Infinity Platformer! | #all #games
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (normal v)\nplay sound [Connect v] until done\nforever\n play sound [Distant_Lands v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [blue brush collected v]\nswitch backdrop to (blue backdrop v)\n\nwhen I receive [game complete! v]\nswitch backdrop to (game complete v)\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nforever\n set size to (90) %\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@text\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (28) y: (-7)\nforever\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (Level)\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (13) y: (75)\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n go to x: (13) y: (85)\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (5) y: (140)\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (-100) y: (135)\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n go to x: (5) y: (75)\n end\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (5) y: (12)\n end\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n go to x: (5) y: (100)\n end\nend\n\n@Brush\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@spike\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n go to x: (-73) y: (-123)\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Brush2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (27) y: (-55)\nforever\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [14]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Brush3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (21) y: (-70)\n if <(Level) = [15]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow variable [timer v]\nset size to (100) %\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n reset timer\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nshow\nhide variable [timer v]\nhide variable [☁ fastest time v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\n@Player\n\ndefine Restart\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\n\ndefine Physics\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>>> then\n change [x v] by (2)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>>> then\n change [x v] by (-2)\nend\nchange x by (x)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n set [y v] to [10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n set [y v] to [10]\n end\n end\nelse\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.8))\nend\nchange y by (y)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n if <(Jumping?) = [y]> then\n set [y v] to [12]\n set [jumping? v] to [n]\n end\n end\nelse\n change [y v] by (-1)\n set [jumping? v] to [y]\nend\nif <<touching (spike v)?> or <touching (lava v)?>> then\n Restart\n broadcast (Restart Enemy v)\nend\nif <(x position) > [225]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n Restart\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nRestart\nshow\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n Physics\n if <touching (brush v)?> then\n broadcast (blue brush collected v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n Restart\n end\n if <touching (brush2 v)?> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n Restart\n end\n if <touching (brush3 v)?> then\n broadcast (blue brush collected v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n Restart\n end\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n wait until <not <key (s v) pressed?>>\n change [level v] by (1)\n Restart\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n Restart\n end\nend\n\ndefine Slope Detection\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(Slope) = [8]> or <not <touching (level v)?>>>\n change x by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-8)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(y position) = [-183]> then\n Restart\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (blue brush collected v)\n\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [timer v] to [0]\nforever\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [timer v] by (0.1)\n if <(Level) = [16]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (blue brush collected v)\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\n
Wow! This got featured! Thank you so much Scratch Team!!!\n\nSea Floor\nHere's your chance to explore the dark depths of the sea floor! While you've got mysterious creatures to look out for, you also have trash to collect, oil to stop, and creatures to save! \n\nHOW TO PLAY (Please read!):\n- Press the green flag twice! (it won't work otherwise!)\n\n- Hit "play" to start.\n\n- Use the arrow keys to move.\n\n- Down arrow to crawl.\n\n- Don't go out of the border, touch red or black.\n\n- Click trash to pick it up.\n\nFollow the instructions and have fun!\n
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [771676_FORTNITE-Orchestral-Cover-.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (125) %\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by (-5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [air v] to [0]\nset [max level v] to [13]\nset [level v] to [1]\nRespawn [-200] [0]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n change [air v] by (1)\n if <(air) > [100]> then\n set [air v] to [100]\n end\n change [y speed v] by (-1)\n Change Y (y speed)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <(touching ground) = [1]>> then\n set [y speed v] to [15]\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [x speed v] by (3)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [x speed v] by (-3)\n end\n if <(x speed) > [8]> then\n set [x speed v] to [8]\n else\n if <(x speed) < [-8]> then\n set [x speed v] to [-8]\n end\n end\n Change X (x speed)\n if <(x speed) > [0]> then\n change [x speed v] by (-1)\n else\n if <(x speed) < [0]> then\n change [x speed v] by (1)\n end\n end\n if <((frame counter) mod (3)) = [0]> then\n if <<(x position) > [239]> and <not <(level) = [16]>>> then\n if <not <(level) = (max level)>> then\n Respawn [-210] (y position)\n change [level v] by (1)\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n Respawn [-210] [-74]\n end\n broadcast (Next level v) and wait\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n wait (.5) seconds\n end\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n change [☁ plays v] by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n change [color v] effect by (.1)\nend\n\ndefine Respawn (x) (y)\nset [x speed v] to [0]\nset [y speed v] to [0]\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\ndefine Change X (x speed)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nif <(touching ground) = [1]> then\n set [max slope v] to [15]\nelse\n set [max slope v] to [1]\nend\nchange x by (x speed)\nif then\n if <<(level) = [11]> or <(level) = [15]>> then\n change [deaths on hard level v] by (1)\n end\n start sound [you know what th3 v]\n Respawn [-210] [0]\nend\nif <<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching (invissprite v)?>> then\n repeat until <<not <<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching (invissprite v)?>>> or <(slope) = (max slope)>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\n end\nend\nif <(slope) = (max slope)> then\n change y by (() - (slope))\n set [x speed v] to [0]\n if <(x speed) > [0]> then\n repeat until <not <<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching (invissprite v)?>>>\n change x by (-1)\n end\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <(air) > [5]>> then\n set [y speed v] to [15]\n set [x speed v] to [-10]\n end\n else\n repeat until <not <<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching (invissprite v)?>>>\n change x by (1)\n end\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <(air) > [5]>> then\n set [y speed v] to [15]\n set [x speed v] to [10]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(touching ground) = [1]> then\n change y by (-15)\n if <<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching (invissprite v)?>> then\n repeat until <not <<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching (invissprite v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n end\n else\n change y by (15)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Change Y (y speed)\nchange y by (y speed)\nif then\n if <<(level) = [11]> or <(level) = [15]>> then\n change [deaths on hard level v] by (1)\n end\n start sound [you know what th3 v]\n Respawn [-210] [0]\nend\nset [touching ground v] to [0]\nif <<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching (invissprite v)?>> then\n set [y speed v] to [0]\n if <<(y speed) > [0]> or <(y speed) = [0]>> then\n repeat until <not <<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching (invissprite v)?>>>\n change y by (-1)\n end\n else\n set [touching ground v] to [1]\n set [air v] to [0]\n repeat until <not <<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching (invissprite v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\nend\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\n@Platforms\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to ([sin v] of (90) )\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nstart sound [Clue Sting Minor2 v]\nrepeat (15)\n go to x: (pick random (-10) to (10)) y: (pick random (-10) to (10))\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n@Exit\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to ([sin v] of (90) )\nforever\n set [win rate v] to ((100) * ((☁ wins) / (☁ plays)))\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n set y to ((100) + ((25) * ([sin v] of ((360) * ([cos v] of ((50) * (timer)) )) )))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\npoint in direction (pick random (-1) to (1))\n\n@texkt\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to ([sin v] of (90) )\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@Spykes\n\n@Rising Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to ([sin v] of (90) )\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nstart sound [Clue Sting Minor2 v]\nrepeat (15)\n go to x: (pick random (-10) to (10)) y: (pick random (-10) to (10))\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n@icon\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nforever\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n change [☁ wins v] by (1)\n wait (6) seconds\n go to [front v] layer\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (0) y: (512)\n glide (3) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@invisSprite\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\nwait (2) seconds\nforever\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nshow\nwait (.5) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (80)\nhide\n\n
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/314777104\n\nPRESS FLAG TWICE\n❤ and ⭐\nWelcome to Team Work! Another platformer by @terryjr229. In this game you and a friend work together (or play by yourself). Trying to get to the green flag. Red can only touch blue, and blue can only touch red. Use each other to get to the flag. There are 10 levels all 100% possible. Have fun!\n\nBlue: Arrow keys\nRed: WAD
Save | A Platformer #trending #games #all
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<(Level) = [1]> or <(Level) = [15]>> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Player\n\ndefine reset\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-50)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [dead? v] to [0]\nset [x v v] to [0]\nset [y v v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nset [change? v] to [1]\nreset\nset [change? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [alright bros let's go v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [dead? v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nreset\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n if <<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> and <(dead?) = [0]>> then\n change [x v v] by (.9)\n end\n if <<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> and <(dead?) = [0]>> then\n change [x v v] by (-.9)\n end\n set [x v v] to ((X v) * (0.9))\n change x by (X v)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by ((X v) * (-2))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>>> then\n if <(X v) > [0]> then\n set [x v v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x v v] to [5]\n end\n set [y v v] to [13]\n else\n set [x v v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v v] by (-0.8)\n change y by (Y v)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((Y v) * (-1))\n set [y v v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>>> then\n set [y v v] to [12]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<<<<touching (killer wheel v)?> or <touching (spikes v)?>> or <touching (big killer wheel v)?>> or <touching (lightning v)?>> and <(dead?) = [0]>> then\n Spin off screen\n end\n if <touching (jump pad v)?> then\n set [y v v] to [20]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [alright bros let's go v]\nforever\n set [direction v] to (direction)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [alright bros let's go v]\nset [change? v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<(x position) = [240]> and <(dead?) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (NEXT LEVEL v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [alright bros let's go v]\nforever\n if <(y position) = [-179]> then\n Spin off screen\n end\nend\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nif <(dead?) = [0]> then\n reset\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [alright bros let's go v]\nshow\n\ndefine Spin off screen\nset [dead? v] to [1]\nchange [player death v] by (1)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nreset\n\nwhen I receive [alright bros let's go v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (center2 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by (-5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\nbroadcast (alright bros let's go v)\n\n@Deco\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [15]> then\n show\n end\nend\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Emerald\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (19) y: (-12)\nset size to (75) %\nforever\n if <(Level) = [14]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n repeat (20)\n turn right (15) degrees\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n end\nend\n\n
Arctic || A Scrolling Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nforever\n if <(Lev) < [20]> then\n if <(Lev) = [19]> then\n if <(Boss HP) < [1]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n end\n else\n switch backdrop to (blue sky v)\n end\n else\n if <(Lev) < [40]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n else\n if <(Lev) = [40]> then\n if <(New world) = [false]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n else\n switch backdrop to (blue sky2 v)\n end\n else\n switch backdrop to (blue sky3 v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (blue sky v)\n\n@persona\n\ndefine Water effect\nif <<touching (water v)?> and <not <touching (ground v)?>>> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n change [y v] by (1)\n else\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n end\n end\nend\nif <<touching (water v)?> and <not <touching (ground v)?>>> then\n change [y v] by (0.95)\n if <<touching (water v)?> and <not <touching (ground v)?>>> then\n change [y v] by (0.25)\n end\nelse\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Player to x -200 y 0 v) and wait\nset [lev v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [player to x -200 y 0 v]\nif <not <(Lev) = [40]>> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\nelse\n go to x: (-200) y: (-111)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Move (x)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n set [x v] to [0]\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by (x)\n set [right or left arrow pressed -> <- v] to [right arrow]\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by ((x) * (-1))\n set [right or left arrow pressed -> <- v] to [left arrow]\nend\nset [x v] to ((X) * (0.7))\nchange x by (X)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n set [slope v] to [0]\n repeat until <<(Slope) = [32]> or <not <touching (ground v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (4)\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (((Slope) * (-1)) * (0.25))\n repeat ([abs v] of (X) )\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by (([abs v] of (X) ) / ((X) * (-1)))\n end\n end\n end\n if <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [2]> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <not <touching (water v)?>>> then\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n set [x v] to [-14]\n end\n else\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n set [x v] to [14]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange y by (Y)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n repeat ([abs v] of (Y) )\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (([abs v] of (Y) ) / ((Y) * (-1)))\n end\n end\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <not <touching (water v)?>>> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n else\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n change [y v] by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [lev v] to [1]\nstop all sounds\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n if <(Lev) < [19]> then\n play sound [Xaf - Kaled v] until done\n else\n if <(Lev) < [42]> then\n if <not <(New world) = [true]>> then\n wait until <(volume) = [100]>\n play sound [Strings of Valour \(Ambient Mix\) v] until done\n else\n wait until <(volume) = [100]>\n play sound [The Beginning Of Time v] until done\n end\n else\n play sound [Awesome SONG - OMFG - Hello v] until done\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Lev) = [19]>\nrepeat until <(volume) = [0]>\n change volume by (-5)\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nstop all sounds\nset volume to (100) %\nwait until <(Lev) = [40]>\nhide variable [lev v]\nwait until <(New world) = [true]>\nrepeat (20)\n change volume by (-5)\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\nwait (0.05) seconds\nstop all sounds\nset volume to (100) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <[235] < (x position)> then\n if <not <(Lev) = [20]>> then\n if <not <(Lev) = [40]>> then\n change [lev v] by (1)\n broadcast (Player to x -200 y 0 v) and wait\n else\n if <(New world) = [true]> then\n change [lev v] by (1)\n broadcast (Player to x -200 y 0 v) and wait\n end\n end\n else\n if <(ball) = [hide]> then\n change [lev v] by (1)\n broadcast (Player to x -200 y 0 v) and wait\n end\n end\n end\n if <touching (spickle v)?> then\n broadcast (Player to x -200 y 0 v) and wait\n end\n if <(y position) < [-179]> then\n broadcast (Player to x -200 y 0 v) and wait\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n if <key (n v) pressed?> then\n if <not <<(Lev) = [20]> or <(Lev) = [40]>>> then\n if <not <(Lev) = [19]>> then\n broadcast (Player to x -200 y 0 v) and wait\n change [lev v] by (1)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n else\n hide variable [boss hp v]\n set [boss hp v] to [0]\n broadcast (Player to x -200 y 0 v) and wait\n change [lev v] by (1)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nshow variable [lev v]\nbroadcast (Player to x -200 y 0 v) and wait\nforever\n if <(World loaded) = [true]> then\n Move [2.6]\n else\n if <(World loaded) = [lvl40]> then\n glide (3) secs to x: (115) y: (-111)\n repeat until <(World loaded) = [false]>\n Move [2.6]\n end\n else\n glide (5) secs to x: (-200) y: (-111)\n wait until <(World loaded) = [true]>\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Lev) > [41]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (boiing v)?> then\n set [y v] to [20]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (persona red v)\nforever\n if <(Lev) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (persona red v)\n end\n if <(Lev) = [21]> then\n switch costume to (persona black v)\n end\n if <(Lev) = [40]> then\n if <(New world) = [true]> then\n switch costume to (persona v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n Water effect\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Lev) = [19]>\nwait until <(Boss HP) < [1]>\nhide variable [boss hp v]\n\n@ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nrepeat until <(Lev) > [39]>\n switch costume to (Lev)\nend\nswitch costume to (Lev)\nhide variable [lev v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nhide variable [lev v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [new world v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (Lev)\nend\n\n@spickle\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Lev)\nend\n\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\n@boiing\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Lev) = [4]> then\n show\n switch costume to (1boing v)\n else\n if <(Lev) = [8]> then\n show\n switch costume to (2boing v)\n else\n if <(Lev) = [14]> then\n show\n switch costume to (3boing v)\n else\n if <(Lev) = [25]> then\n show\n switch costume to (4boing v)\n else\n if <(Lev) = [35]> then\n show\n switch costume to (5boing v)\n else\n hide\n go to [back v] layer\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set y to (0)\n if <touching (persona v)?> then\n change y by (-10)\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n end\n set y to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@Balls\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ball v] to [hide]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-80)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <(Lev) = [20]>\n set [ball v] to [show]\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n change [8* v] by (8)\n change [5* v] by (5)\n change [2* v] by (2)\n set [sin v] to (([sin v] of (5*) ) * (20))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(ball) = [show]> then\n show\n end\n if <(ball) = [hide]> then\n hide\n go to [back v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (persona v)?> then\n set [ball v] to [hide]\n hide\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [var for animation for end v] to [no]\nwait until <(Lev) > [39]>\nset [world loaded v] to [lvl40]\nwait until <(Persona touched ball holder) = [true]>\nglide (1.5) secs to x: (176) y: (-25)\nset [var for animation for end v] to [yes]\nrepeat (100)\n wait (0) seconds\n set y to ((-25) + (pick random (-3) to (3)))\n set x to ((176) + (pick random (-3) to (3)))\nend\nwait until <(Var for animation for end) = [hide balls]>\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [clone difference v] to [0]\nwait (0) seconds\nset [clone difference v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [ball v] to [hide]\nset size to (100) %\nforever\n set size to (((([sin v] of (5*) ) * (20)) * (0.7)) + (100)) %\n set y to ((-70) + (([sin v] of (2*) ) * (10)))\n if <(Lev) = [20]> then\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n if <touching (persona v)?> then\n set [ball v] to [hide]\n hide\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Lev) = [1]> then\n if <(clone difference) = [0]> then\n change [clone difference v] by (1)\n show\n set size to (50) %\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (210) y: (150)\n forever\n if <touching (persona v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (70)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (35)\n forever\n set size to ((([sin v] of (2*) ) * (8)) + (50)) %\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(clone difference) = [1]> then\n change [clone difference v] by (1)\n show\n set size to (50) %\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n go to x: (170) y: (150)\n forever\n if <touching (persona v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (70)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (35)\n forever\n set size to ((([sin v] of (2*) ) * (8)) + (50)) %\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(clone difference) = [2]> then\n change [clone difference v] by (1)\n show\n set size to (50) %\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n go to x: (130) y: (150)\n forever\n if <touching (persona v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (70)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (35)\n forever\n set size to ((([sin v] of (2*) ) * (8)) + (50)) %\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(clone difference) = [3]> then\n change [clone difference v] by (1)\n show\n set size to (50) %\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n go to x: (90) y: (150)\n forever\n if <touching (persona v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (70)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (35)\n forever\n set size to ((([sin v] of (2*) ) * (8)) + (50)) %\n end\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(Lev) = [20]> then\n show\n set size to (50) %\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (50) y: (150)\n forever\n if <touching (persona v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (70)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (35)\n forever\n set size to ((([sin v] of (2*) ) * (8)) + (50)) %\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [var for animation for end v] to [no]\nset [balls move v] to [0]\nwait until <(Persona touched ball holder) = [true]>\nwait (1.51) seconds\nset [balls move v] to [2]\nrepeat (5)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n change [balls move v] by (-1)\nend\nset [boss hp v] to [0]\n\nrepeat (10)\n turn right (pick random (180) to (-180)) degrees\n move (Balls move) steps\nend\n\nset [lev v] to [20]\n\nset [lev v] to [40]\n\n@ligiht\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat until <(New world) = [true]>\n go to [back v] layer\n if <(Lev) > [19]> then\n show\n go to (persona v)\n else\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n show\n go to (persona v)\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n go to (persona v)\n set size to (((sin) * (0.5)) + (100)) %\nend\n\n@ShOioty bawl\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to (persona v)\nif <(right or left arrow pressed -> <-) = [right arrow]> then\n repeat until <(x position) > [230]>\n move (12) steps\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(right or left arrow pressed -> <-) = [left arrow]> then\n repeat until <(x position) < [-230]>\n move (-12) steps\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <key (f v) pressed?> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.34) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(Lev) < [21]> then\n switch costume to (wed bawly v)\n end\n if <(Lev) > [20]> then\n switch costume to (bwak bawly v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (emeny v)?> then\n broadcast (emeny ded v)\n delete this clone\n end\n if <touching (emeny2 v)?> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <touching (boss5 v)?> then\n wait (0) seconds\n delete this clone\n end\n if <touching (bos spickle v)?> then\n wait (0) seconds\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n@Missile2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nrepeat until <(Lev) = [43]>\n if <key (c v) pressed?> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (7.5) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <[21] > (Lev)> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\nend\npoint in direction (0)\ngo to (persona v)\nglide (0.3) secs to x: (x position) y: ((y position) + (25))\nrepeat (20)\n turn right (4.5) degrees\n move (4) steps\n if <touching (boss5 v)?> then\n if <[10] < (Boss HP)> then\n change [boss hp v] by (-10)\n else\n set [boss hp v] to [0]\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\nif <<(Lev) = [19]> and <not <(Boss HP) < [1]>>> then\n point towards (boss5 v)\n repeat until <<touching (boss5 v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>\n move (6) steps\n end\n if <[10] < (Boss HP)> then\n change [boss hp v] by (-10)\n else\n set [boss hp v] to [0]\n end\n delete this clone\nelse\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n move (3.5) steps\n end\n delete this clone\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n show\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (spickle v)?>> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nif <<(Lev) = [39]> and <not <(Boss HP) < [1]>>> then\n\n@boss5\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nswitch costume to (spikelay v)\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (boss x position) y: ((boss y position) - (50))\nrepeat until <<(x position) < [-225]> or <[19] < (Lev)>>\n if <[19] < (Lev)> then\n delete this clone\n else\n point towards (persona v)\n if <[125] > (x position)> then\n move (4) steps\n end\n if <(x position) > [125]> then\n move (50) steps\n end\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [boss hp v]\nwait (0) seconds\nhide variable [boss hp v]\nhide\nwait until <(Lev) = [19]>\nshow variable [boss hp v]\ngo to x: (142) y: (-53)\nshow\nswitch costume to (boass v)\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat until <[19] < (Lev)>\n if <(Lev) = [19]> then\n if <[80] < (Boss HP)> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n if <(Boss HP) < [81]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.7) seconds\n end\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (persona v)?> then\n set [boss hp v] to [100]\n broadcast (Player to x -200 y 0 v)\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [boss x position v] to (x position)\n set [boss y position v] to (y position)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <[19] < (Lev)> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [boss hp v] to [100]\nforever\n if <touching (persona v)?> then\n set [boss hp v] to [100]\n broadcast (Player to x -200 y 0 v) and wait\n wait (0) seconds\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Lev) = [19]> then\n switch costume to (boass v)\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (shoioty bawl v)?> then\n wait (0) seconds\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hit boss v]\nchange [boss hp v] by (-1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (shoioty bawl v)?> then\n change [boss hp v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Boss HP) = [0]> then\n hide variable [boss hp v]\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(Boss HP) = [0]> then\n hide variable [boss hp v]\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [player to x -200 y 0 v]\ngo to x: (142) y: (-53)\nif <(Lev) = [19]> then\n set [boss hp v] to [100]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Boss HP) > [75]> then\n if <not <(Boss HP) > [99]>> then\n wait (5) seconds\n change [boss hp v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(Boss HP) > [50]> then\n wait (3) seconds\n change [boss hp v] by (1)\n else\n wait (2) seconds\n change [boss hp v] by (1)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@bos spickle\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Lev) < [19]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Lev) > [19]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [sped v] to [10]\nhide\nwait (0) seconds\nhide\nwait until <(Lev) = [19]>\ngo to x: (142) y: (15)\nwait until <(Boss HP) < [81]>\nif <not <(Boss HP) < [1]>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to x: (142) y: (15)\nrepeat (45)\n turn right (15) degrees\nend\npoint towards (persona v)\nset [dir v] to (direction)\nrepeat until <<<<touching (persona v)?> or <touching (shoioty bawl v)?>> or <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>> or <touching (missile2 v)?>>\n change x by ((sped) * ([sin v] of (dir) ))\n change y by ((sped) * ([cos v] of (dir) ))\n turn right (15) degrees\nend\nif <touching (persona v)?> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (Player to x -200 y 0 v)\n broadcast (bos spiclke ded v)\n delete this clone\nelse\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (bos spiclke ded v)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [bos spiclke ded v]\nif <(Boss HP) < [81]> then\n if <(Boss HP) < [1]> then\n delete this clone\n else\n wait (0.5) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nelse\n wait until <(Boss HP) < [81]>\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Lev) = [19]>\nforever\n if <(Boss HP) < [1]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n@bos spickle 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [boss hp v] to [100]\nswitch costume to (big v)\nhide\ngo to (boss5 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nwait until <(Lev) = [19]>\nwait until <(Boss HP) < [51]>\nforever\n if <<(Boss HP) < [1]> or <[51] < (Boss HP)>> then\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(Boss HP) < [1]> then\n delete this clone\n else\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (5) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (big v)\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to (boss5 v)\npoint in direction (0)\nif <(Boss HP) < [51]> then\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n repeat (10)\n move (3) steps\n end\n end\n switch costume to (big v)\n repeat (10)\n switch costume to (big v)\n move (3) steps\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n set x to ([x position v] of [persona v])\n turn right (180) degrees\n repeat until <((y position) - ([y position v] of [persona v])) < [175]>\n move (3) steps\n point towards (persona v)\n end\n repeat (2)\n set [brightness v] effect to (50)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n repeat until <<<touching (persona v)?> or <touching (ground v)?>> or <touching (shoioty bawl v)?>>\n move (10) steps\n end\n wait (0) seconds\n delete this clone\nelse\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (persona v)?> then\n set [boss hp v] to [100]\n broadcast (Player to x -200 y 0 v)\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Lev) = [19]>\nforever\n if <(Boss HP) < [1]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n@boss darkness\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nwait until <(Lev) = [19]>\nwait until <(Boss HP) < [26]>\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nrepeat (100)\n if <(Boss HP) < [26]> then\n show\n change [ghost v] effect by (-0.85)\n else\n hide\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\nrepeat until <(Boss HP) < [1]>\n if <(Boss HP) < [1]> then\n hide\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n stop [this script v]\n else\n if <(Boss HP) < [26]> then\n if <(Boss HP) < [1]> then\n hide\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n stop [this script v]\n else\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (15)\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n end\n else\n if <(Boss HP) < [1]> then\n hide\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n stop [this script v]\n else\n hide\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n wait until <(Boss HP) < [26]>\n repeat (100)\n if <(Boss HP) < [26]> then\n show\n change [ghost v] effect by (-0.85)\n else\n hide\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n if <(Boss HP) < [1]> then\n hide\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n stop [this script v]\n else\n wait until <(Boss HP) < [1]>\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n wait (0) seconds\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [player to x -200 y 0 v]\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\n\n@Water\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (5) layers\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Lev) = [5]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n else\n if <(Lev) = [7]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n else\n if <(Lev) = [10]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n else\n if <(Lev) = [15]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n else\n if <(Lev) = [24]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n else\n hide\n go to [back v] layer\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set y to ((([sin v] of (8*) ) * (10)) * (0.5))\nend\n\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (5) layers\n\n@emd skreen\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nrepeat until <(Lev) > [41]>\n hide\nend\nshow\n\nhide\n\nshow\n\n@thoenail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nshow variable [lev v]\n\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide variable [lev v]\n\n@LoFavLow\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nshow variable [lev v]\nhide\nrepeat until <(Lev) > [41]>\n hide\nend\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\nhide variable [lev v]\nforever\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((8*) * (1.5)) ) * (10)) + (90))\nend\n\n@natural light\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nforever\n if <(Lev) = [32]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (60)\n else\n if <(Lev) = [33]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n else\n if <(Lev) = [34]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n else\n if <(Lev) = [35]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n else\n if <(Lev) = [36]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n else\n if <(Lev) = [26]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n else\n if <(Lev) = [27]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n else\n if <(Lev) = [28]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n else\n if <(Lev) = [40]> then\n if <(New world) = [false]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume9 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n else\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@Ball holder\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [persona touched ball holder v] to [false]\nhide\nwait until <(Lev) = [40]>\nshow\nwait until <touching (persona v)?>\nbroadcast (Persona touched ball holder v)\nset [persona touched ball holder v] to [true]\nset [world loaded v] to [false]\n\nwhen I receive [new world v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop [this script v]\n\n@White thingy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [world loaded v] to [true]\nset [new world v] to [false]\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset size to (115) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait until <(Lev) = [40]>\nwait until <(Var for animation for end) = [yes]>\nshow\nrepeat (50)\n wait (0) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\nend\nset [var for animation for end v] to [hide balls]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nrepeat (3)\n repeat (6)\n wait (0) seconds\n change size by (5)\n end\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nrepeat (3)\n wait (0.4) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat until <(size) < [6]>\n set size to ((size) / (1.2)) %\nend\nhide\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nshow\nrepeat until <[1500] < (size)>\n switch costume to (big v)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n set size to ((size) * (2)) %\nend\nnext costume\nswitch costume to (costume9 v)\nbroadcast (New world v)\nset [new world v] to [true]\nbroadcast (Player to x -200 y 0 v)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (1)\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\nset [world loaded v] to [true]\nhide\n\nset [lev v] to [19]\n\nset [lev v] to [40]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nset [var for animation for end v] to [yes]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nif <[150] < (size)> then\n set size to (150) %\nend\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nhide\nwait (0.2) seconds\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to (big v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (175) y: (-24)\nturn right (pick random (180) to (-180)) degrees\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n turn right (1) degrees\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nset size to (1) %\n\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\n\n@counter - levels\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [-idclone v] to [0]\nhide\ngen clones\nforever\n broadcast (Tick v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (50) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nset y to (-157)\npoint in direction (90)\n\ndefine gen clones\nrepeat (10)\n change [-idclone v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [-idclone v] to [man]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <not <(-idClone) = [man]>> then\n if <((length of (Lev)) + (1)) > (-idClone)> then\n show\n switch costume to (letter (-idClone) of (Lev))\n set x to ((-240) + ((-idClone) * (20)))\n set y to ((160) + ([sin v] of ((timer) * (1000)) ))\n point in direction ((90) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (200)) ) * (9)))\n if <[19] < (Lev)> then\n if <[39] < (Lev)> then\n if <(Lev) = [42]> then\n hide\n else\n if <(New world) = [true]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n end\n end\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n end\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n hide variable [lev v]\nend\n\n
#4 ON TRENDING!!!!!!!!!! - Aug 30 - 2021 #5 for all #4 for games. Thank you SoOoOooO much\n#2 on What the community is remixing - Sep 2 - 2021\nDOUBLE CLICK GREEN FLAG!!!!!!!!!!\nWith 1400+ blocks, 136 costumes, and 53 days since Part 2, PART 3 IS FIIIIINALLY OUT!!!!!! \nPart 1: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/400364304/\nPart 2: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/551098381/\n➠ Arrow keys or WASD to move\n➠ N to skip\n➠ Space for light\n➠ F to shoot\n➠ C for missile\n\nif it lags use turbowarp: https://turbowarp.org/551205351\n\nPlease report any bugs or improvements in the comments. Thanks!\nHave fun!
Darkside || A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\nend\nswitch backdrop to (out v)\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (endend v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (in1 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait (4) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (in2 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait (4) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (in3 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait (4) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (play v)\nclear graphic effects\nswitch backdrop to (2 v)\n\n@player\n\ndefine touching ground <g>\nrepeat until <not <touching color (#999999)?>>\n change y by (1)\n set [y v] to [1]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nchange [y v] by (-1)\nif <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>>> then\n change [x v] by (-0.6)\nend\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by (0.6)\nend\nset [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\nchange x by (x)\nif <touching color (#999999)?> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <touching color (#999999)?> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <touching color (#999999)?> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <touching color (#999999)?> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <<touching color (#fffa91)?> or <touching color (#ffe091)?>> then\n set [y v] to [20]\nend\nset [touching wall v] to [0]\nif <touching color (#999999)?> then\n set [touching wall v] to [1]\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n if <([abs v] of (x) ) = (x)> then\n set [x v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x v] to [5]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\nend\nchange y by (y)\nif <touching color (#999999)?> then\n change y by ((0) - (y))\n set [y v] to [1]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> and <touching color (#999999)?>> then\n set [y v] to [13]\nend\nchange y by (1)\nif <(y position) > [180]> then\n set [y v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nerase all\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <<touching color (#ff8d8d)?> or <touching color (#ffba8c)?>> then\n go to x: (-215) y: (-50)\nend\nif <<touching color (#92f2ff)?> or <touching color (#91d4ff)?>> then\n change x by (10)\nend\nif <touching (figur4 v)?> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n next backdrop\n go to x: (-215) y: (-50)\nend\nif <(Level) = [21]> then\n hide\n broadcast (end v)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm2 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to x: (-215) y: (-50)\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n broadcast (TICK v)\nend\n\nif <(y) = (([abs v] of (y) ) * (-1))> then\n change y by (-1)\n set [y v] to [-1]\nend\n\n@loading\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n turn right (10) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (50) %\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (5)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (5) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (bühnenbild2 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (bühnenbild2 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\n\n@Figur2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nswitch costume to (kostüm1 v)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nnext costume\nchange volume by (-49)\nwait (1) seconds\nif <(volume) < [1]> then\n set volume to (100) %\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Main Title v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (6.5) seconds\nshow\nset size to (90) %\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (1)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (1)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-1)\nend\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change size by (2)\n end\n wait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-2)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change size by (2)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change size by (-2)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (6.5) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (bühnenbild2 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\n\n@Figur3\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nrepeat (7)\n change y by (3)\nend\nrepeat (4)\n change y by (1)\nend\nrepeat (30)\n change y by (-8)\nend\nset y to (-108)\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (start v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(y position) < [-200]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (6) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (bühnenbild2 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (62) y: (-124)\nhide\nwait (6) seconds\nshow\nset size to (130) %\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-1)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-1)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (1)\nend\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-2)\n end\n wait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n repeat (10)\n change size by (2)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change size by (-2)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change size by (2)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Figur4\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (220) y: (-54)\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\nforever\n repeat (20)\n turn right (-2.5) degrees\n end\n repeat (20)\n turn right (2.5) degrees\n end\n repeat (20)\n turn right (2.5) degrees\n end\n repeat (20)\n turn right (-2.5) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change size by (1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change size by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\ngo to x: (221) y: (114)\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\ngo to x: (221) y: (146)\nwait until <(Level) = [8]>\ngo to x: (220) y: (-54)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\n@Figur5\n\n@Figur6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [0]\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [17]>\nswitch costume to (kostüm1 v)\nshow\nrepeat until <(Level) = [18]>\n go to x: (36) y: (28)\n repeat (40)\n if <(Level) = [17]> then\n change y by (5)\n else\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n repeat (40)\n if <(Level) = [17]> then\n change y by (-5)\n else\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [0]\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [18]>\nswitch costume to (kostüm2 v)\nshow\nrepeat until <(Level) = [19]>\n go to x: (36) y: (28)\n repeat (20)\n if <(Level) = [18]> then\n change y by (2.5)\n else\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (20)\n if <(Level) = [18]> then\n change y by (-2.5)\n else\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n wait (1) seconds\nend\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [19 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Figur7\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [18]>\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [19]>\nhide\n\n@Figur8\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [endend v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm1 v)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nstamp\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (kostüm2 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nstop [all v]\n\n@Figur1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (5) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (bühnenbild2 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (bühnenbild2 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-8)\nend\n\n@TimMcCool2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (80)\nhide\n\n@//📊 Scratch Analytics by @TimMcCool3\n\ndefine Send Data (payload)\nset [☁ to_host v] to (payload)\n\ndefine Encode (input)\nset [//output v] to []\nset [//i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of (input))\n change [//i v] by (1)\n switch costume to (join [=] (letter (//i) of (input)))\n set [//output v] to (join (//output) (costume [number v]))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.6) seconds\nEncode (join (username) (join [,] (join (current [hour v]) (join [,] []))))\nSend Data (//output)\n\n
Adventurous - A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nset [level v] to [1]\nwait (3) seconds\ngo to x: (-198) y: (-41)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [y val v] to [0]\nset [x val v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>>> then\n change [x val v] by (-0.5)\n switch costume to (left v)\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [x val v] by (0.5)\n switch costume to (right v)\n end\n change x by (x val)\n set [x val v] to ((x val) * (0.9))\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(x val) > [0]> then\n set [x val v] to [-7]\n else\n set [x val v] to [7]\n end\n set [y val v] to [8]\n else\n set [x val v] to ((x val) * (-1.3))\n change x by (x val)\n set [x val v] to [0]\n change x by ((x val) / (5))\n end\n change y by (-4)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y val v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (y val)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n set [y val v] to ((y val) * (-0.25))\n change y by (y val)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (y val)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (y val)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (y val)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> and <touching (ground v)?>> then\n set [y val v] to [7]\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nforever\n set volume to (60) %\n play sound [Super World v] until done\nend\n\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\nplay sound [Vexento - Digital Kiss.mp3 v] until done\n\n@Levels\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [playerrenderdone v]\nRender (Level)\n\ndefine Render (#level)\npoint in direction (90)\nif <(#level) = [1]> then\n Draw ground\n Draw line from [0] [-108] to [0] [23] with size [13]\nend\nif <(#level) = [2]> then\n Draw ground\n set pen color to (#71d019)\n Draw line from [-94] [-113] to [-94] [12] with size [13]\n Draw line from [-15] [-29] to [-15] [83] with size [13]\n set pen size to (9)\n set pen color to (#f10707)\n pen up\n change x by (-12)\n change y by (-8)\n pen down\n change y by (-100)\n Draw line from [18] [-102] to [118] [-102] with size [9]\nend\nif <(#level) = [3]> then\n Draw ground\n set pen color to (#f10707)\n Draw line from [-237] [-103] to [145] [-103] with size [9]\n set pen color to (#71d019)\n Draw line from [-225] [-63] to [-115] [-63] with size [13]\n set pen color to (#fa00ff)\n Draw line from [-160] [-52] to [-122] [-52] with size [9]\nend\nif <(#level) = [4]> then\n Draw ground\n set pen color to (#71d019)\n Draw line from [-100] [-114] to [-100] [-21] with size [13]\n Draw line from [-100] [48] to [200] [48] with size [13]\n pen up\n go to x: (-100) y: (48)\n change y by (-11)\n change x by (8)\n set pen color to (#f10707)\n Draw line from (x position) (y position) to ((x position) + (283)) (y position) with size [9]\n set pen color to (#fa00ff)\n Draw line from [-50] [-103] to [55] [-103] with size [9]\n Draw line from [100] [-103] to [180] [-103] with size [9]\nend\nif <(#level) = [5]> then\n set pen color to (#f10707)\n Draw line from [44] [-116] to [44] [-1] with size [9]\n Draw line from [44] [-104] to [99] [-104] with size [9]\n pen up\n change x by (-175)\n pen down\n change x by (120)\n Draw ground\n pen up\n set pen color to (#71d019)\n Draw line from [-87] [-114] to [-20] [-50] with size [13]\nend\nif <(#level) = [6]> then\n Draw ground\n set pen color to (#71d019)\n Draw line from [236] [-114] to [236] [777] with size [13]\nend\n\ndefine Draw ground\npen up\nset pen color to (#b35a2e)\nDraw line from [-232] [-167] to [232] [-167] with size [100]\nset pen color to (#71d019)\nDraw line from [-237] [-114] to [237] [-114] with size [13]\n\ndefine Draw line from (x1) (y1) to (x2) (y2) with size (pen size)\nset pen size to (pen size)\npen up\ngo to x: (x1) y: (y1)\npen down\ngo to x: (x2) y: (y2)\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [xval v] to [0]\nset [yval v] to [0]\nforever\n clear graphic effects\n set [xval v] to ((xval) * (0.85))\n change x by (xval)\n if <touching color (#71d019)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#71d019)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#71d019)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#71d019)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#71d019)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#71d019)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#71d019)?> then\n change y by (-5)\n change x by ((-1) * (xval))\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>>> and <not <(xval) = [0]>>> then\n set [yval v] to [8]\n set [xval v] to (((xval) / ([abs v] of (xval) )) * (-10))\n else\n set [xval v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [xval v] by (-1)\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [xval v] by (1)\n end\n change y by (-3)\n if <touching color (#71d019)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [yval v] to [7.5]\n end\n end\n change y by (3)\n if <(yval) > [-15]> then\n change [yval v] by (-0.5)\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <not <touching color (#71d019)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#71d019)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#71d019)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#71d019)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#71d019)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#71d019)?>> then\n change y by (5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (2)\n change y by (yval)\n if <touching color (#71d019)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#71d019)?> then\n change y by ((-1) * (yval))\n set [yval v] to [-3]\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (-216) y: (-35)\nforever\n PlayerRender\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <(x position) > [228]>\n broadcast (Next v) and wait\n wait until <not <(x position) > [228]>>\nend\n\ndefine PlayerRender\nif <touching color (#f00707)?> then\n go to x: (-216) y: (-35)\n set [xval v] to [0]\n set [yval v] to [0]\nend\nif <touching color (#fa00ff)?> then\n set [yval v] to [13]\nend\nerase all\nbroadcast (PlayerRenderDone v)\nset pen color to (#042990)\nset pen size to (16)\npen down\npen up\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ngo to x: (-216) y: (0)\n\n@TN\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n
By POYRAZ namely me\n\nAdvertising(Reklam):⛔\n\nTurbo Mod\nhttps://turbowarp.org/485160400\n\nEN:\nHi friends\nWelcome to the Electric Current Platformer game.\nIf the last level is included, it will be a 17 level game.\nLike, Add to Favorites and Follow.\n\nTR:\n\nMerhaba arkadaşlar\nElektrik Akımı Platformer oyununa hoş geldiniz.\nSon seviye dahil edilirse, 17 seviyeli bir oyun olacaktır.\nBeğen,Favorilere Ekle ve Takip Et.
~Upside Down - a platformer~ #games
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [ Theme v] until done\nend\n\n@Jelly\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (25) %\nrepeat (7)\n change [ghost v] effect by (14)\n change size by (-3)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-185) y: (-65)\npoint in direction (90)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset size to (20) %\nswitch backdrop to (1 v)\nswitch costume to (orange v)\nshow\nset [x velocity v] to [0]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\nforever\n change [y velocity v] by (-0.5)\n if <<<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (.75)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (-.75)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [x velocity v] to ((X Velocity) * (0.9))\n change x by (X Velocity)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((X Velocity) * (-1))\n change x by (-.8)\n change y by (-5)\n change x by (.8)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(X Velocity) > [0]> then\n set [x velocity v] to [-2]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [2]\n end\n set [y velocity v] to [8]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (Y Velocity)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((Y Velocity) * (-1))\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y velocity v] to [8]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <[230] < (x position)> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (next lvl v)\n set x to (-220)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [atrail v] to [Yes]\nset size to (20) %\nforever\n if <(aTrail) = [Yes]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nnext costume\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Hitbox]> then\n switch costume to (red v)\nend\n\nset [atrail v] to [Yes]\n\nset [atrail v] to [No]\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next lvl v]\nnext backdrop\n\nwhen I receive [next lvl v]\nswitch costume to (Level)\n\n@Thumbnail!\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\nclear graphic effects\n\n@Trail toggle\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (204) y: (-146)\nswitch costume to (yes v)\nwait (.3) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(aTrail) = [Yes]> then\n set [atrail v] to [No]\n switch costume to (no v)\nelse\n if <(aTrail) = [No]> then\n set [atrail v] to [Yes]\n switch costume to (yes v)\n end\nend\n\n@Scratch Icons\n\n
WASD Space and arrow keys to move.\nTouch controlls for mobile.\n\nMake a breakfast to win.\n\nThere are 13 levels currently.
Rocky Canyon | Scrolling Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (115) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-50)\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (0.85)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.85)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <<touching color (#88d848)?> or <<touching color (#ffaa66)?> or <<touching color (#97deff)?> or <<touching color (#ffbbe6)?> or <<touching color (#9e9eff)?> or <<touching color (#ffe166)?> or <touching color (#ffaaaa)?>>>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#88d848)?> or <<touching color (#ffaa66)?> or <<touching color (#97deff)?> or <<touching color (#ffbbe6)?> or <<touching color (#9e9eff)?> or <<touching color (#ffe166)?> or <touching color (#ffaaaa)?>>>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#88d848)?> or <<touching color (#ffaa66)?> or <<touching color (#97deff)?> or <<touching color (#ffbbe6)?> or <<touching color (#9e9eff)?> or <<touching color (#ffe166)?> or <touching color (#ffaaaa)?>>>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#88d848)?> or <<touching color (#ffaa66)?> or <<touching color (#97deff)?> or <<touching color (#ffbbe6)?> or <<touching color (#9e9eff)?> or <<touching color (#ffe166)?> or <touching color (#ffaaaa)?>>>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#88d848)?> or <<touching color (#ffaa66)?> or <<touching color (#97deff)?> or <<touching color (#ffbbe6)?> or <<touching color (#9e9eff)?> or <<touching color (#ffe166)?> or <touching color (#ffaaaa)?>>>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#88d848)?> or <<touching color (#ffaa66)?> or <<touching color (#97deff)?> or <<touching color (#ffbbe6)?> or <<touching color (#9e9eff)?> or <<touching color (#ffe166)?> or <touching color (#ffaaaa)?>>>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#88d848)?> or <<touching color (#ffaa66)?> or <<touching color (#97deff)?> or <<touching color (#ffbbe6)?> or <<touching color (#9e9eff)?> or <<touching color (#ffe166)?> or <touching color (#ffaaaa)?>>>>>>> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <<touching color (#88d848)?> or <<touching color (#ffaa66)?> or <<touching color (#97deff)?> or <<touching color (#ffbbe6)?> or <<touching color (#9e9eff)?> or <<touching color (#ffe166)?> or <touching color (#ffaaaa)?>>>>>>> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching color (#88d848)?> or <<touching color (#ffaa66)?> or <<touching color (#97deff)?> or <<touching color (#ffbbe6)?> or <<touching color (#9e9eff)?> or <<touching color (#ffe166)?> or <touching color (#ffaaaa)?>>>>>>> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [12]\n end\n end\n if <<touching color (#69aaf4)?> or <touching color (#7bc5f5)?>> then\n set [yv v] to [1]\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (0.6)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.6)\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n change [yv v] by (6.5)\n end\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> then\n change [yv v] by (-0.85)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching color (#ffffff)?> or <key (r v) pressed?>> then\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n hide\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n go to x: (-150) y: (-50)\n show\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change size by (10)\n end\n end\n if <touching (finish v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n hide\n broadcast (Level Passed v)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n go to x: (-150) y: (-50)\n show\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change size by (10)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [fin v]\nforever\n hide\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@Levels\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nforever\n set [level v] to (costume [number v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level passed v]\nnext costume\nif <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n broadcast (Fin v)\nend\n\n@Finish\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (160) y: (-60)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n turn right (10) degrees\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n go to x: (160) y: (-65)\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n go to x: (160) y: (-60)\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (3 v)\n go to x: (160) y: (-65)\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (4 v)\n go to x: (160) y: (-65)\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (5 v)\n go to x: (160) y: (-65)\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (6 v)\n go to x: (160) y: (-60)\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (7 v)\n go to x: (160) y: (-60)\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n switch costume to (8 v)\n go to x: (160) y: (-60)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [fin v]\nhide\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nclear graphic effects\n\n
ⓦⓔⓛⓒⓞⓜⓔ to Pusheen Platformer!\nYay-- first platformer out! \n*Use the arrow keys or WAD to move around. \n*Press space to restart a level.\nSorry, there are only 10 levels! :/\n
Green platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nset volume to (100) %\nrepeat (10)\n change volume by (-10)\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [Inferno v] until done\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\npoint in direction (80)\ngo to x: (0) y: (-100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (resize v)\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (thumbnail v)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (2)) degrees\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (2))\nend\nset y to (0)\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (resize v)\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (thumbnail v)\nrepeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n turn right (((89) - (direction)) / (-3)) degrees\n change size by (((101) - (size)) / (-4))\n change y by (((1) - (y position)) / (-1.25))\nend\nhide\n\n@Multiplayer Engine\n\ndefine save list on var\nif <(length of [list v]) = [0]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\ndelete (all) of [return v]\nset [item v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [list v])\n set [letter v] to [1]\n repeat (length of (item (item) of [list v]))\n set [symbol v] to [1]\n repeat until <<(letter (symbol) of (characters)) = (letter (letter) of (item (item) of [list v]))> or <(symbol) > (length of (characters))>>\n change [symbol v] by (1)\n end\n if <not <(symbol) > (length of (characters))>> then\n if <not <(symbol) > [26]>> then\n switch costume to (lowercase v)\n switch costume to (letter (letter) of (item (item) of [list v]))\n if <(costume [number v]) = [27]> then\n change [symbol v] by (26)\n end\n end\n if <(length of (symbol)) < [2]> then\n set [symbol v] to (join [0] (symbol))\n end\n add (letter (1) of (symbol)) to [return v]\n add (letter (2) of (symbol)) to [return v]\n end\n change [letter v] by (1)\n end\n add (letter (1) of [0]) to [return v]\n add (letter (1) of [0]) to [return v]\n change [item v] by (1)\nend\nset [var v] to (return)\n\ndefine load (number) to list\ndelete (all) of [list v]\nset [item v] to []\nset [letter v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of (number)) / (2))\n set [symbol v] to (join (letter (letter) of (number)) (letter ((letter) + (1)) of (number)))\n if <(symbol) = [0]> then\n add (item) to [list v]\n set [item v] to []\n else\n set [item v] to (join (item) (letter (symbol) of (characters)))\n end\n change [letter v] by (2)\nend\n\ndefine connect\nset percent from [0] / [10]\nset [tick v] to [0]\nset [player id v] to [0]\ndelete all of [players v]\ndelete all of [slots v]\nrepeat (10)\n add [0] to [slots v]\nend\nset percent from [0.25] / [10]\nload player [1]\nset [old-tick v] to (item (3) of [player1 v])\nif <(item (5) of [player1 v]) = [1]> then\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player [1]\nend\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(item (3) of [player1 v]) = (old-tick)> then\n reset player [1]\n if <(Player ID) = [0]> then\n set [player id v] to [1]\n replace item (4) of [player1 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player1 v] with [1]\n save player [1]\n add (username) to [players v]\n broadcast (DEMOtick v)\n end\nelse\n add (item (4) of [player1 v]) to [players v]\n replace item (1) of [slots v] with [1]\nend\nset percent from [1] / [10]\nload player [2]\nset [old-tick v] to (item (3) of [player2 v])\nif <(item (5) of [player2 v]) = [1]> then\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player [2]\nend\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(item (3) of [player2 v]) = (old-tick)> then\n reset player [2]\n if <(Player ID) = [0]> then\n set [player id v] to [2]\n replace item (4) of [player2 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player2 v] with [1]\n save player [2]\n add (username) to [players v]\n broadcast (DEMOtick v)\n end\nelse\n add (item (4) of [player2 v]) to [players v]\n replace item (2) of [slots v] with [1]\nend\nset percent from [2] / [10]\nload player [3]\nset [old-tick v] to (item (3) of [player3 v])\nif <(item (5) of [player3 v]) = [1]> then\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player [3]\nend\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(item (3) of [player3 v]) = (old-tick)> then\n reset player [3]\n if <(Player ID) = [0]> then\n set [player id v] to [3]\n replace item (4) of [player3 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player3 v] with [1]\n save player [3]\n add (username) to [players v]\n broadcast (DEMOtick v)\n end\nelse\n add (item (4) of [player3 v]) to [players v]\n replace item (3) of [slots v] with [1]\nend\nset percent from [3] / [10]\nload player [4]\nset [old-tick v] to (item (3) of [player4 v])\nif <(item (5) of [player4 v]) = [1]> then\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player [4]\nend\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(item (3) of [player4 v]) = (old-tick)> then\n reset player [4]\n if <(Player ID) = [0]> then\n set [player id v] to [4]\n replace item (4) of [player4 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player4 v] with [1]\n save player [4]\n add (username) to [players v]\n broadcast (DEMOtick v)\n end\nelse\n add (item (4) of [player4 v]) to [players v]\n replace item (4) of [slots v] with [1]\nend\nset percent from [4] / [10]\nload player [5]\nset [old-tick v] to (item (3) of [player5 v])\nif <(item (5) of [player5 v]) = [1]> then\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player [5]\nend\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(item (3) of [player5 v]) = (old-tick)> then\n reset player [5]\n if <(Player ID) = [0]> then\n set [player id v] to [5]\n replace item (4) of [player5 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player5 v] with [1]\n save player [5]\n add (username) to [players v]\n broadcast (DEMOtick v)\n end\nelse\n add (item (4) of [player5 v]) to [players v]\n replace item (5) of [slots v] with [1]\nend\nset percent from [5] / [10]\nload player [6]\nset [old-tick v] to (item (3) of [player6 v])\nif <(item (5) of [player6 v]) = [1]> then\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player [6]\nend\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(item (3) of [player6 v]) = (old-tick)> then\n reset player [6]\n if <(Player ID) = [0]> then\n set [player id v] to [6]\n replace item (4) of [player6 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player6 v] with [1]\n save player [6]\n add (username) to [players v]\n broadcast (DEMOtick v)\n end\nelse\n add (item (4) of [player6 v]) to [players v]\n replace item (6) of [slots v] with [1]\nend\nset percent from [6] / [10]\nload player [7]\nset [old-tick v] to (item (3) of [player7 v])\nif <(item (5) of [player7 v]) = [1]> then\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player [7]\nend\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(item (3) of [player7 v]) = (old-tick)> then\n reset player [7]\n if <(Player ID) = [0]> then\n set [player id v] to [7]\n replace item (4) of [player7 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player7 v] with [1]\n save player [7]\n add (username) to [players v]\n broadcast (DEMOtick v)\n end\nelse\n add (item (4) of [player7 v]) to [players v]\n replace item (7) of [slots v] with [1]\nend\nset percent from [7] / [10]\nload player [8]\nset [old-tick v] to (item (3) of [player8 v])\nif <(item (5) of [player8 v]) = [1]> then\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player [8]\nend\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(item (3) of [player8 v]) = (old-tick)> then\n reset player [8]\n if <(Player ID) = [0]> then\n set [player id v] to [8]\n replace item (4) of [player8 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player8 v] with [1]\n save player [8]\n add (username) to [players v]\n broadcast (DEMOtick v)\n end\nelse\n add (item (4) of [player8 v]) to [players v]\n replace item (8) of [slots v] with [1]\nend\nset percent from [8] / [10]\nload player [9]\nset [old-tick v] to (item (3) of [player9 v])\nif <(item (5) of [player9 v]) = [1]> then\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player [9]\nend\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(item (3) of [player9 v]) = (old-tick)> then\n reset player [9]\n if <(Player ID) = [0]> then\n set [player id v] to [9]\n replace item (4) of [player9 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player9 v] with [1]\n save player [9]\n add (username) to [players v]\n broadcast (DEMOtick v)\n end\nelse\n add (item (4) of [player9 v]) to [players v]\n replace item (9) of [slots v] with [1]\nend\nset percent from [9] / [10]\nload player [10]\nset [old-tick v] to (item (3) of [player10 v])\nif <(item (5) of [player10 v]) = [1]> then\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player [10]\nend\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(item (3) of [player10 v]) = (old-tick)> then\n reset player [10]\n if <(Player ID) = [0]> then\n set [player id v] to [10]\n replace item (4) of [player10 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player10 v] with [1]\n save player [10]\n add (username) to [players v]\n broadcast (DEMOtick v)\n end\nelse\n add (item (4) of [player10 v]) to [players v]\n replace item (10) of [slots v] with [1]\nend\nset percent from [10] / [10]\n\ndefine reset cloud\nset [c v] to [0]\nrepeat (8)\n change [c v] by (1)\n reset player (c)\n save player (c)\nend\n\ndefine reset player (p)\nif <(p) = [1]> then\n delete all of [player1 v]\n add [0] to [player1 v]\n add [0] to [player1 v]\n add [0] to [player1 v]\n add [] to [player1 v]\n add [0] to [player1 v]\n add [0] to [player1 v]\n add [1] to [player1 v]\n add [0] to [player1 v]\nelse\n if <(p) = [2]> then\n delete all of [player2 v]\n add [0] to [player2 v]\n add [0] to [player2 v]\n add [0] to [player2 v]\n add [] to [player2 v]\n add [0] to [player2 v]\n add [0] to [player2 v]\n add [1] to [player2 v]\n add [0] to [player2 v]\n else\n if <(p) = [3]> then\n delete all of [player3 v]\n add [0] to [player3 v]\n add [0] to [player3 v]\n add [0] to [player3 v]\n add [] to [player3 v]\n add [0] to [player3 v]\n add [0] to [player3 v]\n add [1] to [player3 v]\n add [0] to [player3 v]\n else\n if <(p) = [4]> then\n delete all of [player4 v]\n add [0] to [player4 v]\n add [0] to [player4 v]\n add [0] to [player4 v]\n add [] to [player4 v]\n add [0] to [player4 v]\n add [0] to [player4 v]\n add [1] to [player4 v]\n add [0] to [player4 v]\n else\n if <(p) = [5]> then\n delete all of [player5 v]\n add [0] to [player5 v]\n add [0] to [player5 v]\n add [0] to [player5 v]\n add [] to [player5 v]\n add [0] to [player5 v]\n add [0] to [player5 v]\n add [1] to [player5 v]\n add [0] to [player5 v]\n else\n if <(p) = [6]> then\n delete all of [player6 v]\n add [0] to [player6 v]\n add [0] to [player6 v]\n add [0] to [player6 v]\n add [] to [player6 v]\n add [0] to [player6 v]\n add [0] to [player6 v]\n add [1] to [player6 v]\n add [0] to [player6 v]\n else\n if <(p) = [7]> then\n delete all of [player7 v]\n add [0] to [player7 v]\n add [0] to [player7 v]\n add [0] to [player7 v]\n add [] to [player7 v]\n add [0] to [player7 v]\n add [0] to [player7 v]\n add [1] to [player7 v]\n add [0] to [player7 v]\n else\n if <(p) = [8]> then\n delete all of [player8 v]\n add [0] to [player8 v]\n add [0] to [player8 v]\n add [0] to [player8 v]\n add [] to [player8 v]\n add [0] to [player8 v]\n add [0] to [player8 v]\n add [1] to [player8 v]\n add [0] to [player8 v]\n else\n if <(p) = [9]> then\n delete all of [player9 v]\n add [0] to [player9 v]\n add [0] to [player9 v]\n add [0] to [player9 v]\n add [] to [player9 v]\n add [0] to [player9 v]\n add [0] to [player9 v]\n add [1] to [player9 v]\n add [0] to [player9 v]\n else\n if <(p) = [10]> then\n delete all of [player10 v]\n add [0] to [player10 v]\n add [0] to [player10 v]\n add [0] to [player10 v]\n add [] to [player10 v]\n add [0] to [player10 v]\n add [0] to [player10 v]\n add [1] to [player10 v]\n add [0] to [player10 v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nsave player (p)\n\ndefine save player (p)\nset [i v] to [0]\ndelete all of [list v]\nif <(p) = [1]> then\n repeat (length of [player1 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player1 v]) to [list v]\n end\n save list on var\n set [☁ p1 v] to (var)\nelse\n if <(p) = [2]> then\n repeat (length of [player2 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player2 v]) to [list v]\n end\n save list on var\n set [☁ p2 v] to (var)\n else\n if <(p) = [3]> then\n repeat (length of [player3 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player3 v]) to [list v]\n end\n save list on var\n set [☁ p3 v] to (var)\n else\n if <(p) = [4]> then\n repeat (length of [player4 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player4 v]) to [list v]\n end\n save list on var\n set [☁ p4 v] to (var)\n else\n if <(p) = [5]> then\n repeat (length of [player5 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player5 v]) to [list v]\n end\n save list on var\n set [☁ p5 v] to (var)\n else\n if <(p) = [6]> then\n repeat (length of [player6 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player6 v]) to [list v]\n end\n save list on var\n set [☁ p6 v] to (var)\n else\n if <(p) = [7]> then\n repeat (length of [player7 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player7 v]) to [list v]\n end\n save list on var\n set [☁ p7 v] to (var)\n else\n if <(p) = [8]> then\n repeat (length of [player8 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player8 v]) to [list v]\n end\n save list on var\n set [☁ p8 v] to (var)\n else\n if <(p) = [9]> then\n repeat (length of [player9 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player9 v]) to [list v]\n end\n save list on var\n set [☁ p9 v] to (var)\n else\n if <(p) = [10]> then\n repeat (length of [player10 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player10 v]) to [list v]\n end\n save list on var\n set [☁ p10 v] to (var)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine load player (p)\nset [i v] to [0]\nif <(p) = [1]> then\n load (☁ p1) to list\n delete all of [player1 v]\n repeat (length of [list v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [list v]) to [player1 v]\n end\nelse\n if <(p) = [2]> then\n load (☁ p2) to list\n delete all of [player2 v]\n repeat (length of [list v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [list v]) to [player2 v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [3]> then\n load (☁ p3) to list\n delete all of [player3 v]\n repeat (length of [list v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [list v]) to [player3 v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [4]> then\n load (☁ p4) to list\n delete all of [player4 v]\n repeat (length of [list v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [list v]) to [player4 v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [5]> then\n load (☁ p5) to list\n delete all of [player5 v]\n repeat (length of [list v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [list v]) to [player5 v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [6]> then\n load (☁ p6) to list\n delete all of [player6 v]\n repeat (length of [list v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [list v]) to [player6 v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [7]> then\n load (☁ p7) to list\n delete all of [player7 v]\n repeat (length of [list v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [list v]) to [player7 v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [8]> then\n load (☁ p8) to list\n delete all of [player8 v]\n repeat (length of [list v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [list v]) to [player8 v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [9]> then\n load (☁ p9) to list\n delete all of [player9 v]\n repeat (length of [list v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [list v]) to [player9 v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [10]> then\n load (☁ p10) to list\n delete all of [player10 v]\n repeat (length of [list v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [list v]) to [player10 v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Update\nif <(Player ID) = [1]> then\n replace item (1) of [player1 v] with (round (player_x))\n replace item (2) of [player1 v] with (round (player_y))\n replace item (3) of [player1 v] with (tick)\n replace item (4) of [player1 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player1 v] with [1]\n replace item (6) of [player1 v] with (player_shown?)\n replace item (7) of [player1 v] with (Crouch?)\n replace item (8) of [player1 v] with (P_Ghost)\nelse\n if <(Player ID) = [2]> then\n replace item (1) of [player2 v] with (round (player_x))\n replace item (2) of [player2 v] with (round (player_y))\n replace item (3) of [player2 v] with (tick)\n replace item (4) of [player2 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player2 v] with [1]\n replace item (6) of [player2 v] with (player_shown?)\n replace item (7) of [player2 v] with (Crouch?)\n replace item (8) of [player2 v] with (P_Ghost)\n else\n if <(Player ID) = [3]> then\n replace item (1) of [player3 v] with (round (player_x))\n replace item (2) of [player3 v] with (round (player_y))\n replace item (3) of [player3 v] with (tick)\n replace item (4) of [player3 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player3 v] with [1]\n replace item (6) of [player3 v] with (player_shown?)\n replace item (7) of [player3 v] with (Crouch?)\n replace item (8) of [player3 v] with (P_Ghost)\n else\n if <(Player ID) = [4]> then\n replace item (1) of [player4 v] with (round (player_x))\n replace item (2) of [player4 v] with (round (player_y))\n replace item (3) of [player4 v] with (tick)\n replace item (4) of [player4 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player4 v] with [1]\n replace item (6) of [player4 v] with (player_shown?)\n replace item (7) of [player4 v] with (Crouch?)\n replace item (8) of [player4 v] with (P_Ghost)\n else\n if <(Player ID) = [5]> then\n replace item (1) of [player5 v] with (round (player_x))\n replace item (2) of [player5 v] with (round (player_y))\n replace item (3) of [player5 v] with (tick)\n replace item (4) of [player5 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player5 v] with [1]\n replace item (6) of [player5 v] with (player_shown?)\n replace item (7) of [player5 v] with (Crouch?)\n replace item (8) of [player5 v] with (P_Ghost)\n else\n if <(Player ID) = [6]> then\n replace item (1) of [player6 v] with (round (player_x))\n replace item (2) of [player6 v] with (round (player_y))\n replace item (3) of [player6 v] with (tick)\n replace item (4) of [player6 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player6 v] with [1]\n replace item (6) of [player6 v] with (player_shown?)\n replace item (7) of [player6 v] with (Crouch?)\n replace item (8) of [player6 v] with (P_Ghost)\n else\n if <(Player ID) = [7]> then\n replace item (1) of [player7 v] with (round (player_x))\n replace item (2) of [player7 v] with (round (player_y))\n replace item (3) of [player7 v] with (tick)\n replace item (4) of [player7 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player7 v] with [1]\n replace item (6) of [player7 v] with (player_shown?)\n replace item (7) of [player7 v] with (Crouch?)\n replace item (8) of [player7 v] with (P_Ghost)\n else\n if <(Player ID) = [8]> then\n replace item (1) of [player8 v] with (round (player_x))\n replace item (2) of [player8 v] with (round (player_y))\n replace item (3) of [player8 v] with (tick)\n replace item (4) of [player8 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player8 v] with [1]\n replace item (6) of [player8 v] with (player_shown?)\n replace item (7) of [player8 v] with (Crouch?)\n replace item (8) of [player8 v] with (P_Ghost)\n else\n if <(Player ID) = [9]> then\n replace item (1) of [player9 v] with (round (player_x))\n replace item (2) of [player9 v] with (round (player_y))\n replace item (3) of [player9 v] with (tick)\n replace item (4) of [player9 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player9 v] with [1]\n replace item (6) of [player9 v] with (player_shown?)\n replace item (7) of [player9 v] with (Crouch?)\n replace item (8) of [player9 v] with (P_Ghost)\n else\n if <(Player ID) = [10]> then\n replace item (1) of [player10 v] with (round (player_x))\n replace item (2) of [player10 v] with (round (player_y))\n replace item (3) of [player10 v] with (tick)\n replace item (4) of [player10 v] with (username)\n replace item (5) of [player10 v] with [1]\n replace item (6) of [player10 v] with (player_shown?)\n replace item (7) of [player10 v] with (Crouch?)\n replace item (8) of [player10 v] with (P_Ghost)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nsave player (Player ID)\n\ndefine Tick\nchange [tick v] by (1)\nif <(tick) > [9]> then\n set [tick v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Update Players\nif <not <(Player ID) = [1]>> then\n load player [1]\nend\nif <not <(Player ID) = [2]>> then\n load player [2]\nend\nif <not <(Player ID) = [3]>> then\n load player [3]\nend\nif <not <(Player ID) = [4]>> then\n load player [4]\nend\nif <not <(Player ID) = [5]>> then\n load player [5]\nend\nif <not <(Player ID) = [6]>> then\n load player [6]\nend\nif <not <(Player ID) = [7]>> then\n load player [7]\nend\nif <not <(Player ID) = [8]>> then\n load player [8]\nend\nif <not <(Player ID) = [9]>> then\n load player [9]\nend\nif <not <(Player ID) = [10]>> then\n load player [10]\nend\n\ndefine set percent from (1) / (2)\nset [connect-percent v] to ((1) / ((2) / (100)))\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [player_shown? v] to [1]\nforever\n Update\n Measure Memory\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n Tick\n wait (0.25) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n Update Players\nend\n\ndefine Measure Memory\nif <(Player ID) = [1]> then\n set [memory v] to (join (join ([floor v] of (((length of (☁ p1)) / (128)) * (100)) ) [% ]) (join (join [\(] (join (length of (☁ p1)) [ of 128])) [\)]))\nelse\n if <(Player ID) = [2]> then\n set [memory v] to (join (join ([floor v] of (((length of (☁ p2)) / (128)) * (100)) ) [% ]) (join (join [\(] (join (length of (☁ p2)) [ of 128])) [\)]))\n else\n if <(Player ID) = [3]> then\n set [memory v] to (join (join ([floor v] of (((length of (☁ p3)) / (128)) * (100)) ) [% ]) (join (join [\(] (join (length of (☁ p3)) [ of 128])) [\)]))\n else\n if <(Player ID) = [4]> then\n set [memory v] to (join (join ([floor v] of (((length of (☁ p4)) / (128)) * (100)) ) [% ]) (join (join [\(] (join (length of (☁ p4)) [ of 128])) [\)]))\n else\n if <(Player ID) = [5]> then\n set [memory v] to (join (join ([floor v] of (((length of (☁ p5)) / (128)) * (100)) ) [% ]) (join (join [\(] (join (length of (☁ p5)) [ of 128])) [\)]))\n else\n if <(Player ID) = [6]> then\n set [memory v] to (join (join ([floor v] of (((length of (☁ p6)) / (128)) * (100)) ) [% ]) (join (join [\(] (join (length of (☁ p6)) [ of 128])) [\)]))\n else\n if <(Player ID) = [7]> then\n set [memory v] to (join (join ([floor v] of (((length of (☁ p7)) / (128)) * (100)) ) [% ]) (join (join [\(] (join (length of (☁ p7)) [ of 128])) [\)]))\n else\n if <(Player ID) = [8]> then\n set [memory v] to (join (join ([floor v] of (((length of (☁ p8)) / (128)) * (100)) ) [% ]) (join (join [\(] (join (length of (☁ p8)) [ of 128])) [\)]))\n else\n if <(Player ID) = [9]> then\n set [memory v] to (join (join ([floor v] of (((length of (☁ p9)) / (128)) * (100)) ) [% ]) (join (join [\(] (join (length of (☁ p9)) [ of 128])) [\)]))\n else\n if <(Player ID) = [10]> then\n set [memory v] to (join (join ([floor v] of (((length of (☁ p10)) / (128)) * (100)) ) [% ]) (join (join [\(] (join (length of (☁ p10)) [ of 128])) [\)]))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [demotick v]\nforever\n Tick\n Update\n Update Players\n Measure Memory\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\n\ndefine check player (p)\nload player (p)\nif <(item (5) of [list v]) = [0]> then\n if <not <(item (4) of [list v]) = []>> then\n reset player (p)\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(p) = [1]> then\n set [ot1 v] to (item (3) of [list v])\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player (p)\n if <(item (3) of [list v]) = (ot1)> then\n reset player (p)\n end\nelse\n if <(p) = [2]> then\n set [ot2 v] to (item (3) of [list v])\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player (p)\n if <(item (3) of [list v]) = (ot2)> then\n reset player (p)\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [3]> then\n set [ot3 v] to (item (3) of [list v])\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player (p)\n if <(item (3) of [list v]) = (ot3)> then\n reset player (p)\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [4]> then\n set [ot4 v] to (item (3) of [list v])\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player (p)\n if <(item (3) of [list v]) = (ot4)> then\n reset player (p)\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [5]> then\n set [ot5 v] to (item (3) of [list v])\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player (p)\n if <(item (3) of [list v]) = (ot5)> then\n reset player (p)\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [6]> then\n set [ot6 v] to (item (3) of [list v])\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player (p)\n if <(item (3) of [list v]) = (ot6)> then\n reset player (p)\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [7]> then\n set [ot7 v] to (item (3) of [list v])\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player (p)\n if <(item (3) of [list v]) = (ot7)> then\n reset player (p)\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [8]> then\n set [ot8 v] to (item (3) of [list v])\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player (p)\n if <(item (3) of [list v]) = (ot8)> then\n reset player (p)\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [9]> then\n set [ot9 v] to (item (3) of [list v])\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player (p)\n if <(item (3) of [list v]) = (ot9)> then\n reset player (p)\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [9]> then\n set [ot10 v] to (item (3) of [list v])\n wait ((Offline Limit) / (1000)) seconds\n load player (p)\n if <(item (3) of [list v]) = (ot10)> then\n reset player (p)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <not <(Player ID) = [3]>> then\n check player [3]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <not <(Player ID) = [4]>> then\n check player [4]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <not <(Player ID) = [5]>> then\n check player [5]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <not <(Player ID) = [6]>> then\n check player [6]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <not <(Player ID) = [7]>> then\n check player [7]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <not <(Player ID) = [8]>> then\n check player [8]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <not <(Player ID) = [1]>> then\n check player [1]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <not <(Player ID) = [2]>> then\n check player [2]\n end\nend\n\ndefine get data of player (p)\ndelete all of [data v]\nset [i v] to [0]\nif <(p) = [1]> then\n repeat (length of [player1 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player1 v]) to [data v]\n end\nelse\n if <(p) = [2]> then\n repeat (length of [player2 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player2 v]) to [data v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [3]> then\n repeat (length of [player3 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player3 v]) to [data v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [4]> then\n repeat (length of [player4 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player4 v]) to [data v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [5]> then\n repeat (length of [player5 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player5 v]) to [data v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [6]> then\n repeat (length of [player6 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player6 v]) to [data v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [7]> then\n repeat (length of [player7 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player7 v]) to [data v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [8]> then\n repeat (length of [player8 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player8 v]) to [data v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [9]> then\n repeat (length of [player9 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player9 v]) to [data v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [10]> then\n repeat (length of [player10 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player10 v]) to [data v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [connect & start v]\nif <(username) = []> then\n broadcast (Not logged in! v)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [characters v] to [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789~`!@#$%^&*\(\)-_=+\[\]{}/\|;:'",.<>? ]\nset [offline limit v] to [1500]\nset [player id v] to [0]\nconnect\nsay []\nif <(Player ID) = [0]> then\n broadcast (Game full! v)\nelse\n broadcast (Connected! v)\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nbroadcast (play v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (connect & start v)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <not <(Player ID) = [9]>> then\n check player [9]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <not <(Player ID) = [10]>> then\n check player [10]\n end\nend\n\n@Status\n\nwhen I receive [connect & start v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (1000)\nswitch costume to (connecting v)\nshow\nset y to (1000)\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [155]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n change y by (((155) - (y position)) / (2))\nend\nset y to (155)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (140) y: (1000)\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [connected! v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n change y by (((154) - (y position)) / (-1.25))\nend\nhide\nset volume to ([volume v] of [player v]) %\nstart sound [Connect v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (1000)\nswitch costume to (connected v)\nshow\nset y to (1000)\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [155]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n change y by (((155) - (y position)) / (2))\nend\nclear graphic effects\nset y to (155)\nwait (2) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n change y by (((154) - (y position)) / (-1.25))\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game full! v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n change y by (((154) - (y position)) / (-1.25))\nend\nhide\nset volume to ([volume v] of [player v]) %\nstart sound [Bonk v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (1000)\nswitch costume to (game full! v)\nshow\nset y to (1000)\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [155]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n change y by (((155) - (y position)) / (2))\nend\nclear graphic effects\nset y to (155)\nwait (2) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n change y by (((154) - (y position)) / (-1.25))\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [not logged in! v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n change y by (((154) - (y position)) / (-1.25))\nend\nhide\nset volume to ([volume v] of [player v]) %\nstart sound [Bonk v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (1000)\nswitch costume to (not logged in! v)\nshow\nset y to (1000)\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [155]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n change y by (((155) - (y position)) / (2))\nend\nclear graphic effects\nset y to (155)\nwait (2) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n change y by (((154) - (y position)) / (-1.25))\nend\nhide\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nsay []\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [player_shown? v] to [1]\nset [xvel v] to [0]\nset [yvel v] to [0]\nset [p_ghost v] to [0]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\npoint in direction (90)\nset y to (-86)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nforever\n set rotation style [don't rotate v]\n switch costume to (hitbox check v)\n if <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) > ((mouse y) + (20))>>> then\n switch costume to (hitbox check - crouch v)\n end\n if <touching color (#66c7ff)?> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n broadcast (Win v)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n if <<(Loved?) = [1]> and <(Faved?) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (player green v)\n else\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n repeat (10)\n if <<(Loved?) = [1]> and <(Faved?) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (player green v)\n else\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change [p_ghost v] by (10)\n end\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <<(y position) < [-171]> or <touching (spikes v)?>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n if <<(Loved?) = [1]> and <(Faved?) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (player green v)\n else\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change [p_ghost v] by (10)\n end\n set [x v] to (Spawn point)\n set [xvel v] to [0]\n set [yvel v] to [0]\n set y to (-86)\n wait (0.4) seconds\n end\n if <touching color (#ffdd6e)?> then\n set [yvel v] to [20]\n end\n switch costume to (hitbox up v)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) > ((mouse y) + (20))>>>> then\n switch costume to (hitbox - crouch v)\n else\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n end\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n if <not <(P_Ghost) < [1]>> then\n change [p_ghost v] by (-10)\n end\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n set [accel. speed v] to [0.4]\n set [gravity v] to [-0.75]\n else\n set [accel. speed v] to [1]\n set [gravity v] to [-1.25]\n end\n if <<<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n if <not <touching (level v)?>> then\n change [xvel v] by (Accel. speed)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\n if <<<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>>> then\n if <not <touching (level v)?>> then\n change [xvel v] by ((Accel. speed) * (-1))\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n end\n set [xvel v] to ((Xvel) * (0.9))\n switch costume to (hitbox up v)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) > ((mouse y) + (20))>>>> then\n switch costume to (hitbox right - crouch v)\n else\n switch costume to (hitbox right v)\n end\n set [bump? v] to [0]\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n if <(Bump?) = [0]> then\n if <not <(Xvel) < [0]>> then\n set [bump? v] to [1]\n set [xvel v] to ((Xvel) * (-1.1))\n end\n end\n end\n switch costume to (hitbox up v)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) > ((mouse y) + (20))>>>> then\n switch costume to (hitbox left - crouch v)\n else\n switch costume to (hitbox left v)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n if <(Bump?) = [0]> then\n if <not <(Xvel) > [0]>> then\n set [bump? v] to [1]\n set [xvel v] to ((Xvel) * (-1.1))\n end\n end\n end\n if <(x position) < [-213]> then\n if <not <(Xvel) > [0]>> then\n set [bump? v] to [1]\n set [xvel v] to ((Xvel) * (-1.1))\n end\n end\n if <(x position) > [213]> then\n if <not <(Xvel) < [0]>> then\n set [bump? v] to [1]\n set [xvel v] to ((Xvel) * (-1.1))\n end\n end\n switch costume to (hitbox up v)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) > ((mouse y) + (20))>>>> then\n switch costume to (hitbox - crouch v)\n else\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n end\n change [x v] by (Xvel)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yvel v] by (Gravity)\n change y by (Yvel)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<(y position) < [-171]> or <touching (spikes v)?>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n if <<(Loved?) = [1]> and <(Faved?) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (player green v)\n else\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change [p_ghost v] by (10)\n end\n set [x v] to (Spawn point)\n set [xvel v] to [0]\n set [yvel v] to [0]\n set y to (-86)\n wait (0.4) seconds\n end\n change y by ((Yvel) * (-1))\n set [yvel v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-5)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <<touching (water v)?> and <(Yvel) < [0]>>> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < ((mouse y) - (20))>>> then\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n set [yvel v] to [12]\n else\n set [yvel v] to [15]\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (5)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n if <<(Loved?) = [1]> and <(Faved?) = [1]>> then\n set [crouch? v] to [3]\n switch costume to (hitbox up v)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) > ((mouse y) + (20))>>>> then\n set [crouch? v] to [4]\n switch costume to (player green - crouch v)\n else\n switch costume to (player green v)\n end\n else\n set [crouch? v] to [1]\n switch costume to (hitbox up v)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) > ((mouse y) + (20))>>>> then\n set [crouch? v] to [2]\n switch costume to (player - crouch v)\n else\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n end\n set [player_x v] to (X)\n set [player_y v] to (y position)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [spawn point v] to [0]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nforever\n set size to (1000) %\n if <<(X) < [0]> or <(X) = [0]>> then\n change [scroll x v] by (((0) - (scroll x)) / (3))\n else\n if <<(X) > [9120]> or <(X) = [9120]>> then\n change [scroll x v] by (((9120) - (scroll x)) / (3))\n else\n change [scroll x v] by (((X) - (scroll x)) / (3))\n end\n end\n if <<(X) > [2400]> and <(Spawn point) = [0]>> then\n set [spawn point v] to [2400]\n end\n if <<(X) > [4800]> and <(Spawn point) = [2400]>> then\n set [spawn point v] to [4800]\n end\n if <<(X) > [7200]> and <(Spawn point) = [4800]>> then\n set [spawn point v] to [7200]\n end\n set x to (((X) - (scroll x)) - (184))\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset rotation style [all around v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (100) %\nif <<(Loved?) = [1]> and <(Faved?) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (effect green v)\nelse\n switch costume to (effect v)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n turn right (10) degrees\n change size by (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nsay [This place is awesome!] for (2) seconds\n\n@Players on cloud\n\ndefine get data of player (p)\ndelete all of [data v]\nset [i v] to [0]\nif <(p) = [1]> then\n repeat (length of [player1 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player1 v]) to [data v]\n end\nelse\n if <(p) = [2]> then\n repeat (length of [player2 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player2 v]) to [data v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [3]> then\n repeat (length of [player3 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player3 v]) to [data v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [4]> then\n repeat (length of [player4 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player4 v]) to [data v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [5]> then\n repeat (length of [player5 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player5 v]) to [data v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [6]> then\n repeat (length of [player6 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player6 v]) to [data v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [7]> then\n repeat (length of [player7 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player7 v]) to [data v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [8]> then\n repeat (length of [player8 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player8 v]) to [data v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [9]> then\n repeat (length of [player9 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player9 v]) to [data v]\n end\n else\n if <(p) = [10]> then\n repeat (length of [player10 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add (item (i) of [player10 v]) to [data v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-109)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [current_x v] to [0]\nset [current_y v] to [-130]\nset [ghost v] to [100]\nif <not <(pID) = (Player ID)>> then\n get data of player (pID)\n set [current_x v] to (item (1) of [data v])\n set [current_y v] to (item (2) of [data v])\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (current_x) y: (current_y)\n forever\n set [prevstate v] to (item (8) of [data v])\n get data of player (pID)\n switch costume to (item (7) of [data v])\n if <(item (5) of [data v]) = [1]> then\n change [current_x v] by (((item (1) of [data v]) - (Xpos)) / (3))\n change [current_y v] by (((item (2) of [data v]) - (Ypos)) / (3))\n set [xpos v] to (current_x)\n set [ypos v] to (current_y)\n set size to (400) %\n go to x: ((((scroll x) - (current_x)) * (-1)) - (184)) y: (current_y)\n set size to (100) %\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n if <((item (1) of [data v]) - (Xpos)) > [0]> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <((item (1) of [data v]) - (Xpos)) < [0]> then\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<(x position) < [-300]> or <(x position) > [300]>> then\n hide\n end\n end\n if <<(item (5) of [data v]) = [1]> and <(item (6) of [data v]) = [1]>> then\n show\n if <(round (item (8) of [data v])) = [100]> then\n think []\n else\n think (item (4) of [data v])\n end\n change [ghost v] by (((0) - (Ghost)) / (3))\n if <<(x position) < [-300]> or <(x position) > [300]>> then\n hide\n end\n else\n if <(round (PrevState)) = [100]> then\n set [ghost v] to [100]\n set [prevstate v] to [0]\n end\n change [ghost v] by (((100) - (Ghost)) / (3))\n if <(round (Ghost)) = [100]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n if <<(x position) < [-300]> or <(x position) > [300]>> then\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to ((item (8) of [data v]) + (Ghost))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <not <(pID) = (Player ID)>> then\n get data of player (pID)\n if <<(item (5) of [data v]) = [1]> and <(item (6) of [data v]) = [1]>> then\n wait until <not <<(item (5) of [data v]) = [1]> and <(item (6) of [data v]) = [1]>>>\n if <not <(length of [players v]) = [1]>> then\n broadcast (Left v)\n end\n end\n forever\n if <<(item (5) of [data v]) = [1]> and <(item (6) of [data v]) = [1]>> then\n broadcast (Join v)\n wait until <not <<(item (5) of [data v]) = [1]> and <(item (6) of [data v]) = [1]>>>\n broadcast (Left v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [pid v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n change [pid v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@Sun\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (209) y: (161)\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [size v] to [0]\nforever\n change [size v] by (3)\n set size to ((([sin v] of (size) ) * (4)) + (100)) %\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset size to (400) %\ngo to x: (((scroll x) * (-1)) + (ox)) y: (0)\nshow\nset y to (0)\nif <<(((scroll x) * (-1)) + (ox)) < [-500]> or <(((scroll x) * (-1)) + (ox)) > [500]>> then\n hide\nend\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (join [P] (ID))\n\nwhen I receive [clear all v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [id v] to [0]\nif <(ID) = [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\n broadcast (Clear all v)\n go to [back v] layer\n Clone all\n forever\n broadcast (tick v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Clone all\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [id v] to [0]\nset [ox v] to [0]\nrepeat (19)\n change [id v] by (1)\n change [ox v] by (480)\n set size to (100) %\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [id v] to [0]\nset [ox v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Parallax\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset size to (400) %\ngo to x: (((((scroll x) * (-0.5)) mod (480)) + (ox)) - (480)) y: (0)\nshow\nset y to (0)\nif <<(((((scroll x) * (-0.5)) mod (480)) + (ox)) - (480)) < [-800]> or <(((((scroll x) * (-0.5)) mod (480)) + (ox)) - (480)) > [800]>> then\n hide\nend\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [clear all v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ox v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [ox v] to [480]\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Water\n\nwhen I receive [tick2 v]\nset size to (400) %\ngo to x: (((scroll x) * (-1)) + (ox)) y: (0)\nshow\nset y to (0)\nif <<(((scroll x) * (-1)) + (ox)) < [-500]> or <(((scroll x) * (-1)) + (ox)) > [500]>> then\n hide\nend\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (join [P] (ID))\n\nwhen I receive [clear all v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [id v] to [0]\nif <(ID) = [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\n go to [back v] layer\n Clone all of them\n forever\n broadcast (tick2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone all of them\nset [id v] to [0]\nset [ox v] to [0]\nrepeat (19)\n change [id v] by (1)\n change [ox v] by (480)\n set size to (100) %\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [id v] to [0]\nset [ox v] to [0]\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen I receive [tick2 v]\nset size to (400) %\ngo to x: (((scroll x) * (-1)) + (ox)) y: (0)\nshow\nset y to (0)\nif <<(((scroll x) * (-1)) + (ox)) < [-500]> or <(((scroll x) * (-1)) + (ox)) > [500]>> then\n hide\nend\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (join [P] (ID))\n\nwhen I receive [clear all v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [id v] to [0]\nif <(ID) = [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\n go to [back v] layer\n Clone all of them\n forever\n broadcast (tick2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone all of them\nset [id v] to [0]\nset [ox v] to [0]\nrepeat (19)\n change [id v] by (1)\n change [ox v] by (480)\n set size to (100) %\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [id v] to [0]\nset [ox v] to [0]\n\n@Text\n\nwhen I receive [tick2 v]\nset size to (400) %\ngo to x: (((scroll x) * (-1)) + (ox)) y: (0)\nshow\nset y to (0)\nif <<(((scroll x) * (-1)) + (ox)) < [-500]> or <(((scroll x) * (-1)) + (ox)) > [500]>> then\n hide\nend\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (join [P] (ID))\n\nwhen I receive [clear all v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [id v] to [0]\nif <(ID) = [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\n go to [back v] layer\n Clone all of them\n forever\n broadcast (tick2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone all of them\nset [id v] to [0]\nset [ox v] to [0]\nrepeat (19)\n change [id v] by (1)\n change [ox v] by (480)\n set size to (100) %\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [id v] to [0]\nset [ox v] to [0]\n\n@Love/Fav detector\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Love]> then\n show\n switch costume to (love v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [loved? v] to [1]\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(Clone) = [Fav]> then\n show\n switch costume to (fav v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [faved? v] to [1]\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n else\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nif <not <<(Loved?) = [1]> and <(Faved?) = [1]>>> then\n set [loved? v] to [0]\n set [faved? v] to [0]\n set [clone v] to [Love]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone v] to [Fav]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <<(Loved?) = [1]> and <(Faved?) = [1]>>\n wait (1) seconds\n show\n go to x: (-120) y: (1000)\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\n start sound [Thank you! ^w^ v]\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (25)\n change y by (((120) - (y position)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-4)\n end\n set y to (120)\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change y by (((119) - (y position)) / (-1.8))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <<(Loved?) = [1]> and <(Faved?) = [1]>> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n repeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((115) - (y position)) / (-1.8))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n hide\nend\n\n@Win\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (resize v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (150) %\nswitch costume to (win v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (20)\n switch costume to (resize v)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (3.2))\n switch costume to (win v)\nend\nswitch costume to (win v)\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstart sound [Clapping v]\nplay sound [YOU WON! v] until done\nwait (2) seconds\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
This is the only platformer on scratch to be made out of just dots. \n\nThe black dots indicate where your player is\nThe dark blue ones indicate where the ground is\nThe red ones indicated where lava and spikes are.\n\nArrow Keys to move.\nHold space if you need help.\nPress R to restart.\n\nHover your mouse at the top of the screen to change what type of dots are used.\n\nWant a longer game? Want a puzzle game? Try Box Dude! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/362768576\n\nThis isn't as long or fun as most of my other games, so check them out at @04tmoody
The Moon - A Mobile Platformer
@Stage\n\n@empty\n\n@Main\n\ndefine getScreenDimensions\nshow\ngo to x: ((1) / ()) y: ((1) / ())\nif <<(x position) = [Infinity]> and <(y position) = [Infinity]>> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (1)\n end\n change x by (-1)\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change y by (1)\n end\n change y by (-1)\nend\nset [#screenw v] to ([abs v] of ((x position) * (2)) )\nset [#screenh v] to ([abs v] of ((y position) * (2)) )\nset [#screenwdivp v] to ((#ScreenW) / (2))\nset [#screenwdivn v] to ((-1) * (#ScreenWDivP))\nset [#screenhdivp v] to ((#ScreenH) / (2))\nset [#screenhdivn v] to ((-1) * (#ScreenHDivP))\n\ndefine Graphics (profile)\nif <(profile) = [low]> then\n set [$clipping v] to [0]\n set [$drawdistance v] to [5000]\n set [$lightingtype v] to [1]\n set [$linefiller v] to [0]\n set [$near v] to [2]\n set [$trifiller v] to [0]\n set [$res v] to [0]\nelse\n if <(profile) = [medium]> then\n set [$clipping v] to [0]\n set [$drawdistance v] to [10000]\n set [$lightingtype v] to [2]\n set [$linefiller v] to [0]\n set [$near v] to [0]\n set [$trifiller v] to [1]\n set [$res v] to [2]\n else\n if <(profile) = [high]> then\n set [$clipping v] to [2]\n set [$drawdistance v] to [10000]\n set [$lightingtype v] to [3]\n set [$linefiller v] to [1]\n set [$near v] to [2]\n set [$trifiller v] to [1]\n set [$res v] to [1]\n else\n if <(profile) = [ultra]> then\n set [$clipping v] to [2]\n set [$drawdistance v] to [100000]\n set [$lightingtype v] to [3]\n set [$linefiller v] to [1]\n set [$near v] to [2]\n set [$trifiller v] to [2]\n set [$res v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nset [#fps v] to [?]\nset [#timer v] to [0]\nbroadcast (engineInit v) and wait\nbroadcast (userInit v) and wait\nset [minimum fps v] to ((1) / (0))\ngetScreenDimensions\nGraphics [ultra]\nforever\n set [~oldtime v] to (days since 2000)\n broadcast (update v) and wait\n erase all\n broadcast (render v) and wait\n set [#deltatime v] to ((86400) * ((days since 2000) - (~oldTime)))\n change [#timer v] by (#DeltaTime)\n set [#fps v] to (round ((1) / (#DeltaTime)))\n if <(#FPS) < (Minimum FPS)> then\n set [minimum fps v] to (#FPS)\n end\nend\n\n@Rendering\n\ndefine z-clip triangle (x1) (y1) (z1) . (x2) (y2) (z2) . (x3) (y3) (z3) . (cnear)\ndelete all of [tempvertices v]\nadd (((x1) / (z1)) * (#FocalLength)) to [tempvertices v]\nadd (((y1) / (z1)) * (#FocalLength)) to [tempvertices v]\nadd (((x2) / (z2)) * (#FocalLength)) to [tempvertices v]\nadd (((y2) / (z2)) * (#FocalLength)) to [tempvertices v]\nadd (((x3) / (z3)) * (#FocalLength)) to [tempvertices v]\nadd (((y3) / (z3)) * (#FocalLength)) to [tempvertices v]\nadd [] to [tempvertices v]\nadd [] to [tempvertices v]\nset [~a v] to (<(z1) < (cnear)> + (<(z2) < (cnear)> + <(z3) < (cnear)>))\nif <(~a) = [3]> then\n set [~b v] to [1]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [~b v] to [0]\nset [~c v] to [0]\nif <(~a) = [0]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(~a) = [1]> then\n set [~c v] to [1]\n if <(cnear) > (z1)> then\n line clip (x1) (y1) (z1) . (x3) (y3) (z3) . (cnear)\n replace item (7) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LX) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n replace item (8) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LY) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n line clip (x1) (y1) (z1) . (x2) (y2) (z2) . (cnear)\n replace item (1) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LX) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n replace item (2) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LY) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(cnear) > (z2)> then\n line clip (x2) (y2) (z2) . (x3) (y3) (z3) . (cnear)\n replace item (7) of [tempvertices v] with (item (5) of [tempvertices v])\n replace item (8) of [tempvertices v] with (item (6) of [tempvertices v])\n replace item (5) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LX) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n replace item (6) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LY) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n line clip (x2) (y2) (z2) . (x1) (y1) (z1) . (cnear)\n replace item (3) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LX) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n replace item (4) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LY) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(cnear) > (z3)> then\n line clip (x3) (y3) (z3) . (x2) (y2) (z2) . (cnear)\n replace item (5) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LX) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n replace item (6) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LY) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n line clip (x3) (y3) (z3) . (x1) (y1) (z1) . (cnear)\n replace item (7) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LX) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n replace item (8) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LY) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nif <(z1) > (cnear)> then\n line clip (x1) (y1) (z1) . (x2) (y2) (z2) . (cnear)\n replace item (3) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LX) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n replace item (4) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LY) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n line clip (x1) (y1) (z1) . (x3) (y3) (z3) . (cnear)\n replace item (5) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LX) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n replace item (6) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LY) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\nend\nif <(z2) > (cnear)> then\n line clip (x2) (y2) (z2) . (x1) (y1) (z1) . (cnear)\n replace item (1) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LX) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n replace item (2) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LY) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n line clip (x2) (y2) (z2) . (x3) (y3) (z3) . (cnear)\n replace item (5) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LX) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n replace item (6) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LY) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\nend\nif <(z3) > (cnear)> then\n line clip (x3) (y3) (z3) . (x2) (y2) (z2) . (cnear)\n replace item (3) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LX) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n replace item (4) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LY) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n line clip (x3) (y3) (z3) . (x1) (y1) (z1) . (cnear)\n replace item (1) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LX) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\n replace item (2) of [tempvertices v] with (((~LY) / (cnear)) * (#FocalLength))\nend\n\ndefine line clip (x1) (y1) (z1) . (x2) (y2) (z2) . (cnear)\nset [~lx v] to ((x1) + (((x2) - (x1)) * (((cnear) - (z1)) / ((z2) - (z1)))))\nset [~ly v] to ((y1) + (((y2) - (y1)) * (((cnear) - (z1)) / ((z2) - (z1)))))\n\ndefine ScanLine Fill (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (r)\nif <(r) = [0]> then\n set [~a v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((c) - (a)) * ((c) - (a))) + (((d) - (b)) * ((d) - (b)))) )\n set [~b v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((e) - (c)) * ((e) - (c))) + (((f) - (d)) * ((f) - (d)))) )\n set [~c v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((a) - (e)) * ((a) - (e))) + (((b) - (f)) * ((b) - (f)))) )\n set [~p v] to (((~a) + ((~b) + (~c))) / (2))\n set [~i v] to ([sqrt v] of ((~P) * (((~P) - (~a)) * (((~P) - (~b)) * ((~P) - (~c))))) )\n if <(~a) > (~b)> then\n if <(~a) > (~c)> then\n ScanLine Fill (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (~a)\n else\n ScanLine Fill (e) (f) (a) (b) (c) (d) (~c)\n end\n else\n if <(~b) > (~c)> then\n ScanLine Fill (c) (d) (e) (f) (a) (b) (~b)\n else\n ScanLine Fill (e) (f) (a) (b) (c) (d) (~c)\n end\n end\nelse\n set [~r v] to ((2) * ((~I) / (r)))\n set [~a v] to ([abs v] of ((c) - (a)) )\n set [~b v] to ([abs v] of ((d) - (b)) )\n if <(~a) > (~b)> then\n set [~b v] to ((~b) / (~a))\n set [~a v] to [1]\n else\n set [~a v] to ((~a) / (~b))\n set [~b v] to [1]\n end\n set [~c v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~a) * (~a)) + ((~b) * (~b))) )\n set pen size to ((~c) * (2))\n set [~t v] to ((r) / (((~c) * (2)) - (1)))\n set [~a v] to (((c) - (a)) / (~T))\n set [~b v] to (((d) - (b)) / (~T))\n set [~t v] to ((2) - (~c))\n repeat (((~R) / (~c)) - (1))\n pen up\n go to x: (((a) + (~a)) + ((~T) * (((e) - (a)) / (~R)))) y: (((b) + (~b)) + ((~T) * (((f) - (b)) / (~R))))\n pen down\n go to x: (((c) - (~a)) + ((~T) * (((e) - (c)) / (~R)))) y: (((d) - (~b)) + ((~T) * (((f) - (d)) / (~R))))\n change [~t v] by (~c)\n end\n set pen size to (1.1)\n pen up\n go to x: (a) y: (b)\n pen down\n go to x: (c) y: (d)\n go to x: (e) y: (f)\n go to x: (a) y: (b)\n pen up\nend\n\ndefine rexTriFill (a) (b) . (c) (d) . (e) (f) . (r)\nset [_tri2 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((c) - (e)) * ((c) - (e))) + (((d) - (f)) * ((d) - (f)))) )\nset [_tri3 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((a) - (e)) * ((a) - (e))) + (((b) - (f)) * ((b) - (f)))) )\nset [_tri4 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((a) - (c)) * ((a) - (c))) + (((b) - (d)) * ((b) - (d)))) )\nset [_tri1 v] to (((_tri2) + ((_tri3) + (_tri4))) / (2))\nset [_tri0 v] to ((2) * ([sqrt v] of ((((_tri1) - (_tri2)) * (((_tri1) - (_tri3)) * ((_tri1) - (_tri4)))) / (_tri1)) ))\nchange [_tri1 v] by (_tri1)\ngo to x: (((((_tri2) * (a)) + ((_tri3) * (c))) + ((_tri4) * (e))) / (_tri1)) y: (((((_tri2) * (b)) + ((_tri3) * (d))) + ((_tri4) * (f))) / (_tri1))\nset pen size to (_tri0)\npen down\nif <(_tri0) > [0]> then\n if <<(_tri3) < (_tri2)> or <(_tri4) < (_tri2)>> then\n if <(_tri4) < (_tri3)> then\n set [_tri1 v] to ((x position) - (e))\n set [_tri2 v] to ((y position) - (f))\n else\n set [_tri1 v] to ((x position) - (c))\n set [_tri2 v] to ((y position) - (d))\n end\n else\n set [_tri1 v] to ((x position) - (a))\n set [_tri2 v] to ((y position) - (b))\n end\n set [_tri1 v] to (([sqrt v] of (((_tri1) * (_tri1)) + ((_tri2) * (_tri2))) ) / ((_tri0) / (2)))\n set [_tri8 v] to ((((_tri1) * (r)) / ((_tri1) - (1))) + (.25))\n set [_tri1 v] to ((.5) - ((.5) / (_tri1)))\n set [_tri2 v] to (((x position) - (a)) / (_tri0))\n set [_tri3 v] to (((y position) - (b)) / (_tri0))\n set [_tri4 v] to (((x position) - (c)) / (_tri0))\n set [_tri5 v] to (((y position) - (d)) / (_tri0))\n set [_tri6 v] to (((x position) - (e)) / (_tri0))\n set [_tri7 v] to (((y position) - (f)) / (_tri0))\n repeat until <(_tri0) < (_tri8)>\n set [_tri0 v] to ((_tri1) * (_tri0))\n set pen size to ((_tri0) + (.5))\n go to x: ((a) + ((_tri0) * (_tri2))) y: ((b) + ((_tri0) * (_tri3)))\n go to x: ((c) + ((_tri0) * (_tri4))) y: ((d) + ((_tri0) * (_tri5)))\n go to x: ((e) + ((_tri0) * (_tri6))) y: ((f) + ((_tri0) * (_tri7)))\n go to x: ((a) + ((_tri0) * (_tri2))) y: ((b) + ((_tri0) * (_tri3)))\n end\nend\nset pen size to (r)\ngo to x: (a) y: (b)\ngo to x: (c) y: (d)\ngo to x: (e) y: (f)\ngo to x: (a) y: (b)\npen up\n\ndefine Quicksort (lowerbound) (upperbound)\nset [~lower v] to (lowerbound)\nset [~upper v] to (upperbound)\nset [~pivot v] to (item ([floor v] of (((lowerbound) + (upperbound)) / (2)) ) of [layervals v])\nrepeat until <(~Lower) > (~Upper)>\n repeat until <not <(item (~Lower) of [layervals v]) > (~Pivot)>>\n change [~lower v] by (1)\n end\n repeat until <not <(item (~Upper) of [layervals v]) < (~Pivot)>>\n change [~upper v] by (-1)\n end\n if <not <(~Lower) > (~Upper)>> then\n set [~swap v] to (item (~Lower) of [layervals v])\n replace item (~Lower) of [layervals v] with (item (~Upper) of [layervals v])\n replace item (~Upper) of [layervals v] with (~Swap)\n set [~swap v] to (item (~Lower) of [layerids v])\n replace item (~Lower) of [layerids v] with (item (~Upper) of [layerids v])\n replace item (~Upper) of [layerids v] with (~Swap)\n change [~lower v] by (1)\n change [~upper v] by (-1)\n end\nend\nif <(lowerbound) < (~Upper)> then\n Quicksort (lowerbound) (~Upper)\nend\nif <(~Lower) < (upperbound)> then\n Quicksort (~Lower) (upperbound)\nend\n\ndefine Render Triangle (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (x3) (y3)\nRender Triangle Inner 1 (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (x3) (y3) ([sqrt v] of ((((x3) - (x2)) * ((x3) - (x2))) + (((y3) - (y2)) * ((y3) - (y2)))) ) ([sqrt v] of ((((x3) - (x1)) * ((x3) - (x1))) + (((y3) - (y1)) * ((y3) - (y1)))) ) ([sqrt v] of ((((x1) - (x2)) * ((x1) - (x2))) + (((y1) - (y2)) * ((y1) - (y2)))) )\nset pen size to (1.1)\ngo to x: (x1) y: (y1)\ngo to x: (x2) y: (y2)\ngo to x: (x3) y: (y3)\ngo to x: (x1) y: (y1)\npen up\n\ndefine Render Triangle Inner 1 (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (x3) (y3) (a) (b) (c)\nset [~p v] to ((a) + ((b) + (c)))\nRender Triangle Inner 2 (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (x3) (y3) (a) (b) (c) ((((a) * (x1)) + (((b) * (x2)) + ((c) * (x3)))) / (~P)) ((((a) * (y1)) + (((b) * (y2)) + ((c) * (y3)))) / (~P)) ((~P) / (2))\n\ndefine Render Triangle Inner 2 (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (x3) (y3) (a) (b) (c) (x) (y) (r)\nset [~r v] to (((2) * ([sqrt v] of (((r) * ((r) - (a))) * (((r) - (b)) * ((r) - (c)))) )) / (r))\nif <(~R) > [1]> then\n set pen size to ((~R) + (.5))\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n Render Triangle Inner 3 (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (x3) (y3) ((x1) - (x)) ((y1) - (y)) ((x2) - (x)) ((y2) - (y)) ((x3) - (x)) ((y3) - (y)) (~R) ((r) * (2))\nend\n\ndefine Render Triangle Inner 3 (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (x3) (y3) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (r) (p)\npen down\nset [~i v] to [0.5]\nset [~t v] to ((([sqrt v] of ((p) / (r)) ) / (((p) / (r)) / (6))) * (0.7))\nrepeat until <((~I) * (r)) < (~T)>\n set pen size to (((~I) * (r)) + (0.5))\n go to x: ((x1) - ((a) * (~I))) y: ((y1) - ((b) * (~I)))\n go to x: ((x2) - ((c) * (~I))) y: ((y2) - ((d) * (~I)))\n go to x: ((x3) - ((e) * (~I))) y: ((y3) - ((f) * (~I)))\n go to x: ((x1) - ((a) * (~I))) y: ((y1) - ((b) * (~I)))\n set [~i v] to ((~I) / ((2.5) - (~I)))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nif <(#SceneType) = [plat]> then\n Define Skybox; Name [skybox] Image Dimensions [480] . [360]\nelse\n if <(#SceneType) = [Tori]> then\n Define Skybox; Name [darksb] Image Dimensions [480] . [360]\n else\n if <(#SceneType) = [RX7]> then\n Define Skybox; Name [skybox] Image Dimensions [480] . [360]\n else\n if <(#SceneType) = [Lighting Demo]> then\n Define Skybox; Name [darksb] Image Dimensions [480] . [360]\n end\n end\n end\nend\nswitch costume to (none v)\nset size to ((1) / ()) %\nswitch costume to (filled v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [render v]\nif <(stopall) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (none v)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (well done! v)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n stop [all v]\nend\nRender Skybox; ((((((-1) * (@CamRotX)) * ((#FocalLength) / (#ScreenH))) * (1.5)) * (1.5)) mod (360)) (((((@CamRotY) * ((#FocalLength) / (#ScreenW))) * (2)) * (-2.5)) mod (360))\nTransform Vertices\nGet Draw Order\nRender\nif <(#SceneType) = [plat]> then\n if <not <(#curtxt) = [-]>> then\n if <(#curtxt) < [7]> then\n switch costume to (none v)\n set size to (100) %\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (join [t] (#curtxt))\n stamp\n else\n set [#curtxt v] to [-]\n end\n end\nend\n\nRender Cubemap\nDefine Cubemap; Name: [cm] Size [480] [360]\n\ndefine Render\nset [~index1 v] to [1]\nif <<(#SunY) > (#ScreenHDivP)> or <<(#SunY) < (#ScreenHDivN)> or <<(#SunX) > (#ScreenWDivP)> or <(#SunX) < (#ScreenWDivN)>>>> then\n set [~sunvisabilty v] to [0]\nelse\n set [~sunvisabilty v] to [1]\nend\nrepeat (length of [layerids v])\n if <not <(item (item (~Index1) of [layerids v]) of [trianglebrightness v]) = [0]>> then\n set [~index2 v] to ((((item (~Index1) of [layerids v]) - (1)) * (4)) + (1))\n set [~v1 v] to (item (~Index2) of [#triangledata v])\n set [~v2 v] to (item ((~Index2) + (1)) of [#triangledata v])\n set [~v3 v] to (item ((~Index2) + (2)) of [#triangledata v])\n set [~mat v] to (item ((~Index2) + (3)) of [#triangledata v])\n switch costume to (none v)\n set size to ((1) / ()) %\n switch costume to (filled v)\n hide\n if <not <<(~V1) = [#]> or <<(~V1) = [/]> or <(letter (1) of (~V1)) = [ ]>>>> then\n Set Material to R: (item (~Index2) of [~drawclr v]) G: (item ((~Index2) + (1)) of [~drawclr v]) B: (item ((~Index2) + (2)) of [~drawclr v]) A: (item ((((~Mat) - (1)) * (4)) + (4)) of [#materialdata v]) Brightness: (item (item (~Index1) of [layerids v]) of [trianglebrightness v])\n Render Triangle\n if <<(~sunvisabilty) = [1]> and <not <<(#SunX) = [n]> or <(#SunY) = [n]>>>> then\n Check if point is inside 2D triangle; Triangle: (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) . (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) . (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) Point (#SunX) (#SunY)\n if <(Return) = [true]> then\n set [~sunvisabilty v] to [0]\n end\n end\n else\n if <not <<(letter (1) of (~V1)) = [ ]> or <(~V1) = [/]>>> then\n go to x: (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) y: (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v])\n set [~size v] to (((((480) * (~V3)) / (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [viewvertices v])) * (0.5)) + (0.5))\n if <(~size) > [100]> then\n switch costume to (none v)\n set size to (~size) %\n switch costume to (~Mat)\n else\n switch costume to (~Mat)\n set size to (~size) %\n end\n stamp\n else\n if <not <(~V1) = [/]>> then\n Set Material to R: (item ((((~Mat) - (1)) * (4)) + (1)) of [#materialdata v]) G: (item ((((~Mat) - (1)) * (4)) + (2)) of [#materialdata v]) B: (item ((((~Mat) - (1)) * (4)) + (3)) of [#materialdata v]) A: (item ((((~Mat) - (1)) * (4)) + (4)) of [#materialdata v]) Brightness: [1]\n Draw Line; Vertex 1: (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) Vertex 2: (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) Depth: (((~V1) * (#FocalLength)) / (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [viewvertices v])) (((~V1) * (#FocalLength)) / (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [viewvertices v]))\n else\n Set Material to R: (item ((((~Mat) - (1)) * (4)) + (1)) of [#materialdata v]) G: (item ((((~Mat) - (1)) * (4)) + (2)) of [#materialdata v]) B: (item ((((~Mat) - (1)) * (4)) + (3)) of [#materialdata v]) A: (item ((((~Mat) - (1)) * (4)) + (4)) of [#materialdata v]) Brightness: [1]\n go to x: (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) y: (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v])\n set pen size to (((((480) * (~V3)) / (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [viewvertices v])) * (0.5)) + (0.5))\n pen down\n pen up\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [~index1 v] by (1)\nend\nif <<(~sunvisabilty) = [1]> and <not <<(#SunX) = [n]> or <(#SunY) = [n]>>>> then\n Render Flare; Position (#SunX) (#SunY)\nend\n\ndefine Get Draw Order\ndelete all of [tricolreturn v]\ndelete all of [layervals v]\ndelete all of [layerids v]\ndelete all of [trianglebrightness v]\ndelete all of [~drawclr v]\nset [~index1 v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [#triangledata v]) / (4))\n set [~v1 v] to (item (~Index1) of [#triangledata v])\n set [~v2 v] to (item ((~Index1) + (1)) of [#triangledata v])\n set [~v3 v] to (item ((~Index1) + (2)) of [#triangledata v])\n if <not <(~V1) = [n]>> then\n if <not <<(~V1) = [#]> or <<(~V1) = [/]> or <(letter (1) of (~V1)) = [ ]>>>> then\n delete all of [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n Clipp Triangle\n if <(~ClipTri) = [false]> then\n add (((item (3) of [tempvertices v]) + ((item (6) of [tempvertices v]) + (item (9) of [tempvertices v]))) / (3)) to [layervals v]\n add ((((~Index1) - (1)) / (4)) + (1)) to [layerids v]\n Get Lighting\n else\n add [0] to [trianglebrightness v]\n repeat (4)\n add [0] to [~drawclr v]\n end\n end\n else\n if <not <<(letter (1) of (~V1)) = [ ]> or <(~V1) = [/]>>> then\n delete all of [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n Clip Vertex\n if <(~ClipTri) = [false]> then\n add (item (1) of [tempvertices v]) to [layervals v]\n add ((((~Index1) - (1)) / (4)) + (1)) to [layerids v]\n add [1] to [trianglebrightness v]\n else\n add [0] to [trianglebrightness v]\n repeat (4)\n add [0] to [~drawclr v]\n end\n end\n else\n if <not <(~V1) = [/]>> then\n delete all of [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n Clip Line\n if <(~ClipTri) = [false]> then\n add (((item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [viewvertices v]) + (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [viewvertices v])) / (2)) to [layervals v]\n add ((((~Index1) - (1)) / (4)) + (1)) to [layerids v]\n add [1] to [trianglebrightness v]\n else\n add [0] to [trianglebrightness v]\n repeat (4)\n add [0] to [~drawclr v]\n end\n end\n else\n delete all of [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n Clip Vertex\n if <(~ClipTri) = [false]> then\n add (item (1) of [tempvertices v]) to [layervals v]\n add ((((~Index1) - (1)) / (4)) + (1)) to [layerids v]\n add [1] to [trianglebrightness v]\n else\n add [0] to [trianglebrightness v]\n repeat (4)\n add [0] to [~drawclr v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [~index1 v] by (4)\nend\nQuicksort [1] (length of [layervals v])\n\ndefine Transform Vertices\ndelete all of [viewvertices v]\ndelete all of [clipvertices v]\nset [~index1 v] to [1]\nset [~index2 v] to [1]\nif <($Clipping) = [1]> then\n repeat ((length of [#modeldata v]) / (10))\n if <not <(item (~Index1) of [#modeldata v]) = [-]>> then\n Calc Model\n repeat (item ((~Index1) + (9)) of [#modeldata v])\n Transform Vertex; X: (item (~Index2) of [#vertexdata v]) Y: (item ((~Index2) + (1)) of [#vertexdata v]) Z: (item ((~Index2) + (2)) of [#vertexdata v])\n if <(~TZ) < ($Near)> then\n set [~tz v] to (join [ ] ($Near))\n end\n add (~TX) to [viewvertices v]\n add (~TY) to [viewvertices v]\n add (~TZ) to [viewvertices v]\n add (((~TX) / (~TZ)) * (#FocalLength)) to [clipvertices v]\n add (((~TY) / (~TZ)) * (#FocalLength)) to [clipvertices v]\n change [~index2 v] by (3)\n end\n end\n change [~index1 v] by (10)\n end\nelse\n repeat ((length of [#modeldata v]) / (10))\n if <not <(item (~Index1) of [#modeldata v]) = [-]>> then\n Calc Model\n repeat (item ((~Index1) + (9)) of [#modeldata v])\n Transform Vertex; X: (item (~Index2) of [#vertexdata v]) Y: (item ((~Index2) + (1)) of [#vertexdata v]) Z: (item ((~Index2) + (2)) of [#vertexdata v])\n add (~TX) to [viewvertices v]\n add (~TY) to [viewvertices v]\n add (~TZ) to [viewvertices v]\n add (((~TX) / (~TZ)) * (#FocalLength)) to [clipvertices v]\n add (((~TY) / (~TZ)) * (#FocalLength)) to [clipvertices v]\n change [~index2 v] by (3)\n end\n end\n change [~index1 v] by (10)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Transform Vertex; X: (x) Y: (y) Z: (z)\nSet T to X: ((x) * (item ((~Index1) + (6)) of [#modeldata v])) Y: ((y) * (item ((~Index1) + (7)) of [#modeldata v])) Z: ((z) * (item ((~Index1) + (8)) of [#modeldata v]))\nSet T to X: (((~TZ) * (~ModelSinY)) + ((~TX) * (~ModelCosY))) Y: (~TY) Z: (((~TZ) * (~ModelCosY)) - ((~TX) * (~ModelSinY)))\nSet T to X: (~TX) Y: (((~TZ) * (~ModelSinX)) + ((~TY) * (~ModelCosX))) Z: (((~TZ) * (~ModelCosX)) - ((~TY) * (~ModelSinX)))\nSet T to X: (((~TY) * (~ModelSinZ)) + ((~TX) * (~ModelCosZ))) Y: (((~TY) * (~ModelCosZ)) - ((~TX) * (~ModelSinZ))) Z: (~TZ)\nSet T to X: ((~TX) + (item (~Index1) of [#modeldata v])) Y: ((~TY) + (item ((~Index1) + (1)) of [#modeldata v])) Z: ((~TZ) + (item ((~Index1) + (2)) of [#modeldata v]))\nSet T to X: ((~TX) - (@CamPosX)) Y: ((~TY) - ((@CamPosY) + (@CamHeight))) Z: ((~TZ) - (@CamPosZ))\nSet T to X: (((~TX) * (#CamCosY)) - ((~TZ) * (#CamSinY))) Y: (~TY) Z: (((~TX) * (#CamSinY)) + ((~TZ) * (#CamCosY)))\nSet T to X: (~TX) Y: (((~TY) * (#CamCosX)) - ((~TZ) * (#CamSinX))) Z: (((~TY) * (#CamSinX)) + ((~TZ) * (#CamCosX)))\n\ndefine Set T to X: (x) Y: (y) Z: (z)\nset [~tx v] to (x)\nset [~ty v] to (y)\nset [~tz v] to (z)\n\ndefine Set Material to R: (r) G: (g) B: (b) A: (a) Brightness: (brightness)\nset pen color to ((((a) * (16777216)) + ((round ((r) * (brightness))) * (65536))) + (((round ((g) * (brightness))) * (256)) + (round ((b) * (brightness)))))\n\ndefine Clipp Triangle\nif <<(item (3) of [tempvertices v]) < ($Near)> and <<(item (6) of [tempvertices v]) < ($Near)> and <(item (9) of [tempvertices v]) < ($Near)>>> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <not <<(item (3) of [tempvertices v]) < ($DrawDistance)> or <<(item (6) of [tempvertices v]) < ($DrawDistance)> or <(item (9) of [tempvertices v]) < ($DrawDistance)>>>> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <not <<(item (10) of [tempvertices v]) < (#ScreenWDivP)> or <<(item (12) of [tempvertices v]) < (#ScreenWDivP)> or <(item (14) of [tempvertices v]) < (#ScreenWDivP)>>>> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <not <<(item (10) of [tempvertices v]) > (#ScreenWDivN)> or <<(item (12) of [tempvertices v]) > (#ScreenWDivN)> or <(item (14) of [tempvertices v]) > (#ScreenWDivN)>>>> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <not <<(item (11) of [tempvertices v]) < (#ScreenHDivP)> or <<(item (13) of [tempvertices v]) < (#ScreenHDivP)> or <(item (15) of [tempvertices v]) < (#ScreenHDivP)>>>> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <not <<(item (11) of [tempvertices v]) > (#ScreenHDivN)> or <<(item (13) of [tempvertices v]) > (#ScreenHDivN)> or <(item (15) of [tempvertices v]) > (#ScreenHDivN)>>>> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <($Clipping) = [0]> then\n if <<(item (3) of [tempvertices v]) < ($Near)> or <<(item (6) of [tempvertices v]) < ($Near)> or <(item (9) of [tempvertices v]) < ($Near)>>> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\n stop [this script v]\n end\nelse\n if <($Clipping) = [1]> then\n if <[2] < (<(letter (1) of (item (3) of [tempvertices v])) = [ ]> + (<(letter (1) of (item (6) of [tempvertices v])) = [ ]> + <(letter (1) of (item (9) of [tempvertices v])) = [ ]>))> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\nset [~cliptri v] to [false]\n\ndefine Get Lighting\nset [~result v] to [0]\nset [~a v] to [0]\nset [~b v] to [0]\nset [~c v] to [0]\nCalc Normal ((item (4) of [tempvertices v]) - (item (1) of [tempvertices v])) ((item (5) of [tempvertices v]) - (item (2) of [tempvertices v])) ((item (6) of [tempvertices v]) - (item (3) of [tempvertices v])) ((item (7) of [tempvertices v]) - (item (1) of [tempvertices v])) ((item (8) of [tempvertices v]) - (item (2) of [tempvertices v])) ((item (9) of [tempvertices v]) - (item (3) of [tempvertices v]))\nset [~index2 v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [#lightdata v]) / (10))\n set [~fragposx v] to (((item (1) of [tempvertices v]) + ((item (4) of [tempvertices v]) + (item (7) of [tempvertices v]))) / (3))\n set [~fragposy v] to (((item (2) of [tempvertices v]) + ((item (5) of [tempvertices v]) + (item (8) of [tempvertices v]))) / (3))\n set [~fragposz v] to (((item (3) of [tempvertices v]) + ((item (6) of [tempvertices v]) + (item (9) of [tempvertices v]))) / (3))\n set [~lightdirx v] to ((item (~Index2) of [#lightdata v]) - (~FragPosX))\n set [~lightdiry v] to ((item ((~Index2) + (1)) of [#lightdata v]) - (~FragPosY))\n set [~lightdirz v] to ((item ((~Index2) + (2)) of [#lightdata v]) - (~FragPosZ))\n set [~distance v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~lightDirX) * (~lightDirX)) + (((~lightDirY) * (~lightDirY)) + ((~lightDirZ) * (~lightDirZ)))) )\n set [~lightdirx v] to (((~lightDirX) / (~Distance)) * (-1))\n set [~lightdiry v] to (((~lightDirY) / (~Distance)) * (-1))\n set [~lightdirz v] to (((~lightDirZ) / (~Distance)) * (-1))\n set [~diff v] to (((~NormalX) * (~lightDirX)) + (((~NormalY) * (~lightDirY)) + ((~NormalZ) * (~lightDirZ))))\n if <($LightingType) > [1]> then\n if <<<(item ((~Index2) + (7)) of [#lightdata v]) = []> or <(item ((~Index2) + (7)) of [#lightdata v]) = [0]>> or <($LightingType) = [2]>> then\n set [~attenuationdivision v] to [3]\n else\n set [~lightdirx v] to (((~lightDirX) - (((~diff) * (2)) * (~NormalX))) * (-1))\n set [~lightdiry v] to (((~lightDirY) - (((~diff) * (2)) * (~NormalY))) * (-1))\n set [~lightdirz v] to (((~lightDirZ) - (((~diff) * (2)) * (~NormalZ))) * (-1))\n set [~attenuationdivision v] to (((~FragPosX) * (~lightDirX)) + (((~FragPosY) * (~lightDirY)) + ((~FragPosZ) * (~lightDirZ))))\n set [~attenuationdivision v] to ((((~diff) * (item ((~Index2) + (9)) of [#lightdata v])) * <(~diff) > [0]>) + ((item ((~Index2) + (7)) of [#lightdata v]) * ([e ^ v] of ((item ((~Index2) + (8)) of [#lightdata v]) * ([ln v] of ((~attenuationDivision) * <(~attenuationDivision) > [0]>) )) )))\n end\n set [~attenuation v] to ((~attenuationDivision) / ((item ((~Index2) + (4)) of [#lightdata v]) + (((item ((~Index2) + (3)) of [#lightdata v]) * (~Distance)) + ((item ((~Index2) + (5)) of [#lightdata v]) * ((~Distance) * (~Distance))))))\n end\n change [~result v] by ((((~diff) + (~Attenuation)) + (item ((~Index2) + (6)) of [#lightdata v])) / (3))\n if <($LightingType) > [1]> then\n change [~a v] by ((~Attenuation) * (item ((~Index2) + (10)) of [#lightdata v]))\n change [~b v] by ((~Attenuation) * (item ((~Index2) + (11)) of [#lightdata v]))\n change [~c v] by ((~Attenuation) * (item ((~Index2) + (12)) of [#lightdata v]))\n else\n set [~a v] to [1]\n set [~b v] to [1]\n set [~c v] to [1]\n end\n change [~index2 v] by (13)\nend\nset [~mat v] to (item ((~Index1) + (3)) of [#triangledata v])\nset [~a v] to (round ((~a) * (item ((((~Mat) - (1)) * (4)) + (1)) of [#materialdata v])))\nset [~b v] to (round ((~b) * (item ((((~Mat) - (1)) * (4)) + (2)) of [#materialdata v])))\nset [~c v] to (round ((~c) * (item ((((~Mat) - (1)) * (4)) + (3)) of [#materialdata v])))\nif <(~a) > [255]> then\n set [~a v] to [255]\nend\nif <(~b) > [255]> then\n set [~b v] to [255]\nend\nif <(~c) > [255]> then\n set [~c v] to [255]\nend\nif <(~Result) > [1]> then\n set [~result v] to [1]\nend\nif <(~Result) < [0]> then\n set [~result v] to [0]\nend\nif <(#SceneType) = [RX7]> then\n add (item ((((~Mat) - (1)) * (4)) + (1)) of [#materialdata v]) to [~drawclr v]\n add (item ((((~Mat) - (1)) * (4)) + (2)) of [#materialdata v]) to [~drawclr v]\n add (item ((((~Mat) - (1)) * (4)) + (3)) of [#materialdata v]) to [~drawclr v]\n add [255] to [~drawclr v]\n add [1] to [trianglebrightness v]\nelse\n add (~a) to [~drawclr v]\n add (~b) to [~drawclr v]\n add (~c) to [~drawclr v]\n add [255] to [~drawclr v]\n add (~Result) to [trianglebrightness v]\nend\n\ndefine Calc Normal (x1) (y1) (z1) (x2) (y2) (z2)\nset [~normalx v] to (((y1) * (z2)) - ((y2) * (z1)))\nset [~normaly v] to (((x2) * (z1)) - ((x1) * (z2)))\nset [~normalz v] to (((x1) * (y2)) - ((x2) * (y1)))\nset [~normallength v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~NormalX) * (~NormalX)) + (((~NormalY) * (~NormalY)) + ((~NormalZ) * (~NormalZ)))) )\nset [~normalx v] to ((~NormalX) / (~NormalLength))\nset [~normaly v] to ((~NormalY) / (~NormalLength))\nset [~normalz v] to ((~NormalZ) / (~NormalLength))\nset [~normalx v] to ((~NormalX) * (-1))\nset [~normaly v] to ((~NormalY) * (-1))\nset [~normalz v] to ((~NormalZ) * (-1))\n\ndefine Calc Model\nset [~modelsinx v] to (item ((round (item ((~Index1) + (3)) of [#modeldata v])) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\nset [~modelcosx v] to (item (((round (item ((~Index1) + (3)) of [#modeldata v])) + (90)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\nset [~modelsiny v] to (item ((round (item ((~Index1) + (4)) of [#modeldata v])) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\nset [~modelcosy v] to (item (((round (item ((~Index1) + (4)) of [#modeldata v])) + (90)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\nset [~modelsinz v] to (item ((round (item ((~Index1) + (5)) of [#modeldata v])) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\nset [~modelcosz v] to (item (((round (item ((~Index1) + (5)) of [#modeldata v])) + (90)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\n\ndefine Clip Vertex\nif <not <(item (1) of [tempvertices v]) > ($Near)>> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <not <(item (1) of [tempvertices v]) < ($DrawDistance)>> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <not <(item (2) of [tempvertices v]) < (#ScreenWDivP)>> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <not <(item (2) of [tempvertices v]) > (#ScreenWDivN)>> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <not <(item (3) of [tempvertices v]) < (#ScreenHDivP)>> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(item (3) of [tempvertices v]) > (#ScreenHDivN)> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [false]\nelse\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\nend\n\ndefine Define Skybox; Name (1) Image Dimensions (2) . (3)\nset [~sbname v] to (1)\nset [~sbw v] to (2)\nset [~sbh v] to (3)\nset [~sbr v] to ((#ScreenW) / (2))\nset [~sbrealw v] to (((2) * ((480) / (3))) * (~sbR))\nset [~sbrealh v] to ((960) * (~sbR))\n\ndefine stamp Skybox; (x) (y) . <i>\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (none v)\nset size to (((480) / (~sbH)) * ((200) * (~sbR))) %\nswitch costume to (filled v)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset size to (((480) / (~sbH)) * ((101) * (~sbR))) %\nif <i> then\n switch costume to (join (~sbName) [inv])\nelse\n switch costume to (~sbName)\nend\nstamp\n\ndefine Render Skybox; (1) (2)\nif <(1) < [180]> then\n stamp Skybox; (((2) / (360)) * (~sbRealW)) ((((1) / (360)) - (0.5)) * (~sbRealH)) . \n stamp Skybox; ((((2) - (360)) / (360)) * (~sbRealW)) ((((1) / (360)) - (0.5)) * (~sbRealH)) . \n stamp Skybox; (((2) / (360)) * (~sbRealW)) (((1) / (360)) * (~sbRealH)) . <>\n stamp Skybox; ((((2) - (360)) / (360)) * (~sbRealW)) (((1) / (360)) * (~sbRealH)) . <>\nelse\n stamp Skybox; (((2) / (360)) * (~sbRealW)) ((((1) / (360)) - (1)) * (~sbRealH)) . <>\n stamp Skybox; ((((2) - (360)) / (360)) * (~sbRealW)) ((((1) / (360)) - (1)) * (~sbRealH)) . <>\n stamp Skybox; (((2) / (360)) * (~sbRealW)) ((((1) / (360)) - (0.5)) * (~sbRealH)) . \n stamp Skybox; ((((2) - (360)) / (360)) * (~sbRealW)) ((((1) / (360)) - (0.5)) * (~sbRealH)) . \nend\n\ndefine Clip Line\nif <not <<(item (1) of [tempvertices v]) > ($Near)> and <(item (2) of [tempvertices v]) > ($Near)>>> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <not <<(item (1) of [tempvertices v]) < ($DrawDistance)> or <(item (2) of [tempvertices v]) < ($DrawDistance)>>> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <not <<(item (3) of [tempvertices v]) < (#ScreenWDivP)> or <(item (5) of [tempvertices v]) < (#ScreenWDivP)>>> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <not <<(item (3) of [tempvertices v]) > (#ScreenWDivN)> or <(item (5) of [tempvertices v]) > (#ScreenWDivN)>>> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <not <<(item (4) of [tempvertices v]) < (#ScreenHDivP)> or <(item (6) of [tempvertices v]) < (#ScreenHDivP)>>> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <<(item (4) of [tempvertices v]) > (#ScreenHDivN)> or <(item (6) of [tempvertices v]) > (#ScreenHDivN)>> then\n set [~cliptri v] to [false]\nelse\n set [~cliptri v] to [true]\nend\n\ndefine Draw Line; Vertex 1: (1) (2) Vertex 2: (3) (4) Depth: (a) (b)\nif <<(a) = (b)> or <($LineFiller) = [0]>> then\n set pen size to (a)\n go to x: (1) y: (2)\n pen down\n go to x: (3) y: (4)\n pen up\nelse\n set [~p v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((1) - (3)) * ((1) - (3))) + (((2) - (4)) * ((2) - (4)))) )\n set [~t v] to ((~P) + (~P))\n if <(a) < (b)> then\n O(log n) (1) (2) (3) (4) (a) (b) ((3) - (1)) ((4) - (2)) (((1) - (3)) / (~T)) (((2) - (4)) / (~T))\n else\n O(log n) (3) (4) (1) (2) (b) (a) ((1) - (3)) ((2) - (4)) (((1) - (3)) / (~T)) (((2) - (4)) / (~T))\n end\nend\n\ndefine O(log n) (1) (2) (3) (4) (a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g)\nset [~tx v] to (1)\nset [~ty v] to (2)\nset [~r v] to (a)\nset [~t v] to ((~R) + (~R))\nrepeat until <(~R) > (b)>\n set [~i v] to (~R)\n if <(~T) > (b)> then\n set [~t v] to (b)\n set [~i v] to ((b) - (~R))\n end\n set [~lx v] to ((1) + ((c) * (((~T) - (a)) / ((b) - (a)))))\n set [~ly v] to ((2) + ((d) * (((~T) - (a)) / ((b) - (a)))))\n set pen size to (~R)\n go to x: ((~LX) + ((g) * (~I))) y: ((~LY) - ((f) * (~I)))\n pen down\n go to x: (~TX) y: (~TY)\n go to x: ((~LX) - ((g) * (~I))) y: ((~LY) + ((f) * (~I)))\n pen up\n change [~r v] by (~R)\n change [~t v] by (~T)\n set [~tx v] to (~LX)\n set [~ty v] to (~LY)\nend\nset pen size to (b)\ngo to x: (3) y: (4)\npen down\npen up\n\ndefine Check if point is inside 2D triangle; Triangle: (a) (b) . (c) (d) . (e) (f) Point (1) (2)\nset [~c v] to ((((d) - (f)) * ((a) - (e))) + (((e) - (c)) * ((b) - (f))))\nset [~a v] to (((((d) - (f)) * ((1) - (e))) + (((e) - (c)) * ((2) - (f)))) / (~c))\nset [~b v] to (((((f) - (b)) * ((1) - (e))) + (((a) - (e)) * ((2) - (f)))) / (~c))\nset [~c v] to (((1) - (~a)) - (~b))\nset [return v] to <<(~a) > [0]> and <<(~b) > [0]> and <(~c) > [0]>>>\n\ndefine Render Flare; Position (a) (b)\nset size to (200) %\ngo to x: (a) y: (b)\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to ((85) + (([abs v] of (x position) ) / (48)))\nswitch costume to (shroud v)\nstamp\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (sun v)\nclear graphic effects\nstamp\nswitch costume to (lensflare v)\ngo to x: ((a) * (0.6)) y: ((b) * (0.6))\nset [ghost v] effect to ((80) + (([abs v] of (x position) ) / (48)))\nset [color v] effect to (20)\nset size to (100) %\nstamp\ngo to x: ((a) * (0.4)) y: ((b) * (0.4))\nset [ghost v] effect to ((80) + (([abs v] of (x position) ) / (48)))\nset [color v] effect to (172)\nset size to (90) %\nstamp\ngo to x: ((a) * (0.15)) y: ((b) * (0.15))\nset [ghost v] effect to ((80) + (([abs v] of (x position) ) / (48)))\nset [color v] effect to (142)\nset size to (40) %\nstamp\ngo to x: ((a) * (-0.15)) y: ((b) * (-0.15))\nset [ghost v] effect to ((80) + (([abs v] of (x position) ) / (48)))\nset [color v] effect to (47)\nset size to (85) %\nstamp\ngo to x: ((a) * (-0.4)) y: ((b) * (-0.4))\nset [ghost v] effect to ((80) + (([abs v] of (x position) ) / (48)))\nset [color v] effect to (51)\nset size to (41) %\nstamp\ngo to x: ((a) * (-0.6)) y: ((b) * (-0.6))\nset [ghost v] effect to ((80) + (([abs v] of (x position) ) / (48)))\nset [color v] effect to (101)\nset size to (50) %\nstamp\ngo to x: ((a) * (-1)) y: ((b) * (-1))\nset [ghost v] effect to ((80) + (([abs v] of (x position) ) / (48)))\nset [color v] effect to (33)\nset size to (25) %\nstamp\n\ndefine Render Triangle\npen up\nif <($Clipping) = [2]> then\n delete all of [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n add (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [viewvertices v]) to [tempvertices v]\n z-clip triangle (item (1) of [tempvertices v]) (item (2) of [tempvertices v]) (item (3) of [tempvertices v]) . (item (4) of [tempvertices v]) (item (5) of [tempvertices v]) (item (6) of [tempvertices v]) . (item (7) of [tempvertices v]) (item (8) of [tempvertices v]) (item (9) of [tempvertices v]) . [100]\n if <(~b) = [0]> then\n if <(~c) = [1]> then\n if <<($TriFiller) = [2]> and <(item ((((~Mat) - (1)) * (4)) + (4)) of [#materialdata v]) < [200]>> then\n ScanLine Fill (item (1) of [tempvertices v]) (item (2) of [tempvertices v]) (item (3) of [tempvertices v]) (item (4) of [tempvertices v]) (item (5) of [tempvertices v]) (item (6) of [tempvertices v]) [0]\n ScanLine Fill (item (1) of [tempvertices v]) (item (2) of [tempvertices v]) (item (7) of [tempvertices v]) (item (8) of [tempvertices v]) (item (5) of [tempvertices v]) (item (6) of [tempvertices v]) [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n rexTriFill (item (1) of [tempvertices v]) (item (2) of [tempvertices v]) . (item (3) of [tempvertices v]) (item (4) of [tempvertices v]) . (item (5) of [tempvertices v]) (item (6) of [tempvertices v]) . [1]\n rexTriFill (item (1) of [tempvertices v]) (item (2) of [tempvertices v]) . (item (7) of [tempvertices v]) (item (8) of [tempvertices v]) . (item (5) of [tempvertices v]) (item (6) of [tempvertices v]) . [1]\n else\n if <<($TriFiller) = [2]> and <(item ((((~Mat) - (1)) * (4)) + (4)) of [#materialdata v]) < [200]>> then\n ScanLine Fill (item (1) of [tempvertices v]) (item (2) of [tempvertices v]) (item (3) of [tempvertices v]) (item (4) of [tempvertices v]) (item (5) of [tempvertices v]) (item (6) of [tempvertices v]) [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n rexTriFill (item (1) of [tempvertices v]) (item (2) of [tempvertices v]) . (item (3) of [tempvertices v]) (item (4) of [tempvertices v]) . (item (5) of [tempvertices v]) (item (6) of [tempvertices v]) . [1]\n end\n end\nelse\n if <($TriFiller) = [0]> then\n Render Triangle (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v])\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <<($TriFiller) = [2]> and <(item ((((~Mat) - (1)) * (4)) + (4)) of [#materialdata v]) < [200]>> then\n rexTriFill (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) . (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) . (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) . ($Res)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <($TriFiller) > [0]> then\n rexTriFill (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) . (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) . (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [clipvertices v]) (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [clipvertices v]) . ($Res)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Define Cubemap; Name: (name) Size (w) (h)\nset [~sbname v] to (name)\nset [~sbr v] to (((#ScreenWDivP) * (2)) / (w))\n\ndefine Render Cubemap\nclear graphic effects\nif <not <(item (3) of [#sbref v]) < [0]>> then\n set