--- |
license: apache-2.0 |
task_categories: |
- question-answering |
- text-generation |
language: |
- zh |
tags: |
- medical |
- biology |
- chemistry |
size_categories: |
- 100K<n<1M |
--- |
## 🌈 Update |
* **[2023.08.01]** 🎉🎉🎉 CMB is published!🎉🎉🎉 |
## 🌐 Download Data |
- (Recommended) Download the [zip file](https://github.com/FreedomIntelligence/CMB/tree/main/data) and unzip: |
```bash |
git clone "https://github.com/FreedomIntelligence/CMB.git" && cd CMB && unzip "./data/CMB.zip" -d "./data/" && rm "./data/CMB.zip" |
``` |
- Or load our data as follows: |
```python |
from datasets import load_dataset |
# CMB-Exam datasets (multiple-choice and multiple-answer questions) |
exam_datasets = load_dataset('FreedomIntelligence/CMB','exam') |
# CMB-Clin datasets |
clin_datasets = load_dataset('FreedomIntelligence/CMB','clin') |
``` |
## 🥇 Leaderboard |
Please Check [Leaderboard](https://cmedbenchmark.llmzoo.com/static/leaderboard.html). |
## 🥸 Dataset intro |
![CMB](assets/CMB-final.png) |
### Components |
- CMB-Exam: Comprehensive multi-level assessment for medical knowledge |
- Structure: 6 major categories and 28 subcategories, [View Catalog](catalog.md) |
- CMB-test: 400 questions per subcategories, 11200 questions in total |
- CMB-val: 280 questions with solutions and explanations; used as source for CoT and few-shot |
- CMB-train: 269359 questions for medical knowledge injection |
- CMB-Clin: 74 cases of complex medical inquires |
### CMB-Exam Item |
```json |
{ |
"exam_type": "医师考试", |
"exam_class": "执业医师", |
"exam_subject": "口腔执业医师", |
"question": "患者,男性,11岁。近2个月来时有低热(37~38℃),全身无明显症状。查体无明显阳性体征。X线检查发现右肺中部有一直径约0.8cm类圆形病灶,边缘稍模糊,肺门淋巴结肿大。此男孩可能患", |
"answer": "D", |
"question_type": "单项选择题", |
"option": { |
"A": "小叶型肺炎", |
"B": "浸润性肺结核", |
"C": "继发性肺结核", |
"D": "原发性肺结核", |
"E": "粟粒型肺结核" |
} |
}, |
``` |
- exam_type: major category |
- exam_class: sub-category |
- exam_subject: Specific departments or subdivisions of disciplines |
- question_type: *multiple-choice (单项选择题)* or *multiple-answer (多项选择题)* |
### CMB-Clin Item |
```json |
{ |
"id": 0, |
"title": "案例分析-腹外疝", |
"description": "现病史\n(1)病史摘要\n 病人,男,49岁,3小时前解大便后出现右下腹疼痛,右下腹可触及一包块,既往体健。\n(2)主诉\n 右下腹痛并自扪及包块3小时。\n\n体格检查\n体温: T 37.8℃,P 101次/分,呼吸22次/分,BP 100/60mmHg,腹软,未见胃肠型蠕动波,肝脾肋下未及,于右侧腹股沟区可扪及一圆形肿块,约4cm×4cm大小,有压痛、界欠清,且肿块位于腹股沟韧带上内方。\n\n辅助检查\n(1)实验室检查\n 血常规:WBC 5.0×109/L,N 78%。\n 尿常规正常。\n(2)多普勒超声检查\n 沿腹股沟纵切可见一多层分布的混合回声区,宽窄不等,远端膨大,边界整齐,长约4~5cm。\n(3)腹部X线检查\n 可见阶梯状液气平。", |
