy this. Book but this was the third book out of ten, you had no idea how the main character got her or why their life was a mess and you had no idea what was after that last page as it was on a dame cliffhanger. You despise people that did that, you put the book down knowing full well you would throw it. You had read every single book, which wasn't a lot as there were only seven books that were meant for adults, and the five other books were for toddlers. You stood up and put the book away and lied on the couch, your head hurt like hell, and you had the throbbing feeling in the back of your thought. You looked at the door, observer hadn't shown in a few days. You knew he was busy yet it felt empty in here without him comforting you, glancing at the door. You stood up and walked to your child's room, looking on to see them asleep. They looked happy and plumper than they did at his house, you sighed as clutched your stomach in pain. You would tell him about the pains and the feeling of being pregnant, you knew he wouldn't be mad. He was happy to have your daughter around, you smiled as you sat back on the couch and let out a sigh. You lied down and closed your eyes, maybe if you went to sleep he would be there when you woke up. You opened your eyes to find yourself in a dark room with a familiar voice whispering to you, you felt sick as you figure out who it belongs to. " Come here my dear rabbit, come back to your master. I won't be mad if you come back, I lashed out and I'm sorry," you backed up trying to avoid the voice. You knew he was bluffing you could hear it in his voice, how it was low and demonic. You looked around to see no exit, yet the voice got louder and louder to it was next to your ear. You let out a scream as you jolted awake. " (Y/n)/ are you alright," observer asked as he closed the door behind him and ran to you. " Sorry, just a nightmare," you said as you rubbed your eyes. He nodded and sat next to you. " Sorry that I was keeping you alone, just had some problems that still need fixing," he said as he looked at you with a smile. " I'm pregnant," you said as you looked at him with sad eyes. His eyes held emotions, none of them were anger. But instead was happiness, worry, and sadness, he knew who the father was and he feared that this would drive habit up the wall to the point of breaking the truce they had. " It's alright I'm here, though if you want to have an abortion I won't stop you," he said as he held your hand. You nodded and snuggled close to him, he smiled as he held you close till you passed out. He sighed as he looked at the door, now he really needed to get rid of him. The new plan was now out of the question, they would not let habit roam while you were pregnant. Though they could lock him in an item and put him in a dibbit box, though how would they do it. They knew he was unpredictable and fucking phychotic to the point that his own boss wouldn't fuck with him, he sighed as he knew those two used to be good friends till one of them betrayed the other person. He couldn't pick sides as he knew his boss wasn't loyal himself, but neither was habit. # wake up It was quiet and observer smiled as he looked at you as you lied on him, your head on his chest. He still felt butterfly's in his stomach, you were too cute. He chuckled as he pet your hair, you snuggled close causing him to grunt. If you kept moving he would have to move you off him, he didn't want his member to poke you while you slept. He was worried about how you would react, he didn't want to trigger anything. He sighed as he continued to pet you, you looked so happy. He sighed as he cupped your sleeping face, he would do anything to keep you safe. He looked around his house, it was kinda tasteless like he just moved shit in and left it there. He looked back at you, he smiled as you slowly opened your eyes. You let out a yawn and stretch, observer covered his mouth to stop a moan. You sat up and looked around, guess you fell asleep on the couch. "Hey," you said with a smile as he nodded slightly. "Hi," he responded as he sat in a better position to hide his boner. You looked at him and raised a brow, he smiled sheepishly as he let out a small chuckle. "What's wrong," you asked as you leaned close to him, stopping inches from his face. He took a big swallow as his face flushed, you chuckled as you kissed his cheek. "You're cute you know that," you said as he smiled. "But seriously what's wrong," you asked as you placed a hand on his thigh. " Umm, I have a boner and I didn't want to upset you, knowing your past and all," he said as he looked away. You smiled as you cupped his face and turned him to look at you, your faces inches from each other. You pulled him into a soft kiss, he smiled before kissing back. You wrapped your arms around his neck, his hands moved to your back. You pulled away and took in a few deep breaths, you pulled him back into a kiss. Observer licked your lips asking for entrance, you opened your mouth allowing him excess. He slid your tongue in swirling his tongue around your mouth, you jokingly moved your tongue against his. He pulled away with his tongue out, saliva sliding off each other tongues. He smiled and went back into the kiss, his tongue dancing around yours. You smiled as you pulled away, the both of you huffing as you stared at each other. His smile disappeared as he looked away, he looked back as he grabbed your hand. " you know you don't have to rush things, take your time, I'll wait till your ready,' he said with a smile. You nodded and kissed his cheeks. " Thanks," you said with a small smile. He nodded as he let go of your hand. " I'm gonna make breakfast," he said as he stood up. You sat right on the couch as his words repeated in your head, no of your partners had said that before. You smiled slightly, you weren't ready for that. You needed to heal from your two previous partners, they had a negative effect on you. Observer came back into the room with a bowl of cereal, he handed it to you able fore sit down. You began to eat, and he began to scheme. He looked at you and smiled, anything thing for you. You smiled at him and went back to eating, he chuckled as he began to think of the plan. You needed to avoid this no matter what, he couldn't have you go back to him. " I'm gonna go meet up with my work buddies," he said using simple words that you would understand, he didn't need you to look in the dictionary again to understand him. You nodded as you stuffed your mouth full, he smiled and walked out sealing the door shut behind him. He sighed as he stood in an endless dock, he usually found this area fun as he could chase Noah. But right now he was being harassed by his future self and his other opposite, he couldn't think of his name. He believed it was shadowban or something else, he didn't care at the moment. He began to walk to one of the trees, its eyes jerking in his direction. " I need out," he said as black slim dripped from the red sky. He smiled as the slim took shape of a door and harden, instantly becoming what he wanted it to be. He walked out, heading to the meeting in his boss another world. He sighed hoping the nazi was going to attend, he was getting annoyed being called a slur for having a colored host. # the meeting Observer sighed, everyone was there including the nazi who had his arms crossed. God, it was his unlucky day, he sat down next to Mr.scar who was picking at his old wounds. He didn't mind him, even though he wasn't loyal to anyone here but he was the nicest and most understanding unless it was the lady next to him. He knew why he hated her, he also felt the same way towards her. She was the worst and tried to be the leader of the group, he groaned as he began to speak. "How're your leftovers," deadhead spoke as he glanced at observer. Everyone looked at him shocked but quickly looked away, observer rolled his eyes and looked at Mr.Scars who smiled slightly. " Just ignore him he's just upset he lost something on his last job," Observer nodded and looked down. The sound of someone standing up caught everyone's attention, observer groaned as swain pranced towards him. He knew what was coming and honestly, he wasn't in the mood for his sex conversation and or jokes. He had too much on his mind and was at his limits, he stopped next to him his mask held that smile. " soooo I heard you got a new friend," he said as he leaned on the table. " Not today, I'm not in a good mood right now," he spoke as swain nodded and stood up. " Alright, maybe another time," he said as he looked around. " God your such a pain, go back to your chair," deadhead spoke as he glared at the masked male. " no need to be hostile, I was heading to it anyways," he explained. " not fast enough," the skull-masked man hissed. "you're just mad that you're single and observer has someone to hold at night," Swain sang getting most people to snicker. Observer held in a laugh knowing he would hear it from deadhead or cross. Deadhead stood up flipping his chair back as everyone looked at him, a few were ready to stop a fight. " I am sick of your Sex jokes and comments you adult child," deadhead hissed as Swain chuckled. " Are you mad because your a virgin or something?" he said as he put his hand to the mask mouth to single a petty laugh. " You motherfucker," deadhead hissed as he jumped on the table and leaped towards him. Observer and MR. Scare grabbed him before he could touch Swain, Swain backed up as he made a tsk sound as he waved his finger to show disapproval. " That's not nice, you should use your words next time," he said before going back to his seat. Observer and MR. Scare let go of deadhead and sat down as the masked man walked back to his seat huffing in anger. " Anyways before we were interrupted so rudely," observer said as he looked at deadhead who flipped him off. " We need to rid of Habit for as long as possible, I care if it's only a year or two It'll give us time to find a longer trap," Observer said as he looked around. They agreed Habit had to go, yet the reason behind it made a few feel annoyed and felt like observer was being unprofessional. Though a few thought it was romantic, deadhead was the only one who felt the girl should be thrown back to Habit. He believed she didn't learn her lesson, plus it would be better for the group to rid of suck weakness. He kept those opinions to himself as he knew he would be deck by most people in this room. " We could do the same thing we did twenty-seven years ago and lock him into a babies body again, though it would take about five years for him to get out but it would give us enough time to find a permanent solution," deadhead said as he looked around the table. Swain looked down knowing it was the only way, he hated it the first time they did it. They caused a baby to fuse their soul with Habit almost destroying the soul, he sighed and looked back up to see everyone looking at him. He was the only one who knew how to do it, he nodded and looked down again in shame. " it's for the best, just find a baby who has brain damage. It'll be the safest way for everyone including the baby," he spoke as he stood up and left. Deadhead rolled his eyes. " I see you're afraid of this," he chuckled as Swain looked at him. " No, I just won't make the same mistake again. We shouldn't have put Habit in Evan, we gave him a permanent body and made him stronger and more dangerous," everyone looked at him before looking away. " it's settled, MR. Scare you'll find the perfect baby for this," observer said as he stood up and left. He sighed as he took a step in the red world as he walked on the docks, he wondered if this was the right choice. Small ticking sounds followed him yet he ignored them, he stopped and took a deep breath in. A small pitch on his shoulder made him grab the area and pulled whatever cause it, he watched as the spider was ripped off its web. It hissed as it hit the ground and backed up as its front legs raised high. He pointed to the lookout as it crawled away, he began to walk to one of the many doors that led to a black world that held many keys that only followed the person in it. He pulled the door open and walked into his house, he smiled as he saw you asleep. He closed the door and locked it, he picked you up and carried you to the bed, and layer you down. He snuggled close to you as he closed his eyes. Guilt filled his mind, he sighed as he held you close. He hoped he did the right thing. # the meet up You glanced at the door, observer was gone he left with his head down in a slightly sad toon. You never seen him like that, he looked disgusted with himself like he was going to do something he was regretting. You sighed and rocked your daughter in your arms as she cried, she seemed to know what was happening. You stood up and walked to the bedroom, placing her in the crib, and tucked her in. You sat next to her and waited for her to calm down, she hadn't she just cried and cried as if they were hurt. You stood up and picked her up, you took off their onesies and checked for marks. Nothing was there, you sighed with a smile. You were glad it was just a thought, you never trusted anyone with her. Not after you two old partners, you picked her up and brought her to the bathroom, and placed her on the counter. You began to change her diaper, the diaper was cleaned and she didn't have a rash. You began to wonder if she could sense something if she knew something you didn't, you shook your head and put a new diaper on her. You put on a new onesie, you picked her up and walked back to her room, and placed her in her crib. You sat next to the crib again, you began to hum a soft toon. She didn't let up, she just cried her voice cracking from the constant crying. Why was she crying? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hours before Observer opened his eyes as he looked around, he smiled as he saw you asleep on him. You looked so peaceful, he sighed as he moved you off him. He knew what he had to do, he had to meet up with the others. He slid off the bed, he went to leave but froze when he heard your voice. "Where are you going," you said in a groggy voice. "I need to get to work, they need me right now," he said with a weak smile. He felt horrible for what he was going to do, how could he do this to a newborn he had thought once again. Today would haunt him for a long time, he would never forgive himself. He would never tell you, he knew how you would react. You were a mother, you would kill for your child. " Oh ok," you said as you lied hack down, your eyes looking at him as he got ready. He walked out with his head down, muttering something. But the word "sorry," was all you could understand, you wonder what he had done. He walked to the baby's room and picked them up and brought them to the bathroom, he changed their diaper and put them in a onesie. He brought them back to their room and placed her back in their crib, she looked at him as he sighed. " I'm sorry little one, I hope you never have to know my secret," he said as he walked out of the room. He walked out of the house and into the red void that Noah was stuck in, he sighed as he began to walk around looking for a door. They never stayed in one place, it was more to mess with Noah, but it also was a pain in the ass when it was time to leave the place. He followed the docks, the sound of the spider crawling echoed through the void. A loud scream echoed, with the screech of the spider. The spider must have found Noah, he wasn't surprised about that. He just kept walking, he turned onto one of the dark parts of the dock. He smiled as a door was barely noticeable, he walked to it and placed a hand on it. The door opened and he walked through, his gang was there waiting for him. MR.Scar was sitting on the ground pulling grass out of the ground, cross was next to him lecturing him about him sitting wrong. Deadhead was glaring at cross, he was tired of her bullshit and how to be proper rants. Swain on the other hand was reading a book, he seemed out of it. He was quiet, he could see his facile expression even with his mask on. He didn't have a smile, his face was resting and completely numb. He didn't blame him, observer sighed and sat down next to him. "How are you holding up?" he asked as swain looked at him. "Take a guess," he said softly as he looked down. "I found a baby for our mission, the family is horrid people. Abusive, and the baby won't make it to their early teens. It was the only child that was mentally handicapped, they are high on the spectrum," swain said quietly as if he said it loud it would be written down for everyone to read. Observer nodded as he looked down, he felt horrible and disgusted with himself. But it had to bed done, they had to stop him as long as possible. "Shut the fuck up," deadhead screamed at cross who was telling MR.Scar to cover his scars up because they were trigging her. Honestly, he would have yelled at her but he wasn't in the mood to fight with her. Cross turned to him ready to give him a piece of her mind, she looked away when he pulled out a blade. MR.Scar got up and walked away and sat next to the two males who were down in the gutter, they looked at him and gave him a sheepish smile. "Did you find a child for our mission," he asked as the two males looked down. "Ah I see, sorry for intruding on you two," he said as he got up and walk away. Observer sighed as he looked at his hands, if he was religious he would have prayed for forgiveness even though God had left many years ago. He had left due to this cruel world, God had made this place hell for anyone who wasn't worthy to leave. # the ceremony They left the room and quickly walked into one of the real realms, observer sighed as he picked at his shirt. He knew this would be hellish, and when Habit would get out of the host he would find a way to get back at him. He glanced at the others, they all looked disgusted with this beside Skullhead and cross who were bickering at each other like always. They walked on the line down the road as swain led the way, they stopped at a house where two adults yelling while throwing stuff in the living room. The woman was calling him a cheater and him calling her a whore, while their newborn baby cried in the bedroom alone. Swain snuck in and grabbed the baby before quickly leaving and walked to the open door and back to the room they were in, everyone began to get the room ready for the ceremony, deadhead looked at him and smiled. "Are you ready to be chased," he asked knowing observer was the one to get Habit to chase him without dying. Observer sighed as he nodded and walked ttough the same door and ran to the location cross had sent Habit on for the 'Key' he was looking for, he slowed down as he listened to his surroundings hoping this would be easy. 'Snap, crack, crunch, crunch, crunch," he jumped back as something swung at him, barely missing his neck. He looked at the person that swung only to see Habit, his eyes a dark purple he looked rabid and unhinged. He straightened up as he wiped the foam from his mouth, a smile quickly covering his face as he pointed his knife at him. Ignoring the blood all over himself, observer didn't know if it was the host or something else, though it might have been both. "Where's that whore you stole from me," Habit said with a smile, that had a mocking tone to it. "Why do you care, you miss her or something," Observer sneered at Habit who chuckled. "Nah, just wondering if she screams your name the same she did for me," Habit laughed as Observer caught his voice in his throat, he had to be careful with him. "Fuck you, you bastard," Observer said calmly as Habit's smile disappear, not a single emotional showed on his face. "Always fuck you," he said as he began to walk toward the shorter male. "I'm gonna cut you up and send you to (Y/n) so she can see how much of a weak entity that you really are," he hissed as he swung his knife at him. Observer jumped back before running, he knew where to go. Though it was How fast Habit could get the knife out the tree and run was what worried him, Habit ran after him laughing as he swung his knife. Observer ran into the hidden door and into the room that had the markings everywhere, Habit soon followed after thinking he had beaten Observer at his own game once again. Yet this time he was wrong, he glared at the marking on the floor, walls, and ceiling. "You son of a bitch," he hissed as observer backed up as the other began to chant. "I'll be back and when I am, I'm coming after that fucking whore you love so much," he hissed before his body dropped to the floor leaving his old host to lie weakly on the floor, shaking from the strain Habit caused to his body. "Bring the child back to its home and cross will take Evan home," Observer said as the other nodded. He sighed as he quickly went home, he needed to see (Y/n) right away to see if she was ok. Even though he knew she was, it was today that messed with him. # home (Sorry for the short chapter, I'm homeless) You sat on the couch as your eyes stared at the door to your child's room, something felt off and you didn't like being the one in the dark. Then again who did, it was something everyone dreaded. 'Click,' you looked at the front door to see observer walking in, he looked distressed and out of it. His face held a look of stress and humour. "Are you alright," you asked worriedly as you felt your heart race. "Habit, I saw Habit and he chased me. Though we got him out of the picture for a bit, don't know when he'll get out but I'm fucked when he does," he said as he sat down on the couch. He waited for you to ask about details yet you didn't, you grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss. "Thank God you are alive, I can't lose you," you said as he smiled slightly, the stress leaving him. You sighed as he now looked dazed from the kiss, amateur. Though you found stopped and smiled, he was so innocent yet so much like a loose canon. He looked at you and smiled, you glanced at him and blushed slightly. "I think I'm ready," you said with a smile. You smiled as he stood up and pulled you off the couch, you followed him to the room and sat on the bed dragging you with him. It was such a feeling to be seen as a person amd not as a symbol or object, the long minutes in the room was worth the trouble, the pain as he held you close with, love, lost and desire. Hands on you like a priceless object that many needed, kisses that remind you of what love was supposed to be like, how it was supposed to feel like. The night went by and you layed next to him, a smile on your face as he hummed a soft song that you couldn't put place to. Everything felt right, it felt perfect as if you belong, like it was you home, your fate. # Update Working on the story again just need a few days before it's posted
Pokemon Lemons
This is a book about lemons of Pokemon. This includes no humans. This will also be my more updated writing style and feel. I have became a lot more descriptive and creative over the years.
[ "lemon", "mature", "oneshots", "pokemon", "short", "shortstory" ]
[ "Suggestions and Stuff" ]
[ "Please give me some wonderful ideas of Pokèmon ships you want done! These can range a lot. I'd like some more detail too.\n\n<b><u>Allowed:</u></b>\n<b><u>• </u></b>Kinks that aren't to extreme like bodily fluids, vore, cub, or rape.\n• Any LGBBQ+ ship is allowed.\n• Can be Wild Style or Modern Style, aka it can be where Pokèmon live sort of like animals or where they have towns, cities, or schools.\n• More then two Pokèmon are allowed with a cut off of four, and you can do one if you want a self-pleasure lemon.\n• Specific Pokèmon OCs that YOU OWN, or I own.\n• Legendaries and mythicals.\n\n<b><u>Details I Would Like/Need to Have:</u></b>\n• Species of Pokèmon, duh.\n• What style (Modern/Wild).\n• Setting.\n• Scenario.\n• (Optional) Physical appearance.\n• (Optional) What kinks (I'll decide if I wanna write it or not).\n• (Optional) Personality.\n• (Optional) Clothes, if Modern Style." ]
Title: Pokemon Lemons Description: This is a book about lemons of Pokemon. This includes no humans. This will also be my more updated writing style and feel. I have became a lot more descriptive and creative over the years. Tags: ['lemon', 'mature', 'oneshots', 'pokemon', 'short', 'shortstory']
# Suggestions and Stuff Please give me some wonderful ideas of Pokèmon ships you want done! These can range a lot. I'd like some more detail too. <b><u>Allowed:</u></b> <b><u>• </u></b>Kinks that aren't to extreme like bodily fluids, vore, cub, or rape. • Any LGBBQ+ ship is allowed. • Can be Wild Style or Modern Style, aka it can be where Pokèmon live sort of like animals or where they have towns, cities, or schools. • More then two Pokèmon are allowed with a cut off of four, and you can do one if you want a self-pleasure lemon. • Specific Pokèmon OCs that YOU OWN, or I own. • Legendaries and mythicals. <b><u>Details I Would Like/Need to Have:</u></b> • Species of Pokèmon, duh. • What style (Modern/Wild). • Setting. • Scenario. • (Optional) Physical appearance. • (Optional) What kinks (I'll decide if I wanna write it or not). • (Optional) Personality. • (Optional) Clothes, if Modern Style.