size to ((1) / (0)) %\n go to x: (item (4) of [#sbref v]) y: (item (5) of [#sbref v])\n if <[100] < ((~sbR) * (100))> then\n switch costume to (none v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n else\n switch costume to (filled v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n end\n switch costume to (join (~sbName) [1])\n stamp\nend\nif <not <(item (8) of [#sbref v]) < [0]>> then\n if <[100] < ((~sbR) * (100))> then\n switch costume to (none v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n else\n switch costume to (filled v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n end\n switch costume to (join (~sbName) [2])\n go to x: (item (9) of [#sbref v]) y: (item (10) of [#sbref v])\n stamp\nend\nif <not <(item (13) of [#sbref v]) < [0]>> then\n if <[100] < ((~sbR) * (100))> then\n switch costume to (none v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n else\n switch costume to (filled v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n end\n switch costume to (join (~sbName) [3])\n go to x: (item (14) of [#sbref v]) y: (item (15) of [#sbref v])\n stamp\nend\nif <not <(item (18) of [#sbref v]) < [0]>> then\n if <[100] < ((~sbR) * (100))> then\n switch costume to (none v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n else\n switch costume to (filled v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n end\n switch costume to (join (~sbName) [4])\n go to x: (item (19) of [#sbref v]) y: (item (20) of [#sbref v])\n stamp\nend\nif <not <(item (23) of [#sbref v]) < [0]>> then\n if <[100] < ((~sbR) * (100))> then\n switch costume to (none v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n else\n switch costume to (filled v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n end\n switch costume to (join (~sbName) [5])\n go to x: (item (24) of [#sbref v]) y: (item (25) of [#sbref v])\n stamp\nend\nif <not <(item (28) of [#sbref v]) < [0]>> then\n if <[100] < ((~sbR) * (100))> then\n switch costume to (none v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n else\n switch costume to (filled v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n end\n switch costume to (join (~sbName) [6])\n go to x: (item (29) of [#sbref v]) y: (item (30) of [#sbref v])\n stamp\nend\nif <not <(item (3) of [#sbref v]) < [0]>> then\n set size to ((1) / (0)) %\n go to x: (item (4) of [#sbref v]) y: (item (5) of [#sbref v])\n if <[100] < ((~sbR) * (100))> then\n switch costume to (none v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n else\n switch costume to (filled v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n end\n switch costume to (join (~sbName) [1])\n stamp\nend\nif <not <(item (8) of [#sbref v]) < [0]>> then\n if <[100] < ((~sbR) * (100))> then\n switch costume to (none v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n else\n switch costume to (filled v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n end\n switch costume to (join (~sbName) [2])\n go to x: (item (9) of [#sbref v]) y: (item (10) of [#sbref v])\n stamp\nend\nif <not <(item (13) of [#sbref v]) < [0]>> then\n if <[100] < ((~sbR) * (100))> then\n switch costume to (none v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n else\n switch costume to (filled v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n end\n switch costume to (join (~sbName) [3])\n go to x: (item (14) of [#sbref v]) y: (item (15) of [#sbref v])\n stamp\nend\nif <not <(item (18) of [#sbref v]) < [0]>> then\n if <[100] < ((~sbR) * (100))> then\n switch costume to (none v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n else\n switch costume to (filled v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n end\n switch costume to (join (~sbName) [4])\n go to x: (item (19) of [#sbref v]) y: (item (20) of [#sbref v])\n stamp\nend\nif <not <(item (23) of [#sbref v]) < [0]>> then\n if <[100] < ((~sbR) * (100))> then\n switch costume to (none v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n else\n switch costume to (filled v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n end\n switch costume to (join (~sbName) [5])\n go to x: (item (24) of [#sbref v]) y: (item (25) of [#sbref v])\n stamp\nend\nif <not <(item (28) of [#sbref v]) < [0]>> then\n if <[100] < ((~sbR) * (100))> then\n switch costume to (none v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n else\n switch costume to (filled v)\n set size to ((~sbR) * (100)) %\n end\n switch costume to (join (~sbName) [6])\n go to x: (item (29) of [#sbref v]) y: (item (30) of [#sbref v])\n stamp\nend\n\nadd (item (3) of [tempvertices v]) to [_s.v1 v]\nadd (item (6) of [tempvertices v]) to [_s.v2 v]\nadd (item (9) of [tempvertices v]) to [_s.v3 v]\nadd ((((~Index1) - (1)) / (4)) + (1)) to [_s.v1\(id\) v]\nadd ((((~Index1) - (1)) / (4)) + (1)) to [_s.v2\(id\) v]\nadd ((((~Index1) - (1)) / (4)) + (1)) to [_s.v3\(id\) v]\n\ndefine _qs (Up (uppperbound) Low (lowerbound) List (l) )\nif <(l) = [1]> then\n set [~lower v] to (lowerbound)\n set [~upper v] to (upperbound)\n set [~pivot v] to (item ([floor v] of (((lowerbound) + (upperbound)) / (2)) ) of [_s.v1 v])\n repeat until <(~Lower) > (~Upper)>\n repeat until <not <(item (~Lower) of [_s.v1 v]) > (~Pivot)>>\n change [~lower v] by (1)\n end\n repeat until <not <(item (~Upper) of [_s.v1 v]) < (~Pivot)>>\n change [~upper v] by (-1)\n end\n if <not <(~Lower) > (~Upper)>> then\n set [~swap v] to (item (~Lower) of [_s.v1 v])\n replace item (~Lower) of [_s.v1 v] with (item (~Upper) of [_s.v1 v])\n replace item (~Upper) of [_s.v1 v] with (~Swap)\n set [~swap v] to (item (~Lower) of [_s.v1\(id\) v])\n replace item (~Lower) of [_s.v1\(id\) v] with (item (~Upper) of [_s.v1\(id\) v])\n replace item (~Upper) of [_s.v1\(id\) v] with (~Swap)\n change [~lower v] by (1)\n change [~upper v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n if <(lowerbound) < (~Upper)> then\n _qs (Up (lowerbound) Low (~Upper) List (l) )\n end\n if <(~Lower) < (upperbound)> then\n _qs (Up (~Lower) Low (upperbound) List (l) )\n end\nelse\n if <(l) = [2]> then\n set [~lower v] to (lowerbound)\n set [~upper v] to (upperbound)\n set [~pivot v] to (item ([floor v] of (((lowerbound) + (upperbound)) / (2)) ) of [_s.v2 v])\n repeat until <(~Lower) > (~Upper)>\n repeat until <not <(item (~Lower) of [_s.v2 v]) > (~Pivot)>>\n change [~lower v] by (1)\n end\n repeat until <not <(item (~Upper) of [_s.v2 v]) < (~Pivot)>>\n change [~upper v] by (-1)\n end\n if <not <(~Lower) > (~Upper)>> then\n set [~swap v] to (item (~Lower) of [_s.v2 v])\n replace item (~Lower) of [_s.v2 v] with (item (~Upper) of [_s.v2 v])\n replace item (~Upper) of [_s.v2 v] with (~Swap)\n set [~swap v] to (item (~Lower) of [_s.v2\(id\) v])\n replace item (~Lower) of [_s.v2\(id\) v] with (item (~Upper) of [_s.v2\(id\) v])\n replace item (~Upper) of [_s.v2\(id\) v] with (~Swap)\n change [~lower v] by (1)\n change [~upper v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n if <(lowerbound) < (~Upper)> then\n _qs (Up (lowerbound) Low (~Upper) List (l) )\n end\n if <(~Lower) < (upperbound)> then\n _qs (Up (~Lower) Low (upperbound) List (l) )\n end\n else\n set [~lower v] to (lowerbound)\n set [~upper v] to (upperbound)\n set [~pivot v] to (item ([floor v] of (((lowerbound) + (upperbound)) / (2)) ) of [_s.v2\(id\) v])\n repeat until <(~Lower) > (~Upper)>\n repeat until <not <(item (~Lower) of [_s.v3 v]) > (~Pivot)>>\n change [~lower v] by (1)\n end\n repeat until <not <(item (~Upper) of [_s.v3 v]) < (~Pivot)>>\n change [~upper v] by (-1)\n end\n if <not <(~Lower) > (~Upper)>> then\n set [~swap v] to (item (~Lower) of [_s.v3 v])\n replace item (~Lower) of [_s.v3 v] with (item (~Upper) of [_s.v3 v])\n replace item (~Upper) of [_s.v3 v] with (~Swap)\n set [~swap v] to (item (~Lower) of [_s.v3\(id\) v])\n replace item (~Lower) of [_s.v3\(id\) v] with (item (~Upper) of [_s.v3\(id\) v])\n replace item (~Upper) of [_s.v3\(id\) v] with (~Swap)\n change [~lower v] by (1)\n change [~upper v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n if <(lowerbound) < (~Upper)> then\n _qs (Up (lowerbound) Low (~Upper) List (l) )\n end\n if <(~Lower) < (upperbound)> then\n _qs (Up (~Lower) Low (upperbound) List (l) )\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine _s.process\n\ndelete all of [_s.v1 v]\ndelete all of [_s.v2 v]\ndelete all of [_s.v3 v]\ndelete all of [_s.v1\(id\) v]\ndelete all of [_s.v2\(id\) v]\ndelete all of [_s.v3\(id\) v]\n\n_qs (Up [1] Low (length of [_s.v1 v]) List [1] )\n_qs (Up [1] Low (length of [_s.v2 v]) List [2] )\n_qs (Up [1] Low (length of [_s.v3 v]) List [3] )\n\n@Update\n\ndefine Sphere Triangle Collision // Sphere: Position (X (a) , Y (b) , Z (c) ) Radius ( (1) ) Triangle: Vertex 1 (X (d) , Y (e) , Z (f) ) Vertex 2 (X (g) , Y (h) , Z (i) ) Vertex 3 (X (j) , Y (k) , Z (l) ) Normal (X (nx) , Y (ny) , Z (nz) )\nif <<(d) < ((a) - (1))> and <<(g) < ((a) - (1))> and <(j) < ((a) - (1))>>> then\n set [~collisonreturn v] to [false]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <<(d) > ((a) + (1))> and <<(g) > ((a) + (1))> and <(j) > ((a) + (1))>>> then\n set [~collisonreturn v] to [false]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <<(e) < ((b) - (1))> and <<(h) < ((b) - (1))> and <(k) < ((b) - (1))>>> then\n set [~collisonreturn v] to [false]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <<(e) > ((b) + (1))> and <<(h) > ((b) + (1))> and <(k) > ((b) + (1))>>> then\n set [~collisonreturn v] to [false]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <<(f) < ((c) - (1))> and <<(i) < ((c) - (1))> and <(l) < ((c) - (1))>>> then\n set [~collisonreturn v] to [false]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <<(f) > ((c) + (1))> and <<(i) > ((c) + (1))> and <(l) > ((c) + (1))>>> then\n set [~collisonreturn v] to [false]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [a v] to ((d) - (a))\nset [b v] to ((e) - (b))\nset [c v] to ((f) - (c))\nset [nx v] to (nx)\nset [ny v] to (ny)\nset [nz v] to (nz)\nset [tmp v] to (((a) * (Nx)) + (((b) * (Ny)) + ((c) * (Nz))))\nif <((tmp) * (tmp)) > (((1) * (1)) * (((Nx) * (Nx)) + (((Ny) * (Ny)) + ((Nz) * (Nz)))))> then\n set [~collisonreturn v] to [false]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <[0] > ((((d) - (a)) * (Nx)) + ((((e) - (b)) * (Ny)) + (((f) - (c)) * (Nz))))> then\n set [nx v] to ((-1) * (Nx))\n set [ny v] to ((-1) * (Ny))\n set [nz v] to ((-1) * (Nz))\nend\nset [~collisonreturn v] to [true]\nset [tmp v] to ((((a) * (Nx)) + (((b) * (Ny)) + ((c) * (Nz)))) - (((d) * (Nx)) + (((e) * (Ny)) + ((f) * (Nz)))))\nset [px v] to ((a) - ((Nx) * (tmp)))\nset [py v] to ((b) - ((Ny) * (tmp)))\nset [pz v] to ((c) - ((Nz) * (tmp)))\nset [a v] to ((((e) - (Py)) * ((i) - (Pz))) - (((h) - (Py)) * ((f) - (Pz))))\nset [b v] to ((((f) - (Pz)) * ((g) - (Px))) - (((i) - (Pz)) * ((d) - (Px))))\nset [c v] to ((((d) - (Px)) * ((h) - (Py))) - (((g) - (Px)) * ((e) - (Py))))\nset [d v] to ((((h) - (Py)) * ((l) - (Pz))) - (((k) - (Py)) * ((i) - (Pz))))\nset [e v] to ((((i) - (Pz)) * ((j) - (Px))) - (((l) - (Pz)) * ((g) - (Px))))\nset [f v] to ((((g) - (Px)) * ((k) - (Py))) - (((j) - (Px)) * ((h) - (Py))))\nset [g v] to ((((k) - (Py)) * ((f) - (Pz))) - (((e) - (Py)) * ((l) - (Pz))))\nset [h v] to ((((l) - (Pz)) * ((d) - (Px))) - (((f) - (Pz)) * ((j) - (Px))))\nset [i v] to ((((j) - (Px)) * ((e) - (Py))) - (((d) - (Px)) * ((k) - (Py))))\nif <[0] > (((a) * (d)) + (((b) * (e)) + ((c) * (f))))> then\n set [~collisonreturn v] to [false]\nend\nif <[0] > (((g) * (a)) + (((h) * (b)) + ((i) * (c))))> then\n set [~collisonreturn v] to [false]\nend\nif <(~CollisonReturn) = [false]> then\n Sphere Line Collision V2 // Sphere: Position (X (a) , Y (b) , Z (c) ) Radius ( (1) ) Line: Vertex 1 Position (X (d) , Y (e) , Z (f) ) Vertex 2 Position (X (j) , Y (k) , Z (l) ) Line Width ad ( [7] )\n if <(~CollisonReturn) = [true]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n Sphere Line Collision V2 // Sphere: Position (X (a) , Y (b) , Z (c) ) Radius ( (1) ) Line: Vertex 1 Position (X (j) , Y (k) , Z (l) ) Vertex 2 Position (X (g) , Y (h) , Z (i) ) Line Width ad ( [7] )\n if <(~CollisonReturn) = [true]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n Sphere Line Collision V2 // Sphere: Position (X (a) , Y (b) , Z (c) ) Radius ( (1) ) Line: Vertex 1 Position (X (d) , Y (e) , Z (f) ) Vertex 2 Position (X (g) , Y (h) , Z (i) ) Line Width ad ( [7] )\nend\n\ndefine Sphere Line Collision V2 // Sphere: Position (X (a) , Y (b) , Z (c) ) Radius ( (1) ) Line: Vertex 1 Position (X (d) , Y (e) , Z (f) ) Vertex 2 Position (X (g) , Y (h) , Z (i) ) Line Width ad ( (2) )\nset [~collisonreturn v] to <([abs v] of ((((((d) - (g)) * ((d) - (g))) + (((e) - (h)) * ((e) - (h)))) + (((f) - (i)) * ((f) - (i)))) - ((((((a) - (d)) * ((a) - (d))) + (((b) - (e)) * ((b) - (e)))) + (((c) - (f)) * ((c) - (f)))) + (((((a) - (g)) * ((a) - (g))) + (((b) - (h)) * ((b) - (h)))) + (((c) - (i)) * ((c) - (i)))))) ) < (((1) + (2)) * ((1) + (2)))>\n\ndefine [C] Create Collision Model; Mesh (mesh) Position: (px) (py) (pz) Rotation: (rx) (ry) (rz) Scale: (sx) (sy) (sz) Type: (type) (2) Velocity Factor (a) (2) Post No Input Time (b) Name (m)\nif <not <(~replace) = [-]>> then\n replace item (~replace'') of [#collisionmeshinecies v] with ((length of [#collisiontriangles v]) + (1))\nelse\n add ((length of [#collisiontriangles v]) + (1)) to [#collisionmeshinecies v]\nend\nset [~startvert v] to (item ((((mesh) - (1)) * (4)) + (1)) of [#meshreaddata v])\nset [~numverts v] to (((item ((((mesh) - (1)) * (4)) + (3)) of [#meshreaddata v]) - (~startVert)) / (3))\nset [~startface v] to (item ((((mesh) - (1)) * (4)) + (2)) of [#meshreaddata v])\nset [~numfaces v] to (((item ((((mesh) - (1)) * (4)) + (4)) of [#meshreaddata v]) - (~startFace)) / (3))\nset [~modelsinx v] to (item ((round (rx)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\nset [~modelcosx v] to (item (((round (rx)) + (90)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\nset [~modelsiny v] to (item ((round (ry)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\nset [~modelcosy v] to (item (((round (ry)) + (90)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\nset [~modelsinz v] to (item ((round (rz)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\nset [~modelcosz v] to (item (((round (rz)) + (90)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\ndelete all of [~colverts v]\nset [~index1 v] to (~startVert)\nrepeat (~numVerts)\n set [~tx v] to ((item (~index1) of [#meshvertices v]) * (sx))\n set [~ty v] to ((item ((~index1) + (1)) of [#meshvertices v]) * (sy))\n set [~tz v] to ((item ((~index1) + (2)) of [#meshvertices v]) * (sz))\n set [~tx v] to (((~TZ) * (~ModelSinY)) + ((~TX) * (~ModelCosY)))\n set [~tz v] to (((~TZ) * (~ModelCosY)) - ((~TX) * (~ModelSinY)))\n set [~ty v] to (((~TZ) * (~ModelSinX)) + ((~TY) * (~ModelCosX)))\n set [~tz v] to (((~TZ) * (~ModelCosX)) - ((~TY) * (~ModelSinX)))\n set [~tx v] to (((~TY) * (~ModelSinZ)) + ((~TX) * (~ModelCosZ)))\n set [~ty v] to (((~TY) * (~ModelCosZ)) - ((~TX) * (~ModelSinZ)))\n set [~tx v] to ((~TX) + (px))\n set [~ty v] to ((~TY) + (py))\n set [~tz v] to ((~TZ) + (pz))\n add (round (~TX)) to [~colverts v]\n add (round (~TY)) to [~colverts v]\n add (round (~TZ)) to [~colverts v]\n change [~index1 v] by (3)\nend\nset [~index1 v] to (~startFace)\nrepeat (~numFaces)\n delete all of [~tmpcontainer v]\n set [~v1 v] to (item (~index1) of [#meshfaces v])\n set [~v2 v] to (item ((~index1) + (1)) of [#meshfaces v])\n set [~v3 v] to (item ((~index1) + (2)) of [#meshfaces v])\n add (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [~colverts v]) to [#collisiontriangles v]\n add (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [~colverts v]) to [#collisiontriangles v]\n add (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [~colverts v]) to [#collisiontriangles v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [~colverts v]) to [#collisiontriangles v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [~colverts v]) to [#collisiontriangles v]\n add (item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [~colverts v]) to [#collisiontriangles v]\n add (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [~colverts v]) to [#collisiontriangles v]\n add (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [~colverts v]) to [#collisiontriangles v]\n add (item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [~colverts v]) to [#collisiontriangles v]\n add ((((item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [~colverts v]) - (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [~colverts v])) * ((item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [~colverts v]) - (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [~colverts v]))) - (((item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [~colverts v]) - (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [~colverts v])) * ((item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [~colverts v]) - (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [~colverts v])))) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add ((((item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [~colverts v]) - (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [~colverts v])) * ((item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [~colverts v]) - (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [~colverts v]))) - (((item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [~colverts v]) - (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [~colverts v])) * ((item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [~colverts v]) - (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [~colverts v])))) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add ((((item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [~colverts v]) - (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [~colverts v])) * ((item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [~colverts v]) - (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [~colverts v]))) - (((item ((((~V2) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [~colverts v]) - (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [~colverts v])) * ((item ((((~V3) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [~colverts v]) - (item ((((~V1) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [~colverts v])))) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n set [tmp v] to ([sqrt v] of (((item (1) of [~tmpcontainer v]) * (item (1) of [~tmpcontainer v])) + (((item (2) of [~tmpcontainer v]) * (item (2) of [~tmpcontainer v])) + ((item (3) of [~tmpcontainer v]) * (item (3) of [~tmpcontainer v])))) )\n add ((item (1) of [~tmpcontainer v]) / (tmp)) to [#collisiontriangles v]\n add ((item (2) of [~tmpcontainer v]) / (tmp)) to [#collisiontriangles v]\n add ((item (3) of [~tmpcontainer v]) / (tmp)) to [#collisiontriangles v]\n add ((length of [#responsedata v]) + (1)) to [#collisiontriangles v]\n change [~index1 v] by (3)\nend\nif <not <(~replace) = [-]>> then\n replace item (~replace) of [#responsedata v] with (type)\n replace item ((~replace) + (1)) of [#responsedata v] with (a)\n replace item ((~replace) + (2)) of [#responsedata v] with (b)\n replace item ((~replace'') + (1)) of [#collisionmeshinecies v] with (length of [#collisiontriangles v])\n replace item (~replace') of [#collisionmeshattributes v] with (m)\n replace item ((~replace') + (1)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v] with (px)\n replace item ((~replace') + (1)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v] with (py)\n replace item ((~replace') + (1)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v] with (pz)\n replace item ((~replace') + (1)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v] with (rx)\n replace item ((~replace') + (1)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v] with (ry)\n replace item ((~replace') + (1)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v] with (rz)\n replace item ((~replace') + (1)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v] with (sx)\n replace item ((~replace') + (1)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v] with (sy)\n replace item ((~replace') + (1)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v] with (sz)\n replace item ((~replace') + (1)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v] with (type)\n replace item ((~replace') + (1)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v] with (a)\n replace item ((~replace') + (1)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v] with (b)\n replace item ((~replace') + (1)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v] with (mesh)\n set [~replace v] to [-]\nelse\n add (type) to [#responsedata v]\n add (a) to [#responsedata v]\n add (b) to [#responsedata v]\n add (length of [#collisiontriangles v]) to [#collisionmeshinecies v]\n add (m) to [#collisionmeshattributes v]\n add (px) to [#collisionmeshattributes v]\n add (py) to [#collisionmeshattributes v]\n add (pz) to [#collisionmeshattributes v]\n add (rx) to [#collisionmeshattributes v]\n add (ry) to [#collisionmeshattributes v]\n add (rz) to [#collisionmeshattributes v]\n add (sx) to [#collisionmeshattributes v]\n add (sy) to [#collisionmeshattributes v]\n add (sz) to [#collisionmeshattributes v]\n add (type) to [#collisionmeshattributes v]\n add (a) to [#collisionmeshattributes v]\n add (b) to [#collisionmeshattributes v]\n add (mesh) to [#collisionmeshattributes v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\n[E] Engine Init\n\nwhen I receive [userinit v]\n[E] User Init\n\nwhen I receive [update v]\n[E] Update\n\ndefine [E] Engine Init\n[E] Clear All\n[E] Fill Trig List\nset [#focallength v] to [240]\nset [#velocityx v] to [0]\nset [#velocityy v] to [0]\nset [#velocityz v] to [0]\nset [#sunx v] to [n]\nset [#suny v] to [n]\nset [~index3 v] to [0]\nset [~ccollected v] to [0]\nset [~ekilled v] to [0]\nset [~updatefb v] to [0]\nset [~fhit v] to [0]\nset [~fb# v] to [0]\nset [~replace v] to [-]\n\ndefine [E] Clear All\ndelete all of [#modeldata v]\ndelete all of [#vertexdata v]\ndelete all of [#triangledata v]\ndelete all of [~colverts v]\ndelete all of [#collisiontriangles v]\ndelete all of [#responsedata v]\ndelete all of [#collisionmeshattributes v]\ndelete all of [#collisionmeshinecies v]\ndelete all of [~collectabledata v]\ndelete all of [#collisionmeshrotations v]\ndelete all of [~enemydata v]\n\ndefine [E] Update\ndelete all of [#lightdata v]\ndelete all of [#collsionmeshvelocities v]\ndelete all of [#collisionmeshrotations v]\nif <(#SceneType) = [plat]> then\n Update Enemies\nend\n[E] User Update\nUpdate Collision Meshes\nif <(#SceneType) = [plat]> then\n Update Collectables\n Update Fireball\n Update Butterfly\nend\n\ndefine [E] User Update\n!Camera Rotation\n[E] Calc Camera\nif <(#SceneType) = [plat]> then\n change [~framepause v] by (-1)\n if <not <(#curtxt) = [-]>> then\n set [~noinput v] to [1]\n [E] Set Light; X: (@CamPosX) Y: (@CamPosY) Z: (@CamPosZ) Linear Falloff: [0.001] Constant: [1] Quadratic Falloff: [0.00001] Ambient: [1] Use Reflection Formula; Specular Strength: [] Specular Spread: [] Diffuse: [] Color: R [255] G [255] B [255]\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> and <(~framepause) < [1]>> then\n change [#curtxt v] by (1)\n set [~framepause v] to [10]\n end\n end\n if <(~m.pos) > [549]> then\n set [~dir v] to [-10]\n end\n if <(~m.pos) < [-2299]> then\n set [~dir v] to [10]\n end\n if <(~eKilled) > [0]> then\n set [~addcoin v] to [1]\n set [~ekilled v] to [0]\n end\n change [~m.pos v] by (~dir)\n if <(@CamPosY) < [-1000]> then\n set [@camposx v] to [-2350]\n set [@camposy v] to [1000]\n set [@camposz v] to [3450]\n end\n [M] Move Model [2] to X: [0] Y: [-10] Z: (~m.pos)\n Add Velocity to Collision Mesh; Mesh Name: [pt.mC] Velocity: [0] [0] ((~dir) * (2))\nend\nif <(#SceneType) = [plat]> then\n Physics; Gravity [-2.8] Recursion Threshhold/Step Height [20] Bounce Back Factor [5] Sliding Speed Constant [300] Sliding Speed Angle Amplifier [6] Jump Velocity [30]\nelse\n if <(#SceneType) = [Tori]> then\n Physics; Gravity [-2.8] Recursion Threshhold/Step Height [20] Bounce Back Factor [5] Sliding Speed Constant [300] Sliding Speed Angle Amplifier [6] Jump Velocity [30]\n [E] Set Light; X: [-1500] Y: [1000] Z: [1500] Linear Falloff: [0.001] Constant: [1] Quadratic Falloff: [0.000001] Ambient: [1] Use Reflection Formula; Specular Strength: [0] Specular Spread: [5] Diffuse: [1] Color: R [233] G [233] B [200]\n [E] Set Light; X: [-1408] Y: [550] Z: [-1115] Linear Falloff: [0.0000001] Constant: [1] Quadratic Falloff: [0.0001] Ambient: [1] Use Reflection Formula; Specular Strength: [0] Specular Spread: [5] Diffuse: [1] Color: R [240] G [215] B [29]\n else\n if <(#SceneType) = [RX7]> then\n !movement input freecam; X div [8]\n else\n if <(#SceneType) = [Lighting Demo]> then\n !movement input freecam; X div [8]\n if <(~r) > [240]> then\n set [~r.d v] to (() - (pick random (1) to (5)))\n end\n if <(~r) < [15]> then\n set [~r.d v] to (pick random (1) to (5))\n end\n if <(~g) > [240]> then\n set [~g.d v] to (() - (pick random (1) to (5)))\n end\n if <(~g) < [15]> then\n set [~g.d v] to (pick random (1) to (5))\n end\n if <(~b) > [240]> then\n set [~b.d v] to (() - (pick random (1) to (5)))\n end\n if <(~b) < [15]> then\n set [~b.d v] to (pick random (1) to (5))\n end\n change [~r v] by (~r.d)\n change [~g v] by (~g.d)\n change [~b v] by (~b.d)\n [E] Set Light; X: (([sin v] of ((#timer) * (50)) ) * (150)) Y: (([sin v] of ((#timer) * (50)) ) * (100)) Z: (([cos v] of ((#timer) * (50)) ) * (150)) Linear Falloff: [0.01] Constant: [1] Quadratic Falloff: [0.00001] Ambient: [1] Use Reflection Formula; Specular Strength: [] Specular Spread: [] Diffuse: [] Color: R (~r) G (~g) B (~b)\n [M] Move Model [11] to X: (([sin v] of ((#timer) * (50)) ) * (150)) Y: (([sin v] of ((#timer) * (50)) ) * (100)) Z: (([cos v] of ((#timer) * (50)) ) * (150))\n [M] Rotate Model [1] to X: ((#timer) * (30)) Y: ((#timer) * (39)) Z: ((#timer) * (30))\n [M] Rotate Model [2] to X: ((#timer) * (-30)) Y: ((#timer) * (30)) Z: ((#timer) * (30))\n [M] Rotate Model [3] to X: ((#timer) * (-30)) Y: ((#timer) * (-30)) Z: ((#timer) * (30))\n [M] Rotate Model [4] to X: ((#timer) * (15)) Y: ((#timer) * (7)) Z: ((#timer) * (20))\n [M] Rotate Model [5] to X: ((#timer) * (-15)) Y: ((#timer) * (7)) Z: ((#timer) * (20))\n [M] Rotate Model [6] to X: ((#timer) * (40)) Y: ((#timer) * (7)) Z: ((#timer) * (20))\n [M] Rotate Model [7] to X: ((#timer) * (5)) Y: ((#timer) * (5)) Z: ((#timer) * (5))\n [M] Rotate Model [8] to X: ((#timer) * (-30)) Y: ((#timer) * (-30)) Z: ((#timer) * (-30))\n [M] Rotate Model [9] to X: ((#timer) * (30)) Y: ((#timer) * (-30)) Z: ((#timer) * (-30))\n [M] Rotate Model [10] to X: ((#timer) * (30)) Y: ((#timer) * (-30)) Z: ((#timer) * (-30))\n end\n end\n end\nend\nSet Sun; Position [0] ((10000) + (@CamPosY)) ((10000) + (@CamPosZ)) Ambient Strength [1]\nif <(#SceneType) = [plat]> then\n Sphere Line Collision V2 // Sphere: Position (X (@CamPosX) , Y (@CamPosY) , Z (@CamPosZ) ) Radius ( (~SphereRadius) ) Line: Vertex 1 Position (X [600] , Y [2775] , Z [-10135] ) Vertex 2 Position (X [600] , Y [2775] , Z [-10810] ) Line Width ad ( [50] )\n if <(~CollisonReturn) = [true]> then\n set [stopall v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\ndefine [M] Add Triangle; V1: (v1) V2: (v2) V3: (v3) Material: (material)\nadd ((v1) + (~Vertices)) to [#triangledata v]\nadd ((v2) + (~Vertices)) to [#triangledata v]\nadd ((v3) + (~Vertices)) to [#triangledata v]\nif <(material) = [-]> then\n add (item ((((~index1) - (1)) / (3)) + (1)) of [#meshmaterials v]) to [#triangledata v]\nelse\n add (material) to [#triangledata v]\nend\n\ndefine [M] Add Vertex; X: (x) Y: (y) Z: (z)\nadd (x) to [#vertexdata v]\nadd (y) to [#vertexdata v]\nadd (z) to [#vertexdata v]\n\ndefine [E] Calc Camera\nset [#camsinx v] to (item ((round (@CamRotX)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\nset [#camcosx v] to (item (((round (@CamRotX)) + (90)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\nset [#camsiny v] to (item ((round (@CamRotY)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\nset [#camcosy v] to (item (((round (@CamRotY)) + (90)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\n\ndefine !Camera Rotation\nif <(~MouseControls) = [0]> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [@camrotx v] by ((!CameraRotationSpeed) * (#DeltaTime))\n end\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [@camrotx v] by (((!CameraRotationSpeed) * (#DeltaTime)) * (-1))\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [@camroty v] by (((!CameraRotationSpeed) * (#DeltaTime)) * (-1))\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [@camroty v] by ((!CameraRotationSpeed) * (#DeltaTime))\n end\nelse\n if <mouse down?> then\n change [@camrotx v] by (round (((mouse y) - (~OldMouseY)) * (0.5)))\n change [@camroty v] by (round (((mouse x) - (~OldMouseX)) * (0.5)))\n end\n set [~oldmousex v] to (mouse x)\n set [~oldmousey v] to (mouse y)\nend\nif <(@CamRotX) > [90]> then\n set [@camrotx v] to [90]\nend\nif <(@CamRotX) < [-90]> then\n set [@camrotx v] to [-90]\nend\n\ndefine [M] Create Model; Mesh: (mesh) Material: (material) Position; X: (x) Y: (y) Z: (z) Rotation; X: (rx) Y: (ry) Z: (rz) Scale X: (sx) Y: (sy) Z: (sz)\nadd (x) to [#modeldata v]\nadd (y) to [#modeldata v]\nadd (z) to [#modeldata v]\nadd (rx) to [#modeldata v]\nadd (ry) to [#modeldata v]\nadd (rz) to [#modeldata v]\nadd (sx) to [#modeldata v]\nadd (sy) to [#modeldata v]\nadd (sz) to [#modeldata v]\nset [~vertices v] to ((length of [#vertexdata v]) / (3))\nset [~startvert v] to (item ((((mesh) - (1)) * (4)) + (1)) of [#meshreaddata v])\nset [~numverts v] to (((item ((((mesh) - (1)) * (4)) + (3)) of [#meshreaddata v]) - (~startVert)) / (3))\nset [~startface v] to (item ((((mesh) - (1)) * (4)) + (2)) of [#meshreaddata v])\nset [~numfaces v] to (((item ((((mesh) - (1)) * (4)) + (4)) of [#meshreaddata v]) - (~startFace)) / (3))\nset [~index1 v] to (~startVert)\nrepeat (~numVerts)\n [M] Add Vertex; X: (item (~index1) of [#meshvertices v]) Y: (item ((~index1) + (1)) of [#meshvertices v]) Z: (item ((~index1) + (2)) of [#meshvertices v])\n change [~index1 v] by (3)\nend\nset [~index1 v] to (~startFace)\nrepeat (~numFaces)\n [M] Add Triangle; V1: (item ((~index1) + (2)) of [#meshfaces v]) V2: (item ((~index1) + (1)) of [#meshfaces v]) V3: (item (~index1) of [#meshfaces v]) Material: (material)\n change [~index1 v] by (3)\nend\nadd (((length of [#vertexdata v]) / (3)) - (~Vertices)) to [#modeldata v]\n\ndefine [E] Set Light; X: (x) Y: (y) Z: (z) Linear Falloff: (linear) Constant: (const) Quadratic Falloff: (quadr) Ambient: (ambient) Use Reflection Formula; Specular Strength: (1) Specular Spread: (2) Diffuse: (3) Color: R (r) G (g) B (b)\nset [#lightx v] to ((x) - (@CamPosX))\nset [#lighty v] to ((y) - (@CamPosY))\nset [#lightz v] to ((z) - (@CamPosZ))\nadd (((#LightX) * (#CamCosY)) - ((#LightZ) * (#CamSinY))) to [#lightdata v]\nset [#lightz v] to (((#LightX) * (#CamSinY)) + ((#LightZ) * (#CamCosY)))\nadd (((#LightY) * (#CamCosX)) - ((#LightZ) * (#CamSinX))) to [#lightdata v]\nadd (((#LightY) * (#CamSinX)) + ((#LightZ) * (#CamCosX))) to [#lightdata v]\nadd (linear) to [#lightdata v]\nadd (const) to [#lightdata v]\nadd (quadr) to [#lightdata v]\nadd (ambient) to [#lightdata v]\nadd (1) to [#lightdata v]\nadd (2) to [#lightdata v]\nadd (3) to [#lightdata v]\nadd ((r) / (255)) to [#lightdata v]\nadd ((g) / (255)) to [#lightdata v]\nadd ((b) / (255)) to [#lightdata v]\n\ndefine [E] Init Camera\nif <(#SceneType) = [plat]> then\n set [@camposx v] to [-2350]\n set [@camposy v] to [1000]\n set [@camposz v] to [3450]\n set [@camrotx v] to [13]\n set [@camroty v] to [-146]\n set [!cameraspeed v] to [250]\n set [!camerarotationspeed v] to [150]\n set [@camheight v] to [200]\n set [~sphereradius v] to [15]\nelse\n if <(#SceneType) = [Tori]> then\n set [@camposx v] to [-1432]\n set [@camposy v] to [-39]\n set [@camposz v] to [1419]\n set [@camrotx v] to [27]\n set [@camroty v] to [-177]\n set [!cameraspeed v] to [125]\n set [!camerarotationspeed v] to [150]\n set [@camheight v] to [200]\n set [~sphereradius v] to [15]\n else\n if <(#SceneType) = [RX7]> then\n set [@camposx v] to [-8552]\n set [@camposy v] to [4099]\n set [@camposz v] to [-5857]\n set [@camrotx v] to [-19]\n set [@camroty v] to [47]\n set [!cameraspeed v] to [500]\n set [!camerarotationspeed v] to [150]\n set [@camheight v] to [200]\n set [~sphereradius v] to [15]\n else\n if <(#SceneType) = [Lighting Demo]> then\n set [@camposx v] to [0]\n set [@camposy v] to [0]\n set [@camposz v] to [0]\n set [@camrotx v] to [0]\n set [@camroty v] to [0]\n set [!cameraspeed v] to [125]\n set [!camerarotationspeed v] to [150]\n set [@camheight v] to [200]\n set [~sphereradius v] to [15]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine [E] User Init\n[E] Init Camera\nif <(#SceneType) = [plat]> then\n set [stopall v] to [0]\n set [#curtxt v] to [1]\n set [~m.pos v] to [0]\n set [~updateb v] to [0]\n set [~b.scene v] to [1]\n set [b'posx v] to [-2615]\n set [b'posy v] to [800]\n set [b'posz v] to [3100]\n delete all of [b'coords v]\n delete all of [b'lightcoords v]\n create Bezier; Vertex 1 [-2625] [600] [3100] Vertex 2 [-2825] [1100] [1110] Vertex 3 [-1675] [800] [-420] Steps [90]\n repeat (length of [~bcoords v])\n add (item (1) of [~bcoords v]) to [b'coords v]\n delete (1) of [~bcoords v]\n end\n create Bezier; Vertex 1 [-1675] [1100] [-420] Vertex 2 [-120] [600] [-13] Vertex 3 [1825] [1100] [-25] Steps [90]\n repeat (length of [~bcoords v])\n add (item (1) of [~bcoords v]) to [b'coords v]\n delete (1) of [~bcoords v]\n end\n create Bezier; Vertex 1 [1825] [1100] [-25] Vertex 2 [2975] [800] [575] Vertex 3 [3925] [1150] [-390] Steps [90]\n repeat (length of [~bcoords v])\n add (item (1) of [~bcoords v]) to [b'coords v]\n delete (1) of [~bcoords v]\n end\n create Bezier; Vertex 1 [3925] [1150] [-390] Vertex 2 [4150] [1350] [-1850] Vertex 3 [5775] [1400] [-2550] Steps [90]\n repeat (length of [~bcoords v])\n add (item (1) of [~bcoords v]) to [b'coords v]\n delete (1) of [~bcoords v]\n end\n create Bezier; Vertex 1 [5775] [1400] [-2550] Vertex 2 [6170] [1300] [-3745] Vertex 3 [6498] [1300] [-5255] Steps [90]\n repeat (length of [~bcoords v])\n add (item (1) of [~bcoords v]) to [b'coords v]\n delete (1) of [~bcoords v]\n end\n create Bezier; Vertex 1 [6498] [1300] [-5255] Vertex 2 [6170] [1300] [-3745] Vertex 3 [6498] [1300] [-5255] Steps [90]\n repeat (length of [~bcoords v])\n add (item (1) of [~bcoords v]) to [b'coords v]\n delete (1) of [~bcoords v]\n end\n create Bezier; Vertex 1 [6498] [1300] [-5255] Vertex 2 [7145] [1800] [-7955] Vertex 3 [8870] [1900] [-7915] Steps [90]\n repeat (length of [~bcoords v])\n add (item (1) of [~bcoords v]) to [b'coords v]\n delete (1) of [~bcoords v]\n end\n create Bezier; Vertex 1 [8870] [1900] [-7915] Vertex 2 [6400] [1900] [-9350] Vertex 3 [5640] [2100] [-10103] Steps [90]\n repeat (length of [~bcoords v])\n add (item (1) of [~bcoords v]) to [b'coords v]\n delete (1) of [~bcoords v]\n end\n create Bezier; Vertex 1 [5640] [2100] [-10103] Vertex 2 [3750] [2300] [-10175] Vertex 3 [2352] [2250] [-10475] Steps [90]\n repeat (length of [~bcoords v])\n add (item (1) of [~bcoords v]) to [b'coords v]\n delete (1) of [~bcoords v]\n end\n create Bezier; Vertex 1 [2352] [2250] [-10475] Vertex 2 [625] [2850] [-10337] Vertex 3 [625] [2850] [-10337] Steps [90]\n repeat (length of [~bcoords v])\n add (item (1) of [~bcoords v]) to [b'coords v]\n delete (1) of [~bcoords v]\n end\nend\n[E] Load Scene\n\ndefine [E] Load Scene\nif <(#SceneType) = [plat]> then\n [M] Create Model; Mesh: [8] Material: [-] Position; X: [0] Y: [0] Z: [0] Rotation; X: [0] Y: [0] Z: [0] Scale X: [500] Y: [500] Z: [500]\n [M] Create Model; Mesh: [9] Material: [-] Position; X: [0] Y: [0] Z: [0] Rotation; X: [0] Y: [0] Z: [0] Scale X: [500] Y: [500] Z: [500]\n [C] Create Collision Model; Mesh [9] Position: [0] [-10] [0] Rotation: [0] [0] [0] Scale: [500] [500] [500] Type: [1] (2) Velocity Factor [] (2) Post No Input Time [] Name [pt.mC]\n [C] Create Collision Model; Mesh [7] Position: [0] [0] [0] Rotation: [0] [0] [0] Scale: [500] [500] [500] Type: [1] (2) Velocity Factor [] (2) Post No Input Time [] Name [pt.t1C]\n [C] Create Collision Model; Mesh [6] Position: [0] [0] [0] Rotation: [0] [0] [0] Scale: [500] [500] [500] Type: [2] (2) Velocity Factor [100] (2) Post No Input Time [5] Name [pt.t2C]\n add basic enemy; Mesh [3] Scale [75] [75] [75] Starting Position [6088] [1250] [-2058] Material [-] Focus radius [750] Speed [200] Bounce stregth [50] Collide Sound Name [sm64_stomp] Collision Radius [125] Hit Sound [sm64_mario_ungh] Kick Force [4]\n add basic enemy; Mesh [3] Scale [75] [75] [75] Starting Position [6100] [1136] [-3660] Material [-] Focus radius [750] Speed [200] Bounce stregth [50] Collide Sound Name [sm64_stomp] Collision Radius [125] Hit Sound [sm64_mario_ungh] Kick Force [4]\n add basic enemy; Mesh [3] Scale [75] [75] [75] Starting Position [6385] [1210] [-5219] Material [-] Focus radius [750] Speed [200] Bounce stregth [50] Collide Sound Name [sm64_stomp] Collision Radius [125] Hit Sound [sm64_mario_ungh] Kick Force [4]\n add basic enemy; Mesh [3] Scale [75] [75] [75] Starting Position [7901] [1545] [-8025] Material [-] Focus radius [750] Speed [200] Bounce stregth [50] Collide Sound Name [sm64_stomp] Collision Radius [125] Hit Sound [sm64_mario_ungh] Kick Force [4]\n add Collectable; Name [coin-mario] Position [3780] [2000] [-500] Size [40] Radius [125] Animated <[1] = [1]> Costume Amount [8] Wiggle Height [20] Play Sound Name [sm64_coin]\n add Collectable; Name [coin-mario] Position [3780] [1500] [-500] Size [40] Radius [125] Animated <[1] = [1]> Costume Amount [8] Wiggle Height [20] Play Sound Name [sm64_coin]\n add Collectable; Name [coin-mario] Position [3780] [1000] [-500] Size [40] Radius [125] Animated <[1] = [1]> Costume Amount [8] Wiggle Height [20] Play Sound Name [sm64_coin]\n add Collectable; Name [coin-mario] Position [3780] [500] [-500] Size [40] Radius [125] Animated <[1] = [1]> Costume Amount [8] Wiggle Height [20] Play Sound Name [sm64_coin]\n add Collectable; Name [coin-mario] Position [2430] [1000] [390] Size [40] Radius [125] Animated <[1] = [1]> Costume Amount [8] Wiggle Height [20] Play Sound Name [sm64_coin]\n add Collectable; Name [coin-mario] Position [1850] [800] [-650] Size [40] Radius [125] Animated <[1] = [1]> Costume Amount [8] Wiggle Height [20] Play Sound Name [sm64_coin]\n add Collectable; Name [coin-mario] Position [990] [625] [130] Size [40] Radius [125] Animated <[1] = [1]> Costume Amount [8] Wiggle Height [20] Play Sound Name [sm64_coin]\n add Collectable; Name [coin-mario] Position [-300] [575] [35] Size [40] Radius [125] Animated <[1] = [1]> Costume Amount [8] Wiggle Height [20] Play Sound Name [sm64_coin]\n add Collectable; Name [coin-mario] Position [-1000] [775] [-265] Size [40] Radius [125] Animated <[1] = [1]> Costume Amount [8] Wiggle Height [20] Play Sound Name [sm64_coin]\n add Collectable; Name [coin-mario] Position [6100] [1600] [-2885] Size [40] Radius [125] Animated <[1] = [1]> Costume Amount [8] Wiggle Height [20] Play Sound Name [sm64_coin]\n add Collectable; Name [coin-mario] Position [6435] [1635] [-4555] Size [40] Radius [125] Animated <[1] = [1]> Costume Amount [8] Wiggle Height [20] Play Sound Name [sm64_coin]\n add Collectable; Name [coin-mario] Position [9450] [1600] [-8115] Size [40] Radius [125] Animated <[1] = [1]> Costume Amount [8] Wiggle Height [20] Play Sound Name [sm64_coin]\n add Collectable; Name [coin-mario] Position [6545] [1450] [-6355] Size [40] Radius [125] Animated <[1] = [1]> Costume Amount [8] Wiggle Height [20] Play Sound Name [sm64_coin]\n add Collectable; Name [coin-mario] Position [6545] [1450] [-8050] Size [40] Radius [125] Animated <[1] = [1]> Costume Amount [8] Wiggle Height [20] Play Sound Name [sm64_coin]\n add Collectable; Name [coin-mario] Position [6545] [1450] [-9000] Size [40] Radius [125] Animated <[1] = [1]> Costume Amount [8] Wiggle Height [20] Play Sound Name [sm64_coin]\n add Collectable; Name [coin-mario] Position [1970] [3350] [-10535] Size [40] Radius [125] Animated <[1] = [1]> Costume Amount [8] Wiggle Height [20] Play Sound Name [sm64_coin]\n add Collectable; Name [coin-mario] Position [-255] [3400] [-10420] Size [40] Radius [125] Animated <[1] = [1]> Costume Amount [8] Wiggle Height [20] Play Sound Name [sm64_coin]\n add Fireball; Destination (@CamPosX) (@CamPosY) (@CamPosZ) Max Height [8000] Origin [-255] [3300] [-10420] Steps [120] Costume Name [Fireball] Costume SIze [50] Collision Radius [300]\n [M] Create Model; Mesh: [10] Material: [-] Position; X: [-2615] Y: [800] Z: [3100] Rotation; X: [0] Y: [30] Z: [0] Scale X: [30] Y: [30] Z: [30]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [100000] [0] [0] Size [50] Material [3]\n add [4150] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [1350] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [-1850] to [b'lightcoords v]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [4150] [1350] [-1850] Size [50] Material [3]\n add [5775] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [1400] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [-2550] to [b'lightcoords v]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [5775] [1400] [-2550] Size [50] Material [3]\n add [6170] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [1300] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [-3745] to [b'lightcoords v]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [6170] [1300] [-3745] Size [50] Material [3]\n add [6498] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [1300] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [-5255] to [b'lightcoords v]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [6498] [1300] [-5255] Size [50] Material [3]\n add [7145] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [1800] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [-7955] to [b'lightcoords v]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [7145] [1800] [-7955] Size [50] Material [3]\n add [8870] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [1900] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [-7915] to [b'lightcoords v]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [8870] [1900] [-7915] Size [50] Material [3]\n add [6400] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [1900] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [-9350] to [b'lightcoords v]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [6400] [1900] [-9350] Size [50] Material [3]\n add [-9350] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [2100] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [-10103] to [b'lightcoords v]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [-9350] [2100] [-10103] Size [50] Material [3]\n add [3750] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [2300] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [-10175] to [b'lightcoords v]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [3750] [2300] [-10175] Size [50] Material [3]\n add [2352] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [2250] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [-10475] to [b'lightcoords v]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [2352] [2250] [-10475] Size [50] Material [3]\n add [625] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [2850] to [b'lightcoords v]\n add [-10337] to [b'lightcoords v]\n [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon [625] [2850] [-10337] Size [50] Material [3]\nelse\n if <(#SceneType) = [Tori]> then\n [C] Create Collision Model; Mesh [12] Position: [0] [0] [0] Rotation: [0] [0] [0] Scale: [1500] [1500] [1500] Type: [1] (2) Velocity Factor [] (2) Post No Input Time [] Name [main]\n [M] Create Model; Mesh: [12] Material: [-] Position; X: [0] Y: [0] Z: [0] Rotation; X: [0] Y: [0] Z: [0] Scale X: [1500] Y: [1500] Z: [1500]\n [M] Add Line; Vertex 1 Position: [-1429] [750] [-1204] Vertex 2 Position: [-1429] [700] [-1204] Material: [4] Width: [15]\n [M] Add Line; Vertex 1 Position: [-1429] [680] [-1204] Vertex 2 Position: [-1429] [650] [-1204] Material: [5] Width: [40]\n else\n if <(#SceneType) = [RX7]> then\n [M] Create Model; Mesh: [11] Material: [-] Position; X: [0] Y: [0] Z: [0] Rotation; X: [0] Y: [0] Z: [0] Scale X: [3000] Y: [3000] Z: [3000]\n else\n if <(#SceneType) = [Lighting Demo]> then\n repeat (10)\n [M] Create Model; Mesh: [2] Material: [6] Position; X: (pick random (-500) to (500)) Y: (pick random (-200) to (200)) Z: (pick random (-500) to (500)) Rotation; X: [0] Y: [0] Z: [0] Scale X: [100] Y: [100] Z: [100]\n end\n [M] Add Sprite; Name: [light_icon] Position: [0] [0] [0] Size: [40]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine [M] Move Model (model) to X: (x) Y: (y) Z: (z)\nreplace item ((((model) - (1)) * (10)) + (1)) of [#modeldata v] with (x)\nreplace item ((((model) - (1)) * (10)) + (2)) of [#modeldata v] with (y)\nreplace item ((((model) - (1)) * (10)) + (3)) of [#modeldata v] with (z)\n\ndefine [M] Rotate Model (model) to X: (x) Y: (y) Z: (z)\nreplace item ((((model) - (1)) * (10)) + (4)) of [#modeldata v] with (x)\nreplace item ((((model) - (1)) * (10)) + (5)) of [#modeldata v] with (y)\nreplace item ((((model) - (1)) * (10)) + (6)) of [#modeldata v] with (z)\n\ndefine !movement input (p) (j)\nif <(~NoInput) < [0]> then\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [#velocityx v] by ((#CamSinY) * ((!CameraSpeed) * (#DeltaTime)))\n change [#velocityz v] by ((#CamCosY) * ((!CameraSpeed) * (#DeltaTime)))\n end\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n change [#velocityx v] by ((#CamSinY) * (((!CameraSpeed) * (#DeltaTime)) * (-1)))\n change [#velocityz v] by ((#CamCosY) * (((!CameraSpeed) * (#DeltaTime)) * (-1)))\n end\n if <key (a v) pressed?> then\n change [#velocityx v] by ((#CamCosY) * (((!CameraSpeed) * (#DeltaTime)) * (-1)))\n change [#velocityz v] by ((#CamSinY) * ((!CameraSpeed) * (#DeltaTime)))\n end\n if <key (d v) pressed?> then\n change [#velocityx v] by ((#CamCosY) * ((!CameraSpeed) * (#DeltaTime)))\n change [#velocityz v] by ((#CamSinY) * (((!CameraSpeed) * (#DeltaTime)) * (-1)))\n end\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> and <(-falltime) < [3]>> then\n set [#velocityy v] to (j)\n set [-falltime v] to [3]\n end\nend\n\ndefine [M] Scale Model (model) to X: (x) Y: (y) Z: (z)\nreplace item ((((model) - (1)) * (10)) + (7)) of [#modeldata v] with (x)\nreplace item ((((model) - (1)) * (10)) + (8)) of [#modeldata v] with (y)\nreplace item ((((model) - (1)) * (10)) + (9)) of [#modeldata v] with (z)\n\ndefine [E] Fill Trig List\ndelete all of [`trigarr v]\nset [~index1 v] to [0]\nrepeat (360)\n add ([sin v] of (~index1) ) to [`trigarr v]\n change [~index1 v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine [M] Add Sprite; Name: (name) Position: (x) (y) (z) Size: (size)\nadd (x) to [#modeldata v]\nadd (y) to [#modeldata v]\nadd (z) to [#modeldata v]\nadd [0] to [#modeldata v]\nadd [0] to [#modeldata v]\nadd [0] to [#modeldata v]\nadd [1] to [#modeldata v]\nadd [1] to [#modeldata v]\nadd [1] to [#modeldata v]\nset [~vertices v] to ((length of [#vertexdata v]) / (3))\n[M] Add Vertex; X: [0] Y: [0] Z: [0]\nadd [#] to [#triangledata v]\nadd ((1) + (~Vertices)) to [#triangledata v]\nadd (size) to [#triangledata v]\nadd (name) to [#triangledata v]\nadd (((length of [#vertexdata v]) / (3)) - (~Vertices)) to [#modeldata v]\n\ndefine [M] Add Line; Vertex 1 Position: (1) (2) (3) Vertex 2 Position: (4) (5) (6) Material: (a) Width: (b)\nadd [0] to [#modeldata v]\nadd [0] to [#modeldata v]\nadd [0] to [#modeldata v]\nadd [0] to [#modeldata v]\nadd [0] to [#modeldata v]\nadd [0] to [#modeldata v]\nadd [1] to [#modeldata v]\nadd [1] to [#modeldata v]\nadd [1] to [#modeldata v]\nset [~vertices v] to ((length of [#vertexdata v]) / (3))\n[M] Add Vertex; X: (1) Y: (2) Z: (3)\n[M] Add Vertex; X: (4) Y: (5) Z: (6)\nadd (join [ ] (b)) to [#triangledata v]\nadd ((1) + (~Vertices)) to [#triangledata v]\nadd ((2) + (~Vertices)) to [#triangledata v]\nadd (a) to [#triangledata v]\nadd (((length of [#vertexdata v]) / (3)) - (~Vertices)) to [#modeldata v]\n\ndefine [M] Add 2.5 Dot; Positon (1) (2) (3) Size (a) Material (b)\nadd (1) to [#modeldata v]\nadd (2) to [#modeldata v]\nadd (3) to [#modeldata v]\nadd [0] to [#modeldata v]\nadd [0] to [#modeldata v]\nadd [0] to [#modeldata v]\nadd [1] to [#modeldata v]\nadd [1] to [#modeldata v]\nadd [1] to [#modeldata v]\nset [~vertices v] to ((length of [#vertexdata v]) / (3))\n[M] Add Vertex; X: [0] Y: [0] Z: [0]\nadd [/] to [#triangledata v]\nadd ((1) + (~Vertices)) to [#triangledata v]\nadd (a) to [#triangledata v]\nadd (b) to [#triangledata v]\nadd (((length of [#vertexdata v]) / (3)) - (~Vertices)) to [#modeldata v]\n\ndefine Check all tris; Sphere: (a) (b) (c) . (r)\nset [~index1 v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [#collisiontriangles v]) / (13))\n Check If Triangle Mesh Is Moving\n Sphere Triangle Collision // Sphere: Position (X ((a) - (~CTVX)) , Y ((b) - (~CTVY)) , Z ((c) - (~CTVZ)) ) Radius ( (r) ) Triangle: Vertex 1 (X (item (~index1) of [#collisiontriangles v]) , Y (item ((~index1) + (1)) of [#collisiontriangles v]) , Z (item ((~index1) + (2)) of [#collisiontriangles v]) ) Vertex 2 (X (item ((~index1) + (3)) of [#collisiontriangles v]) , Y (item ((~index1) + (4)) of [#collisiontriangles v]) , Z (item ((~index1) + (5)) of [#collisiontriangles v]) ) Vertex 3 (X (item ((~index1) + (6)) of [#collisiontriangles v]) , Y (item ((~index1) + (7)) of [#collisiontriangles v]) , Z (item ((~index1) + (8)) of [#collisiontriangles v]) ) Normal (X (item ((~index1) + (9)) of [#collisiontriangles v]) , Y (item ((~index1) + (10)) of [#collisiontriangles v]) , Z (item ((~index1) + (11)) of [#collisiontriangles v]) )\n if <(~CollisonReturn) = [true]> then\n set [~collidernx v] to (Nx)\n set [~colliderny v] to (Ny)\n set [~collidernz v] to (Nz)\n set [~colliderindex v] to (item ((~index1) + (12)) of [#collisiontriangles v])\n stop [this script v]\n else\n set [~ctvx v] to [0]\n set [~ctvy v] to [0]\n set [~ctvz v] to [0]\n end\n change [~index1 v] by (13)\nend\n\nset [~modelsinx v] to (item ((round (~newCPx)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\nset [~modelcosx v] to (item (((round (~newCPx)) + (90)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\nset [~modelsiny v] to (item ((round (~newCPy)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\nset [~modelcosy v] to (item (((round (~newCPy)) + (90)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\nset [~modelsinz v] to (item ((round (~newCPz)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\nset [~modelcosz v] to (item (((round (~newCPz)) + (90)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v])\nset [~tx v] to (a)\nset [~ty v] to (b)\nset [~tz v] to (c)\nset [~tx v] to (((~TZ) * (~ModelSinY)) + ((~TX) * (~ModelCosY)))\nset [~tz v] to (((~TZ) * (~ModelCosY)) - ((~TX) * (~ModelSinY)))\nset [~ty v] to (((~TZ) * (~ModelSinX)) + ((~TY) * (~ModelCosX)))\nset [~tz v] to (((~TZ) * (~ModelCosX)) - ((~TY) * (~ModelSinX)))\nset [~tx v] to (((~TY) * (~ModelSinZ)) + ((~TX) * (~ModelCosZ)))\nset [~ty v] to (((~TY) * (~ModelCosZ)) - ((~TX) * (~ModelSinZ)))\nset [~newcpx v] to (~TX)\nset [~newcpy v] to (~TY)\nset [~newcpz v] to (~TZ)\n\ndefine Physics; Gravity (g) Recursion Threshhold/Step Height (t) Bounce Back Factor (f) Sliding Speed Constant (s) Sliding Speed Angle Amplifier (a) Jump Velocity (j)\ndelete all of [~tmpcontainer v]\nset [~newvelx v] to [-]\nset [~newvely v] to [-]\nset [~newvelz v] to [-]\nadd (@CamPosX) to [~tmpcontainer v]\nadd (@CamPosY) to [~tmpcontainer v]\nadd (@CamPosZ) to [~tmpcontainer v]\nCheck all tris; Sphere: (@CamPosX) (@CamPosY) (@CamPosZ) . ((~SphereRadius) + (1.5))\nif <(~CollisonReturn) = [true]> then\n if <(item (~ColliderIndex) of [#responsedata v]) = [1]> then\n set [~angle v] to ([acos v] of ((() - (~ColliderNy)) / ([sqrt v] of ((((() - (~ColliderNx)) * (() - (~ColliderNx))) + ((() - (~ColliderNy)) * (() - (~ColliderNy)))) + ((() - (~ColliderNz)) * (() - (~ColliderNz)))) )) )\n if <<<(~angle) > (~SlidingThreshold)> or <(~angle) = (~SlidingThreshold)>> and <<not <(~angle) = [0]>> and <<not <(~angle) = [90]>> and <not <(~angle) = [180]>>>>> then\n set [-falltime v] to [3]\n set [#velocityx v] to [0]\n set [#velocityy v] to [0]\n set [#velocityz v] to [0]\n if <(~ColliderNz) = [0]> then\n add (() - (~ColliderNy)) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (~ColliderNx) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add [0] to [~tmpcontainer v]\n else\n if <(~ColliderNx) = [0]> then\n add [0] to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (() - (~ColliderNz)) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (~ColliderNy) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n else\n if <((round (([abs v] of (~ColliderNx) ) / (0.1))) * (0.1)) = ((round (([abs v] of (~ColliderNz) ) / (0.1))) * (0.1))> then\n if <<(~ColliderNx) > [0]> and <(~ColliderNz) > [0]>> then\n add (~ColliderNy) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add ((~ColliderNx) - (~ColliderNz)) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (~ColliderNy) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n else\n if <<(~ColliderNx) < [0]> and <(~ColliderNz) < [0]>> then\n add (~ColliderNy) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add ((() - (~ColliderNx)) - (~ColliderNz)) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (~ColliderNy) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n else\n add (() - (~ColliderNy)) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add ((~ColliderNx) - (~ColliderNz)) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (~ColliderNy) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n end\n end\n else\n add (() - ((~ColliderNy) * <((round (([abs v] of (~ColliderNx) ) / (0.1))) * (0.1)) > ((round (([abs v] of (~ColliderNz) ) / (0.1))) * (0.1))>)) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add ((<((round (([abs v] of (~ColliderNx) ) / (0.1))) * (0.1)) > ((round (([abs v] of (~ColliderNz) ) / (0.1))) * (0.1))> * (~ColliderNx)) - ((~ColliderNz) * <((round (([abs v] of (~ColliderNx) ) / (0.1))) * (0.1)) < ((round (([abs v] of (~ColliderNz) ) / (0.1))) * (0.1))>)) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (<((round (([abs v] of (~ColliderNx) ) / (0.1))) * (0.1)) < ((round (([abs v] of (~ColliderNz) ) / (0.1))) * (0.1))> * (~ColliderNy)) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n end\n end\n end\n if <((-1) * (item (5) of [~tmpcontainer v])) < [0]> then\n replace item (4) of [~tmpcontainer v] with ((-1) * (item (4) of [~tmpcontainer v]))\n replace item (5) of [~tmpcontainer v] with ((-1) * (item (5) of [~tmpcontainer v]))\n replace item (6) of [~tmpcontainer v] with ((-1) * (item (6) of [~tmpcontainer v]))\n end\n set [d v] to ([sqrt v] of (((item (4) of [~tmpcontainer v]) * (item (4) of [~tmpcontainer v])) + (((item (5) of [~tmpcontainer v]) * (item (5) of [~tmpcontainer v])) + ((item (6) of [~tmpcontainer v]) * (item (6) of [~tmpcontainer v])))) )\n change [@camposx v] by (((((s) + ((~angle) * (a))) * (#DeltaTime)) * ((item (4) of [~tmpcontainer v]) / (d))) + (~CTVX))\n change [@camposy v] by (((((s) + ((~angle) * (a))) * (#DeltaTime)) * ((item (5) of [~tmpcontainer v]) / (d))) + (~CTVY))\n change [@camposz v] by (((((s) + ((~angle) * (a))) * (#DeltaTime)) * ((item (6) of [~tmpcontainer v]) / (d))) + (~CTVZ))\n end\n else\n if <(item (~ColliderIndex) of [#responsedata v]) = [2]> then\n Type 2 Response\n end\n end\nend\nif <<(item (1) of [~tmpcontainer v]) = (@CamPosX)> and <<(item (2) of [~tmpcontainer v]) = (@CamPosY)> and <(item (3) of [~tmpcontainer v]) = (@CamPosZ)>>> then\n !movement input (p) (j)\nend\nchange [#velocityy v] by (g)\nchange [-falltime v] by (1)\nchange [~noinput v] by ((-1) * <(~NoInput) > [-1]>)\nchange [@camposx v] by (#velocityX)\nCheck all tris; Sphere: (@CamPosX) (@CamPosY) (@CamPosZ) . (~SphereRadius)\nif <(~CollisonReturn) = [true]> then\n if <(item (~ColliderIndex) of [#responsedata v]) = [2]> then\n Type 2 Response\n change [@camposx v] by (() - (#velocityX))\n else\n set [~recursions v] to [0]\n repeat until <<not <(~CollisonReturn) = [true]>> or <(~Recursions) = (t)>>\n change [@camposy v] by (1)\n change [~recursions v] by (1)\n Check all tris; Sphere: (@CamPosX) (@CamPosY) (@CamPosZ) . (~SphereRadius)\n end\n if <(~Recursions) = (t)> then\n change [@camposx v] by (() - (#velocityX))\n change [@camposy v] by (() - (~Recursions))\n set [#velocityz v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\nchange [@camposx v] by (~CTVX)\nset [~reps v] to ([ceiling v] of (([abs v] of (#velocityY) ) / ([abs v] of (g) )) )\nrepeat (~reps)\n change [@camposy v] by ((#velocityY) / (~reps))\n Check all tris; Sphere: (@CamPosX) (@CamPosY) (@CamPosZ) . (~SphereRadius)\n if <(~CollisonReturn) = [true]> then\n change [@camposx v] by (~CTVX)\n change [@camposz v] by (~CTVZ)\n if <(item (~ColliderIndex) of [#responsedata v]) = [2]> then\n Type 2 Response\n change [@camposy v] by (() - (#velocityY))\n else\n repeat until <not <(~CollisonReturn) = [true]>>\n change [@camposy v] by (() - ((#velocityY) / (4)))\n Check all tris; Sphere: (@CamPosX) (@CamPosY) (@CamPosZ) . (~SphereRadius)\n end\n set [#velocityy v] to [2]\n change [@camposy v] by (2)\n set [-falltime v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\nchange [@camposy v] by (<<(~CollisonReturn) = [true]> and <(~CTVY) < (g)>> * (~CTVY))\nchange [@camposz v] by (#velocityZ)\nCheck all tris; Sphere: (@CamPosX) (@CamPosY) (@CamPosZ) . (~SphereRadius)\nif <(~CollisonReturn) = [true]> then\n if <(item (~ColliderIndex) of [#responsedata v]) = [2]> then\n Type 2 Response\n change [@camposz v] by (() - (#velocityZ))\n else\n set [~recursions v] to [0]\n repeat until <<not <(~CollisonReturn) = [true]>> or <(~Recursions) = (t)>>\n change [@camposy v] by (1)\n change [~recursions v] by (1)\n Check all tris; Sphere: (@CamPosX) (@CamPosY) (@CamPosZ) . (~SphereRadius)\n end\n if <(~Recursions) = (t)> then\n change [@camposz v] by (() - (#velocityZ))\n change [@camposy v] by (() - (~Recursions))\n set [#velocityz v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\nchange [@camposz v] by (~CTVZ)\nif <<(~newVelX) = [-]> and <<(~newVelY) = [-]> and <(~newVelZ) = [-]>>> then\n set [#velocityx v] to ((#velocityX) / (1.32))\n set [#velocityz v] to ((#velocityZ) / (1.32))\nelse\n if <(~newVelX) = [-]> then\n set [~newvelx v] to [0]\n end\n if <(~newVelY) = [-]> then\n set [~newvely v] to [0]\n end\n if <(~newVelZ) = [-]> then\n set [~newvelz v] to [0]\n end\n set [#velocityx v] to (~newVelX)\n set [#velocityy v] to (~newVelY)\n set [#velocityz v] to (~newVelZ)\nend\nset [@camposy v] to ([ceiling v] of (@CamPosY) )\n\nchange [@camposy v] by ((#velocityY) / (2))\nCheck all tris; Sphere: (@CamPosX) (@CamPosY) (@CamPosZ) . (~SphereRadius)\nif <(~CollisonReturn) = [true]> then\n change [@camposx v] by (~CTVX)\n change [@camposz v] by (~CTVZ)\n if <(item (~ColliderIndex) of [#responsedata v]) = [2]> then\n Type 2 Response\n change [@camposy v] by (() - (#velocityY))\n else\n repeat until <not <(~CollisonReturn) = [true]>>\n change [@camposy v] by (() - ((#velocityY) / (4)))\n Check all tris; Sphere: (@CamPosX) (@CamPosY) (@CamPosZ) . (~SphereRadius)\n end\n set [#velocityy v] to [2]\n change [@camposy v] by (2)\n set [-falltime v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n change [@camposy v] by ((#velocityY) / (2))\n Check all tris; Sphere: (@CamPosX) (@CamPosY) (@CamPosZ) . (~SphereRadius)\n if <(~CollisonReturn) = [true]> then\n change [@camposx v] by ((~CTVX) - <(~CTVX) > [0]>)\n change [@camposz v] by ((~CTVZ) - <(~CTVZ) > [0]>)\n if <(item (~ColliderIndex) of [#responsedata v]) = [2]> then\n Type 2 Response\n change [@camposy v] by (() - (#velocityY))\n else\n repeat until <not <(~CollisonReturn) = [true]>>\n change [@camposy v] by (() - ((#velocityY) / (4)))\n Check all tris; Sphere: (@CamPosX) (@CamPosY) (@CamPosZ) . (~SphereRadius)\n end\n set [#velocityy v] to [2]\n change [@camposy v] by (2)\n set [-falltime v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Set Sun; Position (1) (2) (3) Ambient Strength (a)\ndelete all of [~tmpcontainer v]\nset [#lightx v] to ((1) - (@CamPosX))\nset [#lighty v] to ((2) - (@CamPosY))\nset [#lightz v] to ((3) - (@CamPosZ))\nadd (((#LightX) * (#CamCosY)) - ((#LightZ) * (#CamSinY))) to [~tmpcontainer v]\nset [#lightz v] to (((#LightX) * (#CamSinY)) + ((#LightZ) * (#CamCosY)))\nadd (((#LightY) * (#CamCosX)) - ((#LightZ) * (#CamSinX))) to [~tmpcontainer v]\nadd (((#LightY) * (#CamSinX)) + ((#LightZ) * (#CamCosX))) to [~tmpcontainer v]\nif <(item (3) of [~tmpcontainer v]) > [0]> then\n set [#sunx v] to (((item (1) of [~tmpcontainer v]) / (item (3) of [~tmpcontainer v])) * (#FocalLength))\n set [#suny v] to (((item (2) of [~tmpcontainer v]) / (item (3) of [~tmpcontainer v])) * (#FocalLength))\nelse\n set [#sunx v] to [n]\n set [#suny v] to [n]\nend\n\ndefine Type 2 Response\nset [~newvelx v] to ((-1) * ((~ColliderNx) * ((item ((~ColliderIndex) + (1)) of [#responsedata v]) * (2))))\nset [~newvely v] to ((-1) * ((~ColliderNy) * (item ((~ColliderIndex) + (1)) of [#responsedata v])))\nset [~newvelz v] to ((-1) * ((~ColliderNz) * ((item ((~ColliderIndex) + (1)) of [#responsedata v]) * (2))))\nset [~noinput v] to (item ((~ColliderIndex) + (2)) of [#responsedata v])\n\ndefine Add Velocity to Collision Mesh; Mesh Name: (n) Velocity: (a) (b) (c)\nadd ((((item # of (n) in [#collisionmeshattributes v]) - (1)) / (14)) + (1)) to [#collsionmeshvelocities v]\nadd (a) to [#collsionmeshvelocities v]\nadd (b) to [#collsionmeshvelocities v]\nadd (c) to [#collsionmeshvelocities v]\n\ndefine Check If Triangle Mesh Is Moving\nset [~ctvx v] to [0]\nset [~ctvy v] to [0]\nset [~ctvz v] to [0]\nset [~index2 v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [#collsionmeshvelocities v]) / (4))\n if <<((~index1) + (1)) < (item ((item (~index2) of [#collsionmeshvelocities v]) * (2)) of [#collisionmeshinecies v])> and <(~index1) > (item (((item (~index2) of [#collsionmeshvelocities v]) * (2)) - (1)) of [#collisionmeshinecies v])>> then\n set [~ctvx v] to (item ((~index2) + (1)) of [#collsionmeshvelocities v])\n set [~ctvy v] to (item ((~index2) + (2)) of [#collsionmeshvelocities v])\n set [~ctvz v] to (item ((~index2) + (3)) of [#collsionmeshvelocities v])\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change [~index2 v] by (4)\nend\n\ndefine Update Collision Meshes\nset [~index2 v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [#collsionmeshvelocities v]) / (4))\n delete all of [~tmpcontainer v]\n set [~index1 v] to ((((item (~index2) of [#collsionmeshvelocities v]) - (1)) * (14)) + (1))\n set [~replace' v] to (~index1)\n add (item (~index1) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (1)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (2)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (3)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (4)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (5)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (6)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (7)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (8)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (9)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (10)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (11)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (12)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (13)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n set [tmp v] to (length of [#collisiontriangles v])\n repeat until <(length of [#collisiontriangles v]) = ((tmp) - ((item ((item (~index2) of [#collsionmeshvelocities v]) * (2)) of [#collisionmeshinecies v]) - ((item (((item (~index2) of [#collsionmeshvelocities v]) * (2)) - (1)) of [#collisionmeshinecies v]) - (1))))>\n delete (item (((item (~index2) of [#collsionmeshvelocities v]) * (2)) - (1)) of [#collisionmeshinecies v]) of [#collisiontriangles v]\n end\n set [~replace'' v] to (((item (~index2) of [#collsionmeshvelocities v]) * (2)) - (1))\n set [~replace v] to (((item (~index2) of [#collsionmeshvelocities v]) * (3)) - (2))\n [C] Create Collision Model; Mesh (item (14) of [~tmpcontainer v]) Position: ((item (2) of [~tmpcontainer v]) + (item ((~index2) + (1)) of [#collsionmeshvelocities v])) [-10] (~m.pos) Rotation: (item (5) of [~tmpcontainer v]) (item (6) of [~tmpcontainer v]) (item (7) of [~tmpcontainer v]) Scale: (item (8) of [~tmpcontainer v]) (item (9) of [~tmpcontainer v]) (item (10) of [~tmpcontainer v]) Type: (item (11) of [~tmpcontainer v]) (2) Velocity Factor (item (12) of [~tmpcontainer v]) (2) Post No Input Time (item (13) of [~tmpcontainer v]) Name (item (1) of [~tmpcontainer v])\nend\nset [~index2 v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [#collisionmeshrotations v]) / (4))\n delete all of [~tmpcontainer v]\n set [~index1 v] to ((((item (~index2) of [#collisionmeshrotations v]) - (1)) * (14)) + (1))\n add (item (~index1) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (1)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (2)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (3)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (4)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (5)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (6)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (7)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (8)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (9)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (10)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (11)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (12)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n add (item ((~index1) + (13)) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]) to [~tmpcontainer v]\n repeat (14)\n delete (~index1) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]\n end\n set [tmp v] to (length of [#collisiontriangles v])\n repeat until <(length of [#collisiontriangles v]) = ((tmp) - ((item ((item (~index2) of [#collisionmeshrotations v]) * (2)) of [#collisionmeshinecies v]) - ((item (((item (~index2) of [#collisionmeshrotations v]) * (2)) - (1)) of [#collisionmeshinecies v]) - (1))))>\n delete (item (((item (~index2) of [#collisionmeshrotations v]) * (2)) - (1)) of [#collisionmeshinecies v]) of [#collisiontriangles v]\n end\n repeat (2)\n delete (((item (~index2) of [#collisionmeshrotations v]) * (2)) - (1)) of [#collisionmeshinecies v]\n end\n repeat (3)\n delete (((item (~index2) of [#collisionmeshrotations v]) * (3)) - (2)) of [#responsedata v]\n end\n [C] Create Collision Model; Mesh (item (14) of [~tmpcontainer v]) Position: (item (2) of [~tmpcontainer v]) (item (3) of [~tmpcontainer v]) (item (4) of [~tmpcontainer v]) Rotation: ((item (5) of [~tmpcontainer v]) + (item ((~index2) + (1)) of [#collisionmeshrotations v])) ((item (6) of [~tmpcontainer v]) + (item ((~index2) + (2)) of [#collisionmeshrotations v])) ((item (7) of [~tmpcontainer v]) + (item ((~index2) + (3)) of [#collisionmeshrotations v])) Scale: (item (8) of [~tmpcontainer v]) (item (9) of [~tmpcontainer v]) (item (10) of [~tmpcontainer v]) Type: (item (11) of [~tmpcontainer v]) (2) Velocity Factor (item (12) of [~tmpcontainer v]) (2) Post No Input Time (item (13) of [~tmpcontainer v]) Name (item (1) of [~tmpcontainer v])\nend\n\nrepeat (14)\n delete (~index1) of [#collisionmeshattributes v]\nend\n\nrepeat (2)\n delete (((item (~index2) of [#collsionmeshvelocities v]) * (2)) - (1)) of [#collisionmeshinecies v]\nend\n\nrepeat (3)\n delete (1) of [#responsedata v]\nend\n\ndefine Update Skybox Ref Points\ndelete all of [#sbref v]\nset [~index1 v] to [1]\nrepeat (6)\n if <(~index1) = [1]> then\n set [#lightx v] to [-1]\n set [#lighty v] to [0]\n set [#lightz v] to [0]\n else\n if <(~index1) = [2]> then\n set [#lightx v] to [0]\n set [#lighty v] to [0]\n set [#lightz v] to [1]\n else\n if <(~index1) = [3]> then\n set [#lightx v] to [1]\n set [#lighty v] to [0]\n set [#lightz v] to [0]\n else\n if <(~index1) = [4]> then\n set [#lightx v] to [0]\n set [#lighty v] to [0]\n set [#lightz v] to [-1]\n else\n if <(~index1) = [5]> then\n set [#lightx v] to [0]\n set [#lighty v] to [1]\n set [#lightz v] to [0]\n else\n set [#lightx v] to [0]\n set [#lighty v] to [-1]\n set [#lightz v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n add (((#LightX) * (#CamCosY)) - ((#LightZ) * (#CamSinY))) to [#sbref v]\n set [#lightz v] to (((#LightX) * (#CamSinY)) + ((#LightZ) * (#CamCosY)))\n add (((#LightY) * (#CamCosX)) - ((#LightZ) * (#CamSinX))) to [#sbref v]\n add (((#LightY) * (#CamSinX)) + ((#LightZ) * (#CamCosX))) to [#sbref v]\n add (((item ((length of [#sbref v]) - (2)) of [#sbref v]) / (item (length of [#sbref v]) of [#sbref v])) * (#FocalLength)) to [#sbref v]\n add (((item ((length of [#sbref v]) - (2)) of [#sbref v]) / (item ((length of [#sbref v]) - (1)) of [#sbref v])) * (#FocalLength)) to [#sbref v]\n change [~index1 v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine add Collectable; Name (n) Position (x) (y) (z) Size (s) Radius (r) Animated <a> Costume Amount (1) Wiggle Height (h) Play Sound Name (sn)\nadd (x) to [~collectabledata v]\nadd (y) to [~collectabledata v]\nadd (z) to [~collectabledata v]\nadd (((length of [#modeldata v]) / (10)) + (1)) to [~collectabledata v]\nadd ((length of [#triangledata v]) + (1)) to [~collectabledata v]\nadd (r) to [~collectabledata v]\nadd <a> to [~collectabledata v]\nadd (n) to [~collectabledata v]\nadd (1) to [~collectabledata v]\nadd (h) to [~collectabledata v]\nadd [1] to [~collectabledata v]\nadd [0] to [~collectabledata v]\nadd (sn) to [~collectabledata v]\n[M] Add Sprite; Name: (n) Position: (x) (y) (z) Size: (s)\n\ndefine Update Collectables\nset [~index1 v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [~collectabledata v]) / (13))\n if <not <(item (~index1) of [~collectabledata v]) = [-]>> then\n if <not <[0] = (item ((~index1) + (9)) of [~collectabledata v])>> then\n if <(item ((~index1) + (9)) of [~collectabledata v]) = (item ((~index1) + (11)) of [~collectabledata v])> then\n set [~curdir v] to [-1]\n else\n if <[0] = (item ((~index1) + (11)) of [~collectabledata v])> then\n set [~curdir v] to [1]\n end\n end\n replace item ((~index1) + (1)) of [~collectabledata v] with ((item ((~index1) + (1)) of [~collectabledata v]) + (~curDir))\n replace item ((~index1) + (11)) of [~collectabledata v] with ((item ((~index1) + (11)) of [~collectabledata v]) + (~curDir))\n [M] Move Model (item ((~index1) + (3)) of [~collectabledata v]) to X: (item (~index1) of [~collectabledata v]) Y: (item ((~index1) + (1)) of [~collectabledata v]) Z: (item ((~index1) + (2)) of [~collectabledata v])\n end\n if <(((((@CamPosX) - (item (~index1) of [~collectabledata v])) * ((@CamPosX) - (item (~index1) of [~collectabledata v]))) + ((((@CamPosY) + (@CamHeight)) - (item ((~index1) + (1)) of [~collectabledata v])) * (((@CamPosY) + (@CamHeight)) - (item ((~index1) + (1)) of [~collectabledata v])))) + (((@CamPosZ) - (item ((~index1) + (2)) of [~collectabledata v])) * ((@CamPosZ) - (item ((~index1) + (2)) of [~collectabledata v])))) < (((~SphereRadius) + (item ((~index1) + (5)) of [~collectabledata v])) * ((~SphereRadius) + (item ((~index1) + (5)) of [~collectabledata v])))> then\n replace item (item ((~index1) + (4)) of [~collectabledata v]) of [#triangledata v] with [n]\n replace item (~index1) of [~collectabledata v] with [-]\n replace item ((~index1) + (3)) of [~collectabledata v] with [-]\n change [~ccollected v] by (1)\n start sound (item ((~index1) + (12)) of [~collectabledata v])\n else\n if <(item ((~index1) + (6)) of [~collectabledata v]) = [true]> then\n if <(item ((~index1) + (8)) of [~collectabledata v]) = (item ((~index1) + (10)) of [~collectabledata v])> then\n replace item ((item ((~index1) + (4)) of [~collectabledata v]) + (3)) of [#triangledata v] with (join (item ((~index1) + (7)) of [~collectabledata v]) [1])\n replace item ((~index1) + (10)) of [~collectabledata v] with [1]\n else\n replace item ((~index1) + (10)) of [~collectabledata v] with ((item ((~index1) + (10)) of [~collectabledata v]) + (1))\n replace item ((item ((~index1) + (4)) of [~collectabledata v]) + (3)) of [#triangledata v] with (join (item ((~index1) + (7)) of [~collectabledata v]) (item ((~index1) + (10)) of [~collectabledata v]))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [~index1 v] by (13)\nend\n\nUpdate Skybox Ref Points\n\ndefine rotate mesh name (n) to rot (x) (y) (z)\nadd ((((item # of (n) in [#collisionmeshattributes v]) - (1)) / (14)) + (1)) to [#collisionmeshrotations v]\nadd (x) to [#collisionmeshrotations v]\nadd (y) to [#collisionmeshrotations v]\nadd (z) to [#collisionmeshrotations v]\n\ndefine Check if triangle is rotating\nset [~newcpx v] to [0]\nset [~newcpy v] to [0]\nset [~newcpz v] to [0]\nset [a v] to [0]\nset [~index2 v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [#collisionmeshrotations v]) / (4))\n if <<((~index1) + (1)) < (item ((item (~index2) of [#collisionmeshrotations v]) * (2)) of [#collisionmeshinecies v])> and <(~index1) > (item (((item (~index2) of [#collisionmeshrotations v]) * (2)) - (1)) of [#collisionmeshinecies v])>> then\n set [~newcpx v] to (item ((~index2) + (1)) of [#collisionmeshrotations v])\n set [~newcpy v] to (item ((~index2) + (2)) of [#collisionmeshrotations v])\n set [~newcpz v] to (item ((~index2) + (3)) of [#collisionmeshrotations v])\n set [a v] to [1]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change [~index2 v] by (4)\nend\n\ndefine Point Towards; to Vertex (a) (b) (c) from Vertex (1) (2) (3)\nset [~returny v] to (([atan v] of (((a) - (1)) / ((c) - (3))) ) - ((180) * <(3) > (c)>))\nset [~returnx v] to (([atan v] of (([sqrt v] of ((((a) - (1)) * ((a) - (1))) + (((c) - (3)) * ((c) - (3)))) ) / ((b) - (2))) ) - ((180) * <(2) > (b)>))\n\ndefine add basic enemy; Mesh (n) Scale (1) (2) (3) Starting Position (4) (5) (6) Material (m) Focus radius (r) Speed (s) Bounce stregth (b) Collide Sound Name (p) Collision Radius (c) Hit Sound (h) Kick Force (k)\nadd (4) to [~enemydata v]\nadd (5) to [~enemydata v]\nadd (6) to [~enemydata v]\nadd (p) to [~enemydata v]\nadd (c) to [~enemydata v]\nadd (((length of [#modeldata v]) / (10)) + (1)) to [~enemydata v]\nadd (s) to [~enemydata v]\nadd (r) to [~enemydata v]\nadd (b) to [~enemydata v]\nadd (h) to [~enemydata v]\nadd (k) to [~enemydata v]\n[M] Create Model; Mesh: (n) Material: (m) Position; X: (4) Y: (5) Z: (6) Rotation; X: [0] Y: [0] Z: [0] Scale X: (1) Y: (2) Z: (3)\n\ndefine Update Enemies\nset [~index1 v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [~enemydata v]) / (11))\n if <(item (~index1) of [~enemydata v]) = [-]> then\n replace item (item ((~index1) + (5)) of [~enemydata v]) of [#modeldata v] with [-]\n else\n if <((((item (~index1) of [~enemydata v]) - (@CamPosX)) * ((item (~index1) of [~enemydata v]) - (@CamPosX))) + ((((item ((~index1) + (1)) of [~enemydata v]) - (@CamPosY)) * ((item ((~index1) + (1)) of [~enemydata v]) - (@CamPosY))) + (((item ((~index1) + (2)) of [~enemydata v]) - (@CamPosZ)) * ((item ((~index1) + (2)) of [~enemydata v]) - (@CamPosZ))))) < ((item ((~index1) + (7)) of [~enemydata v]) * (item ((~index1) + (7)) of [~enemydata v]))> then\n Point Towards; to Vertex (@CamPosX) (@CamPosY) (@CamPosZ) from Vertex (item (~index1) of [~enemydata v]) (item ((~index1) + (1)) of [~enemydata v]) (item ((~index1) + (2)) of [~enemydata v])\n replace item (~index1) of [~enemydata v] with (((item ((round (~returnY)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v]) * ((item ((~index1) + (6)) of [~enemydata v]) * (#DeltaTime))) + (item (~index1) of [~enemydata v]))\n replace item ((~index1) + (2)) of [~enemydata v] with (((item (((round (~returnY)) + (90)) mod (360)) of [`trigarr v]) * ((item ((~index1) + (6)) of [~enemydata v]) * (#DeltaTime))) + (item ((~index1) + (2)) of [~enemydata v]))\n [M] Rotate Model (item ((~index1) + (5)) of [~enemydata v]) to X: [0] Y: (~returnY) Z: [0]\n [M] Move Model (item ((~index1) + (5)) of [~enemydata v]) to X: (item (~index1) of [~enemydata v]) Y: (item ((~index1) + (1)) of [~enemydata v]) Z: (item ((~index1) + (2)) of [~enemydata v])\n if <((((item (~index1) of [~enemydata v]) - (@CamPosX)) * ((item (~index1) of [~enemydata v]) - (@CamPosX))) + ((((item ((~index1) + (1)) of [~enemydata v]) - (@CamPosY)) * ((item ((~index1) + (1)) of [~enemydata v]) - (@CamPosY))) + (((item ((~index1) + (2)) of [~enemydata v]) - (@CamPosZ)) * ((item ((~index1) + (2)) of [~enemydata v]) - (@CamPosZ))))) < ((item ((~index1) + (4)) of [~enemydata v]) * (item ((~index1) + (4)) of [~enemydata v]))> then\n set [~collidernx v] to ((item (~index1) of [~enemydata v]) - (@CamPosX))\n set [~colliderny v] to ((item ((~index1) + (1)) of [~enemydata v]) - (@CamPosY))\n set [~collidernz v] to ((item ((~index1) + (2)) of [~enemydata v]) - (@CamPosZ))\n set [~normallength v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~ColliderNx) * (~ColliderNx)) + (((~ColliderNy) * (~ColliderNy)) + ((~ColliderNz) * (~ColliderNz)))) )\n set [~collidernx v] to (((~ColliderNx) / (~NormalLength)) * (item ((~index1) + (8)) of [~enemydata v]))\n set [~colliderny v] to (((~ColliderNy) / (~NormalLength)) * (item ((~index1) + (8)) of [~enemydata v]))\n set [~collidernz v] to (((~ColliderNz) / (~NormalLength)) * (item ((~index1) + (8)) of [~enemydata v]))\n if <key (e v) pressed?> then\n replace item (~index1) of [~enemydata v] with ((item (~index1) of [~enemydata v]) + ((~ColliderNx) * (item ((~index1) + (10)) of [~enemydata v])))\n replace item ((~index1) + (2)) of [~enemydata v] with ((item ((~index1) + (2)) of [~enemydata v]) + ((~ColliderNz) * (item ((~index1) + (10)) of [~enemydata v])))\n [M] Move Model (item ((~index1) + (5)) of [~enemydata v]) to X: (item (~index1) of [~enemydata v]) Y: (item ((~index1) + (1)) of [~enemydata v]) Z: (item ((~index1) + (2)) of [~enemydata v])\n else\n if <<[0] > (~ColliderNy)> and <(@CamPosY) > (item ((~index1) + (1)) of [~enemydata v])>> then\n change [~ekilled v] by (1)\n replace item (~index1) of [~enemydata v] with [-]\n [M] Move Model (item ((~index1) + (5)) of [~enemydata v]) to X: [1000000] Y: [0] Z: [0]\n start sound (item ((~index1) + (3)) of [~enemydata v])\n else\n start sound (item ((~index1) + (9)) of [~enemydata v])\n end\n change [#velocityx v] by (() - (~ColliderNx))\n change [#velocityy v] by (() - (~ColliderNy))\n change [#velocityz v] by (() - (~ColliderNz))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [~index1 v] by (11)\nend\n\nadd [name] to [#soundtransfer v]\nadd (item (~index1) of [~enemydata v]) to [#soundtransfer v]\nadd (item ((~index1) + (1)) of [~enemydata v]) to [#soundtransfer v]\nadd (item ((~index1) + (2)) of [~enemydata v]) to [#soundtransfer v]\nadd [1] to [#soundtransfer v]\nadd [0.8] to [#soundtransfer v]\nadd [0.6] to [#soundtransfer v]\nadd (#timer) to [#soundtransfer v]\nadd ((#timer) + (3)) to [#soundtransfer v]\nbroadcast (SoundSend v)\n\nadd [name] to [#soundtransfer v]\nadd (item (~index1) of [~enemydata v]) to [#soundtransfer v]\nadd (item ((~index1) + (1)) of [~enemydata v]) to [#soundtransfer v]\nadd (item ((~index1) + (2)) of [~enemydata v]) to [#soundtransfer v]\nadd [1] to [#soundtransfer v]\nadd [0.8] to [#soundtransfer v]\nadd [0.6] to [#soundtransfer v]\nadd (#timer) to [#soundtransfer v]\nadd ((#timer) + (3)) to [#soundtransfer v]\nbroadcast (SoundSend v)\n\ndefine create Bezier; Vertex 1 (a) (b) (c) Vertex 2 (d) (e) (f) Vertex 3 (g) (h) (i) Steps (s)\ndelete all of [~bcoords v]\nset [~lerp v] to [0]\nrepeat (s)\n change [~lerp v] by ((1) / ((s) + (1)))\n add (((~lerp) * (((~lerp) * (((g) - ((2) * (d))) + (a))) + ((2) * ((d) - (a))))) + (a)) to [~bcoords v]\n add (((~lerp) * (((~lerp) * (((h) - ((2) * (e))) + (b))) + ((2) * ((e) - (b))))) + (b)) to [~bcoords v]\n add (((~lerp) * (((~lerp) * (((i) - ((2) * (f))) + (c))) + ((2) * ((f) - (c))))) + (c)) to [~bcoords v]\nend\n\ndelete all of [~bcoords v]\n\ndefine add Fireball; Destination (x) (y) (z) Max Height (h) Origin (1) (2) (3) Steps (s) Costume Name (n) Costume SIze (cs) Collision Radius (cr)\nset [~updatefb v] to [1]\nset [~fb# v] to (((length of [#modeldata v]) / (10)) + (1))\nset [~fcr v] to (cr)\ncreate Bezier; Vertex 1 (x) (y) (z) Vertex 2 (((1) - (x)) / (2)) (h) (((3) - (z)) / (2)) Vertex 3 (1) (2) (3) Steps (s)\n[M] Add Sprite; Name: (n) Position: (x) (y) (z) Size: (cs)\n\ndefine Update Fireball\nif <(~updateFB) = [1]> then\n [M] Move Model (~FB#) to X: (item ((length of [~bcoords v]) - (2)) of [~bcoords v]) Y: (item ((length of [~bcoords v]) - (1)) of [~bcoords v]) Z: (item (length of [~bcoords v]) of [~bcoords v])\n [E] Set Light; X: (item ((length of [~bcoords v]) - (2)) of [~bcoords v]) Y: (item ((length of [~bcoords v]) - (1)) of [~bcoords v]) Z: (item (length of [~bcoords v]) of [~bcoords v]) Linear Falloff: [0.001] Constant: [1] Quadratic Falloff: [0.00001] Ambient: [1] Use Reflection Formula; Specular Strength: [] Specular Spread: [] Diffuse: [] Color: R [255] G [123] B [46]\n if <((length of [~bcoords v]) - (3)) = [0]> then\n if <((((item ((length of [~bcoords v]) - (2)) of [~bcoords v]) - (@CamPosX)) * ((item ((length of [~bcoords v]) - (2)) of [~bcoords v]) - (@CamPosX))) + ((((item ((length of [~bcoords v]) - (1)) of [~bcoords v]) - (@CamPosY)) * ((item ((length of [~bcoords v]) - (1)) of [~bcoords v]) - (@CamPosY))) + (((item (length of [~bcoords v]) of [~bcoords v]) - (@CamPosZ)) * ((item (length of [~bcoords v]) of [~bcoords v]) - (@CamPosZ))))) < (((~SphereRadius) + (~FCR)) * ((~SphereRadius) + (~FCR)))> then\n change [~fhit v] by (1)\n end\n set [~updatefb v] to [0]\n [M] Move Model (~FB#) to X: [100000] Y: [0] Z: [0]\n end\n repeat (3)\n delete (length of [~bcoords v]) of [~bcoords v]\n end\nelse\n create Bezier; Vertex 1 (@CamPosX) (@CamPosY) (@CamPosZ) Vertex 2 (((-255) - (@CamPosX)) / (2)) [6000] (((-10420) - (@CamPosZ)) / (2)) Vertex 3 [-255] [3300] [-10420] Steps [360]\n set [~updatefb v] to [1]\nend\n\n​​log​​ []\n​​log​​ []\n​​log​​ []\n\ndefine !movement input freecam; X div (d)\nif <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [@camposx v] by ((#CamSinY) * ((!CameraSpeed) * (#DeltaTime)))\n change [@camposz v] by ((#CamCosY) * ((!CameraSpeed) * (#DeltaTime)))\nend\nif <key (s v) pressed?> then\n change [@camposx v] by ((#CamSinY) * (((!CameraSpeed) * (#DeltaTime)) * (-1)))\n change [@camposz v] by ((#CamCosY) * (((!CameraSpeed) * (#DeltaTime)) * (-1)))\nend\nif <key (a v) pressed?> then\n change [@camposx v] by ((#CamCosY) * (((!CameraSpeed) * (#DeltaTime)) * (-1)))\n change [@camposz v] by ((#CamSinY) * ((!CameraSpeed) * (#DeltaTime)))\nend\nif <key (d v) pressed?> then\n change [@camposx v] by ((#CamCosY) * ((!CameraSpeed) * (#DeltaTime)))\n change [@camposz v] by ((#CamSinY) * (((!CameraSpeed) * (#DeltaTime)) * (-1)))\nend\nif <key (space v) pressed?> then\n change [@camposy v] by ((!CameraSpeed) / (d))\nend\nif <key ((join [] [shift]) v) pressed?> then\n change [@camposy v] by (() - ((!CameraSpeed) / (d)))\nend\n\nset [!cameraspeed v] to [500]\n\nset [~slidingthreshold v] to [90]\n\ndefine Update Butterfly\nif <(~updateB) = [1]> then\n change [b'# v] by (1)\n [M] Move Model [25] to X: (item (1) of [b'coords v]) Y: (item (2) of [b'coords v]) Z: (item (3) of [b'coords v])\n set [b'posx v] to (item (1) of [b'coords v])\n set [b'posy v] to (item (2) of [b'coords v])\n set [b'posz v] to (item (3) of [b'coords v])\n if <not <(length of [b'coords v]) < [3]>> then\n Point Towards; to Vertex (item (4) of [b'coords v]) (item (5) of [b'coords v]) (item (6) of [b'coords v]) from Vertex (item (1) of [b'coords v]) (item (2) of [b'coords v]) (item (3) of [b'coords v])\n [M] Rotate Model [25] to X: [0] Y: (~returnY) Z: [0]\n end\n if <(length of ((b'#) / (30))) = [1]> then\n [M] Move Model ((25) + ((b'#) / (30))) to X: (item (1) of [b'coords v]) Y: (item (2) of [b'coords v]) Z: (item (3) of [b'coords v])\n add (item (1) of [b'coords v]) to [b'lightcoords v]\n add (item (2) of [b'coords v]) to [b'lightcoords v]\n add (item (3) of [b'coords v]) to [b'lightcoords v]\n end\n repeat (3)\n delete (1) of [b'coords v]\n end\n if <(length of [b'coords v]) < [3]> then\n set [~updateb v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n if <(#curtxt) = [-]> then\n set [~updateb v] to [1]\n set [b'# v] to [0]\n end\n Point Towards; to Vertex (@CamPosX) (@CamPosY) (@CamPosZ) from Vertex (b'PosX) (b'PosY) (b'PosZ)\n [M] Rotate Model [25] to X: [0] Y: (~returnY) Z: [0]\nend\nset [~index1 v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [b'lightcoords v])\n [E] Set Light; X: (item (~index1) of [b'lightcoords v]) Y: (item ((~index1) + (1)) of [b'lightcoords v]) Z: (item ((~index1) + (2)) of [b'lightcoords v]) Linear Falloff: [0.001] Constant: [1] Quadratic Falloff: [0.00001] Ambient: [1] Use Reflection Formula; Specular Strength: [] Specular Spread: [] Diffuse: [] Color: R [100] G [100] B [100]\n change [~index1 v] by (3)\nend\n\n@Audio\n\ndefine Update Sounds\nset [~index1 v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [#sounddata v]) / (10))\n if <<(round (#timer)) > (item ((~index1) + (7)) of [#sounddata v])> and <(round (#timer)) < (item ((~index1) + (8)) of [#sounddata v])>> then\n set [~curupdate v] to (item (~index1) of [#sounddata v])\n set [a v] to (~index1)\n if <(item ((~index1) + (9)) of [#sounddata v]) = [0]> then\n replace item ((~index1) + (9)) of [#sounddata v] with [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n end\n change [~index1 v] by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nstart sound (item (a) of [#sounddata v])\nset [~clonename v] to (item (a) of [#sounddata v])\nset [~clonetime v] to (item ((a) + (8)) of [#sounddata v])\nrepeat until <(round (#timer)) > (~CloneTime)>\n if <(~curUpdate) = (~CloneName)> then\n set [#lightx v] to ((item ((a) + (1)) of [#sounddata v]) - (@CamPosX))\n set [#lighty v] to ((item ((a) + (2)) of [#sounddata v]) - (@CamPosY))\n set [#lightz v] to ((item ((a) + (3)) of [#sounddata v]) - (@CamPosZ))\n set [~v1 v] to (((#LightX) * (#CamCosY)) - ((#LightZ) * (#CamSinY)))\n set [#lightz v] to (((#LightX) * (#CamSinY)) + ((#LightZ) * (#CamCosY)))\n set [~v2 v] to (((#LightY) * (#CamCosX)) - ((#LightZ) * (#CamSinX)))\n set [~v3 v] to (((#LightY) * (#CamSinX)) + ((#LightZ) * (#CamCosX)))\n set [pan left/right v] effect to ((~V1) / (4))\n set [tmp v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((item ((a) + (1)) of [#sounddata v]) - (@CamPosX)) * ((item ((a) + (1)) of [#sounddata v]) - (@CamPosX))) + ((((item ((a) + (2)) of [#sounddata v]) - (@CamPosY)) * ((item ((a) + (2)) of [#sounddata v]) - (@CamPosY))) + (((item ((a) + (3)) of [#sounddata v]) - (@CamPosZ)) * ((item ((a) + (3)) of [#sounddata v]) - (@CamPosZ))))) )\n set volume to ((100) - (((item ((a) + (4)) of [#sounddata v]) + (((item ((a) + (5)) of [#sounddata v]) * (tmp)) + ((item ((a) + (6)) of [#sounddata v]) * ((tmp) * (tmp))))) / (10000))) %\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(!deleteClones) = [1]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\ndefine add Sound; Name (n) Position: X (1) Y (2) Z (3) Sound Attributes: Volume Constant (a) Volume Linear Falloff (b) Volume Squared Falloff (c) Start time (d) End Time (e)\nadd (n) to [#sounddata v]\nadd (1) to [#sounddata v]\nadd (2) to [#sounddata v]\nadd (3) to [#sounddata v]\nadd (a) to [#sounddata v]\nadd (b) to [#sounddata v]\nadd (c) to [#sounddata v]\nadd (d) to [#sounddata v]\nadd (e) to [#sounddata v]\nadd [0] to [#sounddata v]\n\nwhen I receive [userinit v]\ndelete all of [#sounddata v]\nLoad Sounds\n\ndefine Load Sounds\nif <(#SceneType) = [Lighting Demo]> then\n add Sound; Name [ID] Position: X (([sin v] of ((#timer) * (50)) ) * (150)) Y (([sin v] of ((#timer) * (50)) ) * (100)) Z (([cos v] of ((#timer) * (50)) ) * (150)) Sound Attributes: Volume Constant [1] Volume Linear Falloff [0.8] Volume Squared Falloff [0.5] Start time [0] End Time [255]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [update v]\nUpdate Sounds\n\nwhen I receive [soundsend v]\nset [~index1 v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [#soundtransfer v]) / (9))\n add Sound; Name (item (~index1) of [#soundtransfer v]) Position: X (item ((~index1) + (1)) of [#soundtransfer v]) Y (item ((~index1) + (2)) of [#soundtransfer v]) Z (item ((~index1) + (3)) of [#soundtransfer v]) Sound Attributes: Volume Constant (item ((~index1) + (4)) of [#soundtransfer v]) Volume Linear Falloff (item ((~index1) + (5)) of [#soundtransfer v]) Volume Squared Falloff (item ((~index1) + (6)) of [#soundtransfer v]) Start time (item ((~index1) + (7)) of [#soundtransfer v]) End Time (item ((~index1) + (8)) of [#soundtransfer v])\n change [~index1 v] by (9)\nend\ndelete all of [#soundtransfer v]\n\n@Data Cache\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nClear Mesh Data\nClear Materials\nLoad Materials\nLoad Meshes\n\ndefine Add Mesh; Name: (name) Data: (data)\nadd ((length of [#meshvertices v]) + (1)) to [#meshreaddata v]\nadd ((length of [#meshfaces v]) + (1)) to [#meshreaddata v]\nset [~mesh v] to (data)\nset [~index v] to [1]\nset [~material v] to [-]\nrepeat until <(~Index) > (length of (~Mesh))>\n Read Value\n if <(~Value) = [v]> then\n Read Value\n add (~Value) to [#meshvertices v]\n Read Value\n add (~Value) to [#meshvertices v]\n Read Value\n add ((~Value) * (-1)) to [#meshvertices v]\n else\n if <(~Value) = [f]> then\n Read Value\n add (~Value) to [#meshfaces v]\n Read Value\n add (~Value) to [#meshfaces v]\n Read Value\n add (~Value) to [#meshfaces v]\n add (~material) to [#meshmaterials v]\n else\n if <(~Value) = [usemtl]> then\n Read Value\n get RGBA (~Value)\n end\n end\n end\nend\nadd ((length of [#meshvertices v]) + (1)) to [#meshreaddata v]\nadd ((length of [#meshfaces v]) + (1)) to [#meshreaddata v]\n\ndefine Read Value\nset [~value v] to []\nset [~record v] to [true]\nset [~character v] to [0]\nrepeat until <not <(~Value) = []>>\n set [~character v] to (letter (~Index) of (~Mesh))\n repeat until <(~Character) = [ ]>\n if <(~Character) = []> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(~Character) = [/]> then\n set [~record v] to [false]\n end\n if <(~Record) = [true]> then\n set [~value v] to (join (~Value) (letter (~Index) of (~Mesh)))\n end\n change [~index v] by (1)\n set [~character v] to (letter (~Index) of (~Mesh))\n end\n change [~index v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Clear Mesh Data\ndelete all of [#meshvertices v]\ndelete all of [#meshfaces v]\ndelete all of [#meshreaddata v]\ndelete all of [#meshmaterials v]\n\ndefine Load Meshes\nAdd Mesh; Name: [flat] Data: [# Blender v2.92.0 OBJ File: '' # www.blender.org o Plane v 3.978083 0.000000 -3.978083 v -3.978083 0.000000 -3.978083 v 3.978083 0.000000 3.978083 v -3.978083 0.000000 3.978083 v 3.978083 0.000000 0.000000 v 0.000000 0.000000 -3.978083 v -3.978083 0.000000 0.000000 v 0.000000 0.000000 3.978083 v 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 v 3.978083 0.000000 -1.989042 v -1.989042 0.000000 -3.978083 v -3.978083 0.000000 1.989042 v 1.989042 0.000000 3.978083 v 3.978083 0.000000 1.989042 v 1.989042 0.000000 -3.978083 v -3.978083 0.000000 -1.989042 v -1.989042 0.000000 3.978083 v 0.000000 0.000000 1.989042 v 0.000000 0.000000 -1.989042 v 1.989042 0.000000 0.000000 v -1.989042 0.000000 0.000000 v -1.989042 0.000000 -1.989042 v 1.989042 0.000000 -1.989042 v 1.989042 0.000000 1.989042 v -1.989042 0.000000 1.989042 v 3.978083 0.000000 -2.983562 v -2.983562 0.000000 -3.978083 v -3.978083 0.000000 2.983562 v 2.983562 0.000000 3.978083 v 3.978083 0.000000 0.994521 v 0.994521 0.000000 -3.978083 v -3.978083 0.000000 -0.994521 v -0.994521 0.000000 3.978083 v 0.000000 0.000000 2.983562 v 0.000000 0.000000 -0.994521 v 2.983562 0.000000 0.000000 v -0.994521 0.000000 0.000000 v 3.978083 0.000000 -0.994521 v -0.994521 0.000000 -3.978083 v -3.978083 0.000000 0.994521 v 0.994521 0.000000 3.978083 v 3.978083 0.000000 2.983562 v 2.983562 0.000000 -3.978083 v -3.978083 0.000000 -2.983562 v -2.983562 0.000000 3.978083 v 0.000000 0.000000 0.994521 v 0.000000 0.000000 -2.983562 v 0.994521 0.000000 0.000000 v -2.983562 0.000000 0.000000 v -1.989042 0.000000 -0.994521 v -1.989042 0.000000 -2.983562 v -0.994521 0.000000 -1.989042 v -2.983562 0.000000 -1.989042 v 1.989042 0.000000 -0.994521 v 1.989042 0.000000 -2.983562 v 2.983562 0.000000 -1.989042 v 0.994521 0.000000 -1.989042 v 1.989042 0.000000 2.983562 v 1.989042 0.000000 0.994521 v 2.983562 0.000000 1.989042 v 0.994521 0.000000 1.989042 v -1.989042 0.000000 2.983562 v -1.989042 0.000000 0.994521 v -0.994521 0.000000 1.989042 v -2.983562 0.000000 1.989042 v -2.983562 0.000000 0.994521 v -0.994521 0.000000 0.994521 v -0.994521 0.000000 2.983562 v 0.994521 0.000000 0.994521 v 2.983562 0.000000 0.994521 v 2.983562 0.000000 2.983562 v 0.994521 0.000000 -2.983562 v 2.983562 0.000000 -2.983562 v 2.983562 0.000000 -0.994521 v -2.983562 0.000000 -2.983562 v -0.994521 0.000000 -2.983562 v -0.994521 0.000000 -0.994521 v -2.983562 0.000000 -0.994521 v 0.994521 0.000000 -0.994521 v 0.994521 0.000000 2.983562 v -2.983562 0.000000 2.983562 s off f 28 81 45 f 34 80 41 f 35 79 48 f 32 78 49 f 50 77 37 f 51 76 52 f 44 75 53 f 54 74 36 f 55 73 56 f 47 72 57 f 58 71 29 f 59 70 60 f 46 69 61 f 62 68 33 f 63 67 64 f 40 66 65 f 66 63 25 f 49 21 63 f 7 49 66 f 67 46 18 f 37 9 46 f 21 37 67 f 68 34 8 f 64 18 34 f 25 64 68 f 69 59 24 f 48 20 59 f 9 48 69 f 70 30 14 f 36 5 30 f 20 36 70 f 71 42 3 f 60 14 42 f 24 60 71 f 72 55 23 f 31 15 55 f 6 31 72 f 73 26 10 f 43 1 26 f 15 43 73 f 74 38 5 f 56 10 38 f 23 56 74 f 75 51 22 f 27 11 51 f 2 27 75 f 76 47 19 f 39 6 47 f 11 39 76 f 77 35 9 f 52 19 35 f 22 52 77 f 78 50 21 f 53 22 50 f 16 53 78 f 79 54 20 f 57 23 54 f 19 57 79 f 80 58 13 f 61 24 58 f 18 61 80 f 81 62 17 f 65 25 62 f 12 65 81 f 28 45 4 f 34 41 8 f 35 48 9 f 32 49 7 f 50 37 21 f 51 52 22 f 44 53 16 f 54 36 20 f 55 56 23 f 47 57 19 f 58 29 13 f 59 60 24 f 46 61 18 f 62 33 17 f 63 64 25 f 40 65 12 f 66 25 65 f 49 63 66 f 7 66 40 f 67 18 64 f 37 46 67 f 21 67 63 f 68 8 33 f 64 34 68 f 25 68 62 f 69 24 61 f 48 59 69 f 9 69 46 f 70 14 60 f 36 30 70 f 20 70 59 f 71 3 29 f 60 42 71 f 24 71 58 f 72 23 57 f 31 55 72 f 6 72 47 f 73 10 56 f 43 26 73 f 15 73 55 f 74 5 36 f 56 38 74 f 23 74 54 f 75 22 53 f 27 51 75 f 2 75 44 f 76 19 52 f 39 47 76 f 11 76 51 f 77 9 37 f 52 35 77 f 22 77 50 f 78 21 49 f 53 50 78 f 16 78 32 f 79 20 48 f 57 54 79 f 19 79 35 f 80 13 41 f 61 58 80 f 18 80 34 f 81 17 45 f 65 62 81 f 12 81 28]\nAdd Mesh; Name: [cube] Data: [# Blender v2.92.0 OBJ File: '' # www.blender.org o Cube_Cube.001 v -1.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 v -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 v -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 v -1.000000 1.000000 -1.000000 v 1.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 v 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 v 1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 v 1.000000 1.000000 -1.000000 s off f 2 3 1 f 4 7 3 f 8 5 7 f 6 1 5 f 7 1 3 f 4 6 8 f 2 4 3 f 4 8 7 f 8 6 5 f 6 2 1 f 7 5 1 f 4 2 6]\nAdd Mesh; Name: [new enemy] Data: [# Blender v2.92.0 OBJ File: '' # www.blender.org mtllib untitled.mtl o Cube_Cube.001 v -0.415358 1.000000 0.076248 v -0.076248 1.000000 0.415358 v -0.076248 1.000000 -0.415358 v -0.415358 1.000000 -0.076248 v 0.076248 1.000000 0.415358 v 0.415358 1.000000 0.076248 v 0.415358 1.000000 -0.076248 v 0.076248 1.000000 -0.415358 v -1.000000 0.049154 0.664874 v -0.664874 0.049154 1.000000 v -0.403583 0.674303 0.741055 v -0.741055 0.674303 0.403583 v -0.741055 0.674303 -0.403583 v -0.403583 0.674303 -0.741055 v -0.664874 0.049154 -1.000000 v -1.000000 0.049154 -0.664874 v 0.741055 0.674303 0.403583 v 0.403583 0.674303 0.741055 v 0.664874 0.049154 1.000000 v 1.000000 0.049154 0.664874 v 0.403583 0.674303 -0.741055 v 0.741055 0.674303 -0.403583 v 1.000000 0.049154 -0.664874 v 0.664874 0.049154 -1.000000 v -0.557886 -1.000000 0.739405 v -0.665591 -0.739405 1.000000 v -0.739405 -1.000000 0.557886 v -1.000000 -0.739405 0.665591 v -0.739405 -1.000000 -0.557886 v -1.000000 -0.739405 -0.665591 v -0.557886 -1.000000 -0.739405 v -0.665591 -0.739405 -1.000000 v 0.739405 -1.000000 0.557886 v 1.000000 -0.739405 0.665591 v 0.557886 -1.000000 0.739405 v 0.665591 -0.739405 1.000000 v 0.557886 -1.000000 -0.739405 v 0.665591 -0.739405 -1.000000 v 0.739405 -1.000000 -0.557886 v 1.000000 -0.739405 -0.665591 usemtl 138_63_3_255 s off f 2 18 5 f 6 22 7 f 35 25 27 f 9 13 16 f 9 30 28 f 40 24 23 f 4 12 1 f 20 36 34 f 2 5 6 f 19 11 10 f 23 17 20 f 15 21 24 f 8 14 3 f 15 13 14 f 11 9 10 f 23 21 22 f 19 17 18 f 6 18 17 f 1 11 2 f 23 34 40 f 19 26 36 f 3 13 4 f 15 38 32 f 7 21 8 f 32 16 15 f 33 36 35 f 25 28 27 f 29 32 31 f 37 40 39 f 27 30 29 f 32 37 31 f 40 33 39 f 36 25 35 f 28 10 9 f 2 11 18 f 6 17 22 f 27 29 39 f 29 31 39 f 31 37 39 f 39 33 27 f 33 35 27 f 9 12 13 f 9 16 30 f 40 38 24 f 4 13 12 f 20 19 36 f 6 7 4 f 7 8 4 f 8 3 4 f 4 1 6 f 1 2 6 f 19 18 11 f 23 22 17 f 15 14 21 f 8 21 14 f 15 16 13 f 11 12 9 f 23 24 21 f 19 20 17 f 6 5 18 f 1 12 11 f 23 20 34 f 19 10 26 f 3 14 13 f 15 24 38 f 7 22 21 f 32 30 16 f 33 34 36 f 25 26 28 f 29 30 32 f 37 38 40 f 27 28 30 f 32 38 37 f 40 34 33 f 36 26 25 f 28 26 10 o Cube.001_Cube.003 v 0.131896 0.207431 -0.938740 v 0.131896 0.470031 -0.831835 v -0.151630 0.207431 -0.938740 v -0.151630 0.470031 -0.831835 v 0.082568 0.297381 -1.013067 v 0.082568 0.462188 -0.945974 v -0.109343 0.297381 -1.013067 v -0.109343 0.462188 -0.945974 usemtl 0_0_0_255 s off f 42 43 41 f 44 47 43 f 48 45 47 f 45 42 41 f 43 45 41 f 44 46 48 f 42 44 43 f 44 48 47 f 48 46 45 f 45 46 42 f 43 47 45 f 44 42 46]\nAdd Mesh; Name: [pt.t1C] Data: [# Blender v2.92.0 OBJ File: '' # www.blender.org o basic_island_1_Cube.001 v -1.519752 1.000000 -1.000000 v -0.519752 -1.000000 -0.000000 v -1.519752 1.000000 1.000000 v 0.480248 1.000000 -1.000000 v 0.480248 1.000000 1.000000 s off f 5 1 3 f 5 4 1 f 1 2 3 f 3 2 5 f 5 2 4 f 4 2 1 o basic_island_10_Cube.013 v 11.917345 3.044409 9.477221 v 12.917345 1.044409 10.477221 v 11.917345 3.044409 11.477221 v 13.917345 3.044409 9.477221 v 13.917345 3.044409 11.477221 s off f 10 6 8 f 10 9 6 f 6 7 8 f 8 7 10 f 10 7 9 f 9 7 6 o basic_island_11_Cube.014 v 14.554313 3.044409 15.176546 v 15.554313 1.044409 16.176546 v 15.065981 3.044409 17.179356 v 16.816267 3.044409 14.791616 v 16.970785 3.044409 17.442554 s off f 13 14 11 f 13 15 14 f 11 12 13 f 13 12 15 f 15 12 14 f 14 12 11 o basic_island_12_Cube.015 v 12.108512 3.044409 19.485790 v 11.806390 1.282793 20.299080 v 11.368519 3.407280 21.840662 v 13.209648 3.044409 19.485790 v 13.793045 3.044409 21.485790 v 11.526252 3.407280 20.840662 v 12.368519 3.407280 21.840662 v 13.501347 3.044409 20.485790 v 12.659080 3.044409 19.485790 v 12.726063 3.044409 20.485790 v 11.526252 3.407280 20.840662 v 12.108512 3.044409 19.485790 v 11.368519 3.407280 21.840662 v 10.036797 4.015973 20.487492 v 10.619057 3.653102 19.132620 v 9.879064 4.015973 21.487492 v 8.082432 3.990509 20.260281 v 8.664691 3.627638 18.905409 v 7.924698 3.990509 21.260281 s off f 25 19 24 f 25 16 21 f 22 21 18 f 20 25 22 f 21 27 26 f 18 26 28 f 26 31 28 f 26 30 29 f 29 33 32 f 31 32 34 f 25 23 19 f 25 24 16 f 22 25 21 f 20 23 25 f 21 16 27 f 18 21 26 f 26 29 31 f 26 27 30 f 29 30 33 f 31 29 32 f 18 17 22 f 20 17 23 f 19 17 24 f 27 17 30 f 16 17 27 f 33 17 32 f 30 17 33 f 17 20 22 f 17 19 23 f 17 16 24 f 17 18 28 f 28 31 17 f 17 34 32 f 31 34 17 o basic_island_13_Cube.016 v 17.955132 3.044409 15.176546 v 18.955132 1.044409 16.176546 v 17.955132 3.044409 17.176546 v 19.955132 3.044409 15.176546 v 19.955132 3.044409 17.176546 s off f 39 35 37 f 39 38 35 f 35 36 37 f 37 36 39 f 39 36 38 f 38 36 35 o basic_island_2_Cube.003 v -5.483022 1.000000 0.026663 v -3.523211 -1.000000 1.293539 v -4.752506 1.000000 1.962196 v -3.357244 1.000000 -0.347500 v -2.067906 1.000000 1.768764 s off f 42 43 40 f 42 44 43 f 40 41 42 f 42 41 44 f 44 41 43 f 43 41 40 o basic_island_3_Cube.004 v -5.480181 1.000000 -3.753317 v -5.945637 -1.000000 -1.788637 v -7.600983 1.000000 -2.653819 v -4.682577 1.000000 -1.611633 v -6.191920 1.000000 -0.216694 s off f 47 48 45 f 47 49 48 f 45 46 47 f 47 46 49 f 49 46 48 f 48 46 45 o basic_island_4_Cube.005 v -5.941561 1.000000 -7.805425 v -4.489958 -1.000000 -6.349988 v -5.489958 1.000000 -5.349988 v -3.237177 1.000000 -7.421970 v -3.660644 1.000000 -5.546118 v -6.420568 1.000000 -6.244649 v -4.489958 1.000000 -5.349988 v -3.008029 1.000000 -6.575985 v -4.228567 1.000000 -8.266074 v -4.489958 1.000000 -6.349988 v -5.489958 1.200930 -5.349988 v -4.489958 1.200930 -5.349988 v -5.489958 1.000000 -4.496916 v -4.489958 1.000000 -4.496916 v -5.489958 1.200930 -4.496916 v -4.489958 1.200930 -4.496916 s off f 59 53 58 f 59 50 55 f 52 59 55 f 54 59 56 f 60 65 61 f 59 57 53 f 59 58 50 f 52 56 59 f 54 57 59 f 60 64 65 f 50 51 55 f 52 51 56 f 54 51 57 f 53 51 58 f 52 61 56 f 52 64 60 f 61 63 56 f 51 52 55 f 51 54 56 f 51 53 57 f 51 50 58 f 52 60 61 f 52 62 64 f 61 65 63 o basic_island_5_Cube.007 v 1.643955 1.000000 -0.653282 v 2.621696 -1.000000 -0.000000 v 1.456609 1.000000 0.585880 v 3.865457 1.382549 -0.852669 v 4.042111 1.382549 1.446794 v 1.621696 1.000000 0.000000 v 3.118881 1.382549 1.395848 v 4.096608 1.382549 0.000000 v 3.100216 1.382549 -1.070962 v 3.096608 1.382549 0.000000 v 3.960971 1.382549 0.757043 v 3.596608 1.382549 1.544079 v 3.116251 1.382549 0.946629 v 3.596608 1.382549 0.000000 v 3.596608 1.382549 1.044079 v 3.865457 1.382549 -0.852669 v 4.096608 1.382549 0.000000 v 4.500256 1.807283 -1.070721 v 4.729193 1.839196 -0.218052 v 5.157598 1.898915 -1.325561 v 5.386535 1.930828 -0.472892 v 5.823368 1.382549 -1.625935 v 6.054519 1.382549 -0.773266 s off f 79 69 74 f 75 66 71 f 78 75 71 f 76 79 80 f 78 79 75 f 72 80 78 f 70 80 77 f 74 75 79 f 79 73 69 f 75 74 66 f 71 68 78 f 68 72 78 f 76 73 79 f 78 80 79 f 72 77 80 f 70 76 80 f 66 67 71 f 72 68 67 f 67 73 76 f 69 67 74 f 69 82 81 f 81 84 83 f 83 86 85 f 85 88 87 f 67 68 71 f 67 70 77 f 77 72 67 f 67 69 73 f 76 70 67 f 67 66 74 f 69 73 82 f 81 82 84 f 83 84 86 f 85 86 88 o basic_island_6_Cube.008 v 5.648036 1.376096 -2.206213 v 6.889405 -0.623904 -1.528717 v 6.211909 1.376096 -0.287347 v 7.566901 1.376096 -2.770086 v 8.130775 1.376096 -0.851220 s off f 93 89 91 f 93 92 89 f 89 90 91 f 91 90 93 f 93 90 92 f 92 90 89 o basic_island_7_Cube.010 v 7.202680 2.453583 2.957275 v 8.202680 -1.000000 3.957275 v 7.202680 2.453583 4.957275 v 9.952051 2.453583 2.957275 v 9.952051 2.453583 4.957275 v 6.752548 2.453583 3.957275 v 8.202680 2.453583 5.346972 v 10.407454 2.453583 3.957275 v 8.202680 2.453583 2.532179 v 8.202680 2.453583 3.957275 s off f 103 97 102 f 103 94 99 f 96 103 99 f 98 103 100 f 103 101 97 f 103 102 94 f 96 100 103 f 98 101 103 f 94 95 99 f 96 95 100 f 98 95 101 f 97 95 102 f 95 96 99 f 95 98 100 f 95 97 101 f 95 94 102 o basic_island_8_Cube.011 v 11.277486 2.458076 3.185902 v 12.277486 0.458075 4.185902 v 11.277486 2.458075 5.185902 v 13.277486 2.458076 3.185902 v 13.277486 2.458075 5.185902 s off f 108 104 106 f 108 107 104 f 104 105 106 f 106 105 108 f 108 105 107 f 107 105 104 o basic_island_9_Cube.012 v 11.277486 2.233377 6.432107 v 12.277486 0.233377 7.432107 v 11.277486 2.233377 8.432108 v 13.277486 2.233377 6.432107 v 13.277486 2.233377 8.432108 s off f 113 109 111 f 113 112 109 f 109 110 111 f 111 110 113 f 113 110 112 f 112 110 109 o Cube_Cube.018 v -0.233217 -1.436981 19.259758 v -0.233217 -0.970547 19.259758 v -0.233217 -1.436981 18.793324 v -0.233217 -0.970547 18.793324 v 0.233217 -1.436981 19.259758 v 0.233217 -0.970547 19.259758 v 0.233217 -1.436981 18.793324 v 0.233217 -0.970547 18.793324 s off f 115 116 114 f 117 120 116 f 121 118 120 f 119 114 118 f 120 114 116 f 117 119 121 f 115 117 116 f 117 121 120 f 121 119 118 f 119 115 114 f 120 118 114 f 117 115 119 o Cube1_Cube.019 v -2.462513 -1.020055 20.554745 v -1.912732 -0.883626 20.583040 v -2.584237 -0.478195 20.307207 v -2.034455 -0.341766 20.335503 v -2.355422 -1.309351 19.868816 v -1.805640 -1.172922 19.897112 v -2.477145 -0.767491 19.621279 v -1.927364 -0.631062 19.649574 s off f 123 124 122 f 125 128 124 f 129 126 128 f 127 122 126 f 128 122 124 f 125 127 129 f 123 125 124 f 125 129 128 f 129 127 126 f 127 123 122 f 128 126 122 f 125 123 127 o Cube2_Cube.020 v -2.287514 -0.604747 22.201548 v -2.049874 -0.636827 22.236879 v -2.277856 -0.761338 21.994404 v -2.040216 -0.793419 22.029736 v -2.349661 -0.857698 22.389870 v -2.112021 -0.889779 22.425201 v -2.340003 -1.014289 22.182726 v -2.102362 -1.046370 22.218058 s off f 131 132 130 f 133 136 132 f 137 134 136 f 135 130 134 f 136 130 132 f 133 135 137 f 131 133 132 f 133 137 136 f 137 135 134 f 135 131 130 f 136 134 130 f 133 131 135 o Cube3_Cube.021 v -2.039937 0.713630 23.308943 v -1.796831 0.680811 23.345087 v -2.026400 0.494146 23.018602 v -1.783293 0.461327 23.054747 v -2.141010 0.302240 23.615221 v -1.897903 0.269422 23.651365 v -2.127472 0.082756 23.324881 v -1.884366 0.049937 23.361025 s off f 139 140 138 f 141 144 140 f 145 142 144 f 143 138 142 f 144 138 140 f 141 143 145 f 139 141 140 f 141 145 144 f 145 143 142 f 143 139 138 f 144 142 138 f 141 139 143 o Cube4_Cube.022 v 1.473258 -0.398909 21.875317 v 1.128809 -0.016774 21.636568 v 1.255135 -0.827779 21.503567 v 0.910687 -0.445643 21.264818 v 2.006388 -0.233219 21.371355 v 1.661939 0.148916 21.132607 v 1.788265 -0.662089 20.999605 v 1.443817 -0.279953 20.760857 s off f 147 148 146 f 149 152 148 f 153 150 152 f 151 146 150 f 152 146 148 f 149 151 153 f 147 149 148 f 149 153 152 f 153 151 150 f 151 147 146 f 152 150 146 f 149 147 151 o main_island_green_Cube.002 v 0.478195 5.516242 19.110088 v -2.320265 4.794253 18.388098 v -1.593648 5.516242 19.110088 v 1.128372 0.511854 20.368160 v 1.204812 4.794253 18.960644 v 2.177444 4.794253 19.360729 v -2.570908 5.516242 20.087347 v -3.292897 4.794252 22.885807 v -2.570908 5.516242 22.159189 v -2.204942 0.511733 20.368191 v -2.733620 4.794253 19.360729 v -1.593648 5.516242 23.382229 v -2.320265 4.794252 24.104221 v 1.204812 4.794252 23.858438 v 1.455455 5.516242 22.159189 v 0.478195 5.516242 23.136450 v -1.234998 0.511361 22.673241 v -0.182737 0.511413 22.673256 v 2.177444 4.794252 22.885807 v -2.204879 0.511492 21.703428 v 0.158549 0.511958 19.398289 v 1.125459 5.516242 20.659893 v 1.002253 5.516242 20.413401 v -1.541417 5.516242 19.996195 v -1.296975 5.516242 19.681238 v 0.996572 5.516242 21.351978 v 0.629567 5.516242 21.784176 v -1.235135 0.511903 19.398302 v -1.846063 5.516242 20.395535 v 0.441371 5.516242 19.669373 v -0.418282 5.516242 19.390593 v 1.128314 0.511613 21.703461 v -2.082278 5.516242 21.734789 v -1.836457 5.516242 21.343494 v -1.315831 5.516242 22.085428 v -0.430593 5.516242 22.362812 v 0.459959 5.516242 22.062654 v -1.804242 5.516242 20.784855 v -1.100598 5.516242 22.181377 s off f 154 155 156 f 157 158 159 f 160 161 162 f 155 163 164 f 165 161 166 f 155 160 156 f 167 168 169 f 167 170 171 f 154 158 155 f 165 166 167 f 172 167 171 f 173 161 164 f 157 174 158 f 175 154 176 f 156 177 178 f 165 169 168 f 168 179 180 f 168 172 159 f 160 164 161 f 155 181 163 f 155 164 160 f 159 158 154 f 167 172 168 f 167 166 170 f 182 177 160 f 183 154 184 f 184 154 156 f 156 160 177 f 178 184 156 f 179 168 175 f 154 183 176 f 176 179 175 f 165 167 169 f 172 171 185 f 168 159 175 f 159 154 175 f 161 170 166 f 162 186 160 f 165 162 161 f 159 172 185 f 181 155 158 f 187 186 188 f 189 165 168 f 190 168 180 f 191 160 187 f 188 165 192 f 162 165 186 f 187 160 186 f 189 192 165 f 190 189 168 f 191 182 160 f 188 186 165 o main_island_rock_Cube.003 v -2.204879 0.511492 21.703428 v -2.733620 4.794253 19.360729 v -2.204942 0.511733 20.368191 v 2.177444 4.794253 19.360729 v 1.128314 0.511613 21.703461 v 1.128372 0.511854 20.368160 v -1.235135 0.511903 19.398302 v 1.204812 4.794253 18.960644 v 0.158549 0.511958 19.398289 v -0.568462 -2.414695 21.148998 v -0.182737 0.511413 22.673256 v -1.234998 0.511361 22.673241 v -3.292897 4.794252 22.885807 s off f 193 194 195 f 196 197 198 f 199 200 201 f 202 197 203 f 202 204 193 f 202 201 198 f 197 202 198 f 204 202 203 f 205 193 204 f 202 195 199 f 193 195 202 f 199 201 202 o volcano_Icosphere.001 v -1.160090 5.938060 21.408079 v -0.691610 6.017897 21.637989 v -0.724443 6.656907 21.091568 v 0.411927 5.938057 20.974213 v 0.139731 6.017897 20.465816 v -0.053358 6.656904 20.873524 v -0.309693 6.656907 20.520714 v -0.238683 5.938060 19.966003 v -0.516754 5.970787 19.961344 v -1.160090 5.938060 20.338964 v -0.697146 6.656907 20.655476 v -1.190292 6.017897 20.873524 v -0.350636 6.656907 21.171015 v -0.143294 5.938060 21.738462 v 0.275426 6.017897 21.381920 v 1.034621 5.516217 20.399490 v 0.477352 5.516218 19.632469 v -0.424327 5.516218 19.339497 v -0.470540 5.727056 19.650421 v -0.331503 5.710693 19.652750 v -1.326003 5.516218 19.632469 v -1.883272 5.516217 20.399490 v -1.883272 5.516217 21.347555 v -1.326003 5.516217 22.114574 v -0.424327 5.516217 22.407547 v 0.477352 5.516217 22.114574 v 1.034621 5.516217 21.347555 v -0.133616 6.580112 20.868792 v -0.335283 6.572893 20.599466 v -0.660594 6.577581 21.041046 v -0.352206 6.299431 20.277765 v -0.475414 5.965193 20.037844 v -0.533572 6.649169 20.565573 v -0.319696 5.954425 19.963675 v -0.657451 6.572893 20.704151 v -0.271012 5.948495 20.015543 v -0.433399 6.650367 20.539982 v -0.372260 6.570120 21.096756 v -0.373212 5.956845 20.026695 v -0.424327 6.562603 20.873524 v -0.454405 6.307779 20.288914 s off f 206 207 208 f 209 210 211 f 211 210 212 f 210 213 212 f 214 215 216 f 217 206 208 f 208 207 218 f 207 219 218 f 218 220 211 f 220 209 211 f 221 210 209 f 221 222 210 f 223 224 225 f 226 215 214 f 227 217 215 f 227 228 217 f 229 230 207 f 230 219 207 f 231 220 219 f 231 232 220 f 222 225 213 f 230 231 219 f 233 212 234 f 235 216 208 f 236 212 213 f 237 216 238 f 224 214 239 f 222 223 225 f 233 211 212 f 235 240 216 f 213 241 236 f 236 242 212 f 237 214 216 f 219 220 218 f 215 217 216 f 216 217 208 f 222 213 210 f 226 224 223 f 228 206 217 f 229 207 206 f 232 209 220 f 226 227 215 f 228 229 206 f 232 221 209 f 235 218 243 f 233 218 211 f 225 224 239 f 226 214 224 f 235 208 218 f 233 243 218 f 241 244 236 f 233 234 245 f 246 238 242 f 235 243 245 f 239 214 244 f 242 216 212 f 236 244 246 f 246 237 238 f 214 237 244 f 244 241 239 f 241 213 239 f 242 238 216 f 234 240 245 f 240 235 245 f 243 233 245 f 234 216 240 f 225 239 213 f 236 246 242 f 244 237 246 f 234 212 216]\nAdd Mesh; Name: [pt.R] Data: [# Blender v2.92.0 OBJ File: '' # www.blender.org mtllib pt.mtl o basic_island_1_Cube.001 v -1.519752 1.000000 -1.000000 v -0.519752 -1.000000 -0.000000 v -1.519752 1.000000 1.000000 v 0.480248 1.000000 -1.000000 v 0.480248 1.000000 1.000000 usemtl 50_168_82_255 s off f 5 1 3 f 5 4 1 usemtl 168_98_17_255 f 1 2 3 f 3 2 5 f 5 2 4 f 4 2 1 o basic_island_2_Cube.003 v -5.483022 1.000000 0.026663 v -3.523211 -1.000000 1.293539 v -4.752506 1.000000 1.962196 v -3.357244 1.000000 -0.347500 v -2.067906 1.000000 1.768764 usemtl 50_168_82_255.001 s off f 8 9 6 f 8 10 9 usemtl 168_98_17_255.001 f 6 7 8 f 8 7 10 f 10 7 9 f 9 7 6 o basic_island_3_Cube.004 v -5.480181 1.000000 -3.753317 v -5.945637 -1.000000 -1.788637 v -7.600983 1.000000 -2.653819 v -4.682577 1.000000 -1.611633 v -6.191920 1.000000 -0.216694 usemtl 50_168_82_255.002 s off f 13 14 11 f 13 15 14 usemtl 168_98_17_255.002 f 11 12 13 f 13 12 15 f 15 12 14 f 14 12 11 o basic_island_4_Cube.005 v -5.941561 1.000000 -7.805425 v -4.489958 -1.000000 -6.349988 v -5.489958 1.000000 -5.349988 v -3.237177 1.000000 -7.421970 v -3.660644 1.000000 -5.546118 v -6.420568 1.000000 -6.244649 v -4.489958 1.000000 -5.349988 v -3.008029 1.000000 -6.575985 v -4.228567 1.000000 -8.266074 v -4.489958 1.000000 -6.349988 v -5.489958 1.200930 -5.349988 v -4.489958 1.200930 -5.349988 v -5.489958 1.000000 -4.496916 v -4.489958 1.000000 -4.496916 v -5.489958 1.200930 -4.496916 v -4.489958 1.200930 -4.496916 usemtl 50_168_82_255.003 s off f 25 19 24 f 25 16 21 f 18 25 21 f 20 25 22 f 26 31 27 f 25 23 19 f 25 24 16 f 18 22 25 f 20 23 25 f 26 30 31 usemtl 168_98_17_255.003 f 16 17 21 f 18 17 22 f 20 17 23 f 19 17 24 f 18 27 22 f 18 30 26 f 27 29 22 f 17 18 21 f 17 20 22 f 17 19 23 f 17 16 24 f 18 26 27 f 18 28 30 f 27 31 29 o basic_island_5_Cube.007 v 1.643955 1.000000 -0.653282 v 2.621696 -1.000000 -0.000000 v 1.456609 1.000000 0.585880 v 3.865457 1.382549 -0.852669 v 4.042111 1.382549 1.446794 v 1.621696 1.000000 0.000000 v 3.118881 1.382549 1.395848 v 4.096608 1.382549 0.000000 v 3.100216 1.382549 -1.070962 v 3.096608 1.382549 0.000000 v 3.960971 1.382549 0.757043 v 3.596608 1.382549 1.544079 v 3.116251 1.382549 0.946629 v 3.596608 1.382549 0.000000 v 3.596608 1.382549 1.044079 v 3.865457 1.382549 -0.852669 v 4.096608 1.382549 0.000000 v 4.500256 1.807283 -1.070721 v 4.729193 1.839196 -0.218052 v 5.157598 1.898915 -1.325561 v 5.386535 1.930828 -0.472892 v 5.823368 1.382549 -1.625935 v 6.054519 1.382549 -0.773266 usemtl 50_168_82_255.005 s off f 45 35 40 f 41 32 37 f 44 41 37 f 42 45 46 f 44 45 41 f 38 46 44 f 36 46 43 f 40 41 45 f 45 39 35 f 41 40 32 f 37 34 44 f 34 38 44 f 42 39 45 f 44 46 45 f 38 43 46 f 36 42 46 usemtl 168_98_17_255.005 f 32 33 37 f 38 34 33 f 33 39 42 f 35 33 40 f 35 48 47 f 47 50 49 f 49 52 51 f 51 54 53 f 33 34 37 f 33 36 43 f 43 38 33 f 33 35 39 f 42 36 33 f 33 32 40 f 35 39 48 f 47 48 50 f 49 50 52 f 51 52 54 o basic_island_6_Cube.008 v 5.648036 1.376096 -2.206213 v 6.889405 -0.623904 -1.528717 v 6.211909 1.376096 -0.287347 v 7.566901 1.376096 -2.770086 v 8.130775 1.376096 -0.851220 usemtl 50_168_82_255.006 s off f 59 55 57 f 59 58 55 usemtl 168_98_17_255.006 f 55 56 57 f 57 56 59 f 59 56 58 f 58 56 55 o boundcing_platfor_Icosphere.001 v 8.340428 0.242905 -0.067278 v 6.497880 0.277689 1.800263 v 6.497880 0.277689 0.324366 v 6.864530 0.300025 2.220266 v 7.813046 0.083195 1.683564 v 7.075100 0.083195 1.443787 v 7.075100 0.083195 0.667870 v 7.813046 0.083195 0.428093 v 8.269126 0.083192 1.055829 v 7.609086 0.491119 1.055829 v 8.340428 0.300025 2.220266 v 8.641719 0.323558 1.800263 v 6.864530 0.242905 -0.067278 v 8.641719 0.323558 0.324366 v 8.340428 0.600478 0.324366 v 6.864530 0.600478 0.324366 v 8.340428 0.600478 1.800263 v 6.864530 0.600478 1.800263 v 8.310918 -0.246830 1.283864 v 8.310918 -0.246830 0.827793 v 7.609086 -0.246830 1.793777 v 8.042841 -0.246830 1.652842 v 6.907253 -0.246830 1.283864 v 7.175330 -0.246830 1.652842 v 7.175330 -0.246830 0.458816 v 6.907253 -0.246830 0.827793 v 8.042841 -0.246830 0.458816 v 7.609086 -0.246830 0.317880 v 8.116934 0.141136 1.424801 v 7.415102 0.141137 1.652838 v 6.981351 0.141136 1.055829 v 7.415102 0.141137 0.458819 v 8.116934 0.141136 0.686856 v 7.728970 0.380909 1.424799 v 7.997047 0.380907 1.055829 v 7.295219 0.380909 1.283863 v 7.295219 0.380909 0.827794 v 7.728970 0.380909 0.686858 usemtl 125_12_156_255 s off f 66 90 96 f 94 97 69 f 94 92 97 f 92 67 97 f 97 96 69 f 97 91 96 f 90 65 95 f 95 89 93 f 93 88 94 f 85 90 66 f 83 89 65 f 83 80 89 f 81 88 64 f 78 68 88 f 86 87 67 f 84 85 66 f 80 81 64 f 78 79 68 usemtl 196_13_193_255 f 64 88 93 f 96 95 69 f 88 68 94 f 79 92 68 f 79 86 92 f 86 67 92 f 80 64 89 usemtl 171_0_111_255 f 65 89 95 f 67 91 97 f 68 92 94 f 96 90 95 f 95 93 69 f 87 91 67 f 87 84 91 usemtl 235__45_92_255 f 91 66 96 f 89 64 93 f 93 94 69 f 84 66 91 f 85 82 90 f 82 65 90 f 81 78 88 f 82 83 65 usemtl 45_188_235_150 f 74 72 75 f 75 61 77 f 77 70 76 f 76 73 74 f 76 75 77 f 74 60 72 f 75 62 61 f 77 63 70 f 76 71 73 f 76 74 75 o basic_island_7_Cube.010 v 7.202680 2.453583 2.957275 v 8.202680 -1.000000 3.957275 v 7.202680 2.453583 4.957275 v 9.952051 2.453583 2.957275 v 9.952051 2.453583 4.957275 v 6.752548 2.453583 3.957275 v 8.202680 2.453583 5.346972 v 10.407454 2.453583 3.957275 v 8.202680 2.453583 2.532179 v 8.202680 2.453583 3.957275 usemtl 50_168_82_255.007 s off f 107 101 106 f 107 98 103 f 100 107 103 f 102 107 104 f 107 105 101 f 107 106 98 f 100 104 107 f 102 105 107 usemtl 168_98_17_255.007 f 98 99 103 f 100 99 104 f 102 99 105 f 101 99 106 f 99 100 103 f 99 102 104 f 99 101 105 f 99 98 106 o basic_island_8_Cube.011 v 11.277486 2.458076 3.185902 v 12.277486 0.458075 4.185902 v 11.277486 2.458075 5.185902 v 13.277486 2.458076 3.185902 v 13.277486 2.458075 5.185902 usemtl 50_168_82_255.008 s off f 112 108 110 f 112 111 108 usemtl 168_98_17_255.008 f 108 109 110 f 110 109 112 f 112 109 111 f 111 109 108 o basic_island_9_Cube.012 v 11.277486 2.233377 6.432107 v 12.277486 0.233377 7.432107 v 11.277486 2.233377 8.432108 v 13.277486 2.233377 6.432107 v 13.277486 2.233377 8.432108 usemtl 50_168_82_255.009 s off f 117 113 115 f 117 116 113 usemtl 168_98_17_255.009 f 113 114 115 f 115 114 117 f 117 114 116 f 116 114 113 o basic_island_10_Cube.013 v 11.917345 3.044409 9.477221 v 12.917345 1.044409 10.477221 v 11.917345 3.044409 11.477221 v 13.917345 3.044409 9.477221 v 13.917345 3.044409 11.477221 usemtl 50_168_82_255.010 s off f 122 118 120 f 122 121 118 usemtl 168_98_17_255.010 f 118 119 120 f 120 119 122 f 122 119 121 f 121 119 118 o Plane v 11.900488 2.736768 14.761752 v 13.900488 2.736768 14.761752 v 11.900488 2.736768 12.761752 v 13.900488 2.736768 12.761752 usemtl 153_90_31_255 s off f 124 125 123 f 124 126 125 o basic_island_11_Cube.014 v 14.554313 3.044409 15.176546 v 15.554313 1.044409 16.176546 v 15.065981 3.044409 17.179356 v 16.816267 3.044409 14.791616 v 16.970785 3.044409 17.442554 usemtl 50_168_82_255.011 s off f 129 130 127 f 129 131 130 usemtl 168_98_17_255.011 f 127 128 129 f 129 128 131 f 131 128 130 f 130 128 127 o basic_island_12_Cube.015 v 12.108512 3.044409 19.485790 v 11.806390 1.282793 20.299080 v 11.368519 3.407280 21.840662 v 13.209648 3.044409 19.485790 v 13.793045 3.044409 21.485790 v 11.526252 3.407280 20.840662 v 12.368519 3.407280 21.840662 v 13.501347 3.044409 20.485790 v 12.659080 3.044409 19.485790 v 12.726063 3.044409 20.485790 v 11.526252 3.407280 20.840662 v 12.108512 3.044409 19.485790 v 11.368519 3.407280 21.840662 v 10.036797 4.015973 20.487492 v 10.619057 3.653102 19.132620 v 9.879064 4.015973 21.487492 v 8.082432 3.990509 20.260281 v 8.664691 3.627638 18.905409 v 7.924698 3.990509 21.260281 usemtl 50_168_82_255.012 s off f 141 135 140 f 141 132 137 f 138 137 134 f 136 141 138 f 137 143 142 f 134 142 144 f 142 147 144 f 142 146 145 f 145 149 148 f 147 148 150 f 141 139 135 f 141 140 132 f 138 141 137 f 136 139 141 f 137 132 143 f 134 137 142 f 142 145 147 f 142 143 146 f 145 146 149 f 147 145 148 usemtl 168_98_17_255.012 f 134 133 138 f 136 133 139 f 135 133 140 f 143 133 146 f 132 133 143 f 149 133 148 f 146 133 149 f 133 136 138 f 133 135 139 f 133 132 140 f 133 134 144 f 144 147 133 f 133 150 148 f 147 150 133 o basic_island_13_Cube.016 v 17.955132 3.044409 15.176546 v 18.955132 1.044409 16.176546 v 17.955132 3.044409 17.176546 v 19.955132 3.044409 15.176546 v 19.955132 3.044409 17.176546 usemtl 50_168_82_255.013 s off f 155 151 153 f 155 154 151 usemtl 168_98_17_255.013 f 151 152 153 f 153 152 155 f 155 152 154 f 154 152 151 o boundcing_platfor.001_Icosphere.002 v 6.676844 2.755568 19.717611 v 4.834295 2.790352 21.585152 v 4.834295 2.790352 20.109255 v 5.200945 2.812688 22.005156 v 6.149461 2.595858 21.468452 v 5.411516 2.595858 21.228676 v 5.411516 2.595858 20.452759 v 6.149461 2.595858 20.212982 v 6.605542 2.595855 20.840717 v 5.945501 3.003782 20.840717 v 6.676844 2.812688 22.005156 v 6.978134 2.836221 21.585152 v 5.200945 2.755568 19.717611 v 6.978134 2.836221 20.109255 v 6.676844 3.113141 20.109255 v 5.200945 3.113141 20.109255 v 6.676844 3.113141 21.585152 v 5.200945 3.113141 21.585152 v 6.647333 2.265833 21.068752 v 6.647333 2.265833 20.612682 v 5.945501 2.265833 21.578667 v 6.379257 2.265833 21.437731 v 5.243669 2.265833 21.068752 v 5.511745 2.265833 21.437731 v 5.511745 2.265833 20.243704 v 5.243669 2.265833 20.612682 v 6.379257 2.265833 20.243704 v 5.945501 2.265833 20.102768 v 6.453350 2.653799 21.209690 v 5.751517 2.653800 21.437727 v 5.317766 2.653799 20.840717 v 5.751517 2.653800 20.243708 v 6.453350 2.653799 20.471745 v 6.065385 2.893572 21.209688 v 6.333463 2.893570 20.840717 v 5.631635 2.893572 21.068752 v 5.631635 2.893572 20.612682 v 6.065385 2.893572 20.471746 usemtl 125_12_156_255.001 s off f 162 186 192 f 190 193 165 f 190 188 193 f 188 163 193 f 193 192 165 f 193 187 192 f 186 161 191 f 191 185 189 f 189 184 190 f 181 186 162 f 179 185 161 f 179 176 185 f 177 184 160 f 174 164 184 f 182 183 163 f 180 181 162 f 176 177 160 f 174 175 164 usemtl 196_13_193_255.001 f 160 184 189 f 192 191 165 f 184 164 190 f 175 188 164 f 175 182 188 f 182 163 188 f 176 160 185 usemtl 171_0_111_255.001 f 161 185 191 f 163 187 193 f 164 188 190 f 192 186 191 f 191 189 165 f 183 187 163 f 183 180 187 usemtl 235__45_92_255.001 f 187 162 192 f 185 160 189 f 189 190 165 f 180 162 187 f 181 178 186 f 178 161 186 f 177 174 184 f 178 179 161 usemtl 45_188_235_150.001 f 170 168 171 f 171 157 173 f 173 166 172 f 172 169 170 f 172 171 173 f 170 156 168 f 171 158 157 f 173 159 166 f 172 167 169 f 172 170 171 o main_island_green_Cube.002 v 0.478195 5.516242 19.110088 v -2.320265 4.794253 18.388098 v -1.593648 5.516242 19.110088 v 1.128372 0.511854 20.368160 v 1.204812 4.794253 18.960644 v 2.177444 4.794253 19.360729 v -2.570908 5.516242 20.087347 v -3.292897 4.794252 22.885807 v -2.570908 5.516242 22.159189 v -2.204942 0.511733 20.368191 v -2.733620 4.794253 19.360729 v -1.593648 5.516242 23.382229 v -2.320265 4.794252 24.104221 v 1.204812 4.794252 23.858438 v 1.455455 5.516242 22.159189 v 0.478195 5.516242 23.136450 v -1.234998 0.511361 22.673241 v -0.182737 0.511413 22.673256 v 2.177444 4.794252 22.885807 v -2.204879 0.511492 21.703428 v 0.158549 0.511958 19.398289 v 1.125459 5.516242 20.659893 v 1.002253 5.516242 20.413401 v -1.541417 5.516242 19.996195 v -1.296975 5.516242 19.681238 v 0.996572 5.516242 21.351978 v 0.629567 5.516242 21.784176 v -1.235135 0.511903 19.398302 v -1.846063 5.516242 20.395535 v 0.441371 5.516242 19.669373 v -0.418282 5.516242 19.390593 v 1.128314 0.511613 21.703461 v -2.082278 5.516242 21.734789 v -1.836457 5.516242 21.343494 v -1.315831 5.516242 22.085428 v -0.430593 5.516242 22.362812 v 0.459959 5.516242 22.062654 v -1.804242 5.516242 20.784855 v -1.100598 5.516242 22.181377 usemtl 59_255_85_255 s off f 194 195 196 f 197 198 199 f 200 201 202 f 195 203 204 f 205 201 206 f 195 200 196 f 207 208 209 f 207 210 211 f 194 198 195 f 205 206 207 f 212 207 211 f 213 201 204 f 197 214 198 f 215 194 216 f 196 217 218 f 205 209 208 f 208 219 220 f 208 212 199 f 200 204 201 f 195 221 203 f 195 204 200 f 199 198 194 f 207 212 208 f 207 206 210 f 222 217 200 f 223 194 224 f 224 194 196 f 196 200 217 f 218 224 196 f 219 208 215 f 194 223 216 f 216 219 215 usemtl 8_169_0_255 f 205 207 209 f 212 211 225 f 208 199 215 f 199 194 215 f 201 210 206 f 202 226 200 f 205 202 201 f 199 212 225 f 221 195 198 f 227 226 228 f 229 205 208 f 230 208 220 f 231 200 227 f 228 205 232 f 202 205 226 f 227 200 226 f 229 232 205 f 230 229 208 f 231 222 200 f 228 226 205 o main_island_rock_Cube.003 v -2.204879 0.511492 21.703428 v -2.733620 4.794253 19.360729 v -2.204942 0.511733 20.368191 v 2.177444 4.794253 19.360729 v 1.128314 0.511613 21.703461 v 1.128372 0.511854 20.368160 v -1.235135 0.511903 19.398302 v 1.204812 4.794253 18.960644 v 0.158549 0.511958 19.398289 v -0.568462 -2.414695 21.148998 v -0.182737 0.511413 22.673256 v -1.234998 0.511361 22.673241 v -3.292897 4.794252 22.885807 usemtl 58_58_66_255.001 s off f 233 234 235 f 236 237 238 f 239 240 241 f 242 237 243 f 242 244 233 f 242 241 238 f 237 242 238 f 244 242 243 f 245 233 244 f 242 235 239 f 233 235 242 f 239 241 242 o volcano_Icosphere.001 v -1.160090 5.938060 21.408079 v -0.691610 6.017897 21.637989 v -0.724443 6.656907 21.091568 v 0.411927 5.938057 20.974213 v 0.139731 6.017897 20.465816 v -0.053358 6.656904 20.873524 v -0.309693 6.656907 20.520714 v -0.238683 5.938060 19.966003 v -0.516754 5.970787 19.961344 v -1.160090 5.938060 20.338964 v -0.697146 6.656907 20.655476 v -1.190292 6.017897 20.873524 v -0.350636 6.656907 21.171015 v -0.143294 5.938060 21.738462 v 0.275426 6.017897 21.381920 v 1.034621 5.516217 20.399490 v 0.477352 5.516218 19.632469 v -0.424327 5.516218 19.339497 v -0.470540 5.727056 19.650421 v -0.331503 5.710693 19.652750 v -1.326003 5.516218 19.632469 v -1.883272 5.516217 20.399490 v -1.883272 5.516217 21.347555 v -1.326003 5.516217 22.114574 v -0.424327 5.516217 22.407547 v 0.477352 5.516217 22.114574 v 1.034621 5.516217 21.347555 v -0.133616 6.580112 20.868792 v -0.335283 6.572893 20.599466 v -0.660594 6.577581 21.041046 v -0.352206 6.299431 20.277765 v -0.475414 5.965193 20.037844 v -0.533572 6.649169 20.565573 v -0.319696 5.954425 19.963675 v -0.657451 6.572893 20.704151 v -0.271012 5.948495 20.015543 v -0.433399 6.650367 20.539982 v -0.372260 6.570120 21.096756 v -0.373212 5.956845 20.026695 v -0.424327 6.562603 20.873524 v -0.454405 6.307779 20.288914 usemtl 58_58_66_255 s off f 246 247 248 f 249 250 251 f 251 250 252 f 250 253 252 f 254 255 256 f 257 246 248 f 248 247 258 f 247 259 258 f 258 260 251 f 260 249 251 f 261 250 249 f 261 262 250 f 263 264 265 f 266 255 254 f 267 257 255 f 267 268 257 f 269 270 247 f 270 259 247 f 271 260 259 f 271 272 260 f 262 265 253 f 270 271 259 f 273 252 274 f 275 256 248 f 276 252 253 f 277 256 278 f 264 254 279 f 262 263 265 f 273 251 252 f 275 280 256 f 253 281 276 f 276 282 252 f 277 254 256 usemtl 96_97_107_255 f 259 260 258 f 255 257 256 f 256 257 248 f 262 253 250 f 266 264 263 f 268 246 257 f 269 247 246 f 272 249 260 f 266 267 255 f 268 269 246 f 272 261 249 f 275 258 283 f 273 258 251 f 265 264 279 f 266 254 264 f 275 248 258 f 273 283 258 usemtl 207_59_0_255 f 281 284 276 f 273 274 285 f 286 278 282 f 275 283 285 f 279 254 284 f 282 256 252 f 276 284 286 f 286 277 278 f 254 277 284 f 284 281 279 f 281 253 279 f 282 278 256 usemtl 255_87_20_255 f 274 280 285 f 280 275 285 f 283 273 285 f 274 256 280 f 265 279 253 f 276 286 282 f 284 277 286 f 274 252 256 o Cube_Cube.018 v -0.233217 -1.436981 19.259758 v -0.233217 -0.970547 19.259758 v -0.233217 -1.436981 18.793324 v -0.233217 -0.970547 18.793324 v 0.233217 -1.436981 19.259758 v 0.233217 -0.970547 19.259758 v 0.233217 -1.436981 18.793324 v 0.233217 -0.970547 18.793324 usemtl 67_93_102_255 s off f 288 289 287 f 290 293 289 f 294 291 293 f 292 287 291 f 293 287 289 f 290 292 294 f 288 290 289 f 290 294 293 f 294 292 291 f 292 288 287 f 293 291 287 f 290 288 292 o Cube1_Cube.019 v -2.462513 -1.020055 20.554745 v -1.912732 -0.883626 20.583040 v -2.584237 -0.478195 20.307207 v -2.034455 -0.341766 20.335503 v -2.355422 -1.309351 19.868816 v -1.805640 -1.172922 19.897112 v -2.477145 -0.767491 19.621279 v -1.927364 -0.631062 19.649574 usemtl 67_93_102_255.001 s off f 296 297 295 f 298 301 297 f 302 299 301 f 300 295 299 f 301 295 297 f 298 300 302 f 296 298 297 f 298 302 301 f 302 300 299 f 300 296 295 f 301 299 295 f 298 296 300 o Cube2_Cube.020 v -2.287514 -0.604747 22.201548 v -2.049874 -0.636827 22.236879 v -2.277856 -0.761338 21.994404 v -2.040216 -0.793419 22.029736 v -2.349661 -0.857698 22.389870 v -2.112021 -0.889779 22.425201 v -2.340003 -1.014289 22.182726 v -2.102362 -1.046370 22.218058 usemtl 67_93_102_255.002 s off f 304 305 303 f 306 309 305 f 310 307 309 f 308 303 307 f 309 303 305 f 306 308 310 f 304 306 305 f 306 310 309 f 310 308 307 f 308 304 303 f 309 307 303 f 306 304 308 o Cube3_Cube.021 v -2.039937 0.713630 23.308943 v -1.796831 0.680811 23.345087 v -2.026400 0.494146 23.018602 v -1.783293 0.461327 23.054747 v -2.141010 0.302240 23.615221 v -1.897903 0.269422 23.651365 v -2.127472 0.082756 23.324881 v -1.884366 0.049937 23.361025 usemtl 67_93_102_255.003 s off f 312 313 311 f 314 317 313 f 318 315 317 f 316 311 315 f 317 311 313 f 314 316 318 f 312 314 313 f 314 318 317 f 318 316 315 f 316 312 311 f 317 315 311 f 314 312 316 o Cube4_Cube.022 v 1.473258 -0.398909 21.875317 v 1.128809 -0.016774 21.636568 v 1.255135 -0.827779 21.503567 v 0.910687 -0.445643 21.264818 v 2.006388 -0.233219 21.371355 v 1.661939 0.148916 21.132607 v 1.788265 -0.662089 20.999605 v 1.443817 -0.279953 20.760857 usemtl 67_93_102_255.004 s off f 320 321 319 f 322 325 321 f 326 323 325 f 324 319 323 f 325 319 321 f 322 324 326 f 320 322 321 f 322 326 325 f 326 324 323 f 324 320 319 f 325 323 319 f 322 320 324]\nAdd Mesh; Name: [pt.t2C] Data: [# Blender v2.92.0 OBJ File: '' # www.blender.org o boundcing_platfor.001_Icosphere.002 v 6.676844 3.113138 20.109255 v 5.200945 2.755565 19.717611 v 5.200945 3.113138 20.109255 v 4.834295 2.790349 21.585152 v 5.200945 3.113137 21.585152 v 6.676844 2.812685 22.005156 v 6.676844 3.113137 21.585152 v 6.978134 2.836218 20.109255 v 6.676844 2.755565 19.717611 v 4.834295 2.790349 20.109255 v 5.200945 2.812685 22.005156 v 6.978134 2.836217 21.585152 s off f 1 2 3 f 3 4 5 f 5 6 7 f 7 8 1 f 7 3 5 f 1 9 2 f 3 10 4 f 5 11 6 f 7 12 8 f 7 1 3 o boundcing_platfor_Icosphere.001 v 8.340428 0.600478 0.324366 v 6.864530 0.242905 -0.067278 v 6.864530 0.600478 0.324366 v 6.497880 0.277689 1.800263 v 6.864530 0.600478 1.800263 v 8.340428 0.300025 2.220266 v 8.340428 0.600478 1.800263 v 8.641719 0.323558 0.324366 v 8.340428 0.242905 -0.067278 v 6.497880 0.277689 0.324366 v 6.864530 0.300025 2.220266 v 8.641719 0.323558 1.800263 s off f 13 14 15 f 15 16 17 f 17 18 19 f 19 20 13 f 19 15 17 f 13 21 14 f 15 22 16 f 17 23 18 f 19 24 20 f 19 13 15]\nAdd Mesh; Name: [2pt.t1C] Data: [# Blender v2.92.0 OBJ File: '' # www.blender.org o basic_island_10_Cube.013_basic_island_10_Cube.001 v 13.917345 2.383316 11.477221 v 11.917345 2.383317 9.477221 v 11.917345 2.383316 11.477221 v 13.917345 2.383317 9.477221 v 12.917345 0.383317 10.477221 s off f 1 2 3 f 1 4 2 f 2 5 3 f 3 5 1 f 1 5 4 f 4 5 2 o basic_island_11_Cube.014_basic_island_11_Cube.001 v 15.065981 3.044406 17.179356 v 16.816267 3.044407 14.791617 v 14.554313 3.044407 15.176547 v 16.970785 3.044406 17.442554 v 15.554313 1.044406 16.176546 s off f 6 7 8 f 6 9 7 f 8 10 6 f 6 10 9 f 9 10 7 f 7 10 8 o basic_island_12_Cube.015_basic_island_12_Cube.001 v 12.726063 3.044406 20.485790 v 13.209648 3.044406 19.485790 v 12.659080 3.044406 19.485790 v 12.108512 3.044406 19.485790 v 11.526252 3.407277 20.840662 v 12.368519 3.407276 21.840662 v 11.368519 3.407276 21.840662 v 13.793045 3.044405 21.485790 v 12.108512 3.044406 19.485790 v 11.526252 3.407277 20.840662 v 11.368519 3.407276 21.840662 v 9.879064 4.015970 21.487492 v 10.619057 3.653099 19.132620 v 10.036797 4.015970 20.487492 v 8.664691 3.627635 18.905409 v 8.082432 3.990506 20.260281 v 7.924698 3.990505 21.260281 v 13.501347 3.044406 20.485790 v 11.806390 1.282790 20.299080 s off f 11 12 13 f 11 14 15 f 16 15 17 f 18 11 16 f 15 19 20 f 17 20 21 f 20 22 21 f 20 23 24 f 24 25 26 f 22 26 27 f 11 28 12 f 11 13 14 f 16 11 15 f 18 28 11 f 15 14 19 f 17 15 20 f 20 24 22 f 20 19 23 f 24 23 25 f 22 24 26 f 17 29 16 f 18 29 28 f 12 29 13 f 19 29 23 f 14 29 19 f 25 29 26 f 23 29 25 f 29 18 16 f 29 12 28 f 29 14 13 f 29 17 21 f 21 22 29 f 29 27 26 f 22 27 29 o basic_island_13_Cube.016_basic_island_13_Cube.001 v 19.955132 3.044406 17.176546 v 17.955132 3.044407 15.176547 v 17.955132 3.044406 17.176546 v 19.955132 3.044407 15.176547 v 18.955132 1.044406 16.176546 s off f 30 31 32 f 30 33 31 f 31 34 32 f 32 34 30 f 30 34 33 f 33 34 31 o basic_island_1_Cube.001_basic_island_1_Cube.002 v 0.480248 1.000000 1.000000 v -1.519752 1.000000 -1.000000 v -1.519752 1.000000 1.000000 v 0.480248 1.000000 -1.000000 v -0.519752 -1.000000 -0.000000 s off f 35 36 37 f 35 38 36 f 36 39 37 f 37 39 35 f 35 39 38 f 38 39 36 o basic_island_2_Cube.003_basic_island_2_Cube.001 v -4.752506 1.000000 1.962196 v -3.357244 1.000000 -0.347500 v -5.483022 1.000000 0.026663 v -2.067906 1.000000 1.768764 v -3.523211 -1.000000 1.293539 s off f 40 41 42 f 40 43 41 f 42 44 40 f 40 44 43 f 43 44 41 f 41 44 42 o basic_island_3_Cube.004_basic_island_3_Cube.001 v -7.600983 1.000000 -2.653819 v -4.682577 1.000000 -1.611633 v -5.480181 1.000001 -3.753317 v -6.191920 1.000000 -0.216694 v -5.945637 -1.000000 -1.788637 s off f 45 46 47 f 45 48 46 f 47 49 45 f 45 49 48 f 48 49 46 f 46 49 47 o basic_island_4_Cube.005_basic_island_4_Cube.001 v -4.489958 1.000001 -6.349988 v -3.237177 1.000001 -7.421970 v -4.228567 1.000001 -8.266074 v -5.941561 1.000001 -7.805425 v -6.420568 1.000001 -6.244649 v -5.489958 1.000001 -5.349988 v -3.660644 1.000001 -5.546118 v -4.489958 1.000001 -5.349988 v -5.489958 1.200931 -5.349988 v -4.489958 1.200931 -4.496916 v -4.489958 1.200931 -5.349988 v -3.008029 1.000001 -6.575985 v -5.489958 1.200931 -4.496916 v -4.489958 -0.999999 -6.349988 v -4.489958 1.000001 -4.496916 v -5.489958 1.000001 -4.496916 s off f 50 51 52 f 50 53 54 f 55 50 54 f 56 50 57 f 58 59 60 f 50 61 51 f 50 52 53 f 55 57 50 f 56 61 50 f 58 62 59 f 53 63 54 f 55 63 57 f 56 63 61 f 51 63 52 f 55 60 57 f 55 62 58 f 60 64 57 f 63 55 54 f 63 56 57 f 63 51 61 f 63 53 52 f 55 58 60 f 55 65 62 f 60 59 64 o basic_island_5_Cube.007_basic_island_5_Cube.001 v 3.596608 1.382549 0.000000 v 3.865457 1.382549 -0.852669 v 3.100216 1.382549 -1.070962 v 3.096608 1.382549 0.000000 v 1.643955 1.000000 -0.653282 v 1.621696 1.000000 0.000000 v 3.116251 1.382549 0.946629 v 3.960971 1.382549 0.757043 v 3.596608 1.382549 1.044079 v 3.118881 1.382549 1.395848 v 4.042111 1.382549 1.446794 v 3.596608 1.382549 1.544079 v 4.096608 1.382549 0.000000 v 1.456609 1.000000 0.585880 v 2.621696 -1.000000 -0.000000 v 4.096608 1.382549 0.000000 v 3.865457 1.382549 -0.852669 v 4.729193 1.839196 -0.218052 v 4.500256 1.807283 -1.070721 v 5.386535 1.930828 -0.472892 v 5.157598 1.898915 -1.325561 v 6.054519 1.382549 -0.773266 v 5.823368 1.382549 -1.625935 s off f 66 67 68 f 69 70 71 f 72 69 71 f 73 66 74 f 72 66 69 f 75 74 72 f 76 74 77 f 68 69 66 f 66 78 67 f 69 68 70 f 71 79 72 f 79 75 72 f 73 78 66 f 72 74 66 f 75 77 74 f 76 73 74 f 70 80 71 f 75 79 80 f 80 78 73 f 67 80 68 f 67 81 82 f 82 83 84 f 84 85 86 f 86 87 88 f 80 79 71 f 80 76 77 f 77 75 80 f 80 67 78 f 73 76 80 f 80 70 68 f 67 78 81 f 82 81 83 f 84 83 85 f 86 85 87 o basic_island_6_Cube.008_basic_island_6_Cube.001 v 8.130775 1.376096 -0.851220 v 5.648036 1.376096 -2.206213 v 6.211909 1.376096 -0.287347 v 7.566901 1.376096 -2.770086 v 6.889405 -0.623904 -1.528717 s off f 89 90 91 f 89 92 90 f 90 93 91 f 91 93 89 f 89 93 92 f 92 93 90 o basic_island_7_Cube.010_basic_island_7_Cube.001 v 8.202680 2.453582 3.957275 v 9.952051 2.453583 2.957275 v 8.202680 2.453583 2.532180 v 7.202680 2.453583 2.957275 v 6.752548 2.453582 3.957275 v 7.202680 2.453582 4.957275 v 9.952051 2.453582 4.957275 v 8.202680 2.453582 5.346972 v 10.407454 2.453582 3.957275 v 8.202680 -1.000001 3.957275 s off f 94 95 96 f 94 97 98 f 99 94 98 f 100 94 101 f 94 102 95 f 94 96 97 f 99 101 94 f 100 102 94 f 97 103 98 f 99 103 101 f 100 103 102 f 95 103 96 f 103 99 98 f 103 100 101 f 103 95 102 f 103 97 96 o basic_island_8_Cube.011_basic_island_8_Cube.001 v 13.277486 2.458074 5.185903 v 11.277486 2.458076 3.185903 v 11.277486 2.458074 5.185903 v 13.277486 2.458076 3.185903 v 12.277486 0.458074 4.185902 s off f 104 105 106 f 104 107 105 f 105 108 106 f 106 108 104 f 104 108 107 f 107 108 105 o basic_island_9_Cube.012_basic_island_9_Cube.001 v 13.277486 2.233376 8.432108 v 11.277486 2.233376 6.432107 v 11.277486 2.233376 8.432108 v 13.277486 2.233376 6.432107 v 12.277486 0.233376 7.432107 s off f 109 110 111 f 109 112 110 f 110 113 111 f 111 113 109 f 109 113 112 f 112 113 110 o Cube1_Cube.019_Cube1_Cube.001 v -1.912732 -0.883629 20.583040 v -2.584237 -0.478198 20.307207 v -2.462513 -1.020058 20.554745 v -2.034455 -0.341769 20.335503 v -2.477145 -0.767494 19.621279 v -1.927364 -0.631065 19.649574 v -2.355422 -1.309354 19.868816 v -1.805640 -1.172925 19.897112 s off f 114 115 116 f 117 118 115 f 119 120 118 f 121 116 120 f 118 116 115 f 117 121 119 f 114 117 115 f 117 119 118 f 119 121 120 f 121 114 116 f 118 120 116 f 117 114 121 o Cube2_Cube.020_Cube2_Cube.001 v -2.049874 -0.636831 22.236879 v -2.277856 -0.761342 21.994404 v -2.287514 -0.604751 22.201548 v -2.040216 -0.793423 22.029736 v -2.340003 -1.014293 22.182726 v -2.102362 -1.046374 22.218058 v -2.349661 -0.857702 22.389870 v -2.112021 -0.889783 22.425201 s off f 122 123 124 f 125 126 123 f 127 128 126 f 129 124 128 f 126 124 123 f 125 129 127 f 122 125 123 f 125 127 126 f 127 129 128 f 129 122 124 f 126 128 124 f 125 122 129 o Cube3_Cube.021_Cube3_Cube.001 v -1.796831 0.680807 23.345087 v -2.026400 0.494142 23.018602 v -2.039937 0.713626 23.308943 v -1.783293 0.461323 23.054747 v -2.127472 0.082752 23.324881 v -1.884366 0.049933 23.361025 v -2.141010 0.302236 23.615221 v -1.897903 0.269418 23.651365 s off f 130 131 132 f 133 134 131 f 135 136 134 f 137 132 136 f 134 132 131 f 133 137 135 f 130 133 131 f 133 135 134 f 135 137 136 f 137 130 132 f 134 136 132 f 133 130 137 o Cube4_Cube.022_Cube4_Cube.001 v 1.128809 -0.016778 21.636568 v 1.255135 -0.827783 21.503567 v 1.473258 -0.398913 21.875317 v 0.910687 -0.445646 21.264818 v 1.788265 -0.662092 20.999605 v 1.443817 -0.279956 20.760857 v 2.006388 -0.233222 21.371355 v 1.661939 0.148913 21.132607 s off f 138 139 140 f 141 142 139 f 143 144 142 f 145 140 144 f 142 140 139 f 141 145 143 f 138 141 139 f 141 143 142 f 143 145 144 f 145 138 140 f 142 144 140 f 141 138 145 o Cube_Cube.018_Cube_Cube.001 v -0.233217 -0.970550 19.259758 v -0.233217 -1.436984 18.793324 v -0.233217 -1.436984 19.259758 v -0.233217 -0.970550 18.793324 v 0.233217 -1.436984 18.793324 v 0.233217 -0.970550 18.793324 v 0.233217 -1.436984 19.259758 v 0.233217 -0.970550 19.259758 s off f 146 147 148 f 149 150 147 f 151 152 150 f 153 148 152 f 150 148 147 f 149 153 151 f 146 149 147 f 149 151 150 f 151 153 152 f 153 146 148 f 150 152 148 f 149 146 153 o main_island_green_Cube.002_main_island_green_Cube.001 v 0.478195 5.516239 19.110088 v -2.320265 4.794250 18.388098 v -1.593648 5.516239 19.110088 v 1.128372 0.511851 20.368160 v 1.204812 4.794250 18.960644 v 2.177444 4.794250 19.360729 v -2.570908 5.516239 20.087347 v -3.292897 4.794248 22.885807 v -2.570908 5.516238 22.159189 v -2.204942 0.511730 20.368191 v -2.733620 4.794250 19.360729 v -1.593648 5.516238 23.382229 v -2.320265 4.794248 24.104221 v 1.204812 4.794248 23.858438 v 1.455455 5.516238 22.159189 v 0.478195 5.516238 23.136450 v -1.234998 0.511357 22.673241 v -0.182737 0.511409 22.673256 v 2.177444 4.794248 22.885807 v -2.204879 0.511488 21.703428 v 0.158549 0.511955 19.398289 v 1.125459 5.516239 20.659893 v 1.002253 5.516239 20.413401 v -1.541417 5.516239 19.996195 v -1.296975 5.516239 19.681238 v 0.996572 5.516239 21.351978 v 0.629567 5.516239 21.784176 v -1.235135 0.511900 19.398302 v -1.846063 5.516239 20.395535 v 0.441371 5.516239 19.669373 v -0.418282 5.516239 19.390593 v 1.128314 0.511609 21.703461 v -2.082278 5.516239 21.734789 v -1.836457 5.516239 21.343494 v -1.315831 5.516238 22.085428 v -0.430593 5.516238 22.362812 v 0.459959 5.516238 22.062654 v -1.804242 5.516239 20.784855 v -1.100598 5.516238 22.181377 s off f 154 155 156 f 157 158 159 f 160 161 162 f 155 163 164 f 165 161 166 f 155 160 156 f 167 168 169 f 167 170 171 f 154 158 155 f 165 166 167 f 172 167 171 f 173 161 164 f 157 174 158 f 175 154 176 f 156 177 178 f 165 169 168 f 168 179 180 f 168 172 159 f 160 164 161 f 155 181 163 f 155 164 160 f 159 158 154 f 167 172 168 f 167 166 170 f 182 177 160 f 183 154 184 f 184 154 156 f 156 160 177 f 178 184 156 f 179 168 175 f 154 183 176 f 176 179 175 f 165 167 169 f 172 171 185 f 168 159 175 f 159 154 175 f 161 170 166 f 162 186 160 f 165 162 161 f 159 172 185 f 181 155 158 f 187 186 188 f 189 165 168 f 190 168 180 f 191 160 187 f 188 165 192 f 162 165 186 f 187 160 186 f 189 192 165 f 190 189 168 f 191 182 160 f 188 186 165 o main_island_rock_Cube.003_main_island_rock_Cube.001 v -2.204879 0.511488 21.703428 v -2.733620 4.794250 19.360729 v -2.204942 0.511730 20.368191 v 2.177444 4.794250 19.360729 v 1.128314 0.511609 21.703461 v 1.128372 0.511851 20.368160 v -1.235135 0.511900 19.398302 v 1.204812 4.794250 18.960644 v 0.158549 0.511955 19.398289 v -0.568462 -2.414698 21.148998 v -0.182737 0.511409 22.673256 v -1.234998 0.511357 22.673241 v -3.292897 4.794248 22.885807 s off f 193 194 195 f 196 197 198 f 199 200 201 f 202 197 203 f 202 204 193 f 202 201 198 f 197 202 198 f 204 202 203 f 205 193 204 f 202 195 199 f 193 195 202 f 199 201 202 o volcano_Icosphere.001_volcano_Icosphere.002 v -1.160090 5.938056 21.408081 v -0.691610 6.017894 21.637991 v -0.724443 6.656904 21.091570 v 0.411927 5.938054 20.974215 v 0.139731 6.017894 20.465818 v -0.053358 6.656901 20.873526 v -0.309693 6.656904 20.520716 v -0.238683 5.938056 19.966005 v -0.516754 5.970784 19.961346 v -1.160090 5.938056 20.338966 v -0.697146 6.656904 20.655478 v -1.190292 6.017894 20.873526 v -0.350636 6.656904 21.171017 v -0.143294 5.938056 21.738464 v 0.275426 6.017894 21.381922 v 1.034621 5.516214 20.399490 v 0.477352 5.516215 19.632469 v -0.424327 5.516215 19.339497 v -0.470540 5.727053 19.650421 v -0.331503 5.710690 19.652750 v -1.326003 5.516215 19.632469 v -1.883272 5.516214 20.399490 v -1.883272 5.516214 21.347555 v -1.326003 5.516213 22.114574 v -0.424327 5.516213 22.407547 v 0.477352 5.516213 22.114574 v 1.034621 5.516214 21.347555 v -0.133616 6.580109 20.868793 v -0.335283 6.572890 20.599468 v -0.660594 6.577578 21.041048 v -0.352206 6.299428 20.277767 v -0.475414 5.965189 20.037846 v -0.533572 6.649166 20.565575 v -0.319696 5.954422 19.963676 v -0.657451 6.572890 20.704153 v -0.271012 5.948492 20.015545 v -0.433399 6.650363 20.539984 v -0.372260 6.570117 21.096758 v -0.373212 5.956841 20.026697 v -0.424327 6.562600 20.873526 v -0.454405 6.307775 20.288916 s off f 206 207 208 f 209 210 211 f 211 210 212 f 210 213 212 f 214 215 216 f 217 206 208 f 208 207 218 f 207 219 218 f 218 220 211 f 220 209 211 f 221 210 209 f 221 222 210 f 223 224 225 f 226 215 214 f 227 217 215 f 227 228 217 f 229 230 207 f 230 219 207 f 231 220 219 f 231 232 220 f 222 225 213 f 230 231 219 f 233 212 234 f 235 216 208 f 236 212 213 f 237 216 238 f 224 214 239 f 222 223 225 f 233 211 212 f 235 240 216 f 213 241 236 f 236 242 212 f 237 214 216 f 219 220 218 f 215 217 216 f 216 217 208 f 222 213 210 f 226 224 223 f 228 206 217 f 229 207 206 f 232 209 220 f 226 227 215 f 228 229 206 f 232 221 209 f 235 218 243 f 233 218 211 f 225 224 239 f 226 214 224 f 235 208 218 f 233 243 218 f 241 244 236 f 233 234 245 f 246 238 242 f 235 243 245 f 239 214 244 f 242 216 212 f 236 244 246 f 246 237 238 f 214 237 244 f 244 241 239 f 241 213 239 f 242 238 216 f 234 240 245 f 240 235 245 f 243 233 245 f 234 216 240 f 225 239 213 f 236 246 242 f 244 237 246 f 234 212 216]\nAdd Mesh; Name: [2pt.sR] Data: [# Blender v2.92.0 OBJ File: '' # www.blender.org mtllib pt.sR.mtl o basic_island_10_Cube.013 v 13.917345 2.383316 11.477221 v 11.917345 2.383317 9.477221 v 11.917345 2.383316 11.477221 v 13.917345 2.383317 9.477221 v 12.917345 0.383317 10.477221 usemtl 50_168_82_255.010 s off f 1 2 3 f 1 4 2 usemtl 168_98_17_255.010 f 2 5 3 f 3 5 1 f 1 5 4 f 4 5 2 o basic_island_11_Cube.014 v 15.065981 3.044406 17.179356 v 16.816267 3.044407 14.791617 v 14.554313 3.044407 15.176547 v 16.970785 3.044406 17.442554 v 15.554313 1.044406 16.176546 usemtl 50_168_82_255.011 s off f 6 7 8 f 6 9 7 usemtl 168_98_17_255.011 f 8 10 6 f 6 10 9 f 9 10 7 f 7 10 8 o basic_island_12_Cube.015 v 12.726063 3.044406 20.485790 v 13.209648 3.044406 19.485790 v 12.659080 3.044406 19.485790 v 12.108512 3.044406 19.485790 v 11.526252 3.407277 20.840662 v 12.368519 3.407276 21.840662 v 11.368519 3.407276 21.840662 v 13.793045 3.044405 21.485790 v 12.108512 3.044406 19.485790 v 11.526252 3.407277 20.840662 v 11.368519 3.407276 21.840662 v 9.879064 4.015970 21.487492 v 10.619057 3.653099 19.132620 v 10.036797 4.015970 20.487492 v 8.664691 3.627635 18.905409 v 8.082432 3.990506 20.260281 v 7.924698 3.990505 21.260281 v 13.501347 3.044406 20.485790 v 11.806390 1.282790 20.299080 usemtl 50_168_82_255.012 s off f 11 12 13 f 11 14 15 f 16 15 17 f 18 11 16 f 15 19 20 f 17 20 21 f 20 22 21 f 20 23 24 f 24 25 26 f 22 26 27 f 11 28 12 f 11 13 14 f 16 11 15 f 18 28 11 f 15 14 19 f 17 15 20 f 20 24 22 f 20 19 23 f 24 23 25 f 22 24 26 usemtl 168_98_17_255.012 f 17 29 16 f 18 29 28 f 12 29 13 f 19 29 23 f 14 29 19 f 25 29 26 f 23 29 25 f 29 18 16 f 29 12 28 f 29 14 13 f 29 17 21 f 21 22 29 f 29 27 26 f 22 27 29 o basic_island_13_Cube.016 v 19.955132 3.044406 17.176546 v 17.955132 3.044407 15.176547 v 17.955132 3.044406 17.176546 v 19.955132 3.044407 15.176547 v 18.955132 1.044406 16.176546 usemtl 50_168_82_255.013 s off f 30 31 32 f 30 33 31 usemtl 168_98_17_255.013 f 31 34 32 f 32 34 30 f 30 34 33 f 33 34 31 o basic_island_1_Cube.001 v 0.480248 1.000000 1.000000 v -1.519752 1.000000 -1.000000 v -1.519752 1.000000 1.000000 v 0.480248 1.000000 -1.000000 v -0.519752 -1.000000 -0.000000 usemtl 50_168_82_255 s off f 35 36 37 f 35 38 36 usemtl 168_98_17_255 f 36 39 37 f 37 39 35 f 35 39 38 f 38 39 36 o basic_island_2_Cube.003 v -4.752506 1.000000 1.962196 v -3.357244 1.000000 -0.347500 v -5.483022 1.000000 0.026663 v -2.067906 1.000000 1.768764 v -3.523211 -1.000000 1.293539 usemtl 50_168_82_255.001 s off f 40 41 42 f 40 43 41 usemtl 168_98_17_255.001 f 42 44 40 f 40 44 43 f 43 44 41 f 41 44 42 o basic_island_3_Cube.004 v -7.600983 1.000000 -2.653819 v -4.682577 1.000000 -1.611633 v -5.480181 1.000001 -3.753317 v -6.191920 1.000000 -0.216694 v -5.945637 -1.000000 -1.788637 usemtl 50_168_82_255.002 s off f 45 46 47 f 45 48 46 usemtl 168_98_17_255.002 f 47 49 45 f 45 49 48 f 48 49 46 f 46 49 47 o basic_island_4_Cube.005 v -4.489958 1.000001 -6.349988 v -3.237177 1.000001 -7.421970 v -4.228567 1.000001 -8.266074 v -5.941561 1.000001 -7.805425 v -6.420568 1.000001 -6.244649 v -5.489958 1.000001 -5.349988 v -3.660644 1.000001 -5.546118 v -4.489958 1.000001 -5.349988 v -5.489958 1.200931 -5.349988 v -4.489958 1.200931 -4.496916 v -4.489958 1.200931 -5.349988 v -3.008029 1.000001 -6.575985 v -5.489958 1.200931 -4.496916 v -4.489958 -0.999999 -6.349988 v -4.489958 1.000001 -4.496916 v -5.489958 1.000001 -4.496916 usemtl 50_168_82_255.003 s off f 50 51 52 f 50 53 54 f 55 50 54 f 56 50 57 f 58 59 60 f 50 61 51 f 50 52 53 f 55 57 50 f 56 61 50 f 58 62 59 usemtl 168_98_17_255.003 f 53 63 54 f 55 63 57 f 56 63 61 f 51 63 52 f 55 60 57 f 55 62 58 f 60 64 57 f 63 55 54 f 63 56 57 f 63 51 61 f 63 53 52 f 55 58 60 f 55 65 62 f 60 59 64 o basic_island_5_Cube.007 v 3.596608 1.382549 0.000000 v 3.865457 1.382549 -0.852669 v 3.100216 1.382549 -1.070962 v 3.096608 1.382549 0.000000 v 1.643955 1.000000 -0.653282 v 1.621696 1.000000 0.000000 v 3.116251 1.382549 0.946629 v 3.960971 1.382549 0.757043 v 3.596608 1.382549 1.044079 v 3.118881 1.382549 1.395848 v 4.042111 1.382549 1.446794 v 3.596608 1.382549 1.544079 v 4.096608 1.382549 0.000000 v 1.456609 1.000000 0.585880 v 2.621696 -1.000000 -0.000000 v 4.096608 1.382549 0.000000 v 3.865457 1.382549 -0.852669 v 4.729193 1.839196 -0.218052 v 4.500256 1.807283 -1.070721 v 5.386535 1.930828 -0.472892 v 5.157598 1.898915 -1.325561 v 6.054519 1.382549 -0.773266 v 5.823368 1.382549 -1.625935 usemtl 50_168_82_255.005 s off f 66 67 68 f 69 70 71 f 72 69 71 f 73 66 74 f 72 66 69 f 75 74 72 f 76 74 77 f 68 69 66 f 66 78 67 f 69 68 70 f 71 79 72 f 79 75 72 f 73 78 66 f 72 74 66 f 75 77 74 f 76 73 74 usemtl 168_98_17_255.005 f 70 80 71 f 75 79 80 f 80 78 73 f 67 80 68 f 67 81 82 f 82 83 84 f 84 85 86 f 86 87 88 f 80 79 71 f 80 76 77 f 77 75 80 f 80 67 78 f 73 76 80 f 80 70 68 f 67 78 81 f 82 81 83 f 84 83 85 f 86 85 87 o basic_island_6_Cube.008 v 8.130775 1.376096 -0.851220 v 5.648036 1.376096 -2.206213 v 6.211909 1.376096 -0.287347 v 7.566901 1.376096 -2.770086 v 6.889405 -0.623904 -1.528717 usemtl 50_168_82_255.006 s off f 89 90 91 f 89 92 90 usemtl 168_98_17_255.006 f 90 93 91 f 91 93 89 f 89 93 92 f 92 93 90 o basic_island_7_Cube.010 v 8.202680 2.453582 3.957275 v 9.952051 2.453583 2.957275 v 8.202680 2.453583 2.532180 v 7.202680 2.453583 2.957275 v 6.752548 2.453582 3.957275 v 7.202680 2.453582 4.957275 v 9.952051 2.453582 4.957275 v 8.202680 2.453582 5.346972 v 10.407454 2.453582 3.957275 v 8.202680 -1.000001 3.957275 usemtl 50_168_82_255.007 s off f 94 95 96 f 94 97 98 f 99 94 98 f 100 94 101 f 94 102 95 f 94 96 97 f 99 101 94 f 100 102 94 usemtl 168_98_17_255.007 f 97 103 98 f 99 103 101 f 100 103 102 f 95 103 96 f 103 99 98 f 103 100 101 f 103 95 102 f 103 97 96 o basic_island_8_Cube.011 v 13.277486 2.458074 5.185903 v 11.277486 2.458076 3.185903 v 11.277486 2.458074 5.185903 v 13.277486 2.458076 3.185903 v 12.277486 0.458074 4.185902 usemtl 50_168_82_255.008 s off f 104 105 106 f 104 107 105 usemtl 168_98_17_255.008 f 105 108 106 f 106 108 104 f 104 108 107 f 107 108 105 o basic_island_9_Cube.012 v 13.277486 2.233376 8.432108 v 11.277486 2.233376 6.432107 v 11.277486 2.233376 8.432108 v 13.277486 2.233376 6.432107 v 12.277486 0.233376 7.432107 usemtl 50_168_82_255.009 s off f 109 110 111 f 109 112 110 usemtl 168_98_17_255.009 f 110 113 111 f 111 113 109 f 109 113 112 f 112 113 110 o boundcing_platfor.001_Icosphere.002 v 5.411516 2.595855 20.452759 v 5.317766 2.653796 20.840717 v 5.631635 2.893569 20.612682 v 6.333463 2.893567 20.840717 v 6.065385 2.893569 20.471746 v 5.945501 3.003779 20.840717 v 6.453350 2.653796 20.471745 v 6.149461 2.595855 20.212982 v 5.751517 2.653797 20.243708 v 5.411516 2.595855 21.228676 v 5.631635 2.893569 21.068752 v 5.751517 2.653796 21.437727 v 6.065385 2.893569 21.209688 v 6.453350 2.653796 21.209690 v 5.243669 2.265830 20.612682 v 5.511745 2.265829 21.437731 v 5.945501 2.265829 21.578667 v 6.379257 2.265829 21.437731 v 6.149461 2.595855 21.468452 v 6.647333 2.265830 21.068752 v 6.605542 2.595852 20.840717 v 6.379257 2.265830 20.243704 v 5.945501 2.265830 20.102768 v 5.511745 2.265830 20.243704 v 6.647333 2.265830 20.612682 v 5.243669 2.265830 21.068752 v 6.676844 3.113138 20.109255 v 5.200945 2.755565 19.717611 v 5.200945 3.113138 20.109255 v 4.834295 2.790349 21.585152 v 5.200945 3.113137 21.585152 v 6.676844 2.812685 22.005156 v 6.676844 3.113137 21.585152 v 6.978134 2.836218 20.109255 v 6.676844 2.755565 19.717611 v 4.834295 2.790349 20.109255 v 5.200945 2.812685 22.005156 v 6.978134 2.836217 21.585152 usemtl 125_12_156_255.001 s off f 114 115 116 f 117 118 119 f 117 120 118 f 120 121 118 f 118 116 119 f 118 122 116 f 115 123 124 f 124 125 126 f 126 127 117 f 128 115 114 f 129 125 123 f 129 130 125 f 131 127 132 f 133 134 127 f 135 136 121 f 137 128 114 f 130 131 132 f 133 138 134 usemtl 196_13_193_255.001 f 132 127 126 f 116 124 119 f 127 134 117 f 138 120 134 f 138 135 120 f 135 121 120 f 130 132 125 usemtl 171_0_111_255.001 f 123 125 124 f 121 122 118 f 134 120 117 f 116 115 124 f 124 126 119 f 136 122 121 f 136 137 122 usemtl 235__45_92_255.001 f 122 114 116 f 125 132 126 f 126 117 119 f 137 114 122 f 128 139 115 f 139 123 115 f 131 133 127 f 139 129 123 usemtl 45_188_235_150.001 f 140 141 142 f 142 143 144 f 144 145 146 f 146 147 140 f 146 142 144 f 140 148 141 f 142 149 143 f 144 150 145 f 146 151 147 f 146 140 142 o boundcing_platfor_Icosphere.001 v 7.075100 0.083195 0.667870 v 6.981351 0.141136 1.055829 v 7.295219 0.380909 0.827794 v 7.997047 0.380907 1.055829 v 7.728970 0.380909 0.686858 v 7.609086 0.491119 1.055829 v 8.116934 0.141136 0.686856 v 7.813046 0.083195 0.428093 v 7.415102 0.141137 0.458819 v 7.075100 0.083195 1.443787 v 7.295219 0.380909 1.283863 v 7.415102 0.141137 1.652838 v 7.728970 0.380909 1.424799 v 8.116934 0.141136 1.424801 v 6.907253 -0.246830 0.827793 v 7.175330 -0.246830 1.652842 v 7.609086 -0.246830 1.793777 v 8.042841 -0.246830 1.652842 v 7.813046 0.083195 1.683564 v 8.310918 -0.246830 1.283864 v 8.269126 0.083192 1.055829 v 8.042841 -0.246830 0.458816 v 7.609086 -0.246830 0.317880 v 7.175330 -0.246830 0.458816 v 8.310918 -0.246830 0.827793 v 6.907253 -0.246830 1.283864 v 8.340428 0.600478 0.324366 v 6.864530 0.242905 -0.067278 v 6.864530 0.600478 0.324366 v 6.497880 0.277689 1.800263 v 6.864530 0.600478 1.800263 v 8.340428 0.300025 2.220266 v 8.340428 0.600478 1.800263 v 8.641719 0.323558 0.324366 v 8.340428 0.242905 -0.067278 v 6.497880 0.277689 0.324366 v 6.864530 0.300025 2.220266 v 8.641719 0.323558 1.800263 usemtl 125_12_156_255 s off f 152 153 154 f 155 156 157 f 155 158 156 f 158 159 156 f 156 154 157 f 156 160 154 f 153 161 162 f 162 163 164 f 164 165 155 f 166 153 152 f 167 163 161 f 167 168 163 f 169 165 170 f 171 172 165 f 173 174 159 f 175 166 152 f 168 169 170 f 171 176 172 usemtl 196_13_193_255 f 170 165 164 f 154 162 157 f 165 172 155 f 176 158 172 f 176 173 158 f 173 159 158 f 168 170 163 usemtl 171_0_111_255 f 161 163 162 f 159 160 156 f 172 158 155 f 154 153 162 f 162 164 157 f 174 160 159 f 174 175 160 usemtl 235__45_92_255 f 160 152 154 f 163 170 164 f 164 155 157 f 175 152 160 f 166 177 153 f 177 161 153 f 169 171 165 f 177 167 161 usemtl 45_188_235_150 f 178 179 180 f 180 181 182 f 182 183 184 f 184 185 178 f 184 180 182 f 178 186 179 f 180 187 181 f 182 188 183 f 184 189 185 f 184 178 180 o Cube1_Cube.019 v -1.912732 -0.883629 20.583040 v -2.584237 -0.478198 20.307207 v -2.462513 -1.020058 20.554745 v -2.034455 -0.341769 20.335503 v -2.477145 -0.767494 19.621279 v -1.927364 -0.631065 19.649574 v -2.355422 -1.309354 19.868816 v -1.805640 -1.172925 19.897112 usemtl 67_93_102_255.001 s off f 190 191 192 f 193 194 191 f 195 196 194 f 197 192 196 f 194 192 191 f 193 197 195 f 190 193 191 f 193 195 194 f 195 197 196 f 197 190 192 f 194 196 192 f 193 190 197 o Cube2_Cube.020 v -2.049874 -0.636831 22.236879 v -2.277856 -0.761342 21.994404 v -2.287514 -0.604751 22.201548 v -2.040216 -0.793423 22.029736 v -2.340003 -1.014293 22.182726 v -2.102362 -1.046374 22.218058 v -2.349661 -0.857702 22.389870 v -2.112021 -0.889783 22.425201 usemtl 67_93_102_255.002 s off f 198 199 200 f 201 202 199 f 203 204 202 f 205 200 204 f 202 200 199 f 201 205 203 f 198 201 199 f 201 203 202 f 203 205 204 f 205 198 200 f 202 204 200 f 201 198 205 o Cube3_Cube.021 v -1.796831 0.680807 23.345087 v -2.026400 0.494142 23.018602 v -2.039937 0.713626 23.308943 v -1.783293 0.461323 23.054747 v -2.127472 0.082752 23.324881 v -1.884366 0.049933 23.361025 v -2.141010 0.302236 23.615221 v -1.897903 0.269418 23.651365 usemtl 67_93_102_255.003 s off f 206 207 208 f 209 210 207 f 211 212 210 f 213 208 212 f 210 208 207 f 209 213 211 f 206 209 207 f 209 211 210 f 211 213 212 f 213 206 208 f 210 212 208 f 209 206 213 o Cube4_Cube.022 v 1.128809 -0.016778 21.636568 v 1.255135 -0.827783 21.503567 v 1.473258 -0.398913 21.875317 v 0.910687 -0.445646 21.264818 v 1.788265 -0.662092 20.999605 v 1.443817 -0.279956 20.760857 v 2.006388 -0.233222 21.371355 v 1.661939 0.148913 21.132607 usemtl 67_93_102_255.004 s off f 214 215 216 f 217 218 215 f 219 220 218 f 221 216 220 f 218 216 215 f 217 221 219 f 214 217 215 f 217 219 218 f 219 221 220 f 221 214 216 f 218 220 216 f 217 214 221 o Cube_Cube.018 v -0.233217 -0.970550 19.259758 v -0.233217 -1.436984 18.793324 v -0.233217 -1.436984 19.259758 v -0.233217 -0.970550 18.793324 v 0.233217 -1.436984 18.793324 v 0.233217 -0.970550 18.793324 v 0.233217 -1.436984 19.259758 v 0.233217 -0.970550 19.259758 usemtl 67_93_102_255 s off f 222 223 224 f 225 226 223 f 227 228 226 f 229 224 228 f 226 224 223 f 225 229 227 f 222 225 223 f 225 227 226 f 227 229 228 f 229 222 224 f 226 228 224 f 225 222 229 o main_island_green_Cube.002 v 0.478195 5.516239 19.110088 v -2.320265 4.794250 18.388098 v -1.593648 5.516239 19.110088 v 1.128372 0.511851 20.368160 v 1.204812 4.794250 18.960644 v 2.177444 4.794250 19.360729 v -2.570908 5.516239 20.087347 v -3.292897 4.794248 22.885807 v -2.570908 5.516238 22.159189 v -2.204942 0.511730 20.368191 v -2.733620 4.794250 19.360729 v -1.593648 5.516238 23.382229 v -2.320265 4.794248 24.104221 v 1.204812 4.794248 23.858438 v 1.455455 5.516238 22.159189 v 0.478195 5.516238 23.136450 v -1.234998 0.511357 22.673241 v -0.182737 0.511409 22.673256 v 2.177444 4.794248 22.885807 v -2.204879 0.511488 21.703428 v 0.158549 0.511955 19.398289 v 1.125459 5.516239 20.659893 v 1.002253 5.516239 20.413401 v -1.541417 5.516239 19.996195 v -1.296975 5.516239 19.681238 v 0.996572 5.516239 21.351978 v 0.629567 5.516239 21.784176 v -1.235135 0.511900 19.398302 v -1.846063 5.516239 20.395535 v 0.441371 5.516239 19.669373 v -0.418282 5.516239 19.390593 v 1.128314 0.511609 21.703461 v -2.082278 5.516239 21.734789 v -1.836457 5.516239 21.343494 v -1.315831 5.516238 22.085428 v -0.430593 5.516238 22.362812 v 0.459959 5.516238 22.062654 v -1.804242 5.516239 20.784855 v -1.100598 5.516238 22.181377 usemtl 59_255_85_255 s off f 230 231 232 f 233 234 235 f 236 237 238 f 231 239 240 f 241 237 242 f 231 236 232 f 243 244 245 f 243 246 247 f 230 234 231 f 241 242 243 f 248 243 247 f 249 237 240 f 233 250 234 f 251 230 252 f 232 253 254 f 241 245 244 f 244 255 256 f 244 248 235 f 236 240 237 f 231 257 239 f 231 240 236 f 235 234 230 f 243 248 244 f 243 242 246 f 258 253 236 f 259 230 260 f 260 230 232 f 232 236 253 f 254 260 232 f 255 244 251 f 230 259 252 f 252 255 251 usemtl 8_169_0_255 f 241 243 245 f 248 247 261 f 244 235 251 f 235 230 251 f 237 246 242 f 238 262 236 f 241 238 237 f 235 248 261 f 257 231 234 f 263 262 264 f 265 241 244 f 266 244 256 f 267 236 263 f 264 241 268 f 238 241 262 f 263 236 262 f 265 268 241 f 266 265 244 f 267 258 236 f 264 262 241 o main_island_rock_Cube.003 v -2.204879 0.511488 21.703428 v -2.733620 4.794250 19.360729 v -2.204942 0.511730 20.368191 v 2.177444 4.794250 19.360729 v 1.128314 0.511609 21.703461 v 1.128372 0.511851 20.368160 v -1.235135 0.511900 19.398302 v 1.204812 4.794250 18.960644 v 0.158549 0.511955 19.398289 v -0.568462 -2.414698 21.148998 v -0.182737 0.511409 22.673256 v -1.234998 0.511357 22.673241 v -3.292897 4.794248 22.885807 usemtl 