1 value
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[133.0, 26.0], [214.0, 23.0], [214.0, 43.0], [134.0, 46.0]], ('XOBU', 0.8381064534187317)], [[[155.0, 42.0], [197.0, 42.0], [197.0, 52.0], [155.0, 52.0]], ('IRIZA EA', 0.6632963418960571)], [[[147.0, 75.0], [171.0, 75.0], [171.0, 87.0], [147.0, 87.0]], ('Nobu', 0.9833950996398926)], [[[111.0, 96.0], [205.0, 95.0], [206.0, 109.0], [111.0, 111.0]], ('Nobu Hote Ibiza Bay', 0.9001221060752869)], [[[142.0, 109.0], [169.0, 109.0], [169.0, 121.0], [142.0, 121.0]], ('Ibiza', 0.9785701632499695)], [[[87.0, 121.0], [223.0, 116.0], [223.0, 131.0], [88.0, 135.0]], ('Playa Rea1S.A.C1fA07025919', 0.8960350751876831)], [[[65.0, 131.0], [135.0, 131.0], [135.0, 142.0], [65.0, 142.0]], ('210010 Fernando', 0.9381178021430969)], [[[64.0, 151.0], [159.0, 151.0], [159.0, 164.0], [64.0, 164.0]], ('CHK 201390', 0.9532793164253235)], [[[176.0, 151.0], [205.0, 151.0], [205.0, 165.0], [176.0, 165.0]], ('TBL', 0.9941645264625549)], [[[212.0, 149.0], [248.0, 152.0], [247.0, 166.0], [211.0, 163.0]], ('14/1', 0.991187572479248)], [[[114.0, 174.0], [201.0, 174.0], [201.0, 187.0], [114.0, 187.0]], ('12Ju117 20:30PM', 0.8429588675498962)], [[[203.0, 165.0], [248.0, 165.0], [248.0, 176.0], [203.0, 176.0]], ('GST2', 0.9920569062232971)], [[[66.0, 195.0], [145.0, 197.0], [145.0, 210.0], [66.0, 208.0]], ('1Padron Peppers', 0.9582481980323792)], [[[225.0, 198.0], [249.0, 198.0], [249.0, 210.0], [225.0, 210.0]], ('12,00', 0.9648476839065552)], [[[66.0, 209.0], [106.0, 209.0], [106.0, 220.0], [66.0, 220.0]], ('1TK40', 0.9652010798454285)], [[[68.0, 217.0], [133.0, 219.0], [132.0, 233.0], [67.0, 231.0]], ('1 N.S.Salmon', 0.8557171821594238)], [[[224.0, 210.0], [248.0, 210.0], [248.0, 221.0], [224.0, 221.0]], ('47.00', 0.9362627267837524)], [[[66.0, 230.0], [142.0, 230.0], [142.0, 243.0], [66.0, 243.0]], ('1 Rock Shr BSOS', 0.8374615907669067)], [[[223.0, 221.0], [248.0, 221.0], [248.0, 232.0], [223.0, 232.0]], ('24,00', 0.9105781316757202)], [[[224.0, 231.0], [248.0, 231.0], [248.0, 243.0], [224.0, 243.0]], ('35,00', 0.9283220171928406)], [[[66.0, 251.0], [136.0, 253.0], [135.0, 267.0], [65.0, 265.0]], ('1 Taco Lobster', 0.938901424407959)], [[[68.0, 243.0], [153.0, 243.0], [153.0, 253.0], [68.0, 253.0]], ('1 Gambas al Ajillo', 0.8160161972045898)], [[[222.0, 243.0], [249.0, 243.0], [249.0, 256.0], [222.0, 256.0]], ('58,00', 0.9561427235603333)], [[[223.0, 254.0], [247.0, 254.0], [247.0, 265.0], [223.0, 265.0]], ('18.00', 0.9191106557846069)], [[[66.0, 264.0], [144.0, 264.0], [144.0, 277.0], [66.0, 277.0]], ('1 Chicken Jidorf', 0.8983938694000244)], [[[223.0, 265.0], [247.0, 265.0], [247.0, 277.0], [223.0, 277.0]], ('32.00', 0.9561935663223267)], [[[65.0, 285.0], [113.0, 287.0], [112.0, 302.0], [64.0, 299.0]], ('1F1j11L', 0.7518883943557739)], [[[84.0, 276.0], [130.0, 276.0], [130.0, 287.0], [84.0, 287.0]], ('Ant icucho', 0.9193429946899414)], [[[222.0, 287.0], [247.0, 287.0], [247.0, 298.0], [222.0, 298.0]], ('10,00', 0.890541672706604)], [[[64.0, 299.0], [132.0, 299.0], [132.0, 310.0], [64.0, 310.0]], ('IJalap Ginger', 0.8249760866165161)], [[[221.0, 298.0], [247.0, 298.0], [247.0, 309.0], [221.0, 309.0]], ('20.00', 0.9031164050102234)], [[[61.0, 310.0], [185.0, 308.0], [185.0, 322.0], [62.0, 325.0]], ('3 gode1lo Avanc1a 82,00', 0.810685932636261)], [[[217.0, 308.0], [249.0, 308.0], [249.0, 322.0], [217.0, 322.0]], ('246.0', 0.8247049450874329)], [[[64.0, 324.0], [139.0, 324.0], [139.0, 334.0], [64.0, 334.0]], ('1 Faur Horsesen', 0.8875921368598938)], [[[221.0, 322.0], [248.0, 319.0], [249.0, 331.0], [223.0, 334.0]], ('20.00', 0.9098183512687683)], [[[64.0, 334.0], [133.0, 332.0], [134.0, 343.0], [64.0, 345.0]], ('1 English Rose', 0.8783942461013794)], [[[221.0, 339.0], [247.0, 342.0], [246.0, 354.0], [220.0, 351.0]], ('56,0)', 0.8537269830703735)], [[[222.0, 331.0], [248.0, 331.0], [248.0, 343.0], [222.0, 343.0]], ('20,07', 0.8284646272659302)], [[[62.0, 342.0], [193.0, 338.0], [193.0, 352.0], [63.0, 356.0]], ('2 Don Ju1o 1942 Ch 28.00', 0.8511540293693542)], [[[83.0, 363.0], [146.0, 363.0], [146.0, 374.0], [83.0, 374.0]], ('54.36IVA 10%', 0.9218394756317139)], [[[214.0, 358.0], [246.0, 362.0], [245.0, 375.0], [213.0, 371.0]], ('598.0', 0.8942551612854004)], [[[74.0, 374.0], [123.0, 374.0], [123.0, 385.0], [74.0, 385.0]], ('Net lotal:', 0.8712237477302551)], [[[209.0, 369.0], [245.0, 372.0], [244.0, 387.0], [208.0, 384.0]], ('543.64', 0.819752037525177)], [[[73.0, 385.0], [112.0, 385.0], [112.0, 396.0], [73.0, 396.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9891246557235718)], [[[209.0, 384.0], [245.0, 384.0], [245.0, 398.0], [209.0, 398.0]], ('598,00', 0.9045026898384094)], [[[59.0, 396.0], [127.0, 396.0], [127.0, 407.0], [59.0, 407.0]], ('0:15AM', 0.912527859210968)], [[[123.0, 406.0], [242.0, 407.0], [242.0, 421.0], [123.0, 420.0]], ('Total 59800e', 0.9071764349937439)]]
{"store_name": "NOBU Nobu", "store_addr": "NobuHotelIbizaBay Ibiza", "telephone": "", "date": "12Jul'17", "time": "0:15AM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "598,00\u20ac", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PadronPeppers", "item_value": "12,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TK40", "item_value": "47,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "N.S.Salmon", "item_value": "24,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RockShrBSOS", "item_value": "35,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GambasalAjillo", "item_value": "58,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TacoLobster", "item_value": "18,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChickenJidori", "item_value": "32,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Anticucho", "item_value": "10,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Fiji1L", "item_value": "20,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "JalapGinger", "item_value": "246,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "godelloAvancia@82,00", "item_value": "20,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FourHorsemen", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "EnglishRose", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DonJulio1942Ch@28.00", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[163.0, 20.0], [308.0, 26.0], [307.0, 54.0], [162.0, 48.0]], ('ORDER:92', 0.9553673267364502)], [[[187.0, 58.0], [283.0, 62.0], [282.0, 91.0], [186.0, 87.0]], ('Dine In', 0.9424210786819458)], [[[34.0, 89.0], [106.0, 89.0], [106.0, 111.0], [34.0, 111.0]], ('Cashier!', 0.9390328526496887)], [[[34.0, 112.0], [237.0, 118.0], [237.0, 139.0], [34.0, 133.0]], ('24-May-20151:46:29P', 0.9593104124069214)], [[[70.0, 159.0], [212.0, 163.0], [212.0, 184.0], [70.0, 180.0]], ('Gyros Meal Deal', 0.9323562383651733)], [[[372.0, 167.0], [423.0, 167.0], [423.0, 190.0], [372.0, 190.0]], ('$8.25', 0.9967740774154663)], [[[35.0, 203.0], [113.0, 205.0], [113.0, 226.0], [35.0, 224.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9975200891494751)], [[[370.0, 211.0], [421.0, 211.0], [421.0, 233.0], [370.0, 233.0]], ('$8.25', 0.9976948499679565)], [[[36.0, 228.0], [71.0, 228.0], [71.0, 248.0], [36.0, 248.0]], ('Tax', 0.9970459938049316)], [[[368.0, 233.0], [421.0, 233.0], [421.0, 255.0], [368.0, 255.0]], ('$0.66', 0.9963929057121277)], [[[37.0, 272.0], [82.0, 272.0], [82.0, 291.0], [37.0, 291.0]], ('Total', 0.9984879493713379)], [[[368.0, 276.0], [419.0, 276.0], [419.0, 298.0], [368.0, 298.0]], ('$8.91', 0.998498797416687)], [[[37.0, 304.0], [205.0, 307.0], [205.0, 324.0], [37.0, 321.0]], ('CREDIT CARD SALE', 0.9527188539505005)], [[[368.0, 307.0], [419.0, 307.0], [419.0, 329.0], [368.0, 329.0]], ('$8.91', 0.9885778427124023)], [[[36.0, 326.0], [128.0, 328.0], [128.0, 346.0], [36.0, 344.0]], ('VISA 8668', 0.9103822708129883)], [[[35.0, 357.0], [233.0, 358.0], [233.0, 378.0], [35.0, 377.0]], ('24-May-20151:47:05P', 0.9634240865707397)], [[[37.0, 380.0], [298.0, 382.0], [298.0, 399.0], [37.0, 397.0]], ('$8.91Method:CONTACTLESS', 0.9605668783187866)], [[[36.0, 402.0], [268.0, 403.0], [268.0, 420.0], [36.0, 419.0]], ('VISAXXXXXXXXXXXX8668', 0.9349055290222168)], [[[36.0, 423.0], [356.0, 426.0], [356.0, 443.0], [36.0, 440.0]], ('Ref#:514400017986Auth#:01170C', 0.9663465023040771)], [[[37.0, 446.0], [209.0, 446.0], [209.0, 463.0], [37.0, 463.0]], ('MID:372384258888', 0.977660059928894)], [[[39.0, 469.0], [226.0, 469.0], [226.0, 483.0], [39.0, 483.0]], ('AID:A0000000031010', 0.9778006076812744)], [[[36.0, 489.0], [309.0, 490.0], [309.0, 507.0], [36.0, 506.0]], ('NO CARDHOLDER VERIFICATION', 0.9604101777076721)], [[[38.0, 532.0], [240.0, 532.0], [240.0, 549.0], [38.0, 549.0]], ('Order 4J6A2T2PC5WVM', 0.9631946086883545)], [[[36.0, 562.0], [355.0, 564.0], [355.0, 581.0], [36.0, 579.0]], ('Like us on Facebook at', 0.9619691371917725)], [[[37.0, 585.0], [215.0, 585.0], [215.0, 602.0], [37.0, 602.0]], ('DinosGyrosGreekCafe', 0.997737467288971)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "24-May-2015", "time": "1:47:05P", "subtotal": "$8.25", "tax": "$0.66", "total": "$8.91", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "GyrosMealDeal", "item_value": "$8.25", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[106.0, 42.0], [185.0, 37.0], [186.0, 50.0], [107.0, 56.0]], ('Customer Receipt', 0.9619460105895996)], [[[124.0, 52.0], [183.0, 47.0], [184.0, 61.0], [125.0, 66.0]], ('Order.40856', 0.8803484439849854)], [[[100.0, 77.0], [194.0, 73.0], [194.0, 84.0], [100.0, 89.0]], ('40874 Merchants Lano', 0.8907702565193176)], [[[111.0, 68.0], [182.0, 65.0], [183.0, 76.0], [112.0, 80.0]], ('Bottom f the Hl', 0.789684534072876)], [[[93.0, 87.0], [198.0, 81.0], [199.0, 94.0], [94.0, 100.0]], ('Leonardtown.MD20650', 0.9387977123260498)], [[[81.0, 100.0], [112.0, 100.0], [112.0, 111.0], [81.0, 111.0]], ('Dine in', 0.9491921663284302)], [[[144.0, 106.0], [185.0, 109.0], [184.0, 120.0], [144.0, 117.0]], ('12.20pm', 0.9085651636123657)], [[[145.0, 98.0], [186.0, 98.0], [186.0, 109.0], [145.0, 109.0]], ('8/27/2017', 0.8950502872467041)], [[[99.0, 129.0], [172.0, 129.0], [172.0, 139.0], [99.0, 139.0]], ('Blue Moon Drauc', 0.8827935457229614)], [[[187.0, 127.0], [207.0, 127.0], [207.0, 138.0], [187.0, 138.0]], ('3.67', 0.9755552411079407)], [[[99.0, 139.0], [168.0, 139.0], [168.0, 146.0], [99.0, 146.0]], ('Coors Lite Bollle', 0.8311443328857422)], [[[185.0, 144.0], [209.0, 144.0], [209.0, 155.0], [185.0, 155.0]], ('13.95', 0.9609051942825317)], [[[187.0, 136.0], [208.0, 136.0], [208.0, 147.0], [187.0, 147.0]], ('1.84', 0.8382028341293335)], [[[97.0, 154.0], [142.0, 154.0], [142.0, 164.0], [97.0, 164.0]], ('REUSEN', 0.914076030254364)], [[[98.0, 146.0], [171.0, 146.0], [171.0, 156.0], [98.0, 156.0]], ('C.BALL BASKET', 0.9036630988121033)], [[[187.0, 154.0], [209.0, 154.0], [209.0, 165.0], [187.0, 165.0]], ('566', 0.7057995796203613)], [[[185.0, 180.0], [211.0, 180.0], [211.0, 191.0], [185.0, 191.0]], ('29.41', 0.9742652177810669)], [[[190.0, 187.0], [212.0, 187.0], [212.0, 198.0], [190.0, 198.0]], ('1.43', 0.9905996322631836)], [[[84.0, 197.0], [167.0, 197.0], [167.0, 210.0], [84.0, 210.0]], ('ALCOHOL/BEER:', 0.9421417713165283)], [[[190.0, 198.0], [213.0, 198.0], [213.0, 210.0], [190.0, 210.0]], ('0.50', 0.9918655157089233)], [[[136.0, 244.0], [169.0, 244.0], [169.0, 258.0], [136.0, 258.0]], ("'Total", 0.8487176895141602)], [[[183.0, 245.0], [213.0, 245.0], [213.0, 256.0], [183.0, 256.0]], ('31.34', 0.9848563075065613)], [[[105.0, 258.0], [167.0, 256.0], [167.0, 270.0], [106.0, 272.0]], ('Amount Due', 0.9184768795967102)], [[[184.0, 257.0], [214.0, 257.0], [214.0, 271.0], [184.0, 271.0]], ('31.34', 0.916983962059021)], [[[102.0, 305.0], [191.0, 304.0], [191.0, 318.0], [102.0, 319.0]], ('Server KATRINA', 0.9483724236488342)], [[[97.0, 318.0], [192.0, 318.0], [192.0, 331.0], [97.0, 331.0]], ('Cashier.KATRINA', 0.9595819711685181)], [[[94.0, 331.0], [196.0, 331.0], [196.0, 346.0], [94.0, 346.0]], ('RegisterPos Three', 0.9668374061584473)], [[[63.0, 345.0], [174.0, 343.0], [174.0, 358.0], [63.0, 359.0]], ('Order Number:40856', 0.9492967128753662)], [[[105.0, 359.0], [139.0, 359.0], [139.0, 373.0], [105.0, 373.0]], ('Table,', 0.8946065902709961)], [[[76.0, 378.0], [212.0, 378.0], [212.0, 392.0], [76.0, 392.0]], ('We value your comments!', 0.9543832540512085)], [[[60.0, 403.0], [227.0, 403.0], [227.0, 416.0], [60.0, 416.0]], ('THANK YOU FOR VISITING US', 0.925482988357544)], [[[58.0, 417.0], [227.0, 417.0], [227.0, 430.0], [58.0, 430.0]], ('AT THE BOTTCM OF THE HILL', 0.8997492790222168)], [[[57.0, 429.0], [226.0, 430.0], [226.0, 444.0], [57.0, 443.0]], ('TAVERN. COMEBACK SOON', 0.9281546473503113)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "Leonardtown,MD20650", "telephone": "", "date": "6/27/2017", "time": "12:20pm", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "31.34", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CBALLBASKET", "item_value": "3.67", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "REUBEN", "item_value": "1.84", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "POTATOSALAD", "item_value": "13.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "9.95", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[103.0, 48.0], [210.0, 53.0], [208.0, 75.0], [102.0, 69.0]], ('Served by:', 0.9184519648551941)], [[[175.0, 73.0], [441.0, 71.0], [441.0, 100.0], [175.0, 102.0]], ('Term ID-Trans#1/A-221125', 0.9164384007453918)], [[[250.0, 121.0], [368.0, 121.0], [368.0, 142.0], [250.0, 142.0]], ('TAX INVOICE', 0.9620444774627686)], [[[225.0, 146.0], [395.0, 146.0], [395.0, 164.0], [225.0, 164.0]], ('ABN47831255770', 0.9886857867240906)], [[[77.0, 180.0], [225.0, 189.0], [223.0, 215.0], [76.0, 206.0]], ('Qty Size Item', 0.9378429651260376)], [[[456.0, 185.0], [515.0, 185.0], [515.0, 208.0], [456.0, 208.0]], ('Price', 0.9918152093887329)], [[[96.0, 235.0], [114.0, 235.0], [114.0, 256.0], [96.0, 256.0]], ('1', 0.9101120233535767)], [[[138.0, 234.0], [418.0, 233.0], [418.0, 261.0], [138.0, 263.0]], ('6Egg & Cheese Bkfst Sub', 0.9392208456993103)], [[[459.0, 230.0], [518.0, 230.0], [518.0, 256.0], [459.0, 256.0]], ('$4.55', 0.992760181427002)], [[[96.0, 260.0], [114.0, 260.0], [114.0, 283.0], [96.0, 283.0]], ('1', 0.9216464161872864)], [[[176.0, 261.0], [320.0, 266.0], [319.0, 290.0], [175.0, 285.0]], ('Bott led Juice', 0.9327956438064575)], [[[448.0, 258.0], [519.0, 253.0], [521.0, 279.0], [450.0, 284.0]], ('$3.50*', 0.8857908844947815)], [[[73.0, 308.0], [178.0, 312.0], [177.0, 337.0], [72.0, 333.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9026764631271362)], [[[450.0, 307.0], [511.0, 304.0], [512.0, 331.0], [451.0, 334.0]], ('$7.64', 0.9678928256034851)], [[[75.0, 335.0], [234.0, 340.0], [233.0, 364.0], [74.0, 359.0]], ('Taxable Amount', 0.9545809626579285)], [[[449.0, 335.0], [511.0, 331.0], [512.0, 358.0], [451.0, 362.0]], ('$4.14', 0.9927318692207336)], [[[74.0, 360.0], [183.0, 366.0], [182.0, 388.0], [73.0, 382.0]], ('GST10%', 0.9806881546974182)], [[[452.0, 362.0], [509.0, 359.0], [510.0, 383.0], [453.0, 386.0]], ('$0.41', 0.985406756401062)], [[[72.0, 385.0], [233.0, 392.0], [232.0, 415.0], [71.0, 408.0]], ('Total Eat In', 0.9399573802947998)], [[[453.0, 387.0], [512.0, 384.0], [513.0, 408.0], [454.0, 411.0]], ('$8.05', 0.9953886270523071)], [[[70.0, 410.0], [123.0, 413.0], [122.0, 437.0], [69.0, 434.0]], ('Cash', 0.9971408247947693)], [[[444.0, 412.0], [514.0, 409.0], [515.0, 432.0], [444.0, 435.0]], ('$20.00', 0.993476390838623)], [[[68.0, 435.0], [146.0, 439.0], [144.0, 465.0], [67.0, 461.0]], ('Change', 0.9971349239349365)], [[[447.0, 435.0], [518.0, 435.0], [518.0, 458.0], [447.0, 458.0]], ('$11.95', 0.9912993907928467)], [[[67.0, 465.0], [299.0, 461.0], [300.0, 487.0], [67.0, 491.0]], ('*Items) non taxed.', 0.9111964702606201)], [[[70.0, 518.0], [418.0, 513.0], [419.0, 538.0], [70.0, 543.0]], ('We bel ieve in EQUALITY for ALL', 0.8757890462875366)], [[[69.0, 547.0], [203.0, 544.0], [203.0, 569.0], [69.0, 572.0]], ('Australians', 0.9784385561943054)], [[[66.0, 602.0], [248.0, 598.0], [249.0, 624.0], [66.0, 628.0]], ('What about you?', 0.9598815441131592)], [[[62.0, 660.0], [446.0, 652.0], [446.0, 680.0], [62.0, 688.0]], ('Vote "yEs"in the Posta1 Survey', 0.8823568820953369)], [[[57.0, 719.0], [555.0, 708.0], [556.0, 739.0], [57.0, 750.0]], ("Do it because it's the right thing to do.", 0.9490227103233337)], [[[52.0, 818.0], [453.0, 800.0], [454.0, 828.0], [54.0, 846.0]], ('Host 0rder ID:SPM20170904095648', 0.9471884965896606)], [[[48.0, 881.0], [555.0, 860.0], [556.0, 891.0], [50.0, 912.0]], ('Get a FREE caokie when you take our Te11', 0.9079763293266296)], [[[48.0, 916.0], [508.0, 895.0], [509.0, 927.0], [50.0, 947.0]], ('Subway survey within the next 7 days', 0.9278538823127747)], [[[44.0, 950.0], [430.0, 933.0], [431.0, 965.0], [46.0, 983.0]], ('', 0.9666740298271179)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "CRANBOURNE.VIC,3977 CranbourneParkShoppingCentreHighStr", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "$7.64", "tax": "$0.41 $4.14", "total": "$8.05", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BottledJuice", "item_value": "$3.50*", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "6\"Egg&CheeseBkfstSub", "item_value": "$4.55", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Item", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[82.0, 3.0], [200.0, 6.0], [199.0, 20.0], [82.0, 17.0]], ('Tb1 430/1 Chk 2485', 0.8878788352012634)], [[[230.0, 7.0], [269.0, 7.0], [269.0, 22.0], [230.0, 22.0]], ('6st5', 0.8507821559906006)], [[[127.0, 20.0], [223.0, 22.0], [222.0, 35.0], [126.0, 33.0]], ('May131810:45AM', 0.8821915984153748)], [[[93.0, 44.0], [143.0, 48.0], [142.0, 62.0], [92.0, 58.0]], ('3WATER', 0.9113803505897522)], [[[92.0, 58.0], [138.0, 61.0], [137.0, 75.0], [92.0, 73.0]], ('1 KBEV', 0.8195147514343262)], [[[222.0, 49.0], [249.0, 49.0], [249.0, 64.0], [222.0, 64.0]], ('0.00', 0.993887186050415)], [[[92.0, 73.0], [142.0, 75.0], [141.0, 89.0], [92.0, 87.0]], ('1SWATER', 0.8384838700294495)], [[[223.0, 64.0], [247.0, 64.0], [247.0, 76.0], [223.0, 76.0]], ('1.89', 0.9787888526916504)], [[[92.0, 87.0], [185.0, 89.0], [185.0, 103.0], [92.0, 101.0]], ('L STRWERRYLEMONA', 0.8845440149307251)], [[[222.0, 78.0], [247.0, 78.0], [247.0, 90.0], [222.0, 90.0]], ('0.00', 0.9619759321212769)], [[[220.0, 90.0], [247.0, 90.0], [247.0, 105.0], [220.0, 105.0]], ('3.49', 0.990564227104187)], [[[92.0, 100.0], [147.0, 102.0], [146.0, 116.0], [92.0, 114.0]], ('1.RAIOLI', 0.7369831204414368)], [[[92.0, 113.0], [168.0, 116.0], [168.0, 130.0], [92.0, 126.0]], ('IK HAMEURGER', 0.7832766175270081)], [[[216.0, 104.0], [247.0, 104.0], [247.0, 118.0], [216.0, 118.0]], ('13.49', 0.9901049733161926)], [[[113.0, 125.0], [162.0, 128.0], [162.0, 142.0], [112.0, 139.0]], ('CHZ-AMER', 0.9212567806243896)], [[[219.0, 118.0], [245.0, 118.0], [245.0, 130.0], [219.0, 130.0]], ('4.29', 0.9717016220092773)], [[[90.0, 138.0], [173.0, 142.0], [173.0, 155.0], [90.0, 152.0]], ('1COMEO PLATR', 0.8440994620323181)], [[[219.0, 130.0], [247.0, 130.0], [247.0, 143.0], [219.0, 143.0]], ('0.65', 0.9788495302200317)], [[[215.0, 141.0], [247.0, 144.0], [245.0, 158.0], [214.0, 155.0]], ('17.99', 0.9160090684890747)], [[[89.0, 151.0], [172.0, 154.0], [172.0, 168.0], [89.0, 165.0]], ('CHX/MUSH FET', 0.918961226940155)], [[[88.0, 164.0], [195.0, 167.0], [194.0, 181.0], [88.0, 178.0]], ('1STK&MUSHRCOFET', 0.8687211871147156)], [[[215.0, 156.0], [246.0, 156.0], [246.0, 170.0], [215.0, 170.0]], ('15.99', 0.9862440228462219)], [[[88.0, 178.0], [172.0, 180.0], [172.0, 193.0], [88.0, 191.0]], ('1 S/OMARINARA', 0.8774208426475525)], [[[215.0, 169.0], [246.0, 169.0], [246.0, 183.0], [215.0, 183.0]], ('17.99', 0.9836341738700867)], [[[86.0, 191.0], [207.0, 194.0], [206.0, 208.0], [86.0, 205.0]], ('2ITALIANICE3.99', 0.9081352949142456)], [[[218.0, 183.0], [246.0, 183.0], [246.0, 196.0], [218.0, 196.0]], ('2.49', 0.9794567823410034)], [[[86.0, 203.0], [176.0, 207.0], [176.0, 221.0], [86.0, 217.0]], ('2GELATO3.99', 0.9442349076271057)], [[[219.0, 197.0], [245.0, 197.0], [245.0, 209.0], [219.0, 209.0]], ('7.98', 0.9570239186286926)], [[[86.0, 218.0], [182.0, 221.0], [182.0, 234.0], [86.0, 232.0]], ('VIRG STRAW DA', 0.8216419219970703)], [[[220.0, 211.0], [246.0, 211.0], [246.0, 222.0], [220.0, 222.0]], ('7.98', 0.9767841696739197)], [[[220.0, 220.0], [248.0, 223.0], [246.0, 239.0], [218.0, 236.0]], ('4.50', 0.9917057752609253)], [[[95.0, 246.0], [146.0, 248.0], [145.0, 263.0], [95.0, 261.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9937611818313599)], [[[213.0, 249.0], [248.0, 251.0], [247.0, 266.0], [212.0, 264.0]], ('98.73', 0.9864374399185181)], [[[95.0, 261.0], [118.0, 261.0], [118.0, 276.0], [95.0, 276.0]], ('TAX', 0.9917367100715637)], [[[69.0, 274.0], [247.0, 280.0], [247.0, 297.0], [68.0, 290.0]], ('1130MATDUE13.38', 0.8531038761138916)], [[[218.0, 266.0], [246.0, 266.0], [246.0, 281.0], [218.0, 281.0]], ('4.65', 0.982093870639801)], [[[1.0, 306.0], [47.0, 306.0], [47.0, 320.0], [1.0, 320.0]], ('naaane', 0.5745177865028381)], [[[80.0, 320.0], [253.0, 326.0], [253.0, 340.0], [80.0, 334.0]], ('THANK YOU FOR DINING WITH US', 0.9251405596733093)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "May13'18", "time": "11:30AM", "subtotal": "98.73", "tax": "4,65", "total": "103.38", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "*WATER", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KBEV", "item_value": "1.89", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "*WATER", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "STRWBRRYLEMONA", "item_value": "3.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RAVIOLI", "item_value": "13.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KHAMELRGER", "item_value": "4.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHZ-AMER", "item_value": "0.65", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COMBOFLATTR", "item_value": "17.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHX/MUSHFET", "item_value": "15.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "STK&MUSHROOMFET", "item_value": "17.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "S/OMARINARA", "item_value": "2.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ITALIANICE", "item_value": "7.98", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GELATO", "item_value": "7.98", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "VIRGSTRAWDAO", "item_value": "4.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[358.0, 48.0], [509.0, 43.0], [511.0, 81.0], [359.0, 86.0]], ('TARGET', 0.9954118132591248)], [[[367.0, 83.0], [509.0, 82.0], [509.0, 100.0], [368.0, 101.0]], ('EXPECT MORE PAY LESS', 0.9315544962882996)], [[[299.0, 125.0], [517.0, 123.0], [517.0, 141.0], [299.0, 143.0]], ('BURLINGTON-360-757-6737', 0.9611327052116394)], [[[257.0, 142.0], [574.0, 140.0], [574.0, 157.0], [257.0, 159.0]], ('05/06/2016 09:53 PM EXPIRES08/04/16', 0.9395207166671753)], [[[227.0, 227.0], [289.0, 227.0], [289.0, 245.0], [227.0, 245.0]], ('GROCERY', 0.9956333041191101)], [[[529.0, 220.0], [580.0, 217.0], [581.0, 236.0], [530.0, 239.0]], ('$2.99', 0.9897702932357788)], [[[355.0, 231.0], [500.0, 222.0], [501.0, 238.0], [357.0, 247.0]], ('AF ICE CREAM FN', 0.908530056476593)], [[[224.0, 243.0], [300.0, 238.0], [301.0, 253.0], [225.0, 258.0]], ('288072311', 0.9979822635650635)], [[[424.0, 253.0], [495.0, 250.0], [496.0, 267.0], [425.0, 271.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9952741861343384)], [[[530.0, 247.0], [581.0, 244.0], [582.0, 263.0], [531.0, 266.0]], ('$2.99', 0.9937191009521484)], [[[438.0, 269.0], [497.0, 263.0], [499.0, 279.0], [440.0, 285.0]], ('NO TAX', 0.9317204356193542)], [[[533.0, 262.0], [582.0, 262.0], [582.0, 278.0], [533.0, 278.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9951788783073425)], [[[449.0, 281.0], [497.0, 279.0], [498.0, 295.0], [450.0, 297.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9967018365859985)], [[[533.0, 278.0], [583.0, 278.0], [583.0, 294.0], [533.0, 294.0]], ('$2.99', 0.9942843317985535)], [[[344.0, 312.0], [498.0, 307.0], [499.0, 326.0], [344.0, 330.0]], ('*1005 AMEX CHARGE', 0.9149802327156067)], [[[534.0, 307.0], [583.0, 307.0], [583.0, 323.0], [534.0, 323.0]], ('$2.99', 0.9934338331222534)], [[[396.0, 326.0], [583.0, 321.0], [584.0, 337.0], [397.0, 343.0]], ('AID:A000000025010801', 0.9831470251083374)], [[[396.0, 342.0], [545.0, 337.0], [546.0, 352.0], [397.0, 356.0]], ('AMERICAN EXPRESS', 0.963683009147644)], [[[214.0, 385.0], [614.0, 383.0], [614.0, 398.0], [214.0, 400.0]], ('REC#2-6127-0696-0075-0679-3 VCD#750-250-855', 0.9707190990447998)], [[[254.0, 428.0], [549.0, 430.0], [549.0, 448.0], [254.0, 446.0]], ('Visit or cal1', 0.9191373586654663)], [[[254.0, 444.0], [549.0, 447.0], [549.0, 465.0], [253.0, 461.0]], ('1-800-RECYCLE to find electronic', 0.9236976504325867)], [[[216.0, 461.0], [577.0, 463.0], [577.0, 480.0], [216.0, 479.0]], ('product recycling services in your area', 0.9581264853477478)], [[[424.0, 560.0], [523.0, 560.0], [523.0, 579.0], [424.0, 579.0]], ('O en espanol', 0.9194709658622742)], [[[321.0, 596.0], [537.0, 596.0], [537.0, 624.0], [321.0, 624.0]], ("HOW'D WE DO?", 0.9264985918998718)], [[[257.0, 654.0], [553.0, 650.0], [553.0, 680.0], [257.0, 685.0]], ("TELL US, WE'RE ALL EARS!", 0.8750057220458984)], [[[332.0, 738.0], [447.0, 736.0], [448.0, 754.0], [333.0, 755.0]], ('EVERY MONTH!!', 0.9403305649757385)], [[[377.0, 754.0], [415.0, 754.0], [415.0, 770.0], [377.0, 770.0]], ('PLUS', 0.9959259033203125)], [[[307.0, 804.0], [486.0, 801.0], [486.0, 820.0], [307.0, 823.0]], ('', 0.9822818636894226)], [[[289.0, 819.0], [502.0, 813.0], [503.0, 835.0], [289.0, 841.0]], ('User ID:7387 2930 4992', 0.9124877452850342)], [[[315.0, 835.0], [475.0, 832.0], [475.0, 850.0], [316.0, 853.0]], ('Password:493207', 0.9680139422416687)], [[[307.0, 864.0], [481.0, 860.0], [482.0, 883.0], [307.0, 887.0]], ('CUENTENOS EN ESPANOL', 0.9577563405036926)], [[[288.0, 896.0], [502.0, 890.0], [503.0, 914.0], [289.0, 920.0]], ('Survey Must Be Completed', 0.9403221011161804)]]
{"store_name": "TARGET", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "BURLINGTON-360-757-6737", "date": "05/06/2016", "time": "09:53PM", "subtotal": "$2.99", "tax": "$0.00", "total": "$2.99 $2.99", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "AFICECREAMFN", "item_value": "$2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[1138.0, 114.0], [1730.0, 79.0], [1737.0, 199.0], [1146.0, 233.0]], ('01/14/15', 0.9979580640792847)], [[[271.0, 128.0], [634.0, 141.0], [630.0, 266.0], [266.0, 254.0]], ('Date:', 0.9664300680160522)], [[[1354.0, 236.0], [1738.0, 219.0], [1744.0, 352.0], [1360.0, 369.0]], ('09:45', 0.9526858329772949)], [[[282.0, 269.0], [640.0, 269.0], [640.0, 401.0], [282.0, 401.0]], ('Time:', 0.9831402897834778)], [[[288.0, 416.0], [1361.0, 390.0], [1364.0, 516.0], [291.0, 542.0]], ('Invoice # 76530', 0.9339933395385742)], [[[273.0, 675.0], [579.0, 689.0], [572.0, 831.0], [266.0, 818.0]], ('Visa', 0.9980249404907227)], [[[276.0, 836.0], [918.0, 844.0], [917.0, 963.0], [274.0, 955.0]], ('Card Sale', 0.9639133810997009)], [[[278.0, 980.0], [1428.0, 965.0], [1430.0, 1084.0], [279.0, 1099.0]], ('#########1986', 0.7908220291137695)], [[[276.0, 1379.0], [583.0, 1392.0], [576.0, 1528.0], [269.0, 1515.0]], ('Pump', 0.9960450530052185)], [[[709.0, 1387.0], [1721.0, 1387.0], [1721.0, 1513.0], [709.0, 1513.0]], ('GalLons Price', 0.894533097743988)], [[[351.0, 1527.0], [452.0, 1527.0], [452.0, 1656.0], [351.0, 1656.0]], ('2', 0.988990068435669)], [[[723.0, 1540.0], [1721.0, 1540.0], [1721.0, 1646.0], [723.0, 1646.0]], ('15.278$1.289', 0.9803366661071777)], [[[276.0, 1801.0], [800.0, 1809.0], [798.0, 1939.0], [274.0, 1931.0]], ('Product', 0.9951637387275696)], [[[1285.0, 1812.0], [1736.0, 1820.0], [1734.0, 1942.0], [1282.0, 1934.0]], ('Amount', 0.996417760848999)], [[[282.0, 1955.0], [796.0, 1955.0], [796.0, 2074.0], [282.0, 2074.0]], ('Premiun', 0.9107400178909302)], [[[1205.0, 1951.0], [1739.0, 1959.0], [1737.0, 2088.0], [1203.0, 2080.0]], ('$19.69', 0.9659531712532043)], [[[296.0, 2230.0], [1005.0, 2230.0], [1005.0, 2346.0], [296.0, 2346.0]], ('TOTAL SALE', 0.9692608118057251)], [[[1197.0, 2237.0], [1729.0, 2245.0], [1727.0, 2360.0], [1196.0, 2352.0]], ('$19.69', 0.929271936416626)], [[[281.0, 2653.0], [1013.0, 2634.0], [1016.0, 2753.0], [284.0, 2772.0]], ('Approval #', 0.9195050001144409)], [[[1293.0, 2651.0], [1737.0, 2667.0], [1732.0, 2789.0], [1289.0, 2773.0]], ('03716C', 0.9863696098327637)], [[[268.0, 2793.0], [645.0, 2765.0], [654.0, 2888.0], [278.0, 2917.0]], ('REF', 0.9957121014595032)], [[[1291.0, 2790.0], [1737.0, 2810.0], [1731.0, 2932.0], [1285.0, 2912.0]], ('520849', 0.9984228014945984)], [[[807.0, 2909.0], [1441.0, 2936.0], [1436.0, 3065.0], [802.0, 3038.0]], ('Thank You', 0.969039797782898)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "01/14/15", "time": "09:45", "subtotal": "$19.69", "tax": "", "total": "$19.69", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Premium", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "Product", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[621.0, 1050.0], [2263.0, 1037.0], [2264.0, 1151.0], [622.0, 1164.0]], ('HARBOR FREIGHT TOOLS', 0.9561766386032104)], [[[763.0, 1185.0], [2130.0, 1185.0], [2130.0, 1269.0], [763.0, 1269.0]], ('Quality Tools at Ridiculously Low Prices', 0.9285576939582825)], [[[880.0, 1307.0], [1949.0, 1307.0], [1949.0, 1379.0], [880.0, 1379.0]], ('DOWNINGTOWN PA #O0344', 0.9011296033859253)], [[[919.0, 1421.0], [1915.0, 1421.0], [1915.0, 1505.0], [919.0, 1505.0]], ('12 QUARRY RD UNIT G2', 0.9247075915336609)], [[[863.0, 1547.0], [1915.0, 1552.0], [1915.0, 1628.0], [862.0, 1623.0]], ('DOWNINGTOWN,PA 19335', 0.9291096925735474)], [[[755.0, 1670.0], [2027.0, 1665.0], [2027.0, 1750.0], [755.0, 1754.0]], ('Telephone:610873-2147', 0.955123782157898)], [[[1156.0, 2172.0], [1574.0, 2172.0], [1574.0, 2273.0], [1156.0, 2273.0]], ('SALE', 0.9978305697441101)], [[[2290.0, 2446.0], [2566.0, 2446.0], [2566.0, 2551.0], [2290.0, 2551.0]], ('$1.49', 0.9821391105651855)], [[[289.0, 2463.0], [1971.0, 2454.0], [1971.0, 2543.0], [289.0, 2551.0]], ('99762 SAFETY GLASSES (CLEAR LEN', 0.9255302548408508)], [[[2299.0, 2589.0], [2579.0, 2589.0], [2579.0, 2694.0], [2299.0, 2694.0]], ('$1.49', 0.9960959553718567)], [[[276.0, 2606.0], [1979.0, 2602.0], [1980.0, 2690.0], [276.0, 2695.0]], ('99762 SAFETY GLASSES (CLEAR LEN', 0.9261505007743835)], [[[2250.0, 2742.0], [2585.0, 2731.0], [2589.0, 2841.0], [2254.0, 2851.0]], ('$12.99', 0.9971973299980164)], [[[267.0, 2753.0], [1087.0, 2753.0], [1087.0, 2842.0], [267.0, 2842.0]], ('97849 EAR MUFFS', 0.944275438785553)], [[[2315.0, 2894.0], [2602.0, 2883.0], [2606.0, 2993.0], [2319.0, 3003.0]], ('$3.99', 0.9978065490722656)], [[[255.0, 2905.0], [1479.0, 2910.0], [1479.0, 2998.0], [254.0, 2994.0]], ('2529 15IN FLAT PRY BAR', 0.9278835654258728)], [[[2323.0, 3046.0], [2615.0, 3035.0], [2619.0, 3140.0], [2327.0, 3151.0]], ('$4.99', 0.9952245950698853)], [[[241.0, 3057.0], [1997.0, 3053.0], [1997.0, 3150.0], [242.0, 3154.0]], ('60714 160Z FIBERGLASS CLAW HAMM', 0.9489258527755737)], [[[2289.0, 3349.0], [2641.0, 3339.0], [2645.0, 3448.0], [2292.0, 3459.0]], ('$24.95', 0.9905933737754822)], [[[216.0, 3369.0], [668.0, 3369.0], [668.0, 3475.0], [216.0, 3475.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9971867799758911)], [[[2363.0, 3508.0], [2665.0, 3508.0], [2665.0, 3618.0], [2363.0, 3618.0]], ('$1.50', 0.9939943552017212)], [[[200.0, 3524.0], [863.0, 3538.0], [861.0, 3644.0], [198.0, 3630.0]], ('Sales Tax ', 0.926733672618866)], [[[828.0, 3534.0], [1255.0, 3534.0], [1255.0, 3635.0], [828.0, 3635.0]], ('6.0000%', 0.9951909780502319)], [[[2324.0, 3668.0], [2687.0, 3668.0], [2687.0, 3791.0], [2324.0, 3791.0]], ('$26.45', 0.9812151789665222)], [[[185.0, 3680.0], [489.0, 3691.0], [484.0, 3817.0], [180.0, 3806.0]], ('Total', 0.9968558549880981)], [[[170.0, 3846.0], [433.0, 3874.0], [419.0, 3997.0], [156.0, 3968.0]], ('Visa', 0.9965519905090332)], [[[2333.0, 3841.0], [2704.0, 3841.0], [2704.0, 3964.0], [2333.0, 3964.0]], ('$26.45', 0.9908943772315979)]]
{"store_name": "HARBORFREIGHTTOOLS", "store_addr": "DOWNINGTOWNPA#00344 12QUARRYRDUNITG2 DOWNINGTOWN,PA19335", "telephone": "(610)873-2147", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "$24.95", "tax": "$1.50", "total": "$26.45 $26.45", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "99762SAFETYGLASSES(CLEARLEN", "item_value": "$1.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "99762SAFETYGLASSES(CLEARLEN", "item_value": "$1.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "97849EARMUFFS", "item_value": "$12.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "252915INFLATPRYBAR", "item_value": "$3.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "6071416OZFIBERGLASSCLAWHAMM", "item_value": "$4.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[1154.0, 248.0], [1631.0, 251.0], [1631.0, 295.0], [1154.0, 292.0]], ('Main Street Restaurant', 0.9840027093887329)], [[[1189.0, 289.0], [1596.0, 295.0], [1595.0, 336.0], [1189.0, 329.0]], ('6332 Business Drive', 0.9760516285896301)], [[[1291.0, 330.0], [1491.0, 330.0], [1491.0, 364.0], [1291.0, 364.0]], ('Suite 528', 0.9607058763504028)], [[[1107.0, 354.0], [1666.0, 361.0], [1666.0, 405.0], [1106.0, 398.0]], ('Palo Alto California 94301', 0.9582642912864685)], [[[1269.0, 395.0], [1507.0, 402.0], [1506.0, 443.0], [1268.0, 436.0]], ('575-1628095', 0.9973262548446655)], [[[1148.0, 512.0], [1625.0, 512.0], [1625.0, 556.0], [1148.0, 556.0]], ('Mon 04/10/2017 1:16 PM', 0.9358764886856079)], [[[1103.0, 590.0], [1361.0, 590.0], [1361.0, 631.0], [1103.0, 631.0]], ('Merchant ID:', 0.9526765942573547)], [[[1446.0, 587.0], [1663.0, 587.0], [1663.0, 631.0], [1446.0, 631.0]], ('9hqjxvufdr', 0.9869540929794312)], [[[1100.0, 624.0], [1361.0, 628.0], [1360.0, 672.0], [1100.0, 668.0]], ('Terminal ID:', 0.9688708186149597)], [[[1558.0, 634.0], [1666.0, 634.0], [1666.0, 669.0], [1558.0, 669.0]], ('11111', 0.9985324740409851)], [[[1097.0, 693.0], [1517.0, 697.0], [1516.0, 741.0], [1097.0, 737.0]], ('Order ID:#59818141', 0.9579882025718689)], [[[1097.0, 731.0], [1402.0, 738.0], [1401.0, 779.0], [1096.0, 772.0]], ('Order Number:', 0.9549018144607544)], [[[1098.0, 800.0], [1326.0, 807.0], [1325.0, 851.0], [1096.0, 844.0]], ('Cappuccino', 0.9977609515190125)], [[[1577.0, 807.0], [1672.0, 807.0], [1672.0, 854.0], [1577.0, 854.0]], ('3.50', 0.9986291527748108)], [[[1100.0, 844.0], [1303.0, 844.0], [1303.0, 888.0], [1100.0, 888.0]], ('Apple Pie', 0.9681699275970459)], [[[1577.0, 847.0], [1675.0, 847.0], [1675.0, 891.0], [1577.0, 891.0]], ('3.00', 0.9986960291862488)], [[[1099.0, 878.0], [1282.0, 889.0], [1279.0, 933.0], [1096.0, 922.0]], ('Brownies', 0.997739315032959)], [[[1580.0, 885.0], [1675.0, 885.0], [1675.0, 932.0], [1580.0, 932.0]], ('3.50', 0.9969341158866882)], [[[1098.0, 950.0], [1304.0, 958.0], [1302.0, 1002.0], [1096.0, 994.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9465314149856567)], [[[1444.0, 957.0], [1676.0, 964.0], [1674.0, 1011.0], [1443.0, 1004.0]], ('USD$10.00', 0.9951171875)], [[[1099.0, 1025.0], [1215.0, 1034.0], [1212.0, 1081.0], [1096.0, 1072.0]], ('Total', 0.999132513999939)], [[[1450.0, 1039.0], [1679.0, 1039.0], [1679.0, 1083.0], [1450.0, 1083.0]], ('USD$10.00', 0.9927797317504883)], [[[1098.0, 1104.0], [1194.0, 1116.0], [1188.0, 1166.0], [1092.0, 1154.0]], ('Tip:', 0.9858072400093079)], [[[1100.0, 1196.0], [1421.0, 1196.0], [1421.0, 1240.0], [1100.0, 1240.0]], ('Grand Total: ', 0.9345052242279053)], [[[1110.0, 1315.0], [1650.0, 1318.0], [1650.0, 1362.0], [1109.0, 1359.0]], ('I agree to pay the above', 0.9687798619270325)], [[[1106.0, 1359.0], [1663.0, 1359.0], [1663.0, 1403.0], [1106.0, 1403.0]], ('total amount according to', 0.9624161720275879)], [[[1103.0, 1400.0], [1675.0, 1400.0], [1675.0, 1444.0], [1103.0, 1444.0]], ('the card issuer agreement.', 0.9856087565422058)], [[[1103.0, 1481.0], [1326.0, 1481.0], [1326.0, 1525.0], [1103.0, 1525.0]], ('Signature:', 0.9965176582336426)], [[[1476.0, 1672.0], [1689.0, 1680.0], [1687.0, 1727.0], [1475.0, 1719.0]], ('#7375baab', 0.9978272318840027)], [[[1103.0, 1682.0], [1443.0, 1682.0], [1443.0, 1723.0], [1103.0, 1723.0]], ('Transaction ID:', 0.9838192462921143)], [[[1103.0, 1729.0], [1218.0, 1729.0], [1218.0, 1776.0], [1103.0, 1776.0]], ('Type:', 0.9971021413803101)], [[[1548.0, 1723.0], [1688.0, 1723.0], [1688.0, 1767.0], [1548.0, 1767.0]], ('CREDIT', 0.9978616833686829)], [[[1307.0, 1811.0], [1488.0, 1811.0], [1488.0, 1845.0], [1307.0, 1845.0]], ('PURCHASE', 0.9965620040893555)], [[[1103.0, 1852.0], [1268.0, 1852.0], [1268.0, 1896.0], [1103.0, 1896.0]], ('Number:', 0.997418999671936)], [[[1316.0, 1849.0], [1691.0, 1845.0], [1691.0, 1889.0], [1316.0, 1893.0]], ('XXXXXXXXXXXX9992', 0.8053601384162903)], [[[1099.0, 1893.0], [1353.0, 1886.0], [1355.0, 1939.0], [1101.0, 1946.0]], ('Entry Mode:', 0.9474740624427795)], [[[1547.0, 1893.0], [1693.0, 1886.0], [1695.0, 1933.0], [1550.0, 1940.0]], ('Swiped', 0.9984309077262878)], [[[1101.0, 1933.0], [1333.0, 1940.0], [1331.0, 1984.0], [1099.0, 1977.0]], ('Card Type:', 0.9606515169143677)], [[[1596.0, 1933.0], [1698.0, 1933.0], [1698.0, 1977.0], [1596.0, 1977.0]], ('VISA', 0.9983365535736084)], [[[1101.0, 2018.0], [1307.0, 2025.0], [1306.0, 2069.0], [1099.0, 2062.0]], ('Response:', 0.9950168132781982)], [[[1513.0, 2018.0], [1701.0, 2018.0], [1701.0, 2062.0], [1513.0, 2062.0]], ('APPROVED', 0.996973991394043)], [[[1096.0, 2063.0], [1426.0, 2052.0], [1428.0, 2105.0], [1098.0, 2116.0]], ('Approval Code:', 0.9723252654075623)], [[[1558.0, 2062.0], [1701.0, 2062.0], [1701.0, 2106.0], [1558.0, 2106.0]], ('352404', 0.998575747013092)], [[[1167.0, 2269.0], [1660.0, 2276.0], [1659.0, 2329.0], [1166.0, 2322.0]], ('Thanks for supporting', 0.9783113598823547)], [[[1230.0, 2319.0], [1577.0, 2319.0], [1577.0, 2363.0], [1230.0, 2363.0]], ('local business!', 0.9782453775405884)], [[[1300.0, 2498.0], [1513.0, 2498.0], [1513.0, 2542.0], [1300.0, 2542.0]], ('THANK YOU', 0.9699976444244385)]]
{"store_name": "MainStreetRestaurant", "store_addr": "6332BusinessDrive Suite528 PaloAltoCalifornia94301", "telephone": "575-1628095", "date": "04/10/2017", "time": "1:16PM", "subtotal": "10.00", "tax": "", "total": "10.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Cappuccino", "item_value": "3.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ApplePie", "item_value": "3.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Brownies", "item_value": "3.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[27.0, 79.0], [84.0, 79.0], [84.0, 93.0], [27.0, 93.0]], ('12726/2002', 0.9409531354904175)], [[[200.0, 82.0], [241.0, 82.0], [241.0, 93.0], [200.0, 93.0]], ('6:41PM', 0.9143112301826477)], [[[70.0, 109.0], [192.0, 109.0], [192.0, 122.0], [70.0, 122.0]], ('FANZZ-WESTMINSTERCA', 0.9694014191627502)], [[[75.0, 122.0], [191.0, 122.0], [191.0, 135.0], [75.0, 135.0]], ('2024WESTMINSTERMALL', 0.9813574552536011)], [[[32.0, 135.0], [229.0, 136.0], [229.0, 150.0], [32.0, 149.0]], ('WESTMINSTERCA92683714)890-4036', 0.9533976316452026)], [[[26.0, 161.0], [57.0, 163.0], [55.0, 178.0], [24.0, 176.0]], ('50', 0.6056925058364868)], [[[156.0, 163.0], [240.0, 164.0], [239.0, 178.0], [155.0, 177.0]], ('Receip21854', 0.9692613482475281)], [[[28.0, 179.0], [84.0, 179.0], [84.0, 190.0], [28.0, 190.0]], ('12/26/2002', 0.9872199892997742)], [[[146.0, 179.0], [214.0, 179.0], [214.0, 190.0], [146.0, 190.0]], ('Store:030A', 0.8864404559135437)], [[[26.0, 192.0], [90.0, 192.0], [90.0, 206.0], [26.0, 206.0]], ('AssocMS3', 0.9027212858200073)], [[[135.0, 192.0], [210.0, 192.0], [210.0, 206.0], [135.0, 206.0]], ('Cashier:MS3', 0.8917699456214905)], [[[27.0, 246.0], [48.0, 246.0], [48.0, 262.0], [27.0, 262.0]], ('DCS', 0.9730954170227051)], [[[64.0, 247.0], [96.0, 247.0], [96.0, 261.0], [64.0, 261.0]], ('ITEMA', 0.8809240460395813)], [[[107.0, 247.0], [223.0, 247.0], [223.0, 261.0], [107.0, 261.0]], ('QTY PRICE EXT PRICE', 0.9295107126235962)], [[[28.0, 276.0], [47.0, 276.0], [47.0, 288.0], [28.0, 288.0]], ('OIN', 0.9915722012519836)], [[[63.0, 273.0], [96.0, 275.0], [94.0, 290.0], [62.0, 288.0]], ('53165', 0.9754287004470825)], [[[133.0, 275.0], [161.0, 275.0], [161.0, 290.0], [133.0, 290.0]], ('7.99', 0.9840187430381775)], [[[199.0, 275.0], [226.0, 275.0], [226.0, 290.0], [199.0, 290.0]], ('7.99', 0.9864088296890259)], [[[28.0, 288.0], [113.0, 289.0], [112.0, 303.0], [28.0, 302.0]], ('YELLOW HEADBAND', 0.9227534532546997)], [[[107.0, 302.0], [159.0, 304.0], [158.0, 318.0], [106.0, 316.0]], ('Subtotal:', 0.9655554294586182)], [[[215.0, 303.0], [242.0, 303.0], [242.0, 318.0], [215.0, 318.0]], ('7.99', 0.9891757369041443)], [[[130.0, 317.0], [202.0, 317.0], [202.0, 331.0], [130.0, 331.0]], ('7.750Tax', 0.9147388339042664)], [[[219.0, 319.0], [248.0, 319.0], [248.0, 332.0], [219.0, 332.0]], ('0.62', 0.9817886352539062)], [[[110.0, 333.0], [185.0, 333.0], [185.0, 344.0], [110.0, 344.0]], ('RECEIPT TOTAL:', 0.9434232711791992)], [[[210.0, 333.0], [235.0, 333.0], [235.0, 345.0], [210.0, 345.0]], ('8.61', 0.9951502680778503)], [[[154.0, 344.0], [201.0, 346.0], [200.0, 360.0], [153.0, 358.0]], ('Tender:', 0.9540503621101379)], [[[205.0, 345.0], [230.0, 347.0], [228.0, 359.0], [203.0, 357.0]], ('8.61', 0.9873596429824829)], [[[149.0, 359.0], [192.0, 361.0], [191.0, 375.0], [148.0, 373.0]], ('Change:', 0.9791956543922424)], [[[220.0, 361.0], [246.0, 361.0], [246.0, 373.0], [220.0, 373.0]], ('0.00', 0.9904558658599854)], [[[27.0, 372.0], [104.0, 373.0], [104.0, 387.0], [27.0, 386.0]], ('VIS/MC8.61', 0.9621623158454895)], [[[90.0, 415.0], [200.0, 415.0], [200.0, 428.0], [90.0, 428.0]], ('ALL SALE ITENS FINAL', 0.9181830286979675)]]
{"store_name": "FANZZ-WESTMINSTER,CA", "store_addr": "2024WESTMINSTERMALL WESTMINSTER,CA92683", "telephone": "(714)890-4036", "date": "12/26/2002 12/26/2002", "time": "6:41PM", "subtotal": "7.99", "tax": "0.62", "total": "8.61 8.61 8.61", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "YELLOWHEADBANDNBA", "item_value": "7.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "ITEM#", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[45.0, 37.0], [253.0, 47.0], [252.0, 71.0], [44.0, 61.0]], ('ANANDHA BHAVAN A/C', 0.9549140930175781)], [[[45.0, 60.0], [242.0, 68.0], [242.0, 85.0], [44.0, 77.0]], ('13 A ECR MAIN ROAD PILLAIYARKUPPAM', 0.9591856598854065)], [[[79.0, 77.0], [203.0, 82.0], [203.0, 96.0], [78.0, 91.0]], ('GSTIN 34AAYFA4506B1Z0', 0.8982245326042175)], [[[43.0, 88.0], [241.0, 96.0], [241.0, 113.0], [42.0, 105.0]], ('WISH YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR', 0.9115484952926636)], [[[19.0, 102.0], [142.0, 109.0], [141.0, 123.0], [18.0, 116.0]], ('BILLNO78060', 0.9770227670669556)], [[[19.0, 115.0], [129.0, 122.0], [128.0, 136.0], [18.0, 129.0]], ('DATE26/01/2018', 0.9920439124107361)], [[[20.0, 130.0], [108.0, 135.0], [107.0, 149.0], [19.0, 144.0]], ('WAITER SIVA.A', 0.960918128490448)], [[[169.0, 122.0], [263.0, 124.0], [262.0, 138.0], [169.0, 137.0]], ('TIME0953AM', 0.9855479001998901)], [[[170.0, 138.0], [225.0, 138.0], [225.0, 152.0], [170.0, 152.0]], ('TABLE8', 0.981480062007904)], [[[20.0, 161.0], [48.0, 161.0], [48.0, 173.0], [20.0, 173.0]], ('Name', 0.9957613945007324)], [[[135.0, 161.0], [165.0, 164.0], [164.0, 179.0], [133.0, 176.0]], ('Rate', 0.994594931602478)], [[[194.0, 163.0], [256.0, 163.0], [256.0, 180.0], [194.0, 180.0]], ('Qty Amount', 0.9205645322799683)], [[[19.0, 204.0], [86.0, 204.0], [86.0, 215.0], [19.0, 215.0]], ('GHEE PONGAL', 0.9574024677276611)], [[[141.0, 204.0], [175.0, 204.0], [175.0, 218.0], [141.0, 218.0]], ('50.00', 0.9953683018684387)], [[[228.0, 204.0], [262.0, 206.0], [260.0, 221.0], [227.0, 219.0]], ('50.00', 0.995799720287323)], [[[18.0, 217.0], [52.0, 217.0], [52.0, 231.0], [18.0, 231.0]], ('VADAI', 0.9917035102844238)], [[[141.0, 218.0], [175.0, 218.0], [175.0, 232.0], [141.0, 232.0]], ('20.00', 0.995284914970398)], [[[203.0, 220.0], [214.0, 220.0], [214.0, 231.0], [203.0, 231.0]], ('3', 0.9949719905853271)], [[[228.0, 219.0], [261.0, 219.0], [261.0, 233.0], [228.0, 233.0]], ('60.00', 0.993026614189148)], [[[18.0, 231.0], [53.0, 231.0], [53.0, 245.0], [18.0, 245.0]], ('ROAST', 0.9958403706550598)], [[[141.0, 232.0], [175.0, 232.0], [175.0, 246.0], [141.0, 246.0]], ('50.00', 0.9922014474868774)], [[[203.0, 234.0], [214.0, 234.0], [214.0, 245.0], [203.0, 245.0]], ('3', 0.9941818118095398)], [[[224.0, 232.0], [261.0, 232.0], [261.0, 246.0], [224.0, 246.0]], ('150.00', 0.9886176586151123)], [[[18.0, 246.0], [87.0, 246.0], [87.0, 260.0], [18.0, 260.0]], ('POORI MASAL', 0.9577959179878235)], [[[141.0, 246.0], [175.0, 246.0], [175.0, 260.0], [141.0, 260.0]], ('50.00', 0.9956104159355164)], [[[202.0, 246.0], [215.0, 246.0], [215.0, 260.0], [202.0, 260.0]], ('2', 0.9927467703819275)], [[[224.0, 246.0], [261.0, 246.0], [261.0, 260.0], [224.0, 260.0]], ('100.00', 0.9952857494354248)], [[[19.0, 260.0], [41.0, 260.0], [41.0, 274.0], [19.0, 274.0]], ('TEA', 0.9620732665061951)], [[[141.0, 259.0], [174.0, 259.0], [174.0, 274.0], [141.0, 274.0]], ('25.00', 0.9593195915222168)], [[[204.0, 261.0], [214.0, 261.0], [214.0, 271.0], [204.0, 271.0]], ('1', 0.8470931053161621)], [[[228.0, 257.0], [262.0, 260.0], [260.0, 275.0], [227.0, 272.0]], ('25.00', 0.9937036633491516)], [[[17.0, 290.0], [64.0, 287.0], [65.0, 301.0], [18.0, 304.0]], ('Qty10', 0.9895429611206055)], [[[224.0, 286.0], [260.0, 286.0], [260.0, 300.0], [224.0, 300.0]], ('385.00', 0.9961807131767273)], [[[17.0, 302.0], [126.0, 301.0], [127.0, 315.0], [17.0, 316.0]], ('2.5% C6STAmount', 0.9194170832633972)], [[[233.0, 301.0], [260.0, 301.0], [260.0, 312.0], [233.0, 312.0]], ('9.63', 0.9773108959197998)], [[[17.0, 330.0], [93.0, 326.0], [94.0, 340.0], [17.0, 344.0]], ('Round Amount', 0.9787705540657043)], [[[228.0, 326.0], [260.0, 326.0], [260.0, 341.0], [228.0, 341.0]], ('-0.26', 0.8977945446968079)], [[[80.0, 345.0], [178.0, 321.0], [184.0, 342.0], [86.0, 366.0]], ('REREIVED', 0.8878085613250732)], [[[222.0, 349.0], [260.0, 352.0], [258.0, 367.0], [221.0, 364.0]], ('404.00', 0.9908983111381531)], [[[19.0, 386.0], [104.0, 381.0], [104.0, 396.0], [20.0, 400.0]], ('NON A/C', 0.9527970552444458)], [[[88.0, 412.0], [191.0, 404.0], [193.0, 425.0], [89.0, 433.0]], ('Rs.404.00', 0.9847525358200073)], [[[89.0, 430.0], [220.0, 423.0], [221.0, 440.0], [90.0, 447.0]], ('THANK YOU...VISIT AGAIN', 0.9288830757141113)]]
{"store_name": "ANANDHABHAVANA/C", "store_addr": "13AECRMAINROADPILLAIYARKUPPAM", "telephone": "", "date": "26/01/2018", "time": "09:53AM", "subtotal": "385.00", "tax": "9.63 9.63", "total": "404.00 RS.404.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "GHEEPONGAL", "item_value": "50.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "VADAI", "item_value": "60.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ROAST", "item_value": "150.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "POORIMASAL", "item_value": "100.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TEA", "item_value": "25.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Name", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[140.0, 26.0], [184.0, 26.0], [184.0, 36.0], [140.0, 36.0]], ('Nobu Mal1bu', 0.7983283400535583)], [[[131.0, 44.0], [197.0, 42.0], [197.0, 55.0], [132.0, 57.0]], ('Kbu.CA 90265', 0.8012912273406982)], [[[143.0, 36.0], [182.0, 34.0], [183.0, 45.0], [143.0, 47.0]], ('22706.PC', 0.859728217124939)], [[[135.0, 55.0], [193.0, 53.0], [193.0, 64.0], [136.0, 66.0]], ('310317-9140', 0.9801120758056641)], [[[83.0, 75.0], [139.0, 74.0], [139.0, 85.0], [83.0, 86.0]], ('Server: Megum1', 0.7830454111099243)], [[[204.0, 71.0], [248.0, 68.0], [249.0, 81.0], [205.0, 84.0]], ('05/11/2015', 0.9841439127922058)], [[[84.0, 84.0], [142.0, 84.0], [142.0, 95.0], [84.0, 95.0]], ('Cashier:Johnny', 0.9221998453140259)], [[[81.0, 95.0], [103.0, 92.0], [104.0, 104.0], [83.0, 107.0]], ('21/1', 0.9872750043869019)], [[[218.0, 89.0], [248.0, 89.0], [248.0, 100.0], [218.0, 100.0]], ('7:50.PM', 0.8633321523666382)], [[[83.0, 105.0], [121.0, 102.0], [121.0, 113.0], [84.0, 116.0]], ('Guests:2', 0.7639883756637573)], [[[225.0, 100.0], [248.0, 100.0], [248.0, 111.0], [225.0, 111.0]], ('30086', 0.9012244343757629)], [[[84.0, 115.0], [133.0, 115.0], [133.0, 126.0], [84.0, 126.0]], ('Reprint ', 0.8140113949775696)], [[[84.0, 132.0], [102.0, 132.0], [102.0, 143.0], [84.0, 143.0]], ('Vass', 0.8726406693458557)], [[[229.0, 130.0], [247.0, 130.0], [247.0, 138.0], [229.0, 138.0]], ('9.00', 0.9772683382034302)], [[[83.0, 141.0], [112.0, 141.0], [112.0, 152.0], [83.0, 152.0]], ('Edanese', 0.7648696303367615)], [[[229.0, 138.0], [248.0, 138.0], [248.0, 149.0], [229.0, 149.0]], ('6.00', 0.9710904359817505)], [[[229.0, 147.0], [249.0, 147.0], [249.0, 158.0], [229.0, 158.0]], ('3.00', 0.991216778755188)], [[[81.0, 159.0], [177.0, 157.0], [178.0, 170.0], [81.0, 172.0]], ('Shtrey Tempie 3 #3.00', 0.7308056354522705)], [[[226.0, 166.0], [249.0, 166.0], [249.0, 178.0], [226.0, 178.0]], ('50.00', 0.9891639947891235)], [[[227.0, 157.0], [249.0, 154.0], [250.0, 166.0], [229.0, 169.0]], ('9.00', 0.9907639026641846)], [[[84.0, 170.0], [116.0, 170.0], [116.0, 180.0], [84.0, 180.0]], ('Jalapeno', 0.8878833055496216)], [[[85.0, 179.0], [110.0, 179.0], [110.0, 190.0], [85.0, 190.0]], ('Toro', 0.9153503775596619)], [[[82.0, 189.0], [171.0, 187.0], [171.0, 198.0], [83.0, 200.0]], ('Lobster Shsitake Salad', 0.8635561466217041)], [[[227.0, 186.0], [249.0, 186.0], [249.0, 197.0], [227.0, 197.0]], ('46.00', 0.959855854511261)], [[[226.0, 196.0], [250.0, 196.0], [250.0, 207.0], [226.0, 207.0]], ('19.00', 0.9909831881523132)], [[[82.0, 215.0], [164.0, 214.0], [164.0, 228.0], [82.0, 229.0]], ('Ribeye Truffle Steak', 0.8811529874801636)], [[[84.0, 208.0], [144.0, 208.0], [144.0, 218.0], [84.0, 218.0]], ('Fish at the Day', 0.8969531655311584)], [[[225.0, 206.0], [248.0, 204.0], [249.0, 215.0], [226.0, 217.0]], ('36.00', 0.9656251668930054)], [[[226.0, 215.0], [250.0, 215.0], [250.0, 226.0], [226.0, 226.0]], ('40.00', 0.9683064222335815)], [[[82.0, 226.0], [181.0, 224.0], [182.0, 237.0], [82.0, 239.0]], ('Bgye Tura ut 29.50', 0.8736134767532349)], [[[226.0, 224.0], [249.0, 224.0], [249.0, 236.0], [226.0, 236.0]], ('19.00', 0.993160605430603)], [[[84.0, 235.0], [168.0, 235.0], [168.0, 248.0], [84.0, 248.0]], ('Chocoiate Soring Ro11', 0.8160268068313599)], [[[227.0, 234.0], [249.0, 234.0], [249.0, 245.0], [227.0, 245.0]], ('12.00', 0.9818500280380249)], [[[85.0, 246.0], [119.0, 246.0], [119.0, 257.0], [85.0, 257.0]], ('Espresso', 0.9578293561935425)], [[[229.0, 244.0], [250.0, 244.0], [250.0, 255.0], [229.0, 255.0]], ('5.00', 0.9945397973060608)], [[[84.0, 265.0], [144.0, 265.0], [144.0, 276.0], [84.0, 276.0]], ('Double Expresso', 0.9134142994880676)], [[[87.0, 256.0], [129.0, 254.0], [130.0, 265.0], [88.0, 267.0]], ('Cacpucino', 0.8203847408294678)], [[[229.0, 264.0], [250.0, 264.0], [250.0, 275.0], [229.0, 275.0]], ('6.00', 0.9939708113670349)], [[[85.0, 284.0], [117.0, 284.0], [117.0, 295.0], [85.0, 295.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9437975883483887)], [[[223.0, 283.0], [250.0, 283.0], [250.0, 294.0], [223.0, 294.0]], ('270.00', 0.9872062802314758)], [[[226.0, 293.0], [251.0, 293.0], [251.0, 304.0], [226.0, 304.0]], ('24.30', 0.9848079681396484)], [[[86.0, 312.0], [106.0, 312.0], [106.0, 324.0], [86.0, 324.0]], ('Total', 0.8026976585388184)], [[[223.0, 312.0], [251.0, 312.0], [251.0, 323.0], [223.0, 323.0]], ('294.30', 0.9088473320007324)], [[[87.0, 332.0], [104.0, 332.0], [104.0, 344.0], [87.0, 344.0]], ('DASH', 0.9407896399497986)], [[[201.0, 338.0], [251.0, 342.0], [250.0, 356.0], [200.0, 352.0]], ('105.70', 0.9966650605201721)], [[[223.0, 330.0], [251.0, 333.0], [250.0, 345.0], [222.0, 342.0]], ('430.00', 0.9147428870201111)], [[[87.0, 343.0], [133.0, 340.0], [134.0, 351.0], [88.0, 354.0]], ('Change', 0.9968643188476562)], [[[107.0, 368.0], [228.0, 370.0], [227.0, 384.0], [106.0, 382.0]], ('Quk Bute on Tip Percentages', 0.7864251732826233)], [[[121.0, 359.0], [207.0, 360.0], [207.0, 371.0], [121.0, 370.0]], ('Gratutty not inc luded', 0.8379913568496704)], [[[128.0, 379.0], [208.0, 380.0], [208.0, 391.0], [128.0, 390.0]], ('18%Gratuity =43.60', 0.8446296453475952)], [[[127.0, 389.0], [207.0, 389.0], [207.0, 402.0], [127.0, 402.0]], ('200', 0.5253061652183533)], [[[126.0, 399.0], [208.0, 399.0], [208.0, 412.0], [126.0, 412.0]], ('22% Gratutty=59.40', 0.8637189865112305)], [[[140.0, 418.0], [197.0, 419.0], [197.0, 430.0], [140.0, 429.0]], ('Check Closed', 0.9163298606872559)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "ZZJOEPDH Mallou.CA90265", "telephone": "(310)317-9140", "date": "05/11/2015", "time": "7:50PM", "subtotal": "220.00", "tax": "24.30", "total": "294.30", "ignore": " ", "tips": "18%Gratuity=48.60 20%Gratuity=54.00 22%Gratuity=59.40", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Voss", "item_value": "6.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Splcy", "item_value": "5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Shirleylemple", "item_value": "12.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Toto", "item_value": "19.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FishoftheDay", "item_value": "40.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Espresso", "item_value": "35.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "19.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "45.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "60.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "3.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "6.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[153.0, 31.0], [246.0, 42.0], [244.0, 56.0], [151.0, 45.0]], ('THALIAS COLTD', 0.9037361741065979)], [[[152.0, 45.0], [244.0, 56.0], [242.0, 70.0], [150.0, 59.0]], ('VAT100163068', 0.9607961177825928)], [[[149.0, 60.0], [244.0, 69.0], [242.0, 83.0], [147.0, 74.0]], ('MALIS SIEM REAP', 0.8959668278694153)], [[[139.0, 87.0], [260.0, 97.0], [258.0, 114.0], [137.0, 104.0]], ('Siem ReapCambodia', 0.9078711271286011)], [[[130.0, 133.0], [265.0, 140.0], [265.0, 157.0], [129.0, 150.0]], ('Table #213', 0.8903924822807312)], [[[96.0, 147.0], [199.0, 155.0], [198.0, 169.0], [95.0, 161.0]], ('Trans#59110', 0.9486913681030273)], [[[207.0, 156.0], [329.0, 156.0], [329.0, 169.0], [207.0, 169.0]], ('Serv: Hr.Run Chans', 0.8887501955032349)], [[[61.0, 193.0], [184.0, 202.0], [183.0, 219.0], [60.0, 211.0]], ('Quan Description', 0.9656636118888855)], [[[289.0, 202.0], [322.0, 202.0], [322.0, 219.0], [289.0, 219.0]], ('Cost', 0.9929230809211731)], [[[86.0, 231.0], [175.0, 236.0], [174.0, 253.0], [85.0, 248.0]], ('1 Angkor Big', 0.9130428433418274)], [[[298.0, 237.0], [336.0, 237.0], [336.0, 252.0], [298.0, 252.0]], ('$4.50', 0.9029766917228699)], [[[83.0, 249.0], [207.0, 253.0], [207.0, 270.0], [82.0, 266.0]], ('1 Eau Kulen 150c1', 0.8669223189353943)], [[[298.0, 255.0], [338.0, 255.0], [338.0, 270.0], [298.0, 270.0]], ('$4.00', 0.9961463809013367)], [[[81.0, 267.0], [246.0, 273.0], [246.0, 291.0], [80.0, 284.0]], ('1 A2-Cambodian Skewers', 0.9442171454429626)], [[[293.0, 273.0], [339.0, 273.0], [339.0, 288.0], [293.0, 288.0]], ('$11.00', 0.9881948828697205)], [[[80.0, 286.0], [265.0, 291.0], [265.0, 309.0], [79.0, 303.0]], ('1 A4-Fried Softshell Crab', 0.935038149356842)], [[[293.0, 292.0], [340.0, 292.0], [340.0, 307.0], [293.0, 307.0]], ('$11.00', 0.9915463328361511)], [[[78.0, 305.0], [193.0, 310.0], [192.0, 327.0], [77.0, 322.0]], ('1 ST2-Fish Amok', 0.8952277898788452)], [[[300.0, 308.0], [342.0, 311.0], [341.0, 329.0], [299.0, 326.0]], ('$8.00', 0.9953681826591492)], [[[75.0, 324.0], [258.0, 330.0], [258.0, 349.0], [74.0, 343.0]], ('1V3-Wok-Fried Eggplants', 0.9561004638671875)], [[[301.0, 329.0], [344.0, 329.0], [344.0, 348.0], [301.0, 348.0]], ('550$', 0.53815096616745)], [[[73.0, 346.0], [206.0, 350.0], [206.0, 368.0], [72.0, 364.0]], ('1 C3-Saraman Beet', 0.9219496250152588)], [[[302.0, 350.0], [345.0, 350.0], [345.0, 369.0], [302.0, 369.0]], ('006$', 0.9111274480819702)], [[[147.0, 391.0], [229.0, 393.0], [229.0, 411.0], [146.0, 409.0]], ('Net Total:', 0.9233436584472656)], [[[297.0, 394.0], [348.0, 394.0], [348.0, 412.0], [297.0, 412.0]], ('$52.50', 0.9842026233673096)], [[[200.0, 413.0], [230.0, 413.0], [230.0, 433.0], [200.0, 433.0]], ('VAT', 0.9680346846580505)], [[[304.0, 415.0], [349.0, 415.0], [349.0, 434.0], [304.0, 434.0]], ('$5.25', 0.9709175229072571)]]