Kaya Kemuri has returned to Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School.How will she assist the other senior Jujutsu Sorcerers?A destructive past is what haunts her.Seen as an indifferent person because of this.Somehow after meeting a particular person she finds herself yearning to connect. ChosoKamoxreader Chosoxreader
[ "animefanfiction", "animexreader", "choso", "chosokamoxreader", "chosoxreader", "emotional", "fanfiction", "fluff", "fluffandsmut", "jujutsukaisen", "lemon", "romance", "trauma", "xreader" ]
[ "Blind Date" ]
[ "Kaya sighed reading the text from Yuki Tsukumo.A girl she had known for a long time and that was the only person who knew her all too well was going home with someone already after being at this bar for only and hour.So Kaya wouldn't have anybody to black her up on the blind date Yuki set up.Not that she needed help she checked Yuki's next and last message of the night which read,\n\n'snagged me a hottie, have fun on your blind date and go with the flow or I will set you up with a date with Satoru Gojo.this is the guy, I trust him so just know you'll be in good hands.(sends picture of guy which is the picture for the story)'\n\nKaya's eyebrows knitted together looking at the guy's picture.She knew full well that she could trust Yuki.Meeting up with men similar to this was how Kaya attempted to socialize.None of the other dates had gone smoothly.Before Kaya could give up and settle for being alone for seemingly forever.Yuki like always convinced her that this guy would be perfect.\n\nTaking a deep breath she made her way through the crowd near the mosh pit area.Her favorite band was about to start one of the main reasons for why she was roped into the blind dates.Yuki always gifted her concert tickets.Kaya got excited dancing getting her favorite bands music.She had met the band many times and was a bit friendly with them.The lead singer stared at her pointing to encourage her have fun.She felt like comfortable with herself now forgetting about her real reason for being here.\n\nChoso POV:\n\nChoso exhaled out of pure boredom after a familiar friendly blond took a picture of him.Yuki came up standing next to him saying,\n\n\"Come on.You're already here.Not only that you like punk alternative and metal music.My friend is literally like you and she's pretty quiet too.Better than all those girls you hooked up with that won't stop blowing up your phone.I give you my word.\"\n\nChoso scratched one of his eyebrows,\n\n\"If you're sending a picture of me to her, show me a picture of her at least.Those girls won't be able to reach me now that I've got a new phone and number.\"\n\nYuki smirked,\n\n\"So you are interested in my friend?\"\n\nChoso grabbed his jacket getting ready to leave.Yuki stopped him, pulling at his shoulder to show him a picture of the mysterious person.Yuki hadn't shut up about her since he finally became a teacher/mentor at his younger brother's high school.Right as he got a good look at the picture his eyes wondered off finding that very person.\n\n\nChoso's heart did flips as he saw and remembered Yuki's description of her.Yuki puts away her phone,\n\n\"Her name is Kaya and she loves music.So seeing her like this is a rarity so be mindful of that.\"\n\nThe blond patted his shoulder smiling at how in awe he was by the way Kaya was at the center of the mosh pit.She was having fun bumping into a few people from what they could tell.Choso looked at Yuki to see her flirting with a guy that was obviously her type.After returning his focus on Kaya Yuki grabs his shoulder harshly saying,\n\n\"If you hurt her I'll kill you.\"\n\nHe sweat dropped at her menacing threat and demeanor watching her leave with the same guy.Chose slowly made his way to the mysterious person known as Kaya.As he got closer his heart steadily slowed at the sight of her up close.He almost didn't believe she was such a recluse with how she moshed and thrashed.\n\nNormal POV:\n\nKaya took a break from being in the mosh pit as the DJ started to play a few songs.She swayed to some of the music.Another favorite band she knew was setting up and Kaya waved at the lead singer.For some reason she felt eyes on her beginning to hug herself by crossing her arms over her chest.The lead singer winked at her smiling to his band mates gesturing to her they all waved at her smiling.That's when she heard a soft yet surprised sounding voice from beside her, \n\n\"You know the band that's playing?\"\n\nShe turned to look at them and there standing was the guy she was supposed to be on a blind date with.For the first time Kaya's heart pounded hard feeling exposed somehow now.The way he looked at her curiously made her body warm up.Kaya shyed giving him a quick nod as she looked away.He said realizing he shouldn't have interrupted her moment,\n\n\"My bad.Don't hold back on my account I'm not going to judge you.My name is Choso Kamo.\"\n\nKaya extended her hand just as he did.A pulse of electrifying energy rushed through their palms.They both recoiled at how it rushed throughout their bodies.Choso usually registered this kind of rush with all his hook ups so he could feed off of the high of his own orgasms.He pushed through the lustful thoughts wanting to simply behave and get to know this friend of Yuki.\n\n\nKaya felt drawn to him even though he was a stranger.Most of the time she kept away from men knowing that all of them wanted sex.Someone bumped into her and Choso caught her shoulders with his hands.The feeling of his callous yet soft hands on her exposed shoulders gave her goosebumps.He took notice thinking she was probably cold he took off his coat putting it on her.\n\n\nThe way she blushed from his action made him smile.Choso became aware that he was approaching this much differently than his other dates.Kaya found him to be very attractive and the next band started to play which was another of her favorite.She covered her mouth feeling shy,\n\n\n\"If you don't mind.\"\n\n\nChoso took his coat back watching Kaya enter the mosh pit.This time she got closer to the stage to dance.The way she jumped up and down her skirt lifted a bit to show the bits of exposed flesh through her fishnet tights.Choso held the coat at his crotch staring at her intently.She ran a hand through her hair swaying her hips meeting eyes with him.\n\n\n                                           *********\n                                             🍋🌶️\n\n\nIt wasn't entirely clear who initiated the first move.Kaya's back was pressed up against the wall of her apartment door.Choso claiming her lips with his, licking the goosebumps on her neck that were spreading downward.His hands gripped her thighs keeping her pinned.She moaned so sweetly locking the door.Choso pulled away slowly,\n\n\n\"We don't have to do this..\"\n\n\nKaya brought him back into a heated kiss.Choso tried to keep his composure the moment her hand went up to unzip her skirt and it fell to the floor.She was in a black thong under the fishnet tights.The mirror near the door revealed the curve of her ass and Choso did everything he could not to grab a good chunk of it.He groaned a bit,\n\n\n\"Look you're a really nice girl, I might even like you-I just want to do this right-\"\n\n\nKaya sucked on his tongue bringing him down the hall.She slinked her way to the living room.Choso was impressed by the chicness of her place.The couch was lowered into a rectangular area and Kaya took off her shoes coming back up slowly.Choso admired the view of her bending over.She sat on the top part of the couch which was basically the floor.\n\n\nHer purple eyes were brighter colored than his and he could feel himself getting lost in them if he kept the gaze.He looked at the artwork on the walls.Choso glanced over to see that her legs were spread.He didn't waste a second making his way over to her getting on his knees.Choso started a trail of kisses from her ankle up to her knee.\n\n\nKaya blushed feeling sensitive just from this and Choso kept from reacting cautiously.He wondered if she was easily overstimulated or if this was her first time.In his mind he huffed at the thought of this being her first time.A girl as attractive as Kaya couldn't not have a past or trail of guys that were luckily seduced by her bashful charms.\n\n\nHe continued only stopping to lick through the threads at her inner thighs and hip bone.The way her back arched gave him an opened.Choso grabbed a bit of her purple hair tugging a bit,\n\n\n\"You need something from me?\"\n\n\nKaya was in fact new to all of this and it was extremely thrilling.She didn't second guess herself about possibly hooking up with this admirably masculine man.She nodded enjoying the grip he had on her hair.His voice was husky,\n\n\n\"Something keeping you from speaking?\"\n\n\nShe remained silent, surprising him a bit.Usually women became very submissive at this point.Maybe due to their common interests Choso decided to be a bit more vanilla and gentle with her.Choso knew this person to be a friend of Yuki's and didn't want to be anything but a gentleman.He leaned in kissing her deeply waiting for what felt like forever for her to return the kiss.\n\n\nChoso loosened his grip of her hair, caressing it.He figured he should take it easy on her but he wanted to see her facial expressions for the beginning of unrelenting pleasure he was going to give her.Kaya felt him loop his fingers into the fishnet holes on the sides of her thighs.He yanked hard pulling them down to her knees.\n\n\nHe took off her tights with one hand while the index of his other hand ran up her leg to her knee.Once he was at her knee he did the same with the other leg.Choso gripped her inner thighs rubbing upward.He smiled at the small whimpers she let out.He would have to leave his number before he left knowing he would have fun breaking her much later given the opportunity.\n\n\nKaya felt his thumbs rub circles into her panties at the top where her clits was and her entrance.She bit her lip in anticipation causing it to bleed.Choso gave her a small smile,\n\n\n\"I really wish you had let me do that.\"\n\n\nChoso motioned for her to come close.Kaya sat up better feeling him cup her face running his tongue against her bottom lip.She blushed as he kissed her working towards her cheeks, neck and downward.He rubbed his thumb against her clit eyeing her breasts,\n\n\n\"If you strip I'll give you a reward.\"\n\n\nKaya layed back taking off her top revealing two beautiful voluptuous mounds still hidden by a black lacy bra.Choso smirked, undoing his tie with his free hand.He spoke softly,\n\n\n\"You can give me three commands.Suck.Lick.Kiss.There is one more but I will only tell you that if you beg.\"\n\n\nHe got comfortable on his knees unbuttoning his shirt setting it on the couch.Choso slipped off her panties liking that the material was silk tempted to keep them.Kaya blushed at how he looked her womanhood.He gave her an encouraging look so Kaya gave the first command of many to come.\n\n\n\"Kiss..\"\n\n\nChoso kept from chastising himself for this.She was going to tease him with only allowing him to kiss her sex.He would struggle with his self control as he did the command.He kissed the top of her sex then the other inches of her folds and slit.Her legs shivered as he did this and he inhaled her scent.It was intoxicating and her reactions were beautiful.\n\n\nHe opened the top a bit to plant small kisses all the way down again.When he kissed her entrance Kaya gasped out of excitement.Choso met eyes with her wishing wholeheartedly that she give a different command.Kaya repeated,\n\n\n\"Kiss.\"\n\n\nChoso kissed her entrance hastedly.He held her hips in place to keep her from writhing away.Kaya blushed at his grip sitting up saying,\n\n\n\"Kiss.\"\n\n\nHe saw how she was trying to stay in control.Her mere confidence shocked him.He didn't believe the description of this girl at all.The lust in her eyes looked foreign somehow to him.Choso watched her spread herself open at the top for him to have a better look at her clitoris.He kept eye contact giving her long kisses exactly where she wanted.\n\n\nThe way she bit her lip again as she threw her head back made him envious.Choso kissed her clit mercilessly listening to moans.He could feel that kissing her lips were soaked, he wanted so badly to lick but he resisted.Kaya stared at him smirking at his inner frustration.Her pupils were dilated, the dark pools seemed to bore into him sadistically.Any part of him that thought he had control somehow became clear that he was wrong.\n\n\nChoso stared up at her, his frustration slowly becoming obvious now as she licked her lips taunting him.Kaya could see the growing tent in his jeans, she giggled softly making his eyebrows knit together.He was about to pull away but Kaya smirked,\n\n\n\"Lick.\"\n\n\nBefore he could react she wrapped her legs around his head pulling him in.Choso plunged his tongue into her entrance humming at her deliciousness.His tongue curled into her, he didn't care that his air supply was nearly cut off.Choso licked stripes into her folds feeling her hands reach for his hair.Kaya took out the hair ties to grab a fist full of his hair.\n\n\nIt was soft and Kaya had every intention of using Choso to orgasm for the first time.She wanted the build up to be dramatic so she pulled his hair to lift his head.She smirked at how his tongue wiggled just inches away from her folds.Kaya opened the top fold exposing her clit,\n\n\n\"Lick.\"\n\n\nChoso's face turned red slightly as her eyebrows rose in anticipation.She only lowered him enough to lick that specific spot.He had never been the submissive one, never been commanded in such a way and with her reactions that came from him carrying out the demands he felt satisfied.He tried not to think about why, wanting to enjoy the moment but it was clear that Kaya was different.\n\n\nKaya had him in this position for a bit.She could feel the tense coil in her abdomen winding more and more.Choso could tell she was going to cum so he started drawing out the way he licked her clitoris.Kaya hummed as her body became rigid as waves of pleasure rushes throughout her body.Choso groaned in sexual frustration wanting to taste her juices.\n\n\nShe didn't care to comply with his whimpers.Meeting eyes with him as she chased her high only to continue orgasming from his consistent licks.Kaya moaned softly as she calmed down.Choso remained on his knees so Kaya reached for the button of his pants.He was going to speak but she pressed a finger to his lips.The look of frustration on his face amused her.\n\n\nKaya let his erection free, admiring the way it suited his body type.He was 9 inches long and was girthy.Precum had the tip wet which she touched with her palm squeezing gently.She touched her entrance making sure to soak her hand touching his member.Choso's breath caught as she stroked him slowly.Kaya undid her bra with one hand letting it fall away exposing her breasts to him.\n\n\nChoso couldn't resist the urge to drool at the sight.Kaya squatted in front of him so her nipples were close to his head.She commanded,\n\n\n\"Suck.\"\n\n\nHis mouth clasped around her left nipple.He let out small groans at how her stroking pace sped up steadily.Choso liked that her nipples were light colored like her lips.While admiring her being so close Kaya touched herself.Her soft moans and breathes hitting his forehead.He didn't expect her to pry his mouth away to replace her nipple with her slick soaked hand.Kaya smirked,\n\n\n\"Suck.\"\n\n\nChoso enclosed each finger enjoying the sweet tanginess of her juices.Kaya continued stroking him only more cruelly now, she brought her hand away from his mouth earning a little whimper of displeasure.Kaya smiled at him lustfully bringing him to the brink of his orgasm.She caught some of his cum on her tongue coming in close to say,\n\n\n\"Suck.\"\n\n\nAs degrading as it seemed Choso didn't have it in him to resist.He sucked on her tongue harshly hoping he would recover quickly to get payback.What made it worse was when Kaya lowered her head to lick up all his cum to clean him with her eyes on him the entire time.She swallowed what she could leaning in again to say,\n\n\n\"Kiss.\"\n\n\nChoso kissed her hard, not caring for the taste of his tangy semen on her lips and insides of her mouth.Kaya pulled away suddenly before he could grab ahold of her,\n\n\n\"You should be thanking me.Now you'll last longer once you've recovered.\"\n\n\nChoso's purple eyes flicked down to her womanhood,\n\n\n\"You're dangerously smart.\"\n\n\nKaya hummed at the praise,\n\n\n\"You'd be surprised.\"\n\n\nChoso said firmly,\n\n\n\"I already am.\"\n\n\nKaya matched his seriousness,\n\n\n\"You know for someone that's friends with Yuki, she never really talked about you.\" \n\n\nChoso covered his member with his boxers leaving his pants unbuttoned along with his shirt.He ran his hand through his hair rubbing his scalp since it was sore.He said,\n\n\n\"I've only had the luxury of knowing Yuki for a few months.She opened my eyes to the possibility of me becoming a better man.\"\n\n\nKaya closed her eyes crossing her legs,\n\n\n\"Yuki is a good judge of character.You must be really special if she tried setting us up.I have known her for years and she is the only one out of our acquaintances that knows me very well.\"\n\n\nChoso looks at the purple haired woman,\n\n\n\"What's your story?Yuki was far off of the description she gave me about you.She considers you as a special person in her life.I doubt I'm any better than who I was when she met me.\"\n\n\nKaya didn't care to delve into her past or life story.She asked him,\n\n\n\"How so?\"\n\n\nChoso didn't want to speak his mind but her look of intent made him cave.He answered,\n\n\n\"I usually only care to have hook ups.Because of the respect I have for Yuki I didn't want it to come to this but..\"\n\n\nThe way he met her eyes and the way the heat rushed to his cheeks made her stare at him blankly.Kaya had never been in this position of conversation ever and usually men were hesitant to speak their minds about what they wanted.She didn't care of course but she sensed that Choso was being sincere.He spoke,\n\n\n\"I think this could maybe work out between us, I just didn't want to start off like this is all.\"\n\n\nKaya said,\n\n\n\"You could have said no and didn't.At least we have good sexual chemistry.I have never felt intentionally drawn to anyone before so you are onto something possibly working out with us.\"\n\n\nChoso smiled making her blush,\n\n\n\"I'm glad you think and feel the same way.\"\n\n\nThey both stared at each other and everything escalated again.\n\n\nChoso and Kaya kissed each other without hesitation.Groping and grinding against one another.He picked her up following her directions to her room dropping her down onto the mattress.He took off his boxers and she helped him take off his shirt.Kaya giggled at how he struggled with his own shirt.He laughed softly, meeting eyes with her, taking in the sight of her naked beauty.Kaya had a bit of fear in her eyes so he kissed her cheeks,\n\n\n\"If I'm being too rough or anything just tell me and I'll stop.\"\n\n\nThe reassurance in his voice calmed her down.Kaya kissed him deeply as he got on top of her after putting on a condom.She became a bit rigid at he lowered his waist against her womanhood.Choso teased,\n\n\n\"Has it been a while for you?\"\n\n\nKaya blushed.Choso held her hands down kissing her gently as he slowly pushed the tip inside.Kaya bit her lip to keep from crying out in pain and Choso did the same as he pushed in more amazed by her tightness.She whimpered a bit causing him to stop midway.He asked,\n\n\n\"Are you okay Kaya?\"\n\n\nHe looked down to see a bit of blood.He got an unsettling feeling until Kaya mustered up the courage to wrap her legs around his waist to push him inside.Choso inhaled sharply just as she did.He gave her a moment to adjust to his size and he did his best to adjust as well.She was tighter than any woman he had hooked up with.Choso kissed her face his voice like honey,\n\n\n\"We can take this slow.Clearly this is doing a number on us both.\"\n\n\nKaya kissed him sucking on his tongue seductively.Choso did the same thing back to her trying to pull back his hips only for her to press him into her.He groaned his breathing was uneven as Kaya grinded under him.Choso held her close pumping into her slowly but the way she coaxed him to slam into her.Choso hissed in her ear,\n\n\n\"You aren't going to be able to walk if you keep that up.\"\n\n\nKaya did it again this time she orgasmed under him.Choso watched her facial expressions smirking,\n\n\n\"I'm glad I clearly have the potential to break you.\"\n\n\nShe blushes as he pumped into her harshly, not holding back.Choso kissed her his tongue exploring her mouth gaining dominance.The pace of his thrust and their breathing quickened.He grunted at the way she clamped down around him.He rasped,\n\n\n\"If you keep that up I'll bust.\"\n\n\nHe slammed into her suddenly hitting her g-spot, she arched her back his hands kneading her breasts to hold her in place as he moved his hips.He was embedded deep simply grinding into her.Kaya moaned as she orgasmed hard around him.Choso brought her nipples close to one another to suck on them.Her hourglass figure was thick in all the right places.\n\n\nChoso caressed her body thrusting into her at a steady pace.Kaya teased him from underneath by clenching around him and hugging him closer.He grunted not bothering to pull away as his thrusts seemed to stutter.He came hard as she tightened around him with her gummy walls.Kaya didn't bother trying to stand while Choso fell to the bed falling asleep.\n\n\nKaya turned to her side to look at his face.He was handsome, she couldn't help touching his face and hair.He didn't react and she brought her arm back falling asleep.\n\n\n                                           +++++++\n\n\nKaya woke up having slept peacefully, turning to see that the man she hooked up with was gone.That side of her bed was done neatly so she brought her legs over the side.Feeling sore as she stood slowly making her way to the bathroom.She got the shower ready getting doing her normal morning routine.\n\n\nShe took a shower feeling better about her soreness.She got dressed in her Sorcerer uniform.Kaya smiled at herself in the mirror hoping today would go smoothly.She went to the living room to gather up her clothes to put them up in her room.The purple haired girl could hear keys turning the door handle.Yuki came into her place with coffees and a bag of donuts.Yuki said,\n\n\n\"Good morning…\"\n\n\nKaya gave her blond friend a warm smile taking one of the coffees and taking a long sip.Yuki squinted at her suspiciously as she took a donut to eat.The blond started to say,\n\n\n\"Soooo…\"\n\n\nKaya finished the donut waiting for Yuki to ask,\n\n\n\"How did everything go with Choso?\"\n\n\nWhen Kaya didn't answer immediately Yuki put two and two together.The blond became irritated,\n\n\n\"Let me guess he left afterwards?\"\n\n\nKaya said softly,\n\n\n\"Sometime while I was asleep.I just wanted to rip the bandaid off and lose my virginity already.I felt drawn to the guy but I doubt he wants anything serious since he did leave,not only that I'm sure I hurt his male pride given how I was in control.\"\n\n\nYuki asked,\n\n\n\"Did he know you were a virgin?\"\n\n\nKaya shook her head,\n\n\n\"It never came up.Look I don't wanna bother with these blind dates and stuff anymore.\"\n\n\nYuki nods,\n\n\n\"Alright alright.I need to get going but we'll talk about this later.\"\n\n\n                                  —------------------\n\n\nChoso POV:\n\n\nHe woke up at the usual time he woke up, at 4 in the morning.It took him a moment to realize he was laying in someone else's bed and room altogether.He cautiously turned his head to see a purple haired woman laying near him.Choso tried not to look at the exposed parts of her body not covered by the blanket.He slipped off the bed quietly going to the restroom to take a wizz.\n\n\nKaya was sleeping so peacefully and quietly he felt bad for flushing the toilet.She didn't stir though so he grabbed his clothes going down the stairs.It wasn't until he had on all his clothes that he felt guilty.Choso tried to shake it off figuring that it was better to just leave it sex was something that would remain consistent between them only.He checked his phone for messages, seeing a few from Yuki which read.\n\n\n'How did everything go?I'm bringing you lunch today to talk about everything.'\n\n\nChoso was unaware that Yuki would be visiting Kaya so he didn't bother messaging back.Mostly because he felt guilty for some reason.Something about this girl Yuki knew made him feel bad for hooking up with.He sighed pulling out a cigarette as he locked her door shutting it behind him.He walked away looking up the directions to his younger brother's dorm.\n\n\n                                        +++++++\n\n\nKaya POV:\n\n\nThe female students were running their timed laps when Kaya looked at her watch to see that it was nearly lunch time.She blew through her whistle getting their attention to come back to her.The first couple girls back were Maki and Nobara.The brown haired girl wheezed,\n\n\n\"Thank goodness you called us back.I don't think I could have ran any more-\"\n\n\nMaki tried shutting her up.Kaya smiled,\n\n\n\"You had it in you to run all the way back to me so I don't think you should be so doubtful.I suppose you and the rest of the class can start all over after lunch.\"\n\n\nNobara paled, earning a punch to the arm from Maki an upperclassman.Kaya said,\n\n\n\"You all go to lunch.I will see you all here out on the field afterwards.Don't bother trying to whimp out either.\"\n\n\nAll of her students sweat dropped walking off towards the school.Kaya made her way back to her classroom noticing the male students hanging around.She was surprised to see Aoi Todo standing amongst them.They were watching something that was hidden by the building.Kaya hummed walking over to them to find out what was going on.\n\n\n                                   ______________\n\n\nChoso POV:\n\n\nChoso was going to eat lunch with Yuji and his friends.He saw that Aoi Todo, a disciple of Yuki's was standing next to Yuji.His eyebrows knitted together wondering why Aoi and Yuki were here.The blond came out of nowhere and punched him across the face.He recoiled spitting out some blood on the grass looking up at Yuki who was clearly angry.She yelled,\n\n\n\"How could you seriously do that?\"\n\n\nYuji was being held back by Aoi.Choso didn't care for the humiliation he wasn't going to do anything to hurt Yuki.He kept his temper in check when it came to women.He felt guilty for leaving having forgotten to leave his number too.Choso said,\n\n\n\"It just happened that way and felt pretty mutual-\"\n\n\nYuki roundhouse kicked him across his jaw.She grabbed his shoulder saying in his ear real low,\n\n\n\"She was a virgin you bastard.\"\n\n\nChoso's eyes widened understanding slightly why Kaya had bled.He felt even worse now,\n\n\n\"I'm sorry-\"\n\n\nNormal POV:\n\n\nKaya saw Yuki beating up someone and she immediately sent smoke from her palms to immobilize the blond.Kaya's smoke could rob people of their senses, manipulating them to attack others if her smoke was inhaled under her own control.She could enough trick their brains into believing they were in pain by saying that in Cursed Speech for her Domain Expansion.\n\n\nThe purple haired woman said to the students firmly,\n\n\n\"Go to lunch or you can join the girls for their timed run.\"\n\n\nThe male students all walked off whispering amongst themselves.Kaya grabbed Yuki's arm pulling her away from the person.She was slightly surprised to see that It was Choso and he was just taking this beating from their friend.Choso met eyes with Kaya bowing his head,\n\n\n\"I'm sorry I left while you were sleeping.If you are free later I can take you out on an actual date.\"\n\n\nKaya nods,\n\n\n\"I figured you left due to guilt not because you were disingenuous.\"\n\n\nYuki looked at them both,\n\n\n\"Here I was trying to defend you, seems like you can adult all on your own after all.\"\n\n\nKaya smiles at her blond friend,\n\n\n\"Thank you Yuki.\"\n\n\nYuki glared at Choso walking away to go find her disciple.Kaya had a hand on her hip pinching the bridge of her nose.She asked squinting at him,\n\n\n\"You work here as a teacher?\"\n\n\nChoso got up dusting himself off,\n\n\n\"Yes.I became a Jujutsu Sorcerer to look out for my younger brother Yuji Itadori.\"\n\n\nKaya said warningly,\n\n\n\"Don't cause any trouble for me and my students or you'll regret having ever met me.\"\n\n\nThe sinister smirk on her face gave him chills.He said,\n\n\n\"I wouldn't dream of it.\"\n\n\nKaya pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her back pocket lighting one.He was surprised she smoked the same type he did.Choso would do everything he could to make things right with her. \n" ]
Title: Unrelenting Description: Kaya Kemuri has returned to Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School.How will she assist the other senior Jujutsu Sorcerers?A destructive past is what haunts her.Seen as an indifferent person because of this.Somehow after meeting a particular person she finds herself yearning to connect. ChosoKamoxreader Chosoxreader Tags: ['animefanfiction', 'animexreader', 'choso', 'chosokamoxreader', 'chosoxreader', 'emotional', 'fanfiction', 'fluff', 'fluffandsmut', 'jujutsukaisen', 'lemon', 'romance', 'trauma', 'xreader']
# Blind Date Kaya sighed reading the text from Yuki Tsukumo.A girl she had known for a long time and that was the only person who knew her all too well was going home with someone already after being at this bar for only and hour.So Kaya wouldn't have anybody to black her up on the blind date Yuki set up.Not that she needed help she checked Yuki's next and last message of the night which read, 'snagged me a hottie, have fun on your blind date and go with the flow or I will set you up with a date with Satoru Gojo.this is the guy, I trust him so just know you'll be in good hands.(sends picture of guy which is the picture for the story)' Kaya's eyebrows knitted together looking at the guy's picture.She knew full well that she could trust Yuki.Meeting up with men similar to this was how Kaya attempted to socialize.None of the other dates had gone smoothly.Before Kaya could give up and settle for being alone for seemingly forever.Yuki like always convinced her that this guy would be perfect. Taking a deep breath she made her way through the crowd near the mosh pit area.Her favorite band was about to start one of the main reasons for why she was roped into the blind dates.Yuki always gifted her concert tickets.Kaya got excited dancing getting her favorite bands music.She had met the band many times and was a bit friendly with them.The lead singer stared at her pointing to encourage her have fun.She felt like comfortable with herself now forgetting about her real reason for being here. Choso POV: Choso exhaled out of pure boredom after a familiar friendly blond took a picture of him.Yuki came up standing next to him saying, "Come on.You're already here.Not only that you like punk alternative and metal music.My friend is literally like you and she's pretty quiet too.Better than all those girls you hooked up with that won't stop blowing up your phone.I give you my word." Choso scratched one of his eyebrows, "If you're sending a picture of me to her, show me a picture of her at least.Those girls won't be able to reach me now that I've got a new phone and number." Yuki smirked, "So you are interested in my friend?" Choso grabbed his jacket getting ready to leave.Yuki stopped him, pulling at his shoulder to show him a picture of the mysterious person.Yuki hadn't shut up about her since he finally became a teacher/mentor at his younger brother's high school.Right as he got a good look at the picture his eyes wondered off finding that very person. Choso's heart did flips as he saw and remembered Yuki's description of her.Yuki puts away her phone, "Her name is Kaya and she loves music.So seeing her like this is a rarity so be mindful of that." The blond patted his shoulder smiling at how in awe he was by the way Kaya was at the center of the mosh pit.She was having fun bumping into a few people from what they could tell.Choso looked at Yuki to see her flirting with a guy that was obviously her type.After returning his focus on Kaya Yuki grabs his shoulder harshly saying, "If you hurt her I'll kill you." He sweat dropped at her menacing threat and demeanor watching her leave with the same guy.Chose slowly made his way to the mysterious person known as Kaya.As he got closer his heart steadily slowed at the sight of her up close.He almost didn't believe she was such a recluse with how she moshed and thrashed. Normal POV: Kaya took a break from being in the mosh pit as the DJ started to play a few songs.She swayed to some of the music.Another favorite band she knew was setting up and Kaya waved at the lead singer.For some reason she felt eyes on her beginning to hug herself by crossing her arms over her chest.The lead singer winked at her smiling to his band mates gesturing to her they all waved at her smiling.That's when she heard a soft yet surprised sounding voice from beside her, "You know the band that's playing?" She turned to look at them and there standing was the guy she was supposed to be on a blind date with.For the first time Kaya's heart pounded hard feeling exposed somehow now.The way he looked at her curiously made her body warm up.Kaya shyed giving him a quick nod as she looked away.He said realizing he shouldn't have interrupted her moment, "My bad.Don't hold back on my account I'm not going to judge you.My name is Choso Kamo." Kaya extended her hand just as he did.A pulse of electrifying energy rushed through their palms.They both recoiled at how it rushed throughout their bodies.Choso usually registered this kind of rush with all his hook ups so he could feed off of the high of his own orgasms.He pushed through the lustful thoughts wanting to simply behave and get to know this friend of Yuki. Kaya felt drawn to him even though he was a stranger.Most of the time she kept away from men knowing that all of them wanted sex.Someone bumped into her and Choso caught her shoulders with his hands.The feeling of his callous yet soft hands on her exposed shoulders gave her goosebumps.He took notice thinking she was probably cold he took off his coat putting it on her. The way she blushed from his action made him smile.Choso became aware that he was approaching this much differently than his other dates.Kaya found him to be very attractive and the next band started to play which was another of her favorite.She covered her mouth feeling shy, "If you don't mind." Choso took his coat back watching Kaya enter the mosh pit.This time she got closer to the stage to dance.The way she jumped up and down her skirt lifted a bit to show the bits of exposed flesh through her fishnet tights.Choso held the coat at his crotch staring at her intently.She ran a hand through her hair swaying her hips meeting eyes with him.                                            *********                                              🍋🌶️ It wasn't entirely clear who initiated the first move.Kaya's back was pressed up against the wall of her apartment door.Choso claiming her lips with his, licking the goosebumps on her neck that were spreading downward.His hands gripped her thighs keeping her pinned.She moaned so sweetly locking the door.Choso pulled away slowly, "We don't have to do this.." Kaya brought him back into a heated kiss.Choso tried to keep his composure the moment her hand went up to unzip her skirt and it fell to the floor.She was in a black thong under the fishnet tights.The mirror near the door revealed the curve of her ass and Choso did everything he could not to grab a good chunk of it.He groaned a bit, "Look you're a really nice girl, I might even like you-I just want to do this right-" Kaya sucked on his tongue bringing him down the hall.She slinked her way to the living room.Choso was impressed by the chicness of her place.The couch was lowered into a rectangular area and Kaya took off her shoes coming back up slowly.Choso admired the view of her bending over.She sat on the top part of the couch which was basically the floor. Her purple eyes were brighter colored than his and he could feel himself getting lost in them if he kept the gaze.He looked at the artwork on the walls.Choso glanced over to see that her legs were spread.He didn't waste a second making his way over to her getting on his knees.Choso started a trail of kisses from her ankle up to her knee. Kaya blushed feeling sensitive just from this and Choso kept from reacting cautiously.He wondered if she was easily overstimulated or if this was her first time.In his mind he huffed at the thought of this being her first time.A girl as attractive as Kaya couldn't not have a past or trail of guys that were luckily seduced by her bashful charms. He continued only stopping to lick through the threads at her inner thighs and hip bone.The way her back arched gave him an opened.Choso grabbed a bit of her purple hair tugging a bit, "You need something from me?" Kaya was in fact new to all of this and it was extremely thrilling.She didn't second guess herself about possibly hooking up with this admirably masculine man.She nodded enjoying the grip he had on her hair.His voice was husky, "Something keeping you from speaking?" She remained silent, surprising him a bit.Usually women became very submissive at this point.Maybe due to their common interests Choso decided to be a bit more vanilla and gentle with her.Choso knew this person to be a friend of Yuki's and didn't want to be anything but a gentleman.He leaned in kissing her deeply waiting for what felt like forever for her to return the kiss. Choso loosened his grip of her hair, caressing it.He figured he should take it easy on her but he wanted to see her facial expressions for the beginning of unrelenting pleasure he was going to give her.Kaya felt him loop his fingers into the fishnet holes on the sides of her thighs.He yanked hard pulling them down to her knees. He took off her tights with one hand while the index of his other hand ran up her leg to her knee.Once he was at her knee he did the same with the other leg.Choso gripped her inner thighs rubbing upward.He smiled at the small whimpers she let out.He would have to leave his number before he left knowing he would have fun breaking her much later given the opportunity. Kaya felt his thumbs rub circles into her panties at the top where her clits was and her entrance.She bit her lip in anticipation causing it to bleed.Choso gave her a small smile, "I really wish you had let me do that." Choso motioned for her to come close.Kaya sat up better feeling him cup her face running his tongue against her bottom lip.She blushed as he kissed her working towards her cheeks, neck and downward.He rubbed his thumb against her clit eyeing her breasts, "If you strip I'll give you a reward." Kaya layed back taking off her top revealing two beautiful voluptuous mounds still hidden by a black lacy bra.Choso smirked, undoing his tie with his free hand.He spoke softly, "You can give me three commands.Suck.Lick.Kiss.There is one more but I will only tell you that if you beg." He got comfortable on his knees unbuttoning his shirt setting it on the couch.Choso slipped off her panties liking that the material was silk tempted to keep them.Kaya blushed at how he looked her womanhood.He gave her an encouraging look so Kaya gave the first command of many to come. "Kiss.." Choso kept from chastising himself for this.She was going to tease him with only allowing him to kiss her sex.He would struggle with his self control as he did the command.He kissed the top of her sex then the other inches of her folds and slit.Her legs shivered as he did this and he inhaled her scent.It was intoxicating and her reactions were beautiful. He opened the top a bit to plant small kisses all the way down again.When he kissed her entrance Kaya gasped out of excitement.Choso met eyes with her wishing wholeheartedly that she give a different command.Kaya repeated, "Kiss." Choso kissed her entrance hastedly.He held her hips in place to keep her from writhing away.Kaya blushed at his grip sitting up saying, "Kiss." He saw how she was trying to stay in control.Her mere confidence shocked him.He didn't believe the description of this girl at all.The lust in her eyes looked foreign somehow to him.Choso watched her spread herself open at the top for him to have a better look at her clitoris.He kept eye contact giving her long kisses exactly where she wanted. The way she bit her lip again as she threw her head back made him envious.Choso kissed her clit mercilessly listening to moans.He could feel that kissing her lips were soaked, he wanted so badly to lick but he resisted.Kaya stared at him smirking at his inner frustration.Her pupils were dilated, the dark pools seemed to bore into him sadistically.Any part of him that thought he had control somehow became clear that he was wrong. Choso stared up at her, his frustration slowly becoming obvious now as she licked her lips taunting him.Kaya could see the growing tent in his jeans, she giggled softly making his eyebrows knit together.He was about to pull away but Kaya smirked, "Lick." Before he could react she wrapped her legs around his head pulling him in.Choso plunged his tongue into her entrance humming at her deliciousness.His tongue curled into her, he didn't care that his air supply was nearly cut off.Choso licked stripes into her folds feeling her hands reach for his hair.Kaya took out the hair ties to grab a fist full of his hair. It was soft and Kaya had every intention of using Choso to orgasm for the first time.She wanted the build up to be dramatic so she pulled his hair to lift his head.She smirked at how his tongue wiggled just inches away from her folds.Kaya opened the top fold exposing her clit, "Lick." Choso's face turned red slightly as her eyebrows rose in anticipation.She only lowered him enough to lick that specific spot.He had never been the submissive one, never been commanded in such a way and with her reactions that came from him carrying out the demands he felt satisfied.He tried not to think about why, wanting to enjoy the moment but it was clear that Kaya was different. Kaya had him in this position for a bit.She could feel the tense coil in her abdomen winding more and more.Choso could tell she was going to cum so he started drawing out the way he licked her clitoris.Kaya hummed as her body became rigid as waves of pleasure rushes throughout her body.Choso groaned in sexual frustration wanting to taste her juices. She didn't care to comply with his whimpers.Meeting eyes with him as she chased her high only to continue orgasming from his consistent licks.Kaya moaned softly as she calmed down.Choso remained on his knees so Kaya reached for the button of his pants.He was going to speak but she pressed a finger to his lips.The look of frustration on his face amused her. Kaya let his erection free, admiring the way it suited his body type.He was 9 inches long and was girthy.Precum had the tip wet which she touched with her palm squeezing gently.She touched her entrance making sure to soak her hand touching his member.Choso's breath caught as she stroked him slowly.Kaya undid her bra with one hand letting it fall away exposing her breasts to him. Choso couldn't resist the urge to drool at the sight.Kaya squatted in front of him so her nipples were close to his head.She commanded, "Suck." His mouth clasped around her left nipple.He let out small groans at how her stroking pace sped up steadily.Choso liked that her nipples were light colored like her lips.While admiring her being so close Kaya touched herself.Her soft moans and breathes hitting his forehead.He didn't expect her to pry his mouth away to replace her nipple with her slick soaked hand.Kaya smirked, "Suck." Choso enclosed each finger enjoying the sweet tanginess of her juices.Kaya continued stroking him only more cruelly now, she brought her hand away from his mouth earning a little whimper of displeasure.Kaya smiled at him lustfully bringing him to the brink of his orgasm.She caught some of his cum on her tongue coming in close to say, "Suck." As degrading as it seemed Choso didn't have it in him to resist.He sucked on her tongue harshly hoping he would recover quickly to get payback.What made it worse was when Kaya lowered her head to lick up all his cum to clean him with her eyes on him the entire time.She swallowed what she could leaning in again to say, "Kiss." Choso kissed her hard, not caring for the taste of his tangy semen on her lips and insides of her mouth.Kaya pulled away suddenly before he could grab ahold of her, "You should be thanking me.Now you'll last longer once you've recovered." Choso's purple eyes flicked down to her womanhood, "You're dangerously smart." Kaya hummed at the praise, "You'd be surprised." Choso said firmly, "I already am." Kaya matched his seriousness, "You know for someone that's friends with Yuki, she never really talked about you." Choso covered his member with his boxers leaving his pants unbuttoned along with his shirt.He ran his hand through his hair rubbing his scalp since it was sore.He said, "I've only had the luxury of knowing Yuki for a few months.She opened my eyes to the possibility of me becoming a better man." Kaya closed her eyes crossing her legs, "Yuki is a good judge of character.You must be really special if she tried setting us up.I have known her for years and she is the only one out of our acquaintances that knows me very well." Choso looks at the purple haired woman, "What's your story?Yuki was far off of the description she gave me about you.She considers you as a special person in her life.I doubt I'm any better than who I was when she met me." Kaya didn't care to delve into her past or life story.She asked him, "How so?" Choso didn't want to speak his mind but her look of intent made him cave.He answered, "I usually only care to have hook ups.Because of the respect I have for Yuki I didn't want it to come to this but.." The way he met her eyes and the way the heat rushed to his cheeks made her stare at him blankly.Kaya had never been in this position of conversation ever and usually men were hesitant to speak their minds about what they wanted.She didn't care of course but she sensed that Choso was being sincere.He spoke, "I think this could maybe work out between us, I just didn't want to start off like this is all." Kaya said, "You could have said no and didn't.At least we have good sexual chemistry.I have never felt intentionally drawn to anyone before so you are onto something possibly working out with us." Choso smiled making her blush, "I'm glad you think and feel the same way." They both stared at each other and everything escalated again. Choso and Kaya kissed each other without hesitation.Groping and grinding against one another.He picked her up following her directions to her room dropping her down onto the mattress.He took off his boxers and she helped him take off his shirt.Kaya giggled at how he struggled with his own shirt.He laughed softly, meeting eyes with her, taking in the sight of her naked beauty.Kaya had a bit of fear in her eyes so he kissed her cheeks, "If I'm being too rough or anything just tell me and I'll stop." The reassurance in his voice calmed her down.Kaya kissed him deeply as he got on top of her after putting on a condom.She became a bit rigid at he lowered his waist against her womanhood.Choso teased, "Has it been a while for you?" Kaya blushed.Choso held her hands down kissing her gently as he slowly pushed the tip inside.Kaya bit her lip to keep from crying out in pain and Choso did the same as he pushed in more amazed by her tightness.She whimpered a bit causing him to stop midway.He asked, "Are you okay Kaya?" He looked down to see a bit of blood.He got an unsettling feeling until Kaya mustered up the courage to wrap her legs around his waist to push him inside.Choso inhaled sharply just as she did.He gave her a moment to adjust to his size and he did his best to adjust as well.She was tighter than any woman he had hooked up with.Choso kissed her face his voice like honey, "We can take this slow.Clearly this is doing a number on us both." Kaya kissed him sucking on his tongue seductively.Choso did the same thing back to her trying to pull back his hips only for her to press him into her.He groaned his breathing was uneven as Kaya grinded under him.Choso held her close pumping into her slowly but the way she coaxed him to slam into her.Choso hissed in her ear, "You aren't going to be able to walk if you keep that up." Kaya did it again this time she orgasmed under him.Choso watched her facial expressions smirking, "I'm glad I clearly have the potential to break you." She blushes as he pumped into her harshly, not holding back.Choso kissed her his tongue exploring her mouth gaining dominance.The pace of his thrust and their breathing quickened.He grunted at the way she clamped down around him.He rasped, "If you keep that up I'll bust." He slammed into her suddenly hitting her g-spot, she arched her back his hands kneading her breasts to hold her in place as he moved his hips.He was embedded deep simply grinding into her.Kaya moaned as she orgasmed hard around him.Choso brought her nipples close to one another to suck on them.Her hourglass figure was thick in all the right places. Choso caressed her body thrusting into her at a steady pace.Kaya teased him from underneath by clenching around him and hugging him closer.He grunted not bothering to pull away as his thrusts seemed to stutter.He came hard as she tightened around him with her gummy walls.Kaya didn't bother trying to stand while Choso fell to the bed falling asleep. Kaya turned to her side to look at his face.He was handsome, she couldn't help touching his face and hair.He didn't react and she brought her arm back falling asleep.                                            +++++++ Kaya woke up having slept peacefully, turning to see that the man she hooked up with was gone.That side of her bed was done neatly so she brought her legs over the side.Feeling sore as she stood slowly making her way to the bathroom.She got the shower ready getting doing her normal morning routine. She took a shower feeling better about her soreness.She got dressed in her Sorcerer uniform.Kaya smiled at herself in the mirror hoping today would go smoothly.She went to the living room to gather up her clothes to put them up in her room.The purple haired girl could hear keys turning the door handle.Yuki came into her place with coffees and a bag of donuts.Yuki said, "Good morning…" Kaya gave her blond friend a warm smile taking one of the coffees and taking a long sip.Yuki squinted at her suspiciously as she took a donut to eat.The blond started to say, "Soooo…" Kaya finished the donut waiting for Yuki to ask, "How did everything go with Choso?" When Kaya didn't answer immediately Yuki put two and two together.The blond became irritated, "Let me guess he left afterwards?" Kaya said softly, "Sometime while I was asleep.I just wanted to rip the bandaid off and lose my virginity already.I felt drawn to the guy but I doubt he wants anything serious since he did leave,not only that I'm sure I hurt his male pride given how I was in control." Yuki asked, "Did he know you were a virgin?" Kaya shook her head, "It never came up.Look I don't wanna bother with these blind dates and stuff anymore." Yuki nods, "Alright alright.I need to get going but we'll talk about this later."                                   —------------------ Choso POV: He woke up at the usual time he woke up, at 4 in the morning.It took him a moment to realize he was laying in someone else's bed and room altogether.He cautiously turned his head to see a purple haired woman laying near him.Choso tried not to look at the exposed parts of her body not covered by the blanket.He slipped off the bed quietly going to the restroom to take a wizz. Kaya was sleeping so peacefully and quietly he felt bad for flushing the toilet.She didn't stir though so he grabbed his clothes going down the stairs.It wasn't until he had on all his clothes that he felt guilty.Choso tried to shake it off figuring that it was better to just leave it sex was something that would remain consistent between them only.He checked his phone for messages, seeing a few from Yuki which read. 'How did everything go?I'm bringing you lunch today to talk about everything.' Choso was unaware that Yuki would be visiting Kaya so he didn't bother messaging back.Mostly because he felt guilty for some reason.Something about this girl Yuki knew made him feel bad for hooking up with.He sighed pulling out a cigarette as he locked her door shutting it behind him.He walked away looking up the directions to his younger brother's dorm.                                         +++++++ Kaya POV: The female students were running their timed laps when Kaya looked at her watch to see that it was nearly lunch time.She blew through her whistle getting their attention to come back to her.The first couple girls back were Maki and Nobara.The brown haired girl wheezed, "Thank goodness you called us back.I don't think I could have ran any more-" Maki tried shutting her up.Kaya smiled, "You had it in you to run all the way back to me so I don't think you should be so doubtful.I suppose you and the rest of the class can start all over after lunch." Nobara paled, earning a punch to the arm from Maki an upperclassman.Kaya said, "You all go to lunch.I will see you all here out on the field afterwards.Don't bother trying to whimp out either." All of her students sweat dropped walking off towards the school.Kaya made her way back to her classroom noticing the male students hanging around.She was surprised to see Aoi Todo standing amongst them.They were watching something that was hidden by the building.Kaya hummed walking over to them to find out what was going on.                                    ______________ Choso POV: Choso was going to eat lunch with Yuji and his friends.He saw that Aoi Todo, a disciple of Yuki's was standing next to Yuji.His eyebrows knitted together wondering why Aoi and Yuki were here.The blond came out of nowhere and punched him across the face.He recoiled spitting out some blood on the grass looking up at Yuki who was clearly angry.She yelled, "How could you seriously do that?" Yuji was being held back by Aoi.Choso didn't care for the humiliation he wasn't going to do anything to hurt Yuki.He kept his temper in check when it came to women.He felt guilty for leaving having forgotten to leave his number too.Choso said, "It just happened that way and felt pretty mutual-" Yuki roundhouse kicked him across his jaw.She grabbed his shoulder saying in his ear real low, "She was a virgin you bastard." Choso's eyes widened understanding slightly why Kaya had bled.He felt even worse now, "I'm sorry-" Normal POV: Kaya saw Yuki beating up someone and she immediately sent smoke from her palms to immobilize the blond.Kaya's smoke could rob people of their senses, manipulating them to attack others if her smoke was inhaled under her own control.She could enough trick their brains into believing they were in pain by saying that in Cursed Speech for her Domain Expansion. The purple haired woman said to the students firmly, "Go to lunch or you can join the girls for their timed run." The male students all walked off whispering amongst themselves.Kaya grabbed Yuki's arm pulling her away from the person.She was slightly surprised to see that It was Choso and he was just taking this beating from their friend.Choso met eyes with Kaya bowing his head, "I'm sorry I left while you were sleeping.If you are free later I can take you out on an actual date." Kaya nods, "I figured you left due to guilt not because you were disingenuous." Yuki looked at them both, "Here I was trying to defend you, seems like you can adult all on your own after all." Kaya smiles at her blond friend, "Thank you Yuki." Yuki glared at Choso walking away to go find her disciple.Kaya had a hand on her hip pinching the bridge of her nose.She asked squinting at him, "You work here as a teacher?" Choso got up dusting himself off, "Yes.I became a Jujutsu Sorcerer to look out for my younger brother Yuji Itadori." Kaya said warningly, "Don't cause any trouble for me and my students or you'll regret having ever met me." The sinister smirk on her face gave him chills.He said, "I wouldn't dream of it." Kaya pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her back pocket lighting one.He was surprised she smoked the same type he did.Choso would do everything he could to make things right with her.
🌟ruikasa oneshots🎈
COVER CREDS: @enanannn on twitter/ X ruikasa oneshots bc my writing needs improvement suggestions are welcome like pls give them -fluff -LIGHT angst (im a poosay😭) -im fine w smut/lemon BUT I WONT DO NON-CON/PEDOPHILIA😭
[ "additionaltagstobeadded", "candies", "cuddling", "fluffiness", "holdinghands", "hugging", "kamishiro", "kissing", "lemon", "rui", "ruikasa", "tenma", "tsukasa" ]
[ "1|candy kiss" ]
[ "tsukasa and rui were having lunch together on the rooftop as usual. talking about show ideas and recent interests. they have been planning to have rui sleepover at tsukasa his house, to talk there further about their brain rot.\n\nright now, a comfortable silence was hanging in the air. the only sounds on the roof were the wind, birds and the sound of them eating.\n\nthey had traded their lunch once again. rui being per usual not a fan of vegetables and tsukasa being a way too nice person.\n\n'this is the last time, rui!'\n\nhe says it every time but rui knows that tomorrow he will eat pork again for lunch. he is not <i>that</i> terrible though and feeds tsukasa his own food as well\n\ntoday, rui had brought something in return for the many times tsukasa has given him his lunch.\n\nso, rui puts the yellow lunchbox on the ground and reaches for his plastic bag. beneath all the mechanical parts and other unimportant things he saw <i>the</i> thing he was trying to find(he hates veggies.)\n\n\"rui?\" tsukasa called out his name in confusion as he watched rui grab a massive jar with a ton of lollipops inside of it. \"why do you have that? that's a lot of sugar!\"\n\nrui smiled sheepishly at the blonde before opening the lid.\n\n\"a gift for my dearest friend and star actor; tsukasa-kun of course!\" he said and brought the jar towards tsukasa. \"pick one.\"\n\ntsukasa looked a bit suspiciously at his stage director but listened nonetheless and grabbed the orange flavored lollipop. it is his favorite candy flavor along with lemon.\n\nrui himself grabbed the strawberry vanilla one and closed the jar again.\n\ntsukasa frowned at the orange lollipop. he hates unwrapping them.he sighed before starting to twist it around, an attempt to unwrap it. \"why do you casually carry a jar full of lollipops?\" he asks.\n\n\"ah, my mother went to the supermarket the other day.. she usually visits the candy store on her way back.\" rui said and unwrapped the lollipop much easier than tsukasa did. \n\nhe took a lick of his strawberry vanilla flavored one before continuing. \"apparently there was a discount for usual customers. three jars for 1200¥.\"\n\n\"HUH? FOR THREE OF—\" tsukasa dramatically pointed and motioned to the enormous jar. \"1200¥ FOR THAT MUCH??!\"\n\nrui chuckled before nodding his head. he had counted the amount of lollies inside of the jar and it was around.. 39 lollipops of different flavors. it is different for each jar though, the other one has 45 and then the other other one.. he is yet to count it.\n\n\"tsukasa-kun~\" \n\nhe hummed in response to hearing his name. he had given up on the lollipop and put it in the pocket of his cardigan instead. he will ask saki to open it for him because she is a professional at it.\n\n\"are you familiar with the.. candy tasting challenge?\" rui asked, slowly but surely his face heated up. \n\n'why did i bring that up?' he thought to himself and decided to distract himself by putting the lollipop in his mouth again.\n\n\"hmm.. yes, i actually am!\" tsukasa answered loudly and proudly. \"saki used to talk to me about this manga where the couple did such a challenge!\"\n\nrui hummed and decided to stay quiet. it would be awkward and embarrassing to continue the conversation from here on, because he knows once tsukasa asks he cannot lie.\n\n\"why?\"\n\ntsukasa-kun and his damn curiosity.\n\n\"ah.. uhm..\" rui started laughing nervously, only making tsukasa more and more nervous with every second passing. \"iwantedtotrythechallegewithyou.\" he said quickly before quickly going back to sucking the lollipop.\n\nhe glanced through the side of his eye at tsukasa who was beet red. he stayed quiet though, he seemed to be thinking.\n\nhe is considering..\n\n\"doesn't that mean we have to.. you know..\" the blonde trailed off as he scratched the back of his neck. \"kiss..?\"\n\n\"y-you've been pranked???!\"\n\ntsukasa frowned. \n\nhe could tell that rui was actually suggesting for them to do the challenge. it was not like he was against.. kissing rui or anything like that, but he knows it would be a bit embarrassing to do in public. \n\nanyone can walk in at any given time, but if he is right, only shiraishi would check up on them before the bell rings.\n\n\"i don't mind..!\" tsukasa said, trying his best to regain his usual self. \"i would love to do the challenge with you! i will win!\"\n\nrui his eyes widened. slowly, he turned his head to look at tsukasa, trying to find any hint of hesitation. there wasn’t.\n\nhis heart might explode, the director thinks.\n\n\"did— did you see what flavor i have in my mouth?\" \n\ntsukasa shook his head 'no' and scooted closer to rui. their shoulders touched, and it felt a bit more intimate than it usually does.\n\n\"close your eyes.\"\n\ntsukasa did as he was told and even covered his eyes with his hands. rui thought it was cute.\n\nhe sucked on the lollipop for a few seconds before using it as a sort of lip balm for his lips. when he was done, he placed the lollipop on the wrapper. he tapped tsukasa on his shoulder to let him know that rui had finished.\n\ntsukasa uncovered and opened his eyes, which trailed immediately to rui his lips.\n\n\"are you sure, rui?\"\n\n\"are <i>you</i> sure?\"\n\ntsukasa rolled his eyes, causing rui to let out a hearty laugh. he nodded as he puckered his lips slightly.\n\nthe star brought his hand on top of the director's shoulder for support before leaning closer. he closed his eyes to focus on the taste and not on how gay this was.\n\n<i>'it is not gay if it is a game.'</i> he thinks as their lips touched.\n\ndeep inside he knows that it is not a heterosexual act and that he will do an 'am i gay?' quiz after their sleepover.\n\nhe pulled away and licked his own lips. he didn't taste much, so he pressed their lips together again. this time he lightly sucked on rui his under lip.\n\ntsukasa backed off again. \"is it.. vanilla?\"\n\nrui shook his head.\n\ntsukasa leaned in and instead of kissing him, he licked the other's lip a few times before he went back to thinking again.\n\nrui felt like he might explode along with his heart. he took a deep breath to calm himself. \"do you need me to apply more?\"\n\ntsukasa nodded and closed his eyes again.\n\nrui brought the lollipop to his face again and repeated the action he had done beforehand. he kissed the lollipop a few times before letting it rest on top of the wrapper again to avoid it getting dirty.\n\nfeeling a bit daring, he brought tsukasa his face closer by pulling him with his hand by his chin closer.\n\ntsukasa didn't mind it though and waited patiently for their lips to touch again. this time it felt more like a real kiss. an actual kiss. a real— <i>super</i> real kiss.\n\nperhaps it is a new technique of tsukasa's but his lips moved and rui's copied the move. it was a slow pace along with a bit of tongue to get the taste right.\n\nin his mind, tsukasa tried to convince himself that this is purely to get the taste right and not because he is into rui.\n\nhe isn't.\n\nhe cannot be. he is only into girls, he even had a crush on one in middle school.\n\n\"mm.\" tsukasa pulled away. \"strawberry-vanilla.\" he said with confidence.\n\n\"yay!\" rui cheered. \"it's my favorite.\"\n\ntsukasa's eyes widened slightly. \"it is? i thought you'd like the cola ones more.\"\n\n\"i like those too, but the strawberry-vanilla has a soft taste to it.\"\n\ntsukasa let out a soft 'oh', he looked over to the lollipop on the ground. rui got the indirect request and gave tsukasa the lollipop to taste.\n\ntsukasa put it in his mouth. rui couldn't help but feel flustered at the lack of hesitation. tsukasa genuinely seemed unbothered by this.\n\n\"you're right! it does have a soft taste.\" tsukasa said as he gave the lollipop back. \"i like it as well.\"\n\nrui hummed and slowly put the lollipop back in his mouth.\n\n—<b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b>——</b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b>\n<b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b>1387 words</b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b>" ]
Title: 🌟ruikasa oneshots🎈 Description: COVER CREDS: @enanannn on twitter/ X ruikasa oneshots bc my writing needs improvement suggestions are welcome like pls give them -fluff -LIGHT angst (im a poosay😭) -im fine w smut/lemon BUT I WONT DO NON-CON/PEDOPHILIA😭 Tags: ['additionaltagstobeadded', 'candies', 'cuddling', 'fluffiness', 'holdinghands', 'hugging', 'kamishiro', 'kissing', 'lemon', 'rui', 'ruikasa', 'tenma', 'tsukasa']
# 1|candy kiss tsukasa and rui were having lunch together on the rooftop as usual. talking about show ideas and recent interests. they have been planning to have rui sleepover at tsukasa his house, to talk there further about their brain rot. right now, a comfortable silence was hanging in the air. the only sounds on the roof were the wind, birds and the sound of them eating. they had traded their lunch once again. rui being per usual not a fan of vegetables and tsukasa being a way too nice person. 'this is the last time, rui!' he says it every time but rui knows that tomorrow he will eat pork again for lunch. he is not <i>that</i> terrible though and feeds tsukasa his own food as well today, rui had brought something in return for the many times tsukasa has given him his lunch. so, rui puts the yellow lunchbox on the ground and reaches for his plastic bag. beneath all the mechanical parts and other unimportant things he saw <i>the</i> thing he was trying to find(he hates veggies.) "rui?" tsukasa called out his name in confusion as he watched rui grab a massive jar with a ton of lollipops inside of it. "why do you have that? that's a lot of sugar!" rui smiled sheepishly at the blonde before opening the lid. "a gift for my dearest friend and star actor; tsukasa-kun of course!" he said and brought the jar towards tsukasa. "pick one." tsukasa looked a bit suspiciously at his stage director but listened nonetheless and grabbed the orange flavored lollipop. it is his favorite candy flavor along with lemon. rui himself grabbed the strawberry vanilla one and closed the jar again. tsukasa frowned at the orange lollipop. he hates unwrapping them.he sighed before starting to twist it around, an attempt to unwrap it. "why do you casually carry a jar full of lollipops?" he asks. "ah, my mother went to the supermarket the other day.. she usually visits the candy store on her way back." rui said and unwrapped the lollipop much easier than tsukasa did. he took a lick of his strawberry vanilla flavored one before continuing. "apparently there was a discount for usual customers. three jars for 1200¥." "HUH? FOR THREE OF—" tsukasa dramatically pointed and motioned to the enormous jar. "1200¥ FOR THAT MUCH??!" rui chuckled before nodding his head. he had counted the amount of lollies inside of the jar and it was around.. 39 lollipops of different flavors. it is different for each jar though, the other one has 45 and then the other other one.. he is yet to count it. "tsukasa-kun~" he hummed in response to hearing his name. he had given up on the lollipop and put it in the pocket of his cardigan instead. he will ask saki to open it for him because she is a professional at it. "are you familiar with the.. candy tasting challenge?" rui asked, slowly but surely his face heated up. 'why did i bring that up?' he thought to himself and decided to distract himself by putting the lollipop in his mouth again. "hmm.. yes, i actually am!" tsukasa answered loudly and proudly. "saki used to talk to me about this manga where the couple did such a challenge!" rui hummed and decided to stay quiet. it would be awkward and embarrassing to continue the conversation from here on, because he knows once tsukasa asks he cannot lie. "why?" tsukasa-kun and his damn curiosity. "ah.. uhm.." rui started laughing nervously, only making tsukasa more and more nervous with every second passing. "iwantedtotrythechallegewithyou." he said quickly before quickly going back to sucking the lollipop. he glanced through the side of his eye at tsukasa who was beet red. he stayed quiet though, he seemed to be thinking. he is considering.. "doesn't that mean we have to.. you know.." the blonde trailed off as he scratched the back of his neck. "kiss..?" "y-you've been pranked???!" tsukasa frowned. he could tell that rui was actually suggesting for them to do the challenge. it was not like he was against.. kissing rui or anything like that, but he knows it would be a bit embarrassing to do in public. anyone can walk in at any given time, but if he is right, only shiraishi would check up on them before the bell rings. "i don't mind..!" tsukasa said, trying his best to regain his usual self. "i would love to do the challenge with you! i will win!" rui his eyes widened. slowly, he turned his head to look at tsukasa, trying to find any hint of hesitation. there wasn’t. his heart might explode, the director thinks. "did— did you see what flavor i have in my mouth?" tsukasa shook his head 'no' and scooted closer to rui. their shoulders touched, and it felt a bit more intimate than it usually does. "close your eyes." tsukasa did as he was told and even covered his eyes with his hands. rui thought it was cute. he sucked on the lollipop for a few seconds before using it as a sort of lip balm for his lips. when he was done, he placed the lollipop on the wrapper. he tapped tsukasa on his shoulder to let him know that rui had finished. tsukasa uncovered and opened his eyes, which trailed immediately to rui his lips. "are you sure, rui?" "are <i>you</i> sure?" tsukasa rolled his eyes, causing rui to let out a hearty laugh. he nodded as he puckered his lips slightly. the star brought his hand on top of the director's shoulder for support before leaning closer. he closed his eyes to focus on the taste and not on how gay this was. <i>'it is not gay if it is a game.'</i> he thinks as their lips touched. deep inside he knows that it is not a heterosexual act and that he will do an 'am i gay?' quiz after their sleepover. he pulled away and licked his own lips. he didn't taste much, so he pressed their lips together again. this time he lightly sucked on rui his under lip. tsukasa backed off again. "is it.. vanilla?" rui shook his head. tsukasa leaned in and instead of kissing him, he licked the other's lip a few times before he went back to thinking again. rui felt like he might explode along with his heart. he took a deep breath to calm himself. "do you need me to apply more?" tsukasa nodded and closed his eyes again. rui brought the lollipop to his face again and repeated the action he had done beforehand. he kissed the lollipop a few times before letting it rest on top of the wrapper again to avoid it getting dirty. feeling a bit daring, he brought tsukasa his face closer by pulling him with his hand by his chin closer. tsukasa didn't mind it though and waited patiently for their lips to touch again. this time it felt more like a real kiss. an actual kiss. a real— <i>super</i> real kiss. perhaps it is a new technique of tsukasa's but his lips moved and rui's copied the move. it was a slow pace along with a bit of tongue to get the taste right. in his mind, tsukasa tried to convince himself that this is purely to get the taste right and not because he is into rui. he isn't. he cannot be. he is only into girls, he even had a crush on one in middle school. "mm." tsukasa pulled away. "strawberry-vanilla." he said with confidence. "yay!" rui cheered. "it's my favorite." tsukasa's eyes widened slightly. "it is? i thought you'd like the cola ones more." "i like those too, but the strawberry-vanilla has a soft taste to it." tsukasa let out a soft 'oh', he looked over to the lollipop on the ground. rui got the indirect request and gave tsukasa the lollipop to taste. tsukasa put it in his mouth. rui couldn't help but feel flustered at the lack of hesitation. tsukasa genuinely seemed unbothered by this. "you're right! it does have a soft taste." tsukasa said as he gave the lollipop back. "i like it as well." rui hummed and slowly put the lollipop back in his mouth. —<b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b>——</b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b> <b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b><b>1387 words</b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b>
Danganronpa Oneshots ♡
Open for requests! - Smut - Lemon - Fluff - Angst Mostly BL/GL ships (srry) Enjoy reading
[ "amaguji", "angst", "danganronpa", "drv3", "fluff", "kamukoma", "komahina", "lemon", "oumasai" ]
[ "Intro " ]
[ "So uh i forgot to do an intro about the story so-\nSmut (S) \nLemon (L) \nAngst (A) \nFluff (F) \nyou'll understand later \ni think i'll try to post weekly but dont trust anything i say honestly- \n" ]
Title: Danganronpa Oneshots ♡ Description: Open for requests! - Smut - Lemon - Fluff - Angst Mostly BL/GL ships (srry) Enjoy reading Tags: ['amaguji', 'angst', 'danganronpa', 'drv3', 'fluff', 'kamukoma', 'komahina', 'lemon', 'oumasai']
# Intro So uh i forgot to do an intro about the story so- Smut (S) Lemon (L) Angst (A) Fluff (F) you'll understand later i think i'll try to post weekly but dont trust anything i say honestly-
The Story of Us
That day is what changed her life forever. When she got that call, life felt unreal! Qwen, a dancer who hasn't been in the industry long. Studying away at Juilliard and working full time as a waitress, got the call of a life time! Got the call that will make her career, got the call to be a back up dancer for the one and only TAYLOR SWIFT! - Will Qwen make a fool of herself? - How will Qwen cope with the pressure of being on tour? - How will Qwen react to working with the one and only Taylor Swift? Read this queer self discovery fanfic to find out! It is for a mature audience, preferably the wlw audience but you do you babes!!
