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ood day, im sheila from philippines. i try to send here just to know the answer about the symptoms that i feel. it was two weeks that i started of having difficulty of breathing. actually, on last tuesday, i had difficulty of breathing, for the reason that i did not able to take prelim exam. in the result of my ecg was unspecified changes of wave and in which the doctor (university physician) told me that i had slow beat of my heart. what do you think the reason? currently, i cannot stand stand long because i feel vomit, still have difficulty of breathing, also, cold sweat,and feel dizzy.actually, last year, the gynecology doctor told me that i had hormonal imbalance.she added that anytime, my cbc became imbalance even i had healthy cbc result.the only thing ill do was to maintain to take hemarate.but now i stop taking because i suspected that hemarate is the reason of my weakening of breathing. also, i am worried because its now three months that my menstrual period does not come. i am worried what if when my period come, i will hospitalized again because of the heavy flow of my menstrual period and that was the reason that i was hospitalized last year because i almost lost my i wanna ask, what do you the reason of not feeling well, is it because of my heart or because of my problem in my blood. ill wait for the answer.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, we should first rule out heart blocks in your case. You said that your ECG was showing slow rhythm. This is seen in heart blocks. And if this is present then you're all symptoms like weakness, dizziness, breathlessness etc. are explained. In heart blocks, pumping of heart is reduced and hence blood supply to organs is reduced. And hence all these symptoms occur. So first consult cardiologist and get done repeat ECG, 2d echo and Holder monitoring (24 hour continuous monitoring of ECG). If all these are normal then no need to worry about heart blocks. Another possibility is hormonal imbalance and anemia due to menstrual abnormality. So get done hormone levels and hemoglobin estimation to rule out this. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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Hi I m trying to get info on behalf of my mom...she s 55yrs old now and for the past 10 yrs if not more she has this strange lumps with swelling around the effected area forming after a small injury e.g. knocking her foot against the bedside table or picking up a bruise on her hand after a small knock ect. After an injury like that, she gets like an almost hardened lump which she finds very painful and which sometimes last for months before going away. A few years ago she had one of these lumps removed by a doctor and she can only describe it as dried, hardened blood being almost crumbly . The doctors never found a reason for this happening and as a result this still happens quite regularly. After time she ended up drinking loads of pain killers. She did come across some tablets which she reckoned helped quite a lot, but then after a recent serious ulcer, the doctors recommended she doesn t use these tablets anymore. Do you have any idea of what the cause of these lumps might be. I apologise for being vague, but this is the only info I have. Me and my mother lives in different countries and I m just trying to get some more info on the subject. Any help will be appreciated.
Hi, Dear thanks for the query to Chat Doctor virtual clinic. I studied your query in full details updated from you. I understood your health concerns. Based on your query data, In my opinion, Dear Your Mom seem to suffer from Coagulation factors deficiency, mostly factor VIII and others need to be investigated in your case. Consult Physician and Hematologist to work up your case and find out the cause of repeated hematomas and fibrotic resolved lumps after small injuries. Liver illnesses and alcohol cirrhosis need to be ruled out as these may cause such a lump commonly, if not kept in mind would increase the cost of investigation and treatment in your case. Hope this reply would help you to evaluate your case and treat it with your doctors in time to come. Hope this would resolve your query and worry and Anxiety accompanied by it. Welcome for any further query in this regard to ME. I would love to help you out.Awaiting any further query. Wish you fast recovery from this intriguing health problem. Have a Good Day. Chat Doctor. N.M.S. Genl-CVTS -Senior Surgical Consultant
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My daughter tested positive for the barr virus (mono). After 5 days in the hospital and terrible headaches they ordered an mri showing small blood clots in her brain. Cerebral vein thrombosis. She has since had blood tests done that have come back abnormal. She is on warafin. I have been looking for information connecting the two. Mono and clots. She is only 21, an athlete was in great shape before all this. She has lost 20 pounds because of the nausea and now is getting little sleep. We have Kaiser Insurance. We were told to wait 6 weeks for another blood test and in the meantime take oxycoden for the headaches. In 6 weeks if the blood test are still abnormal he will refer us to a hematologist. My question is should we seek a 2nd opinion and is there anything else we should be doing for her?
Hi, Hypercoagulable state is a condition whicChatDoctormonly comes about because of infectious states, deny Chat Doctor. The blood clots are referred to as sinus venous thrombosis or venous thrombosis, and they are in the venous circulation of her body...which is not a bad thing compared to if they would be on the arterial side in which case she may have suffered acute strokes....not to minimize the gravity of the current situation....she's got a bit of work to do to get normal....but she's not lost any neurological function due to the clots....just slowed her down...and giving her some mild headaches, I'm sure. Since your daughter has been diagnosed with ABV...then, that is likely the most plausible explanation for her blood clots, severe headaches, cloudy thinking, etc. The good news is that shell get better...she's on an oral anticoagulant though current guidelines actually recommend she NOT be given orals. If she's converted to warfarin then, I'd ask the doctor if he'd consider something instead like Eliquis (newer version of warfarin such that no INR testing is really needed, less bleeding complications overall). I'm not sure why they chose oxycodone for headaches. CVT headaches have been shown to have pathophysiology very similar to migraine, and they do respond to standard migraine regimens. She may benefit from IV THE (dishy
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I have terrible pain when breathing. I went to the hospital 2 years ago where doctors found a shaddow on my lung. They treated me for a blood clot but never gave me another xray to determine that it was a blood clot and never checked if it had gone. The pain never went away and it is now 2 years down the line but doctors have ignored me. I now feel like my lungs are like balloons that have been blown up too many times and are all old and crusty. It feels like they are going to snap when I breath. I have pain and lumps in my shoulder and a lump in my lower back. I have lums in both legs which I started noticing over the last month or so and they are very painful. Sometimes I can hardly walk because my legs are that cramped and I struggle to breath and get whole body is in pain I feel like I ve been hit by a bus. I throw up and cough up blood often and I have a big lump that comes up round my lungs sometimes when I cant breath almost like my lung is trying to come through my chest. They feel spongy from the outside as I they are surrounded by fluid. Why won t anybody help me? I m scared its too late and I m dying but nobody will listen. I also went to the doctors a few weeks ago and they told me that my liver and kidneys were borderline and sent my home ithout explaining it to me or ordering any further tests. I feel like my shoulder is rotting away it is so very painful
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of bronchitis is more in your case. Cough, blood in sputum (hemoptysis), breathlessness, chest pain etc. are suggestive of bronchitis more. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done 1. Clinical examination of respiratory system 2. Chest x-ray 3. PUT (Pulmonary Function Test). Chest x-ray is needed to rule out lung infection. PFT is must for the diagnosis of bronchitis. It will also tell you about severity of the disease. And treatment of bronchitis is based on severity only. So better to consult pulmonologist, first diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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Hi, I ve been experiencing what feels like a burning sensation around my cervix area.. and sometimes a mild pinching pulling feeling like I sometimes feel during/just after a papsmear. There are no other symptoms, no discharge, no odor... I have had this happen before in the last couple of years, the doctors tested me for all sorts of things and everything came back negative with the exception of them saying that they could see very minor amounts of bacteria. They prescribed me flagyl, which made me sick.. then they gave me clyndamicin, which I opted not to take and instead used boric acid suppositories.. that seemed to clear it right up. Well, it is back and has been for about a week, it has been about 8 months since the last flare up. I have been using boric acid and it didn t help.. I still had the clyndamicin so I opted to go ahead and take it this time, and I m about halfway through.. (4x a day for 2 weeks).. and I m not getting any relief yet.. I have been with the same partner for 2 years now, and I m certain he is faithful as we work and live together.. so WHAT IS GOING ON?..I bought one of the OTC screening tests .. and the yellow did turn a little bluish.. which indicates bacteria not yeast.. but why am I only experiencing burning and no other symptoms.. is this BV? Cervicitis? Urethritis?.. or does it matter? it is all a form of a bacterial infection that is all treated the same way. I really don t want to go back to the doctor at this point.. we spent a fortune last year going back and forth only for them to tell me the same thing... We dont really know.. you have a small amount of bacteria showing but that isn t unusual.. here take an antibiotic! ...
Hello, I think it is a fungal infection patch. Usually around the ring and underneath it soap and moisture(water, sweat) tend to accumulate which is a good medium for fungal infections. When you get a fungal infection anywhere in the body spores from it, can infect other places too. Local antifungal cream applying for 7 -10 days on all those patches will turn them noneffective but sometime would take to turn them to normal textured skin.
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good afternoon. i have a 7 yr old son who is extremely hyper and cannot sit still however he is an A and B student going to 2nd grade now. The teacher has always complained about his inability to sit still and has suggested to get him checked for ADHD. I took him to a pediatric neurologist about 2 weeks ago where she tested him academically and said he was in fact very smart as i told her. She made me fill out a questionnaire and according to my answers she determined he had the ADHD symptoms. She prescribed intuniv 1mg per day which i gave him for 3 days but then stopped because i felt guilty as he was too calm for my liking. i did decide to give it to him again yesterday because i saw the jumping around was wayyy too much. Do you think this will beneficial for him once school starts so that he can be still and focused? and being that it is not a stimulant drug does that he mean that he can stop taking it at anytime without having to be weened off of it? and also is this something that he could possibly outgrow? i am confused because i do not want to damage his development with drugs but at the same time dont want to regret in the long run that his condition could have been controlled had i distributed the medication as prescribed.
Thank you for following up. I am strongly disagreed with this view, chemical medicines suppress activity that child sits as vegetable, no, we have other safe way. I also have hyperactive child, and I am also very hyperactive, but we do:1. B-comlex with lysine syrup 5 ml 1time or 1 capsule of usual B complex 1 time 1 month, it contains B6-which works as tranquility and calm down nervous system. Do 1 course then stop, then again repeat2. Multivitamins-zinkovit 1 teaspoon 1 time 1 month3. Develop social skills4. Consulting at psychologist5. Involve him in activity, if he doesn't want to sit he can help to teacher or teacher should give him more tasks that he become busy6. Favorite hobby(chess or other7. More activity I badminton, running,cycling, boxing,swimming, yoga 3 times in a week obligatory during 1 hour, do exercise8. Pay attention to child-speak, play with him, make him happy Best regards Chat Doctor.
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My son is 8 months old. He was born 6 weeks premature and spent the first month in the NICU. He is breastfed fully until 6 months and now eats fruit, vegies and rice cereal. He had had blood and/or mucus in his stool a lot in March/April. We figured out if I eliminated all milk, lactose and soy from my diet that the blood disappeared. At least this is what I thought. We just found out that he has iron deficiency anemia. I also found blood and mucus in his stool again this morning. I am wondering if the blood has been there on and off for this long and it either changed color or I just didnt notice it. What are the causes of blood in stool? Could this cause the iron deficiency anemia? He has been taking iron now for 2 days. What should I do now that I have seen blood again?
Hi I am Chat Doctor. . Most common cause in a well thriving child is food allergy, that could be cows milk, wheat(gluten), nuts depends on the allergen. Or a bacterial infection (dysentery). But in dysentery kids usually have fever, abdominal pain and vomiting . If child is having constipation causes like rectal ulcer, fissure should be ruled out. There are few serious conditions, but they are so rare . They are uncommon in a well thriving child. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)is one such condition, but I have seen only 1 infant with IBD in past 9yrs of pediatric practice. I can reassure that this could be normal if baby is otherwise doing well. Find out the food and avoid it, it's the best way to diagnose allergy .wait and watch for recurrence of symptoms. Iron deficiency anemia is common in this age group, as mothers milk is not a good source of iron and bodies normal iron stores deplete by the age of 6 months, it is good that u start iron supplements and iron rich food. It is difficult to comment the relationship between iron deficiency and blood in stools. But occult blood loss is definitely a cause of anemia in conditions like nickels diverticulum in a well thriving child. My best advice is avoided allergen, wait and watch, treat anemia. Follow up if symptoms recur or if anemia not improving. Thank you for using Chat Doctor
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Hi! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. If I were your family physician, I would get him assessed by a neurologist in your area, and also try with withholding Longer in consultation with the treating doctor. The neurologist might advise him for an MRI to rule out any chances of an impending stroke. Further management would depend on the results of neurological assessment and report of the MRI. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
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dear dr. can u give me the guidelines from where can get the curative treatment of allergic asthma and imunological defecency .my preasent age 49s and ht 5ft 7inch wt varies frm 65kg to 70kg.problem start at the age of 11years.after supressing the skin disease like scabies due to flood effected poisionus disease supressd by peniciline injection.intialy attacks comes at spring and autumn.gradually problem increases in daily life and now last 6years taking inhailer. till some time hampering the daily life due to spasm.
Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make following suggestions for you:1. If despite using inhaler you are having daily symptoms, it means your asthma is not well controlled. Were I treating you, I would prescribe you daily montelukast for at least 2-3 months.2. I would like to know which type of inhaler you are using. If it is albuterol or levosalbutamol (which is a rescue inhaler), I would prescribe you a controller type of inhaler (inhaled corticosteroids) on regular basis for at least 2-3 months. If you are already taking inhaled corticosteroids, I would increase the dose.3. Personally I would suggest you to consult an Allergist-Immunologist who will suggest you allergy testing. This may identify substances you are allergic to and also measures to avoid them. An allergist may also suggest you Specific Allergen Immunotherapy which will affect your immune system to improve your allergy symptoms gradually.4. Please avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution as much as possible. Please do not smoke if you smoke.5. Regular breathing exercise and a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, etc.) will also help you in a longer run.6. I would also like to know whether you have any other medical illness or you need to take any other regular medications. Some Chat Doctor. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the heath. Thank you & Regards.
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In February, I developed a pathological fracture of my fifth metatarsal closest to the toe. The md placed me in a plaster cast followed by a boot. I was out of work for about a month. I returned to work in March wearing the boot. However, I am on my feet quite a bit (walking, standing,etc./ I am a nurse), and the pain and swelling increased over the next month. The MD decided to do surgery. I had surgery on April 28th, where the MD found that I actually had two fractures present with bone fragments which he removed. About two weeks after the stitches were removed, the incision opened up. I was placed on antibiotics for two weeks. After the first two weeks, the incision was still not healing, so the MD decided to debride it in the office and place me on a second round of antibiotics. The incision appears to be healed now, however, it is very sensitive and I continue to have swelling, muscle spasms, and pain in the toe and side of my foot. I have had a bone scan which showed hot spots in the area of the fracture and the ankle, which the MD said were from surgery. I just had an EMG performed today, because the MD feels the pain in my foot is being caused from my back. I have also, been seeing a chiropractor, who feels the two are not connected. Now the MD wants me to see a vascular surgeon because he thinks I may have Raynaud s that is causing my pain. I feel like we are just grasping at straws and I am very frustrated, exhausted, and depressed. Please help!
Dear Sir/Madam have gone through your query and read your symptoms. In my opinion,first you fail to tell what was the pathology behind your fracture. Secondly what was the surgery done, was any grafting done, or ant wire put, also has the fracture healed now, your skin can be sensitive due to small nerve that become sensitive due to surgical trauma, I would also warn you towards developing CRPS where in the skin becomes hypersensitive, swollen and shiny, this occurs because of sympathetic overactivity. If pain is your main concern, I suggest you to consult a Pain specialist. If you can provide me answers I can help you out. I hope that answers your query. If your want any more clarification, contact me back. Chat Doctor.
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Hi sir.. My name is mm,ini. my mother (Dm,,ATI, age 51yrs) is suffering from RA and Hypothyroidism from last 7 years. she used Homeopathy, Allopathy but there is no sign of improvement. Allopathy causes itching and redness over body. she is having pains all over body. pls suggest what to do. Now she is not able to move also
Hi welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query regarding RA and hypothyroidism for your mom . Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is a condition in which your thyroid gland doesn't produce enough of certain important hormones. Hypothyroidism can cause a number of health problems, such as obesity, joint pain, infertility and heart disease. Hypothyroidism upsets the normal balance of chemical reactions and derails the immune system of your body cause other health problems. The immune system attacks joint tissues for unknown reasons. White blood cells travel to the joint. This assault causes chronic inflammation, stiffness, and pain. To get rid all this problem and overall health, you have to take into account the quality of diet and lifestyle. It should include all essential nutrients -main diet of fibers, fruit, veges vitamins & minerals, all antioxidants- raw ginger, garlic, lemon juice with water, bitter gourd juice 20-25 ml Aloe vera juice 25 ml + AMLA juice 2 spoons, fenugreek powder 1 spoon with water, turmeric powder a level spoon with cup of hot milk at bedtime, Avoid fried, fast foods' tea, coffee, alcohol, smoking, mental stress, worry anxiety and most important is to clear you bowls. As constipation is mother of all ills. Last but not the least for proper blood circulation, regular walk, exercise, yoga pranayam-deep breathing proper rest & sound sleep , helps in detoxifying and strengthening the immune system to enhance resistance from diseases and pave way for healthy, happy, disease free life. Condition is regularity. Mind it Gulping on medicine only, will not help unless you follow above regimen, having no side effects, goes with any therapy, side by side with medication, if at all you need. If your health is fine, everything falls in line automatically Hope this helps solve your query. Take care. All the best, Don't hesitate to come back for any further query
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Hi there sir, I would like to ask that I have one problem which is I used penis developer pump 2 years ago ,my penis stretched so much badly after use of 3 days ,may be used very hard for extra time ,nobody guide me how to use this penis pump but I used it ,15-20 minutes straight , after 3 days use of pump , was no erection few days after use of pump because of over stretch of penis ,which effect still I have till today. Symptoms ; 1:Penis thin and small and shrink and soft like ballon, after use pump which was not before, 2:Penis stays tired and cold . 3: weak and short erection , 4: feeling or feel like to sex so much in mind but same time penis has no erection because of penis muscle stretched badly, feels even after 2 years. 5:while I am doing sex my mind and felling are 100% in it but my penis has no erection , if I have erection I did entered in Vigaina straight way without foreplay which is not good for my partner without foreplay sex because I am done but partner not. Note: I never ever had no any problem before usage penis pump ,physically I am strong and health , I wish to have sex so much in a day , but my penis does not supports. It Stays cold and tired. Experience and felt : After 2 year I found that my penis base is became very weak because penis too much stretched by (penis developer Pump, ) even after 3 time of use. Treatment ; Penis muscle need to get relax and strong , if muscle are strong then definitely strong and long erection will be. Please suggest to me exact medicine to cure and heel my penis problem. Please don t hesitate to ask anything. I will be waiting for your great response . Kind Regards
HelloThanks for query. Based on what you have narrated I would say that you I have probably sustained an injury to erectile tissue or artery that carries blood flow to penis for effective and hard erection due to Vacuum device used for lengthening penis, Your problem of erectile dysfunction is mostly vascular in origin and needs to be confirmed by doing a test called Color Doppler Ultrasound Scanning of penis . Please consult qualified Urologist for clinical assessment and get the test done. Further treatment will be decided by him based on result of this test. Chat Doctor.
