1 value
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Hi thereTwo weeks ago had a back molar extracted (not wisdom tooth) It shattered and was an hour of pulling to get it out. Only had injections. Painful after but manageable with ibuprofen. Have been rinsing with natural antiseptic mouthwash after the first 5 days of salt water rinses. It is feeling pretty good. First couple of days had a whistle as I could practically breath through the hole into the area behind my cheekbone area! I still have a rather large hole and occasionally still get a suction feeling going up into the area above the gum if I catch it a certain way when I swallow. Not really painful but still a strange sensation to touch, but I can brush around it ok. But.. what Im wanting to check on is that I have been dizzy from the first day. I expected that as a result of what was done to the tooth as well as the pressure on my jaw for an hour (I also have history of TMJ but after braces as a young adult no problem until a couple of months prior to this treatment then have had some clicking again and pain on same side as bad tooth, having to eat on opposite side seemed to aggravate it) Should I still be dizzy after 2 weeks? Should the hole still be so prominent (hard around rim like its healing well but very mushy feeling inside hole when I touch it with my tongue) And how long before the hole should be expected to heal up? Can I have an infection in jaw or cheek without pain that would be causing dizzyness?
Hi, Thanks for asking the query, Pain, swelling, dizziness, generalized weakness, are common side effects after tooth extraction. You don't worry about the symptoms as they will subside after someday. After extraction a course of antibiotics and analgesic is required to prevent infection and promote healing. Delayed wound healing can be due to increased blood sugar levels, increase BP, food lodgment. Follow the post-operative instructions given by the Dentist properly. Take lukewarm saline rinses and antiseptic mouthwash gargles. For the TMJ problem I would suggest you to visit the Dentist take an OPG radiograph to determine the diagnosis and treatment plan. Hope this helps out. Regards.....
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In april I was havin pain in my both breast sonography revealed a 6mm cyst in left breast with fibroadenosis in both breast.I was given evion 400 for two months later again had an ultrasound n then cyst was not found. I am given simrose and pyricontin for a month right now.I am suffering from fibroadenosis and I ve nodular feeling all over my dangerous it could be I had a lump on my left breast whn I was 14 n got it operated. I do not have family history of breast canver but my mother n sister also had lump in breast n got operated. Please help me regarding what should I do further how often should I go for testing? I it necessary to diagnose I have more risk of getting breast cancer?
A fibroadenoma is not dangerous in and of itself and surgery to remove it is optional, but you may want to have a follow-up ultrasound, MRI and/or biopsy to confirm that it is indeed a fibroadenoma and nothing more, particularly if it continues to grow. Most fibroadenomas are left in situ and monitored by a doctor, or the patient in question. Some are treated by surgical excision. They are removed with a small margin of normal breast tissue if the preoperative clinical investigations are suggestive of the diagnosis. A small amount of normal tissue must be removed in case the lesion turns out to be a phyllodes' tumor on microscopic examination. Because needle biopsy is often a reliable diagnostic investigation, some doctors may decide not to operate to remove the lesion, and instead opt for clinical follow-up to serially observe the lesion over time using clinical examination and mammography to determine the rate of growth, if any, of the lesion. A growth rate of less than sixteen percent per month in women under fifty years of age, and a growth rate of less than thirteen percent per month in women over fifty years of age have been published as safe growth rates for continued non-operative treatment and clinical observation. Some fibroadenomas respond to treatment with ormeloxifene. Fibroadenomas have not been shown to recur following complete excision or transform into followed tumors following partial or incomplete excision. Regards and take care
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Dear Sir, We would like to know your opinion on below mentioned case of my sister Name: Ms Pooja Jadhav Age:14 She had complaint of Back Pain and doctor advised us for sonography and DTPA RENOGRAM AND SCAN. The Details regarding the reports is as follows: Sonography reports shows that the size of Right Kidney is enlarged: 16 x 7.7 cm, Left Kidney :9.5 x 4.7 cm Echotexture : Gross Hydronephrosis with paper thin cortex for Right Kidney and for left kidney it is normal CMD: Lost in right kidney , Left kidney it is Maintained. Renal Calculi: None (both) Ureter: Undilated (both) Ureteric Calculi: None (both) And DTPA RENOGRAM shows results as follows: QUANTITATIVE DATA: A) Cortical function at 2 min 1. Left Kidney: 65.64% 2. Right Kidney : 34.36% B) Retention at 30 minutes: 1. Left Kidney: 27% 2. Right Kidney: 100% Comments: Left Kidney shows normal perfusion , compensatory cortical function and normal excretion . Right Kidney shows reduced perfusion, residual cortical function and is obstructive in nature. We request you to please go through the details provided and advised us suitably. Please let us know if there is any medicine which can cure this problem also any alternative way to surgery. Hope to hear positive reply soon from you end. You may contact us on +91 0000 and +91 0000. With regards, Anjali Misal Mumbai
Hello, You mention the sister has symptoms of back pain. The ultrasonogram has shown that the right kidney is grossly enlarged (normal 9-11 cm, but 16 cm in her case). The DTPA genogram shows an obstructed Chat Doctor. In a symptomatic patient it is always better to go for surgical treatment. Unfortunately there is no medical treatment for this condition. It can be explained in a simple mechanical example where in the out flow pipeline is blocked and there is enlarged kidney as a result of the pressure built up. If you can remove the blockade then it will help at this stage especially because the relative function of the kidney despite being HY
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MY Father is 72 years old. My house doctor said me that his heart as two block and he will have to heart surgery( pacemaker) . His all blood rep. are well but only the E.C.G report is not well. How we understand that his heart is blocked. what type of test would be done for this. how can anyone understand that his heart is not well.
Hello and thank you for using Chat Doctor. I carefully read your question and I totally understand your concern. I will try to explain you something and give you my opinion. As you explain, you have been told that your father needs a pacemaker. If it is so, this means that his heart has a rhythm problem. This rhythm problem is called heart block. Normally the heart beats are generated from the electrical system of the heart. The electrical impulse passes throw the heart and makes the heart to contract and work normally. There are pathologies of this electrical system, like heart block. This means that the heart fails to generate the normal electrical impulse, or the impulse is blocked somewhere and doesn't pass normally throw the heart. This means that the heart makes a pause electrically and this alter her normal mechanical function, her normal contraction. The person having this pathology might lose senses because of this heart pause. The fist way to diagnose this pathology is through the electrocardiogram. It might show this rhythm problem called heart block. The second way is through the patient symptom. As I previously told, the person might experience syncope, loosing sens, dizziness, feeling tired. To verify a rhythm problem sometimes is recommended a holder rhythm for 24 h. So, we can understand if it is a problem through electrocardiogram, holder monitoring or patient symptoms, making this together. If a serious heart bloc is diagnosed, its treatment is heart pacemaker. This is a kind of heart safe battery, that start to function when the electrical heart system doesn't or makes this kind of block. It is putted through a minimal surgery in the upper part of the thorax, like a pocket under the skin. So, if the doctors has told you that he needs a pacemaker, they might have diagnosed it through the electrocardiogram. You should not worry, every think goes fine after pacemaker implantation. Hope I was helpful. Best regards.
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I have been diagnosed with ITP last month. My platelet count at that time was only 4000. After 1 gm Prednisol Injection for 3 days, i was put on steroids (Wysolone 65 mg) as per my body weight, My dose is being tappered every 8 days, This time i am taking 45 mg wysolone.......I am not seeing much improvement in platelet count...After Prednisol injections Platelet count was 0000, After taking wysolone it dropped to 0000, Now it is 0000......Guide me to some better Doctor..................My all tests are Fine except one i.e H-Pylore..I am taking medicine for that
Hello there! What is 0000? I believe its 10 thousand.first ITP is diagnosis of exclusion. So let's assume you have been ruled out for all other possible causes of thrombocytopenia, here is what we gonna do but first did u have any bleeding episodes? Severe hemorrhages etc.? Airways breathing, were they ever needed to be maintained with external aids?have anyone ever checked your intro cranial pressures?have you ever lost hemodynamic stability (blood loss enough to give you a shock. Low BP etc.)I will say HAE your self checked by a neurosurgeon for assessing intro cranial hemorrhages risk, and a hematologist to reconfirm the diagnosis. sometimes It's too early to say its you are not responding to the meds. Now consider you are diagnosed correctly, and you are not responding to the treatment it means your case is bit resistant. So steroids won't be enough for you. You need platelet transfusions right after the dosages of Ivies(intravenous immunoglobulins) this will help reduce the lysis. Add some thrombotic agents to your diet(platelets producing stimulators) like proact(eltrombopag) and Plate (Romiplostim) .and if these medications fail too which I am sure they wont you will need to get rid of the spleen after vaccination for calculated organisms. Spleenectomy will solve the platelet lysis issues and will help the recovery.let's hope medicines are enough to get you out of your miseries.cheers.
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I have some query regarding pregnancy.Actually I have been trying to conceive for two months,but somehow it s not happening.Regarding my medical condition i would like to mention that my average menstrual cycle is 33-37 days.Right ovary size is 42x21mm and Left ovary-Bulky, measures 58x44mm.Show functional cyst, measures -45mm.So I would like to know why am i not able to conceive?I m sorry if i did bother you.Thanks in anticipation.With regards,Amrita Chatterjee.
Hello...thanks for trusting the Chat Doctor doctors for your health related queries. I guess your concern is about.what causes functional cyst in ovary with infertility.right.first I want to discuss the functional cyst. they may be follicular cyst or may be corpus lute am cyst etc. among these follicular cyst is most common functional cyst. It is formed, when follicle not ruptured during ovulation n trapped inside the ovary. In this way it is formed a cyst with passage of time. But it is not a big deal. It will resolve with time n most of the cases not required any treatment. But in few cases it can cause abdominal pain or irregular menses etc. So RELAX.KEEP PATIENCE. Ur functional cyst can resolve with time. Secondly u told that u have no problem in menses, then there is high chances of getting pregnant in your case. With the above discussion u can try out my suggestions-1. Try to do coitus during fertile period(it is from 10th to 16th day of cycle) during which chances of getting pregnancy is high.2.if you are come under reproductive age group(age from 15-45 years came under this group in this group chances of getting pregnancy is high). Then u have DOUBLE CHANCES of getting pregnancy.3. If u r in hurry then visit nearby infertility specialist. He/she can help u. I hope the above information is useful, informative and helpful for u.regards- Chat Doctor. .RELAX.RELAX.RELAX. I can understand your tense-full situation, I pray the God that u will be blessed with a cute n healthy baby.hopefully TWINS)
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Hi i m an 18 year old male, normal health, but i have one problem i can t focus, i can t stay motivated or complete tasks... I made it into univeristy with the help of a tutor for the past 4 years, and now i can no longer afford her. ive always though ive had add/adhd, so i went to see a doctor recently but i blew me away at how close minded he was. your in univeristy? yes sir well you should have failed out of highschool you don t have adhd and that was that. It seems like its getting harder and harder for me to sit down and open a book, i just stare at the words meaninglessly and then find myself day dreaming. i waste countless hours sitting doing nothing. what take me 4 hours to learn take the average person 30 minutes. im sick of this lifestyle, i want to do great thing with myself but i m limited by these factors that i can not control. so far i m failing my first year of university and i don t know what to do.. the doctor wasn t any help, so what should i do? thank you for your time, Paul
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. You are supposed to refer to concentration and attention as two. Attention span for any adult is maximum 30 minutes. Sometimes, a person can be attentive to an interesting thing for more than 30 minutes, such as movies or games. Concentration is attention plus understanding. For this too, span of below 30 minutes. If you are able to make your studies interesting and based on variable principle, your concentration level can be increased. Concentration comes only when you are interested in what you do. So please be passionate towards what you are doing or do only those things which you are interested in. It is also possible to improve your concentration level with the help of yoga, meditation and breathing exercises. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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I have a enlarged lymph node on the right side of my neck, I first noticed it about a year ago, I also had one that came up on the back of my head, behind my ear on the right side as well. I went to the doctor and they said it was because of an infection/virus and that it would go down. up until that point I had been perfectly fine with no infections/viruses. the one behind my ear did go down but the one in my neck has stayed and got slightly bigger. I went to the doctors again after having the lump for about 6 moths and was told again that it was nothing and it would go down. I then started to get migraines after going on the contraceptive pill, and feeling generally unwell/tired, so i stopped taking the pill and went back to the doctors, they did some blood tests as my doctor though it might be glandular fever, but these all came back fine. I still have to lump, it aches from time to time and I still get migraines, usually around my period, which can last for days. recently Ive also been getting pain/aching in the colar bone region of my neck upwards, especially on my left side, there doesnt seem to be any more lumps though. if that makes sense? should i be worried?
Good morning Madam, Thank you for sharing your concerns with us. I will try to help you as much as I can through my answer. As I understand, you have got two problems. The first one is a swelling (most probably an enlarged lymph node in the neck). If a lymph node stays enlarged for a long time without any signs of infection (warmth, redness, pain), it is safe to have it removed so that it can be seen under a microscope to make sure that there is nothing dangerous. I would recommend you to discuss this option with your doctor. The second problem is a headache. Oral contraceptive pills are known to cause a migraine. It can also occur around the time of menstruation. If a migraine is too frequent and is disruptive, then I would recommend discussing the option of prophylactic medicine for this condition with your doctor. I hope this answers your question. Please feel free to contact me if you have any other query. Sincerely,
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hi sir,im suffering from psoriasis last 6 yrs i came to all hospitals nd ate all english medicines but no use in tht now im going to ayurvedic ter also no use in tht it will be paining more nd rashes are in the leg and arms wht i can do bcz of this i can t concentrate anything freely nd i can t do my job properly so plz give me ur suggestion soon doc
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor I can understand your concern and frustration and I will try to guide you to the best of my knowledge. Psoriasis is characterized by the presence of well-defined, thick scaly plaques mainly involving the scalp, and extensor surfaces like elbow, knee, lower back etc. The disease has a chronic course and the course is fluctuated by remissions and relapses, however there is no permanent cure for psoriasis. Specific topical treatment options for psoriasis plaques consists of ointments containing potent steroid with or without salicylic acid. These are available in ointment form for plaques involving the body and as lotions/gels/foam form for scalp psoriasis. Topical vitamin D analogues like calcitriol, calcipotriene etc. are also effective for localized plaque psoriasis. Besides specific remedies for psoriasis, moisturizers form an important part in the management of psoriasis because of the thick scaly nature of the plaques. Moisturisers enhance the penetration of topical active ingredients as well as prevents or delays side effects like skin atrophy etc. Unlike extensive psoriasis disease for which both oral and topical treatment is required, for limited disease topical treatment alone is effective. Phototherapy, particularly NB-UVB phototherapy is one of the several treatment options for psoriasis. It is effective and well tolerated by most. Moreover, NB-UVB Phototherapy is one of the safest options for treatment of psoriasis and can also be used even in pregnant females as well as child Chat Doctor. Other treatments for widespread disease includes Immunosuppressive like methotrexate, cyclosporin. Oral retinoids e.g. Accretion can also be used for widespread psoriasis either alone or together with phototherapy. Hope this helpsRegards
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I have ongoing pretty severe pain that began in center of back between shoulder blades several times a day as we ll and waking me up almost very night, this is also causing pain toward front into abdominal area and to lower right. This is ongoing for roughly 2 months, 3 dr. And only one has has done basically a 1 finger exam on back and determined epidural injections prior to ant test along with an anti inflammatory that has not provided any relieve. I m scheduled for injections but have not been given a single other options or answer to what this could be.this has become so intense that it s become very hard to function thru day and sleeping has suffered as well. I feel like I m at my wits ends with frustration and desperate to finds answers and relieve. The MRI has shown nothing but this much pain has to be associated with something and the time between test and appointments it s getting very difficult to function, any advice would be helpful
Hithanks for the brief history of you. Since you mentioned you had visited the physician, and he has advised an epidural injection as well which you feel it didn't work. If the MRI has shown nothing then it is good to hear that your spine is intact. Now coming to the chief complaint what you mentioned - pain in the upper back in between the shoulder blades? Am I right?if the pain is in between the shoulder blades it will be interscapular muscle spasm. For which you may need some posture correction and post that a physical therapy sessions. The use of the therapeutic ultrasound and TENS will help you get relief of pain. Also on the later stages strengthening the interscapular muscles as to avoid any future pains. Also to note that you can discuss the same with the physician you have been seeing you currently.a lot of the people face this issue of interscapular muscle spasm and are getting helped without the epidural injection. Just a physical therapy. Even you added you have a dull ache on the left side abdominal area, for which I will advise you to meet an internal medicine specialist and get checked once. He might ask for the Ultrasound scan of the abdomen which can help us to rule out the systemic issues.It's always better to rule out the factors and possible cause will be reachable. With the grace of God I wish you a speedy recovery
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good day,I m 30 yrs old my height is 5 0 my weight i think is 58 kilos,5 years ago when i was pregnant at first 5 weeks of my pregnancy i have to undergo ultrasound because my first 5 weeks of pregnancy is critical.My doctor advice me to have bed rest for at least 3 months of pregnancy but after 3 months i miscarriage,after my operation it takes 1 day i dont know what you call that but to clean me inside i think, just after that i feel pain for 9 days of staying in the house and go back to the doctor again and i have to undergo ultrasound for the second time and they found out that i have an ectopic pregnancy another pregnancy,is this really happening?because i ve been ultrasound for my first 5 weeks of pregnancy and why they didn t saw inside that i do have an ectopic pregnancy? and now after 5 years my problem right now during intercourse i need to stop my husband because i feel pain feels like hitting something inside,what will i do?hope to hear answers soon.thank you very much
Dear Madam, I have gone through your comprehensive history. Let me assure you that your miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy were sheer two coincidental unfortunate events. Ectopic is not a complication nor is due to miscarriage. Many a time, ectopic is missed in ultrasonography at very early stage. If you are getting deep pain in the abdomen during the intercourse, particularly with the movements of the penis, it is likely that you are having some tender pathology in the pelvis. It could be some tumor, infection, collection of endometriums in the pelvis, back fallen tender uterus or ovaries fallen back in the pelvis between the uterus and the rectum. There could have been a tender mass formation at the site of the ectopic surgery on the tube also. I know you are worried about repeat ectopic pregnancy, which can be diagnosed and treated only by Gynecologist. Have you missed your periods? If so you may get urine tested for pregnancy after a week. In ectopic pregnancy, it is usually weak positive. I feel you should report to your Gynecologist regarding this deep painful intercourse. If diagnosed in time, it can definitely be treated and relief obtained. I am sure, you will again start enjoying your normal sexual life after the treatment.
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Do you have any information for primary immune deficiency disorders? I have common variable immune disease, necessitating IVIG every 28 days for the past ten years and am always looking for recent information. I also suffer from fibromyalgia, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis and now am experiencing some heart issues (tachycardia and extra heart beats). I so hate being complicated and having to see so many doctors. My immunologist moved away some years ago and the one who replaced her won t see adults. However, the Hem/Onc doc I worked for agreed to oversee my care since the protocol was already in place. Thus, though I know he is a good doctor, I sometimes am afraid he may not be up to date on any new developments for PIDD. Thanks for your comments or reference materials.
Thank you for asking Chat Doctor. My name is Chat Doctor. Primary immunodeficiency is a condition in which individuals are born missing some bodies immune defenses, which leaves them more susceptible to germs that can cause infections as compared to the general populations. Regarding information for the primary immune deficiency disorders, there is a list of such conditions whicChatDoctore under this category ... I just write here some names for your info like-Common Variable Immune Deficiency, -X-linked Agammaglobulinemia (Britons Disease), -Selective IGA Deficiency,-Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (boy-in-the-bubble disease). Some disorders are being quite common, occurring in as many as 1 in 500 to 1 in 1000 individuals, such as Selective IGA Deficiency. whereasOthers, such as Severe Combined Immune Deficiency, may be quite rare as one individual per million. IVG have different indications in which they are used including your condition as KIDD .your concerns are right since you are worried about your immunologist which moved away, but you should trust your current physician who as you mention your hem/on doc .the most important aspect is thatUntreated primary immunodeficiency may be characterized by frequent life-threatening infections and debilitating illnesses so do keep in tough with treating physician and if they will see some need for ref feral then in such condition they do refer. Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything is not clear. Thanks.