[ "2023", "bisexual", "celebrity", "concert", "dance", "eras", "fan", "fiction", "gayawakening", "hornythings", "lemon", "lesbian", "lgbt", "lgbtfiction", "lovestory", "music", "preforming", "queer", "romancefanfiction", "smuttyfanfic", "swift", "taylor", "tour", "wlw", "xreader" ]
[ "A Place in this World" ]
[ "<b><u>{Qwen's backstory}</u></b>\n\nQwen never felt right amongst her family. Always the black sheep. Her parents planned for her to follow the family legacy and attend Princeton like the last 5 generations have, but Qwen Mallard different plans for her future. \n\nHer senior year she applied to one college and one college only, Juilliard. She took dance all throughout her school years, but her parents never cared to show interest in her passion. Thinking dance was just her way to avoid going to the gym. But to Qwen, dance was much more. Dance was her way of life, her freedom. And to her luck, she got in. Her dance teacher pushed her to be her best in her audition tapes and the hard work paid off. \n\nWhen Qwen's parents eventually found out they refused to financially support their daughter's delusions. So the day before move in day at Juilliard, Qwen packed up and next thing she knew, she was on a flight heading to the Big Apple, New York City!\n\nQwen worked her ass off from the moment she arrived. She didn't go out much, her roommate and her not being anything more than acquaintances. Qwen studied and practiced dancing every second she wasn't working as a waitress or attending classes. She knew her waitress gig wouldn't pay for college at the time, so she took out loans and started saving up. She researched many investment tips. Taking out a credit card to build some credit, started a savings account since she only had limited funds since she packed up and left home, applied for many grants and scholarships. She worked many if not all weekends, and made a steady amount in tips every shift. With any extra cash she could scrape together, she paid for an improv dance class.\n\nHer dance instructor from her improv dance class pushed her to begin auditioning to get some experience under her belt. Qwen was reluctant at first, knowing she just started taking dance seriously. She auditioned a few times a year, only hearing back from small gigs here and there nothing significantly impressive. \n\nAs college went on she continued to work hard. And after 6 years, she finally graduated. On the day of graduation no blood related parental figure was found. But Qwen's nanny, childhood dance instructor and improv instructor all came to support her. They were her dance family, her really family. \n\nAs the years continued on, Qwen stayed in NYC. She work a 50 hour work week at the restaurant she waitresses at making good tips most nights, and cleaning at her dance studio for free lessons. \n\nBy this time Qwen's 25th birthday had rolled around and passed. Nothing significant or exciting happened. She made herself some pancakes for breakfast, had some Japanese curry for dinner and danced into the night. Her improv teacher for the past few years has always left the dance studio unlocked after hours for Qwen to come and dance at alone on her birthday. Qwen was always so grateful, loving the freedom to express herself through dance without any judgement. \n\nLittle did Qwen know, the week after her 25th birthday would be the step to change her life forever!\n\n\nA/N: hi, so this fanfic is a Taylor Swift x backup dancer story, female character. Qwen (pronounced Quinn) there will be romance and smut but also a good slow(ish) burn. For the sake of the story I'm making Taylor 26 years old (I know I know she's 33 irl) and it's the year 2016 (but everything is like how it is in 2023. I know confusing). Qwen was also 19 when she started school her birthday being November  of 1990. It will all make sense as the story goes on. I hope you enjoy this wlw story. I'll hopefully post regularly. The next chapter will be way more detailed!!! This was just the back story. " ]
Title: The Story of Us Description: That day is what changed her life forever. When she got that call, life felt unreal! Qwen, a dancer who hasn't been in the industry long. Studying away at Juilliard and working full time as a waitress, got the call of a life time! Got the call that will make her career, got the call to be a back up dancer for the one and only TAYLOR SWIFT! - Will Qwen make a fool of herself? - How will Qwen cope with the pressure of being on tour? - How will Qwen react to working with the one and only Taylor Swift? Read this queer self discovery fanfic to find out! It is for a mature audience, preferably the wlw audience but you do you babes!! Tags: ['2023', 'bisexual', 'celebrity', 'concert', 'dance', 'eras', 'fan', 'fiction', 'gayawakening', 'hornythings', 'lemon', 'lesbian', 'lgbt', 'lgbtfiction', 'lovestory', 'music', 'preforming', 'queer', 'romancefanfiction', 'smuttyfanfic', 'swift', 'taylor', 'tour', 'wlw', 'xreader']
# A Place in this World <b><u>{Qwen's backstory}</u></b> Qwen never felt right amongst her family. Always the black sheep. Her parents planned for her to follow the family legacy and attend Princeton like the last 5 generations have, but Qwen Mallard different plans for her future. Her senior year she applied to one college and one college only, Juilliard. She took dance all throughout her school years, but her parents never cared to show interest in her passion. Thinking dance was just her way to avoid going to the gym. But to Qwen, dance was much more. Dance was her way of life, her freedom. And to her luck, she got in. Her dance teacher pushed her to be her best in her audition tapes and the hard work paid off. When Qwen's parents eventually found out they refused to financially support their daughter's delusions. So the day before move in day at Juilliard, Qwen packed up and next thing she knew, she was on a flight heading to the Big Apple, New York City! Qwen worked her ass off from the moment she arrived. She didn't go out much, her roommate and her not being anything more than acquaintances. Qwen studied and practiced dancing every second she wasn't working as a waitress or attending classes. She knew her waitress gig wouldn't pay for college at the time, so she took out loans and started saving up. She researched many investment tips. Taking out a credit card to build some credit, started a savings account since she only had limited funds since she packed up and left home, applied for many grants and scholarships. She worked many if not all weekends, and made a steady amount in tips every shift. With any extra cash she could scrape together, she paid for an improv dance class. Her dance instructor from her improv dance class pushed her to begin auditioning to get some experience under her belt. Qwen was reluctant at first, knowing she just started taking dance seriously. She auditioned a few times a year, only hearing back from small gigs here and there nothing significantly impressive. As college went on she continued to work hard. And after 6 years, she finally graduated. On the day of graduation no blood related parental figure was found. But Qwen's nanny, childhood dance instructor and improv instructor all came to support her. They were her dance family, her really family. As the years continued on, Qwen stayed in NYC. She work a 50 hour work week at the restaurant she waitresses at making good tips most nights, and cleaning at her dance studio for free lessons. By this time Qwen's 25th birthday had rolled around and passed. Nothing significant or exciting happened. She made herself some pancakes for breakfast, had some Japanese curry for dinner and danced into the night. Her improv teacher for the past few years has always left the dance studio unlocked after hours for Qwen to come and dance at alone on her birthday. Qwen was always so grateful, loving the freedom to express herself through dance without any judgement. Little did Qwen know, the week after her 25th birthday would be the step to change her life forever! A/N: hi, so this fanfic is a Taylor Swift x backup dancer story, female character. Qwen (pronounced Quinn) there will be romance and smut but also a good slow(ish) burn. For the sake of the story I'm making Taylor 26 years old (I know I know she's 33 irl) and it's the year 2016 (but everything is like how it is in 2023. I know confusing). Qwen was also 19 when she started school her birthday being November  of 1990. It will all make sense as the story goes on. I hope you enjoy this wlw story. I'll hopefully post regularly. The next chapter will be way more detailed!!! This was just the back story.
Ruv x Reader Smut
This is my book from my old account @Echoz_Bl00dTh1rst. CHARACTERS ARE NOT MINE AS WELL AS FNF!!!!!
[ "boyxboy", "boyxgirl", "cringeworthy", "fnf", "lemon", "ruv", "ruvxreader", "ruvyzvat", "smutwarning", "xreader" ]
[ "What I will and will not do in these", "Ruv x female!reader" ]
[ "I will do: smut/lemon, some kinks, and I will also take requests \n\nWhat I will NOT do: pedo, scat, knife play, gun play, incest, and rape\n\n\n\n(Btw I am not good at writing smut so just bare with me plz T.T)\n", "No ones POV\n\nYou had just got home from work expecting to see your bf on the couch waiting for you like he usually does, but ruv wasn't there, you thought \"maybe he went out for a bit and just lost track of time\" but that didn't seem like him, he didn't like going out of the house much unless it was to help sarv at the church or unless you dragged him out.\n\nYou went up stairs and you hear quiet grunts and moans  coming from yours and ruvs shared room, you instantly know what's going on, you cracked the door open and watched for a minute before he noticed you, he jumped up not expecting you to be there, he looked very flustered.\n\nYou opened the door all the way and started to walk to him, he backed up slightly, once you get close to him you smirk, and pull him down and start kissing him roughly but passionetly (btw he is 9,2 so that's why you had to pull him down).\n\nRuv started to take control after that, he bit the bottom of your lip asking for entrance, you allow him to, he starts to explore every inch of your mouth, you moaned into the kiss, giving him more of an erection, he gently pushed you onto the bed, and got on top of you deepening the kiss, you moan again.\n\nRuv breaks the kiss and smirks eying you up and down, \"why'd you stop\" you whined, \"so I can do this\" he said with a lustful tone, as he started to mess with the bottom of your shirt, he looks up at you in a way that is asking for permission, you nod your head, and he took off your shirt and bra throwing them somewhere, he started to play with the sensitive buds on you breasts, neading them and sucking on them, you let out several breathy moans, you can feel him smirking.\n\nYou were starting to get a little impatient \"someone's needy\" he says, you just lay there not saying a word, he started to pull down you pants along with his, he sits on the bed and sits you on his lap slowly sitting you on his erection, you let out a whine because of his rather large erection, \"do you want me to stop\" he asked with concern In his voice you instantly replied with \"no\" \"I- I want to keep going\" he nods and pushed you down more you let out a pretty loud moan as he started to move you up and down on his erection you managed to spit out the word \"f- faster~\" he started going faster but it wasn't enough so you started to bounce yourself faster when you did this he let go of your hips and let you bounce yourself.\n\nHe groaned in pleasure, you started to get sloppy you felt that you were close \"I- I'M GONNA CO-\" you came as you were finishing your sentence but even though you came ruv kept going till he let out a loud groan cumming inside of you.\n\nYou two just sat there for a few mins and then you eventually got off to take a shower.\n\n\n\n(Should I write more of this??? Idk, what do you think??)" ]
Title: Ruv x Reader Smut Description: This is my book from my old account @Echoz_Bl00dTh1rst. CHARACTERS ARE NOT MINE AS WELL AS FNF!!!!! Tags: ['boyxboy', 'boyxgirl', 'cringeworthy', 'fnf', 'lemon', 'ruv', 'ruvxreader', 'ruvyzvat', 'smutwarning', 'xreader']
# What I will and will not do in these I will do: smut/lemon, some kinks, and I will also take requests What I will NOT do: pedo, scat, knife play, gun play, incest, and rape (Btw I am not good at writing smut so just bare with me plz T.T) # Ruv x female!reader No ones POV You had just got home from work expecting to see your bf on the couch waiting for you like he usually does, but ruv wasn't there, you thought "maybe he went out for a bit and just lost track of time" but that didn't seem like him, he didn't like going out of the house much unless it was to help sarv at the church or unless you dragged him out. You went up stairs and you hear quiet grunts and moans  coming from yours and ruvs shared room, you instantly know what's going on, you cracked the door open and watched for a minute before he noticed you, he jumped up not expecting you to be there, he looked very flustered. You opened the door all the way and started to walk to him, he backed up slightly, once you get close to him you smirk, and pull him down and start kissing him roughly but passionetly (btw he is 9,2 so that's why you had to pull him down). Ruv started to take control after that, he bit the bottom of your lip asking for entrance, you allow him to, he starts to explore every inch of your mouth, you moaned into the kiss, giving him more of an erection, he gently pushed you onto the bed, and got on top of you deepening the kiss, you moan again. Ruv breaks the kiss and smirks eying you up and down, "why'd you stop" you whined, "so I can do this" he said with a lustful tone, as he started to mess with the bottom of your shirt, he looks up at you in a way that is asking for permission, you nod your head, and he took off your shirt and bra throwing them somewhere, he started to play with the sensitive buds on you breasts, neading them and sucking on them, you let out several breathy moans, you can feel him smirking. You were starting to get a little impatient "someone's needy" he says, you just lay there not saying a word, he started to pull down you pants along with his, he sits on the bed and sits you on his lap slowly sitting you on his erection, you let out a whine because of his rather large erection, "do you want me to stop" he asked with concern In his voice you instantly replied with "no" "I- I want to keep going" he nods and pushed you down more you let out a pretty loud moan as he started to move you up and down on his erection you managed to spit out the word "f- faster~" he started going faster but it wasn't enough so you started to bounce yourself faster when you did this he let go of your hips and let you bounce yourself. He groaned in pleasure, you started to get sloppy you felt that you were close "I- I'M GONNA CO-" you came as you were finishing your sentence but even though you came ruv kept going till he let out a loud groan cumming inside of you. You two just sat there for a few mins and then you eventually got off to take a shower. (Should I write more of this??? Idk, what do you think??)
New Kid (noah x cody) noco fanfic
Noah x Cody fanfic, (FINALLY COMPLETED)
[ "cartoonfanfic", "cody", "cool", "crime", "deathstroke", "house", "lemon", "murder", "newkid", "noah", "noahxcody", "noahxcodyfanfics", "noco", "nocoangst", "sierra", "sleepover", "wattpad" ]
[ "Whats with the new kid?", "A sleepover and Owen's disgusting farts.", "A/N", "Duncan..", "Nurse's Office", "The First Letter", "The Abusive Father", "A/N", "ANOTHER A/N PLEASE READ", "The Second Letter", "A/N", "The Third And Final Letter", "The First Day", "A/N", "Movie Cuddles", "Runaway Disaster", "Runaway Disaster Pt 2", "A/N", "Die Sierra, WAIT NOT LITERALLY?!", "The Bedroom Floor", "What The Fuck?!", "The News", "A/N", "ANOTHER A/N PLEASE READ", "Police Officer", "Court Room", "Freedom At Last", "The Waiting Room", "A/N", "I Cant Take It, Not Anymore", "ALTERNATE ENDING", "LAST A/N" ]
[ "[Noah's pov] It was around 5:00 AM when i woke up to vaccuming around the house. I took out my phone and texted my mom. \nNoah: Mom! Can you stop making so much noise? \n\nMom: Noah, i have to vaccum the house! We are meeting our new neighbors today after you finish school!\n\nNoah: Fine.. ill get up now.\n\nMom: good.\n\nI got out of bed and i went over to my closet to grab my outfit for the first day. A white long sleeved shirt. With a blue short sleeved shirt and a red vest. Casual but all i could find at this point. I shower and grab my clothes. I dont manage to get them on because, I hear my mom calling for me. \"NOAH! COME DOWNSTAIRS FOR BREAKFAST!\" She called out. I wonder how she can wake up so early and still have the guts to scream so loud. I changed to my outfit i picked. And went downstairs. \"Noah. Remember to change after school! We have guests!\" She said angrily. \"Sheesh, i will. Calm down mom.\" I say to her with a hint of sarcasm. \"Dont have that attitude with me!\" I roll my eyes and I eat my breakfast, brush my teeth, and walk out the door. \"Bye mom.\" I shout to her as i walk onto the sidewalk. The schools a few blocks from my house so its not far. But im just a know it all, not good with sports. So i was basically sweating by the time i got there. We all went to this huge school assembly explaining some rules for the new students. I saw a small guy about my age, he honestly looked like a twink. I was concerned how he was 15. Pretty odd if you ask me. I noticed the twink talking to Owen and Izzy and i slide over to them. \"Hey guys. Whos this guy?\" I say with an odd tone that sounded slightly rude. \"Oh this little buddy is Cody! He just moved here from Toronto!\" Owen said excitedly. <b>(A/n: idk where cody's from in canada so just pretend hes from toronto.) </b>\"He is really nice, like really really nice!\" Izzy said happily. \"So it seems.\" I say deadpanning. \"Hi! Im cody! Whats your name?\" The geek says. \"Noah's my name.\" I answer. I was infront of him and he smelled like, beer..? Did he drink or something? I was reluctant about assuming he drank. Besides, he's 15, what kind of kid drinks at 15? He doesnt even look like an alcoholic. I shook it off and continued paying attention to the principal speaking in the assembly. He looked around his late 40's and didnt look too young or too old. I hope this will be a good year. <b>(A/n: remember what was just said. Trust me.)</b>", "(Cody's pov) After the assembly everyone headed to their first class. I had chemistry class with Mrs Clark she was an old lady but all she did was rant about her love life. I was new here so i didnt know anyone other than Owen, Izzy and Noah. I met them at the assembly for new students like me. I eventually finished both 1st and second period and walked over to 3rd period. Noah was in my class just infront of me. After 4th period, i walked over to lunch. Turns out Owen, Izzy, and Noah all were at a table hanging out, but Noah was being boring and reading his stupid book, how could he read when he could be with us? Pretty stupid if ypu ask me, i sat next to Izzy with Noah infront of me and Owen besides Noah. I stared at Noah reading his book. He kinda looked kinda hot.. wait, im not gay! Im not, right? Otherwise, my dad would kill me. Cant be gay. Remember that cody! I smack my head. \"Whats wrong little buddy?\" Owen says to me. \"Family issues.\" I answer back. \"Oh! Wait, i have the biggest, french fry worthy IDEA! LETS HAVE. A SLEEPOVER! Huh buddy?\" I grinned. \"Sure.\" Noah looks up for a small moment and looks back at his book. \"So you in Noah?\" Owen says excitedly. \"Sure, whatever.\" He says without looking up from his book. \"And you too izzy?\" Owen asks her. \"Sure! It'll be fun!\" She answers him. \"So you guys can come at 6:00 pm?\" Owen says. Everyone agreed and we continued classes. After school was over, i walked back home. It was a few blocks away, and we just moved in. After arriving at 3:24, i was told by my mom to find something nice to wear, we are gonna be visiting our neighbors. I went upstairs to change into something less dirty and went downstairs. I sat down on the beer stained couch. My dad is an alcoholic so he always has the house covered in beer bottles. My mom was in a dark red dress. She and i walked over to the house infront of my house. She knocked on the door and a nice lady opened the door. She kinda looked like Noah but female and older. I walked inside and my jaw dropped on how big the house was on the inside. I heard the lady scream something. \"NOAH? COME DOWNSTAIRS NOW!\" Then i heard a familiar voice. \"COMING MOM!\" I saw him walk downstairs. \"Noah?!\" I said surprised but excitedly. \"You two know eachother?\" His mom said. \"Yeah we do, he goes to my school and hes in my 3rd period class!\" I said even more happily. His mom let Noah and i go to his room. \"Can i come in?\" I ask. \"Why do you think my mom let you come upstairs geek.\" I was a bit hurt but shook it off. His mom and my mom talked while he read a book next to me on his bed. \"Your still coming to the sleepover right?\" I said. He looked up and just nodded. It was 5:30 when i left his house. I got ready for the sleepover and told my mom im going to a friend's house for a sleepover. She nodded and i left. I noticed noah come out of his house and walking over, i crossed the street and walked over to him, \"Hey dude!\" I said. \"Hey.\" He said with almost no enthusiasm. He was wearing jeans, and a black shirt. Honestly, i cant lie to myself anymore, i think hes really, really hot. But what if he isnt even gay? We walked together to Owen's house and we greeted his parents. We walked upstairs but as soon as we reached his room, Noah stopped me. \"Dont go in without holding your breath, Owen farts, like a lot. So it may smell like shit in there. Trust me.\" Noah said plugging his nose with his thumb and index finger. I did the same and walked in. Noah unplugged his nose and smelled the air. \"You can unplug your nose now geek.\" He said sarcastically. \"Hey!\" I scolded him for calling me a geek. He smirked and rolled his eyes. There was an uncomfortable mattress on the ground. \"You and Noah sleep there Cody!\" Owen said while munching on a few chip bags. He and i looked at owen. \"We dont have different mattresses?\" Noah said. Owen shook his head. Owen kept eating his chips and noah sat on the uncomfortable mattress and read a book. Izzy was doing something called, the snake dance? Honestly she weirded me out. I sat on the hard mattress and lied down. \"You guys wanna play truth or dare?\" Owen said excitedly. Everyone but Noah agreed. \"Oh come on noah! Your such a downer!\" I said. He stood up. \"Fine, but only this round!\" He yelled. I flinched at the yelling but only Noah noticed, letting him know to stop. \"Okay, Izzy, truth or dare?\" Owen said. Then izzy responded. \"Dare! I can take anything!\" \"I dare you, to go outside, and bark at any stranger passing by for 5 minutes!\" Owen said with a mischievous tone. \"Explosivo has this in the bag!\" Izzy said in 3rd person. She went outside and barked at any car or stranger passing by. It was funny as fuck to the fact even noah laughed! We went inside after 5 minutes and decided to watch a horror movie since it was getting dark out and it was gonna rain. I didnt tell anyone this but, i hate scary movies! So that would suck. I pretended to be brave and just said i liked scary movies. Halfway in, i was freaking out, it was just noah and i awake since Owen and izzy got tired, they slept together and noah and i layed down on the hard mattress. I couldnt sleep so i was wide awake. Noah was up with me so he just turned off the movie. \"You really hate horror movies huh?\" He said almost half asleep. \"Yeah, i do. I didnt want Owen and Izzy to think i was boring, so i said i liked them.\" I said anxiously waiting for him to respond. \"Heh, dork.\" He patted my head. I punched his shoulder. We stayed awake a bit more, either on our phones, which was basically only me. Or just listened to music. But Noah didnt like it. The rain kept pouring and i soon heard thunder. I shrieked as i heard it the first time. \"Also scared of thunder?\" I nodded, i still had wide eyes and i covered myself with a blanket. Only my face was sticking out. \"Hey, im cold too geek.\" He pulled on the blanket. He pulled it around him and covered most of his body with it. I was out cold by the time he looked at me again. <b>(A/n: next chapter is gonna be Noah's pov again.)</b>", "Hello guys! Ty for those who have read my noco fanfic so far! Im currently working on the 3rd chapter and it may take a while, please stay tuned! I will try and get motivation to finish this. Thank you again for reading this story!", "[Noah Pov] I woke up cuddling cody. I screamed since i didnt remember anything and tried to remember my surroundings. \"Oh.\" I remembered i had a sleepover with owen, izzy and cody. I got up, and started to pack up most of my stuff up. I noticed cody shivering so i covered him up with a blanket. I stood up to use the bathroom. After using the bathroom, i washed my hands and opened the door. I got my shoes on and sat on the hard mattress. I looked at cody. His hair was in his face and he was drooling. \"What a geek.\" I chuckled and brushed his hair out of his face. He honestly looked kinda cute while sleeping. But hes probably not gay. I might as well save my breath. I remembered we had school and shook the others awake. \"Leave me alone mama..\" Cody said as i shook him awake. \"Its not your mama geek.\" He turned onto his side to look at me. His eyes widened seeing me. \"Oh, i forgot we were at a sleepover.\" He mumbled. Still half asleep. The others just woke up normally when i shook them awake. Although Izzy punched me in the face. We all walked to school together and walked in. \"Hey losers.\" A familiar voice called out. Duncan.. he has bullied me since 7th grade for being gay. \"Whats up know it all? Still gay? Not a shocker. You look gayer than james charles.\" <b>(A/N: im not good with insults so please ignore them </b>😭<b>)</b><b> </b>\"dont talk duncan. You look like an annoying punk who dipped their hair in green paint.\" After saying that, last thing i remember is seeing duncan looking enraged. Im not sure what happened next, but i assumed i passed out. <b>(Sorry for the short chapter) ill try and make it up next chapter.