58_58_66_255.001 s off f 269 270 271 f 272 273 274 f 275 276 277 f 278 273 279 f 278 280 269 f 278 277 274 f 273 278 274 f 280 278 279 f 281 269 280 f 278 271 275 f 269 271 278 f 275 277 278 o volcano_Icosphere.001 v -1.160090 5.938056 21.408081 v -0.691610 6.017894 21.637991 v -0.724443 6.656904 21.091570 v 0.411927 5.938054 20.974215 v 0.139731 6.017894 20.465818 v -0.053358 6.656901 20.873526 v -0.309693 6.656904 20.520716 v -0.238683 5.938056 19.966005 v -0.516754 5.970784 19.961346 v -1.160090 5.938056 20.338966 v -0.697146 6.656904 20.655478 v -1.190292 6.017894 20.873526 v -0.350636 6.656904 21.171017 v -0.143294 5.938056 21.738464 v 0.275426 6.017894 21.381922 v 1.034621 5.516214 20.399490 v 0.477352 5.516215 19.632469 v -0.424327 5.516215 19.339497 v -0.470540 5.727053 19.650421 v -0.331503 5.710690 19.652750 v -1.326003 5.516215 19.632469 v -1.883272 5.516214 20.399490 v -1.883272 5.516214 21.347555 v -1.326003 5.516213 22.114574 v -0.424327 5.516213 22.407547 v 0.477352 5.516213 22.114574 v 1.034621 5.516214 21.347555 v -0.133616 6.580109 20.868793 v -0.335283 6.572890 20.599468 v -0.660594 6.577578 21.041048 v -0.352206 6.299428 20.277767 v -0.475414 5.965189 20.037846 v -0.533572 6.649166 20.565575 v -0.319696 5.954422 19.963676 v -0.657451 6.572890 20.704153 v -0.271012 5.948492 20.015545 v -0.433399 6.650363 20.539984 v -0.372260 6.570117 21.096758 v -0.373212 5.956841 20.026697 v -0.424327 6.562600 20.873526 v -0.454405 6.307775 20.288916 usemtl 58_58_66_255 s off f 282 283 284 f 285 286 287 f 287 286 288 f 286 289 288 f 290 291 292 f 293 282 284 f 284 283 294 f 283 295 294 f 294 296 287 f 296 285 287 f 297 286 285 f 297 298 286 f 299 300 301 f 302 291 290 f 303 293 291 f 303 304 293 f 305 306 283 f 306 295 283 f 307 296 295 f 307 308 296 f 298 301 289 f 306 307 295 f 309 288 310 f 311 292 284 f 312 288 289 f 313 292 314 f 300 290 315 f 298 299 301 f 309 287 288 f 311 316 292 f 289 317 312 f 312 318 288 f 313 290 292 usemtl 96_97_107_255 f 295 296 294 f 291 293 292 f 292 293 284 f 298 289 286 f 302 300 299 f 304 282 293 f 305 283 282 f 308 285 296 f 302 303 291 f 304 305 282 f 308 297 285 f 311 294 319 f 309 294 287 f 301 300 315 f 302 290 300 f 311 284 294 f 309 319 294 usemtl 207_59_0_255 f 317 320 312 f 309 310 321 f 322 314 318 f 311 319 321 f 315 290 320 f 318 292 288 f 312 320 322 f 322 313 314 f 290 313 320 f 320 317 315 f 317 289 315 f 318 314 292 usemtl 255_87_20_255 f 310 316 321 f 316 311 321 f 319 309 321 f 310 292 316 f 301 315 289 f 312 322 318 f 320 313 322 f 310 288 292]\nAdd Mesh; Name: [2pt.mCR] Data: [# Blender v2.92.0 OBJ File: '' # www.blender.org mtllib pt.mCR.mtl o Plane v 13.900488 2.736766 14.761752 v 11.900488 2.736766 12.761752 v 11.900488 2.736766 14.761752 v 13.900488 2.736766 12.761752 usemtl 153_90_31_255 s off f 1 2 3 f 1 4 2]\nAdd Mesh; Name: [2pt.mCR] Data: [# Blender v2.92.0 OBJ File: '' # www.blender.org mtllib butterfly.mtl o Cube_Cube.001 v 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1.032217 -1.101321 v 2.432532 0.948709 -1.053381 v 2.401897 1.043426 -1.038776 v 1.998409 1.199045 -0.842888 v 2.061431 1.207057 -0.590989 v 1.785177 1.219780 -0.767442 v 1.784863 1.212340 -0.837280 v 1.987367 1.074094 -1.079789 v 1.983631 1.168294 -0.958552 v 1.794612 1.180890 -0.966250 v 1.793083 1.075670 -1.101284 v 1.987528 0.917768 -1.140207 v 2.179565 0.956510 -1.113323 v 2.165295 1.075890 -1.061900 v 1.639683 1.090067 -1.118578 v 1.627517 0.961125 -1.173850 v 1.791170 0.937330 -1.160360 v 1.447237 1.102731 -1.129238 v 1.423093 1.204881 -0.990818 v 1.294691 1.215612 -1.005727 v 1.290605 1.108689 -1.129023 v 1.615381 1.191281 -0.974989 v 1.288962 0.945594 -1.177243 v 1.436017 0.963384 -1.179949 v -1.844154 1.097865 -0.697421 v -1.844655 1.102499 -0.348709 v -2.002404 1.082251 -0.348709 v -2.001795 1.077945 -0.697421 v -1.846114 1.050106 -1.101298 v -1.843730 1.094353 -0.938301 v -2.000942 1.071905 -0.937463 v -1.653531 1.068244 -1.097542 v -1.654531 0.964930 -1.196979 v -1.481705 0.916600 -1.191636 v -1.652422 1.124838 -0.348709 v -1.651844 1.119494 -0.697421 v -1.651325 1.113574 -0.937975 v -1.846682 0.960861 -1.197685 v 2.034467 0.627067 -1.142821 v 2.182129 0.871286 -1.131064 v 2.799572 0.622967 -0.733843 v 2.853468 0.621983 -0.368605 v 2.845400 0.703951 -0.367710 v 2.791760 0.780541 -0.715820 v 2.705186 0.623283 -0.867233 v 2.705922 0.780456 -0.848775 v 2.616566 0.774783 -0.988939 v 0.201722 0.686815 -1.175860 v -0.390508 0.714247 -1.170390 v 1.034674 0.637401 -1.176845 v 0.795713 0.947975 -1.170172 v -2.836846 0.604621 -0.348026 v -2.855753 0.671812 -0.351123 v 2.461268 0.754990 -1.078860 v -0.704565 0.711987 -1.170311 v 2.290206 1.073386 -1.043086 v 2.309260 1.141510 -0.943437 v 2.167192 1.155502 -0.950599 v 2.330496 1.175240 -0.838201 v 2.392928 1.188025 -0.640534 v 2.190818 1.201844 -0.611543 v 2.166682 1.187768 -0.841487 v 2.415033 1.197778 -0.348942 v 2.201991 1.212014 -0.348930 v -2.715546 0.782231 -0.691902 v -2.761651 0.789961 -0.348095 v 1.280399 1.301262 -0.894144 v 1.109797 1.296961 -0.909426 v -0.292867 1.347559 -0.841776 v -0.380068 1.386922 -0.798015 v 2.536477 1.162807 -0.813824 v 2.610014 1.181546 -0.680921 v 2.798851 0.571364 -0.736838 v 2.706676 0.551856 -0.858122 v -2.724704 0.761627 -0.696442 v -2.748356 0.726916 -0.711290 v -2.668834 0.737723 -0.881118 v -2.655137 0.769487 -0.871112 v -2.792806 0.681011 -0.697421 v -2.771084 0.611002 -0.691472 v 0.939911 1.382969 -0.849566 v 1.103009 1.384941 -0.846375 v 0.987205 1.516863 -0.751959 v 0.022660 1.543767 -0.733752 v 0.236167 1.611557 -0.699881 v 2.681289 1.191167 -0.359397 v 2.563199 1.140261 -0.827918 v 1.559555 1.234029 -0.837495 v 1.374751 1.271351 -0.864957 v 2.728960 1.179240 0.000002 v 2.714426 1.177526 -0.367181 v 2.647120 1.170154 -0.695997 v 2.305740 0.830502 -1.109403 v 2.594741 0.840403 -0.972131 v 2.672673 0.838759 -0.837310 v 2.722959 0.837338 -0.695339 v 2.837332 0.785919 -0.366815 v 2.757022 0.836854 -0.347986 v 2.689802 0.474161 -0.695484 v 2.613590 0.450310 -0.819533 v 2.449898 0.372069 -1.007307 v 2.829142 0.574018 -0.370307 v -0.086754 1.666055 -0.308432 v 0.234262 1.726562 -0.285358 v 0.711072 1.725367 -0.295359 v 0.941890 1.699611 -0.294752 v 0.710942 1.717644 0.000002 v 2.745753 1.044573 0.000002 v 2.732293 1.142304 0.000002 v -2.755284 0.744808 -0.616674 v -2.791928 0.711316 -0.551333 v 2.801408 0.678438 -0.347807 v 2.808110 0.606268 -0.348562 v -2.801692 0.793564 0.000002 v 2.775664 0.830997 0.000002 v 2.725801 0.473000 -0.348197 v 0.710355 1.610593 -0.695074 v 0.835884 1.509936 -0.759326 v 0.964458 1.604879 -0.688150 v 2.037436 0.390242 -1.138445 v 2.077804 0.350623 -1.134456 v 1.557542 1.236411 -0.817039 v -1.260508 0.655901 -1.180428 v 2.537379 0.426459 -0.943583 v -1.099367 0.570465 -1.140182 v -1.066192 0.448713 -1.136429 v -0.977808 0.709613 -1.150911 v -2.651261 0.599955 -0.947710 v -2.607111 0.450745 -0.913310 v -2.701485 0.394897 -0.708631 v -2.690758 0.334801 -0.691326 v -2.743710 0.411839 -0.548134 v -2.760955 0.318103 -0.348026 v -2.778383 0.553249 -0.558426 v -2.763742 0.585834 -0.690454 v -2.832790 0.586607 -0.344001 v -2.805929 0.563641 -0.442036 v -2.778344 0.435983 -0.413618 v -2.786480 0.395366 -0.326666 v 2.469826 0.841705 -1.058873 v 2.288918 0.975195 -1.087649 v 2.695041 0.471347 -0.331113 v 2.784441 0.558997 -0.350257 v -0.076883 1.602082 -0.617883 v -0.097097 1.622032 -0.478396 v -0.479468 1.409919 -0.616559 v -0.398970 1.392462 -0.763083 v -1.068910 1.178356 -0.341235 v -0.588741 1.412943 -0.345134 v -0.966740 1.181071 -0.678018 v -0.122549 1.648357 -0.310798 v -0.701298 1.171939 -0.885678 v 1.095878 1.658089 -0.286897 v 1.106821 1.637754 -0.429295 v 2.035098 1.225814 -0.565660 v 2.166603 1.228060 -0.337017 v 2.210674 1.223579 0.000002 v 1.773404 1.243991 -0.736724 v 1.118908 1.621047 -0.569953 v 1.141083 1.581864 -0.659365 v 1.179872 1.502663 -0.716316 v 1.402642 1.322420 -0.782881 v 1.560210 1.262567 -0.786004 v 1.286137 1.400113 -0.765520 v -0.424075 1.181013 -0.930469 v 0.243109 1.577825 -0.721338 v 0.041246 1.513274 -0.752613 v -0.266961 1.321652 -0.858187 v 0.198767 0.321039 -1.170964 v 0.939195 1.292661 -0.913558 v 0.974167 0.324619 -1.176869 v 1.015103 0.377186 -1.177166 v 1.266107 1.386912 -0.797961 v 1.149347 1.496131 -0.742794 v 1.058613 1.672463 -0.289833 v 1.051161 1.673377 0.000002 v 1.104051 1.583401 -0.675585 v 1.389870 1.302393 -0.815432 v 0.196587 1.183314 -0.957236 v 0.694433 1.576968 -0.716855 v -0.973155 0.725236 -1.145988 v -1.104934 0.716409 -1.178187 v -1.168309 0.577406 -1.179529 v -1.158778 0.696556 -1.179389 v -1.260607 0.368338 -1.175105 v -1.232566 0.356857 -1.174521 v -1.133313 0.457730 -1.175075 v -1.227448 0.350696 -1.174344 v -1.094233 0.440451 -1.174260 v -0.981731 0.330126 -1.170962 v -0.709375 0.332103 -1.167440 v -0.982071 0.390859 -1.171920 v -0.394031 0.329925 -1.167354 v -1.093987 0.694951 -1.130453 v -1.145689 0.570883 -1.136801 v -1.143280 0.677529 -1.127457 v -1.119392 0.471954 -1.131857 v -2.589139 0.582926 -0.877913 v -2.684285 0.570517 -0.666770 v -2.689977 0.547798 -0.565899 v -2.672649 0.467559 -0.560953 v -2.645797 0.453200 -0.683914 v -2.561257 0.502194 -0.857618 v -2.725726 0.453472 -0.318496 v -2.714559 0.483999 -0.380391 v -2.726592 0.559874 -0.397008 v -2.750058 0.571538 -0.337898 v -1.099224 0.470166 -1.119543 v -1.122011 0.570478 -1.124784 v -1.140182 0.570667 -1.121403 v -1.114951 0.478039 -1.117038 v -1.119105 0.676878 -1.115420 v -1.137920 0.669228 -1.112904 v -1.220624 0.328600 -1.173877 v 2.298114 0.358601 -0.323724 v 2.167691 0.351460 -0.323833 v 1.997941 0.349769 -0.710596 v 2.037432 0.390248 -0.710596 v 2.034426 0.626189 -0.710596 v 1.790473 0.938291 -0.710596 v 1.628531 0.961636 -0.710596 v 1.437117 0.963866 -0.710596 v 1.289247 0.946522 -0.710596 v 1.034964 0.638746 -0.710596 v 1.014122 0.377723 -0.710596 v 1.050936 0.338333 -0.710596 v -1.300582 0.330095 -0.693471 v -1.260607 0.368345 -0.693471 v -1.260508 0.655901 -0.693471 v -1.481705 0.916600 -0.693471 v -1.654492 0.964918 -0.693471 v -1.846704 0.960853 -0.693471 v -2.029054 0.900548 -0.693471 v -2.249968 0.654130 -0.693471 v -2.249175 0.411623 -0.693471 v -2.209082 0.369873 -0.693471 v -2.249053 0.370453 -0.349979 v -2.448104 0.338559 -0.351250 v 2.037938 0.350252 0.000002 v 2.037938 0.350252 -0.324359 v 2.449899 0.372069 -0.324034 v -2.535844 0.301112 -0.348588 v -2.690758 0.334801 -0.349057 v 2.613591 0.450310 -0.329775 v 2.537379 0.426459 -0.328169 v 2.613591 0.450310 -0.698915 v 2.537379 0.426459 -0.702346 v 2.449899 0.372069 -0.710594 v 2.298114 0.358601 -0.711998 v 2.167691 0.351460 -0.712497 v 2.077934 0.350624 -0.711706 v 0.973164 0.324781 -0.711317 v 0.930619 0.310062 -0.713034 v 0.790465 0.312164 -0.712011 v -0.709375 0.332103 -0.701474 v -0.981731 0.330126 -0.700454 v -1.220625 0.328600 -0.697376 v -2.288986 0.371306 -0.694701 v -2.451028 0.374771 -0.685939 v -2.544249 0.338539 -0.691448 v -2.249053 0.370453 -0.656861 v -1.260621 0.328345 -0.656861 v 1.011061 0.337792 -0.669793 v 2.037938 0.350252 -0.671353 v -1.260770 0.329351 -0.695415 v 1.014056 0.331907 -0.710938 v 2.037364 0.350190 -0.711143 v -2.246752 0.371101 -0.694051 v 0.757573 1.223628 -0.971968 v 0.794044 1.496590 -0.767045 v 2.518964 1.166394 -0.825350 v 2.571173 1.191503 -0.831516 v 2.175962 1.214225 -0.849908 v 2.173236 1.191226 -0.839710 v 2.579797 1.222674 -0.556189 v 2.578120 1.216616 -0.466978 v 2.294094 1.238219 -0.506309 v 2.251690 1.245412 -0.565494 v 2.607711 1.323572 -0.857495 v 2.271050 1.340091 -0.857495 v 2.207727 1.262339 -0.746518 v 2.584268 1.238835 -0.756323 v 2.538224 1.164688 -0.722743 v 2.174583 1.195662 -0.722743 v 2.240094 1.204051 -0.546375 v 2.560640 1.177767 -0.530209 v 2.530210 1.157028 -0.764202 v 2.166687 1.188531 -0.765773 v 2.633392 1.416396 -0.828075 v 2.489515 1.419568 -0.828075 v 2.311673 1.365382 -0.845301 v 2.617563 1.359182 -0.845301 v 2.512983 1.151721 -0.787385 v 2.169330 1.178415 -0.788838 v 2.274225 1.345893 -0.807468 v 2.355838 1.342334 -0.805624 v 2.609397 1.329666 -0.807468 v 2.633170 1.415593 -0.815426 v 2.489206 1.418798 -0.815426 v 2.618330 1.361956 -0.810485 v 2.313739 1.368019 -0.810485 v 2.572000 1.194491 -0.450667 v 2.554561 1.184278 -0.461067 v 2.277424 1.205420 -0.500398 v 2.267028 1.218897 -0.489999 v 2.154179 1.212434 -0.730956 v 2.154607 1.195141 -0.791431 v 2.157663 1.181155 -0.808131 v 2.218523 1.215849 -0.544634 v 2.563195 1.162664 -0.784690 v 2.568280 1.181045 -0.730545 v 2.524761 1.153025 -0.803120 v 2.570935 1.190643 -0.530510 v 2.609397 1.329666 0.000002 v 2.313740 1.368019 0.000002 v 2.291924 0.670709 -1.140895 v 2.275949 0.664814 -1.123194 v 2.377577 0.663990 -1.101310 v 2.370396 0.670072 -1.123998 v 2.292255 0.711536 -1.140895 v 2.370728 0.710899 -1.123998 v 2.378006 0.716864 -1.101310 v 2.276377 0.717689 -1.123194 v -1.020473 0.879940 -1.192574 v -1.032697 0.874015 -1.172111 v -0.928753 0.873172 -1.170430 v -0.940212 0.879289 -1.191277 v -1.020141 0.920768 -1.192574 v -0.939881 0.920117 -1.191277 v -0.928324 0.926047 -1.170430 v -1.032268 0.926890 -1.172111 v -2.690283 0.706091 -0.878283 v -2.818212 0.683429 -0.530710 v -2.774457 0.693029 -0.710375 v 2.803498 0.669608 -0.691218 v 2.797509 0.667560 -0.722975 v 2.741707 0.662647 -0.811256 v 2.684602 0.675537 -0.886230 v 2.686423 0.703696 -0.885146 v 2.737953 0.707035 -0.808826 v 2.796425 0.710799 -0.721119 v 2.799191 0.709683 -0.690620 v 2.298114 0.358601 1.091162 v 2.167691 0.351460 1.127133 v 2.179591 0.627653 1.149128 v 2.313976 0.626870 1.127175 v -2.451018 0.375942 1.116533 v -2.544249 0.338539 0.963534 v -2.644707 0.626840 0.979392 v -2.436881 0.674688 1.117397 v -0.393298 0.402449 1.168741 v -0.392473 0.516748 1.171605 v 0.200651 0.552969 1.175952 v 0.199502 0.412049 1.172924 v 0.235529 1.671174 0.608946 v -0.035865 1.613346 0.643047 v -0.061309 1.639700 0.475742 v 0.234950 1.705582 0.426387 v -0.388014 1.071695 1.083391 v -0.518618 1.146578 0.947354 v 0.197119 1.149406 0.978515 v 0.204896 1.078131 1.092680 v 1.080740 1.631099 0.578476 v 0.941416 1.656351 0.577014 v 0.941657 1.678457 0.441880 v 1.069677 1.651781 0.434157 v 0.936023 1.094650 1.117147 v 0.938479 1.202353 0.997485 v 1.116585 1.208982 1.001608 v 1.113314 1.101669 1.123087 v -0.708180 0.526562 1.170316 v -0.709467 0.393573 1.170316 v -0.980319 0.400039 1.150915 v -0.979258 0.530822 1.152546 v -0.996178 1.159385 0.697425 v -1.256296 1.156170 0.697425 v -1.256351 1.158833 0.348714 v -1.103933 1.160259 0.348714 v -0.703372 1.072190 1.081616 v -0.976541 1.073744 1.080906 v -0.971124 1.142278 0.932325 v -0.702203 1.150224 0.928234 v 0.930619 0.310062 1.176476 v 0.790465 0.312165 1.175421 v 0.793146 0.639194 1.186109 v 0.933348 0.638045 1.188052 v 0.710775 1.679805 0.590804 v 0.710924 1.702586 0.443084 v 0.796301 1.091493 1.112472 v 0.793729 1.192016 0.993781 v -2.436599 0.861140 1.058614 v -2.632854 0.773545 0.926048 v -2.495373 0.913825 0.926998 v -2.561233 0.917512 0.697425 v -2.675503 0.832903 0.694495 v -2.696449 0.854946 0.348714 v -2.573369 0.928510 0.348714 v -1.478636 1.137932 0.697425 v -1.479116 1.144148 0.348714 v -1.256246 1.075374 1.080221 v -1.480240 1.083028 1.091416 v -1.477678 1.125522 0.936608 v -1.255842 1.134460 0.936415 v 2.473760 1.110412 0.951340 v 2.392420 1.084436 1.004675 v 2.436207 1.127690 0.936763 v 2.614502 0.532349 0.979411 v 2.442984 0.403223 1.048539 v 2.443174 0.624005 1.087490 v 2.599234 0.595382 1.001496 v -2.246107 1.040078 0.697425 v -2.240026 1.019146 0.934238 v -2.288995 0.372477 1.123789 v -2.249968 0.654130 1.155322 v -2.249174 0.411403 1.129766 v -2.246646 1.042196 0.348714 v -2.244969 0.945165 1.083499 v 0.935981 0.947339 1.171816 v 1.112471 0.946466 1.174532 v -2.642737 0.717838 0.952682 v -2.439195 0.783268 1.106635 v 2.713718 0.912230 0.691813 v 2.655304 1.139192 0.696252 v 2.719937 1.146034 0.359627 v 2.722446 1.040840 0.348489 v 2.570507 0.897634 0.967453 v 2.485314 1.080572 0.951821 v 2.570335 1.109881 0.824036 v 2.667191 0.877799 0.827274 v -0.704353 0.951157 1.163634 v -0.388963 0.954765 1.160791 v -1.258136 0.928391 1.177451 v -0.977979 0.939513 1.170661 v 0.203862 0.950660 1.163261 v -2.250290 0.821733 1.158237 v -2.004467 1.032217 1.101326 v -2.029054 0.900548 1.193617 v 2.432532 0.948709 1.053385 v 1.998409 1.199045 0.842893 v 1.784863 1.212340 0.837284 v 1.785177 1.219780 0.767446 v 2.061431 1.207057 0.590994 v 1.987367 1.074094 1.079794 v 1.793083 1.075670 1.101289 v 1.794612 1.180890 0.966254 v 1.983631 1.168294 0.958556 v 2.165295 1.075890 1.061905 v 2.179565 0.956510 1.113328 v 1.987528 0.917768 1.140212 v 1.639683 1.090067 1.118582 v 1.791171 0.937330 1.160365 v 1.627517 0.961126 1.173854 v 1.447237 1.102731 1.129243 v 1.290605 1.108689 1.129028 v 1.294691 1.215612 1.005732 v 1.423092 1.204881 0.990822 v 1.615381 1.191281 0.974993 v 1.436016 0.963384 1.179954 v 1.288962 0.945594 1.177247 v -1.844154 1.097865 0.697425 v -2.001795 1.077945 0.697425 v -2.002404 1.082251 0.348713 v -1.844656 1.102499 0.348714 v -1.846114 1.050106 1.101303 v -2.000942 1.071906 0.937467 v -1.843731 1.094353 0.938306 v -1.653531 1.068244 1.097547 v -1.481705 0.916600 1.191641 v -1.654531 0.964930 1.196984 v -1.651844 1.119494 0.697425 v -1.652423 1.124838 0.348714 v -1.651326 1.113574 0.937980 v -1.846683 0.960861 1.197689 v 2.034467 0.627067 1.142826 v 2.182130 0.871286 1.131069 v 2.797509 0.667560 0.722980 v 2.796424 0.710799 0.721124 v 2.799191 0.709683 0.690625 v 2.803498 0.669608 0.691222 v 2.684602 0.675537 0.886235 v 2.686423 0.703697 0.885151 v 2.737953 0.707035 0.808831 v 2.741707 0.662647 0.811261 v -0.390508 0.714247 1.170394 v 0.201722 0.686815 1.175864 v 1.034674 0.637401 1.176849 v 0.795712 0.947975 1.170177 v -2.855753 0.671812 0.351128 v -2.836846 0.604621 0.348031 v 2.461268 0.754990 1.078864 v -0.704565 0.711987 1.170316 v 2.290206 1.073386 1.043091 v 2.167192 1.155502 0.950604 v 2.309261 1.141510 0.943442 v 2.330496 1.175240 0.838206 v 2.166682 1.187768 0.841491 v 2.190818 1.201844 0.611547 v 2.392928 1.188025 0.640538 v 2.201991 1.212014 0.348935 v 2.415032 1.197778 0.348946 v -2.715546 0.782232 0.691906 v -2.761650 0.789961 0.348100 v 1.109797 1.296962 0.909430 v 1.280399 1.301262 0.894148 v -0.380068 1.386922 0.798020 v -0.292867 1.347559 0.841781 v 2.536477 1.162807 0.813829 v 2.610014 1.181546 0.680926 v 2.798851 0.571364 0.736843 v 2.706677 0.551856 0.858127 v 2.705186 0.623283 0.867238 v 2.799571 0.622967 0.733847 v -2.724705 0.761627 0.696447 v -2.655137 0.769487 0.871117 v -2.668834 0.737723 0.881122 v -2.748357 0.726916 0.711295 v -2.792806 0.681011 0.697425 v -2.771084 0.611002 0.691476 v 0.939912 1.382969 0.849571 v 0.987204 1.516863 0.751964 v 1.103009 1.384941 0.846379 v 0.022660 1.543767 0.733757 v 0.236167 1.611558 0.699885 v 2.681289 1.191167 0.359401 v 2.696187 1.195116 0.000002 v 2.563199 1.140261 0.827922 v 1.559556 1.234029 0.837500 v 1.374751 1.271351 0.864962 v 2.714426 1.177526 0.367186 v 2.647120 1.170154 0.696002 v 2.305740 0.830502 1.109408 v 2.594741 0.840404 0.972136 v 2.672673 0.838759 0.837315 v 2.705923 0.780456 0.848780 v 2.616566 0.774783 0.988944 v 2.722959 0.837338 0.695344 v 2.757022 0.836854 0.347991 v 2.837332 0.785919 0.366820 v 2.791760 0.780541 0.715824 v 2.689801 0.474161 0.695489 v 2.613590 0.450310 0.819538 v 2.449899 0.372069 1.007312 v 2.829143 0.574018 0.370312 v 2.853468 0.621983 0.368610 v -0.086754 1.666055 0.308436 v 0.236349 1.730594 0.000002 v 0.234262 1.726562 0.285363 v -1.256407 1.161496 0.000002 v 0.711072 1.725368 0.295363 v 0.941862 1.696129 0.000002 v 0.941890 1.699611 0.294757 v -2.588207 0.945190 0.000002 v -1.479595 1.150363 0.000002 v -2.247185 1.044314 0.000002 v -2.755284 0.744808 0.616678 v -2.791928 0.711316 0.551338 v -2.003025 1.086644 0.000002 v -1.845161 1.107167 0.000002 v -1.653003 1.130180 0.000002 v 2.801407 0.678438 0.347812 v 2.838647 0.608434 0.000002 v 2.808110 0.606268 0.348567 v 2.864190 0.779220 0.000002 v 2.725801 0.473000 0.348202 v 0.710355 1.610594 0.695078 v 0.964458 1.604879 0.688155 v 0.835883 1.509936 0.759330 v 2.077804 0.350623 1.134460 v 2.037436 0.390242 1.138449 v 2.248140 1.208684 0.000002 v 1.557542 1.236412 0.817043 v -1.260508 0.655901 1.180433 v 2.537379 0.426459 0.943587 v -1.066192 0.448713 1.136434 v -1.099367 0.570466 1.140187 v -0.977808 0.709613 1.150915 v 2.401897 1.043426 1.038781 v -2.607111 0.450745 0.913315 v -2.651261 0.599955 0.947715 v -2.690758 0.334801 0.691331 v -2.701485 0.394898 0.708636 v -2.760955 0.318103 0.348030 v -2.743710 0.411839 0.548139 v -2.763742 0.585834 0.690459 v -2.778383 0.553249 0.558431 v -2.805930 0.563641 0.442041 v -2.832790 0.586607 0.344005 v -2.778344 0.435983 0.413623 v -2.786480 0.395366 0.326671 v -2.770477 0.317644 0.000002 v -2.792946 0.385348 0.000002 v 2.469826 0.841705 1.058877 v 2.288918 0.975195 1.087654 v 2.845400 0.703951 0.367715 v 2.784441 0.558997 0.350262 v 2.695041 0.471347 0.331118 v 2.815081 0.560241 0.000002 v 2.712139 0.472016 0.000002 v -0.076883 1.602082 0.617887 v -0.398970 1.392462 0.763088 v -0.528744 1.399543 0.586583 v -0.097097 1.622032 0.478401 v -1.068910 1.178356 0.341240 v -1.111049 1.178627 0.000002 v -0.595343 1.413157 0.328575 v -0.966740 1.181071 0.678022 v -0.122549 1.648357 0.310803 v -0.701298 1.171939 0.885683 v 1.095878 1.658089 0.286901 v 2.166603 1.228060 0.337022 v 2.035098 1.225814 0.565665 v 1.106821 1.637754 0.429299 v 1.088385 1.658702 0.000002 v 1.773404 1.243991 0.736729 v 1.560210 1.262567 0.786009 v 1.402642 1.322420 0.782885 v 1.179872 1.502663 0.716320 v 1.141082 1.581864 0.659369 v 1.118908 1.621047 0.569957 v 1.286137 1.400113 0.765525 v -0.424075 1.181013 0.930474 v -0.266961 1.321652 0.858192 v 0.041246 1.513274 0.752618 v 0.243109 1.577825 0.721343 v 0.198768 0.321039 1.170969 v 0.939195 1.292662 0.913563 v 0.974167 0.324619 1.176873 v 1.015103 0.377186 1.177170 v 1.149347 1.496131 0.742799 v 1.266107 1.386912 0.797966 v 1.058613 1.672463 0.289837 v 1.104051 1.583401 0.675589 v 1.389870 1.302393 0.815437 v 0.694433 1.576968 0.716859 v 0.196587 1.183314 0.957241 v -0.973155 0.725236 1.145993 v -1.104934 0.716409 1.178191 v -1.158778 0.696556 1.179394 v -1.168309 0.577406 1.179533 v -1.133313 0.457730 1.175079 v -1.232566 0.356857 1.174526 v -1.260607 0.368338 1.175109 v -1.094233 0.440451 1.174264 v -1.227448 0.350696 1.174348 v -0.981731 0.330126 1.170967 v -0.982071 0.390860 1.171925 v -0.709375 0.332103 1.167445 v -0.394031 0.329926 1.167358 v -1.093987 0.694952 1.130457 v -1.143280 0.677529 1.127462 v -1.145689 0.570883 1.136806 v -1.119391 0.471954 1.131861 v -2.589139 0.582926 0.877918 v -2.561257 0.502194 0.857623 v -2.645797 0.453200 0.683918 v -2.672649 0.467559 0.560958 v -2.689977 0.547798 0.565903 v -2.684285 0.570517 0.666774 v -2.725725 0.453472 0.318500 v -2.714559 0.483999 0.380396 v -2.726592 0.559874 0.397012 v -2.750058 0.571538 0.337903 v -2.783311 0.569389 0.000002 v -1.099224 0.470166 1.119548 v -1.114951 0.478039 1.117043 v -1.140182 0.570667 1.121408 v -1.122011 0.570478 1.124789 v -1.137920 0.669228 1.112909 v -1.119105 0.676878 1.115425 v -1.220624 0.328600 1.173881 v 2.298114 0.358601 0.000002 v 2.167691 0.351460 0.323838 v 2.298114 0.358601 0.323728 v 1.997941 0.349769 0.710601 v 1.050936 0.338333 0.710601 v 1.014123 0.377723 0.710601 v 1.034964 0.638746 0.710601 v 1.289247 0.946522 0.710601 v 1.437117 0.963866 0.710601 v 1.628532 0.961636 0.710601 v 1.790474 0.938291 0.710601 v 2.034426 0.626189 0.710601 v 2.037432 0.390248 0.710601 v -1.300582 0.330095 0.693476 v -2.209082 0.369873 0.693476 v -2.249175 0.411623 0.693476 v -2.249968 0.654130 0.693476 v -2.029054 0.900548 0.693476 v -1.846704 0.960853 0.693476 v -1.654492 0.964918 0.693476 v -1.481705 0.916600 0.693476 v -1.260508 0.655901 0.693476 v -1.260607 0.368345 0.693476 v -2.249053 0.370453 0.349984 v -2.448105 0.338559 0.351238 v -2.451028 0.374771 0.000002 v 2.037938 0.350252 0.324363 v 2.449899 0.372069 0.324039 v -2.535845 0.301112 0.348576 v -2.544258 0.337368 0.000002 v -2.690758 0.334801 0.349062 v 2.613590 0.450310 0.329779 v 2.537379 0.426459 0.328174 v 2.613590 0.450310 0.698920 v 2.537379 0.426459 0.702351 v 2.449899 0.372069 0.710598 v 2.298114 0.358601 0.712002 v 2.167691 0.351460 0.712502 v 2.077935 0.350624 0.711710 v 0.973164 0.324782 0.711322 v 0.930619 0.310062 0.713039 v 0.790465 0.312164 0.712016 v -0.709375 0.332103 0.701479 v -0.981731 0.330126 0.700459 v -1.220625 0.328600 0.697381 v -2.288986 0.371307 0.694706 v -2.451028 0.374771 0.685944 v -2.544258 0.337368 0.691453 v -2.249053 0.370453 0.656865 v -1.260621 0.328345 0.656865 v 1.011061 0.337792 0.669798 v 2.037938 0.350252 0.671358 v -1.260770 0.329351 0.695420 v 1.014056 0.331907 0.710943 v 2.037364 0.350190 0.711148 v -2.246752 0.371101 0.694056 v -0.142963 1.653263 0.000002 v 0.757573 1.223628 0.971973 v 0.794044 1.496591 0.767050 v 2.518964 1.166394 0.825354 v 2.173236 1.191226 0.839715 v 2.175962 1.214225 0.849912 v 2.571173 1.191503 0.831520 v 2.579797 1.222674 0.556193 v 2.251690 1.245412 0.565499 v 2.294095 1.238219 0.506314 v 2.578120 1.216616 0.466982 v 2.271050 1.340091 0.857499 v 2.607711 1.323572 0.857499 v 2.584268 1.238835 0.756328 v 2.207728 1.262340 0.746523 v 2.538224 1.164688 0.722747 v 2.560640 1.177767 0.530214 v 2.240094 1.204051 0.546379 v 2.174584 1.195662 0.722747 v 2.166687 1.188531 0.765777 v 2.530210 1.157028 0.764207 v 2.633392 1.416396 0.828079 v 2.617563 1.359182 0.845305 v 2.311673 1.365382 0.845305 v 2.489515 1.419568 0.828079 v 2.169330 1.178415 0.788843 v 2.512982 1.151721 0.787389 v 2.609397 1.329666 0.807472 v 2.355838 1.342334 0.805629 v 2.274225 1.345893 0.807472 v 2.489206 1.418798 0.815431 v 2.633170 1.415593 0.815431 v 2.313739 1.368019 0.810490 v 2.618331 1.361956 0.810489 v 2.572000 1.194491 0.450672 v 2.267028 1.218897 0.490003 v 2.277424 1.205420 0.500402 v 2.554561 1.184278 0.461071 v 2.154607 1.195141 0.791436 v 2.154179 1.212434 0.730960 v 2.157663 1.181155 0.808135 v 2.218523 1.215849 0.544639 v 2.568279 1.181045 0.730549 v 2.563194 1.162665 0.784695 v 2.524761 1.153025 0.803125 v 2.570935 1.190643 0.530515 v 2.618330 1.361957 0.000002 v 2.274225 1.345894 0.000002 v 2.291924 0.670709 1.140900 v 2.370396 0.670072 1.124002 v 2.377577 0.663990 1.101315 v 2.275949 0.664814 1.123198 v 2.292255 0.711536 1.140900 v 2.276377 0.717689 1.123199 v 2.378006 0.716865 1.101315 v 2.370728 0.710899 1.124002 v -1.020473 0.879940 1.192579 v -0.940212 0.879289 1.191281 v -0.928753 0.873172 1.170435 v -1.032697 0.874015 1.172115 v -1.020141 0.920768 1.192579 v -1.032268 0.926890 1.172115 v -0.928324 0.926047 1.170435 v -0.939881 0.920117 1.191281 v -2.690283 0.706091 0.878287 v -2.818212 0.683429 0.530714 v -2.774457 0.693030 0.710379 v -0.629246 1.413418 0.000002 v 0.198741 0.301037 -1.150964 v 0.770305 0.292465 -1.155266 v 0.770305 0.292465 -0.731866 v -0.709635 0.312104 -0.721474 v -0.982059 0.310126 -0.720453 v -1.200787 0.308729 -0.717635 v -1.200787 0.308729 -1.153631 v -0.982144 0.310125 -1.150964 v -0.709669 0.312103 -1.147440 v -0.394135 0.309925 -1.147354 v 0.770305 0.292465 1.155270 v 0.198741 0.301037 1.150969 v -0.394135 0.309925 1.147358 v -0.709669 0.312103 1.147445 v -0.982144 0.310125 1.150969 v -1.200787 0.308729 1.153636 v -1.200787 0.308729 0.717640 v -0.982059 0.310126 0.720458 v -0.709635 0.312104 0.721479 v 0.218426 0.280740 -1.131114 v 0.750007 0.272767 -1.135115 v 0.750007 0.272767 -0.751720 v -0.729530 0.291958 -1.127697 v -0.729498 0.291959 -0.741399 v -0.982088 0.290125 -0.740453 v -1.180650 0.288857 -0.737895 v -1.180650 0.288857 -1.133386 v -0.982258 0.290124 -1.130965 v 0.218426 0.280740 1.131119 v 0.750007 0.272767 1.135119 v -0.729498 0.291960 0.741404 v -0.729530 0.291959 1.127702 v -0.982258 0.290124 1.130970 v -1.180650 0.288857 1.133390 v -1.180650 0.288857 0.737899 v -0.982088 0.290125 0.740458 v 2.299172 0.338629 0.020002 v 2.431034 0.350330 0.020002 v 2.431035 0.350330 0.303998 v 2.299184 0.338631 0.303728 v 2.168700 0.331487 0.303838 v 2.058995 0.330466 0.304282 v 2.058995 0.330466 0.020002 v 2.168748 0.331488 0.020002 v 2.431034 0.350330 -0.019998 v 2.299172 0.338629 -0.019998 v 2.168748 0.331488 -0.019998 v 2.058995 0.330466 -0.019998 v 2.058995 0.330466 -0.304278 v 2.168699 0.331487 -0.303833 v 2.299184 0.338631 -0.303724 v 2.431035 0.350330 -0.303993 v -2.229938 0.350773 -0.020004 v -2.229938 0.350761 -0.329794 v -2.229938 0.350773 0.020008 v -2.229938 0.350761 0.329799 v 1.879094 0.300702 0.000002 v -2.269978 0.334750 -0.023867 v -2.448104 0.338559 -0.023867 v -2.535844 0.301112 -0.023867 v -2.623869 0.298682 -0.023867 v -2.623870 0.298729 -0.349074 v -2.623870 0.298736 -0.667510 v -2.536428 0.302003 -0.667612 v -2.448064 0.338286 -0.662070 v -2.295018 0.335286 -0.670346 v -2.269977 0.334750 -0.646618 v -2.269977 0.334750 -0.349996 v -2.448105 0.338559 0.023855 v -2.269978 0.334750 0.023855 v -2.269978 0.334750 0.349984 v -2.269978 0.334750 0.646606 v -2.295018 0.335286 0.670334 v -2.448067 0.338301 0.662058 v -2.536441 0.300869 0.667600 v -2.623870 0.298682 0.667498 v -2.623870 0.298682 0.349062 v -2.623870 0.298682 0.023855 v -2.535844 0.301112 0.023855 v -0.469790 1.146746 1.148077 v -0.389366 1.117155 1.120890 v -0.542758 1.147338 1.043864 v -0.502910 1.118076 0.958727 v -0.453968 1.220803 1.169815 v -0.364746 1.232394 1.154715 v -0.542157 1.221519 1.043864 v -0.501974 1.233507 0.958727 v -0.454387 1.169135 1.169815 v -0.365398 1.151994 1.154715 v -0.469006 1.243439 1.148077 v -0.388146 1.267617 1.120890 v -0.526754 1.243908 1.065602 v -0.478006 1.268346 0.992552 v -0.502572 1.159758 0.958727 v -0.365100 1.188845 1.154715 v -0.454221 1.189568 1.169815 v -0.502327 1.189958 0.958727 v -0.542410 1.190283 1.043864 v -0.520724 1.003598 0.802507 v -0.579849 1.047015 0.928829 v -0.579332 1.110735 0.928829 v -0.519859 1.110253 0.802507 v -0.520222 1.065443 0.802507 v -0.392276 1.127879 1.116610 v -0.495589 1.128717 0.969058 v -0.495338 1.159699 0.969058 v -0.495093 1.189899 0.969058 v -0.494776 1.229016 0.969058 v -0.475096 1.257622 0.996831 v -0.391229 1.256941 1.116610 v -0.372016 1.228020 1.144383 v -0.372334 1.188903 1.144383 v -0.372597 1.156485 1.144383 v -0.469790 1.146746 -1.148072 v -0.542758 1.147338 -1.043859 v -0.502910 1.118076 -0.958722 v -0.389366 1.117155 -1.120885 v -0.469006 1.243439 -1.148072 v -0.388146 1.267617 -1.120885 v -0.478006 1.268345 -0.992547 v -0.526754 1.243907 -1.065597 v -0.454387 1.169135 -1.169810 v -0.365399 1.151994 -1.154710 v -0.365100 1.188845 -1.154710 v -0.454222 1.189568 -1.169810 v -0.372596 1.156485 -1.144378 v -0.495338 1.159699 -0.969053 v -0.495093 1.189899 -0.969053 v -0.372333 1.188903 -1.144378 v -0.542410 1.190283 -1.043859 v -0.453968 1.220803 -1.169810 v -0.364746 1.232394 -1.154710 v -0.501974 1.233507 -0.958722 v -0.542157 1.221519 -1.043859 v -0.392276 1.127879 -1.116605 v -0.495589 1.128717 -0.969053 v -0.494776 1.229016 -0.969054 v -0.475096 1.257622 -0.996826 v -0.391229 1.256941 -1.116606 v -0.372016 1.228020 -1.144378 v -0.502327 1.189958 -0.958722 v -0.579849 1.047015 -0.928824 v -0.520724 1.003598 -0.802502 v -0.579332 1.110735 -0.928824 v -0.519859 1.110253 -0.802502 v -0.502572 1.159758 -0.958722 v -0.520222 1.065443 -0.802502 v -2.512998 0.890704 0.853237 v -2.085855 0.855919 0.887437 v -2.512999 0.890705 0.535994 v -2.085855 0.855919 0.611789 v -2.489040 1.034161 0.853237 v -2.076627 0.913256 0.887437 v -2.483701 1.076325 0.535994 v -2.072796 0.955539 0.611789 v -2.483701 1.076325 0.804631 v -2.072796 0.955539 0.838831 v -2.072796 0.955539 0.611789 v -2.489007 1.034424 0.535994 v -2.504758 1.081365 0.801918 v -2.504758 1.081365 0.533767 v -2.509614 1.042045 0.533767 v -2.509645 1.041801 0.847354 v -2.506438 0.910841 0.554033 v -2.506438 0.910841 0.835199 v -2.492230 1.017540 0.835199 v -2.492209 1.017696 0.554033 v -2.512999 0.890705 -0.853233 v -2.512998 0.890704 -0.535990 v -2.085855 0.855919 -0.611785 v -2.085855 0.855919 -0.887433 v -2.483701 1.076325 -0.804627 v -2.072796 0.955539 -0.838827 v -2.072796 0.955539 -0.611785 v -2.483701 1.076325 -0.535990 v -2.076628 0.913256 -0.887433 v -2.489041 1.034161 -0.853233 v -2.072796 0.955539 -0.611785 v -2.489007 1.034424 -0.535990 v -2.506438 0.910841 -0.554028 v -2.506438 0.910841 -0.835194 v -2.492230 1.017540 -0.835194 v -2.492209 1.017696 -0.554028 v -2.509645 1.041801 -0.847350 v -2.504758 1.081365 -0.801914 v -2.504758 1.081365 -0.533763 v -2.509614 1.042045 -0.533762 v -2.117207 0.470975 0.924406 v -2.105342 0.567289 0.933994 v -2.070908 0.654176 0.961818 v -2.017275 0.723130 1.005156 v -1.949695 0.767400 1.059764 v -1.874781 0.782655 1.120299 v -1.799867 0.767400 1.180833 v -1.732286 0.723130 1.235441 v -1.678654 0.654176 1.278779 v -1.644220 0.567289 1.306604 v -1.632354 0.470975 1.316191 v -1.644220 0.374660 1.306604 v -1.678654 0.287774 1.278779 v -1.732286 0.218820 1.235442 v -1.799867 0.174549 1.180833 v -1.874781 0.159295 1.120298 v -1.949695 0.174550 1.059765 v -2.017276 0.218821 1.005156 v -2.070908 0.287774 0.961818 v -2.105342 0.374661 0.933994 v -2.227267 0.470975 0.840532 v -2.210136 0.610033 0.854375 v -2.160420 0.735478 0.894548 v -2.082986 0.835033 0.957118 v -1.985414 0.898950 1.035961 v -1.877254 0.920975 1.123360 v -1.769095 0.898950 1.210758 v -1.671522 0.835033 1.289602 v -1.594088 0.735478 1.352172 v -1.544373 0.610033 1.392345 v -1.527242 0.470975 1.406187 v -1.544373 0.331917 1.392344 v -1.594089 0.206471 1.352172 v -1.671522 0.106917 1.289602 v -1.769095 0.042999 1.210758 v -1.877255 0.020975 1.123360 v -1.985414 0.043000 1.035961 v -2.082987 0.106918 0.957118 v -2.160420 0.206472 0.894547 v -2.210136 0.331918 0.854375 v -2.213403 0.470975 0.908907 v -2.198318 0.593421 0.921096 v -2.154542 0.703881 0.956470 v -2.086359 0.791542 1.011566 v -2.000442 0.847824 1.080990 v -1.905203 0.867218 1.157948 v -1.809964 0.847824 1.234906 v -1.724048 0.791542 1.304330 v -1.655864 0.703881 1.359426 v -1.612088 0.593421 1.394800 v -1.597004 0.470975 1.406989 v -1.612088 0.348529 1.394800 v -1.655865 0.238069 1.359426 v -1.724048 0.150408 1.304331 v -1.809965 0.094126 1.234905 v -1.905204 0.074732 1.157948 v -2.000443 0.094126 1.080990 v -2.086359 0.150408 1.011565 v -2.154542 0.238070 0.956470 v -2.198319 0.348530 0.921096 v -2.124547 0.470975 0.713413 v -2.057701 0.735478 0.767428 v -1.980267 0.835033 0.829998 v -1.882695 0.898950 0.908841 v -1.774535 0.919428 0.996240 v -1.568803 0.835033 1.162482 v -1.491369 0.206471 1.225052 v -1.568803 0.106917 1.162482 v -1.774536 0.020975 0.996240 v -1.882695 0.043000 0.908841 v -2.057701 0.206472 0.767428 v -1.917037 0.583602 0.621076 v -1.930912 0.470975 0.609864 v -1.876770 0.685205 0.653613 v -1.814054 0.765837 0.704291 v -1.735027 0.817606 0.768149 v -1.647425 0.835445 0.838935 v -1.559823 0.817606 0.909722 v -1.480796 0.765837 0.973580 v -1.418080 0.685205 1.024258 v -1.377814 0.583602 1.056795 v -1.363939 0.470975 1.068007 v -1.377814 0.358348 1.056795 v -1.418080 0.256745 1.024258 v -1.480796 0.176113 0.973580 v -1.559823 0.124344 0.909722 v -1.647425 0.106505 0.838935 v -1.735028 0.124344 0.768148 v -1.814054 0.176113 0.704291 v -1.876771 0.256746 0.653613 v -1.917037 0.358348 0.621076 v -2.017343 0.470975 0.580741 v -2.000212 0.610033 0.594584 v -2.107417 0.610033 0.727255 v -1.950496 0.735478 0.634757 v -1.873062 0.835033 0.697327 v -1.775490 0.898950 0.776170 v -1.667330 0.920975 0.863569 v -1.559170 0.898950 0.950967 v -1.666376 0.898950 1.083639 v -1.461598 0.835033 1.029811 v -1.384164 0.735478 1.092381 v -1.491369 0.735478 1.225052 v -1.334449 0.610033 1.132554 v -1.441654 0.610033 1.265225 v -1.317318 0.470975 1.146396 v -1.424523 0.470975 1.279068 v -1.334449 0.331917 1.132554 v -1.441654 0.331917 1.265225 v -1.384164 0.206471 1.092381 v -1.461598 0.106917 1.029811 v -1.559171 0.042999 0.950967 v -1.666376 0.042999 1.083638 v -1.667331 0.020975 0.863569 v -1.775490 0.043000 0.776170 v -1.873063 0.106918 0.697327 v -1.980268 0.106918 0.829998 v -1.950496 0.206472 0.634756 v -2.000212 0.331918 0.594584 v -2.107417 0.331918 0.727255 v -2.078819 0.556210 0.955426 v -2.089319 0.470976 0.946941 v -2.078819 0.385741 0.955426 v -2.048347 0.308850 0.980049 v -2.000884 0.247828 1.018401 v -1.941077 0.208650 1.066728 v -1.874781 0.195150 1.120298 v -1.808485 0.208649 1.173870 v -1.748678 0.247828 1.222196 v -1.701216 0.308849 1.260548 v -1.670743 0.385741 1.285172 v -1.660242 0.470975 1.293657 v -1.670743 0.556210 1.285172 v -1.701216 0.633101 1.260548 v -1.748679 0.694123 1.222196 v -1.808485 0.733301 1.173869 v -1.874781 0.746800 1.120299 v -1.941076 0.733301 1.066729 v -2.000883 0.694123 1.018402 v -2.048346 0.633102 0.980050 v -1.892276 0.470976 0.681801 v -1.881267 0.560344 0.690698 v -1.849315 0.640966 0.716516 v -1.799550 0.704947 0.756728 v -1.736842 0.746027 0.807400 v -1.667330 0.760181 0.863569 v -1.597819 0.746027 0.919738 v -1.535110 0.704947 0.970410 v -1.485345 0.640967 1.010622 v -1.453394 0.560345 1.036440 v -1.442384 0.470974 1.045337 v -1.453394 0.381606 1.036440 v -1.485345 0.300984 1.010622 v -1.535111 0.237002 0.970409 v -1.597818 0.195924 0.919739 v -1.667331 0.181769 0.863569 v -1.736843 0.195924 0.807400 v -1.799551 0.237003 0.756728 v -1.849316 0.300984 0.716516 v -1.881267 0.381605 0.690698 v -2.051960 0.470976 0.900707 v -2.041460 0.556210 0.909192 v -2.041460 0.385741 0.909192 v -2.010987 0.308850 0.933815 v -1.963525 0.247828 0.972167 v -1.903718 0.208650 1.020494 v -1.837422 0.195150 1.074064 v -1.771125 0.208649 1.127636 v -1.711319 0.247827 1.175962 v -1.663856 0.308849 1.214314 v -1.633383 0.385741 1.238938 v -1.622883 0.470975 1.247422 v -1.633383 0.556210 1.238938 v -1.663857 0.633101 1.214314 v -1.711319 0.694122 1.175962 v -1.771126 0.733301 1.127635 v -1.837421 0.746800 1.074065 v -1.903717 0.733301 1.020495 v -1.963524 0.694122 0.972168 v -2.010986 0.633101 0.933816 v -1.919269 0.394410 1.053532 v -1.896975 0.394409 1.025943 v -1.821480 0.374496 1.132550 v -1.799186 0.374496 1.104961 v -1.754238 0.487914 1.141282 v -1.776531 0.487914 1.168871 v -1.824246 0.577922 1.084711 v -1.846540 0.577923 1.112300 v -1.934756 0.520133 1.041018 v -1.912463 0.520133 1.013428 v -1.895419 0.501434 1.050726 v -1.885823 0.423533 1.058480 v -1.825231 0.411195 1.107441 v -1.797380 0.481471 1.129946 v -1.840758 0.537242 1.094894 v -2.025801 0.549669 0.921844 v -2.035496 0.470975 0.914011 v -2.025801 0.392282 0.921844 v -1.997668 0.321291 0.944578 v -1.953847 0.264953 0.979987 v -1.898630 0.228781 1.024605 v -1.837422 0.216317 1.074064 v -1.776213 0.228781 1.123524 v -1.720996 0.264952 1.168142 v -1.677176 0.321291 1.203551 v -1.649042 0.392282 1.226285 v -1.639347 0.470975 1.234119 v -1.649042 0.549668 1.226285 v -1.677176 0.620660 1.203551 v -1.720996 0.676998 1.168142 v -1.776213 0.713169 1.123524 v -1.837422 0.725633 1.074065 v -1.898629 0.713169 1.024606 v -1.953847 0.676998 0.979987 v -1.997667 0.620659 0.944579 v -1.866885 0.470976 0.702319 v -1.857118 0.550256 0.710211 v -1.828773 0.621779 0.733115 v -1.784626 0.678538 0.768788 v -1.728996 0.714980 0.813740 v -1.667330 0.727537 0.863569 v -1.605665 0.714980 0.913398 v -1.550035 0.678537 0.958350 v -1.505887 0.621778 0.994023 v -1.477542 0.550257 1.016927 v -1.467775 0.470974 1.024819 v -1.477542 0.391693 1.016927 v -1.505887 0.320172 0.994023 v -1.550035 0.263412 0.958349 v -1.605664 0.226970 0.913398 v -1.667331 0.214413 0.863569 v -1.728996 0.226970 0.813740 v -1.784626 0.263413 0.768788 v -1.828774 0.320172 0.733114 v -1.857118 0.391693 0.710211 v -2.018566 0.489621 1.001661 v -1.994032 0.489297 0.968824 v -2.006989 0.395641 1.011016 v -1.982474 0.395468 0.978164 v -1.932178 0.299459 1.071466 v -1.906568 0.297879 1.039500 v -1.859079 0.284573 1.130534 v -1.833588 0.283017 1.098471 v -1.764812 0.346326 1.206707 v -1.737941 0.345674 1.175759 v -1.731212 0.431107 1.233857 v -1.704396 0.430318 1.202865 v -1.747763 0.565455 1.220483 v -1.721189 0.566631 1.189296 v -1.800096 0.632737 1.178196 v -1.773436 0.633805 1.147077 v -1.904591 0.654016 1.093758 v -1.879462 0.655395 1.061403 v -1.970534 0.610817 1.040473 v -1.945298 0.612266 1.008204 v -1.875074 0.488107 1.067165 v -1.869677 0.444291 1.071527 v -1.835597 0.437351 1.099065 v -1.819932 0.476879 1.111723 v -1.844330 0.508247 1.092008 v -1.877060 0.484519 1.080826 v -1.872792 0.449880 1.084274 v -1.845850 0.444393 1.106045 v -1.833466 0.475642 1.116052 v -1.852754 0.500441 1.100466 v -1.559872 0.412860 0.841955 v -1.536216 0.484632 0.861070 v -1.558963 0.556889 0.842689 v -1.614788 0.587302 0.797580 v -1.670989 0.558057 0.752166 v -1.694645 0.486285 0.733051 v -1.671898 0.414028 0.751432 v -1.616073 0.383615 0.796541 v -1.546679 0.484039 0.990407 v -1.626452 0.484039 1.089129 v -1.665537 0.608195 1.057547 v -1.585764 0.608194 0.958824 v -1.761459 0.660453 0.980037 v -1.681686 0.660453 0.881314 v -1.858028 0.610202 0.902005 v -1.778255 0.610202 0.803282 v -1.898675 0.486878 0.869160 v -1.818902 0.486878 0.770437 v -1.859589 0.362723 0.900743 v -1.779817 0.362723 0.802020 v -1.763668 0.310464 0.978253 v -1.683895 0.310464 0.879530 v -1.667099 0.360715 1.056285 v -1.587326 0.360715 0.957562 v -1.683633 0.360715 1.076747 v -1.780202 0.310465 0.998715 v -1.876124 0.362723 0.921206 v -1.915209 0.486878 0.889623 v -1.874562 0.610202 0.922467 v -1.777994 0.660453 1.000499 v -1.682071 0.608195 1.078009 v -1.642986 0.484039 1.109592 v -1.713497 0.608195 1.116899 v -1.674411 0.484039 1.148482 v -1.809419 0.660453 1.039390 v -1.905988 0.610202 0.961357 v -1.946634 0.486878 0.928513 v -1.907549 0.362723 0.960096 v -1.811627 0.310465 1.037606 v -1.715058 0.360715 1.115638 v -1.694873 0.557170 1.049772 v -1.725427 0.543246 1.025083 v -1.763876 0.566787 0.994014 v -1.767243 0.621367 0.991293 v -1.732162 0.652407 1.019641 v -1.693712 0.628866 1.050709 v -1.780943 0.652407 1.080010 v -1.742494 0.628866 1.111079 v -1.816025 0.621367 1.051663 v -1.812658 0.566787 1.054384 v -1.774208 0.543246 1.085452 v -1.743654 0.557170 1.110141 v -1.688757 0.545743 1.054714 v -1.636256 0.521526 1.097137 v -1.632888 0.466945 1.099858 v -1.667970 0.435906 1.071511 v -1.706419 0.459446 1.040442 v -1.709787 0.514027 1.037721 v -1.685037 0.521526 1.157507 v -1.681670 0.466945 1.160228 v -1.716751 0.435906 1.131880 v -1.755201 0.459447 1.100811 v -1.758568 0.514027 1.098090 v -1.737538 0.545744 1.115083 v -1.626043 0.573641 1.105389 v -1.674825 0.573641 1.165758 v -1.700985 0.622513 1.144620 v -1.652203 0.622512 1.084250 v 1.207813 0.470975 1.160962 v 1.223067 0.567289 1.160962 v 1.267339 0.654176 1.160963 v 1.336292 0.723129 1.160962 v 1.423179 0.767400 1.160962 v 1.519493 0.782655 1.160962 v 1.615807 0.767400 1.160963 v 1.702694 0.723129 1.160962 v 1.771648 0.654176 1.160962 v 1.815918 0.567289 1.160962 v 1.831173 0.470975 1.160962 v 1.815919 0.374660 1.160963 v 1.771648 0.287774 1.160962 v 1.702694 0.218820 1.160963 v 1.615807 0.174549 1.160962 v 1.519493 0.159295 1.160963 v 1.423178 0.174550 1.160962 v 1.336292 0.218821 1.160962 v 1.267338 0.287774 1.160962 v 1.223067 0.374661 1.160962 v 1.069493 0.470975 1.164898 v 1.091517 0.610033 1.164898 v 1.155435 0.735478 1.164898 v 1.254990 0.835033 1.164898 v 1.380435 0.898950 1.164898 v 1.519493 0.920975 1.164898 v 1.658551 0.898950 1.164898 v 1.783996 0.835033 1.164898 v 1.883551 0.735478 1.164898 v 1.947468 0.610032 1.164898 v 1.969493 0.470975 1.164898 v 1.947468 0.331917 1.164898 v 1.883551 0.206471 1.164898 v 1.783996 0.106917 1.164898 v 1.658550 0.042999 1.164898 v 1.519493 0.020975 1.164898 v 1.380435 0.043000 1.164898 v 1.254989 0.106918 1.164898 v 1.155435 0.206472 1.164898 v 1.091518 0.331918 1.164898 v 1.123250 0.470975 1.209367 v 1.142644 0.593421 1.209367 v 1.198926 0.703881 1.209367 v 1.286587 0.791542 1.209367 v 1.397047 0.847824 1.209367 v 1.519493 0.867218 1.209367 v 1.641939 0.847824 1.209367 v 1.752399 0.791542 1.209367 v 1.840060 0.703881 1.209367 v 1.896342 0.593421 1.209367 v 1.915736 0.470975 1.209367 v 1.896342 0.348529 1.209367 v 1.840060 0.238069 1.209367 v 1.752398 0.150408 1.209367 v 1.641938 0.094126 1.209367 v 1.519492 0.074732 1.209367 v 1.397047 0.094126 1.209367 v 1.286587 0.150408 1.209367 v 1.198925 0.238070 1.209367 v 1.142644 0.348530 1.209367 v 1.069493 0.470975 1.001464 v 1.155435 0.735478 1.001464 v 1.254990 0.835033 1.001464 v 1.380435 0.898950 1.001464 v 1.519493 0.919428 1.001464 v 1.783996 0.835033 1.001464 v 1.883551 0.206471 1.001464 v 1.783996 0.106917 1.001464 v 1.519493 0.020975 1.001464 v 1.380435 0.043000 1.001464 v 1.155435 0.206472 1.001464 v 1.172862 0.583602 0.799222 v 1.155023 0.470975 0.799222 v 1.224631 0.685205 0.799222 v 1.305263 0.765837 0.799222 v 1.406865 0.817606 0.799222 v 1.519493 0.835445 0.799222 v 1.632120 0.817606 0.799222 v 1.733723 0.765837 0.799222 v 1.814355 0.685205 0.799222 v 1.866124 0.583602 0.799222 v 1.883963 0.470975 0.799222 v 1.866124 0.358347 0.799222 v 1.814355 0.256745 0.799222 v 1.733722 0.176113 0.799222 v 1.632120 0.124344 0.799222 v 1.519493 0.106505 0.799222 v 1.406865 0.124344 0.799222 v 1.305263 0.176113 0.799222 v 1.224630 0.256745 0.799222 v 1.172862 0.358348 0.799222 v 1.069493 0.470975 0.830893 v 1.091518 0.610033 0.830893 v 1.091518 0.610033 1.001464 v 1.155435 0.735478 0.830893 v 1.254990 0.835033 0.830893 v 1.380436 0.898950 0.830893 v 1.519493 0.920975 0.830893 v 1.658551 0.898950 0.830893 v 1.658551 0.898950 1.001464 v 1.783996 0.835033 0.830893 v 1.883551 0.735478 0.830893 v 1.883551 0.735478 1.001464 v 1.947468 0.610032 0.830893 v 1.947468 0.610032 1.001464 v 1.969493 0.470975 0.830893 v 1.969493 0.470975 1.001464 v 1.947469 0.331917 0.830893 v 1.947468 0.331917 1.001464 v 1.883551 0.206471 0.830893 v 1.783996 0.106917 0.830893 v 1.658550 0.042999 0.830893 v 1.658550 0.042999 1.001464 v 1.519493 0.020975 0.830893 v 1.380435 0.043000 0.830893 v 1.254989 0.106918 0.830893 v 1.254989 0.106918 1.001464 v 1.155435 0.206472 0.830893 v 1.091518 0.331918 0.830893 v 1.091517 0.331918 1.001464 v 1.257168 0.556210 1.160962 v 1.243668 0.470975 1.160962 v 1.257167 0.385741 1.160962 v 1.296345 0.308850 1.160962 v 1.357366 0.247828 1.160962 v 1.434258 0.208650 1.160962 v 1.519492 0.195149 1.160962 v 1.604728 0.208649 1.160962 v 1.681619 0.247828 1.160962 v 1.742640 0.308849 1.160962 v 1.781819 0.385741 1.160963 v 1.795318 0.470975 1.160963 v 1.781819 0.556210 1.160962 v 1.742640 0.633101 1.160962 v 1.681619 0.694123 1.160963 v 1.604727 0.733300 1.160963 v 1.519493 0.746800 1.160962 v 1.434259 0.733301 1.160962 v 1.357368 0.694123 1.160962 v 1.296346 0.633101 1.160962 v 1.230287 0.470975 0.830893 v 1.244442 0.560344 0.830893 v 1.285521 0.640966 0.830893 v 1.349502 0.704947 0.830893 v 1.430124 0.746027 0.830893 v 1.519493 0.760181 0.830893 v 1.608863 0.746026 0.830893 v 1.689485 0.704947 0.830893 v 1.753466 0.640966 0.830893 v 1.794545 0.560344 0.830893 v 1.808699 0.470974 0.830893 v 1.794545 0.381606 0.830893 v 1.753466 0.300984 0.830893 v 1.689484 0.237002 0.830893 v 1.608863 0.195923 0.830893 v 1.519493 0.181769 0.830893 v 1.430123 0.195923 0.830893 v 1.349501 0.237003 0.830893 v 1.285520 0.300984 0.830893 v 1.244442 0.381605 0.830893 v 1.243668 0.470975 1.101521 v 1.257168 0.556210 1.101521 v 1.257167 0.385741 1.101521 v 1.296345 0.308850 1.101521 v 1.357366 0.247828 1.101521 v 1.434258 0.208650 1.101521 v 1.519493 0.195149 1.101521 v 1.604728 0.208649 1.101521 v 1.681619 0.247827 1.101521 v 1.742641 0.308849 1.101521 v 1.781819 0.385741 1.101521 v 1.795318 0.470975 1.101521 v 1.781819 0.556210 1.101521 v 1.742640 0.633101 1.101521 v 1.681619 0.694122 1.101521 v 1.604727 0.733300 1.101521 v 1.519493 0.746800 1.101521 v 1.434259 0.733301 1.101521 v 1.357367 0.694122 1.101521 v 1.296346 0.633101 1.101521 v 1.442927 0.394409 1.136992 v 1.442928 0.394409 1.101521 v 1.568651 0.374496 1.136992 v 1.568651 0.374496 1.101521 v 1.626440 0.487914 1.101521 v 1.626440 0.487914 1.136992 v 1.536432 0.577922 1.101521 v 1.536432 0.577923 1.136992 v 1.423015 0.520133 1.136992 v 1.423015 0.520133 1.101521 v 1.459714 0.501434 1.119819 v 1.472051 0.423533 1.119819 v 1.549952 0.411195 1.119819 v 1.585760 0.481471 1.119819 v 1.529989 0.537242 1.119819 v 1.277299 0.549669 1.101521 v 1.264835 0.470975 1.101521 v 1.277299 0.392282 1.101521 v 1.313470 0.321291 1.101521 v 1.369808 0.264953 1.101521 v 1.440799 0.228781 1.101521 v 1.519493 0.216317 1.101521 v 1.598187 0.228781 1.101521 v 1.669177 0.264952 1.101521 v 1.725516 0.321291 1.101521 v 1.761687 0.392282 1.101521 v 1.774151 0.470975 1.101521 v 1.761688 0.549668 1.101521 v 1.725516 0.620660 1.101521 v 1.669178 0.676997 1.101521 v 1.598187 0.713169 1.101521 v 1.519493 0.725633 1.101521 v 1.440800 0.713169 1.101521 v 1.369809 0.676998 1.101521 v 1.313471 0.620659 1.101521 v 1.262932 0.470976 0.830893 v 1.275488 0.550256 0.830893 v 1.311931 0.621779 0.830893 v 1.368690 0.678537 0.830893 v 1.440212 0.714980 0.830893 v 1.519493 0.727537 0.830893 v 1.598775 0.714980 0.830893 v 1.670297 0.678537 0.830893 v 1.727055 0.621778 0.830893 v 1.763498 0.550257 0.830893 v 1.776055 0.470974 0.830893 v 1.763498 0.391693 0.830893 v 1.727056 0.320172 0.830893 v 1.670296 0.263412 0.830893 v 1.598776 0.226970 0.830893 v 1.519493 0.214413 0.830893 v 1.440211 0.226970 0.830893 v 1.368689 0.263413 0.830893 v 1.311930 0.320172 0.830893 v 1.275489 0.391693 0.830893 v 1.333092 0.489621 1.159055 v 1.331536 0.489297 1.118095 v 1.347976 0.395641 1.159055 v 1.346397 0.395468 1.118095 v 1.444158 0.299459 1.159055 v 1.443986 0.297879 1.118095 v 1.538139 0.284573 1.159055 v 1.537814 0.283017 1.118095 v 1.659335 0.346326 1.159055 v 1.660785 0.345674 1.118095 v 1.702533 0.431107 1.159055 v 1.703913 0.430318 1.118095 v 1.681254 0.565454 1.159055 v 1.682323 0.566631 1.118095 v 1.613972 0.632737 1.159055 v 1.615149 0.633805 1.118095 v 1.479625 0.654016 1.159055 v 1.478836 0.655395 1.118095 v 1.394845 0.610817 1.159055 v 1.394192 0.612266 1.118095 v 1.485870 0.488107 1.119819 v 1.492809 0.444291 1.119819 v 1.536625 0.437351 1.119819 v 1.556765 0.476879 1.119819 v 1.525397 0.508247 1.119819 v 1.492912 0.484519 1.131692 v 1.498398 0.449879 1.131692 v 1.533037 0.444393 1.131692 v 1.548959 0.475642 1.131692 v 1.524160 0.500441 1.131692 v 1.459092 0.387318 0.746539 v 1.530864 0.356904 0.746539 v 1.603121 0.386149 0.746539 v 1.633534 0.457922 0.746539 v 1.604289 0.530178 0.746538 v 1.532517 0.560591 0.746539 v 1.460261 0.531346 0.746539 v 1.429847 0.459574 0.746539 v 1.356696 0.460167 0.853714 v 1.408955 0.583491 0.853714 v 1.408955 0.583491 0.980639 v 1.356697 0.460167 0.980639 v 1.533110 0.633742 0.853713 v 1.533110 0.633742 0.980639 v 1.656434 0.581484 0.853714 v 1.656434 0.581484 0.980639 v 1.706685 0.457328 0.853713 v 1.706685 0.457328 0.980638 v 1.654427 0.334004 0.853714 v 1.654426 0.334005 0.980639 v 1.530271 0.283753 0.853714 v 1.530271 0.283754 0.980639 v 1.406947 0.336012 0.853714 v 1.406947 0.336012 0.980639 v 1.644618 0.334084 1.006947 v 1.696876 0.457408 1.006946 v 1.646625 0.581563 1.006946 v 1.523301 0.633822 1.006947 v 1.399145 0.583571 1.006947 v 1.346887 0.460247 1.006947 v 1.397138 0.336092 1.006947 v 1.520462 0.283833 1.006947 v 1.696876 0.457408 1.056946 v 1.646625 0.581563 1.056946 v 1.523301 0.633822 1.056947 v 1.399146 0.583571 1.056947 v 1.346887 0.460247 1.056947 v 1.397138 0.336092 1.056947 v 1.520462 0.283833 1.056947 v 1.644618 0.334084 1.056947 v 1.618921 0.530538 0.993029 v 1.620413 0.602235 0.993029 v 1.570980 0.625776 0.993029 v 1.525877 0.594736 0.993029 v 1.530206 0.540155 0.993029 v 1.579639 0.516614 0.993029 v 1.620413 0.602235 1.070644 v 1.570980 0.625776 1.070644 v 1.525877 0.594736 1.070645 v 1.530206 0.540156 1.070645 v 1.579639 0.516615 1.070644 v 1.618921 0.530538 1.070644 v 1.626784 0.519112 0.993029 v 1.599747 0.487396 0.993029 v 1.604076 0.432815 0.993029 v 1.653509 0.409274 0.993029 v 1.698613 0.440314 0.993029 v 1.694283 0.494895 0.993029 v 1.698612 0.440314 1.070644 v 1.694284 0.494895 1.070644 v 1.653509 0.409274 1.070644 v 1.604076 0.432815 1.070644 v 1.599747 0.487396 1.070644 v 1.626784 0.519112 1.070644 v 1.707412 0.547010 1.070644 v 1.707412 0.547010 0.993029 v 1.673780 0.595881 1.070644 v 1.673780 0.595881 0.993029 v -1.401603 0.470975 -0.926402 v -1.413468 0.567289 -0.935989 v -1.447902 0.654176 -0.963814 v -1.501535 0.723129 -1.007151 v -1.569115 0.767400 -1.061760 v -1.644029 0.782655 -1.122294 v -1.718943 0.767400 -1.182828 v -1.786524 0.723129 -1.237437 v -1.840156 0.654176 -1.280775 v -1.874591 0.567289 -1.308599 v -1.886456 0.470975 -1.318187 v -1.874590 0.374660 -1.308599 v -1.840156 0.287774 -1.280775 v -1.786524 0.218820 -1.237437 v -1.718943 0.174549 -1.182828 v -1.644029 0.159295 -1.122294 v -1.569115 0.174550 -1.061760 v -1.501534 0.218821 -1.007151 v -1.447902 0.287774 -0.963814 v -1.413468 0.374661 -0.935989 v -1.291543 0.470975 -0.842528 v -1.308674 0.610033 -0.856370 v -1.358390 0.735478 -0.896543 v -1.435824 0.835033 -0.959113 v -1.533396 0.898950 -1.037957 v -1.641556 0.920975 -1.125355 v -1.749716 0.898950 -1.212754 v -1.847288 0.835033 -1.291597 v -1.924722 0.735478 -1.354168 v -1.974437 0.610032 -1.394340 v -1.991568 0.470975 -1.408183 v -1.974437 0.331917 -1.394340 v -1.924722 0.206471 -1.354167 v -1.847288 0.106917 -1.291597 v -1.749715 0.042999 -1.212754 v -1.641555 0.020975 -1.125355 v -1.533396 0.043000 -1.037956 v -1.435823 0.106918 -0.959113 v -1.358390 0.206472 -0.896543 v -1.308674 0.331918 -0.856370 v -1.305407 0.470975 -0.910903 v -1.320491 0.593421 -0.923092 v -1.364268 0.703881 -0.958465 v -1.432451 0.791542 -1.013561 v -1.518368 0.847824 -1.082986 v -1.613607 0.867218 -1.159944 v -1.708846 0.847824 -1.236901 v -1.794762 0.791542 -1.306326 v -1.862946 0.703881 -1.361422 v -1.906722 0.593421 -1.396795 v -1.921806 0.470975 -1.408984 v -1.906722 0.348529 -1.396795 v -1.862946 0.238069 -1.361422 v -1.794762 0.150408 -1.306326 v -1.708845 0.094126 -1.236901 v -1.613606 0.074732 -1.159943 v -1.518368 0.094126 -1.082985 v -1.432451 0.150408 -1.013561 v -1.364268 0.238070 -0.958465 v -1.320491 0.348530 -0.923092 v -1.394262 0.470975 -0.715408 v -1.461109 0.735478 -0.769423 v -1.538543 0.835033 -0.831994 v -1.636115 0.898950 -0.910837 v -1.744275 0.919428 -0.998236 v -1.950007 0.835033 -1.164477 v -2.027441 0.206471 -1.227048 v -1.950007 0.106917 -1.164477 v -1.744274 0.020975 -0.998235 v -1.636115 0.043000 -0.910837 v -1.461109 0.206472 -0.769423 v -1.601773 0.583602 -0.623071 v -1.587898 0.470975 -0.611860 v -1.642040 0.685205 -0.655608 v -1.704756 0.765837 -0.706286 v -1.783783 0.817606 -0.770144 v -1.871385 0.835445 -0.840931 v -1.958987 0.817606 -0.911718 v -2.038014 0.765837 -0.975576 v -2.100730 0.685205 -1.026253 v -2.140996 0.583602 -1.058791 v -2.154871 0.470975 -1.070002 v -2.140996 0.358347 -1.058790 v -2.100730 0.256745 -1.026253 v -2.038014 0.176113 -0.975575 v -1.958987 0.124344 -0.911718 v -1.871385 0.106505 -0.840931 v -1.783782 0.124344 -0.770144 v -1.704756 0.176113 -0.706286 v -1.642039 0.256745 -0.655608 v -1.601773 0.358348 -0.623071 v -1.501467 0.470975 -0.582737 v -1.518598 0.610033 -0.596580 v -1.411393 0.610033 -0.729251 v -1.568314 0.735478 -0.636752 v -1.645748 0.835033 -0.699323 v -1.743320 0.898950 -0.778166 v -1.851480 0.920975 -0.865564 v -1.959640 0.898950 -0.952963 v -1.852435 0.898950 -1.085634 v -2.057212 0.835033 -1.031806 v -2.134646 0.735478 -1.094377 v -2.027441 0.735478 -1.227048 v -2.184361 0.610032 -1.134549 v -2.077156 0.610032 -1.267220 v -2.201492 0.470975 -1.148392 v -2.094287 0.470975 -1.281063 v -2.184361 0.331917 -1.134549 v -2.077156 0.331917 -1.267220 v -2.134646 0.206471 -1.094376 v -2.057212 0.106917 -1.031806 v -1.959639 0.042999 -0.952963 v -1.852434 0.042999 -1.085634 v -1.851479 0.020975 -0.865564 v -1.743320 0.043000 -0.778166 v -1.645747 0.106918 -0.699322 v -1.538542 0.106918 -0.831994 v -1.568314 0.206472 -0.636752 v -1.518598 0.331918 -0.596579 v -1.411393 0.331918 -0.729251 v -1.439991 0.556210 -0.957421 v -1.429491 0.470975 -0.948937 v -1.439991 0.385741 -0.957421 v -1.470463 0.308850 -0.982044 v -1.517926 0.247828 -1.020396 v -1.577733 0.208650 -1.068723 v -1.644029 0.195149 -1.122294 v -1.710326 0.208649 -1.175865 v -1.770132 0.247828 -1.224192 v -1.817594 0.308849 -1.262544 v -1.848067 0.385741 -1.287167 v -1.858568 0.470975 -1.295652 v -1.848067 0.556210 -1.287167 v -1.817594 0.633101 -1.262543 v -1.770131 0.694123 -1.224191 v -1.710325 0.733300 -1.175864 v -1.644029 0.746800 -1.122294 v -1.577734 0.733301 -1.068724 v -1.517927 0.694123 -1.020398 v -1.470464 0.633101 -0.982045 v -1.626534 0.470975 -0.683797 v -1.637543 0.560344 -0.692693 v -1.669495 0.640966 -0.718511 v -1.719260 0.704947 -0.758724 v -1.781968 0.746027 -0.809395 v -1.851480 0.760181 -0.865564 v -1.920992 0.746026 -0.921733 v -1.983700 0.704947 -0.972405 v -2.033465 0.640966 -1.012617 v -2.065416 0.560344 -1.038436 v -2.076426 0.470974 -1.047332 v -2.065416 0.381606 -1.038436 v -2.033465 0.300984 -1.012617 v -1.983699 0.237002 -0.972404 v -1.920992 0.195923 -0.921734 v -1.851479 0.181769 -0.865564 v -1.781967 0.195923 -0.809395 v -1.719259 0.237003 -0.758724 v -1.669494 0.300984 -0.718511 v -1.637543 0.381605 -0.692693 v -1.466850 0.470975 -0.902703 v -1.477350 0.556210 -0.911187 v -1.477350 0.385741 -0.911187 v -1.507823 0.308850 -0.935811 v -1.555285 0.247828 -0.974163 v -1.615092 0.208650 -1.022489 v -1.681388 0.195149 -1.076060 v -1.747685 0.208649 -1.129631 v -1.807491 0.247827 -1.177957 v -1.854954 0.308849 -1.216310 v -1.885427 0.385741 -1.240933 v -1.895927 0.470975 -1.249418 v -1.885427 0.556210 -1.240933 v -1.854954 0.633101 -1.216310 v -1.807491 0.694122 -1.177957 v -1.747684 0.733300 -1.129630 v -1.681389 0.746800 -1.076060 v -1.615093 0.733301 -1.022490 v -1.555286 0.694122 -0.974163 v -1.507824 0.633101 -0.935811 v -1.599542 0.394409 -1.055528 v -1.621835 0.394409 -1.027938 v -1.697330 0.374496 -1.134546 v -1.719624 0.374496 -1.106956 v -1.764572 0.487914 -1.143277 v -1.742279 0.487914 -1.170866 v -1.694564 0.577922 -1.086707 v -1.672270 0.577923 -1.114296 v -1.584054 0.520133 -1.043013 v -1.606347 0.520133 -1.015423 v -1.623391 0.501434 -1.052721 v -1.632987 0.423533 -1.060476 v -1.693579 0.411195 -1.109437 v -1.721430 0.481471 -1.131942 v -1.678052 0.537242 -1.096890 v -1.493009 0.549669 -0.923840 v -1.483314 0.470975 -0.916006 v -1.493008 0.392281 -0.923840 v -1.521142 0.321291 -0.946573 v -1.564963 0.264952 -0.981982 v -1.620180 0.228781 -1.026601 v -1.681388 0.216317 -1.076060 v -1.742597 0.228781 -1.125520 v -1.797814 0.264952 -1.170138 v -1.841634 0.321291 -1.205547 v -1.869769 0.392282 -1.228281 v -1.879463 0.470975 -1.236114 v -1.869769 0.549668 -1.228281 v -1.841634 0.620660 -1.205546 v -1.797814 0.676997 -1.170138 v -1.742597 0.713169 -1.125520 v -1.681389 0.725633 -1.076060 v -1.620181 0.713169 -1.026601 v -1.564963 0.676998 -0.981983 v -1.521143 0.620659 -0.946574 v -1.651925 0.470976 -0.704314 v -1.661692 0.550256 -0.712206 v -1.690037 0.621779 -0.735110 v -1.734184 0.678537 -0.770784 v -1.789814 0.714980 -0.815736 v -1.851480 0.727536 -0.865564 v -1.913145 0.714980 -0.915393 v -1.968776 0.678537 -0.960345 v -2.012923 0.621778 -0.996019 v -2.041268 0.550257 -1.018923 v -2.051035 0.470974 -1.026815 v -2.041268 0.391693 -1.018923 v -2.012923 0.320172 -0.996019 v -1.968775 0.263412 -0.960345 v -1.913146 0.226970 -0.915394 v -1.851479 0.214413 -0.865564 v -1.789814 0.226970 -0.815735 v -1.734184 0.263413 -0.770783 v -1.690036 0.320172 -0.735110 v -1.661692 0.391693 -0.712206 v -1.500244 0.489621 -1.003656 v -1.524778 0.489297 -0.970820 v -1.511822 0.395641 -1.013011 v -1.536336 0.395468 -0.980160 v -1.586632 0.299459 -1.073462 v -1.612242 0.297878 -1.041495 v -1.659731 0.284573 -1.132529 v -1.685222 0.283017 -1.100467 v -1.753998 0.346326 -1.208702 v -1.780869 0.345674 -1.177754 v -1.787598 0.431107 -1.235852 v -1.814414 0.430318 -1.204860 v -1.771047 0.565454 -1.222479 v -1.797621 0.566631 -1.191291 v -1.718715 0.632737 -1.180191 v -1.745374 0.633805 -1.149072 v -1.614219 0.654016 -1.095754 v -1.639349 0.655395 -1.063399 v -1.548276 0.610817 -1.042468 v -1.573512 0.612266 -1.010200 v -1.643736 0.488107 -1.069161 v -1.649133 0.444291 -1.073522 v -1.683213 0.437351 -1.101060 v -1.698878 0.476878 -1.113719 v -1.674480 0.508247 -1.094003 v -1.641750 0.484519 -1.082821 v -1.646018 0.449879 -1.086269 v -1.672960 0.444393 -1.108040 v -1.685344 0.475642 -1.118047 v -1.666056 0.500441 -1.102461 v -1.703556 0.484038 -0.772480 v -1.742641 0.608193 -0.804063 v -1.838563 0.660451 -0.881573 v -1.935132 0.610201 -0.959605 v -1.975779 0.486877 -0.992450 v -1.936694 0.362721 -0.960867 v -1.840772 0.310463 -0.883357 v -1.744203 0.360714 -0.805325 v -1.623783 0.484038 -0.871203 v -1.662868 0.608193 -0.902786 v -1.758790 0.660451 -0.980296 v -1.855359 0.610200 -1.058328 v -1.896006 0.486877 -1.091173 v -1.856921 0.362721 -1.059590 v -1.760999 0.310463 -0.982080 v -1.664430 0.360714 -0.904048 v -1.827813 0.484631 -0.735094 v -1.850560 0.556887 -0.753475 v -1.906385 0.587301 -0.798584 v -1.962586 0.558056 -0.843998 v -1.986242 0.486283 -0.863113 v -1.963495 0.414027 -0.844732 v -1.907670 0.383614 -0.799623 v -1.851469 0.412859 -0.754209 v -1.607248 0.484038 -0.891666 v -1.646334 0.608193 -0.923249 v -1.742256 0.660451 -1.000758 v -1.838825 0.610201 -1.078791 v -1.879472 0.486877 -1.111635 v -1.840386 0.362721 -1.080052 v -1.744464 0.310463 -1.002542 v -1.647895 0.360714 -0.924510 v -1.575823 0.484038 -0.930556 v -1.614908 0.608193 -0.962139 v -1.710831 0.660451 -1.039649 v -1.807399 0.610200 -1.117681 v -1.848046 0.486877 -1.150525 v -1.808961 0.362721 -1.118942 v -1.713039 0.310463 -1.041433 v -1.616470 0.360714 -0.963401 v -1.675469 0.628864 -0.928898 v -1.713918 0.652405 -0.959967 v -1.749000 0.621366 -0.988315 v -1.745632 0.566785 -0.985594 v -1.707183 0.543244 -0.954525 v -1.676629 0.557168 -0.929836 v -1.626687 0.628864 -0.989268 v -1.665136 0.652405 -1.020337 v -1.700218 0.621366 -1.048684 v -1.696851 0.566785 -1.045963 v -1.658402 0.543244 -1.014894 v -1.627848 0.557168 -0.990205 v -1.670513 0.545742 -0.924893 v -1.691543 0.514026 -0.941887 v -1.688176 0.459445 -0.939166 v -1.649727 0.435904 -0.908097 v -1.614645 0.466944 -0.879749 v -1.618012 0.521524 -0.882470 v -1.565863 0.466944 -0.940118 v -1.569231 0.521524 -0.942840 v -1.600945 0.435904 -0.968466 v -1.639394 0.459445 -0.999535 v -1.642762 0.514025 -1.002257 v -1.621732 0.545742 -0.985263 v -1.633960 0.622511 -0.895357 v -1.585179 0.622511 -0.955726 v -1.607800 0.573639 -0.874218 v -1.559019 0.573639 -0.934588 v 1.831173 0.470975 -1.163208 v 1.815919 0.567289 -1.163208 v 1.771648 0.654176 -1.163208 v 1.702694 0.723129 -1.163208 v 1.615808 0.767400 -1.163208 v 1.519493 0.782655 -1.163208 v 1.423178 0.767400 -1.163208 v 1.336292 0.723129 -1.163208 v 1.267339 0.654176 -1.163208 v 1.223068 0.567289 -1.163208 v 1.207813 0.470975 -1.163208 v 1.223068 0.374660 -1.163208 v 1.267339 0.287774 -1.163208 v 1.336292 0.218820 -1.163208 v 1.423179 0.174549 -1.163208 v 1.519493 0.159295 -1.163208 v 1.615808 0.174549 -1.163208 v 1.702694 0.218821 -1.163208 v 1.771648 0.287774 -1.163208 v 1.815919 0.374661 -1.163208 v 1.969493 0.470975 -1.167144 v 1.947469 0.610032 -1.167144 v 1.883551 0.735478 -1.167144 v 1.783996 0.835032 -1.167144 v 1.658551 0.898950 -1.167144 v 1.519493 0.920975 -1.167144 v 1.380436 0.898950 -1.167144 v 1.254990 0.835033 -1.167144 v 1.155436 0.735478 -1.167144 v 1.091518 0.610032 -1.167144 v 1.069493 0.470975 -1.167144 v 1.091518 0.331917 -1.167144 v 1.155436 0.206471 -1.167144 v 1.254990 0.106917 -1.167144 v 1.380436 0.042999 -1.167144 v 1.519494 0.020975 -1.167144 v 1.658551 0.043000 -1.167144 v 1.783997 0.106918 -1.167144 v 1.883551 0.206472 -1.167144 v 1.947469 0.331918 -1.167144 v 1.915736 0.470975 -1.211613 v 1.896342 0.593421 -1.211613 v 1.840061 0.703881 -1.211613 v 1.752399 0.791542 -1.211613 v 1.641939 0.847824 -1.211613 v 1.519493 0.867218 -1.211613 v 1.397047 0.847824 -1.211613 v 1.286588 0.791542 -1.211613 v 1.198926 0.703880 -1.211613 v 1.142644 0.593421 -1.211613 v 1.123250 0.470975 -1.211613 v 1.142644 0.348529 -1.211613 v 1.198926 0.238069 -1.211613 v 1.286588 0.150407 -1.211613 v 1.397047 0.094125 -1.211613 v 1.519493 0.074732 -1.211613 v 1.641939 0.094126 -1.211613 v 1.752399 0.150408 -1.211613 v 1.840061 0.238070 -1.211613 v 1.896343 0.348530 -1.211613 v 1.969493 0.470975 -1.003710 v 1.883551 0.735478 -1.003710 v 1.783996 0.835032 -1.003710 v 1.658551 0.898950 -1.003710 v 1.519493 0.919428 -1.003710 v 1.254990 0.835033 -1.003710 v 1.155436 0.206471 -1.003710 v 1.254990 0.106917 -1.003710 v 1.519494 0.020975 -1.003710 v 1.658551 0.043000 -1.003710 v 1.883551 0.206472 -1.003710 v 1.866125 0.583602 -0.801468 v 1.883963 0.470975 -0.801468 v 1.814355 0.685205 -0.801468 v 1.733723 0.765837 -0.801468 v 1.632121 0.817606 -0.801468 v 1.519493 0.835445 -0.801468 v 1.406866 0.817606 -0.801468 v 1.305263 0.765837 -0.801468 v 1.224631 0.685205 -0.801468 v 1.172862 0.583602 -0.801468 v 1.155024 0.470975 -0.801468 v 1.172862 0.358347 -0.801468 v 1.224631 0.256745 -0.801468 v 1.305263 0.176113 -0.801468 v 1.406866 0.124344 -0.801468 v 1.519493 0.106505 -0.801468 v 1.632121 0.124344 -0.801468 v 1.733724 0.176113 -0.801468 v 1.814356 0.256745 -0.801468 v 1.866125 0.358348 -0.801468 v 1.969493 0.470975 -0.833139 v 1.947468 0.610032 -0.833139 v 1.947469 0.610032 -1.003710 v 1.883551 0.735478 -0.833139 v 1.783997 0.835032 -0.833139 v 1.658551 0.898950 -0.833139 v 1.519493 0.920975 -0.833139 v 1.380435 0.898950 -0.833139 v 1.380436 0.898950 -1.003710 v 1.254990 0.835032 -0.833139 v 1.155436 0.735478 -0.833139 v 1.155435 0.735478 -1.003710 v 1.091518 0.610032 -0.833139 v 1.091518 0.610032 -1.003710 v 1.069493 0.470975 -0.833139 v 1.069493 0.470975 -1.003710 v 1.091518 0.331917 -0.833139 v 1.091518 0.331917 -1.003710 v 1.155436 0.206471 -0.833139 v 1.254990 0.106917 -0.833139 v 1.380436 0.042999 -0.833139 v 1.380436 0.042999 -1.003710 v 1.519494 0.020975 -0.833139 v 1.658551 0.043000 -0.833139 v 1.783997 0.106918 -0.833139 v 1.783997 0.106918 -1.003710 v 1.883551 0.206472 -0.833139 v 1.947469 0.331918 -0.833139 v 1.947469 0.331918 -1.003710 v 1.781818 0.556210 -1.163208 v 1.795318 0.470975 -1.163208 v 1.781819 0.385741 -1.163208 v 1.742642 0.308850 -1.163208 v 1.681620 0.247828 -1.163208 v 1.604729 0.208650 -1.163208 v 1.519494 0.195149 -1.163208 v 1.434258 0.208649 -1.163208 v 1.357367 0.247828 -1.163208 v 1.296346 0.308849 -1.163208 v 1.257167 0.385741 -1.163208 v 1.243668 0.470975 -1.163208 v 1.257167 0.556210 -1.163208 v 1.296346 0.633101 -1.163208 v 1.357367 0.694123 -1.163208 v 1.434259 0.733300 -1.163208 v 1.519493 0.746800 -1.163208 v 1.604727 0.733301 -1.163208 v 1.681619 0.694123 -1.163208 v 1.742640 0.633101 -1.163208 v 1.808699 0.470975 -0.833139 v 1.794545 0.560344 -0.833139 v 1.753466 0.640966 -0.833139 v 1.689485 0.704947 -0.833139 v 1.608863 0.746027 -0.833139 v 1.519493 0.760181 -0.833139 v 1.430124 0.746026 -0.833139 v 1.349501 0.704947 -0.833139 v 1.285521 0.640966 -0.833139 v 1.244442 0.560344 -0.833139 v 1.230287 0.470974 -0.833139 v 1.244442 0.381606 -0.833139 v 1.285520 0.300984 -0.833139 v 1.349503 0.237001 -0.833139 v 1.430123 0.195923 -0.833139 v 1.519494 0.181769 -0.833139 v 1.608863 0.195923 -0.833139 v 1.689485 0.237002 -0.833139 v 1.753466 0.300984 -0.833139 v 1.794545 0.381605 -0.833139 v 1.795318 0.470975 -1.103767 v 1.781819 0.556210 -1.103767 v 1.781819 0.385740 -1.103767 v 1.742641 0.308849 -1.103767 v 1.681620 0.247828 -1.103767 v 1.604729 0.208649 -1.103767 v 1.519494 0.195149 -1.103767 v 1.434258 0.208649 -1.103767 v 1.357367 0.247827 -1.103767 v 1.296346 0.308849 -1.103767 v 1.257168 0.385741 -1.103767 v 1.243668 0.470975 -1.103767 v 1.257168 0.556210 -1.103767 v 1.296346 0.633101 -1.103767 v 1.357367 0.694122 -1.103767 v 1.434259 0.733300 -1.103767 v 1.519493 0.746800 -1.103767 v 1.604728 0.733301 -1.103767 v 1.681619 0.694122 -1.103767 v 1.742640 0.633101 -1.103767 v 1.596059 0.394409 -1.139238 v 1.596059 0.394409 -1.103767 v 1.470335 0.374496 -1.139238 v 1.470335 0.374496 -1.103767 v 1.412547 0.487914 -1.103767 v 1.412546 0.487914 -1.139238 v 1.502554 0.577922 -1.103767 v 1.502554 0.577923 -1.139238 v 1.615971 0.520133 -1.139238 v 1.615971 0.520133 -1.103767 v 1.579272 0.501434 -1.122065 v 1.566935 0.423533 -1.122065 v 1.489034 0.411195 -1.122065 v 1.453226 0.481471 -1.122065 v 1.508997 0.537242 -1.122065 v 1.761688 0.549669 -1.103767 v 1.774151 0.470975 -1.103767 v 1.761688 0.392281 -1.103767 v 1.725516 0.321291 -1.103767 v 1.669178 0.264952 -1.103767 v 1.598187 0.228781 -1.103767 v 1.519494 0.216317 -1.103767 v 1.440799 0.228781 -1.103767 v 1.369809 0.264952 -1.103767 v 1.313471 0.321291 -1.103767 v 1.277299 0.392282 -1.103767 v 1.264835 0.470975 -1.103767 v 1.277299 0.549668 -1.103767 v 1.313471 0.620660 -1.103767 v 1.369809 0.676997 -1.103767 v 1.440800 0.713169 -1.103767 v 1.519493 0.725633 -1.103767 v 1.598187 0.713169 -1.103767 v 1.669178 0.676997 -1.103767 v 1.725516 0.620659 -1.103767 v 1.776055 0.470976 -0.833139 v 1.763498 0.550256 -0.833139 v 1.727055 0.621778 -0.833139 v 1.670296 0.678537 -0.833139 v 1.598775 0.714980 -0.833139 v 1.519493 0.727536 -0.833139 v 1.440212 0.714979 -0.833139 v 1.368690 0.678537 -0.833139 v 1.311931 0.621778 -0.833139 v 1.275489 0.550257 -0.833139 v 1.262932 0.470974 -0.833139 v 1.275488 0.391693 -0.833139 v 1.311931 0.320172 -0.833139 v 1.368691 0.263412 -0.833139 v 1.440211 0.226970 -0.833139 v 1.519494 0.214413 -0.833139 v 1.598775 0.226970 -0.833139 v 1.670297 0.263413 -0.833139 v 1.727057 0.320172 -0.833139 v 1.763498 0.391693 -0.833139 v 1.705894 0.489621 -1.161301 v 1.707450 0.489297 -1.120341 v 1.691010 0.395641 -1.161301 v 1.692589 0.395468 -1.120341 v 1.594828 0.299459 -1.161301 v 1.595000 0.297878 -1.120341 v 1.500848 0.284573 -1.161301 v 1.501172 0.283017 -1.120341 v 1.379651 0.346326 -1.161301 v 1.378201 0.345674 -1.120341 v 1.336453 0.431107 -1.161301 v 1.335074 0.430318 -1.120341 v 1.357731 0.565454 -1.161301 v 1.356664 0.566631 -1.120341 v 1.425014 0.632737 -1.161301 v 1.423837 0.633805 -1.120341 v 1.559361 0.654016 -1.161301 v 1.560150 0.655395 -1.120341 v 1.644141 0.610817 -1.161301 v 1.644794 0.612266 -1.120341 v 1.553116 0.488107 -1.122065 v 1.546177 0.444291 -1.122065 v 1.502361 0.437351 -1.122065 v 1.482221 0.476878 -1.122065 v 1.513590 0.508247 -1.122065 v 1.546075 0.484519 -1.133938 v 1.540588 0.449879 -1.133938 v 1.505949 0.444393 -1.133938 v 1.490027 0.475642 -1.133938 v 1.514826 0.500441 -1.133938 v 1.459091 0.387316 -0.746537 v 1.429845 0.459573 -0.746537 v 1.460259 0.531345 -0.746537 v 1.532515 0.560590 -0.746537 v 1.604288 0.530177 -0.746537 v 1.633532 0.457920 -0.746537 v 1.603119 0.386148 -0.746537 v 1.530863 0.356903 -0.746537 v 1.356696 0.460166 -0.853712 v 1.356695 0.460166 -0.980637 v 1.408953 0.583490 -0.980637 v 1.408953 0.583490 -0.853712 v 1.533108 0.633741 -0.980637 v 1.533109 0.633741 -0.853712 v 1.656433 0.581482 -0.980637 v 1.656433 0.581482 -0.853712 v 1.706683 0.457327 -0.980637 v 1.706683 0.457327 -0.853712 v 1.654424 0.334003 -0.980637 v 1.654426 0.334003 -0.853712 v 1.530269 0.283752 -0.980637 v 1.530270 0.283752 -0.853712 v 1.406945 0.336010 -0.980637 v 1.406946 0.336011 -0.853712 v 1.644616 0.334083 -1.006945 v 1.520460 0.283832 -1.006945 v 1.397136 0.336090 -1.006944 v 1.346885 0.460245 -1.006944 v 1.399144 0.583569 -1.006945 v 1.523299 0.633820 -1.006945 v 1.646623 0.581562 -1.006945 v 1.696874 0.457406 -1.006945 v 1.646623 0.581562 -1.056945 v 1.696874 0.457406 -1.056945 v 1.523299 0.633820 -1.056945 v 1.399144 0.583569 -1.056945 v 1.346885 0.460245 -1.056944 v 1.397136 0.336090 -1.056944 v 1.520460 0.283832 -1.056944 v 1.644616 0.334083 -1.056945 v 1.618919 0.530537 -0.993027 v 1.579637 0.516613 -0.993027 v 1.530203 0.540154 -0.993028 v 1.525875 0.594734 -0.993028 v 1.570978 0.625774 -0.993027 v 1.620411 0.602233 -0.993027 v 1.570978 0.625774 -1.070643 v 1.620411 0.602233 -1.070642 v 1.525875 0.594734 -1.070643 v 1.530204 0.540154 -1.070643 v 1.579637 0.516613 -1.070643 v 1.618919 0.530537 -1.070642 v 1.626782 0.519111 -0.993027 v 1.694281 0.494893 -0.993027 v 1.698611 0.440312 -0.993027 v 1.653507 0.409273 -0.993027 v 1.604074 0.432814 -0.993027 v 1.599744 0.487394 -0.993027 v 1.694281 0.494893 -1.070642 v 1.698610 0.440312 -1.070642 v 1.653507 0.409273 -1.070642 v 1.604074 0.432814 -1.070643 v 1.599745 0.487394 -1.070643 v 1.626783 0.519111 -1.070642 v 1.707410 0.547008 -0.993027 v 1.707410 0.547008 -1.070642 v 1.673777 0.595880 -1.070642 v 1.673777 0.595880 -0.993027 v -2.817058 0.720395 0.349883 v -2.836376 0.727374 0.000002 v -2.817058 0.720395 -0.349878 v 2.701447 0.995923 -0.664628 v 2.687155 1.007148 -0.714144 v 2.670149 1.050351 -0.739171 v 2.660393 1.100226 -0.725049 v 2.663602 1.127556 -0.680050 v 2.677895 1.116331 -0.630534 v 2.694900 1.073128 -0.605507 v 2.704655 1.023253 -0.619629 v 2.708190 1.017524 -0.669557 v 2.697906 1.025601 -0.705185 v 2.685670 1.056686 -0.723192 v 2.678651 1.092571 -0.713031 v 2.680959 1.112235 -0.680654 v 2.691243 1.104159 -0.645027 v 2.703478 1.073074 -0.627020 v 2.710498 1.037188 -0.637180 v 2.579709 0.959883 -0.899045 v 2.547523 0.979137 -0.936132 v 2.523775 1.025485 -0.944505 v 2.522378 1.071775 -0.919261 v 2.544150 1.090894 -0.875186 v 2.576336 1.071640 -0.838099 v 2.600083 1.025293 -0.829726 v 2.601480 0.979002 -0.854970 v 2.584823 0.982220 -0.902407 v 2.561664 0.996074 -0.929092 v 2.544578 1.029421 -0.935116 v 2.543572 1.062727 -0.916952 v 2.559237 1.076483 -0.885240 v 2.582396 1.062630 -0.858556 v 2.599482 1.029282 -0.852531 v 2.600487 0.995976 -0.870695 v 2.710498 1.037189 0.637181 v 2.708190 1.017525 0.669558 v 2.697906 1.025601 0.705184 v 2.685670 1.056686 0.723192 v 2.678651 1.092571 0.713031 v 2.680959 1.112235 0.680654 v 2.691243 1.104159 0.645027 v 2.703478 1.073074 0.627019 v 2.701447 0.995923 0.664628 v 2.687154 1.007148 0.714144 v 2.670149 1.050352 0.739171 v 2.660393 1.100226 0.725049 v 2.663601 1.127556 0.680050 v 2.677895 1.116331 0.630534 v 2.694900 1.073128 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0.000000 1.226830 v -2.670246 -0.000000 -1.001224 v -2.468415 0.000000 1.146473 v -2.671701 0.000000 1.008977 v -2.789763 0.000000 0.804342 v -2.816666 -0.000000 -0.741780 v -2.878104 -0.000000 -0.556958 v -2.924000 -0.000000 -0.040985 v -2.018619 0.000000 0.036908 v -1.548452 -0.000000 -0.009249 v 2.932793 -0.000000 -0.009249 v -1.668242 -0.000000 -0.004218 v -1.434617 -0.000000 -0.011832 v 1.827090 0.000000 1.265091 v 1.051687 0.000000 1.214345 v 1.935763 0.000000 1.222990 v 1.827129 -0.000000 -0.010651 v 1.051683 -0.000000 -0.010735 v 1.935814 -0.000000 -0.010144 v 1.160361 -0.000000 -1.261257 v 1.935774 -0.000000 -1.212592 v 1.051685 -0.000000 -1.219913 v 1.160361 0.000000 1.258343 v 1.160369 -0.000000 -0.011132 v 1.827099 -0.000000 -1.255543 v -1.636750 0.000000 1.436575 v -1.885610 -0.000000 -1.435081 v -1.851716 0.000000 0.012826 usemtl 69_69_64_255 s 1 f 2682 2686 2687 f 2687 2688 2689 f 2687 2689 2674 f 2682 2687 2674 f 2667 2682 2674 f 2690 2693 2680 f 2680 2673 2690 f 2674 2689 2708 f 2708 2672 2674 f 2671 2690 2692 f 2692 2669 2671 f 2679 2695 2698 f 2698 2693 2679 f 2665 2685 2684 f 2684 2683 2681 f 2665 2684 2681 f 2681 2670 2689 f 2665 2681 2689 f 2688 2665 2689 f 2690 2671 2679 f 2679 2693 2690 f 2670 2706 2708 f 2708 2689 2670 f 2673 2707 2692 f 2692 2690 2673 f 2668 2676 2678 f 2668 2678 2701 f 2668 2701 2699 f 2691 2668 2699 f 2666 2677 2675 f 2675 2691 2699 f 2666 2675 2699 f 2696 2666 2699 f 2702 2680 2693 f 2693 2698 2702 f 2698 2695 2703 f 2703 2704 2698 f 2699 2701 2705 f 2705 2697 2699 f 2696 2699 2697 f 2697 2694 2696 f 2702 2698 2704 f 2704 2700 2702 f 2703 2694 2697 f 2697 2704 2703 f 2705 2700 2704 f 2704 2697 2705 f 2708 2692 2707 f 2707 2672 2708 f 2692 2708 2706 f 2706 2669 2692]\nAdd Mesh; Name: [Tori gate] Data: [# Blender v2.92.0 OBJ File: 'game intro.blend' # www.blender.org mtllib game intro.mtl o Landscape_Cube v 1.995573 0.000878 -1.995567 v -1.995540 0.011463 -1.995540 v 1.995540 0.000000 1.995540 v -1.995540 0.000000 1.995540 v 0.000001 0.098613 -1.995539 v 1.995414 0.062676 0.000019 v 0.000000 0.000000 1.995540 v -1.995540 0.000000 0.000000 v 0.000009 0.000000 -0.000012 v -0.997124 0.074401 -1.993610 v 1.995539 0.040978 -0.997770 v 0.997770 0.000000 1.995540 v -1.995540 0.009538 0.997770 v 0.998334 0.060992 -1.999076 v 1.995540 0.016908 0.997770 v -0.997770 0.000000 1.995540 v -1.995540 0.000000 -0.997770 v -0.004189 -0.010915 -0.991928 v 0.006957 -0.000000 1.005087 v -1.002675 0.153278 -0.032220 v 0.984504 -0.000166 0.005170 v 0.998029 -0.005603 1.012446 v -0.993305 0.253806 0.999050 v -0.957017 -0.037810 -0.962500 v 0.994978 -0.000004 -0.997611 v -1.496655 0.030663 -1.995540 v 1.995825 0.009517 -1.496358 v 1.496655 0.000000 1.995540 v -1.995540 0.000000 1.496655 v 0.497959 0.070562 -1.997403 v 1.995419 0.058126 0.498904 v -0.498885 0.000000 1.995540 v -1.995540 0.000000 -0.498885 v 0.000000 0.004453 -1.496655 v 0.000000 0.008639 0.498885 v -1.513140 0.134541 -0.021497 v 0.542034 0.010834 -0.038777 v -0.496229 0.138047 -1.993470 v 1.995526 0.089519 -0.498887 v 0.498885 0.000000 1.995540 v -1.995540 0.008919 0.498885 v 1.499698 0.079105 -1.998015 v 1.994910 0.000002 1.496603 v -1.496655 0.000000 1.995540 v -1.995540 0.000000 -1.496655 v 0.021911 -0.051833 -0.533795 v 0.000102 -0.000001 1.496414 v -0.498262 0.042697 -0.002135 v 1.494104 0.036834 0.000379 v 0.965748 -0.042282 0.461141 v 1.004574 -0.064430 1.566255 v 0.487101 -0.013082 0.997230 v 1.496655 0.000000 0.997770 v -0.992728 0.257390 0.466905 v -0.997835 0.228473 1.499177 v -1.504483 0.246416 1.000643 v -0.468115 0.257069 1.000652 v -0.997770 0.003259 -1.496655 v -0.997627 -0.000081 -0.500431 v -1.492106 -0.000221 -0.994561 v -0.528578 -0.033961 -0.909515 v 1.000397 0.176545 -1.488378 v 0.995260 -0.002373 -0.502737 v 0.497637 -0.007354 -0.997657 v 1.495582 0.039081 -0.998086 v 1.494609 0.029982 -0.499225 v 0.471175 0.014975 -0.471424 v 0.498103 0.079673 -1.495148 v -0.481054 -0.002017 -0.538787 v -1.496655 0.000000 -0.498885 v -1.496655 0.003097 -1.496655 v -0.498885 0.000000 1.496655 v -1.496655 0.000000 1.496655 v -1.520391 0.232475 0.480257 v 1.477452 -0.023626 1.476329 v 0.526631 -0.120250 1.444866 v 0.499085 0.046412 0.498951 v 1.495546 0.021777 0.499063 v -0.470822 0.222499 0.467183 v -0.498862 0.001189 -1.496637 v 1.506219 0.157740 -1.487574 v 0.996732 -0.257833 1.423418 v 0.990186 -0.342977 0.791876 v 0.518788 -0.277434 1.324841 usemtl 24_143_9_255 s off f 27 42 81 f 80 5 38 f 79 9 48 f 31 49 78 f 50 37 77 f 76 22 52 f 43 53 75 f 54 36 74 f 55 56 73 f 72 19 57 f 59 60 70 f 68 14 30 f 63 64 67 f 66 11 65 f 63 65 25 f 49 63 21 f 6 66 49 f 46 64 18 f 9 67 46 f 37 63 67 f 68 5 34 f 64 34 18 f 25 68 64 f 59 61 24 f 48 59 20 f 9 69 48 f 70 17 33 f 36 33 8 f 20 70 36 f 71 2 45 f 17 71 45 f 60 58 71 f 55 57 23 f 16 72 55 f 7 72 32 f 73 13 29 f 44 29 4 f 16 73 44 f 74 8 41 f 13 74 41 f 56 54 74 f 51 53 22 f 12 75 51 f 28 43 75 f 76 19 47 f 40 47 7 f 12 76 40 f 77 9 35 f 52 35 19 f 22 77 52 f 50 49 21 f 22 78 50 f 15 78 53 f 54 48 20 f 57 54 23 f 57 35 79 f 62 42 14 f 65 62 25 f 11 81 65 f 27 1 42 f 80 34 5 f 79 35 9 f 31 6 49 f 50 21 37 f 22 84 83 f 43 15 53 f 54 20 36 f 55 23 56 f 72 47 19 f 59 24 60 f 68 62 14 f 63 25 64 f 66 39 11 f 63 66 65 f 49 66 63 f 6 39 66 f 46 67 64 f 9 37 67 f 37 21 63 f 68 30 5 f 64 68 34 f 25 62 68 f 59 69 61 f 48 69 59 f 70 60 17 f 36 70 33 f 20 59 70 f 71 26 2 f 17 60 71 f 60 24 58 f 55 72 57 f 16 32 72 f 7 47 72 f 73 56 13 f 44 73 29 f 16 55 73 f 74 36 8 f 13 56 74 f 56 23 54 f 51 75 53 f 12 28 75 f 28 3 43 f 76 52 19 f 40 76 47 f 12 51 76 f 77 37 9 f 52 77 35 f 22 50 77 f 50 78 49 f 22 53 78 f 15 31 78 f 54 79 48 f 57 79 54 f 57 19 35 f 80 38 10 f 18 34 80 f 62 81 42 f 65 81 62 f 11 27 81 f 84 82 83 f 76 82 84 f 22 82 51 f 22 76 84 f 76 51 82 f 22 83 82 o Path_Cube.002 v 0.000009 0.000000 -0.000012 v -0.997124 0.074401 -1.993610 v -0.004189 -0.010915 -0.991928 v -0.957017 -0.037810 -0.962500 v -1.496655 0.030663 -1.995540 v 0.021911 -0.051833 -0.533795 v -0.997770 0.003259 -1.496655 v -0.528578 -0.033961 -0.909515 v -0.481054 -0.002017 -0.538787 v -1.496655 0.003097 -1.496655 v -0.498862 0.001189 -1.496637 usemtl 110_63_20_255 s off f 91 89 94 f 93 87 92 f 95 86 91 f 88 95 91 f 87 95 92 f 91 86 89 f 93 90 87 f 85 90 93 f 88 92 95 o Shrein_Pillar_one_Cube.004 v -1.042372 0.256340 0.787191 v -1.047022 0.573633 0.780082 v -1.060942 0.256340 0.780930 v -1.056267 0.573633 0.776965 v -1.036580 0.256340 0.770012 v -1.043685 0.573633 0.770186 v -1.055150 0.256340 0.763751 v -1.052930 0.573633 0.767069 v -1.046044 0.506878 0.781578 v -1.057250 0.506878 0.777799 v -1.053397 0.506878 0.766371 v -1.042190 0.506878 0.770149 v -1.046427 0.533040 0.780992 v -1.056865 0.533040 0.777473 v -1.053214 0.533040 0.766644 v -1.042776 0.533040 0.770163 v -1.113314 0.536919 0.758440 v -1.113700 0.522853 0.758767 v -1.109663 0.536919 0.747612 v -1.109846 0.522853 0.747338 v -1.018160 0.533732 0.662678 v -1.005957 0.507570 0.625669 v -1.007722 0.533732 0.666197 v -0.994751 0.507570 0.629448 v -1.091758 0.534847 0.880963 v -1.105474 0.508685 0.920826 v -1.094267 0.508685 0.924604 v -1.081321 0.534847 0.884483 usemtl 214_54_0_255 s off f 97 109 108 f 99 110 109 f 110 101 111 f 111 97 108 f 99 101 103 f 100 104 96 f 102 107 100 f 105 102 98 f 104 98 96 f 107 108 104 f 106 116 117 f 105 115 106 f 109 123 108 f 112 115 113 f 106 114 110 f 110 112 109 f 105 112 113 f 117 118 119 f 111 116 110 f 106 119 107 f 107 118 111 f 123 121 122 f 104 121 105 f 105 120 109 f 104 123 122 f 97 99 109 f 99 103 110 f 110 103 101 f 111 101 97 f 99 97 101 f 100 107 104 f 102 106 107 f 105 106 102 f 104 105 98 f 107 111 108 f 106 110 116 f 105 113 115 f 109 120 123 f 112 114 115 f 106 115 114 f 110 114 112 f 105 109 112 f 117 116 118 f 111 118 116 f 106 117 119 f 107 119 118 f 123 120 121 f 104 122 121 f 105 121 120 f 104 108 123 o Shrein_Pillar_2_Cube.005 v -0.855487 0.256340 0.850202 v -0.860137 0.573633 0.843094 v -0.874057 0.256340 0.843941 v -0.869381 0.573633 0.839977 v -0.849695 0.256340 0.833023 v -0.856800 0.573633 0.833197 v -0.868265 0.256340 0.826762 v -0.866044 0.573633 0.830080 v -0.859514 0.531136 0.844046 v -0.870008 0.531136 0.840508 v -0.866342 0.531136 0.829635 v -0.855848 0.531136 0.833174 v -0.870385 0.505549 0.840827 v -0.866521 0.505549 0.829368 v -0.855275 0.505549 0.833160 v -0.859139 0.505549 0.844619 v -1.046383 0.532946 0.781040 v -1.042717 0.532946 0.770168 v -1.045930 0.507360 0.781640 v -1.042066 0.507360 0.770180 v -0.805772 0.520381 0.862612 v -0.806147 0.534516 0.862039 v -0.802481 0.534516 0.851167 v -0.801908 0.520381 0.851153 v -0.830451 0.531783 0.723186 v -0.819957 0.531783 0.726724 v -0.817461 0.506197 0.683862 v -0.806216 0.506197 0.687653 v -0.908300 0.507424 0.990427 v -0.895710 0.533010 0.951399 v -0.906203 0.533010 0.947861 v -0.919546 0.507424 0.986635 usemtl 214_54_0_255 s off f 125 133 132 f 127 134 133 f 134 129 135 f 135 125 132 f 127 129 131 f 132 146 135 f 137 148 150 f 134 140 133 f 139 153 152 f 139 126 124 f 136 130 126 f 130 138 128 f 128 139 124 f 140 143 142 f 136 143 137 f 134 143 141 f 133 142 136 f 147 145 144 f 138 144 139 f 139 145 132 f 138 146 147 f 150 149 151 f 135 148 134 f 137 151 138 f 138 149 135 f 153 155 152 f 133 153 132 f 139 155 136 f 136 154 133 f 125 127 133 f 127 131 134 f 134 131 129 f 135 129 125 f 127 125 129 f 132 145 146 f 137 134 148 f 134 141 140 f 139 132 153 f 139 136 126 f 136 137 130 f 130 137 138 f 128 138 139 f 140 141 143 f 136 142 143 f 134 137 143 f 133 140 142 f 147 146 145 f 138 147 144 f 139 144 145 f 138 135 146 f 150 148 149 f 135 149 148 f 137 150 151 f 138 151 149 f 153 154 155 f 133 154 153 f 139 152 155 f 136 155 154 o Shrine_roof_Plane v -1.076923 0.477442 0.544143 v -1.210657 0.477442 0.940784 v -0.695383 0.477442 0.672785 v -0.829116 0.477442 1.069426 v -1.131863 0.677636 0.749450 v -0.796154 0.677636 0.862639 v -1.121776 0.610905 0.797022 v -1.140223 0.544174 0.851734 v -0.839560 0.544174 0.953107 v -0.821113 0.610905 0.898395 v -0.793294 0.610905 0.815886 v -0.775161 0.544174 0.762106 v -1.075824 0.544174 0.660733 v -1.093957 0.610905 0.714513 usemtl 255_255_255_255 s off f 157 164 163 f 169 161 166 f 162 161 160 f 163 165 162 f 156 167 158 f 169 167 168 f 157 159 164 f 169 160 161 f 162 165 161 f 163 164 165 f 156 168 167 f 169 166 167 o Plane.001_Plane.002 v 1.983293 0.294636 -6.265777 v -1.983293 0.294636 -6.265776 v 1.983293 0.004480 -1.998700 v -1.995248 0.011664 -1.995757 v -5.629211 0.294636 -6.265776 v -5.629211 0.304508 -1.998699 v -1.983293 0.228878 4.485648 v -5.629211 0.304508 4.485648 v -1.997467 -0.004035 1.995209 v -5.629210 0.304508 2.056964 v 4.438657 0.228878 4.485648 v 4.438658 0.055023 2.016886 v 1.997816 -0.001849 1.992756 v 1.945224 0.228878 4.485648 v 4.438657 0.402503 -6.096144 v 1.945225 0.014510 -6.096145 usemtl 24_143_9_255 s off f 171 172 170 f 171 175 173 f 179 176 178 f 175 178 173 f 183 181 182 f 178 183 182 f 182 184 185 f 171 173 172 f 171 174 175 f 179 177 176 f 175 179 178 f 183 180 181 f 178 176 183 f 182 181 184]\nAdd Mesh; Name: [plane] Data: [# Blender v2.92.0 OBJ File: '' # www.blender.org mtllib plane.mtl o Plane v -1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 v 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 v -1.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 v 1.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 usemtl 200_200_200_255 s off f 2 3 1 f 2 4 3]\n\ndefine Add Material; R: (r) G: (g) B: (b) A: (a)\nadd (r) to [#materialdata v]\nadd (g) to [#materialdata v]\nadd (b) to [#materialdata v]\nadd (a) to [#materialdata v]\n\ndefine Clear Materials\ndelete all of [#materialdata v]\n\ndefine Load Materials\nAdd Material; R: [200] G: [200] B: [200] A: [255]\nAdd Material; R: [200] G: [0] B: [0] A: [255]\nAdd Material; R: [3] G: [252] B: [236] A: [200]\nAdd Material; R: [0] G: [0] B: [0] A: [255]\nAdd Material; R: [175] G: [160] B: [20] A: [255]\nAdd Material; R: (pick random (0) to (255)) G: (pick random (0) to (255)) B: (pick random (0) to (255)) A: [255]\nrepeat (10)\nend\n\ndefine get RGBA (a)\ndelete all of [~return v]\nset [~n v] to [1]\nset [~value v] to []\nset [a v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (a))\n if <<(length of [~return v]) < [4]> and <(a) = [1]>> then\n if <(letter (~n) of (a)) = [.]> then\n set [a v] to [0]\n end\n if <(letter (~n) of (a)) = [_]> then\n add (~Value) to [~return v]\n set [~value v] to []\n change [~n v] by (1)\n end\n if <not <(letter (~n) of (a)) = [_]>> then\n set [~value v] to (join (~Value) (letter (~n) of (a)))\n end\n change [~n v] by (1)\n end\nend\nadd (~Value) to [~return v]\nrepeat ((4) - (length of [~return v]))\n add [255] to [~return v]\nend\nAdd Material; R: (item (1) of [~return v]) G: (item (2) of [~return v]) B: (item (3) of [~return v]) A: (item (4) of [~return v])\nset [~material v] to ((length of [#materialdata v]) / (4))\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@UI\n\ndefine Fill triangle (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (x3) (y3) resolution (resolution) styleColor (color) styleBrightness (brightness)\nset [~t_a1 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((x2) - (x3)) * ((x2) - (x3))) + (((y2) - (y3)) * ((y2) - (y3)))) )\nset [~t_a2 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((x1) - (x3)) * ((x1) - (x3))) + (((y1) - (y3)) * ((y1) - (y3)))) )\nset [~t_a3 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((x1) - (x2)) * ((x1) - (x2))) + (((y1) - (y2)) * ((y1) - (y2)))) )\nif <((~T_a1) + ((~T_a2) + (~T_a3))) = [0]> then\n go to x: (x1) y: (y1)\n set pen size to (1)\n pen down\n pen up\nelse\n set [~t_s v] to ((1) / ((~T_a1) + ((~T_a2) + (~T_a3))))\n set [~t_cx v] to (((((~T_a1) * (x1)) + ((~T_a2) * (x2))) + ((~T_a3) * (x3))) * (~T_s))\n set [~t_cy v] to (((((~T_a1) * (y1)) + ((~T_a2) * (y2))) + ((~T_a3) * (y3))) * (~T_s))\n set [~t_circlerad v] to ([sqrt v] of (((((~T_a2) + (~T_a3)) - (~T_a1)) * ((((~T_a3) + (~T_a1)) - (~T_a2)) * (((~T_a1) + (~T_a2)) - (~T_a3)))) * (~T_s)) )\n set [~t_vx1 v] to ((~T_cx) - (x1))\n set [~t_vy1 v] to ((~T_cy) - (y1))\n set [~t_vx2 v] to ((~T_cx) - (x2))\n set [~t_vy2 v] to ((~T_cy) - (y2))\n set [~t_vx3 v] to ((~T_cx) - (x3))\n set [~t_vy3 v] to ((~T_cy) - (y3))\n if <<(~T_a1) < (~T_a2)> and <(~T_a1) < (~T_a3)>> then\n set [~t_vmag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~T_vx1) * (~T_vx1)) + ((~T_vy1) * (~T_vy1))) )\n else\n if <(~T_a2) < (~T_a3)> then\n set [~t_vmag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~T_vx2) * (~T_vx2)) + ((~T_vy2) * (~T_vy2))) )\n else\n set [~t_vmag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~T_vx3) * (~T_vx3)) + ((~T_vy3) * (~T_vy3))) )\n end\n end\n set [~t_r v] to ((((~T_vMag) * (2)) - (~T_CircleRad)) / ((~T_vMag) * (4)))\n set [~t_vmag v] to [1]\n go to x: (round (~T_cx)) y: (round (~T_cy))\n set pen size to (~T_CircleRad)\n pen down\n repeat ([ceiling v] of (([log v] of ((resolution) / (~T_CircleRad)) ) / ([log v] of (~T_r) )) )\n set [~t_vmag v] to ((~T_vMag) * (~T_r))\n set pen size to ((~T_CircleRad) * (~T_vMag))\n go to x: ((x1) + ((~T_vx1) * (~T_vMag))) y: ((y1) + ((~T_vy1) * (~T_vMag)))\n go to x: ((x2) + ((~T_vx2) * (~T_vMag))) y: ((y2) + ((~T_vy2) * (~T_vMag)))\n go to x: ((x3) + ((~T_vx3) * (~T_vMag))) y: ((y3) + ((~T_vy3) * (~T_vMag)))\n go to x: ((x1) + ((~T_vx1) * (~T_vMag))) y: ((y1) + ((~T_vy1) * (~T_vMag)))\n change pen (brightness v) by (brightness)\n change pen (color v) by (color)\n end\n set pen size to ([ceiling v] of ((resolution) * (0.55)) )\n go to x: (x1) y: (y1)\n go to x: (x2) y: (y2)\n go to x: (x3) y: (y3)\n go to x: (x1) y: (y1)\n pen up\nend\n\ndefine rexTriFill (a) (b) . (c) (d) . (e) (f) . (r)\nset [_tri9 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((c) - (e)) * ((c) - (e))) + (((d) - (f)) * ((d) - (f)))) )\nset [_tri9 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((a) - (e)) * ((a) - (e))) + (((b) - (f)) * ((b) - (f)))) )\nset [_tri9 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((a) - (c)) * ((a) - (c))) + (((b) - (d)) * ((b) - (d)))) )\nset [_tri9 v] to (((_tri9) + ((_tri9) + (_tri9))) / (2))\nset [_tri9 v] to ((2) * ([sqrt v] of ((((_tri9) - (_tri9)) * (((_tri9) - (_tri9)) * ((_tri9) - (_tri9)))) / (_tri9)) ))\nchange [_tri9 v] by (_tri9)\ngo to x: (((((_tri9) * (a)) + ((_tri9) * (c))) + ((_tri9) * (e))) / (_tri9)) y: (((((_tri9) * (b)) + ((_tri9) * (d))) + ((_tri9) * (f))) / (_tri9))\nset pen size to (_tri9)\npen down\nif <(_tri9) > [0]> then\n if <<(_tri9) < (_tri9)> or <(_tri9) < (_tri9)>> then\n if <(_tri9) < (_tri9)> then\n set [_tri9 v] to ((x position) - (e))\n set [_tri9 v] to ((y position) - (f))\n else\n set [_tri9 v] to ((x position) - (c))\n set [_tri9 v] to ((y position) - (d))\n end\n else\n set [_tri9 v] to ((x position) - (a))\n set [_tri9 v] to ((y position) - (b))\n end\n set [_tri9 v] to (([sqrt v] of (((_tri9) * (_tri9)) + ((_tri9) * (_tri9))) ) / ((_tri9) / (2)))\n set [_tri9 v] to ((((_tri9) * (r)) / ((_tri9) - (1))) + (.25))\n set [_tri9 v] to ((.5) - ((.5) / (_tri9)))\n set [_tri9 v] to (((x position) - (a)) / (_tri9))\n set [_tri9 v] to (((y position) - (b)) / (_tri9))\n set [_tri9 v] to (((x position) - (c)) / (_tri9))\n set [_tri9 v] to (((y position) - (d)) / (_tri9))\n set [_tri9 v] to (((x position) - (e)) / (_tri9))\n set [_tri9 v] to (((y position) - (f)) / (_tri9))\n repeat until <(_tri9) < (_tri9)>\n set [_tri9 v] to ((_tri9) * (_tri9))\n set pen size to ((_tri9) + (.5))\n go to x: ((a) + ((_tri9) * (_tri9))) y: ((b) + ((_tri9) * (_tri9)))\n go to x: ((c) + ((_tri9) * (_tri9))) y: ((d) + ((_tri9) * (_tri9)))\n go to x: ((e) + ((_tri9) * (_tri9))) y: ((f) + ((_tri9) * (_tri9)))\n go to x: ((a) + ((_tri9) * (_tri9))) y: ((b) + ((_tri9) * (_tri9)))\n end\nend\nset pen size to (r)\nif <(outlines) = [1]> then\n set pen color to (#000000)\nend\ngo to x: (a) y: (b)\ngo to x: (c) y: (d)\ngo to x: (e) y: (f)\ngo to x: (a) y: (b)\npen up\n\ndefine _calcWW (text) (width) (firstwidth) (cspace) (spacewidth)\ndelete all of [_ww0 v]\ndelete all of [_ww1 v]\ndelete all of [_ww2 v]\nset [_i3 v] to [1]\nset [_i4 v] to [0]\nset [_i5 v] to [0]\nset [_i6 v] to [0]\nset [_i7 v] to (firstwidth)\nrepeat (length of (text))\n if <(letter (_i3) of (text)) = [ ]> then\n if <(_i4) = [0]> then\n if <((_i7) + ((_i5) - (cspace))) > (width)> then\n insert [1] at (1) of [_ww0 v] \n add [0] to [_ww1 v]\n add [0] to [_ww2 v]\n set [_i6 v] to [1]\n end\n change [_i7 v] by ((_i5) - (cspace))\n else\n if <((_i7) + ((spacewidth) + (_i5))) > (width)> then\n if <(_i4) > (_i6)> then\n add (_i7) to [_ww1 v]\n add (((_i4) - (_i6)) - (1)) to [_ww2 v]\n end\n set [_i6 v] to (_i4)\n set [_i7 v] to ((_i5) - (cspace))\n else\n change [_i7 v] by ((spacewidth) + (_i5))\n end\n end\n add [1] to [_ww0 v]\n set [_i4 v] to (length of [_ww0 v])\n set [_i5 v] to [0]\n else\n switch costume to (blank v)\n switch costume to (join (letter (_i3) of (text)) [_])\n set [_i9 v] to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n if <(_i9) > [0]> then\n set [_i8 v] to (item (_i9) of [_chwidth v])\n if <((_i5) + (_i8)) > (width)> then\n if <(_i4) > (_i6)> then\n add (_i7) to [_ww1 v]\n add (((_i4) - (_i6)) - (1)) to [_ww2 v]\n end\n add ((_i5) - (cspace)) to [_ww1 v]\n add ((length of [_ww0 v]) - (_i4)) to [_ww2 v]\n add [1] to [_ww0 v]\n set [_i4 v] to (length of [_ww0 v])\n set [_i5 v] to ((_i8) + (cspace))\n set [_i6 v] to (_i4)\n set [_i7 v] to ((-1) * ((cspace) + (spacewidth)))\n else\n change [_i5 v] by ((_i8) + (cspace))\n end\n add (_i9) to [_ww0 v]\n end\n end\n change [_i3 v] by (1)\nend\nif <(length of [_ww0 v]) > (_i6)> then\n if <(_i4) = [0]> then\n if <((_i7) + ((_i5) - (cspace))) > (width)> then\n insert [1] at (1) of [_ww0 v] \n add [0] to [_ww1 v]\n add [0] to [_ww2 v]\n set [_i6 v] to [1]\n end\n change [_i7 v] by ((_i5) - (cspace))\n else\n if <((_i7) + ((spacewidth) + (_i5))) > (width)> then\n if <(_i4) > (_i6)> then\n add (_i7) to [_ww1 v]\n add (((_i4) - (_i6)) - (1)) to [_ww2 v]\n end\n set [_i6 v] to (_i4)\n set [_i7 v] to ((_i5) - (cspace))\n else\n change [_i7 v] by ((spacewidth) + (_i5))\n end\n end\n add (_i7) to [_ww1 v]\n add ((length of [_ww0 v]) - (_i6)) to [_ww2 v]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\npen up\nhide\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nset size to (100000) %\nswitch costume to ( _ v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [state v] to [-2]\nset [?state.init v] to [0]\nset [_screen.x v] to [480]\nset [_screen.y v] to [360]\nset [_bumb v] to [0]\nforever\n Update\nend\n\ndefine Clear | Character Data\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\nif <((costume [number v]) - (1)) > (length of [_chindex v])> then\n set [_i0 v] to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\nelse\n set [_i0 v] to (length of [_chindex v])\nend\ndelete all of [_chindex v]\ndelete all of [_chwidth v]\ndelete all of [_chdata0 v]\ndelete all of [_chdata1 v]\ndelete all of [_chdata2 v]\ndelete all of [_chdata3 v]\nrepeat (_i0)\n add [__] to [_chdata0 v]\n add [none] to [_chdata1 v]\n add [] to [_chdata2 v]\n add [] to [_chdata3 v]\n add ((length of [_chdata0 v]) + (1)) to [_chindex v]\n add ((1) * (0)) to [_chwidth v]\n repeat (25)\n add [] to [_chdata0 v]\n add [] to [_chdata1 v]\n add [] to [_chdata2 v]\n add [] to [_chdata3 v]\n end\nend\nadd [__] to [_chdata0 v]\nadd [none] to [_chdata1 v]\nadd [] to [_chdata2 v]\nadd [] to [_chdata3 v]\n\ndefine Load | Font (fontname)\nset [_i0 v] to (item # of (fontname) in [_fontname v])\nif <(_i0) < [1]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_i0 v] to (item (_i0) of [_fontindex v])\nset [_i1 v] to (item (_i0) of [_fontdata v])\nchange [_i0 v] by (2)\nrepeat (item ((_i0) - (1)) of [_fontdata v])\n set [_i2 v] to (item (_i0) of [_fontdata v])\n replace item (_i2) of [_chwidth v] with (item ((_i0) + (1)) of [_fontdata v])\n set [_i3 v] to (item (_i2) of [_chindex v])\n if <not <(item ((_i3) - (1)) of [_chdata1 v]) = (_i1)>> then\n replace item ((_i3) - (1)) of [_chdata1 v] with (_i1)\n replace item ((_i3) - (1)) of [_chdata2 v] with []\n replace item ((_i3) - (1)) of [_chdata3 v] with []\n _unpackDef (_i2) (_i3) (item ((_i0) + (2)) of [_fontdata v])\n end\n change [_i0 v] by (3)\nend\n\ndefine Set Pen Color | RGBA (r) (g) (b) (a)\nset pen color to ((round (b)) + ((256) * ((round (g)) + ((256) * ((round (r)) + ((256) * (round (a))))))))\n\ndefine _unpackDef (id) (idx) (d)\nset [_i5 v] to (length of (d))\nset [_i6 v] to (idx)\nset [_i7 v] to [1]\nset [_i8 v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(_i7) > (_i5)>\n if <(item (_i6) of [_chdata0 v]) = [__]> then\n insert [] at (_i6) of [_chdata0 v] \n insert [] at (_i6) of [_chdata1 v] \n insert [] at (_i6) of [_chdata2 v] \n insert [] at (_i6) of [_chdata3 v] \n change [_i8 v] by (1)\n end\n set [_i9 v] to []\n repeat until < [;] contains (letter (_i7) of (d))?>\n set [_i9 v] to (join (_i9) (letter (_i7) of (d)))\n change [_i7 v] by (1)\n end\n change [_i7 v] by (1)\n if <(_i9) = ((1) * (_i9))> then\n replace item (_i6) of [_chdata0 v] with ((1) * (_i9))\n else\n replace item (_i6) of [_chdata0 v] with (_i9)\n end\n set [_i9 v] to []\n repeat until < [;] contains (letter (_i7) of (d))?>\n set [_i9 v] to (join (_i9) (letter (_i7) of (d)))\n change [_i7 v] by (1)\n end\n change [_i7 v] by (1)\n if <(_i9) = ((1) * (_i9))> then\n replace item (_i6) of [_chdata1 v] with ((1) * (_i9))\n else\n replace item (_i6) of [_chdata1 v] with (_i9)\n end\n set [_i9 v] to []\n repeat until < [;] contains (letter (_i7) of (d))?>\n set [_i9 v] to (join (_i9) (letter (_i7) of (d)))\n change [_i7 v] by (1)\n end\n change [_i7 v] by (1)\n if <(_i9) = ((1) * (_i9))> then\n replace item (_i6) of [_chdata2 v] with ((1) * (_i9))\n else\n replace item (_i6) of [_chdata2 v] with (_i9)\n end\n set [_i9 v] to []\n repeat until < [;] contains (letter (_i7) of (d))?>\n set [_i9 v] to (join (_i9) (letter (_i7) of (d)))\n change [_i7 v] by (1)\n end\n change [_i7 v] by (1)\n if <(_i9) = ((1) * (_i9))> then\n replace item (_i6) of [_chdata3 v] with ((1) * (_i9))\n else\n replace item (_i6) of [_chdata3 v] with (_i9)\n end\n change [_i6 v] by (1)\nend\nif <(_i8) > [0]> then\n set [_i5 v] to (id)\n repeat ((length of [_chindex v]) - (_i5))\n change [_i5 v] by (1)\n replace item (_i5) of [_chindex v] with ((item (_i5) of [_chindex v]) + (_i8))\n end\nend\n\ndefine _getWidth (text) (size) (cspace)\nset [_width v] to [0]\nset [_i0 v] to [1]\nset [_i1 v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of (text))\n switch costume to (blank v)\n switch costume to (join (letter (_i0) of (text)) [_])\n set [_i2 v] to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n if <(_i2) > [0]> then\n change [_width v] by (((size) * (item (_i2) of [_chwidth v])) + (cspace))\n change [_i1 v] by (1)\n end\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\nend\nif <(_i1) > [0]> then\n change [_width v] by ((-1) * (cspace))\nend\n\ndefine New Lines | Number (lines) Size (size) Space (lspace)\nchange [_y v] by (((lines) + <(lines) = []>) * (((size) + ((12) * <(size) = []>)) * ((-1) - ((0.7) * ((lspace) + <(lspace) = []>)))))\n\ndefine Print | Pos (x) (y) Size (size) (width) Bounds (xmin) (xmax) Space (cspace) Style (weight) (slant) Underline (ul.height) (ul.weight) Align (al.x) (al.y) Text (text)\npen up\nset [_i8 v] to ((size) + ((12) * <(size) = []>))\nif <not <(_i8) > [0]>> then\n set [_x v] to ((1) * (x))\n set [_y v] to ((1) * (y))\n switch costume to ( _ v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_i7 v] to (((width) + <(width) = []>) * (_i8))\nset [_i9 v] to (([tan v] of (slant) ) * (_i8))\nset [_i2 v] to ((al.x) + (((0.5) * <(al.x) = [c]>) + <(al.x) = [r]>))\nset [_i3 v] to ((al.y) + (((0.5) * <(al.y) = [c]>) + <(al.y) = [t]>))\nset [_i4 v] to (((cspace) + <(cspace) = []>) * ((0.27) * (_i8)))\nset pen size to ((0.125) * (((weight) + <(weight) = []>) * (_i8)))\n_printText (text) ((1) * (x)) ((y) - ((_i3) * (_i8))) ((xmin) + (<(xmin) = []> * ((-1) / (0)))) ((xmax) + (<(xmax) = []> * ((1) / (0)))) (_i4) (ul.height) (((weight) + <(weight) = []>) * ((ul.weight) + <(ul.weight) = []>)) ((-1) * (_i2))\n\ndefine Get Width | Size (size) (width) Space (cspace) Text (text)\n_getWidth (text) (((size) + ((12) * <(size) = []>)) * ((width) + <(width) = []>)) (((cspace) + <(cspace) = []>) * ((0.27) * ((size) + ((12) * <(size) = []>))))\n\ndefine Print WW | Pos (x) (y) Size (size) (width) Bounds (xmin) (xmax) (ymax) (ymin) Space (cspace) (lspace) Style (weight) (slant) Underline (ul.height) (ul.weight) Align (al.x) (al.y) Text (text)\npen up\nset [_i0 v] to ((size) + ((12) * <(size) = []>))\nif <not <(_i0) > [0]>> then\n set [_x v] to ((1) * (x))\n set [_y v] to ((1) * (y))\n switch costume to ( _ v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_i0 v] to (((width) + <(width) = []>) * (_i0))\nset [_i1 v] to ((xmin) + ((-230) * <(xmin) = []>))\nset [_i2 v] to ((xmax) + ((230) * <(xmax) = []>))\nset [_i3 v] to (item (1) of [_chwidth v])\nset [_i4 v] to (((0.27) * ((cspace) + <(cspace) = []>)) / ((width) + <(width) = []>))\n_calcWW (text) (((_i2) - (_i1)) / (_i0)) (<not <(x) = []>> * (((x) - (_i1)) / (_i0))) (_i4) ((_i4) + (_i3))\nset [_i7 v] to (_i0)\nset [_i8 v] to ((size) + ((12) * <(size) = []>))\nset [_i3 v] to ((al.x) + (((0.5) * <(al.x) = [c]>) + <(al.x) = [r]>))\nset [_i0 v] to ((lspace) + <(lspace) = []>)\nif <(al.y) = []> then\n set [_i4 v] to [1]\nelse\n if <(al.y) = ((1) * (al.y))> then\n set [_i4 v] to (al.y)\n else\n if <(al.y) = [b]> then\n set [_i4 v] to ((length of [_ww1 v]) - <<(item (1) of [_ww2 v]) = [0]> and <(x) = []>>)\n else\n if <(al.y) = [c]> then\n set [_i4 v] to ((0.5) * ((((0.7) * (_i0)) / (((0.7) * (_i0)) + (1))) + ((length of [_ww1 v]) - <<(item (1) of [_ww2 v]) = [0]> and <(x) = []>>)))\n else\n set [_i4 v] to (((0.7) * (_i0)) / (((0.7) * (_i0)) + (1)))\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [_i5 v] to ((0.1) * ((((ul.weight) + <(ul.weight) = []>) * ((weight) + <(weight) = []>)) * (_i8)))\nif <(ymax) = []> then\n set [_i6 v] to ((1) / (0))\nelse\n set [_i6 v] to ((ymax) - (_i0))\nend\nset [_i9 v] to (([tan v] of (slant) ) * (_i8))\n_printWW ((((1) - (_i3)) * (_i1)) + ((_i3) * (_i2))) (x) ((1) - <(x) = []>) ((1) * (y)) (_i6) ((ymin) + (<(ymin) = []> * ((-1) / (0)))) (((cspace) + <(cspace) = []>) * ((0.27) * (_i8))) ((_i8) * ((-1) - ((0.7) * (_i0)))) ((0.125) * (((weight) + <(weight) = []>) * (_i8))) ((ul.height) * (_i8)) (_i5) ((ul.height) * (_i9)) <not <(ul.height) = []>> ((-1) * ((_i3) * (_i7))) (_i4)\n\ndefine _printText (text) (x) (y) (xmin) (xmax) (cspace) (ul.height) (ul.weight) (al.x)\nset [_x v] to (x)\nset [_y v] to (y)\nif <not <(al.x) = [0]>> then\n set [_width v] to [0]\n _getWidth (text) (_i7) (cspace)\n change [_x v] by ((al.x) * (_width))\nend\nset [_bq v] to ([ceiling v] of (((0.075) * ([sqrt v] of ((_i7) * (_i8)) )) + (0.5)) )\nset [_bq2 v] to ((4) * ((_bq) * (_bq)))\nset [_i0 v] to [1]\nif <<(xmin) = ((-1) / (0))> and <(xmax) = ((1) / (0))>> then\n if <(_i9) = [0]> then\n repeat (length of (text))\n switch costume to (blank v)\n switch costume to (join (letter (_i0) of (text)) [_])\n if <(costume [number v]) > [1]> then\n _printCh ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n change [_x v] by (cspace)\n end\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\n else\n repeat (length of (text))\n switch costume to (blank v)\n switch costume to (join (letter (_i0) of (text)) [_])\n if <(costume [number v]) > [1]> then\n _printChSl ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n change [_x v] by (cspace)\n end\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\n end\nelse\n repeat (length of (text))\n switch costume to (blank v)\n switch costume to (join (letter (_i0) of (text)) [_])\n if <(costume [number v]) > [1]> then\n if <not <<(_x) < (xmin)> or <((_x) + ((_i7) * (item ((costume [number v]) - (1)) of [_chwidth v]))) > (xmax)>>> then\n _printChSl ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n else\n change [_x v] by ((_i7) * (item ((costume [number v]) - (1)) of [_chwidth v]))\n end\n change [_x v] by (cspace)\n end\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\nend\nswitch costume to ( _ v)\nif <not <(ul.height) = []>> then\n set pen size to ((0.1) * (((ul.weight) + <(ul.weight) = []>) * (_i8)))\n set [_i1 v] to ((x) + ((al.x) * (_width)))\n if <(_i1) < (xmin)> then\n set [_i1 v] to (xmin)\n end\n go to x: (((_i1) + ((_i9) * (ul.height))) - ((0.13) * (_i7))) y: ((y) + ((ul.height) * (_i8)))\n pen down\n set [_i2 v] to ((_x) - (cspace))\n if <(_i2) > (xmax)> then\n set [_i2 v] to (xmax)\n end\n set x to (((_i2) + ((_i9) * (ul.height))) + ((0.13) * (_i7)))\n pen up\nend\n\ndefine _printWW (x) (firstx) (firstline) (y) (ymax) (ymin) (cspace) (lspace) (wt) (ul.height) (ul.weight) (ul.offset) <undl> (al.x) (al.y)\nswitch costume to ( _ v)\nset [_x v] to (x)\nset [_y v] to ((y) - (((al.y) - (1)) * (lspace)))\nset [_i0 v] to [1]\nset [_i1 v] to [1]\nif <(item (1) of [_ww2 v]) = [0]> then\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n change [_i1 v] by (1)\n if <(firstline) = [1]> then\n change [_y v] by (lspace)\n end\nend\nrepeat until <<not <(_y) > (ymax)>> or <(_i0) > (length of [_ww1 v])>>\n change [_i1 v] by ((item (_i0) of [_ww2 v]) + (1))\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n change [_y v] by (lspace)\nend\nset [_bq v] to ([ceiling v] of (((0.075) * ([sqrt v] of ((_i7) * (_i8)) )) + (0.5)) )\nset [_bq2 v] to ((4) * ((_bq) * (_bq)))\nrepeat until <<(_y) < (ymin)> or <(_i0) > (length of [_ww1 v])>>\n if <(_i0) = (firstline)> then\n set [_x v] to (firstx)\n else\n set [_x v] to ((x) + ((al.x) * (item (_i0) of [_ww1 v])))\n end\n set pen size to (wt)\n if <(_i9) = [0]> then\n repeat (item (_i0) of [_ww2 v])\n _printCh (item (_i1) of [_ww0 v])\n change [_x v] by (cspace)\n change [_i1 v] by (1)\n end\n else\n repeat (item (_i0) of [_ww2 v])\n _printChSl (item (_i1) of [_ww0 v])\n change [_x v] by (cspace)\n change [_i1 v] by (1)\n end\n end\n if <undl> then\n set pen size to (ul.weight)\n if <(_i0) = (firstline)> then\n go to x: (((firstx) + (ul.offset)) - ((0.13) * (_i7))) y: ((_y) + (ul.height))\n else\n go to x: ((((x) + ((al.x) * (item (_i0) of [_ww1 v]))) + (ul.offset)) - ((0.13) * (_i7))) y: ((_y) + (ul.height))\n end\n pen down\n set x to ((((_x) - (cspace)) + (ul.offset)) + ((0.13) * (_i7)))\n pen up\n end\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n change [_i1 v] by (1)\n change [_y v] by (lspace)\nend\nif <((length of [_ww1 v]) - <(item (1) of [_ww2 v]) = [0]>) > [0]> then\n change [_y v] by ((-1) * (lspace))\nend\ndelete all of [_ww0 v]\ndelete all of [_ww1 v]\ndelete all of [_ww2 v]\n\ndefine _printCh (id)\nset [_i2 v] to (item (id) of [_chindex v])\nif <(item (_i2) of [_chdata1 v]) = [Q]> then\n repeat (item (_i2) of [_chdata0 v])\n change [_i2 v] by (1)\n go to x: ((_x) + ((_i7) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata0 v]))) y: ((_y) + ((_i8) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata1 v])))\n pen down\n repeat (item (_i2) of [_chdata2 v])\n change [_i2 v] by (1)\n if <(item (_i2) of [_chdata0 v]) = [L]> then\n go to x: ((x position) + ((_i7) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata1 v]))) y: ((y position) + ((_i8) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata2 v])))\n else\n set [_i3 v] to (((_i7) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata0 v])) / (_bq2))\n set [_i4 v] to ((((_i7) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata1 v])) / (_bq)) + ((_i3) / (2)))\n set [_i5 v] to (((_i8) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata2 v])) / (_bq2))\n set [_i6 v] to ((((_i8) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata3 v])) / (_bq)) + ((_i5) / (2)))\n repeat (_bq)\n go to x: ((x position) + (_i4)) y: ((y position) + (_i6))\n change [_i4 v] by (_i3)\n change [_i6 v] by (_i5)\n go to x: ((x position) + (_i4)) y: ((y position) + (_i6))\n change [_i4 v] by (_i3)\n change [_i6 v] by (_i5)\n end\n end\n end\n pen up\n end\nelse\n repeat (item (_i2) of [_chdata0 v])\n change [_i2 v] by (1)\n go to x: ((_x) + ((_i7) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata0 v]))) y: ((_y) + ((_i8) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata1 v])))\n pen down\n repeat (item (_i2) of [_chdata2 v])\n change [_i2 v] by (1)\n go to x: ((x position) + ((_i7) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata0 v]))) y: ((y position) + ((_i8) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata1 v])))\n end\n pen up\n end\nend\nchange [_i2 v] by (1)\nchange pen size by (1)\nrepeat (item (_i2) of [_chdata0 v])\n change [_i2 v] by (1)\n go to x: ((_x) + ((_i7) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata0 v]))) y: ((_y) + ((_i8) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata1 v])))\n pen down\n pen up\nend\nchange pen size by (-1)\nchange [_x v] by ((_i7) * (item (id) of [_chwidth v]))\n\ndefine _printChSl (id)\nset [_i2 v] to (item (id) of [_chindex v])\nif <(item (_i2) of [_chdata1 v]) = [Q]> then\n repeat (item (_i2) of [_chdata0 v])\n change [_i2 v] by (1)\n go to x: ((_x) + (((_i7) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata0 v])) + ((_i9) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata1 v])))) y: ((_y) + ((_i8) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata1 v])))\n pen down\n repeat (item (_i2) of [_chdata2 v])\n change [_i2 v] by (1)\n if <(item (_i2) of [_chdata0 v]) = [L]> then\n go to x: ((x position) + (((_i7) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata1 v])) + ((_i9) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata2 v])))) y: ((y position) + ((_i8) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata2 v])))\n else\n set [_i3 v] to ((((_i7) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata0 v])) + ((_i9) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata2 v]))) / (_bq2))\n set [_i4 v] to (((((_i7) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata1 v])) + ((_i9) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata3 v]))) / (_bq)) + ((_i3) / (2)))\n set [_i5 v] to (((_i8) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata2 v])) / (_bq2))\n set [_i6 v] to ((((_i8) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata3 v])) / (_bq)) + ((_i5) / (2)))\n repeat (_bq)\n go to x: ((x position) + (_i4)) y: ((y position) + (_i6))\n change [_i4 v] by (_i3)\n change [_i6 v] by (_i5)\n go to x: ((x position) + (_i4)) y: ((y position) + (_i6))\n change [_i4 v] by (_i3)\n change [_i6 v] by (_i5)\n end\n end\n end\n pen up\n end\nelse\n repeat (item (_i2) of [_chdata0 v])\n change [_i2 v] by (1)\n go to x: ((_x) + (((_i7) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata0 v])) + ((_i9) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata1 v])))) y: ((_y) + ((_i8) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata1 v])))\n pen down\n repeat (item (_i2) of [_chdata2 v])\n change [_i2 v] by (1)\n go to x: ((x position) + (((_i7) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata0 v])) + ((_i9) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata1 v])))) y: ((y position) + ((_i8) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata1 v])))\n end\n pen up\n end\nend\nchange [_i2 v] by (1)\nchange pen size by (1)\nrepeat (item (_i2) of [_chdata0 v])\n change [_i2 v] by (1)\n go to x: ((_x) + (((_i7) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata0 v])) + ((_i9) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata1 v])))) y: ((_y) + ((_i8) * (item (_i2) of [_chdata1 v])))\n pen down\n pen up\nend\nchange pen size by (-1)\nchange [_x v] by ((_i7) * (item (id) of [_chwidth v]))\n\ndefine Update\nif <(STATE) = [-2]> then\n erase all\n set pen size to (1000)\n set pen color to (#000000)\n pen up\n go to x: ((_screen.y) / (2)) y: ((_screen.x) / (2))\n pen down\n go to x: ((_screen.x) / (2)) y: (() - ((_screen.y) / (2)))\n go to x: (() - ((_screen.x) / (2))) y: (() - ((_screen.y) / (2)))\n go to x: (() - ((_screen.x) / (2))) y: ((_screen.y) / (2))\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n pen up\n set pen color to (#e00000)\n Fill triangle [0] [140] [45] [55] [-45] [55] resolution [30] styleColor [0] styleBrightness [0]\n set pen color to (#000000)\n set pen size to (10)\n pen up\n go to x: (0) y: (115)\n pen down\n go to x: (0) y: (85)\n pen up\n go to x: (0) y: (70)\n pen down\n pen up\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n Print WW | Pos [-225] [-20] Size [] [] Bounds [-235] [235] [] [] Space [] [] Style [1.25] [] Underline [] [] Align [c] [] Text [Due to scratch forcing the rendering task on your cpu this project will run very poorly on almost every hardware out there. Use turbowarp for a more pleasent experience. A link can be found in the instructions.]\n Fill triangle [200] [-140] [200] [-160] [215] [-150] resolution [25] styleColor [0] styleBrightness [0]\n if <((((205) - (mouse x)) * ((205) - (mouse x))) + (((-150) - (mouse y)) * ((-150) - (mouse y)))) < ((((1.8) * (25)) / (2)) * (((1.8) * (25)) / (2)))> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-150)\n set pen size to (40)\n set pen color to (join [] [0xe0e0e0])\n set pen (transparency v) to (60)\n pen down\n pen up\n if <mouse down?> then\n start sound [click v]\n change [state v] by (1)\n set [?state.init v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n go to x: (mouse x) y: (mouse y)\n set pen size to (16)\n set pen color to (join [] [0xe0e0e0])\n set pen (transparency v) to (60)\n pen down\n pen up\n end\nelse\n if <(STATE) = [-1]> then\n erase all\n set pen size to (1000)\n set pen color to (#000000)\n pen up\n go to x: ((_screen.y) / (2)) y: ((_screen.x) / (2))\n pen down\n go to x: ((_screen.x) / (2)) y: (() - ((_screen.y) / (2)))\n go to x: (() - ((_screen.x) / (2))) y: (() - ((_screen.y) / (2)))\n go to x: (() - ((_screen.x) / (2))) y: ((_screen.y) / (2))\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n pen up\n set pen color to (#e00000)\n Fill triangle [0] [140] [45] [55] [-45] [55] resolution [30] styleColor [0] styleBrightness [0]\n set pen color to (#000000)\n set pen size to (10)\n pen up\n go to x: (0) y: (115)\n pen down\n go to x: (0) y: (85)\n pen up\n go to x: (0) y: (70)\n pen down\n pen up\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n Print WW | Pos [-225] [-20] Size [] [] Bounds [-235] [235] [] [] Space [] [] Style [1.25] [] Underline [] [] Align [c] [] Text [This project is far from finished, its build upon a newer & unreleased version of my "RyuEngine", which is still in its alpha state. You will need to expect some bugs.]\n Fill triangle [200] [-140] [200] [-160] [215] [-150] resolution [25] styleColor [0] styleBrightness [0]\n Fill triangle [-200] [-140] [-200] [-160] [-215] [-150] resolution [25] styleColor [0] styleBrightness [0]\n if <((((205) - (mouse x)) * ((205) - (mouse x))) + (((-150) - (mouse y)) * ((-150) - (mouse y)))) < ((((1.8) * (25)) / (2)) * (((1.8) * (25)) / (2)))> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-150)\n set pen size to (40)\n set pen color to (join [] [0xe0e0e0])\n set pen (transparency v) to (60)\n pen down\n pen up\n if <<mouse down?> and <(round (?STATE.INIT)) = [1]>> then\n start sound [click v]\n change [state v] by (1)\n set [?state.init v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n if <((((-205) - (mouse x)) * ((-205) - (mouse x))) + (((-150) - (mouse y)) * ((-150) - (mouse y)))) < ((((1.8) * (25)) / (2)) * (((1.8) * (25)) / (2)))> then\n go to x: (-205) y: (-150)\n set pen size to (40)\n set pen color to (join [] [0xe0e0e0])\n set pen (transparency v) to (60)\n pen down\n pen up\n if <<mouse down?> and <(round (?STATE.INIT)) = [1]>> then\n start sound [click v]\n change [state v] by (-1)\n set [?state.init v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n go to x: (mouse x) y: (mouse y)\n set pen size to (16)\n set pen color to (join [] [0xe0e0e0])\n set pen (transparency v) to (60)\n pen down\n pen up\n end\n end\n change [?state.init v] by (<(?STATE.INIT) < [0.9]> * (0.1))\n else\n if <(STATE) = [0]> then\n if <(?STATE.INIT) = [1]> then\n erase all\n set pen size to (1000)\n set pen color to (#000000)\n pen up\n go to x: ((_screen.y) / (2)) y: ((_screen.x) / (2))\n pen down\n go to x: ((_screen.x) / (2)) y: (() - ((_screen.y) / (2)))\n go to x: (() - ((_screen.x) / (2))) y: (() - ((_screen.y) / (2)))\n go to x: (() - ((_screen.x) / (2))) y: ((_screen.y) / (2))\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n pen up\n set [_cursor.x v] to (mouse x)\n set [_cursor.y v] to (mouse y)\n set [_b.frame v] to [0]\n set [_bumb v] to [0]\n set [_click v] to [0]\n _s.cicle [-200] [50] . (item (1) of [_verts v]) (item (2) of [_verts v]) . [48] [0xe0e0e0] # [1]\n if <(_click) = [true]> then\n start sound [click v]\n set [state v] to [1]\n set [?state.init v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n _s.cicle [-200] [-100] . (item (3) of [_verts v]) (item (4) of [_verts v]) . [48] [0xe0e0e0] # [3]\n if <(_click) = [true]> then\n start sound [click v]\n erase all\n switch costume to (exit v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n clear graphic effects\n show\n stop [all v]\n end\n _s.cicle [-200] [-25] . (item (5) of [_verts v]) (item (6) of [_verts v]) . [48] [0xe0e0e0] # [5]\n if <(_click) = [true]> then\n start sound [click v]\n set [state v] to [2]\n set [?state.init v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n Print | Pos [-150] [50] Size [30] [1] Bounds [] [] Space [] Style [] [] Underline [] [] Align [] [0.4] Text [Start]\n Print | Pos [-150] [-100] Size [30] [1] Bounds [] [] Space [] Style [] [] Underline [] [] Align [] [C] Text [Exit]\n Print | Pos [-150] [-25] Size [30] [1] Bounds [] [] Space [] Style [] [] Underline [] [] Align [] [C] Text [Credits]\n set pen color to (#710000)\n Print | Pos [-220] [165] Size [30] [1] Bounds [] [] Space [] Style [] [] Underline [] [] Align [] [1] Text [RyuEngine]\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n Print | Pos [-220] [115] Size [10] [1] Bounds [] [] Space [] Style [] [] Underline [] [] Align [] [1] Text [Demo Expanded]\n set pen color to (#545454)\n set pen (transparency v) to (50)\n Print | Pos [40] [-170] Size [10] [1] Bounds [] [] Space [] Style [] [] Underline [] [] Align [] [C] Text [by Heawn - Do not advertise]\n if <<(_bumb) = [0]> and <(_waiting) = [1]>> then\n start sound [click v]\n set [_bumb v] to [0]\n set [_waiting v] to [0]\n end\n if <(_bumb) = [1]> then\n set [_waiting v] to [1]\n end\n go to x: (_cursor.x) y: (_cursor.y)\n set pen size to (16)\n set pen color to (join [] [0xe0e0e0])\n set pen (transparency v) to (60)\n pen down\n pen up\n else\n delete all of [_verts v]\n _addVertex [] []\n _addVertex [] []\n _addVertex [] []\n set [?state.init v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <(STATE) = [1]> then\n erase all\n set pen size to (1000)\n set pen color to (#000000)\n pen up\n go to x: ((_screen.y) / (2)) y: ((_screen.x) / (2))\n pen down\n go to x: ((_screen.x) / (2)) y: (() - ((_screen.y) / (2)))\n go to x: (() - ((_screen.x) / (2))) y: (() - ((_screen.y) / (2)))\n go to x: (() - ((_screen.x) / (2))) y: ((_screen.y) / (2))\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n pen up\n if <key ((join [] [enter]) v) pressed?> then\n set [#scenetype v] to [Lighting Demo]\n broadcast (game start v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n erase all\n go to x: (-125) y: (0)\n switch costume to (l thumb v)\n set size to (40) %\n stamp\n set pen color to (#710000)\n Print | Pos [-220] [165] Size [30] [1] Bounds [] [] Space [] Style [] [] Underline [] [] Align [] [1] Text [Lighting Demo]\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n Print WW | Pos [0] [60] Size [] [] Bounds [0] [230] [75] [] Space [] [] Style [1.25] [] Underline [] [] Align [] [] Text [This is a demo of the lighting module and the 3D sound module press enter to play.]\n Fill triangle [200] [-140] [200] [-160] [215] [-150] resolution [25] styleColor [0] styleBrightness [0]\n Fill triangle [-200] [-140] [-200] [-160] [-215] [-150] resolution [25] styleColor [0] styleBrightness [0]\n if <((((205) - (mouse x)) * ((205) - (mouse x))) + (((-150) - (mouse y)) * ((-150) - (mouse y)))) < ((((1.8) * (25)) / (2)) * (((1.8) * (25)) / (2)))> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-150)\n set pen size to (40)\n set pen color to (join [] [0xe0e0e0])\n set pen (transparency v) to (60)\n pen down\n pen up\n if <<mouse down?> and <(round (?STATE.INIT)) = [1]>> then\n start sound [click v]\n change [state v] by (2)\n set [?state.init v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n if <((((-205) - (mouse x)) * ((-205) - (mouse x))) + (((-150) - (mouse y)) * ((-150) - (mouse y)))) < ((((1.8) * (25)) / (2)) * (((1.8) * (25)) / (2)))> then\n go to x: (-205) y: (-150)\n set pen size to (40)\n set pen color to (join [] [0xe0e0e0])\n set pen (transparency v) to (60)\n pen down\n pen up\n if <<mouse down?> and <(round (?STATE.INIT)) = [1]>> then\n start sound [click v]\n change [state v] by (-1)\n set [?state.init v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n go to x: (mouse x) y: (mouse y)\n set pen size to (16)\n set pen color to (join [] [0xe0e0e0])\n set pen (transparency v) to (60)\n pen down\n pen up\n end\n end\n change [?state.init v] by (<(?STATE.INIT) < [0.9]> * (0.1))\n else\n if <(STATE) = [2]> then\n if <(?STATE.INIT) = [1]> then\n set [s'no_cursor v] to [0]\n erase all\n set pen size to (1000)\n set pen color to (#000000)\n pen up\n go to x: ((_screen.y) / (2)) y: ((_screen.x) / (2))\n pen down\n go to x: ((_screen.x) / (2)) y: (() - ((_screen.y) / (2)))\n go to x: (() - ((_screen.x) / (2))) y: (() - ((_screen.y) / (2)))\n go to x: (() - ((_screen.x) / (2))) y: ((_screen.y) / (2))\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n pen up\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n Print WW | Pos [-235] ((((-360) * (((S'y) / (360)) - (((S'y) / (360)) mod (1)))) + (S'y)) + (160)) Size [] [] Bounds [-235] [220] [170] [] Space [] [] Style [1.25] [] Underline [] [] Align [L] [] Text [This section is a lot of reading. It includes credits and contest ruling related stuff like block counts. I only recommend you read this if youre one of the judges or youre interested in the credits. Alright with that out of the way lets start with the block counts and how much of the code is done by me. So alltogether this project is ~12.5k blocks. 1.5k blocks are PTE by -Rex-, but since PTE's are excluded, the block count is 11k. The 3D engine was build upon an old version of @CodingBio's "Suprema" Engine which was about 1.5k blocks, but i heavly modified this engine so about 1k Blocks belong to him. Another 1k blocks go to 3 different tri fillers by @-rex- , @bobojoeho , @ChromeCat_test and @ggenije . In total 2k blocks dont belong to me. The remaning 9k block are mine, so in percentage 90% of the code is done by me and 10% aren't mine. Now to the credits: Sounds: Nintendo K.K., https://www.mixkit.co . Images: https://www.vippng.com/ , https://tenor.com/view/coin-mario-pixel-art-gold-shiny-gif-21543783?utm_source=share-button&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=pinterest. That should be all.]\n set pen size to (12)\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n pen up\n repeat (2)\n go to x: (235) y: (180)\n pen down\n go to x: (235) y: (-180)\n pen up\n change pen size by (-2)\n set pen color to (#b3739e)\n end\n if <<(mouse x) > [228]> and <<(mouse y) < ((180) + (((() - (S'y)) - (4)) * ((356) / (S'page_height))))> and <(mouse y) > ((180) + ((((() - (S'y)) - (4)) * ((356) / (S'page_height))) - (S'bar_height)))>>> then\n set pen color to (#676767)\n set [s'no_cursor v] to [1]\n else\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n end\n set pen size to (8)\n go to x: (235) y: (((180) + (((() - (S'y)) - (4)) * ((356) / (S'page_height)))) - (4))\n pen down\n go to x: (235) y: (((180) + ((((() - (S'y)) - (4)) * ((356) / (S'page_height))) - (S'bar_height))) - (4))\n pen up\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(S') = [0]> then\n if <(mouse x) > [228]> then\n if <<(mouse y) < ((180) + (((() - (S'y)) - (4)) * ((356) / (S'page_height))))> and <(mouse y) > ((180) + ((((() - (S'y)) - (4)) * ((356) / (S'page_height))) - (S'bar_height)))>> then\n set [s' v] to [1]\n set [s'offset v] to ((mouse y) - ((() - (S'y)) * ((356) / (S'page_height))))\n end\n end\n else\n set [_tmp v] to (((() - (mouse y)) + (S'offset)) * ((S'page_height) / (356)))\n if <(_tmp) > [0]> then\n if <(_tmp) < ((S'page_height) - (360))> then\n set [s'y v] to (_tmp)\n else\n set [s'y v] to ((S'page_height) - (360))\n end\n else\n set [s'y v] to [0]\n end\n end\n else\n set [s' v] to [0]\n end\n if <(S'y) > [84]> then\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n Fill triangle [-200] ((-265) + (S'y)) [-200] ((-285) + (S'y)) [-215] ((-275) + (S'y)) resolution [25] styleColor [0] styleBrightness [0]\n if <((((-205) - (mouse x)) * ((-205) - (mouse x))) + ((((-275) + (S'y)) - (mouse y)) * (((-275) + (S'y)) - (mouse y)))) < ((((1.8) * (25)) / (2)) * (((1.8) * (25)) / (2)))> then\n go to x: (-205) y: ((-275) + (S'y))\n set pen size to (40)\n set pen color to (join [] [0xe0e0e0])\n set pen (transparency v) to (60)\n pen down\n pen up\n set [s'no_cursor v] to [1]\n if <mouse down?> then\n start sound [click v]\n set [state v] to [0]\n set [?state.init v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\n if <(S'no_cursor) = [0]> then\n go to x: (mouse x) y: (mouse y)\n set pen size to (16)\n set pen color to (join [] [0xe0e0e0])\n set pen (transparency v) to (60)\n pen down\n pen up\n end\n else\n set [s'y v] to [0]\n set [s'page_height v] to [475]\n set [s'bar_height v] to ((360) * ((360) / (S'page_height)))\n set [?state.init v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <(STATE) = [3]> then\n erase all\n set pen size to (1000)\n set pen color to (#000000)\n pen up\n go to x: ((_screen.y) / (2)) y: ((_screen.x) / (2))\n pen down\n go to x: ((_screen.x) / (2)) y: (() - ((_screen.y) / (2)))\n go to x: (() - ((_screen.x) / (2))) y: (() - ((_screen.y) / (2)))\n go to x: (() - ((_screen.x) / (2))) y: ((_screen.y) / (2))\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n pen up\n if <key ((join [] [enter]) v) pressed?> then\n set [#scenetype v] to [Tori]\n broadcast (game start v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n erase all\n go to x: (-125) y: (0)\n switch costume to (tori thumb v)\n set size to (40) %\n stamp\n set pen color to (#710000)\n Print | Pos [-220] [165] Size [30] [1] Bounds [] [] Space [] Style [] [] Underline [] [] Align [] [1] Text [Tori Gate Scene]\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n Print WW | Pos [0] [60] Size [] [] Bounds [0] [230] [75] [] Space [] [] Style [1.25] [] Underline [] [] Align [] [] Text [This is a Scene of a Tori gate at night. I modeled it myself, kind of proud. Press Enter to play]\n Fill triangle [200] [-140] [200] [-160] [215] [-150] resolution [25] styleColor [0] styleBrightness [0]\n Fill triangle [-200] [-140] [-200] [-160] [-215] [-150] resolution [25] styleColor [0] styleBrightness [0]\n if <((((205) - (mouse x)) * ((205) - (mouse x))) + (((-150) - (mouse y)) * ((-150) - (mouse y)))) < ((((1.8) * (25)) / (2)) * (((1.8) * (25)) / (2)))> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-150)\n set pen size to (40)\n set pen color to (join [] [0xe0e0e0])\n set pen (transparency v) to (60)\n pen down\n pen up\n if <<mouse down?> and <(round (?STATE.INIT)) = [1]>> then\n start sound [click v]\n change [state v] by (1)\n set [?state.init v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n if <((((-205) - (mouse x)) * ((-205) - (mouse x))) + (((-150) - (mouse y)) * ((-150) - (mouse y)))) < ((((1.8) * (25)) / (2)) * (((1.8) * (25)) / (2)))> then\n go to x: (-205) y: (-150)\n set pen size to (40)\n set pen color to (join [] [0xe0e0e0])\n set pen (transparency v) to (60)\n pen down\n pen up\n if <<mouse down?> and <(round (?STATE.INIT)) = [1]>> then\n start sound [click v]\n change [state v] by (-2)\n set [?state.init v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n go to x: (mouse x) y: (mouse y)\n set pen size to (16)\n set pen color to (join [] [0xe0e0e0])\n set pen (transparency v) to (60)\n pen down\n pen up\n end\n end\n change [?state.init v] by (<(?STATE.INIT) < [0.9]> * (0.1))\n else\n if <(STATE) = [4]> then\n erase all\n set pen size to (1000)\n set pen color to (#000000)\n pen up\n go to x: ((_screen.y) / (2)) y: ((_screen.x) / (2))\n pen down\n go to x: ((_screen.x) / (2)) y: (() - ((_screen.y) / (2)))\n go to x: (() - ((_screen.x) / (2))) y: (() - ((_screen.y) / (2)))\n go to x: (() - ((_screen.x) / (2))) y: ((_screen.y) / (2))\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n pen up\n if <key ((join [] [enter]) v) pressed?> then\n set [#scenetype v] to [RX7]\n broadcast (game start v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n erase all\n go to x: (-125) y: (0)\n switch costume to (rx7 thumb v)\n set size to (40) %\n stamp\n set pen color to (#710000)\n Print | Pos [-220] [165] Size [30] [1] Bounds [] [] Space [] Style [] [] Underline [] [] Align [] [1] Text [Mazda RX7]\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n Print WW | Pos [0] [60] Size [] [] Bounds [0] [230] [75] [] Space [] [] Style [1.25] [] Underline [] [] Align [] [] Text [This renders a Stylized Mazda RX7. The model is by "SheldonJ99" on sketchfab. Press Enter to play]\n Fill triangle [200] [-140] [200] [-160] [215] [-150] resolution [25] styleColor [0] styleBrightness [0]\n Fill triangle [-200] [-140] [-200] [-160] [-215] [-150] resolution [25] styleColor [0] styleBrightness [0]\n if <((((205) - (mouse x)) * ((205) - (mouse x))) + (((-150) - (mouse y)) * ((-150) - (mouse y)))) < ((((1.8) * (25)) / (2)) * (((1.8) * (25)) / (2)))> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-150)\n set pen size to (40)\n set pen color to (join [] [0xe0e0e0])\n set pen (transparency v) to (60)\n pen down\n pen up\n if <<mouse down?> and <(round (?STATE.INIT)) = [1]>> then\n start sound [click v]\n change [state v] by (1)\n set [?state.init v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n if <((((-205) - (mouse x)) * ((-205) - (mouse x))) + (((-150) - (mouse y)) * ((-150) - (mouse y)))) < ((((1.8) * (25)) / (2)) * (((1.8) * (25)) / (2)))> then\n go to x: (-205) y: (-150)\n set pen size to (40)\n set pen color to (join [] [0xe0e0e0])\n set pen (transparency v) to (60)\n pen down\n pen up\n if <<mouse down?> and <(round (?STATE.INIT)) = [1]>> then\n start sound [click v]\n change [state v] by (-1)\n set [?state.init v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n go to x: (mouse x) y: (mouse y)\n set pen size to (16)\n set pen color to (join [] [0xe0e0e0])\n set pen (transparency v) to (60)\n pen down\n pen up\n end\n end\n change [?state.init v] by (<(?STATE.INIT) < [0.9]> * (0.1))\n else\n if <(STATE) = [5]> then\n erase all\n set pen size to (1000)\n set pen color to (#000000)\n pen up\n go to x: ((_screen.y) / (2)) y: ((_screen.x) / (2))\n pen down\n go to x: ((_screen.x) / (2)) y: (() - ((_screen.y) / (2)))\n go to x: (() - ((_screen.x) / (2))) y: (() - ((_screen.y) / (2)))\n go to x: (() - ((_screen.x) / (2))) y: ((_screen.y) / (2))\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n pen up\n if <key ((join [] [enter]) v) pressed?> then\n set [#scenetype v] to [Plat]\n broadcast (game start v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n erase all\n go to x: (-125) y: (0)\n switch costume to (plat thumb v)\n set size to (40) %\n stamp\n set pen color to (#710000)\n Print | Pos [-220] [165] Size [30] [1] Bounds [] [] Space [] Style [] [] Underline [] [] Align [] [1] Text [Physics Demo]\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n Print WW | Pos [0] [60] Size [] [] Bounds [0] [230] [75] [] Space [] [] Style [1.25] [] Underline [] [] Align [] [] Text [This a 3D platformer level similar to others like crystal seeker. Press Enter to play.]\n Fill triangle [-200] [-140] [-200] [-160] [-215] [-150] resolution [25] styleColor [0] styleBrightness [0]\n if <((((-205) - (mouse x)) * ((-205) - (mouse x))) + (((-150) - (mouse y)) * ((-150) - (mouse y)))) < ((((1.8) * (25)) / (2)) * (((1.8) * (25)) / (2)))> then\n go to x: (-205) y: (-150)\n set pen size to (40)\n set pen color to (join [] [0xe0e0e0])\n set pen (transparency v) to (60)\n pen down\n pen up\n if <<mouse down?> and <(round (?STATE.INIT)) = [1]>> then\n start sound [click v]\n change [state v] by (-1)\n set [?state.init v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n end\n change [?state.init v] by (<(?STATE.INIT) < [0.9]> * (0.1))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nrexTriFill [0] [140] . [45] [55] . [-45] [55] . [10]\n\nrexTriFill [200] [-140] . [200] [-160] . [215] [-150] . [7.5]\n\nrexTriFill [0] [140] . [45] [55] . [-45] [55] . [10]\n\nrexTriFill [200] [-140] . [200] [-160] . [215] [-150] . [7.5]\nrexTriFill [-200] [-140] . [-200] [-160] . [-215] [-150] . [7.5]\n\ndefine _s.cicle (1) (2) . (3) (4) . (a) (b) # (#)\ngo to x: (3) y: (4)\nset pen size to (a)\nset pen color to (b)\npen down\npen up\nif <((((1) - (_cursor.x)) * ((1) - (_cursor.x))) + (((2) - (_cursor.y)) * ((2) - (_cursor.y)))) < ((((1.8) * (a)) / (2)) * (((1.8) * (a)) / (2)))> then\n replace item (#) of [_verts v] with ((item (#) of [_verts v]) + (((_cursor.x) - (3)) / (5)))\n replace item ((#) + (1)) of [_verts v] with ((item ((#) + (1)) of [_verts v]) + (((_cursor.y) - (4)) / (5)))\n if <(_bumb) = [0]> then\n set [_b.frame v] to [1]\n end\n set [_bumb v] to [1]\n set [_click v] to <mouse down?>\nelse\n if <not <(_b.frame) = [1]>> then\n set [_bumb v] to [0]\n end\n replace item (#) of [_verts v] with ((item (#) of [_verts v]) + (((1) - (3)) / (5)))\n replace item ((#) + (1)) of [_verts v] with ((item ((#) + (1)) of [_verts v]) + (((2) - (4)) / (5)))\nend\n\ndefine _addVertex (a) (b)\nadd (a) to [_verts v]\nadd (b) to [_verts v]\n\ndefine _add.T.polygon (1) (2) . (3) (4) . (5) (6) . (hex)\n_addVertex (1) (2)\n_addVertex (3) (4)\n_addVertex (5) (6)\nset [_b.frame v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((3) - (5)) * ((3) - (5))) + (((4) - (6)) * ((4) - (6)))) )\nset [_bumb v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((1) - (5)) * ((1) - (5))) + (((2) - (6)) * ((2) - (6)))) )\nset [_click v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((1) - (3)) * ((1) - (3))) + (((2) - (4)) * ((2) - (4)))) )\nset [_waiting v] to ((_b.frame) + ((_bumb) + (_click)))\nset [_x v] to (((((_b.frame) * (1)) + ((_bumb) * (3))) + ((_click) * (5))) / (_waiting))\nset [_y v] to (((((_b.frame) * (2)) + ((_bumb) * (4))) + ((_click) * (6))) / (_waiting))\nset [_b.frame v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((1) - (_x)) * ((1) - (_x))) + (((2) - (_y)) * ((2) - (_y)))) )\nset [_bumb v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((3) - (_x)) * ((3) - (_x))) + (((4) - (_y)) * ((4) - (_y)))) )\nset [_click v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((5) - (_x)) * ((5) - (_x))) + (((6) - (_y)) * ((6) - (_y)))) )\nif <(_b.frame) > (_bumb)> then\n if <(_b.frame) > (_click)> then\n add ((length of [_verts v]) / (2)) to [_poly v]\n add (hex) to [_poly v]\n add (_x) to [_poly v]\n add (_y) to [_poly v]\n add (_b.frame) to [_poly v]\n else\n if <(_click) > (_bumb)> then\n add ((length of [_verts v]) / (2)) to [_poly v]\n add (hex) to [_poly v]\n add (_x) to [_poly v]\n add (_y) to [_poly v]\n add (_click) to [_poly v]\n else\n add ((length of [_verts v]) / (2)) to [_poly v]\n add (hex) to [_poly v]\n add (_x) to [_poly v]\n add (_y) to [_poly v]\n add (_bumb) to [_poly v]\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(_bumb) > (_click)> then\n add ((length of [_verts v]) / (2)) to [_poly v]\n add (hex) to [_poly v]\n add (_x) to [_poly v]\n add (_y) to [_poly v]\n add (_bumb) to [_poly v]\n else\n if <(_click) > (_b.frame)> then\n add ((length of [_verts v]) / (2)) to [_poly v]\n add (hex) to [_poly v]\n add (_x) to [_poly v]\n add (_y) to [_poly v]\n add (_click) to [_poly v]\n else\n add ((length of [_verts v]) / (2)) to [_poly v]\n add (hex) to [_poly v]\n add (_x) to [_poly v]\n add (_y) to [_poly v]\n add (_b.frame) to [_poly v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nerase all\n\nrexTriFill [200] [-140] . [200] [-160] . [215] [-150] . [7.5]\nrexTriFill [-200] [-140] . [-200] [-160] . [-215] [-150] . [7.5]\n\nrexTriFill [200] [-140] . [200] [-160] . [215] [-150] . [7.5]\nrexTriFill [-200] [-140] . [-200] [-160] . [-215] [-150] . [7.5]\n\nrexTriFill [200] [-140] . [200] [-160] . [215] [-150] . [7.5]\nrexTriFill [-200] [-140] . [-200] [-160] . [-215] [-150] . [7.5]\n\nrexTriFill [200] [-140] . [200] [-160] . [215] [-150] . [7.5]\nrexTriFill [-200] [-140] . [-200] [-160] . [-215] [-150] . [7.5]\n\n
New Platformer!\n\nArrows key or tap to move.\n\nWhen the boss is asking you sarcastically answer "yes" to kill him.\n
Rogue Soul || Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [x v]\nhide variable [y v]\nhide variable [ステージ v]\nforever\n play sound [DARK-024_T083B03A07_aQf3m6pUFvQ v] until done\nend\n\n@プレイヤー\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (背景 v)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\nset [ステージ v] to [1]\n初期位置\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (1.75)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (-1.75)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.8))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (ステージ v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ステージ v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ステージ v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ステージ v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ステージ v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ステージ v)?> then\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-15]\n else\n set [x v] to [15]\n end\n set [y v] to [14.5]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (ステージ v)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (ステージ v)?> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n start sound [ニュッ2 v]\n change [y v] by (16)\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (とげ・マグマ v)?> or <<touching (スプライト1 v)?> or <<touching (スプライト2 v)?> or <<touching (スプライト3 v)?> or <(y position) < [-175]>>>>> then\n start sound [キャンセル5 v]\n wait (0.05) seconds\n 初期位置\n end\n if <not <(ステージ) = [11]>> then\n if <(x position) > [200]> then\n start sound [成功音 v]\n change [ステージ v] by (1)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n 初期位置\n broadcast (メッセージ1 v) and wait\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nnext costume\nbroadcast (メッセージ2 v)\nstart sound [カーソル移動11 v]\n\ndefine 初期位置\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (-207) y: (-81)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(ステージ) = [10]> then\n switch backdrop to (背景2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(ステージ) = [11]> then\n switch backdrop to (背景 v)\n end\nend\n\n@ステージ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (ステージ1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\nforever\n switch costume to (ステージ)\nend\n\n@とげ・マグマ\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (ステージ)\nend\n\n@NEXT\n\nwhen I receive [メッセージ1 v]\nset [next v] to [1]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nrepeat until <(x position) < [.1]>\n change x by (((x position) / (3)) * (-1))\nend\nrepeat until <(x position) < [-464]>\n change x by (((([abs v] of (x position) ) + (1)) / (3)) * (-1))\nend\nset [next v] to [0]\nhide\ngo to x: (465) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (465) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [メッセージ2 v]\nnext costume\n\n@サムネ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <(ステージ) = [3]> then\n show\n repeat until <(ステージ) = [4]>\n repeat (10)\n change y by (20)\n wait (pick random (0.008) to (0.02)) seconds\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change y by (-10)\n wait (pick random (0.008) to (0.02)) seconds\n end\n wait (pick random (0.02) to (0.08)) seconds\n if <(ステージ) = [4]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@スプライト2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <(ステージ) = [3]> then\n show\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat until <(ステージ) = [4]>\n repeat (10)\n change y by (20)\n wait (pick random (0.008) to (0.02)) seconds\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change y by (-10)\n wait (pick random (0.008) to (0.02)) seconds\n end\n wait (pick random (1) to (2)) seconds\n if <(ステージ) = [4]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@スプライト3\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-189)\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <(ステージ) = [7]> then\n show\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat until <(ステージ) = [8]>\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-35)\n end\n wait (pick random (1) to (2)) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change y by (35)\n end\n wait (0.2) seconds\n if <(ステージ) = [8]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n
Scroll down here if it says to reload or shows ? marks.\nSuper Mario Maker 4 Out Now:\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/753049043\n\nMaker Controls:\nMovement: WASD or Arrows\nSwitch Tools (PLACE or ERASE): Q\nOpen Item Inventory: I\nNavigate Menus: Scroll Wheel or Click On Screen.\nMove Faster: Hold Space while Moving.\nUse the On-Screen buttons to Select Items or Menus.\n\nPlayer Controls:\nMovement: WASD or Arrows\nSprint: Hold Space\nJump: W or Up Arrow\nCrouch / Slide: S or Down Arrow\nPickup Item: Space\nUse Door: S or Down Arrow\nUse Pipe: WASD or Arrows in direction of entrance.\nEach Powerup has different Movement capabilities, experiment with them to find out how to use each one.\n\n========================================\n\nIF THE GAME KEEPS TELLING YOU TO RELOAD, reload the page then open another tab as soon as the Instructions box (this text box) shows. Return to this tab after ~10 seconds and it should be loaded.\n\nIF THE GAME SHOWS QUESTION MARKS, reload until it doesn't, or use turbowarp, linked below. This glitch is an issue with Scratch, if you want it fixed report it to them.\n\nYou may also want to try using Turbowarp, which seems to be better at loading the project:\nhttps://turbowarp.org/556047373\n\nIf you are having lag issues, make sure the Hardware Acceleration option in the chrome browser settings is enabled. Otherwise performance will drop heavily.\n\n========================================\n\nThis game was made by @BenjaminWins11, please do not try to take credit for my work.\n\nMaker Buttons, Left to Right:\nFloors Menu: Move Between or Add Sub Areas. [N]\nBackgrounds Menu: Change Area Background. [B]\nMusic Menu: Change Area Music. [M]\nCamera Menu: Change Camera Movement in Area. [V]\nSave: Save your level.\nPlay: Play the level from your current position. [E]\nRecently Used Blocks: Click to select again.\nInventory Menu: View and Select any Item in Game. [I]\n\nBonus Buttons in the Inventory Menu, Left to Right:\nSearch Menu: Type to search for item names.\nTime Menu: Change the maximum time for a level. [T]\nRestart: Play your level from the beginning.\nPlacement Type: Fill or Single Placement switch.\n Middle Buttons are to navigate or close the inventory.\nDark Mode: Darkens the UI to reduce eye strain.\nTips Toggle: Choose to Hide or Show on-screen tips.\n\nKirby's Dreamland 3 Maker out now:\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/688798402/
SusRun // Sus Platformer #All #Games #Art #AmongUs
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext backdrop\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (102) %\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (108) %\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (105) %\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nbroadcast (rendering complete v)\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nshow\ngo to x: (645) y: (-10)\nforever\n change [y v] by (1)\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (-1.1)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (1.1)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n change y by (5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <touching (player v)?>> then\n set [y v] to [-12.5]\n end\n change y by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <not <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>>> then\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n set [x pos v] to (x position)\n set [y pos v] to (y position)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) + (3))\nif <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n go to x: (338) y: (65)\nelse\n go to x: (260) y: (-6)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n go to x: (645) y: (-10)\nend\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (338) y: (65)\nend\nif <(level) = [3]> then\n go to x: (260) y: (-6)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<<(costume [number v]) = [3]> or <(costume [number v]) = [6]>> or <(costume [number v]) = [9]>> then\n set x to ((x pos) / (1.03))\n set y to (((y pos) / (1.03)) + (1.5))\n end\n if <<<(costume [number v]) = [4]> or <(costume [number v]) = [7]>> or <(costume [number v]) = [10]>> then\n set x to ((x pos) * (1.03))\n set y to (((y pos) * (1.03)) + (-1.5))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [rendering complete v]\nif <<(costume [number v]) = [3]> or <(costume [number v]) = [6]>> then\n go to [back v] layer\nend\nif <<(costume [number v]) = [4]> or <(costume [number v]) = [7]>> then\n go [forward v] (2) layers\n set [brightness v] effect to (-30)\nend\n\nbroadcast (next v)\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@Steves Head\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n if <(direction) < [0]> then\n switch costume to (left v)\n else\n switch costume to (right v)\n end\nend\n\n@Steve\n\nwhen [left arrow v] key pressed\nrepeat until <not <key (left arrow v) pressed?>>\n point in direction (-90)\n next costume\n wait (0.03) seconds\nend\nswitch costume to (body5 v)\n\nwhen [right arrow v] key pressed\nrepeat until <not <key (right arrow v) pressed?>>\n point in direction (90)\n next costume\n wait (0.03) seconds\nend\nswitch costume to (body5 v)\n\n@Hitbox\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\n\n\nbroadcast (next v)\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nbroadcast (die v)\n\nwhen I receive [intro over v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nforever\n if <touching color (#a81000)?> then\n broadcast (die v)\n end\n if <touching color (#fcfffe)?> then\n broadcast (next v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nrepeat (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-50)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro over v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (5) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro over v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (120) %\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nrepeat until <(size) = [103]>\n change size by (-0.05)\n go [forward v] (1) layers\nend\nrepeat until <(size) = [100]>\n change size by (-0.05)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n go [forward v] (1) layers\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nbroadcast (intro over v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (0.75) seconds\n glitch effect\n wait (0.75) seconds\nend\n\ndefine glitch effect\nrepeat (3)\n set [pixelate v] effect to (100)\n wait (0.02) seconds\n set [pixelate v] effect to (0)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n set [pixelate v] effect to (100)\n wait (0.02) seconds\n set [pixelate v] effect to (0)\nend\n\ndefine skip\nforever\n if <(mouse x) < [200]> then\n if <(mouse x) > [175]> then\n if <(mouse y) > [-150]> then\n if <(mouse y) < [-120]> then\n switch costume to (jwn91248 productions2 v)\n if <mouse down?> then\n switch costume to (jwn91248 productions v)\n broadcast (intro over v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n end\n else\n switch costume to (jwn91248 productions v)\n end\n else\n switch costume to (jwn91248 productions v)\n end\n else\n switch costume to (jwn91248 productions v)\n end\n else\n switch costume to (jwn91248 productions v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n skip\nend\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [intro over v]\nset volume to (50) %\nplay sound [Volume Alpha - 02 - Door v] until done\nplay sound [Volume Alpha - 03 - Subwoofer Lullaby v] until done\nplay sound [Volume Alpha - 08 - Minecraft v] until done\nplay sound [Volume Beta - 05 - Flake v] until done\n\n
This is the last part to the Toast Platformer series. \n\n▶Advertising is allowed\n▶No spamming or F4F\n▶No hate comments or you'll be reported\n▶Please LOVE and FAVORITE ❤⭐\n▶If you enjoyed this project, please consider Following :)\n\nRULES:\n-Arrow keys or WAD to move\n-Down Arrow of S to crouch \n-The sink/hose/water is a trampoline\n-Don't touch dangerous objects or fall\n-Get to the Toaster to go to the next level\n\nA lot of you guys think level 2 & 3 are impossible, but an easy way to do it is by holding down up and down arrow at the same time.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[nothing here]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\ni told u there's nothing\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nsomething\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nok, there was something :p
Platformer Difficulty Chart || A Platformer