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I have just noticed a large lump, painless above my coccxys and when I press it is really hard like bone but not completely centered under by an inch there is another smaller deeper one, I exercise a lot and I am slim so am hoping it is something to do with exercise or i am just boney but I worried it might be a tumour? I have no symptons of anything,,,
Hi, Dear Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor virtual Clinic. I studied your query with available details given in your query. I understood your health concerns. Cause for the lump/painless-For the right treatment right diagnosis of the cause of the lump on the coccyx-needs to be done. Cause of lump -It is very difficult to comment on the cause of the lump on the coccyx as the data is insufficient. Following possibilities could be ruled out with help from your doctor-DERMOID CYST/Epidermis Cyst/Sebaceous Cyst /Lipoma/or Normal Coccyx. From the facts told by you, possibility of it being a Normal Coccyx is more, as you feel another smaller one deep down. As the Normal Coccyx is a piece which turns and ends in to tip of the coccyx, so second smaller one could be coaxial tip and not the lump. This possibility is more in your case as you are slim.Hence, Don't worry.It's not cancerous. As I don't have the photograph of the lump or more first-hand information, I would suggest having Second Opinion to rule out other causes of the such a lump on the coccyx. Still if worried I would advise you to consult your doctor, who would fix the confusion and worry with it. This would help you to plan treatment with your doctor, whom you should plan your visit urgently, before it complicates anymore.Don't Self-treat or medicate in your case as the case may go in to further complications. Hope this reply would resolve your query and would help you to plan treatment with your doctor. Hope this would relieve of your health concerns. Welcome for any further query in this regard before final suggestions are given in your query. Wishing you fast recovery. Have a good day. Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist.
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Hi My 22 yrs old nephew met with a car accident on 18th Apr 2014. GCS 3. He is in coma since then. He has acquired ICU infections, Klebsiella fever 104 , but better now , put on collistine, he has had slight infection in blood and urine as well; Motor movement: left hand , yawn, spomtaneous eye movement; it is E3VtM4 since May 2nd week; last 1 week hand raising and grabbing the tubes once in a while. Right frontal lobe, facial fractures; Do u think he is getting better? Is it advisable to move him to another hospital, he need venti support now and then; CT scans are better doc says; No surgery was required.
Hi, Thank-you for providing the brief history of you. As it was an ETA and serious injuries leading to low GCS score, he needs a thorough attention. CT is always good for helping Doctor for planning further medical management. As his hand movement are recovering there will be a positive sign as well. Grabbing the tube is due to the irritation happening to the trachea and the brain is trying to perform some activity for hand to move and grab the tubes out. This is a positive reaction but by grabbing the tube and pulling it out may lead to serious issues. Now since we have to only wait and see how his brain is recovering from the TBI as its all-time framed reactions. Also, if the ventilator is advised than there is a serious brain stem issue for which an MRI or CT has to be performed. Surgery for anything may not be of a good choice since the patient is in comatose state. Also, having the urine and lung infection he may need a good oxygen supply for allowing the body to heal. As oxygen is a major source of energy supply for the normal human physiological functions to keep in mind that many of the infections are due to hospital acquired, and he needs to be kept completely hygienic for each and everything. Frontal lobe injury will take its own time to injury and since the brain will be still in a shock state this comatose state will come down as the inflammation in the brain comes down. Important to mention that shifting the patient in this situation for more than 20 kilometers will not be good Chat Doctor.
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The right kidney is slightly hyperechoic with decreased corticomedullary differentiation. It is normal in position and size, measuring 11.3 cm in long axis. No evidence of hydronephrosis, renal mass, or perinephric fluid collections. The left kidney is slightly hyperechoic with decreased corticomedullary differentiation. It is normal in position and size, measuring 11.9 cm in long axis. No evidence of hydronephrosis, renal mass, or perinephric fluid collections. There are two anechoic cystic lesions within the lower pole of the left kidney with increased through transmission and imperceptible walls without internal septations, calcification, or internal color Doppler blood flow compatible with benign simple renal cysts. The more superior lesion measures 9 x 7 x 7 mm and the more inferior lesion measures 1.3 x 0.8 x 0.8 cm. The urinary bladder appears normal.Findings of hyperechogenicity and decreased corticomedullary differentiation are suggestive of medical renal disease. Clinical correlation is advised.Can someone please tell me what the findings mean? Am I going into Kidney Failure. I have no toher medical conditions. I had a routine UA done over a week ago and protein was noted in myurine so my doctor sent me for an ultrasound. My creatine was normal and all other test. I am 44 and Im an AA Female. thank you.
HelloGenerally hyperechoic(bright) echo texture of kidney suggest renal parenchymal disease. It may be due to many reasons like chronic hypertension, chronic diabetes mellitus, glomerulonephritis etc. Besides clinical evaluation, you may need further investigations. Investigations include routine hologram, random blood sugar, urine RE/ME, complete renal function test(include serum urea, creatinine,creatinine clearance), GFR,serum sodium, potassium,chloride, bicarbonate,phosphate,24 hour protein clearance. Further investigations can be done if needed. Simple cysts in kidneys are generally benign findings and only need follow up. It rarely needs treatment. These are age related developmental findings. You should go for proper checkup. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
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hello i went to the doctor recently because of pain in my bottom right side of abdominal which the doctor thinks it may be endometriosis because ive been in so much pain. She saw a liquid filled sac really small that shes watching to see if its a cyst or not, or to see what happens. She did a ultrasound to take a better look and whatever was on the right side is gone but something on the left which shes watching. I still have really bad pain on the right only when i come on my menstraul and it lingers for a couple days after. Do you think this could be endometriosis. I also have noticed throught this that my cheeks on the inside of my mouth look swollen and i have looks like white patches on the gums and cheeks. The grey came first which looks like a line in the cheek. Also in the left corner of my mouth seems like there is irritation there sometimes. I do have some work that needs to be done on my teeth which the dentist said one tooth cannot be saved and the other tooth could but its also decaying also. So do you think that could be because of the bad teeth in my mouth?
Hi Brownappril, The problems you are describing as pain on the left side of your stomach can be because of many reasons. Endometriosis can the one of the important cause. Depending upon the pain description that you have more pain during the period, it shows that the chances of endometriosis is there, and it needs to be taken care. Now depending upon the severity of pain and duration of this problem and other investigation you can be prescribed some hormonal medications which can help to control this endometriosis and can regress this condition. Most of the time medication is sufficient to treat the condition, but some time other intervention may be required. In the meantime you also have to work up with the USG finding of cyst which may be the cause of the pain and after proper examination and investigation only something can be decided. The other problem of your oral cavity can be because of the problem which is because of the decaying tooth. I would suggest you to have consultation with your dentist at the earliest so that other complication associated with decaying tooth can be prevented and in the meantime try to maintain proper oral hygiene. Hope this will help you. Thanks
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Hi, In June this year my spleen got badly ruptered and I had to undergo emergency surgery to have it removed. I now have a huge scar down the centre of my stomach and have to take penicillen for life. I am 26 years old. I was just wondering will I now have any complications getting pregnant and also how will this effect my scar? What is the recommended time I have to wait following surgery to try for a baby? I ask this as I may be healed on the outside but it obviously takes much longer for the scar tissue and muscle to heal inside.Hope you will kindly answer my questions.Thanks.Jodie
Hallow Dear, Absence of spleen per se should not affect the course of pregnancy neither should it cause any problem in becoming pregnant. However, after the surgery, if you have developed lots of adhesions inside the abdominal cavity, it may cause problem in the tubes which will affect the transport of the egg to the uterus. Then, it may lead to infertility. This can be assessed by Hysterosalpingography/Laparoscopy. The scar on the abdomen should not cause any problem in the progress of pregnancy and delivery, provided the abdominal muscles have been well approximated, and the scar has healed good in its full thickness. Your scar is on the abdominal wall and not on the uterus. So it should not create any problem in the progress of pregnancy nor labor. You may go for pregnancy anytime after 6 months of the surgery. However, since it was an emergency surgery, you should get your blood examined for its normal values. Usually splenic rupture leads to a lot of bleeding. Please see that you have regained all your blood parameters to normalcy before you become pregnant. You should get your health checked up from an Obstetrician and get green signal for becoming pregnant. As it is, pregnancy is a condition which dilutes the blood. Pregnancy is an additional burden the body. Meanwhile, right from today, start consuming high protein diet with lots of minerals and micronutrients with special attention to iron and Folic acid. This will help improve your general health which is absolute requirement of pregnancy and motherhood. If you are tolerating Penicillin, it should sot create any issue during pregnancy, labor or breastfeeding. I hope this helps you today.
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Dear Doctor,I have mild itching on the knees. No other symptoms of cirrhosis. L.F.T. is normal, Globulin, PT and INR are normal. I did a USG yesterday and the radiologists remarks are: " Liver normal in size- mildly abnormal echo structureabnormal nodules on margins. - Early cirrhosis- I have been having fatty liver due to alcoholic consumption for more than 10 years. I have no symptoms of any disease now. I am gravely worried. Can you give me your opinion whether I have early cirrhosis and if so what is the prognosis.
Hi, I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Fatty liver can be caused by excessive alcohol intake (Alcoholic SEATO hepatitis, ASH) or due to excessive fatty food intake and sedentary lifestyle (Non-alcoholic SEATO hepatitis, NASH). ASH is usually the beginning stages of alcohol induced liver damage and is completely reversible if the patient refrains from alcohol. NASH is being much more commonly diagnosed currently owing to poor dietary habits and sedentary lifestyles of people. If left unchecked, in final stages it may lead to cirrhosis of the liver which will necessitate a liver transplant. In your case, unfortunately, cirrhotic changes have already appeared, which is irreversible. But on the brighter side, it is very early cirrhosis, where you do not have any symptoms. You could go on to lead a completely normal life if you take precautions from now on. 1. Total and complete Abstinence is a must. Multiple research studies have shown that people who quit Chat Doctor. 2. A diagnostic upper GI endoscopy will be required to rule out varices (a sign of portal hypertension due to cirrhosis). This will need treatment with medication and possible banding .3. An urgent consultation with a medical gastroenterologist so he can do a complete work up and start prophylactic medications if necessary. I would also suggest a healthy diet and exercise regimen as well. Although there is no time limit on when to get a repeat scan, I would suggest one, once you have succeeded in losing some weight. Hope this helped, and please do not hesitate to contact me for further details -
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will Temazepam (Restoril) and Diazepam (Valium) test the same on a pre-employment drug screen I was the victim of Identity theft, stalking and assault in 2008. I did not discuss it with anyone except the psychiatric team I was assigned to because I had the misfortune of discussing in detail what I would like to do to the couple who robbed me, stalked me and beat me up. For that outburst, months after the event the doctor I told this to stated he had to report me as a 5150. I was angry because I was now the bad guy, I was constantly told I had poor coping mechanisms and labeled Child Interrupted because I would not attend sessions. I was started on Seroquel 125mg and by the end of 1 year I was taking 400mg per night. I took it willingly because it made me sleep and helped with the panic attacks I often had at night. I realized after a year I was using the Seroquel for sleep and quit taking it. Within a few weeks I noticed my hands would shake uncontrollably which I thought was an escalation of the panic attacks. When I consulted with my doctor on this she was very outraged and again reiterated my unwillingness to come to terms with what had happened and fired me as a patient. I did my own research and learned I likely had Akathesia. I was put on Valium 5-10mg 3 times a day and was given Restoril for sleep. I have sensed moved to another state and the symptoms are under control with the treatment I am now on. I am now concerned how this will be viewed by a potential new employer and am curious if Restoril and Valiun are in the same drug category.. Thank you for any information you may give me.
Hi, Temazepam and Diazepam are both benzodiazepines and both will cause a positive test on any Chat Doctor. If that will be a problem in getting a new job, then you can see a doctor in the city where you are now and get yourself assessed again. If it is indeed panic attacks that you are suffering from, then taking an SSRI (Zoloft, Pail etc.) would be a better option as it will give you very good control over your symptoms without any risk of testing positive on
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I had some allergy from UV rays or sunlight on my face skin two years back and a doctor advised me to use flutavate. I used it twice a day for a week and then daily for almost a month. And then I had been using it on alternate days for more than a year untill I realised it had some strong steroids. As Ileft using it, the skin beacme red and itchy and flaky too. Anything that I used lead to itching.Then I consulted a homeopathic docctor who suggested aggravating all the allergy and then healing it. As he gave medicines to aggravate it, the face skin turned as if it was burnt. The face gave a burning sensation for four full days; then the skin dried and peeled off. He asked me to just apply coconut oil all over the face.A month went by and things did nt improve. There were a lot of scars /black spots and pimples on my face. I visited another skin specialist and she said it is because I left applying flutave altogether which has some strong steroids. So she said we should slightly switchover to some milder steroids. She suggested using glycerine and rose water for moisturizing skin and using HHzole for a week, then Desowen (Galderma India) for another week and then Clearz Ultra Gel. Now she has asked using Desowen on alternative days and then twice a week. It has been a week that I am using clearzultra gel daily. The skin has started clearing but I am afraid of any further steroids.I want to get rid of any harmful medicines and creams and switch to a usual helathy skin care regime. Look forward to your suggestions.
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, For complete treatment of the skin allergy to UV rays, you need to protect yourself from direct sun exposure. You should use sunscreen lotion half an hour before gong out in sun. These measures can be followed after first treating the current problem. For this you will have to continue the treatment as prescribed by your doctor. Steroids should not be discontinued abruptly. They should be slowly tapered off over period of time. Do not worry, these Chat Doctor. They are used in such amounts and in such dosages that they do not harm the body. Thanks and take care
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Hi Doctor, I had 11mm stone in left kidney and 11 mm left ureter , 8mm & 4 mm in right kidney. Met an urologist last week and had laser surgery and stent was placed in both the kidneys after the surgery(Dr. said stent will be removed after three weeks) After one week, i had automated flow of urine and i went to another urologist as the First Dr. who did the surgery was out if station. He told me to take X ray and uv scan and told me that stent in left kidney got misplaced. He removed the stent from left kidney. However the scan report shows still 11mm stone is there in left kidney and 8mm stone is there in right kidney(stent still there). stone which was in urter and 4 mm stone in right kidney is not there now As of now dr. said lets discuss once the Dr.(who did laser treatment) came from vacation. What should i have to do now.?? How to remove the 11mm stone in left kidney. Will 8mm stone on right kidney will not be there after stent removal?
Hi, You have B/L renal calculi with left ureteric calculus. Probably your ureteric calculus was removed if in mid or lower part or pushed in if around PUB and followed ESL (can't comment as you have not provided the detail of your operation) hence not visualized in X-ray. In ESL calculus are broken in small fragments so that it can pass through small passage (5 mm) of ureter through urine and spent provide easy n broader passage preventing clogging of calculus. Fragmentation of calculus depends upon consistency, size, shape, hardness ....etc. hence sometimes does not fragment n requires multiple sitting. Now as stent misplaced following (which can happen) surgery or probably ESL Not given to left side (as B/L in case ESL should be given in different sitting) and Fragmentation of Rt renal calculus was complete so they are still there ( and can be commented after detail of so) So in my opinion you need to have multiple sitting of ESL to remove calculi or in your case PCNL would be treatment of choice. Do stone analysis test and maintain diet accordingly, Chat Doctor. Hope this ll heptanes n regards
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Can I take Nexium 40mg and Yasmin together. Also I am on xanax 1mg three times a day and just wondering if that is a high dose to be on? I suffered with very bad acid and nausia for over 6 weeks and got hospitalized with it which was very difficult as I have a 4 month old baby. My partner works away a month at a time so told them I cant keep feeling so ill. It was worse in the mornings but still had it all day. I would only ever be sick with acid never any food would come up. I told my doctor I have suffered with anxiety and stress for quite awhile after I lost my first child when she was 4 years old. Once my doctor put me on nexium and xanax within a day I was feeling so much better and the nausea has stopped. I have suffered with anxiety in the past and never had it so I have felt so unwell like I did with the nausea and vomiting acid. I also want to know that my little boy is now 5.5 months and is teething and have been told so many different stories on what he should be having. I have had him on pandol and then changed to nurofen but was told they can be taken together? Im using bonjella too but of a night 2 or 3 times he can wake up so upset which isnt like him and I can see 2 teetChatDoctoring through the gums. How should he take both of them together safely? Thanks I know there is quite a few different questions in this one for you.Kind RegardsAAAAA
Hi, The proton pump inhibitor omeprazole (medium) and the contraceptive ethanol estradiol (Yasmin) do not have any serious side effects when taken together. Alprazolam (Xanax) is a sedative that has a potential to cause side effects in your baby while he is breastfeeding like sedation or symptoms of with Chat Doctor. Paracetamol (Pandoc) and Ibuprofen (European) both are given for the same purpose so any one of it will suffice provided there is a necessity for both (under supervision). Do make sure he is receiving the right doses. Hope this helps,
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The left Kidney demonstrates mild to moderate pelvicalyceal dilatation. The proximal left ureter is also slightly dilated. left renal length = 11.2cm.impression : Left pelvicalyceal and proximal ureteric dilation?Secondary to ureteric stricture or calculus. IVP advise for further evaluation. other wise normal intra-abdominal findings
Hi, Thanks for writing in. The collecting system of the kidney is made of renal calyxes and pelvis. This collects the urine formed in kidney and transports it through the ureter (tubes connecting kidneys and urinary bladder) to the urinary bladder. The pelvicalyceal system is the mouth of the kidney where it connects with the upper end of the ureter. I guess that you have got ultrasound scan done, and it shows mild fullness of the pelvicalyceal system in the left kidney, that is a term applied to increase in diameter of the collecting system in your left kidney. It is not a critical situation, and please do not worry if you do not have any urinary symptoms. Since it is mentioned as mild fullness and no kidney stones have been found, therefore(i) It can be that your bladder was completely full at the of ultrasound scan(ii) Your kidney pelvicalyceal system is appearing full by itself (extrarenal pelvis) and is an extension of normal appearance.(iii) Rarely an infection of urinary system and kidneys (recent or old) can cause such a finding, but this is likely only if you have symptoms like pain in the region of kidney and problems like burning urination or discoloration of urine or any kidney infections in the past.(iv) Stones in kidney or ureter can also cause fullness of pelvicalyceal system and since you do not have any stone therefore this does not apply to you. It is important to know if your scan was repeated after passing urine and still there was persistent mild fullness of the pelvicalyceal system on left side. This can also be confirmed by doing an MVP which is injecting a contrast and taking 5 to 6 X-rays to study the functioning of the kidneys in a better way. Please consult the urologist.
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Dear Dr, My niece who is 35 yrs old has the following medical report. Sonography report hepatic mass: echogenic mass lesion at the right lobe 1.3cm and also 10cmx6.4cm mass Gall bladder and cbd: mild thick wall 0.44cm and there are small bright reflective shadow seen Tumor remark report: all negative CEA 1.38ng/ml, CA 19-9 9.4u/ml, AFP 2.14ng/ml, CA125 25.6u/ml Lumbosacral spine mri report: L2 vertebra abnormal T1 and T2 prolongation show heterogeneous enhancement on post contrast scan. Hemoglobin 7.9gm% but 10.9 after she took 2nits blood, ESR 104mm/hr, SGOT 47u/l and hepatitis is normal HIV positive with CD4 103 and lose above 10kg Dear Dr, my niece is hospitalized but seriously sick . What is the best treatment for her? we are from Africa , Ethiopia Thank you
Hello, I can understand your concern for your nieces' health.1) USG says, there is small mass in region of gallbladder and bile duct which might extend into liver and also there is thickening of bile duct.2) MRI data says there is small lesion in lower vertebra.3) Blood tests for tumor markers are slightly elevated.4) All these three suggest possibility of malignancy of common bile duct (cholangiocarcinoma).5) For confirmation she might require a) MRI abdomen with MRCP and b) Traffic CT abdomen c) PET-CT scan to check for spread of tumor if it is confirmed.6) Confirmation of malignancy would require endoscopic USG guided FNAC from lesion.7) If it is confirmed that tumor in bile duct has spread in vertebra then only chemotherapy will help. In absence of spread to vertebra, surgery will give best result.8) As she also has HIV infection, her immunocompromised and poor general condition will also affect treatment decision-making. Hope I answered your query. If you have any further doubts then I would be happy to help you. Have a nice day!
