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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Reads the graph in the DEPS column of a CoNLL-U file and tests it on various graph properties.
# Copyright © 2019 Dan Zeman <>
# License: GNU GPL
use utf8;
use open ':utf8';
binmode(STDIN, ':utf8');
binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8');
binmode(STDERR, ':utf8');
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
use Getopt::Long;
# We need to tell Perl where to find my graph modules.
# If this does not work, you can put the script together with and
# in a folder of you choice, say, /home/joe/scripts, and then
# invoke Perl explicitly telling it where the modules are:
# perl -I/home/joe/scripts /home/joe/scripts/ inputfile.conllu
use Cwd;
my $path = $0;
my $currentpath = getcwd();
$currentpath =~ s/\r?\n$//;
$libpath = $currentpath;
if($path =~ m:/:)
$path =~ s:/[^/]*$:/:;
$libpath = getcwd();
$libpath =~ s/\r?\n$//;
#print STDERR ("libpath=$libpath\n");
use lib $libpath;
use Graph;
use Node;
my $report_cycles = 0; # report each sentence where a cycle is found?
'report-cycles' => \$report_cycles
my %stats =
'n_graphs' => 0,
'n_nodes' => 0,
'n_empty_nodes' => 0,
'n_overt_nodes' => 0,
'n_edges' => 0,
'n_single' => 0,
'n_in2plus' => 0,
'n_top1' => 0,
'n_top2' => 0,
'n_indep' => 0,
'n_cyclic_graphs' => 0,
'n_unconnected_graphs' => 0,
'gapping' => 0,
'conj_effective_parent' => 0,
'conj_shared_dependent' => 0,
'xsubj' => 0,
'relcl' => 0,
'case_deprel' => 0
my @sentence;
@sentence = ();
push(@sentence, $_);
# In case of incorrect files that lack the last empty line:
if(scalar(@sentence) > 0)
# Print the statistics.
print("$stats{n_graphs} graphs\n");
print("$stats{n_nodes} nodes\n");
print(" $stats{n_overt_nodes} overt surface nodes\n");
print(" $stats{n_empty_nodes} empty nodes\n");
my @counts = sort {$a <=> $b} (keys(%{$stats{graphs_with_n_empty_nodes}}));
if(scalar(@counts)>1 || scalar(@counts)==1 && $counts[0]!=0)
foreach my $count (@counts)
print(" $stats{graphs_with_n_empty_nodes}{$count} graphs with $count empty nodes\n");
print("$stats{n_edges} edges (not counting dependencies on 0)\n");
print("$stats{n_single} singletons\n");
print("$stats{n_in2plus} nodes with in-degree greater than 1\n");
print("$stats{n_top1} top nodes only depending on 0\n");
print("$stats{n_top2} top nodes with in-degree greater than 1\n");
print("$stats{n_indep} independent non-top nodes (zero in, nonzero out)\n");
print("$stats{n_cyclic_graphs} graphs that contain at least one cycle\n");
print("$stats{n_unconnected_graphs} graphs with multiple non-singleton components\n");
print("Enhancements defined in Enhanced Universal Dependencies v2 (number of observed signals that the enhancement is applied):\n");
print("* Gapping: $stats{gapping}\n");
print("* Coord shared parent: $stats{conj_effective_parent}\n");
print("* Coord shared depend: $stats{conj_shared_dependent}\n");
print("* Controlled subject: $stats{xsubj}\n");
print("* Relative clause: $stats{relcl}\n");
print("* Deprel with case: $stats{case_deprel}\n");
# Processes one sentence after it has been read.
sub process_sentence
my @sentence = @_;
my $graph = Graph::from_conllu_lines(@sentence);
# We now have a complete representation of the graph and can run various
# functions that will examine it and collect statistics about it.
#print_sentence(@sentence) if(find_cycles(@nodes));
#print_sentence(@sentence) if(find_components(@nodes));
# Only for enhanced UD graphs:
# Prints a sentence in the CoNLL-U format to the standard output.
sub print_sentence
my @sentence = @_;
print(join("\n", @sentence), "\n\n");
# Finds singletons, i.e., nodes that have no incoming or outgoing edges. Also
# finds various other special types of nodes.
sub find_singletons
my $graph = shift;
# Remember the total number of graphs.
foreach my $node ($graph->get_nodes())
# Remember the total number of nodes.
if($node->id() =~ m/\./)
my $indegree = $node->get_in_degree();
my $outdegree = $node->get_out_degree();