"QA_pairs": [ |
{ |
"question": "简述该病人的诊断及诊断依据。", |
"solution": "诊断:嵌顿性腹股沟斜疝合并肠梗阻。\n诊断依据:\n①右下腹痛并自扪及包块3小时;\n②有腹胀、呕吐,类似肠梗阻表现;腹部平片可见阶梯状液平,考虑肠梗阻可能;腹部B超考虑,\n腹部包块内可能为肠管可能;\n③有轻度毒性反应或是中毒反应,如 T 37.8℃,P 101次/分,白细胞中性分类78%;\n④腹股沟区包块位于腹股沟韧带上内方。" |
}, |
{ |
"question": "简述该病人的鉴别诊断。", |
"solution": "(1)睾丸鞘膜积液:鞘膜积液所呈现的肿块完全局限在阴囊内,其上界可以清楚地摸到;用透光试验检查肿块,鞘膜积液多为透光(阳性),而疝块则不能透光。\n(2)交通性鞘膜积液:肿块的外形与睾丸鞘膜积液相似。于每日起床后或站立活动时肿块缓慢地出现并增大。平卧或睡觉后肿块逐渐缩小,挤压肿块,其体积也可逐渐缩小。透光试验为阳性。\n(3)精索鞘膜积液:肿块较小,在腹股沟管内,牵拉同侧睾丸可见肿块移动。\n(4)隐睾:腹股沟管内下降不全的睾丸可被误诊为斜疝或精索鞘膜积液。隐睾肿块较小,挤压时可出现特有的胀痛感觉。如患侧阴囊内睾丸缺如,则诊断更为明确。\n(5)急性肠梗阻:肠管被嵌顿的疝可伴发急性肠梗阻,但不应仅满足于肠梗阻的诊断而忽略疝的存在;尤其是病人比较肥胖或疝块较小时,更易发生这类问题而导致治疗上的错误。\n(6)此外,腹股沟区肿块还应与以下疾病鉴别:肿大的淋巴结、动(静)脉瘤、软组织肿瘤、脓肿、\n圆韧带囊肿、子宫内膜异位症等。" |
}, |
{ |
"question": "简述该病人的治疗原则。", |
"solution": "嵌顿性疝原则上需要紧急手术治疗,以防止疝内容物坏死并解除伴发的肠梗阻。术前应做好必要的准备,如有脱水和电解质紊乱,应迅速补液加以纠正。手术的关键在于正确判断疝内容物的活力,然后根据病情确定处理方法。在扩张或切开疝环、解除疝环压迫的前提下,凡肠管呈紫黑色,失去光泽和弹性,刺激后无蠕动和相应肠系膜内无动脉搏动者,即可判定为肠坏死。如肠管尚未坏死,则可将其送回腹腔,按一般易复性疝处理,即行疝囊高位结扎+疝修补术。如肠管确已坏死或一时不能肯定肠管是否已失去活力时,则应在病人全身情况允许的前提下,切除该段肠管并进行一期吻合。凡施行肠切除吻合术的病人,因手术区污染,在高位结扎疝囊后,一般不宜作疝修补术,以免因感染而致修补失败。" |
} |
] |
}, |
``` |
- title: name of disease |
- description: information of patient |
- QA_pairs: a series of questions and their solutions based on the description |
## ℹ️ How to evaluate and submit refer to [link](https://github.com/FreedomIntelligence/CMB) |
## 😘 Citation |
Please use the following citation if you intend to use our dataset for training or evaluation: |
``` |
@misc{cmedbenchmark, |
title={CMB: Chinese Medical Benchmark}, |
author={Xidong Wang*, Guiming Hardy Chen*, Dingjie Song*, Zhiyi Zhang*, Qingying Xiao, Xiangbo Wu, Feng Jiang, Jianquan Li, Benyou Wang}, |
note={Xidong Wang, Guiming Hardy Chen, Dingjie Song, and Zhiyi Zhang contributed equally to this github repo.}, |
year = {2023}, |
publisher = {GitHub}, |
journal = {GitHub repository}, |
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/FreedomIntelligence/CMB}}, |
} |
``` |
## Acknowledgement |
- We thank [Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data](http://www.sribd.cn/) for their enormous support for this project. |
- We thank the following doctors for participating in the human evaluation of CMB-Clin: |
- 林士军 (香港中文大学(深圳)附属第二医院) |
- 常河 |
- 许晓爽 |