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plz help me.. i am suffering from anger, anxiety, depression ... hello doctor..i have posted many times the same query but no one answered them..i am a girl of 17 yrs...i don t know what is my problem..i am always anxious about how others perceive always scared to make friends with people bcoz i am a sadist and i talk very rudely to people , take them for granted and spoil the relationship...afterwards i cry alot..i don t eat..i don t sleep.. it feels like my head is eyes are weak and tired heartbeat increases and beats very fast..i spend sleepless nights crying and getting scared of what will happen if i make friends with people i will hurt dem with my words ..and how i leave them broken hearted...once i attempted to kill myself..but it failed..i am bleeding inside..plz someone help me..plz tell me what is my loneliness is killing me.. but i am scared to talk openly to people bcoz i am scared i will hurt them..y i am like this...plz plz me
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Please do not panic, and please do not blame yourself. Depression, anxiety and stress have become very common problem in teenage nowadays. Apart from that psychological disorders like schizophrenia, mood and personality disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders commonly cause such behavioral problems which are beyond the control of your mind. You may or may not have insight about your condition and hence will face difficulty in controlling your emotions and actions. Once such problems are diagnosed appropriate treatment with medicines and behavior therapy can help one lead a normal life. It's like any other medical illness, if you have fever, pain etc. you consult a physician, don't you?.Similarly, for anxiety, depression etc. you should not hesitate to consult a doctor as it's not your fault that you are suffering from it. In your case, since you have attempted suicide once, it is very important that you consult a therapist or psychiatrist for appropriate management. Infact its best if you confide in your parents or someone close to you so that they can help you in seeking right treatment.Meanwhile, you should try to cultivate a positive attitude towards life as you have a long and beautiful journey of life ahead. Wishing you good health, Regards
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My baby 1.2 years. suffering from was started on 30th march 7.00pm.there was no doctor at my locality at night.temp goes up to 103 f.i gave him dose of crosin drop 3 times.but temp not 3.30am he started fiver convension and stop within 5min with flash /sponge cold water.we thought he almost dead.immediatly start searching doctor and at last at 4.15 am we got pedritic md doctor and admit to hospital.he was given saline 2 bottle,antibotic injection along with vomiran,rantac.and frisum tab.situation become normal. he was given 2 antibiotic inj at 12 hour intervel.1st Aprl dr. release my baby. but from 2nd Aprl morning tem. start rising 100.4 f.we rush to the doctor and started nimsulide and paracetamol susp.,cefixime oral susp ip,and now last dose given augpod ds(cefpodoxime proxetil and clavulanate potassium for oral suspension) replacing cefixime.from starting dr tell me it was viral fever now telling throat infection.but till now have fever please help. i am in very stressed condition with my baby.Datta,Gujrat,India
Hellenist common cause of fever in this age is some viral infection. In viral infection high grade fever may persist for initial 3-4 days and then fever starts declining. Along with fever there may be loose stool, cough/cold, rashes or redness of eyes. Most of the time it responds to conservative management and even antibiotic is not needed. In this age the most common cause of fever with convulsion is febrile convulsion particularly if it is of brief period and child gains full consciousness without any neurological deficit. Other less likely possibility is infection in brain. Here in your case it appears to be febrile convulsion and your doctor has managed on the same line of treatment. I won't get worried as it is still 4th day. If fever persists longer I would like to get investigations done to rule out any bacterial infection. Give medicines to control fever and also do sponge as this may again precipitate the seizure. Consult your pediatrician if condition worsens or fever persists longer. Regards
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Hi , my daughter has a Arachnoid cyst in the right temporal of the brain , she is 13 years old and we knew this , when she felt down from the shopping, cart when she had 18 months 5 years later with an MRI appear a 3 mm an incidental pineal cyst( 3mm) 4 years later this cyst increase to 8 mm last month ,, she had another MRI ,the arachnoid cyst increase 3cm to 4.2cm in 4 years ,and the other is less than 1cm.But the test conclusion explain than she has a signal of abnormality in the left frontal lobe a focal cortical dysplasia I was searching information , and saw that there are 3 types . She never had a seizure , and I would like to know if this can be result of the injury that she had when she had 18 months She is bright at school last year she got 4 awards and trophies, she s in advanced programs at school ,I would like to know if this is treatable with medicines , side effects of this , and how can I know wich type of dysplasia do you think it is ?Thanks for your help !
Hi, I am Chat Doctor. I have read your question and understand your concerns. Let me try to help you Question 1 : if this can be result of the injury that she had when she had 18 months Answer 1 : CSF Cysts can be a result of injury, but Arachnoid Cysts are, in most cases, congenital Question 2 : I would like to know if this is treatable with medicinesAnswer 2 : No Question 3 : side effects of this, and how can I know with type of dysplasia do you think it is ? Answer 3 : If your daughter does not have any symptoms, I suggest that you just do a repeat MRI at Regular Intervals (frequency to be decided by your Neurosurgeon, but I suggest annually) Hope you found the answer helpful. You need to worry, if your daughter develops symptoms like headache, vomiting, weakness etc. Else, be cheerful. . . This cyst won't do anything bad in most individuals If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care.
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Hi, I get alot of abdominal pains and feel like im so bloated and there is a constant dull, throbbing ache. I also have a lump down below but when doctor examined me he told me i had a lower bowel, but told me to have a smear to be on the safe side. Which i did... Then i got my results back within 8 days which was severe dyskaryosis. I have an appointment for a colposcopy in 5 days. Now im slightly worried because i have been to my doctor about these pains before and he told me they were stomache spasms. Ive also had problems with my hormones, they have been hitting through the roof, and i dont know if im coming or going??? Ontop of all this i had blood test on my hormones a few month ago to which they came back abnormal and that i wasnt fertile, then when taking again the next montChatDoctore back fine??? I have also had to have treatment for facial hair (which i had to pay hundred of pounds out of my own money for) which has layed heavy on my confidence.... I get constant back ache too, i feel my body is a complete mess right now and everytime i get these throbbing/dull ache pains (On a daily basis) i worry more incase these cells are spreading? Please can you give me some advice im only 23 years old and i know that my body doesnt right i feel. Much appreciated. thank you
Hi! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. If I were your doctor, I after a clinical assessment of your abdomen would advise you for an ultrasound of the abdomen apart from the hormone analysis. With your symptoms of virilization and history of lump down, you might be having POD (polycystic ovarian disease) which is treated might give you relief in your symptoms. I would advise you to take appointment with a gynecologist and consult on your problem with all your reports. Till then, I could advise you for simple anti spasmodic only for relief of your pain in the abdomen. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
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For some time now Ive been getting chest discomfort, tightness, like burning and itching quite frequent almost like bad indigestion. Also when I lay on my side, mostly left i get a tight crushing feeling that builds up in the middle between my breast and I need to turn back over on my back or sit up. First the doctor thought it was acid reflux and prescribed tablets for this. But, ultimately the sensations didn t really subside and have come back. My doctor took an ecg, said it was normal but that my blood pressure was up. He also examined my breasts because i have had tenderness, soreness and discomfort in my breasts. He said everything felt as it should, no lumps, nothing to indicate breast cancer. He diagnosed that I had hyperkinetic circulation which i have not heard of before. He took blood tests which i will get results for on Monday and prescribed me beta blockers, atenolol actavis 25mg. Ive not taken them before and feel a little nervous to do so? Along with this, I get tension headaches (pressure like a clamp), tight shoulders and neck, also a crunching, popping sensations when I move my neck and head (don t know if it is related). would like an opinion, advice. thanks toni
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, you are mostly having stress and anxiety related symptoms. Stress and Anxiety are the biggest risk factors for acid reflux and tension headaches. So we should first treat your stress and anxiety. So consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You may need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. And beta blockers are known to reduce anxiety, so no harm in taking it. For your chest symptoms, along with antacids, you need to follow these lifestyle modifications. 1. Avoid hot and spicy food. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. 2. Keep 2 - 3 pillows under head in the bed to prevent reflux. 3. Lose weight if you are obese. 4. Quit smoking and alcohol if you have these habits. Don't worry, you will be alright. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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Hi,My wife is under medication for pregnancy. After 3 months of medicines for controlling her irregular periods, it got regularized to 32 days cycle. Now is the in the first month of trying. Since 14th day after timing (Mar 9th) she is taking strone 200 mg twice a day orally.We mate as prescribed (14th - 20th day). Since taking strone she was feeling sleepy in 2 - 3 hrs after taking the medicine. Now since March 31st, she feels more tired, lower back pain and very mild abdominal abnormalities. Is she pregnant? Is this too early to expect anything?Kindly advice.
Hello, Thanks for your query. Strong is PROGESTERONE, what your wife is feeling is side effects of progesterone. If she misses her periods get a urine pregnancy test done. Side -effects of progesterone:Stop using this medication and call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects:sudden numbness or weakness, especially on one side of the body;sudden headache, confusion, pain behind the eyes, problems with vision, speech, or balance;fast or pounding heartbeats;chest pain or heavy feeling, pain spreading to the arm or shoulder, nausea, sweating, general ill feeling;unusual or unexpected vaginal bleeding;migraine headache;nausea, stomach pain, low fever, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes);swelling in your hands, ankles, or feet;fever, chills, body aches, flu symptoms;a breast lump; or symptoms of depression (sleep problems, weakness, mood changes). Less serious side effects of progesterone may include:mild nausea, diarrhea, bloating, stomach cramps;dizziness, spinning sensation;hot flashes;mild headache;joint pain;breast pain or tenderness;cough;acne or increased hair growth;changes in weight; or vaginal itching, Chat Doctor. Less serious side effects of progesterone may include:mild nausea, diarrhea, bloating, stomach cramps;dizziness, spinning sensation;hot flashes;mild headache;joint pain;breast pain or tenderness;cough;acne or increased hair growth;changes in weight; or vaginal itching,
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Hello Sir today i tested my LFT test...In reports some test value is higher so can you please clarify ,the reason and impact of this.I am giving all the reportsALT(SGPT)SERUM/PLASMA 60.00 RANGE (30-65)AST(SGOT) SERUM 41.00 RANGE(15-37) ******U/LGGTP 56.00 RANGE(0.00-55.00) ***** U/LALKALINE PHOSPHATASE 113.00 RANGE 50-136 U/LREST FEW ARE NORMAL ,CAN YOU PLEASE HELPDEEPAK YYYY@YYYY
Dear Deepak. Greetings from Chat Doctor !!! I am Chat Doctor and shall be answering your question. I can understand your state of mind when you saw these LFT report values. Furthermore, I will try my best to answer your questions. I wish to know if you consume alcohol in any form? If yes, I need to know the duration of consumption, frequency and the exact name of the alcohol. This is bound to affect the interpretation of your LFT report. Your LFT has enzymes SGPT and GOT in the higher range of normal. GGTP and Alkaline phosphatase are in the normal range. The elevations in SGPT and GOT must be more than 2 to 3 times normal to be significant clinically. This is not the case with you. Hence I would like to reassure you that your LFT is normal. Don't worry much about it and relax. I hope this helps you out. If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to write back to me. Yours sincerely, ChatDoctor.
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where to start... crack on heel caused infection diagnosed as cellulitis requested steroids due to kidney failure twice already - 1 + vasculitis - 2 + septacemia given antibiotc flucacillin only...did not help - much less cure cos I need more help than ordinary patient but am ignored !!!told by kidney consultant my immune sytem is compromised...completely clapped out more fails to protect/defend me...hence my request for streroids which I said would be necessary - but meets only with doubt/denial...consultant no help as he tells me I am fine - every time I say I am in big I have no-one to protect/defend me I hurt like hellburning from toe to knee on both legs sitnging like post herpatiic pain which followed chickenpox at 40 and shingles at my wits end - for way to get help hereso appreciate advice/assistance/improvment...having read next step - concerned about cost ...I am much into co-operation re reseach and rescue - for we unfortunate oddities so that we can help profs and they in turn can help us i.e. co-operation for the benefit of both parties...would appreciate warnings re cost if reqiuired here
Hello, Thank you for your query. To treat cellulitis you need to take antibiotics which acts against gram positive organisms as those are the most common cause but in your case you was already on flucacillin, so you need to take cephalexin 250 mg twice a day and tab.choral forte three times a day. You can also apply glycerin and Epsom salts on the site so that it helps you to decrease the swelling. Using steroids may make you dependent due to you pain, and they must be discontinued my tampering doses may be that's the reason why your doctors are not prescribing you steroids. Before going to steroids you need to correct the situation witChatDoctormon Chat Doctor. Intravenous antibiotics are needed if there is no response with oral antibiotics.Don't be panic and don't loose the hope, everything will be fine with correct treatment. Hope my answer may satisfy you. Have a good health, and you can contact me anytime if you have any other doubts. Thank you.
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Hello doctorIam 33 Yr old male married for 6 Years. age of my wife is 27. we are seriously trying for a baby for the past three years. My SEMEN Analysis was.,Volume - 4.5 Ml Reaction- Alkaline Liquefaction time- 30 Min. Viscosity- Normal Total Count- 25 Million/Ml Motility- 50% Active motile-20% Non motile-30% Normal forms- 60% Giant head- 30% Double head-5% tailless-5%Pus cells- 3to5 /hpf Epithelial cells- Nil RBCS - 0 TO 2 /hpf Fructose - Present.Do i have any problem in my semen analysis report? My wife has a mensuration cycle between 30 to 35 days. We have done many ovulation studies Her right ovary was - 6 -7 mm and left 4-5mm and EM Thickness 7.2mm on the 11th day 7-8mm and 25-24mm with EM Thickness of 10.1mm (Triple) on the 18th day.We have consulted with 3 doctors every one is saying every thing is in normal range, but we are trying for a baby for 6 years. What maybe the problem?we request you to kindly explain the reason for not getting result.
Dear patient! You have not mentioned:1. Follicular development on days 14, 15, 162. Tubal patency testate you attempted:1. Intro Uterine Insemination (GUI)2. Invited Fertilization (IVF)If every thing is normal, the following may be the reasons for failure to conceive:1. Anti-sperm antibodies in the cervical secretions2. Unexplained infertility you have tried GUI and/or IVF, the presence of anti-sperm antibodies in the cervix is bypassed. Anyhow, you are not alone in facing this dilemma. There are many couples complaining of the same problem. And many conceive eventually. So, please don't lose hope and stay positive. Still, you must go to your doctor and check for the above said reasons.1. Tubal patency2. Follicular development3. Anti-sperm antibodies in the cervical secretions Hope this has been helpful. Awaiting your precious feedback.
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I have a high blood pressure problem and have been taking pill for the past 10 years. I am 58 years of age, a woman and married with twin boys who now live 7 and 14 hours drive from us. The doctor and elevated my pill intake of 1 ramipril (10mg - i think) in the morning and 1 at night and in the past 3 weeks, because my blood pressure came higher, he told me to take 2 in morning and 1 at night, after 2weeks of this, I asked him if I could only take one pill, another kind that would do the same, but only 1 per day, so he has given me Coversyl HD (8mg + 2.5) on trial to see what it will so. I have been on these coversyl for the past 10 days and my blood pressure is more normal than with other pills that I was taking. Last night after having people over for supper and when they left around 11pm, I was feeling bad and went to bed and my heart was pumpping real bad, at 114 per minute so I took an Ativan to relax and took deep breaths but I was so tired and was shaking with this. at 4am, I woke up and check by blood pressure and it was good but my heart rate was still showing 94 so we went to the hospital and I got out 1 and 1/2 hour later with only the doctor telling to rest that my heart beat should go down and I have to go for a blood test to check my Thyroid gland. Can you give me an idea of what made my heart beat go fast even at rest. By the way I had a glass of red wine with my supper and a small glass of Porto wine after supper with the desert....what is happening with me and tell me what I should do.....
Hi and very pleased to answer you. The causes of tachycardia are multiple and can be:Alcohol consumption, Fever, anxiety, major effort, certain diseases such as pheochromocytoma (tumor of the Chat Doctor. There is a positive relationship between alcohol and hypertension, however, the form of the relationship remains controversial; It would be either linear or in the form of J or U. The pathophysiological mechanisms are multiple: direct action of alcohol on smooth muscle cells, indirect action by stimulation of the hormones involved in the regulation of HY
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I am taking amlodipine since Sept 9 this year but recently my blood pressure is elevated. I had hip surgery in August but BP was okay but recently spiked various time of the day and I am doing 4 readings since I had low sodium level but fine now. I am alarmed about the high BP i.e. 173/92 or 176/110. Yet other times it will 144/94 or 155/89. What causes this as I did not have issues when I was on Verapamil for several years. I was switched to amlodipine cause it did not affect my heart rate. I always had low heart rate but was told the new medication does not affect the heart rate. Advise why a spike in BP? I advised my doctor but haven t heard back yet
Hello Thanks for posting here. I have gone through your description. Your BP seems to be persistently higher despite taking amlodipine daily. Verapamil is a stronger blood control medication than amlodipine. But one of its effects is lowering the heart rate, which in your case was lowered too much hence stopped. The amlodipine you are taking is not enough to control your BP and hence it must be changed. If you were my patient, I would start you on tablet Selma AM which is a combination of telmisartan plus amlodipine which would be an ideal combination for you. It does not lower the heart rate and has beneficial effects on the kidney and heart. The brand name Selma AM may change from country to country, but telmisartan 40 mg plus amlodipine 5 mg combinations are available worldwide. You can take one tablet of Selma AM. It will definitely help get your pressure under control. If despite this your blood pressure remains high (after two weeks of starting Selma AM) you must undergo a 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring which records your BP every 15-20 mins while you go around your daily routine activities. It gives us an idea of your pressure control, effect of medications, time of day when pressure is high, and also we can correlate high blood pressure with the activity you were doing at that time. So to proceed further, please take the telmisartan amlodipine combination I have advice for two weeks and then follow up. Wishing you good health. Regards
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Hi Drs.My Mother had paralysis had suffer of fever on 1987 (One-month in komma and 1-year spent in the Holy Family Hospital and after that she was not hospitalised but now she has suffer DVT in left-leg and she is admitted in Fortis Escort hospita since 18-September and put IVC filter on her on 20- September. She was problem in left arm swell and fever in the month of June and admitted in the Holy family hospital but some clots are moving in lungs then their doctors refer to Fortis Escorts hospital to precaution to clotts not go inside the heart. After 15-days she was release to home but she has again problem swelling on left-leg. She has a big bed sore behind of slightly upper waste. Now, she has multi-types of problems like TLC has been increase day by day (On 13-October TLC is 28,000, 14-October TLC is 30,000 and now today TLC 31,000) and infection has been increase day by day. She is not talking properly and loss the previous few hours memory. her treatment is running for the DVT on left-leg but now see her leg has swalling and clotts on two finger and fingers look like Red-black. She has no fever, Blood pressure and pulse rate is fine. On duration of treatment she has the infected by Cancer of neck by testing of biopsy. Drs. said that her body not responding the anibiotics which they given by diagnose and they said she have a few days to live. Please Aadvise me any scope for her to save life
Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Based on the description, it appears that your mother is really sick with severe infection, possibly she is in sepsis, as evidenced by raised blood counts (TLC). The source of infection could be bed sores. In addition, she has deep vein thrombosis and cancer. As she is not re spending to the usual treatment, it is likely that she may not survive long. However, it is difficult to give a definite opinion regarding treatment and prognosis, until we have all the reports and doctors notes. So, I request you to send all the reports and prescriptions including the discharge summaries. I hope it helps. Best wishes, Chat Doctor.
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Sir,I am a software engineer. Im working in Dubai. Please help me to find out my issue.I am very much interested in IT so I could learn my profession. But my social life becoming worse. Because I am unable to think about my life, future. If somebody gives me a simple task for eg : to clean a floor i will commit some mistakes ( i could feel that it is wrong) , everybody laugh at me . even my younger brothers. in fact i dont feel comfort to do my basic social activities. everybody blame me as dumb. I am unable to think about my future but in my profession im doing well. lack of thoughts , i am not caring about my life. I feel like it will be alright but cant think about it. Next prblm is over sleep. Unable to wake up early ( sleeps at 2 o clock) please tell me whats happening on my mind
Hi, thanks for the query & I feel sorry for your troubles. Well I guess your between 20-30 yrs & you have faced these problems since your early teens. Please correct me if I am wrong. Prima facie what you are describing is suggestive of having anxious-avoidant type traits of your personality. So long as one does not face distress or lands up in trouble due to a particular personality trait, there is nothing wrong in having some anxiety, some avoidance behavior. But seemingly you are facing a lot of difficulty in your workplace & home. Thus, it's time for you to step up & seek help. Anxious-avoidant traits usually develop in settings of adverse childhood experiences, harsh discipline etc. but these are not the only reasons & some people may have them de Nova also. Hence rather than blaming past events, we shall try to sort out this problem. You need to consult a Psychiatrist/Psychologist where you shall learn Assertiveness training which simply put is a behavior modification technique which teaches you how to say NO, how to express discordant opinions, how to assert yourself, your opinions etc. without creating bitterness, how to handle a situation with confidence without appearing arrogant etc. Plus for your irregular sleeping habits, you shall be taught daily activity scheduling, sleep hygiene measures. If required you shall be also prescribed medications like SSRI group Chat Doctor. Don't worry, take the next step & seek help. You can also revert to me if you need extra help. Good Luck
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Hi i had a root canal/stainless steel crown put on a molar tuesday using cement, i also had an extraction of a top tooth on the same side and 3 fillings....i waited until the numbness stopped after the dental work to start eating and i ate soft foods for 3 days, i have avoided chewing on that side of my mouth, ive been brushing my teeth softly, ive been gargling with warm salt water, i have been putting a icepack on the side of my face and i have been taking the ibuprofen prescribed to me....the swelling on the side of my face and soreness was improving..but just a little bit ago i was gargling like i have been doing and severe shooting pain started up for about a minute and a half then eased up until i gargled some more then it started up again for another minute so i stopped gargling, took ibuprofen and put the icepack on, now the pain has eased up im wondering why the pain all of a sudden returned in the form of shooting pain while gargling...because i was doing better and following the instructions from my dentist, i know its only the beginning of the 4th day after the dental work im just afraid i might be having a set back when all i want to do is get back to eating the random shooting pain while gargling a good reason to worry that i might be having a set back or is my dental work phobia getting the best of me. Thank you in advance for taking time to read my concern and i very much appreciate any feedback.
Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint sudden shooting pain after dental extraction during gargling that too after 4 days is not normal and can be due to nerve related pain. In case if the nerve is injured during the extraction procedure the slight stimulation can lead to firing of impulses and pain. But it will gradually subside as the healing will proceed. But in case if there are recurring episodes of same problem consult an Oral Physician and get evaluated and investigations like x-ray or MRI scan can help in diagnosis. As of now continue to take painkiller like Ibuprofen and follow up with your dentist when you complete 7 days to check for proper healing is taking place or not. Hope this helps. Regards.
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I was given methylprednisolone this past February which caused SEVERE anxiety, muscle tension, and depression. I had an anxiety order to begin with, however was more of a worrier than physical symptoms. The doctors decided to try a series of tricyclics, anafranil and then nortriptyline after the steroid, which ultimately made everything worse, as if that was possible. The last med seems to have changed everything, every way my body responds to stress and scary symptoms, and I am scared it wont go away. It caused severe muscle tension and pressure in my chest and neck, (throat area), I stopped at 4 weeks as it was causing severe muscle tension in my head and face also. Since then... 3 months ago, my body has been thru so many changes, severe muscular issues that have just started to go, but now of course they are sore from overuse and strain, mainly when I cry. I have hypersensitivities like itching, pressure in my right temple, and some kind of SCARY, EXTREME, anxiety, tickly kinda, burny feeling that is in my chest and often lasts all day for several days at a time. This feeling started with the nortriptyline and now for 3 months is still around. After having it for so many hours, the tissue in my neck and chest itch like or feel like acid irritation. Is this adrenaline? Will my body ever heal? Does the adrenal and nervous system ever calm down?
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. You should know that these problems are not mental diseases, but are mental disorders. Many researches and researchers confirm that medicines alone cannot cure mental disorders. Exercise, Lifestyle changes, change in thinking pattern, relaxation etc. are as essential as medicines. Psychotherapy can help you to change your lifestyle and thinking patterns. Yoga and meditation help you to streamline your metabolism and neurological balance. Please consult a psychologist for further information. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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I am 43 years of age. I had suffered from Bronchial Asthma since the age of 10 years. I used to have severe attacks and during that period I was dependent on steroid and antibiotics ( or made dependent should I say) for around six- seven years of intense asthmatic attacks. Slowly and gradually the frequency of attacks became less and dependence on steroids also became less. These days I have to take salbutamol inhaler and a medicine called Telekast L. After procrastinating for quite some time and after consulting doctors I married at the age of 38. Unfortunately after two years of short marraige my wife also expired.My questions pertain to my sex life and the problems I am facing. For the most part I had suppressed my sexual needs and often resorted to masturbation.I noticed that I suffered and continue to suffer from premature ejaculation and after ejaculation there is pain in my testicle sac and at the root of the penis. The erection is also not strong enough.Moreover I also feel absolute lethargy and get exhausted very quickly. Most of the time I feel sleepy. With increasing age and a small child to look after I am getting increasingly apprehensive about myself. Many in the family are asking me to go for second marriage so that my child who is only three and a half years can be adequately looked after. But I have my concerns about my sexual potency. Is there any medicine so that the symptoms of overall lethargy and weak libido is taken care of. My future looks absolutely bleak and I seek your urgent advice to come out of the present predicament.
Hello, and welcome to Chat Doctor! You mention a few separate issues in your question. The premature ejaculation is typically psychological in nature, so it is likely that a sex therapist may be helpful. As far as the pain in your penis and scrotum, I would recommend being examined by a doctor, as this could represent an infection or an anatomic abnormality requiring surgery to correct. Your fatigue and poor libido could be caused by a number of things, including low testosterone, poor physical condition, sedentary lifestyle, other medical problems (such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and others), just to name a few. This should be evaluated by a doctor as well. I wish you good health, and thank you for posting on Chat Doctor!
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my serum creatine is 3.8 , usg shows small kidney Rt. 7.8*3.7, Lt. 8.33*3.78 . my creatine hovering between 3 and 4 from last 3 months on june 30,2012 left renal colic began an urgent usg showed hydronphrosis hydroureter left creatine 4.3 on day 2 of hospitalisation surgen suggest for dj stent ,dj stent left side done on 2 july 2012 my past history i has recurrent uti with spiking fevers from 1 year , persistant heavy pyuria that was sterile on most occasions, the radiologic imaging did not show evidence of obstructive uropathy , i was empirically started on antitubercular drug because of prolonged history of fever with uti , recently completed anti tb theorpy that lasted 6 months, on 20 june 2012 creatine found to go up a dignosis of acute tubulo interstial nephritis caused by rifamipcin was made and anti tb theropy stopped, creatine continued to rise in spite of tb theropy being stopped in dec 2011 i was evaluated for pyuria and fever with chills and rigors in a private hospital in nagpur where usg revealed bening prostatic huperplasia with pvr of 10 ml serum psa was 26.71 and dignonosed to have prostatitis with bph with recurrent utis , i underwent diagnostic cystoscopy with holmium laser enucleation of prostate 25 gms, the histopathology revealed bph with mild prostitis in general examination bp 124/80 respiratory rate of 18/min,no pallar anicetric pls advice for further tretment and tests
Your kidneys seem to be significantly damaged from your description. Your doctor must have told you already that only some kidney function is left. There are few things you can get corrected and prolong your kidney function. Check your serum bicarbonate in a NASH accredited lab [most labs don't do this test properly]. The bicarbonate has to be between 22 and 24 me/l. Get serum vitamin D and serum PTH, serum calcium and serum phosphorus done appropriately treated. If your kidney function is rapidly worsening then get an AV-fistula done. If you need more clarification please contact. All the best. Hope it helps.
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Hello, I am having horrible pain in my buttocks and down the back of both legs. When I sleep on either side that side gets really sore. Several months ago when I woke up I felt like I had a hitch on my right hip side but it would go away throughout the day. For the last month when I wake up or sit for a long time I have horrible pain and it feels like the back of my legs and buttocks muscles are seizing when I walk or reach for things above my head and also when I bend over. The pain usually gets better throughout the day but is still always there. Also, for quite some time my hands fall asleep when I sleep. If I lay on my left side my right hand falls alseep and if I lay on my right side my left hand falls asleep. It takes awhile after I get up for that feeling to go away. Any suggestions? Thanks, JH
Here you have given symptoms of pain in buttock as well as both the legs, and it gets worse if you sleep on either side for that side. Apart from this you have also given symptoms of hands becoming numb when ever you sleep to one side the opposite side hand becomes numb. As per your symptoms it looks like you have issues with your back lumbar spine and due to this you have pain in buttock as well as in your legs. I suggest you need to do an MRI of lumbar spine and check further with orthopedic doctor followed by physiotherapist. Apart from this the numbness in hands indicates there may be problem with cervical spine as well deficiency of vitamin B, vitamin D as well calcium. However the conformation can be done by blood test. And physical examination by orthopedic doctor. Here for your pain at buttock and leg level as per the evaluation done by your doctor if there is no major issue then physiotherapy treatment and exercises will help you a lot. So I suggest do visit a physio for treatment of pain as well take suggestion on posture for further precautions. And follow the spinal exercise program as per suggestion of physio for strengthening and flexibility of spine. At home, you can also use hot pack and apply some pain relieving ointment after it for some more pain relief. As well do not do any activities which use to aggravate your pain. I am sure it will be helpful for you when you follow all above advice. Take care.
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I have been have stomach problems. I feel sick to my stomach all the time. This has been goin on for a few months now. I have not been able to take a poop like I should. Im lucky to take one once a week. Im on my period now and have spotted between my last period and this one. The spotting lasted a few days. I don t know why I spotted. That was a first for me. I have been having painful leg pains. I m always feeling sick to my stomach an am always bloated. Very rarely I won t be. It make me feel pregnant. I get a lot of sharp pains in my breast and chest. I get burning feelings in my stomach an chest. It can go from my stomach to my chest and from my chest to my stomach. I get headaches a lot. A lot of times I feel nauseous an dizzy when I go from relaxing to standing up. Sometimes its painful to have intercorse. It will feel as if he s going to deep or something. At first I was experience burning when I would pee after sex but I googled it an it said to clean off real good after intercorse before I pee. So I tried it and it worked. I do constantly have to pee though. For the past couple nights I ve woke up in my sleep just to pee. I have felt like my heart it going to race out of my chest an then theres times where i felt it was barely beating. It makes me feel so weird. I dont understand any of this. I dont know what s going on with me so I hope u can help.
Hi! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. From the history, it seems to be a urinary tract infection, in which you could get all the symptoms narrated by you, apart from having fever and loss of appetite. If I were your doctor, after getting you reassessed clinically, I would refer you to a gastroenterologist for further management of this case. Till then, I would advise you for an anti-spasmodic Chat Doctor. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor
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Hi Doc. please, on may 5th 2010,I stupidly had an unprotected sex with a young woman. I call it stupi in the sense that when my condom bursted I continued to move. I asked her then, and she claimed she was clean, but I realized I cant trust nobody. I am someone very much aware of the symptoms of HIV, so for three months, I monitored my body. No early signs. But six months later, I saw two patches on my lower legs and robbed them. They became wounds. I was scared and rushed to the urgent clinic for attention. They checked and said nothing. Two nights later, I had chill and sweating on the face. My throat is really dry, though no sore throat, only a little dry cough. I went to my doctor and complained. He gave me augmentine antibiotics. After another week, I noticed rashes on my laps and tiny reddish-like colouration on my chest whenever I finished taking my bath, then scratchings on both my palms and under my feet. I also noticed that I have achings from my waist down my legs. I went to my doctor and complained. I also told him about my flatulent stomach which has lasted almost two years now, and a back pain also lasting up to two yars. He said they werent anything to panic about. But I told him about the sex six months ago, requesting an HIV test. But instead, I saw something like cadiovascular risk, urine, glucose written on the paper. No HIV. Today is the second day since I visited my doctor. And rightnow, I see that the right part of my knees is slightly swollen from the back, a little painful. I also seem to notice that my tongue doesnt taste same. And the date for the said test is January 13th. What could I do in a situation like this? I really want to have myself texted for HIV to be sure, before it gets late.
Hello, You need to be screened for all sexually transmitted infections if you have an unprotected sex. All these are non-specific symptoms to any disease. N for sexually transmitted infections or not. He is going to be the best judge after proper history and examination. For your own satisfaction yes, you need to be tested. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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Hello Dr. Goyal, thank you very much for offering your service. I was born with asthma, it would be mostly seasonal when I was younger. I didnt have to treat it all the time, but when I had the occasional asthma attack it would be pretty serious, almost to the point of hospitalization. As I grew older, the asthma became less and less apparent. Up until about 2 months ago, I had not had any asthma symptoms for several years. Then, I did. It went away for a week, so I thought it was ok. Then, it came back, and it was very scary trying to breathe at night. I went to a doctor and they said I had pneumonia. The antibiotics they gave me didnt seem very effective, and a few days later they also started me on a regiment of steroids. The steroids helped, as did a nebulizer. I was resting and feeling very ill for about a week and a half of that period, then I started to feel better. Well, that only lasted a few days, and now for the past few days it has been getting worse again, necessitating several nebulizer treatments yesterday, and (after much effort and wheezing) coughing up mucus with a strange bittersweet taste (perhaps the albuterol from the inhaler and nebulizer?)I am concerned because the illness has already been exposed to a full cycle of both steroids and antibiotics, and yet it persists. What might a doctor be able to do for me? Does this require immediate medical attention, or might it subside? Whooping cough is going around my area, and I do have a persistent cough. Thank you.
Hi, This could be acute bronchitis with your asthma as you are having persistent cough with expectoration. It can be diagnosed clinically, but you must undergo routine blood investigation with septum R/ M and C/S, chest x-ray to rule out any other pathology of lungs. You might require long course of antibiotics (amaryllis with chavulanic acid or cephalosporins) with other supportive treatment like bronchodilators (steroids, beta agonists, anticholinergics) inhalers or nebulizers with steam inhalation frequently. Consult pulmonologist immediately and take advise. Thanks.
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Back in December, I had a blood and urine test performed which showed an elevated liver enzyme level. A couple of months later I began to notice swelling on both of lower legs, ankles, and tops of my feet, accompanied by a heated red rash, tightness, and limited mobility. I went to see my general practitioner who requested another blood & urine test. Elevated liver enzymes count came back again. He referred me to a gastrointestinal and a kidney specialist. The gastroinstestinal specialist requested more blood tests, an ultra sound of the liver and intestinal organs, and I also had a liver biopsy. The ultra sound came back clear. I also had a colonscopy whicChatDoctore back clear. The liver biopsy showed sign of an infection but the pathologist was unsure what it could be. The gastrointestinal dr asked for another blood test and the markers for hepititis all came back negative except one - ana. The kidney specialist ruled out anything on his part because the lab erroroneously entered 100 to my age when determining the blood work results. However he referred me to a vein specialist to do an ultra sound on my legs. The ultra sound came back normal. The gastrointestinal dr is saying that it is possibly a form of autoimmune hepititus though is not sure and would like to see me to begin a prescription for it. My question is this: I have to two moles - one on each lower leg in the general inflamed areas are. Could melanoma cause all the symptoms and test results seen thus far? inflamation, redness, soreness of both legs, swelling, ANA positive marker, and an elevated liver enzyme count? Thank you in advance. Jeanette
Thanks for your consultation at Chat Doctor I have gone through your case and being your physician i completely understand your health concerns. Based upon the history u have provided, you have got AUTOIMMUNE HEPATITIS, It's a type of hepatitis in which body own antibodies start targeting liver and causing inflammation and derangement in liver function.... All you need is to consult a hepatologist and get you hepatitis treatment done MELANOMA about which, you are concerned i don't think so, so stop thinking about it anymore and meet your HEPATOLOGIST. Hope your query is adequately answered if u still have any feel free to ask Regards Chat Doctor.
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i have been experiencing pain in my mid of my upper right side of my back-I think it might be my kidney but Im not sure. It hurts when i breathe in and then if I push on it/theres no pain-but once i realise the pressure Im in complete n major pain...its been getting quite bad for me to breathe. Im on coumadin and have had 3 blood clots all localized in the right lung-can you help me out. Im a 49 yr.old female-
Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. I reviewed facts of your query in context to your health issues. My Opinion-In My opinion, in the given situation you seem to suffer promote(Venous Thromboembolism)with PE(Pulmonary Embolism), which could cause such a pain in chest from inflammation from embolic event causing right pleurisy pain in back of chest. Though on Coumadin, you have had 3 clots in right lung already. In this scenario I would suggest you to check the INR ratios with fresh BT/CT studies and to adjust doses to keep INR at-1:2.5 of normal. Other causes need to be ruled out. Your Vascular Surgeon and Physician in charge, need to be Consulted immediately, as to avoid massive embolic attack. Alerts-Take it to ER and to treat for Embolism to avoid massive embolic complications endangering your life. Next appointment-After 2 weeks to review treatment for existing stomach problem. If you update more information/ details upon these suggestions, I would give further suggestions on medicines to correct your health issues. If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following Chat Doctor link-http://doctor.Chat Doctor .com/Funnel?page=askDoctorDirectly&docId=70229 Dear, if you don't have any further query in this regard, Do close this query with YOUR pleasing and feedback comments to rate this reply and service, to boost the morale of incoming Emergency patients like YOU, at Chat Doctor services. If you want to update more details and ask more update queries, You are most Welcome herewith !! Good Day!! Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist M.S. Genl-CVTS
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Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...My sister is VERY sick and we are at our wits end. She started on sunday with her right side glands swollen as a guolf ball, by tuesday it doubled in size, and she had a fever of 101, her throat very painful, and other side of neck swollen and her tonsils had soars, the urgent care doctor did rapid strepp...negative, gave her prescription of Amox i think, by wed morning she had been throwing up for 24 hours, took herto e.r they said not tonsilitis, but thought it was strp, but didnt do strep test, gave her fluids and iv of rosefin because her urine showed bacteria and blood. He sent her home with kelfex....Friday went to her doctor....she can swallow, her neck is triple the size and now has ulcer type soars on gums, throat and tonsils, he tested her for mono, neg..and urine still shows bateria...still has fever 100-101,he gave her penecillian and 1/2 flagel to take a day. she cant eat and sleep and feels like she is going out of her mind! she has been on so many meds, why is she getting worse not better! they should be taking test or admitting her to hospital to give her meds, test, fluids....we dont know what to do for her, she is trying to hang in there, but is only getting worse!
You have not mentioned which country you belong to. That should provide details about the epidemiology of any suspected disease and the pertinent vaccination available. Did your doctor consider mumps? It is an acute generalized viral infection causing swelling and tenderness of the salivary glands. It is characterized by fever, headache, anorexia followed by earache and ipsilateral parotid tenderness. The gland swells over 2-3 days and is associated with severe pain. Swelling can lift the ear lobe up and outward. Administering antibiotics is useless in a viral infection. You can confirm the condition by doing an ELISA test for IGM. There is no specific Chat Doctor. Antipyretic and plenty of fluids should help in bringing down the symptoms. She will be alright in 2 weeks if this is mumps.
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I have a 14 yr old daughter who has been diagnosed as Borderline Intellectual Functioning by a local Psychologist. She was diagnosed as ADHD at about 7 yrs old. She struggles in school and social environments (common, I know). She is very impulsive and has a tense relationship with her siblings. She is currently being treated by a Psychiatrist and we have previously had her in counseling for her behavior. She has been on numerous medications (stimulants) and is now using a non-stimulant Strattera. We don t really see any change. Methylphenidate seemed to work best for the longest period of time in her life, but through puberty, it seems to have little affect now. We feel as if we are running out of options and we want her to be happy in her life. We re also afraid that her siblings will end up resenting or disliking her, due to her behavior. She has a 16 yr old sister and 3 x 11 yr old siblings (2 brothers and 1 sister--triplets). So there is plenty in our house to lose focus on. I also (Dad) have been diagnosed as ADHD, so I fully understand where that came from. I would like your opinion on other potential treatment options: medication (stimulant, non-stimulant, combination; non-medication, etc.)? Thank you.
