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Hi Sir, I am 31 yrs old male. I have a symtom of anxiety and mild palpitation (not increased heart rate but increased amplitude) from last 2 years. I had got full heart check up in Aug 2011 and everything was found OK. I went to the doctor again in May 2012 and complained about my existing problems of occassional palpitaion and anxiety. Doctor precribed to take prolomet xl 25 mg . Since then till October 2012 I was on the same medicine untill I started having a symtom of shortlessness of breath. I complained this to another doctor and he asked me to taper the dosage to 12.5 mg. Since then I am on Prolomet 12.5 mg. I tried to quit it somedays back but it resulted in increased BP (140/95). I am scared with continuing this medicine as I have read it has adverse effect on heart. Although I feel better with this medicine, I want to quit it because of the known side effects. Is there any alternate medicine which doesnt have an affect on heart or kidney . Or could you guide me as how can I quit this medicine. Also I have mild Mitral Valve Prolasys. Thanks and regards, Anupam
Hi young man, thanks for the question. People with Mitral Valve prolapse are known to have heart rhythm disturbance (leading to palpitations) and heightened anxiety (related or unrelated to palpitations). Beta blockers are the treatment of choice for this and has beneficial effects (and not deleterious) on the heart. It does not affect the kidneys. I hope you have also had 24 hour or 7 day continuous monitorinsince you are ONG of your heart tracing to look for heart rhythm disturbance in the past. If you don't have any symptoms now (since you are on proposed) you don't have to have heart trace monitoring now if not already done). You are young with high BP and hence would require a thorough investigation for secondary hypertension. I hope this has been done by your physician. If you have had a kidney scan I would be keen to know the result. Most important for you is to have your BP under control and see a cardiologist regularly. Trying to come off a medicine which is going to help you is not advisable. Let me know if I can be of any further help. Best wishes
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Hi I am a 23 year old female. I work part time in retailing. I am severely unhappy in my job hence have chosen to quit. But I know that even this will not 100 percent help I how I feel. Most days I feel unhappy and sad. Some days I start crying for no reason. I tend to suffer from mood swings on a regular basis. These usually occur many times during the week. I also seem to feel tired quite a lot. I have lost interest in many aspects of life that before I would have found enjoyable such as socialising with friends or even sex. I feel that I would love to get away from everything and everyone around me sometimes. These feelings have been going on for about 2 years or so but have become worse in the last 6 to 8 months. A good thing though is that I have never thought about taking my own life as I know life is precious as a close relative of mine passed away a few years ago and I have been in a relationship with someone and this relationship has caused me a lot of stress. There are relatives of mine who suffer from depression and I am curious to find out if this is my problem also. I would appreciate any help so that I would be able to get hep. Many thanks in advance
Hello & thanks for the query. Short answer is yes you are suffering from depression. Long answer is you are suffering from a chronic low grade depression known as dysthymia where one tends to feel low, tired, non-energetic most of the time but not to the extent that it would severely hamper a persons work performance. In addition, stress from a non-helpful relationship, job etc. usually adds up the woes of a dysthymia person causing an episode of major depressive disorder superimposed on dysthymia known as double depression. Good news is this condition can be treated fairly easily by a multimodal treatment approach. There are Chat Doctor. Next up, a Psychiatrist or Psychologist will take up with you lifestyle modification; how to manage job & relationship stress, doing daily physical exercise to keep mental as well as physical health at a premium & ;lastly factors unique to your personality, environment & possible stressors to avoid preventing a relapse will also be dealt with. Do consult a Psychiatrist & if required; revert to me for further help. Good Luck
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Last year at my physical I was advised to try for 6 months... We just recently started few months ago. I just turned 43, I have never had children. I have regular periods. They last 3-4 days. And I have been right on target with my cycle 28days to the day... I was told to try from day 10 on... I m currently trying and want to make sure I m having sex during the correct time...and how often? Every other day? What are my chances getting pregnant? I don t have the resources for much fertility and really want to have a child. I had put life on hold to career and waiting to meet the right person... I m afraid my time has passed and don t know how to proceed....or if I should just keep trying... My last cycle was June one.. we have been intimate the 29th day 9...july 4th and july 6th... and based on the calendar dates should have ovulated the 7th yesterday... I usually never feel anything when I ovulate so I m not sure.. per calendar todays my last fertile day.... would you continue to have sex into wkend and next week?? I m so unsure with the best times.... Please advise... Thanks
Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor Forum. Having a Kid is after 35 will take a long time as you have crossed that Period of conceiving easily, and every woman will be born with a limited number of eggs. As you age, the quality of eggs decline, and you may ovulate less often even if you have regular periods and your eggs may not be fertilized as easily. Since you have been trying it for 6 Months, you should be considering yourself examined by a Gynecologist and get an Opinion. But don't panic, as you will conceive, but it will take longer, it also depends on your partners age. The Younger the partner, the better chances. Continue having Unprotected sex every alternate day starting from 10th to 20th day of your cycle. Eat healthy nutritious balanced diet which should include fresh fruits and Green leafy vegetables. Avoid smoking and alcoholism. Avoid stress and Practice relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation. Once you conceive, schedule regular check up with your Doctor to see if the baby is doing fine. I Wish you All the best and Very Good Health. Take Care.
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I ve recently become concerned about my heart. I m a 21 year old, 5 8, 175 pound woman and consider myself decently healthy. I eat well when I can although I do make poor food choices. I am also not very active as I work at a call centre and sit at a desk all day. I don t drink as much water as I should. I have also been smoking marijuana consistently for 6 years, mostly through a glass bong with at least 1 perculator. Within the last 2 years I have been smoking something called poppers , which is a layer of tobacco from a cigarette with a layer of marijuana smoked through a bong. It creates a strong headrush and intense feelings of relaxation, causing me to want to lay myself down as if it was overwhelming my body like heroin (I have never done heroin but I have seen people react that way to it before) I know it is very bad for me because the carcinogens from smoke is obviously bad, especially cigarette tabacco that s mixed with marijuana and only filtered through water, but I want to know what it s doing to my organs and body functions in the long run. The problem is that I don t think there have been many studies on poppers because it is a relatively new and still underground method of smoking marijuana so its hard to find reliable information. Recently my heart has been occasionally feeling strange. I will be relaxed either sitting or standing and breathing and I will breathe out slowly, then feel my heart almost lump up and beat in my throat, it scares me and I take a deep breath in to counteract it, and for a second I almost feel like its going to stop beating. Then its all good again. What s happening to my organs and why is my heart doing this? Thank you for taking the time to read this and reply!
Hello, The heart beats you are feeling is because of the ill effects of poppers on your heart as the tobacco would make the heart pump stronger and faster giving you the symptoms you have described. As you have truly said that the effects op poppers haven't been studied however all the ill effects of tobacco applies here ranging from hypertension, stroke, heart issues, lung damage to various cancers. Also, the effect is compounded by weed. It's not wise to use poppers as the sudden surge in body metabolic is not good. Regards
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Hi Doctor, My Wife is Tubercular Meningitis and she was treated 10 days from 15.11.2013 to 25.11.2013 in hospital including 2 day ICU due loss of control etc.In CSF test showed sugar 19mg/dl, Protein- 132 mg/dl, WBC count 40/cumm, N-65%,L-35% consitent with bacterial meningitis seen .CSF grew staph. aureus. CT head shows Normal Scan.MRI brain contrast shows focal area of cerebrities involving Left basal ganglia and temporal lobe region with diffuse meningitis.Multiple Ring enhancing lesion in both cerebral and cerebella hemisphere are likely tuberculous. She was on AKT 4 with Levoflox 750 & Benadon 20 mg medication from last 3 months including Wysolane 30 mg for 2 months. But from this month(19 Febraury ,2014) the doctor changed the medication from AKT 4 to R-Cinex 600/300 ,PZA,Benadone. . From last few days she is feeling lack of movement in both the legs including all joint pain with itching.Kindly suggest
Hi, Thanks for your question. I do understand your pain and discomfort. I have seen many cases with similar complaints. Please find my advice below-:1)As per your report it is meningitis but not mentioned it is tubercular.2)Do a CSF culture and in culture it will be clarified that whether it is viral, fungal or Bacterial in origin if Bacterial then which Bacteria?3)check following signs and symptoms of meningitis -:high fever, severe headache, stiff neck, vomiting and nausea, confusion, seizures,sleepiness or difficulty waking up, sensitivity to light, lack of interest in eating, skin rash etc. remember that all symptoms are not present to all patients.4)besides infection meningitis can also occur in Chat Doctor. 5) The best antimicrobial agents in the treatment of Tubercular meningitis include isoniazid (INH), vitamin (RIF), pyrazinamide (PA), and streptomycin (SM), all of which enter cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) readily in the presence of meningeal inflammation. These are first line
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Gud 39 yeras of ages and have 2 kids full time house wife.month of march this year I had my gastroscopy...but before my gastro I had 2 chest x rays done.. the 1st result of x ray is normal..then I have to see gastroentorologist bec im feeling always bloated top it all my doc .suggested me to undergo gastroscopy he ask me to have another x ray and the result is minimal ptb both upper I did.the result of gastroscopy is Esophagitis LA grade A diffuse erosive gastropathy incompetent pyloric ringthen he gave 3 combination of antibiotics and other I was fine im ok after taking that medicine and then he told me to continue my omeprozole..thpen I stopped my omeprozole for 2 weeks thinking I was ok then..but after 2 weeks some symtoms of gerd came back..I went back to my doc..complaining I had shortness of breath back pain bloated tummy..he ask me again to my third xray and ecg..the result of my x ray is follow upmexamination to study dated 4/7/14 (which is my 2 xray.) Show no significant change in status of minimal fibrotic infiltrates in the left upper active parenchymal infiltrates seen in the rest of the lungs fields.what should I do..should I go back to my gastroentorologist..bec he ask my again to have gastroscopy and ct scan.or should I look for a pulmonologist..please help..god bless
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you should first consult pulmonologist and get done CT Thorax and PFT (Pulmonary Function test).CT Thorax is superior modality than chest x-ray in diagnosis of parenchymal lesions. So by CT we can get more idea upper lobe fibrotic lesion. PFT is needed to rule out bronchitis as HERD can be causative factor for bronchitis. You should also consult gastroenterologist for control of HERD. As HERD and breathing issues are interrelated. You need to treat both simultaneously for better control. So consult both.
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HI i am 36 year old, in a routine mri i was found non alcohalic fatty liver with following liver test with sgot 139, sgpt 86, ggtp 97, bilrubin is normal , with mri i am found fatty liver with mild hepatomegaly. my all hepatitis test is normal, wilson test is also normal. after taking medicine like usyles & NE 400 for six weeks and loosing 6 kg with very rigorous exercises my liver function test came back to border line like sgot came down to 36 and all other are also under normal. now my querry is what is the current position of my liver whether have i got scarring in my liver due to 139 sgot and sgpt 86, ggtp 97 or i am still safe or i have reversed fatty liver or their cannot be scarring so early, what does it actually indicate, if scarring has happened what are the physical symptoms of scarring, how to reverse it completely , what are the therapy and medicine to heal scarring completely and how long it takes to develop chirrosis and how can i avoid can i make my liver very strong. what nutritious food i should take and what should i avoid. i am doing lots of stomach crunches for weight loss in belly is there any risk. pls help
Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. This is not some serious liver damage and this is just the beginning of liver fibrosis. The most common liver disorders are fatty liver which can be found in healthy people, but usually is resulting from elevated blood lipids, overweight and elevated blood sugar. If ultrasounds didn't find anything and viral markers are negative then you have no reason to be concerned. You should treat it by changing dietary and lifestyle habits. Do exercise, avoid alcohol, smoking, fats, fast food and carbonated Chat Doctor. Eat more fruit and vegetables, boiled meat and follow some of hepatoprotective diets. Findings usually improves on such measures. If not, then some medicines can be prescribed, but I suggest going step by step. Sacrring is manifested by fatigue, jaundice, hepatomegaly abdominal pain and many other nonspecific symptoms. But you just need frequent follow up and you'll prevent serious liver damage. Wish you good health.
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my father age 65,having tongue & throat cancer for last 3 months.he has been taking homeopathy medicine for last three months.he cant eat or chew any solid food,every thing in liquid form,i want to give him the alternative acupressure therapy,so please show me the path.
Hi Welcome to ChatDoctorIhave gone through your query regarding your fathers sufferings due to cancer of throat & tongue. It is a matter of great concern. Yes you can apply Acupressure Pls consult a specialist. In my opinion, you should take guidance from an oncologist for actual treatment as the condition of the patient has gone beyond the hands of Alternative therapies . Alternative therapies can help you in the beginning of the problem & help you to strengthen your immune system by following regular lifestyle - proper food habits - intake of fiber, fresh fruit, green leafy veges, vitamins, minerals all antioxidants as garlic , ginger, onion, in raw form , a lot of water Turmeric powder with a cup of hot milk in b/f and at bedtime twice and lemon juice with water before meals are anti-biotic, kills bacteria in mass bases and gives resistance to our body from diseases. Aloe vera juice fresh 20- 25 ml twice and coconut water also can stimulate the immune system to produce cancer killing chemicals. >Regular exercise, yoga Panama -deep breathing android, rest, meditation etc; and avoidance of fried, fast foods, the coffee, alcohol smoking, mental worry anxiety .and constipation , all strengthen our immune system, helps to lead healthy happy life .ask him to do gargles with salty Luke warm water twice daily to detoxify the system I suggest, You can try Magnate therapy treatment is good potent tool of treatment without any side effect goes with any therapy and kills bacteria on mass bases If you have any therapist around, or if you can arrange a set of 2 magnets of SUM 500 power, inform me. I can give you info about system of using and how it works, though it is simple to use but dos and don'ts are there to be followed. Give him Homeopathic Carcinogen 200 fortnightly 3 doses. If already giving pls ignore Hope this helps solve your query, Take care. All the best Wish him fast recovery Don't hesitate to get back if you have any doubt at Chat Doctor. Com
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Hi Doctor, My name is Santos, and I was diagnosed with cirrhosis in the mild to moderate stage witChatDoctorplications of esophageal varices without bleeding status chronic, mild. I also have Barretts esophagus with status chronic, mild. My meds. are Propranolol 10mg., Nexium 40 mg., and Lactulose. I am eating well healthy and taking meds. like I should, and would like to know what my prognosis is can I live for a good while or am I close to death. I also forgot to mention that I had endoscopy with banding as a precaution. This was done in Oct. 7, 2011.
Hello Mr Santos, I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. By your description, I understand you have developed "Portal Hypertension" which is a complication of cirrhosis of the liver. This manifests as either esophageal varices which can bleed or as ascites (fluid build up in the belly). Liver cirrhosis also prevents some chemicals in the body from being purified and this can enter the brain leading to sleepiness and confusion (Encephalopathy). Propranolol helps in decreasing the portal hypertension and prevents the varices from bleeding. Lactulose prevents the chemicals from being absorbed from the intestine and so will prevent the confusion (encephalopathy). The prognosis of your cirrhosis will depend on the cause of cirrhosis. Unfortunately irreversible liver damage has already occurred to your liver and now the aim will be to prevent further deterioration and prevent complications. If the cirrhosis was due to alcohol, complete abstinence will delay the progression of cirrhosis. If it is due to some form of hepatitis, unfortunately there is not a lot of left to do since anti-hepatitis treatment cannot be given in cirrhosis. The best treatment for cirrhosis, especially for someone in your stage is liver transplant. It will not only get rid of the cirrhotic liver, but also treat the portal hypertension completely. I would advise you to actively seek a Liver transplant center and get evaluated for candidacy for a transplant. Hope this helped and I hope you feel better. Please do not hesitate to contact me personally for any further details -
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I think I have injured my wrist. I need to know what I can do currently for it and if you know what I may have done to it. Ok so at the beginning of december of 2011 I was ice skating on a school field trip. I fell 3 times and the third and last time I fell it hurt the most. I landed on my wrist and it hurt ALOT. Anyway I hurt it at the base of my hand and the beginning of my wrist. It s close to the end of Jan. now it still hurts as bad as it did when I fell on it. The funny thing is, is that it s not swollen at all or maybe a little bit. (I don t know how to tell if it s swollen or not) It only hurts when I put a little bit of pressure on it. For example my schoolbag is a messenger bag and it gets very very heavy at times and just a little bit of heavy at other times. Anyway I can pick it up a little bit when it s over my shoulder, but I can t carry it, no matter how heavy it is, at all. I tried using ice to see if it would help and it didn t help really. I decided to try the rice treatment and the only thing that helped was the ace bandage. My friends say it might be fractured but if it was it would be swollen and I wouldn t be able to use it right? My 2nd cousin says it might be mildly sprained. I can t go to the doctors for x-rays because my parents are teachers and they are paying for my sisters college right now so they don t really have the money to pay for x-rays, and besides it s been over a month since I fell on my wrist so it s a little late for x-rays right? So anyway what do yall think it is? Thanks
Hello, The symptoms seem to be related to a sprained wrist. I suggest doing an X-ray to exclude the possibility of a fracture. Meanwhile, I suggest using anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen to relieve the pain. I also suggest using a brace to prevent further damage to the wrist. Ice compresses can help to relieve the pain. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
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I fell on 1/16/17, on the ice and when I fell I landed on my back in a curve. I went to the Dr. because I was in so much pain, She just checked me over and sent me home. Three days later the pain was worse, I went back to the Dr. she just had me do a few exercises, to see how bad it hurt. That had me in tears, she gave me 3 day supply of muscle relaxers. I went back on the 24, and she finally done an X-Ray, which showed that I a very badly bruised back bone. The pain just kept getting worse as I never stopped working, on the 2nd of March they finally did a MRI, showing that I had a compression fracture at T7 and bulging disc and L4 & L5. All this time I had worked making beds and running up and down stairs and running vacuum cleaners. Now the pain is so unbearable and I am losing feeling in my left leg. The specialist just told me to avoid falls. My question is: since worked and kept doing everything that I normally do, could I have messed my back more?
Hi, I went through your history and have identified the following problems; I have not seen your X-rays or MRI films, so my opinion of this is going to be a limited one.1. The T7 compression fracture: This fracture must have been a stable fracture, as you have been weight-bearing and walking even after the fall. An unstable fracture would have contributed to new neurological deficits that you would have experienced and not allowed you to bear weight at all. And since it's been more than 3 months since the injury, the fracture would have healed by now anyway. Since it takes an average of 6 weeks for vertebral body fractures to heal.2. The disc bulge if severe enough at L4-5 can contribute to numbness over the back of your calf. This would signify a neurological compression. If it was a bad disc bulge or disc prolapse as we call it you would most likely need a surgical intervention. So in conclusion, you wouldn't have messed your back more by this. But I suggest you show a spine surgeon who could take a look at your problems, examine you clinically and correlate with your MRI images and decide whether you need any surgical intervention or not.
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I had sinus congestion, pain in early April. 10 days prior I had a temporary cap put on an upper right molar . I went to ENT . Did a scope in office, placed on 6 day medpred. After 1 week , congestion and headaches , especially when awakened, back to ENT , now steroid injections in to turbinate sinus . These shots 1 per week x 3 then every 3 months . After 2 nd shot mentioned to ENT , my cap tooth. Told me to go back to dentist . Went to dentist started root canal on tooth. After 2 nd visit to dentist , asked to just pull tooth. Congestion and headaches remain .cat scan of sinuses done, nothing remarkable Followed up with ENT . Sent me to allergist . Had allergy skin tests , not reactive to anything. Allergist suggested using Mucinex D . Used for 1 week with some relief. Started on Flonase 2pumps per nostril once a day. First day seemed to help. Second day seemed to make congestion worse. Back to ENT another 6 days of med pred. No change . Begged to try antibiotics , augmentin given, on day 6 out of 10 , still with congestion, maybe a slight bit better. Headaches every night . I do not sleep more then a few hours each night. It s going on over 2 months. Through all tried net pot too. Nose seems very try at all times . Some dental pain too. Could this all be from my tooth extraction. Sometimes wonder if there is a connection between sinus and upper jawbone . Desperate .
Hello dear, After going through your history, I believe you have some genuine concern and I will try to help you out of this situation. Our nose is surrounded by sinuses. Sinuses are empty cave like spaces in the facial bones with their mouth opening into the nose. These opening are very small and lined by epithelium same as that of nose. In a normal situation when we breathe, air enters the sinuses and ventilate them. Also, there is constant production of fluids inside the sinuses, which Chat Doctor. When nose is affected with some infection, even common cold, the epithelium swells and so the epithelium around the mouth of the sinuses. Now the sinuses can not be ventilated nor can be
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I recently had a root canal done due to my gums being swollen, pain in my mouth that went up to the left side of my nose. My nose was alittle swollen, the dentist injected injected an antibiotic during root canal, the following day I blew my nose when the mucus came out it was thicker then usual and noticed it kind of looked like rubber glue. When looking into my nose I noticed a white patch in there and my nostril looks swollen. I ve recently been on antibiotics for sinus infection after getting Cat Scan and seeing an ear nose and throat doctor, but before all this happened I had pain on the right side of my face in the jawbone area underneath my ear doctors thought it was mastiod, bone infection and turned out not to be. Cat Scan did determine I had mucus and sinusitis. my question iscould the white patch on my nostrils be sinusitisor the antibiotics that the dentist inject in my tooth and gums.