</b>", "[Cody Pov] I watch noah arguing with duncan. Next thing i know. Boom. Noah is on the ground with duncan death staring him. Duncan knocks him out with a punch. I gasp and look away. When i looked back, noah was bleeding and had a black eye. Owen and Izzy were too busy making out to even notice. I picked up noah by the arms and attempted to drag him to the nurse's office, but with my noodle arms, i could barely move. Duncan deathstared me. I kept staring at him looking annoyed. I couldnt punch him, i could get in trouble and i probably would get knocked out. I called for a nurse and she brought him to the nurse's office. When he woke up, i was next to him on a chair. \"Cody? What are you doing..? Arent you supposed to be in class or something? And where am i?\" Noah said slightly touching his black eye. \"Nurses office\" i said, slightly worried about him. Awkward silence just went on until the nurse went up to him and gave him an ice pack for the bruise. And wrapped bandages around the bleeding areas. \"So? You should go to class gaps. Your gonna fail if you dont.\" Noah said breaking the awkward silence. \"And if i dont?\" I say smirking. Noah glared at me and rolled his eyes. \"Fine, stay here, i dont care honestly.\" He said and laid down on the nurse's office's bed. I leaned on my chair and fell asleep.\n\n[Noah Pov] Cody had fallen asleep by the time i looked back at him. Gosh those lips are so kissable.. i looked at his lips then at his eyes. I grabbed his face and kissed him. <b>(REMEMBER THIS PART TRUST ME) </b>He was still sleeping so he didnt realize. The nurse stared at me in surprise. But left it alone after a while. \"Shit..\" i whispered to myself. \"Im so stupid..\" i smacked my forehead and laid down. After a while, Cody woke up. \"Why is my face cold..\" he said. Shit. My hands were cold. I hope he doesnt realize. The nurse was about to ask us something but i glared at her letting her know not to ask anything about what just happened. \"You should go back to class geek.\" I said looking at him. \"But i like being here with you! Besides i want to know how your injury is doing.\" \"Its doing fine gaps. Now go to class, geek.\" He punched my shoulder and left. He tends to do that for some reason. He walked out of the nurse's office and I had my stomach facing the ceiling. Damn, that kiss was good. <b>(A/n I WAS KICKING MY FEET WRITING THE KISS SCENE </b>😭<b>)</b>", "[Noah Pov] i had really been liking cody, hes a nice guy, a geek, but nice. And honestly, kinda cute. I wanted to confess to him, but i was a bit afraid. I bet if word got around that he rejected me, duncan would kill me for being \"a tryhard\" so i had the perfect idea. A letter. I tend to have good handwriting, so cody should be able to read it, and besides, the letter can say its from \"your secret admirer\" so cody doesnt know who its from and im not embarrassed. I started writing the first letter when cody came up to me. \"Whatcha writing Noah?\" \"Essay for class.\" \"Your so boring noah..\" \"so what?\" I smirked since he wasnt saying anything else. I laughed and patted his shoulder while he just looked at me in confusion. \"Sheesh, your hands are cold noah.\" Cody mentioned. Shit. He better not find out about what happened in the nurse's office. \"Now shoo gaps, i dont want you copying my answers.\" I felt bad having to shoo him away, but these letters had to be private. Which means even owen cant know. I started writing when Cody left. \n\n            Dear Cody, hello, i wanted to tell you, i have a major crush on you cody, i really like you. I honestly think your funny, kind, nice and really hot. And dang, your the best, you know me well, but im afraid you wont like me back. So this is from your secret admirer, maybe a girl, maybe a boy, who knows? \nFrom, Your one and only secret admirer. I grabbed the note and stuffed it in my backpack, Cody's locker is right next to me, convenient. I take the note out of my locker and place it in his locker through the holes they have in the lockers. I opened my locker and placed everything in there, i took out what i need for class and walked over to room 201. 3rd period Geography. One of my favorite subjects, next to math of course. I could feel my cheeks turn red as cody sat behind me. He looked at me with a smile, showing his gap tooth. He realized his gap tooth was showing and immediately covered it up. \"Why dont you like your gap tooth?\" I whispered to him. \"I just dont like it much.\" He answered back with a louder but inaudible whisper. The teacher yelled at cody and i for talking and we just paid attention the rest of 3rd period. When lunch finally arrived, Cody went to his locker. I was next to him putting some stuff away. The letter falls out. Shit. Im starting to regret doing this. He picked up the letter and read it. \"Ooh! I have a secret admirerer!! I guess she wants a lotta this!\" He said moving his hands throughout his body. \"bet that admirer will immediately ditch you after whatever that was..\" \"why are you such a downer noah?\" I just shrugged.", "[Cody Pov] I had got a letter from a so called secret admirer. I remembered what noah had said earlier at school. \"They will probably ditch you after whatever that was.\" That had me anxious. Will my so called secret admirer actually hate me? Or was it just a joke? Either way. Noah definitely scared me to death. Im pretty sure Noah has something to do with the secret admirer. But im not sure what. Maybe a friend? Or im not sure. But something seemed off. How would he know what my secret admirer would do. He must know something. But im not sure how to get it out of him. Maybe i could try and catch him doing something embarrassing and blackmail him. Or is that too rude..? I was lost. If this letter was a prank. It wont happen tomorrow. So i will check my locker for a letter tomorrow. And if theres a letter. I come to school more early the day after that. \"PERFECT!\" I shout. I hear footsteps and the door opens to my dad holding a beer bottle made of glass. \"Why are you so loud!\" He shouted at me. By the time he walked in, i was curled up. My knees touching my chin. Sort of in the fetal position. My dad held his beer bottle up and hit me with it. Having it break. A few glass pieces went into my legs and arms. I was too scared to even notice. My mom walked into the room and yelled at my dad. They got into a fight and i was trying to take the glass pieces out of my legs and arms. My dad punched my mom in the guts and she slapped him. I looked at my mom telling her to leave the room and she walked out with dad following her. \"HEY. WHERE ARE YOU GOING WOMAN?\" He yelled at her. I laid down on my bed and fell asleep after what felt like an hour of trying to fall asleep.", "HI GUYS! TY FOR READING MY BOOK ILYSM GUYS. THE BEST RANK I GOT SO FAR IS #17 IN NEW KID. IM SO EXCITED. TYSM FOR READING MY BOOK AGAIN. Next chapter is being worked on rn! Ty for being patient and reading this book again. Ily guys sm!", "Hii! I got my phone tooken away. I secretly stole it to write this. I might not continue this. But please keep waiting! Ty", "[Noah Pov] i walked over to school early so i could send in the second love letter i have written for cody so far. Its very cheesy writing love letters. But its my only idea. So in a way, im actually confessing! I went to cody's locker, and placed it through the same spot as last time. The letter read.\n\n\"Dear Cody, Im aware you dont know who i am yet. I want to say. I really love your hair, your gap tooth, and pretty much everything about you! I honestly am not supposed to be dating guys, but i still like you, like a lot. From, your secret admirer. I went outside the school and sat on the steps. I read a book as everyone soon started to walk in. After hearing the bell ring. I picked up my books from my locker and walked over to my first class of the day. After 2nd period, i walked over to 3rd period. My only class with Cody. He and i were whispering to eachother. \nC: Hey Noah! Did you know i got another letter from my secret admirer?\" \nN: \"Wasnt aware of any letter. Why?\" \nC: because, someone likes me? And i just came here! Who knew someone would like the codemeister?\" \nN: really..? That nickname honestly cringes me out.\" \nC: i think its cool!\n\nAfter the school day was finished. Cody asked me if i wanted to come over to his house. \"Sure.\" I responded to Cody. We both walked to his house together and walked in. I heard faint yelling from the living room but i thought nothing of it. Maybe it was their tv? I went upstairs with Cody into his room. He wanted to keep talking about the letter. So thats what we did. \"I think that my admirer is a boy.\" He says to me. \"How so?\" I ask him. \"The letter i got this time said 'im not supposed to like boys' or something like that..\" \"Your admirer is probably a boy Cody..\" \"whatever! Atleast i have a secret admirer!\" He said conceitedly. \"Whatever.\" I say in my usual tone. I walked downstairs only halfway until i saw Codys mom on the stairs. With i assumed Cody's dad holding a beer bottle about to throw it at her. My eyes widen at the sight. \"WHO IS THIS KID?\" \"Its my son's friend Kevin.. his names Noah\" \"WHAT? IS MY SON GAY?\" I just snuck out since Cody's dad was distracted. I felt bad leaving his mom like that. But it was awkward.", "GUYS, I CAN SNEAK MY PHONE INTO THE BATHROOM AND WRITE THERE. (Its disturbing ik) BUT I CAN STILL WRITE THIS! ILY GUYS SM", "[Noah Pov] After waking up, i went over to my shower and turned on the shower. I get burnt by the hot water. \"OH SHI-\" i get cut off by my mom. \"NOAH, IF YOU CUSS AGAIN, YOU ARE KICKED OUT OF THIS HOUSE!\" She yelled at me. I finish showering, get my clothes on, get my breakfast, and walk out the door. I enter the school and go over to Cody's locker, yet again, i place the note in his locker, i wait for him to come to school and i grab stuff from my locker. Cody comes over to his locker and finds the letter. Im not sure where he came from but it wasnt the entrance. I bit my nails anxiously. He looked over at me. [Cody Pov] \"It was you.\" His eyes widened at what i said. \"W-what do you mean?\" Noah said back to me. \"I was hiding near the bathroom to see who the letter was from. It was you.\" I said a bit surprised. \"No it wasnt..?\" He said back to me hesitantly. \"Yes it was. I have more proof than that.\" His eyes widen even more. He bit his nails anxiously. \"Remember the nurse's office?\" I was awake when you..\" he put his hand over his mouth. (<b>A/n: sorry for the short chapter. Im in a rush bc im not supposed to have my phone rn.)</b>", "[Noah Pov] i put my hand over my mouth and looked at the ground after realizing cody knew i kissed him. Gosh.. i did not expect that. \"I honestly liked it..\" i hear him mumble. I look up to see Cody blushing and looking down. \"So.. what are we?\" I say hesitantly. \"Boyfriends..?\" Cody mumbles. \"Sure.\" I smile at him and he smiles back. The other students start to come into school and we act like nothing happened. Our relationship just started. I dont want to have it be public just yet. Maybe to our friends, but not izzy, she will say something if its said. So maybe Owen can be trusted? Ill think about it. Maybe Cody doesnt want anyone to know including Owen. Ill ask him later. The bell rings and i head over to class. <b>[Time Skip To After School] </b>[Cody Pov] I ask Noah if i could stay at his house for the night, my mom told me my dad was getting really aggressive. So i wanted to go, besides, his house is HUGE! Its almost shocking to know that. Besides, we just became boyfriends, i wanted to get to know him better. Noah agrees to the sleepover and we walk together to his house. I walk in to his house as i hold his hand. \"Hello Mrs. Sterecra!\" I say to her. \"Hello! Er.. Cody is it?\" I nod my head and walk upstairs with Noah. We sit on his bed. \"Noah? Do you have minecraft?\" I ask Noah. \"Yeah i do. Why? You wanna play?\" He replies. I nod my head eagerly and I start playing on his Xbox. He plays on his computer. [Noah Pov] I watch Cody playing on my xbox. I smile at him but he doesnt look back. He wants to show me a world he has with something in it. But he wanted to finish it before i saw. So i just played in my server until he called me over to see. I look at the TV controlled by the Xbox and he shows me a statue. A statue of.. me? I look at him confused but he just smiles. \"Do you like it?\" He asks. \"Yeah. I do.\" I say while ruffling his hair. It looked fluffy. I just had to touch his hair. I smirk at him while he hugs me. I guess i was right. This will be a good year.", "OMG IM JS SEEING HOW MANY READS THIS FANFIC GOT, OVER 1K? ILYSM GUYS 😭 I WROTE THIS EXPECTING TO GIVE UP AFTER A BIT, BUT YOU GUYS CHANGED IT. I WILL TRY AND FIND MORE MOTIVATION TO KEEP WRITING. PLEASE BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR NEW CHAPTERS!", "[Cody Pov] Im still sitting on Noah's bed playing minecraft with him. We agreed to a sleepover so im staying for the night. At some point around 6:40 pm, we got bored of minecraft and decided to watch a movie. \n\nI picked a sci-fi movie about space and turned it on. Noah had the A.C on and it was cold in his room. I covered myself up with a blanket but it was still too cold. \n\n[Noah Pov] I look over at Cody, i notice hes covering himself up with some blankets. I get up and i turn off the A.C. I then walk over to Cody again and sit next to him. I wrap my arm around him and pull him closer to me. He lays his head on my shoulder and i ruffle his hair. \n\nWe continue watching the movie. \"Im hungry, want some popcorn?\" I ask him. \"Sure\" \n\ni get up to make the popcorn. I grab a bag of corn and put it in the microwave and set it for 2 minutes. \n\nCody calls me over and i go over to my room. He wanted me to see a good part. I look at the tv to see.. an alien falling off some planet called zutopia..? Ok.. i hear a loud noise sounding like an explosion.\n\n\"What's happening?\" Cody asks. \"Oh, we are just getting bombed.\" I say sarcastically. Im confused until Cody walks with me to the kitchen. Shit.. i forgot about the popcorn. I grab a bucket with water and splash the microwave with it. \"There goes our microwave.\" Atleast we are safe. I thought to myself. ", "Tw: mention of overdose\n\n[Cody Pov] After waking up on Noahs bed, i look over at him and see him sleeping. I got a message from my mother that my dad was in the hospital due to overdosing. I've been getting tired of my dad honestly. This has happened before, but he somehow survives everytime. I always felt like running away. But i always thought about leaving my mom. But i thought about it, im ready. I look over at Noah and he is just waking up. I grab my school backpack and walk out the door, but Noah stops me. \"Where are you going..\" he says half asleep. I resist but eventually give in. \"Im going to my house to pack to run away.\" Its hard for me to lie, i couldn't lie to Noah. Noah immediately wakes up and is now serious. \"Im coming with you.\" \"But it might be dangerous? I thought of taking a plane somewhere far away.\" \"Do you even have your passport?\" I go silent after hearing that. Shoot, i forgot about the passport part. How will i run away then..? Noah gets up and grabs keys. Car! Of course! I smiled at him. He drives me to my house and i pack up. I tell my mom im going to toronto for the weekend with my friends and I go back to the car. \"Your not packing?\" I ask noah. \"I dont have much stuff, besides i have money, so i can just buy more stuff.\" We go and get gas. We drive for what seems like an hour. A car goes and crashes around the driver's seat. Noah steers us out of the road by accident and we hit a tree. Great.. we dont know where we are and we lost our form of transportation. What are we gonna do..", "[Noah Pov] Cody and i ran away together. The stupid car crashes. Everything sucks. \"What do we do?\" Cody asks me. I shrug my shoulders. I check the time, 7:34 pm. \"Its getting late. The backseats are still in shape. We can sleep there.\" Cody looks at me and nods his head. We sit in the backseat and try to get service. No internet, great.. we crash the car and now we dont even have internet? This is bullshit. I look over at Cody, hes out cold. He looks uncomfortable, i wrap my arms around him and pull him closer. He rests his head on my chest as he sits on my lap. I ruffle his hair and smile at him. I rest my chin on his head. My arms are wrapped around him still. I fall asleep still hugging Cody. [Cody Pov] I wake up with Noah's arms wrapped around me. This isnt how i fell asleep? I look back at him, hes still asleep. I smile and take out my phone. I light up, \"Yes! Internet!\" I yell out. Noah groans and wakes up. \"What's happening..?\" He says half asleep. \"I got internet!\" \"How..?\" \"Im not sure.\" I unlock my phone and i open up the \"Phone\" app. Im about to call 911 when Noah stops me. \"I see a car over there.\" \"Ooh! Great!\" I run over to it and ask for a ride. The driver agrees and i go in. Noah looks at me and rolls his eyes. He goes into the car and whispers to me. \"We could be kidnapped.. stupid.\" I put my hand over my mouth. Im so stupid. The driver pulls over at a gas station. We get out and walk into the store. We buy a few snacks and walk outside. The stupid driver left. \"What the fuck..\" Noah blurts out. I look at him. \"I see a house. Wanna go?\" Noah asks. I nod my head.", "Guys i have been starting to get screen time, and with school and a bunch of other sh, i wont be able to release chapters very often, i will try, but it might be hard. Tysm for all the support!", "[Cody Pov] Noah and i walk over to the house cautiously, we are aware we could be breaking into someone's house. Noah had a pocket knife on him , so if we get caught, we have something for self defense in case they are aggressive. we are ok. \n\nWe touch the door knob and open the door. It seems to be abandoned? It looks very dirty. We explore around the house when we both hear the door open. \n\nOur eyes widen and we jump out the window. We hear something drop, but we ignore it and run away. Noah looks at me and pants. \"That was.. awkward.\" I say. \"Atleast we didnt get caught.\" Noah responds. \n\nThe person that opened the door looks out the window we jumped out and sees us. \"CODY?!\" She grins, Shit, its Sierra. She was my stalker since sophmore year. \n\nShe is about to jump out the window when we hear something go into her foot. My eyes widen. \"The pocket knife Noah..\" he looks at me confused but then remembered that he dropped something. \"Shit.\" He blurts out when the realization hits. \n\n\"Did we basically commit a crime?\" I ask worried. Noah just shrugs, grabs my hand and runs away. We hear Sierra's body drop out the window. I try not to look back.", "[Noah Pov] We are just running away from sierras house. Did we just kill somebody..? \n\nSure it was Cody's stalker, but thats a crime, what if we are in trouble.. \n\ni look over at Cody, he is biting his nails. I wrap my arm around his neck. I smile at him reassuringly. Im anxious, but as long as there is no evidence, we are okay, i just really hope they dont find the pocket knife. \n\nWe walk up to a motel. This is a good enough place to live in for now. After all, Cody and i are desperate. But then i look at the fee sign. \"80 DOLLARS A DAY? THATS BULLSHIT!\" I shout. The person at the front desk glares at me and we walk away. \n\nI guess thats off the table. We could always be hobos and live outside stores, but no. Thats stupid, im not gonna be a hobo. \n\nI see a big apartment building near the gas station. Maybe there? Let me look at the fee sign. I look over at it and smile. \"30 dollars is much better!\" I grab Cody's hand and pull him over to the front desk.\n\n\"Hello! Welcome to Saint Joseph's Apartments! How may i help you!\"\n\n\"May we have a room for two people?\" I ask.\n\n\"We only have single bedrooms left! We are sorry!\" \n\nAre you kidding me..? The only good-ish apartments we find only have single beds? I mean, its better than nothing. \n\n\"Ill take it.\" I answer.\n\nThe front desk lady smiles and gives me room keys. I pay her money and we go to our room. \n\n\"This is better than nothing i guess.\" I say. Cody just nods.\n\n\"Who will take the bed? Its very small and i dont think we could fit.\" Cody mentions.\n\n\"You can have it.\" I respond.\n\n\"But your the one who paid! You deserve it.\"\n\n\"Your sleeping on the bed, period.\" \n\nCody looks at me and jumps onto me for a hug. \n\n\"THANK YOU NOAH!\" \n\nI smile and pat his head. We both sit on the bed and go on our phones. The wi-fi sucked here, so we couldnt do much. Eventually it was night time. Cody and i were watching a tv show on the cable tv. It sucked but i watched it because Cody liked it. After realizing how late it was, i got off the bed and went on the floor.\n\n\"Are you sure you want to sleep on the floor Noah?\" Cody calls out. \n\n\"Im sure gaps.\" \n\nCody gets out of bed and just lays on the floor with me. \n\n\"If you sleep on the floor, i sleep on the floor.\"\n<b>(A/N: ik i always say to remember certain shit but seriously, remember this)</b>", "[Cody Pov] I wake up to Noah's arms being wrapped around me. He was on the floor and so was I. I smile and hug him tightly. I love him so much, there isnt even a word to describe how much i do. I keep hugging him as he wakes up. He sees me hugging him and he smiles. He hugs me back.\n\n \"Good morning baby.\" I say to him to make him cringe. \n\n\"Cody, dont call me that.. its cringier than when you moved your arms throughout your body one time..\" Noah says. \n\nI just let out a laugh. We get up and go downstairs our apartment room. We have to leave now since we have to spend the money on other stuff like food and stuff. I checked my phone. The internet finally works! I go onto every app. I go onto Maps. We are still in Vancouver..? Are you serious.? THAT FELT LIKE FOREVER! Noah looks at my phone and slaps his forehead. \n\n\"Oh my god.\"\n\nWe walk through the door and go onto the elevator. We are stuck in there with some smelly people who probably havent ever heard of deodorant. I plug my nose and hide in a corner behind Noah. I wrap my arms around him and the two gross sweaty guys stare at us. \n\n\"You guys are gay..?\" \n\n\"Gross.\" I hear one of them say. \n\nThat was the last straw. If i get judged for being gay again, i will literally kill myself. I get out of the corner and right hook the man who said \"Gross.\" \n\nNoah stared at me. But just hugged me when we got off the elevator.\n\n \"THAT FELT SO GOOD!!\" I shout.\n\nNoah smirks at me. We go to the front desk when we see someone familiar. Shit. Not him, NOT YET! NO NO NO! My eyes widen.\n\n\"Why are you here you fool!?\" He yells. \n\nMy Dad.", "[Noah Pov] After getting out of the elevator, we walk over to the front desk, we see someone familiar. Shit, not him.. \n\nCody's Dad. \n\nHis dad is mad at Cody, he wasnt at home the entire weekend. Cody told me his dad tends to get mad if he isnt at home in an hour after getting out of the house or school. But i wasnt expecting him to be here. Maybe he was kicked out..? \n\n\"D-dad, im sorry! I wanted to go on vacation with my friend!\" \n\n\"Friend my ass, i have seen how you two act around eachother.\"\n\nWe looked at eachother. Was he spying on us..? I looked back at his dad. He was drinking beer. He finishes the bottle and holds it up. Suddenly a broadcast turns on the TV. \n\nNews Lady: Hello everyone! And welcome to News 12! On the twelfth channel. There has been a murder at ***** st. We have two suspects waiting to be found and questioned. If you have seen any of these two kids, which are known as Cody and Noah. Please report to the police station.\n\nOur eyes widen. Did they find the pocket knife..? Cody's dad is looking at the TV, then at us. \n\n\"DID MY SON MURDER SOMEBODY?!\" He yells. I grab Cody's hand and run away as fast as possible.\n\n\"Did we get caught..?\" Cody asks me.\n\n\"I guess..\" i answer. \n\n\"Shit.\" \n\nI grab Cody's hand and run away again. We need to find something to do. Cody gets a phone call from his mom.\n\n\"CODY?! DID YOU KILL SOMEBODY?!\" His mom yells through the phone.\n\nCody flinches. \n\n\"I-IT WAS AN ACCIDENT MOM, IM SORRY!\"\n\n\"You are a disaapointment Cody. And im reporting you to the police, get back home, NOW?\"\n\nShe hangs up.", "Im literally #1 on a category rn 😟 TYSM GUYS! This started as a book i thought i would give up on, but i've been motivated by everyone reading this, and my amazing achievements. Thank you sm guys! And keep the support coming! Ilyy", "Hii! So i kinda ran out of ideas, but like the comment above i wanna get back to work 😭 so i have two ideas, but i want you guys to select, i will have two words below, each have a different ending. so the question.\n\n Hot or cold?\n\nI will check the comments on Friday, then i will write the majority. I dont take spam comments btw.", "[Noah Pov] Cody and I are running away, we just got caught, we should have gone back for the pocket knife. I also got us in this situation. I need to get us out of it. \n\nCody starts to slow down, as do i. Im about to ask him why when i look over infront of me. \"Are you serious.\" \n\nA police..? This is the worst possible thing to happen right now! \n\n\"Hey.. you look familiar..\" The police's eyes widen. \n\n\"Wait.. YOU GUYS ARE SUSPECTS!\" \n\nOur eyes widen. No no no! The police officer grabs our arms and handcuffs us.\n\n\"Hey, hey! You cant handcuff us! You need a warrant!\" Cody yells.\n\nI look over at Cody.\n\n\"Police officers only need warrants to enter your house Cody..\" i whisper to Cody.\n\n\"Oh yeah!\" He says.\n\n<b>(A/n IM SO SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER IM SUPPOSED TO BE DOING HW RN </b>😭<b>)</b>", "(Im to lazy to write the interrogation so js pretend they went to court already.)\n\n[Cody Pov]  Noah and i are sitting down in the court room, we just got caught for murdering someone. Well not someone, Sierra. But i guess accidentally killing somebody is illegal? The judge calls Noah up. \n\n\"Before we begin, explain the situation from your perspective Mr. Sterecra.\"\n\n\"My boyfriend and i had run away from home, we were doing it due to issues in his family. I didnt want to let him go alone, so i went. We enter Sierra's house since we thought it was abandoned, we heard the door and were anxious, we jumped out the winder and i dropped my pocket knife for self defense, the blade was sticking out. But i wasn't aware. Neither was i aware the pocket knife fell. Sierra went to the window we jumped out of, she attempted to jump out since she has a big obsession with Cody. And i guess her foot went in the blade..