Hi, thanks for the query. It seems that you are having a lot of trouble with daughter right now. If ADHD remains incompletely treated, it does a toll on children self-esteem also & too many times, in a desire to get noticed, get some appreciation, child engages into undesirable behaviors which are at present your main concern. We need to formulate a multimodal treatment plan for her consisting of medications+ parent teacher management training (PTMT). If methylphenidate has worked for her & if there are no contraindications for methylphenidate, we can shift from atomoxetine (strategy) back to methylphenidate & hike the dose to maximum 60 mg/day. As a part of parent teacher management, we can engage into token economy, contingency management, role plays, time out etc. which are taught by Psychologist to both the parents & teachers in school. Hence, do contact your Psychologist for PTMT; if you need further help do revert to me. Good Luck
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I m facing severe hair loss. I m only 20. But I am almost bald in the frontal area and crown and my hair line s also receding a bit. My hair s been falling out since quite a long time but it has gotten pretty severe now. Its so depressing.I cant even explain. Also I used to scratch my head a lot. But now I dont. Also, I used talcom powder for a few months 5 years back since my hair would get oily in a day(which still does) so to hide that but I dont use it anymore since I ve heard the zinc in it is bad for hair. My hair is very fragile and it comes out from the root. the baby hair also fall off. please help me.I now wash my head on every alternate day but it gets very oily in a day and i cant do anything abt it. I have trouble hiding the thinning patches. I cry myself to sleep almost every night. I feel so embarrassed. All girls of my age have nice thick voluminous hair except for me. oh and I have lots of white hair as well : ( Please help me. Also, I have a second problem. My skin is very sensitive. It gets red and itchy when it gets exposed to sunlight or just simply heat or even dust. red patches and tiny bumps appear on my skin. when i m in a cold area it kinda is a lil better. i dont even touch my face anymore coz it gets red and weird out of the blue. i have tiny red spots (maybe marks of which were once pimples) on most areas of my face and my skin is textured. I just want smooth clear bump free even toned skin. I m quite fair btw but because of redness and all, my complexion looks dull dark and weird. please help me out.
Hi, For the hair problems, you should go for platelet-rich plasma treatment (PRP), which actually involves taking blood from your body, centrifuging it and then re-injecting the fluid into your scalp. It has very good results. For the skin issues on your face, I would suggest applying sun block cream before going outside in the sun since you have a sensitive skin and try avoiding contact with any substance to which your skin reacts. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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About 6 weeks ago while sitting at work, my pulse started racing, about 120 beats per minute with mild chest pressure. I had the same experience again later that night. I went to the doctor the next morning. She did an EKG, gave me nitro and baby asprin, shoved an IV in my arm and sent me to the ER by ambulance. No heart attack. The symtoms continued and I ended up in the ER again a few days later. I saw a cardiologist - EKG showed an abnormal T-wave. Two weeks later I did a stress test - All good, no heart problems, EKG back to normal. I wore an event monitor for two weeks and recorded several events. From the monitor the cardiologist saw my pulse raise from 110 to 120, resting. She said that since the heart rythum was normal, she was not worried and discharged me from her care. I had a doctor order me Xanex to rule out panic attact. By the way, my chest x-rays were clear, all blood work normal - nothing out of normal other than high cholesterol. At my last visit with the cardiologist, my blood pressure was high 150/99. Now, the racing heart has subsided, but the chest pressure is almost constant. Per doctor s orders, I am checking my blood pressure two times a day - morning and night. It has been high (130+/95+) in the morning and (150+/100+) at night. My primary care gave me something for heartburn - after a week, no change, not better. I haven t felt good for 6 weeks. I know my body is telling me something is wrong. I just don t know where to go from here.
You are in a common predicament. Many problems cause chest discomfort. There are only a few causes that pose an urgent threat to life. You have had testing that looks for those causes. Having found nothing, you can be reassured on no emergency but that doesn't help the sensation go away. The blood pressure is not too disconcerting. Other considerations include musculoskeletal problems (sometimes hard to find), the esophagus (there's more to it than heartburn) and irritation of the lining outside the heart. The best thing is to return to your primary doctor if symptoms persisted. She can help pursue these other possibilities.
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What to check out next. I have had chest pains, more of an ache, going on since an emotional event in February. The pains aren t necessarily induced by stress, as they happen more at night and position doesn t matter (sitting or laying down). They have gone into my back and down my left arm to twinge between my index and middle fingers as well as in my wrist. I have taken my inhalers before thinking it was related to asthma, no effect. I have taken an antibiotic for the full 10 days as doctors thought it was bronchitis, no effect. My BPs were up (160-158/102 -98) so I have been put on atenolol 50 mg to help. I have been battling high cholesterol for 12 years and recently went on a statin (zocor 20mg) for that. I am termed pre-diabetic with my lab results and my liver enzymes are noted to be high but said to be ok ? I have had a good EKG, good stress test (7 mets reached without issue) and clear cardiac cath but since the cath 2 weeks ago, I still get the chest pains but they are quick and almost like a zap. It can feel like my diaphragm is getting punched up into my heart/chest and goes away just as fast. Over the weekend I have had 2 sets of 3 zaps right in a row, like a pulse. And Thursday before last I had 12 such zaps to the center/left of center area of my chest where the first four zaps felt the strongest but the 4th zap being the strongest of the first four, then each faded but I counted 12 in all. (would that be a cluster?) I ve tried Prilosec OTC also to see if it was related to heartburn but that also had no effect. Could this be Printzmetal s angina?
Certainly this can be primeval angina. Instead of taking atenolol for your BP you should take calcium channel blocker like diltiazem or nifedipine, so it can take care of high BP and may resolve angina if it is primeval type. U should try to get ECG done during the episode. If it's a frequent episode then u can go ahead with holder monitoring so that detect the ECG changes associated with episodes.
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Respectable doctor. i am a diabetic patient. since 5,6 years i am suffering from ocd . doctor prescribed me paxidep cr25 and Lonazep md 0.5. i am taking insule Heamalog 25 16 morning and 10 in night before meal. also taking Metformine 500 mg at both time after meal. my diabetic sugar level at present is in control. Let me know you that the ocd medicine is taking since 6 month.3 to 4 month after taking that medicine i am faceing sexual problem. decrease in penis erection . now before one week my penis is totally not erected. what to do pls suggest
Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your question... You have mentioned that you are on two psychiatric medication - Paid CR (Paroxetine) and Located MD (Clonazepam). Paid CR is an anti-depressant / anti-obsessive medication belonging to a class called SSRIs and Located is an antianxiety / sedative medication. Now, all SSRIs (including Paid) have a potential side effect of causing sexual problems, like erectile dysfunction, inhibited orgasm and decreased sexual Chat Doctor. These are relatively common but the extent and severity of these sexual side effects vary from person-to-person. Usually, they are temporary, and as the body gets used to the medication, the side effects also gradually come down. However, some persons can have persistent or severe symptoms. Your sexual problem seems to be significant and causing you distress. Here are a few options which can be considered and discussed with your doctor:- Using certain medication temporarily which will improve your erection (like Sildenafi, Tadalafil) and wait to see if the sexual side effects gradually subside with time.- Considering a change in medication - but this has to be done only on consultation with your doctor. The other thing to be aware is that since you have diabetes, there may be a likelihood that if there are any vascular complications related to diabetes, then that may be worsening your erectile dysfunction. So, it may be advisable to have an evaluation done for that also. Please do not hesitate to discuss this problem with your psychiatrist. It is a common problem faced by many persons who are on psychiatric medication and your doctor would be able to advise you further about the appropriate management option. All the best. -
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Hi..I had a major accident on 3/3/17 as a car collided with me in my right knee, while I was riding a bike. The accident was so bad that my right hip is dislocated my knees got separated from each other, as it is still under the skin. I had too fractures on my right tibia and left femur. I have been operated on the day of my accident and after that on 8/3/17 the later fractured parts. Know after recovering from doctor feels that my right knee ligament is being damaged and I need to consult an sportsmed doctor. Can u suggest me what shall I do do further treatment or ne other therapies I go for. I heard that my ligament operation will cost a higher amount! I am in dilemma, plz help me out.
Hi I have read your question and understood your concerns. Seems that the initial injury has done quite a bit of damage to your leg. The main issues that I can see are:1. Fracture of the right tibia2. Fracture of the left femur3. Dislocation of the right hip4. Dislocation of the kneeing the initial part the main objective is to reduce the dislocation and treat the fractures, which was performed as you stated. I will also assess for any nerve or circulation damage which does not seem to be there. However, it will take a few weeks to months for the bone to regain adequate strength to allow for weight bearing. Once bones are healed, and you are ambulating without any aid, you will notice that the knee is more "loose" than usual or compared to the other side. With a history of knee dislocation there is a high likelihood that you have injured at least two or more of the ligaments around the knee. The treatment will basically depend on your level of daily activities and also your symptoms. However, performing the surgery will not be as urgent as the initial surgeries to treat your fractures. You can opt to go for physical therapy and strengthen your muscles which can help in stabilizing your knee and reduce your symptoms. Some ligaments do eventually scar down, and you will have fewer symptoms of a loose knee. However, if you are a very active person who does demand a lot from your knee than I do suggest you go ahead with the reconstruction. Earlier stabilization will lead to earlier rehabilitation and better function.
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hi i am a female of 55years young. i have controlled high bllod pressure and im takinf Forte Cozaar , disprin cadiocare and anti depressent Cillift. I take my medication first thing in the morning. Two day ago i noticed my stools were black(tar couloured) no pain what so ever. this has stoped and i suspect disprin could have eroded the lining of my stomach. Can this be true ?
Hello. Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor. I hope I can help with your concern. To get to the exact answer you asked I would need some more information. Have you ever experienced epigastric or chest pain? Was this dark color stool a one-time episode, or it happened any time before or during this period? I would like to point out that dark-colored stool can easily happen to anybody who consumes certain food, which darkens the stool, such as food with iron in its content, red wine, beet root etc. It is also true that aspirin expresses its effect by strongly inhibiting prostaglandin formation, a very important factor which, in stomach, acts by inhibiting acid formation. After a certain amount of time that aspirin is used, it can predispose the ulcer formation, by inhibiting prostaglandins (acid formation inhibitors and equalizers) - more acid is produced - the innermost lining of the stomach, mucosa, faces more acid - mucosa is eroded - ulcer can be formed. Actually, this is also an effect of all NSAIDs. Being this the case or not, in my experience, I always accompany aspirin and NSAIDs with a gastric protector such as histamine H2-receptor inhibitors (sanitizing) or protein pump inhibitors (omeprazole, omeprazole). First thing I would recommend is that you should do a complete blood count, to see if this dark color is from any blood leakage, or it is just alimentary in origin. As for the high blood pressure, I would need more information about the figures of daily blood pressure, to further tell you if losartan is sufficient to treat it. Anyway, After you have provided the blood pressure figures, feel free to ask me again, or consult your treating cardiologist. I hope I was helpful. Best regards.
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Hi, I have been sick for about 4 years now. Have had this intermittent illness, with severe body aches deep inner pain like someone beat me inside with a baseball bat at times, with even this chronic sore throat on one side of my throat....and feels like I have a low grade fever with it too. it is aweful! Been going on intermittently for years now, and when I take American Ginseng it goes away? When i stop taking it it returns and feels even worse. i have thyroid but have my blood tested every 6 months, just did a few days again again and my doctor says my thyroid levels are normal and i am not anemic. My Dad had pernicious anemia so I told my doc and he said the blood work he did on my blood had no warning signs for that either. i used to work in maine as a Gardener for over 10 years and worry maybe lyme disease or some other more serious auto immune disease? I also had a bad hiatal hernia but this started to happen to me way before the hernia got worse or i had symptoms with the hernia, so I don t think it is the hernia. i worry it is something far more serious and I can not get into see a new doctor for 2 months as I live in a rural area and it is not good. I went for a 6 month stretch where I felt better, no symptoms at all, but i also left the town I live in and went to florida for a while and i notice that when i get out of the town I live in, i feel better too?? Not sure if the air is bad here or the water?? I am at my wits end and have no clue what i may have or how serious?? PLEASE HELP!
Your History suggests (1) you may be allergic to some garden related - pollen / flower or any other allergen which can cause such off and on symptoms.(2) You need to go for thorough workup like Throat Culture and Sensitivity test, Allergy panel test, other test which may be required after your physical exam.(3) Best option is when you get complaints next time, you go to a good medical facility and consult Internal Medicine Physician about your off and on complaints. Internal Physician would do physical examination and suggest further course most likely as I mentioned by me in 1 & 2
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I am 65 years old. I was in a head on car acident and hit my head on the broken windsheild when I was 33 years old. The front right side of my head swollen as big as a softball. I passed out for a second, but no severe side affects. I had to take cemo therapy just for prevention because the cancer was so bad in my breast. It was not concealed to a tumor . The doctor was scared that it might have taken another root since it was not in my lymph nodes. I was 44 years old when this all took place. The chemo stop my period and never had one ever since. I went into a great depression . I can t remember how long after the chemo when I went into the depression maybe two or three years later. I m on prystiqu now. It helped for a while, but I am highly depressed. I m just wondering if my pituitary gland maybe was injured. I ve had a MRI done on my brain in I believe in 1998 because I asked a doctor about electricity going through my brain. The MRI showed that I had an empty cellulor configuration. Through research I know that a flatten Pituitary gland or fluid leaking from the pituitary gland can show as though it was an empty cellulor configuration. I hope you can understand what I am asking. Can my pituitary gland be injured from that car accident instead of the chemo therpy that I had. I blamed my chemo therpy for my depression. Nobody has really helped me. I found myself going to the health food store. Any advice. Thank you a lot! I just want to know if my pituitary gland could have been injuried from that head on collision, which is causing my depression from the lack of hormones. Could a hormone problem be the reason for my depression. Thank you! I hate typing my brain is faster then my fingers. 1
Possible reason for your absent pituitary gland may be accident or any bleed in seller region which holds the gland. It may be because of other reasons too. But definitely not because of chemotherapy. I would advise you to go for a complete Heath check up to rule out thyroid, diabetes and other hormone related problems which may be the cause for depression. I hope this clarifies your queries and would be glad to answer more if any. Regards.
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Hi! Ive been struggling for 2minths now with my cough. I see 3 doctors now. The last doctor told me I have pneumonia with asthma, so he gave me cefuroxime,montelukast and duavent for neb. I think the meds has an effective result,but sometimes allergens trigger my asthma. WhAt else can I do? I am also doing natural remedies such as carrot juice.
Hi welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query and can understand your concern regarding your struggle with your cough. Dear it is outcome of our faulty lifestyle and food habits For your info Every day, we are bombarded with mental stress and toxins in our environment and in our food which is why detoxification is such a critical process IS HINDERED, toxins will build up in your body eventually causing acidity and toxemia & weaken immunity, so we fall prey to diseases every off and on, require modification. Gulping on only medicines will not cure unless you modify your lifestyle and food habits. Include regular healthy diet as fiber, vitamins minerals, cheese, milk, supplements full of antioxidants, in natural form --fruit, green veges, lemon juice with warm water and salt and pepper before meals, coconut water, ginger, garlic, Aloe vera juice 30 ml + AMLA juice, Turmeric powder a level spoon + almond oil+ honey, a Spoon with hot goats milk, at bedtime, all will help boost your Immune system & alley your pains gradually with required work out ---- To detoxify your system, do regular walk, and increase your activity level. Exercises from head to toe & Yoga postures, Dhanurassan, Bhujjangassan, Vajjarassan Panama -- deep breathing, which open up you airways-, alley affections & inflammations anywhere and give resistance from diseasesAvoid processed foods carbs, sugar, fried, fast foods, Tea, coffee, alcohol and smoking, stress, sleeplessness and Constipation all will produce biochemical and metabolic conditions in your body that will decrease your immunity. So avoiding is definitely the first step in the right direction to detoxing the body, boosting the immune system. Always remember, if problem persists, please see your doctor / professional Hope this helps solves your query. Take care. All the best. Get well London hesitate to come back in case of any further query.
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Hello. I recently went to the doctor with moderate to severe pain at the bottom of my rib cage. My doctor ran some blood tests and found that my liver enzymes were twice the normal amount (I m not sure of the actual number, I am waiting to here back from the nurse) and my d-dimer was 550 or 5.5, I m not sure which it is (I had a double pulmonary embolism in 2009). I called the doctor to get my ultrasound report and the nurse told me that there was nothing new (I have 3 cysts somewhere, I am assuming on my gallbladder, but she did not say) and asked me if the stomach medicine the doctor gave me was helping. I told her no and she said she was going to call back the doctor. I am really worried that she will put me off like she has before and this pain will not go away. I am a 38-year old female who has hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, and tachycardia that appears to cause my hypertension. I take Lopressor, levothroxine, and Lortab. What should I do and should I be worried?
Hello, thank you for your question ! Unfortunately I find it difficult to give you the best answer, because of the lack of information. You said your drivers are 5.5 or 550 mg/l. It is normal your drivers to be up to 0.5 mg/l. Drivers are suggestive of thrombosis and if you were my patient I would be really concerned about you, if they are 5.5. Pain in the upper part of the abdomen is suggestive of in first place of cholecystitis (infection of the gallbladder with or without gallstones) Usually it produces nausea and vomiting. It can also be gastric ulcer or gastritis. If you have a history of gallbladder infection, it is common to have infection of the pancreas, due to the connected lamp system. I strongly suggest you to see a doctor (preferably Gastroenterologist) for the final diagnose. You should undergo ultrasonography, blood tests and probably fibrogastroscopy. If you are not planning to see a doctor soon, you could start diet 1a (google it) and take spasmolitics when in pain Hope that would help you. Best regards!
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I started out taking 25mg of trokendi xr for migraines. After a while it was increased to 50 mg. About this same time, I received lab results back that showed a defiency in vitamin D. I began taking 10000 mg of vitamin D3 per day. The migraines stopped...I haven t had another one since then. After that the trokendi was increased to 75 mg. I woke up to bad low back pain that lasted for weeks. I didn t realize that it could be a side effect of the trokendi. About 2 weeks later the doc increased trokendi to 100 mg. I started having tremendously severe knee pain in both knees. It hurts to walk, stand, sit down, or get up. My knees feel swollen. When I realized this was a side effect, I stopped taking the trokendi. It s been almost a week, and the swelling went down and the pain decreased. However it didn t go away. As the week has gone on, the swelling in my knees has come back and the pain is getting really bad again. Could this be permanent damage caused by the trokendi? Not sure what I should do.
Hello, Thanks for your query on Chat Doctor"As"per your clinical history is concerned please follow like this -1)Do a clinical examination by your Doctor [rheumatologist] and to confirm do X-ray and MRI scan.2)Do take OTC painkiller [naproxen] and do consult with your physiotherapist for specific exercise plan.3)If conservative treatment failed to solve your problem then go for [Cortisone shots and Lubrication injections]Do follow lifestyle modifications like this-1)Do exercise. Exercise can increase your endurance and strengthen the muscles around your joint, making your joint more stable. Try walking, or swimming. 2)Try to lose weight. Being overweight or obese increases the stress on your weight-bearing joints, such as your knees and your hips. 3)Apply over-the-counter pain creams. Creams and gels available at Chat Doctor. 4)Use assistive devices. Assistive devices can make it easier to go about your day without stressing your painful joint. A cane may take weight off your knee or hip as you walk. Carry the cane in the hand opposite the leg that hurts. Hope that helps
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I have a very serious problem about perception. I cannot focus my eyes for long on the face of whoever I am talking to. I always feel very concious of where my eyes focus but i really just can t control it. Years ago I had a public breakdown wherein I just let all my feelings out, I was angry because I am suspected of being a thief. My officemate superior made hints, remarks although not directly so as excuse himself I m sure that it made me uneasy, annoyed and depressed. I just go along usually by engaging on his insensitive remarks. By then, it became constant and he always try to trap me and then observe my reaction. As a result I became paranoid. He cannot target others because they are like him and I am only a civilian employee. Prior to my breakdown I was diagnosed with hormonal imbalance due to goiter. I feel when I talk to another as I try to avoid it so that I will not be suspected, my eyes still wander on material things like cellphone. I now have developed fixation about these things, which is due to overly being sensitive to gossiping and observation by others. My eyes are doing the opposite, my brain says don t look. My other officemates know that I didn t do anything but doubt is always there given the fact of what they have observed about me. Am I suffering my anxiety? With OCD? paranoia? I was no like this before... help me pls.. I just want to die
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I sincerely think you are overly worried about this. A sort of obsession for the time being. But I think OCD cannot be the problem. You are also not paranoid. Anxiety, of course, is part of obsession. Everyone is obsessed with something somehow. Some people check switches again and again. Some make sure that their looks are perfect. Some sees that their home is in order. Etc. Such obsessions are of positive nature. In your case, your obsession can be treated as positive unless it is not interfering with your work or life severely. If it affects your work or normal life Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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Hi doctor . Am 32 years old and its been 4 years since I knew am suffering from OCD . I am not following any treatment since my parents are not supportive and they only scold me for doing repetitive tasks or taking too much time to do something which for them is something simple. The ocd was a new term for me and while reading on the internet I came to know that am suffering from it. As a child, I was suffering from this and used to get negative thoughts.Then, I used to cry whenever I felt irritated by the thoughts. I started to have phobias while being in buses or vehicles that move too quick. I behave foolishly and want the vehicle to stop. But what keeps me more worried is that I fear those negative thoughts might happen. I know OCD people have thoughts that are not real, but since I read the book the secret in which was stated that repetitive thoughts about something can make it real and can make it happen, I am much more worried. I think this book has made my OCD worst. I am always afraid that these thoughts that I do not want to happen may occur like said in the book. Today, there was a ritual for my grand parents who are no longer alive, and while performing those rituals i thought of someone whom i love the most. Now i fear that something bad happen to the person I love the most. I DO NOT WANT SOMETHING BAD TO HAPPEN TO HAPPEN TO THE ONE I LOVE THE MOST. I am worried since those rituals were performed to the dead persons and for me this is something bad.I am angry at myself for not being able to control my mind while performing those rituals. Please help me!! Is there any ayurvedic medecines that I can take to help since I also have my exams and I cannot concentrate at all.