Dear friend. Thanks for sharing your concern. Your history requires little more clarity, you have mentioned that you got root canal treatment done. This is done to treat a tooth which has involved the pulp and periapical area. It is not done for gum swelling. The cause for your gum swelling is the abscess, which was due to infected tooth. Your dentist has injected local anesthetic to relieve pain during root canal treatment procedure. Its effect last for few hours only, this will not lead to sinusitis. Please mention which tooth are you talking about ? Is it your upper left side first molar? Here I would like to mention that if this is the tooth on which RCT has been done, then in rare chances it can lead to or astral fistula. The white patch and mucus thicker than usual could be the result of this. For this I would suggest you to revisit your dentist for clinical evaluation. Have you mentioned to your dentist about your recent sinusitis and the antibiotics that you were taking prior to dental treatment? Your pain underneath your ear on right side is not related to this. It could be due to impacted tooth in the lower jaw or a periapical infection on right side, for this you must get a X-ray done to rule out any impaction or infection. . Hope I have answered your query. Thanks. Take care.
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My husband is 43 years old and had Right Shoulder Arthroscopic Aeromioplasty this past Monday. He was prescribed Oxycodine, Hydrocodine and a Nerve Block Ball with Catheter. He woke up from a nap Tuesday night at 8:00PM, clinching the center of his chest, and with severe jaw pain, which he had felt the jaw pain earlier in the day. I rushed him to the ER and Chest Xrays, blood work and EKG all came back normal. Today is Friday, the catheter was removed yesterday and he is taking the Hydrocodine for pain as needed, however the chest and jaw tightness are still there. He really feels the chest tightness when he lays on his left side, or twists his body to the side, or takes a deep breath (Hes a smoker, by the way). We have an appointment set up with a cardiologist for next Thursday, but would like to have these questions answered so we dont spend the weekend worrying. We are wondering if this pain could be due to the Hydrocodine, or perhaps a muscle in his chest could be pulled due to the stress on his body, causing the additional pain to the jaw, or perhaps even an infection of some sort. The last thing I want to think is perhaps there is a clot or embolism, but is it possible? Weve been told to take him back to the ER if the pain worsens, I can have him there in minutes. Thank you for your time.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, possibility of pulmonary embolism is high in his case. Risk factors in his case are 1. Recent surgery 2. Active smoker 3. Chest pain and Chest tightness, recurrent and not relieving. So possibility of pulmonary embolism is more. He needs CT Pulmonary angiography to rule out this. If CT Pulmonary angiography is normal then no need to worry about Pulmonary embolism. His pain can be due to musculoskeletal cause. Don't worry, he will be alright. But better to first rule out Pulmonary embolism. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your husband. Thanks.
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I was diagnosed just over a year ago with an L5/S1 annular tear and after trying nearly everything I m no further along. Since day one though the symptoms have never fit together. Dull stabbing pain is clear as day in that S1 area but the radiating pain doesn t fit and I believe I may also be dealing with pinched nerves. Standing causes medial foot pain in the heel and numbness in the toes, especially the right foot and big toe. Occasionally I feel shooting pain under my left testicle as well. Any quick movement or resistance causes upper body trembling. Pushing through my abdomen as if I m straining to pee causes my lower back to tremble. My lower back behind my abdomen, and the abs themselves get on fire after awhile from standing, sitting, activity, ...basically anything. Often times I feel pain behind the ribs, especially the left side, maybe where the trigger points are? Every day I wake up and rush to get what I can done before lunch when I m forced to lay down with a heating pad and 5 mg of Oxycodone-Acetaminophen. I do the same until dinner and then one more time before bed. If I sit straight up with good posture or stand my L5/S1 fires up, and if I hunch and/or sit my lower back is on fire. Its not livable and nothing has worked. PT, chiropractic, epidurals, etc. I m trying to journal daily with as much detail as possible but how do I even know who to check with? I d like to see someone who can look at the total kinesiology and figure out the cause as well as a solution. Fusion surgery has been mentioned by the Spine Dr. but I feel that is but one of the issues and not the source itself. At least not completely.
Hi, I passed carefully through your question and would explain that your symptoms could be related to the chronic degeneration on your vertebral column and the pressure on the nerves. For this reason, I would recommend physiotherapy and trying Gabapentin or Pregabalin for the pain. Another treatment option would be amitriptyline. You should discuss with your doctor on the above treatment options. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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1 yo daughter had older sister die from leukemia (high risk due to LiFraumeni). Child has fallen in growth chart to less than 15% in height and weight since 3 months. Constant watery/sandy stools-never solid stool. Now is seeing PT for low muscle tone and weak core/hips. She scoots on her bottom, doesn t crawl. Just learned to roll over back to front. Concerns of mine are in labs-Normal WBC 12.6 with 19%Segs, 71%Lymph, 5%Mono, 4%Eos, 1%Bands. 33.8 HCT, 11.4 HGB, 33.7 MCHC. Also 92 glucose, 4 BUN, 0.23 Creatinine, 146 Triglycerides, 4.2 albumin, 2.2 globulin, 1.9A:G, 1.11 Free T4. Obviously concerns abound. Doc now referring us to Neurology (not sure why-waiting on call from him). I assume we are focusing on muscle issues, but don t want to overlook GI issues and lose sight of the fact that we have a genuine concern about what we ve endured before. BTW-DD1 wasn t diagnosed with usual ALL symptoms. She went into ER for Hip pain that caused her to not be able to walk. It resolved in 2 days but returned in other hip a week later. 1 lab with a couple blasts (normal WBC, RBC, DIFF, etc), prompted doc to order a consult with hematology, dx 3 weeks later with high risk pre b-cell ALL. she died 1 year later after GvHD battle.
Dear friend,First, accept my condolences on the loss of your first daughter. Coming to your current question, nothing in her symptoms or investigations seems to point to ALL as of now. If your concern is with 71% lymphocytes, this can be normal in a year-old infant. Her other cell counts and biochemistry tests are normal. Whether she could be having a musculoskeletal disorder, I am not currently knowledgeable enough to comment on what it might be, but I would suggest that if they want to get this diagnosis out of contention, they should consider a KITCHEN Chat Doctor. I say this because both your child
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L2-3 Level The disk space is narrowed and desiccated. There is a diffuse disk bulge at this level of approx. 3-4 mm. Endplate reactive changes are present at this level. There is no significant central stenosis. There is no significant foraminal stenosis despite these degenerative changes at this leve. L3-4 Level. Mild diffuse disk bulge of about 3 mm is present at this level. No significant central or foraminal stenosis. Desiccation changes in the disk are present. L4-5 level. The disk space is lightly narrowed. Mild bulging of the disk is present of a couple millimeters. Facet degenerative changes of a mild degree are present with some mild thickening of ligamentum flavum. No significan central ro lateral stenosis despite the findings. L5-S1 Level. Mild facet degenerative changes are present. No significant central or lateral stenosis. Abnormal signal probably die to hemangiomas present at S2 and S3 level. IMPRESSION: Degenerative disc changes particularly at the L2-3 level with bulging disk and mild central stenosis. No significan foraminal stenosis. Endplate reative changes. Probable hmangioma of bone at the S2 and S3 levels. No sacral ala lesion. Mild scollotic curvature of approx. 20 degrees convex left. This is the typed report from the MRI. It doesn t sound much - but I sure do hurt and the pain runs down both of my legs. Aleve and such do nothing to help the pain. Would a stronger pain pill work or do I need to see a pain management dr. or a neurosurgeon?
I would recommend at this time seeing a Neurosurgeon. It appears that you are having sciatica due to "disc bulge" causing nerve root compression. Often this may require stronger pain medications such as Gabapentin, Pregabalin, Duloxetine and sometimes even narcotics like HY Chat Doctor. Physical therapy is often helpful at least partially with the pain. If all these fail, then surgery may be necessary. Since these medications need to be prescribed by a specialist and need adjustment, I would recommend you see a Neurosurgeon to discuss various treatment options.
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I fell out of bed 10 days ago. A large red and blue knot formed within 30 minutes from the fall. The knot is located below the right knee in the center of the upper shin about 2 inches below the knee.This wound is very painful even at rest. I am not able to tolerate long pants on this wound. It throbs and has sharp shooting pain. There are no aches. Also in the right leg there exist the following; 1.Venous insufficiency- The skin on the leg tears easily and even a slight bump breaks the skin and is excruciating 2. Radicular neuropathy from spinal fusion 15 years ago. There is a strong pain produced when mildly pushing my index finger anywhere along the outer thigh, the inner thigh, the inside part of the knee and along the inside of the right calf to the inner right ankle.3. I have severe pain in my big toe on the right foot and occasionally on the bottom of the middle toes. 4. I already had edema as well from the knee through the foot. 5. I had plantar fasciosis in the right foot 2 years ago and have noticed a similar pain in the same foot since the fall. 6. The entire right knee is artificial having been replaced in August 2006. 7.The left knee requires replacement. 8. I am concerned about a clot forming in the wound/ knot, though ordinarily that would not be an issue. I can barely move my leg. I regularly elevate my feet to reduce swelling. I cannot bear my full weight on the right leg. 9. I was seen by a vascular surgeon in early 2012. He confirmed the bilateral diagnosis of the vascular issues. I had the leg x-rayed the day of the fall. Nothing was broken. I know it takes me a long time to heal, but this knot makes walking more painful than usual.
HelloThanks for the queryFollowing trauma you have developed hematoma (collection of blood in tissues). X-ray has been done and it is normal. This hematoma has no relation with your artificial knee, venous insufficiency or plantar fasciitis. Hematoma usually takes one to two weeks to resolve. All you need is bed rest, some anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. I will suggest you to consult a doctor for proper clinical examination and treatment. Regards
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Recovering from bronchitis. My chest still hurts and it feels like I have something stuck in my throat. Like food. Also feels like something lodged in my chest on my right side of lung. It s a weird sensation. I m coughing constantly to clear whatever is in my throat but nothing is in there. Should I see my doctor again? Or is this just maybe some swelling or damage due to coughing so long? Thanks Susan
Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Dear I read facts of your query and reviewed it in context to your query health issues. I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them. Based on the facts of your query the reply of your query is-Resolving bronchitis with HERD ? Other causes need to be ruled like-Accompanied Bacterial / Viral Gastritis and other ENT / sinus and LPR- Laryngo-pharyngeal Reg urge with paresis(heart burn) -Conditions affecting the pharynx like pharyngitis wither contract or pharyngitis with acid rel flux causing persistent cough. Paresis causes weird chest discomfort in your case. Dos -suggested for your case-Antibiotics / with Anti-asthamaticwith plenty of fluidsBland / non-spicy / non-fried diet with Low solids and high liquids would recoup you more from Chest pain of Paresis, due to reflux acidity. Tab It B12 / Folic acid to improve the resistance of esophageal and upper gastric mucous to bear with increased acidity. Gaviscon-Liquid with PPI-like Panto-D- would control the complaints High fiber diet with Prebiotics like Acid Cider Vinegar- to reduce bloating and acid reflux in your case Plenty of fluids x regularly Antibiotics like Ciplox-OZ- and Tab Benzyl - would recoup the IBS fast. Tab Zirconia +It B12 would recoup the inflamed colonic and intestinal mucosa of the missed out accompanied IBS causing gastritis and induced reflex persistent cough in your case. Stool analysis Test and CBC for to rule out Acute Eosinophilic pneumonia(AEP), Loeffler Syn Chat Doctor.
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Hi I am a student study at Baruch College, I have been feeling depressed since I started in Baruch because I have been getting bad grades. One of the important reasons that leads to the depression is Baruch has a requirement for those who want to enroll in zicklin school of business must meet a GPA requirement of 2.25 for over all courses and 2.4 for pre-business courses. For now, my over all GPA is 2.8 and pre-business courses is 2.2, which creates a barrier for me to register for zicklin school. I dont know what to do but to blame my poor performance...even if I study a lot, my exam results are still pretty poor whereas my friends have excellent score on their exams. Also, I always have a feeling that all my friends will look down at me because I am useless, so I have always wanted to compete with them as a way to improve my peformance and show them that I am not as useless as they thought. However, it always turns out to be opposite of what I have expected.I just dont understand why this is happening to me when I am so diligent in all my classes, and this is not fair and I feel tired, but my parents expect me to graduate next year because I am a senior. How am I supposed to graduate without getting into zicklin school!!! please help me!!!!
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. First, you are not clinically depressed. You are just disappointed due to the lower grade you are scoring. That happens to everyone. When we fail to achieve something, we get disappointed. But we always try to find a different way to overcome the disappointment. If you are unable to score high grades, it is not because you are unable to, it is because you are not doing it right. You are not studying effectively. When any average aspirant can do it, why can't you? Just approach in a different angle, and success is for sure. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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After a lifetime of issues with my teeth and constant micro infections and painful cavities, I finally was able to get on dental insurance through the state. The dentist, who I picked for his high reviews for successfully treating scared patients, and I discussed my options and the best seemed to be complete removal of all my remaining teeth (7 on top and 10 on bottom as all back teeth had been previously pulled over the years). Id then get a full set of dentures, also through the state. Four weeks ago, I had the top teeth extracted which went in a line from my left canine, my front teeth, and then ended with the tooth just behind my right canine. Im still getting painful twinges in the areas formerly occupied by my front teeth and canines if I do any sort of activity, plus my face is still really store from the left canine removal up into my sinus area when I press gently on my face. My dentist has checked and said it appears Im healing with no sign of infection, but Im concerned. The state insurance wont pay for me to see another dentist. Is this sort of painful twinging normal?
Hi, Thank you for your query on Chat Doctor I understood your concern. Since you already discussed the options with your dentist and had chosen the removal of all the teeth, you will wear new dentures and that may be the better option since your teeth as said is agitated much. High sugary diet, sticky sugar foods, uncontrolled diabetes, poor oral hygiene etc. causes cavities on teeth. Controlling these factors can prevent cavities. Once agitated, if mild, the teeth can be treated by normal restoration. If it reaches pulp, ACT. If severe or grossly decayed, then extraction is the choice followed by prosthodontist (implants or normal complete dentures)Also clinical check up by your dentist showed no infection, so need to worry, pain subsides gradually. It may take time since many teeth are extracted and the soft tissues got irritated. Take an X-ray of the extracted site where you feel pain and get confirmed if there is any real cause for pain. Even if there is any very small harm to sinus wall, it will heal up. Don't worry. But if pain continues for more than a month, do a thorough check-up. Hope this information help. Thank you
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My father s MRI detail are Age =45 Observation: 1.Loss of lumber lordosis is noted 2.No other remarkable vertebral abnormality is seen 3.Neural foramina and facet joints are normal 4.Sagittal diameter of bony spinal canal measures as follow L1=14mm,L2-13mm,L3=12mm,L4=12mm,L5=12mm. 5. Diffuse annular bulgings of L3-L4, L4-L5 disk are noted causing effacement of epidural fat. 6. The Thecal sac shows normal signal characteristics. 7. Visualized portion of the spinal cord is normal 8. Paraspinal soft tissues are normal Impressions: 1. Paraspinal muscle spasm. 2. Diffuce annular bulgings of L3-L4,L4-L5 disks causing effacement of epidural fat. please doctor suggest me treatment
Hi, Thanks for writing in. Your MRI findings are explained below in simple language.1. Loss of lumber lordosis is notedThere is a spasm of muscles in lower back.2. No other remarkable vertebral abnormality is seethe bones of lower back are normal3. Neural foramina and facet joints are normalPassages of nerves is normal4. Sagittal diameter of bony spinal canal measures as follows L1=14mm,L2-13 mm,L3=12mm,L4=12mm,L5=12mm. The canal containing the spinal cord is normal.5. Diffuse annular bulging of L3-L4, L4-L5 disk are noted causing effacement of epidural fat. Mild disc bulges are noted at L 3 - L 4 and L 4 - L 5 levels. This is a mild degenerative change.6. The Thecal sac shows normal signal characteristics. The sac containing spinal cord is normal.7. Visualized portion of the spinal cord is normalSpinal cord is normal in lower back regions8. Para spinal soft tissues are normalSoft tissues on both sides of spine are normal. In conclusion, you have mild degenerative disc changes with muscle spasm in lower back. This is treated with ointments containing pain reliever and muscle relaxants. Please do not worry.
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my daughter had a severe campylobacter infection 6 years ago. it took over 6 weeks to be diagnosed and she was hospitalized for significant weight loss and dehydration. since that time she has frequent spells of illness associated with central vertigo / vomiting / nausea. incapacitating sometimes weeks at a time. she is now 29 years old. she was told the infection had spread to her bloodstream and is affecting her cerebellum which is the reason for long term vertigo. is there any treatment ?? also she has low WBC consistently after this illness, even when feeling somewhat well. any suggestions ?
HIA low WBC count is usually discovered by your physician or health care provider during routine testing or through the course of diagnosis and treatment for an underlying disease, disorder or condition. A normal WBC count is approximately 4,500 to 10,000 ABCs per microliter of blood. A low WBC count is generally below 3,500 ABCs per microliter of blood, but this number varies depending on the medical laboratory, the particular test used, and the individual medical practice. The significance of a low WBC count varies and may be more (or less) serious depending on your medical history, overall health, and the underlying disease, disorder or condition. Some people may naturally have a mildly low WBC count. The normal range of low to high WBC counts also varies by age and gender. A low WBC count is often linked to problems with the bone marrow and the inability to make enough white blood cells. Autoimmune diseases that attack your white blood cells can also lead to a low WBC count. Several prescribed Chat Doctor. A low WBC count can be serious because it increases your risk of developing a potentially life-threatening infection. If you have a low WBC count, you will probably be advised by your medical professional to avoid situations that expose you to infectious and contagious diseases. Seek prompt medical care if you have a low WBC count and have signs of an infection, such as a fever, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, or skin lesions. A low WBC count can be due to a variety of different conditions that either destroy ABCs or inhibit their production in the bone marrow. These include:Anaplastic anemia (condition in which the bone marrow makes insufficient blood cells)Bone marrow disease (myelodysplasia syn
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I have a lot of health issuse, I had open Heart Surery in April Seem to have not helped much, I also have several auto immune now I went had a diagnostic mamagram and a sonagran this Dr, said she never has seen this before in twenty years. i have a small lump but my left nipple get very large changes color to red and get a little warm so she looked again and said there is no varacose veins but if i lay down my nipple goes back to normal in a shape and color. So they wast to send me to a surgent. I am so much medication 20 capsles of potasium,my cumidin will not stay up I take 10 mg for 5 day and 15 mg for 2 And my protime will not stay up And several other med one other thing my heart rate is very high Any Advise would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, Dear thanks for the query to Chat Doctor virtual clinic. I studied your query in full details updated from you. I understood your health concerns. Based on your query data, In my opinion, Dear You seem to suffer from dyslipidemia with messed up cardio-vascular health. Postural nipple change you talk about indicates some Breast ailment in formation. I would suggest Second Opinion from Surgeon, to fix the breast ailment, which could mostly be due to Fibroadenoma with increased vascularity with some intramural pathology. For the heart ailments-Weight reduction/ strict dieting with high proteins with low volume in consultation with nutritionist/ exercises/ change in lifestyle/avoiding smoking, alcohol,coffee, tea,spicy non-veg diet. Besdies this if no improvement-Gastric Bypass-procedure to reduce the disturbed metabolism and to reverse the dyslipidemia, which is the major cause of your health risks. Hope this reply would help you to evaluate your case and treat it with your doctors in time to come. Hope this would resolve your query and worry and Anxiety accompanied by it. Welcome for any further query in this regard to ME. I would love to help you out.Awaiting any further query. Wish you fast recovery from this intriguing health problem. Have a Good Day. Chat Doctor. N.M.S. Genl-CVTS -Senior Surgical Consultant
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Hi.. It s the 4th day and my teeth wouldn t stop chattering. The teeth chattering has disrupt my sleep and it gets worse everyday. It s starting to affect the way I talk. I m slurring already and it s beginning to affect my job. Besides that, I also have cold hands and feet . I perspire more than usual. I went to see the doctor and he said it might be thyroid . My sister has thyroid and the doctor said it s hereditary. Besides thyroid, can it be depression? 6 months ago, I have suffered depression. Back then, the doctor prescribed lorazepam and aposertraline for me. I was suppose to take the medication for at least 5 continuous months, but I stopped after 2 mths. Recently, I feel like it s coming back. I m very stress at work and with my life too. Im starting to break things when I get angry... I ll throw and slam everything I could lay my hands on.. I get so angry all the time and emotional too.. My boyfriend is my victim. With this teeth chattering and all, I m getting more stressed up and anxious. I m waiting for my blood test result tomorrow to see if I have thyroid. Meanwhile the doctor prescribes propanalol for me to control my chattering teeth and jaw. It s not working! My whole mouth is still chattering. It s getting worse! I m so angry! Cos I can t believe I was give a lousy medicine. If it s not thyroid, what could it be? My depression? I think I m suffering from bipolar. What s wrong with me? Please help me. I m only 22 yrs old..