\"\n\n\"Please state what your intentions were entering that house Mr. Sterecra.\" \n\nI cross my fingers, i hope neither Noah or i mess up.\n\n\"We were just trying to find a place to live until we had good money.\"\n\n\"I see. And you thought the house was abandoned?\"\n\nNoah nods his head.\n\n\"You may sit down.\" \n\nThe judge calls me up. I cross my fingers.\n\n\"Okay Mr. Anderson, so i heard Mr. Sterecra  mentioned that Sierra had an obsession with you? May you please describe how bad it was?\"\n\nAll these Mr last name stuff was bothering me. I thought it was a bit odd.\n\n\"It was.. horrible! Everytime we were left alone, she would assault me. I was on a show, Total Drama World Tour i think it was. She took photos of me naked!\"\n\nThe judge's eyes widened.\n\n\"If this is true, you two may not face consequences. Sierra illegally took naked photos of you. Which is sexual assualt.\" \n\nMy eyes lit up.", "[Noah Pov]\n\nWe did it! We won the case! Im so glad, i didnt want to go to jail, or even a death sentence. Maybe over exaggerating, but still. We need to find a place to stay though. We continue walking. Cody is staring at something while smiling. \"OOH A PARK! CAN WE GO?\" he shouts. I look at him and smile. \"Sure.\" \n\nWe walk over to the park. But Cody stops for a second. \"Actually.. i changed my mind.\" I raise an eyebrow. He never would miss an opportunity to go to the park. He starts to speed walk away. I run to go and catch up with him. Whats wrong? I ask myself. \"Cody whats up? You never turn down an opportunity to go to the park?\" He looks at me. \"It's nothing.\" He states with a rude tone. \n\nFor the rest of the walk to a different hotel, its just awkward silence. I break the silence. \"Seriously Cody what's happening?\"  \"ITS NOTHING?! OKAY?!\" He shoves me and walks away angrily. \"WHAT THE FUCK CODY?!\" I yell as he walks away. I see tears running down his eyes, Shit.. i fucked up. \n\nI run into the hotel where Cody went, but i couldn't spot him. I slap my forehead. I walk back outside and sit on a bench. I needed something to distract me, so i pull out a book. I continue reading when i look up to see those two sweaty men from the elevator. Ew. They really should wear deodorant.\n\n \"Whats up gay scrawny kid.\" One of them says sternly. \"Uhm.. the sky?\" I hesitantly say. The other one grabs my arm and my book, they throw the book in the trash can. \"Really?\" I say now being annoyed. \n\nThe one grabbing my arm pulls me and wraps a bandana around my head, keeping me from breathing. They grab me and pull me behind the building. I couldnt see. One of them threw a punch and hit me in the guts. \"WHAT THE FUCK MAN?\" Then, i heard a gun cock.", "(IM SO SORRY\n BUT IM ABT TO MAKE U \nCRY)\n\nCody Pov]\n\nI hear a loud noise. I cant make out what it is, i walk outside of the hotel room Noah and i rented, and i look to see a huge crowd of people forming behind the building. I go over curiously. \n\n\"IS HE DEAD?\" I hear someone ask. \n\n\"SOMEONE HELP HIM!\" I hear someone shout. \n\nI shoved through the crowd of people to see Noah bleeding at a shocking rate. \n\n\"NOAH?\" I shout. \"No, NO!\" I run over to him \"please no..\" i whisper. \n\nThe police shove through and see Noah. \"What's happening? Why is this kid holding him. Is he the murderer?\" The police shout. Im crying too much to even care. The police look at me crying. They grab me by my shirt and bring me over to the crowd of people. \"NOAH!!\" I shout as loud as possible while sobbing. \n\n[Time skip] Im in the waiting room, patiently waiting, biting my nails. I dont want Noah to die.. i hope he is okay.. i wait for what feels like 40 years before the doctors walk out of the hospital room. \"IS HE OKAY?\" I yell hopefully. \nThe doctors look at eachother sadly. They look at me and shake their heads. \"The bullet went right through his heart. It stopped beating.\" One of the doctors say. My eyes widen and my hands start to shake. \"N-no.. your joking right?\" I ask worried. They shake their heads. \n\nAll of my plans were ruined, how i was gonna plan our first romantic date, how i was going to plan our marriage, all of my life plans with Noah. Gone.", "IM SO SORRY FOR KILLING NOAH 😭 COLD WAS THE BAD ENDING AND HOT WAS THE GOOD ENDING, AND MAJORITY WAS COLD 😔 (If u didnt read the last a/n this doesnt make sense ik)", "[Time skip 4 months later]\n\n[Cody Pov]\n\nIt's been 4 months since Noah died, it was a long time ago, but i still cant get over it. He was someone who i meant something to, and now hes gone. I cant, not anymore. Its dark and gloomy outside, it looks like its about to rain. I frown. I look at the sky. I walk slowly to the park, the one i refused to go back to, i couldnt go there after what happened, but something was leading me there. Im at the park where its empty, i walk over to a bench and sit down. I go on my phone and go onto social media. Before doing so, i look at the app, minecraft, Noah loved minecraft. Someone pokes me on the shoulder, i look over at them, Eva. \"Whats up.\" She says in her usual tone. \"I hate life.\" I respond without thinking. Eva looks a bit concerned now. \"Listen, I get you can't get over Noah, but what happens, happens.\" Eva says trying to be comforting, but its not working, i still miss Noah. I hate everything, i just wish i.. didnt exist. I caused this for Noah, and i didnt even get to apologize for the argument. I wish i could just die. \"Well, ill be off now, bye Cody.\" Eva waves goodbye. I look down. I hate myself. I get up and look at my phone again. I look at my texts. I see Noah's contact. I start to tear up as i look at him. A little boy is looking at me and laughing. \"HAHA! THE MAN OVER THERE IS CRYING! WHAT A BABY.\" I wanted to slap that kid. I get up and walk over to him. I look at the busy road, i smile. Then i look at the boy. \"Whats wrong with you.\" I ask calmly. \"Your a crybaby and stupid!\" The boy says to me. I grab his cheeks and slap him. I run away and go towards the busy road. I atleast had a relieving moment before doing this. I walk to the middle of the street as a speeding car rushes over to where i am. I smile.\n\n \"Im coming Noah. If you sleep on the floor, i sleep on the floor.\" \n\n\"If you die, i die.\"", "[Cody Pov] I hear a loud noise. I cant make out what it is, i walk outside of the hotel room Noah and i rented, and i look to see a huge crowd of people forming behind the building. I go over curiously. \n\n\"IS HE DEAD?\" I hear someone ask. \n\n\"SOMEONE HELP HIM!\" I hear someone shout. \n\nI shoved through the crowd of people to see Noah bleeding at a shocking rate. \n\n\"NOAH?\" I shout. \"No, NO!\" I run over to him \"please no..\" i whisper. \n\nThe police shove through and see Noah. \"What's happening? Why is this kid holding him. Is he the murderer?\" The police shout. Im crying too much to even care. The police look at me crying. They grab me by my shirt and bring me over to the crowd of people. \"NOAH!!\" I shout as loud as possible while sobbing. \n\n[Time skip] Im in the waiting room, patiently waiting, biting my nails. I dont want Noah to die.. i hope he is okay.. i wait for what feels like 40 years before the doctors walk out of the hospital room. \"IS HE OKAY?\" I yell hopefully. The doctors smile happily. And they nod their heads. I smile and run into his room. \"NOAH? NOAH? YOUR OKAY!\" I wrap my arms around him tightly, he tries to pull me off to say something, but i dont let go. \"YOUR OKAY?\" I say again, making sure its not a prank. \"IM SO SORRY NOAH!\" I say in tears. He smiles and hugs me back. \"I love you Cody.\" Noah says. I nod my head \"Me too.\"\n\n\"If you live, i live.\"\n\n(I HAD TO MAKE THE ALTERNATE ENDING, I DIDNT WANNA MAKE ANYONE DEPRESSED)", "TYSM GUYS FOR GETTING ME THIS FAR, this fanfic was a plan i made, which i thought would fail almost immediately and i would unpublish it, but with help from you guys, I ACTUALLY MADE MY FIRST BOOK! Thank you so much to those who read this book along the way, im actually so proud of myself! Tysm!" ]
Title: New Kid (noah x cody) noco fanfic Description: Noah x Cody fanfic, (FINALLY COMPLETED) Tags: ['cartoonfanfic', 'cody', 'cool', 'crime', 'deathstroke', 'house', 'lemon', 'murder', 'newkid', 'noah', 'noahxcody', 'noahxcodyfanfics', 'noco', 'nocoangst', 'sierra', 'sleepover', 'wattpad']
# Whats with the new kid? [Noah's pov] It was around 5:00 AM when i woke up to vaccuming around the house. I took out my phone and texted my mom. Noah: Mom! Can you stop making so much noise? Mom: Noah, i have to vaccum the house! We are meeting our new neighbors today after you finish school! Noah: Fine.. ill get up now. Mom: good. I got out of bed and i went over to my closet to grab my outfit for the first day. A white long sleeved shirt. With a blue short sleeved shirt and a red vest. Casual but all i could find at this point. I shower and grab my clothes. I dont manage to get them on because, I hear my mom calling for me. "NOAH! COME DOWNSTAIRS FOR BREAKFAST!" She called out. I wonder how she can wake up so early and still have the guts to scream so loud. I changed to my outfit i picked. And went downstairs. "Noah. Remember to change after school! We have guests!" She said angrily. "Sheesh, i will. Calm down mom." I say to her with a hint of sarcasm. "Dont have that attitude with me!" I roll my eyes and I eat my breakfast, brush my teeth, and walk out the door. "Bye mom." I shout to her as i walk onto the sidewalk. The schools a few blocks from my house so its not far. But im just a know it all, not good with sports. So i was basically sweating by the time i got there. We all went to this huge school assembly explaining some rules for the new students. I saw a small guy about my age, he honestly looked like a twink. I was concerned how he was 15. Pretty odd if you ask me. I noticed the twink talking to Owen and Izzy and i slide over to them. "Hey guys. Whos this guy?" I say with an odd tone that sounded slightly rude. "Oh this little buddy is Cody! He just moved here from Toronto!" Owen said excitedly. <b>(A/n: idk where cody's from in canada so just pretend hes from toronto.) </b>"He is really nice, like really really nice!" Izzy said happily. "So it seems." I say deadpanning. "Hi! Im cody! Whats your name?" The geek says. "Noah's my name." I answer. I was infront of him and he smelled like, beer..? Did he drink or something? I was reluctant about assuming he drank. Besides, he's 15, what kind of kid drinks at 15? He doesnt even look like an alcoholic. I shook it off and continued paying attention to the principal speaking in the assembly. He looked around his late 40's and didnt look too young or too old. I hope this will be a good year. <b>(A/n: remember what was just said. Trust me.)</b> # A sleepover and Owen's disgusting farts. (Cody's pov) After the assembly everyone headed to their first class. I had chemistry class with Mrs Clark she was an old lady but all she did was rant about her love life. I was new here so i didnt know anyone other than Owen, Izzy and Noah. I met them at the assembly for new students like me. I eventually finished both 1st and second period and walked over to 3rd period. Noah was in my class just infront of me. After 4th period, i walked over to lunch. Turns out Owen, Izzy, and Noah all were at a table hanging out, but Noah was being boring and reading his stupid book, how could he read when he could be with us? Pretty stupid if ypu ask me, i sat next to Izzy with Noah infront of me and Owen besides Noah. I stared at Noah reading his book. He kinda looked kinda hot.. wait, im not gay! Im not, right? Otherwise, my dad would kill me. Cant be gay. Remember that cody! I smack my head. "Whats wrong little buddy?" Owen says to me. "Family issues." I answer back. "Oh! Wait, i have the biggest, french fry worthy IDEA! LETS HAVE. A SLEEPOVER! Huh buddy?" I grinned. "Sure." Noah looks up for a small moment and looks back at his book. "So you in Noah?" Owen says excitedly. "Sure, whatever." He says without looking up from his book. "And you too izzy?" Owen asks her. "Sure! It'll be fun!" She answers him. "So you guys can come at 6:00 pm?" Owen says. Everyone agreed and we continued classes. After school was over, i walked back home. It was a few blocks away, and we just moved in. After arriving at 3:24, i was told by my mom to find something nice to wear, we are gonna be visiting our neighbors. I went upstairs to change into something less dirty and went downstairs. I sat down on the beer stained couch. My dad is an alcoholic so he always has the house covered in beer bottles. My mom was in a dark red dress. She and i walked over to the house infront of my house. She knocked on the door and a nice lady opened the door. She kinda looked like Noah but female and older. I walked inside and my jaw dropped on how big the house was on the inside. I heard the lady scream something. "NOAH? COME DOWNSTAIRS NOW!" Then i heard a familiar voice. "COMING MOM!" I saw him walk downstairs. "Noah?!" I said surprised but excitedly. "You two know eachother?" His mom said. "Yeah we do, he goes to my school and hes in my 3rd period class!" I said even more happily. His mom let Noah and i go to his room. "Can i come in?" I ask. "Why do you think my mom let you come upstairs geek." I was a bit hurt but shook it off. His mom and my mom talked while he read a book next to me on his bed. "Your still coming to the sleepover right?" I said. He looked up and just nodded. It was 5:30 when i left his house. I got ready for the sleepover and told my mom im going to a friend's house for a sleepover. She nodded and i left. I noticed noah come out of his house and walking over, i crossed the street and walked over to him, "Hey dude!" I said. "Hey." He said with almost no enthusiasm. He was wearing jeans, and a black shirt. Honestly, i cant lie to myself anymore, i think hes really, really hot. But what if he isnt even gay? We walked together to Owen's house and we greeted his parents. We walked upstairs but as soon as we reached his room, Noah stopped me. "Dont go in without holding your breath, Owen farts, like a lot. So it may smell like shit in there. Trust me." Noah said plugging his nose with his thumb and index finger. I did the same and walked in. Noah unplugged his nose and smelled the air. "You can unplug your nose now geek." He said sarcastically. "Hey!" I scolded him for calling me a geek. He smirked and rolled his eyes. There was an uncomfortable mattress on the ground. "You and Noah sleep there Cody!" Owen said while munching on a few chip bags. He and i looked at owen. "We dont have different mattresses?" Noah said. Owen shook his head. Owen kept eating his chips and noah sat on the uncomfortable mattress and read a book. Izzy was doing something called, the snake dance? Honestly she weirded me out. I sat on the hard mattress and lied down. "You guys wanna play truth or dare?" Owen said excitedly. Everyone but Noah agreed. "Oh come on noah! Your such a downer!" I said. He stood up. "Fine, but only this round!" He yelled. I flinched at the yelling but only Noah noticed, letting him know to stop. "Okay, Izzy, truth or dare?" Owen said. Then izzy responded. "Dare! I can take anything!" "I dare you, to go outside, and bark at any stranger passing by for 5 minutes!" Owen said with a mischievous tone. "Explosivo has this in the bag!" Izzy said in 3rd person. She went outside and barked at any car or stranger passing by. It was funny as fuck to the fact even noah laughed! We went inside after 5 minutes and decided to watch a horror movie since it was getting dark out and it was gonna rain. I didnt tell anyone this but, i hate scary movies! So that would suck. I pretended to be brave and just said i liked scary movies. Halfway in, i was freaking out, it was just noah and i awake since Owen and izzy got tired, they slept together and noah and i layed down on the hard mattress. I couldnt sleep so i was wide awake. Noah was up with me so he just turned off the movie. "You really hate horror movies huh?" He said almost half asleep. "Yeah, i do. I didnt want Owen and Izzy to think i was boring, so i said i liked them." I said anxiously waiting for him to respond. "Heh, dork." He patted my head. I punched his shoulder. We stayed awake a bit more, either on our phones, which was basically only me. Or just listened to music. But Noah didnt like it. The rain kept pouring and i soon heard thunder. I shrieked as i heard it the first time. "Also scared of thunder?" I nodded, i still had wide eyes and i covered myself with a blanket. Only my face was sticking out. "Hey, im cold too geek." He pulled on the blanket. He pulled it around him and covered most of his body with it. I was out cold by the time he looked at me again. <b>(A/n: next chapter is gonna be Noah's pov again.)</b> # A/N Hello guys! Ty for those who have read my noco fanfic so far! Im currently working on the 3rd chapter and it may take a while, please stay tuned! I will try and get motivation to finish this. Thank you again for reading this story! # Duncan.. [Noah Pov] I woke up cuddling cody. I screamed since i didnt remember anything and tried to remember my surroundings. "Oh." I remembered i had a sleepover with owen, izzy and cody. I got up, and started to pack up most of my stuff up. I noticed cody shivering so i covered him up with a blanket. I stood up to use the bathroom. After using the bathroom, i washed my hands and opened the door. I got my shoes on and sat on the hard mattress. I looked at cody. His hair was in his face and he was drooling. "What a geek." I chuckled and brushed his hair out of his face. He honestly looked kinda cute while sleeping. But hes probably not gay. I might as well save my breath. I remembered we had school and shook the others awake. "Leave me alone mama.." Cody said as i shook him awake. "Its not your mama geek." He turned onto his side to look at me. His eyes widened seeing me. "Oh, i forgot we were at a sleepover." He mumbled. Still half asleep. The others just woke up normally when i shook them awake. Although Izzy punched me in the face. We all walked to school together and walked in. "Hey losers." A familiar voice called out. Duncan.. he has bullied me since 7th grade for being gay. "Whats up know it all? Still gay? Not a shocker. You look gayer than james charles." <b>(A/N: im not good with insults so please ignore them </b>😭<b>)</b><b> </b>"dont talk duncan. You look like an annoying punk who dipped their hair in green paint." After saying that, last thing i remember is seeing duncan looking enraged. Im not sure what happened next, but i assumed i passed out. <b>(Sorry for the short chapter) ill try and make it up next chapter.</b> # Nurse's Office [Cody Pov] I watch noah arguing with duncan. Next thing i know. Boom. Noah is on the ground with duncan death staring him. Duncan knocks him out with a punch. I gasp and look away. When i looked back, noah was bleeding and had a black eye. Owen and Izzy were too busy making out to even notice. I picked up noah by the arms and attempted to drag him to the nurse's office, but with my noodle arms, i could barely move. Duncan deathstared me. I kept staring at him looking annoyed. I couldnt punch him, i could get in trouble and i probably would get knocked out. I called for a nurse and she brought him to the nurse's office. When he woke up, i was next to him on a chair. "Cody? What are you doing..? Arent you supposed to be in class or something? And where am i?" Noah said slightly touching his black eye. "Nurses office" i said, slightly worried about him. Awkward silence just went on until the nurse went up to him and gave him an ice pack for the bruise. And wrapped bandages around the bleeding areas. "So? You should go to class gaps. Your gonna fail if you dont." Noah said breaking the awkward silence. "And if i dont?" I say smirking. Noah glared at me and rolled his eyes. "Fine, stay here, i dont care honestly." He said and laid down on the nurse's office's bed. I leaned on my chair and fell asleep. [Noah Pov] Cody had fallen asleep by the time i looked back at him. Gosh those lips are so kissable.. i looked at his lips then at his eyes. I grabbed his face and kissed him. <b>(REMEMBER THIS PART TRUST ME) </b>He was still sleeping so he didnt realize. The nurse stared at me in surprise. But left it alone after a while. "Shit.." i whispered to myself. "Im so stupid.." i smacked my forehead and laid down. After a while, Cody woke up. "Why is my face cold.." he said. Shit. My hands were cold. I hope he doesnt realize. The nurse was about to ask us something but i glared at her letting her know not to ask anything about what just happened. "You should go back to class geek." I said looking at him. "But i like being here with you! Besides i want to know how your injury is doing." "Its doing fine gaps. Now go to class, geek." He punched my shoulder and left. He tends to do that for some reason. He walked out of the nurse's office and I had my stomach facing the ceiling. Damn, that kiss was good. <b>(A/n I WAS KICKING MY FEET WRITING THE KISS SCENE </b>😭<b>)</b> # The First Letter [Noah Pov] i had really been liking cody, hes a nice guy, a geek, but nice. And honestly, kinda cute. I wanted to confess to him, but i was a bit afraid. I bet if word got around that he rejected me, duncan would kill me for being "a tryhard" so i had the perfect idea. A letter. I tend to have good handwriting, so cody should be able to read it, and besides, the letter can say its from "your secret admirer" so cody doesnt know who its from and im not embarrassed. I started writing the first letter when cody came up to me. "Whatcha writing Noah?" "Essay for class." "Your so boring noah.." "so what?" I smirked since he wasnt saying anything else. I laughed and patted his shoulder while he just looked at me in confusion. "Sheesh, your hands are cold noah." Cody mentioned. Shit. He better not find out about what happened in the nurse's office. "Now shoo gaps, i dont want you copying my answers." I felt bad having to shoo him away, but these letters had to be private. Which means even owen cant know. I started writing when Cody left.             Dear Cody, hello, i wanted to tell you, i have a major crush on you cody, i really like you. I honestly think your funny, kind, nice and really hot. And dang, your the best, you know me well, but im afraid you wont like me back. So this is from your secret admirer, maybe a girl, maybe a boy, who knows? From, Your one and only secret admirer. I grabbed the note and stuffed it in my backpack, Cody's locker is right next to me, convenient. I take the note out of my locker and place it in his locker through the holes they have in the lockers. I opened my locker and placed everything in there, i took out what i need for class and walked over to room 201. 3rd period Geography. One of my favorite subjects, next to math of course. I could feel my cheeks turn red as cody sat behind me. He looked at me with a smile, showing his gap tooth. He realized his gap tooth was showing and immediately covered it up. "Why dont you like your gap tooth?" I whispered to him. "I just dont like it much." He answered back with a louder but inaudible whisper. The teacher yelled at cody and i for talking and we just paid attention the rest of 3rd period. When lunch finally arrived, Cody went to his locker. I was next to him putting some stuff away. The letter falls out. Shit. Im starting to regret doing this. He picked up the letter and read it. "Ooh! I have a secret admirerer!! I guess she wants a lotta this!" He said moving his hands throughout his body. "bet that admirer will immediately ditch you after whatever that was.." "why are you such a downer noah?" I just shrugged. # The Abusive Father [Cody Pov] I had got a letter from a so called secret admirer. I remembered what noah had said earlier at school. "They will probably ditch you after whatever that was." That had me anxious. Will my so called secret admirer actually hate me? Or was it just a joke? Either way. Noah definitely scared me to death. Im pretty sure Noah has something to do with the secret admirer. But im not sure what. Maybe a friend? Or im not sure. But something seemed off. How would he know what my secret admirer would do. He must know something. But im not sure how to get it out of him. Maybe i could try and catch him doing something embarrassing and blackmail him. Or is that too rude..? I was lost. If this letter was a prank. It wont happen tomorrow. So i will check my locker for a letter tomorrow. And if theres a letter. I come to school more early the day after that. "PERFECT!" I shout. I hear footsteps and the door opens to my dad holding a beer bottle made of glass. "Why are you so loud!" He shouted at me. By the time he walked in, i was curled up. My knees touching my chin. Sort of in the fetal position. My dad held his beer bottle up and hit me with it. Having it break. A few glass pieces went into my legs and arms. I was too scared to even notice. My mom walked into the room and yelled at my dad. They got into a fight and i was trying to take the glass pieces out of my legs and arms. My dad punched my mom in the guts and she slapped him. I looked at my mom telling her to leave the room and she walked out with dad following her. "HEY. WHERE ARE YOU GOING WOMAN?" He yelled at her. I laid down on my bed and fell asleep after what felt like an hour of trying to fall asleep. # A/N HI GUYS! TY FOR READING MY BOOK ILYSM GUYS. THE BEST RANK I GOT SO FAR IS #17 IN NEW KID. IM SO EXCITED. TYSM FOR READING MY BOOK AGAIN. Next chapter is being worked on rn! Ty for being patient and reading this book again. Ily guys sm! # ANOTHER A/N PLEASE READ Hii! I got my phone tooken away. I secretly stole it to write this. I might not continue this. But please keep waiting! Ty # The Second Letter [Noah Pov] i walked over to school early so i could send in the second love letter i have written for cody so far. Its very cheesy writing love letters. But its my only idea. So in a way, im actually confessing! I went to cody's locker, and placed it through the same spot as last time. The letter read. "Dear Cody, Im aware you dont know who i am yet. I want to say. I really love your hair, your gap tooth, and pretty much everything about you! I honestly am not supposed to be dating guys, but i still like you, like a lot. From, your secret admirer. I went outside the school and sat on the steps. I read a book as everyone soon started to walk in. After hearing the bell ring. I picked up my books from my locker and walked over to my first class of the day. After 2nd period, i walked over to 3rd period. My only class with Cody. He and i were whispering to eachother. C: Hey Noah! Did you know i got another letter from my secret admirer?" N: "Wasnt aware of any letter. Why?" C: because, someone likes me? And i just came here! Who knew someone would like the codemeister?" N: really..? That nickname honestly cringes me out." C: i think its cool! After the school day was finished. Cody asked me if i wanted to come over to his house. "Sure." I responded to Cody. We both walked to his house together and walked in. I heard faint yelling from the living room but i thought nothing of it. Maybe it was their tv? I went upstairs with Cody into his room. He wanted to keep talking about the letter. So thats what we did. "I think that my admirer is a boy." He says to me. "How so?" I ask him. "The letter i got this time said 'im not supposed to like boys' or something like that.." "Your admirer is probably a boy Cody.." "whatever! Atleast i have a secret admirer!" He said conceitedly. "Whatever." I say in my usual tone. I walked downstairs only halfway until i saw Codys mom on the stairs. With i assumed Cody's dad holding a beer bottle about to throw it at her. My eyes widen at the sight. "WHO IS THIS KID?" "Its my son's friend Kevin.. his names Noah" "WHAT? IS MY SON GAY?" I just snuck out since Cody's dad was distracted. I felt bad leaving his mom like that. But it was awkward. # A/N GUYS, I CAN SNEAK MY PHONE INTO THE BATHROOM AND WRITE THERE. (Its disturbing ik) BUT I CAN STILL WRITE THIS! ILY GUYS SM # The Third And Final Letter [Noah Pov] After waking up, i went over to my shower and turned on the shower. I get burnt by the hot water. "OH SHI-" i get cut off by my mom. "NOAH, IF YOU CUSS AGAIN, YOU ARE KICKED OUT OF THIS HOUSE!" She yelled at me. I finish showering, get my clothes on, get my breakfast, and walk out the door. I enter the school and go over to Cody's locker, yet again, i place the note in his locker, i wait for him to come to school and i grab stuff from my locker. Cody comes over to his locker and finds the letter. Im not sure where he came from but it wasnt the entrance. I bit my nails anxiously. He looked over at me. [Cody Pov] "It was you." His eyes widened at what i said. "W-what do you mean?" Noah said back to me. "I was hiding near the bathroom to see who the letter was from. It was you." I said a bit surprised. "No it wasnt..?" He said back to me hesitantly. "Yes it was. I have more proof than that." His eyes widen even more. He bit his nails anxiously. "Remember the nurse's office?" I was awake when you.." he put his hand over his mouth. (<b>A/n: sorry for the short chapter. Im in a rush bc im not supposed to have my phone rn.)