Hello OCD is a disorder that is characterized by obsessions and compulsions. When these obsessions cause severe occupational and social dysfunction then need of treatment become necessary. As your parents are not supporting you and scold you for repetitive thoughts I would advise you to discuss with them about your problem. Show them content available on net that these thoughts are part of OCD. Visit a Psychiatrist for expert opinion. You have symptoms of agoraphobia and anxiety with OCD also so SSRI Chat Doctor. Behavior therapy has also very long-lasting effects. Thanks
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Sir, my wife, 67, taking seloken 25xl and cilacar 5. Last one month, half of tablets taken from each one. Remaining time, took cilacar 5- 1/2 taken with 4 intervals based on sys pressure while reaching 160. But my doctor advice is to take medicine in the morning 1tab seloken 25xl and evening one tab cilacar 5 tab. It is all carried out in 40 days. On 3.10.14 she took half tab each seloken 25 xl and cilacar 5 in the morning. After 4hours, we noticed the BP is 202 sys, 79dia and pulse 66. My self, husband, went to Dr and informed the situation. Dr advised to take as per priscription - seloken 25 -1 tab& cilacar-5 one tab and evening one cilacar. Today, 5.10.2014, she took as per Dr s advice. intially decresed for 2hrs from 179 to137 sys, 80 to 65 dia and pulse 71 to 68. But, after that pressure increased to 190-71-77 within 1.30hrs. Immediately we went hospital.Today, OP treament is not available. Before that, to avoid any further increase, I took cilacar 5 one tab while going to hospital. After 3/4hr we measured Bp. It is 166-64-79 and further after one hour Bp is reduced to 134-60-70. she is diabetic patient more than 15yrs and 10yrs for Bp. Kindly give your good advice to relieve from this suffering. Now diabetic under control.
Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand your query and concern. High blood pressure should be treated thoroughly and should be kept under control or else will lead to complications like Dilated cardiomyopathy and ischemia to the brain. Best treatment for elevated blood pressure is through Chat Doctor. Before that adequate management and work up is needed. I advise you to have a baseline 2 dimensional echocardiography, ECG and lipid profile to assess the basic cardiac reserve of your heart. Restrict the intake of salt to less than 6g/day. Regular physical exercise in the form of brisk walk for 20 min a day for 5 days a week.
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I am almost positive I have anger issues. It does run in my family (Dad, uncle, grandfather, and great-grandfather) and my dad and uncle have both been sent to jail because of their anger. I think I have anger issues because for something so little and un-important I will hurt others around me with my words and actions. I am constantly in trouble at school (8th grade) for fights and just words I have said when I go in rage. I have had this problem as far as I can remember. One time I remember in 4th grade distinctly sitting there imagining myself throwing my teacher in the brick wall behind her. Also when I was 5 and 6 I got thrown out of a privet daycare because I would bite the children, my face would turn red when I was angry and I would just sit their and scream to. My friends are afraid of me, because when I am really mad (this happens often I hate that it happens I just cant control myself) I will hit my very close friends. I will scream at my mom to for nothing to. I wish I could control this. Do you have any tips of how I could control this?
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. This is the first time I am reading that anger runs into generations. I shall make it my research next chance. Anger should not be controlled. We have to understand the anger creating situations and stay away from it or tackle it so that it cannot create anger. There are so many occasions in your life where you are largely annoyed but never gets angry, because we know there is no use getting angry. Such circumstances are your answer. Why such a discrimination? For example, we board a crowded bus in the busy hours, there is good amount of push and pulls. We are annoyed, but never shouts at everybody at the bus. We never misses buses because we know there shall be crowd in the bus. Such experiences give you practical approach about your misconception about anger. Once you understand your mistake, correction comes easily. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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2 weeks ago, I woke up in the morning with severe pain under the right side of my rib cage. I waited 4 days and then attempted to go to physical Therapy (due to a mv accident in July). When the Pt looked at it, my right side of my torso had what appeared to be a red rash. Because of how painful it was, he asked me to go to the Urgent Care. I did so, and after a side chest x-ray and urine test came back fine, the MD thought I had shingles. They started me on Shingles medication. On the Friday morning that I first woke up with this, I had vomited once the night before and had what looked like hives around my right torso area. I took a bath and it went away. I took 2 weeks off from. PT, and tried to go back this week. The pain is still a lot, and if I raise my hands to the sky, there is a visible dent in that area. The dent is there all the time. The pain has spread around my side and into my right upper shoulder blade. I also see a massage therapist who said it was really inflamed last week, and this week she said it felt like it was changing and asked me to get into see my GP asap. I am not able to see him until next week. Also, appx. 10 days before this pain started, I had severe chest pain only left side, to the point where I thought I was having a heart attack, but everything was fine. Any thoughts?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of musculoskeletal pain is more. Don't do massage therapy with these symptoms. This will worsen your symptoms. Follow these steps for better symptomatic relief in musculoskeletal pain. 1. Avoid movements causing pain. 2. Avoid bad postures in sleep. 3. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. 4. Sit with proper back and chest support. 5. Take painkiller and muscle relaxant Chat Doctor. 6. Apply alternate ice pack and warm water pad on affected areas. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these in 1-2 weeks. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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HiI am a 23 year old female. I have regular periods. Avg cycle 28-29 days. I had a regular cycle from Aug 4-8 (5 days). My bf and I had an unprotected encounter on Aug 10 (day 7 of my cycle) and I had an I-pill (emergency contraceptive) within an hour. The next day, i.e. Aug 11 (day 8 of cycle) the condom broke. I didnt want to pop a pill again so didnt. I had mild bleeding that started on Aug 15 (day 12 of cycle) at night. It lasted until today, i.e. Aug 18 (day 15 of cycle). Unfortunately, the condom broke today again (this literally angers me). Had to take in an Unwanted 72 (emergency contraceptive).My question is:What exactly was the bleeding on Aug 15 (day 12 of my cycle)? Was it ovulation bleeding (I never got that ever in life), effect of the pill (withdrawal bleeding) or implantation bleeding (so wishing it isnt this one)? The bleeding was scanty as compared to my regular cycle but enough to make me wear a single pad all day (not soaking it but still not little enough for Undergarment to hold).When should I be expecting my next period? My regular due date, i.e. Sept 2-3 or when?Could I be pregnant?Please answer ASAP! I am worried here.P.S. I have made a promise to myself. No more ECs. Enough is Enough. A dual condom or whatever will be tried but this breaking is so making me mad everytime.
Hi, Thanks for your query. Here are your answers -1. The bleeding on August 15th was the effect of the pill (with Chat Doctor. 2. ECS notoriously alter the normal course of the menstrual cycle, your normal period next time around could be a week or ten days earlier or later than expected. There is no way to predict when it would be.3. Well, EC s are over 95 % effective in preventing a pregnancy when taken within 24 hours, so the chances of pregnancy are quite low. You would know only next month, when and if you skip a period, and take a test.4. Yes, ECS taken so often will wreak havoc on your cycle and on your system. Take care.
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im 15 and have always been really shy and nervous but over the past 3 weeks its got a lot worse im fine at home but when im out i cant speak and it feels like the words are stuck in my throat i can talk to people i know really well but not in groups of more than about 3-4, it seems to worse everyday and even if im taking to my form tutor at school for a long time i have to force myself to speak, i really hate it and i don t know what to do about it or how to explain it to my friends
Hello, Social anxiety is commonly due to fear, fear of being criticized, fear of meeting people, fear to hang around with friends, tendency to avoid people, having a blank mind (not knowing what to talk), etc. It is basically because you are very sensitive, self-conscious & get embarrassed too fast. Try to be less sensitive, confident, don't think what people may say and be expressive. When you make a mistake, don't get angry or embarrassed rather laugh at it when others laugh so that slowly you get comfortable and your friends start enjoying your funny company. If you think you lack topic to discuss or talk, buy joke books (read it) and start cracking jokes from time to time. Everyone loves a happy person. Social anxiety is a fully treatable and can be overcome with effective therapy, work, and patience. Physical, sexual, or emotional abuse in the childhood sometimes make people anxious, come out of your hurt, fears and bad memories. You can contact a counselor or a psychotherapist, cognitive behavioral therapy is effective. It will help to build confidence, learn skills that help you manage the situations that scare you most, and then get out it faces the world comfortably. Avoid people with whom you are not comfortable, stay positive about yourself, do not undermine yourself, cut on addictions if any. Stay well nourished and well HY Chat Doctor. Medicines like SSRIs may help, you can take it initially for a few days after getting clinically assessed by a GP. Do not depend on medicines, the symptoms may get worse because of dependency. Switch to healthy lifestyle, do exercises, make new friends, stay cheerful. Never let negative thoughts overtake you. Never get hopeless. Every individual is unique and beautiful. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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L5-s1 desiccated disk with posterial Annular tear and mild Protrusion causing Thecal Identation. C4 to C6 Desiccated diffuse disk bulge with mild Kyphosis of Cervical spine. What is this mean Help pls Recently I have been diagnosed for my back problem, i have done two MRI for my problem, First report saying that Acentric High Signal at L5-S1 with Margin Ingeriorly on T2 May likely Represent Type 1 Annular Tear, Secondly, Circumeerniation disk L4-L5 with Mild lock of Posterial Concativity identifing the Anterior Thecal SAC with Relative Ingerior Neural Forminal Compromis. Annular bulge at L5-s1 interverbiral disk with the prosterial central disk protrusion causing mild Anterial Thecal SAC compression, Traversinty Nerve Indentification with relative Neural Foraminal Comprimise. Second MRI says, L5-s1 desiccated disk with posterial Annular tear and mild Protrusion causing Thecal Identation. T4 to C6 Desiccated diffuse disk bulge with mild Kyphosis of Cervical spine. What is this mean Help pls Limited CT Sections show no evidence of Spndylolysis or Listhesis. What is my condition... I want to be pregnant soon, can i go for pregnancy or not? What care should i take for my health. My Man is healthy he has no problems, Does my kids get this problems. Please help me.Also i am unnable to feel better in my intercourse, i cant move my posture, infact he is not putting his weight on me at that time, he is using his knees and shoulders to support himself at that time. How can i get my problem solved. Please please help me doctors.
U need some rest. Avoid any intercourse for few weeks. U got posterior annular ligament tear. It might progress to diffuse disc bulge. Need not worry. It'll not be transferred to your kids. U need absolute lifestyle modification for 4-6 weeks. Do some physio. Lie on flat couch with soft pillows underneath your thighs n knees. U ll be better soon as there's mild disc blue. For cervical problem, avoid pillows avoid lifting heavy objects
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Hi,I am 28 year old female. Became unconscious for 2 hours after taking hot water bath. Using Gas geyser with no proper ventilation. Doctor diagnosed as Hot water epilepsy and on medication of Levepil 500MG(Daily 2 times)MRI report normal. EEG report showed slight abnormalities.Consulted another doctor and advised as it could be because of Gas geyser emitting carbon-monoxide consumption also and asked to stop Levepil for a month by just avoiding geyser hot water bath.So far I have taken 2 500MG Levepil tablets.Is there any problem/complications if I stop taking Leviepil now? And wait for 1 month by avoiding hot water head bath.?Please advise.
carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is responsible for up to 40,000 emergency department visits and 5000 to 6000 deaths per year, making it one of the leading causes of poisoning death in the United States. Inadvertent CO poisoning likely causes around 500 deaths annually; the number of intentional CO poisonings is perhaps 10 times higher. The overall case-fatality rate for CO poisoning ranges from 0 to 31 percent. Unlike intentional poisoning, unintended poisoning demonstrates both seasonal and regional variation, and it is most common during the winter months in cold climates [5]. Morbidity, which is primarily related to late neurocognitive impairment, persists beyond initial stabilization in up to 40 percent of victims. Smoke inhalation is responsible for most inadvertent cases of CO poisoning. Other potential sources on, improperly vented fuel-burning devices (e.g., kerosene heaters, charcoal grills, camping stoves [8], gasoline-powered electrical generators [9]), and motor vehicles operating in poorly ventilated areas (e.g., ice rinks, warehouses, parking garages). CO poisonings following open air exposure to motorboat exhaust have also been reported [10]. In addition, underground electrical cable fires produce large amounts of CO, which can seep into adjacent buildings and homes [11]. An increase in carbon monoxide exposures has been reported to occur in the immediate aftermath of hurricanes [9,12,13]. Adviceplz shift your gas heater outside your washroom and there is no term like hot water epilepsy.carbonmonooxide does cause late neurological disturbance.but they usually reside month or use of taking levicitream....take care
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hi i am a girl my age is 21 i have severe hairfall problems for nearly more than 6 years.i have undergone a treatment in vcare center for three to five months but the results were good initially but later i again had severe hair fall. after that i tried kotakal arya vaithiya saalai for more than 6 months it was also initially good but later again i had a bunch of hair fall everytime i comb my hair. then finally i tried NUZEN gold herbal hair oil. i am using it for past 8 months and my hairfall is under little hair is growing longer but not getting the volume.the roots of my hair are very week.even if i slightly massage my hair my hair will fall.i used to take care of it very gently but even then the results are very slow.i have done perming twice first time before five years and second time before three hair is not at all healthy.i want a healthy hair.i am afraid of trying new things as it may not suit my hair.i use meera shampoo thrice a times i do have little dandruf and ill use head and shoulders.coconut oil will not suit my scalp because it will results in more hairloss when i use roots are really very week. i have heat weight is 72 and my height is 166cm.i do sweat a lot.i dont have thyroid problem.please suggest me a good year is my marriage and i want my hair to look healthy.
Hi, You seem to have halogen effluvium. There may be some cause. Your dermatologist might investigate to find out the cause of hair fall. Anemia, thyroid dysfunction, vitamin deficiencies, internal diseases, stress, malnutrition or internal diseases.etc. may be considered. I would suggest...- biotin 10 mg daily for long time-vitamin E 400 mg daily-vitamin B complex and minerals like Zinc, iron,copper...etc .- treatment of the cause-herbal shampoo alternate days-you may continue to apply minoxidil 2% twice a day OR- you may apply mild steroid lotion daily at night instead minoxidil. Along with herbal hair oilhole patience, as the good result take long time. Thanks.
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I ve been a type1 diabetic since I was 7. I m now 50. My blood sugar control has been good,using humalog (short-acting insulin) and Lants (insulin for basal blood sugar contro),but I was in an auto accident 8 years ago. I had chronic fatigue just weeks after the accident. Many tests were done, but nothing significant was found. i have had high liver enzymes since the accident, but a biopsy showed no disease. Doctors said, Just live with it. This year i went to an osteopath, who immediately noticed my liver was congested and had structural damage. Even though my hemoglobin A1C tests have been in the mid 6 s, when i get low, my blood sugar will sometimes spike after just 5-10 grams of carbohydrates. other times I m still low after 25 grams of carbohydrates. This happens 1-2 times a week, with no triggers I can anticipate. In talking with a diabetes educator, I learned that this was probably a function of my liver being off. Is there any way I can anticipate how my liver will release sugar, or is it simply a guess and check process? I went to a new endocrinologist last week. When she looked over my labs, she said I should be referred to a liver specialist. Since my A1C levels are good, and I check blood sugars regularly, eat regularly, and do everything according o good diabetes control, she say the only variable is my liver function. She is very concerned about my blood sugar spikes and dips that don t seem to follow the rules. I take milk thistle for my liver, do liver massages and pumps my osteopath taught me, and also use creams and clay for liver support. Is there anything else you can suggest to balance my blood sugar as I get my liver healed? How long does this generally take to get a liver fully functional with enzmes in normal range? Thank you, Jayne
Dear friend, greeting. I understood your problems..... I know your liver is injured and congested with inflammation . As reflected by your elevated liver or hepatobiliary enzymes.... Plus you are a diabetes ... You need to avoid any Chat Doctor. . Please do keep a track of your liver enzymes and blood glucose levels . Keep checking your HbA1c every two months with LFT and lipid profile. You can take some heat protective
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hello My name is Lawanda. I have been looking for a MD .Doctor.i do have medical problem s.I don t like to take all the medication s that I have now .When I do go to a new doctor office I tence to get real nevous and want to throw up not because I have to but my nerves takes over my body I know I need blood drawn some times the though of that been don so much I hurt before I see the needles I am very frighten of needles I need to see a doctor real soon cause I do have some medication I do have to take every day some of this medication I take makes me sick and most of them has a side affect that I can t even eat and can t stand to smell of any foods my head feel s so stuff that I just drink cold water all day.i for get what I taken or if I did taken anything at all feeling sick the next day feeling dizzie all day I want to get out of bed but has fallen when I did even when I stood up I have for gotten what some was for it don t seem that some Doctor s don t understand what I want to and trying to tell them I don t want no pain pills when I come to them I want to know why and what s wrong and why I am hurting so bad after taken some of ...this pain med s I think I have to much medication to take and not really understanding my self why me I want some one to listen to what I am trying to tell them some time I don t take all of what I think I am suppose to take I think I be confused cause of the after fect of so much medication I have. I hope some one will understand soon.THANK S FOR READING THIS. 817 432 9204's great that you are understanding what all issues you are having. Its like that when you try to find out reasons for them all at once it's a tough job.I would say if you can loosen up a little and try consulting some doctor and tell all this problem, then A talk can definitely help. As for that you are scared of blood with Chat Doctor. If you are seeing some doctor already you should consult him. If you can more elaborative about your problems doctor can definitely help you. Arrange you thoughts and problems one by one. And solution will come to you.
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I have a problem where when I m doing certain activities - any activity - I begin to all of a sudden associate my actions with negative adjectives about people. This developed into a problem where I begin to think that when I shift my eyes I m killing all the people in the whole world. I know this sounds crazy, but I think the original problem developed in response to stress. EXTREME STRESS. It went away for about 4-7 months after it developed, but when it came back I had one episode that was really bad. (the eye shifting). I also noticed that approximately 1-1.5 mg of clonopin would make it stop, but I went on a meth binge for about a month and a half and the clonopin didn t relieve it - at least, it took a very high dose to get some relief (it may have gone away completely). As in, 2-5 mg. I wasn t sleeping or eating very much in general either. (I m sober by the way.) What could be causing this? Is it common? (not the specifics, but say, when you re typing that you begin associating keystrokes with the phrase your car is stupid . I think that when I m pressing the key I m actually communicating that to the person. I want some information: in 2006, I had a cocaine induced seizure . I want to know the exact dose range, in g per pound of body weight , that could induce a seizure causing disorientation upon awaking, (with a good prognosis from the ER and a CAT scan showing impairment to the tune of the a 40 year old alcoholic). Approximately 30-40 minutes after the seizure I had blood pressure of 176/104 and a heart rate of 150. I may have been taking some kind of antidepressant , had been abusing cocaine daily for about three weeks and a few weeks before that (with a short break).
