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Hey I m 20 years old and 29 weeks pregnant. I suffer from severe anxiety and it has become a lot worse since my cousin passed away on the 19th of last month. I have been having pain on the left side of my chest just under my breast and I m not sure if it s my heart or just my ribs also it feels like my stomach is rumbling but near my heart I also have palpitations where my heart all of a sudden has one big beat and feels like its going to beat out of my chest sometimes they are so bad it makes me jump out of my seat also when I listen to my pulse sometimes it sounds like it stops for a second (skips a beat) and then beats as normal. I went to the hospital last week and had an ECG which was fine. Do you know what this could be? Is it possible there is something wrong that the ECG didn t find? I am quite worried about this. Because of my anxiety I have lots of strange thoughts. I think I m always going to die and I find it extremely hard to sleep at night as I think if I go to sleep I won t wake up. I don t feel myself because of my anxiety. I feel light headed all the time and I find it hard to feel normal I always feel like there is something wrong with me.
Hello! Thank you for the query. According to your description, you probably suffer from heart arrhythmia. This is a condition when heart spontaneously beats irregularly. This is a very common heart condition. In most cases hearts gives an extra beat from time to time and after that beat, there is while for the heart to come back to normal rhythm. This is what you find a lack of pulse for a while. Such condition in most cases is harmless however it should be diagnosed, and it is necessary to find what kind of arrhythmia it is. Moreover, pregnancy is very often associated with heart arrhythmia, and so is anxiety. So we can find pregnancy, anxiety, and ions shortage (especially magnesium and calcium) as an often reasons of such condition. Short ECG can not find it, you should have Holders 24 hours ECG, it should tell if and what type of arrhythmia you suffer from. To ease your symptoms it is advisable to have magnesium supplementation and visit psychiatrist if you can not deal with your anxiety. Hope this will helpRegards
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Hello, Firstly I would like to say I have been in and out of seeing my doctor and having testing done. In 2008 I had my gallbladder removed. Afterwards, I still had to watch what foods I ate. I am also lactose intolerant after I had my daughter in 1995. In the past six months approximately when I was caring for my inlaws....they eat a very high protein and fibre diet....after a week with them I then developed IBS symtoms and was not able to go to the toilet for days. And my stomach had a dull ache all the time and was beginning to get phantom pains where my gall bladder was. This is the scary part: my rib cage is curled upwards from the swelling in my stomach that will not go down for the past week. I try and watch my acid intake as my gp said I will have to watch my ph balance in my stomach. Which he is right...the more acidic foods I eat the worse the swelling gets. I have had the cameras up and down and the only thing they could find is that I have the beginning stages of getting ulcers in my stomach and to follow a FODMAP diet (which doesn t work). I take atenenol 25mg daily for high blood pressure and mitral valve prolapse, I was taking nexium but it stopped working and I find more comfort in a digestive tea that has calendula in it. I am constantly nauseated and cannot eat properly without severe bloating, gas, cramps, headaches, vomiting sometimes (nothing of black or dark discoloration in my vomit) same with when I go to the toilet as well. I am almost considering going to spend the six to 12 hours in the emergency room just so I can get some answers. I am afraid it is something way more severe than what they are telling me. Can you please try to help me. Thank you
HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorYou really seems to have multiple medical conditions, and you became too much conscious and so why you are having different thoughts about that, nothing is serious here, I suggest you to follow the medical instruction must have been given to you, keep your stress level low, It does not look any big problems even after many medical conditions, if you go on thinking weird then it may be possible that you could possibly face some functional conditions, so just take it easy, and have nice day.
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I have been suffering for 2 months with getting and maintaining an erection. I have been to 2 doctors and they ran tests on my blood and urine. My results came back that I am in good health. They said i have nothing to worry about but I am still struggling with it and am rapidly losing weight over the situation. Any information would be helpful.
**Thanks for contacting Chat Doctor with your health concern1. As examination and results are healthy and normal, and you are in good health thus we have to look out for:. Anxiety performance. Fear of rejection (by wife or partner).2. Consult a Urologist for detailed clinical examination [any anatomical changes/defect], till then:i. Start with perineal exercises: while urinating, stop the flow of urine, start again, stop & start again 4-5 times. ii. take: milk and milk products, ghee, Mahan, cheese, curd, black grapes, pears, raisins, dates, almonds, walnut, pomegranate, carrot, banana, apricots, musk melon, AMLA, coconut, pistachio, turnip, potato, onion, lady finger, radish, old brown rice, peas, garlic, bottle gourd. iii. Avoid sour and cold substances, tobacco, brinjal, tandoori ROTC, red chilies, heavy and food which require long hours to digest, Jagger and its items, deep-fried food. iv. you can ask for prescription medicine like Ashwagandha churn, viola capsules, tented forte tabletops. These are non-hormonal and safe sexual stimulant and acts on higher brain centers to improve libido, the antis tress, adapted action of tented forte helps alleviate anxiety associated with sexual desire. . Perineal exercise [pelvic floor program] is a noninvasive alternative for the treatment of patients with ED by clearing venous occlusion. [will help to achieve full erection afterward] It also helps to strengthen the muscles and sphincters involved in erection and ejaculation. . Before prescribing medication especially for ED, the patient should be evaluated for any cardio vascular diseases, thus have an appointment with a Cardiologist for any potential risk of a cardio vascular event, so that Ayurveda medicines/herbs can be incorporated into your daily routine.
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IMPRESSION: Mild multilevel degenerative changes of the cervical spine as described above. INDICATION: Neck pain radiating at C6-C7. COMPARISON: None TECHNIQUE: Multi-sequence, multi-planar MR images were obtained of the cervical spine without contrast. FINDINGS: The craniocervical junction is unremarkable. The cervical vertebral bodies are normal height, signal intensity and alignment. The cervical cord is of normal signal intensity and morphology. Limited evaluation of the posterior fossa demonstrates tonsillar ectopia on the right. Level-specific findings: C2-C3: There is no neural foraminal narrowing or canal stenosis. C3-C4: Minimal posterior disk osteophyte complex without significant spinal canal stenosis and minimal bilateral neuroforaminal narrowing, right greater than left. There is a small left central disk herniation which minimally narrows the proximal left neural foramen . C4-C5: No significant spinal canal stenosis and mild bilateral neural frontal narrowing. C5-C6: Minimal posterior disk osteophyte complex without significant neural foraminal narrowing and mild bilateral neuroforaminal narrowing. C6-C7: Minimal posterior disk osteophyte complex with no significant spinal canal stenosis and mild bilateral neuroforaminal narrowing, left greater than right. C7-T1: There is no neural foraminal narrowing or canal stenosis.
Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. Note down as, Craniocervical junction is unremarkable normal C1& cranium. C2-C3 normal,C3-C4 in this minimum bilateral neuroforamina narrowing. Minimum narrowing is there so at present will not develop any pain, if it further increases(narrowing)than pain may be on both sides hand. C4 -C5 normal,C5-C6 mild bilateral neurofoamina narrowing,C6-C7 mild bilateral narrowing in neurofoamina (an opening through witch nerves of hand passes). C7-T1 normal, So C5, C6 C7 compressing the nerve which supply hand and that's why there is pain. C6 -C7 here left narrowing is greater than right hence pain is more on LEFT side. So consult your doctor and get in his treatment. Good luck.
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Hi- My son was born with a white spot on his forehead and 5 weeks after birth he got another white spot on his belly button and on the 6th week after birth he got white spots on both legs from above the knee to his shin. Two months after my son was born, the spot on his forehead shrunk to the size of a quarter piece. We were sent to a dermatologist where he was diagnosed with Vitiligo. The dermatologist at the time said my son was very special because he was born with Vitiligo (the spot on his forehead). The dermatologist has now left her practice to do research and we had to see another dermatologist. After visiting the new dermatologist (3.5 years after my son s birth), she said we ve been treating him for the wrong skin condition. This new doctor said it is Piebaldism. None of my family or my husband s family have Piebaldism or Vitiligo. She wants to perform a blood test for Piebaldism, but I want to know what are the chances that it could be either or? and if I have another child will have either one? At this point, our dermatologist could not do a blood test because only a limited amount of labs can run a test like this, do you know what is needed? The doctor also said that whether my son has Piebaldism or Vitiligo it would be an usual case. Could it be something else?
Hello, Both piebaldism and vitiligo are rare genetic diseases and can be diagnosed by genetic testing of a blood specimen. I would like to direct you to the Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center of the National Institutes of Health because they study genetic diseases and will be able to test for these conditions. (Frequently people with no family history can have vitiligo because there can be a new change in their genetic material.) In piebaldism, the patient has white spots symmetrically distributed on right and left sides of the body. Other skin conditions that have white areas:-albinism- all hair and skin are white and there is the inability to tan-tuberous sclerosis-flat, white areas on the body, red bumps on face, brain abnormalities-hypomelanosis of Ito-white swirls that involve much of the body. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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My son, Kanishk age : 15 Yrs, is suffering from mild fever between 97.5 ~ 100 degree F varies day to day.1. A lot of tests of Blood has been conducted.2. Chest X-ray clear.. normal3. In ultra sound, the report is as under.............Liver is mildly enlarged in size, measures and shows mildly coarse echotexture. No focal tension seen. Intrahepatic biliary radicals are normal.Portal vein is normal, measures 8mm.Minimal fluid is seen in subhepatic space..Gall Bladder is distended and shows smooth walls. Lumen is echo free.CBD is not dilated.Pancreas is normal in size, shape and echotexture.Spleen is mildly enlarged in size and measures 13.5cm.The Kidneys are normal in size, shape and echopattern. No calculus or hydronephrosis seen. Corticomedullary differentiation and parenchymal thickness is preserved.Right Kidney measures 9.8cmLeft Kidney measures 9.9.cmNo enlarged retroperitoneal mesenteric nodes noted.Impression : Mild hepatosplenomegaly with coarse liver echotexture and minimal asites.==================================================We are in touch with Dr, he says no problem, wait and stopped all medicines.No weight loss in last 3-4 months.Please, help.
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, The presence of low grade fever, mild hepatosplenomegaly at 15 years of age is highly suggestive of infectious mononucleosis. However, there are many other conditions which cause similar symptoms and signs. Infectious mononucleosis is caused by Epstein Barr virus. There are many other viral infections causing fever with hepatosplenomegaly. These viruses are - CMV, rubella, etc. Other infections are - leishmaniasis, malaria, schistosomiasis, etc. Malignant conditions can also lead to similar picture e.g. lymphoma, myeloproliferative disorders, etc. Infections are more common than malignancies. Monospot test is a test done for confirming infectious mononucleosis. Consult your doctor for further investigations and thus management. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor.
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I have just moved onto the next page of this website and realise i cannot go any further as i have no credit card. My apologies. Eighty year old women treated for urinary infection for number of years then severe abdominal pain then series of tests to find cause 1. bowel specialist gave the ok although 15 years ago diagnosed bowel cancer was removed. 2. thyroid test came back positive 3. next specialist looks at Cyst on ovary as scan discovers this who now wants to do a biopsy as he said thickening of uterus needed to be investigated. Oops pain much more severe at night. Has also lost stone in weight last three months while pain and investigations take place. What does all this mean Regards very worried relative ps i am only looking to understand what is happening and the thinking of the drs. as this is a close relative i also wonder about heredity diseases. I have been diagnosed with hyper and now hypo thyroid. Daughter has been treated for fibroid which has been 18cm in length and appeared to compete with baby in womb for both pregnances. I suppose i was also wondering with all these problems associated with three generations what measurements can be taken to avoid the 80 year old plight ie food, vitamins etc not thinking of long term medication just lifestyle changes to avoid certain scenarios
Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. This isn't easy to answer. I am afraid i didn't understand the question but as I see you are worked about 80 year old woman and possibility of cancer development in her relative including you. Well, affinity to certain cancers(especially breast, ovarian, uterine and colorectal) is associated with genetic predispositions. There is no doubt about it but it shouldn't concern you and make your life insecure. This is still small possibility, it is impossible to calculate it. All you need to do is to look for sign and symptoms more careful then the others and often do examinations and preventive tests especially after 40.year. Your doctor will know about these tests. This patient has serious symptoms and cancer in history, so it definitely needs to be investigated and treated. All you can do is to live healthy, eat healthy food, avoid alcohol and smoking. You can't change your genetics but can change life habits and think positively. Every human can get cancer no matter about his genetic potential, and it is absurd to be concerned about this possibility because someone in our family has it. Wish I've been helpful.
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Hi. I am a 31 y.o. female, 50 lbs overweight. I have hypothyroidism and high cholesterol. I have been havign mild chest pain on and off for a month or so, but didn t think anything of it until a week ago (on a Monday). It was severe enough that I couldn t concentrate and accompanied by nausea. It starts at my breast bone and curves upward towards my right shoulder. It feels like a tube of pain and also radiates into my back between my spine and rt shoulder blade. It also feels as if something is pushing on my windpipe at the bottom of my neck. I went to the Dr. same day and he was sure it was a gallstone attack. I went in on friday for an Upper GI and Ultrasound. The Upper GI was normal and the ultrasound showed no gallstones, though they did see a few benign spots on my liver that they are recommending that I have looked at via MRI. I am assuming this means that it is not my gallbladder causing the problem then. However from Thursday through Saturday I had yellow diarrhea (it s now Monday again) and thought the chest pain has lessened it is still there. It doesn t get worse or better with position, exercise or eating, though it is a little more uncomfortable with deep breaths. I am feeling increasingly tired. My Dr s appt is tomorrow for follow-up, but the fatigue has me a little worried. I also belch excessively but have read that this may be a side-effect of the Lovaza I am on for my cholesterol. What do you think could be causing the chest pain?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Since you are overweight, we should first rule out cardiac chest pain. So get done ECG, 2d echo and stress test (trade mill test)If all these are normal then no need to worry about heart diseases. Sometimes, undiagnosed stress and anxiety can also cause similar symptoms. So better to consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You may need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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Hello, my wife who is pregnant 12 weeks tomorrow (First pregnancy and no health concerns) has developed a rash over the last 3 weeks. We initially suspected that she had an allergy to a body cream but it has persisted. It initially began as an oval shapped (almost scratch like) mark on the side of her upper body near the above the love handles and now has burst into a rash all over her abdomen, breasts and a few on the back. We have gone to a dertmatoligist and she has diagnosed Pityriasis Rosea. 2 Questions, I have done research online and only found 1 study showing that it increases the risk of miscarriage and may cause mobility issues or strength issues in the muscles as an infant that can be overcome. Are there any other more concrete studies showing the effects of this and what is your experience with this virus amongst pregnant women? The second question is what are the differences in symptoms of Pityriasis Rosea and PUPPP?
Hello there, thanks for your query. Your efforts in researching for scientific literature is commendable. As you have rightly found out there are not many studies regarding satyriasis rose in pregnancy. Those reports suggest possible miscarriage, premature delivery, movement issues in the baby. It is very difficult to Chat Doctor. What one can do in such a circumstance is adopted a wait and watch policy and take adequate precautions to prevent miscarriage and preterm delivery. And undergo a detailed genetic sonogram (anomaly scan) to rule out structural defects in the baby. It usually starts as a single oval patch with well demarcated red boundary and central pink region which over 2 weeks spreads to trunk, back, neck and extremities, and they are oval raised lesions which would look like Christmas tree. It spares face, feet and palms. Whereas puppy is seen in the last trimester of pregnancy and seen as pa pules along lines of striae over abdomen and thighs, and it gets intensely itchy. It is most likely related to stretching of the skin. I would like to add that I have given gross features of PR, and it should not be used to diagnose the lesion by oneself. Satyriasis rose should be diagnosed by a trained dermatologist who does job at their best and the management in pregnancy should be a team work comprising your obstetrician and dermatologist and a good radiologist. Hope this information is helpful to you. Take care.
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Vascular Question: Hello, I had a bad case of diarrhea three weeks ago. I was in the bed for 1 week, just lying there because I had no energy. About 10 days after the diarrhea started, I was still very tired and still lying around. (I am usually up and about almost 14 of my 16 waking hours, run up the stairs, and am very active.) On the 10th day, I was talking on my cell phone for about 1 hour, when suddenly a saw a huge round ball form on my left arm (the one holding the phone), about the size of a small golf ball. I had not done anything to hit my arm, and had not been outside to get bitten by any bugs. While I watched over the next 5 minutes, the bulge on my arm proceeded to move toward my wrist, and form a bulge that was 5 inches long, 3 inches wide and about 1 inch high. I went to the pharmacy to purchase Benydryl, thinking it might be a bug bite, but the pharmacist told me to go to the emergency room. The doctor there said that it was a burst blood vessel, and it would form a bruise and go away. It did look like a lot of bruising over the next few days, but after two weeks now, the bulge is still there and is very tender. The bruising look has almost gone away. Perhaps my prolonged bed rest had something to do with it, or the extended time that I was using the cell phone. My GP has looked at it and said don t worry, it will go away, but I am concerned that I might have a blood clot that will travel out and cause a big problem! What do you think?
Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. In most cases this is just a swollen lymph node which doesn't require any specific treatment. Also, considering your description this may be some other benign subcutaneous lesion such as lipoma, fibrous or atheroma and if there are no skin changes such as redness, pus discharge or pain and fever then you should not be worried since it can be easily surgically removed under local anesthesia. Then it there is doubts it can be sent to the patohistologic analysis. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health.
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What is the best way to get pregnant. We ve been trying hard for one year.. I am also under the care of an obgyne..and still not get one..I took medicines and some injections for my husband s sperm count is very good and normal..I hope u can help me..thank u.
Hallow Dear, Since your husbands' sperm count is very good, one issue is sorted out. Now considering failure to conceive for one year, you will have to undergo certain evaluations to assess your fertility capacity. 1. Evidence for Ovulation: Ovulation can easily be assessed by ultrasonography and home kit. However, initial evidence by ultrasonography has many advantages. It provides direct visual evidence of egg release. Moreover, we can see the size of the follicle before it released egg. Follicle of the size between 18 mm and 21 mm size produce the healthiest eggs who have better possibility of successful pregnancy. Also, it provides information about lining of the uterus (endometrium). Endometrium of thickness between 9 mm and 14 mm is most conducive for successful implantation of the fertilized ovum. Once you locate the day of ovulation, sexual activity can be planned on and around the day of egg release. Microscopic study of the endometrium in the second half of menstrual cycle also can provide evidence of ovulation. Hysteroscopy gives the visual impression of endometrium and then biopsy of the endometrium can be taken for microscopic study. Hysteroscopy will also give information about any abnormalities, diseases or adhesions in the uterine cavity. Hormonal study like FSH, LH, Progesterone, Estrogen and Prolactin can throw a light on the function of the genital system. 2. Patency of the reproduction tract can be assessed by Hysterosalpingography in which X-ray of the uterus and tubes is done after filling radio-opaque dye in the uterus. Laparoscopy also can give this information. Laparoscopy also provides information about the external appearance of the internal genital organs. If any issue is detected, it will have to be treated accordingly. If all the findings are within normal limits and still you fail to conceive, then it becomes an unexplained infertility when Artificial Reproduction Technique may have to be followed. Please report to an Infertologist. I hope this should help you.
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What should I do? I m afraid to become antibiotic resistant and afraid this infection might spread {I m assuming I have a tooth abscess? That has spread to a few teeth because again I waited a week to go see her due to personal reasons} . I ll be seeing my dentist this Wednesday she wasn t in when I called Saturday and Sunday nor Today she works in certain days. Anyways my mother threw away my antibiotics because my doctor diagnose me with an allergic reaction to Amoxicillin based on asking me questions and checking my outer cheek. I believe it s from Listerine ZERO Total Care which cause me to have slouging inner cheeks but the doctor wouldn t let me speak. Then again I told him it can also be the antibiotics since one side my face was swollen and my neck on the same side felt a bit swollen up as well. After I stop taking my antibiotics which I was force to since I have no authority over my parents on my 6th day {had to take them for 7 days} and I had 4 pills left. As I said I miss most of my doses now and the swelling of my cheek had slowly started to go down and now I might be suspecting it could have been the antibiotics but I m not sure so that s the reason why I m going Wednesday which is the day she works, the reason why I don t have her phone number is because the receptionist didn t even have it. The swelling had subside before I even took my methylprednisolone which I have started today. I also wonder if I get another course of antibiotics which I assume is shorter. Which antibiotics are fine to take with methylprednisolone?