# Count edges except the '0:root' edge.
$stats{n_edges} += $outdegree;
if($indegree==0 && $outdegree==0)
elsif($indegree==0 && $outdegree >= 1)
# This node is not marked as "top node" because then it would have
# the incoming edge '0:root' and its in-degree would be 1.
elsif($indegree==1 && $node->iedges()->[0]{id} == 0)
elsif($indegree > 1)
if(any {$_->{id}==0} (@{$node->iedges()}))
# Finds directed cycles. Does not try to count all cycles; stops after finding
# the first cycle in the graph.
sub find_cycles
my $graph = shift;
# @queue is the list of unprocessed partial paths. In the beginning, there
# is one path for every node of the graph, and the path initially contains
# only that node.
my @stack = map {[$_]} ($graph->get_nodes());
my %processed_node_ids;
while(my $curpath = pop(@stack))
# @curpath is the array of nodes that are in the current path.
# Adding a node that is already in the path would mean that the path contains a cycle.
my @curpath = @{$curpath};
# $curnode is the last node of the current path. We will process all its children.
my $curnode = $curpath[-1];
# Do not process the node if it has been processed previously.
my @curidpath = map {$_->id()} (@curpath);
#print STDERR ("Processing path ", join(',', @curidpath), "\n");
# Find all children of the last node in the current path. For each of them
# create an extension of the current path and add it to the queue of paths.
my @oedges = @{$curnode->oedges()};
foreach my $oedge (@oedges)
my $childnode = $graph->node($oedge->{id});
my $childid = $childnode->id();
if(grep {$_==$childid} (@curidpath))
if($report_cycles) # global option
print("Found a cycle in this sentence:\n");
my @comments = @{$graph->comments()};
foreach my $comment (@comments)
my @cycle = map {$_->id().':'.$_->form()} (@curpath, $childnode);
# The current path may start outside the cycle, so remove the irrelevant prefix.
shift(@cycle) while($cycle[0] ne $cycle[-1]);
print("The cycle: ".join(' ', @cycle)."\n");
return 1;
my @extpath = @curpath;
push(@extpath, $childnode);
push(@stack, \@extpath);
# $curnode has been processed.
# We do not have to process it again if we arrive at it via another path.
# We will not miss a cycle that goes through that $curnode.
# Note: We could not do this if we used a queue instead of a stack!
# Finds non-singleton components, i.e., whether the graph is connected.
sub find_components
my $graph = shift;
my %component_node_ids;
my $component_size = 0;
foreach my $node ($graph->get_nodes())
my $indegree = $node->get_in_degree();
my $outdegree = $node->get_out_degree();
# Ignore singletons.
# Did we find a non-singleton component previously?
# Collect all nodes in the current component.
my @nodes_to_process = ($node);
my %processed_node_ids;
while(my $curnode = pop(@nodes_to_process))
next if(exists($processed_node_ids{$curnode->id()}));
foreach my $iedge (@{$curnode->iedges()})
unless($iedge->{id}==0 || exists($processed_node_ids{$iedge->{id}}))
push(@nodes_to_process, $graph->node($iedge->{id}));
foreach my $oedge (@{$curnode->oedges()})
push(@nodes_to_process, $graph->node($oedge->{id}));
%component_node_ids = %processed_node_ids;
$component_size = scalar(keys(%component_node_ids));
# If there is already a component, any subsequent non-singleton node
# is either part of it or of some other component. The only thing
# we are interested in is to see whether there is a second component.
return 1;