{"store_name": "HALISSIEMREAP", "store_addr": "PokamboAve,Mondul1,SvayDongkom SiemReap,Cambodia", "telephone": "MB:+855(0)15824888", "date": "01/13/2018", "time": "08:35:56PM", "subtotal": "$52.50", "tax": "$5.25", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "AngkorBig", "item_value": "$4.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "EauKulen150cl", "item_value": "$4.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "A2-CambodianSkewers", "item_value": "$11.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "A4-FriedSoftshellCrab", "item_value": "$11.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ST2-FishAmok", "item_value": "$8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "V3-Wok-FriedEggplants", "item_value": "$5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "C3-SaramanBeef", "item_value": "$9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[279.0, 58.0], [322.0, 61.0], [321.0, 75.0], [278.0, 72.0]], ('Toronto', 0.9844794869422913)], [[[232.0, 74.0], [368.0, 74.0], [368.0, 88.0], [232.0, 88.0]], ('GST Reg# 132410317 RT0001', 0.9381518363952637)], [[[261.0, 101.0], [337.0, 103.0], [336.0, 117.0], [261.0, 115.0]], ('Table Balance', 0.9473009705543518)], [[[169.0, 123.0], [378.0, 123.0], [378.0, 133.0], [169.0, 133.0]], ('**************************************', 0.8955114483833313)], [[[289.0, 131.0], [389.0, 132.0], [389.0, 146.0], [289.0, 145.0]], ('Date 23 Ju1 2014', 0.885533332824707)], [[[165.0, 142.0], [232.0, 139.0], [233.0, 154.0], [165.0, 157.0]], ('Table318', 0.9828122854232788)], [[[291.0, 142.0], [317.0, 144.0], [316.0, 156.0], [290.0, 154.0]], ('Tine', 0.8604452610015869)], [[[342.0, 140.0], [391.0, 144.0], [389.0, 159.0], [340.0, 154.0]], ('17:51:20', 0.9239183664321899)], [[[163.0, 152.0], [246.0, 152.0], [246.0, 165.0], [163.0, 165.0]], ('Server Cory W', 0.8983299732208252)], [[[328.0, 151.0], [369.0, 154.0], [368.0, 168.0], [327.0, 164.0]], ('Guests', 0.9911215305328369)], [[[310.0, 170.0], [344.0, 173.0], [343.0, 188.0], [309.0, 185.0]], ('Price', 0.994864821434021)], [[[361.0, 173.0], [391.0, 173.0], [391.0, 188.0], [361.0, 188.0]], ('Total', 0.9943240880966187)], [[[181.0, 191.0], [254.0, 194.0], [253.0, 208.0], [181.0, 205.0]], ('Large Caesar', 0.9730070233345032)], [[[312.0, 194.0], [345.0, 194.0], [345.0, 207.0], [312.0, 207.0]], ('10.00', 0.9926460385322571)], [[[362.0, 194.0], [393.0, 194.0], [393.0, 208.0], [362.0, 208.0]], ('10.00', 0.9954182505607605)], [[[179.0, 205.0], [271.0, 208.0], [271.0, 222.0], [179.0, 219.0]], ('Grilled Chicken', 0.9233160614967346)], [[[314.0, 205.0], [345.0, 208.0], [344.0, 223.0], [313.0, 220.0]], ('5.00', 0.9896603226661682)], [[[365.0, 207.0], [394.0, 207.0], [394.0, 222.0], [365.0, 222.0]], ('5.00', 0.9960087537765503)], [[[177.0, 218.0], [236.0, 221.0], [235.0, 235.0], [177.0, 233.0]], ('DIN Pesto', 0.964326024055481)], [[[311.0, 221.0], [345.0, 221.0], [345.0, 236.0], [311.0, 236.0]], ('17.00', 0.9948537945747375)], [[[362.0, 220.0], [396.0, 223.0], [394.0, 238.0], [361.0, 235.0]], ('17.00', 0.9957801103591919)], [[[176.0, 233.0], [287.0, 235.0], [287.0, 249.0], [176.0, 247.0]], ('Pint Steam Whistle', 0.9576845169067383)], [[[315.0, 235.0], [346.0, 235.0], [346.0, 250.0], [315.0, 250.0]], ('7.00', 0.9871536493301392)], [[[367.0, 236.0], [396.0, 236.0], [396.0, 251.0], [367.0, 251.0]], ('7.00', 0.988272488117218)], [[[175.0, 247.0], [258.0, 250.0], [257.0, 264.0], [175.0, 261.0]], ('Pint Heineken', 0.9575938582420349)], [[[317.0, 248.0], [345.0, 251.0], [344.0, 266.0], [315.0, 264.0]], ('7.50', 0.9801918268203735)], [[[366.0, 250.0], [397.0, 250.0], [397.0, 266.0], [366.0, 266.0]], ('750', 0.9938058257102966)], [[[236.0, 272.0], [295.0, 274.0], [295.0, 291.0], [235.0, 289.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.8854541778564453)], [[[356.0, 277.0], [397.0, 277.0], [397.0, 292.0], [356.0, 292.0]], ('$46.50', 0.9911193251609802)], [[[146.0, 296.0], [395.0, 301.0], [395.0, 315.0], [145.0, 310.0]], ('***************************************', 0.9454483389854431)], [[[266.0, 321.0], [296.0, 324.0], [294.0, 340.0], [264.0, 337.0]], ('FOOD', 0.9882481694221497)], [[[231.0, 331.0], [295.0, 335.0], [293.0, 353.0], [230.0, 349.0]], ('BEVERAGES', 0.9944782257080078)], [[[358.0, 325.0], [399.0, 325.0], [399.0, 340.0], [358.0, 340.0]], ('$32.00', 0.9963651299476624)], [[[363.0, 338.0], [400.0, 338.0], [400.0, 352.0], [363.0, 352.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9961757659912109)], [[[221.0, 348.0], [294.0, 351.0], [294.0, 364.0], [220.0, 362.0]], ('WINE/LIQUOR', 0.9963006377220154)], [[[358.0, 351.0], [400.0, 351.0], [400.0, 366.0], [358.0, 366.0]], ('$14.50', 0.8958341479301453)], [[[244.0, 371.0], [296.0, 375.0], [294.0, 394.0], [242.0, 390.0]], ('HST13%', 0.9935597777366638)], [[[304.0, 363.0], [341.0, 363.0], [341.0, 378.0], [304.0, 378.0]], ('TAXES', 0.9967776536941528)], [[[365.0, 378.0], [401.0, 378.0], [401.0, 393.0], [365.0, 393.0]], ('$6.05', 0.9949568510055542)]]
{"store_name": "THEHOTHOUSERESTAURANTANDBAR", "store_addr": "Toronto 35ChurchStreet", "telephone": "", "date": "23Jul2014", "time": "17:51:20", "subtotal": "", "tax": "$6.05", "total": "$46.50", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PintHeineken", "item_value": "10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PintSteamWhistle", "item_value": "5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DINPesto", "item_value": "17.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GrilledChicken", "item_value": "7.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LargeCaesar", "item_value": "7.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Item", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[94.0, 40.0], [231.0, 40.0], [231.0, 71.0], [94.0, 71.0]], ('heesecake', 0.9938539862632751)], [[[128.0, 63.0], [232.0, 74.0], [230.0, 102.0], [126.0, 92.0]], ('Factory.', 0.9768179655075073)], [[[78.0, 110.0], [233.0, 119.0], [232.0, 136.0], [77.0, 127.0]], ('d le o hear abt your visit', 0.8140740990638733)], [[[93.0, 122.0], [219.0, 131.0], [218.0, 145.0], [92.0, 136.0]], ('Please take our short survey', 0.885655403137207)], [[[87.0, 144.0], [223.0, 152.0], [222.0, 166.0], [86.0, 158.0]], ('Enter this code within 5 days:', 0.8549103140830994)], [[[120.0, 155.0], [194.0, 161.0], [193.0, 175.0], [119.0, 169.0]], ('3088-70041-04049', 0.9402813911437988)], [[[127.0, 177.0], [164.0, 180.0], [163.0, 194.0], [126.0, 192.0]], ('Seattle', 0.9912667870521545)], [[[59.0, 195.0], [192.0, 200.0], [192.0, 217.0], [58.0, 212.0]], ('0984T3EParty3', 0.8512868285179138)], [[[59.0, 210.0], [99.0, 212.0], [99.0, 223.0], [58.0, 221.0]], ('MATHAN S', 0.836018443107605)], [[[99.0, 209.0], [218.0, 214.0], [218.0, 228.0], [99.0, 223.0]], ('SvrCk219:5304/07/18', 0.8569664359092712)], [[[58.0, 220.0], [156.0, 223.0], [155.0, 236.0], [57.0, 233.0]], ('DINING ROOM', 0.9538231492042542)], [[[58.0, 240.0], [131.0, 243.0], [130.0, 257.0], [57.0, 254.0]], ('Avcca3o Egarolls', 0.7748439311981201)], [[[58.0, 251.0], [168.0, 255.0], [168.0, 269.0], [57.0, 265.0]], ('Four Cneese /cnkn Pasta', 0.8693789839744568)], [[[209.0, 244.0], [236.0, 247.0], [234.0, 262.0], [208.0, 259.0]], ('12.95', 0.9714609384536743)], [[[55.0, 272.0], [133.0, 276.0], [132.0, 291.0], [54.0, 286.0]], ('FettuciniAlfredo', 0.8724889755249023)], [[[60.0, 264.0], [113.0, 266.0], [112.0, 277.0], [59.0, 275.0]], ('xmushroo', 0.6664780378341675)], [[[208.0, 265.0], [236.0, 268.0], [234.0, 283.0], [207.0, 280.0]], ('22.00', 0.9901038408279419)], [[[210.0, 280.0], [234.0, 280.0], [234.0, 292.0], [210.0, 292.0]], ('16.95', 0.9900902509689331)], [[[141.0, 298.0], [189.0, 301.0], [189.0, 315.0], [140.0, 312.0]], ('Sub lotal', 0.8260281682014465)], [[[208.0, 299.0], [234.0, 302.0], [232.0, 316.0], [207.0, 313.0]], ('51.90', 0.9851871728897095)], [[[141.0, 320.0], [187.0, 324.0], [186.0, 337.0], [140.0, 333.0]], ('Sub Total:', 0.8180707097053528)], [[[164.0, 312.0], [188.0, 312.0], [188.0, 324.0], [164.0, 324.0]], ('Tax', 0.9754965901374817)], [[[210.0, 312.0], [234.0, 312.0], [234.0, 324.0], [210.0, 324.0]], ('5.24', 0.9772008061408997)], [[[52.0, 325.0], [160.0, 334.0], [159.0, 347.0], [52.0, 338.0]], ('04/0720:40TOTAL', 0.8538134098052979)], [[[205.0, 322.0], [233.0, 322.0], [233.0, 336.0], [205.0, 336.0]], ('57.14', 0.9881490468978882)], [[[185.0, 334.0], [231.0, 334.0], [231.0, 346.0], [185.0, 346.0]], ('57.14', 0.9965788125991821)], [[[54.0, 345.0], [148.0, 354.0], [147.0, 368.0], [52.0, 359.0]], ('Bratuity Not Inclused', 0.822503387928009)], [[[54.0, 355.0], [139.0, 364.0], [137.0, 378.0], [52.0, 369.0]], ('Suggested Gratity:', 0.8319352865219116)], [[[87.0, 371.0], [106.0, 371.0], [106.0, 383.0], [87.0, 383.0]], ('22%', 0.9658371806144714)], [[[87.0, 380.0], [104.0, 380.0], [104.0, 393.0], [87.0, 393.0]], ('20%', 0.9695870280265808)], [[[120.0, 382.0], [147.0, 385.0], [146.0, 399.0], [119.0, 396.0]], ('11.43', 0.9545246362686157)], [[[121.0, 375.0], [148.0, 375.0], [148.0, 388.0], [121.0, 388.0]], ('12.57', 0.9861246347427368)], [[[86.0, 388.0], [106.0, 388.0], [106.0, 415.0], [86.0, 415.0]], ('16', 0.5282492637634277)], [[[120.0, 392.0], [147.0, 395.0], [146.0, 409.0], [119.0, 406.0]], ('10.29', 0.9339113235473633)], [[[124.0, 403.0], [146.0, 407.0], [144.0, 420.0], [122.0, 415.0]], ('L9/9', 0.6105361580848694)], [[[95.0, 422.0], [180.0, 425.0], [179.0, 440.0], [95.0, 437.0]], ('n s for Brunch', 0.8608773946762085)]]
{"store_name": "The Cheesecake Factory.", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "3086-70041-04049", "date": "04/07/13 04/07", "time": "19:53 20:40", "subtotal": "51.90", "tax": "5.24", "total": "57.14 57.14", "ignore": " ", "tips": "12.57 11.43 10.29 6.57", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[276.0, 28.0], [714.0, 35.0], [713.0, 104.0], [275.0, 96.0]], ('Albertsons', 0.9458451271057129)], [[[292.0, 88.0], [716.0, 90.0], [715.0, 130.0], [292.0, 128.0]], ('market t means a great deal.', 0.8987829089164734)], [[[117.0, 183.0], [720.0, 175.0], [721.0, 208.0], [118.0, 217.0]], ('ALBERTS0NS #04134214357-8374', 0.9482430815696716)], [[[190.0, 228.0], [648.0, 225.0], [648.0, 253.0], [190.0, 257.0]], ('STORE DIRECTOR-MIKE HOUSER', 0.9741684794425964)], [[[114.0, 362.0], [729.0, 358.0], [729.0, 392.0], [114.0, 395.0]], ('8/08/1206:22413404 0005110', 0.9715919494628906)], [[[346.0, 497.0], [489.0, 497.0], [489.0, 532.0], [346.0, 532.0]], ('GROCERY', 0.9971693158149719)], [[[203.0, 597.0], [571.0, 593.0], [571.0, 627.0], [203.0, 630.0]], ('DAWN ULTLIQ W OLA', 0.949331521987915)], [[[728.0, 591.0], [820.0, 586.0], [822.0, 624.0], [730.0, 629.0]], ('88T', 0.9408729672431946)], [[[39.0, 643.0], [205.0, 643.0], [205.0, 675.0], [39.0, 675.0]], ('WAS1.39', 0.9877215623855591)], [[[430.0, 638.0], [715.0, 635.0], [716.0, 672.0], [430.0, 675.0]], ('GREAT DEAL.51', 0.9428889751434326)], [[[203.0, 687.0], [574.0, 685.0], [575.0, 718.0], [203.0, 720.0]], ('DAWN ULT LIQ W OLA', 0.9255369901657104)], [[[732.0, 682.0], [820.0, 678.0], [822.0, 714.0], [734.0, 719.0]], ('188', 0.891248881816864)], [[[33.0, 735.0], [204.0, 731.0], [205.0, 766.0], [34.0, 770.0]], ('WAS1.39', 0.9873305559158325)], [[[430.0, 730.0], [719.0, 727.0], [719.0, 762.0], [430.0, 765.0]], ('GREATDEAL.51', 0.9621332287788391)], [[[203.0, 778.0], [578.0, 775.0], [578.0, 808.0], [203.0, 812.0]], ('DAWN ULT LIQ W OLA', 0.9226346611976624)], [[[737.0, 770.0], [826.0, 770.0], [826.0, 807.0], [737.0, 807.0]], ('88T', 0.977200984954834)], [[[32.0, 829.0], [204.0, 825.0], [205.0, 860.0], [32.0, 864.0]], ('WAS1.39', 0.9893296360969543)], [[[435.0, 824.0], [722.0, 818.0], [722.0, 853.0], [435.0, 859.0]], ('GREAT DEAL.51', 0.9535619020462036)], [[[205.0, 873.0], [581.0, 868.0], [581.0, 902.0], [205.0, 907.0]], ('DAWN ULT LIQ W OLA', 0.9165883660316467)], [[[729.0, 865.0], [830.0, 861.0], [832.0, 898.0], [730.0, 902.0]], ('.88T', 0.9239537715911865)], [[[35.0, 924.0], [204.0, 918.0], [205.0, 953.0], [36.0, 959.0]], ('WAS1.39', 0.9899823069572449)], [[[435.0, 917.0], [725.0, 910.0], [726.0, 945.0], [436.0, 952.0]], ('GREAT DEAL.51', 0.9342786073684692)], [[[736.0, 958.0], [835.0, 958.0], [835.0, 995.0], [736.0, 995.0]], ('.50-T', 0.9642003774642944)], [[[37.0, 970.0], [82.0, 970.0], [82.0, 1005.0], [37.0, 1005.0]], ('MC', 0.9973204135894775)], [[[205.0, 968.0], [584.0, 963.0], [585.0, 997.0], [205.0, 1002.0]], ('DAWN ULT LIQ W OLA', 0.9212542772293091)], [[[742.0, 1007.0], [838.0, 1007.0], [838.0, 1043.0], [742.0, 1043.0]], ('38-T', 0.9807002544403076)], [[[42.0, 1017.0], [87.0, 1017.0], [87.0, 1052.0], [42.0, 1052.0]], ('SC', 0.9554539918899536)], [[[206.0, 1017.0], [564.0, 1011.0], [565.0, 1045.0], [207.0, 1050.0]], ('MULTIPLIED COUPON', 0.972952663898468)], [[[44.0, 1063.0], [89.0, 1063.0], [89.0, 1100.0], [44.0, 1100.0]], ('MC', 0.9980824589729309)], [[[751.0, 1055.0], [842.0, 1055.0], [842.0, 1092.0], [751.0, 1092.0]], ('50-T', 0.981128990650177)], [[[208.0, 1067.0], [587.0, 1060.0], [588.0, 1093.0], [209.0, 1100.0]], ('DAWN ULTLIQ W OLA', 0.9469462037086487)], [[[47.0, 1110.0], [92.0, 1110.0], [92.0, 1147.0], [47.0, 1147.0]], ('SC', 0.9401196241378784)], [[[212.0, 1112.0], [569.0, 1108.0], [570.0, 1142.0], [212.0, 1145.0]], ('MULTIPLIED COUPON', 0.9729874730110168)], [[[747.0, 1103.0], [845.0, 1103.0], [845.0, 1138.0], [747.0, 1138.0]], ('38-T', 0.9583252668380737)], [[[49.0, 1155.0], [94.0, 1155.0], [94.0, 1190.0], [49.0, 1190.0]], ('MC', 0.9976217746734619)], [[[215.0, 1158.0], [591.0, 1158.0], [591.0, 1192.0], [215.0, 1192.0]], ('DAWN ULTLIQ W OLA', 0.9430980682373047)], [[[755.0, 1152.0], [847.0, 1148.0], [849.0, 1183.0], [757.0, 1187.0]], ('50-T', 0.9704493880271912)], [[[50.0, 1202.0], [96.0, 1202.0], [96.0, 1237.0], [50.0, 1237.0]], ('SC', 0.921239972114563)], [[[215.0, 1203.0], [573.0, 1205.0], [573.0, 1240.0], [215.0, 1238.0]], ('MULTIPLIED COUPON', 0.968434751033783)], [[[758.0, 1200.0], [850.0, 1200.0], [850.0, 1235.0], [758.0, 1235.0]], ('38-T', 0.9857836961746216)], [[[50.0, 1250.0], [96.0, 1250.0], [96.0, 1287.0], [50.0, 1287.0]], ('MC', 0.9974343776702881)], [[[214.0, 1250.0], [596.0, 1255.0], [596.0, 1295.0], [213.0, 1290.0]], ('DAWN ULT LIQ W OLA', 0.9267165064811707)], [[[761.0, 1247.0], [850.0, 1247.0], [850.0, 1283.0], [761.0, 1283.0]], ('50-T', 0.9876463413238525)], [[[52.0, 1297.0], [96.0, 1297.0], [96.0, 1333.0], [52.0, 1333.0]], ('SC', 0.9403392672538757)], [[[217.0, 1302.0], [573.0, 1303.0], [573.0, 1338.0], [217.0, 1337.0]], ('MULTIPLIED COUPON', 0.9647994041442871)], [[[752.0, 1296.0], [850.0, 1289.0], [852.0, 1328.0], [754.0, 1334.0]], ('38-T', 0.9798357486724854)], [[[120.0, 1388.0], [385.0, 1399.0], [384.0, 1439.0], [119.0, 1428.0]], ('****SUBTOTAL', 0.9502444863319397)], [[[581.0, 1398.0], [645.0, 1398.0], [645.0, 1438.0], [581.0, 1438.0]], ('.00', 0.9896848201751709)], [[[124.0, 1436.0], [209.0, 1440.0], [207.0, 1470.0], [122.0, 1466.0]], ('**', 0.6192411184310913)], [[[322.0, 1445.0], [391.0, 1445.0], [391.0, 1483.0], [322.0, 1483.0]], ('TAX', 0.9960926175117493)], [[[583.0, 1447.0], [647.0, 1447.0], [647.0, 1485.0], [583.0, 1485.0]], ('.00', 0.9903052449226379)], [[[282.0, 1492.0], [390.0, 1492.0], [390.0, 1533.0], [282.0, 1533.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9985371828079224)], [[[583.0, 1493.0], [647.0, 1493.0], [647.0, 1533.0], [583.0, 1533.0]], ('.00', 0.9916892051696777)], [[[71.0, 1516.0], [233.0, 1527.0], [230.0, 1562.0], [68.0, 1551.0]], ('***CASH', 0.8680070638656616)], [[[480.0, 1542.0], [541.0, 1542.0], [541.0, 1582.0], [480.0, 1582.0]], ('.00', 0.9886055588722229)]]
{"store_name": "Albertsons\u00ae marketitmeansagreatdeal.\ufffc", "store_addr": "ALBERTSONS#04134(214)357-8374", "telephone": "", "date": "8/08/12", "time": "06:22", "subtotal": ".00", "tax": ".00", "total": ".00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "DAWNULTLIQWOLA", "item_value": ".88", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DAWNULTLIQWOLA", "item_value": ".88", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DAWNULTLIQWOLA", "item_value": ".88", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DAWNULTLIQWOLA", "item_value": ".88", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DAWNULTLIQWOLA", "item_value": ".50-", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DAWNULTLIQWOLA", "item_value": ".50-", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DAWNULTLIQWOLA", "item_value": ".50-", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DAWNULTLIQWOLA", "item_value": ".50-", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[102.0, 65.0], [384.0, 59.0], [384.0, 78.0], [103.0, 84.0]], ('Konoba-Pizzeria', 0.9619359970092773)], [[[101.0, 87.0], [298.0, 82.0], [298.0, 110.0], [102.0, 115.0]], ('"MASLINA"', 0.9592448472976685)], [[[92.0, 122.0], [259.0, 119.0], [260.0, 139.0], [92.0, 141.0]], ('Split, Teutina la', 0.8498894572257996)], [[[91.0, 146.0], [418.0, 141.0], [419.0, 158.0], [91.0, 163.0]], ('v1Riserka Pez0 0IR:89936314980', 0.8584108352661133)], [[[86.0, 170.0], [364.0, 165.0], [364.0, 184.0], [86.0, 189.0]], ('Ugostiteljski obrt MASLINA', 0.8927183151245117)], [[[80.0, 217.0], [134.0, 217.0], [134.0, 237.0], [80.0, 237.0]], ('Naziv', 0.934378445148468)], [[[274.0, 217.0], [343.0, 217.0], [343.0, 238.0], [274.0, 238.0]], ('Cijena', 0.992647647857666)], [[[354.0, 215.0], [399.0, 215.0], [399.0, 236.0], [354.0, 236.0]], ('Kol.', 0.9713566899299622)], [[[441.0, 215.0], [496.0, 215.0], [496.0, 236.0], [441.0, 236.0]], ('Iznos', 0.9777607917785645)], [[[78.0, 269.0], [264.0, 269.0], [264.0, 288.0], [78.0, 288.0]], ('SAN SERASTIJAN SRE', 0.9433940052986145)], [[[283.0, 268.0], [339.0, 268.0], [339.0, 288.0], [283.0, 288.0]], ('50.00', 0.9974937438964844)], [[[356.0, 268.0], [402.0, 268.0], [402.0, 286.0], [356.0, 286.0]], ('1.00', 0.9972341060638428)], [[[441.0, 265.0], [501.0, 265.0], [501.0, 289.0], [441.0, 289.0]], ('50.00', 0.9608041644096375)], [[[78.0, 297.0], [265.0, 297.0], [265.0, 314.0], [78.0, 314.0]], ('CETIRI GODISNJA DO', 0.9274169206619263)], [[[283.0, 295.0], [341.0, 295.0], [341.0, 316.0], [283.0, 316.0]], ('43.00', 0.9966822862625122)], [[[356.0, 295.0], [403.0, 295.0], [403.0, 314.0], [356.0, 314.0]], ('1.00', 0.9954373836517334)], [[[446.0, 293.0], [503.0, 293.0], [503.0, 315.0], [446.0, 315.0]], ('43.00', 0.9939550161361694)], [[[283.0, 321.0], [343.0, 321.0], [343.0, 343.0], [283.0, 343.0]], ('15.00', 0.9949294924736023)], [[[354.0, 321.0], [405.0, 321.0], [405.0, 343.0], [354.0, 343.0]], ('1.00', 0.9931090474128723)], [[[447.0, 321.0], [504.0, 321.0], [504.0, 343.0], [447.0, 343.0]], ('15.00', 0.9853224754333496)], [[[74.0, 351.0], [188.0, 351.0], [188.0, 371.0], [74.0, 371.0]], ('TOCENO-0,3L', 0.8993454575538635)], [[[283.0, 349.0], [408.0, 349.0], [408.0, 372.0], [283.0, 372.0]], ('12.001.00', 0.9958131313323975)], [[[448.0, 349.0], [507.0, 349.0], [507.0, 373.0], [448.0, 373.0]], ('12.00', 0.9944881200790405)], [[[68.0, 377.0], [264.0, 379.0], [263.0, 399.0], [68.0, 397.0]], ('OZUJSKO LINUN O.33', 0.8499823212623596)], [[[281.0, 379.0], [341.0, 379.0], [341.0, 400.0], [281.0, 400.0]], ('14.00', 0.9947819709777832)], [[[354.0, 379.0], [406.0, 379.0], [406.0, 401.0], [354.0, 401.0]], ('1.00', 0.9970266819000244)], [[[448.0, 378.0], [508.0, 378.0], [508.0, 403.0], [448.0, 403.0]], ('14.00', 0.9928077459335327)], [[[64.0, 433.0], [194.0, 435.0], [193.0, 459.0], [64.0, 457.0]], ('UKUPNO', 0.982552707195282)], [[[372.0, 437.0], [507.0, 439.0], [507.0, 463.0], [372.0, 461.0]], ('134.00', 0.9942144751548767)], [[[63.0, 491.0], [174.0, 494.0], [173.0, 518.0], [62.0, 514.0]], ('GOTOVINSKD', 0.9505007863044739)], [[[62.0, 523.0], [280.0, 528.0], [280.0, 549.0], [61.0, 544.0]], ('Rn.0017981 23.10.11', 0.962439775466919)], [[[63.0, 552.0], [336.0, 560.0], [335.0, 580.0], [62.0, 572.0]], ('U CIJENU JE URACUNAT PDV', 0.8900092244148254)], [[[62.0, 606.0], [487.0, 621.0], [486.0, 644.0], [61.0, 630.0]], ('HVALA NA POVJERENJU', 0.9482595324516296)]]
{"store_name": "\"MASLINA\" Konoba-Pizzeria", "store_addr": "vI.RiserkaPezo split,Teutina1a", "telephone": "OIB:89936314980", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "134.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "DZUJSKOLIMUN0.33", "item_value": "50.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TOCENO-0,3L", "item_value": "43.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SALATASEZONSKA", "item_value": "15.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CETIRIGODISNJADO", "item_value": "12.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SANSEBATIANSRE", "item_value": "14.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Naziv", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[49.0, 11.0], [135.0, 21.0], [134.0, 34.0], [47.0, 24.0]], ('6/3/20168:10:47M', 0.8475648760795593)], [[[50.0, 4.0], [167.0, 17.0], [165.0, 30.0], [48.0, 16.0]], ('7810 McGtonls Fery 10', 0.7142022848129272)], [[[48.0, 22.0], [133.0, 32.0], [131.0, 49.0], [46.0, 40.0]], ('Drive-Thru', 0.9952728152275085)], [[[46.0, 38.0], [136.0, 45.0], [135.0, 65.0], [44.0, 57.0]], ('Order955', 0.9852573275566101)], [[[47.0, 63.0], [94.0, 68.0], [93.0, 81.0], [45.0, 77.0]], ('Register5', 0.9755510687828064)], [[[46.0, 75.0], [114.0, 81.0], [113.0, 92.0], [45.0, 86.0]], ('Cashier:Nital S.', 0.771064043045044)], [[[127.0, 70.0], [208.0, 74.0], [208.0, 88.0], [127.0, 84.0]], ('Tran S ', 0.8002873063087463)], [[[43.0, 94.0], [138.0, 100.0], [137.0, 113.0], [43.0, 107.0]], ('1Ht Cof O Or1gnd', 0.8104454278945923)], [[[64.0, 107.0], [125.0, 109.0], [125.0, 120.0], [63.0, 118.0]], ('Extra CrasSug', 0.8151962757110596)], [[[190.0, 101.0], [211.0, 101.0], [211.0, 112.0], [190.0, 112.0]], ('1.99', 0.9289809465408325)], [[[42.0, 115.0], [125.0, 118.0], [125.0, 132.0], [42.0, 129.0]], ('1Mrap Bcn Egg AM', 0.8714600205421448)], [[[44.0, 126.0], [82.0, 129.0], [81.0, 140.0], [43.0, 136.0]], ('1Donut', 0.8987987637519836)], [[[193.0, 117.0], [215.0, 120.0], [214.0, 131.0], [192.0, 128.0]], ('1.59', 0.9664545059204102)], [[[54.0, 138.0], [151.0, 138.0], [151.0, 150.0], [54.0, 150.0]], ('D2746 $.99 Med Coffen', 0.8296654224395752)], [[[188.0, 137.0], [215.0, 140.0], [214.0, 152.0], [187.0, 149.0]], ("(00'1)", 0.7226161956787109)], [[[192.0, 129.0], [215.0, 129.0], [215.0, 141.0], [192.0, 141.0]], ('0.99', 0.9856371283531189)], [[[56.0, 158.0], [110.0, 158.0], [110.0, 172.0], [56.0, 172.0]], ('Sub.Total', 0.9191907048225403)], [[[193.0, 157.0], [219.0, 160.0], [218.0, 170.0], [192.0, 168.0]], ('$3.57', 0.9593483805656433)], [[[56.0, 171.0], [78.0, 171.0], [78.0, 183.0], [56.0, 183.0]], ('Tax:', 0.9681907892227173)], [[[194.0, 169.0], [220.0, 169.0], [220.0, 181.0], [194.0, 181.0]], ('50.25', 0.8906682729721069)], [[[54.0, 179.0], [88.0, 182.0], [87.0, 196.0], [53.0, 193.0]], ('Total:', 0.9498699307441711)], [[[189.0, 189.0], [222.0, 189.0], [222.0, 203.0], [189.0, 203.0]], ('($1.00)', 0.8944903612136841)], [[[195.0, 180.0], [221.0, 180.0], [221.0, 191.0], [195.0, 191.0]], ('$3.82', 0.9682661890983582)], [[[54.0, 193.0], [126.0, 191.0], [126.0, 204.0], [54.0, 206.0]], ('Dlscount Total:', 0.8806571364402771)], [[[54.0, 217.0], [87.0, 217.0], [87.0, 230.0], [54.0, 230.0]], ('Change', 0.9964478015899658)], [[[200.0, 212.0], [226.0, 212.0], [226.0, 224.0], [200.0, 224.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9718283414840698)], [[[53.0, 227.0], [82.0, 230.0], [81.0, 245.0], [51.0, 242.0]], ('Visa:', 0.9520126581192017)], [[[201.0, 224.0], [226.0, 224.0], [226.0, 235.0], [201.0, 235.0]], ('$3.82', 0.9751887321472168)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "6/3/2016", "time": "8:10:47AM", "subtotal": "$3.57", "tax": "$0.25", "total": "$3.82", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "02746$99MedCoffee", "item_value": "1.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Donut", "item_value": "1.59", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HtCofMDOrinBland", "item_value": "0.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "(1.00)", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[71.0, 74.0], [217.0, 75.0], [217.0, 92.0], [71.0, 91.0]], ('Hotel Indiga East Liberty', 0.9006491899490356)], [[[85.0, 91.0], [212.0, 91.0], [212.0, 105.0], [85.0, 105.0]], ('123 North Highland Ave', 0.95855313539505)], [[[88.0, 105.0], [205.0, 105.0], [205.0, 120.0], [88.0, 120.0]], ('Pittsburgh.PA 15206', 0.9529286623001099)], [[[107.0, 121.0], [189.0, 121.0], [189.0, 135.0], [107.0, 135.0]], ('1-412-665-0555', 0.9523001909255981)], [[[36.0, 149.0], [172.0, 149.0], [172.0, 163.0], [36.0, 163.0]], ('119901036 Sm1thCharles', 0.9550154209136963)], [[[32.0, 175.0], [83.0, 175.0], [83.0, 192.0], [32.0, 192.0]], ('CHK2611', 0.97272127866745)], [[[208.0, 175.0], [263.0, 175.0], [263.0, 192.0], [208.0, 192.0]], ('T8L408/1', 0.9353091716766357)], [[[39.0, 204.0], [139.0, 206.0], [139.0, 220.0], [38.0, 218.0]], ('1 Delivery Charge', 0.9162853360176086)], [[[219.0, 204.0], [247.0, 204.0], [247.0, 219.0], [219.0, 219.0]], ('3.00', 0.9921280145645142)], [[[39.0, 219.0], [134.0, 219.0], [134.0, 233.0], [39.0, 233.0]], ('1 Chicken & Rice', 0.9133872985839844)], [[[219.0, 218.0], [248.0, 218.0], [248.0, 233.0], [219.0, 233.0]], ('5.50', 0.9807871580123901)], [[[52.0, 247.0], [79.0, 247.0], [79.0, 260.0], [52.0, 260.0]], ('FOOD', 0.9818155169487)], [[[214.0, 246.0], [247.0, 246.0], [247.0, 261.0], [214.0, 261.0]], ('$7.50', 0.9722291827201843)], [[[52.0, 260.0], [156.0, 260.0], [156.0, 274.0], [52.0, 274.0]], ('RS DELIVERY CHARGE', 0.9548819661140442)], [[[214.0, 259.0], [247.0, 259.0], [247.0, 274.0], [214.0, 274.0]], ('$3.00', 0.9933869242668152)], [[[52.0, 273.0], [107.0, 273.0], [107.0, 287.0], [52.0, 287.0]], ('Sales Tax', 0.9253566265106201)], [[[215.0, 273.0], [247.0, 273.0], [247.0, 287.0], [215.0, 287.0]], ('$0.53', 0.9901342391967773)], [[[36.0, 289.0], [137.0, 289.0], [137.0, 303.0], [36.0, 303.0]], ('Total Due', 0.9574687480926514)], [[[193.0, 288.0], [262.0, 288.0], [262.0, 302.0], [193.0, 302.0]], ('$11.03', 0.9878051280975342)]]
{"store_name": "HotelIndigaEastLiberty", "store_addr": "123NorthHighlandAve Pittsburgh,PA15206", "telephone": "1-412-665-0555", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "$7.50", "tax": "$0.53", "total": "$11.03", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "DeliveryCharge", "item_value": "3.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Chicken&Rice", "item_value": "5.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[167.0, 3.0], [365.0, 10.0], [365.0, 27.0], [167.0, 19.0]], ('Transaction Receipt', 0.9478151202201843)], [[[138.0, 21.0], [405.0, 34.0], [404.0, 51.0], [137.0, 39.0]], ('LCA Airside Departures Main', 0.9602314829826355)], [[[78.0, 67.0], [220.0, 73.0], [219.0, 94.0], [77.0, 89.0]], ('TRANSACTION ID', 0.9721333384513855)], [[[335.0, 75.0], [380.0, 78.0], [378.0, 101.0], [333.0, 99.0]], ('DATE', 0.9984316825866699)], [[[422.0, 78.0], [467.0, 81.0], [465.0, 105.0], [421.0, 102.0]], ('TIME', 0.9976614713668823)], [[[76.0, 95.0], [211.0, 99.0], [210.0, 121.0], [75.0, 116.0]], ('4010-21-26623', 0.9912319183349609)], [[[298.0, 103.0], [466.0, 107.0], [466.0, 128.0], [297.0, 123.0]], ('13-0ct-2016 07:26', 0.949175238609314)], [[[147.0, 153.0], [406.0, 159.0], [405.0, 181.0], [147.0, 174.0]], ('Sales Consultant 7017518)', 0.9339644908905029)], [[[75.0, 236.0], [210.0, 239.0], [209.0, 260.0], [75.0, 257.0]], ('European Euro', 0.9769858121871948)], [[[433.0, 239.0], [479.0, 239.0], [479.0, 266.0], [433.0, 266.0]], ('7.00', 0.9956253170967102)], [[[76.0, 265.0], [328.0, 269.0], [327.0, 290.0], [76.0, 287.0]], ('We SELL Currency @1.0012', 0.9413378238677979)], [[[76.0, 294.0], [280.0, 297.0], [279.0, 318.0], [76.0, 314.0]], ('United Kingdom Pound', 0.9374111294746399)], [[[432.0, 296.0], [477.0, 296.0], [477.0, 320.0], [432.0, 320.0]], ('6.99', 0.9939895868301392)], [[[76.0, 320.0], [231.0, 324.0], [230.0, 345.0], [76.0, 342.0]], ('Nett Commission', 0.9803619384765625)], [[[432.0, 324.0], [477.0, 324.0], [477.0, 347.0], [432.0, 347.0]], ('1.99', 0.9975456595420837)], [[[76.0, 347.0], [144.0, 349.0], [143.0, 374.0], [75.0, 371.0]], ('Fee(s)', 0.947624683380127)], [[[432.0, 351.0], [477.0, 351.0], [477.0, 375.0], [432.0, 375.0]], ('0.00', 0.9971522688865662)], [[[78.0, 378.0], [170.0, 378.0], [170.0, 399.0], [78.0, 399.0]], ('Sub-Total', 0.9803723096847534)], [[[431.0, 379.0], [477.0, 379.0], [477.0, 402.0], [431.0, 402.0]], ('8.98', 0.9969651103019714)], [[[79.0, 406.0], [317.0, 406.0], [317.0, 427.0], [79.0, 427.0]], ('Buy Back Offer Not Taken', 0.936867892742157)], [[[79.0, 433.0], [289.0, 435.0], [289.0, 455.0], [79.0, 453.0]], ('Buy Back Explained? y', 0.9460437297821045)], [[[80.0, 461.0], [308.0, 461.0], [308.0, 482.0], [80.0, 482.0]], ('Redemption Explained? y', 0.9734194278717041)], [[[82.0, 490.0], [346.0, 490.0], [346.0, 507.0], [82.0, 507.0]], ('Buy Back Price Explained? y', 0.9448494911193848)], [[[84.0, 544.0], [415.0, 544.0], [415.0, 561.0], [84.0, 561.0]], ('Ihank you for using Trave ex this', 0.8950634598731995)], [[[79.0, 571.0], [436.0, 570.0], [436.0, 590.0], [79.0, 591.0]], ('shop is operated by Travelex UK Ltd', 0.9314518570899963)], [[[78.0, 597.0], [445.0, 598.0], [445.0, 619.0], [78.0, 618.0]], ('For the BEsT DEAL on Foreign Currency', 0.919464111328125)], [[[77.0, 625.0], [376.0, 626.0], [376.0, 646.0], [77.0, 645.0]], ('order online at', 0.9681488275527954)], [[[77.0, 682.0], [257.0, 682.0], [257.0, 703.0], [77.0, 703.0]], ('SETTLEMENT SUMMARY', 0.9637448787689209)], [[[73.0, 738.0], [236.0, 738.0], [236.0, 760.0], [73.0, 760.0]], ('Total Commission', 0.9687240123748779)], [[[435.0, 734.0], [483.0, 736.0], [482.0, 764.0], [433.0, 761.0]], ('1.99', 0.9972974061965942)], [[[72.0, 768.0], [194.0, 768.0], [194.0, 789.0], [72.0, 789.0]], ('Total Fees', 0.9534024000167847)], [[[437.0, 768.0], [483.0, 768.0], [483.0, 791.0], [437.0, 791.0]], ('0.00', 0.9964352250099182)], [[[69.0, 795.0], [164.0, 795.0], [164.0, 820.0], [69.0, 820.0]], ('Sub-Total', 0.9876037240028381)], [[[436.0, 795.0], [484.0, 795.0], [484.0, 822.0], [436.0, 822.0]], ('8.98', 0.9974318146705627)], [[[69.0, 823.0], [171.0, 825.0], [171.0, 849.0], [69.0, 847.0]], ('Total Due:', 0.9267088770866394)], [[[438.0, 827.0], [484.0, 827.0], [484.0, 850.0], [438.0, 850.0]], ('8.98', 0.9973113536834717)], [[[68.0, 911.0], [212.0, 914.0], [211.0, 935.0], [68.0, 933.0]], ('Cash Tendered:', 0.9665995836257935)], [[[427.0, 911.0], [486.0, 914.0], [485.0, 940.0], [426.0, 937.0]], ('10.00', 0.9972909092903137)], [[[68.0, 940.0], [302.0, 942.0], [302.0, 964.0], [68.0, 962.0]], ('Change Due To Customer', 0.9547004103660583)], [[[436.0, 941.0], [485.0, 941.0], [485.0, 968.0], [436.0, 968.0]], ('1.02', 0.9965175986289978)], [[[11.0, 966.0], [42.0, 966.0], [42.0, 976.0], [11.0, 976.0]], ('REU', 0.9315032958984375)], [[[39.0, 966.0], [76.0, 966.0], [76.0, 977.0], [39.0, 977.0]], ('ITERS', 0.9463117718696594)]]
{"store_name": "LCAAirsideDeparturesMain", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "13-Oct-2016", "time": "17:26", "subtotal": "8.98 8.98", "tax": "", "total": "8.98", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "EuropeanEuro", "item_value": "7.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "UnitedKingdomPound", "item_value": "6.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[135.0, 11.0], [233.0, 15.0], [232.0, 39.0], [134.0, 36.0]], ('Super', 0.9985531568527222)], [[[110.0, 34.0], [249.0, 37.0], [249.0, 59.0], [109.0, 56.0]], ('"Grocery', 0.9341357946395874)], [[[99.0, 77.0], [194.0, 77.0], [194.0, 91.0], [99.0, 91.0]], ('720 Watson Dr', 0.926855206489563)], [[[71.0, 93.0], [176.0, 93.0], [176.0, 105.0], [71.0, 105.0]], ('MIAMIFL31211', 0.976192057132721)], [[[81.0, 106.0], [170.0, 106.0], [170.0, 120.0], [81.0, 120.0]], ('800-676-9843', 0.9888594746589661)], [[[7.0, 122.0], [117.0, 122.0], [117.0, 136.0], [7.0, 136.0]], ('1.DOZ FREERNG', 0.9079093337059021)], [[[179.0, 118.0], [224.0, 118.0], [224.0, 150.0], [179.0, 150.0]], ('$3.89', 0.798611044883728)], [[[7.0, 134.0], [123.0, 134.0], [123.0, 147.0], [7.0, 147.0]], ('HORIZON2%ORG', 0.9560232162475586)], [[[6.0, 226.0], [78.0, 226.0], [78.0, 239.0], [6.0, 239.0]], ('SUBTOTAL:', 0.9726316928863525)], [[[182.0, 224.0], [231.0, 224.0], [231.0, 241.0], [182.0, 241.0]], ('$11.11', 0.9720919132232666)], [[[5.0, 241.0], [56.0, 241.0], [56.0, 259.0], [5.0, 259.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9984074831008911)], [[[183.0, 243.0], [231.0, 243.0], [231.0, 258.0], [183.0, 258.0]], ('$11.11', 0.9781294465065002)], [[[5.0, 259.0], [45.0, 259.0], [45.0, 273.0], [5.0, 273.0]], ('Amex', 0.9975152015686035)], [[[183.0, 259.0], [231.0, 259.0], [231.0, 273.0], [183.0, 273.0]], ('$11.11', 0.9904223084449768)], [[[10.0, 274.0], [82.0, 271.0], [83.0, 288.0], [11.0, 290.0]], ('PURCHASE', 0.9906391501426697)], [[[182.0, 270.0], [233.0, 273.0], [232.0, 290.0], [181.0, 288.0]], ('$11.11', 0.9809632301330566)], [[[12.0, 289.0], [53.0, 289.0], [53.0, 303.0], [12.0, 303.0]], ('Amex', 0.9960734248161316)], [[[183.0, 288.0], [217.0, 288.0], [217.0, 303.0], [183.0, 303.0]], ('4444', 0.9946953058242798)], [[[14.0, 304.0], [105.0, 304.0], [105.0, 317.0], [14.0, 317.0]], ('Auth #194069', 0.9588297009468079)], [[[181.0, 303.0], [284.0, 301.0], [285.0, 317.0], [182.0, 319.0]], ('Exp Date **', 0.9025211334228516)], [[[14.0, 318.0], [78.0, 318.0], [78.0, 332.0], [14.0, 332.0]], ('Lane #19', 0.9377712607383728)], [[[183.0, 318.0], [265.0, 318.0], [265.0, 332.0], [183.0, 332.0]], ('Cashier1940', 0.9808502197265625)], [[[12.0, 333.0], [148.0, 333.0], [148.0, 347.0], [12.0, 347.0]], ('2017-07-1609:53:33', 0.9699795842170715)], [[[183.0, 334.0], [294.0, 334.0], [294.0, 348.0], [183.0, 348.0]], ('Ref/Seq#194069', 0.9932541847229004)], [[[15.0, 349.0], [226.0, 349.0], [226.0, 362.0], [15.0, 362.0]], ('MRCH306770Term=001IC=CC', 0.9767161011695862)], [[[15.0, 363.0], [105.0, 363.0], [105.0, 377.0], [15.0, 377.0]], ('EPS SEquence', 0.9615811705589294)], [[[126.0, 363.0], [177.0, 363.0], [177.0, 377.0], [126.0, 377.0]], ('123938', 0.9989868998527527)], [[[15.0, 378.0], [67.0, 378.0], [67.0, 392.0], [15.0, 392.0]], ('ITEM 2', 0.91135174036026)], [[[126.0, 378.0], [190.0, 378.0], [190.0, 392.0], [126.0, 392.0]], ('H,ALISON', 0.9277719259262085)], [[[14.0, 394.0], [158.0, 394.0], [158.0, 406.0], [14.0, 406.0]], ('2017-07-1609:53:33', 0.9740085601806641)], [[[183.0, 394.0], [299.0, 394.0], [299.0, 406.0], [183.0, 406.0]], ('1087171583158', 0.998474657535553)], [[[14.0, 407.0], [206.0, 408.0], [206.0, 422.0], [14.0, 421.0]], ('Be sure to check out the Free', 0.9462366700172424)], [[[15.0, 424.0], [203.0, 424.0], [203.0, 438.0], [15.0, 438.0]], ('Feature Newsletter.Available', 0.9827171564102173)], [[[14.0, 440.0], [126.0, 440.0], [126.0, 454.0], [14.0, 454.0]], ('online or by mail.', 0.9435129165649414)]]
{"store_name": "Super Grocery", "store_addr": "720WatsonDr MIAMI,FL31211", "telephone": "800-676-9843", "date": "2017-07-16 2017-07-16", "time": "09:53:33 09:53:33", "subtotal": "$11.11", "tax": "", "total": "$11.11 $11.11 $11.11", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "1DOZFREERNG", "item_value": "$3.33", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HORIZON2%ORG", "item_value": "$3.89", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[354.0, 30.0], [438.0, 30.0], [438.0, 49.0], [354.0, 49.0]], ('07/12/2015', 0.9968146085739136)], [[[86.0, 54.0], [186.0, 42.0], [189.0, 64.0], [88.0, 76.0]], ('Server:Alex', 0.9360010623931885)], [[[89.0, 75.0], [222.0, 61.0], [224.0, 83.0], [91.0, 97.0]], ('Cashier:-Sabrina', 0.904253363609314)], [[[379.0, 70.0], [441.0, 72.0], [440.0, 95.0], [378.0, 92.0]], ('8:07PM', 0.9256647229194641)], [[[91.0, 97.0], [183.0, 88.0], [186.0, 110.0], [94.0, 119.0]], ('Table 309/1', 0.9504316449165344)], [[[94.0, 119.0], [168.0, 111.0], [170.0, 129.0], [96.0, 137.0]], ('Guests:2', 0.9397778511047363)], [[[339.0, 119.0], [436.0, 115.0], [437.0, 136.0], [339.0, 140.0]], ('#70013', 0.9922751784324646)], [[[93.0, 155.0], [193.0, 146.0], [195.0, 167.0], [95.0, 175.0]], ('Reprint #:1', 0.9167263507843018)], [[[96.0, 195.0], [367.0, 186.0], [368.0, 204.0], [96.0, 213.0]], ('*********************************', 0.971583366394043)], [[[97.0, 217.0], [393.0, 206.0], [394.0, 227.0], [98.0, 238.0]], ('ENJOY 10% OFF ALL FOOD ITEMS ON YOUR', 0.9162423014640808)], [[[97.0, 238.0], [416.0, 226.0], [417.0, 248.0], [98.0, 260.0]], ('NEXT VISIT! SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK WITH US', 0.9312899708747864)], [[[100.0, 261.0], [319.0, 254.0], [319.0, 272.0], [101.0, 278.0]], ('AT WWW.PFCHANGSFEEDBACK.COM', 0.979468584060669)], [[[101.0, 280.0], [280.0, 276.0], [280.0, 295.0], [102.0, 299.0]], ('WITHIN THE NEXT 3 DAYS', 0.9414873123168945)], [[[401.0, 332.0], [438.0, 329.0], [440.0, 349.0], [403.0, 351.0]], ('2.95', 0.9945923089981079)], [[[105.0, 343.0], [257.0, 339.0], [257.0, 358.0], [106.0, 362.0]], ("Baby Buddha's Feast", 0.9651771187782288)], [[[400.0, 351.0], [439.0, 351.0], [439.0, 371.0], [400.0, 371.0]], ('10.00', 0.9956400990486145)], [[[107.0, 364.0], [220.0, 359.0], [220.0, 377.0], [108.0, 381.0]], ('Sapporo 20 0z.', 0.908605694770813)], [[[401.0, 372.0], [438.0, 369.0], [440.0, 389.0], [403.0, 392.0]], ('8.50', 0.9963579773902893)], [[[109.0, 382.0], [259.0, 378.0], [259.0, 396.0], [110.0, 400.0]], ('Chicken Noodle Soup', 0.9660324454307556)], [[[399.0, 391.0], [439.0, 391.0], [439.0, 409.0], [399.0, 409.0]], ('14.50', 0.9954889416694641)], [[[110.0, 401.0], [253.0, 398.0], [253.0, 415.0], [111.0, 419.0]], ('Korean BBQ Chicken', 0.9678899049758911)], [[[111.0, 420.0], [237.0, 417.0], [238.0, 434.0], [112.0, 438.0]], ('Dan Dan Noodles*', 0.9381622672080994)], [[[396.0, 411.0], [439.0, 408.0], [440.0, 427.0], [398.0, 430.0]], ('11.50', 0.9970405697822571)], [[[392.0, 441.0], [443.0, 437.0], [445.0, 456.0], [394.0, 460.0]], ('-11.45', 0.980149507522583)], [[[108.0, 451.0], [175.0, 450.0], [176.0, 469.0], [109.0, 470.0]], ('Mgr Priv', 0.9498207569122314)], [[[107.0, 485.0], [261.0, 480.0], [262.0, 498.0], [108.0, 502.0]], ('ENTER SURVEY CODE:', 0.9297648668289185)], [[[105.0, 519.0], [282.0, 513.0], [282.0, 531.0], [106.0, 537.0]], ('381187090024 118', 0.9671367406845093)], [[[102.0, 558.0], [237.0, 551.0], [238.0, 568.0], [103.0, 575.0]], ('VALIDATION CODE:', 0.9682793617248535)], [[[99.0, 575.0], [444.0, 564.0], [444.0, 586.0], [100.0, 597.0]], ('REDEEM WITHIN 30 DAYS AT ANY P.F.CHANGS', 0.9262418746948242)], [[[99.0, 596.0], [408.0, 586.0], [408.0, 607.0], [100.0, 617.0]], ('ONE COUPON PER VISIT.NO CASH VALUE.', 0.9423010945320129)], [[[98.0, 618.0], [449.0, 605.0], [450.0, 626.0], [99.0, 639.0]], ('CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER.', 0.9398929476737976)], [[[97.0, 642.0], [388.0, 630.0], [389.0, 647.0], [98.0, 659.0]], ('*********************************', 0.9714725613594055)], [[[428.0, 694.0], [480.0, 690.0], [482.0, 714.0], [430.0, 718.0]], ('36.00', 0.995926022529602)], [[[91.0, 708.0], [167.0, 704.0], [168.0, 727.0], [92.0, 731.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9795064926147461)], [[[438.0, 718.0], [485.0, 715.0], [486.0, 739.0], [439.0, 742.0]], ('2.88', 0.9942421913146973)], [[[91.0, 732.0], [123.0, 732.0], [123.0, 754.0], [91.0, 754.0]], ('Tax', 0.9946155548095703)], [[[437.0, 769.0], [490.0, 766.0], [491.0, 790.0], [438.0, 793.0]], ('38.88', 0.9968973398208618)], [[[88.0, 781.0], [137.0, 778.0], [139.0, 802.0], [90.0, 805.0]], ('Total', 0.993436336517334)], [[[87.0, 830.0], [129.0, 830.0], [129.0, 854.0], [87.0, 854.0]], ('Cash', 0.997128963470459)], [[[434.0, 822.0], [496.0, 820.0], [497.0, 842.0], [435.0, 845.0]], ('100.00', 0.9962821006774902)], [[[85.0, 857.0], [203.0, 855.0], [204.0, 880.0], [85.0, 882.0]], ('Change', 0.997822105884552)], [[[394.0, 849.0], [496.0, 846.0], [497.0, 871.0], [395.0, 874.0]], ('61.12', 0.995097279548645)], [[[184.0, 907.0], [384.0, 904.0], [384.0, 926.0], [184.0, 929.0]], ('For Your Convenience', 0.9654428362846375)], [[[146.0, 937.0], [432.0, 930.0], [432.0, 951.0], [146.0, 957.0]], ('15%$7.1218%$8.54', 0.985491156578064)], [[[144.0, 964.0], [434.0, 957.0], [434.0, 979.0], [145.0, 986.0]], ('20%$9.4922%$10.44', 0.9897989630699158)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "07/12/2015", "time": "8:07PM", "subtotal": "36.00", "tax": "2.88", "total": "38.88", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BabyBuddha'sFeast", "item_value": "2.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Sapporo20Oz.", "item_value": "10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChickenNoodleSoup", "item_value": "8.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KoreanBBQChicken", "item_value": "14.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DanDanNoodles*", "item_value": "11.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[225.0, 192.0], [469.0, 201.0], [468.0, 225.0], [224.0, 216.0]], ('Luna Gri11 Oxnard', 0.9443754553794861)], [[[275.0, 228.0], [419.0, 232.0], [418.0, 250.0], [275.0, 246.0]], ('691 Collect ion Blvd', 0.8508507609367371)], [[[305.0, 247.0], [385.0, 247.0], [385.0, 261.0], [305.0, 261.0]], ('Suite 1100', 0.9368786811828613)], [[[283.0, 257.0], [408.0, 261.0], [408.0, 278.0], [282.0, 275.0]], ('OxnardCA 93036', 0.9474805593490601)], [[[269.0, 272.0], [422.0, 277.0], [422.0, 292.0], [268.0, 286.0]], ('Phone 000) 000-0000', 0.8962010741233826)], [[[179.0, 295.0], [244.0, 298.0], [243.0, 314.0], [178.0, 310.0]], ('3/7/2017', 0.9960743188858032)], [[[175.0, 308.0], [352.0, 314.0], [351.0, 332.0], [175.0, 327.0]], ('Order IdAAALHF4YACA5', 0.9765678644180298)], [[[426.0, 303.0], [506.0, 303.0], [506.0, 321.0], [426.0, 321.0]], ('1:3851PM', 0.9361935257911682)], [[[173.0, 324.0], [268.0, 327.0], [267.0, 345.0], [172.0, 341.0]], ('NI NNIC-', 0.5801829695701599)], [[[172.0, 339.0], [324.0, 343.0], [324.0, 362.0], [171.0, 358.0]], ('Employee:Car los M.', 0.9241865873336792)], [[[186.0, 374.0], [293.0, 374.0], [293.0, 389.0], [186.0, 389.0]], ('1 Greek Sa lad', 0.9067619442939758)], [[[206.0, 390.0], [325.0, 391.0], [325.0, 406.0], [206.0, 405.0]], ('House Dressing', 0.9717584848403931)], [[[466.0, 381.0], [511.0, 377.0], [513.0, 395.0], [468.0, 399.0]], ('$8.99', 0.9952953457832336)], [[[204.0, 404.0], [292.0, 406.0], [292.0, 424.0], [203.0, 422.0]], ('Pita Bread', 0.9696308374404907)], [[[468.0, 398.0], [512.0, 396.0], [513.0, 411.0], [469.0, 414.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9965612292289734)], [[[201.0, 420.0], [284.0, 423.0], [283.0, 441.0], [200.0, 437.0]], ('+ Chicken', 0.9477680921554565)], [[[471.0, 415.0], [515.0, 415.0], [515.0, 430.0], [471.0, 430.0]], ('$0.00', 0.992021918296814)], [[[175.0, 436.0], [374.0, 442.0], [374.0, 460.0], [175.0, 454.0]], ('1 Spicy Ci lantro Hummus', 0.9166039824485779)], [[[469.0, 430.0], [515.0, 428.0], [516.0, 448.0], [471.0, 450.0]], ('$4.25', 0.9944160580635071)], [[[196.0, 454.0], [290.0, 456.0], [289.0, 474.0], [196.0, 472.0]], ('Pita Bread', 0.9427520036697388)], [[[472.0, 448.0], [518.0, 448.0], [518.0, 468.0], [472.0, 468.0]], ('$4.75', 0.9925804138183594)], [[[472.0, 464.0], [519.0, 467.0], [518.0, 486.0], [471.0, 483.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9962018132209778)], [[[147.0, 488.0], [230.0, 488.0], [230.0, 505.0], [147.0, 505.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9035784602165222)], [[[466.0, 499.0], [522.0, 501.0], [521.0, 521.0], [465.0, 518.0]], ('$17.99', 0.9956991672515869)], [[[138.0, 514.0], [226.0, 518.0], [225.0, 537.0], [137.0, 533.0]], ('Sales Tax', 0.9529805779457092)], [[[134.0, 533.0], [241.0, 540.0], [240.0, 562.0], [133.0, 555.0]], ('Order Total', 0.9408485889434814)], [[[476.0, 536.0], [526.0, 539.0], [524.0, 561.0], [475.0, 558.0]], ('$1.39', 0.9949063062667847)], [[[469.0, 557.0], [526.0, 562.0], [524.0, 582.0], [467.0, 577.0]], ('$19.38', 0.9950763583183289)], [[[131.0, 577.0], [174.0, 582.0], [172.0, 605.0], [128.0, 600.0]], ('Visa', 0.9949514269828796)], [[[177.0, 607.0], [237.0, 607.0], [237.0, 630.0], [177.0, 630.0]], ('+Tip:', 0.9179710149765015)], [[[466.0, 601.0], [527.0, 603.0], [526.0, 626.0], [465.0, 624.0]], ('$19.38', 0.9909608364105225)], [[[166.0, 629.0], [385.0, 641.0], [384.0, 662.0], [165.0, 650.0]], ('Card#************6279', 0.9885659217834473)], [[[475.0, 623.0], [528.0, 628.0], [526.0, 652.0], [474.0, 647.0]], ('$3.00', 0.8968380689620972)], [[[163.0, 652.0], [365.0, 664.0], [363.0, 686.0], [161.0, 674.0]], ('Authorization: 183488', 0.9559618830680847)], [[[225.0, 753.0], [418.0, 766.0], [417.0, 788.0], [223.0, 775.0]], ('->Order Closed<-', 0.8871967792510986)], [[[268.0, 807.0], [370.0, 814.0], [368.0, 840.0], [266.0, 833.0]], ('Thank You!', 0.9143427014350891)], [[[90.0, 853.0], [533.0, 881.0], [532.0, 899.0], [89.0, 872.0]], ('******************************************', 0.9723244905471802)], [[[232.0, 890.0], [393.0, 901.0], [391.0, 925.0], [231.0, 915.0]], ('Loyalty Summary', 0.9665559530258179)], [[[67.0, 971.0], [239.0, 976.0], [238.0, 999.0], [66.0, 996.0]], ('LUNATIC REWARDS', 0.9520244598388672)]]
{"store_name": "LunaGrillOxnard", "store_addr": "Oxnard,CA93036 Suite1100 691CollectionBlvd", "telephone": "(000)000-0000", "date": "3/7/2017", "time": "1:38:51PM", "subtotal": "$17.99", "tax": "$1.39", "total": "$19.38 $19.38", "ignore": "", "tips": "$3.00", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PitaBread", "item_value": "$0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SpicyCilantroHummus", "item_value": "$4.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "+Chicken", "item_value": "$4.25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PitaBread", "item_value": "$0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HouseDressing", "item_value": "$0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GreekSalad", "item_value": "$8.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[93.0, 20.0], [180.0, 16.0], [181.0, 30.0], [94.0, 34.0]], ('FARGA GRAN VIA', 0.9567331671714783)], [[[92.0, 32.0], [280.0, 24.0], [280.0, 38.0], [93.0, 46.0]], ('Gran Via Corts Catalanes n 630', 0.9023680090904236)], [[[90.0, 43.0], [264.0, 37.0], [264.0, 51.0], [91.0, 57.0]], ('08007 Barcelona /B-51759205', 0.9125701189041138)], [[[88.0, 55.0], [272.0, 48.0], [272.0, 61.0], [89.0, 68.0]], ('Hippopotamus Restauration S.L', 0.9494971036911011)], [[[86.0, 65.0], [282.0, 60.0], [282.0, 74.0], [87.0, 79.0]], ('Tef933426040-Fax933424432', 0.9786401391029358)], [[[82.0, 90.0], [226.0, 86.0], [226.0, 100.0], [83.0, 105.0]], ('NO VALIDO COMO FACTURA', 0.9360057711601257)], [[[79.0, 115.0], [206.0, 112.0], [206.0, 126.0], [79.0, 129.0]], ('Ticket005-00017592', 0.9891440868377686)], [[[236.0, 112.0], [332.0, 107.0], [333.0, 122.0], [237.0, 127.0]], ('Fec.15/01/18', 0.9743545651435852)], [[[75.0, 126.0], [328.0, 120.0], [329.0, 140.0], [76.0, 146.0]], ('Fec.Actual15/01/2018 15:1114:09', 0.9184139370918274)], [[[73.0, 142.0], [143.0, 146.0], [142.0, 168.0], [72.0, 164.0]], ('Mesa:', 0.9877506494522095)], [[[208.0, 140.0], [240.0, 140.0], [240.0, 165.0], [208.0, 165.0]], ('62', 0.9987930059432983)], [[[69.0, 179.0], [156.0, 179.0], [156.0, 193.0], [69.0, 193.0]], ('Ct.Articulo', 0.9785743355751038)], [[[298.0, 172.0], [354.0, 170.0], [355.0, 187.0], [299.0, 189.0]], ('Importe', 0.9972853064537048)], [[[78.0, 194.0], [174.0, 193.0], [174.0, 207.0], [78.0, 208.0]], ('2 MENU DIA GV', 0.9213171601295471)], [[[313.0, 187.0], [355.0, 183.0], [357.0, 201.0], [315.0, 205.0]], ('35,80', 0.9356628656387329)], [[[77.0, 210.0], [181.0, 210.0], [181.0, 224.0], [77.0, 224.0]], ('2 Cafe Cortado', 0.9383854866027832)], [[[320.0, 202.0], [358.0, 200.0], [359.0, 218.0], [321.0, 220.0]], ('3,70', 0.9263193607330322)], [[[215.0, 237.0], [256.0, 237.0], [256.0, 255.0], [215.0, 255.0]], ('Total', 0.9961851239204407)], [[[318.0, 234.0], [362.0, 234.0], [362.0, 253.0], [318.0, 253.0]], ('39,50', 0.9623007774353027)], [[[183.0, 273.0], [218.0, 273.0], [218.0, 291.0], [183.0, 291.0]], ('Base', 0.9976857900619507)], [[[235.0, 271.0], [264.0, 271.0], [264.0, 290.0], [235.0, 290.0]], ('IVA', 0.9983199238777161)], [[[306.0, 269.0], [367.0, 269.0], [367.0, 287.0], [306.0, 287.0]], ('Importe', 0.9984827041625977)], [[[174.0, 291.0], [217.0, 291.0], [217.0, 310.0], [174.0, 310.0]], ('35,91', 0.940667450428009)], [[[235.0, 289.0], [264.0, 289.0], [264.0, 308.0], [235.0, 308.0]], ('10%', 0.9985480904579163)], [[[329.0, 288.0], [368.0, 285.0], [369.0, 305.0], [330.0, 308.0]], ('3,59', 0.9271173477172852)], [[[58.0, 328.0], [142.0, 328.0], [142.0, 365.0], [58.0, 365.0]], ('Total', 0.9947674870491028)], [[[284.0, 326.0], [374.0, 323.0], [375.0, 360.0], [285.0, 363.0]], ('39,50', 0.9665757417678833)], [[[32.0, 407.0], [389.0, 405.0], [389.0, 419.0], [32.0, 421.0]], ('*****************************************', 0.9440217614173889)], [[[36.0, 427.0], [376.0, 428.0], [376.0, 446.0], [36.0, 445.0]], ('QUE TAL HA IDO? Le agradeceriamos que', 0.9263303875923157)]]
{"store_name": "HippopotamusRestaurationS,L,", "store_addr": "FARGAGRANVIA GranViaCartsCatalanes\u2116630 08007Barcelona/B-61759205", "telephone": "933426040", "date": "15/01/2018 15/01/18", "time": "15:11", "subtotal": "Base 35,91", "tax": "3,59", "total": "39,50 39,50", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "MENUDIAGV", "item_value": "35,80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CafeCortado", "item_value": "3,70", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[129.0, 18.0], [300.0, 5.0], [303.0, 51.0], [132.0, 64.0]], ("Michael's", 0.9426947832107544)], [[[151.0, 62.0], [280.0, 51.0], [281.0, 64.0], [153.0, 75.0]], ('Where Creativity Happens', 0.9492953419685364)], [[[129.0, 98.0], [307.0, 84.0], [308.0, 98.0], [130.0, 112.0]], ('SR946770979-5667', 0.7328159809112549)], [[[172.0, 125.0], [256.0, 119.0], [257.0, 133.0], [173.0, 139.0]], ('1977 SCENIC HAY', 0.8759428858757019)], [[[165.0, 141.0], [269.0, 132.0], [271.0, 146.0], [166.0, 155.0]], ('SNELLVILLEG30078', 0.8533619046211243)], [[[141.0, 169.0], [294.0, 158.0], [295.0, 175.0], [143.0, 186.0]], ('Losaly CustValued Custore', 0.768556535243988)], [[[137.0, 184.0], [294.0, 173.0], [295.0, 190.0], [139.0, 201.0]], ('LoaterLRP40011376361', 0.8114297986030579)], [[[161.0, 196.0], [266.0, 190.0], [268.0, 207.0], [162.0, 213.0]], ('Lolty Level:Gold', 0.7875806093215942)], [[[149.0, 212.0], [287.0, 206.0], [288.0, 220.0], [149.0, 226.0]], ('Return Barcode ', 0.9079630970954895)], [[[109.0, 322.0], [173.0, 320.0], [173.0, 334.0], [110.0, 336.0]], ('2596SALE', 0.9856233596801758)], [[[199.0, 319.0], [362.0, 308.0], [364.0, 325.0], [200.0, 336.0]], ('403894160027/14/1214:39', 0.9600908756256104)], [[[256.0, 349.0], [303.0, 346.0], [304.0, 361.0], [257.0, 364.0]], ('.501', 0.9204192161560059)], [[[329.0, 343.0], [365.0, 343.0], [365.0, 361.0], [329.0, 361.0]], ('105', 0.8299571871757507)], [[[77.0, 355.0], [241.0, 351.0], [241.0, 365.0], [77.0, 369.0]], ('RECIPE CRDS 4X6 F400100960608', 0.9111879467964172)], [[[255.0, 365.0], [304.0, 363.0], [305.0, 380.0], [256.0, 382.0]], ('.501', 0.9608677625656128)], [[[330.0, 361.0], [357.0, 361.0], [357.0, 377.0], [330.0, 377.0]], ('.50', 0.9610021114349365)], [[[77.0, 372.0], [241.0, 368.0], [241.0, 382.0], [77.0, 386.0]], ('NOTECARDS THSF400100963456', 0.9159042835235596)], [[[75.0, 388.0], [305.0, 380.0], [306.0, 397.0], [75.0, 405.0]], ('NOTECARDSRED Q34001009982741.501', 0.9145348072052002)], [[[321.0, 379.0], [349.0, 379.0], [349.0, 394.0], [321.0, 394.0]], ('1.50', 0.9818934202194214)], [[[74.0, 404.0], [305.0, 398.0], [306.0, 415.0], [74.0, 421.0]], ('NOTECARDS REDQ34001009982741.501', 0.922491729259491)], [[[320.0, 397.0], [349.0, 397.0], [349.0, 412.0], [320.0, 412.0]], ('1.50', 0.991183340549469)], [[[144.0, 421.0], [189.0, 421.0], [189.0, 435.0], [144.0, 435.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9491326808929443)], [[[249.0, 418.0], [275.0, 418.0], [275.0, 434.0], [249.0, 434.0]], ('4.00', 0.977226972579956)], [[[121.0, 439.0], [191.0, 439.0], [191.0, 453.0], [121.0, 453.0]], ('SALES T6', 0.8635157346725464)], [[[256.0, 436.0], [276.0, 436.0], [276.0, 452.0], [256.0, 452.0]], ('.24', 0.9374859929084778)], [[[159.0, 456.0], [191.0, 456.0], [191.0, 471.0], [159.0, 471.0]], ('TUTAL.', 0.9600162506103516)], [[[249.0, 454.0], [275.0, 454.0], [275.0, 470.0], [249.0, 470.0]], ('4.24', 0.9845229387283325)], [[[69.0, 492.0], [150.0, 492.0], [150.0, 506.0], [69.0, 506.0]], ('ACCOUNT NUMBER', 0.9598365426063538)], [[[193.0, 491.0], [286.0, 491.0], [286.0, 505.0], [193.0, 505.0]], ('*4122', 0.9166969060897827)], [[[84.0, 510.0], [171.0, 510.0], [171.0, 524.0], [84.0, 524.0]], ('VISA/MASTERCARI', 0.9290618300437927)], [[[248.0, 510.0], [276.0, 510.0], [276.0, 526.0], [248.0, 526.0]], ('4.24', 0.9697681069374084)], [[[81.0, 527.0], [258.0, 529.0], [258.0, 545.0], [81.0, 543.0]], ('APPROVAL 936767SWIPED ONLINE', 0.8832707405090332)], [[[76.0, 544.0], [176.0, 547.0], [176.0, 564.0], [76.0, 561.0]], ('COURTNEY P FOSTER', 0.9295973181724548)], [[[91.0, 584.0], [340.0, 587.0], [340.0, 604.0], [91.0, 601.0]], ('8-9345-0345-025-9260-9111-9112-1508-7148', 0.9337924718856812)]]