Hello,First, if the swelling is subsided after stopping antibiotic then it was probably an Allergic reaction to Amoxicillin only. So, if the swelling is subsided now then you need not take Methylprednisolone for the swelling. As far as another antibiotic is concerned then you should consult an Oral Physician and get checked and take the antibiotic according to the need as you have already taking sufficient dose. If you are allergic to Amoxicillin, then you can take other group of antibiotics like Cephalexin, Clindamycin et cetera. So, once consult an Emergency room or Dentist and get a prescription of antibiotics. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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hello, I m a 20 year-old female. I ve had a painful tooth cavity about 4 years ago . I went to the dentist and got it cleaned up ( she told me after killing the roots , it became dead) , had a temporary filling , and I was asked to come back a couple of weeks later to have the permanent filling. Unfortunately , as the pain went away I didn t go back.. The filling fell off eventually and the hole in my tooth (where the cavity used to be) was left exposed ... Over the years , the hole got bigger and now what I have is like half a black tooth , a rotten tooth I guess.It smelled very bad generally .. finally, after years of leaving it like that ,I went to the dentist 4 days ago to finally get it taken care of , probably get it extracted.. but the doctor said he couldn t extract it before making sure it couldn t be saved anymore. Since I couldn t afford x-rays, he suggested he put in a temporary filling and see if that results in pain.. It s been three days now and my upper left jaw is starting to feel funny ( painful when I memic the chewing movement) , my tooth hurts when I pressure it and I feel generally uneasy and have a slight nausea today.. I can t go back to the dentist before monday so should I take out the temporary filling until then to feel better? am I forming an abscess? should I insist on removing the tooth? P.S: I haven t eaten on the left side of my mouth for years if that helps !! Please help me : (
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor forum, I am glad you posted your query, the dental history provided by you is sufficient, therefore I would like to inform you that your tooth has developed an infection, causing inflammation of the periapical (root) tissue, yes you can remove the temporary filling yourself, to relief your case X-ray is very important to plan the treatment, most probably your tooth will require a root canal treatment followed by a crown to restore your broken tooth. There is a little chance of your tooth getting extracted as there is not much pain(only on chewing) or swelling. Kindly visit your dentist soon, to start with the treatment, till then perform antibacterial (Betadine)mouth wash twice/day.I hope I answered your query, i wish you good health, take care.
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helo sir my self amit kumar sir i have done my seman analysis and the report is given below pls suggest me sir about pus cells and improving total count .......tatal volume- 3ml, colour - grey(increased) viscosisty - increased motility - 60%(20% sluggish and 40% rapid) total count - 20 million/ml, and non motile - 40%, 2-3 pus cells/hpf seen...
Hello Your semen analysis findings may indicate semen infection with borderline sperm motility. Infection is indicated due to presence of few pus cells in semen. Normally semen shouldn't contain any pus cells. You may need investigations like routine hologram, random blood sugar, semen culture and sensitivity. You may need to take antibiotics based on culture and sensitivity report. Motility is borderline. Normally it should be at least 55 %. Your findings suggest over all 60% motility, so it is borderline. Sperm count is normal. Normally it should be at least 20 millions/ml. Fertility is expected to increase with control of infection. If infertility persists then you may need assisted fertilization techniques. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
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Doctor i am 23 ill complete 2 years of marriage this may , we were planning to have a child for which we tried to have intercourse from November 2010. i had got my last periods on December 20th 2010 and on 20th of feb 2011 . i had visited to a doctor and found that i am 2months 1 week pregnant but on 22nd at a weeding i had danced a lot and on 23rd feb at evening i had a heavy flow of bleeding i visted the doctor immediately he did sonografy and found that the heart beat of the child was still working properly but he said that there is a small blood clotted in the pregnancy bag . he said to take the decision whether i want to get admitted for 20 days and try to control the blood flow and manage to save the child by safely trying to remove the blood clotted or to get operated and remove the pregnancy. i took the decision of getting operated as the doctor was not sure that even if the blood flow would stop the pregnancy would be safe at later stage now it has been more than 15 daysafter the operation i had flow for 6 days thats is till 1st march average flow like water onlyi just wanted to know that can i try again for the baby from 15 of this month would it be safe and no complications would be there please let ,me know as we both want child in our life please reply to it asap
Hi, Thanks for the query. I understand your concern. - Ideally 3 normal menses are allowed(preventing conception with three cycles of oral contraceptives help immediate conception after stopping the pills) after surgical removal of recover from the weakness of pregnancy, bleeding & surgery. You should take iron tonic along with high protein & vitamin diet. Intake of folic acid 5 mg for these 3 months by both partners helps to prevent certain congenital anomaly. -You can plan for a baby after that. Ovulation day is known by LH surge test by a home kit. Have an unprotected sex from the day the test is + ve for 5 consecutive days. - Pregnancy can be diagnosed by home pregnancy test of during after 8 days delay in period & a gynecologist consulted immediately for needful supplementation of hormones (considering first mishap). Avoiding stress & taking comparative rest till 14 weeks is essential along with medicines advised. Wishing you all the best, Thanks,
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I am a 40 year old female, 5 6 and 120lbs. I am very active - run 15-20 miles a week, spin class 2x a week, kickboxing once a week, and tennis 2-5 times a week. I am an athletic trainer, so am also active at work. I have episodes of blackness, where (my best description) it s like the curtains are closing at a play - everything goes black, starting from my peripheral vision - sometimes the curtains close and goes completely black, but most of the time the curtains open back up before everything goes completely black. I do not faint or pass out, I just stop and stand still when it happens and wait for it to pass, which takes a few seconds usually. I have low blood pressure and was told years ago that this is what causes it. But, it happened while I was 2 miles into a run about 2 years ago. Was sent to cardiologist and underwent numerous tests, which were all negative. No answer. Blood tests indicated very high cortisol levels. My gynecologist and endocrinologist believe that is due to birth control pills, which I have been on since I was 18. My latest issue I believe is nutrition related. It just happened about 30 min ago again. I ate some watermelon and one cookie and about 10 minutes later was extremely tired. I actually fell asleep sitting on the couching typing on my laptop. When I woke up, my fingers were still on the keyboard. This has happened before, but has happened two days in a row. Yesterday it happened after lunch that consisted of a 4 inch turkey sub with lettuce, pickles, banana peppers, and mustard; watermelon; grapes; and sweet peppers dipped in hummus. Water to drink and a cookie after for dessert. Today was just watermelon (a good bit) and again one cookie. Also, I got cold and actually had goosebumps both days immediately after eating. Any ideas?
Hello, After going through your medical query I understand your concern and I would like to tell you that you require a set or cardiac and neurology investigations which includes an ECG, Echocardiography, HOLDER (ambulatory ECG) and MRI brain. Kindly get above-mentioned tests done and consult a physician with reports for further treatment. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
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i am a 56 year old female, i have multiple health issues, gunshot to head in 1985, i have a 22 cal. slug in occipital and a vp shunt, ihave had cervical cancer with matasis in 2001, renal cell carcinoma in 2006, hosimotos 2008. i have had my right kidney and adrenal removed, my thyroid removed, my gal bladder and appendic, lymph nodes in abdoman removed, lymph node in neck removed, and multiple cysts and lipomas removed etc. i have been diagnosed with arthritis, hidradenitis supporativa, ibs, radiation colitis, i have elavated blood pressure, high cholestorol, also i have mitral valve prolapse. i ve been sweating, can not regulate heat or cold, i have pain in my sternum, dizziness, i also have a hiatal heria, i have been to cadioligist,and er with this sternum pain, diagnosis was not able to be made, heart attack was ruled out, i was told i may have a deffect in lung area, also i have a lung granuloma. found on a ct in 2006. i have been sent away from dr offices that refused me as a patient, told by nuerologist that i have hypothalamas problems and on and on. i try to work out every day and help myself all i can. the pain has ben present for years in my chest but now getting much worse. i am real and at a loss . can you help me?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You are having multiple Health issues. Since your heart related causes have been ruled out, possibility of either lung secondaries or lung infection as a cause for your chest pain is more. You had lung granuloma in 2006. So better to get done CT thorax at present. This will definitely diagnose lung infection or lung secondaries if present. If CT thorax is normal than possibility of HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is more. So avoid stress and tension. Avoid hot and spicy food. Avoid junk food. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. Start proton pump inhibitors. Don't worry, you will be alright, but first get done CT thorax. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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Over the last couple of weeks I have been in an awful lot of pain in my back (lower left hand side) it doesnt hurt so much when I stand and walk but always when im sitting. It shootsthrough my back, down my right buttock and into the top of my thigh. It just seems to be getting worse and it s affecting my job. I am currently on co-codomol tablets for pain from endometriosis and PCOS. I was wondering if they are related or if there may be a different problem?
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for writing. I am Chat Doctor. I have read your question completely, I understand your concern and will try to help you in the best way possible. I am sorry to know about the problem you have been facing, Your pain does not seem to be related to endometriosis or PCs, it is quite a characteristic pain which happens in nerve impingement due to muscle spasm or spine issues.That's why when there is pressure on the nerve while you sit, the pain shoots down along the nerve pathway all to way to your thigh. There are certain measures which you can take for it some will benefit in short term and some will benefit in long term.1) Take Rest and avoiding sitting when you can.2) Warm compresses, warm water bottle under this area will help to relieve muscle spasm and will loosen up inflamed tissues.3) Rubbing ventral gel over the area can be helpful.4) You may be suffering from low bone density because of low calcium and vitamin D due to your hormonal imbalances I will suggest you to take vitamin D and calcium supplements 1 tab daily.5) You can take Cent rum for women daily one tablet. I would also suggest similar patients in my clinic to take muscle relaxant like Move 4 mg twice a day this really helps. You are already taking a heavy painkiller, so I would not suggest you to increase the dose.If this doesn't settle in a week or so, Get a check-up by Neurotypical surgeon he might want to get your X-ray lumber spine done, or you MRI spine, this will make causes and treatment options clearer to you and your doctor. Hopefully things will settle down soon. I hope this answered your question. If you have more queries I am happy to answer.Otherwise, rate and close the discussionRegrads.
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I have been having this issue for three years now. It first started in 2010 when I had a gallbladder attack and they removed my gallbladder. Ever since then, I have these random episodes. It starts with bloating and burps that smell like fart. Then I will start vomiting up what seems like fecal matter mixed with undigested food if Ive eaten anything recently. Once the vomiting stops I will have diarrhea that looks and smells exactly like the vomit. Then the process repeats itself from a few hours up to a few days. During the entire episode I have extreme abdominal pain. The doctors have prescribed phenegran for the n/v but it does nothing to stop it or even help at all. Ive had 4 endoscopes done, 1 flex sig, and 3 full colonoscopys all after (not during) an episode, and they all have come up with no answers. They found diverticuli in my colon along with polyps (negative results on those), but they said those wouldnt be causing these issues. Ive had multiple x-rays, ct scans, have drank every nasty mix of stuff before the scans they can think of, and still cant get any answers or a direction as to what it might be.
Hi.thanks for posting query at Chat Doctor. Read your question thoroughly and understood your concern. Gall bladder primary role is to store "bile".when gall bladder is intact, bile is usually secreted after having a meal rich in fat; bile plays a vital role in fat digestion. After gall bladder is removed, bile is continuously being secreted in small intestine and may reflux into stomach. As a result, gastric inflammation may occur causing pain and discomfort. Moreover, high fat meal induces more bile synthesis - further affecting gastric mucosa as well as bile is less concentrated and Chat Doctor. Advise:NO fat intake or decreased fat intake few weeks trial of OTC proton pump inhibitor (omeprazole/pantoprazole)to combat gastritis (after discussing with treating physician)mebeverine maybe used for cramping pain small meals Add soluble fiber, such as oats and barley, to your diet. But be sure to increase the amount of fiber slowly, avoid dairy products and caffeine hope to answer your concern wish you good and sound health. Regards
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Hello. About two weeks ago I had treated an enclosed camp cabin for bed bugs with a heat treatment that involves heating the room with propane heaters to around 150 degrees. I had to routinely( every 10 minutes) for over the next hour, check the room s heat and monitor the equipment. I was entering from outside at a temperature of 30 degrees, to interior cabin temperature of 150 degrees. The following day myself and my co worker that worked with the treatment had congestion and cough. It soon developed to what I believe is to be a severe sinus infection. Is this possibly the reason for the illness both of us obtained? My co worker later told me that it happens each time he treats cabins this way. After research online about temperature fluctuations, most sources say it is unrelated to illness. Yet this was a temperature fluctuation over 100 degrees. Thank you for your help, for if it is found that this is related we will be changing our procedures.
Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Read and reviewed your query and health concerns. IN the given situation, You seem to have suffered from-Chest Congestion and Cough, due to the temperature fluctuations, which flared up the existing viral/bacterial infections already existent in your respiratory and sinus passages.Hence, its suggested that it is advised to change the procedure used by you to treat the cabins for the bedbugs. Work up on above lines suggested, would help in resolving the issues, in your specific case. Many other causes accompanying, need to be ruled out in planning further care in your case. Second opinion with attending Chest physician would resolve your health.issues in time to come. Hope this would help you to plan further of this complex illness of yours. If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following Chat Doctor link-http://doctor.Chat Doctor .com/Funnel?page=askDoctorDirectly&docId=70229Dear, if satisfied, Dont forget to close this query with YOUR pleasing feedback comments to rate this reply and service, to boost the morale of incoming Emergency patients like YOU, at Chat Doctor services. If you want to update more details and ask more update queries, You are most Welcome herewith !! Good Day!! Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist. S. Genl-CVTS
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hi.........m a doc from west bengal, india. my father is suffering from severe respiratory distress 4m last 5 months....he was a chronic smoker bt not for last 3 yrs before he developed resp distress limiting his daily activities. he was primarily diagnosed to have PAH along with COPD nd was prescribed sildenafil when he developed hemoptysis 5 months ago...not relived nd was added bosentan...again it failed to correct hemoptysis,nd the dyspnoea aggravates. he was admitted here under at burdwan medical college.west bengal india..where i m persuing MD. treated wid various antibiotics bt all went in vain.Rather he developed new onset lower lobe consolidation (lt)along with the pre-existing rt lower lobe. his spo2 goes beyond 71% nd is on LTOT for last 3 months. he was given ANTI TUBERCULAR DRUGS empirically for his B/L consolidation. at present neither his saturation nor his dyspnoea at rest is improving rather it detoriates time to time....WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW?
Hello Thank you for trusting Chat Doctor Dear friend sorry to hear about your father health status. What about echo findings?? Pulmonary hypertension mild, moderate or severe? What about Ra, RV? How much EF??? Weather he is intubated??? What is platelet count and pt/in?? What about leukocyte count?? Possible causes for hemoptysis?? 1.infection (it may be pneumonia, pulmonary tb, or aspergilli or paragons) 2.bronchiectasis???3.pulmonary embolism?? 4.ft with dilapidated Ra and RV with TR with invective endocarditis?? With septic thrombus?? Advice :HRC, D-dimer, sputum culture, blood culture pt /INR, platelet count, USG chest. Treatment :1. If blood pressure normal you can add amlodipine. 2. You can add prostaglandin analog epoprostenol and treprostinil(use nor a Chat Doctor. Increase antibiotic reach to area by reducing pulmonary artery resistance 4.add metro or clindamycin if you think he developed aspirated pneumonia. Use ninefold with meropenam. Thank you
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Hi. I am female of 25 years old. I have been married past 1 and half years. We were in planning stage. But since from two months we are trying for a baby. Last month we tried intercourse regularly that is i between 10 th day to 20th day. As We were knowing that ovulation occurs in between 12 to 16th day. During intercourse all the semen completely ejected into vagina. After sometime means after a hour it starts spilling out. We were in a hope that this month we can get a positive results but it was in a vain. And also the peneteration was medium. Let me know what is the reason of not getting conceive?
Hello, and I hope I can help you today. In normal healthy couples, it can sometimes even take up to a year to conceive. 80% of couples will conceive within one year if having regular unprotected intercourse (at least 2 to 3 days per week). It is best not to time the efforts of intercourse around ovulation unless you have accurately documented the ovulation date, with an ovulation predictor kit or with hormone levels checked at the doctor's office. The best way to try to conceive in the beginning is to have sex every other day from the time your period finishes until you start to feel premenstrual symptoms. Premenstrual symptoms are caused by the same hormones as produced by pregnancy, so when you start to feel bloating, breast tenderness, nausea, or other pregnancy symptoms you do not need to continue to try to conceive that cycle, as you either already ovulated or are already pregnant. There are nearly 6 million sperm in every ejaculate from a man, so as long as some sperm is ejaculated inside the vagina, there is a possibility of conceiving. Many women have sperm leak out after intercourse, however the ability of sperm to swim within the vagina ensures that a man with a normal sperm count has at least thousands of sperm that reach the egg if ovulation has been taking place. So in summary, many couples do not conceive within two months of beginning to try. I encourage you and your husband to have patience. In the meantime, the best way to prepare for healthy pregnancy is to get adequate rest, eat a healthy diet, avoid alcohol consumption, and take a prenatal vitamin or folic acid supplement which can help prevent birth defects. I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today, and that my advice was helpful. Best wishes,
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I went to emergecy room because of bad sinus infection and they took me right away. THEY ASKED ME what was my problem . I could not remember anything , they took my BP, IT was 230/120. They took me 2 a room and gave me chest exray. Doctor told me I had nodule on left lung and i need 2 get it checked out. BP drop down some and he released me. i asked for a refferal, he told me to find one because i had sinus problems. what should i do
Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Read and reviewed your query and health concerns. You seem to suffer from -Chronic Sinusitis with left lung nodule, with high BP. Seems mostly to be a case of -Aspergilli with APA with sinusitis with high BP. Bronhcoscopic Lavage with aspiration and biopsy-would fix it from other causes-like-TB /Cancer etc. Remedy-Check up with ENT and second opinion from Chest and allergy specialist would rule out cause of accompanied high BP with it. CT Chest with CT -PNS(paranasal sinuses)would resolve the complex health issues in your case. Depending on causal confirmation of the lung nodule, attending Physician/chest specialist and ENT Specialist team would plan further treatment accordingly. General antibiotics/with enough HY Chat Doctor. Commonest cause in your case would be Bronchopneumonia with aspirations from Sinusitis. Other common cause -TB bronchopneumonia- needs to be ruled out and treated with anti-tb medicines accordingly. Steroid with Itraconazole(Strong)-would resolve the nodule -is from aspergilli. Simultaneous treatment to control high BP with antihypertensive medicines would be needed in your case. Hope this would help you to plan further care of this complex illness of yours. If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following Chat Doctor link-Dear, if satisfied, Dont forget to close this query with YOUR pleasing feedback comments to rate this reply and service, to boost the morale of incoming Emergency patients like YOU, at Chat Doctor services. If you want to update more details and ask more update queries, You are most Welcome herewith !! Good Day!! Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!!
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I had a legion on my face and after a month it began to cause me chest pain that increased as the sore grew. I was concerned about the chest pain and its size so i went to a clinic. i thought it was a spider bite. he said it clearly wasn t so gave me an ointment for acne. he told me the sore had absolutely nothing to do with my chest pain. I took the ointment for 3 weeks and the chest pain and sore grew. By then i knew it was causing me pain the got more severe. I went to the hospital 3 weeks later and he also told my it wasn t causing chest pain. he gave me a antibiotic for infection and when i was a week into the bottle a pain ripped through my chest which didn t last just one second, but about 3 or 4. When it happened i thought i was having a heart attack. i went home and lanced it myself, which they didn t offer to do. it grew outward in a circle and was slightly smaller than a quarter. not far above the skin, it grew deep into my cheek. it took a week to fight the infection out. the pain subsided from a 8 and some intense 10 to about a 3 with occasional 10 stabbings. its comes and goes throughout the day. I didn t get blood test for the sore from either doctor. now the sore is gone but over the past 2 years ive been to the doctor for my chest pain and they have taken blood samples related to checking my heart. i havent told them about that infection because those first 2 doctors said the sore wasn t causing the pain, but how would they know since they never took a blood test. i know it caused the pain then and the aftermath now. Should i tell the heart doctor about the infection? Will he shrug me off like the other 2? and is it possible the infection is still there or gone but damaged something? what was the infection?
Hi, As per my surgical experience, the long-term back healed facial lesion is not going to bother the chest now. So far as chest pain is concerned, specific details regarding the type, site, radiation and other details are lacking to co-relate clinically. Kindly provide me with the pertaining details with all reports specifically if 2D echo or angiography is done. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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i have undergone a surgery for Total Laryngectomy + Partial Pharyngectomy with Total Thtroidectomy in which after the removal of disectional parts from neck the biopsy reports of the same is hereunder:- Structures Invaded - Mucosa, Muscle (Cartilage Free) adjacent Mucosa with Mild Dysplasia, Diastance from nearest Muscosal Margin - 0.3 cn (Inferolateral), Distance from deep margin - 0.1 cm (left lateral), Lateral Soft Tissue Margin - 0.1 (Left Lateral), Soft tissue at the base of tongue - Free from Tumor, Bone Invasion - Absent, Vascular invasion - Not Evident, Perineural Invasion - Not Evident, Stromal Response - Lymphoplasmacytic Infiltrate and Desmoplasia - Moderate, Bilateral Vocal cords are free of Tumor, Sections from Strap Muscle is Unremarkcable and is free from Tumor, Margins - All the surgical cuts margins are free from Tumor, Tracheomostomy Site - Free from Tumor, Thyroid Lobes - Unremarkable, Lymphnodes - 2 Nodes are Identified, Both are Free from Tumor, SND - LYMPHNODES - 15 Nodes Isolated, All Are Free. Opinion :- Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Moderately Differentiated of Hypopharynx Area. Please tell me whether this surgery was most required or I could be treated through the radiotherapy Plus chemotherapy as after this surgery I not only have lost my voice but social status as well as business & respect in the society.
Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have squamous cell carcinoma of larynx. It is in early stage. Surgery was really needed to prevent further spread of disease and save your life. Surgery followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy is the treatment of choice is this case. Your reports suggest cancer is limited to larynx and it's not spread in adjacent area. So it's good for you. Consult your oncologist and take further treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
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Hello my granddaughter was born February 28, after a hr been born her neck down was supper purple. We ask why they said surculation it had been a almost 2 hrs and still purple. She didn t cry when born not once did I here he cry not even the next day. She was asleep all day. Well today she stop breathing turn the same purple and nothing my daughter buzz the nurse they didn t come right away but my daughter took baby moved her around nothing she started rubbing her back as she started to breath. They just check her oxygen nd pulse said she fine. did nothing they said call me if it happens agian . It happened agian with in a 2 hr window the nurse check her said agian call me if it happens again but the nurse seen her noise nd mouth were still purple so then they took her to ICU. Know my question is the only things that were done is a respiratory, pulse,and oxygen monitor is being done. They did check to see if she had a infection, suger that came out ok the bacteria test won t be back for 2 day s. A throat and noise Dr did a camra down her throat that came out fine. There going to release the baby tomorrow they don t know why she stop breathing twice. What text can my daughter ask for to be done?? Her monitor has gone off quite a bit but they say it s nothing to worry about they come check the baby turn it off nd leave. Please tell me what else text can I ask the hospital to do before my granddaughter is discharged nd it happens on there almost 3 hrs drive back home..
Hello and Welcome to Ask A Doctor. I have read your query and here is my advice. The skin color that you describe on your granddaughter can be very dark on the neck(and head), especially when there has been delay in delivery of the shoulders after the birth of the head. The coloring disappears spontaneously in a few days. Brief periods(a few seconds) of not breathing are common in normal full-term infants. Periods of not breathing for more than 15 second scan happen in normal newborns. If the hospital felt your baby was stable and healthy, then there are no more tests that need to be done. Hope I have answered your query. If you have any further questions, I will be happy to help. Arnold EDD, MD, FLAP
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40-year old male, 5 feet 11 inches, 135 pounds May I submit a link with selected slices of an MRI to answer specific questions about them? Medical history: A slew of recurrent worsening symptoms that come and go (from mild to severe): -back numbness T6-T7-T8 -burning sensation lasting for days and weeks -painful tightness inside when under stress -very sharp stabbing pain (recently) Symptoms can be triggered by: -bending / twisting torso -stress -exercise -meals Usually, symptoms can be somewhat alleviated by: -avoiding all movements -sleep -drinking a whole lot of water -relaxing as much as possible -sometimes lifting my left arm for a few minutes Other symptoms that might be related: -bilateral lumps each side of the jaw the size of a plum kernel. Slow growth. Only noticed them since a month or so while shaving. Not painful. Lymph nodes? Submandibular salivary glands? -spoon-shaped nails since at least a year or so. They used to be bent the right way. -fatigue -insmonia, needs pillows to sleep -horse voice, always some mucus in trachea, have to cough it up to get ride of wheezing sound, swallowing not as easy at it used to be but not painful. No blood in mucus. -have to pee several times per night. I used to sleep without having to pee. -pinching skin lightly for a few seconds create a bruise, as far as I remember it took much more pressure. -Self-diagnosed glucose intolerance Compared to older brother, blood sugar takes hours to go back to normal but fasting is still under 7 mmol/l so doctor dismisses this.
Dear Sir/Madam have gone through your query and read your symptoms. In my opinion, you have as you tell multiple problems, and my approach usually with this type of patients is to take one complain at a time, the most serious first, see its relation to other complains and order investigations based on these. In your case there seems to be neural complains infection, and to some extent Hyperion Chat Doctor. See a physician first to rule out any life-threatening or disabling condition, then your neural symptoms can be taken care of. I hope that answers your query. If you want any more clarification, contact me back.
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Ive been having really bad under arm pains that come and go. they have moved into my chest area but mainly stay around the side breast/armpit area. when i start to have the feeling it gets difficult to breathe and sometimes is so bad i think im going to pass out.... any explanation? i have anxiety and it was thought that that was the cause, but im not having any anxiety symptoms, and this is constantly a problem for me now, and its getting worse and worse
Dear patient thank you for that question. The problem I have with answering the question is that there are so many reasons that I could never get through the entire list. So I shall try and explain the most likely and most dangerous ones and the rest I shall list under a broad heading while telling you what to do about those too.1) Angina: It results in a squeezing sort of a pain. My reason for mentioning it first is that is dangerous and easy to rule out. Just get an extra done and a troponin level done2) Breast cancer: Swollen lymph nodes can result in such pain which could either be due to an infection or the tumor has spread to your lymph nodes. Get a mammogram specially if there is a family history of Breast cancer3) Pleural pain or pleurisy: Inflammation of the membrane covering the lungs can result in such a type of pain. Get an x-ray and see if taking Ibuprofen 800 mg helps. A Charleston of Pleural pain is increase in inspiration4) Neuropathy: Classically a shooting sort of pain which runs down the arm. It is due to the involvement of the brachial plexus and a nerve conduction test may rule it out5)Anxiety is often associated with underarm pain since it results to rapid heart rate, shaking, sweating and irritation; all which might cause underarm pain in some way i.e. rapid heart rate and shaking strain chest muscles and making them feel achy while sweating will cause irritation which can cause burning and itching (burning and itching can make your underarm painful.6)Local glandular infection: Stand in front of a mirror. Raise your arm and touch the armpit to look for any increase in temperature or any local tendernessDiscuss these with your GP and come to a diagnosis, and again I cannot stress enough that please rule out Angina and Breast cancer hope this answers your question
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I have been dizzy for a couple weeks. Running on a treadmill, just walking at grocery store, even sitting down or laying down. I have felt lightheaded with my eyes even closed. I just feel a little foggy not sure if vertigo . When I had a spell my blood pressure was 100/56 but I have checked and its higher now 107/68. Vertigo? I checked my eyes for rapid eye movement and I am not having that while lying down
Hi, Based on the information it seems like vertigo due to low blood pressure but need further investigation as there are many because that can cause light headdress, as well as the low blood pressure. ***(A) LOW BLOOD PRESSURE - CAN put you to dizziness/loosing balance if the blood do not reach sufficiently to brains center for balance due to some compression / obstruction in the blood vessel) causes for low blood pressure a) Hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone, associated with fatigue, low energy and weight gain) b) bradycardia (low heart rate) c) heart failure (heart too weak to pump blood) d) liver diseases e) low sugar f) Postural hypotension (position induced low blood pressure) ***(B) LABYRINTH APPARATUS PROBLEMS (an organ present in ear which helps the sense of position) cause of problems a) Deniers Diseases, (person feels dizzy, and associated with some hearing loss) b) Viral labyrinthine (person feels dizzy, or sensation of room moving around, vertigo) c) Monolith (small stone in ear canal makes feed dizzy, but dizziness comes at certain position/movement only). d) Problems with the vestibular nerve (hearing/balance nerve) ADVICE: 1) If possible try to CONSULT PHYSICIAN / NEUROLOGIST (Brain doctor) 2) There are number of test that still needed to be done in order to come to conclusion which are as follows a) May need CT-BRAIN with dye to check the blood supply channel. b) blood test of thyroid hormone level check, lever enzyme profile, sugar level c) physical test for orthostatic hypotension (position induced low blood pressure) d) Audiometer to check any HEARING changes/problems e) labyrinthine stimulus test to check the apparatus. Hope it helps
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I have hepatitis B positive. Hepatitis B first identified in 1999 as inactive mode. last checkupwas carried out in 2010, it was also inactive. But recently it isidentified as active and replication mode from HBV DNA test. HBV DNA test report is Virus detected with 0000 copis/ml. HBe Ag is negative and Anti HBe is positive. SGPT is 57. I am notsuffering any difficulties in this regard now. I have acidity problem.I have neither blood pressure nor diabetics.But my parents have. I didnot ever transmitted (taken) blood. I had an operation in lowerabdomen for removal of ceast (flash of meat like tumor but not tumor)while I was 6 years old. I do not drink or smoke. Sometimes I feelfatigue ( being so tired after office or journey) , sometimes I feelback pain (may be due to soft bed). Now, one of BD Dr. prescribed meinterferon for 24 weeks or antiviral medicine. Another Dr. is notagree to prescribe any medicine unless liver biopsy is done. Thoughthe Fibroscan of liver report is good (stiffness 5.7 Kpa), one Dr.suggest me not go for Biopsy. One Dr. prescribe me to take interferon injection or antiviral tablet and another Dr. told me not to take any antiviral. He just suggested to take Udiliv 300 mg (Ursodeoxycholic Acid) twice per day.I am confused. What should I do? Does interferon injection or antiviral tablet is required to take while my medical investigation reports are as above-mentioned? please suggest me the suitable treatment.
Hi and thanks for the query, The first thing to note is that the work up from your reports with respect to replication, SGPT and negativity of the He are all consoling. Remember that 10% of patients that shall contract Hepatitis B do heal spontaneously. Considering the fact that you are stable, there is a possibility for spontaneous healing. Your past surgical history is not problematic of does not increase risk for anything in this case. Control tests for liver function and abdominal ultrasound to check liver size and structure every six months could be sufficient. Interferons and liver biopsy with an apparently good liver is not really needed at this point in time. Thanks and kind regards hoping this helps. Bain LE, MD.
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Hello, I have been looking on the internet for a couple years for an answer but have not yet found one. I am a 40 year old male who has developed fluttering, spasms, twitching specifically in one area: the left side of the chest, right by the nipple. I have it about 3 times a week. It started about 6 or 7 years ago and has become progressively more intense. I have visited doctors and have done research about it and have tried many different treatments and none so far have had any long-lasting effect. Doctors have told me that it is anxiety and that caffeine and smoking can exacerbate the symptoms but cutting down on smoking has not improved my condition and I dont consume beverages with caffeine. I have tried magnesium which is supposed to calm the nervous system but have not noticed any difference. The only correlation I can come up with is with sleep. It seems that if I sleep poorly in the night, chances are the twitching will start with accompanying heaviness during the day. The only causes I can think of at the time when it started were being very overweight and exercising constantly which led to a quick loss of 60 lbs. I also had a tooth infection at the time which I didnt treat and subsequently became abscessed. And lastly I had received 1 session of ECT therapy for depression about 11 years ago, after which I did feel strange numb sensations. Any help would me much appreciated.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of anxiety and depression related symptoms is more. But better to rule out arrhythmia (rhythm disturbances in heart) first because this can cause similar Fluttering and spasm in chest. So get done ECG, 2d echo and Holder monitoring (24 hour continuous monitoring of ECG). If all these are normal then no need to worry about arrhythmia or other heart diseases. Better to consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You may need anxiolytic and anti-depressant Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Rule of arrhythmia first. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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Hello, I hope you can help me. I am 34 y/o, 6 2 and weigh approx 13st/180lbs/84kg. I am healthy and active using the gym regularly. I have recently (2 days ago) came out in a very irritable rash across the side of my head. This started out like small but many bites but after a few hours of itching the lumps spread into each other and looked like bubbles with fluid inside that did pop if scratched. After a few hours I noticed a similar group of bites on my elbow upon an area of skin that had healed from a graze approximately 3 months ago. Again, after a scratching the small bumps linked to each other and bubbled. Several hours later I began to find other smaller areas of what first looked like bites, we re very itchy and when scratched, they leaked clear fluid and then bubbled and reddened. I have a third patch on my knee that is a more recent area of scar tissue that was perfectly healed but is affected with the rash. The rash has spread to my hands in small areas and my ankles in larger patches. I have since been reminded that the largest and first patch on my head is in exactly the same pattern as a recent (3 months ago) head injury I sustained when I banged my head and caused some scabbing. I have checked a photo of the original injury to confirm this. It was quite a heavy blow to the head but apart from concussion I sustained no other problems. I have googled my symptoms but at this time of year and with work find little time to venture to my local (and quite honestly, useless) GP surgery. I thought it might be hives but the oddness of the scar tissue being affected has lead me here. Could it be stressed related? I am stressed!!!! Look forward to a swift and conclusive reply. Regards, Greg
Hello dear, it's really a surprising condition, bubbles in scar area !! Well as per your history what I can suspect that it is an endogenous eczema. U can use aloft lotion to get some relief. Also some antihistamine will be good. Also I doubt it may be any of autoimmune disorder, so I suggest u to meet a dermatologist. he'll examine the fluid from the lesion and also ll do a biopsy if needed. Please visit when lesions are fresh. Hope u get well soon. Thank u
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I have a lump of skin on my right middle finger, in the corner of my nail under my cuticle. At least I think its skin, it could be a wart, thats what I always got told. Its been there for a few years now, it has never bothered me or seem to get infected. It does bleed if its ever cut open. Ive attempted to remove it with finger nail clippers, but its painful if I try to cut it too deep. Ive been putting wart remover on it for the past few days, and the skin has been flaking. Is this working? What is it, and how can I get rid of it?
HI, Dear, Thanks for the query from you for your painful lump of skin on rt middle finger, which you thought it to be a wart, and was there for few yrs, which hurts with deep removal attempts.1-I am happy that you are serious to know why this painful warty swelling on the rt middle finger in the corner of the nail is bleeding with pain when deep removal was attempted.?2-In my opinion this painful warty? Lump at the corner of the nail of the rt middle finger is -in actual a -" Neurovascular Sublingual Corn" caused by the chronic infected repetative-nail injury to rt middle finger nail.3-I would advise you not to attempt the incomplete removal -with the wart remover-as it's not helping for its removal from the root.4-I would suggest you to go to ER Surgeon for the "proper debridement of the nail-plate bed along with the removal of the corn from the root in the chronically infected nail -plate.-AS such this painful warty bump is the "Corny sublingual lump-arising out of the chronic repetitive injury tithe infected nail-plate of the middle nail finger.5-So debridement under antibiotic cover from ER surgeon is the advisable treatment.6-Hope this would resolve the causative worry of the patient in question .7-If treated on this line, the fearing patient, should not worry you much.8-Hope this would solve your worry of the painful warty lump in the corner of the nail of the rt middle finger.9-So ugly take -the advice from the ER Surgeon.10-Wellcome to Chat Doctor for any more query.
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I have a friend whose mother hoards but is also displaying some different types of behaviors. I am just trying to find out if some of these behaviors are also common amongst people who hoard. One of the recent complaints that my friend has expressed is that once his mother gets an idea in her head about something there is no convincng her otherwise. He expressed that she told his sister that she had hid some money in her basement and is now unable to find it. She is convinced that he has gone into her home and taken the money since he has a set of keys to her home. The hoardind she does would make it impossible for anyone to enter the home and go into the basement to find the money without literally removing item by item just to get in and move around. A second incident has occurred where again she gets an idea in her head and no one or nothing can convince her otherwise. Almost like a paranoia
Hello gemini671 thanks for your questionHoarding is one of important symptoms of Obsessive compulsive disorder in a significant stratum of population, compulsive hoarding is very anxiety provoking to patient as well as to caregivers. It is characterized by inability to discard items and individuals suffering from hoarding tend to store the items and they even some times do not let others know this, due to fear of embarrassment. It is a part of OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE SPECTRUM disorder. Mostly the patients of hoarding also show other features of OC disorder like orderliness, cleanness, magical thinking, compulsive handwashing, obsession of doubt etc. In more than 50% of cases depression is also associated. And in a few cases paranoid ideation may be seen as your friend is observing in his mother. It may be persecutors delusion against anyone or sometimes other delusional ideas like she is having. Her fixed firm belief about money is part of associated psychotic symptoms. In rare cases of Psychosis hoarding or obsessions or compulsions may be presenting symptoms thank frank delusions alone. Best thing to resolve it is first try to reassure her, once she is ready to talk then try to give her evidence to contrary and see whether her belief is still fixed? If she is a little sharable and ready to accept that she might be wrong then further strengthen the evidence. If that's not possible then take advise of some good psychiatrist for further management of her psychotic symptoms thanks, all the best hope I solved your query kindly rate
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Dear Sir. i have an allergy problem. allergy means whenever go outside from home then starting sweating, after that there is red color appear some where in my body and burning sensation is also there. then i contacted to doctor, Doctor has written Blood test. and my Test report is like this... T.l.C--10,900 4000-11000/cmm)D.L.C Neutrophil- 722 (40-75%) pl. suggest that sir , what are problem to high t.L.C & D.L.V Neutrophil
Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to know more about you like: a. Your age & sex b. Since when you are having this problem? c. How long the reaction lasts? d. Do you have any other allergies? e. Do you experience itching or is it only burning? f. Do you take any other medications regularly/frequently? g. Do you have any other medical conditions? Above details would help me to know about your problem better and therefore to make more specific suggestions for you. At present, from your provided details, I would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. From your history, I would first think of solar urticaria (hives that occur due to exposure to sunlight). However, your detailed history would help me more.2. There is no relation witChatDoctorplete blood counts (TLC or DLC) with this condition. If you do not have any signs of infection like fever, I would suggest you to repeat the same test after around a month, it could be normal at that time.3. I usually suggest my such patients to use antihistamine like cetirizine and apply calamine lotion locally for symptom relief.4. Prevention is the best thing. Please make sure you are wearing comfortable clothes fully covering the exposed parts of limbs. I would also suggest you to apply sunscreen over exposed areas while going outside.5. Vitamin A supplementation could also help. However, please note that there are many causes for urticaria & hives, for diagnosis of such conditions, detailed information and investigations are required. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
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I woke up last night real hot and real clammy,when I got up to go to the bathroom room to have a bowl movement I felt like I was going to pass out.The whole time i was sitting on the toilet I still felt like I was going to pass out.I got up and walk to my closet to put shorts on and then the next thing i know my husband was telling me I had passed out.I was still not really aware of what was going on.he helped me back into the bed,then I thought i was going to throw up.My siser found out 6 months ago that she has some type of low blood pressure.They put her on a table that would lean,thats how they found out what was wrong with her.Because her blood presure was always normal other when they did the lean table.Do you have any advice.Beverly
Hello, Beverly. Thank you for your question and welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. Simply put, one faints when there is not enough oxygen supply to the brain. Since oxygen is brought on by blood circulation, then any reason that can cause lowering the amount of blood circulating to the brain, should be taken into account. It would also be helpful if, by your information, you provided your age and whether this is the first episode of fainting/near-fainting/dizziness that you experience. Nevertheless, some tests would be appropriate at this time. I would recommend you to do a complete blood count, to rule out anemia; an EKG, to rule out any possible problem in the electrical system of the heart; an echocardiogram, to rule out the possible valvular apparatus disease as an origin of this episode; a 24-hour Holder rhythm monitor, to rule out any conduction disturbances in the heart; and an echo-Doppler examination of the carotid arteries, to rule out any obstruction in the neck arteries. More or less, my opinion is to rule out or confirm these main reasons first. Then, we can proceed to a tilt-table test. In the end, after all, a single-episode of fainting during the entire life, can happen to any healthy individual. But, I strongly recommend that the above-mentioned tests should be performed. I hope I was helpful. Take care and feel free to ask again. Good day.
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Had issues in January with my heart racing and my blood pressure shooting way up after being startled awake from a deep sleep. Over the next month had issues on and off with the feeling like my heart was going to take off again. I have had lots of blood work, stress test, ultrasounds, colonoscopy, endoscope and so on. They found a minor case of acid reflux, and I am having stomach spasms, but nothing else that would raise any alarms. They have had me Protonix, an anti-spasm medicine for my stomach. Then they tried nexium, and when I was still not feeling right they put me on Carafate Suspension which I was taking for about 3 weeks with not much improvement. I am now taking an anti-anxiety medicine. I feel like it is just masking the issues. My sternum hurts, I get muscle twitches in my left pectoral area, my heart beats faster at times and I am having palpitations from time to time.
You have symptoms like palpitation, high heart rate, pain in sternum and anxiety, muscle twitching. As per this there are couples of possible issues like, it can be related to heart problem, but you have mention that you have done ECG and stress test for which the report is normal. I suggest to repeated it once again with ECG and treadmill test. If there is an issue, talk to cardiologist and if its normal then go for calcium and bone mineral density test. Here based on report you may need to take calcium and vitamin D supplement if there is a deficiency. Now if this is also normal then the next is acidity problem for which you should take anti acid tablets and along with this I suggest doing regular walking morning and evening. Do not sleep after food, and have dinner minimum as well maximum by 8:00pm. Do not eat anything after that. As well also have fruits in your diet regularly. Every day morning first thing you should have is one banana for better digestive health and then your regular break fast with little gap in between. You can Also visit a dietician and physiotherapist for diet as well exercise advice and may take physiotherapy treatment for pain at sternum. This will help to give you some more relief. Here based on your symptoms I have given you general guideline, but I am sure this will be helpful if you follow it well. Take care
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I m a 48 year old lady having problem from last 8month neuropathic pain in my Calf & surrounding ankle.from last 2 month I m suffering urine problem I have to go toilet 3-4times in night.I m a patient of o/A having Glucsamin calcium multivitamin omega From last 5years.My pain in toe fingers & Ankle from last 8 month kindly suggest me the right way of treatment to get result.I will be highly thankful to you
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I am Chat Doctor Psychiatry from India. I can understand your concern. Furthermore, I will try my best to answer your query. I have carefully read your question and could understand that you are suffering from osteoarthritis and neuropathic pain. Firstly let me educate you about various available medicines for pain. Pain is a noxious stimulus which should be managed promptly. Nowadays pain management is done through a multidisciplinary approach which includes physician, surgeon, anesthetist and psychiatrist. If pain is recurring and simple painkillers like NSAIDs are ineffective then some alternatives should be tried. There are few medicines which act locally like pain relief gels and sprays. Some newer oral medicines act at spinal cord and brain level and reduce the perception of pain. Some medicines contain combination of an analgesic and an opioid. Some refractory cases required nerve block. Now coming to your case, since you are having chronic pain of osteoarthritis and neuropathy, you need regular medicine. Common painkiller NSAIDs may be dangerous as they may cause peptic ulcer and renal complications. Opioid medication may be addicting. Hence, you need something with little side effect. If a lady like you comes to my clinic, I suggest them to relax and try some De-stressing measures. Because stress and anxiety increases the perception of pain. These distressing activities are:-- healthy balance diet-regular exercise, yoga, meditation & relaxation exercise-adequate rest and sleep-listening soothing slow relaxing music etc. If needed I prescribe them some medicines like Pregabalin and Nortriptyline in combination along with methylcobalamin and folic acid. These medicines act on spinal cord and brain pain pathways and are relatively safer for long term use. Results in clinical settings are rewarding. You may discuss these issues with your doctor. Hope I have given you a way. I wish you all the best.
