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MULTEXT-East Lexica
Version 4
This directory contains the following files:
00README.txt This file
Word-form lexica in MULTEXT format, with conditions on availability:
wfl-bg.txt Bulgarian free
wfl-cs.txt Czech free
wfl-en.txt English free
wfl-et.txt Estonian free
wfl-fr.txt French free
wfl-hu.txt Hungarian free
wfl-ro.txt Romanian free
wfl-sk.txt Slovak free
wfl-sl-rozaj.txt Resian (sl dialect) free
wfl-sl.txt Slovene free
wfl-uk.txt Ukrainian free
Separate submission:
wfl-fa.txt Farsi/Persian license for research use only
wfl-mk.txt Macedonian license for research use only
wfl-pl.txt Polish license for research use only
wfl-ru.txt Russian license for research use only
wfl-sr.txt Serbian license for research use only
The word-form lexica are in MULTEXT format, where each entry is in a
separate line and contains (at least) three fields; the first filed of
the entry is the word-form, the second the lemma, and the third the
morphosyntactic description, MSD. Some lexica also make use of further
columns, e.g. Persian gives the transliteration to ASCII of the
word-form and lemma.
The files are encoded in UTF-8 with TAB (^I) as record separator and
Unix-type end-of-lines (^J). Sort order is UTF-8. When the word-form
or lemma contains spaces, these are substituted by underscore.
The MSD are defined in the MULTEXT-East morphosyntactic
Note that the lexica use the definitions for the particular language,
not the common ones.
L. Dimitrova, L. Sinapova, K. Simov, D. Popov, Sv. Manova-Vidinska
Department of Mathematical Linguistics
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
V.Petkevic, J.Klimova and V.Schmiedtova
Institute of Theoretical and Computational Linguistics
Faculty of Philosophy
Charles University
H.J.Kaalep, E.Toomsalu
Department of General Linguistics
Tartu University
N. Ide, G. Priest-Dorman
Dept. of Computer Science
Vassar College
B. QasemiZadeh and S. Rahimi
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Galway, Ireland
C.Oravecz and L.Tihanyi
Research Institute for Linguistics
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Aleksandar Petrovski
N. Kotsyba(1), I. Derzhanski(2), and A. Radziszewski(3)
(1) Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies, Warsaw University
(2) Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
(3) Institute of Informatics, Wroclaw University of Technology
Han Steenwijk
Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Anglo-Germaniche e Slave
Padova University
S.Bruda, C.Diaconu, L.Diaconu, and D.Tufis
Center for Research in Machine Learning,
Natural Language Processing and Conceptual Modelling
Romanian Academy of Sciences
C. Krstev
Computer Science Departement
Faculty of Mathematics
University of Belgrade
R. Garabik
L. Stur Institute of Linguistics
Slovak Academy of Sciences
T. Erjavec
Dept. of Knowledge Technologies, Jozef Stefan Institute
N. Kotsyba, I. Shevchenko(2), I. Derzhanski(3), and A. Mykulyak(1)
(1) Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies, Warsaw University
(2) Ukrainian Lingua-Information Fund, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
(3) Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The MULTEXT-East partners would like to acknowledge the contributors
of the following lexica which served as the basis of the MULTEXT-East
Czech lexicon: dr. Jan Hajic and BYLL Software
Hungarian lexicon: MorphoLogic
Slovene lexicon: Amebis d.o.o.
Polish lexicon: Marcin Woliski: Morfeusz morphological analyzer
(, c.f.
Marcin Woliski. Morfeusz, a Practical Tool for the
Morphological Analysis of Polish.
In: Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining,
IIS:IIPWM'06 Proceedings, pp. 503-512, Springer, 2006.
Tomaz Erjavec, JSI