{"store_name": "MICHAELSSTCIRE#9416", "store_addr": "1977SCENICHWY. SNELLVILLE,GA30078", "telephone": "(7700979-5667)", "date": "7/14/12", "time": "14:39", "subtotal": "4.00", "tax": ".24", "total": "4.24 4.24", "ignore": " \u2193 \u2193", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "RECIPECRDS4X6F", "item_value": ".50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NOTECARDSWITHSF", "item_value": ".50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NOTECARDSREDQ3", "item_value": "1.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NOTECARDSREDQ3", "item_value": "1.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[541.0, 208.0], [632.0, 218.0], [630.0, 237.0], [539.0, 227.0]], ('caos', 0.6329774260520935)], [[[433.0, 244.0], [553.0, 250.0], [552.0, 266.0], [432.0, 261.0]], ('CASA LEYSA DE CV', 0.9135133624076843)], [[[324.0, 257.0], [665.0, 271.0], [664.0, 289.0], [323.0, 276.0]], ('CARR.INI.Y CALLE DEP 1434CIE-81025-EA1CUL.SIN', 0.892989456653595)], [[[417.0, 280.0], [572.0, 286.0], [571.0, 301.0], [417.0, 295.0]], ('SUC.LLY VALI ARTA 1089', 0.8553870916366577)], [[[376.0, 293.0], [621.0, 304.0], [620.0, 322.0], [375.0, 312.0]], ('AV.MEXICO #1FUERTO VALL RJAL', 0.8393440246582031)], [[[282.0, 329.0], [332.0, 329.0], [332.0, 346.0], [282.0, 346.0]], ('CANI.', 0.8905037045478821)], [[[324.0, 328.0], [405.0, 332.0], [404.0, 350.0], [323.0, 347.0]], ('DESCRIPCION', 0.9919863343238831)], [[[469.0, 336.0], [513.0, 336.0], [513.0, 352.0], [469.0, 352.0]], ('PRECIO', 0.9423606991767883)], [[[528.0, 338.0], [563.0, 338.0], [563.0, 355.0], [528.0, 355.0]], ('PROM.', 0.9886110424995422)], [[[574.0, 336.0], [616.0, 338.0], [615.0, 358.0], [572.0, 355.0]], ('PRECIO', 0.9810306429862976)], [[[646.0, 338.0], [681.0, 341.0], [679.0, 362.0], [644.0, 358.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9920570254325867)], [[[468.0, 353.0], [503.0, 353.0], [503.0, 370.0], [468.0, 370.0]], ('UNIL.', 0.750681459903717)], [[[326.0, 364.0], [445.0, 368.0], [444.0, 386.0], [325.0, 383.0]], ('CO DOS FANNY LU U', 0.8922415971755981)], [[[574.0, 355.0], [616.0, 358.0], [615.0, 374.0], [572.0, 372.0]], ('OFERTA', 0.9951817989349365)], [[[473.0, 370.0], [534.0, 372.0], [533.0, 389.0], [472.0, 386.0]], ('96.9040', 0.980367124080658)], [[[577.0, 372.0], [617.0, 375.0], [616.0, 394.0], [576.0, 391.0]], ('58.14', 0.9779267311096191)], [[[325.0, 382.0], [433.0, 386.0], [433.0, 405.0], [324.0, 400.0]], ('CD GLORIA IREVI', 0.9297541379928589)], [[[644.0, 374.0], [696.0, 377.0], [695.0, 395.0], [643.0, 392.0]], ('58.14G', 0.9642565846443176)], [[[281.0, 387.0], [286.0, 387.0], [286.0, 395.0], [281.0, 395.0]], ('-', 0.6269116401672363)], [[[469.0, 387.0], [534.0, 390.0], [533.0, 406.0], [468.0, 403.0]], ('139.9040', 0.9866656064987183)], [[[325.0, 400.0], [443.0, 405.0], [442.0, 424.0], [324.0, 419.0]], ('CD PELIGRO REIK S', 0.9138044714927673)], [[[578.0, 391.0], [615.0, 391.0], [615.0, 410.0], [578.0, 410.0]], ('83.94', 0.9893714785575867)], [[[645.0, 392.0], [694.0, 395.0], [693.0, 412.0], [644.0, 409.0]], ('83.94G', 0.9730409979820251)], [[[278.0, 404.0], [287.0, 404.0], [287.0, 416.0], [278.0, 416.0]], ('1', 0.8701379299163818)], [[[467.0, 406.0], [531.0, 408.0], [531.0, 425.0], [466.0, 422.0]], ('149.9040', 0.9888197183609009)], [[[577.0, 406.0], [615.0, 410.0], [613.0, 429.0], [576.0, 426.0]], ('89.94', 0.9870738983154297)], [[[324.0, 418.0], [440.0, 422.0], [439.0, 441.0], [323.0, 436.0]], ('CD WISIN Y YANDEL', 0.9211217164993286)], [[[643.0, 409.0], [695.0, 412.0], [694.0, 431.0], [642.0, 428.0]], ('89.94G', 0.9727177023887634)], [[[278.0, 421.0], [287.0, 421.0], [287.0, 433.0], [278.0, 433.0]], ('1', 0.9397611618041992)], [[[466.0, 422.0], [533.0, 425.0], [532.0, 443.0], [465.0, 441.0]], ('159.9040', 0.9895485639572144)], [[[578.0, 426.0], [614.0, 429.0], [612.0, 447.0], [577.0, 444.0]], ('95.94', 0.9936375617980957)], [[[643.0, 426.0], [695.0, 429.0], [694.0, 449.0], [642.0, 446.0]], ('95.94G', 0.9688350558280945)], [[[278.0, 436.0], [333.0, 436.0], [333.0, 456.0], [278.0, 456.0]], ('(GIVA:', 0.8358249068260193)], [[[635.0, 444.0], [681.0, 447.0], [680.0, 466.0], [634.0, 463.0]], ('$45.24', 0.9820683002471924)], [[[458.0, 474.0], [493.0, 477.0], [492.0, 497.0], [456.0, 494.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9781512022018433)], [[[634.0, 479.0], [680.0, 481.0], [679.0, 501.0], [633.0, 498.0]], ('327.96', 0.9700902104377747)], [[[436.0, 492.0], [494.0, 494.0], [493.0, 514.0], [435.0, 511.0]], ('EFECTIVO', 0.9442845582962036)], [[[634.0, 497.0], [679.0, 500.0], [678.0, 520.0], [633.0, 517.0]], ('328.00', 0.9884172081947327)], [[[448.0, 514.0], [493.0, 514.0], [493.0, 530.0], [448.0, 530.0]], ('CAMBIO', 0.9894907474517822)], [[[646.0, 518.0], [677.0, 518.0], [677.0, 536.0], [646.0, 536.0]], ('0.05', 0.9933493137359619)], [[[422.0, 532.0], [558.0, 535.0], [557.0, 566.0], [421.0, 564.0]], ('USTED AHORRA$218.64', 0.9531124234199524)], [[[446.0, 586.0], [538.0, 588.0], [537.0, 607.0], [446.0, 604.0]], ('Articulos=4', 0.9698381423950195)], [[[352.0, 602.0], [615.0, 608.0], [614.0, 625.0], [352.0, 620.0]], ('11/20/11 06:23:45 PM CAJA 45 I1cke1 2', 0.8603088855743408)], [[[364.0, 622.0], [615.0, 626.0], [614.0, 644.0], [364.0, 639.0]], ('Le Atend1o:VERONICA ARMENTA 1137260', 0.8791859149932861)], [[[349.0, 660.0], [616.0, 664.0], [615.0, 683.0], [349.0, 678.0]], ('A PARTIR DEL 1 DE DICIEMBRE YA NO PODRA', 0.8960232734680176)], [[[354.0, 678.0], [616.0, 684.0], [615.0, 703.0], [354.0, 697.0]], ('ACUMULAR PUNIOS EN SERVICIO AL CLIENTE', 0.9238767027854919)], [[[360.0, 698.0], [610.0, 703.0], [610.0, 721.0], [359.0, 717.0]], ('ASI QUE NO OLVIDE MOSIRAR SU IARJETA', 0.9169642329216003)], [[[385.0, 719.0], [583.0, 722.0], [582.0, 741.0], [385.0, 737.0]], ('PRIVILEGIA AL PAGAR EN CAJAS', 0.9328681230545044)]]
{"store_name": "CASALEY,SADECV Ley", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "11/20/11", "time": "06:23:45PM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "$45.24", "total": "327.96", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CDWISINYYANDEL", "item_value": "58.14G", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CDPELIGROREIKS", "item_value": "83.94G", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CDGLORIATREVI/", "item_value": "89.94G", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "C0DOSFANNYLUU", "item_value": "95.94G", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "CANT.DESCRIPCION", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[90.0, 22.0], [204.0, 22.0], [204.0, 35.0], [90.0, 35.0]], ('1488 1TH AVENUE WEST', 0.9191067814826965)], [[[115.0, 15.0], [181.0, 15.0], [181.0, 25.0], [115.0, 25.0]], ('VIJS RANGOU', 0.886867344379425)], [[[91.0, 32.0], [203.0, 31.0], [203.0, 42.0], [91.0, 43.0]], ('VANCOUVER, BC V6H1', 0.8757737278938293)], [[[123.0, 41.0], [170.0, 41.0], [170.0, 51.0], [123.0, 51.0]], ('6047365711', 0.9863840937614441)], [[[106.0, 66.0], [189.0, 64.0], [189.0, 77.0], [106.0, 79.0]], ('DEBIT SALE', 0.953144907951355)], [[[65.0, 87.0], [144.0, 87.0], [144.0, 100.0], [65.0, 100.0]], ('Server #000099', 0.9505454301834106)], [[[66.0, 100.0], [130.0, 100.0], [130.0, 111.0], [66.0, 111.0]], ('Table #0005', 0.9486286044120789)], [[[64.0, 110.0], [160.0, 110.0], [160.0, 124.0], [64.0, 124.0]], ('Check #0000409519', 0.9661574363708496)], [[[64.0, 123.0], [123.0, 123.0], [123.0, 134.0], [64.0, 134.0]], ('MID5808686', 0.9591661691665649)], [[[64.0, 135.0], [104.0, 135.0], [104.0, 146.0], [64.0, 146.0]], ('TID:002', 0.9155979752540588)], [[[161.0, 132.0], [233.0, 129.0], [233.0, 144.0], [162.0, 146.0]], ('REF#00000012', 0.9636425971984863)], [[[63.0, 147.0], [127.0, 147.0], [127.0, 158.0], [63.0, 158.0]], ('Batch #050', 0.9478334188461304)], [[[164.0, 144.0], [235.0, 141.0], [235.0, 156.0], [164.0, 158.0]], ('RRN:00000002', 0.9406239986419678)], [[[63.0, 159.0], [100.0, 159.0], [100.0, 170.0], [63.0, 170.0]], ('08/01/16', 0.9961123466491699)], [[[200.0, 157.0], [234.0, 157.0], [234.0, 168.0], [200.0, 168.0]], ('15:06:38', 0.9555732011795044)], [[[62.0, 170.0], [159.0, 170.0], [159.0, 183.0], [62.0, 183.0]], ('APPR CODE:009610', 0.9420579671859741)], [[[61.0, 182.0], [140.0, 182.0], [140.0, 195.0], [61.0, 195.0]], ('Trace: 00434486', 0.9375343322753906)], [[[59.0, 194.0], [140.0, 193.0], [140.0, 207.0], [60.0, 208.0]], ('DEBIT/CHEQUING', 0.9897255301475525)], [[[69.0, 205.0], [138.0, 207.0], [138.0, 218.0], [69.0, 216.0]], ('**********5147C', 0.8295799493789673)], [[[61.0, 236.0], [129.0, 236.0], [129.0, 250.0], [61.0, 250.0]], ('AMOUNT', 0.9972586035728455)], [[[192.0, 232.0], [241.0, 232.0], [241.0, 246.0], [192.0, 246.0]], ('$85.58', 0.9965424537658691)], [[[58.0, 251.0], [85.0, 248.0], [87.0, 264.0], [60.0, 267.0]], ('TIP', 0.9978247284889221)], [[[193.0, 245.0], [242.0, 245.0], [242.0, 259.0], [193.0, 259.0]], ('$12.84', 0.9971573948860168)], [[[57.0, 263.0], [110.0, 260.0], [111.0, 275.0], [58.0, 279.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9985204935073853)], [[[193.0, 258.0], [242.0, 256.0], [243.0, 271.0], [193.0, 273.0]], ('$98.42', 0.9986606240272522)], [[[121.0, 308.0], [181.0, 308.0], [181.0, 322.0], [121.0, 322.0]], ('APPROVED', 0.9963665008544922)], [[[50.0, 345.0], [98.0, 342.0], [99.0, 357.0], [50.0, 360.0]], ('INTERAC', 0.9962548017501831)], [[[50.0, 361.0], [159.0, 356.0], [160.0, 370.0], [50.0, 375.0]], ('AID:A0000002771010', 0.9737033843994141)], [[[49.0, 377.0], [175.0, 373.0], [176.0, 387.0], [49.0, 391.0]], ('TVR:8080008000', 0.9573943018913269)], [[[48.0, 393.0], [109.0, 391.0], [110.0, 406.0], [48.0, 408.0]], ('TSt6800', 0.9442600011825562)], [[[114.0, 424.0], [189.0, 421.0], [189.0, 438.0], [115.0, 441.0]], ('THANK YOU', 0.9577208757400513)], [[[106.0, 442.0], [181.0, 442.0], [181.0, 449.0], [106.0, 449.0]], ('ASECONE', 0.8476929664611816)], [[[179.0, 440.0], [218.0, 440.0], [218.0, 449.0], [179.0, 449.0]], ('AGAIN', 0.921788215637207)]]
{"store_name": "VIJSRANGOU", "store_addr": "148011THAVENUEWEST VANCOUVER,BCV6M1L1", "telephone": "6047365711", "date": "08/01/16", "time": "15:06:38", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "$98.42", "ignore": "", "tips": "$12.84", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[81.0, 57.0], [249.0, 56.0], [249.0, 73.0], [81.0, 74.0]], ('Squeaky Cl ean Car Wash', 0.9216609597206116)], [[[75.0, 76.0], [248.0, 77.0], [248.0, 94.0], [75.0, 93.0]], ('1710 Hempsead Turnpike', 0.9532638192176819)], [[[117.0, 97.0], [212.0, 97.0], [212.0, 114.0], [117.0, 114.0]], ('516-616-0914', 0.9919634461402893)], [[[14.0, 135.0], [112.0, 135.0], [112.0, 152.0], [14.0, 152.0]], ('WashCashi er1,', 0.9099408388137817)], [[[179.0, 137.0], [316.0, 137.0], [316.0, 151.0], [179.0, 151.0]], ('04/16/1602:18PM', 0.9764589667320251)], [[[12.0, 153.0], [137.0, 156.0], [136.0, 173.0], [12.0, 170.0]], ('Shift1Emp10', 0.9737417101860046)], [[[179.0, 156.0], [315.0, 156.0], [315.0, 170.0], [179.0, 170.0]], ('Sale#70149077248', 0.985012948513031)], [[[82.0, 195.0], [238.0, 195.0], [238.0, 209.0], [82.0, 209.0]], ('REDIT CARD DRAFT *', 0.8935368061065674)], [[[58.0, 233.0], [216.0, 233.0], [216.0, 247.0], [58.0, 247.0]], ('1 Simoniz Conplete Dt', 0.9265017509460449)], [[[265.0, 230.0], [307.0, 230.0], [307.0, 248.0], [265.0, 248.0]], ('69.00', 0.9928369522094727)], [[[57.0, 252.0], [158.0, 252.0], [158.0, 269.0], [57.0, 269.0]], ('1 Oper Coupon', 0.877475380897522)], [[[267.0, 250.0], [308.0, 250.0], [308.0, 268.0], [267.0, 268.0]], ('-2.00', 0.9809539914131165)], [[[161.0, 290.0], [221.0, 290.0], [221.0, 307.0], [161.0, 307.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.995539665222168)], [[[264.0, 291.0], [307.0, 288.0], [308.0, 307.0], [265.0, 310.0]], ('67.00', 0.9967457056045532)], [[[154.0, 306.0], [225.0, 310.0], [224.0, 328.0], [153.0, 324.0]], ('Sales Tax', 0.9675278067588806)], [[[268.0, 311.0], [306.0, 308.0], [307.0, 326.0], [269.0, 329.0]], ('5.95', 0.9842615127563477)], [[[184.0, 329.0], [221.0, 329.0], [221.0, 344.0], [184.0, 344.0]], ('Total', 0.9978882670402527)], [[[264.0, 329.0], [306.0, 326.0], [307.0, 344.0], [265.0, 346.0]], ('72.95', 0.9881606101989746)]]
{"store_name": "SqueakyCleanCarWash", "store_addr": "1710HempsteadTurnpike", "telephone": "516-616-0914", "date": "04/16/16.", "time": "02:18PM", "subtotal": "67.00", "tax": "5.95", "total": "72.95", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SimonlzCompleteDt", "item_value": "69.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OpenCoupon", "item_value": "-2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[42.0, 13.0], [555.0, 13.0], [555.0, 49.0], [42.0, 49.0]], ("Boughtworld'smostexpensive", 0.9935444593429565)], [[[189.0, 59.0], [416.0, 56.0], [417.0, 93.0], [190.0, 96.0]], ('pantsfor$20', 0.9963298439979553)], [[[402.0, 60.0], [494.0, 54.0], [497.0, 104.0], [406.0, 110.0]], ('OR', 0.9917045831680298)], [[[243.0, 115.0], [427.0, 118.0], [427.0, 143.0], [243.0, 141.0]], ('Connor Clothng Pty Ltd', 0.8289243578910828)], [[[249.0, 167.0], [425.0, 169.0], [425.0, 192.0], [249.0, 189.0]], ('CONNOR ESSENOON 206', 0.9492858052253723)], [[[244.0, 190.0], [428.0, 190.0], [428.0, 212.0], [244.0, 212.0]], ('SHOP 65DF0 ESSENDON', 0.9157609343528748)], [[[282.0, 214.0], [390.0, 214.0], [390.0, 232.0], [282.0, 232.0]], ('100.BULLA RD', 0.915955126285553)], [[[248.0, 233.0], [420.0, 233.0], [420.0, 254.0], [248.0, 254.0]], ('STRATHMORE VIC 3041', 0.9513040781021118)], [[[259.0, 255.0], [407.0, 255.0], [407.0, 276.0], [259.0, 276.0]], ('Ph:03 9374 3640', 0.9158865213394165)], [[[251.0, 275.0], [415.0, 275.0], [415.0, 297.0], [251.0, 297.0]], ('ABN 53 087 433 029', 0.8976622819900513)], [[[139.0, 329.0], [375.0, 340.0], [374.0, 362.0], [137.0, 351.0]], ('TAXINV0ICEP206-039-378', 0.9728224277496338)], [[[186.0, 403.0], [428.0, 415.0], [427.0, 437.0], [185.0, 425.0]], ('P206038378', 0.9495922923088074)], [[[135.0, 426.0], [284.0, 441.0], [281.0, 463.0], [133.0, 448.0]], ('Date:10-11-2013', 0.9673386216163635)], [[[134.0, 448.0], [291.0, 463.0], [289.0, 485.0], [132.0, 470.0]], ('Sales AstDANIEL', 0.9737728834152222)], [[[416.0, 443.0], [523.0, 446.0], [523.0, 468.0], [415.0, 466.0]], ('Time:15:31', 0.9366002082824707)], [[[489.0, 468.0], [526.0, 468.0], [526.0, 492.0], [489.0, 492.0]], ('206', 0.9983957409858704)], [[[130.0, 511.0], [277.0, 522.0], [275.0, 548.0], [127.0, 536.0]], ('Prod/Qty Color', 0.9623095393180847)], [[[290.0, 525.0], [333.0, 525.0], [333.0, 548.0], [290.0, 548.0]], ('Size', 0.9973139762878418)], [[[372.0, 527.0], [424.0, 527.0], [424.0, 551.0], [372.0, 551.0]], ('PRICE', 0.9982074499130249)], [[[463.0, 529.0], [524.0, 533.0], [522.0, 556.0], [461.0, 552.0]], ('AMOUNT', 0.9964885711669922)], [[[129.0, 583.0], [143.0, 583.0], [143.0, 601.0], [129.0, 601.0]], ('1', 0.9576255083084106)], [[[220.0, 583.0], [263.0, 586.0], [261.0, 610.0], [218.0, 607.0]], ('BLUE', 0.9915347695350647)], [[[290.0, 588.0], [312.0, 588.0], [312.0, 609.0], [290.0, 609.0]], ('36', 0.9985895156860352)], [[[372.0, 589.0], [423.0, 592.0], [422.0, 615.0], [371.0, 612.0]], ('19.95', 0.9976766705513)], [[[461.0, 593.0], [524.0, 597.0], [522.0, 622.0], [459.0, 618.0]], ('$19.95', 0.9945597648620605)], [[[289.0, 609.0], [422.0, 614.0], [421.0, 635.0], [288.0, 631.0]], ('WAS 29195.00', 0.9548072218894958)], [[[125.0, 625.0], [251.0, 629.0], [250.0, 651.0], [125.0, 648.0]], ('9339118305044', 0.9987627863883972)], [[[281.0, 631.0], [443.0, 636.0], [442.0, 657.0], [281.0, 652.0]], ('COBEK SKINNY JEAN', 0.9489466547966003)], [[[123.0, 673.0], [255.0, 673.0], [255.0, 695.0], [123.0, 695.0]], ('Original Total', 0.9165540933609009)], [[[423.0, 677.0], [520.0, 683.0], [519.0, 706.0], [421.0, 700.0]], ('$29,195.00', 0.947050929069519)], [[[124.0, 701.0], [519.0, 710.0], [518.0, 746.0], [124.0, 737.0]], ('YOUSAVE-$29,175.05', 0.9584167003631592)], [[[114.0, 777.0], [169.0, 777.0], [169.0, 805.0], [114.0, 805.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9983389973640442)], [[[455.0, 775.0], [520.0, 779.0], [519.0, 806.0], [454.0, 802.0]], ('$19.95', 0.9216660857200623)], [[[112.0, 829.0], [315.0, 820.0], [316.0, 844.0], [113.0, 853.0]], ('Includes GST of $1.81', 0.8981239795684814)], [[[108.0, 904.0], [267.0, 894.0], [268.0, 916.0], [110.0, 926.0]], ('Amounts Tendered', 0.9668173789978027)], [[[455.0, 910.0], [516.0, 913.0], [515.0, 936.0], [454.0, 933.0]], ('$20.00', 0.9979529976844788)], [[[105.0, 926.0], [152.0, 923.0], [153.0, 949.0], [107.0, 952.0]], ('CASH', 0.9978663325309753)], [[[454.0, 944.0], [515.0, 944.0], [515.0, 967.0], [454.0, 967.0]], ('$20.00', 0.9976897239685059)], [[[105.0, 964.0], [263.0, 952.0], [265.0, 977.0], [107.0, 989.0]], ('Total Tendered:', 0.9190284609794617)], [[[453.0, 966.0], [513.0, 966.0], [513.0, 990.0], [453.0, 990.0]], ('$19.95', 0.9971804022789001)], [[[106.0, 989.0], [226.0, 981.0], [228.0, 1003.0], [108.0, 1011.0]], ('Total.Paid:', 0.8896780014038086)], [[[459.0, 988.0], [512.0, 985.0], [514.0, 1009.0], [461.0, 1012.0]], ('$0.05', 0.9927411079406738)]]
{"store_name": "CONNORESSENDON206 SHOP65DFOESSENDON", "store_addr": "100BULLARD STRATHMOREVIC3041", "telephone": "Ph:0393743640", "date": "10-11-2013", "time": "", "subtotal": "$29,195.00 OriginalTotal", "tax": "IncludesGSTofs1.81", "total": "$19.95 TOTAL", "ignore": " 15:31", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BLUE3619.95", "item_value": "$19.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COBEKSKINNYJEAN", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "Prod/QtyColorSizePRICEAMOUNT", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[66.0, 24.0], [300.0, 22.0], [301.0, 54.0], [66.0, 56.0]], ('alVicolo', 0.9364219903945923)], [[[63.0, 62.0], [298.0, 58.0], [299.0, 75.0], [64.0, 79.0]], ('ITALIAN RESTAURAN', 0.974067211151123)], [[[51.0, 112.0], [95.0, 109.0], [95.0, 124.0], [51.0, 127.0]], ('alVicolo', 0.983201265335083)], [[[51.0, 127.0], [157.0, 122.0], [158.0, 139.0], [51.0, 144.0]], ('Order #1019-11575', 0.9493436217308044)], [[[49.0, 144.0], [65.0, 144.0], [65.0, 157.0], [49.0, 157.0]], ('31', 0.9963483214378357)], [[[48.0, 157.0], [97.0, 160.0], [97.0, 174.0], [48.0, 172.0]], ('2Guests', 0.9731537103652954)], [[[50.0, 175.0], [128.0, 175.0], [128.0, 189.0], [50.0, 189.0]], ('ServerDavide', 0.9899849891662598)], [[[49.0, 192.0], [133.0, 192.0], [133.0, 205.0], [49.0, 205.0]], ('Cashier Davide', 0.9605544209480286)], [[[49.0, 208.0], [197.0, 208.0], [197.0, 222.0], [49.0, 222.0]], ('Register Receipt 1 (receipt)', 0.9140310883522034)], [[[49.0, 224.0], [156.0, 224.0], [156.0, 238.0], [49.0, 238.0]], ('2018-02-1714:17.07', 0.9486355185508728)], [[[60.0, 254.0], [158.0, 256.0], [157.0, 270.0], [59.0, 268.0]], ('1 Mix Salad small', 0.9143680930137634)], [[[286.0, 258.0], [317.0, 258.0], [317.0, 273.0], [286.0, 273.0]], ('15.00', 0.9861612319946289)], [[[61.0, 271.0], [187.0, 274.0], [187.0, 288.0], [60.0, 285.0]], ('1 Prosciutto Ham Pizza', 0.9249687790870667)], [[[285.0, 274.0], [316.0, 274.0], [316.0, 289.0], [285.0, 289.0]], ('22.00', 0.9917685389518738)], [[[59.0, 287.0], [155.0, 290.0], [154.0, 305.0], [58.0, 301.0]], ('2 Well Vodka-Tini', 0.9342787265777588)], [[[286.0, 291.0], [318.0, 291.0], [318.0, 308.0], [286.0, 308.0]], ('19.50', 0.9920985102653503)], [[[57.0, 302.0], [124.0, 307.0], [123.0, 324.0], [56.0, 319.0]], ('2 Margarita', 0.9517784714698792)], [[[286.0, 309.0], [317.0, 309.0], [317.0, 324.0], [286.0, 324.0]], ('24.00', 0.9951593279838562)], [[[57.0, 320.0], [133.0, 326.0], [132.0, 341.0], [56.0, 335.0]], ('2 Well Juarez', 0.9296632409095764)], [[[287.0, 326.0], [318.0, 326.0], [318.0, 342.0], [287.0, 342.0]], ('12.00', 0.9459131360054016)], [[[70.0, 337.0], [97.0, 341.0], [95.0, 356.0], [67.0, 352.0]], ('-Up', 0.9294095039367676)], [[[202.0, 377.0], [254.0, 377.0], [254.0, 394.0], [202.0, 394.0]], ('Subtotal:', 0.9581477046012878)], [[[288.0, 377.0], [319.0, 377.0], [319.0, 392.0], [288.0, 392.0]], ('92.50', 0.996601939201355)], [[[136.0, 390.0], [253.0, 396.0], [252.0, 414.0], [135.0, 409.0]], ('Tax 4.167%f68.50', 0.941254734992981)], [[[293.0, 395.0], [319.0, 395.0], [319.0, 411.0], [293.0, 411.0]], ('2.85', 0.9974268078804016)], [[[221.0, 413.0], [255.0, 413.0], [255.0, 431.0], [221.0, 431.0]], ('Total:', 0.9634985327720642)], [[[288.0, 412.0], [320.0, 412.0], [320.0, 429.0], [288.0, 429.0]], ('95.35', 0.9952958822250366)]]
{"store_name": "ITALIANRESTAURANT alVicolo", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "2018-02-17", "time": "14:17:07", "subtotal": "92.50", "tax": "2.85", "total": "95.35", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "MixSaladsmall", "item_value": "15.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ProsciuttoHamPizza", "item_value": "22.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WellVodka-Tini", "item_value": "19.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Margarita", "item_value": "24.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WellJuarez", "item_value": "12.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[94.0, 31.0], [159.0, 31.0], [159.0, 39.0], [94.0, 39.0]], ('EXKEXCASH', 0.6790470480918884)], [[[49.0, 55.0], [235.0, 54.0], [235.0, 68.0], [49.0, 69.0]], ('Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn bh', 0.9114219546318054)], [[[121.0, 74.0], [155.0, 74.0], [155.0, 84.0], [121.0, 84.0]], ('PHFariis', 0.802139401435852)], [[[87.0, 84.0], [188.0, 83.0], [189.0, 95.0], [88.0, 96.0]], ('228ga', 0.7007359266281128)], [[[100.0, 104.0], [186.0, 103.0], [187.0, 115.0], [100.0, 116.0]], ('DELIVERY #10', 0.86246258020401)], [[[111.0, 95.0], [160.0, 95.0], [160.0, 105.0], [111.0, 105.0]], ('019-6000380', 0.8339191675186157)], [[[43.0, 124.0], [84.0, 126.0], [83.0, 138.0], [42.0, 135.0]], ('07-27-2003', 0.9185614585876465)], [[[189.0, 125.0], [244.0, 125.0], [244.0, 136.0], [189.0, 136.0]], ('323', 0.816582441329956)], [[[85.0, 135.0], [206.0, 135.0], [206.0, 149.0], [85.0, 149.0]], ('Estinate 6:53 PM', 0.8268297910690308)], [[[45.0, 169.0], [95.0, 169.0], [95.0, 180.0], [45.0, 180.0]], ('HOT PAER', 0.7952964901924133)], [[[43.0, 189.0], [138.0, 192.0], [137.0, 203.0], [43.0, 201.0]], ('REG PN CHICKEN SUPREME', 0.8133110404014587)], [[[42.0, 216.0], [132.0, 216.0], [132.0, 226.0], [42.0, 226.0]], ('1-REG PAN MEDITERRRNERN', 0.8389789462089539)], [[[41.0, 240.0], [96.0, 240.0], [96.0, 251.0], [41.0, 251.0]], ('3309513', 0.6699663996696472)], [[[39.0, 265.0], [87.0, 265.0], [87.0, 276.0], [39.0, 276.0]], ('1SERVIETTES', 0.8778255581855774)], [[[37.0, 291.0], [130.0, 291.0], [130.0, 301.0], [37.0, 301.0]], ('1BRINGCHANGE FOR RM50', 0.7858191132545471)], [[[92.0, 331.0], [131.0, 331.0], [131.0, 343.0], [92.0, 343.0]], ('SUB TOTAL', 0.9293562769889832)], [[[196.0, 327.0], [220.0, 330.0], [219.0, 342.0], [194.0, 339.0]], ('39.00', 0.9884160757064819)], [[[91.0, 345.0], [156.0, 345.0], [156.0, 356.0], [91.0, 356.0]], ('DELIVERY CHARGE', 0.9026075601577759)], [[[199.0, 342.0], [221.0, 342.0], [221.0, 354.0], [199.0, 354.0]], ('2.00', 0.9876500964164734)], [[[90.0, 357.0], [132.0, 357.0], [132.0, 372.0], [90.0, 372.0]], ('SALES TAX', 0.9169790744781494)], [[[201.0, 355.0], [221.0, 355.0], [221.0, 369.0], [201.0, 369.0]], ('1.95', 0.9553468823432922)], [[[87.0, 370.0], [129.0, 372.0], [129.0, 387.0], [86.0, 384.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9881330728530884)], [[[178.0, 369.0], [221.0, 369.0], [221.0, 383.0], [178.0, 383.0]], ('42.95', 0.9960536956787109)]]
{"store_name": "PMfarlia", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "019-6000350", "date": "07-27-2005", "time": "6:53PM)", "subtotal": "39.00", "tax": "1.95", "total": "42.95", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHILLISAUCE", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SERVIETIES", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BRINGCHANGEFORAM50", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[106.0, 68.0], [419.0, 67.0], [419.0, 88.0], [106.0, 89.0]], ('ATHENS GENERAL MAIL FACILITY', 0.9627689123153687)], [[[183.0, 90.0], [355.0, 91.0], [355.0, 111.0], [183.0, 110.0]], ('ATHENS,Georgia', 0.9428543448448181)], [[[219.0, 111.0], [321.0, 111.0], [321.0, 131.0], [219.0, 131.0]], ('306011653', 0.9966707229614258)], [[[185.0, 131.0], [366.0, 131.0], [366.0, 151.0], [185.0, 151.0]], ('1204440400 -0099', 0.9665405750274658)], [[[33.0, 152.0], [150.0, 152.0], [150.0, 172.0], [33.0, 172.0]], ('07/21/2014', 0.9975010752677917)], [[[197.0, 152.0], [344.0, 152.0], [344.0, 172.0], [197.0, 172.0]], ('706369-3200', 0.9915802478790283)], [[[388.0, 151.0], [519.0, 147.0], [520.0, 168.0], [389.0, 172.0]], ('08:44:18AM', 0.9370368719100952)], [[[218.0, 194.0], [368.0, 194.0], [368.0, 214.0], [218.0, 214.0]], ('Sales Receipt', 0.9781635999679565)], [[[27.0, 215.0], [112.0, 215.0], [112.0, 237.0], [27.0, 237.0]], ('Product', 0.9960605502128601)], [[[240.0, 215.0], [315.0, 215.0], [315.0, 237.0], [240.0, 237.0]], ('Sale ', 0.9159778356552124)], [[[306.0, 216.0], [358.0, 216.0], [358.0, 235.0], [306.0, 235.0]], ('Unit', 0.9942936897277832)], [[[449.0, 212.0], [510.0, 212.0], [510.0, 235.0], [449.0, 235.0]], ('Final', 0.9969527125358582)], [[[27.0, 239.0], [159.0, 239.0], [159.0, 259.0], [27.0, 259.0]], ('Description', 0.9965143799781799)], [[[239.0, 235.0], [280.0, 238.0], [277.0, 261.0], [237.0, 258.0]], ('Qty', 0.9970206618309021)], [[[308.0, 236.0], [371.0, 236.0], [371.0, 258.0], [308.0, 258.0]], ('Price', 0.9972919225692749)], [[[450.0, 233.0], [513.0, 236.0], [512.0, 258.0], [449.0, 256.0]], ('Price', 0.995815098285675)], [[[22.0, 281.0], [383.0, 279.0], [383.0, 302.0], [22.0, 304.0]], ('WYTHEVILLEVA 24382-5358', 0.9665841460227966)], [[[453.0, 279.0], [528.0, 279.0], [528.0, 301.0], [453.0, 301.0]], ('$12.35', 0.9966939091682434)], [[[26.0, 306.0], [98.0, 306.0], [98.0, 324.0], [26.0, 324.0]], ('Zone-4', 0.9770514369010925)], [[[24.0, 327.0], [250.0, 327.0], [250.0, 347.0], [24.0, 347.0]], ('Priority Mail 2-Day', 0.9194702506065369)], [[[22.0, 352.0], [264.0, 350.0], [264.0, 371.0], [22.0, 373.0]], ('Medium Flat Rate Box', 0.9389030337333679)], [[[22.0, 375.0], [202.0, 375.0], [202.0, 396.0], [22.0, 396.0]], ('11b.8.20 oz.', 0.9307228922843933)], [[[31.0, 398.0], [410.0, 395.0], [410.0, 418.0], [31.0, 421.0]], ('Expected De1ivery: Wed 07/23/14', 0.928795576095581)], [[[30.0, 423.0], [225.0, 423.0], [225.0, 443.0], [30.0, 443.0]], ('USPs Tracking#', 0.9252716302871704)], [[[29.0, 447.0], [361.0, 444.0], [362.0, 464.0], [29.0, 467.0]], ('9114 9012 3080 11810847 28', 0.9277008771896362)], [[[28.0, 471.0], [300.0, 470.0], [300.0, 491.0], [28.0, 492.0]], ('Includes $50 insurance', 0.9474935531616211)], [[[22.0, 543.0], [198.0, 546.0], [197.0, 571.0], [22.0, 568.0]], ('Issue Postage:', 0.9452705979347229)], [[[466.0, 543.0], [548.0, 543.0], [548.0, 571.0], [466.0, 571.0]], ('$12.35', 0.995088517665863)]]
{"store_name": "ATHENSGENERALMAILFACILITY", "store_addr": "ATHENS,Georgia", "telephone": "(706)369-3200", "date": "07/21/2014", "time": "08:44:18AM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "$12.35", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "WYTHEVILLEVA24382-5358", "item_value": "$12.35", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[105.0, 51.0], [222.0, 49.0], [223.0, 77.0], [106.0, 80.0]], ('DALUCA RESTAURANT', 0.9889000058174133)], [[[71.0, 80.0], [267.0, 80.0], [267.0, 94.0], [71.0, 94.0]], ('NO.1 GOLD HILL PLAZA #O1-19/21', 0.9114290475845337)], [[[115.0, 97.0], [223.0, 97.0], [223.0, 110.0], [115.0, 110.0]], ('SINGAPORE 308899', 0.9599059224128723)], [[[84.0, 114.0], [254.0, 114.0], [254.0, 128.0], [84.0, 128.0]], ('TEL62584846FAX:63534470', 0.9697291254997253)], [[[97.0, 130.0], [234.0, 130.0], [234.0, 144.0], [97.0, 144.0]], ('GST REG NO:201016177Z', 0.9272715449333191)], [[[35.0, 160.0], [238.0, 163.0], [238.0, 177.0], [34.0, 174.0]], ('**COPY RECEIPT**', 0.9183108806610107)], [[[35.0, 176.0], [134.0, 178.0], [133.0, 192.0], [34.0, 190.0]], ('INVOICE#', 0.9922609925270081)], [[[252.0, 178.0], [304.0, 178.0], [304.0, 195.0], [252.0, 195.0]], ('4441', 0.9982394576072693)], [[[34.0, 191.0], [96.0, 193.0], [96.0, 207.0], [33.0, 205.0]], ('TABLE', 0.9964507818222046)], [[[281.0, 193.0], [306.0, 196.0], [304.0, 212.0], [279.0, 209.0]], ('10', 0.9964227676391602)], [[[46.0, 222.0], [130.0, 225.0], [129.0, 239.0], [46.0, 236.0]], ('1 SOFT ORINKS', 0.8603967428207397)], [[[46.0, 236.0], [112.0, 238.0], [111.0, 255.0], [45.0, 253.0]], ('1 DAY SOUP', 0.8876578211784363)], [[[275.0, 227.0], [306.0, 227.0], [306.0, 244.0], [275.0, 244.0]], ('5.00', 0.9965986013412476)], [[[47.0, 253.0], [167.0, 257.0], [167.0, 271.0], [47.0, 267.0]], ('1 PROSCIUTTO MELONE', 0.9469861388206482)], [[[271.0, 244.0], [304.0, 244.0], [304.0, 259.0], [271.0, 259.0]], ('10.00', 0.9962177276611328)], [[[48.0, 268.0], [155.0, 272.0], [154.0, 286.0], [48.0, 282.0]], ('1SPANISH OCTOPUS', 0.9532583951950073)], [[[269.0, 260.0], [304.0, 260.0], [304.0, 275.0], [269.0, 275.0]], ('24.00', 0.9942700266838074)], [[[49.0, 282.0], [105.0, 286.0], [104.0, 301.0], [48.0, 297.0]], ('1RAVIOLI', 0.9576334953308105)], [[[268.0, 274.0], [305.0, 277.0], [304.0, 292.0], [267.0, 289.0]], ('40.00', 0.9960938692092896)], [[[49.0, 297.0], [129.0, 302.0], [128.0, 317.0], [48.0, 312.0]], ('1 SOFT DRINKS', 0.9207220077514648)], [[[268.0, 291.0], [304.0, 291.0], [304.0, 306.0], [268.0, 306.0]], ('23.00', 0.9975118637084961)], [[[273.0, 305.0], [304.0, 308.0], [303.0, 324.0], [271.0, 321.0]], ('5.00', 0.9976160526275635)], [[[60.0, 327.0], [109.0, 331.0], [108.0, 345.0], [59.0, 341.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9926788806915283)], [[[62.0, 341.0], [172.0, 349.0], [171.0, 365.0], [61.0, 357.0]], ('10% SERVICE CHARGE', 0.934180498123169)], [[[262.0, 338.0], [302.0, 338.0], [302.0, 353.0], [262.0, 353.0]], ('107.00', 0.9963982701301575)], [[[61.0, 356.0], [99.0, 360.0], [98.0, 375.0], [60.0, 371.0]], ('7%GST', 0.8561949729919434)], [[[267.0, 351.0], [302.0, 354.0], [301.0, 369.0], [266.0, 366.0]], ('10.70', 0.9959644079208374)], [[[60.0, 371.0], [94.0, 374.0], [92.0, 399.0], [58.0, 396.0]], ('Total', 0.9977328181266785)], [[[271.0, 369.0], [301.0, 369.0], [301.0, 384.0], [271.0, 384.0]], ('8.24', 0.9965483546257019)], [[[259.0, 385.0], [300.0, 385.0], [300.0, 409.0], [259.0, 409.0]], ('125.94', 0.9961467385292053)], [[[64.0, 406.0], [160.0, 418.0], [158.0, 433.0], [63.0, 420.0]], ('Rounding Amount', 0.9705132246017456)], [[[65.0, 419.0], [115.0, 426.0], [113.0, 441.0], [63.0, 434.0]], ('Tendered', 0.9965157508850098)], [[[43.0, 430.0], [92.0, 435.0], [90.0, 449.0], [42.0, 447.0]], ('CASH', 0.997316300868988)], [[[268.0, 421.0], [297.0, 421.0], [297.0, 435.0], [268.0, 435.0]], ('0.01', 0.9963728189468384)], [[[254.0, 435.0], [296.0, 433.0], [297.0, 448.0], [255.0, 449.0]], ('200.00', 0.9948606491088867)]]
{"store_name": "DALUCARESTAURANT", "store_addr": "NO.1GOLDHILLPLAZA #01-19/21 SINGAPORE308899", "telephone": "62584846", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "107.00", "tax": "8.24", "total": "125.94", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SOFTDRINKS", "item_value": "5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DAYSOUP", "item_value": "10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PROSCIUTTOMELONE", "item_value": "24.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SPANISHOCTOPUS", "item_value": "40.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RAVIOLI", "item_value": "23.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SOFTDRINKS", "item_value": "5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[249.0, 1033.0], [1736.0, 983.0], [1741.0, 1124.0], [253.0, 1174.0]], ('Fanneston', 0.8709970116615295)], [[[642.0, 1344.0], [1314.0, 1316.0], [1317.0, 1405.0], [646.0, 1433.0]], ('Garden St.Plaza', 0.9705092310905457)], [[[616.0, 1437.0], [1343.0, 1401.0], [1347.0, 1479.0], [620.0, 1514.0]], ('1 GARDEN STATE PLZ', 0.9402140378952026)], [[[627.0, 1515.0], [1339.0, 1482.0], [1343.0, 1568.0], [631.0, 1600.0]], ('PARAMUS,NJ 07652', 0.927946925163269)], [[[701.0, 1596.0], [1283.0, 1564.0], [1288.0, 1652.0], [706.0, 1685.0]], ('201)843-5454', 0.9624285101890564)], [[[300.0, 1766.0], [1682.0, 1716.0], [1685.0, 1805.0], [304.0, 1855.0]], ('Get cash for your old games, smart', 0.9338129162788391)], [[[308.0, 1855.0], [1678.0, 1797.0], [1681.0, 1886.0], [311.0, 1944.0]], ('phones, media players and tablets!', 0.9345588088035583)], [[[988.0, 1988.0], [1575.0, 1964.0], [1578.0, 2052.0], [991.0, 2077.0]], ('04235/03-018', 0.9821239113807678)], [[[139.0, 2006.0], [707.0, 1986.0], [711.0, 2075.0], [142.0, 2095.0]], ('05/25/16 04:47', 0.9458761811256409)], [[[143.0, 2088.0], [715.0, 2071.0], [718.0, 2160.0], [145.0, 2176.0]], ('476357 Siobhan', 0.9542261362075806)], [[[1403.0, 2210.0], [1791.0, 2193.0], [1795.0, 2282.0], [1407.0, 2299.0]], ('PURCHASES', 0.9928101301193237)], [[[1568.0, 2285.0], [1790.0, 2270.0], [1796.0, 2366.0], [1574.0, 2381.0]], ('0.0OT', 0.8506627082824707)], [[[143.0, 2328.0], [1241.0, 2297.0], [1243.0, 2386.0], [145.0, 2417.0]], ('BackupCode, Pokemon Darkrai', 0.950562059879303)], [[[282.0, 2409.0], [800.0, 2393.0], [802.0, 2478.0], [285.0, 2495.0]], ('125825 050/00', 0.964336633682251)], [[[1572.0, 2448.0], [1752.0, 2433.0], [1759.0, 2518.0], [1578.0, 2533.0]], ('0.00', 0.9965956211090088)], [[[800.0, 2480.0], [1508.0, 2448.0], [1512.0, 2533.0], [804.0, 2565.0]], ('Purchase Subtotal', 0.9651958346366882)], [[[1587.0, 2654.0], [1777.0, 2644.0], [1781.0, 2726.0], [1591.0, 2735.0]], ('0.00', 0.9963003396987915)], [[[848.0, 2676.0], [1531.0, 2652.0], [1534.0, 2737.0], [851.0, 2761.0]], ('Taxable Subtotal', 0.9684836864471436)], [[[1607.0, 2734.0], [1794.0, 2734.0], [1794.0, 2819.0], [1607.0, 2819.0]], ('0.00', 0.9975376129150391)], [[[1014.0, 2754.0], [1546.0, 2737.0], [1549.0, 2826.0], [1017.0, 2842.0]], ('7.000% State', 0.9573035836219788)], [[[1319.0, 2828.0], [1814.0, 2811.0], [1817.0, 2915.0], [1322.0, 2931.0]], ('TOTAL 0.00', 0.9659160375595093)], [[[84.0, 3286.0], [1819.0, 3244.0], [1821.0, 3329.0], [86.0, 3371.0]], ('**************************************', 0.9630337953567505)], [[[69.0, 3382.0], [1642.0, 3352.0], [1644.0, 3452.0], [71.0, 3482.0]], ('Your code for the Mythical Darkrai', 0.9581506252288818)], [[[85.0, 3489.0], [426.0, 3489.0], [426.0, 3541.0], [85.0, 3541.0]], ('shelon', 0.7234637141227722)]]
{"store_name": "Gamestop\u00ae", "store_addr": "GardenSt.Plaza 1GARDENSTATEPLZ PARAMUS,NJ07652", "telephone": "(201)843-5454", "date": "05/25/16", "time": "04:47", "subtotal": "0.00", "tax": "0.00 0.00", "total": "0.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BackupCode,PokemonDarkrai", "item_value": "0.00T", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[99.0, 102.0], [355.0, 100.0], [355.0, 118.0], [99.0, 120.0]], ('SHELL KNGSA01382443110', 0.8515544533729553)], [[[88.0, 121.0], [376.0, 115.0], [376.0, 133.0], [88.0, 138.0]], ('KINGSWAY EASTDUNJEEDBA IPY', 0.7868079543113708)], [[[43.0, 158.0], [418.0, 149.0], [418.0, 169.0], [43.0, 177.0]], ('1701181/567121:0518-01-11ST.889', 0.9033507704734802)], [[[225.0, 193.0], [291.0, 193.0], [291.0, 216.0], [225.0, 216.0]], ('LITRES', 0.9897783398628235)], [[[338.0, 191.0], [443.0, 189.0], [443.0, 211.0], [338.0, 213.0]], ('VALUE()', 0.8598551750183105)], [[[35.0, 203.0], [170.0, 196.0], [171.0, 218.0], [36.0, 224.0]], ('PUMP PRODUCT', 0.9534433484077454)], [[[236.0, 219.0], [294.0, 217.0], [295.0, 239.0], [237.0, 242.0]], ('17.09', 0.9931318163871765)], [[[374.0, 214.0], [458.0, 212.0], [458.0, 233.0], [374.0, 235.0]], ('22.20', 0.9892995953559875)], [[[31.0, 228.0], [95.0, 228.0], [95.0, 250.0], [31.0, 250.0]], ('01', 0.9019140601158142)], [[[88.0, 225.0], [207.0, 220.0], [208.0, 241.0], [89.0, 247.0]], ('FUELSAVE D', 0.9466937780380249)], [[[316.0, 240.0], [333.0, 240.0], [333.0, 263.0], [316.0, 263.0]], ('f', 0.8768156170845032)], [[[387.0, 237.0], [448.0, 234.0], [449.0, 259.0], [388.0, 262.0]], ('22.20', 0.9867277145385742)], [[[40.0, 253.0], [162.0, 247.0], [163.0, 272.0], [41.0, 278.0]], ('NETTPRICE', 0.993566632270813)]]
{"store_name": "SHELLKINGSMAY", "store_addr": "KINGSHAYEAST,DUNOEE,004IPY", "telephone": "", "date": "18-01-11", "time": "21:06", "subtotal": "22.20", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "FUELSAVED", "item_value": "22.20", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "PRODUCT", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[108.0, 13.0], [176.0, 18.0], [175.0, 33.0], [107.0, 27.0]], ('DAIKO', 0.9964873194694519)], [[[67.0, 23.0], [229.0, 32.0], [228.0, 50.0], [66.0, 40.0]], ('203-392-3626', 0.9947482943534851)], [[[9.0, 66.0], [203.0, 76.0], [202.0, 95.0], [8.0, 85.0]], ('04/15/17 19:38-NIC-1 No.42', 0.9329138398170471)], [[[9.0, 93.0], [135.0, 99.0], [134.0, 116.0], [9.0, 110.0]], ('TABLEA1', 0.9645663499832153)], [[[162.0, 101.0], [220.0, 104.0], [219.0, 123.0], [161.0, 120.0]], ('1[2]1', 0.8870182037353516)], [[[62.0, 155.0], [118.0, 158.0], [117.0, 176.0], [62.0, 174.0]], ('Edamame', 0.9961492419242859)], [[[267.0, 161.0], [298.0, 161.0], [298.0, 177.0], [267.0, 177.0]], ('4.00', 0.9965688586235046)], [[[62.0, 174.0], [160.0, 176.0], [159.0, 193.0], [62.0, 191.0]], ('Wasabi Shumai', 0.9133771657943726)], [[[264.0, 176.0], [299.0, 173.0], [301.0, 191.0], [265.0, 194.0]], ('5.00', 0.9979003071784973)], [[[63.0, 192.0], [186.0, 193.0], [186.0, 210.0], [63.0, 209.0]], ('Sp Tuna+Avo Salad', 0.9473346471786499)], [[[268.0, 193.0], [300.0, 193.0], [300.0, 208.0], [268.0, 208.0]], ('9.50', 0.9972206354141235)], [[[63.0, 208.0], [215.0, 209.0], [215.0, 226.0], [63.0, 225.0]], ('Fresh Scalop.SA2PC', 0.8576573729515076)], [[[267.0, 209.0], [301.0, 209.0], [301.0, 224.0], [267.0, 224.0]], ('7.50', 0.9950710535049438)], [[[64.0, 226.0], [172.0, 226.0], [172.0, 240.0], [64.0, 240.0]], ('R Double Daiker', 0.9267522692680359)], [[[261.0, 224.0], [302.0, 222.0], [303.0, 240.0], [262.0, 242.0]], ('14.95', 0.996214747428894)], [[[62.0, 242.0], [124.0, 242.0], [124.0, 259.0], [62.0, 259.0]], ('R Spider', 0.9470110535621643)], [[[265.0, 243.0], [304.0, 243.0], [304.0, 258.0], [265.0, 258.0]], ('14.50', 0.9966245889663696)], [[[170.0, 291.0], [240.0, 291.0], [240.0, 308.0], [170.0, 308.0]], ('SubTOTAL:', 0.960519552230835)], [[[259.0, 291.0], [300.0, 291.0], [300.0, 309.0], [259.0, 309.0]], ('55.43', 0.9924999475479126)], [[[206.0, 310.0], [241.0, 310.0], [241.0, 329.0], [206.0, 329.0]], ('Tax:', 0.9692801833152771)], [[[265.0, 309.0], [302.0, 309.0], [302.0, 328.0], [265.0, 328.0]], ('3.52', 0.9933511018753052)], [[[146.0, 348.0], [282.0, 348.0], [282.0, 369.0], [146.0, 369.0]], ('TOTAL58.95', 0.9924108386039734)], [[[72.0, 404.0], [212.0, 404.0], [212.0, 421.0], [72.0, 421.0]], ('THANK YOU', 0.9508187174797058)], [[[53.0, 422.0], [223.0, 423.0], [223.0, 441.0], [53.0, 440.0]], ('COME AGAIN!', 0.948716402053833)]]
{"store_name": "DAIKO", "store_addr": "400DERBYAVEWESTHAVENCT.", "telephone": "203-392-3626", "date": "04/15/17", "time": "19:38", "subtotal": "55,43", "tax": "3.52", "total": "58.95", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Edamame", "item_value": "4.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WasabiShumai", "item_value": "5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SpTuna+AvoSalad", "item_value": "9.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FreshScallopSA,2PC", "item_value": "7,50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DoubleDaiker", "item_value": "14.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Spider", "item_value": "14.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[150.0, 193.0], [437.0, 197.0], [437.0, 231.0], [150.0, 227.0]], ("Sainsbury's", 0.9776832461357117)], [[[150.0, 240.0], [425.0, 240.0], [425.0, 271.0], [150.0, 271.0]], ('Clive well for less', 0.8834230303764343)], [[[202.0, 289.0], [388.0, 289.0], [388.0, 306.0], [202.0, 306.0]], ('YORK BOOTHAM LOCAL', 0.9581211805343628)], [[[150.0, 331.0], [443.0, 331.0], [443.0, 349.0], [150.0, 349.0]], ("Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd", 0.9703467488288879)], [[[160.0, 353.0], [431.0, 353.0], [431.0, 370.0], [160.0, 370.0]], ('33 Hol born London EC1N 2HT', 0.890227198600769)], [[[188.0, 375.0], [402.0, 374.0], [402.0, 391.0], [188.0, 392.0]], ('', 0.9894528388977051)], [[[169.0, 394.0], [421.0, 393.0], [421.0, 411.0], [169.0, 412.0]], ('Vat Number660 4548 36', 0.935682475566864)], [[[83.0, 434.0], [221.0, 434.0], [221.0, 454.0], [83.0, 454.0]], ('BANANA SINGLE', 0.9691948294639587)], [[[387.0, 431.0], [445.0, 433.0], [444.0, 455.0], [386.0, 453.0]], ('0.20', 0.9886884689331055)], [[[85.0, 478.0], [221.0, 478.0], [221.0, 495.0], [85.0, 495.0]], ('1BALANCEDUE', 0.9863784313201904)], [[[390.0, 475.0], [446.0, 475.0], [446.0, 496.0], [390.0, 496.0]], ('0.20', 0.9861983060836792)], [[[104.0, 497.0], [151.0, 497.0], [151.0, 519.0], [104.0, 519.0]], ('CASH', 0.9982324838638306)], [[[389.0, 496.0], [445.0, 496.0], [445.0, 517.0], [389.0, 517.0]], ('0.20', 0.9914865493774414)], [[[105.0, 539.0], [170.0, 539.0], [170.0, 560.0], [105.0, 560.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9981481432914734)], [[[389.0, 538.0], [445.0, 538.0], [445.0, 559.0], [389.0, 559.0]], ('0.00', 0.9606579542160034)], [[[60.0, 602.0], [118.0, 602.0], [118.0, 623.0], [60.0, 623.0]], ('C9062', 0.9945518374443054)], [[[157.0, 602.0], [213.0, 602.0], [213.0, 623.0], [157.0, 623.0]], ('#0272', 0.9982293844223022)], [[[253.0, 603.0], [338.0, 603.0], [338.0, 621.0], [253.0, 621.0]], ('22:42:33', 0.9394670724868774)], [[[381.0, 603.0], [475.0, 603.0], [475.0, 620.0], [381.0, 620.0]], ('16AUG2015', 0.9963298439979553)], [[[189.0, 624.0], [255.0, 624.0], [255.0, 642.0], [189.0, 642.0]], ('$04930', 0.9396419525146484)], [[[295.0, 623.0], [339.0, 623.0], [339.0, 642.0], [295.0, 642.0]], ('R062', 0.9795481562614441)], [[[85.0, 667.0], [496.0, 667.0], [496.0, 684.0], [85.0, 684.0]], ('Based on price perception data, you can', 0.93483567237854)], [[[96.0, 689.0], [495.0, 689.0], [495.0, 706.0], [96.0, 706.0]], ('ive wel for less than you thought at', 0.9072544574737549)], [[[86.0, 710.0], [495.0, 710.0], [495.0, 727.0], [86.0, 727.0]], ("Sainsbury's For more information go to", 0.9296324849128723)], [[[126.0, 749.0], [464.0, 748.0], [464.0, 768.0], [126.0, 769.0]], ('', 0.9455937147140503)], [[[95.0, 792.0], [486.0, 789.0], [486.0, 810.0], [95.0, 812.0]], ("Thank you for shopping at Sainsbury's", 0.9286083579063416)]]
{"store_name": "Sainsbury'sSupermarketsLtd Sainsbury's", "store_addr": "33HoIbornLondonEC1N2HT", "telephone": "", "date": "16AUG2015", "time": "22:42:33", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "\u00a30.20 \u00a30.20", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BANANASINGLE", "item_value": "\u00a30.20", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[66.0, 40.0], [232.0, 47.0], [231.0, 66.0], [65.0, 58.0]], ('RAJGAYLORD', 0.9910074472427368)], [[[65.0, 61.0], [231.0, 64.0], [231.0, 77.0], [64.0, 74.0]], ('INDIANRESTAURANT.', 0.9886561036109924)], [[[52.0, 72.0], [237.0, 76.0], [237.0, 89.0], [51.0, 85.0]], ('KERRYPIKE VILLAGE, CORK', 0.9069691300392151)], [[[60.0, 83.0], [233.0, 86.0], [233.0, 100.0], [59.0, 96.0]], ('TEL0214877112/4877757.', 0.9277095198631287)], [[[70.0, 98.0], [193.0, 101.0], [192.0, 119.0], [69.0, 116.0]], ('GATENAY TO SUPERB INDIAN', 0.9065449833869934)], [[[81.0, 115.0], [178.0, 119.0], [177.0, 137.0], [80.0, 133.0]], ('CUISINE SINCE 2000', 0.9536323547363281)], [[[22.0, 128.0], [125.0, 133.0], [125.0, 147.0], [21.0, 142.0]], ('NO INVOICE', 0.9636707305908203)], [[[22.0, 141.0], [75.0, 144.0], [74.0, 158.0], [21.0, 155.0]], ('TABLE', 0.9970270991325378)], [[[223.0, 148.0], [236.0, 148.0], [236.0, 162.0], [223.0, 162.0]], ('5', 0.99933260679245)], [[[32.0, 167.0], [129.0, 170.0], [128.0, 191.0], [31.0, 188.0]], ('1CHICKEN JAL FREZI', 0.9359703063964844)], [[[199.0, 172.0], [235.0, 172.0], [235.0, 196.0], [199.0, 196.0]], ('15.95', 0.8488210439682007)], [[[32.0, 186.0], [110.0, 188.0], [109.0, 209.0], [31.0, 207.0]], ('1PANEER MAKHNI', 0.8770814538002014)], [[[197.0, 190.0], [233.0, 190.0], [233.0, 213.0], [197.0, 213.0]], ('13.95', 0.9915293455123901)], [[[32.0, 205.0], [134.0, 208.0], [134.0, 228.0], [31.0, 225.0]], ('4CHEESE&ONION NAN', 0.9251430034637451)], [[[196.0, 209.0], [231.0, 209.0], [231.0, 232.0], [196.0, 232.0]], ('e19.80', 0.8755248188972473)], [[[33.0, 223.0], [96.0, 225.0], [95.0, 246.0], [32.0, 244.0]], ('1PILAU RICE', 0.9357173442840576)], [[[201.0, 228.0], [230.0, 228.0], [230.0, 249.0], [201.0, 249.0]], ('3.50', 0.9841483235359192)], [[[30.0, 253.0], [70.0, 253.0], [70.0, 276.0], [30.0, 276.0]], ('7 Total', 0.9008887410163879)], [[[196.0, 257.0], [231.0, 257.0], [231.0, 281.0], [196.0, 281.0]], ('e53.20', 0.8694168925285339)], [[[40.0, 282.0], [70.0, 285.0], [68.0, 301.0], [39.0, 298.0]], ('TABLE', 0.9947407841682434)], [[[197.0, 289.0], [230.0, 289.0], [230.0, 304.0], [197.0, 304.0]], ('53.20', 0.9892581701278687)], [[[18.0, 306.0], [165.0, 311.0], [165.0, 328.0], [18.0, 323.0]], ('Saturday 10-9-201620:49:26', 0.9356300830841064)], [[[52.0, 320.0], [118.0, 323.0], [118.0, 337.0], [51.0, 334.0]], ('L01CLERK', 0.7975134253501892)], [[[34.0, 342.0], [189.0, 349.0], [188.0, 366.0], [33.0, 359.0]], ('SERVICE CHARGE IS NOT INCLUDED.', 0.9198194742202759)], [[[53.0, 358.0], [191.0, 366.0], [190.0, 387.0], [52.0, 379.0]], ('TAKE-AMAY SERVICE AVATLABLE', 0.9030114412307739)], [[[58.0, 379.0], [186.0, 388.0], [184.0, 409.0], [57.0, 400.0]], ('THANK YOUFOR YOUR CUSTOR', 0.8469751477241516)]]
{"store_name": "RAJGAYLORD INDIANRESTAURANT.", "store_addr": "KERRYPIKEVILLAGE.CORK.", "telephone": "0214877112/4877757.", "date": "10-9-2016", "time": "20:49:26", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "\u20ac53.20 \u20ac53.20", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHICKENJALFREZI", "item_value": "\u20ac15.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PANEERMAKHNI", "item_value": "\u20ac13.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHEESE&ONIONNAN", "item_value": "\u20ac19.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PILAURICE", "item_value": "\u20ac3.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[91.0, 13.0], [149.0, 13.0], [149.0, 26.0], [91.0, 26.0]], ('TAX INVOICE', 0.9462266564369202)], [[[48.0, 24.0], [191.0, 26.0], [191.0, 40.0], [48.0, 38.0]], ('GST Reg1stered No:200500066C', 0.932608962059021)], [[[16.0, 51.0], [81.0, 51.0], [81.0, 62.0], [16.0, 62.0]], ('Qty Size Iten', 0.886840283870697)], [[[184.0, 49.0], [210.0, 52.0], [209.0, 64.0], [183.0, 61.0]], ('Price', 0.98224937915802)], [[[25.0, 75.0], [34.0, 75.0], [34.0, 83.0], [25.0, 83.0]], ('1', 0.7435966730117798)], [[[44.0, 72.0], [132.0, 72.0], [132.0, 86.0], [44.0, 86.0]], ('6 Roast Beef Sub', 0.9296454191207886)], [[[186.0, 73.0], [213.0, 73.0], [213.0, 86.0], [186.0, 86.0]], ('$7.10', 0.9940764307975769)], [[[26.0, 87.0], [35.0, 87.0], [35.0, 96.0], [26.0, 96.0]], ('1', 0.9066371917724609)], [[[61.0, 85.0], [113.0, 85.0], [113.0, 96.0], [61.0, 96.0]], ('3.Cook1es', 0.8786717653274536)], [[[186.0, 85.0], [213.0, 85.0], [213.0, 98.0], [186.0, 98.0]], ('$3.00', 0.997522234916687)], [[[60.0, 97.0], [180.0, 97.0], [180.0, 109.0], [60.0, 109.0]], ('SG1G1 61n Sub 50X 0ff', 0.9002907872200012)], [[[186.0, 97.0], [213.0, 97.0], [213.0, 109.0], [186.0, 109.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9913126826286316)], [[[45.0, 108.0], [137.0, 108.0], [137.0, 121.0], [45.0, 121.0]], ('6-Roast Beet Sub', 0.9055207371711731)], [[[187.0, 108.0], [214.0, 108.0], [214.0, 121.0], [187.0, 121.0]], ('$3.55', 0.9922250509262085)], [[[21.0, 129.0], [89.0, 131.0], [89.0, 145.0], [20.0, 142.0]], ('Total Eat In)', 0.8870874643325806)], [[[180.0, 131.0], [214.0, 131.0], [214.0, 145.0], [180.0, 145.0]], ('$13.65', 0.9786311984062195)], [[[21.0, 144.0], [46.0, 144.0], [46.0, 154.0], [21.0, 154.0]], ('Cash.', 0.905342698097229)], [[[21.0, 153.0], [55.0, 153.0], [55.0, 167.0], [21.0, 167.0]], ('Change', 0.9830103516578674)], [[[181.0, 144.0], [212.0, 144.0], [212.0, 154.0], [181.0, 154.0]], ('$20.00', 0.9948811531066895)], [[[183.0, 153.0], [213.0, 153.0], [213.0, 167.0], [183.0, 167.0]], ('$6.35', 0.9481048583984375)], [[[53.0, 189.0], [63.0, 189.0], [63.0, 198.0], [53.0, 198.0]], ("'0", 0.5981075167655945)], [[[45.0, 213.0], [58.0, 213.0], [58.0, 222.0], [45.0, 222.0]], ('759', 0.6370024085044861)], [[[184.0, 210.0], [213.0, 210.0], [213.0, 224.0], [184.0, 224.0]], ('$0.89', 0.9878907203674316)], [[[18.0, 223.0], [88.0, 221.0], [88.0, 234.0], [19.0, 236.0]], ('7otal-Exc1-GST', 0.7931687235832214)], [[[180.0, 223.0], [213.0, 223.0], [213.0, 236.0], [180.0, 236.0]], ('$12.76', 0.9868870377540588)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "$12.76", "tax": "$0.89", "total": "$13.65", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "6\"RoastBeefSub", "item_value": "$7.10", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "3Cookies", "item_value": "$3.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "(SG)B1G16inSub50%Off", "item_value": "$0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "6\"-RoastBeefSub", "item_value": "$3.55", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "SizeItem", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[37.0, 40.0], [242.0, 43.0], [242.0, 74.0], [37.0, 71.0]], ('LACAMERA', 0.9935818314552307)], [[[104.0, 77.0], [279.0, 78.0], [279.0, 92.0], [104.0, 91.0]], ('RESTAURANT.SOUTHGATE', 0.9396742582321167)], [[[83.0, 95.0], [229.0, 96.0], [229.0, 114.0], [83.0, 112.0]], ('ShopMR 2/Southgate', 0.9069086909294128)], [[[79.0, 115.0], [221.0, 115.0], [221.0, 129.0], [79.0, 129.0]], ('SoutabankVIC 3006', 0.8287354707717896)], [[[98.0, 132.0], [206.0, 132.0], [206.0, 146.0], [98.0, 146.0]], ('Ph0396993600', 0.9452941417694092)], [[[87.0, 148.0], [215.0, 150.0], [215.0, 164.0], [86.0, 162.0]], ('ABN35441910990', 0.95589679479599)], [[[62.0, 168.0], [248.0, 168.0], [248.0, 182.0], [62.0, 182.0]], ('', 0.9770031571388245)], [[[108.0, 181.0], [194.0, 183.0], [193.0, 200.0], [108.0, 198.0]], ('TAXINVOICE', 0.9507433772087097)], [[[17.0, 240.0], [150.0, 240.0], [150.0, 257.0], [17.0, 257.0]], ('3 Kirin Tap S', 0.9132782816886902)], [[[236.0, 240.0], [282.0, 240.0], [282.0, 258.0], [236.0, 258.0]], ('$24.00', 0.9966159462928772)], [[[16.0, 256.0], [220.0, 257.0], [220.0, 274.0], [16.0, 273.0]], ('1 Rekorderlig Srawoecry Lime', 0.8924970030784607)], [[[236.0, 259.0], [280.0, 259.0], [280.0, 274.0], [236.0, 274.0]], ('$14.00', 0.996173620223999)], [[[13.0, 275.0], [69.0, 275.0], [69.0, 289.0], [13.0, 289.0]], ('Bottle', 0.983345091342926)], [[[16.0, 290.0], [142.0, 290.0], [142.0, 307.0], [16.0, 307.0]], ('1 Capik 750n', 0.808238685131073)], [[[242.0, 291.0], [282.0, 291.0], [282.0, 309.0], [242.0, 309.0]], ('$8.00', 0.9964498281478882)], [[[15.0, 306.0], [169.0, 308.0], [169.0, 326.0], [14.0, 323.0]], ('1 Garli Bread Large', 0.9253277778625488)], [[[236.0, 309.0], [280.0, 309.0], [280.0, 324.0], [236.0, 324.0]], ('$16.00', 0.986670732498169)], [[[17.0, 325.0], [175.0, 325.0], [175.0, 340.0], [17.0, 340.0]], ('2 Carbonara Sp Serve', 0.9010244607925415)], [[[236.0, 326.0], [280.0, 326.0], [280.0, 342.0], [236.0, 342.0]], ('$50.00', 0.933760404586792)], [[[15.0, 340.0], [190.0, 342.0], [189.0, 359.0], [15.0, 358.0]], ('1 Carbonara Wine Glass', 0.8875716924667358)], [[[242.0, 343.0], [281.0, 343.0], [281.0, 358.0], [242.0, 358.0]], ('$9.50', 0.9942463040351868)], [[[17.0, 360.0], [201.0, 360.0], [201.0, 374.0], [17.0, 374.0]], ('1 Risoto La Canera Serve', 0.8963194489479065)], [[[236.0, 360.0], [280.0, 360.0], [280.0, 375.0], [236.0, 375.0]], ('$27.50', 0.9883413314819336)], [[[15.0, 374.0], [203.0, 375.0], [203.0, 392.0], [15.0, 391.0]], ('1 Pizza Capricosa Serve', 0.9083837270736694)], [[[235.0, 377.0], [280.0, 377.0], [280.0, 392.0], [235.0, 392.0]], ('$24.50', 0.9918085932731628)], [[[17.0, 394.0], [209.0, 394.0], [209.0, 408.0], [17.0, 408.0]], ('1 Lingunf Pesatora Serve', 0.8966014981269836)], [[[235.0, 394.0], [280.0, 394.0], [280.0, 409.0], [235.0, 409.0]], ('$33.00', 0.9961487650871277)], [[[178.0, 432.0], [304.0, 432.0], [304.0, 446.0], [178.0, 446.0]], ('Sub Total$206.50', 0.9335165023803711)]]
{"store_name": "LACAMERA", "store_addr": "SouthbankVIC3006", "telephone": "0396993600", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "$206.50", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "KirinTap(Snall)", "item_value": "$24.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RekorderligStrawoerryLime", "item_value": "$14.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "(Bottle)", "item_value": "$8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Capisok(750nl)", "item_value": "$16.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Garlic:Bread(Large)", "item_value": "$50.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CarbonaraSP(Serve)", "item_value": "$9.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CarbonaraWine(GTass)", "item_value": "$27.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RisottoLaCanera(Serve)", "item_value": "$24.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PizzaCapriccosa(Serve)", "item_value": "$33.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[267.0, 59.0], [464.0, 52.0], [465.0, 78.0], [268.0, 85.0]], ('Redondo Car Wash', 0.9316878914833069)], [[[261.0, 89.0], [470.0, 82.0], [471.0, 108.0], [262.0, 115.0]], ('617 Torrance Blvd', 0.9222634434700012)], [[[222.0, 118.0], [508.0, 109.0], [508.0, 137.0], [223.0, 146.0]], ('Redondo Beach, CA 90277', 0.9187922477722168)], [[[290.0, 145.0], [440.0, 143.0], [440.0, 168.0], [290.0, 170.0]], ('3105401920', 0.9973264932632446)], [[[259.0, 176.0], [472.0, 172.0], [472.0, 197.0], [259.0, 201.0]], ('2/15/20172:21PM', 0.9850056767463684)], [[[288.0, 292.0], [438.0, 292.0], [438.0, 341.0], [288.0, 341.0]], ('A27242', 0.9990959167480469)], [[[325.0, 342.0], [401.0, 342.0], [401.0, 372.0], [325.0, 372.0]], ('(Copy)', 0.959331214427948)], [[[163.0, 397.0], [502.0, 401.0], [501.0, 432.0], [163.0, 428.0]], ('1 SCUBA DIVER FULL DETAIL)', 0.9199811220169067)], [[[578.0, 398.0], [678.0, 396.0], [679.0, 425.0], [579.0, 427.0]], ('$270.00', 0.9948630332946777)], [[[165.0, 429.0], [403.0, 435.0], [402.0, 463.0], [164.0, 457.0]], ('1DETAIL DISCOUNT $', 0.9363208413124084)], [[[569.0, 430.0], [676.0, 428.0], [677.0, 458.0], [569.0, 461.0]], ('$70.00', 0.9961549639701843)], [[[348.0, 497.0], [462.0, 497.0], [462.0, 523.0], [348.0, 523.0]], ('SUBTOTAL:', 0.98231041431427)], [[[579.0, 495.0], [680.0, 491.0], [681.0, 522.0], [580.0, 525.0]], ('$200.00', 0.940155565738678)], [[[347.0, 527.0], [425.0, 527.0], [425.0, 554.0], [347.0, 554.0]], ('TAXES:', 0.9795188903808594)], [[[608.0, 527.0], [682.0, 527.0], [682.0, 557.0], [608.0, 557.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9971505403518677)], [[[347.0, 559.0], [424.0, 559.0], [424.0, 586.0], [347.0, 586.0]], ('TOTAL:', 0.9861522316932678)], [[[582.0, 560.0], [682.0, 560.0], [682.0, 590.0], [582.0, 590.0]], ('$200.00', 0.9968751072883606)], [[[347.0, 588.0], [464.0, 591.0], [463.0, 620.0], [346.0, 618.0]], ('TENDERED:', 0.9823480248451233)], [[[609.0, 595.0], [682.0, 595.0], [682.0, 622.0], [609.0, 622.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9937610626220703)], [[[346.0, 623.0], [488.0, 623.0], [488.0, 651.0], [346.0, 651.0]], ('CHANGE DUE:', 0.9375997185707092)], [[[609.0, 627.0], [684.0, 627.0], [684.0, 657.0], [609.0, 657.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9979073405265808)], [[[186.0, 685.0], [533.0, 691.0], [532.0, 720.0], [185.0, 714.0]], ('Thank you for your Business', 0.954900324344635)], [[[139.0, 718.0], [585.0, 723.0], [585.0, 758.0], [138.0, 753.0]], ('Redondo Car Wash Rain Check Policy', 0.9498081207275391)], [[[211.0, 752.0], [508.0, 760.0], [508.0, 788.0], [211.0, 780.0]], ('Return within 48 hours,', 0.9331676363945007)], [[[303.0, 921.0], [408.0, 930.0], [405.0, 961.0], [300.0, 952.0]], ('urchase.', 0.9556376934051514)]]