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Hi, I went to the dentist last week for my annual check-up. I have never had any trouble with my teeth (no fillings etc.). My gums have been a little sore since which is to be expected as she gave them a thorough clean. However, I am getting a pain at a particular point on my gums. It is at the back of my mouth next to my back wisdom tooth. The tip of the gum has gone a little black in the past couple of days and when pushed a little, I can separate the gum from my tooth. Having looked at google, it could be Pericoronitis? I have a feeling she may have drilled into the gum accidently when cleaning and caused some trauma? Any views welcome.
Hello, Yes, you could have a condition of peritonitis. You are describing a difficult location to clean, and may have had some tartar along with inflamed tissue there. Do not chew on this side of your mouth to avoid getting anything caught in the pocket between the gum and the tooth. I would suggest vigorous rinsing and continue gentle cleaning. Warm salt water used multiple times a day is an excellent choice. You can take some pain relief and anti-inflammatory medication. Tissue is more fragile if inflamed, so it can be traumatic with escaping of this unhealthy tissue causing bleeding and possible slight ripping. This should resolve if you keep the area clean to allow it to heal. If the tissue does not start to feel better and seem closer to the gum soon, you will need to return to the dentist to evaluate. If symptoms get worse, especially swelling, see the dentist. Antibiotics may be required. It is possible there is some tartar deep under the gum that could not be removed with a simple cleaning or something afterwards has gotten caught below the gum. A deep scaling while numb may be required to clean deeper into the pocket. Probing the area determines a measurement which will help determine if the area is able to heal, tissue needs to be removed or extraction of the wisdom tooth should be considered. If your wisdom tooth is in the process of erupting, or you do not have room for the tooth to fully erupt out of the tissue, you have a situation that can reoccur. I hope this answer is helpful to you. I would be glad to discuss your situation further if you have any additional details or questions. Thank you for your inquiry.
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Dear Doctor, I have broken front teeth which got rebalanced recently by a good dentist after they got maltreated by a bad dentist. Aside from that I also have inwards growing teeth, because I have been playing trumpet for a while. The crookedness is causing changes in the way I eat and I cannot put my teeth together anymore. The teeth do not touch correctly anymore and they are now also affecting the balance in my mouth; sometimes my mouth begins watering for no reason and I feel off balance on occasion and nauseous. I read about a solution called invisalign, but there was one dentist from Harvard who had a really big mouth towards me; he refused to treat me unless he got to pull three front teeth etc. He also claimed that I would never be able to handle corrections on my teeth because he had a client who could not adapt his embouchure to an overbite correction and he compared me to that client. He was a pathetic man, claiming invisalign was nothing but a piece of plastic. I simply wish to look- and feel better and am very well trained for resetted embouchures, because my teeth broke more than once, using the Berklee schillinger and zero pressure method. I have also had very good teachers and can adapt to many different situations. But I am looking for a biological solution and not enhancements because I know that the human being is already in balance with itsself, it is supposed to be like that. The human being is supposed to be at peace and balance with itsself and within the comfort zone; doctors can help bring the human being into the comfort zone.
Thanq for your query.I can understand that every human being wants to be at peace and balance. But in your case this may not be possible. Moreover you have not mentioned your age and gender. As your previous doctor suggested if you want treatment to be done, you have got your teeth removed because your teeth have grown inwards very much that mere uplifting them may not be sufficient to get the required space to move other teeth. The entire procedure will take at least 1.5-2 years if u keep your doctor's appointments and allow him to do his job. The beginning to the treatment may be painful and u will have to restrict your diet. The dentist from Harvard you were referring to must have explained you all these. So you better tune your mind to all these issues. All the best!!!!
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Hi Dr, I have been having problems with my spine and back, hip, and leg pain for the past six months with chronic pain. I went to a orthopaedic surgeon last week for a second opinion, but he could not find any reasons (from my xrays) why I would experience pain chronically. I then went to see a chiropractor who helped a lot, and the pain eventually went away, but short lived. It is slowly returning again. The chiropractor noticed that I have a number of anomalies over my spine and missing a pair of floating ribs (previously thought by first orthopeadic surgeon as having an extra vertebrae). There seems to be some kyphosis and possibly Scheuermann s, however they say it is not the reason for the pain. I used to give yoga classes, which I cannot do now anymore, and struggle to find a way to manage my pain, apart from the chiropractor s help, which is short lived. No-one can give me answers, and I keep on struggling with pain shifting around all over my back, hips, legs, knees, feet (more recently), arms and between the shoulder blades. I have severely decreased my medication intake as suggested by the dr (for the last month I have been taking Tramacet tds, and Celebrex 200mg bd to be able to continue working). It has only been a week and a half and I already feel like increasing the dosages again. I only take the medications at night at this time. I really want to know if I am going to struggle with this condition for the rest of my life, and if I will ever be able to do exercises such as yoga again. Thank you in advance.
Hi, First, I need to know if the pain is during rest or while walking; whether pain in the legs comes on walking and how does it get relieved, whether it goes away on sitting or lying down? Also, need to know if the pains are during nighttime or day time and whether you fill stiffness in the whole body also does massage give you relief? Since you are troubled for a long time getting an MRI scan is primary requirement plus running some blood tests like vitamin D levels, ESR, He, uric acid levels need to be done. Also, check about diabetes status. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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Sorry if my english is bad, i m Dutch (14 years old) I have a little problem, on the skin of my back. I first found out just a few minutes ago. I went to the living room because i had a stinging pain in my left armpit, and while I was typing this my right armpit also began to ache. probably just a little infected sweat gland. I ve had this before. But now, the real problem. I did a few sit-ups in bed (because if i do it on the ground my ... lumbar curve (Spine Anatomy site)? hurts) Then i went to the living, like i told U before. And when i lifted my shirt so they could look, they saw something on my back when i turned to walk away. There are/were dark yellowish on each vertebra (on the part of the spine that sticks out and that you can see with meager persons, like me :D). They don t hurt or anything, only a small burned feeling if i rub over them. So... long story short: I did a few sit-ups in bed (about 30-40, supporting my neck with my hands when my neck got tired , saw darkish yellow spots on each vertebra or bulb or whatever, They don t hurt or anything, just a burned feeling when i rub the bulb . So, what is this? When does it go away? Is it bad/normal? What s the cause? Thanks in advance Again, sorry for bad english and if i misused the terms, i just quickly looked on the internet to see what it is called in english
Hello, Since your age is not advanced enough to be considered emancipated by the State in which I practice I am not permitted to provide you with medical advice unless it comes with your parents or guardians permission. However, it certainly doesn't sound serious but if you are bothered by it to any degree for either aesthetic or curiosities appeal then, may I suggest that you ask your parents or guardian to please bring you before a physician for a personal examination. If you'd like to send digital photographs to my attention I'd also be happy to oblige an opinion, however, you would have to ask them to conduct the consult with me. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
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I have a variety of symptoms that may or may not be related, Ill work back in date order so here goes... Most recently I have noticed a smelly discharge coming from my belly button - it has been happening every couple of days at the moment. It leaks a clear smelly fluid. I cleaned it and the cotton wool was yellow after? For the last 5-6 weeks Ive been suffering with a very bloated/ swollen stomach that gives me pain sometimes down low on the left near my pubis and sometimes the pain is high up by my navel. Along with this, I suffered a bout of strong nausea and have been having some pain between my shoulder blades. Also, I have had bad back pain for almost two years now that suddenly started one day when I was walking fast and it has never gone away. It is my lower back (tailbone area can be centered or to the left or right. But always in the same area of the lower back) that seems to get worse and feel tight when I walk at a decent pace. I have received physiotherapy on it, but it did nothing for the pain. I have not seen a doctor or had any tests about my back since the physio.Im wondering if these symptoms are consistant with anything? I am due to have an ultrasound scan soon on my stomach incase its anything to do with my ovaries/womb? I am sick of feeling sick! It seems something new is added to the list each week. Usually, I am very rarely ill. so all these symptoms are starting to get me down as I feel there is no diagnosis in sight. please advise if you can?
Hi there ~I understand your concerns. The smelly discharge from your belly button is concerning, and I am thinking that you have an infection there that needs to be treated. It is not uncommon to have this sort of infection and systemic antibiotics need to be prescribed. I hope you see a doctor for this as well as the other reasons you have been describing. I feel like you may also have a urinary tract infection as well as something going on in your lower abdomen most probably your bowels, so a lower GI endoscopy might reveal your problems. Furthermore, I also feel like you need a pelvic examination and an ultrasound from a gynecologist for the pain in your lower abdomen. I hope this helps. Take care and have a lovely day!
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I have herniated disks in my neck with spinal chord impingement, some stenosis etc. I am considering laser type surgery. I jave standard numbness, tingling and pain in arms BUT I also have a fluttering in left chest-- feels like heart but recent tests say thats ok. The fluttering is like a twitching and dirves me crazy. It gets worse when I try to lie down or sleep, Also extreme pain periodicaly in upper mid back from back to front which closses off my esophigus. It is usually broiught on suddenly with forward bending motion ( folding laundry, etc. ) What I need to know is if it is likely that the disk issues are causin g these other symtoms. I have Ra and facet joint problems as well. I have positive findings in nerve studdies. I am concerned about the disk( laser) surgery if it will not solve the fluttering and the esophageal spams. The spasms are not really accompanies by reflux except after an attack. IT IS MY ESOPHAGUS CLOSING. I HAVE TO FORCE WATER DOWN to resolve. ( Also accolate helps) Please advise Thanks
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. No, I don't think your disc and spine issues causing these symptoms. Your current symptoms are mostly due to HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). HERD is due to laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter. Because of this the acid of the stomach tends to come up in the esophagus and cause symptoms chest pain, spasm, Fluttering feeling, belching, burping etc. So better to follow these steps for symptomatic relief. 1. Avoid hot and spicy food. 2. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. 3. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. 4. Take pantoprazole tablet on empty stomach. 5. Quit smoking and Alcohol if you have these habits. 6. Keep 2-3 pillows under head in bed to prevent reflux. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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i am 28 yeals old , female with total cholesterol 270 mg/dl , LDL 200 mg/dl , HDL 34 mg/dl , serum TGS 190 mg/dl . i have discovered this 6 months ago . now the total is up to 300 , LDL 250 , HDL 40 , TGS 190 . i want to get pregnant then i will take the drugs . But, would these results affect the fetus ? or should i postpone pregnancy and take the drugs to lower it first ?
Hello, I hope I can help you today. The common medications which are used to lower cholesterol, called statins, are not safe to use during pregnancy. For one, cholesterol levels actually normally rise during pregnancy, because cholesterol is used to make a lot of the hormones and developing tissues, such as the brain, in the fetus. For that reason, many medical professionals do not recommend any woman of reproductive age to start using cholesterol-lowering medication. The other reason is that the chance at your age of your actually having a heart attack or stroke just from high cholesterol is still extremely low. At your age, the likelihood of your having problems conceiving are relatively low and the best way to have a healthy pregnancy is to be healthy before you get pregnant. So I recommend following your doctors instructions regarding cholesterol-lowering medication, and delaying pregnancy until your cholesterol is under better control. In addition to medications there may be diet and exercise recommendations that your doctor may have which will put you in a better state of health then you are right now. So in summary, high cholesterol does not affect the fetus in any negative way, and the body actually makes more cholesterol during pregnancy to provide the fetus with nutrition. However, cholesterol-lowering medication can actually harm the fetus by decreasing cholesterol levels to the point where the proper development of the fetus could be compromised. So in order to both keep the baby safe and improve your health I would recommend delaying pregnancy until after you've worked with your primary physician in order to lower your cholesterol and get your body into a healthier state to prepare for pregnancy. You should be off cholesterol-lowering medication at the time you are trying to conceive. In the long run, missing high cholesterol medication for about a year especially at your young age and if you do not have any other cardiac risk factors, will not do harm to you. I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today, and that my advice was helpful. Best wishes,
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I had a sub-arachnal hemorrhage in the circle of Willis about 5 years ago. I was treated with an endovascular coiling and they used 2 2mm coils. It was very small but it did rupture and it needed treatment. I dont do drugs or drink but I do use weed to deal with stress and anxiety. I have had a difficult time over the past 8 months dealing with a tremendous amount of stress at the work place and at home. I am now separated and over the past 2 months have been smoking a lot of weed and I also lost 27 pounds. I went from 240 down to 212.5 in about 5 weeks. Last week I went to a club with my friends. I smoked more than usual and also made some pot butter and ate that. I definitely overdosed which can happen and I experienced a feeling of faintness and like I was going to pass out. There were extremely loud speakers with a lot of bass and Im not sure if that added to my feeling like I was going to die... :) I was scared and It felt like something was going on with my brain. I did not pass out or experience any true neurological deficiencies or any weakness. I left and sat in my car and eventually started to feel better. What the hell is going on with me?
Hello, and thank you for consulting Chat Doctor. I believe you are suffering chronically from anxiety; the recent episode was quite likely a panic attack. The hemorrhage you suffered 5 years ago may have resulted in some brain changes which contribute to your anxiety. There is no way to be certain, and it doesn't really matter. What matters is getting the anxiety and panic under control. Obviously you have been excessive with your use of pot recently. Marijuana can assist in the control of anxiety, but, as with all things, moderation is key. Often the dosage and effects of orally ingested pot (as in pot butter), are much greater than when it is smoked. My suggestion is to be consistent with your use of pot, if you intend to continue using it, and avoid excessive amounts. You should ask around for the name of a good therapist who can help you understand and control your anxiety and panic. This is essential. There are very effective techniques out there! If you continue to lose weight unintentionally, discuss this with your physician. Best of Luck.... and hope this has helped.EZ
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Yes Hello My name is Donald Bowling and I have been suffering from long term pain in my back. Ive been told that I have several bulging discs and have been told that I have been needing to see a back specialist for years. My last doctor had even tried to get me to go to the pain clinic for several years now. The dr took his finger and pushed in on my lower back and it collapsed me to the floor. At ti,es when the discs are bulging they swell out really badly causing extreme pain. degenerative bone disease also runs in my family and for over 6 years, ive been trying to get an mri performed to show everything that is truly wrong with my back. My old Dr said he was sure of the bulging discs because I came in to his office 1 day and they were bulging really badly. I really need help. Ive worked in masonry all my life and have been in many different car accidents and even had Dr Mccarthy want me to do surgery on my back but ive heard many things about him and was scared to allow him to do it.. Ive been on hydrocodone 10 milligrams for almost 6 years and they just don t help anymore and as being the provider for my family, its making it really impossible for me. Everytime ive brought it up to my old dr they suggested the pain clinic but I came to the conclusion that in my line of work I will always need something for pain because masonry is extremely hard on all parts of the body but I also think that there is a lot more wrong with my back than can be seen without an mri, so I asking for some help for me and my wife and kids cause they look up to me to provide for them but it gets harder and harder on a daily basis, thanks Donald Bowling this is just a rip off for u to get money
Hi I am Chat Doctor. . I hope you feel better soon, actually low back pain due to nerve compression or disc herniation is always a chronic neuropathic repetitive pain. It responds very well with physiotherapy sessions with a good chiropractor, spinal straightening exercises, daily hot massages, decreasing your weight and avoidance of heavy lifting, bad sitting and sleeping postures. You have to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a good physical profile to decrease the need or chance of medical or surgical interventions. You mentioned taking HY
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Over the last six weeks I ve had lots of serious but unrelated medical issues including - tendinitis in both arms, inflammation of the chest cavity from chest infection, infected teeth requiring removal, severe menstrual pain (uncommon), and a strained LCL in knee. I m concerned that there s an underlying issue that s connecting all these issues.
Hello, As per your clinical history is concerned, please follow stepwise:1) For tendinitis and strained LCL of knee discuss with your Doctor about:a) Naproxen sodium for pain) Corticosteroids injection inside joints) Platelet-rich plasma for chronic cases2) Try to avoid activities that place excessive stress on your tendons, especially for prolonged periods. If you notice pain during a particular exercise, stop and rest. If one exercise or activity causes you a particular, persistent pain, try something else.3) Try to improve your technique. If your technique in an activity or exercise is flawed, you could be setting yourself up for problems with your tendons. Consider getting professional instructions when starting a new sport or using exercise equipment.4) Take time after exercise to stretch in order to maximize the range of motion of your joints. This can help to minimize repetitive trauma on tight tissues. The best time to stretch is after exercise when your muscles are warmed up.5) Use proper workplace ergonomics. If possible, get an ergonomic assessment of your workspace and adjust your chair, keyboard and desktop as recommended for your height, arm length and usual tasks. This will help protect all your joints and tendons from excessive stress.6) Try to strengthen muscles used in your activity or sport can help them better withstand stress and load. Regarding menstrual pain follow like this:1) Do a clinical examination by your Doctor [Gun] and to confirm it do a [transvaginal ultrasound and TSH].2) Discuss with your Doctor about permanent treatment plan as per pathological findings only. Do follow few preventive steps like this:1) Take warm baths and a heating pad can help relax pelvic muscles, reducing cramping and pain during periods.2) Do take Over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. 3) Do regular exercise. For chest infection do a [culture, a biopsy, and RF test] to know exact cause and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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I have had problems with back and neck for several months. Recently I have had increased headaches. In the last two days, I have had a constant headache I at first contributed to possible sinus pressure. I have some pressure at the base of my skull. Today I had an episode of dizziness, muscle contraction, inability to move arms, hands clasp shut but not in a fist. Feet & hands become numb with a tingling sensation & it is very painful. I have had one other episode like this a couple months ago when I had a stomach virus. My hands are clinch so tight I can not open them & my husband could barely open them. Muscle spasms are extremely painful. I draw into the fetal position. Last 5-15 minutes. Any suggestions?
Hi, since you mentioned muscle spasm in the neck and lower back region. I will initially ask you to use some hot fermentation so that the muscles can relax. Then we need to wait and see for a week if along with hot water fermentation and rest the pain and stiffness subsides. Also you mentioned the symptoms of painful movements, tingling sensation, weakness. I feel that it might be related to a nerve getting trapped based on your complaints. Usually due to prolong weakness of the muscle there is a chance of the spinal column going weakness. You can undergo an MRI scan of clerical and lumbar to see the soft tissues in that area as it will help to make the treatment more precise. What you can do in the meantime is working out behind the neck and lower back muscles to strengthen them. Also, the core strengthening exercises are of due importance. In case if the symptoms are more than meeting a physical therapist and undergoing few sessions of ultrasound therapy and TENS will help reduce the muscle spasm and pain radiating look forward now, exercises helps 99% of cases if done under supervision and learned well. Post that one need to needs to keep continuing the exercises to keep the spinal muscles stronger. Weakness of spinal muscles will lead to damage to the spine soft tissues. So I Advise to be focused on this. I have seen many cases and I have only found 100% success in them and all are able to perform the best functional activities. I am hopeful that I will hear from you soon that post doing all the exercises for spinal muscles strengthening and core stability you will have a pain free life and the best functional outcome score. Regards
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if i do any physical activities my body experiences burning feeling with rashes all over the body and severe itches. I referred several doctors they said it is because of some allergy but cannot be diagnosed, they prescribed me with cetrizine tablets, I am taking it for nearly 10 years so became addict to those tablets. so please help me to come out of my disease and tablet addicting problems...........
Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history. I would like to ask you about your symptoms in great detail, like - what are the activities that precipitate itching & rashes, whether they occur without any activity as well, whether you have any other medical conditions, whether you are taking any other medicines on regular basis, whether you have any other allergies, etc. etc. However, from your history, I would first think of what we call "Cholinergic urticaria". It is not exactly due to "allergy", rather it is due to some physical factors which causes rashes and itching. Were I treating you, I would suggest you as follows:1. Please avoid exercises and activities causing excessive sweating, if possible.2. Please avoid bathing in hot water, sauna baths, exposure to hot temperatures, etc. However, if any of these does not cause you symptoms, you can continue with it.3. I would suggest you to avoid hot beverages, alcohol and hot-spicy foods as much as possible.4. If you are having mental/emotional stress, I would suggest you regular meditation and stress reduction techniques as it also can be aggravating your symptoms.5. If you are not comfortable with cetirizine, I would personally suggest you to take ketotifen, which works better for these types of urticaria.6. Please do not scratch when you itch, it will only aggravate itching. You can apply lotion on itchy areas. An important thing I want to mention here is please do not think of "addiction" of antihistamines. These types of urticaria usually last for several years. So as long as you have symptoms, you need to take antihistamines like cetirizine. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Wish you the best of the health. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Thank you & Regards.