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your query. It is likely that your symptoms are due to a psychological cause - probably a depression or anxiety-related problem. Moreover, it's clear that you are quite stressed out and are in significant distress. Also, since you've had a recent history of depression for which you discontinued medication prematurely, you have a risk for relapse of symptoms. So, I would strongly advise you consult a psychiatrist for a detailed psychological assessment and further treatment. There are effective treatment options - in the form of medication or counselling / psychotherapy which will help you overcome your problems. Wish you all the best. -
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hiii....gud father has hepatitis c ...firstly he had both hepp B and C he is taking treatment from fortis mohali...his hepatitis b is cured....but doctor is saying he cant treat for hep C because its very risky to give him treatment bcz of bad condition of lever...can u tell me please wat to do in this situation??
Hi, How are you? I am really sorry to hear about your Dads' diagnosis, but it is indeed good news that he has cleared hepatitis B. What is his age? Unlike hepatitis C, in hepatitis B, there is usually no need to take treatment if your liver function is normal and if your viral load is low. He will need additional tests to look for other markers of infection and to see if you are infective to others (Hepatitis B PCR, Antics ab, Anti HBC ab, Anti He Ab, ). Based on this we can categorize your dad as a carrier or as someone who has cleared the virus. Most people will clear the virus by themselves without any treatment. Only a minority become chronic carriers and only a minority in them will develop cirrhosis at a later stage. Hepatitis B only needs treatment if the viral load is very high or if the liver is being damaged as evident from blood tests. Hepatitis C on the other hand is more aggressive disease and most people do develop some form of liver damage over the years. This is the reason why most doctors will treat this disease aggressively in order to obtain a cure. But treatment will depend on the viral load (hep C viral PCR) and the genotype of the virus (1,2,3,4) as different genotypes need different treatment, and they respond differently to treatment as well. But the hepatitis C treatment is toxic to the body (damages liver and bone marrow) and so can be given only to those who can tolerate it. If the liver has already been damaged i, e has become cirrhotic, then I think you should start thinking in terms of getting a liver transplant done for your dad. Hope this helped and hope your dad feels better. Please do not hesitate to contact me for further details, esp regarding places in India which treats Hepatitis C and which offer Liver transplant -
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my son is 18 he has had a lump in his chest in the middle between his rib cage for about a year he has over the last four months lost a lot of weight about half a stone hes now strated to get alot of pain in his lower back and is constantly cracking it he says it gets very tight he has adhd and is scared of doctors and hospitals so iam having trouble getting him checked out hes also a smoker any advice please
Hi, Good Evening. This is Chat Doctor. -I studied your query in depth and Understood your health concerns.-Accordingly on the facts given by you-Treatment I would suggest is as follows-a-Your general health is run down due to the lump in the chest and the associated back problems worsened by smoking and ADHD.b-I think you are a Case of -Thomism with ADHD. And need definitive treatment from doctors. So you have to consult a Physician from an ER-center nearby.Hence, I would Suggest you to consult a Surgeon and Physician whose team work would be needed for proper treat planning and to remove permanently Thomism. Did he have any history of TB meningitis in childhood? The inherited TB residual stress and energy disturbances of TB survivors-with stress on their nervous system-which is proved now -has a genetic predisposition and needs to be removed by consulting specialist doctors in Er by help of -WAVE-MAKER which cancels the disturbed energy of the Thomism in the body of the patient and reduces the ADHD of your child.b-For the chest-lump -which appear to be-Chronic infected lymphadenitis ? Or Cold abscess with TB spine?-I would advise you to have FNAC-Biopsy to fix its cause. If its TB-anti-tb treatment for 18 myths would take care of it-as you are 18 only. C-I would advise you to get full treatment for your son-with your doctors for next 2-3 myths at-least, here on-wards, as yours is a complex health issue, and you need to be serious about it on the lines suggested herewith. Wishing you healthy living and early recovery of this query. Wellcome for more queries till you get the satisfied. Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor Clinic. Have a Good Day...!!
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I am 59, and recently had surgery to remove a very large lipoma from my back. The surgery was done in an operating room due to the large size of the lipoma. I have a severe allergy to latex - type 1 IgE mediated with anaphylaxis, and strict latex precautions were in place. I also have severe asthma secondary to the latex allergy. I do have diabetes - type 2 insulin dependant, and I am post graves disease. I was intebated. When I was extabated, I had trouble breathing. The Anesth gave me an updraft of epinepherine, and I turned blue, and my O2 sat dropped to 70%. The epi was stoped and I recovered, but had severe chest pain. I was admitted and had the chest pain again the following morning. Evidently I showed an atypical rise in my Troponin T levels, with a negative CKMB. I also had some EKG changes. I was transferred to the large medical center, and was evaluated quite extensively - all was negative (stress echo, nuclear stress, )no angiogram was done. I was on a nitro drip and also on heparin IV. Nothing showed except this elevated troponin t level, and they discharged me without a real diagnosis after 24 hours. What do you think happened to me? Could it be related to my latex allergy? ? histamine release?? My tryptase level was 18.5 Could I be allergic to epinepherine? I also showed some fluid around the heart - ? why?
Hi, Troponin level could be raised because of lots of conditions including severe anaphylaxis, post-surgery apart from cardiac disease. But an ECG change along with raised Troponin level is highly suspicious of cardiac disease (blockage in arteries of the heart) and also you had the chest pain. Plus you are a Diabetic. I could not think of anything other than a cardiac-related problem. We do not recommend doing a stress echo in patients with positive Troponin, dynamic ECG change and with chest pain. I will advise you to see another cardiologist and get an Angiography done soon. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
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Lately Ive been waking up with discomfort and pain to bend over around my mid/lower back. Ive always had back pain/discomfort every since I got hit by a car around 10-12 years ago(currently 21) but it wasnt as frequent as its starting to get, it would bother me to bend over n pick something up and also did noticed I used to get really bad leg pain(that has calm down). The car accident wasnt THAT bad(i assume because I was walking that same day) but I did get a big bruise on the right side of my hip were the car hit me and a couple of scraps on my left side. Around two months later after the accident I had a physical check up and when the doctor told me to bend over to check my spine I remembered it was kinda painful then she said my spine didnt look straight in the same area where it hurts when I bend over, so thats when my mom told her about the car accident, then the doctor sent me to get x-rays but some stuff happened right after the x-rays and never found it if there was anything wrong.but just like I stated earlier, my back has really been acting up you could say,i started waking up with back pain, bothers me to sit down without back support, the pain to bend over got abit worse sometimes I need to hold on to something to stand up straight again, cant lift heavy objects anymore,discomfort to stand for long periods of time which maybe me miss a couple of days and didnt let me preform my duties to my full abilities.So what I wanna know is, does it sound like a new different problem with my back or could it be due to the car accident and never finding out if there was something wrong and has gotten worse over time.?Also should I visit a doctor or wait and see if it gets better.?
HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorAs you stated here that the x-ray report is normal I guess that you might have taken all the analgesic or painkiller, If I would be a doctor then I would definitely suggest you MRI to rule out any other possibility, meanwhile I would try some physiotherapy, so I say you why do not you follow this advice see if you can get some relief, hope this will be nice for you have nice day.
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Hi, I am a 59-year-old male with Guillain-Barre Syndrome who is suffering from extreme, constant pain. I am currently taking Percocet 10-325 four times a day, however this is not helping. The main problem I am encountering is the both the strength of the medication and duration that the medication lasts for. I have spoken to my doctor about this problem, and he gave me a choice of several other pain relief medications that I can try. They are Oxycodone, Oxycontin supplemented with Percocet, and MS Contin. I am wondering which of these medications would have the longest duration of pain relief, while at the same time delivering a stronger effect than the Percocet I am currently taking. As an aside, I have had both Percocet 10-325 and Oxycodone 10 available to me at the same time due to a prescription mix up. When these two medications were taken together, they alleviated my pain completely for more than the 6 hour time period that the dose was supposed to perform for, and allowed me to take regular Percocet 10-325 for the rest of the day without any significant increase in pain. However, this solution in and of itself has not been something that has worked as well as I hoping it would work.My question is, of the options I have been offered, keeping in mind they are the only ones available to me at this given time, I need to know not only which would be the most efficient and longest lasting, but also, mot probably the safest.I would also like to add that during two recent visits to the hospital, each of which lasted one week, I was given 4 mg of morphine every 6 hours with no ill effects whatsoever.Thank you for any advice you can offer.
Hi, Thank you for posting your query. It is unfortunate that you are suffering from severe pain, following Guillain Barre syn Chat Doctor. I see many patients with GBS and about half of them have severe neuropathic pain. Most of them get better with pregabalin and gabapentin. So, I would suggest you try one of these, if you have not taken them earlier. Otherwise, percent is fine. Please get back if you require any additional information. Best wishes,
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I have a very poor attention span, i cant concentrate on a tv show, or even when someone is talking to me my concentration lasts a stupidly small time. I was considering asking my GP if he could prescribe me ritalin. I am not sure whether i would need any further testing or anything before hand. I do not want the drug for any form of recreational useage and in fact i would actully prefer one that increases concentraion without those side effects. I am not a fan of drugs that can have uses other than what i need them for eg when i have asked for sleeping pills or painkillers before i have specified i do not want opiates, benzos etc.I was wondering if you think it would be a good idea to ask my dr for them, or if there is an alternitive to them that you think would be betterAdditional info, i am 21, male. I was been diagnosed with bpd a few years ago. I am not on any medication. I used to drink alcohol too much but i cut down a few months ago to a fraction of the amount i used to drink. Smoker - around 10/15 per day that i roll myself from tobacco.
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. You are supposed to refer to concentration and attention as two. Attention span for any adult is maximum 30 minutes. Sometimes, a person can be attentive to an interesting thing for more than 30 minutes, such as movies or games. Concentration is attention plus understanding. For this too, span of below 30 minutes. If you are able to make your studies interesting and based on variable principle, your concentration level can be increased. Concentration comes only when you are interested in what you do. So please be passionate towards what you are doing or do only those things which you are interested in. It is also possible to improve your concentration level with the help of yoga, meditation and breathing exercises. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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I have been silent sick for about a year or more now..I feel that I am dying. Ive felt this for awhile, and kept it a secret. but I believe ppl reallty do know when they are. I have no insurance. But I dont want to die. Im scared, and I have no idea what Im suppose to do. My family has no clue. but please, is there anyone who can help me? I know you need money. but im somebodys daughter, and one day shes going to be crying while she burries her daughter. I have an irregular heartbeat, rapid, I am short of breath, Ive had horrible dry heaves for the past 2 years. Now there to the point it makes my brain feel like its going to burst, and my heart. I have been forgetful and always tired. I never have energy and when i do, it runs out quick. Sometimes it feels like theres a water bubble or something that needs to pop in my chest. and when i lay on my left side it puts painful pressure on my heart. My heart will speed real fast up to 200+ at some times just by vacuuming a floor. I get wore out fast. im only 28 years old. Ive been urninating a lot more and my periods are horrible. When I dont have make up on, I look bad. My circles are dark and I just dont look well. my hair is thinning and falling out. My feet get swollen and hurt all the time sometimes they get red and my veins stick out real bad. I just know something is wrong. Oh, plus i have had ulcers for years...I just need help and dont know where to go. Im a good person. And never once has anyone ever just been there for me...I just dont know what to do. Im scared. I know that
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. I have gone through your all symptoms. All these symptoms are more suggestive of stress, anxiety, depression and panic disorder. So in my opinion, you should first consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You may need anxiolytic and antidepressant Chat Doctor. Counselling plays very important role along with
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I ve had CLL for the past 12 yrs. My WBC have been between 18,000 & 22,000. On June 2012, it was 21,000. I had a bad upper respiratory infection in Oct 2012. My PCP put me on antibiotics. He also recommended that I have a full blood test. My results showed that my WBC spiked from 21,000 to 30,000. He ordered another test and was tested 6 days later and my WBC went to 35,0000. He recommended that I see a Hematologist and referred me to the Norris Cotton Cancer Center in Manchester, NH. This hematologist is one of the best in NH and he has also done a lot of research on his own. The hematologist ordered a complete blood test of my blood. My WBC spiked to 51,000 from Dec. 18 to Jan 2nd. . The hematologist concluded that my globulin level was low and that was why my WBC spiked and are keeping rising. I m starting treatment next Thursday with IV globulin treatment. He s recommending that I have 6 treatments. I m relieved that s it s not chemotherapy. I would like to know if I have to change my lifestyle during the treatment, is it going to affect my work, and or sports? I don t have any ailments from CLL, like lymph swelling, fever or anything like that. The only thing I know is that my counts are high and are increasing. Otherwise, I don t have any symptoms. I would also like to know if this treatment will reduce the WBC. I m under the impression that because my globulin levels are low, it s causing my WBC to rise. Also, once I conclude this treatment, are my WBC go back to normal? Please advise. Thanks.
Dear , Thank you for genuine query. Normally CLL does not require any treatment until it is symptomatic. Blood counts do go up when there is reduction in the body immunity which is a common problem in CLL. In the infective stage it is not the lymphocytes but granulocytes which increase in number to be verified by DLC. Immunoglobulins will definitely increase your immunity to infections and WBC count may fall if it is infective nature but if your counts still go up you need to undergo proper management.
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hi. i am a 37 yr old female. 5 7 155lbs. no medical history to speak of. generally very healthy without any known allergies. i did have two accidents about 3 1/2 yrs ago that put me out of whack. recently i have had a multitude of changing symptoms. it started with 2 very localized spots on my arm that itch intensely, with a hot, sharp itch. it comes and goes and does not have any strange sensation when it is not itching. the only thing i can find online that describes it is neurodermatitus. i am also having a flare up of warts on my arm/hand. same side (left) as the itch. also i have been having zings of sensation from base of head travelling down my arms. much less frequent then the itch. lastly, i woke up this morning and there is a small painful cyst on my outer labia. i feel like my body is is falling apart all of a sudden!
Hi, Thanks for query to My Chat Doctor virtual Clinic And welcome to Chat Doctor services. I studied all details of your query. I understood your health concerns about causes of the multiple symptoms with a painful cyst on labia. Based on facts of your query, it seems that-you have the variety of Herpes Viral Infections which caused a-Hives/b-neurdermatitis feeling/c-Warts on arm/hand/d-Zing of sensations ?neuritis from Plex deficiency mostly, due to chronic viral infection with herpes. Lately you noticed a painful cyst on labia major, which may be result of chronic genital herpes infection you had. Second opinion from gone doctor is suggested urgently. Treatment-Tab Motrin / Cap Amoxicillin/Acyclovir created AcyclovirZincovit- for controlling paresthesia/neuritis pains. IF need be Surgical Excision of the Catholics infected Cyst, by a Surgeon. Hope this reply would help you in resolving this complex query and anxiety with it. Will appreciate your hitting thanks and writing excellent review comments to help needy visiting patients at Chat Doctor like you. Welcome for any further query in this regard. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. N.M.S. Genl- CUTS. Senior Surgical Specialist.
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Dear Sir, Last month I did my follicular study i took Siphene for five days from 2nd day of my period. 3 follice ruptured my husbands sperms count is normal , my hormone test are normal . But I still did not conceive. I am thinking of doing follicular study once again . My sonogaphy report is also normal. My friend advise me that this time in follicular study i should tell doctor to call me for follicular study even after ovulation just to check what exactly happen after ovulation.
Hallow Dear, Sphere is a Camphene citrate medicine, used for induction of ovulation. This is an anti-oestrogenic medicine and hence has god adverse effect on the growth of the endometrium. Hence and due to some other reasons also, it has better success in ovulation induction; however success in achieving the pregnancy is lower. Please submit yourself for ovulation monitoring after Sphere. At the time of ovulation, please note size of the follicle(s) and thickening of the uterine lining (endometrium). Follicles between 18 mm to 21 mm size release the healthiest eggs and have better pregnancy chances. If the follicles are becoming larger, you may request your doctor to give you In. Chat Doctor when the size of the follicle(s) is(are) within this range. If the follicles are remaining smaller, you may have to switch over to HMG/Chat Doctor combination. The endometrium of thickness between 9 mm and 14 mm is most conducive for implantation of the fertilized ovum. If the endometrium at the time of ovulation is thinner, please do not attempt pregnancy at that cycle. Get your endometrium built up by some estrogenic preparation first. When it has reached the required thickness or more, then down regulate the estrogen and attempt pregnancy in the next cycle by induction of ovulation. May be, if Sphere does not work, you may have to switch over to HMG/Chat Doctor combination. Also, please find out by hysterosalpingography about the patency of your tubes. Husbands semen examination also is needed to find out the quality of the semen. I hope this has provided you preliminary guidelines. For detailed discussion, you may ask me Direct question with all your reports uploaded.
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three weeks ago I had a bad headache, blurred vision and some numbness on l side of face. I went to the ER and they did a CT and bloodwork. I was told all was ok and they sent me home with ERY 333 in case there was an underlying infection of some sort. They did mention a small amount of fluid on L eardrum. I went ahead and followed up with an eye dr and dentist. The eye doctor did the exam and dialated my eyes. He was concerned about Giant cell arteritis and wanted the results of my bloodwork. I had to go back and have that particular blood test drawn. The number was a 10 and not 50 or more so he ruled that out. I then went to my dentist and the xrays showed a possible abcessed root. Second to last molar on the L side. Because it was such a big filling he went ahead and pulled it. I was then tols to continue my antibiotics and he prescribed more. I still have a on again off again headache, never any fever. Tooth area feels beter today is two weeks, although looks like it is still draining a bit. I was out and about today and my husband said that my was was all red. I looked in the mirror and it was all red and bloodshot looking. Then after about an hour it was normal again. I am starting to get a bit stressed wondering what is going on. I finished my last antibiotic tab today also.
Hello have read your query. Although having a tooth pulled is usually very safe, the procedure can allow harmful bacteria into the bloodstream. Gum tissue is also at risk of infection. If you have a condition that puts you at high risk for developing a severe infection, you may need to take antibiotics before and after the extraction. It is normal to feel some pain after the anesthesia wears off. For 24 hours after having a tooth pulled, you should also expect some swelling and residual bleeding. However, if either bleeding or pain is still severe more than four hours after your tooth is pulled, you should call your your case I think tooth socket is healing. it'll take around 4 weeks to heal completely but if you feel that It's still Chat Doctor. Hope this ans helpsRegards
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Hello Doctor, I am 34 yr old male .i am having GERD. And doctor advice me the endoscopy, in which i have 10cm Barrets with metaplysia and heital hernia. And Iam also loosing my weight from 1yr and have low immunity.My vitamin B12 is deficiant.The doctor gave me rabipra..... and Normaxin. now I feel relief in acid reflux. but my immunity is very low and still loosing weight. Can you advice me some more treatment in homeopathy or unani or in ayurvedic.