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My wife is being diagnosed with Obstetric cholestasis by our gynaecologist in Cape Town. She is 39 weeks pregnant, beginning 40th week tomorrow.My questions are:1. is there any information you may be able to share re longitudinal research on the risks, there is so little research on OC on the web and we are trying to gauge the risk my wife is in (and so much would like a natural non induced birth). Obviously we wont rely on your research or in any way disseminate any info you may send us. 2. my wifes bile results are 19 (norm on our test was stated as 0 - 10) (her S-ALT score is 53 (norm range given as 10 - 32) and her S-AST is 40 (norm range 10 - 32). Is 19 a high risk bile acid level?Any views you may have would be greatly appreciated.Many thanksCharles
Hi there,Obstetric homeostasis At term (40 weeks) with bile acids of 19 should be induced for delivery. There is no point waiting for labor to start, as every day more is an added risk for further rise in bile acid levels and may affect the baby. The problem of Obstetric homeostasis is it can cause sudden death in a full term baby as the bile salt can cause problem with the heart rhythm of the baby. And at 40 weeks the baby is fit to survive, so delivery should be induced immediately. The risk though less than 1 in 100 is still very important to make note as the baby is absolutely normal and has reached 40 weeks and to be affected by bile salts at this stage would be tragic.Also, the risk of passing meconium during labor or inter is higher and also is the chance of operative delivery (cesarean or forceps) in women with Obstetric homeostasis. The risk of bleeding after birth in mother is also slightly higher and kept in mind. Vitamin K oral should be given to mother after 36 weeks. The liver function tests should be repeated 10 days after delivery as it takes that much time to get back to normal.Also, the risk of repeat obstetric homeostasis in next pregnancy is very common up to 90% and should be informed to the doctor early in next pregnancy. Hope this helps. Regards.
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Yes, I vehad a n respitory infection inially diagnosed as pnuenomoia. Had a chest xray first, results opacity 2cm at upper left lobe with no evidence of pnuemonia. My PCP then ordered 5 day course of zithromax follow up 2nd xray. Results were same. Both xray reports suggested CT scN TO R/O OTHER PROBLEMS, ETC. pCp ordered two weeks of levofloxcin after 2nd xray as she was not convinced that I did not have a bacterial infection. The entire time I was coughing, sneezing and had sever nasal congestion. I had a low grade temperature for the first thre days of the respitatory infection, then normal all the while the coughing etc. continued. A CT scan was then ordered and it revealed that the left lobe opacity was still present, mild reticular densities present at the lung apices and mild reticular opacification at the posteromedial left upper lobe suggestive of chronic fibrosis. There is also a 6mm nodule at theright middle lobe and mild bilateral dependent atelectatic changes. There are reticular and/or fibrotic changes at the lung bases. Finally could you define sclerotic densities at the soft tissues ajacent to the bilateral proximal humeri. I had a follow up PET/CT scan with some radio active substance today which is to r/o malignancy. thank you for any advice, etc. you can give me. Joan Z. Riverhead,NY
Thanks for asking your query completely understand your problem you have non resolving pneumonia as a diagnosis along with a nodule in rt middle lobe ? Cause.regarding bilateral parenchymal lesions in lungs sputum can be tested for AFB, myogenic culture and sensitivity, fungal elements, malignant cells. Or that 6 mm nodule along with these parenchymal lesions you should consult a pulmonologist personally and if he wants a bronchoscopy to be done to rule out malignancy and other causes by taking a biopsy if anything is visible on copy.don't panic go to a pulmonologist, he'll guide u the best thanks for more queries feel free to ask may god bless you with good health
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I ve just survived my first battle with Gout , starting in my right ankle, and then moving to my left ankle...God forbid I m unfortunate enough to get it again. There is a family history of it, my late father and one brother. My doctor has just given me a req for blood work to determine if my Uric acid level is now low enough to start me on Allopurinol .......This whole painful episode lasted approximately 2+ months, with numerous trips to the doctors........Does it get better from here. I have said to my husband several times that the pain was so intense that I wished I was dead.....I am a 58 year old female with a fairly high threshold for pain, but not with the gout....the threshold went right out the window!!!!! Would appreciate your comments/advice/help....Patricia Ward
Thank you for using healthcare magic. One detail which was not mentioned in your question was whether during an episode if a physician removed fluid from the joint and had the fluid examined to determine if your symptoms were gout vs some other form of inflammatory arthritis. Assuming then that this is gout, long term management would be medications and lifestyle modification. For long term management you would benefit from being on a medication such as allopurinol however this should be initiated once the acute attack has resolved. Other medications such as probenecid and colchicine can also be used as a preventative however allopurinol or the newer medication Logic would be first line agents. The goal of preventative treatment would be to achieve a uric acid level Take Care and Be well Lifestyle modification will include reduction in purine intake such as reduction in red meat, cheese, wine etc. I would suggest that you search online for "diet in persons with gout" and you should find adequate information regarding dietary restrictions that would help prevent recurrence. I would also suggest that you speak with your primary care doctor regarding a prescription for medication to have on hand in the event of a recurrent attack. Early initiation of treatment may reduce the severity of the attack. Medications such as NSAIDs (indomethacin), colchicine and steroids are used in acute attacks. The appropriate agent for you will be determined by your doctor based on your other medical history.
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I have spina bifida and also hydrocephalus. I m 51 and had the bubble removed from my spina at two weeks, and then got a vp shunt at about a month old. I was maybe four months old when the shunt stopped working, but since I wasn t sick the dr thought that my body was taking care of the spinal fluid. I saw a doctors every year and had my head checked . At the age of fifteen they had all kids with shunts get a cat scan. They found extra water. My dr. said that they knew there was water pressure, but they didn t do anything until I was 16. I was told that they operated eight times until they got a shunt to work. I m use to getting it checked every year, but now that I m seeing a different dr. he said that adults don t need to have the shunt checked every year. I ve seen the same dr. for my shunt since I was seventeen. I skipped a year when I was in my thirties, The next year I went to get the shunt checked, he . had a harsh talk with me and said that I should never skip going to see him. He s retired now, and this new dr. said I didn t need to see him every year now that my shunt was doing fine. I don t need to see him unless I start getting sick . What is your view on the subject?
Hi, I am Chat Doctor. I have read your question and understand your concerns. Let me try to help you Question : What is your view on the subject? Short Answer : Follow the Advice Given by the New Doctor. See him only if you have headache, Vomiting, Blurring of vision etc. Explanation : You need to have regular checkups as long as there is some Per Ventricular Lucency in CT or Shunt Resistance during Clinical Examination. Now that your doctor feels that there is no need to do annual checkups, he is confident that the disease process has settled Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care.
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Dear Dr.,I am suffering with asthma from last 20 years, had used inhalers: budesonide, asthaline. Tab: vent forte, theoaataline and montelukast. But these drugs reliefs my sings and symptoms short period only.Let me know, what is such drug will prevent my problem and can i use that drug continueosly in my life period.
Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your query and understand your concern. I would like to make following suggestions to you:1. Were I treating you, I would suggest you regular intranasal corticosteroids (Budesonide or Fluticasone) inhaler and montelukast. I would suggest you to use albuterol inhaler on as-and-when-needed basis for asthma symptoms/breathlessness/wheezing.2. I would suggest you allergy testing, which will help you identify the substances you may be allergic to and also to know the measures to avoid them. Based on allergy testing, an Allergist-Immunologist may prescribe you allergen specific immunotherapy which works on immune system to improve your allergies gradually on long-term basis.3. I would like to mention here that all the allopatChatDoctoredicines for asthma can only "control" the asthma symptoms and cannot "cure" asthma. If possible, allergen specific immunotherapy can help you to improve allergy with minimizing medicine requirement.4. In general, I would suggest you to avoid exposure to dusts, smokes & air pollution.5. Regular breathing exercises and a healthy nutrition rich in vitamins & minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, etc.) will also help you in a long run by improving your lung capacity and immunity respectively. To summarize, I would like to mention that the complete treatment of asthma requires combination of appropriate medicines, allergy evaluation & immunotherapy, avoidance of precipitant factors, role of complementary medicine and lifestyle changes including nutrition & environment. Asthma is a chronic disease and requires patience while treatment. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health. Thank you & Regards.
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Hi, I m 32 years old. I had a knee pain after driving for 6 hours in my right knee. I did an MRI and every thing was good except for myxoid degeneration. It said Negative for internal derangement within in the Normal overall meniscus shape. Increased signal within the posterior horn of the medial meniscus representative of mixed degeneration . My Orthopedic said there is nothing to worry about. I would like to know the reason for this and if gaining weight has anything to do with it ? I just gained 10 kg due to the pain and inability to exercise. I would like to know also if I can go to they gym again ? and if their is any supplement to help ? Thanks a lot.
Hello, Thank you for contacting me at "Ask a Doctor". I will try to answer your question to the best of my ability. I sympathize with you having the knee pain. Furthermore, I know this can be very frustrating. From the sounds of it the MRI looks fairly unremarkable and so there is harvesting nothing of the surgical nature that needs to be done. From your story, it sounds like you have typical patellofemoral pain. This essentially involves some inflammation involving the under surface of your kneecap. For the moment. I would avoid all sorts of knee exercises, including deep knee bends, squats, lunges, and weights. Avoid the stairs if you can. I would recommend taking over-the-counter ibuprofen as a pain reliever. Sometimes with persistent patellofemoral pain I will refer patients to a physical therapist for some stretching and strengthening exercises which can certainly help. Neck and also guide U as to when it is a good time to return to the gym. For the moment. You can do some upper body exercises and some gentle cardio work, for example swimming. I would not do any running or biking if the knee is still sore at this time. Occasionally if the above conservative management do not help, I will consider an intra-articular cortisone injection, but will only do this if we have exhausted all the treatment options above. I hope this information is useful for you. Please do not hesitate to message us back if you have any further questions. Best wishes, A Chat Doctor.
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Have there been any clinacal trials or people who s already had a liver transplant but still has Hep-C. I hate to mention this but I m a disabled vet. who if I hadn t read my medical files and found out I had Heptocelluar carcinoma on my own...... I would be dead, right now! I have proof the VA doc s. never intended on telling me by my written records !!!. I discovered I has cancer from an MRI taken nearly two (2) years earlier from a clerck when I asked him to look up the results of a biopsy about four months afterwards. Never informed by my treating (Fellow) who naturally was taking orders from her overseer who was a, supposedly REAL Doc. and knew all of my history. If my wife and I hadn t of confronted them.... Well you know the results of them not treating me. I ve asked for the new drugs, such as the new AbbieV drug , but they say since I m already immuno suppressed.... I might develop cancer again????? Anyway... have there been any test on transplanted patients with Hep-C, which is destroying my new cancer. They also tell me....They want to wait until I get in 2nd or almost third stage liver failure. Does that make scense? Usually when I make the effort to contact someone outside of the VA.... They immediately drop contact with me as Cancer centers of America and others did! Are you the same or or you looking for money and then do nothing as they and the VA intended on doing?
Hi, I understand your resentment. If I am not wrong you had liver transplant some time back and is hep c positive. And now you are supposedly have CCI I am on correct line, then it is likely that the HCC is not very advanced stage. If that is the scenario, surgical removal is an option if residual liver is functionally adequate. This is often determined on MRI liver. Most likely the lesion is leaving surgical option out, that could be the reason you have not been offered. However, if HCC is confirmed and non-resectable then sorafenib is option. It can be given in hep c positive patientAlpha photo protein level will be helpful at this point for monitoring sure what you meant with abbrev Chat Doctor.
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im female 23 with a history of depression. i got attacked in september and have been taking 8 doses of solpadol to relieve the pian, only 8 months later i cant stop taking them. recently the last 2 months ive had a terrible pain where i have recently found a lump and am very worried as its painful. its directly underneath my chest in the center of my rib cage, its very painful, what could it be?
HI, Dear,Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor virtual Clinic. I studied your query in all the details put forth by you. I understood your health concerns about the Cause of itchy painful lump on your shin. Cause of the Painful lump under chest near ribcage-You had a history of attack/assault 8 myths back, due to which this pain started and still recurs, and for this reason you need to take Tab Salvador.-Since 2 months, you have found a lump with terrible pain near the center of your rib cage under the chest. With this history, it seems that you suffer from -Epigastric Hernia with obstructed contents, mostly pre-peritoneal fat with necrosis, causing sever pain.ALERTS/Caution-AS this Lump would complicate to recurrent obstructions going in to strangulation and would cause more serious pain and abdominal emergency, I would suggest you to consult ER Surgeon, who would give his Second opinion also and would treat it accordingly. This Epigastric hernia occurs in your case due to the trauma 8 myths back, which has increased the silent weakness or hole. Since last 2 myths you noticed this lump, by chance, when its contents got obstructed and only by severe pain you are worried about it now.-As the with very small duration, I would suggest you to Consult an ER Surgeon and get the physical examination and his Second Opinion on it. This would help you to plan treatment with your ER surgeon. Hope this reply would satisfy your query and worry with ITF you feel satisfied with this reply, dont forget to hit thanks and write excellent review comments, which would improve my rating for new needy visitors to Chat Doctor. Welcome for any further query in this regard to Chat Doctor. Have a good day. With Chat Doctor. N.M.S. Genl-CVTS, Senior Surgical Specialist
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I HAD CLASSIC NIGHT TERRORS FROM AGE 9 UNTIL 10. THEY WERE TERRIBLE,AND I NEVER REMEMBERED THE CONTENT IN THE MORNING. I CRIED, SWEATED,SCREAMED, ESPECIALLY IN THE MIRROR.... SAYING THINGS LIKE...IT S SO AWEFUL... I AM SO UGLY... AT THE AGE OF 20, I HAD AN ABORTION. I HAD A NIGHT TERROR ON THE TABLE. I ASKED THE ABORTIONIST TO STOP, HIS NAME WAS ISMAIL ELGUNDI. HE WOULD NOT, AND I FOUGHT HIM... I REMEMBER THE NURSE SAY SHE THOUGHT I WAS LOSING TOO MUCH BLOOD AND WOULD POSSIBLY DIE. I CALLED AN OLD BABY SITTER THAT WITTNESSED THESE NIGHT TERRORS, AND SHE KNEW NOTHING OF MY ABORTION. SHE SAIDTHE ONLY THING SHE REMEMBERED ME REPEATING( AT THE AGE OF 9) WAS the stomach monster is after me ... now, I have found I the abortionist compromised my uterus, my tubes and I can never have children. The father of my baby is now a doctor, Stuart Barre, and his father is my Godfather. I was baptized on October 9th, 1977,... and that was the day of the abortion at WestSide Women Services... October 9th, 1990. I found the date the day I came home from the abortion in the bilbe the Barre s had given me....if haunts me and has ruined my life.
Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. Night terrors can be first treated by prescribing benzodiazepines. However, if it still persists then it would be wise to get an EEG done to identify if it is due to some seizure activity. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned Chat Doctor.
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Hi, I slipped an fell on my chin, broke my tooth and it went through my lip and came out on the outside beneath the lip. The bruising and swelling was gone after 2-3 weeks, Its been a month now, and i have two lumps/bumps. The one underneath the chin is small and does nto hurt but bothersome, because not you can see that my chin is uneven. The one on the lip is bigger but I am assuming its still healing since on the inside the wound is still red and outside still a red scar. My concern is with the bump underneath the chin. What can I do to make it go away faster? It doe snot hurt, Ive been taking arnica, and some vitamins. What do you recommend? Please dont say if it gets worse and red and swollen see a doctor, that I already know. But something to make a lump go away?
HI, Dear, Thanks for the query from you for your lumpy lip and chin.1-I am happy that you are serious to get the long existing chin lump, though are confident about the lip lump, that it would resolve.2-In my opinion, I would advise you to -get the orthopedic opinion and the X-ray chin-to rule out any bone-contusion or hairline bony fracture, as its past 3 was and still you have the chin bump underneath.3-And as you are worried about the lumpy chin, I would advise you to take some NSAIDs, as the contused Celtic tissue is not responding fastly-the way you want with Arica-, hence please stop it,-as multiple Chat Doctor. 3-a-You may need some serropepti-enzymes which your doctor may advise if he feels so.3-b-But a bland non-spicy -high protein diet, and cold compresses has no alternatives for the early recovery of these traumatic lumps.4-This change in medicine would take care of the worry you had with the chin lump.5-Hope this would solve your worry of the chin lump positively.6-So ugly take -the advice from the ER doctor and change the medicines 7-Hope this would solve your query.8-Wellcome to Chat Doctor for any more query.
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My stomachhas been looking quite swollen for a long time, but soft and was giving no problems. Now though it always feels queasy and gurgles loudly. For many years I have been taking lot of drugs for arthritis and fibromyalgia - anti-inflammatories, diclofenac, plaqueniland omeprazole, and currently tramadol and paracetemol as necessary for back pain until i can have PLIF surgery to L2/3. I actually postponed the surgery because i thought the problem was due to anxiety about the operation, but it persists. I have had a gastroscopy last year which wasclear, and at that time i had no stomach symptoms.However lately my stomach squelches loudly and feels almost like its trying to process glue.i feel it right under my sternum all the way through my bowel. It not painful, but troublesome. Of course there is also gas, but naturally due to all the drugs i am constipated and have to use senna powder. Ive noticed that i am sensitive to gluten so have eliminated that from my diet, but the squelchy queasy feeling is still there. Last night for dinner I could only stomach pureed spinach and mashed sweet potato. This morning i was so nauseated after my breakfast of banana and fig smoothie with protein powder that it all came back up. Im 54, 53 and 73kg. Fit through exercise and natural foods (we grow all our own meat, fruit and vegetables and rarely eat out) but drink wine every day. I am reluctant to go to the doctor as there is so much else going on that i feel like a hypochondriac, which may be true, but it doesnt help the queasy sickness.
Hi. Thanks for an elucidated history. This is very true that all the combinations of medicines do cause the gastric upsets you described. Yet, it is always a better policy to get the organic causes ruled out, as you may not be in a position to stop all the medicines and see the results whether this helps to alleviated your stomach problem. I would still advise having one clinical examination, preferable by a Castro Doctor and undergo some simple tests like an X-ray abdomen in a standing position, Ultrasonography of abdomen after a good preparation of the bowels.
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Since last July, I ve had chronic sinus infections. I took 2 different rounds of 21 day antibiotics (July & Sept) with the sinus infections only to return a few weeks later. I had culture of sinuses done in Nov. and came back positive for Staph. (not MRSA). Was put on another antibiotic and follow-up appt showed fungal infection. I m now on a 15 day treatment (Fluconazole) and 6 week nasal nebulizer treatment (amphotericin) for the fungal. I also tested positive last week for Influenza and was put on Tamiflu for 5 days. Now I have hives developing on my body. All of this is crazy to me....why so many infections (bacterial, virus and fungal) in a short amount of time? I m 44 yr old female, 5 4, 140lbs, non-smoker, non-drinker. Any suggestions on tests to determine if I have an immunodeficiency disorder? Thanks!
Hi and thanks for asking us on Chat Doctor. You have been treated heavily with antibiotics, antifungals and even antivirals - all these can undermine your immune system, making you more sensitive to the environment. Other factors that can suppress or disturb the immune system include sudden weight changes, stress, steroids and hormonal dysfunction. You are in your 40s, of normal weight - unless you have had a significant infection in the past that could have lead to immunodeficiency, I do not see the need to test for it. You could do a baseline blood test (full blood count, liver and kidney function) just to make sure all is well after taking so much medication. I suggest trying to rebuild your immune defense. Start taking fish oil generously (2 - 4 capsules daily), vitamin C with zinc, probiotics and antioxidants to start with. Be sure to stick to a nutritious diet rich in lean protein, vegetables and fruits. HY Chat Doctor. Where the hives are concerned, you could take a short course of antihistamines. Soaking in oatmeal and applying a pre-college moisturizer can greatly help with symptoms. Use gentle skin cleansers and do not rub at your body with a rough towel after bath. Use soft towels and dab gently. I hope this helpsThank you
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Hallow Dear, Your menstrual cycle though not very regular, is varying between 26 and 29 days; I should say fairly regular. In regular menstrual cycle, the egg is released 14 days prior to the next expected menses. The Egg has a life of 24 hours while sperms are active for 72 hours. Hence, a period of about a week around the day of egg release is fertile period. Considering your period of about 28 days, your expected period was around 14 November and the day of egg release (ovulation) would be around 31 October. This calculates fertile period from 27 October to 4 November. Thus, your unprotected intercourse on 10 November falls way outside the fertile period. Thus, according to this calculation, you carry very minimal risk of pregnancy due to this intercourse. However, we have to consider your age factor. Your age is 47 years; nearing menopause. Variation in your menstrual pattern is due to the premenopausal changes. During this period of life, the ovulation is very unpredictable and irregular. Not all the cycles are ovulatory. Moreover, the menses also may become irregular. Thus, it really becomes difficult to calculate the safe period. Even if your menses are delayed, you cannot figure out whether these are premenopausal irregularities or possibility of pregnancy. Hence, during this phase of life, it is always advisable to use reliable contraceptive like condom. I feel, with this menstrual history and history of intercourse, you stand very minimal, almost no chance of pregnancy. You should get your menses. However, if at all you do not get menses even 40 days after the last menstrual period; i.e. 26 November, perform pregnancy test on overnight first morning urine sample. I hope this helps you.