@Stage\n\n@サムネ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [fps v] to [31]\nset [fps4 v] to [0]\nforever\n set [fps2 v] to (timer)\n set [fps3 v] to [0]\n repeat until <((timer) - (FPS2)) > [1]>\n change [fps3 v] by (1)\n end\n set [fps v] to (FPS3)\n if <(FPS) < [31]> then\n change [fps4 v] by (1)\n else\n set [fps4 v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\n@all\n\ndefine コメ枠 (x1) (x2) (y)\nset pen color to (#d9d9d9)\nset pen size to (40)\ngo to x: (x1) y: (y)\npen down\nset x to (x2)\npen up\nif <(x1) > (x2)> then\n set pen size to (7)\n go to x: ((x1) + (3)) y: ((y) - (28))\n pen down\n go to x: ((x1) + (-1)) y: ((y) - (22))\n set x to ((x1) + (-5))\n pen up\n set pen size to (6)\n go to x: ((x1) + (-17)) y: ((y) - (17))\n pen down\n go to x: ((x1) + (-14)) y: ((y) - (19))\n go to x: ((x1) + (-11)) y: ((y) - (21))\n go to x: ((x1) + (-8)) y: ((y) - (23))\n go to x: ((x1) + (-5)) y: ((y) - (25))\n go to x: ((x1) + (-2)) y: ((y) - (27))\n go to x: ((x1) + (2)) y: ((y) - (29))\n pen up\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n set pen size to (36)\n go to x: (x1) y: (y)\n pen down\n go to x: (x2) y: (y)\n pen up\n set pen size to (3)\n go to x: ((x1) + (3)) y: ((y) - (28))\n pen down\n go to x: ((x1) + (-1)) y: ((y) - (22))\n set x to ((x1) + (-3))\n pen up\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((x1) + (-17)) y: ((y) - (17))\n pen down\n go to x: ((x1) + (-14)) y: ((y) - (19))\n go to x: ((x1) + (-11)) y: ((y) - (21))\n go to x: ((x1) + (-8)) y: ((y) - (23))\n go to x: ((x1) + (-5)) y: ((y) - (25))\n go to x: ((x1) + (-2)) y: ((y) - (27))\n go to x: ((x1) + (2)) y: ((y) - (29))\n pen up\n set pen size to (4)\n go to x: ((x1) + (-3)) y: ((y) - (19))\n pen down\n set x to ((x1) + (-11))\n go to x: ((x1) + (-1)) y: ((y) - (25))\n go to x: ((x1) + (-5)) y: ((y) - (19))\n pen up\nelse\n set pen size to (7)\n go to x: ((x1) - (3)) y: ((y) - (28))\n pen down\n go to x: ((x1) - (-1)) y: ((y) - (22))\n set x to ((x1) - (-5))\n pen up\n set pen size to (6)\n go to x: ((x1) - (-17)) y: ((y) - (17))\n pen down\n go to x: ((x1) - (-14)) y: ((y) - (19))\n go to x: ((x1) - (-11)) y: ((y) - (21))\n go to x: ((x1) - (-8)) y: ((y) - (23))\n go to x: ((x1) - (-5)) y: ((y) - (25))\n go to x: ((x1) - (-2)) y: ((y) - (27))\n go to x: ((x1) - (2)) y: ((y) - (29))\n pen up\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n set pen size to (36)\n go to x: (x1) y: (y)\n pen down\n go to x: (x2) y: (y)\n pen up\n set pen size to (3)\n go to x: ((x1) - (3)) y: ((y) - (28))\n pen down\n go to x: ((x1) - (-1)) y: ((y) - (22))\n set x to ((x1) - (-3))\n pen up\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((x1) - (-17)) y: ((y) - (17))\n pen down\n go to x: ((x1) - (-14)) y: ((y) - (19))\n go to x: ((x1) - (-11)) y: ((y) - (21))\n go to x: ((x1) - (-8)) y: ((y) - (23))\n go to x: ((x1) - (-5)) y: ((y) - (25))\n go to x: ((x1) - (-2)) y: ((y) - (27))\n go to x: ((x1) - (2)) y: ((y) - (29))\n pen up\n set pen size to (4)\n go to x: ((x1) - (-3)) y: ((y) - (19))\n pen down\n set x to ((x1) - (-11))\n go to x: ((x1) - (-1)) y: ((y) - (25))\n go to x: ((x1) - (-5)) y: ((y) - (19))\n pen up\nend\n\ndefine 二点間距離 (a x) (a y) (b x) (b y)\nset [二点間距離 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((a x) - (b x)) * ((a x) - (b x))) + (((a y) - (b y)) * ((a y) - (b y)))) )\n\ndefine 線分当たり判定確認 (a x) (a y) (b x) (b y) (c x) (c y) (d x) (d y)\nset [線分の当たり判定 v] to <<(((((d x) - (c x)) * ((a y) - (c y))) - (((d y) - (c y)) * ((a x) - (c x)))) * ((((d x) - (c x)) * ((b y) - (c y))) - (((d y) - (c y)) * ((b x) - (c x))))) < [0]> and <(((((b x) - (a x)) * ((c y) - (a y))) - (((b y) - (a y)) * ((c x) - (a x)))) * ((((b x) - (a x)) * ((d y) - (a y))) - (((b y) - (a y)) * ((d x) - (a x))))) < [0]>>\n\ndefine 地点への向き (ax) (ay) (bx) (by)\nset [地点への向き v] to (() - (([atan v] of (((ay) - (by)) / ((ax) - (bx))) ) + ((((90) * ((1) - (<[0] < ((ax) - (bx))> * (2)))) * ((1) - (<<((ax) - (bx)) = [0]> and <[0] < ((ay) - (by))>> * (2)))) * ((1) + (<<((ax) - (bx)) = [0]> and <((ay) - (by)) < [0]>> * (2))))))\n\ndefine 円の当たり判定確認 (ax) (ay) (bx) (by) (cx) (cy) size (size)\n二点間距離 (ax) (ay) (cx) (cy)\nif <([abs v] of (二点間距離) ) < ((size) / (2))> then\n set [円に触れた v] to [true]\nelse\n 二点間距離 (bx) (by) (cx) (cy)\n if <([abs v] of (二点間距離) ) < ((size) / (2))> then\n set [円に触れた v] to [true]\n else\n 地点への向き (ax) (ay) (bx) (by)\n change [地点への向き v] by (90)\n 線分当たり判定確認 (ax) (ay) (bx) (by) ((cx) - (([sin v] of (地点への向き) ) * ((size) / (2)))) ((cy) - (([cos v] of (地点への向き) ) * ((size) / (2)))) ((cx) + (([sin v] of (地点への向き) ) * ((size) / (2)))) ((cy) + (([cos v] of (地点への向き) ) * ((size) / (2))))\n set [円に触れた v] to (線分の当たり判定)\n end\nend\n\ndefine stage\nadd [player] to [stage描画 v]\nadd ((x) - (cam x)) to [stage描画 v]\nadd ((y) - (cam y)) to [stage描画 v]\nadd (direction) to [stage描画 v]\nadd (x eye) to [stage描画 v]\nadd (y eye) to [stage描画 v]\nadd [#ff7fdf] to [stage描画 v]\nadd [] to [stage描画 v]\nadd [] to [stage描画 v]\ndelete all of [stage当たり判定 v]\nreplace item (2) of [@変数 v] with [9]\nrepeat (11)\n replace item (1) of [@変数 v] with [0]\n repeat (16)\n replace item (3) of [@変数 v] with ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (((cam x) - ((cam x) mod (40))) / (40)))\n replace item (4) of [@変数 v] with ((item (2) of [@変数 v]) - (((cam y) - ((cam y) mod (40))) / (40)))\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n if <(item (1) of [@変数 v]) = [0]> then\n if <<(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> or <<(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [4]> or <(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [5]>>> then\n stage追加 [2]\n else\n stage追加 [1]\n end\n else\n if <(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [2]> then\n stage追加 [4]\n else\n if <(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [3]> then\n stage追加 [6]\n else\n if <<(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> or <<(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [4]> or <(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [5]>>> then\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n if <not <<(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> or <<(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [4]> or <(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [5]>>>> then\n stage追加 [2]\n else\n replace item ((length of [stage描画 v]) - ((item (8) of [@変数 v]) + (5))) of [stage描画 v] with ((item ((length of [stage描画 v]) - ((item (8) of [@変数 v]) + (5))) of [stage描画 v]) + (40))\n replace item ((length of [stage描画 v]) - (item (8) of [@変数 v])) of [stage描画 v] with ((item ((length of [stage描画 v]) - (item (8) of [@変数 v])) of [stage描画 v]) + (1))\n end\n else\n stage追加 [2]\n end\n else\n if <not <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>> then\n stage追加 [1]\n else\n if <<(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> or <<(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [2]> or <(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [3]>>> then\n stage追加 [1]\n else\n replace item ((length of [stage描画 v]) - ((item (8) of [@変数 v]) + (5))) of [stage描画 v] with ((item ((length of [stage描画 v]) - ((item (8) of [@変数 v]) + (5))) of [stage描画 v]) + (40))\n replace item ((length of [stage描画 v]) - (item (8) of [@変数 v])) of [stage描画 v] with ((item ((length of [stage描画 v]) - (item (8) of [@変数 v])) of [stage描画 v]) + (1))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(軽量化) < [2]> then\n stage追加 [7]\n end\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [2]> then\n stage追加 [3]\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [3]> then\n stage追加 [5]\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [4]> then\n if <(item (1) of [@変数 v]) = [0]> then\n stage追加 [8]\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [4]> then\n replace item ((length of [stage描画 v]) - ((item (8) of [@変数 v]) + (5))) of [stage描画 v] with ((item ((length of [stage描画 v]) - ((item (8) of [@変数 v]) + (5))) of [stage描画 v]) + (40))\n replace item ((length of [stage描画 v]) - (item (8) of [@変数 v])) of [stage描画 v] with ((item ((length of [stage描画 v]) - (item (8) of [@変数 v])) of [stage描画 v]) + (1))\n else\n stage追加 [8]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [5]> then\n stage追加 [9]\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [6]> then\n stage追加 [a]\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [7]> then\n if <(item (1) of [@変数 v]) = [0]> then\n stage追加 [b]\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [7]> then\n replace item ((item (10) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v] with ((item ((item (10) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (40))\n else\n stage追加 [b]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [8]> then\n stage追加 [c]\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [9]> then\n stage追加 [d]\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [9]> then\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n replace item (1) of [@変数 v] with ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1))\n end\n replace item (2) of [@変数 v] with ((item (2) of [@変数 v]) + (-1))\nend\n\ndefine stage描画\nreplace item (1) of [@変数 v] with [1]\nrepeat until <(item (1) of [@変数 v]) > (length of [stage描画 v])>\n if <(item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) = [player]> then\n player描画 (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage描画 v]) (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (7)) of [stage描画 v]) (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (8)) of [stage描画 v])\n else\n if <(item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) = [player2]> then\n go to x: (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) y: (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v])\n point in direction (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v])\n set pen size to (5)\n set pen color to (#b964fe)\n pen down\n move (25) steps\n move (-25) steps\n turn right (45) degrees\n move (15) steps\n move (-15) steps\n turn right (-90) degrees\n move (15) steps\n pen up\n point in direction (90)\n if <(軽量化) = [0]> then\n Print | Pos (((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (([sin v] of (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) ) * (25))) + (10)) (((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (([cos v] of (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) ) * (25))) + (30)) Size [11] Width [1] RGB [] [] [] Weight [1] CSpace [1] Align [] Text (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage描画 v]) (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [☁waku v]) (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) [あ]\n end\n else\n if <(item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage描画 v]) = [1]> then\n set pen color to (#d99c46)\n set pen size to (12)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + ((-14) + ((-5) * <[1] = (letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v]))>))) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + ((14) + ((5) * <[1] = (letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (8)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (7)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of [stage v]))>))) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n pen up\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-11))\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-11))\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n pen up\n if <(軽量化) < [2]> then\n set pen color to (#cf8b31)\n set pen size to (10)\n go to x: (item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-15))\n repeat ((1) + (((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) - (item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v])) / (40)))\n pen down\n go to x: ((x position) + (15)) y: ((y position) + (15))\n pen up\n go to x: ((x position) + (25)) y: ((y position) + (-15))\n end\n end\n set pen color to (#3fb500)\n set pen size to (14)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-13)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-3))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (13)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-3))\n pen up\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-9))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (3))\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (3))\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-9))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-9))\n pen up\n set pen color to (#55f200)\n set pen size to (16)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-12)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (12))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (12)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (12))\n pen up\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (10))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (5))\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (5))\n if <<(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (8)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (7)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> or <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (8)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (7)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>> then\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19))\n else\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (10))\n end\n if <<(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> or <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (14))\n else\n go to x: (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19))\n end\n pen up\n end\n if <(item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage描画 v]) = [2]> then\n set pen color to (#d99c46)\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n pen up\n set pen size to (12)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (20))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (20))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n pen up\n set pen size to (40)\n go to x: (item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (10))\n pen down\n go to x: (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (10))\n pen up\n end\n if <(item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage描画 v]) = [3]> then\n set pen color to (#d99c46)\n if <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n set pen size to (8)\n if <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (24)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-10))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-16)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-50))\n pen up\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (16)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-18))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-16)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-50))\n pen up\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-16))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-10))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (17)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n pen up\n end\n else\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (8)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-10))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (15)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-15))\n set pen size to (10)\n pen down\n pen up\n end\n set pen color to (#3fb500)\n set pen size to (12)\n if <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (24)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (2))\n pen down\n if <<(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> and <<not <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>> and <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>>> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-22)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-44))\n pen up\n else\n if <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-36))\n pen up\n stage描画2 [2]\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (7)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n pen up\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (5)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-4)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (15)) y: (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v])\n set pen size to (6)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-16))\n pen up\n end\n end\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-8))\n pen down\n if <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n if <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-22)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-44))\n pen up\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-36))\n pen up\n stage描画2 [2]\n end\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (7)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n pen up\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (5)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-4)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (15)) y: (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v])\n set pen size to (4)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-17))\n pen up\n pen up\n end\n set pen size to (6)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (17)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-6))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (17)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (4))\n pen up\n end\n set pen color to (#55f200)\n set pen size to (8)\n if <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (24)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (14))\n pen down\n if <<(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> and <<not <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>> and <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>>> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-22)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-32))\n pen up\n else\n if <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-16)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-26))\n pen up\n stage描画2 [1]\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-6)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-16))\n pen up\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (13))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-13)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-8)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-11)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-17))\n pen up\n end\n end\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (16)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (6))\n pen down\n if <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n if <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-22)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-32))\n pen up\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-16)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-26))\n pen up\n stage描画2 [1]\n end\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-6)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-16))\n pen up\n end\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (6))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (13))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (17)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (6))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (13))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-13)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n if <not <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]>> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-8)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-12)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-17))\n end\n pen up\n end\n end\n if <(item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage描画 v]) = [4]> then\n set pen color to (#d99c46)\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-15))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19))\n pen up\n set pen size to (12)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (14))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n pen up\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (5)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-5))\n pen down\n if <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (20)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (20)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (20))\n end\n pen up\n if <<not <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>> and <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>> then\n set pen color to (#55f200)\n set pen size to (4)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-20)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (18))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-9)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (18))\n pen up\n end\n end\n if <(item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage描画 v]) = [5]> then\n set pen color to (#d99c46)\n if <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n set pen size to (8)\n if <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) - (1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (24)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-10))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-16)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-50))\n pen up\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (16)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-18))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-16)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-50))\n pen up\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-16))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-10))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (17)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n pen up\n end\n else\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (8)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-10))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (15)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-15))\n set pen size to (10)\n pen down\n pen up\n end\n if <(軽量化) < [2]> then\n set pen color to (#cf8b31)\n set pen size to (10)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (0)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-55))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (15)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-40))\n pen up\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-30)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-45))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (0)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-15))\n pen up\n end\n set pen color to (#3fb500)\n set pen size to (12)\n if <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) - (1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (24)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (2))\n pen down\n if <<(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> and <<not <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) - (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>> and <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) - (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>>> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-22)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-44))\n pen up\n else\n if <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-36))\n pen up\n stage描画2 [4]\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (7)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n pen up\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (5)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-4)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (15)) y: (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v])\n set pen size to (6)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (1)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-16))\n pen up\n end\n end\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-8))\n pen down\n if <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n if <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) - (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-22)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-44))\n pen up\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-36))\n pen up\n stage描画2 [4]\n end\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (7)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n pen up\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (5)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-4)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (15)) y: (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v])\n set pen size to (4)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (1)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-17))\n pen up\n pen up\n end\n set pen size to (6)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (17)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-6))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (17)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (4))\n pen up\n end\n set pen color to (#55f200)\n set pen size to (8)\n if <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) - (1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (24)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (14))\n pen down\n if <<(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> and <<not <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) - (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>> and <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) - (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>>> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-22)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-32))\n pen up\n else\n if <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-16)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-26))\n pen up\n stage描画2 [3]\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-6)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-16))\n pen up\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (13))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-13)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-8)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-11)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-17))\n pen up\n end\n end\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (16)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (6))\n pen down\n if <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n if <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) - (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-22)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-32))\n pen up\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-16)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-26))\n pen up\n stage描画2 [3]\n end\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-6)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-16))\n pen up\n end\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (6))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (13))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (17)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (6))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (13))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-13)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n if <not <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]>> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-8)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-12)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-17))\n end\n pen up\n end\n end\n if <(item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage描画 v]) = [6]> then\n set pen color to (#d99c46)\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-15))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) - (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) - (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19))\n pen up\n set pen size to (12)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) - (14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) - (14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (14))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n pen up\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (5)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-5))\n pen down\n if <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) - (1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (20)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (20)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (20))\n end\n pen up\n if <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) - (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n set pen color to (#55f200)\n set pen size to (4)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-25)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (18))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-9)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (18))\n pen up\n end\n end\n if <(item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage描画 v]) = [7]> then\n set pen color to (#cf8b31)\n set pen size to (10)\n if <[stage線 v] contains (letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v]))?> then\n if <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n if <<(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [4]> or <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [5]>> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (45)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (30))\n else\n if <<(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of [stage v])) = [4]> or <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of [stage v])) = [5]>> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (45)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (30))\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (30)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (15))\n end\n end\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (15)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (0))\n end\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (0)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-15))\n end\n pen down\n if <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-15)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-30))\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (0)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-15))\n end\n pen up\n if <<(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> and <not <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>>> then\n set pen size to (1)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (0))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (10.5))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (10.5)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1.5))\n pen up\n set pen size to (4)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (18)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (0))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (18)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (7))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (10.5)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (0))\n pen up\n end\n if <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n if <(letter ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) + (1)) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n if <not <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>> then\n if <(letter (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) of (item ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [2]> then\n set pen size to (10)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-15)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-30))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-40)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-55))\n pen up\n else\n stage描画2 [5]\n end\n end\n else\n stage描画2 [5]\n end\n else\n set pen size to (1)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (0)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19.5))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-10.5)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19.5))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-3.5)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-12.5))\n pen up\n set pen size to (4)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (0)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-18))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-7)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-18))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-5)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-15.5))\n pen up\n end\n end\n if <(item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage描画 v]) = [8]> then\n set pen color to (#ff0000)\n set pen size to (50)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (5)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (5))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-5)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (5))\n pen up\n set pen size to (10)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-15)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (20))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-15)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-15))\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (15)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-15))\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (15)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (20))\n pen up\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-15))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-15))\n pen up\n end\n if <(item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage描画 v]) = [9]> then\n if <(軽量化) = [2]> then\n set pen color to (#ff0000)\n set pen size to (30)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-5)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-5))\n pen down\n set x to ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (5))\n pen up\n set pen size to (6)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-17)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-17))\n pen down\n set x to ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (17))\n set y to ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (7))\n set x to ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-17))\n set y to ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-17))\n pen up\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n pen down\n set x to ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (19))\n set y to ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (9))\n set x to ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n set y to ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n pen up\n else\n set pen color to (#ff0000)\n replace item (9) of [@変数 v] with [0]\n set pen size to (2)\n set x to ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n repeat (40)\n set y to ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + ((([sin v] of ((((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) * (40)) + (item (9) of [@変数 v])) + ((timer) * (100))) ) * (3)) + (10)))\n pen down\n set y to ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n pen up\n change x by (1)\n replace item (9) of [@変数 v] with ((item (9) of [@変数 v]) + (1))\n end\n end\n end\n if <(item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage描画 v]) = [a]> then\n if <[check point v] contains (join ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-282)) (join [/] ((() - (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage描画 v])) + (200))))?> then\n set pen color to (#16f3ff)\n else\n set pen color to (#ff0000)\n end\n set x to ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-8))\n set pen size to (1)\n replace item (9) of [@変数 v] with []\n repeat (36)\n set y to ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + ((8) + (([sin v] of (((timer) * (200)) + ((item (9) of [@変数 v]) * (10))) ) * ((item (9) of [@変数 v]) / (4)))))\n pen down\n change y by (-17)\n pen up\n change x by (.5)\n replace item (9) of [@変数 v] with ((item (9) of [@変数 v]) + (.5))\n end\n set pen size to (5)\n set pen color to (#e8aa64)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-10)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (17))\n pen down\n change y by (-34)\n pen up\n set pen size to (20)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-12)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-27))\n pen down\n change x by (4)\n pen up\n set pen size to (10)\n set pen color to (#e8d34a)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-10)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (15))\n pen down\n pen up\n end\n if <(item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage描画 v]) = [b]> then\n set pen color to (#00f2ff)\n set pen size to (40)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-20)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-.7))\n set pen (transparency v) to (100)\n pen down\n set pen (transparency v) to (50)\n set x to ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage描画 v]) + (20))\n pen up\n end\n if <(item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage描画 v]) = [c]> then\n set pen color to (#00f2ff)\n replace item (9) of [@変数 v] with [0]\n set pen size to (2)\n set x to ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19))\n repeat (20)\n set y to ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + ((([sin v] of ((((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) * (40)) + (item (9) of [@変数 v])) + ((timer) * (150))) ) * (3)) + (10)))\n set pen (transparency v) to (100)\n pen down\n set pen (transparency v) to (50)\n set y to ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-20))\n pen up\n change x by (2)\n replace item (9) of [@変数 v] with ((item (9) of [@変数 v]) + (2))\n end\n end\n if <(item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage描画 v]) = [d]> then\n replace item (9) of [@変数 v] with (join (((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5)) of [stage描画 v]) * (40)) + (-280)) (join [/] ((200) - ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (6)) of [stage描画 v]) * (40)))))\n set pen color to (#e8c900)\n set pen size to (5)\n if <[jump ramp v] contains (item (9) of [@変数 v])?> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (13)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + ((11) + (item ((item # of (item (9) of [@変数 v]) in [jump ramp v]) + (1)) of [jump ramp v])))\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (13)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (11))\n end\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-13)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-17))\n pen up\n if <[jump ramp v] contains (item (9) of [@変数 v])?> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-13)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + ((11) + (item ((item # of (item (9) of [@変数 v]) in [jump ramp v]) + (1)) of [jump ramp v])))\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-13)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (11))\n end\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (13)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-17))\n pen up\n set pen color to (#e8aa00)\n set pen size to (6)\n if <[jump ramp v] contains (item (9) of [@変数 v])?> then\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + ((11) + (item ((item # of (item (9) of [@変数 v]) in [jump ramp v]) + (1)) of [jump ramp v])))\n pen down\n set x to ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n pen up\n else\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (11))\n pen down\n set x to ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n pen up\n end\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (14)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-17))\n pen down\n set x to ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n pen up\n end\n end\n end\n replace item (1) of [@変数 v] with ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (9))\nend\nif <[0] < (edit)> then\n set pen color to (#000000)\n set pen size to (1)\n go to x: ((-300) - ((cam x) mod (40))) y: ((220) - ((cam y) mod (40)))\n pen down\n repeat (16)\n set y to (() - (y position))\n change x by (40)\n end\n pen up\n go to x: ((-280) - ((cam x) mod (40))) y: ((220) - ((cam y) mod (40)))\n pen down\n repeat (11)\n set x to (() - (x position))\n change y by (-40)\n end\n pen up\nend\n\ndefine move\nif <(end) = [0]> then\n 当たり判定確認 [1]\n if (item (5) of [触れたブロック v]) then\n set [speed x v] to (((speed x) + ((item (1) of [押されたキー v]) - (item (2) of [押されたキー v]))) * (.8))\n else\n set [speed x v] to (((speed x) + ((item (1) of [押されたキー v]) - (item (2) of [押されたキー v]))) * (.9))\n end\n change [x2 v] by (speed x)\n if <(edit) > [1]> then\n if <(edit) > [1]> then\n set [speed y v] to (((speed y) + ((item (3) of [押されたキー v]) - (item (4) of [押されたキー v]))) * (.9))\n else\n 当たり判定確認 [2]\n if (item (5) of [触れたブロック v]) then\n set [speed y v] to (((speed y) + (<(item (11) of [@変数 v]) > [2]> * ((item (3) of [押されたキー v]) - (item (4) of [押されたキー v])))) * (.9))\n change [speed y v] by (-.4)\n replace item (11) of [@変数 v] with ((item (11) of [@変数 v]) + (1))\n else\n replace item (11) of [@変数 v] with [0]\n if <([abs v] of (speed y) ) < [22]> then\n if <(speed y) < [0]> then\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [speed y v] by ((-1) + ((item (3) of [押されたキー v]) * (.32)))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y2 v] by (speed y)\n 当たり判定確認 [2]\n if <(item (12) of [@変数 v]) > [0]> then\n replace item (12) of [@変数 v] with ((item (12) of [@変数 v]) + (-1))\n end\n if <(edit) > [1]> then\n change [x eye v] by ((((speed x) * (.5)) - (x eye)) / (5))\n if <([abs v] of (speed y) ) < [6]> then\n change [y eye v] by (((speed y) - (y eye)) / (5))\n else\n if <(speed y) < [0]> then\n change [y eye v] by (((-6) - (y eye)) / (5))\n else\n change [y eye v] by (((6) - (y eye)) / (5))\n end\n end\n if <([abs v] of (y eye) ) > [4.5]> then\n set [y eye v] to ((4.5) * ((1) - (<(y eye) < [0]> * (2))))\n end\nend\nset [x v] to ((round ((x2) * (10))) / (10))\nset [y v] to ((round ((y2) * (10))) / (10))\nreplace item (1) of [@変数 v] with [1]\nrepeat ((length of [jump ramp v]) / (3))\n replace item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [jump ramp v] with ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [jump ramp v]) + ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [jump ramp v]) / (2)))\n replace item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [jump ramp v] with ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [jump ramp v]) + (-1))\n if <(item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [jump ramp v]) < [0]> then\n repeat (3)\n delete (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [jump ramp v]\n end\n else\n replace item (1) of [@変数 v] with ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3))\n end\nend\n\ndefine player描画 (x) (y) (direction) (x2) (y2) (color) (name) (player)\nif <<([abs v] of (x) ) > [257]> or <([abs v] of (y) ) > [197]>> then\n if <not <(name) = []>> then\n 地点への向き [] [] (x) (y)\n set pen color to (#b964fe)\n set pen size to (5)\n add [player2] to [stage描画 v]\n if <(x) > [257]> then\n add [230] to [stage描画 v]\n if <(y) > [160]> then\n add [160] to [stage描画 v]\n else\n if <(y) < [-160]> then\n add [-160] to [stage描画 v]\n else\n add (y) to [stage描画 v]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(x) < [-257]> then\n add [-230] to [stage描画 v]\n if <(y) > [160]> then\n add [160] to [stage描画 v]\n else\n if <(y) < [-160]> then\n add [-160] to [stage描画 v]\n else\n add (y) to [stage描画 v]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(x) > [230]> then\n add [230] to [stage描画 v]\n else\n if <(x) < [-230]> then\n add [-230] to [stage描画 v]\n else\n add (x) to [stage描画 v]\n end\n end\n if <(y) > [197]> then\n add [160] to [stage描画 v]\n else\n if <(y) < [-197]> then\n add [-160] to [stage描画 v]\n else\n add [] to [stage描画 v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n add (地点への向き) to [stage描画 v]\n add (name) to [stage描画 v]\n add (player) to [stage描画 v]\n add [] to [stage描画 v]\n add [] to [stage描画 v]\n add [] to [stage描画 v]\n end\nelse\n replace item (14) of [@変数 v] with (item (13) of [@変数 v])\n if <not <(name) = []>> then\n if <<(軽量化) = [0]> and <(name) = [0]>> then\n Print | Pos ((x) + (25)) ((y) + (40)) Size [11] Width [1] RGB [] [] [] Weight [1] CSpace [1] Align [] Text (name) (item (player) of [☁waku v]) (player) []\n end\n replace item (14) of [@変数 v] with [1]\n else\n if <not <(chat) = []>> then\n Print | Pos ((x) + (25)) ((y) + (40)) Size [11] Width [1] RGB [] [] [] Weight [1] CSpace [1] Align [] Text (chat) [1] [0] []\n end\n end\n if <not <<(item (13) of [@変数 v]) = [\/V]> and <(name) = []>>> then\n set pen color to (color)\n set pen size to ((12) * (item (14) of [@変数 v]))\n go to x: ((x) + (([sin v] of (direction) ) * ((15.5) * (item (14) of [@変数 v])))) y: ((y) + (([cos v] of (direction) ) * ((15.5) * (item (14) of [@変数 v]))))\n pen down\n go to x: ((x) + (([sin v] of ((direction) + (90)) ) * ((15.5) * (item (14) of [@変数 v])))) y: ((y) + (([cos v] of ((direction) + (90)) ) * ((15.5) * (item (14) of [@変数 v]))))\n go to x: ((x) + (([sin v] of ((direction) + (180)) ) * ((15.5) * (item (14) of [@変数 v])))) y: ((y) + (([cos v] of ((direction) + (180)) ) * ((15.5) * (item (14) of [@変数 v]))))\n go to x: ((x) + (([sin v] of ((direction) + (270)) ) * ((15.5) * (item (14) of [@変数 v])))) y: ((y) + (([cos v] of ((direction) + (270)) ) * ((15.5) * (item (14) of [@変数 v]))))\n go to x: ((x) + (([sin v] of (direction) ) * ((15.5) * (item (14) of [@変数 v])))) y: ((y) + (([cos v] of (direction) ) * ((15.5) * (item (14) of [@変数 v]))))\n pen up\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n set pen size to ((24.5) * (item (14) of [@変数 v]))\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n pen down\n pen up\n go to x: ((x) + (([sin v] of (direction) ) * (x2))) y: ((y) + (([cos v] of (direction) ) * (y2)))\n set pen color to (#000000)\n set pen size to ((13.5) * (item (14) of [@変数 v]))\n pen down\n pen up\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n set pen size to ((4) * (item (14) of [@変数 v]))\n go to x: ((x) + ((([sin v] of (direction) ) * (x2)) + (([sin v] of ((direction) + (0)) ) * ((4) * (item (14) of [@変数 v]))))) y: ((y) + ((([cos v] of (direction) ) * (y2)) + (([cos v] of ((direction) + (0)) ) * ((4) * (item (14) of [@変数 v])))))\n pen down\n pen up\n end\nend\n\ndefine stage追加 (番号)\nif <(番号) = [7]> then\n replace item (8) of [@変数 v] with ((item (8) of [@変数 v]) + (9))\nend\nif <<(番号) < [3]> or <(番号) = [8]>> then\n replace item (8) of [@変数 v] with [1]\nend\nif <(番号) = [5]> then\n insert (((-280) - ((cam x) mod (40))) + ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) at ((length of [stage描画 v]) - ((item (8) of [@変数 v]) + (7))) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (((200) - ((cam y) mod (40))) - ((item (2) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) at ((length of [stage描画 v]) - ((item (8) of [@変数 v]) + (7))) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (((-280) - ((cam x) mod (40))) + ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) at ((length of [stage描画 v]) - ((item (8) of [@変数 v]) + (7))) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (((200) - ((cam y) mod (40))) - ((item (2) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) at ((length of [stage描画 v]) - ((item (8) of [@変数 v]) + (7))) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (番号) at ((length of [stage描画 v]) - ((item (8) of [@変数 v]) + (7))) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (item (3) of [@変数 v]) at ((length of [stage描画 v]) - ((item (8) of [@変数 v]) + (7))) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (item (4) of [@変数 v]) at ((length of [stage描画 v]) - ((item (8) of [@変数 v]) + (7))) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (item (3) of [@変数 v]) at ((length of [stage描画 v]) - ((item (8) of [@変数 v]) + (7))) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (item (4) of [@変数 v]) at ((length of [stage描画 v]) - ((item (8) of [@変数 v]) + (7))) of [stage描画 v] \nelse\n if <(番号) = [a]> then\n insert (item (4) of [@変数 v]) at (1) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (item (3) of [@変数 v]) at (1) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (item (4) of [@変数 v]) at (1) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (item (3) of [@変数 v]) at (1) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (番号) at (1) of [stage描画 v] \n insert ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) at (1) of [stage描画 v] \n insert ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) at (1) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (((200) - ((cam y) mod (40))) - ((item (2) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) at (1) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (((-280) - ((cam x) mod (40))) + ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) at (1) of [stage描画 v] \n replace item (10) of [@変数 v] with ((item (10) of [@変数 v]) + (9))\n else\n if <<(番号) = [b]> or <(番号) = [c]>> then\n insert (item (4) of [@変数 v]) at (item (10) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (item (3) of [@変数 v]) at (item (10) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (item (4) of [@変数 v]) at (item (10) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (item (3) of [@変数 v]) at (item (10) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (番号) at (item (10) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (((200) - ((cam y) mod (40))) - ((item (2) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) at (item (10) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (((-280) - ((cam x) mod (40))) + ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) at (item (10) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (((200) - ((cam y) mod (40))) - ((item (2) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) at (item (10) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v] \n insert (((-280) - ((cam x) mod (40))) + ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) at (item (10) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v] \n else\n if <(番号) = [d]> then\n add (((-280) - ((cam x) mod (40))) + ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) to [stage描画 v]\n add (((200) - ((cam y) mod (40))) - ((item (2) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) to [stage描画 v]\n add (item (1) of [@変数 v]) to [stage描画 v]\n add (item (2) of [@変数 v]) to [stage描画 v]\n add (番号) to [stage描画 v]\n add (item (3) of [@変数 v]) to [stage描画 v]\n add (item (4) of [@変数 v]) to [stage描画 v]\n add (item (3) of [@変数 v]) to [stage描画 v]\n add (item (4) of [@変数 v]) to [stage描画 v]\n else\n add (((-280) - ((cam x) mod (40))) + ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) to [stage描画 v]\n add (((200) - ((cam y) mod (40))) - ((item (2) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) to [stage描画 v]\n add (((-280) - ((cam x) mod (40))) + ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) to [stage描画 v]\n add (((200) - ((cam y) mod (40))) - ((item (2) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) to [stage描画 v]\n add (番号) to [stage描画 v]\n add (item (3) of [@変数 v]) to [stage描画 v]\n add (item (4) of [@変数 v]) to [stage描画 v]\n add (item (3) of [@変数 v]) to [stage描画 v]\n add (item (4) of [@変数 v]) to [stage描画 v]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine cam (x) (y)\nif <(end) = [0]> then\n if <not <(edit) = [0]>> then\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (((10) * <(edit) = [0]>) + ((1) * <(edit) > [0]>)))\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (((10) * <(edit) = [0]>) + ((1) * <(edit) > [0]>)))\n else\n if <(y) > [-3700]> then\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (10))\n else\n if <<(y) > [-4380]> and <(x) < [4100]>> then\n if <(x) < [1780]> then\n change [cam x v] by (((1780) - (cam x)) / (10))\n else\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n end\n if <(x) < [4044]> then\n if <<(y) < [-4322]> or <(x) < [3500]>> then\n change [cam y v] by (((-4320) - (cam y)) / (10))\n else\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (10))\n end\n else\n change [cam y v] by (((-3960) - (cam y)) / (10))\n end\n else\n if <(y) > [-4200]> then\n if <(x) < [5500]> then\n if <<(x) < [4600]> and <not <(y) > [-4100]>>> then\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (10))\n else\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((-3960) - (cam y)) / (10))\n end\n else\n if <(y) > [-3964]> then\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((-3960) - (cam y)) / (10))\n else\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (10))\n end\n end\n else\n if <(y) < [-6380]> then\n if <(x) < [3800]> then\n if <(x) < [2900]> then\n change [cam x v] by (((2900) - (cam x)) / (10))\n else\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n end\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (10))\n else\n if <(x) < [5044]> then\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n if <(y) > [-6684]> then\n change [cam y v] by (((-6680) - (cam y)) / (10))\n else\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (10))\n end\n else\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (10))\n end\n end\n else\n if <(y) < [-6240]> then\n if <(x) < [5477]> then\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((-6240) - (cam y)) / (10))\n else\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (10))\n end\n else\n if <(x) < [5670]> then\n if <(y) > [-5964]> then\n if <(y) < [-5790]> then\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((-5960) - (cam y)) / (10))\n else\n if <(y) < [-5480]> then\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((-5480) - (cam y)) / (10))\n else\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (10))\n end\n end\n else\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (10))\n end\n else\n if <(y) < [-5310]> then\n if <<(y) > [-5790]> and <(x) < [6900]>> then\n if <(y) > [-5440]> then\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((-5480) - (cam y)) / (10))\n else\n if <(x) < [6437]> then\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((-5480) - (cam y)) / (10))\n else\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (10))\n end\n end\n else\n if <(x) > [6450]> then\n if <(y) < [-5960]> then\n if <(x) < [6900]> then\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (10))\n else\n change [cam x v] by (((6900) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (10))\n end\n else\n if <(x) < [6900]> then\n if <(y) > [-5790]> then\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (10))\n else\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((-5960) - (cam y)) / (10))\n end\n else\n change [cam x v] by (((6900) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (10))\n end\n end\n else\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((-5960) - (cam y)) / (10))\n end\n end\n else\n if <(y) < [-5075]> then\n if <(x) < [6324]> then\n if <<(y) > [-5164]> and <(y) < [-5159]>> then\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((-5160) - (cam y)) / (10))\n else\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (10))\n end\n else\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (10))\n end\n else\n if <(y) > [-4405]> then\n if <(x) < [6500]> then\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (10))\n else\n if <(x) > [6820]> then\n change [cam x v] by (((6820) - (cam x)) / (10))\n else\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n end\n change [cam y v] by (((-4405) - (cam y)) / (10))\n end\n else\n if <(x) > [6820]> then\n change [cam x v] by (((6820) - (cam x)) / (10))\n else\n change [cam x v] by (((x) - (cam x)) / (10))\n change [cam y v] by (((y) - (cam y)) / (10))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine stage当たり判定追加\nreplace item (3) of [@変数 v] with (((((x) + (20)) - (((x) + (20)) mod (40))) / (40)) + (6))\nrepeat (3)\n replace item (4) of [@変数 v] with (((((y) + (20)) - (((y) + (20)) mod (40))) / (-40)) + (4))\n repeat (3)\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n if <<(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> or <<(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [2]> or <(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [3]>>> then\n if <not <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>> then\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n if <(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [3]> then\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-15))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n else\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n end\n add [1] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n end\n if <not <<(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [2]> or <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>>> then\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n if <(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [2]> then\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-15))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n else\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n end\n add [1] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n end\n if <not <<(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]> or <(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [3]>>> then\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [1] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n end\n else\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + ((-12) + ((-8) * <<(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> or <(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>>)))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + ((12) + ((8) * <<(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> or <(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>>)))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [1] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n if <not <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>> then\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [2]> then\n add [] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [16] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-12))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-12))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [1] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n else\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n if <(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [1] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n else\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-12))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [1] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [16] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-12))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-12))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [1] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n end\n end\n end\n if <not <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>> then\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage v])) = [3]> then\n add [] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [16] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (12))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-12))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [1] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n else\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n if <(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage v])) = [1]> then\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [1] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n else\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-12))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [1] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [16] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (12))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-12))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [1] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n end\n end\n end\n if <not <(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]>> then\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [1] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [2]> then\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-16))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-16))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [1] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n if <not <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>> then\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-16))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [1] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n end\n if <not <(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]>> then\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-16))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [1] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n end\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [3]> then\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) - (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-16))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) - (-16))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [1] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n if <not <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) - (1)) of [stage v])) = [1]>> then\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) - (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-16))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) - (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [1] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n end\n if <not <(letter ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [1]>> then\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) - (-16))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) - (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (20))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [1] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n end\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [4]> then\n add [] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [40] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [2] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [5]> then\n add [] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [20] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (10))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (10))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [2] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [20] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-10))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (10))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [2] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [6]> then\n add [] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [25] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-2))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-6))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [4] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [25] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-2))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (6))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [4] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [7]> then\n add [] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [40] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [5] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [8]> then\n add [] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add (((([sin v] of (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + ((timer) * (150))) ) * (3)) + (10)) - (-20)) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + ((20) - ((((([sin v] of (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + ((timer) * (150))) ) * (3)) + (10)) - (-20)) / (2))))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [5] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [9]> then\n add [] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [6] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-14))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-11))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [6] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [6] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-14))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (17))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [6] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [6] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (14))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-11))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [6] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [6] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (14))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (17))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [6] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (17))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-11))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (17))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (17))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [6] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-17))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-11))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((-280) + (((item (3) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (-17))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add ((200) - (((item (4) of [@変数 v]) * (40)) + (17))) to [stage当たり判定 v]\n add [6] to [stage当たり判定 v]\n else\n if <(letter (item (4) of [@変数 v]) of (item (item (3) of [@変数 v]) of [stage v])) = [a]> then\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n replace item (4) of [@変数 v] with ((item (4) of [@変数 v]) + (1))\n end\n replace item (3) of [@変数 v] with ((item (3) of [@変数 v]) + (1))\nend\n\ndefine stage当たり判定描画\nreplace item (1) of [@変数 v] with [1]\nrepeat ((length of [stage当たり判定 v]) / (5))\n if <(item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage当たり判定 v]) = []> then\n set pen size to (item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage当たり判定 v])\n set pen color to (#000000)\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) - (cam x)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) - (cam y))\n pen down\n pen up\n else\n set pen size to (1)\n set pen color to (#000000)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage当たり判定 v]) - (cam x)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) - (cam y))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) - (cam x)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) - (cam y))\n pen up\n end\n replace item (1) of [@変数 v] with ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (5))\nend\n\ndefine 当たり判定確認 (x,y)\nset [x v] to ((round ((x2) * (10))) / (10))\nset [y v] to ((round ((y2) * (10))) / (10))\nrepeat (length of [触れたブロック v])\n add [false] to [触れたブロック v]\n delete (1) of [触れたブロック v]\nend\ndelete all of [player当たり判定 v]\nadd [] to [player当たり判定 v]\nadd [34] to [player当たり判定 v]\nadd [0] to [player当たり判定 v]\nadd [0] to [player当たり判定 v]\nif <(x,y) = [1]> then\n if <(speed x) > [0]> then\n add [] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [12] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [12] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [-11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n else\n add [] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [12] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [-11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [12] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [-11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [-11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n end\nelse\n if <(speed y) > [0]> then\n add [] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [12] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [-11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [12] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n else\n add [] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [12] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [-11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [-11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [12] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [-11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [-17] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [-11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [-17] to [player当たり判定 v]\n end\n if <([abs v] of (speed y) ) > [12]> then\n add [17] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [17] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [-11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [-17] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [-17] to [player当たり判定 v]\n add [-11] to [player当たり判定 v]\n end\nend\nreplace item (6) of [@変数 v] with [1]\nrepeat ((length of [stage当たり判定 v]) / (4))\n replace item (5) of [@変数 v] with [1]\n repeat ((length of [player当たり判定 v]) / (4))\n set [触れた v] to [false]\n if <(item (item (5) of [@変数 v]) of [player当たり判定 v]) = []> then\n if <(item (item (6) of [@変数 v]) of [stage当たり判定 v]) = []> then\n 二点間距離 (item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) (item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) ((x) + (item ((item (5) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [player当たり判定 v])) ((y) + (item ((item (5) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [player当たり判定 v]))\n if <(二点間距離) < (((item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) + (item ((item (5) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [player当たり判定 v])) / (2))> then\n replace item (item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) of [触れたブロック v] with [true]\n set [触れた v] to [true]\n end\n else\n 円の当たり判定確認 (item (item (6) of [@変数 v]) of [stage当たり判定 v]) (item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) (item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) (item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) ((x) + (item ((item (5) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [player当たり判定 v])) ((y) + (item ((item (5) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [player当たり判定 v])) size (item ((item (5) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [player当たり判定 v])\n if <(円に触れた) = [true]> then\n replace item (item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) of [触れたブロック v] with [true]\n set [触れた v] to [true]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(item (item (6) of [@変数 v]) of [stage当たり判定 v]) = []> then\n 円の当たり判定確認 ((x) + (item (item (5) of [@変数 v]) of [player当たり判定 v])) ((y) + (item ((item (5) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [player当たり判定 v])) ((x) + (item ((item (5) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [player当たり判定 v])) ((y) + (item ((item (5) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [player当たり判定 v])) (item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) (item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) size (item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage当たり判定 v])\n if <(円に触れた) = [true]> then\n replace item (item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) of [触れたブロック v] with [true]\n set [触れた v] to [true]\n end\n else\n 線分当たり判定確認 (item (item (6) of [@変数 v]) of [stage当たり判定 v]) (item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) (item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) (item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) ((x) + (item (item (5) of [@変数 v]) of [player当たり判定 v])) ((y) + (item ((item (5) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [player当たり判定 v])) ((x) + (item ((item (5) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [player当たり判定 v])) ((y) + (item ((item (5) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [player当たり判定 v]))\n if <(線分の当たり判定) = [true]> then\n replace item (item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) of [触れたブロック v] with [true]\n set [触れた v] to [true]\n end\n end\n end\n if <<(触れた) = [true]> and <(item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) = [4]>> then\n if <not <[check point v] contains (join (item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) (join [/] (((item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) + (6)) - (((item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) + (6)) mod (40)))))?>> then\n add (join (item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) (join [/] (((item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) + (6)) - (((item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) + (6)) mod (40))))) to [check point v]\n add (item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) to [check point v]\n add (((item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) + (6)) - (((item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) + (6)) mod (40))) to [check point v]\n set [checkpoint x v] to (item ((length of [check point v]) - (1)) of [check point v])\n set [checkpoint y v] to (item (length of [check point v]) of [check point v])\n end\n end\n if <<<(speed y) < [0]> and <(x,y) = [2]>> and <<(触れた) = [true]> and <(item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (4)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) = [6]>>> then\n replace item (9) of [@変数 v] with (join (((item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) + (17)) - (((item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (2)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) + (17)) mod (40))) (join [/] (((item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) + (17)) - (((item ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (3)) of [stage当たり判定 v]) + (17)) mod (40)))))\n if <[jump ramp v] contains (item (9) of [@変数 v])?> then\n repeat (2)\n delete ((item # of (item (9) of [@変数 v]) in [jump ramp v]) + (1)) of [jump ramp v]\n end\n delete (item # of (item (9) of [@変数 v]) in [jump ramp v]) of [jump ramp v]\n end\n if <(item (12) of [@変数 v]) = [0]> then\n add (item (9) of [@変数 v]) to [jump ramp v]\n add [0] to [jump ramp v]\n add [10] to [jump ramp v]\n end\n end\n replace item (5) of [@変数 v] with ((item (5) of [@変数 v]) + (4))\n end\n replace item (6) of [@変数 v] with ((item (6) of [@変数 v]) + (5))\nend\n\ndefine 座標調整 (x,y)\nif <(x,y) = [1]> then\n repeat until <([abs v] of (speed x) ) < [.1]>\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) / (2))\n change [x2 v] by (speed x)\n 当たり判定確認 [1]\n if <(item (1) of [触れたブロック v]) or (item (6) of [触れたブロック v])> then\n change [x2 v] by (() - (speed x))\n end\n end\nelse\n repeat until <([abs v] of (speed y) ) < [.1]>\n set [speed y v] to ((speed y) / (2))\n change [y2 v] by (speed y)\n 当たり判定確認 [2]\n if <(item (1) of [触れたブロック v]) or (item (6) of [触れたブロック v])> then\n change [y2 v] by (() - (speed y))\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine edit\nif <(edit) > [0]> then\n replace item (1) of [edit v] with [0]\n repeat until <<(item (1) of [edit v]) > [9]> or <key ((item (1) of [edit v]) v) pressed?>>\n replace item (1) of [edit v] with ((item (1) of [edit v]) + (1))\n end\n if <(item (1) of [edit v]) < [10]> then\n replace item (3) of [edit v] with (item (1) of [edit v])\n end\n set pen color to (#ff0000)\n set pen (transparency v) to (50)\n set pen size to (40)\n go to x: (((((mouse x) + (20)) + ((cam x) mod (40))) - ((((mouse x) + (20)) + ((cam x) mod (40))) mod (40))) - ((cam x) mod (40))) y: (((((mouse y) + (20)) + ((cam y) mod (40))) - ((((mouse y) + (20)) + ((cam y) mod (40))) mod (40))) - ((cam y) mod (40)))\n pen down\n pen up\n replace item (1) of [edit v] with (((7) + (((x) - ((x) mod (40))) / (40))) + (((((mouse x) + (20)) + ((cam x) mod (40))) - ((((mouse x) + (20)) + ((cam x) mod (40))) mod (40))) / (40)))\n replace item (2) of [edit v] with (((4) - (((y) - ((y) mod (40))) / (40))) + (((((mouse y) + (20)) + ((cam y) mod (40))) - ((((mouse y) + (20)) + ((cam y) mod (40))) mod (40))) / (-40)))\n if <mouse down?> then\n edit2 (item (1) of [edit v]) (item (2) of [edit v]) (item (3) of [edit v])\n end\nend\n\ndefine 背景描画\nerase all\nif <(軽量化) = [0]> then\n set pen color to (#00ffff)\n set pen (saturation v) to (50)\n set pen size to (6)\n go to x: (-260) y: (183)\n pen down\n repeat (66)\n set x to (() - (x position))\n change y by (-5.5)\n change pen (saturation v) by (-.8)\n end\n pen up\nelse\n set pen color to (#00ffff)\n set pen (saturation v) to (30)\n set pen size to (666)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n pen down\n pen up\nend\n\ndefine edit2 (x) (y) (block)\nreplace item (4) of [edit v] with [1]\nrepeat until <(item (4) of [edit v]) > (length of (item (x) of [stage v]))>\n add (letter (item (4) of [edit v]) of (item (x) of [stage v])) to [edit v]\n replace item (4) of [edit v] with ((item (4) of [edit v]) + (1))\nend\nrepeat until <((x) - (length of [stage v])) < [1]>\n add [] to [stage v]\nend\nrepeat ((1) - (x))\n insert [] at (1) of [stage v] \n change [x v] by (40)\n change [cam x v] by (40)\n change [初期x v] by (40)\nend\nif <(y) < [1]> then\n repeat ((1) - (y))\n replace item (5) of [edit v] with [1]\n repeat (length of [stage v])\n replace item (item (5) of [edit v]) of [stage v] with (join [0] (item (item (5) of [edit v]) of [stage v]))\n replace item (5) of [edit v] with ((item (5) of [edit v]) + (1))\n end\n change [y v] by (-40)\n change [cam y v] by (-40)\n change [初期y v] by (-40)\n end\n repeat (() - (y))\n insert [] at (6) of [edit v] \n end\n insert (block) at (6) of [edit v] \nelse\n repeat until <not <(y) > ((length of [edit v]) - (5))>>\n add [0] to [edit v]\n end\n replace item ((y) + (5)) of [edit v] with (block)\nend\nrepeat until <(length of [edit v]) = [6]>\n replace item (6) of [edit v] with (join (item (6) of [edit v]) (item (7) of [edit v]))\n delete (7) of [edit v]\nend\nreplace item (((x) * <not <(x) < [1]>>) + ((1) * <(x) < [1]>)) of [stage v] with (item (6) of [edit v])\ndelete (6) of [edit v]\n\ndefine stage描画2 (番号)\nif <(番号) = [1]> then\n set pen color to (#55f200)\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-24))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-33))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (0)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n pen up\nend\nif <(番号) = [2]> then\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-37))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-48))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-11)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-40))\n pen up\n set pen size to (6)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-17)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-43))\n pen down\n pen up\nend\nif <(番号) = [3]> then\n set pen color to (#55f200)\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-24))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-33))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (0)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-14))\n pen up\nend\nif <(番号) = [4]> then\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-37))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-48))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-11)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-40))\n pen up\n set pen size to (6)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) - (-17)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-43))\n pen down\n pen up\nend\nif <(番号) = [5]> then\n set pen size to (1)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19.5)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-30))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19.5)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-40.5))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-10.5)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-31.5))\n pen up\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-30))\n pen down\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-19)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-39))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-10)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-30))\n go to x: ((item (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of [stage描画 v]) + (-18)) y: ((item ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of [stage描画 v]) + (-35))\n set pen size to (4)\n pen down\n pen up\nend\n\nstage当たり判定描画\n\ndefine end\nif <(end) = [1]> then\n set [speed y v] to [17]\n set [x eye v] to [0]\n set [y eye v] to [0]\nend\nif <(end) > [0]> then\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n change [y2 v] by (speed y)\n change [direction v] by (([abs v] of (speed y) ) + (5))\n change [end v] by (1)\n change [cam x v] by (((x2) - (cam x)) / (10))\nend\nif <((y2) - (cam y)) < [-1000]> then\n set [x v] to (Checkpoint x)\n set [y v] to (Checkpoint y)\n set [x2 v] to (Checkpoint x)\n set [y2 v] to (Checkpoint y)\n set [direction v] to [45]\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n set [end v] to [0]\nend\n\ngo to x: ((x) + (11)) y: ((y) + (11))\npen down\ngo to x: ((x) + (11)) y: ((y) + (-11))\ngo to x: ((x) + (-11)) y: ((y) + (-11))\ngo to x: ((x) + (-11)) y: ((y) + (11))\ngo to x: ((x) + (11)) y: ((y) + (11))\npen up\n\ndefine Print | Pos (x) (y) Size (size) Width (width) RGB (r) (g) (b) Weight (w) CSpace (cspace) Align (align) Text (text) (waku) (player) (arrow)\npen up\nif <(r) = []> then\n set [acolor v] to [#878c9d]\nelse\n set [acolor v] to ((((65536) * (round (r))) + ((256) * (round (g)))) + (round (b)))\nend\nset [ax v] to (x)\nset [ai0 v] to ((0.01) * (size))\nset [ai1 v] to ([abs v] of ((0.125) * ((w) * (size))) )\nif <<(size) = (round (size))> and <not <(w) < [0]>>> then\n if <<((round (ai1)) mod (2)) = [0]> and <not <(ai1) < [0.5]>>> then\n set [ay v] to (round (y))\n else\n set [ay v] to (([floor v] of (y) ) + (0.5))\n end\nelse\n set [ay v] to (y)\nend\nif <(w) < [0]> then\n set [ai2 v] to ((0.125) * (size))\nelse\n set [ai2 v] to (ai1)\nend\nINTERNAL | printText (text) (ay) (ai0) ((width) * (ai0)) (((cspace) * ((0.475) * ((size) / ([log v] of (((size) + (1.01)) * ((size) + (1.01))) )))) + (ai2)) (align) (ai1) ((ai1) + (1)) (waku) (player) (arrow)\n\ndefine INTERNAL | printText (text) (y) (height) (width) (space) (align) (weight) (dotweight) (waku) (player) (arrow)\nif <<(align) = [c]> or <(align) = [r]>> then\n delete all of [temp0 v]\n set [ai0 v] to [1]\n set [ai1 v] to [0]\n repeat (length of (text))\n set [ai2 v] to (letter (ai0) of (text))\n if < [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz] contains (ai2)?> then\n change [ai1 v] by (((width) * (item (item # of (ai2) in [chars v]) of [charwidths v])) + (space))\n add (item # of (ai2) in [chars v]) to [temp0 v]\n else\n set [ai2 v] to (item # of (ai2) in [chars v])\n if <not <(ai2) = [0]>> then\n change [ai1 v] by (((width) * (item (ai2) of [charwidths v])) + (space))\n add (ai2) to [temp0 v]\n end\n end\n change [ai0 v] by (1)\n end\n if <(align) = [c]> then\n change [ax v] by ((-0.5) * ((ai1) - (space)))\n else\n change [ax v] by ((-1) * ((ai1) - (space)))\n end\n set [a1 v] to (ax)\n set [a2 v] to (ax)\n set [ai0 v] to [1]\n repeat (length of [temp0 v])\n change [a2 v] by ((space) + ((width) * (item (item (ai0) of [temp0 v]) of [charwidths v])))\n change [ai0 v] by (1)\n end\n change [a2 v] by (() - (space))\n if <not <(player) = []>> then\n コメ枠 ((a1) + (5)) ((a2) + (-5)) ((y) + ((height) * (50)))\n end\n set pen color to (acolor)\n set [ai0 v] to [1]\n repeat (length of [temp0 v])\n INTERNAL | printChar (item (ai0) of [temp0 v]) (height) (width) (ax) (y) (weight) (dotweight)\n change [ax v] by (space)\n change [ai0 v] by (1)\n end\nelse\n set [a1 v] to (ax)\n set [a2 v] to (ax)\n set [ai0 v] to [1]\n repeat (length of (text))\n set [ai7 v] to (letter (ai0) of (text))\n if < [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz] contains (ai7)?> then\n change [a2 v] by ((space) + ((width) * (item (item # of (ai7) in [chars v]) of [charwidths v])))\n else\n set [ai7 v] to (item # of (ai7) in [chars v])\n if <not <(ai7) = [0]>> then\n change [a2 v] by ((space) + ((width) * (item (ai7) of [charwidths v])))\n end\n end\n change [ai0 v] by (1)\n end\n change [a2 v] by (() - (space))\n if <not <(player) = []>> then\n if <(waku) = [1]> then\n if <[220] < ((a2) + (-5))> then\n if <(arrow) = [あ]> then\n コメ枠 (((a2) + (-27)) + ((a1) - (a2))) (((a1) + (-17)) + ((a1) - (a2))) ((y) + ((height) * (50)))\n change [ax v] by ((-17) + ((a1) - (a2)))\n else\n コメ枠 (((a2) + (-53)) + ((a1) - (a2))) (((a1) + (-43)) + ((a1) - (a2))) ((y) + ((height) * (50)))\n change [ax v] by ((-48) + ((a1) - (a2)))\n end\n replace item (player) of [☁waku v] with [2]\n else\n if <<(arrow) = [あ]> and <((y) + ((height) * (50))) > [155]>> then\n コメ枠 ((a1) + (5)) ((a2) + (-5)) [155]\n else\n コメ枠 ((a1) + (5)) ((a2) + (-5)) ((y) + ((height) * (50)))\n end\n end\n else\n if <[-220] > (((a1) + (-43)) + ((a1) - (a2)))> then\n コメ枠 ((a1) + (5)) ((a2) + (-5)) ((y) + ((height) * (50)))\n replace item (player) of [☁waku v] with [1]\n else\n if <(arrow) = [あ]> then\n if <((y) + ((height) * (50))) > [155]> then\n コメ枠 (((a2) + (-27)) + ((a1) - (a2))) (((a1) + (-17)) + ((a1) - (a2))) [155]\n else\n コメ枠 (((a2) + (-27)) + ((a1) - (a2))) (((a1) + (-17)) + ((a1) - (a2))) ((y) + ((height) * (50)))\n end\n change [ax v] by ((-20) + ((a1) - (a2)))\n else\n コメ枠 (((a2) + (-53)) + ((a1) - (a2))) (((a1) + (-43)) + ((a1) - (a2))) ((y) + ((height) * (50)))\n change [ax v] by ((-48) + ((a1) - (a2)))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n set pen color to (acolor)\n set [ai0 v] to [1]\n repeat (length of (text))\n set [ai7 v] to (letter (ai0) of (text))\n if < [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz] contains (ai7)?> then\n if <<(arrow) = [あ]> and <((y) + ((height) * (50))) > [155]>> then\n INTERNAL | printChar (item # of (ai7) in [chars v]) (height) (width) (ax) (150) (weight) (dotweight)\n else\n INTERNAL | printChar (item # of (ai7) in [chars v]) (height) (width) (ax) (y) (weight) (dotweight)\n end\n change [ax v] by (space)\n else\n set [ai7 v] to (item # of (ai7) in [chars v])\n if <not <(ai7) = [0]>> then\n if <<(arrow) = [あ]> and <((y) + ((height) * (50))) > [155]>> then\n INTERNAL | printChar (ai7) (height) (width) (ax) (150) (weight) (dotweight)\n else\n INTERNAL | printChar (ai7) (height) (width) (ax) (y) (weight) (dotweight)\n end\n change [ax v] by (space)\n end\n end\n change [ai0 v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine INTERNAL | printChar (num) (height) (width) (x) (y) (weight) (dotweight)\nchange [ax v] by ((width) * (item (num) of [charwidths v]))\nset [ai3 v] to (item (num) of [charids v])\nset pen size to (weight)\nrepeat (item ((ai3) - (1)) of [chardata v])\n go to x: ((x) + ((width) * (item (ai3) of [chardata v]))) y: ((y) + ((height) * (item ((ai3) + (1)) of [chardata v])))\n pen down\n change [ai3 v] by (3)\n repeat (item ((ai3) - (1)) of [chardata v])\n go to x: ((x) + ((width) * (item (ai3) of [chardata v]))) y: ((y) + ((height) * (item ((ai3) + (1)) of [chardata v])))\n change [ai3 v] by (2)\n end\n pen up\nend\nset pen size to (dotweight)\nchange [ai3 v] by (1)\nrepeat (item ((ai3) - (1)) of [chardata v])\n go to x: ((x) + ((width) * (item (ai3) of [chardata v]))) y: ((y) + ((height) * (item ((ai3) + (1)) of [chardata v])))\n pen down\n pen up\n change [ai3 v] by (2)\nend\n\nPrint | Pos ((x) - (cam x)) (((y) - (cam y)) + (25)) Size [10] Width [1] RGB [] [] [] Weight [1] CSpace [1] Align [c] Text [kouttakunn] [] [] []\n\nif <(item (2) of [jump ramp v]) > [50]> then\n stop [all v]\nend\n\ndefine ☁cloud\nif <(item (1) of [☁cloud v]) = [3]> then\n replace item (1) of [☁cloud v] with [0]\n if <(item (2) of [☁cloud v]) = [9]> then\n replace item (2) of [☁cloud v] with [0]\n else\n replace item (2) of [☁cloud v] with ((item (2) of [☁cloud v]) + (1))\n end\n if <(chat) = []> then\n replace item (4) of [☁cloud v] with (join (item (3) of [☁cloud v]) (user name))\n else\n 暗号化 (chat)\n replace item (4) of [☁cloud v] with (join (item (3) of [☁cloud v]) (暗号化))\n end\n replace item (3) of [☁cloud v] with (item (2) of [☁cloud v])\nelse\n replace item (1) of [☁cloud v] with ((item (1) of [☁cloud v]) + (1))\nend\nreplace item (3) of [☁cloud v] with (join (item (3) of [☁cloud v]) (join ((x) * (10)) (join ((y) * (-10)) (join ((round ((direction) mod (360))) + (200)) (join ((round ((x eye) * (10))) + (200)) ((round ((y eye) * (10))) + (200)))))))\nif <(☁ player) = [1]> then\n set [☁ player1 v] to (item (4) of [☁cloud v])\nend\nif <(☁ player) = [2]> then\n set [☁ player2 v] to (item (4) of [☁cloud v])\nend\nif <(☁ player) = [3]> then\n set [☁ player3 v] to (item (4) of [☁cloud v])\nend\nif <(☁ player) = [4]> then\n set [☁ player4 v] to (item (4) of [☁cloud v])\nend\nif <(☁ player) = [5]> then\n set [☁ player5 v] to (item (4) of [☁cloud v])\nend\nif <(☁ player) = [6]> then\n set [☁ player6 v] to (item (4) of [☁cloud v])\nend\nif <(☁ player) = [7]> then\n set [☁ player7 v] to (item (4) of [☁cloud v])\nend\nif <(☁ player) = [8]> then\n set [☁ player8 v] to (item (4) of [☁cloud v])\nend\n\ndefine ☁player\nreplace item (10) of [@変数 v] with [10]\nset [player数 v] to [0]\ndelete all of [stage描画 v]\nreplace item (4) of [☁player v] with (☁ player1)\nreplace item (27) of [☁player v] with (☁ player2)\nreplace item (50) of [☁player v] with (☁ player3)\nreplace item (73) of [☁player v] with (☁ player4)\nreplace item (96) of [☁player v] with (☁ player5)\nreplace item (119) of [☁player v] with (☁ player6)\nreplace item (142) of [☁player v] with (☁ player7)\nreplace item (165) of [☁player v] with (☁ player8)\nreplace item (1) of [☁player v] with [4]\nrepeat (8)\n if <(item (item (1) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v]) = [0]> then\n replace item (1) of [☁player v] with ((item (1) of [☁player v]) + (23))\n else\n change [player数 v] by (1)\n if <((((item (1) of [☁player v]) - (4)) / (23)) + (1)) = (☁ player)> then\n replace item (1) of [☁player v] with ((item (1) of [☁player v]) + (23))\n else\n replace item (10) of [@変数 v] with ((item (10) of [@変数 v]) + (9))\n if <not <(item ((item (1) of [☁player v]) + (1)) of [☁player v]) = (letter (1) of (item (item (1) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v]))>> then\n replace item ((item (1) of [☁player v]) + (1)) of [☁player v] with (letter (1) of (item (item (1) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v]))\n replace item (2) of [☁player v] with [2]\n replace item (3) of [☁player v] with ((item (1) of [☁player v]) + (2))\n repeat (4)\n repeat (2)\n replace item (item (3) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v] with []\n repeat (5)\n replace item (item (3) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v] with (join (item (item (3) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v]) (letter (item (2) of [☁player v]) of (item (item (1) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v])))\n replace item (2) of [☁player v] with ((item (2) of [☁player v]) + (1))\n end\n replace item (item (3) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v] with ((item (item (3) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v]) / (10))\n replace item (3) of [☁player v] with ((item (3) of [☁player v]) + (1))\n end\n repeat (3)\n replace item (item (3) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v] with []\n repeat (3)\n replace item (item (3) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v] with (join (item (item (3) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v]) (letter (item (2) of [☁player v]) of (item (item (1) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v])))\n replace item (2) of [☁player v] with ((item (2) of [☁player v]) + (1))\n end\n replace item (item (3) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v] with ((item (item (3) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v]) - (200))\n replace item (3) of [☁player v] with ((item (3) of [☁player v]) + (1))\n end\n end\n replace item (item (3) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v] with []\n repeat until <(item (2) of [☁player v]) > (length of (item (item (1) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v]))>\n replace item (item (3) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v] with (join (item (item (3) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v]) (letter (item (2) of [☁player v]) of (item (item (1) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v])))\n replace item (2) of [☁player v] with ((item (2) of [☁player v]) + (1))\n end\n replace item (2) of [☁player v] with [1]\n insert [] at ((item (3) of [☁player v]) + (1)) of [☁player v] \n repeat ((length of (item (item (3) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v])) / (2))\n replace item ((item (3) of [☁player v]) + (1)) of [☁player v] with (join (item ((item (3) of [☁player v]) + (1)) of [☁player v]) (item (join (letter (item (2) of [☁player v]) of (item (item (3) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v])) (letter ((item (2) of [☁player v]) + (1)) of (item (item (3) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v]))) of [chars v]))\n replace item (2) of [☁player v] with ((item (2) of [☁player v]) + (2))\n end\n delete (item (3) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v]\n end\n replace item (1) of [☁player v] with ((item (1) of [☁player v]) + (2))\n add [player] to [stage描画 v]\n add ((item (item (1) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v]) - (cam x)) to [stage描画 v]\n add ((() - (item ((item (1) of [☁player v]) + (1)) of [☁player v])) - (cam y)) to [stage描画 v]\n add (item ((item (1) of [☁player v]) + (2)) of [☁player v]) to [stage描画 v]\n add ((item ((item (1) of [☁player v]) + (3)) of [☁player v]) / (10)) to [stage描画 v]\n add ((item ((item (1) of [☁player v]) + (4)) of [☁player v]) / (10)) to [stage描画 v]\n add [#b964fe] to [stage描画 v]\n add (item ((item (1) of [☁player v]) + (20)) of [☁player v]) to [stage描画 v]\n add ((((item (1) of [☁player v]) - (6)) / (23)) + (1)) to [stage描画 v]\n if <(item ((item (1) of [☁player v]) + (5)) of [☁player v]) = []> then\n replace item (1) of [☁player v] with ((item (1) of [☁player v]) + (20))\n else\n repeat (15)\n replace item (item (1) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v] with (item ((item (1) of [☁player v]) + (5)) of [☁player v])\n replace item (1) of [☁player v] with ((item (1) of [☁player v]) + (1))\n end\n repeat (5)\n replace item (item (1) of [☁player v]) of [☁player v] with []\n replace item (1) of [☁player v] with ((item (1) of [☁player v]) + (1))\n end\n end\n replace item (1) of [☁player v] with ((item (1) of [☁player v]) + (1))\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine ☁cloud set\nif <(item (1) of [☁cloud set v]) = (letter (1) of (☁ player1))> then\n set [☁ player1 v] to [0]\n if <(☁ player) = [0]> then\n set [☁ player v] to [1]\n end\nend\nif <(item (2) of [☁cloud set v]) = (letter (1) of (☁ player2))> then\n set [☁ player2 v] to [0]\n if <(☁ player) = [0]> then\n set [☁ player v] to [2]\n end\nend\nif <(item (3) of [☁cloud set v]) = (letter (1) of (☁ player3))> then\n set [☁ player3 v] to [0]\n if <(☁ player) = [0]> then\n set [☁ player v] to [3]\n end\nend\nif <(item (4) of [☁cloud set v]) = (letter (1) of (☁ player4))> then\n set [☁ player4 v] to [0]\n if <(☁ player) = [0]> then\n set [☁ player v] to [4]\n end\nend\nif <(item (5) of [☁cloud set v]) = (letter (1) of (☁ player5))> then\n set [☁ player5 v] to [0]\n if <(☁ player) = [0]> then\n set [☁ player v] to [5]\n end\nend\nif <(item (6) of [☁cloud set v]) = (letter (1) of (☁ player6))> then\n set [☁ player6 v] to [0]\n if <(☁ player) = [0]> then\n set [☁ player v] to [6]\n end\nend\nif <(item (7) of [☁cloud set v]) = (letter (1) of (☁ player7))> then\n set [☁ player7 v] to [0]\n if <(☁ player) = [0]> then\n set [☁ player v] to [7]\n end\nend\nif <(item (8) of [☁cloud set v]) = (letter (1) of (☁ player8))> then\n set [☁ player8 v] to [0]\n if <(☁ player) = [0]> then\n set [☁ player v] to [8]\n end\nend\ndelete all of [☁cloud set v]\nadd (letter (1) of (☁ player1)) to [☁cloud set v]\nadd (letter (1) of (☁ player2)) to [☁cloud set v]\nadd (letter (1) of (☁ player3)) to [☁cloud set v]\nadd (letter (1) of (☁ player4)) to [☁cloud set v]\nadd (letter (1) of (☁ player5)) to [☁cloud set v]\nadd (letter (1) of (☁ player6)) to [☁cloud set v]\nadd (letter (1) of (☁ player7)) to [☁cloud set v]\nadd (letter (1) of (☁ player8)) to [☁cloud set v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nReset\nbroadcast (start v)\n\ndefine 暗号化 (変数)\nreplace item (1) of [@変数 v] with [1]\nset [暗号化 v] to []\nrepeat (length of (変数))\n if <(item # of (letter (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of (変数)) in [chars v]) < [10]> then\n set [暗号化 v] to (join (暗号化) [0])\n end\n set [暗号化 v] to (join (暗号化) (item # of (letter (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of (変数)) in [chars v]))\n replace item (1) of [@変数 v] with ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1))\nend\n\ndefine Reset\nset [☁ player v] to [0]\nset [name v] to [0]\nset [chat4 v] to [0]\nset [chat v] to []\nset [chat2 v] to []\nreplace item (1) of [chat v] with [0]\nset [軽量化3 v] to [0]\nset [軽量化2 v] to [0]\nset [time v] to [0]\nreplace item (13) of [@変数 v] with [1]\ndelete all of [☁cloud set v]\nset [二点間距離 v] to [100]\n暗号化 (username)\nset [user name v] to (暗号化)\ndelete all of [☁waku v]\nrepeat (8)\n add [1] to [☁waku v]\nend\ndelete all of [☁cloud v]\nrepeat (4)\n add [] to [☁cloud v]\nend\ndelete all of [☁player v]\nrepeat (187)\n add [] to [☁player v]\nend\nreplace item (12) of [@変数 v] with [0]\ndelete all of [check point v]\ndelete all of [jump ramp v]\nset [checkpoint x v] to (初期x)\nset [checkpoint y v] to (初期y)\nset [x v] to (初期x)\nset [y v] to (初期y)\nset [x2 v] to (初期x)\nset [y2 v] to (初期y)\nset [cam x v] to (初期x)\nset [cam y v] to ((初期y) + (40))\nset [x eye v] to [0]\nset [y eye v] to [0]\nset [speed x v] to [0]\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [end v] to [0]\nset [direction v] to [0]\nset [direction v] to [45]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n ☁cloud set\n wait (.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nrepeat until <(二点間距離) < [40]>\n 押されたキー\n ☁cloud\n ☁player\n 背景描画\n stage\n stage当たり判定追加\n Goal\n stage描画\n edit\n move\n cam (x) ((y) + (40))\n end\n Time\n 軽量化\n chat\n 二点間距離 [1700] [-4300] (x) (y)\n change [chat1 v] by (-1)\n if <(chat1) < [0]> then\n set [chat v] to []\n end\nend\ngoal2\n\ndefine Goal\nif <<([abs v] of ((1700) - (cam x)) ) < [280]> and <([abs v] of ((-4300) - (cam y)) ) < [220]>> then\n go to x: ((1700) - (cam x)) y: ((-4300) - (cam y))\n set pen color to (#ffe900)\n set pen size to (80)\n repeat (80)\n pen down\n change pen (saturation v) by (-1)\n change pen size by (-1)\n end\n pen up\nend\n\ndefine goal2\nset [x eye v] to [0]\nset [y eye v] to [0]\nset [speed x v] to [0]\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nreplace item (13) of [@変数 v] with [1]\nrepeat (50)\n ☁player\n 背景描画\n stage\n stage当たり判定追加\n Goal\n stage描画\n 二点間距離 [1700] [-4300] (x) (y)\n 地点への向き [1700] [-4300] (x) (y)\n point in direction (地点への向き)\n turn right (65) degrees\n change [x v] by (([sin v] of (direction) ) * ((二点間距離) / (2)))\n change [y v] by (([cos v] of (direction) ) * ((二点間距離) / (2)))\n replace item (13) of [@変数 v] with ((item (13) of [@変数 v]) + (-.02))\nend\nreplace item (13) of [@変数 v] with [\/V]\nrepeat (30)\n ☁player\n 背景描画\n stage\n stage当たり判定追加\n Goal\n stage描画\nend\nset [x v] to [1780]\nset [y v] to [-3600]\nset [x2 v] to [1780]\nset [y2 v] to [-3600]\nreplace item (13) of [@変数 v] with [1]\n☁Best []\nforever\n 押されたキー\n ☁Best [1]\n delete all of [stage描画 v]\n 背景描画\n stage\n stage当たり判定追加\n stage描画\n move\n cam [1780] [-3560]\n Print | Pos ((1780) - (cam x)) ((-3460) - (cam y)) Size [20] Width [1] RGB [255] [0] [] Weight [1] CSpace [1] Align [c] Text [best time] [] [] []\n Print | Pos ((1780) - (cam x)) ((-3500) - (cam y)) Size [15] Width [1] RGB [0] [0] [] Weight [1] CSpace [1] Align [c] Text (join (☁ Best user) (join [ : ] (☁ Best))) [] [] []\n Print | Pos ((1780) - (cam x)) ((-3540) - (cam y)) Size [20] Width [1] RGB [0] [] [255] Weight [1] CSpace [1] Align [c] Text [your time] [] [] []\n Print | Pos ((1780) - (cam x)) ((-3580) - (cam y)) Size [15] Width [1] RGB [0] [0] [] Weight [1] CSpace [1] Align [c] Text ((round ((Time) * (1000))) / (1000)) [] [] []\nend\n\ndefine Time\nreplace item (1) of [@変数 v] with ((round ((Time) * (1000))) / (1000))\nreplace item (1) of [@変数 v] with ((round (((item (1) of [@変数 v]) - ([floor v] of (item (1) of [@変数 v]) )) * (1000))) / (1000))\nrepeat until <(length of (item (1) of [@変数 v])) = [5]>\n if <(length of (item (1) of [@変数 v])) = [1]> then\n replace item (1) of [@変数 v] with (join (item (1) of [@変数 v]) [.000])\n else\n replace item (1) of [@変数 v] with (join (item (1) of [@変数 v]) [0])\n end\nend\nreplace item (1) of [@変数 v] with (join ([floor v] of ((round ((Time) * (1000))) / (1000)) ) (join (letter (2) of (item (1) of [@変数 v])) (join (letter (3) of (item (1) of [@変数 v])) (join (letter (4) of (item (1) of [@変数 v])) (letter (5) of (item (1) of [@変数 v]))))))\nPrint | Pos [-230] [155] Size [15] Width [1] RGB [0] [0] [0] Weight [1] CSpace [1] Align [] Text (join [Time ] (item (1) of [@変数 v])) [] [] []\nchange [time v] by (0.033333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333)\n\ndefine 軽量化\nif <<<(FPS4) > [4]> and <(軽量化3) = [0]>> or <(軽量化2) = [1]>> then\n set [軽量化2 v] to [1]\n set [軽量化3 v] to [1]\n Print | Pos [170] [155] Size [15] Width [1] RGB [0] [] [] Weight [1] CSpace [1] Align [] Text (join [fps] ((FPS) - (1))) [] [] []\n Print | Pos [] [155] Size [15] Width [1] RGB [245] [] [] Weight [1] CSpace [1] Align [c] Text [To speed up] [] [] []\n Print | Pos [-50] [135] Size [9] Width [1] RGB [0] [] [] Weight [1] CSpace [1] Align [c] Text [off] [] [] []\n Print | Pos [0] [135] Size [9] Width [1] RGB [0] [] [] Weight [1] CSpace [1] Align [c] Text [little] [] [] []\n Print | Pos [50] [135] Size [9] Width [1] RGB [0] [] [] Weight [1] CSpace [1] Align [c] Text [big] [] [] []\n set pen size to (4)\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n go to x: (50) y: (120)\n pen down\n go to x: (-50) y: (120)\n pen up\n set pen size to (15)\n go to x: (-50) y: (120)\n repeat (3)\n 二点間距離 (x position) (y position) (mouse x) (mouse y)\n if <<(二点間距離) < [7.5]> and <mouse down?>> then\n set [軽量化 v] to (((-50) - (x position)) / (-50))\n end\n change x by (50)\n end\n go to x: (-50) y: (120)\n repeat (3)\n if <(軽量化) = (((-50) - (x position)) / (-50))> then\n set pen color to (#ff0000)\n else\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n end\n pen down\n pen up\n change x by (50)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n if <(軽量化2) = [1]> then\n set [軽量化2 v] to [0]\n else\n set [軽量化2 v] to [1]\n end\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\ndefine ☁Best (変数)\nif <(変数) = [1]> then\n set [☁ best v] to []\n set [☁ best user v] to []\n replace item (1) of [@変数 v] with [3]\n repeat ((join (letter ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (-2)) of (☁ best time)) (letter ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (-1)) of (☁ best time))) / (2))\n set [☁ best user v] to (join (☁ Best user) (item (join (letter (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of (☁ best time)) (letter ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1)) of (☁ best time))) of [chars v]))\n replace item (1) of [@変数 v] with ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (2))\n end\n repeat until <(item (1) of [@変数 v]) > (length of (☁ best time))>\n set [☁ best v] to (join (☁ Best) (letter (item (1) of [@変数 v]) of (☁ best time)))\n replace item (1) of [@変数 v] with ((item (1) of [@変数 v]) + (1))\n end\n set [☁ best v] to ((☁ Best) / (1000))\nelse\n ☁Best [1]\n if <<((round ((Time) * (1000))) / (1000)) < (☁ Best)> and <(length of (round ((Time) * (1000)))) = [5]>> then\n if <(length of (user name)) < [10]> then\n replace item (1) of [@変数 v] with (join (join [0] (length of (user name))) (user name))\n else\n replace item (1) of [@変数 v] with (join (length of (user name)) (user name))\n end\n replace item (1) of [@変数 v] with (join (item (1) of [@変数 v]) (round ((Time) * (1000))))\n set [☁ best time v] to (item (1) of [@変数 v])\n ☁Best [1]\n end\nend\n\ndefine chat\nif <(chat4) = [1]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(mouse) = [0]> then\n set [mouse v] to [1]\n else\n set [mouse v] to [2]\n end\n else\n set [mouse v] to [0]\n end\n set pen color to (#808080)\n set pen size to (20)\n go to x: (-220) y: (100)\n pen down\n change x by (100)\n change y by (-130)\n change x by (-100)\n change y by (130)\n pen up\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n set pen size to (20)\n go to x: (-215) y: (80)\n pen down\n change x by (90)\n change y by (-90)\n change x by (-90)\n change y by (90)\n pen up\n set pen size to (40)\n change x by (20)\n change y by (-10)\n pen down\n change y by (-70)\n change x by (40)\n change y by (70)\n pen up\n set pen size to (4)\n go to x: (-223) y: (88)\n pen down\n change x by (106)\n change y by (-106)\n change x by (-106)\n change y by (106)\n pen up\n replace item (2) of [chat v] with ((((item (1) of [chat v]) - ((item (1) of [chat v]) mod (15))) / (15)) + (3))\n repeat (9)\n if <<(item (2) of [chat v]) > [3]> and <not <(item (2) of [chat v]) > (length of [chat v])>>> then\n Print | Pos [-175] ((((135) + ((item (1) of [chat v]) mod (15))) + ((item (1) of [chat v]) - ((item (1) of [chat v]) mod (15)))) + ((item (2) of [chat v]) * (-15))) Size [7] Width [1] RGB [0] [0] [0] Weight [1] CSpace [1] Align [c] Text (item (item (2) of [chat v]) of [chat v]) [] [] []\n go to x: (a1) y: ((((140) + ((item (1) of [chat v]) mod (15))) + ((item (1) of [chat v]) - ((item (1) of [chat v]) mod (15)))) + ((item (2) of [chat v]) * (-15)))\n 二点間距離 (a1) (y position) (mouse x) (mouse y)\n if <(二点間距離) < [7.5]> then\n set [chat3 v] to [1]\n else\n 二点間距離 (a2) (y position) (mouse x) (mouse y)\n if <(二点間距離) < [7.5]> then\n set [chat3 v] to [1]\n else\n if <<<(mouse x) > (a1)> and <(mouse x) < (a2)>> and <<(mouse y) < ((y position) + (7.5))> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (-7.5))>>> then\n set [chat3 v] to [1]\n else\n set [chat3 v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n if <(chat3) = [1]> then\n set pen color to (#000000)\n set pen size to (15)\n set pen (transparency v) to (100)\n pen down\n set pen (transparency v) to (80)\n set x to (a2)\n pen up\n if <(mouse) = [1]> then\n set [chat v] to (item (item (2) of [chat v]) of [chat v])\n set [chat1 v] to [90]\n end\n end\n end\n replace item (2) of [chat v] with ((item (2) of [chat v]) + (1))\n end\n set pen color to (#808080)\n set pen size to (30)\n go to x: (-215) y: (105)\n pen down\n change x by (90)\n pen up\n set pen size to (20)\n go to x: (-220) y: (-30)\n pen down\n change x by (100)\n pen up\n Print | Pos [-170] [100] Size [10] Width [1] RGB [255] [255] [255] Weight [1] CSpace [1] Align [c] Text [chat] [] [] []\n set pen color to (#333333)\n set pen size to (8)\n go to x: (-122) y: (5)\n pen down\n change y by (60)\n pen up\n set pen color to (#676767)\n set pen size to (8)\n go to x: (-122) y: ((65) - (((item (1) of [chat v]) / (15)) * (50)))\n pen down\n change y by (-10)\n pen up\n if <(mouse) = [1]> then\n 二点間距離 [-122] (y position) (mouse x) (mouse y)\n if <(二点間距離) < [4]> then\n set [chat2 v] to (mouse y)\n replace item (3) of [chat v] with (((item (1) of [chat v]) / (15)) * (50))\n else\n 二点間距離 [-122] ((y position) + (10)) (mouse x) (mouse y)\n if <(二点間距離) < [4]> then\n set [chat2 v] to (mouse y)\n replace item (3) of [chat v] with (((item (1) of [chat v]) / (15)) * (50))\n else\n if <<<(mouse x) < [-118]> and <(mouse x) > [-127]>> and <<(mouse y) < ((y position) + (10))> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [chat2 v] to (mouse y)\n replace item (3) of [chat v] with (((item (1) of [chat v]) / (15)) * (50))\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(mouse) = [2]> then\n if <not <(chat2) = []>> then\n replace item (1) of [chat v] with ((item (3) of [chat v]) + ((chat2) - (mouse y)))\n if <(item (1) of [chat v]) < [0]> then\n replace item (1) of [chat v] with [0]\n else\n if <(item (1) of [chat v]) > [50]> then\n replace item (1) of [chat v] with [50]\n end\n end\n replace item (1) of [chat v] with ((15) * ((item (1) of [chat v]) / (50)))\n end\n else\n set [chat2 v] to []\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <key (c v) pressed?> then\n if <(chat4) = [1]> then\n set [chat4 v] to [0]\n else\n set [chat4 v] to [1]\n end\n wait until <not <key (c v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <key (n v) pressed?> then\n if <(name) = [1]> then\n set [name v] to [0]\n else\n set [name v] to [1]\n end\n wait until <not <key (n v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\ndefine 押されたキー\nreplace item (1) of [押されたキー v] with <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>\nreplace item (2) of [押されたキー v] with <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>\nreplace item (3) of [押されたキー v] with <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>\nreplace item (4) of [押されたキー v] with <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>>\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <<key (r v) pressed?> and <(end) = [0]>> then\n set [end v] to [1]\n wait until <<not <key (r v) pressed?>> and <(end) = [0]>>\n end\nend\n\n
NEW GAME OUT : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1018228500/\n\nPlease play on https://turbowarp.org/958044257?\nWASD / Arrow keys to move. Avoid spikes and saws.\nReset level allows you to change the level dimensions but will delete the level.\n\nv0.1 - Initial release\nv0.2 - Main Menu\nv0.3 - Character Select\nv0.4 - New portals\nv0.41 - Fixed a bug where you can stick to the ceiling in reverse gravity mode.\nv0.5 - New Ball Gamemode\nv0.6 - Mobile Editor\nv0.61 - Fixed major lag issue\nv0.7 - Added jump orbs and pads\nv0.71 - Fixed pulsator issue\nv0.8 - End of level and Noclip\nv0.81 - ?\nv0.9 - Checkpoints!\nv1.0 - Robot Gamemode\nv1.01 - Fixed a bug with checkpoints\nv1.05 - Added reset level button\nv1.1 - Level select\nv1.2 - Color triggers\nv1.3 - Object Rotation\nv1.31 - Fixed a bug where the player slides everywhere\nv1.4 - Dash Orbs\nv1.41 - Fixed a bug where ball doesn't work
Adventure - A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [2 v]\nswitch costume to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [1 v]\nswitch costume to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (3.6) seconds\nforever\n play sound [Music v] until done\nend\n\n@Ninja\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nset x to (-200)\nset y to (-20)\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n change [y v] by (-1)\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n change [y v] by (20)\n end\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n change [y v] by (2)\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> then\n change [y v] by (-2.5)\n end\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [x v] by (-1)\n set [direction-player v] to [-90]\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [x v] by (1)\n set [direction-player v] to [90]\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (slip))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [y v] to [12]\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((y) - ((y) * (2)))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <touching (ground v)?>> then\n set [y v] to (jump height)\n end\n if <(y) < [-1]> then\n set [force v] to [T]\n else\n set [force v] to [F]\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <touching (dinosaur2 v)?> then\n set [y v] to [9]\n set [x v] to [-18]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (traps v)?> then\n set x to (-200)\n set y to (-20)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset x to (-200)\nset y to (-20)\nwait (3.6) seconds\nset x to (-200)\nset y to (-20)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(x position) > [215]> then\n broadcast (Next v)\n set x to (-200)\n set y to (-20)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n broadcast (Win v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (begin v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(timer) > [3]> then\n reset timer\n end\n if <<(timer) < [1]> and <key (x v) pressed?>> then\n set [y v] to ((y) * (1.2))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (3.6) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (3.6) seconds\nforever\n play sound [Music v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n wait (2) seconds\n switch costume to (costume12 v)\n broadcast (Win v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n broadcast (2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n broadcast (1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n broadcast (1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n broadcast (2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Traps\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(End?) = [yes]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@CustomEnding\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume12 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume13 v)\nstart sound [End v]\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume14 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume15 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume16 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume17 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume18 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume19 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nbroadcast (Ending v)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\n\n@Clouds\n\nwhen I receive [1 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [2 v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (-387) y: (0)\n glide (40) secs to x: (432) y: (0)\nend\n\n@Logo\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (15)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (35)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (55)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (75)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nhide\n\n@LogoScreen\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstop all sounds\nplay sound [LogoScreen v] until done\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (100) %\nwait (0.2) seconds\nchange size by (10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nchange size by (10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nchange size by (10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nchange size by (-30)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (1) seconds\nchange size by (10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nchange size by (-10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nwait (1) seconds\nchange size by (10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nchange size by (-10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nhide\n\n@AThumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Ending\n\nwhen I receive [ending v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\n
Among Us Flappy Game https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/434895986/\n————————————————————\nClick Code Platformer - Full in game tutorial. \n\n(1) Click stuff to escape!\n(2) If you like it, please love it!\n\nTags #atomicmagicnumber #platformer #games
NinjaRun 3™ A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n switch backdrop to (Level)\nend\n\n@Sprite5\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [backstory v]\nif <(Colour Chosen) = [Light Red]> then\n switch costume to (light red v)\nelse\n if <(Colour Chosen) = [Red]> then\n switch costume to (red v)\n else\n if <(Colour Chosen) = [Orange]> then\n switch costume to (orange v)\n else\n if <(Colour Chosen) = [Dark Orange]> then\n switch costume to (dark orange v)\n else\n if <(Colour Chosen) = [Pink]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n else\n if <(Colour Chosen) = [costume2]> then\n switch costume to (bruh v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (fantasia2 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-3)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Place Player: (x) (y) Set Size To: (size)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset size to (size) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Gravity, Platform Detection, Physics....\nforever\n change [y v] by (-1)\n if <<<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > [0]>>> then\n set [y v] to [17]\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((y) - ((y) * (2)))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <((mouse y) - (y position)) > [50]>>> and <touching (level v)?>> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<<<touching (obstacles v)?> or <(y position) < [-175]>> or <<touching (lava v)?> or <touching (saw2 v)?>>> or <touching (saw1 v)?>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n Place Player: [-200] [0] Set Size To: [40]\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n broadcast (@cheekyscuola's Transition v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [y v] to [0]\n set [x v] to [0]\n Place Player: [-200] [0] Set Size To: [40]\n end\n if <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n set [y v] to [20]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (Colour Chosen)\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nPlace Player: [-200] [500] Set Size To: [40]\n\nbroadcast (@cheekyscuola's Transition v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [backstory v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nshow\nPlace Player: [-200] [500] Set Size To: [40]\nhide variable [y v]\nhide variable [x v]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nforever\n Gravity, Platform Detection, Physics....\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ez v]\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [backstory v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Obstacles\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start the game v]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n show\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Restart v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\npoint in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (300)) ) * (10)) + (90))\n\nwhen I receive [backstory v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [backstory v]\ngo to x: (191) y: (-160)\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\nwait (0.01) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nforever\nend\n\nwhen I receive [backstory v]\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (120) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n else\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@Something\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n Sense\nend\n\ndefine Sense\nswitch costume to (sense v)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (20)\ngo [forward v] (9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999) layers\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <touching (title v)?> then\n switch costume to (play game v)\nelse\n if <touching (instructions v)?> then\n switch costume to (revenge v)\n else\n if <touching (skip v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n else\n if <touching (back v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n else\n if <touching (instructions2 v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n else\n if <touching (sprite4 v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n else\n if <touching (random v)?> then\n switch costume to (random v)\n else\n if <touching (back button v)?> then\n switch costume to (back v)\n else\n if <touching (marshmello - alone v)?> then\n switch costume to (marshmello - alone v)\n else\n if <touching (info v)?> then\n switch costume to (back v)\n else\n if <<touching (?? v)?> or <touching (??? v)?>> then\n switch costume to (??? v)\n else\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n else\n if <touching (thefatrat - time lapse v)?> then\n switch costume to (thefatrat - time lapse v)\n else\n if <touching (vexento - we are one v)?> then\n switch costume to (vexento - we are one v)\n else\n if <touching (revenge v)?> then\n switch costume to (revenge v)\n else\n if <touching (vexento - pegasus v)?> then\n switch costume to (vexento - pegasus v)\n else\n if <touching (never gonna give you up v)?> then\n switch costume to (never gonna give you up v)\n else\n if <touching (avicii - levels v)?> then\n switch costume to (avicii - levels v)\n else\n if <<touching (cloud v)?> and <(Random variable1) = [0]>> then\n switch costume to (highscore v)\n else\n if <<touching (instructions v)?> and <(Random variable2) = [0]>> then\n switch costume to (instructions v)\n else\n if <touching (costume selection v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume selection v)\n else\n if <(LOL variable) = [1]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (resume v)\n else\n if <<touching (pause/play button v)?> and <([costume # v] of [pause/play button v]) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (pause v)\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [forward v] (99) layers\nend\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nshow\n\n@info\n\nwhen I receive [backstory v]\ngo to x: (191) y: (-160)\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\nwait (0.01) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nforever\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo [forward v] (500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) layers\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [outro v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\npoint in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (300)) ) * (10)) + (90))\n\n\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [backstory v]\ngo to x: (124) y: (-162)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (120) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n else\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n if <(Level) = [18]> then\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [@cheekyscuola's transition v]\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (050)\n switch costume to (Level)\n set y to ((([sin v] of (((timer) + (me)) * (300)) ) * (8)) - ((me) * (5)))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [outro v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [me v] to [1]\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by (-0)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n change [me v] by (1)\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Saw1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n turn right (10) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-70)\n end\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (-50) y: (-70)\n end\n if <(Level) = [17]> then\n go to x: (-50) y: (-70)\n end\nend\n\n@Saw2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n turn left (15) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (125) y: (-70)\n end\nend\n\n@Transition by @cheekyscuola (Backpack This)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [@cheekyscuola's transition v]\ngo [forward v] (999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999) layers\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (4))\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change y by (((345) - (y position)) / (4))\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nclear graphic effects\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nforever\n change [color v] effect by (2)\nend\n\n@Awesome Particles\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (65)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nif <(size) > [99]> then\n glide (6) secs to x: (x position) y: (200)\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(size) > [80]> then\n glide (5) secs to x: (x position) y: (200)\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(size) > [65]> then\n glide (4) secs to x: (x position) y: (200)\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(size) > [50]> then\n glide (3) secs to x: (x position) y: (200)\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(size) > [40]> then\n glide (2.5) secs to x: (x position) y: (200)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [stop all v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-10) to (10))\n set size to (pick random (41) to (90)) %\n go to x: (pick random (-200) to (200)) y: (-180)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (pick random (0.2) to (0.6)) seconds\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nnext costume\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n play sound [Vexento - Pixel Party.mp3 v] until done\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n stop all sounds\n end\n end\nend\n\nplay sound [TheFatRat - Time Lapse v] until done\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [backstory v]\nshow\ngo [backward v] (5) layers\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [2]>\n play sound [Vexento - Pixel Party.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [backstory v]\nshow\ngo [backward v] (5) layers\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [backstory v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo [backward v] (15) layers\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [backstory v]\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (120) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n else\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite3\n\n@Snow\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nforever\n go to x: (pick random (240) to (-240)) y: (170)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nshow\nset size to (pick random (125) to (300)) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (0) to (40))\nrepeat until <touching (level v)?>\n change y by (-10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nforever\nend\n\n@Sprite6\n\n@TN3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\nend\n\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n@Sprite7\n\n@Title Screen\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [music on v]\n\nwhen I receive [music off v]\nforever\n stop all sounds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [backstory v]\nhide\n\n@Play Button\n\nwhen I receive [backstory v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-100)\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (100) %\n else\n set size to (100) %\n end\n set y to ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (500)) ) * (5)) + (-38))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n start sound [Connect v]\n broadcast (Backstory v)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (Green Flag v)\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nset y to (-115)\n\nwhen I receive [backstory v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite8\n\n@Sprite9\n\n@Player Options\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (light red v)\nset [colour chosen v] to [Light Red]\n\nwhen I receive [left v]\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\nforever\n set [colour chosen v] to (costume [name v])\n switch costume to (Colour Chosen)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [left v]\n\nwhen I receive [right v]\n\nwhen I receive [right v]\nnext costume\nforever\n set [colour chosen v] to (costume [name v])\n switch costume to (Colour Chosen)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [backstory v]\nhide\n\n@Left Button\n\nwhen I receive [backstory v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (-52) y: (-115)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (selected v)\n else\n switch costume to (deselected v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n broadcast (Left v)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\nend\n\nset [colour chosen v] to (costume [number v])\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\n@Right Button\n\nwhen I receive [backstory v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (selected v)\n else\n switch costume to (deselected v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (52) y: (-115)\nforever\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n broadcast (Right v)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\n
This project will NOT be finished, this project was going to be a testament to what Scratch is capable of, and this project has gotten too big for me to finish.\nThis project was made over the course of two years.\n(More details lower down in the description...)\n\nInstructions:\n\nPress the green flag to go to the menu.\n\nArrow keys to move\nZ to Jump\nX to Attack\nC to Throw a shuriken\n -or-\nWASD to move\nL to Jump\nK to attack\nJ to Throw a shuriken\n\n--------------------------------Details--------------------------------\nI want to say that I am very proud of this project, it really is something phenomenal, it's just that it has one extremely huge oversight that led to this project being less of a labor of love, and more of a point of anxiety and stress. \n\nThat oversight is: Scope.\n\nScope is the concept of how big a project can be and how big it should be. In this case, I waaaay overshot on scope, because I am one person and I cannot make a game of the size I wanted this project to be. what you see before you is the work of two years (not years time, mind you, but probably about 100+ hours of work)\n\n-------------------What I wanted for this project---------------\n( how long something took to make is listed to the right of the idea.\nThere is an "X" next to all of the things that are unfinished, and thus, I did not list a time for how long it took. )\n\nI wanted a player character that can:\n - Double Jump, move, wall jump. ( 1 hour )\n - Animating the above ( 6 hours )\n - Attack in all directions with a sword and shuriken ( 1 hour )\n - Animating the above ( 6 hours )\n X - Roll\n - Sound effects for all of the above ( 1 hour )\n\nI wanted levels with--------------------------------\nX - A story\nX - Stealth level, parkour level, and a boss level\nX - I wanted levels that are extremely decorated, with six layers of parallax backgrounds. \n( 24 hours per level )\n - Tutorial level ( 24 hours )\n X - Original Soundtrack for each level\n \nI wanted enemies with-------------------\n - Intelligent A.I. ( 2 hours )\n - A Shriek phase ( 1 hour )\n - A running phase ( 1 hour )\n - An attack phase ( 1 hour )\n - Animating all of the above ( 10 hours )\n X - Sounds for all of the above\n\nX - Debugging all of the above ( + 9999999 hours )\n(Jk, but debugging still takes ages... -.- )\n\nAlso, the player alone has like, over 250 costumes, there has to be over 2000 block of code in this project, the player has like, 50 variables, and there are probably over 100 vector shapes in the menu backdrop and tutorial level, so...\n\n-------------------------------Aftermath-----------------------------\nAs you can see, what I have done already is already a lot of work; let alone making everything listed above.\nThat being said, though, what did come out of this project looks extremely professional, and I think I could have been great; I just think the time invested would not of been worth it.\n\n-----------------------------Final Thoughts------------------------\nDo I regret all of the time I put into this? No. This project was a fantastic learning experience, and a lesson in scope. I wanted to release this because I felt like It would be a crime not to.\n\nBut, the biggest reason I released this project is because I wasn't letting myself make any other project until I finished this one, it stressed me out, and I didn't want to make it anymore, it felt more like a job than an act of love and passion. I want to move on to other ideas, and make things out of love.\n\nSo here it is. Purple ninja. (at least, what I have of it.)\n\nThanks for reading, by the way, means a lot to me. ^ ^\n\nHave a penguino.\n( '>')\n\nReleased: July 22, 2020\nWhat the community is loving: July 23, 2020
~ Summer platformer ~「〜夏のプラットフォーマー〜」
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (random backdrop v)\n\nwhen I receive [zmiana poziomu v]\nif <(poziom) = [3]> then\n switch backdrop to (tło1 v)\nend\n\n@kocur\n\ndefine Platforma (wysoki skok) (grawitacja) (tarcie) (prędkość biegania)\nswitch costume to (kitek ciapek hitbox v)\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [prędkość x v] by (prędkość biegania)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [prędkość x v] by ((prędkość biegania) * (-1))\nend\nset [prędkość x v] to ((Prędkość X) * (tarcie))\nchange x by (Prędkość X)\nif <<touching (poziom v)?> or <touching (poziom2 v)?>> then\n set [nachylenie v] to [0]\n repeat until <<(Nachylenie) = [8]> or <not <touching (poziom v)?>>>\n change [nachylenie v] by (1)\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching (poziom v)?> or <touching (poziom2 v)?>> then\n change y by ((Nachylenie) * (-1))\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (Prędkość X) ) )\n if <<touching (poziom v)?> or <touching (poziom2 v)?>> then\n change x by ((([abs v] of (Prędkość X) ) / (Prędkość X)) * (-1))\n end\n end\n set [prędkość x v] to [0]\n end\nend\nchange y by (Prędkość Y)\nif <<touching (poziom v)?> or <touching (poziom2 v)?>> then\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (Prędkość Y) ) )\n if <<touching (poziom v)?> or <touching (poziom2 v)?>> then\n change y by ((([abs v] of (Prędkość Y) ) / (Prędkość Y)) * (-1))\n end\n end\n if <<(([abs v] of (Prędkość Y) ) / (Prędkość Y)) = [-1]> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [prędkość y v] to (wysoki skok)\n else\n set [prędkość y v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n change [prędkość y v] by (-1)\nend\nchange [scrollx v] by ((x position) * (-1))\nchange [scrolly v] by ((y position) * (-1))\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (kitek ciapek stoi6 v)\nif <[1] < ([abs v] of (Prędkość X) )> then\n switch costume to (kostium)\nend\nif <(Prędkość Y) > [1]> then\n switch costume to (kitek ciapek stoi2 v)\nend\nif <(Prędkość Y) < [-1]> then\n switch costume to (kitek ciapek stoi4 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [scrollx v] to [0]\nset [scrolly v] to [0]\nset [prędkość x v] to [0]\nset [prędkość y v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n broadcast (rusz światem v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [rusz światem v]\nPlatforma [16] [-1] [0.7] [2.1]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [kostium v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n change [kostium v] by (1)\n if <(kostium) > [8]> then\n set [kostium v] to [2]\n end\n wait (0.031) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [kostium v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [zmiana poziomu v]\nif <(poziom) = [2]> then\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n set [scrollx v] to [-63]\n set [scrolly v] to [100]\n set [prędkość x v] to [0]\n set [prędkość y v] to [0]\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [scrollx v] to [63]\n set [scrolly v] to [100]\nend\n\nchange [prędkość y v] by (20)\n\nchange [prędkość x v] by (-10)\n\nwhen I receive [zmiana poziomu v]\nif <(poziom) = [3]> then\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n set [scrollx v] to [-63]\n set [scrolly v] to [100]\n set [prędkość x v] to [0]\n set [prędkość y v] to [0]\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [scrollx v] to [63]\n set [scrolly v] to [100]\nend\n\nset [poziom v] to [3]\nbroadcast (zmiana poziomu v)\n\n@tło\n\nwhen I receive [rusz światem v]\ngo to x: ((Scrollx) / (20)) y: ((Scrolly) / (14))\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (poziom)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [SMG2 - Battle Belt Galaxy v] until done\nend\n\n@tło2\n\nwhen I receive [rusz światem v]\ngo to x: ((Scrollx) / (10)) y: ((Scrolly) / (7))\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (3) layers\nswitch costume to (poziom)\n\n@tło3\n\nwhen I receive [rusz światem v]\ngo to x: ((Scrollx) / (7)) y: ((Scrolly) / (5))\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (2) layers\nswitch costume to (poziom)\n\n@żarełko\n\nwhen I receive [żarełko v]\nstart sound [Bite v]\n\nwhen I receive [rusz światem v]\nif <[0] < (i)> then\n go to x: ((Scrollx) - (x)) y: ((Scrolly) - (y))\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n if <not <<(x position) = ((Scrollx) - (x))> and <(y position) = ((Scrolly) - (y))>>> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [cooldown żarełka v] to [nie]\nset [i v] to [1]\nhide\nustawienie klonów\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nadd ((Scrollx) - (mouse x)) to [żarełka v]\nadd ((Scrolly) - (mouse y)) to [żarełka v]\n\ndefine ustawienie klonów\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(i) > (length of [żarełka v])>\n set [x v] to (item (i) of [żarełka v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [y v] to (item (i) of [żarełka v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [i v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [rusz światem v]\nset [y v] to ((y) + (([sin v] of (((timer) - (1)) * (80)) ) * (0.4)))\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait until <touching (kocur v)?>\nif <(cooldown żarełka) = [nie]> then\n natychmiast qurewa\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine natychmiast qurewa\nset [cooldown żarełka v] to [tak]\nbroadcast (żarełko v)\nchange [zebrane żarełka v] by (1)\nset [cooldown żarełka v] to [nie]\n\nwhen I receive [zmiana poziomu v]\nif <(poziom) = [3]> then\n ustawienie klonów p.3\nelse\n ustawienie klonów p.2\nend\n\ndefine ustawienie klonów p.2\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(i) > (length of [żarełka p.2 v])>\n set [x v] to (item (i) of [żarełka p.2 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [y v] to (item (i) of [żarełka p.2 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [i v] to [0]\n\nustawienie klonów p.2\n\nwhen [g v] key pressed\nadd ((Scrollx) - (mouse x)) to [żarełka p.2 v]\nadd ((Scrolly) - (mouse y)) to [żarełka p.2 v]\n\ndefine ustawienie klonów p.3\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(i) > (length of [żarełka p.3 v])>\n set [x v] to (item (i) of [żarełka p.3 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [y v] to (item (i) of [żarełka p.3 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [i v] to [0]\n\nwhen [v v] key pressed\nadd ((Scrollx) - (mouse x)) to [żarełka p.3 v]\nadd ((Scrolly) - (mouse y)) to [żarełka p.3 v]\n\n@efekt żarcia\n\nwhen I receive [żarełko v]\nustaw klony\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: ([x position v] of [kocur v]) y: ([y position v] of [kocur v])\nshow\nset [kierunek v] to (pick random (-40) to (40))\npoint in direction (kierunek)\nshow\nset size to (pick random (80) to (150)) %\nset [color v] effect to (pick random (0) to (10))\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (0) to (50))\nforever\n if <(brędkość) < [50]> then\n if <not <<(kierunek) > [-2]> and <[2] > (kierunek)>>> then\n if <<(direction) < [180]> and <[0] < (direction)>> then\n repeat until <(direction) = [170]>\n turn right (1) degrees\n end\n else\n repeat until <(direction) = [-170]>\n turn left (1) degrees\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [brędkość v] to (pick random (3.) to (7.))\nforever\n move (brędkość) steps\n if <[0] < (brędkość)> then\n change [brędkość v] by (-0.07)\n end\n change y by (-0.6)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (33)\n set [duch v] to [3]\n change [ghost v] effect by (duch)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine ustaw klony\nrepeat (30)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\ndelete all of [żarełka v]\n\n@efekt żarcia2\n\nwhen I receive [żarełko v]\ngo to x: ([x position v] of [kocur v]) y: ([y position v] of [kocur v])\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (70)\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n change size by (15)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@licznik zebranych żarełek\n\nwhen I receive [rusz światem v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (zebrane żarełka)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [poziom v] to [1]\nset [zebrane żarełka v] to [0]\nshow\nwait until <(zebrane żarełka) = [5]>\nbroadcast (kurtyna v)\n\nchange [poziom v] by (1)\n\nbroadcast (nowy poziom v)\n\nset [zebrane żarełka v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [nowy poziom v]\nwait until <(zebrane żarełka) = [5]>\nbroadcast (kurtyna v)\n\nwhen I receive [fgdafg v]\nhide\n\nbroadcast (kurtyna v)\n\n@ozdoby tylne\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [scrollx v] to [0]\nset [scrolly v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [rusz światem v]\nustaw mnei ([x position v] of [poziom v]) ([y position v] of [poziom v])\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (4) layers\nswitch costume to (kostium2 v)\nset size to (200) %\nif <(poziom) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (e. platformy)\nend\nif <not <(poziom) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to ((poziom) + (1))\nend\n\ndefine ustaw mnei (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\n@poziom2\n\nwhen I receive [rusz światem v]\ngo to x: (Scrollx) y: (Scrolly)\nif <not <<(x position) = (Scrollx)> and <(y position) = (Scrolly)>>> then\n hide\nelse\n if <(poziom) = [1]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (200) %\nswitch costume to (e. platformy)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [e. platformy v] to [1]\n wait (7) seconds\n set [e. platformy v] to [2]\n wait (7) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nowy poziom v]\nhide\n\n@przekierowanie screen\n\nwhen I receive [nowy poziom v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset x to (-400)\nshow\nswitch costume to (poziom)\nset [prędkość v] to [50]\nforever\n if <not <[-100] < (x position)>> then\n change x by (prędkość)\n change [prędkość v] by (10)\n else\n if <not <[45] < (x position)>> then\n set [prędkość v] to [1]\n change x by (prędkość)\n else\n set [prędkość v] to [50]\n repeat (100)\n change x by (prędkość)\n change [prędkość v] by (10)\n end\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (nowy poziom v)\n\n@e platformy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [scrollx v] to [0]\nset [scrolly v] to [0]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [rusz światem v]\nustaw mnei ([x position v] of [poziom v]) ([y position v] of [poziom v])\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (6) layers\nswitch costume to (kostium2 v)\nset size to (200) %\nswitch costume to (e. platformy)\nif <(e. platformy) = [2]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (10)\nelse\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\nif <[1] = (poziom)> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine ustaw mnei (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\nwhen I receive [nowy poziom v]\nhide\n\nchange [zebrane żarełka v] by (1)\n\n@kurtyna\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (kostium1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [kurtyna v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\nend\nif <<(poziom) = [1]> or <(poziom) = [2]>> then\n change [poziom v] by (1)\n set [zebrane żarełka v] to [0]\n broadcast (zmiana poziomu v)\n switch costume to (kostium1 v)\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n broadcast (nowy poziom v)\nelse\n switch costume to (kostium2 v)\n broadcast (fgdafg v)\nend\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@Duszek1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@poziom\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [e. platformy v] to [1]\n wait (7) seconds\n set [e. platformy v] to [2]\n wait (7) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [rusz światem v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (Scrollx) y: (Scrolly)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set size to (200) %\n switch costume to (poziom)\nend\n\n@cienie\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [scrollx v] to [0]\nset [scrolly v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [rusz światem v]\n\nwhen I receive [rusz światem v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (Scrollx) y: (Scrolly)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n if <not <<(x position) = (Scrollx)> and <(y position) = (Scrolly)>>> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n switch costume to (kostium2 v)\n set size to (200) %\n switch costume to (poziom)\nend\n\n
My latest game IMPOSTOR is here\n⫸ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/474734122/\n————————————————————\nFruit Ninja Platformer\n\n➊ USE arrow keys, ASDW, touchscreen or mouse.\n➋ GRAB fruit - get COMBOS by grabbing in the air.\n➌ DODGE bombs - or grab the BOMB DEFLECT.\n\nFirst 100 to love and comment win chance to be added to the credit crew!\n---------- IPad, tablet, and mobile friendly ---------\n\n-----------------------Search Tags-----------------------\n#games #fruit #ninja #platformer #platform #music #animation #mobile #atomicmagicnumber \n---------------------------------------------------------------\nPro cheat - to thank you for reading this stuff:\nAt the end of the game... click your Ninja once to double your score!
Platformer (Pen)
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set volume to (pick random (40) to (100)) %\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext backdrop\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (start v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nif then\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Iron Fire v] until done\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset volume to (10) %\nforever\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((XV) * (0.8))\n change x by (XV)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-6)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\n if <(XV) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [10]\n end\n else\n change x by ((XV) * (-1))\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (YV)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by ((YV) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-0.5)\n if <<touching color (#000000)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n start sound [Mario_Jumping-Mike_Koenig-989896458.mp3 v]\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n if <<touching color (#cc0000)?> or <touching color (#ff00bf)?>> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n if <touching color (#7f00ff)?> then\n set [yv v] to [11]\n end\n if <[230] < (x position)> then\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [7]> then\n broadcast (Stop v)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n broadcast (Next level v)\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (0.5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [up v]\ngo to x: (x position) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n next costume\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n next costume\n end\n if <not <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\n\nset volume to (10) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\n
Gandalf | Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ndelete all of [items v]\nadd (join (join [Mouse: \(] ((*SCROLL X) + (mouse x))) (join [, ] (join (mouse y) [\)]))) to [items v]\nadd (join (join [Player: \(] ([x v] of [platformer script v])) (join [, ] (join ([y v] of [platformer script v]) [\)]))) to [items v]\nif <<([start run? v] of [platformer script v]) = [1]> and <(End) = [0]>> then\n change [timer v] by (0.03)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stop music v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [timer v] to [0]\nforever\n play sound [\[Minecraft\] C418 - Boss \(boss v] until done\nend\n\n@Blank\n\nbroadcast (Reset Data v)\n\n@Level\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (*SCROLL X))\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nshow\nset [x v] to [-480]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nClone\n\ndefine Position (x)\nset [costume v] to (costume [number v])\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset size to ((1) / ()) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume)\nset size to (100) %\nif <([abs v] of (x position) ) > [480]> then\n hide\nelse\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\ndefine Clone\nrepeat (2)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\nend\n\n@Platformer Script\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nbroadcast (Play Game v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nGame On\nbroadcast (Reset v) and wait\nbroadcast (Set up v) and wait\nbroadcast (Setup 2 v)\nforever\n Game On\n broadcast (Reset v) and wait\n broadcast (Set up v) and wait\n broadcast (Setup 2 v)\n repeat until <(EXIT) > []>\n Tick\n broadcast (Tick v) and wait\n end\n set [start run? v] to [0]\n if <(EXIT) = [Win]> then\n broadcast (Win Screen v)\n else\n Game - Die\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game On\nset [*scroll x v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [-150]\nset [y v] to [-76]\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nset [health v] to [20]\nset [player knockback v] to [0]\nset [invisibility v] to [0]\nset [start run? v] to [0]\nPosition\npoint in direction (90)\nset volume to (100) %\nset size to (40) %\nclear graphic effects\nshow\n\ndefine Tick\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nif <(Player Knockback) = [0]> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [sx v] by (2)\n set [start run? v] to [1]\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [sx v] by (-2)\n set [start run? v] to [1]\n end\n set [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.8))\nend\nif <([abs v] of (sx) ) > [0.9]> then\n Change Player x by (round (sx))\nend\nif <(Player Knockback) = [0]> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [start run? v] to [1]\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n set [sy v] to [16]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(sy) > [-20]> then\n change [sy v] by (-2)\nend\nChange player y by (sy)\nPosition\nif <(*SCROLL X) < [480]> then\n set [*scroll x v] to (x)\nend\nif <(*SCROLL X) < [0]> then\n set [*scroll x v] to [0]\nend\nif <(*SCROLL X) > [480]> then\n set [*scroll x v] to [480]\nend\nif <(*SCROLL X) = [480]> then\n if <(x) < [240]> then\n set [x v] to [240]\n end\nend\nif <(x) < [-240]> then\n set [x v] to [-240]\nend\nif <(x) > [720]> then\n set [x v] to [720]\nend\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nPosition\nif <(End) = [0]> then\n if <<<(y) < [-180]> or <(Health) < [1]>> and <(Start Run?) = [1]>> then\n set [exit v] to [Die]\n end\n if <(Invisibility) = [0]> then\n if <<touching (enderdragon v)?> and <(Player Knockback) = [0]>> then\n set [player knockback v] to [1]\n if <(Invisibility) = [0]> then\n set [invisibility v] to [1]\n set [sy v] to [10]\n set [sx v] to ((Hit) / (-15))\n end\n end\n if <touching (fireball v)?> then\n set [invisibility v] to [40]\n broadcast (Hurt v)\n start sound [Hurt v]\n change [health v] by (-2)\n end\n end\n if <(Player Knockback) = [1]> then\n if <(in air) = [0]> then\n set [player knockback v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <(Invisibility) > [0]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n if <(Invisibility) = [2]> then\n broadcast (Hurt v)\n start sound [Hurt v]\n change [health v] by (-4)\n end\n change [invisibility v] by (1)\n if <(Invisibility) > [50]> then\n set [invisibility v] to [0]\n end\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nelse\n set [player knockback v] to [0]\n set [invisibility v] to [0]\nend\nif <<(Player Knockback) = [0]> and <not <touching (fireball v)?>>> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (3 v)\nend\nif <(End) = [1]> then\n\ndefine Change player y by (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nPosition\nrepeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: ((x) - (*SCROLL X)) y: (y)\n\ndefine Change Player x by (sx)\nchange [x v] by (sx)\nPosition\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat (12)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not <touching (level v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-12)\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game - Die\nbroadcast (Dead v)\nset [exit v] to []\nrepeat (5)\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n show\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\ndefine Game Win\nrepeat (50)\n point towards (exit v)\n turn right (65) degrees\n move ((distance to [exit v]) / (2)) steps\n change size by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nchange [level v] by (1)\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [win screen v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Background\n\nwhen I receive [grenn flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (*SCROLL X))\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nshow\nset [x v] to [-480]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nClone\n\ndefine Position (x)\nset [costume v] to (costume [number v])\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset size to ((1) / ()) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume)\nset size to (100) %\nset [brightness v] effect to (-12)\nif <([abs v] of (x position) ) > [480]> then\n hide\nelse\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\ndefine Clone\nrepeat (2)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\nend\n\n@Sword\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <([direction v] of [platformer script v]) = [90]> then\n go to x: (([x position v] of [platformer script v]) + (44)) y: (([y position v] of [platformer script v]) + ((7) + ((Direction) / (-3))))\n point in direction ((Direction) + (90))\n switch costume to (1 v)\nelse\n go to x: (([x position v] of [platformer script v]) + (-44)) y: (([y position v] of [platformer script v]) + ((7) + ((Direction) / (-3))))\n point in direction ((90) - (Direction))\n switch costume to (2 v)\nend\nif <([invisibility v] of [platformer script v]) > [0]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\nelse\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\nif <<(-Love Project) = [1]> and <(-Favorite Project) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) + (2))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset size to (30) %\nset [direction v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (x v) pressed?> or <key (m v) pressed?>>> then\n set [attack v] to [1]\n repeat (5)\n change [direction v] by (12)\n end\n repeat (2)\n change [direction v] by (-24)\n end\n set [attack v] to [0]\n set [direction v] to [0]\n wait (0.4) seconds\n wait until <not <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (x v) pressed?> or <key (m v) pressed?>>>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nrepeat (5)\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n show\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\n@Hitbox\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset size to (25) %\nif <([direction v] of [platformer script v]) = [90]> then\n go to x: (([x position v] of [platformer script v]) + (44)) y: (([y position v] of [platformer script v]) + (3))\nelse\n go to x: (([x position v] of [platformer script v]) + (-44)) y: (([y position v] of [platformer script v]) + (3))\nend\nif <([attack v] of [sword v]) = [0]> then\n hide\nelse\n show\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@Health\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nswitch costume to ((([health v] of [platformer script v]) / (2)) + (1))\n\nwhen I receive [hurt v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nif <([health v] of [platformer script v]) > [0]> then\n start sound [hurt v]\nend\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (health0 v)\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [win screen v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Win Screen\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [win screen v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (2 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win screen v]\nplay sound [Win v] until done\n\n@Text\n\ndefine Write Text (text) Type (type)\nif <(type) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-165) y: (156)\n set [i v] to [1]\nelse\n go to x: (185) y: (156)\n set [i v] to (length of (text))\nend\nrepeat (length of (text))\n switch costume to (letter (i) of (text))\n if <(type) = [0]> then\n change [i v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (14)\n else\n change [i v] by (-1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (-14)\n end\nend\nif <(type) = [1]> then\n change x by (-60)\n switch costume to (enderdragon v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (215) y: (156)\n switch costume to (hp v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [delete text v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset size to (70) %\nbroadcast (Delete Text v)\nif <(Timer) = [0]> then\n Write Text [0] Type [0]\nelse\n Write Text (join ([floor v] of (Timer) ) (join [.] (letter ((length of ([floor v] of (Timer) )) + (2)) of (Timer)))) Type [0]\nend\ngo to x: (-200) y: (156)\nswitch costume to (time v)\n\nwhen I receive [enderdragon dead v]\nset [actual time v] to (join ([floor v] of (Timer) ) (join [.] (letter ((length of ([floor v] of (Timer) )) + (2)) of (Timer))))\n\n@Enderdragon\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset size to (70) %\nif <(*SCROLL X) = [480]> then\n if <(*Enderdragon Health) = [0]> then\n change y by (0.3)\n change [tick v] by (1)\n if <(Tick) > [250]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n else\n if <(Perch) = [0]> then\n Move 1\n else\n Move 2\n end\n if <<(-Invisibility) = [0]> and <touching (hitbox v)?>> then\n set [-invisibility v] to [1]\n change [*enderdragon health v] by (-10)\n start sound (pick random (1) to (3))\n end\n if <(-Invisibility) > [0]> then\n change [-invisibility v] by (1)\n if <(-Invisibility) = [20]> then\n set [-invisibility v] to [0]\n end\n end\n Animate\n if <((Sound) mod (35)) = [0]> then\n start sound [Ender dragon sounds \(My most viewed video\)2 v]\n end\n change [sound v] by (1)\n if <((Sound) mod (200)) = [199]> then\n start sound (pick random (6) to (8))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup 2 v]\nhide\nwait until <(*SCROLL X) = [480]>\nstart sound [Ender dragon sounds \(My most viewed video\)5 v]\nshow\nReset\nwait until <(*Enderdragon Health) = [0]>\nbroadcast (Enderdragon Dead v)\nstart sound [Ender dragon sounds \(My most viewed video\)3 v]\ncreate clone of (effects v)\nset [tick v] to [0]\nset [end v] to [1]\nwait (10) seconds\nbroadcast (Win Screen v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [end v] to [0]\nset [*enderdragon health v] to [200]\nReset\n\ndefine Reset\ngo to x: (416) y: (130)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [tick v] to [0]\nset [tick 2 v] to [0]\nset [perch v] to [0]\nset [-invisibility v] to [0]\nset [sound v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nhide\n\ndefine Animate\nif <(-Invisibility) > [0]> then\n if <(*Enderdragon Health) = [0]> then\n switch costume to ((([floor v] of ((timer) * (20)) ) mod (15)) + (1))\n else\n switch costume to ((([floor v] of ((timer) * (20)) ) mod (15)) + (16))\n end\nelse\n switch costume to ((([floor v] of ((timer) * (20)) ) mod (15)) + (1))\nend\n\ndefine Move 1\nif <(x position) > [150]> then\n set [direction v] to [1]\nend\nif <(x position) < [-150]> then\n set [direction v] to [0]\nend\nif <(Direction) = [1]> then\n change x by (-4)\n point in direction (90)\nelse\n change x by (4)\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nif <(*Enderdragon Health) < [101]> then\n if <(Tick) > [75]> then\n create clone of (fireball v)\n set [tick v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n if <(Tick) > [120]> then\n create clone of (fireball v)\n set [tick v] to [0]\n end\nend\nchange [tick v] by (1)\nchange [tick 2 v] by (1)\nif <(Tick 2) > [399]> then\n set [tick v] to [1]\n set [perch v] to [1]\n set [x movement v] to ((x position) / (-30))\nend\n\ndefine Move 2\nif <(Tick) < [30]> then\n change x by (X Movement)\n change y by ((130) / (-30))\n if <(x position) < [0]> then\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n point in direction (90)\n end\nelse\n if <(Tick) = [250]> then\n if <([x position v] of [platformer script v]) > (x position)> then\n set [direction v] to [1]\n else\n set [direction v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <(Tick) > [250]> then\n if <(Direction) = [1]> then\n change x by (5)\n point in direction (90)\n else\n change x by (-5)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n change y by ((130) / (30))\n if <(Tick) = [280]> then\n set [tick v] to [1]\n set [tick 2 v] to [0]\n set [perch v] to [0]\n end\n else\n point towards (platformer script v)\n turn right (180) degrees\n set [hit v] to (direction)\n end\nend\nchange [tick v] by (1)\n\n@Fireball\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to (enderdragon v)\npoint towards (platformer script v)\nstart sound [2 v]\nset [fireball v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Fireball) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n change x by (([sin v] of (direction) ) * (10))\n change y by (([cos v] of (direction) ) * (10))\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n set [fireball v] to [1]\n start sound [1 v]\n end\nelse\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (2 v)\n change [fireball v] by (1)\n if <(Fireball) > [65]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n if <(Fireball) > [75]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Tick) < [21]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\ngo to (enderdragon v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nturn right (1) degrees\nchange [tick v] by (1)\nif <(Tick) > [250]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [tick v] to [0]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\n\n@Text 2\n\ndefine Write Text (text) Type (type)\nset [i v] to (length of (text))\nif <(type) = [1]> then\n go to x: (((170) + ((length of (text)) * (20))) / (2)) y: (-145)\nend\nif <(type) = [2]> then\n go to x: (((120) + ((length of (text)) * (20))) / (2)) y: (-110)\nend\nif <(type) = [3]> then\n go to x: (((120) + ((length of (text)) * (20))) / (2)) y: (-75)\nend\nrepeat (length of (text))\n switch costume to (letter (i) of (text))\n change [i v] by (-1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (-20)\nend\nif <(type) = [1]> then\n change x by (-85)\nend\nif <(type) = [2]> then\n change x by (-60)\nend\nif <(type) = [3]> then\n change x by (-60)\nend\nswitch costume to ((type) + (11))\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win screen v]\nWrite Text (Actual Time) Type [3]\nWrite Text (☁ Complete) Type [2]\nWrite Text (☁ World Record) Type [1]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [enderdragon dead v]\nchange [☁ complete v] by (1)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(Actual Time) < (☁ World Record)> then\n set [☁ world record v] to (Actual Time)\nend\n\nset [☁ complete v] to [0]\nset [☁ world record v] to [1000]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nif <(First) = [1]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nif <<(-Love Project) = [1]> and <(-Favorite Project) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (instructions 2 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (instructions v)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nif <<(-Love Project) = [1]> and <(-Favorite Project) = [1]>> then\n set [first v] to [1]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset data v]\nset [first v] to [0]\n\n@Love and Favorite\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nif <<(-Love Project) = [1]> and <(-Favorite Project) = [1]>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [-favorite project v] to [0]\nset [-love project v] to [0]\nset [-detector clone v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [-detector clone v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <<(-Love Project) = [1]> and <(-Favorite Project) = [1]>>\nshow\nstart sound [Collect v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (30)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(-Detector Clone) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n switch costume to (love v)\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [-love project v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(-Detector Clone) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (fave v)\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [-favorite project v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset data v]\nset [-love project v] to [0]\nset [-favorite project v] to [0]\n\n
Check Out This!: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/415117430/\nInstructions In Game.\nClick The Green Flag To Start.\nEnjoy!!!\nThe Boss Fight May Be Laggy.\n\nThanks For All The Support!\n\nThis Is My Most Viewed, Loved, and Faved Project In Only 3 Days! Hooray!