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your query. Your symptoms could be indicative of a psychotic disorder. Your psychiatric problems seem to be compounded by your Chat Doctor. Please stop self-medicating yourself and seek professional help. I would advise you consult a psychiatrist for a detailed psychological assessment and further treatment. There are effective treatment options - in the form of medication or counselling / psychotherapy which will help you overcome your problems. Wish you all the best. -
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hi,my brother is patient of heigh blood pressure and diabetic .now a days he is jobless n lost his 22lac in great depression ,his bp shoots daily,he is using different tablets but in ain,220/100 is his bp .littlebit phsyco,hegoes i feel short breathing while sleeping n my neck muscles r stretched ,anexiety n taking sleeping pills but all in ain,bp shoots .what should do we now,hi,my brother is patient of heigh blood pressure and diabetic .now a days he is jobless n lost his 22lac in great depression ,his bp shoots daily,he is using different tablets but in ain,220/100 is his bp .littlebit phsyco,hegoes i feel short breathing while sleeping n my neck muscles r stretchehi,my brother is patient of heigh blood pressure and diabetic .now a days he is jobless n lost his 22lac in great depression ,his bp shoots daily,he is using different tablets but in ain,220/100 is his bp .littlebit phsyco,hegoes i feel short breathing while sleeping n my neck muscles r stretched ,anexiety n taking sleeping pills but all in ain,bp shoots .what should do we now d ,anexiety n taking sleeping pills but all in ain,bp shoots .what should do we now
Hi. I have understood your concerns...your brother has lost lots of money in business, so it is a trigger for his depression and anxiety and when a person is anxious his blood pressure usually shoots to a high first i ll suggest u to consult a psychiatrist and go for psychotherapeutic counselling. I can suggest u medications which u can give him and he'll be improved within 1 to 2 months but after that the medications shut be continued for long duration and shunt be stopped unless any expert advises,..the Chat Doctor. Sertraline [Zoloft 50 mg] once a day at night .increase the dose to 100 mg at night after 15 days.u can go up to 200 mg of sertraline.tablet.clonazepam [Klonopin 0.25 mg thrice a day].if your brother is having excessive sleep then give this
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My mother is 63 years old and suffering from Chronic Liver Parenchymal Disease with swollen portal vein and Ascites fluid. All the symptoms match like swollen legs & feet, continuous coughing and problem of short breathing. As doctor say, she is in her third stage of said disease. Recently the ascites fluid was drained out and it was about 2.5 litres. The sme was analysed and one of the report revealed her protein to be 2.5, RBC as +; WBC-800 & lymphocytes to be 100%. Would like to understand what this disease is and how far her liver is functioning. Her health is deteriorating day by day and she is loosing weight. We would like to know in which direction her treatment should start..rather what is the next step and probable medicines to be given.
Hello, Unfortunately Chronic liver disease is not a curable condition. It can arise due to various reasons like prolonged diabetes, viral hepatitis, certain alternate medications etc. In CLD the liver functions are compromised. The protein albumin decreases and pressure in the portal vein increases (as the liver gets shrunk). This leads to fluid accumulation in the abdomen (ascites) and swollen legs (edema). Fluid overload in the body and ascites can cause breathing difficulties. It is important to check the ascites fluid as it may get infected, and an antibiotic course is needed in that cases. There is no specific treatment for CLD. The mainstay of therapy is supportive like prevention of constipation (by lactulose syrup), prevention of bleeding (by vitamin K injection), Chat Doctor. The liver function tests (including INR) and complete blood counts need to be monitored. Your Gastroenterologist may plan for an endoscopy to check for a venous swelling in the esophagus. You just need to monitor for some dangerous signs like confusion, severe abdominal swelling, black stool, bleeding from any site. I can just advise to reduce the salt intake in the diet and fluid restriction (depending on urine output). The medical therapy needs to be discussed with your gastroenterologist in details. The only definitive therapy availability for a decompensated chronic liver disease is a liver transplant, which I am sure your doctor must have explained about (the risks and benefits involved). Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
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I have been experiencing a lot of nausea and fullness when I just start to eat. When I lay down at night some times vomit comes up. Other times I just feel sick until I get up and walk around then I burp and pass gas constantly. Needless to say I haven t been getting much sleep. I have also been running a fever between 99.5 and 100.4. I have a history of acid reflux, ulcers and a hiatal hernia? The acid reflux and ulcers were under control. I watch what I eat, elevate my head when I sleep and I don t eat before bed. I take pantaprozole twice a day. I am obese and have diabetes. My question is could this be a sign that the hernia has gotten worse and should I see my gastro doctor?
Hi! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. Yes, these symptoms could be due to your diagnosed hiatal hernia. However, chances of an meiosis would have to be ruled out specially if you were used to eating from outside. If I were your doctor, I would advise you for the following:1) A routine stool test for ova and cyst and treat it if positive which would relieve your symptoms.2) Elevate the head end of the bed with two blocks on each side, so that the regurgitation does not occur while lying down, and the contents of esophagus and stomach flow down with gravity.3) Some modification in your diet like more of roughage, enough liquids, avoidance of oily, fried, and fast food along with avoiding any kind of alcoholic beverages and smoking if you do.4) Regular routine exercises like morning walk depending on your medical fitness.5) Prescription for a prokinetic agent and a proton pump inhibitor for symptomatic relief and to have a control on the acid production and facilitate movement of gastric contents downwards6) Your fever could be due to any kind of intestinal infections specially if you eat from outside, or might be an independent entity itself which would have to be investigated. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor
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mSo I have really bad OCD. It s mainly that I can not get used to change. I know I have a problem, but I really do not want to go to therapy. My mom has an issue with OCD as well, and this issue is that she MUST move furniture to a different place at least 2-3 times a month. Each time, it gets on my nerves so bad that I begin mumbling curse words and I hit pillows and feel infuriated, and I cringe and if I ever have an instance to where I have to walk through the specific area where the furniture was moved, I can not look at it. Typing this right now is making me want to break every piece of furniture moved. The one that got me most was the Key holder, which was moved to the opposite wall, and I just want to punch it off and break it. Nobody understands how much I am trying to hold in curse words and moving things. My solution is not talking to anyone and staying in my room for days until the next rearrangement. It takes me a good week or if I am lucky a couple of days to give it a chance, or to even look at it. The reason why I don t want therapy is because when this happens, I don t cry, I don t usually move things (although I have), I mainly throw a fit, and my mother, having OCD as well doesn t understand my problem and just calls me mental. She says I am mental and sometimes that I am psycho. She doesn t comfort me, or even suggests therapy in a right way. I have other forms of OCD as well, but this is my main problem. What do I do?
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. From the description you gave, it is not possible to diagnose properly. You do have OCD. But the symptoms you describe more than that. Proper evaluation is necessary in your case. Also, you need professional psychotherapy treatment for behavioral change and relaxation. Please consult a psychologist / psychotherapist. I can help you with your case if you provide me every detail about you. You need therapy and do not avoid / overlook it. Hope this answers your query. If you need more of my help on this regard, please post a direct query. I am always available to clear your doubts. Good luck.
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79 year old father with diagnosis today at yearly check up at cardio specialist of 1. diastolic heart failure (chronic), 2. atrial fib, 3. Benign hypertension, 4. Hypercholesterolmia, 5. Cardiomyopathy, other primary, 6. Dyspnea, 7. Low blood pressure. Previous year official diagnosis was only atrial fib, dyspnea, slight hypertension, with possible CHF, little or no high cholesterol readings, not diabetic. Was told he had a heart murmur when young, never has eaten much salt, however drank up to a liter of diet soda daily up until six months ago, never smoked. Has always been overweight, current weight is 284, which is somewhat less than last year. Sleeps with breathing machine due to apnea, cannot walk 25 feet without shortness of breath. Occasionally has legs fall asleep, especially when driving. Over he past few weeks left hand has had tingling and sensation of falling asleep. Meds prescribed over the last year or so are amlodipine 10 mg 1xdaily, hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg 1x, lotensin 40 mg 1x, meloxicam 15 mg 1x, and pradaxa 75 mg 2x daily. Today they scheduled his annual 2Dwith CFD Echocardiogram for mid October. On the hour drive back from the appointment, his hand fell asleep again with the tingling sensation. The doctor seems unconcerned, but I feel that today s BP readings of 82/38 should be of concern. I had always thought that diastolic readings that low were dangerous, and also reflected low oxygen levels, although I can see why they need to be kept somewhat low for his condition. I am questioning the medication program as to whether it may be more than he needs. What critical symptoms do I need to watch for?
Thanks for your question I understand your concern actually if current blood pressure is as u wrote around 85/40 is surely a matter of concern. You should visit the treating physician and re check and re organize all the medications as he is having hypotension but before that serial blood pressure monitoring should be done for at least 1-2 days 6 hrlycontinue with the sleep apnea machine (either BiPAP or CPAP) thanks feel free to ask more questions may god bless your family with good health
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I"m suffering from sinus that causes me a sever asuthma. Know i"m under medications, I get monthly injuctions "Xzulair" but still i get time to time difficulty in breathing and dizziness.I heard that there is a cure in india for this kind of sinkness. I would be appreciated if you could help me in this matter.yous sincerely,Masooma Faridoon
Hello Maximum Cartoon, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make following suggestions to you:1. Sinus and asthma are many times linked and sinus can aggravate asthma. So It is important for you to control both sinus and asthma.2. Were I treating you, I would suggest you daily montelukast and an antihistamine like cetirizine or fexofenadine for upper airway disease (rhinitis and sinus). I would also suggest you regular steam inhalation (please be cautious to avoid burns) and daily nasal irrigation with saline sprays which will also help.3. For asthma, I would suggest you inhalers like budesonide-formoterol for regular use and albuterol/levosalbutamol inhalers for as-and-when-needed use for asthma symptoms.4. I would suggest you allergy testing which will help you to identify the substances causing troubles to you. Avoidance of the substances causing allergies is the best strategy for managing allergies. Based on allergy testing, an Allergist-Immunolgist may prescribe you immunotherapy which will work on your immune system to gradually improve your allergy symptoms.5. Regular breathing exercises and a diet rich in vitamins & minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, etc.) will also improve your lung capacity and immunity respectively gradually.6. Please avoid exposure to dusts, smokes, fumes and air pollution as much as possible. Regarding treatment of sinus/asthma in India, there are many allergists in India. Also, Ayurvedic treatments are available in many parts of India which can be very helpful asthma, along with conventional medications. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health. Thank you & Regards.
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hi doctors,i am 6 month pregnant and i am taking aspirin 81mg since 2 month the doctor prescribe me this b/c i lost my baby while i was 8 month and 2 weeks the doctor didnt know what the cause was and now he prescribe me aspirin 81 mg per day just like that i dont have specific diagnosis so i am worried it may harm me and my unborn baby.please help!!!!!!!!!
Hello and I hope I can help you today. Baby aspirin (81 mg dose) is literally an aspirin dose that is safe for child Chat Doctor. It is commonly prescribed during pregnancy as a mild blood thinner for prevention of different disorders during pregnancy, like recurrent miscarriage, preeclampsia and others. It is very safe and even though it is not recommended to take adult dose aspirin during pregnancy, this dose is safe and also may help the prognosis of your current pregnancy. So you need not worry at all about the medication and its effects on the baby. However, it concerns me that you are being treated with this medication without actually knowing the cause of death of your last child. I do not know if an autopsy was performed on the baby or if you had any tests after the baby died. Stillbirth can be caused by a number of factors, some due to maternal clotting disorders, infection, birth defects or complications with the pregnancy itself that may not be helped or prevented by just taking aspirin. In addition, many practitioners would recommend monitoring of your babies heartbeat in the doctor's office on a regular basis (non-stress test) to watch for any signs of distress before the baby is born. So in summary, the aspirin you were prescribed is safe but may not be beneficial to you if the death of your baby was unexplained. Tests like screening of your blood for thrombophilia (inherited disorders of blood clotting) and infections (TORCH liters) really should be done if you haven't done so already to make sure that your aspirin treatment is not the only thing that can be done to help prevent complications with this pregnancy. Consultation with a high-risk pregnancy doctor (also called a Dermatologist) may be helpful in figuring out if you have a condition that can adversely affect this pregnancy. I hope that this information was helpful and that I was able to answer your question. Best wishes for the rest of your pregnancy,
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Hello, Last month I took Erythromysin for a gum abcess. I did get some loose mucous stool and seemed to tolerate it fine except I was also using Perio mouth rinse and my mouth became very red and irritated. we did not know if it was from the rinse of drug, so after 5 days I stopped taking it. 4-5 weeks later the gum abcess is starting to show again. My dentist recommended Zythromax (not the generic as I do better with the brand names). I have read lots of horror stories abut this drug, however, because of my history (allergies) I am given a suspension liquid and can take adjusted doses that seem to work well for me. The medication Erythromysin did work well but because of the mouth reaction I was told to stop it. I will be taking the suspension again and feel the drugs work well for me but I cannot take high does (history of anaphalyxis) . My doctors feels this will still be effective - would you agree? Also since I am almost 70, is this drug a concern regarding heart isues?
Erythromycin doesn't suit you. Still trying to continue is compulsion of doctors because of allergic reactions' possibility with other Chat Doctor. Intestinal flora are bound to suffer and cause lose stools etc. Abscess in gums is a problem. You cannot prevent side effects of Erythromycin by default. To my own such patients, the best choice with me is Arimedadi or IRIMEDADI oil which is a herbal oil specially designed for mouth Ulcers, abscesses etc. Flavor may not be good, smell may not be good. But 100% efficacious, 100% safe. Pure herbal. Few ml. of it to be taken in mouth, swished here or there and gargles. Few minutes later spit it out. Keep mouth open. Let saliva come out. Even if it goes down the throat, it's not harmful except bad feeling. In few days abscess will be cleaned, swelling gone, healing done. May do twice to thrice a day too. Good for gums, good for tooth roots too.It's common in India but elsewhere one has to try to find it on net. We may help you in that. Hope it helps you a lot.
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I am 45 years old and female. I rarely get sick. I recently visited my doctor, a resident, at the local university hospital. My first visit was due to a small, pea-sized growth on my right clavicle/sternum joint. I had a follow-up visit a month later to check the size. Although the size had not changed, below the clavicle was noticeably swollen. The entire clavicle, and the rib below the clavicle, protrudes more than the left side. An x-ray was ordered and the radiographer mentioned the right side seemed to protrude on the image. I went back today for the follow-up, saw different doctors, explained my symptoms, answered the same questions again, and then again after a team of three other doctors entered the exam room. They will be referring me to an orthopedic specialist in order to determine if this growth is a ganglion cyst. I have no pain or discomfort at all in the joint or bone, I have had a sporadic low fever several on and off the past month, 3 upper body skin rashes, several incidents of burning/itching palms over the past 9 months, no swollen lymph nodes. Sometimes, mild, dull pain in my upper right side back. I don t drink or smoke. I run about 4/3 times per week. I try to eat healthy and rarely eat red meat. If I am fatigued, it sometimes gets better with exercise. Any suggestions as to my next step or second opinion?
Hi, Thanks for your query. After going through your query I came to know that you have small growth of pea size on my right sternoclavicular joint. You have no symptoms at joint level so no need too much worry. Your doctors suspected this growth is a ganglion cyst. This cyst is not harmful so no need to worry much. But you have sporadic fever off and on in this month, I think possibility of lymph node enlargement. So I will prefer an excisional biopsy of swelling which may provide a direct diagnosis You can discuss with your treating Doctor about it. I do hope that you have found something helpful. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care.
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Hi I really hope you can help me. I had a heavy watery light pink period to the state where I had to change my pants. This lasted for 3 days my normal period length, 2 days prior to this my boy friend and i fooled around. No penatration but contact. Viginal area is swolen and I have discomfert round about where my ovaries are.? Hope im saying this right. No burning or itching. Preg test neg but it is only 10 days after the fooling around. Oh and here is the breaker and why I am so worried. I m on reacutane and my doctor that put me on it speeched me on the effects that it would have if I am pregnant, he said that I would have an abnormal disabled child. I began taking it 4 days prior to the weird period. I was on 20mg and the doctor moved me to 10mg but I was totally of the pills for about 2 months before starting again. My heart rate is 123/88. I m 22 old and not unfit.I have a constant heavy bladder needing to wee alot, and I have headaches and feel constipated and tired.and then the above mentioned uncomfert in my lower abdominal area near my ovaries. I think that s the lot. Hope to hear from you soon.
Hi young lady. FIRST- It's highly unlikely that you might have got pregnant if you had sexual contact/ contact with sperms 3 days prior to your regular period date. So the big question to answer is did this odd period much earlier than anticipated? SECOND - I am not sure which part of the world you live, but you need to consult a local Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) specialist if you are in UK/ Australia/ NZ, or a kind Gynecologist if you are elsewhere to get checked out for any sexually transmitted disease if you have local swelling. Please donor hesitate or delay in checking yourself out. You seem to be very anxious and have lots of somatic complaints related to that. Don't worry, relax and seek opinion from the right specialist. LASTLY - Your problem is not related to your kidneys.... so you have posted your question in the wrong forum!! You have not come to any harm from it since you got a very competent person to answer it (kidding)!!! Take care. Good luck
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My daughter had a bloody nose and after cleaning her up she got light headed and fainted. While she fainted her body started shaking like she was having a seizure. I blew slowing on her face while this was happening and she was only out for less then a minute, but what causes the body to shake like ths?
Hello, Unfortunately for physicians "shaking" is a very vague term, and it could mean many kinds of movements, ranging from tremulousness of the body, to flailing, to arrhythmic shaking to rhythmic shaking and all have very different implications. However, I will give you the most common cause of what you saw. Most likely what occurred is called "convulsive syncope" which means that when you pass out you have some jerking movements, but it is not considered a seizure. What happens is that blood flow is disrupted to the brain and the person loses consciousness. Because the nerve cells are suddenly deprived of oxygen, they fire abnormally for a few times causing body jerking, but when the person collapses blood flow is restored and the movements stop. So essentially the movements are caused by passing out and not by a seizure. Likely what happened also was what we call a "vasovagal reaction" in which due to stress, emotional response among other things, the blood vessels dilate and blood rushed down from the head into the legs causing a person to pass out. The classic example of this is when a person who is getting their blood Chat Doctor. It is not considered abnormal, and can happen to anybody. Lastly, just to describe what a true seizure looks like. Typically, what happens is that a person will first stiffen up, the eyes will turn up into the head with the eyes remaining open. There is often a very loud scream due to the abdominal muscles tensing up and expelling air from the lungs. The stiffening phase is then followed by a rhythmic, whole body shaking. When I say rhythmic I mean that the jerks occur at regular intervals and at the same time in all extremities of the body. The gradually slow down and the person becomes limp and often is breathing very hard. When they wake up there is almost always confusion that lasts several minutes and then slowly the person returns to their normal state of mind. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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Hello Sir, I am going to ask something about the kidney stone.., now a days my Mummy (age 55) is suffering from kidney stone problem, I am also have the fear about her,we already scanned & we had the scan reports in that it mention around 9 nos of stones. 5 nos are in left side and 4 nos are in the right side kidney.that the dimensions are (1 no-8 mm),(2 nos-6 mm),(3 nos-5 mm) ,(2 nos-3 mm) & (1 no-1.8 mm). So,for these stone removal what kind of treatment will be follow is theres any necessary for open surgery,by drinking more water, by in taking trips or any other spl & simple treatment is there for the kidney stone removal. Thanks in advance for your swift reply.--Have a nice DayThanks & RgdsAAAAAA.SAAAAAAA
Hello Padmanaban, Welcome to Chat Doctor, and thanks for posting your query here. Kidney stones or renal calculus is an aggregation of minerals which will pass through the urine in common. The symptoms of renal colic are nausea, vomiting, fever, excruciating pain in the flank radiating to the groin, and sometimes with vague abdominal pain. If stones grow to a maximum size more than 3-4 mm they will obstruct the urinary passage and may cause HY Chat Doctor. This in turn affects the urinary outflow and its filtration. Renal stones may be of calcium, oxalate or uric acid, service stone composition. The treatment depends on the size, number and site of the stones. Stones below 4-5 mm size usually pass through the urine. But larger stones may get obstructed in the renal pelvis, or ureter. Common modes of medical treatment is using diuretics with a
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I have been told I have temporal artiritis and the pr thing too.... diag on 4-29-15 - been on prednisone since and now my sed rate is back to 90 after going from 90 to 26 to 23 to 30 to 46 now I am back taking 60mg of pred everyday with no relief from headaches and pain - seeing a specialist on Monday - what other options are out there to reduce my sed rate??