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I am 34, 175 pounds and 5 9 . I have bipolar, borderline personality disorder, and PTSD. The PTSD from being in a sexually and emotionally abusive marriage for 5 yrs. I then remarried and found out 6 yrs into the marriage that HE was gay. The marriage lasted for 10 yrs. I am now currently in a very loving relationship and have been for 6 months, but sexually we aren t seeing eye to eye and have major issues. I do have desire just not as often as he d like and when I feel pressured to have sex with him I completely shut down. He understands my past and I m doing my best to overcome those hurdles, but I feel like I am losing his interests because I can t perform sexually as he d like. Any words of encouragement or advise would be most helpful. And Yes I did try therapy, but all I got out of that was the therapist telling me I m lesbian and a feeling that I was violated in a sexual way.
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I can appraise you that the causes of your problems could be so many, and it is always better not to go behind analyzing the causes. When we go behind those we tend to relate things with the past and those relations put us in more pressure, increasing our anxiety and panic attacks. You should know that these problems are not mental diseases, but are mental disorders. Many researches and researchers confirm that medicines alone cannot cure mental disorders. Lifestyle changes, change in thinking pattern, relaxation etc. are as essential as medicines. Psychotherapy can help you to change your lifestyle and thinking patterns. Yoga and meditation help you to streamline your metabolism and neurological balance. Please consult a psychologist for further information. Understanding these mental disorders should give you correct insight in managing them. Therapy is very much important. If you are not satisfied with the current therapist, find a new experienced therapist. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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hello doctormyself Deepak.i am a 24 year old boy having problem with my digestion.whn i was 22 hen first time i have got stomach and liver problem .after usg abdomen and liver function test my doctor diagnose me with high level of SGOT,SGPT BILUBARIN(kind of mild jaundice).My doctor prescribed me with some medicine including udiliv 300.after 2 months treatment my liver becomes normal in functioning and stomach was also functions well.but after 2 months again i got stomach infection high level of Enzymes then again gone through treatment and this process is continuous till now repeatedly with some time interval. recently i again having usg Abdomen and i got fatty liver but enzymes level are normal and having problem in digestion(indigestion is my basic problem started when i was 22 and till now continuous).at present my doctor prescribed me with Udimarin Forte,librax and Mebaspa medicines.i feel very weak at present and less of appetite ad less body growth.i am near about 65 kg with height of 510.i think this is not a good physic value for a young boy.please help me to get rid of this problem permanently because at present i am just 24 and it is not a age for this kind of diseases.please suggest me how to make make digestion system strong and to make my health better with growth and immunity.waiting for your valuable suggestion.
Hello! Thanks for putting your query in Chat Doctor. I am a Gastroenterologist (DM). Elevation of transaminase levels requires investigation1. Alcohol if you are taking then please avoid it2. Other common and treatable causes like Hepatitis B and C virus, Serum ceruloplasmin for Wilson disease especially if you are young, ANA and SMA for autoimmune disease3. Lipid profile4. Ultrasound abdomen to see for liver echo texture, portal vein diameter, and size of spleenWhat is stomach infection? Please mention your symptoms and not conclusion or interpretation. However, if you mean by upper abdominal discomfort (dyspepsia) then take a proton pump inhibitor like rabeprazoleI hope I have answered your query and this will help you. Remain in touch and get-well soon.
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My brother began acting strange about 6 years ago. It started out with him thinking that people were after him and has progressed so much that he is completely antisocial, doesnt work, he has been Baker Acted 2 times for a suicidal threat and attempt, he thinks the government is after him, thinks there are speakers hidden in his furniture, we have caught him chanting (not in any real language) and writing strange non-sensical notes. He has false memories of when we were children. He believes doctors are trying to control him and drug him. Our family has tried to get him to seek therapy and/or drug treatment, but he refuses. Over the past couple of years, the irises of his eyes have darkened and now they are almost black. I cant find any reason for this...he has not been on any long term drug therapy. I also cannot find a way to get help for my brother as he is an adult (in his 30s) and he refuses care. We live in Florida and even when he was Baker Acted, the doctors and nurses would not even listen to our accounts of what had been going on with him because he is an adult, and he was released after 72 hours because he told the doctors he was fine, even though he wasnt. He lived with our father for a couple years, and rarely came out of his bedroom. Now he has decided our father is trying to kill him and is moving back in with our mom. He is 32 years old, 6 feet tall, and about 180 pounds. He has no medical issues (other than this). Is there anything we can do? Is there any information you can share? Thank you.
Hello, The symptoms suggest that your brother is suffering from psychotic disorder, most probably schizophrenia -paranoid type. He needs urgent psychiatric care and without meds he will only deteriorate. I can not understand why he was never shown to a psychiatrist till now when the symptoms have been so bothering for everyone around?? Please meet a psychiatrist and get the meds (Chat Doctor. He will show great improvements with treatment, far from what you can even think right now. Such patient do not agree for medicines or even to visit a psychiatrist easily, they are usually taken forcefully for initial few visits. There are several preparations available in market for antipsychotics
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I have had low hemoglobin since last June in Oct 2011 my rheumotolist suggested I go see a GI doctor because my hemoglobin had dropped to 8.9 and it was appearing on the blood work thayt I was having internal bleeding . I had an endoscope and colotosopy. They were normal. I then has a capusle endoscope that was normal. I had blood work done in Feb. my hemoglobin had dropped to 7.9 still indicating internal blleding. On May 12th I went to the Er with rapid heartbeat , vomiting , and shortness of breath, My hemaglobin had dropped to 7.1 and rock bottom iron. I was admitted and given blood transfusions and iron. The doctors have now ordered a constant CT can of my adoman. I have been going to the hemotologist and getting feronine infusions weekly. My iron is still low and my hemoglobin has dropped from 10.3 in the hospital(after transfusions) to 8.3. They did do another endoscope in the hospital and that was fine. My family doctor, the GI and Hemotologist all seem to think i am having some type of GI bleed. What could it be.
Hello and thanks for the query. This is an excellent question. It does appear that you have a significant anemia. I am not sure that your doctors can conclude that you have actual bleeding going on. It is possible that your body is somehow destroying the red blood cells. This can sometimes happen through an autoimmune process. I am, sure you're hematologist has considered this. He may have requested some special laboratory studies to rule this out. It is important that you continue to receive your iron supplementation. As long as the other blood cells in your body, including platelets and white blood cells are within normal limits. It is most likely, your bone marrow is functioning normally and that some type of processes going on whether it is some type of bleeding that has yet to be discovered or whether your body is actively breaking red blood cells apart somehow through this immune process. Thanks again for sending your question. I can appreciate, that you're dealing with a very stressful and frustrating situation. Please let me know if you have any additional specific concerns.
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i m sfeering from fever from last 24 days. firt it start with dengue.ns1 test posetive 3 to 4 time at deferent laboretory.platelate monitoring daily it low as 45ooo on 5th day then it start incresing in same patern as it decresing.but there is fever with rigger daily.following investigation i have cbc-6700 hb-13.5 platelate-16500 sgpt-1050 u/i sgot-650 sbilirubin-3.5 widal-negetive p/s for mp-negetive xray chest-normal u.s.g. ab-dilated gall blader with hepatomegaly and minimal astis fluid. after 5 day i repete all investigation as follow hb-13.5 tc-8000 platelate count-350000 sgpt-85 sgot-57 bilirubin-1.0 s creatinine-0.9 widal-negetive ps for maleria-negetive esr-23 crp-53 ana-negetive xray-chest-normal usg ab-distended gall blader still fever is there now it came three spike and each time with rigger and now during fever periferal cynosis develop.spo2-98 please advice me what to do .and what is diagnosis and tratment
Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns.It's typically of Dengue fever of what you have described above. Now you are in recovery phase you can take Tab Paracetamol for fever. As your Liver function tests and platelet count is coming to normal you should not worry more. Important thing in your above given description is that you have minimal ascites it can be seen in patients with dengue leak syn Chat Doctor. Other way to monitor is Hematocrit count as when patient is recovering ascites will get reabsorb and hematocrit fall. I suggest you to have close contact with your treating physician for close monitoring. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions.
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Hi. I am 18 years old and recently I have had difficulty with sleeping. I have this problem for over a year now...It usually happens when I am about to fall asleep I get a feeling that there is something in my room that I can only describe as evil and wants to hurt me. Sometimes I am unable to move (this is not always the case) and have an intense feeling of fear. I have also heard this thing in my room whisper my name and sometimes whispering. I have also felt a pressure on my mattress and something touching me. This has also happened to me when i woke up from sleep. This has happenes to me before when I was around the age of twelve...I can t talk to it about anyone not even my own GP incase they tell me I think I m crazy or imagining things. I am now afraid to go to sleep and am also extremely tired during the day even when i do manage to get some sleep. Please help me. S.
Hi chemicalcheez, I am NOT starting out telling you that you are crazy. Although I am not familiar with parapsychology, unexplained phenomenon occur daily. So, I am not going to attempt to puzzle this out. I will state, there are certain medications (prescription and illegal) that can induce these symptoms. Also, if our brains' chemistry is not balanced, you may experience these types of symptoms. You are giving me descriptions of paranoia along with auditory and tactile hallucinations. Have you attempted to change your sleep routine? Have you attempted to sleep in a different location (both within your home and outside your home)? Are you a very spiritual-based person? Have you attempted to enlist help from your local clergy? No family physician should make you so uncomfortable that you cannot confide in him/her. If you do not trust your own physician, see another. I believe you could benefit from seeing a therapist in addition to a clergyman. I'm trying to ad Chat Doctor. If this is a medical problem, the sooner you find out and begin the correct medications, the quicker the symptoms will abate. If this is a spiritual situation, I hope you have a clergyman that is willing to help you. Attempt to speak to a catholic priest. Be well,
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Hi Doctor, For a last couple of months I have been suffering from chronic sneezing. My day starts with sneezing and the symptoms get better by the evening. Throughout the day I keep sneezing with continuous runny nose and itching eyes. I am tired now even eating anti allergents like avil as it makes me dry mouthed and very drowsy. Ple help as my daily life is now badly affected. Yes sleeping makes it worse. I do breathing exercises but it is not helping. Regards................MeenakshiThanks
Hello Meenakshi, Thanks for posting on Chat Doctor, Your symptoms are suggestive of an upper respiratory tract affection and I suspect either one of two most common conditions that cause this kind of symptoms i.e. allergic rhinitis and chronic sinusitis. However, both conditions require thorough medical evaluation (with ruling out of other conditions too) and both also require different treatments. A specialist doctor such as an ENT will be best suited to run a complete medical exam and therefore provide you with treatment. The management of allergic rhinitis consists of 3 major categories of treatment- environmental control measures and allergen avoidance- Pharmacological management- Immunotherapy, these may seem to be big words, but be rest assured that you can handle the situation at your level. First, you will need to identify by yourself if they are any new elements in your life that might be provoking any allergies i.e. identifying common allergens. Common allergens include pollen and outdoor molds, indoor allergens such as dust mites, animal allergens, cockroach etc. You will need to see if any are responsible, then you try avoiding them. Immunotherapy is only indicated in case medical therapy fails. There are a wide range of medications available witChatDoctormonly used classes being antihistamines (1st and 2nd generations) such as cetirizine, loratadine, chlorpheniramine, defense Chat Doctor. Chronic sinusitis, on the other hand, requires in addition to some of the above treatments, antimicrobial therapy such as penicillin, cephalosporins, accolades etc. Your doctor should be able to indicate the right treatment ones a conclusion as to the exact cause of your symptoms is derived. Hope this helps
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over 3 weeks ago i had an ecg done & also blood tests because i was experiencing palpitations they said the ecg was normal and my blood count was a little low, all this year and last ive been going to bed at like 3am/4am/5am and getting up for school at 8, and ive not been eating properly either usually 1 meal a day at around the time school ends so say about 4 o clock. i suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and have for a very long time, all of 2011 i thought i had some form of cancer and thought i was gonna throw up every 2 mins, all of this year i thought i was dying of an asthma attack (although i dont have asthma) and also thought i had mouth cancer - both because i read an article online about someone dying of asthma and another about mouth cancer, i was at the ER twice thinking i was dying. now i think im have more palpitations and i am PETRIFIED that something actually is wrong with me this time, im scared that im about to drop dead but my mom wont take me to the ER again cause she says the ecg came back with nothing on it WHAT SHOULD I DO? is it just my hypochondria? why am i getting heart palps???
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your query. I understand that you must be going through a difficult time with your anxiety / panic as well as the other physical symptoms. All your symptoms seem to fit into the category of an anxiety disorder. The panic attacks, health anxiety, fear of dying, physical symptoms like palpitations, etc. can all be explained due to anxiety. It is important to understand that anxiety can present with not only psychological symptoms but also with physical or somatic symptoms. Shakiness, dizziness, fast heart rate (palpitations), etc. are symptoms which are commonly seen in anxiety disorders. So, you needn't worry about the palpitations. Since you seem to be having a lot of distress due to your symptoms, I would suggest that you seek professional help to deal with the anxiety. There are effective treatment options - in the form of medication or counselling / psychotherapy which will help you overcome your problems. So, please consult a psychiatrist for further treatment. Wish you all the best.
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I have had asthma since I was A child- I still have exercise induced asthma attacks, as well as asthma attacks at night. I have always got an asthma attack after exercise, however I am so interested in starting to jog/run- is this something I should even consider?
Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your query and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. Exercise-induced asthma and night attacks of asthma indicate that your asthma is not well-controlled with Chat Doctor. Were I treating you, I would suggest you regular use of asthma controller medications like daily montelukast and inhaled corticosteroids. 2. If you are already on regular controller medications, I would suggest you to consult your doctor and upgrade your controlled medicines.3. As you have specifically asked about running/jogging, I will strongly emphasize on starting running/jogging as well as improve control of asthma. Please do not withhold yourself from exercise out of fear of exercise induced attacks. This is, because asthma is basically a disease related to immune system (of course, affecting lung airways) and regular physical exercise is very helpful in improving immune system and asthma in a long run. So I would suggest you to increase your medications to control asthma, start running/jogging and once asthma is improved, medications could be safely stepped down under your doctors' guidance. But please do not withhold yourself from physical exercise.4. Personally I would also suggest you allergy testing which will help you identify the substances you may be allergic to and also to know the measures to avoid them. Based on allergy testing, an Allergist-Immunologist may prescribe you allergen specific immunotherapy which gradually improves your allergies by working on immune system.5. In general, please avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution as much as possible.6. Regular breathing exercises (including Yoga & Panama) and a healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, etc.) will also help you in a long run by improving your lung capacity and immunity respectively. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
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For several months, I have gone through period of low grade fever, extreme chills, light headed. It usually lasts several days. A couple of months ago, I found I had an abnormal ct scan in June of 2012 ( i was never told this). The scan was actually done for stomach/bowels but showed abnormality with kidneys. I saw a urologist, more tests indicating cysts on both kidneys with one small suspicious area. I also have had history of RBCs in urine ranging in result of few to TNTC.He then did a cystoscopy. He found inflammation and polyps. He prescribed cipro. I asked what he thought was causing the blood in urine. He said probably the polyps. I asked what caused the polyps and he said he thought long term inflammation. He did not remove or biopsy the polyps. If it was a long term inflammation and he prescribed cipro, well, I was on cipro for almost a month during the time of abnormal ct. I had been in hospital with pancreatits, then had colitis. I was on IV cipro in the hospital and the pill form after I had gone home. Wouldnt all that cipro taken care of the inflammation last year? I also cannot understand why he did not do a biopsy or remove the polyps. Isnt one of the two recommended?
Hi Your urologists saying and findings are quite confusing. Ct scan in June 2012 showed abnormality with kidneys. Urologist after more tests indicating cysts on both kidneys with one small suspicious area, but after Cystoscopy, he found inflammation and polyps which contradicts. Yours is whether cyst with secondary infection leading to granuloma (small suspicious area) or cyst with polyps with secondary infections. Blood in urine can be due infections, cyst or polyps. As you have been taking ciprofloxacin nearly one month, yes infections (Inflammation/Granuloma) should have been subsided, but might be that infecting agent (bacteria) are resistant to Cipro. Of course any suspicious spot/polyp/granuloma should have been done biopsy and histopathological examination to diagnosis and necessary treatment. Regardsranjit
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Sir I have been suffering from Insulin dependent type 2 diabets for the last 6 years and my age is now 46 years. I am taking novomi 30/70 initially i have taken glycypage sr 500 three times a day but during last 8 months i have stopped glycyphage and took some ayurvedic sugar control medicine and insulin i have continued 20 units only in the night time i have developed uti and epithleal cells and frequent urination every hour for 24 hours and like that for 6 times in 2 months doctors advised me to take Onglyza 2.5 mg tablet one time daily and i have started taking onglyga since 25 days and severe urination stopped but scanning in Feb 2014 revealed that Gr.I prostatomegaly and pvr urine is 28.7 cc and when i have consulted urology in KhammamDist AP India, i am advised to take Uromax 0.4 mg and frequent urination symptoms which generally start in the evening at 430 pm disappeared and i am now comfortable now that severe thirstiness and continuous urine flow controlled please advise me whether uromax 0.4 tablet is ok for UTI i have taken norflox 400 mg for 7 days daily two tablets with uromax only this excess urinaton symptom got controlled and so far only 2 days i have taken uromax can i continue the same without any sideeffects. whether this frequent urination in the night is only due to gr.i prostatomegaly please reply
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Frequent Nocturnal enuresis in your case is mostly due to uncontrolled Diabetes and also Benign Postage Hyperplasia (BPH) .BPH can cause difficulty in passing urine as well as frequent Urinary tract infections due to retention of urine in the bladder. Urimax is the choice of Chat Doctor. It has no significant side effects. Norflox is an antibiotic given to control the Urinary infection it should not be continued unless prescribed by your doctor. You can not substitute Insulin with any Homeopathic remedy straightaway, It would be advisable to consult a senior Homeopathic consultant in your area for a detailed case history and then proceed with the medication as per the consultants' guidance. Regular check-ups and follow-ups are must. Thanks
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sir i am having ocd(Obsessive compulsive disorder) for more than 20 years. I m fed up of this disorder. now i m 33yrs old now my family members are decided to marry me. But i m not interested because of ocd. I m having more thoughts of sucidal eg. falling from building is the top most which is troubling me and many more thoughts like holding people woman while walking on the streets, hugging people, talking worstly, throw the baby from the top, pushing people from the top of building while talking with me really i m fed up with all these thoughts if i marry girl will she support me for this disorder never she will call me as mental patient and if i have a child my child would also become like me as it is hereditary. i m fed up sir sucidal thoughts r more for me pls help me shall i marry, will the disorder is hereditary pls help me from all these i m greatful to u i m taking clofranil 50mg at night i have tried all medicine like prodep, oleanez, clofranil, serta etc no medicine is making me to come out of this disorder pls help i have decided to suicide my self i m fed up if there is any operational therapy pls tell me i vl make that pls help me i am decided to suicide its troubling me lot pls pls pls pls help me sir pls.
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your query. I understand that you are quite distressed about your OC symptoms. You have mentioned that you have been tried on many medications but they haven't been successful in controlling your symptoms. In such a case, you may be suffering from a treatment-resistant OCD. Now, this doesn't mean that there is no treatment available. It just means that more intense treatments or therapies are required. You have mentioned that you are on 50 mg Conrail (Clomipramine). This is a very small dose and people with severe OCD can be given up to 250-300 mg per day. Another effective option is to combine CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) with medication for better results. So, don't lose heart - please discuss with a good psychiatrist regarding further treatment options. Wish you all the best.