Staff of The Wizard || Platformer
@Stage\n\n@空白\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (60) %\ngo to x: (-220) y: (-30)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen [z v] key pressed\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<touching (棘 v)?> or <(y position) < [-160]>> then\n go to x: (-210) y: (-63)\n start sound [Crunch v]\n end\n if <<<(x position) > (mouse x)> and <mouse down?>> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by (-1.75)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<<(mouse x) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by (1.75)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.8))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (道 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (道 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (道 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (道 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (道 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (道 v)?> then\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n start sound [壁 v]\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-7]\n else\n set [x v] to [7]\n end\n set [y v] to [15]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (道 v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n set [y v] to [14]\n start sound [ジャンプ3 v]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (道 v)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n broadcast (next v)\n start sound [Rip v]\n go to x: (-216) y: (-63)\n wait (2.7) seconds\n end\n if <touching (ばね v)?> then\n set [y v] to [22]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nchange size by (10)\n\n\n\n@道\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nforever\n play sound [Starship v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [time v] to [0]\nhide variable [time v]\nhide variable [☁ world record v]\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-75)\nrepeat (50)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\nend\n\n@棘\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (a v)\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-75)\nrepeat (50)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\nend\n\n@ねくすちょ\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nstart sound [Rip v]\nset [next色 v] to (pick random (1) to (200))\nreset timer\nrepeat (3)\n クローン:ID [なんか変な動き]\n wait (0.075) seconds\n クローン:ID [なんか変な動き2]\n wait (0.075) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\npoint in direction (90)\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nwait (0.0001) seconds\nrepeat (3)\n クローン:ID [◎]\n wait (0.15) seconds\n クローン:ID [◎2]\n wait (0.075) seconds\nend\nクローン:ID [◎3]\nクローン:ID [next]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif < (ID) contains [なんか変な動き]?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n point in direction (180)\n if <(ID) = [なんか変な動き2]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n set [クローン用ローカル変数 v] to [67.5]\n switch costume to (サイズハック v)\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat (50)\n switch costume to (半透明のあれ v)\n set [クローン用ローカル変数 v] to ((クローン用ローカル変数) * (0.8))\n turn left (クローン用ローカル変数) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif < (ID) contains [◎]?> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n if <(ID) = [◎2]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n else\n if <(ID) = [◎3]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\n set [クローン用ローカル変数 v] to [10]\n switch costume to (◎ v)\n set size to (0) %\n if < (ID) contains [3]?> then\n repeat (25)\n if <[350] < (size)> then\n switch costume to (サイズハック v)\n end\n set [クローン用ローカル変数 v] to ((クローン用ローカル変数) * (1.2))\n change size by (クローン用ローカル変数)\n switch costume to (◎ v)\n end\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n clear graphic effects\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n start sound [Finger Snap v]\n wait (0.15) seconds\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (100) %\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n change y by ((-1) + ((y position) / (3.05)))\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n repeat (40)\n if <[350] < (size)> then\n switch costume to (サイズハック v)\n end\n set [クローン用ローカル変数 v] to ((クローン用ローカル変数) * (1.2))\n change size by (クローン用ローカル変数)\n switch costume to (◎ v)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\ndefine クローン:ID (id)\nset [id v] to (id)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [next]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (ねxt v)\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat (25)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (3.8))\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n wait (0.15) seconds\n クローン:ID [q]\n クローン:ID [p]\n repeat (20)\n go to [front v] layer\n クローン:ID [残像]\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n change y by ((-1) + ((y position) / (3.05)))\n switch costume to (ねxt v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(ID) = [残像]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n switch costume to (ねxt2 v)\n repeat (5)\n change size by (-2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (18.5)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(ID) = [q]> then\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n wait (0.05) seconds\n set [brightness v] effect to (50)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n change y by ((-1) + ((y position) / (3.05)))\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(ID) = [p]> then\n go [backward v] (3) layers\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n change y by ((-1) + ((y position) / (3.05)))\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set [color v] effect to (130)\nend\n\n@おさむね\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
Arrow keys to move. Mobile friendly :)\n\n100 loves 100 faves for part 2 :)\nUPDATED: I guess I'm making part 2 \n\nguys lol I went to sleep and woke up with 500 things in my mail. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHi\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBye.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n:)
Pen Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nforever\n play sound [Vexento - Pixel Party v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ending message v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\n@-Thumbnail-2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\nend\n\nshow\n\n@Breeze\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-167) y: (-34)\nforever\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(water) = [0]> then\n change [xv v] by (0.7)\n end\n end\n go to [front v] layer\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.7)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <<touching color (#00c866)?> or <touching color (#00924b)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#00c866)?> or <touching color (#00924b)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#00c866)?> or <touching color (#00924b)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#00c866)?> or <touching color (#00924b)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#00c866)?> or <touching color (#00924b)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching color (#00c866)?> or <touching color (#00924b)?>> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-5)\n change x by (1)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(Xv) < [0]> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\n set [xv v] to [10]\n else\n set [yv v] to [10]\n set [xv v] to [-10]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (Yv)\n if <<touching color (#00c866)?> or <touching color (#00924b)?>> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <<touching color (#00c866)?> or <touching color (#00924b)?>> then\n if <(water) = [0]> then\n set [yv v] to [8]\n end\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#004cff)?> then\n set [yv v] to [20]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level_sensor v)?> then\n broadcast (NextLevel v)\n go to x: (-167) y: (-101)\n end\n if <<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <touching color (#c80000)?>> then\n go to x: (-167) y: (-101)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <touching (rocket ship v)?> then\n hide\n broadcast (end v)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-167) y: (-34)\n\n@world\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nnext costume\nwait (0.8) seconds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [level v] to (costume [number v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ending message v]\nwait (2) seconds\nhide\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [shocky thing v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [almost start v]\nwait (2) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstart sound [Still Standing v]\n\nwhen I receive [almost start v]\nrepeat until <(volume) = [0]>\n change volume by (-5)\nend\nclear sound effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (100) %\nset [move v v] to [22]\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nwait (0.3) seconds\ngo to x: (-302) y: (0)\nshow\nrepeat until <(move v) < [1]>\n change x by (move v)\n change [move v v] by (-0.8)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (shocky thing v)\nrepeat until <(size) > [140]>\n change size by (15)\nend\nrepeat until <(size) < [100]>\n change size by (-15)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (breeze v)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nrepeat until <(x position) > [290]>\n change x by (10)\n turn right (15) degrees\nend\nhide\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-251) y: (2)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [breeze v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (30)\nshow\nrepeat until <(x position) > [250]>\n change x by (10)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (logo v)\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [logo v]\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (almost start v)\nwait (2) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [the actual end v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\nend\n\n@Sprite7\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [almost start v]\nshow\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (start v)\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [ending message v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\n\n@Level_sensor\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n@rocket ship\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nbroadcast (thingbyyy v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (148) y: (23)\nset size to (150) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nforever\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.25) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.25) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat until <(y position) > [187]>\n change y by (10)\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nbroadcast (ending message v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [ending message v]\nwait (2) seconds\ngo to x: (7) y: (-14)\nshow\nwait (4) seconds\nset [rocket v v] to [-12]\nrepeat until <(y position) > [187]>\n change y by (Rocket V)\n change [rocket v v] by (1)\nend\nbroadcast (The actual end v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [thingbyyy v]\nforever\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ending message v]\nforever\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.25) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.25) seconds\nend\n\n
日本語↓見てね\n\n__________________________________________________\nThis is Manato.\nI made a sequel to Mario Platformer.\nMade it possible to step on Goomba\n\nMethod of operation\n\nIt can be operated using the arrow keys. It is mobile compatible.\n\n"Warning" You cannot go to the next stage unless you defeat the Goomba\n\n__________________________________________________\n\nこんちゃまなとです。\nマリオプラットフォーマーの続編作りました\nクリボー踏めるようにしました。\n\n一言いっときます。量産型を作って本当に申し訳ございませんでした。\n\n操作方法\n\n矢印キーで操作できます。モバイル対応です。\n\n"注意" クリボーを倒さないと次のステージに行けません
Weird - A platformer 2
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Payday v] until done\nend\n\n@Pen\n\ndefine Draw line from (x) (y) to (x2) (y2) set pen size to (pen size)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset pen color to (#00ff55)\nset pen size to (pen size)\npen down\ngo to x: (x2) y: (y2)\npen up\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nerase all\nif <not <(level) = [6]>> then\n Draw line from (-238) (-179) to (240) (-179) set pen size to (50)\nend\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n Draw line from (-238) (-179) to (234) (-179) set pen size to (50)\nelse\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n Draw line from (8) (-157) to (8) (1) set pen size to (30)\n else\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n Draw lava from (8) (-156) to (8) (-75) set pen size to (30)\n Draw line from (-100) (5) to (127) (5) set pen size to (30)\n Draw line from (-238) (-185) to (234) (-185) set pen size to (50)\n else\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n Draw line from (25) (-172) to (25) (-50) set pen size to (30)\n Draw lava from (-108) (26) to (125) (26) set pen size to (30)\n Draw line from (-108) (55) to (125) (55) set pen size to (30)\n else\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n Draw lava from (157) (-150) to (240) (-150) set pen size to (30)\n Draw line from (149) (-161) to (149) (97) set pen size to (30)\n Draw line from (-242) (-70) to (44) (-70) set pen size to (30)\n Draw lava from (-128) (17) to (70) (17) set pen size to (30)\n Draw line from (149) (30) to (-167) (30) set pen size to (30)\n Draw line from (-238) (-179) to (240) (-179) set pen size to (50)\n else\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n Draw lava from (-238) (-179) to (240) (-179) set pen size to (50)\n Draw line from (-238) (-179) to (-159) (-179) set pen size to (50)\n Draw line from (102) (-179) to (115) (-179) set pen size to (50)\n else\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n Draw lava from (-61) (-173) to (-61) (26) set pen size to (30)\n Draw line from (-80) (-173) to (-80) (26) set pen size to (30)\n Draw lava from (49) (181) to (49) (-59) set pen size to (30)\n Draw line from (70) (181) to (70) (-59) set pen size to (30)\n Draw line from (70) (-59) to (49) (-59) set pen size to (30)\n Draw lava from (152) (-155) to (237) (-155) set pen size to (50)\n Draw line from (-238) (-179) to (240) (-179) set pen size to (50)\n else\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n Draw line from (-113) (-110) to (-65) (-110) set pen size to (30)\n Draw line from (-13) (-49) to (35) (-49) set pen size to (30)\n Draw line from (88) (13) to (136) (13) set pen size to (30)\n Draw lava from (-28) (-154) to (237) (-154) set pen size to (30)\n Draw line from (-238) (-179) to (240) (-179) set pen size to (50)\n else\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n Draw lava from (-80) (-175) to (-80) (4) set pen size to (30)\n Draw lava from (-80) (-157) to (160) (-157) set pen size to (30)\n Draw lava from (160) (-157) to (160) (-86) set pen size to (30)\n Draw lava from (176) (-151) to (237) (-151) set pen size to (30)\n Draw line from (-92) (-175) to (-92) (4) set pen size to (30)\n Draw line from (170) (-157) to (170) (4) set pen size to (30)\n Draw line from (-238) (-179) to (240) (-179) set pen size to (50)\n else\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n Draw line from (-120) (-173) to (-120) (94) set pen size to (30)\n Draw lava from (-24) (-90) to (-24) (181) set pen size to (30)\n Draw lava from (171) (-90) to (171) (181) set pen size to (30)\n Draw line from (72) (-173) to (72) (94) set pen size to (30)\n else\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n broadcast (End v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Draw lava from (x) (y) to (x2) (y2) set pen size to (pen size)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset pen color to (#ff0000)\nset pen size to (pen size)\npen down\ngo to x: (x2) y: (y2)\npen up\n\nwhen flag clicked\nerase all\nhide\nwait until <(play) = [0]>\nDraw line from (-238) (-179) to (240) (-179) set pen size to (50)\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n go to x: (-186) y: (-137)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-203) y: (-24)\nset [level v] to [1]\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set [y v] to [0]\n set [x v] to [0]\n forever\n change [y v] by (-1)\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (left v)\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (right v)\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n change x by (x)\n if <touching color (#00ff55)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching color (#00ff55)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching color (#00ee4f)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching color (#00ff55)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching color (#00ff55)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n if <([abs v] of (x) ) = (x)> then\n set [x v] to [-4]\n else\n set [x v] to [4]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <touching color (#00ff55)?> then\n change y by ((y) - ((y) * (2)))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <touching color (#00ff55)?>> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<[245] < (x position)> and <(level) < [11]>> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (next level v)\n go to x: (-203) y: (-123)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n go to x: (-203) y: (-123)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nforever\n if <<[245] < (x position)> and <(level) < [11]>> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (next level v)\n go to x: (-203) y: (-123)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\n@Star\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-129) y: (-148)\nforever\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-129) y: (-142)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-129) y: (-148)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Star2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-169) y: (-142)\nforever\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-169) y: (-148)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-169) y: (-142)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nshow\ngo to x: (2) y: (10)\nset [variable name v] to [0]\nforever\n change [variable name v] by (10)\n point in direction ((([sin v] of (variable name) ) * (7)) + (90))\nend\n\n
\nMUSIC\nnumber 3\nWelcome to Wings of fire platformer (number 3)\n(you don't need to read the book to play this.)\nIn this game, you will need to find Tsunami's in the Sea. (the 1st part of the book: the lost heir (book 2).) You can change dragonets by pressing 1,2,3,4,5,46.\n\n1:Clay\n2:Tsunami\n3:Sunny\n4:Glory\n5:Starflight\n6:Anemone\nEach dragonet will have a unique power:\nClay: invulnerable to lava or fire,\nTsunami: can go pass royal guards\nSunny: can squeeze into tiny places\nGlory: Becomes camouflaged:(enemy can't see her(except royal guards)\nStarflight: can see in the dark\nAnemone: Can use Animus powers to Levitate or make disappear objects.\nFor Sunny, Anemone, and Glory, hold "z" to activate the power.\n\nBut most importantly:\nHAVE FUN!\n\n
Bad Jokes- a Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (cave v)\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [song v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(Level) = [15]> then\n switch backdrop to (desert v)\nend\n\n@Guy\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (trail1 v)\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (8)\n change size by (-4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nSetup\nbroadcast (Game Loop v)\n\ngo to x: (-190) y: (-24)\ngo to x: (-201) y: (14)\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\ndefine Fix Collisions in direction (dir)\nset [temporary dir v] to (direction)\nset [distance v] to [1]\npoint in direction (dir)\nrepeat (168)\n Check Touching Solid\n if <(touching) < [1]> then\n point in direction (temporary dir)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n move (distance) steps\n turn right (180) degrees\n change [distance v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Check Touching Solid\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (sword button v)?>> then\n set [touching v] to [1]\nelse\n set [touching v] to [0]\nend\n\nhide variable [speed x v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n Check Touching Solid\n if <(touching) > [0]> then\n Fix Collisions in direction [0]\n Fix Collisions in direction [90]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Setup\ngo to x: (-200) y: (50)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (45) %\nswitch costume to (middle v)\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\nset [speed x v] to [0]\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\n\ndefine Left / Right Movement\nif <(KEY X) < [0]> then\n change [speed x v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nif <(KEY X) > [0]> then\n change [speed x v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\nend\nset [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.9))\nchange x by (speed x)\n\nwhen I receive [game loop v]\nset [dead? v] to [0]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n Set Variable\n Set Costume\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n Water movement\n else\n Left / Right Movement\n Horizontal Collision and Wall Jump\n Up / Down Movement\n end\n Check Death / Win\nend\n\ndefine Horizontal Collision and Wall Jump\nCheck Touching Solid\nif <(touching) = [1]> then\n change y by (1)\n Check Touching Solid\n if <(touching) = [1]> then\n change y by (1)\n Check Touching Solid\n if <(touching) = [1]> then\n change y by (1)\n Check Touching Solid\n if <(touching) = [1]> then\n change y by (1)\n Check Touching Solid\n if <(touching) = [1]> then\n change y by (1)\n Check Touching Solid\n if <(touching) = [1]> then\n change x by ((speed x) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <(KEY Y) > [0]> then\n if <(speed x) > [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to [-7]\n else\n set [speed x v] to [7]\n end\n set [speed y v] to [14]\n else\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange y by (-3)\n\ndefine Up / Down Movement\nCheck Touching Solid\nif <(touching) = [1]> then\n if <(KEY Y) > [0]> then\n set [speed y v] to [14]\n end\nend\nchange y by (3)\nchange [speed y v] by (-1)\nchange y by (speed y)\nCheck Touching Solid\nif <(touching) = [1]> then\n change y by ((speed y) * (-1))\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Check Death / Win\nif <(x position) > [230]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (next level v)\nend\nif <(y position) < [-170]> then\n broadcast (Death v)\nend\nif <touching (spike v)?> then\n broadcast (Death v)\nend\nif <touching (lava v)?> then\n broadcast (Death v)\nend\nif <touching (saw v)?> then\n broadcast (Death v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [speed x v] to [0]\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n go to x: (-235) y: (100)\nelse\n go to x: (-245) y: (-50)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [death v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [dead? v] to [1]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (-235) y: (-50)\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [speed x v] to [0]\nshow\nbroadcast (Game Loop v)\n\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n go to x: (-235) y: (100)\nelse\nend\n\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Set Costume\nif <<(KEY X) > [0]> and <(KEY Y) > [0]>> then\n switch costume to (right v)\nelse\n if <<(KEY X) < [0]> and <(KEY Y) > [0]>> then\n switch costume to (left v)\n else\n if <(KEY Y) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (up v)\n else\n if <(KEY X) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (right v)\n else\n if <(KEY X) < [0]> then\n switch costume to (left v)\n else\n switch costume to (middle v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [death v]\n\nwhen I receive [game loop v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [game loop v]\n\nFix Collisions in direction [0]\nFix Collisions in direction [90]\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nFix Collisions in direction [0]\n\nwhen I receive [90 v]\nset [speed y v] to [20]\nchange y by (speed y)\n\nwhen I receive [-90 v]\nset [speed y v] to [-20]\nchange y by (speed y)\n\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [180 v]\nset [speed x v] to [25]\n\nwhen I receive [game loop v]\nforever\n if <not <touching (water v)?>> then\n Check Touching Solid\n if <(touching) > [0]> then\n Fix Collisions in direction [90]\n end\n end\nend\n\nFix Collisions in direction [0]\n\nwhen I receive [bounce v]\nset [speed y v] to [10]\n\ngo to [back v] layer\n\ndefine Water movement\nif <(KEY X) > [0]> then\n change [speed x v] by (1)\nend\nif <(KEY X) < [0]> then\n change [speed x v] by (-1)\nend\nif <(KEY Y) > [0]> then\n change [speed y v] by (1)\nend\nif <(speed y) < [0.1]> then\n change [speed y v] by (-0.8)\nend\nset [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.8))\nset [speed y v] to ((speed y) * (0.8))\nchange x by (speed x)\nCheck Touching Solid\nif <(touching) > [0]> then\n Fix Collisions in direction [90]\nend\nchange y by (speed y)\nCheck Touching Solid\nif <(touching) > [0]> then\n Fix Collisions in direction [0]\nend\n\ndefine Set Variable\nset [key x v] to (<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (-20)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> - <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (-20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>)\nset [key y v] to <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) + (-20)) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>>\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nFix Collisions in direction [0]\n\nif <([abs v] of (speed x) ) > [0.6]> then\n\n@ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\nswitch costume to (join [Level] (Level))\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nswitch costume to (join [Level] (Level))\n\nswitch costume to (level1 v)\n\nnext costume\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n show\n switch costume to (lava0 v)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((5) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (150)) ))\n switch costume to (join [lava4.] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\nend\nif <(Level) = [14]> then\n show\n switch costume to (lava0 v)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((5) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (150)) ))\n switch costume to (join [lava3.] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\nend\nhide\nhide\n\n@Spike\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (level1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (join [Level] (Level))\n\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [8]> then\n show\n switch costume to (level5 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n show\n switch costume to (level6 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nhide\n\nstop [this script v]\n\n@Trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <[] < [50]> then\n delete this clone\nend\ngo to [back v] layer\nRandom clone [80] times at level [9]\n\nClone at [-114] [-81] level [2] dir [90]\n\nwait (0) seconds\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (guy v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n broadcast (direction)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n switch costume to (spring2 v)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\n\nchange y by (50)\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y) level (level) dir (dir)\nif <(Level) = (level)> then\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n point in direction (dir)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0) seconds\n\ngo to x: (-60) y: (-60)\n\ndefine Random clone (times) times at level (level)\nrepeat (times)\n if <(pick random (1) to (4)) = [1]> then\n Clone at (pick random (-240) to (240)) (pick random (-240) to (240)) level (level) dir [90]\n else\n if <(pick random (1) to (4)) = [2]> then\n Clone at (pick random (-240) to (240)) (pick random (-240) to (240)) level (level) dir [-90]\n else\n if <(pick random (1) to (4)) = [3]> then\n Clone at (pick random (-240) to (240)) (pick random (-240) to (240)) level (level) dir [0]\n else\n Clone at (pick random (-240) to (240)) (pick random (-240) to (240)) level (level) dir [180]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset trampoline v]\nif <[] < [50]> then\nend\ngo to [back v] layer\nRandom clone [80] times at level [9]\n\ndelete this clone\n\n@Saw\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\nClone at [-86] [-84] size [100] level [2]\nClone at [114] [-70] size [110] level [2]\nClone at [-121] [70] size [200] level [10]\nClone at [54] [-4] size [120] level [10]\nClone at [-66] [-126] size [100] level [10]\nClone at [200] [-118] size [100] level [10]\nClone at [200] [-25] size [100] level [10]\n\nwait (0) seconds\n\ngo to x: (-120) y: (-106)\nset size to (150) %\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nif <(Level) = [14]> then\n set size to (80) %\n go to x: (-23) y: (123)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [16]> then\n set size to (120) %\n go to x: (-71) y: (-118)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (131) y: (-57)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n turn left (15) degrees\nend\n\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y) size (size) level (level)\nif <(Level) = (level)> then\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n set size to (size) %\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nset size to (140) %\n\nchange x by (-20)\n\nchange y by (-10)\n\nClone at [-8] [68] size [120] level [2]\nClone at [-240] [68] size [120] level [2]\nClone at [200] [68] size [120] level [2]\nClone at [-93] [-93] size [120] level [7]\nClone at [-72] [67] size [120] level [12]\nClone at [144] [21] size [120] level [13]\ngo to x: (131) y: (-57)\nset size to (120) %\n\n@Cloud\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nswitch costume to (big v)\nset x to (280)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (5))\nset [costume v] to (costume [number v])\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (30) to (70))\nset y to (pick random (80) to (180))\nset [sx v] to (pick random (3.) to (5.))\nrepeat ((600) / (sx))\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (big v)\n change x by ((-1) * (sx))\n switch costume to (costume)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\nend\n\nCreate Cloud\n\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (20)\nshow\n\ndefine Create Cloud\nforever\n switch costume to (big v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (pick random (1.) to (2.)) seconds\nend\n\nforever\n\n@Word\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nswitch costume to (join [Level] (Level))\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nswitch costume to (join [Level] (Level))\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\n@Enemy\n\ndefine Spawn (type) at (x) (y) level (level) dir (dir) size (size) with (weapon) size (weapon size)\nif <(type) = []> then\n if <(level) = (Level)> then\n switch costume to (type)\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n point in direction (dir)\n set size to (size) %\n set [type v] to (type)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <(weapon) > []> then\n switch costume to (weapon)\n set [type v] to (weapon)\n set size to (weapon size) %\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n set [type v] to []\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [frame v] to []\nset [touching v] to [0]\nif <(type) = [Slime]> then\n Spawn Slime\nend\nif <(type) = [Tall]> then\n Spawn Tall\nend\nif <(type) = [Spiky]> then\n Spawn Spiky\nend\nif <(type) = [spear*]> then\n set rotation style [all around v]\n Spawn spear\nend\nif <(type) = [sword*]> then\n spawn sword*\nend\nif <(type) = [UFO]> then\n Spawn UFO\nend\nif <(type) = [saw*]> then\n Spawn saw*\nend\nif <(type) = [Shuriken]> then\n Spawn Shuriken\nend\nif <(type) = [Fish]> then\n Spawn Fish\nend\nif <not <(type) = [shuriken*]>> then\n Move - Down\n forever\n point towards (guy v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0) seconds\nSpawn All Enemies\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [frame v] to [0]\nset [type v] to []\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nhide\n\ndefine Move - Down\nchange [sy v] by (-1)\nchange y by (sy)\nrepeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n change y by (1)\n set [sy v] to [0]\n set [touching v] to [1]\nend\n\ndefine Move - Left or Right\nmove (2) steps\nrepeat (4)\n if <not <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (invisible enemy wall v)?>>>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\nchange y by (-4)\nmove (-2) steps\nturn right (180) degrees\n\ndefine Touching Player?\nif <touching (guy v)?> then\n if <(speed y) < [-2]> then\n switch costume to (join (costume [name v]) [Squish])\n broadcast (Bounce v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(DEAD?) = [0]> then\n broadcast (Death v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game loop v]\nwait (0) seconds\nSpawn All Enemies\n\nwhen I receive [game loop v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Spawn Slime\nforever\n if <(frame) = [20]> then\n set [sy v] to [8]\n set [frame v] to [0]\n end\n Move - Down\n Move - Left or Right\n Touching Player?\n change [frame v] by (0.5)\nend\n\ndefine Spawn Tall\nforever\n Move - Down\n Move - Left or Right\n Touching Player?\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Spawn All Enemies\nSpawn [Slime] at [-64] [-64] level [4] dir [-90] size [60] with [] size []\nSpawn [Tall] at [109] [12] level [4] dir [-90] size [60] with [] size []\nSpawn [Spiky] at [150] [-20] level [4] dir [-90] size [60] with [] size []\nSpawn [Slime] at [37] [109] level [4] dir [-90] size [60] with [] size []\nSpawn [Shuriken] at [37] [48] level [5] dir [-90] size [60] with [] size []\nSpawn [Shuriken] at [0] [-72] level [6] dir [-90] size [60] with [] size []\nSpawn [Spear] at [140] [-72] level [6] dir [-90] size [60] with [spear*] size [70]\nSpawn [Fish] at [74] [-34] level [11] dir [-90] size [60] with [] size []\nSpawn [Fish] at [0] [0] level [11] dir [-90] size [60] with [] size []\nSpawn [Fish] at [-80] [100] level [11] dir [-90] size [60] with [] size []\nSpawn [Fish] at [-130] [81] level [12] dir [-90] size [60] with [] size []\nSpawn [Fish] at [158] [-108] level [12] dir [-90] size [60] with [] size []\nSpawn [Fish] at [-91] [-100] level [13] dir [-90] size [60] with [] size []\nSpawn [Shuriken] at [126] [33] level [13] dir [-90] size [60] with [] size []\n\ndefine Spawn Spiky\nforever\n if <(frame) = [20]> then\n set [sy v] to [8]\n set [frame v] to [0]\n end\n Move - Down\n Move - Left or Right\n if <<touching (guy v)?> and <(DEAD?) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (Death v)\n end\n change [frame v] by (0.5)\nend\n\nbroadcast (next level v)\n\ndefine Spawn spear\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n point towards (guy v)\n if <(distance to [guy v]) < [120]> then\n Poke them\n end\nend\n\ndefine Poke them\nrepeat (4)\n move (2) steps\nend\nrepeat (4)\n move (-2) steps\nend\n\ndelete this clone\n\nset [type v] to []\n\nwait (0.2) seconds\n\ndefine Check Death\nforever\n if <<<touching (guy v)?> and <(DEAD?) = [0]>> and <(can use?) = [1]>> then\n broadcast (Death v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [can use? v] to [1]\nif < (type) contains [*]?> then\n if <not <(type) = [shuriken*]>> then\n set rotation style [all around v]\n Check Death\n end\nend\n\nSpawn spear\n\nbroadcast (next level v)\n\ndefine spawn sword*\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n if <([x position v] of [guy v]) > (x position)> then\n point in direction (90)\n else\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set rotation style [all around v]\n if <(distance to [guy v]) < [120]> then\n repeat (36)\n turn right (10) degrees\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nset [life v] to [8]\nforever\n if <touching (weapon v)?> then\n if <not <<(type) = [saw*]> or <(type) = [shuriken*]>>> then\n set [can use? v] to [0]\n if <(WEAPON) = [gun]> then\n change [life v] by (-1)\n if <(life) = [0]> then\n repeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n repeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Spawn UFO\nforever\n if <(([x position v] of [guy v]) - (x position)) > [0]> then\n change x by (2)\n else\n if <(([x position v] of [guy v]) - (x position)) < [0]> then\n change x by (-2)\n end\n end\n if <([abs v] of (([x position v] of [guy v]) - (x position)) ) < [80]> then\n change [frame v] by (0.2)\n if <(frame) > [2]> then\n set [frame v] to [0]\n set [shoot saw v] to [1]\n set [type v] to [saw*]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [type v] to [UFO]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Spawn saw*\nswitch costume to (saw* v)\nforever\n if <(Shoot saw) = [1]> then\n set [shoot saw v] to [0]\n repeat until <<(touching) = [1]> or <touching (guy v)?>>\n turn right (5) degrees\n Move - Down\n end\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nshow\n\nswitch costume to (shuriken* v)\n\nmove (-10) steps\n\nmove (10) steps\n\ndefine Spawn Shuriken\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n set [type v] to [shuriken*]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [type v] to [Shuriken]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(type) = [shuriken*]> then\n Spawn shuriken*\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete me v]\nif <(type) = [Shuriken]> then\n repeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwait until <not <touching (weapon v)?>>\n\ndefine Spawn shuriken*\nset rotation style [all around v]\npoint towards (guy v)\nswitch costume to (shuriken* v)\nrepeat until <<touching (guy v)?> or <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (weapon v)?>>>>\n move (10) steps\nend\nif <touching (weapon v)?> then\n if < ([costume name v] of [weapon v]) contains [Sword]?> then\n turn right (180) degrees\n repeat until <<touching (enemy v)?> or <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>>\n move (10) steps\n end\n if <touching (enemy v)?> then\n broadcast (Delete me v)\n end\n else\n repeat until <<touching (guy v)?> or <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>>\n move (10) steps\n end\n end\nend\nif <<touching (guy v)?> and <(DEAD?) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (Death v)\nend\nrepeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Spawn Fish\nforever\n point towards (guy v)\n if <(distance to [guy v]) < [180]> then\n glide ((distance to [guy v]) / (200)) secs to (guy v)\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (next level v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(type) = [Fish]> then\n Check Death\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(type) = [Fish]> then\n forever\n Fix Collisions in direction [0]\n Fix Collisions in direction [90]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Fix Collisions in direction (dir)\nset [temporary dir v] to (direction)\nset [distance v] to [1]\npoint in direction (dir)\nrepeat (168)\n Check Touching Solid\n if <(touching) < [1]> then\n point in direction (temporary dir)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n move (distance) steps\n turn right (180) degrees\n change [distance v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Check Touching Solid\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n set [touching v] to [1]\nelse\n set [touching v] to [0]\nend\n\n@Glow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nhide\n\nif <(Level) = [14]> then\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nshow\nswitch costume to (download-removebg-preview v)\nset size to (60) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (120)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\n\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\nend\n\nswitch backdrop to (slopes v)\n\nbroadcast (next level v)\n\n@Arrow and bow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(type) = [arrow]> then\n set [type v] to []\n set [reflect v] to [0]\n switch costume to (arrow v)\n repeat until <not <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>>\n move (15) steps\n end\n repeat until <<touching (guy v)?> or <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (weapon v)?>>>>\n move (15) steps\n end\n if <touching (weapon v)?> then\n turn right (180) degrees\n repeat until <<touching (guy v)?> or <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>>\n move (15) steps\n end\n end\n if <touching (guy v)?> then\n broadcast (Death v)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nset [type v] to []\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n set [type v] to [bow]\n go to x: (-30) y: (58)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [type v] to [bow]\n go to x: (235) y: (58)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n set [type v] to [bow]\n go to x: (150) y: (134)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n set [type v] to [bow]\n go to x: (164) y: (126)\n go to [front v] layer\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\ndefine Animation\nswitch costume to (bow 0 v)\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n next costume\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nset [type v] to [arrow]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [type v] to []\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(type) = [bow]> then\n forever\n Animation\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(type) = [bow]> then\n forever\n point towards (guy v)\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (next level v)\n\nset [type v] to [bow]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (50)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nif <touching (guy v)?> then\n broadcast (Death v)\nend\n\n@Weapon\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nif <(WEAPON) = [sword]> then\n broadcast (Swing Sword v)\nelse\n if <(frame) > [5]> then\n if <(bullet) > [0]> then\n broadcast (Shoot v)\n change [bullet v] by (-1)\n set [frame v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [weapon v] to [sword]\nset [sword v] to [1]\nset [gun v] to [1]\nset [bullet v] to [10]\nhide\nforever\n go to (guy v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\n\nhide\n\nrepeat (10)\n\nturn right (15) degrees\n\nwhen I receive [swing sword v]\nif <<(sword) = [1]> and <(using) = [0]>> then\n set [using v] to [1]\n show\n if <([direction v] of [guy v]) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (sword v)\n point in direction (15)\n repeat (10)\n turn right (15) degrees\n end\n else\n switch costume to (sword2 v)\n point in direction (-15)\n repeat (10)\n turn left (15) degrees\n end\n end\nend\nhide\nwait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\nset [using v] to [0]\n\nrepeat (10)\n turn right (15) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (z v) pressed?> then\n if <(WEAPON) = [sword]> then\n if <(gun) = [1]> then\n set [weapon v] to [gun]\n show\n end\n else\n if <(WEAPON) = [gun]> then\n set [weapon v] to [sword]\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n wait until <not <key (z v) pressed?>>\nend\n\n\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nGo to gun\nswitch costume to (bullet v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nrepeat until <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (enemy v)?>>>\n move (15) steps\nend\nwait (0) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nrepeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [shoot v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [frame v] to [0]\nforever\n change [frame v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [got gun v]\nset [gun v] to [1]\nset [weapon v] to [gun]\n\ndefine Go to gun\nmove (10) steps\nif <(direction) > [0]> then\n turn left (90) degrees\n move (8) steps\n turn right (90) degrees\nelse\n turn right (90) degrees\n move (8) steps\n turn left (90) degrees\nend\n\nwait (1) seconds\nset [bullet v] to [10]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(bullet) = [0]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n set [bullet v] to [10]\n end\nend\n\nwhen [1 v] key pressed\nset [weapon v] to [sword]\nswitch costume to (sword v)\nhide\n\nwhen [2 v] key pressed\nset [weapon v] to [gun]\nswitch costume to (gun v)\nshow\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nif <(bullet) < [10]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n set [bullet v] to [10]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (guy v)\n if <(WEAPON) = [gun]> then\n show\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(direction) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (gun v)\n else\n switch costume to (gun2 v)\n end\n end\n if <(WEAPON) = [sword]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n end\nend\n\n@Sword button\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(Level) = [10]> then\n forever\n if <([sword v] of [weapon v]) = [1]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Swing Sword v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (52) y: (-46)\nhide\n\nhide\n\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\n\nwhen [s v] key pressed\nif <([sword v] of [weapon v]) = [1]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n next costume\nend\n\ngo to (weapon v)\n\n@weaponnnn\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\n\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n go to x: (6) y: (77)\n show\n point in direction (60)\n forever\n if <touching (guy v)?> then\n broadcast (got gun v)\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Tips\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n show\n switch costume to (tips v)\n go to x: (-172) y: (-157)\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\nhide\n\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (reset trampoline v)\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (full tips v)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (3) seconds\nswitch costume to (tips v)\ngo to x: (-172) y: (-157)\n\n@Water\n\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nif <(Level) = [7]> then\n show\n switch costume to (l7.1 v)\n forever\n go to [back v] layer\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((5) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (150)) ))\n switch costume to (join [L7.] ((([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)) + (1)))\n end\nend\nif <<(Level) = [8]> or <<(Level) = [9]> or <<(Level) = [10]> or <<(Level) = [11]> or <(Level) = [12]>>>>> then\n show\n switch costume to (lava0 v)\n forever\n go to [back v] layer\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((5) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (150)) ))\n switch costume to (join [L8.] ((([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)) + (1)))\n end\nend\nif <(Level) = [13]> then\n show\n switch costume to (l13.1 v)\n forever\n go to [back v] layer\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((5) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (150)) ))\n switch costume to (join [L13.] ((([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)) + (1)))\n end\nend\nif <(Level) = [14]> then\n show\n switch costume to (l14.1 v)\n forever\n go to [back v] layer\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((5) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (150)) ))\n switch costume to (join [L14.] ((([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)) + (1)))\n end\nend\nhide\n\n
Move with WASD, or arrow keys. Use space, X, or M to swing your sword. Defeat all 5 enemies to beat the game! Defeat the 2 enemies at the end to complete the platformer. Avoid the skeleton's arrows and the zombies. There will be more coming soon!\n\n❤️ + ⭐ for a new skin!\nFollow me for more projects!\n\nPart 2: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/835714828/\n\n\n\nInspired by @kuri-pa-2\nEnemies by @kuri-pa-2\nScrolling Engine by @Animator180\nSome textures are from @TrentonTNT\n@TimMcCool for the love and favorite detector\n\nMusic by CaptainSparklez
Felix Tales (platformer)
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [I love you - OMG v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nend\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nshow\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (30) y: (-70)\nend\n\n@Cubey\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (bounce pads v)?> then\n set [y velocity v] to [13]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (60) %\nrepeat (7)\n change [ghost v] effect by (14)\n change size by (-3)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-185) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset size to (50) %\nswitch backdrop to (1 v)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\nset [x velocity v] to [0]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\nforever\n change [y velocity v] by (-0.5)\n if <<<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (.75)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (-.75)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [x velocity v] to ((X Velocity) * (0.9))\n change x by (X Velocity)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by ((X Velocity) * (-1))\n change x by (-.8)\n change y by (-5)\n change x by (.8)\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n if <(X Velocity) > [0]> then\n set [x velocity v] to [-2]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [2]\n end\n set [y velocity v] to [8]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (Y Velocity)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((Y Velocity) * (-1))\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y velocity v] to [8]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nforever\n if <touching (finish v)?> then\n if <(Level) < [30]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (next lvl v)\n set x to (-220)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [trail v] to [Yes]\nset size to (50) %\nforever\n if <(Trail) = [Yes]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nset [trail v] to [Yes]\n\nset [trail v] to [No]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (lava v)?> or <touching (spikes v)?>> then\n go to x: (-185) y: (-80)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [color v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [next lvl v]\ngo to x: (-185) y: (-80)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\n\n@Bounce Pads\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [color v] effect to (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next lvl v]\nswitch costume to (Level)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [21]> then\n broadcast (stop v)\n end\nend\n\n@Text\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [13]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [19]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n else\n go to [back v] layer\n end\n end\nend\n\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@LAVA\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next lvl v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (-5)\nend\n\nset [level v] to [20]\n\nforever\n wait (0.5) seconds\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (-5)\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Counter\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [digit v] to [0]\nrepeat (20)\n change [digit v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (200) %\nforever\n if <(Digit) > (length of (Score:))> then\n hide\n else\n if <not <<(Level) = [12]> or <<(Level) = [3]> or <<(Level) = [4]> or <<<<(Level) = [5]> or <(Level) = [8]>> or <(Level) = [15]>> or <(Level) = [11]>>>>>> then\n show\n switch costume to (letter (Digit) of (Score:))\n go to x: (((Digit) * (25)) - (25)) y: (-140)\n else\n show\n switch costume to (letter (Digit) of (Score:))\n go to x: (((Digit) * (25)) - (30)) y: (140)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nset [stop counter v] to [0]\nset [score: v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(STOP COUNTER) = [0]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n change [score: v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stop v]\nset [stop counter v] to [1]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@finish\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n go to x: (196) y: (-67)\n else\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (196) y: (80)\n else\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n go to x: (-209) y: (152)\n else\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n go to x: (196) y: (150)\n else\n if <(Level) = [17]> then\n go to x: (196) y: (100)\n else\n if <(Level) = [18]> then\n go to x: (-209) y: (108)\n else\n if <(Level) = [20]> then\n go to x: (196) y: (0)\n else\n if <(Level) = [21]> then\n go to x: (196) y: (-67)\n hide\n else\n go to x: (196) y: (-67)\n show\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@SPIKES\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (Level)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n
Welcome to world!\nArrows, wasd, or mobile to move.\nGet top loved or first page trending for a sequel :D\njoin my pfp trend https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/401765608/ XD
Grass 2 ~ a mobile platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstart sound [Music v]\n\n@player\n\ndefine engine\nif <(x position) > [220]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (go in v)\n go to x: (-200) y: (-139)\nend\nif <<<(y position) < [-170]> or <touching color (#ff0000)?>> or <touching (sprite2 v)?>> then\n broadcast (2 v)\n go to x: (-200) y: (-139)\n set [vx v] to [0]\n set [vy v] to [0]\nend\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n if <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n change [vx v] by (0.5)\n else\n change [vx v] by (1)\n end\nend\nif <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>>> then\n if <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n change [vx v] by (-0.5)\n else\n change [vx v] by (-1)\n end\nend\nset [vx v] to ((vx) * (0.84))\nchange x by (vx)\nif <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-5)\n change x by ((-1) * (vx))\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> and <not <(vx) = [0]>>> then\n set [m v] to [walljump]\n set [vy v] to [8]\n set [vx v] to (((vx) / ([abs v] of (vx) )) * (-10))\n else\n set [m v] to [wallslide]\n set [vx v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (2)\nend\nchange y by (-3)\nif <touching color (#000000)?> then\n if <(vy) = [-3]> then\n if <<<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>>> then\n set [m v] to [run]\n else\n if <([abs v] of (vx) ) > [.1]> then\n set [m v] to [slide]\n else\n set [m v] to [stand]\n end\n end\n end\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [m v] to [jump]\n set [vy v] to [9]\n end\nend\nif <<<<(m) = [jump]> or <(m) = [walljump]>> and <(vy) < [0]>> or <<<(m) = [run]> or <(m) = [slide]>> and <(vy) < [-3]>>> then\n set [m v] to [fall]\nend\nchange y by (3)\nif <(vy) > [-15]> then\n change [vy v] by (-0.5)\nend\nchange y by (-2)\nif <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange y by (2)\nchange y by (vy)\nif <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by ((-1) * (vy))\n set [vy v] to [-3]\n end\n change y by (2)\nend\nif <touching (water v)?> then\n change [vy v] by (-0.5)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n change [vy v] by (2)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [redinchoose v]\nset [color v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [blue v]\nset [color v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [darkblue v]\nset [color v] effect to (120)\n\nwhen I receive [darkgreen v]\nset [color v] effect to (70)\n\nwhen I receive [green v]\nset [color v] effect to (40)\n\nwhen I receive [orange v]\nset [color v] effect to (30)\n\nwhen I receive [red v]\nset [color v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [yellow v]\nset [color v] effect to (30)\n\nwhen I receive [blueinchoose v]\nset [color v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [orange v]\nset [color v] effect to (20)\n\nwhen I receive [darkblueinchoose v]\nset [color v] effect to (120)\n\nwhen I receive [darkgreeninchoose v]\nset [color v] effect to (70)\n\nwhen I receive [orangeinchoose v]\nset [color v] effect to (20)\n\nwhen I receive [yellowinchoose v]\nset [color v] effect to (30)\n\nwhen I receive [greeninchoose v]\nset [color v] effect to (40)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [done? v] to [0]\nshow\nset [vx v] to [0]\nset [vy v] to [0]\nif <not <(sellected?) = [1]>> then\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n go to x: (0) y: (75)\n set size to (400) %\n end\nend\nset size to (150) %\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-139)\nshow\nforever\n engine\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [to start v]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-139)\n\ndefine clones\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (150) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n turn right (15) degrees\n change size by (-10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (6)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-139)\n\nset [triefgh v] to [0]\n\n@color choose\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (-75) y: (-200)\nif <(whichcolor?) = [1]> then\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n repeat (25)\n change y by ((y position) / (-7))\n end\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (110) %\n broadcast (redinchoose v)\n end\n if <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (red v)\n set [done? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n hide\n go to x: (1000) y: (1000)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nif <(whichcolor?) = [2]> then\n set [color v] effect to (20)\n go to x: (-50) y: (-200)\n repeat (25)\n change y by ((y position) / (-7))\n end\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (110) %\n broadcast (orangeinchoose v)\n end\n if <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (orange v)\n set [done? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n hide\n go to x: (1000) y: (1000)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nif <(whichcolor?) = [3]> then\n set [color v] effect to (30)\n go to x: (-25) y: (-200)\n repeat (25)\n change y by ((y position) / (-7))\n end\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (110) %\n broadcast (yellowinchoose v)\n end\n if <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (yellow v)\n set [done? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n hide\n go to x: (1000) y: (1000)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nif <(whichcolor?) = [4]> then\n set [color v] effect to (40)\n go to x: (0) y: (-200)\n repeat (25)\n change y by ((y position) / (-7))\n end\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (110) %\n broadcast (greeninchoose v)\n end\n if <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (green v)\n set [done? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n hide\n go to x: (1000) y: (1000)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nif <(whichcolor?) = [5]> then\n set [color v] effect to (70)\n go to x: (25) y: (-200)\n repeat (25)\n change y by ((y position) / (-7))\n end\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (110) %\n broadcast (darkgreeninchoose v)\n end\n if <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (darkgreen v)\n set [done? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n hide\n go to x: (1000) y: (1000)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nif <(whichcolor?) = [6]> then\n set [color v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (50) y: (-200)\n repeat (25)\n change y by ((y position) / (-7))\n end\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (110) %\n broadcast (blueinchoose v)\n end\n if <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (blue v)\n set [done? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n hide\n go to x: (1000) y: (1000)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nif <(whichcolor?) = [7]> then\n set [color v] effect to (120)\n go to x: (75) y: (-200)\n repeat (25)\n change y by ((y position) / (-7))\n end\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (110) %\n broadcast (darkblueinchoose v)\n end\n if <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (darkblue v)\n set [done? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n hide\n go to x: (1000) y: (1000)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [whichcolor? v] to [0]\nhide\ngo to x: (1000) y: (1000)\nif <not <(sellected?) = [1]>> then\n repeat (7)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [whichcolor? v] by (1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n change [sellected? v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <(done?) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [sellected? v] to [0]\n\n@level\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [done? v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset size to (100) %\nrepeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n switch costume to (8 v)\nend\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to ((level) + (1))\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (restart v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [done? v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nswitch costume to (8 v)\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (kostüm2 v)\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (thumbnail v)\nforever\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (thumbnail v)\n go to [front v] layer\n if <<(username) = [dn_scrtch]> and <<key (x v) pressed?> and <not <(level) > [12]>>>> then\n set [level v] to ((level) + (1))\n wait until <not <key (x v) pressed?>>\n set [vx v] to [0]\n set [vy v] to [0]\n broadcast (restart v)\n broadcast (go in v)\n end\nend\n\n@outro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nhide\nwait until <(level) = [12]>\nstop all sounds\nshow\nstart sound [Zaza - Be Together v]\nset volume to (100) %\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (n v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (d v)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (-180) y: (0)\nrepeat (9)\n change x by ((5) - ((x position) * (0.2)))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n wait (0.03) seconds\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (logo v)\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change y by ((5) - ((y position) * (0.2)))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n wait (0.03) seconds\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (luv fav fuloe v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (logo v)\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n set size to ((100) + ((10) * ([cos v] of (((timer) - (1)) * (200)) ))) %\n point in direction ((90) + ((15) * ([cos v] of (((timer) - (2)) * (275)) )))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [name v]) = [n]> then\n switch costume to (n v)\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (180) y: (0)\n repeat (9)\n change x by ((-5) - ((x position) * (0.2)))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n end\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-50)\n repeat (10)\n change y by ((5) - ((y position) * (0.2)))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n forever\n set size to ((75) + ((10) * ([cos v] of (((timer) - (1)) * (200)) ))) %\n point in direction ((90) + ((15) * ([cos v] of (((timer) - (2)) * (275)) )))\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\ndefine engine\nif <<touching (player v)?> and <(x position) > ([x position v] of [player v])>> then\n change [xv1 v] by (1)\nend\nif <<touching (player v)?> and <([x position v] of [player v]) > (x position)>> then\n change [xv1 v] by (-1)\nend\nset [xv1 v] to ((xv1) * (0.9))\nchange x by (xv1)\nif <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-5)\n change x by ((-1) * (xv1))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (2)\nend\nchange y by (-3)\nchange y by (3)\nif <(yv1) > [-15]> then\n change [yv1 v] by (-0.5)\nend\nchange y by (-2)\nif <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange y by (2)\nchange y by (yv1)\nif <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by ((-1) * (yv1))\n set [yv1 v] to [-3]\n end\n change y by (2)\nend\nif <touching color (#ffb236)?> then\n set [yv1 v] to [15]\n start sound [Jump v]\nend\nif <touching color (#36b3ff)?> then\n set [xv1 v] to [35]\nend\nif <touching color (#e236ff)?> then\n set [xv1 v] to [-35]\nend\nif <touching color (#c3ff36)?> then\n set [yv1 v] to [-15]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [done? v] to [0]\nset [xv1 v] to [0]\nset [yv1 v] to [0]\nif <not <(sellected?) = [1]>> then\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n go to x: (0) y: (75)\n set size to (400) %\n end\nend\nbroadcast (go in v)\nset size to (150) %\nshow\nforever\n engine\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go in v]\nshow\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n go to x: (100) y: (-140)\nend\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (-100) y: (-140)\nend\nif <(level) = [3]> then\n go to x: (-100) y: (-140)\nend\nif <(level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (-100) y: (-140)\nend\nif <(level) = [5]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (100)\nend\nif <(level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (100) y: (100)\nend\nif <(level) = [7]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [8]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\nif <(level) = [10]> then\n go to x: (-75) y: (0)\nend\nif <(level) = [11]> then\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(level) = [12]> then\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nshow\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n go to x: (100) y: (-140)\nend\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (-100) y: (-140)\nend\nif <(level) = [3]> then\n go to x: (-100) y: (-140)\nend\nif <(level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (-100) y: (-140)\nend\nif <(level) = [5]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (100)\nend\nif <(level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (100) y: (100)\nend\nif <(level) = [7]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [8]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\nif <(level) = [10]> then\n go to x: (-75) y: (0)\nend\nif <(level) = [11]> then\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(level) = [12]> then\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\ndefine laser (x) (y) (dir)\nerase all\nset pen size to (15)\nset pen color to (#ff0000)\npen up\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npoint in direction (dir)\npen down\nrepeat until \n move (7) steps\n if <touching (sprite3 v)?> then\n turn right (-90) degrees\n end\nend\npen up\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npoint in direction (dir)\npen down\nset pen size to (5)\nset pen color to (#ffffff)\nrepeat until \n move (7) steps\n if <touching (sprite3 v)?> then\n turn right (-90) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nif <not <(sellected?) = [1]>> then\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\nend\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n erase all\n go to x: (10000) y: (1000)\n else\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n erase all\n go to x: (10000) y: (1000)\n else\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n laser [175] [-141] [-90]\n else\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n laser [230] [-141] [-90]\n else\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n set [do v] to ((-75) + ((15) * ([cos v] of (((timer) - (2)) * (25)) )))\n laser [230] [-141] (do)\n else\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n laser [230] [-160] [-90]\n else\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n set [do v] to ((85) + ((5) * ([cos v] of (((timer) - (2)) * (50)) )))\n laser [230] (do) ((do) + (180))\n else\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n laser [100] [175] [-180]\n else\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n set [do v] to ((180) + ((15) * ([cos v] of (((timer) - (2)) * (25)) )))\n laser [0] [175] (do)\n else\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n laser [0] [-175] [0]\n else\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n laser [230] [-40] [-90]\n else\n erase all\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (99)\nerase all\n\n@Sprite3\n\ndefine engine\nif <<touching (player v)?> and <(x position) > ([x position v] of [player v])>> then\n change [xv2 v] by (1)\nend\nif <<touching (player v)?> and <([x position v] of [player v]) > (x position)>> then\n change [xv2 v] by (-1)\nend\nset [xv2 v] to ((xv2) * (0.9))\nchange x by (xv2)\nif <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-5)\n change x by ((-1) * (xv2))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (2)\nend\nchange y by (-3)\nchange y by (3)\nif <(yv2) > [-15]> then\n change [yv2 v] by (-0.5)\nend\nchange y by (-2)\nif <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange y by (2)\nchange y by (yv2)\nif <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by ((-1) * (yv2))\n set [yv2 v] to [-3]\n end\n change y by (2)\nend\nif <touching color (#ffb236)?> then\n set [yv2 v] to [15]\n start sound [Jump v]\nend\nif <touching color (#36b3ff)?> then\n set [xv2 v] to [35]\nend\nif <touching color (#e236ff)?> then\n set [xv2 v] to [-35]\nend\nif <touching color (#c3ff36)?> then\n set [yv2 v] to [-15]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [done? v] to [0]\nset [xv2 v] to [0]\nset [yv2 v] to [0]\nif <not <(sellected?) = [1]>> then\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n go to x: (0) y: (75)\n set size to (400) %\n end\nend\nset size to (150) %\n\nengine\n\nwhen I receive [go in v]\nshow\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [3]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [4]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [5]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [6]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [7]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [8]> then\n go to x: (35) y: (0)\n forever\n engine\n if <not <(level) = [8]>> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(level) = [9]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [10]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [11]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [12]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nshow\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [3]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [4]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [5]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [6]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [7]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [8]> then\n go to x: (35) y: (0)\n forever\n engine\n if <not <(level) = [8]>> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(level) = [9]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [10]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [11]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [12]> then\n hide\nend\n\n@Intro2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [mouse v] to [0]\nset volume to (100) %\nshow\nset [brightness v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (logo v)\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (100) %\nstart sound [Don'tLetMeDown v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (180)\nset [y v] to [0.1]\nrepeat (16)\n set [y v] to ((Y) * (1.5))\n change y by (join [-] (Y))\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change x by (((-25) - (x position)) / (3))\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change x by (((25) - (x position)) / (3))\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (3))\nend\nwait (0.7) seconds\nset size to (100000) %\nrepeat (20)\n set [bounce v] to (((Bounce) * (0.7)) + (((100) - (size)) / (1.5)))\n change size by (Bounce)\nend\nwait (.5) seconds\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat (10)\n turn right (((-90) - (direction)) / (3)) degrees\nend\nrepeat (15)\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (3)) degrees\nend\nwait (.9) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change x by (((-100) - (x position)) / (4))\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change x by (((100) - (x position)) / (4))\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (4))\nend\nwait (.2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (((65) - (y position)) / (4))\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (4))\nend\nwait (1.2) seconds\nset size to (100000) %\nrepeat (20)\n set [bounce v] to (((Bounce) * (0.7)) + (((100) - (size)) / (1.5)))\n change size by (Bounce)\nend\nrepeat (15)\n hide\n switch costume to (trans. v)\n go to x: (450) y: (0)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.0001) seconds\nend\nbroadcast (start v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n show\n change [brightness v] by (6.66666667)\n change [brightness v] effect by (Brightness)\n repeat (50)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (8))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat until <(Mouse) = [1]>\n if <mouse down?> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n repeat (15)\n hide\n switch costume to (trans. v)\n go to x: (450) y: (0)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change volume by (-10)\n wait (0.0001) seconds\n end\n stop all sounds\n set volume to (100) %\n broadcast (start v)\n set [mouse v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch costume to (small v)\ngo to x: (450) y: (100000)\nset [mouse v] to [1]\n\n@water\n\nwhen I receive [go in v]\nshow\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [3]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [4]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [5]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [6]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [7]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [8]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [9]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [10]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [11]> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (20)\n hide\n set [nr v] to [0]\n repeat (3)\n change [nr v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\nif <(level) = [12]> then\n hide\nend\n\ndefine water engine\nset [ghost v] effect to (60)\nset y to (([sin v] of (((timer) + ((nr) * (2))) * (300)) ) * (5))\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (11 v)\n water engine\n go to [back v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nset size to (150) %\ngo to x: (-170) y: (150)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (restart v)\n end\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (70)\n end\nend\n\n
LEGO Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [書く v]\nswitch backdrop to (背景2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [上行ってー v]\nswitch backdrop to (背景1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nswitch backdrop to (背景1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [ずっと鳴らして v]\nset volume to (5) %\nforever\n play sound [my-song-16 v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (選択 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [time: v]\n\n@プレイヤー\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nbroadcast (スタート v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by (-1.5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [書く v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset volume to (10) %\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (30) %\nwait (0.01) seconds\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nshow\nforever\n if <<<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> or <<(mouse x) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [x v] by (-0.5)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> or <<(x position) < (mouse x)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [x v] by (0.5)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<(ステージ) = [1]> and <touching color (#9bff59)?>> then\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.92))\n else\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.88))\n end\n change x by (x)\n if <touching color (#9bff59)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#9bff59)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#9bff59)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#9bff59)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#9bff59)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#9bff59)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#9bff59)?> then\n change x by ((0) - (x))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> or <<[0] < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <[0] < (x)> then\n set [x v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x v] to [5]\n end\n set [y v] to [12]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (y)\n if <touching color (#9fff58)?> then\n change y by ((0) - (y))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <<<<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> or <<[0] < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>>> and <touching color (#9bff59)?>> then\n start sound [jump-cute1 v]\n set [y v] to [12]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<(y position) < [-175]> or <touching color (#ff5858)?>> then\n if <(クリあ) = [0]> then\n start sound [Teleport2 v]\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (5)\n end\n hide\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n show\n end\n end\n if <[239] < (x position)> then\n if <not <(ステージ) = [2]>> then\n hide\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n show\n broadcast (次 v)\n broadcast (ステージこうしん v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <touching (ばね v)?> then\n start sound [jump-anime1 v]\n set [y v] to [22.5]\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (選択 v)\n\nwhen I receive [クリア v]\nset [クリあ v] to [1]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [クリあ v] to [0]\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen I receive [次 v]\nnext costume\nif <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n broadcast (クリア v)\n start sound [Cheer v]\n if <(language::translate) = [日本語]> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム6 v)\n else\n switch costume to (コスチューム11 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n\n@スプライト2\n\nwhen I receive [次 v]\nset [今数 v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [クローン v] to [0]\nerase all\nhide\nset [今数 v] to [0]\nset [全体 v] to [155]\n\ndefine 描画\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nbroadcast (消えて v)\nrepeat (([floor v] of (((全体) - (今数)) / (5)) ) + (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [書く v]\nforever\n 描画\nend\n\nwhen I receive [上行ってー v]\nif <(クローン) = [はい]> then\n delete this clone\nelse\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n broadcast (消えろ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [クローン v] to [はい]\n\nwhen I receive [消えて v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [書く v]\nforever\n set [color v] effect to ((0) - ((今数) / (3)))\n if <(全体) = (今数)> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [消えろ v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@スプライト3\n\ndefine タップ\nwait until <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\nwait until <not <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [クローン v] to [はい]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n forever\n タップ\n start sound [ポップ v]\n erase all\n set [今数 v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nif <(クローン) = [はい]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (80)\n repeat (8)\n change y by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [上行ってー v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [1回目? v] to [はい]\nset [クローン v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n set [いま v] to [プレイ中]\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n タップ\n start sound [ポップ v]\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat (6)\n change y by (10)\n end\n hide\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (コスチューム5 v)\n show\n repeat (6)\n change y by (-10)\n end\n broadcast (書く v)\n set [いま v] to [編集中]\n switch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (コスチューム6 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n タップ\n start sound [ポップ v]\n broadcast (上行ってー v)\n switch costume to (コスチューム5 v)\n repeat (6)\n change y by (10)\n end\n hide\n wait (0.5) seconds\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (60)\n show\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n repeat (6)\n change y by (-10)\n end\n broadcast (スタート v)\nend\n\n@スプライト4\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nhide\nif <(難易度) = [1]> then\n set [減る量 v] to [1]\nend\nif <(難易度) = [2]> then\n set [減る量 v] to [4]\nend\nif <(難易度) = [3]> then\n set [減る量 v] to [10]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [書く v]\nforever\n hide\n wait until <mouse down?>\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n show\n if <touching (スプライト3 v)?> then\n pen up\n else\n if <(今数) > ((全体) - (1))> then\n pen up\n else\n pen down\n change [今数 v] by (減る量)\n end\n end\n repeat until <not <mouse down?>>\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n if <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) > [10]> then\n move (10) steps\n if <touching (スプライト3 v)?> then\n pen up\n else\n if <(今数) > ((全体) - (1))> then\n pen up\n broadcast (もう無理よ v)\n else\n pen down\n change [今数 v] by (減る量)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n pen up\nend\n\nwhen I receive [上行ってー v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [次 v]\nerase all\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset pen color to (#9eff59)\nset pen size to (10)\n\nwhen I receive [選択 v]\nerase all\n\n@スプライト5\n\ndefine クローン\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1! v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nrepeat (3)\n go to [front v] layer\n next costume\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by (-50)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif < (costume [name v]) contains [b]?> then\n if <(language::translate) = [日本語]> then\n wait until <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n wait until <not <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>\n start sound [ポップ v]\n set [難易度 v] to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n broadcast (Kaisi v)\n broadcast (スタート v)\n broadcast (ずっと鳴らして v)\nend\nif < (costume [name v]) contains [!]?> then\n if <(language::translate) = [日本語]> then\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [選択 v]\nクローン\n\nbroadcast (次 v)\n\nwhen I receive [kaisi v]\nshow variable [time: v]\nreset timer\nforever\n set [タイム v] to ([floor v] of (timer) )\n repeat until <(length of (タイム)) = [4]>\n set [タイム v] to (join [ ] (タイム))\n end\n set [time: v] to (タイム)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [クリア v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@スプライト7\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@スプライト8\n\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [書く v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [上行ってー v]\nhide\n\n@スプライト6\n\nwhen I receive [次 v]\nnext costume\n\nstamp\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@紙吹雪・改\n\ndefine 紙吹雪 (大きさ)\nset [color v] effect to (pick random (0) to (199))\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (5) to ((125) - (大きさ)))\ngo to x: (pick random (-240) to (240)) y: (180)\nrepeat until <(y position) < [-179]>\n change x by (pick random ((大きさ) / (-30)) to ((大きさ) / (30)))\n change y by (pick random ((大きさ) / (30)) to ((大きさ) / (-5)))\n turn right (pick random (-30) to (30)) degrees\n set size to (pick random ((大きさ) - (30)) to ((大きさ) + (30))) %\n change [ghost v] effect by (pick random (1) to (-1))\n set [brightness v] effect to (pick random ((大きさ) / (-2)) to ((大きさ) / (3)))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\n紙吹雪 ((pick random (50) to (100)) - (pick random (0) to (15)))\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [クリア v]\nhide\nrepeat (100)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n
Huge thanks to @Tails-spin01 and @Stormshadow72 for recommending the game to be featured on the forums! I'm really thankful for your support. Make sure to check out their profiles if you want! :D\n\nPRESS R TO RESTART IF A GLITCH HAPPENS!\nThink the game is too hard? Try tail-spinning in the air and fly around.\n\nZ or Space to tailspin to interact with gameplay-elements like palmtrees, watering-cans, soda bottles and more! Be creative and experiment! :D\nControls in game. Though I'd like to add that you can do a double jump while tail-gliding with Felix, and you can run faster by holding the X-button and moving. R to restart.\n\nChicken Little has kidnapped the eggs. Felix the Fox, along with his new friend Robin the Rabbit, needs to go out and save them!
MR.Stick Man Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>>> then\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n change [x v] by (0.75)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>>> then\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n point in direction (-90)\n change [x v] by (-0.75)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (-221) y: (-114)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n clear graphic effects\nend\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\ngo to x: (-221) y: (-114)\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [message2 v]\ngo to x: (-221) y: (-114)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nshow\nset [level v] to [1]\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n change [y v] by (-0.5)\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (-6)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n else\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-0.5)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n end\n change y by (0.5)\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n go to x: (-221) y: (-114)\n broadcast (message1 v)\n end\n if <(y position) < [-175]> then\n go to x: (-221) y: (-114)\n end\n if <touching (kah-nee-fay2 v)?> then\n go to x: (-221) y: (-114)\n end\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Kah-nee-fay2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nhide\n\n@Music\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset volume to (50) %\nstart sound [mariah-carey-all-i-want-for-christmas-is-you-official-music-video-youtubemp3free v]\nforever\n if <key (m v) pressed?> then\n clear sound effects\n stop all sounds\n end\n if <key (u v) pressed?> then\n start sound [mariah-carey-all-i-want-for-christmas-is-you-official-music-video-youtubemp3free v]\n end\nend\n\n@Skip and Restart\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (message1 v)\n wait (.5) seconds\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (message2 v)\n wait (.5) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@Particles\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (pick random (-300) to (240)) y: (300)\nset size to (pick random (1) to (5)) %\nrepeat until <<touching (ground v)?> or <(y position) < [-150]>>\n change y by (-5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@Story Intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nnext costume\nwait (2) seconds\nnext costume\nwait (2) seconds\nnext costume\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (back v)\nset size to (0) %\nstart sound [brrrr \(Its cold\) v]\nrepeat (20)\n change size by (((90) - (size)) / (4))\n go [backward v] (1) layers\nend\nwait (1) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (logo2 v)\nstart sound [Spectre2 v]\npoint in direction (90)\nset [size vel v] to [0]\nset size to (50) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat (58)\n set [size vel v] to (((size vel) * (0.8)) + (((40) - (size)) * (0.2)))\n change size by ((size vel) + (50))\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nrepeat (50)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nset [x v] to [0]\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change x by (X)\n change [x v] by (1)\n turn right (15) degrees\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nbroadcast (Intro v)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (1.8) seconds\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (fully v)\n\n@TB2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@YEET\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nhide\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-30)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [14]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [15]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [19]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [20]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\n
[][] Fungi [][] A Platformer #Capt_Boanerges #Games #Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop11 v)\nhide variable [dragon: v]\nhide variable [mud drops: v]\n\n@lvl\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop11 v)\n\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nbroadcast (show v) and wait\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I receive [go to background 3 v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [go to back ground 7 v]\nshow\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop7 v)\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [get out v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [go to background 4 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop4 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [go to 5 v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop5 v)\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [go to 6 v]\nswitch costume to (costume5-2 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 8 v]\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop8 v)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 9 v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop9 v)\nswitch costume to (costume8 v)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 10 v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop10 v)\nswitch costume to (costume9 v)\n\nwhen I receive [the game is on v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [burning... v]\nswitch costume to (costume5-2 v)\nbroadcast (good burn v)\nwait (0.7) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume5-3 v)\nwait (0.7) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume5-4 v)\nwait (0.7) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume5-5 v)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 11 v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop12 v)\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Wings of Fire - The Dragonets are Coming! \(Pyrrhia Bar Song\) v] until done\nend\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (-208) y: (-111)\nset [x velocity v] to [0]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\nforever\n platform gravity: [-1] jump height: [15] side movement speed: [3] friction: [.7] slope: [8]\nend\n\nshow\n\ndefine platform gravity: (gravity) jump height: (jump height) side movement speed: (side movement speed) friction: (friction) slope: (slope)\nchange [y velocity v] by (gravity)\nchange y by (y velocity)\nif <touching (lvl v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (lvl v)?>>\n change y by ((([abs v] of (y velocity) ) / (y velocity)) * (-1))\n end\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [y velocity v] to (jump height)\n end\nend\nset [x velocity v] to (((x velocity) + ((<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> * ((side movement speed) * (-1))) + (<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> * (side movement speed)))) * (friction))\nchange x by (x velocity)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(slope) = ((slope) * (-1))> or <not <touching (lvl v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (-1)\nend\nif <touching (lvl v)?> then\n change y by (slope)\n repeat until <not <touching (lvl v)?>>\n change x by ((([abs v] of (x velocity) ) / (x velocity)) * (-1))\n end\nend\n\n\n\nchange y by (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [go to background 3 v]\ngo to x: (-199) y: (25)\n\ngo to x: (130) y: (15)\n\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [dragon: v] to [Clay]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\nrepeat until <<key (6 v) pressed?> or <<key (2 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or <<key (4 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>>\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go to back ground 7 v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\ngo to x: (-211) y: (57)\n\nwait (0.2) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\n\nwhen [4 v] key pressed\nset [dragon: v] to [Glory]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume41 v)\nrepeat until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or <<key (2 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or <<key (6 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>>\n if <key (z v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume421 v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume421 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume42 v)\n end\n else\n switch costume to (costume41 v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume41 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen [3 v] key pressed\nset [dragon: v] to [Sunny]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume31 v)\nrepeat until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or <<key (2 v) pressed?> or <<key (6 v) pressed?> or <<key (4 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>>\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume31 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\n if <key (z v) pressed?> then\n set size to (150) %\n else\n set size to (250) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen [2 v] key pressed\nset [dragon: v] to [Tsunami]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume21 v)\nrepeat until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or <<key (6 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or <<key (4 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>>\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume21 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [1 v] key pressed\nset [dragon: v] to [Clay]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\nrepeat until <<key (6 v) pressed?> or <<key (2 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or <<key (4 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>>\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [5 v] key pressed\nset [dragon: v] to [Starflight]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume51 v)\nrepeat until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or <<key (2 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or <<key (4 v) pressed?> or <key (6 v) pressed?>>>>>\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume51 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n end\nend\n\nswitch costume to (costume31 v)\n\n\n switch costume to (costume42 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (sprite5 v)?> and <<(dragon:) = [Sunny]> or <<(dragon:) = [Starflight]> or <<(dragon:) = [Tsunami]> or <<(dragon:) = [Peril]> or <(dragon:) = [Glory]>>>>>> then\n go to x: (-210) y: (-104)\n say [AAAH! TO HOT!] for (0.2) seconds\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (go to background 4 v)\n\n\n\ngo to x: (-185) y: (96)\n\nwhen I receive [get out v]\ngo to x: (-211) y: (-108)\n\nbroadcast (go to back ground 7 v)\n\nforever\n if <touching color (#60cfff)?> then\n broadcast (go to background 4 v)\n go to x: (-211) y: (-108)\n end\nend\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nforever\n if <touching color (#00b3ff)?> then\n broadcast (message1 v)\n end\nend\n\nforever\n if <touching color (#43c7ff)?> then\n broadcast (go to background 3 v)\n go to x: (-199) y: (25)\n end\nend\n\ngo to x: (-183) y: (-106)\ngo to x: (-199) y: (25)\n\nforever\n if <touching (sprite5 v)?> then\n go to x: (-130) y: (54)\n end\nend\n\ngo to x: (-214) y: (-104)\n\nwhen I receive [go to background 4 v]\ngo to x: (-199) y: (25)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 5 v]\ngo to x: (-211) y: (-108)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 6 v]\ngo to x: (-211) y: (-108)\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\ngo to x: (-186) y: (-89)\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [go to 8 v]\ngo to x: (-206) y: (-66)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (sprite7 v)?> and <<(dragon:) = [Sunny]> or <<(dragon:) = [Starflight]> or <<(dragon:) = [Clay]> or <<(dragon:) = [Peril]> or <(dragon:) = [Glory]>>>>>> then\n go to x: (-210) y: (-104)\n say [Wow, to cold for me!] for (0.7) seconds\n end\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [go to 9 v]\ngo to x: (-234) y: (-101)\n\nwhen I receive [i found u v]\ngo to x: (-234) y: (-101)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 10 v]\ngo to x: (-234) y: (-101)\n\nwhen I receive [the game is on v]\nshow\n\nwhen [6 v] key pressed\nset [dragon: v] to [Peril]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\nrepeat until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or >\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume61 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go to 11 v]\ngo to x: (-197) y: (-81)\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (get out v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nsay [Hello!] for (2) seconds\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to background 3 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to background 4 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to 5 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to 6 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to back ground 7 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to 8 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to 9 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to 10 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to 11 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\n\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\n\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\n\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nhide\n\nrepeat until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or <<key (2 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or <<key (4 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>>\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nhide\n\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nhide\n\nshow\n\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n forever\n wait (5) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [mud drops: v] to [0]\nhide\nforever\n change y by (10)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n change y by (-10)\n wait (0.3) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\ngo to x: (92) y: (-100)\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [mud drops: v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\ngo to x: (-12) y: (-85)\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [mud drops: v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\ngo to x: (29) y: (-112)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [mud drops: v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\ngo to x: (185) y: (-100)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [mud drops: v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\ngo to x: (15) y: (50)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [mud drops: v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\ngo to x: (176) y: (20)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [mud drops: v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\ngo to x: (171) y: (-18)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [mud drops: v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [go to 5 v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nforever\n if <(dragon:) = [Starflight]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\n\nhide\n\n@Sprite7\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\n\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nwait (0.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [water v]\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\n@ice dragons\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n broadcast (I FOUND U v)\n say [I SEE YOU! GET BACK THERE!] for (0.4) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite8\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\n\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@Sprite9\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nshow\n\n@Sprite10\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\nif <(Mud drops:) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nhide\n\nforever\n\n@Sprite11\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-238) y: (-55)\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (the game is on v)\nshow variable [dragon: v]\nshow variable [mud drops: v]\n\n@Sprite12\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nshow\nforever\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <(dragon:) = [Peril]>> then\n broadcast (burning... v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [good burn v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite13\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (water v)\n hide\n end\nend\n\n
escape! 6 (a platformer)
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Vexento - Devotion v] until done\nend\n\n@TB\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.1)\nshow\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-75)\nclear graphic effects\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n change [y v] by (-1)\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.85))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching color (#cccccc)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#cccccc)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#cccccc)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#cccccc)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#cccccc)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#cccccc)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#cccccc)?> then\n change y by (-6)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <touching color (#cccccc)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching color (#cccccc)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n set [y v] to [13]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#ff6666)?> and <not <touching (lf v)?>>> or <(y position) < [-175]>> then\n death animation\n go to x: (-200) y: (-115)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n if <(x position) > [240]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n go to x: (-210) y: (-115)\n end\n if <touching color (#ffc366)?> then\n set [y v] to [17]\n end\n if <<touching color (#b2dcff)?> and <not <touching (shadows v)?>>> then\n set [y v] to ((y) / (2))\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [y v] by (5)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine death animation\nrepeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (6.7)\nend\nwait (0.35) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nif <[] = [xamuil2]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n go to x: (-210) y: (-115)\nend\n\n@LEVEL\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\n@LF\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [thing v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [25]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n set y to (([sin v] of (thing) ) * (3))\n change [thing v] by (10)\nend\n\n@Cloud\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (pick random (7) to (10)) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (6))\nset size to (pick random (100) to (120)) %\ngo to x: (300) y: (pick random (160) to (70))\nshow\nforever\n change x by (-0.5)\n if <(x position) < [-260]> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (.1) seconds\nforever\n set size to ((size) + (10)) %\n repeat (15)\n change size by (-0.67)\n end\nend\n\n@SHADOWS\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (25)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\nhide\n\n
3Dっぽいプラットフォーマーです。 \n\nthis is a 3D-like game.\n流行入りしました!\n※モバイルには対応していません\n Mobile not supported\n\npress the green flag twice\n旗2回押してください\nHow to play...Move with arrow keys\n使い方...矢印キーで動かす。\nplatformer第8弾!!!\n♡と✰ください!!!♡と✰ください!!!♡と✰ください!!!♡と✰ください!!!♡と✰ください!!!♡と✰ください!!!♡と✰ください!!!\n※バグがあるかもしれません。\n
minecraft platformer マインクラフトプラットフォーマー
@Stage\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\n\nswitch costume to (b v)\n\nwhen I receive [begin flag v]\nswitch costume to (nugget v)\n\nwhen I receive [begin flag v]\nforever\n show\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (SCENE)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin flag v]\nset [scene v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (nugget v)\n\nwhen I receive [begin flag v]\nforever\n if <(SCENE) = [16]> then\n broadcast (Won v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Sunset - Theme song v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Sunset - Leaves v] until done\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nbroadcast (Reset v)\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nset [x velocity v] to [0]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-216) y: (40)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\ngo to x: (-187) y: (-41)\n\nchange [scene v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [begin flag v]\nbroadcast (begin v)\n\nwhen I receive [begin flag v]\ngo to x: (-187) y: (-41)\nshow\nswitch costume to (blue v)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n switch costume to ([costume name v] of [thanks v])\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [x velocity v] by (-1.5)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [x velocity v] by (1.5)\n end\n set [x velocity v] to ((X Velocity) * (0.85))\n change x by (X Velocity)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((X Velocity) * (-1))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(X Velocity) > [0]> then\n set [x velocity v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [10]\n end\n set [y velocity v] to [15]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change [y velocity v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y Velocity)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((Y Velocity) - ((Y Velocity) * (2)))\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [y velocity v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(x position) > [239]> then\n broadcast (Next Level v) and wait\n change [scene v] by (1)\n end\n if <touching (spikes2 v)?> then\n broadcast (yell v)\n broadcast (Screen Shake v)\n broadcast (Reset v)\n else\n if <touching (spikes2 v)?> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n end\n if <touching (spikes2 v)?> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin flag v]\nbroadcast (chickennugget v)\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [school v] to [1]\nshow\nforever\n if <(school) = [1]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n point in direction ((90) + (([cos v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (1)))\n go to x: (0) y: ((90) + (([cos v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (5)))\n wait (0.1) seconds\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nwait (0.1) seconds\nbroadcast (play v)\n\nwhen I receive [begin flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (begin flag v)\nbroadcast (Start v)\nbroadcast (yessir v)\nbroadcast (広告 v)\nbroadcast (play v)\n\n@Trail\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to (player v)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset size to (100) %\nrepeat (20)\n change [brightness v] effect by (1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by (-2.5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nforever\n change [color v] effect by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n create clone of (trail v)\n wait (0) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\nend\n\n@Cloud\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nrepeat (pick random (1) to (4))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set size to (pick random (40) to (70)) %\n go to [back v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (5) to (50))\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n show\n go to x: (-200) y: (pick random (20) to (180))\n repeat (160)\n change x by (2.5)\n end\n hide\n wait (pick random (2) to (6)) seconds\n end\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (220) y: (pick random (20) to (180))\n repeat (160)\n change x by (-3.5)\n end\n hide\n wait (pick random (2) to (5)) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@Cloud2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nrepeat (pick random (1) to (4))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set size to (pick random (40) to (70)) %\n go to [back v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (5) to (50))\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n show\n go to x: (-200) y: (pick random (20) to (180))\n repeat (160)\n change x by (2.5)\n end\n hide\n wait (pick random (2) to (6)) seconds\n end\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (220) y: (pick random (20) to (180))\n repeat (160)\n change x by (-3.5)\n end\n hide\n wait (pick random (2) to (5)) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@Spikes2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nbroadcast (OH YES v)\n\nwhen I receive [begin flag v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (SCENE)\nend\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [school v] to [1]\nshow\nforever\n if <(school) = [1]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n point in direction ((90) + (([cos v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (1)))\n go to x: (0) y: ((90) + (([cos v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (5)))\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\n@Like, Star, Follow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [広告 v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (152) y: (250)\nswitch costume to (ぐれー v)\nset size to (40) %\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nstart sound [ポップ v]\nrepeat (30)\n change y by (((145) - (y position)) / (4))\nend\nrepeat (3)\n next costume\n wait (0.75) seconds\nend\nrepeat (30)\n change y by (((220) - (y position)) / (4))\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (66) y: (92)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (マウス v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (45) %\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (((115) - (x position)) / (4))\n change y by (((140) - (y position)) / (4))\nend\nwait (0.05) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (((156) - (x position)) / (4))\nend\nwait (0.05) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (((195) - (x position)) / (4))\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (((195) - (x position)) / (4))\nend\nwait (0.05) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (((229) - (x position)) / (4))\n change y by (((95) - (y position)) / (4))\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [音◯ v]\nrepeat (20)\n change volume by (-5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [音 v]\nrepeat (20)\n change volume by (5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [広告 v]\nwait (1) seconds\nplay sound [Click v] until done\nwait (.5) seconds\nplay sound [Click v] until done\nwait (.5) seconds\nplay sound [Click v] until done\n\nrepeat (10)\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\] over v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\n@Controls\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (2) y: (43)\nwait (2.8) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n@bg\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (SCENE)\nend\n\n@fin\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [fin v] to [no]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [won v]\nset [fin v] to [yes]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\n@Particle\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (pick random (0) to (3))\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (20) to (100))\nset [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-3) to (3))\ngo to x: (pick random (-240) to (240)) y: (180)\nforever\n change [ghost v] effect by ((pick random (-1) to (1)) * (2))\n change [brightness v] effect by ((pick random (-1) to (1)) * (2))\n change y by (((2) + (costume [number v])) * ((costume [number v]) * (-1)))\n if <(y position) < [-178]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nchange [ghost v] effect by ((pick random (-1) to (1)) * (2))\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\n@stars\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(pick random (1) to (4)) = [1]> then\n set [v v] to (pick random (5.0) to (7.0))\nelse\n set [v v] to (pick random (0.6) to (2.0))\nend\nrepeat until <(y position) > [179]>\n change y by (v)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (30) to (80))\nswitch costume to (resize v)\nset size to (pick random (40) to (100)) %\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (2))\nforever\n if <(pick random (1) to (0)) = [1]> then\n wait (pick random (12) to (5)) seconds\n else\n wait (pick random (0.1) to (0.3)) seconds\n end\n repeat (3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [yessir v]\nforever\n go to x: (pick random (-240) to (240)) y: (-180)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (yessir v)\n\n@Leaves\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (10) to (20))\nforever\n set [rotate v] to (pick random (-50) to (50))\n set [rotatenum v] to (pick random (3) to (10))\n repeat (Rotatenum)\n turn right ((Rotate) / (Rotatenum)) degrees\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\n wait (0.2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (pick random (50) to (125)) %\nshow\nset y to (165)\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change y by (() - (Speed))\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (pick random (-500) to (500)) y: (160)\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\n wait (0.2) seconds\n set [speed v] to (pick random (1) to (3))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\nend\n\nif <(x position) > [147]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [leaf left v]\nchange x by (-5)\n\nwhen I receive [leaf right v]\nchange x by (5)\n\n@Love and fave reminder2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (2.5) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nwait (12) seconds\nforever\n if <(Actions \(love/fave\)) < [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (-96) y: (126)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (11)\n change y by (-6)\n end\n repeat (7)\n change y by (3)\n end\n repeat (6)\n change y by (-2)\n end\n wait until <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>\n repeat (17)\n change y by (7)\n end\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n
idk this is random dumb game idk lol
Minimalistic - Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ndelete all of [items v]\nadd (join (join [Mouse: \(] ((*SCROLL X) + (mouse x))) (join [, ] (join (mouse y) [\)]))) to [items v]\nadd (join (join [Player: \(] ([x v] of [platformer script v])) (join [, ] (join ([y v] of [platformer script v]) [\)]))) to [items v]\n\nwhen I receive [stop music v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nif <key (space v) pressed?> then\n set volume to (0) %\nelse\n set volume to (100) %\nend\nforever\n play sound [Chrisopoeia_Lena Raine2 v] until done\n play sound [Chrisopoeia_Lena Raine3 v] until done\n play sound [Chrisopoeia_Lena Raine4 v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow list [items v]\nforever\n wait until <not <key (1 v) pressed?>>\n wait until <key (1 v) pressed?>\n hide list [items v]\n wait until <not <key (1 v) pressed?>>\n wait until <key (1 v) pressed?>\n show list [items v]\nend\n\n@Blank\n\n@Level\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (*SCROLL X))\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nshow\nset [x v] to [-480]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nClone\n\ndefine Position (x)\nset [costume v] to (costume [number v])\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset size to ((1) / ()) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume)\nset size to (100) %\nif <([abs v] of (x position) ) > [480]> then\n hide\nelse\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\ndefine Clone\nrepeat (14)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\nend\n\n@Platformer Script\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nbroadcast (Play Game v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nif <(First) = [0]> then\n Load\n repeat (75)\n broadcast (Tick v) and wait\n end\n set [first v] to [1]\nend\nforever\n Load\n repeat until <(EXIT) > []>\n Tick\n broadcast (Tick v) and wait\n end\n if <(EXIT) = [Win]> then\n broadcast (Win Screen v)\n else\n Game - Die\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game On\nset [*scroll x v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [-150]\nset [y v] to [-76]\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nset [health v] to [20]\nset [player knockback v] to [0]\nset [invisibility v] to [0]\nset [start run? v] to [0]\nset [*heal v] to [0]\nset [*attack strength v] to [6]\nPosition\npoint in direction (90)\nset volume to (100) %\nset size to (40) %\nclear graphic effects\nshow\n\ndefine Tick\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nif <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <(Player Knockback) = [0]>> then\n change [taylor swift v] by (1)\nelse\n set [taylor swift v] to [0]\nend\nif <(Start Run?) = [0]> then\n reset timer\nend\nif <(Player Knockback) = [0]> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [sx v] by (2)\n set [start run? v] to [1]\n set [*movement? v] to (timer)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [sx v] by (-2)\n set [start run? v] to [1]\n set [*movement? v] to (timer)\n end\n set [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.8))\nend\nif <([attack v] of [sword v]) = [1]> then\n set [*movement? v] to (timer)\nend\nif <([abs v] of (sx) ) > [0.9]> then\n Change Player x by (round (sx))\nend\nif <(Player Knockback) = [0]> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <(Taylor Swift) < [5]>> then\n set [start run? v] to [1]\n set [*movement? v] to (timer)\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n set [sy v] to [16]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(sy) > [-20]> then\n change [sy v] by (-2)\nend\nChange player y by (sy)\nPosition\nif <(*SCROLL X) < [6240]> then\n set [*scroll x v] to (x)\nend\nif <(*SCROLL X) < [0]> then\n set [*scroll x v] to [0]\nend\nif <(*SCROLL X) > ((480) * (13))> then\n set [*scroll x v] to ((480) * (13))\nend\nif <(x) < [-240]> then\n set [x v] to [-240]\nend\nif <(*SCROLL X) = [6240]> then\n if <(x) < [6000]> then\n set [x v] to [6000]\n end\nend\nif <(x) > [6480]> then\n set [x v] to [6480]\nend\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nPosition\nif <<(y) < [-180]> or <<(Health) < [1]> or <touching (lava v)?>>> then\n set [exit v] to [Die]\nend\nif <<<touching (entities v)?> or <touching (arrow v)?>> and <<(Player Knockback) = [0]> and <(Invisibility) = [0]>>> then\n set [player knockback v] to [1]\n set [invisibility v] to [1]\n set [sy v] to [10]\n set [sx v] to ((Hit) / (15))\nend\nif <(timer) > ((*Movement?) + (1))> then\n change [*heal v] by (1)\n if <<((*Heal) mod (10)) = [0]> and <(Health) < [20]>> then\n change [health v] by (2)\n end\nelse\n set [*heal v] to [0]\nend\nif <<(in air) > [0]> and <(sy) < [0]>> then\n set [*attack strength v] to [8]\nelse\n set [*attack strength v] to [6]\nend\nif <(Player Knockback) = [1]> then\n if <(sy) < [0]> then\n set [player knockback v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <(Invisibility) > [0]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n if <(Invisibility) = [2]> then\n broadcast (Hurt v)\n start sound [Hurt v]\n change [health v] by ((*Enemy Attack) * (-1))\n end\n change [invisibility v] by (1)\n if <(Invisibility) > [50]> then\n set [invisibility v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\nif <<touching (fire v)?> and <(Invisibility) = [0]>> then\n start sound [Fire v]\n set [invisibility v] to [40]\n change [health v] by (-2)\nend\nif <touching (fire v)?> then\n switch costume to (3 v)\nend\nif <(Player Knockback) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (3 v)\nend\nif <<(-Love Project) = [1]> and <(-Favorite Project) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) + (2))\nend\n\ndefine Change player y by (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nPosition\nrepeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: ((x) - (*SCROLL X)) y: (y)\n\ndefine Change Player x by (sx)\nchange [x v] by (sx)\nPosition\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat (12)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not <touching (level v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-12)\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game - Die\nbroadcast (Dead v)\nset [exit v] to []\nrepeat (5)\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n show\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\ndefine Game Win\nrepeat (50)\n point towards (exit v)\n turn right (65) degrees\n move ((distance to [exit v]) / (2)) steps\n change size by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nchange [level v] by (1)\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [win screen v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\ndefine Load\nGame On\nbroadcast (Reset v) and wait\nbroadcast (Set up v) and wait\nbroadcast (Setup 2 v)\nbroadcast (Tick v) and wait\n\nset [first v] to [0]\n\nset [x v] to [6100]\nset [y v] to [50]\n\n@Background\n\nwhen I receive [grenn flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (*SCROLL X))\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nshow\nset [x v] to [-480]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nClone\n\ndefine Position (x)\nset [costume v] to (costume [number v])\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset size to ((1) / ()) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume)\nset size to (100) %\nset [brightness v] effect to (-12)\nif <([abs v] of (x position) ) > [480]> then\n hide\nelse\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\ndefine Clone\nrepeat (15)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\nend\n\n@Sword\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <([direction v] of [platformer script v]) = [90]> then\n go to x: (([x position v] of [platformer script v]) + (44)) y: (([y position v] of [platformer script v]) + ((7) + ((Direction) / (-3))))\n point in direction ((Direction) + (90))\n switch costume to (1 v)\nelse\n go to x: (([x position v] of [platformer script v]) + (-44)) y: (([y position v] of [platformer script v]) + ((7) + ((Direction) / (-3))))\n point in direction ((90) - (Direction))\n switch costume to (2 v)\nend\nif <([invisibility v] of [platformer script v]) > [0]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\nelse\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset size to (30) %\nset [direction v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (x v) pressed?> or <key (m v) pressed?>>> then\n set [attack v] to [1]\n repeat (5)\n change [direction v] by (12)\n end\n repeat (2)\n change [direction v] by (-24)\n end\n set [attack v] to [0]\n set [direction v] to [0]\n wait (0.4) seconds\n wait until <not <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (x v) pressed?> or <key (m v) pressed?>>>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nrepeat (5)\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n show\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\n@Entities\n\ndefine Clone (clone) X (x) Y (y) Bound 1 (bound 1) Bound 2 (bound 2)\nset [clone v] to (clone)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nset [bound 1 v] to (bound 1)\nset [bound 2 v] to (bound 2)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nReset\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset [costume v] to (costume [number v])\nswitch costume to (bypass v)\nset size to ((1) / ()) %\ngo to x: ((x) - (*SCROLL X)) y: (y)\nswitch costume to (costume)\nset size to (110) %\nif <([abs v] of (x position) ) > [480]> then\n hide\nelse\n show\nend\nif <([abs v] of (x position) ) < [280]> then\n Clone AI\nend\nif <(x) > [6480]> then\n set [x v] to [6480]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Reset\nset [knockback v] to [0]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\nif <(clone) = [1]> then\n set [health v] to [40]\nelse\n set [health v] to [20]\nend\nset [invisibility v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\ndefine Clone AI\nif <(clone) = [1]> then\n Move Script Costume 1 [1] Costume 2 [2] Speed [1] Strength [6]\nend\nif <(clone) = [2]> then\n Move Script Costume 1 [3] Costume 2 [4] Speed [0.8] Strength [4]\nend\nif <(clone) = [3]> then\n Move Script Costume 1 [9] Costume 2 [10] Speed [1] Strength [8]\nend\nif <(clone) = [4]> then\n set size to (90) %\n if <(Knockback) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (7 v)\n if <(x position) > ([x position v] of [platformer script v])> then\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <(x) > [6235]> then\n change [x velocity v] by (-1)\n end\n if <(x) < [6230]> then\n change [x velocity v] by (1)\n end\n set [x velocity v] to ((x velocity) * (0.8))\n change [x v] by (x velocity)\n if <touching (hitbox v)?> then\n set [knockback v] to [1]\n set [y velocity v] to [5]\n set [x velocity v] to (([direction v] of [platformer script v]) / (10))\n change [health v] by ((*Attack Strength) * (-1))\n if <(Health) < [1]> then\n start sound [Blaze Death v]\n change [*enemies defeated v] by (1)\n if <(*SCROLL X) = [6240]> then\n change [*progress v] by (1)\n end\n else\n start sound (pick random (5) to (7))\n end\n if <([sy v] of [platformer script v]) < [0]> then\n start sound [Critical v]\n end\n end\n end\n if <(Knockback) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (8 v)\n change [x v] by (x velocity)\n if <(direction) = [-90]> then\n change [x velocity v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x velocity v] by (1)\n end\n if <(x velocity) = [0]> then\n set [knockback v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <(Health) < [1]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Arrow Tick) > [50]> then\n set [arrow tick v] to [0]\n replace item (1) of [arrow v] with (x)\n replace item (2) of [arrow v] with (y)\n replace item (3) of [arrow v] with (direction)\n replace item (4) of [arrow v] with [2]\n create clone of (arrow v)\n end\n change [arrow tick v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nset [*enemies defeated v] to [0]\nset [*progress v] to [0]\nbroadcast (Delete Clones v)\ndelete all of [arrow v]\nrepeat (4)\n add [0] to [arrow v]\nend\nswitch costume to (bypass v)\nClone [1] X [1540] Y [-33] Bound 1 [1240] Bound 2 [1540]\nClone [1] X [2140] Y [-33] Bound 1 [1715] Bound 2 [2140]\nClone [1] X [2615] Y [-33] Bound 1 [2315] Bound 2 [2615]\nClone [2] X [3860] Y [-30] Bound 1 [3660] Bound 2 [3910]\nClone [2] X [4160] Y [-30] Bound 1 [3990] Bound 2 [4240]\nClone [3] X [4900] Y [-33] Bound 1 [4615] Bound 2 [4900]\nClone [2] X [5205] Y [-33] Bound 1 [4920] Bound 2 [5205]\nClone [3] X [5510] Y [-33] Bound 1 [5225] Bound 2 [5510]\nClone [2] X [5815] Y [-33] Bound 1 [5530] Bound 2 [5815]\nset [x v] to [-9999]\nset [y v] to [-9999]\n\ndefine Move Script Costume 1 (costume 1) Costume 2 (costume 2) Speed (speed) Strength (strength)\nswitch costume to (costume 1)\nif <(Knockback) = [0]> then\n if <(x position) > ([x position v] of [platformer script v])> then\n if <(x) > (bound 1)> then\n change [x velocity v] by ((speed) * (-1))\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n else\n if <(x) < (bound 2)> then\n change [x velocity v] by (speed)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\n set [x velocity v] to ((x velocity) * (0.8))\n if <touching (hitbox v)?> then\n set [knockback v] to [1]\n set [y velocity v] to [5]\n set [x velocity v] to (([direction v] of [platformer script v]) / (30))\n change [health v] by ((*Attack Strength) * (-1))\n if <([sy v] of [platformer script v]) < [0]> then\n start sound [Critical v]\n end\n if <(Health) < [1]> then\n if <(clone) = [1]> then\n start sound [Enderman 5 v]\n change [*enemies defeated v] by (1)\n else\n start sound [skeletondeath v]\n if <(*SCROLL X) = [6240]> then\n change [*progress v] by (1)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(clone) = [1]> then\n start sound (pick random (9) to (12))\n else\n start sound [skeletonhurt2 v]\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange [x v] by (x velocity)\nif <touching (platformer script v)?> then\n set [*enemy attack v] to (strength)\n set [hit v] to (direction)\nend\nif <(Knockback) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume 2)\n change [y v] by (y velocity)\n change [y velocity v] by (-1)\n if <<<touching (level v)?> or <touching (lava v)?>> and <(y velocity) < [0]>> then\n set [knockback v] to [0]\n change [y v] by (10)\n if <<(clone) = [1]> and <(y) < [-80]>> then\n set [x v] to (bound 2)\n set [y v] to [-33]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Health) < [1]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(clone) = [2]> then\n if <(Arrow Tick) > [50]> then\n start sound [Arrow v]\n set [arrow tick v] to [0]\n replace item (1) of [arrow v] with (x)\n replace item (2) of [arrow v] with (y)\n replace item (3) of [arrow v] with (direction)\n replace item (4) of [arrow v] with [1]\n create clone of (arrow v)\n end\n change [arrow tick v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup 2 v]\nwait until <(*SCROLL X) = [6240]>\nbroadcast (Delete Clones v)\nClone [4] X [6480] Y [60] Bound 1 [0] Bound 2 [0]\nClone [3] X [6480] Y [-33] Bound 1 [6015] Bound 2 [6480]\nset [x v] to [-9999]\nset [y v] to [-9999]\nwait until <(*Progress) = [2]>\nwait (0.5) seconds\nset [exit v] to [Win]\n\n@Hitbox\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset size to (25) %\nif <([direction v] of [platformer script v]) = [90]> then\n go to x: (([x position v] of [platformer script v]) + (44)) y: (([y position v] of [platformer script v]) + (3))\nelse\n go to x: (([x position v] of [platformer script v]) + (-44)) y: (([y position v] of [platformer script v]) + (3))\nend\nif <([attack v] of [sword v]) = [0]> then\n hide\nelse\n show\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@Health\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nswitch costume to ((([health v] of [platformer script v]) / (2)) + (1))\nif <([health v] of [platformer script v]) < [5]> then\n set y to (pick random (-147) to (-152))\nelse\n set y to (-150)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hurt v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-150)\nif <([health v] of [platformer script v]) > [0]> then\n start sound [hurt v]\nend\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (health0 v)\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [win screen v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-150)\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Arrow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (25) %\nset [extra time v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (item (4) of [arrow v])\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set [arrow x v] to (item (1) of [arrow v])\n set [arrow y v] to (item (2) of [arrow v])\n Position\nelse\n go to x: ([floor v] of ((item (1) of [arrow v]) - (*SCROLL X)) ) y: (item (2) of [arrow v])\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set [arrow direction v] to (item (3) of [arrow v])\nelse\n start sound [Fireball v]\n point towards (platformer script v)\n set [dir v] to (direction)\nend\nset [arrow travel x v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n if <(arrow direction) = [-90]> then\n change [arrow travel x v] by (-20)\n point in direction (90)\n else\n change [arrow travel x v] by (20)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n Position\n if <<([abs v] of (x position) ) > [240]> or <touching (platformer script v)?>> then\n change [extra time v] by (1)\n if <(Extra Time) > [3]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n if <touching (platformer script v)?> then\n set [hit v] to (direction)\n set [*enemy attack v] to [4]\n end\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n change x by (([sin v] of (dir) ) * (15))\n change y by (([cos v] of (dir) ) * (15))\n if <touching (platformer script v)?> then\n set [hit v] to (direction)\n set [*enemy attack v] to [4]\n change [extra time v] by (1)\n if <(Extra Time) > [3]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <([abs v] of (x position) ) > [235]>> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: (((arrow x) - (*SCROLL X)) + (arrow travel x)) y: (arrow y)\n\n@Win Screen\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [win screen v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (3 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(*Enemies Defeated) < [4]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (2 v)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win screen v]\nchange [☁ completed platformer v] by (1)\nif <(*Enemies Defeated) > [4]> then\n change [☁ beat the game v] by (1)\nend\nplay sound [Win v] until done\n\n@Text:\n\ndefine Write Text (text)\ngo to x: (-150) y: (153)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (text))\n switch costume to (letter (i) of (text))\n change [i v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (20)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [delete text v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nbroadcast (Delete Text v)\nWrite Text (timer)\ngo to x: (-197) y: (153)\nif <([first v] of [platformer script v]) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (time v)\nelse\n switch costume to (load v)\n broadcast (Delete Text v)\nend\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (*SCROLL X))\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nshow\nset [x v] to [-480]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nClone\n\ndefine Position (x)\nset [costume v] to (costume [number v])\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset size to ((1) / ()) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume)\nset size to (100) %\nif <([abs v] of (x position) ) > [480]> then\n hide\nelse\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\ndefine Clone\nrepeat (8)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\nend\n\n@Fire\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (*SCROLL X)) y (y)\nset [color v] effect to (80)\nswitch costume to (([floor v] of (((timer) * (12)) mod (3)) ) + (2))\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nset [x v] to [0]\nClone at x: [3557] y: [-102]\nClone at x: [4250] y: [-38]\nClone at x: [4500] y: [-38]\n\ndefine Position (x) y (y)\nset [costume v] to (costume [number v])\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset size to ((1) / ()) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nswitch costume to (costume)\nset size to (100) %\nif <([abs v] of (x position) ) > [480]> then\n hide\nelse\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nset [costume v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\n@Love and Favorite\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nif <<(-Love Project) = [1]> and <(-Favorite Project) = [1]>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [-favorite project v] to [0]\nset [-love project v] to [0]\nset [-detector clone v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [-detector clone v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <<(-Love Project) = [1]> and <(-Favorite Project) = [1]>>\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to x: (-180) y: (124)\nstart sound [Collect v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(-Detector Clone) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n switch costume to (love v)\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [-love project v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(-Detector Clone) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (fave v)\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [-favorite project v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [-favorite project v] to [0]\nset [-love project v] to [0]\n\n@Text\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (129) y: (137)\nif <<(-Love Project) = [1]> and <(-Favorite Project) = [1]>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nshow\nwait (2) seconds\nif <([first v] of [platformer script v]) = [0]> then\n wait (3) seconds\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\n
02/15/2020: bug fix\n10/03/2019: 33,000+ views and 1,250+ loves! Thanks!\n09/21/2019: #6 on explore page\n09/20/2019: What the community is remixing\n09/20/2019: 10,000+ views!\n09/19/2019: What the community is loving\n09/15/2019: Project published\n\nHOW TO PLAY\nWelcome to Cavern, a mobile friendly platformer with 20 levels. Use the arrow keys or tap to move and reach the portal in every level. Avoid spikes. Be careful on ice - it's very glitchy. Jump on the yellow booster to jump higher. Maybe you'll find a way out of the cave? Well, let's see.\nIf you want to restart the game, click green flag.\n\nCREDITS\nthe code and the art was completely made by me (I used the scratch vector editor). It was very very hard to made it so PLEASE credit me if you want to use my scripts and art. If you enjoyed, don't forget to love and fave.\nThe music is Main Title (The cave) from "The Octopus Project"\n\ndid you enjoyed? then don't forget to love and fave and check out the following game next: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/327944839/\n\nLOVED BY ...\n- @eunice0913\n- @noodlebot743\n- @-imagineer-\n@TimMcCool\nand a lot of other (famous) people\n\nNOTE\nadvertisments will be deleted\nthat was my fist popular project\n\nTAGS\n#cavern #cave #platformer #platformer #art #vector
Pen Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [次 v]\nnext backdrop\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (1 v)\n\n@プラフォ イントロ\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [project;start v]\nforever\n play sound [平凡音楽 v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [project;start v]\nif <touching color (#e1ff00)?> then\n go to x: (158) y: (-91)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [project;start v]\ngo to x: (-210) y: (13)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nhide variable [x v]\nhide variable [y v]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse x) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [x v] by (0.8)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<(x position) > (mouse x)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [x v] by (-0.8)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.92))\n change x by (x)\n if <<touching color (#00d412)?> or <touching color (#986000)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#00d412)?> or <touching color (#986000)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#00d412)?> or <touching color (#986000)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#00d412)?> or <touching color (#986000)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#00d412)?> or <touching color (#986000)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#00d412)?> or <touching color (#986000)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#00d412)?> or <touching color (#986000)?>> then\n change x by ((0) - (x))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n start sound [壁キック v]\n if <[0] < (x)> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n set [y v] to [15]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (y)\n if <<touching color (#00d412)?> or <touching color (#986000)?>> then\n change y by ((0) - (y))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> and <<touching color (#00d412)?> or <touching color (#986000)?>>> then\n start sound [ジャンプ音 v]\n set [y v] to [17]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> or <(costume [number v]) = [2]>> then\n if <<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <[-160] > (y position)>> then\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n start sound [Roblox Death Sound - OOF Sound Effect v]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n go to x: (-186) y: (13)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n end\n if <(x position) > [240]> then\n broadcast (次 v)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n go to x: (-186) y: (13)\n end\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<(y position) > (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n switch costume to (主人公2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (主人公 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@太陽\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [次のステージ2 v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (205) y: (137)\nset size to (100) %\nset [太陽 v] to [100]\nforever\n change size by ([cos v] of (太陽) )\n change [太陽 v] by (7)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [project;start v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (220) y: (137)\nset size to (70) %\nset [太陽 v] to [100]\nforever\n change size by ([cos v] of (太陽) )\n change [太陽 v] by (7)\nend\n\n@スプライト3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [project;start v]\nhide\nforever\n wait (pick random (8) to (5)) seconds\n show\n start sound [ポップ v]\n go to x: (-150) y: (180)\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n repeat until <[135] > (y position)>\n change y by (((2) - (y position)) / (20))\n end\n wait (2.9) seconds\n repeat until <(y position) > [207]>\n change y by ((y position) / (20))\n end\n hide\nend\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (intro:start v)\n\nwhen I receive [intro:start v]\nhide\nreset timer\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nstart sound [Jim Yosef - Eclipse \[NCS Release\]2 v]\nset size to (100) %\nclone [circles]\nwait (0) seconds\nclone [back2]\nwait (0) seconds\nclone [black1]\nwait (0) seconds\nclone [black2]\nwait until <(timer) > [3.07]>\nclone [logo]\nwait until <(timer) > [5.06]>\nclone [back]\nwait until <(timer) > [5.48]>\nclone [square]\nwait until <(timer) > [6]>\nclone [square]\nwait until <(timer) > [6.4]>\nclone [square]\nwait until <(timer) > [6.91]>\nclone [square]\nwait until <(timer) > [7.4]>\nclone [square]\nwait until <(timer) > [8]>\nclone [square]\nwait until <(timer) > [8.4]>\nclone [square]\nwait until <(timer) > [9]>\nclone [square]\nwait until <(timer) > [9.4]>\nclone [square]\nwait until <(timer) > [10]>\nclone [square]\nwait until <(timer) > [10.4]>\nclone [square]\nwait until <(timer) > [11]>\nclone [square]\nwait until <(timer) > [11.4]>\nclone [square]\n\ndefine clone (id)\nset [cloneid v] to (id)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [logo]> then\n switch costume to (brank v)\n show\n set size to (2400) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (-90)\n switch costume to (logo v)\n repeat until <(timer) > [5.06]>\n switch costume to (brank v)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n switch costume to (logo v)\n end\n point in direction (150)\n [90] bom!\n wait until <(timer) > [5.48]>\n point in direction (30)\n [90] bom!\n wait until <(timer) > [6]>\n point in direction (60)\n [90] bom!\n wait until <(timer) > [6.4]>\n point in direction (120)\n [90] bom!\n wait until <(timer) > [6.91]>\n [90] bom!\n wait until <(timer) > [7.4]>\n [90] bom!\n wait until <(timer) > [8]>\n [90] bom!\n wait until <(timer) > [8.4]>\n switch costume to (subaru_raimu v)\n [90] bom!\n wait until <(timer) > [9]>\n [90] bom!\n wait until <(timer) > [9.4]>\n [90] bom!\n wait until <(timer) > [10]>\n [90] bom!\n wait until <(timer) > [10.4]>\n [90] bom!\n wait until <(timer) > [11]>\n [90] bom!\n wait until <(timer) > [11.4]>\n [90] bom!\n wait until <(timer) > [12]>\n set [s v] to [0]\n repeat (15)\n turn right (s) degrees\n change [s v] by (3)\n end\n repeat (20)\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (3)) degrees\n end\n repeat (50)\n turn right (((135) - (direction)) / (20)) degrees\n change y by (((-100) - (y position)) / (10))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\nend\n\ndefine (d) bom!\nshow\nset size to (200) %\nrepeat (15)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (4))\n turn right (((d) - (direction)) / (2)) degrees\n go to x: ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (1000)) ) * (((100) - (size)) / (2))) + (0)) y: ((([cos v] of ((timer) * (800)) ) * (((100) - (size)) / (2))) + <(round (y position)) = (round (0))>)\nend\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [back]> then\n switch costume to (brank v)\n go to [back v] layer\n show\n set size to (0) %\n switch costume to (back v)\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change size by (((3000) - (size)) / (10))\n end\n repeat until <(size) > [3000]>\n switch costume to (brank v)\n change size by (((3000) - (size)) / (10))\n switch costume to (back v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [back2]> then\n switch costume to (back2 v)\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n wait until <(timer) > [5.48]>\n don! [60]\n wait until <(timer) > [6]>\n don! [120]\n wait until <(timer) > [6.4]>\n don! [60]\n wait until <(timer) > [6.91]>\n don! [120]\n wait until <(timer) > [7.4]>\n don! [60]\n wait until <(timer) > [8]>\n don! [120]\n wait until <(timer) > [8.4]>\n don! [60]\n wait until <(timer) > [9]>\n don! [120]\n wait until <(timer) > [9.4]>\n don! [60]\n wait until <(timer) > [10]>\n don! [120]\n wait until <(timer) > [10.4]>\n don! [60]\n wait until <(timer) > [11]>\n don! [120]\n wait until <(timer) > [11.4]>\n don! [60]\nend\n\ndefine don! (d)\npoint in direction (d)\nrepeat (15)\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (3)) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [square]> then\n switch costume to (brank v)\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (3) layers\n show\n set size to (0) %\n switch costume to (square v)\n repeat until <(size) = [300]>\n change size by (((300) - (size)) / (3))\n end\n repeat until <(size) = [600]>\n switch costume to (brank v)\n turn right (((180) - (direction)) / (3)) degrees\n change size by (((600) - (size)) / (3))\n switch costume to (square v)\n end\n repeat until <(size) = [1500]>\n switch costume to (brank v)\n change size by (((1500) - (size)) / (3))\n switch costume to (square v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [circles]> then\n switch costume to (brank v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (70)\n set size to (130) %\n show\n wait until <(timer) > [5.48]>\n shockwave\n wait until <(timer) > [6]>\n shockwave\n wait until <(timer) > [6.4]>\n shockwave\n wait until <(timer) > [6.91]>\n shockwave\n wait until <(timer) > [7.4]>\n shockwave\n wait until <(timer) > [8]>\n shockwave\n wait until <(timer) > [8.4]>\n shockwave\n wait until <(timer) > [9]>\n shockwave\n wait until <(timer) > [9.4]>\n shockwave\n wait until <(timer) > [10]>\n shockwave\n wait until <(timer) > [10.4]>\n shockwave\n wait until <(timer) > [11]>\n shockwave\n wait until <(timer) > [11.4]>\n shockwave\nend\n\ndefine shockwave\nswitch costume to (circles9 v)\nrepeat (11)\n next costume\nend\nswitch costume to (brank v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [black1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (black1 v)\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (1.5) seconds\n repeat until <(timer) > [13.2]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((100) - (y position)) / (10))\n end\n repeat (50)\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (10))\n end\n broadcast (intro:end v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [black2]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (black2 v)\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (1.5) seconds\n repeat until <(timer) > [13.2]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((-100) - (y position)) / (10))\n end\n repeat (50)\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (10))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro:end v]\nif < (cloneID) contains [black]?> then\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n broadcast (project;start v)\nelse\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [project;start v]\n\n@サムネだお〜\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [project;start v]\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\n
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext backdrop\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (3) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop9 v)\n\n@Level\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [78]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [89]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [100]> then\n broadcast (you win and time c v)\n end\nend\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (coustume1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [tide v] to [0]\n repeat (10)\n change [tide v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [tide v] by (-1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [tide v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set y to (Tide)\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume 2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n else\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [45]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n else\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n else\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\n@Cube\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [☁ timer v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(☁ Timer) < (☁ Highscore)> then\n set [☁ highscore v] to (☁ Timer)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [0]\nbroadcast (NEXT LEVEL v)\nforever\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x vel v] by (-1)\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x vel v] by (1)\n end\n set [x vel v] to ((x vel) * (0.9))\n change x by (x vel)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x vel) * (-1))\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(x vel) > [0]> then\n set [x vel v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [10]\n end\n set [y vel v] to [15]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n change [y vel v] by (-0.5)\n else\n change [y vel v] by (-1)\n end\n change y by (y vel)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((y vel) - ((y vel) * (2)))\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [y vel v] to [10]\n end\n else\n if <<touching (level v)?> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [y vel v] to [15]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <(x position) > [250]> then\n broadcast (NEXT LEVEL v) and wait\n end\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n broadcast (restart v)\n end\n if <touching (bounce v)?> then\n set [y vel v] to [19]\n end\n if <touching (enemy v)?> then\n set [y vel v] to [15]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nbroadcast (restart v)\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nset [x vel v] to [0]\nset [y vel v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-220) y: (-96)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-224) y: (-3)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (lava v)?> then\n broadcast (restart v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [43]> then\n broadcast (you win and time c v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n broadcast (restart v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (3) seconds\nplay sound [into the light v] until done\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(x position) = [224]> then\n broadcast (NEXT LEVEL v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-220) y: (-96)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Bounce\n\ndefine Clone at (x pos) (y pos)\ngo to x: (x pos) y: (y pos)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(Level) = [7]> then\n Clone at [-11] [-71]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n if <touching (cube v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (00.1) seconds\n else\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (00.1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n@Water\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [25]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (30)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [tide 2 v] to [0]\n repeat (10)\n change [tide 2 v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [tide 2 v] by (-1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [tide 2 v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set y to (Tide 2)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [31]> then\n hide\n go to [back v] layer\n end\nend\n\n@Enemy\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-224) y: (-3)\n\ndefine Clone at (x pos) (y pos)\ngo to x: (x pos) y: (y pos)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <([x position v] of [cube v]) < (x position)> then\n change [x vel v] by (-0.5)\n end\n if <(x position) < ([x position v] of [cube v])> then\n change [x vel v] by (0.5)\n end\n set [x vel v] to ((x vel) * (0.9))\n change x by (x vel)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x vel) * (-1))\n if <(([y position v] of [cube v]) - (50)) > (y position)> then\n if <(x vel) > [0]> then\n set [x vel v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [10]\n end\n set [y vel v] to [15]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change [y vel v] by (-1)\n change y by (y vel)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((y vel) - ((y vel) * (2)))\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <touching (bounce v)?> then\n set [y vel v] to [19]\n end\n if <touching (cube v)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> and <(([y position v] of [cube v]) - (5)) > (y position)>> then\n delete this clone\n else\n broadcast (restart v)\n end\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(Level) = [19]> then\n Clone at [166] [-65]\nend\n\n@You win\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [you win and time c v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nshow variable [timer v]\nset [timer v] to (Timer)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [timer v]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (3) seconds\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n change [timer v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [timer v] to [0]\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@Light\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (0.09) seconds\n repeat until <(size) > [99]>\n repeat (10)\n change size by (2)\n end\n end\n wait (0.09) seconds\n repeat until <(size) < [81]>\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-2)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start outro v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go to (cube v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@leaves\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (2))\nset size to (pick random (40) to (70)) %\nshow\nglide (1.5) secs to x: ((x position) + (pick random (-30) to (30))) y: (-180)\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n turn right (pick random (3) to (7)) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [snow/rain v]\nforever\n go to x: (pick random (-249) to (249)) y: (180)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (3) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (40) to (70))\nbroadcast (Snow/Rain v)\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Particles]> then\n switch costume to (pick random (29) to (31))\n set size to (pick random (50) to (150)) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (0.) to (5.))\n set [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-25.) to (100.))\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (pick random (-180) to (180))\n set [x v] to (pick random (10.) to (12.))\n set [i v] to (pick random (2.) to (9.))\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n move (X) steps\n change y by (I)\n change [i v] by (-0.4)\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.95))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Particles\nset [clone v] to [Particles]\nrepeat (50)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Name]> then\n switch costume to (name v)\n set size to (50) %\n clear graphic effects\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (-100)\n point in direction (0)\n show\n repeat (50)\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (((130) - (size)) / (8))\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (8))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (8)) degrees\n end\n set [i v] to [-1]\n repeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (I)\n change [i v] by (join [-] (([abs v] of (I) ) / (2)))\n turn right (I) degrees\n end\n switch costume to (logo v)\n repeat (40)\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (((130) - (size)) / (8))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (8)) degrees\n end\n set [i v] to [-1]\n repeat (20)\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by ((I) / (3))\n change [i v] by (join [-] (([abs v] of (I) ) / (4)))\n turn right ((I) / (-3)) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreset timer\nhide\nstart sound [Prismo - Stronger v]\nset volume to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [clone v] to [Square]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (1) seconds\nset [clone v] to [Name]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0) seconds\nrepeat (2)\n Spiral spline explosion\n Particles\n Rect\n Spiral spline explosion\nend\nCircle\nrepeat (4)\n Spiral spline explosion\n Particles\n Rect\n Spiral spline explosion\nend\nCircle\nrepeat (2)\n Spiral spline explosion\n Rect\n Spiral spline explosion\nend\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Square]> then\n clear graphic effects\n show\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (300)\n point in direction (0)\n switch costume to (square v)\n repeat (20)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (12)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (blank v)\n change size by (((2000) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (square13 v)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (blank v)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (square13 v)\n end\n repeat (12)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n change size by (-5)\n end\n set [i v] to [-1]\n repeat (20)\n change size by ((I) / (3))\n change [i v] by (join [-] (([abs v] of (I) ) / (4)))\n turn right ((I) / (-3)) degrees\n change y by ((I) / (3))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Bursts]> then\n switch costume to (lineexplosion1 v)\n clear graphic effects\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n set [i v] to (pick random (1) to (3))\n if <(I) = [1]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n else\n if <(I) = [2]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (25)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (-25)\n end\n end\n show\n set [i v] to [20]\n Animate x: [0] y: [0] size: [0] rotate: (pick random (-180) to (180)) speed: [1]\n repeat (2)\n set [i v] to ((I) * (0.9))\n move (I) steps\n Size: [100] speed: [5]\n end\n repeat (10)\n set [i v] to ((I) * (0.9))\n move (I) steps\n Size: [100] speed: [5]\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n next costume\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Animate x: (x) y: (y) size: (s) rotate: (r) speed: (s)\nchange x by (((round (x)) - (round (x position))) / (s))\nchange y by (((round (y)) - (round (y position))) / (s))\nchange size by (((round (s)) - (round (size))) / (s))\nturn right (((round (r)) - (round (direction))) / (s)) degrees\n\ndefine Spiral spline explosion\nset [clone v] to [Bursts]\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\ndefine Size: (s) speed: (spd)\nchange size by (((round (s)) - (round (size))) / (spd))\n\ndefine Rect\nset [clone v] to [Rect]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Rect]> then\n clear graphic effects\n show\n set size to (0) %\n go to (random position v)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (background rect v)\n repeat until <(round (size)) = [300]>\n change size by (((300) - (size)) / (15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Circle]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n show\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (circle explosion 1 v)\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (blank v)\n change size by (((300) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (circle explosion 1 v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Circle\nset [clone v] to [Circle]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [clone v] to [Circle 2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Circle 2]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n show\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (circle explosion 1 v)\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (blank v)\n change size by (((300) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (circle explosion 1 v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\n
Super Mario Maker 4 has been released, play it here:\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/753049043\n\n- Controls - FAQ Below! Use it for help.\nMaker Mode -\n Movement: WASD or Arrows.\n Use Current Tool: Left Click.\n Change Tool (Place, Erase and Pick): Q.\n Switch Items: Scroll Wheel or Click Item Icon.\n Open Full Item List: V or Click waving dots icon.\n Navigate Full Item List: Scroll Wheel or Drag Slider.\n Quick Test Level / Exit Test: E.\n\nPlay Mode - \n Movement: WASD or Arrows.\n Jumping / Fly / Float: W / Up Arrow.\n Crouching / Use Door: S / Down Arrow.\n Run / Throw / Spin Tail: Space.\n Sliding: S / Down Arrow while on a slope.\n Enter Maker mode: E.\n\nHow to Play:\nWhen you click the flag, the game will launch into the menu, pick whether to make a level, or load one. \nIf you choose to make one, the maker will open on an empty screen, where you can make your own level using the tools provided. \nIf you click to load a level, you will be asked to enter a save code, you can use your own from a level code you copied while saving, or you can copy another person's level from the Forum linked in Notes.\n\nFAQ:\nHOW PIPES WORK: Build the entrance and exit pipes using the blocks provided. Then go to the entrance pipe, open the inventory and select the pipe connection icon that matches how you want the entrance to work (direction and if it's 2 way), then place it so the arrow lines up with the pipe. Repeat for the exit pipe. You can mix and match pipe connections, e.g: down pipe leads to right pipe. To use the pipe in game, move the player in the direction the pipe connection goes.\n\nHOW DOORS WORK: Place a door, then place another. They will connect and can be used in game. They can only be entered while the player is on the ground. Locked doors require a key to be collected by the player to open, the key can be used by trying to use a locked door while the player has a spare key.\n\nHOW ? BLOCKS WORK: If you have no powerup, all ? blocks, except for the Star, 1-Up, Vine Plant and P-Switch blocks, will release a mushroom. Once you have the mushroom, the ? blocks will be able to release the other powerups. This is how it works in normal Mario games, so it was done here too.\n\nHOW TO SAVE: While in the maker, click the bottom right button, read the text that appears to learn how to correctly save your code, then click space and your code is shown, where you can copy, use and share it. This system works perfectly, any issues are down to user error.\n\nHOW TO LOAD / USE A CODE: Either copy a code from the forum linked in Notes (triple click it, then right click and copy, or Ctrl + C, include the bold text), or have your own code copied. Then click the Load Level button on the menu and do Ctrl + V to quickly enter your copied code, then click Enter, or click the Tick to load it. You can edit a loaded code by clicking E.\n\nWHAT TO DO IF THE GAME HAS BROKEN (while you were making a level): Click See Inside, send the Save Code broadcast, follow the saving instructions, get your code, then reload the game and enter the code after clicking Load Level. Once loaded, click E to continue editing.\n\nHOW TO MAKE AN END TO YOUR LEVEL: Like in SMB3, there is not a flag at the end, instead there is a brown outline / box which Mario must touch to end the level. It is the last item in the inventory and starts as the last item in the hotbar. It will make a black area that the camera cannot move past too.\n\nExtra Information:\n- You can place a key on an enemy and it will give you that key when it dies for any reason, even if you didn't kill it, this is good for boss rooms.\n- Should the game break, you can save your level by clicking 'See Inside' and sending the Save Code broadcast.\n- You can pick up Koopa Shells, P-Switches and Bob Ombs.\n- The size of your level will not affect it's performance, but using a lot of enemies or pipe connections (even if not on screen) can impact performance slightly. Size can affect how long it takes to load your level though. Basically, feel free to make your level huge.\n\nGame made by @BenjaminWins11. Do not take credit for my work.\n\nExtra Controls - \n Switch to Place Tool: B\n Switch to Picker Tool: I
Source Code - A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch backdrop to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Inferno v] until done\nend\n\n@Hitbox\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nforever\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n set [speed x v] to ((Speed X) * (0.8))\n change y by (Speed Y)\n Touch ground <(Speed Y) > [0]>\n if <(Walljump) > [0]> then\n change [walljump v] by (-1.)\n else\n if <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>>> then\n change [speed x v] by (1.5)\n start sound [High Whoosh v]\n end\n if <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>>> then\n change [speed x v] by (-1.5)\n end\n end\n if <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>>> and <(falling?) < [3]>> then\n set [speed y v] to [15]\n end\n if <(Speed X) < [-0.5]> then\n Walk [5] (Speed X)\n else\n if <[0.5] < (Speed X)> then\n Walk [5] (Speed X)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Touch ground <up?>\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\nrepeat until <not <touching (ground hitbox v)?>>\n if <up?> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Walk (x) (speed)\nchange x by (speed)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(slope) = [8]> or <not <touching (ground hitbox v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(slope) = [8]> then\n change x by ((0) - (speed))\n change y by ((0) - (slope))\n if <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>>> and <([abs v] of (speed) ) > [3]>> then\n if <(Walljump) = [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to ((-2) * (speed))\n set [speed y v] to [11]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n else\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<[230] < (x position)> or <<touching (lava v)?> or <touching (spikes v)?>>> then\n wait (0.0000001) seconds\n if <[230] < (x position)> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n else\n start sound [Crunch v]\n end\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n set [walljump v] to [0]\n set [slope v] to [0]\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (0100)\nend\n\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nset rotation style [left-right v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (lava v)?> or <touching (spikes v)?>> then\n broadcast (die v) and wait\n wait until <not <<[230] < (x position)> or <<touching (lava v)?> or <touching (spikes v)?>>>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(Walljump) > [0]> then\n if <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>>> and <(falling?) < [3]>> then\n play sound [Low Whoosh v] until done\n end\n if <(Speed X) < [-0.5]> then\nend\n\n@Ground Graphics\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Ground Hitbox\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\nend\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (15)\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n repeat (30)\n change y by (-0.8)\n end\n repeat (30)\n change y by (0.8)\n end\nend\n\n@Player Graphics\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [dir v] to (direction)\n go to [front v] layer\n go to (hitbox v)\n if <<(Pressed) = [1]> or <(Pressed) = [3]>> then\n switch costume to (geometry-6 v)\n else\n if <(Pressed) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (geometry-4 v)\n else\n if <<(Pressed) = [4]> or <(Pressed) = [6]>> then\n switch costume to (geometry-5 v)\n else\n switch costume to (geometry-3 v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<<<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> and <<<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>>> then\n set [pressed v] to [3]\n point in direction (90)\n else\n if <<<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> and <<<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>>> then\n set [pressed v] to [1]\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [pressed v] to [2]\n else\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> then\n set [pressed v] to [6]\n point in direction (90)\n else\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> then\n set [pressed v] to [4]\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n set [pressed v] to [5]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-90)\nelse\nend\nset rotation style [left-right v]\n\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\nelse\n point in direction (90)\nend\nset rotation style [left-right v]\n\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\nelse\n point in direction (90)\nend\nset rotation style [left-right v]\n\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\nelse\n point in direction (90)\nend\nset rotation style [left-right v]\n\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nset rotation style [left-right v]\n\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\nelse\n point in direction (90)\nend\nset rotation style [left-right v]\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (0100)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Test\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n if <touching (player graphics v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (35)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@Collision Particles\n\ndefine Smooth Glide x: (x) y: (y) speed: (speed)\nrepeat until <<(round (x position)) = (round (x))> and <(round (y position)) = (round (y))>>\n change x by (((round (x)) - (round (x position))) / (speed))\n change y by (((round (y)) - (round (y position))) / (speed))\nend\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to (player graphics v)\nSmooth Glide x: ((x position) + (pick random (-90) to (90))) y: ((y position) + (pick random (20) to (35))) speed: (5)\nwait (0) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine yes\nrepeat (20)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to (player graphics v)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nchange y by (-20)\n\npoint in direction (pick random (-90) to (90))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.1) seconds\nforever\n go to (player graphics v)\n if <touching (ground hitbox v)?> then\n yes\n wait until <not <touching (ground hitbox v)?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (player graphics v)\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (2) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen [e v] key pressed\nbroadcast (c v)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [a v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Walking Particles\n\ndefine Smooth Glide x: (x) y: (y) speed: (speed)\nrepeat until <<(round (x position)) = (round (x))> and <(round (y position)) = (round (y))>>\n change x by (((round (x)) - (round (x position))) / (speed))\n change y by (((round (y)) - (round (y position))) / (speed))\nend\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\n\ndefine yes\nrepeat (20)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nchange y by (-20)\nshow\ngo to (player graphics v)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.1) seconds\nforever\n if <touching (ground graphics v)?> then\n go to (player graphics v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (player graphics v)\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (4) layers\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <not <(Pressed) = [5]>> then\n if <(dir) = [-90]> then\n show\n go to (player graphics v)\n go [backward v] (0) layers\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n Smooth Glide x: ((x position) + (pick random (-30) to (0))) y: ((y position) + (pick random (0) to (10))) speed: (5)\n wait (0) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n go to (player graphics v)\n Smooth Glide x: ((x position) + (pick random (0) to (30))) y: ((y position) + (pick random (0) to (10))) speed: (5)\n wait (0) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nelse\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nshow\ngo to (player graphics v)\nSmooth Glide x: ((x position) + (pick random (-90) to (90))) y: ((y position) + (pick random (0) to (35))) speed: (5)\nwait (0) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nif <(dir) = [-90]> then\nend\n\nwait (0.01) seconds\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (2) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen [e v] key pressed\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen [e v] key pressed\nbroadcast (b v)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [a v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Death Particles\n\ndefine Smooth Glide x: (x) y: (y) speed: (speed)\nrepeat until <<(round (x position)) = (round (x))> and <(round (y position)) = (round (y))>>\n change x by (((round (x)) - (round (x position))) / (speed))\n change y by (((round (y)) - (round (y position))) / (speed))\nend\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nif <(c) = [0]> then\n yes\nend\n\ndefine yes\nset [c v] to [1]\ngo to (player graphics v)\nrepeat (20)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [c v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to (player graphics v)\nSmooth Glide x: ((x position) + (pick random (-90) to (90))) y: ((y position) + (pick random (-25) to (0))) speed: (3)\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (0) layers\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (2) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen [e v] key pressed\nbroadcast (a v)\nforever\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [a v]\ndelete this clone\n\n
Volcano Escaper!! a scrolling platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Run Platformer v)\n\nwhen I receive [run platformer v]\nforever\n play sound [The Script - Hall Of Fame v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n switch backdrop to (background2 v)\n else\n switch backdrop to (background v)\n end\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [run platformer v]\nforever\n if <<[240] < (x position)> and <(dead?) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (NAXT LEVEL v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n Reset - Setup\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [xv v]\nhide variable [dead? v]\nhide variable [level v]\nhide variable [yv v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [run platformer v]\nset [dead? v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset size to (80) %\nReset - Setup\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n if <<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> and <(dead?) = [0]>> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n if <<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> and <(dead?) = [0]>> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-2))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (10))>>>> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [13]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-0.8)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (10))>>>> then\n set [yv v] to [12]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (spilt food v)?> or <touching (mud v)?>> then\n Death\n end\n if <(y position) < [-180]> then\n Death\n end\n if <touching (bouncy v)?> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [run platformer v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\ndefine Reset - Setup\nset [dead? v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-201) y: (30)\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset size to (80) %\nshow\n\ndefine Death\nset [dead? v] to [1]\nrepeat (25)\n turn right (5) degrees\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n change size by (-4)\nend\nReset - Setup\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (clone v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-1.5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<(Level) = [12]> or <(Level) = [13]>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (slip v)?> then\n set [xv v] to [20]\n end\nend\n\n@ground\n\nwhen I receive [run platformer v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Spilt food\n\nwhen I receive [run platformer v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [run platformer v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Slip\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (level1 v)\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Skip\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-10)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nforever\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\n
Disclaimer: This is a very difficult platformer! There is a way to skip levels just keep reading!\n\nYou're an app who has accidentally been deleted and who needs to get back to their spot on the home screen. \n\nBasically you have to play through a bunch of minigame apps to get passed the levels.\n\nRandom stuff you should know:\n1. Press the green flag to start\n2. In the Minecraft section, to break the wood press space and press e to place it. To reset the wood pres r.\n3. For polysphere you are trying to get all the pieces in the image to line up.2\n4. If something is too hard type out the letters s k i p in order to go the next game.\n5. To get into an app you have to jump so you are touching it.\n6. In Egg Inc. bump the buttons like you do in Super Mario Bros.
Monumental | Scrolling Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [almost start v]\nforever\n play sound [Vexento - Occupy v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nhide\n\n@slimy\n\nwhen I receive [almost start v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-167) y: (-34)\nforever\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(water) = [0]> then\n change [xv v] by (0.7)\n end\n end\n go to [front v] layer\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.7)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <<touching color (#737373)?> or <touching color (#616161)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#737373)?> or <touching color (#616161)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#737373)?> or <touching color (#616161)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#737373)?> or <touching color (#616161)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#737373)?> or <touching color (#616161)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching color (#737373)?> or <touching color (#616161)?>> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-5)\n change x by (1)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(Xv) < [0]> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\n set [xv v] to [10]\n else\n set [yv v] to [10]\n set [xv v] to [-10]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (Yv)\n if <<touching color (#737373)?> or <touching color (#616161)?>> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <(Shrunk?) = [0]>> then\n if <<touching color (#737373)?> or <touching color (#616161)?>> then\n set [yv v] to [8]\n end\n end\n if <<touching color (#0035bc)?> or <touching color (#004aff)?>> then\n set [yv v] to [20]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level_sensor v)?> then\n broadcast (NextLevel v)\n go to x: (-190) y: (-101)\n end\n if <<touching color (#e54d4d)?> or <touching color (#a93a3a)?>> then\n go to x: (-190) y: (-101)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <<touching (door_sensor v)?> and <(Level?) = [15]>> then\n broadcast (The end v)\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-167) y: (-34)\nset [shrunk? v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [almost start v]\nforever\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n repeat until <(size) = [60]>\n change size by (-10)\n end\n set [shrunk? v] to [1]\n else\n repeat until <(size) = [100]>\n change size by (10)\n end\n set [shrunk? v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [almost start v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nnext costume\nwait (0.4) seconds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n set [level? v] to (costume [number v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume18 v)\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (100) %\nset [move v v] to [22]\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nwait (0.3) seconds\ngo to x: (-302) y: (0)\nshow\nrepeat until <(move v) < [1]>\n change x by (move v)\n change [move v v] by (-0.8)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (shocky thing v)\nrepeat until <(size) > [140]>\n change size by (15)\nend\nrepeat until <(size) < [100]>\n change size by (-15)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (breeze v)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nrepeat until <(x position) > [290]>\n change x by (10)\n turn right (15) degrees\nend\nhide\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [shocky thing v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [almost start v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstart sound [Still Standing v]\n\nwhen I receive [almost start v]\nrepeat until <(volume) = [0]>\n change volume by (-5)\nend\nclear sound effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-251) y: (2)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [breeze v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (30)\nshow\nrepeat until <(x position) > [250]>\n change x by (10)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (logo v)\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [logo v]\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (almost start v)\nhide\n\n@mouse trail\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (100) %\nshow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (7)\n change [ghost v] effect by (15)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [almost start v]\nforever\n hide\n go to (slimy v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [almost start v]\nforever\n wait (0.1) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to ([size v] of [slimy v]) %\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Level_sensor\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n@~The key~\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (177) y: (69)\nforever\n repeat (20)\n change y by (-0.3)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change y by (0.3)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level?) = [13]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n if <touching (slimy v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n hide\n broadcast (Open seseme v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [open seseme v]\nplay sound [collect v] until done\n\n@Sprite7\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (298) y: (-17)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [open seseme v]\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (5)\nend\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nhide\n\nif <touching (slimy v)?> then\nend\n\nshow\n\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level?) = [13]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\n@Door_sensor\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to x: (7) y: (5)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n if <(Level?) = [15]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite8\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (that one message v)\n\n@Sprite9\n\nwhen I receive [that one message v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-97) y: (127)\nhide\n\n
Apaul - Simple Platformer (v2.0)
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [new level v]\nswitch costume to (Level)\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (eyelid v)\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n forever\n go to (player v)\n change y by (8)\n if <(pick random (0) to (200)) = [0]> then\n set [eyelid v] to [8]\n repeat (8)\n change [eyelid v] by (-1)\n go to (player v)\n change y by (eyelid)\n end\n repeat (8)\n change [eyelid v] by (1)\n go to (player v)\n change y by (eyelid)\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n set [start x v] to (pick random (3) to (10))\n set [start y v] to (pick random (-90) to (90))\n set [x speed v] to ((start x) * ([sin v] of (start y) ))\n set [y speed v] to ((start x) * ([cos v] of (start y) ))\n set [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-10) to (10))\n repeat (25)\n change [y speed v] by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n change x by (x speed)\n change y by (y speed)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Spawn Particles\nswitch costume to (particle v)\nrepeat (20)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nswitch costume to (player v)\n\nwhen I receive [new level v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nbroadcast (New Level v) and wait\nswitch costume to (player v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [x speed v] to [0]\nset [y speed v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n change [x speed v] by (2)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x speed v] by (-2)\n end\n set [x speed v] to ((x speed) * (0.8))\n change x by (x speed)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (-6)\n change x by ((0) - (x speed))\n set [x speed v] to ((x speed) * (0.5))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y speed v] by (-1)\n set [y speed v] to ((y speed) * (0.95))\n change y by (y speed)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((0) - (y speed))\n if <<(y speed) < [0]> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <((y position) + (20)) < (mouse y)>>>> then\n set [y speed v] to [15]\n else\n set [y speed v] to ((y speed) * (0.5))\n end\n end\n if <(x position) > [225]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n set x to (-225)\n set [start x v] to (x position)\n set [start y v] to (y position)\n broadcast (New Level v) and wait\n end\n if <(x position) < [-225]> then\n change [level v] by (-1)\n set x to (225)\n set [start x v] to (x position)\n set [start y v] to (y position)\n broadcast (New Level v) and wait\n end\n if <<(y position) < [-175]> or <touching (danger v)?>> then\n Spawn Particles\n set [x speed v] to [0]\n set [y speed v] to [0]\n go to x: (start x) y: (start y)\n end\nend\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen I receive [new level v]\nswitch costume to (Level)\n\n@Effect\n\n@Decorations\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n if <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [V]> then\n Decoration decrease % [0.98] player effect [-0.01] reset factor [0.02]\n end\n if <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [G]> then\n Decoration decrease % [0.95] player effect [0.06] reset factor [0.2]\n end\n if <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [S]> then\n Decoration decrease % [1] player effect [0] reset factor [0]\n end\n if <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [O]> then\n change [speed v] by (4)\n set [brightness v] effect to ((7) * ([sin v] of (speed) ))\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (Win v)\n forever\n change [speed v] by (4)\n set [brightness v] effect to ((7) * ([sin v] of (speed) ))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Decoration decrease % (decrease %) player effect (player effect) reset factor (reset factor)\nset [speed v] to ((speed) * (decrease %))\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n change [speed v] by ((player effect) * ([x speed v] of [player v]))\nend\nif <(direction) > [90.5]> then\n change [speed v] by ((0) - (reset factor))\nend\nif <(direction) < [89.5]> then\n change [speed v] by (reset factor)\nend\nturn right (speed) degrees\n\nwhen I receive [new level v]\nif <[0] = [0]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nClone\n\ndefine Clone\npoint in direction (90)\nset [speed v] to [0]\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (vine 1 v)\n go to x: (-10) y: (149)\n repeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (15)\n end\n switch costume to (grass 1 v)\n go to x: (83) y: (-38)\n repeat (3)\n repeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\n end\n switch costume to (grass 1 v)\n change x by (50)\n end\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (grass 1 v)\n go to x: (-200) y: (-22)\n repeat (2)\n repeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\n end\n switch costume to (grass 1 v)\n change x by (60)\n end\n go to x: (28) y: (40)\n repeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\n end\n switch costume to (grass 1 v)\n go to x: (194) y: (-22)\n repeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\n end\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (vine 1 v)\n go to x: (9) y: (142)\n repeat (4)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (65)\n end\nend\nif <(Level) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (vine 1 v)\n go to x: (-9) y: (142)\n repeat (4)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (-65)\n end\nend\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (grass 1 v)\n go to x: (-80) y: (60)\n repeat (2)\n repeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\n end\n switch costume to (grass 1 v)\n change x by (125)\n end\n switch costume to (shaft v)\n go to x: (-17) y: (112)\n set [speed v] to [2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [speed v] to [0]\nend\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (vine 2 v)\n go to x: (-75) y: (50)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-30) y: (60)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (15) y: (62)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (64) y: (47)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (orb v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (grass 1 v)\n go to x: (-30) y: (-55)\n repeat (2)\n repeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\n end\n switch costume to (grass 1 v)\n change x by (60)\n end\nend\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen I receive [new level v]\nif <[0] = [0]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nClone\n\ndefine Clone\npoint in direction (90)\nset [speed v] to [0]\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (gear 1 v)\n go to x: (-17) y: (112)\n repeat (2)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n turn right (180) degrees\n end\nend\nif <(Level) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (gear 1 v)\n go to x: (-100) y: (-190)\n point in direction (-90)\n repeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (100)\n turn left (60) degrees\n end\n point in direction (90)\nend\nif <(Level) = [8]> then\n switch costume to (gear 2 v)\n go to x: (115) y: (200)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-1) y: (1)\n set [speed v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [speed v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [origin x v] to (x position)\nset [origin y v] to (y position)\nset [origin direction v] to (direction)\nif <<(speed) = [1]> and <(costume [name v]) = [Gear 2]>> then\n set [speed v] to [0.6]\n go to x: (7) y: (-12)\n repeat (38)\n turn right (-8) degrees\n set [speed v] to ((speed) * (0.95))\n change [speed v] by (-1)\n change y by (speed)\n if <(x position) < [115]> then\n set [speed v] to ((speed) * (0.95))\n change x by (-3)\n end\n if <(y position) < [-20]> then\n set [speed v] to ((0) - (speed))\n change y by (speed)\n change x by (-1)\n end\n end\n repeat (22)\n turn right (-8) degrees\n set [speed v] to ((speed) * (0.95))\n change [speed v] by (-1)\n change y by (speed)\n change x by (-3)\n end\nend\nforever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Gear 1]> then\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n change [origin direction v] by (2)\n go to x: ((origin x) + (([sin v] of (origin direction) ) * (150))) y: ((origin y) + (([cos v] of (origin direction) ) * (150)))\n turn right (-4) degrees\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n if <(origin direction) > [90]> then\n change [origin direction v] by (-180)\n end\n change [origin direction v] by (4)\n go to x: ((origin x) + (([sin v] of (origin direction) ) * (40))) y: ((origin y) + (([cos v] of (origin direction) ) * (250)))\n turn right (-8) degrees\n end\n end\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Gear 2]> then\n set [speed v] to [0]\n go to x: (115) y: (200)\n repeat (98)\n turn right (-8) degrees\n set [speed v] to ((speed) * (0.95))\n change [speed v] by (-1)\n change y by (speed)\n if <(x position) < [115]> then\n set [speed v] to ((speed) * (0.95))\n change x by (-3)\n end\n if <(y position) < [-20]> then\n set [speed v] to ((0) - (speed))\n change y by (speed)\n change x by (-1)\n end\n end\n repeat (22)\n turn right (-8) degrees\n set [speed v] to ((speed) * (0.95))\n change [speed v] by (-1)\n change y by (speed)\n change x by (-3)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (intro v)\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\nClone [Line 1]\nwait (1) seconds\nClone [Line 2]\nwait (3) seconds\nClone [Line 3]\nwait (1) seconds\nClone [Line 4]\nwait (3) seconds\nClone [Line 5]\nwait (2) seconds\nClone [Line 6]\nwait (4) seconds\nbroadcast (Start v)\nswitch costume to (thumbnail v)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nstart sound [Seven Years In Tibet - Theme - John Williams v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\n\ndefine Clone (line)\nswitch costume to (line)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (intro v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nswitch costume to (win v)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\n\n
Waittt... 100K VIEWS?!!?!?! Thanks you guys soooooooooooooo much!\n\n◀️NEW GAME: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/977802868/ ◀️\n\n40 Levels + 7 Pro Levels\n\nPlease ❤️ and ⭐️ i will be thankful :D\n\nFollow @BeeKeyProAnimations and @freder1 ✅\n\nUpdates:\n\n1 Update 03.06.2023 game relased \n\n2 Update 04.06.2023 changed game topic\n\n3 Update 06.06.2023 bounce platforms fixed\n\n4 Update 06.06.2023 added new levels!\n\n5 Update 07.06.2023 17 lvl lagging fixed and lava fixed and level 16 maked esier(Thanks @Cyberfishofant2 for help)\n\n6 Update 08.06.2023 added cave land to game and new platforms\n\n7 Update 10.06.2023 i fixed all lags in game and i again added Cave Land update\n\n8 Update 12.06.2023 Desert Land update! and world record update!\n\n9 Update 15.06.2023 Mobile Controls added!\n\n10 (LAST) Update 18.06.2023 Added PRO LEVELS
Blue Bouncy Ball || Platformer
@Stage\n\n@SCRIPTS!!!!!\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [speed x v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n Run Game\nend\n\ndefine Run Game\nchange [speed y v] by (-1)\nif <<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [speed x v] by (-2)\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [speed x v] by (2)\nend\nset [speed x v] to ((Speed X) * (0.7))\nchange x by (Speed X)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (-8)\n repeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n change x by ((Speed X) * (-1))\n end\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [speed y v] to [10]\n if <(Speed X) < [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to [16]\n else\n set [speed x v] to [-16]\n end\n else\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n end\nend\nchange y by (Speed Y)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n change y by ((Speed Y) * (-1))\n end\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> and <touching (ground v)?>> then\n set [speed y v] to [14]\nend\nchange y by (1)\n\n@Slides\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [speed x v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n Run Game\nend\n\ndefine Run Game\nchange [speed y v] by (-1)\nif <<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [speed x v] by (-2)\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [speed x v] by (2)\nend\nset [speed x v] to ((Speed X) * (0.7))\nchange x by (Speed X)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (-8)\n repeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n change x by ((Speed X) * (-1))\n end\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [speed y v] to [10]\n if <(Speed X) < [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to [16]\n else\n set [speed x v] to [-16]\n end\n else\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n end\nend\nchange y by (Speed Y)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n change y by ((Speed Y) * (-1))\n end\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> and <touching (ground v)?>> then\n set [speed y v] to [14]\nend\nchange y by (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [slide v] to [1]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (SLIDE)\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>>> then\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n set [slide v] to ((SLIDE) + (1))\n switch costume to (SLIDE)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n set [slide v] to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n switch costume to (SLIDE)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@NailThumb\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n
Click That Green Flag 2 Times For Better Gameplay!!!!\n\nStory - \nYou are with your Earth Friends An Endless Huge Earthquake Is Here You Got Pushed By This Earthquake And you are here to collect the lost treasure to stop That Endless Huge Earthquake\n\n\n\nIf you want it to be more famous then add it to 5-10 studios
SusCube | A Platformer #Trending #Games #Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Athletic Theme - Super Mario 3D Land v] until done\nend\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (15) %\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-208) y: (-77)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<(y position) > (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [yv v] by (-0.7)\n end\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse x) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n point in direction (90)\n change [xv v] by (0.7)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse x) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n point in direction (90)\n change [xv v] by (-0.7)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (xv)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by ((xv) * (-1))\n change x by (-1)\n change x by (-5)\n change x by (1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-8]\n else\n set [xv v] to [8]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (yv)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n end\n if <touching (danger v)?> then\n turn left (50) degrees\n say [Oh, Noo!] for (1) seconds\n wait (1) seconds\n turn right (50) degrees\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-190) y: (-77)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n broadcast (dead v)\n end\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n broadcast (message1 v)\n go to x: (-208) y: (-77)\n end\n if <touching (bounce v)?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-.8)\n change [color v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@clouds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (2))\n set size to (pick random (40) to (70)) %\n go to [back v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (5) to (20))\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n show\n go to x: (-200) y: (pick random (20) to (180))\n repeat (220)\n change x by (2)\n end\n hide\n wait (pick random (1) to (5)) seconds\n end\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (220) y: (pick random (20) to (180))\n repeat (110)\n change x by (-4)\n end\n hide\n wait (pick random (1) to (5)) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (ground v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\n@ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\n@TEXT\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (ground v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n wait (0.11) seconds\nend\n\nclear graphic effects\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (50)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (3) seconds\n else\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Bounce\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n show\n go to x: (11) y: (40)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n show\n go to x: (-5) y: (53)\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\n@key\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [keyfound v] to [false]\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\nset size to (20) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (keyfound v)\n end\n if <<(LEVEL) = [14]> and <(keyfound) = [false]>> then\n show\n go to x: (36) y: (28)\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [keyfound v]\nset [keyfound v] to [true]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (20) %\nchange x by (-10)\nwait (2) seconds\nhide\n\n
Hello guys !\nWelcome to my new game : \nNo jump a platformer :D\nNew project : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/574719556/\nLove fave and follow me ;)\nFor this platformer, you can’t jump but you have a pad for help :)\nMove with the arrow and don’t touch spike :(\nIf you win say : I don’t jump but I win !