**1.hiatal hernia causes food and ACID to reflux back from stomach into esophagus, as a result patient is afraid to consume food, resulting in weight loss.2. As you are deficient in vitamin B12 and taking medicine for bowel motility, thus MAL absorption can be one cause of weight loss. [1 year]PS. Do check with blood picture in terms with vitamin B12 deficiency, as it do affect it [reduced white blood cells and platelets], along with neurological examination as its deficiency causes peripheral neuropathy, psychosis.3. Since hiatal hernia and barrels esophagus is there, thus your attending Doctor is giving due consideration in taking up your case, you can incorporate following lifestyle management:. Avoid bending/stooping forward or lying immediately after meals. Avoid alcohol, smoking,caffeine, tea. Avoid irritant Chat Doctor. . Avoid citrus fruit, tomato, chocolates, spices, fatty food, deep-fried food, grapes. Take rice with plain DAL or milk or ghee. Do not keep the stomach empty, also do not take heavy meal.4. As routine examination:. For loss of weight/Immunity: hemoglobin, WBC, ESR, blood sugar, X-ray chest, HIV test [as routine], ultrasonography of abdomen [for any malignancy], any autoimmune disease with relevant examination and investigations. Good food rich in proteins [cereals, milk,eggs]. Regular gradually increased exercise. Tonics and injections alone are not going to help to build the body mass. Good food and exercise must accompany the medicines for a substantial gain in weight. As low Immunity is an Issue, thus Ramayana
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Hi,My father is 72 years old. Lately he has started getting seizures that last up to a minute. This happens once a week. He also complains about headaches sometimes and he has started forgetting things. One day his left hand went numb. I just needed an opinion of what might be wrong?Thank you
Hi welcome to HCI have gone through your query regarding seizure and numbness in hand of your 72 years father. It is a matter of concern. For your info, it is usually accompanied by weakness or loss of function in your arm or hand due to damage, irritation or compression of one of the nerves or a branch of one of the nerves in your arm and wrist. There are many factors influencing your fathers health to this suffering state. Main of them are-: lack of physical activity, lack of sufficient nutrients lack of sleep and proper rest , Alcohol use disorder or chronic alcohol use, Cervical spondylosis (age-related wear and tear, HIV/AIDS, Type 2 diabetesVasculitis (an inflammation of your blood vessels)Vitamin B-12 deficiency etc., You have to study, what all factors you can remove and help him lead a healthy life. Including - Yoga, Panama - Deep Breathing, Meditation, Calamari to boost your blood circulation and detox your system under guidance of trained guide and balanced diet, including, all essential nutrients as fiber, vitamins, minrals and antioxidants Ginger, Garlic, AMLA, Aloe vera, nuts, Turmeric powder and almond oil a spoon each, in a cup of hot milk at bedtime, Coconut water, all in natural form help, eradicate Vāyu ATV (gas)(which troubles a lot in this age), alley numbness , pains and inflammation and give resistance from diseases. Ayurvedic Sharp Gandhi Patti also induces good sleep - 2 tablets Avoid food that is high in saturated or trans-fats like fried, fast foods, refined sugars and fine floor products, tea, coffee, alcohol, sleeplessness, dehydration, constipation.worry, stress all induce toxins in your body and cause you sufferings. This regime will help him It is advisable to consult your doctor before following any regime Hope this helps solves your query. Take care, All the best.Don't hesitate to get back if you have any further query
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My Daughter is 21 months old. At 3 weeks she had open heart surgery for Shones Complex. After an attempted extubation following surgery she went into cardiac arrest and the doctors performed CPR for 2 1/2 hours on and off. She was in status epilepticus and an MRS showed a strokes in 3 lobes. Her seizure meds(phenobarb and dilantin ) were stopped 1 year ago- when she was about 9 months. She had some mild gross motor delays but from a neurological standpoint, overall she is doing great. She has now been diagnosed with acquired microcephaly . She has always been Failure to Thrive with no known GI issues. Her HC is 17 1/4, height is 31 3/4 and weight is 19lbs. I have started noticing signs of possible petite-mal seizures with the worst lasting about 15-20 sec. My question is: Does Acquired microcephaly tend to be degenerative or regressive in nature? She has hit most milestones to date, but is it possible that she will regress? Also, are the petite mal seizures a result of the microcephaly and can these turn into grand-mal? I have read that the severity of microcephaly and its relationship with developmental delays can correlate with overall growth percentiles. Is it possible that her lack of appetite is caused by the microcephaly and be making it worse at the same time?
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor .com. This is going to be a rather long answer. Please bear with me as I talk through this. I will also quote a study on this disease process from a journal, Pediatrics. The article is entitled Acquired Microcephaly: Causes, Patterns, Motor and IQ Effects, and Associated Growth Changes. Acquired (also known as progressive) microcephaly is a condition in which a children head circumference is within the normal range at birth and for an undefined period thereafter but then does not increase as fast as normal and, as a result, crosses percentiles to below the second percentile. In our experience, this is a relatively common form of microcephaly. Although there is extensive literature on microcephaly, there is little on this subtype. Recognized causes include acquired brain damage as well as Rest syn Chat Doctor.
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Hello I am a 34 yr old male Ive been in some serious testicular pain and abdomin pain for the past year...I have seen 4 different doctors who have pretty much just shrugged the problem off. I have tried many different antibiotics for pretty long periods of time with no sign of it getting better. Bactrim, Doxycycline, tetracycline,azithrimysin,cipro. The only one that had some effect was bactrim the first time i took it then took it again couple months later and nothing happend. This truely has effected my life in all aspects I no longer work at my job of 11 years due to constant pain and discomfort, its hard to lift heavy things without being in pain, Its extremely hard to sleep the majority of nights because of the pain. My sex drive has gone almost to 0 and if i do have sex im in pain afterwards. I have had periods of burning while urinating but it comes and goes. I also am experiencing atrify in both my penis and testicles which both me and my fiance both can see and constant red and enflamed testicles and sac. Ive tried some methods to ease the pain like warm baths, cold compresses, rest, no sex for 4 months now. All i can do is sit all day walking even bothers it...I just want my life back I want to run with my son again and be energetic I feel like a 90 yr old man...I just would like some kind of answer solution something as to what to do where to go next i ve been searching so long i feel like all hope is lost. Please if you have answer or a solution i would greatly appreciate it
HelloThanks for query. You have pain in both the testicles and abdomen since a long time which has not resolved even after taking ample of antibiotics. You have not mentioned any tests carried out to establish diagnosis. I would suggest you to consult qualified Urologist for clinical and digital rectal examination and get following basic tests done to confirm the diagnosis.1) Urine routine and culture.2) Ultrasound scanning of abdomen and pelvis3) Ultrasound Scanning of Scrotum 4) Color Doppler scan of Scrotum. Further treatment will depend upon result of these tests and final diagnosis. Chat Doctor.
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Hi i had a miscarriage last year february.Still am not very desperate and want to hav 1 very soon.its really painful n heartache.for past 1 month im undergoing a treatment,the doctor asked me to take thyronorm pills for 100 days as it is little bit high which will not be suitable for my pregnancy,also have given PRO ONE 200 (micronised progestrone 200mg)and folygel-DHA(folic acid with DHA softgels).My doctor has advised me to have intercourse from day 13 to im running day 20 as my last LMP was 30th DEc.i wanted to know wat could be the signs or symptoms on day 20 if the egg is been fertilized?Do these tablets really help me?im anxious to know.Pls help me...
Hello, Thankyou for asking your question at Chat Doctor. I understand your concern Taking thermoform during pregnancy is completely safe. Infact it is important to take the thermoform regularly, if you have hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid hormone) and regularly check the thyroid hormone levels. Maintaining a normal thyroid level is important for mother and fetus. The earliest signs of pregnancy occur when the fertilized egg implants on the uterine wall. Some women notice slight bleeding /spotting at this time called Implantation bleed. But most women do not have Implantation bleed. Once the fertilized egg implants the progesterone levels in your body keep. Rising, and you start noticing increase in body temperature, nausea, breast tenderness, bloating etc. However, some women do not experience any of these symptoms, even though they have conceived. Implantation usually occurs around 9th day after ovulation. It can range from 6-12 days. Assuming you have regular periods, your ovulation is supposed to happen on day 14. If so, you are unlikely to have any symptoms of pregnancy on day 20 of the cycle. You can do a home pregnancy test 6 days after your missed periods to detect pregnancy. Now there are also very sensitive tests available that test for pregnancy 5 days before missing your period, but chances of getting false negative results are high if you test too early Hope I was able to answer your question Please feel free to ad Chat Doctor.
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My bp has been running a bit high for the last couple of months, also my pulse rate. This morning it was 157/97 with heart rate 107. Took it again few minutes ago and it is 132/90 with pulse rate 116. I seem to be able to tell when it is high because my head feels really weird.and spacey on the top. Kinda like it feels full. Last week I was driving home from my mothers house and had this feeling, about 10 minutes later my heart started beating real fast and I felt like I was going to black out. Pulled car over and let my son drive home. He took my bp when we got home and it was 156/78 with heart rate 102 Have a dr appt. next week. Should I try to go to urgent care or something before then?
Hello and thank you for using Chat Doctor. I carefully read your question and I understand your concern. I will try to explain you something and give you my opinion. In your case we have to deal with two different problems but strongly related with each other, hypertension and rhythm issue. We talk about hypertension if we have mean value that exceeds 140 / 90 mmHg. A person might have high value during emotional and physicals trees so It's mandatory to judge on mean values. Fast heart beats might be a simple sinus tachycardia. This mean that your heart beats over 100 beats for minute. But it might be another kind of arrhythmia like atrial fibrillation. It means that your heart beats in a chaotic way. Hypertension might lead to fast heart beats, but also an arrhythmia might rise blood pressure. So, if I was your treating doctor I will recommend some examination like an electrocardiogram, a cardiac echo to evaluate heart function and walls, a full blood analyze, a holder rhythm and pressure monitoring. These is not urgent examination, you can wait until the appointment with your doctor. Only if it happens again to have fast heart beats that last for several minutes and if they seem irregular I would recommend you to go directly to the emergency room. In this case, through an electrocardiogram we can catch a rhythm issue if it is any. Hope I was helpful. Wish you good health. Best regards.
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I am a very healthy, active 49 year old woman. I have been exercising and doing many sports (swim, cycle, weight lift) since I was a teenager and have never stopped nor slowed down. I have low blood pressure, never smoked and I drink wine occassionally with dinner. Last week I developed a high fever with my body feeling extremely cold - it took hot tea, layers of clothes and a wool blanket to feel somewhat warm again. The strange thing was that my chest, just under the breasts, felt very tight - like someone had tied a belt around my chest and was pulling it tight, more prominent on the right side. I could breathe but could not take deep breaths because it hurt very badly. I didnt feel like eating much of anything - just smoothies and ice cream. After two days the fever and chest pain went away. The following day the fever and chest pain returned, then went away again. But still, I feel the pain around my chest and it is pains me to take deep breaths. I still dont have much of an appetite, and especially after I eat my chest hurts (tightness) and deep breaths are impossible. I dont work, have no kids and have no stress in my life - so I know it isnt anxiety. Im wondering if I should see a doctor?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of post infectious bronchitis is more likely. Bronchitis is inflammation of airways. It causes bronchospasm and this in turn causes chest tightness, breathing difficulty etc. It is common after viral upper respiratory tract infection like common cold. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test).PFT will not only diagnose bronchitis, but it will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity only. You will need inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or albuterol) and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) (budesonide or fluticasone).Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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Dear Sir, Enclosed please find herewith the reports of my father Shri Snkk,ad, 68 Yrs of age , who has been suffering from neurological disorder since 2006.The consultant neurologist /neuro surgeons are of the opinion that he may be suffering from NPH? STROKE? PSP? PARKINSON PLUS?DM induced neuropathy?. His main problems are : 1) he is unable to walk properly and apparently has magnetic feet, 2) he is also having incontinence of urine and bowel. To give you a brief back ground of his ailment , I would like to mention the following facts please: -# my father is having a history of DM and hypertension for the last 15 years or so -# during 2005-06 he had a sudden fall without any known reason, but there was no head injury etc -# in October 2006 ,he developed severe backache and was unable to hold his weight on his feet. -# he became bedridden and was hospitalized for a fortnight or so -# subsequently with the help of physiotherapist ,he could start moving with the help of walking aid -# initially he stared with incontinence of urine ,but subsequently he developed occasional incontinence of bowel also. -# of late he complaints of pain and stiffness in his back which precedes his inability to hold his weight on his feet -# he DOES NOT have dementia or tremor of hands etc. -besides drugs for hypertension and diabetes he has been prescribed SYNDOPA by his neurologist. He is also taking Tropan 5 Mg. . Shall be grateful for your guidance please. Regards, klm;/. Head (Marketing & Sales) Secondary Products E-mail - YYYY@YYYY Ph/Fax - 91- 6nlkmas;ldl.
Hello, First, Diabetes and hypertension can cause neurological symptoms such as peripheral neuropathy, so your father needs strict control of blood glucose by healthy food and medical treatment. The salt and fat intake should decrease, besides the medical treatment of hypertension. Second, the magnet gait and incontinence mean that your father has Normal-pressure HY Chat Doctor. So, your father should do a CT Brain to confirm the diagnosis. The treatment of NPH is mainly surgical treatment. The neurosurgeon put a shunt to
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. 23 yrs old.i got married and i am going to complete trying to get pregnant and d result ia taking treatment for d past 5 months.i am taking benforce and folinz regularly.i have putten 2 ChatDoctor injections and no use.i have taken duphstan nd ovulet tablets but no use.this month d doctor gave me ova shield tablets.this month i got my period at d same day.last month d doctor told u have more chances to concieve but ???.please give me some useful suggestions.
Hallow Dear, After going through your history, I have understood that in addition to improve your health, you are put on the medicines cause egg release (ovulation). Even after 5 months if these medicines are not giving you any result, I feel there is a need for thorough investigation to locate the cause of infertility. These causes can mainly be categorized in three groups:1. Failure to ovulate: It is assessed by different tests like ultrasonography ovulation monitoring, hormonal assays (FSH, LH, Prolactin, Estrogen, Progesterone), study of the uterine lining (endometrium). Sometimes other hormonal imbalances like Thyroid also may affect the fertility and their evaluation also may be indicated. If there is no ovulation, you are given medicines to induce the ovulation. You are already on such treatment. After induced ovulation, most of the time, progesterone or Chat Doctor preparations are given to stabilize the pregnancy if it occurs. 2. Patency of the Genital tract; fallopian tubes in particular: This assessment is done by taking X-rays after putting in a radio-opaque dye in the uterus and tubes (Hysterosalpingography) and by directly visualizing the internal genital organs through telescope (Laparoscopy). If there is any block, partial or complete anywhere in the genital tract, it needs to be tackled, mostly surgically. 3. Semen analysis for the quality and quantity of the sperms and semen as a whole. I would advise you to undergo all these investigations to locate the fault affecting your fertility and then accordingly have planned appropriate management instead of having just an empirical gunshot therapy treatment. I hope this helps you. Chat Doctor.
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I am 72 year old female and have taken metformin for about 14 years...muscle problems of severe tightness and have had for over 1 year tightnss i neck muscles and trouble swallowing and swollen lymph nodes. My doctor just ignored and said it was good lymph nodes fighting whatever in my system. Was able to get a physican to have ear,nose,throat doc test but he only did minimal testing and said I was ok. I get massages regularly to try for relief. I have had neck surgery C4,5 and have had carotid artery surgery both sides. Nothing is found to cause my prblems. Could my medicines Metformin 850 twice daily cause muscle problems in neck,legs, shoulders etc.? (A1c last month was 6.3) I have never gone over 6.5...
Hi, thank you for providing a brief history of you. Since you are concerned with the medicine, I really do not think it should be the case. But still if you feel you can stop for a week and check it out. Since you are taking that medicine for the diabetes you should consult your planetologist for the same can only help you by guiding onto how to get rid of the symptoms you are facing. As you said you feel tightness in neck muscles, u have undergone cervical level surgery also, and have trouble swallowing as well. The reason for tightness of your neck muscles is the protective mechanism of the body to safeguard the spine. You should try doing neck muscle Strengthening exercises and take physical therapy services for neck muscle tightness. As once the strengtChatDoctores the tightness will slow down. This is my way of dealing with my parents in diabetes. And they get helped up to mentioned your age as 72. So as I see geriatrics a lot I can understand that your metabolism is slow, and it needs a booster. If you try performing regular exercises may be your sugar. Level will Chat Doctor. This has happened many a time with my patients. Almost I can say 95% of my patients. Exercise is a natural way of boosting the metabolism and control the high sugar level. Balancing the sugar levels in the blood stream is possible naturally by putting an extra effort into exercise. You can discuss the same with your planetologist.regards Jay In
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Hello Sir, I am type 2 diabetic. Sofar I used to have glynasemf twice a day. Just 5 days before I went for Blood test. It is FS 220 and PL 256. Then my doctor adviced to take Triglycomet twice a day. After 3 days again went for BT then FS 214 and PL 265. My diet is very simple. Morning 2 glass Ragi Malt Lunch 1 Small Box Rice Dinner 2 Pulkas. Now my problem is how to control sugar through PILLS
Hi dear I read your problem of uncontrolled blood sugar level i.e. type 2 diabetes mellitus. U told that u took GLYNASEMF TWICE but your blood sugar not comes to under limit. Then u took TRIGLYCOMET TWICE but it also not control your blood sugar level. U must go to the planetologist and Haitian to controlled your sugar level. IN MY OPINION U MAY TAKE AYURVEDIC MEDICINE ALONG WITH THE ALLOPATChatDoctorEDICATION .THIS WILL REALLY DOWN UR BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL.BUT ALSO TAKE SOME PRECAUTION THAT ARE AS FOLLOWS-1-U WILL AVOID ALL THE VEGETABLE WHICH GROW BELOW THE SOIL.SOCIALLY POTATO.2-U R TOTALLY AVOID RICE OR STARCHY FOOD ITEMS IN UR DIET.3-U ALSO DONOR TAKE ANY FRUIT JUICE BECAUSE IT READILY ELEVATE UR SUGAR LEVEL.PAPAYA CAN BE TAKEN.4-U WILL GO TO THE MORNING WALK IN SPEED MINIMUM FOR 30 MIN. THIS WILL BE MORE BENEFIT FOR U.5-U DECREASED UR DIET QUANTITY BUT INTERVAL INCREASES.6-U can take some ayurvedic medication that isFaltrikaddi quoth 40 ml BD before taken meal Chan Chat Doctor. d.sGuddmarr Purana 1tsf bdAamlaki Malayan 1tsf ideal juice 40 ml b.d U can add jeers , cereals in your chapati it will also help in lowering blood sugar level. THANKS FOR QUERY.
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My 8 yr old son has bruises that reoccur on his spinal column more on than off. Infact we may see a few completely disappear but over all they seem to be really always there at least 3-4 and upto 8-10. He doesn t seem to hurt. When he was younger he had hypogammaglobulin anemia, many respiratory illnesses, gerd, asthma. He has a pulminologist and an infectious disease dr currently along with Pediatrician. We went to er they overall blew him off. We went to immunologist she said doesn t look concerning and ran bcc and immune panel which she just called and said looked good. This last weekend I noticed they were back in full force so I took photos and sent to her before she called a bit ago and said they don t seem like anything worry some though she never saw this time because I couldn t get photos to send. I was just wondering is this something to be concerned with or?????? I don t know how to attach photos or I would. Please help me just so I know what direction to go,.
Hi, thanks for providing the brief history of your son. Since you mentioned he had anemia issue, and later he had the lot of Respiratory issues as well. I think from my end this might have disrupted the metabolism and immune system which is giving him skim irritation over the spinal region. Since the skin tissue near the spinal region is a bit thin and can get trouble easily. I can recommend that you could get your son do regular breathing exercises and physical activities. Usually at certain times exercise can help improve the metabolism and immune system. Once the immune system and metabolic system is balanced the chances for the skin bruises will be reduced. As for the betterment of the tissue functioning the oxygen is the major source as well. Whatever medical could do with all things they are already trying. Now you can focus in the natural way of improving the internal metabolism of body. Certain times medical is directed towards the symptomatic, and they help the best but at the end of every thing the human body is its own boss. And for making the body function better only need is to improve the metabolism and cellular functioning which can be developed by doing regular physical activity. If any more information on metabolic exercises you can ask me.regards Jay In Chat Doctor.
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I am a 27 yr old male. After recent unprotected sex with my current girlfriend I noticed some pimple like bumps on the side of my penis... It started as two one on the mid right side and one on the mid left side.... The recent bout of sex was vigorous and slightly rough so I figured it was due to that and chalked it up as ingrown hairs or just zits... The bumps formed white heads and all but popped on their own. they appeared 1-2 days after this sexual instance. 2 more days went by and as I went to urinate I noticed the same bumps some with white heads, some without spread all around my groin area... Not in clusters but individual bumps scattered midway up my penis shaft to the base, above my penis in my pubic hair as high as my waistband of my boxers, on the upper inner part of both thighs almost in the crease of my groin. I am concerned it might be hsv 2. The bumps will pop and become tender afterwards but not any excruciating pain. They pop with clear pus normally no blood, and they hurt when popped to the point that I don t want to squeeze them all the way to fully drain them. My girlfriend said she got tested 3 months ago and was completely clean. she also is very trustworthy( I know many may doubt this but trust em she is) and she hasn t been with anyone else since being checked out. Is it possible for me to have an std from someone else long before that lied dormant until it was triggered by our recent spat of rough sex? I haven t slept with anyone else win over a year.