{"store_name": "RedondoCarWash", "store_addr": "RedondoBeach,CA90277 617TorranceBlvd", "telephone": "3105401920", "date": "2/15/2017", "time": "2:21PM", "subtotal": "$200.00", "tax": "$0.00", "total": "$200.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SCUBADIVER(FULLDETAIL)", "item_value": "$270,00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[159.0, 0.0], [228.0, 3.0], [227.0, 22.0], [158.0, 17.0]], ('Peter Chang', 0.9114183783531189)], [[[135.0, 28.0], [249.0, 32.0], [249.0, 54.0], [134.0, 49.0]], ('ArlingtonVA 22207', 0.9520313143730164)], [[[154.0, 43.0], [233.0, 47.0], [232.0, 67.0], [153.0, 63.0]], ('703538-6688', 0.8898815512657166)], [[[71.0, 76.0], [193.0, 76.0], [193.0, 93.0], [71.0, 93.0]], ('Order#0182 Save#5', 0.9248489737510681)], [[[69.0, 91.0], [125.0, 94.0], [124.0, 112.0], [69.0, 110.0]], ('Server:', 0.9540300965309143)], [[[280.0, 83.0], [318.0, 83.0], [318.0, 98.0], [280.0, 98.0]], ('Dineln', 0.9218710064888)], [[[213.0, 93.0], [287.0, 99.0], [286.0, 116.0], [211.0, 110.0]], ('Guests:4T', 0.8944120407104492)], [[[304.0, 100.0], [318.0, 100.0], [318.0, 114.0], [304.0, 114.0]], ('87', 0.7567696571350098)], [[[102.0, 129.0], [227.0, 129.0], [227.0, 143.0], [102.0, 143.0]], ('21.0ry-Fried Egnplant', 0.9186571836471558)], [[[289.0, 131.0], [320.0, 131.0], [320.0, 146.0], [289.0, 146.0]], ('10.00', 0.9962571859359741)], [[[72.0, 148.0], [80.0, 148.0], [80.0, 158.0], [72.0, 158.0]], ('1', 0.5266404151916504)], [[[102.0, 146.0], [227.0, 146.0], [227.0, 160.0], [102.0, 160.0]], ('5.Ci lantro Fish Rolls', 0.8683357834815979)], [[[293.0, 147.0], [322.0, 147.0], [322.0, 162.0], [293.0, 162.0]], ('8.00', 0.9909405708312988)], [[[72.0, 164.0], [80.0, 164.0], [80.0, 175.0], [72.0, 175.0]], ('1', 0.9781557321548462)], [[[104.0, 163.0], [215.0, 163.0], [215.0, 177.0], [104.0, 177.0]], ("11.Grandma's Noodle", 0.9404836893081665)], [[[295.0, 163.0], [323.0, 163.0], [323.0, 178.0], [295.0, 178.0]], ('7.00', 0.993281364440918)], [[[74.0, 182.0], [80.0, 182.0], [80.0, 191.0], [74.0, 191.0]], ('1', 0.7055546641349792)], [[[103.0, 180.0], [267.0, 180.0], [267.0, 195.0], [103.0, 195.0]], ('24.Szechuan Bang Bang Shrimp', 0.9722614884376526)], [[[295.0, 179.0], [323.0, 179.0], [323.0, 195.0], [295.0, 195.0]], ('9.00', 0.9953577518463135)], [[[73.0, 198.0], [80.0, 198.0], [80.0, 209.0], [73.0, 209.0]], ('1', 0.7244322896003723)], [[[101.0, 194.0], [189.0, 197.0], [189.0, 214.0], [100.0, 212.0]], ('Pinot Blancg', 0.9771692156791687)], [[[294.0, 195.0], [324.0, 195.0], [324.0, 214.0], [294.0, 214.0]], ('8.00', 0.9959446787834167)], [[[102.0, 213.0], [159.0, 213.0], [159.0, 230.0], [102.0, 230.0]], ('Tsing Tao', 0.9543679356575012)], [[[295.0, 213.0], [323.0, 213.0], [323.0, 228.0], [295.0, 228.0]], ('4.50', 0.9840114116668701)], [[[72.0, 229.0], [80.0, 229.0], [80.0, 242.0], [72.0, 242.0]], ('2', 0.9768961071968079)], [[[102.0, 228.0], [158.0, 228.0], [158.0, 245.0], [102.0, 245.0]], ('Tsing Tao', 0.9005456566810608)], [[[295.0, 228.0], [323.0, 228.0], [323.0, 244.0], [295.0, 244.0]], ('9.00', 0.9856215119361877)], [[[73.0, 243.0], [81.0, 245.0], [79.0, 257.0], [70.0, 255.0]], ('1', 0.8928680419921875)], [[[102.0, 244.0], [205.0, 244.0], [205.0, 261.0], [102.0, 261.0]], ('40c.Basi1 Chicken', 0.9344491362571716)], [[[291.0, 244.0], [325.0, 244.0], [325.0, 259.0], [291.0, 259.0]], ('15.00', 0.9950722455978394)], [[[101.0, 260.0], [250.0, 260.0], [250.0, 277.0], [101.0, 277.0]], ('39c.Three Peppers Chicken', 0.9664240479469299)], [[[291.0, 259.0], [327.0, 259.0], [327.0, 277.0], [291.0, 277.0]], ('15.00', 0.9948258399963379)], [[[100.0, 275.0], [250.0, 276.0], [250.0, 293.0], [100.0, 292.0]], ('35f.Fish in Hot Chili 0i1', 0.8937497735023499)], [[[293.0, 275.0], [328.0, 275.0], [328.0, 294.0], [293.0, 294.0]], ('19.00', 0.9947317242622375)], [[[99.0, 292.0], [192.0, 294.0], [191.0, 312.0], [99.0, 309.0]], ('Customer Design', 0.9469982981681824)], [[[99.0, 309.0], [196.0, 312.0], [195.0, 329.0], [99.0, 326.0]], ('>in a plad a', 0.9111276268959045)], [[[69.0, 331.0], [78.0, 331.0], [78.0, 342.0], [69.0, 342.0]], ('1', 0.9618475437164307)], [[[99.0, 329.0], [193.0, 329.0], [193.0, 346.0], [99.0, 346.0]], ('Customer Design', 0.9614132642745972)], [[[98.0, 345.0], [221.0, 346.0], [221.0, 363.0], [98.0, 362.0]], ('>1have a saall p', 0.7863267660140991)], [[[200.0, 361.0], [261.0, 361.0], [261.0, 378.0], [200.0, 378.0]], ('SunTotal:', 0.9058257341384888)], [[[291.0, 361.0], [334.0, 361.0], [334.0, 379.0], [291.0, 379.0]], ('104.50', 0.9901745319366455)], [[[228.0, 374.0], [263.0, 378.0], [261.0, 398.0], [226.0, 393.0]], ('Tax:', 0.9686571359634399)], [[[297.0, 378.0], [337.0, 378.0], [337.0, 396.0], [297.0, 396.0]], ('10.45', 0.9878387451171875)], [[[214.0, 396.0], [265.0, 396.0], [265.0, 426.0], [214.0, 426.0]], ('Amount:', 0.9780550599098206)], [[[293.0, 395.0], [345.0, 395.0], [345.0, 430.0], [293.0, 430.0]], ('114,95', 0.810324490070343)], [[[162.0, 422.0], [266.0, 425.0], [265.0, 447.0], [162.0, 443.0]], ('Even Split 4', 0.8997687697410583)], [[[304.0, 427.0], [345.0, 427.0], [345.0, 446.0], [304.0, 446.0]], ('28.74', 0.9935876727104187)], [[[124.0, 460.0], [263.0, 466.0], [262.0, 490.0], [123.0, 484.0]], ('05/07/201607:48PM', 0.9605993628501892)], [[[161.0, 487.0], [232.0, 489.0], [231.0, 511.0], [160.0, 509.0]], ('Thank You!', 0.9339056015014648)]]
{"store_name": "PeterChang", "store_addr": "2503N.HarrisonStSteE Arlington,VA22207", "telephone": "(703)538-6688", "date": "05/07/2016", "time": "07:48PM", "subtotal": "104.50", "tax": "10.45", "total": "114.95", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "21.Dry-FriedEggplant", "item_value": "10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "5.CilantroFishRolls", "item_value": "8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "11.Grandma'sNoodle", "item_value": "7.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "24.SzechuanBangBangShrimp", "item_value": "9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PinotBlanc(g)", "item_value": "8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TsingTao", "item_value": "4.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TsingTao", "item_value": "9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "40c.BasilChicken", "item_value": "15.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "39c.ThreePeppersChicken", "item_value": "15.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "35f.FishinHotChiliOil", "item_value": "19.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CustomerDesign", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CustomerDesign", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[257.0, 0.0], [354.0, 3.0], [353.0, 29.0], [256.0, 24.0]], ('Peter Chang', 0.9592856764793396)], [[[224.0, 43.0], [386.0, 47.0], [385.0, 75.0], [223.0, 70.0]], ('Arlington,VA 22207', 0.9364745020866394)], [[[250.0, 64.0], [362.0, 69.0], [361.0, 94.0], [249.0, 89.0]], ('703538-6688', 0.9838100075721741)], [[[128.0, 111.0], [305.0, 111.0], [305.0, 132.0], [128.0, 132.0]], ('Order#0182 Save#:5', 0.9377738237380981)], [[[433.0, 119.0], [489.0, 119.0], [489.0, 142.0], [433.0, 142.0]], ('DineIn', 0.9872123599052429)], [[[127.0, 134.0], [194.0, 137.0], [193.0, 159.0], [126.0, 157.0]], ('Server:', 0.9815621972084045)], [[[337.0, 138.0], [437.0, 145.0], [436.0, 167.0], [335.0, 160.0]], ('Guests:4 T#', 0.9372632503509521)], [[[468.0, 144.0], [489.0, 144.0], [489.0, 165.0], [468.0, 165.0]], ('B7', 0.9093548059463501)], [[[127.0, 186.0], [141.0, 186.0], [141.0, 207.0], [127.0, 207.0]], ('1', 0.8118293881416321)], [[[173.0, 187.0], [354.0, 187.0], [354.0, 207.0], [173.0, 207.0]], ('21.Dry-Fried Eggplant', 0.952118456363678)], [[[446.0, 190.0], [492.0, 190.0], [492.0, 212.0], [446.0, 212.0]], ('10.00', 0.993719756603241)], [[[127.0, 211.0], [140.0, 211.0], [140.0, 231.0], [127.0, 231.0]], ('1', 0.8387100100517273)], [[[173.0, 212.0], [354.0, 212.0], [354.0, 233.0], [173.0, 233.0]], ('5.Cilantro Fish Rolls', 0.9106348156929016)], [[[452.0, 213.0], [493.0, 213.0], [493.0, 236.0], [452.0, 236.0]], ('8.00', 0.9841576814651489)], [[[127.0, 237.0], [140.0, 237.0], [140.0, 256.0], [127.0, 256.0]], ('1', 0.9506773948669434)], [[[174.0, 237.0], [337.0, 237.0], [337.0, 257.0], [174.0, 257.0]], ("11.Grandma's Noodle", 0.9625561237335205)], [[[453.0, 236.0], [494.0, 236.0], [494.0, 259.0], [453.0, 259.0]], ('7.00', 0.9928572177886963)], [[[127.0, 262.0], [140.0, 260.0], [143.0, 278.0], [130.0, 280.0]], ('1', 0.9745112061500549)], [[[173.0, 261.0], [412.0, 261.0], [412.0, 282.0], [173.0, 282.0]], ('24.Szechuan Bang Bang Shrimp', 0.9504087567329407)], [[[455.0, 260.0], [494.0, 260.0], [494.0, 283.0], [455.0, 283.0]], ('9.00', 0.9957209229469299)], [[[127.0, 285.0], [142.0, 283.0], [146.0, 304.0], [130.0, 307.0]], ('1', 0.983715832233429)], [[[173.0, 282.0], [295.0, 287.0], [294.0, 309.0], [172.0, 305.0]], ('Pinot Blanc(g)', 0.9329166412353516)], [[[454.0, 285.0], [494.0, 285.0], [494.0, 307.0], [454.0, 307.0]], ('8.00', 0.9901511669158936)], [[[129.0, 312.0], [141.0, 309.0], [145.0, 326.0], [132.0, 328.0]], ('1', 0.6756362318992615)], [[[175.0, 311.0], [254.0, 311.0], [254.0, 330.0], [175.0, 330.0]], ('Tsing Tao', 0.9497716426849365)], [[[453.0, 308.0], [494.0, 308.0], [494.0, 331.0], [453.0, 331.0]], ('4.50', 0.9848994016647339)], [[[127.0, 330.0], [143.0, 330.0], [143.0, 352.0], [127.0, 352.0]], ('2', 0.9938185811042786)], [[[174.0, 330.0], [254.0, 333.0], [253.0, 354.0], [173.0, 352.0]], ('Tsing Tao', 0.965453565120697)], [[[455.0, 331.0], [495.0, 331.0], [495.0, 353.0], [455.0, 353.0]], ('9.00', 0.990599513053894)], [[[128.0, 355.0], [141.0, 355.0], [141.0, 374.0], [128.0, 374.0]], ('1', 0.9708818793296814)], [[[174.0, 356.0], [320.0, 356.0], [320.0, 377.0], [174.0, 377.0]], ('40c.Basi1 Chicken', 0.9539508819580078)], [[[450.0, 355.0], [495.0, 355.0], [495.0, 374.0], [450.0, 374.0]], ('15.00', 0.9925532341003418)], [[[126.0, 380.0], [139.0, 380.0], [139.0, 398.0], [126.0, 398.0]], ('1', 0.6574589014053345)], [[[172.0, 379.0], [390.0, 380.0], [390.0, 400.0], [172.0, 399.0]], ('39c.Three Peppers Chicken', 0.9611139893531799)], [[[450.0, 378.0], [499.0, 378.0], [499.0, 400.0], [450.0, 400.0]], ('15.00', 0.9951431155204773)], [[[126.0, 403.0], [139.0, 403.0], [139.0, 422.0], [126.0, 422.0]], ('1', 0.9729241132736206)], [[[172.0, 403.0], [389.0, 403.0], [389.0, 423.0], [172.0, 423.0]], ('35f.Fish in Hot Chili 0il', 0.9016569256782532)], [[[451.0, 401.0], [500.0, 401.0], [500.0, 424.0], [451.0, 424.0]], ('19.00', 0.9730203747749329)], [[[124.0, 428.0], [140.0, 428.0], [140.0, 448.0], [124.0, 448.0]], ('1', 0.9550705552101135)], [[[171.0, 426.0], [304.0, 429.0], [303.0, 450.0], [170.0, 448.0]], ('Customer Design', 0.9647322297096252)], [[[171.0, 453.0], [279.0, 453.0], [279.0, 474.0], [171.0, 474.0]], ('>im a plad a', 0.9144231677055359)], [[[126.0, 481.0], [136.0, 481.0], [136.0, 496.0], [126.0, 496.0]], ('1', 0.8550147414207458)], [[[170.0, 476.0], [303.0, 479.0], [302.0, 500.0], [169.0, 498.0]], ('Customer Design', 0.9694937467575073)], [[[170.0, 504.0], [329.0, 504.0], [329.0, 524.0], [170.0, 524.0]], ('>i have a small po', 0.8418112397193909)], [[[319.0, 528.0], [402.0, 528.0], [402.0, 546.0], [319.0, 546.0]], ('SubTotal:', 0.9697539806365967)], [[[450.0, 527.0], [510.0, 527.0], [510.0, 548.0], [450.0, 548.0]], ('104.50', 0.987673282623291)], [[[364.0, 549.0], [406.0, 549.0], [406.0, 572.0], [364.0, 572.0]], ('Tax:', 0.9676599502563477)], [[[462.0, 551.0], [515.0, 551.0], [515.0, 573.0], [462.0, 573.0]], ('10.45', 0.992392361164093)], [[[334.0, 574.0], [408.0, 574.0], [408.0, 617.0], [334.0, 617.0]], ('Amount:', 0.985621452331543)], [[[454.0, 574.0], [525.0, 574.0], [525.0, 624.0], [454.0, 624.0]], ('114.95', 0.8998005986213684)], [[[262.0, 615.0], [410.0, 619.0], [410.0, 646.0], [261.0, 643.0]], ('Even Split 4', 0.9482552409172058)], [[[469.0, 621.0], [527.0, 621.0], [527.0, 647.0], [469.0, 647.0]], ('28.74', 0.9914472699165344)], [[[208.0, 672.0], [405.0, 680.0], [404.0, 708.0], [207.0, 701.0]], ('05/07/201607:48PM', 0.9736285209655762)], [[[258.0, 707.0], [363.0, 711.0], [362.0, 743.0], [257.0, 739.0]], ('Thank You!', 0.925381064414978)]]
{"store_name": "PeterChang", "store_addr": "2503N.HarrisonStSteE Arlington,VA22207", "telephone": "(703)538-6688", "date": "05/07/2016", "time": "07:48PM", "subtotal": "104.50", "tax": "10.45", "total": "114.95", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "21.Dry-FriedEggplant", "item_value": "10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "5.CilantroFishRolls", "item_value": "8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "11.Grandma'sNoodle", "item_value": "7.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "24.SzechuanBangBangShrimp", "item_value": "9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PinotBlanc(g)", "item_value": "8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TsingTao", "item_value": "4.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TsingTao", "item_value": "9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "40c.BasilChicken", "item_value": "15.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "39c.ThreePeppersChicken", "item_value": "15.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "35f.FishinHotChiliOil", "item_value": "19.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CustomerDesign", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": ">imaplada", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CustomerDesign", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": ">ihaveasmallp", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[1181.0, 41.0], [1467.0, 23.0], [1470.0, 70.0], [1184.0, 87.0]], ('Je lor bsinn', 0.5502094626426697)], [[[656.0, 61.0], [881.0, 76.0], [878.0, 114.0], [654.0, 99.0]], ('Hlgher Standards', 0.9540019035339355)], [[[454.0, 82.0], [598.0, 96.0], [593.0, 144.0], [450.0, 131.0]], ('boold', 0.8942663073539734)], [[[648.0, 91.0], [1211.0, 98.0], [1209.0, 262.0], [646.0, 256.0]], ('meijer', 0.9655037522315979)], [[[1258.0, 99.0], [1435.0, 79.0], [1440.0, 126.0], [1263.0, 145.0]], ('Srebiso', 0.7515608668327332)], [[[1014.0, 249.0], [1175.0, 237.0], [1178.0, 274.0], [1017.0, 287.0]], ('Lower Pricos', 0.9202754497528076)], [[[1039.0, 416.0], [1242.0, 407.0], [1244.0, 453.0], [1041.0, 462.0]], ('', 0.952278733253479)], [[[822.0, 608.0], [1040.0, 608.0], [1040.0, 653.0], [822.0, 653.0]], ('09/03/12', 0.9985271692276001)], [[[443.0, 640.0], [1397.0, 643.0], [1397.0, 716.0], [443.0, 713.0]], ('Your fast and friendly checkout was', 0.9403204917907715)], [[[662.0, 713.0], [1256.0, 702.0], [1257.0, 758.0], [664.0, 770.0]], ('provided by Fastlane99', 0.968494176864624)], [[[339.0, 858.0], [1070.0, 870.0], [1069.0, 924.0], [338.0, 912.0]], ('TOTAL NON-COUPON SAVINGS', 0.9572809338569641)], [[[1273.0, 856.0], [1468.0, 856.0], [1468.0, 913.0], [1273.0, 913.0]], ('3.00*', 0.93999844789505)], [[[339.0, 912.0], [1067.0, 924.0], [1066.0, 978.0], [338.0, 966.0]], ('*SAVINGS TOTAL', 0.9402858018875122)], [[[1195.0, 916.0], [1467.0, 904.0], [1469.0, 960.0], [1198.0, 973.0]], ('3.00*', 0.9095767736434937)], [[[335.0, 1018.0], [1366.0, 1010.0], [1367.0, 1077.0], [336.0, 1086.0]], ('GENERALMERCHANDISE', 0.9855549931526184)], [[[342.0, 1074.0], [622.0, 1083.0], [620.0, 1132.0], [340.0, 1123.0]], ('7033062846', 0.9980946779251099)], [[[1251.0, 1072.0], [1367.0, 1072.0], [1367.0, 1123.0], [1251.0, 1123.0]], ('3.99', 0.9929771423339844)], [[[1416.0, 1069.0], [1474.0, 1069.0], [1474.0, 1118.0], [1416.0, 1118.0]], ('CT', 0.9970122575759888)], [[[723.0, 1083.0], [1094.0, 1083.0], [1094.0, 1129.0], [723.0, 1129.0]], ('CANDLE LIGHTER', 0.9781573414802551)], [[[1248.0, 1126.0], [1370.0, 1126.0], [1370.0, 1177.0], [1248.0, 1177.0]], ('3.99', 0.9501701593399048)], [[[1414.0, 1118.0], [1477.0, 1118.0], [1477.0, 1177.0], [1414.0, 1177.0]], ('CT', 0.9954555034637451)], [[[342.0, 1128.0], [622.0, 1134.0], [621.0, 1183.0], [341.0, 1177.0]], ('7600121069', 0.9982587099075317)], [[[723.0, 1137.0], [913.0, 1137.0], [913.0, 1183.0], [723.0, 1183.0]], ('CANDLES', 0.9963451027870178)], [[[341.0, 1183.0], [652.0, 1183.0], [652.0, 1237.0], [341.0, 1237.0]], ('72560617856', 0.9982663989067078)], [[[1226.0, 1180.0], [1370.0, 1180.0], [1370.0, 1228.0], [1226.0, 1228.0]], ('14.99', 0.9985133409500122)], [[[1414.0, 1177.0], [1480.0, 1177.0], [1480.0, 1228.0], [1414.0, 1228.0]], ('CT', 0.9963832497596741)], [[[723.0, 1188.0], [1045.0, 1188.0], [1045.0, 1234.0], [723.0, 1234.0]], ('ROSE BOUQUET', 0.9544150233268738)], [[[1223.0, 1234.0], [1371.0, 1228.0], [1373.0, 1279.0], [1225.0, 1286.0]], ('19.99', 0.9971019625663757)], [[[1414.0, 1228.0], [1471.0, 1228.0], [1471.0, 1280.0], [1414.0, 1280.0]], ('CT', 0.9964221715927124)], [[[346.0, 1242.0], [649.0, 1242.0], [649.0, 1288.0], [346.0, 1288.0]], ('72560616931', 0.9978399872779846)], [[[718.0, 1239.0], [1097.0, 1236.0], [1097.0, 1285.0], [718.0, 1288.0]], ('HANDTIED ROSES', 0.9753729701042175)], [[[341.0, 1350.0], [833.0, 1344.0], [833.0, 1393.0], [341.0, 1399.0]], ('DRUGSTORE', 0.996168851852417)], [[[1251.0, 1388.0], [1460.0, 1388.0], [1460.0, 1444.0], [1251.0, 1444.0]], ('2.83+N', 0.9939954280853271)], [[[341.0, 1407.0], [624.0, 1401.0], [625.0, 1447.0], [342.0, 1453.0]], ('2260064603', 0.998293399810791)], [[[728.0, 1399.0], [1097.0, 1393.0], [1098.0, 1442.0], [729.0, 1447.0]], ('TROJAN CONDOMS', 0.978577196598053)], [[[1229.0, 1442.0], [1375.0, 1442.0], [1375.0, 1498.0], [1229.0, 1498.0]], ('13.89', 0.996880829334259)], [[[728.0, 1453.0], [1017.0, 1447.0], [1018.0, 1493.0], [729.0, 1499.0]], ('TROJAN MINI', 0.9728155136108398)], [[[1441.0, 1444.0], [1485.0, 1444.0], [1485.0, 1498.0], [1441.0, 1498.0]], ('T', 0.9643543362617493)], [[[338.0, 1459.0], [623.0, 1449.0], [625.0, 1503.0], [339.0, 1513.0]], ('2260090660', 0.9977466464042664)], [[[335.0, 1513.0], [653.0, 1501.0], [655.0, 1557.0], [337.0, 1569.0]], ('*1559401018', 0.9924409985542297)], [[[729.0, 1504.0], [993.0, 1504.0], [993.0, 1552.0], [729.0, 1552.0]], ('ASTROGLIDE', 0.9976755380630493)], [[[723.0, 1552.0], [844.0, 1552.0], [844.0, 1615.0], [723.0, 1615.0]], ('8.14', 0.9954729080200195)], [[[1254.0, 1547.0], [1378.0, 1547.0], [1378.0, 1606.0], [1254.0, 1606.0]], ('7.14', 0.9954015612602234)], [[[1444.0, 1544.0], [1485.0, 1544.0], [1485.0, 1606.0], [1444.0, 1606.0]], ('T', 0.7053589820861816)], [[[1018.0, 1561.0], [1100.0, 1561.0], [1100.0, 1604.0], [1018.0, 1604.0]], ('now', 0.9924521446228027)], [[[478.0, 1571.0], [575.0, 1571.0], [575.0, 1623.0], [478.0, 1623.0]], ('was', 0.9981786608695984)], [[[340.0, 1683.0], [720.0, 1657.0], [725.0, 1713.0], [344.0, 1740.0]], ('GROCERY', 0.9976609945297241)], [[[1234.0, 1700.0], [1461.0, 1710.0], [1458.0, 1769.0], [1231.0, 1760.0]], ('12.97F', 0.9926609396934509)], [[[720.0, 1715.0], [994.0, 1703.0], [996.0, 1760.0], [722.0, 1772.0]], ('FRUIT BOWL', 0.9410114288330078)], [[[340.0, 1740.0], [652.0, 1719.0], [656.0, 1773.0], [343.0, 1794.0]], ('21921000000', 0.9991543292999268)], [[[723.0, 1766.0], [842.0, 1766.0], [842.0, 1825.0], [723.0, 1825.0]], ('WINE', 0.9984711408615112)], [[[337.0, 1797.0], [655.0, 1775.0], [658.0, 1829.0], [341.0, 1851.0]], ('*8520091875', 0.9916137456893921)], [[[469.0, 1840.0], [767.0, 1818.0], [772.0, 1883.0], [474.0, 1905.0]], ('25.99', 0.9970523118972778)], [[[1232.0, 1864.0], [1473.0, 1881.0], [1468.0, 1945.0], [1228.0, 1929.0]], ('11.98N', 0.9850361347198486)], [[[697.0, 1883.0], [843.0, 1869.0], [849.0, 1929.0], [703.0, 1943.0]], ('13.98', 0.9953787922859192)], [[[1018.0, 1874.0], [1111.0, 1874.0], [1111.0, 1925.0], [1018.0, 1925.0]], ('now', 0.9960452914237976)], [[[475.0, 1907.0], [578.0, 1900.0], [581.0, 1951.0], [478.0, 1958.0]], ('was', 0.9976746439933777)], [[[342.0, 2075.0], [624.0, 2056.0], [628.0, 2121.0], [347.0, 2140.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.998294472694397)], [[[700.0, 2091.0], [1192.0, 2073.0], [1194.0, 2146.0], [703.0, 2164.0]], ('OH 6.25% Sales Tax', 0.8905209302902222)], [[[1255.0, 2090.0], [1380.0, 2102.0], [1373.0, 2162.0], [1249.0, 2150.0]], ('4.93', 0.9964267015457153)], [[[1255.0, 2145.0], [1380.0, 2156.0], [1374.0, 2218.0], [1250.0, 2207.0]], ('4.93', 0.996310830116272)], [[[708.0, 2161.0], [951.0, 2139.0], [956.0, 2196.0], [713.0, 2218.0]], ('TOTAL TAX', 0.9460152387619019)], [[[1232.0, 2198.0], [1380.0, 2216.0], [1373.0, 2275.0], [1224.0, 2258.0]], ('96.70', 0.9940854907035828)], [[[708.0, 2215.0], [846.0, 2205.0], [851.0, 2264.0], [713.0, 2275.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9984955787658691)], [[[973.0, 2293.0], [1142.0, 2286.0], [1145.0, 2346.0], [975.0, 2352.0]], ('TENDER', 0.9975063800811768)], [[[339.0, 2307.0], [794.0, 2269.0], [799.0, 2326.0], [344.0, 2364.0]], ('PAYMENTS', 0.9953344464302063)], [[[1216.0, 2300.0], [1383.0, 2324.0], [1374.0, 2384.0], [1208.0, 2360.0]], ('100.00', 0.9940085411071777)], [[[979.0, 2349.0], [1144.0, 2349.0], [1144.0, 2406.0], [979.0, 2406.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9975543022155762)], [[[397.0, 2359.0], [527.0, 2346.0], [533.0, 2406.0], [403.0, 2418.0]], ('CASH', 0.9977011680603027)], [[[1259.0, 2363.0], [1387.0, 2381.0], [1378.0, 2438.0], [1251.0, 2419.0]], ('3.30', 0.9948733448982239)], [[[397.0, 2413.0], [530.0, 2402.0], [535.0, 2461.0], [402.0, 2472.0]], ('CASH', 0.998099148273468)], [[[713.0, 2494.0], [1112.0, 2447.0], [1119.0, 2504.0], [720.0, 2551.0]], ('NUMBER OF ITEMS', 0.9524953961372375)], [[[1345.0, 2487.0], [1414.0, 2487.0], [1414.0, 2546.0], [1345.0, 2546.0]], ('10', 0.9973264932632446)]]
{"store_name": "meijer", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "09/08/12", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "4.93 4.93", "total": "96.70", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "ASTROGLIDE", "item_value": "7.14", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CANDLELIGHTER", "item_value": "12.97", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CANDLES", "item_value": "11.98", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ROSEBOUQUET", "item_value": "3.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TROJANMINI", "item_value": "3.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TROJANCONDOMS", "item_value": "14.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HANDTIEDROSES", "item_value": "19.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRUITBOWL", "item_value": "2.83", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WINE", "item_value": "13.89", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[920.0, 251.0], [1647.0, 264.0], [1642.0, 520.0], [915.0, 506.0]], ('meijer', 0.9931836128234863)], [[[1118.0, 548.0], [1452.0, 532.0], [1455.0, 593.0], [1121.0, 609.0]], ('Sawmill Rd.', 0.9524784684181213)], [[[1049.0, 616.0], [1530.0, 601.0], [1532.0, 666.0], [1051.0, 681.0]], ('Dublin.OH-58', 0.9233090877532959)], [[[1436.0, 684.0], [1701.0, 684.0], [1701.0, 745.0], [1436.0, 745.0]], ('', 0.9515473246574402)], [[[887.0, 699.0], [1262.0, 687.0], [1264.0, 748.0], [889.0, 760.0]], ('(614)7664494', 0.9473543763160706)], [[[559.0, 872.0], [2002.0, 846.0], [2003.0, 918.0], [560.0, 944.0]], ('The Meijer Tean appreciates your business', 0.9708567261695862)], [[[1141.0, 929.0], [1443.0, 925.0], [1444.0, 990.0], [1142.0, 994.0]], ('07/11/12', 0.99956214427948)], [[[659.0, 1008.0], [1903.0, 986.0], [1904.0, 1054.0], [660.0, 1077.0]], ('Your fast and friendly checkout was', 0.9667990803718567)], [[[935.0, 1080.0], [1759.0, 1058.0], [1761.0, 1123.0], [936.0, 1145.0]], ('provided by Fastlane103', 0.9528903961181641)], [[[611.0, 1221.0], [1881.0, 1195.0], [1882.0, 1256.0], [612.0, 1282.0]], ('K**SAVINGSTODAY**', 0.8997604250907898)], [[[1751.0, 1261.0], [1930.0, 1252.0], [1934.0, 1331.0], [1756.0, 1340.0]], ('1.56', 0.9927924275398254)], [[[1948.0, 1274.0], [1996.0, 1274.0], [1996.0, 1321.0], [1948.0, 1321.0]], ('A', 0.6153783798217773)], [[[530.0, 1289.0], [1479.0, 1270.0], [1481.0, 1332.0], [531.0, 1350.0]], ('TOTAL NON-COUPON SAVINGS', 0.9465460777282715)], [[[1755.0, 1337.0], [1934.0, 1327.0], [1938.0, 1403.0], [1759.0, 1412.0]], ('2.00', 0.9958978891372681)], [[[533.0, 1361.0], [1442.0, 1342.0], [1444.0, 1404.0], [535.0, 1422.0]], ('TOTAL COUPON SAVINGS OF', 0.9258058667182922)], [[[1656.0, 1405.0], [2009.0, 1396.0], [2011.0, 1472.0], [1658.0, 1480.0]], ('3.56*', 0.9128919839859009)], [[[530.0, 1422.0], [1509.0, 1411.0], [1510.0, 1483.0], [531.0, 1494.0]], ('xSAVINGSTOTAL', 0.9314557313919067)], [[[519.0, 1566.0], [1004.0, 1558.0], [1005.0, 1623.0], [520.0, 1631.0]], ('GROCERY', 0.9939213395118713)], [[[1008.0, 1628.0], [1553.0, 1620.0], [1554.0, 1692.0], [1010.0, 1700.0]], ('CHECKLANE CANDY', 0.9603055119514465)], [[[515.0, 1638.0], [928.0, 1638.0], [928.0, 1699.0], [515.0, 1699.0]], ('4000000101', 0.9989986419677734)], [[[684.0, 1700.0], [1174.0, 1692.0], [1175.0, 1767.0], [686.0, 1775.0]], ('102/1.00', 0.9940451383590698)], [[[1788.0, 1751.0], [2004.0, 1741.0], [2008.0, 1835.0], [1792.0, 1844.0]], ('.50F', 0.8825729489326477)], [[[1071.0, 1764.0], [1174.0, 1764.0], [1174.0, 1840.0], [1071.0, 1840.0]], ('79', 0.9967542886734009)], [[[688.0, 1786.0], [821.0, 1786.0], [821.0, 1840.0], [688.0, 1840.0]], ('was', 0.9328952431678772)], [[[1410.0, 1778.0], [1535.0, 1778.0], [1535.0, 1832.0], [1410.0, 1832.0]], ('now', 0.9023430347442627)], [[[519.0, 1847.0], [917.0, 1847.0], [917.0, 1908.0], [519.0, 1908.0]], ('4000000104', 0.9980481266975403)], [[[1012.0, 1840.0], [1556.0, 1828.0], [1558.0, 1900.0], [1014.0, 1912.0]], ('CHECKLANE CANDY', 0.9376844763755798)], [[[685.0, 1912.0], [1174.0, 1912.0], [1174.0, 1984.0], [685.0, 1984.0]], ('102/1.00', 0.9452915191650391)], [[[1792.0, 1963.0], [2015.0, 1954.0], [2019.0, 2044.0], [1796.0, 2053.0]], ('.50F', 0.9479009509086609)], [[[1094.0, 1984.0], [1182.0, 1984.0], [1182.0, 2052.0], [1094.0, 2052.0]], ('79', 0.9973579049110413)], [[[1418.0, 1991.0], [1539.0, 1991.0], [1539.0, 2052.0], [1418.0, 2052.0]], ('nOw', 0.7023487091064453)], [[[512.0, 2056.0], [917.0, 2056.0], [917.0, 2128.0], [512.0, 2128.0]], ('3800054364', 0.9979435205459595)], [[[1008.0, 2052.0], [1475.0, 2044.0], [1477.0, 2120.0], [1010.0, 2128.0]], ('FRUIT SHACKS', 0.924525797367096)], [[[680.0, 2129.0], [925.0, 2116.0], [929.0, 2191.0], [684.0, 2204.0]], ('105', 0.9879097938537598)], [[[1016.0, 2128.0], [1211.0, 2128.0], [1211.0, 2192.0], [1016.0, 2192.0]], ('10.00', 0.9931273460388184)], [[[1738.0, 2178.0], [2007.0, 2178.0], [2007.0, 2257.0], [1738.0, 2257.0]], ('2.00F', 0.9892190098762512)], [[[1019.0, 2197.0], [1183.0, 2188.0], [1187.0, 2257.0], [1023.0, 2265.0]], ('2.49', 0.9960916042327881)], [[[1418.0, 2196.0], [1539.0, 2196.0], [1539.0, 2257.0], [1418.0, 2257.0]], ('now', 0.8373562693595886)], [[[696.0, 2207.0], [806.0, 2207.0], [806.0, 2261.0], [696.0, 2261.0]], ('was', 0.8272762894630432)], [[[1235.0, 2246.0], [1470.0, 2254.0], [1467.0, 2319.0], [1233.0, 2310.0]], ('SNACKS', 0.9803299903869629)], [[[1020.0, 2257.0], [1226.0, 2257.0], [1226.0, 2322.0], [1020.0, 2322.0]], ('FRUIT', 0.9507444500923157)], [[[534.0, 2272.0], [917.0, 2272.0], [917.0, 2322.0], [534.0, 2322.0]], ('3800055662', 0.9193911552429199)], [[[692.0, 2330.0], [1214.0, 2318.0], [1216.0, 2390.0], [693.0, 2402.0]], ('105/10.00', 0.9304718375205994)], [[[1734.0, 2376.0], [1922.0, 2376.0], [1922.0, 2455.0], [1734.0, 2455.0]], ('2.00', 0.9940802454948425)], [[[1015.0, 2388.0], [1182.0, 2378.0], [1187.0, 2457.0], [1020.0, 2467.0]], ('2.49', 0.9811182022094727)], [[[1410.0, 2390.0], [1539.0, 2390.0], [1539.0, 2459.0], [1410.0, 2459.0]], ('now', 0.9237778782844543)], [[[1949.0, 2381.0], [1983.0, 2389.0], [1972.0, 2432.0], [1938.0, 2424.0]], ('F', 0.730980634689331)], [[[707.0, 2408.0], [828.0, 2408.0], [828.0, 2470.0], [707.0, 2470.0]], ('was', 0.774345874786377)], [[[541.0, 2524.0], [1027.0, 2524.0], [1027.0, 2585.0], [541.0, 2585.0]], ('COUPONS', 0.9916921854019165)], [[[534.0, 2577.0], [1536.0, 2589.0], [1535.0, 2661.0], [534.0, 2649.0]], ('81101004000003 Vendor Coup0n', 0.9661768674850464)], [[[1789.0, 2588.0], [1892.0, 2588.0], [1892.0, 2660.0], [1789.0, 2660.0]], ('75', 0.9984802007675171)], [[[542.0, 2646.0], [1495.0, 2657.0], [1494.0, 2722.0], [541.0, 2711.0]], ('81101004000003 EXTRA C0UP0N', 0.9591164588928223)], [[[1808.0, 2657.0], [1885.0, 2657.0], [1885.0, 2725.0], [1808.0, 2725.0]], ('25', 0.9980458617210388)], [[[542.0, 2707.0], [1495.0, 2729.0], [1494.0, 2798.0], [541.0, 2775.0]], ('53800087033Vendor Coupon', 0.973456859588623)], [[[1716.0, 2725.0], [1889.0, 2725.0], [1889.0, 2794.0], [1716.0, 2794.0]], ('1.00', 0.9888613820075989)], [[[562.0, 2897.0], [892.0, 2910.0], [889.0, 2985.0], [559.0, 2973.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9986349940299988)], [[[1003.0, 2969.0], [1322.0, 2978.0], [1320.0, 3053.0], [1001.0, 3045.0]], ('TOTAL TAX', 0.9159011840820312)], [[[1782.0, 2984.0], [1881.0, 2984.0], [1881.0, 3060.0], [1782.0, 3060.0]], ('00', 0.9560114145278931)], [[[1714.0, 3029.0], [1880.0, 3019.0], [1887.0, 3116.0], [1720.0, 3126.0]], ('3.00', 0.9881523847579956)], [[[1005.0, 3046.0], [1178.0, 3046.0], [1178.0, 3114.0], [1005.0, 3114.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9970159530639648)], [[[565.0, 3095.0], [1109.0, 3115.0], [1107.0, 3180.0], [563.0, 3160.0]], ('PAYMENTS', 0.9969613552093506)], [[[627.0, 3164.0], [1046.0, 3176.0], [1044.0, 3237.0], [625.0, 3225.0]], ('CREDIT CARDS', 0.9582870006561279)], [[[1346.0, 3167.0], [1566.0, 3176.0], [1562.0, 3255.0], [1343.0, 3246.0]], ('TENDER', 0.9187817573547363)], [[[1712.0, 3168.0], [1874.0, 3168.0], [1874.0, 3247.0], [1712.0, 3247.0]], ('3.00', 0.9921351671218872)], [[[568.0, 3229.0], [1109.0, 3244.0], [1107.0, 3305.0], [566.0, 3290.0]], ('XXXXXXXXXXXX9335', 0.8978681564331055)], [[[1005.0, 3366.0], [1458.0, 3366.0], [1458.0, 3438.0], [1005.0, 3438.0]], ('NUMBER OF-TTE', 0.8475261330604553)]]
{"store_name": "meijer", "store_addr": "SawmillRd. Dublin.OH-#58", "telephone": "(614)7664494", "date": "07/11/12", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": ".00", "total": "3.00 3.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHECKLANECANDY", "item_value": ".50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHECKLANEANDY", "item_value": ".50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRUITSNACKS", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRUITSNACKS", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[199.0, 148.0], [292.0, 148.0], [292.0, 165.0], [199.0, 165.0]], ('igner Stndards', 0.8330661654472351)], [[[185.0, 159.0], [457.0, 159.0], [457.0, 236.0], [185.0, 236.0]], ('meijer', 0.976388156414032)], [[[363.0, 234.0], [439.0, 234.0], [439.0, 245.0], [363.0, 245.0]], ('Lower Prices', 0.9363365173339844)], [[[279.0, 253.0], [359.0, 253.0], [359.0, 275.0], [279.0, 275.0]], ('Hull Rd,', 0.8735103607177734)], [[[226.0, 279.0], [411.0, 279.0], [411.0, 306.0], [226.0, 306.0]], ('Mason,MI-#174', 0.9130334854125977)], [[[191.0, 311.0], [314.0, 311.0], [314.0, 331.0], [191.0, 331.0]], ('572441900', 0.9754534959793091)], [[[353.0, 312.0], [448.0, 312.0], [448.0, 334.0], [353.0, 334.0]], ('', 0.9870785474777222)], [[[51.0, 378.0], [576.0, 379.0], [576.0, 406.0], [51.0, 404.0]], ('The Meijer Team appreciates your business', 0.9526392221450806)], [[[268.0, 406.0], [372.0, 406.0], [372.0, 428.0], [268.0, 428.0]], ('11/22/11', 0.9969924688339233)], [[[88.0, 427.0], [540.0, 431.0], [539.0, 457.0], [87.0, 454.0]], ('Your fast and friendly checkout was', 0.9513704776763916)], [[[191.0, 459.0], [411.0, 459.0], [411.0, 481.0], [191.0, 481.0]], ('provided by SHAWN', 0.9406681656837463)], [[[36.0, 504.0], [573.0, 507.0], [573.0, 532.0], [36.0, 529.0]], ('***SAVINGSTODAY***', 0.849208414554596)], [[[39.0, 534.0], [384.0, 534.0], [384.0, 556.0], [39.0, 556.0]], ('TOTAL NON-COUPONSAVINGS', 0.9547412991523743)], [[[484.0, 534.0], [574.0, 534.0], [574.0, 556.0], [484.0, 556.0]], ('4.26', 0.99723219871521)], [[[39.0, 557.0], [392.0, 560.0], [392.0, 582.0], [39.0, 579.0]], ('SAVTNGSTOTAL', 0.9469325542449951)], [[[449.0, 560.0], [573.0, 560.0], [573.0, 582.0], [449.0, 582.0]], ('4.26', 0.9189492464065552)], [[[36.0, 607.0], [214.0, 609.0], [214.0, 635.0], [36.0, 633.0]], ('GROCERY', 0.9944232702255249)], [[[38.0, 637.0], [169.0, 637.0], [169.0, 658.0], [38.0, 658.0]], ('4125064485', 0.9976819157600403)], [[[214.0, 637.0], [381.0, 637.0], [381.0, 658.0], [214.0, 658.0]], ('FROZEN ONIONS', 0.9651719331741333)], [[[96.0, 658.0], [160.0, 658.0], [160.0, 687.0], [96.0, 687.0]], ('2Q', 0.7287532687187195)], [[[176.0, 663.0], [219.0, 663.0], [219.0, 683.0], [176.0, 683.0]], ('66', 0.9900211095809937)], [[[470.0, 662.0], [528.0, 662.0], [528.0, 685.0], [470.0, 685.0]], ('1.98', 0.9866341948509216)], [[[544.0, 663.0], [565.0, 663.0], [565.0, 685.0], [544.0, 685.0]], ('F', 0.9889307618141174)], [[[36.0, 687.0], [167.0, 687.0], [167.0, 708.0], [36.0, 708.0]], ('4125019175', 0.9979058504104614)], [[[216.0, 688.0], [395.0, 688.0], [395.0, 710.0], [216.0, 710.0]], ('MEIJER KETCHUP', 0.94582599401474)], [[[470.0, 687.0], [526.0, 687.0], [526.0, 710.0], [470.0, 710.0]], ('1.59', 0.994060218334198)], [[[546.0, 688.0], [565.0, 688.0], [565.0, 713.0], [546.0, 713.0]], ('F', 0.9926854372024536)], [[[36.0, 713.0], [179.0, 713.0], [179.0, 735.0], [36.0, 735.0]], ('71928373915', 0.9984189867973328)], [[[217.0, 713.0], [333.0, 713.0], [333.0, 735.0], [217.0, 735.0]], ('ICE CREAM', 0.9557077884674072)], [[[470.0, 713.0], [526.0, 713.0], [526.0, 737.0], [470.0, 737.0]], ('5.99', 0.9878545999526978)], [[[546.0, 713.0], [565.0, 713.0], [565.0, 737.0], [546.0, 737.0]], ('F', 0.9911063313484192)], [[[35.0, 738.0], [179.0, 738.0], [179.0, 760.0], [35.0, 760.0]], ('*4125001715', 0.9830321669578552)], [[[217.0, 738.0], [371.0, 738.0], [371.0, 760.0], [217.0, 760.0]], ('TORTILLACHP', 0.982215940952301)], [[[99.0, 765.0], [142.0, 765.0], [142.0, 788.0], [99.0, 788.0]], ('was', 0.9956435561180115)], [[[214.0, 761.0], [271.0, 761.0], [271.0, 790.0], [214.0, 790.0]], ('3.29', 0.9868002533912659)], [[[353.0, 766.0], [399.0, 766.0], [399.0, 790.0], [353.0, 790.0]], ('now', 0.9757971167564392)], [[[469.0, 761.0], [528.0, 761.0], [528.0, 790.0], [469.0, 790.0]], ('2.99', 0.996244490146637)], [[[544.0, 761.0], [565.0, 761.0], [565.0, 788.0], [544.0, 788.0]], ('F', 0.9954589605331421)], [[[32.0, 785.0], [181.0, 788.0], [180.0, 815.0], [31.0, 811.0]], ('*4900001063', 0.9842140674591064)], [[[216.0, 790.0], [320.0, 790.0], [320.0, 811.0], [216.0, 811.0]], ('COCACOLA', 0.9963854551315308)], [[[98.0, 816.0], [142.0, 816.0], [142.0, 840.0], [98.0, 840.0]], ('was', 0.9907620549201965)], [[[214.0, 811.0], [271.0, 811.0], [271.0, 840.0], [214.0, 840.0]], ('7.48', 0.9879063963890076)], [[[353.0, 816.0], [399.0, 816.0], [399.0, 841.0], [353.0, 841.0]], ('now', 0.985272228717804)], [[[469.0, 811.0], [529.0, 811.0], [529.0, 840.0], [469.0, 840.0]], ('5.50', 0.9898456931114197)], [[[35.0, 840.0], [104.0, 840.0], [104.0, 863.0], [35.0, 863.0]], ('66666', 0.9949339032173157)], [[[213.0, 834.0], [308.0, 838.0], [307.0, 866.0], [212.0, 863.0]], ('DEPOSIT', 0.9974279403686523)], [[[93.0, 867.0], [115.0, 860.0], [122.0, 884.0], [101.0, 891.0]], ('2', 0.9660009145736694)], [[[174.0, 862.0], [233.0, 866.0], [231.0, 890.0], [173.0, 886.0]], ('2.40', 0.9944312572479248)], [[[469.0, 864.0], [529.0, 864.0], [529.0, 893.0], [469.0, 893.0]], ('4.80', 0.963464081287384)], [[[35.0, 893.0], [179.0, 893.0], [179.0, 914.0], [35.0, 914.0]], ('*4900001063', 0.9743062853813171)], [[[214.0, 889.0], [321.0, 889.0], [321.0, 916.0], [214.0, 916.0]], ('COCACOLA', 0.9972745776176453)], [[[98.0, 919.0], [142.0, 919.0], [142.0, 944.0], [98.0, 944.0]], ('was', 0.9930448532104492)], [[[214.0, 914.0], [271.0, 914.0], [271.0, 942.0], [214.0, 942.0]], ('7.48', 0.9901049137115479)], [[[353.0, 921.0], [398.0, 921.0], [398.0, 944.0], [353.0, 944.0]], ('now', 0.9717692732810974)], [[[469.0, 916.0], [529.0, 916.0], [529.0, 944.0], [469.0, 944.0]], ('5.50', 0.9942611455917358)], [[[543.0, 918.0], [570.0, 918.0], [570.0, 944.0], [543.0, 944.0]], ('F.', 0.9682980179786682)], [[[36.0, 991.0], [163.0, 991.0], [163.0, 1017.0], [36.0, 1017.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.994681179523468)], [[[202.0, 1017.0], [320.0, 1017.0], [320.0, 1044.0], [202.0, 1044.0]], ('TOTAL TAX', 0.9465887546539307)], [[[489.0, 1014.0], [527.0, 1018.0], [524.0, 1045.0], [486.0, 1040.0]], ('.00', 0.956582248210907)], [[[200.0, 1040.0], [269.0, 1044.0], [267.0, 1071.0], [198.0, 1067.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9946538209915161)], [[[457.0, 1045.0], [525.0, 1045.0], [525.0, 1069.0], [457.0, 1069.0]], ('28.35', 0.9930944442749023)], [[[36.0, 1070.0], [240.0, 1070.0], [240.0, 1092.0], [36.0, 1092.0]], ('PAYMENTS', 0.9951631426811218)], [[[59.0, 1094.0], [164.0, 1094.0], [164.0, 1116.0], [59.0, 1116.0]], ('EBT FOOD', 0.9356110095977783)], [[[329.0, 1092.0], [410.0, 1092.0], [410.0, 1119.0], [329.0, 1119.0]], ('TENDER', 0.9980909824371338)], [[[455.0, 1094.0], [526.0, 1094.0], [526.0, 1122.0], [455.0, 1122.0]], ('28.35', 0.9924484491348267)], [[[35.0, 1120.0], [238.0, 1120.0], [238.0, 1142.0], [35.0, 1142.0]], ('XXXXXXXXXXXX1285', 0.8861784934997559)], [[[339.0, 1119.0], [395.0, 1119.0], [395.0, 1147.0], [339.0, 1147.0]], ('BAL', 0.995966911315918)], [[[404.0, 1120.0], [487.0, 1120.0], [487.0, 1147.0], [404.0, 1147.0]], ('107.65', 0.9929704666137695)], [[[199.0, 1170.0], [393.0, 1170.0], [393.0, 1197.0], [199.0, 1197.0]], ('NUMBER OF ITEMS', 0.9471657872200012)], [[[518.0, 1175.0], [538.0, 1175.0], [538.0, 1198.0], [518.0, 1198.0]], ('7', 0.9831893444061279)], [[[84.0, 1222.0], [523.0, 1223.0], [523.0, 1250.0], [84.0, 1248.0]], ('See Service Desk or Mei for', 0.9327219128608704)], [[[48.0, 1253.0], [562.0, 1253.0], [562.0, 1275.0], [48.0, 1275.0]], ('promotional and sale item return details', 0.935804545879364)], [[[214.0, 1367.0], [405.0, 1367.0], [405.0, 1389.0], [214.0, 1389.0]], ('A017403FJVA2XMS', 0.9718921184539795)], [[[33.0, 1415.0], [116.0, 1415.0], [116.0, 1442.0], [33.0, 1442.0]], ('Tx:123', 0.9061806201934814)], [[[136.0, 1418.0], [347.0, 1418.0], [347.0, 1440.0], [136.0, 1440.0]], ('0p:1019337Tm:16', 0.9040499329566956)], [[[338.0, 1420.0], [571.0, 1420.0], [571.0, 1440.0], [338.0, 1440.0]], ('5t:17415:22:33', 0.8717373013496399)]]
{"store_name": "meijer", "store_addr": "HullRd. Mason,MI-#174", "telephone": "", "date": "11/22/11", "time": "15:22:33", "subtotal": "", "tax": ".00", "total": "28.35", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "FROZENONIONS", "item_value": "1.98", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MEIJERKETCHUP", "item_value": "1.59", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ICECREAM", "item_value": "5.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TORTILLACHP", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DEPOSIT", "item_value": "5.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COCACOLA", "item_value": "4.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COCACOLA", "item_value": "5.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[303.0, 100.0], [428.0, 94.0], [430.0, 120.0], [305.0, 126.0]], ('Basil Thai', 0.9442474246025085)], [[[266.0, 133.0], [467.0, 127.0], [468.0, 151.0], [267.0, 156.0]], ('Restaurant & Bar', 0.9356499910354614)], [[[256.0, 163.0], [479.0, 156.0], [480.0, 180.0], [257.0, 187.0]], ('1175 Folsom Street', 0.9126051664352417)], [[[219.0, 194.0], [504.0, 185.0], [505.0, 210.0], [220.0, 219.0]], ('San FranciscoCA 94103', 0.9466994404792786)], [[[281.0, 221.0], [456.0, 218.0], [456.0, 243.0], [282.0, 246.0]], ('415552-8999', 0.9925811290740967)], [[[254.0, 252.0], [469.0, 248.0], [470.0, 273.0], [255.0, 277.0]], ('', 0.9918403625488281)], [[[133.0, 313.0], [270.0, 310.0], [271.0, 338.0], [134.0, 341.0]], ('117Phoom P', 0.9476479291915894)], [[[121.0, 374.0], [222.0, 374.0], [222.0, 400.0], [121.0, 400.0]], ('Tb1C3/1', 0.9885987639427185)], [[[318.0, 372.0], [419.0, 370.0], [420.0, 397.0], [319.0, 399.0]], ('Chk 4510', 0.9369374513626099)], [[[553.0, 367.0], [623.0, 367.0], [623.0, 397.0], [553.0, 397.0]], ('Gst2', 0.9867627024650574)], [[[269.0, 403.0], [468.0, 400.0], [469.0, 425.0], [270.0, 428.0]], ("Mar06'1605:47PM", 0.9589824676513672)], [[[153.0, 465.0], [321.0, 465.0], [321.0, 486.0], [153.0, 486.0]], ('1 Pak Rad Kang', 0.9276708364486694)], [[[516.0, 457.0], [580.0, 457.0], [580.0, 484.0], [516.0, 484.0]], ('10.95', 0.994817852973938)], [[[153.0, 494.0], [321.0, 494.0], [321.0, 516.0], [153.0, 516.0]], ('1 Jasmine Rice', 0.936036229133606)], [[[525.0, 486.0], [581.0, 486.0], [581.0, 514.0], [525.0, 514.0]], ('2.50', 0.9851225018501282)], [[[152.0, 523.0], [297.0, 521.0], [297.0, 544.0], [153.0, 546.0]], ('1 Brown Rice', 0.9406276345252991)], [[[526.0, 516.0], [582.0, 516.0], [582.0, 544.0], [526.0, 544.0]], ('2.50', 0.9848406314849854)], [[[150.0, 552.0], [408.0, 547.0], [408.0, 572.0], [151.0, 577.0]], ('1 Pad Se-ew ** JAY **', 0.8831868171691895)], [[[519.0, 546.0], [584.0, 546.0], [584.0, 573.0], [519.0, 573.0]], ('12.50', 0.9962174296379089)], [[[170.0, 610.0], [272.0, 607.0], [273.0, 636.0], [171.0, 639.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9902280569076538)], [[[519.0, 606.0], [587.0, 606.0], [587.0, 633.0], [519.0, 633.0]], ('28.45', 0.9919742345809937)], [[[170.0, 640.0], [215.0, 640.0], [215.0, 668.0], [170.0, 668.0]], ('Tax', 0.9963253140449524)], [[[532.0, 638.0], [588.0, 638.0], [588.0, 666.0], [532.0, 666.0]], ('2.49', 0.9856854677200317)], [[[123.0, 672.0], [283.0, 670.0], [284.0, 695.0], [124.0, 697.0]], ('06:33PM Total', 0.9032676219940186)], [[[459.0, 670.0], [588.0, 670.0], [588.0, 695.0], [459.0, 695.0]], ('30.94', 0.9921457171440125)], [[[212.0, 730.0], [498.0, 731.0], [497.0, 753.0], [212.0, 752.0]], ('** HAPPY HOURS DAILY **', 0.9112834930419922)], [[[199.0, 760.0], [523.0, 761.0], [523.0, 786.0], [199.0, 785.0]], ('5:00PM-6:00PM', 0.920817494392395)], [[[200.0, 821.0], [376.0, 824.0], [376.0, 849.0], [199.0, 846.0]], ('Gratuity Guide', 0.9633880853652954)], [[[388.0, 824.0], [467.0, 824.0], [467.0, 850.0], [388.0, 850.0]], ('15%', 0.9846830368041992)], [[[454.0, 823.0], [527.0, 823.0], [527.0, 849.0], [454.0, 849.0]], ('$4.64', 0.983502984046936)], [[[397.0, 854.0], [467.0, 854.0], [467.0, 881.0], [397.0, 881.0]], ('18%', 0.9954960942268372)], [[[454.0, 854.0], [527.0, 854.0], [527.0, 880.0], [454.0, 880.0]], ('$5.57', 0.9929677248001099)], [[[396.0, 884.0], [469.0, 884.0], [469.0, 911.0], [396.0, 911.0]], ('20%', 0.9971651434898376)], [[[456.0, 884.0], [528.0, 884.0], [528.0, 910.0], [456.0, 910.0]], ('$6.19', 0.9945372343063354)]]
{"store_name": "Restaurant&Bar BasilThai", "store_addr": "SanFrancisco,CA94103 1175FolsomStreet", "telephone": "(415)552-8999", "date": "Mar06'16", "time": "06:33PM", "subtotal": "28.45", "tax": "2.49", "total": "30.94", "ignore": "", "tips": "$4.64 $5.57 $6.19", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PadSe-ew", "item_value": "10.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BrownRice", "item_value": "2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "JasmineRice", "item_value": "2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PakRadKang", "item_value": "12.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[101.0, 16.0], [160.0, 21.0], [158.0, 43.0], [99.0, 38.0]], ('Store #1458', 0.9141085147857666)], [[[97.0, 38.0], [164.0, 43.0], [163.0, 61.0], [96.0, 56.0]], ('Panda Express', 0.9170898199081421)], [[[100.0, 55.0], [165.0, 57.0], [164.0, 71.0], [99.0, 69.0]], ('EUREKA.MO', 0.8831710815429688)], [[[18.0, 75.0], [68.0, 80.0], [67.0, 94.0], [16.0, 89.0]], ('6/25/2014', 0.9941943287849426)], [[[98.0, 67.0], [164.0, 71.0], [163.0, 85.0], [97.0, 81.0]], ('636)587-2697', 0.9472280144691467)], [[[18.0, 89.0], [88.0, 94.0], [87.0, 108.0], [18.0, 103.0]], ('Order129873', 0.9710201621055603)], [[[160.0, 83.0], [213.0, 86.0], [212.0, 100.0], [160.0, 97.0]], ('811:29PM', 0.9132673740386963)], [[[32.0, 104.0], [116.0, 108.0], [116.0, 121.0], [32.0, 117.0]], ('13-ENTREE PLATE', 0.946893036365509)], [[[140.0, 95.0], [216.0, 99.0], [215.0, 113.0], [140.0, 109.0]], ('ServerMaria P', 0.9190657138824463)], [[[57.0, 118.0], [102.0, 121.0], [102.0, 134.0], [56.0, 131.0]], ('CHOWMEIN', 0.9830334186553955)], [[[188.0, 110.0], [217.0, 110.0], [217.0, 125.0], [188.0, 125.0]], ('12.99', 0.963239848613739)], [[[56.0, 130.0], [111.0, 133.0], [111.0, 147.0], [55.0, 144.0]], ('ORANGE CKN', 0.947027862071991)], [[[58.0, 143.0], [111.0, 146.0], [111.0, 159.0], [57.0, 157.0]], ('ORANGE CKN', 0.9505792856216431)], [[[57.0, 155.0], [133.0, 159.0], [133.0, 173.0], [56.0, 170.0]], ('CHEESE RANGOONS', 0.9461915493011475)], [[[30.0, 168.0], [115.0, 171.0], [115.0, 184.0], [30.0, 181.0]], ('2-ENTREE PLATE', 0.9181147813796997)], [[[58.0, 181.0], [110.0, 183.0], [110.0, 196.0], [57.0, 194.0]], ('HITE RICE', 0.8895275592803955)], [[[184.0, 173.0], [214.0, 173.0], [214.0, 187.0], [184.0, 187.0]], ('10.89', 0.9851726293563843)], [[[57.0, 193.0], [111.0, 195.0], [111.0, 209.0], [56.0, 207.0]], ('ORANGE CKN', 0.9068196415901184)], [[[56.0, 205.0], [111.0, 207.0], [111.0, 221.0], [55.0, 219.0]], ('ORANGE CKN', 0.9301577806472778)], [[[31.0, 216.0], [112.0, 218.0], [112.0, 231.0], [31.0, 229.0]], ('13-NTREE PLATE', 0.8917805552482605)], [[[55.0, 229.0], [138.0, 229.0], [138.0, 242.0], [55.0, 242.0]], ('FRIED WHITE RICE', 0.9055230617523193)], [[[186.0, 220.0], [213.0, 220.0], [213.0, 231.0], [186.0, 231.0]], ('12.99', 0.9693881273269653)], [[[56.0, 239.0], [109.0, 241.0], [109.0, 255.0], [55.0, 253.0]], ('ORANGE CKN', 0.9362275004386902)], [[[54.0, 252.0], [109.0, 254.0], [109.0, 268.0], [53.0, 266.0]], ('ORANGE CKN', 0.927658200263977)], [[[54.0, 267.0], [116.0, 267.0], [116.0, 278.0], [54.0, 278.0]], ('S&S CKN BRST', 0.8754033446311951)], [[[28.0, 279.0], [92.0, 279.0], [92.0, 293.0], [28.0, 293.0]], ('2 LARGE SODA', 0.9031004309654236)], [[[192.0, 278.0], [218.0, 281.0], [216.0, 296.0], [190.0, 293.0]], ('8.58', 0.9797884225845337)], [[[30.0, 294.0], [81.0, 294.0], [81.0, 305.0], [30.0, 305.0]], ('12Waters', 0.9815984964370728)], [[[192.0, 291.0], [218.0, 294.0], [216.0, 308.0], [190.0, 305.0]], ('5.00', 0.9816708564758301)], [[[93.0, 319.0], [136.0, 319.0], [136.0, 333.0], [93.0, 333.0]], ('SubTotal', 0.9894229173660278)], [[[188.0, 318.0], [220.0, 321.0], [218.0, 335.0], [187.0, 332.0]], ('50.45', 0.9447296857833862)], [[[93.0, 333.0], [114.0, 333.0], [114.0, 348.0], [93.0, 348.0]], ('TAX', 0.9869534969329834)], [[[187.0, 343.0], [221.0, 346.0], [219.0, 371.0], [185.0, 368.0]], ('54.73', 0.9882623553276062)], [[[191.0, 334.0], [217.0, 334.0], [217.0, 347.0], [191.0, 347.0]], ('4.28', 0.9876740574836731)], [[[92.0, 348.0], [120.0, 348.0], [120.0, 369.0], [92.0, 369.0]], ('Total', 0.9919344782829285)], [[[91.0, 382.0], [148.0, 382.0], [148.0, 403.0], [91.0, 403.0]], ('Assoc Cert', 0.9646859169006348)], [[[188.0, 377.0], [222.0, 380.0], [220.0, 404.0], [186.0, 401.0]], ('54.73', 0.9913663864135742)], [[[185.0, 419.0], [230.0, 419.0], [230.0, 426.0], [185.0, 426.0]], ('KXXXXXKX', 0.6706600189208984)]]
{"store_name": "PandaExpress", "store_addr": "EUREKA,MO", "telephone": "(636)587-2697", "date": "6/25/2014", "time": "8:11:29PM", "subtotal": "50.45", "tax": "4.28", "total": "54.73", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "12Waters", "item_value": "5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "2LARGESODA", "item_value": "8.58", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "S&SCKNBRST", "item_value": "12.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ORANGECKN", "item_value": "10.89", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ORANGECKN", "item_value": "12.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRIEDWHITERICE", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "13-ENTREEPLATE", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ORANGECKN", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ORANGECKN", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WHITERICE", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "12-ENTREEPLATE", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHEESERANGOONS", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ORANGECKN", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ORANGECKN", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHOWMEIN", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "13-ENTREEPLATE", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[332.0, 114.0], [450.0, 120.0], [448.0, 159.0], [330.0, 152.0]], ('Store #1291', 0.9536157846450806)], [[[322.0, 153.0], [461.0, 164.0], [458.0, 201.0], [318.0, 190.0]], ('Panda Express', 0.9541218876838684)], [[[325.0, 189.0], [443.0, 198.0], [441.0, 220.0], [323.0, 211.0]], ('Everett,WA', 0.9485206604003906)], [[[322.0, 214.0], [457.0, 224.0], [455.0, 246.0], [320.0, 236.0]], ('425710-0278', 0.9936599731445312)], [[[150.0, 230.0], [250.0, 237.0], [248.0, 259.0], [149.0, 252.0]], ('3/16/2013', 0.9978020787239075)], [[[149.0, 258.0], [291.0, 267.0], [290.0, 289.0], [148.0, 280.0]], ('Order:177437', 0.9725587964057922)], [[[457.0, 252.0], [566.0, 252.0], [566.0, 273.0], [457.0, 273.0]], ('3:41:24PM', 0.8721725344657898)], [[[405.0, 275.0], [577.0, 280.0], [576.0, 302.0], [405.0, 297.0]], ('Server:Tameka J', 0.9368942379951477)], [[[180.0, 288.0], [354.0, 298.0], [353.0, 319.0], [179.0, 309.0]], ('1PARTYPK18-22', 0.9854103922843933)], [[[509.0, 304.0], [575.0, 307.0], [574.0, 329.0], [508.0, 327.0]], ('139.00', 0.9969651103019714)], [[[234.0, 318.0], [334.0, 323.0], [333.0, 345.0], [233.0, 340.0]], ('CHOW MEIN', 0.9586687088012695)], [[[232.0, 345.0], [342.0, 351.0], [341.0, 372.0], [231.0, 366.0]], ('FRIED RICE', 0.9689777493476868)], [[[232.0, 370.0], [364.0, 377.0], [362.0, 399.0], [231.0, 392.0]], ('FRIED/C MEIN', 0.9710052013397217)], [[[231.0, 399.0], [341.0, 403.0], [340.0, 425.0], [230.0, 421.0]], ('ORANGE CKN', 0.9539467096328735)], [[[231.0, 427.0], [423.0, 435.0], [422.0, 455.0], [230.0, 448.0]], ('GRILL TERIYAKI CKN', 0.9651000499725342)], [[[229.0, 455.0], [410.0, 462.0], [410.0, 483.0], [228.0, 476.0]], ('PEPPERCORN SHRIMP', 0.9807878136634827)], [[[513.0, 461.0], [572.0, 464.0], [571.0, 491.0], [512.0, 488.0]], ('12.00', 0.99669349193573)], [[[313.0, 512.0], [397.0, 516.0], [396.0, 539.0], [312.0, 535.0]], ('SubTotal', 0.9945390820503235)], [[[504.0, 518.0], [569.0, 521.0], [568.0, 544.0], [503.0, 541.0]], ('151.00', 0.9980865120887756)], [[[310.0, 541.0], [348.0, 541.0], [348.0, 565.0], [310.0, 565.0]], ('TAX', 0.9968746304512024)], [[[512.0, 544.0], [569.0, 547.0], [568.0, 571.0], [511.0, 568.0]], ('13.89', 0.9958025813102722)], [[[310.0, 571.0], [364.0, 571.0], [364.0, 609.0], [310.0, 609.0]], ('Total', 0.9986494183540344)], [[[500.0, 575.0], [569.0, 575.0], [569.0, 615.0], [500.0, 615.0]], ('164.89', 0.9947612285614014)], [[[306.0, 634.0], [359.0, 637.0], [356.0, 677.0], [304.0, 673.0]], ('Cash', 0.9920324683189392)], [[[499.0, 640.0], [569.0, 640.0], [569.0, 679.0], [499.0, 679.0]], ('200.00', 0.994260847568512)], [[[306.0, 673.0], [378.0, 680.0], [374.0, 721.0], [301.0, 713.0]], ('Change', 0.9980798363685608)], [[[507.0, 679.0], [568.0, 679.0], [568.0, 721.0], [507.0, 721.0]], ('35.11', 0.9938353300094604)], [[[277.0, 800.0], [462.0, 803.0], [461.0, 840.0], [277.0, 836.0]], ('FREE ENTREE ITEM!', 0.9484315514564514)], [[[163.0, 810.0], [180.0, 810.0], [180.0, 833.0], [163.0, 833.0]], ('X', 0.5574604272842407)], [[[557.0, 812.0], [573.0, 812.0], [573.0, 838.0], [557.0, 838.0]], ('X', 0.5210292339324951)], [[[164.0, 852.0], [179.0, 852.0], [179.0, 874.0], [164.0, 874.0]], ('X', 0.5269710421562195)], [[[243.0, 843.0], [482.0, 846.0], [481.0, 881.0], [243.0, 878.0]], ('WE VALUE YOUR OPINION!', 0.9494807720184326)], [[[207.0, 912.0], [527.0, 915.0], [527.0, 935.0], [207.0, 933.0]], ('Ca11 1-888-51-PANDA72632or', 0.9646548628807068)], [[[205.0, 940.0], [519.0, 946.0], [519.0, 971.0], [204.0, 965.0]], ('Visit', 0.9876271486282349)]]
{"store_name": "PandaExpress", "store_addr": "Everett,WA", "telephone": "(425)710-0278", "date": "3/16/2013", "time": "3:41:24PM", "subtotal": "151.00", "tax": "13.89", "total": "164.89", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PARTYPK18-22", "item_value": "139.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHOWMEIN", "item_value": "12.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRIEDRICE", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRIED/CMEIN", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ORANGECKN", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GRILLTERIYAKICKN", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PEPPERCORNSHRIMP", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[154.0, 21.0], [343.0, 16.0], [344.0, 43.0], [155.0, 49.0]], ('MASH', 0.9935370087623596)], [[[215.0, 66.0], [281.0, 62.0], [281.0, 77.0], [216.0, 80.0]], ('Bredgade 20', 0.9470804333686829)], [[[214.0, 77.0], [282.0, 75.0], [282.0, 89.0], [215.0, 91.0]], ('1260Kbh.K', 0.9521774649620056)], [[[199.0, 87.0], [296.0, 86.0], [296.0, 101.0], [199.0, 102.0]], ('Tf.33139300', 0.921832263469696)], [[[123.0, 124.0], [249.0, 122.0], [249.0, 136.0], [124.0, 138.0]], ('Regning til', 0.9473230242729187)], [[[122.0, 138.0], [190.0, 136.0], [190.0, 149.0], [123.0, 152.0]], ('Bord nr.34', 0.9093011021614075)], [[[123.0, 163.0], [240.0, 163.0], [240.0, 176.0], [123.0, 176.0]], ('4* dry artini cock', 0.871334969997406)], [[[318.0, 160.0], [357.0, 160.0], [357.0, 174.0], [318.0, 174.0]], ('360,00', 0.910359799861908)], [[[121.0, 176.0], [216.0, 176.0], [216.0, 189.0], [121.0, 189.0]], ('1MASH p1 sner', 0.8333689570426941)], [[[319.0, 181.0], [361.0, 181.0], [361.0, 200.0], [319.0, 200.0]], ('110.00', 0.7996869087219238)], [[[322.0, 173.0], [359.0, 173.0], [359.0, 187.0], [322.0, 187.0]], ('60.00', 0.9715638160705566)], [[[317.0, 195.0], [361.0, 195.0], [361.0, 209.0], [317.0, 209.0]], ('1580,00', 0.9206283688545227)], [[[109.0, 212.0], [175.0, 212.0], [175.0, 226.0], [109.0, 226.0]], ('1UR r1b', 0.8349323868751526)], [[[320.0, 206.0], [362.0, 206.0], [362.0, 220.0], [320.0, 220.0]], ('275,00', 0.9535799622535706)], [[[106.0, 224.0], [216.0, 222.0], [216.0, 236.0], [106.0, 238.0]], ('2 * pommes frites', 0.8644375801086426)], [[[328.0, 220.0], [364.0, 220.0], [364.0, 234.0], [328.0, 234.0]], ('90,00', 0.9330479502677917)], [[[105.0, 237.0], [171.0, 237.0], [171.0, 251.0], [105.0, 251.0]], ('1 spinat', 0.9164571762084961)], [[[330.0, 234.0], [365.0, 234.0], [365.0, 249.0], [330.0, 249.0]], ('45,00', 0.9742013216018677)], [[[102.0, 250.0], [221.0, 251.0], [221.0, 264.0], [102.0, 263.0]], ('1 * haricots verts', 0.902252733707428)], [[[329.0, 248.0], [366.0, 248.0], [366.0, 265.0], [329.0, 265.0]], ('45,00', 0.9377713203430176)], [[[102.0, 264.0], [158.0, 267.0], [157.0, 281.0], [101.0, 279.0]], ('1*ajs', 0.8772565126419067)], [[[329.0, 263.0], [367.0, 263.0], [367.0, 281.0], [329.0, 281.0]], ('45,00', 0.9578022956848145)], [[[96.0, 278.0], [170.0, 280.0], [169.0, 297.0], [96.0, 295.0]], ('2Redvin', 0.9435731768608093)], [[[323.0, 279.0], [367.0, 279.0], [367.0, 297.0], [323.0, 297.0]], ('700,00', 0.9254938960075378)], [[[98.0, 310.0], [155.0, 312.0], [154.0, 330.0], [97.0, 328.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9925673604011536)], [[[316.0, 310.0], [367.0, 312.0], [366.0, 330.0], [315.0, 328.0]], ('3550,00', 0.9504364132881165)], [[[99.0, 345.0], [294.0, 342.0], [294.0, 357.0], [99.0, 361.0]], ('NOTA NOT VALID!', 0.9262635707855225)], [[[98.0, 359.0], [346.0, 356.0], [346.0, 373.0], [98.0, 375.0]], ('UGYLDIG KVITTERING!', 0.9551742076873779)], [[[158.0, 392.0], [322.0, 392.0], [322.0, 406.0], [158.0, 406.0]], ('Dato Tid Operater Term', 0.941196620464325)]]