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About 7 wks ago, I was bending over picking pine cones and gum balls up off the ground. Since then I have had some pain in my right back leg, but now what is bothering me most is the numbness and tingling in that r. leg. I think i have a pinched nerve in my right side below the waist. My Dr. here has did a regular xray that showed a narrowing on the right side of my back. He thinks I need a cortisone shot. I have been taking predisone, but i THINK i HAVE A PINCHED IN THAT BACK SIDE
Hi, As mentioned by you, I can understand that there is possibility of Lumbar spine disc degenerative disease. Also, undergoing an MRI is the recommendation to understand the level of compression, and then you can be helped by a physical therapist. Using the Therapeutic Ultrasound therapy and TENS therapy will help reduce inflammation and pain. Also, post that strengthening the muscles of the spine, core, pelvic floor and lower limbs will help for controlling the symptoms and recovery also. Cortisone and prednisone are the secondary lines of action. For any pinched nerve there is the safest way to practice1. Assess the patient and make provisional diagnosis2. Confirm the diagnosis using the radiology - like MRI scan3. Rest - sleeping on a hard surface and avoid bending4. Physical therapy - Electrotherapy & Exercises5. Cortisone6. Surgery. Now, taking cortisone will help reduce your pain, but the actual pain will be present, since cortisone will only block the sensory pathway to the brain and possibility of pain to come back are there after cortisone. Also, cortisone is a steroid, so steroid has its own side effects with are unknown, and I will personally do not advise undergoing cortisone. I will advise to undergo physical therapy, though it will be a slow process, but there are no side effects. If physical therapy fails in 12 weeks then the cortisone is advised, Also, in my daily practice I have seen patient with lumbar spine disc degenerative disease, and all have been helped with the following protocol1. Rest2. Physical therapy wish you a good healthy futureRegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
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I am a 64 yr. old female diabetic. For 3 wks I have had severe pain on the left side of my chest just under the left breast. Pain radiates around to left lower back. I have been to 2 docs at least 4 times. CT scan, (normal) labs, upper lower GI(normal) back X-ray. (gallbladder gone) doc thinks it is muscular or skeletal??? Last night I noticed a significant bulge under the breast on my chest...excactly where the pain is. Cant sit, stand or lay down or sleep for any long periods of time. Waiting for my docs office to open this am? Take Aleve lots of it..doesnt help much and ice packs on painful area. numbs pain a little..what is being missed?
Based on your symptoms and lab results it does sound musculoskeletal. Costco Chat Doctor. Interestingly with spasms you may also have periods of what is called "Flaccidity" the opposite of spasms it is when the muscle relaxes after a contraction. The bulge you are describing may be that skin and tissue relaxing and thus seeming to bulge. The good news is these are usually temporary issues. If it is muscular, seek anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen, Motrin and or Naproxen, and I suggest you do some stretches of the upper extremities when you can. If this pain persists there are more chronic and or long term medications that can be used to treat your symptoms, such as stronger anti-inflammatory medications, muscle relaxants, nerve-modulators such as Gabapentin and potentially even narcotics. You have a lot of options, but based upon this short term consultation, there are not many factors which lead me to believe your concerns necessary emergent (life-threatening) but they are certainly concerning and uncomfortable. I suggest you seek a thorough workup from a potentially new physician who has a different perspective, and who can hear your entire case. Nonetheless, please if you can, try my methods and see if this adds some relief. If your symptoms worsen, and or new symptoms are to develop, seek immediate medical attention. I wish you the absolute best and warm regards this holiday season; and think you are going to find yourself improving soon.
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I don t really know what my problem is.. I get stressed out so quickly--so easily at almost everything. I m going to be graduating from high school this summer and everything leading up to this point has my head feeling like it s going to explode every day. I put off my college search because of fear to go, and because of that, I ended up applying to so many places now I just can t keep track. I studied so hard for my SATs and failed. Failing has become a trend ever since. Before the SATs, I felt motivated to study, to actively do my work. Now, despite how hard I try, I fail. I feel that I m failing at literally everything I do now. I can t pass an AP Biology test. Despite my hours of reading and taking notes, it doesn t work. There s so much to this college application process I want to stop. I get so stressed out I can t think about trying to finish my homework. I have a 10 page paper due Friday and I haven t decided my topic. I m tired. I don t want to do anything. I just want to sleep and pretend that college isn t happening for another 4 years. I don t really know what I m asking for. Is there a way for me to be relax about it and believe that everything happens for a reason because honestly, at this point, that sounds like bologna. Will I ever be as laid-back as I want to be?
Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. From the description that you have given, It's although difficult to comment on with confidence, but it seems that you may be having depression at this point of time. Your symptoms of hopelessness, sadness, not interested and reduced pleasure are all suggesting the diagnosis. You should consult a psychiatrist who can guide you on these issues. He will conduct an interview and then train you in some behavioral therapies and also prescribe you certain Chat Doctor. Hope I have answered your query. I will be more than happy to help you if you need any further clarifications. In case if you want to discuss with me directly you can use the link:http://www.ChatDoctor .com/Funnel?page=askDoctorDirectly&docId=64634Wish you a good health!
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I am 40 yo. Male. I have been having mild (i stress mild) abdominal discomfort on my right side, but also occasionally left and lower abdomen. It is mostly on the left side but it does not have a specific spot: higher lower, sometimes could be on the back, on the front, just under the ribs, etc. and as I said sometimes is on the left side. No history of cancer in my family, but history of IBS and stress related symptoms. I have diabetes, diagnosed less than a year ago (have had tendency to it since a kid - 5.7 and 5.4 where my last A1C readings from 2 days ago and mid March, respectively; 5.7 was the reading that triggered the glucose intolerance test upon which diabetes was confirmed). Im on 250mg a day of metformin (500mg when I eat more during the weekend). I take enalapril for high blood pressure (which runs in the family). Since starting these medications I have been limiting carbs a lot, eating lots of steamed, boiled vegetables. I have never been eating a lot of meat or fish my whole life. I am a very anxious person and tend to worry about any symptoms. Before feeling this abdominal discomfort I have had symptoms of anxiety attacks (mild chest pain in no specific area, feeling of panic building up, tingling of upper body, arms, etc). Other tests and ECG were negative. The lab work performed 2 days ago showed everything is fine apart from low level of vitamin D (abdominal ECO was negative). My doctor prescribed me vitamin D supplement. Could the abdominal discomfort may be linked to diet and lack of vitamin D. Thanks (sorry for the long posting).
Hi. I understand your concern.I assure you nothing is wrong with you, abdominal discomfort may be due to metformin, it will improve with the time. IBS has low chance. Keep relaxed, enjoy your life. As for as your diabetes is concerned, i appreciate your dietary changes. Do regular exercise. Analapril is good enough for your hypertension. Repeat your HB1Ac after 3 months, hope it will be in normal range if you have such struck diet control. I hope I gave your answer, i will be happy to help you further. Thanks for using Chat Doctor
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My friend had a bridge done near the canine teeth on the right side. The bridge broke and she had gone to a dentist to take an opinion. They had asked her to take a x Ray and the doctor says that she has to redo all the root canals which has already been done. She is confused as to what to do. Is it possible to have a permanent bridge. Plus she has dentures in the front six teeth can they be done permanent. Will it give problems in future. The cost is rs.40,000. Can you advice.
Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint as the bridge has broken and if there is no pain associated with the teeth over which the bridge was cemented then redoing of root canal treatment in all the teeth seems a bit questionable and I would like to see the x-ray of the region for guiding you better as then only I can rule out that whether there is need of repeating the root canal treatment or not. You can also take an advice from an Endodontist who can take an x-ray and advise you what to be done. After the confirmation only that whether the teeth need root canal treatment done again or not, the bridge can be replaced. For the front 6 teeth which seems to have removable dentures a permanent bridge can be placed only in case if the remaining teeth over which the bridge will be cemented are in sound condition or not as they are having sound bone support or not so that they can bear the forces and this can also be confirmed by a clinical evaluation and an x-ray of the teeth that has to be prepared for cementing the bridge. A properly fabricated bridge which is cemented on sound teeth which has a good bone support will have a long life and will not cause any problems after placement. If you wish to get a proper advise before you proceed with the treatment you can send the concerned x-rays to me directly by going to my profile and writing your question there with concerned x-rays so that I can advise you correctly so that you can get treated properly. Hope this information helps. If you find the answer helpful please give me a Five-Star Review and click on found the answer helpful as a token of appreciation. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. .
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Hi I v been feeling neck ache , bak ache heav eyes , pain in the back o my eyses and i fel tired even after a brief walk. Iasfine a fw wees ago and noted I hae befeeling this way ght after istrtd taking B75. I fellike i need to sleep all the time for tpast few wks andit comes and goes , last nigh my eyes hurt so muc i fell asleewithout relizing and woke up this moning and still in the same stae. Iquite smoking for 10 months now and I sill eelmy chestlikeI jut smoke a artn of cigaretts , i also constntly get heart burn and food usually get stuck when i swallow. Thanks Dom
Here you have told you have symptoms like heart burn, heaviness in eye, back pain and weakness. This all symptoms could be related to with Chat Doctor. You have also mentioned you take some medication. But your explanation is not clear which medication it is and for what it is, as well you have not informed about your previous medical history so specific guideline is not possible but can suggest in general as bellow. First you consult a doctor and do your blood test for complete blood count, vitamin B, calcium check. Then also go for ECG. Now based on report if anything gets detected follow treatment. If all reports are normal then you need to visit a Castro neurologist because it can be related to gastritis. And let him examine. Again as per his evaluation follow treatment. Now if that is also normal then visit an or tho and get your self examine for back pain and take treatment as per his advice. Here for normal back pain I suggest physiotherapy is a good option of treatment. In last, I suggest you to change your lifestyle and food habits. Do not eat spicy food. Maintain your food timing. Have good break fast, average lunch and minimum dinner possibly at or before 8:00pm. At the same time do regular walking or cycling exercises. Take appropriate sleep. And keep positive attitude. You can also use hot and cold pack for your back pain for some more relief. So these are the in general suggestion from my end. Since there is no proper information available clear diagnosis is not possible. Take care.
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Dear Dr. Purnendu Roy,I have benn posted in West Bengal now. Here the doctors detected Gall stone (24mm) and recommended for surgery. Then last week I visited CMC, Vellore where I was adviced for surgery. But as the Doctors in CMC are preoccupied they have scheduled the same in April 2011. I am afraid of surgery. Kindly advice and if the surgery is inevitable where can I get it done in a better organized way?With best Regards ;M H Rahaman
Hi, I thoroughly read your query and understood your concerns. Gallstones are small stones that form inside the gallbladder. Gallstones pain (Biliary colic) usually is experienced when the gallbladder contracts in response to a fatty meal. This compresses the stones, blocking the opening. As the gallbladder relaxes several hours after the meal, the pain subsides.1. Biliary colic -"The pain without cholecystitis- gallbladder infection/inflammation" - usually subsides within few hours to a day. Acute cholecystitis secondary to gallstones may be continuous and accompanied by fever. 2. Medical therapy is an option for gallstones, though a vast number of surgeons around the globe prefer removal of gall bladder-surgical intervention. Medical therapy includes intake of ursodeoxyholic acid (UCA) for a period of 12 to 24 months. UCA has been shown to inhibit biliary secretion of cholesterol, reduce intestinal absorption of cholesterol, increase hepatic bile secretion, and improve gallbladder emptying. Medical therapy is useful if mild symptoms, stones are smaller (weight reduction and low-fat diet is also a part of medical therapy.3. Surgery lasts for less than one hour (usually half an hour). Laparoscopic surgery has greatly reduced surgery time duration and surgical complications. You may travel 7 to 10 days after surgery, though the surgeon may indicate precise time. I would also like to mention that gall bladder is removed completely in surgical intervention which may impair fat digestion. You maybe asked to cut fat completely from your diet (or keep to minimum) after gall bladder surgery. Hope to answer your concern. Wish you good and sound health. Let me know if I can assist you further. Chat Doctor.
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Hello good evening. My name is Robert. I have a previous history of TLIF spinal fusion L5-S1 in 2011. I was involved in an auto accident in 6/11/13 while at work. I was struck from behind by a Frito Lay delivery truck and a sedan. I went to the ER, and was referred for Neuro Surgery. Neuro surgeon referred me to a neurologist who conducted EMG / NCV which indicated Chornic Bilateral Radiuclaphty. I requested Lumbar MRI which reported small central disk bulge at L5-S1 area, and Cervical MRI which indicated C4-C5 of a small subligamentous disk hernation at left ventral touching cord. I have felt moderate to severe pain for almost 5 months. I am scheduled to see a Neuro Surgeon in 2 weeks. I had previous bad experience with pain management, and I am wondering if I should reconsider having surgery again for the back and most likely neck. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. I do have a workers comp & third party attorney working on case recently.Thanks
Hello Mr Robert, you mentioned that EMG/NCV studies indicated chronic bilateral radiculopathy. Is this report for upper or lower limbs? If it is for lower limbs, with your previous history of TGIF fusion for L5-S1 and present MRI showing small central disc bulge at the same region you need not worry about this as it is already a pre-existing problem. Do you have such a severe neck pain n articular pain in both hands incapacitating your daily activities now ? Do u have any difficulty in gripping things with hands or do u have any difficulty in combing your hair or buttoning n unbuttoning of shirt? If u don't have any of the above-mentioned, small ligamentous disc herniation at C4-C5 region, I always advise you conservative treatment in the form of wearing a hard cervical collar when u r at work, analgesics like tab diclofenac 100 mg twice daily after food, one tablet pantoprazole 40 mg on empty stomach in the morning half an hour before breakfast, a pregabalin tablet 75 mg per day and physiotherapy (IT) n one week of bed rest is advisable.
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Hello I am in need of some information My husband had testicular cancer in the Marines in 1985/86, he had severe after affects from the radiation treatments. I.E black outs, memory loss, phenomia, skin changes. They released him from the Marines with honorable discharge he received a clean bill of health approx. 92 in 2011 he got a cold he could not shake, he thought was phenomia again like when he was sick in 85. They told him he had a blockage in his main artery or the cluster??? then he didn t... then he did well they kept him for 3 days then released him. he continued to see the doctors all year long, continually get worse oncologist says multiple Myeloma, then not then does then not, gave him a calcium push, the a heart reboot and nothing. they said plasma cell dysplasia, amyloid, multiple myeloma possibly in my research after a doctor mentioned it. They said the after affects from the radiation damaged him so bad, he was bound to get sick years later. Could this be true and if so how can I get this in writing to submit to the VA for his death benefits? Please any help is much appreciated Char 702 419 7471
Hi, Thanks for writing in. Many people end up with a second cancer with a history of having been treated for an earlier cancer with radiation therapy. However, at that time, providing radiation therapy had more benefits and risks and has helped in treating the testicular cancer and your husband has been free from symptoms almost 25 years. Plasma cell dysplasia can be seen in such patients but saying with confirmation that it is indeed the radiation that is responsible is difficult. Radiation effects are both dose dependent and non dose dependent. If your husband was exposed to radiation in error at his workplace then things would have been different but in the present case he has been given radiation therapy as a treatment and that has been successful to a certain extent. There are also patients who develop a second cancer that is unrelated to the first cancer. To know the chances of the prior radiation treatment causing the plasma cell dysplasia, all his medical records have to be verified and that will only give a risk. It cannot be said with certainty that the radiation given 25 years back is completely responsible for his present health condition.
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Hi there I m 33 years old female who has been a vegetarian (mostly vegan) for the past year and 3 months. I usually eat lots of raw dark green leafy veg and fruits, along with legumes etc. But sometimes (rarely) I do eat seafood and eggs and honey. I follow a very balanced diet however recently we moved house and I found no time during the move to do grocery shopping to be able to cook my food and/or have my daily green smoothies and salads. Instead I was eating vegetarian Thai takeaway and eating bread and sometimes some cheese again as it was quick and easy. I also started drinking coffee again for the first time in a year. I have been giving blood for the past year with no issue. I tried to give blood today however the nurse advised me my hemoglobin count is low (109) instead of between 115-165 for normal female levels (and 120 to give blood here in Australia). I really believe that this is due to my bad diet stint during my house move. I have been back on the green smoothies and eating a much more balanced, healthy diet again since the beginning of the week. I have also been exercising again so I actually am starting to lose weight and feel a lot better. Do you agree that this is from my bad diet or do you think I need to go to see my Dr to have tests done? Shouldn t I just start eating more iron-rich foods? I look forward to hearing from you. Emma
Thanks for the question Emma. Low hemoglobin can be due to multiple causes. But usual causes are iron deficient diet, worm infestation or blood loss. Considering your description, I would be ruling out excessive blood loss. If there has been excessive blood loss during menstruation or any other reason, consult your nearest physician. As you have mentioned that there has been a significant change in your diet, that might have led to low hemoglobin i.e. anemia. Having a balanced diet with green leafy vegetables will surely help you regain hemoglobin levels. I would suggest you could take course of antihelmintChatDoctoredication to clear any worm infestation followed by iron supplementation in form of iron tablets. You would require to continue iron supplementation for 2-3 months to regain normal hemoglobin levels. Hope this is helpful.
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Hey there! I have been going to doctors for the past 3 years attempting to find what is wrong with me. I have pain in the middle of my chest at least for one period each day. I also have blurry vision and headache pain all of the time. I have glasses, and have had my glasses prescription rechecked a few times. I have burping episodes all of the time and tend to feel really really tired. I have so many goals and dreams and the ability to accomplish all of them but i just feel sooo exhausted and sick all of the time. My stomach hurts a lot and I have diarrhea or constipation every day. I eat a gluten free dairy free egg free soy free diet and eat a very low amount of meat, but when I do it is usually local and organic. I also get a crazy rash on my cheeks, chest, back and shoulders sometimes. I have been tested for food allergies but they have not come back with any results. I also always have a lot of pains throughout my body and feel feverish. I always feel very much like I should just like in bed all day. I know this is along introduction but I dont really know what all to write in this box. I feel like I am really sick but have not been able to find any help so far, I am just wondering if you have any insight or anything i guess?
Hello dear, warm welcome to Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query thoroughly.* The chest issue is from HERD (which may be from chronic gastritis, duodenitis with or without ulcer of stomach, duodenum) .* Abdominal issue is again combination of HERD with inflammatory condition of the bowel and hampered gut flora mechanics.* Recommendations for better recovery.- Get basic lab tests to find out deficiency of iron, vitamins, minerals.- Upper GI endoscopy and colonoscopy are mandatory with ultrasound of the abdomen & pelvis.- Continue dietary management as currently doing.- Regular intake of proton pump inhibitors (as omeprazole or pantoprazole) on empty stomach, pro bionics after meals will give better results. - Avoid smoking, alcohol if using.- Avoid stress, anxiety.- Manage to have sound, regular sleep of 7 - 8 hours. Hope this will help you. Regards dear take care.
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My husband had a knee replacement 2 weeks ago today and sent all his stats crazy. He has a history of high potassium, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. He is 77 years old and we had everything under control with diet and meds. We are getting control with blood pressure & sugar but he has become anemic through the surgery. He is taking Iron pills. What food can I feed him that has lots of iron? I have steak and was told brussels sprouts but just found that they are high in potassium. How many can I give him without it raising his potassium level. On Sunday it was 5.2, anything over 6 has to be treated. We are active seniors & healthy.
Hi Welcome to Chat Doctor Dear, your husbands' problem of anemia after knee replacement surgery , is very natural, though is a matter of concern. When our body undergoes any process like surgery or long term medication , it imbalances our metabolism and need further sensible treatment to get to absolute health. Gulping on only meds will not help unless we take care of our lifestyle and food habits to increase our immunity for flawless heath Best is to include regularly , all essential nutrients and supplements full of antioxidants in natural form like veges, fruit, fiber, vitamins, minerals, protein in right proportion. To increase iron intake, Include butter milk, lemon juice, honey, apple, banana, pomegranate Chat Doctor. For proper blood circulation, I would like to suggest you to follow, regular physical activity regime, yoga - Panama , Meditation, Calamari, deep breathing, Kapalbhatti. Avoid processed foods carbs, sugar, fried, fast foods, Tea, coffee, alcohol and smoking, stress, sleeplessness and Constipation all will produce biochemical and metabolic conditions in your body that will decrease your immunity. So avoiding is definitely the first step in the right direction to detoxing the body, boosting the immune system. Regular check-ups and tests are recommended Medical treatment suggested by your doctor can be complemented using a variety of alternative therapies. Most of these therapies or home remedies focus on strengthening your immune system so that you may overcome the infection and inflammation quicker. Hope this helps solves your query. Take care. All the best. Get well London hesitate to come back in case of any further query.