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Hi, Im a 29yrs old and have been on zoloft since I was 18 yrs old. I use to have such a high libido before the meds and enjoyed and thought about having sex everyday. I used to have so much fun. Ive recently married my husband March this but we have been together for 11 years. I love him so much but sex doesnt interest me at all. Im never in the mood, but I want to enjoy one of the best pleasures life again. Another factor is that Im a stripper in a no touching club. But we met each other at the same club he was my manager and we worked together for 3 years and have lived with each other for years. I was diagnosed with bipolar at age 18/19 as I was admitted to a mental hospital by force as I was very suicidal. I think that being on zoloft at the start helped. Well its kept me somewhat sane. However Im still experiencing anxiety and depression. I used to love sex and being impulsive and now I just dread sex and I feel numb but I want to, I dont what to do. I have sex with my husband like once every two months. I feel like I dont even know how have sex anymore. Is there a better antidepresent as I feel like Ive missed out on best years of my life. Im a stripper that cant even initiate sex with my own partner. Why? Should I just get off zoloft. I want my happiness back. What can I do to get myself in the zone as I feel like we have never had proper sex. Is there any drugs I can take to bring my libido back. Help please!
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you to consult a psychiatrist before stopping or switching psychiatric medicines. Your bipolar may not have cured fully. Your medicine is helping you a lot in that aspect. Being so long in medication must have taken its toll. You need to ad Chat Doctor. I also suggest you to worry about sex later. For the time being, consult a psychiatrist and start Cognitive Behavior Therapy and pharmacotherapy. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. Take care.
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Respected Sir, My question is related to parasite. I got fever after every 20 to 30 days since last 6 months. Symtomes are same like malaria parasite. Did not found anything in report. I only get relife by malaria tablet only. After taking malaria tablet I suffer gastric problems and stomouch discomfort. A few days befor I get fever I face same thing, discomfortness of stomach, gas, sleppnless, did not get sleep for 2 to 4 day n night. I do not understand this. I did endoscopy but did not found any thing. I also gone through sonogram n blood report. Nothing found. I doubt on liver function. Sir please help me n guide me. I m fed of this condition.
Hello mentioned that after every 20 -30 days, you get fever and this responded to anti-malarial treatment. But you suffer with stomach discomfort. So when you take these tablets for malaria take these with pantoprazole-d and also take some antacid (if it contains tetracaine, will be better). But main question is, why fever after 20-30 days and respond to anti-malarial tablet. This time when you get fever, just wait for 3 days and only take Tylenol (paracetamol 650 mg whenever high fever, as high fever with chills and rigor are the characteristic feature of malaria). After 3 days because of life cycle of these parasites. After 3 days fever get in blood for malarial parasite as well card test for malarial parasite. Whatever the result, take chloroquine 600 mg base stat, followed by 300 mg after 6 hours. Later on day 2&3, single doses of 300 mg/day. After this take PRIMARYING 15 mg daily for 14 days and this is WHO recommended radical treatment. Not forget to use pantoprazole-d and antacid. This is all about malaria. Now, why fever, so beside malaria such type of fever may be due to, these possibilities, these include. 1 Typhoid fever, get in blood for Tidal test and serology test for diagnostic purposes.2 Urinary tract infection, diagnosis can be confirmed by urine culture .3 Septicemia chronic, get in blood culture for any chronic infection and also Chat Doctor. Since this is prescription, so consult a physician and get his help. Good luck. Anemia and
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1.Moderate degree of disc desication noted at T12-L1,L2-L3,L3-L4 and L4-L5 levels. 2.Broad based posterocentral and right paracenral herination of L4-L5 disc causing compression of transversing nerve roots at Right lateral recess and right neural foramina. Kindly suggest what is the action to be taken. Regards, Rachana
Hello, With my clinical practice of 12 years most of the cases with disc herniation, disc degeneration, disc prolapse have responded well to a physiotherapist. As mentioned by you about the MRI report but the main thing which is missing is the clinical symptoms like - pain in lower limb/s, tingling, numbness etc. As MRI is a diagnostic procedure and not a diagnosis we need to compare the clinical symptoms with the MRI reports. If there are no clinical symptoms the MRI cannot be considered as a diagnosis. It is a diagnostic tool to correlate the clinical symptoms. If you have any of the above-mentioned clinical symptoms than the treatment part will be this way. If the pain is radiating in nature then first need to try out McKenzie maneuver which you can find online, as this maneuver helps to centralize the pain and thereby stopping the radiation of the pain. Post acquiring the McKenzie maneuver position one needs to use hot water fermentation over the lower back to provide the soothing effect. Post which once pain level falls below the level of 5 in was Scale of 0-10 where 0 is no pain and 10 is maximum pain. Exercise the core, extensors group of muscles of the spine, hip, thigh, leg, in short, the whole lower limb. In case you are non-diabetic then using icing post-McKenzie maneuver position will also be okay and rest steps as mentioned above. In case you're trying for the first time and not getting an idea of how to perform in accuracy than taking guidance from a physiotherapist should be helpful. My experience of 12 years has produced a maximum recovery with the equal support of the patient for this condition. Most of them are now playing squash, marathon runners, mountain climbers etc. A normal life and more than that can be achieved is a good interest is provided in the case. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor.
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Hi, for the last few months Ive been getting really itchy sections on the soles of my feet in different areas. They then seem to suddenly become really itchy and swell up, becoming red, making it really painful to walk on my feet as it feels like these sections have become large, sore lumps. They seem to go away within a day or so. I have also had these symptoms on my palms. Currently there is an area of my palm like this that has spread to the inside of my wrist, which appears red and swollen and is quite tender. It feels like it is an internal thing, like there are toxins beneath the skin, as the skin feels really tight. I dont have any allergies that I know of. I dont know if any of this is related but I currently have a sore ulcer in my mouth and may have raised blood pressure (I did at my last doctors consultation), but apart from that I feel ok. Do you have any idea what this may be? Thanks
Welcome at Chat Doctor I have gone through your and being your physician I completely understand your health concerns. For how long you're suffering from it? Any other associated problem? Like diabetes ? Any fever? Any history of heart problems? Any liver problem? Any medications apart from hypertension ones? Which medicine you're taking for hypertension right now? And for how long you're taking it? What is your BP reading? Longstanding uncontrolled hypertension ultimately does cause damage to small arteries leading to antipathies which may give you these symptoms and it is also associated with naturopathies too, but again it should be diagnosed after careful evaluation by a physician. Another probability is that you might be having some vasculitis which is giving you these symptoms. If I am your attending physician, I will go for FBC, ESR , LIPID PROFILE along with the DOPPLER ULTRASOUND OF BOTH UPPER and LOWER LIMBS to rule out any arterial insufficiency. If you are really concerned do meet your doctor, he may also get your X-ray of both hand and feet too. Meanwhile stay calm and continue with your hypertension medications. You can use TAB NEUROSES daily along with tab AMELIA 25 mg at night. It will help you relieve symptoms. And do meet your doctor get well soon Hope your query is adequately ad Chat Doctor.
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This is a question for a dentist to answer please. Yesterday I went to the dentist for a routine cleaning. While there the hygienist said that it was time for some wing bite x-rays. It had been two years since I had my last x-rays done. She proceeded to do them, however, I noticed that she was doing quite a few of them using various mouth pieces to get different views. After at least six different x-rays I asked her why so many were being done and she said that the doctor wanted a comprehensive set of x-rays done since it had been two years since my last x-rays were performed. I then asked the hygienist what comprises a comprehensive set and she said that ever tooth would be x-rayed. She said that they do that because cavities form between teeth and they want to know ahead what teeth might be heading for cavities. I have not had any cavities over the past 15 years and take extremely good care of my teeth, using the water pik twice daily and brushing and flossing regularly. I am concerned about the amount of radiation that we expose ourselves to so this question is important to me to be clear on. I didnt feel I had any real clarification on this and wished for a bit more information. It wasnt forthcoming. So my key question is: what is a comprehensive x-ray procedure, and does it involve filming every tooth in a patients mouth. I have never heard of this protocol being used before. Any information on this question would be helpful. Thank you. Linda
Thanks for your query, thanks for your query, the radiographs are done based on the clinical examination where the diagnosis needs to be confirmed by radiograph where the bone level and decay is not visible was not necessary to take radiograph of all the teeth instead you could have taken orthopantomograph which shows all the teeth and supporting bone.I hope my answer will help you. Take care.
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I have been suffering from chronic Urticaria for last 3 years which causes continued itching/ rashes all over body.I also have hypothyroidism and same is under control with medicine. Please advise possible reasons for persisting skin allergy and itching. I have shown to many dermatologists in Lucknow but nothing gives lasting relief. Please advise
Hi sir/madam, Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. Urticarial rashes are commonly known as hives. They are most commonly caused due to an allergic reaction. In Ayurveda, a condition called Sheetapitta is explained, which bears similar symptoms of Urticaria. There is no specific and satisfactory treatment in contemporary science for the condition of urticaria. But, it can be effectively managed through Ayurveda system of medicine. Causative factors as per Ayurveda:-1. Excess intake of salty and pungent foods.2. Consumption of large amount of sour gruel .3. Excess intake of mustard. 4. Exposure to cold wind. 5. Contact of cold substances. 6. Day sleep. 7. Improper nemesis. 8. Altered features in winter and rainy season.9. Insect bite. of poisonous insects or bugs. Pro Chat Doctor. Thirst 2. Tastelessness3. Nausea4. Debility/fatigue5. Heaviness of the body/lethargyDiet to be followed:-1. Older rice. 2. Green gram.3. Horse gram. 4. Bitter-gourd.5. Pomegranate. 6. Gooseberry. 7. Warm water. Food to be Avoided:-1. Milk and milk products2. Fish3. Sugar and its derivative4. Alcohol5. Suppression of vomiting6. Cold water7. Exposure to breezeAyurvedic medicines to be taken are:-1. Quasi capsule- 2 capsule twice a day with water after meals.2. Allergy Care- 2 capsule twice a day with water after meals.3. Amrita Keisha- 10 to 15 ml with equal quantity of water.4. Sootashekhara NASA- 1-0-1 with water after food.5. Manila NASA- 1-0-1 with water after food. Hope it was helpful. Stay healthy, Believe in Ayurveda.
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After four months of tests and docs, we thought we had finally settled on Graves Disease. But the radio iodine test showed thyroiditis so we changed the diagnosis. In May I was diagnosed with a lung tumor (my doc calls all growths tumors, cancer or not) and my docs disagreed on how to hande it. Now my endo thinks its is "very significant" so they did bloodwork and a 24 hr urine collection today. I have tachycardia that averages 132 and spiked at 168 even with beta blockers. We used to blame the tachycardia on my hyperhtyoidism but they believed it was very high for just being a thyroid issue. They couldnt find any underlying issues and we cant blame it on my thyroid now. They believe this lung tumor is either a carcinoma or a neuroendocrine tumor. They are also checking for pituitary tumors. Can one of these tumors cause all of the issues they blamed on my thyroid (tachycardia, loss of memory, confusion, tremors, night sweats, unexplained weight loss, insomnia, anxiety) or is it something different? Since none of my symptoms have responded to treatment, we are worried one of these tumors might be the culprit. Can they cause all of this? How dangerous are they? Is it cancer? what will they do with me next?
Hi, Thanks for writing in. Your symptoms might be related to the presence of a neuroendocrine lung tumor. These are tumors which secrete chemicals called neurotransmitters. This causes about 1 to 2 percent of lung cancers and can cause cardiovascular problems, mental confusion and increased heart rate. Your diagnosis needs to be confirmed at first. Confirmation requires doing additional tests. The basic test usually includes assessment of 5-hy Chat Doctor. This test can pick up a neuroendocrine tumor in 75 percent cases. If you are ordered this test then you must avoid eating tryptophan rich foods (chocolate, certain types of cheeses) for a couple of days before the test. There are other blood tests to be done if urine test is positive. This includes blood tests can be used including tests for 5 IAA, chromogenic A, bradykinin, kallikrein, and substance P among others. Treatment involves giving medications that will counteract the effect of neuroendocrine tumors.
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I have a small lumps all over my body, the first lump i detected is in the right lower region on my stomach on top of the right pelvic bone. It is a size of a small pea(1 cm) which moves if i touch, but it feels as if it is attached to the region but still able to move. There s no pain, but just some twitches sometimes. Even that i didn t took it seriously at first, because i thought it was a fat lump. I use to be a really big person, and i have lost around 55 kg over 1 and half years. I detect this lump around one to two month ago. But now im finding lumps whole over my body, on my arm(upper limb of my left hand), on my neck, left side on my mouth which can only be noticed if i touched from outer region, and finally on my left leg. I noticed all this lumps few days ago and i am really worried. Is this a swollen lymph nodes or something else? By the way I am only 19 years old male. There is history of a person(who is not a close relative who had cancer which is my uncle)
Hi, Dear thanks for the query to Chat Doctor virtual clinic. I studied your query in full details updated from you. I understood your health concerns. Based on your query data, In my opinion, Dear You seem to suffer from Drums Lipomatous/disease, which is a benign hereditary disease. A history of cancer would certainly keep you on Guard and ALERT. Get Biopsy of the painful lump on the right lower abdomen to confirm if its Lipoma or something else. Chances of Cancer / Liposarcoma in Lipoma is very rare, though should be kept in mind. Other wise-keep a watch if any of this lipoma grows and or causes cosmetic or pressure complaints, for which it would need Surgical Excision biopsy that time.Don't worry about this illness as it is harmless otherwise being a benign familial disease. Hope this would resolve your query and worry and Anxiety accompanied by it. Welcome for any further query in this regard to ME. I would love to help you out.Awaiting any further query. Wish you fast recovery from this intriguing health problem. Have a Good Day. Chat Doctor. N.M.S. Genl-CVTS -Senior Surgical Consultant
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hi, myself AAAA, at first suffered from light dizziness while walking in last month of 2011 which gone by consulting e.n.t, eye specialist, GP, finally an appointment with neurologist, movement disorder specialist, taking rejunex inj. methylcobalm, the dint appeared until march 2013, the symptoms reappeared with Rt. half neck and head light headness, and twitching nerve of back neck with light pain, and irritated sensation on affected part,and imbalance while walking, again went to several gp,s and neurologists, they adviced anti depressant and sleeping pills and betahistine tabs, and proponolol which did not work at all, went through SEVERAL BLOOD TESTS HB% TCDC ESR, SUGAR (F) ALL THYROID TESTS several time VITAMIN B12 showed normal, E.E.G showed mild dysrhthmic changes, and an M.R.I of BRAIN showed normal,and an x-ray of PNS OM VIEW shows haziness- bilateral maxillary sinus S/o sinustis, day by day my symptoms was worsening at last yesterday i went to orthopaedic he adviced to X-RAY OF CERVICAL SPINE (AP/LAT VIEW) which shows EVIDENCE OF DIMINUTION OF INTERVERTEBRAL DISC SPACES SEEN BETWEEN C4-C5 VERTEBRAE, EVIDENCE OF LOSS OF CERVICAL LORDOSIS IS SEEN, PREVERTEBRAL SOFT TISSUE IS NORMAL, NO CERVICAL RIBS ARE SEEN, waiting to show the report to the doctor in next visit day, please advice what i am suffering from and help me get my queries answer, thank you
Hi, it appears that you have sinusitis, and otitisinterna secondary to it, and thus the giddiness, as had in 2011. Now also you had the same findings, so it must be due to the Otis internal. There are mild findings in the neck also, causing spondylosis, they also can cause the giddiness. So I advise you to consult an E.N.T Surgeon for diagnosis and treatment, along with the orthopedic surgeon. Thank you.
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I am experiencing sharp, shooting pain down my neck across shoulder/ shoulder blade. Occasionally, my right hand fingers will go numb. I drop things i am holding without knowing and couple times i did minor injury to fingers. If pressure applied to elbow, my shoulder blade get sharp pains in it. If i turn my head either way i get pain down my right arm. And if looking down for a period of time, it is ver difficult to move back up to see straight ahead. I can lift up to 10 pounds before pain will occur. I am able to lift 20 pounds for about 20 feet before pain is so bad, I have to stop or lose feeling in arm. What is/ can be the cause of this??
Hi, In my opinion it is a sort of neurovascular injury of your median nerve or neurovascular compression of cervical spinal nerves. Your symptoms are showing Carpal Tunnel Syn Chat Doctor. The main symptoms are pain, numbness, and tingling, in the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and the thumb side of the ring fingers. Symptoms typically start gradually and during the night. Pain may extend up the arm. Weak grip strength may occur and after a long period of time the muscles at the base of the thumb may waste away. In more than half of cases both sides are affected. Risk factors include obesity, repetitive wrist work, pregnancy, and rheumatoid arthritis. There is tentative evidence that hypothyroidism increases the risk. It is unclear if diabetes plays a role. The use of birth control pills does not affect the risk. Types of work that are associated include computer work, work with vibrating tools, and work that requires a strong grip. Diagnosis is suspected based on signs, symptoms, and specific physical tests and may be confirmed with electrodiagnostic tests. If muscle wasting at the base of the thumb is present, the diagnosis is likely. Being physically active can decrease the risk of developing CTS. Symptoms can be improved by wearing a wrist splint or with corticosteroid injections. Taking NSAIDs or gabapentin does not appear to be useful. Surgery to cut the transverse carpal ligament is effective with better results at a year compared to non-surgical options. Further, splinting after surgery is not needed. Evidence does not support magnet therapy. Hope the above information helps you. Any further clarifications feel free to ask.
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Hello doctor,I am 10weeks pregnant and i found that am pregnant only now.This is my second pregnancy.. since i have had irregular periods for so many years and my first pregnancy was achieved with the help of metformin, clomid, injections and artificial insemination, i did not realise that i could get pregnant naturally without the help of meds.Also i have had hypothyroidism for the past 4-5 years..i took levothyroxine and had my thyroid under control during my first pregnancy..however, for reasons of moving to a different country and travelling a lot, i could not follow-up on my thyroid levels and am currently off my thyroid meds since december 2009(for the past 6 months).I am greatly concerned that i had fallen pregnant when i am off my thyroid meds. My family physician took a blood work and told me that my T4 range is normal and my TSH is slightly elevated(went from 4.7 in feb to 6 now while am in the 10th week of gestation)..She put me on Synthroid 0.88 mcg(the dosage that i was taking earlier)..but i am already 10 weeks now and am concerned if my elevated TSH has had any adverse effect on the baby..trying to find answers...please help.
Hello, and I hope I can help you today. Even though you were not taking thyroid medication, when your doctor checked your levels your T4 levels were normal. Free T4 is the most relevant to pregnancy as this is the actual hormone that crosses the placenta to provide the baby with thyroid hormone. So at the time of your blood test, your baby was not deficient of thyroid hormone. Your TSH level shows how hard your thyroid gland is working to make the hormone. In your case your TSH shows that your thyroid is working a little too hard to maintain your normal level. The additional hormone your doctor prescribed will help decrease the work the thyroid needs to do and that should make your TSH levels fall. But in summary, your fetus was not deficient in thyroid hormone in the early days of your pregnancy, so you do not need to worry about any consequences. Under the care of your physician, there is no reason that you cannot have a healthy pregnancy. I hope this adequately answers your question and that this information is reassuring. Best wishes for the rest of the pregnancy,
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Hi this is Mohsina , I have a son 5 years old with normal delivery I had a miscarriage last year in the end of third month . The reason was no growth, foetal node not visualized in 5w 6d and I was told to take maintaine 250mg inj weekly and projesterone cap 100 mg . again after 9 days US reports says I was 6w 4d (according to LMP i must be in 8w2d) and fetal heart rate was 104 Bpm. There was only 5 days growth in 9 days with low heart rate. After two weeks I was scheduled to another scan , but before I went to that scan I started bleeding and there was a miscarriage. My problem is I am pregnant again after 1 year with LMP on 29-6-07 . I was taking folic acid tablets before one month of conception. As I noticed spotting, I went for US on 24-8-07 ( I was expecting to be 8 w pregnant) but results showed 6w2d with low bpm ie., 104 .. and I was given dosage of projesterone 200mg and pubergen 5000 inj weekly .. and Dr. Told me to take scan after 2 weeks with full bed rest to be maintained .. Hardly one week passed and waiting for another week to pass by.. I am worried as the same thing is repeating, but by the gods grace spotting has stopped the next day when I started using the medication. I have even changed my diet by having fruits ,barley , low spices, eating on time , milk 2 times a day , fish as it contains omega fatty acids .... So on... So I do want to know Are there any chances of miscarriage and some tips to be followed . I will be eagerly waiting for your reply. Thank you in advance.
Hi, Mostly miscarriage before 3 months of pregnancy is due to hormonal deficiency (progesterone). Supplement of the hormone in time can prevent miscarriage in the majority of cases. This time the replacement was with starting of sorting. The bleeding also has stopped. These are symptoms of maintenance of pregnancy(to be confirmed by USG scan after few weeks. Till then, You need to: -Continue bed rest avoid physical psychological stress.-Continue the medicine prescribed in time & without a break. So be relaxed, positive patient. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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Hi, Sometimes at night I wake up to go to the toilet (urine only), and feel slightly nauseous. By the time I get to the toilet I feel very nauseous, hot and thirsty, and if I don t quickly lie down on the floor I will faint. Often I have to lie on the floor for more than 15 minutes before I can try to get back to bed (although the cold tiles helps with the hot feeling). I can t even sit up to get a drink despite the extreme thirst. Even when I feel I can get up and get back to bed the dizziness and nausea quickly return and I only just make it back to bed before fainting - although the other night I fainted before I got back to bed. Even when I get back to bed I will feel nauseous and hot for up to an hour. These episodes happen possibly only every 6 months, but have been happening for several years now. I am 40 years old, healthy weight, and I exercise regularly.