{"store_name": "MASH", "store_addr": "Bredgade20 1260Kbh.K", "telephone": "33139300", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "3550,00", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "4 * * ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "drymartinicock", "item_value": "360,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MASHpflsner", "item_value": "60,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ANrib", "item_value": "240,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "URrib", "item_value": "110,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "pommesfrites", "item_value": "1580,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "spinat", "item_value": "275,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "haricotsverts", "item_value": "90,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "majs", "item_value": "45,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "45,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "45,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "700,00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[159.0, 9.0], [400.0, 9.0], [400.0, 28.0], [159.0, 28.0]], ('AL MANAMA HYPERMARKET', 0.959905743598938)], [[[124.0, 35.0], [435.0, 36.0], [435.0, 59.0], [124.0, 57.0]], ('TIMES SQUARE CENTER-DUBAI', 0.9526151418685913)], [[[192.0, 65.0], [379.0, 65.0], [379.0, 88.0], [192.0, 88.0]], ('Phone:04-3466046', 0.9772542715072632)], [[[101.0, 96.0], [469.0, 96.0], [469.0, 115.0], [101.0, 115.0]], ('********************************', 0.9367247819900513)], [[[54.0, 153.0], [516.0, 153.0], [516.0, 176.0], [54.0, 176.0]], ('Date: 10/01/14 14:03 S1ip: 01D0069729', 0.9097602367401123)], [[[53.0, 180.0], [252.0, 181.0], [251.0, 205.0], [53.0, 204.0]], ('StaffDANNY ROSE', 0.9610763192176819)], [[[316.0, 180.0], [391.0, 180.0], [391.0, 208.0], [316.0, 208.0]], ('Trans:', 0.9883983731269836)], [[[457.0, 181.0], [518.0, 181.0], [518.0, 207.0], [457.0, 207.0]], ('74420', 0.9985660314559937)], [[[53.0, 236.0], [252.0, 239.0], [251.0, 267.0], [53.0, 264.0]], ('Qty.Description', 0.9738285541534424)], [[[420.0, 237.0], [495.0, 237.0], [495.0, 265.0], [420.0, 265.0]], ('Amount', 0.9980260729789734)], [[[54.0, 297.0], [338.0, 297.0], [338.0, 316.0], [54.0, 316.0]], ('0.48 COURGETTES GREENESP', 0.9324977993965149)], [[[429.0, 295.0], [481.0, 295.0], [481.0, 320.0], [429.0, 320.0]], ('7.92', 0.986748456954956)], [[[53.0, 324.0], [284.0, 324.0], [284.0, 347.0], [53.0, 347.0]], ('0.27 BROCCOLI SPAIN', 0.9429183602333069)], [[[429.0, 323.0], [481.0, 323.0], [481.0, 348.0], [429.0, 348.0]], ('3.65', 0.9933918118476868)], [[[54.0, 353.0], [315.0, 353.0], [315.0, 372.0], [54.0, 372.0]], ('0.38 CARR0TLOOSEAUST', 0.8952080011367798)], [[[429.0, 352.0], [481.0, 352.0], [481.0, 377.0], [429.0, 377.0]], ('1.43', 0.9942020773887634)], [[[53.0, 381.0], [331.0, 381.0], [331.0, 404.0], [53.0, 404.0]], ('0.92 LETTUCE-ICEBERG', 0.921618640422821)], [[[421.0, 380.0], [479.0, 380.0], [479.0, 405.0], [421.0, 405.0]], ('12.42', 0.991723895072937)], [[[53.0, 412.0], [180.0, 412.0], [180.0, 431.0], [53.0, 431.0]], ('0.3LYCHEE', 0.9746725559234619)], [[[427.0, 407.0], [481.0, 407.0], [481.0, 436.0], [427.0, 436.0]], ('3.29', 0.9956293106079102)], [[[53.0, 437.0], [325.0, 437.0], [325.0, 460.0], [53.0, 460.0]], ('1 PK MUSHROOM-FINE/SMALL', 0.9596269130706787)], [[[428.0, 435.0], [481.0, 435.0], [481.0, 464.0], [428.0, 464.0]], ('5.50', 0.9956889748573303)], [[[51.0, 467.0], [248.0, 467.0], [248.0, 489.0], [51.0, 489.0]], ('0.21 GINGER CHINA', 0.9473089575767517)], [[[428.0, 465.0], [481.0, 465.0], [481.0, 491.0], [428.0, 491.0]], ('2.84', 0.9961572885513306)], [[[53.0, 497.0], [304.0, 497.0], [304.0, 516.0], [53.0, 516.0]], ('0.43 ONION BROWN SPAIN', 0.9153867363929749)], [[[428.0, 493.0], [479.0, 493.0], [479.0, 519.0], [428.0, 519.0]], ('2.37', 0.9980170726776123)], [[[51.0, 524.0], [248.0, 524.0], [248.0, 547.0], [51.0, 547.0]], ('0.89POTATO SAUDI', 0.9342896938323975)], [[[429.0, 521.0], [478.0, 521.0], [478.0, 547.0], [429.0, 547.0]], ('4.41', 0.9920098781585693)], [[[54.0, 553.0], [279.0, 553.0], [279.0, 572.0], [54.0, 572.0]], ('0.64KIWIFRUIT ITALY', 0.9484260678291321)], [[[428.0, 549.0], [479.0, 549.0], [479.0, 575.0], [428.0, 575.0]], ('8.00', 0.997809886932373)], [[[54.0, 581.0], [281.0, 581.0], [281.0, 600.0], [54.0, 600.0]], ('1PC NORLANDER BREAD', 0.9278963804244995)], [[[427.0, 576.0], [481.0, 576.0], [481.0, 605.0], [427.0, 605.0]], ('6.50', 0.9926334023475647)], [[[55.0, 609.0], [338.0, 609.0], [338.0, 628.0], [55.0, 628.0]], ('1.PC YOPLAITF/F YOGHURTS', 0.920778214931488)], [[[428.0, 607.0], [478.0, 607.0], [478.0, 632.0], [428.0, 632.0]], ('1.00', 0.9976227283477783)], [[[54.0, 637.0], [337.0, 637.0], [337.0, 656.0], [54.0, 656.0]], ('1 PK BANANA.PHILIPPINESD', 0.9398594498634338)], [[[425.0, 635.0], [477.0, 635.0], [477.0, 660.0], [425.0, 660.0]], ('3.75', 0.9980558156967163)], [[[54.0, 665.0], [337.0, 665.0], [337.0, 684.0], [54.0, 684.0]], ('1 BT AL RAWABI LOW FAT MI', 0.9105464816093445)], [[[417.0, 661.0], [477.0, 661.0], [477.0, 687.0], [417.0, 687.0]], ('10.25', 0.996707558631897)], [[[53.0, 691.0], [338.0, 691.0], [338.0, 713.0], [53.0, 713.0]], ('1 PK ALMARAI UHT LOWFAT M', 0.9267040491104126)], [[[425.0, 689.0], [477.0, 689.0], [477.0, 715.0], [425.0, 715.0]], ('3.75', 0.9974972009658813)], [[[54.0, 720.0], [337.0, 720.0], [337.0, 739.0], [54.0, 739.0]], ('7 TN ALALALI WHITE MEAT T', 0.8986256122589111)], [[[416.0, 717.0], [477.0, 717.0], [477.0, 743.0], [416.0, 743.0]], ('31.50', 0.9970906376838684)], [[[54.0, 748.0], [337.0, 748.0], [337.0, 767.0], [54.0, 767.0]], ('1 BT FIGARO STUFD GREEN O', 0.8998415470123291)], [[[424.0, 745.0], [477.0, 745.0], [477.0, 771.0], [424.0, 771.0]], ('7.00', 0.9970599412918091)], [[[53.0, 775.0], [336.0, 775.0], [336.0, 797.0], [53.0, 797.0]], ('1 PC PATAKS TANDOORI PAST', 0.9386215806007385)], [[[416.0, 773.0], [475.0, 773.0], [475.0, 799.0], [416.0, 799.0]], ('13.00', 0.997591495513916)], [[[54.0, 803.0], [335.0, 803.0], [335.0, 821.0], [54.0, 821.0]], ('1PC FRICO EDAM CHEESE 15', 0.8924036026000977)], [[[416.0, 801.0], [475.0, 801.0], [475.0, 827.0], [416.0, 827.0]], ('10.50', 0.9973686337471008)], [[[54.0, 832.0], [336.0, 832.0], [336.0, 851.0], [54.0, 851.0]], ('1 PK SMOKED SALMON NORWAY', 0.9211453795433044)], [[[416.0, 829.0], [475.0, 829.0], [475.0, 853.0], [416.0, 853.0]], ('15.90', 0.9972196817398071)], [[[51.0, 856.0], [327.0, 857.0], [327.0, 880.0], [51.0, 879.0]], ('1 PK KELLOGGS CORNFLAKES', 0.948460578918457)], [[[413.0, 856.0], [473.0, 853.0], [475.0, 880.0], [415.0, 883.0]], ('26.50', 0.9976127743721008)], [[[51.0, 884.0], [335.0, 885.0], [334.0, 908.0], [51.0, 907.0]], ('1PC NATURE VALLEY S/F V/', 0.9250717759132385)], [[[415.0, 884.0], [474.0, 884.0], [474.0, 909.0], [415.0, 909.0]], ('14.50', 0.9927507638931274)], [[[53.0, 913.0], [335.0, 913.0], [335.0, 936.0], [53.0, 936.0]], ('1PC NATURE VALLEY S/FOAT', 0.9478294849395752)], [[[415.0, 912.0], [474.0, 912.0], [474.0, 937.0], [415.0, 937.0]], ('14.50', 0.9970504641532898)], [[[54.0, 943.0], [269.0, 943.0], [269.0, 961.0], [54.0, 961.0]], ('Q.47 AUS LAMBRACK', 0.8956402540206909)], [[[414.0, 940.0], [474.0, 940.0], [474.0, 965.0], [414.0, 965.0]], ('29.43', 0.9969412088394165)], [[[51.0, 968.0], [335.0, 968.0], [335.0, 991.0], [51.0, 991.0]], ('0.39 AUS CUBE ROLL STEAK', 0.9271474480628967)], [[[414.0, 968.0], [474.0, 968.0], [474.0, 992.0], [414.0, 992.0]], ('27.24', 0.9912252426147461)], [[[51.0, 996.0], [336.0, 996.0], [336.0, 1019.0], [51.0, 1019.0]], ('2 BT AL AIN MINERAL WATER', 0.934312641620636)], [[[423.0, 990.0], [476.0, 994.0], [474.0, 1023.0], [421.0, 1019.0]], ('7.00', 0.992741584777832)], [[[51.0, 1024.0], [312.0, 1024.0], [312.0, 1047.0], [51.0, 1047.0]], ('0.31 CUCUMBER PREPACKED', 0.9589043259620667)], [[[424.0, 1023.0], [474.0, 1023.0], [474.0, 1048.0], [424.0, 1048.0]], ('4.73', 0.9893875122070312)], [[[53.0, 1077.0], [157.0, 1077.0], [157.0, 1101.0], [53.0, 1101.0]], ('Total AED', 0.9347520470619202)], [[[402.0, 1077.0], [473.0, 1077.0], [473.0, 1101.0], [402.0, 1101.0]], ('278.88', 0.9960983395576477)], [[[392.0, 1103.0], [474.0, 1103.0], [474.0, 1131.0], [392.0, 1131.0]], ('-278.88', 0.965235710144043)], [[[53.0, 1215.0], [491.0, 1215.0], [491.0, 1237.0], [53.0, 1237.0]], ('Produce Bi11 For Exchange Within 24 Hrs', 0.9252704977989197)], [[[197.0, 1241.0], [358.0, 1240.0], [358.0, 1264.0], [198.0, 1265.0]], ('No Cash Refund', 0.9542104601860046)]]
{"store_name": "ALMANAMAHYPERMARKET", "store_addr": "TIMESSQUARECENTER-DUBAI", "telephone": "04-3466046", "date": "10/01/14", "time": "14:03", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "278.88", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "NORLANDERBREAD", "item_value": "7.92", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "YOPLAITF/FYOGHURTS", "item_value": "3.65", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BANANAPHILIPPINESD", "item_value": "1.43", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ALRAWABILOWFATMI", "item_value": "12.42", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ALMARAIUHTLOWFATM", "item_value": "3.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ALALALIWHITEMEATT", "item_value": "5.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FIGAROSTUFDGREENO", "item_value": "2.84", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PATAKSTANDOORIPAST", "item_value": "2.37", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRICOEDAMCHEESE15", "item_value": "4.41", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SMOKEDSALMONNORWAY", "item_value": "8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KELLOGGSCORNFLAKES", "item_value": "6.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NATUREVALLEYS/FV/", "item_value": "1.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NATUREVALLEYS/FOAT", "item_value": "3.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AUSLAMBRACK", "item_value": "10.25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AUSCUBEROLLSTEAK", "item_value": "3.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ALAINMINERALWATER", "item_value": "31.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CUCUMBERPREPACKED", "item_value": "7.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KIWIFRUITITALY", "item_value": "13.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "POTATOSAUDI", "item_value": "10.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ONIONBROWNSPAIN", "item_value": "15.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GINGERCHINA", "item_value": "26.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MUSHROOM-FINE/SMALL", "item_value": "14.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LYCHEE", "item_value": "14.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LETTUCE-ICEBERG", "item_value": "29.43", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CARROTLOOSEAUST", "item_value": "27.24", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BROCCOLISPAIN", "item_value": "7.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COURGETTESGREENESP", "item_value": "4.73", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[159.0, 9.0], [400.0, 9.0], [400.0, 28.0], [159.0, 28.0]], ('AL MANAMA HYPERMARKET', 0.9566937685012817)], [[[124.0, 35.0], [435.0, 36.0], [435.0, 59.0], [124.0, 57.0]], ('TIMES SQUARE CENTER-DUBAI', 0.9576562643051147)], [[[192.0, 65.0], [379.0, 65.0], [379.0, 88.0], [192.0, 88.0]], ('Phone:04-3466046', 0.9751144051551819)], [[[101.0, 96.0], [469.0, 96.0], [469.0, 115.0], [101.0, 115.0]], ('********************************', 0.9337705969810486)], [[[54.0, 153.0], [516.0, 153.0], [516.0, 176.0], [54.0, 176.0]], ('Date: 10/01/14 14:03 S1ip: 01D0069729', 0.8974522948265076)], [[[53.0, 180.0], [252.0, 181.0], [251.0, 205.0], [53.0, 204.0]], ('StaffDANNY ROSE', 0.9543669819831848)], [[[316.0, 180.0], [391.0, 180.0], [391.0, 208.0], [316.0, 208.0]], ('Trans:', 0.9872989058494568)], [[[457.0, 181.0], [518.0, 181.0], [518.0, 207.0], [457.0, 207.0]], ('74420', 0.9983960390090942)], [[[53.0, 236.0], [253.0, 239.0], [253.0, 267.0], [53.0, 264.0]], ('Qty.Description', 0.9825668931007385)], [[[420.0, 237.0], [495.0, 237.0], [495.0, 265.0], [420.0, 265.0]], ('Amount', 0.9981653690338135)], [[[53.0, 295.0], [340.0, 295.0], [340.0, 317.0], [53.0, 317.0]], ('0.48 COURGETTES GREEN ESP', 0.9328778982162476)], [[[429.0, 295.0], [481.0, 295.0], [481.0, 320.0], [429.0, 320.0]], ('7.92', 0.9922223687171936)], [[[53.0, 324.0], [284.0, 324.0], [284.0, 347.0], [53.0, 347.0]], ('0.27 BROCCOLI SPAIN', 0.9429700970649719)], [[[429.0, 323.0], [481.0, 323.0], [481.0, 348.0], [429.0, 348.0]], ('3.65', 0.9908351898193359)], [[[54.0, 353.0], [315.0, 353.0], [315.0, 372.0], [54.0, 372.0]], ('0.38 CARR0T LOOSE AUST', 0.8676132559776306)], [[[429.0, 352.0], [481.0, 352.0], [481.0, 377.0], [429.0, 377.0]], ('1.43', 0.9968488812446594)], [[[53.0, 381.0], [331.0, 381.0], [331.0, 404.0], [53.0, 404.0]], ('0.92LETTUCE-ICEBERG', 0.9475897550582886)], [[[421.0, 380.0], [479.0, 380.0], [479.0, 405.0], [421.0, 405.0]], ('12.42', 0.9900069236755371)], [[[53.0, 412.0], [180.0, 412.0], [180.0, 431.0], [53.0, 431.0]], ('0.3LYCHEE', 0.9874093532562256)], [[[427.0, 407.0], [481.0, 407.0], [481.0, 436.0], [427.0, 436.0]], ('3.29', 0.9956741333007812)], [[[53.0, 439.0], [327.0, 439.0], [327.0, 461.0], [53.0, 461.0]], ('1 PK MUSHROOM-FINE/SMALL', 0.9539440274238586)], [[[428.0, 435.0], [481.0, 435.0], [481.0, 464.0], [428.0, 464.0]], ('5.50', 0.9957744479179382)], [[[53.0, 467.0], [248.0, 467.0], [248.0, 489.0], [53.0, 489.0]], ('0.21 GINGER CHINA', 0.9143206477165222)], [[[428.0, 465.0], [481.0, 465.0], [481.0, 491.0], [428.0, 491.0]], ('2.84', 0.9964860081672668)], [[[53.0, 497.0], [304.0, 497.0], [304.0, 516.0], [53.0, 516.0]], ('0.43 ONION BROWN SPAIN', 0.9047806262969971)], [[[428.0, 493.0], [479.0, 493.0], [479.0, 519.0], [428.0, 519.0]], ('2.37', 0.9981881380081177)], [[[51.0, 524.0], [248.0, 524.0], [248.0, 547.0], [51.0, 547.0]], ('0.89POTAT0 SAUDI', 0.9253113865852356)], [[[429.0, 521.0], [478.0, 521.0], [478.0, 547.0], [429.0, 547.0]], ('4.41', 0.9927122592926025)], [[[54.0, 553.0], [281.0, 553.0], [281.0, 572.0], [54.0, 572.0]], ('0.64 KIWIFRUIT ITALY', 0.9300674200057983)], [[[428.0, 549.0], [479.0, 549.0], [479.0, 575.0], [428.0, 575.0]], ('8.00', 0.9975829124450684)], [[[54.0, 581.0], [281.0, 581.0], [281.0, 600.0], [54.0, 600.0]], ('1PC NORLANDER BREAD', 0.9505645632743835)], [[[427.0, 576.0], [479.0, 576.0], [479.0, 605.0], [427.0, 605.0]], ('6.50', 0.9926049709320068)], [[[54.0, 609.0], [338.0, 609.0], [338.0, 628.0], [54.0, 628.0]], ('1PC YOPLAIT F/F YOGHURTS', 0.9276442527770996)], [[[428.0, 607.0], [478.0, 607.0], [478.0, 632.0], [428.0, 632.0]], ('1.00', 0.9964479207992554)], [[[54.0, 637.0], [337.0, 637.0], [337.0, 656.0], [54.0, 656.0]], ('1 PK BANANA PHILIPPINESD', 0.9385325908660889)], [[[425.0, 635.0], [477.0, 635.0], [477.0, 660.0], [425.0, 660.0]], ('3.75', 0.9973325729370117)], [[[54.0, 665.0], [336.0, 665.0], [336.0, 684.0], [54.0, 684.0]], ('1 BT AL RAWABI LOW FAT MI', 0.9149336218833923)], [[[417.0, 661.0], [477.0, 661.0], [477.0, 687.0], [417.0, 687.0]], ('10.25', 0.9965307116508484)], [[[51.0, 689.0], [338.0, 691.0], [338.0, 713.0], [51.0, 712.0]], ('1PK ALMARAI UHT LOWFAT M', 0.9471232891082764)], [[[425.0, 689.0], [477.0, 689.0], [477.0, 715.0], [425.0, 715.0]], ('3.75', 0.9977494478225708)], [[[54.0, 720.0], [337.0, 720.0], [337.0, 739.0], [54.0, 739.0]], ('7 TN ALALALI WHITE MEAT T', 0.8960243463516235)], [[[415.0, 717.0], [477.0, 717.0], [477.0, 743.0], [415.0, 743.0]], ('31.50', 0.9972637295722961)], [[[54.0, 748.0], [337.0, 748.0], [337.0, 767.0], [54.0, 767.0]], ('1 BT FIGARO STUFD GREEN O', 0.8982162475585938)], [[[424.0, 745.0], [477.0, 745.0], [477.0, 771.0], [424.0, 771.0]], ('7.00', 0.996765673160553)], [[[53.0, 775.0], [336.0, 775.0], [336.0, 797.0], [53.0, 797.0]], ('1 PC PATAKS TANDOORI PAST', 0.9334452152252197)], [[[416.0, 773.0], [475.0, 773.0], [475.0, 799.0], [416.0, 799.0]], ('13.00', 0.9980432391166687)], [[[53.0, 803.0], [337.0, 803.0], [337.0, 825.0], [53.0, 825.0]], ('1PC FRICO EDAM CHEESE 15', 0.9215462803840637)], [[[416.0, 801.0], [475.0, 801.0], [475.0, 827.0], [416.0, 827.0]], ('10.50', 0.9975690841674805)], [[[54.0, 832.0], [336.0, 832.0], [336.0, 851.0], [54.0, 851.0]], ('1 PK SMOKED SALMON NORWAY', 0.9279074668884277)], [[[416.0, 829.0], [475.0, 829.0], [475.0, 855.0], [416.0, 855.0]], ('15.90', 0.9962400197982788)], [[[51.0, 856.0], [327.0, 857.0], [327.0, 880.0], [51.0, 879.0]], ('1.PK KELLOGGS CORNFLAKES', 0.9493719935417175)], [[[412.0, 855.0], [476.0, 852.0], [477.0, 881.0], [413.0, 884.0]], ('26.50', 0.9943666458129883)], [[[51.0, 884.0], [335.0, 885.0], [334.0, 908.0], [51.0, 907.0]], ('1PC NATURE VALLEY S/F V/', 0.9168317914009094)], [[[415.0, 884.0], [475.0, 884.0], [475.0, 909.0], [415.0, 909.0]], ('14.50', 0.9952651858329773)], [[[53.0, 913.0], [335.0, 913.0], [335.0, 936.0], [53.0, 936.0]], ('1PC NATURE VALLEY S/FOAT', 0.9522128701210022)], [[[415.0, 912.0], [474.0, 912.0], [474.0, 937.0], [415.0, 937.0]], ('14.50', 0.9974535703659058)], [[[53.0, 941.0], [270.0, 941.0], [270.0, 964.0], [53.0, 964.0]], ('0.47 AUS LAMB RACK', 0.9353153705596924)], [[[414.0, 940.0], [474.0, 940.0], [474.0, 965.0], [414.0, 965.0]], ('29.43', 0.9966979026794434)], [[[51.0, 968.0], [335.0, 968.0], [335.0, 991.0], [51.0, 991.0]], ('0.39 AUS CUBE ROLL STEAK', 0.9218680262565613)], [[[414.0, 968.0], [474.0, 968.0], [474.0, 992.0], [414.0, 992.0]], ('27.24', 0.9921033978462219)], [[[50.0, 995.0], [336.0, 996.0], [336.0, 1019.0], [50.0, 1017.0]], ('2 BT AL AIN MINERAL WATER', 0.9325570464134216)], [[[423.0, 992.0], [475.0, 995.0], [473.0, 1022.0], [421.0, 1018.0]], ('7.00', 0.995208203792572)], [[[51.0, 1024.0], [312.0, 1024.0], [312.0, 1047.0], [51.0, 1047.0]], ('0.31 CUCUMBER PREPACKED', 0.9571287035942078)], [[[424.0, 1023.0], [474.0, 1023.0], [474.0, 1048.0], [424.0, 1048.0]], ('4.73', 0.9904266595840454)], [[[53.0, 1077.0], [157.0, 1077.0], [157.0, 1101.0], [53.0, 1101.0]], ('Total AED', 0.9416611194610596)], [[[402.0, 1077.0], [474.0, 1077.0], [474.0, 1101.0], [402.0, 1101.0]], ('278.88', 0.9955599904060364)], [[[392.0, 1103.0], [474.0, 1103.0], [474.0, 1131.0], [392.0, 1131.0]], ('-278.88', 0.9720514416694641)], [[[51.0, 1212.0], [491.0, 1213.0], [491.0, 1237.0], [51.0, 1236.0]], ('Produce Bi11 For Exchange Within 24 Hrs', 0.9232882857322693)], [[[197.0, 1241.0], [358.0, 1240.0], [358.0, 1264.0], [198.0, 1265.0]], ('No Cash Refund', 0.9570838809013367)]]
{"store_name": "ALMANAMAHYPERMARKET", "store_addr": "TIMESSQUARECENTER-DUBAI", "telephone": "04-3466046", "date": "10/01/14", "time": "14:03", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "278.88", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "COURGETTESGREENESP", "item_value": "7.92", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MUSHROOM-FINE/SMALL", "item_value": "5.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GINGERCHINA", "item_value": "3.65", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LYCHEE", "item_value": "1.43", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LETTUCE-ICEBERG-", "item_value": "12.42", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BROCCOLISPAIN", "item_value": "3.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CARROTLOOSEAUST", "item_value": "2.84", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ONIONBROWNSPAIN", "item_value": "2.37", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "POTATOSAUDI", "item_value": "4.41", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KIWIFRUITITALY", "item_value": "8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NORLANDERBREAD", "item_value": "6.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "YOPLAITF/FYOGHURTS", "item_value": "1.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BANANAPHILIPPINESD", "item_value": "3.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ALRAWABILOWFATMI", "item_value": "10.25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ALMARAIUHTLOWFATM", "item_value": "3.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ALALALIWHITEMEATT", "item_value": "31.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FIGAROSTUFDGREENO", "item_value": "7.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PATAKSTANDOORIPAST", "item_value": "13.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRICOEDAMCHEESE15", "item_value": "10.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SMOKEDSALMONNORWAY", "item_value": "15.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KELLOGGSCORNFLAKES", "item_value": "26.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NATUREVALLEYS/FV/", "item_value": "14.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NATUREVALLEYS/FOAT", "item_value": "14.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AUSLAMBRACK", "item_value": "29.43", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AUSCUBEROLLSTEAK", "item_value": "27.24", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ALAINMINERALWATER", "item_value": "7.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CUCUMBERPREPACKED", "item_value": "4.73", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[108.0, 32.0], [400.0, 35.0], [400.0, 68.0], [108.0, 66.0]], ('Tai Mahal', 0.9403042197227478)], [[[340.0, 159.0], [407.0, 159.0], [407.0, 172.0], [340.0, 172.0]], ('Food', 0.9914994239807129)], [[[160.0, 178.0], [355.0, 175.0], [355.0, 192.0], [160.0, 195.0]], ('At Ito Fineot!', 0.850330650806427)], [[[94.0, 198.0], [401.0, 195.0], [401.0, 212.0], [94.0, 215.0]], ('17 The Crescent, Abbey Wood Tel:020 s870 8900', 0.9003476500511169)], [[[185.0, 215.0], [312.0, 212.0], [312.0, 225.0], [185.0, 228.0]], ('Involce No.100109', 0.9256971478462219)], [[[169.0, 226.0], [329.0, 224.0], [329.0, 237.0], [169.0, 240.0]], ('Date18.04.07 Time10:1023', 0.8959372639656067)], [[[71.0, 273.0], [176.0, 274.0], [176.0, 287.0], [71.0, 286.0]], ('Chicken Samosa 2)', 0.915356457233429)], [[[285.0, 273.0], [309.0, 273.0], [309.0, 284.0], [285.0, 284.0]], ('3.00', 0.9915844202041626)], [[[361.0, 271.0], [386.0, 271.0], [386.0, 283.0], [361.0, 283.0]], ('6.00', 0.9910918474197388)], [[[415.0, 273.0], [420.0, 273.0], [420.0, 280.0], [415.0, 280.0]], ('A', 0.9744061231613159)], [[[68.0, 284.0], [160.0, 285.0], [160.0, 299.0], [68.0, 298.0]], ('Sheek Kebab (2)', 0.8792570233345032)], [[[261.0, 288.0], [278.0, 288.0], [278.0, 296.0], [261.0, 296.0]], ('1X', 0.7831854820251465)], [[[284.0, 285.0], [309.0, 285.0], [309.0, 297.0], [284.0, 297.0]], ('3.47', 0.98778235912323)], [[[361.0, 283.0], [386.0, 283.0], [386.0, 295.0], [361.0, 295.0]], ('3.47', 0.9624543190002441)], [[[413.0, 283.0], [422.0, 283.0], [422.0, 293.0], [413.0, 293.0]], ('A', 0.9968612194061279)], [[[69.0, 297.0], [180.0, 297.0], [180.0, 309.0], [69.0, 309.0]], ('Tandeeri King Prawn', 0.9360142946243286)], [[[261.0, 300.0], [277.0, 300.0], [277.0, 307.0], [261.0, 307.0]], ('1X', 0.7688634395599365)], [[[285.0, 297.0], [308.0, 297.0], [308.0, 308.0], [285.0, 308.0]], ('4.64', 0.9882721900939941)], [[[361.0, 296.0], [387.0, 296.0], [387.0, 306.0], [361.0, 306.0]], ('4.64', 0.9819717407226562)], [[[415.0, 295.0], [423.0, 295.0], [423.0, 306.0], [415.0, 306.0]], ('A', 0.9945554733276367)], [[[67.0, 309.0], [111.0, 309.0], [111.0, 320.0], [67.0, 320.0]], ('Chapati', 0.9878009557723999)], [[[261.0, 311.0], [277.0, 311.0], [277.0, 319.0], [261.0, 319.0]], ('1X', 0.7857276201248169)], [[[284.0, 308.0], [309.0, 308.0], [309.0, 320.0], [284.0, 320.0]], ('0.70', 0.9862204790115356)], [[[361.0, 307.0], [388.0, 307.0], [388.0, 320.0], [361.0, 320.0]], ('0.70', 0.9401254057884216)], [[[415.0, 306.0], [424.0, 306.0], [424.0, 317.0], [415.0, 317.0]], ('A', 0.996656060218811)], [[[66.0, 320.0], [91.0, 323.0], [90.0, 333.0], [65.0, 331.0]], ('Nan', 0.9911505579948425)], [[[260.0, 322.0], [279.0, 322.0], [279.0, 333.0], [260.0, 333.0]], ('1x', 0.7265276908874512)], [[[284.0, 321.0], [309.0, 321.0], [309.0, 332.0], [284.0, 332.0]], ('2.12', 0.9443425536155701)], [[[362.0, 320.0], [388.0, 320.0], [388.0, 331.0], [362.0, 331.0]], ('2.12', 0.9863283634185791)], [[[416.0, 319.0], [425.0, 319.0], [425.0, 331.0], [416.0, 331.0]], ('A', 0.9913323521614075)], [[[66.0, 334.0], [144.0, 334.0], [144.0, 344.0], [66.0, 344.0]], ('Lamb Pasanda', 0.939174473285675)], [[[259.0, 334.0], [279.0, 334.0], [279.0, 345.0], [259.0, 345.0]], ('XZ', 0.615444540977478)], [[[284.0, 333.0], [309.0, 333.0], [309.0, 344.0], [284.0, 344.0]], ('7.64', 0.9887323975563049)], [[[356.0, 331.0], [389.0, 331.0], [389.0, 345.0], [356.0, 345.0]], ('15.28', 0.99004065990448)], [[[417.0, 331.0], [426.0, 331.0], [426.0, 343.0], [417.0, 343.0]], ('A', 0.9957428574562073)], [[[64.0, 345.0], [220.0, 345.0], [220.0, 358.0], [64.0, 358.0]], ('Garlic Chicken Tikka Medim', 0.9185675978660583)], [[[258.0, 346.0], [279.0, 346.0], [279.0, 357.0], [258.0, 357.0]], ('1x', 0.8778069019317627)], [[[282.0, 344.0], [311.0, 344.0], [311.0, 358.0], [282.0, 358.0]], ('6.93', 0.9945188164710999)], [[[362.0, 345.0], [389.0, 345.0], [389.0, 356.0], [362.0, 356.0]], ('6.93', 0.9928110837936401)], [[[417.0, 344.0], [426.0, 344.0], [426.0, 355.0], [417.0, 355.0]], ('A', 0.9983628392219543)], [[[64.0, 357.0], [85.0, 357.0], [85.0, 368.0], [64.0, 368.0]], ('Hot', 0.9941616058349609)], [[[61.0, 369.0], [133.0, 369.0], [133.0, 379.0], [61.0, 379.0]], ('Lamb Biryan', 0.9233893752098083)], [[[258.0, 369.0], [278.0, 369.0], [278.0, 379.0], [258.0, 379.0]], ('1x', 0.8978874683380127)], [[[282.0, 366.0], [311.0, 369.0], [310.0, 381.0], [281.0, 378.0]], ('8.01', 0.8544265031814575)], [[[364.0, 368.0], [389.0, 368.0], [389.0, 378.0], [364.0, 378.0]], ('8.81', 0.9380351305007935)], [[[419.0, 367.0], [427.0, 367.0], [427.0, 378.0], [419.0, 378.0]], ('A', 0.9960665106773376)], [[[61.0, 379.0], [134.0, 382.0], [133.0, 395.0], [60.0, 393.0]], ('Prawn Malay', 0.9563326239585876)], [[[258.0, 380.0], [280.0, 380.0], [280.0, 391.0], [258.0, 391.0]], ('1x', 0.922778844833374)], [[[283.0, 380.0], [310.0, 380.0], [310.0, 391.0], [283.0, 391.0]], ('6.81', 0.9713270664215088)], [[[362.0, 377.0], [392.0, 380.0], [391.0, 394.0], [360.0, 391.0]], ('6.81', 0.9618338346481323)], [[[419.0, 380.0], [428.0, 380.0], [428.0, 391.0], [419.0, 391.0]], ('A', 0.9947478175163269)], [[[59.0, 394.0], [172.0, 394.0], [172.0, 407.0], [59.0, 407.0]], ('Tandoori Mixed Grill', 0.9029630422592163)], [[[259.0, 395.0], [281.0, 395.0], [281.0, 403.0], [259.0, 403.0]], ('2x', 0.7533034086227417)], [[[279.0, 393.0], [317.0, 393.0], [317.0, 404.0], [279.0, 404.0]], ('10.58', 0.9574209451675415)], [[[358.0, 392.0], [392.0, 392.0], [392.0, 406.0], [358.0, 406.0]], ('21.16', 0.9763709902763367)], [[[420.0, 392.0], [429.0, 392.0], [429.0, 404.0], [420.0, 404.0]], ('A', 0.9959297776222229)], [[[59.0, 409.0], [173.0, 409.0], [173.0, 419.0], [59.0, 419.0]], ('Pilaw Rie (Basmabi)', 0.8480122089385986)], [[[283.0, 407.0], [310.0, 407.0], [310.0, 418.0], [283.0, 418.0]], ('2.00', 0.9519590139389038)], [[[365.0, 406.0], [392.0, 406.0], [392.0, 419.0], [365.0, 419.0]], ('4.00', 0.9923803210258484)], [[[421.0, 406.0], [430.0, 406.0], [430.0, 417.0], [421.0, 417.0]], ('A', 0.9977002739906311)], [[[56.0, 421.0], [143.0, 420.0], [143.0, 434.0], [56.0, 435.0]], ('Vegetable Rice', 0.9595633745193481)], [[[258.0, 421.0], [280.0, 421.0], [280.0, 432.0], [258.0, 432.0]], ('1x', 0.8412781953811646)], [[[282.0, 419.0], [311.0, 419.0], [311.0, 433.0], [282.0, 433.0]], ('2.64', 0.9922395348548889)], [[[366.0, 420.0], [391.0, 420.0], [391.0, 431.0], [366.0, 431.0]], ('2.64', 0.9924452304840088)], [[[421.0, 419.0], [430.0, 419.0], [430.0, 430.0], [421.0, 430.0]], ('A', 0.9983468055725098)], [[[57.0, 435.0], [164.0, 435.0], [164.0, 447.0], [57.0, 447.0]], ('Pint ef Cobra Lager', 0.9122341275215149)], [[[258.0, 434.0], [310.0, 434.0], [310.0, 444.0], [258.0, 444.0]], ('3x2.94', 0.8930497169494629)], [[[365.0, 432.0], [394.0, 432.0], [394.0, 445.0], [365.0, 445.0]], ('8.82', 0.956791877746582)], [[[422.0, 433.0], [431.0, 433.0], [431.0, 442.0], [422.0, 442.0]], ('A', 0.9977110624313354)], [[[55.0, 447.0], [151.0, 447.0], [151.0, 460.0], [55.0, 460.0]], ('Pint of Heineken', 0.9484567642211914)], [[[257.0, 447.0], [309.0, 447.0], [309.0, 458.0], [257.0, 458.0]], ('1x3.23', 0.8677322268486023)], [[[367.0, 445.0], [394.0, 445.0], [394.0, 458.0], [367.0, 458.0]], ('333', 0.6324988007545471)], [[[423.0, 445.0], [432.0, 445.0], [432.0, 457.0], [423.0, 457.0]], ('A', 0.9916872382164001)], [[[54.0, 461.0], [208.0, 461.0], [208.0, 474.0], [54.0, 474.0]], ('Mixer-Splash of Diet Coke', 0.917072057723999)], [[[257.0, 459.0], [311.0, 459.0], [311.0, 473.0], [257.0, 473.0]], ('2x1.18', 0.8678759932518005)], [[[368.0, 459.0], [395.0, 459.0], [395.0, 472.0], [368.0, 472.0]], ('2.36', 0.9776921272277832)], [[[423.0, 459.0], [433.0, 459.0], [433.0, 470.0], [423.0, 470.0]], ('A', 0.9985218644142151)], [[[53.0, 474.0], [207.0, 474.0], [207.0, 488.0], [53.0, 488.0]], ('Mixer-Splash ofSparkling', 0.950084388256073)], [[[256.0, 473.0], [311.0, 471.0], [312.0, 485.0], [256.0, 487.0]], ('2x1.18', 0.8891022801399231)], [[[368.0, 472.0], [395.0, 472.0], [395.0, 485.0], [368.0, 485.0]], ('2.36', 0.989868700504303)], [[[425.0, 472.0], [434.0, 472.0], [434.0, 483.0], [425.0, 483.0]], ('A', 0.9972255229949951)], [[[51.0, 486.0], [131.0, 486.0], [131.0, 499.0], [51.0, 499.0]], ('Perrier Water', 0.9690459966659546)], [[[50.0, 512.0], [159.0, 512.0], [159.0, 525.0], [50.0, 525.0]], ('Total No.Items:24', 0.9041781425476074)], [[[245.0, 511.0], [325.0, 511.0], [325.0, 524.0], [245.0, 524.0]], ('Total Amount', 0.9264833331108093)], [[[355.0, 511.0], [396.0, 511.0], [396.0, 522.0], [355.0, 522.0]], ('99.33', 0.9504210352897644)], [[[45.0, 561.0], [124.0, 561.0], [124.0, 574.0], [45.0, 574.0]], ('VAT Analysis', 0.9754965901374817)], [[[176.0, 560.0], [200.0, 560.0], [200.0, 572.0], [176.0, 572.0]], ('Net', 0.9943985342979431)], [[[226.0, 560.0], [254.0, 560.0], [254.0, 573.0], [226.0, 573.0]], ('VAT', 0.9976645112037659)], [[[277.0, 560.0], [314.0, 560.0], [314.0, 574.0], [277.0, 574.0]], ('Gress', 0.9392616152763367)], [[[44.0, 575.0], [137.0, 575.0], [137.0, 587.0], [44.0, 587.0]], ('A=VAT175', 0.9384572505950928)], [[[160.0, 574.0], [199.0, 574.0], [199.0, 587.0], [160.0, 587.0]], ('84.54', 0.9791705012321472)], [[[216.0, 574.0], [254.0, 574.0], [254.0, 587.0], [216.0, 587.0]], ('14.79', 0.9968032836914062)], [[[277.0, 574.0], [314.0, 574.0], [314.0, 587.0], [277.0, 587.0]], ('99.33', 0.9926020503044128)], [[[43.0, 591.0], [132.0, 591.0], [132.0, 604.0], [43.0, 604.0]], ('B=VAT5%', 0.9147327542304993)], [[[166.0, 590.0], [197.0, 590.0], [197.0, 604.0], [166.0, 604.0]], ('0.00', 0.9945660829544067)], [[[223.0, 590.0], [253.0, 590.0], [253.0, 604.0], [223.0, 604.0]], ('0.00', 0.9968769550323486)], [[[284.0, 590.0], [314.0, 590.0], [314.0, 605.0], [284.0, 605.0]], ('0.00', 0.9429798126220703)], [[[52.0, 610.0], [130.0, 610.0], [130.0, 623.0], [52.0, 623.0]], ('=VAT0%', 0.9511890411376953)], [[[166.0, 609.0], [196.0, 609.0], [196.0, 623.0], [166.0, 623.0]], ('0.00', 0.9961599111557007)], [[[223.0, 609.0], [253.0, 609.0], [253.0, 623.0], [223.0, 623.0]], ('0.00', 0.9965591430664062)], [[[285.0, 609.0], [314.0, 609.0], [314.0, 623.0], [285.0, 623.0]], ('0.00', 0.9970070123672485)], [[[159.0, 632.0], [195.0, 632.0], [195.0, 643.0], [159.0, 643.0]], ('84.54', 0.9966800808906555)], [[[216.0, 633.0], [251.0, 633.0], [251.0, 644.0], [216.0, 644.0]], ('14.79', 0.9958429336547852)], [[[275.0, 629.0], [315.0, 632.0], [314.0, 646.0], [274.0, 643.0]], ('99.33', 0.9960216283798218)], [[[159.0, 672.0], [325.0, 672.0], [325.0, 686.0], [159.0, 686.0]], ('Please call again soon', 0.9559655785560608)], [[[106.0, 707.0], [379.0, 707.0], [379.0, 729.0], [106.0, 729.0]], ('SUNDAYBUFFET', 0.99350905418396)], [[[63.0, 739.0], [422.0, 740.0], [422.0, 768.0], [63.0, 767.0]], ('Eat As Much As You Like!', 0.9324312806129456)], [[[139.0, 774.0], [346.0, 776.0], [346.0, 795.0], [139.0, 793.0]], ('12.00p.m.-3.00p.m.', 0.9676351547241211)], [[[60.0, 817.0], [427.0, 817.0], [427.0, 834.0], [60.0, 834.0]], ('ADULTS 8.50Children Under 12 5.00', 0.9497810006141663)]]
{"store_name": "TajMahal SUNDAYBUFFET", "store_addr": "17theCrescent,AbboyWood", "telephone": "02088708900", "date": "18.04.07", "time": "10:10:23", "subtotal": "84.54 84.54", "tax": "15.79 14.79", "total": "E99.33 99.33 99.33", "ignore": " Mixer-SplashofDletCoke Mixer-SplashofSparkling PerrierWater ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "TandeerlKingPrawn", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Chapati", "item_value": "3.47", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Nan", "item_value": "4.64", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LambPasanda", "item_value": "0.70", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Hot", "item_value": "2.12", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LambBlryanl", "item_value": "15.20", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "VegetableRke", "item_value": "6.93", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PlntorCobraLager", "item_value": "8.81", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PlntorHeinekon", "item_value": "6.81", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "21.16", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "4.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "2.64", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "8.82", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "3.23", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "2.36", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "2.36", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[76.0, 32.0], [247.0, 32.0], [247.0, 44.0], [76.0, 44.0]], ('CARREFOUR ', 0.9126347303390503)], [[[134.0, 46.0], [189.0, 46.0], [189.0, 60.0], [134.0, 60.0]], ('SAN PABLO', 0.9447703957557678)], [[[117.0, 60.0], [205.0, 61.0], [205.0, 74.0], [116.0, 73.0]], ('CIFA-28425270', 0.9813015460968018)], [[[66.0, 88.0], [176.0, 91.0], [175.0, 105.0], [66.0, 101.0]], ('RENUEVA PARACHOQUES', 0.9695398211479187)], [[[254.0, 91.0], [281.0, 91.0], [281.0, 105.0], [254.0, 105.0]], ('5.90', 0.8804049491882324)], [[[66.0, 104.0], [170.0, 105.0], [170.0, 119.0], [66.0, 118.0]], ('PECHUGA PAVO S/GRA', 0.9589675068855286)], [[[254.0, 106.0], [280.0, 106.0], [280.0, 121.0], [254.0, 121.0]], ('1,00', 0.8915106654167175)], [[[67.0, 120.0], [175.0, 121.0], [175.0, 134.0], [67.0, 133.0]], ('ACEITE SINTETICO 2T', 0.9195240139961243)], [[[253.0, 119.0], [281.0, 122.0], [279.0, 138.0], [252.0, 135.0]], ('5.40', 0.8674421906471252)], [[[67.0, 134.0], [154.0, 136.0], [154.0, 150.0], [67.0, 148.0]], ('BOLSA CARREFOUR', 0.9628068208694458)], [[[252.0, 135.0], [280.0, 138.0], [278.0, 152.0], [250.0, 149.0]], ('0.05', 0.8813762664794922)], [[[68.0, 150.0], [169.0, 151.0], [169.0, 164.0], [68.0, 163.0]], ('PECHUGA POLLO FILE', 0.9484952092170715)], [[[251.0, 152.0], [278.0, 152.0], [278.0, 166.0], [251.0, 166.0]], ('4,16', 0.8856711387634277)], [[[69.0, 165.0], [154.0, 166.0], [154.0, 180.0], [69.0, 179.0]], ('ALBONDIGAS ATON', 0.9813560843467712)], [[[250.0, 165.0], [279.0, 168.0], [277.0, 183.0], [248.0, 180.0]], ('2,00', 0.8839262127876282)], [[[71.0, 179.0], [169.0, 181.0], [169.0, 194.0], [70.0, 192.0]], ('FILETES ATON SALSA', 0.9606626033782959)], [[[251.0, 183.0], [276.0, 183.0], [276.0, 194.0], [251.0, 194.0]], ('2.00', 0.9291144013404846)], [[[71.0, 193.0], [153.0, 195.0], [153.0, 209.0], [70.0, 207.0]], ('ZUMO NARANJA X6', 0.9073900580406189)], [[[249.0, 195.0], [276.0, 195.0], [276.0, 210.0], [249.0, 210.0]], ('1.05', 0.9833574295043945)], [[[72.0, 211.0], [153.0, 211.0], [153.0, 222.0], [72.0, 222.0]], ('ZUMO NARANJA X6', 0.9253526329994202)], [[[248.0, 210.0], [277.0, 210.0], [277.0, 224.0], [248.0, 224.0]], ('1,05', 0.8702713251113892)], [[[69.0, 222.0], [169.0, 224.0], [169.0, 237.0], [69.0, 235.0]], ('PAN S/CORTEZA 450G', 0.9115362167358398)], [[[249.0, 224.0], [276.0, 224.0], [276.0, 239.0], [249.0, 239.0]], ('1.97', 0.9818806052207947)], [[[68.0, 237.0], [169.0, 238.0], [169.0, 251.0], [68.0, 250.0]], ('FANTA NARANJA LATA', 0.9548903703689575)], [[[89.0, 251.0], [142.0, 251.0], [142.0, 265.0], [89.0, 265.0]], ('8x', 0.8192809820175171)], [[[143.0, 253.0], [181.0, 253.0], [181.0, 264.0], [143.0, 264.0]], ('043', 0.9825454354286194)], [[[249.0, 254.0], [276.0, 254.0], [276.0, 266.0], [249.0, 266.0]], ('3,44', 0.8431419134140015)], [[[75.0, 291.0], [189.0, 292.0], [189.0, 305.0], [74.0, 304.0]], ('18 ARTTOTCOMPRA', 0.917841911315918)], [[[236.0, 293.0], [279.0, 295.0], [278.0, 309.0], [235.0, 306.0]], ('2802', 0.9878165125846863)], [[[64.0, 318.0], [89.0, 318.0], [89.0, 330.0], [64.0, 330.0]], ('TIPO', 0.9889040589332581)], [[[59.0, 328.0], [96.0, 331.0], [95.0, 345.0], [57.0, 343.0]], ('10.00%', 0.9622893929481506)], [[[153.0, 319.0], [177.0, 319.0], [177.0, 331.0], [153.0, 331.0]], ('BASE', 0.9948869943618774)], [[[152.0, 329.0], [184.0, 332.0], [183.0, 346.0], [151.0, 344.0]], ('15.15', 0.8581991195678711)], [[[236.0, 320.0], [269.0, 320.0], [269.0, 333.0], [236.0, 333.0]], ('CUOTA', 0.992092490196228)], [[[247.0, 334.0], [273.0, 334.0], [273.0, 346.0], [247.0, 346.0]], ('1.52', 0.9283503293991089)], [[[59.0, 344.0], [96.0, 344.0], [96.0, 358.0], [59.0, 358.0]], ('21.00x', 0.875877857208252)], [[[159.0, 345.0], [184.0, 345.0], [184.0, 357.0], [159.0, 357.0]], ('9.38', 0.8665035963058472)], [[[58.0, 356.0], [146.0, 357.0], [146.0, 370.0], [58.0, 369.0]], ('PAGADO 25%Fanto', 0.8116532564163208)], [[[246.0, 347.0], [272.0, 347.0], [272.0, 359.0], [246.0, 359.0]], ('1.97', 0.9372493028640747)], [[[245.0, 357.0], [272.0, 360.0], [271.0, 374.0], [243.0, 372.0]], ('0.86', 0.9101849794387817)], [[[60.0, 368.0], [131.0, 370.0], [131.0, 383.0], [60.0, 381.0]], ('9931876544562', 0.9553900957107544)], [[[60.0, 381.0], [175.0, 383.0], [175.0, 396.0], [60.0, 394.0]], ('PRGADO Vale Dto Isabel', 0.8609033823013306)], [[[60.0, 392.0], [185.0, 395.0], [185.0, 409.0], [60.0, 406.0]], ('PAGADD Vale dto Silueta', 0.847539484500885)], [[[245.0, 384.0], [270.0, 384.0], [270.0, 395.0], [245.0, 395.0]], ('1.00', 0.9197512865066528)], [[[244.0, 395.0], [269.0, 395.0], [269.0, 406.0], [244.0, 406.0]], ('1.00', 0.9746798872947693)], [[[60.0, 405.0], [179.0, 408.0], [178.0, 422.0], [60.0, 418.0]], ('PAGADO Vale Dto Isabe', 0.8438107371330261)], [[[239.0, 406.0], [271.0, 406.0], [271.0, 419.0], [239.0, 419.0]], ('1.00', 0.8160300254821777)], [[[63.0, 419.0], [96.0, 419.0], [96.0, 429.0], [63.0, 429.0]], ('PAGADO', 0.9940342903137207)], [[[234.0, 419.0], [270.0, 419.0], [270.0, 430.0], [234.0, 430.0]], ('24.16', 0.9234191179275513)]]
{"store_name": "CARREFOUR", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "28,02", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "FANTANARANJALATA", "item_value": "5,90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PANS/CORTEZA450G", "item_value": "1,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ZUMONARANJA", "item_value": "5,40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ZUMONARANJA", "item_value": "0,05", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FILETESATONSALSA", "item_value": "4,16", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ALBONDIGASATON", "item_value": "2,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PECHUGAPOLLOFILE", "item_value": "2,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BOLSACARREFOUR", "item_value": "1,05", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ACEITESINTETICO2T", "item_value": "1,05", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PECHUGAPAVOS/GRA", "item_value": "1,97", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RENUEVAPARACHOQUES", "item_value": "3,44", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[207.0, 117.0], [388.0, 117.0], [388.0, 144.0], [207.0, 144.0]], ('Go1dbergs #88', 0.9578269124031067)], [[[179.0, 153.0], [430.0, 153.0], [430.0, 177.0], [179.0, 177.0]], ('Hartsfield Jackson', 0.9721012115478516)], [[[152.0, 188.0], [443.0, 188.0], [443.0, 212.0], [152.0, 212.0]], ('International Airport', 0.9684018492698669)], [[[219.0, 220.0], [375.0, 222.0], [375.0, 251.0], [219.0, 248.0]], ('Atlanta,GA', 0.9562406539916992)], [[[39.0, 290.0], [204.0, 290.0], [204.0, 318.0], [39.0, 318.0]], ('1062 Crysta1', 0.9515190124511719)], [[[22.0, 357.0], [139.0, 355.0], [139.0, 383.0], [22.0, 386.0]], ('Chk 2084', 0.9505078196525574)], [[[249.0, 358.0], [374.0, 358.0], [374.0, 385.0], [249.0, 385.0]], ('ASIAN-GUY', 0.9967581629753113)], [[[500.0, 358.0], [550.0, 358.0], [550.0, 388.0], [500.0, 388.0]], ('Gst', 0.9950199723243713)], [[[566.0, 360.0], [587.0, 360.0], [587.0, 385.0], [566.0, 385.0]], ('0', 0.8953547477722168)], [[[192.0, 393.0], [415.0, 391.0], [415.0, 417.0], [192.0, 419.0]], ("Mar01'1407:09AM", 0.9514245390892029)], [[[80.0, 460.0], [274.0, 458.0], [274.0, 484.0], [80.0, 486.0]], ('DineIn', 0.9973306655883789)], [[[58.0, 494.0], [234.0, 494.0], [234.0, 516.0], [58.0, 516.0]], ('116oz Coffee', 0.9492762088775635)], [[[480.0, 489.0], [541.0, 489.0], [541.0, 520.0], [480.0, 520.0]], ('2.50', 0.9982365369796753)]]
{"store_name": "Goldbergs#88", "store_addr": "HartsfieldJackson InternationalAirport Atlanta,GA", "telephone": "", "date": "Mar01'14", "time": "07:09AM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "116ozCoffee", "item_value": "2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[234.0, 67.0], [363.0, 75.0], [362.0, 92.0], [233.0, 84.0]], ('AUSTRALIA', 0.9956886768341064)], [[[52.0, 85.0], [63.0, 85.0], [63.0, 102.0], [52.0, 102.0]], ('(61', 0.7096078395843506)], [[[197.0, 83.0], [354.0, 91.0], [353.0, 108.0], [196.0, 100.0]], ('ADELAIDE GPO POSTSHOP', 0.9599533081054688)], [[[387.0, 79.0], [442.0, 79.0], [442.0, 93.0], [387.0, 93.0]], ('POST', 0.9941174983978271)], [[[455.0, 89.0], [490.0, 89.0], [490.0, 107.0], [455.0, 107.0]], ('5000', 0.9992190599441528)], [[[469.0, 122.0], [482.0, 122.0], [482.0, 138.0], [469.0, 138.0]], ('$', 0.7650808691978455)], [[[189.0, 139.0], [263.0, 139.0], [263.0, 156.0], [189.0, 156.0]], ('10.830k8', 0.9636618494987488)], [[[14.0, 154.0], [22.0, 154.0], [22.0, 163.0], [14.0, 163.0]], ('E', 0.5255253911018372)], [[[192.0, 157.0], [266.0, 153.0], [267.0, 170.0], [193.0, 174.0]], ('to TAIWAN', 0.9260594248771667)], [[[187.0, 171.0], [332.0, 170.0], [332.0, 188.0], [187.0, 189.0]], ('Parcel AIR MAIL', 0.9199190735816956)], [[[446.0, 170.0], [501.0, 170.0], [501.0, 187.0], [446.0, 187.0]], ('137.00', 0.997370183467865)], [[[178.0, 189.0], [220.0, 189.0], [220.0, 207.0], [178.0, 207.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9985138177871704)], [[[441.0, 188.0], [504.0, 188.0], [504.0, 206.0], [441.0, 206.0]], ('$137.00', 0.9972701668739319)], [[[174.0, 211.0], [386.0, 211.0], [386.0, 225.0], [174.0, 225.0]], ('Payment Tendered Details', 0.9399638772010803)], [[[346.0, 228.0], [386.0, 228.0], [386.0, 246.0], [346.0, 246.0]], ('Cash', 0.9958093762397766)], [[[455.0, 225.0], [512.0, 223.0], [513.0, 245.0], [456.0, 247.0]], ('137.00', 0.9925613403320312)], [[[166.0, 248.0], [456.0, 247.0], [456.0, 267.0], [166.0, 268.0]], ('*Postsupplied, price includes', 0.880871057510376)], [[[447.0, 247.0], [500.0, 247.0], [500.0, 264.0], [447.0, 264.0]], ('GST.', 0.9611021876335144)], [[[166.0, 274.0], [424.0, 271.0], [424.0, 291.0], [166.0, 294.0]], ('GST on POST Taxable Supply', 0.9155639410018921)], [[[478.0, 268.0], [522.0, 266.0], [523.0, 288.0], [479.0, 290.0]], ('0.00', 0.9822648167610168)], [[[164.0, 325.0], [331.0, 325.0], [331.0, 345.0], [164.0, 345.0]], ('ABN:28864 970579', 0.94405198097229)], [[[436.0, 322.0], [541.0, 320.0], [541.0, 341.0], [436.0, 343.0]], ('TAX INVOICE', 0.959963858127594)], [[[162.0, 352.0], [381.0, 352.0], [381.0, 369.0], [162.0, 369.0]], ('30/08/10.02/55590.ss7/7', 0.9380156397819519)], [[[403.0, 349.0], [533.0, 347.0], [533.0, 368.0], [403.0, 370.0]], ('53002810:57', 0.9601020216941833)], [[[290.0, 407.0], [420.0, 407.0], [420.0, 427.0], [290.0, 427.0]], ('POSTBILLPAY-', 0.985173761844635)], [[[194.0, 433.0], [510.0, 432.0], [510.0, 453.0], [194.0, 454.0]], ('ASK UHICH BILLS YOU CAN PAY HERE', 0.8841330409049988)], [[[379.0, 461.0], [629.0, 461.0], [629.0, 475.0], [379.0, 475.0]], ('', 0.9619086980819702)]]
{"store_name": "AUSTRALIAPOST ADELAIDEGPOPOSTSHOP", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "30/08/10", "time": "10:57", "subtotal": "", "tax": "0.00", "total": "137.00 $137.00 137.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[121.0, 37.0], [206.0, 35.0], [207.0, 48.0], [121.0, 50.0]], ('Restaurant & Bar', 0.9197629690170288)], [[[140.0, 47.0], [187.0, 45.0], [187.0, 59.0], [141.0, 62.0]], ('EST1979', 0.9408913850784302)], [[[137.0, 59.0], [187.0, 57.0], [187.0, 71.0], [138.0, 74.0]], ('Bora Bora', 0.9712750315666199)], [[[147.0, 70.0], [183.0, 70.0], [183.0, 84.0], [147.0, 84.0]], ('Tahiti', 0.896857738494873)], [[[61.0, 122.0], [105.0, 122.0], [105.0, 136.0], [61.0, 136.0]], ('Tb146/1', 0.9299271702766418)], [[[142.0, 119.0], [188.0, 119.0], [188.0, 133.0], [142.0, 133.0]], ('Chk2000', 0.9754946827888489)], [[[241.0, 116.0], [273.0, 116.0], [273.0, 131.0], [241.0, 131.0]], ('Gst.4', 0.9059527516365051)], [[[126.0, 132.0], [203.0, 128.0], [204.0, 142.0], [126.0, 146.0]], ('02Feb15 19:13', 0.9086154103279114)], [[[70.0, 158.0], [157.0, 155.0], [158.0, 169.0], [70.0, 172.0]], ('1 Eau Royale 1L', 0.8822758793830872)], [[[239.0, 153.0], [259.0, 153.0], [259.0, 167.0], [239.0, 167.0]], ('400', 0.9960606694221497)], [[[70.0, 170.0], [157.0, 170.0], [157.0, 183.0], [70.0, 183.0]], ('1 Calamari Steak', 0.9083202481269836)], [[[234.0, 165.0], [259.0, 165.0], [259.0, 180.0], [234.0, 180.0]], ('1600', 0.9923340082168579)], [[[68.0, 183.0], [119.0, 181.0], [119.0, 195.0], [69.0, 197.0]], ('1Sashim1', 0.9271053075790405)], [[[234.0, 177.0], [260.0, 177.0], [260.0, 192.0], [234.0, 192.0]], ('1600', 0.9973576664924622)], [[[68.0, 195.0], [161.0, 191.0], [162.0, 206.0], [69.0, 210.0]], ('1Broadbi1l Sword', 0.8505525588989258)], [[[236.0, 192.0], [260.0, 192.0], [260.0, 204.0], [236.0, 204.0]], ('3500', 0.9982464909553528)], [[[68.0, 210.0], [109.0, 210.0], [109.0, 221.0], [68.0, 221.0]], ('1ahoo', 0.9239537119865417)], [[[236.0, 205.0], [261.0, 205.0], [261.0, 217.0], [236.0, 217.0]], ('3200', 0.9985138177871704)], [[[67.0, 223.0], [112.0, 223.0], [112.0, 234.0], [67.0, 234.0]], ('1Marlin', 0.8927920460700989)], [[[236.0, 217.0], [262.0, 217.0], [262.0, 232.0], [236.0, 232.0]], ('3200', 0.9989255666732788)], [[[66.0, 234.0], [150.0, 232.0], [150.0, 246.0], [66.0, 248.0]], ('1.Mahi Mahi Sp1', 0.8366888165473938)], [[[236.0, 230.0], [263.0, 230.0], [263.0, 245.0], [236.0, 245.0]], ('3500', 0.9991794228553772)], [[[67.0, 247.0], [140.0, 247.0], [140.0, 261.0], [67.0, 261.0]], ('1.Lagoon Fish', 0.934906542301178)], [[[238.0, 245.0], [263.0, 245.0], [263.0, 257.0], [238.0, 257.0]], ('3000', 0.9986393451690674)], [[[77.0, 274.0], [118.0, 274.0], [118.0, 288.0], [77.0, 288.0]], ('13%VAT', 0.9736359715461731)], [[[238.0, 271.0], [265.0, 271.0], [265.0, 286.0], [238.0, 286.0]], ('2301', 0.9982306361198425)], [[[76.0, 288.0], [130.0, 288.0], [130.0, 302.0], [76.0, 302.0]], ('Total Due', 0.8812935948371887)], [[[205.0, 286.0], [264.0, 286.0], [264.0, 300.0], [205.0, 300.0]], ('20000', 0.9984585642814636)], [[[78.0, 316.0], [96.0, 316.0], [96.0, 328.0], [78.0, 328.0]], ('fIP', 0.89646977186203)], [[[74.0, 347.0], [151.0, 347.0], [151.0, 360.0], [74.0, 360.0]], ('Mauru uru Roa', 0.9381863474845886)]]
{"store_name": "BloodyMary's Restaurant&Bar", "store_addr": "BoraBora Tahiti", "telephone": "", "date": "02Feb'15", "time": "19:13", "subtotal": "", "tax": "2301", "total": "20000", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "EauRoyalelL.", "item_value": "400", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CalamariSteak", "item_value": "1600", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Sashiml", "item_value": "1600", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BroadbillSword", "item_value": "3500", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "wahoo", "item_value": "3200", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Marlin", "item_value": "3200", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MahiMahiSpl", "item_value": "3500", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LagoonFish", "item_value": "3000", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[116.0, 1.0], [214.0, 3.0], [213.0, 17.0], [116.0, 15.0]], ('ARCO AMPM 42259', 0.9394746422767639)], [[[117.0, 16.0], [221.0, 20.0], [220.0, 34.0], [116.0, 29.0]], ('18972 BEACH BLVD', 0.9390090703964233)], [[[102.0, 30.0], [234.0, 35.0], [234.0, 52.0], [102.0, 47.0]], ('HUNTINGTON BEACH CA', 0.9476316571235657)], [[[129.0, 46.0], [209.0, 50.0], [208.0, 66.0], [128.0, 63.0]], ('714-593-8516', 0.9931285977363586)], [[[130.0, 63.0], [208.0, 65.0], [207.0, 82.0], [129.0, 80.0]], ('ARCO42259001', 0.9615330696105957)], [[[49.0, 162.0], [126.0, 162.0], [126.0, 176.0], [49.0, 176.0]], ('Description', 0.9961429238319397)], [[[192.0, 161.0], [215.0, 161.0], [215.0, 178.0], [192.0, 178.0]], ('Qty', 0.9959501624107361)], [[[248.0, 162.0], [288.0, 162.0], [288.0, 177.0], [248.0, 177.0]], ('Amount', 0.9977135062217712)], [[[48.0, 194.0], [146.0, 193.0], [146.0, 208.0], [49.0, 209.0]], ('EC UNLO CA #05', 0.9120562672615051)], [[[167.0, 194.0], [210.0, 194.0], [210.0, 208.0], [167.0, 208.0]], ('0.6106', 0.9183633923530579)], [[[262.0, 193.0], [289.0, 193.0], [289.0, 209.0], [262.0, 209.0]], ('1.71', 0.9935939311981201)], [[[68.0, 209.0], [174.0, 207.0], [174.0, 223.0], [68.0, 226.0]], ('SELF2.799/G', 0.9857065081596375)], [[[69.0, 227.0], [152.0, 224.0], [152.0, 240.0], [69.0, 242.0]], ('Prepaid Fuel', 0.9684832096099854)], [[[260.0, 223.0], [292.0, 223.0], [292.0, 238.0], [260.0, 238.0]], ('-5.00', 0.9745599031448364)], [[[158.0, 256.0], [214.0, 256.0], [214.0, 273.0], [158.0, 273.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9957283735275269)], [[[263.0, 255.0], [296.0, 255.0], [296.0, 270.0], [263.0, 270.0]], ('-3.29', 0.9534543752670288)], [[[192.0, 274.0], [216.0, 274.0], [216.0, 289.0], [192.0, 289.0]], ('Tax', 0.9961344599723816)], [[[268.0, 271.0], [298.0, 271.0], [298.0, 287.0], [268.0, 287.0]], ('0.00', 0.9978697896003723)], [[[103.0, 292.0], [172.0, 289.0], [172.0, 307.0], [103.0, 310.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.998299241065979)], [[[247.0, 286.0], [303.0, 286.0], [303.0, 303.0], [247.0, 303.0]], ('3.29', 0.9968215227127075)], [[[185.0, 306.0], [237.0, 303.0], [238.0, 321.0], [185.0, 324.0]], ('CASH $', 0.9061244130134583)], [[[263.0, 303.0], [301.0, 303.0], [301.0, 320.0], [263.0, 320.0]], ('-3.29', 0.8705683946609497)]]
{"store_name": "ARCOAMPM42259", "store_addr": "18972BEACHBLVD HUNTINGTONBEACHCA", "telephone": "714-593-8516", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "-3.29", "tax": "0.00", "total": "-3.29", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "ECUNLDCA#05", "item_value": "1.71", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[55.0, 102.0], [127.0, 100.0], [127.0, 114.0], [55.0, 116.0]], ('L11y OBrlens', 0.786659300327301)], [[[54.0, 116.0], [137.0, 112.0], [137.0, 126.0], [55.0, 130.0]], ('18 murray street', 0.9165918231010437)], [[[54.0, 127.0], [152.0, 124.0], [152.0, 139.0], [54.0, 141.0]], ('New YorkNY 10007', 0.867910623550415)], [[[55.0, 139.0], [144.0, 139.0], [144.0, 153.0], [55.0, 153.0]], ('Te1.646-930-200B', 0.9121173620223999)], [[[56.0, 153.0], [109.0, 153.0], [109.0, 164.0], [56.0, 164.0]], ('Ordar 3772', 0.9105235934257507)], [[[53.0, 164.0], [219.0, 160.0], [219.0, 174.0], [54.0, 178.0]], ('03/15/1612:59PMCheck 199713', 0.9303509593009949)], [[[55.0, 175.0], [229.0, 173.0], [229.0, 187.0], [55.0, 189.0]], ('Table Cust.1 Server 8 Lorraine', 0.8998040556907654)], [[[96.0, 224.0], [168.0, 222.0], [169.0, 235.0], [96.0, 237.0]], ('Tab #12', 0.9413431286811829)], [[[58.0, 237.0], [106.0, 237.0], [106.0, 248.0], [58.0, 248.0]], ('IJaneson', 0.8335528373718262)], [[[225.0, 233.0], [249.0, 233.0], [249.0, 245.0], [225.0, 245.0]], ('8.00', 0.9827330112457275)], [[[60.0, 247.0], [131.0, 243.0], [131.0, 258.0], [61.0, 262.0]], ('1Tonato Juice', 0.8509641289710999)], [[[226.0, 245.0], [249.0, 245.0], [249.0, 256.0], [226.0, 256.0]], ('3.00', 0.9506657719612122)], [[[60.0, 260.0], [111.0, 260.0], [111.0, 271.0], [60.0, 271.0]], ('1.Guinness', 0.9412210583686829)], [[[226.0, 257.0], [249.0, 257.0], [249.0, 269.0], [226.0, 269.0]], ('6.00', 0.9837571978569031)], [[[58.0, 271.0], [103.0, 271.0], [103.0, 285.0], [58.0, 285.0]], ('1Stella', 0.9048669934272766)], [[[226.0, 269.0], [249.0, 269.0], [249.0, 281.0], [226.0, 281.0]], ('6.00', 0.9221769571304321)], [[[152.0, 293.0], [194.0, 293.0], [194.0, 307.0], [152.0, 307.0]], ('Texable:', 0.9186666011810303)], [[[221.0, 289.0], [251.0, 292.0], [250.0, 307.0], [220.0, 304.0]], ('23.00', 0.9883275032043457)], [[[151.0, 318.0], [194.0, 318.0], [194.0, 332.0], [151.0, 332.0]], ('Liq Tax:', 0.8006614446640015)], [[[226.0, 316.0], [252.0, 316.0], [252.0, 331.0], [226.0, 331.0]], ('1.87', 0.9933668375015259)], [[[142.0, 331.0], [194.0, 331.0], [194.0, 346.0], [142.0, 346.0]], ('Sub-total:', 0.9533780813217163)], [[[223.0, 330.0], [254.0, 330.0], [254.0, 346.0], [223.0, 346.0]], ('23.00', 0.985561728477478)], [[[99.0, 358.0], [200.0, 358.0], [200.0, 372.0], [99.0, 372.0]], ('Total Due:', 0.9264545440673828)], [[[208.0, 358.0], [263.0, 358.0], [263.0, 372.0], [208.0, 372.0]], ('23.00', 0.9986410140991211)], [[[55.0, 396.0], [200.0, 397.0], [200.0, 411.0], [55.0, 410.0]], ('THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS!', 0.9321651458740234)], [[[54.0, 409.0], [149.0, 411.0], [149.0, 425.0], [54.0, 423.0]], ('PLEASE COME AGAIN', 0.9605675935745239)]]
{"store_name": "LillyO'Briens", "store_addr": "18murraystreet NavYork,NY10007", "telephone": "646-930-2008", "date": "03/15/16", "time": "12:59PM", "subtotal": "23.00", "tax": "1.87", "total": "23.00 23.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "TomatoJuice", "item_value": "8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Guinness", "item_value": "3.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Stella", "item_value": "6.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "6.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[261.0, 95.0], [568.0, 99.0], [567.0, 128.0], [261.0, 124.0]], ('The Pancake Parlour', 0.959671139717102)], [[[378.0, 129.0], [455.0, 129.0], [455.0, 146.0], [378.0, 146.0]], ('Bourke St', 0.9679453372955322)], [[[322.0, 145.0], [514.0, 149.0], [514.0, 168.0], [322.0, 164.0]], ('WebPancakePar', 0.9620160460472107)], [[[338.0, 165.0], [497.0, 168.0], [497.0, 185.0], [337.0, 182.0]], ('ABN:56 006 426599', 0.9029639959335327)], [[[533.0, 186.0], [550.0, 186.0], [550.0, 206.0], [533.0, 206.0]], ('$', 0.926654577255249)], [[[257.0, 205.0], [390.0, 205.0], [390.0, 222.0], [257.0, 222.0]], ('xBavar ian Apple', 0.9052410125732422)], [[[528.0, 205.0], [572.0, 208.0], [570.0, 228.0], [526.0, 225.0]], ('18.90', 0.9944506883621216)], [[[256.0, 225.0], [495.0, 228.0], [495.0, 245.0], [256.0, 242.0]], ('Chicken Tenders and Herb Fr', 0.9524184465408325)], [[[527.0, 228.0], [571.0, 228.0], [571.0, 246.0], [527.0, 246.0]], ('24.90', 0.9956426620483398)], [[[313.0, 266.0], [398.0, 266.0], [398.0, 284.0], [313.0, 284.0]], ('NAB EFTPOS', 0.9671306610107422)], [[[256.0, 286.0], [408.0, 286.0], [408.0, 304.0], [256.0, 304.0]], ('PANCAKEPARLOUR BSM', 0.9700620174407959)], [[[253.0, 302.0], [331.0, 302.0], [331.0, 320.0], [253.0, 320.0]], ('MELBOURNE', 0.9923602342605591)], [[[401.0, 304.0], [423.0, 304.0], [423.0, 319.0], [401.0, 319.0]], ('AU', 0.9957689046859741)], [[[248.0, 332.0], [362.0, 332.0], [362.0, 350.0], [248.0, 350.0]], ('MID32248247', 0.9953418374061584)], [[[249.0, 350.0], [348.0, 350.0], [348.0, 365.0], [249.0, 365.0]], ('TID:BNOEC1', 0.9362141489982605)], [[[244.0, 365.0], [385.0, 365.0], [385.0, 382.0], [244.0, 382.0]], ('Version:0.3.14B', 0.9481295347213745)], [[[283.0, 398.0], [400.0, 398.0], [400.0, 415.0], [283.0, 415.0]], ('CUSTOMER COPY', 0.9679955840110779)], [[[237.0, 415.0], [330.0, 415.0], [330.0, 433.0], [237.0, 433.0]], ('MAY 08.17', 0.8869225382804871)], [[[407.0, 414.0], [454.0, 414.0], [454.0, 433.0], [407.0, 433.0]], ('13:46', 0.9569494128227234)], [[[234.0, 434.0], [289.0, 434.0], [289.0, 451.0], [234.0, 451.0]], ('BATCH:', 0.9647528529167175)], [[[395.0, 433.0], [454.0, 433.0], [454.0, 451.0], [395.0, 451.0]], ('000262', 0.9989164471626282)], [[[233.0, 452.0], [270.0, 452.0], [270.0, 471.0], [233.0, 471.0]], ('INV:', 0.9863796234130859)], [[[403.0, 450.0], [453.0, 450.0], [453.0, 467.0], [403.0, 467.0]], ('29992', 0.9992095828056335)], [[[230.0, 472.0], [275.0, 472.0], [275.0, 490.0], [230.0, 490.0]], ('STAN:', 0.9807676076889038)], [[[394.0, 467.0], [453.0, 467.0], [453.0, 486.0], [394.0, 486.0]], ('030683', 0.9983169436454773)], [[[225.0, 491.0], [341.0, 487.0], [342.0, 509.0], [226.0, 513.0]], ('ACCOUNT TYPE', 0.972960889339447)], [[[394.0, 489.0], [451.0, 489.0], [451.0, 508.0], [394.0, 508.0]], ('CREDIT', 0.99751877784729)], [[[225.0, 511.0], [263.0, 511.0], [263.0, 530.0], [225.0, 530.0]], ('RRN:', 0.9616228938102722)], [[[338.0, 511.0], [451.0, 511.0], [451.0, 529.0], [338.0, 529.0]], ('000262029992', 0.9986833930015564)], [[[224.0, 532.0], [321.0, 532.0], [321.0, 554.0], [224.0, 554.0]], ('MASTERCARD', 0.9967824816703796)], [[[224.0, 555.0], [358.0, 555.0], [358.0, 576.0], [224.0, 576.0]], ('A0000000041010', 0.9898085594177246)], [[[224.0, 580.0], [321.0, 580.0], [321.0, 598.0], [224.0, 598.0]], ('MasterCard', 0.9981420636177063)], [[[336.0, 601.0], [401.0, 601.0], [401.0, 621.0], [336.0, 621.0]], ('6572t)', 0.9132121205329895)], [[[221.0, 622.0], [265.0, 622.0], [265.0, 646.0], [221.0, 646.0]], ('SALE', 0.9986467957496643)], [[[297.0, 624.0], [331.0, 624.0], [331.0, 646.0], [297.0, 646.0]], ('AUD', 0.9974567890167236)], [[[372.0, 622.0], [435.0, 622.0], [435.0, 645.0], [372.0, 645.0]], ('$43.80', 0.9952459335327148)], [[[220.0, 670.0], [299.0, 670.0], [299.0, 691.0], [220.0, 691.0]], ('APPROVED', 0.9974629878997803)], [[[409.0, 668.0], [433.0, 668.0], [433.0, 690.0], [409.0, 690.0]], ('00', 0.9766727685928345)], [[[220.0, 695.0], [345.0, 695.0], [345.0, 712.0], [220.0, 712.0]], ('APPROVAL CODE', 0.963813066482544)], [[[391.0, 694.0], [451.0, 694.0], [451.0, 712.0], [391.0, 712.0]], ('R78900', 0.9990608096122742)], [[[216.0, 716.0], [266.0, 716.0], [266.0, 739.0], [216.0, 739.0]], ('ARQC:', 0.9768600463867188)], [[[293.0, 716.0], [450.0, 716.0], [450.0, 738.0], [293.0, 738.0]], ('E3E96B437D9F8A32', 0.9794987440109253)], [[[215.0, 862.0], [426.0, 865.0], [426.0, 886.0], [215.0, 884.0]], ('PLEASE RETAIN RECEIPT', 0.968661367893219)], [[[243.0, 887.0], [408.0, 890.0], [408.0, 911.0], [243.0, 909.0]], ('FOR YOUR RECORDS', 0.9486625790596008)], [[[227.0, 958.0], [308.0, 961.0], [308.0, 984.0], [226.0, 981.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9957609176635742)], [[[537.0, 950.0], [594.0, 947.0], [595.0, 970.0], [538.0, 973.0]], ('43.80', 0.9959527254104614)], [[[471.0, 995.0], [592.0, 988.0], [594.0, 1010.0], [473.0, 1017.0]], ('$43.80', 0.9950993657112122)], [[[231.0, 1006.0], [328.0, 1005.0], [329.0, 1027.0], [232.0, 1029.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9983998537063599)], [[[536.0, 1013.0], [592.0, 1010.0], [594.0, 1031.0], [538.0, 1034.0]], ('43.80', 0.996900200843811)], [[[231.0, 1030.0], [266.0, 1030.0], [266.0, 1052.0], [231.0, 1052.0]], ('EFT', 0.9972062706947327)], [[[538.0, 1053.0], [592.0, 1050.0], [594.0, 1072.0], [539.0, 1075.0]], ('$3.98', 0.9972637295722961)], [[[216.0, 1073.0], [394.0, 1061.0], [396.0, 1082.0], [217.0, 1094.0]], ('TOTAL INCLUDES GST', 0.944786787033081)], [[[217.0, 1093.0], [503.0, 1075.0], [504.0, 1096.0], [218.0, 1114.0]], ('*indicates item includes GST', 0.9518525004386902)], [[[223.0, 1123.0], [306.0, 1118.0], [307.0, 1136.0], [224.0, 1140.0]], ('547298', 0.9970507025718689)], [[[329.0, 1121.0], [353.0, 1121.0], [353.0, 1138.0], [329.0, 1138.0]], ('RM', 0.9956223964691162)], [[[434.0, 1114.0], [609.0, 1105.0], [610.0, 1126.0], [435.0, 1135.0]], ('08 May 17 01:46 PM', 0.886056661605835)], [[[228.0, 1139.0], [263.0, 1139.0], [263.0, 1152.0], [228.0, 1152.0]], ('86#', 0.9421131014823914)], [[[230.0, 1150.0], [316.0, 1150.0], [316.0, 1164.0], [230.0, 1164.0]], ('BS-POS-02', 0.964115560054779)]]