</b> # The First Day [Noah Pov] i put my hand over my mouth and looked at the ground after realizing cody knew i kissed him. Gosh.. i did not expect that. "I honestly liked it.." i hear him mumble. I look up to see Cody blushing and looking down. "So.. what are we?" I say hesitantly. "Boyfriends..?" Cody mumbles. "Sure." I smile at him and he smiles back. The other students start to come into school and we act like nothing happened. Our relationship just started. I dont want to have it be public just yet. Maybe to our friends, but not izzy, she will say something if its said. So maybe Owen can be trusted? Ill think about it. Maybe Cody doesnt want anyone to know including Owen. Ill ask him later. The bell rings and i head over to class. <b>[Time Skip To After School] </b>[Cody Pov] I ask Noah if i could stay at his house for the night, my mom told me my dad was getting really aggressive. So i wanted to go, besides, his house is HUGE! Its almost shocking to know that. Besides, we just became boyfriends, i wanted to get to know him better. Noah agrees to the sleepover and we walk together to his house. I walk in to his house as i hold his hand. "Hello Mrs. Sterecra!" I say to her. "Hello! Er.. Cody is it?" I nod my head and walk upstairs with Noah. We sit on his bed. "Noah? Do you have minecraft?" I ask Noah. "Yeah i do. Why? You wanna play?" He replies. I nod my head eagerly and I start playing on his Xbox. He plays on his computer. [Noah Pov] I watch Cody playing on my xbox. I smile at him but he doesnt look back. He wants to show me a world he has with something in it. But he wanted to finish it before i saw. So i just played in my server until he called me over to see. I look at the TV controlled by the Xbox and he shows me a statue. A statue of.. me? I look at him confused but he just smiles. "Do you like it?" He asks. "Yeah. I do." I say while ruffling his hair. It looked fluffy. I just had to touch his hair. I smirk at him while he hugs me. I guess i was right. This will be a good year. # A/N OMG IM JS SEEING HOW MANY READS THIS FANFIC GOT, OVER 1K? ILYSM GUYS 😭 I WROTE THIS EXPECTING TO GIVE UP AFTER A BIT, BUT YOU GUYS CHANGED IT. I WILL TRY AND FIND MORE MOTIVATION TO KEEP WRITING. PLEASE BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR NEW CHAPTERS! # Movie Cuddles [Cody Pov] Im still sitting on Noah's bed playing minecraft with him. We agreed to a sleepover so im staying for the night. At some point around 6:40 pm, we got bored of minecraft and decided to watch a movie. I picked a sci-fi movie about space and turned it on. Noah had the A.C on and it was cold in his room. I covered myself up with a blanket but it was still too cold. [Noah Pov] I look over at Cody, i notice hes covering himself up with some blankets. I get up and i turn off the A.C. I then walk over to Cody again and sit next to him. I wrap my arm around him and pull him closer to me. He lays his head on my shoulder and i ruffle his hair. We continue watching the movie. "Im hungry, want some popcorn?" I ask him. "Sure" i get up to make the popcorn. I grab a bag of corn and put it in the microwave and set it for 2 minutes. Cody calls me over and i go over to my room. He wanted me to see a good part. I look at the tv to see.. an alien falling off some planet called zutopia..? Ok.. i hear a loud noise sounding like an explosion. "What's happening?" Cody asks. "Oh, we are just getting bombed." I say sarcastically. Im confused until Cody walks with me to the kitchen. Shit.. i forgot about the popcorn. I grab a bucket with water and splash the microwave with it. "There goes our microwave." Atleast we are safe. I thought to myself. # Runaway Disaster Tw: mention of overdose [Cody Pov] After waking up on Noahs bed, i look over at him and see him sleeping. I got a message from my mother that my dad was in the hospital due to overdosing. I've been getting tired of my dad honestly. This has happened before, but he somehow survives everytime. I always felt like running away. But i always thought about leaving my mom. But i thought about it, im ready. I look over at Noah and he is just waking up. I grab my school backpack and walk out the door, but Noah stops me. "Where are you going.." he says half asleep. I resist but eventually give in. "Im going to my house to pack to run away." Its hard for me to lie, i couldn't lie to Noah. Noah immediately wakes up and is now serious. "Im coming with you." "But it might be dangerous? I thought of taking a plane somewhere far away." "Do you even have your passport?" I go silent after hearing that. Shoot, i forgot about the passport part. How will i run away then..? Noah gets up and grabs keys. Car! Of course! I smiled at him. He drives me to my house and i pack up. I tell my mom im going to toronto for the weekend with my friends and I go back to the car. "Your not packing?" I ask noah. "I dont have much stuff, besides i have money, so i can just buy more stuff." We go and get gas. We drive for what seems like an hour. A car goes and crashes around the driver's seat. Noah steers us out of the road by accident and we hit a tree. Great.. we dont know where we are and we lost our form of transportation. What are we gonna do.. # Runaway Disaster Pt 2 [Noah Pov] Cody and i ran away together. The stupid car crashes. Everything sucks. "What do we do?" Cody asks me. I shrug my shoulders. I check the time, 7:34 pm. "Its getting late. The backseats are still in shape. We can sleep there." Cody looks at me and nods his head. We sit in the backseat and try to get service. No internet, great.. we crash the car and now we dont even have internet? This is bullshit. I look over at Cody, hes out cold. He looks uncomfortable, i wrap my arms around him and pull him closer. He rests his head on my chest as he sits on my lap. I ruffle his hair and smile at him. I rest my chin on his head. My arms are wrapped around him still. I fall asleep still hugging Cody. [Cody Pov] I wake up with Noah's arms wrapped around me. This isnt how i fell asleep? I look back at him, hes still asleep. I smile and take out my phone. I light up, "Yes! Internet!" I yell out. Noah groans and wakes up. "What's happening..?" He says half asleep. "I got internet!" "How..?" "Im not sure." I unlock my phone and i open up the "Phone" app. Im about to call 911 when Noah stops me. "I see a car over there." "Ooh! Great!" I run over to it and ask for a ride. The driver agrees and i go in. Noah looks at me and rolls his eyes. He goes into the car and whispers to me. "We could be kidnapped.. stupid." I put my hand over my mouth. Im so stupid. The driver pulls over at a gas station. We get out and walk into the store. We buy a few snacks and walk outside. The stupid driver left. "What the fuck.." Noah blurts out. I look at him. "I see a house. Wanna go?" Noah asks. I nod my head. # A/N Guys i have been starting to get screen time, and with school and a bunch of other sh, i wont be able to release chapters very often, i will try, but it might be hard. Tysm for all the support! # Die Sierra, WAIT NOT LITERALLY?! [Cody Pov] Noah and i walk over to the house cautiously, we are aware we could be breaking into someone's house. Noah had a pocket knife on him , so if we get caught, we have something for self defense in case they are aggressive. we are ok. We touch the door knob and open the door. It seems to be abandoned? It looks very dirty. We explore around the house when we both hear the door open. Our eyes widen and we jump out the window. We hear something drop, but we ignore it and run away. Noah looks at me and pants. "That was.. awkward." I say. "Atleast we didnt get caught." Noah responds. The person that opened the door looks out the window we jumped out and sees us. "CODY?!" She grins, Shit, its Sierra. She was my stalker since sophmore year. She is about to jump out the window when we hear something go into her foot. My eyes widen. "The pocket knife Noah.." he looks at me confused but then remembered that he dropped something. "Shit." He blurts out when the realization hits. "Did we basically commit a crime?" I ask worried. Noah just shrugs, grabs my hand and runs away. We hear Sierra's body drop out the window. I try not to look back. # The Bedroom Floor [Noah Pov] We are just running away from sierras house. Did we just kill somebody..? Sure it was Cody's stalker, but thats a crime, what if we are in trouble.. i look over at Cody, he is biting his nails. I wrap my arm around his neck. I smile at him reassuringly. Im anxious, but as long as there is no evidence, we are okay, i just really hope they dont find the pocket knife. We walk up to a motel. This is a good enough place to live in for now. After all, Cody and i are desperate. But then i look at the fee sign. "80 DOLLARS A DAY? THATS BULLSHIT!" I shout. The person at the front desk glares at me and we walk away. I guess thats off the table. We could always be hobos and live outside stores, but no. Thats stupid, im not gonna be a hobo. I see a big apartment building near the gas station. Maybe there? Let me look at the fee sign. I look over at it and smile. "30 dollars is much better!" I grab Cody's hand and pull him over to the front desk. "Hello! Welcome to Saint Joseph's Apartments! How may i help you!" "May we have a room for two people?" I ask. "We only have single bedrooms left! We are sorry!" Are you kidding me..? The only good-ish apartments we find only have single beds? I mean, its better than nothing. "Ill take it." I answer. The front desk lady smiles and gives me room keys. I pay her money and we go to our room. "This is better than nothing i guess." I say. Cody just nods. "Who will take the bed? Its very small and i dont think we could fit." Cody mentions. "You can have it." I respond. "But your the one who paid! You deserve it." "Your sleeping on the bed, period." Cody looks at me and jumps onto me for a hug. "THANK YOU NOAH!" I smile and pat his head. We both sit on the bed and go on our phones. The wi-fi sucked here, so we couldnt do much. Eventually it was night time. Cody and i were watching a tv show on the cable tv. It sucked but i watched it because Cody liked it. After realizing how late it was, i got off the bed and went on the floor. "Are you sure you want to sleep on the floor Noah?" Cody calls out. "Im sure gaps." Cody gets out of bed and just lays on the floor with me. "If you sleep on the floor, i sleep on the floor." <b>(A/N: ik i always say to remember certain shit but seriously, remember this)</b> # What The Fuck?! [Cody Pov] I wake up to Noah's arms being wrapped around me. He was on the floor and so was I. I smile and hug him tightly. I love him so much, there isnt even a word to describe how much i do. I keep hugging him as he wakes up. He sees me hugging him and he smiles. He hugs me back. "Good morning baby." I say to him to make him cringe. "Cody, dont call me that.. its cringier than when you moved your arms throughout your body one time.." Noah says. I just let out a laugh. We get up and go downstairs our apartment room. We have to leave now since we have to spend the money on other stuff like food and stuff. I checked my phone. The internet finally works! I go onto every app. I go onto Maps. We are still in Vancouver..? Are you serious.? THAT FELT LIKE FOREVER! Noah looks at my phone and slaps his forehead. "Oh my god." We walk through the door and go onto the elevator. We are stuck in there with some smelly people who probably havent ever heard of deodorant. I plug my nose and hide in a corner behind Noah. I wrap my arms around him and the two gross sweaty guys stare at us. "You guys are gay..?" "Gross." I hear one of them say. That was the last straw. If i get judged for being gay again, i will literally kill myself. I get out of the corner and right hook the man who said "Gross." Noah stared at me. But just hugged me when we got off the elevator. "THAT FELT SO GOOD!!" I shout. Noah smirks at me. We go to the front desk when we see someone familiar. Shit. Not him, NOT YET! NO NO NO! My eyes widen. "Why are you here you fool!?" He yells. My Dad. # The News [Noah Pov] After getting out of the elevator, we walk over to the front desk, we see someone familiar. Shit, not him.. Cody's Dad. His dad is mad at Cody, he wasnt at home the entire weekend. Cody told me his dad tends to get mad if he isnt at home in an hour after getting out of the house or school. But i wasnt expecting him to be here. Maybe he was kicked out..? "D-dad, im sorry! I wanted to go on vacation with my friend!" "Friend my ass, i have seen how you two act around eachother." We looked at eachother. Was he spying on us..? I looked back at his dad. He was drinking beer. He finishes the bottle and holds it up. Suddenly a broadcast turns on the TV. News Lady: Hello everyone! And welcome to News 12! On the twelfth channel. There has been a murder at ***** st. We have two suspects waiting to be found and questioned. If you have seen any of these two kids, which are known as Cody and Noah. Please report to the police station. Our eyes widen. Did they find the pocket knife..? Cody's dad is looking at the TV, then at us. "DID MY SON MURDER SOMEBODY?!" He yells. I grab Cody's hand and run away as fast as possible. "Did we get caught..?" Cody asks me. "I guess.." i answer. "Shit." I grab Cody's hand and run away again. We need to find something to do. Cody gets a phone call from his mom. "CODY?! DID YOU KILL SOMEBODY?!" His mom yells through the phone. Cody flinches. "I-IT WAS AN ACCIDENT MOM, IM SORRY!" "You are a disaapointment Cody. And im reporting you to the police, get back home, NOW?" She hangs up. # A/N Im literally #1 on a category rn 😟 TYSM GUYS! This started as a book i thought i would give up on, but i've been motivated by everyone reading this, and my amazing achievements. Thank you sm guys! And keep the support coming! Ilyy # ANOTHER A/N PLEASE READ Hii! So i kinda ran out of ideas, but like the comment above i wanna get back to work 😭 so i have two ideas, but i want you guys to select, i will have two words below, each have a different ending. so the question. Hot or cold? I will check the comments on Friday, then i will write the majority. I dont take spam comments btw. # Police Officer [Noah Pov] Cody and I are running away, we just got caught, we should have gone back for the pocket knife. I also got us in this situation. I need to get us out of it. Cody starts to slow down, as do i. Im about to ask him why when i look over infront of me. "Are you serious." A police..? This is the worst possible thing to happen right now! "Hey.. you look familiar.." The police's eyes widen. "Wait.. YOU GUYS ARE SUSPECTS!" Our eyes widen. No no no! The police officer grabs our arms and handcuffs us. "Hey, hey! You cant handcuff us! You need a warrant!" Cody yells. I look over at Cody. "Police officers only need warrants to enter your house Cody.." i whisper to Cody. "Oh yeah!" He says. <b>(A/n IM SO SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER IM SUPPOSED TO BE DOING HW RN </b>😭<b>)</b> # Court Room (Im to lazy to write the interrogation so js pretend they went to court already.) [Cody Pov]  Noah and i are sitting down in the court room, we just got caught for murdering someone. Well not someone, Sierra. But i guess accidentally killing somebody is illegal? The judge calls Noah up. "Before we begin, explain the situation from your perspective Mr. Sterecra." "My boyfriend and i had run away from home, we were doing it due to issues in his family. I didnt want to let him go alone, so i went. We enter Sierra's house since we thought it was abandoned, we heard the door and were anxious, we jumped out the winder and i dropped my pocket knife for self defense, the blade was sticking out. But i wasn't aware. Neither was i aware the pocket knife fell. Sierra went to the window we jumped out of, she attempted to jump out since she has a big obsession with Cody. And i guess her foot went in the blade.." "Please state what your intentions were entering that house Mr. Sterecra." I cross my fingers, i hope neither Noah or i mess up. "We were just trying to find a place to live until we had good money." "I see. And you thought the house was abandoned?" Noah nods his head. "You may sit down." The judge calls me up. I cross my fingers. "Okay Mr. Anderson, so i heard Mr. Sterecra  mentioned that Sierra had an obsession with you? May you please describe how bad it was?" All these Mr last name stuff was bothering me. I thought it was a bit odd. "It was.. horrible! Everytime we were left alone, she would assault me. I was on a show, Total Drama World Tour i think it was. She took photos of me naked!" The judge's eyes widened. "If this is true, you two may not face consequences. Sierra illegally took naked photos of you. Which is sexual assualt." My eyes lit up. # Freedom At Last [Noah Pov] We did it! We won the case! Im so glad, i didnt want to go to jail, or even a death sentence. Maybe over exaggerating, but still. We need to find a place to stay though. We continue walking. Cody is staring at something while smiling. "OOH A PARK! CAN WE GO?" he shouts. I look at him and smile. "Sure." We walk over to the park. But Cody stops for a second. "Actually.. i changed my mind." I raise an eyebrow. He never would miss an opportunity to go to the park. He starts to speed walk away. I run to go and catch up with him. Whats wrong? I ask myself. "Cody whats up? You never turn down an opportunity to go to the park?" He looks at me. "It's nothing." He states with a rude tone. For the rest of the walk to a different hotel, its just awkward silence. I break the silence. "Seriously Cody what's happening?"  "ITS NOTHING?! OKAY?!" He shoves me and walks away angrily. "WHAT THE FUCK CODY?!" I yell as he walks away. I see tears running down his eyes, Shit.. i fucked up. I run into the hotel where Cody went, but i couldn't spot him. I slap my forehead. I walk back outside and sit on a bench. I needed something to distract me, so i pull out a book. I continue reading when i look up to see those two sweaty men from the elevator. Ew. They really should wear deodorant. "Whats up gay scrawny kid." One of them says sternly. "Uhm.. the sky?" I hesitantly say. The other one grabs my arm and my book, they throw the book in the trash can. "Really?" I say now being annoyed. The one grabbing my arm pulls me and wraps a bandana around my head, keeping me from breathing. They grab me and pull me behind the building. I couldnt see. One of them threw a punch and hit me in the guts. "WHAT THE FUCK MAN?" Then, i heard a gun cock. # The Waiting Room (IM SO SORRY BUT IM ABT TO MAKE U CRY) Cody Pov] I hear a loud noise. I cant make out what it is, i walk outside of the hotel room Noah and i rented, and i look to see a huge crowd of people forming behind the building. I go over curiously. "IS HE DEAD?" I hear someone ask. "SOMEONE HELP HIM!" I hear someone shout. I shoved through the crowd of people to see Noah bleeding at a shocking rate. "NOAH?" I shout. "No, NO!" I run over to him "please no.." i whisper. The police shove through and see Noah. "What's happening? Why is this kid holding him. Is he the murderer?" The police shout. Im crying too much to even care. The police look at me crying. They grab me by my shirt and bring me over to the crowd of people. "NOAH!!" I shout as loud as possible while sobbing. [Time skip] Im in the waiting room, patiently waiting, biting my nails. I dont want Noah to die.. i hope he is okay.. i wait for what feels like 40 years before the doctors walk out of the hospital room. "IS HE OKAY?" I yell hopefully. The doctors look at eachother sadly. They look at me and shake their heads. "The bullet went right through his heart. It stopped beating." One of the doctors say. My eyes widen and my hands start to shake. "N-no.. your joking right?" I ask worried. They shake their heads. All of my plans were ruined, how i was gonna plan our first romantic date, how i was going to plan our marriage, all of my life plans with Noah. Gone. # A/N IM SO SORRY FOR KILLING NOAH 😭 COLD WAS THE BAD ENDING AND HOT WAS THE GOOD ENDING, AND MAJORITY WAS COLD 😔 (If u didnt read the last a/n this doesnt make sense ik) # I Cant Take It, Not Anymore [Time skip 4 months later] [Cody Pov] It's been 4 months since Noah died, it was a long time ago, but i still cant get over it. He was someone who i meant something to, and now hes gone. I cant, not anymore. Its dark and gloomy outside, it looks like its about to rain. I frown. I look at the sky. I walk slowly to the park, the one i refused to go back to, i couldnt go there after what happened, but something was leading me there. Im at the park where its empty, i walk over to a bench and sit down. I go on my phone and go onto social media. Before doing so, i look at the app, minecraft, Noah loved minecraft. Someone pokes me on the shoulder, i look over at them, Eva. "Whats up." She says in her usual tone. "I hate life." I respond without thinking. Eva looks a bit concerned now. "Listen, I get you can't get over Noah, but what happens, happens." Eva says trying to be comforting, but its not working, i still miss Noah. I hate everything, i just wish i.. didnt exist. I caused this for Noah, and i didnt even get to apologize for the argument. I wish i could just die. "Well, ill be off now, bye Cody." Eva waves goodbye. I look down. I hate myself. I get up and look at my phone again. I look at my texts. I see Noah's contact. I start to tear up as i look at him. A little boy is looking at me and laughing. "HAHA! THE MAN OVER THERE IS CRYING! WHAT A BABY." I wanted to slap that kid. I get up and walk over to him. I look at the busy road, i smile. Then i look at the boy. "Whats wrong with you." I ask calmly. "Your a crybaby and stupid!" The boy says to me. I grab his cheeks and slap him. I run away and go towards the busy road. I atleast had a relieving moment before doing this. I walk to the middle of the street as a speeding car rushes over to where i am. I smile. "Im coming Noah. If you sleep on the floor, i sleep on the floor." "If you die, i die." # ALTERNATE ENDING [Cody Pov] I hear a loud noise. I cant make out what it is, i walk outside of the hotel room Noah and i rented, and i look to see a huge crowd of people forming behind the building. I go over curiously. "IS HE DEAD?" I hear someone ask. "SOMEONE HELP HIM!" I hear someone shout. I shoved through the crowd of people to see Noah bleeding at a shocking rate. "NOAH?" I shout. "No, NO!" I run over to him "please no.." i whisper. The police shove through and see Noah. "What's happening? Why is this kid holding him. Is he the murderer?" The police shout. Im crying too much to even care. The police look at me crying. They grab me by my shirt and bring me over to the crowd of people. "NOAH!!" I shout as loud as possible while sobbing. [Time skip] Im in the waiting room, patiently waiting, biting my nails. I dont want Noah to die.. i hope he is okay.. i wait for what feels like 40 years before the doctors walk out of the hospital room. "IS HE OKAY?" I yell hopefully. The doctors smile happily. And they nod their heads. I smile and run into his room. "NOAH? NOAH? YOUR OKAY!" I wrap my arms around him tightly, he tries to pull me off to say something, but i dont let go. "YOUR OKAY?" I say again, making sure its not a prank. "IM SO SORRY NOAH!" I say in tears. He smiles and hugs me back. "I love you Cody." Noah says. I nod my head "Me too." "If you live, i live." (I HAD TO MAKE THE ALTERNATE ENDING, I DIDNT WANNA MAKE ANYONE DEPRESSED) # LAST A/N TYSM GUYS FOR GETTING ME THIS FAR, this fanfic was a plan i made, which i thought would fail almost immediately and i would unpublish it, but with help from you guys, I ACTUALLY MADE MY FIRST BOOK! Thank you so much to those who read this book along the way, im actually so proud of myself! Tysm!