BitVenturer || Pixel Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (black v)\n\n@Player\n\ndefine Move - in steps (steps)\nchange [falling v] by (1)\nrepeat (steps)\n set [last value v] to (x position)\n change x by ((speed x) / (steps))\n Check touching solid\n if <(touching) > [0]> then\n Collide X - Slope or Wall?\n end\n set [last value v] to (y position)\n change y by ((speed y) / (steps))\n Check touching solid\n if <(touching) > [0]> then\n Collide Y - Ceiling or Floor\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick - player v]\nMoved by Moving Platform\nswitch backdrop to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\nControls - Up and Down\nControls - Left and Right\nMove - in steps (([abs v] of (speed x) ) + ([abs v] of (speed y) ))\nSet Costume\n\ndefine Controls - Up and Down\nif <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <(JUMP) > [0]>>>> then\n if <<(wall slide) > [0]> and <(jumping) = [0]>> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n set [jumping v] to [1]\n set [falling v] to [3]\n set [wall slide v] to [0]\n turn right (180) degrees\n set [speed x v] to (((direction) / (90)) * (7))\n set [long jump v] to [12]\n end\n if <<(falling) < [3]> and <(jumping) = [0]>> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n set [jumping v] to [1]\n set [falling v] to [3]\n end\n if <<(jumping) > [0]> and <(jumping) < (JUMP DURATION)>> then\n change [jumping v] by (1)\n set [speed y v] to (JUMP FORCE)\n end\nelse\n set [jumping v] to [0]\nend\nchange [speed y v] by (GRAVITY)\nif <(wall slide) > [0]> then\n Check Can Wall Slide\n if <(speed y) < [0]> then\n set [speed y v] to ((speed y) * (0.6))\n end\nend\n\ndefine Controls - Left and Right\nif <(long jump) > [0]> then\n change [long jump v] by (-1)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [key x v] to (<<key (d v) pressed?> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <(STICK X) > [0.5]>>> - <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <(STICK X) < [-0.5]>>>)\nif <(KEY X) = [0]> then\n if <<(falling) > [2]> and <(wall slide) < [1]>> then\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.98))\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <([abs v] of (speed x) ) < [1]> then\n set [frame v] to [0]\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n else\n change [frame v] by (0.5)\n end\nelse\n change [speed x v] by ((KEY X) * (ACCELERATION))\n point in direction ((KEY X) * (90))\n change [frame v] by (1)\nend\nset [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (RESISTANCE))\n\ndefine Reset and Begin Level\nshow\nset [invulnerable v] to [0]\nset [speed x v] to [0]\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [falling v] to [99]\nset [long jump v] to [0]\nset [jumping v] to [0]\nset [wall slide v] to [0]\npoint in direction (90)\nBegin Scene # (SPAWN SCENE) go to x, y (SPAWN X) (SPAWN Y)\n\nwhen I receive [game loop v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nforever\n broadcast (Tick - First v)\n broadcast (Tick - Platform v)\n broadcast (Tick - Player v)\n broadcast (Tick - Last v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick - last v]\nif <(x position) > [235]> then\n Begin Scene # ((SCENE #) + (1)) go to x, y [-235] []\nend\nif <(x position) < [-235]> then\n Begin Scene # ((SCENE #) + (-1)) go to x, y [235] []\nend\nif <(y position) > [180]> then\n Begin Scene # ((SCENE #) + (100)) go to x, y [] [-160]\nend\nif <(y position) < [-180]> then\n Begin Scene # ((SCENE #) + (-100)) go to x, y [] [180]\nend\nif <touching (danger v)?> then\n broadcast (Lose Life v)\nend\n\ndefine Begin Scene # (scene #) go to x, y (x) (y)\nset [scene # v] to (scene #)\nif <(x) > []> then\n set x to (x)\nend\nif <(y) > []> then\n set y to (y)\nend\nbroadcast (Exit Scene v)\nbroadcast (Change Scene v)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nwait (0) seconds\nswitch costume to (hitbox v2 v)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nif <(x) > []> then\n Fix Collision in Direction [0]\nelse\n Fix Collision in Direction [90]\nend\nSet Costume\nbroadcast (Game Loop v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick - first v]\nswitch costume to (hitbox v2 v)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [platform dx v] to []\nset [platform dy v] to []\n\ndefine Set Costume\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nif <(wall slide) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (hangon01 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(falling) > [1]> then\n if <(speed y) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (jump01 v)\n else\n switch costume to (run_j2 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nif <(frame) > [0]> then\n switch costume to ((1) + ([floor v] of ((frame) mod (16)) ))\nelse\n switch costume to (hit angle 0 v)\n repeat (5)\n Check touching solid\n if <(touching) < [1]> then\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) + (5))\n stop [this script v]\n end\n next costume\n end\n switch costume to (stand v)\nend\n\ndefine Collide X - Slope or Wall?\nCheck Can Wall Slide\nchange y by (1)\nCheck touching solid\nif <(touching) > [0]> then\n change y by (1)\n Check touching solid\n if <(touching) > [0]> then\n change y by (-2)\n set x to (last value)\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.8))\nend\nset [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.95))\nSlip\n\ndefine Check touching solid\nif <<<touching (level v)?> or <touching (platform v)?>> or <touching (platform2 v)?>> then\n set [touching v] to [1]\nelse\n set [touching v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Collide Y - Ceiling or Floor\nset y to (last value)\nif <(speed y) > [0]> then\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(falling) > [0]> then\n set [falling v] to [0]\n Slip\nend\nset [speed y v] to ((speed y) * (0.8))\n\ndefine Slip\nchange y by (-2)\nchange x by (1)\nCheck touching solid\nif <(touching) < [1]> then\n set [falling v] to [9]\n change [speed x v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nchange x by (-2)\nCheck touching solid\nif <(touching) < [1]> then\n set [falling v] to [9]\n change [speed x v] by (-1)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nchange y by (2)\nchange x by (1)\n\ndefine Check Can Wall Slide\nif <(falling) < [2]> then\n set [wall slide v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nswitch costume to (hitbox wallslide v)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nCheck touching solid\nset [wall slide v] to (touching)\nswitch costume to (hitbox v2 v)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\n\nwhen I receive [lose life v]\nset [invulnerable v] to [1]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstart sound [Meow v]\nstart sound [Oops v]\nrepeat (5)\n switch costume to (die-01 v)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (die-02 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nhide\nchange [orbs v] by (-1)\nReset and Begin Level\n\ndefine Moved by Moving Platform\nchange x by (PLATFORM DX)\nchange y by (PLATFORM DY)\nCheck touching solid\nif <(touching) > [0]> then\n Find Closest Space to (x position) (y position) max [16]\n if <(touching) > [0]> then\n broadcast (Lose Life v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Fix Collision in Direction (dir)\nset [temp v] to (direction)\nset [distance v] to [1]\npoint in direction (dir)\nrepeat (128)\n Check touching solid\n if <(touching) < [1]> then\n point in direction (temp)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n move (distance) steps\n turn right (180) degrees\n change [distance v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Find Closest Space to (x) (y) max (max)\nset [temp v] to (direction)\nset [distance v] to [1]\npoint in direction (0)\nrepeat (max)\n repeat (16)\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n move (distance) steps\n Check touching solid\n if <(touching) < [1]> then\n point in direction (temp)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n turn right (22.5) degrees\n end\n change [distance v] by (1)\nend\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npoint in direction (temp)\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nset [gravity v] to [-1.5]\nset [jump force v] to [12]\nset [jump duration v] to [6]\nset [acceleration v] to [1.5]\nset [resistance v] to [0.8]\nbroadcast (Reset Game v) and wait\nbroadcast (Setup v) and wait\nset [scene # v] to [1]\nset [spawn scene v] to [1]\nset [spawn x v] to [-164]\nset [spawn y v] to [96]\nReset and Begin Level\n\nwhen I receive [player - bounce v]\nset [speed y v] to [10]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nshow\nerase all\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\nStamp Outline\nStamp Shadow\n\ndefine Stamp Shadow\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nset [ghost v] effect to (90)\nchange y by (-20)\nstamp\nchange y by (20)\nclear graphic effects\n\ndefine Stamp Outline\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nrepeat (8)\n move (3) steps\n stamp\n move (-3) steps\n turn right (45) degrees\nend\nclear graphic effects\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (blank v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\nif <(SCENE #) = [3]> then\n forever\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (160)) ))\n end\nend\n\n@Platform\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nif <(SCENE #) = [3]> then\n Spawn [platform] at [-50] [-91] dir [90] turn []\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [6]> then\n Spawn [Key 1] at [-109] [-8] dir [90] turn []\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [7]> then\n Spawn [platform] at [114] [-26] dir [90] turn []\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [109]> then\n Spawn [Key 2] at [178] [-77] dir [90] turn []\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [110]> then\n Spawn [turn] at [-84] [-115] dir [90] turn [1]\n Spawn [turn] at [15] [-95] dir [90] turn [-1]\nend\n\ndefine Animate Platform (max x) (max y) (min x) (min y) (wait) (time)\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n glide (time) secs to x: (max x) y: (max y)\n wait (wait) seconds\n glide (time) secs to x: (min x) y: (min y)\n wait (wait) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick - platform v]\nTick (x position) (y position)\nset [last x v] to (x position)\nset [last y v] to (y position)\n\ndefine Tick (new x) (new y)\nif <(turn) > []> then\n change y by (4)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n Rotation Maths CCW ((0) - (turn))\n end\nelse\n if <(new y) > (last y)> then\n change y by (1)\n else\n set y to ((last y) + (1))\n end\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [platform dx v] to ((new x) - (last x))\n set [platform dy v] to ((new y) - (last y))\n end\nend\ngo to x: (new x) y: (new y)\n\ndefine Door at (x) (y) key (key name)\nshow\nswitch costume to (key name)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nforever\n wait until <touching (player v)?>\n if <[collected v] contains (key name)?> then\n start sound [Buzz Whir v]\n repeat (24)\n change y by (4)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n start sound [Buzz Whir v]\n repeat (24)\n change y by (-4)\n end\n start sound [Crunch v]\n else\n start sound [Low Squeak v]\n end\n wait until <not <touching (player v)?>>\nend\n\ndefine Animate - Boss level\ngo to x: (160) y: (28)\nforever\n glide (3) secs to x: (-154) y: (28)\n glide (3) secs to x: (160) y: (28)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [exit scene v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Spawn (type) at (x) (y) dir (dir) turn (degress)\nset [turn v] to (degress)\nswitch costume to (type)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npoint in direction (dir)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif < (costume [name v]) contains [key]?> then\n Door at (x position) (y position) key (costume [name v])\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [3]> then\n Animate Platform [-50] [120] [-50] [-91] [0.3] [3]\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [7]> then\n Animate Platform [114] [-166] [114] [-26] [0.3] [2]\nend\nif <(turn) > []> then\n set rotation style [all around v]\n forever\n turn right (turn) degrees\n end\nend\n\ndefine Rotation Maths CCW (ccw)\nset [dx v] to (([x position v] of [player v]) - (x position))\nset [dy v] to (([y position v] of [player v]) - (y position))\nset [sin v] to ([sin v] of (ccw) )\nset [cos v] to ([cos v] of (ccw) )\nset [platform dx v] to ((((dx) * (cos)) - ((dy) * (sin))) - (dx))\nset [platform dy v] to ((((dx) * (sin)) + ((dy) * (cos))) - (dy))\n\n@Platform2\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nhide\nif <(SCENE #) = [3]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n show\n Animate Platform\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [108]> then\n show\n Animate 2\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\ndefine Animate Platform\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (164) y: (196)\nforever\n glide (.1) secs to x: (164) y: (105)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n glide (0.7) secs to x: (164) y: (210.5)\n wait (0.3) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick - platform v]\nTick (x position) (y position)\nset [last x v] to (x position)\nset [last y v] to (y position)\n\ndefine Tick (new x) (new y)\nif <(new y) > (last y)> then\n change y by (1)\nelse\n set y to ((last y) + (1))\nend\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n set [platform dx v] to ((new x) - (last x))\n set [platform dy v] to ((new y) - (last y))\nend\ngo to x: (new x) y: (new y)\n\ndefine Animate 2\nset size to (70) %\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (73) y: (149)\nforever\n glide (.1) secs to x: (65) y: (85)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n glide (0.7) secs to x: (65) y: (148)\n wait (0.3) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(SCENE #) = [108]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n show\n Animate 3\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Animate 3\nset size to (70) %\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (73) y: (81)\nforever\n glide (0.7) secs to x: (135) y: (149)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n glide (.1) secs to x: (135) y: (81)\n wait (0.2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Collectable\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nif <(SCENE #) = (my scene)> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat until <touching (player v)?>\n change y by ((0.5) * ([sin v] of (frame) ))\n change [frame v] by (5)\nend\nset [my scene v] to []\nif <(costume [name v]) = [apple]> then\n start sound [Pop v]\n change [orbs v] by (pick random (1) to (5))\nelse\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Green Flag]> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n set [spawn scene v] to (SCENE #)\n set [spawn x v] to ([x position v] of [player v])\n set [spawn y v] to ([y position v] of [player v])\n else\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Gapple]> then\n start sound [Pop v]\n start sound [Collect v]\n change [orbs v] by (10)\n else\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Star]> then\n broadcast (Player Win v)\n else\n start sound [Collect v]\n add (costume [name v]) to [collected v]\n end\n end\n end\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change y by (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ndelete all of [collected v]\nset [frame v] to [0]\nset [orbs v] to [0]\nset [apples v] to [0]\nhide\nPlace [apple] scene [1] xy [-3] [95]\nPlace [apple] scene [1] xy [71] [-35]\nPlace [apple] scene [1] xy [122] [-35]\nPlace [apple] scene [1] xy [175] [-35]\nPlace [apple] scene [2] xy [46] [7]\nPlace [apple] scene [2] xy [46] [60]\nPlace [apple] scene [2] xy [46] [109]\nPlace [apple] scene [3] xy [-50] [68]\nPlace [apple] scene [4] xy [-135] [21]\nPlace [apple] scene [4] xy [-116] [-19]\nPlace [apple] scene [4] xy [-94] [-53]\nPlace [apple] scene [4] xy [-67] [-84]\nPlace [apple] scene [4] xy [-28] [-113]\nPlace [apple] scene [4] xy [14] [-133]\nPlace [apple] scene [105] xy [-139] [72]\nPlace [Key 1] scene [106] xy [-25] [16]\nPlace [Green Flag] scene [2] xy [186] [80]\nPlace [Green Flag] scene [5] xy [3] [-122]\nPlace [Green Flag] scene [6] xy [88] [-8]\nPlace [Gapple] scene [8] xy [-80] [-125]\nPlace [Gapple] scene [108] xy [-181] [95]\nPlace [Green Flag] scene [108] xy [200] [74]\nPlace [Star] scene [111] xy [10] [-9]\n\ndefine Place (costume name) scene (scene) xy (x) (y)\nset [my scene v] to (scene)\nswitch costume to (costume name)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [my scene v] to []\n\nwhen I receive [reset game v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Splash Screen\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [mute sound v] to [0]\nset volume to (50) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (title screen v)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nhide\nset [mute sound v] to [2]\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen I receive [player win v]\nstop all sounds\nhide variable [lives v]\nhide variable [orbs v]\nhide variable [boss health v]\nhide variable [scene # v]\nswitch costume to (win screen v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [mute sound v] to [1]\nplay sound [Win v] until done\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nrepeat until <(MUTE SOUND) = [1]>\n play sound [Kitsune^2 - Rainbow Tylenol v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nshow\nrepeat until <(MUTE SOUND) = [2]>\n play sound [O Ji Ji - The Shadow v] until done\nend\n\n@Main Menu\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nwait (0.001) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nhide variable [lives v]\nhide variable [orbs v]\nset size to (10) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (-103)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((0.2) * ((90) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((0.2) * ((80) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (Start Game v)\n\n@Boss\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (boss1 v)\nset [boss v] to [0]\nset [boss health v] to [6]\nhide variable [boss health v]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nif <(SCENE #) = [109]> then\n if <(BOSS HEALTH) < [1]> then\n hide\n else\n Spawn [Mr. Sourface] at [2] [-83] dir [90]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [speed v] to [2]\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [frame v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (boss1 v)\nforever\n if <<(costume [name v]) = [Boss - Dead]> and <(BOSS HEALTH) < [1]>> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n switch costume to (boss - dead v)\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (Boss Dead v)\n delete this clone\n else\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n set rotation style [don't rotate v]\n broadcast (Tick - Boss v)\n change [frame v] by (0.25)\n switch costume to ((1) + (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (2)))\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n if <<(INVULNERABLE) = [0]> and <touching (player v)?>> then\n Touching Player\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [exit scene v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Move - Down\nchange [speed y v] by (-1)\nchange y by (speed y)\nrepeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change y by (1)\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Move - Left or Right\nif <(BOSS HEALTH) = [6]> then\n move (1) steps\nend\nif <(BOSS HEALTH) = [5]> then\n move (1) steps\nend\nif <(BOSS HEALTH) = [4]> then\n move (2) steps\nend\nif <(BOSS HEALTH) = [3]> then\n move (2) steps\nend\nif <(BOSS HEALTH) = [2]> then\n move (3) steps\nend\nif <(BOSS HEALTH) = [1]> then\n move (3) steps\nend\nrepeat (4)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>> then\n if <not <<touching (safe zones v)?> or <touching (platform v)?>>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\nchange y by (-4)\nmove (-2) steps\nturn right (180) degrees\n\ndefine Touching Player\nbroadcast (Player - Bounce v)\nif <([speed y v] of [player v]) < [-2]> then\n if <(BOSS HEALTH) = [1]> then\n change [boss health v] by (-1)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n switch costume to (boss - dead v)\n change [boss v] by (1)\n broadcast (Boss Dead v)\n else\n change [boss health v] by (-1)\n switch costume to (boss - hurt v)\n create clone of (lemon ball v)\n end\nelse\n broadcast (Lose Life v)\nend\n\ndefine Spawn (type) at (x) (y) dir (dir)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npoint in direction (dir)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nif <(SCENE #) = [109]> then\n if <(BOSS HEALTH) < [1]> then\n broadcast (Hide boss health v)\n else\n broadcast (Boss health v)\n end\nelse\n broadcast (Hide boss health v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick - boss v]\nMove - Left or Right\nMove - Down\n\nwhen I receive [boss dead v]\nwait (2) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nswitch costume to (boss - dead v)\nforever\n hide\nend\n\n@Safe Zones\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\n\n@Enemy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nif <(SCENE #) = [1]> then\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) < [0]> then\n Spawn [Lemon] at [186] [87] dir [-90]\n else\n Spawn [Lemon] at [-167] [30] dir [90]\n end\n Spawn [Lemon] at [-4] [-43] dir [90]\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [2]> then\n Spawn [Lemon] at [45] [-43] dir [90]\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [4]> then\n Spawn [Lemon] at [18] [-133] dir [90]\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [106]> then\n Spawn [Lemon] at [-38] [-21] dir [90]\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [6]> then\n Spawn [Lemon] at [-50] [-30] dir [90]\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [8]> then\n Spawn [Lemon] at [174] [-143] dir [-90]\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [108]> then\n Spawn [Lemon] at [-39] [-130] dir [90]\n Spawn [Lemon] at [-168] [-130] dir [90]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [frame v] to [0]\nforever\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n set rotation style [don't rotate v]\n broadcast (Tick - Enemy v)\n change [frame v] by (0.25)\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((1) + ((frame) mod (4))) )\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n if <<(INVULNERABLE) = [0]> and <touching (player v)?>> then\n Touching Player\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [exit scene v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Move - Down\nchange [speed y v] by (-1)\nchange y by (speed y)\nrepeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change y by (1)\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Move - Left or Right\nmove (2) steps\nrepeat (4)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>> then\n if <not <<touching (safe zones v)?> or <touching (platform v)?>>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\nchange y by (-4)\nmove (-2) steps\nturn right (180) degrees\n\ndefine Touching Player\nif <([speed y v] of [player v]) < [-2]> then\n broadcast (Player - Bounce v)\n start sound [Squish Pop v]\n switch costume to (lemon squish v)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nbroadcast (Lose Life v)\n\ndefine Spawn (type) at (x) (y) dir (dir)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npoint in direction (dir)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick - enemy v]\nMove - Left or Right\nMove - Down\n\n@Collectable2\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nif <(SCENE #) = (my scene)> then\n if <(BOSS HEALTH) < [1]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat until <(BOSS) = [1]>\n hide\nend\nshow\nrepeat until <touching (player v)?>\n change y by ((0.5) * ([sin v] of (frame) ))\n change [frame v] by (5)\nend\nset [my scene v] to []\nstart sound [Collect v]\nadd (costume [name v]) to [collected v]\nrepeat (20)\n change y by (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ndelete all of [collected v]\nset [frame v] to [0]\nset [orbs v] to [0]\nhide\nPlace [Key 2] scene [109] xy [-24] [-58]\n\ndefine Place (costume name) scene (scene) xy (x) (y)\nset [my scene v] to (scene)\nswitch costume to (costume name)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [my scene v] to []\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [reset game v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (-43) y: (41)\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nshow\n\n@Orbs\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nforever\n change costume to (letter (index) of (ORBS))\n change size by ((0.2) * ((100) - (size)))\nend\n\ndefine setup\nhide\nswitch costume to (0 v)\ngo to x: (-178) y: (153)\nset [index v] to [1]\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (15)\n change [index v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine change costume to (costume)\nif <not <(costume) = (costume [name v])>> then\n switch costume to (costume)\n set size to (120) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nsetup\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (20)\nhide\nforever\n switch costume to (join [health-] (BOSS HEALTH))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [boss health v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [hide boss health v]\nhide\n\n@Pew Pew Studio\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (pew pew studio v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nnext costume\nstart sound [Pew sound effect v]\nwait (0.3) seconds\nnext costume\nstart sound [Pew sound effect v]\nwait (0.3) seconds\nnext costume\nstart sound [Pew sound effect v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nbroadcast (Main Menu v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (50)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\n\n@lemon ball\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: ([x position v] of [player v]) y: (162)\npoint in direction (180)\nshow\nrepeat until <(x position) < [-220]>\n move (5) steps\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (Lose Life v)\n end\n if <(SCENE #) = [109]> then\n show\n else\n delete this clone\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [lose life v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [boss dead v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Control Stick\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nswitch costume to (stick v)\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nset [ghost v] effect to (25)\nforever\n set [stick power v] to []\n set [stick x v] to [0]\n set [stick y v] to [0]\n repeat until <mouse down?>\n go to (base sprite)\n end\n if <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < ((size) * (0.65))> then\n Stick Drag\n else\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\nend\n\ndefine Stick Drag\nrepeat until <not <mouse down?>>\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n point towards (base sprite)\n turn right (180) degrees\n set [stick direction v] to (direction)\n set [stick power v] to (distance to [(base sprite) v])\n if <(STICK POWER) > (max stick)> then\n move ((max stick) - (STICK POWER)) steps\n set [stick power v] to (max stick)\n end\n set [stick power v] to ((STICK POWER) / (max stick))\n set [stick x v] to ((STICK POWER) * ([sin v] of (STICK DIRECTION) ))\n set [stick y v] to ((STICK POWER) * ([cos v] of (STICK DIRECTION) ))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nif <(Mobile) = [/]> then\n show\n go to x: (-163) y: (-102)\n go to [front v] layer\n set [max stick v] to ((size) / (4))\n set size to (140) %\n set [base sprite v] to [Control Stick]\n switch costume to (base v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (60)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nelse\n hide\nend\n\n@Option button\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nwait (0.001) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset size to (10) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (-140)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((0.2) * ((90) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((0.2) * ((80) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Options v)\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nhide\n\n@Options\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [back options v]\nhide\n\n@Mobile\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to ( v)\nhide\nforever\n set [mobile v] to (costume [name v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nwait (0) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [back options v]\nhide\n\n@Back Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nhide\nforever\n wait (0) seconds\n next costume\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (35)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nwait (0) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Back options v)\nhide\n\n@Jump\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nif <(Mobile) = [/]> then\n set [jump v] to [0]\n switch costume to (base v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (60)\n show\n go to x: (163) y: (-102)\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (140) %\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nset [jump v] to [1]\nwait until <not <mouse down?>>\nset [jump v] to [0]\n\n
---------------------------Halloween---------------------------------------------------------------A-----------------------------------------------------Multiplayer Scrolling Platformer---------------\n\n-------------------------INSTRUCTIONS------------------------\n-Arrow Keys To Move\n-Mobile Tap\n-N To Toggle Names\n-Collect Sweets\n-You Will Get Given A Random Skin\n-There is a Chat\n-click or space to pull the sword from the stone\n-To use the sword you either need to press space or \n click the player\n-Click on the flag icon to see your achievements\n-Click on the location icon to see where you are on the level (even on the mini map you can't see the entire platform layout)\n-n to toggle names\n-To win you must go through the barrier blocking the exit to do this you must collect all 99 sweets and all 5 achievements \n-If you leave a hooded creature in its grave for too long it will escape!!\n-Press the box on the bottom right to toggle cloud
Sketch– A Platformer (Finished)
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nforever\n play sound [Iron Fire v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext backdrop\n\nif <(backdrop [number v]) = [11]> then\n broadcast (end game v)\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nset size to (150) %\n\nforever\n\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-90)\nend\n\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (sprite2 v)\n next costume\n wait (0) seconds\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<(direction) = [90]> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n repeat (12)\n go to (sprite2 v)\n turn right (30) degrees\n end\n point in direction (90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n end\n if <<(direction) = [-90]> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n repeat (12)\n go to (sprite2 v)\n turn left (30) degrees\n end\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n end\nend\n\nturn right (30) degrees\n\nturn right (30) degrees\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nshow\nforever\n if <not <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n if <([direction v] of [sprite1 v]) = [90]> then\n change x by (((([x position v] of [sprite1 v]) - (x position)) - (33)) / (5))\n change y by (((([y position v] of [sprite1 v]) - (y position)) + (33)) / (5))\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <([direction v] of [sprite1 v]) = [-90]> then\n change x by (((([x position v] of [sprite1 v]) - (x position)) - (-33)) / (5))\n change y by (((([y position v] of [sprite1 v]) - (y position)) + (33)) / (5))\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\n if <<([direction v] of [sprite1 v]) = [-90]> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n repeat (25)\n change x by (((([x position v] of [sprite1 v]) - (x position)) - (-33)) / (5))\n change y by (((([y position v] of [sprite1 v]) - (y position)) + (33)) / (5))\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\n if <<([direction v] of [sprite1 v]) = [90]> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n repeat (25)\n change x by (((([x position v] of [sprite1 v]) - (x position)) - (33)) / (5))\n change y by (((([y position v] of [sprite1 v]) - (y position)) + (33)) / (5))\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nhide\ngo to x: (-235) y: (-65)\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nshow\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.5)\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (0.5)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((XV) * (0.9))\n change x by (XV)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-6)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\n if <(XV) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [10]\n end\n else\n change x by ((XV) * (-1))\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (YV)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by ((YV) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-0.5)\n if <<touching color (#000000)?> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n change y by (0.5)\n if <[235] < (x position)> then\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n go to x: (-230) y: (-65)\n broadcast (next level v)\n end\n if <touching color (#ff9300)?> then\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n go to x: (-230) y: (-65)\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\n\nshow\ngo to x: (215) y: (-88)\nbroadcast (attack v)\n\nhide\n\n@Sprite7\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nstop [all v]\n\nhide\n\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (begin v)\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [attack v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nhide\nforever\n go to (sprite4 v)\nend\n\nrepeat until <(backdrop [name v]) = [backdrop3]>\n repeat (pick random (1) to (10))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait (pick random (2) to (3)) seconds\nend\n\npoint towards (sprite1 v)\nshow\nrepeat (pick random (10) to (100))\n move (10) steps\n turn right (pick random (-10) to (10)) degrees\n if <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (sprite2 v)?>> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n
WAD, Arrow Keys, or mobile controls- Move \nM- Mute U- Unmute\nR- Restart S- Skip\n\nPeople, people, it's coal. Not poop lol.\n\nAll levels are 100% possible. \nReport any bugs or glitches.\n \n Credits\n=============================================\nMusic: All I want For Christmas Is You- Mariah Carey\n@SullyBully for intro, modified by @DeViilz\n@DeViilz for trees (the good ones lol), presents, and TB.\n@iiKryptox for last level design (irl friend).\n@-GenZ- for all other art, coding, and idea.\n\n Log\n=============================================\nReleased December 13, 2019 :D\nLoved by @noodlebot743\nLoved by @-TheGreenNinja-\nLoved by @BirdNani\nLoved by @CapAnimation\nLoved by @54329 \nLoved by @IgniteSpark\nLoved by @_Electric_\nLoved by @Hydreox\nLoved and favorited by @PegasusHT\nLoved by @sharkyshar\nLoved and favorited by @dn_scrtch\nLoved and favorited by @MJM3\nLoved by @-ABIC-\nLoved and favorited by @diggerboy12\nLoved and favorited by @-LilWolfy-\nLoved by @C9M09B\nDecember 14, 2019: Top loved! (already geez).\nFavorited by @White_Lord\nLoved by @KingKey3\nLoved and favorited by @-Parjos-\nLoved by @Good-Website\nLoved by @starriberri\nLoved and favorited by @eunice0913\nLoved and favorited by @Twin138956Scratch\nLoved by @-Infitnite- (@Cicada_19).\n#7 on trending!\nLoved by @theworldsdumb0\nLoved by @SaltyCreeper67\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n#platformers #Christmas #mobile #yeet #babyyoda
Platformer Starter Project
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nforever\n play sound [4 v] until done\nend\n\nforever\n play sound [4 v] until done\nend\n\nforever\n play sound [4 v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nset volume to (60) %\nstop all sounds\nforever\n play sound [Sounds of Space v] until done\nend\n\nwhen [s v] key pressed\nbroadcast (level v)\n\n@player\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (([x position v] of [hitbox v]) + (3)) y: (([y position v] of [hitbox v]) + (2))\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\ngo to x: (-201) y: (-50)\nforever\n if <<touching (death v)?> or <touching (saw v)?>> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n repeat (20)\n next costume\n end\n go to x: (-201) y: (100)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@hitbox\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\nforever\n change [y velocity v] by (-2)\n change y by (y velocity)\n change [in air v] by (1)\n handle ground <(y velocity) > [0]>\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <not <touching (death v)?>> then\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-90)\n walk [-6]\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n walk [6]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nforever\nend\n\nif <(y position) < [-170]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n wait (0) seconds\n go to x: (-201) y: (100)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\nend\n\ndefine handle ground <moving up>\nrepeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n if <moving up> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine walk (steps)\nchange x by (steps)\nset [ground lift v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<not <touching (platforms v)?>> or <(ground lift) = [8]>>\n change y by (1)\n change [ground lift v] by (1)\nend\nif <(ground lift) = [8]> then\n change x by ((-1) * (steps))\n change y by (-8)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <not <touching (death v)?>> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <(in air) < [8]>> then\n set [y velocity v] to [14]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-201) y: (100)\nforever\n if <<touching (death v)?> or <touching (saw v)?>> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n repeat (20)\n next costume\n end\n go to x: (-201) y: (100)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n if <<([costume # v] of [player v]) = [1]> and <(x position) > [228]>> then\n broadcast (level v)\n go to x: (-201) y: (100)\n end\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [8]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (bounce v)?> then\n set [y velocity v] to [26]\n end\nend\n\nhide\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\n@platforms\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level v]\nnext costume\nnext backdrop\n\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@death\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\n\nwhen I receive [level v]\nnext costume\n\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\n\nhide\n\n@stamp\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to (player v)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nhide\n\n@bounce\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level v]\nnext costume\n\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (4) layers\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n go to [back v] layer\n end\nend\n\n@words\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level v]\nnext costume\n\nhide\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(username) = [mrzorx75]> then\n if <key (t v) pressed?> then\n end\nend\n\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Sprite1\n\n
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/395725591/\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/395725591/\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/395725591/\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/395725591/\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/395725591/\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/395725591/\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/395725591/\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/395725591/\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/395725591/\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/395725591/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\ncheck that out pls
Mᴀɢᴍᴀ ... ? #Platformer #Games
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\nclear graphic effects\nwait until <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [4]>\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (10)\nwait until <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [10]>\nclear graphic effects\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\nwait until <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [12]>\nclear graphic effects\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nwait until <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [13]>\nclear graphic effects\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [huh v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nbroadcast (Next level v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nclear graphic effects\nwait until <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [12]>\n\n@Blank\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nswitch costume to (a0 v)\nif <(lives for player) = [1]> then\n set [y v] to [0]\n set [x v] to [0]\n go to x: (-215) y: (-30)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by (5)\n end\n point in direction (90)\n broadcast (Setup Enemies v)\n set [y v] to [0]\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [lives for player v] to [1]\nelse\n change [lives for player v] by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nset rotation style [all around v]\nrepeat (20)\n turn right (15) degrees\n change y by (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n change [y v] by (0.7)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n change [y v] by (1)\n end\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) > (mouse y)>>> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n end\n end\nend\n\nclear graphic effects\nset rotation style [all around v]\nrepeat (20)\n turn right (15) degrees\n change y by (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [switch costume v]\nswitch costume to (a0 v)\n\nwait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n\n\n change [y v] by (-1.5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [switch weapon v]\nif <not <(Weapon MAX) = [0]>> then\n if <(Weapon Number) = (Weapon MAX)> then\n set [weapon number v] to [1]\n else\n change [weapon number v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [switch to normal v]\nswitch costume to (a0 v)\n\nwhen I receive [move player v]\nif <not <touching (lava v)?>> then\n change x by (Move::X)\n change y by (Move::Y)\nelse\n broadcast (Restart v)\nend\n\nbroadcast (Next level v)\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nbroadcast (Restart v)\n\nwhen I receive [setup enemies v]\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\nhide variable [lives v]\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [1]> then\n Clone self: [] [] to [] []\nend\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [2]> then\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [3]> then\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [4]> then\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [5]> then\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [6]> then\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [7]> then\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [8]> then\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [9]> then\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [10]> then\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [11]> then\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [12]> then\n\ndefine Clone self: (x) (y) to (x) (y)\n\nwhen I receive [#intro done v]\nset [weapon number v] to [1]\nset [weapon max v] to [5]\nbroadcast (W1 v)\nbroadcast (W2 v)\nbroadcast (W3 v)\nbroadcast (W4 v)\nforever\n if <key (z v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(Weapon MAX) = [0]>> then\n if <(Weapon Number) = (Weapon MAX)> then\n set [weapon number v] to [1]\n else\n change [weapon number v] by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n wait until <not <key (z v) pressed?>>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [#intro done v]\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\nshow\nforever\n if <<(x position) > [240]> and <touching (_edge_ v)?>> then\n broadcast (Next level v)\n end\n if <<<(y position) < [-170]> and <touching (_edge_ v)?>> or <touching (lava v)?>> then\n broadcast (Restart v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <touching (bounce v)?> then\n set [y v] to [20]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [#intro done v]\nforever\n play sound [9109kj821kaw.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [#intro done v]\nset [lives for player v] to [1]\nbroadcast (Restart v)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n switch costume to (a0 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n if <not <touching (water v)?>> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> and <not <touching (water v)?>>> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n if <([abs v] of (x) ) = (x)> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((y) - ((y) * (2)))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> and <touching (level v)?>> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n broadcast (Restart v)\n end\n switch costume to (join [A] (Weapon Number))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [#intro done v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [#intro done v]\nforever\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n if <not <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [13]>> then\n broadcast (Next level v)\n end\n end\n wait until <not <key (s v) pressed?>>\n if <touching (tele v)?> then\n go to x: (-215) y: (80)\n end\nend\n\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\nend\nchange y by (y)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((y) - ((y) * (2)))\n set [y v] to [0]\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nclear graphic effects\nnext costume\nbroadcast (Restart v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (sx) y: (sy)\nrepeat until <not <([costume # v] of [level v]) = (My Level #)>>\n Glide (ex) (ey)\n Glide (sx) (sy)\nend\n\ndefine Glide (x) (y)\nrepeat until <<(round (x position)) = (x)> and <(round (y position)) = (y)>>\n set [move::x v] to (((x) - (x position)) / (12))\n set [move::y v] to (((y) - (y position)) / (12))\n change x by (Move::X)\n change y by (Move::Y)\n change y by (3)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (Move player v)\n end\n change y by (-3)\nend\n\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [setup enemies v]\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [1]> then\n Clone at [-48] [-58] to [194] [-58]\nend\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [3]> then\n Clone at [45] [40] to [143] [-107]\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (sx) (sy) to (ex) (ey)\nset [sx v] to (sx)\nset [sy v] to (sy)\nset [ex v] to (ex)\nset [ey v] to (ey)\nset [my level # v] to (costume [number v])\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [#intro done v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (level 1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (00)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Clouds\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (cloud hitbox v)\ngo to x: (240) y: (pick random (10) to (150))\nset [my costume v] to (pick random (1) to (2))\nswitch costume to (My costume)\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (50) to (70))\nrepeat (96)\n switch costume to (cloud hitbox v)\n change x by (-5)\n switch costume to (My costume)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [#intro done v]\nforever\n wait (pick random (2) to (4)) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@Deco\n\nbroadcast (Next level v)\n\nwhen I receive [#intro done v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (level 1 v)\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to ([costume # v] of [level v])\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Sprite1\n\ndefine Swing\nshow\nif <([direction v] of [player v]) = [90]> then\n set size to (150) %\n point in direction (30)\n repeat (7)\n turn right (20) degrees\n switch costume to (swing v)\n go to (player v)\n broadcast (switch costume v)\n end\nelse\n set size to (150) %\n point in direction (150)\n repeat (7)\n turn right (-20) degrees\n switch costume to (swing2 v)\n go to (player v)\n broadcast (switch costume v)\n end\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n show\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (swing3 v)\n set size to (200) %\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n end\n go to x: (-45) y: (19)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [w1 v]\nforever\n if <<(Weapon Number) = [1]> and <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n Swing\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [flash v]\nif <(Weapon Number) = [1]> then\n Swing\nend\n\n@Sprite8\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat until <touching (player v)?>\n go to x: (-120) y: (-30)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (thumbnail2 v)\n switch costume to (explosive throw v)\n set size to (200) %\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [w6 v]\nset [turn v] to [0]\nforever\n point in direction (Turn)\n if <<<(Weapon Number) = [6]> and <key (space v) pressed?>> or <key (x v) pressed?>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait until <<not <key (space v) pressed?>> and <not <key (x v) pressed?>>>\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait until <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [1]>\nwait until <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [6]>\nshow\ngo to x: (-120) y: (-30)\nwait until <touching (player v)?>\nset [weapon number v] to [6]\nset [weapon max v] to [6]\nbroadcast (W6 v)\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (explosive throw v)\ngo to (player v)\nset size to (130) %\nshow\nset [xv v] to ((([direction v] of [player v]) / (90)) * (7))\nset [yv v] to [3]\nrepeat (30)\n change x by (xv)\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (-1))\n end\n change y by (yv)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (4)\n set [yv v] to ((yv) - ((yv) * (pick random (1) to (2))))\n end\nend\nset size to (40) %\nrepeat (7)\n next costume\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nchange y by (yv)\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\n@Enemies\n\nwhen I receive [setup enemies v]\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\nhide variable [lives v]\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [1]> then\n Clone [1] [140] [-12]\nend\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [2]> then\n Clone [3] [0] [-12]\n Clone [7] [222] [87]\nend\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [3]> then\n Clone [9] [-80] [70]\n Clone [7] [100] [0]\nend\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [4]> then\n Clone [1] [-74] [-150]\n Clone [5] [167] [87]\n Clone [9] [-189] [93]\nend\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [5]> then\n Clone [1] [240] [86]\n Clone [7] [116] [-60]\n Clone [9] [-34] [64]\nend\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [6]> then\n Clone [7] [170] [-2]\nend\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [7]> then\n Clone [1] [-70] [-63]\n Clone [1] [-15] [-63]\n Clone [1] [90] [-63]\nend\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [8]> then\n Clone [11] [175] [-10]\n Clone [1] [0] [-20]\nend\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [9]> then\n Clone [1] [162] [91]\n Clone [11] [0] [0]\nend\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [10]> then\n Clone [9] [150] [-50]\n Clone [1] [0] [-50]\n Clone [11] [0] [100]\nend\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [11]> then\n Clone [11] [-56] [-109]\n Clone [11] [50] [-109]\n Clone [3] [70] [50]\n Clone [1] [-199] [132]\nend\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [12]> then\n\ndefine Clone (type) (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nswitch costume to (type)\nset [clone# v] to (type)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [blue guy switch v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n if <(distance to [player v]) < [115]> then\n if <(dead) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (weapon1 v)\n set [katana rotation v] to ((direction) / (90))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n end\n wait until <[115] < (distance to [player v])>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nset [enemyx v] to [0]\nset [enemyy v] to [0]\nset [dead v] to [0]\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <(costume [number v]) < [13]> then\n forever\n switch costume to ((Clone#) + (1))\n if <<touching (sprite1 v)?> or <<touching (sprite8 v)?> or <[-170] > (y position)>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n set rotation style [all around v]\n set [dead v] to [1]\n repeat (20)\n turn right (15) degrees\n change y by (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n change [enemyy v] by (-1)\n if <<touching (water v)?> or <touching (lava v)?>> then\n change [enemyy v] by (2)\n end\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) < ((x position) - (50))> then\n change [enemyx v] by (-0.2)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <((x position) - (-20)) < ([x position v] of [player v])> then\n change [enemyx v] by (0.2)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [enemyx v] to ((Enemyx) * (0.9))\n change x by (Enemyx)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((Enemyx) * (-1))\n if <((y position) - (-40)) < ([y position v] of [player v])> then\n set [enemyy v] to [15]\n if <([abs v] of (Enemyx) ) = (Enemyx)> then\n set [enemyx v] to [-3]\n else\n set [enemyx v] to [3]\n end\n else\n set [enemyx v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change y by (Enemyy)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((Enemyy) - ((Enemyy) * (2)))\n set [enemyy v] to [0]\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (10)\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<((y position) - (-50)) < ([y position v] of [player v])> and <touching (level v)?>> then\n set [enemyy v] to [14]\n end\n change y by (1)\n switch costume to (Clone#)\n if <<touching (sprite2 v)?> or <<touching (sprite6 v)?> or <touching (sprite4 v)?>>> then\n if <not <(costume [number v]) = [9]>> then\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n set rotation style [all around v]\n set [dead v] to [1]\n repeat (20)\n turn right (15) degrees\n change y by (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n change [enemies left v] by (-1)\n delete this clone\n else\n if <touching (sprite6 v)?> then\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n set rotation style [all around v]\n set [dead v] to [1]\n repeat (20)\n turn right (15) degrees\n change y by (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n change [enemies left v] by (-1)\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\n if <touching (sprite7 v)?> then\n change [enemyx v] by (((direction) / (-90)) * (10))\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(costume [number v]) = [13]> then\n set rotation style [all around v]\n if <(Katana rotation) = [1]> then\n set size to (150) %\n point in direction (30)\n repeat (5)\n turn right (30) degrees\n switch costume to (weapon1 v)\n broadcast (Blue guy switch v)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n create clone of (player v)\n broadcast (Restart v)\n end\n end\n else\n set size to (150) %\n point in direction (150)\n repeat (5)\n turn right (-30) degrees\n switch costume to (weapon2 v)\n broadcast (Blue guy switch v)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n create clone of (player v)\n broadcast (Restart v)\n end\n end\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [15]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point towards (player v)\n repeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (level v)?>>\n move (10) steps\n if <touching (sprite7 v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n change [enemies left v] by (-1)\n delete this clone\n end\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n create clone of (player v)\n broadcast (Restart v)\n end\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n create clone of (player v)\n broadcast (Restart v)\n end\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [16]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point towards (player v)\n repeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (level v)?>>\n move (15) steps\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n create clone of (player v)\n broadcast (Restart v)\n end\n if <touching (sprite7 v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n create clone of (player v)\n broadcast (Restart v)\n end\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [17]> then\n set [oo v] to ((x position) - ([x position v] of [player v]))\n clear graphic effects\n set rotation style [all around v]\n set size to (60) %\n point in direction (0)\n if <(((x position) - ([x position v] of [player v])) * (-1)) < [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n repeat (30)\n move (12) steps\n turn right (-6) degrees\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n create clone of (player v)\n broadcast (Restart v)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n repeat until <touching (level v)?>\n change y by (-5)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n create clone of (player v)\n broadcast (Restart v)\n end\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n repeat (30)\n move (12) steps\n turn right (6) degrees\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n create clone of (player v)\n broadcast (Restart v)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n repeat until <touching (level v)?>\n change y by (-5)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n create clone of (player v)\n broadcast (Restart v)\n end\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n if <(dead) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (weapon3 v)\n set [katana rotation v] to ((direction) / (90))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n wait (1.5) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n if <(dead) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n set [katana rotation v] to ((direction) / (90))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (yelo neja v)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n if <(dead) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n set [katana rotation v] to ((direction) / (90))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (grey v)\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [19]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (2) layers\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n change [x v] by ((([direction v] of [player v]) / (-90)) * (10))\n end\n repeat (1)\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n if <(dead) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (cake-a v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (prpo v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [lives for player v] to [5]\n\nbroadcast (Restart v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n if <(dead) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n set [katana rotation v] to ((direction) / (90))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (costume9 v)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [20]> then\n set size to (130) %\n show\n set [xv v] to (((direction) / (90)) * (7))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n repeat (30)\n change x by (xv)\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (-1))\n end\n change y by (yv)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (4)\n set [yv v] to ((yv) - ((yv) * (pick random (1) to (2))))\n end\n end\n set size to (40) %\n repeat (7)\n next costume\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n create clone of (player v)\n broadcast (Restart v)\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen I receive [w3 v]\nset [turn v] to [0]\nforever\n point in direction (Turn)\n if <(Weapon Number) = [3]> then\n show\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n repeat until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n change [turn v] by (10)\n point in direction (Turn)\n end\n point in direction (Turn)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait until <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [1]>\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [4]> then\n show\n go to x: (-47) y: (20)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position\nif <([direction v] of [player v]) = [90]> then\n go to x: (([x position v] of [player v]) + (28)) y: ([y position v] of [player v])\nelse\n go to x: (([x position v] of [player v]) + (-28)) y: ([y position v] of [player v])\nend\nswitch costume to (thumbnail4 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat until <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>\n move (15) steps\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [w3 v]\nforever\n Position\n switch costume to (thumbnail2 v)\nend\n\n@Sprite3\n\ndefine Swing\nshow\nif <([direction v] of [player v]) = [90]> then\n set size to (150) %\n point in direction (30)\n repeat (7)\n turn right (20) degrees\n switch costume to (swing v)\n go to (player v)\n broadcast (switch costume v)\n end\nelse\n set size to (150) %\n point in direction (150)\n repeat (7)\n turn right (-20) degrees\n switch costume to (swing2 v)\n go to (player v)\n broadcast (switch costume v)\n end\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n show\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (swing3 v)\n set size to (200) %\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n end\n go to x: (-45) y: (19)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [w1 v]\nforever\n if <<(Weapon Number) = [1]> and <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n Swing\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [flash v]\nif <(Weapon Number) = [1]> then\n Swing\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen I receive [w2 v]\nforever\n if <<(Weapon Number) = [2]> and <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set size to (200) %\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n end\n go to x: (-120) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to (player v)\nshow\nset size to (150) %\nclear graphic effects\nif <([direction v] of [player v]) = [90]> then\n repeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (level v)?>>\n change x by (10)\n end\nelse\n repeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (level v)?>>\n change x by (-10)\n end\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [flash v]\nif <(Weapon Number) = [2]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\n@Button1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (造型1 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (change v)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (130) %\n set [show b1v v] to [1]\n else\n set size to (120) %\n set [show b1v v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (10)\n turn left (1) degrees\n end\n repeat (20)\n turn left (-1) degrees\n end\n repeat (10)\n turn left (1) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(Show B1v) = [1]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set y to (-150)\n if <([direction v] of [player v]) = [90]> then\n set x to (205)\n else\n set x to (-205)\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Switch weapon v)\nwait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n\nwhen I receive [#intro done v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Button2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (造型1 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (change v)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [show b2v v] to [1]\n set size to (130) %\n if <(Weapon Number) = [3]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n repeat until <not <mouse down?>>\n change [turn v] by (10)\n end\n create clone of (sprite4 v)\n end\n end\n if <(Weapon Number) = [4]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n create clone of (sprite6 v)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n end\n if <(Weapon Number) = [6]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n create clone of (sprite8 v)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n end\n else\n set size to (120) %\n set [show b2v v] to [0]\n end\n set y to (-150)\n if <([direction v] of [player v]) = [90]> then\n set x to (155)\n else\n set x to (-155)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (10)\n turn left (1) degrees\n end\n repeat (20)\n turn left (-1) degrees\n end\n repeat (10)\n turn left (1) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(Show b2v) = [1]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Flash v)\nwait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [#intro done v]\nshow\n\n@Sprite5\n\n@Sprite6\n\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [w4 v]\nset [turn v] to [0]\nforever\n point in direction (Turn)\n if <(Weapon Number) = [4]> then\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (switch costume v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n end\n hide\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Position\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nif <([direction v] of [player v]) = [90]> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (([x position v] of [player v]) + (28)) y: ([y position v] of [player v])\nelse\n go to x: (([x position v] of [player v]) + (-28)) y: ([y position v] of [player v])\n point in direction (-90)\nend\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (60) %\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [me? v] to (([direction v] of [player v]) / (90))\nset rotation style [all around v]\nif <(me?) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (thumbnail2 v)\nend\nclear graphic effects\npoint in direction (0)\nrepeat (30)\n move (11) steps\n turn right ((me?) * (6)) degrees\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\nrepeat until <touching (level v)?>\n move (10) steps\n turn right ((me?) * (6)) degrees\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(direction) < [170]> then\n repeat until <touching (level v)?>\n move (10) steps\n turn right ((me?) * (1)) degrees\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [w4 v]\nforever\n Position\nend\n\n@LAVA\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n go to [back v] layer\n change y by (tide)\n switch costume to ([costume # v] of [level v])\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [tide v] to [0]\n repeat (10)\n change [tide v] by (0.1)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [tide v] by (-0.1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [tide v] by (0.1)\n end\nend\n\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\n\n@角色1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [12]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n set size to (350) %\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [effect v] to [0]\nforever\n set y to ((([cos v] of ((Effect) * (2)) ) * (10)) + (-50))\n point in direction ((90) + (([cos v] of (Effect) ) * (3)))\n change [effect v] by (11)\nend\n\n@角色2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n go to (角色1 v)\n go to [back v] layer\n turn right (3) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [12]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n reset timer\n hide\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.01)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n show\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@WATER\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n go to [back v] layer\n change y by (tide)\n switch costume to ([costume # v] of [level v])\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [tide v] to [0]\n repeat (10)\n change [tide v] by (0.1)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [tide v] by (-0.1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [tide v] by (0.1)\n end\nend\n\n@Intro\n\ndefine Clone number (#)\nswitch costume to (#)\nshow\nif <(#) = [19]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume13 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (50) %\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat until <(round (y position)) = [150]>\n change y by (((150) - (y position)) / (4))\n end\n repeat until <(round (y position)) = [0]>\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (2))\n end\n repeat until <<(round (size)) = [1800]> and <(round (direction)) = [90]>>\n switch costume to (costume14 v)\n change size by (((1800) - (size)) / (4))\n switch costume to (costume13 v)\n end\n broadcast (Intro del clones v) and wait\n broadcast (#Intro Done v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\nend\nif <(#) = [1]> then\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (60)\n set size to (80) %\n go to x: (352) y: (60)\n Smooth glide [0] [20] [90] [85] speed [4]\n set [@speed v] to [0]\n repeat (22)\n change [@speed v] by (-1)\n change x by (@Speed)\n change [ghost v] effect by ([abs v] of ((@Speed) / (2)) )\n end\n set [@speed v] to [12]\n wait (1) seconds\n clear graphic effects\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n set size to (85) %\n point in direction (-90)\n go to x: (-326) y: (20)\n repeat (26)\n change [@speed v] by (1)\n change x by (@Speed)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(#) = [2]> then\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (60)\n set size to (80) %\n go to x: (352) y: (60)\n Smooth glide [0] [20] [90] [85] speed [4]\n set [@speed v] to [0]\n switch costume to (pi2 v)\n set [clone# v] to [5]\n repeat (2)\n change [clone# v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n set [clone# v] to [14]\n repeat (2)\n change [clone# v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (11)\n change [@speed v] by (-1)\n change y by (@Speed)\n change size by (([abs v] of (@Speed) ) / (0.7))\n end\nend\nif <(#) = [3]> then\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nif <(#) = [4]> then\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\nif <(#) = [6]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (20)\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n set size to (85) %\n clear graphic effects\n set [@speed v] to [0]\n go to [front v] layer\n forever\n change [@speed v] by (1)\n move ((@Speed) * (2)) steps\n turn right (() - (@Speed)) degrees\n change [ghost v] effect by ((@Speed) / (2))\n change size by ((@Speed) / (3))\n end\nend\nif <(#) = [7]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (20)\n point in direction (90)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n set size to (85) %\n clear graphic effects\n set [@speed v] to [0]\n go to [front v] layer\n forever\n change [@speed v] by (1)\n move ((@Speed) * (2)) steps\n turn right (@Speed) degrees\n change size by ((@Speed) / (3))\n change [ghost v] effect by ((@Speed) / (2))\n end\nend\nif <(#) = [8]> then\n go to x: (-180) y: (20)\nend\nif <(#) = [9]> then\n go to x: (-120) y: (20)\nend\nif <(#) = [10]> then\n go to x: (-60) y: (20)\nend\nif <(#) = [11]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (20)\nend\nif <(#) = [12]> then\n go to x: (60) y: (20)\nend\nif <(#) = [13]> then\n go to x: (120) y: (20)\nend\nif <(#) = [14]> then\n go to x: (180) y: (20)\nend\nif <<(#) > [7]> and <[15] > (#)>> then\n set size to (85) %\n point in direction (90)\nend\nif <(#) = [15]> then\n go to x: (-124) y: (0)\n Smooth glide [0] [0] [90] [90] speed [4]\nend\nif <(#) = [16]> then\n go to x: (124) y: (0)\n Smooth glide [0] [0] [90] [90] speed [4]\nend\nif <<(#) > [7]> and <[17] > (#)>> then\n set [@speed v] to [0]\n forever\n if <[15] > (#)> then\n set y to ((([cos v] of ((@Speed) * (2)) ) * (10)) + (20))\n else\n set y to ((([cos v] of ((@Speed) * (2)) ) * (10)) + (0))\n end\n point in direction ((90) + (([cos v] of (@Speed) ) * (3)))\n change [@speed v] by (11)\n end\nend\nif <(#) = [17]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-240) y: (180)\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n set [@speed v] to [0]\n forever\n set rotation style [all around v]\n set [@speed v] to [0]\n repeat (25)\n change [@speed v] by (0.25)\n turn right (@Speed) degrees\n end\n set [@speed v] to [0]\n repeat (25)\n change [@speed v] by (0.25)\n turn left (@Speed) degrees\n end\n end\nend\nif <(#) = [18]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (240) y: (180)\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n forever\n set rotation style [all around v]\n set [@speed v] to [0]\n repeat (25)\n change [@speed v] by (0.25)\n turn left (@Speed) degrees\n end\n set [@speed v] to [0]\n repeat (25)\n change [@speed v] by (0.25)\n turn right (@Speed) degrees\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Create clones\nset [clone# v] to [0]\nrepeat (4)\n change [clone# v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [clone# v] to [17]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [clone# v] to [18]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCreate clones\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nClone number (Clone#)\n\ndefine Smooth glide (x) (y) (dir) (size) speed ()\nrepeat until <<<(round (x position)) = (x)> and <(round (y position)) = (y)>> and <<(round (direction)) = (dir)> and <(round (size)) = (size)>>>\n change x by (((x) - (x position)) / ())\n change y by (((y) - (y position)) / ())\n turn right (((dir) - (direction)) / (() / (0.5))) degrees\n change size by (((size) - (size)) / ())\nend\n\nwait until <(x position) > [-150]>\nset [clone# v] to [8]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone#) = [1]> then\n wait (1.782) seconds\n wait until <(x position) > [-150]>\n set [clone# v] to [8]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <(x position) > [-100]>\n set [clone# v] to [9]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <(x position) > [-50]>\n set [clone# v] to [10]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <(x position) > [0]>\n set [clone# v] to [11]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <(x position) > [50]>\n set [clone# v] to [12]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <(x position) > [100]>\n set [clone# v] to [13]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <(x position) > [150]>\n set [clone# v] to [14]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (5) seconds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstart sound [Intro Music v]\nset volume to (100) %\nwait (5) seconds\nset [clone# v] to [19]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.3) seconds\nrepeat (50)\n change volume by (-2)\nend\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen I receive [intro del clones v]\nif <not <(Clone#) = [19]>> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Sprite7\n\nwhen I receive [w5 v]\nset [turn v] to [0]\nforever\n point in direction (Turn)\n if <(Weapon Number) = [5]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Position\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nif <([direction v] of [player v]) = [90]> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (([x position v] of [player v]) + (28)) y: ([y position v] of [player v])\nelse\n go to x: (([x position v] of [player v]) + (-28)) y: ([y position v] of [player v])\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nset size to (150) %\n\nwhen I receive [w5 v]\nforever\n Position\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [#intro done v]\nshow\nbroadcast (W5 v)\n\n@Tele\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [10]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n
Desert Platformer!! #all #games Ver1.2
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\nnext backdrop\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide variable [world best time v]\nhide variable [your time v]\ngo to x: (-89) y: (-39)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nset size to (700) %\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (800) %\n else\n set size to (700) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (01 v)\nbroadcast (blue v)\nbroadcast (song v)\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (-88) y: (-127)\nset size to (700) %\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (800) %\n else\n set size to (700) %\n end\nend\n\nif then\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (01 v)\nbroadcast (pink v)\nbroadcast (song v)\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-185) y: (7)\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (90 v)\n point in direction (90)\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (-90 v)\n point in direction (-90)\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <<touching color (#995900)?> or <<touching color (#cccccc)?> or <touching color (#cc7700)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#995900)?> or <<touching color (#cccccc)?> or <touching color (#cc7700)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#995900)?> or <<touching color (#cccccc)?> or <touching color (#cc7700)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#995900)?> or <<touching color (#cccccc)?> or <touching color (#cc7700)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#995900)?> or <<touching color (#cccccc)?> or <touching color (#cc7700)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#995900)?> or <<touching color (#cccccc)?> or <touching color (#cc7700)?>>> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <<touching color (#995900)?> or <<touching color (#cccccc)?> or <touching color (#cc7700)?>>> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching color (#995900)?> or <<touching color (#cccccc)?> or <touching color (#cc7700)?>>> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n broadcast (back to start v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\nforever\n if <touching color (#7f00ff)?> then\n change [yv v] by (29)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back to start v]\ngo to x: (-240) y: (-38)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\nforever\n if <touching (sprite9 v)?> then\n broadcast (back to start v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nbroadcast (throw v)\n\nwhen I receive [blue v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [green v]\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [pink v]\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\n\nwhen I receive [yellow v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [oblue v]\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\n\nwhen I receive [orange v]\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\nforever\n if <touching (sprite5 v)?> then\n broadcast (back to start v)\n broadcast (01 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [14 v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [14 v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [pink v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [blue v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nbroadcast (01 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [14 v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (-97) y: (259)\n show\n set size to (1500) %\nend\n\npoint towards (mouse-pointer v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nforever\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (3.3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (3.3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (3.3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (-3.3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (-3.3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (-3.3)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green v]\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\n\nwhen I receive [orange v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [oblue v]\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\n\nwhen I receive [yellow v]\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\n\n@star\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [14 v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-181) y: (-125)\nset size to (40) %\nhide\n\n@00386\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (-18) y: (-142)\nset size to (90) %\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [14 v]\nshow\n\nhide\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (orange v)\nbroadcast (01 v)\nbroadcast (song v)\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (15) y: (-129)\nset size to (700) %\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (800) %\n else\n set size to (700) %\n end\nend\n\nif then\nend\n\n@Sprite7\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (01 v)\nbroadcast (green v)\nbroadcast (song v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (106) y: (-129)\nset size to (700) %\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (800) %\n else\n set size to (700) %\n end\nend\n\nif then\nend\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite8\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (oblue v)\nbroadcast (01 v)\nbroadcast (song v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (105) y: (-40)\nset size to (700) %\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (800) %\n else\n set size to (700) %\n end\nend\n\nif then\nend\n\n@Sprite9\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nset size to (700) %\nbroadcast (yellow v)\nbroadcast (01 v)\nbroadcast (song v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (15) y: (-37)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (800) %\n else\n set size to (700) %\n end\nend\n\nif then\nend\n\n@kidsad\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nhide\ngo to x: (7) y: (112)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nforever\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (3.3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (3.3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (3.3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (-3.3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (-3.3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (-3.3)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\nforever\n play sound [Masked Heroes v] until done\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nforever\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (3.3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (3.3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (3.3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (-3.3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (-3.3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (-3.3)\nend\n\n@CHOOSE-YOUR-CHaRaCTER\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (95) %\nswitch costume to (choose-your-character v)\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [14 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\nshow\nset [score v] to [0]\nhide variable [score v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\ngo to x: (212) y: (-137)\nforever\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [backdrop6]> then\n go to x: (219) y: (-96)\n else\n go to x: (212) y: (-137)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nforever\n play sound [Masked Heroes v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [song v]\nforever\n play sound [Vexento - Tevo \(Original Mix\).mp3 v] until done\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [14 v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [14 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite16\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nset size to (300) %\ngo to x: (-80) y: (-141)\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to x: (134) y: (-131)\nrepeat until <<touching (sprite17 v)?> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [backdrop10]>>\n forever\n point in direction (0)\n repeat (30)\n move (5) steps\n end\n point in direction (180)\n repeat (30)\n move (5) steps\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [backdrop6]> then\n show\n forever\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (30)\n move (5) steps\n end\n point in direction (-90)\n repeat (30)\n move (5) steps\n end\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [14 v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching color (#cc7700)?> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite17\n\nwhen I receive [90 v]\npoint in direction (90)\nset [positive v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [positive v]\nset [positive v] to [0]\nhide\nset [spear v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [throw v]\nset [throw v] to [1]\n\nif then\nelse\nend\n\nif then\nend\n\nwhen I receive [-90 v]\npoint in direction (-90)\nset [positive v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\nif <(spear) = [0]> then\n show\nend\nforever\n if <key (1 v) pressed?> then\n hide\n set [spear v] to [1]\n end\n if <key (2 v) pressed?> then\n show\n set [spear v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nhide variable [throw v]\nset size to (500) %\nset [throw v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(throw) = [0]> then\n go to (sprite2 v)\n else\n repeat until <<<touching (sprite16 v)?> or <touching (sprite15 v)?>> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>\n move (10) steps\n if <<touching (sprite16 v)?> or <touching (sprite15 v)?>> then\n broadcast (hide v)\n end\n end\n set [throw v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nif <(positive) = [0]> then\nelse\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [14 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite15\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nset size to (300) %\ngo to x: (-80) y: (-141)\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to x: (134) y: (-131)\nrepeat until <<touching (sprite17 v)?> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [backdrop10]>>\n forever\n point in direction (0)\n repeat (30)\n move (5) steps\n end\n point in direction (180)\n repeat (30)\n move (5) steps\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [backdrop8]> then\n show\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n forever\n point in direction (0)\n repeat (30)\n move (5) steps\n end\n point in direction (180)\n repeat (30)\n move (5) steps\n end\n end\n else\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [14 v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\n@97f83b20a5095c8a9e43f702d47f87c2\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nhide variable [time v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [time v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\nset [time v] to [10]\nshow variable [time v]\nshow\nrepeat until <<[1] > (time)> or <<(backdrop [name v]) = [backdrop12]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [14]>>>\n wait (1) seconds\n change [time v] by (-1)\nend\nhide\nhide variable [time v]\n\nwhen I receive [01 v]\nforever\n if <[1] > (time)> then\n switch backdrop to (14 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [14 v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\n@20a0108fc083cbbb6f41862f7d81b96b\n\nset size to (200) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nshow\n\n
Use the arrow keys, W.A.S.D or tap the screen to move!\nAvoid cones and pits!\n❤️ + ⭐ if you like it!\n⚠️NO ADVERTISING I WILL REPORT COMMENTS THAT ADVERTISE!⚠️\n
Sunshine | Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nswitch backdrop to (\(@^^\)/ v) and wait\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/344855161 v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (\(-.-\) v)\n\n@o((>ω< ))o\n\n@(=^・・^=)\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n if <<(y position) < [-170]> or <touching (\(*^。^*\) v)?>> then\n clear graphic effects\n set [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\n set [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [0]\n set [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [0]\n start sound [Teleport2 v]\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7)\n end\n hide\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n set [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\n set [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [0]\n set [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [1]\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [0]\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [1]\nset size to (100) %\nwait (0.01) seconds\npoint in direction (90)\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-95)\nshow\nforever\n if <(♡\(。´・ω・\)?) = [1]> then\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>> then\n change [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] by (-0.6)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>> then\n change [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] by (0.6)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to ((Σ\(゚Д゚;エーッ!【x】) * (0.92))\n change x by (Σ\(゚Д゚;エーッ!【x】)\n if <touching (\(゚∀゚\) v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (\(゚∀゚\) v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (\(゚∀゚\) v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (\(゚∀゚\) v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (\(゚∀゚\) v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (\(゚∀゚\) v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (\(゚∀゚\) v)?> then\n change x by ((0) - (Σ\(゚Д゚;エーッ!【x】))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>>>> then\n start sound [壁キック v]\n if <(Σ\(゚Д゚;エーッ!【x】) > [0]> then\n set [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [-5]\n else\n set [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [5]\n end\n set [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [10]\n else\n set [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] by (-0.9)\n change y by (Σ\(゚Д゚;エーッ!【y】)\n if <touching (\(゚∀゚\) v)?> then\n change y by ((0) - (Σ\(゚Д゚;エーッ!【y】))\n set [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching (\(゚∀゚\) v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>>>> then\n start sound [https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/638866712 v]\n set [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [13]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <touching (\(+_+\) v)?> then\n set [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [18]\n play sound [smw_spring_jump @ToadfanSchool v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <<[238] < (x position)> and <not <<<<<(\(;´・ω・\)) = [3]> or <<(\(;´・ω・\)) = [4]> or <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [5]>>> or <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [12]>> or <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [11]>> or <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [14]>>>> then\n (=゚ω゚)ノ\n end\n if <<[238] < (x position)> and <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [4]>> then\n if <[-50] < (y position)> then\n (=゚ω゚)ノ\n else\n (>_<)\n end\n end\n if <<[238] < (x position)> and <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [3]>> then\n if <(y position) < [0]> then\n (=゚ω゚)ノ\n else\n (`・ω・´)\n end\n end\n if <<[238] < (x position)> and <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [5]>> then\n if <[-70] < (y position)> then\n (=゚ω゚)ノ\n else\n (#^.^#)\n end\n end\n if <<(x position) < [-238]> and <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [21]>> then\n (=^・・^=)\n end\n if <<[238] < (x position)> and <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [11]>> then\n if <[0] < (y position)> then\n (+o+)\n else\n (。´・ω・)?\n end\n end\n if <<[238] < (x position)> and <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [12]>> then\n if <[-100] < (y position)> then\n (+o+)\n else\n (。´・ω・)?\n end\n end\n if <<<(x position) < [-238]> and <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [13]>> and <(y position) < [-100]>> then\n (;^ω^)\n end\n if <<<(x position) < [-238]> and <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [12]>> and <(y position) < [-100]>> then\n (*'ω'*)\n end\nend\n\ndefine (=゚ω゚)ノ\nbroadcast (next v)\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [100]\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [0]\nwait (0.4) seconds\nchange [\(;´・ω・\) v] by (1)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-95)\nwait (0.4) seconds\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [1]\n\ndefine (>_<)\nbroadcast (next v)\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [100]\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [0]\nwait (0.4) seconds\nset [\(;´・ω・\) v] to [3]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [0]\ngo to x: (220) y: (35)\nwait (0.4) seconds\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>> or <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>>> then\n switch costume to (普通2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (普通 v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine (`・ω・´)\nbroadcast (next v)\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [100]\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [0]\nwait (0.4) seconds\nset [\(;´・ω・\) v] to [4]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [0]\ngo to x: (224) y: (-106)\nwait (0.4) seconds\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [1]\n\ndefine (#^.^#)\nbroadcast (next v)\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [100]\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [0]\nwait (0.4) seconds\nset [\(;´・ω・\) v] to [21]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-100)\nwait (0.4) seconds\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [1]\n\ndefine (=^・・^=)\nbroadcast (next v)\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [100]\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [0]\nwait (0.4) seconds\nset [\(;´・ω・\) v] to [5]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [0]\ngo to x: (220) y: (-134)\nwait (0.4) seconds\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <<(y position) < [-170]> or <touching (\(*^。^*\) v)?>> then\n switch costume to (普通 v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine (。´・ω・)?\nbroadcast (next v)\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [100]\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [0]\nwait (0.4) seconds\nchange [\(;´・ω・\) v] by (1)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-150)\nwait (0.4) seconds\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [1]\n\ndefine (゚∀゚)\nbroadcast (next v)\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [100]\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [0]\nwait (0.4) seconds\nchange [\(;´・ω・\) v] by (1)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-95)\nwait (0.4) seconds\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [1]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nwait (0.01) seconds\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [0]\nset [\(;´・ω・\) v] to [1]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-100)\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nshow\n\ndefine (;^ω^)\nbroadcast (next v)\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [100]\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [0]\nwait (0.4) seconds\nset [\(;´・ω・\) v] to [12]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [0]\ngo to x: (200) y: (-150)\nwait (0.4) seconds\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [1]\n\ndefine (*'ω'*)\nbroadcast (next v)\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [100]\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [0]\nwait (0.4) seconds\nset [\(;´・ω・\) v] to [11]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [0]\ngo to x: (210) y: (-89)\nwait (0.4) seconds\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [1]\n\ndefine (+o+)\nbroadcast (next v)\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [100]\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [0]\nwait (0.4) seconds\nchange [\(;´・ω・\) v] by (1)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【x】 v] to [0]\nset [σ\(゚д゚;エーッ!【y】 v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-69)\nwait (0.4) seconds\nset [♡\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [1]\n\n@(゚∀゚)\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n switch costume to (\(;´・ω・\))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [☁ \( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°\) v]\nhide variable [〇\(*'▽'\) v]\nhide variable [☁ \(#°д°\) v]\nhide variable [☁ \(●'◡'●\) v]\nhide variable [\(^_^\) v]\nhide\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nshow\nwait (0.5) seconds\nwait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [14]>\nwait (0.5) seconds\nshow variable [☁ \( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°\) v]\nif <not <(〇) = [100]>> then\n show variable [〇\(*'▽'\) v]\nend\nshow variable [☁ \(#°д°\) v]\nshow variable [☁ \(●'◡'●\) v]\nshow variable [\(^_^\) v]\nchange [☁ \(#°д°\) v] by (1)\nforever\n set [〇\(*'▽'\) v] to ((100) - (〇))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nreset timer\nforever\n if <not <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [14]>> then\n set [\(^_^\) v] to ((round ((timer) * (10))) / (10))\n end\n if <(\(^_^\)) < (☁ \(●'◡'●\))> then\n set [☁ \(●'◡'●\) v] to (\(^_^\))\n end\nend\n\n@(●´ω`●)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nstart sound [シーン切り替え v]\ngo to x: (482) y: (0)\nshow\nglide (0.2) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nglide (0.2) secs to x: (-482) y: (0)\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset volume to (100) %\nset [\(*^▽^*\) v] to [1]\ngo to x: (482) y: (0)\nhide\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nset [\(*^▽^*\) v] to [0]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nset [\(*^▽^*\) v] to [1]\n\n@(*^。^*)\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (\(;´・ω・\))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n\n@(;・∀・)\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n switch costume to (\(;´・ω・\))\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nshow\n\n@(#^^#)\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n switch costume to (\(;´・ω・\))\n if <touching (\(=^・・^=\) v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n\n@(^O^)\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (10)\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nhide\nwait (1.4) seconds\nshow\nwait (8) seconds\nswitch costume to (https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/2 v)\n\n@(^^;)\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (pick random (10) to (15)) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (30)\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\ngo to x: (1000) y: (pick random (100) to (160))\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n repeat until <(x position) = [-270]>\n change x by (-0.5)\n end\nelse\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n repeat until <(x position) = [-266]>\n change x by (-0.5)\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n repeat until <(x position) = [-257]>\n change x by (-0.5)\n end\n else\n repeat until <(x position) = [-264]>\n change x by (-0.5)\n end\n end\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@(-_-)zzz\n\ndefine コイン\nif <touching (\(=^・・^=\) v)?> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n change [〇 v] by (1)\n change [☁ \( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°\) v] by (1)\n if <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [4]> then\n if <(y position) = [80]> then\n set [〇\(。´・ω・\)? v] to (join (join [0] (letter (2) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?))) (join (join (letter (3) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?)) (letter (4) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?))) (letter (5) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?))))\n end\n end\n if <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [5]> then\n if <(y position) = [-35]> then\n set [〇\(。´・ω・\)? v] to (join (join (letter (1) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?)) [0]) (join (join (letter (3) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?)) (letter (4) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?))) (letter (5) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?))))\n end\n end\n if <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [21]> then\n if <<(x position) = [-5]> and <(y position) = [100]>> then\n set [〇\(。´・ω・\)? v] to (join (join (letter (1) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?)) (letter (2) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?))) (join (join (letter (3) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?)) (letter (4) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?))) [0]))\n end\n if <<(x position) = [-5]> and <(y position) = [0]>> then\n set [\( ゚д゚\) v] to [0]\n end\n if <(x position) = [40]> then\n set [〇\(。´・ω・\)? v] to (join (join (letter (1) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?)) (letter (2) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?))) (join (join [0] (letter (4) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?))) (letter (5) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?))))\n end\n if <(x position) = [-50]> then\n set [〇\(。´・ω・\)? v] to (join (join (letter (1) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?)) (letter (2) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?))) (join (join (letter (3) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?)) [0]) (letter (5) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?))))\n end\n end\n if <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [12]> then\n if <(x position) = [-90]> then\n set [\(。-`ω-\) v] to (join [0] (join (letter (2) of (\(。-`ω-\))) (join (letter (3) of (\(。-`ω-\))) (join (letter (4) of (\(。-`ω-\))) (letter (5) of (\(。-`ω-\)))))))\n end\n if <(x position) = [-40]> then\n set [\(。-`ω-\) v] to (join (letter (1) of (\(。-`ω-\))) (join [0] (join (letter (3) of (\(。-`ω-\))) (join (letter (4) of (\(。-`ω-\))) (letter (5) of (\(。-`ω-\)))))))\n end\n if <(x position) = [10]> then\n set [\(。-`ω-\) v] to (join (letter (1) of (\(。-`ω-\))) (join (letter (2) of (\(。-`ω-\))) (join [0] (join (letter (4) of (\(。-`ω-\))) (letter (5) of (\(。-`ω-\)))))))\n end\n if <(x position) = [60]> then\n set [\(。-`ω-\) v] to (join (letter (1) of (\(。-`ω-\))) (join (letter (2) of (\(。-`ω-\))) (join (letter (3) of (\(。-`ω-\))) (join [0] (letter (5) of (\(。-`ω-\)))))))\n end\n if <(x position) = [110]> then\n set [\(。-`ω-\) v] to (join (letter (1) of (\(。-`ω-\))) (join (letter (2) of (\(。-`ω-\))) (join (letter (3) of (\(。-`ω-\))) (join (letter (4) of (\(。-`ω-\))) [0]))))\n end\n end\n if <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [11]> then\n if <(x position) = [-26]> then\n set [\(;・∀・\) v] to (join [0] (join (letter (2) of (\(;・∀・\))) (join (letter (3) of (\(;・∀・\))) (join (letter (4) of (\(;・∀・\))) (letter (5) of (\(;・∀・\)))))))\n end\n if <(x position) = [-10]> then\n set [\(;・∀・\) v] to (join (letter (1) of (\(;・∀・\))) (join [0] (join (letter (3) of (\(;・∀・\))) (join (letter (4) of (\(;・∀・\))) (letter (5) of (\(;・∀・\)))))))\n end\n if <(x position) = [20]> then\n set [\(;・∀・\) v] to (join (letter (1) of (\(;・∀・\))) (join (letter (2) of (\(;・∀・\))) (join [0] (join (letter (4) of (\(;・∀・\))) (letter (5) of (\(;・∀・\)))))))\n end\n if <(x position) = [55]> then\n set [\(;・∀・\) v] to (join (letter (1) of (\(;・∀・\))) (join (letter (2) of (\(;・∀・\))) (join (letter (3) of (\(;・∀・\))) (join [0] (letter (5) of (\(;・∀・\)))))))\n end\n if <(x position) = [90]> then\n set [\(;・∀・\) v] to (join (letter (1) of (\(;・∀・\))) (join (letter (2) of (\(;・∀・\))) (join (letter (3) of (\(;・∀・\))) (join (letter (4) of (\(;・∀・\))) [0]))))\n end\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (70) %\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n next costume\n wait (0.05) seconds\n コイン\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nset [〇 v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-50) y: (-90)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (50) y: (-90)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (150) y: (-90)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [2]>\ngo to x: (-15) y: (-30)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (115) y: (-30)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-45) y: (-50)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (15) y: (-50)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (85) y: (-50)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (145) y: (-50)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [3]>\ngo to x: (175) y: (-93)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [4]>\ngo to x: (-7) y: (10)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (195) y: (-95)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [5]>\ngo to x: (-107) y: (-45)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (90) y: (120)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (150) y: (-127)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (110) y: (-127)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (190) y: (-127)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [6]>\ngo to x: (-55) y: (45)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (17) y: (145)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (-90)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (180) y: (-72)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [7]>\ngo to x: (-25) y: (0)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (25)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (25) y: (40)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (178) y: (150)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (160) y: (-100)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (185) y: (-100)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (160) y: (-75)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (185) y: (-75)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\ngo to x: (210) y: (-75)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (210) y: (-100)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [8]>\ngo to x: (-85) y: (25)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-60) y: (35)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-35) y: (25)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (145) y: (130)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (170) y: (140)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (195) y: (130)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (165) y: (-80)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (195) y: (-80)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [9]>\ngo to x: (-85) y: (-50)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-60) y: (-35)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-35) y: (-50)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (80) y: (45)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (190) y: (135)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [10]>\ngo to x: (-110) y: (-90)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (35) y: (-60)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (200) y: (80)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [12]>\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <([y position v] of [\(=^・・^=\) v]) < [-100]> then\n go to x: (-125) y: (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (0) y: (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (125) y: (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n broadcast (\( ゚Д゚\) v)\n stop [this script v]\nelse\n broadcast (\( ゚Д゚\) v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [\( ゚д゚\) v] to [1]\nset [〇\(。´・ω・\)? v] to [11111]\nset [\(;・∀・\) v] to [11111]\nset [\(。-`ω-\) v] to [11111]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nforever\n wait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [4]>\n if <(letter (1) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?)) = [1]> then\n go to x: (195) y: (80)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\n wait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [3]>\n wait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nforever\n wait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [5]>\n if <(letter (2) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?)) = [1]> then\n go to x: (210) y: (-35)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\n wait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [21]>\n wait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nforever\n wait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [21]>\n if <(letter (3) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?)) = [1]> then\n go to x: (40) y: (50)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <(letter (4) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?)) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-50) y: (50)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <(letter (5) of (〇\(。´・ω・\)?)) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-5) y: (100)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <(\( ゚Д゚\)) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-5) y: (0)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\n wait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [5]>\n wait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nforever\n wait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [12]>\n if <(letter (1) of (\(。-`ω-\))) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-90) y: (-140)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <(letter (2) of (\(。-`ω-\))) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-40) y: (-140)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <(letter (3) of (\(。-`ω-\))) = [1]> then\n go to x: (10) y: (-140)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <(letter (4) of (\(。-`ω-\))) = [1]> then\n go to x: (60) y: (-140)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <(letter (5) of (\(。-`ω-\))) = [1]> then\n go to x: (110) y: (-140)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\n wait until <not <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [12]>>\n wait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nforever\n wait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [11]>\n if <(letter (1) of (\(;・∀・\))) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-26) y: (-40)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <(letter (2) of (\(;・∀・\))) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-10) y: (0)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <(letter (3) of (\(;・∀・\))) = [1]> then\n go to x: (20) y: (30)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <(letter (4) of (\(;・∀・\))) = [1]> then\n go to x: (55) y: (55)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <(letter (5) of (\(;・∀・\))) = [1]> then\n go to x: (90) y: (72)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\n wait until <not <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [11]>>\n wait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n wait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [12]>\n go to x: (-125) y: (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (0) y: (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (125) y: (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\n wait until <not <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [12]>>\n wait until <<(\(;´・ω・\)) = [13]> or <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [11]>>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\( ゚д゚\) v]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n wait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [13]>\n go to x: (-106) y: (65)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (133) y: (160)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-40) y: (55)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (0) y: (55)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\n wait until <not <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [13]>>\n wait until <<(\(;´・ω・\)) = [13]> or <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [11]>>\nend\n\n@(-_-メ)\n\nif <[] = [7]> then\n show\n go to x: (-15) y: (40)\n repeat until <[] = [8]>\n コイン\n end\nend\n\ndefine コイン\nif <touching (\(=^・・^=\) v)?> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n change [☆ v] by (1)\n change [〇 v] by (10)\n if <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [3]> then\n set [☆1 v] to [0]\n end\n if <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [21]> then\n set [☆2 v] to [0]\n end\n if <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [13]> then\n set [☆3 v] to [0]\n end\n repeat (10)\n switch costume to (1 v)\n change [ghost v] effect by (8)\n change size by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nforever\n next costume\n wait (0.05) seconds\n コイン\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nforever\n wait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [3]>\n if <(☆1) = [1]> then\n go to x: (170) y: (60)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\n wait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [4]>\n wait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [☆1 v] to [1]\nset [☆2 v] to [1]\nset [☆3 v] to [1]\nset [☆ v] to [0]\nforever\n set [☆\(。´・ω・\)? v] to (join (☆1) (join (☆2) (☆3)))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nforever\n wait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [21]>\n if <(☆2) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-5) y: (50)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\n wait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [5]>\n wait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nforever\n wait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [13]>\n if <(☆3) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-15) y: (-120)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\n wait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [12]>\n wait until <(\(*^▽^*\)) = [0]>\nend\n\n@(^^♪\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset size to (100) %\nforever\n wait (0.4) seconds\n repeat (25)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n change size by (1)\n end\n wait (0.4) seconds\n repeat (25)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n change size by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nshow\n\n@(@_@)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@(。-`ω-)\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nset [コイン表示 v] to [一]\ngo to x: (-108) y: (155)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [コイン表示 v] to [十]\ngo to x: (-123) y: (155)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [コイン表示 v] to [百]\ngo to x: (-138) y: (155)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [コイン表示 v] to [千]\ngo to x: (-153) y: (155)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [コイン表示 v] to [万]\ngo to x: (-168) y: (155)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(コイン表示) = [万]> then\n forever\n if <(〇) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (\(゚∀゚\)×? v)\n else\n switch costume to (letter (1) of (〇))\n end\n end\nend\nif <(コイン表示) = [十]> then\n forever\n if <(letter (4) of (〇)) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (\(゚∀゚\)×? v)\n else\n switch costume to (letter (4) of (〇))\n end\n end\nend\nif <(コイン表示) = [一]> then\n forever\n if <(letter (5) of (〇)) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (\(゚∀゚\)×? v)\n else\n switch costume to (letter (5) of (〇))\n end\n end\nend\nif <(コイン表示) = [千]> then\n forever\n if <(letter (2) of (〇)) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (\(゚∀゚\)×? v)\n else\n switch costume to (letter (2) of (〇))\n end\n end\nend\nif <(コイン表示) = [百]> then\n forever\n if <(letter (3) of (〇)) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (\(゚∀゚\)×? v)\n else\n switch costume to (letter (3) of (〇))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nshow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@( ゚Д゚)\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <(☆\(。´・ω・\)?) = [111]> then\n switch costume to (ある,ある,ある v)\n else\n if <(☆\(。´・ω・\)?) = [110]> then\n switch costume to (ある,ある,ない v)\n else\n if <(☆\(。´・ω・\)?) = [101]> then\n switch costume to (ある,ない,ある v)\n else\n if <(☆\(。´・ω・\)?) = [011]> then\n switch costume to (ない,ある,ある v)\n else\n if <(☆\(。´・ω・\)?) = [100]> then\n switch costume to (ある,ない,ない v)\n else\n if <(☆\(。´・ω・\)?) = [010]> then\n switch costume to (ない,ある,ない v)\n else\n if <(☆\(。´・ω・\)?) = [001]> then\n switch costume to (ない,ない,ある v)\n else\n switch costume to (ない,ない,ない v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\ngo to x: (-85) y: (158)\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [14]>\n\n@(+_+)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nwait until <not <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [12]>>\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (\(=^・・^=\) v)?> then\n (^ω^)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <touching (\(=^・・^=\) v)?> then\n (^ω^)\n end\nend\n\ndefine (^ω^)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nswitch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nswitch costume to (コスチューム4 v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nswitch costume to (コスチューム5 v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nswitch costume to (コスチューム6 v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nswitch costume to (コスチューム7 v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nswitch costume to (コスチューム8 v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nswitch costume to (コスチューム9 v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nswitch costume to (コスチューム8 v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nswitch costume to (コスチューム7 v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nswitch costume to (コスチューム6 v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nswitch costume to (コスチューム5 v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nswitch costume to (コスチューム4 v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nswitch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nwait until <not <touching (\(=^・・^=\) v)?>>\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <<<(\(;´・ω・\)) = [21]> or <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [11]>> or <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [12]>> then\n if <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [21]> then\n go to x: (-5) y: (-96)\n end\n if <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [11]> then\n go to x: (-25) y: (-100)\n end\n if <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [12]> then\n go to x: (-125) y: (-63)\n end\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n wait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [12]>\n change x by (125)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (125)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [12]>>\nend\n\n@(*´ω`)@t9decode様\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [logo]> then\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [360]\n switch costume to (\(*^^\)v v)\n set size to (1200) %\n switch costume to (σ\(・ω・ノ\)! v)\n repeat until <[101] > (size)>\n switch costume to (\(*^^\)v v)\n change size by (((65) - (size)) / (6.9))\n change [clone_dir v] by (((90) - (clone_dir)) / (6.9))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (σ\(・ω・ノ\)! v)\n end\n repeat until <[66] > (size)>\n change size by (((65) - (size)) / (6.9))\n change [clone_dir v] by (((90) - (clone_dir)) / (6.9))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n end\n set [clone_dir v] to [0.5]\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change [clone_dir v] by ((clone_dir) / (2))\n change size by (clone_dir)\n turn right ((clone_dir) / (-12)) degrees\n end\n repeat (7)\n switch costume to (\(*^^\)v v)\n change [clone_dir v] by ((clone_dir) / (2))\n change size by (clone_dir)\n turn right ((clone_dir) / (-12)) degrees\n switch costume to (σ\(・ω・ノ\)! v)\n end\n hide\n switch costume to (\(*_*\) v)\n set [cloneid v] to [square2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (\(; ・`д・´\) v)\n set [cloneid v] to [square3]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [cloneid v] to [kirbyzaz]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [cloneid v] to [back3]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n repeat (8)\n set [clone_size v] to [50]\n set [hp v] to [100]\n switch backdrop to (背景1 v)\n set [cloneid v] to [square1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [cloneid v] to [back2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n broadcast (\[INTRO\]size v)\n switch costume to (\(*_*\) v)\n wait (0.561) seconds\n end\n broadcast (\[INTRO\]spin v)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [back]> then\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [360]\n switch costume to (\(*^^\)v v)\n set size to (1200) %\n switch costume to (\(=_=\) v)\n repeat until <[175] > (size)>\n switch costume to (\(*^^\)v v)\n change size by (((174) - (size)) / (6.9))\n change [clone_dir v] by (((65) - (clone_dir)) / (6.9))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (\(´-ω-`\) v)\n end\n set [clone_dir v] to [0.5]\n repeat (15)\n switch costume to (\(*^^\)v v)\n change [clone_dir v] by ((clone_dir) / (2))\n change size by (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (\(´-ω-`\) v)\n turn right ((clone_dir) / (12)) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [b1]> then\n switch costume to (\(=_=\) v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n repeat (10)\n set size to (100) %\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat until <(timer) > [9]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((125) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (\(=_=\) v)\n show\n end\n repeat until <(timer) > [10]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((-1) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (\(=_=\) v)\n show\n end\n broadcast (\[INTRO\]end v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [b2]> then\n switch costume to (\(/・ω・\)/ v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n repeat (10)\n set size to (100) %\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat until <(timer) > [9]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((-125) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (\(/・ω・\)/ v)\n show\n end\n repeat until <(timer) > [10]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((1) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (\(/・ω・\)/ v)\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nreset timer\nstart sound [Foxsky - Kirby Smash v]\nhide\nwait (0.6) seconds\nset [cloneid v] to [b1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [cloneid v] to [b2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nset [cloneid v] to [back]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [cloneid v] to [logo]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [square1]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (3) layers\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n show\n set [clone_cos v] to (costume [number v])\n set size to (0) %\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change size by (((clone_size) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right (((clone_dir) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n repeat until <(size) > [1500]>\n switch costume to (\(*^^\)v v)\n change size by (((clone_size) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (clone_cos)\n turn right (((clone_dir) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [back2]> then\n switch costume to (\( ;∀;\) v)\n clear graphic effects\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [back3]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n switch costume to (\(^_-\)-☆ v)\n set [\( ;∀;\) v] to [90]\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [90]\n \n switch costume to (\(*^^\)v v)\n set size to (100) %\n go to [back v] layer\n change [clone_dir v] by (((\( ;∀;\)) - (clone_dir)) / (5))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (\(^_-\)-☆ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [square3]> then\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n show\n set [clone_cos v] to (costume [number v])\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change size by ((((clone_size) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n repeat until <(size) > [1500]>\n switch costume to (\(*^^\)v v)\n change size by ((((clone_size) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n switch costume to (clone_cos)\n turn right (0.1) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [square2]> then\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n show\n set [clone_cos v] to (costume [number v])\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change size by ((((clone_size) * (2.25)) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * (2.25)) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n repeat until <(size) > [1500]>\n switch costume to (\(*^^\)v v)\n change size by ((((clone_size) * (2.25)) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * (2.25)) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n switch costume to (clone_cos)\n turn right (0.1) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]size v]\nif < (cloneID) contains [square]?> then\n if <[350] < (clone_dir)> then\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n end\n change [clone_size v] by ((clone_size) * (1.5))\n change [clone_dir v] by (22.5)\nend\nif <(cloneID) = [back3]> then\n change [\( ;∀;\) v] by (90)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]spin v]\nif <<(cloneID) = [b1]> or <(cloneID) = [b2]>> then\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]size v]\nif <(cloneID) = [kirbyzaz]> then\n set [clone_cos v] to (pick random (5) to (10))\n change size by (30)\n repeat (35)\n set [clone_cos v] to (((clone_cos) * (0.75)) + (((90) - (direction)) * (0.3)))\n turn right (clone_cos) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [kirbyzaz]> then\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [90]\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (\(*^^\)v v)\n set size to (200) %\n switch costume to ( ^^\) v)\n \n switch costume to (\(*^^\)v v)\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to ( ^^\) v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]size v]\nif <(cloneID) = [b1]> then\n set [clone_cos v] to [2]\n repeat (35)\n set [clone_cos v] to (((clone_cos) * (0.75)) + (((90) - (direction)) * (0.3)))\n turn right (clone_cos) degrees\n end\nend\nif <(cloneID) = [b2]> then\n set [clone_cos v] to [-5]\n repeat (35)\n set [clone_cos v] to (((clone_cos) * (0.75)) + (((90) - (direction)) * (0.3)))\n turn right (clone_cos) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]end v]\nif <<(cloneID) = [b1]> or <(cloneID) = [b2]>> then\n wait (1) seconds\n if <(cloneID) = [b1]> then\n change y by (1.5)\n repeat until <(y position) > [200]>\n switch costume to (\( ;∀;\) v)\n change y by ((y position) / (3))\n switch costume to (\(=_=\) v)\n end\n else\n change y by (-1.5)\n repeat until <[-200] > (y position)>\n switch costume to (\( ;∀;\) v)\n change y by ((y position) / (3))\n switch costume to (\(/・ω・\)/ v)\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nelse\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\nwait (1.3) seconds\nbroadcast (スタート v)\n\n@('ω')\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [1]>\nwait until <(\(;´・ω・\)) = [14]>\nif <(〇) = [100]> then\n switch costume to (\(*´з`\) v)\nelse\n switch costume to (\( `ー´\) v)\nend\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@(*_*)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (\(;´・ω・\))\nend\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nclear graphic effects\n\n@(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧\n\nwhen I receive [最後 v]\nshow\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <(φ\(* ̄0 ̄\)) > [100]> then\n broadcast (最後 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [φ\(* ̄0 ̄\) v] to [0]\nforever\n change [φ\(* ̄0 ̄\) v] by (10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n wait (0.01) seconds\n set [φ\(* ̄0 ̄\) v] to [0]\nend\n\n
Press arrows keys to move \n\nAppuyez sur les flèches pour bouger\n
-Neon Platformer- [ᴍᴏʙɪʟᴇ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅʟʏ ɢᴀᴍᴇ]
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [credits v] to [0]\nset volume to (70) %\nforever\n repeat until <(Credits) = [1]>\n play sound [TheFatRat+-+Prelude+\(VIP+Edit+feat.+JJD\) v] until done\n end\nend\n\nplay sound [Super Mario 3D L v] until done\n\nwhen I receive [soundcheck v]\nif <(volume) = [70]> then\n set volume to (0) %\nelse\n if <(volume) = [0]> then\n set volume to (70) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nset [credits v] to [1]\nstop all sounds\n\nplay sound [Collective Soul - The World I Know v] until done\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (0)\nset [y vel v] to [0]\nset [x vel v] to [0]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n next costume\n wait (0) seconds\nend\n\ndefine Run\nchange y by (y vel)\nif <<<touching (level segments v)?> or <touching (locked doors v)?>> or <touching (locked doors2 v)?>> then\n repeat ([abs v] of (y vel) )\n if <<<touching (level segments v)?> or <touching (locked doors v)?>> or <touching (locked doors2 v)?>> then\n change y by ((-1) * (([abs v] of (y vel) ) / (y vel)))\n end\n end\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<(mouse y) > [50]> and <mouse down?>>> and <not <(y vel) > [0]>>> then\n set [y vel v] to [12]\n else\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n change [y vel v] by (-1)\nend\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<(mouse x) > [50]> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <not <(Touching?) = [1]>> then\n change [x vel v] by (1)\n else\n if <(Touching?) = [1]> then\n change [x vel v] by (3)\n end\n end\nend\nif <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<[-50] > (mouse x)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <not <(Touching?) = [1]>> then\n change [x vel v] by (-1)\n else\n if <(Touching?) = [1]> then\n change [x vel v] by (-3)\n end\n end\nend\nchange x by (x vel)\nif <<<touching (level segments v)?> or <touching (locked doors v)?>> or <touching (locked doors2 v)?>> then\n set [old y v] to (y position)\n repeat (([abs v] of (x vel) ) + (1))\n if <<<touching (level segments v)?> or <touching (locked doors v)?>> or <touching (locked doors2 v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n if <<<touching (level segments v)?> or <touching (locked doors v)?>> or <touching (locked doors2 v)?>> then\n set y to (old y)\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (x vel) ) )\n if <<<touching (level segments v)?> or <touching (locked doors v)?>> or <touching (locked doors2 v)?>> then\n change x by ((-1) * (([abs v] of (x vel) ) / (x vel)))\n end\n end\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <<touching (moving spikes v)?> or <touching (gears v)?>> then\n broadcast (Dead v)\nend\nif <touching (lvlend v)?> then\n broadcast (LvlSetup v)\n broadcast ((Lvl) + (1))\n change [lvl v] by (1)\n change [☁ total levels beaten v] by (1)\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n if <<(Lvl) = [6]> or <<(Lvl) = [8]> or >> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n else\n go to x: (-180) y: (0)\n end\nelse\n if <<(y position) < [-179]> or <key (r v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (Dead v)\n end\nend\nset [x vel v] to ((x vel) * (0.9))\n\nset [x vel v] to [0]\nset [y vel v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (0)\n\n\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nforever\n Run\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (-180) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nset [x vel v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [y vel v] to [0]\nif <<(Lvl) = [6]> or <<(Lvl) = [8]> or >> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\nelse\n go to x: (-180) y: (0)\nend\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\n\nrepeat (15)\n change x by (((-180) - (x position)) / (3))\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (3))\nend\n\nrepeat (15)\n change x by (((-180) - (x position)) / (3))\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (3))\nend\ngo to x: (-180) y: (0)\n\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-80)\nclear graphic effects\n\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-80)\nclear graphic effects\n\nchange size by (((0) - (size)) / (3))\n\nwait until <not <<(y position) < [-179]> or <key (r v) pressed?>>>\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen [s v] key pressed\nif <not <(Lvl) = [11]>> then\n broadcast (LvlSetup v)\n broadcast (Dead v)\n broadcast ((Lvl) + (1))\n change [lvl v] by (1)\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n set [y vel v] to [0]\nend\n\n@Level Segments\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [lvl v] to [1]\nset [touchingsegment: v] to []\nhide\nbroadcast (1 v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (join (Lvl) [-1-2])\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (lit v)\n if <touching (sensor v)?> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (join (join (join (Lvl) [-]) (join (ID) [-])) [1])\n set [touchingsegment: v] to (costume [name v])\n broadcast (Touch v)\n start sound [On v]\n set [brightness v] effect to (-3)\n wait until <not <touching (sensor v)?>>\n broadcast (TouchStopped v)\n set [touchingsegment: v] to []\n else\n switch costume to (join (join (join (Lvl) [-]) (join (ID) [-])) [2])\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [1 v]\nset [id v] to [0]\nrepeat (3)\n change [id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete all of [segment1 v]\nadd [1-1-2] to [segment1 v]\nadd [2-1-2] to [segment1 v]\nadd [3-1-2] to [segment1 v]\nadd [4-1-2] to [segment1 v]\nadd [5-1-2] to [segment1 v]\nadd [6-1-2] to [segment1 v]\nadd [7-1-2] to [segment1 v]\nadd [8-1-2] to [segment1 v]\nadd [9-1-2] to [segment1 v]\nadd [10-1-2] to [segment1 v]\nadd [11-1-2] to [segment1 v]\nadd [12-1-2] to [segment1 v]\nadd [13-1-2] to [segment1 v]\nadd [14-1-2] to [segment1 v]\nadd [15-1-2] to [segment1 v]\n\nwhen I receive [2 v]\nset [id v] to [0]\nrepeat (2)\n change [id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [lvlsetup v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [3 v]\nset [id v] to [0]\nrepeat (3)\n change [id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [4 v]\nset [id v] to [0]\nrepeat (3)\n change [id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [5 v]\nset [id v] to [0]\nrepeat (3)\n change [id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [6 v]\nset [id v] to [0]\nrepeat (3)\n change [id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [7 v]\nset [id v] to [0]\nrepeat (1)\n change [id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [8 v]\nset [id v] to [0]\nrepeat (3)\n change [id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [9 v]\nset [id v] to [0]\nrepeat (4)\n change [id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [10 v]\nset [id v] to [0]\nrepeat (4)\n change [id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [11 v]\nset [id v] to [0]\nrepeat (3)\n change [id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [12 v]\nset [id v] to [0]\nrepeat (0)\n change [id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [13 v]\nset [id v] to [0]\nrepeat (0)\n change [id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [14 v]\nset [id v] to [0]\nrepeat (0)\n change [id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [15 v]\nset [id v] to [0]\nrepeat (0)\n change [id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@Auora\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (180) %\nset [sine v] to [0]\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (70)\n go to (player v)\n change [sine v] by (5)\n change size by ([sin v] of (Sine) )\nend\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (35)\n\n@Flash\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [touch v]\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-12)\n set [brightness v] effect to (30)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (40)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-3)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\n\nchange [brightness v] effect by (5)\n\n@Simple Intro\n\ndefine Bounce to Size: (s) Speed: (sp)\nset [bounce v] to (((Bounce) * (0.7)) + (((s) - (size)) * (sp)))\nchange size by (Bounce)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [id2 v] to [0]\nrepeat (2)\n change [id2 v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID2) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (0) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (80)\n repeat (40)\n Bounce to Size: [150] Speed: [0.2]\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change size by (((170) - (size)) / (7))\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n Bounce to Size: [0] Speed: [0.2]\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\nelse\n if <(ID2) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n set size to (0) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (80)\n repeat (40)\n Bounce to Size: [150] Speed: [0.2]\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n wait (2.1) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change size by (((170) - (size)) / (3))\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n Bounce to Size: [0] Speed: [0.2]\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nif <(ID2) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (0) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (80)\n repeat (40)\n Bounce to Size: [150] Speed: [0.2]\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (10)\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\nelse\n if <(ID2) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n set size to (0) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (80)\n repeat (40)\n Bounce to Size: [150] Speed: [0.2]\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n wait (2.1) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (40)\n change size by (20)\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n@Backdrop\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (4.5) seconds\nbroadcast (Setup v)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\n@Sensor\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (player v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n@Box Indicators\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n show\n switch costume to (Lvl)\n if <<<(TouchingSegment:) = [1-3-1]> or <(TouchingSegment:) = [2-1-1]>> or <<(TouchingSegment:) = [3-2-1]> or <<(TouchingSegment:) = [4-2-1]> or <<(TouchingSegment:) = [6-1-1]> or <<(TouchingSegment:) = [7-1-1]> or <<(TouchingSegment:) = [8-2-1]> or <<(TouchingSegment:) = [9-1-1]> or <(TouchingSegment:) = [11-3-1]>>>>>>>> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\n@Play\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nset volume to (100) %\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (55)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (illuminated v)\n start sound [On v]\n broadcast (Touch v)\n wait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n else\n switch costume to (dark v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nforever\n point in direction ((90) + (([sin v] of (((timer) - (1)) * (150)) ) * (2.5)))\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Startgame v)\nhide\nset volume to (0) %\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Audio\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nforever\n point in direction ((90) + (([sin v] of (((timer) - (1)) * (150)) ) * (2.5)))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (-5)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (soundilluminated v)\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (muteilluminated v)\n end\n end\n start sound [On v]\n broadcast (Touch v)\n wait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (sounddark v)\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (mutedark v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (sounddark v)\nreset timer\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (muteilluminated v)\nelse\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (soundilluminated v)\n end\nend\nbroadcast (SoundCheck v)\n\nswitch costume to (soundilluminated v)\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\ngo to x: (200) y: (155)\nhide\n\n@Base Level Segment Types\n\n@LvlEnd\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\n@Info Text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nset [type v] to [Sprite]\nshow\nswitch costume to (illuminatedsign v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n if <(Lvl) = [1]> then\n show\n go to x: (-60) y: (0)\n else\n if <(Lvl) = [2]> then\n hide\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n else\n if <(Lvl) = [3]> then\n show\n go to x: (-120) y: (0)\n else\n if <(Lvl) = [4]> then\n hide\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n else\n if <(Lvl) = [5]> then\n show\n go to x: (-60) y: (-10)\n else\n if <(Lvl) = [6]> then\n hide\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n else\n if <(Lvl) = [11]> then\n show\n go to x: (-120) y: (-8)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n switch costume to (illuminatedsign v)\n set [brightness v] effect to (-2)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <touching (player v)?>>\n else\n broadcast (delete v)\n switch costume to (darksign v)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [type v] to [Clone]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-3)\nif <(Lvl) = [1]> then\n show\n go to x: (-30) y: (25)\nelse\n if <(Lvl) = [2]> then\n hide\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n else\n if <(Lvl) = [3]> then\n show\n go to x: (-90) y: (20)\n else\n if <(Lvl) = [4]> then\n hide\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n else\n if <(Lvl) = [5]> then\n show\n go to x: (-30) y: (10)\n else\n if <(Lvl) = [11]> then\n show\n go to x: (-90) y: (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset size to (0) %\nswitch costume to (Lvl)\nif <not <(Lvl) = [11]>> then\n repeat (25)\n change size by (((70) - (size)) / (5))\n end\nelse\n if <(Lvl) = [11]> then\n repeat (25)\n change size by (((50) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete v]\nif <(Type) = [Clone]> then\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n change size by (((0) - (size)) / (5))\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nif <(Type) = [Clone]> then\n repeat (20)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Confetti\n\ndefine Make confetti at (x) (y) with costume (cx) with size (s) number (n)\nrepeat (n)\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n switch costume to (cx)\n set size to (s) %\n set [d \(1/-1\) v] to (pick random (-1.00) to (1.00))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nset [yv v] to (pick random (2) to (8))\nrepeat until <<(y position) = [-178]> or <(y position) < [-178]>>\n change y by (Yv)\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change x by ((5) * ((D \(1/-1\)) / (0.5)))\n turn right ((5) * ((D \(1/-1\)) / (0.5))) degrees\n if <<touching (level segments v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>> then\n set [d \(1/-1\) v] to ((D \(1/-1\)) * (-1))\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\n\nrepeat (7)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n Make confetti at (CX) (CY) with costume (pick random (1) to (2)) with size (pick random (75) to (130)) number [1]\nend\n\nrepeat (10)\n Make confetti at [0] [20] with costume [1] with size (pick random (160) to (210)) number []\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [titlescreen v]\nforever\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(Screen) = [TS]>> and <not <<(BTP?) = [1]> or <(BTS?) = [1]>>>> then\n repeat (3)\n Make confetti at (mouse x) (mouse y) with costume (pick random (1) to (4)) with size [400] number []\n end\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(y position) > [175]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nset [cx v] to ([x position v] of [player v])\nset [cy v] to ([y position v] of [player v])\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Stuck Sensor\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (player v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n if <touching (level segments v)?> then\n broadcast (Dead v)\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nforever\n reset timer\n go to x: (0) y: (-180)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.1)\nrepeat (25)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\nend\n\n@Buttons\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (120) %\nhide\n\ndefine Button at (x) (y)\nswitch costume to (unpushed1 v)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (unpushed1 v)\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n repeat (3)\n wait (0) seconds\n next costume\n end\n broadcast (Unlock v)\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [9 v]\nButton at [122] [110]\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nwait (0) seconds\nif <(Lvl) = [6]> then\n Button at [-185] [116]\nend\nif <(Lvl) = [8]> then\n Button at [32] [-75]\nend\nif <(Lvl) = [9]> then\n Button at [122] [110]\nend\nif <(Lvl) = [10]> then\n Button at [170] [-144]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [6 v]\nButton at [-185] [116]\n\nwhen I receive [8 v]\nButton at [32] [-75]\n\nwhen I receive [10 v]\nButton at [170] [-144]\n\n@Locked Doors\n\ndefine Door at (x) (y) angle (・)\nswitch costume to (locked v)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npoint in direction (・)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (locked v)\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (2) layers\nend\n\nwhen I receive [unlock v]\nswitch costume to (unlocked1 v)\nrepeat (3)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n next costume\nend\nwait (0.08) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [9 v]\nDoor at [106] [-50] angle [90]\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nwait (0) seconds\nif <(Lvl) = [6]> then\n Door at [195] [58] angle [90]\nend\nif <(Lvl) = [8]> then\n Door at [93] [78] angle [90]\nend\nif <(Lvl) = [9]> then\n Door at [106] [-50] angle [90]\nend\nif <(Lvl) = [10]> then\n Door at [230] [42] angle [90]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [6 v]\nDoor at [195] [58] angle [90]\n\nwhen I receive [8 v]\nDoor at [93] [78] angle [90]\n\nif <(Lvl) = []> then\n Door at [] [] angle [180]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [10 v]\nDoor at [230] [42] angle [90]\n\n@Warnings\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (Lvl)\n set [ghost v] effect to (85)\nend\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\n@Gears\n\ndefine Gear at (x) (y) costume (1/2) speed (turn) size (size) ghost (g)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nswitch costume to (1/2)\nset [ghost v] effect to (g)\nset size to (size) %\nset [turnspeed v] to (turn)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [gcid v] to (costume [number v])\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (2) layers\nforever\n turn right (TurnSpeed) degrees\nend\n\nif <touching color (#f7d100)?> then\n switch costume to ((GCID) * (2))\nelse\n switch costume to (GCID)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [lvlsetup v]\nclear graphic effects\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [1 v]\nGear at [25] [-190] costume [2] speed [2] size [100] ghost [55]\nGear at [90] [-180] costume [1] speed [-2] size [100] ghost [55]\n\nwhen I receive [8 v]\nGear at [-40] [-95] costume [2] speed [1] size [60] ghost [20]\nGear at [-40] [87] costume [2] speed [2] size [65] ghost [20]\nGear at [132] [-23] costume [2] speed [3] size [65] ghost [20]\n\nwhen I receive [3 v]\nGear at [55] [-175] costume [2] speed [2] size [80] ghost [55]\nGear at [110] [-190] costume [1] speed [-2] size [80] ghost [55]\nGear at [-22] [-185] costume [2] speed [-1] size [80] ghost [55]\n\nwhen I receive [5 v]\nGear at [-240] [-135] costume [2] speed [2] size [80] ghost [20]\nGear at [-300] [-80] costume [1] speed [-2] size [80] ghost [20]\n\nwhen I receive [4 v]\nGear at [70] [140] costume [1] speed [-1] size [100] ghost [20]\nGear at [70] [80] costume [2] speed [1] size [80] ghost [20]\n\nGear at [165] [-20] costume [2] speed [5] size [80] ghost [20]\n\nwhen I receive [2 v]\nGear at [100] [-100] costume [2] speed [5] size [65] ghost [20]\nGear at [-50] [42] costume [2] speed [5] size [65] ghost [20]\nGear at [70] [180] costume [1] speed [3] size [90] ghost [20]\n\nwhen I receive [9 v]\nGear at [-160] [70] costume [1] speed [5] size [100] ghost [20]\nGear at [160] [165] costume [2] speed [5] size [80] ghost [20]\n\nwhen I receive [7 v]\nGear at [200] [35] costume [2] speed [2] size [80] ghost [20]\nGear at [-132] [140] costume [2] speed [4] size [80] ghost [20]\n\nwhen I receive [6 v]\nGear at [-100] [82] costume [2] speed [3] size [100] ghost [20]\nGear at [175] [-130] costume [2] speed [5] size [100] ghost [20]\n\n@Restart\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (80) %\ngo to x: (-215) y: (155)\nset [move v] to [0]\nforever\n change [move v] by (3.5)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (restartlit v)\n point in direction ((([sin v] of (Move) ) * (20)) + (90))\n else\n switch costume to (restartdark v)\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Dead v)\n\nset x to (([tan v] of ((Move) / (2)) ) * (5))\nchange [color v] effect by (5)\nset y to (([sin v] of ((Move) * (1.5)) ) * (20))\nset size to ((([sin v] of ((Move) * (0.4)) ) * (10)) + (140)) %\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nshow\n\n@Box Indicators2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n show\n switch costume to (Lvl)\n if <<<(TouchingSegment:) = [1-3-1]> or <(TouchingSegment:) = [2-2-1]>> or <<(TouchingSegment:) = [3-2-1]> or <<(TouchingSegment:) = [4-2-1]> or <<(TouchingSegment:) = [6-2-1]> or <<(TouchingSegment:) = [9-4-1]> or >>>>> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\n@Moving Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\ndefine Spikes at (x) (y) length (length) timing (0/1/2) segment (as)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nswitch costume to (length)\nset [assignedsegment v] to (as)\nset [spiketiming v] to (0/1/2)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [lvlsetup v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(length of (AssignedSegment)) = [5]> then\n if <(letter (1) of (AssignedSegment)) = (Lvl)> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nelse\n if <(length of (AssignedSegment)) = [6]> then\n if <(join (letter (1) of (AssignedSegment)) (letter (2) of (AssignedSegment))) = (Lvl)> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\nwait (SpikeTiming) seconds\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n if <(length of (AssignedSegment)) = [5]> then\n if <(letter (1) of (AssignedSegment)) = (Lvl)> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n else\n if <(length of (AssignedSegment)) = [6]> then\n if <(join (letter (1) of (AssignedSegment)) (letter (2) of (AssignedSegment))) = (Lvl)> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-2)\n end\n wait (1.2) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change y by (2)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [5 v]\nSpikes at [93] [-102] length [4] timing [0] segment [5-2-1]\nSpikes at [227] [-125] length [2] timing [1] segment [5-3-1]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(TouchingSegment:) = (AssignedSegment)> then\n switch costume to (letter (1) of (costume [name v]))\n set [brightness v] effect to (-3)\n else\n switch costume to (join (letter (1) of (costume [name v])) [-2])\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [9 v]\nSpikes at [37] [-90] length [3] timing [0] segment [9-3-1]\nSpikes at [185] [-90] length [3] timing [1] segment [9-3-1]\n\nwhen I receive [6 v]\nSpikes at [-15] [-86] length [2] timing [0] segment [6-1-1]\nSpikes at [-108] [-86] length [2] timing [1] segment [6-1-1]\n\nwhen I receive [10 v]\nSpikes at [10] [-1] length [3] timing [0] segment [10-3-1]\nSpikes at [93] [-1] length [3] timing [1] segment [10-3-1]\nSpikes at [55] [-147] length [3] timing [0] segment [10-3-1]\n\n@BuildingBackground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\nwait (.2) seconds\nforever\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (85)\n change x by (round (((([x position v] of [player v]) / (-5)) - (x position)) / (5)))\n change y by (round (((([y position v] of [player v]) / (-5)) - (y position)) / (5)))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n@Box Indicators3\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n show\n switch costume to (Lvl)\n if then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\n@Buttons2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (120) %\nhide\n\ndefine Button at (x) (y)\nswitch costume to (unpushed1 v)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (unpushed1 v)\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n repeat (3)\n wait (0) seconds\n next costume\n end\n broadcast (Unlock2 v)\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nwait (0) seconds\nif <(Lvl) = [10]> then\n Button at [170] [13]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [10 v]\nButton at [170] [13]\n\n@Locked Doors2\n\ndefine Door at (x) (y) angle (・)\nswitch costume to (locked v)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npoint in direction (・)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (locked v)\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (2) layers\nend\n\nwhen I receive [unlock2 v]\nswitch costume to (unlocked1 v)\nrepeat (3)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n next costume\nend\nwait (0.08) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nwait (0) seconds\nif <(Lvl) = [10]> then\n Door at [-93] [-39] angle [180]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [10 v]\nDoor at [-93] [-39] angle [180]\n\n@Skip\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (80) %\ngo to x: (215) y: (155)\nset [move v] to [0]\nforever\n change [move v] by (3.5)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (skiplit v)\n else\n switch costume to (skipdark v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <not <(Lvl) = [11]>> then\n broadcast (LvlSetup v)\n broadcast (Dead v)\n broadcast ((Lvl) + (1))\n change [lvl v] by (1)\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n set [y vel v] to [0]\nend\n\nset x to (([tan v] of ((Move) / (2)) ) * (5))\nchange [color v] effect by (5)\nset y to (([sin v] of ((Move) * (1.5)) ) * (20))\nset size to ((([sin v] of ((Move) * (0.4)) ) * (10)) + (140)) %\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nshow\n\n@LOVE, FAVORITE, FOLLOW!\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.02) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [lffpd v] to [0]\ngo to x: (pick random (-200) to (10)) y: (-110)\nset [ghost v] effect to (60)\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (3))\npoint in direction (pick random (-45) to (45))\nforever\n if <<not <(Lvl) = [11]>> or <(LFFPD) > [90]>> then\n delete this clone\n else\n show\n end\n move (1) steps\n change [lffpd v] by (1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (.5)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@EndText\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (80) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (35)\nhide\nforever\n if <(Lvl) = [11]> then\n show\n set [brightness v] effect to (-5)\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n
---------------------------------The Lab---------------------------\nTrapped in a futuristic lab, can you get the bottles of chemicals and escape? Watch out for the acid and spinning saws on the way!\n\nNote: Don't Worry about the intro, it says hi to everyone. XD\nNote: Down arrow to swim.\n\nCredits-\nThanks \n@Capt_Boanerges for art inspiration\n@Remix_and_Tests_Uni for my amazing PFP\n@twonerds_test for the intro\n@QuaXX for the engine\n@Griffpatch for some scripts\nand many other scratchers for inspiration!\n\nLove and Fave for a longer and harder part 2.\nCheck out- https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/442864411/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMy Record= 0:24\n#Games #All #Games #All #Games #All #Games #All #Games #All #Games #All #Games #All #Games #All #Games #All #Games #All #Games #All #Games #All\n#music #art #music #art #music #art #music #art #music #art #music #art #music #art #music #art #music #art #music #art #music #art #music #art
Platformer Adventure
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\n@Cube\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [☁ timer v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(☁ Timer) < (☁ Highscore)> then\n set [☁ highscore v] to (☁ Timer)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [0]\nbroadcast (NEXT LEVEL v)\nforever\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x vel v] by (-1)\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x vel v] by (1)\n end\n set [x vel v] to ((x vel) * (0.9))\n change x by (x vel)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x vel) * (-1))\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(x vel) > [0]> then\n set [x vel v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [10]\n end\n set [y vel v] to [15]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change [y vel v] by (-1)\n change y by (y vel)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((y vel) - ((y vel) * (2)))\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [y vel v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <(x position) > [250]> then\n broadcast (NEXT LEVEL v) and wait\n end\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n broadcast (restart v)\n end\n if <touching (bounce v)?> then\n set [y vel v] to [19]\n end\n if <touching (enemy v)?> then\n set [y vel v] to [15]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (10)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nbroadcast (restart v)\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nset [x vel v] to [0]\nset [y vel v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-220) y: (-96)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-224) y: (-3)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (lava v)?> then\n broadcast (restart v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n broadcast (The End So Ya v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n broadcast (restart v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (3) seconds\nplay sound [ParagonX9 - Chaoz Fantasy v] until done\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(x position) = [224]> then\n broadcast (NEXT LEVEL v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-220) y: (-96)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\n@Level\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [78]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [89]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [100]> then\n broadcast (you win and time c v)\n end\nend\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (coustume1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [tide v] to [0]\n repeat (10)\n change [tide v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [tide v] by (-1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [tide v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set y to (Tide)\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume 2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Light\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (0.09) seconds\n repeat until <(size) > [99]>\n repeat (10)\n change size by (2)\n end\n end\n wait (0.09) seconds\n repeat until <(size) < [81]>\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-2)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start outro v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go to (cube v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Particles]> then\n switch costume to (pick random (29) to (31))\n set size to (pick random (50) to (150)) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (0.) to (5.))\n set [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-25.) to (100.))\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (pick random (-180) to (180))\n set [x v] to (pick random (10.) to (12.))\n set [i v] to (pick random (2.) to (9.))\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n move (X) steps\n change y by (I)\n change [i v] by (-0.4)\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.95))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Particles\nset [clone v] to [Particles]\nrepeat (50)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Name]> then\n switch costume to (name v)\n set size to (50) %\n clear graphic effects\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (-100)\n point in direction (0)\n show\n repeat (50)\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (((130) - (size)) / (8))\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (8))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (8)) degrees\n end\n set [i v] to [-1]\n repeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (I)\n change [i v] by (join [-] (([abs v] of (I) ) / (2)))\n turn right (I) degrees\n end\n switch costume to (logo v)\n repeat (40)\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (((130) - (size)) / (8))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (8)) degrees\n end\n set [i v] to [-1]\n repeat (20)\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by ((I) / (3))\n change [i v] by (join [-] (([abs v] of (I) ) / (4)))\n turn right ((I) / (-3)) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreset timer\nhide\nstart sound [Prismo - Stronger v]\nset volume to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [clone v] to [Square]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (1) seconds\nset [clone v] to [Name]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0) seconds\nrepeat (2)\n Spiral spline explosion\n Particles\n Rect\n Spiral spline explosion\nend\nCircle\nrepeat (4)\n Spiral spline explosion\n Particles\n Rect\n Spiral spline explosion\nend\nCircle\nrepeat (2)\n Spiral spline explosion\n Rect\n Spiral spline explosion\nend\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Square]> then\n clear graphic effects\n show\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (300)\n point in direction (0)\n switch costume to (square v)\n repeat (20)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (12)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (blank v)\n change size by (((2000) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (square13 v)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (blank v)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (square13 v)\n end\n repeat (12)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n change size by (-5)\n end\n set [i v] to [-1]\n repeat (20)\n change size by ((I) / (3))\n change [i v] by (join [-] (([abs v] of (I) ) / (4)))\n turn right ((I) / (-3)) degrees\n change y by ((I) / (3))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Bursts]> then\n switch costume to (lineexplosion1 v)\n clear graphic effects\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n set [i v] to (pick random (1) to (3))\n if <(I) = [1]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n else\n if <(I) = [2]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (25)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (-25)\n end\n end\n show\n set [i v] to [20]\n Animate x: [0] y: [0] size: [0] rotate: (pick random (-180) to (180)) speed: [1]\n repeat (2)\n set [i v] to ((I) * (0.9))\n move (I) steps\n Size: [100] speed: [5]\n end\n repeat (10)\n set [i v] to ((I) * (0.9))\n move (I) steps\n Size: [100] speed: [5]\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n next costume\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Animate x: (x) y: (y) size: (s) rotate: (r) speed: (s)\nchange x by (((round (x)) - (round (x position))) / (s))\nchange y by (((round (y)) - (round (y position))) / (s))\nchange size by (((round (s)) - (round (size))) / (s))\nturn right (((round (r)) - (round (direction))) / (s)) degrees\n\ndefine Spiral spline explosion\nset [clone v] to [Bursts]\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\ndefine Size: (s) speed: (spd)\nchange size by (((round (s)) - (round (size))) / (spd))\n\ndefine Rect\nset [clone v] to [Rect]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Rect]> then\n clear graphic effects\n show\n set size to (0) %\n go to (random position v)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (background rect v)\n repeat until <(round (size)) = [300]>\n change size by (((300) - (size)) / (15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Circle]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n show\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (circle explosion 1 v)\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (blank v)\n change size by (((300) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (circle explosion 1 v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Circle\nset [clone v] to [Circle]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [clone v] to [Circle 2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Circle 2]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n show\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (circle explosion 1 v)\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (blank v)\n change size by (((300) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (circle explosion 1 v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Enemy\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-224) y: (-3)\n\ndefine Clone at (x pos) (y pos)\ngo to x: (x pos) y: (y pos)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <([x position v] of [cube v]) < (x position)> then\n change [x vel v] by (-0.5)\n end\n if <(x position) < ([x position v] of [cube v])> then\n change [x vel v] by (0.5)\n end\n set [x vel v] to ((x vel) * (0.9))\n change x by (x vel)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x vel) * (-1))\n if <(([y position v] of [cube v]) - (50)) > (y position)> then\n if <(x vel) > [0]> then\n set [x vel v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [10]\n end\n set [y vel v] to [15]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change [y vel v] by (-1)\n change y by (y vel)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((y vel) - ((y vel) * (2)))\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <touching (bounce v)?> then\n set [y vel v] to [19]\n end\n if <touching (cube v)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> and <(([y position v] of [cube v]) - (5)) > (y position)>> then\n delete this clone\n else\n broadcast (restart v)\n end\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(Level) = [23]> then\n Clone at [166] [-65]\nend\n\n@You win\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [you win and time c v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nshow variable [timer v]\nset [timer v] to (Timer)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [timer v]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (3) seconds\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n change [timer v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [timer v] to [0]\n\n@detector\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [faved___ v] to [0]\nset [loved__ v] to [0]\nset [clone id v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [clone id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <<(LOVED__) = [1]> and <(FAVED___) = [1]>>\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (Message v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (50)\nreset timer\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by ((y position) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\nreset timer\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by (((y position) - (-100)) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone id) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n set [loved__ v] to [0]\n switch costume to (love v)\n forever\n set [love? v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [loved__ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(clone id) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (fave v)\n set [faved___ v] to [0]\n forever\n set [fav v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [faved___ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n
- -- --- ------- CORPORATE LADDER ------- --- -- -\nYou are the average Joe working at a big company when you doze off on the job. You wake up, only to realize you are in a dream. Your objective? platform, defeat enemies, and eliminate the final boss!\n\n---- --- -- - Shop Guide - -- --- ----\n~ Shield: Adds HP to the play in the form of a shield\n~ Stapler: Faster fire rate than the normal printer\n~ Printer: Default tool\n~ Hollow purple: Evaporates enemies (lol)\nYou can switch tools (after you unlock them) using the number keys 1-3\n\n---- --- -- - Credits - -- --- ----\n@thepugmen (me): code, art, and some sound effects\nBeta testers: my friends who helped me beta test this game and fix a ton of bugs\niSrg33 - intro music\nSynchronize - gameplay music\nG2961 - lose music\n\n#all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all\n#games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games\n#games #games #games #games #games #games\n#games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games
Jump! - A mobile platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [Clarx - Bones \[NCS Release\] v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [time v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (front v)\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change y by (5)\n turn right (5) degrees\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Double Jump\nchange y by (-1)\nif <<(jump key) = [0]> and <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <touching (levels v)?>>> then\n set [yv v] to [12]\n set [jump v] to [1]\n set [jump key v] to [1]\nend\nchange y by (1)\nif <<(jump key) = [0]> and <<<(jump) = [1]> and <(in air) > [10]>> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>>> then\n set [jump v] to [2]\n set [yv v] to [12]\n set [jump key v] to [1]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nReset\nforever\n broadcast (Game On v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (1.5)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (-1.5)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.8))\n change x by (round (Xv))\n Touch Wall\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change [in air v] by (1)\n change y by (Yv)\n Touch Ground\n Detect\n Set Costume\n if <(Down Pressed) > [0]> then\n change [down pressed v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Touch Ground\nif <(Yv) > [0]> then\n repeat until <not <touching (levels v)?>>\n change y by (-1)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n repeat until <not <touching (levels v)?>>\n change y by (1)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [in air v] to [0]\n set [jump v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <<<(in air) > [0]> and <(in air) < [10]>> and <(Yv) < [0]>> then\n set [jump v] to [1]\nend\nDouble Jump\n\ndefine Touch Wall\nrepeat (10)\n if <touching (levels v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\nif <touching (levels v)?> then\n change x by ((round (Xv)) * (-1))\n change y by (-10)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Reset\ngo to x: (-180) y: (0)\nset size to (175) %\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [jump v] to [0]\nset [jump key v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\ndefine Set Costume\nswitch costume to (front v)\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (up v)\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (right v)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (left v)\nend\nif <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (up right v)\nend\nif <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (up left v)\nend\nif <(Crouch?) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (crouch v)\nend\n\ndefine Detect\nif <not <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [jump key v] to [0]\nend\nif <touching (danger v)?> then\n Death Sound\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n Reset\nend\nif <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> then\n set [crouch? v] to [1]\n set [down pressed v] to [10]\nelse\n set [crouch? v] to [0]\nend\nif <(x position) > [240]> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n Reset\n broadcast (Next Level v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [time v]\nsay (join [Your score is: ] (join (Timer) [ seconds.])) for (3) seconds\nforever\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n say (join [Your score is: ] (join (Timer) [ seconds.])) for (3) seconds\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n Death Sound\n Reset\n wait until <not <key (r v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nforever\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n Reset\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\ndefine Death Sound\nset [death sound v] to (pick random (1) to (4))\nstart sound (Death Sound)\n\n@Player Trail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (175) %\nforever\n go to (player v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <(Crouch?) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (crouch v)\n else\n switch costume to (normal v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (20)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (8)\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Levels\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\nnext costume\nif <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n broadcast (Time v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [timer v] to [0]\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n change [timer v] by (1)\nend\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n@Text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n
Easter egg does not do anything!\nUse arrow keys to move. Hold down up longer to jump higher. Get to the portal to get to the next level. DO NOT JUMP OFF FROM A HIGH PLACE! YOU WILL GLITCH OUT! IF THIS HAPPENS. RESTART YOUR BROWSER.\nI spent 10 hours on this thing.\nSo a love and favorite would be greatly appreciated.\nEnjoy!
Sonic A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [winnable v] to [1]\nset [**showing time** v] to [0]\nhide variable [**frames** v]\nhide variable [time v]\nhide variable [☁ world record v]\nset [time v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nforever\n play sound (World) until done\nend\n\nwhen [t v] key pressed\nif <(**SHOWING TIME**) = [0]> then\n set [**showing time** v] to [1]\n show variable [time v]\n show variable [☁ world record v]\nelse\n set [**showing time** v] to [0]\n hide variable [time v]\n hide variable [☁ world record v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [time v]\nTime\nif <<(winnable) = [2]> and <(Level) = [6]>> then\n broadcast (DONE v) and wait\n if <(TIME) < (☁ WORLD RECORD)> then\n set [☁ world record v] to (TIME)\n end\n set [!done v] to [0.2]\n switch backdrop to ((winnable) + (2))\n erase all\n reset timer\n stop [all v]\nend\n\ndefine Time\nset [time v] to ((round (((**FRAMES**) / (30)) * (100))) / (100))\nrepeat until <(length of (TIME)) > ((length of ([floor v] of (TIME) )) + (2))>\n if < (TIME) contains [.]?> then\n set [time v] to (join (TIME) [0])\n else\n set [time v] to (join (TIME) [.])\n end\nend\nif <(winnable) = [0]> then\n set [time v] to [N/A]\nend\n\nwhen [p v] key pressed\nset [winnable v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nwait until <(World) = [3]>\nwait until <(World) = [5]>\nif <(winnable) > [0]> then\n set [winnable v] to [2]\nend\n\nset [☁ world record v] to [361]\n\nbroadcast (Green Flag Clicked v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [!done v] to [0]\nset [world v] to [1]\nforever\n if <<(World) = [5]> and <(Level) = [6]>> then\n set [!done v] to [0.2]\n switch backdrop to ((winnable) + (2))\n erase all\n reset timer\n stop [all v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (!done)\nif <(!done) = [0.2]> then\n set [!done v] to [100]\n erase all\nend\n\n@blank\n\n@pen\n\nwhen flag clicked\nerase all\n\ndefine Generate Level\ndelete all of [moving level v]\ndelete all of [level v]\nbroadcast (Generate Level v)\nif <(World) = [0]> then\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n Add Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\n Add Circle [2] at [75] [-100] size [25]\n Add Circle [2] at [100] [-100] size [25]\n Add Circle [2] at [125] [-100] size [25]\n Add Circle [4] at [225] [-100] size [150]\n Add Circle [3] at [-100] [-25] size [14]\n Add Circle [6] at [0] [75] size [100]\n Add Circle [7] at [-400] [-400] size [800]\n Add Circle [8] at [100] [-150] size [50]\n Add Circle [9] at [225] [25] size [50]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Add Circle (type) at (x) (y) size (size)\nadd (type) to [level v]\nadd (x) to [level v]\nadd (y) to [level v]\nadd (size) to [level v]\n\ndefine Draw Circle at (x) (y) size (size)\npen up\nset pen size to (size)\nGo To (x) (y)\npen down\npen up\n\ndefine Render\nerase all\nDraw Grid\nDraw Level\nDraw Player\n\ndefine Get Color (color) (size)\nif <(color) = [1]> then\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\nend\nif <(color) = [2]> then\n set pen color to (#ff0000)\nend\nif <(color) = [3]> then\n set pen color to (#ff1edc)\nend\nif <(color) = [4]> then\n set pen color to (#8bf1ff)\nend\nif <(color) = [5]> then\n set pen color to (#16d400)\nend\nif <(color) = [6]> then\n set pen color to (#985b11)\nend\nif <(color) = [7]> then\n set pen color to (#0400ff)\nend\nif <(color) = [8]> then\n set pen color to (#babaef)\n set pen (transparency v) to ((100) - (size))\nend\nif <<(color) > [8]> and <(color) < [13]>> then\n set pen color to (#a805ef)\nend\nif <<(color) = [13]> or <(color) = [14]>> then\n set pen color to (#ae00ff)\n change pen (color v) by ((timer) * (20))\nend\n\ndefine Go To (x) (y)\ngo to x: ((x) - (Camera X)) y: ((y) - (Camera Y))\n\ndefine Physics\nKeys Pressed\nif <[keys pressed v] contains [L]?> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\nend\nif <[keys pressed v] contains [R]?> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\nend\nchange [y v] by (-1)\nUpdate Collisions\nif <[collisions v] contains [4]?> then\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.95))\nelse\n if <[collisions v] contains [6]?> then\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.7))\n else\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\n end\nend\nchange [y v] by (1)\nChange X by (round (xv))\nchange [yv v] by (-1)\nif <<[keys pressed v] contains [U]?> and <(Can Jump?) = [1]>> then\n set [yv v] to [12]\nend\nchange [y v] by (-1)\nUpdate Collisions\nif <[collisions v] contains [3]?> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n if <[keys pressed v] contains [U]?> then\n set [yv v] to [18]\n end\nend\nchange [y v] by (1)\nset [yv v] to (round (yv))\nChange Y by (round (yv))\nSwap Gravity\nDeath & Camera\n\ndefine Change X by (xv)\nchange [x v] by (xv)\nUpdate Collisions\nif <[collisions v] contains [1]?> then\n repeat (SLOPE SIZE)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Update Collisions\n if <not <[collisions v] contains [1]?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (() - (SLOPE SIZE))\n repeat until <not <[collisions v] contains [1]?>>\n set [xv v] to [0]\n change [x v] by (() - (([abs v] of (xv) ) / (xv)))\n Update Collisions\n end\nend\n\ndefine Update Collisions\nUpdate Gravity\ndelete all of [collisions v]\nset [i2 v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(i2) > (length of [level v])>\n if <([sqrt v] of ((((item ((i2) + (1)) of [level v]) - (X)) * ((item ((i2) + (1)) of [level v]) - (X))) + (((item ((i2) + (2)) of [level v]) - (Y)) * ((item ((i2) + (2)) of [level v]) - (Y)))) ) < (((item ((i2) + (3)) of [level v]) + (Size)) / (2))> then\n add (item (i2) of [level v]) to [collisions v]\n if <[solids v] contains (item (i2) of [level v])?> then\n add [1] to [collisions v]\n if <(item (i2) of [level v]) = [8]> then\n replace item ((i2) + (3)) of [level v] with ((item ((i2) + (3)) of [level v]) - (1))\n if <(item ((i2) + (3)) of [level v]) < [10]> then\n replace item ((i2) + (3)) of [level v] with [-100]\n end\n end\n end\n if <<(item (i2) of [level v]) = [5]> and <(Clones) > [0]>> then\n replace item ((i2) + (3)) of [level v] with [-100]\n if <(clone #) = [0]> then\n set [x v] to (item (1) of [clones v])\n set [y v] to (item (2) of [clones v])\n set [xv v] to (item (3) of [clones v])\n set [yv v] to (item (4) of [clones v])\n set [can jump? v] to (item (5) of [clones v])\n set [portal fall? v] to (item (6) of [clones v])\n repeat (clone list length)\n delete (1) of [clones v]\n end\n change [clones v] by (-1)\n else\n repeat (clone list length)\n delete (clone #) of [clones v]\n end\n change [clones v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n if <(item (i2) of [level v]) = [13]> then\n set [portal1 id v] to (i2)\n set [i3 v] to ((i2) + (1))\n repeat until <<(item (i3) of [level v]) = [13]> or <(item (i3) of [level v]) = [14]>>\n change [i3 v] by (1)\n if <(i3) > (length of [level v])> then\n set [i3 v] to [1]\n end\n end\n set [portal2 id v] to (i3)\n end\n if <(item (i2) of [level v]) = [14]> then\n set [portal1 id v] to (i2)\n set [i3 v] to ((i2) + (-1))\n repeat until <<(item (i3) of [level v]) = [13]> or <(item (i3) of [level v]) = [14]>>\n change [i3 v] by (-1)\n if <[1] > (i3)> then\n set [i3 v] to (length of [level v])\n end\n end\n set [portal2 id v] to (i3)\n end\n end\n change [i2 v] by (4)\nend\nif <<key (e v) pressed?> and <(username) = [04tmoody]>> then\n delete all of [collisions v]\nend\n\ndefine Change Y by (yv)\nset [can jump? v] to [0]\nchange [y v] by (yv)\nUpdate Collisions\nrepeat until <not <[collisions v] contains [1]?>>\n if <(yv) < [0]> then\n set [can jump? v] to [1]\n end\n set [yv v] to [0]\n change [y v] by (() - (([abs v] of (yv) ) / (yv)))\n Update Collisions\nend\nif <<key (q v) pressed?> and <(username) = [04tmoody]>> then\n set [can jump? v] to [1]\nend\n\ndefine Draw Player\nset pen color to (#ffae00)\nDraw Circle at (X) (Y) size (Size)\nset pen color to (#000000)\nif <(Gravity) = [1]> then\n Draw Circle at ((X) - ((Size) / (5))) ((Y) + ((Size) / (-5))) size ((Size) / (5))\n Draw Circle at ((X) + ((Size) / (5))) ((Y) + ((Size) / (-5))) size ((Size) / (5))\nend\nif <(Gravity) = [2]> then\n Draw Circle at ((X) - ((Size) / (5))) ((Y) + ((Size) / (5))) size ((Size) / (5))\n Draw Circle at ((X) + ((Size) / (-5))) ((Y) + ((Size) / (-5))) size ((Size) / (5))\nend\nif <(Gravity) = [3]> then\n Draw Circle at ((X) - ((Size) / (5))) ((Y) + ((Size) / (5))) size ((Size) / (5))\n Draw Circle at ((X) + ((Size) / (5))) ((Y) + ((Size) / (5))) size ((Size) / (5))\nend\nif <(Gravity) = [4]> then\n Draw Circle at ((X) - ((Size) / (-5))) ((Y) + ((Size) / (5))) size ((Size) / (5))\n Draw Circle at ((X) + ((Size) / (5))) ((Y) + ((Size) / (-5))) size ((Size) / (5))\nend\nset [i v] to [1]\nset [old x2 v] to (X)\nset [old y2 v] to (Y)\nrepeat (Clones)\n set [x v] to (item ((i) + (0)) of [clones v])\n set [y v] to (item ((i) + (1)) of [clones v])\n set pen color to (#ffae00)\n Draw Circle at (X) (Y) size (Size)\n set pen color to (#000000)\n if <(Gravity) = [1]> then\n Draw Circle at ((X) - ((Size) / (5))) ((Y) + ((Size) / (-5))) size ((Size) / (5))\n Draw Circle at ((X) + ((Size) / (5))) ((Y) + ((Size) / (-5))) size ((Size) / (5))\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [2]> then\n Draw Circle at ((X) - ((Size) / (5))) ((Y) + ((Size) / (5))) size ((Size) / (5))\n Draw Circle at ((X) + ((Size) / (-5))) ((Y) + ((Size) / (-5))) size ((Size) / (5))\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [3]> then\n Draw Circle at ((X) - ((Size) / (5))) ((Y) + ((Size) / (5))) size ((Size) / (5))\n Draw Circle at ((X) + ((Size) / (5))) ((Y) + ((Size) / (5))) size ((Size) / (5))\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [4]> then\n Draw Circle at ((X) - ((Size) / (-5))) ((Y) + ((Size) / (5))) size ((Size) / (5))\n Draw Circle at ((X) + ((Size) / (5))) ((Y) + ((Size) / (-5))) size ((Size) / (5))\n end\n change [i v] by (clone list length)\nend\nset [x v] to (old x2)\nset [y v] to (old y2)\n\ndefine Draw Level\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(i) > (length of [level v])>\n Get Color (item (i) of [level v]) (item ((i) + (3)) of [level v])\n Draw Circle at (item ((i) + (1)) of [level v]) (item ((i) + (2)) of [level v]) size (item ((i) + (3)) of [level v])\n if <(Lag) = [0]> then\n set pen (transparency v) to ((100) - ([abs v] of (([sin v] of ((timer) * (75)) ) * (25)) ))\n Draw Circle at (item ((i) + (1)) of [level v]) (item ((i) + (2)) of [level v]) size ((item ((i) + (3)) of [level v]) + ([abs v] of (([sin v] of ((timer) * (75)) ) * (15)) ))\n end\n if <<(item (i) of [level v]) > [8]> and <[13] > (item (i) of [level v])>> then\n set pen color to (#000000)\n if <(Gravity) = ((item (i) of [level v]) - (8))> then\n set pen color to (#404040)\n end\n Draw Circle at (item ((i) + (1)) of [level v]) (item ((i) + (2)) of [level v]) size ((item ((i) + (3)) of [level v]) - (10))\n Draw arrow at (item ((i) + (1)) of [level v]) (item ((i) + (2)) of [level v]) size (item ((i) + (3)) of [level v]) direction ((item (i) of [level v]) - (8))\n end\n change [i v] by (4)\nend\n\ndefine Draw Grid\npen up\nset pen color to (#2b2b2b)\nif <(World) = [3]> then\n set pen color to (#4a4a4a)\n set pen size to (600)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n pen down\n pen up\n set pen color to (#6b6b6b)\nend\nset pen size to (5)\ngo to x: ((-240) - (((Camera X) * (0.5)) mod (30))) y: (-180)\nrepeat (16)\n pen up\n change x by (30)\n set y to (-180)\n pen down\n set y to (180)\nend\npen up\ngo to x: (-240) y: ((-180) - (((Camera Y) * (0.5)) mod (30)))\nrepeat (12)\n pen up\n change y by (30)\n set x to (-240)\n pen down\n set x to (240)\nend\npen up\nif <(World) = [2]> then\n set pen color to (#7fe8ff)\n set pen (transparency v) to (80)\n set pen size to (50)\n go to x: (-240) y: (-180)\n pen down\n go to x: (240) y: (-180)\n go to x: (240) y: (180)\n go to x: (-240) y: (180)\n go to x: (-240) y: (-180)\n pen up\nend\n\ndefine Reset\ndelete all of [clones v]\nGenerate Level\nset [gravity v] to [3]\nset [slope size v] to [4]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [size v] to [30]\nset [old x v] to [0]\nset [old y v] to [0]\nset [clone list length v] to [6]\nset [portal fall? v] to [0]\nset [old x2 v] to [0]\nset [old y2 v] to [0]\nset [old xv2 v] to [0]\nset [old yv2 v] to [0]\nset [old can jump?2 v] to [0]\nset [old portal fall? v] to [0]\n\ndefine Add Moving Circle (type) size (size) at (x) (y) speed (xv) (yv)\nadd ((length of [level v]) + (1)) to [moving level v]\nadd (xv) to [moving level v]\nadd (yv) to [moving level v]\nadd (type) to [level v]\nadd (x) to [level v]\nadd (y) to [level v]\nadd (size) to [level v]\n\ndefine Move Level\nset [j v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(j) > (length of [moving level v])>\n set [i v] to (item (j) of [moving level v])\n replace item ((i) + (1)) of [level v] with ((item ((i) + (1)) of [level v]) + (item ((j) + (1)) of [moving level v]))\n if <[solids v] contains (item (i) of [level v])?> then\n if <([sqrt v] of ((((item ((i) + (1)) of [level v]) - (X)) * ((item ((i) + (1)) of [level v]) - (X))) + (((item ((i) + (2)) of [level v]) - (Y)) * ((item ((i) + (2)) of [level v]) - (Y)))) ) < (((item ((i) + (3)) of [level v]) + (Size)) / (2))> then\n change [x v] by (item ((j) + (1)) of [moving level v])\n Update Collisions\n if <[collisions v] contains [1]?> then\n set [die? v] to [1]\n repeat (SLOPE SIZE)\n if <(die?) = [1]> then\n change [y v] by (1)\n change [x v] by (1)\n Update Collisions\n if <not <[collisions v] contains [1]?>> then\n set [die? v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n if <(die?) = [1]> then\n Reset\n end\n end\n end\n end\n replace item ((i) + (2)) of [level v] with ((item ((i) + (2)) of [level v]) + (item ((j) + (2)) of [moving level v]))\n if <[solids v] contains (item (i) of [level v])?> then\n if <([sqrt v] of ((((item ((i) + (1)) of [level v]) - (X)) * ((item ((i) + (1)) of [level v]) - (X))) + (((item ((i) + (2)) of [level v]) - (Y)) * ((item ((i) + (2)) of [level v]) - (Y)))) ) < (((item ((i) + (3)) of [level v]) + (Size)) / (2))> then\n change [y v] by (item ((j) + (2)) of [moving level v])\n Update Collisions\n if <[collisions v] contains [1]?> then\n Reset\n end\n end\n end\n set [k v] to [1]\n repeat until <(k) > (length of [level v])>\n if <not <(i) = (k)>> then\n if <([sqrt v] of ((((item ((i) + (1)) of [level v]) - (item ((k) + (1)) of [level v])) * ((item ((i) + (1)) of [level v]) - (item ((k) + (1)) of [level v]))) + (((item ((i) + (2)) of [level v]) - (item ((k) + (2)) of [level v])) * ((item ((i) + (2)) of [level v]) - (item ((k) + (2)) of [level v])))) ) < (((item ((i) + (3)) of [level v]) + (item ((k) + (3)) of [level v])) / (2))> then\n replace item ((j) + (1)) of [moving level v] with ((item ((j) + (1)) of [moving level v]) * (-1))\n replace item ((j) + (2)) of [moving level v] with ((item ((j) + (2)) of [moving level v]) * (-1))\n end\n end\n change [k v] by (4)\n end\n change [j v] by (3)\nend\n\ndefine Water Physics\nKeys Pressed\nif <[keys pressed v] contains [L]?> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.9)\nend\nif <[keys pressed v] contains [R]?> then\n change [xv v] by (0.9)\nend\nset [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.91))\nChange X by (round (xv))\nif <[keys pressed v] contains [D]?> then\n change [yv v] by (-0.9)\nend\nif <[keys pressed v] contains [U]?> then\n change [yv v] by (0.9)\nend\nset [yv v] to ((((yv) + (1)) * (0.91)) - (1))\nChange Y by (round (yv))\nSwap Gravity\nDeath & Camera\n\ndefine Death & Camera\nUpdate Collisions\nif <<key (r v) pressed?> or <<[collisions v] contains [2]?> or <<<(Y) < [-360]> or <[3240] < (Y)>> or <<(X) < [-4320]> or <[4320] < (X)>>>>> then\n if <(reset?) = [0]> then\n Reset\n set [reset? v] to [1]\n end\nelse\n set [reset? v] to [0]\nend\nif <<<key (o v) pressed?> or <key (p v) pressed?>> or <[collisions v] contains [5]?>> then\n if <<[collisions v] contains [5]?> and <(Clones) > [0]>> then\nelse\n set [skip? v] to [0]\nend\nchange [camera x v] by (((X) - (Camera X)) / (6))\nchange [camera y v] by (((Y) - (Camera Y)) / (6))\nif <(Camera Y) < [-180]> then\n set [camera y v] to [-180]\nend\n\ndefine Draw arrow at (x) (y) size (size) direction (dir)\nset pen size to (round ((size) / (10)))\npen up\nset pen color to (#a805ef)\nif <(dir) = [1]> then\n Go To (x) ((y) + ((size) / (-4)))\n pen down\n Go To (x) ((y) + ((size) / (4)))\n Go To ((x) + ((size) / (4))) (y)\n Go To (x) ((y) + ((size) / (4)))\n Go To ((x) + ((size) / (-4))) (y)\n pen up\nend\nif <(dir) = [2]> then\n Go To ((x) + ((size) / (-4))) (y)\n pen down\n Go To ((x) + ((size) / (4))) (y)\n Go To (x) ((y) + ((size) / (4)))\n Go To ((x) + ((size) / (4))) (y)\n Go To (x) ((y) + ((size) / (-4)))\n pen up\nend\nif <(dir) = [3]> then\n Go To (x) ((y) + ((size) / (4)))\n pen down\n Go To (x) ((y) + ((size) / (-4)))\n Go To ((x) + ((size) / (4))) (y)\n Go To (x) ((y) + ((size) / (-4)))\n Go To ((x) + ((size) / (-4))) (y)\n pen up\nend\nif <(dir) = [4]> then\n Go To ((x) + ((size) / (4))) (y)\n pen down\n Go To ((x) + ((size) / (-4))) (y)\n Go To (x) ((y) + ((size) / (4)))\n Go To ((x) + ((size) / (-4))) (y)\n Go To (x) ((y) + ((size) / (-4)))\n pen up\nend\n\ndefine Update Gravity\nset [change in x v] to ((X) - (old x))\nset [change in y v] to ((Y) - (old y))\nif <(Gravity) = [2]> then\n set [x v] to ((old x) - (change in y))\n set [y v] to ((old y) + (change in x))\nend\nif <(Gravity) = [1]> then\n set [x v] to ((old x) - (change in x))\n set [y v] to ((old y) - (change in y))\nend\nif <(Gravity) = [4]> then\n set [x v] to ((old x) + (change in y))\n set [y v] to ((old y) - (change in x))\nend\nset [old x v] to (X)\nset [old y v] to (Y)\n\ndefine Swap Gravity\nUpdate Collisions\nset [old xv v] to (xv)\nif <[collisions v] contains [9]?> then\n if <(Gravity) = [2]> then\n set [xv v] to ((yv) * (1))\n set [yv v] to ((old xv) * (1))\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [3]> then\n set [xv v] to ((old xv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to ((yv) * (-1))\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [4]> then\n set [xv v] to ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to ((old xv) * (-1))\n end\n set [gravity v] to [1]\nend\nif <[collisions v] contains [10]?> then\n if <(Gravity) = [1]> then\n set [xv v] to ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to ((old xv) * (-1))\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [3]> then\n set [xv v] to ((yv) * (1))\n set [yv v] to ((old xv) * (-1))\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [4]> then\n set [xv v] to ((old xv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to ((yv) * (-1))\n end\n set [gravity v] to [2]\nend\nif <[collisions v] contains [11]?> then\n if <(Gravity) = [1]> then\n set [xv v] to ((old xv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to ((yv) * (-1))\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [2]> then\n set [xv v] to ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to ((old xv) * (-1))\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [4]> then\n set [xv v] to ((yv) * (1))\n set [yv v] to ((old xv) * (1))\n end\n set [gravity v] to [3]\nend\nif <[collisions v] contains [12]?> then\n if <(Gravity) = [1]> then\n set [xv v] to ((yv) * (1))\n set [yv v] to ((old xv) * (1))\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [2]> then\n set [xv v] to ((old xv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to ((yv) * (-1))\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [3]> then\n set [xv v] to ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to ((old xv) * (-1))\n end\n set [gravity v] to [4]\nend\n\ndefine Keys Pressed\ndelete all of [keys pressed v]\nif <<<mouse down?> and <<<(mouse x) < ((X) - (Camera X))> and <(length of [clones v]) = [0]>> or <<(mouse x) < [0]> and <(length of [clones v]) > [0]>>>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> then\n if <(Gravity) = [1]> then\n add [R] to [keys pressed v]\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [2]> then\n add [U] to [keys pressed v]\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [3]> then\n add [L] to [keys pressed v]\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [4]> then\n add [D] to [keys pressed v]\n end\nend\nif <<<mouse down?> and <<<((X) - (Camera X)) < (mouse x)> and <(length of [clones v]) = [0]>> or <<[0] < (mouse x)> and <(length of [clones v]) > [0]>>>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> then\n if <(Gravity) = [1]> then\n add [L] to [keys pressed v]\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [2]> then\n add [D] to [keys pressed v]\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [3]> then\n add [R] to [keys pressed v]\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [4]> then\n add [U] to [keys pressed v]\n end\nend\nif <<<mouse down?> and <<<(mouse y) < ((Y) - (Camera Y))> and <(length of [clones v]) = [0]>> or <<(mouse y) < [0]> and <(length of [clones v]) > [0]>>>> or <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>>> then\n if <(Gravity) = [1]> then\n add [U] to [keys pressed v]\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [2]> then\n add [L] to [keys pressed v]\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [3]> then\n add [D] to [keys pressed v]\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [4]> then\n add [R] to [keys pressed v]\n end\nend\nif <<<mouse down?> and <<<((Y) - (Camera Y)) < (mouse y)> and <(length of [clones v]) = [0]>> or <<[0] < (mouse y)> and <(length of [clones v]) > [0]>>>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n if <(Gravity) = [1]> then\n add [D] to [keys pressed v]\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [2]> then\n add [R] to [keys pressed v]\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [3]> then\n add [U] to [keys pressed v]\n end\n if <(Gravity) = [4]> then\n add [L] to [keys pressed v]\n end\nend\nif <key (space v) pressed?> then\n add [U] to [keys pressed v]\nend\n\ndefine Portal Physics\nif <(portal fall?) = [0]> then\n Update Collisions\n change [x v] by (((item ((Portal1 ID) + (1)) of [level v]) - (X)) / (5))\n change [y v] by (((item ((Portal1 ID) + (2)) of [level v]) - (Y)) / (5))\n if <<([abs v] of ((item ((Portal1 ID) + (1)) of [level v]) - (X)) ) < [0.1]> and <((item ((Portal1 ID) + (2)) of [level v]) - (Y)) < [0.1]>> then\n set [x v] to (item ((Portal2 ID) + (1)) of [level v])\n set [y v] to (item ((Portal2 ID) + (2)) of [level v])\n set [portal fall? v] to [1]\n end\n Death & Camera\nelse\n Physics\nend\n\ndefine Clone Animation\nchange [x v] by (3)\nreplace item (1) of [clones v] with ((item (1) of [clones v]) - (3))\nchange [clone animation v] by (-1)\n\nwhen I receive [clone setup v]\nClone Setup\n\ndefine Clone Setup\ndelete all of [clones v]\nset [clone animation v] to [0]\nrepeat (Clones)\n set [camera x v] to [0]\n set [camera y v] to [0]\n set [clone animation v] to [20]\n repeat (clone list length)\n add [0] to [clones v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Pre Clone Code\nset [old x2 v] to (X)\nset [old y2 v] to (Y)\nset [old xv2 v] to (xv)\nset [old yv2 v] to (yv)\nset [old can jump?2 v] to (Can Jump?)\nset [old portal fall? v] to (portal fall?)\n\ndefine Post Clone Code\nset [x v] to (old x2)\nset [y v] to (old y2)\nset [xv v] to (old xv2)\nset [yv v] to (old yv2)\nset [can jump? v] to (old can jump?2)\nset [portal fall? v] to (old portal fall?)\n\ndefine Clone Physics Loop\nset [clone # v] to [1]\nrepeat (Clones)\n set [x v] to (item ((clone #) + (0)) of [clones v])\n set [y v] to (item ((clone #) + (1)) of [clones v])\n set [xv v] to (item ((clone #) + (2)) of [clones v])\n set [yv v] to (item ((clone #) + (3)) of [clones v])\n set [can jump? v] to (item ((clone #) + (4)) of [clones v])\n set [portal fall? v] to (item ((clone #) + (5)) of [clones v])\n Update Collisions\n if <<[collisions v] contains [13]?> or <[collisions v] contains [14]?>> then\n Portal Physics\n else\n set [portal fall? v] to [0]\n if <[collisions v] contains [7]?> then\n Water Physics\n else\n Physics\n end\n end\n replace item ((clone #) + (0)) of [clones v] with (X)\n replace item ((clone #) + (1)) of [clones v] with (Y)\n replace item ((clone #) + (2)) of [clones v] with (xv)\n replace item ((clone #) + (3)) of [clones v] with (yv)\n replace item ((clone #) + (4)) of [clones v] with (Can Jump?)\n replace item ((clone #) + (5)) of [clones v] with (portal fall?)\n change [clone # v] by (clone list length)\nend\n\nwhen [l v] key pressed\nif <(Lag) = [0]> then\n set [lag v] to [1]\nelse\n set [lag v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nset [lag v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (1000) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\nset [world v] to [1]\nset [level v] to [1]\nGenerate Level\nReset\nset [**frames** v] to [0]\nforever\n change [**frames** v] by (1)\n if <(clone animation) > [0]> then\n Clone Animation\n else\n Move Level\n Update Collisions\n if <<[collisions v] contains [13]?> or <[collisions v] contains [14]?>> then\n Portal Physics\n else\n set [portal fall? v] to [0]\n if <[collisions v] contains [7]?> then\n Water Physics\n else\n Physics\n end\n end\n Pre Clone Code\n Clone Physics Loop\n Post Clone Code\n set [clone # v] to [0]\n end\n Render\n broadcast (time v)\nend\n\n@Word 1\n\ndefine Add Circle (type) at (x) (y) size (size)\nadd (type) to [level v]\nadd (x) to [level v]\nadd (y) to [level v]\nadd (size) to [level v]\n\ndefine Add Moving Circle (type) size (size) at (x) (y) speed (xv) (yv)\nadd ((length of [level v]) + (1)) to [moving level v]\nadd (xv) to [moving level v]\nadd (yv) to [moving level v]\nadd (type) to [level v]\nadd (x) to [level v]\nadd (y) to [level v]\nadd (size) to [level v]\n\nwhen I receive [generate level v]\nif <(World) = [1]> then\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n Level 1\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n Level 2\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n Level 3\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n Level 4\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n Level 5\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n Level 6\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n Level 7\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n Level 8\n end\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n Level 9\n end\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n Level 10\n end\nend\n\ndefine Level 1\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [80]\nAdd Circle [1] at [125] [-75] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [250] [-75] size [75]\nAdd Circle [1] at [500] [-300] size [400]\nAdd Circle [1] at [650] [-75] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [750] [0] size [90]\nAdd Circle [1] at [900] [0] size [90]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1050] [0] size [90]\nAdd Circle [5] at [1050] [125] size [40]\n\ndefine Level 2\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [87] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [87] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [87] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [150] [-75] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [200] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [200] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [200] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [250] [-25] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [300] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [325] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [350] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [400] [-25] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [450] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [468] [-68] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [486] [-86] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [550] [-150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [5] at [650] [-50] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 3\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [3] at [100] [-75] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [175] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [175] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [175] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [175] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [175] [25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [350] [-200] size [300]\nAdd Circle [3] at [450] [-50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [550] [50] size [100]\nAdd Circle [3] at [650] [50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [700] [50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [725] [50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [750] [50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [775] [50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [800] [50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [825] [50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [950] [50] size [200]\nAdd Circle [5] at [950] [250] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 4\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [50] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [75] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [100] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [150] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [200] [-150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [225] [-175] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [250] [-150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [300] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [400] [-200] size [75]\nAdd Circle [1] at [300] [400] size [75]\nAdd Circle [1] at [500] [400] size [75]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [75] at [400] [200] speed [0] [-2]\nAdd Circle [2] at [350] [650] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [375] [650] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [400] [650] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [425] [650] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [450] [650] size [25]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [100] at [600] [400] speed [3] [0]\nAdd Circle [1] at [800] [400] size [75]\nAdd Circle [5] at [800] [500] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 5\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [100] [175] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [100] [-250] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [200] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Moving Circle [2] size [25] at [100] [-25] speed [0] [-2]\nAdd Moving Circle [2] size [25] at [100] [25] speed [0] [2]\nAdd Circle [1] at [400] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [400] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [400] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [400] [25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [400] [50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [400] [75] size [25]\nAdd Moving Circle [2] size [25] at [275] [-100] speed [1] [0]\nAdd Circle [1] at [300] [-250] size [100]\nAdd Circle [5] at [400] [-250] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 6\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [200] at [300] [-100] speed [-2] [0]\nAdd Circle [2] at [400] [25] size [25]\nAdd Moving Circle [2] size [25] at [600] [-250] speed [0] [1]\nAdd Circle [2] at [700] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [200] at [1500] [-100] speed [-2] [0]\nAdd Moving Circle [2] size [25] at [400] [-500] speed [0] [1]\nAdd Moving Circle [2] size [25] at [1000] [-500] speed [0] [1]\nAdd Circle [5] at [1200] [100] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 7\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-200] size [200]\nAdd Circle [1] at [200] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [350] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [275] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [275] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [275] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [275] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [400] [10] size [50]\nAdd Circle [3] at [350] [100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [400] [200] size [50]\nAdd Circle [3] at [500] [200] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [575] [200] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [600] [200] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [625] [200] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [700] [200] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [775] [275] size [75]\nAdd Circle [1] at [900] [275] size [100]\nAdd Circle [5] at [1000] [375] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 8\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-100] [-50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-50] [50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [50] [70] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [600] [50] size [1000]\nAdd Circle [2] at [400] [525] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [500] [555] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [518] [575] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [800] [525] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [700] [555] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [682] [575] size [25]\nAdd Circle [5] at [1150] [100] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 9\nAdd Circle [1] at [-100] [-100] size [200]\nAdd Circle [2] at [25] [-250] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [50] [-250] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [75] [-250] size [25]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [75] at [50] [-200] speed [0] [3]\nAdd Circle [1] at [25] [250] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [50] [250] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [75] [250] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [150] [150] size [75]\nAdd Moving Circle [3] size [75] at [150] [450] speed [0] [4]\nAdd Circle [1] at [25] [425] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [50] [425] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [75] [425] size [25]\nAdd Circle [3] at [-75] [325] size [25]\nAdd Circle [3] at [-50] [325] size [25]\nAdd Circle [3] at [-25] [325] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [125] [350] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [150] [350] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [175] [350] size [25]\nAdd Circle [3] at [125] [900] size [25]\nAdd Circle [3] at [150] [900] size [25]\nAdd Circle [3] at [175] [900] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [50] [825] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [75] [825] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [100] [825] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [200] [775] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [225] [775] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [250] [775] size [25]\nAdd Circle [5] at [150] [1100] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 10\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [150]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [50] at [-100] [0] speed [3] [1]\nAdd Circle [2] at [-150] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [-150] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [-150] [25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [150] [50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [150] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [150] [100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [250] [75] size [125]\nAdd Circle [1] at [250] [175] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [450] [75] size [150]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [50] at [350] [175] speed [3] [0]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [50] at [550] [250] speed [-3] [-1]\nAdd Circle [2] at [300] [150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [300] [175] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [300] [200] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [600] [150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [600] [175] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [600] [200] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [600] [225] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [600] [250] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [600] [275] size [25]\nAdd Circle [5] at [500] [350] size [50]\n\n@Word 2\n\ndefine Add Circle (type) at (x) (y) size (size)\nadd (type) to [level v]\nadd (x) to [level v]\nadd (y) to [level v]\nadd (size) to [level v]\n\ndefine Add Moving Circle (type) size (size) at (x) (y) speed (xv) (yv)\nadd ((length of [level v]) + (1)) to [moving level v]\nadd (xv) to [moving level v]\nadd (yv) to [moving level v]\nadd (type) to [level v]\nadd (x) to [level v]\nadd (y) to [level v]\nadd (size) to [level v]\n\nwhen I receive [generate level v]\nif <(World) = [2]> then\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n Level 1\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n Level 2\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n Level 3\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n Level 4\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n Level 5\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n Level 6\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n Level 7\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n Level 8\n end\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n Level 9\n end\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n Level 10\n end\nend\n\ndefine Level 1\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [7] at [200] [-50] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [350] [-75] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [300] [-25] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [400] [0] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [425] [-50] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [500] [-75] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [525] [0] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [600] [0] size [200]\nAdd Circle [1] at [775] [-150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [900] [-50] size [100]\nAdd Circle [7] at [900] [150] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [900] [200] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [875] [350] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [925] [300] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [950] [400] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [900] [425] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [875] [500] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [950] [525] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [950] [600] size [200]\nAdd Circle [5] at [1100] [625] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 2\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [7] at [175] [0] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [175] [-100] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [275] [0] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [275] [-100] size [200]\nAdd Circle [2] at [225] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [225] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [250] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [250] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [450] [-75] size [100]\nAdd Circle [7] at [625] [-50] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [625] [-150] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [625] [-250] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [725] [-50] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [725] [-150] size [200]\nAdd Circle [7] at [725] [-250] size [200]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [-200] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [-175] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [-150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [-125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [950] [-150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [5] at [950] [0] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 3\nAdd Circle [1] at [100] [-250] size [500]\nAdd Circle [2] at [100] [15] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [100] [35] size [25]\nAdd Circle [7] at [400] [100] size [200]\nAdd Circle [4] at [700] [-250] size [500]\nAdd Circle [2] at [700] [15] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [700] [40] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [900] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [925] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [950] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [975] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [1000] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [1025] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [1050] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [1075] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [1100] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [1100] [150] size [25]\nAdd Moving Circle [2] size [25] at [1100] [100] speed [0] [4]\nAdd Circle [4] at [1125] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [1150] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1150] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1175] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1200] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [5] at [1275] [-50] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 4\nAdd Circle [4] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [4] at [100] [0] size [75]\nAdd Circle [4] at [0] [100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [4] at [100] [200] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [150] [200] size [25]\nAdd Circle [7] at [125] [400] size [200]\nAdd Circle [4] at [250] [400] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [275] [400] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [300] [400] size [25]\nAdd Circle [7] at [350] [350] size [100]\nAdd Circle [7] at [400] [350] size [100]\nAdd Circle [4] at [450] [400] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [475] [400] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [500] [400] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [350] [600] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [375] [600] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [400] [600] size [25]\nAdd Moving Circle [2] size [25] at [350] [500] speed [0] [3]\nAdd Moving Circle [2] size [25] at [400] [500] speed [0] [-3]\nAdd Circle [2] at [375] [500] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [550] [400] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [575] [400] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [575] [425] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [600] [400] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [650] [400] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [675] [400] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [700] [400] size [25]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [50] at [725] [500] speed [0] [4]\nAdd Circle [4] at [650] [600] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [675] [600] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [700] [600] size [25]\nAdd Circle [3] at [600] [575] size [75]\nAdd Circle [5] at [375] [700] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 5\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [4] at [100] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [4] at [200] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [300] [-100] size [75]\nAdd Circle [2] at [400] [-100] size [75]\nAdd Circle [2] at [500] [-100] size [75]\nAdd Circle [7] at [350] [0] size [50]\nAdd Circle [7] at [450] [0] size [50]\nAdd Circle [4] at [600] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [700] [-300] size [100]\nAdd Circle [4] at [800] [-300] size [100]\nAdd Circle [4] at [900] [-300] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1000] [-100] size [75]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1100] [-100] size [75]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1200] [-100] size [75]\nAdd Circle [7] at [1050] [-200] size [50]\nAdd Circle [7] at [1150] [-200] size [50]\nAdd Circle [4] at [1300] [-300] size [100]\nAdd Circle [3] at [1400] [-300] size [100]\nAdd Circle [7] at [1550] [-150] size [50]\nAdd Circle [7] at [1600] [-100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [7] at [1650] [-50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [7] at [1700] [0] size [50]\nAdd Circle [7] at [1750] [50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [7] at [1850] [50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [5] at [1900] [50] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 6\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [4] at [75] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [100] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [125] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [150] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [175] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [200] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [200] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [200] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [225] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [250] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [275] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [300] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [300] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [300] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [325] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [350] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [375] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [400] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [425] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [450] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [475] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [500] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [525] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [550] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [575] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [600] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [625] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [650] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [675] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [700] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [725] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [7] at [650] [-250] size [200]\nAdd Circle [5] at [500] [-150] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 7\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [400] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [100] [200] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [600] [200] size [100]\nAdd Moving Circle [7] size [100] at [0] [200] speed [0] [-3]\nAdd Moving Circle [7] size [100] at [200] [200] speed [3] [0]\nAdd Circle [4] at [1200] [200] size [100]\nAdd Moving Circle [7] size [100] at [700] [200] speed [5] [0]\nAdd Circle [2] at [800] [125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [825] [125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [850] [125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [900] [275] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [925] [275] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [950] [275] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1300] [125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1325] [125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1350] [125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1375] [125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1400] [125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1425] [125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1450] [125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1475] [125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1500] [125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [1600] [300] size [100]\nAdd Moving Circle [4] size [50] at [1400] [250] speed [4] [0]\nAdd Circle [5] at [1600] [450] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 8\nAdd Circle [7] at [0] [0] size [400]\nAdd Circle [7] at [300] [300] size [400]\nAdd Circle [7] at [600] [0] size [400]\nAdd Circle [7] at [900] [300] size [400]\nAdd Circle [7] at [1200] [600] size [400]\nAdd Circle [7] at [900] [900] size [400]\nAdd Circle [7] at [600] [1200] size [400]\nAdd Circle [7] at [300] [1500] size [400]\nAdd Circle [7] at [600] [1800] size [400]\nAdd Circle [5] at [750] [2000] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [50] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [0] [50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [-50] [100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [-100] [150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [-50] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [-100] [-150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [50] [100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [100] [150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [150] [200] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [200] [250] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [250] [300] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [300] [350] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [350] [300] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [250] [125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [300] [175] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [350] [125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [400] [250] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [450] [200] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [500] [200] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [550] [150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [550] [100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [550] [50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [550] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [550] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [550] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [650] [-175] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [650] [-125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [650] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [650] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [650] [25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [650] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [700] [100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [800] [150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [850] [200] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [900] [250] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [950] [300] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1000] [350] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1050] [400] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [775] [350] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [825] [400] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [875] [450] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [925] [500] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [725] [300] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1030] [600] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1200] [600] size [250]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1085] [785] size [25]\nAdd Circle [5] at [900] [900] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [600] [1200] size [275]\nAdd Circle [2] at [300] [1500] size [300]\nAdd Circle [2] at [600] [1800] size [350]\nAdd Circle [2] at [785] [1085] size [25]\n\ndefine Level 9\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [4] at [200] [-100] size [75]\nAdd Circle [4] at [300] [0] size [70]\nAdd Circle [4] at [250] [100] size [65]\nAdd Circle [4] at [450] [150] size [60]\nAdd Circle [4] at [575] [200] size [55]\nAdd Circle [4] at [450] [275] size [50]\nAdd Circle [4] at [300] [275] size [45]\nAdd Circle [4] at [125] [325] size [40]\nAdd Circle [4] at [100] [425] size [35]\nAdd Circle [4] at [250] [450] size [30]\nAdd Circle [4] at [400] [475] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [500] [550] size [20]\nAdd Circle [4] at [400] [625] size [15]\nAdd Circle [4] at [350] [625] size [10]\nAdd Circle [4] at [300] [650] size [5]\nAdd Circle [5] at [200] [700] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 10\nAdd Circle [4] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Moving Circle [2] size [25] at [100] [-100] speed [5] [0]\nAdd Circle [4] at [200] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [200] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [200] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [200] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [200] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [200] [25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [7] at [100] [-200] size [100]\nAdd Circle [7] at [150] [-175] size [100]\nAdd Circle [7] at [200] [-225] size [100]\nAdd Circle [7] at [250] [-200] size [100]\nAdd Circle [7] at [225] [-175] size [100]\nAdd Circle [7] at [300] [-150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [200] [-125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [200] [-150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [200] [-175] size [25]\nAdd Moving Circle [2] size [25] at [250] [-75] speed [4] [0]\nAdd Circle [4] at [400] [-100] size [75]\nAdd Circle [4] at [500] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [525] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [550] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [575] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [600] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [625] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [650] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [675] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [700] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [725] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [750] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [775] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [800] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [825] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [850] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [875] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [900] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [950] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [1000] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [1050] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [1100] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Moving Circle [7] size [75] at [1200] [0] speed [-5] [-5]\nAdd Moving Circle [7] size [75] at [1500] [300] speed [5] [5]\nAdd Circle [4] at [2000] [800] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [2025] [800] size [25]\nAdd Circle [4] at [2050] [800] size [25]\nAdd Circle [5] at [2025] [925] size [50]\n\n@Word 3\n\ndefine Add Circle (type) at (x) (y) size (size)\nadd (type) to [level v]\nadd (x) to [level v]\nadd (y) to [level v]\nadd (size) to [level v]\n\ndefine Add Moving Circle (type) size (size) at (x) (y) speed (xv) (yv)\nadd ((length of [level v]) + (1)) to [moving level v]\nadd (xv) to [moving level v]\nadd (yv) to [moving level v]\nadd (type) to [level v]\nadd (x) to [level v]\nadd (y) to [level v]\nadd (size) to [level v]\n\nwhen I receive [generate level v]\nif <(World) = [3]> then\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n Level 1\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n Level 2\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n Level 3\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n Level 4\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n Level 5\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n Level 6\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n Level 7\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n Level 8\n end\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n Level 9\n end\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n Level 10\n end\nend\n\ndefine Level 1\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [100] [0] size [75]\nAdd Circle [1] at [150] [100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [8] at [300] [100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [450] [100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [500] [145] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [520] [160] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [540] [175] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [590] [190] size [75]\nAdd Circle [8] at [750] [190] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [900] [200] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1100] [150] size [150]\nAdd Circle [5] at [1100] [325] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 2\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [200] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [325] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [450] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [512] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [512] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [512] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [8] at [575] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [650] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [700] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [8] at [775] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [900] [-100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1000] [-100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [8] at [1100] [-100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1150] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1175] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1200] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [8] at [1250] [-100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1375] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [1500] [-50] size [100]\nAdd Circle [5] at [1600] [0] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 3\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [100] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [100] [0] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [100] [100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [3] at [200] [-50] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-50] [100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-150] [200] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [-75] [300] size [50]\nAdd Circle [8] at [-25] [300] size [50]\nAdd Circle [8] at [25] [300] size [50]\nAdd Circle [8] at [75] [300] size [50]\nAdd Circle [8] at [125] [300] size [50]\nAdd Circle [8] at [175] [300] size [50]\nAdd Circle [8] at [225] [300] size [50]\nAdd Circle [8] at [275] [300] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [50] [325] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [50] [350] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [150] [325] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [150] [350] size [25]\nAdd Circle [8] at [375] [350] size [100]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [100] at [375] [250] speed [0] [-3]\nAdd Circle [2] at [350] [150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [375] [150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [400] [150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [5] at [375] [650] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 4\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [6] at [400] [-600] size [700]\nAdd Circle [6] at [750] [-600] size [700]\nAdd Circle [6] at [1300] [-500] size [500]\nAdd Circle [8] at [150] [-75] size [75]\nAdd Circle [8] at [225] [0] size [50]\nAdd Circle [8] at [400] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [700] [-50] size [100]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [50] at [900] [-250] speed [-2] [3]\nAdd Circle [1] at [900] [-50] size [75]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [100] at [1000] [-50] speed [5] [0]\nAdd Circle [8] at [1100] [-25] size [75]\nAdd Circle [8] at [1500] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [6] at [1700] [-100] size [200]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1775] [-12] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1800] [-12] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1825] [-12] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1850] [-12] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1875] [-12] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1900] [-12] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1925] [-12] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1950] [-12] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1975] [-12] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [2000] [-12] size [25]\nAdd Circle [6] at [2075] [-100] size [200]\nAdd Circle [8] at [1825] [25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [8] at [1862] [25] size [50]\nAdd Circle [8] at [1900] [25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [5] at [2250] [-100] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 5\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-150] size [100]\nAdd Moving Circle [8] size [100] at [300] [-225] speed [-5] [0]\nAdd Circle [6] at [500] [-150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [600] [-50] size [100]\nAdd Circle [6] at [800] [-50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [8] at [850] [-50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [8] at [850] [-300] size [50]\nAdd Moving Circle [8] size [100] at [900] [-200] speed [0] [10]\nAdd Circle [5] at [900] [500] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 6\nAdd Circle [8] at [100] [-100] size [200]\nAdd Moving Circle [6] size [100] at [400] [-100] speed [-3] [0]\nAdd Circle [8] at [600] [-100] size [200]\nAdd Circle [6] at [800] [-100] size [125]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [375] at [1000] [-300] speed [5] [0]\nAdd Circle [8] at [1300] [-75] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [1750] [-100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [6] at [1800] [-50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [5] at [2100] [-50] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 7\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [6] at [200] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [75] at [300] [-200] speed [0] [2]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [75] at [450] [-400] speed [0] [3]\nAdd Moving Circle [6] size [75] at [600] [-700] speed [0] [4]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [75] at [550] [-900] speed [1] [5]\nAdd Moving Circle [2] size [75] at [900] [-1200] speed [0] [6]\nAdd Moving Circle [6] size [75] at [900] [-1100] speed [0] [6]\nAdd Moving Circle [5] size [50] at [900] [3000] speed [0] [-6]\n\ndefine Level 8\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-75] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [-75] [0] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [75] [0] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [225] [0] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [375] [0] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [525] [0] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [0] [75] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [150] [75] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [300] [75] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [450] [75] size [100]\nAdd Circle [5] at [600] [75] size [50]\nAdd Circle [8] at [150] [-75] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [300] [-75] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [450] [-75] size [100]\nAdd Circle [6] at [-75] [150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [6] at [75] [150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [6] at [225] [150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [6] at [375] [150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [6] at [525] [150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [150] [225] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [300] [225] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [450] [225] size [100]\n\ndefine Level 9\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [75] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [8] at [100] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [8] at [125] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [8] at [150] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [8] at [175] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [8] at [200] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [225] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [250] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [275] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [300] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [8] at [325] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [8] at [350] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [8] at [375] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [8] at [400] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [8] at [450] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [8] at [500] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [8] at [550] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [8] at [600] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [6] at [650] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [6] at [675] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [6] at [700] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [6] at [725] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [6] at [750] [-150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [6] at [775] [-150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [6] at [800] [-150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [6] at [825] [-150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [6] at [850] [-150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [6] at [875] [-150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [6] at [900] [-150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [6] at [925] [-150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [6] at [950] [-150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [6] at [975] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [6] at [1000] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [6] at [1025] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [6] at [1050] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [8] at [850] [0] size [200]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [50] at [775] [-112] speed [0] [6]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [25] at [825] [-115] speed [0] [6]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [25] at [850] [-115] speed [0] [6]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [25] at [875] [-115] speed [0] [6]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [50] at [925] [-112] speed [0] [6]\nAdd Circle [8] at [725] [400] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [975] [400] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [850] [600] size [100]\nAdd Circle [3] at [725] [800] size [100]\nAdd Circle [3] at [975] [800] size [100]\nAdd Circle [5] at [850] [1200] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 10\nAdd Circle [6] at [300] [-250] size [700]\nAdd Circle [6] at [400] [-200] size [700]\nAdd Circle [6] at [500] [-150] size [700]\nAdd Circle [6] at [600] [-100] size [700]\nAdd Circle [6] at [700] [-150] size [700]\nAdd Circle [6] at [800] [-200] size [700]\nAdd Circle [6] at [900] [-250] size [700]\nAdd Circle [6] at [1000] [-300] size [700]\nAdd Circle [2] at [200] [40] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [210] [0] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [240] [-50] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [400] [150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [375] [100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [400] [50] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [600] [225] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [550] [160] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [575] [100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [850] [250] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [1050] [250] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [1200] [300] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [1300] [375] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [1550] [375] size [100]\nAdd Circle [8] at [1650] [400] size [75]\nAdd Circle [8] at [1800] [450] size [75]\nAdd Circle [8] at [1850] [525] size [75]\nAdd Circle [8] at [1700] [600] size [75]\nAdd Circle [5] at [1700] [750] size [50]\n\n@World 4\n\ndefine Add Circle (type) at (x) (y) size (size)\nadd (type) to [level v]\nadd (x) to [level v]\nadd (y) to [level v]\nadd (size) to [level v]\n\ndefine Add Moving Circle (type) size (size) at (x) (y) speed (xv) (yv)\nadd ((length of [level v]) + (1)) to [moving level v]\nadd (xv) to [moving level v]\nadd (yv) to [moving level v]\nadd (type) to [level v]\nadd (x) to [level v]\nadd (y) to [level v]\nadd (size) to [level v]\n\nwhen I receive [generate level v]\nif <(World) = [4]> then\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n Level 1\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n Level 2\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n Level 3\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n Level 4\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n Level 5\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n Level 6\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n Level 7\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n Level 8\n end\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n Level 9\n end\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n Level 10\n end\nend\n\ndefine Level 1\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [275] [-150] size [300]\nAdd Circle [9] at [275] [50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [275] [350] size [300]\nAdd Circle [1] at [500] [350] size [250]\nAdd Circle [1] at [800] [350] size [250]\nAdd Circle [11] at [800] [150] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [800] [-100] size [200]\nAdd Circle [1] at [950] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [975] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1000] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [9] at [1050] [-125] size [75]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1100] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1125] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1150] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1175] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1200] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1225] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1025] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1050] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1075] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1100] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1125] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1150] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [11] at [1200] [100] size [75]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1250] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1275] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1300] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [5] at [1125] [200] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 2\nAdd Circle [1] at [50] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-225] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-225] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-225] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-225] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-225] [25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-175] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-175] [100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-175] [125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-225] [175] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-225] [200] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-225] [225] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-225] [250] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-225] [275] size [25]\nAdd Circle [5] at [-75] [100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [10] at [150] [-100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [600] [-200] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [600] [-150] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [600] [-100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [600] [-50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [600] [50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [3] at [600] [100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [500] [150] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [500] [300] size [100]\nAdd Circle [11] at [325] [300] size [50]\nAdd Circle [12] at [325] [100] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 3\nAdd Circle [1] at [-25] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [25] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [50] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [75] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [100] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [125] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [150] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [175] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [200] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [225] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [225] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [225] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [225] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [225] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [225] [25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [225] [50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [225] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [225] [100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [250] [100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [275] [100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [300] [100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [500] [100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [10] at [175] [-50] size [30]\nAdd Circle [2] at [50] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [50] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [75] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [75] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [200] [50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [175] [50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [11] at [262] [150] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [500] [400] size [100]\nAdd Circle [9] at [600] [100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [9] at [700] [100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [9] at [800] [100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [11] at [650] [400] size [50]\nAdd Circle [11] at [750] [400] size [50]\nAdd Circle [11] at [850] [400] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [600] [0] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [700] [0] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [800] [0] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [650] [500] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [750] [500] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [850] [500] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [600] [50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [700] [50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [800] [50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [650] [450] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [750] [450] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [850] [450] size [50]\nAdd Circle [5] at [900] [100] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 4\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [9] at [100] [-100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [100] [-200] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [100] [100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [200] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [225] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [250] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [275] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [275] [100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [300] [100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [325] [100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [350] [100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [375] [100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [400] [100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [3] at [400] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [3] at [425] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [3] at [450] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [3] at [475] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [500] [-25] size [75]\nAdd Circle [1] at [550] [50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [575] [125] size [40]\nAdd Circle [1] at [600] [200] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [650] [275] size [75]\nAdd Circle [1] at [650] [-25] size [75]\nAdd Circle [1] at [700] [50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [725] [125] size [40]\nAdd Circle [1] at [750] [200] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [800] [275] size [75]\nAdd Circle [11] at [725] [275] size [50]\nAdd Circle [5] at [100] [250] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 5\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [125]\nAdd Circle [1] at [125] [-50] size [75]\nAdd Circle [1] at [100] [100] size [75]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-75] [0] size [75]\nAdd Circle [1] at [200] [25] size [75]\nAdd Circle [1] at [25] [200] size [75]\nAdd Circle [1] at [150] [300] size [75]\nAdd Circle [1] at [225] [200] size [75]\nAdd Circle [5] at [150] [450] size [50]\nAdd Circle [10] at [0] [100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [11] at [100] [25] size [50]\nAdd Circle [12] at [175] [125] size [50]\nAdd Circle [9] at [100] [175] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 6\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [10] at [100] [-100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [200] [100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [200] [-300] size [25]\nAdd Moving Circle [2] size [25] at [200] [-100] speed [0] [2]\nAdd Circle [1] at [400] [-150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [9] at [400] [-50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [250] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [550] [0] size [25]\nAdd Moving Circle [2] size [25] at [400] [0] speed [6] [0]\nAdd Circle [1] at [400] [300] size [200]\nAdd Circle [2] at [200] [400] size [25]\nAdd Circle [12] at [275] [250] size [50]\nAdd Moving Circle [2] size [25] at [200] [300] speed [0] [12]\nAdd Circle [1] at [50] [250] size [100]\nAdd Circle [5] at [50] [400] size [50]\nAdd Circle [11] at [50] [330] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 7\nAdd Circle [9] at [0] [0] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [400] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-100] [350] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-50] [250] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [50] [230] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [600] [250] size [1000]\nAdd Circle [2] at [400] [-225] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [500] [-255] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [518] [-275] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [800] [-225] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [700] [-255] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [682] [-275] size [25]\nAdd Circle [5] at [1150] [200] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 8\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [75] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [100] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [125] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [200] [-50] size [100]\nAdd Circle [10] at [200] [50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [300] [75] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [225] [125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [250] [125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [240] [200] size [100]\nAdd Circle [11] at [300] [275] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [375] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [400] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [425] [75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [500] [75] size [100]\nAdd Circle [9] at [525] [188] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [550] [300] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [650] [200] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [600] [100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [5] at [0] [-225] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [-50] [-250] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [-50] [-225] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [-50] [-200] size [25]\n\ndefine Level 9\nAdd Circle [1] at [50] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [100] [0] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [250] [0] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [400] [0] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [400] [150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [400] [300] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [250] [300] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [100] [300] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [100] [150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [250] [150] size [150]\nAdd Circle [10] at [0] [0] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [50] [225] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [75] [225] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [100] [225] size [25]\nAdd Circle [11] at [100] [400] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [175] [300] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [325] [300] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [325] [325] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [325] [350] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [325] [375] size [25]\nAdd Circle [12] at [500] [300] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [400] [85] size [20]\nAdd Circle [2] at [420] [85] size [20]\nAdd Circle [2] at [440] [85] size [20]\nAdd Circle [2] at [460] [85] size [20]\nAdd Circle [2] at [400] [65] size [20]\nAdd Circle [2] at [420] [65] size [20]\nAdd Circle [2] at [440] [65] size [20]\nAdd Circle [2] at [460] [65] size [20]\nAdd Circle [2] at [175] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [5] at [250] [-100] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 10\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [-75] [-50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [25] [100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [150] [-90] size [30]\nAdd Circle [1] at [150] [-120] size [30]\nAdd Circle [1] at [150] [-150] size [30]\nAdd Circle [1] at [150] [-180] size [30]\nAdd Circle [1] at [150] [-210] size [30]\nAdd Circle [10] at [-150] [-100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [3] at [150] [25] size [150]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-50] [175] size [100]\nAdd Circle [11] at [-50] [275] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [225] [100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [225] [125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [225] [150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [225] [175] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [300] [140] size [75]\nAdd Circle [12] at [375] [40] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [325] [-150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [5] at [475] [-150] size [50]\n\nAdd Circle [9] at [0] [-100] size [50]\n\n@World 5\n\ndefine Add Circle (type) at (x) (y) size (size)\nadd (type) to [level v]\nadd (x) to [level v]\nadd (y) to [level v]\nadd (size) to [level v]\n\ndefine Add Moving Circle (type) size (size) at (x) (y) speed (xv) (yv)\nadd ((length of [level v]) + (1)) to [moving level v]\nadd (xv) to [moving level v]\nadd (yv) to [moving level v]\nadd (type) to [level v]\nadd (x) to [level v]\nadd (y) to [level v]\nadd (size) to [level v]\n\nwhen I receive [generate level v]\nGenerate Level\n\ndefine Level 1\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [13] at [0] [50] size [40]\nAdd Circle [2] at [100] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [100] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [100] [25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [100] [50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [200] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [14] at [200] [50] size [40]\nAdd Circle [1] at [400] [-250] size [300]\nAdd Circle [13] at [500] [-100] size [40]\nAdd Circle [1] at [750] [-250] size [300]\nAdd Circle [14] at [650] [-100] size [40]\nAdd Circle [2] at [575] [-125] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [575] [-100] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [575] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [575] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [575] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [13] at [750] [-25] size [40]\nAdd Circle [2] at [710] [-25] size [40]\nAdd Circle [2] at [790] [-25] size [40]\nAdd Circle [1] at [710] [15] size [40]\nAdd Circle [1] at [790] [15] size [40]\nAdd Circle [14] at [1000] [25] size [40]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1040] [25] size [40]\nAdd Circle [1] at [960] [25] size [40]\nAdd Circle [1] at [875] [20] size [40]\nAdd Circle [2] at [1040] [-15] size [40]\nAdd Circle [2] at [960] [-15] size [40]\nAdd Circle [2] at [940] [-80] size [40]\nAdd Circle [5] at [1000] [-80] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 2\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [150] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [300] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [150] [150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [300] [150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [13] at [-300] [50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [14] at [0] [50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [14] at [150] [50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [13] at [300] [50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [14] at [0] [300] size [50]\nAdd Circle [14] at [150] [300] size [50]\nAdd Circle [14] at [300] [300] size [50]\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [75] at [400] [150] speed [3] [0]\nAdd Circle [1] at [750] [150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [3] at [900] [100] size [200]\nAdd Circle [13] at [900] [300] size [50]\nAdd Circle [14] at [1100] [300] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1150] [375] size [50]\nAdd Circle [5] at [1150] [500] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 3\nset [clones v] to [1]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-60] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [60] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [180] [-160] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [300] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [450] [-75] size [150]\nAdd Circle [1] at [700] [-150] size [200]\nAdd Circle [5] at [700] [0] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [900] [-150] size [150]\nAdd Circle [2] at [800] [-75] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [800] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [800] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [5] at [1025] [-150] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 4\nset [clones v] to [1]\nAdd Circle [1] at [-60] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [60] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [13] at [-60] [50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [14] at [180] [50] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [180] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [300] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [400] [-25] size [75]\nAdd Circle [1] at [475] [-25] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [525] [-25] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [575] [-25] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [625] [-25] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [-25] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [25] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [675] [75] size [50]\nAdd Circle [13] at [500] [100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [14] at [500] [-100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [525] [-190] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [600] [-200] size [75]\nAdd Circle [1] at [650] [-200] size [50]\nAdd Circle [2] at [700] [-200] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [700] [-175] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [700] [-150] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [750] [-200] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [800] [-200] size [75]\nAdd Circle [1] at [875] [-200] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1000] [-175] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [1150] [-150] size [100]\nAdd Circle [5] at [1000] [-25] size [50]\nAdd Circle [5] at [1150] [0] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 5\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [125]\nAdd Circle [2] at [75] [-50] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [75] [-25] size [25]\nAdd Circle [2] at [75] [0] size [25]\nAdd Circle [1] at [150] [-25] size [100]\nAdd Circle [13] at [250] [115] size [50]\nAdd Circle [14] at [400] [115] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [500] [-25] size [100]\nAdd Circle [13] at [600] [-25] size [50]\nAdd Circle [14] at [800] [150] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [900] [-35] size [100]\nAdd Circle [5] at [100] [-100] size [50]\nAdd Circle [1] at [150] [-200] size [100]\nAdd Circle [2] at [250] [-100] size [100]\nAdd Circle [1] at [250] [-100] size [90]\nAdd Circle [13] at [1100] [-35] size [50]\nAdd Circle [14] at [170] [-110] size [50]\n\ndefine Level 6\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\n\ndefine Level 7\nAdd Circle [1] at [-100] [0] size [100]\n\ndefine Level 8\nAdd Circle [1] at [-100] [0] size [100]\n\ndefine Level 9\nAdd Circle [1] at [-100] [0] size [100]\n\ndefine Level 10\nAdd Circle [1] at [-100] [0] size [100]\n\ndefine Generate Level\nset [clones v] to [0]\nif <(World) = [5]> then\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n Level 1\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n Level 2\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n Level 3\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n Level 4\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n Level 5\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n Level 6\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n Level 7\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n Level 8\n end\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n Level 9\n end\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n Level 10\n end\n if <(Clones) > [0]> then\n broadcast (Clone Setup v)\n end\nend\n\nAdd Moving Circle [1] size [100] at [300] [0] speed [0] [-5]\n\n@World 6\n\ndefine Add Circle (type) at (x) (y) size (size)\nadd (type) to [level v]\nadd (x) to [level v]\nadd (y) to [level v]\nadd (size) to [level v]\n\ndefine Add Moving Circle (type) size (size) at (x) (y) speed (xv) (yv)\nadd ((length of [level v]) + (1)) to [moving level v]\nadd (xv) to [moving level v]\nadd (yv) to [moving level v]\nadd (type) to [level v]\nadd (x) to [level v]\nadd (y) to [level v]\nadd (size) to [level v]\n\nwhen I receive [generate level v]\nif <(World) = [6]> then\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n Level 1\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n Level 2\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n Level 3\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n Level 4\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n Level 5\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n Level 6\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n Level 7\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n Level 8\n end\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n Level 9\n end\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n Level 10\n end\nend\n\ndefine Level 1\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\n\ndefine Level 2\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\n\ndefine Level 3\nAdd Circle [1] at [0] [-100] size [100]\n\ndefine Level 4\nAdd Circle [1] at [-100] [0] size [100]\n\ndefine Level 5\nAdd Circle [1] at [-100] [0] size [100]\n\ndefine Level 6\nAdd Circle [1] at [-100] [0] size [100]\n\ndefine Level 7\nAdd Circle [1] at [-100] [0] size [100]\n\ndefine Level 8\nAdd Circle [1] at [-100] [0] size [100]\n\ndefine Level 9\nAdd Circle [1] at [-100] [0] size [100]\n\ndefine Level 10\nAdd Circle [1] at [-100] [0] size [100]\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nset [show v] to [1]\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (5)\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\n next costume\n repeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\n end\nend\nnext costume\nhide\nset [show v] to [0]\nnext costume\nbroadcast (Green Flag Clicked v)\n\nwhen [s v] key pressed\nif <(show) = [1]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n set [show v] to [0]\n next costume\n broadcast (Green Flag Clicked v)\nend\n\n
This is a short easy platformer!!!\nI hope you like it!!!\n\nInstructions:\n-Move with arrow keys\n-Skip levels with "s"\n-Love and favourite to make me happy:)\n-Have fun
Grass 3 | Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen stage clicked\nif <(backdrop [number v]) = [1]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n broadcast (start v)\n forever\n play sound [main theme v] until done\n end\nend\n\n@assets\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (150) %\nset [animation frame v] to [0]\nset [air time v] to [0]\nset [slope v] to [0]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-130)\npoint in direction (0)\nset [max speed v] to [8]\nset [friction v] to [0.6]\nset [jump power v] to [10]\nset [xvel v] to [0]\nset [yvel v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [end scrolling? v] to [false]\nset [wall jumping? v] to [0]\n\ndefine None\npoint in direction ((-90) * (dir))\nif <(text?) < [1]> then\n change [xvel v] by (dir)\n if <(MAX SPEED) < ([abs v] of (xvel) )> then\n change [xvel v] by ((0) - (dir))\n end\nend\ndetect slope (xvel) <[0] = [1]>\nanimate costume <[0] = [0]>\n\ndefine animate costume <>\nif <walking?> then\n set [animation frame v] to (((animation frame) + (0.4)) mod (16))\n switch costume to ([floor v] of (((animation frame) mod (8)) + (2)) )\nelse\n if <[15] < (air time)> then\n switch costume to (jump2 v)\n else\n if <[0] < (air time)> then\n switch costume to (jump1 v)\n else\n set [animation frame v] to [0]\n switch costume to (idle v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hurtanimation v]\nstart sound [rattle v]\nreset\nrepeat (3)\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\n\nif <(x position) > [240]> then\n change [level v] by ((x position) / ([abs v] of (x position) ))\n broadcast (start level v)\nend\n\ndefine reset\nhide\nset [xvel v] to [0]\nset [yvel v] to [0]\nset [text? v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(round (scroll x)) = [0]>\n set [scroll x v] to ((scroll x) * (0.5))\nend\nset y to (-130)\nshow\nset [text? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nmain\n\ndefine main\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <(yvel) > [-30]> then\n change [yvel v] by (-1)\n end\n change y by (yvel)\n gravity <(yvel) > [0]>\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n player walk (-1)\n else\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n player walk (1)\n else\n detect slope (xvel) <[0] = [0]>\n animate costume <[0] = [1]>\n end\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(air time) < [3]> then\n set [yvel v] to (JUMP POWER)\n start sound [water drop v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [edit mode v]\nif <(edit mode?) = [1]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n set [xvel v] to [0]\n set [yvel v] to [0]\nelse\n main\nend\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nreset\n\ndefine None\nset [slope v] to [0]\nif <sliding?> then\n set [xvel v] to ((xspeed) * (FRICTION))\nend\nchange x by ((0) - (xvel))\nrepeat until <<not <touching (level hitbox v)?>> or <(slope) > [6]>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(slope) > [6]> then\n change y by ((0) - (slope))\n change x by (xvel)\n set [xvel v] to [0]\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <(wall jumping?) = [0]>> then\n set [yvel v] to (JUMP POWER)\n set [xvel v] to ((0) - (xspeed))\n set [air time v] to [0]\n end\nend\nset [end scrolling? v] to <<(scroll x) < [0]> or <(scroll x) > ((480) * ((item (level) of [level lengths v]) - (1)))>>\nif <(end scrolling?) = [true]> then\n if <<<(x position) > [0]> and <(scroll x) < [0]>> or <<(x position) < [0]> and <(scroll x) > ((480) * ((item (level) of [level lengths v]) - (1)))>>> then\n change [scroll x v] by ((0) - (xvel))\n set x to (0)\n end\nelse\n change [scroll x v] by ((0) - (xvel))\n set x to (0)\nend\n\ndefine gravity <>\nchange [air time v] by (1)\nrepeat until <not <touching (level hitbox v)?>>\n if <midair> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [air time v] to [0]\n end\n set [yvel v] to [0]\nend\n\n@level visual\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\ndelete (all) of [level lengths v]\nadd [10] to [level lengths v]\n\ndefine record level lengths\n\nswitch costume to (level1.1 v)\nset [level v] to [1]\nnext costume\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n repeat until <not <(letter (6) of ([costume name v] of [level visual v])) = (level)>>\n next costume\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [panel # v] to [0]\nrepeat (2)\n change [panel # v] by (1)\n switch costume to (join [level] (join (level) (join [.] (panel #))))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [panel # v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (10) layers\nforever\n set x to ((480) - (((scroll x) + (((panel #) mod (2)) * (480))) mod (960)))\n if <<((scroll x) mod (480)) > [470]> or <[10] > ((scroll x) mod (480))>> then\n switch costume to ((([ceiling v] of (((scroll x) + (((panel #) mod (2)) * (480))) / (960)) ) * (2)) - ((panel #) mod (2)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [edit mode v]\nif <(panel #) > [0]> then\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to ((([ceiling v] of (((scroll x) + (((panel #) mod (2)) * (480))) / (960)) ) * (2)) - ((panel #) mod (2)))\nend\n\n@level hitbox\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [panel # v] to [0]\nrepeat (2)\n change [panel # v] by (1)\n switch costume to (join [level] (join (level) (join [.] (panel #))))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [panel # v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\n\nif <(panel #) > [0]> then\n set [lastx v] to (x position)\n set x to ((480) - (((scroll x) + (((panel #) mod (2)) * (480))) mod (960)))\n if <<(lastx) < ((-480) + (MAX SPEED))> and <((480) - (MAX SPEED)) < (x position)>> then\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) + (2))\n else\n if <<(x position) < ((-480) + (MAX SPEED))> and <((480) - (MAX SPEED)) < (lastx)>> then\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (2))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (30) layers\nforever\n set x to ((480) - (((scroll x) + (((panel #) mod (2)) * (480))) mod (960)))\n if <<((scroll x) mod (480)) > [470]> or <[10] > ((scroll x) mod (480))>> then\n switch costume to ((([ceiling v] of (((scroll x) + (((panel #) mod (2)) * (480))) / (960)) ) * (2)) - ((panel #) mod (2)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [edit mode v]\nif <(panel #) > [0]> then\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to ((([ceiling v] of (((scroll x) + (((panel #) mod (2)) * (480))) / (960)) ) * (2)) - ((panel #) mod (2)))\nend\n\n@parallax\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo [backward v] (50) layers\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [layer # v] to [0]\nrepeat (2)\n set [parallaxpos v] to [-480]\n change [layer # v] by (1)\n repeat (2)\n change [parallaxpos v] by (480)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset x to (parallaxPos)\nshow\nswitch costume to (layer #)\nforever\n scroll\nend\n\ndefine scroll\nif <(end scrolling?) = [false]> then\n change x by ((xvel) * ((layer #) / (4)))\n if <(x position) > [480]> then\n set x to (-480)\n else\n if <[-480] > (x position)> then\n set x to (480)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@font: Helvetica\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\n\ndefine None\ngo to x: ((x pos) + (184)) y: (y pos)\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (background v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset size to (size) %\nswitch costume to (cursor v)\nset [counter v] to [0]\ngo to x: (x pos) y: (y pos)\nrepeat (length of (text))\n switch costume to (null v)\n change [counter v] by (1)\n if <(letter (counter) of (text)) = [\]> then\n if <(letter ((counter) + (1)) of (text)) = [t]> then\n wait until <key (space v) pressed?>\n broadcast (clear text 2 v) and wait\n go to x: (x pos) y: (y pos)\n else\n if <(letter ((counter) + (1)) of (text)) = [n]> then\n set x to (x pos)\n change y by ((size) / (-5))\n end\n end\n change [counter v] by (1)\n else\n switch costume to (letter (counter) of (text))\n if <(costume [number v]) = [65]> then\n switch costume to (join (letter (counter) of (text)) [s])\n end\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n start sound [computer beeps2 v]\n change x by ((item (costume [number v]) of [font sizes v]) * ((size) / (150)))\n if <(x position) > (bound x)> then\n set x to (x pos)\n change y by ((size) / (-5))\n end\n end\nend\nhide\nwait until <key (space v) pressed?>\nset [text? v] to [0]\nbroadcast (clear text v)\n\nprint [testing $$$$ @.@ "OMG!"LALALA woah how awesome\tUse the WASD keys to move.\ttestetettet\taasdasdsdasd\tasdasd] (-184) (0) (100) (184)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nfont size parser\n\ndefine font size parser\nset [text? v] to []\nset [counter v] to [0]\ndelete (all) of [font sizes v]\nrepeat ((length of (text?)) / (3))\n change [counter v] by (3)\n add (join (letter ((counter) - (2)) of (text?)) (letter ((counter) - (1)) of (text?))) to [font sizes v]\nend\nset [text? v] to [0]\n\ndefine delete clones\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [clear text v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [clear text 2 v]\nif <not <(costume [number v]) = [96]>> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [print text v]\nprint (text?) (-184) (-125) (100) (184)\n\n@objects\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to ((costume ID) + (1))\ngo to x: (xpos) y: (ypos)\nforever\n set x to (round ((xpos) - (scroll x)))\n if <(x position) = (round ((xpos) - (scroll x)))> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [spawn objects v]\nspawn\n\ndefine behavior\nif <<(costume [number v]) > [1]> and <(costume [number v]) < [6]>> then\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (hover effect v)\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n set [text? v] to (text)\n broadcast (print text v) and wait\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n set rotation style [don't rotate v]\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [yvel v] to ((JUMP POWER) + (5))\n start sound [boing v]\n end\n turn right (5) degrees\n set size to ((100) + ((4) * ([sin v] of (direction) ))) %\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) > [6]> and <(costume [number v]) < [10]>> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n turn right (2) degrees\n change [xpos v] by ((3) * ([sin v] of (direction) ))\n set size to ((100) + ((20) * ([sin v] of ((2) * (direction)) ))) %\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <<((y position) + (10)) < ([y position v] of [player v])> and <(yvel) < [0]>> then\n start sound [boing v]\n set [yvel v] to ((JUMP POWER) - (2))\n broadcast (slime effect v)\n delete this clone\n else\n broadcast (hurtanimation v)\n end\n end\n else\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (hurtanimation v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(x position) = (round ((xpos) - (scroll x)))> then\n behavior\n end\nend\n\ndefine spawn\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set [list id v] to (item (object) of [objects v])\n set [costume id v] to ((join (letter (1) of (list ID)) (letter (2) of (list ID))) - (10))\n set [xpos v] to ((join (join (join (letter (3) of (list ID)) (letter (4) of (list ID))) (letter (5) of (list ID))) (letter (6) of (list ID))) - (1000))\n set [ypos v] to ((join (join (letter (7) of (list ID)) (letter (8) of (list ID))) (letter (9) of (list ID))) - (300))\n set [text v] to []\n set [counter v] to [0]\n repeat ((length of (list ID)) - (9))\n change [counter v] by (1)\n set [text v] to (join (text) (letter ((counter) + (9)) of (list ID)))\n end\n set [list id v] to (object)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nhide\n\nwhen [x v] key pressed\nif <touching (editor v)?> then\n delete (list ID) of [objects v]\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@editor\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [edit mode? v] to [0]\nset [placeholder v] to [0]\nset [object v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen [e v] key pressed\nif <(backdrop [number v]) > [1]> then\n set [edit mode? v] to ((1) - (edit mode?))\n broadcast (edit mode v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [edit mode v]\nif <(edit mode?) = [1]> then\n set [placeholder v] to (scroll x)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n forever\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n if <touching (objects v)?> then\n say [Press 'X' to delete this object]\n else\n say []\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n scroll (-10)\n else\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n scroll (10)\n end\n end\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n ask [Enter an object ID \(see Instructions for details\) or leave blank to cancel:] and wait\n if <<(answer) > [0]> and <(answer) < [9]>> then\n add (join (join ((answer) + (10)) ((round ((scroll x) + (x position))) + (1000))) ((round (y position)) + (300))) to [objects v]\n if <<(answer) > [0]> and <(answer) < [5]>> then\n ask [This object can trigger dialogue. What do you want the object to say? \(You can leave this blank\)] and wait\n replace item (last) of [objects v] with (join (item (last) of [objects v]) (answer))\n end\n set [object v] to (length of [objects v])\n broadcast (spawn objects v) and wait\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n set [scroll x v] to (placeholder)\n hide\nend\n\ndefine None\nchange [scroll x v] by (dir)\nset [end scrolling? v] to <<(scroll x) < [0]> or <(scroll x) > ((480) * ((item (level) of [level lengths v]) - (1)))>>\nif <(end scrolling?) = [true]> then\n change [scroll x v] by ((0) - (dir))\nend\nbroadcast (tick v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [object v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [objects v])\n change [object v] by (1)\n broadcast (spawn objects v) and wait\nend\n\n@effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [hover effect v]\nif <(edit mode?) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (hover v)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: ([x position v] of [player v]) y: ([y position v] of [player v])\n wait (0.01) seconds\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [slime effect v]\nif <(edit mode?) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (slime v)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: ([x position v] of [player v]) y: (([y position v] of [player v]) - (25))\n repeat (25)\n change size by (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n change x by (xvel)\n end\n hide\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [edit mode v]\nif <(edit mode?) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (edit mode v)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nelse\n hide\nend\n\n@logo2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [all around v]\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nhide\nrender (90) (1) (0) (0)\nrender (90) (2) (0) (0)\nrender (30) (2) (0) (0)\nrender (-30) (3) (0) (0)\nrender (-90) (2) (0) (0)\nrender (-150) (4) (0) (0)\nrender (-210) (2) (0) (0)\nwait (4) seconds\nrender (-270) (5) (0) (0)\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (end logo v)\n\ndefine None\nswitch costume to (costume #)\ngo to x: (xpos) y: (ypos)\npoint in direction (direction)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [end logo v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nelse\n if <<(costume [number v]) > [1]> and <[5] > (costume [number v])>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat until <(direction) = [120]>\n turn right (3) degrees\n end\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\n turn right (3) degrees\n end\n forever\n turn right (3) degrees\n end\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-4)\n end\n end\nend\n\n
Use your Ninja Skills™ to help Scratch Cat find delicious fish to eat! Now mobile-friendly!\n\nCONTROLS (Keyboard):\nWASD / arrow keys - move, jump, and climb walls!\nSPACE - interact or attack.\nR - reset to last checkpoint\nM - return to main menu\n\nCONTROLS (Mobile):\nTap/press above/left/right of the cat to move, jump, or climb walls.\nTap directly on the cat to interact or attack.\nThere are no resetting or return options for mobile yet, but you don't need them to beat the game.