Hi, After going through your case, I want to know about 1) Presence of Diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol problem, heart disease. Current medication going on if any. 2) Habits like smoking, alcohol. 3) Any recent illness like loose motions, vomiting, excessive sweating, high grade fever.4) Any ear problem (pain, decreased hearing, tinnitus-abnormal sound in ear), throat problem.6) Are symptoms increases after sudden neck movements. I would like to suggest following test for your father-1) ECG electrocardiogram. 2) Holders monitoring, electrophysiologist study of heart. 3) 2DEcho (echocardiography) 4) Complete blood count, hemoglobin, kidney function test, thyroid function test. 5) Blood pressure check in supine position and In standing position to know postural hypotension. 6) If all these tests are normal then there may be need of MRI brain with angiography and carotid artery Doppler. In your case there may be possibility of1) Cardiac arrhythmia (abnormal electrical activity of heart) - it may be a caused by decreased blood supply to heart (vessel blockage) or metabolic abnormalities (abnormalities of kidney or liver function)2) Postural hypotension which is more likely in your case.3) Problems related to blood supply of brain.
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My son had aortic valve replaced 3 years ago.about 10 days ago he came down with flu like systems..fever bad backache chills..r Finally took to hospital and the next day he was told that he had bacteria in the blood Has been in hospital since last Saturday..
Bacterial infection in blood can be treated by the following wain almost every case of sepsis, patients need to be hospitalized, treated with appropriate intravenous antibiotics, and given therapy to support any organ dysfunction. Sepsis can quickly cause organ damage and death; therapy should not be delayed as statistics suggest as high as a 7% mortality increase per hour if antibiotics are delayed in severe sepsis. Most cases of sepsis are treated in an intensive care unit (ICU) of the hospital by critical care medicine specialists, infectious disease specialists, and others as needed. Appropriate antibiotics to treat sepsis are combinations of two or three antibiotics given at the same time; most combinations usually include vancomycin to treat many MRSA infections. Some commonly used antibiotics used ceftriaxone (Rocephin), meropenem (Merged), ceftazidime (Format), cefotaxime (Claghorn), cefepime (Maritime), piperacillin and tazobactam (Syn), ampicillin and sulbactam (Uneasy), imipenem/dilatation (Primarily), levofloxacin (Joaquin), clindamycin (Clean). However, once the infecting organism is isolated, labs can determine which antibiotics are most effective against the organisms, and those antibiotics should be used to treat the patient. In addition to antibiotics, two other major therapeutic interventions, organ-system support and surgery, may be needed. First, if an organ system needs support, the intensive care unit can often provide it (for example, intubation [mechanical ventilation] to support lung function or dialysis to support kidney function) or a central venous catheter and fluid replacement with intravenous fluids and/or antihypertensive medication to raise blood pressure (norepinephrine [Devoted] or phenylephrine [Neo-Synephrine] administered by IV). Secondly, surgery may be needed to Chat Doctor. Amputation of extremities has been done to save some patients lives. Regards
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Hello I have bee severely depressed f or eight months, anxiety anger,guilt fear ,I have been taking Zoloft and gabapentin it seems to agitate me more,I used to take Ativan for many years and narcotics for severe pain relating to several bad fusions and a titanium plate,been t several doctors at emerg and walk in clinic who no longer will prescribe my old regular medications to cope,I moved from my home town and the confusion ,frustration,accusations began, five years ago,now iam sixty alone and afraid of what would happen should I be hospitalized, trazodoned, or something worse and disappear as a vegetable,I ve been to mental health who gave me ability to no avail.i have been on cilopran and others no changei have along history of fibromyalgia low thyroid headaches and never feel rested and secure,I live in canada and resources and options are limited, frightened I,ve been treated horrifacly a few times and afraid of what they will do ,or prescribe.d o you have any enlightening world is crashing in losing everything that was once dear and necessary,all because I moved and left my home where I was safe but can,t goback now. Any illuminating thoughts .?go
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I am not so happy to read your thoughts. You are 60 and you have life experiences. Every incident in our life, whether negative or positive, teaches us a positive lesson. In that sense whatever happened us is supposedly taught us a lesson for our future. We live today. Not in yesterday. There is no surety that the same thing will happen again. So approach future with positive might, because THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE. If you are apprehensive about your future, you also lose your TODAY. I am not overlooking your illnesses. You are supposed to have learned by now, what are your problems and started living according to the situations. Once you start adjusting with the problems, cure starts. Forget medicines, concentrate on life. Psychotherapy is the answer. Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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Hello doctor. I m 27 n last yr i had miscarriage after that i had infection and hormonal imbalance. Now we r planning pregnancy n in this month my dr. Prescribed me Meprate to support pregnancy, but every time i feel abs pain after using meprate. So my question is will i have safe pregnancy?
Hello.thanks for trusting the Chat Doctor doctors for your health related queries. I guess your concern is about...can u have safe pregnancy after an infection and hormonal imbalance post answer is.YES.there are chances of safer pregnancy in the future. Usually after miscarriage it is routine that doctor will advise for ultrasound to conform that whether is miscarriage is COMPLETE (that means all products of conception are expelled out from the womb) or INCOMPLETE (there is retained product of conception inside the womb). In both the cases usually antibiotics are prescribed to prevent infection and incomplete miscarriage usually required minor surgery for removal of retained products so that chances of infection further decreases. As u told that u had miscarriage in last year, but u didn't give whether it was complete or incomplete. U had taken antibiotics or not. So it is difficult for me to comment on this. After miscarriage there is hormonal imbalance usually happens, but in most of the cases it will correct spontaneously. Some women required medication for correlation of it. This hormonal imbalance usually effects the menses, due to that menses will be irregular.u told that u have hormonal imbalance but didn't give info regarding your menses whether it is regular or irregular. So it is difficult for me to comment on this.u also told that u have taking separate which cause pain in your abs, for that u can take alternative medicine after discussing with your treating doctor. With the above information u can try out my suggestions-1. RELAX...DON'T WORRY. there are chances of safer pregnancy in your case. So KEEP PATIENCE.2. If your infection had resolved n u have regular menses then there is DOUBLE CHANCE of getting pregnant in your case.3. If u r in hurry then visit nearby infertility specialist. He/she can help u. I hope the above information is useful, informative and helpful for u.regards- Chat Doctor. .DON'T WORRY.everything will be alright. I pray the God that u will be blessed with a cute n healthy baby.hopefully TWINS)
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Hello, i ve recently been experiencing Headaches (the headache felt like it was right behind my eye but all the hedaches i ve ever felt are like that) , Neck stiffness, and slightly in the back too and today some pain when i tense the inner part of my thighs (the parts that touch and rub sometimes but the kind of pain you get when you ve done too much exercise). (In that order). My neck easily cracks when slightly moved from left to right. My back i have to actually crack it like normal people do by sitting down n twisting . Theres really not that much pain unless i bend my neck/back in a certain ways and even those pains are barley there and i think they only are there because the excessive cracking. I ve recently turned 15. this problem started this week starting with the headache. I had lower back pains on the lower right side but that went away for while now. I don t think I have Arthritis because i/m really young and i m not experiencing the slightest bit of excruciating pain. But could this be the start of it? Or is it just Headache and some stiffness cause of not sleeping right/enough or eating right etc? I hope its not Arthritis.
Hello, With history, it does not sound to me that it is arthritis. So you can be relaxed for the same. Now the cracking sound is actually the unlocking of the facet joints, which is once in while common for some. But if it is always associated with relief of back pain and neck pain than it's a muscle weakness of the spinal column and an exercise will be of good choice to work behind it. Headache can be cervicogenic headache or due to stress as well. Since you are 15 and having no major traumatic injuries I do not think you will have any major symptoms. But you can get your eye checked once if anything related to the same. Of course sleep is a must to look for, because if you do not sleep well, the body will enter the fatigue state soon and may lead to muscle weakness leading to pain. At the age of 15 doing regular physical aerobic exercises are recommended. Because lack of exercise can cause pain and aches, and at the age of 15 its is hardly acceptable that one will have headaches and back pains. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Jay In Chat Doctor.
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I have had a head injury in 2006 which was sustained from falling from the top of a lorry landing on my crown causing a hemorage as blood from the wound seeped into the lining of my brain, cerabelllum and partly into the right top side, after 6months i had a mri and was cleared and after a year had rehabilitated and returned to work, only being left with a slightlly overactive mind / behaviour which was later diagnosed as bi polar. Ive always found my mind wondering off tho always put it down to daydreaming like anyone else. i had a absence then tonic clonic fit recently, before the fit i had a strong smell of cheese in my nose for several weeks which was there from morning till night,since then i find that sometimes i have a smell in my nose of strong cheese, the smell sometimes lasts for days during which i loose my colour and feel extremely tierd all the time, fail to concentrate and according to my partner repeatedly seem to drop into absence and if left the absence can last for up to 5 minutes tho fits do not always follow. my gp has booked me in to see a nerologist and have mri and eeg tho the appointment is not for several months so with advice from a nerologist suggested i take lamotrogine i have agreed to take and have started it 2weeks ago. I have several concerns...... 1. Am i epileptic? or is it possible the symtoms could be something else? I thought the smell would be momentary by other peoples accounts that is usually the case. 2. since taking lamotrogine my sleep has been disturbed, that disturbance being waking in rem from the early hours through to the morning? i missed the dose for one morning and the strong smell has returned and not gone away for 2 days tho i do not feel any other symtoms.
Dear I am sorry for your health problems. Anyway it seems you have found the right way to treat yourself. EEG will determinate if you are an epileptic or not, but symptoms seems to be like epileptic seizures. At 21st century medicine has done a lot of improvement in treating epilepsy, so there is nothing to be worry. I advise you to continue Aborigine because it has less side effects than any other epileptics Chat Doctor. Hope my advice will help you. I will wait hearing from you after the EEG
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a couple of months ago i went to my gp andvsaid i had a lump in my neck and i had an ear ache. he gave me anti biotics for seven days. i then started to have chest pains and shoulder pains and my neck was inflammed. i went to the walk in emergency and he sent me to ent ward . as the lump was on the main artery. my blood pressure was up and my ecg was irregular. he gave me another course of anti biotic which took the swelling down but the lump had got bigger. i went to ent today and they stated it was not a lymph node and could not do a biopsy because of it being on the artery. i am waiting for a ct scan and seeing the radioologist
Hi, Thanks for query to My Chat Doctor virtual Clinic And welcome to Chat Doctor services. I studied all details of your query. I understood your health concerns about remedy of a lump on artery in the neck. Based on facts of your query, it seems that-you have a lump of infective origin with your earache. Due to its weird progress, many causes need to be worked up. ENT Surgeon has already asked a CT Scan. Second course with changed antibiotic controlled its swelling, but the lump got bigger. In such a scenario I Would suggest Second Opinion from another ENT Surgeon in the meanwhile. In my opinion-this could be Bronchial Cleft lump of first/or atypical second bronchial cleft/ or could be hidden Cystic Aroma with Infection. The association of the earache, increases its possibility of being First Bronchial Cleft which extends to external auditory canal. But its relation with the carotid artery needs to be confirmed as, in that case Second Bronchial Cyst possibility increases. These are congenital anomalies due to embryological defects in the closure of the clefts. Remedy-Conservative approach is preferred due to the proximity with carotid bifurcation. Surgery does not guarantee recurrence and hence Conservation is to be preferred. Hope this reply would help you in resolving this complex query and anxiety with it. I would appreciate if you hit thanks and write excellent review comments to help needy visiting patients at Chat Doctor. Welcome for any further query in this regard. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. N.M.S. Genl- CUTS. Senior Surgical Specialist.
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I have crohns disease for 17 years and recently learned I have an enlarged spleen . With long term anemia , crohns and the medications I have to take, it has given me abnormal blood levels when they take cbc and various blood tests. For this reason they are going to monitor the spleen and the levels before deciding if they need to remove it, if it may be cancerous, or fairly harmless. All the tests on my liver were good and they have ruled out my liver causing my spleen to enlarge. I have heard removal of the spleen leads to a higher chance of infection and a tougher time to fight bacteria, infection etc. What type of medications are used for people who have their spleen removed and will removing my spleen, put my body in a very compromising position since Im taking medications like Humira, Immuran, predisone and my immune system is pretty much shut off? I know I dont need to worry about the worse case scenario yet, Im just concerned if they remove my spleen I will either spend a lot more time in and out of the hospital or I will have to isolate myself even more due to increase risk of infection . Im curious about the quality of life a person with severe crohns disease taking immune lowering medications and has their spleen removed?
Hi there,First, let me assure you that many patients have their spleen removed, even in the setting of being immunocompromised and don't offer any ill effects. You are correct in that you have a greater risk of post splenectomy sepsis, but typically in elective splenectomy (planned removal of the spleen) we give 3 vaccines that offset this risk - Hemophilia influenza, Streptococcus pneumonia, and Nasser. I believe that you have to have these vaccines repeated every 5 years, and that should cover you for the organisms that could cause infection without a spleen. You shouldn't have to isolate yourself or take any special precautions after your spleen is removed, as long as you keep up with your vaccines. Your quality of life should be unchanged, and most surgeons in the US will do this procedure laparoscopically, meaning it should be done with small incisions. I hope I have answered your questions. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or if you feel I haven't ad Chat Doctor.
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hi! my name is harry,my 2 years old daughter was diagnosed with an enlaged liver.her blood tests shows elivated enzymes ALT:201 U/L AND AST:203 U/L .she has no jaundice and has normal skin color.we were a bit concered about her having a sligtly bigger belly so we took her to the doctors wher they did the blood tests,scans and found an enlarged liver.and the scan reports says (the liver has a smooth capsular surface but is enlarged with a coarse.heterogeneous echogenecity.the portal vein measures 5mm,flows within it is antegrade.both right and left portal veins are normally patent with normal directional flow.the hepatic veins are normally patent,again there is normal directional flow into the ivc.the hepatic artery has a resistive index of 0.9.the gallbladder is contracted as the patient wasnon-fasted,however,is otherwise of normal appearance and no gallstones are evident within it.the bile ducts are non-dialated,CBD-1.6mm.the spleen is not enlarged,it has a lenth of 6.5cm.there is no ascites and no sites of portosystemic shunting.the pancreas and kidneys are unremarkable.the aorta was poorly visualised.)recentally they has done the biopsy(its results has not came yet).can you tell me why she has an enlaged liver ?.she is average weight and height is on third percentile .very smart and that something in her diet that causes it?or something genetic?or some kind of a disorder?thanks for your help!
Hello Harry, your daughter seem to have either metabolic liver disease or a genetic or idiopathic (means no cause found), as only finding we find is enlarge liver with mildly raised liver enzymes i, e. ALT/AST rest of finding are normal. In genetic disorders some enzymes is deficit or defective or less active which result in defective metabolism which result into storage of precursor of enzyme into liver which result in problem in functioning of other liver cell also, metabolic disorders are also a type of genetic disorder in which a specific enzyme is deficit or defective or less active which result in defective metabolism of carboy Chat Doctor.
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MRI of cervical spine shows C5-6 and C6-7 levels Disk space maintained with partial dehydration of the disk. Posterior herniation of the disk. Encroachment of both anterior subarachnoid space and both neuroformina to the left. Not getting better with PT. Also reduced lordotic curve. What does it mean?
Hi, I am Chat Doctor. I have read your message. I think I can help you. However, you have not told me the clinical details/symptoms. And any report has to be judged as per the symptoms. The report suggests that you have a disc problem that is compressing the nerves that comes out of your spine and supplies the nerve signals to your arm, and a bit of your forearm. The brain sends signals to the body e.g. arm to do some work. This is carried by spinal cord to the area, from where nerves come out and go to the specific area. Mother Nature has provided bones like skull and vertebral column to protect the brain and spinal cord (respectively). To allow our backs to bend, soft bags called discs are present between bones. Sometimes these discs come out of their allotted space and compress the nerves that come out of the spinal cord and cause the symptoms. The symptoms that you should be having include-neck pain, arm pain more on left side, sensory symptoms like tingling and numbness on the left arm, wasting/thinning of the muscles on one side compared to the other side, reduced reflexes in arm- a doctor will need to test these for you. These symptoms may be present in any combination, and all the symptoms need not be present. However, sometimes, people do have atypical symptoms that I cannot predict. So if you do not have the above symptoms, you need to tell me exactly what your symptoms are and I may be able to tell you if the report is significant in your case. If however the symptoms are present, the report is very relevant, and I have already told you what it means. So you need to meet a spine surgeon (if you have the symptom combinations) and plan further medication (and/or surgery at a later date-if needed). I have tried to make it as simple as possible. I hope that the information helps you find the best solution for your problem. Feel free to contact me further for a related issue. Best of luck.
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Hello, Amlodipine starts showing its effect from the very day you start taking your medicine, but if you have chronic hypertension it may take more time depending upon the severity of the pathology affecting you. Before any major surgery, your surgeon will check your vital signs. Unless and until all your systems are working fine & all blood workouts show normal reports, surgery cannot be done. Your treating doctor will first work out to bring your vitals to normal levels so that surgery can be done without risk of complications. Take your blood pressure medications as prescribed, if BP is raised report to the treating doctor so that medication can be changed or doses can be increased. Some other medicine can also be given in combination with it. Avoid stress, anxiety, panic attacks, inadequate sleep may trigger BP. Keep yourself well HY Chat Doctor. Relax & take adequate sleep. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
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Ive been suffering with abdominal pain for the past two months. Back in forth to doctors and hospitals. I do have an umbilical hernia. the pain is not in the vicinity of the hernia. It started out as cramping pain and was put on bentyl. I felt like my symptoms have not gotten better by taking the meds. Now the pain is more like burning. I took a CT scan that showed the umbilical hernia with fatty tissue. I had my gall bladder removed in march. Nothing shows up on my organs of concern according to the report. It says no inflammation or obstruction is visable in the intestines. my blood work turned up good. no high white blood cell count. This is totally aggravating me and I had to ask my doc for anxiety meds from the stress this has put on me. the burning is mostly on the upper abdomen left and right sides. put there is pain in other places. Any ideas on what this could be?
Hi ! Good morning. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. The umbilical hernia itself could give rise to some kind of Chat Doctor. However, the burning sensation in the upper abdomen could be due to a coincidental esophagitis because of HERD (gastrointestinal reflux disorder). If I were your doctor, I would advise you with the following:1) Elevate the head end of the bed with two blocks on each side, so that the regurgitation does not occur while lying down, and the contents of esophagus and stomach flow down with gravity.2) Some modification in your diet like more of roughage, enough liquids, avoidance of oily, fried, and fast food, and avoidance of alcoholic beverages and smoking if you do.3) Regular routine exercises like morning walk depending on your medical fitness.4) Prescription for a prokinetic agent and a proton pump inhibitor for symptomatic relief and to have a control on the acid production and facilitate movement of gastric contents downwards.5) Routine stool test for ova and cyst and treat them if positive. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
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My newborn son had an abnormal CBC. They said his white blood cell levels indicated a *possible* infection, but that has not been confirmed. At one point, his sugar level was below 50. With both of these factors, they moved him to NICU. My wife and I are a little distraught because I don t feel like he should be in there. We have his blood sugar above 60 with my wife s breast feeding finally coming in like it s supposed to. And all that he really gets in NICU that isn t anywhere else is the antibiotics they have him on, which they administer once daily. She has been discharged as of yesterday, but they are saying he could be in here another week, making our entire visit here 10+ days. My first priority is the well-being of my son, and I would do anything and everything necessary to make sure he is in the best health. However, this really feels like a way to just get more money out of our insurance. Also, while he was in NICU without us, he was fed formula (strictly against our wishes and demands) several times, was put on the antibiotic IV and has had at least 2 X-Rays (that I know of) before we were told anything. In other words, they do things first and inform us later. No doctor has talked to me about any of this, and I want to get to the bottom of what I should or should not be doing. I just wanted some medical advice before I move forward with the hard questions.
Hello, Newborn infection is quite common and that requires iv antibiotics and NICU admission which is done here. They are tiny, so infection spreads very fast through blood and affects the lungs and intestine which is risky. To be sure about the status of these organs only x-ray is done which is perfect. And sometimes it becomes absolutely necessary and urgent, so it is always not possible for the neonatologists to ask the parents before doing some intervention.The same is true for milk also, when mothers expressed breast milk is not enough (which is quite normal for early days of post childbirth) and baby needs extra milk there is no other option except formula. With the entire IV lines direct breastfeeding is quite problematic at NICU. So, the babies treatment is going in the right way I feel. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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my husband had to have one of his fingers amputated down to the middle joint, this was about a month ago, the wound opened up and now the joint is exposed, he is a diabetic, on dialysis and have a poor appetite, doctor told us today we could soak it in Epsom salt water everyday for about 15 min and we go back in about a week to see how things look, we are really trying to keep him from having to have any further amputations on this hand, although vascular disease is an issue. Any suggestions on any other soaks or what can help, I am familiar with the med honey and asked if I could use that as well on his wound, beside neoprene.