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I am not confident in my diagnosis-- My PCP says my primary issue is fibromyalegia, but I also have gout that was based on high uric acid level. I was put on allupirnal and colchys- sorry, spelling. Also on indothecin for erythuma nodosum, which I think was part of Valley Fever, diagnosed via blood. I had a splenectomy 30 years ago, am 58 yo female. I had osteoarthritis in one hip, last October I had sudden acute hip pain in other pain, they just called that arthritis also and recommend hip replacement. I just got info about right sided heart disease, doctor told me nothing really to do for that. I feel a mess, and doctors just want to give pain pills. I had been taking hydrocone and celebrex for year. Last fall, I tool Lyrica, made me loose any thinking or ambitiion,
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I believe I have bells paulsy because I have all the same symptoms but I haven t seen anything about lumps and I have one tiny lump under the skin behind my ear and another under the skin in the mid of my neck. What do you suppose that is? The bells palsy began with a swollen ear but I understand that it can also be cancer. What do you think?
Hello, Bells palsy is by definition a paralysis of the nerve that controls the movements of your face whose because we don't know, but we often blame it on a virus. The symptoms of Bells Palsy are as follows: Half of the face will gradually (usually over several hours) become paralyzed. People often realize this either by looking in the mirror, realizing that one of their eyes is not closing or that they are having trouble Chat Doctor. There may also be changes in taste, where taste in half of the tongue is diminished. The symptoms are hard to notice though since the taste receptors in the other half of the tongue are still functional. There may be sensitivity to sounds and the muscle that helps dampen loud sounds in the ear becomes paralyzes as well. There are usually not external signs other than nerve paralysis, meaning that there should not be any swelling, pain or tenderness anywhere in the face. What you are describing sounds more like an infection or some sort of inflammation because you are having swelling in your ear. The lump behind your ear may be a lymph node that is swollen as there is a collection of lymph nodes behind your ear. I would say cancer is lower on the list of diagnoses, but based on the information I have and lacking a physical exam I cannot rule it out entirely.Nonetheless you should go see your physician to get a proper physical exam which would include a full neurological exam and an exam of the Head, neck, mouth, ears and nose to identify any possible causes. Imaging may also be necessary in which case an MRI would be the best choice without and with added contrast to visualize infection and growths better. Routine blood work would also be recommended including a complete blood count with differential, complete metabolic panel and an ESR to evaluate for signs of infection. Depending on the physical exam, other tests may be necessary. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, and am currently taking Metopropol (after a few years taking Atenolol). I exercise regularly (walk approx 4 miles a day (approx 4.0 mph) sometime in our neighborhood with steep hills). Since beginning blood pressure medication, I have been experiencing a lot of light-headedness, dizziness, and weakness. I passed out once, and have been very careful since then. I had a headache last night that kept me awake most of the night, and when I got up, I felt like passing out. For a couple hours, I would exert myself at all, I had to lean over to keep from fainting. It was definitely worse when I would climb stairs. I ate breakfast (a vegetable and fruit smoothy), drank lemon water, and a couple other glasses of water, and after taking a 45-minute nap, I feel better, but I still feel faint - even when walking across the room. This light-headedness began when I started taking blood-pressure medicine, and I have assumed that is why the symptoms have continued.
Hi, there are many causes of dizziness and fatigue after the use of medications for hypertension such as a sudden fall in blood pressure, orthostatic hypotension, symptomatic bradycardia. These causes are related to syncope and pre syncope you reported (fainting and feeling faint). It is important you check your pressure during these crises, write down the values and lead to his cardiologist. Another way to search is to ambulatory blood pressure and even a Holder 24 hours to assess the possibility of bradycardia (slowing the heartbeat). In the investigation of syncope we should do an echocardiogram to rule out diseases such as severe aortic stenosis, exercise stress test and even a tilt test (patient is lying in a special bed that after a few minutes is placed in standing position for 30 minutes or more). As you see, it is not something simple, an experienced cardiologist is necessary to define exactly what is happening to you. For now, check your blood pressure, write down and bring to the cardiologist of your choice. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help you. Wish you good health.
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Hi DR. XXX, I am XXXX, 56 yrs. old. I go to the gym and do cardio exercises everyday. After workout I enter the Steam Room for added comfort. However, since 1985 i started having Asthma . It starts with a Cough & then Asthma comes in. Ventolin Inhalers comforted me until I switched to Symbicort Inhalers 4 years ago. Until Lately I switched back to Ventolin thinking that Symbicort w/ Steroid can Cause Throat Irritation and Severe Side Effects & Erectile Dysfunction as compared to Ventolin.With this, I would like to ask which is better to use Ventolin Inhaler or Symbicort Inhaler? I have been using Ventolin Inhaler before I switched to Symbicort Inhaler 200 mcg. Symbicort was good for me. I only take it once a day & sometimes after 2 or 3 days. there was even a time when a whole month passed w/out me taking a dose. I noticed that my chest tightness usually happens when my stomach is full after dinner at night. Lately I switched to Ventolin Inhaler again but its effect only lasted for about 12 hrs. before taking another dose. Now continuous cough due to irritation of the throat is what I experience before an attack. My throat is itchy & chest tightness follows. Will i just discontinue Ventolin & go back to Symbicort Inhalers? Or can you prescribed a better Inhaler for me? If so, what is the best medicine for me to take. Likewise, a medicine to stop irritation of my throat due to this Medicine. Your advice will greatly be appreciated. Thank you very much!
Hi, You are 56 years, you have asthma since 1985,and using Symbicort, you get tight chest, after dinner, switched over to Ventolin. It is an allergic reaction, I prefer to give the patient montelukast, and levocitrizine combination for minimizing the attack, otherwise I prefer to give triamcinolone for preventing the attack. With the help of these, you can greatly minimize the dose of the bronchodilator inhalers. Ventorline is a short Chat Doctor. Thank you.
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I am a male of 48 yrs old, 1mt55, 60kg, suffering from High Blood Pressure since 25 years, Diabetic since 10 years & hypercholesterolaemia since 7 years. Treatment: amlodipine 10mg od, enalapril 5mg bd, atenolol 50mg od, metformin 1gm bd. In Dec. 2006, I had a heart attack. Thrombolysis carried out after hospitalised in ICU. Treatment: same as above + aspirin 75mg od, clopidogrel 75mg od, ISMN R 40mg od & atorvastatin 80mg for 2 months then 40mg nocte, In Mar. 2007, angiogram done: LAD blocked with diffused patches at many places, two other arteries blocked at In Jan. 2011, angiogram repeated - same results. Plan: CABG. Oct. 2011, CABG done. Treatment: atenolol 50mg od, losartan 50mg bd, metformin 1gm bd, aspirin 75mg od, atorvastatin 40mg nocte. Smoker since 10 years-4/5 cig. daily, consuming alcohol thrice weekly about 3/4 pegs. Stopped smoking since Dec. 2006, consuming 2/3 glasses of light red wine daily, rarely 2/3 pegs of whisky. I would be much appreciated if you could advise me on the following: Diet,exercises, sex, alcohol,& normal daily activities.
Hi, This is Chat Doctor. Hope this message finds you in good health. I understand your concerns and will try to answer them.1) Exercise - We generally tell every cardiac patient with good heart function to be active. Exercise (moderate cardiac exercise) at least 30 min/ day 5 days a week. Do not go for heavy exercise.2) Diet - Avoid fatty food, snacks & take small meals frequently. Do not take heavy meal especially at night. Avoid red meat.3) Sex - we do not say to avoid sex. Ye over stressing is to be avoided.4) Alcohol - we generally say to avoid alcohol. But if you still want to take it, you can take 1peg/day. Avoid heavy
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Hi, I ve was in an auto accident about back in April where I was at a complete stop and someone struck the rear of my vehicle going about 30 miles per hour. I know I ve had swelling and pain in my lower back and have been taking Ibuprofen and Neproxan to help that (no.. I didn t go the the ER or see a doctor but lower back pain is common with this type of injury and a few months earlier I hurt my lower back where the Dr said that there was swelling in that area). That has helped me to move around and function. My question is, would the pain cause phantom pain on my left side around my hip (not hip.. a little higher) area? You know where you put your hands on your hips but your hands are above the hip.. right there is so uncomfortable that it hurts to roll over or turn. What do you think (besides going to see a Doctor). :)
Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. As you mentioned you faced an accident and after which you are having a pain in the hip. As reading your history, I can understand that you were hit from behind, and then you had a fall. Now to understand this mechanism, you need to understand some physics here. As when you are hit from behind, your body is not prepared to take the force applied on it. Also, due to the hit from the back, the body has gone into extension in the spine level and later on fallen down. So there might be chances of soft tissue injury which needs an assessment. Also, an MRI of the lumbar spine is advised. I agree to you, that most RTA will have back pain, and all are not serious, but without examining deciding on a general term is a baseless understanding. Taking self-medication is also not advised, as if the injury is big you may be trying to reduce the pain, but the other factors of the soft tissue injury will be present and may get worsen as well. I will advise to get your spine assessed, as spine is an important segment in the human body and needs a real attention. Also to understand that, due to any injury now, the later disadvantages are present. After all it's totally your call and you can decide better. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
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Hi,I had 2 UTI [symptoms- burning sensation while urinatiing and dizziness] and was diagnoised with EColi infection. I once went into emergency having fever, chills and vomitting. Drs told me that i might have mild kidney infection and gave me oral antibiotics. I was ok till I had antibiotics, once its over i got back my dizziness. Doctors did a culture again and found I have <50,000 rods/ml so no antibiotics is necessary. I am having mild dizziness/ slight headedness. What could be the remedy?
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. Let me first shed light on the rules of treating an infection, more specifically a urinary tract infection. As you experienced a return or relapse of symptoms as soon as you got off your antibiotics the reasons for the same could be the following:-Inadequate dosage used to treat the infection (a stronger dosage should have been advised)-Inadequate duration of use (should have been continued for a longer duration as infection was clearly still prevalent)-Inappropriate antibiotic used (the antibiotic used was not good enough to treat the infection)In such cases, a urine culture should be conducted (which was done) and one of the most effective antibiotics should be selected to treat the condition, for an adequate amount of time with an appropriate dosage. Now coming to the presence of a colony of 50,000. If you are not on the antibiotic, this colony count is only going to multiply and increase which would most certainly result in an infection again. If the antibiotic used was effective, the urine culture should have not reported any colonies or infection-causing organisms at all. I hope all this is clear. It is quite evident what has to be done. Please re-visit your doctor or another one, and select an antibiotic which is susceptible to your infection, and re-initiate a course of at least 7-10 days, and discontinue only once a repeat urine test has reported the absence of an infection. I hope I have succeeded in providing the information you were looking for. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications at: http://doctor.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. I would gladly help you. Best wishes.
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My copper t is getting expired this february. I am 37 yrs old. I want to get myself operated or my hubby. Which is a better option. I hv certain queries.1) Do our stomach get bloated if we put cooper t. as i do regular exercise but stomach is a problem. 2) Do pen looses erection after 50 if they get operated as i saw my dad and my fil having this prob as my mil n mother had discussed that with me. 3) I am type 2 diabetic i take Amryl M 2mg everyday will i have a problem if I get operated.
Hallow Dear, It is a nice option for a husband to get vasectomized. Throughout the reproduction life of a couple, woman is all the time taking the brunt of bearing a child, bearing pains during delivery, breastfeeding the child, raring a child and so on. What man does is only impregnates her. Now this is only one scope for him where he can cooperate with the wife and get vasectomized. Now coming to your questions:1. Copper T is fitted in the uterine cavity. It has gone no connection whatsoever with digestive system. Hence, there is no possibility for stomach bloating after inserting Copper T.2. In vasectomy, the tubes carrying the sperms from the testis are cut and ligated near the testis. It has got no relation with erection of the penis. Erection of penis is governed by a hormone Testosterone which is produced in the testes and is directly poured in the blood. Since you are type 2 Diabetic, it is likely that your father also is diabetic. Erectile dysfunction is one of the complications of Diabetes.3. So long as your blood sugar is within normal limits, you should not have any problem in undergoing any surgery. However, as I have mentioned in the beginning, vasectomy of man should always be a good option of preference. The sperm carrying tube is cut and ligated near the testes. Hence, the part of the tube distal to the site of surgery do contain sperms which can cause pregnancy. Hence, it is advised that after vasectomy for 3 months of for 15 intercourses, condom should be used to avoid embarrassing situation. I hope this helps you.
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i am very lethargic and weak in the morning until about 2pm in the day, im being treated for b12 deficiency and stomach ulcers , only begin to get energy in the evening. have had blood tests done and diabitics all normal, have this tingling sensation in my fingers mostly left but sometimes both sides have been in hospital as got very bad panic attacks have been under serious stress the last 6 months lost a baby at 20 weeks missed miscarriage had to deliver it in hospital my son had a serious hand injury my other son fell on stairs and fractured his hand in two places and my husband left me to top it off and send me divorce papers , struggling financially, my family are not supportive as i married an indian man at a registry office without their consent and got married alone without them knowing about it they are racist anyway cannot turn to them for support as their attitude is you made your bed now you can lie in it am stuck in a rut have no motivation to do anything because of these panic attacks im getting im with my 3 kids aged 11, 8 and 5 and have no adult company, it seems to be the same thing day in day out , am trying to be positive and am trying to snap out of this its as if somebody or some thing has put a spell on my body please help thanks aine have many reasons to be in a state where you are currently ,,,,but it's not the end, and you have to come out of it. What you can do is consultant psychiatrist get started on antidepressants as they may lift your mood. As you have mentioned you had panic attacks and got admitted for the same, you can consult the doctor there only.once your mood get better, start trying to come out of your problem one by one, not all together.Don't hesitate to ask for help from your near or dear ones....and don't feel bad if they refuse as you are already aware that they may not help, but in this way you may get someone who can help. Start to get busy once you get your energy back as it will further motivate you to come out of task your husband to take care of child Chat Doctor. Use legal methods if he does not listen to you. Make list of your problems and deal one by one based on your priority. Take care
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Hello doc i m 22 and sometimes i suffer some sneezing fits and it starts almost in the morning and ends up within 6-7 hours and these sneezing are damn frequent i use to take some medications like citraziene and others like Avil50 or else it helps me a lot but after 3-4 days it again strikes me . It is happening from last 3-4 years and i consulted a ENT specialist alloepathic he gave me some anti allergics and one homeopathy it doesnt worked for me. My symptoms includes:-extreme runny noseitching a lot inside the niseplease doc help me in this case ill be verythankfull to you
Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. As you have long-standing symptoms and severe symptoms, where I treating you, I would suggest you intranasal corticosteroid spray (mometasone or fluticasone) upon awakening in the morning for 14 days. I would also suggest you to take montelukast and cetirizine for at least 2-3 months daily before going to bed. Both the above Chat Doctor. 2. To identify the allergies, I would suggest you allergy testing, especially for common air-borne allergens like house dust mites, indoor molds, insect proteins and pet dander (if you have pet). This will help you identify the substances you may be allergic to and also to know the measures to avoid them.3. Based on allergy testing, an Allergist-Immunologist may prescribe you allergen specific immunotherapy which works on immune system to gradually improve your allergy symptoms over a long period.4. In general, I would suggest you to avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution as much as possible.5. Regular breathing exercises and a healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals (plenty of green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, sprouts, etc.) will also help you in a long run by improving your lung capacity and immunity respectively. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
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i got addiction in 2003 & now also used to mansturbate 2times a day.after doing it i feel ashamed,depressed,& morally down.i remain in tension 24hrs worryig about how to get rid of it. i got mania disease in also i used to take medicine pls help me because i want to sucide due to not reading& ill livingstyle from 11yrs. mukesh patna 28yrs
Hi, welcome to our site. I am Chat Doctor. Read your query. That is a very significant question and I appreciate your problem. I will try my best to answer your queryFirst, lots of people have this problem. No need to be ashamed. It's a problem and we can sort it out. Second who started you on treatment for mania? Have you visited the doc lately? If not, I suggest you do. Third, about how to reduce and possible stop masturbation. I wish you had added what you do, so I could have helped you better. Here my options- 1. Whenever you feel like masturbating, go for a walk and meet someone.2. Whenever you feel like masturbating, have a chocolate3. Whenever you feel like masturbating, have a bath4. Whenever you feel like masturbating, read something, listen to music, pay attention to a hobbyInitially it will be difficult. Don't think you can stop overnight. You have to slow your impulse, delay the act as long as you can. Gradually the duration of delaying the act will increase, till finally you can control the urge.Don't set a deadline. It won't help. Just do your best. Divert your attention. And after the act, think and write what you could have done instead. Maintain the diary of things to do, and do them. Cross these out as you do them. I am sure this will help. I hope this helps you. Best of luck. I have given you the answer to the maximum considering the information provided. The results of the tests could further enhance my answer to you. Please do understand that some details could be extracted from a detailed history and examination. Looking forward to your return query with the details asked so that I can help you further.(If the answer has helped you, please indicate this)
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Hi, my appendix perforated/ruptured on Jan. 10/14 and I was put on a course of antibiotics in hospital for 1 week, (pipercillon), after discharge I was given amoxicillan/claviculon for 10 days, and found that was not working so family doctor changed me to cipr/micro-flagil (10days) and that seemed to do the trick. An U/S on Feb. 3/14 shows 9mm left of my appendix and I am wondering if I still need surgery to remove that piece. I have not got my energy back, but every day is a little better, but I am so tired after 8pm at night I cannot keep my eyes open. I was supposed to see the surgeon Friday, Feb. 14th but he cancelled due to an emergency. I have had to take a considerable time off of work and lost another day Friday, so I am trying to decide if maybe I should just forego the surgery, however this tiredness makes me wonder if I am still recovering from the appendicitis or does this indicate that I should have it removed, or is this common to still be so tired. Prior to this happening, I never went to bed until 12-1 in the am and 5 hours sleep was plenty for me. I work as a lab tech in a busy Family Health Team for the last 7 years, full time on the go, so this is very out of the norm for me. Any thoughts? I would appreciate your opinion even though my doctors at work keep assuring me that is normal, I am still recovering, etc., no one has actually said if I still need surgery. I really dont want to take more time off work to see the surgeon and maybe have him cancel again. thank you for any advice you can offer.
Hello have gone through the description you have provided. Your fatigue and lack of energy is due to the recent infection and is a common occurrence during recovery. Regarding your question on surgery the answer is yes you need a surgery for the appendix. And it should have done as early as possible. Please set up an appointment with your surgeon to set up an appointment Hope this helps do get back in case you have further queriesRegards Chat Doctor.
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I am a 55 year old female, had auto accident 12 years ago. 5 and 6 disk were ruptured and surgery was performed on them. Now mri shows 3&4 bulging and 7&8 protruding into the sac. EEg shows I am having seizers and mri of head shows Mild nonspecific chronic white matter hyperintensities and narrow blood vessel. For the last 6mo every time I lay down my body jerks until I am worn out and I get very little sleep, also when I am really tired sitting up it also jerks and I am not talking about small jerks, it jerks so much at night my chest starts to hurt from it. After having my mri on my neck I was sent for physical therapy, was told by therapist that therapy would help my neck but I needed to find out what was causing the jerking, also said that my left are reflexes are hyperactive and my right arm has no reflex. My right foot also feels like electricity is flowing in it, but not my leg. I have been to a neurologist and was told the unspecified white matter is from migraines and my jerking is from anxiety and referred me to a Shrink. I don t understand why if it s anxiety it happens every time I lay down, day or night or when I am sleepy sitting up, I feel like they are missing something and this can t be anxiety. I was also told 2 1/2 years ago that I had a cyst in the gland that is in the center of your brain and there was room for it there, but was not mentioned on this MRI. Seeking answers!!! I also had a heart ablation done about a year ago because of frequent rapid heart beats.
Hello, The bulging discs may cause pressure on your spinal cord in selective posture stimulating it leading to jerky movements in your body. Also depressed reflexes and electricity like feeling in your body parts suggest that the disc is impinging on your spinal cord. I will suggest you to meet or get an appointment to a neurosurgeon and take along your latest MRI of Brain and neck. The best test to differentiate it from a cardiac event is by doing a Holder study for 24 hours. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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hi m on treatment for a baby. my period should be on 4th, and i showed to the doc on 5th and did pregnancy test it is negative. she did ultrasound scan but the doc is not so sure of the condition. i have lower abdominal pain . she neotack ranitidine 150 primolut N and folic acid . As m on treatment i always take metfromin fro my periods. i have irregular periods and PCOs. should i have to take these medicines sp primolut?