Kitek Ciapek :3 - a platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nwait (2.5) seconds\nforever\n play sound [Murad - Run \(Inspired By Alan Walker\) NCN Release.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\n@terrain\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (2.5) seconds\nforever\n if <(niveau) = [3]> then\n broadcast (pièce 1 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (2.5) seconds\nshow\nset [niveau v] to [1]\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <(Easter Egg trouvé ?) = [1]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n switch costume to (niveau)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (2.5) seconds\nforever\n if <(niveau) = [4]> then\n broadcast (pièce 2 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (niveau)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (15)\n set size to (100) %\n if <not <(niveau) = [9]>> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat (10)\n change y by (0.5)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-0.5)\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [niveau v] to [16]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <(niveau) = [16]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (90)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Easter Egg trouvé ?) = [1]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <(niveau) = [9]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (10)\n go to [back v] layer\n end\nend\n\n@skip\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [niveau v] to [1]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (100) %\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (10)\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n broadcast (respawn v)\n change [niveau v] by (1)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [respawn v]\nif <(niveau) = [8]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (10)\n turn right (0.5) degrees\n end\n repeat (20)\n turn left (0.5) degrees\n end\n repeat (10)\n turn right (0.5) degrees\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\nforever\n go [forward v] (50) layers\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (2.5) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (-193) y: (156)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n repeat (20)\n turn right (0.5) degrees\n end\n repeat (40)\n turn left (0.5) degrees\n end\n repeat (20)\n turn right (0.5) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [niveau v] to [1]\nforever\n play sound [epic-north-music-this-is-the-future-epic-cinematic-sci-fi-drama v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(niveau) = [18]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (niveau)\nend\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (clones v)\nrepeat (25)\n change size by (-6)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [respawn v]\ngo to x: (-207) y: (-39)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\n\ndefine spécial détéction\nif <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n change [y v] by (pick random (10) to (15))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n spécial détéction\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n spécial death\nend\n\ndefine spécial death\nif <touching (laser2 v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (8)\n end\n go to x: (-207) y: (-39)\n broadcast (Recommence v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-8)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (90) %\nset [easter egg trouvé ? v] to [0]\nset [easter egg trouvé ? v] to [0]\nwait (2.5) seconds\nswitch costume to (a droite v)\ngo to [back v] layer\npoint in direction (90)\nset [yy v] to [15]\nset [xx -90 v] to [-1]\nset [xx 90 v] to [1]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (-207) y: (-30)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n forever\n change [y v] by (-1)\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n switch costume to (a droite v)\n set [orientation de player v] to [a droite]\n change [x v] by (Xx 90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n switch costume to (a gauche v)\n set [orientation de player v] to [a gauche]\n change [x v] by (Xx -90)\n end\n change x by (x)\n if <<touching (easter egg platforme v)?> or <touching (terrain v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching (easter egg platforme v)?> or <touching (terrain v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching (easter egg platforme v)?> or <touching (terrain v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching (easter egg platforme v)?> or <touching (terrain v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching (easter egg platforme v)?> or <touching (terrain v)?>> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n if <([abs v] of (x) ) = (x)> then\n set [x v] to [-4]\n else\n set [x v] to [4]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [y v] by (-2)\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <<touching (easter egg platforme v)?> or <touching (terrain v)?>> then\n change y by ((y) - ((y) * (2)))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>> and <<touching (easter egg platforme v)?> or <touching (terrain v)?>>> then\n change [y v] by (Yy)\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (danger lave v)?> or <<touching (danger v)?> or <<touching (eau 2 v)?> or <<touching (scie v)?> or <touching (lave v)?>>>>> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (8)\n end\n go to x: (-207) y: (-39)\n broadcast (Recommence v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-8)\n end\n end\n if <[200] < (x position)> then\n change [niveau v] by (1)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n go to x: (-207) y: (-39)\n broadcast (Recommence v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [easter egg v]\nforever\n if <touching (easter egg declencheur v)?> then\n set [easter egg trouvé ? v] to [0.5]\n wait (0.7) seconds\n set [easter egg trouvé ? v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Easter Egg trouvé ?) = [1]> then\n if <(niveau) = [11]> then\n set [easter egg trouvé ? v] to [0]\n set [niveau v] to [6]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Easter Egg trouvé ?) = [0.5]> then\n go to x: (-207) y: (-39)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nset [niveau v] to [12]\n\nset [niveau v] to [16]\n\n@Décors\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (2.5) seconds\nshow\nset [niveau v] to [1]\nforever\n switch costume to (niveau)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nset [niveau v] to [15]\n\n@LAVE\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n hide\n if <(niveau) = [6]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (2)\n repeat until <not <(niveau) = [6]>>\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n end\n end\n if <(niveau) = [16]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (2)\n repeat until <not <(niveau) = [16]>>\n repeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-4)\nend\nif <(niveau) = [6]> then\n repeat until <(y position) < [-120]>\n change [brightness v] effect by (-0.7)\n change y by (-2)\n end\n repeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(niveau) = [16]> then\n repeat until <(y position) < [-170]>\n change [brightness v] effect by (-0.8)\n change y by (-2)\n end\n repeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<<(niveau) = [7]> or <(niveau) = [17]>> or <(niveau) = [21]>> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@danger Lave\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (niveau)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (15)\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat (10)\n change y by (0.5)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-0.5)\n end\nend\n\nset [niveau v] to [16]\n\n@Fumée\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to x: (260) y: (pick random (60) to (170))\n set [vitesse nuages v] to (pick random (0.5) to (2.5))\n repeat (pick random (10) to (30))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (pick random (0.01) to (0.09)) seconds\n end\n wait (2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (pick random (40) to (100)) %\nset [brightness v] effect to (pick random (0) to (40))\nshow\nchange y by (pick random (20) to (-20))\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\npoint in direction (-90)\nrepeat until <(x position) < [-230]>\n go to [back v] layer\n move (Vitesse nuages) steps\nend\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (1)\n change size by (1)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Scie\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n hide\n if <(niveau) = [7]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (2)\n repeat until <not <(niveau) = [7]>>\n show\n set size to (80) %\n go to x: (0) y: (-100)\n end\n end\n if <(niveau) = [8]> then\n repeat until <not <(niveau) = [8]>>\n show\n set size to (50) %\n go to x: (20) y: (-20)\n end\n end\n if <(niveau) = [9]> then\n repeat until <not <(niveau) = [9]>>\n show\n set size to (50) %\n go to x: (20) y: (-20)\n end\n end\n if <(niveau) = [10]> then\n repeat until <not <(niveau) = [10]>>\n show\n set size to (50) %\n go to x: (70) y: (-30)\n end\n end\n if <(niveau) = [12]> then\n repeat until <not <(niveau) = [12]>>\n show\n set size to (30) %\n go to x: (-5) y: (30)\n end\n end\n if <(niveau) = [14]> then\n repeat until <not <(niveau) = [14]>>\n show\n set size to (30) %\n go to x: (20) y: (-87)\n end\n end\n if <(niveau) = [15]> then\n show\n set size to (70) %\n go to x: (-50) y: (-87)\n repeat until <not <(niveau) = [15]>>\n repeat (100)\n change x by (2)\n end\n repeat (100)\n change x by (-2)\n end\n end\n end\n if <(niveau) = [16]> then\n show\n set size to (40) %\n go to x: (100) y: (56)\n repeat until <not <(niveau) = [16]>>\n repeat (50)\n change x by (1)\n end\n repeat (50)\n change x by (-1)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n turn right (Vitesse de rotation) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n repeat (120)\n set [vitesse de rotation v] to ((Vitesse de rotation) + ((Vitesse de rotation) * (0.01)))\n end\n repeat (120)\n set [vitesse de rotation v] to ((Vitesse de rotation) - ((Vitesse de rotation) * (0.01)))\n end\n set [vitesse de rotation v] to [6]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <not <<(niveau) = [16]> or <<(niveau) = [15]> or <<(niveau) = [14]> or <<(niveau) = [12]> or <<(niveau) = [10]> or <<(niveau) = [9]> or <<(niveau) = [8]> or <(niveau) = [7]>>>>>>>>> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Page de garde\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (scène v)\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\n
2 Player Platformer
@Stage\n\n@Player\n\ndefine Platformer Physics (speed) (friction) (jump height)\nchange [y vel v] by (-1)\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [x vel v] by (speed)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [x vel v] by ((speed) * (-1))\nend\nset [x vel v] to ((X vel) * (friction))\nchange x by (X vel)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nif <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (fake ground v)?>> then\n repeat until <<<not <touching (level v)?>> or <(slope) = [-8]>> or <<not <touching (fake ground v)?>> or <(slope) = [-8]>>>\n change [slope v] by (-1)\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\nif <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (fake ground v)?>> then\n change y by (slope)\n repeat until <<not <touching (level v)?>> or <not <touching (fake ground v)?>>>\n change x by ((([abs v] of (X vel) ) / (X vel)) * (-1))\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(X vel) > [0]> then\n set [x vel v] to [-12]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [12]\n end\n set [y vel v] to [12]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n end\nend\nchange y by (Y vel)\nif <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (fake ground v)?>> then\n repeat until <<not <touching (level v)?>> and <not <touching (fake ground v)?>>>\n change y by ((([abs v] of (Y vel) ) / (Y vel)) * (-1))\n end\n set [y vel v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <touching (level v)?>> or <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <touching (fake ground v)?>>> then\n set [y vel v] to (jump height)\nend\nchange y by (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-220) y: (-62)\nset [timer v] to [0]\nset [key? v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [key 2? v] to [0]\nset [x vel v] to [0]\nset [y vel v] to [0]\nforever\n Platformer Physics [1] [0.9] [13]\n if <<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <touching (tnt v)?>> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (-62)\n end\n if <touching (key v)?> then\n set [key? v] to [1]\n end\n if <touching (key 2 v)?> then\n set [key 2? v] to [1]\n end\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n set [y vel v] to [21]\n end\n if <(Key?) = [0]> then\n if <touching (key door v)?> then\n go to x: (PreviousX) y: (PreviousY)\n end\n if <not <touching (key door v)?>> then\n set [previousx v] to (x position)\n set [previousy v] to (y position)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (key door v)?> and <(Key?) = [1]>> then\n broadcast (unlock door v)\n end\n if <(Key 2?) = [0]> then\n if <touching (key door2 v)?> then\n go to x: (PreviousX) y: (PreviousY)\n end\n if <not <touching (key door2 v)?>> then\n set [previousx v] to (x position)\n set [previousy v] to (y position)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (key door2 v)?> and <(Key?) = [1]>> then\n broadcast (unlock door 2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ngo to x: (-220) y: (-62)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Julius Dreisig & Zeus X Crona - Invisible \[NCS Release\] v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (-62)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [timer v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(level) = [23]>\n set [timer v] to ((timer) + (0.1))\nend\n\nif <key (r v) pressed?> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (-62)\nend\n\n@level\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Dangerous rocks\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (1)\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <<<<(level) = [2]> or <(level) = [6]>> or <(level) = [7]>> or <(level) = [15]>> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [11]>\n wait (0.05) seconds\n next costume\n end\n else\n wait (0.50) seconds\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n wait (0.02) seconds\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<<(level) = [1]> or <<(level) = [3]> or <(level) = [8]>>> or <(level) = [16]>> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@end\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [open? v] to [0]\ngo to x: (240) y: (-7)\nshow\nforever\n if <(level) = [22]> then\n if <(open?) = [0]> then\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (240) y: (-7)\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [open! :\) v]\nset [open? v] to [1]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (240) y: (-7)\nshow\nforever\n if <(level) = [23]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@fake ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n hide\n wait (1.2) seconds\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n wait (0.50) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n hide\n wait (2) seconds\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n wait (3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n hide\n wait (2) seconds\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n wait (3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <(level) = [19]> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n hide\n wait (2) seconds\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n wait (3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [20]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [14]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [15]> then\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [16]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [17]> then\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [18]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Turret\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\npoint in direction (180)\ngo to x: (-12) y: (186)\nglide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n show\n broadcast (shoot v)\n forever\n point towards (player v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [shoot v]\nrepeat until <<<<(level) = [5]> or <(level) = [8]>> or <(level) = [10]>> or <(level) = [22]>>\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n start sound [Laser2 v]\n create clone of (turret bullet v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<<<(level) = [5]> or <(level) = [8]>> or <(level) = [10]>> or <(level) = [22]>> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\npoint in direction (180)\ngo to x: (-12) y: (186)\nglide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n show\n broadcast (shoot v)\n forever\n point towards (player v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\npoint in direction (180)\ngo to x: (-12) y: (186)\nglide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n show\n broadcast (shoot v)\n forever\n point towards (player v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\npoint in direction (180)\ngo to x: (-12) y: (186)\nglide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n if <(level) = [21]> then\n show\n broadcast (shoot v)\n forever\n point towards (player v)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Turret bullet\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [backward v] (99) layers\nshow\ngo to (turret v)\npoint in direction ([direction v] of [turret v])\nmove (5) steps\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n move (15) steps\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [no shoot v]\nhide\n\n@Key\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n if <(Key?) = [0]> then\n set size to (100) %\n show\n go to x: (-121) y: (145)\n glide (0.08) secs to x: (-121) y: (150)\n glide (0.08) secs to x: (-121) y: (145)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n if <(Key?) = [1]> then\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n start sound [Coin v]\n repeat (5)\n change size by (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n forever\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (175) y: (-102)\n show\n end\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(level) = [22]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(level) = [15]> then\n go to x: (95) y: (-102)\n show\n end\n if <(level) = [16]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(level) = [17]> then\n go to x: (-145) y: (-102)\n show\n end\n if <(level) = [18]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n repeat (4)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n next costume\n end\n start sound [Mario Jump - Gaming Sound Effect \(HD\) v]\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (300) y: (130)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (timer)\nrepeat until <<(round (y position)) = [0]> and <(round (x position)) = [0]>>\n show\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (5))\nend\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\n@tnt\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (-92)\nforever\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (3)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n start sound [bomb sound effect v]\n repeat (8)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n next costume\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n end\n forever\n hide\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@love % fav\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (190) y: (180)\nhide\nforever\n wait (pick random (2) to (9)) seconds\n show\n glide (0.50) secs to x: (190) y: (150)\n wait (2) seconds\n glide (0.20) secs to x: (190) y: (180)\n hide\nend\n\n@turret laser\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\npoint in direction (180)\ngo to x: (-12) y: (186)\nglide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n if <<(level) = [11]> or <(level) = [18]>> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n repeat (25)\n turn left (5) degrees\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n repeat (25)\n turn right (5) degrees\n end\n wait (0.05) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nturn right (5) degrees\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [19]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@turret laser2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\npoint in direction (180)\ngo to x: (0) y: (160)\nforever\n if <<(level) = [12]> or <(level) = [18]>> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (1.7) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (1.7) seconds\n end\nend\n\nturn right (5) degrees\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [19]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@turret laser3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\npoint in direction (180)\ngo to x: (-120) y: (160)\nforever\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (1.9) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (1.9) seconds\n end\nend\n\nturn right (5) degrees\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@turret laser4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\npoint in direction (180)\ngo to x: (120) y: (160)\nforever\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (1.4) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (1.3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nturn right (5) degrees\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@amazingQ logo\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set size to (90) %\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (200) y: (-147)\n set [ghost v] effect to (15)\nend\n\n@key door\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (130) y: (0)\nforever\n if <(level) = [14]> then\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [unlock door v]\nstart sound [Coin v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\n@text\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nnext costume\nshow\ngo to x: (25) y: (179)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nglide (1) secs to x: (25) y: (155)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (25) y: (179)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nglide (1) secs to x: (25) y: (155)\n\n@rotating lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\ngo to x: (36) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <<<(level) = [16]> or <(level) = [18]>> or <(level) = [21]>> then\n show\n turn left (2) degrees\n wait (0.01) seconds\n else\n hide\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\n@Key 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [20]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [19]> then\n if <(Key 2?) = [0]> then\n set size to (100) %\n show\n go to x: (-121) y: (145)\n glide (0.09) secs to x: (-121) y: (156)\n glide (0.09) secs to x: (-121) y: (158)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [19]> then\n if <(Key 2?) = [1]> then\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n start sound [Coin v]\n repeat (5)\n change size by (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n forever\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@key door2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (130) y: (0)\nforever\n if <(level) = [20]> then\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [unlock door 2 v]\nstart sound [Coin v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\n@boss\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [22]> then\n go to x: (256) y: (28)\n show\n glide (1) secs to x: (30) y: (28)\n repeat (7)\n point towards (player v)\n start sound [Laser2 v]\n create clone of (turret bullet v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\n repeat (30)\n turn right (4) degrees\n end\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [6]>\n start sound [Laser2 v]\n wait (0.01) seconds\n next costume\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (20)\n start sound [Laser2 v]\n turn right (3) degrees\n wait (0.1) seconds\n turn left (4) degrees\n end\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n start sound [Laser2 v]\n wait (0.01) seconds\n next costume\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (50)\n turn right (15) degrees\n start sound [Laser2 v]\n create clone of (turret bullet v)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [5]>\n start sound [Laser2 v]\n wait (0.01) seconds\n next costume\n end\n repeat (100)\n start sound [Laser2 v]\n turn right (1) degrees\n end\n repeat (100)\n start sound [Laser2 v]\n turn left (1) degrees\n end\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n start sound [Laser2 v]\n wait (0.01) seconds\n next costume\n end\n point in direction (90)\n say [G]\n wait (0.05) seconds\n say [Gr]\n wait (0.05) seconds\n say [Gre]\n wait (0.05) seconds\n say [Grea]\n wait (0.05) seconds\n say [Great]\n wait (0.05) seconds\n say [Great ]\n wait (0.05) seconds\n say [Great J]\n wait (0.05) seconds\n say [Great Jo]\n wait (0.05) seconds\n say [Great Job]\n wait (0.05) seconds\n say [Great Job!]\n wait (0.05) seconds\n say [Great Job! :]\n wait (0.05) seconds\n say [Great Job! :D]\n wait (0.05) seconds\n say [Great Job! :D] for (2) seconds\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n hide\n broadcast (open! :\) v)\n forever\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n
Original Date: Nov 28, 2022\n\n(Dec 01, 2022)\n#1 on trending - games in 1 day??????\n15k views in 3 days????!!!!!!!!\n\n(Dec 05, 2022)\n#10 on trending - games!\n34k views in a week????\n\n(Dec 08, 2022)\n45k views!!!\n\n(Dec 11, 2022)\n#19 on Trending - All!!!\n#2 on Trending - Games!!!\n57k views!\n\nLost In Space - A Platformer\nWASD or arrow keys to move\nAvoid spikes, saws and lava\nThe blue thing gives you speed\nUse the trampolines\nFind your friend!\n\nA love, a favorite and a follow would be very appreciated!
The Guy - Platformer Demo
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n else\n switch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Pen Platformer \n\ndefine end\ncreate platform [-240] [-150] [10] [90] [480] [1] [33]\ncoin [200] [-60]\ncoin [150] [-60]\ncoin [100] [-60]\ncoin [-200] [-60]\ncoin [-150] [-60]\ncoin [-100] [-60]\ncoin [-50] [-60]\ncoin [0] [-60]\ncoin [50] [-60]\ncoin [200] []\ncoin [150] []\ncoin [100] []\ncoin [-200] []\ncoin [-150] []\ncoin [-100] []\ncoin [-50] []\ncoin [0] []\ncoin [50] []\n\ndefine level3\ncoin [720] [150]\ncoin [720] [50]\ncoin [720] [250]\ncoin [1350] [30]\ncoin [1150] [-150]\ncoin [1450] [-160]\ncreate platform [-240] [-100] [10] [90] [300] [1] [10]\ncreate platform [60] [-100] [10] [70] [230] [1] [15]\ncreate platform [280] [-60] [10] [80] [230] [1] [20]\ncreate platform [520] [-20] [10] [50] [230] [1] [25]\ncreate platform [700] [-100] [10] [90] [100] [2] [16]\ncreate platform [1000] [-100] [10] [90] [100] [1] [60]\ncreate platform [1100] [-100] [10] [0] [100] [1] [70]\ncreate platform [1100] [0] [10] [90] [100] [1] [80]\ncreate platform [1100] [-200] [10] [90] [200] [1] [90]\ncreate platform [1300] [-200] [10] [0] [100] [1] [10]\ncreate platform [1400] [-200] [10] [90] [100] [1] [10]\ncreate platform [1300] [0] [10] [0] [100] [1] [20]\ncreate platform [1300] [-100] [10] [90] [100] [1] [30]\ncreate platform [1300] [0] [10] [90] [100] [1] [40]\ncreate platform [1300] [100] [10] [90] [300] [1] [50]\ncreate platform [1600] [0] [10] [90] [100] [1] [60]\ncreate platform [1700] [100] [10] [90] [100] [1] [70]\ncreate platform [1900] [200] [10] [180] [100] [1] [10]\ncreate platform [1800] [100] [10] [0] [100] [1] [80]\ncreate platform [1800] [200] [10] [90] [100] [1] [90]\ncreate platform [1900] [100] [10] [90] [100] [1] [20]\ncreate platform [2000] [100] [10] [0] [100] [4] [30]\n\ndefine draw light\ngo to x: ((x) - (camx)) y: ((y) - (camy))\nset pen size to ((185) + ((18) * ([sin v] of (((timer) * (100)) + ((loops) * (30))) )))\nset pen color to (#f9ffdc)\npen down\npen up\nset pen size to ((150) + ((16) * ([sin v] of (((timer) * (100)) + ((loops) * (30))) )))\nset pen color to (#ffffff)\npen down\npen up\nset pen size to ((100) + ((10) * ([sin v] of (((timer) * (100)) + ((loops) * (30))) )))\nset pen color to (#ffdebb)\npen down\npen up\nset pen size to ((80) + ((8) * ([sin v] of (((timer) * (100)) + ((loops) * (30))) )))\nset pen color to (#ffcc94)\npen down\npen up\n\ndefine draw coins\nset [loops v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [coin x v])\n go to x: ((item (loops) of [coin x v]) - (camx)) y: ((item (loops) of [coin y v]) - (camy))\n set pen size to ((35) + ((5) * ([sin v] of (((timer) * (100)) + ((loops) * (30))) )))\n set pen color to (#f9ffdc)\n pen down\n pen up\n set pen size to ((28) + ((5) * ([sin v] of (((timer) * (100)) + ((loops) * (30))) )))\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n pen down\n pen up\n set pen size to ((15) + ((3) * ([sin v] of (((timer) * (100)) + ((loops) * (30))) )))\n set pen color to (#ffca8d)\n pen down\n pen up\n set pen size to ((10) + ((3) * ([sin v] of (((timer) * (100)) + ((loops) * (30))) )))\n set pen color to (#ffad52)\n pen down\n pen up\n if <<([abs v] of ((item (loops) of [coin x v]) - (x)) ) < [20]> and <([abs v] of ((item (loops) of [coin y v]) - (y)) ) < [35]>> then\n if <(level) < [4]> then\n change [coin v] by (1)\n end\n delete (loops) of [coin x v]\n delete (loops) of [coin y v]\n repeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n end\n change [loops v] by (1)\nend\n\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n set [clouds - y v] to [120]\nelse\n set [clouds - y v] to [180]\nend\ncloud ((60) + (clouds - x)) (clouds - y)\ncloud ((600) + (clouds - x)) (clouds - y)\ncloud ((1000) + (clouds - x)) (clouds - y)\ncloud ((2000) + (clouds - x)) (clouds - y)\nchange [clouds - x v] by (-1)\n\ndefine create platform (x) (y) (size) (dir) (length) (type) (colors)\nadd (x) to [x v]\nadd (y) to [y v]\nadd (type) to [type v]\nadd (length) to [length v]\nadd (dir) to [dir v]\nadd (colors) to [color v]\nadd (size) to [size v]\nif <(type) = [6]> then\n add (length of [x v]) to [moving platform v]\nend\n\ndefine flag (y) (x) (type)\ncreate platform (x) ((y) + (100)) [12] [135] [40] (type) []\ncreate platform (x) (((y) + (100)) - ((80) / ([sqrt v] of (2) ))) [12] [45] [40] (type) []\ncreate platform (x) (y) [12] [0] [100] (type) []\n\ndefine load level\ndelete all of [coin x v]\ndelete all of [coin y v]\ndelete all of [color v]\ndelete all of [x v]\ndelete all of [y v]\ndelete all of [length v]\ndelete all of [dir v]\ndelete all of [type v]\ndelete all of [size v]\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n level1\nelse\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n level2\n else\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n level3\n else\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine special detections\nupdate\nif <[touching v] contains [2]?> then\n set [xv v] to (() - (([cos v] of (touching_dir) ) * (40)))\n if <([sin v] of (touching_dir) ) > [0]> then\n if <(yv) < [0]> then\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change [yv v] by (23)\n change [y v] by (20)\n else\n if <[0] > ([sin v] of (touching_dir) )> then\n set [yv v] to [-40]\n end\n end\nend\nif <<[touching v] contains [3]?> or <(y) < [-300]>> then\n set [clouds - x v] to [0]\n set [x v] to [-100]\n set [y v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [loops v] to [1]\n repeat (length of [moving platform v])\n replace item (item (loops) of [moving platform v]) of [x v] with ((item (item (loops) of [moving platform v]) of [x v]) - (move - x))\n change [loops v] by (1)\n end\n set [move - x v] to [0]\n set [move - xv v] to [4]\n delete all of [px v]\n delete all of [py v]\nend\nif <[touching v] contains [4]?> then\n win\nend\n\ndefine Hill detection\nupdate\nrepeat (10)\n if <[touching v] contains [1]?> then\n change [y v] by (1)\n update\n end\nend\nif <[touching v] contains [1]?> then\n change [y v] by (-10)\n change [x v] by ((xv) * (-1))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset pen size to (14)\nset [clone-x v] to ((camx) + (x position))\nset [clone-y v] to ((camy) + (y position))\nset [clone - xv v] to (pick random (-7) to (7))\nset [clone - yv v] to (pick random (8) to (14))\nset pen color to (#ffe0bf)\nforever\n go to x: ((clone-x) - (camx)) y: ((clone-y) - (camy))\n change [clone-x v] by (clone - xv)\n change [clone-y v] by (clone - yv)\n change [clone - yv v] by (-1)\n pen down\n pen up\n if <(clone-y) < [-180]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\ndefine coin (x) (y)\nadd (x) to [coin x v]\nadd (y) to [coin y v]\n\ndefine update moving platform position \nchange [move - x v] by (move - xv)\nif <(move - x) < [0]> then\n set [move - xv v] to [4]\nend\nif <[240] < (move - x)> then\n set [move - xv v] to [-4]\nend\nset [loops v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [moving platform v])\n replace item (item (loops) of [moving platform v]) of [x v] with ((item (item (loops) of [moving platform v]) of [x v]) + (move - xv))\n change [loops v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine cloud (x) (y)\nset pen size to (15)\ngo to x: ((x) - (camx)) y: ((y) - (camy))\nset pen color to (#ffffff)\npen down\nchange x by (100)\npen up\nchange x by (-25)\npen down\nchange y by (30)\npen up\nchange x by (-30)\npen down\nchange x by (80)\npen up\n\ndefine clouds\n\ncreate platform [140] [-100] [10] [0] [200] [1] []\ncreate platform [240] [-88] [10] [90] [36] [2] []\ncreate platform [300] [-88] [10] [90] [200] [3] []\ncreate platform [600] [-100] [10] [0] [120] [1] []\ncreate platform [740] [-100] [10] [0] [120] [1] []\ncreate platform [600] [20] [10] [90] [140] [1] []\ncreate platform [800] [130] [8] [90] [100] [6] []\ncreate platform [800] [130] [8] [180] [30] [6] []\ncreate platform [800] [100] [8] [90] [100] [6] []\ncreate platform [900] [130] [8] [180] [30] [6] []\n\ndefine level2\ncoin [230] [-50]\ncoin [1065] [-45]\ncreate platform [-240] [-100] [10] [90] [940] [1] []\ncreate platform [160] [-100] [10] [0] [100] [1] []\ncreate platform [300] [-100] [10] [0] [100] [1] []\ncreate platform [800] [-40] [10] [90] [50] [1] []\ncreate platform [950] [0] [10] [90] [30] [1] []\ncreate platform [1100] [-90] [10] [90] [45] [1] []\ncreate platform [1260] [-160] [10] [90] [200] [1] []\ncreate platform [1500] [-100] [40] [90] [0] [4] []\n\ndefine level1\ncoin [2020] [50]\ncoin [2220] [50]\ncoin [-100] [100]\ncoin [223] [-100]\ncoin [323] [-20]\ncoin [423] [-100]\ncreate platform [-240] [-150] [10] [90] [800] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [-240] [-150] [10] [0] [600] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [160] [-150] [10] [0] [400] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [160] [-50] [10] [-90] [100] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [60] [50] [10] [-90] [100] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [160] [150] [10] [-90] [100] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [620] [-40] [80] [] [] [1] [9]\ncreate platform [770] [0] [60] [] [] [1] [9]\ncreate platform [900] [-70] [70] [] [] [1] [9]\ncreate platform [1060] [-140] [10] [90] [200] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [1260] [-140] [10] [60] [200] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [1460] [10] [10] [90] [200] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [1660] [10] [10] [90] [100] [3] [0]\ncreate platform [1770] [10] [10] [90] [100] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [1870] [10] [10] [0] [100] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [1970] [10] [10] [90] [100] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [1970] [10] [10] [0] [100] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [1870] [110] [10] [90] [100] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [2070] [10] [10] [0] [200] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [2170] [10] [10] [0] [200] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [2070] [210] [10] [90] [100] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [2170] [10] [10] [90] [100] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [2270] [10] [10] [0] [100] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [2370] [10] [10] [0] [100] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [2370] [10] [10] [90] [100] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [2270] [110] [10] [90] [100] [1] [33]\ncreate platform [2470] [10] [10] [0] [100] [4] [80]\n\ndefine win\nset [move - x v] to [0]\nset [move - xv v] to [4]\nset [clouds - x v] to [0]\nchange [level v] by (1)\nload level\nset [x v] to [-100]\nset [y v] to [0]\ndelete all of [px v]\ndelete all of [py v]\n\nwhen [s v] key pressed\nif <(level) < [4]> then\n win\nend\n\ndefine camera \nchange [camx v] by (((x) - (camx)) / (5))\nchange [camy v] by ((((y) - (camy)) - (-50)) / (5))\nif <(camy) < [-40]> then\n set [camy v] to [-40]\nend\nif <(camx) < [0]> then\n set [camx v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (5000) %\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow variable [- v]\ndelete all of [color v]\ndelete all of [type v]\ndelete all of [x v]\ndelete all of [y v]\ndelete all of [length v]\ndelete all of [dir v]\ndelete all of [size v]\ndelete all of [moving platform v]\nset [coin v] to [0]\nset [camx v] to [0]\nset [camy v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [x v] to [-100]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [done_create_line v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [0]\nwin\nforever\n clouds\n up-down movement\n Left-right movement\n special detections\n Hill detection\n camera \n draw player\n Make list\n update moving platform position \n if <(level) = [4]> then\n set [- v] to (join (coin) [/14 \(the end\)])\n else\n set [- v] to (join (coin) [/14])\n end\nend\n\ndefine draw player\nerase all\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n draw light\nend\nset [loops v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [dir v])\n change [loops v] by (1)\n draw line (item (loops) of [x v]) (item (loops) of [y v]) (item (loops) of [length v]) (item (loops) of [dir v]) (item (loops) of [size v]) (item (loops) of [type v]) (item (loops) of [color v])\nend\nset pen color to (#ff9400)\nset pen size to (25)\nset [trail-pos v] to [1]\nset pen (saturation v) to (50)\nset pen (saturation v) to (50)\nrepeat (length of [px v])\n go to x: ((item (Trail-pos) of [px v]) - (camx)) y: ((item (Trail-pos) of [py v]) - (camy))\n change y by (4)\n pen down\n pen up\n change [trail-pos v] by (1)\n change pen (saturation v) by ((50) / (length of [px v]))\nend\ngo to x: ((x) - (camx)) y: ((y) - (camy))\nchange y by (4)\npen down\npen up\nchange x by ((5) + ((xv) / (2)))\nchange y by (5)\nset pen size to (8)\nset pen color to (#ffffff)\npen down\npen up\nset pen size to (4)\nset pen color to (#2b2b2b)\npen down\npen up\nchange x by (-10)\nset pen size to (8)\nset pen color to (#ffffff)\npen down\npen up\nset pen size to (4)\nset pen color to (#2b2b2b)\npen down\npen up\ndraw coins\n\ndefine update\ndelete all of [touching v]\nset [loops v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [dir v])\n change [loops v] by (1)\n set [x2 v] to ((item (loops) of [x v]) + (([sin v] of (item (loops) of [dir v]) ) * (item (loops) of [length v])))\n set [y2 v] to ((item (loops) of [y v]) + (([cos v] of (item (loops) of [dir v]) ) * (item (loops) of [length v])))\n set [dot v] to (((((x) - (item (loops) of [x v])) * ((x2) - (item (loops) of [x v]))) + (((y) - (item (loops) of [y v])) * ((y2) - (item (loops) of [y v])))) / ((item (loops) of [length v]) * (item (loops) of [length v])))\n set [closestx v] to ((item (loops) of [x v]) + ((dot) * ((x2) - (item (loops) of [x v]))))\n set [closesty v] to ((item (loops) of [y v]) + ((dot) * ([abs v] of ((y2) - (item (loops) of [y v])) )))\n set [distx v] to ((x) - (closestx))\n set [disty v] to ((y) - (closesty))\n set [dotdist1 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((closestx) - (item (loops) of [x v])) * ((closestx) - (item (loops) of [x v]))) + ([abs v] of (((closesty) - (item (loops) of [y v])) * ((closesty) - (item (loops) of [y v]))) )) )\n set [dotdist2 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((closestx) - (x2)) * ((closestx) - (x2))) + (((closesty) - (y2)) * ((closesty) - (y2)))) )\n set [dotdist v] to ((dotdist1) + (dotdist2))\n if <<([sqrt v] of (((distx) * (distx)) + ((disty) * (disty))) ) < (((item (loops) of [size v]) * (0.3)) + (16))> and <([abs v] of ((dotdist) - (item (loops) of [length v])) ) < ((item (loops) of [size v]) * (2))>> then\n add (item (loops) of [type v]) to [touching v]\n if <(item (loops) of [type v]) = [2]> then\n set [touching_dir v] to (item (loops) of [dir v])\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Make list\nadd (x) to [px v]\nadd (y) to [py v]\nif <(length of [px v]) > [5]> then\n delete (1) of [px v]\nend\nif <(length of [py v]) > [5]> then\n delete (1) of [py v]\nend\n\ndefine up-down movement\nchange [y v] by (-1)\nupdate\nif <not <<[touching v] contains [1]?> or <[touching v] contains [6]?>>> then\n change [yv v] by (-1)\nend\nif <<[touching v] contains [1]?> or <[touching v] contains [6]?>> then\n change [y v] by (1)\n update\n if <<(yv) < [0]> or <(yv) = [0]>> then\n repeat until <not <<[touching v] contains [1]?> or <[touching v] contains [6]?>>>\n change [y v] by (1)\n update\n end\n set [yv v] to [0]\n change [y v] by (-1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > [50]>>> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n change [y v] by (5)\n end\n else\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change [y v] by ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\nend\nchange [y v] by (yv)\nupdate\n\ndefine draw line (x) (y) (len) (dir) (size) (type) (color)\nset pen (transparency v) to (0)\nset pen (brightness v) to (50)\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n set pen (brightness v) to (-100)\nend\nset pen (saturation v) to (100)\nset pen (color v) to (color)\nset [draw-y v] to [0.8]\nrepeat (10)\n go to x: (((x) - (camx)) * (draw-y)) y: (((y) - (camy)) * (draw-y))\n set pen size to (size)\n point in direction (dir)\n pen down\n move ((len) * (draw-y)) steps\n pen up\n change [draw-y v] by (0.02)\n change pen (brightness v) by (2)\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n change pen (brightness v) by (-2)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Left-right movement\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [-50]>>> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [50]>>> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\nend\nset [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\nchange [x v] by (xv)\nupdate\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
日本語は↓\n『LONG PLATFORMER!!』\n<Bug>\nImprove fatal bugs.\n<tag>\n#game#all\n<Rules>\n・Please refrain from making radical comments.\n・Feel free to remix\n・If you have any improvements or questions, please contact us below.\n[日本語]\n『LONG PLATFORMER!!』\n<バグ>\n致命的なバグを改善します。\n<タグ>\n#game#all\n<ルール>\n・過激なコメントはお控えください\n・remixはご自由にどうぞ\n・改善点・ご不明な点がございましたら↓までご連絡ください。
Cloud Platformer Multiplayer Fun v1.42 #2
@Stage\n\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\n@chracter\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (-209) y: (-58)\nchange [clone counter v] by (1)\nshow\nset [falling y v] to (pick random (-0.2) to (-0.8))\nset [random x v] to (pick random (0.4) to (1))\nset [random y v] to (pick random (8) to (10))\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\nset volume to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (100) %\ngo [forward v] (pick random (1) to (-1)) layers\nrepeat until <<not <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [7]>> and <[239] < (x position)>>\n if <(set destroy) = [1]> then\n change [clone counter v] by (-1)\n delete this clone\n end\n change [y v] by (falling y)\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by ((random x) * (-1))\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n change [x v] by (random x)\n end\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.9))\n change x by (X)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-6)\n change x by ((X) * (-1))\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x v] to [5]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((Y) * (-0.2))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-0.5)\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>> and <touching (level v)?>> then\n set [y v] to (random y)\n end\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (death v)?> then\n set [set destroy v] to [1]\n change [clone counter v] by (-1)\n delete this clone\n end\n if <touching (bounce pad v)?> then\n set [y v] to [20]\n end\n Tick\nend\nchange [clone counter v] by (-1)\nchange [ninjas that got across v] by (1)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [walk v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> and <(walk) = [0]>> and <not <touching (level v)?>>> then\n set [walk v] to [1]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n repeat (8)\n next costume\n end\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set [walk v] to [0]\n end\n if <(set destroy) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-209) y: (-58)\n change [clone counter v] by (-1)\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<not <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> and <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>>> and <<(Jump) = [0]> and <(Walk) = [0]>>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (pick random (1) to (0.5)) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (pick random (1) to (0.5)) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-90)\n end\nend\n\ndefine ninja creator (ninja #)\nset [goal v] to (ninja #)\nrepeat (ninja #)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nset [clone counter v] to [0]\nset volume to (100) %\nset [ninjas that got across v] to [0]\nhide\nninja creator [10]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [ninjas that got across v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(goal) = (ninjas that got across)> then\n set [clone counter v] to [0]\n broadcast (TRANSITION v)\n broadcast (nextlevel v)\n set [ninjas that got across v] to [0]\n ninja creator [10]\n end\n if <(set destroy) = [1]> then\n set [ninjas that got across v] to [0]\n wait (0.1) seconds\n ninja creator [10]\n set [set destroy v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nset [set destroy v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nforever\n play sound [thefatrat music v] until done\nend\n\nset [clone counter v] to [0]\nbroadcast (TRANSITION v)\nbroadcast (nextlevel v)\nset [ninjas that got across v] to [0]\nninja creator [10]\n\nset [set destroy v] to [1]\nset [ninjas that got across v] to [0]\nbroadcast (TRANSITION v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [set destroy v] to [0]\nset [clone counter v] to [0]\nbroadcast (nextlevel v)\nset [ninjas that got across v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [next button pressed v]\nset [set destroy v] to [1]\nset [ninjas that got across v] to [0]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [set destroy v] to [0]\nset [clone counter v] to [0]\nbroadcast (TRANSITION v)\nbroadcast (nextlevel v)\nset [ninjas that got across v] to [0]\n\ndefine Tick\n\n@level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n@transition\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (348)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [transition v]\nif <(intro) = [1]> then\n clear graphic effects\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (348)\n repeat until <(y position) = [10]>\n set y to ((y position) + (((10) - (y position)) / (2)))\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n hide\nend\n\n@particle effect intro \n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [particles v]\nclone explode\n\ndefine clone explode\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (20)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n turn right (18) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to (intro part 2 v)\nmove (15) steps\nset [steps v] to [5]\nshow\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (2))\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n move (steps) steps\n change [steps v] by (-0.3)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@intro part 1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nerase all\nhide\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (16)\n change [color v] effect by (-2.5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\nend\nwait (1.4) seconds\nbroadcast (show v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-470) y: (0)\nrepeat until <(x position) = [0]>\n set x to ((x position) + (((0) - (x position)) / (10)))\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nplay sound [intro music v] until done\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nhide\n\n@intro part 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [intro v] to [1]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\ndefine size: (size) Speed: (speed)\nset [bouncy v] to ((((size) - (size)) * (speed)) + ((bouncy) * (0.7)))\nchange size by (bouncy)\n\nwhen I receive [show v]\nset volume to (100) %\nbroadcast (particles v)\nset size to (0) %\nshow\nrepeat (25)\n size: [100] Speed: ((1) / (4))\nend\nwait (0.3) seconds\nbroadcast (particles v)\nrepeat (25)\n size: [50] Speed: ((1) / (4))\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (particles v)\nrepeat (25)\n size: [100] Speed: ((1) / (4))\nend\nbroadcast (transition v)\nwait (0.4) seconds\nhide\nbroadcast (sound v)\n\nwhen I receive [sound v]\nrepeat (20)\n change volume by (-5)\nend\nstop all sounds\nset volume to (100) %\nbroadcast (startgame v)\nset [intro v] to [0]\n\n@nextlevel transition\n\nset x to (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [transition on? v] to [off]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (348)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [transition v]\nset [transition on? v] to [on]\nstart sound [Low Whoosh v]\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (348)\nrepeat until <(y position) = [10]>\n set y to ((y position) + (((10) - (y position)) / (2)))\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nset [transition on? v] to [off]\n\n@when stop flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreset timer\nhide\ngo to x: (-480) y: (0)\nforever\n set [timer v] to ((timer) + (0.1))\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (timer)\nset size to (100) %\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat until <(round (x position)) = [0]>\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (5))\nend\nset x to (0)\n\n@death\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n else\n clear graphic effects\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nnext costume\n\n@detector\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [faved___ v] to [0]\nset [loved__ v] to [0]\nset [clone id v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [clone id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <<(LOVED__) = [1]> and <(FAVED___) = [1]>>\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (50)\nreset timer\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by ((y position) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\nreset timer\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by (((y position) - (-100)) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone id) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n set [loved__ v] to [0]\n switch costume to (love v)\n forever\n set [love? v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [loved__ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(clone id) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (fave v)\n set [faved___ v] to [0]\n forever\n set [fav v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [faved___ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n@bounce pad\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [2]> then\n hide\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [3]> then\n hide\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [4]> then\n hide\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [5]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (-129)\n if <<touching (chracter v)?> and <(bouncelock) = [0]>> then\n set [bouncelock v] to [1]\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (4)\n next costume\n end\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set [bouncelock v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [6]> then\n set size to (60) %\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (-129)\n if <<touching (chracter v)?> and <(bouncelock) = [0]>> then\n set [bouncelock v] to [1]\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (4)\n next costume\n end\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set [bouncelock v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [7]> then\n hide\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [8]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\n\n@clouds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nforever\n wait (pick random (1) to (4)) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (5))\ngo to x: (137) y: (pick random (126) to (54))\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (20) to (50))\nchange size by (pick random (-10) to (-20))\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (pick random (-3) to (-1))\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@birds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (209) y: (pick random (149) to (47))\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (50) %\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n wait (0.05) seconds\n next costume\n change x by (-20)\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nforever\n wait (pick random (2) to (4)) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@nextlevel button\n\ndefine fade\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n set [distance v] to (distance to [mouse-pointer v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nbroadcast (button v)\n\nwhen I receive [button v]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nshow\ngo to x: (256) y: (160)\nforever\n set x to ((x position) + (((-200) - (x position)) / (10)))\n if <[30] > (distance)> then\n change size by (((130) - (size)) / (5))\n if <<mouse down?> and <<(transition on?) = [off]> and <not <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [8]>>>> then\n fade\n broadcast (next button pressed v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [8]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nbroadcast (button v)\n\n
❤️と⭐️、フォローお願いします!\n❤️ and ⭐️, please follow me!\n@Shibatan_Gamesの次回作のお知らせ\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/742715169\nおすすめの作品!見てあげて!\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/735766430\n旗を2,3回おしてください!\nPress the flag two or three times!\nintroはクリックでスキップできます!\nYou can skip intro with a click!\n<操作方法/How to operate>\n≪PC≫\n矢印キー/Arrow key\n≪モバイル/Mobile≫\n行きたい方にタップ/Tap for those who want to go\n<遊び方/How to play>\n針に当たらないように進みましょう!\nLet's proceed so as not to hit the needle!\n<メモ>\n❤️&⭐️&フォローよろしくお願いします!してくれると作者が泣いて喜びます!\n❤️&⭐️&Follow me! If you do it, the author will cry and be happy.\n世界記録を目指して頑張ろう!\n※New Scratcherの方は記録されません。\nLet's do our best aiming for the world record!\n※New Scratcher will not be recorded.\n<クレジット/credit>\nintro @kako-ken様\nプレイヤーのプログラム @takuno3様\n背景 @l_____Scratch_____l様\nnext @harukun19様\nBGM @-xaf-様\n地面 @colpafu様\nイントロのロゴ @46491cat様\n<タグ>\n#all #Shibatan_Games #Game #game #Games #PLATFORMER #platformer #ordinary
-GREEN- A Platformer (Mobile friendly platformer)
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Musica.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. :P v] until done\nend\n\n@player\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nrepeat (60)\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<(x position) > (mouse x)> and <mouse down?>>> or <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse x) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> or <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> or <<<<touching (platform v)?> or <touching color (#00ff2c)?>> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> or <<<touching (platform v)?> or <touching color (#00ff2c)?>> and <<(mouse y) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>>>>>> then\n set [kickout v] to [0]\n else\n change [kickout v] by (1)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\nend\nif <(Kickout) = [60]> then\n stop [all v]\nend\n\ndefine Run Engine\nchange [yv v] by (-0.5)\nif <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<(x position) > (mouse x)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.7)\n switch costume to (1 v)\nend\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<(mouse x) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [xv v] by (0.7)\n switch costume to (2 v)\nend\nset [xv v] to ((XV) * (0.9))\nchange x by (XV)\nif <<touching (platform v)?> or <touching (locked v)?>> then\n change y by (2)\n if <<touching (platform v)?> or <touching (locked v)?>> then\n change y by (2)\n if <<touching (platform v)?> or <touching (locked v)?>> then\n change y by (2)\n if <<touching (platform v)?> or <touching (locked v)?>> then\n change y by (2)\n if <<touching (platform v)?> or <touching (locked v)?>> then\n change y by (2)\n if <<touching (platform v)?> or <touching (locked v)?>> then\n change y by (2)\n if <<touching (platform v)?> or <touching (locked v)?>> then\n change x by ((XV) * (-2))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (10))>>>> then\n if <(XV) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-8]\n else\n set [xv v] to [8]\n end\n set [yv v] to [9]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange y by (YV)\nif <<touching (platform v)?> or <touching (locked v)?>> then\n change y by ((YV) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-0.5)\nif <<<<touching (platform v)?> or <touching (locked v)?>> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> or <<<touching (platform v)?> or <touching (locked v)?>> and <<(mouse y) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>>> then\n switch costume to (4 v)\n set [yv v] to [9.5]\nend\nchange y by (0.5)\nif <touching (tramps - xv v)?> then\n set [xv v] to [15]\n set [yv v] to [7]\nend\nif <<touching (tramps - yv v)?> and <(Level) = [9]>> then\n set [yv v] to [14]\nelse\n if <<touching (tramps - yv v)?> and <not <(Level) = [9]>>> then\n set [yv v] to [12]\n end\nend\nif <<<<touching (danger v)?> or <touching (saws v)?>> or <touching (lava v)?>> or <touching (enemies v)?>> then\n broadcast (Restart v)\n go to x: (X Spawn) y: (Y Spawn)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\nif <(x position) > [233]> then\n broadcast (Restart v)\n go to x: (X Spawn) y: (Y Spawn)\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [y spawn v] to [-60]\nset [x spawn v] to [-218]\ngo to x: (X Spawn) y: (Y Spawn)\nswitch costume to (player v)\nswitch backdrop to (cavesbackround v)\nshow\nset size to (70) %\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\ndefine Run block\nRun Engine\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [max players v] to [4]\nset [players : v] to [0]\nbroadcast (setups v) and wait\nswitch backdrop to (joining v)\nbroadcast (join game v) and wait\nif <(Players :) > [0]> then\n set [☁ p1 v] to [2]\nelse\n set [☁ p1 v] to [3]\nend\nbroadcast (begin v)\n\ndefine write (val) to encoded\nset [letter # v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (val))\n set [encodied v] to (join (encodied) (item # of (letter (letter #) of (val)) in [code v]))\n change [letter # v] by (1)\nend\nset [encodied v] to (join (encodied) [00])\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n Run block\n if <(Players :) > [0]> then\n send cloud data\n end\nend\n\ndefine set cloud # (player) to (value)\nif <(player) = [1]> then\n set [☁ p1 v] to (value)\nelse\n if <(player) = [2]> then\n set [☁ p2 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [3]> then\n set [☁ p3 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [4]> then\n set [☁ p4 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [5]> then\n set [☁ p5 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [6]> then\n set [☁ p6 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [7]> then\n set [☁ p7 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [8]> then\n set [☁ p8 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [9]> then\n set [☁ p9 v] to (value)\n else\n set [☁ p10 v] to (value)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine send cloud data\nset [encodied v] to []\nwrite (username) to encoded\nwrite (round ((timer) * (10))) to encoded\nwrite (round (x position)) to encoded\nwrite (round (y position)) to encoded\nwrite (costume [number v]) to encoded\nwrite ([costume # v] of [platform v]) to encoded\nset cloud # (Players :) to (encodied)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [connecting v] to [1]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <not <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<(x position) > (mouse x)> and <mouse down?>>> or <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse x) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> or <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> or <<<<touching (platform v)?> or <touching color (#00ff2c)?>> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> or <<<touching (platform v)?> or <touching color (#00ff2c)?>> and <<(mouse y) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>>>>>>> then\n switch costume to (3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [timer v] to ((timer) + (1))\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (Timer)\nif <(Players :) = [1]> then\n set [☁ p1 v] to []\n set [players : v] to []\nelse\n if <(Players :) = [2]> then\n set [☁ p2 v] to []\n set [players : v] to []\n else\n if <(Players :) = [3]> then\n set [☁ p3 v] to []\n set [players : v] to []\n else\n if <(Players :) = [4]> then\n set [☁ p4 v] to []\n set [players : v] to []\n else\n if <(Players :) = [5]> then\n set [☁ p5 v] to []\n set [players : v] to []\n else\n if <(Players :) = [6]> then\n set [☁ p6 v] to []\n set [players : v] to []\n else\n if <(Players :) = [7]> then\n set [☁ p7 v] to []\n set [players : v] to []\n else\n if <(Players :) = [8]> then\n set [☁ p8 v] to []\n set [players : v] to []\n else\n if <(Players :) = [9]> then\n set [☁ p9 v] to []\n set [players : v] to []\n else\n set [☁ p10 v] to []\n set [players : v] to []\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreset timer\nset [timer v] to [0]\n\ndefine Player Script\ngo to x: (-206) y: (-95)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [1 v]\nhide\nwait (1.2) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (X Spawn) y: (Y Spawn)\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\ngo to x: (X Spawn) y: (Y Spawn)\n\n@Other players\n\ndefine begin decode of (encode)\nset [encodied v] to (encode)\nset [letter # v] to [1]\n\ndefine value=read from encode\nset [value v] to []\nforever\n set [idx v] to (join (letter (letter #) of (encodied)) (letter ((letter #) + (1)) of (encodied)))\n change [letter # v] by (2)\n if <(idx) < [1]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n set [value v] to (join (value) (item (idx) of [code v]))\nend\n\ndefine setup players\nset [color v] effect to (90)\nset [offline v] to [100]\nhide\nset [player # v] to [1]\nrepeat ((MAX PLAYERS) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [player # v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <(Players :) = (player #)> then\n set [offline v] to [100]\n else\n tick\n end\nend\n\ndefine value=Cloud # (player)\nif <(player) = [1]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P1)\nelse\n if <(player) = [2]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P2)\n else\n if <(player) = [3]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P3)\n else\n if <(player) = [4]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P4)\n else\n if <(player) = [5]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P5)\n else\n if <(player) = [6]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P6)\n else\n if <(player) = [7]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P7)\n else\n if <(player) = [8]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P8)\n else\n if <(player) = [9]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P9)\n else\n set [value v] to (☁ P10)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setups v]\nsetup players\n\ndefine tick\nvalue=Cloud # (player #)\nif <(join [A] (value)) = (last value)> then\n change [offline v] by (1)\n if <(offline) = [100]> then\n hide\n end\nelse\n set [last value v] to (join [A] (value))\n if <(offline) > [99]> then\n show\n end\n set [offline v] to [0]\nend\nbegin decode of (value)\nvalue=read from encode\nsay (value)\nvalue=read from encode\nvalue=read from encode\nset x to (value)\nvalue=read from encode\nset y to (value)\nvalue=read from encode\nswitch costume to (value)\nvalue=read from encode\nif <(value) = ([costume # v] of [platform v])> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [join game v]\nvalue=Cloud # (player #)\nset [last value v] to (join [A] (value))\nwait (3) seconds\nvalue=Cloud # (player #)\nif <(join [A] (value)) = (last value)> then\n set [players : v] to (player #)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (70) %\n\nset [level v] to [9]\n\n@Platform\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nshow\n\n@Connection Statements\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Connecting)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [☁ p1 v] to [0]\nset [layers v] to [100000]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nbroadcast (Restart v)\nchange [level v] by (1)\nnext costume\n\n@Enemies\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset rotation style [all around v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n turn right (5) degrees\nend\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n turn right (5) degrees\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [create clone v]\nhide\nClone Create\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (16) %\n show\n go [forward v] (11) layers\n set [enemyx v] to [0]\n set [enemyy v] to [0]\n forever\n change [enemyy v] by (-1)\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) < ((x position) - (10))> then\n change [enemyx v] by (-0.4)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <((x position) - (-10)) < ([x position v] of [player v])> then\n change [enemyx v] by (0.4)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [enemyx v] to ((Enemyx) * (0.9))\n change x by (Enemyx)\n if <<touching (platform v)?> or <touching (locked v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching (platform v)?> or <touching (locked v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching (platform v)?> or <touching (locked v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching (platform v)?> or <touching (locked v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching (platform v)?> or <touching (locked v)?>> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((Enemyx) * (-1))\n end\n change y by (Enemyy)\n if <<touching (platform v)?> or <touching (locked v)?>> then\n change y by ((Enemyy) - ((Enemyy) * (2)))\n set [enemyy v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<((y position) - (-120)) < ([x position v] of [player v])> and <touching (platform v)?>> or <<((y position) - (-120)) < ([x position v] of [player v])> and <touching (locked v)?>>> then\n set [enemyy v] to [14]\n end\n change y by (1)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (Restart v)\n broadcast (Create Clone v)\n end\n if <touching (lava v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n hide\n end\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n hide\n end\n end\nelse\n show\n clear graphic effects\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [amount v] to [1]\nset [speed v] to [2]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (tramps v)?> then\n set [enemyy v] to [16]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Clone Create\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(Level) = [13]> then\n Clone [100] [0]\n Clone [160] [200]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nbroadcast (Create Clone v)\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.01)\nswitch costume to (thumbnail v)\nset size to (105) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (-400)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (2))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (thumbnail v)\nset size to (105) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (-400) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nchange x by (10)\n\n@1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (0) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [1 v]\nshow\ngo [forward v] (2) layers\nwait (.2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (10)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-10)\nend\nhide\n\n@Art\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n go [backward v] (3) layers\n end\nend\n\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n repeat (30)\n change y by (.5)\n end\n repeat (30)\n change y by (-0.5)\n end\nend\n\nglide (2) secs to x: (17) y: (5)\nglide (2) secs to x: (17) y: (-29)\n\n@Saws\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n set size to (70) %\n show\n go to x: (150) y: (-95)\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n set size to (80) %\n show\n go to x: (150) y: (-90)\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n show\n go to x: (150) y: (-90)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <(Level) = [8]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n show\n go to x: (-170) y: (-90)\n set size to (70) %\n end\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n turn right (10) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n go to x: (210) y: (-90)\n else\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n turn right (10) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n\n@Locked\n\nwhen I receive [moving platformer v]\nbroadcast (Moving platform. v)\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [5]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [7]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [8]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [10]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (100)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [13]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (100)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [14]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [moving platform. v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [5]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [7]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [8]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [10]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (200)\nend\nif <(Level) = [13]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (200)\nend\nif <(Level) = [13]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Restart v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@Tramps - Yv\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <<touching (player v)?> or <touching (other players v)?>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (6)\n wait (.05) seconds\n next costume\n end\n end\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n show\n go to x: (-110) y: (0)\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n show\n go to x: (-90) y: (0)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <(Level) = [10]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [14]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (140) y: (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n if <<touching (player v)?> or <touching (other players v)?>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (6)\n wait (.05) seconds\n next costume\n end\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Tramps - Xv\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <<touching (player v)?> or <touching (other players v)?>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (6)\n wait (.05) seconds\n next costume\n end\n end\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n show\n go to x: (-171) y: (75)\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [14]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Loading\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nhide\npoint in direction (90)\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (-80)\nforever\n go [forward v] (10) layers\nend\n\nwhen I receive [connecting v]\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset [1 v] to [1]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat until <(1) = [1]>\n show\n repeat (20)\n turn right (7.5) degrees\n change [ghost v] effect by (-6)\n change size by (1)\n end\n repeat (20)\n turn right (7.5) degrees\n change [ghost v] effect by (6)\n change size by (-1)\n end\nend\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat (11)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n turn right (40) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [1 v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (3) seconds\nset [☁ p1 v] to [0]\n\n@Key\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [m v] to [0]\nwait (8) seconds\nbroadcast (Restart v)\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [5]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [7]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [8]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [10]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n show\n go to x: (20) y: (0)\nend\nif <(Level) = [13]> then\n show\n go to x: (100) y: (-50)\nend\nif <(Level) = [14]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [m v] to [1]\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n broadcast (Moving Platformer v)\n wait (1) seconds\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@...\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (.01) seconds\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (20)\n else\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (1 v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nbroadcast (Next Level v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nbroadcast (Restart v)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat until <(Level) = [14]>\n show\nend\nwait until <(Level) = [14]>\nforever\n hide\nend\n\n
PLEASE STOP COMMENTING ABOUT PLUTO, IT IS GETTING TOO MUCH!!! IT IS A DWARF PLANET. OK? It's not worth commenting on, because I'm not gonna add it anyways. ALSO, PLEASE DON'T TALK ABOUT HOW THE UFO CAN'T FLY! Any more comments about Pluto or the UFO will be deleted. Thanks!\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\nThis took me over 18 hours so a ❤, ★, and follow would be greatly appreciated. :)\nPlease use the arrow keys to move. \n-On Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune, SPIKES are dangerous.\n-Trampolines are bouncy\n-On Mercury avoid pits, on Uranus avoid snow, and on Mars avoid the lava on volcanoes. (This is a bit glitchy, the lava sometimes works.)\n-Hope you enjoy!\nYou can skip and reset the levels :)\n\n@-Wallyanimations- (Loved and Commented)\n@Paigeri (Loved, Faved and Commented)\n@PaddlerGames (Commented)\n@dayfin (Loved)\n@krishtheking123 (Loved and Faved)\n\n\n\n
List platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (2 v)\nforever\n play sound [Fall Guys Theme Song \(Dubstep Remix by ANIMLZ\) - YouTube v] until done\nend\n\n@Player\n\ndefine start position\nset size to (70) %\ngo to x: (-204) y: (-55)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (3) layers\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [stage v] to [1]\nstart position\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [0]>>>> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] > (mouse x)>>>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > [0]>>>> then\n start sound [Jump1 v]\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-7]\n else\n set [x v] to [7]\n end\n set [y v] to [15]\n change [x v] by (1)\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (stage v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > [0]>>>>> then\n start sound [Jump1 v]\n change [y v] by (16)\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <not <(STAGE) = [16]>> then\n if <(x position) > [200]> then\n change [stage v] by (1)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n start position\n end\n end\n if <<touching (fall guys exclusive obstacles v)?> or <(y position) < [-160]>> then\n start sound [smb_mariodies v]\n wait (0.05) seconds\n start position\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (2 v)\nrepeat (7)\n change size by (-5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (8)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreset timer\nforever\n if <not <(STAGE) = [17]>> then\n wait (1) seconds\n else\n if <[] > [50]> then\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [☁ world record v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (バネ v)?> then\n change [x v] by (2)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (普通 \(1\)2 v)\n\nset [color v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (s v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] > (mouse y)>>>> then\n switch costume to (普通 \(1\)2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (普通 \(1\) v)\n end\nend\n\n@ハート星探知機\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ハート v] to [1]\n start sound [決定ボタンを押す v]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [星 v] to [1]\n start sound [決定ボタンを押す v]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (60) y: (208)\n glide (0.8) secs to x: (60) y: (120)\n wait (0.8) seconds\n glide (0.8) secs to x: (60) y: (208)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [ハート v] to [0]\nset [星 v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (ハート v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (星 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nforever\n if <((ハート) + (星)) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n broadcast (星とハート v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [stage v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (STAGE)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\n\n@あ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n
 English (Google翻訳)\nJump with the up key or W key\nMove with the left and right keys or A and D key\n 日本語\n上キーかWキーでジャンプ\n左右のキーかAとDキーで移動
ペンプラットフォーマー PEN platformer
@Stage\n\nforever\n set [username v] to [13579tt]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop all sounds\nset volume to (100) %\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (soundinc v)\nforever\n start sound [Sounds of the Boreal Forest.mp3 v]\n play sound [tobu candyland.mp3 v] until done\n start sound [Sounds of the Boreal Forest.mp3 v]\n play sound [Kaled v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start s plat v]\nhide\nbroadcast (green flag v)\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nbroadcast (alivecheck v)\n\nwhen I receive [alivecheck v]\nrepeat until <(alive) = [1]>\n set [ghost v] to [100]\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [ghost v] to [0]\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nset [ghost v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [start s plat v]\nreset timer\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop all sounds\nset volume to (100) %\nstart sound [YOU WON! v]\nrepeat (3)\n broadcast (particle v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set volume to (sound) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [soundinc v]\nforever\n set volume to (sound) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [single v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset volume to (50) %\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [startmenu v]\nstart sound [Plugged \(post mastering\) v]\n\n@station\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition (((x) + ()) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nnew platform at [1200] [0]\nnew platform at [3400] [0]\nnew platform at [4200] [0]\nnew platform at [600] [220]\nnew platform at [100000] [9]\nnext costume\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = (station)>> then\n set [station v] to (costume [name v])\n broadcast (char.change v)\n end\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (3) layers\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nset [tlck v] to [0]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine new platform at (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [achievements v]\nset [brightness v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@player\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\n\ndefine game on!\nset [scroll x v] to (item (checkpoint) of [checkpoint-x v])\nset [scroll y v] to (item (checkpoint) of [checkpoint y v])\nset [x v] to (item (checkpoint) of [checkpoint-x v])\nset [y v] to (item (checkpoint) of [checkpoint y v])\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nset rotation style [all around v]\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (base v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (75) %\nshow\n\ndefine Tick\nif <(alive) = [1]> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [10]>>> then\n if <<(station) = [1]> or <(station) = [5]>> then\n change player x by [7]\n end\n if <(station) = [2]> then\n change player x by [4.5]\n end\n if <(station) = [3]> then\n change player x by [11]\n end\n if <(station) = [4]> then\n change player x by [6.5]\n end\n else\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [-10]>>> then\n if <<(station) = [1]> or <(station) = [5]>> then\n change player x by [-7]\n end\n if <(station) = [2]> then\n change player x by [-4.5]\n end\n if <(station) = [3]> then\n change player x by [-11]\n end\n if <(station) = [4]> then\n change player x by [-6.5]\n end\n end\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [activity check v] to (TlCK)\n if <not <(station) = [4]>> then\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n change [jumps v] by (0.25)\n if <<(station) = [1]> or <(station) = [5]>> then\n set [sy v] to [15.5]\n end\n if <(station) = [2]> then\n set [sy v] to [30]\n change [nano.sj v] by (0.25)\n end\n if <(station) = [3]> then\n set [sy v] to [12]\n end\n end\n else\n set [sy v] to [5]\n change [tera.fly v] by (1)\n end\n end\n if <touching (platforms v)?> then\nend\nif <not <(station) = [5]>> then\n change [sy v] by (-2)\nelse\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [sy v] by (-2)\n else\n change [sy v] by (-0.1)\n end\nend\nif <(sy) < [-20]> then\n set [sy v] to [-20]\nend\nchange player y by (sy)\nchange [scroll x v] by (round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (10)))\nif <(SCROLL X) < [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\nend\nif <[11000] < (SCROLL X)> then\n set [scroll x v] to [11000]\n if <[11240] < (x)> then\n set [exit v] to [win]\n end\nend\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (10)))\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [-40]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [-40]\nend\nif <[380] < (SCROLL Y)> then\n set [scroll y v] to [380]\nend\nposition\n\ndefine change player y by (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nposition\nrepeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine change player x by (sx)\nchange [x v] by (sx)\nposition\nif <touching (platforms v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [y v] by (1)\n position\n if <not <touching (platforms v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-10)\n repeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n position\n end\nend\n\ndefine game-die\nset [alive v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nchange [deaths v] by (1)\nif <touching (water v)?> then\n start sound [Splash v]\nend\nrepeat (5)\n set [ghost v] to [100]\n wait (0.1) seconds\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n change y by (-10)\n end\n set [ghost v] to [0]\n wait (0.1) seconds\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n change y by (-10)\n end\nend\n\ndefine game - win\nbroadcast (win v)\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nforever\n broadcast (reset v) and wait\n broadcast (setup v) and wait\n game on!\n repeat until <(EXIT) > []>\n if <(alive) = [1]> then\n test die\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n Tick\n broadcast (tick v)\n change [tlck v] by (1)\n end\n if <(EXIT) = [win]> then\n game - win\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\n else\n game-die\n end\nend\n\ndefine test die\nif <<touching (saw v)?> or <touching (water v)?>> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\nif <key (r v) pressed?> then\n set [respawned? v] to [1]\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [crashed v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [jumps v] to [0]\nset [deaths v] to [0]\nset [tera.fly v] to [0]\nset [nano.sj v] to [0]\nset [respawned? v] to [0]\nset [chatted \(times\) v] to [0]\nhide\n\ndefine position\ngo to x: (((x) + ()) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nwait (1) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@costume\n\nwhen I receive [start s plat v]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (6) layers\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (ghost)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [10]>>> then\n set [activity check v] to (TlCK)\n if <(station) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n end\n if <(station) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (3 v)\n end\n if <(station) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (4 v)\n end\n if <(station) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (7 v)\n end\n if <(station) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (9 v)\n end\n else\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [10]>>> then\n set [activity check v] to (TlCK)\n if <(station) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n end\n if <(station) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (3 v)\n end\n if <(station) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (5 v)\n end\n if <(station) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (8 v)\n end\n if <(station) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (10 v)\n end\n else\n if <(station) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n end\n if <(station) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (3 v)\n end\n if <(station) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (6 v)\n end\n if <(station) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (7 v)\n end\n if <(station) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (9 v)\n end\n end\n end\n if <(alive) = [0]> then\n position\n go to [back v] layer\n end\n Save My Data\n say (item (join (item (1) of [my list \(new\) v]) (item (2) of [my list \(new\) v])) of [chat v])\n set [brightness v] effect to (brightness)\n set size to (size) %\n change [size v] by (((size) - (75)) / (-10))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nposition\n\nwhen I receive [char.change v]\nset language to (en v)::tts\nset voice to (tenor v)::tts\nif <(station) = [2]> then\n speak [You are now playing as Nano.]::tts\nend\nif <(station) = [3]> then\n speak [You are now playing as Pico.]::tts\nend\nif <(station) = [4]> then\n speak [You are now playing as Tera.]::tts\nend\nif <(station) = [5]> then\n speak [You are now playing as Giga.]::tts\nend\n\ndefine carchange\nif <(station) = [1]> then\n hide variable [power v]\nend\nif <(station) = [2]> then\n set [power v] to [14]\n show variable [power v]\nend\nif <(station) = [3]> then\n set [power v] to [15]\n show variable [power v]\nend\nif <(station) = [4]> then\n set [tera.fly v] to [0]\n set [power v] to [16]\n show variable [power v]\nend\nif <(station) = [5]> then\n set [power v] to [30]\n show variable [power v]\nend\nset [size v] to [25]\nset [brightness v] to [100]\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [char.change v]\nstart sound [Teleport2 v]\ncarchange\nset [pre.station v] to (station)\nrepeat until < or <not <(station) = (pre.station)>>>\n wait (1) seconds\n change [power v] by (-1)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nwait until <(alive) = [1]>\nset [size v] to [150]\nif <(station) = (pre.station)> then\n set [station v] to [1]\n start sound [Teleport2 v]\n carchange\nend\nset language to (en v)::tts\nset voice to (tenor v)::tts\nspeak [You are now playing as Gobo.]::tts\n\ndefine Save My Data\ndelete all of [my list \(new\) v]\nif <(length of (chat.output)) = [1]> then\n add [0] to [my list \(new\) v]\n add (chat.output) to [my list \(new\) v]\nelse\n add (letter (1) of (chat.output)) to [my list \(new\) v]\n add (letter (2) of (chat.output)) to [my list \(new\) v]\nend\nadd (size) to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd (brightness) to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd (ghost) to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd (costume [number v]) to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd (x position) to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd (y position) to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd (SCROLL X) to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd (SCROLL Y) to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd (pick random (9999) to (999999)) to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd (username) to [my list \(new\) v]\n\nwhen I receive [alivecheck v]\nrepeat until <(alive) = [1]>\n set [ghost v] to [100]\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [ghost v] to [0]\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nset [ghost v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(TlCK) > [25]> then\n if <[50] > (TlCK)> then\n set [alive v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [fps.prob v]\nhide variable [fps v]\nset [fps.prob v] to [0]\nset [fps v] to [?]\nset [alive v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(alive) = [1]> then\n set [tick.ermittler v] to (TlCK)\n wait (1) seconds\n set [fps v] to ((TlCK) - (tick.ermittler))\n if <[45] < (FPS)> then\n stop [all v]\n else\n if <(FPS) = [0]> then\n if <not <(FPS) = [?]>> then\n change [fps.prob v] by (1)\n end\n else\n set [fps.prob v] to [0]\n end\n if <(FPS.prob) > [4]> then\n broadcast (start s plat v)\n end\n end\n else\n set [fps v] to [?]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [power v]\n\n\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nset [activity check v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [station v] to [1]\nforever\n if <[1800] < ((TlCK) - (activity check))> then\n set [alive v] to [0]\n wait until <<[4000] < ((TlCK) - (activity check))> or <not <[1800] < ((TlCK) - (activity check))>>>\n if <[1000] > ((TlCK) - (activity check))> then\n set [alive v] to [1]\n else\n wait (0) seconds\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n set [fps.prob v] to [INACTIVITY TIMEOUT ⏲ Press green flag]\n show variable [fps.prob v]\n broadcast (crashed v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen [any v] key pressed\nset [activity check v] to (TlCK)\n\ndefine position\ngo to x: ([x position v] of [player v]) y: ([y position v] of [player v])\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nwait (1) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Players\n\nwhen I receive [initialise v]\nset size to (75) %\nhide\nset [username v] to (username)\nset [clone id v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n change [clone id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Clone ID) = (@PlayerSlot)> then\n delete this clone\nelse\n change [koordx v] by (((koordx) - ((item (((Clone ID) * (12)) - (3)) of [cloud list v]) + (item (((Clone ID) * (12)) - (5)) of [cloud list v]))) / (-3))\n change [koordy v] by (((koordy) - ((item (((Clone ID) * (12)) - (2)) of [cloud list v]) + (item (((Clone ID) * (12)) - (4)) of [cloud list v]))) / (-3))\n (Clone ID) ((x position) + (((x position) - (((koordx) + ()) - (SCROLL X))) / (-1))) ((y position) + (((y position) - ((koordy) - (SCROLL Y))) / (-1)))\nend\n\ndefine (id) (x) (y)\nif <(item (id) of [active check v]) = [Off]> then\n hide\nelse\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n if <[1] = [1]> then\n show\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (35)\n switch costume to (arrow v)\n if <(koordx) < (SCROLL X)> then\n point in direction ((-90) + ((y position) / (4)))\n change x by (20)\n else\n point in direction ((90) + ((y position) / (-4)))\n change x by (-20)\n end\n else\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (item (((id) * (12)) - (6)) of [cloud list v])\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (item (((id) * (12)) - (7)) of [cloud list v])\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n set [brightness v] effect to (item (((id) * (12)) - (8)) of [cloud list v])\n change size by (((size) - (item (((id) * (12)) - (9)) of [cloud list v])) / (-10))\n go to [front v] layer\n if <[00] = (join (item (((id) * (12)) - (11)) of [cloud list v]) (item (((id) * (12)) - (10)) of [cloud list v]))> then\n if <(toggle player names?) = [0]> then\n think (item (((id) * (12)) - (0)) of [cloud list v])\n else\n think []\n end\n else\n say (item (join (item (((id) * (12)) - (11)) of [cloud list v]) (item (((id) * (12)) - (10)) of [cloud list v])) of [chat v])\n end\nend\n\nif then\nelse\nend\n\nforever\n set [☁ p8 v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [koordx v] to [0]\nset [koordy v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nforever\n set [☁ p9 v] to [0]\nend\n\nforever\n set [☁ p7 v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Cloud\n\ndefine Decode (data)\ndelete all of [cloud list v]\nset [output v] to []\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat ((length of (data)) / (2))\n change [i v] by (2)\n switch costume to (join (letter ((I) - (1)) of (data)) (letter (I) of (data)))\n if <(costume [name v]) = [~]> then\n add (Output) to [cloud list v]\n set [output v] to []\n else\n set [output v] to (join (Output) (costume [name v]))\n end\nend\n\ndefine Encode\nset [output v] to []\nset [n v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [my list \(new\) v])\n set [i v] to [0]\n change [n v] by (1)\n repeat (length of (item (n) of [my list \(new\) v]))\n change [i v] by (1)\n switch costume to (letter (I) of (item (n) of [my list \(new\) v]))\n if <(costume [number v]) < [10]> then\n set [output v] to (join (Output) (join [0] (costume [number v])))\n else\n set [output v] to (join (Output) (costume [number v]))\n end\n end\n set [output v] to (join (Output) [53])\nend\n\ndefine Update Players List (id)\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n set [player list v] to [0]\n delete all of [check v]\n repeat (10)\n change [player list v] by (1)\n add (item (((Player List) * (12)) - (1)) of [cloud list v]) to [check v]\n end\nelse\n if <(id) = [2]> then\n set [player list v] to [0]\n repeat (10)\n change [player list v] by (1)\n if <not <(@PlayerSlot) = (Player List)>> then\n if <(item (Player List) of [check v]) = (item (((Player List) * (12)) - (1)) of [cloud list v])> then\n replace item (Player List) of [active check v] with [Off]\n else\n replace item (Player List) of [active check v] with [On]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [initialise v]\ndelete all of [active check v]\nrepeat (10)\n add [off] to [active check v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n Update Players List [1]\n wait (1) seconds\n Update Players List [2]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [get data v]\nDecode Data\n\ndefine Save Data (id)\nEncode\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n set [☁ p1 v] to (Output)\nelse\n if <(id) = [2]> then\n set [☁ p2 v] to (Output)\n else\n if <(id) = [3]> then\n set [☁ p3 v] to (Output)\n else\n if <(id) = [4]> then\n set [☁ p4 v] to (Output)\n else\n if <(id) = [5]> then\n set [☁ p5 v] to (Output)\n else\n if <(id) = [6]> then\n set [☁ p6 v] to (Output)\n else\n if <(id) = [7]> then\n set [☁ p7 v] to (Output)\n else\n if <(id) = [8]> then\n set [☁ p8 v] to (Output)\n else\n if <(id) = [9]> then\n set [☁ p9 v] to (Output)\n else\n if <(id) = [10]> then\n set [☁ p10 v] to (Output)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n Decode Data\n Save Data (@PlayerSlot)\n Determine Players\nend\n\ndefine Decode Data\nDecode (join (☁ P1) (join (☁ P2) (join (☁ P3) (join (☁ P4) (join (☁ P5) (join (☁ P6) (join (☁ P7) (join (☁ P8) (join (☁ P9) (☁ P10))))))))))\n\ndefine Determine Players\nset [players v] to [1]\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n change [i v] by (1)\n if <(item (I) of [active check v]) = [On]> then\n change [players v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [check v]\nSave Data (@PlayerSlot)\n\nwhen I receive [reconnect v]\nforever\n Decode Data\n Save Data (@PlayerSlot)\n Determine Players\nend\n\nwhen I receive [disconnect v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [reconnect v]\nforever\n Update Players List [1]\n wait (1) seconds\n Update Players List [2]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [disconnect v]\ndelete all of [active check v]\nrepeat (10)\n add [off] to [active check v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@art\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (20)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(modus) = [0]> then\n position (((x) + ()) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nend\nif <(modus) = [1]> then\n position ((((x) + ()) - (SCROLL X)) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (40)) ) * (200))) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew platform at [600] [100]\nnew platform at [600] [100]\nnew platform at [600] [200]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew platform at [0] [-400]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew platform at [300] [0]\nnew platform at [300] [0]\nnew platform at [900] [0]\nnew platform at [900] [0]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew platform at [600] [150]\nnew platform at [600] [-150]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nnew moving platform at [7000] [40]\nnew moving platform at [8900] [100]\nset [x v] to [100000000]\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (20)\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (20) layers\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine new platform at (x) (y)\nset [modus v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine new moving platform at (xpos) (ypos)\nset [modus v] to [1]\nset [x v] to (xpos)\nset [y v] to (ypos)\nswitch costume to (moving v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@platforms\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(modus) = [0]> then\n position (((x) + ()) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nelse\n position ((((x) + ()) - (SCROLL X)) + ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (40)) ) * (200)) + (0))) (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) + ())\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nnew platform at [0] [0]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew platform at [600] [200]\nnew platform at [600] [200]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew platform at [0] [-400]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew platform at [1200] [0]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew platform at [600] [150]\nnew platform at [600] [-150]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew platform at [600] [0]\nnew moving platform at [7000] [40]\nnew moving platform at [8900] [100]\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (40) layers\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine new platform at (x) (y)\nset [modus v] to [0]\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine new moving platform at (xpos) (ypos)\nset [modus v] to [1]\nset [x v] to (xpos)\nset [y v] to (ypos)\nswitch costume to (moving v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@particle\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (3))\ngo to x: (pick random (-260) to (260)) y: (100000)\nshow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n turn right (5) degrees\n change y by (-1)\n if <(y position) < [-150]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nhide\nset size to (150) %\nforever\n wait (0.4) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@scrolling b.ground.1\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (tick v)\nif <(id) = [0]> then\n go to x: (500) y: (10)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (99)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [id v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\n\nwhen I receive [start s plat v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nrepeat (4)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nif <not <[untick] = (costume [name v])>> then\n change x by (-2)\n if <(x position) = [330]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <(x position) < [-470]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [scrolling b ground v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nif <not <[untick] = (costume [name v])>> then\n change x by (-2)\n if <(x position) = [330]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <(x position) < [-470]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen I receive [run v]\nwait (1) seconds\ngo to x: (0) y: (-40)\nshow\nset size to (20) %\nreset timer\nforever\n turn right (15) degrees\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (((size) - (90)) / (-5))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [single v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Banners\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\n\nwhen I receive [initialise v]\nswitch costume to (connecting v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-25)\nend\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [full? v] to [False]\nset [kick v] to [False]\nset [moved? v] to [800]\n\ndefine Get Player Slot\nset [@playerslot v] to [0]\nbroadcast (Get Data v) and wait\nset [moved? v] to [0]\ndelete all of [check v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [moved? v] by (1)\n add (item (((Moved?) * (12)) - (1)) of [cloud list v]) to [check v]\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nbroadcast (Get Data v) and wait\nset [moved? v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n change [moved? v] by (1)\n if <(item (Moved?) of [check v]) = (item (((Moved?) * (12)) - (1)) of [cloud list v])> then\n wait (2) seconds\n broadcast (Get Data v) and wait\n if <(item (Moved?) of [check v]) = (item (((Moved?) * (12)) - (1)) of [cloud list v])> then\n set [@playerslot v] to (Moved?)\n stop [this script v]\n else\n Get Player Slot\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n if <(Moved?) = [10]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n set [full? v] to [True]\n repeat (100)\n switch costume to (full v)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n clear graphic effects\n end\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (single v)\n forever\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nbroadcast (start s plat v)\nwait (1.5) seconds\ngo to x: (0) y: (20)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nif <(Players) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (new v)\nelse\n switch costume to (con v)\nend\ntransit\nforever\n show\n set [last.players v] to (Players)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n if <(last.players) < (Players)> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (join v)\n transit\n end\n if <(Players) < (last.players)> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (left v)\n transit\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [players v]\n\nwhen I receive [run v]\nset [username v] to (username)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (Initialise v) and wait\nGet Player Slot\nset [moved? v] to [600]\nif <not <(Full?) = [true]>> then\n broadcast (start v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [full? v] to [True]\nbroadcast (single v)\nrepeat (100)\n switch costume to (full v)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n clear graphic effects\nend\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\nTest player slot (@PlayerSlot)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset voice to (tenor v)::tts\nspeak [Welcome,]::tts\nspeak (username)::tts\nspeak [Your Player ID is]::tts\nspeak (@PlayerSlot)::tts\nwait (0.7) seconds\nspeak [You are playing as Gobo.]::tts\nforever\n if <not <(item (((@PlayerSlot) * (12)) - (0)) of [cloud list v]) = (username)>> then\n broadcast (disconnect v)\n delete all of [cloud list v]\n wait (pick random (0.9) to (1.9)) seconds\n Get Player Slot\n broadcast (reconnect v)\n wait (0.7) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine transit\nrepeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-8.1)\n change y by ((y position) / (-2))\nend\nrepeat (10)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nrepeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (8.1)\n change y by (((y position) - (20)) / (-2))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [achievements v] to [0]\ndelete all of [achievements v]\nadd [0] to [achievements v]\nrepeat (15)\n add [0] to [achievements v]\nend\nwait (7) seconds\nforever\n set [achievements v] to ((item (1) of [achievements v]) + ((item (2) of [achievements v]) + ((item (3) of [achievements v]) + ((item (4) of [achievements v]) + ((item (5) of [achievements v]) + ((item (6) of [achievements v]) + ((item (7) of [achievements v]) + ((item (8) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (10) of [achievements v]) + ((item (11) of [achievements v]) + (item (12) of [achievements v])))))))))))))\n if <(item (15) of [achievements v]) = [0]> then\n if <(timer) > [30]> then\n replace item (15) of [achievements v] with [1]\n set [achievements v] to ((item (1) of [achievements v]) + ((item (2) of [achievements v]) + ((item (3) of [achievements v]) + ((item (4) of [achievements v]) + ((item (5) of [achievements v]) + ((item (6) of [achievements v]) + ((item (7) of [achievements v]) + ((item (8) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (10) of [achievements v]) + ((item (11) of [achievements v]) + (item (12) of [achievements v])))))))))))))\n switch costume to (l+f v)\n go to x: (0) y: (20)\n transit\n end\n end\n if <(item (1) of [achievements v]) = [0]> then\n if <(jumps) > [4.9]> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n replace item (1) of [achievements v] with [1]\n set [achievements v] to ((item (1) of [achievements v]) + ((item (2) of [achievements v]) + ((item (3) of [achievements v]) + ((item (4) of [achievements v]) + ((item (5) of [achievements v]) + ((item (6) of [achievements v]) + ((item (7) of [achievements v]) + ((item (8) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (10) of [achievements v]) + ((item (11) of [achievements v]) + (item (12) of [achievements v])))))))))))))\n switch costume to (1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (20)\n transit\n end\n end\n if <(item (2) of [achievements v]) = [0]> then\n if <(jumps) > [19.9]> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n replace item (2) of [achievements v] with [1]\n set [achievements v] to ((item (1) of [achievements v]) + ((item (2) of [achievements v]) + ((item (3) of [achievements v]) + ((item (4) of [achievements v]) + ((item (5) of [achievements v]) + ((item (6) of [achievements v]) + ((item (7) of [achievements v]) + ((item (8) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (10) of [achievements v]) + ((item (11) of [achievements v]) + (item (12) of [achievements v])))))))))))))\n switch costume to (2 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (20)\n transit\n end\n end\n if <(item (3) of [achievements v]) = [0]> then\n if <(deaths) > [9.9]> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n replace item (3) of [achievements v] with [1]\n set [achievements v] to ((item (1) of [achievements v]) + ((item (2) of [achievements v]) + ((item (3) of [achievements v]) + ((item (4) of [achievements v]) + ((item (5) of [achievements v]) + ((item (6) of [achievements v]) + ((item (7) of [achievements v]) + ((item (8) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (10) of [achievements v]) + ((item (11) of [achievements v]) + (item (12) of [achievements v])))))))))))))\n switch costume to (3 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (20)\n transit\n end\n end\n if <(item (4) of [achievements v]) = [0]> then\n if <(station) = [2]> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n replace item (4) of [achievements v] with [1]\n set [achievements v] to ((item (1) of [achievements v]) + ((item (2) of [achievements v]) + ((item (3) of [achievements v]) + ((item (4) of [achievements v]) + ((item (5) of [achievements v]) + ((item (6) of [achievements v]) + ((item (7) of [achievements v]) + ((item (8) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (10) of [achievements v]) + ((item (11) of [achievements v]) + (item (12) of [achievements v])))))))))))))\n switch costume to (4 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (20)\n transit\n end\n end\n if <(item (5) of [achievements v]) = [0]> then\n if <(station) = [3]> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n replace item (5) of [achievements v] with [1]\n set [achievements v] to ((item (1) of [achievements v]) + ((item (2) of [achievements v]) + ((item (3) of [achievements v]) + ((item (4) of [achievements v]) + ((item (5) of [achievements v]) + ((item (6) of [achievements v]) + ((item (7) of [achievements v]) + ((item (8) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (10) of [achievements v]) + ((item (11) of [achievements v]) + (item (12) of [achievements v])))))))))))))\n switch costume to (5 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (20)\n transit\n end\n end\n if <(item (6) of [achievements v]) = [0]> then\n if <(respawned?) = [1]> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n replace item (6) of [achievements v] with [1]\n set [achievements v] to ((item (1) of [achievements v]) + ((item (2) of [achievements v]) + ((item (3) of [achievements v]) + ((item (4) of [achievements v]) + ((item (5) of [achievements v]) + ((item (6) of [achievements v]) + ((item (7) of [achievements v]) + ((item (8) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (10) of [achievements v]) + ((item (11) of [achievements v]) + (item (12) of [achievements v])))))))))))))\n switch costume to (6 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (20)\n transit\n end\n end\n if <(item (7) of [achievements v]) = [0]> then\n if <(station) = [5]> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n replace item (7) of [achievements v] with [1]\n set [achievements v] to ((item (1) of [achievements v]) + ((item (2) of [achievements v]) + ((item (3) of [achievements v]) + ((item (4) of [achievements v]) + ((item (5) of [achievements v]) + ((item (6) of [achievements v]) + ((item (7) of [achievements v]) + ((item (8) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (10) of [achievements v]) + ((item (11) of [achievements v]) + (item (12) of [achievements v])))))))))))))\n switch costume to (7 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (20)\n transit\n end\n end\n if <(item (9) of [achievements v]) = [0]> then\n if <(chatted \(times\)) > [0]> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n replace item (9) of [achievements v] with [1]\n set [achievements v] to ((item (1) of [achievements v]) + ((item (2) of [achievements v]) + ((item (3) of [achievements v]) + ((item (4) of [achievements v]) + ((item (5) of [achievements v]) + ((item (6) of [achievements v]) + ((item (7) of [achievements v]) + ((item (8) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (10) of [achievements v]) + ((item (11) of [achievements v]) + (item (12) of [achievements v])))))))))))))\n switch costume to (9 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (20)\n transit\n end\n end\n if <(item (10) of [achievements v]) = [0]> then\n if <(chatted \(times\)) > [5]> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n replace item (10) of [achievements v] with [1]\n set [achievements v] to ((item (1) of [achievements v]) + ((item (2) of [achievements v]) + ((item (3) of [achievements v]) + ((item (4) of [achievements v]) + ((item (5) of [achievements v]) + ((item (6) of [achievements v]) + ((item (7) of [achievements v]) + ((item (8) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (10) of [achievements v]) + ((item (11) of [achievements v]) + (item (12) of [achievements v])))))))))))))\n switch costume to (10 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (20)\n transit\n end\n end\n if <(item (11) of [achievements v]) = [0]> then\n if <(nano.sj) > [4.9]> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n replace item (11) of [achievements v] with [1]\n set [achievements v] to ((item (1) of [achievements v]) + ((item (2) of [achievements v]) + ((item (3) of [achievements v]) + ((item (4) of [achievements v]) + ((item (5) of [achievements v]) + ((item (6) of [achievements v]) + ((item (7) of [achievements v]) + ((item (8) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (10) of [achievements v]) + ((item (11) of [achievements v]) + (item (12) of [achievements v])))))))))))))\n switch costume to (11 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (20)\n transit\n end\n end\n if <(item (12) of [achievements v]) = [0]> then\n if <(checkpoint) = [2]> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n replace item (12) of [achievements v] with [1]\n set [achievements v] to ((item (1) of [achievements v]) + ((item (2) of [achievements v]) + ((item (3) of [achievements v]) + ((item (4) of [achievements v]) + ((item (5) of [achievements v]) + ((item (6) of [achievements v]) + ((item (7) of [achievements v]) + ((item (8) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (10) of [achievements v]) + ((item (11) of [achievements v]) + (item (12) of [achievements v])))))))))))))\n switch costume to (12 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (20)\n transit\n end\n end\n if <(item (13) of [achievements v]) = [0]> then\n if <[250] < (tera.fly)> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n replace item (13) of [achievements v] with [1]\n set [achievements v] to ((item (1) of [achievements v]) + ((item (2) of [achievements v]) + ((item (3) of [achievements v]) + ((item (4) of [achievements v]) + ((item (5) of [achievements v]) + ((item (6) of [achievements v]) + ((item (7) of [achievements v]) + ((item (8) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (10) of [achievements v]) + ((item (11) of [achievements v]) + (item (12) of [achievements v])))))))))))))\n switch costume to (13 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (20)\n transit\n end\n end\n if <(item (14) of [achievements v]) = [0]> then\n if <(station) = [4]> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n replace item (14) of [achievements v] with [1]\n set [achievements v] to ((item (1) of [achievements v]) + ((item (2) of [achievements v]) + ((item (3) of [achievements v]) + ((item (4) of [achievements v]) + ((item (5) of [achievements v]) + ((item (6) of [achievements v]) + ((item (7) of [achievements v]) + ((item (8) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (9) of [achievements v]) + ((item (10) of [achievements v]) + ((item (11) of [achievements v]) + (item (12) of [achievements v])))))))))))))\n switch costume to (14 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (20)\n transit\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete all of [chat v]\ndelete all of [select a phrase v]\nadd [Hi!] to [chat v]\nadd [1: Hi!] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [Hello!] to [chat v]\nadd [2: Hello!] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [How are you?] to [chat v]\nadd [3: How are you?] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [I'm fine, thanks] to [chat v]\nadd [4: I'm fine, thanks!] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [Not so good :\(] to [chat v]\nadd [5: Not so good :\(] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [How did you do this?] to [chat v]\nadd [6: How did you do this?] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [Help me!] to [chat v]\nadd [7: Help me!] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [Come with me!] to [chat v]\nadd [8: Come with me!] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [Follow me! ;\)] to [chat v]\nadd [9: Follow me ;\)] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [Let me show you something] to [chat v]\nadd [A: Let me show you something] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [Yes] to [chat v]\nadd [B: Yes] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [No] to [chat v]\nadd [C: No] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [Bye!] to [chat v]\nadd [D: Bye!] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [Heyo!] to [chat v]\nadd [E: Heyo!] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [Gtg. See you later!] to [chat v]\nadd [F: Gtg. See you later!] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [OK] to [chat v]\nadd [G: OK] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [Stay away from me! I have Corona] to [chat v]\nadd [H: Stay away from me! I have Corona] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [Is it lagging for you?] to [chat v]\nadd [I: Is it laggin for you?] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [Go away!] to [chat v]\nadd [J: Go away!] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [Please let me alone!] to [chat v]\nadd [K: Please let me alone] to [select a phrase v]\nadd [] to [chat v]\ndelete all of [chars v]\nadd [1] to [chars v]\nadd [2] to [chars v]\nadd [3] to [chars v]\nadd [4] to [chars v]\nadd [5] to [chars v]\nadd [6] to [chars v]\nadd [7] to [chars v]\nadd [8] to [chars v]\nadd [9] to [chars v]\nadd [a] to [chars v]\nadd [b] to [chars v]\nadd [c] to [chars v]\nadd [d] to [chars v]\nadd [e] to [chars v]\nadd [f] to [chars v]\nadd [g] to [chars v]\nadd [h] to [chars v]\nadd [i] to [chars v]\nadd [j] to [chars v]\nadd [k] to [chars v]\nset [chat v] to [0]\nshow list [select a phrase v]\n\nwhen I receive [start s plat v]\nif <(multiplayer?) = [1]> then\n forever\n wait until <key (t v) pressed?>\n set [chat v] to [1]\n hide list [select a phrase v]\n wait (0.5) seconds\n chat output\n set [chat v] to [0]\n show list [select a phrase v]\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\nend\n\ndefine chat output\nrepeat until <not <(chat.output) = [0]>>\n if <key (1 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [1]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (2 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [2]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (3 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [3]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (4 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [4]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (5 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [5]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (6 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [6]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (7 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [7]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (9 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [9]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (8 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [8]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (a v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [10]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (b v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [11]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (c v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [12]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (d v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [13]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (e v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [14]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (f v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [15]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (g v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [16]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (h v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [17]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (i v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [18]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (j v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [19]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (k v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [20]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (t v) pressed?> then\n set [chat.output v] to [21]\n change [chatted \(times\) v] by (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start s plat v]\nset [chat.output v] to [0]\nforever\n wait until <not <(chat.output) = [0]>>\n wait (2) seconds\n set [chat.output v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [toggle player names? v] to [0]\nhide variable [toggle player names? v]\n\nwhen [n v] key pressed\nif <(toggle player names?) = [0]> then\n set [toggle player names? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [toggle player names? v] to [0]\nend\nshow variable [toggle player names? v]\nwait (1) seconds\nhide variable [toggle player names? v]\n\ndefine Test player slot (slot)\nadd [0] to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd [0] to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd [0] to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd [0] to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd [0] to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd [0] to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd [0] to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd [0] to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd [0] to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd [0] to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd [0] to [my list \(new\) v]\nadd (username) to [my list \(new\) v]\nbroadcast (check v) and wait\nbroadcast (Get Data v) and wait\nif <not <(item (((@PlayerSlot) * (12)) - (1)) of [cloud list v]) = (item (12) of [my list \(new\) v])>> then\n set [full? v] to [true]\nend\n\ndelete all of [my list \(new\) v]\n\ndelete all of [my list \(new\) v]\n\ndelete all of [cloud list v]\n\nwhen I receive [single v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@checkpoints\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (20)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition (((x) + ()) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ndelete all of [checkpoint-x v]\nadd [0] to [checkpoint-x v]\nadd [0] to [checkpoint y v]\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (0 v)\nnew checkpoint at [2742] [292] check [2]\nnew checkpoint at [6101] [-6] check [3]\nnew checkpoint at [9723] [-23] check [4]\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\n if <(checkpoint) > ((my.check.number) - (1))> then\n switch costume to (on v)\n else\n switch costume to (off v)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <(my.check.number) > (checkpoint)> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n set [checkpoint v] to (my.check.number)\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (20) layers\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine new checkpoint at (x) (y) check (n)\nset [x v] to (x)\nadd (x) to [checkpoint-x v]\nset [y v] to (y)\nadd (y) to [checkpoint y v]\nset [my.check.number v] to (n)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@saw\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (20)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(trapped?) = [0]> then\n set size to (100) %\n position (((x) + ()) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nend\nif <(trapped?) = [1]> then\n set size to (75) %\n position (((x) + ()) - (SCROLL X)) (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) + (([cos v] of (((timer) + (2)) * (100)) ) * (100)))\nend\nif <(trapped?) = [2]> then\n set size to (75) %\n position ((((x) + ()) - (SCROLL X)) + (([cos v] of (((timer) + (0)) * (100)) ) * (100))) (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) + ())\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (kostüm1 v)\nnew saw at [2350] [95] trapped? [0]\nnew saw at [2493] [170] trapped? [0]\nnew saw at [3265] [270] trapped? [0]\nnew saw at [3531] [275] trapped? [0]\nnew saw at [4300] [320] trapped? [2]\nnew saw at [4580] [375] trapped? [1]\nnew saw at [6410] [0] trapped? [1]\nnew saw at [5915] [0] trapped? [1]\nnew saw at [6589] [-50] trapped? [0]\nnew saw at [9581] [-24] trapped? [0]\nnew saw at [100000000000] [170] trapped? [0]\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\nswitch costume to (saw v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (20)\ngo to [back v] layer\npoint in direction (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (100))\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine new saw at (x) (y) trapped? (t)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nset [trapped? v] to (t)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@transitions\n\nforever\n set [username v] to [1357t]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [run v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [show v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (1) seconds\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (white v)\n\nwhen I receive [single v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (start s plat v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\n@Gobo\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (70) %\nstart sound [Drum Boing v]\nswitch costume to (gobo-b v)\ngo to x: (-200) y: (80)\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (((y position) - (-40)) / (-2))\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat (54)\n change x by ((200) / (54))\n if <(costume [number v]) = [18]> then\n switch costume to (gobo-b2 v)\n end\n next costume\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (gobo-b v)\nstart sound [Zoop v]\nswitch costume to (yeah v)\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nset size to (20) %\nset [intro-id v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nbroadcast (particle v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n change y by (((y position) - (0)) / (-2))\n change size by (((size) - ((([cos v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (20)) + (70))) / (-2))\nend\nbroadcast (startmenu v)\nforever\n set size to ((([cos v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (20)) + (70)) %\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change x by (0)\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat (8)\n wait ((9) / (54)) seconds\n start sound [Beat Box1 v]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(intro-id) = [0]> then\n show\n switch costume to (title v)\n set size to (20) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat (20)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-5)\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (5)) + (90))\n change size by (((size) - (100)) / (-5))\n end\n forever\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (5)) + (90))\n set size to (100) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n broadcast (scrolling b ground v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [run v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nif <(costume [name v]) = [yeah]> then\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next step v]\nif <(costume [name v]) = [yeah]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [single v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Figur3\n\ndefine pos button id: (id)\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n forever\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n if <(button_0) = [1]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(id) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (160)\n show\n switch costume to (kostüm2 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (80)\n forever\n change size by (((size) + (-100)) / (-5))\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (((size) + (-124)) / (-5))\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n point in direction ((90) + ((16) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (300)) )))\n set [button_0 v] to [1]\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (kostüm1 v)\n set [sound v] to [0]\n else\n set [sound v] to [100]\n switch costume to (kostüm2 v)\n end\n wait until <not <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>\n end\n else\n point in direction (90)\n set [ghost v] effect to (70)\n set [button_0 v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(id) = [3]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-100)\n show\n switch costume to (kostüm5 v)\n set [button_2 v] to [0]\n set [ghost v] effect to (48)\n set size to (10) %\n forever\n forever\n repeat until <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n point in direction ((([cos v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (5)) + (90))\n change size by (((size) + (-125)) / (-5))\n change y by (((y position) + (20)) / (-15))\n end\n repeat until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n point in direction ((([cos v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (5)) + (90))\n change y by (((y position) + (20)) / (-15))\n change size by (((size) + (-150)) / (-5))\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (run v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <(id) = [2]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-150)\n show\n switch costume to (kostüm4 v)\n set [button_2 v] to [0]\n set [ghost v] effect to (48)\n set size to (10) %\n forever\n forever\n repeat until <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n point in direction ((([cos v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (5)) + (90))\n change size by (((size) + (-125)) / (-5))\n change y by (((y position) + (125)) / (-15))\n end\n repeat until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n point in direction ((([cos v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (5)) + (90))\n change y by (((y position) + (125)) / (-15))\n change size by (((size) + (-150)) / (-5))\n if <mouse down?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by ((size) / (-10))\n end\n broadcast (next step v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (kostüm3 v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change size by (((size) - (100)) / (-10))\n point in direction ((([cos v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (5)) + (90))\n change y by (((y position) + (125)) / (-15))\n end\n forever\n repeat until <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n point in direction ((([cos v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (5)) + (90))\n change y by (((y position) + (125)) / (-15))\n change size by (((size) + (-125)) / (-5))\n end\n repeat until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n point in direction ((([cos v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (5)) + (90))\n change y by (((y position) + (125)) / (-15))\n change size by (((size) + (-150)) / (-5))\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (single v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (main v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (70)\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npos button id: (button_clone_id)\n\nwhen I receive [next step v]\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Kostüm4]> then\n set [button_clone_id v] to [3]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [sound v] to [100]\nset [button_clone_id v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [button_clone_id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [startmenu v]\nset [button_clone_id v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\n\n\nwhen I receive [single v]\nset [multiplayer? v] to [0]\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Kostüm3]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Kostüm5]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [run v]\nset [multiplayer? v] to [1]\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Kostüm3]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Kostüm5]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [single v]\nset [station v] to [1]\n\n@Download\n\n@particles\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [y v] to [30]\nshow\neff (pick random (-10) to (10))\n\ndefine eff (x)\nset [-1 v] to [1]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-25) to (25))\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n change y by (y)\n change [y v] by (-2)\n if <(y position) < [-170]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n if <(-1) = [1]> then\n set [-1 v] to [-1]\n else\n set [-1 v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [particle v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n go to x: (pick random (-240) to (240)) y: (-3000)\n repeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-100)\nset [time v] to (timer)\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n show variable [time v]\n hide variable [power v]\n change y by ((y position) / (-10))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [time v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nrepeat (25)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-4)\nend\n\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\n\n@water\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (10)))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nset [y v] to [-60]\nswitch costume to (kostüm1 v)\n\ndefine position (y)\ngo to x: (0) y: (y)\nif <(y) = (y position)> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (45)\npoint in direction ((([cos v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (2)) + (90))\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (10) layers\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [show v]\nforever\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n
love, favorite and follow and I check out your projeccs :3\nArrow keys\nClimb up the LADDER\nuh, Hi, new new platformer with (hopefully) great graphics\nYeah, I think this is good leave a love and fav :)\nSequel coming out sometime soon :D (as soon as I stop reading r/slash stories)
Rocket Man (Platformer+animation)
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\n@Portal\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (70) %\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(lvl) = [5]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n go to x: (-170) y: (-40)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [6]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n go to x: (-55) y: (-25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [7]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n go to x: (-160) y: (-50)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [10]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [11]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n go to x: (-68) y: (-39)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-68) y: (-39)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (59) y: (-39)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [13]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n go to x: (-170) y: (-80)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [16]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n go to x: (103) y: (-52)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-154) y: (155)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [17]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n go to x: (-15) y: (-65)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [change v]\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n turn right (5) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to (play v)\nforever\n repeat (50)\n change y by (-0.2)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\n repeat (50)\n change y by (0.2)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\nend\n\nshow\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(lvl) = [4]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n go to x: (-165) y: (-25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [LoFi 3 Min Countdown - Chill Sunset v] until done\nend\n\n@Flash\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <(mode) = [ground]>>\n else\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <(mode) = [air]>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ndelete this clone\n\n@Goal\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n turn right (5) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (210) y: (-75)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to (play v)\nset size to (70) %\nforever\n repeat (50)\n change y by (-0.2)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\n repeat (50)\n change y by (0.2)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen [9 v] key pressed\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen [0 v] key pressed\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (-100)\n\n@saws\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (85) %\ngo to x: (15) y: (-100)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-130) y: (-100)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nforever\n turn right (15) degrees\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n switch costume to (ground v)\n else\n switch costume to (air v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(lvl) = [11]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (-2) y: (15)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set size to (50) %\n go to x: (-119) y: (-105)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (109) y: (-102)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [12]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (-111) y: (-37)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (19) y: (-37)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set size to (50) %\n go to x: (98) y: (43)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-45) y: (43)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [13]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set size to (400) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [14]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (-66) y: (-72)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (57) y: (-72)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-7) y: (33)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [15]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (-44)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-4) y: (-84)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (75) y: (63)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-45) y: (-85)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-116) y: (60)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (46) y: (-72)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set size to (50) %\n go to x: (60) y: (-53)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-51) y: (-67)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-8) y: (-13)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [16]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set size to (150) %\n go to x: (-100) y: (-20)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (83) y: (128)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-74) y: (122)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (6) y: (35)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-107) y: (90)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-124) y: (-96)\n set size to (50) %\n go to x: (131) y: (16)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (68) y: (15)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [17]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set size to (200) %\n go to x: (-80) y: (31)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (60) y: (31)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(lvl) = [2]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (38) y: (-52)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(lvl) = [3]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (-110) y: (-100)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (-100)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (110) y: (-100)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [4]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (-99) y: (-90)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (99) y: (-90)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set size to (175) %\n go to x: (0) y: (-60)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [5]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set size to (125) %\n go to x: (-98) y: (7)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set size to (125) %\n go to x: (36.5) y: (86)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set size to (125) %\n go to x: (168) y: (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [6]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set size to (110) %\n go to x: (-118) y: (-98)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set size to (110) %\n go to x: (19) y: (-46)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set size to (110) %\n go to x: (76) y: (-46)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set size to (110) %\n go to x: (133) y: (-46)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [7]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (-100) y: (-109)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-100) y: (-10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-55) y: (-109)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-55) y: (-10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-10) y: (-109)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-10) y: (-10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (35) y: (-109)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (35) y: (-10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (80) y: (-109)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (80) y: (-10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (125) y: (-109)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (125) y: (-10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [8]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set size to (50) %\n go to x: (0) y: (-125)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [9]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set size to (50) %\n go to x: (-10) y: (-51)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set size to (50) %\n go to x: (139) y: (0)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(lvl) = [10]> then\n broadcast (chicken v)\n set [fin v] to [yes]\nend\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (146) y: (121)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-146) y: (102)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (13) y: (19)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-21) y: (-67)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-113) y: (-22)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (61) y: (-137)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (115) y: (-43)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (100)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\n@Light Beam\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (3) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (3))\ngo to x: (pick random (-200) to (240)) y: (0)\nset size to (pick random (150) to (300)) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-1)\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n move (-0.5) steps\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n move (-1) steps\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n move (-2) steps\n end\nend\nrepeat until <(x position) < [-240]>\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n move (-0.5) steps\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n move (-1) steps\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n move (-2) steps\n end\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n move (-0.5) steps\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n move (-1) steps\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n move (-2) steps\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@lvl\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [lvl v] to [1]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (menu v)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <(lvl) = [1]> then\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n switch costume to (1-g v)\n else\n switch costume to (1-a v)\n end\n end\n if <(lvl) = [2]> then\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n switch costume to (2-g v)\n else\n switch costume to (1-a v)\n end\n end\n if <(lvl) = [3]> then\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n switch costume to (3-g v)\n else\n switch costume to (3-a v)\n end\n end\n if <(lvl) = [4]> then\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n switch costume to (4-g v)\n else\n switch costume to (4-a v)\n end\n end\n if <(lvl) = [5]> then\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n switch costume to (5-g v)\n else\n switch costume to (5-a v)\n end\n end\n if <(lvl) = [6]> then\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n switch costume to (6-g v)\n else\n switch costume to (6-a v)\n end\n end\n if <(lvl) = [7]> then\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n switch costume to (7-g v)\n else\n switch costume to (7-a v)\n end\n end\n if <(lvl) = [8]> then\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n switch costume to (8-g v)\n else\n switch costume to (8-a v)\n end\n end\n if <(lvl) = [9]> then\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n switch costume to (9-g v)\n else\n switch costume to (9-a v)\n end\n end\n if <(lvl) = [10]> then\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n switch costume to (10-g v)\n else\n switch costume to (10-a v)\n end\n end\n if <(lvl) = [11]> then\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n switch costume to (11-g v)\n else\n switch costume to (11-a v)\n end\n end\n if <(lvl) = [12]> then\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n switch costume to (12-g v)\n else\n switch costume to (12-a v)\n end\n end\n if <(lvl) = [13]> then\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n switch costume to (13-g v)\n else\n switch costume to (13-a v)\n end\n end\n if <(lvl) = [14]> then\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n switch costume to (14-g v)\n else\n switch costume to (14-a v)\n end\n end\n if <(lvl) = [15]> then\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n switch costume to (15-g v)\n else\n switch costume to (15-a v)\n end\n end\n if <(lvl) = [16]> then\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n switch costume to (16-g v)\n else\n switch costume to (16-a v)\n end\n end\n if <(lvl) = [17]> then\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n switch costume to (17-g v)\n else\n switch costume to (17-a v)\n end\n end\n if <(lvl) = [18]> then\n switch costume to (18-g v)\n broadcast (End v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@detection\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to (hitbox v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (lvl v)?> then\n switch costume to (yes v)\n else\n switch costume to (no v)\n end\nend\n\n@Play\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (広告 v)\nbroadcast (controls v)\nbroadcast (despawn v)\nbroadcast (Play v)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <not <(size) > [180]>> then\n change size by (1)\n end\n else\n if <not <(size) < [149]>> then\n change size by (-1)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to (play v)\nset size to (150) %\nforever\n repeat (50)\n change y by (-0.2)\n end\n repeat (50)\n change y by (0.2)\n end\nend\n\n@Title\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (100)\nswitch costume to (title v)\nset size to (200) %\nforever\n repeat (50)\n change size by (0.5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-0.25)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\n repeat (50)\n change size by (-0.5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (0.25)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (4) layers\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nerase all\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nset size to (70) %\nforever\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n switch costume to (ground v)\n set y to ([y position v] of [hitbox v])\n move ((distance to [hitbox v]) / (5)) steps\n point towards (hitbox v)\n change x by (x)\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.95))\n end\n if <(mode) = [air]> then\n switch costume to (air v)\n move ((distance to [hitbox v]) / (5)) steps\n point towards (hitbox v)\n go to (x)\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.95))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(anti-lag) = [no]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <touching (goal v)?> then\n broadcast (Next Stage v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [lvl v] by (1)\n go to x: (-210) y: (-75)\n end\n if <touching (portal v)?> then\n broadcast (Change v)\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n set [mode v] to [air]\n else\n set [mode v] to [ground]\n end\n end\n if <<touching (saws v)?> or <<touching (_edge_ v)?> and <(y position) < [-160]>>> then\n set [mode v] to [ground]\n broadcast (dead v)\n go to x: (-210) y: (-75)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (20)\n change size by (-5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to x: (-210) y: (-75)\n\n@Trail\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to (player v)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset size to (100) %\nrepeat (20)\n change [brightness v] effect by (1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by (-2.5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nforever\n change [color v] effect by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n create clone of (trail v)\n wait (0) seconds\nend\n\n@hitbox\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [mode v] to [ground]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change x by (6)\n if <touching (lvl v)?> then\n change x by (-6)\n end\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change x by (-6)\n if <touching (lvl v)?> then\n change x by (6)\n end\n end\n if <(mode) = [air]> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change y by (6)\n if <touching (lvl v)?> then\n change y by (-6)\n end\n end\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n change y by (-6)\n if <touching (lvl v)?> then\n change y by (6)\n end\n end\n end\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n if <touching (lvl v)?> then\n if <([costume # v] of [detection v]) = [2]> then\n fix\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine fix\nset [jumping v] to [no]\nrepeat until <not <touching (lvl v)?>>\n change y by (-1)\nend\nset [jumping v] to [yes]\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\ngo to x: (-210) y: (-75)\nset [mode v] to [ground]\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [jumping v] to [yes]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset size to (110) %\ngo to x: (-210) y: (-75)\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(mode) = [ground]> then\n change y by (yv)\n if <(yv) > [-10]> then\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n end\n if <touching (lvl v)?> then\n change y by ([abs v] of (yv) )\n change y by (-0.5)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <([costume # v] of [detection v]) = [1]> then\n if <(jumping) = [yes]> then\n set [yv v] to [8]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nset [mode v] to [ground]\ngo to x: (-210) y: (-75)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\n@stars\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(pick random (1) to (4)) = [1]> then\n set [v v] to (pick random (5.0) to (7.0))\nelse\n set [v v] to (pick random (0.6) to (2.0))\nend\nrepeat until <(y position) > [179]>\n change y by (v)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (30) to (80))\nswitch costume to (resize v)\nset size to (pick random (40) to (100)) %\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (2))\nforever\n if <(pick random (1) to (0)) = [1]> then\n wait (pick random (12) to (5)) seconds\n else\n wait (pick random (0.1) to (0.3)) seconds\n end\n repeat (3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [yessir v]\nforever\n go to x: (pick random (-240) to (240)) y: (-180)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.4) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (yessir v)\n\n@bubble_effect\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [spd v] to (pick random (1) to (5))\nset [sidespd v] to (pick random (-2) to (2))\nset size to (pick random (30) to (200)) %\nset [ghost v] effect to ((size) / (2.2))\nif <<(backdrop [name v]) = [white1]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [black1]>> then\n go to x: (-240) y: (pick random (-180) to (180))\nend\nif <<(backdrop [name v]) = [white2]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [black2]>> then\n go to x: (240) y: (pick random (-180) to (180))\nend\nif <<(backdrop [name v]) = [white3]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [black3]>> then\n go to x: (pick random (-240) to (240)) y: (-180)\nend\nif <<(backdrop [name v]) = [white4]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [black4]>> then\n go to x: (pick random (-240) to (240)) y: (180)\nend\nif <(backdrop [name v]) = [dead]> then\n go to x: (pick random (-240) to (240)) y: (-180)\nend\nforever\n if <<(backdrop [name v]) = [white1]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [black1]>> then\n change y by (sidespd)\n change x by (spd)\n end\n if <<(backdrop [name v]) = [white2]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [black2]>> then\n change y by (sidespd)\n change x by ((spd) * (-1))\n end\n if <<(backdrop [name v]) = [white3]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [black3]>> then\n change y by (spd)\n change x by (sidespd)\n end\n if <<(backdrop [name v]) = [white4]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [black4]>> then\n change y by ((spd) * (-1))\n change x by (sidespd)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [dead]> then\n change y by (spd)\n change x by (sidespd)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (black v)\nhide\nforever\n if <(anti-lag?) = [false]> then\n wait (0.5) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(end?) = [true]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (70)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [all.daredevil_end\(\) v]\nforever\n switch costume to (dead v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [all.daredevil_death\(\) v]\nforever\n switch costume to (dead v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [all.mode_siwtch\(\) v]\nif <(mode) = [black]> then\n switch costume to (black v)\nelse\n switch costume to (white v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(anti-lag?) = [true]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<(backdrop [name v]) = [white1]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [black1]>> then\n if <(x position) > [210]> then\n repeat (20)\n change size by (-5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n if <<(backdrop [name v]) = [white2]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [black2]>> then\n if <(x position) < [-210]> then\n repeat (20)\n change size by (-5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n if <<(backdrop [name v]) = [white3]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [black3]>> then\n if <(y position) > [150]> then\n repeat (20)\n change size by (-5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n if <<(backdrop [name v]) = [white4]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [black4]>> then\n if <(y position) < [-150]> then\n repeat (20)\n change size by (-5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [dead]> then\n if <(y position) > [150]> then\n repeat (20)\n change size by (-5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [all.nextlevel\(\) v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Figur4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set size to (pick random (28) to (45)) %\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (5) to (60))\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n show\n go to x: (-220) y: (pick random (175) to (-175))\n repeat (160)\n change x by (2.5)\n end\n hide\n wait (pick random (2) to (7)) seconds\n end\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (220) y: (pick random (175) to (-175))\n repeat (160)\n change x by (-3.5)\n end\n hide\n wait (pick random (3) to (5)) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [chicken v]\nrepeat (20)\n change [color v] effect by (28)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.3) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [chicken v]\nshow\n\n@Figur2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set size to (pick random (28) to (45)) %\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (5) to (60))\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n show\n go to x: (-220) y: (pick random (175) to (-175))\n repeat (160)\n change x by (2.5)\n end\n hide\n wait (pick random (2) to (7)) seconds\n end\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (220) y: (pick random (175) to (-175))\n repeat (160)\n change x by (-3.5)\n end\n hide\n wait (pick random (3) to (5)) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [chicken v]\nrepeat (20)\n change [color v] effect by (28)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.3) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [chicken v]\nshow\n\n@Figur3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set size to (pick random (28) to (45)) %\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (5) to (60))\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n show\n go to x: (-220) y: (pick random (175) to (-175))\n repeat (160)\n change x by (2.5)\n end\n hide\n wait (pick random (2) to (7)) seconds\n end\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (220) y: (pick random (175) to (-175))\n repeat (160)\n change x by (-3.5)\n end\n hide\n wait (pick random (3) to (5)) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [chicken v]\nrepeat (20)\n change [color v] effect by (28)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.3) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [chicken v]\nshow\n\n@Figur5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set size to (pick random (28) to (45)) %\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (5) to (60))\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n show\n go to x: (-220) y: (pick random (175) to (-175))\n repeat (160)\n change x by (2.5)\n end\n hide\n wait (pick random (2) to (7)) seconds\n end\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (220) y: (pick random (175) to (-175))\n repeat (160)\n change x by (-3.5)\n end\n hide\n wait (pick random (3) to (5)) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [chicken v]\nrepeat (20)\n change [color v] effect by (28)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.3) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [chicken v]\nshow\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Play v)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (126) y: (-170)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to (lava v)\nforever\n repeat (50)\n change y by (-0.2)\n end\n repeat (50)\n change y by (0.2)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [despawn v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\n@Controls\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [controls v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (2) y: (43)\nwait (3.8) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n@Like, Star, Follow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [広告 v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (152) y: (250)\nswitch costume to (ぐれー v)\nset size to (40) %\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nstart sound [ポップ v]\nrepeat (30)\n change y by (((145) - (y position)) / (4))\nend\nrepeat (3)\n next costume\n wait (0.75) seconds\nend\nrepeat (30)\n change y by (((220) - (y position)) / (4))\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (66) y: (92)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (マウス v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (45) %\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (((115) - (x position)) / (4))\n change y by (((140) - (y position)) / (4))\nend\nwait (0.05) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (((156) - (x position)) / (4))\nend\nwait (0.05) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (((195) - (x position)) / (4))\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (((195) - (x position)) / (4))\nend\nwait (0.05) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (((229) - (x position)) / (4))\n change y by (((95) - (y position)) / (4))\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [音◯ v]\nrepeat (20)\n change volume by (-5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [音 v]\nrepeat (20)\n change volume by (5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [広告 v]\nwait (1) seconds\nplay sound [Click v] until done\nwait (.5) seconds\nplay sound [Click v] until done\nwait (.5) seconds\nplay sound [Click v] until done\n\nrepeat (10)\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\] over v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\n@Love and fave reminder2\n\nwhen I receive [controls v]\nwait (18) seconds\nforever\n if <(Actions \(love/fave\)) < [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (-95) y: (126)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (11)\n change y by (-6)\n end\n repeat (7)\n change y by (3)\n end\n repeat (6)\n change y by (-2)\n end\n wait until <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>\n repeat (17)\n change y by (7)\n end\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (2.5) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\n@fin2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [fin v] to [no]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\nset [fin v] to [yes]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [chicken v]\n\n@fin3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [fin v] to [no]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [chicken v]\nset [fin v] to [yes]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\n@Love and fave reminder3\n\nwhen I receive [controls v]\nwait (10) seconds\nforever\n if <(Actions \(love/fave\)) < [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (215) y: (70)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (11)\n change y by (-6)\n end\n repeat (7)\n change y by (3)\n end\n repeat (6)\n change y by (-2)\n end\n wait until <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>\n repeat (17)\n change y by (7)\n end\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (2.5) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\n
EVERY LEVEL IS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!\nUse 1,2,3, and 4 to switch powerups efficiently. \nThis is mobile!\nUse the powerups to figure out a way to pass the level and get to the right side.\nThanks for checking out my game and check out the credits in the credits section.\nPLEASE DON'T ADVERTISE!
☁️Darkside a multiplayer platformer #multiplayer #platformer #frolicking_cat #trending #top #loved -
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\nforever\n play sound [Waterflame - Jumper.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\n@Intro:Camera\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [i_cam y v] to [0]\nchange [☁ flags clicked \(since 11 2/jan\) v] by (1)\nhide\n\ndefine None\npen up\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npen down\ngo to x: (x2) y: (y2)\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\n\nset [i_cam y v] to [10]\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nif <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [i_cam x v] by (6)\nend\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [i_cam x v] by (-6)\nend\nchange [i_cam yv v] by ((() - (i_cam y)) / (2))\nchange [i_cam yv v] by ((() - (i_cam yv)) / (3))\nchange [i_cam y v] by (i_cam yv)\n\n@Intro:Profile\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstart sound [pop v]\nset [i_cam yv v] to [0]\nset [i_up? v] to [0]\nset [i_symbol x v] to [0]\nset [i_symbol y v] to [500]\nset [i_symbol yv v] to [0]\nset size to (50) %\nbroadcast (message1 v)\n\nset [i_up? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\ngo to x: (round ((i_symbol x) - (i_cam x))) y: (round ((i_symbol y) - (i_cam y)))\nif <<(x position) = (round ((i_symbol x) - (i_cam x)))> and <(y position) = (round ((i_symbol y) - (i_cam y)))>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\nchange [i_symbol y v] by (i_symbol yv)\nif <<(i_up?) < [1]> and <(i_symbol y) < [1]>> then\n start sound [sound2 v]\n clones\n set [i_symbol y v] to [1]\n change [i_cam yv v] by (() - ((i_symbol yv) / (3)))\n set [i_symbol yv v] to []\n change [i_up? v] by (1)\nelse\n if <(i_symbol y) < [1]> then\n set [i_symbol y v] to [1]\n end\nend\nchange [i_symbol yv v] by (-5)\n\nset [i_cam y v] to []\n\nset [i_cam y v] to (() - (i_symbol yv))\n\nset [i_symbol yv v] to (() - ((i_symbol yv) / (3)))\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nerase all\nhide\n\ndefine clones\nrepeat (10)\n create clone of (intro:particles v)\nend\n\n@Intro:Pen\n\ndefine None\npen up\ngo to x: ((x) - (i_cam x)) y: ((y) - (i_cam y))\npen down\ngo to x: ((x2) - (i_cam x)) y: ((y2) - (i_cam y))\n\ndefine None\nset pen color to (#7f7f7f)\nset pen size to (20)\nset [i_dis v] to [-240]\nline (-240) (0) to (240) (0)\nrepeat (49)\n line (i_dis) (0) to (i_dis) (-180)\n change [i_dis v] by (10)\nend\nset pen color to (#2f3a27)\nset pen size to (1)\nset [i_dis v] to [1.5]\nline ((100) / ((y) - (0))) ((-90) / ((y) - (0))) to ((-100) / ((y) - (0))) ((-90) / ((y) - (0)))\nrepeat (49)\n line (((100) / (i_dis)) / ((y) - (0))) (((-90) / (i_dis)) / ((y) - (0))) to (((-100) / (i_dis)) / ((y) - (0))) (((-90) / (i_dis)) / ((y) - (0)))\n set pen size to (2)\n change [i_dis v] by (-0.01)\nend\nset pen color to (#ffffff)\nset pen size to (40)\nline (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (80)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (-71)) to (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (-80)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (-71))\nline (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (80)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (71)) to (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (-80)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (71))\nline (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (80)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (-71)) to (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (80)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (71))\nline (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (-80)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (71)) to (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (-80)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (-71))\nline (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (60)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (-71)) to (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (60)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (71))\nline (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (-60)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (71)) to (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (-60)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (-71))\nline (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (40)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (-71)) to (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (40)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (71))\nline (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (-40)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (71)) to (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (-40)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (-71))\nline (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (20)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (-71)) to (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (20)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (71))\nline (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (-20)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (71)) to (((round ((i_symbol x) - (0))) + (0)) - (-20)) ((round ((i_symbol y) - (0))) - (-71))\n\nerase all\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nchange [i_cam yv v] by ((() - (i_cam y)) / (2))\nchange [i_cam yv v] by ((() - (i_cam yv)) / (3))\nchange [i_cam y v] by (i_cam yv)\nerase all\nrender shadow ((1) + ((i_symbol y) / (40)))\nif <(timer) < [2.5]> then\n broadcast (message1 v)\nelse\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n broadcast (flag v)\n repeat (3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\n hide\nend\n\n@Intro:Particles\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [brightness v] effect to (pick random (10) to (30))\nset [i_particle x v] to ((90) * (((2) * (pick random (1) to (0))) - (1)))\nset [i_partical y v] to [-90]\nset [i_particle yv v] to (pick random (10.1) to (20))\nset [i_partical xv v] to (((pick random (0.1) to (0.7)) * (i_Particle x)) / (9))\nshow\nforever\n change [i_particle yv v] by (-3)\n change [i_particle x v] by (i_Partical xv)\n change [i_partical y v] by (i_Particle yv)\n if <(i_Partical y) < [-86]> then\n set [i_partical y v] to [-86]\n set [i_particle yv v] to [0]\n set [i_partical xv v] to [0]\n end\n go to x: ((i_Particle x) - (i_cam x)) y: ((i_Partical y) - (i_cam y))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\n@Ball\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nshow\nset [ball yv v] to [0]\nset [ball xv v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\nend\n\ngo to x: (-144) y: (-24)\n\nset x to (10)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nchange x by (ball xv)\nchange y by (ball yv)\nif <(y position) < (((x position) / (tan)) - (105))> then\n set y to (((x position) / (tan)) - (105))\n set [ball yv v] to (() - ((ball yv) * (0.1)))\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n set [ball yv v] to [10]\n end\nend\nif <[175] < (y position)> then\n set y to (175)\n set [ball yv v] to [0]\nend\nif <touching color (#e5ccff)?> then\n set [ball xv v] to ((3) * (ball xv))\n set [ball yv v] to ((3) * (ball yv))\nend\nif <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n set x to (-200)\n set y to (-100)\n set [ball xv v] to [0]\n set [ball yv v] to [0]\n broadcast (lvl restart v)\n if <(y position) < (((x position) / (tan)) - (105))> then\n set y to (((x position) / (tan)) - (105))\n set [ball yv v] to (() - ((ball yv) * (0.1)))\n end\nend\nif <[-230] > (x position)> then\n set x to (-230)\n set [ball xv v] to (() - (ball xv))\n if <(y position) < (((x position) / (tan)) - (105))> then\n set y to (((x position) / (tan)) - (105))\n set [ball yv v] to (() - ((ball yv) * (0.1)))\n end\nend\nif <[230] < (x position)> then\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n set x to (230)\n set [ball xv v] to (() - (ball xv))\n if <(y position) < (((x position) / (tan)) - (105))> then\n set y to (((x position) / (tan)) - (105))\n set [ball yv v] to (() - ((ball yv) * (0.1)))\n end\n else\n set x to (-230)\n set [ball xv v] to [0]\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (next level v)\n if <(y position) < (((x position) / (tan)) - (105))> then\n set y to (((x position) / (tan)) - (105))\n set [ball yv v] to (() - ((ball yv) * (0.1)))\n end\n end\nend\nchange [ball xv v] by ((() - (ball xv)) / (5))\nchange [ball xv v] by ((mouse x) / (120))\nchange [ball yv v] by (-1)\n\nset x to (-230)\nset [ball xv v] to [0]\nchange [level v] by (1)\nbroadcast (next level v)\nif <(y position) < (((x position) / (tan)) - (105))> then\n set y to (((x position) / (tan)) - (105))\n set [ball yv v] to (() - ((ball yv) * (0.1)))\nend\n\n@lvls\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (200) %\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\n point in direction ((90) + ((mouse x) / (20)))\n set [tan v] to ([tan v] of (direction) )\n broadcast (tick v)\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Bad Ball\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(level) = [4]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(level) = [7]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(level) = [11]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(level) = [13]> then\n change [☁ lvls completed v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [my xv v] to [0]\nset [my yv v] to [0]\nset size to (15) %\nshow\nset x to (-260)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set size to (15) %\n change x by (my xv)\n change y by (my yv)\n change [my yv v] by (-1)\n if <(y position) < (((x position) / (tan)) - (105))> then\n set y to (((x position) / (tan)) - (105))\n set [my yv v] to (() - ((my yv) * (0.1)))\n end\n change [my xv v] by ((() - (my xv)) / (5))\n change [my xv v] by ((mouse x) / (70))\n if <[235] < (x position)> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nshow\n\nset x to (-260)\nif <(level) = [4]> then\nend\n\nif <(level) = [4]> then\nend\n\nwhen I receive [lvl restart v]\nif <(level) = [4]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n set size to (15) %\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n delete this clone\n end\nend\nif <(level) = [7]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n set size to (15) %\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n delete this clone\n end\nend\nif <(level) = [11]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n set size to (15) %\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [lvl restart v]\ndelete this clone\n\nif then\nend\n\n@Flash\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nrepeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-25)\nend\nrepeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\nend\n\nshow\n\nrepeat (4)\nend\n\nchange [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\n
Play through 10 levels of careful platforming, but be careful, because when you press a key, certain platforms will appear and disappear...\n\nPress R to restart.\n\nLevel Editor: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/314549019/\n\nCoding 100% by me\nConcept by me\nMusic from Super Mario Galaxy 2
Cobalt | Scrolling Platformer |
@Stage\n\n@Esper\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (20) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-196) y: (-46)\nshow\nset [x座標のやつ v] to [0]\nset [y座標のやつ v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [x座標のやつ v] by (0.9)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>>> then\n change [x座標のやつ v] by (-0.9)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [x座標のやつ v] to ((x座標のやつ) * (0.9))\n change x by (x座標のやつ)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by (-1)\n change [color v] effect by (2.2)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [次どぞ v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-196) y: (-46)\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(distance to [moon v]) < [150]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (((distance to [moon v]) - (150)) / (2))\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [次どぞ v]\ngo to x: (-196) y: (-46)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (spike v)?> or <[-160] > (y position)>> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-196) y: (-46)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n 地面に触れるやつ\n change [y座標のやつ v] by (-1)\n change y by (y座標のやつ)\n if <<touching (地面esper v)?> or <touching (wall v)?>> then\n change y by ((0) - (y座標のやつ))\n set [y座標のやつ v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> and <<touching (地面esper v)?> or <touching (wall v)?>>> then\n change [y座標のやつ v] by (15)\n start sound [ジャンプ v]\n else\n if <touching (バネ v)?> then\n set [y座標のやつ v] to [23]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <<(y position) > (mouse y)> and <<touching (地面esper v)?> or <touching (wall v)?>>>>> then\n switch costume to (しゃがみ v)\n else\n switch costume to (普通 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <[235] < (x position)> then\n broadcast (Next Stage v)\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-196) y: (-46)\n end\n if <touching (バネ v)?> then\n set [y座標のやつ v] to [23]\n end\n if <touching (warp hall v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n point in direction (90)\n if <(Stage) = [7]> then\n go to x: (140) y: (-80)\n end\n if <(Stage) = [10]> then\n go to x: (204) y: (167)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n end\n set volume to (50) %\nend\n\ndefine 地面に触れるやつ\nif <<touching (地面esper v)?> or <touching (wall v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面esper v)?> or <touching (wall v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面esper v)?> or <touching (wall v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面esper v)?> or <touching (wall v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面esper v)?> or <touching (wall v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面esper v)?> or <touching (wall v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面esper v)?> or <touching (wall v)?>> then\n change x by ((0) - (x座標のやつ))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <[0] < (x座標のやつ)> then\n set [x座標のやつ v] to [-7]\n else\n set [x座標のやつ v] to [7]\n end\n set [y座標のやつ v] to [10]\n else\n set [x座標のやつ v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@地面Esper\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\nwait (1) seconds\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [stage v] to (costume [number v])\n if <(costume [number v]) = [12]> then\n broadcast (Games Clear‼ v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\n\n@バネ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\ngo to x: (-162) y: (-81)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Stage) = [10]> then\n show\n if <touching (esper v)?> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\nhide\n\ndefine 地面に触れるやつ\n\n@⭐️❤️\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (4) y: (161)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change y by (-2)\nend\nwait (5) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change y by (2)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Fade v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [games clear‼ v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change y by (-2)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\n\n@Moon\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (189) y: (132)\nset size to (100) %\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n repeat (10)\n change size by (1)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-1)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@Key\n\nwhen I receive [次どぞ v]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nif <(Stage) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (key:normal v)\n go to x: (-169) y: (134)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Stage) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (key:normal v)\n go to x: (-91) y: (-25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (key:red v)\n go to x: (198) y: (149)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Stage) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (key:blue v)\n go to x: (-113) y: (150)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Stage) = [11]> then\n switch costume to (key:normal v)\n go to x: (152) y: (-64)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (key:red v)\n go to x: (-187) y: (100)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (key:blue v)\n go to x: (-22) y: (144)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (key:esper v)\n go to x: (139) y: (140)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<<touching color (#ffe166)?> or <touching color (#ff6666)?>> or <<touching color (#49a2ff)?> or <touching color (#ff4abf)?>>> then\n delete this clone\nelse\n show\n wait until <touching (esper v)?>\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set [key v] to [1]\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n set [key v] to [2]\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n set [key v] to [3]\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n set [key v] to [4]\n end\n repeat until <(Key) = [0]>\n go to (esper v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\nset [key v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\nhide\n\n@Spike \n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Stage)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [次どぞ v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\nhide\n\n@Wall\n\nwhen I receive [次どぞ v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nwait (0.2) seconds\nif <(Stage) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (normal v)\n point in direction (0)\n go to x: (152) y: (-67)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Stage) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (normal v)\n point in direction (0)\n go to x: (-96) y: (132)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (red v)\n point in direction (0)\n go to x: (175) y: (-31)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Stage) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (updown stair v)\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-113) y: (-25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (blue v)\n point in direction (-90)\n go to x: (41) y: (-23)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Stage) = [11]> then\n switch costume to (normal v)\n point in direction (180)\n go to x: (-123) y: (109)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (red v)\n point in direction (-90)\n go to x: (-24) y: (126)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (blue v)\n point in direction (-90)\n go to x: (128) y: (123)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (esper v)\n point in direction (0)\n go to x: (227) y: (-79)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nif <<<touching color (#f8de6d)?> or <touching color (#fa656a)?>> or <<touching color (#68d8fc)?> or <touching color (#000000)?>>> then\n delete this clone\nelse\n show\n forever\n if <touching (key v)?> then\n if <(Key) = (costume [number v])> then\n set [key v] to [0]\n repeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n wait until <touching (key v)?>\n end\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (-113) y: (85)\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (-113) y: (-25)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\nhide\n\n@Warp hall\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<(Stage) = [7]> or <(Stage) = [10]>> then\n if <(Stage) = [7]> then\n go to x: (1) y: (-132)\n end\n if <(Stage) = [10]> then\n go to x: (150) y: (-72)\n end\n if <(Stage) = [11]> then\n go to x: (85) y: (-41)\n end\n show\n turn right (60) degrees\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Follow\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <(Stage) = [8]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\n\n@サムネイル\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\n@skip\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [games clear‼ v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [次どぞ v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Next Stage v)\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\n\n@Next!\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nstart sound [High Whoosh v]\nclone [1]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [2]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [3]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [4]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [5]\nwait (1.5) seconds\nbroadcast (次どぞ v)\n\nset [color v] effect to (pick random (-250) to (250))\n\ndefine clone (cloneid)\nswitch costume to (cloneid)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [2]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [3]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [4]> or <(costume [number v]) = [5]>>>>> then\n go to x: (468) y: (0)\n repeat until <(round (x position)) = [0]>\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (4))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n wait (1.2) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (3)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n wait (1.1) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (3)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (3)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n wait (0.9) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (3)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n wait (0.8) seconds\n repeat until <[330] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (3)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\n
Building Pen Platformers to their true potential...\n\nv2.0 coming soon... hopefully\n\nThis is a pen platformer and it does INCREDIBLY more rendering than a normal pen platformer because it looks just as good as a normal platformer. I'm trying to reduce lag, so now blocks only render when onscreen. If you have any ideas, they would be welcome. If for some reason it is slow, try running turbo mode or using a faster computer. (If your computer has 4 GB of RAM or less it might run slow)\n\nThis pen platformer not only looks AWESOME (at least for a pen platformer) but it also generates its own levels! which means this is an infinite pen platformer.\n\nCredit to LEGO Worlds for music
@Stage\n\nwhen [m v] key pressed\nset [mouse v] to (join ((mouse x) + (SCROLL X)) (join [, ] ((mouse y) + (SCROLL Y))))\nshow variable [mouse v]\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nset [music v] to [0]\nswitch backdrop to (1 v)\nrepeat until <(Music) = [1]>\n play sound [vexento-masked-heroes-1-AHM56EBq6 \(1\) v] until done\nend\nplay sound [Playng2 v] until done\n\n@Blank\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nbroadcast (Reset v)\nbroadcast (Setup v)\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Green Flag v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n broadcast (Reset v) and wait\n broadcast (Setup v) and wait\n wait (0) seconds\n Game On\n repeat until <(EXIT) > []>\n Tick\n broadcast (Tick v) and wait\n end\n if <(EXIT) = [win]> then\n start sound [Teleport2 v]\n Game - Win\n wait (0.1) seconds\n else\n Game - Die\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game On\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [moving sprite v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\n\ndefine Tick\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse x) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [sx v] by (-2)\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse x) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [sx v] by (2)\nend\nset [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.8))\nif <([abs v] of (sx) ) > [0.9]> then\n Change Player x by (round (sx))\nend\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n set [sy v] to [17]\n end\nend\nif <(sy) > [-17]> then\n change [sy v] by (-2)\nend\nChange Player Y by (sy)\nTest - Die\nset [scroll x v] to (x)\nif <(SCROLL X) < [-100]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [-100]\n set [x v] to [-100]\nend\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (10)))\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [0]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\nend\nPosition\nif <(y) < [-180]> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\nif <touching (spring v)?> then\n change [sy v] by (25)\nend\n\nchange [x v] by (8)\n\ndefine Change Player Y by (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nPosition\nrepeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nset [sy v] to [16]\n\n\n\n\ndefine Change Player x by (sx)\nchange [x v] by (sx)\nPosition\nif <touching (platforms v)?> then\n repeat (12)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not <touching (platforms v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-12)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n set [sx v] to [-16]\n else\n set [sx v] to [16]\n end\n set [in air v] to [0]\n else\n set [sx v] to [0]\n end\n repeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game - Die\nchange [deaths v] by (1)\nset [exit v] to []\nstart sound [Oops v]\nrepeat (3)\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n show\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nhide\nwait (0.2) seconds\n\ndefine Test - Die\nif <<touching (danger v)?> or <touching (gears v)?>> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\n\nstart sound [Squish Pop v]\n\ndefine Game - Win\nrepeat (50)\n point towards (exit v)\n turn right (65) degrees\n move ((distance to [exit v]) / (2)) steps\n change size by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nchange [level v] by (1)\nhide\nset [deaths v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\nend\n\n@Platforms\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone at x: [445] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [445] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [445] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [445] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n switch backdrop to (3 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n switch backdrop to (4 v)\n Clone at x: [430] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [430] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [0] y: [300]\n Clone at x: [430] y: [-300]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone at x: [430] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [0] y: [200]\n Clone at x: [0] y: [200]\n Clone at x: [430] y: [-400]\n Clone at x: [430] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch backdrop to (6 v)\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n Clone at x: [200] y: [260]\n Clone at x: [150] y: [260]\n Clone at x: [0] y: [260]\n Clone at x: [-100] y: [400]\n Clone at x: [0] y: [400]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n switch backdrop to (7 v)\n set [music v] to [1]\n switch costume to (level 7 1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\n@Collectables\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide variable [mouse v]\nhide\n\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n change [collected v] by (1)\n if <(COLLECTED) = (COLLECTED MAX)> then\n broadcast (Open Portal v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [collected v] to [0]\nset [collected max v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (dot v)\n Clone at x: [52] y: [27]\n Clone at x: [607] y: [70]\n Clone at x: [803] y: [60]\n Clone at x: [921] y: [123]\n Clone at x: [1042] y: [181]\n Clone at x: [1130] y: [236]\n Clone at x: [1960] y: [-22]\n Clone at x: [2004] y: [5]\n Clone at x: [2055] y: [-22]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (dot v)\n Clone at x: [87] y: [-40]\n Clone at x: [226] y: [-40]\n Clone at x: [550] y: [-35]\n Clone at x: [620] y: [-57]\n Clone at x: [740] y: [-4]\n Clone at x: [758] y: [32]\n Clone at x: [790] y: [32]\n Clone at x: [826] y: [32]\n Clone at x: [866] y: [25]\n Clone at x: [909] y: [8]\n Clone at x: [1341] y: [60]\n Clone at x: [1359] y: [110]\n Clone at x: [1396] y: [144]\n Clone at x: [1451] y: [130]\n Clone at x: [1479] y: [100]\n Clone at x: [1495] y: [46]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (dot v)\n Clone at x: [193] y: [-11]\n Clone at x: [393] y: [-69]\n Clone at x: [430] y: [-20]\n Clone at x: [516] y: [-20]\n Clone at x: [557] y: [-69]\n Clone at x: [468] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [850] y: [19]\n Clone at x: [991] y: [11]\n Clone at x: [1130] y: [-61]\n Clone at x: [1246] y: [-29]\n Clone at x: [1437] y: [-10]\n Clone at x: [1737] y: [-10]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (dot v)\n Clone at x: [225] y: [39]\n Clone at x: [545] y: [-103]\n Clone at x: [617] y: [-32]\n Clone at x: [718] y: [-103]\n Clone at x: [835] y: [46]\n Clone at x: [710] y: [81]\n Clone at x: [595] y: [180]\n Clone at x: [1326] y: [-98]\n Clone at x: [1120] y: [172]\n Clone at x: [951] y: [224]\n Clone at x: [647] y: [302]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (dot v)\n Clone at x: [510] y: [327]\n Clone at x: [1372] y: [410]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (dot v)\n Clone at x: [344] y: [300]\n Clone at x: [49] y: [440]\n Clone at x: [410] y: [545]\n Clone at x: [185] y: [698]\n Clone at x: [469] y: [888]\n Clone at x: [319] y: [950]\n Clone at x: [221] y: [950]\n Clone at x: [63] y: [1237]\n Clone at x: [216] y: [1303]\n Clone at x: [308] y: [1668]\n Clone at x: [170] y: [1670]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [x v] to [-99999]\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone at x: [445] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone at x: [430] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [430] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [430] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone at x: [430] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [430] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [430] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [430] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n Clone at x: [250] y: [1580]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (360)\nnext costume\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (360)\nnext costume\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\n@Exit\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nturn right (4) degrees\nif <<(costume [name v]) = [Open]> and <touching (player v)?>> then\n set [exit v] to [win]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [collected v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone at x: [2312] y: [-40]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone at x: [1986] y: [-75]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone at x: [1935] y: [-28]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone at x: [385] y: [327]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone at x: [980] y: [610]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone at x: [713] y: [1702]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone at x: [999999] y: [999999]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (360)\nnext costume\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (360)\nnext costume\n\nrepeat (10)\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\n\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nshow\n\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\n\nset [collected max v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [open portal v]\nswitch costume to (open v)\n\nchange [collected v] by (1)\ndelete this clone\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0) seconds\nswitch costume to (template v)\nstart sound [TheFatRat - Time Lapse v]\nhide variable [score v]\nhide variable [showing score v]\nhide variable [your best v]\nhide variable [☁ ☁ world best v]\nswitch backdrop to (intro v)\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (5) %\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (35)\n change [color v] effect by (0.1)\n change size by (((50) - (size)) / (5))\nend\nstart sound [Engine v]\nbroadcast (show v)\n\nwhen I receive [flash v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-200)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [show v]\nset [thing v] to [1]\nrepeat (30)\n change size by (((110) - (size)) / (5))\n change [color v] effect by ((thing) / (15))\nend\nrepeat (60)\n change [thing v] by ((thing) / (5))\n turn right (thing) degrees\n change size by ((thing) / (15))\n change [ghost v] effect by ((thing) / (15))\n change [color v] effect by ((thing) / (15))\nend\nstop all sounds\nwait (0.1) seconds\nhide\nbroadcast (Next v)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nswitch backdrop to (1 v)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nstart sound [Teleport2 v]\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [10]>\n next costume\nend\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [34]>\n next costume\nend\nswitch costume to (costume36 v)\nplay sound [Dun Dun Dunnn v] until done\nwait (0.15) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume35 v)\nplay sound [Dun Dun Dunnn2 v] until done\nwait (0.15) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume37 v)\nplay sound [Dun Dun Dunnn3 v] until done\nwait (0.15) seconds\nhide\nbroadcast (Play Game v)\nbroadcast (Sprite Move Right v)\n\nrepeat (10)\n repeat (10)\n change x by (pick random (-10) to (10))\n change y by (pick random (-10) to (10))\n change [color v] effect by (0.4)\n end\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nhide\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nset size to (700) %\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nset [deaths v] to [0]\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nset [exit v] to [win]\n\nchange [level v] by (1)\nset [deaths v] to [0]\nbroadcast (Reset v)\nbroadcast (Setup v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nswitch backdrop to (LEVEL)\nif <(DEATHS) > [4]> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\n@Gears\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nturn right (5) degrees\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone at x: [445] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [-120]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [300] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone at x: [430] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [200] y: [-150]\n Clone at x: [430] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone at x: [430] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [550] y: [-160]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (360)\nnext costume\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (360)\nnext costume\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\n@Spring\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide variable [mouse v]\nhide\n\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n Clone at x: [520] y: [268]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n Clone at x: [118] y: [-85]\n Clone at x: [215] y: [215]\n Clone at x: [50] y: [375]\n Clone at x: [560] y: [600]\n Clone at x: [160] y: [920]\n Clone at x: [384] y: [1348]\n end\nend\nset [x v] to [-99999]\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\n
yes part 3 out.\n\nInstructions \narrow keys to move\nPART 1: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/492378103\nPART 2: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/500777838\nPART 4: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/508327517
ADVENTURE \Grassland/ <a platformer>
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Vexento - Occupy v] until done\nend\n\n@ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (fantasia1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\n@particles\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (-90)\nhide\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (pick random (40) to (80)) %\npoint in direction (pick random (-60) to (-90))\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [speed v] to [5]\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (50) to (75))\ngo to x: (238) y: (pick random (18) to (-182))\nshow\nforever\n repeat until <<(x position) = [-246]> or <(x position) < [-230]>>\n move (speed) steps\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (fantasia1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to x: (-215) y: (90)\nforever\n change [y v] by (-0.5)\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving platforms v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving platforms v)?>> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-0.5)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <((mouse y) - (y position)) > [50]>>>>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n end\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving platforms v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving platforms v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving platforms v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving platforms v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving platforms v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving platforms v)?>> then\n change y by (-6)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <((mouse y) - (y position)) > [50]>>>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n else\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(x position) > [239]> then\n broadcast (next v)\n go to x: (-215) y: (25)\n end\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n broadcast (die v)\n go to x: (-215) y: (25)\n end\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n set [y v] to [12.5]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (fantasia1 v)\nforever\n go to (ground v)\n switch costume to ([costume # v] of [ground v])\nend\n\n@moving platforms\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-153) y: (82)\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n move (3) steps\n if on edge, bounce\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n hide\n if <<([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [4]> or <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [17]>> then\n show\n end\n if <not <<([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [4]> or <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [17]>>> then\n go to x: (-153) y: (82)\n end\nend\n\n@trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (fantasia1 v)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n repeat (4)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (4)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (93) y: (27)\nforever\n hide\n if <<<<<([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [5]> or <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [6]>> or <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [7]>> or <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [9]>> or <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [17]>> then\n show\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [6]> then\n go to x: (47) y: (27)\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [7]> then\n go to x: (113) y: (167)\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [9]> then\n go to x: (145) y: (25)\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [17]> then\n go to x: (5) y: (28)\n end\nend\n\n@tb\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@sun\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (fantasia1 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (fantasia2 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nforever\n repeat (45)\n change size by (0.5)\n end\n repeat (45)\n change size by (-0.5)\n end\nend\n\n@transition\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n
    English       \nJump with the up key.    \nMove with the left and right keys.\nSquat with the down key. 世界記録\n           @akt1014さん \n    日本語      40.7秒\n  上キーでジャンプ   \n  左右キーで移動\n  下キでしゃがむ
Mario platformer 10
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [toby fox - UNDERTALE Soundtrack - 06 Uwa!! So Temperate♫.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [3 v]\nrepeat (10)\n change volume by (-10)\nend\n\n@Pi\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (50) %\npoint in direction (90)\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-100)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nforever\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (0.5)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.5)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (xv)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (yv)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n start sound [lo gliss tabla v]\n set [yv v] to [13]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change x by ((xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change x by ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(y position) < [-164]> then\n erase all\n start sound [lo geh tabla v]\n hide\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (50) %\n point in direction (90)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n go to x: (-200) y: (-100)\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(x position) > [239]> then\n erase all\n broadcast (next level v)\n show\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (50) %\n point in direction (90)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n go to x: (-200) y: (-100)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n erase all\n hide\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (50) %\n point in direction (90)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n go to x: (-200) y: (-100)\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (moving platform v)?> then\n change x by (platform x)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [3 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nglide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n turn right (xv) degrees\nend\n\n@level\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Pencil\n\nwhen flag clicked\npen up\nset [pencil v] to [not activated]\nerase all\nset pen size to (5)\nset pen color to (#000000)\ngo to x: (-21) y: (-71)\nset size to (50) %\nset [pencil v] to [not activated]\nforever\n if <(pencil) = [not activated]> then\n hide\n wait until <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [4]>\n show\n wait until <touching (pi v)?>\n set [pencil v] to [activated]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n end\n repeat until <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [5]>\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n end\n set [pencil v] to [usable]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(pencil) = [not activated]> then\n repeat (3)\n change y by (3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\n repeat (2)\n change y by (1)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\n repeat (3)\n change y by (-3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\n repeat (2)\n change y by (-1)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(pencil) = [usable]> then\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(pencil) = [usable]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(drawable) = [yes]> then\n pen down\n else\n pen up\n end\n else\n pen up\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [21]> then\n hide\n erase all\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\nend\n\n@red sensor\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n set [drawable v] to [no]\n else\n set [drawable v] to [yes]\n end\nend\n\n@obstcale\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo [backward v] (100) layers\nforever\n turn right (2) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [20]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@moving platform\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-30) y: (-125)\nhide\nforever\n set [platform x v] to [5]\n repeat (40)\n change x by (5)\n end\n set [platform x v] to [0]\n wait (1) seconds\n set [platform x v] to [-5]\n repeat (40)\n change x by (-5)\n end\n set [platform x v] to [0]\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [16]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@moving platform2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [17]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (41) y: (-7)\nforever\n turn right (1) degrees\nend\n\n@text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <([costume # v] of [level v]) > [10]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n wait until <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [22]>\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (costume12 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (costume13 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (costume14 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (costume15 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n wait (1.5) seconds\n broadcast (3 v)\n wait (1.5) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (costume16 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (costume17 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\nelse\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n next costume\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\nend\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen I receive [3 v]\nwait (14) seconds\nshow\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [3 v]\nwait (14) seconds\nforever\n play sound [toby fox - UNDERTALE Soundtrack - 06 Uwa!! So Temperate♫.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\n
Check out my new game:\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/956564232\n\n=========================================\n\n2nd Place in @Brad-Games contest! Thank you so much!\n\nCheck out my new game I built using this engine:\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/551816517/\n\n=========================================\n\nWelcome to the Super Mario Platforming Engine! This is a short sample level of an upcoming game I am developing.\n\nCONTROLS\n*Press K to change the default controls\n-Left & Right Arrows to Move\n-Down to Crouch\n-Z to dash/grab objects and throw fireballs with a power-up\n-Up Arrow or X to Jump\n-C to change characters\n-Press Down on slopes to slide\n-Press left/right near a wall midair to wall slide; press X to wall jump\n\nFEATURES\n-A robust scrolling engine with horizontal and vertical movement\n-Parallax Scrolling\n-A close accurate representation of common Mario NPCs\n-Slopes (Gentle & Steep Versions)\n-NPC Respawning (Still WIP)\n-Semi-Solid Platforms\n-Coins & Collectibles\n\nI originally was going to make a full open-world game, but I spent more time in perfecting the engine than adding more levels. I guess I was too ambitious :-)\n\nCREDITS\n-Mario Fan Games Galaxy, The Spriters Resource, and SMBX for Sprites and Tilesets\n-The Sounds Resource, themushroomkingdom.net, and SMBX for sounds and effects\n-@griffpatch for the initial platforming engine\n-@brad-games for his contest and years of awesome Scratch content.\n-Nintendo for ownership of the Mario franchise and other related properties\n\nAND YOU FOR PLAYING!\n\nOver 1400 Clears Total! Thank you so much!