Dear Madam have gone thought your question can understand you concern Let me KNO please :How many years your husband have been diagnosed with diabetes? Where was his last visit at endocrinologist? His last check-up about blood test? Did he treatment with insulin therapy or oral medicine? He has amputation his singer, he is on dialysis too. Did he feel symptoms like Nausea, Heartburn,weight loss, abdominal bloating, Early feeling of fullness when eating? Spasm of the stomach wall? I thought that your husband have low appetite you to bed management of diabetes . In these case Gastroparesis. Gastroparesis is a disorder affecting people with thy pi 1 and 2 diabetes (in which the stomach takes too long to empty is contents)Also vagus nerve which controls the movement of food through the digestive tract, is dam ang or stop working, the muscles of the stomach, and the movement of the food is slowed Diabetes can damage the vagus nerve if blood glucose levels remain high over a long period of time. The diagnosis of Gastroparesis Is confirmed through tone or more of the following tests(you must consult with the Gastroenterology doctor)The most important treatment for diabetes-related Gastroparesis is to manage your blood glucose levels as well as possible. Insulin or oral medicine changes in what and when your husband eats. My advised is to contact your local Gastroenterology and your endocrinology too.Also, your husband must do Blood Glucose fasting -Basic Screening for Luminaria and proteinuria (he is on dialysis)Hope this information is helpful. If you have other questions, feel free and ask. Best regards.
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Hello, My name is Henry, Im having lots of trouble with my mind worrying all the time, making bad decisions, cant keep a job, my marriage is been off because of my problems, cant concentrate, not attentive, not sociable and have no feelings in getting motivated to do tasks. Ive been going to doctors for over 20 yrs and not one of them have done tests. They just guess and say here try this medication, if it soesnt work well try another and another and so on. Been taking Ritalin for 3 yrs, 20mg twice a day. I tell my doctors that if I take 20 mgs 6 of them seperately doing the day I feel absolutely fantastic, Im sociable, more confident, attentive, and make better decisions. but 2 20 mgs a day just dont do it. AT ALL! I take 3 in morning everything is great until 2.5 hours later. THey wear off and Im back to being aweful, So I take 1 for another hour then 1 for another hour and 1 for another hour. That seems to work really good. But that is like overtaking my meds that were prescribed to me. Why cant they just prescribe me 3 40 mgs a day? I want to be better after all these yrs of taking off the wall medicine that dont work. but dont want to over tale whats prescribed to me. Adderal is aweful, and so is dexedrine. Ritalin LA and RA makes me wired and jittery dont work at all. Can someone please after all these yrs help me? In my opinion I need tests run brain and blood work, but havent in 20 yrs had any. I asked them too, but they say no u dont need tests.
Dear Henry, Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Your doctors are absolutely right in saying that you do not need any tests. At the same time I think you need some behavior therapy to counter your symptoms. It is difficult to predict what is going to work for you, but I guess that even the low dose Ritalin can help you to the large extent if behavior therapy given along with this medication. It is also possible you may not need medication if you get good results with behavior therapy. This is a bitter truth that you need to take Ritalin unless other measures of helping you are not tried with almost seriousness. Thanks
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Hello! My Name is Alyniece. I am experiencing a lot of symptoms that seem to line up with early signs of cancer. I m only 19 years old, and so I know that cancer is probably not the issue, so I am emailing you to see if you think that my symptoms merit my going to the doctor. Here are my symptoms: Sweating heavily, especially at night, abdominal pain at least once a day, nausea every other day for extended periods of time, loss of appetite--I haven t been able to force myself to eat regularly for the past 3 or 4 weeks, fluid retention in the form of bloating(a few times a month) and swollen ankles for no reason(almost every day), I ve also been unusually pale, I ve experienced dizziness and vertigo 1-3 times a week for the past few months, I ve been getting really overheated randomly and for no reason, especially at night but also throughout the day, blood in my stool, which I attribute to rectal bleeding, for the past few months, extreme lack of energy and fatigue for the past several weeks, I am easily tired and find myself out of breath. I also have something that feels like a lump in the ball of my foot, which has been there for over 2 years. I assumed it was a Morton s neuroma, but that was never confirmed. Recently at night the ball of my foot has been throbbing and so has my ankle, and the pain sometimes shoots all the way up my leg. Do you think that this combination of symptoms is cause for concern? and if so what should I tell the doctor I see to ensure that he understands the entirety of the problem? Thank you so much for your help and advice, Alyniece S
Hello, There are some things of concern that require for closer assessment. You report rectal bleeding with lack of energy, unusual pallor and repeated dizziness. This may be due to anemia (reduced blood amounts) with multiple other symptoms being part of that (swollen ankles, breathlessness). I think you need to see a doctor to see why you are bleeding from your rectum. They may identify the problem just by a physical examination or may need a colonoscopy. As for the swelling on your foot, it could be a Morton's neuroma, but you would need either an ultrasound or foot MRI to confirm this. All the best.
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I turned sixteen years old about four weeks ago and I have been acting really strangely since then. I feel unhappy most of the time apart from random periods where I feel kind of hyper/over the top happy. I also seem to be losing my temper all the time over the smallest of things (and actually it has been like that for a while now) and getting so frustrated that I almost break down into tears, although nobody has noticed as I don t like crying in front of people. Even on my actual birthday when I should have been genuinely happy I just felt like I was faking it and felt oddly distant from what was going on. I really just wanted to be in my room and alone. I have also put on a bit of weight which is kind of good since I was diagnosed with Diabetes Type 1 in January and I was under six stones at height of five foot but now it is getting slightly too much - I have got a bit of a belly now and my Mum commented on it. I decided to ask this now since I haven t been sleeping well and I have been more irritable, not able to laugh even at stuff I would have found funny before as well as unable to concentrate on revising for my exams and I keep thinking about what would have happened if I died after my diagnosis instead, as I did come very close to death, and what would be the reaction of those I left behind. What is going on with me since I am usually quite a happy person and my friends have commented on me being much sadder and not keen on going out, will it go away?
Hello, Thanking you for writing to Chat Doctor, Definitely it will go away if you should make yourselves to go for change. Every mind should divert but its possible only when we try to help our mind to do that. You should have to try to keep your mind busy so that it can't think even for that behavior and also keep yourself with peoples. Because when you are alone it's possible that your mind again think for that, and it might not good thing at all. I will suggest here to keep yourself busy with persons you love and try to be easy and don't think too much. You should concern a good psychiatrist if problem still there, and you can't divert your mind at your own they will defiantly help you for getting out of that. Hope you will get out of this soon. Take care. Thanks &
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ACDF hardware with associated screws are seen from C4 through C7. There is reversal of the normal cervical lordosis. The bone marrow signal is homogenous. C2-C3: No stenosis C3-C4: Right paracentral protrusion of the disc osteophyte complex effacing the thecal sac C4-C5: No stenosis C5-C6: Right uncovertebral arthropathy resulting in mild right neuroforaminal stenosis. C6-C7: Right facet and and uncovertebral arthropathy results in mild right neuroforaminal stenosis. C7-T1: No significant stenosis. The spinal cord is normal in caliber without any abnormal signal changes. No pathologic enhancement is seen. There are no prevertebral or paravertebral masses.
Hi there, welcome to Chat Doctor, thanks for your question. By convention, we doctors use several technical terms to describe the alignment of the spine. Lordsis is one such term. When seen from the side our spine has 4 curves. In the neck and the lower tummy area the spine is curved backwards, such a backward curve is known as Lordosis. In the chest and tail. Bone area our spine is curved forwards, such a forward curve is know as kyphosis. With forward facing and TW backward. Such alignment is required for up right posture of human beings so that our head is balanced on our limbs. So the neck area (cervical) we have natural lordosis (back ward bending)In the radiology report you have mentioned the normal lordosis of the neck is lost, that is the spine so no more curved as it should be. This can be as a result of normal variation, muscle imbalance, post surgery finding or owing to long term postural imbalance.However, loss of cervical Lordosis is a radiological term and need not always be associated with clinical symptoms of pain and discomfort. Pain in such cases of post op loss of lordosis can also be due to muscle imbalance or sometimes due degeneration of adjacent level, which is c3/c4 level in the given report. Physiotgerpay with spinal strength being exercises ad medicines should help initially. Further treatment would require correlation of your symptoms and radiology by a trained spine surgeon. Hope this answers your question. All the best. With best regards. Chat Doctor.
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I have been having chest pain (sharp but not not extremely painfull) on the left side of my chest for 5 months now. With this I have been getting lightheaded (dizzy) , the lightheadedness has been getting more and more frequent over the last 2 months. It almost feels like something in my heart is clogged and then it releases and this rush of lightheaedness goes through my body. I am 30 and I do smoke but since getting this I have cut back from approx 18 cigarettes a day to 6 a day or so. My caffine intake is not a worry to my doctor. I have had 4 children the youngest being just 1yrs olda week ago. They have checked my heart all out, quite well and done a lung scan. All normal. I did have an upper GI and it came back I do have a moderate amount of acid reflux and started Perriet (I not sure about the spelling of that) which doesnt seem to be doing much. I am so scared as the is a history of blood clots and heart attacks in my family (my mom has had 2 brain clots). The chest pain is here almost all the time now (more then not). Please help, Also the pain is not always on the left side but mostly, it has gone to the right, and down my left arm too.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. First no need to worry about cardiac chest pain as your ECG is normal. HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) related symptoms is more likely because your upper GI (gastrointestinal) copy is suggestive of reflux disease. Smokers are more prone for reflux. HERD needs lifestyle modifications along with Chat Doctor. So follow these steps for better symptomatic relief. 1. Quit smoking as soon as possible. 2. Avoid hot and spicy food.3. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals.4. Go for walking after meals.5. Lose weight if you are obese.6. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm.7. Keep 2-3 pillows under head in bed.Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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I got 6 or 7 atacks of uncounsiousness on early mornign near about 6 to 8 am only, while i wake up my hands and legs nurve are stichhing and i feel tiered. One doctor told me its a diprration attack at that time my Blood pressure was bit high, Other doctor told me after Getting normal report of MRI and EEG that i have a normal problem of epylepsy and suggested to have valparin chorono 300 daily two times, While i have it twice in a day i faced a problem of Loss of appetite so have daily one tablet in a day but after six month now i have a problem of lake of understanding,confusuion,problem to remember routien work, problem to speak and explaing and understanding. So my problem is that really i have a epylapsy or not ? if yes then valparin chorona 300 is not suits on me or what ? now what should i do to solve this problems (Side effects) plz tell me should i have it anymore or not? i have no attacks of uncouncisosness or epylepsy since 8 months. Please help me and advice me what i have to do ?
Hello sandeepWelcome to Chat Doctor The sudden onset attacks of unconsciousness especially in morning are alarming. They may occur due to following possible reasons-One thing is hypertension, kindly get your Blood Pressure checked as due to postural hypotension in a hypertensive person sudden fall may occur. But it doesn't occur repetitively. Other possibility is Seizure Disorder. In epilepsy or seizure multiple loss of unconsciousness may be observed even without typical movements of extremities. In most of the cases cause can not be established and MR scans and EEG come normal. Start of Anti-Epileptic Chat Doctor. These are to be taken for long time (usually at least 3 years as per guidelines). You were on valproate throne 300 twice a day, and you are now taking 300 per day. Valproate in a lot of people during initial phases of therapy may cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness as side effects. Due to this appetite ultimately decreases. But decreasing dose against the advice of doctor is not advised. The problems of lack of understanding, confusion, memory loss etc. don't occur with valproate at 300 per day. It is otherwise safe
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Hi, I have rhumotoid arthritis and goit and I am taking 300mg allopurinol,30mg lansoprazrazole,5mg lisinopril,250mg naproxen,40mg simvastatin,200mg hydroxychloroquine and 500mg paracetamol.My hands,elbow joints,neck and shoulders are still very painful,am I taking too many tablets or are they the wrong combination.I am male and 69 ,thank you. Peter
Hello, To comment first on the history with respect to medication, it is totally a physician decision based on the symptoms provided at the time of writing the prescription. So he will be the right person to give justification on why so many medications were prescribed. Now coming to your pain part. The pain is due to inflammation of the joints. Which you might be aware of. RA is a moving pain and can lead to pain at small joints and big joints also at times. You have a take a bigger precaution and that is to keep yourself warm. Like staying in cold weather will aggravate the symptoms. So keeping yourself warm will be first line of action. Next will be since how long you been facing this pain, and when was this RA diagnosed to you? This plays a key role in the overall guidance of the treatment plan. Regarding the medicine part please visit a rheumatologist as he will be the right person to take care of it. Now treatment part. First thing is to keep the muscle and joint mobility to the maximum. So a physiotherapist will play a key role here. They might perform some passive or active exercise based on a physical assessment. Also, physical therapy pain reduction modalities like Ultrasound therapy and TENS therapy will be of benefit to reduce the pain. Besides, please understand that this is only symptomatic for the pain. But to improve the metabolism and keep the body warm internally is only in your hand. The more the active you are the more, the better the outcome score. Usually, I see chronic RA cases in my clinical practice. They all respond well to exercise. Any kind of deformity present needs correction via physical therapy or with the help of splints. But most patients respond well to exercise in long term rehabilitation. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor.
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hi,im 21yrs unmarried woman .i hane complaints of polymenorrhoea{ie 3times in march,}i consulted a gynecologist ,advice USG-it shows hyperplastic endometrium.dr told me to take tab im very confuse to take this tab or take ayurveda.please help me through a valuable advice
**1. Since you consulted specialist for your problem and got diagnosed with specific investigation, thus she must have ruled out other causes of polymenorrhea with suitable examination [per magnum/per spectrum]and investigation [for hormonal disturbances]2. Since proper medical evaluation is sought, thus lifestyle changes such as reduced exercise, stress management, proper weight along with prescribed medicines can be started.PS. There is no specific treatment to stop polymenorrhea. The main treatment is correcting the underlying condition whenever possible. [hyperplastic endometrium in your case]3. Felon [desogesterol and ethinylestradiol] is a low dose oral contraceptive, which apart from preventing pregnancy also helps to regulate your menstrual cycle [menstrual irregularities-polymenorrhea in your case], you should be familiar with some side effects of the Chat Doctor. g. candidiasis), consult your gynecologist to exclude the possibility of any disorder, whether related to the use of Felon.4. In modern aspect: if there is no relief with conservative line of treatment, you need to consult your gynecologist for endometrial curettage & biopsy, if bleeding persists after curettage, hysterectomy is the choice [but since you are in child bearing age [21 yrs, unmarried, ] thus be in regular follow up with your gynecologist to avoid these possibilities.5. In Ayurveda, we treat the disease on the line of Rasta Radar:. Avoid: hot/spicy food, meat,eggs, red chilies, tea,warm milk. Take: old brown rice, amla, pomegranate, cold milk, honey,ghee, pumpkin,moon DAL chichi, black grapes, pears. Take 1 ripe banana with 6gm ghee daily. Prescription medicines which you can take: tablet stepson, Ms tone/forte, pushing churn, lodhra Assam, pat rang Assam, Chan
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My name is Sandi,Im a women, 32 years old. I have smoked since I was a teenager. For the last 2 and half years I have had a very strange chest pain under my right breast. It comes and goes and is not always there. Sometimes, when its here I have pain when breathing in deep. Then that goes away and it just feels like a pressure on that side(right side) of my chest. At one point,maybe a year and half ago I went into emergency because I panicked when I felt this pain. They took blood, and ekg, and a chest x ray and found nothing. Like I said it comes and goes every few months. My shoulder and middle back also hurt on the right side of my body as well,which also comes and goes which makes me think it might be a pinched nerve or something. I also get the same pain in the same area of my chest when I lift my right arm too long or move it around while its up. It seems to replicate this chest pain. I also feel this chest pain if I bend over.Is this all connected? Im worried because I know I smoke, I always think lung cancer. I have no cough, no phlem, no breathing problems except when I feel the pain when breathing in, which is occaisoinally, I fear taking a deep breath so I breath shallower at those times. I excersise and it doesnt seem that I am out of breath or faint or my chest doesnt really even hurt. Someties when I take a deep breath it hurts my arm, and collar bone what do you think?-Worried
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of musculoskeletal pain is more likely because your pain is associated with movements and specific positions. So follow these steps for better symptomatic relief in musculoskeletal pain. 1. Avoid movements causing pain.2. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise.3. Apply warm water pad on affected areas of chest.4. Take simple painkiller like paracetamol or ibuprofen.5. Quit smoking as soon as possible.Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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Lower back pain with problem with legs. MRI findings: 1. Marked anterior marginal Osteophytic lippings in L1 to L5 with bony bridging and fatty change. 2. Mild degenerative changes are seen in all lumbar intervertebral discs as evidenced by reduction in bright signal intensity of nucleaus pulposus on T2 weighted sagittal sections. 3. Posterior disc bulge is seen at L4-5 causing marked narrowing of both nerve roots. 4. Mild disc bulge is seen at L5 - S1 level causing minimal narrowing of both nerve roots. 5. Available Central Canal AP diameter are : Level Canal APD (mm) D12-L1 12 L1-L2 12 L2-L3 11 L3-L4 11 L4-L5 10 L5-S1 10 6. Central canal is adequate in diameter with no evidence of any stenosis. 7. The Lower end of spinal cord and conus medularis are normal.Conus ends at D12 - L1 level. 8. CSF demonstrates normal signal intensity. 9. No pre/paravertebral soft tissue mass is seen. 10. Impression: a) Posterior disc bulge at L4-5 level causing marked narrowing of both nerve roots. b)Mild disc bulge at L5-S1 level causing minimal narrowing of both nerve roots. c) Gross lumbar spondylosis.
Hi, I am Chat Doctor. I have read your question and understand your concerns. Let me try to help you Question 1 : What does my MRI of the spine indicate? Answer 1 : This indicates that you have a disc prolapse in L4L5 Level. Disc is a cushion between two vertebrae. In your case, it has slipped and come into spinal canal and is compressing the nerve roots. If you are having (1) Numbness or (2) Weakness, you need to undergo surgery immediately If there is pain, you can continue non-operative treatment for some more time and see whether the pain reduces Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care.
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i am having abdominal pain for last two months. The Pain mostly starts after eating or drinking. this is a dull pain having slight burning sensation type. in last two months there are around 20 days ( like 6 days, 3, days 2 days in between ) when there was no to negligible pain. rest of the days there was on and off pain i mean pain starts and goes off o its own. 4-5 times the intensity of pain was high can give it 6-7 out of ten ( i had to take cyclospam or rantac 150 mg). I had to go to loo 2-3 times in the morning. Initial stool is ok and then it is very loose. After some times like 10-15-20 min i have to again go to the loo and the subsequent stool is very loose. i have also noticed food particles (like tomato peels in the stools). Also i have this bloating type of thing in my stmoch, i mean my stocmach is like expanded to its maximum level when there is abdominal pain. The Pain usually subsides after rantac 150 mg. I have under taken blood test which was normal. Ultra Sound which was also normal. I was then asked to under go CT scan, which also turned out to be normal. The doctor has recommended IBSCIM thrice daily. Have started the medicine today. The Doctor is recommending endoscopy and colonoscopy i have till now avoided them, but want to seek second opinion that what should be my next course of action should be I am 38yrs male in india. I havent lost any weight.
Hi! Welcome to Chat Doctor! Abdominal pains that are short-lived and go away completely between attacks and are regularly linked to meals, this may point to a stomach or duodenal ulcer being influenced by fluctuations in stomach acidity with food. This painful condition results from damage to the inner lining of the stomach or upper part of the intestine OR they can be typically from spasm, such as from a gallbladder full of stones but your USG IS CLEAR. Irritable bowel syn Chat Doctor. Since your blood test, USG,CT are normal hence you must refer to a gastroenterologist and get an endoscopy done as an ulcer is a big possibility. I sincerely hope this will help you!TAKE CARE!
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im 30 years old. Not sexually active.Been bleedng for two months, gynaecologist told me to get a sonography done and she gave me soe pills to regularize the period. I already have PCOS (polycystic ovaries) but no other hormonal imbalances plus she told me this was not from the PCOS. the sonographer told me that my endometrial lining is 13mm which is a little thick with 16mm cysys on the right ovary. she also said thata the liver is a little fatty and moderately enlarged and to get all these looked into. When i went to see her i had just stopped bleeding and i took the sonography 2 days later.Im bleeding again. but im not supposed to see my gynaecologist for 2 weeks yet to discuss the results.i know i dont really have much to worry about but id still like to know since im bleeding again and its a little daunting.history wise- ive been through bad phases of depression after my mother passed away suddenly and been on various kinds of medication. i used to be super active but thats been whittled down because of the depression. i was on medication and sleeping pills which contributed to weight gain. i didnt want to get hooked on those so ive also been doing my best tor regularize my life in terms of diet and exercise as ive been careful of that my whole life and led a very active sporty life. and while im not as active as i used to be, im finding it hard to do even the little things without getting tired. im frequently exhausted and frequently nauseous and constipated. i dont sleep well. i dont like going to doctors because i dont like worrying family or feeling like ive bothered people for no reason at all. so it took a lot for me to go to the gynaecologist at all.