Hi, .HSV 2 is usually appeared in groups and confined to localized area and not spread over widely. They usually develop into grouped ulcers which remain for a week or so. It will not contain pus, only clear fluid. So you present lesions are unlikely to be due HSV 2 as they extended up to your pubic area and contains pus. Possibilities of hair folliculitis can be thought of. Oral antibiotics for a week or so along with some topical creams contains either antibiotic or antiseptic. Use of antiseptic soaps also would help. You consult your physician, confirm the diagnosis, rule out STDs with investigation and plan for the management. Get well soon. Chat Doctor. Morgan
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my mum has emphysema. she has had 4 times in last month or so she has been taken to A & E. each time they cant do a lot. say she has chest infection and give her steroids and anti biotics. She doesnt have oxygen as her levels are fine. we went to chest clinic this week and she breathed in tubes for the nurse before we went to see professor in chest clinic. He said to her to carry on using her 3 different inhalers and nebuliser. I asked how her breathing was and he said very bad. He said she had bronchitis and will get it over and over again. They dont explain much really. She is not eating properly and i am trying to get her to eat small portions often. She has extremely sore throat after taking steroids, a sore mouth and teeth and she is very thin. I am just wondering how far advanced she is with this disease as nobody seems to say anything. I know they cant say really, they just said she will carry on getting infections and it wont get better, which i know already. Is there stages in the disease i need to know about. Is she in a bad way etc?
Hello Thank you for asking. There are a lot of patients with This complains that I see in my everyday routine. From your information I can give you some helpful data. Emphysema of the lungs combined with chronic bronchitis represent a single lung diseases called COPD. In some patients it is the emphysema symptoms with dyspnea that predominates not bronchitis and in some others is bronchitis with cough and sputum. COPD is a chronic lung diseases mostly in smokers or ex smokers, or in patients suffered for a long time from uncontrolled asthma or asthma not treated or in patients that live or work for a long time in dirty environment. To determine the diagnosis of COPD it will be done a test called SPiROMETRY with bronchodilator. If the test is positiver than the next step is to define the grade(stage) of the diseases. There are four grades A, B,C, D. According to the grades it is the treatment. But I also recommend a cardiologist consult because in most cases COPD is associated with cardiac diseases. I wish you good healthThank you Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. husband has arthirtis in his knees real bad and he s not strong enough for a knee replacement although the ortho doctor said they could give him a epidural but am not sure if hubby could walk enough. he is also diabetic and takes insulin....lantus and novolg. he has had trouble voiding and when i took him to the doctor his white blood count with was high but the PA didn t know where and gave him ciproflaxin because he was pretty sure it was in his lungs. but anyway i thought maybe he had bladder or kidney infection was the trouble he was having going to the bathroom. urine sample showed no kidney or bladder infection so the PA gave him samples of toviaz to help him void. he took it for a week and was way worse than it was before. the PA has him on (2) 50 mgs pf tramadol every 8 hours...i took him to the er a couple of weeks ago and they told him his white blood count was up a little but still no one knows where the infection is and the er doctor put him on a predisonne regimen. i forgot to mention he also had shingles on his left buttock and on his gentials. that started last october.....what a year it has been...he is afraid if i take him to a bigger hospital they won t find anything wrong. he also lost 50 to 60 pounds in a year....i am very worried about him
Hi your husband is diabetic and has severe arthritis in the knee joint. He also has an intractable infection with increased white blood counts. He has difficulty in voiding but urine reports are normal. He also had shingles on (R) Buttocks and genitals. In my opinion, with his problems, I would recommend 1. Search for the cause of Elevated WBC Counts-could be lungs, any infection of nails, foot or a small sore in back. 2. For knee pain I would recommend Intra-articular injections injections of Viscous substance (Viscosupplementation) or PRP Injections. 3. For urinary problem- I would suggest MRI L S Spine and NCV Tests along with urine C/S, S It B12 levels, Will proceed according to reports.
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Hi, I have an infection underneath a cap where I had a root canal done on a wisdom tooth about 10 years ago...I have had this infection for over a year and clean it approx 10 times daily. I also brush my teeth with virgin coconut oil and sometimes do oil pulling which I believe has kept my infection at bay...I am going to a free dental clinic this week...I have been told previously that whats left of the root canaled tooth should be pulled but I fear this because I have had bells palsy in the past and was told it may have been from nerve damage due to dental work...If they do pull my tooth should I take antibiotics prior to pulling...I prefer natural healing over antibiotics and heard that manuka honey is wonderful for healing and preventing infection and dry socket...Any suggestions I appreciate...Thank you fir your time...
Hi. Can understand your concern. As per your complaint if you have infection in your root canal treated and crown placed wisdom tooth, and you take so much of pain to keep your infection at the bay, the best and the most appropriate treatment is to get it extracted. As a wisdom tooth serves no purpose in chewing and is just not considerable to keep an infected wisdom tooth. As you had BELLS PALSY in the past, it is true that it happened to you as a result of the anesthesia injection given to you for dental treatment, and it has traumatized your nerve (Facial nerve) leading to paresthesia of one side of the face. But you should not be worried as this condition will happen again is not necessary. I would suggest you to go to an ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGEON and describe him the entire sequence and I am very sure he will suggest you the more accurate way of proceeding with your treatment, and he will definitely extract your tooth with ease. The other part of your concern is to take antibiotics or not. Ideally an antibiotic cover is given to every patient having infected tooth that is indicated to get extracted BUT you should take the antibiotics as described by the dentist and not yourself and taking antibiotics and painkillers specially after extraction is mandatory, and you should take the medicines irrespective of any natural way you are using to heal up your infection for better results of your treatment. Hope your query gets solved. All the best. Regards. Chat Doctor.
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my girlfriend broke out with one round shaped impetigo-like rash the size of a quarter, and about 5 smaller different textured bumps (rash like) on her arms. 1st er dr said that the lg one was probably impetigo and the others were viral in nature (my daughter had tested pos. for mono the day before. Girlfriend wasnt tested and just given bactrim for the one lg one and told the other would run their course. within a wk the smaller bumps spread to both arms, neck, stomach then back and then buttocks and legs..some are pea sized and pink and the rest cover her body completely and are clear and look like heat rash. She is itching uncontrollably and weve tried all otc drugs and benydryl and nothing works and the rash is getting out of control. Only area not affected is her face, but i do see one or two bumps forming. next 2 er visits dr.s called it eczema/skin rash b/c they said she needed to see a dermatologist b/c they had no clue what it was. We dont have insurance to see one and need help desperately for her itching and for the rash. weve googled hundreds of rash pics. the pea sized ones are pink, scaly, and slightly raised. please help.
I was diagnosed with hep c about 3 yrs ago, but they say my body has gotten rid of its BEC. I have such a low viral load. Furthermore, I have been having fevers for about 10 yrs. And my body aches. I feel just like I have the flue. I break out in a rash all the time for no reason, mostly on my back arms and legs. Furthermore, I keep a really Chat Doctor. Recently my doc. Recomended that I go to a rheumatoid doc. And says what ever I have been an autoimmune disease. It's been 10 yrs and I don't know what it is. The obvious would be hep c, but they tell me that is not the cause. I don't know what help this is to you but maybe sharing my story will help us both.http://www.biblehealtChatDoctor/heat-rash/heat-rash-overview.html
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Hello Dr , am an Egyptian citizen and my 65 years old dad suffers from Hepatitis C , Liver cirrhosis and a two cm focus suggested to be Hc with past history of heart attack. We have been searching for the perfect procedure to treat him but doctors cant define which really suits his case . It would be very great if you checked the meassage and sent me back.If you Dr need more info or reports id be gratefully sending it to you by mail if you wrote it for meThanks alotWith regards Engy Sawah YYYY@YYYY
Dear Mr Envy, How are you? I am so sorry to hear about your fathers' diagnosis. Hepatitis C and Cirrhosis are both risk factors for development of cancer of the liver (HCC). The treatment options for someone with HCC depends on multiple factors 1) Patient condition (age, physical fitness) 2) whether the liver is healthy or not (normal liver vs cirrhotic liver) and 3) when patient has cirrhosis, the clinical stage of cirrhosis (early, asymptomatic vs late stage cirrhosis with fluid in belly). Normally up to 70% of liver can be surgically removed safely without any problems for the patient. But in a patient with cirrhosis, only 30-40% can be removed, that too, only if the patient is asymptomatic and his blood tests are normal. In a patient with abnormal blood tests or fluid in belly or portal hypertension (omitting of blood), then surgical resection is totally contraindicated. In case of your father, I would like to know more about his blood tests, whether he has any symptoms and also the size of the HCC. Based on these the treatment options may include surgical resection, Radio frequency ablation (Burning of the tumor using probes), RACE (blocking the artery supplying the tumor) or even liver transplantation (age and previous heart attack make him a poor candidate. Please do contact me with his blood and imaging reports, so I can guide you to the best possible treatment - Hope this helps and hope your dad gets to feel better.
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hi my name is kristy and im 27 i been diagnose with klippel feil about a year in a half ago they said i had it since i was 18 but now it got severely bad im in stage two for nerves in my spine and body and also my neck bone and spine bone im at a lost all i have is therapie and pain killers is there any other way to have releaf from evryday pain and i know its gonna end up killing me as i was born a sick child and allways been sick my whole life please help me with knowldge about klippel feil what to expect how worse is it gonna get and what can i do
Hi, Sorry that you've been diagnosed with KFS, however, you should know that KFS as its own entity rarely causes early death and people can and do lead relatively normal lives albeit with restrictions due to their musculoskeletal abnormalities and sometimes other organ system involvement. In terms of the pain I'm going to give you this link to look into because I've sent this information now to several of my patients who are in chronic pain for other reasons, and it is an interesting concept that may develop into something you could benefit from since you're so young. It's called the Orphaned/Anesthesia global project. Also, KFS can be approached surgically in such cases if pain and immobility of the neck or if scoliosis became so painful or obstructive to daily activities that other measures simply don't function. Scoliosis can be corrected if you have that problem and again, you're young, so I believe your healing capacity is going to be excellent assuming you don't have any significant comorbid metabolic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, etc. I think that with the right therapy program and support groups by your side you stand actually a much better chance at a very good quality of life that may not be completely full of chronic pain as you might think. And just so don't think I'm trying to make things sound better than they are... HA!....check this link out on KFS (perhaps you've already seen it...but read way down where it is PROGNOSIS....and let me know what you think). Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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What to do when your doctors help isnt helping? I live on the Oregon Coast. I am struggling with asthma (adult on set at 18 yoa). It has gotten worse since living on the coast and gain some weight. I need to lose about 35 lbs to get back to my normal weight. I am wheezing all the time and having trouble breathing. I am a generally happy person, but this has me really down. Its struggle to even go for a walk. I am still working, Im a development director for a community action agency. So its mostly a desk job, but can be stressful. I have been on and off predinsone too many times in the last year and do not want to do it again. I take my proair inhaler multiple times a day and am also on Dulera inhaler and singular, I am working on an anti-inflammatory diet and trying to avoid any triggers. I am only allergic to wheat, dust/mites, dogs and cats. I do have small dogs (2 pugs and a Boston terrier). I bath them regularly, keep an extremely clean house and keep the dogs out of the bed room. I have all hard wood floors and good air filtration. I have had dogs for many years without problems before. No new dogs in over 8 years. Please help, I feel like I am getting worse everyday and have many moments where I feel like Im dying (not to be dramatic) just a fact. I need to get this back under control - my energy is terrible, I am struggling to breath every day to the point where my whole back aches. Thank you for any recommendations you many have. Dee
HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern, If I would be your doctor then I would strongly advise you not to handle the pets this is the only reason for your asthma, pets are the great source of some allergic elements which causes the moderate to severe allergic reactions and the person have history of asthma will harass more, anyhow you have to keep your self away from these pets, I would advise you to take the "Ketotifen tab once in day for three months, this may reduce the attack of asthma and can stop it too, have nice day.
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Hi, I ve been taking Tetralysal for a bit over four weeks now for acne . I had moderate acne before, but it was worse than I ve ever had. Now it has gotten completely worse, and I have broken out everywhere on my face. Also it has gotten extremely red and it s painful. I don t want to give up on the antibiotic , as it s my only hope, but I am really upset that this has happened. I am thinking of upping my dose to twice daily, because I know some people do that. I really need this skin problem to go away. Also I wash my face twice daily and put cream that the derm prescribed as well. My skin just feels really irritated and like it s getting worse daily. Any advice?
Hi. Thanks for your query Acne can present in several forms. This includes whiteheads, blackheads, and red, inflamed patches of skin (such as cysts). In the course of evolution, you may have any or all of these. Sometimes, over a period of time, even if you are under a specific for of therapy, one agent might not be enough to handle it completely. This is based on the various internal hormonal stimuli as well, which can change several times in. Do not use heavy/thick creams . Use only gel based moisturizers/ sunscreen for regular use. U can use a cleanser containing Salicylic acid/ Glycolic acid on a regular basis. You can start taking Salicylic acid peels from a qualified dermatologist to achieve a better control of your acne. These are safe and latest methods whereby you can achieve a better control, but not be perturbed by the side -effects of long term antibiotic therapies. You should change the Dodge only after F/U with your doctor. Also use the creams initially on alternate days, as you tolerate it, you can, make it daily. Since acne creams make the skin Chat Doctor. Also, acne is a very recurrent condition, as you see... It is essential to maintain yourself on a control by doing frequent followups with your doctor and changing meds as and when required. U definitely do not need to stop anything now, however please visit the doctor early so that there are no delays in the onset of more efficacious therapies. Hope this helps. Take Care!
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i am Ravikumar age-29-yaers I suffering from gastric and back pain near the left side back sholder in between spainal card, left side neck pain and left side updomen pain past 1year, last 9 months back i had checked ECG by Dr.Ramana rao he told me gastric problem after that he givan a tablet RABONICK-ISO last 5months back i met the Gastroentrology doctor in manipal hospital they are suggest me ultra sound and Endoscopic after checked up doctor has givan me some tablets like NEXPRO-40 & CINTAPRO-0.25 thease tablets i had 2 monthhs but stil am suffering please Doctr can u give me suggestion
I suggest here you could have mention your ultrasound as well endoscopy report also. Then it could have been helpful to suggest the treatment also. As per your explanation I realize you have taken few tablets for your gastric problem after checking with your report from your doctor. So here I am assuming there was no severe issue in your ultrasound and ECG report. Now still if you are suffering with gastric problem means I suggest taking one anti acid tablet a day and along with this do require lifestyle changes like keep same time for your break fast, lunch and dinner. As well have good breakfast, average lunch, and minimum dinner preferably before or by 8:00pm not after that, don't have tea and coffee more as well always have something along with tea and coffee. Have regularly different fruits and vegetables, maintain fiber rich diet. After your lunch always have some amount of curd. Chat Doctor. And exercise like walking or cycling daily for 20-30minutes. Follow this and see it will help for your gastric problem. Now for your neck and shoulder blade pain. Here I suggest to check with x-ray and if needed with MRI. Now based on report here doctor will give you conservative option of medication and physiotherapy which will definitely help you. But if problem is sever damage at spinal level then he may suggest for surgical correction also. In both cases you also have to do certain spinal exercises which will again help to improve strength and stamina of your spine. You can also use hot pack at home for some more relaxing and pain relieving effect on soft tissues. Take care.
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hi,i am suffering for last four months from urticaria{i have allergic rashes all over my body especially over my face and head}first there is icthing then the part swells like a mosquito bite,i have done my allergic skin test which revealed that i am allergic to lot of things including food as wellas dust, i have taken 1 month course of allegra and levorid,and after that 2mnths of only levorid,can u please help me with further plan of action cos i still have symptoms if i eat those prohibited things like chicken,coriender
Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history. I would like to know your age, sex, any other diseases you have, any other medications you are taking, any other allergic disorders you have, etc. Furthermore, I would also like to know detailed description of your urticaria symptoms. However, from your history, I would like to suggest you as follows:1. Most important thing - allergy testing is not 100% to identify the cause, especially in cases of long-term urticaria like yours. So although you have been tested positive for a few food substances, personally I would suggest you to observe your food and correlate with urticaria. If urticaria does not appear within 2-3 hours of taking a food item, even if it is tested positive, you may start eating it gradually. You may not be really allergic to that particular food item.2. I would like to know whether you take any other medicines regularly. Particularly analgesics like ibuprofen, diclofenac, etc. can cause urticaria. In that case, please contact your physician who will suggest you alternative Chat Doctor. 3. Were I treating you, I would suggest you a short course of antiparasitic treatment with nitazoxanide or albendazole. Many times, intestinal parasites also can cause chronic urticaria.4. Personally I would suggest you investigations like complete blood count, ESR, CRP, Thyroid function tests, Urine and stool routine & microscopic examination. These may give clue to cause of your urticaria symptoms.5. For treatment, till the cause is found, I would suggest you to continue taking an antihistamine like HY
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Hi, my name is Hillrie I just found out I have HVC. When my daughter passed away 7/25/10 on a Sunday morning, I lost it. I would continue to Blackout most of the 1st year, I felt like a zombie. The second year 2011 I started coming out of my shell little by little, I knew I had my eldest daughter, a grandson she gave me, a son who is now 16yrs.old & a my youngest daughter, who will be 12 Aril,20,2013. By 2012 I started to realize how much my family needed me. Even my grown daughter and sickly mother, so in 2012 I broke that shell & fought my way bake. I lived a very self destructive life style after the death of my daughter. I felt I should have been the one to go, not my beautiful daughter. I wont lie I even tried twice back in 2010, now I live for my family who I love so very much! I wake every day & remind myself God needed Jessica, my daughter for something so important that she had to return home & we will all be together again when the time is right. Now I am in the fight for my life & need any & all information on Hepatitis C. I NO THIS DESEASE IN MY PONISHMENT, for the way I lived my life after my daughter. It is now 2013 my life is all about taking care of my sickly mother & all my children & my grandson for as long as God allows me to. I would appreciate any new info sent to my e-mail address also treatment new or close to being FDA approved. Thank you for reading my e-mail that I sent to you this is my e-mail ( YYYY@YYYY )9
You should talk to a hepatologist to see if you are a candidate for treatment with the current available Chat Doctor. There are many factors to be taken into account before starting on therapy. The current therapy has a lot of side effects, and these are mainly to the Interferon injection that needs to be given with the rest of pills, however soon there will be a new therapy approved which will be only with pills, no injections, less side effects. You can see the progress of all the medications undergoing clinical trials at www.hcv
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I have been recommended to have calcirol and dex orange as my vitamin D level is low. My blood test report is as below : ANTI THYROID ANTIBODIES ANTI THYROPEROXIDASE (THYROID MICROSOMAL ANTIBODY ( Chemiluminiscence) 5 IU/ml UPTO 34 IU/ml 0 ANTIBODY TO THYROGLOBULIN (anti-Tg) 13.8 IU/mL Upto 115 IU/mL 0 25-HYDROXY VITAMIN D3 ,25-HYDROXY VITAMIN D2, (LC/MS/MS METHOD) 25 (OH) VIT D2 (LCMSMS) Specific reference range for Vitamin D2 is not available.0 ng/ml 1.25 ng/ml 25 (OH) VIT D3 (LCMSMS) Specific reference range for Vitamin D3 is not available.0 ng/ml 4.56 ng/ml 25 (OH) VIT D TOTAL (Vit D2+Vit D3) Below 10 ng/ml : Deficient 0 10-30 ng/ml : Insufficient 30 - 76 ng/ml : Normal ng/ml HAEMOGLOBIN PERCENTAGE (Automated blood cell count) 14.6 g/dl FERRITIN (Chemiluminiscence) 62.89 mcg/L Could you please explain what does this mean and is there any worry point
Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor, After going through your history, you are having vitamin D deficiency and there are several effects of deficiency in cardio vascular health, bone health, and on immune system. Benefit of supplementation of vitamin D is confirmed in many scientific studies. It also depends on your age and other health risk factors. Your ferritin level reflects total body iron level even though your hemoglobin level is normal hence iron supplementation given. Please continue to take vitamin D and once level becomes normal you will feel benefits of it. There are many causes of deficiency may be diet and inadequate sun exposure. It is claimed to improve bone health, cardio vascular and Neurological health. It also improves immunity. In your case nothing to worry about just follow advise of your Physician. Take care Good Luck.
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Hi, my 10yr old (11 this year) daughter has been complaining of abdominal cramping, lower back pain, headaches, nausea, tiredness and muscle weakness for the past 2 to 3 weeks. It is standard for the females in our family to develop early ( I got my first period just after turning 11 and by that time I had full size breasts) my daughter has been developing breasts for around 6 - 8 months now and is starting to notice a slight size difference between them already. We have spoken to local woman s health doctors who suspect she is about to start menstruating which makes perfect sense given the family history but since I didn t have cramping or any other warning signs when I got mine ( or at least none that I can recall ), We would like to know how long it normally takes from when the symptoms start to when the periods start. Does it take weeks? Months? and is there anything I can do for her or get for her to make this transition as comfortable for her as possible? She keeps pads and spare underwear with her at all times (discretely of course) and I am going to get her a hot water bottle this week along with anything else you think would be helpful. I have made sure she knows everything she could possibly want or need to know so she has no shortage of information, love and support. Thank you for taking the time to read this and we appreciate any advice you may have for us.