Chaos & Precision {kento nanami au}
"𝓵𝓮𝓽 𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾-𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝔂." Sato Hanako, a 23-year-old master's research student lives a regular and boring life. She spends her days in the lab and nights watching re-runs while enjoying her weekends with her best friend Iris. Suddenly, a change of pace and her world changes forever when she meets Kento Nanami, a 28-year-old doctoral professor with an eclectic taste. Nanami introduces Hanako to a new and exciting world of true princess treatment and never-ending love. © stephcuties
[ "angst", "gojo", "gojoau", "gojosatoru", "heavylemon", "jjkau", "kento", "kentoau", "kentonanami", "lemon", "nanami", "nanamiau", "nanamikento", "romance", "romancefanfiction", "satorugojo", "smutwarning" ]
[ "author's note", "chapter 1" ]
[ "<b>\"𝓁𝑒𝓉 𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒸𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊—𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓎.\n𝒶𝓈 𝒶 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁 𝓂𝒶𝓃 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹.\"</b>\n\n\nTW: may contain sexual depiction, steamy scenes (HEAVY lemon), alcohol use, smoking use, talks of mental health\n\n\n\n\n<u>main characters: </u>\n\n<i>Sato Hanako</i>\n\n<i>Kento Nanami</i>\n\n<i>Satoru Gojo</i>\n\n<i>Iris Antonello</i>\n\nhi everyone! im steph and i am so excited about this book. i have been planning this for so long and glad to have it come to life. \n\nquick question for the upcoming chapters; would you guys want it to be nanami x gojo x hanako (basically a three-way relationship LOL) or just solely nanami kento au\n\nplease let me know &lt;3\n\nchapter 1 will be out either tomorrow or wednesday! i am putting some final touches on it &lt;3\n\n©stephcuties", "<b>[song recs for the chapter: \"K.\" by cigarettes after sex; \"lolita\" by lana del rey; \"the world we knew\" by frank sinatra]</b>\n\n\"Hurry up! The uber is going to be here any minute!\" I yell at Iris, my best friend since forever, who is touching up her make up. I take a glance of myself in the mirror and take in my appearance, from my slightly wavey hair to the long, black, and skin tight bodycon dress that hugs every curve in my body. \n\n\"I cannot believe we are doing this,\" Irie sighs as she puts her lip gloss on then looks towards me, \"but, I have been wanting to go to this club for so long and you never wanted to come with me. So, a fair trade.\" She sends me a wink and I chuckle.\n\n\"After two weeks of being sad over an ugly cheater, we are starting fresh. If this makes you happy, I will suck it up and try to have a good time.\" Supporting my best friend and her interesting taste, I say while feeling a vibration from my purse. \"Time to go! Uber is outside.\"\n\n\"I cannot believe you got us tickets for the Noir Chamber.\" Iris whines to me while pouting. I knew, even for me, this was probably the last thing I would have gotten us into. I am quite a \"vanilla\"-esque person, as all my partners have been in the past as well.\n\nWe go into our Uber then time passes as we head towards the nightclub.\n\nThe Noir Chamber is an upscale, classy, and elegant BDSM nightclub. It's definitely the number one classy fetish bar in all of Portland. Not a usual place for vanilla people like myself, but anything for my best friend who is a lot more interesting than me. Most of my anxiety really comes from the unknown of what lies ahead.\n\n\"Tonight–we are celebrating the start of new beginnings!\" As nervousness creeps up in my chest, I push it down and let a smile take its place on my lips. New beginnings; a way to start fresh and rewrite our story once more. How delectable of a thought to be able to be who we want to be. Not me.\n\nAfter all my failed attempts at \"new beginning\" adventures, I have decided to stay the same, old Hanako that is never changing. Maybe this was who I was really meant to be, my boring old self who watches reruns of vampire diaries and knits on Friday evenings. Though I do have the time of my life, sometimes I yearn for something more. Maybe it's my past life talking or my story for my future next life.\n\n\"Now, let's get this party started and go in before I change my mind and go back to learning my Herringbone stitch.\" Taking a deep breath in, I grab her hand and walk into the club. Even just walking into the entrance, a seductive red and black interior sets the mood and tone for the nightclub.\n\n\"Good evening ladies, I take it you have your tickets for this evening?\" The bouncer/concierge man asks us, as I pull out my phone to show the confirmation of reservation for this fetish fantasy of a place. To make the place a safe space and sophisticated, they only take reservations with their ungodly fee to pay. But, since I know Irie, I knew she would love this place. She doesn't talk much about her pleasures, but also being her roommate, sometimes I see and hear way too much...\n\nWe walk off as the concierge/bouncer wishes us a great evening and to 'enjoy ourselves'. The dim lights set the ambiance of a flirty and seductive tone for the night. Right before the end of the hallway, another employee is carrying a box.\n\n\"Good evening, here are some masquerade mask for the night. It is just as a identity precaution for some. Enjoy your evening.\" She says softly with a mysterious tone to her voice. Now this, this is completely new. Iris looked at me and chuckled at this new experience and puts on her lattice-formed mask. I put on my satin-esque mask and look at her to give me the go ahead to push away the curtain to enter the club. Iris nods and we head in.\n\nIt was unlike any nightclub or bar I have ever been to. An alluring tone fills the air as I take in the red lights black furniture and candles filling the corners. There are two poles currently being occupied in the middle of each side and an expansive bar in the middle – perfect. There is an array of people around in sultry and erotic elegant outfits.\n\n\n\"This is intense.\" Iris breathes out in awe as she looks around the room. Not a hint of sadness to be found in her voice, but has been replaced with curiosity and excitement. I knew she would feel right at home here and enjoy herself.\n\n\"Let's go get drinks, huh? Get this night started.\" I look at her light brown eyes and lead the way to the bar. We take a seat at the bar chairs and wave at the bartender to get their attention.\n\n\"Good evening ladies, what can I get started for you?\" The male bartender in an elegant \n\n\"Could we get two tequila sodas, please? I would also like to start a tab.\" While giving my card to the bartender, I order the usual drink we get when we go out. At least something that is the same, almost to comfort me more than anything. The bartender nods and begins making the drinks while stowing my card for safekeeping.\n\nIris turns her back to be against the bar, her eyes scanning each crevice and corner she can see in plain sight.\n\n\"Have I ever told you that you are my best friend?\" She smirks and then smiles at me while letting out a quick giggle. I chuckle and knew she was feeling comfortable and in better spirits.\n\n\"Hmmm, maybe once or twice? I do enjoy hearing it though.\" We both laugh and make playful remarks to each other while our drinks make their way to our hands. \n\nAs we sip on our drinks, we make our way to order another two rounds while endless inside jokes are made. As we get halfway through our third round, a man goes to the entrance and turns on his microphone.\n\n\"Good evening, we are beginning a rope play session with some how-to's from our very best. Please come join us if interested.\" His stature was daunting as he was dressed head to toe in black. His stern voice reverberated and Iris looked towards me with her eyes wide open. \n\n\"I have got to go and check this out—I'll be right back and meet you back here. You okay with me leaving?\" She downs the rest of her drink and puts it on the bar table while looking at me for assurance. \n\n\"Irie, I'm good here! Now go and enjoy yourself.\" I push her toward the direction of where the announcer hinted to go. She blows me a kiss and she continues to stride into the crowd of people.\n\nWith my back against the bar, I continue looking at all the different types of people here with their elegant masks. The beautifully detailed corsets and well-fitting suits filled the room, each person with a different elegant variation of an alluring outfit. Groups of people laughing with each other or others kissing each other deeply.\n\nKnitting and my fictional shows have not taught me what to do in situations like this, or well nothing can really teach you how to act in places like this. I didn't really know much about anything BDSM-related other than horrendous depictions of it through films that Iris has debunked several times for me. There is much to be explored in this club, but I feel comfortable just staying in my little comfort zone and a lot of alcoholic drinks in me.\n\n\"Can I get your second-best whiskey, neat. No tab.\" I hear a deep voice reverberate next to me, and I glance to see a tall blonde hair man with a teal blue shirt..\n\nHoly shit, he is hot. My face becomes a bit flushed and I turn back to face straight to get myself together. I haven't been around many men I have found attractive in quite a bit and with this much alcohol, so containing myself is a priority. I down the rest of my drink and just hold on to the glass. \n\nThe smell of his cologne is overtaking my senses as he is just sitting at the bar, sipping on his whiskey while looking at his phone. Shit shit shit. I swear to god, I will regret this once I am sober.\n\n\"Just got off of work?\" I put out into the air while turning my face slightly to take in his features. He turns his head towards me and I am gasping for air. His sculpted features, chiseled jawline, and tired eyes make my knees wobble a bit. Play it cool, Hanako. \n\n\"Yeah, I got off at 6 and not a minute more. Do I stick out that much?\" The blonde man hints to his watch about his precise escape from work. I chuckle a bit.\n\n\"Well, I think as much as myself. Interesting choice for after work, though.\" An expensive choice to just get drinks after work.\n\n\"Oh, yeah. My old colleague and friend wanted to meet here, but he is always late.\" \n\n\"Very opposite than you, Mr. Precise.\" \n\n\"That indeed, yes,\" he lets out a chuckle, \"I am Nanami. Nice to meet you.\" His long and masculine hands reach out to shake my hand.\n\n\"Hanako. Nice to meet you as well, Nanami.\" I close the gap as our hands touch and clasp together, feeling small calluses rub against my skin.\n\n\"So, this isn't your usual scene?\"\n\n\"Haha, no not really. I came with my best friend to cheer her up as this is more of her type of scene.\"\n\n\"Well, I am guessing she is having fun somewhere then.\"\n\n\"That she is, wherever that may be. I know it involves rope play, but the details are unknown to me.\" I wave at the bartenders to get their attention when they have a free moment from the Friday rush. \"Hi, could I get a tequila cranberry with your second-best tequila, please? Under Hanako.\" The bartender nods and begins to make the drink. I look towards Nanami and he smirks at my choice in the second best as I let out a quick chuckle.\n\n\"I like your choice in liquor, second best is always better. Also, a respectable choice for you to come with your friend shows how good of a friend you are. This place can be very intimidating.\" Nanami continues to sip on his whiskey while I receive my fourth drink of the night to help me get through this night. Chill and relaxed Hanako needs to come out because this seductive is getting to me.\n\n\"Do you frequent here often?\" I ask while stirring my drink mindlessly. Chatting with Nanami feels so easy, but that could also be the liquor taking its effect.\n\n\"Well definitely not after work usually, but yes I come every now and then with my friend I told you about. Just an interest of ours.\" Nanami snickers, \"I take it that you frequent bars at least, seeing that you hold your alcohol well. \" A blush lies on my face as I giggle a bit.\n\nGiggle–oh god, the alcohol must be working.\n\n\"I was luckily blessed with a high tolerance from my family. But I do enjoy going to bars on my Fridays as well, more the normal ones.\" Taking a sip of my drink while I continue to tease Nanami. \n\n\"How is that normal dynamic with your significant other?\" I look towards him, his eyes facing the back of the bar. Hmm, prying for information is an interesting turn of events in this conversation.\n\n\"I don't have a boyfriend if that is what you are asking. Haven't for some time.\" I join Nanami as I begin to stare at the wall while answering his question.\n\n\"Have you sworn celibacy or what?\" Both of us staring at the wall, I laugh a bit at his comment. \n\n\"Every man I have been with is so... self-absorbed and boring, always making me feel so small. I got tired and gave up so I could focus on my career.\"\n\nBoring, boring life. When you watch shows, and movies, and read books, it almost seems that life should be exciting and adventurous. A man who takes care of you and is overly romantic and obsessed. But even just by myself, I live my boring and comfortable life. Iris has always been the exciting one in our friendship, living by impulsivity and a 'no regrets' sort of mentality. She has had her fair share of relationships, so I know she would never have a hard time since she has her expectations of where they should be.\n\nThe silence becomes apparent and loud, so I turn to face Nanami.\n\nThere seems to be a weird...tension of some sort between us. Something I am not used to as I have never really felt this way with anyone, especially a man. It is almost as if I can't hear anything else but just the bubble that surrounds us.\n\n\"Maybe I should show you what a proper man should do.\" Nanami says in his usual serious and formal tone, catching me off guard. I begin to blush heavily and am unable to look at him. He, then, grabs my chin with his hands and turns my face towards him. \n\n\"What do you think about that? You may actually be less 'normal' than you think.\" He whispers in my ear. I am actually weak and do not know if my knees will hold me up.\n\nUnable to speak and stunned, I nod. I am so glad I have alcohol in my system because without it, I would probably be a blushing blubbering mess.\n\nHe calls over the bartender as they exchange words, words that I cannot hear because I am still recovering and mentally preparing for what is about to happen. Staring at his beautiful blonde hair and chiseled face, my eyes travel down to his toned arms as his sleeves are rolled up to his biceps. His huge biceps.\n\nNanami finishes his conversation with the bartender as he hints for me to follow him. I take a deep breath and follow him. \n\nGoing behind the bar, there are stairs. We walk downstairs and end up in another long hallway with doors left and right of me. He opens one and walks in with me following. I take in the scenery, keeping with the decor a silver, black, and red decorated room with an array of items I have no idea with a bed.\n\nOh fuck.\n\n\"We are not doing that tonight. This place is also a bring your own items, and I was not planning for this to happen.\" Nanami says while loosening his tie and wrapping it around his right hand while unbuttoning the top few buttons of his teal shirt. My eyes can't stop staring at how such a handsome and hot man is right in front of me. Nanami walks towards me and puts a strand of my brown hair behind my ear. Not to mention how ripped he is, from just the couple of buttons he undid off his shirt.\n\n\"Think of this as my service to treating women as they should be treated. Let me know if they get too much.\" He stares into my eyes, a lusty look covering his usual serious demeanor, \"And don't worry, I will take good care of you. So just relax and enjoy.\" \n\nNanami forcefully brings my body closer to his and caresses my cheek while bringing his lips to mine. His lips taste so sweet and delicious, so much more intoxicating than any of the alcohol I had tonight. His hands begin to grip my hips to make sure there is no space between us.\n\nOur lips disconnect and his tongue travels to my neck while I crave his lips on mine. I let out a moan, unable to hold it in anymore. The warm heat of his breath on my neck, his soft yet passionate neck kisses—\n\nI can't breathe.\n\n\"Holy shit.\" Is all that I can say.\n\n\"That is all you can say right now?\" Nanami lets out a sweet little laugh. His right hand travels to caress my ass, while his left hand begins to play with my nipples through my dress.\n\n\"I might pass out.\" I breathe out pieces of the sentence as he continues to ravish my neck while playing around with my body like it is a toy. This feeling—is so much greater than I have ever felt in my entire life. Nanami moves his mouth close to my ear and whispers.\n\n\"Just from this? Oh, I am going to treat you so well.\" His deep voice reverberates as his lips reattaches to my lips. His right hand finds its way to my other nipple, and he plays with both of them. I feel my knees buckle as his long and slender fingers do everything just right. \n\nI feel something hard pressing against me as I disconnect our lips and look down. I look back at Nanami and smirk.\n\n\"You doing okay?\" My smirk still planted on my lips, he rolls his eyes.\n\n\"Oh, I am doing more than okay.\" He looks into my eyes as I look into his, getting lost in this lusty aroma that surrounds us. I study his features a bit more, before my phone blares on top of the bed. Nanami's hands leave my body as he goes to get my phone and hands it to me.\n\n\"Hellooo?\"\n\n<i>\"BITCH where are you? I texted you like 20 times and I am back at the bar.\" Iris, oh shit.</i>\n\n\"Hi Irie! Sorry, I got lost looking for the restroom, so I had to ask around then I had to wait in a line. I am washing up right now and heading over!\" I say then hang up. I look up at Nanami and sigh.\n\n\"This is a good stopping place, you might have actually passed out if we went any further. I also want to talk about you more. Could I have your number, so we could arrange that?\" His smooth and sweet voice says to me, butterflies fly around in my stomach.\n\n\"Hmm sure, let me see your phone.\" I send him a wink as I leave my hand open to receive his phone and type my number and name. \"I guess I will see you later. I hope your friend comes, eventually.\" I pick up my purse with a smirk, playing it cool for now so I can freak out later.\n\n<i>a/n:</i>\n\n<i>that is a wrap for chapter 1! let me know what you guys think ;) this is for the girlies. i have a spotify playlist for songs i listen to while i write to get into the mood, so if you guys are interested in knowing the full playlist, i can share! otherwise, the songs recs really just help understand the mood/vibe. see you soon &lt;3</i>\n\n<i>-steph</i>" ]
Title: Chaos & Precision {kento nanami au} Description: "𝓵𝓮𝓽 𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾-𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝔂." Sato Hanako, a 23-year-old master's research student lives a regular and boring life. She spends her days in the lab and nights watching re-runs while enjoying her weekends with her best friend Iris. Suddenly, a change of pace and her world changes forever when she meets Kento Nanami, a 28-year-old doctoral professor with an eclectic taste. Nanami introduces Hanako to a new and exciting world of true princess treatment and never-ending love. © stephcuties Tags: ['angst', 'gojo', 'gojoau', 'gojosatoru', 'heavylemon', 'jjkau', 'kento', 'kentoau', 'kentonanami', 'lemon', 'nanami', 'nanamiau', 'nanamikento', 'romance', 'romancefanfiction', 'satorugojo', 'smutwarning']
# author's note <b>"𝓁𝑒𝓉 𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒸𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊—𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓎. 𝒶𝓈 𝒶 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁 𝓂𝒶𝓃 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹."</b> TW: may contain sexual depiction, steamy scenes (HEAVY lemon), alcohol use, smoking use, talks of mental health <u>main characters: </u> <i>Sato Hanako</i> <i>Kento Nanami</i> <i>Satoru Gojo</i> <i>Iris Antonello</i> hi everyone! im steph and i am so excited about this book. i have been planning this for so long and glad to have it come to life.  quick question for the upcoming chapters; would you guys want it to be nanami x gojo x hanako (basically a three-way relationship LOL) or just solely nanami kento au please let me know &lt;3 chapter 1 will be out either tomorrow or wednesday! i am putting some final touches on it &lt;3 ©stephcuties # chapter 1 <b>[song recs for the chapter: "K." by cigarettes after sex; "lolita" by lana del rey; "the world we knew" by frank sinatra]</b> "Hurry up! The uber is going to be here any minute!" I yell at Iris, my best friend since forever, who is touching up her make up. I take a glance of myself in the mirror and take in my appearance, from my slightly wavey hair to the long, black, and skin tight bodycon dress that hugs every curve in my body. "I cannot believe we are doing this," Irie sighs as she puts her lip gloss on then looks towards me, "but, I have been wanting to go to this club for so long and you never wanted to come with me. So, a fair trade." She sends me a wink and I chuckle. "After two weeks of being sad over an ugly cheater, we are starting fresh. If this makes you happy, I will suck it up and try to have a good time." Supporting my best friend and her interesting taste, I say while feeling a vibration from my purse. "Time to go! Uber is outside." "I cannot believe you got us tickets for the Noir Chamber." Iris whines to me while pouting. I knew, even for me, this was probably the last thing I would have gotten us into. I am quite a "vanilla"-esque person, as all my partners have been in the past as well. We go into our Uber then time passes as we head towards the nightclub. The Noir Chamber is an upscale, classy, and elegant BDSM nightclub. It's definitely the number one classy fetish bar in all of Portland. Not a usual place for vanilla people like myself, but anything for my best friend who is a lot more interesting than me. Most of my anxiety really comes from the unknown of what lies ahead. "Tonight–we are celebrating the start of new beginnings!" As nervousness creeps up in my chest, I push it down and let a smile take its place on my lips. New beginnings; a way to start fresh and rewrite our story once more. How delectable of a thought to be able to be who we want to be. Not me. After all my failed attempts at "new beginning" adventures, I have decided to stay the same, old Hanako that is never changing. Maybe this was who I was really meant to be, my boring old self who watches reruns of vampire diaries and knits on Friday evenings. Though I do have the time of my life, sometimes I yearn for something more. Maybe it's my past life talking or my story for my future next life. "Now, let's get this party started and go in before I change my mind and go back to learning my Herringbone stitch." Taking a deep breath in, I grab her hand and walk into the club. Even just walking into the entrance, a seductive red and black interior sets the mood and tone for the nightclub. "Good evening ladies, I take it you have your tickets for this evening?" The bouncer/concierge man asks us, as I pull out my phone to show the confirmation of reservation for this fetish fantasy of a place. To make the place a safe space and sophisticated, they only take reservations with their ungodly fee to pay. But, since I know Irie, I knew she would love this place. She doesn't talk much about her pleasures, but also being her roommate, sometimes I see and hear way too much... We walk off as the concierge/bouncer wishes us a great evening and to 'enjoy ourselves'. The dim lights set the ambiance of a flirty and seductive tone for the night. Right before the end of the hallway, another employee is carrying a box. "Good evening, here are some masquerade mask for the night. It is just as a identity precaution for some. Enjoy your evening." She says softly with a mysterious tone to her voice. Now this, this is completely new. Iris looked at me and chuckled at this new experience and puts on her lattice-formed mask. I put on my satin-esque mask and look at her to give me the go ahead to push away the curtain to enter the club. Iris nods and we head in. It was unlike any nightclub or bar I have ever been to. An alluring tone fills the air as I take in the red lights black furniture and candles filling the corners. There are two poles currently being occupied in the middle of each side and an expansive bar in the middle – perfect. There is an array of people around in sultry and erotic elegant outfits. "This is intense." Iris breathes out in awe as she looks around the room. Not a hint of sadness to be found in her voice, but has been replaced with curiosity and excitement. I knew she would feel right at home here and enjoy herself. "Let's go get drinks, huh? Get this night started." I look at her light brown eyes and lead the way to the bar. We take a seat at the bar chairs and wave at the bartender to get their attention. "Good evening ladies, what can I get started for you?" The male bartender in an elegant "Could we get two tequila sodas, please? I would also like to start a tab." While giving my card to the bartender, I order the usual drink we get when we go out. At least something that is the same, almost to comfort me more than anything. The bartender nods and begins making the drinks while stowing my card for safekeeping. Iris turns her back to be against the bar, her eyes scanning each crevice and corner she can see in plain sight. "Have I ever told you that you are my best friend?" She smirks and then smiles at me while letting out a quick giggle. I chuckle and knew she was feeling comfortable and in better spirits. "Hmmm, maybe once or twice? I do enjoy hearing it though." We both laugh and make playful remarks to each other while our drinks make their way to our hands. As we sip on our drinks, we make our way to order another two rounds while endless inside jokes are made. As we get halfway through our third round, a man goes to the entrance and turns on his microphone. "Good evening, we are beginning a rope play session with some how-to's from our very best. Please come join us if interested." His stature was daunting as he was dressed head to toe in black. His stern voice reverberated and Iris looked towards me with her eyes wide open. "I have got to go and check this out—I'll be right back and meet you back here. You okay with me leaving?" She downs the rest of her drink and puts it on the bar table while looking at me for assurance. "Irie, I'm good here! Now go and enjoy yourself." I push her toward the direction of where the announcer hinted to go. She blows me a kiss and she continues to stride into the crowd of people. With my back against the bar, I continue looking at all the different types of people here with their elegant masks. The beautifully detailed corsets and well-fitting suits filled the room, each person with a different elegant variation of an alluring outfit. Groups of people laughing with each other or others kissing each other deeply. Knitting and my fictional shows have not taught me what to do in situations like this, or well nothing can really teach you how to act in places like this. I didn't really know much about anything BDSM-related other than horrendous depictions of it through films that Iris has debunked several times for me. There is much to be explored in this club, but I feel comfortable just staying in my little comfort zone and a lot of alcoholic drinks in me. "Can I get your second-best whiskey, neat. No tab." I hear a deep voice reverberate next to me, and I glance to see a tall blonde hair man with a teal blue shirt.. Holy shit, he is hot. My face becomes a bit flushed and I turn back to face straight to get myself together. I haven't been around many men I have found attractive in quite a bit and with this much alcohol, so containing myself is a priority. I down the rest of my drink and just hold on to the glass. The smell of his cologne is overtaking my senses as he is just sitting at the bar, sipping on his whiskey while looking at his phone. Shit shit shit. I swear to god, I will regret this once I am sober. "Just got off of work?" I put out into the air while turning my face slightly to take in his features. He turns his head towards me and I am gasping for air. His sculpted features, chiseled jawline, and tired eyes make my knees wobble a bit. Play it cool, Hanako. "Yeah, I got off at 6 and not a minute more. Do I stick out that much?" The blonde man hints to his watch about his precise escape from work. I chuckle a bit. "Well, I think as much as myself. Interesting choice for after work, though." An expensive choice to just get drinks after work. "Oh, yeah. My old colleague and friend wanted to meet here, but he is always late." "Very opposite than you, Mr. Precise." "That indeed, yes," he lets out a chuckle, "I am Nanami. Nice to meet you." His long and masculine hands reach out to shake my hand. "Hanako. Nice to meet you as well, Nanami." I close the gap as our hands touch and clasp together, feeling small calluses rub against my skin. "So, this isn't your usual scene?" "Haha, no not really. I came with my best friend to cheer her up as this is more of her type of scene." "Well, I am guessing she is having fun somewhere then." "That she is, wherever that may be. I know it involves rope play, but the details are unknown to me." I wave at the bartenders to get their attention when they have a free moment from the Friday rush. "Hi, could I get a tequila cranberry with your second-best tequila, please? Under Hanako." The bartender nods and begins to make the drink. I look towards Nanami and he smirks at my choice in the second best as I let out a quick chuckle. "I like your choice in liquor, second best is always better. Also, a respectable choice for you to come with your friend shows how good of a friend you are. This place can be very intimidating." Nanami continues to sip on his whiskey while I receive my fourth drink of the night to help me get through this night. Chill and relaxed Hanako needs to come out because this seductive is getting to me. "Do you frequent here often?" I ask while stirring my drink mindlessly. Chatting with Nanami feels so easy, but that could also be the liquor taking its effect. "Well definitely not after work usually, but yes I come every now and then with my friend I told you about. Just an interest of ours." Nanami snickers, "I take it that you frequent bars at least, seeing that you hold your alcohol well. " A blush lies on my face as I giggle a bit. Giggle–oh god, the alcohol must be working. "I was luckily blessed with a high tolerance from my family. But I do enjoy going to bars on my Fridays as well, more the normal ones." Taking a sip of my drink while I continue to tease Nanami. "How is that normal dynamic with your significant other?" I look towards him, his eyes facing the back of the bar. Hmm, prying for information is an interesting turn of events in this conversation. "I don't have a boyfriend if that is what you are asking. Haven't for some time." I join Nanami as I begin to stare at the wall while answering his question. "Have you sworn celibacy or what?" Both of us staring at the wall, I laugh a bit at his comment. "Every man I have been with is so... self-absorbed and boring, always making me feel so small. I got tired and gave up so I could focus on my career." Boring, boring life. When you watch shows, and movies, and read books, it almost seems that life should be exciting and adventurous. A man who takes care of you and is overly romantic and obsessed. But even just by myself, I live my boring and comfortable life. Iris has always been the exciting one in our friendship, living by impulsivity and a 'no regrets' sort of mentality. She has had her fair share of relationships, so I know she would never have a hard time since she has her expectations of where they should be. The silence becomes apparent and loud, so I turn to face Nanami. There seems to be a weird...tension of some sort between us. Something I am not used to as I have never really felt this way with anyone, especially a man. It is almost as if I can't hear anything else but just the bubble that surrounds us. "Maybe I should show you what a proper man should do." Nanami says in his usual serious and formal tone, catching me off guard. I begin to blush heavily and am unable to look at him. He, then, grabs my chin with his hands and turns my face towards him. "What do you think about that? You may actually be less 'normal' than you think." He whispers in my ear. I am actually weak and do not know if my knees will hold me up. Unable to speak and stunned, I nod. I am so glad I have alcohol in my system because without it, I would probably be a blushing blubbering mess. He calls over the bartender as they exchange words, words that I cannot hear because I am still recovering and mentally preparing for what is about to happen. Staring at his beautiful blonde hair and chiseled face, my eyes travel down to his toned arms as his sleeves are rolled up to his biceps. His huge biceps. Nanami finishes his conversation with the bartender as he hints for me to follow him. I take a deep breath and follow him. Going behind the bar, there are stairs. We walk downstairs and end up in another long hallway with doors left and right of me. He opens one and walks in with me following. I take in the scenery, keeping with the decor a silver, black, and red decorated room with an array of items I have no idea with a bed. Oh fuck. "We are not doing that tonight. This place is also a bring your own items, and I was not planning for this to happen." Nanami says while loosening his tie and wrapping it around his right hand while unbuttoning the top few buttons of his teal shirt. My eyes can't stop staring at how such a handsome and hot man is right in front of me. Nanami walks towards me and puts a strand of my brown hair behind my ear. Not to mention how ripped he is, from just the couple of buttons he undid off his shirt. "Think of this as my service to treating women as they should be treated. Let me know if they get too much." He stares into my eyes, a lusty look covering his usual serious demeanor, "And don't worry, I will take good care of you. So just relax and enjoy." Nanami forcefully brings my body closer to his and caresses my cheek while bringing his lips to mine. His lips taste so sweet and delicious, so much more intoxicating than any of the alcohol I had tonight. His hands begin to grip my hips to make sure there is no space between us. Our lips disconnect and his tongue travels to my neck while I crave his lips on mine. I let out a moan, unable to hold it in anymore. The warm heat of his breath on my neck, his soft yet passionate neck kisses— I can't breathe. "Holy shit." Is all that I can say. "That is all you can say right now?" Nanami lets out a sweet little laugh. His right hand travels to caress my ass, while his left hand begins to play with my nipples through my dress. "I might pass out." I breathe out pieces of the sentence as he continues to ravish my neck while playing around with my body like it is a toy. This feeling—is so much greater than I have ever felt in my entire life. Nanami moves his mouth close to my ear and whispers. "Just from this? Oh, I am going to treat you so well." His deep voice reverberates as his lips reattaches to my lips. His right hand finds its way to my other nipple, and he plays with both of them. I feel my knees buckle as his long and slender fingers do everything just right. I feel something hard pressing against me as I disconnect our lips and look down. I look back at Nanami and smirk. "You doing okay?" My smirk still planted on my lips, he rolls his eyes. "Oh, I am doing more than okay." He looks into my eyes as I look into his, getting lost in this lusty aroma that surrounds us. I study his features a bit more, before my phone blares on top of the bed. Nanami's hands leave my body as he goes to get my phone and hands it to me. "Hellooo?" <i>"BITCH where are you? I texted you like 20 times and I am back at the bar." Iris, oh shit.</i> "Hi Irie! Sorry, I got lost looking for the restroom, so I had to ask around then I had to wait in a line. I am washing up right now and heading over!" I say then hang up. I look up at Nanami and sigh. "This is a good stopping place, you might have actually passed out if we went any further. I also want to talk about you more. Could I have your number, so we could arrange that?" His smooth and sweet voice says to me, butterflies fly around in my stomach. "Hmm sure, let me see your phone." I send him a wink as I leave my hand open to receive his phone and type my number and name. "I guess I will see you later. I hope your friend comes, eventually." I pick up my purse with a smirk, playing it cool for now so I can freak out later. <i>a/n:</i> <i>that is a wrap for chapter 1! let me know what you guys think ;) this is for the girlies. i have a spotify playlist for songs i listen to while i write to get into the mood, so if you guys are interested in knowing the full playlist, i can share! otherwise, the songs recs really just help understand the mood/vibe. see you soon &lt;3</i> <i>-steph</i>