Hi, Thanks for your query. I read your query and I understand your concerns. Following is my reply:1) Please see a gynecologist or an infertility specialist as worrying won't solve problem.2) Even if there is PRO, you can conceive.3) Get regular follicular monitoring done from your doctor who can tell you when is the best time to have intercourse and try for pregnancy.4) Meanwhile continue diet and exercise hope I answered your query. Let me know if you have any followup queries.
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Hi my name is JoAnne and i have a history with melanoma of the brain n spinal cord. I was diagnosed when I was 25. First I had a tumor in the frontal lobe of my head yhe size of a golf ball and a small one deeper in my brain. I hhad the big one removed. the other one was gammaknifed. I had fill brainradiation chemo. 7 months later a molecule from the surgery hooked onto my spinal cord and became a small tumor that was also radiated and lasered. I had small problems after that. To make this story short . . side effects were doublevision (had surgery to tighten muscles in one eye). Went to Germany to get a vaccine amd did that for 2 and a half years. In 2012 my spinal cord had to be operated on. The tumor they just had radiation around it and had to be taken out, it was petrified and had a large cyst w small melanoma cysts. I know a lot about pain n medication. My fiance has a fractured foot from slipping on ice and they gave him pain medication. I always had a high tolerance for pain. But he was still complaining about it. He is already on high blood pressure medication, he is over weight, and he is on 2 other meds for his heart. They gave him after complaining again that he still had pain, everybody has a little pain with these things even with meds and your on bed rest. He is a sergeant major in the army. so he goes to doctor again and complains again about pain thry put him on roxicodone 1 pill every 4 hours and i do not agree that he needs that medication. He is a smoker and has not been drinking alcohol thank god. How do you feel about this pain medication for a foot fracture. I dont agree. Is this a wise choice for the doctor to be prescrbing him? this medication of course.
Hi, I am Chat Doctor. I have read your question and understand your concerns. Let me try to help you 1The Topic of the question is "Suggest treatment for brain metastases" But you have asked about Pain medication 2. Question 2 : Is this a wise choice for the doctor to be prescribing him? Answer 2 : Madam, You have to understand that pain tolerance for each and every individual is different and so the doctor has to prescribe more
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I have had spinal fusion rods, and screws at L5 S1 level and also bone graft. Its been a year and I have been experiecning extreme pain, burning, poor circulation, leg weakness, spasms of bac and legs and just had an Mri that shows diffuse disc bulge at L5 L4 which abuts anterior thecal sac. Also showing S1 right and nerve roots being effected. Can I have permanent damage or paraylasis with this if untreated? As of know I am unable to lift or stand any length of time without pain and spasms.
Hi, thanks for asking from Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You have already fused spine at L5 S1 level. Fusion of spine increases chances of disc herniation one level above and below. It has happened in your case. You are having disc bulge at L4-5 level. But good thing is, it is only bulge and thecal (spinal nerve covering membrane) compression. There is no actual nerve compression of L5 or traversing nerve roots. I am worried about your S1 nerve root. As your spine is fused at this level, it should not be compromised. You should consult your operating spine surgeon and get a NCCT lumbosacral spine to rule out spinal canal stenosis, graft migration. Get a nerve conduction velocity and electromyography of L4 to S4 nerves to rule out nerve damage and muscles affected. It will also confirm the degree of damage and affect of disc bulge. Till then, for relief in your symptoms - You should avoid forward bending, weight lifting.- Avoid prolonged standing or sitting.- You can take painkiller like pregabalin, Gabapentin or combination of gabapentin+amitriptyline/nortriptyline, after proper prescription. - For leg spasm, do stretching exercise, apply hot fomentation over back and pain area. - Apply diclofenac gel locally over pain site, after prescription.- Take nerve regenerating supplements like S-adensoylmethionine, B12, folic acid, Pyridoxine, Pantothenic acid after proper prescription. If you can send me your MRI pictures and treatment summary, I can help you more. Hope above answer will help you. Thanks. Take care. Chat Doctor.
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hi, i am a 54 year old woman. 5ft.3 inches weigh 138 lbs. type 2 diabetic controlled by diet and exercise. i had back surgery 10 years ago. i had a hysterectomy 8 years. in may of 2010 i had part of my small intestine resectioned. i had severe lower stomach pain and they did exploratory surgery and they found it had looped and it was dead, throbbing and festering. now this may 2011 i started having pain in upper middle abdomin. they did a edosopy and colonoscopy done all they found was i had 2 small ulcers in esphogus from pills they were particially healed. i took carafate for this. now for 4 months i have pain in upper abdomin in middle and pain on both sides. i have also had a cat scan. swallowed a pill with little rubber bands then 5 days later had xrays i passed them all. earlier when i would have xrays they said i was full of stool. they had me drink that stuff you do for a colonoscopy but my pain was still there. my pain is more when i sit. but i have pain 24 hours a day that never goes away. when i sit and pull in with stomach it feels like a tight band and pulls in. they are giving me now for 2 weeks amitiza for irritable bowel but isnt helping. i have loose stools now. but i feel like i build up with gas. when i have regular bowels they are small and rough looking. could i have a bowel obstuction
Hi. Thanks for your query. Read and understood the history of multiple surgeries for the spine, hysterectomy, bowel resection and all. Investigations of colonoscopy, Upper GI Endoscopy, camera enterocolitis with capsule, the findings of healing ulcers in esophagus and all. The most probable cause of pain in abdomen with small rough looking stools can be intestinal obstruction as you had suspected. Vomiting, nausea, bloating can be prominent if the obstruction is severe. I would advise you the following:Barium studies. CT scan of the abdomen MRI of the spine to see for any spinal problems causing pain in abdomen as a referred symptom. Further management as per the findings and you may stop Amilia for irritable bowel syn Chat Doctor. And ask for another.
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Hi, my nearly 4yr old son has a bruise on the top cartilage of his ear wear it curls, the Bruise is dark purple almost black in colour And appeared late morning. This morning he had no injuries/accidents Prior to the bruise appearing. He also developed a rash on his face And neck almost as if blood had been sucked to Show through the skin, some in form of a line This isnt the first time,and they appear Very randomly..He has been seen by our local gp and in febuary and march senior doctors at princess margaret hospital . Child protection services are involved as a result of my sons father experiencing the first appearance of the bruising in his ear and laying allegations against my partner (father of my 4mnth old daughter) and myself.investigation took place and we had since been cleared of the allegations however child protection remained involved awaiting the (only) physical medical examination report . Since then the same rash and bruising has occured twice the last appearance only 3 days ago. I phoned child protection to advise of the bruise & rash appearing and the events/activities prior. Before this i phoned a health direct line and was advised to see a doctor within the next 4 hours, i did so. My gp had said after looking at both the rash & bruise it was suspicious. I know %100 my son has not been intentionally harmed whilst in my care And feel as though these doctors maybe looking past something medical. The rash is said to be *viral* my question is why does it just appear randomly? The hospital gave an antibiotic cream the time before this chlorsig and put the bruise/rash looking marks on chin and faint in ear down to bruising !! Its seems many other mums are experiencing same or similiar problems either with child p s or thier child showing same markings ?? Is there anything Else that could cause this??
Hello, Your child is developing bruises without any injury or other symptoms. Repeated episodes of bruising cannot be a viral infection. Your child should be investigated for an underlying bleeding disorder. Have any blood tests been performed on the kid? Is there any family history of easy bleeding/ bruising? Blood tests should be done to look at platelet count and coagulation factor deficiencies. I advise you to consult a pediatrician at the earliest. Hope that helps. Wishing you good luck. Preeti
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pains I am having. I was recently in a wreck an have been having back problems due to the wreck. I have been going to a physical therapist to help my back and neck get better. This past Wednesday I went to my physical therapist to do exercises I normally do there and my neck and back were hurting a little bit. We stopped doing neck exercises because it was hurting. I did a back exercise and noticed it hurt to do it so he had me not do so many. I didnt hurt right when I left there but when I went into work later that day I started having bad lower back pain and both sides of my abdomen have been hurting badly. The past two days it has hurt to walk and do stuff at work and nothing seems to make it feel better. I am not sure if I am having muscle problems or if it has to do with me being a little lactose intolerant. What could be causing my pains?
Hello, Thanks for your query. There are numerous causes and conditions that produce neck pain as well as back pain. An MRI scan of the concerned spinal columns will help in establishing the proper diagnosis. I suggest you not make any delay in approaching a doctor as it is definitely abnormal to have neurological problems with weakness in the limbs at your age. The treatment for your problem will depend on the condition diagnosed. Generally, with early diagnosis and early treatment, one can expect favorable outcome after treatment. Temporarily, please follow the below-mentioned measures to get some symptomatic relief -- avoid any movements that produce pain-do not use bulky pillow underneath your head while sleeping as this position will produce more compression of the nerves-Use a Soft collar which allow the muscles of the neck to rest and limit neck motion. This can help decrease pinching of nerve roots with movement. Soft collars should only be worn for short periods of time, because long-term wear can decrease the strength of neck muscles.- Analgesic (diclofenac & lornoxicam) and muscle relaxant (thiocolchicoside) combination medicines will provide symptomatic relief from pain & muscle spasm. Neurotrophic vitamins like METHYLCOBALAMINE (activated It B12) or PREGABALIN will help in alleviating the neuropathic pain. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care
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Hello, I have developed a lump at the base of my skull. It seems to go from about the center of my neck, across the base of my skull, over behind my right ear just behind where the earpiece of my glasses. It is itchty, yet very sensitive to the touch (more so in certain spots) there are two places goin from the lump up the back of my head that are about 1 1/2 inches long that are very painful yet dont seem to be swollen just very painful. I havent been very hungry, my balance seems to be somewhat off, I get dizzy, 2 days ago my daughter had to drive me home ( while sitting in the drive threw at the bank the building started swayin back and forth) I feel very tired, and have been sweatting a lot. My daughter looked closely with a bright flashlight to see if perhaps I had been biten by something and she could not find any discoloration.
HI, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Based on the facts of your query, you seem to suffer from-Acute Lymphadenitis at base of skull and behind the right ear and is mostly due to Acute mastitis with Mastoid Abscess with vestibules causing the dizziness with omitting with a lot of sweating. As though itchy, the soft lump at the base of the skull which is very sensitive and painful to touch with 2 joining lump feel, indicates the mastoid abscess spreading to base of skull which is very nearby side of mastoid destroyed air cells and which could be detected by CT Study of the mastoid and the base of the skull region. I would suggest getting the Second Opinion from ENT Surgeon and Neurosurgeon to treat this case after the CT mastoid and skull study with MRI with gadolinium contrast study, if need be. Possibility of -Accompanied- Spondylitis needs to be studied, as a cause of dizziness with omitting spell you had 2 days back. Hope this would resolve the query of the cause of the itchy lump at the base of your skull and would help you to plan treatment with your doctors in this very complicated and challenging case of skull base lump of yours. Welcome for any further query in this regard Will appreciate writing your feedback review comments, to help the needy patients like you at Chat Doctor. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. S. Genl-CVTS
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I have genetic spine problems. 30 years with lumbar pain, herniated disc L5,S1. Since few years ago also neck problems. Went into three mild car crashes among the years which resulted in whiplash. Diagnosed with neck straightening and retrolisthesis in C4-C5. I like to dance salsa, but I am Pilates instructor, as well. Three years ago, after dancing I have got a neck strain, after a month of no improvements I was suggested that I needed surgery to release the tension caused by the disc compression. I decided to go for the radiofrequency, which was applied in three discs. Despite of this surgery, hours of physiotherapy and my own Pilates, the pain in the neck still not only present, but is worse now, it is all over my neck, shoulders (also have a slap surgery in one of my shoulders) and now even feel pain in the thoracic area. It is a 24-hour pain. The doctor suggested I need a titanium disc replacement. No nerve damage yet.I thought I have strengthen my muscles, but maybe not enough. Clearly I dont want to go into the surgery process, but..Is this the only option now? Do I have the chance to get stronger musclewise and keep away the operation and diminish the pain? If going through the surgery, which percentage of movement is going to be recovered? Realistically, how long is the recovery time? Will I be able to keep dancing?Sorry for the long message, but I dont know if this is enough information to make a judgment, buy want more opinions before doing this, since I need to plan it properly since I would need to fly to the place in which the surgery would be done.I will truly appreciate your answer in advance.Kind RegardsSusana C.
Hi Susana, In your long history I need your investigation report like MRI, X-Ray to comment better. But according to your history you definitely require an operative decompression with/without fixation surgery it leads to ankyloses of adjacent vertebrae so requires a disc prosthesis implanted such that u can perform dancing activity as earlier even after your surgery. So in my opinion visit orthopedic center where this surgery is being performed as it is very skillful surgery. Hope this ll help. For any medical queries feel free to ask. Thanks n regards
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I have had my tubes tied for a yr and 3 most but today I have been having servere abdominal pain that goes to my back and puts me into tears and lots of cramping and got sick outta no where and had my period a few days ago and now I m having g light pink spotting. What should I do I need answers and idk if I am possibly pregnant. Plz help me
Hello, and I hope I can help you today.First, if you were sterilized, there is no reason to suspect that any symptoms you may be experiencing are caused by pregnancy. Fewer than one in 10,000 women will get pregnant after tubal ligation in their lifetime. The most common sign of pregnancy is missing your menstrual period. If you got your period on time, and it was normal for you, there is no reason to suspect that you are pregnant. Pregnancy symptoms vary widely between women, and many of the symptoms that we commonly associate with pregnancy like bloating, breast tenderness, spotting, mood changes, and nausea can be caused by hormonal fluctuations as well as pregnancy. However, in women who do get pregnant after having a tubal ligation, there is a high risk of the pregnancy actually occurring within the fallopian tube, called an ectopic pregnancy. If you do find out that you are pregnant after tubal ligation, it is important to seek medical care right away, as an ectopic pregnancy can be an emergency requiring surgery for treatment. Having severe abdominal pain is not normal even if you are not pregnant. For example, appendicitis can cause severe abdominal pain and nausea and kidney infections can also cause abdominal and back pain. Any woman can have spotting when the body is under stress from other illnesses. I do recommend that in your situation that you should seek medical care urgently for an evaluation. Even though it is unlikely, performing a pregnancy test may be a good idea because if you are pregnant, you should be seen in an emergency room to make sure that your symptoms are not caused by an ectopic pregnancy. It may be prudent for you to go to an emergency room anyway, as other severe illnesses that require hospitalization, such as appendicitis and kidney infections can also be causing symptoms such as yours. I hope that I was able to adequately answer your question today, and I hope you seek medical care promptly and get an accurate diagnosis of your symptoms. Best wishes,
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my son is 5 years old (weight 47 lbs) and had a allergic reation with hives and welts at 5 am this morning and we gave him bendryal and it subsided the problem , it re- occured in 7 hours later in different spots. he recently ahd to take a duration of treatment each day for the past 3 motnhst with his nebulizer with the "Pulmocort" steroid, since he had a bad bout with allegies and asthma., per his allegist doctors orders. If i gave him his nebulizer with the steroid( pulmocort will that help his problem? ( he does take singular chewable every morning as a treatment also. Does the steroid have to be taken orally to work??....for it to do any good for a allegic reation to make it really subside ?? he is going to his regular doctor first thing in the morning. We actually took him to the medi center early this morning and they said just do bendral. It did go away for 7 hours and now is re-occuring.. i am also taking him to the allegist on thursday to see if it isa food allegy. pls advise thank you
Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your sons history and would like to make suggestions for him as follows:1. Pulmicort helps in respiratory allergies, especially asthma. It will not help in hives. 2. For hives, I would suggest you to give him antihistamine like fexofenadine, levocetirizine or cetirizine. Ben Chat Doctor. As effects of antihistamine wanes after some hours, one may need to give them repeatedly for 3-5 days.3. Oral steroids help hives, but due to lots of possible side effects, I would not suggest you to give him oral steroids for hives. They should be given only for severe hives and that only on prescription of a doctor.4. I would agree with you that I would also suggest him allergy testing for food allergies. If he is allergic to food, that particular food should be avoided. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish your son the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
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having problems getting answers hope you can help, not even sure if im in the correct specialty. was in the hospital in March 2012 with what they diagnosed me with an abcessed lymph node . had a sore in my mouth and gave me antibiotics and said if it doesnt get better in 5-7 days to return. within the week i was back in the ER. they drew blood and told me i needed to see a specialist and that i had lymphoma . with no followup instructions or a PCP, i went to the larger hospital in the city. they set me up with an ENT, she told me she wanted to do a biopsy of my swollen lymph node, but couldnt without my PCP to check it out first. so i got a PCP and followed up with him, he found another swollen node on my neck and told me he was going to send me back to the ENT for a biopsy. went back to the ENT to get the biopsy (unaware they were residence and i would be seeing different doctors each time) the new ENT came in and told me he doesnt think its lymphoma, he thinks i might have leukemia , sends me to give 7 more tubes of blood and another chest xray . only after looking at my CT with contrast. pushed back my biopsy for 2 weeks and i still dont get results for another month. i have been to 7 different doctors and feel like im being ignored. i have swollen lymph nodes all around my neck, fatigue , feeling of fever without having one, random pains, headache for weeks, i would just like to know if im seeing the right physician or am i getting the answers i need or should i find different doctors? i want to know what is wrong with me and its been a year and it is only getting worse
Hi! Welcome to Chat Doctor! I read your query in detail and found that you had some lesion in mouth, and you were diagnosed with lymph node abscess and then more lymph nodes appeared. I think your lymph node enlargement has some infective etiology rather than lymphoma and leukemia is a rare possibility. Bacterial and viral infections like Infectious Mononucleosis can be the possibility. You must get a FNAC done. A complete blood count along with peripheral smear, leukemia and lymphoma can be ruled out by these simple tests. See an ENT specialist. I hope this will help. Take care!
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48 yo female, no kids, mild GED, well-controlled Asthma, non-smoker. Female woke up (4) days ago with severe mid chest pain, radiating into right shoulder, mid shoulder blades/ upper back, right neck CA & into the right ear. (throbbing sensation just below right ear) Pain has been constant & (in)creases with deep breathing, or lying down. Greatly (in)creased pain when trying to rest on her right side though the pain remains persistent laying on her left side too. Holding her breath (de)creases the pain somewhat but it does not go away. Nausea is present with some mild loss of appetite. General fatigue has set in with no will to thrive. (mostly due to pain while breathing/ movement) Females father died of a stroke at age 52 but he smoked heavily. Females Mat. Grandmother died from Lung Cancer in her 70s but she was also a chronic smoker. No sweating, clammy skin, or shortness of breath while at rest as of yet. Only SOB with prolonged activity. (It feels like a thousand sharp knifes cutting into the wind pipe every time a breath is taken in with radiating pain into right chest, right shoulder, neck & lower right ear. Its like I can feel the air going through the vessels due to the extreme pain, easy to follow the line of the pain? Chest pain radiates across mid chest like a fan opening with each breath. No pain in Left Chest at all unless laying on left side.
Hello, Chest pain can be caused by various reasons, including minor problem such as indigestion or stress, to serious medical emergencies such as a heart attack. Investigations like an Electrocardiogram or Stress Echocardiography can be done to rule out any cardiac involvement. And a Chest X-ray will rule out any pathology in the respiratory system. Other causes of chest pain include:1. Strained chest muscles due to overuse2. Chest muscle injury3. Short-term, sudden anxiety with rapid breathing4. Peptic ulcer disease5. Pain from the digestive tract, such as esophageal reflux So, it will be better to consult a Doctor & get a physical examination done to rule out other causes. So that proper management steps could be taken. Wishing a Good Health. Thanks & take care.
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My 5 year old son is very healthy, we eat unprossessed foods, he plays outside alot. We live in the Tropics of Australia. He was diognaised with an innocent heart murmur at 2 years old. In the last few weeks he has been very tired, had pale stools & had dark rings under his eyes. He is a really good eater, having sugar free cereal each morning, snacks on fresh & dried fruit during the day & pasta, rice or meat & salad/vegies for dinner. He sleeps 11-12 hours each night. Am very concerned. Please help xoxo
Good Evening, Let me start by saying I am very sorry to hear about these symptoms your son is experiencing. Having said that, from personal experience these symptoms may or may not be separate from the heart murmur itself. Most diagnosed innocent heart murmurs are as their title suggests "innocent." They can and most will often go on throughout an individuals' life without causing any issue, except for that of a unique sound heard on physical exam. As for the symptoms you describe, these sound separate but nevertheless certainly more serious. Very tired, pale stools, dark rings? It sounds to me like a systemic illness that requires complete workup with at a Complete Blood Count and Basic Metabolic Panel. These will let us know if he has an infection, if his blood is healthy and strong and sufficient, if there are any electrolytes and or nutrients out of balance, and or if particular organs and or tissues in the body are ill. Based on his symptoms, and age, I must admit there are a variety of potential causes; Viruses and infections such as Mono or the Flu typically can cause gastrointestinal and generalized effects such as those you describe. Nonetheless, as it can indeed just be a virus, even more benign than the Flu or Mono, it can also be a completely different entity entirely, and thus a formal test really needs to be done to hone in on exactly what that is. My suggestion is to make sure your son HY Chat Doctor. I would not rush him to the Emergency room unless a primary care physician could not be reached in an adequate period of time, or if your son starts to appear toxic and or the symptoms you are describing start to worsen. I truly hope for the best and believe you and your son will come out of this strong and well cared for. Warm Regards.