HelloAccording to the given family history, yes she is about to menstruate, and these symptoms are perfectly's a normal physiology. Dnt get tense over minor issues. This abdominal cramping is very much normal and pain intensity varies from person to person. At times it's different for a daughter from her mother, at times the schedule and the pattern differs in all daughters of the same mother, its physiological variation that defines a persons' individuality. Pain threshold is also different among different person. What you can do to relieve the pain is by warm water bottle to place on tummy where it hurts. It causes decrease in spasm of the uterus and relieves the pain and 1 tablespoon honey in warm water to Chat Doctor. It has soothing effect and relieves the pain too. I DNT want to recommend painkillers like Ibuprofen as medicines have their own side effects. Hope it will help
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Sir,My eosinophil count is 25. I have been suffering from cold, cough, frequent sneezing, watering of nose and eyes, aching of throat, etc. The moment I get up in the morning I start sneezing and watering of nose and eyes continuously. Anytime I rub my nose I start sneezing frequently. Even in late I would get up and get sneezing frequently with water coming from nose and watering of eyes. I have been taking anti histamine medicines like Le Zyncet, cetzine etc. I have also tried with a full course of eofiles. But these are of no use. Can you kindly help me. Can you advise me some ways of naturopathy. Will change of food habits help in this regard. Kindly help.RegardsKishore Chandra SatapathyBhubaneswar, Indiae-mail: YYYY@YYYY
Hello Kishore Chan Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make following suggestions for you:1. Were I treating you, I would suggest you intranasal corticosteroids (mometasone or fluticasone propionate) for at least 2 weeks. I would also suggest you montelukast and levocetirizine/cetirizine for at least 4 weeks.2. Personally I would also suggest you allergy testing which will help you identify the substances causing troubles to you as well as know the measures to avoid them.3. Daily nasal irrigation with nasal saline sprays and regular nasal steam inhalation (please be cautious to avoid burns) will help you and will hasten recovery.4. Please avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution as much as possible. 5. Regular breathing exercises, plenty of warm fluids and nutritive diet rich in vitamins and minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, etc.) will also help you in long run.6. As you have asked for naturopathy treatments, apart from breathing exercises and healthy food, regular Yoga & Panama also will help you.7. In naturopathy, fasting is considered an important measure for treating allergies, but you should perform it only under a naturopathy practitioners guidance.8. Instilling one-two
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I have been doctoring for 7 months with a cough and inability to breathe. The cough started last June. I waited until July to see my family doctor. He gave me cough medicine with codeine, an inhaler, and put me on prednisone. When I went back the next week for a follow-up, the cough was worse and I was struggling to breathe. He gave me another round of prednisone and changed the inhaler. At my follow-up visit with his the next week, he threw up his hands and sent me to a lung specialist and a heart specialist. Loooooooooooooooong story short, after EKGs and a nuclear stress tests, the heart doctor said, Whatever is causing your airway constriction, it s not coming from your heart. The lung specialist sent me for x-rays of the upper chest and neck, CT scans of the upper chest and neck, breathing tests at a local hospital, etc., and finally said, Whatever is causing your breathing issues, it s not coming from your lungs. So I find myself 7 months down the road, stil unable to breathe. The cough is virtually gone. Some days are good - - no breathing issues. Some days are HORRIBLE. I feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest, I feel like I m breathing through a sponge, and my whole chest aches. Odd as it may seem, if I lift my breasts with my hands, I can breathe better. ANY IDEAS?
Hi, I have read your medical history and feel sorry for the situation you are in. I am also happy to know that you do not have any problems with your heart or lung. That is great news. At this point, to my judgement the problems of breathing you are having could be related to: - stomach problems (gastritis, HERD)- being anxious/stressed out/work overload-living/working in an area polluted (fumes) or with high humidity suggest to:- often eat, small portions and slowly-do not lay down immediately after eating-discuss with your doctor to take a course with omeprazole-do abdominal ultrasound and upper endoscopy to rule out gastric/abdominal problems-do examination of stool for ova/parasites Hope it was of help! Chat Doctor.
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Hello Dr. My husband is experiencing symptoms of loss of sensation and coordinations (strenght) in his ring and little fingers. He doesn t have any strenght in these two fingers, right hand. First he experienced severe pain on his right shoulder and elbow. He had a couple of Physiotherapy sessions and took PMs-Pregabalin 50mg prescribed by his Family Doctor. The problem continues and she wants to increase this medication from 50mg to 75 mg, but we would like to see a Dr. specialized in Ulnar Nerve (Dysfuntion? Palsy here in Mississauga or Toronto, Ontario Canada. Would you be kind to assist us with this problem and/or give us some direction as how to proceed with this matter. My husband did and still does very hard work everyday and he s very worried if his two fingers don t recover the strenght that they used to have before this happened about 3 weeks ago approximately. Thank you for your time and experties that you can assist us with. Our Email is YYYY@YYYY .
Hi, as you mentioned the history of your husband it is sad to hear that nor a medicine nor physical therapy helping him. Let me mention here. I myself had an ulnar nerve injury due to accident. I was a physical therapy student. At that time no medicine I took and worked out with only exercise and electrical stimulation, and today I treat patient and have the best force and strength in my upper limbs. I would like to know what sort of physical therapy you have undergone. Also, if you mention the extent of nerve injury like grade 1 or 2 or 3? It will be easy to understand further this matter. As depending upon the extent of the nerve injury it will help assist to plan further. Usually the pregabalin is a Chat Doctor. But human body is a medicine of its own. It needs a correct support system. I will recommend undergoing a NCV, EMG and MRI again to recheck the extent of the damage and improvements. Also compare the new reports with the old reports. Which will help provide some more inputs to it. I wish you should take a good physical therapist and understand how best the results can come to result. With the grace of God I wish your husband a good health.regards.
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Hi,doctor! Im Evelyn,44 years old,5 1 in height and weighing 56 kg. Two years ago,I was diagnosed of a left kidney cyst, doctor didn t prescribe any medicine for me because he said the cyst is benign, but I was advised to have urinalysis every 3 months and an ultrasound after a year..It so happened that I am only earning less than what my familiy needs, a hand-to-mouth-existence, I was not able to have my doctors advice..It is already more than two years without any medication and follow ups..And now, I have been suffering from beriberi, more than a week, can be seen on my legs and sometimes on my arms till my face..not so transparent anyways but, I can feel the heaviness of my body.. Actually, I ve been from this situation( on and off - for 3-5 days ) within these years (2009-2011) but I just ignored it. This is just because of poverty. At present, I am drinking RAW APPLE CIDER VINEGAR with honey bee 3 times a day, cranberry juice, coconut juice, 2-2.5 litres of water and eating green vegetables daily.. WITH THIS SIMPLE MEDICATION, I DO NOT KNOW IF MY ILLNESS WILL TOTALLY BE CURED. Please doctor, I need your help and advice. Thank you very much and more power!
Hello Evelyn;welcome to Chat Doctor Your doctor did the right thing when he advised you to just keep a watch on urinalysis because most of the benign cyst settle on their own and only few require treatment in any form. As for the beriberi it is a disease whicChatDoctores on as an effect of deficiency of Vitamin B1 and can be easily treated with vitamin supplements if diagnosed early. The vitamin capsules or tablets are not very costly, so you can buy it. I do not know much about raw apple cider vinegar, but cranberry juice is good for urinary tract problems and even coconut juice. Presently you can get examined in a government run/charitable hospital to find out if you really have beriberi or not and get a simple multivitamin prescribed like Erosion/Becomes/etc. Thanks
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Hello there. I am a 22 year old male from England and I am currently visiting the USA until the end of September, I am a regular runner but have not been over the last 2 months due to injury. Now I arrived in the USA on the 20th of August and on the back of around a month and half of trauma at my family home in England. My brother of 28 recently had a seizure induced by alcohol withdrawel and exacerbated by the fact he is bulemic. This was a traumatic event, however it was proceeded by further trauma in his battle with alcohol, psychologically abusive attitude, in particular to my mother and other events which caused long term stress to the whole family. Since the 23rd of August I have experienced chest pains coming and going, though not severe pain, it has been a more uncomfortable feeling than severe pain. I have deduced that it is exacerbated by pain which eliminated my initial thought that it was strain in the muscle of the chest after an incident with my brother. My family has a history of high blood pressure on my fathers side and I tend to keep track of my BP with my own monitor. I have had two med students measure my bp in the last two days and I have found conflicted readings with my own readings. They both yielded results of between 150 and 158 on the Systolic and between 80 and 100 diastolic. I have found that the results are between 125 and 130 over around 70-80, with a strong pulse of around 70. One of the main reasons I have not visited a GP is a lack of understanding of the procedures seeing a gp/ doctor in the US. Please advise me on the best course of action.
His have understood your query well. Normal B. P is systolic 100 to 130 and diastolic 80 to 90 (according to latest American heart association guidelines)any measurements above it is hypertension. So according to your measurement your blood pressure is within normal limit. But it's high when checked by med student. I suggest that you keep a daily track of your B. P by measuring B. P twice a day (morning and evening) for two weeks. If the values are high visit General physician otherwise u don't need to worry. I hope I have ad Chat Doctor. If satisfied kindly close this query with good rating. Thank you wish you good health
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Hello yesterday morning when I got up I had a little pain in my stomach kinda like I was hungry I ate a german waffle and I still kinda felt bad, so i ate another one and then took a shower the whole day it wasn t a bad pain til about night time when I had ate a Bean Burrito and some chips my stomach was hurting very bad. I figured I had a stomach ache and it just hurts badly because I havent been sick in a looong time the whole night I was using the restroom and felt like i was going to throw up, I finally got some sleep that night after a couple hours of pain When i got up I felt normal for some time I ate a Peice of Vegetarian pizza 2 of them and well my stomach started hurting up until know Im treating my stomach as if i have a stomach ache eating non acidic foods and elevating my feet i feel a little bit better but im not sure if i have a serious problem or not I just want the pains to go away and i keep trying to get my mom to take me to a doctor because Im unsure of my issue. Right know the bottom of my belly hurts like by my belly button. and all today i had pains on my left side of my stomach. I don t believe i have any bugs as i lived at a vegan for some time but i decided to go vegetarian for the nutrients because im still growing and i think that might be my problem. Please help i don t know what my problem is it would really ease my mind if its minor and will be gone in a week or less.
Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor. F. Your stomach pain started as a hungry first, then it descended to the belly button, then to the left side of your stomach, as i understood it is the upper left side of abdomen. All this suggests the gastric irritation due to spicy food, or peptic ulcer, or may be the worms in the intestines. I advise you to consult a surgeon for diagnosis and treatment. You may need to have gastrostomy besides other routine tests for confirmation. in the meanwhile you can use bland diet with bread, milk, curd, etc. to avoid gastric irritation. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Best regards.
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In 2008-2009 I was diagnosed with Ewing s Sarcoma. I did a years worth of chemotherapy and 6 weeks straight of radiation. They moved my right ovary over so it won t get damaged from radiation. I ve been in a relationship for over 6 yrs now and me and my partner really want to conceive. I am getting a little doubtful. It is hard for me to find out exactly when, or if I do ovulate because I don t have normal periods (every month ) my period only comes when it wants to and out of nowhere. I finally had a period on my own last month which really surprised me and made me happy. It s February 20th today and I should have started my period by now but haven t yet. On another note, last night me and my partner were getting a little touchy last night and he even noticed that I had a thick clear discharge in my vagina. I know it normally happens before a period but I m not getting no cramps at all. Which I always do before I start. I ve never had this kind of discharge are all before and I have been sexually active since the day I ended my last period which was in January 27th. Does anyone have any guess or answers at all as to why I had this unusual discharge last night and if this is some kind of sign, could I possibly be pregnant or is my body finally functioning the way it s supposed to. Since I did have a period last month does that mean I can and do still ovulate
Hi, Thanks for writing in. It is possible that after getting treated for Ewing's sarcoma by chemotherapy and radiation therapy, you have had a sub fertility and this is due to hormonal imbalance. If your periods are not regular then please consult your gynecologist and follow treatment to regularize it. Ovulation occurs 14 days before periods in most women. However since your periods are irregular therefore it is not easy to predict ovulation in your case. There are home test kits available to monitor ovulation or do ultrasound follicle monitoring around the time of ovulation. When your periods are regular then you might use the ovulation kit to know exactly when you are most fertile and conceive. If there is persisting difficulty in monitoring ovulation then there is a chance of pregnancy by artificial reproductive techniques. Please do not worry.
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Hi , I am attaching my semen analysis report , please suggest -Do I have infertile semen ? . Regarding Thickness , Motility & presence of (PUS Cell + Germ Cell ) please suggest -is it normal . I am 40 yrs old . lately married & truing for baby . Please give some good suggestion. SEMEN ANALYSIS SAMPLE INFORMATION TIME OF COLLECTION 2.25 p.m. TIME OF ANALYSIS 2.35 p.m. ABSTINENCE (IN DAYS) 5 Days PHYSICAL EXAMINATION COLOUR - Off white VOLUME 5.0 ml VISCOSITY Thick REACTION Alkaline pH 7.2-8.0 0 LIQUIFICATION TIME 25 20-30 minutes MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION SPERM AGGLUTINATION 1 2 - 3 scale SPERM COUNT 102 millions/ml MOTILITY 1ST HOUR MOTILTIY RAPID PROGRESSIVE 10 % SLOW PROGRESSIVE ---15 % NON PROGRESSIVE-- 25 % IMMOTILE --50 % 3rd HOUR MOTILITY RAPID PROGRESSIVE--- 05 % SLOW PROGRESSIVE ----10 % NON PROGRESSIVE 25 % IMMOTILE---- 60 % SPERM MORPHOLOGY NORMAL-- 80 % ABNORMAL ---20 % OTHER CELLS (per 100 sperms) ROUND CELLS (pus cells + germ cells) 2 - 5 /hpf EPITHELIAL CELLS OCCASIONAL RBCs---- OCCASIONAL FRUCTOSE TEST--- Present With Regards
Hello, welcome to Chat Doctor, Your semen analysis report shows Normal physical examination. Sperm count is within normal limit. Motility of the sperm is lower than required (normal is >40% as per WHO 2009). Morphology of the sperm is within normal limit (normal is > 04% as per WHO 2009). Among the other cells, round cells are mildly increased (normal is occasional as per WHO 2009). Presence of fructose is also a normal feature. So, overall, the semen analysis report shows normal report except the motility and presence of pus cells. Consult with your treating doctor.
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Sir my diagnosed with type 2diabetes.her wt-55kg age-61yrs.ger current sugar chart is Date FBS PPBS 1.3.14 134 135 5.3.14 114 230 6.3.14 180 203 7.3.14 134 230(lab test) Till 7.3.14 doctor kept her on tab glimlsave M2 morning and night,tab.janumet 50/500-1tab afternoon after lunch.cap neuro special - 1cap afternoon after rabekind20 -1 tab morning. Now from 8.3.14 he prescribed following medicine Tab glimisave M2-1tab morning and night. Tab vogo M .2 1tab after lunch. Tab janumet 50/500 1 tab at night Cap neuro special-1cap after lunch. Now sir my questation is that at night she is taking glimisave M2 and janumet 50/500 both. Her fasting sugar sometime comes 114,sometime 134,sometime 138. So taking both this medicine at night can create hypoglycemia.. her PPBS is high but he increased the night first he said to take janumet 50/ 500 after lunch but then he changed his mind and said to take janumet 50/500 at night.... I m worried that is giving these 2medicine at night can bring hypoglycemia
Thank you for your query. As per your details regarding blood sugars it is certain that your blood sugar is raised despite taking medication. Kindly mention your dietary patterns because as per your post radial sugar levels it is clearly evident that you are taking heavy dinner. You can do one thing that you can start small frequent meals, low carboy Chat Doctor. Regarding medical treatment instead of Janet you can take calumet 5/1000 mg in the morning, one tablet global along with metformin at the time of having lunch, and then at dinner you can take gliclazide in combination with pioglitazone and metformin. Yes sometimes too much of medicine at a time can cause hypoglycemia, kindly let me know if you ever feel lethargy or get up from sleep due to intense hunger, or altered sensorial. Do mention it as you might have to change your
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My husband has been vomiting for four days. I finally took him to the hospital. The first hospital that we went to, told us that he has chronic heartburn which he does, then they gave us Omeprazole and Zofran to stop the vomiting. We went home later that night he started to vomit again, not even water would stay inside of him. I took him back to the hospital and they told us the same thing again. I took him home and watched him suffer. I decided that I could not watch him suffer anymore, so I took him to a Private hospital. The first hospital was public. The private hospital ran a bunch of tests and they determined that he has very bad ulcers and it is actually blocking his stomach. This is the reason why he cannot keep food down. They decided to put a tube inside of him in order to get the gastric acids out. My husband stopped vomiting and he is now sitting in the hospital with this tube. The second thing that they told us is that he has fistulas in his gallbladder and it is communicating with other organs. They told us that although he does not have an infection, this has to be fixed. They also told us that he is a very strange case because he is so young, he is 26 years old. They also told us that he has two foreign objects inside of him, then after the endoscopy they told us that it might be ulcers that calcified. They told us that they are not able to deal with his case and he has to be transferred. My husband has been waiting to be transferred for two days and the big hospital stated that they do not have a bed yet. My question is, are the doctors lying? Are they simply trying to run experiments on him because he is rare? Why wont they show us his Cat Scan?
HI thanks for your question. The doctors might be right(taking decisions based guidelines), not experimenting, some patients based on my experience can be complex. I usually like to discuss results of investigation with patients and their partners if they don't mind, ask doctor to show results it's your right. You need help from experienced surgeon (gastroenterologist) and your husband might require surgical intervention as soon as possible. Hope I answered your question, will be happy to help you if you have other queries
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Good evening. I am a white 58 year old male. A bit overweight. I am diagnosed as Biloar with a Generalizedc Anxiet Disorder. (some Dr have diagniosed a Borderderline Personality Disorder as opposed to Bipolar) I am also diabetic. I take Epival 500mg 2 tablets twice a day, Lamactile 15o mg 1 tablet twice a day, I take Metformin to control my diabetes.Mt Blood surgar right now is about 6-6.5. I have a pulse rate of about 80/min. I dont know what my BP is. I am having difficulty with my anxiet at the moment. I have only slep 3 or 4 hours in 3 days. I am hacving difficulty eating although I am forcing myself to. I am hoping to see my Psyc. tomorrow PM if he can take me. I am very uncomfortable. Should I be worried now or is there no problem to wait till tomorrow late PM? Thank-you. BJ
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. You are having anxiety and that is evident. Please understand that the symptoms you are mentioning here are normal to any anxiety disorder. Therefore, that becomes normal for you too. Anxiety disorder patients are aplenty. Nothing will happen if you are anxious. Start with these simple steps Step 1 - Practice Deep and full breathing whenever possibles 2 - Chat Doctor. Step 3 - A Tomato a day keeps anxiety at basted 4 - Exercise regularly should know that these problems are not mental diseases, but are mental disorders. Many researches and researchers confirm that medicines alone cannot cure mental disorders. Exercise, Lifestyle changes, change in thinking pattern, relaxation etc. are as essential as medicines. Psychotherapy can help you to change your lifestyle and thinking patterns. Yoga and meditation help you to streamline your metabolism and neurological balance. Please consult a psychologist for further information. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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Hello Doc, My baby(girl) is about 8 weeks old, she keeps on sleeping all day and in the night she just takes a nap for about 10 mins and cries loudly as in frustration or somewhat like stomach problem. She drinks milk very good, burps, pass on the gas loudly. I am giving her Janma Ghutti its ingredients are Anjeer: Good for the infant s liver, it acts as a cooling & soothing agent for the stomach and has high nutritive value Draksha/Kishmish: Contains essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron in an assimilable form. It is an expectorant, laxative and blood purifier, and is useful in fevers and colds arising due to thrush in children Ajwain: Prevents flatulence, indigestion, colic dyspepsia & diarrhoea Palas Beej & Bidang: Expel intestinal worms Vach: Prevents flatulence & loss of appetite. Useful in dyspepsia and choleric diarrhoea Amaltas: Acrts as a laxative, especially for habitual constipation Sanai: Mild laxative Also contains: Saunf, Unnab & Gulab Jal I copied them from manufacturer s website other thing i give her is gas regulator with dropper and sometimes fennel seeds in distilled liquid form is it too much for her? or should I try the white noise type of remedies? please help we both husband wife are working but we are unable to concentrate on our work in day time
Dear parent, You have not mentioned if the child is breastfed or top fed. If the child is breastfed, which she should be, then you need not give her anything. NO JANA GHETTO NOTHING. You eat good nutritious and balanced diet regularly that will make good quality milk for her. Even if top fed, make formula as prescribed, if packet milk then check with her pediatrician how to make it properly. In this case also she does not need any fatty. As far as sleep is concerned this pattern is normal for child Chat Doctor. They don't sleep according to you, but you need to adjust according to them. If she is happy, passing urine motion and gases, increasing weight you need not worry. Adjust yourself with her.