# Statistics specific to the Enhanced Universal Dependencies v2.
# 1. Ellipsis (gapping).
# 2. Coordination (propagation of dependencies to conjuncts).
# 3. Control verbs.
# 4. Relative clauses.
# 5. Case markers added to dependency relation types.
# Returns the type (label) of the relation between parent $p and child $c.
# Returns undef if the two nodes are not connected with an edge. It is assumed
# that there is at most one relation between any two nodes. Although
# technically it is possible to represent multiple relations in the enhanced
# graph, the guidelines do not support it. The nodes $p and $c are identified
# by their ids.
sub relation
my $p = shift;
my $c = shift;
my $graph = shift;
my @oedges = @{$graph->node($p)->oedges()};
my @matching_children = grep {$_->{id} == $c} (@oedges);
return undef;
print STDERR ("WARNING: Enhanced graph should not connect the same two nodes twice.\n");
return $matching_children[0]->{deprel};
# Tries to detect various types of enhancements defined in Enhanced UD v2.
sub find_enhancements
my $graph = shift;
my $n_empty_nodes_in_this_graph = 0;
foreach my $curnode ($graph->get_nodes())
my @iedges = @{$curnode->iedges()};
my @oedges = @{$curnode->oedges()};
# The presence of an empty node signals that gapping is resolved.
if($curnode->id() =~ m/\./)
###!!! We may want to check other attributes of gapping resolution:
###!!! 1. there should be no 'orphan' relations in the enhanced graph.
###!!! 2. the empty node should be attached as conjunct to a verb. Perhaps it should also have a copy of the verb's form lemma, tag and features.
###!!! 3. the empty node should have at least two non-functional children (subj, obj, obl, advmod, ccomp, xcomp, advcl).
# Parent propagation in coordination: 'conj' (always?) accompanied by another relation.
# Shared child propagation: node has at least two parents, one of them is 'conj' of the other.
###!!! We may also want to check whether there are any contentful dependents of a first conjunct that are not shared.
if(scalar(@iedges) >= 2 &&
scalar(grep {$_->{deprel} =~ m/^conj(:|$)/} (@iedges)) > 0 &&
scalar(grep {$_->{deprel} !~ m/^conj(:|$)/} (@iedges)) > 0)
if(scalar(@iedges) >= 2)
# Find grandparents such that their relation to the parent is 'conj' and my relation to the parent is not 'conj'.
my %gpconj;
foreach my $iedge (@iedges)
if($iedge->{deprel} !~ m/^conj(:|$)/)
my @gpedges = @{$graph->node($iedge->{id})->iedges()};
foreach my $gpedge (@gpedges)
if($gpedge->{deprel} =~ m/^conj(:|$)/)
# Is one of those grandparents also my non-conj parent?
my $found = 0;
foreach my $iedge (@iedges)
if($iedge->{deprel} !~ m/^conj(:|$)/ && exists($gpconj{$iedge->{id}}))
$found = 1;
# Subject propagation through xcomp: at least two parents, I am subject
# or object of one, and subject of the other. The latter parent is xcomp of the former.
my @subjpr = grep {$_->{deprel} =~ m/^nsubj(:|$)/} (@iedges);
my @xcompgpr;
foreach my $pr (@subjpr)
my @xgpr = grep {$_->{deprel} =~ m/^xcomp(:|$)/} (@{$graph->node($pr->{id})->iedges()});
push(@xcompgpr, @xgpr);
my @coreprxgpr = grep {my $r = relation($_->{id}, $curnode->{id}, $graph); defined($r) && $r =~ m/^(nsubj|obj|iobj)(:|$)/} (@xcompgpr);
if(scalar(@coreprxgpr) > 0)
# Relative clauses: the ref relation; a cycle containing acl:relcl
my @refpr = grep {$_->{deprel} =~ m/^ref(:|$)/} (@iedges);
if(scalar(@refpr) > 0)
# Adpositions and case features in enhanced relations.
###!!! Non-ASCII characters, underscores, or multiple colons in relation labels signal this enhancement.
###!!! However, none of them is a necessary condition. We can have a simple 'obl:between'.
###!!! We would probably have to look at the basic dependency and compare it with the enhanced relation.
my @unusual = grep {$_->{deprel} =~ m/(:.*:|[^a-z:])/} (@iedges);
if(scalar(@unusual) > 0)
my $basic_parent = $curnode->bparent();
my $basic_deprel = $curnode->bdeprel();
my @matchingpr = grep {$_->{id} == $basic_parent} (@iedges);
my @extendedpr = grep {$_->{deprel} =~ m/^$basic_deprel:.+/} (@matchingpr);
if(scalar(@extendedpr) > 0)