{"store_name": "ThePancakeParlour", "store_addr": "BourkeSt", "telephone": "", "date": "MAY08.17 08May17", "time": "13:46 01:46PM", "subtotal": "43.80", "tax": "$3.98", "total": "$43.80 $43.80", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BavarianApple", "item_value": "18.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChickenTendersandHerbFr", "item_value": "24.90", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[598.0, 182.0], [1109.0, 173.0], [1110.0, 218.0], [599.0, 227.0]], ('DollaR TREE STOres,Inc.', 0.6904411315917969)], [[[955.0, 260.0], [1169.0, 250.0], [1170.0, 278.0], [956.0, 289.0]], ('617254-0153', 0.9919025301933289)], [[[540.0, 270.0], [694.0, 263.0], [696.0, 293.0], [541.0, 301.0]], ('ro3456', 0.9168286919593811)], [[[546.0, 299.0], [721.0, 293.0], [722.0, 320.0], [547.0, 325.0]], ('Everott St', 0.847845733165741)], [[[543.0, 322.0], [826.0, 318.0], [827.0, 347.0], [544.0, 350.0]], ('1ston MA 021341953', 0.9067675471305847)], [[[855.0, 372.0], [905.0, 372.0], [905.0, 405.0], [855.0, 405.0]], ('QTY', 0.9663236141204834)], [[[942.0, 370.0], [1020.0, 370.0], [1020.0, 400.0], [942.0, 400.0]], ('PRICE', 0.9983221888542175)], [[[1101.0, 364.0], [1179.0, 360.0], [1181.0, 391.0], [1103.0, 396.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9980656504631042)], [[[528.0, 379.0], [696.0, 375.0], [697.0, 403.0], [529.0, 407.0]], ('DESCRIPTION', 0.9778923392295837)], [[[959.0, 427.0], [1027.0, 423.0], [1029.0, 455.0], [961.0, 459.0]], ('1.00', 0.9970096349716187)], [[[1108.0, 422.0], [1189.0, 418.0], [1190.0, 448.0], [1109.0, 452.0]], ('1.00N', 0.9261902570724487)], [[[528.0, 434.0], [743.0, 432.0], [743.0, 460.0], [528.0, 462.0]], ('SALTED PEANUTS', 0.9515169858932495)], [[[888.0, 432.0], [908.0, 432.0], [908.0, 460.0], [888.0, 460.0]], ('1', 0.995593249797821)], [[[890.0, 458.0], [910.0, 458.0], [910.0, 490.0], [890.0, 490.0]], ('1', 0.8386659026145935)], [[[961.0, 457.0], [1029.0, 453.0], [1031.0, 485.0], [963.0, 489.0]], ('1.00', 0.997394323348999)], [[[1113.0, 450.0], [1193.0, 450.0], [1193.0, 480.0], [1113.0, 480.0]], ('1.0ON', 0.8635479807853699)], [[[528.0, 464.0], [728.0, 458.0], [729.0, 487.0], [529.0, 492.0]], ('GROUND COFFEE', 0.945375382900238)], [[[966.0, 487.0], [1032.0, 483.0], [1034.0, 513.0], [968.0, 517.0]], ('1.00', 0.9965447187423706)], [[[1115.0, 479.0], [1196.0, 477.0], [1197.0, 507.0], [1116.0, 509.0]], ('1.0ON', 0.8723379969596863)], [[[528.0, 494.0], [745.0, 490.0], [745.0, 518.0], [529.0, 522.0]], ('SUNFLOWR SEEDS', 0.9715715646743774)], [[[889.0, 490.0], [909.0, 486.0], [914.0, 514.0], [894.0, 518.0]], ('1', 0.9956344962120056)], [[[895.0, 518.0], [915.0, 518.0], [915.0, 547.0], [895.0, 547.0]], ('1', 0.9966332316398621)], [[[970.0, 515.0], [1037.0, 515.0], [1037.0, 545.0], [970.0, 545.0]], ('1.00', 0.996834933757782)], [[[1119.0, 509.0], [1197.0, 505.0], [1199.0, 537.0], [1121.0, 541.0]], ('1.0ON', 0.8985807299613953)], [[[526.0, 524.0], [656.0, 520.0], [657.0, 548.0], [527.0, 552.0]], ('PRETZELS', 0.9957399964332581)], [[[1120.0, 537.0], [1201.0, 533.0], [1202.0, 565.0], [1121.0, 569.0]], ('1.00N', 0.9208806753158569)], [[[528.0, 555.0], [808.0, 548.0], [809.0, 577.0], [529.0, 584.0]], ('SWEET POTATO CHIPS', 0.9444906711578369)], [[[898.0, 549.0], [917.0, 549.0], [917.0, 577.0], [898.0, 577.0]], ('1', 0.9948150515556335)], [[[969.0, 548.0], [1036.0, 541.0], [1039.0, 571.0], [972.0, 578.0]], ('1.00', 0.9867163896560669)], [[[972.0, 575.0], [1038.0, 575.0], [1038.0, 605.0], [972.0, 605.0]], ('1.00', 0.9948139786720276)], [[[1123.0, 567.0], [1204.0, 563.0], [1205.0, 595.0], [1124.0, 599.0]], ('1.0ON', 0.877801775932312)], [[[528.0, 585.0], [745.0, 580.0], [745.0, 608.0], [529.0, 614.0]], ('GREEN TEA SOCT', 0.9167016744613647)], [[[902.0, 580.0], [915.0, 580.0], [915.0, 604.0], [902.0, 604.0]], ('1', 0.8101797699928284)], [[[1126.0, 597.0], [1207.0, 593.0], [1209.0, 625.0], [1128.0, 629.0]], ('1.00N', 0.9490763545036316)], [[[528.0, 615.0], [733.0, 612.0], [734.0, 642.0], [529.0, 645.0]], ('CHUNK CHICKEN', 0.9643031358718872)], [[[900.0, 610.0], [920.0, 610.0], [920.0, 637.0], [900.0, 637.0]], ('1', 0.9918152689933777)], [[[969.0, 607.0], [1040.0, 603.0], [1042.0, 633.0], [971.0, 637.0]], ('1.00', 0.9954432249069214)], [[[976.0, 636.0], [1044.0, 631.0], [1046.0, 663.0], [978.0, 667.0]], ('1.00', 0.9982249140739441)], [[[1129.0, 627.0], [1208.0, 621.0], [1211.0, 653.0], [1132.0, 659.0]], ('1.00N', 0.9381734132766724)], [[[526.0, 647.0], [731.0, 642.0], [732.0, 672.0], [527.0, 677.0]], ('CANNED TURKEY', 0.964622437953949)], [[[903.0, 639.0], [923.0, 639.0], [923.0, 667.0], [903.0, 667.0]], ('1', 0.9839158654212952)], [[[1131.0, 657.0], [1212.0, 653.0], [1214.0, 685.0], [1133.0, 689.0]], ('1.00N', 0.9541479349136353)], [[[902.0, 670.0], [922.0, 670.0], [922.0, 699.0], [902.0, 699.0]], ('1', 0.9877305626869202)], [[[979.0, 667.0], [1045.0, 663.0], [1047.0, 693.0], [981.0, 697.0]], ('1.00', 0.996540367603302)], [[[528.0, 680.0], [781.0, 673.0], [782.0, 703.0], [529.0, 710.0]], ('CHUNK LIGHT TUNA', 0.956875741481781)], [[[1046.0, 726.0], [1129.0, 718.0], [1133.0, 750.0], [1049.0, 758.0]], ('$9.00', 0.9975676536560059)], [[[670.0, 739.0], [816.0, 733.0], [817.0, 766.0], [671.0, 772.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9421153664588928)], [[[1049.0, 756.0], [1132.0, 750.0], [1134.0, 782.0], [1052.0, 788.0]], ('$0.00', 0.995903491973877)], [[[670.0, 771.0], [806.0, 765.0], [807.0, 800.0], [671.0, 806.0]], ('FOOD TAX', 0.9097635746002197)], [[[1053.0, 789.0], [1139.0, 783.0], [1141.0, 815.0], [1055.0, 821.0]], ('$9.00', 0.9976109266281128)], [[[675.0, 805.0], [755.0, 805.0], [755.0, 837.0], [675.0, 837.0]], ('Total', 0.9974818229675293)], [[[1057.0, 853.0], [1146.0, 844.0], [1149.0, 879.0], [1061.0, 888.0]], ('$9.00', 0.9956586956977844)], [[[675.0, 872.0], [841.0, 867.0], [842.0, 897.0], [676.0, 902.0]], ('Debit Card', 0.9690402150154114)], [[[540.0, 1001.0], [1164.0, 978.0], [1165.0, 1012.0], [541.0, 1034.0]], ('Thenk You for Shopping at Dol lar Tree', 0.8695421814918518)], [[[661.0, 1025.0], [1074.0, 1013.0], [1075.0, 1042.0], [662.0, 1054.0]], ("where Everytning's $1.00", 0.8027309775352478)]]
{"store_name": "DollarTreeStores,Inc.", "store_addr": "021341953 listonMA EverettSt", "telephone": "(617)254-0153", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "$9.00", "tax": "$0.00", "total": "$9.00 $9.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHUNKLIGHTTUNA", "item_value": "1.00N", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CANNEDTURKEY", "item_value": "1.00N", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHUNKCHICKEN", "item_value": "1.00N", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GREENTEA80CT", "item_value": "1.00N", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SWEETPOTATOCHIPS", "item_value": "1.00N", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PRETZELS", "item_value": "1.00N", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SUNFLOWRSEEDS", "item_value": "1.00N", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GROUNDCOFFEE", "item_value": "1.00N", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SALTEDPEANUTS", "item_value": "1.00N", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "DESCRIPTION", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[232.0, 7.0], [313.0, 7.0], [313.0, 31.0], [232.0, 31.0]], ('IISILRESTALRANT', 0.8205987811088562)], [[[250.0, 36.0], [293.0, 36.0], [293.0, 49.0], [250.0, 49.0]], ('DUAI.UAE', 0.5811567902565002)], [[[249.0, 46.0], [293.0, 49.0], [293.0, 62.0], [248.0, 60.0]], ('04-3626351', 0.9071572422981262)], [[[164.0, 60.0], [263.0, 60.0], [263.0, 73.0], [164.0, 73.0]], ('livery No:2009', 0.8089274764060974)], [[[163.0, 71.0], [278.0, 71.0], [278.0, 84.0], [163.0, 84.0]], (' By:DELIVERY BOY', 0.9137186408042908)], [[[340.0, 70.0], [385.0, 70.0], [385.0, 83.0], [340.0, 83.0]], ('Pax1', 0.8403031826019287)], [[[160.0, 81.0], [226.0, 83.0], [225.0, 97.0], [160.0, 94.0]], ('31-Mr-2016', 0.9072449803352356)], [[[330.0, 82.0], [383.0, 80.0], [383.0, 93.0], [331.0, 96.0]], ('07:22P', 0.9007510542869568)], [[[159.0, 95.0], [212.0, 95.0], [212.0, 105.0], [159.0, 105.0]], ('134', 0.8287338614463806)], [[[361.0, 94.0], [387.0, 94.0], [387.0, 105.0], [361.0, 105.0]], ('M1/5', 0.9330798983573914)], [[[154.0, 115.0], [224.0, 117.0], [223.0, 131.0], [154.0, 128.0]], ('DESCEIPTION', 0.9554796814918518)], [[[305.0, 119.0], [327.0, 119.0], [327.0, 132.0], [305.0, 132.0]], ('QTY', 0.9914657473564148)], [[[352.0, 117.0], [390.0, 117.0], [390.0, 130.0], [352.0, 130.0]], ('AMOUNT', 0.9914147853851318)], [[[313.0, 145.0], [322.0, 145.0], [322.0, 155.0], [313.0, 155.0]], ('1', 0.9442961812019348)], [[[360.0, 143.0], [395.0, 141.0], [396.0, 155.0], [361.0, 158.0]], ('22.00', 0.996128261089325)], [[[152.0, 156.0], [206.0, 156.0], [206.0, 167.0], [152.0, 167.0]], ('IS SOUP', 0.73778235912323)], [[[312.0, 156.0], [325.0, 156.0], [325.0, 171.0], [312.0, 171.0]], ('2', 0.9892241358757019)], [[[362.0, 155.0], [397.0, 155.0], [397.0, 170.0], [362.0, 170.0]], ('32.00', 0.9974069595336914)], [[[149.0, 169.0], [250.0, 169.0], [250.0, 183.0], [149.0, 183.0]], ('NAI SUSHI 2PCS', 0.8755401968955994)], [[[312.0, 169.0], [325.0, 169.0], [325.0, 184.0], [312.0, 184.0]], ('2', 0.9928417205810547)], [[[364.0, 169.0], [399.0, 169.0], [399.0, 183.0], [364.0, 183.0]], ('50.00', 0.9927154779434204)], [[[146.0, 182.0], [262.0, 184.0], [262.0, 197.0], [146.0, 196.0]], ('FICY SALMON SUSHI', 0.9102654457092285)], [[[315.0, 184.0], [326.0, 184.0], [326.0, 199.0], [315.0, 199.0]], ('2', 0.9933024644851685)], [[[367.0, 183.0], [401.0, 183.0], [401.0, 198.0], [367.0, 198.0]], ('40.00', 0.9946090579032898)], [[[146.0, 198.0], [243.0, 198.0], [243.0, 211.0], [146.0, 211.0]], ('ANI SUSHI 2PCS', 0.9081035256385803)], [[[316.0, 199.0], [326.0, 199.0], [326.0, 211.0], [316.0, 211.0]], ('1', 0.9794175028800964)], [[[368.0, 198.0], [403.0, 198.0], [403.0, 212.0], [368.0, 212.0]], ('18.00', 0.996425449848175)], [[[142.0, 213.0], [261.0, 213.0], [261.0, 226.0], [142.0, 226.0]], ('SHAKE SASHIMI 3PCS', 0.9380607604980469)], [[[315.0, 212.0], [328.0, 212.0], [328.0, 228.0], [315.0, 228.0]], ('2', 0.9966034889221191)], [[[370.0, 212.0], [406.0, 212.0], [406.0, 227.0], [370.0, 227.0]], ('50.00', 0.9976116418838501)], [[[141.0, 229.0], [274.0, 229.0], [274.0, 241.0], [141.0, 241.0]], ('LANTIC SALMON 6 PC', 0.9106695652008057)], [[[318.0, 229.0], [328.0, 229.0], [328.0, 241.0], [318.0, 241.0]], ('1', 0.9560493230819702)], [[[371.0, 227.0], [408.0, 227.0], [408.0, 244.0], [371.0, 244.0]], ('42.00', 0.996768593788147)], [[[140.0, 262.0], [216.0, 262.0], [216.0, 278.0], [140.0, 278.0]], ('otal Qty :', 0.8441280126571655)], [[[216.0, 266.0], [227.0, 266.0], [227.0, 273.0], [216.0, 273.0]], ('-', 0.7280813455581665)], [[[232.0, 262.0], [269.0, 262.0], [269.0, 276.0], [232.0, 276.0]], ('11.00', 0.9975578188896179)], [[[239.0, 277.0], [275.0, 277.0], [275.0, 295.0], [239.0, 295.0]], ('Total', 0.9931724667549133)], [[[367.0, 278.0], [412.0, 278.0], [412.0, 295.0], [367.0, 295.0]], ('254.00', 0.9943423867225647)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "04-3826351", "date": "31-Mar-2016", "time": "07:22PM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "254.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "EDAMAME", "item_value": "22.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NISOSOUP", "item_value": "32.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SPICYSALMONSUSHI", "item_value": "50.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KANISUSHI2PCS", "item_value": "40.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SHAKESASHIMI3PCS", "item_value": "18.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ATLANTICSALMON6PC", "item_value": "50.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "42.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "DESCRIPTION", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[261.0, 216.0], [1264.0, 180.0], [1266.0, 237.0], [263.0, 274.0]], ('TWISTED ROOT BURGER CO.-RICHARDSON', 0.9547168612480164)], [[[569.0, 272.0], [930.0, 255.0], [933.0, 316.0], [571.0, 333.0]], ('(214)570-9999', 0.9349043369293213)], [[[668.0, 333.0], [847.0, 333.0], [847.0, 396.0], [668.0, 396.0]], ('Dinner', 0.9979376196861267)], [[[231.0, 483.0], [673.0, 468.0], [675.0, 528.0], [233.0, 542.0]], ('Check No 61493/1', 0.9406808614730835)], [[[584.0, 536.0], [908.0, 526.0], [910.0, 594.0], [586.0, 604.0]], ('Server 200', 0.9593759775161743)], [[[231.0, 553.0], [489.0, 543.0], [492.0, 605.0], [233.0, 615.0]], ('Tab 9342', 0.941638708114624)], [[[1210.0, 655.0], [1342.0, 649.0], [1345.0, 715.0], [1213.0, 721.0]], ('5.99', 0.997093141078949)], [[[399.0, 680.0], [569.0, 680.0], [569.0, 744.0], [399.0, 744.0]], ('Turkey', 0.9980945587158203)], [[[207.0, 698.0], [236.0, 698.0], [236.0, 740.0], [207.0, 740.0]], ('1', 0.9671295285224915)], [[[1215.0, 720.0], [1344.0, 720.0], [1344.0, 788.0], [1215.0, 788.0]], ('0.75', 0.9951671361923218)], [[[451.0, 749.0], [764.0, 739.0], [766.0, 801.0], [453.0, 811.0]], ('Add Cheddar', 0.9583973288536072)], [[[1217.0, 862.0], [1351.0, 856.0], [1354.0, 922.0], [1220.0, 928.0]], ('6.74', 0.9833210110664368)], [[[453.0, 883.0], [848.0, 874.0], [849.0, 935.0], [455.0, 945.0]], ('Food Sub-Tota1', 0.9405753016471863)], [[[1197.0, 1000.0], [1351.0, 995.0], [1353.0, 1059.0], [1199.0, 1064.0]], ('-0.06', 0.9747608304023743)], [[[397.0, 1022.0], [769.0, 1015.0], [771.0, 1074.0], [398.0, 1082.0]], ('Nicest Person', 0.9616276025772095)], [[[1202.0, 1070.0], [1355.0, 1070.0], [1355.0, 1134.0], [1202.0, 1134.0]], ('-0.16', 0.9730960130691528)], [[[397.0, 1090.0], [744.0, 1090.0], [744.0, 1149.0], [397.0, 1149.0]], ('Best Looking', 0.9757683277130127)], [[[1202.0, 1143.0], [1357.0, 1143.0], [1357.0, 1207.0], [1202.0, 1207.0]], ('-0.32', 0.9756542444229126)], [[[192.0, 1158.0], [260.0, 1158.0], [260.0, 1233.0], [192.0, 1233.0]], ('32', 0.9988024234771729)], [[[395.0, 1161.0], [658.0, 1156.0], [659.0, 1215.0], [396.0, 1220.0]], ('Best Butt', 0.9605192542076111)], [[[1202.0, 1213.0], [1355.0, 1213.0], [1355.0, 1279.0], [1202.0, 1279.0]], ('-0.11', 0.9642561078071594)], [[[192.0, 1233.0], [253.0, 1233.0], [253.0, 1297.0], [192.0, 1297.0]], ('11', 0.9974875450134277)], [[[392.0, 1234.0], [712.0, 1224.0], [714.0, 1285.0], [394.0, 1295.0]], ('Great Smile', 0.9708789587020874)], [[[1213.0, 1359.0], [1361.0, 1359.0], [1361.0, 1423.0], [1213.0, 1423.0]], ('-0.65', 0.9758973121643066)], [[[451.0, 1372.0], [881.0, 1365.0], [882.0, 1424.0], [452.0, 1432.0]], ('Other Sub-Tota1', 0.9237015247344971)], [[[1235.0, 1500.0], [1368.0, 1500.0], [1368.0, 1566.0], [1235.0, 1566.0]], ('6.09', 0.9943771362304688)], [[[449.0, 1513.0], [708.0, 1508.0], [709.0, 1570.0], [450.0, 1575.0]], ('SUB TOTAL', 0.9444602131843567)], [[[1239.0, 1572.0], [1370.0, 1572.0], [1370.0, 1641.0], [1239.0, 1641.0]], ('0.56', 0.9858189225196838)], [[[449.0, 1588.0], [718.0, 1588.0], [718.0, 1649.0], [449.0, 1649.0]], ('Sales Tax', 0.929413914680481)], [[[444.0, 1725.0], [636.0, 1732.0], [632.0, 1853.0], [440.0, 1846.0]], ('TOTAL:', 0.9907534718513489)], [[[943.0, 1718.0], [1082.0, 1718.0], [1082.0, 1845.0], [943.0, 1845.0]], ('6.65', 0.9674307107925415)], [[[448.0, 1915.0], [744.0, 1921.0], [743.0, 1989.0], [447.0, 1984.0]], ('Thank You,', 0.9158782958984375)], [[[440.0, 1996.0], [691.0, 1990.0], [692.0, 2061.0], [442.0, 2066.0]], ('Reg 1 AM', 0.900214433670044)]]
{"store_name": "TWISTEDROOTBURGERCO.-RICHARDSON", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "(214)570-9999", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "6.09 6.74", "tax": "0.56", "total": "6.65", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "AddCheddar", "item_value": "0.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Turkey", "item_value": "5.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[61.0, 49.0], [300.0, 40.0], [300.0, 56.0], [61.0, 66.0]], ('TWISTED ROOT BURGER CO.RICHAROSON', 0.9392783045768738)], [[[131.0, 63.0], [220.0, 59.0], [221.0, 76.0], [131.0, 79.0]], ('214570-9999', 0.9913766980171204)], [[[157.0, 77.0], [202.0, 77.0], [202.0, 95.0], [157.0, 95.0]], ('Dinner', 0.9970205426216125)], [[[53.0, 112.0], [161.0, 109.0], [161.0, 126.0], [54.0, 129.0]], ('Check No 61493/1', 0.9355262517929077)], [[[52.0, 129.0], [140.0, 126.0], [140.0, 142.0], [53.0, 146.0]], ('Tab 9342', 0.9354149103164673)], [[[136.0, 127.0], [214.0, 124.0], [215.0, 140.0], [137.0, 144.0]], ('Server 200', 0.9606234431266785)], [[[94.0, 161.0], [136.0, 161.0], [136.0, 176.0], [94.0, 176.0]], ('Turkey', 0.9970688819885254)], [[[287.0, 154.0], [319.0, 154.0], [319.0, 170.0], [287.0, 170.0]], ('5.99', 0.9902746081352234)], [[[105.0, 175.0], [181.0, 174.0], [182.0, 191.0], [105.0, 192.0]], ('Add Cheddar', 0.9776735305786133)], [[[287.0, 171.0], [319.0, 171.0], [319.0, 187.0], [287.0, 187.0]], ('0.75', 0.994857668876648)], [[[105.0, 208.0], [200.0, 205.0], [200.0, 222.0], [106.0, 225.0]], ('Food Sub-Tota1', 0.934127151966095)], [[[287.0, 202.0], [321.0, 202.0], [321.0, 221.0], [287.0, 221.0]], ('6.74', 0.9937615394592285)], [[[44.0, 242.0], [57.0, 242.0], [57.0, 259.0], [44.0, 259.0]], ('6', 0.9469578266143799)], [[[92.0, 240.0], [183.0, 238.0], [184.0, 255.0], [92.0, 257.0]], ('Nicest Person', 0.9618527293205261)], [[[283.0, 235.0], [321.0, 235.0], [321.0, 253.0], [283.0, 253.0]], ('-0.06', 0.9622325897216797)], [[[44.0, 258.0], [63.0, 258.0], [63.0, 275.0], [44.0, 275.0]], ('16', 0.9912795424461365)], [[[93.0, 257.0], [177.0, 257.0], [177.0, 273.0], [93.0, 273.0]], ('Best Locking', 0.9338710308074951)], [[[283.0, 252.0], [322.0, 252.0], [322.0, 270.0], [283.0, 270.0]], ('-0.16', 0.9709466695785522)], [[[43.0, 274.0], [62.0, 274.0], [62.0, 293.0], [43.0, 293.0]], ('32', 0.9989028573036194)], [[[93.0, 273.0], [157.0, 273.0], [157.0, 290.0], [93.0, 290.0]], ('Best Butt', 0.9478337168693542)], [[[284.0, 270.0], [322.0, 270.0], [322.0, 287.0], [284.0, 287.0]], ('-0.32', 0.965498149394989)], [[[45.0, 292.0], [61.0, 292.0], [61.0, 307.0], [45.0, 307.0]], ('11', 0.9958505630493164)], [[[93.0, 290.0], [170.0, 290.0], [170.0, 307.0], [93.0, 307.0]], ('Great Smile', 0.9690866470336914)], [[[283.0, 286.0], [323.0, 286.0], [323.0, 304.0], [283.0, 304.0]], ('-0.11', 0.9032739400863647)], [[[105.0, 323.0], [210.0, 321.0], [211.0, 338.0], [105.0, 340.0]], ('Other Sub-iotal', 0.9121386408805847)], [[[282.0, 317.0], [324.0, 320.0], [323.0, 338.0], [281.0, 336.0]], ('-0.65', 0.9445899724960327)], [[[104.0, 357.0], [169.0, 354.0], [169.0, 372.0], [105.0, 374.0]], ('SUB TOTAL', 0.9486965537071228)], [[[291.0, 354.0], [326.0, 354.0], [326.0, 372.0], [291.0, 372.0]], ('6.09', 0.9893791079521179)], [[[104.0, 375.0], [171.0, 375.0], [171.0, 392.0], [104.0, 392.0]], ('Sales Tax', 0.951965868473053)], [[[291.0, 371.0], [326.0, 371.0], [326.0, 390.0], [291.0, 390.0]], ('0.56', 0.9949122667312622)], [[[104.0, 409.0], [153.0, 409.0], [153.0, 437.0], [104.0, 437.0]], ('TOTAL:', 0.9918630123138428)], [[[221.0, 406.0], [257.0, 406.0], [257.0, 437.0], [221.0, 437.0]], ('6.65', 0.9760124087333679)], [[[105.0, 451.0], [176.0, 453.0], [175.0, 471.0], [104.0, 469.0]], ('Thank You,', 0.945163905620575)], [[[102.0, 471.0], [165.0, 468.0], [166.0, 489.0], [103.0, 491.0]], ('Reg 1 AM', 0.899311900138855)]]
{"store_name": "TWISTEDROOTBURGERCO.-RICHARDSON", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "(214)570-9999", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "6.09", "tax": "0.56", "total": "6.65", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Turkey", "item_value": "5.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AddCheddar", "item_value": "0.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NicestPerson", "item_value": "-0.06", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BestLooking", "item_value": "-0.16", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BestButt", "item_value": "-0.32", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GreatSmile", "item_value": "-0.11", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[512.0, 25.0], [674.0, 29.0], [673.0, 65.0], [511.0, 61.0]], ('DIA%', 0.9548704624176025)], [[[277.0, 58.0], [539.0, 67.0], [538.0, 102.0], [276.0, 93.0]], ('CL ATOCHA22', 0.9576015472412109)], [[[394.0, 101.0], [788.0, 109.0], [787.0, 142.0], [394.0, 135.0]], ('FACTURA SIMPLIFICADA', 0.9833706021308899)], [[[278.0, 136.0], [902.0, 150.0], [901.0, 184.0], [278.0, 170.0]], ('30-06-2014 13:3113012 000020371', 0.956468939781189)], [[[275.0, 175.0], [904.0, 187.0], [903.0, 222.0], [274.0, 210.0]], ('N.FACT.00243914N.CAJA.002', 0.9676552414894104)], [[[198.0, 250.0], [437.0, 255.0], [436.0, 290.0], [197.0, 285.0]], ('REUTILIZABLE', 0.9963312745094299)], [[[488.0, 253.0], [556.0, 257.0], [554.0, 297.0], [485.0, 293.0]], ('DIA', 0.9991946220397949)], [[[900.0, 261.0], [986.0, 266.0], [984.0, 304.0], [898.0, 299.0]], ('0.05', 0.9962103366851807)], [[[198.0, 291.0], [437.0, 295.0], [436.0, 329.0], [198.0, 325.0]], ('REUTILIZABLE', 0.9954407811164856)], [[[488.0, 293.0], [556.0, 297.0], [554.0, 336.0], [485.0, 331.0]], ('DIA', 0.9991755485534668)], [[[900.0, 302.0], [987.0, 302.0], [987.0, 338.0], [900.0, 338.0]], ('0.05', 0.9955139756202698)], [[[199.0, 335.0], [443.0, 335.0], [443.0, 368.0], [199.0, 368.0]], ('REUTILIZABLE', 0.9962361454963684)], [[[486.0, 337.0], [556.0, 337.0], [556.0, 373.0], [486.0, 373.0]], ('DIA', 0.9991416335105896)], [[[900.0, 342.0], [985.0, 342.0], [985.0, 378.0], [900.0, 378.0]], ('0.05', 0.9946420192718506)], [[[198.0, 371.0], [566.0, 377.0], [566.0, 410.0], [198.0, 405.0]], ('ACE.OLIVA CARBONELL', 0.9680011868476868)], [[[900.0, 382.0], [985.0, 382.0], [985.0, 418.0], [900.0, 418.0]], ('2.99', 0.9972755312919617)], [[[196.0, 412.0], [568.0, 417.0], [567.0, 450.0], [196.0, 445.0]], ('YOGUR GRIEGO C/FRUT', 0.961614727973938)], [[[903.0, 423.0], [984.0, 423.0], [984.0, 455.0], [903.0, 455.0]], ('1.56', 0.9923556447029114)], [[[195.0, 452.0], [568.0, 457.0], [567.0, 490.0], [194.0, 485.0]], ('LECHE SEMID BOTE DI', 0.9412310719490051)], [[[898.0, 460.0], [984.0, 460.0], [984.0, 497.0], [898.0, 497.0]], ('0.71', 0.9952709674835205)], [[[196.0, 490.0], [568.0, 495.0], [567.0, 528.0], [196.0, 523.0]], ('BARRA PAN 6 CEREALE', 0.9381973743438721)], [[[898.0, 498.0], [984.0, 498.0], [984.0, 535.0], [898.0, 535.0]], ('0.65', 0.9958198666572571)], [[[200.0, 532.0], [568.0, 537.0], [567.0, 565.0], [199.0, 560.0]], ('JAMON SERRAN DIA 24', 0.9424560070037842)], [[[898.0, 537.0], [984.0, 537.0], [984.0, 573.0], [898.0, 573.0]], ('3.29', 0.9917173385620117)], [[[198.0, 572.0], [566.0, 575.0], [566.0, 603.0], [198.0, 600.0]], ('SALCHICHON EX ELPOZ', 0.9571611285209656)], [[[898.0, 577.0], [985.0, 577.0], [985.0, 613.0], [898.0, 613.0]], ('1.00', 0.9964092969894409)], [[[196.0, 608.0], [566.0, 612.0], [566.0, 645.0], [196.0, 642.0]], ('FILETE PECHUGA POLL', 0.9609276652336121)], [[[606.0, 611.0], [823.0, 615.0], [823.0, 649.0], [605.0, 645.0]], ('0.657KILOS', 0.9579866528511047)], [[[898.0, 613.0], [986.0, 617.0], [984.0, 656.0], [896.0, 651.0]], ('4.14', 0.9940676689147949)], [[[214.0, 643.0], [433.0, 649.0], [432.0, 684.0], [213.0, 678.0]], ('PRECIO KILO', 0.9632529616355896)], [[[622.0, 650.0], [709.0, 650.0], [709.0, 687.0], [622.0, 687.0]], ('6.30', 0.9957866668701172)], [[[196.0, 685.0], [527.0, 688.0], [526.0, 722.0], [196.0, 718.0]], ('CHAMPINON BANDEJA', 0.9832033514976501)], [[[898.0, 693.0], [982.0, 693.0], [982.0, 730.0], [898.0, 730.0]], ('1.00', 0.9981969594955444)], [[[198.0, 727.0], [547.0, 728.0], [547.0, 758.0], [198.0, 757.0]], ('SALSA BARBACOA DIA', 0.9567049741744995)], [[[896.0, 729.0], [982.0, 734.0], [980.0, 771.0], [894.0, 766.0]], ('0.92', 0.9956353902816772)], [[[198.0, 765.0], [568.0, 768.0], [567.0, 798.0], [198.0, 795.0]], ('MANZ-ROYALGALA PES', 0.9682324528694153)], [[[600.0, 765.0], [822.0, 769.0], [821.0, 804.0], [600.0, 800.0]], ('0.295 KILOS', 0.8954856395721436)], [[[895.0, 772.0], [980.0, 772.0], [980.0, 810.0], [895.0, 810.0]], ('0.52', 0.995201051235199)], [[[215.0, 800.0], [435.0, 805.0], [434.0, 840.0], [214.0, 835.0]], ('PRECIO KILO', 0.9512813687324524)], [[[622.0, 803.0], [710.0, 807.0], [708.0, 846.0], [620.0, 841.0]], ('1.75', 0.9900178909301758)], [[[198.0, 840.0], [568.0, 845.0], [567.0, 879.0], [198.0, 873.0]], ('TOMATE EN RAMA PESO', 0.9508866667747498)], [[[600.0, 845.0], [820.0, 849.0], [819.0, 884.0], [600.0, 880.0]], ('0.230KIL0S', 0.9458487629890442)], [[[893.0, 850.0], [978.0, 850.0], [978.0, 887.0], [893.0, 887.0]], ('0.29', 0.9957988262176514)], [[[213.0, 876.0], [433.0, 880.0], [433.0, 915.0], [213.0, 911.0]], ('PRECIO KILO', 0.9611201882362366)], [[[622.0, 887.0], [706.0, 887.0], [706.0, 918.0], [622.0, 918.0]], ('1.25', 0.9908204078674316)], [[[198.0, 922.0], [351.0, 922.0], [351.0, 952.0], [198.0, 952.0]], ('AGUACATE', 0.9976863861083984)], [[[600.0, 923.0], [820.0, 927.0], [819.0, 962.0], [600.0, 958.0]], ('0.185KIL0S', 0.9170857667922974)], [[[891.0, 927.0], [977.0, 927.0], [977.0, 963.0], [891.0, 963.0]], ('0.55', 0.9925122261047363)], [[[211.0, 957.0], [430.0, 957.0], [430.0, 990.0], [211.0, 990.0]], ('PRECIO KILO', 0.9617225527763367)], [[[619.0, 962.0], [706.0, 962.0], [706.0, 998.0], [619.0, 998.0]], ('2.99', 0.9951300621032715)], [[[195.0, 995.0], [564.0, 1000.0], [564.0, 1034.0], [194.0, 1028.0]], ('TOMATE FRITO FRASCO', 0.952694833278656)], [[[891.0, 1003.0], [977.0, 1003.0], [977.0, 1040.0], [891.0, 1040.0]], ('0.65', 0.9928311705589294)], [[[190.0, 1035.0], [563.0, 1040.0], [562.0, 1073.0], [189.0, 1068.0]], ('PLUMAS GALLO 50OGRS', 0.8991582989692688)], [[[893.0, 1039.0], [979.0, 1044.0], [977.0, 1082.0], [891.0, 1078.0]], ('0.78', 0.9960513710975647)], [[[190.0, 1111.0], [563.0, 1119.0], [562.0, 1154.0], [189.0, 1146.0]], ('TOTAL A PAGAR EUROS', 0.942908763885498)], [[[874.0, 1120.0], [980.0, 1120.0], [980.0, 1162.0], [874.0, 1162.0]], ('19.20', 0.9948517084121704)], [[[186.0, 1191.0], [975.0, 1205.0], [975.0, 1240.0], [186.0, 1226.0]], ('DISTRIBUIDORA INTERNACIONAL DE AL IMENTAC', 0.9658672213554382)], [[[185.0, 1230.0], [360.0, 1234.0], [359.0, 1274.0], [184.0, 1270.0]], ('IONS.A.', 0.9798606038093567)], [[[420.0, 1275.0], [701.0, 1280.0], [700.0, 1320.0], [419.0, 1315.0]], ('CIF.A28164754', 0.9582840800285339)], [[[319.0, 1353.0], [660.0, 1360.0], [659.0, 1399.0], [318.0, 1391.0]], ('DESGLOSES DEL IVA', 0.9647192358970642)], [[[182.0, 1386.0], [347.0, 1394.0], [345.0, 1434.0], [180.0, 1426.0]], ('TIPO IVA', 0.9604696035385132)], [[[476.0, 1398.0], [562.0, 1398.0], [562.0, 1437.0], [476.0, 1437.0]], ('BASE', 0.9978468418121338)], [[[714.0, 1395.0], [822.0, 1399.0], [820.0, 1440.0], [712.0, 1436.0]], ('CUOTA', 0.9949359893798828)], [[[218.0, 1426.0], [326.0, 1432.0], [324.0, 1474.0], [216.0, 1468.0]], ('4.00%', 0.9865654706954956)], [[[496.0, 1438.0], [581.0, 1438.0], [581.0, 1477.0], [496.0, 1477.0]], ('2.95', 0.998100221157074)], [[[733.0, 1436.0], [820.0, 1441.0], [818.0, 1479.0], [731.0, 1474.0]], ('0.12', 0.9948621392250061)], [[[201.0, 1464.0], [326.0, 1471.0], [324.0, 1512.0], [199.0, 1506.0]], ('10.00%', 0.9671575427055359)], [[[479.0, 1477.0], [581.0, 1477.0], [581.0, 1513.0], [479.0, 1513.0]], ('14.53', 0.9941983222961426)], [[[735.0, 1478.0], [820.0, 1478.0], [820.0, 1517.0], [735.0, 1517.0]], ('1.45', 0.9973315000534058)], [[[199.0, 1506.0], [324.0, 1510.0], [323.0, 1550.0], [197.0, 1546.0]], ('21.00%', 0.9966947436332703)], [[[493.0, 1515.0], [581.0, 1515.0], [581.0, 1553.0], [493.0, 1553.0]], ('0.12', 0.9945869445800781)], [[[733.0, 1517.0], [818.0, 1517.0], [818.0, 1555.0], [733.0, 1555.0]], ('0.03', 0.9927430748939514)]]
{"store_name": "DIA%", "store_addr": "CLATOCHA,22 FACTURASIMPLIFICADA", "telephone": "", "date": "30-06-2014", "time": "13:31", "subtotal": "", "tax": "0.12 1.45 0.03", "total": "19.20", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "REUTILIZABLE", "item_value": "0.05", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "REUTILIZABLE", "item_value": "0.05", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "REUTILIZABLE", "item_value": "0.05", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ACE.OLIVACARBONELL", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "YOGURGRIEGOC/FRUT", "item_value": "1.56", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LECHESEMIDBOTEDI", "item_value": "0.71", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BARRAPAN6CEREALE", "item_value": "0.65", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "JAMONSERRANDIA24", "item_value": "3.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SALCHICHONEXELPOZ", "item_value": "1.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FILETEPECHUGAPOLL", "item_value": "4.14", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PRECIOKILO", "item_value": "1.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHAMPINONBANDEJA", "item_value": "0.92", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SALSABARBACOADIA", "item_value": "0.52", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MANZ-ROYALGALAPES", "item_value": "0.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PRECIOKILO", "item_value": "0.55", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TOMATEENRAMAPESO", "item_value": "0.65", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PRECIOKILO", "item_value": "0.78", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AGUACATE", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PRECIOKILO", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TOMATEFRITOFRASCO", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PLUMASGALLO500GRS", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[308.0, 40.0], [446.0, 49.0], [444.0, 68.0], [307.0, 58.0]], ('RSH NU SENTRAL', 0.9434412717819214)], [[[319.0, 81.0], [441.0, 89.0], [440.0, 107.0], [318.0, 99.0]], ('03-2272 2102', 0.9531996846199036)], [[[279.0, 121.0], [486.0, 128.0], [485.0, 151.0], [278.0, 144.0]], ('Company No:239615-H', 0.9395864605903625)], [[[352.0, 163.0], [428.0, 167.0], [427.0, 190.0], [351.0, 186.0]], ('INVOICE', 0.9969071745872498)], [[[471.0, 216.0], [588.0, 231.0], [585.0, 254.0], [468.0, 238.0]], ('Terminal:001', 0.9815239906311035)], [[[179.0, 236.0], [362.0, 207.0], [367.0, 232.0], [183.0, 261.0]], ('Store:056 Tran#', 0.9232361912727356)], [[[520.0, 244.0], [592.0, 255.0], [589.0, 278.0], [516.0, 268.0]], ('9:20P', 0.924015998840332)], [[[180.0, 264.0], [280.0, 245.0], [285.0, 267.0], [185.0, 286.0]], ('06/02/2015', 0.9970758557319641)], [[[386.0, 307.0], [431.0, 307.0], [431.0, 332.0], [386.0, 332.0]], ('10', 0.867449164390564)], [[[484.0, 315.0], [550.0, 323.0], [546.0, 348.0], [481.0, 339.0]], ('199.00', 0.9937262535095215)], [[[185.0, 345.0], [243.0, 341.0], [245.0, 359.0], [186.0, 363.0]], ('18UUU', 0.6239181756973267)], [[[205.0, 367.0], [379.0, 338.0], [382.0, 360.0], [208.0, 389.0]], ('VLNEO HOOPS LO II', 0.9195114374160767)], [[[488.0, 369.0], [553.0, 376.0], [550.0, 400.0], [486.0, 393.0]], ('-39.80', 0.970971405506134)], [[[221.0, 390.0], [401.0, 362.0], [405.0, 384.0], [225.0, 413.0]], ('Line Disc.20.00%', 0.9521557092666626)], [[[543.0, 400.0], [607.0, 408.0], [604.0, 432.0], [540.0, 424.0]], ('159.20', 0.981891393661499)], [[[550.0, 455.0], [614.0, 461.0], [611.0, 485.0], [548.0, 478.0]], ('159.20', 0.9910914897918701)], [[[173.0, 472.0], [278.0, 460.0], [282.0, 485.0], [177.0, 498.0]], ('Sub Total:', 0.9137119054794312)], [[[556.0, 510.0], [620.0, 516.0], [618.0, 544.0], [553.0, 538.0]], ('159.20', 0.9866183400154114)], [[[170.0, 529.0], [233.0, 523.0], [235.0, 547.0], [172.0, 552.0]], ('Total:', 0.9901106953620911)], [[[165.0, 555.0], [223.0, 551.0], [225.0, 579.0], [167.0, 583.0]], ('Card:', 0.9875706434249878)], [[[217.0, 581.0], [268.0, 578.0], [270.0, 606.0], [218.0, 610.0]], ('VISA', 0.9984697103500366)], [[[566.0, 602.0], [631.0, 605.0], [630.0, 633.0], [565.0, 630.0]], ('159.20', 0.9925580620765686)], [[[217.0, 615.0], [347.0, 610.0], [348.0, 637.0], [218.0, 641.0]], ('Card Aprvl:', 0.9156826138496399)], [[[586.0, 638.0], [636.0, 635.0], [638.0, 661.0], [588.0, 664.0]], ('0.00', 0.9954642057418823)], [[[160.0, 648.0], [244.0, 651.0], [243.0, 679.0], [159.0, 676.0]], ('Change:', 0.993817925453186)], [[[278.0, 713.0], [527.0, 705.0], [528.0, 730.0], [279.0, 738.0]], ('TOTAL No OF ITEMS:1', 0.9006092548370361)], [[[154.0, 750.0], [328.0, 744.0], [329.0, 771.0], [154.0, 777.0]], ('Cashier: QASHA', 0.9438155889511108)], [[[200.0, 817.0], [622.0, 802.0], [623.0, 831.0], [201.0, 846.0]], ('Find us on', 0.9223291277885437)], [[[176.0, 853.0], [630.0, 836.0], [631.0, 865.0], [177.0, 881.0]], ('Merchandise sold are not refundable.', 0.9638633728027344)], [[[165.0, 886.0], [660.0, 865.0], [662.0, 898.0], [167.0, 919.0]], ('Exchange can only be made within 7 days', 0.9581015110015869)], [[[295.0, 947.0], [531.0, 934.0], [533.0, 963.0], [297.0, 975.0]], ('original condition.', 0.9821739196777344)], [[[348.0, 973.0], [476.0, 969.0], [477.0, 994.0], [348.0, 998.0]], ('06/02/2015', 0.9917936325073242)]]
{"store_name": "RSHNUSENTRAL", "store_addr": "L2.03,NuSentral,50470,KualaLumpur", "telephone": "03-22722102", "date": "06/02/2015 06/02/2015", "time": "9:20PM", "subtotal": "159.20", "tax": "", "total": "159.20 159.20", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "VLNEOHOOPSLOII", "item_value": "199.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[142.0, 31.0], [171.0, 59.0], [61.0, 175.0], [32.0, 147.0]], ('Q123RF', 0.8813273906707764)], [[[870.0, 38.0], [899.0, 65.0], [796.0, 174.0], [767.0, 147.0]], ('123RF', 0.9295095205307007)], [[[566.0, 137.0], [739.0, 137.0], [739.0, 160.0], [566.0, 160.0]], ('123543MAINST', 0.987530529499054)], [[[597.0, 162.0], [710.0, 162.0], [710.0, 186.0], [597.0, 186.0]], ('PORTCITY', 0.995110273361206)], [[[554.0, 188.0], [753.0, 188.0], [753.0, 211.0], [554.0, 211.0]], ('CALIF0RNIA 19210', 0.9410803914070129)], [[[431.0, 246.0], [689.0, 246.0], [689.0, 284.0], [431.0, 284.0]], ('SHOPPING', 0.996976912021637)], [[[681.0, 279.0], [868.0, 279.0], [868.0, 317.0], [681.0, 317.0]], ('CENTER', 0.9966767430305481)], [[[493.0, 353.0], [546.0, 353.0], [546.0, 378.0], [493.0, 378.0]], ('Mon', 0.9979822635650635)], [[[569.0, 355.0], [696.0, 355.0], [696.0, 378.0], [569.0, 378.0]], ('03/07/2017', 0.9951621890068054)], [[[720.0, 356.0], [815.0, 356.0], [815.0, 375.0], [720.0, 375.0]], ('10:45AM', 0.9695214033126831)], [[[1246.0, 399.0], [1273.0, 424.0], [1161.0, 545.0], [1133.0, 519.0]], ('123RF', 0.9306434392929077)], [[[376.0, 417.0], [451.0, 417.0], [451.0, 441.0], [376.0, 441.0]], ('19-728', 0.9935145974159241)], [[[521.0, 420.0], [749.0, 420.0], [749.0, 443.0], [521.0, 443.0]], ('Battery18V3.0Ah x2', 0.9485108256340027)], [[[849.0, 416.0], [926.0, 416.0], [926.0, 444.0], [849.0, 444.0]], ('$32.96', 0.9977436065673828)], [[[376.0, 469.0], [455.0, 469.0], [455.0, 497.0], [376.0, 497.0]], ('74-013', 0.993658721446991)], [[[521.0, 470.0], [779.0, 470.0], [779.0, 493.0], [521.0, 493.0]], ('Hard EVA Travel Case x1', 0.9353101253509521)], [[[861.0, 467.0], [926.0, 467.0], [926.0, 497.0], [861.0, 497.0]], ('$9.99', 0.9991084933280945)], [[[378.0, 523.0], [454.0, 523.0], [454.0, 547.0], [378.0, 547.0]], ('18-326', 0.9936696887016296)], [[[520.0, 524.0], [833.0, 524.0], [833.0, 547.0], [520.0, 547.0]], ('70 in 1 Magnetic Driver Kit x1', 0.9270331263542175)], [[[850.0, 523.0], [925.0, 523.0], [925.0, 546.0], [850.0, 546.0]], ('$23.99', 0.9988720417022705)], [[[379.0, 597.0], [481.0, 597.0], [481.0, 626.0], [379.0, 626.0]], ('TOTAL:', 0.9882938861846924)], [[[825.0, 596.0], [926.0, 596.0], [926.0, 626.0], [825.0, 626.0]], ('$119.88', 0.9987307786941528)], [[[379.0, 641.0], [551.0, 641.0], [551.0, 664.0], [379.0, 664.0]], ('Incl.VAT 20%', 0.9091940522193909)], [[[852.0, 638.0], [926.0, 638.0], [926.0, 666.0], [852.0, 666.0]], ('$19.98', 0.9986262321472168)], [[[381.0, 692.0], [506.0, 692.0], [506.0, 715.0], [381.0, 715.0]], ('Bank Card#', 0.9575539827346802)], [[[639.0, 695.0], [924.0, 695.0], [924.0, 714.0], [639.0, 714.0]], ('********7211', 0.7263979911804199)], [[[380.0, 730.0], [492.0, 733.0], [491.0, 757.0], [379.0, 754.0]], ('Response:', 0.9908132553100586)], [[[802.0, 731.0], [925.0, 731.0], [925.0, 754.0], [802.0, 754.0]], ('APPROVED', 0.996160089969635)], [[[143.0, 763.0], [173.0, 791.0], [63.0, 907.0], [34.0, 880.0]], ('123RF', 0.8989351391792297)], [[[379.0, 769.0], [431.0, 769.0], [431.0, 794.0], [379.0, 794.0]], ('INV.', 0.9917640089988708)], [[[452.0, 771.0], [535.0, 771.0], [535.0, 794.0], [452.0, 794.0]], ('654238', 0.9979855418205261)], [[[756.0, 768.0], [925.0, 771.0], [925.0, 795.0], [755.0, 792.0]], ('AUTH.192107', 0.9923102855682373)], [[[462.0, 849.0], [842.0, 849.0], [842.0, 872.0], [462.0, 872.0]], ('Receipts are requiredfor all refunds', 0.9830000996589661)], [[[447.0, 877.0], [857.0, 880.0], [857.0, 905.0], [447.0, 902.0]], ('Refunds must be made within 30 days', 0.9519568085670471)], [[[402.0, 1247.0], [506.0, 1148.0], [528.0, 1172.0], [425.0, 1270.0]], ('123RF', 0.8996747136116028)], [[[1129.0, 1242.0], [1239.0, 1133.0], [1263.0, 1158.0], [1154.0, 1266.0]], ('Q123RF', 0.911283016204834)]]
{"store_name": "SHOPPINGCENTER", "store_addr": "123543MAINST PORTCITY CALIFORNIA19210", "telephone": "", "date": "03/07/2017", "time": "10:45AM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "$19.98", "total": "$119.88", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Battery18V3.0Ahx2", "item_value": "$32.96", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HardEVATravelCasex1", "item_value": "$9.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "70in1MagneticDriverKitx1", "item_value": "$23.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[106.0, 52.0], [206.0, 52.0], [206.0, 77.0], [106.0, 77.0]], ('Milano', 0.9977531433105469)], [[[109.0, 79.0], [202.0, 74.0], [203.0, 88.0], [110.0, 93.0]], ('Restaurant', 0.9967001080513)], [[[85.0, 91.0], [189.0, 86.0], [189.0, 99.0], [86.0, 104.0]], ('NO.24.NEW BAZAR ROAD,', 0.8968144655227661)], [[[103.0, 101.0], [166.0, 98.0], [166.0, 111.0], [103.0, 114.0]], ('NUWARA ELIYA.', 0.8695944547653198)], [[[59.0, 113.0], [138.0, 110.0], [138.0, 123.0], [60.0, 126.0]], ('Tel0522222763', 0.9658078551292419)], [[[137.0, 111.0], [224.0, 106.0], [225.0, 120.0], [138.0, 125.0]], ('Fax0522222761', 0.9756781458854675)], [[[41.0, 127.0], [64.0, 127.0], [64.0, 138.0], [41.0, 138.0]], ('Date', 0.9819415807723999)], [[[73.0, 124.0], [137.0, 121.0], [137.0, 135.0], [73.0, 138.0]], ('28/11/2016', 0.9867396354675293)], [[[163.0, 122.0], [240.0, 118.0], [240.0, 132.0], [164.0, 136.0]], ('OperatorANTON', 0.9625593423843384)], [[[39.0, 136.0], [138.0, 133.0], [138.0, 148.0], [40.0, 150.0]], ('811No00000019', 0.8880818486213684)], [[[162.0, 134.0], [184.0, 134.0], [184.0, 146.0], [162.0, 146.0]], ('Unit', 0.9929087162017822)], [[[151.0, 145.0], [240.0, 140.0], [240.0, 154.0], [152.0, 159.0]], ('StewardSUDHAKAR', 0.8849292397499084)], [[[40.0, 149.0], [116.0, 145.0], [116.0, 159.0], [41.0, 162.0]], ('Table NoGTB15', 0.9301561713218689)], [[[41.0, 171.0], [80.0, 171.0], [80.0, 185.0], [41.0, 185.0]], ('Product', 0.9883736968040466)], [[[102.0, 171.0], [130.0, 171.0], [130.0, 182.0], [102.0, 182.0]], ('Price', 0.9947317838668823)], [[[208.0, 166.0], [240.0, 166.0], [240.0, 180.0], [208.0, 180.0]], ('Amount', 0.8961432576179504)], [[[43.0, 193.0], [148.0, 190.0], [148.0, 203.0], [43.0, 206.0]], ('451 ESPRESSO SINGLE ML', 0.8881449103355408)], [[[89.0, 203.0], [131.0, 201.0], [132.0, 215.0], [90.0, 217.0]], ('300.00', 0.9915062785148621)], [[[163.0, 202.0], [172.0, 202.0], [172.0, 213.0], [163.0, 213.0]], ('3', 0.9971591234207153)], [[[208.0, 199.0], [240.0, 197.0], [241.0, 212.0], [209.0, 214.0]], ('900.00', 0.9820418953895569)], [[[41.0, 226.0], [87.0, 226.0], [87.0, 244.0], [41.0, 244.0]], ('SUB TOTAL', 0.9416716694831848)], [[[210.0, 219.0], [245.0, 219.0], [245.0, 239.0], [210.0, 239.0]], ('900.00', 0.992811918258667)], [[[39.0, 245.0], [130.0, 241.0], [131.0, 255.0], [40.0, 259.0]], ('Service Charge 10%', 0.9349434971809387)], [[[216.0, 237.0], [245.0, 235.0], [246.0, 250.0], [217.0, 252.0]], ('90.00', 0.9786683320999146)], [[[37.0, 267.0], [84.0, 267.0], [84.0, 289.0], [37.0, 289.0]], ('SUB TOTAL', 0.9373100996017456)], [[[214.0, 260.0], [250.0, 260.0], [250.0, 283.0], [214.0, 283.0]], ('990.00', 0.9601098895072937)], [[[35.0, 289.0], [60.0, 286.0], [62.0, 301.0], [37.0, 304.0]], ('CASH', 0.9719237089157104)], [[[216.0, 282.0], [251.0, 282.0], [251.0, 296.0], [216.0, 296.0]], ('990.00', 0.9375414252281189)], [[[35.0, 303.0], [75.0, 300.0], [76.0, 314.0], [36.0, 317.0]], ('BALANCE', 0.9946971535682678)], [[[227.0, 296.0], [251.0, 296.0], [251.0, 308.0], [227.0, 308.0]], ('0.00', 0.9961630702018738)], [[[34.0, 315.0], [131.0, 310.0], [132.0, 324.0], [35.0, 329.0]], ('NOOF QTY SOLD3', 0.8794305920600891)], [[[34.0, 328.0], [130.0, 323.0], [131.0, 337.0], [35.0, 342.0]], ('TIME0429:26PM', 0.9258318543434143)], [[[92.0, 352.0], [196.0, 347.0], [197.0, 361.0], [93.0, 366.0]], ('THANK YOU COME AGAIN', 0.9394955635070801)], [[[96.0, 379.0], [197.0, 372.0], [198.0, 386.0], [97.0, 393.0]], ('Systes By onimta IT', 0.8923441171646118)], [[[100.0, 393.0], [187.0, 386.0], [188.0, 400.0], [101.0, 407.0]], ('', 0.8816990256309509)]]
{"store_name": "Milano Restaurant", "store_addr": "NO.24,NEWBAZARROAD. NUMARAELIYA", "telephone": "0522222763", "date": "28/11/2016", "time": "04:29:26PM", "subtotal": "900.00", "tax": "90.00", "total": "990.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "ESPRESSOSINGLEML", "item_value": "900.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Product", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[103.0, 14.0], [205.0, 14.0], [205.0, 62.0], [103.0, 62.0]], ('saras', 0.9952877759933472)], [[[104.0, 59.0], [205.0, 56.0], [206.0, 69.0], [104.0, 72.0]], ('MoDUs Food services', 0.8645133972167969)], [[[103.0, 69.0], [204.0, 67.0], [205.0, 80.0], [103.0, 82.0]], ('ThaiTand) co.Ltd.', 0.7933400273323059)], [[[74.0, 80.0], [231.0, 76.0], [232.0, 90.0], [74.0, 95.0]], ('15.1st FloorSukhvst Soi 20', 0.8819745182991028)], [[[91.0, 90.0], [218.0, 88.0], [218.0, 102.0], [91.0, 105.0]], ('Sukhuavit RoadKlongtoey', 0.8325250148773193)], [[[115.0, 103.0], [185.0, 100.0], [185.0, 111.0], [115.0, 114.0]], ('Bangkok 10110', 0.9249516129493713)], [[[116.0, 112.0], [193.0, 110.0], [193.0, 124.0], [116.0, 126.0]], ('Te102-401-8484', 0.9290732145309448)], [[[102.0, 134.0], [203.0, 133.0], [203.0, 147.0], [102.0, 148.0]], ('TAX ID0105592127977', 0.9383365511894226)], [[[111.0, 147.0], [198.0, 146.0], [198.0, 157.0], [111.0, 158.0]], ('TAX Invoice ABB', 0.7567102909088135)], [[[256.0, 145.0], [274.0, 145.0], [274.0, 153.0], [256.0, 153.0]], ('Mell', 0.5839858055114746)], [[[82.0, 185.0], [130.0, 185.0], [130.0, 196.0], [82.0, 196.0]], ('Table:9', 0.9069766402244568)], [[[145.0, 184.0], [226.0, 184.0], [226.0, 197.0], [145.0, 197.0]], ('Check:00205', 0.9527284502983093)], [[[74.0, 198.0], [139.0, 198.0], [139.0, 209.0], [74.0, 209.0]], ('Open BytLane', 0.8816471695899963)], [[[142.0, 198.0], [238.0, 198.0], [238.0, 208.0], [142.0, 208.0]], ('Rrint at SRSBKK-0', 0.8399555683135986)], [[[73.0, 208.0], [214.0, 208.0], [214.0, 221.0], [73.0, 221.0]], ('Cpen Time11/11/17 2112', 0.8563622832298279)], [[[73.0, 219.0], [213.0, 218.0], [213.0, 231.0], [73.0, 232.0]], ('Print e 11/11/172112', 0.8192116022109985)], [[[72.0, 243.0], [114.0, 243.0], [114.0, 254.0], [72.0, 254.0]], ('Dty Nane', 0.8468992114067078)], [[[169.0, 241.0], [198.0, 243.0], [197.0, 254.0], [168.0, 252.0]], ('Price', 0.933995246887207)], [[[210.0, 240.0], [237.0, 242.0], [236.0, 254.0], [209.0, 252.0]], ('Total', 0.9752295613288879)], [[[91.0, 264.0], [144.0, 264.0], [144.0, 274.0], [91.0, 274.0]], ('Daal Tadka', 0.8686643838882446)], [[[170.0, 264.0], [188.0, 264.0], [188.0, 276.0], [170.0, 276.0]], ('235', 0.9968867301940918)], [[[205.0, 265.0], [239.0, 265.0], [239.0, 276.0], [205.0, 276.0]], ('470.00', 0.989959180355072)], [[[90.0, 275.0], [189.0, 275.0], [189.0, 288.0], [90.0, 288.0]], ('Paneer Sutter M 285', 0.8764669299125671)], [[[205.0, 277.0], [239.0, 277.0], [239.0, 288.0], [205.0, 288.0]], ('285.00', 0.9753506183624268)], [[[91.0, 288.0], [143.0, 288.0], [143.0, 298.0], [91.0, 298.0]], ('Aloo Methi', 0.8679724931716919)], [[[170.0, 287.0], [188.0, 287.0], [188.0, 299.0], [170.0, 299.0]], ('210', 0.9978365898132324)], [[[205.0, 285.0], [239.0, 288.0], [238.0, 302.0], [204.0, 299.0]], ('210.00', 0.9892099499702454)], [[[91.0, 299.0], [126.0, 299.0], [126.0, 310.0], [91.0, 310.0]], ('Phulka', 0.9732639789581299)], [[[170.0, 298.0], [185.0, 298.0], [185.0, 311.0], [170.0, 311.0]], ('40', 0.996631920337677)], [[[205.0, 297.0], [238.0, 300.0], [237.0, 314.0], [204.0, 311.0]], ('240.00', 0.9835531115531921)], [[[91.0, 310.0], [149.0, 310.0], [149.0, 321.0], [91.0, 321.0]], ('Butter Naan', 0.9302326440811157)], [[[170.0, 309.0], [184.0, 309.0], [184.0, 322.0], [170.0, 322.0]], ('75', 0.9945663213729858)], [[[209.0, 310.0], [240.0, 310.0], [240.0, 324.0], [209.0, 324.0]], ('750', 0.5635214447975159)], [[[259.0, 310.0], [291.0, 310.0], [291.0, 321.0], [259.0, 321.0]], ('E333', 0.7147781848907471)], [[[305.0, 306.0], [336.0, 306.0], [336.0, 317.0], [305.0, 317.0]], ('ALR', 0.5103380084037781)], [[[91.0, 319.0], [160.0, 322.0], [159.0, 336.0], [90.0, 333.0]], ('Tendoori Rot', 0.9046812653541565)], [[[170.0, 321.0], [184.0, 321.0], [184.0, 333.0], [170.0, 333.0]], ('55', 0.9836139678955078)], [[[210.0, 321.0], [240.0, 321.0], [240.0, 335.0], [210.0, 335.0]], ('55.00', 0.9834082722663879)], [[[90.0, 331.0], [183.0, 333.0], [183.0, 346.0], [90.0, 344.0]], ('Mineral WaterL 25', 0.8432178497314453)], [[[210.0, 333.0], [241.0, 333.0], [241.0, 348.0], [210.0, 348.0]], ('25.00', 0.9694356918334961)], [[[119.0, 365.0], [180.0, 368.0], [179.0, 382.0], [119.0, 380.0]], ('Item Total:', 0.8548917174339294)], [[[193.0, 366.0], [240.0, 369.0], [240.0, 383.0], [193.0, 380.0]], ('1.360.00', 0.9007282853126526)], [[[140.0, 381.0], [179.0, 381.0], [179.0, 392.0], [140.0, 392.0]], ('Tax7%', 0.9040035009384155)], [[[211.0, 379.0], [240.0, 382.0], [239.0, 394.0], [210.0, 391.0]], ('95.20', 0.991254448890686)], [[[91.0, 402.0], [158.0, 406.0], [157.0, 417.0], [90.0, 413.0]], ('Pay Aeount:', 0.7934449911117554)], [[[112.0, 412.0], [154.0, 415.0], [153.0, 429.0], [111.0, 426.0]], ('walk-In', 0.9073061943054199)], [[[195.0, 408.0], [240.0, 408.0], [240.0, 418.0], [195.0, 418.0]], ('1,455.20', 0.9562325477600098)]]
{"store_name": "saras", "store_addr": "Bangkok10110 15,1stFloor,SukhumvitSoi20,", "telephone": "02-401-8484", "date": "11/11/17 11/11/17", "time": "21:12 21:12", "subtotal": "1,360.00", "tax": "95.20", "total": "1,455.20", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "MineralWater/L25", "item_value": "25.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TandooriRotl55", "item_value": "55.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ButterNaan75", "item_value": "75.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Phulke40", "item_value": "240.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AlooKethi210", "item_value": "210.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PaneerButterM285", "item_value": "285.0O", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DaalTadka235", "item_value": "470.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Name", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[103.0, 141.0], [278.0, 145.0], [278.0, 172.0], [102.0, 168.0]], ('TIN:50-04341-0-5', 0.9016780257225037)], [[[104.0, 164.0], [236.0, 171.0], [235.0, 192.0], [103.0, 185.0]], ('BUS NoEZ722', 0.938490092754364)], [[[103.0, 186.0], [206.0, 191.0], [205.0, 212.0], [102.0, 207.0]], ('Mode:Cash', 0.9671897888183594)], [[[102.0, 211.0], [256.0, 211.0], [256.0, 232.0], [102.0, 232.0]], ('Amount:$2.00', 0.9388303756713867)], [[[100.0, 233.0], [195.0, 233.0], [195.0, 254.0], [100.0, 254.0]], ('Stage:42', 0.9781553745269775)], [[[100.0, 256.0], [361.0, 251.0], [361.0, 272.0], [100.0, 277.0]], ('Time:2014.10.16 13:57:5', 0.9132545590400696)], [[[98.0, 280.0], [217.0, 277.0], [218.0, 301.0], [99.0, 304.0]], ('Type:Adult', 0.9499672651290894)], [[[97.0, 305.0], [278.0, 298.0], [279.0, 320.0], [98.0, 328.0]], ('Driver:Navin Lal', 0.9352391362190247)], [[[97.0, 329.0], [370.0, 318.0], [371.0, 342.0], [98.0, 353.0]], ('Please produce on demand', 0.9526470303535461)]]
{"store_name": "TaciruaTransportCo.Ltd", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "2014.10.16", "time": "13:57:51", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "$2.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[73.0, 4.0], [131.0, 0.0], [133.0, 17.0], [75.0, 23.0]], ('1545', 0.9759324789047241)], [[[83.0, 19.0], [202.0, 20.0], [202.0, 34.0], [83.0, 33.0]], ('ARHAH RESTAURANT LLP', 0.9268498420715332)], [[[60.0, 31.0], [220.0, 33.0], [219.0, 47.0], [59.0, 45.0]], ('11712.Raghuvansh1 Mi11 Compound', 0.8997086882591248)], [[[87.0, 43.0], [190.0, 46.0], [189.0, 61.0], [86.0, 58.0]], ('Senapati Bapat Marg', 0.9181479215621948)], [[[64.0, 57.0], [212.0, 58.0], [212.0, 72.0], [64.0, 71.0]], ('Lower Pare1w)Mubai 400013', 0.8356032371520996)], [[[84.0, 69.0], [191.0, 71.0], [191.0, 85.0], [83.0, 83.0]], ('Ph24923001.24924001', 0.9496555328369141)], [[[97.0, 82.0], [176.0, 86.0], [175.0, 100.0], [97.0, 96.0]], ('TAX INVOICE', 0.9564208388328552)], [[[33.0, 93.0], [115.0, 96.0], [115.0, 110.0], [32.0, 107.0]], ('Date14/02/18', 0.9897159934043884)], [[[136.0, 97.0], [202.0, 97.0], [202.0, 111.0], [136.0, 111.0]], ('811 NO.9', 0.7465980052947998)], [[[34.0, 107.0], [80.0, 107.0], [80.0, 122.0], [34.0, 122.0]], ('T.No.7', 0.804804801940918)], [[[135.0, 108.0], [208.0, 108.0], [208.0, 126.0], [135.0, 126.0]], ('.NO.1', 0.5715371370315552)], [[[33.0, 132.0], [94.0, 135.0], [94.0, 149.0], [32.0, 146.0]], ('Particulars', 0.9836595058441162)], [[[147.0, 135.0], [231.0, 135.0], [231.0, 149.0], [147.0, 149.0]], ('Qty Rate Amount', 0.9187361001968384)], [[[34.0, 157.0], [124.0, 160.0], [123.0, 174.0], [33.0, 171.0]], ('TOMATO BASIL SOUP', 0.9443244934082031)], [[[33.0, 169.0], [128.0, 172.0], [127.0, 187.0], [32.0, 184.0]], ('B10 SEV PURI TACOS', 0.8906803131103516)], [[[157.0, 170.0], [190.0, 173.0], [189.0, 189.0], [156.0, 186.0]], ('1225', 0.9703717231750488)], [[[171.0, 161.0], [191.0, 161.0], [191.0, 175.0], [171.0, 175.0]], ('199', 0.9987492561340332)], [[[215.0, 161.0], [230.0, 161.0], [230.0, 175.0], [215.0, 175.0]], ('661', 0.8582274913787842)], [[[32.0, 183.0], [114.0, 185.0], [114.0, 198.0], [32.0, 196.0]], ('CRISPY ALOD CUP', 0.9341105818748474)], [[[214.0, 174.0], [229.0, 174.0], [229.0, 188.0], [214.0, 188.0]], ('225', 0.9923202395439148)], [[[32.0, 195.0], [124.0, 197.0], [123.0, 211.0], [32.0, 209.0]], ('D4 STUFFED PANEER', 0.933500349521637)], [[[171.0, 186.0], [189.0, 186.0], [189.0, 199.0], [171.0, 199.0]], ('250', 0.998145341873169)], [[[214.0, 186.0], [230.0, 186.0], [230.0, 200.0], [214.0, 200.0]], ('250', 0.9979376792907715)], [[[170.0, 199.0], [188.0, 199.0], [188.0, 212.0], [170.0, 212.0]], ('275', 0.9905713200569153)], [[[212.0, 197.0], [231.0, 197.0], [231.0, 214.0], [212.0, 214.0]], ('275', 0.9927238821983337)], [[[28.0, 218.0], [111.0, 220.0], [111.0, 234.0], [28.0, 232.0]], ('D7 HANDWA PIZZA', 0.9111554622650146)], [[[155.0, 218.0], [191.0, 221.0], [190.0, 236.0], [154.0, 233.0]], ('1300', 0.9809207916259766)], [[[214.0, 221.0], [231.0, 223.0], [230.0, 238.0], [212.0, 235.0]], ('300', 0.984283447265625)], [[[26.0, 231.0], [107.0, 232.0], [107.0, 246.0], [26.0, 245.0]], ('A6 DAL PAKWAAN', 0.917345404624939)], [[[168.0, 233.0], [191.0, 233.0], [191.0, 248.0], [168.0, 248.0]], ('250', 0.9958872199058533)], [[[214.0, 233.0], [233.0, 233.0], [233.0, 250.0], [214.0, 250.0]], ('250', 0.9834592342376709)], [[[25.0, 244.0], [138.0, 245.0], [138.0, 259.0], [25.0, 258.0]], ('A8.DABELI BRUSCHETTA', 0.9302002787590027)], [[[152.0, 246.0], [191.0, 246.0], [191.0, 261.0], [152.0, 261.0]], ('1275', 0.9573183059692383)], [[[215.0, 247.0], [234.0, 247.0], [234.0, 263.0], [215.0, 263.0]], ('275', 0.9943946003913879)], [[[116.0, 270.0], [175.0, 272.0], [174.0, 287.0], [116.0, 285.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9094025492668152)], [[[195.0, 272.0], [235.0, 272.0], [235.0, 287.0], [195.0, 287.0]], ('1774.00', 0.9932647943496704)], [[[95.0, 285.0], [182.0, 287.0], [182.0, 301.0], [95.0, 299.0]], ('Food Dis @50%', 0.8919462561607361)], [[[200.0, 285.0], [237.0, 288.0], [236.0, 303.0], [199.0, 300.0]], ('887.00', 0.9713332653045654)], [[[115.0, 313.0], [172.0, 313.0], [172.0, 327.0], [115.0, 327.0]], ('Net Total', 0.9089049100875854)], [[[201.0, 314.0], [239.0, 314.0], [239.0, 329.0], [201.0, 329.0]], ('887.00', 0.8818262219429016)], [[[114.0, 326.0], [183.0, 329.0], [183.0, 344.0], [114.0, 341.0]], ('S.C.10%', 0.943837583065033)], [[[201.0, 329.0], [239.0, 329.0], [239.0, 345.0], [201.0, 345.0]], ('177.00', 0.995020866394043)], [[[110.0, 342.0], [182.0, 345.0], [182.0, 359.0], [109.0, 356.0]], ('G.S.T.05%', 0.8304052948951721)], [[[207.0, 344.0], [241.0, 344.0], [241.0, 362.0], [207.0, 362.0]], ('44.35', 0.9941375851631165)], [[[17.0, 372.0], [48.0, 372.0], [48.0, 387.0], [17.0, 387.0]], ('7/7/5', 0.9929481744766235)], [[[48.0, 370.0], [148.0, 374.0], [147.0, 391.0], [48.0, 388.0]], ('Grand Total', 0.9475545287132263)], [[[191.0, 371.0], [241.0, 374.0], [240.0, 392.0], [190.0, 389.0]], ('1108', 0.9968768954277039)], [[[17.0, 400.0], [154.0, 406.0], [153.0, 420.0], [16.0, 414.0]], ('GSTNO27ABCFA5632P1Z5', 0.954753577709198)], [[[17.0, 411.0], [66.0, 416.0], [64.0, 431.0], [16.0, 426.0]], ('3083', 0.7661783695220947)], [[[179.0, 406.0], [241.0, 406.0], [241.0, 420.0], [179.0, 420.0]], ('09:33PM', 0.9242863655090332)], [[[101.0, 416.0], [243.0, 420.0], [242.0, 437.0], [100.0, 433.0]], ('PLESURE SERVING YOU', 0.9423277974128723)]]