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Hello, my name is jemima. im 31 years old. im married and have 2 children, 6 and 7 years old. i weigh 180 lbs. i fell down on the 8th february, from a terrace which has 3 stairs. i got much pain from my lower left back, with swell very much. i put arnica gel on it, and ice. i thought it would be ok. but no. 1 week later, i went to hospital. i made x rays. they saw a little failure- i don t know how to say that in english. i mean no facture. the doctor gave me antbiotics. a week later, i went on my rendez vous. swelling same size. she told me it would take time to flatten, and gave me calcium carbonate and vitamin b complex. today i went again to hospital for my rendez vous. another doctor consulted me and said there is coagulated blood and need to be removed. he said i should make an echography, then go back towards him. i haven t do it yet. my questionis why i have this swelling all this time- 1 month. it still hurts but not like the first day i fell. two doctors say two different things. on the first days i saw the coagulated blood. it was green black in colour, but now i see nothing only the swelling. please help me to understand my situation. thank you jemima
HAI Jemima, Thanks for writing in, From your history it is clear that it is nothing but hematoma (clotted blood). Usually when hematoma resolves, it changes its color from green to black and disappears. Sometimes if there is some hematoma in deeper layers of tissues, then it might take time to resolve. Since X-ray didn't show any fracture, pain has decreased, and you are able to do routine day-to-day activities, there is nothing to worry. But one month is quite long time for a hematoma to resolve. So, it's better to do an ultrasound and confirm whether the blood collection is still there. If it is, there then surgically removing the collection or just aspirating it by wide-bore needle will help in relieving your symptoms. Get well soon, Regards.
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hi Dr Oana,My mother 86 years old has now pancytopenia (wbc:400, Hb:6.5, Plt:45000) with nearly normal blood biochemistry. 20 days ago she had completely a normal check-up testing (wbc:6000, Hb:11, Plt:170000). About 3 weeks ago she consumed Montelukast/Theophyllin/Seretide/Fexofenadin/Azithromycin (250mg/d/6d)/Gentamycin (80mg/12h/2d)/Betamethasone LA IM for her frequent coughs and moderate obstructive lung disease. She had low grade fever 37-38C during this time. Cefixime 400mg/d were given as her fever didnt stop. We promptly hospitalized her After we noted she has pancytopenia from CBC testing. She is receiving Cefipime now, and will go for BM studies.She had a long history of anemia for 7 years (had been told refractory anemia Hb 10-12 each time testing). The result of her bone marrow aspiration 7 yrs ago was consistent with magaloblastic anemia (normocellular bone marrow with megaloblastic changes).Now, I want to know, in your opinion, what is the sudden underlying cause of her pancytopenia during this 3-weeks while she was clinically and paraclinically ok before that. How do you see her outcome and prognosis, and what tratment do you recommend.
Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. She has sudden onset pancytopenia. Many causes of pancytopenia are there. Even viral infection can lead to sudden onset pancytopenia. Maybe her megaloblastic anemia is responsible for pancytopenia, or she may have other cause. Best thing to be done is gone for bone marrow examination once. It will clear the picture and all doubt. So go for it and then take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
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Hello sir, my child is 06years06months old he born on 10-01-2005.normal delivery after birth of8 hours he get breath speed and we kept in nicu. after 3 days he get seizures R focal seizures he operated with subdural hematoma during his age at 3 months.up to 4 years of his age he get multiple seizures like uprolling of eye balls clonic movement of R UL and R LL some times clonic movement of left side,complex partial seizures and R focal seizures,after 4 yeaqrs of his age all seizures are stoped from january 2010 he get Myoclonic jerks after awalking from sleep from 17-02-2011 he get complex partial seizures, he is also operated with general cataract of left eye.In MRI he have (1)LEFT TEMPORAL LOBE PORENCEPHALIC CYST. (2)FEATURES SUGGESTIVE OF SEQUALAE TO PRETERM (MILD TO MODERATE)HIE.NOW he is on medicine (1) livitiraticim (TORLEVA-500 mg) 1-1/2-1 (2)clobazam 5mg-1-0-1 (3) clonozepam 1mg-0-0-1 Topiramate 25 -1-0-1 present problems :-(1) Myoclonic jerks (sudden jerk after awalking from sleep) apporx 10/day (2) complex partial seizures 2/week.give your valuable suggestion for my child for which i will be thankfull to you entire life.
Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I have read your question in detail and I know that you are very concerned about your child. The reason for seizures in your child appears to be hypoxic ischemic injury as suggested by MRI scan. The problem has increased because of subdural hematoma which was Chat Doctor. The brains recover itself over time and there is no medication for it. We have to take care that seizures do not occur in future so that condition doesn't get deteriorated. Continue antiepileptics with good compliance as suggested by your doctor. I hope this will help you. Wishing your child good health. Take care. Regards
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Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... HI, got an 18 motnh old little girl (my granddaughter) with a cold since thursday night. Started coughing on thursday night (a little) and I thought it was because when I gave her some baby paracetamol for her teething pain, she chocked a bit with the medicine. Next day, Friday, she was with more cough and runny nose, bit of fever and. I phoned a Dr to speak with on Saturday afternoon but was attended by a nurse and she told me it s probably a viral thing. Not to worry ( I was worried as baby was fighting during night with phlemgs). Yesterday Monday, she seemed playful and hungry but still coughing and sneesing, had a bad night coughing as well and this morning nose was more wet than before. She had cereals with milk for breakfast ( a bit) and when I was giving her lunck she was coughing and started to vomit, but then the vomiting was been expeled farder away, violently, 3 times. Her temperature 38.4 she wont take medicine(paracetamol) I ve tried my best but she fights and cries and does not want it. Sleeping now and coughing. Should I take her to a Dr? I m worried but Drs. seem to think that I panic at anything too soon when related to my granddaughter. Her mum is working but I can call her if needed. I look after baby since she was born. Please, help. Thank you.
Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Cough and cold are viral 95% of the times in child Chat Doctor. For cold, you can use anti-allergics like cetirizine and for nose block, saline nasal decongestants will do. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (max ceiling dose 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly, that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. For cold, you can use Cetirizine at 0.25 mg/kg/dose every 12 hourly for 3 days. For nasal block, plain saline nasal
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Hi, I am a cancer survivor, had ca rectum which was treated with 11 cycles of chemo therapy using Folfox 4 drugs and in the mean while was given 20 cycles of radiations followed by the removal of the part of the affected rectum. Surgery was done in July 2012 and was successful. I have now developed constriction at the area of the surgery which is just 6 cms from the anal verge. After suffering from very small quantity of loose motions about 20 times a day and severe pain in stomach which swells and becomes very tight and very difficult to pass out the gas too, after surgery I have developed neuropathy, my feet became numb which is still being treated by lyrica caps, which has cured half way of my feet. Half of my feet is still are numb. I also have sleepless nights. After the balloon dilatation I feel much better and the tightness and swelling of my stomach has subsided and I am not getting the loose motions in stead I get paste and the quantity has increased about 100 % and frequency also has come down to 3 - 4 a day.I saw a leading Physician last night who has suggested following medicines: Pregab 75 mg one tab after dinner, Epitril .5 mg one tab after dinner, Ramistar 2.5 mg one tab after break fast, Methycobol 500 mg twice a week. He also said my present situation / condition of health is that I am diabetic since past 10 years and I need to switch on to Insulin instead of tablets and have suggest 30/70 Human Mixtard insulin twice a day. I appreciate if you could advise me if the present medication is fine for me. I have become very weak and need to recover my body.Thanking you.Sincerely,M. Maqbool Ahmed
Hi and thanks for the query, the medications used in my opinion all have the real purposes. Respecting the doses however remains a key issue. I would suggest you do not hesitate indicating to your treating physician in case you start experiencing any unusual symptoms. Exercise, vegetable, fruits and Chat Doctor. The main fear with the morphine you are taking is that of addiction. Except you do experience intense pain, they should be taken with caution. The opinion of your treating physician before altering the
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Hi my name i amanda. I have unexsplained sleeping seizers since last january. Each time they come in two an they are grandmals. I had my daughter july 5 2011 an she for over the first yr rarly slept due to her exsima and teething. I have two questions. Due to barely getting sleep could that be a factor of my seizers? Iv had two eegs an both clean and two mris and both clean. I have neruoligist but hes not knowing. The other thisng tho is i have a spot in the top of my neck at my scole line that hurts all the time and also before my seizures i had a major headach for two days prier. My second question if not from lack of sleep could the seizures be due to a pinch nurve or injury in my neck? I dont want to say i dnt like my doctor but i dont feel they are really trying to find the cause Thank u for letting people ask their questions just for more advice
Dear AmandaFirst of all I need you to relax and understand that according to a research every 100th person on this planet is prone to having at last 1 seizure in his or her life span. It is a big number. Secondly if your MRI and EEG's are normal then the cause of your seizures is at neuron level. Sometimes some part of our brain produce enhanced neurological activity that can lead to a seizure. Now that as your seizure is Grand Mal type, it is most likely that it originates in the cerebral cortex of your brain. If I was your doctor I would recommend you take some anti-epileptic medication. I would also recommend you to get enough sleep. There is a more chance of having an epileptic fit if your brain is fatigued so yes it is related to less sleep. As for the injury to your neck; There are a lot of seizures that can develop post-traumatic to head injury, but mostly these seizures are focal because a certain part of brain is damaged. The pain you have prior to an epileptic fit could be an aura. Auras are very common in grand mal epilepsy. But you should get it checked from a good neurologist/ neurosurgeon. I hope this answer was helpful. Feel free to ask anything regards,
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My son is 3 years old, will be 4 in January. He has had medical problems his whole life, was very delayed and still is to a certain extent, He has very severe asthma and has been hospitalized many times for asthma exaserbation... His pulminologist did a bllod allery test in September2010 and his IGE level at that time was 571, about 2 weeks ago we were shipped off to the hospital again for asthma exaserbation and spent 7 days in Kosair childrens hospital. A week before being sent to Louisville, ky we were referred to a pedatrice allergy doctor for the scratch test to check for allergies, but absolutely nothing showed up... The doctor redone the blood allergy test and yesterday we got the results and his number has went from 571 to 992... I have seched the internet and cannot seem to find any answers for what causes this level to be so high... I was instucted to take him to his doctor here at home to have his spleen and liver checked and tomorrow morning we have to get an ultrasound to see if either is enlarged... I have been trying to find answers for years to see what causes all of my sons problems... He also has epilepsy and has bowl problems, hard stools and has to take miralax to help him go sometime.... My main concern at this time is to figure out what this number means and why it is so high!!! If you could help at all I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you Melissa Cameron
Hi, From what you said he has some delay in development, epilepsy and constipation- these 3 are interrelated- epilepsy and constipation are very common in delayed child Chat Doctor. The main worry now seems to be asthma and high IGE levels. Asthma basically is an allergic disorder. Some has intrinsic asthma (allergy not related to environmental allergens but part of our inherent body habit) and some have extrinsic one(allergy to environmental allergens like dust, pollen, certain food). Extrinsic one can be controlled if we can identify and eliminate the trigger, but intrinsic is somewhat difficult-here our body overreacts to minute insults / triggers because of inherent characteristics which we cannot alter much. In both types, IGE will be high and symptoms can be managed with inhalers and certain
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Hello doctor, I just had a miscarriage for the third time following an IUI.My first two conceptions happened naturally and the miscarriage happened in 4 weeks and 11 weeks respectively.My AMH count is 1.Should I try out for natural conception or should I go for IVF.RegardsIndrani
Hello...thanks for trusting the Chat Doctor doctors for your health related queries. I guess your concern is about.should I try for natural conception or IVF after third answer is.YES. U can try for natural conception after third miscarriage. As u told that u had conceived for two times naturally. So there is HIGH CHANCES of conception by natural method.u can go through it without any doubt in your mind. Secondly let us discuss the miscarriage u had. U told that u had miscarriage at 4 n 11 week....right. So most of the time it is usually happening if there is any chromosomal or genetic abnormalities having in embryo, or any infections in mother, or sometimes it is unexplained. So DON'T LOSE HOPE...KEEP PATIENCE. U can get pregnant with natural methods. If u r come under the reproductive age group(women from 15-45 years are come under this group. In this group chances of getting pregnancy is high) and you are having regular menses then chances of getting pregnancy is DOUBLE.bur u didn't give info regarding your menses n your age. So it is difficult for me to comment on this. If u have both then RELAX, NOTHING TO WORRY.with the above discussion u can try out my suggestions-1. There is high chances of getting pregnancy with the natural method. So RELAX, RELAX.2. Try to do coitus during fertile period(it is from 10th to 16th day of menses) during this period chances of getting pregnancy is high. So do coitus as much than possible during this period.3. If u r in hurry then visit nearby gynecologist or infertility specialist. He/she can help u. I hope the above information is useful, informative and helpful for u.regards- Chat Doctor. EVERY PROBLEM HAVE SOLUTION. I pray the God that u will be blessed with a cute n healthy baby.hopefully TWINS)
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i have an area on my back that has been aching slightly and occasionally there is a sharp shooting pain and it seems to be stemming from the surface of my skin. i have had an extreme amount of sun exposure in my life. i am looking for a resource to use to locate a dermatologist in the austin tx area because i do not have insurance
Hi, welcome to our site. I am Chat Doctor, MD. Read your query. That is a very significant question and I appreciate your problem. I will try my best to answer your Quertle pain you described seems more appropriately localized to the back, not the skin. The backache with sharp shooting pain radiating to the skin is a typical feature of nerve damage to the back. In this relation, I will therefore suggest testing an MRI of the spine. Reason being it's a more detailed study than a normal x-ray, and unlike the x-ray, does not tell us about the nerves. Also, a nerve conduction velocity (NCV) may be done if the skin affected is over the upper/lower limb. This further tells us about the location of the pain. If found affected, we may add a medicine like Gabapentin/pregabalin, and you may need to undergo physiotherapy. In case you are concerned about your skin, please let us know if there are changes in skin, like the texture and the color of the skin. We may be able to consider the information with pictures and let you know more about it. I hope this helps you. Inform the reports mentioned above/if any other, so I can be of help further. I have given you the answer to the maximum considering the information provided. The results of the tests could further enhance my answer to you. Please do understand that some details could be extracted from a detailed history and examination. Please feel free to ask another query. I would be glad to help you. Looking forward to your return query with the details asked so that I can help you further. (If the answer has helped you, please indicate this)Best of luck. Chat Doctor. MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), CC (Diabetes Mellitus), DNB (Neurology)Consultant Physician and DiabetologistJS Hospital Apollo Hospital, Delhi Baileys Hospital, Noida
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Hi iI have been diagnoed with thymic cancer, I do not like to take the drugs for pain that are prescribed,as they have side effects that are harsh.So instead i have been taking ibuprophen .for abot 4 months ,as dosage recommended, I have beenexperiencing respitory issues lately and wonder if this is the cause.I have been doing radiation and chemo treaments ,it has shown improvement in all aspects except for my breathing .I read an article on cleveland clinic facebook this mourning that said this might be why,,,...Thoughts on this please? ths ccsc
Thy mic cancer causes respiratory distress. After a thy mic tumor is found and tests have been done to get a sense of its Factors important in choosing a treatment include the type and stage of the cancer, whether it is respectable (able to be completely removed with surgery), and whether you have any other serious medical problems. Because thy mic cancer is rare, it is often hard to accurately predict the effectiveness of treatment strategies, and in many cases the best way to treat this cancer is still not preselecting a treatment plan is an important decision, and you should take the time to think about all of your choices. The main treatments for thymus cancer are:Surgery, Radiation and chemotherapyRespiratory distress can be managed by Stalin nebulization, USG guided pleural fluid tapping and steam inhalation. Regards and take care
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Hi.. i am 26 years old and i was detected with pcos due to irregular periods from last 3-4 months. and my insulin level is high. my doctor has advice me to take ginette-35, B long F and Bigomet SR for 3 month. Now i am little bit worried to beome pregnant. I am married since last 3 years and we did not plan for a child but now we are trying to have a baby and i found that i have a problem of pcos. My question is after completing this course it will be difficult to onceive?Please advie....
Hello.thanks for trusting the Chat Doctor doctors for your health related queries. I guess your concern is about...can taking medicines affects changes of will effect your conception, but it will not harm to your baby. Let us discuss the problems u have. As u told that u have PCs(polycystic ovarian syn Chat Doctor. In these women usually having irregular menses due to hormonal imbalance along with this few r having high insulin level or thyroid problem etc. Due to all these women usually facing difficulty in getting pregnancy. But DON'T WORRY.EVERY PROBLEM HAVE SOLUTION. Once women achieve regular menses along with normal insulin levels, chances of getting pregnancy is high. that's why your treating doctor gave u the all medicines(genette-35, N long r, and Bigoted SR).PCs is not a big will resolve with medicines with passage of time.RELAX.KEEP PATIENCE.with the above discussion u can try out my suggestions-1. RELAX...NOTHING TO WORRY. As u r come under the reproductive age group(age from 15-45 years came under this, in this group chances of getting pregnancy is high). So DON'T WORRY.2. Try to do coitus during fertile period(it is from 10th to 16th day of menses during this period chances of getting pregnancy is high).3. Feel free to ask your treating doctor regarding this matter. He/she can help u.4. If u r in hurry then visit nearby infertility specialist. He/she can help u. I hope the above information is useful, informative and helpful for u.regards-
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My daughter is suffering from fever since 25th June. She is 6 years old and 20 kg in weight. I am Pharmacy post graduate and initially I start administering Paracetamol + Ibuprofen suspension along with Cefixim tab [100mg] Fever was continuing throught day and night and every 4 hrs I am administered Para + Ibu. suspension. Since there was no improvement I have taken her to my family pediatrician [M.D-Pediatrics-with 30 years of service] He diagnosed it to be the viral fever and changed the antibiotics to ROXITHROMICIN [100 mg-morning 1 and night 1 tab] + Paracetamol tab. -375 mg once 6 hourly. But fever keep coming [with rare cougChatDoctorplain of headache -no vomiting/diarrhea/rashes/running nose] and every 6 hourly I was administering Para. tab. Even after 3 days [Fever started on 25th; continued till 29th] once again we consulted the same paediatrician and he said to continue for 2 more days. Today[30-6-2011] early morning fever came[100 F] on 2.15 am we administered paracetamol 375 mg and after 10 hours of gap again fever came on 12.15pm [99.8 F] again we administered one more dose of paracetamol. Till now fever didn t turn up [Apart from paracetamol we also administering ROXITHROMICIN [100 mg-morning 1 and night 1 tab] my daughter is active except during fever time and she took bit less food than her regular amount. Is it is viral fever? What should I do? Pls. through some light Sincerely Dr. N.Anbalagan M. Pharm., Ph.D
His if the child is well in interfebrile period, if so most likely it is viral fever. Then you will need to give symptomatic treatment in form of paracetamol, and tepid sponging with tap water. Tepid sponging: sponge whole body including tummy and back with tap water. Sponging just before giving paracetamol helps in keeping temperature down for a longer duration. Keep him well HY Chat Doctor. Give him warm liquid to
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I am a 64 year old male who has been treated for high blood pressure for about 30 years. I am taking Labetalol, Ramipril, Hydrochlorothiazide, Amlopidene and Chlopodigrel. For the past year and a half I have been having the following symptoms - chest tightness, dizzyness, and nausea. These symptoms occur when I go from a condition of rest and begin to walk. They last 10-15 seconds and then disappear. Once they end I can walk for several miles seldom with a reoccurrence. I ve noticed them when I am on a treadmill and they usually begin almost immediately. While I am having them my heart rate increases rapidly, usually from low 70 s to around 95-100 in that 10-15 second period. My heart rate then begins to decline and at the same time the symptoms disappear. Usually I can continue a 2 mile walk without a reoccurance. The strange thing is I never have these symptoms when my stomach is empty but almost always will have them after eating. I have had 3 stress tests (all negative) and my doctor has me lined up for a heart catheterization next week. Since they only occur on a full or somewhat full stomach could they be caused by something like an ulcer or other stomach related cause? The feeling is very uncomfortable.