Hi welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your query regarding high level of sedimentation rate can understand your concern. Dear, I would like to know your age, are a male or female ? . ESR is no doubt quite high. Normal rate should be 0-20, and 0-30 in above 50 elderly female and 0-15 and in above 50 elderly male 0 - 20 in male For your info, most health problems are outcome of weak immunity due to our faulty lifestyle and food habits. Modification by following regime, of regular exercise, walk, yoga, Panama, meditation for proper blood circulation & cleansing of body and mind and including intake of essential nutrients regularly , helps strengthen immunity and gives resistance from diseases. High ESR levels can be outcome of inflammation of your arthritis and can be the side effect of its medication Prednisone. There are foods that can help to reduce inflammation. Balanced Diet rich in fiber , vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in natural form and antioxidants -ginger, garlic, fresh vegetables, fruits and flax seeds, blueberries and cranberries , pineapple. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in the oil of fatty fish, & Olive oil contains a type of antioxidant can provide extra protection against inflammation . ., A spoon of Turmeric powder with a cup of hot milk +a spoon of Almond oil at ed time is a natural antibiotic, antioxidant, helps alley pain and inflammation. Lemon juice with warm water, a pinch of salt and black pepper is an effective antioxidant and energizer. Avoid food that is high in saturated or trans-fats like fried, fast foods, refined sugars and fine floor products , tea, coffee, alcohol, sleeplessness, dehydration, constipation.worry, stress all induce toxins in your body.,it is advisable to consult your doctor before following any regime Hope this helps solves your query. Take care, All the best.Don't hesitate to get back if you have any further query
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I ve had a bump on my leg for years. Every now and then it itches and the top layer of skin will slough off leaving a red exposed wound. It only bleeds if I squeeze or pick at it, but I can tell it s an actual hole and when the skin heals there is still a bump, but the last month or two it won t heal. It scabs over, but itches and if the scab comes off there is just a hole that oozes clear, sometimes red. But it won t go away. It keeps busting open, then healing, then busting open again. I can see under the layers of my skin. It s the size of pen tip just about.
Hi, Dear thanks for the query to Chat Doctor virtual clinic. I studied your query in full details updated from you. I understood your health concerns. Based on your query data, In my opinion, Dear You seem to suffer from Venus Ulcer with Eczema with accompanied dermatitis, which explains the typical history of your case. Proximity of the shin-bone and the Venus lump of legs causes repeated crusting / scabbing / itching and oozing wounds with a pen tip hole over the wound. Color Doppler study would fix the DVT or the incompetent perforating vein which is causing this Venus Ulcer in the Saphenous Vein System of the leg.ELT(Endoscopic Venus Laser ablation Treatment of the incompetent valves with Polyvinyl springs blocking the feeder vein would fix this Venus Ulcer wound with Venus Eczema in your case. Treatment of the perforator vein to block the Venus lump would resolve the issue for lifetime. Rest/Elevation/Veno-Stockings with antibiotics and wound care prior to planned ELT with spring or Polyvinyl balls embolism blocking the feeder vein would be needed in your case. Hope this reply would help you to evaluate your case and treat it with your doctors in time to come. Hope this would resolve your query and worry and Anxiety accompanied by it. Welcome for any further query in this regard to ME. I would love to help you out.Awaiting any further query. Wish you fast recovery from this intriguing health problem. Have a Good Day. Chat Doctor. N.M.S. Genl-CVTS -Senior Surgical Consultant
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hello mamam asha from hyderabadits been 1 year we are marriedwe are planning for baby nowwe started planning for baby from last junepreviously we used condoms so i didnt face any problem but from the time intercourse was direct i was facing infections and all with which we were away fro each other for about one month..........from the time we had direct sex i am gradually putting on weight and having ma misperiodsi went had gone through lower abdomenall scan and uterus scan everyhing is normal........what is the problem with me?i visted doctor last month she gave me tabletas for getting periods i got my periods on november 16........the last period was on september 14she also gave me folic acid tablets and ovacare am using them form nov 16 2011she gave me other10 tablets to stat from dec 1 (i.e 16 to 25 day) can u tell me whats the correct dates to have sex we cant have sex daily coz both of us are working thrice in a week is OK for us
Hi Mrs Asha, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I am Chat Doctor. I will be answering your concerns. I wish you had given me some more information like your age, BMI etc. Dear, among couples trying for pregnancy, 80% of them conceive in the first year and 90% by the end of second year. So don't be worried. You will conceive. It is extremely important that you maintain normal BMI. Otherwise, it can interfere with ovulation. I hope the infection is cleared now. If not you and your husband both need to be investigated and treated. As you are trying for pregnancy since more than a year, I suggest you consult doctor and do your baseline hormone tests and HSG for tubal patency and semen analysis for your husband. Based on the results of these tests further treatment can be planned. Do continue to take tab folic acid daily. To increase your chances of conception maintain normal BMI, quit smoking (if you're a smoker) and have intercourse at least three times in a week. There is no need to calculate the fertility period. It unnecessarily causes stress. Having sex 3-4 times in a week automatically takes care of the fertility period. I hope this is helpful. If you have any further concerns do contact me through Chat Doctor. Best wishes Chat Doctor.
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Hello, I am a 28y/o/f firefighter/EMT-IV/ paramedic student. I quit smoking around three months ago and seem to get more and more respiratory issues since quitting. What s going on right now is the most serious and scary feeling I have ever had. For the past four days+ I have had a severe cough that is not helped by any medications . Wheezing on expiration, crackles, and SOB accompany the cough. I also feel as though it is only my left lung , as I can actually feel crackling on the left side, and yet, it seems the only position I am able to experience any relief is by laying on my right side. I had a doc at an ER listen to my lungs(while I was working) and he said he was 99% sure I am experiencing cough inducing asthma . I have never had asthma and I have been to an allergy specialist in the past. I am worried it is more serious at this point(due to my delay in seeking MD consult). If you have any suggestions of a diagnosis and or things I can do to get temporary relief until I am able to get to a pulmonologist , it would be greatly appreciated. I am going to try to see adoctor tomorrow, as today is Sunday and doctors offices are closed. Thank you for your time.
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Dear Sirs,My name is Azizi and I have a 34 years old brother who has a neurologic disease since 2005. We live in Hamburg, Germany,since 18 years. We have been at several different hospitals and doctors. They say, he has got an illness called "the system syndrom", which means that his condition will get even worse in the future. It all began with his wedding in Pakistan in 2004.The following year he had a dream that somebody wants to kill him. After that he often had fears that he is followed by somebody and that he will be killed.This went on for about 2 years.In this time, he was able to speak, read and write as usual but wasn`t able to work anymore. He was then cured by the doctors with medicine, that helped making the fears go away but have the side effects that he isn`t able to live as a normal person anymore. He isn`t able to talk properly, read and write anymore. He can`t go onto the toilet alone and it`s difficult for him to walk because his bones are weak.He always needs help. The doctors said that they can`t heal his illness here in Germany.We don`t want to give him up, especially because his conditon seems to become worse every month. We heard that your medical supply and possibilities are much better than in Germany. Besides, there are lots of specialists for neuro sciences in New Delhi.Please tell us, if there is any hope for my brother, so that we can fly to India for his recover. He is married and has got two little chldren who need their father.Please also tell us if there is another hospital which is able to help us.Thank you very much for your efforts and a quick answer via email in advance.Hopefully,Azizi--
Hello thanks for asking from ChatDoctorI have read your query and I can understand your concern. The symptoms like someone will kill him, auspiciousness, someone is following etc. could be occurring due to some underlying psychotic disorder. Paranoid ideation and auspiciousness in a patient of 25-35 yrs age raise suspicion of schizophrenia. Regarding system syn Chat Doctor. His symptoms like poor social interaction, fear, not going out etc. are probably due to psychosis. Consult a psychiatrist for treatment and evaluation. For weakness due to system syn
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I am in love with a girl. After a one long year of convincing her, she finally decided to introduce me to her family. But off late she is acting very weird. I mean she doesn t lift my call properly doesn t message me properly. She wasnt like before. So this is her introduction. Coming to my problem, because of her changed behaviour I am feeling extremely anxious and very much depressive, since my world used to revolve round her. I never thought that she might change as such. I used to pathetically wait for her call or message. At a point I felt like am I being obsessive about it ? Then I thought of changing the mobile number before it gets out of my hand. Now the problem is, I am feeling extremely anxious(anxiety) and there is severe discomfort in the abdomen. Depression is very common these days. Then I thought of taking PRODEP 10mg(morning) + Spectra 10 mg(at night). So my question is..,Is it safe?Will it work for me
Hi. I have read your concern...I feel that this is not a depression because it is related to your mental obsession with your girlfriend and the most distressing thing for u is you're not able to understand her behavior. So it mostly adjustment disorder with predominant depressive or anxious mood. But the treatment for these symptoms are similar to that of depression or anxiety disorder.because it is more of related to stress, arising from your affection and love to one particular person, I feel that u shut go to a psychotherapist and ask for will help u in coping with your thoughts, anxiety and depressed feelings...the medications I would like to suggest you're as following: tablet. Prodep [20 mg] in the morning after breakfast tablet. Clonazepam [Klonopin 0.25 mg] twice daily if u have problem with your sleep like in initiation or maintenance of the sleep, then u can take tablet. Zolpidem [10 mg] at bedtime.the medications you're taking will help u, but they are in a low dose.and spectra is not a good Chat Doctor. .so u can take the meds i ve take meds and consult a psychotherapist, explain your problems and attend regular sessions for counselling.I hope u ll find this advice helpful. Best luck...
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I am 30 years old,I moved to Germany 2 years ago,after 6 months I started to have chronic health problems, last March I had 2 consequent flus then thrombosed Hemorrhoids ,I used many medications at that time: immunal to raise my immunity (Russian Medication), gelomyrtol, Faktu for the hemorrhoid problem,couple of days later,I developed severe allergy and I was on high dose of cortisone ,the hospital gave me an allergy report that I am allergic to immunal or gelomyrtol (which turned to be wrong because by mistake I took a similar medication yo immunal and didn t cause me any problems),6 months later I had a cyst in my intestines and they claimed I have Chlamydia after analyzing the lab sample,though I am still a virgin,I don t think oral sex can cause all of this however. I undertook an operation to remove the cyst,now I have diarrhea on and off and stomachache sometimes,and green vaginal discharges,they said that the bacterial balance in my vagina is not balanced,now I have again cold (I get cold every 3 months) and I have Mastitis and again thrombosed Hemorrhoids and the yellowish vaginal discharges and Diarrhea.What could be the reason possibly? any clue?
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Hi, My mother is 57 years old and she is suffering from schizophrenia for last 35 years. she had been taking olanzapin 7.5 mg for last three years.because of no improvement in auditory hallucination , she has been advised by doctor to start taking clozapine along with olanzapin. doctor has advised to start clozapin from 12.5 mag and increase it to 50 mg within 2 weeks and also take olanzapine same does. another doctor has told me that olanzapine and clozapine should not be given simultaneously because of same group. I dont know what should be done. I dont know whether my doc wants to replace olan with clozapine or he wants a combination of both. My mother has started taking clozapine for last 3 days. Please advice. please advice.
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chest,stomach,lower back painHi my name is Brooke, 31 YRS old, i have to children. i have had no real big health problems other than last year i found out i had hep c. I got it in a few years ago when i had a prescription pill problem. i am 2 years clean. I have not recieved treatment for it yet, cant afford it, waiting for my job to give me insurance. But i have Two problems. i have had severe headaches since i was 16, and the past 5 yrs i have them everyday. i wake up with the headache, and if i dont take excedrin (which is bad for me bc bc of the asprin, but the only thing that works) if i dont take some right when i wake up, it turns into a a migraine.i am very used to them so thats not what im here for right now. I have been having heartburn so bad that it keeps me up at night, the only thing that has worked is alka seltzer, but the past month it has got worse. feels like someone is stabbing me in my heart and my stomach hurts all the time and severe pain in my lower back. its not every once in awhile now its all the time, also it hurts to the point i throw up, or just nausaus.My husband dont get it. i just need some advice. is this related to hep c? please help me im miserable. thanks
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is more in your case. And this can be associated with Hepatitis C infection. You are also not taking treatment for Hepatitis C. So possibility of worsening of underlying Hepatitis is more. So better to consult doctor and get done liver function test. Avoid stress and tension. Avoid hot and spicy food. Avoid junk food. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. Start proton pump inhibitors and prokinetic Chat Doctor. Go for walk after meals. Keep 2-3 pillows under head in the bed to prevent reflux. Quit smoking and alcohol if you have these habits.Don't worry, you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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h,i m wondering about my son,he is 19 yrs. of age,an ever since he was young child he has had a bd temper,he used to be good for a few mts. then crazy for next few mths. this was when he was about 4,at 10 mths. old he would bang his head off a wall if he was he s 19 an he can blow up in seconds,he s ok when he wakes up then within seconds his mood changes he becomes very verbally abusive,he can be physically abusive,he always beat on his 2 sisters when he was younger age 4 or younger,he says it feels good to hurt ppl. it gives him a rush,rite now he only hurts verbally,but u can see rite through his eyes when he gets in a certain state,an he scares me,it takes everythin he has not to be physical,but everyone that knows him,knows it only a matter of time,do u think he could be scitoprania(sorry for the spelling) i have a first cousin of mine that is,an ppl. through my sons life has said i should get him tested,there is something not rite with him,an my family doc. likes to just say he just likes to get wat he wants,e s ok..but he never tried to look at my son...plz. help
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. From the given symptoms (the symptoms are always biased, they are according your view point) your son could not be suffering from schizophrenia. This could be Borderline personality disorder (BPD) and is a serious mental illness marked by unstable moods, behavior, and relationships. Most people who have BPD suffer from Problems with regulating emotions and thoughts, Impulsive and reckless behavior and Unstable relationships with other people.Therefore, you should make sure to consult a psychiatrist for treatment. In my opinion, psychiatric treatment along with psychotherapy is a must in this case. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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Hi, Thanks for writing in. Cholesteatoma is a recurrent condition in the middle ear unless it is treated completely. It is best to take appointment at a cancer center specialized in head and neck cancer treatment. Florida Hospital situated in Orlando has the best facilities for head and neck cancer in your state. You can try making an early appointment and talking to insurance regarding treatment of your fiancé at this hospital. His case might be complex and requires a specialist team to properly treat his condition. Cholesteatoma going in for cancer should not be neglected. Once it starts spreading to nearby structures and lymph nodes then it gets difficult to treat. At first a biopsy is to be done to confirm the condition and this can be followed by detailed imaging. The possibility of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation is then discussed. Please do not worry.
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Hello, welcome to Chat Doctor. Zoloft contain sertraline. It is a good medicine for depression. But at initiation of treatment or on dose increment patient used to have some side effects like nausea, anxiety, insomnia or restlessness, which resolve in 4-7 days. Sertraline also take 3-4 weeks to show improvement. In my opinion it is better to continue Zoloft as advised by mental health professional. Chat Doctor.
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I suffer from chronic back pain and severe RA. I have had three back surgeries and four on my left foot. I was diagnosed with depression about 30 years ago and I take an SSRI and Xanax for sleep. My problem is that no one will treat my pain. Do they all think that people with depression don t feel pain. I know a few people with chronic pain and they all are given pain meds for when they are needed. If I wasn t depressed before then this would cause it. I really hate the way doctors treat me personally - it is humiliating. I am tired of suspicious looks and accusations of drug seeking. I have become afraid of doctors and will no longer raise this problem with them
Hi, as mentioned by you, it is sad to hear you have now bias against doctors. Well to help with your pain I will give you some tips. As mentioned by you that you have a severe chronic backache, and even you have RA. let us take one by one each of it.Backache - as you mentioned you had 3 surgeries of your back what was that and why they were performed. Also, before of after the surgery did you try physical therapy. As physical therapy will help you with therapeutic ultrasound therapy and TENS therapy for controlling of the pain symptomatically. Also, then you need to strengthen the muscles of the spine and the core. As one has to understand that the muscles are the support system of the joints and any weakness in the muscular system will lead to pain in the joints. As the body has to adapt and heal on its own, that is the greatest creation of the god, what Medication and physical therapy can do is to provide support till the body takes its role for action. RA - for RA, you need to do a regular exercises like - meditation, breathing exercises and general body exercises. Exercises should be focused on improving the muscle strength and maintaining the joint mobility As we need to understand that the body is a self healer and any external effort is symptomatic help till the body takes its own call to recover. Also, metabolism of the body varies from individual to individual, and only you can improve the metabolism of your body by performing the exercises. There is no external device which can help improve the metabolism. Self-induced effort is the only one which can regenerate the bodily functions and provides the optimum relief. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
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Hi, my names aj im a 19 year old male. For about a year now ive been feeling really weak and different like the begining of the year it wasent so bad it was just me feeling a little weak not really tired but over the months it has progressed my body feels like im 50 or something like an old man i feel worse when i drink water i get pain under my heart very bad stomach pains my neck cramps up i get weird feelings in my head i have like little dots when i look at the sky or in a dark room and when i look up at the sky it looks like there swimming around and looks of like a bacteria under the microscope on my eyes both of them theyve been there for 4 months my body does though freak out when i drink water my stomach keeps growling like its hungry and im not but then when i eat lots of food i feel better ive been to multipul hospitals doctors had blood tests done everything come back normal i have light colored stool everynow and then
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I sincerely suggest that you are victim of your own negative thinking. You cannot term your current state of mind as clinical depression. Rather, this is just disappointment. Over and above, you are imagining things which are common to all people. The "bacteria" in your vision area is a common sight for everyone. Regarding your stomach gurgling - We broadly call it obsession. You had that disturbing sensation once. You expected it to happen again and tried. Then you started experiencing it as you were expecting it. Then your body brought the familiar symptom because you are expecting it. Then you started worrying that the symptom is coming again and again and expect it. Body brings it again as you are expecting it. You become worried and so on. That is obsession in simple terms. Ignore it and the problem vanishes. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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my dad recently was stung by a bee on the ear. He did have some swelling from the ear to below this chin (neck area). 24 hours latter he was in the ER and they were treating him for symptoms of CHF. His ejection fraction was 35%. The ER couldnt believe he had never been diagnosed with CHF because of this (and his doctor has always told him all was good). In 2008 we checked a previous test and it was at 65%. In 2011 in the hospital was the next test which showed 35%. During this time his doctor also had him taking avandia and it took us confronting this doctor before he agreed to change meds (his comments were his heart was fine and the avandia wasnt an issue). With all this info, do you think that the bee sting could have caused symtoms of CHF or the avandia could have change the ejection fraction? He will be seeing a specialist in July so I am trying to get info to review during this visit
Hi as per your query bee sting has nothing to do with congestive heart ailurethere are a number of causes of CHF, in most of the people it takes many years for the EF to lower from 60% to 35%, but there are diseases like cardiomyopathiesavandia (rosiglitatzone) has been banned in the market because it has serious side effects like causing a heart attack and precipitating CHF...this rapid decoration of your father LV functions can be because of rosiglitazoneif there are no findings of any particular cardiac disease in his echo, it can be a CHF caused by rosiglitazoneif echo reports of your father showed some regional wall motion abnormality then another possibility is that your father got a silent heart attack(as a side effect of rosiglitazone) (in diabetic due to neuropathy many times' chest pain is not there), so as the heart attack passé UN noticed his ejection fraction decreased by time till the time you see a specialist tab lasilactone 50 mg once daily tab circa(carvedilol) 3.125 mg twice daily tab Candace (April) 2.5 mg once daily tab flatiron Mr 35 mg(trimetazidine increases the ejection fraction) should be given
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i am a 21 year old female, weigh about 135 pounds, i have always had a protrusion in my upper chest, noticeable enugh sometimes that i have been asked if i have ever had open heart surgery. it never really bothered me that much but now i am noticing i have pain between my rbeasts on the right side of my chest and it also protrudes there, hurts when i lay on my stomach, sometimes to the touch, and especially when i work out. i am also having very bad upper back pain that also makes it hard for me to breath when i move my upper body. especially in the mornings, when it hurts the worst, getting out of bed i have to take a deep breath before trying to get out of bed because that movement cuts all breathing from me. and throughout the day when its hurting certain movements make it hard to breath, and deep breaths hurt my chest, coughing hurts my back.
Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Read and reviewed your query and health concerns. You seem to suffer from-Workup Right Pectoral Strain with Pigeon Chest. Dear this occurs from childhood It D-and Calcium deficiency, or could be from accompanied chest emphysema problem since childhood. It does not develop in a day. The sternum is protruding bone in this case and the anteroposterior diameter is increased, with imbalance in respiratory rib and bone movements, causing stress and strains due to stressful body workup-as in your case. Chest X-ray to diagnose Pigeon chest and restricted Gym -for 2 weeks would fix the cause of the painful protrusion in the chest. Second opinion with Sport and orthopedic doctor would resolve the issues you have. Hope this would help you to plan further care of this complex illness of yours. If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following Chat Doctor link-Dear, if satisfied, Dont forget to close this query with YOUR pleasing feedback comments to rate this reply and service, to boost the morale of incoming Emergency patients like YOU, at Chat Doctor services. If you want to update more details and ask more update queries, You are most Welcome herewith !! Good Day!! Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist. S. Genl-CVTS
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Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Thanks for sending a question to Chat Doctor. Forum. You had severe pain abdomen on right lower side. It repeated several times, you became week, and of the work for 6 months during 2 years of time. No doctors could find the cause. I advise you to consult a surgeon for diagnosis and treatment. You may need to have M.R.I. besides other routine tests for confirmation. As it appears it may be tuberculosis of iliocaecal junction, renal colic due to U.T.I. or stones in the urinary tract. . If it is not detected laparotomy should be done to find the actual fault in the abdomen. The part suspected should be operated and sent for biopsy for confirmation of the disease. You may need to use anxiolytic still you get treated for it, to eliminate anxiety. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Best regards.
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My daughter has recently started using the Nuvaring. Within 2 1/2 weeks she developed a lump on her leg that was red. Within a week she developed two more and the original one has tripled in size. They are painful, hard, and red. She has stopped using the Nuvaring and has scheduled an appointment to see her doctor. Do you know if this could be a side effect from the Nuvaring? I have not been able to find anything stating the two are connected.Thank you!
HI, Dear, Thanks for the query from you for your lumpy leg in last 3-4 was time post-nuvaring.1-I am happy that you are serious to know why these lumps, though painful are increasing after nearing.2-In my opinion, I would advise you to -get the blood pt test done and CBC and FBS and PPS,-as these lumps have suddenly cropped up after the nearing, which may cause thrombotic lumps in the legs even after the mild traumas, which she might have had.3-In a was times later-old one grew three times and new one cropped up and all these lumps are red and painful, which indicates infection of the post-traumatic and post-nuvaring-hematomas on your leg over last 3-4 was time.4-Still I would advise opinion of Surgeon, who would advise-Antibiotics and NSAIDs for few days time, by which the lumps in your legs would get resolved in next 2 was time, or if required may be relieved after the proper Chat Doctor. 5-And as you are worried about the lumpy leg-, I would advise you to Stop Nearing till the doctor checks the blood and treats your leg lumps or, else the condition may worsen more if you continue with Nearing, as its causing all these leg lumps, I feel so, from the facts of your query.6-This change in medicine would take care of the worry you had with the post-nuvarin painful red leg lumps.7-Hope this would solve your worry of the chin lump positively.8-So ugly take -the advice from the ER Surgeon and change the medicines 7-Hope this would solve your query.8-Wellcome to Chat Doctor for any more query.
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I have been diagnosed with neuropathy in my left leg. I m wondering if it is being caused by a lower back issue. My MRI said L4-L5 midline protrusion with midline annular fissure. Mild stenosis impinge on the ventral thecal sac. Mild facet arthrosis and ligamentum flavum hypertrophy with patent L4 neural foramen. Also, L5-S1 small left paracentral protrusion with left posterolateral annular fissure,mild mass effect on the arthrosis and ligamentum flavum hypertrophy with patent L5 neural foramen. MRI lumbar spine demonstrates mild central stenosis at L$-L5 due to a central protrusion with midline annular and mild facet arthrosis. L%-S1 small left paracentral protrusion with left posterolateral annular fissure. There is mild mass effect on the left S1 nerve root. Can you explain what this means and is it the cause of my pain?
Hi, The MRI findings you have described certainly do explain your symptoms of the pain. Between every two vertebrae there is a shock-absorbing material known as an intervertebral disc. It has an outer rim called Annular fibrosis and an inner material called Nucleus pulposus; which is basically the shock-absorbent. Under some circumstances the outer rim can break open (fissure), and the disc then bulges out. Unfortunately as it protrudes out it can impinge or press upon the nerves that come out of the spinal cord to supply your lower limbs. This impingement at various levels, causes the neuropathic symptoms that you are experiencing. This is a very brief explanation and there are many descriptors used which need not be elucidated here. Suffice it to say that this is causing the pain. As for suggesting treatment, I would need to do a full neurological workup and then start you on pain medications like Neurontin for a while and evaluate your response to that. You must discuss this with your physician and then follow up with him. If the pain gets too severe, you could try physical therapies like Inferential therapy which will give you a temporary pain relief while you wait for the pain medications to have their effect. Hope this has answered your question.
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Hello Sir, My mother has been suffering from severe leg pain and the doctor said she has Neurofibroma in her leg nerves. She underwent a surgery but the pain is severe and she can still feel the lumps . The recent ultra sound scanning report(post operation) says Schwannomas shows multiple inter muscular solid hypo echoic lesions noted at medial aspect of lower leg and thigh. And the Largest lesion is about 17x10mm size. Nature of Specimen: Excised? Neurofibroma Gross: Received a 2x1.5x0.5 cms soft tissue mass. Cut section capsulated, pearly white. Micro: Sections studied show the features of a Schwannoma. Her doctor says there is no use to do the surgery again as the lumps are so many and are tiny in size. He is suggesting to suffer with the pain and these lesions are not harmful. My mother started to use the Homeopathy medicine since 2 months from now. Initially there was bit relief with the pain and she can t feel the lumps also. But the pain doesn t go away completely. I am worried if these are really not tumors and should we continue using the Homeopathy patiently. Pls throw some light on this. Thank you so much
Hello Satya, Thank you for your query. Schwannomas are the benign tumors arising from the nerve sheath. These are common among people with history of neurofibromatosis. These Schwannomas very rarely become malignant, there is only 1% probability of it. The pain caused in the leg is due the pressure these tumors cause on the nerves. As the other surgeon suggested, surgery is not the cure for this condition as schwannomas recur again even after surgery. The best method is to relieve pain and the pressure symptoms rather than excising them. Homeopathy is one of the best alternative medicine for the neurofibromatosis. The medicine helps in stopping the recurrence, and reducing pain. There are some cases which i treated had tumors reduce in size and then disappear. It might take little time but definitely will help in treating this condition. I suggest you continue using it as your mother found some improvement. You can feel free to contact me anytime. I would be happy to help you Thank you Chat Doctor.
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My daughter is 1.5 yrs old and she has got front 8 teeth and started getting her first molar..My Paed. adviced me to brush it daily two times.Last two days when I did ,she was crying a lot and I was shocked to see some blood.What should I do ? I tried with Johnson & Johnson brush one day ..and a finger brush another day..I think I was brushing gently..she is now so scared of brushing and crying a lot.What should I do ? Is this normal..Should I stop brushing
Hello, I can understand your concern. There can be one of two possibilities for bleeding gums in child Chat Doctor. If the bleeding is localized around the first molar tooth that is erupting in your daughters oral cavity, the gum around the tooth might be little sore that can cause some bleeding and pain. Sometimes food ingested can get lodged in this gum collar causing infection which can make a child cry due to pain while brushing. If this is the problem, then the bleeding will subside as soon as the tooth will erupt completely and the surrounding gum will recede to expose the entire crown of the tooth. You can apply Travel over the sore gum to soothe the area. Alternatively, if she is having bleeding from more than one area in the mouth, then it is possible that she is suffering from gingivitis which may occur due to inadequate oral hygiene which causes accumulation of bacteria, plaque and calculus around the neck of the teeth and in the gum margin making the gums inflamed. In this case, you should visit a dentist who can clean the areas with mechanical scaling. The gingivitis will resolve after the scaling, and she will not cry. You should not stop brushing, but you can use the toothbrush that is specially made for kids under the age of 2 years. These toothbrushes are specially made for deciduous teeth according to the shape and size of teeth and soft enough so that they don't hurt gums. In addition, you should use a toothpaste that is made for kids (Hidden) as the fluoride level is such that is the toothpaste that it protects the teeth against decay and the flavor is palatable to kids which makes it easy to convince them to brush. I hope this information helps you. Thank you for choosing Chat Doctor. I wish your daughter feels better soon. Best,
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My husband and I have been trying to conceive after suffering a miscarriage in May. I am 9DPO I have mild cramping, a back ache and my breast are sore, but not as much as I feel they should be. Ive also gained weight. I havent changed my eating habits at all but Ive gained 5 lbs--I swear, over night! Is the weight gain a sign of bloating. Ive also have a lot of trouble sleeping at night. I just toss and turn...could this be promising of being pregnant?
Hello.thanks for trusting the Chat Doctor doctors for your health related queries. I guess your concern is about.does the weight gain a sign of answer is...NO. weight gain is not at all the sign of bloating. Let us discuss the sign n symptoms u have. As u told that u had gain weight n having difficulty in sleeping. So u might have PCs (polycystic ovarian syn Chat Doctor. In these patients usually have irregular menses, weight gain n difficulty in conceiving. Few patients having difficulty in sleeping, excessive hair growth in unusual area of the body etc. but didn't give info regarding your menses whether it is regular or not. So it is difficult for me to comment on this. Lastly I want to say that weight gain is not the sign of bloating. With the above discussion u can try out my suggestions-1. First u should reduce your weight because it may pose difficulty in conceiving because it causes hormonal imbalance which causes irregular menses n patients having difficulty in conceiving. So try to change your food habit in a way to reduce your weight.2. For more details u can visit your nearby gynecologist n feel free to ask about your concern. He/she can help u.3. Try to do coitus during fertile period(it is from 10th to 16th day of menses during this period chances of getting pregnant is high. So do more coitus during this period.u may get better results.4. DON'T WORRY about the miscarriage u had in the past. It doesn't effect your future chances of getting pregnant.5. If u r still in hurry then visit nearby infertility specialist. He/she can help u. I hope the above information is useful, informative and helpful for u.regards-
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My guy has hx of hypertension and is on 10mg of altace once a day. His diastolic is always high. He atw a Shrawma (Indian food) and his b/p went to 167/107 and a high pulse. The systemic came down to 135/98 pulse at 91 the next day by noon. He said he drank a lot of water and voided all night, but had a headache most of the night. I am concerned regarding the high diastolic and do not understand why it stayed so high and still is and how dangerous is this and how does it affect the heart and danger there...Also next time it happens what should he do. I suggested he shoud be on ASA 81 mg daily and should take a 325 mg ASA and eat/drink a food that is a direurtic. Also why is potassium so VIP for him to take and should he be on tablets..Sherre
Hi dear, Diastolic hypertension is an undesirable elevation of the lowest of the two blood pressure numbers. The desirable level of diastolic is about 80 mm Hg. Any rise above that number is associated with an increase in adverse events. Trails done says that;Every 10 mm rise in diastolic pressure causes a doubling of incidence of adverse events such as heart attack, stroke, kidney failure and heart failure. When the heart beats it pushes blood out into the very large blood vessels. These vessels are elastic and take up some force by expanding. Then while the heart rests between beats the large vessels contract towards their normal size thus continuing to push blood around the body. This pressure in vessel during relaxation is called diastolic BP. As age progresses fat starts to accumulate in arteries, and they lose their elasticity hence does not relax properly causing an elevated diastolic pressure. Increased diastolic pressure can not be alone treated with medicines, severe lifestyle modification is required 45 minute of strenuous exercise should be done low salt food must be taken avoid fatty and oily food30 minutes of brisk walk dailyecosprin 75 mg can be taken daily prevents future cardiac risk a serum lipid PFL should be donate will take at least 3 months to notice any change he is on high dose of April which causes hypokalemia hence he should take potassium supplements like banana coconut water dailydont use diuretics now first try was I advised for 3 months
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Hi Doctor, I was admitted to hospital few days back due to minor chest pain and high BP . I was discharged from the hospital with the doctors saying that my ULTRASOUND,ECG,and X-RAY all are normal. Now my BP and chest pain are also normal but I am suffering from very severe Cough , regular hiccup( Hichki) problem and Vomitting at regular intervals .I am taking Liofen,Amlong,Tonat-80,Clavix,Carvidon-OD,Natrilix tablets as the dosage prescribbed by the doctors... please let me know what could be the reason? and how to get rid of it as I am very worried?Thanks,S K Ahuja
Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Read and Reviewed your query in context to your health issues. In the given scenario, the Severe cough and hiccup seems to be from HERD with Va gal Irritation. Proper treatment with Proton Pump inhibitors and esophageal motility regulator-medicines as suggested above would take care of it. Other cause of sever cough with hiccup, needs to be ruled out, by examination with Physician doctors. Dos to find out the Cause-EGD (Esophago-Gastro-Duodenal)copy check / Bland Diet /Low tea/coffee /spicy diet /Tab Panto-D-PPI -1 x 2 times a day would fix the diagnostic issues with you. Consults with Physician, would resolve this health issue. Hope this reply would help you to resolve the health issues with help of doctors attending on you. If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following Chat Doctor link-http://doctor.Chat Doctor .com/Funnel?page=askDoctorDirectly&docId=70229Dear, Don't forget to close this query with YOUR pleasing feedback comments to rate this reply and service, to boost the morale of incoming Emergency patients like YOU, at Chat Doctor services. If you want to update more details and ask more update queries, You are most Welcome herewith !! Good Day!! Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist. S. Genl-CVTS
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Hi, Alpha photo protein (AFP) is a substance produced by the liver, normally in very small amounts. But the levels go up in cases of heat cellular cancer (HCC). The CT report is suggestive of HCC and is probably the reason why the AFP levels are high. The term multi focal HCC suggests there are more than one lesion in the liver. The most curative form of therapy for HCC is surgery. But given that there is background cirrhosis of the liver, this might not be feasible in your patient. The best treatment in this scenario would be a Liver transplant (provided the ChatDoctoreet certain criteria). This would not only get rid of all the cancer, but also replace the cirrhotic liver with a new healthy liver. If a liver transplant is not feasible, either because of patient factors (age, other health conditions, cost) or because of extensive disease, then other choices for treatment include radio frequency ablation of the cancer, Trans cutaneous chemo- embolization (RACE - where the blood supply to the tumor is selectively cut off) or per cutaneous injection of alcohol into the lesions. Once the cancer gets treated, the AFP levels will spontaneously decrease and then the levels can be used to monitor for recurrence of cancer. Hope this helps, and please do not hesitate to contact me for further details -
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I am 30 yrs old, got married at the age of 29 and my wife is 21. We wanted to have a baby, so we tried for it for almost 8 months after 1 year of our marriage. After 6 months, my wife stopped her period and after going to doc, it turned out to be just amenorhea but not pregnancy, doctor started her on folic acid and started follicular scanning for 2 months and still did not conceive and for the third month, doc asked me to undergo male fertility test and the result was azoospermia , I was shocked to see the result and then I approached fertility specialist, who suggested another male infertility test and the result was again the same and he asked me to do to 2 more tests, karyotyping and male Y deletion tests, which were both negative without any problem. After a week of these results, I was diagonsed as tuberculosis lymphadenitis. For the first 2 months, I was on AKT4 tablets and streptomycin injections 3 injections weekly for 2 months. Now, I am on AKT3 for the third month and doc has prescribed to take it for another 6 months. After I saw the answer give by one of doc in this forum, I see that TB is the cause of my azoospermia. Should I wait for this AKT3 tablets to be finished and then try for baby or just go for IUI . PLs reply me.............
Hello, Thanks for the query, Tuberculous epididymo-orchitis is one of the cause of infertility in males. It causes blockage of the passage (no sperm enters the semen because the tract is blocked). Management of tuberculous infertility consists of two parts.1. Treatment with anti-tubercular Chat Doctor. 2. Reconstructive surgery followed by assisted reproductive techniques like CSI, MESA, TEST. In the majority of cases, the presentation is late and antitubercular therapy does not improve the fertility status. Infertility here usually results from anatomic obstruction. What I recommend is to repeat your semen analysis since you have already taken AKT for 2 months. If semen analysis shows azoospermia, Go on for assisted reproductive techniques like CSI, TESA, MESA. Continue AKT for 6 months to treat primary tubercular infection. Hope this helps, regard,
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
Hello. I recently had sex and used a condom that contains spermicide. The next day my penis felt extremely sensitive to touch at the tip and also feel a slight burning sensation in my urethra. I have read online that some people have reactions to spermicide and I feel some may have entered my urethra. I went to urgent care and was given a cream to help. What can i do to reduce my pain? It s not agonizing pain, but it is very discomforting and feel a burn at the tip of my penis.
Hello! Thanks for using Chat Doctor.come read carefully your question and understand your concern. I think you had allergic to the latex condom spermicide. Perhaps you are allergic to the latex condom, one of the most common allergic reactions caused by sexual intercourse. Although they say it affects only 1% of people, you can actually develop the allergy or sensitivity to the condom with the progressive contact with the latex or the material from which the condom is made - and / or the lubricants and spermicides it contains. Generally, the symptoms of the allergy to the condom appear within a few minutes of penetration, but then they may get worse. In cases of irritation, hives and more severe dermatitis occur hours later. For example, the formation of blisters on the skin that has been in contact with the latex is common. I see similar cases amongst young people who visit my clinic. In the first meeting, I advise my patients to avoid using latex condoms to prevent these symptoms, but obviously always remembering the important premise of practicing safe sex. If you are sensitive or allergic to latex, you can resort to polyurethane condoms or animal skin condoms. Polyurethane condoms work in the same way as latex condoms: they offer protection against pregnancy and prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Animal skin condoms, however, do not provide protection against STDs. While commonly allergic to condoms is not too serious, exposing yourself to such symptoms over and over again can be both annoying and harmful and can compromise not only your sex life but your overall health. And here the situation can be worse. So the best advice I can give you is to consult with your urologist properly diagnose your case, analyze what risks you have been exposed to in contact with latex condoms, and of course know what other contraceptive methods you can use that are harmless and comfortable. Kind regards,