{"store_name": "ARHAMRESTAURANTLLP", "store_addr": "11/12.RaghuvanshiMillCompound SenapatlBapatMarg LowerParel(W),Numbai400013", "telephone": "24923001,24924001", "date": "14/02/18", "time": "(09:33PM)", "subtotal": "1774.00", "tax": "44.35", "total": "1108", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "TOMATOBASILSOUP", "item_value": "199", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BIOSEVPURITACOS", "item_value": "225", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CRISPYALOOCUP", "item_value": "250", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "D4STUFFEDPANEER", "item_value": "275", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHILLA", "item_value": "300", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "D7HANDWAPIZZA", "item_value": "250", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "A6DALPAKWAAN", "item_value": "275", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "A8DABELIBRUSCHETTA", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "Partioulars", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[22.0, 83.0], [205.0, 83.0], [205.0, 96.0], [22.0, 96.0]], ('S/PREF DE VILLEFRANCHE DE RGUE', 0.9486103057861328)], [[[23.0, 100.0], [75.0, 100.0], [75.0, 111.0], [23.0, 111.0]], ('B.P.393', 0.9520835280418396)], [[[22.0, 114.0], [205.0, 114.0], [205.0, 128.0], [22.0, 128.0]], ('12203 VILLEFRANCHE DE ROUERGUE', 0.9507537484169006)], [[[23.0, 131.0], [123.0, 131.0], [123.0, 144.0], [23.0, 144.0]], ('TEL:', 0.9667235612869263)], [[[21.0, 146.0], [264.0, 147.0], [264.0, 160.0], [21.0, 159.0]], ('**********************************', 0.7535942196846008)], [[[22.0, 163.0], [106.0, 163.0], [106.0, 177.0], [22.0, 177.0]], ('Guichet3', 0.9874570369720459)], [[[144.0, 163.0], [181.0, 163.0], [181.0, 177.0], [144.0, 177.0]], ('<INST>', 0.9493247866630554)], [[[20.0, 179.0], [52.0, 179.0], [52.0, 193.0], [20.0, 193.0]], ('Date', 0.9917275309562683)], [[[60.0, 180.0], [145.0, 180.0], [145.0, 193.0], [60.0, 193.0]], ('08.06.95', 0.9856090545654297)], [[[171.0, 180.0], [206.0, 180.0], [206.0, 194.0], [171.0, 194.0]], ('11h05', 0.8941688537597656)], [[[20.0, 195.0], [94.0, 197.0], [93.0, 210.0], [20.0, 208.0]], ('Bordereau:', 0.951888382434845)], [[[131.0, 196.0], [146.0, 196.0], [146.0, 209.0], [131.0, 209.0]], ('13', 0.9991717338562012)], [[[22.0, 228.0], [146.0, 228.0], [146.0, 241.0], [22.0, 241.0]], ('CARTE GRISEPRIMATA', 0.9660979509353638)], [[[22.0, 243.0], [68.0, 243.0], [68.0, 257.0], [22.0, 257.0]], ('VOITURE', 0.9970688819885254)], [[[27.0, 259.0], [117.0, 259.0], [117.0, 273.0], [27.0, 273.0]], ('5 CV +10ANS', 0.8563417196273804)], [[[166.0, 260.0], [206.0, 260.0], [206.0, 275.0], [166.0, 275.0]], ('375,00', 0.9455735087394714)], [[[21.0, 276.0], [92.0, 276.0], [92.0, 290.0], [21.0, 290.0]], ('Pour 3324LN', 0.9382627010345459)], [[[22.0, 293.0], [232.0, 293.0], [232.0, 305.0], [22.0, 305.0]], ('************', 0.5823056101799011)], [[[20.0, 308.0], [50.0, 308.0], [50.0, 323.0], [20.0, 323.0]], ('Regu', 0.9060475826263428)], [[[166.0, 308.0], [206.0, 308.0], [206.0, 323.0], [166.0, 323.0]], ('380,00', 0.9146624207496643)], [[[20.0, 324.0], [56.0, 324.0], [56.0, 339.0], [20.0, 339.0]], ('Rendu', 0.9911673665046692)], [[[176.0, 323.0], [208.0, 323.0], [208.0, 341.0], [176.0, 341.0]], ('5,00', 0.9337288737297058)], [[[20.0, 356.0], [62.0, 354.0], [63.0, 369.0], [21.0, 371.0]], ('3324LN', 0.979937732219696)], [[[87.0, 374.0], [194.0, 374.0], [194.0, 384.0], [87.0, 384.0]], ('**************', 0.6750770807266235)]]
{"store_name": "S/PREFDEVILLEFRANCHEDERGUE", "store_addr": "12203VILLEFRANCHEDEROUERGUE", "telephone": "", "date": "08.06.95", "time": "11h05", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "VOITURE", "item_value": "375,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CARTEGRISEPRIMATA", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[130.0, 8.0], [305.0, 22.0], [303.0, 44.0], [128.0, 30.0]], ('CHECK #925117', 0.9586389064788818)], [[[329.0, 6.0], [601.0, 5.0], [601.0, 27.0], [330.0, 28.0]], ('********************', 0.7129379510879517)], [[[129.0, 35.0], [256.0, 44.0], [254.0, 67.0], [127.0, 57.0]], ('TABLE #30', 0.9452709555625916)], [[[431.0, 32.0], [592.0, 27.0], [593.0, 53.0], [431.0, 58.0]], ('DATE5/08/17', 0.9955570101737976)], [[[115.0, 62.0], [231.0, 72.0], [229.0, 91.0], [113.0, 82.0]], ('*********', 0.9397293925285339)], [[[434.0, 60.0], [487.0, 60.0], [487.0, 83.0], [434.0, 83.0]], ('TIME', 0.9985483288764954)], [[[498.0, 58.0], [594.0, 55.0], [595.0, 78.0], [499.0, 80.0]], ('712PM', 0.9832025766372681)], [[[266.0, 72.0], [450.0, 87.0], [448.0, 116.0], [263.0, 101.0]], ('DUPLICATE CHECK', 0.9752947688102722)], [[[495.0, 86.0], [607.0, 81.0], [608.0, 102.0], [496.0, 107.0]], ('*********', 0.8851525187492371)], [[[280.0, 157.0], [464.0, 170.0], [462.0, 202.0], [277.0, 189.0]], ('1.PUBHEATHER', 0.9909539222717285)], [[[177.0, 208.0], [342.0, 224.0], [340.0, 249.0], [175.0, 234.0]], ('ITEMS ORDERED', 0.9664727449417114)], [[[535.0, 222.0], [614.0, 218.0], [616.0, 248.0], [537.0, 252.0]], ('AMOUNT', 0.9967489838600159)], [[[175.0, 269.0], [319.0, 281.0], [317.0, 307.0], [173.0, 295.0]], ('1 PRAWNS 12', 0.9175122976303101)], [[[561.0, 281.0], [619.0, 278.0], [620.0, 307.0], [563.0, 310.0]], ('6.60', 0.9928948879241943)], [[[175.0, 301.0], [416.0, 318.0], [414.0, 343.0], [173.0, 326.0]], ('1 BREW HOUSE BURGER', 0.9322392344474792)], [[[553.0, 313.0], [618.0, 309.0], [620.0, 337.0], [554.0, 341.0]], ('12.65', 0.9965453147888184)], [[[173.0, 332.0], [367.0, 344.0], [365.0, 370.0], [172.0, 358.0]], ('1 BARON OF BEEP', 0.8665698766708374)], [[[553.0, 344.0], [621.0, 341.0], [622.0, 369.0], [554.0, 372.0]], ('13.95', 0.9959591627120972)], [[[173.0, 363.0], [319.0, 371.0], [318.0, 397.0], [172.0, 390.0]], ('1 LARGE POP', 0.9233554601669312)], [[[564.0, 374.0], [621.0, 371.0], [622.0, 400.0], [565.0, 403.0]], ('2.95', 0.9908647537231445)], [[[171.0, 394.0], [308.0, 400.0], [307.0, 429.0], [170.0, 423.0]], ('1 FM LAGER', 0.9221979379653931)], [[[567.0, 404.0], [624.0, 404.0], [624.0, 433.0], [567.0, 433.0]], ('4.34', 0.9840517640113831)], [[[100.0, 460.0], [625.0, 468.0], [625.0, 496.0], [99.0, 487.0]], ('****************************************', 0.9735319018363953)], [[[155.0, 526.0], [368.0, 529.0], [367.0, 558.0], [155.0, 555.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9961758852005005)], [[[498.0, 530.0], [625.0, 528.0], [625.0, 557.0], [499.0, 559.0]], ('40.49', 0.9966608285903931)], [[[290.0, 560.0], [369.0, 560.0], [369.0, 591.0], [290.0, 591.0]], ('GST', 0.9963278770446777)], [[[526.0, 561.0], [624.0, 561.0], [624.0, 588.0], [526.0, 588.0]], ('1.81', 0.9691025614738464)], [[[291.0, 594.0], [369.0, 594.0], [369.0, 622.0], [291.0, 622.0]], ('SST', 0.9897544980049133)], [[[525.0, 594.0], [628.0, 594.0], [628.0, 621.0], [525.0, 621.0]], ('0.44', 0.9892347455024719)], [[[97.0, 627.0], [369.0, 627.0], [369.0, 656.0], [97.0, 656.0]], ('LIQUOR GST', 0.9461480975151062)], [[[526.0, 627.0], [631.0, 627.0], [631.0, 654.0], [526.0, 654.0]], ('0.22', 0.9917852878570557)], [[[122.0, 734.0], [369.0, 727.0], [370.0, 756.0], [123.0, 763.0]], ('TOTALDUE', 0.993937611579895)], [[[506.0, 725.0], [638.0, 725.0], [638.0, 755.0], [506.0, 755.0]], ('42.96', 0.9937175512313843)], [[[575.0, 793.0], [646.0, 793.0], [646.0, 825.0], [575.0, 825.0]], ('-0.01', 0.9787527322769165)], [[[577.0, 829.0], [649.0, 829.0], [649.0, 861.0], [577.0, 861.0]], ('42.95', 0.9957963228225708)], [[[189.0, 840.0], [372.0, 830.0], [374.0, 862.0], [191.0, 872.0]], ('ROUNDED TOTAL', 0.9614695310592651)], [[[85.0, 990.0], [572.0, 969.0], [573.0, 1001.0], [86.0, 1022.0]], ('PLEASE FILL OUT THIS RECEIPT FOR A', 0.9363479018211365)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "5/08/17", "time": "7:12PM", "subtotal": "40.49", "tax": "1.81 0.44 0.22", "total": "42.96", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PRAWNS12", "item_value": "6.60", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BREWHOUSEBURGER", "item_value": "12.65", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BARONOFBEEF", "item_value": "13.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LARGEPOP", "item_value": "2.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FMLAGER", "item_value": "4.34", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "ITEMSORDERED", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[132.0, 37.0], [294.0, 39.0], [294.0, 53.0], [132.0, 51.0]], ('LION CITYSTORE', 0.9650463461875916)], [[[141.0, 53.0], [308.0, 56.0], [308.0, 71.0], [141.0, 68.0]], ('Authorised Money Changer', 0.9484983086585999)], [[[79.0, 72.0], [232.0, 73.0], [232.0, 87.0], [79.0, 86.0]], ('#BI-02/03.LUCKY PLAZA', 0.903442919254303)], [[[78.0, 88.0], [196.0, 88.0], [196.0, 102.0], [78.0, 102.0]], ('304,ORCHARD RD,', 0.9195589423179626)], [[[76.0, 103.0], [199.0, 103.0], [199.0, 116.0], [76.0, 116.0]], ('SINGAPORE 238863', 0.9578369855880737)], [[[76.0, 118.0], [255.0, 118.0], [255.0, 132.0], [76.0, 132.0]], ('Tel67341782 Fax:67349067', 0.9497313499450684)], [[[75.0, 134.0], [193.0, 134.0], [193.0, 149.0], [75.0, 149.0]], ('ROCNo.06507200J', 0.9899864196777344)], [[[73.0, 151.0], [187.0, 149.0], [188.0, 165.0], [73.0, 167.0]], ('License No.005544', 0.9671089053153992)], [[[77.0, 184.0], [141.0, 184.0], [141.0, 198.0], [77.0, 198.0]], ('Receipt No..', 0.8945574760437012)], [[[162.0, 182.0], [320.0, 178.0], [320.0, 195.0], [163.0, 198.0]], ('146760 Operator ID:ANWA', 0.9079617857933044)], [[[76.0, 198.0], [145.0, 200.0], [144.0, 218.0], [76.0, 215.0]], ('Date &Time', 0.9471694827079773)], [[[164.0, 200.0], [298.0, 200.0], [298.0, 214.0], [164.0, 214.0]], ('27/03/201602.56:21 PM', 0.9376574754714966)], [[[83.0, 231.0], [199.0, 231.0], [199.0, 245.0], [83.0, 245.0]], ('Description FAmount', 0.9774548411369324)], [[[220.0, 231.0], [249.0, 231.0], [249.0, 246.0], [220.0, 246.0]], ('Rate', 0.992331862449646)], [[[295.0, 230.0], [334.0, 230.0], [334.0, 248.0], [295.0, 248.0]], ('SGD$', 0.9676262736320496)], [[[84.0, 255.0], [253.0, 259.0], [253.0, 276.0], [83.0, 273.0]], ('BUY HONKONG DOLLAR', 0.9485275745391846)], [[[83.0, 278.0], [133.0, 278.0], [133.0, 293.0], [83.0, 293.0]], ('7,000.00', 0.9141367077827454)], [[[180.0, 278.0], [238.0, 280.0], [237.0, 298.0], [179.0, 295.0]], ('0.150000', 0.9878261089324951)], [[[283.0, 280.0], [342.0, 282.0], [341.0, 301.0], [282.0, 298.0]], ('1,050.00', 0.9729890823364258)], [[[86.0, 300.0], [169.0, 304.0], [168.0, 322.0], [85.0, 319.0]], ('To pay SGD', 0.9320810437202454)], [[[276.0, 307.0], [341.0, 311.0], [340.0, 328.0], [275.0, 325.0]], ('1,050.00', 0.937835693359375)], [[[94.0, 330.0], [344.0, 341.0], [343.0, 355.0], [94.0, 344.0]], ('Please check and verify your amount', 0.9431045651435852)], [[[95.0, 343.0], [210.0, 348.0], [209.0, 360.0], [95.0, 357.0]], ('before leaving the', 0.9577783942222595)]]
{"store_name": "LIONCITYSTORE", "store_addr": "#BI-02/03,LUCKYPLAZA 304,ORCHARDRD, SINGAPORE238863", "telephone": "67341782", "date": "27/03/2016", "time": "02:56:21PM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "1,050.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BUYHONKONGDOLLAR", "item_value": "1,050.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[60.0, 22.0], [264.0, 23.0], [264.0, 37.0], [60.0, 36.0]], ('Fecha 07/02/2016 Hora 18:28:34', 0.918137788772583)], [[[99.0, 37.0], [211.0, 38.0], [210.0, 51.0], [99.0, 50.0]], ('PROFORMA', 0.9702439308166504)], [[[18.0, 51.0], [125.0, 51.0], [125.0, 65.0], [18.0, 65.0]], ('Caja 1 #400018', 0.9179124236106873)], [[[18.0, 67.0], [129.0, 67.0], [129.0, 80.0], [18.0, 80.0]], ('Cliente: Contado', 0.915718674659729)], [[[17.0, 82.0], [246.0, 82.0], [246.0, 96.0], [17.0, 96.0]], ('Emp leado 0P Manager.2 personas', 0.9066771268844604)], [[[15.0, 99.0], [124.0, 99.0], [124.0, 123.0], [15.0, 123.0]], ('LOBBY Mesa L302', 0.9453413486480713)], [[[12.0, 137.0], [48.0, 137.0], [48.0, 155.0], [12.0, 155.0]], ('#ART.', 0.8946797251701355)], [[[254.0, 136.0], [274.0, 136.0], [274.0, 152.0], [254.0, 152.0]], ('PU', 0.9678492546081543)], [[[290.0, 135.0], [315.0, 135.0], [315.0, 150.0], [290.0, 150.0]], ('IMP', 0.993049681186676)], [[[9.0, 170.0], [57.0, 170.0], [57.0, 184.0], [9.0, 184.0]], ('2AGUA', 0.9096301198005676)], [[[239.0, 167.0], [319.0, 165.0], [319.0, 182.0], [240.0, 184.0]], ('2.004.00', 0.9959217309951782)], [[[8.0, 187.0], [135.0, 185.0], [136.0, 199.0], [8.0, 201.0]], ('1 TABLA VARIADA 2', 0.900553286075592)], [[[240.0, 183.0], [320.0, 181.0], [320.0, 198.0], [241.0, 200.0]], ('7.857.05', 0.9418635964393616)], [[[7.0, 202.0], [172.0, 201.0], [172.0, 217.0], [7.0, 219.0]], ('1 CESTA PAN Y PIQUITOS', 0.9219184517860413)], [[[242.0, 200.0], [321.0, 200.0], [321.0, 217.0], [242.0, 217.0]], ('1.501.50', 0.9895421266555786)], [[[7.0, 220.0], [149.0, 220.0], [149.0, 234.0], [7.0, 234.0]], ('1VIRUTAS SOLOMILLO', 0.9293432235717773)], [[[238.0, 219.0], [322.0, 217.0], [322.0, 232.0], [238.0, 233.0]], ('10.0510.85', 0.9358116984367371)], [[[6.0, 238.0], [170.0, 236.0], [170.0, 250.0], [6.0, 252.0]], ('1 HAMBURGUESA LnEXPERI', 0.9146615862846375)], [[[240.0, 236.0], [323.0, 236.0], [323.0, 250.0], [240.0, 250.0]], ('10.6510.65', 0.9731504321098328)], [[[5.0, 256.0], [127.0, 256.0], [127.0, 270.0], [5.0, 270.0]], ('1POCO HECHO', 0.9336209893226624)], [[[245.0, 253.0], [326.0, 253.0], [326.0, 270.0], [245.0, 270.0]], ('0.000.00', 0.9935582876205444)], [[[3.0, 295.0], [79.0, 295.0], [79.0, 323.0], [3.0, 323.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9985488653182983)], [[[189.0, 292.0], [329.0, 292.0], [329.0, 319.0], [189.0, 319.0]], ('34.85 EUR', 0.8619813919067383)]]
{"store_name": "PROFORMA", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "07/02/2016", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "34,85EUR", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "AGUA", "item_value": "4.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TABLAVARIADA2", "item_value": "7.85", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CESTAPANYPIQUITOS", "item_value": "1.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "VIRUTASSOLOMILLO", "item_value": "10.85", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HAMBURGUESALnEXPERI", "item_value": "10.65", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "***POCOHECHO", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "#ART.", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[79.0, 51.0], [327.0, 64.0], [327.0, 84.0], [78.0, 71.0]], ('HAPPY TIMESLTD', 0.9565883278846741)], [[[131.0, 75.0], [292.0, 83.0], [291.0, 100.0], [130.0, 92.0]], ('Opp.KRA Nyer1 Town', 0.9005366563796997)], [[[104.0, 91.0], [322.0, 100.0], [322.0, 120.0], [103.0, 111.0]], ('P.0B0X1014-10100 NYERI', 0.9169513583183289)], [[[131.0, 113.0], [289.0, 119.0], [288.0, 136.0], [131.0, 130.0]], ('PINNO:P051389409L', 0.9391854405403137)], [[[131.0, 131.0], [293.0, 137.0], [292.0, 157.0], [131.0, 151.0]], ('VAT NO:P051389409L', 0.9321554899215698)], [[[52.0, 167.0], [152.0, 172.0], [151.0, 193.0], [51.0, 189.0]], ('113Aberdin', 0.994017481803894)], [[[40.0, 211.0], [107.0, 211.0], [107.0, 233.0], [40.0, 233.0]], ('Tb1 1/1', 0.8939297795295715)], [[[184.0, 214.0], [256.0, 214.0], [256.0, 232.0], [184.0, 232.0]], ('Chk 5917', 0.9342730641365051)], [[[337.0, 210.0], [393.0, 212.0], [393.0, 234.0], [336.0, 232.0]], ('Gst1', 0.9709758162498474)], [[[150.0, 234.0], [291.0, 232.0], [291.0, 252.0], [150.0, 254.0]], ("08Feb'1507:18PM", 0.9319131970405579)], [[[56.0, 276.0], [268.0, 273.0], [268.0, 293.0], [56.0, 296.0]], ('2 Tusker Lager @ 180.00', 0.9145855903625488)], [[[318.0, 270.0], [373.0, 273.0], [372.0, 295.0], [317.0, 292.0]], ('360.00', 0.9957437515258789)], [[[58.0, 298.0], [178.0, 298.0], [178.0, 315.0], [58.0, 315.0]], ('1Cellar Cask', 0.890980064868927)], [[[319.0, 294.0], [374.0, 294.0], [374.0, 315.0], [319.0, 315.0]], ('250.00', 0.9931613802909851)], [[[57.0, 319.0], [189.0, 319.0], [189.0, 340.0], [57.0, 340.0]], ('1 Half Chicken', 0.9158024787902832)], [[[321.0, 315.0], [375.0, 315.0], [375.0, 336.0], [321.0, 336.0]], ('600.00', 0.9932182431221008)], [[[57.0, 343.0], [144.0, 343.0], [144.0, 364.0], [57.0, 364.0]], ('1Blowjob', 0.9003039002418518)], [[[323.0, 338.0], [377.0, 338.0], [377.0, 359.0], [323.0, 359.0]], ('150.00', 0.9910218715667725)], [[[35.0, 390.0], [160.0, 387.0], [161.0, 408.0], [36.0, 411.0]], ('08:37PM Tota', 0.9394534230232239)], [[[256.0, 384.0], [379.0, 379.0], [380.0, 401.0], [257.0, 405.0]], ('1360.00', 0.9950885772705078)], [[[74.0, 437.0], [349.0, 428.0], [350.0, 448.0], [74.0, 457.0]], ('PRICES INCLUSIVE OF ALL TAXES', 0.9544633030891418)], [[[72.0, 459.0], [360.0, 451.0], [361.0, 474.0], [72.0, 482.0]], ('VOUR HAPPIN S IS OUR BUSINESS', 0.8612908124923706)]]
{"store_name": "HAPPYTIMESLTD", "store_addr": "Opp.KRANyeriTown P.OBOX1014-10100NYERI", "telephone": "", "date": "08Feb'15", "time": "07:18PM 08:37PM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "1360.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "TuskerLager", "item_value": "360.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CellarCask", "item_value": "250.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HalfChicken", "item_value": "600.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Blowjob", "item_value": "150.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[128.0, 57.0], [211.0, 57.0], [211.0, 75.0], [128.0, 75.0]], ('ELGRECO', 0.9938399195671082)], [[[73.0, 76.0], [266.0, 73.0], [266.0, 87.0], [73.0, 90.0]], ('Rue Chair et Pains5 Grand place,36', 0.9326216578483582)], [[[128.0, 88.0], [207.0, 88.0], [207.0, 101.0], [128.0, 101.0]], ('1000 Bruxelles', 0.906985342502594)], [[[73.0, 100.0], [261.0, 98.0], [261.0, 112.0], [73.0, 115.0]], ('Tel02/511.89.82 Fax02/424.31.97', 0.9499042630195618)], [[[127.0, 114.0], [206.0, 112.0], [207.0, 124.0], [127.0, 125.0]], ('ouvert 7 Jours sur 7', 0.8762907981872559)], [[[110.0, 127.0], [226.0, 127.0], [226.0, 148.0], [110.0, 148.0]], ('Naison fondee en 1973', 0.9001985192298889)], [[[91.0, 145.0], [144.0, 148.0], [144.0, 158.0], [90.0, 156.0]], ('Infoaresto.te', 0.8870108127593994)], [[[173.0, 147.0], [234.0, 146.0], [234.0, 157.0], [173.0, 158.0]], ('', 0.806133508682251)], [[[56.0, 159.0], [153.0, 159.0], [153.0, 173.0], [56.0, 173.0]], ('jeudi 23 juin 2016', 0.9446634650230408)], [[[252.0, 158.0], [282.0, 158.0], [282.0, 173.0], [252.0, 173.0]], ('14:42', 0.9665212631225586)], [[[67.0, 185.0], [124.0, 185.0], [124.0, 206.0], [67.0, 206.0]], ('TABLE', 0.9972916841506958)], [[[163.0, 188.0], [177.0, 188.0], [177.0, 205.0], [163.0, 205.0]], ('6', 0.9886511564254761)], [[[195.0, 191.0], [273.0, 191.0], [273.0, 208.0], [195.0, 208.0]], ('Couvert(s)2', 0.9185934662818909)], [[[64.0, 218.0], [160.0, 218.0], [160.0, 231.0], [64.0, 231.0]], ('4 Coca cola light', 0.9114447832107544)], [[[217.0, 218.0], [250.0, 218.0], [250.0, 232.0], [217.0, 232.0]], ('3.25', 0.9819427728652954)], [[[249.0, 218.0], [283.0, 218.0], [283.0, 232.0], [249.0, 232.0]], ('13.00', 0.996146023273468)], [[[63.0, 230.0], [211.0, 232.0], [211.0, 245.0], [63.0, 243.0]], ('1 Filet de poitrine de pou', 0.9287339448928833)], [[[252.0, 231.0], [284.0, 231.0], [284.0, 245.0], [252.0, 245.0]], ('14.50', 0.9938770532608032)], [[[63.0, 242.0], [178.0, 245.0], [177.0, 259.0], [62.0, 256.0]], ("1 Brochette d'agneau", 0.9249817132949829)], [[[254.0, 245.0], [285.0, 245.0], [285.0, 259.0], [254.0, 259.0]], ('17.00', 0.9950073957443237)], [[[54.0, 278.0], [113.0, 278.0], [113.0, 303.0], [54.0, 303.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.998637318611145)], [[[216.0, 281.0], [278.0, 281.0], [278.0, 303.0], [216.0, 303.0]], ('44.50', 0.9936274290084839)], [[[180.0, 340.0], [204.0, 340.0], [204.0, 355.0], [180.0, 355.0]], ('HTTA', 0.7943705320358276)], [[[226.0, 337.0], [250.0, 340.0], [248.0, 356.0], [224.0, 353.0]], ('TAXE', 0.9744689464569092)], [[[273.0, 341.0], [297.0, 341.0], [297.0, 356.0], [273.0, 356.0]], ('TAC', 0.8171927332878113)], [[[36.0, 354.0], [128.0, 355.0], [128.0, 369.0], [35.0, 368.0]], ('TVA 21.00 BOISSONS', 0.8891258239746094)], [[[171.0, 356.0], [199.0, 356.0], [199.0, 371.0], [171.0, 371.0]], ('10.74', 0.9904875755310059)], [[[223.0, 354.0], [247.0, 357.0], [246.0, 372.0], [221.0, 369.0]], ('2.26', 0.9588341116905212)], [[[265.0, 355.0], [294.0, 358.0], [293.0, 373.0], [264.0, 370.0]], ('13.00', 0.9956981539726257)], [[[34.0, 370.0], [122.0, 372.0], [122.0, 386.0], [33.0, 384.0]], ('TVA 12.00 CUISINE', 0.9254370331764221)], [[[171.0, 373.0], [200.0, 373.0], [200.0, 387.0], [171.0, 387.0]], ('28.12', 0.9812558889389038)], [[[223.0, 373.0], [248.0, 373.0], [248.0, 388.0], [223.0, 388.0]], ('3.38', 0.9327406883239746)], [[[267.0, 372.0], [296.0, 375.0], [295.0, 390.0], [266.0, 387.0]], ('31.50', 0.9806696772575378)], [[[123.0, 385.0], [151.0, 389.0], [149.0, 404.0], [121.0, 400.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9979068040847778)], [[[171.0, 389.0], [199.0, 389.0], [199.0, 404.0], [171.0, 404.0]], ('38.87', 0.9480544328689575)], [[[223.0, 387.0], [248.0, 390.0], [247.0, 406.0], [221.0, 403.0]], ('5.63', 0.8901556730270386)], [[[268.0, 391.0], [297.0, 391.0], [297.0, 406.0], [268.0, 406.0]], ('44.50', 0.9756036996841431)], [[[59.0, 424.0], [111.0, 424.0], [111.0, 435.0], [59.0, 435.0]], ('Merci', 0.8575426340103149)], [[[116.0, 422.0], [199.0, 425.0], [198.0, 439.0], [115.0, 436.0]], ('de votre', 0.9565849900245667)], [[[206.0, 424.0], [269.0, 426.0], [269.0, 440.0], [205.0, 438.0]], ('visite', 0.9294934272766113)]]
{"store_name": "ELGRECO", "store_addr": "RueChairatPains, 5Grand place,36 1000Bruxelles", "telephone": "02/511.89.82", "date": "jeudi23juin2016", "time": "14:42", "subtotal": "38.87", "tax": "5.63", "total": "44.50 44.50", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Cocacolalight", "item_value": "13.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Filetdepoitrinedepou", "item_value": "14.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Brochetted'agneau", "item_value": "17.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[98.0, 103.0], [175.0, 110.0], [174.0, 125.0], [96.0, 118.0]], ('CHESTNUT', 0.9957048892974854)], [[[99.0, 119.0], [173.0, 125.0], [172.0, 138.0], [98.0, 132.0]], ('Sama BinKh', 0.6794764399528503)], [[[120.0, 133.0], [151.0, 136.0], [150.0, 147.0], [119.0, 144.0]], ('Amman', 0.9341641664505005)], [[[114.0, 143.0], [156.0, 146.0], [156.0, 157.0], [113.0, 155.0]], ('004844424', 0.8749098777770996)], [[[104.0, 153.0], [164.0, 158.0], [164.0, 169.0], [103.0, 164.0]], ('VAT10009207', 0.8829471468925476)], [[[101.0, 176.0], [167.0, 179.0], [167.0, 190.0], [101.0, 187.0]], ('23-12-20162317', 0.9092559218406677)], [[[120.0, 167.0], [148.0, 167.0], [148.0, 178.0], [120.0, 178.0]], ('TASLE', 0.9742283821105957)], [[[77.0, 184.0], [188.0, 190.0], [187.0, 203.0], [76.0, 197.0]], ('CHECK183009TABLE42', 0.8939578533172607)], [[[73.0, 206.0], [128.0, 208.0], [127.0, 219.0], [73.0, 217.0]], ('1PEPSIDET', 0.8760073781013489)], [[[71.0, 217.0], [152.0, 220.0], [152.0, 231.0], [71.0, 228.0]], ('1KHC FOUNDATION', 0.9596264958381653)], [[[190.0, 209.0], [209.0, 211.0], [207.0, 223.0], [188.0, 220.0]], ('2.00', 0.9390894174575806)], [[[82.0, 228.0], [129.0, 230.0], [128.0, 241.0], [82.0, 239.0]], ('SUB-TOTAL', 0.9818369746208191)], [[[190.0, 222.0], [209.0, 222.0], [209.0, 234.0], [190.0, 234.0]], ('0.50', 0.9656330943107605)], [[[81.0, 241.0], [119.0, 241.0], [119.0, 252.0], [81.0, 252.0]], ('SERVICE', 0.9958339929580688)], [[[190.0, 232.0], [209.0, 232.0], [209.0, 244.0], [190.0, 244.0]], ('250', 0.9943550229072571)], [[[80.0, 250.0], [119.0, 252.0], [118.0, 264.0], [79.0, 262.0]], ('TAX16%', 0.9099288582801819)], [[[190.0, 243.0], [210.0, 243.0], [210.0, 255.0], [190.0, 255.0]], ('0.20', 0.8670412302017212)], [[[190.0, 254.0], [209.0, 254.0], [209.0, 266.0], [190.0, 266.0]], ('0.35', 0.9541301727294922)], [[[67.0, 274.0], [197.0, 278.0], [196.0, 295.0], [66.0, 291.0]], ('TOTAL JOD:3.05', 0.9306781888008118)], [[[83.0, 352.0], [175.0, 356.0], [175.0, 367.0], [83.0, 364.0]], ('You Have been served by', 0.9411932826042175)], [[[114.0, 367.0], [148.0, 367.0], [148.0, 378.0], [114.0, 378.0]], ('Waseem', 0.994912326335907)], [[[74.0, 389.0], [186.0, 391.0], [186.0, 404.0], [74.0, 402.0]], ('HANK YOU FOR VISITING US', 0.8884261250495911)], [[[86.0, 403.0], [172.0, 404.0], [172.0, 415.0], [86.0, 414.0]], ('Rate Us On Tripadvisor', 0.9322563409805298)], [[[71.0, 417.0], [204.0, 417.0], [204.0, 427.0], [71.0, 427.0]], ('book.comiChestnutRestaurant&Pub', 0.9580572843551636)], [[[77.0, 426.0], [180.0, 427.0], [180.0, 440.0], [77.0, 439.0]], ('Instegram @chestnut_pub', 0.8960043787956238)]]
{"store_name": "CHESTNUT", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "23-12-2016", "time": "23:17", "subtotal": "2.50", "tax": "0.35", "total": "3.05", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PEPSIDIET", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KHCFOUNDATION", "item_value": "0.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[88.0, 97.0], [215.0, 98.0], [215.0, 113.0], [88.0, 111.0]], ('3808 N.Mi11ans Ave Sutte C', 0.8431372046470642)], [[[123.0, 90.0], [181.0, 90.0], [181.0, 101.0], [123.0, 101.0]], ('Tasty n Sons', 0.8916553854942322)], [[[105.0, 108.0], [193.0, 111.0], [193.0, 124.0], [105.0, 121.0]], ('Portland.OR 97212', 0.9148368835449219)], [[[114.0, 120.0], [183.0, 122.0], [183.0, 133.0], [114.0, 132.0]], ('ph 503-621-1400', 0.9490960240364075)], [[[122.0, 148.0], [175.0, 151.0], [174.0, 165.0], [122.0, 163.0]], ('Guest Check', 0.951402485370636)], [[[105.0, 171.0], [199.0, 172.0], [199.0, 186.0], [105.0, 185.0]], ('TABLE:T24Guests', 0.9097201824188232)], [[[96.0, 183.0], [198.0, 184.0], [198.0, 197.0], [96.0, 196.0]], ('Your Server as Seth L', 0.9397180676460266)], [[[106.0, 194.0], [195.0, 194.0], [195.0, 207.0], [106.0, 207.0]], ('7/1/20178:16:33PM', 0.901886522769928)], [[[106.0, 206.0], [193.0, 206.0], [193.0, 219.0], [106.0, 219.0]], ('S10000 auanb', 0.6477786898612976)], [[[119.0, 217.0], [180.0, 217.0], [180.0, 228.0], [119.0, 228.0]], ('ID#0225930', 0.9518407583236694)], [[[60.0, 227.0], [82.0, 227.0], [82.0, 239.0], [60.0, 239.0]], ('ITEH', 0.6569734215736389)], [[[194.0, 227.0], [243.0, 227.0], [243.0, 241.0], [194.0, 241.0]], ('QTYPRICE', 0.9783508777618408)], [[[59.0, 249.0], [148.0, 249.0], [148.0, 262.0], [59.0, 262.0]], ('Alabara BBQ Chicken', 0.9144651293754578)], [[[197.0, 247.0], [244.0, 249.0], [243.0, 263.0], [197.0, 261.0]], ('1$21.00', 0.9725165367126465)], [[[57.0, 269.0], [104.0, 271.0], [103.0, 285.0], [56.0, 283.0]], ('Pork Chop', 0.906238317489624)], [[[59.0, 260.0], [149.0, 260.0], [149.0, 273.0], [59.0, 273.0]], ('Draft Rainier Lager', 0.9539030194282532)], [[[213.0, 260.0], [244.0, 260.0], [244.0, 274.0], [213.0, 274.0]], ('$3.00', 0.9315392374992371)], [[[58.0, 282.0], [86.0, 285.0], [85.0, 297.0], [57.0, 294.0]], ('Nedge', 0.9761019945144653)], [[[200.0, 273.0], [214.0, 273.0], [214.0, 281.0], [200.0, 281.0]], ('1', 0.6739930510520935)], [[[211.0, 273.0], [243.0, 273.0], [243.0, 284.0], [211.0, 284.0]], ('$26.00', 0.9848594069480896)], [[[210.0, 283.0], [244.0, 283.0], [244.0, 297.0], [210.0, 297.0]], ('$10.00', 0.9821696877479553)], [[[126.0, 304.0], [167.0, 304.0], [167.0, 318.0], [126.0, 318.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.971737802028656)], [[[211.0, 305.0], [244.0, 305.0], [244.0, 319.0], [211.0, 319.0]], ('$60.00', 0.9320425987243652)], [[[127.0, 327.0], [179.0, 327.0], [179.0, 342.0], [127.0, 342.0]], ('Grand Tata1', 0.898093044757843)], [[[212.0, 328.0], [244.0, 328.0], [244.0, 343.0], [212.0, 343.0]], ('$60.00', 0.9047322869300842)], [[[126.0, 341.0], [180.0, 341.0], [180.0, 362.0], [126.0, 362.0]], ('Ansunt Due:', 0.8803970813751221)], [[[211.0, 339.0], [245.0, 339.0], [245.0, 362.0], [211.0, 362.0]], ('$60.00', 0.9490676522254944)], [[[94.0, 366.0], [202.0, 370.0], [201.0, 384.0], [94.0, 381.0]], ('TORO BRAVO COOKBOOK$30', 0.874682605266571)], [[[122.0, 382.0], [174.0, 382.0], [174.0, 393.0], [122.0, 393.0]], ('Guest Check', 0.9507144689559937)]]
{"store_name": "TastynSons", "store_addr": "3008N.WilliamsAveSuiteC Portland,OR97212", "telephone": "503-621-1400", "date": "7/1/2017", "time": "8:16:33PM", "subtotal": "$60.00", "tax": "", "total": "$60.00 $60.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "AlabamaBBQChicken", "item_value": "$21.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DraftRainierLager", "item_value": "$3.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PorkChop", "item_value": "$26.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Medge", "item_value": "$10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "ITEM", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[282.0, 65.0], [504.0, 62.0], [505.0, 104.0], [283.0, 106.0]], ('Microsoft', 0.9964244365692139)], [[[155.0, 192.0], [259.0, 196.0], [258.0, 217.0], [154.0, 212.0]], ('Microsoft Store', 0.830467164516449)], [[[153.0, 212.0], [360.0, 214.0], [360.0, 238.0], [153.0, 236.0]], ('11467.95th Street.Sp8ce 59', 0.8952974677085876)], [[[151.0, 232.0], [312.0, 238.0], [312.0, 259.0], [151.0, 253.0]], ('Dvrland Park.KS 66214', 0.8698144555091858)], [[[149.0, 271.0], [236.0, 278.0], [234.0, 299.0], [147.0, 292.0]], ('913-693-0901', 0.9842421412467957)], [[[147.0, 316.0], [261.0, 321.0], [260.0, 339.0], [147.0, 334.0]], ('11/20/201318:55', 0.9797089099884033)], [[[144.0, 337.0], [304.0, 343.0], [303.0, 364.0], [143.0, 358.0]], ('Sales Associate: Logan', 0.9187925457954407)], [[[144.0, 359.0], [210.0, 364.0], [209.0, 382.0], [142.0, 377.0]], ('Custoser:', 0.92559814453125)], [[[266.0, 363.0], [343.0, 366.0], [342.0, 384.0], [265.0, 380.0]], ('Joel Mackey', 0.8143563866615295)], [[[161.0, 401.0], [425.0, 405.0], [425.0, 426.0], [161.0, 422.0]], ('1 Pre-urder Micrasoft Backorder Xbox', 0.8997766971588135)], [[[175.0, 424.0], [244.0, 429.0], [243.0, 447.0], [174.0, 442.0]], ('29g-00628', 0.9913626909255981)], [[[386.0, 425.0], [434.0, 425.0], [434.0, 443.0], [386.0, 443.0]], ('Exenpt', 0.8662652373313904)], [[[488.0, 425.0], [538.0, 425.0], [538.0, 443.0], [488.0, 443.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9937586784362793)], [[[173.0, 445.0], [230.0, 449.0], [228.0, 470.0], [172.0, 466.0]], ('$0.00', 0.963134765625)], [[[275.0, 449.0], [302.0, 449.0], [302.0, 470.0], [275.0, 470.0]], ('EA)', 0.9450139999389648)], [[[353.0, 544.0], [425.0, 544.0], [425.0, 565.0], [353.0, 565.0]], ('Sub-Tatal', 0.9693982005119324)], [[[500.0, 543.0], [552.0, 543.0], [552.0, 565.0], [500.0, 565.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9944076538085938)], [[[338.0, 570.0], [427.0, 570.0], [427.0, 590.0], [338.0, 590.0]], ('Tax KS-0025', 0.9345004558563232)], [[[502.0, 570.0], [555.0, 570.0], [555.0, 591.0], [502.0, 591.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9957796335220337)], [[[385.0, 622.0], [430.0, 622.0], [430.0, 644.0], [385.0, 644.0]], ('Tatal', 0.9502474069595337)], [[[505.0, 621.0], [560.0, 621.0], [560.0, 642.0], [505.0, 642.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9910292625427246)], [[[218.0, 718.0], [503.0, 714.0], [504.0, 740.0], [219.0, 745.0]], ('Life is complicated,', 0.9488851428031921)], [[[215.0, 747.0], [595.0, 742.0], [596.0, 776.0], [215.0, 780.0]], ("Technology shouldn't be", 0.9610040187835693)]]
{"store_name": "Microsoft Microsoftstore", "store_addr": "11467W.95thStreet,Space59 OverlandPark.KS66214", "telephone": "913-693-0901", "date": "11/20/2013", "time": "18:55", "subtotal": "$0.00", "tax": "$0.00", "total": "$0.00", "ignore": " ' ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Pre-urderMicrosoftBackorderXbox", "item_value": "$0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[324.0, 66.0], [435.0, 80.0], [432.0, 105.0], [321.0, 92.0]], ('WELCOME TO', 0.9575444459915161)], [[[287.0, 93.0], [462.0, 112.0], [460.0, 136.0], [284.0, 118.0]], ('FOOOTOWN', 0.9599614143371582)], [[[266.0, 120.0], [481.0, 143.0], [478.0, 168.0], [263.0, 145.0]], ('SUPERMARKETS LIMITED', 0.9730520248413086)], [[[210.0, 146.0], [525.0, 179.0], [523.0, 201.0], [208.0, 169.0]], ('CNR COLERIDGE & WILLIAMSON AVE', 0.9347852468490601)], [[[317.0, 185.0], [417.0, 195.0], [414.0, 222.0], [314.0, 212.0]], ('GREY LYNN', 0.9350312352180481)], [[[259.0, 265.0], [357.0, 274.0], [355.0, 299.0], [257.0, 291.0]], ('NEWSPAPER', 0.9966040849685669)], [[[458.0, 258.0], [477.0, 258.0], [477.0, 281.0], [458.0, 281.0]], ('$', 0.8600847721099854)], [[[459.0, 283.0], [506.0, 283.0], [506.0, 307.0], [459.0, 307.0]], ('0.40', 0.9891563057899475)], [[[258.0, 293.0], [361.0, 301.0], [359.0, 324.0], [256.0, 315.0]], ('CANNELLONI', 0.9589431881904602)], [[[459.0, 307.0], [505.0, 307.0], [505.0, 331.0], [459.0, 331.0]], ('5.62', 0.9904675483703613)], [[[256.0, 321.0], [352.0, 326.0], [350.0, 348.0], [255.0, 343.0]], ('OLE JUICE', 0.946466863155365)], [[[460.0, 332.0], [505.0, 332.0], [505.0, 355.0], [460.0, 355.0]], ('4.60', 0.9748209714889526)], [[[255.0, 345.0], [381.0, 352.0], [380.0, 375.0], [254.0, 368.0]], ('SWT/SOUR SCE', 0.9580785632133484)], [[[460.0, 354.0], [507.0, 357.0], [505.0, 381.0], [459.0, 378.0]], ('2.03', 0.9953056573867798)], [[[254.0, 370.0], [342.0, 375.0], [340.0, 398.0], [253.0, 393.0]], ('BISCUITS', 0.9950857162475586)], [[[460.0, 381.0], [505.0, 381.0], [505.0, 404.0], [460.0, 404.0]], ('1.81', 0.993417501449585)], [[[253.0, 397.0], [350.0, 400.0], [350.0, 423.0], [252.0, 419.0]], ('CHOCOLATE', 0.9981425404548645)], [[[462.0, 403.0], [508.0, 406.0], [506.0, 430.0], [460.0, 427.0]], ('3.05', 0.9944155812263489)], [[[253.0, 423.0], [349.0, 427.0], [348.0, 449.0], [252.0, 446.0]], ('CHOCOLATE', 0.9974452257156372)], [[[460.0, 431.0], [506.0, 431.0], [506.0, 455.0], [460.0, 455.0]], ('3.05', 0.9957091212272644)], [[[252.0, 450.0], [348.0, 454.0], [347.0, 476.0], [251.0, 472.0]], ('ICE CREAM', 0.9443514943122864)], [[[461.0, 455.0], [507.0, 458.0], [505.0, 484.0], [459.0, 481.0]], ('2.99', 0.9921528100967407)], [[[208.0, 475.0], [335.0, 480.0], [334.0, 503.0], [207.0, 498.0]], ('ORANGES AUST', 0.933275043964386)], [[[207.0, 502.0], [307.0, 505.0], [306.0, 527.0], [206.0, 525.0]], ('1.385kg', 0.9701473116874695)], [[[335.0, 505.0], [421.0, 508.0], [421.0, 531.0], [335.0, 529.0]], ('$2.98/kg', 0.9840466976165771)], [[[461.0, 510.0], [507.0, 510.0], [507.0, 534.0], [461.0, 534.0]], ('4.13', 0.9911852478981018)], [[[205.0, 527.0], [284.0, 532.0], [283.0, 554.0], [204.0, 549.0]], ('BANANAS', 0.99422687292099)], [[[204.0, 549.0], [307.0, 555.0], [306.0, 573.0], [203.0, 567.0]], ('1.150kg', 0.9646821022033691)], [[[334.0, 555.0], [422.0, 559.0], [422.0, 577.0], [334.0, 574.0]], ('$2.65/kg', 0.9826573729515076)], [[[245.0, 570.0], [382.0, 577.0], [381.0, 596.0], [244.0, 589.0]], ('POTATO CHIPS', 0.9692367911338806)], [[[461.0, 561.0], [507.0, 561.0], [507.0, 580.0], [461.0, 580.0]], ('3.05', 0.9934180378913879)], [[[245.0, 588.0], [305.0, 594.0], [303.0, 614.0], [243.0, 609.0]], ('SUGAR', 0.995872974395752)], [[[465.0, 580.0], [509.0, 580.0], [509.0, 599.0], [465.0, 599.0]], ('1.89', 0.9870906472206116)], [[[467.0, 599.0], [514.0, 599.0], [514.0, 619.0], [467.0, 619.0]], ('4.39', 0.9870947599411011)], [[[242.0, 610.0], [336.0, 615.0], [335.0, 637.0], [241.0, 632.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9968969821929932)], [[[461.0, 617.0], [520.0, 620.0], [519.0, 640.0], [460.0, 638.0]], ('37.01', 0.9856149554252625)], [[[202.0, 655.0], [326.0, 659.0], [326.0, 682.0], [202.0, 677.0]], ('12BAL DUE', 0.9336355924606323)], [[[468.0, 661.0], [531.0, 664.0], [529.0, 688.0], [467.0, 686.0]], ('37.00', 0.9927916526794434)], [[[175.0, 708.0], [250.0, 708.0], [250.0, 735.0], [175.0, 735.0]], ('CHEQUE', 0.9972586631774902)], [[[476.0, 714.0], [542.0, 714.0], [542.0, 740.0], [476.0, 740.0]], ('37.00', 0.9933282732963562)], [[[264.0, 737.0], [339.0, 737.0], [339.0, 764.0], [264.0, 764.0]], ('436381', 0.9978917241096497)], [[[182.0, 766.0], [256.0, 766.0], [256.0, 789.0], [182.0, 789.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9914261698722839)], [[[492.0, 768.0], [550.0, 768.0], [550.0, 796.0], [492.0, 796.0]], ('000', 0.962826669216156)], [[[201.0, 821.0], [558.0, 825.0], [557.0, 847.0], [201.0, 844.0]], ('01703 143069015:5917JUL89', 0.9426835775375366)], [[[209.0, 900.0], [340.0, 900.0], [340.0, 922.0], [209.0, 922.0]], ('TANNICE TCE', 0.5297818779945374)], [[[384.0, 899.0], [544.0, 901.0], [544.0, 924.0], [384.0, 922.0]], ('GST INCLUSIVE', 0.9650231599807739)], [[[280.0, 927.0], [494.0, 927.0], [494.0, 948.0], [280.0, 948.0]], ('GST N0.44-833-938', 0.8865719437599182)]]
{"store_name": "FOODTOWN SUPERMARKETSLIMITED", "store_addr": "CNRCOLERIDGE&WILLIAMSONAVE", "telephone": "", "date": "17JUL89", "time": "15:59", "subtotal": "37.01", "tax": "", "total": "12BALDUE 37.00 37.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "NEWSPAPER", "item_value": "0.40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CANNELLONI", "item_value": "5.62", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DLEJUICE", "item_value": "4.60", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SWT/SOURSCE", "item_value": "2.03", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BISCUITS", "item_value": "1.81", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHOCOLATE", "item_value": "3.05", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHOCOLATE", "item_value": "3.05", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ICECRE'AM", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ORANGESAUST", "item_value": "4.13", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BANANAS", "item_value": "3.05", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "POTATOCHIPS", "item_value": "1.89", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SUGAR", "item_value": "4.39", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[155.0, 17.0], [237.0, 17.0], [237.0, 41.0], [155.0, 41.0]], ('HEMA RESTO', 0.9691978693008423)], [[[146.0, 42.0], [245.0, 44.0], [245.0, 62.0], [146.0, 60.0]], ('MENTENG HUIS', 0.9547261595726013)], [[[103.0, 59.0], [287.0, 60.0], [287.0, 78.0], [102.0, 77.0]], ('J1.Cikini Raya No.2-4', 0.8668862581253052)], [[[99.0, 76.0], [290.0, 78.0], [290.0, 95.0], [98.0, 93.0]], ('Telp/Fax :021 39831883', 0.9036852121353149)], [[[83.0, 92.0], [307.0, 98.0], [306.0, 115.0], [82.0, 109.0]], ('Website :', 0.9222001433372498)], [[[59.0, 128.0], [109.0, 128.0], [109.0, 146.0], [59.0, 146.0]], ('Tanggal', 0.9947794079780579)], [[[139.0, 130.0], [209.0, 130.0], [209.0, 147.0], [139.0, 147.0]], ('21-09-15', 0.9854991436004639)], [[[59.0, 144.0], [85.0, 147.0], [83.0, 162.0], [58.0, 159.0]], ('Jan', 0.9457897543907166)], [[[137.0, 144.0], [208.0, 147.0], [208.0, 165.0], [136.0, 163.0]], ('170356', 0.9939777851104736)], [[[59.0, 161.0], [112.0, 164.0], [111.0, 181.0], [58.0, 179.0]], ('No.Heja', 0.8967424631118774)], [[[138.0, 166.0], [182.0, 166.0], [182.0, 181.0], [138.0, 181.0]], ('A-08', 0.9394993782043457)], [[[60.0, 179.0], [164.0, 182.0], [163.0, 199.0], [59.0, 196.0]], ('Jumlah Tanu:1', 0.8188329935073853)], [[[61.0, 199.0], [98.0, 199.0], [98.0, 214.0], [61.0, 214.0]], ('Kasir', 0.9954743385314941)], [[[139.0, 200.0], [181.0, 200.0], [181.0, 215.0], [139.0, 215.0]], ('Dewi', 0.8775312304496765)], [[[78.0, 229.0], [163.0, 231.0], [162.0, 248.0], [77.0, 246.0]], ('1 Huzaren Sla', 0.9090725779533386)], [[[281.0, 234.0], [323.0, 234.0], [323.0, 249.0], [281.0, 249.0]], ('24,000', 0.8724026679992676)], [[[78.0, 245.0], [159.0, 247.0], [158.0, 264.0], [77.0, 262.0]], ('1 Sop Suntut', 0.9120470881462097)], [[[281.0, 247.0], [325.0, 249.0], [324.0, 267.0], [280.0, 265.0]], ('69,000', 0.890887439250946)], [[[77.0, 261.0], [158.0, 264.0], [157.0, 282.0], [76.0, 279.0]], ('2 Zuppa Soup', 0.9123771786689758)], [[[280.0, 264.0], [324.0, 267.0], [323.0, 285.0], [279.0, 282.0]], ('68000', 0.9816854596138)], [[[76.0, 278.0], [162.0, 280.0], [161.0, 297.0], [75.0, 295.0]], ('1 Apple Juice', 0.934756338596344)], [[[280.0, 281.0], [325.0, 284.0], [324.0, 302.0], [279.0, 299.0]], ('15,000', 0.9503092169761658)], [[[74.0, 295.0], [192.0, 298.0], [192.0, 316.0], [73.0, 312.0]], ('1 Hot Fresh Drange', 0.9312624335289001)], [[[280.0, 298.0], [325.0, 301.0], [324.0, 319.0], [279.0, 316.0]], ('15,000', 0.9520090222358704)], [[[72.0, 312.0], [135.0, 315.0], [134.0, 332.0], [71.0, 329.0]], ('1 Hot Tea', 0.9354050159454346)], [[[286.0, 319.0], [324.0, 319.0], [324.0, 334.0], [286.0, 334.0]], ('7.000', 0.9428057670593262)], [[[71.0, 330.0], [170.0, 333.0], [170.0, 350.0], [70.0, 347.0]], ('I Mineral Water', 0.8967576622962952)], [[[286.0, 336.0], [325.0, 336.0], [325.0, 355.0], [286.0, 355.0]], ('6,000', 0.9168017506599426)], [[[173.0, 367.0], [249.0, 371.0], [249.0, 389.0], [173.0, 385.0]], ('Sub Total ', 0.9187418818473816)], [[[274.0, 370.0], [326.0, 374.0], [325.0, 392.0], [273.0, 388.0]], ('204.000', 0.8912310004234314)], [[[172.0, 386.0], [250.0, 390.0], [250.0, 408.0], [172.0, 405.0]], ('Pajak 10z', 0.9240195155143738)], [[[278.0, 389.0], [326.0, 392.0], [325.0, 410.0], [277.0, 408.0]], ('20,400', 0.9020997881889343)], [[[164.0, 424.0], [249.0, 427.0], [249.0, 445.0], [163.0, 442.0]], ('Total Bill ', 0.8158054947853088)], [[[271.0, 427.0], [326.0, 430.0], [325.0, 449.0], [270.0, 446.0]], ('224,400', 0.8389267921447754)]]
{"store_name": "HEMARESTO", "store_addr": "J1.CikiniRayaNo.2-4", "telephone": "02139831883", "date": "21-09-15", "time": "17:03:56", "subtotal": "204,000", "tax": "20,400", "total": "224,400", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "HuzarenSla", "item_value": "24,000", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SopBuntut", "item_value": "69,000", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ZuppaSoup", "item_value": "68,000", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AppleJuice", "item_value": "15,000", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HotFreshOrange", "item_value": "15,000", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HotTea", "item_value": "7,000", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MineralWater", "item_value": "6,000", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[324.0, 7.0], [389.0, 7.0], [389.0, 26.0], [324.0, 26.0]], ('Citadel', 0.9945748448371887)], [[[253.0, 32.0], [460.0, 37.0], [460.0, 55.0], [252.0, 51.0]], ('00 Citadel Dr Suite 561', 0.9071721434593201)], [[[277.0, 59.0], [437.0, 63.0], [437.0, 80.0], [277.0, 77.0]], ('Commerce.CA 90040', 0.952202320098877)], [[[259.0, 84.0], [458.0, 88.0], [458.0, 105.0], [259.0, 102.0]], ('lephone:323720-1684', 0.9659027457237244)], [[[234.0, 201.0], [458.0, 211.0], [458.0, 228.0], [233.0, 219.0]], ('6/7-6/13_FWWPRMNCE**', 0.9126754999160767)], [[[171.0, 222.0], [521.0, 237.0], [520.0, 254.0], [170.0, 239.0]], ('0884497634708 WMNS NIKE FLEX 2017$59.99', 0.9420637488365173)], [[[188.0, 244.0], [265.0, 249.0], [263.0, 267.0], [187.0, 262.0]], ('Discount:', 0.9713181257247925)], [[[180.0, 265.0], [273.0, 271.0], [272.0, 290.0], [179.0, 284.0]], ('Final Price', 0.9721386432647705)], [[[459.0, 256.0], [521.0, 260.0], [520.0, 278.0], [458.0, 275.0]], ('$-20.00', 0.9800435900688171)], [[[172.0, 287.0], [354.0, 297.0], [353.0, 316.0], [171.0, 306.0]], ('Package Price$39.99', 0.9727160930633545)], [[[449.0, 279.0], [519.0, 281.0], [518.0, 300.0], [448.0, 298.0]], ('$39.99 T', 0.9295063614845276)], [[[232.0, 313.0], [459.0, 325.0], [459.0, 343.0], [231.0, 331.0]], ('*End of Group Promotion***', 0.8956636190414429)], [[[172.0, 331.0], [285.0, 338.0], [284.0, 355.0], [171.0, 349.0]], ('NIKE ROSHE ONE', 0.9552379250526428)], [[[178.0, 353.0], [286.0, 359.0], [285.0, 373.0], [178.0, 367.0]], ('0883408083029', 0.9024738073348999)], [[[444.0, 348.0], [510.0, 350.0], [510.0, 365.0], [443.0, 362.0]], ('$74.99T', 0.9539327621459961)], [[[167.0, 371.0], [370.0, 374.0], [370.0, 389.0], [167.0, 385.0]], ('Item Percent Discount 20x', 0.9383925795555115)], [[[451.0, 373.0], [511.0, 373.0], [511.0, 388.0], [451.0, 388.0]], ('$-15.00', 0.972314715385437)], [[[173.0, 390.0], [344.0, 390.0], [344.0, 404.0], [173.0, 404.0]], ('Store Level Promotion', 0.9626331329345703)], [[[169.0, 408.0], [259.0, 408.0], [259.0, 423.0], [169.0, 423.0]], ('Final Price', 0.9703088998794556)], [[[440.0, 405.0], [513.0, 407.0], [512.0, 425.0], [440.0, 423.0]], ('$59.99 T', 0.9265579581260681)], [[[153.0, 448.0], [219.0, 448.0], [219.0, 462.0], [153.0, 462.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9958319067955017)], [[[457.0, 450.0], [513.0, 452.0], [512.0, 471.0], [456.0, 468.0]], ('$99.98', 0.9975535273551941)], [[[148.0, 464.0], [180.0, 467.0], [178.0, 487.0], [146.0, 484.0]], ('Tax', 0.9957780838012695)], [[[456.0, 473.0], [512.0, 475.0], [511.0, 494.0], [455.0, 491.0]], ('$10.00', 0.9965080618858337)], [[[144.0, 489.0], [191.0, 489.0], [191.0, 507.0], [144.0, 507.0]], ('Total', 0.9965726733207703)], [[[446.0, 498.0], [510.0, 498.0], [510.0, 516.0], [446.0, 516.0]], ('$109.98', 0.9936819076538086)], [[[217.0, 535.0], [436.0, 541.0], [435.0, 558.0], [216.0, 553.0]], ('Number of Items Sold:2', 0.9188411831855774)], [[[197.0, 558.0], [451.0, 564.0], [450.0, 581.0], [197.0, 576.0]], ('Number of Items) Returned:0', 0.9174914956092834)], [[[234.0, 579.0], [427.0, 583.0], [427.0, 601.0], [233.0, 597.0]], ('You Saved $35.00 today', 0.9431121945381165)], [[[128.0, 611.0], [284.0, 617.0], [283.0, 631.0], [128.0, 626.0]], ('visastandarddebit', 0.996731698513031)], [[[139.0, 629.0], [403.0, 639.0], [402.0, 656.0], [138.0, 647.0]], ('CardNoXXXXXXXXXXXX2817<D>', 0.7504903674125671)], [[[447.0, 620.0], [512.0, 625.0], [511.0, 641.0], [446.0, 636.0]], ('$109.98', 0.9953187108039856)], [[[134.0, 645.0], [223.0, 653.0], [222.0, 670.0], [133.0, 663.0]], ('Auth.No.', 0.931323766708374)], [[[128.0, 666.0], [229.0, 673.0], [228.0, 691.0], [126.0, 684.0]], ('Auth.Date', 0.9730573296546936)], [[[460.0, 661.0], [519.0, 667.0], [518.0, 683.0], [459.0, 677.0]], ('083820', 0.9969133734703064)], [[[121.0, 686.0], [176.0, 690.0], [175.0, 709.0], [120.0, 705.0]], ('TxRef', 0.9740360975265503)], [[[383.0, 679.0], [521.0, 686.0], [520.0, 703.0], [382.0, 697.0]], ('6/8/201815:14', 0.976445734500885)], [[[116.0, 707.0], [180.0, 714.0], [177.0, 734.0], [113.0, 727.0]], ('TxType', 0.9839024543762207)], [[[333.0, 698.0], [523.0, 707.0], [522.0, 727.0], [332.0, 718.0]], ('sryY001212963171037', 0.9860811829566956)], [[[106.0, 730.0], [143.0, 733.0], [142.0, 752.0], [104.0, 750.0]], ('Mid', 0.9967327117919922)], [[[384.0, 724.0], [527.0, 732.0], [526.0, 749.0], [383.0, 741.0]], ('GOODS_SERVICES', 0.9889909625053406)], [[[101.0, 754.0], [139.0, 757.0], [137.0, 781.0], [99.0, 778.0]], ('Tid', 0.9982711672782898)], [[[487.0, 753.0], [531.0, 757.0], [529.0, 778.0], [485.0, 773.0]], ('2449', 0.9982494115829468)], [[[98.0, 784.0], [168.0, 791.0], [166.0, 814.0], [95.0, 807.0]], ('PANSeq', 0.9904469847679138)], [[[371.0, 775.0], [528.0, 783.0], [527.0, 800.0], [370.0, 792.0]], ('e315M-902062881', 0.9926214814186096)], [[[94.0, 814.0], [185.0, 821.0], [183.0, 844.0], [92.0, 837.0]], ('PrefName', 0.9958947896957397)], [[[513.0, 809.0], [527.0, 809.0], [527.0, 827.0], [513.0, 827.0]], ('0', 0.8981227278709412)], [[[440.0, 832.0], [527.0, 836.0], [526.0, 858.0], [439.0, 854.0]], ('US DEBIT', 0.9445672035217285)], [[[87.0, 847.0], [127.0, 847.0], [127.0, 871.0], [87.0, 871.0]], ('Aid', 0.9970016479492188)], [[[378.0, 860.0], [526.0, 867.0], [525.0, 888.0], [377.0, 881.0]], ('A0000000980840', 0.9931196570396423)], [[[81.0, 877.0], [109.0, 877.0], [109.0, 901.0], [81.0, 901.0]], ('TC', 0.9847085475921631)], [[[354.0, 889.0], [526.0, 897.0], [525.0, 918.0], [353.0, 910.0]], ('2F645054033C036C', 0.9494062662124634)]]
{"store_name": "Citadel", "store_addr": "100CitadelDrSuite561 Commerce.CA90040", "telephone": "(323)720-1684", "date": "6/8/2018", "time": "15:14", "subtotal": "$99.98", "tax": "$10.00", "total": "$109,98 $109.98", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "WMNSNIKEFLEX2017", "item_value": "$39.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NIKEROSHEONE", "item_value": "$39.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "$59.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[70.0, 45.0], [151.0, 47.0], [151.0, 58.0], [70.0, 56.0]], ('Co eg N3055612-1', 0.7816425561904907)], [[[71.0, 36.0], [149.0, 38.0], [149.0, 49.0], [71.0, 47.0]], ('RESTORAN QASAR BALQIS', 0.9556921124458313)], [[[63.0, 53.0], [182.0, 54.0], [182.0, 65.0], [63.0, 64.0]], ('2JALANMEN', 0.7177355885505676)], [[[70.0, 61.0], [166.0, 63.0], [166.0, 74.0], [70.0, 72.0]], ('SETAPAK 53100 KUALA ', 0.8090506792068481)], [[[69.0, 78.0], [145.0, 79.0], [145.0, 90.0], [69.0, 89.0]], ('GSTNO000705474560', 0.9277950525283813)], [[[70.0, 70.0], [132.0, 71.0], [132.0, 82.0], [70.0, 81.0]], ('03-4039911', 0.9088466763496399)], [[[77.0, 112.0], [159.0, 112.0], [159.0, 126.0], [77.0, 126.0]], ('Tax Invoice', 0.9462730288505554)], [[[42.0, 139.0], [138.0, 139.0], [138.0, 152.0], [42.0, 152.0]], ('811mer00119463', 0.804009735584259)], [[[43.0, 130.0], [126.0, 130.0], [126.0, 143.0], [43.0, 143.0]], ('Table [18]', 0.8815833926200867)], [[[138.0, 140.0], [173.0, 140.0], [173.0, 150.0], [138.0, 150.0]], ('est ', 0.8458319902420044)], [[[42.0, 157.0], [82.0, 157.0], [82.0, 167.0], [42.0, 167.0]], ('Serveral', 0.8243371844291687)], [[[41.0, 173.0], [83.0, 175.0], [83.0, 186.0], [40.0, 184.0]], ('LASMANDY', 0.6725716590881348)], [[[42.0, 164.0], [109.0, 166.0], [108.0, 177.0], [41.0, 175.0]], ('IXEANCY1/2', 0.7379295229911804)], [[[117.0, 167.0], [128.0, 167.0], [128.0, 176.0], [117.0, 176.0]], ('X', 0.6957396268844604)], [[[161.0, 173.0], [194.0, 173.0], [194.0, 187.0], [161.0, 187.0]], ('23.009', 0.8227124810218811)], [[[163.0, 165.0], [193.0, 165.0], [193.0, 176.0], [163.0, 176.0]], ('17.00S', 0.8844770789146423)], [[[42.0, 184.0], [57.0, 184.0], [57.0, 194.0], [42.0, 194.0]], ('7UP.', 0.7700701951980591)], [[[118.0, 175.0], [127.0, 175.0], [127.0, 185.0], [118.0, 185.0]], ('X', 0.7730082273483276)], [[[118.0, 185.0], [129.0, 185.0], [129.0, 194.0], [118.0, 194.0]], ('X', 0.8472999930381775)], [[[165.0, 182.0], [193.0, 184.0], [192.0, 195.0], [164.0, 193.0]], ('3.00S', 0.8622754216194153)], [[[41.0, 201.0], [92.0, 201.0], [92.0, 211.0], [41.0, 211.0]], ('ServerAB0U', 0.7445514798164368)], [[[116.0, 210.0], [142.0, 210.0], [142.0, 221.0], [116.0, 221.0]], ('X1', 0.5238897800445557)], [[[166.0, 210.0], [194.0, 210.0], [194.0, 221.0], [166.0, 221.0]], ('S008', 0.7931997179985046)], [[[38.0, 227.0], [59.0, 227.0], [59.0, 238.0], [38.0, 238.0]], ('FOOD', 0.5255089998245239)], [[[37.0, 237.0], [71.0, 237.0], [71.0, 248.0], [37.0, 248.0]], ('BEVERAGE', 0.9923171997070312)], [[[95.0, 237.0], [125.0, 237.0], [125.0, 248.0], [95.0, 248.0]], ('3.00', 0.9775990843772888)], [[[96.0, 228.0], [125.0, 228.0], [125.0, 239.0], [96.0, 239.0]], ('48.00', 0.9438139200210571)], [[[98.0, 255.0], [138.0, 255.0], [138.0, 266.0], [98.0, 266.0]], ('Sub-Total:', 0.8645678758621216)], [[[169.0, 255.0], [194.0, 255.0], [194.0, 267.0], [169.0, 267.0]], ('51.00', 0.9877437353134155)], [[[75.0, 272.0], [140.0, 274.0], [139.0, 288.0], [75.0, 286.0]], ('Rounding Adjt.', 0.8947556614875793)], [[[97.0, 265.0], [138.0, 265.0], [138.0, 276.0], [97.0, 276.0]], ('G.S.1.6', 0.8041974902153015)], [[[172.0, 265.0], [194.0, 265.0], [194.0, 277.0], [172.0, 277.0]], ('3.06', 0.9847064018249512)], [[[171.0, 275.0], [194.0, 275.0], [194.0, 287.0], [171.0, 287.0]], ('100-', 0.9669162034988403)], [[[53.0, 292.0], [137.0, 294.0], [137.0, 305.0], [52.0, 303.0]], ('Please Pay:', 0.9162138104438782)], [[[152.0, 293.0], [194.0, 295.0], [193.0, 307.0], [151.0, 304.0]], ('54.05', 0.9954758882522583)], [[[32.0, 309.0], [79.0, 313.0], [78.0, 327.0], [31.0, 323.0]], ('GST Sunmary', 0.7841854095458984)], [[[35.0, 321.0], [68.0, 324.0], [68.0, 336.0], [34.0, 333.0]], ('S=6x', 0.7041579484939575)], [[[100.0, 314.0], [141.0, 314.0], [141.0, 325.0], [100.0, 325.0]], ('Anount(RM)', 0.8529728055000305)], [[[164.0, 312.0], [195.0, 315.0], [194.0, 327.0], [163.0, 324.0]], ('Tax(RX', 0.8137471675872803)], [[[37.0, 331.0], [67.0, 334.0], [66.0, 346.0], [36.0, 343.0]], ('0%', 0.7240499258041382)], [[[115.0, 324.0], [142.0, 324.0], [142.0, 335.0], [115.0, 335.0]], ('51.00', 0.9865742921829224)], [[[174.0, 323.0], [196.0, 326.0], [195.0, 338.0], [173.0, 335.0]], ('3.06', 0.897222638130188)], [[[121.0, 334.0], [143.0, 334.0], [143.0, 347.0], [121.0, 347.0]], ('0.00', 0.9909284114837646)], [[[175.0, 333.0], [196.0, 336.0], [194.0, 349.0], [174.0, 346.0]], ('0.00', 0.9937359094619751)], [[[29.0, 352.0], [179.0, 355.0], [179.0, 369.0], [29.0, 367.0]], ('THANK YOUPLEASE COME AGAIN', 0.8153590559959412)], [[[54.0, 375.0], [123.0, 377.0], [122.0, 388.0], [53.0, 386.0]], ('Cashier:FAOOQ', 0.7671524286270142)], [[[146.0, 375.0], [194.0, 378.0], [193.0, 389.0], [145.0, 387.0]], ('Machine:001', 0.9536762237548828)], [[[28.0, 385.0], [131.0, 386.0], [131.0, 397.0], [28.0, 396.0]], ('Saturdsy15/04/1720:29', 0.9227991700172424)], [[[131.0, 385.0], [195.0, 388.0], [194.0, 399.0], [130.0, 396.0]], ('B1:00119453', 0.8034469485282898)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "03-403-9911", "date": "Saturday15/04/17", "time": "20:28", "subtotal": "51.00", "tax": "3.06 3.06", "total": "54.05", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHICXENMANOY1/2", "item_value": "17.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LAMBMCNOY", "item_value": "23.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TUP", "item_value": "3.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ARABICSALAO", "item_value": "8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[254.0, 79.0], [554.0, 82.0], [554.0, 106.0], [253.0, 103.0]], ('China Mobi le Hong Kong Co. Ltd', 0.9205090403556824)], [[[302.0, 125.0], [620.0, 126.0], [620.0, 151.0], [301.0, 150.0]], ('Invoice and Receipt No.:4439245', 0.9420093297958374)], [[[207.0, 152.0], [502.0, 151.0], [502.0, 173.0], [207.0, 174.0]], ('Customer NameC*** S**** P*13', 0.9244426488876343)], [[[206.0, 176.0], [443.0, 175.0], [443.0, 196.0], [206.0, 197.0]], ('Customer Code:1.6152669', 0.9678454995155334)], [[[205.0, 199.0], [386.0, 199.0], [386.0, 221.0], [205.0, 221.0]], ('Mobile No.N/A', 0.9240246415138245)], [[[206.0, 225.0], [454.0, 225.0], [454.0, 242.0], [206.0, 242.0]], ('PaymentDate:15/03/2016', 0.972974956035614)], [[[203.0, 248.0], [463.0, 248.0], [463.0, 268.0], [203.0, 268.0]], ('Payment Time:0140:35 PM', 0.9126354455947876)], [[[202.0, 273.0], [316.0, 273.0], [316.0, 294.0], [202.0, 294.0]], ('Description', 0.9977802634239197)], [[[481.0, 273.0], [622.0, 270.0], [622.0, 291.0], [482.0, 294.0]], ('Payment Amount', 0.9712730646133423)], [[[200.0, 319.0], [572.0, 318.0], [572.0, 343.0], [200.0, 344.0]], ('Hardware & other charges (Net Amount)', 0.9348753690719604)], [[[529.0, 346.0], [620.0, 342.0], [621.0, 365.0], [530.0, 369.0]], ('$5,398.00', 0.9269755482673645)], [[[205.0, 393.0], [258.0, 393.0], [258.0, 417.0], [205.0, 417.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9985328912734985)], [[[528.0, 394.0], [619.0, 391.0], [619.0, 414.0], [529.0, 416.0]], ('$5,398.00', 0.9553201198577881)], [[[207.0, 442.0], [479.0, 441.0], [479.0, 462.0], [207.0, 463.0]], ('HandSet & Accessories Detail', 0.9332413077354431)], [[[564.0, 438.0], [619.0, 441.0], [618.0, 463.0], [563.0, 461.0]], ('Price', 0.998397946357727)], [[[218.0, 489.0], [587.0, 487.0], [587.0, 508.0], [218.0, 510.0]], ('Samsung G935S7Edge32G Handset Pkg-go1d', 0.9425897002220154)], [[[228.0, 512.0], [376.0, 510.0], [376.0, 531.0], [228.0, 533.0]], ('356156075415364', 0.9982069730758667)], [[[526.0, 512.0], [616.0, 510.0], [617.0, 532.0], [527.0, 534.0]], ('$5,398.00', 0.9732012152671814)], [[[207.0, 560.0], [529.0, 557.0], [530.0, 577.0], [207.0, 581.0]], ('Payment method:PTC-Master Card', 0.9643363356590271)], [[[206.0, 584.0], [558.0, 581.0], [558.0, 602.0], [206.0, 606.0]], ('Payment ref no.:XXxx-Xxxx-xxxx-6007', 0.8375910520553589)], [[[206.0, 632.0], [404.0, 629.0], [404.0, 650.0], [206.0, 653.0]], ('OutletPT13-P0107', 0.9295186400413513)], [[[205.0, 656.0], [561.0, 655.0], [561.0, 676.0], [205.0, 677.0]], ('Address:Shop 25C-DLeve1 3Shatin', 0.9346599578857422)], [[[294.0, 681.0], [567.0, 681.0], [567.0, 701.0], [294.0, 701.0]], ('PlazaShatinTe1:29458244', 0.9437469840049744)], [[[254.0, 706.0], [562.0, 704.0], [563.0, 726.0], [254.0, 727.0]], ('Non-refundable for item(s) sold', 0.9309459924697876)], [[[314.0, 731.0], [473.0, 731.0], [473.0, 752.0], [314.0, 752.0]], ('Thank You-CMHK', 0.9578760862350464)], [[[205.0, 834.0], [596.0, 834.0], [596.0, 854.0], [205.0, 854.0]], ('-Customer please keep this Invoice and', 0.9634225964546204)], [[[222.0, 860.0], [614.0, 860.0], [614.0, 880.0], [222.0, 880.0]], ('Receipt as the proof of your purchase--', 0.9454716444015503)], [[[205.0, 885.0], [626.0, 882.0], [626.0, 904.0], [205.0, 906.0]], ('-Customer can copy the receipt for record', 0.9621284008026123)], [[[208.0, 911.0], [311.0, 905.0], [313.0, 930.0], [210.0, 936.0]], ('keeping.--', 0.9730010032653809)], [[[589.0, 954.0], [740.0, 946.0], [742.0, 983.0], [590.0, 990.0]], ('Get', 0.7519454956054688)]]