Hello yellowtulip24,Welcome to Chat Doctor. There are many issues involved in your post. Let me try and solve them one by one. If your period was expected on the 4th, It's too early to check with pregnancy tests on 5th. One should wait at least 3 days after missed period to do Urine Pregnancy Test. You posted your questions today. Did you do a pregnancy test after the 5th and when? If not, please check FIRST morning sample of urine for pregnancy tomorrow morning. Even if you have irregular periods, don't get complacent and presume that this cycle too it must be irregular. It could be a pregnancy since Metformin not only helps in reducing weight but regularizes the cycle by causing an egg release. The low abdomen pain - if your pregnancy test is positive tomorrow morning, please get a Transvaginal ultrasound asap to rule out a pregnancy in the tube. Get in touch with your local doctor for this. Sanitizing is an anti-acid preparation which research has shown to be safe even in pregnant women. Folic Acid is important to prevent abnormalities in the baby and it's always best to start when planning pregnancy i.e. even before pregnancy is conceived. I do not know what doses of Primolut-N you have been prescribed. You may have been prescribed this for 5-10 days to get a with Chat Doctor. Please rule out pregnancy by the latest urine test before taking this. If a patient is pregnant we like to use other forms of hormones to support pregnancy. Generally Primolut-N is not used for this purpose. In short, if you are definitely not pregnant, its safe and ok to use Primolute-N. The other 2 medicines mentioned are safe anyway. Hope this answers your queries satisfactorily.
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Hi I wonder if you can shed some light on my collection of symptoms please. I have recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome . I have been having a lot of abdominal pain and severe bloating (but not diarrhea or passing gas) which mainly occurs when I get up in the morning. I have actually watched my flat stomach abruptly inflate and then I have a sharp pain primarily down the center of my abdomen. It eases off if I lie back down again. I regularly have a sharp pain if I cough, sneeze , laugh hard or have a bowel movement. Twice I have had a strange episode where I have sudden pain and stiffness in my groin area, accompanied by sharp abdominal pain.(Both time were during my period - the sharp pain was not like menstrual cramps). In the last 5 months I have had two CT scans, a colonoscopy, a pelvic ultrasound, a gall bladder ultrasound, lots of blood tests and two stool tests. All that has turned up is that I have a slight vitamin D deficiency, a small umbilical hernia (probably from having my tubes tied) and endometrial hyperplasia (probably from my fibroid - not considered serious). I am taking 150 mg of Lyrica per day (gradually increasing to 300mg), am 47 yrs old, female, 207 lbs on a protein diet (protein shakes, 1 meal/ day meat and vegetables) recommended by my gastro-enterologist. I can t go back to work with this unpredictable, on-going abdominal pain. Taking an anti-spasmodic did not help. I have had symptoms on and off for 5 months or more, but it has been really bad for the past 6 weeks.Is all this really just IBS? Any advice is appreciated!
Hi.dear the., Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor., I have gone through You’re history., could be....IBS. Irritant Bowel Syn Chat Doctor. .,U have no significant pathology in GIT., According to Your investigations.everything is normal., But here U have not maintained Balance diet and regular., intervals of adequate physical exercise.ok.,1) Do regular 2 times exercises for 45 MTS.,2) Balance diet like 9:4:1...carboy
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About 2 weeks ago, my 2 year old son slept until about 3pm, woke up, ate a little and then went back to sleep from 4 until 7. The next day he seemed fine, so I figured he was just tired. Then a week later, He developed a fever that reached abot 101 degrees (axillary). He also had what appeared to be a diaper rash and was irritable and tired for a couple of days. We gave him tylenol, treated the diaper rash and let him rest and this seemed to resolve within 48 hours. Then five days later, we noticed what appeared to be hives all over his body and face. So, we took him to a doctor and they diagnosed him with strep throat. We started antibiotics that night (Thursday). On Saturday morning, my husband said that he felt warm to the touch, but never took his temp. He just gave him Tylenol and the antibiotic. He also noticed that his gait seemed a little funny and he was crying and irritable when he woke up from his nap. This morning, Sunday, I called the doctor s office because I was concerned about rheumatic fever or some other complication of strep or something being missed altogether. The doctor finally called back this evening and stated that he was doubtful that it could be rheumatic fever but agreed to see him again tomorrow. The latest development this evening is that my son does not want to bear weight on his legs. He will not come to me when called and he only wants to sit, crawl, or be carried. When I tried to stand him up, he cried. Otherwise, his temperament is normal, he s eating and drinking and in good spirits. Do you have any ideas? Thanks, Lynette
Hi, So he had fever on & off for few days, arthralgia and a rash. The possibilities are acute rheumatic fever as you told, or it can be even myogenic arthritis. A detailed examination few lab tests will clinch the diagnosis. You may be asked for some blood tests, x-ray of limb and chest, ECG and sometimes fluid aspirate from joint. Your doctor will guide you. Meanwhile, continue antibiotics and analgesics given. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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Hi I am constantly pressing onto my gums due to uncomfort, once i apply pressure i sort of feel pain but relief I have been to my GP said it was gingevites gave me antibiotics Hi I am constantly pressing onto my uper and lower gums and the inside of my cheeks due to discomfort . once I apply pressure it causes pain alog with relief. I have been to my GP he told me it was gingervites and pescribed augmentan antibiotics which did not help so I went to my dentist by then my gums and at the end of my jaw toward the back was inflamed due to my touching /interferering in order to get reliefmy dentist had told me that he dont see it as gingevites perhaps the antibiotic had worked he examined my mouth and took an xray of the gum he concluded that my gums, teethis all goodand well cared for. So he cleaning and polished my teeth which I do on a yearly basis . after serveral weeks I went to another dentist for a second opinion he also said all was good perhaps I should remove my wisdoms cause I mentioned that the end of my jaw was sore as well as all the symtoms he could not find any problem either but gave me a letter as referal to extract my wisdoms. I am confused but will not have my wisdoms extracted for no good reasons I do not have any bleeding of the gums nor bad breath. Please assist also advice as to which professional to see. Thank you Faye Fareed
Hi and welcome, Wisdom tooth eruption is often associated with pain and discomfort as it is last tooth to erupt in the oral cavity and often its position is tilted in the jaw. Gums overlying the wisdom tooth gets inflamed as the area is difficult to clean, this inflamed flap of gingival over the tooth is called PERITONITIS. As you have mentioned you are on augmenting, it is a powerful antibiotic and helps in subsiding the inflammation and pain. I would suggest you to visit a dentist and get an OPG radiograph done which will show the position of the wisdom tooth. Accordingly, the wisdom tooth is surgically removed by an oral surgeon followed by a course of antibiotic and analgesics. I hope this helps, take care.
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Started having anxiety August 2010, was put on Zoloft. Terrible experience. Met an OBGYN who recommended testing my hormones and told me to get off of the Zoloft after one week. Unfortunately hormones came out normal but we decided to try natural progesterone the second half of my menstural cycle. Started at 15mg. Second month they increased it to 30mg. The month when I started the increased dose I started having intrustive thoughts about myself and my kids. My other symptoms were cloudy thinking, tired, feeling claustrophobic, impatient with others. I used the 30mg dose until January or February 2011 until I started feeling more sensitive vaginally and on my breasts. It was a very uncomfortable feeling so I decreased my dose back down to 15mg. Intrusive thoughts have improved and was seeing a behavioral therapist for awhile who treated me for depression. I stay at home with my kids and have for 3 years. I met with a Naturopath MD in July 2011 because I was afraid of using an antidepressant again after my experience with Zoloft. She put me on some tinctures to balance out my hormones, not add any and also a tincture for Adrenal fatigue. I have felt better but the intrusive thoughts have not disappeared. It varies month to month but typically happens around the same time of the month. If its truly all hormonal then I guess I have to take one month at a time, but I do not like it. What else can it be? and what naturally can I do about it? The Naturopath MD wanted me to try 5HTP but was going to wait until after the holidays.
Dear, A likely diagnosis of Obsessive compulsive disorder appears here. Well, before I commit to any diagnoses I would need to know few more information about your complaints:1) what exactly are the thoughts that appear, does it become difficult to stop despite a strong will to stop it?2) Do you also experience anxiety and sweating?3) Do you find yourself spending excess time in thinking about it, that you often find difficult to finish your daily routine work? Without the information to above question it is difficult to come definite diagnosis. Thanks Chat Doctor.
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i have had abdominal pain for 2 years now the pain never goes away, painkillers only dull the pain but do not take it away, i have had a colonoscopy, gastroscopy, lapaoscopy, ultrasound, transvaginal ultrasound, ct scan and x rays done they x ray showed inflammation on the ileum, i had my appendix removed when i was 20 so it is not that, but i have tried everything and had all the tests imaginable done i feel like im going insane and the doctors are strating to talk that way too what can it be please help?
Hi ! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. As you have got almost all the tests done for your problem, I would advise you for the following few:1)In case you eat from outside, I feel that you may be sensitive/allergic to gluten, which is found in many fast foods containing wheat, pasta, etc. This is not easy to diagnose, and the best way is to exclude all kinds of fast food you consume in outside eating joints (if this is the case with you). It is best to have home cooked food with more of roughage or carry the same with you if you are busy. Gluten sensitivity can give rise to all the symptoms you have described. Some modification in your diet like more of roughage, enough liquids, avoidance of oily, fried, and fast food, and avoidance of alcoholic beverages and smoking if you do. I suggest you to consult a gastroenterologist along with a dietician on this aspect of the diagnosis, which possibly might not have been considered until now. The gastroenterologist will be able to diagnose with few biochemical tests along with a possible repeat endoscopy with biopsy of the intestinal mucosal wall, while the dietician can guide you on your food that you can consume pleasantly. Also, there is a need to exclude co-existing amoebas which is very common globally and treat it if positive by a stool test for ova and cyst. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
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Can i get rabies from a indoor rabbit? I was bitten by my rabbit on 2 june and today is 17 i m really scared of rabies. i don t think my rabbit was ever bitten by a rabid animal and if he was, than how is he still alive? i mean i ve read somewhere that animals with rabies die within 10 days But my rabbit seem to be acting normal. My rabbit is a female 5 year old indoor rabbit. she bit me because i was annoying her (it s not the first time she have bitten me, she usually bite someone when they re annoy her) She s eating normal and pooping normal. but i m veryyy scared! :( Whenever i read rabies symptoms it creeps me out. Some symptoms match with mine. My symptoms are fatigue, anxiety,weakness,poor sleep, and i don t feel like eating. Fatigue is not new i been having it a long time ago. weakness could be because of my poor diet. and i have anxiety. i don t have symptoms like headaches or fever or vomiting or scared of water. Last week i went to doctor for blood test and it was all normal. what is wrong with me? do i have rabies? my rabbit don t have foam coming out of his mouth and he licks me whenever i put my hand infront of him. Can you please tell me do i have rabies and if i don t why am i having these symptoms? BTW i m 14 years old.
HelloRabbit biting never causes rabies, rather canine family, if bite someone then there is chance of getting rabies .2nd point is that usually within animal dies, if it is rabid, but your pet rabbit is roaming in your house and playing (while rabid animal never play).3rd point fatigue weakness, anorexia poor sleep are not symptoms of rabies. Anxiety in your case is due to tension, so no need of worry. I am writing the symptoms of rabies, so that you will be 100 % sure that you are NOT HAVING ANY RABIES. Symptoms are :Hyper salivation, excessive sweating, pupillary dilatation, Arianism, confusion and muscle spasm (cause shy Chat Doctor. e. fear for water). So be sure and enjoy life with your pet rabbit.
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I was diagnosed with pneumonia on Saturday in my left lung. The urgent care physician took a chest x-ray and made the diagnosis. He prescribed Levofloxacin, 500 mg, 1 time per day for 10 days. I have taken 3 doses of the medicine and I still can t breathe well. In addition to my cough, the symptoms I had were fever (4 days) with the highest fever at 102.8 and lower back pain radiating across my back left to right. I first thought I had the flu because these symptoms came on suddenly and my body hurt all over, especially my hips and my back. My daughter had pneumonia prior so the pneumonia diagnosis made sense. What doesn t make sense is the back pain is still there. I have no previous health issues with my back in any way. I have not done anything to pull muscles etc. The Urgent Care did take a urine test to see if I had a kidney infection but it came back negative. I am concerned that I am not getting well and the medicine does not seem to be working. I am still having shortness of breath but sometimes it is worse than others. I can t make the lower back pain go away no matter how much I sit, stand, lay down, put heat on it etc. Any help would be appreciated. I am a single mother and my girls need me to be well. Sincerely, Alisha
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i am a software profesional with "panick attach" as described by a pschatrist he gave zotral 50mg,pregalin75 and epitril which iam continiuing daily along with medication for epilipsey and chronic asthma getting fedup with medicines and people around me dont understand its just like any other i dont want to say even disease kindly advice bcoz iam getting concious and confused talking to eveyone abt me and family please
Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make following suggestions for you:1. First, as you have both asthma and panic attack, I would like to confirm diagnosis as sometimes one can be mistaken for another. Were I treating you, I would suggest you spirometry with post-bronchodilator study to measure your lung capacity and component of asthma.2. I would also suggest you allergy testing as it will help you identify the substances causing troubles to you as well as the measures to avoid them.3. I would like to know more about you like whether you have other allergy symptoms like running nose, sneezing, etc.; what is the frequency of your asthma; how so far you have been treated for asthma; etc. etc.4. At present, I would suggest you regular montelukast and to use albuterol or levosalbutamol inhaler on as-and-when-needed basis for asthma symptoms.5. In general, I would suggest you to avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution.6. I would also suggest you regular breathing exercises and a healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, etc.) which will improve your lung capacity and immunity respectively.7. Stress is very much linked to all three of your complaints - panic, epilepsy and asthma/allergies. So I would personally suggest you to be involved in some stress reduction activity like meditation, Yoga, relaxation, etc. It may also improve your general well-being and self-confidence. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
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My father of 78-year of age has a Stage IV esophagous cancer for over 20 months. He has completed 35 Chemos and 15 rounds of radiation. He suffered fever on the last day of his radiation 10 days ago and the medical team has determined that the infection that caused his fever was due to pneumonia resulting from Tracheoesophagel Fistula. The pulmonary specialist, and the surgeon do not recommend surgery due to cancer and both doctors think my father has short time left to live (about 1 to 2 months). However, the oncologist thinks that there is a possibility that with time, though very slowly, tracheoesophagel fistula may heal itself with the ongoing antibiotics treatment given the pnumonia my father is suffering is not sever. What are your thoughts on differences of opinions among the doctors and what is the best care for my father going forward (LTAC or Home Health Care)? Thank you in advance for your help.
Hi, Thanks for writing in. Sorry to hear about the progress of disease in your father and the development of tracheoesophageal fistula. In this condition, there is a communication between the airway and food pipe and the patient can aspirate food contents in to the lungs causing a severe infection. As early as 10 days after radiation, the area might still be raw and surgery is not a good option. This can complicate the situation and worsen the disease. If the fistula is small then with time, the area around the tracheoesophageal fistula can heal and form fibrosis. This is a healed scar tissue ad can help in spontaneous closure of the fistula.Also, the pneumonia is not severe and antibiotics are being given to take care of the infection. At this point in time, your father must be made comfortable and his pain reduced as much possible. The first step remains curing him of the pneumonia and extend his survival by a few months. I understand that he is taking rules tube feeding. Then next we have to provide him adequate pain relief and that can mean increasing his medications to make him feel comfortable. This can be followed by waiting for the tracheoesophageal fistula to heal. If the initial part of pneumonia can be taken care of in a hospital then he can be provided home health care after he is stable.
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What can I do to calm my boyfriend who has anger management issues? When driving, he screams at people who drive too slow, complains about the bad traffic, picks fights with waiters who try to overcharge him (causing me a lot of embarassment) and cusses all sorts of vulgarities. He says that when he gets angry it is mainly because of people who have bad ethics , otherwise he would have no reason to get so angry. My boyfriend is not a regular bully, he is a highly-educated professional who just has problems controlling his anger. However, he should take a good look at himself when he is angry. His face is beetroot red and his eyes dart around and he screams as loud as a volcano erupting. He won t let the matter rest until I talk him out slowly. When I am out with him, he gets jealous and glares menacingly at any men who looks my way for more than a second. I will tell him to stop but he continues. Only when I threaten to walk away will he stop his nonsense. But of course, a few days later, his bad attitude and anger management issues start again. I have known him for 5 months. He likes being by himself, doesn t have too many friends and spends most of his time working and working on his doctorate. He plays squash (which many think of as a violent game) and is an otherwise active and healthy 39 year old (I am 24). He has not been verbally abusive towards me, but I fear that it is a matter of when. Why is he like that? What can I do to help him and myself?
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your query. If your boyfriends anger irritability and poor frustration tolerance has been of recent onset, then underlying psychological problems like stress, anxiety or depression have to be considered. If they have been long-standing, without any other psychological problems, then they are more likely to be part of his personality. If you feel that his anger problem is prominent and causing interpersonal or social difficulties, I would advise you to ask him to get professional help. There are various good psychological therapies and counselling techniques which can help with such problems. Also practicing relaxation techniques, learning stress-management and coping skills will also be beneficial. Wish you all the best.
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For about 2 weeks now I have had episodes where it feels like I cant get enough air- that I have to take really full, deep breaths not to suffocate. It feels like I just ate a giant meal. Five days ago I had severe constipation and it took an enema and laxatives to get things started. That seemed to bring relief to my breathing, but it soon feels like something pressing against my lungs, When at my PAs office my O2 stats are 96-100 %, even though it feels like Im suffocating. I have had an echocardiogram that showed no big problems and X-rays that show fecal matter.(Whether the amount present is normal or not I dont know). I am a 57 year woman, and was told 4 years ago I have Crohns , but have it under control. Im a non-smoker. I cant sleep because when my breath is labored when I drift off to sleep or even relax,I have too shallow breathes and wake up gasping.My PA suggests drinking plenty of water and to keep taking stool softeners. I am going crazy from tiredness and panic of breathlessness. Could it be an impacted or semi-blocked intestine or even my liver? (My hands are beet red- not from dryness- and Ive read that could be a symptom of liver problems. What tests do you suggest? This is asmall town in Kansas with no local specialists.
Hi, Thank you for your query. Though you have mentioned a lot of things in detail you have not mentioned your weight which can be one of the reasons where you may have a feeling of suffocation. You mentioned that your x-ray abdomen showed fecal matter. I suggest that you get an ultrasound of your whole abdomen which will give a better picture of your liver, gall bladder and your intestines. In case constipation is the reason then you need to modify your diet to check constipation. You would like to refer to my article at to have a better perspective. I hope I have answered your query to your satisfaction. Wishing you all the best. Rajiv K Khandelwal
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Hi, Thanks for the query, Before I respond to your questions, let me tell you that the management of disc problem whether medical or surgical depends upon the clinical and investigations findings. It should never be based upon the MRI findings. If a patient has pain and neurological deficit (documented by a neurologist) and pain has not responded to medical management and MRI shows problem with clinical correlation, then surgery is the best option. However, if a patient has pain alone and there are no other neurological deficits, initial treatment should always be conservative with medicines and physiotherapy. Persistent pain despite treatment is another indications for surgery. If you feel that you have tried medications and physical therapy and the pain still continues you may opt for surgery the way your doctor has advised. I agree with your doctor in the sense that this will not result in any permanent damage to the nerve. You may even wait if you do not have any other symptoms except pain. Waiting will not cause permanent damage to the nerves in this type of situations. Hope this clarifies Best wishes Chat Doctor. Chat Doctor .com/doctors/
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Hi I have a 5 year old daughter who has a very pale skin complexion anyway but she has dark under her eyes and she gets increasingly run down during different periods of the year, although these can be on an ad hoc basis (so not just through winter). Throughout the year last year she was feeling ill and run down on a frequent basis (but with no cold or any other similar symptoms), sufferes from aches and pains in her legs (from her knees to even her ankles) and her wrists, sleeps for 12 hours a night but is always telling me she feels tired and now she says her heart is hurting her (I assume it is beating fast and yesterday morning she had only walked from the dining room into the kitchen when she told me). Also on an ad hoc basis she has a red flaring of the skin around her vaginal area and the only thing that will ease it is a cold wet flannel (all creams burn) and this only occurs when she is is in bed and has been sleeping. She had bloods taken last year on my insistence because I had had enough of being given the run around (they check her vitals at the doctors and because they are okay on the day they say there is nothing wrong). Not the pleasantest of experience for her and not something I wanted to do but I had to do it for peace of mind. Anyway, they all came back negative (I was surprised because I though her iron may be low). In the end the attributed it to the fact that she doesn t go to the toilet properly and the toxins from her stools are feeding themselves back into her body but she has never been a regular toilet go er. Any ideas as to what could be wrong? Many thanks Zoe
These all ate symptoms of anemia, a condition of low hemoglobin or red blood cells on the blood.However, routine investigations may be normal at times. You should go for a detail peripheral blood film and also a serum folate level, serum vitamin B12 levels and seem ferritin levels.Also, the redness around vaginal area and that too only in bed is due to worm infestation. So you should deform her by giving Tab.zen tel. Meanwhile you should start iron with folic acid and vitamin B 12 in the form of a syrup. The symptoms should abate.