Hello, considering that age, hypertension are risk factors of a heart related issue and the Symptoms you describe can many a time referred as anginal pain, it's always wise to rule out underlying cardiac pathology. Also, treadmill stress test (TMT) is not the best test when the suspicion of heart issue is high. The sensitivity of TMT is around 75% meaning we may miss 1 in every 4 patients. However once the cardiac pathology is ruled out either by cardiac perfusion scan or catheterization, as you truly mentioned an underlying stomach pathology should be suspected particularly some reflux gastritis, the symptom favoring the same is that your pain subsides after the initial walk, and later you are able to walk for long time without any significant pain. A trial of it antacid like imperative 40 mg may be taken for 3 weeks before breakfast. However, as I would again say It's prudent to rule out underlying cardiac if any before considering alternative. Regards
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Hello. I m 31 years of age and my allergist just told me I had a touch of emphysema. I m very scared and not sure what that means. I have had asthma and allergies all my life. I was always on medication for my asthma sometimes tho I wouldn t take it cuz I felt finae but I m learning that was a mistake. Also I did smoke for about 15 years.I
Dear Concerned., Thanks for writing to us. Chronic Asthma/obstructive/restrictive Airway disease produces permanent dilatation and destruction of the alveoli/bronchioles/terminal bronchi thereby reducing the overall surface area of the lungs available for effective exchange of gases at the level of alveoli. The condition is termed as Emphysema. This can be easily made out by a doctor by looking at the chest itself whose anteroposterior diameter is more than the transverse diameter. Have you done all the routine investigations (Blood counts including eosinophil absolute/blood chemistry/urinalysis), chest X-ray PA view and lateral/Pulmonary function tests)1)The only solution is to stop further deterioration by immediately quitting smoking without a second thought.2)Use bronchodilator inhalers and locally acting /short-acting steroidal(Eg-Budesonide/fluticazone) inhalers.3)In an acute attack pls get hospitalized and nebulized with above medications.4)Mast cell Stabilizers such as Sodium Chromoglycate inhalers are also available. It is very useful for prevention of acute attacks.5) In addition breathing exercises will help.6)Avoid dust and house dust mite /keep your residence dust free. Avoid vehicular emissions. 7)In addition Desensitization by identifying a particular allergen can be done by an Immunologist. If the repeated attacks are not prevented premature onset of right heart failure may set in due to pulmonary hypertension. In addition, pls be under the follow-up care of a pulmonologist to avoid /treat acute episodes and by following these steps the further attacks of Asthma and deterioration of Emphysema can be checked. Wishing you a speedy recovery., Best regards., Chat Doctor.
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I am of 29 years,married ,female.I am suffering from hair loss since 2-3 years for which I took homeopatChatDoctoredicines which gave me temporary benefit.Since then I suffer hair loss(through the roots) every 3-4 months even if recovered in a month.I got my blood tested and it showed hypothyroidism and Hb count 10.I am on medication of thyroid for the last 6 months but my hair fall problem is very severe.I have just started using tugain solution 2% and shampoo ketoconazole 2% along with a capsule 2 B 12 as precribed by dermatologist.I am not able to figure out the reason for this hair loss .Plz help me out with this and kindly advice if this prescription would help me and how much time it wil take to cure permanently.
Hi... It seems that you may be having a condition known as halogen effluvium. It is condition in which the hairs fall in halogen stage of hair cycle. In your CSAE, causes may be many like. ...tension, anxiety,thyroid diseases, anaemia, nutritional deficiencies..... etc. that might precipitate or exacerbate hair fall. Excessive sun exposure may be responsible for the disease. Dan Chat Doctor. .it should be ruled out. If it is there, ketoconazole shampoo may be done. You consult dermatologist. Investigations may be done to rule out thyroid disease, anemia, and other internal diseases. If they are there, proper treatment may be taken. Nutritional diet may be taken. You must continue treatment for hypothyroidism like throw tab in proper dose. And for anemia, iron and folic acid may be taken daily. Tab Biotin 10 mg daily may be taken for long time with other vitamins and minerals. And also vitamin E cap 400 mg daily may be taken. Mild steroid lotion like mometasone may be applied on the scalp daily at night. Mild herbal shampoo may be done twice a week. Oil like almond may be applied on hairs to improve hair shaft quality. Be confident for good result. Have the good result takes time. Avoid tension and worries. Be positive. You may feel better after few months' treatment. I hope you got my answer. Thanks.
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Nuvigil makes my cheat feel kind of tight....almost like my heart is beating extra hard and i cant really et a full breath of air..or it feels like it. Its almost like an anxiety attack but only with the physical symptoms. I have asthma also. Is this normal?
Hi, I have gone through your question and want you to know that Nu vigil is trade name of Chat Doctor. It is approved for treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness. If you had walked into my clinic I would have Known your Age and would have taken history of any hypertension, Diabetes, Panic attack, chest pain, thyroid disorder. The cause of Rapidly beating heart and anxiety in your case may be-Overdose of Nu vigil- It presents as severely increased or decreased heart rate, chest pain, and increased blood pressure. Panic Attack- It can also present as rapidly beating heart, difficulty in breathing and anxiety. Acute Exacerbation of Asthma-Acute attack of asthma too may have similar features. Heart disease-heart diseases may also present with difficulty in breathing, increase heart rate and tightness in chest. To differentiate between them, I would order some investigations. To rule out any heart disease I would order Chest X-Ray ECG and ECHO. I would also advise fasting and post postprandial blood sugar level. I would also advise my patient to breath into a paper bag which is covering their nose and mouth if these symptoms occur after a stressful event (for panic attack) and if possible to do some yoga and meditation. Furthermore, I would also like to take history of asthma medication my patient is taking and would like to auscultate my patients' chest to look for wheezing (it is a sound whicChatDoctores from chest when you hear the chest using stethoscope) and would also like to know if these symptoms become worse with change in season. Furthermore, I would also like to know the dose of Nu vigil you are taking and whether it is the right dose. Once I have found out the cause of your symptoms I would advise medication for that particular condition. If it is due to over dosage Nu vigil I would lower the dose of Nu vigil and if it is panic attack I would advise breathing exercise through paper bag. For asthma and heart problem specific medications are to be given.
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Thank you Dr. XXXXX : If a person who has had a heart attack is not only short of breath rarely, but has pain in the chest coming from the outer rib cage towards the center of the chest through out the day at times, along with a pain in the middle of the chest that runs towards the back straight through, what might we be looking at instead of just a heart attack. There has been no MRI or CT done because they cannot take dye due to allergies. Acupuncture helps a great deal for energy and relieving pain, but middle chest pain is always there to some extent? Thank you, Would appreciate what ever you think might apply. I know there is a Candida problem to some extent. The person died during surgery in 2009 for three minutes. Surgery was for a severe infection in a tooth and jaw. It had to be drained after surgery for a while, as they left it open. what was so strange, though he was in critical condition he had no pain from this. Was on antibiotics for the better part of a year. This was done in England. The medical care there is much to be desired. They kept him waiting days and hours before any surgery was done; and then pulled seven teeth just to be sure that were not infected. He is taking herbs for heart and infection which that have not only saved his life, but continue to help. He is from England, now applying for citizenship here, when the attack happened, This is a member of my family, He is seeing a Naturopathic doctor. If you can be of help, it would be greatly appreciated. Judith B.
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hi doctor, im 47 yrs old, 5 feet tall and right now im taking atenolol 25 mg everyday, and i have questions for you regarding on my attack , its on and off basically, it started my cold feet and cold hands, bp gets high,and sometimes i get a high reading on my pulse rate too, and i am scared that i will get a heart attack if i feel that way, is it possible doctor? and one more thing, if youre under that atenolol drugs, can you drink alcohol and smoke too? thank you doctor for your help, your explanation would be much easier for me to understand everything especially my coldness feelings all the time.
Brief Answer:You should undergo further radiologic examinations and laboratory exams. You should be guided by an internal medicine doctor, for a more accurate etiological diagnosis and to adjust your medical therapy. Detailed answer:Thank you for using Chat Doctor. First, more than a therapeutic approach, I would suggest you to undergo further radiologic examinations, and laboratory exams, in way to detect any possible cause of your high blood pressure. Your symptoms during the high blood pressure episodes, may be suggestive to secondary possible causes of hypertension such as Cushing syn Chat Doctor. But for being more precise into guiding you, I would need more anapestic data and a detailed physical examination. That's why I suggest yo to see an internist who may lead you in detecting the causing factor of your hypertension. In most of the cases in, even though you do all tests for secondary causes, it doesn't get out nothing. At this case we are in front of an idiopathic hypertension, which we have to deal with. Regarding your actual treatment, atenolol is not the first choice, for blood pressure treatment, but as you may have high heart rate, your doctor has chosen it to treat you. It lowers the heart rate, leading to low blood pressure. But as you are still having this attacks even under atenolol, it means that it is not enough for your full treatment. You should make a 24 h ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring. If you have a persistent blood pressure higher than 140/90 mmHg additional blood pressure reduction should be achieved, increasing the atenolol dosage or adding any other
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Hi doc ,i m 22yrs old nd married 4yrs ago i never conceived in between now i want to plan a family but i m suffering through pcods and because of that i have diabetes ,thyroid nd insulin resistance menstrual cycle is also comes late every month nd my hubby test r all normal last month my diabetes was 140 after lunch plc help me what to do ?
Hello...thanks for trusting the Chat Doctor doctors for your health related queries. I guess your concern is about.chances of getting pregnancy with answer is.YES.there are chances of getting pregnancy with pcod-diabetes. Let us discuss ur problem. As u told that you are having pod with diabetes, thyroid n insulin resistance. YES.these are usually occurs in case of pod(polycystic ovarian disease). In this condition patients usually having irregular menses. Along with this some patients having insulin resistance n thyroid problems. These are all due to the hormonal imbalance. Because of all these problems patients usually facing difficulty in conceiving. But DON'T WORRY...RELAX.EVERY PROBLEM HAVE A SOLUTION. Patients with pcod-diabetes, thyroid n insulin resistance have chances of getting pregnancy. There several medications available, which can resolves or control these problems. So KEEP u told that u r 22 years old, so r coming under reproductive age group(women from 15-45 years came under this group). In this group chances of getting pregnancy is the above discussion u can try out my suggestions-1. Try to do sex during the fertile period(it is from 10th to 16th day of menses) during this period chances of getting pregnancy is high.2. Feel free to ask your treating doctor regarding this matter. He/she can help u out.3. If u r in hurry then visit nearby infertility specialist. They are expert in this field. He/she can help u. I hope the above information is useful, informative and helpful for u.regards- Chat Doctor. DON'T WORRY.RELAX. I pray the God that u will be blessed with a cute n healthy baby.hopefully TWINS)
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Hi I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009. It had spread to my lymph nodes and had them removed on the side of the cancer. I had chemo and radiotherapy but a lump was felt just above the site of the earlier cancer at a recent check up and was sent for an ultrasound where they took a tissue needle biopsy. I expected some bruising but haven t any. My concern is that cancerous lumps don t usually bleed and if it was scar tissue, which is the other option it probably would have bled??
Hi Michele Jacobi The first thing that has to be done once you find a lump in the region of the chest wall is to confirm what it is. In your case a biopsy has already been done and let us await its result. You're understanding that cancerous lumps don't bleed after biopsy is correct. But I think your presumption that if it was scar tissue it would have bled is not correct. Scar tissue also need not bleed. Needle biopsies do not usually cause any bleeding unless a blood vessel is ruptured during the procedure Since how long have you noticed this lump. Is the size of the lump increasing ? If the biopsy comes as positive for cancer then you will have to undergo a series of investigation to find out he the extent of the disease. ? Whether it is confined to the chest wall only or whether it has gone beyond the chest wall to other regions. Treatment decision will depend on the results of this If the biopsy comes as negative for cancer then there are 2 options 1- If your physician thinks it is insignificant then you need to follow it up. Just keep a check on your lump to see whether it is increasing in size and also get it checked by your physician regularly2- The second option (and my preference) is to do an open biopsy especially if the lump was detected recently and is increasing in size and also if the lump is firm to hard (and not very soft). The reason is needle biopsy can be negative, but this does not always mean there is no cancer especially if the tissue sample taken is not adequate. Also time factor is important. You may lose time keeping the lump under follow up to see whether it is increasing in size Hope you are satisfied with my reply. Anyway don't worry. Follow your doctors' advice Chat Doctor.
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My dauter In law yells all day at her children. She seems very frustrated and my own psyciarist thinks she could have borderline personality disorder. I take medication for my mental problems. I know that its not OK for her to continue being so stressed out. Its greatly affecting my granddaughters. My eldest granddaughter is already on prozac and has total negative feelings when yelled at and other reasons.she is 7 year old granddaughter is 7 and is beginning to show signs of nervous behavior. How can I tell my daughter in law that she needs help without making her angry. She says that the girls are her children and she can do what she wants with them true but not telling negative thing constantly. What to do help
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. This authoritarian way of behavior stems out from being stressed out. Borderline personality disorder is different. I quote Wikipedia - Borderline personality disorder (BPD) (called emotionally unstable personality disorder, emotional intensity disorder, or borderline type) is a cluster-B personality disorder, the essential feature of which is a pattern of marked impulsivity and instability of affects, interpersonal relationships and self-image. The pattern is present by early adulthood and occurs across a variety of situations and contexts. Other symptoms usually include intense fears of abandonment and intense anger and irritability, the reason for which others have difficulty understanding. People with BPD often engage in idealization and devaluation of others, alternating between high positive regard and great disappointment. Self-harm and suicidal behavior are common. Therefore, anger and irritation alone cannot be termed as BPD. This could be stress. We need to find out the origin of the stress and motivate her to either adjust with it or to avoid that circumstance. In any case, she needs the intervention of a counselor or a well-wisher whom she trusts. Let the reality enter inside her mind that her behavior is ruining the future of her own child Chat Doctor. Definitely you shall see the change. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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i am having a bp of 160/100 and consulted my doctor about an hour back. he has advised me the following:tab. NEXPRO -RD -40 tab. UNICONTIN E - 600 tab. INFINAIR/MTNL (BD)tab. LEVODAY 500 (BD) are these medicines good. or should i consult an other dctor?
Hello, Thanks for using Chat Doctor. I had gone through the information posted but the medications that you have written are not for blood pressure management. Let me explain about each Chat Doctor. Nexpro rd is combination of omeprazole with risperidone that is used for HERD, epigastric burning sensation after eating spicy foods, peptic ulcer disease.NICOTINE E is deriphyllin is used for Asthma or COPD which may help to decrease inflammation in airways and mild relaxation of smooth muscle.INFINAIR/ MTNL is a combination of montelukast with levocetrizineis also used in Asthma or COPD to decrease inflammation in airways, can also be used for cold and allergies. Levoday is levofloxacin which is an antibiotic. You did not mention your age and whether you have hypertension or this is the first recording found to be high. But either way you need to start lifestyle modifications makeweight reduction: Maintain normal body weight (BMI 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2) this can reduce BP by 5 to 20 mm Hg per 10 kg weight loss. Adopt DASH eating plan : (DASH-Dietary Approach To Stop Hypertension) consists of fruits, vegetables, legumes, low fat diary products with reduced saturated and total fat. This can reduce BP by 8 to 14 mm Hg Dietary sodium Restriction: Reduce dietary sodium intake to no more than 100meq/day(2.4 gm sodium or 6 gm of sodium chloride). This can reduce BP by 2 to 8 mm Hg. Physical activity: Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as brisk walking (at least 30 min per day, most days of the week). This can reduce BP by 4 to 9 mm Moderation of alcohol: Limit consumption of alcohol to no more than 2
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Hi DocI am a mom of a 3.5 yr old child....she used to have regular rashes when she was a of the doctors suggested it might be due to allergy to food & we stopped giving her anything with preservatives and colors. she was fine.....while she grew up her allergies also increased...totally confusing us. Last year she used to cough continously & vomit...this went on for almost 6 months, we used various cough medicines before meeting Dr Laxman who thankfully guided us & said it is because of allergy & not any infection. We used montair granules for 90 days & she was fine....we also stopped giving Banana & tetrapack milk (noticed increase in cough by use) She was fine & had put on its back again...its been a month that she coughs after sleeping & vomits multiple times...I make sure not to feed her 2 to 3 hrs before sleeping....which helps limit there is nothing in stomach. this time the use of montair is not helping....What do you suggest. we are in hyderbad & Aadya otherwise is a healthy child RegardsTulasi
Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Greetings from Chennai. By what you quote I feel what your kid could be having viral associated wheeze or multi triggered wheeze. I have a few questions for you -Questions:1. How many days per month does she cough or feel breathless?2. How many nights per month does her sleep get disturbed due to above symptoms?3. Does she feel breathless when she runs around or plays with other kids?4. Are the symptoms when there are seasonal changes?5. Is there any family history of asthma or any other sort of allergies like skin allergy etc.?6. Is the cough always associated with fever? You can approach me at the following link. Please find the link below - www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. It will do more harm than good by increasing bacterial resistance. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
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Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you.a thorough neuromuscular assessment and musculoskeletal assessment is advised. Since your history sounds you have been into trouble since long. I will advise you to focus on physical therapy now as it will help to first reduce the pain with therapeutic ultrasound therapy and TENS therapy. Now it may sound, that it won't work, but in my clinical practice with failed back syn Chat Doctor. It may consume a lot of time for the recovery to come. Maybe it will to in percentage basis. Like 5, 10, 20, 40, 80.... First you need a proper MRI scan for the while spine. And second the muscle strength assessment. As this two things can help guide further. Also, medicine will act symptomatic too. Now to look further you need a physical therapist who is passionate about solving this issues, a personal interest shown should help you like my patient with failed back syn
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I have been experiencing a lot of nausea the last few months and now I have a dull ache on the right side of my mid back, can t tell if it is internal or muscle related. I have been alternating between full blown diarhea and chalky grey stools for the last week, I have virtually no appetite . I m 29 and was a moderately heavy drinker up until about 2 years ago when my daughter was born. I don t tolerate NSAIDS well so I take quite a lot of acetaminophen to deal with chronic knee pain and almost constant upper back, neck pain and headaches. The knee pain is from a fairly recent injury but I have had the upper back pains since I was in junior high. I attribute this to a very bad fall (almost 20 feet, i landed on my shoulders) i don t feel like the injury was ever properly diagnosed, I recieved no treatment other than an xray . I take about 3 grams a day(16 waking hours) about 20 days per month. I never use to take acetaminophen when I was a drinker. Do you think I need to be concerned about my liver health? I don t really want to see my Dr. if I don t need to. I think he believes I m a hypochondriac or a drug seeker because I talk to him about my back problems most visits. I think he believes I am to young to have chronic back pain and doesn t take me seriously, he prescribes me naproxen almost every visit even though I tell him every time that it makes me sick!
Hi I have read carefully all your concerns, and I am sorry for experiencing such sad situation. in regard to your diarrhea recommend you to use -plenty of fluids -Tibetan with a glass of water- HY Chat Doctor. in regard to your pack pain, I believe it may be real, so you can do:- massaging -you can use sometimes opioid analgesics like tramadol,-avoid stress as it possible in regard to your liver and acetaminophen use, it is toxic for the liver. You take 3 grams a day for 20 days per month, it is a high and toxic dose for liver, so you should do balance biochemistry. So I recommend you to stop use of acetaminophen ore decrease the dosage all the best
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Hi, Im 15 years old and for a while now Ive been having these cyst-like bumps on my inner upper thigh and butt. Sometimes theyre very hard to squeeze, but when something comes out of it, its usually like a yellow, white -mostly white pus that comes out it. And I get pimples on my butt. Recently Ive had a cyst like bump one on my butt and it was very hard and dark, though when I was able to squeeze it, a white cheese like substance came out. As well I have boils, but I dont sit on public toilets seats or anything. As well i have a lot of black heads on my inner upper thighs, and I can feel big nots-bumps under the skin that most of the time surfaces and I can see the cyst like bump, but then it may go back under after a few days or it may just go away. Also I have these dark dots on my inner upper thigh that are dark, hard dots. Oh and one more thing; these cyst like bumps on my inner upper thigh and butt sometimes hurts. Like I cant sit down properly cause it hurts - but its not all the time. And sometimes they have like raw skin and it burns and hurts to touch them- especially on my upper inner thigh. And sometimes blood will come out of them when I squeeze them. I am not sexually active. I try to be as clean as possible. I just want to know what this is and whats causing it, and how can it be stopped. Its very aggravating, I cant wear shorts or anything, I only wear jeans. Please and thank you for you help.
Namaste Welcome to Chat Doctor Greetings of the day You are probably suffering recurrent folliculitis in the buttock area. Other possibility I would like to consider if you are very hairy and sit for prolonged time is Colonial Sinus. Both of them require assessment by General Surgeon. It will require a course of antibiotics like Augmenting for 7 - 10 days., local ointment, hot sat bath. If it turns out to be Colonial sinus/ fistula in ANO it will require further surgical intervention. Any case you need to see a Surgeon. Do get back if you have any doubts. Take care Regards