{"store_name": "ChinaMobileHongKongCo.Ltd.", "store_addr": "Plaza,Shatin Address:Shop25C-D,Level3,Shatin", "telephone": "29458244", "date": "", "time": "01:40:35PM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "$5,398.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SamsungG935S7Edge32GHandsetPkg-gold", "item_value": "$5,398.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Hardware&othercharges(NetAmount)", "item_value": "$5,398.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Handset&AccessoriesDetail", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[246.0, 194.0], [611.0, 204.0], [610.0, 231.0], [245.0, 221.0]], ('************', 0.7296449542045593)], [[[245.0, 242.0], [616.0, 250.0], [615.0, 292.0], [244.0, 283.0]], ('DresserWayne', 0.9824351668357849)], [[[245.0, 288.0], [615.0, 291.0], [614.0, 317.0], [245.0, 314.0]], ('************', 0.7710453867912292)], [[[243.0, 333.0], [543.0, 335.0], [543.0, 359.0], [243.0, 357.0]], ('DW-12Ver.CU31-0200', 0.92353355884552)], [[[242.0, 400.0], [498.0, 404.0], [498.0, 430.0], [241.0, 426.0]], ('Serial Interface', 0.9861201047897339)], [[[273.0, 427.0], [419.0, 430.0], [419.0, 454.0], [273.0, 451.0]], ('Baud rate', 0.9694687724113464)], [[[468.0, 428.0], [622.0, 432.0], [621.0, 456.0], [467.0, 452.0]], ('115200bps', 0.9771096110343933)], [[[275.0, 452.0], [402.0, 452.0], [402.0, 476.0], [275.0, 476.0]], ('Data bit', 0.9494125247001648)], [[[467.0, 452.0], [593.0, 455.0], [592.0, 478.0], [467.0, 476.0]], ('8bits', 0.9937660098075867)], [[[273.0, 472.0], [371.0, 476.0], [370.0, 503.0], [272.0, 499.0]], ('Parity', 0.9960236549377441)], [[[495.0, 479.0], [561.0, 479.0], [561.0, 500.0], [495.0, 500.0]], ('None', 0.9984382390975952)], [[[275.0, 500.0], [606.0, 500.0], [606.0, 525.0], [275.0, 525.0]], ('Flow Control:xON/OFF', 0.833072304725647)], [[[275.0, 523.0], [417.0, 526.0], [416.0, 549.0], [275.0, 547.0]], ('I/FLevel', 0.9866210222244263)], [[[466.0, 525.0], [608.0, 525.0], [608.0, 549.0], [466.0, 549.0]], ('RS-232C', 0.9885913133621216)], [[[240.0, 567.0], [433.0, 569.0], [432.0, 596.0], [239.0, 594.0]], ('Dip switches', 0.9792311191558838)], [[[385.0, 595.0], [429.0, 595.0], [429.0, 616.0], [385.0, 616.0]], ('DS1', 0.9802481532096863)], [[[302.0, 614.0], [452.0, 617.0], [452.0, 644.0], [301.0, 641.0]], ('12345', 0.9970906376838684)], [[[460.0, 615.0], [547.0, 615.0], [547.0, 643.0], [460.0, 643.0]], ('678', 0.9950928688049316)], [[[253.0, 636.0], [356.0, 643.0], [354.0, 672.0], [251.0, 665.0]], ('ONOO', 0.7970201373100281)], [[[464.0, 641.0], [516.0, 644.0], [514.0, 669.0], [462.0, 666.0]], ('00', 0.9487794637680054)], [[[237.0, 662.0], [289.0, 662.0], [289.0, 692.0], [237.0, 692.0]], ('OFF', 0.9955119490623474)], [[[367.0, 668.0], [450.0, 668.0], [450.0, 692.0], [367.0, 692.0]], ('000', 0.9535208344459534)], [[[528.0, 669.0], [547.0, 669.0], [547.0, 692.0], [528.0, 692.0]], ('0', 0.7451717257499695)], [[[257.0, 711.0], [452.0, 713.0], [452.0, 740.0], [256.0, 738.0]], ('+*8%$#', 0.925391674041748)], [[[477.0, 713.0], [623.0, 716.0], [622.0, 739.0], [476.0, 737.0]], ('/01234567', 0.9585790634155273)], [[[236.0, 736.0], [625.0, 737.0], [625.0, 764.0], [236.0, 763.0]], ('89<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO', 0.9527148604393005)], [[[238.0, 764.0], [521.0, 764.0], [521.0, 786.0], [238.0, 786.0]], ('PQRSTUVWXYZEAI', 0.8447197675704956)], [[[511.0, 762.0], [625.0, 766.0], [624.0, 790.0], [511.0, 786.0]], ('abcdefg', 0.9944661259651184)], [[[236.0, 789.0], [590.0, 791.0], [590.0, 813.0], [236.0, 811.0]], ('hiiklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 0.9819833636283875)], [[[238.0, 812.0], [625.0, 815.0], [625.0, 837.0], [238.0, 835.0]], ('CueaaaaceeeiiiAAEaAooouu', 0.8960163593292236)], [[[237.0, 836.0], [625.0, 840.0], [625.0, 863.0], [237.0, 858.0]], ('youcftfaiounNao-i', 0.7800405025482178)], [[[241.0, 885.0], [322.0, 894.0], [319.0, 914.0], [239.0, 905.0]], ('LF', 0.5584977865219116)]]
{"store_name": "DresserWayne", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[88.0, 8.0], [211.0, 7.0], [212.0, 24.0], [88.0, 25.0]], ('Cactus Ashley Phosphate', 0.9568638205528259)], [[[85.0, 20.0], [221.0, 18.0], [222.0, 36.0], [85.0, 38.0]], ('2080 Ashley Phosphate Road', 0.9425920844078064)], [[[123.0, 34.0], [186.0, 34.0], [186.0, 47.0], [123.0, 47.0]], ('843-824-6363', 0.9807490706443787)], [[[51.0, 57.0], [121.0, 59.0], [120.0, 73.0], [50.0, 71.0]], ('WashCashierl,', 0.9266992211341858)], [[[163.0, 59.0], [256.0, 51.0], [257.0, 65.0], [164.0, 73.0]], ('02/17/14.02:21PH', 0.9373824596405029)], [[[84.0, 97.0], [174.0, 97.0], [174.0, 110.0], [84.0, 110.0]], ('1 De luxe Wash Pkg', 0.8959584832191467)], [[[224.0, 90.0], [255.0, 90.0], [255.0, 105.0], [224.0, 105.0]], ('19.95', 0.9943187832832336)], [[[224.0, 115.0], [254.0, 112.0], [255.0, 127.0], [225.0, 130.0]], ('19.95', 0.9936979413032532)], [[[153.0, 120.0], [197.0, 117.0], [198.0, 132.0], [154.0, 135.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9910340905189514)], [[[149.0, 132.0], [198.0, 129.0], [199.0, 144.0], [150.0, 147.0]], ('Sales Tax', 0.9626088738441467)], [[[230.0, 129.0], [255.0, 129.0], [255.0, 140.0], [230.0, 140.0]], ('0.00', 0.9944481253623962)], [[[171.0, 144.0], [199.0, 144.0], [199.0, 157.0], [171.0, 157.0]], ('Total', 0.9857033491134644)], [[[227.0, 139.0], [257.0, 139.0], [257.0, 154.0], [227.0, 154.0]], ('19.95', 0.9953902363777161)], [[[96.0, 171.0], [151.0, 169.0], [151.0, 183.0], [96.0, 185.0]], ('Visa x3483', 0.9414169192314148)], [[[226.0, 164.0], [257.0, 162.0], [258.0, 177.0], [227.0, 179.0]], ('19.95', 0.9947777986526489)], [[[95.0, 184.0], [198.0, 177.0], [199.0, 193.0], [97.0, 201.0]], ('Sale Aopr#669092', 0.9273719191551208)], [[[120.0, 221.0], [191.0, 216.0], [192.0, 230.0], [121.0, 235.0]], ('LP#GPA541-SC', 0.9686484932899475)], [[[65.0, 235.0], [254.0, 227.0], [254.0, 244.0], [66.0, 251.0]], ('Your Wash Service Advisor was #4264.', 0.9532216191291809)], [[[54.0, 262.0], [258.0, 256.0], [258.0, 270.0], [55.0, 276.0]], ('Thank you for choosing Cactus Car Wash', 0.9487687945365906)], [[[83.0, 275.0], [236.0, 271.0], [236.0, 285.0], [83.0, 289.0]], ('for all your car care needs!', 0.9457166790962219)], [[[52.0, 289.0], [260.0, 285.0], [260.0, 298.0], [53.0, 303.0]], ('If you have any quest ions. coments or', 0.9189963340759277)], [[[77.0, 302.0], [245.0, 297.0], [245.0, 314.0], [77.0, 318.0]], ('concerns please contact us at', 0.9771518111228943)], [[[126.0, 315.0], [195.0, 312.0], [196.0, 327.0], [127.0, 329.0]], ('843-873-7579', 0.9809644818305969)], [[[153.0, 331.0], [170.0, 331.0], [170.0, 344.0], [153.0, 344.0]], ('or', 0.9920868277549744)]]
{"store_name": "CactusAshleyPhosphate", "store_addr": "2080AshleyPhosphateRoad", "telephone": "843-873-7579 843-824-6363", "date": "02/17/14,", "time": "02:21PH", "subtotal": "19.95", "tax": "0.00", "total": "19.95 19.95", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "1DeluxeMashPKg", "item_value": "19.95", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[88.0, 110.0], [143.0, 110.0], [143.0, 179.0], [88.0, 179.0]], ('H', 0.910714328289032)], [[[160.0, 101.0], [390.0, 92.0], [392.0, 126.0], [161.0, 135.0]], ('JAWED HABIB', 0.9501311779022217)], [[[170.0, 137.0], [368.0, 132.0], [369.0, 151.0], [170.0, 155.0]], ('HAIR&BEAUTY', 0.9594269394874573)], [[[147.0, 159.0], [400.0, 155.0], [400.0, 179.0], [148.0, 183.0]], ('A Franchisee of Jawed Habib', 0.9774889945983887)], [[[77.0, 230.0], [192.0, 225.0], [193.0, 245.0], [78.0, 250.0]], ('', 0.8094116449356079)], [[[341.0, 229.0], [392.0, 231.0], [391.0, 246.0], [341.0, 244.0]], ('Estimate', 0.995042085647583)], [[[80.0, 260.0], [126.0, 260.0], [126.0, 275.0], [80.0, 275.0]], ('Address,', 0.9034159183502197)], [[[343.0, 254.0], [381.0, 254.0], [381.0, 269.0], [343.0, 269.0]], ('Code:', 0.9741092920303345)], [[[76.0, 281.0], [224.0, 276.0], [225.0, 297.0], [77.0, 303.0]], ('ESH668a', 0.6402050852775574)], [[[341.0, 272.0], [457.0, 270.0], [458.0, 295.0], [341.0, 297.0]], ('Date:R9S', 0.7614747881889343)], [[[393.0, 305.0], [449.0, 305.0], [449.0, 322.0], [393.0, 322.0]], ('Amount', 0.9992379546165466)], [[[73.0, 318.0], [94.0, 318.0], [94.0, 334.0], [73.0, 334.0]], ('No', 0.9860128164291382)], [[[168.0, 315.0], [238.0, 315.0], [238.0, 332.0], [168.0, 332.0]], ('Particulars', 0.9950725436210632)], [[[357.0, 325.0], [379.0, 325.0], [379.0, 342.0], [357.0, 342.0]], ('Rs.', 0.9702649116516113)], [[[452.0, 327.0], [468.0, 327.0], [468.0, 340.0], [452.0, 340.0]], ('Ps', 0.9763335585594177)], [[[125.0, 377.0], [221.0, 377.0], [221.0, 398.0], [125.0, 398.0]], ('Hair cet', 0.8544102311134338)], [[[136.0, 405.0], [199.0, 407.0], [198.0, 432.0], [135.0, 430.0]], ('shave', 0.9260307550430298)], [[[378.0, 408.0], [402.0, 408.0], [402.0, 425.0], [378.0, 425.0]], ('80', 0.9718842506408691)], [[[115.0, 436.0], [340.0, 423.0], [341.0, 455.0], [117.0, 468.0]], ('jacial gcltRiamond', 0.6999461650848389)], [[[366.0, 436.0], [416.0, 438.0], [415.0, 457.0], [365.0, 455.0]], ('0061', 0.9036064743995667)], [[[50.0, 572.0], [94.0, 575.0], [93.0, 589.0], [49.0, 586.0]], ('In wards', 0.900122344493866)], [[[200.0, 568.0], [255.0, 568.0], [255.0, 585.0], [200.0, 585.0]], ('Sub total', 0.971664547920227)], [[[198.0, 596.0], [255.0, 596.0], [255.0, 613.0], [198.0, 613.0]], ('Discount', 0.9974230527877808)], [[[197.0, 620.0], [231.0, 623.0], [229.0, 641.0], [195.0, 638.0]], ('Total', 0.9980003237724304)], [[[194.0, 651.0], [293.0, 653.0], [292.0, 671.0], [194.0, 669.0]], (' 14%', 0.9326338768005371)], [[[195.0, 682.0], [269.0, 682.0], [269.0, 699.0], [195.0, 699.0]], ('Grand Total', 0.9548229575157166)], [[[369.0, 683.0], [444.0, 683.0], [444.0, 712.0], [369.0, 712.0]], ('QSHS', 0.76230788230896)], [[[225.0, 714.0], [495.0, 719.0], [495.0, 739.0], [224.0, 734.0]], ('For Mrs.NAJBUN KHAVAS', 0.9468370079994202)], [[[255.0, 774.0], [465.0, 783.0], [464.0, 803.0], [254.0, 794.0]], ('Authorised Signature', 0.9749051332473755)]]
{"store_name": "JAWEDHABIB", "store_addr": "1stFloor,KitturEnclaveOpp:BVBCollegeVidyaNagarHUBLI-580031.", "telephone": "Ph:0836-4251144", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "2545", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Shave", "item_value": "2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "1900", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Particulars", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[244.0, 160.0], [414.0, 141.0], [417.0, 168.0], [247.0, 187.0]], ('JAWED HABIB', 0.9400354623794556)], [[[251.0, 184.0], [412.0, 168.0], [414.0, 188.0], [254.0, 205.0]], ('Hair and Beauty', 0.9391990900039673)], [[[242.0, 203.0], [422.0, 187.0], [425.0, 214.0], [245.0, 230.0]], ('Sanjay Acociates', 0.9392673969268799)], [[[179.0, 217.0], [315.0, 223.0], [314.0, 248.0], [177.0, 242.0]], ('No.1/810Vel', 0.6900011301040649)], [[[253.0, 261.0], [418.0, 264.0], [417.0, 291.0], [253.0, 288.0]], ('Ph9943771', 0.9550043940544128)], [[[64.0, 288.0], [253.0, 304.0], [251.0, 327.0], [62.0, 311.0]], ('Custcmer Name :', 0.8776940107345581)], [[[209.0, 280.0], [448.0, 291.0], [447.0, 318.0], [208.0, 307.0]], ('S.TaxA.JTPM7071RS00C', 0.8301603198051453)], [[[62.0, 315.0], [172.0, 324.0], [170.0, 349.0], [60.0, 340.0]], ('PhoneNo', 0.9378920197486877)], [[[289.0, 307.0], [430.0, 319.0], [427.0, 343.0], [287.0, 331.0]], ('RNG ANA', 0.9008452296257019)], [[[293.0, 332.0], [401.0, 342.0], [399.0, 363.0], [291.0, 353.0]], ('8754459542', 0.9419008493423462)], [[[292.0, 358.0], [393.0, 364.0], [392.0, 389.0], [291.0, 383.0]], ('CARD Bil1', 0.8125201463699341)], [[[60.0, 378.0], [244.0, 380.0], [244.0, 415.0], [59.0, 413.0]], ('Bill No 3306', 0.9010801315307617)], [[[320.0, 396.0], [512.0, 398.0], [512.0, 426.0], [319.0, 424.0]], ('Date12-10-2016', 0.9729961156845093)], [[[61.0, 410.0], [253.0, 417.0], [252.0, 441.0], [60.0, 434.0]], ('Cashier :ZARINA', 0.9333570599555969)], [[[311.0, 420.0], [480.0, 423.0], [480.0, 450.0], [310.0, 447.0]], ('Time05:10:PM', 0.930945873260498)], [[[54.0, 467.0], [194.0, 471.0], [193.0, 496.0], [53.0, 492.0]], ('Description', 0.9722084403038025)], [[[330.0, 474.0], [371.0, 479.0], [368.0, 508.0], [327.0, 503.0]], ('Qty', 0.9982720017433167)], [[[428.0, 479.0], [480.0, 476.0], [482.0, 503.0], [430.0, 506.0]], ('Rate', 0.9982320666313171)], [[[549.0, 470.0], [629.0, 465.0], [630.0, 491.0], [551.0, 496.0]], ('Amount', 0.99860018491745)], [[[51.0, 526.0], [261.0, 532.0], [261.0, 556.0], [50.0, 550.0]], ('SMOOTHING UPTO SH', 0.9282975792884827)], [[[409.0, 535.0], [492.0, 530.0], [494.0, 556.0], [411.0, 561.0]], ('5500.00', 0.9965996742248535)], [[[539.0, 529.0], [636.0, 524.0], [637.0, 549.0], [540.0, 554.0]], ('5500.00', 0.9845049977302551)], [[[245.0, 591.0], [408.0, 595.0], [407.0, 619.0], [245.0, 616.0]], ('Gross Amount', 0.9772064089775085)], [[[530.0, 589.0], [627.0, 585.0], [628.0, 611.0], [531.0, 615.0]], ('5500.00', 0.995646595954895)], [[[255.0, 622.0], [409.0, 624.0], [409.0, 649.0], [255.0, 647.0]], ('Ser TAX 15%', 0.9324486255645752)], [[[544.0, 620.0], [630.0, 617.0], [631.0, 646.0], [545.0, 648.0]], ('825.00', 0.9956746101379395)], [[[496.0, 650.0], [640.0, 650.0], [640.0, 692.0], [496.0, 692.0]], ('6325.00', 0.9949384927749634)], [[[265.0, 663.0], [409.0, 663.0], [409.0, 690.0], [265.0, 690.0]], ('Net Amount', 0.9748203158378601)], [[[33.0, 722.0], [201.0, 722.0], [201.0, 749.0], [33.0, 749.0]], ('No.Of.Items 1', 0.9292503595352173)], [[[303.0, 720.0], [436.0, 726.0], [435.0, 754.0], [302.0, 748.0]], ('Total Qty 1', 0.9093599915504456)], [[[150.0, 752.0], [521.0, 761.0], [520.0, 791.0], [149.0, 782.0]], ('Thank You !!!Visit Again !!!', 0.910010814666748)]]
{"store_name": "JAWEDHABIB", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "12-10-2016", "time": "05:10:PM", "subtotal": "5500.00", "tax": "825.00", "total": "6325.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SMOOTHINGUPTOSH", "item_value": "5500.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[1023.0, 283.0], [1767.0, 340.0], [1760.0, 445.0], [1015.0, 388.0]], ('JAWED HABIB', 0.9543955326080322)], [[[1030.0, 393.0], [1745.0, 448.0], [1740.0, 522.0], [1024.0, 466.0]], ('HAIR&BEAUTY', 0.948857307434082)], [[[956.0, 664.0], [1502.0, 731.0], [1491.0, 822.0], [945.0, 755.0]], ('Kolkata-700054', 0.9817007780075073)], [[[948.0, 755.0], [1503.0, 831.0], [1491.0, 922.0], [936.0, 846.0]], ('Ph No:40069190', 0.9483304619789124)], [[[1115.0, 877.0], [1334.0, 904.0], [1324.0, 987.0], [1105.0, 959.0]], ('Invoice', 0.9985911250114441)], [[[427.0, 985.0], [849.0, 1034.0], [840.0, 1112.0], [418.0, 1064.0]], ('#Kg/18/2474', 0.979282021522522)], [[[376.0, 1072.0], [849.0, 1134.0], [839.0, 1212.0], [366.0, 1150.0]], ('ser: Disha Bose', 0.9149267077445984)], [[[1462.0, 1104.0], [1968.0, 1119.0], [1965.0, 1205.0], [1459.0, 1191.0]], ('14:07 02-Jan-2018', 0.9487010836601257)], [[[894.0, 1423.0], [1510.0, 1488.0], [1502.0, 1563.0], [886.0, 1497.0]], ('Mr. Kuna1 Das(562199)', 0.9140633940696716)], [[[821.0, 1519.0], [1578.0, 1593.0], [1571.0, 1666.0], [814.0, 1592.0]], ('Contact No:8981877895 M)', 0.9268617630004883)], [[[327.0, 1671.0], [685.0, 1701.0], [678.0, 1787.0], [320.0, 1757.0]], ('Sr Product', 0.9668853878974915)], [[[1224.0, 1759.0], [1327.0, 1759.0], [1327.0, 1842.0], [1224.0, 1842.0]], ('Qty', 0.9972043037414551)], [[[1444.0, 1761.0], [1729.0, 1788.0], [1720.0, 1879.0], [1436.0, 1852.0]], ('Rate Di', 0.9620721936225891)], [[[1778.0, 1798.0], [1975.0, 1798.0], [1975.0, 1876.0], [1778.0, 1876.0]], ('Amount', 0.9100485444068909)], [[[361.0, 1883.0], [870.0, 1926.0], [863.0, 2012.0], [354.0, 1970.0]], ('1 Gents Styling', 0.951319694519043)], [[[1391.0, 1957.0], [1754.0, 1987.0], [1748.0, 2064.0], [1385.0, 2035.0]], ('300.000.00', 0.992310643196106)], [[[1772.0, 1983.0], [1972.0, 1995.0], [1968.0, 2073.0], [1768.0, 2061.0]], ('300.00', 0.9962747097015381)], [[[467.0, 2005.0], [920.0, 2029.0], [916.0, 2116.0], [462.0, 2092.0]], ('(Sadhana Paul)', 0.9191402196884155)], [[[264.0, 2213.0], [585.0, 2224.0], [582.0, 2315.0], [261.0, 2304.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9442112445831299)], [[[1772.0, 2274.0], [1968.0, 2285.0], [1963.0, 2367.0], [1768.0, 2356.0]], ('300.00', 0.9954280257225037)], [[[259.0, 2322.0], [585.0, 2332.0], [582.0, 2419.0], [257.0, 2408.0]], ('SGST09%', 0.8674619793891907)], [[[1795.0, 2369.0], [1964.0, 2381.0], [1958.0, 2467.0], [1789.0, 2455.0]], ('27.00', 0.9962368011474609)], [[[264.0, 2426.0], [585.0, 2436.0], [582.0, 2523.0], [261.0, 2513.0]], ('CGST 09%', 0.8676317930221558)], [[[1799.0, 2464.0], [1973.0, 2476.0], [1967.0, 2558.0], [1793.0, 2546.0]], ('27.00', 0.9940722584724426)], [[[266.0, 2665.0], [962.0, 2665.0], [962.0, 2752.0], [266.0, 2752.0]], ('Total Qty:1Ant', 0.887662947177887)], [[[1539.0, 2668.0], [2023.0, 2683.0], [2021.0, 2770.0], [1536.0, 2755.0]], ('354.00', 0.9966699481010437)], [[[262.0, 2765.0], [1446.0, 2751.0], [1447.0, 2838.0], [263.0, 2852.0]], ('Rupees Three Hundred Fifty Four On1y)', 0.9368935823440552)], [[[1778.0, 2877.0], [1971.0, 2877.0], [1971.0, 2960.0], [1778.0, 2960.0]], ('504.00', 0.9937551021575928)], [[[248.0, 2887.0], [508.0, 2876.0], [512.0, 2967.0], [252.0, 2978.0]], ('Tender:', 0.9954260587692261)], [[[1782.0, 2981.0], [1975.0, 2981.0], [1975.0, 3064.0], [1782.0, 3064.0]], ('150.00', 0.9946832060813904)], [[[239.0, 3008.0], [762.0, 2989.0], [765.0, 3080.0], [243.0, 3099.0]], ('Balance Return', 0.9654030799865723)], [[[234.0, 3135.0], [941.0, 3088.0], [947.0, 3174.0], [240.0, 3221.0]], ('Pay Mode:Cash 504.00', 0.9390387535095215)], [[[225.0, 3500.0], [1290.0, 3381.0], [1300.0, 3468.0], [234.0, 3587.0]], ('CHECK YOUR PHONE FOR SNS DISCOUNT', 0.9302207827568054)], [[[211.0, 3721.0], [1517.0, 3571.0], [1528.0, 3671.0], [222.0, 3821.0]], ('***Terns & Conditions for Shs Discount***', 0.8948938250541687)]]
{"store_name": "JAWEDHABIB", "store_addr": "Kolkata-700054 P-250A.C.I.TRoad,Kankurgachi", "telephone": "PhNo:40069190", "date": "02-Jan-2018", "time": "14:07", "subtotal": "300.00", "tax": "27.00 27.00", "total": "354.00 504.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "GentsStyling", "item_value": "300.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "SrProduct", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[102.0, 30.0], [199.0, 34.0], [198.0, 56.0], [101.0, 51.0]], ('Bugenvila', 0.9944981336593628)], [[[57.0, 47.0], [247.0, 51.0], [247.0, 69.0], [57.0, 65.0]], ('bala A Starfeviaa 9.20210 Cavtat', 0.853600025177002)], [[[56.0, 60.0], [244.0, 64.0], [244.0, 81.0], [56.0, 77.0]], ('GEMINI NJAM d.0.0.0IB96126469547', 0.8854013681411743)], [[[83.0, 75.0], [215.0, 78.0], [215.0, 93.0], [82.0, 89.0]], ('Pr1jeko 74.20210Cavtat', 0.9166964888572693)], [[[33.0, 97.0], [102.0, 101.0], [101.0, 115.0], [32.0, 111.0]], ('Rn9881-1-1', 0.9480045437812805)], [[[168.0, 100.0], [265.0, 103.0], [265.0, 117.0], [168.0, 114.0]], ('Datum19.09.2014', 0.9686282873153687)], [[[30.0, 110.0], [69.0, 113.0], [69.0, 127.0], [29.0, 124.0]], ('NIKOLA', 0.994448721408844)], [[[31.0, 125.0], [61.0, 125.0], [61.0, 139.0], [31.0, 139.0]], ('Stol:', 0.9736186861991882)], [[[220.0, 116.0], [266.0, 116.0], [266.0, 130.0], [220.0, 130.0]], ('15:32:30', 0.9105265736579895)], [[[256.0, 131.0], [266.0, 131.0], [266.0, 142.0], [256.0, 142.0]], ('6', 0.9838162064552307)], [[[29.0, 150.0], [127.0, 152.0], [127.0, 166.0], [29.0, 164.0]], ('RED-BEEF CHEEKS', 0.9578291177749634)], [[[28.0, 164.0], [115.0, 165.0], [115.0, 179.0], [28.0, 178.0]], ('CRVENI-OBRAZI', 0.9466311931610107)], [[[52.0, 177.0], [150.0, 179.0], [150.0, 193.0], [52.0, 191.0]], ('1.000100.00', 0.9708157181739807)], [[[26.0, 190.0], [142.0, 193.0], [142.0, 207.0], [26.0, 204.0]], ('BLUE-MOJITO SORBET', 0.95069819688797)], [[[162.0, 182.0], [172.0, 182.0], [172.0, 192.0], [162.0, 192.0]], ('G', 0.9575783014297485)], [[[231.0, 181.0], [268.0, 181.0], [268.0, 196.0], [231.0, 196.0]], ('100.00', 0.9337733387947083)], [[[25.0, 204.0], [147.0, 206.0], [147.0, 220.0], [25.0, 218.0]], ('PLAVI-MOJITO SORBET', 0.9439387917518616)], [[[50.0, 219.0], [175.0, 221.0], [175.0, 235.0], [50.0, 233.0]], ('1.00020.00G', 0.9444422125816345)], [[[23.0, 232.0], [176.0, 235.0], [176.0, 249.0], [23.0, 246.0]], ('BLUE -SEABREAM OR SEABASS', 0.9304373264312744)], [[[235.0, 223.0], [268.0, 223.0], [268.0, 237.0], [235.0, 237.0]], ('20.00', 0.9109512567520142)], [[[46.0, 246.0], [152.0, 249.0], [151.0, 263.0], [46.0, 260.0]], ('1000125.00', 0.9851078987121582)], [[[160.0, 252.0], [175.0, 252.0], [175.0, 262.0], [160.0, 262.0]], ('G-', 0.960010290145874)], [[[230.0, 250.0], [267.0, 250.0], [267.0, 265.0], [230.0, 265.0]], ('125.00', 0.9051262736320496)], [[[24.0, 260.0], [141.0, 262.0], [141.0, 276.0], [24.0, 274.0]], ('BLUE OCTOPUS TERRINE', 0.9587050676345825)], [[[23.0, 273.0], [180.0, 275.0], [179.0, 290.0], [23.0, 288.0]], ('PLAVI -TERINA CD HOBOTNICE', 0.9111566543579102)], [[[51.0, 289.0], [176.0, 289.0], [176.0, 302.0], [51.0, 302.0]], ('1,00010,00G', 0.8882645964622498)], [[[235.0, 289.0], [268.0, 289.0], [268.0, 304.0], [235.0, 304.0]], ('10.00', 0.9717797040939331)], [[[19.0, 301.0], [186.0, 303.0], [186.0, 317.0], [19.0, 315.0]], ('RED-FOREST FRUIT ICE CREAM', 0.9437833428382874)], [[[17.0, 316.0], [216.0, 318.0], [216.0, 333.0], [17.0, 330.0]], ('CRVENI -SLADOLED OD uUMSKOG VOAA', 0.9066446423530579)], [[[46.0, 332.0], [114.0, 332.0], [114.0, 347.0], [46.0, 347.0]], ('1.000', 0.9759349822998047)], [[[109.0, 330.0], [177.0, 333.0], [176.0, 350.0], [108.0, 347.0]], ('15,00G-', 0.8667206168174744)], [[[239.0, 331.0], [273.0, 331.0], [273.0, 350.0], [239.0, 350.0]], ('15.00', 0.8513566255569458)], [[[13.0, 344.0], [145.0, 347.0], [145.0, 364.0], [12.0, 362.0]], ('RED-TOMATO GASPACHO', 0.9556910991668701)], [[[42.0, 363.0], [95.0, 363.0], [95.0, 380.0], [42.0, 380.0]], ('1.000', 0.8968515396118164)], [[[110.0, 365.0], [146.0, 365.0], [146.0, 379.0], [110.0, 379.0]], ('20,00', 0.9090544581413269)], [[[159.0, 365.0], [173.0, 365.0], [173.0, 378.0], [159.0, 378.0]], ('G-', 0.899612545967102)], [[[240.0, 364.0], [273.0, 364.0], [273.0, 379.0], [240.0, 379.0]], ('20,00', 0.9247932434082031)], [[[6.0, 394.0], [126.0, 396.0], [125.0, 425.0], [6.0, 423.0]], ('UKUPNO kn', 0.9188006520271301)], [[[197.0, 396.0], [275.0, 393.0], [276.0, 423.0], [197.0, 425.0]], ('290,00', 0.9577553272247314)]]
{"store_name": "Bugenvila", "store_addr": "Prijeko74,20210Cavtat GEMININJAMd.o.o.:OIB:96126469547 ObalaA.Starfeviaa9.20210Cavtat", "telephone": "", "date": "19.09.2014", "time": "15:32:30", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "290,00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "RED-TOMATOGASPACHO", "item_value": "20,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CRVENI-SLADOLEDOD\u016bUMSKOGVO\u00c3A", "item_value": "15,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RED-FORESTFRUITICECREAN", "item_value": "10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PLAVI-TERINAODHOBOTNICE", "item_value": "125,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BLUEOCTOPUSTERRINE", "item_value": "20,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BLUE-SEABREAMORSEABASS", "item_value": "100,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PLAVI-MOJITOSORBET", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BLUE-MOJITOSORBET", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CRVENI-OBRAZI", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RED-BEEFCHEEKS", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[89.0, 39.0], [173.0, 32.0], [174.0, 53.0], [90.0, 60.0]], ('THE ALLEY', 0.9563929438591003)], [[[91.0, 61.0], [174.0, 53.0], [176.0, 74.0], [92.0, 82.0]], ('AMSTERDAM', 0.9459148049354553)], [[[99.0, 81.0], [178.0, 74.0], [179.0, 91.0], [101.0, 98.0]], ('Damrak 35/36', 0.9558927416801453)], [[[85.0, 98.0], [191.0, 90.0], [192.0, 106.0], [86.0, 114.0]], ('1012 LK Amsterdam', 0.9205988645553589)], [[[8.0, 116.0], [69.0, 112.0], [70.0, 129.0], [9.0, 133.0]], ('Tafel #85', 0.8804070353507996)], [[[240.0, 151.0], [268.0, 151.0], [268.0, 166.0], [240.0, 166.0]], ('4,50', 0.886121392250061)], [[[9.0, 162.0], [102.0, 157.0], [103.0, 175.0], [10.0, 179.0]], ('1x Cappuccino', 0.9609792232513428)], [[[237.0, 167.0], [269.0, 167.0], [269.0, 182.0], [237.0, 182.0]], ('10,50', 0.9466547966003418)], [[[10.0, 178.0], [67.0, 177.0], [67.0, 192.0], [11.0, 193.0]], ('3xCola', 0.9152682423591614)], [[[242.0, 182.0], [270.0, 182.0], [270.0, 197.0], [242.0, 197.0]], ('7,00', 0.9588882923126221)], [[[11.0, 193.0], [116.0, 188.0], [117.0, 205.0], [12.0, 210.0]], ('2x Sourcy Blauw', 0.9112354516983032)], [[[241.0, 197.0], [271.0, 197.0], [271.0, 212.0], [241.0, 212.0]], ('10,90', 0.9727689623832703)], [[[13.0, 210.0], [98.0, 207.0], [99.0, 221.0], [14.0, 224.0]], ('1x Norwegian', 0.8942975997924805)], [[[246.0, 212.0], [272.0, 212.0], [272.0, 228.0], [246.0, 228.0]], ('9,50', 0.9743751883506775)], [[[14.0, 225.0], [87.0, 221.0], [88.0, 237.0], [15.0, 241.0]], ('1x English', 0.8726023435592651)], [[[243.0, 228.0], [274.0, 228.0], [274.0, 243.0], [243.0, 243.0]], ('17,90', 0.9093986749649048)], [[[14.0, 241.0], [142.0, 235.0], [142.0, 249.0], [15.0, 255.0]], ('1x Celebrity Burger', 0.9386892914772034)], [[[242.0, 244.0], [275.0, 242.0], [277.0, 258.0], [244.0, 260.0]], ('17,90', 0.9421014785766602)], [[[13.0, 255.0], [143.0, 249.0], [144.0, 266.0], [14.0, 272.0]], ('1 x Celebrity Burger', 0.9407698512077332)], [[[244.0, 258.0], [279.0, 258.0], [279.0, 276.0], [244.0, 276.0]], ('17,90', 0.9678664207458496)], [[[14.0, 271.0], [143.0, 265.0], [144.0, 282.0], [15.0, 289.0]], ('1 x Celebrity Burger', 0.940027117729187)], [[[247.0, 274.0], [280.0, 274.0], [280.0, 292.0], [247.0, 292.0]], ('18,90', 0.9635013341903687)], [[[14.0, 289.0], [139.0, 281.0], [140.0, 298.0], [15.0, 306.0]], ('1 x Amer ican burger', 0.9149308204650879)], [[[220.0, 309.0], [280.0, 305.0], [282.0, 330.0], [222.0, 334.0]], ('115,00', 0.9557268619537354)], [[[15.0, 320.0], [78.0, 316.0], [79.0, 341.0], [16.0, 345.0]], ('Totaal', 0.9745071530342102)], [[[256.0, 331.0], [285.0, 328.0], [287.0, 347.0], [258.0, 350.0]], ('1,25', 0.9383795857429504)], [[[16.0, 345.0], [73.0, 342.0], [74.0, 359.0], [17.0, 362.0]], ('Btw laag', 0.9227005243301392)], [[[257.0, 346.0], [285.0, 343.0], [287.0, 363.0], [259.0, 366.0]], ('5,26', 0.9418695569038391)], [[[17.0, 362.0], [87.0, 358.0], [88.0, 375.0], [18.0, 379.0]], ('Btw keuken', 0.9531949758529663)], [[[226.0, 367.0], [284.0, 362.0], [285.0, 385.0], [228.0, 390.0]], ('115,00', 0.9497165083885193)], [[[18.0, 381.0], [90.0, 376.0], [92.0, 397.0], [19.0, 402.0]], ('Contant', 0.997986376285553)], [[[280.0, 388.0], [295.0, 388.0], [295.0, 402.0], [280.0, 402.0]], ('88', 0.7369884252548218)], [[[20.0, 402.0], [227.0, 391.0], [228.0, 410.0], [21.0, 420.0]], ('13:28 07/06/15 7 A1ley 7 dag GB', 0.8960094451904297)], [[[19.0, 421.0], [154.0, 413.0], [155.0, 430.0], [20.0, 438.0]], ('Kassa 7 MP Grote bar', 0.9199255108833313)]]
{"store_name": "AMSTERDAM THEALLEY", "store_addr": "1012LKAmsterdam Damrak35/36", "telephone": "", "date": "07/06/15", "time": "13:28", "subtotal": "", "tax": "1,25 5,26", "total": "115,00 115,00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Cappuccino", "item_value": "4,50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Cola", "item_value": "10,50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SourcBlauw", "item_value": "7,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Norwegian", "item_value": "10,90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "English", "item_value": "9,50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CelebrityBurger", "item_value": "17,90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CelebrityBurger", "item_value": "17,90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CelebrityBurger", "item_value": "17,90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Americanburger", "item_value": "18,90", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[50.0, 40.0], [283.0, 44.0], [283.0, 57.0], [49.0, 54.0]], ('3022 COCHRAN EUENUE CORNER OF JEFFERSON', 0.8976845145225525)], [[[105.0, 56.0], [228.0, 58.0], [228.0, 72.0], [105.0, 70.0]], ('LOS ANGELESCA30016', 0.9539855122566223)], [[[47.0, 70.0], [286.0, 73.0], [286.0, 88.0], [46.0, 85.0]], ('TEL323939-5528FAX323939-044', 0.9754624366760254)], [[[57.0, 96.0], [102.0, 96.0], [102.0, 111.0], [57.0, 111.0]], ('JOSETTE', 0.9954620599746704)], [[[67.0, 131.0], [175.0, 131.0], [175.0, 145.0], [67.0, 145.0]], ('3 FLAUORS CROISANT', 0.8666830062866211)], [[[209.0, 130.0], [236.0, 130.0], [236.0, 146.0], [209.0, 146.0]], ('2.50', 0.9925349354743958)], [[[268.0, 131.0], [296.0, 131.0], [296.0, 146.0], [268.0, 146.0]], ('7.50', 0.98773592710495)], [[[66.0, 147.0], [158.0, 147.0], [158.0, 161.0], [66.0, 161.0]], ('2 UANILLA TWIST', 0.9084517955780029)], [[[209.0, 146.0], [236.0, 146.0], [236.0, 162.0], [209.0, 162.0]], ('2.95', 0.9922584295272827)], [[[268.0, 144.0], [298.0, 144.0], [298.0, 163.0], [268.0, 163.0]], ('5.90', 0.9896435141563416)], [[[66.0, 163.0], [138.0, 163.0], [138.0, 177.0], [66.0, 177.0]], ('1OPEN MISC', 0.9340450167655945)], [[[268.0, 160.0], [299.0, 160.0], [299.0, 179.0], [268.0, 179.0]], ('5.50', 0.9940397143363953)], [[[143.0, 221.0], [174.0, 221.0], [174.0, 236.0], [143.0, 236.0]], ('excl..', 0.8536779880523682)], [[[216.0, 220.0], [237.0, 220.0], [237.0, 237.0], [216.0, 237.0]], ('Tax', 0.9931931495666504)], [[[266.0, 221.0], [297.0, 221.0], [297.0, 237.0], [266.0, 237.0]], ('inel.', 0.7582182884216309)], [[[41.0, 235.0], [111.0, 235.0], [111.0, 252.0], [41.0, 252.0]], ('NON TAXABLE', 0.9642238616943359)], [[[143.0, 235.0], [179.0, 235.0], [179.0, 253.0], [143.0, 253.0]], ('18.90', 0.9863985180854797)], [[[264.0, 235.0], [300.0, 235.0], [300.0, 254.0], [264.0, 254.0]], ('18.90', 0.9336341023445129)], [[[43.0, 282.0], [128.0, 282.0], [128.0, 299.0], [43.0, 299.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9982342720031738)], [[[204.0, 281.0], [293.0, 281.0], [293.0, 299.0], [204.0, 299.0]], ('18.90', 0.9939216375350952)], [[[75.0, 301.0], [146.0, 301.0], [146.0, 317.0], [75.0, 317.0]], ('CREDIT CARD', 0.949755072593689)], [[[266.0, 300.0], [301.0, 300.0], [301.0, 318.0], [266.0, 318.0]], ('18.90', 0.9934223890304565)], [[[37.0, 330.0], [208.0, 330.0], [208.0, 344.0], [37.0, 344.0]], ('THURSDAY07-13-2017 03:10A1', 0.9201609492301941)]]
{"store_name": "BISTRO&BAKERY", "store_addr": "LOSANGELES,CA30016 3022COCHRANAVENUE(CORNEROFJEFFERSON)", "telephone": "(323)939-5528", "date": "07-12-2017", "time": "18:10A1", "subtotal": "18.90", "tax": "", "total": "18.90 18.90 18.90", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "OPENMISC.", "item_value": "7.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "VANILLATWIST", "item_value": "5.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FLAVORSCROISANT", "item_value": "5.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[99.0, 11.0], [142.0, 11.0], [142.0, 21.0], [99.0, 21.0]], ('GOLOM', 0.9177323579788208)], [[[90.0, 29.0], [146.0, 29.0], [146.0, 40.0], [90.0, 40.0]], ('Kortunstr.20a', 0.8649922013282776)], [[[99.0, 21.0], [143.0, 21.0], [143.0, 31.0], [99.0, 31.0]], ('Restourant', 0.9379363059997559)], [[[95.0, 40.0], [146.0, 40.0], [146.0, 51.0], [95.0, 51.0]], ('44787Bochm', 0.8399266004562378)], [[[35.0, 68.0], [65.0, 68.0], [65.0, 82.0], [35.0, 82.0]], ('RECHNG', 0.970146894454956)], [[[183.0, 68.0], [206.0, 68.0], [206.0, 80.0], [183.0, 80.0]], ('16850', 0.9131423830986023)], [[[35.0, 79.0], [63.0, 79.0], [63.0, 100.0], [35.0, 100.0]], ('TISCH', 0.9160169363021851)], [[[42.0, 106.0], [106.0, 106.0], [106.0, 117.0], [42.0, 117.0]], ('ix Anteischorie', 0.8489946126937866)], [[[136.0, 104.0], [158.0, 104.0], [158.0, 116.0], [136.0, 116.0]], ('2.40', 0.9769509434700012)], [[[182.0, 112.0], [206.0, 112.0], [206.0, 127.0], [182.0, 127.0]], ('2.10', 0.9778123497962952)], [[[183.0, 104.0], [204.0, 104.0], [204.0, 115.0], [183.0, 115.0]], ('2.40', 0.9935975670814514)], [[[42.0, 117.0], [81.0, 117.0], [81.0, 127.0], [42.0, 127.0]], ('IxAyran', 0.786336362361908)], [[[136.0, 114.0], [159.0, 114.0], [159.0, 126.0], [136.0, 126.0]], ('2.10', 0.9744369983673096)], [[[40.0, 125.0], [100.0, 123.0], [101.0, 137.0], [40.0, 139.0]], ('1x Tavk Pits', 0.7406044006347656)], [[[136.0, 124.0], [159.0, 124.0], [159.0, 136.0], [136.0, 136.0]], ('5.00', 0.9797860383987427)], [[[182.0, 124.0], [205.0, 124.0], [205.0, 135.0], [182.0, 135.0]], ('5.00', 0.9901186227798462)], [[[42.0, 137.0], [103.0, 136.0], [104.0, 146.0], [42.0, 148.0]], ('Ix Beyti Kebap', 0.7734270691871643)], [[[135.0, 135.0], [158.0, 135.0], [158.0, 146.0], [135.0, 146.0]], ('0601', 0.920825719833374)], [[[181.0, 134.0], [204.0, 134.0], [204.0, 146.0], [181.0, 146.0]], ('10.80', 0.8606067895889282)], [[[36.0, 158.0], [113.0, 156.0], [113.0, 174.0], [36.0, 176.0]], ('BAR TOTAL', 0.9552331566810608)], [[[159.0, 154.0], [205.0, 154.0], [205.0, 173.0], [159.0, 173.0]], ('20.40', 0.9932616949081421)], [[[37.0, 183.0], [84.0, 183.0], [84.0, 196.0], [37.0, 196.0]], ('NETTO19%', 0.8730522394180298)], [[[182.0, 181.0], [206.0, 181.0], [206.0, 192.0], [182.0, 192.0]], ('17.14', 0.9598348736763)], [[[35.0, 195.0], [85.0, 192.0], [85.0, 206.0], [36.0, 208.0]], ('Mt18', 0.6734246015548706)], [[[185.0, 191.0], [207.0, 191.0], [207.0, 203.0], [185.0, 203.0]], ('3.26', 0.9775176048278809)], [[[109.0, 214.0], [135.0, 214.0], [135.0, 225.0], [109.0, 225.0]], ('BED4', 0.9153499603271484)], [[[36.0, 226.0], [208.0, 221.0], [208.0, 234.0], [36.0, 239.0]], ('888-004-000155-000120/11/201319:13-R', 0.9498405456542969)]]
{"store_name": "GULUM", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "20/11/2013", "time": "19:13-R", "subtotal": "17.14", "tax": "3.26", "total": "20.40", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[48.0, 166.0], [146.0, 167.0], [146.0, 178.0], [47.0, 177.0]], ('Cracker Barrel Store 45', 0.8397583961486816)], [[[37.0, 182.0], [94.0, 183.0], [94.0, 194.0], [36.0, 193.0]], ('1109106Fred', 0.9599036574363708)], [[[59.0, 175.0], [136.0, 173.0], [137.0, 186.0], [60.0, 188.0]], ('Rehoboth Beach.DE', 0.6894270777702332)], [[[37.0, 201.0], [74.0, 201.0], [74.0, 211.0], [37.0, 211.0]], ('8L243/1', 0.8768667578697205)], [[[66.0, 209.0], [132.0, 209.0], [132.0, 220.0], [66.0, 220.0]], ('JUL12155:29AM', 0.742201566696167)], [[[93.0, 200.0], [128.0, 200.0], [128.0, 211.0], [93.0, 211.0]], ('2711', 0.9979810118675232)], [[[139.0, 201.0], [163.0, 199.0], [164.0, 211.0], [140.0, 213.0]], ('GST2', 0.8591004610061646)], [[[41.0, 227.0], [76.0, 227.0], [76.0, 238.0], [41.0, 238.0]], ('1COFFEE', 0.9796798825263977)], [[[134.0, 227.0], [154.0, 227.0], [154.0, 239.0], [134.0, 239.0]], ('2.19', 0.9692886471748352)], [[[41.0, 237.0], [74.0, 237.0], [74.0, 247.0], [41.0, 247.0]], ('1OJRG', 0.7384487986564636)], [[[134.0, 235.0], [155.0, 235.0], [155.0, 249.0], [134.0, 249.0]], ('2.39', 0.9751734733581543)], [[[40.0, 246.0], [114.0, 246.0], [114.0, 257.0], [40.0, 257.0]], ('1ESG SAND W/SIDE', 0.8477846384048462)], [[[135.0, 244.0], [156.0, 244.0], [156.0, 258.0], [135.0, 258.0]], ('659', 0.6032645106315613)], [[[39.0, 265.0], [94.0, 265.0], [94.0, 276.0], [39.0, 276.0]], ('1OM BAC SAU', 0.8124608993530273)], [[[55.0, 256.0], [97.0, 256.0], [97.0, 267.0], [55.0, 267.0]], ('SCRAMBLED', 0.9772425889968872)], [[[135.0, 264.0], [158.0, 264.0], [158.0, 279.0], [135.0, 279.0]], ('7.99', 0.9852592349052429)], [[[54.0, 277.0], [96.0, 277.0], [96.0, 288.0], [54.0, 288.0]], ('SCRAMBLED', 0.9636932015419006)], [[[45.0, 288.0], [68.0, 288.0], [68.0, 299.0], [45.0, 299.0]], ('FOCD', 0.7959129214286804)], [[[101.0, 295.0], [158.0, 297.0], [158.0, 312.0], [101.0, 309.0]], ('$17.16', 0.9895830750465393)], [[[133.0, 287.0], [157.0, 287.0], [157.0, 299.0], [133.0, 299.0]], ('17.16', 0.9805744290351868)], [[[46.0, 299.0], [95.0, 299.0], [95.0, 310.0], [46.0, 310.0]], ('Amount Due', 0.8664172887802124)], [[[52.0, 319.0], [151.0, 318.0], [151.0, 332.0], [52.0, 334.0]], ('Gratuity Not Inc luded', 0.9128692150115967)], [[[79.0, 344.0], [126.0, 344.0], [126.0, 358.0], [79.0, 358.0]], ('Thank you', 0.8816455602645874)], [[[64.0, 356.0], [144.0, 356.0], [144.0, 370.0], [64.0, 370.0]], ('Please Coee Back', 0.9025582671165466)], [[[59.0, 369.0], [148.0, 365.0], [148.0, 380.0], [60.0, 383.0]], ('Plesse Pay Cashier', 0.8573265075683594)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "JUL12'15", "time": "6:25AM", "subtotal": "17,16", "tax": "", "total": "$17,16", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "EGGSANDw/SIDE", "item_value": "2,19", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COFFEE", "item_value": "2,39", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "4,59", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "7,99", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[127.0, 41.0], [309.0, 47.0], [309.0, 69.0], [126.0, 62.0]], ('Amore Trattoria Italiana', 0.9680564999580383)], [[[146.0, 62.0], [289.0, 66.0], [289.0, 83.0], [146.0, 78.0]], ('5080 Alpine Ave N', 0.8950337767601013)], [[[51.0, 98.0], [122.0, 106.0], [120.0, 124.0], [49.0, 116.0]], ('NAME:29', 0.9244762063026428)], [[[48.0, 112.0], [152.0, 122.0], [150.0, 139.0], [46.0, 129.0]], ('CHECK#27123', 0.9848745465278625)], [[[43.0, 140.0], [157.0, 147.0], [156.0, 164.0], [42.0, 157.0]], ('SERVERROSE', 0.9914897680282593)], [[[40.0, 152.0], [139.0, 161.0], [138.0, 178.0], [38.0, 169.0]], ('STATION:02', 0.9602959752082825)], [[[32.0, 179.0], [154.0, 188.0], [152.0, 208.0], [31.0, 199.0]], ('Item Count:0', 0.9321964383125305)], [[[26.0, 210.0], [149.0, 217.0], [148.0, 237.0], [25.0, 230.0]], ('1 SOFT DRINKS', 0.9264001250267029)], [[[89.0, 231.0], [211.0, 234.0], [210.0, 252.0], [88.0, 249.0]], ('Italian Sodas', 0.9669408202171326)], [[[343.0, 223.0], [390.0, 223.0], [390.0, 242.0], [343.0, 242.0]], ('$2.50', 0.9905027151107788)], [[[19.0, 242.0], [275.0, 251.0], [274.0, 272.0], [18.0, 263.0]], ('1 SECONDI CHEF SELECTION #*', 0.9371184706687927)], [[[33.0, 261.0], [210.0, 267.0], [209.0, 285.0], [32.0, 279.0]], ('GNOCCHI DI PATATE*', 0.9534143805503845)], [[[336.0, 253.0], [393.0, 255.0], [393.0, 273.0], [335.0, 271.0]], ('$11.00', 0.9958835244178772)], [[[336.0, 268.0], [397.0, 270.0], [396.0, 292.0], [335.0, 289.0]], ('$15.00', 0.9952406883239746)], [[[6.0, 292.0], [90.0, 297.0], [88.0, 319.0], [5.0, 314.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9857958555221558)], [[[339.0, 302.0], [400.0, 302.0], [400.0, 324.0], [339.0, 324.0]], ('$28.50', 0.9138471484184265)], [[[4.0, 312.0], [40.0, 316.0], [38.0, 335.0], [1.0, 331.0]], ('Tax', 0.997515857219696)], [[[0.0, 325.0], [112.0, 325.0], [112.0, 373.0], [0.0, 373.0]], ('GRAND TOTAL', 0.8838120102882385)], [[[350.0, 321.0], [402.0, 321.0], [402.0, 344.0], [350.0, 344.0]], ('$1.71', 0.9916400909423828)], [[[342.0, 338.0], [409.0, 338.0], [409.0, 382.0], [342.0, 382.0]], ('$30.21', 0.9899413585662842)], [[[3.0, 413.0], [286.0, 418.0], [286.0, 439.0], [3.0, 434.0]], ('ened:7/26/2013 7:03:09 PM', 0.8982680439949036)]]
{"store_name": "AmoreTrattoriaItaliana", "store_addr": "5080AlpineAveNW ComstockPark,MI49321", "telephone": "616-785-5344", "date": "7/26/2013 7/26/2013", "time": "7:03:09PM 7:03:09PM", "subtotal": "$28.50", "tax": "$1.71", "total": "$30.21", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SOFTDRINKS", "item_value": "$2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ItalianSodas", "item_value": "$11.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SECONDICHEFSELECTION#*", "item_value": "$15.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GNOCCHIDIPATATE*", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "ItemCount:0", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[14.0, 40.0], [103.0, 30.0], [105.0, 43.0], [16.0, 53.0]], ('WELCOME TO', 0.9391626119613647)], [[[13.0, 51.0], [94.0, 44.0], [95.0, 57.0], [15.0, 65.0]], ('OUR STORE', 0.9176077246665955)], [[[14.0, 61.0], [69.0, 58.0], [70.0, 71.0], [15.0, 73.0]], ('TES063130001', 0.9873182773590088)], [[[143.0, 55.0], [205.0, 55.0], [205.0, 65.0], [143.0, 65.0]], ('USA GASOLINE', 0.9310431480407715)], [[[13.0, 71.0], [84.0, 69.0], [84.0, 83.0], [13.0, 85.0]], ('600 E ROSECRANS', 0.9004167914390564)], [[[131.0, 65.0], [207.0, 63.0], [207.0, 77.0], [131.0, 78.0]], ('LOS ANGELES CA', 0.9579234719276428)], [[[24.0, 106.0], [55.0, 106.0], [55.0, 120.0], [24.0, 120.0]], ('Descr.', 0.9853716492652893)], [[[114.0, 105.0], [133.0, 105.0], [133.0, 117.0], [114.0, 117.0]], ('qty', 0.9329391121864319)], [[[174.0, 102.0], [209.0, 102.0], [209.0, 115.0], [174.0, 115.0]], ('amount', 0.9231960773468018)], [[[29.0, 130.0], [103.0, 127.0], [104.0, 140.0], [30.0, 144.0]], ('<CUSTOMER COPY>', 0.9356290698051453)], [[[24.0, 143.0], [86.0, 140.0], [86.0, 153.0], [25.0, 155.0]], ('Prepay CA#3', 0.887826144695282)], [[[182.0, 138.0], [212.0, 138.0], [212.0, 151.0], [182.0, 151.0]], ('40.00', 0.9932637214660645)], [[[96.0, 164.0], [144.0, 164.0], [144.0, 178.0], [96.0, 178.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9532195329666138)], [[[183.0, 163.0], [213.0, 163.0], [213.0, 177.0], [183.0, 177.0]], ('40.00', 0.994998574256897)], [[[72.0, 185.0], [120.0, 188.0], [120.0, 201.0], [71.0, 199.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9982057809829712)], [[[126.0, 178.0], [145.0, 178.0], [145.0, 189.0], [126.0, 189.0]], ('Tax', 0.9944877624511719)], [[[187.0, 177.0], [212.0, 177.0], [212.0, 188.0], [187.0, 188.0]], ('0.00', 0.994037389755249)], [[[156.0, 188.0], [213.0, 188.0], [213.0, 202.0], [156.0, 202.0]], ('40.00', 0.9934760928153992)], [[[118.0, 199.0], [165.0, 201.0], [165.0, 215.0], [117.0, 213.0]], ('DEBIT $', 0.9036673307418823)], [[[184.0, 202.0], [214.0, 202.0], [214.0, 216.0], [184.0, 216.0]], ('40.00', 0.9941848516464233)], [[[43.0, 222.0], [186.0, 226.0], [185.0, 239.0], [43.0, 235.0]], ('AY FROM PRIMARY FUNOING', 0.8555954098701477)]]
{"store_name": "USAGASOLINE", "store_addr": "600EROSECRANS LOSANGELESCA", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "40.00", "tax": "0.00", "total": "40.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "Descr.", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[219.0, 159.0], [415.0, 164.0], [414.0, 189.0], [218.0, 184.0]], ('BODY BEAUTIFUL', 0.9611517786979675)], [[[203.0, 195.0], [440.0, 198.0], [440.0, 223.0], [202.0, 220.0]], ('CAR WASH &DETAIL', 0.952974796295166)], [[[212.0, 230.0], [424.0, 232.0], [424.0, 261.0], [212.0, 258.0]], ('Dealer #1131184', 0.9740451574325562)], [[[234.0, 267.0], [414.0, 267.0], [414.0, 295.0], [234.0, 295.0]], ('FE06131335001', 0.9953349828720093)], [[[289.0, 302.0], [363.0, 302.0], [363.0, 332.0], [289.0, 332.0]], ('MOBIL', 0.9970598220825195)], [[[197.0, 341.0], [446.0, 336.0], [447.0, 364.0], [197.0, 369.0]], ('4282 CAMINO DEL RI', 0.9054980874061584)], [[[199.0, 376.0], [447.0, 371.0], [448.0, 398.0], [200.0, 403.0]], ('SAN DIEGO CA 92108', 0.8996981382369995)], [[[377.0, 472.0], [425.0, 478.0], [421.0, 511.0], [373.0, 504.0]], ('Qty', 0.9980704188346863)], [[[502.0, 475.0], [587.0, 475.0], [587.0, 504.0], [502.0, 504.0]], ('Amount', 0.998745858669281)], [[[70.0, 486.0], [232.0, 480.0], [233.0, 508.0], [71.0, 514.0]], ('Description', 0.9964103698730469)], [[[408.0, 547.0], [421.0, 547.0], [421.0, 569.0], [408.0, 569.0]], ('1', 0.847518801689148)], [[[516.0, 542.0], [589.0, 542.0], [589.0, 572.0], [516.0, 572.0]], ('76.08', 0.9954112768173218)], [[[75.0, 553.0], [259.0, 545.0], [260.0, 572.0], [76.0, 580.0]], ('DRB/SPEEDPASS', 0.9935239553451538)], [[[298.0, 612.0], [408.0, 612.0], [408.0, 642.0], [298.0, 642.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.996802806854248)], [[[518.0, 610.0], [591.0, 610.0], [591.0, 641.0], [518.0, 641.0]], ('76.08', 0.9940007328987122)], [[[363.0, 647.0], [413.0, 647.0], [413.0, 679.0], [363.0, 679.0]], ('Tax', 0.998149573802948)], [[[533.0, 646.0], [592.0, 646.0], [592.0, 674.0], [533.0, 674.0]], ('0.00', 0.988848865032196)], [[[193.0, 676.0], [320.0, 679.0], [319.0, 710.0], [193.0, 706.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9986467361450195)], [[[466.0, 681.0], [602.0, 681.0], [602.0, 710.0], [466.0, 710.0]], ('76.08', 0.9824202656745911)], [[[339.0, 716.0], [413.0, 716.0], [413.0, 746.0], [339.0, 746.0]], ('DEBIT', 0.9968460202217102)], [[[437.0, 720.0], [453.0, 720.0], [453.0, 744.0], [437.0, 744.0]], ('S', 0.5677475333213806)], [[[524.0, 717.0], [597.0, 717.0], [597.0, 748.0], [524.0, 748.0]], ('76.08', 0.9966451525688171)]]
{"store_name": "BODYBEAUTIFUL CARWASH&DETAIL Dealer#1131184", "store_addr": "4282CAMINODELRI SANDIEGOCA92108", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "76.08", "tax": "0.00", "total": "76.08", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "DRB/SPEEDPASS", "item_value": "76.08", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[244.0, 96.0], [661.0, 96.0], [661.0, 130.0], [244.0, 130.0]], ('ALDISTORES', 0.9876565933227539)], [[[276.0, 134.0], [678.0, 133.0], [679.0, 163.0], [276.0, 165.0]], ('AIMITED PARTNERSHID', 0.9214247465133667)], [[[393.0, 169.0], [565.0, 169.0], [565.0, 198.0], [393.0, 198.0]], ('CARINDALE', 0.9912130832672119)], [[[300.0, 204.0], [661.0, 204.0], [661.0, 235.0], [300.0, 235.0]], ('A3N:90196565019', 0.9565013647079468)], [[[374.0, 270.0], [582.0, 270.0], [582.0, 300.0], [374.0, 300.0]], ('TAX INVOICE', 0.968541145324707)], [[[736.0, 305.0], [779.0, 305.0], [779.0, 341.0], [736.0, 341.0]], ('$', 0.9205465316772461)], [[[92.0, 344.0], [525.0, 344.0], [525.0, 369.0], [92.0, 369.0]], ('16199 Baby Soinach 120c', 0.7978699803352356)], [[[736.0, 338.0], [857.0, 338.0], [857.0, 375.0], [736.0, 375.0]], ('1.79A', 0.9925006628036499)], [[[90.0, 376.0], [562.0, 376.0], [562.0, 405.0], [90.0, 405.0]], ('5250Ckr Brown Ri ce 100c', 0.8594904541969299)], [[[738.0, 375.0], [859.0, 375.0], [859.0, 411.0], [738.0, 411.0]], ('1.39B', 0.9923586845397949)], [[[90.0, 482.0], [655.0, 482.0], [655.0, 512.0], [90.0, 512.0]], ('37427 Tort11la Wraps wholemeal', 0.8435937166213989)], [[[737.0, 475.0], [859.0, 478.0], [858.0, 516.0], [736.0, 513.0]], ('1.99A', 0.994424045085907)], [[[87.0, 514.0], [585.0, 517.0], [585.0, 551.0], [87.0, 548.0]], ('42335 3eetrot $1iced450g', 0.8879626393318176)], [[[736.0, 514.0], [859.0, 514.0], [859.0, 551.0], [736.0, 551.0]], ('0.85A', 0.9944424629211426)], [[[89.0, 554.0], [584.0, 554.0], [584.0, 583.0], [89.0, 583.0]], ('4376PremBakedBeansTom425g', 0.9479212760925293)], [[[737.0, 546.0], [858.0, 550.0], [857.0, 586.0], [736.0, 583.0]], ('0.89A', 0.9925397634506226)], [[[87.0, 583.0], [605.0, 587.0], [604.0, 621.0], [87.0, 616.0]], ('5336 Fzr Mixed Berries 500g', 0.8586884140968323)], [[[736.0, 584.0], [859.0, 584.0], [859.0, 621.0], [736.0, 621.0]], ('4.49A', 0.9919840693473816)], [[[87.0, 622.0], [395.0, 622.0], [395.0, 653.0], [87.0, 653.0]], ('36884 Ham 4x100g', 0.8880876302719116)], [[[735.0, 616.0], [859.0, 620.0], [858.0, 655.0], [734.0, 651.0]], ('5.00A', 0.9931262731552124)], [[[87.0, 721.0], [547.0, 723.0], [547.0, 758.0], [87.0, 756.0]], ('1390 FrozSteam Veg 450g', 0.8887269496917725)], [[[738.0, 721.0], [857.0, 721.0], [857.0, 758.0], [738.0, 758.0]], ('1.99A', 0.9937624931335449)], [[[87.0, 829.0], [547.0, 829.0], [547.0, 863.0], [87.0, 863.0]], ('41207 Rice C~ackers 200g', 0.9395950436592102)], [[[734.0, 827.0], [857.0, 823.0], [858.0, 861.0], [735.0, 864.0]], ('1.65B', 0.9895402789115906)], [[[89.0, 864.0], [643.0, 867.0], [643.0, 898.0], [89.0, 895.0]], ('76016 Pink Lady App1es per kg', 0.917343020439148)], [[[736.0, 863.0], [859.0, 863.0], [859.0, 899.0], [736.0, 899.0]], ('2.64A', 0.9882313013076782)], [[[87.0, 902.0], [545.0, 902.0], [545.0, 931.0], [87.0, 931.0]], ('.53kcNet@4.99$/kg', 0.8772113919258118)], [[[86.0, 931.0], [568.0, 933.0], [568.0, 968.0], [86.0, 966.0]], ('76113BananasCaven750g', 0.9724919199943542)], [[[734.0, 928.0], [859.0, 932.0], [858.0, 968.0], [733.0, 964.0]], ('2.49A', 0.9722015261650085)], [[[85.0, 967.0], [275.0, 971.0], [275.0, 1001.0], [84.0, 998.0]], ('Price Over', 0.8635923266410828)], [[[467.0, 968.0], [584.0, 968.0], [584.0, 998.0], [467.0, 998.0]], ('1.49', 0.8675748705863953)], [[[720.0, 963.0], [858.0, 966.0], [857.0, 1003.0], [720.0, 999.0]], ('-1.00A', 0.9656748175621033)], [[[86.0, 1001.0], [568.0, 1003.0], [568.0, 1038.0], [86.0, 1036.0]], ('76365 GrapesThompson 1kg', 0.936649739742279)], [[[735.0, 1001.0], [859.0, 1001.0], [859.0, 1036.0], [735.0, 1036.0]], ('1.75A', 0.9775126576423645)], [[[87.0, 1106.0], [486.0, 1108.0], [486.0, 1138.0], [87.0, 1137.0]], ('9477 Nuts Ra OSN Van', 0.7769781351089478)], [[[736.0, 1105.0], [857.0, 1105.0], [857.0, 1141.0], [736.0, 1141.0]], ('3.99A', 0.9775934219360352)], [[[87.0, 1143.0], [470.0, 1143.0], [470.0, 1176.0], [87.0, 1176.0]], ('43333 Dip Sa1sa 300g', 0.8945398330688477)], [[[736.0, 1141.0], [859.0, 1141.0], [859.0, 1177.0], [736.0, 1177.0]], ('1.49A', 0.9896472096443176)], [[[89.0, 1180.0], [526.0, 1180.0], [526.0, 1210.0], [89.0, 1210.0]], ('3769 MayonnaiseSqueeze', 0.9265136122703552)], [[[736.0, 1176.0], [857.0, 1176.0], [857.0, 1211.0], [736.0, 1211.0]], ('2.59A', 0.9893193244934082)], [[[87.0, 1246.0], [548.0, 1246.0], [548.0, 1280.0], [87.0, 1280.0]], ('76490 Mandarins H/M,700g', 0.9257583618164062)], [[[736.0, 1245.0], [857.0, 1245.0], [857.0, 1281.0], [736.0, 1281.0]], ('4.99A', 0.9824537038803101)], [[[86.0, 1282.0], [276.0, 1282.0], [276.0, 1313.0], [86.0, 1313.0]], ('Price oven', 0.8787740468978882)], [[[464.0, 1280.0], [585.0, 1276.0], [586.0, 1313.0], [465.0, 1316.0]], ('3.99', 0.9863247871398926)], [[[718.0, 1280.0], [857.0, 1280.0], [857.0, 1314.0], [718.0, 1314.0]], ('-1.00A', 0.8686838150024414)], [[[312.0, 1334.0], [600.0, 1330.0], [600.0, 1386.0], [312.0, 1389.0]], ('Total = $37.98', 0.9767573475837708)]]
{"store_name": "ALDISTORES", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "$37.98", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "76490MandarinsH/M,700g", "item_value": "1.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "3769MayonnaiseSqueeZe", "item_value": "1.39", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "43333DipSalsa300g", "item_value": "1.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "9477NutsRawOSNVar", "item_value": "0.85", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "76365GrapesThompson1Kg", "item_value": "0.89", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "76113Bananas,Caven,750g", "item_value": "4.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "76016PinkLadyApplesperkg", "item_value": "5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "41207RiceCrackers200g", "item_value": "1.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "1390FrozSteamVeg450g", "item_value": "1.65", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "36884Ham4x100g", "item_value": "2.64", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "5336FznMixedBerries500g", "item_value": "2.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "4376PremBakedBeansTom425g", "item_value": "1.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "42335BeetrootSliced450g", "item_value": "3.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "37427TortillaWrapsWholemeal", "item_value": "1.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "35250CkrBrownRice100g", "item_value": "2.59", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "46199BabySoinach120g", "item_value": "4.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[156.0, 72.0], [191.0, 72.0], [191.0, 87.0], [156.0, 87.0]], ('CIR', 0.9561178684234619)], [[[108.0, 120.0], [248.0, 117.0], [248.0, 131.0], [108.0, 133.0]], ("1/F.UNIT 101.CHEUNG'S", 0.7502122521400452)], [[[93.0, 130.0], [253.0, 128.0], [253.0, 142.0], [93.0, 144.0]], ('BLOG1-3 NING LOK.SIREET', 0.7978479266166687)], [[[106.0, 140.0], [249.0, 139.0], [249.0, 152.0], [106.0, 153.0]], ('SHEUNG WAN. HONG KONG', 0.9104552268981934)], [[[106.0, 150.0], [248.0, 150.0], [248.0, 163.0], [106.0, 163.0]], ('T28505075F:28505844', 0.9183549284934998)], [[[90.0, 172.0], [237.0, 172.0], [237.0, 185.0], [90.0, 185.0]], ('REG 22-08-20142111', 0.9018963575363159)], [[[213.0, 185.0], [256.0, 185.0], [256.0, 196.0], [213.0, 196.0]], ('000055', 0.9829389452934265)], [[[217.0, 195.0], [258.0, 195.0], [258.0, 209.0], [217.0, 209.0]], ('CT1', 0.8128222823143005)], [[[95.0, 216.0], [195.0, 218.0], [195.0, 232.0], [95.0, 230.0]], ('1.ChickenTikka', 0.8775115013122559)], [[[215.0, 217.0], [259.0, 219.0], [258.0, 233.0], [214.0, 231.0]], ('80.00', 0.9880234003067017)], [[[94.0, 229.0], [179.0, 229.0], [179.0, 242.0], [94.0, 242.0]], ('1 Ye/low Da', 0.7056570649147034)], [[[217.0, 229.0], [259.0, 229.0], [259.0, 243.0], [217.0, 243.0]], ('60.00', 0.9699980020523071)], [[[93.0, 241.0], [188.0, 241.0], [188.0, 254.0], [93.0, 254.0]], ('1 Garlic Naan', 0.8920513987541199)], [[[217.0, 242.0], [259.0, 242.0], [259.0, 253.0], [217.0, 253.0]], ('22.00', 0.9883713722229004)], [[[92.0, 252.0], [187.0, 254.0], [187.0, 267.0], [92.0, 265.0]], ('1 Pul lao Rice', 0.7691093683242798)], [[[218.0, 251.0], [262.0, 253.0], [261.0, 267.0], [217.0, 265.0]], ('38.00', 0.9855392575263977)], [[[89.0, 264.0], [180.0, 265.0], [180.0, 279.0], [89.0, 278.0]], ('2 Kingfisner', 0.9510065913200378)], [[[216.0, 265.0], [262.0, 265.0], [262.0, 279.0], [216.0, 279.0]], ('70.00', 0.9757050275802612)], [[[104.0, 278.0], [121.0, 278.0], [121.0, 291.0], [104.0, 291.0]], ('ST', 0.925199031829834)], [[[213.0, 278.0], [263.0, 278.0], [263.0, 292.0], [213.0, 292.0]], ('270.00', 0.982865571975708)], [[[105.0, 289.0], [129.0, 292.0], [127.0, 307.0], [103.0, 304.0]], ('10%', 0.9981542229652405)], [[[103.0, 305.0], [187.0, 305.0], [187.0, 318.0], [103.0, 318.0]], ('ServicesCHR', 0.9317397475242615)], [[[218.0, 303.0], [265.0, 306.0], [265.0, 321.0], [217.0, 318.0]], ('27.00', 0.9895399808883667)], [[[102.0, 318.0], [119.0, 318.0], [119.0, 331.0], [102.0, 331.0]], ('TL', 0.9712114334106445)], [[[156.0, 316.0], [264.0, 320.0], [264.0, 334.0], [156.0, 330.0]], ('297.00', 0.949268102645874)], [[[101.0, 331.0], [135.0, 331.0], [135.0, 347.0], [101.0, 347.0]], ('CASH', 0.9943739175796509)], [[[210.0, 334.0], [267.0, 334.0], [267.0, 349.0], [210.0, 349.0]], ('297.00', 0.9905175566673279)], [[[99.0, 359.0], [252.0, 364.0], [252.0, 378.0], [98.0, 374.0]], ('DAILY OPENING HOURS', 0.9483190774917603)], [[[85.0, 374.0], [269.0, 379.0], [269.0, 394.0], [85.0, 389.0]], ('11AM9PM6PM11PM', 0.9805022478103638)], [[[107.0, 390.0], [244.0, 393.0], [244.0, 409.0], [107.0, 406.0]], ('THANK YOU', 0.9474819898605347)], [[[97.0, 404.0], [253.0, 409.0], [252.0, 426.0], [97.0, 421.0]], ('COME AGAIN', 0.9487336277961731)]]
{"store_name": "CENTRAL CIR", "store_addr": "KONG SHEUNGWAN 1-3WINGLOK,STREET 1/F 101,CHEUNG'S", "telephone": "28505075", "date": "22-09-2014", "time": "21:11", "subtotal": "270.00", "tax": "", "total": "297.00 297.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Kingfisher", "item_value": "70.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PullaoRice", "item_value": "38.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GarlicNaan", "item_value": "22.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "YellowDal", "item_value": "60.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChickenTikka", "item_value": "80.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}