# Summary |
The Polish PDB-UD treebank is based on the Polish Dependency Bank 2.0 (PDB 2.0), created at the Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. The PDB-UD treebank is an extended and corrected version of the Polish SZ-UD treebank (the release 1.2 to 2.3). |
# Introduction |
The PDB-UD treebank consists of 22,152 sentences (350K tokens). It contains all 8K sentences of the Polish UD-SZ treebank and further 14K unique sentences. The additional sentences enclose linguistic phenomena that did not occur or were not annotated (e.g. relative clauses, reported speech) in the UD-SZ trees. The PDB-UD treebank contains enhanced graphs, i.e. trees with the enhanced edges encoding the shared dependents and the shared governors of coordinated conjuncts (9141 PDB-UD trees contain enhanced edges). |
The morphological, syntactic and semantic annotation of the PDB-UD treebank is created through a conversion of PDB 2.0 data. The conversion procedure has been designed and implemented by Alina Wróblewska partly based on the conversion of the UD-SZ trees. |
# Data Split |
The PDB-UD treebank contains sentences from Polish National Corpus, CDSCorpus, parallel corpora (e.g. Europarl, OPUS, and Pelcra Prallel Corpus) and other sources (e.g. literature). The PDB-UD treebank is divided into three parts: |
* training: 17,722 trees (281,736 tokens), |
* test: 2215 trees (33,617 tokens), |
* development: 2215 trees (34,683). |
The procedure of assigning dependency trees to particular data sets is generally random while maintaining the proportion of data from individual sources. There is one constraint on the dividing procedure: if a sentence occurs in the test, dev or train subset of the Polish LFG-UD treebank, this sentence is assigned to the test, dev or train set of the Polish PDB-UD treebank, respectively. |
# License/Copyright |
Universal Polish Dependency Bank © 2019 by Alina Wróblewska, Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences. |
The Polish PDB-UD treebank is licensed under [CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/). |
## History Note |
The earlier release of the Polish UD treebank, i.e. the UD-SZ treebank, was first converted to the Prague dependency style as a part of HamleDT; |
then it was automatically converted to Universal Dependencies (HamleDT 3.0, 2015). The first |
release of Universal Dependencies that includes this treebank is UD v1.2 in November 2015. It is |
essentially the HamleDT conversion but the data is not identical to HamleDT 3.0 because the |
conversion procedure has been further improved. |
## References |
If you use the Polish PDB-UD treebank, you are encouraged to cite this paper: |
<pre> |
@inproceedings{pl, |
author = {Wr{\'o}blewska, Alina}, |
title = {Extended and Enhanced Polish Dependency Bank in Universal Dependencies Format}, |
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2018)}, |
editor = {de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine and Lynn, Teresa and Schuster, Sebastian}, |
pages = {173--182}, |
publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, |
year = {2018} |
} |
</pre> |
* http://git.nlp.ipipan.waw.pl/alina/PDBUD |
* http://zil.ipipan.waw.pl/PDB |
* http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/hamledt ... HamleDT |
* http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/treex ... Treex is the software used for conversion |
* http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/interset ... Interset was used to convert POS tags and features |
# Acknowledgments |
We would like to thank all of the contributors of the original Polish Dependency Bank 2.0. The development of the PDB-UD treebank was founded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education as part of the investment in the CLARIN-PL research infrastructure. |
# Changelog |
* 2020-01-11 **IWPT Shared Task Data** |
* Enhanced graph: Added case information to oblique relations. |
* Enhanced graph: Added external subjects of open clausal complements. |
* Enhanced graph: Transformed relations between relative clauses and modified nouns. |
* Enhanced graph: Added empty nodes representing elided predicates. |
* 2019-11-15 v2.5 |
* Duplicate sentences are removed. |
* The treebank is divided anew into train, test and dev subsets. |
* The bugs fixed in the original PDB trees resulted in modifications to the UD trees. |
* Fixed nominal dependents of nouns that were attached as obl:arg; correct: nmod:arg. |
* Emphasizing words are annotated as advmod:emph. |
* 2019-05-15 v2.4 |
* Repository renamed from UD_Polish-SZ to UD_Polish-PDB. |
* Completely new conversion of the data. |
* In addition to the texts from “Składnica zależnościowa” 0.5, new data from PDB was added. |
* License changed from GNU GPL 3.0 to CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. |
* 2018-04-15 v2.2 |
* Repository renamed from UD_Polish to UD_Polish-SZ. |
* 2017-11-15 v2.1 |
* Prepositional objects are now “obl:arg” instead of “obj”. |
* Instrumental phrases for demoted agents in passives are now “obl:agent”. |
* 2017-03-01 v2.0 |
* Converted to UD v2 guidelines. |
* Reconsidered PRON vs. DET. |
* Improved advmod vs. obl distinction. |
* Participles moved from verbs to adjectives. |
* 2016-05-15 v1.3 |
* Fixed adverbs that were attached as nmod; correct: advmod. |
* Conditional auxiliary "by" changed from PART to AUX (and features added). |
* Demonstrative, interrogative, indefinite, total and negative PRON/DET separated from NOUN/ADJ. |
* Proper nouns (PROPN) separated from NOUN. |
* Past tense / l-participles changed from VerbForm=Fin to VerbForm=Part. |
* Verbal nouns (VerbForm=Ger) retagged and relemmatized from VERB to NOUN. |
<pre> |
=== Machine-readable metadata (DO NOT REMOVE!) ================================ |
Data available since: UD v1.2 |
License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 |
Includes text: yes |
Genre: fiction nonfiction news |
Lemmas: converted from manual |
UPOS: converted from manual |
XPOS: manual native |
Features: converted from manual |
Relations: converted from manual |
Contributors: Wróblewska, Alina; Zeman, Daniel; Mašek, Jan; Rosa, Rudolf |
Contributing: elsewhere |
Contact: zeman@ufal.mff.cuni.cz |
=============================================================================== |
</pre> |