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Hi, I am PD from Jamaica. I was involved in a motor vehicle accident on the 23/11/2012. An MRI of the Cervical Spine was done on the 28/01/2013.Findings are:Mild degenerative disc changes at C4/C5 and C5/C6 with associated small posterior disc- osteophyte complexes.Mild associated thecal sac compression at these levels but no involvement of the adjacent segments of the spinal cord.No significant exit foraminal stenosis at these levels.Mild degenerative disc changes at C6/C7 with associated small posterior disc-osteophyte complexes. There is a moderate narrowing of the right and left exit foramina at this level, but the associated spinal nerves are not compressed or impinged. The other intervertebral discs appear normal. The facet joints appear normal.The imaged portion of the spinal cord is normal in appearance.The imaged brainstem structures are unremarkable. No other significant finding.I will appreciate your suggestions, as I am still experiencing these symptoms everyday:Pain, numbness, tingling in the both hands and fingers. Especially over on the left where the pain is present at all times from the left part on my neck down into the left hand. Neck pain is present everyday on the left side, sometimes on the right side. Sometimes I feel numbness and pressures in my head. Four times the pressures was so heavy I felt like I was going to loose conciousness. I have been urinating more frequent. Pain on top of my feet and toes everyday, especially waking up in the mornings I can hardly walk due to the severity of the pain, and sometimes when I sit for long periods. I have ankle pain also.I have knee injuries too. The doctor diagnose my knees as Bilateral knee pain- Quadricep Tendon Strain.
Hello, if your symptoms are not improving on conservative treatment and taking a toll on your day-to-day activities you can opt for surgery with disc replacement giving good results in cervical spine. All these osteophytes and disc prolapse are co related which are giving rise to this sort of picture and warrant further treatment modality change after 3 long years. As far as qua Chat Doctor. Thank you
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I am 29 years old... I am a full time mother of 3. Daughter 8 Daughter 4 Son 8 months I m usually the only parent in house & has been like this since 1st was born due 2 father working away! I know it s natural as a mother to feel tired and stressed. But I can go from being happy to extremely down in matter of seconds. I don t like socialising much, yet being in the house all the time drives me crazy, but in saying that I d rather stay home. I get as much sleep as I can some nights are better then others. I stress a lot about everything & anything & seem to lash out (definately not physically) at my 2 daughters a lot even if they are not doing anything wrong. I cry a lot & always have the urge to yell as I find it really hard to control my temper. When kids father comes home majority of the time I m unhappy with him with everything & anything he does even though he trying to help me! I feel like I want to just be away from everyone especially the ones I m taking my moods out on as I know they don t like me for it! I feel exhausted all the time, it s hard for me to feel happy or to control any situation without getting really cranky or upset. I love my kids my family but each day feels like another battle & most nights I lay in bed awake upset dreading waking up in the morning to face the world all over again!
Hi, I read your problem in detail and can understand the situation that you seem to be going through. Your stressful conditions certainly seem to have an effect on you which are resulting in the symptoms that you are having currently. You seem to be suffering from depression. It is a condition characterized by low mood, irritability, tiredness, crying spells, sleep and appetite disturbances. I would suggest that you seek a psychiatric consultation and complete evaluation and proper management. Medications like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors like Escitalopram and sertraline, etc. are safe and effective. In addition, try to exercise on a daily basis. You can also start regular therapy sessions with your psychiatrist, where you will be able to express your emotions and let out what's building up inside you at ease. Hope this information was helpful. Best wishes.
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I ve had bronchitis for 2 weeks. Very wheezy and coughing up yellow mucus. This is the 7th time I ve had bronchitis this year. I now have terrible sharp pain on left side of chest which seems to wrap around to my left shoulder blade. ICould this be pneumonia? I do not have a fever, just completely exhausted.
Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Dear I read your query and reviewed it with context to your query facts. I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them. Based on the facts of your query, you seem to suffer from-Chronic bronchitis with Pleuritic pain in left chest-wrapping around left shoulder blade. This pain is from chronic bronchitis with clogged up terminal alveolar groups, causing pleural inflammation from infection. X-ray chest may show few dense shadows with thickened pleura-which indicates edematous thickened inflamed pleura. In your case as the cough is with productive yellow mucus, indicating enough infection of air track. Possibility of Pneumonia, accompanying by this is more and needs to be kept under watch, by closed observation. But the afebrile body, with this yellow mucus indicates recovering Bronchitis with pleuritic pain in left chest laterally and in back near left shoulder blades. Pneumonia would be indicated by high fever with chills which is not there in your case. Exhastion is from chronic infection with deny Chat Doctor. Possibility TB Bronchitis with Pleuritic pain is to be kept in mind. For this to find out-AFB sputum / PCR tests of yellow mucus to find out TB antigen of live/ dead bacteria/ IGRA-blood test to detect hidden subclinical TB. Exhaustion may indicate TB infection with no fever/ or mild fever. Course of Augmenting duo(Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid) may differentiate NON-TB cause, if it responds to this course for 10 days time. Supporting it with high protein bland diet with plenty of fluids / vitamins would recoup you soon from this condition. Hope this would help you to plan further treatment from your doctors there. Welcome for any further query in this regard. Good Day!!
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Hello about one month ago I felt a lump in my left breast. I felt it about a week or so before my period so I thought maybe its because of my period. After my period it decreaed a little but its still there. I shoyld also let you know that about a year ago my right breast was hurting terrible and hurts whenever I m closed to my period. I visited my doctor and after doing various test he said that I had benign breast cancer but not to worry about it. I do drink a lot of green tead because I noticed whenever I drink it the pain in my right breast seem to disappear after a while. I will however like you to tell me what you think about the lump in my left breast. Added to that the partition where my left breast separates from my right hurts a litttle whever I pass my figures there. Can u please help me Thank you very much
Hi.1. What you are having (I would not use the term suffering from) is called benign modularity. This is a common problem having a hormonal basis and there is nothing to worry about. 2. Now I will tell you the way to feel your own breasts to confirm benign modularity. If you pick up the breast between the fingers, you will feel a big firm mass (even normally). And if you feel the breast with the flat surface of pulp of your fingers with gentle rotating movements, you will not feel that firm mass which you felt earlier; instead you will perceive a granular feel (similar to the feel of a gunny bag filled with grains like rice for example). The granular feel suggests benign modularity. 3. Remember while feeling the breast with the flat surface of pulp of your fingers if you feel a firm or a hard mass (irrespective of its size), then it is a cause for concern, and you must consult a surgeon at the earliest. 4. Regarding pain overlying the breast-bone, well, it has nothing to do with the breasts. Such pain is usually self-limiting though it may take some time (maybe months) to disappear. Try some simple symptomatic treatment like local application of a little Index (or any other similar ointment) followed by hot fomentation. In short, at present, you have nothing to worry about. Thanks.
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I am 53 yrs male non-alcoholic. Height 164 cm & weight 84 kg. Total cholestrol 5.1 mmol/l with zocor medication. Recently my blood chemistry (liver function test) revealed that my SGOT/AST & SGPT/ALT readings of 132v & 232v respectively. My doctor explained that I am having fatty liver. He then prescibed me to take Livolin Forte capsules twice (morning & at night) daily. Can doctor explain to me more about the readings of my liver function test (SGOT/AST & SGPT/ALT) whether very alarming or not? What are the side effects of consuming Livolin Forte in the short & long term? Thank you. Hamzah Nassir.
Hi I hope you are very well The alteration that you present in your liver chemistry according to ALT levels is a moderate elevation, with a hepatocellular pattern. Your diagnosis may actually be a fatty liver, however, this is a very broad spectrum that includes hepatic stenosis and steatohepatitis. You have metabolic risk factors for fatty liver such as your overweight / obesity and dyslipidemia. You should have a checkup for suspected diabetes mellitus and systemic arterial hypertension. There are several non-invasive studies to evaluate the degree of fibrosis or even cirrhosis, the one with the highest diagnostic yield is the transient cartography (Protest), however, to differentiate between stenosis and stenosis hepatic biopsy should be performed. The importance of detecting a steatohepatitis is for prognostic purposes, since the progression to cirrhosis is greater. The treatment indicated in these cases is mainly non-pharmacological, the loss of weight is fundamental as well as a modification in the lifestyle, a balanced diet, increase in the physical activity. An approximate loss of 5-10% of weight is suggested in a period of 6 to 12 months, this is associated with an analytical and histological improvement. There are very few Chat Doctor. One of them is vitamin E in doses of 400,000 to 800,000 U / day especially in people who do not have diabetes mellitus. Other medications currently being used are statins like simvastatin that you consume, as it has antibiotic properties.
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hi this is juher pathan looking for answer the treatment duration for my abnormal seminal report ,Questions related to - seminal report Dear Doctor my age 28 yearsheight 6 fitweight 58 kg i Q : Dear Doctor my age 28 yearsheight 6 fitweight 58 kg i have TB in my past Presently iam healthy seminal report is quantity 20mlcolour milky whiteconsistency thick liquidreaction alkalnePH 70 total cout of sperms 10 million Dear Doctor my age 28 years,height-6 fit,weight 58 kg, i have TB in my past Presently iam healthy seminal report is quantity 2.0ml,colour-milky white,consistency-thick liquid,reaction-alkalne,P.H-7.0, total cout of sperms 10 million/ml of semen Motality after 1/2 hours total motile-10% active motile-10%,moderatelymotile-10%,sluggeshly motile-20% ,non motile-60% after 1hour total motile-8% active motile-5%,moderatelymotile-10%,sluggeshly motile-25% ,non motile-60% after 4hour total motile-2% active motile-00%,moderatelymotile-5%,sluggeshly motile-15% ,non motile-80% micro scopic morphology-10 to15% immature forms 08 to 10% tail less-02 to 04 %,pin head 01 to02%,W.B.C-4-6/hpf,R.B.C-no found, epithelial cell-not found,trichmonous-not found so pls tell sir i can be a fatheror not if not treatments are avilable for me.and duration of treatment.
Hello her ;welcome to Chat Doctor Sorry to say, but your semen analysis report is not good. The motility is bad and morphology is also not good. It will improve with treatment, but it will take time, so you have to be patient and take medicines regularly as advised. You should consult a Urologist for detailed explanation and treatment. Please consult as early as possible so that you can be treated accordingly.
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my hi-da scan on Jun2012 shows a 4mm polyp inside my gallbladder and its not functioning well (1.6% compared to 30% normal) . My abdomen ultrasound shows no polyps in the gallbladder. THe abdominal ultrasound was done again on May2013 and it does not show any polyps. So which one is true? Should I rely on the hida scan or the abdominal ultrasound? A month ago, I also have intense back pain on the right above the waist. Theyve done a ct scan and my kidney was fine and no kidney stones. Now they are blaming my gallbladder and wanted to remove it. But other surgeon that I asked for second opinion said she doesnt think the back pain is due to gallbladder so shes sending me to get MRI. Its fine if they remove my gallbladder but what about if its not my gallbladder causing the back pain? I cant picture having back pain after the surgery. Do I request another hida scan to see if polyps inside gallbladder is growing? Please advise. Thanks.
Hello, thanks for contacting Chat Doctor with your query.HIDE scan is more for function of the gallbladder like its efficiency in contracting and emptying the bile into the intestine. If you are having symptoms similar to gallstone attack with severe right upper qua Chat Doctor. For polyps or stones, ultrasound examination is more sensitive. But if the size of the polyp or stone is less than one centimeter in size, it may not show up well on ultrasound. Typical gallbladder pain may radiate to the right shoulder or the right upper back and usually this is not constant, more like spasms. From the numbers that you have given, you seem Mohave abnormal gallbladder function. This may be associated with abnormal sphincter called the sphincter of Odd dysfunction. If that is the case, gallbladder removal will help. Remember, your liver continues to make bile, and it comes to the intestine directly since the gallbladder which acts as a storage organ is no longer there. If your back problem ID due to disc problems of the spine you may have to that evaluated by an orthopedic doctor or a neurology specialist. I wish you the very best.
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hi there my partner has just left hospital after having a subarachniod hemorrhage from a burst blood vein, he was also diagnosed with 2 very small aneurysms however these are not treatable due to the size of them. we get married in october and was planning on going away for a honeymoon will he be able to fly???
Hello, Unfortunately, there are no STANDARD GUIDELINES that have been developed yet that we can appeal to on the question of safe to fly after aneurysm burst and/or the presence of sunburst aneurysms. The literature certainly does contain a number of citations and reports of individuals who have suffered from incidents such as spontaneous SUBARACHNOID bleeding or rupture of sunburst aneurysms who have just completed flights. It is unclear though on any standard of practice. The majority of the recommendations seem to point to a waiting period (without well tested or grounded data) of no less than 2-4 weeks in the case of someone who just HAD a bleed in order to fly vs. up to 6 weeks of waiting in someone's who had a craniectomy to evacuate a blood clot who wants to fly. If it were my patient I would likely ask them to wait 4 weeks if possible to fly AFTER a bleed. 8 weeks after a surgical procedure to evacuate any blood from the head. As far as the risk of flying WITH UNRUPTURED aneurysms there are no agreed-upon numbers therefore, in my opinion whether someone KNOWS or DOESN'T KNOW they have an unruptured aneurysm in their head (or any other organ of the body) it doesn't alter the risk factor (if there is even one to actually talk about) element so to me there should logically be NO TIME CONSTRAINT on when a person could or should fly after finding out they have aneurysms which are inoperable, etc. That needs to be more an individuals feeling of comfort zone action as opposed to a doctor trying to counsel them according to scientific evidence that it is or isn't safe because there's nothing along those lines. Make sense? Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
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I am a 57 year old woman who is going through menopause and in the last year I have list a grandchild, my son has gone through a bad divorce and I have recently been displaced from my hone due to flood for the past 4 months. My husband and I were able to live where I work but there I was cobstantly. I had two to three episodes of sweats,dizziness and feeling of doom. I went to the er and my blood pressure was 208/106 I am now on Lisonphril 20mg with hydrochlor--25mg in the am and 10 mg ofNorvasc at night. I have been on levothyroxine for 1 1/2 years. I started at 50 went to 75 after my er visit they upped it to 88 I was only at that dose for 1 month when I visited the er again with extreme dizziness. They upped me then to 100 mg. I have had bad stomach aches, extreme gas, nervousnessio, Could I have too much levothyroxine in my system. Would it cause this? I have been prescribed Ativan for my anxiety. I really dont want to feel drugged forever
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. All the symptoms and Chat Doctor. Your anxiety has crossed over to the PTSD due to the stress you were experiencing and also due to the menopause. You need to continue the medicines.Lifestyle changes are necessary to overcome the current anxiety disorder and to reduce the dosage of medicines. You need to calm down and live normally. You are still getting anxious and that is the reason for your extreme sweats, dizziness and feeling of loneliness. The symptoms are continuing because of the menopause. Within a year or so, the severity should lessen. Don't worry about the medicines. Be active, engage in some hobbies, keep your mind happy and pleasant, do not worry about past or future etc. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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Hi My wife had thyroid cancer, she had a goiter,several nodules and Hashimotos, she had the thyroid removed, followed by radiation, she has had total body scans for ten years and now 14 years later she takes Synthroid once a day, should she be considered cancer free? And should she be considered cured? Thanks
Hi welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query. It is a matter of pleasure that your wife has survived cancer after removed of cancerous thyroid followed by radiation. Regarding her medication, I want to know Why Synthroid is prescribed, after14 years of recovery ?. Did any problem occurred? I suggest you, pls keep your treating doctor aware of side effects if any. And keep going for regular check-ups. By getting rid of the microbes in the organs, plus doing the normal cancer treatments, the balance (i.e. a strong immune system and a low number of cancer cells) is restored enough to keep the cancer from coming back. The patient is cured because their immune system has been regulated through well planned regimen. Because proper nutrition is an integral part of a healthy immune system, the kitchen is the perfect place to find natural home remedies to bolster your disease-fighting abilities. Regular intake of high fiber diet includinfruit veges, whole grains oats, antioxidants- vitamins, and minerals as ginger, garlic onion, preferable in raw form, nuts - almonds, walnut .flex seed, Avoid fried, fast foods' bakery products, tea coffee, alcohol Lemon juice with water twice before meals, Bitter gourd 25 ml in the morning coconut water a great antioxidant Turmeric powder 1/2 spoon in a cup of hot milk. Kills all types of bacteria on mass level. Do regular exercise, Walk, Yoga PANAMA -Deep Breathing for strengthening and detoxifying your systemProper rest and sound sleep helps rejuvenation. Mental mention, worry, anger harms and encourages toxins in our body and damages our immune system. Constipation should not be encouraged Following above regimen will strengthen the vital force to help stay your metabolism balanced, thus giving strength to immune system which assures happy healthy and disease free life ahead Hope this helps to solve your query Take care. All the best if any doubt Mail at Don't hesitate to get back for further query if any ?
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My son is 15 years old, he has been getting dark skin behind his neck and behind his ears. It looks like he has not washed his neck in weeks. It is not itchy. Now he has two round spots on either shoulder. I have put on lotion with vitamin e for 3 days twice a day and 90 % is gone...but it will come back if I do not put lotion on for looks horrible ..what is causing this?
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor I would keep a possibility of Pseudoacanthosis Nigerians as the reason for the dark patches around the neckPseudoacanthosis Nigerians is a skin disorder in which there is darker, thick, velvety skin in body folds and creases. The skin becomes dark, velvety and thick in areas such as back and sides of neck, armpits, thighs, elbows and knees. Acanthosis Nigerians usually appears slowly and doesn't cause any symptoms other than skin changes. It typically occurs in individuals younger than age 40, may be genetically inherited, and is associated with obesity OR endocrinopathies, such as hypothyroidism, acromial, polycystic ovary disease, insulin-resistant diabetes, or Bushings disease. The majority of cases of acanthuses Nigerians are associated with obesity OR are otherwise idiopathic. This is likely because of insulin resistance, and more likely to occur in darker-skinned persons. This is also known as Pseudo-Acanthosis Nigerians. Acanthosis Nigerians is likely to improve in circumstances where a known cause is removed. For example, obesity-related acanthuses Nigerians will improve with weight loss. People with acanthuses Nigerians in general should be screened for diabetes. Weight loss and controlling blood glucose levels through exercise and diet often improves symptoms. Topical retinoid 0.05% cream once daily at night helps to lighten pigmentation along with weight loss, exercise and diet management. Alpha-Lipoic acid ha been shown to increase insulin sensitivity and thereby reverses the pseudo-acanthosis Nigerians which arises as a result of insulin resistance states e.g. Obesity and diabetes. It is commercially available for prescription in acanthuses Nigerians. Regards
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
I have Hashimoto Encephalopathy of the brain and I am on 120 mg of prednisone each Sunday (which is push therapy.) but the nuerologist is thinking of redusing the prednisone and adding azathriprone . I was just wondering with the AZA drug would you be able to tan. I love the sun and live in Arkansas and was just wondering. I also have a colostomy bag (4 years now) permanent and also MS and also take phenebarbitol for a seizure disorder but have not had one in over 20 years. The nuero I have had heard on HE but had never met anyone that had it until he met me so does not know a lot about it so we are doing trial and error and we have a facebook page and he has me print things off when I see him every three months. I know that the prednisone is not good for me so was just thinking of something else to tell him. It will be 2 years this Sept since I have been on prednisone every week.
Hello, I read carefully your question. Hashimoto encephalopathy is an autoimmune disease which is associated with thyroiditis. Patients with this condition respond most of the time very well to the corticosteroid therapy, and that's why the condition is also known as steroid responsive encephalopathy associated with autoimmune thyroiditis. In the cases that the steroid therapy isn't successful, immunosuppresses are used like azathioprine, methotrexate, cyclophosphamide or even plasmapheresis or intravenous immunoglobulins. When taking azathioprine, like any other immunosuppress, one must be very careful about the skin, because the risk of suffering from skin cancer is greater during this kind of treatment. You have to use very high sun protection (over 30 UV factors), avoid sunbathing especially the midday hours (11am-3pm). Also, even if you're getting good care of your skin you have to control frequently, every week) if there are changes in your ski, and you have to report any skin lesion or new scars to your doctor and the dermatologist. I hope I've been of help. You can contact me again for further questions, I would be pleased to assist you.