(DARK!) 4 (Mobile Friendly Platformer)
@Stage\n\n@地面\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [作品start! v]\nforever\n play sound [Sunset v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [作品start! v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n\n@ゲート\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\n@スプライト3\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [作品start! v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [リス多 v]\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n\n@プレイヤー\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (1) %\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nstart sound [Rip v]\n\nwhen I receive [over v]\nstart sound [Oops v]\n\nwhen I receive [作品start! v]\nforever\n play sound [Thousand_Absolutes_Xaf_Remix v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n重力定義\n\ndefine 重力定義\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.9))\n change x by (X)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change x by (() - (X))\n change y by (-4)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n if <[0] < (X)> then\n set [x v] to [-8]\n set [y v] to [11]\n else\n set [x v] to [8]\n set [y v] to [11]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (() - (Y))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n end\n if <touching (危険 v)?> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n end\n if <(y position) = [-185]> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n end\n if <(x position) = [245]> then\n broadcast (次のステージ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n broadcast (over v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [over v]\ngo to x: (-365) y: (95)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (ゲート v)?> then\n broadcast (next v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ngo to x: (-365) y: (95)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [作品start! v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (スプライト3 v)?> then\n broadcast (over v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [♥と★ v]\nswitch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [リス多 v]\ngo to x: (-365) y: (95)\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (作品Start! v)\n\n@LONG\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
日本語は下\n\n\n【English】\nI made it by reproducing the beautiful night sea\nAvoid shells and proceed\nLet's aim for the goal through a cave etc.\nIf it's interesting, thank you for the stars and hearts!\nOperate with arrow keys or tap\n\n\n【日本語】\n綺麗な夜の海を再現して作りました\n貝殻を避けて進み\n洞窟などを通ってゴールを目指しましょう\n面白ければ星とハートよろしくお願いします!\n矢印キーまたはタップで操作します\n\n
the two level platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Chinese Music v] until done\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (5)\n switch costume to (join (costume [name v]) [Clone])\n change size by (-8)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\nshow\nset size to (145) %\nswitch costume to (red v)\ngo to x: (-190) y: (50)\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [x v] by (-2)\n end\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [x v] by (2)\n end\n if <<<<(y position) < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> and <<<(x position) < (mouse x)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <<<<(y position) < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> and <<<(mouse x) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.9))\n change x by (X)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by ((X) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-7]\n else\n set [x v] to [7]\n end\n set [y v] to [14]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [y v] to [14]\n point in direction ((Y) * (0.5))\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((Y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n hide variable [x v]\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n broadcast (next level v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [y v] to [0]\n set [x v] to [0]\n go to x: (-190) y: (0)\n end\n if <<touching (danger v)?> or <(y position) < [-170]>> then\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n go to x: (-190) y: (-10)\n start sound [Hurt v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to ([costume name v] of [thanks v])\nend\n\n@ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Back\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@Trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [y v] to [18]\n play sound [Boing v] until done\n end\nend\n\n@detector\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [actions \(love/fave\) v] to [0]\nforever\n set [touching v] to [none]\n Detect [love] at [-201] [-220]\n Detect [fave] at [-201] [-220]\nend\n\ndefine Detect (thing) at (x) (y)\nswitch costume to (empty v)\nset size to (27000) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (thing)\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [touching v] to (costume [name v])\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <(touching) = [love]>\n wait (0.2) seconds\n if <(touching) = [love]> then\n change [actions \(love/fave\) v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <(touching) = [fave]>\n wait (0.2) seconds\n if <(touching) = [fave]> then\n change [actions \(love/fave\) v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Love and fave reminder2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n if <(Actions \(love/fave\)) < [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (187) y: (125)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (11)\n change y by (-6)\n end\n repeat (7)\n change y by (3)\n end\n repeat (6)\n change y by (-2)\n end\n wait until <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>\n repeat (17)\n change y by (7)\n end\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (2.5) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\n@Thanks\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(Actions \(love/fave\)) = [2]>\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (50)\nreset timer\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (red v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by ((y position) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\nswitch costume to (yellow v)\nreset timer\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by (((y position) - (-100)) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (red v)\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
日本語は下にあります!!!\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nA platformer set in space !!\nGravity is different than usual!\n\n▼ How to play\nOperate with the arrow keys or tap.\nIt is mobile compatible.\n\n▼ Goal\nNumber of references 10000\n⭐ and ❤100\nTrend 1, 2P\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n宇宙を舞台にしたプラットフォーマーです!!\n重力がいつもと違います!\n\n▼遊び方\n矢印キー、またはタップで操作します。\nモバイル対応です。\n\n▼目標\n参照数10000\n⭐と❤100\n傾向1、2P\n\n▼作者から\nタイムをコメントして(((\nうーん。自信作度:74%
Explore - Platformer #games
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (背景2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [8]>\nswitch backdrop to (背景3 v)\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [14]>\nswitch backdrop to (背景2 v)\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [20]>\nswitch backdrop to (背景4 v)\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [22]>\nswitch backdrop to (背景2 v)\n\nreplace item (1) of [情報 v] with ((item (1) of [情報 v]) + (1))\n\n@ピカー\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset size to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (item (1) of [情報 v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n turn right (0.4) degrees\n change size by ([cos v] of (item (6) of [情報 v]) )\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\n表示 [4] まで待つ [-140] [20]\n表示 [7] まで待つ [-80] [0]\n表示 [11] まで待つ [-20] [-30]\n表示 [13] まで待つ [40] [-10]\n表示 [20] まで待つ [150] [110]\n\nwhen I receive [k v]\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine 表示 (a) まで待つ (x) (y)\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = (a)>\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset size to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <<(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [10]> or <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [16]>> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@プレイヤー\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nreplace item (8) of [情報 v] with [20]\nreplace item (2) of [情報 v] with [0]\nreplace item (3) of [情報 v] with [0]\nreplace item (1) of [情報 v] with [1]\nreplace item (14) of [情報 v] with ((0.5) + ((0.5) * <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [19]>))\nset [スピード v] to [0.5]\nset [命はあるんか v] to [1]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (55) %\nwait (0.01) seconds\nプレイヤー [1]\npoint in direction (90)\nreplace item (2) of [情報 v] with [0]\nreplace item (3) of [情報 v] with [0]\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nshow\nforever\n if <<not <(item (8) of [情報 v]) = [0]>> and <(命はあるんか) = [1]>> then\n if <not <(item (26) of [情報 v]) = [1]>> then\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>> and <(攻撃状態) = [0]>>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n if <<touching (酸素ゲージ判定用 v)?> or <touching (マグマ v)?>> then\n replace item (2) of [情報 v] with ((item (2) of [情報 v]) + ((0) - ((item (14) of [情報 v]) / (2))))\n else\n replace item (2) of [情報 v] with ((item (2) of [情報 v]) + ((0) - (item (14) of [情報 v])))\n end\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>> and <(攻撃状態) = [0]>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n if <<touching (酸素ゲージ判定用 v)?> or <touching (マグマ判定 v)?>> then\n replace item (2) of [情報 v] with ((item (2) of [情報 v]) + ((item (14) of [情報 v]) / (2)))\n else\n replace item (2) of [情報 v] with ((item (2) of [情報 v]) + (item (14) of [情報 v]))\n end\n end\n end\n replace item (2) of [情報 v] with ((item (2) of [情報 v]) * (0.9))\n change x by (item (2) of [情報 v])\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー石 v)?> or <touching (プレイヤー固定 v)?>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー石 v)?> or <touching (プレイヤー固定 v)?>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー石 v)?> or <touching (プレイヤー固定 v)?>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー石 v)?> or <touching (プレイヤー固定 v)?>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー石 v)?> or <touching (プレイヤー固定 v)?>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー石 v)?> or <touching (プレイヤー固定 v)?>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー石 v)?> or <touching (プレイヤー固定 v)?>>>> then\n change x by ((0) - (item (2) of [情報 v]))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>> and <(攻撃状態) = [0]>>> then\n if <not <(item (26) of [情報 v]) = [1]>> then\n if <not <<touching (水 v)?> or <touching (マグマ判定 v)?>>> then\n if <[0] < (item (2) of [情報 v])> then\n replace item (2) of [情報 v] with [-4]\n else\n replace item (2) of [情報 v] with [4]\n end\n replace item (3) of [情報 v] with ((9) + ((4) * <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [20]>))\n 移動処理 (y position) [✕]\n end\n end\n else\n replace item (2) of [情報 v] with [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n replace item (3) of [情報 v] with ((item (3) of [情報 v]) - (0.8))\n if <<<touching (酸素ゲージ判定用 v)?> or <touching (マグマ判定 v)?>> and <(item (3) of [情報 v]) < [-2]>> then\n replace item (3) of [情報 v] with [-2]\n end\n change y by (item (3) of [情報 v])\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー石 v)?> or <touching (プレイヤー固定 v)?>>>> then\n change y by ((0) - (item (3) of [情報 v]))\n replace item (3) of [情報 v] with [0]\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <not <(item (26) of [情報 v]) = [1]>> then\n if <<touching (酸素ゲージ判定用 v)?> and <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>> and <(攻撃状態) = [0]>>>> then\n replace item (3) of [情報 v] with ((4) + ((1) * <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [20]>))\n else\n if <<touching (マグマ判定 v)?> and <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>> and <(攻撃状態) = [0]>>>> then\n replace item (3) of [情報 v] with ((4) + ((1) * <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [20]>))\n else\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー石 v)?> or <touching (プレイヤー固定 v)?>>>> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>> and <(攻撃状態) = [0]>>> then\n replace item (3) of [情報 v] with ((11) + ((3) * <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [20]>))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <<[238] < (x position)> and <<<<not <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [21]>> and <not <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [17]>>> and <not <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [20]>>> and <not <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [13]>>>> then\n if <(item (19) of [情報 v]) = [0]> then\n replace item (1) of [情報 v] with ((item (1) of [情報 v]) + (1))\n ▶ノックバック [0] [0]\n broadcast (NEXT v)\n go to x: (-200) y: ((0) - ((50) * <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [19]>))\n replace item (1) of [移動処理 v] with [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <touching (ヴォーデン v)?> then\n 敵攻撃 [-20] [5]\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\n if <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [12]> then\n if <<touching (スケルトン2 v)?> and <not <([costume # v] of [スケルトン2 v]) = [3]>>> then\n 敵攻撃 [-7] [6]\n wait (0.4) seconds\n end\n if <<touching (ゾンビ3 v)?> and <not <([costume # v] of [ゾンビ3 v]) = [3]>>> then\n 敵攻撃 [-7] [1]\n wait (0.4) seconds\n end\n if <<touching (ゾンビ v)?> or <touching (ゾンビ2 v)?>> then\n 敵攻撃 [-7] [1]\n wait (0.4) seconds\n end\n if <touching (スケルトン v)?> then\n 敵攻撃 [-4] [2]\n wait (0.4) seconds\n end\n if <touching (マグマ v)?> then\n 敵攻撃 [-5] [✕]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n if <touching (サボテン v)?> then\n 敵攻撃 [-5] [✕]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n if <<(y position) < [-178]> and <not <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [15]>>> then\n 敵攻撃 [-20] [✕]\n end\n if <touching (爆発 v)?> then\n 敵攻撃 [-16] [4]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n if <touching (ソニックブーム補完用2 v)?> then\n 敵攻撃 [-14] [5]\n wait (1.5) seconds\n end\n if <touching (爆発3 v)?> then\n 敵攻撃 [-2] [6]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n if <touching (スプライト7 v)?> then\n 敵攻撃 [-1] [7]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n else\n if <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [13]> then\n if <<touching (スケルトン2 v)?> and <not <([costume # v] of [スケルトン2 v]) = [3]>>> then\n 敵攻撃 [-8] [6]\n wait (0.4) seconds\n end\n if <<touching (ゾンビ3 v)?> and <not <([costume # v] of [ゾンビ3 v]) = [3]>>> then\n 敵攻撃 [-8] [1]\n wait (0.4) seconds\n end\n if <<touching (ゾンビ v)?> or <touching (ゾンビ2 v)?>> then\n 敵攻撃 [-8] [1]\n wait (0.4) seconds\n end\n if <touching (スケルトン v)?> then\n 敵攻撃 [-5] [2]\n wait (0.4) seconds\n end\n if <touching (マグマ v)?> then\n 敵攻撃 [-6] [✕]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n if <touching (サボテン v)?> then\n 敵攻撃 [-6] [✕]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n if <<(y position) < [-178]> and <not <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [15]>>> then\n 敵攻撃 [-20] [✕]\n end\n if <touching (爆発 v)?> then\n 敵攻撃 [-18] [4]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n if <touching (ソニックブーム補完用2 v)?> then\n 敵攻撃 [-16] [5]\n wait (1.5) seconds\n end\n if <touching (爆発3 v)?> then\n 敵攻撃 [-3] [6]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n if <touching (スプライト7 v)?> then\n 敵攻撃 [-1] [7]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n else\n if <touching (マグマ v)?> then\n 敵攻撃 [-4] [✕]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n if <touching (サボテン v)?> then\n 敵攻撃 [-4] [✕]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n if <<(y position) < [-178]> and <not <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [15]>>> then\n 敵攻撃 [-20] [✕]\n end\n if <touching (爆発 v)?> then\n 敵攻撃 [-14] [4]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n if <touching (スプライト7 v)?> then\n 敵攻撃 [-1] [7]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ダメージ v]\nrepeat (10)\n プレイヤー [0]\nend\nプレイヤー [1]\n\nwhen I receive [弓矢 v]\nif <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [12]> then\n 敵攻撃 [-5] [3]\nelse\n 敵攻撃 [-4] [3]\nend\n\ndefine 敵攻撃 (攻撃力) (なに?)\nif <not <(item (8) of [情報 v]) = [0]>> then\n if <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [16]> then\n if <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [21]> then\n replace item (8) of [情報 v] with ((item (8) of [情報 v]) + (攻撃力))\n else\n replace item (8) of [情報 v] with ((item (8) of [情報 v]) + ([ceiling v] of ((攻撃力) * (0.3)) ))\n end\n else\n replace item (8) of [情報 v] with ((item (8) of [情報 v]) + (攻撃力))\n end\n broadcast (ダメージ v)\n start sound [ダメージ v]\n if <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [16]> then\n if <(なに?) = [1]> then\n if <(x position) < (モブの位置x)> then\n ▶ノックバック [-6] [6]\n else\n ▶ノックバック [6] [6]\n end\n end\n if <(なに?) = [2]> then\n if <(x position) < (スケルトン位置x)> then\n ▶ノックバック [-6] [6]\n else\n ▶ノックバック [6] [6]\n end\n end\n if <(なに?) = [3]> then\n if <(x position) < (スケルトン位置x)> then\n ▶ノックバック [-5] [5]\n else\n ▶ノックバック [5] [5]\n end\n end\n if <(なに?) = [4]> then\n if <(x position) < (item (4) of [情報 v])> then\n ▶ノックバック [-7] [7]\n else\n ▶ノックバック [7] [7]\n end\n end\n if <(なに?) = [5]> then\n if <(x position) < (item (4) of [情報 v])> then\n ▶ノックバック [-6] [6]\n else\n ▶ノックバック [6] [6]\n end\n end\n if <(なに?) = [6]> then\n if <(x position) < (item (22) of [情報 v])> then\n ▶ノックバック [-6] [6]\n else\n ▶ノックバック [6] [6]\n end\n end\n if <(なに?) = [7]> then\n if <(なに?) = [8]> then\n if <(x position) < (item (24) of [情報 v])> then\n ▶ノックバック [-10] [12]\n else\n ▶ノックバック [10] [12]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(なに?) = [1]> then\n if <(x position) < (モブの位置x)> then\n ▶ノックバック [-10] [10]\n else\n ▶ノックバック [10] [10]\n end\n end\n if <(なに?) = [2]> then\n if <(x position) < (スケルトン位置x)> then\n ▶ノックバック [-10] [10]\n else\n ▶ノックバック [10] [10]\n end\n end\n if <(なに?) = [3]> then\n if <(x position) < (スケルトン位置x)> then\n ▶ノックバック [-8.5] [8.5]\n else\n ▶ノックバック [8.5] [8.5]\n end\n end\n if <(なに?) = [4]> then\n if <(x position) < (item (4) of [情報 v])> then\n ▶ノックバック [-15] [12]\n else\n ▶ノックバック [15] [12]\n end\n end\n if <(なに?) = [5]> then\n if <(x position) < (item (4) of [情報 v])> then\n ▶ノックバック [-10] [10]\n else\n ▶ノックバック [10] [10]\n end\n end\n if <(なに?) = [6]> then\n if <(x position) < (item (22) of [情報 v])> then\n ▶ノックバック [-10] [10]\n else\n ▶ノックバック [10] [10]\n end\n end\n if <(なに?) = [7]> then\n if <(なに?) = [8]> then\n if <(x position) < (item (24) of [情報 v])> then\n ▶ノックバック [-10] [12]\n else\n ▶ノックバック [10] [12]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nswitch costume to (普通 v)\n\ndefine ▶ノックバック (x) (y)\nreplace item (2) of [情報 v] with (x)\nreplace item (3) of [情報 v] with (y)\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [延焼ダメージ v] to [0]\nforever\n if <touching (マグマ v)?> then\n set [延焼ダメージ v] to [4]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nreplace item (8) of [情報 v] with [20]\nforever\n if <(item (8) of [情報 v]) < [0.01]> then\n broadcast (やられた v)\n replace item (2) of [情報 v] with [0]\n replace item (3) of [情報 v] with [0]\n replace item (8) of [情報 v] with [0]\n wait until <not <(item (8) of [情報 v]) < [0.01]>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\ndelete all of [移動処理 v]\ninsert [-100] at (1) of [移動処理 v] \nset [記録 v] to [0]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nforever\n if <(item (1) of [移動処理 v]) < (y position)> then\n 移動処理 (y position) [✕]\n end\n if <<touching (水 v)?> or <touching (マグマ v)?>> then\n 移動処理 (y position) [✕]\n end\nend\n\ndefine 移動処理 (y) (スピード)\nif <not <(y) = [ダメージ]>> then\n insert ([ceiling v] of (y) ) at (1) of [移動処理 v] \nelse\n broadcast (ダメージ v)\n if <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [16]> then\n replace item (8) of [情報 v] with ((item (8) of [情報 v]) + ([ceiling v] of ((スピード) * (0.2)) ))\n else\n replace item (8) of [情報 v] with ((item (8) of [情報 v]) + (スピード))\n end\n set [記録 v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <touching (落下ダメージの判定用 v)?> then\n wait until <not <touching (落下ダメージの判定用 v)?>>\n wait until <touching (落下ダメージの判定用 v)?>\n set [記録 v] to ((item (1) of [移動処理 v]) - (round (y position)))\n replace item (1) of [移動処理 v] with [-100]\n if <[0] < ((記録) - (105))> then\n if <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]> then\n 移動処理 [ダメージ] ((0) - ([ceiling v] of (((記録) - (105)) / (10)) ))\n else\n if <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [12]> then\n 移動処理 [ダメージ] ((0) - ([ceiling v] of (((記録) - (105)) / (9)) ))\n else\n 移動処理 [ダメージ] ((0) - ([ceiling v] of (((記録) - (105)) / (8)) ))\n end\n end\n start sound [ダメージ v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\nreplace item (8) of [情報 v] with [20]\nif <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [18]> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (-75)\nelse\n if <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [21]> then\n go to x: (-100) y: (-50)\n else\n if <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [19]> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (-50)\n else\n if <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [16]> then\n go to x: (-180) y: (0)\n else\n if <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [14]> then\n go to x: (-155) y: (-55)\n else\n if <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [8]> then\n go to x: (-155) y: (-55)\n else\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\npoint in direction (90)\n▶ノックバック [0] [0]\nreplace item (8) of [情報 v] with [20]\nプレイヤー [1]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <(item (8) of [情報 v]) = [0]> then\n set [延焼ダメージ v] to [0]\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <<not <(item (8) of [情報 v]) = [0]>> and <<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>> and <(攻撃状態) = [0]>>> or <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>> and <(攻撃状態) = [0]>>>>> then\n set volume to (100) %\n wait (0.05) seconds\n if <touching (酸素ゲージ判定用 v)?> then\n play sound (pick random (4) to (8)) until done\n else\n if <touching (地面ー土 v)?> then\n play sound (pick random (1) to (2)) until done\n end\n if <touching (地面ー砂 v)?> then\n play sound (pick random (9) to (13)) until done\n end\n if <touching (地面ー石 v)?> then\n play sound (pick random (14) to (17)) until done\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <<(item (3) of [設定 v]) = [14]> and <not <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [9]>>> then\n forever\n end\n end\n if <<(item (3) of [設定 v]) = [14]> and <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [9]>> then\n wait (0.2) seconds\n else\n if <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [9]> then\n wait (0.2) seconds\n else\n if <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]> then\n wait (4) seconds\n else\n if <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [12]> then\n wait (5) seconds\n else\n wait (6) seconds\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <<(item (8) of [情報 v]) < [20]> and <not <(item (8) of [情報 v]) = [0]>>> then\n replace item (8) of [情報 v] with ((item (8) of [情報 v]) + (1))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\nreplace item (1) of [移動処理 v] with [0]\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <not <(延焼ダメージ) = [0]>> then\n start sound (pick random (18) to (20))\n change [延焼ダメージ v] by (-1)\n replace item (8) of [情報 v] with ((item (8) of [情報 v]) - (1))\n broadcast (ダメージ v)\n wait (1.3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n wait until <<touching (水 v)?> and <touching (酸素ゲージ判定用 v)?>>\n wait (1) seconds\n if <[0] < (酸素ゲージ)> then\n if <<touching (水 v)?> and <touching (酸素ゲージ判定用 v)?>> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n if <<touching (水 v)?> and <touching (酸素ゲージ判定用 v)?>> then\n change [酸素ゲージ v] by (-1)\n wait (0.15) seconds\n change [酸素ゲージ v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <(酸素ゲージ) = [0]> then\n replace item (8) of [情報 v] with ((item (8) of [情報 v]) - (1))\n start sound [ダメージ v]\n broadcast (ダメージ v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [酸素ゲージ v] to [20]\nforever\n if <not <touching (酸素ゲージ判定用 v)?>> then\n if <(酸素ゲージ) < [20]> then\n change [酸素ゲージ v] by (2)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [やられた v]\nset [酸素ゲージ v] to [20]\nset [延焼ダメージ v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <not <touching (酸素ゲージ判定用 v)?>> then\n replace item (4) of [設定 v] with [水外]\n end\n if <touching (酸素ゲージ判定用 v)?> then\n replace item (4) of [設定 v] with [水中]\n end\nend\n\ndefine プレイヤー (x)\nif <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [16]> then\n if <(x) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (普通5 v)\n else\n switch costume to (スティーブ やられた5 v)\n end\nelse\n if <(x) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (普通 v)\n else\n switch costume to (スティーブ やられた v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [クリティカル攻撃判定用 v] to (y position)\nforever\n repeat until <not <(クリティカル攻撃判定用) < (y position)>>\n set [クリティカル攻撃判定用 v] to (y position)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <(y position) < (クリティカル攻撃判定用)> then\n set [結果 v] to [クリティカル攻撃可能]\n else\n set [結果 v] to [クリティカル攻撃不可能]\n end\n if <touching (落下ダメージの判定用 v)?> then\n set [クリティカル攻撃判定用 v] to (y position)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreplace item (1) of [情報 v] with [1]\nreplace item (8) of [情報 v] with [20]\nforever\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n replace item (5) of [設定 v] with [1]\n else\n replace item (5) of [設定 v] with [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nif <<<(item (7) of [情報 v]) = [0]> and <(item (5) of [設定 v]) = [1]>> and <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [10]>> then\n point towards (ソニックブーム判定 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nreplace item (13) of [情報 v] with [0]\nforever\n if <<touching color (#4801b8)?> and <<(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [7]> or <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [13]>>> then\n start sound [ネザーゲート v]\n repeat until <(item (13) of [情報 v]) = [18]>\n wait (0.2) seconds\n if <touching color (#4801b8)?> then\n replace item (13) of [情報 v] with ((item (13) of [情報 v]) + (1))\n else\n replace item (13) of [情報 v] with [0]\n end\n end\n play sound [ネザーゲート2 v] until done\n replace item (1) of [情報 v] with ((item (1) of [情報 v]) + (1))\n ▶ノックバック [0] [0]\n broadcast (NEXT v)\n go to x: (-155) y: (-55)\n replace item (1) of [移動処理 v] with [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nreplace item (8) of [情報 v] with [20]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreplace item (8) of [情報 v] with [20]\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <<(y position) < [-178]> and <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [15]>> then\n replace item (1) of [情報 v] with ((item (1) of [情報 v]) + (1))\n ▶ノックバック [0] [0]\n broadcast (NEXT v)\n go to x: (-170) y: (300)\n replace item (1) of [移動処理 v] with [0]\n end\n if <<[238] < (x position)> and <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [17]>> then\n replace item (1) of [情報 v] with ((item (1) of [情報 v]) + (1))\n ▶ノックバック [0] [0]\n broadcast (NEXT v)\n go to x: (-300) y: (-50)\n replace item (1) of [移動処理 v] with [0]\n end\n if <<[60] > (y position)> and <<[60] < (x position)> and <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [19]>>> then\n replace item (1) of [情報 v] with ((item (1) of [情報 v]) + (1))\n ▶ノックバック [0] [0]\n broadcast (NEXT v)\n go to x: (-180) y: (-50)\n replace item (1) of [移動処理 v] with [0]\n end\n if <<[238] < (x position)> and <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [20]>> then\n replace item (1) of [情報 v] with ((item (1) of [情報 v]) + (1))\n ▶ノックバック [0] [0]\n broadcast (NEXT v)\n go to x: (-75) y: (-50)\n replace item (1) of [移動処理 v] with [0]\n end\n if <<<(y position) < [-60]> and <<(x position) < [40]> and <[-40] < (x position)>>> and <<(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [21]> and <(item (33) of [情報 v]) = [1]>>> then\n replace item (1) of [情報 v] with ((item (1) of [情報 v]) + (1))\n ▶ノックバック [0] [0]\n broadcast (/xp 10000L @s v)\n broadcast (NEXT v)\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n replace item (1) of [移動処理 v] with [0]\n repeat until <(item (35) of [情報 v]) = [x]>\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nreplace item (26) of [情報 v] with [0]\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <<[-50] < (x position)> and <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [19]>>\nreplace item (26) of [情報 v] with [1]\nbroadcast (エンダーアイ v)\nwait (10) seconds\nreplace item (26) of [情報 v] with [0]\n\n@Health2\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to ((item (8) of [情報 v]) + (1))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nif <not <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [11]>> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [やられた v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\nhide\nif <not <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [11]>> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ダメージ v]\nrepeat (2)\n set [brightness v] effect to (40)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\n@剣\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <[100] < (direction)> then\n point in direction (100)\n end\n if <(direction) < [-100]> then\n point in direction (-100)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [攻撃 v] to [0]\nforever\n switch costume to (持ち物)\n if <[0] < ([direction v] of [プレイヤー v])> then\n set [右左 v] to [右]\n go to x: (([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) + (15)) y: (([y position v] of [プレイヤー v]) + (-5))\n if <(攻撃) = [0]> then\n point in direction (-100)\n end\n else\n set [右左 v] to [左]\n go to x: (([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) + (-15)) y: (([y position v] of [プレイヤー v]) + (-5))\n if <(攻撃) = [0]> then\n point in direction (100)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [持ち物 v] to [1]\nif <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [16]> then\n set [持ち物 v] to [11]\nend\nshow\nforever\n if <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [10]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(右左) = [右]> then\n switch costume to ((持ち物) + (1))\n else\n switch costume to (持ち物)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [attack v]\nif <[0] < ([direction v] of [プレイヤー v])> then\n point in direction (-100)\nelse\n point in direction (100)\nend\nset [攻撃 v] to [1]\nif <(右左) = [右]> then\n repeat (4)\n turn right (15) degrees\n end\nelse\n repeat (4)\n turn left (15) degrees\n end\nend\nset [攻撃 v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (attack v)\n if <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [15]> then\n broadcast (爆発剣 v)\n end\n end\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\nwait () seconds\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [やられた v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [10]> then\n hide\n set [持ち物 v] to [ソニックブーム]\n end\nend\n\n@地面ー土\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (item (1) of [情報 v])\nend\n\n@アップグレード\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset size to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (item (1) of [情報 v])\n if <touching (プレイヤー v)?> then\n set [持ち物 v] to (costume [name v])\n broadcast (k v)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by (5)\n end\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n change size by ([cos v] of (item (6) of [情報 v]) )\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\n表示 [4] まで待つ [-140] [20]\n表示 [7] まで待つ [-80] [0]\n表示 [11] まで待つ [-20] [-30]\n表示 [13] まで待つ [40] [-10]\n表示 [20] まで待つ [150] [110]\n\ndefine 表示 (a) まで待つ (x) (y)\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = (a)>\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset size to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <<(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [10]> or <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [16]>> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@地面ー砂\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (item (1) of [情報 v])\nend\n\n@地面ー石\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (item (1) of [情報 v])\nend\n\n@落下ダメージの判定用\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (99)\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (item (1) of [情報 v])\nend\n\n@背景\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-18)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (item (1) of [情報 v])\nend\n\n@装飾\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n switch costume to (item (1) of [情報 v])\nend\n\n@水\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (10) layers\nforever\n switch costume to (item (1) of [情報 v])\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\nend\n\n@マグマ\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n switch costume to (item (1) of [情報 v])\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n repeat (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n repeat (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@太陽\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreplace item (6) of [情報 v] with [0]\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n replace item (6) of [情報 v] with ((item (6) of [情報 v]) + (10))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n change size by ([cos v] of (item (6) of [情報 v]) )\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [8]>\nhide\n\n@ターボ\n\nwhen I receive [最後 v]\nshow\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <(φ\(* ̄0 ̄\)) > [20]> then\n broadcast (最後 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [φ\(* ̄0 ̄\) v] to [0]\nforever\n change [φ\(* ̄0 ̄\) v] by (1)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [タイム/time v]\nhide\nforever\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [φ\(* ̄0 ̄\) v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nreset timer\n\nwhen I receive [エンドロールend-end v]\nset [タイム/time v] to ((round ((timer) * (100))) / (100))\nshow variable [タイム/time v]\nstop [this script v]\n\n@サボテン\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n switch costume to (item (1) of [情報 v])\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@残骸\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スティーブ v]\nrepeat (2)\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\n go to x: (item (4) of [情報 v]) y: (item (5) of [情報 v])\n Particles\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<not <[11] < (costume [number v])>> or <[17] < (costume [number v])>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set [color v] effect to (pick random (-5) to (5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-30) to (10))\n show\n set [xv v] to (pick random (-8) to (8))\n set [yv v] to (pick random (5) to (20))\n repeat until <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー石 v)?> or <<touching (マグマ v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>>>>\n change [yv v] by (-2)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\n set [yv v] to ((yv) * (0.9))\n change x by (xv)\n change y by (yv)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n else\n change y by (-1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Particles\nrepeat (4)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(複製対策) = [1]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nset [複製対策 v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [スケルトン v]\nrepeat (2)\n switch costume to (pick random (4) to (5))\n go to x: (item (4) of [情報 v]) y: (item (5) of [情報 v])\n Particles\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ゾンビ v]\nrepeat (2)\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (3))\n go to x: (item (4) of [情報 v]) y: (item (5) of [情報 v])\n Particles\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ クリーパー  v]\nrepeat (2)\n switch costume to (pick random (8) to (9))\n go to x: (item (4) of [情報 v]) y: (item (5) of [情報 v])\n Particles\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ヴォーデンスポーン v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nrepeat (15)\n switch costume to (pick random (10) to (11))\n go to x: (item (1) of [ヴォーデン位置 v]) y: (item (2) of [ヴォーデン位置 v])\n Particles\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ポータル開通 v]\nrepeat (10)\n switch costume to (pick random (12) to (13))\n go to x: (75) y: (20)\n Particles\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<(costume [number v]) = [12]> or <(costume [number v]) = [13]>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set [color v] effect to (pick random (-5) to (5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-30) to (10))\n show\n set [xv v] to (pick random (-8) to (8))\n set [yv v] to (pick random (5) to (20))\n repeat (pick random (15) to (25))\n change [yv v] by (-2)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\n set [yv v] to ((yv) * (0.9))\n change x by (xv)\n change y by (yv)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [エンドラend v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nrepeat (15)\n if <not <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]>> then\n switch costume to (pick random (14) to (17))\n go to x: (pick random (-50) to (50)) y: (pick random (120) to (80))\n Particles\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<(costume [number v]) = [14]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [15]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [16]> or <(costume [number v]) = [17]>>>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set [color v] effect to (pick random (-5) to (5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-30) to (10))\n show\n set [xv v] to (pick random (-10) to (10))\n set [yv v] to (pick random (15) to (25))\n repeat until <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー石 v)?> or <<touching (マグマ v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>>>>\n change [yv v] by (-2)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\n set [yv v] to ((yv) * (0.9))\n change x by (xv)\n change y by (yv)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n else\n change y by (-1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ゾンビピグリン v]\nrepeat (2)\n switch costume to (pick random (18) to (20))\n go to x: (item (4) of [情報 v]) y: (item (5) of [情報 v])\n Particles\nend\n\n@攻撃ボタン\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(item (6) of [設定 v]) = [18]> then\n show\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [攻撃状態 v] to [1]\n set [ghost v] effect to (10)\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (attack v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (70)\n set [攻撃状態 v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n hide\nend\n\n@スケルトン\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\ngo to x: (250) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nwait (0.01) seconds\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [5]>\nスケルトン召喚魔法 [5] [300] [-15] [0.5] 秒待つ\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [16]>\nスケルトン召喚魔法 [20] [300] [100] [0] 秒待つ\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n set [スケルトンの間合いの距離 v] to ((round ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])) - (round (スケルトン位置x)))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (スケルトン位置x)> then\n set [スケルトン向き v] to [-90]\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n set [スケルトン向き v] to [90]\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nset [スケルトンの存在 v] to [0]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\nスケルトン召喚魔法 [5] [300] [-70] [0] 秒待つ\nスケルトン召喚魔法 [24] [300] [0] [0] 秒待つ\nスケルトン召喚魔法 [29] [300] [0] [1] 秒待つ\nスケルトン召喚魔法 [30] [300] [100] [4] 秒待つ\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (スケルトン v)\nset [スケルトンの存在 v] to [1]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (65) %\nwait (0.01) seconds\npoint in direction (-90)\nset [スケルトンx v] to [0]\nset [スケルトンy v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nforever\n if <not <(item (8) of [情報 v]) = [0]>> then\n if <<((round ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])) - (round (スケルトン位置x))) < [-200]> and <((round ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])) - (round (スケルトン位置x))) < [0]>> then\n if <touching (水 v)?> then\n change [スケルトンx v] by (-0.2)\n else\n change [スケルトンx v] by (-0.3)\n end\n end\n if <<[-170] < ((round ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])) - (round (スケルトン位置x)))> and <((round ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])) - (round (スケルトン位置x))) < [0]>> then\n if <touching (水 v)?> then\n change [スケルトンx v] by (0.2)\n else\n change [スケルトンx v] by (0.3)\n end\n end\n if <<[0] < ((round ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])) - (round (スケルトン位置x)))> and <((round ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])) - (round (スケルトン位置x))) < [170]>> then\n if <touching (水 v)?> then\n change [スケルトンx v] by (-0.2)\n else\n change [スケルトンx v] by (-0.3)\n end\n end\n if <[200] < ((round ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])) - (round (スケルトン位置x)))> then\n if <touching (水 v)?> then\n change [スケルトンx v] by (0.2)\n else\n change [スケルトンx v] by (0.3)\n end\n end\n set [スケルトンx v] to ((スケルトンx) * (0.9))\n change x by (スケルトンx)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change x by ((0) - (スケルトンx))\n change y by (-5)\n if <not <(y position) < ([y position v] of [プレイヤー v])>> then\n set [スケルトンx v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [スケルトンy v] by (-0.9)\n if <<touching (水 v)?> and <(スケルトンy) < [-2]>> then\n set [スケルトンy v] to [-2]\n end\n change y by (スケルトンy)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by ((0) - (スケルトンy))\n set [スケルトンy v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <<touching (水 v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [スケルトンy v] to [4]\n else\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n if <(y position) < ([y position v] of [プレイヤー v])> then\n if <[1] = (pick random (1) to (15))> then\n set [スケルトンy v] to [12]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set [モブの位置x v] to (x position)\n set [モブの位置y v] to (y position)\nend\n\ndefine ダメージ (ダメージ量)\nswitch costume to (スケルトン2 v)\nchange [hp v] by (ダメージ量)\nif <(HP) < [0.01]> then\n replace item (12) of [情報 v] with ((item (12) of [情報 v]) + (1))\n replace item (9) of [情報 v] with [0]\n start sound [Skeleton_death v]\n replace item (4) of [情報 v] with (x position)\n replace item (5) of [情報 v] with (y position)\n broadcast (スケルトン v)\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n set [スケルトンの存在 v] to [0]\n delete this clone\nelse\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n start sound [skeletonhurt2 v]\n else\n start sound [skeletondeath v]\n end\nend\nwait (0.25) seconds\nswitch costume to (スケルトン v)\n\ndefine ノックバック (x) (y)\nset [スケルトンx v] to (x)\nset [スケルトンy v] to (y)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [12]> then\n set [hp v] to [18]\nelse\n set [hp v] to [22]\nend\nforever\n if <touching (マグマ v)?> then\n ダメージ [-4]\n wait (0.25) seconds\n end\n if <touching (サボテン v)?> then\n ダメージ [-3]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n if <<touching (剣 v)?> and <(攻撃) = [1]>> then\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [10] [10]\n else\n ノックバック [-10] [10]\n end\n if <(結果) = [クリティカル攻撃可能]> then\n ダメージ ([floor v] of (([costume name v] of [剣 v]) * (1.5)) )\n set [攻撃位置x v] to (x position)\n set [攻撃位置y v] to (y position)\n broadcast (クリティカル v)\n else\n ダメージ ([costume name v] of [剣 v])\n end\n wait until <(攻撃) = [0]>\n wait (0.3) seconds\n switch costume to (スケルトン v)\n end\n if <touching (ソニックブーム補完用4 v)?> then\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [10] [10]\n else\n ノックバック [-10] [10]\n end\n ダメージ [-16]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n switch costume to (スケルトン v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n if <touching (爆発 v)?> then\n ダメージ [-16]\n if <(item (4) of [情報 v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [15] [12]\n else\n ノックバック [-15] [12]\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n if <touching (爆発2 v)?> then\n ダメージ [-14]\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [14] [12]\n else\n ノックバック [-14] [12]\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n switch costume to (スケルトン v)\n end\n if <(y position) < [-160]> then\n ダメージ [-100]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set [スケルトン位置x v] to (x position)\n set [スケルトン位置y v] to (y position)\nend\n\ndefine スケルトン召喚魔法 (ステージ) (x) (y) (n) 秒待つ\nif <not <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]>> then\n if <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = (ステージ)> then\n wait (n) seconds\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n create clone of (弓 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [やられた v]\nset [スケルトンの存在 v] to [0]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [31]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@弓\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (80) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [name v]) = [4]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n show\n repeat (2)\n if <(スケルトン向き) = [90]> then\n change x by (20)\n end\n if <(スケルトン向き) = [-90]> then\n change x by (-20)\n end\n end\n repeat until <<<<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (プレイヤー v)?>> or <<touching (サボテン v)?> or <<touching (マグマ v)?> or <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー石 v)?> or <touching (地面ー砂 v)?>>>>>> or <<touching (剣 v)?> and <(攻撃) = [1]>>>\n if <(スケルトン向き) = [90]> then\n change x by (22)\n end\n if <(スケルトン向き) = [-90]> then\n change x by (-22)\n end\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n change y by (-1.5)\n turn left (0.5) degrees\n end\n repeat (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (50)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nset rotation style [all around v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = [4]>> then\n if <(スケルトンの存在) = [0]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nif <(costume [name v]) = [4]> then\n start sound [弓矢射撃音 v]\n wait until <touching (プレイヤー v)?>\n broadcast (弓矢 v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <not <(costume [name v]) = [4]>> then\n forever\n switch costume to (1 v)\n wait (1.5) seconds\n switch costume to (2 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n switch costume to (3 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n switch costume to (4 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <not <(costume [name v]) = [4]>> then\n forever\n if <(スケルトン向き) = [90]> then\n point in direction (-135)\n go to x: ((スケルトン位置x) + (20)) y: ((スケルトン位置y) + (-2))\n end\n if <(スケルトン向き) = [-90]> then\n point in direction (45)\n go to x: ((スケルトン位置x) + (-20)) y: ((スケルトン位置y) + (-2))\n end\n end\nend\n\n@ゾンビ\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (58) %\nwait (0.01) seconds\npoint in direction (90)\nset [ゾンビx v] to [0]\nset [ゾンビy v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nforever\n if <not <(item (8) of [情報 v]) = [0]>> then\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n point in direction (-90)\n if <touching (水 v)?> then\n change [ゾンビx v] by (-0.14)\n else\n change [ゾンビx v] by (-0.2)\n end\n end\n if <(x position) < ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])> then\n point in direction (90)\n if <touching (水 v)?> then\n change [ゾンビx v] by (0.14)\n else\n change [ゾンビx v] by (0.2)\n end\n end\n set [ゾンビx v] to ((ゾンビx) * (0.9))\n change x by (ゾンビx)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change x by ((0) - (ゾンビx))\n change y by (-5)\n if <not <(y position) < ([y position v] of [プレイヤー v])>> then\n set [ゾンビx v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [ゾンビy v] by (-0.9)\n if <<touching (水 v)?> and <(ゾンビy) < [-2]>> then\n set [ゾンビy v] to [-2]\n end\n change y by (ゾンビy)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by ((0) - (ゾンビy))\n set [ゾンビy v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <<touching (水 v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [ゾンビy v] to [4]\n else\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n if <(y position) < ([y position v] of [プレイヤー v])> then\n if <[1] = (pick random (1) to (15))> then\n set [ゾンビy v] to [12]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set [モブの位置x v] to (x position)\n set [モブの位置y v] to (y position)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [やられた v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [12]> then\n set [hp v] to [18]\nelse\n set [hp v] to [22]\nend\nswitch costume to (player v)\nforever\n if <touching (マグマ v)?> then\n ダメージ [-4]\n wait (0.25) seconds\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n if <touching (サボテン v)?> then\n ダメージ [-4]\n wait (0.25) seconds\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n if <<touching (剣 v)?> and <(攻撃) = [1]>> then\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [10] [10]\n else\n ノックバック [-10] [10]\n end\n if <(結果) = [クリティカル攻撃可能]> then\n ダメージ ([floor v] of (([costume name v] of [剣 v]) * (1.5)) )\n set [攻撃位置x v] to (x position)\n set [攻撃位置y v] to (y position)\n broadcast (クリティカル v)\n else\n ダメージ ([costume name v] of [剣 v])\n end\n wait until <(攻撃) = [0]>\n wait (0.3) seconds\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n if <touching (爆発 v)?> then\n ダメージ [-15]\n if <(item (4) of [情報 v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [15] [12]\n else\n ノックバック [-15] [12]\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n if <touching (ソニックブーム補完用4 v)?> then\n ダメージ [-16]\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [10] [10]\n else\n ノックバック [-10] [10]\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n switch costume to (player v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n if <touching (爆発2 v)?> then\n ダメージ [-16]\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [14] [12]\n else\n ノックバック [-14] [12]\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n if <(y position) < [-160]> then\n ダメージ [-100]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\nend\n\ndefine ダメージ (ダメージ量)\nchange [hp v] by (ダメージ量)\nif <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n start sound [攻撃 v]\n switch costume to (player2 v)\nelse\n start sound [攻撃2 v]\n switch costume to (player2 v)\nend\nif <(HP) < [0.01]> then\n replace item (9) of [情報 v] with [0]\n replace item (12) of [情報 v] with ((item (12) of [情報 v]) + (1))\n switch costume to (player2 v)\n start sound [倒した v]\n broadcast (ゾンビ v)\n replace item (4) of [情報 v] with (x position)\n replace item (5) of [情報 v] with (y position)\n repeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\ngo to x: (250) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nwait (0.01) seconds\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [1]>\nゾンビ召喚魔法 [1] [300] [0] [0.2] 秒待つ [1] 回繰り返す\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [5]>\nゾンビ召喚魔法 [5] [300] [-70] [0.7] 秒待つ [2] 回繰り返す\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [6]>\nゾンビ召喚魔法 [6] [300] [-100] [0.7] 秒待つ [3] 回繰り返す\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [16]>\nゾンビ召喚魔法 [16] [300] [-100] [1] 秒待つ [2] 回繰り返す\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [17]>\nゾンビ召喚魔法 [17] [300] [-100] [0.5] 秒待つ [4] 回繰り返す\n\ndefine ノックバック (x) (y)\nset [ゾンビx v] to (x)\nset [ゾンビy v] to (y)\n\ndefine ゾンビ召喚魔法 (ステージ) (x) (y) (n) 秒待つ (a) 回繰り返す\nif <not <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]>> then\n if <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = (ステージ)> then\n repeat (a)\n wait (n) seconds\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\nゾンビ召喚魔法 [1] [300] [0] [0.2] 秒待つ [1] 回繰り返す\nゾンビ召喚魔法 [5] [300] [-70] [0.7] 秒待つ [2] 回繰り返す\nゾンビ召喚魔法 [6] [300] [-100] [0.7] 秒待つ [3] 回繰り返す\nゾンビ召喚魔法 [16] [300] [-100] [1] 秒待つ [2] 回繰り返す\nゾンビ召喚魔法 [17] [300] [-100] [0.5] 秒待つ [4] 回繰り返す\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreplace item (9) of [情報 v] with [1]\nreplace item (12) of [情報 v] with [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [31]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@クリーパー\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nwait (0.01) seconds\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [6]>\nクリーパー [6] [300] [-100] [1] 秒待つ [1] 回繰り返す\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [17]>\nクリーパー [17] [300] [-100] [1.3] 秒待つ [2] 回繰り返す\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (65) %\nwait (0.01) seconds\npoint in direction (90)\nset [クリーパーx v] to [0]\nset [クリーパーy v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nforever\n if <not <(item (8) of [情報 v]) = [0]>> then\n if <(モード) = [0]> then\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n point in direction (-90)\n if <touching (水 v)?> then\n change [クリーパーx v] by (-0.14)\n else\n change [クリーパーx v] by (-0.2)\n end\n end\n if <(x position) < ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])> then\n point in direction (90)\n if <touching (水 v)?> then\n change [クリーパーx v] by (0.14)\n else\n change [クリーパーx v] by (0.2)\n end\n end\n end\n set [クリーパーx v] to ((クリーパーx) * (0.9))\n change x by (クリーパーx)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change x by ((0) - (クリーパーx))\n change y by (-5)\n if <not <(y position) < ([y position v] of [プレイヤー v])>> then\n set [クリーパーx v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [クリーパーy v] by (-0.9)\n if <<touching (水 v)?> and <(クリーパーy) < [-2]>> then\n set [クリーパーy v] to [-2]\n end\n change y by (クリーパーy)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by ((0) - (クリーパーy))\n set [クリーパーy v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <<touching (水 v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [クリーパーy v] to [4]\n else\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n if <(y position) < ([y position v] of [プレイヤー v])> then\n if <(モード) = [0]> then\n if <[1] = (pick random (1) to (15))> then\n set [クリーパーy v] to [10]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set [モブの位置x v] to (x position)\n set [モブの位置y v] to (y position)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [やられた v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [12]> then\n set [hp v] to [18]\nelse\n set [hp v] to [22]\nend\nswitch costume to (player v)\nforever\n if <touching (マグマ v)?> then\n ダメージ [-4]\n wait (0.25) seconds\n end\n if <touching (サボテン v)?> then\n ダメージ [-4]\n wait (0.25) seconds\n end\n if <<touching (剣 v)?> and <(攻撃) = [1]>> then\n if <(結果) = [クリティカル攻撃可能]> then\n ダメージ ([floor v] of (([costume name v] of [剣 v]) * (1.5)) )\n set [攻撃位置x v] to (x position)\n set [攻撃位置y v] to (y position)\n broadcast (クリティカル v)\n else\n ダメージ ([costume name v] of [剣 v])\n end\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [10] [10]\n else\n ノックバック [-10] [10]\n end\n wait until <(攻撃) = [0]>\n wait (0.3) seconds\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n if <touching (爆発 v)?> then\n ダメージ [-16]\n if <(item (4) of [情報 v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [15] [12]\n else\n ノックバック [-15] [12]\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n if <touching (ソニックブーム補完用4 v)?> then\n ダメージ [-16]\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [10] [10]\n else\n ノックバック [-10] [10]\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n switch costume to (player v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n if <touching (爆発2 v)?> then\n ダメージ [-15]\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [14] [12]\n else\n ノックバック [-14] [12]\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine ダメージ (ダメージ量)\nclear graphic effects\nchange [hp v] by (ダメージ量)\nif <(pick random (1) to (3)) = [1]> then\n start sound [Creeper_hurt_1 v]\n switch costume to (player2 v)\nelse\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n start sound [Creeper_hurt2 v]\n switch costume to (player2 v)\n else\n start sound [Creeper_hurt4 v]\n switch costume to (player2 v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine ノックバック (x) (y)\nset [クリーパーx v] to (x)\nset [クリーパーy v] to (y)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [モード v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n if <(distance to [プレイヤー v]) < [50]> then\n set [モード v] to [1]\n start sound [Fuse v]\n repeat (3)\n set [brightness v] effect to (75)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n wait (0.25) seconds\n end\n if <(distance to [プレイヤー v]) < [130]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (75)\n replace item (4) of [情報 v] with (x position)\n replace item (5) of [情報 v] with (y position)\n repeat (3)\n change size by (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (33)\n end\n broadcast (クリーパー v)\n delete this clone\n end\n set [モード v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine クリーパー (ステージ) (x) (y) (n) 秒待つ (a) 回繰り返す\nif <not <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]>> then\n if <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = (ステージ)> then\n repeat (a)\n wait (n) seconds\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\nクリーパー [6] [300] [-100] [1] 秒待つ [1] 回繰り返す\nクリーパー [17] [300] [-100] [1.3] 秒待つ [2] 回繰り返す\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(HP) < [0.01]> then\n replace item (12) of [情報 v] with ((item (12) of [情報 v]) + (1))\n replace item (9) of [情報 v] with [0]\n set [brightness v] effect to (75)\n replace item (4) of [情報 v] with (x position)\n replace item (5) of [情報 v] with (y position)\n repeat (3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (33)\n end\n broadcast ( クリーパー  v)\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [31]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@爆発\n\nwhen I receive [クリーパー v]\ngo to x: (item (4) of [情報 v]) y: (item (5) of [情報 v])\nswitch costume to (explosion_0 v)\nshow\nrepeat (7)\n wait () seconds\n next costume\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [クリーパー v]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nstart sound [get4 v]\n\n@表示\n\nwhen I receive [やられた v]\nset [コスチューム v] to [7]\nrepeat (2)\n switch costume to (コスチューム)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [コスチューム v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [a v]\nset [コスチューム v] to [1]\nrepeat (2)\n switch costume to (コスチューム)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [コスチューム v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [コスチューム v] to [1]\nreplace item (6) of [設定 v] with [17]\nreplace item (1) of [設定 v] with [3]\nreplace item (2) of [設定 v] with [12]\nreplace item (3) of [設定 v] with [5]\nbroadcast (a v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [クローン番号 v] to ((コスチューム) - (1))\nif <(クローン番号) = [1]> then\n 初期設定 [0] [-30] [0]\n 描画 [New Game]\nend\nif <(クローン番号) = [2]> then\n 初期設定 [0] [-105] [0]\n 描画 [Setting]\nend\nif <(クローン番号) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (item (3) of [設定 v])\n 初期設定 [0] [40] [0]\n 描画 [自動回復]\nend\nif <(クローン番号) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (item (1) of [設定 v])\n 初期設定 [0] [-10] [0]\n 描画 [ゲームモード]\nend\nif <(クローン番号) = [16]> then\n 初期設定 [0] [90] [0]\n 描画 [機器]\nend\nif <(クローン番号) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (item (2) of [設定 v])\n 初期設定 [0] [-60] [0]\n 描画 [難易度]\nend\nif <(クローン番号) = [6]> then\n 初期設定 [0] [-130] [0]\n 描画 [完了]\nend\nif <(クローン番号) = [7]> then\n 初期設定 [0] [0] [100]\n 描画 [完了]\nend\nif <(クローン番号) = [8]> then\n if <not <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [11]>> then\n 初期設定 [0] [-80] [0]\n 描画 [リスポーン]\n end\nend\n\ndefine 初期設定 (x) (y) (サイズ)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset size to (サイズ) %\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <not <(クローン番号) = [7]>> then\n repeat until <(round (size)) = [100]>\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (7))\n end\nend\n\ndefine 描画 (new game/setting)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <not <(クローン番号) = [7]>> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n start sound [Click v]\n if <(new game/setting) = [New Game]> then\n broadcast (New Game v)\n else\n if <(new game/setting) = [Setting]> then\n broadcast (Setting v)\n end\n end\n if <(new game/setting) = [ゲームモード]> then\n if <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [20]> then\n replace item (1) of [設定 v] with [3]\n else\n if <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [3]> then\n replace item (1) of [設定 v] with [10]\n else\n if <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [10]> then\n replace item (1) of [設定 v] with [9]\n else\n if <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [9]> then\n replace item (1) of [設定 v] with [15]\n else\n if <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [15]> then\n replace item (1) of [設定 v] with [16]\n else\n if <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [16]> then\n replace item (1) of [設定 v] with [19]\n else\n if <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [19]> then\n replace item (1) of [設定 v] with [11]\n else\n if <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [11]> then\n replace item (1) of [設定 v] with [20]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n switch costume to (item (1) of [設定 v])\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n else\n if <(new game/setting) = [難易度]> then\n if <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [13]> then\n replace item (2) of [設定 v] with [4]\n else\n if <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]> then\n replace item (2) of [設定 v] with [12]\n else\n replace item (2) of [設定 v] with [13]\n end\n end\n switch costume to (item (2) of [設定 v])\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n else\n if <(new game/setting) = [自動回復]> then\n if <(item (3) of [設定 v]) = [14]> then\n replace item (3) of [設定 v] with [5]\n else\n replace item (3) of [設定 v] with [14]\n end\n switch costume to (item (3) of [設定 v])\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n else\n if <(new game/setting) = [完了]> then\n broadcast (完了 v)\n else\n if <(new game/setting) = [リスポーン]> then\n broadcast (リスポーン v)\n else\n if <(new game/setting) = [機器]> then\n if <(item (6) of [設定 v]) = [18]> then\n replace item (6) of [設定 v] with [17]\n else\n replace item (6) of [設定 v] with [18]\n end\n switch costume to (item (6) of [設定 v])\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n set [brightness v] effect to (30)\n if <(round (size)) < [110]> then\n change size by (((110) - (size)) / (4))\n end\n end\n end\n if <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <[100] < (round (size))> then\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (4))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [new game v]\nif <<(クローン番号) = [1]> or <(クローン番号) = [2]>> then\n delete this clone\nend\nbroadcast (スタート v)\n\nwhen I receive [setting v]\nif <<(クローン番号) = [1]> or <(クローン番号) = [2]>> then\n delete this clone\nend\nset [コスチューム v] to [17]\nswitch costume to (コスチューム)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait () seconds\nset [コスチューム v] to [3]\nrepeat (4)\n switch costume to (コスチューム)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [コスチューム v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [完了 v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [完了 v]\nset [コスチューム v] to [1]\nrepeat (2)\n switch costume to (コスチューム)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [コスチューム v] by (1)\nend\n\nchange [ライフ v] by (-10)\n\n@サムネ\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (kuri-pa-2- v)\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change size by (0.5)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-0.5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\n\n@ハードコアーライフ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nif <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [11]> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [11]> then\n forever\n switch costume to ((item (8) of [情報 v]) + (1))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [やられた v]\nhide\n\n@クリティカル\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(n) = [0]> then\n set [n v] to [8]\n go to x: (攻撃位置x) y: (攻撃位置y)\n show\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (3))\n set [brightness v] effect to (pick random (10) to (50))\n set size to (pick random (50) to (100)) %\n point in direction (pick random (0) to (360))\n repeat (15)\n move (n) steps\n set [n v] to ((n) * (0.8))\n change size by (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (pick random (5) to (8))\n end\n move (8) steps\n change size by (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (50)\n delete this clone\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [クリティカル v]\nブロック名\n\ndefine ブロック名\nrepeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@Clouds\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nhide\nset [cloud_num v] to [0]\nset [cloud x v] to [-100]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [cloud_num v] by (1)\nset [cloud x v] to [100]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [cloud_num v] by (1)\nforever\n if <(Cloud_Num) < [10]> then\n if <(pick random (1) to (5)) = [1]> then\n set [cloud x v] to [300]\n change [cloud_num v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait until <[7] < (item (1) of [情報 v])>\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[4] < (item (1) of [情報 v])> then\n hide\n delete this clone\nelse\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n repeat until <[5] < (backdrop [number v])>\n set [cloud y v] to (pick random (100) to (170))\n if <(#Biome) = [2]> then\n go [forward v] (5) layers\n set [cloud y v] to (pick random (-80) to (0))\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n end\n switch costume to ((1) + (pick random (1) to (10)))\n set y to (cloud y)\n repeat until <(cloud x) < [-400]>\n show\n set x to (cloud x)\n change [cloud x v] by (-0.4)\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n end\n change [cloud_num v] by (-1)\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@酸素ゲージ判定用\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (10) layers\nset [ghost v] effect to (99)\nforever\n switch costume to (item (1) of [情報 v])\nend\n\n@Oxygen\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <(item (4) of [設定 v]) = [水中]> then\n wait (0.05) seconds\n if <(item (4) of [設定 v]) = [水中]> then\n show\n end\n else\n if <(酸素ゲージ) = [20]> then\n wait (0.5) seconds\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to ((酸素ゲージ) + (1))\nend\n\n@マグマ判定\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (99)\nforever\n switch costume to (item (1) of [情報 v])\nend\n\n@ソニックブーム補完用3\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (pick random (80) to (100)) %\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (3))\n\nwhen I receive [ソニックブーム破裂-プレイヤー v]\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) + (3))\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) + (3))\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine a\nmove (30) steps\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nif <<(item (7) of [情報 v]) = [0]> and <<(item (5) of [設定 v]) = [1]> and <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [10]>>> then\n set [pitch v] effect to (pick random (40) to (70))\n start sound [wardenkamisugiwarotanngo4 v]\n wait () seconds\n replace item (7) of [情報 v] with [1]\n go to (プレイヤー v)\n point towards (ソニックブーム判定 v)\n repeat (2)\n a\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n a\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait (0.06) seconds\n broadcast (ソニックブーム破裂-プレイヤー v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ソニックブーム破裂-プレイヤー v]\nwait (2) seconds\nreplace item (7) of [情報 v] with [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreplace item (7) of [情報 v] with [0]\n\nwhen I receive [attack v]\nif <<(item (7) of [情報 v]) = [0]> and <<(item (5) of [設定 v]) = [1]> and <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [10]>>> then\n set [pitch v] effect to (pick random (40) to (70))\n start sound [wardenkamisugiwarotanngo4 v]\n wait () seconds\n replace item (7) of [情報 v] with [1]\n go to (プレイヤー v)\n point towards (ソニックブーム判定 v)\n repeat (2)\n a\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n a\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait (0.06) seconds\n broadcast (ソニックブーム破裂-プレイヤー v)\nend\n\n@sonic_boom2\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nset size to (pick random (350) to (400)) %\n\ndefine a\nmove (30) steps\n\nwhen I receive [ソニックブーム破裂-プレイヤー v]\nrepeat (15)\n wait (0) seconds\n next costume\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nif <<(item (7) of [情報 v]) = [0]> and <<(item (5) of [設定 v]) = [1]> and <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [10]>>> then\n wait () seconds\n go to (プレイヤー v)\n point towards (ソニックブーム判定 v)\n repeat (2)\n a\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n a\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [attack v]\nif <<(item (7) of [情報 v]) = [0]> and <<(item (5) of [設定 v]) = [1]> and <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [10]>>> then\n wait () seconds\n go to (プレイヤー v)\n point towards (ソニックブーム判定 v)\n repeat (2)\n a\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n a\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\n@ソニックブーム補完用4\n\nwhen I receive [ソニックブーム破裂-プレイヤー v]\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) + (3))\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) + (3))\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (3))\nshow\n\ndefine a\nmove (30) steps\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nif <<(item (7) of [情報 v]) = [0]> and <<(item (5) of [設定 v]) = [1]> and <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [10]>>> then\n wait () seconds\n go to (プレイヤー v)\n point towards (ソニックブーム判定 v)\n repeat (2)\n a\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n a\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [attack v]\nif <<(item (7) of [情報 v]) = [0]> and <<(item (5) of [設定 v]) = [1]> and <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [10]>>> then\n wait () seconds\n go to (プレイヤー v)\n point towards (ソニックブーム判定 v)\n repeat (2)\n a\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n a\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\n@ソニックブーム判定\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to x: (モブの位置x) y: (モブの位置y)\nend\n\n@爆発2\n\nwhen I receive [爆発剣 v]\nif <<<(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [15]> and <(z) = [0]>> and <not <(item (8) of [情報 v]) = [0]>>> then\n start sound [get4 v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [z v] to [1]\nif <(右左) = [右]> then\n go to x: (([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) + (40)) y: (([y position v] of [プレイヤー v]) + (-5))\nelse\n go to x: (([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) + (-40)) y: (([y position v] of [プレイヤー v]) + (-5))\nend\nshow\nswitch costume to (explosion_0 v)\nrepeat (7)\n wait () seconds\n next costume\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [attack v]\nif <<<(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [15]> and <(z) = [0]>> and <not <(item (8) of [情報 v]) = [0]>>> then\n start sound [get4 v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@プレイヤー固定\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (99)\nhide\nforever\n go to (プレイヤー v)\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nif <<<(item (7) of [情報 v]) = [0]> and <(item (5) of [設定 v]) = [1]>> and <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [10]>> then\n show\n wait (1.4) seconds\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [attack v]\nif <<<(item (7) of [情報 v]) = [0]> and <(item (5) of [設定 v]) = [1]>> and <(item (1) of [設定 v]) = [10]>> then\n show\n wait (1.4) seconds\n hide\nend\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [エンドロールend-end v]\nshow\n\n@スプライト2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [エンドロールend-end v]\nshow\n\n@スプライト3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@ゾンビ2\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (58) %\nwait (0.01) seconds\npoint in direction (90)\nset [ゾンビx v] to [0]\nset [ゾンビy v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nforever\n if <not <(item (8) of [情報 v]) = [0]>> then\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n point in direction (-90)\n if <touching (マグマ判定 v)?> then\n change [ゾンビx v] by (-0.14)\n else\n change [ゾンビx v] by (-0.2)\n end\n end\n if <(x position) < ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])> then\n point in direction (90)\n if <touching (マグマ判定 v)?> then\n change [ゾンビx v] by (0.14)\n else\n change [ゾンビx v] by (0.2)\n end\n end\n set [ゾンビx v] to ((ゾンビx) * (0.9))\n change x by (ゾンビx)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change x by ((0) - (ゾンビx))\n change y by (-5)\n if <not <(y position) < ([y position v] of [プレイヤー v])>> then\n set [ゾンビx v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [ゾンビy v] by (-0.9)\n if <<touching (マグマ判定 v)?> and <(ゾンビy) < [-2]>> then\n set [ゾンビy v] to [-2]\n end\n change y by (ゾンビy)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by ((0) - (ゾンビy))\n set [ゾンビy v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <<touching (マグマ判定 v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [ゾンビy v] to [4]\n else\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n if <(y position) < ([y position v] of [プレイヤー v])> then\n if <[1] = (pick random (1) to (15))> then\n set [ゾンビy v] to [12]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set [モブの位置x v] to (x position)\n set [モブの位置y v] to (y position)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [やられた v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [12]> then\n set [hp v] to [18]\nelse\n set [hp v] to [22]\nend\nswitch costume to (player3 v)\nforever\n if <<touching (剣 v)?> and <(攻撃) = [1]>> then\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [10] [10]\n else\n ノックバック [-10] [10]\n end\n if <(結果) = [クリティカル攻撃可能]> then\n ダメージ ([floor v] of (([costume name v] of [剣 v]) * (1.5)) )\n set [攻撃位置x v] to (x position)\n set [攻撃位置y v] to (y position)\n broadcast (クリティカル v)\n else\n ダメージ ([costume name v] of [剣 v])\n end\n wait until <(攻撃) = [0]>\n wait (0.3) seconds\n switch costume to (player3 v)\n end\n if <touching (爆発 v)?> then\n ダメージ [-15]\n if <(item (4) of [情報 v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [15] [12]\n else\n ノックバック [-15] [12]\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n switch costume to (player3 v)\n end\n if <touching (ソニックブーム補完用4 v)?> then\n ダメージ [-16]\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [10] [10]\n else\n ノックバック [-10] [10]\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n switch costume to (player3 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n if <touching (爆発2 v)?> then\n ダメージ [-16]\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [14] [12]\n else\n ノックバック [-14] [12]\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n switch costume to (player3 v)\n end\n if <(y position) < [-160]> then\n ダメージ [-100]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\nend\n\ndefine ダメージ (ダメージ量)\nchange [hp v] by (ダメージ量)\nswitch costume to (player2 v)\nif <(pick random (1) to (3)) = [1]> then\n start sound [pig1 v]\nelse\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n start sound [pig2 v]\n else\n start sound [pig3 v]\n end\nend\nif <(HP) < [0.01]> then\n replace item (9) of [情報 v] with [0]\n replace item (12) of [情報 v] with ((item (12) of [情報 v]) + (1))\n switch costume to (player2 v)\n start sound [pigdeath v]\n broadcast (ゾンビピグリン v)\n replace item (4) of [情報 v] with (x position)\n replace item (5) of [情報 v] with (y position)\n repeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\ngo to x: (250) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nwait (0.01) seconds\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [8]>\nゾンビピグリン召喚魔法 [8] [300] [-70] [0.2] 秒待つ [1] 回繰り返す\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [9]>\nゾンビピグリン召喚魔法 [9] [300] [0] [0.2] 秒待つ [2] 回繰り返す\n\ndefine ノックバック (x) (y)\nset [ゾンビx v] to (x)\nset [ゾンビy v] to (y)\n\ndefine ゾンビピグリン召喚魔法 (ステージ) (x) (y) (n) 秒待つ (a) 回繰り返す\nif <not <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]>> then\n if <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = (ステージ)> then\n repeat (a)\n wait (n) seconds\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\nゾンビピグリン召喚魔法 [8] [300] [-70] [0.2] 秒待つ [1] 回繰り返す\nゾンビピグリン召喚魔法 [9] [300] [0] [0.2] 秒待つ [2] 回繰り返す\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreplace item (9) of [情報 v] with [1]\nreplace item (12) of [情報 v] with [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [31]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@ゾンビ3\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (58) %\nwait (0.01) seconds\npoint in direction (90)\nset [ゾンビx v] to [0]\nset [ゾンビy v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nforever\n if <not <(item (8) of [情報 v]) = [0]>> then\n if <<<not <(HP) = [-100]>> and <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)>> or <<([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> and <[0] < (item (15) of [情報 v])>>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n if <touching (マグマ判定 v)?> then\n change [ゾンビx v] by (-0.14)\n else\n change [ゾンビx v] by (-0.17)\n end\n end\n if <<<not <(HP) = [-100]>> and <(x position) < ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])>> or <<(x position) < ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])> and <[0] < (item (15) of [情報 v])>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n if <touching (マグマ判定 v)?> then\n change [ゾンビx v] by (0.14)\n else\n change [ゾンビx v] by (0.17)\n end\n end\n set [ゾンビx v] to ((ゾンビx) * (0.9))\n change x by (ゾンビx)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change x by ((0) - (ゾンビx))\n change y by (-5)\n if <not <(y position) < ([y position v] of [プレイヤー v])>> then\n set [ゾンビx v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [ゾンビy v] by (-0.9)\n if <<touching (マグマ判定 v)?> and <(ゾンビy) < [-2]>> then\n set [ゾンビy v] to [-2]\n end\n change y by (ゾンビy)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by ((0) - (ゾンビy))\n set [ゾンビy v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <<touching (マグマ判定 v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [ゾンビy v] to [4]\n else\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n if <(y position) < ([y position v] of [プレイヤー v])> then\n if <<<not <(HP) = [-100]>> and <[1] = (pick random (1) to (15))>> or <<[0] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> and <[1] = (pick random (1) to (15))>>> then\n set [ゾンビy v] to [12]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set [モブの位置x v] to (x position)\n set [モブの位置y v] to (y position)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [やられた v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [10]> then\n replace item (19) of [情報 v] with [1]\n set [hp v] to [-100]\n if <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [12]> then\n replace item (15) of [情報 v] with [50]\n replace item (16) of [情報 v] with [50]\n else\n replace item (15) of [情報 v] with [60]\n replace item (16) of [情報 v] with [60]\n end\nelse\n if <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [12]> then\n set [hp v] to [36]\n else\n set [hp v] to [40]\n end\nend\nswitch costume to (player v)\nforever\n if <<touching (剣 v)?> and <(攻撃) = [1]>> then\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [10] [10]\n else\n ノックバック [-10] [10]\n end\n if <(結果) = [クリティカル攻撃可能]> then\n ダメージ ([floor v] of (([costume name v] of [剣 v]) * (1.5)) )\n set [攻撃位置x v] to (x position)\n set [攻撃位置y v] to (y position)\n broadcast (クリティカル v)\n else\n ダメージ ([costume name v] of [剣 v])\n end\n wait until <(攻撃) = [0]>\n wait (0.3) seconds\n if <not <(HP) = [-100]>> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n if <[0] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n end\n if <touching (爆発 v)?> then\n ダメージ [-15]\n if <(item (4) of [情報 v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [15] [12]\n else\n ノックバック [-15] [12]\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n if <not <(HP) = [-100]>> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n if <[0] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n end\n if <touching (ソニックブーム補完用4 v)?> then\n ダメージ [-16]\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [10] [10]\n else\n ノックバック [-10] [10]\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n if <not <(HP) = [-100]>> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n if <[0] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n if <touching (爆発2 v)?> then\n ダメージ [-16]\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [14] [12]\n else\n ノックバック [-14] [12]\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n if <not <(HP) = [-100]>> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n if <[0] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n end\n if <(y position) < [-160]> then\n ダメージ [-100]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\nend\n\ndefine ダメージ (ダメージ量)\nif <(HP) = [-100]> then\n replace item (15) of [情報 v] with ((item (15) of [情報 v]) + (ダメージ量))\nelse\n change [hp v] by (ダメージ量)\nend\nif <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n start sound [Enderman hurt v]\n switch costume to (player4 v)\nelse\n start sound [Enderman screams v]\n switch costume to (player4 v)\nend\nif <<(HP) < [0.01]> and <not <(HP) = [-100]>>> then\n replace item (9) of [情報 v] with [0]\n replace item (12) of [情報 v] with ((item (12) of [情報 v]) + (1))\n switch costume to (player4 v)\n start sound [Enderman death v]\n broadcast (ゾンビ v)\n replace item (4) of [情報 v] with (x position)\n replace item (5) of [情報 v] with (y position)\n repeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [0.01]> then\n replace item (17) of [情報 v] with (x position)\n replace item (18) of [情報 v] with (y position)\n broadcast (エンダーパール v)\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n start sound [Enderman death v]\n wait (0.5) seconds\n wait until <touching (プレイヤー v)?>\n repeat (25)\n change size by (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n replace item (19) of [情報 v] with [0]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\ngo to x: (250) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nwait (0.01) seconds\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [10]>\nゾンビピグリン召喚魔法 [10] [300] [0] [0.2] 秒待つ [1] 回繰り返す\n\ndefine ノックバック (x) (y)\nset [ゾンビx v] to (x)\nset [ゾンビy v] to (y)\n\ndefine ゾンビピグリン召喚魔法 (ステージ) (x) (y) (n) 秒待つ (a) 回繰り返す\nif <not <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]>> then\n if <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = (ステージ)> then\n repeat (a)\n wait (n) seconds\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\nゾンビピグリン召喚魔法 [10] [300] [0] [0.2] 秒待つ [1] 回繰り返す\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreplace item (9) of [情報 v] with [1]\nreplace item (12) of [情報 v] with [0]\nreplace item (15) of [情報 v] with [1]\nreplace item (16) of [情報 v] with [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [31]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [エンダーパール v]\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\nswitch costume to (player v)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nswitch costume to (player v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreplace item (19) of [情報 v] with [0]\n\n@ぺん\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [10]>\nwait until <[10] < (item (15) of [情報 v])>\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\nif <not <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nrepeat until <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [0.01]>\n 描画\nend\nerase all\n\ndefine メーター (現在値) (最大値)\nset pen color to (#3d2867)\ngo to x: (-150) y: (150)\nset pen size to (15)\npen down\ngo to x: (150) y: (150)\npen up\ngo to x: (-150) y: (150)\nset pen color to (#5664ff)\nset pen size to (10)\npen down\ngo to x: ((-150) + (((([abs v] of (x position) ) * (2)) / (最大値)) * (現在値))) y: (y position)\npen up\n\ndefine 線\nset pen color to (#000000)\nset pen size to (5)\ngo to x: (-183) y: (180)\nrepeat (5)\n change x by (((183) + (183)) / (5))\n pen down\n repeat (30)\n go to x: (x position) y: ((((y position) - (-180)) * (0.8)) + (-180))\n end\n pen up\n repeat (30)\n go to x: (x position) y: ((((y position) - (180)) * (0.8)) + (180))\n end\nend\n\n線\n\ndefine 描画\npen up\nerase all\ngo to x: (-150) y: (150)\nメーター (item (15) of [情報 v]) (item (16) of [情報 v])\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nerase all\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [10]>\nwait until <[10] < (item (15) of [情報 v])>\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\nif <not <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nrepeat until <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [0.01]>\n 描画\nend\nerase all\nwait until <[12] = (item (1) of [情報 v])>\nwait until <[10] < (item (15) of [情報 v])>\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\nif <not <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nrepeat until <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [0.01]>\n 描画\nend\nerase all\nwait until <[21] = (item (1) of [情報 v])>\nwait until <[10] < (item (15) of [情報 v])>\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム4 v)\nif <not <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nrepeat until <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [0.01]>\n 描画\nend\nerase all\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\nwait until <[12] = (item (1) of [情報 v])>\nwait until <[10] < (item (15) of [情報 v])>\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\nif <not <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nrepeat until <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [0.01]>\n 描画\nend\nerase all\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nwait until <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [0.01]>\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\nwait until <[21] = (item (1) of [情報 v])>\nwait until <[10] < (item (15) of [情報 v])>\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム4 v)\nif <not <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nrepeat until <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [0.01]>\n 描画\nend\nerase all\n\nwhen I receive [やられた v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n if <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]> then\n replace item (15) of [情報 v] with [0]\n erase all\n end\nend\n\n@スケルトン2\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set [スケルトン位置x v] to (x position)\n set [スケルトン位置y v] to (y position)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (スケルトン v)\nset [スケルトンの存在 v] to [1]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (65) %\nwait (0.01) seconds\npoint in direction (-90)\nset [スケルトンx v] to [0]\nset [スケルトンy v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nforever\n if <not <(item (8) of [情報 v]) = [0]>> then\n if <[0] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n if <<((round ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])) - (round (スケルトン位置x))) < [-200]> and <((round ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])) - (round (スケルトン位置x))) < [0]>> then\n if <touching (水 v)?> then\n change [スケルトンx v] by (-0.1)\n else\n change [スケルトンx v] by (-0.1)\n end\n end\n if <<[-170] < ((round ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])) - (round (スケルトン位置x)))> and <((round ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])) - (round (スケルトン位置x))) < [0]>> then\n if <touching (水 v)?> then\n change [スケルトンx v] by (0.1)\n else\n change [スケルトンx v] by (0.1)\n end\n end\n if <<[0] < ((round ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])) - (round (スケルトン位置x)))> and <((round ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])) - (round (スケルトン位置x))) < [170]>> then\n if <touching (水 v)?> then\n change [スケルトンx v] by (-0.1)\n else\n change [スケルトンx v] by (-0.1)\n end\n end\n if <[200] < ((round ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])) - (round (スケルトン位置x)))> then\n if <touching (水 v)?> then\n change [スケルトンx v] by (0.1)\n else\n change [スケルトンx v] by (0.1)\n end\n end\n end\n set [スケルトンx v] to ((スケルトンx) * (0.9))\n change x by (スケルトンx)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (スプライト5 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (スプライト5 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (スプライト5 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (スプライト5 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (スプライト5 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (スプライト5 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (スプライト5 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change x by ((0) - (スケルトンx))\n change y by (-5)\n if <not <(y position) < ([y position v] of [プレイヤー v])>> then\n set [スケルトンx v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <[0] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n set [スケルトンy v] to ((スケルトンy) * (0.9))\n else\n change [スケルトンy v] by (-1)\n end\n change y by (スケルトンy)\n if <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (スプライト5 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>> then\n change y by ((0) - (スケルトンy))\n set [スケルトンy v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <(y position) < (([y position v] of [プレイヤー v]) + (50))> then\n if <[1] = (pick random (1) to (10))> then\n if <[0] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n set [スケルトンy v] to [3]\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n replace item (24) of [情報 v] with (x position)\n replace item (25) of [情報 v] with (y position)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\ngo to x: (250) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nwait (0.01) seconds\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [12]>\nスケルトン召喚魔法 [12] [300] [100] [1] 秒待つ\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n set [スケルトンの間合いの距離 v] to ((round ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])) - (round (スケルトン位置x)))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n if <[0] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (スケルトン位置x)> then\n set [スケルトン向き v] to [-90]\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n set [スケルトン向き v] to [90]\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine ダメージ (ダメージ量)\nswitch costume to (スケルトン2 v)\nreplace item (15) of [情報 v] with ((item (15) of [情報 v]) + (ダメージ量))\nif <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [0.01]> then\n replace item (17) of [情報 v] with (x position)\n replace item (18) of [情報 v] with (y position)\n broadcast (ブレイズロット v)\n start sound [撃破 v]\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n wait until <touching (プレイヤー v)?>\n repeat (25)\n change size by (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n replace item (19) of [情報 v] with [0]\n delete this clone\nelse\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n start sound [ブレイズダメージ2 v]\n else\n start sound [ブレイズダメージ v]\n end\nend\nwait (0.25) seconds\nif <[0] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n switch costume to (スケルトン v)\nend\n\ndefine ノックバック (x) (y)\nset [スケルトンx v] to (x)\nset [スケルトンy v] to (y)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [12]> then\n replace item (15) of [情報 v] with [24]\n replace item (16) of [情報 v] with [24]\nelse\n replace item (15) of [情報 v] with [34]\n replace item (16) of [情報 v] with [34]\nend\nforever\n if <touching (マグマ v)?> then\n ダメージ [-4]\n wait (0.25) seconds\n end\n if <touching (サボテン v)?> then\n ダメージ [-3]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n if <<touching (剣 v)?> and <(攻撃) = [1]>> then\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [10] [7]\n else\n ノックバック [-10] [7]\n end\n if <(結果) = [クリティカル攻撃可能]> then\n ダメージ ([floor v] of (([costume name v] of [剣 v]) * (1.5)) )\n set [攻撃位置x v] to (x position)\n set [攻撃位置y v] to (y position)\n broadcast (クリティカル v)\n else\n ダメージ ([costume name v] of [剣 v])\n end\n wait until <(攻撃) = [0]>\n wait (0.3) seconds\n if <[0] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n switch costume to (スケルトン v)\n end\n end\n if <touching (ソニックブーム補完用4 v)?> then\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [10] [7]\n else\n ノックバック [-10] [7]\n end\n ダメージ [-16]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n if <[0] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n switch costume to (スケルトン v)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n if <touching (爆発 v)?> then\n ダメージ [-16]\n if <(item (4) of [情報 v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [15] [9]\n else\n ノックバック [-15] [9]\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n if <touching (爆発2 v)?> then\n ダメージ [-14]\n if <([x position v] of [プレイヤー v]) < (x position)> then\n ノックバック [14] [9]\n else\n ノックバック [-14] [9]\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n if <[0] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n switch costume to (スケルトン v)\n end\n end\n if <(y position) < [-160]> then\n ダメージ [-100]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\nend\n\ndefine スケルトン召喚魔法 (ステージ) (x) (y) (n) 秒待つ\nif <not <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]>> then\n if <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = (ステージ)> then\n wait (n) seconds\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [やられた v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\nスケルトン召喚魔法 [12] [300] [100] [1] 秒待つ\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [31]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nreplace item (19) of [情報 v] with [1]\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat until <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [0.01]>\n replace item (20) of [情報 v] with (x position)\n replace item (21) of [情報 v] with (y position)\n broadcast (ブレイズ v)\n if <not <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [0.01]>> then\n wait (pick random (6) to (8)) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ブレイズロット v]\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nswitch costume to (スケルトン v)\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\nswitch costume to (スケルトン v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set [モブの位置x v] to (x position)\n set [モブの位置y v] to (y position)\nend\n\n@スプライト4\n\nwhen I receive [ブレイズ v]\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(item (8) of [情報 v]) = [0]> then\n delete this clone\nend\ngo to x: (item (20) of [情報 v]) y: (item (21) of [情報 v])\nshow\npoint towards (プレイヤー v)\nturn right (pick random (-5) to (5)) degrees\nrepeat until <<touching (プレイヤー v)?> or <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>>>\n move (8) steps\nend\nreplace item (22) of [情報 v] with (x position)\nreplace item (23) of [情報 v] with (y position)\ncreate clone of (爆発3 v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n@爆発3\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (item (22) of [情報 v]) y: (item (23) of [情報 v])\nshow\nstart sound [get4 v]\nswitch costume to (explosion_0 v)\nrepeat (7)\n wait () seconds\n next costume\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@スプライト6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [エンダーアイ v]\nwait (1) seconds\ngo to (プレイヤー v)\nshow\nrepeat until <[60] < (y position)>\n change y by (1.5)\nend\nrepeat until <[75] < (x position)>\n change x by (1.5)\nend\nrepeat until <(y position) < [20]>\n change y by (-1.5)\nend\nhide\nrepeat (3)\n start sound (pick random (1) to (3))\n wait (0.3) seconds\nend\nbroadcast (ポータル開通 v)\nstart sound [ポータル開通音 v]\n\n@bgm1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [c418-sweden-minecraft-volume-alpha v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <not <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [22]>> then\n if <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [2]> then\n if <not <(item (15) of [情報 v]) = [1]>> then\n change volume by (10)\n end\n else\n change volume by (-10)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [エンドロールend-end v]\nset volume to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [/xp 10000l @s v]\nset volume to (0) %\n\n@bgm2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [2]> then\n if <not <(item (15) of [情報 v]) = [1]>> then\n change volume by (-10)\n end\n else\n change volume by (10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <not <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [2]>>\nrepeat until <(item (15) of [情報 v]) = [0]>\n if <not <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]>> then\n play sound [boss-中 v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [/xp 10000l @s v]\nset volume to (0) %\n\n@bgm3\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n wait until <not <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [2]>>\n wait until <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [1]>\n if <not <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]>> then\n play sound [boss-撃破 v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [/xp 10000l @s v]\nset volume to (0) %\n\n@スケルトン3\n\ndefine ダメージ (ダメージ量)\nreplace item (28) of [情報 v] with [10]\nreplace item (15) of [情報 v] with ((item (15) of [情報 v]) + (ダメージ量))\nif <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [0.01]> then\n replace item (17) of [情報 v] with (x position)\n replace item (18) of [情報 v] with (y position)\n wait (0.5) seconds\nelse\n if <(pick random (1) to (3)) = [1]> then\n start sound [1 v]\n else\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n start sound [2 v]\n else\n start sound [3 v]\n end\n end\nend\nbroadcast (#四国を四角に v)\n\ndefine ノックバック (x) (y)\nset [スケルトンx v] to (x)\nset [スケルトンy v] to (y)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreplace item (27) of [情報 v] with [1]\nforever\n if <(item (27) of [情報 v]) < [10]> then\n replace item (27) of [情報 v] with ((item (27) of [情報 v]) + (1))\n wait (0.01) seconds\n else\n repeat until <(item (27) of [情報 v]) = [1]>\n replace item (27) of [情報 v] with ((item (27) of [情報 v]) - (1))\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <[0.01] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n switch costume to ((item (27) of [情報 v]) + (item (28) of [情報 v]))\n else\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [21]>\nif <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [12]> then\n replace item (15) of [情報 v] with [300]\n replace item (16) of [情報 v] with [300]\nelse\n replace item (15) of [情報 v] with [350]\n replace item (16) of [情報 v] with [350]\nend\nforever\n if <<touching (剣 v)?> and <(攻撃) = [1]>> then\n if <(結果) = [クリティカル攻撃可能]> then\n set [攻撃位置x v] to ([x position v] of [剣 v])\n set [攻撃位置y v] to ([y position v] of [剣 v])\n broadcast (クリティカル v)\n ダメージ ([floor v] of (([costume name v] of [剣 v]) * (1.5)) )\n else\n ダメージ ([costume name v] of [剣 v])\n end\n wait until <(攻撃) = [0]>\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n if <touching (ソニックブーム補完用4 v)?> then\n ダメージ [-16]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n if <[0] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n switch costume to (スケルトン v)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n if <touching (爆発 v)?> then\n ダメージ [-16]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n if <touching (爆発2 v)?> then\n ダメージ [-14]\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [21]>\nreplace item (19) of [情報 v] with [1]\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat until <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [0.01]>\n if <not <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]>> then\n replace item (20) of [情報 v] with (x position)\n replace item (21) of [情報 v] with (y position)\n broadcast (ブレス v)\n if <not <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [0.01]>> then\n wait (pick random (9) to (14)) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [21]>\nforever\n replace item (24) of [情報 v] with (x position)\n replace item (25) of [情報 v] with (y position)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (50) %\nwait (0.01) seconds\ngo to x: (-100) y: (100)\npoint in direction (90)\nclear graphic effects\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [21]>\nforever\n repeat (pick random (1) to (2))\n repeat until <[100] < (x position)>\n if <[0.01] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n change x by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\n repeat until <(x position) < [-100]>\n if <[0.01] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n change x by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n end\n end\n if <[0.01] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n if <[0] < (x position)> then\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\n repeat until <(y position) < [-30]>\n if <[0.01] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n change y by (-1)\n end\n end\n repeat until <(round (x position)) = [0]>\n if <[0.01] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n if <[0] < (x position)> then\n change x by (-1)\n else\n change x by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n wait (pick random (4) to (7)) seconds\n repeat until <[100] < (y position)>\n if <[0.01] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [21]>\nif <not <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]>> then\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\nif <[0.01] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n if <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [21]> then\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [#四国を四角に v]\nwait (0.3) seconds\nreplace item (28) of [情報 v] with [0]\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nclear graphic effects\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [21]>\nwait until <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [0.01]>\nif <[0] < (x position)> then\n repeat until <(x position) = [0]>\n change x by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\nelse\n repeat until <(x position) = [0]>\n change x by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\nrepeat until <[100] < (y position)>\n change y by (1)\nend\nbroadcast (エンドラend v)\nrepeat (100)\n change [brightness v] effect by (1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\nreplace item (33) of [情報 v] with [1]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [エンドラend v]\nrepeat (25)\n create clone of (爆発4 v)\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (1) seconds\nif <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]> then\n replace item (33) of [情報 v] with [1]\nelse\n replace item (33) of [情報 v] with [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [21]>\nforever\n set [モブの位置x v] to (x position)\n set [モブの位置y v] to (y position)\nend\n\nreplace item (1) of [情報 v] with ((item (1) of [情報 v]) + (1))\n\n@スプライト8\n\nwhen I receive [ブレス v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(item (8) of [情報 v]) = [0]> then\n delete this clone\nend\ngo to (スケルトン3 v)\nshow\npoint towards (プレイヤー v)\nturn right (pick random (-5) to (5)) degrees\nrepeat until <<touching (プレイヤー v)?> or <<touching (地面ー土 v)?> or <<touching (地面ー砂 v)?> or <touching (地面ー石 v)?>>>>\n move (7) steps\nend\nreplace item (22) of [情報 v] with (x position)\nreplace item (23) of [情報 v] with (y position)\nbroadcast (l v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [l v]\nrepeat (25)\n create clone of (スプライト7 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [やられた v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@スプライト7\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to x: (item (22) of [情報 v]) y: (item (23) of [情報 v])\nset [a v] to (x position)\nset [z v] to (y position)\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\nchange x by (pick random (-50) to (50))\nchange y by (pick random (-20) to (20))\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (pick random (7) to (9)) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [やられた v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@スプライト9\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [hekopyon v] to [1]\nif <(item (29) of [情報 v]) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-196) y: (137)\nelse\n go to x: (196) y: (137)\nend\nwait until <<<<touching (剣 v)?> and <(攻撃) = [1]>> or <touching (ソニックブーム補完用4 v)?>> or <touching (爆発2 v)?>>\nreplace item (22) of [情報 v] with (x position)\nreplace item (23) of [情報 v] with (y position)\ncreate clone of (爆発3 v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\nif <<(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [21]> and <(hekopyon) = [0]>> then\n if <not <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]>> then\n replace item (29) of [情報 v] with [0]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n replace item (29) of [情報 v] with [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [リスポーン v]\nreplace item (30) of [情報 v] with [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n wait (pick random (8.0) to (15.0)) seconds\n if <(item (30) of [情報 v]) = [0]> then\n if <not <(item (8) of [情報 v]) = [0]>> then\n replace item (30) of [情報 v] with [1]\n replace item (31) of [情報 v] with (x position)\n replace item (32) of [情報 v] with (y position)\n broadcast (エンドラ回復 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (1 v)\n wait (3) seconds\n replace item (30) of [情報 v] with [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nreplace item (30) of [情報 v] with [0]\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nwait (1) seconds\nif <not <(item (2) of [設定 v]) = [4]>> then\n wait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [21]>\n replace item (29) of [情報 v] with [0]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n replace item (29) of [情報 v] with [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(item (1) of [情報 v]) = [21]>\nforever\n set [モブの位置x v] to (x position)\n set [モブの位置y v] to (y position)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@スプライト10\n\nwhen I receive [エンドラ回復 v]\nif <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < ((item (16) of [情報 v]) - (10))> then\n show\n go to x: (item (31) of [情報 v]) y: (item (32) of [情報 v])\n point towards (スケルトン3 v)\n repeat until <touching (スケルトン3 v)?>\n if <[0] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n move (12) steps\n end\n end\n if <[0] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n replace item (15) of [情報 v] with ((item (15) of [情報 v]) + (8))\n end\n repeat (3)\n if <[0] < (item (15) of [情報 v])> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n move (12) steps\n end\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\nif <(item (8) of [情報 v]) = [0]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nwait (2) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [1 v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [やられた v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(item (15) of [情報 v]) < [0.01]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@スプライト5\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nset [brightness v] effect to (-20)\ngo to x: (0) y: (-345)\nrepeat until <[0] = (round (y position))>\n change y by (0.3)\nend\nif <(item (35) of [情報 v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (/effect @s health_boost 100 10 true v)\nend\nrepeat until <[345] = (round (y position))>\n change y by (0.3)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [/effect @s health_boost 100 10 true v]\nif <(item (35) of [情報 v]) = [1]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [/xp 10000l @s v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nbroadcast (/effect @s health_boost 100 10 true v)\nrepeat until <[345] = (round (y position))>\n change y by (0.3)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreplace item (35) of [情報 v] with [1]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-20)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [エンドロールend v]\nrepeat (80)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n change [brightness v] effect by (-2)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [エンドロールend-end v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [エンドロールend-end v]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(item (35) of [情報 v]) = [x]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [エンドロールend v]\nreplace item (35) of [情報 v] with [0]\nrepeat (30)\n wait (0.3) seconds\nend\nbroadcast (エンドロールend-end v)\nreplace item (35) of [情報 v] with [x]\n\n@スプライト11\n\nwhen I receive [/xp 10000l @s v]\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nif <(y) = [0]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nwait (13) seconds\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\nif <(y) = [0]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nwait (20) seconds\nswitch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\nif <(y) = [0]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nwait (12) seconds\nbroadcast (エンドロールend v)\nrepeat (80)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n change volume by (-2)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [y v] to [1]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-1000)\nshow\nrepeat until <(y position) = [434]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (1)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [エンドロールend v]\nrepeat (80)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [brightness v] effect by (-2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [エンドロールend-end v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [エンドロールend-end v]\nset volume to (0) %\n\nwhen I receive [/xp 10000l @s v]\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [魔王魂 ピアノ39 v] until done\nend\n\n@スプライト12\n\n@スプライト13\n\nwhen I receive [/xp 10000l @s v]\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [エンドロールend-end v]\nhide\n\n@スプライト14\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow list [kr v]\nif <(username) = [kuri-pa-2]> then\n delete all of [kr v]\n hide list [kr v]\n wait (0.1) seconds\n K (☁ A)\n insert (d) at (1) of [kr v] \n wait (0.1) seconds\n K (☁ B)\n insert (d) at (2) of [kr v] \n wait (0.1) seconds\n K (☁ C)\n insert (d) at (3) of [kr v] \n wait (0.1) seconds\n K (☁ D)\n insert (d) at (4) of [kr v] \n wait (0.1) seconds\n K (☁ E)\n insert (d) at (5) of [kr v] \nelse\n set [d v] to []\n set [1 v] to [0]\n repeat (length of (username))\n change [1 v] by (1)\n switch costume to (letter (1) of (username))\n set [d v] to (join (d) (costume [number v]))\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ e v] to (☁ D)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ d v] to (☁ C)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ c v] to (☁ B)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ b v] to (☁ A)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ a v] to (d)\nend\n\ndefine K (?=)\nset [d v] to []\nset [1 v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of (?=)) / (2))\n switch costume to (join (letter (1) of (?=)) (letter ((1) + (1)) of (?=)))\n set [d v] to (join (d) (costume [name v]))\n change [1 v] by (2)\nend\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\n
Play Spray 2!\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/331917417/\n---------‐-----------------------------\n\nControls:\n---------‐-----------------------------\nMove your mouse to aim. A blue arrow indicates where water will be sprayed.\n\nClick to spray water. Water propels you in the opposite direction that it is sprayed. Spray beneath you to move upwards.\n\nPress 'r' to restart\n\nObstacles:\n---------‐-----------------------------\nSpikes- Spikes will instantly cause you to restart the level if you touch them. Water can be sprayed on spikes and cause normal movement.\n\nFire- Similarly to spikes, fire will cause you to restart the level if you touch it. However, you can spray water at fire to put it out.\n\nObjective:\n---------‐-----------------------------\nComplete each level by spraying water and avoiding obstacles. The levels generally get more difficult as they progress. If you beat every level, you can see how many seconds it took you to beat the game.\n\nCredits:\n---------‐-----------------------------\nMusic: Dreams from bensound.com\n\nAll art and programming by me, @Skill_Games\n\nUpdates:\n---------‐-----------------------------\n5/7/19: Added one more level, updated instructions, fixed bugs\n\n5/5/19: Shared\n\n---------‐-----------------------------\n#game #platformer #skill #challenge #water
2 Player Platformer Race
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [start brodcast v]\nswitch backdrop to (cutscene 1 v)\nbroadcast (Green Flag v)\nbroadcast (Play Game v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (quit v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nbroadcast (cutscene 1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (empty v)\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nstop all sounds\nforever\n play sound [music 1 1 v] until done\n play sound [music 1 2 v] until done\n play sound [music 1 3 v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nstop all sounds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nplay sound [music 2 v] until done\n\n@blank\n\n@menu\n\nwhen I receive [information v]\nstart sound [menu music v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch backdrop to (space v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (size v)\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (information planel v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\nend\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n switch costume to (information planel v)\n wait (.7) seconds\n switch costume to (information plane2 v)\n wait (.7) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [info quit v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nstop all sounds\nbroadcast (information v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [information v]\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <<key (any v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>>\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nbroadcast (transition v)\nbroadcast (menu v)\nswitch backdrop to (empty v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(id) = [2]> then\n go to x: (202) y: (40)\n point in direction (95)\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (size v)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (planet real v)\n show\n forever\n go to x: ((202) + ((mouse x) / (-50))) y: ((40) + ((mouse y) / (-50)))\n repeat (120)\n turn right (.01) degrees\n go to x: ((202) + ((mouse x) / (-50))) y: ((40) + ((mouse y) / (-50)))\n end\n repeat (120)\n turn right (.01) degrees\n go to x: ((202) + ((mouse x) / (-50))) y: ((40) + ((mouse y) / (-50)))\n end\n end\nend\nif <(id) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (start v)\n set size to (90) %\n clear graphic effects\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-40) y: (-10)\n show\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (start slected v)\n if <mouse down?> then\n play sound [slect v] until done\n broadcast (start v)\n hide\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n switch costume to (start v)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(id) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (information v)\n set size to (90) %\n clear graphic effects\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-40) y: (-10)\n show\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (information slected v)\n if <mouse down?> then\n play sound [slect v] until done\n broadcast (info quit v)\n hide\n end\n else\n switch costume to (information v)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(id) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (quit v)\n set size to (90) %\n clear graphic effects\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-40) y: (-10)\n show\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (quit slected v)\n if <mouse down?> then\n play sound [slect v] until done\n broadcast (thumbnail v)\n broadcast (quit v)\n hide\n end\n else\n switch costume to (quit v)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(id) = [7]> then\n set size to (100) %\n clear graphic effects\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n forever\n if <(stars) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (title admin v)\n else\n if <(stars) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (title 6 star v)\n else\n if <(stars) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (title 5 star v)\n else\n if <(stars) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (title 4 star v)\n else\n if <(stars) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (title 3 star v)\n else\n if <(stars) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (title 2 star v)\n else\n if <(stars) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (title 1 star v)\n else\n switch costume to (title v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <(id) = [8]> then\n switch costume to (space background v)\n set size to (100) %\n clear graphic effects\n go to [back v] layer\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n forever\n go to x: ((0) + ((mouse x) / (-100))) y: ((0) + ((mouse y) / (-100)))\n end\nend\nif <(id) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (hardcore v)\n set size to (90) %\n clear graphic effects\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-40) y: (-10)\n show\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (hardcore slected v)\n if <mouse down?> then\n play sound [slect v] until done\n set [hardcore? v] to [YES]\n broadcast (start v)\n hide\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n switch costume to (hardcore v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [quit v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nstop all sounds\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nbroadcast (transition v)\nbroadcast (quit v)\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nset [id v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [4]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [5]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [6]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [7]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [8]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [9]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nstop all sounds\nforever\n play sound [menu music v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [creds v]\nset [id v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [stars v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\n\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <[admins v] contains (username)?>\nset [stars v] to [7]\n\n@cutscene 1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 1 v]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\nswitch backdrop to (cutscene 1 v)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset size to (100) %\nwait (1.5) seconds\nstart sound [walk v]\nrepeat (8)\n next costume\n wait (.1) seconds\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nstart sound [apear v]\nstart sound [in2 v]\nrepeat (5)\n next costume\n wait (.025) seconds\nend\nwait (.5) seconds\nstart sound [in v]\nwait (.5) seconds\nrepeat (5)\n next costume\n wait (.1) seconds\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nstart sound [dissapera v]\nrepeat (4)\n next costume\n wait (.025) seconds\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nbroadcast (transition v)\nset [id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (1) seconds\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch backdrop to (space v)\nswitch costume to (blackhole v)\ngo to x: (-202) y: (40)\npoint in direction (95)\nbroadcast (blackhole spin \(cutscene 1\) v)\nwait (3) seconds\nbroadcast (transition v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (2 1-0 v)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstart sound [BONUS v]\nwait (4) seconds\nstart sound [apear v]\nrepeat (5)\n next costume\n wait (.03) seconds\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nstart sound [in v]\nrepeat (4)\n next costume\n wait (.04) seconds\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nstart sound [dissapera v]\nrepeat (4)\n next costume\n wait (.03) seconds\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nbroadcast (long transistion v)\nwait (1) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nswitch backdrop to (blackhole v)\nbroadcast (start brodcast v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (planet v)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (10)\n turn right (3) degrees\n end\n repeat (8)\n turn right (3) degrees\n next costume\n wait (.025) seconds\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 1 v]\nwait (.3) seconds\nwait until <<mouse down?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nbroadcast (transition v)\nhide\nbroadcast (start brodcast v)\ndelete this clone\n\nbroadcast (long transistion v)\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\nswitch backdrop to (empty v)\n\nwhen I receive [blackhole spin \(cutscene 1\) v]\nforever\n turn right (.01) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I receive [blackhole spin \(cutscene 1\) v]\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\n\nbroadcast (cutscene 2 v)\n\ndefine Screen Shake | strengthX (strengthx) strengthY (strengthy) interval (interval) duration (duration)\nset [_screenshake_starttime v] to (timer)\nset [screenshake_x v] to ((((pick random (0) to (1)) * (2)) - (1)) * (strengthx))\nset [screenshake_y v] to ((((pick random (0) to (1)) * (2)) - (1)) * (strengthy))\nset [_screenshake_lasttime v] to (timer)\nrepeat until <(timer) > ((_screenShake_startTime) + (duration))>\n wait ((interval) - ((timer) - (_screenShake_lastTime))) seconds\n set [_screenshake_fraction v] to ((1) - (((timer) - (_screenShake_startTime)) / (duration)))\n set [screenshake_x v] to ((((ScreenShake_X) / ([abs v] of (ScreenShake_X) )) * (-1)) * ((_screenShake_fraction) * ((pick random (0.7) to (1.2)) * (strengthx))))\n set [screenshake_y v] to ((((ScreenShake_Y) / ([abs v] of (ScreenShake_Y) )) * (-1)) * ((_screenShake_fraction) * ((pick random (0.7) to (1.2)) * (strengthy))))\n set [_screenshake_lasttime v] to (timer)\nend\nset [screenshake_x v] to [0]\nset [screenshake_y v] to [0]\n\ndefine Move with ScreenShake | amount (0 to 1) (amount)\nforever\n change x by (((_lastSCX) * (-1)) * (amount))\n change y by (((_lastSCY) * (-1)) * (amount))\n set [_lastscx v] to (ScreenShake_X)\n set [_lastscy v] to (ScreenShake_Y)\n change x by ((_lastSCX) * (amount))\n change y by ((_lastSCY) * (amount))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [screen shake v]\nMove with ScreenShake | amount (0 to 1) [1]\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 1 v]\nforever\n play sound [BONUS v] until done\nend\n\nreset timer\nset size to (110) %\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\nswitch costume to (2 9 v)\nwait (3) seconds\nstart sound [apear v]\nrepeat (4)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n wait (.03) seconds\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nstart sound [in v]\nrepeat (4)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n wait (.04) seconds\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nstart sound [dissapera v]\nrepeat (5)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n wait (.03) seconds\nend\nwait (4) seconds\nbroadcast (long transistion v)\nwait (1) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nswitch backdrop to (space v)\nbroadcast (cutscene final v)\n\n@Player walk\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-262) y: (-111)\nset size to (300) %\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 1 v]\n\ngo to x: (-262) y: (-111)\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (walk f1 v)\n repeat (3)\n next costume\n wait (.1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 1 v]\n\nwait (.6) seconds\nglide (2) secs to x: (297) y: (-111)\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nhide\nforever\n if <<<<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> or <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>>> and <not <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>>> and <(AIR) = [0]>> then\n play sound (pick random (1) to (4)) until done\n end\nend\n\n@game states\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [hardcore? v] to [NO]\nswitch costume to (hardcore fail v)\n\nwhen I receive [hardcore fail v]\nswitch backdrop to (space v)\nswitch costume to (hardcore fail v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nwait (8) seconds\nbroadcast (transition v)\nbroadcast (Reset v)\nbroadcast (quit v) and wait\nbroadcast (menu v)\nset [hardcore? v] to [NO]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [hardcore fail v]\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <key (space v) pressed?>\nbroadcast (transition v)\nbroadcast (Reset v)\nbroadcast (quit v) and wait\nbroadcast (menu v)\nset [hardcore? v] to [NO]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [wr ani v]\nswitch backdrop to (space v)\nswitch costume to (wr v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nwait (15) seconds\nbroadcast (transition v)\nbroadcast (quit v) and wait\nbroadcast (menu v)\nhide\n\nbroadcast (transition v)\nbroadcast (Reset v)\nbroadcast (quit v) and wait\nbroadcast (menu v)\nset [hardcore? v] to [NO]\nhide\n\n@transition\n\nwhen I receive [transition v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [long transistion v]\nchange [ghost v] effect by (100)\nshow\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [transition v]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [long transistion v]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint x v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n broadcast (Reset v) and wait\n broadcast (Setip v) and wait\n Game on\n repeat until <(EXIT) > []>\n Tick\n broadcast (Tick v) and wait\n end\n if <(EXIT) = [Win]> then\n Game - Win\n else\n Game - Die\n end\n if <touching (front art v)?> then\n Game - Die\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game on\nset [y v] to ((Checkpoint Y) + (1))\nset [x v] to ((Checkpoint X) + (1))\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [speed x v] to [0]\nset [air v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nset size to (130) %\nclear graphic effects\nshow\n\ndefine Tick\nif <<[admins v] contains (username)?> and <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [scroll x v] by (-12)\n change [x v] by (-12)\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <key (c v) pressed?> then\n change [scroll x v] by (40)\n change [x v] by (40)\n else\n change [scroll x v] by (12)\n change [x v] by (12)\n end\n end\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [scroll y v] by (12)\n change [y v] by (12)\n end\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [scroll y v] by (-12)\n change [y v] by (-12)\n end\n if <(SCROLL Y) < [0]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> and <<not <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>>> and <(move) = [yes]>>> then\n change [speed x v] by (-2)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> and <<not <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>>> and <(move) = [yes]>>> then\n change [speed x v] by (2)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [speed x v] to ((Speed x) * (0.8))\n if <([abs v] of (Speed x) ) > [0.9]> then\n Change player x by (round (Speed x))\n end\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> and <<(move) = [yes]> and <not <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>>>>> then\n if <(AIR) < [5]> then\n set [speed y v] to [16]\n end\n end\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> or <<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> or <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>>>> then\n set [movement buttons v] to [1]\n else\n set [movement buttons v] to [0]\n end\n if <(Speed y) > [-20]> then\n change [speed y v] by (-2)\n end\n Change player y by (Speed y)\n Test - Die\n set [scroll x v] to (x)\n if <(SCROLL X) < [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\n end\n change [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (10)))\n if <(SCROLL Y) < [0]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n if <<<(y) < [-178]> or <touching (hurt- v)?>> or <key (r v) pressed?>> then\n start sound [oof v]\n set [exit v] to [Die]\n end\n if <(x) < [0]> then\n set [x player global v] to (x position)\n else\n set [x player global v] to [0]\n end\n set [y player global v] to (y position)\n if <(move) = [yes]> then\n if <<<<(movement buttons) = [1]> or <mouse down?>> and <(AIR) < [3]>> and <not <(already loved/faved?) = [yes]>>> then\n change [animatetimervariable v] by (1)\n set [animateshowsprite v] to (((AnimateShowSprite) + ([floor v] of ((((AnimateTimerVariable) mod (3)) + (1)) / (3)) )) mod (4))\n switch costume to ((AnimateShowSprite) + (4))\n else\n if <not <(already loved/faved?) = [yes]>> then\n if <(AIR) < [3]> then\n set [animateshowsprite v] to [0]\n set [animatetimervariable v] to [0]\n switch costume to (still v)\n else\n switch costume to (up v)\n end\n end\n end\n if <<<<(movement buttons) = [1]> or <mouse down?>> and <(AIR) < [3]>> and <(already loved/faved?) = [yes]>> then\n change [animatetimervariable v] by (1)\n set [animateshowsprite v] to (((AnimateShowSprite) + ([floor v] of ((((AnimateTimerVariable) mod (3)) + (1)) / (3)) )) mod (4))\n switch costume to ((AnimateShowSprite) + (10))\n else\n if <(already loved/faved?) = [yes]> then\n if <(AIR) < [3]> then\n set [animateshowsprite v] to [0]\n set [animatetimervariable v] to [0]\n switch costume to (still skin v)\n else\n switch costume to (up2 v)\n end\n end\n end\n if <(already loved/faved?) = [yes]> then\n change [color v] effect by (1)\n end\n else\n switch costume to (still v)\n end\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (duck v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Change player y by (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [air v] by (1)\nPosition\nrepeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [air v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Change player x by (sx)\nchange [x v] by (sx)\nPosition\nif <touching (platforms v)?> then\n repeat (12)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not <touching (platforms v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-12)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to [-16]\n else\n set [speed x v] to [16]\n end\n set [air v] to [0]\n else\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n end\n repeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game - Die\nif <not <(HARDCORE?) = [yes]>> then\n set [exit v] to []\n hide\nelse\n broadcast (hardcore fail v)\n broadcast (transition v)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Game - Win\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\n\ndefine Test - Die\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nswitch backdrop to (blackhole v)\nset [checkpoint x v] to [0]\nset [checkpoint y v] to [0]\nwait (4) seconds\nwait until <<(LEVEL) = [1]> and <(SCROLL X) > [4741]>>\nset [checkpoint x v] to [4741]\nset [checkpoint y v] to [160]\nwait until <<(LEVEL) = [1]> and <(SCROLL X) > [7781]>>\nbroadcast (pad text v) and wait\nwait until <<(LEVEL) = [1]> and <(SCROLL X) > [9035]>>\nswitch backdrop to (cave v)\nswitch costume to (still v)\nset [checkpoint y v] to [0]\nset [checkpoint x v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [2]\nset [exit v] to [Win]\nbroadcast (transition v) and wait\nwait (1.5) seconds\nbroadcast (level 2 v)\nwait until <<(LEVEL) = [2]> and <(SCROLL X) > [4200]>>\nset [checkpoint x v] to [4321]\nset [checkpoint y v] to [140]\nwait until <<(LEVEL) = [2]> and <(SCROLL X) > [7000]>>\nset [checkpoint x v] to [7401]\nwait until <<(LEVEL) = [2]> and <(SCROLL X) > [8300]>>\nswitch backdrop to (blackhole v)\nswitch costume to (still v)\nset [checkpoint x v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [3]\nset [exit v] to [Win]\nbroadcast (transition v) and wait\nwait (1.5) seconds\nbroadcast (level 3 v)\nwait until <<(LEVEL) = [3]> and <(SCROLL X) > [950]>>\nswitch backdrop to (blackhole v)\nswitch costume to (still v)\nbroadcast (transition v)\nwait (.5) seconds\nbroadcast (cutscene 2 v)\n\nswitch backdrop to (cave v)\nswitch costume to (still v)\nset [level v] to [2]\nset [exit v] to [Win]\nbroadcast (transition v) and wait\nwait (1.5) seconds\nbroadcast (level 2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nbroadcast (Screen Shake v)\nbroadcast (Reset v)\n\nset [checkpoint y v] to [140]\n\nset [checkpoint x v] to [4741]\n\nset [checkpoint y v] to [140]\n\nset [checkpoint x v] to [4321]\n\n@Platforms\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setip v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1 1 v)\n switch backdrop to (blackhole v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (2 1 v)\n switch backdrop to (cave v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (3 1 v)\n switch backdrop to (blackhole close v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint x v] to [0]\ngo [forward v] (10000) layers\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\n\nwait (5) seconds\nwait until <(SCROLL X) > [5784]>\nset [checkpoint x v] to [5784]\nwait until <(SCROLL X) > [11249]>\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nbroadcast (transition v)\nwait (.5) seconds\nbroadcast (cutscene 2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [hardcore fail v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nclear graphic effects\n\n@FRONT Art\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setip v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1 1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (2 1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (3 1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [hardcore fail v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@HURT-\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setip v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1 1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (2 1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (3 1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [hardcore fail v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo [forward v] (10000) layers\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@BACK ART\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <<(LEVEL) = [1]> or <(LEVEL) = [3]>> then\n Position ((x) - ((SCROLL X) * (.1))) ((y) - ((SCROLL Y) * (.1)))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setip v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1 1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (2 1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (3 1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ngo to [back v] layer\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [hardcore fail v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [hardcore fail v]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n Position ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nend\n\n@backnorm Art\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setip v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1 1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [hardcore fail v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\ngo [backward v] (99) layers\n\n@artartback\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - ((SCROLL X) * (.5))) ((y) - ((SCROLL Y) * (.5)))\n\nwhen I receive [setip v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1 1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\nelse\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [hardcore fail v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [hardcore fail v]\n\n@robo\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nset [robo1 talked? v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setip v]\nhide\nset size to (100) %\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (empty v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [-89]\nelse\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [hardcore fail v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [y v] to [230]\nset [x v] to [1854]\nif <not <(robo1 talked?) = [1]>> then\n forever\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (250)\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n wait (pick random (1) to (3)) seconds\n point in direction (-90)\n repeat (250)\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n wait (pick random (1) to (3)) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(robo1 talked?) = [1]> then\n point towards (player v)\n switch costume to (2 v)\nelse\n wait (5) seconds\n wait until <touching (player v)?>\n set [robo1 talked? v] to [1]\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n point towards (player v)\n broadcast (robot text v) and wait\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (2 v)\nend\n\nif <(robo talk2) = [1]> then\n point towards (player v)\n switch costume to (2 v)\nelse\nend\n\nif <not <(robo talk2) = [1]>> then\nend\n\n@robo2\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nset [robo talk2 v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setip v]\nhide\nset size to (100) %\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (empty v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [-89]\nelse\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [hardcore fail v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [y v] to [-50]\nset [x v] to [6912]\nif <not <(robo talk2) = [1]>> then\n forever\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (250)\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n wait (pick random (1) to (3)) seconds\n point in direction (-90)\n repeat (250)\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n wait (pick random (1) to (3)) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(robo talk2) = [1]> then\n point towards (player v)\n switch costume to (2 v)\nelse\n wait (5) seconds\n wait until <touching (player v)?>\n set [robo1 talked? v] to [1]\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n point towards (player v)\n broadcast (robo text 2 v) and wait\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (2 v)\nend\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide variable [time v]\nhide variable [☁ wr v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (200)\nset [brightness v] effect to (45)\nswitch costume to (thumb current v)\nshow\nrepeat (45)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (7))\n change [brightness v] effect by (-1)\nend\n\n@intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (.3) seconds\nwait until <key (any v) pressed?>\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop all sounds\nbroadcast (transition v)\nhide\nbroadcast (menu v)\n\nswitch costume to (me presents v)\nwait (3) seconds\nswitch costume to (me presents2 v)\nwait (1) seconds\n\nset [level v] to [3]\nset [exit v] to [Win]\nbroadcast (transition v) and wait\nwait (1.5) seconds\nbroadcast (level 3 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Green Flag v)\nshow\nstart sound [sound v]\nswitch backdrop to (space v)\nswitch costume to (first - normal v)\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (2)\n next costume\n wait (.1) seconds\nend\nstart sound [up v]\nwait (.5) seconds\nstart sound [upup v]\nrepeat (4)\n next costume\n wait (.07) seconds\nend\nrepeat (4)\n next costume\n wait (.07) seconds\nend\nstart sound [land v]\nnext costume\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (transition v)\nswitch costume to (last gone v)\nwait (3) seconds\nbroadcast (long transistion v)\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\nwait (1.1) seconds\nstop all sounds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nbroadcast (menu v)\n\nhide\nbroadcast (quit v)\nbroadcast (start brodcast v)\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n broadcast (quit v)\nend\nswitch costume to (still v)\nset [level v] to [2]\nset [exit v] to [Win]\nbroadcast (transition v) and wait\nwait (1.5) seconds\nbroadcast (level 2 v)\n\n@creds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (text 1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [creds v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (text v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (1800)\n change y by (1)\nend\nwait (.9) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nswitch costume to (me v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (.9) seconds\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\nend\nwait (1.3) seconds\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nif <(stars) = [0]> then\n set [stars v] to [1]\nend\nif <(HARDCORE?) = [YES]> then\n set [stars v] to [2]\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop all sounds\nbroadcast (transition v)\nbroadcast (quit v) and wait\nbroadcast (menu v)\n\nwhen I receive [creds v]\nforever\n switch costume to (text 1 v)\n wait (.6) seconds\n switch costume to (text 2 v)\n wait (.6) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [wr ani v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [creds v]\nforever\n play sound [music v] until done\nend\n\n@game 2\n\n@TIMER\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [win? v] to [no]\nset [time v] to [0]\nhide variable [time v]\nhide variable [☁ wr v]\nhide\nif <(☁ WR) = [0]> then\n set [☁ wr v] to [300]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nshow variable [time v]\nset [time v] to [0]\nset [win? v] to [no]\nhide variable [☁ wr v]\nwait (1) seconds\nset [time v] to [0]\nforever\n repeat until <(Win?) = [yes]>\n change [time v] by (1)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nset [win? v] to [yes]\nshow variable [☁ wr v]\n\nwhen I receive [creds v]\nif <(time) < (☁ WR)> then\n set [☁ wr v] to (time)\n broadcast (WR ANI v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nset [win? v] to [no]\nhide variable [☁ wr v]\nhide variable [time v]\n\n@Sprite1\n\n@dialouge\n\ndefine Text: (string) Character: (char) Bubble Type: (bubble) Character Dark?: (dark)\nbroadcast (delete text v)\nset [dark chracter v] to (dark)\nset [bubble type v] to (bubble)\nset [clone type v] to [bubble]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [character v] to (char)\nset [clone type v] to [char]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [clone type v] to [text]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-80)\nset [letter v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (string))\n hide\n if <not <(letter (letter) of (string)) = [ ]>> then\n start sound [text v]\n switch costume to (letter (letter) of (string))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (12)\n else\n start sound [text v]\n switch costume to ( v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (12)\n end\n change [letter v] by (1)\n wait (0) seconds\n if <(x position) > [200]> then\n set x to (-200)\n change y by (-20)\n end\nend\nwait until <not <<key (any v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>>>\nwait until <<key (any v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>>\nwait until <not <<key (any v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>>>\nstart sound [Click v]\nbroadcast (delete text v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [delete text v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nif <(clone type) = [bubble]> then\n set size to (100) %\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (0) y: (-115)\n switch costume to (bubble type)\n if <(bubble type) = [textbox4]> then\n forever\n set [pixelate v] effect to (pick random (0) to (50))\n end\n end\nend\nif <(clone type) = [char]> then\n set size to (100) %\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n clear graphic effects\n if <(Dark chracter) = [1]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n end\n switch costume to (character)\n go to x: (-150) y: (-5)\n glide (0.1) secs to x: (-141) y: (-5)\n if <(bubble type) = [textbox4]> then\n forever\n set [pixelate v] effect to (pick random (0) to (50))\n end\n end\nend\nif <(clone type) = [text]> then\n set size to (80) %\n if <(bubble type) = [textbox4]> then\n forever\n set [pixelate v] effect to (pick random (0) to (50))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nset [move v] to [no]\nwait (1) seconds\nText: [huh, that was weird] Character: [astronout] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [I need to find a way to get out of here] Character: [astronout] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nset [move v] to [yes]\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 v]\nset [move v] to [no]\nText: [UGH, all this running is making me tired] Character: [astronout] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [I need to find a ship or something that can get me back to earth] Character: [astronout] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [Where is the exit to this cave anyways?] Character: [astronout] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nset [move v] to [yes]\n\nif <<key (any v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>> then\n wait until <not <<key (any v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>>>\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 v]\nset [move v] to [no]\nText: [The blackhole seems to be getting closer] Character: [astronout] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [I need to leave, NOW] Character: [astronout] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nset [move v] to [yes]\n\nwhen I receive [robot text v]\nset [move v] to [no]\nText: [hello I guess?] Character: [astronout] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [THE WORLD IS ENDING] Character: [robo] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [ALL CIVILIANS MUST EVACUATE] Character: [robo] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [THE NEIGHBORING BLACKHOLE WILL ENGULF THE PLANET IN 832 YEARS] Character: [robo] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [huh, the robot looks pretty old] Character: [astronout] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [wait a minute...] Character: [astronout] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [how long ago was this message sent?!?!] Character: [astronout] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [NEXT EMERGENCY VEHICLE WILL BE SENT IN -832 YEARS] Character: [robo] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [oh no...] Character: [astronout] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nset [move v] to [yes]\n\nwhen I receive [pad text v]\nset [move v] to [no]\nText: [This must be the where the escape vehicles took off] Character: [astronout] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nset [move v] to [yes]\n\nwhen I receive [robo text 2 v]\nset [move v] to [no]\nText: [HELLO I AM HELPER ROBOT \[441\]] Character: [robo] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [oh another one of you?] Character: [astronout] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [HOW CAN I HELP YOU TODAY?] Character: [robo] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [what happened to the civilization that was evacuated from this planet? ] Character: [astronout] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [832 YEARS AGO A BLACKHOLE WAS DETECTED TO BE APPROACHING THIS PLANET ] Character: [robo] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [DUE TO THIS THE INTERGLACIAL INTELLIGENCE CIVILIZATION EVACUATED THE PLANET] Character: [robo] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [huh, thats interesting...] Character: [astronout] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [how much longer till the blackhole engulfs this planet?] Character: [astronout] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [PLANET BLACKHOLE DETECTION SYSTEM IS OFFLINE] Character: [robo] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [oh] Character: [astronout] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [THERE IS 1 MORE EVACUATION SHIP AVAILABLE, LOCATION ESTIMATED 300 METERS FROM THIS CURRENT LOCATION ] Character: [robo] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nText: [looks like I will have to run for a little longer] Character: [astronout] Bubble Type: [textbox1] Character Dark?: []\nset [move v] to [yes]\n\nset [move v] to [yes]\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <<<(LEVEL) = [1]> or <(LEVEL) = [2]>> and <not <(move) = [no]>>> then\n go to [front v] layer\n point in direction (SCROLL Y)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (150) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nswitch costume to (rod v)\ngo to x: (-153) y: (118)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ngo to x: (175) y: (-107)\n\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n point in direction (SCROLL Y)\nend\n\nswitch costume to (rod v)\ngo to x: (175) y: (-107)\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nchange [scroll y v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <<(LEVEL) = [3]> and <not <(move) = [no]>>> then\n go to [front v] layer\n turn right ((25) + (SCROLL Y)) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (150) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nswitch costume to (knob v)\ngo to [front v] layer\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-153) y: (118)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@hand\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nbroadcast (clock v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (spin boi v)\npoint in direction (78)\ngo to x: (43) y: (19)\nrepeat (200)\n turn right (30) degrees\nend\nrepeat until <(direction) = [78]>\n turn right (30) degrees\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\ndefine Screen Shake | strengthX (strengthx) strengthY (strengthy) interval (interval) duration (duration)\nset [_screenshake_starttime v] to (timer)\nset [screenshake_x v] to ((((pick random (0) to (1)) * (2)) - (1)) * (strengthx))\nset [screenshake_y v] to ((((pick random (0) to (1)) * (2)) - (1)) * (strengthy))\nset [_screenshake_lasttime v] to (timer)\nrepeat until <(timer) > ((_screenShake_startTime) + (duration))>\n wait ((interval) - ((timer) - (_screenShake_lastTime))) seconds\n set [_screenshake_fraction v] to ((1) - (((timer) - (_screenShake_startTime)) / (duration)))\n set [screenshake_x v] to ((((ScreenShake_X) / ([abs v] of (ScreenShake_X) )) * (-1)) * ((_screenShake_fraction) * ((pick random (0.7) to (1.2)) * (strengthx))))\n set [screenshake_y v] to ((((ScreenShake_Y) / ([abs v] of (ScreenShake_Y) )) * (-1)) * ((_screenShake_fraction) * ((pick random (0.7) to (1.2)) * (strengthy))))\n set [_screenshake_lasttime v] to (timer)\nend\nset [screenshake_x v] to [0]\nset [screenshake_y v] to [0]\n\ndefine Move with ScreenShake | amount (0 to 1) (amount)\nforever\n change x by (((_lastSCX) * (-1)) * (amount))\n change y by (((_lastSCY) * (-1)) * (amount))\n set [_lastscx v] to (ScreenShake_X)\n set [_lastscy v] to (ScreenShake_Y)\n change x by ((_lastSCX) * (amount))\n change y by ((_lastSCY) * (amount))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [screen shake v]\nMove with ScreenShake | amount (0 to 1) [1]\n\nwhen I receive [long transistion v]\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [end clone v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (hand grab v)\nset size to (130) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (-400)\npoint in direction (150)\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change y by (6)\n turn left (3) degrees\nend\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (hand nohand v)\nwait (5) seconds\nbroadcast (end clone v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (hand grab v)\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (15)\n change y by (-20)\n turn right (3) degrees\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (END v)\nbroadcast (long transistion v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [clock v]\nplay sound [Clock Ticking v] until done\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n show\n switch costume to (blackhole v)\n go to x: (-180) y: (120)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (size v)\n set size to (80) %\n switch costume to (blackhole v)\n forever\n switch costume to (size v)\n change size by (.2)\n turn right (.1) degrees\n change x by (.1)\n switch costume to (blackhole v)\n end\nend\nif <(id) = [2]> then\n show\n switch costume to (ground v)\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\nend\n\ndefine Move with ScreenShake | amount (0 to 1) (amount)\nforever\n change x by (((_lastSCX) * (-1)) * (amount))\n change y by (((_lastSCY) * (-1)) * (amount))\n set [_lastscx v] to (ScreenShake_X)\n set [_lastscy v] to (ScreenShake_Y)\n change x by ((_lastSCX) * (amount))\n change y by ((_lastSCY) * (amount))\nend\n\ndefine Screen Shake | strengthX (strengthx) strengthY (strengthy) interval (interval) duration (duration)\nset [_screenshake_starttime v] to (timer)\nset [screenshake_x v] to ((((pick random (0) to (1)) * (2)) - (1)) * (strengthx))\nset [screenshake_y v] to ((((pick random (0) to (1)) * (2)) - (1)) * (strengthy))\nset [_screenshake_lasttime v] to (timer)\nrepeat until <(timer) > ((_screenShake_startTime) + (duration))>\n wait ((interval) - ((timer) - (_screenShake_lastTime))) seconds\n set [_screenshake_fraction v] to ((1) - (((timer) - (_screenShake_startTime)) / (duration)))\n set [screenshake_x v] to ((((ScreenShake_X) / ([abs v] of (ScreenShake_X) )) * (-1)) * ((_screenShake_fraction) * ((pick random (0.7) to (1.2)) * (strengthx))))\n set [screenshake_y v] to ((((ScreenShake_Y) / ([abs v] of (ScreenShake_Y) )) * (-1)) * ((_screenShake_fraction) * ((pick random (0.7) to (1.2)) * (strengthy))))\n set [_screenshake_lasttime v] to (timer)\nend\nset [screenshake_x v] to [0]\nset [screenshake_y v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [screen shake v]\nMove with ScreenShake | amount (0 to 1) [1]\n\nswitch costume to (blackhole v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat (10)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [long transistion v]\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nshow\nset [id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nbroadcast (Screen Shake v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nwait (.1) seconds\nstart sound [rummble v]\n\n@Screen Shake\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [screenshake_x v] to [0]\nset [screenshake_y v] to [0]\n\ndefine Screen Shake | strengthX (strengthx) strengthY (strengthy) interval (interval) duration (duration)\nset [_screenshake_starttime v] to (timer)\nset [screenshake_x v] to ((((pick random (0) to (1)) * (2)) - (1)) * (strengthx))\nset [screenshake_y v] to ((((pick random (0) to (1)) * (2)) - (1)) * (strengthy))\nset [_screenshake_lasttime v] to (timer)\nrepeat until <(timer) > ((_screenShake_startTime) + (duration))>\n wait ((interval) - ((timer) - (_screenShake_lastTime))) seconds\n set [_screenshake_fraction v] to ((1) - (((timer) - (_screenShake_startTime)) / (duration)))\n set [screenshake_x v] to ((((ScreenShake_X) / ([abs v] of (ScreenShake_X) )) * (-1)) * ((_screenShake_fraction) * ((pick random (0.7) to (1.2)) * (strengthx))))\n set [screenshake_y v] to ((((ScreenShake_Y) / ([abs v] of (ScreenShake_Y) )) * (-1)) * ((_screenShake_fraction) * ((pick random (0.7) to (1.2)) * (strengthy))))\n set [_screenshake_lasttime v] to (timer)\nend\nset [screenshake_x v] to [0]\nset [screenshake_y v] to [0]\n\ndefine Move with ScreenShake | amount (0 to 1) (amount)\nforever\n change x by (((_lastSCX) * (-1)) * (amount))\n change y by (((_lastSCY) * (-1)) * (amount))\n set [_lastscx v] to (ScreenShake_X)\n set [_lastscy v] to (ScreenShake_Y)\n change x by ((_lastSCX) * (amount))\n change y by ((_lastSCY) * (amount))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [screen shake v]\nScreen Shake | strengthX [1] strengthY [1] interval [.02] duration [99]\nMove with ScreenShake | amount (0 to 1) [0]\n\n@cutscene 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (blackhole v)\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene final v]\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (size v)\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (blackhole v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nrepeat (320)\n switch costume to (size v)\n change size by (.5)\n switch costume to (blackhole v)\n turn right (.1) degrees\nend\nbroadcast (long transistion v)\nwait (1) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nbroadcast (finalest cutscene v)\n\nhide\n\nset [whirl v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (size v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (200) %\nswitch costume to (planet v)\nrepeat (300)\n move (pick random (1) to (-1)) steps\n point in direction (pick random (0) to (360))\n change [whirl v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-.7)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n move (pick random (1) to (-1)) steps\n point in direction (pick random (0) to (360))\n change [whirl v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-.7)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nbroadcast (cutscene final v)\nbroadcast (Screen Shake v)\n\ndefine Screen Shake | strengthX (strengthx) strengthY (strengthy) interval (interval) duration (duration)\nset [_screenshake_starttime v] to (timer)\nset [screenshake_x v] to ((((pick random (0) to (1)) * (2)) - (1)) * (strengthx))\nset [screenshake_y v] to ((((pick random (0) to (1)) * (2)) - (1)) * (strengthy))\nset [_screenshake_lasttime v] to (timer)\nrepeat until <(timer) > ((_screenShake_startTime) + (duration))>\n wait ((interval) - ((timer) - (_screenShake_lastTime))) seconds\n set [_screenshake_fraction v] to ((1) - (((timer) - (_screenShake_startTime)) / (duration)))\n set [screenshake_x v] to ((((ScreenShake_X) / ([abs v] of (ScreenShake_X) )) * (-1)) * ((_screenShake_fraction) * ((pick random (0.7) to (1.2)) * (strengthx))))\n set [screenshake_y v] to ((((ScreenShake_Y) / ([abs v] of (ScreenShake_Y) )) * (-1)) * ((_screenShake_fraction) * ((pick random (0.7) to (1.2)) * (strengthy))))\n set [_screenshake_lasttime v] to (timer)\nend\nset [screenshake_x v] to [0]\nset [screenshake_y v] to [0]\n\ndefine Move with ScreenShake | amount (0 to 1) (amount)\nforever\n change x by (((_lastSCX) * (-1)) * (amount))\n change y by (((_lastSCY) * (-1)) * (amount))\n set [_lastscx v] to (ScreenShake_X)\n set [_lastscy v] to (ScreenShake_Y)\n change x by ((_lastSCX) * (amount))\n change y by ((_lastSCY) * (amount))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [screen shake v]\nMove with ScreenShake | amount (0 to 1) [1]\n\n@animation space\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(id) = [3]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (clone v)\n go to x: (pick random (-125) to (125)) y: (pick random (-150) to (-50))\n set size to (500) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n repeat (15)\n change size by (4)\n end\n repeat (200)\n change [ghost v] effect by (.5)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [clone delete v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [3]\nrepeat (8)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by (my variable)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by ((my variable) * (-1))\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by ((my variable) * (-1))\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (my variable)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by ((my variable) * (-1))\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (my variable)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by (my variable)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by ((my variable) * (-1))\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat (13)\n next costume\nend\nhide\nwait (6) seconds\nbroadcast (long transistion v)\nwait (.5) seconds\nbroadcast (clone delete v)\nwait (.5) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nswitch backdrop to (space v)\nbroadcast (cutscene final v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n show\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (front v)\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n show\n switch costume to (front v)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\nif <(id) = [2]> then\n show\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (bg v)\n go to [back v] layer\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\ndefine Move with ScreenShake | amount (0 to 1) (amount)\nforever\n change x by (((_lastSCX) * (-1)) * (amount))\n change y by (((_lastSCY) * (-1)) * (amount))\n set [_lastscx v] to (ScreenShake_X)\n set [_lastscy v] to (ScreenShake_Y)\n change x by ((_lastSCX) * (amount))\n change y by ((_lastSCY) * (amount))\nend\n\ndefine Screen Shake | strengthX (strengthx) strengthY (strengthy) interval (interval) duration (duration)\nset [_screenshake_starttime v] to (timer)\nset [screenshake_x v] to ((((pick random (0) to (1)) * (2)) - (1)) * (strengthx))\nset [screenshake_y v] to ((((pick random (0) to (1)) * (2)) - (1)) * (strengthy))\nset [_screenshake_lasttime v] to (timer)\nrepeat until <(timer) > ((_screenShake_startTime) + (duration))>\n wait ((interval) - ((timer) - (_screenShake_lastTime))) seconds\n set [_screenshake_fraction v] to ((1) - (((timer) - (_screenShake_startTime)) / (duration)))\n set [screenshake_x v] to ((((ScreenShake_X) / ([abs v] of (ScreenShake_X) )) * (-1)) * ((_screenShake_fraction) * ((pick random (0.7) to (1.2)) * (strengthx))))\n set [screenshake_y v] to ((((ScreenShake_Y) / ([abs v] of (ScreenShake_Y) )) * (-1)) * ((_screenShake_fraction) * ((pick random (0.7) to (1.2)) * (strengthy))))\n set [_screenshake_lasttime v] to (timer)\nend\nset [screenshake_x v] to [0]\nset [screenshake_y v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [screen shake v]\nMove with ScreenShake | amount (0 to 1) [1]\n\n@last cut\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n show\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (ship v)\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\nif <(id) = [2]> then\n show\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (space v)\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [back v] layer\n forever\n turn right (3) degrees\n change [whirl v] effect by (.1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [finalest cutscene v]\nhide\npoint in direction (90)\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (ship v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (hand v)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (-241)\nwait (5) seconds\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change y by (12)\n turn left (1) degrees\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (2)\n turn left (.5) degrees\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change y by (-12)\n turn left (-1) degrees\n change x by (2)\nend\nhide\nwait (4) seconds\nbroadcast (long transistion v)\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (creds v)\n\nwhen I receive [creds v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n
Scratch Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nrepeat (1)\n next backdrop\n broadcast (Next room v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (start v)\n\nwhen I receive [next room v]\ngo to x: (-201) y: (95)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [-STYLE- BY TAYLOR SWIFT - MUSIC BOX TRIBUTE.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\n@Character\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [choose girl v]\nswitch costume to (girl-lilac v)\nbroadcast (real game v)\n\nwhen I receive [real game v]\nset size to (30) %\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-201) y: (95)\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n turn right (5) degrees\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n turn left (5) degrees\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching color (#ffc6ed)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#ffc6ed)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#ffc6ed)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#ffc6ed)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#ffc6ed)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#ffc6ed)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching color (#ffc6ed)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching color (#ffc6ed)?> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ffdda5)?> or <touching color (#ccffdd)?>> then\n go to x: (-209) y: (31)\n end\n if <touching color (#f2ceff)?> then\n broadcast (message1 v) and wait\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next room v]\ngo to x: (-201) y: (95)\n\nwhen I receive [choose boy v]\nswitch costume to (boy-sky v)\nbroadcast (real game v)\n\n@Choose Boy\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-90) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [choose girl v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Choose Boy v)\nhide\n\n@Choose Girl\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (90) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Choose Girl v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [choose boy v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (play v)\nhide\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (74)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [choose boy v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [choose girl v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Character2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nturn left (2) degrees\n\nset size to (102) %\n\nturn right (1) degrees\n\nshow\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (30) %\ngo to x: (-214) y: (-159)\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nshow\n\n
✨ LONG!! PLATFORMER!! ✨\n  長編!!プラットフォーマー! \n\n最後まで見ないとタンスに小指をぶつけます((\n======《English》=========\nHello.\n\nThis time it is a longer platformer than usual.\nI hope you enjoy it.\n\n▼ Instructions\nUse the arrow keys to move it.\nYou can also move it by tapping.\n\nIf you touch the spikes or magma, you have to start over.\n\n▼ Degree of difficulty\nPC ★★★★☆\nMobile ★★★★★\n\n▼Author's Record\nPC 586 sec\nMobile 728 sec\n\n▼ Thing to note\nIt is a 60-stage long platformer.\n\nI hope you enjoy it, as I have put in many tricks.\n\nThere is also a hidden goal.\nThe clue is the cave.\nPress the button somewhere in the cave.\n\nComment your time once you've cleared it!\n\nWe hope you enjoy it. :)\n------------\nIf you press ❤ and ⭐ I will cry for joy!\nI'll jump for joy when you follow up!!\nAnd please spread the word!\n\n▼Credit\nBasic player movements @-seven7-\nMusic @-Xaf-\n   Vexento - Masked Heroes\n PIKASONIC - Osaka Express\nSound effect 効果音ラボ\nbackground @Flash-warrior @hati32 @goriraf0612\nNext @e1717084\nTurbo mode countermeasure program @nyao-222-\nDarkening effect of the cave @junkunyo\nfont font meme\nThumbnail concentration line(?) @daihiro1031\n\n▼tag\n#all #ALL #game #games #GAME #long #LONG #platformer #PLATFORMER #longplatformer \n#long platformer #goriraf0612\n======《日本語》==========\nこんにちは。\n\n今回はいつもより長いプラットフォーマーを作って見ました。\n楽しんでくれたら嬉しいです。\n\n▼使い方(遊び方)\n旗2度押し推奨です()\n矢印キーを使って動かします。\nもちろんタップでも動かす事ができます。\n\nトゲやマグマに当たるとやり直しです。\n\n▼難易度\nPC ★★★★☆\nモバイル ★★★★★\n\n▼作者の記録\nPC 586秒\nモバイル 728秒\n\n▼見どころ\n60ステージもある長編のプラットフォーマーです。\n\n色々な仕掛けを入れてみたので、ぜひ楽しんでください。\n\nさらに、隠しゴールもあります。\nヒントは洞窟です。\n洞窟のどこかにあるボタンを押しましょう。\n\nクリアできたらタイムをコメントしよう!\n\nぜひ楽しんでください。 :)\nーーーー\n\n❤と⭐を押してくれたら泣いて喜びます!\nフォローすると飛び上がって喜びます!!\n拡散もお願いします!\n楽しいなどのコメントをくれるととても嬉しいです!\n\n外国人ニキがnextを好まなかったらしいので、変えました()\n\n▼クレジット\nプレイヤーの基本動作 @-seven7-\n音楽 @-Xaf-\n PIKASONIC - Osaka Expres\n   Vexento - Pixel Party\n   Vexento - Tevo \n効果音 効果音ラボ\n背景 @Flash-warrior @hati32 @goriraf0612\nターボモード対策プログラム @nyao-222-\n洞窟の暗くなる効果(?) @junkunyo\nフォント : font meme\nサムネの集中線(?) @daihiro1031\n⇧多すぎだろ()\n\n▼タグ((適当すぎる\n#すべて #全て #ゲーム #ゲームズ #ゲームス\n#ロング #ろんぐ #プラットフォーマー #プラフォ\n#ロングプラットフォーマー #長編プラットフォーマー\n#長いプラットフォーマー #ぷらっとふぉーまー \n#pぁtふぉrめr#傾向感謝#でもなんで載ったんだよ()\n\n▼✨-実績-✨\n 1/9 : 参照数500突破!\n 1/9 : ❤⭐50突破!\n1/10 :傾向2位!((まじで?((本当だよ\n1/10 :❤⭐200突破!\n1/10 :参照数5000突破!\n1/11 :❤⭐250突破!\n1/12 :❤⭐300突破!\n1/13 :参照数10000突破!?\n1/13 :リミックス15突破!\n1/13 :コミュ好き!!?\n1/14 :❤⭐400突破!!\n1/14 :リミックス25突破!\n1/14 :コミュリミ!?(コミュ好きは落ちました)\n1/15 :参照数20000突破!?\n1/15 :❤600突破!!!\n1/15 :⭐550突破!!\n1/17 :❤800突破!!!!\n1/18 :参照数30K突破!!!\n1/17 :⭐700突破!!!\n1/18 :❤900突破!?もう少しで1K!!\n1/18 :⭐800突破!!!\n1/19 :❤1K突破!!!ありがとう!!\n1/19 :⭐900突破!!星ももう少しで1Kだ!\n1/20リミックス70突破!\n1/21コミュリミも落ちてオワコンにw\n\n5/11:でも、ウルトラミラクルスーパー地味×3に伸びてる(\n\n\n7/10時点:参照数5K突破!
360° Platformer Engine #Games
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\nstart sound [bensound-epic v]\nforever\n if <<(level) > [5]> and <(level) < [12]>> then\n stop all sounds\n start sound [Amadeus Legendary v]\n wait until <(level) > [11]>\n end\nend\n\nif <(level) < [6]> then\n\nrepeat until <not <(level) < [6]>>\n play sound [bensound-epic v] until done\nend\nrepeat until <not <(level) < [12]>>\n stop all sounds\n wait (0.01) seconds\n play sound [Amadeus Legendary v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\nwait (0.4) seconds\nforever\n if <(level) < [6]> then\n set [level = 6 v] to [0]\n end\n if <<(level) > [6]> and <(level) < [12]>> then\n set [level = 6 v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\nforever\n if <(level = 6) = [0]> then\n if <not <(level = 6) = [1]>> then\n play sound [bensound-epic v] until done\n end\n end\n if <(level = 6) = [1]> then\n if <not <(level = 6) = [0]>> then\n stop all sounds\n play sound [Amadeus Legendary v] until done\n end\n end\nend\n\nwait (0.4) seconds\n\nwait (0.4) seconds\nrepeat until <(level = 6) = [1]>\n play sound [bensound-epic v] until done\nend\nstop all sounds\nrepeat until <<(level = 6) = [0]> or <(level) > [11]>>\n play sound [Amadeus Legendary v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\n\n@player\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (trail v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-2)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nstart sound [Crunch v]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (x spawn) y: (y spawn)\n\nset rotation style [left-right v]\n\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (6)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nhide\n\ndefine run engine\nchange [y v] by (-0.5)\nif < or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by (-0.75)\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nif < or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by (0.75)\n point in direction (90)\nend\nset [x v] to ((x) * (0.88))\nchange x by (x)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (-6)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [y v] to [9]\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange y by (y)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-0.5)\nif <<<touching (ground v)?> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> or < or <<touching (ground v)?> and <key (w v) pressed?>>>> then\n set [y v] to [7]\nend\nchange y by (0.5)\nif <<touching (danger v)?> or <<touching (saw v)?> or <<touching (lava v)?> or <touching (moving spikes v)?>>>> then\n broadcast (Restart v)\nend\nif <touching (bounce pads v)?> then\n set [y v] to [12]\n start sound [Jump v]\nend\nif <touching (flag v)?> then\n broadcast (next v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n go to x: (x spawn) y: (y spawn)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\nend\n\nset [moving_? v] to [y]\n\nset [moving_? v] to [y]\n\nset [moving_? v] to [y]\n\nset [moving_? v] to [n]\n\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (x spawn) y: (y spawn)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ngo to x: (x spawn) y: (y spawn)\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nshow\nset [x spawn v] to [-199]\nset [y spawn v] to [-76]\ngo to x: (x spawn) y: (y spawn)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\nset size to (20) %\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n run engine\nend\n\nset [moving_? v] to [y]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or > or <key (d v) pressed?>>> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n set [moving_? v] to [y]\n else\n set [moving_? v] to [n]\n end\nend\n\nif <<<touching (ground v)?> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> or <<touching (ground v)?> and <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [moving_? v] to [up]\nend\n\n\n\nif <(MOVING_?) = [u]> then\n switch costume to (up v)\nend\n\nif <(y position) > [-60]> then\n set [moving_? v] to [u]\nelse\n set [moving_? v] to [n]\nend\n\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [6]>\n\nset [moving_? v] to [n]\n\nif <(MOVING_?) = [y]> then\n wait (.01) seconds\n next costume\nelse\n switch costume to (1 v)\nend\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nforever\n if <(MOVING_?) = [y]> then\n wait (.01) seconds\n next costume\n else\n switch costume to (1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\nwait (.1) seconds\nbroadcast (go v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(dark mode?) = [y]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (8.4) seconds\nbroadcast (BEGIN NOW v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (enemy ai v)?> or <touching (enemy bullet v)?>> then\n broadcast (Restart v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [s v] key pressed\nchange [level v] by (1)\nbroadcast (next v)\nbroadcast (trans v)\nbroadcast (skipepd v)\n\n@Enemy AI\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (200) y: (-30)\nwait (8.8) seconds\nset size to (20) %\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) > (x position)> then\n change [xv v] by (.5)\n switch costume to (button3-b2 v)\n end\n if <(x position) > ([x position v] of [player v])> then\n change [xv v] by (-.5)\n switch costume to (button3-b3 v)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((XV) * (0.9))\n change x by (XV)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by ((XV) * (-2))\n change y by (-5)\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) > (y position)> then\n if <(XV) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [13]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-0.8)\n change y by (YV)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((YV) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) > (y position)> then\n set [yv v] to [12]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<([x position v] of [player v]) > (y position)> and <touching (ground v)?>> then\n set [yv v] to [20]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\ngo to x: (200) y: (-30)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ngo to x: (200) y: (-30)\n\nwhen I receive [skipepd v]\ngo to x: (200) y: (-30)\n\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n show\nelse\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n show\n else\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\nwait (0.4) seconds\nswitch costume to (button3-b v)\nforever\n if <<(level) > [5]> and <(level) < [12]>> then\n switch costume to (button3-b2 v)\n wait until <(level) > [11]>\n end\nend\n\nif <(level) < [6]> then\n switch costume to (button3-b v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button3-b2 v)\nend\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Particles]> then\n switch costume to (pick random (29) to (31))\n set size to (pick random (50) to (150)) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (0.) to (5.))\n set [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-25.) to (100.))\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (pick random (-180) to (180))\n set [x v] to (pick random (10.) to (12.))\n set [i v] to (pick random (2.) to (9.))\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n move (X) steps\n change y by (I)\n change [i v] by (-0.4)\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.95))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Particles\nset [clone v] to [Particles]\nrepeat (50)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Name]> then\n switch costume to (name v)\n set size to (50) %\n clear graphic effects\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (-100)\n point in direction (0)\n show\n repeat (50)\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (((130) - (size)) / (8))\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (8))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (8)) degrees\n end\n set [i v] to [-1]\n repeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (I)\n change [i v] by (join [-] (([abs v] of (I) ) / (2)))\n turn right (I) degrees\n end\n switch costume to (logo v)\n repeat (40)\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (((130) - (size)) / (8))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (8)) degrees\n end\n set [i v] to [-1]\n repeat (20)\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by ((I) / (3))\n change [i v] by (join [-] (([abs v] of (I) ) / (4)))\n turn right ((I) / (-3)) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreset timer\nhide\nstart sound [Prismo - Stronger v]\nset volume to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [clone v] to [Square]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (1) seconds\nset [clone v] to [Name]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0) seconds\nrepeat (2)\n Spiral spline explosion\n Particles\n Rect\n Spiral spline explosion\nend\nCircle\nrepeat (4)\n Spiral spline explosion\n Particles\n Rect\n Spiral spline explosion\nend\nCircle\nrepeat (2)\n Spiral spline explosion\n Rect\n Spiral spline explosion\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Square]> then\n clear graphic effects\n show\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (300)\n point in direction (0)\n switch costume to (square v)\n repeat (20)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (12)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (blank v)\n change size by (((2000) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (square13 v)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (blank v)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (square13 v)\n end\n repeat (12)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n change size by (-5)\n end\n set [i v] to [-1]\n repeat (20)\n change size by ((I) / (3))\n change [i v] by (join [-] (([abs v] of (I) ) / (4)))\n turn right ((I) / (-3)) degrees\n change y by ((I) / (3))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Bursts]> then\n switch costume to (lineexplosion1 v)\n clear graphic effects\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n set [i v] to (pick random (1) to (3))\n if <(I) = [1]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n else\n if <(I) = [2]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (25)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (-25)\n end\n end\n show\n set [i v] to [20]\n Animate x: [0] y: [0] size: [0] rotate: (pick random (-180) to (180)) speed: [1]\n repeat (2)\n set [i v] to ((I) * (0.9))\n move (I) steps\n Size: [100] speed: [5]\n end\n repeat (10)\n set [i v] to ((I) * (0.9))\n move (I) steps\n Size: [100] speed: [5]\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n next costume\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Animate x: (x) y: (y) size: (s) rotate: (r) speed: (s)\nchange x by (((round (x)) - (round (x position))) / (s))\nchange y by (((round (y)) - (round (y position))) / (s))\nchange size by (((round (s)) - (round (size))) / (s))\nturn right (((round (r)) - (round (direction))) / (s)) degrees\n\ndefine Spiral spline explosion\nset [clone v] to [Bursts]\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\ndefine Size: (s) speed: (spd)\nchange size by (((round (s)) - (round (size))) / (spd))\n\ndefine Rect\nset [clone v] to [Rect]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Rect]> then\n clear graphic effects\n show\n set size to (0) %\n go to (random position v)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (background rect v)\n repeat until <(round (size)) = [300]>\n change size by (((300) - (size)) / (15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Circle]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n show\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (circle explosion 1 v)\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (blank v)\n change size by (((300) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (circle explosion 1 v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Circle\nset [clone v] to [Circle]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [clone v] to [Circle 2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone) = [Circle 2]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n show\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (circle explosion 1 v)\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (blank v)\n change size by (((300) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (circle explosion 1 v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [color v] effect to (150)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set [color v] effect to (145)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Logo]> then\n repeat until <not <(costume [name v]) = [Logo]>>\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Logo]> then\n repeat until <not <(costume [name v]) = [Logo]>>\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-8)\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(dark mode?) = [y]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwait (10) seconds\n\n@moving spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (15)\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(dark mode?) = [y]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (10)\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (30)\n\n@Enemy Bullet\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nforever\n repeat (3)\n show\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (9) %\n go to (enemy ai v)\n glide (1) secs to (player v)\n go to (enemy ai v)\n wait (0.8) seconds\n hide\n end\n wait (2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nforever\n repeat (3)\n show\n go to (enemy ai v)\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (9) %\n go to (enemy ai v)\n glide (1) secs to (player v)\n go to (enemy ai v)\n wait (0.8) seconds\n hide\n end\n wait (2) seconds\nend\n\n@saw\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n turn right (8) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (50) %\nforever\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (65) y: (-122)\n else\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n show\n go to x: (-30) y: (-120)\n else\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n show\n go to x: (-125) y: (-120)\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nif <<(level) = [4]> or <<(level) = [6]> or >> then\n show\n if <<(level) = [4]> or <(level) = [6]>> then\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (-120)\n end\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n set size to (70) %\n go to x: (-47) y: (-33)\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nif <<(level) = [4]> or <(level) = [6]>> then\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (-120)\nend\nif <(level) = [10]> then\n set size to (70) %\n go to x: (-47) y: (-33)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(dark mode?) = [y]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (-125)\n\n@transition\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (347)\n\nwhen I receive [trans v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (.3) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\n\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (6))\nshow\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [0]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\nend\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [347]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (15)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nwait (.000000000000000000000001) seconds\nbroadcast (trans v)\n\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (6))\nshow\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [0]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\nend\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [347]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((347) - (y position)) / (5))\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [st v]\nbroadcast (trans v)\nbroadcast (BEGIN NOW v)\n\n@INTRO IS STILL PLAYING\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n change size by (25)\n wait (0.051) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-2.5)\n end\nend\n\n@bounce pads\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nforever\n if <(dark mode?) = [y]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@flag\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nstart sound [ding sound v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@thumb\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [☁ who viewed this v] to (username)\nforever\n if <(☁ who viewed this) = [Ara--]> then\n set [☁ who viewed this v] to [IMPORTANT USER VIEWED]\n else\n if <(☁ who viewed this) = [250119code2]> then\n set [☁ who viewed this v] to [IMPORTANT USER VIEWED]\n else\n if <(☁ who viewed this) = [StratfordJames]> then\n set [☁ who viewed this v] to [IMPORTANT USER VIEWED]\n else\n if <(☁ who viewed this) = [-TIC-]> then\n set [☁ who viewed this v] to [IMPORTANT USER VIEWED]\n else\n if <(☁ who viewed this) = [Game-Cloud]> then\n set [☁ who viewed this v] to [IMPORTANT USER VIEWED]\n else\n if <(☁ who viewed this) = [-TIN-]> then\n set [☁ who viewed this v] to [IMPORTANT USER VIEWED]\n else\n if <(☁ who viewed this) = [----Dream----]> then\n set [☁ who viewed this v] to [IMPORTANT USER VIEWED]\n else\n if <(☁ who viewed this) = [-PickleAnimator-]> then\n set [☁ who viewed this v] to [IMPORTANT USER VIEWED]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@View\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat (10)\n set [☁ who viewed this v] to (username)\nend\nforever\n if <(☁ who viewed this) = [Ara--]> then\n set [☁ who viewed this v] to [IMPORTANT USER VIEWED]\n else\n if <(☁ who viewed this) = [250119code2]> then\n set [☁ who viewed this v] to [IMPORTANT USER VIEWED]\n else\n if <(☁ who viewed this) = [StratfordJames]> then\n set [☁ who viewed this v] to [IMPORTANT USER VIEWED]\n else\n if <(☁ who viewed this) = [-TIC-]> then\n set [☁ who viewed this v] to [IMPORTANT USER VIEWED]\n else\n if <(☁ who viewed this) = [Game-Cloud]> then\n set [☁ who viewed this v] to [IMPORTANT USER VIEWED]\n else\n if <(☁ who viewed this) = [-TIN-]> then\n set [☁ who viewed this v] to [IMPORTANT USER VIEWED]\n else\n if <(☁ who viewed this) = [----Dream----]> then\n set [☁ who viewed this v] to [IMPORTANT USER VIEWED]\n else\n if <(☁ who viewed this) = [-PickleAnimator-]> then\n set [☁ who viewed this v] to [IMPORTANT USER VIEWED]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n
Yeah!!! Curated! Thanks to @IcedSnow for curating this.\n \n_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_ :_:_:_:_:_:_:__:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:\n\nHey and welcome my newest (and best) scrolling platformer. Double click green flag to start.\nALL LEVELS ARE POSSIBLE \nYou don`t need the coins, I only made them for decoration. \n.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=\nStory:\nWelcome to the night. Avoid Dangers and don`t fall in to holes. \n:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.:,.\nInstructions:\n-Move with arrows, WASD\n-Avoid Wheels and other dangers\n-HAVE FUN\n-If you enjoyed please love, fave and maybe also follow\n
Hardest Platformer ~ Pen Platformer!
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [小さな行進曲.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\n@Player\n\ndefine reset X (x) Y (y)\nreset timer\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\nclear graphic effects\n\ndefine Program\nchange [y v] by (-1)\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>>> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nset [x v] to ((X) * (0.88))\nchange x by (X)\nrepeat (8)\n change y by <touching (steage v)?>\nend\nif <touching (steage v)?> then\n change x by (() - (X))\n change y by (-8)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>>> then\n set [y v] to [11]\n set [x v] to ((5) - ((14) * <[0] < (X)>))\n end\nend\nchange y by (Y)\nif <touching (steage v)?> then\n change y by ((Y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>>> then\n if <touching (steage v)?> then\n set [y v] to [14]\n end\nend\nchange y by (1)\nif <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (s v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) < (y position)>>>> then\n switch costume to (player2 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (8)\n change [ghost v] effect by (12.)\n change [brightness v] effect by (3)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nreset X [-200] Y [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nreset X [-200] Y [0]\nset [ok v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [have v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(ok) = [0]> then\n Program\n reset timer\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <<<touching (spike v)?> or <touching (stik v)?>> or <<touching (lava v)?> or <touching (lava2 v)?>>> then\n start sound [Crunch v]\n set [ok v] to [1]\n set rotation style [all around v]\n set [y v] to [10]\n repeat (20)\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n turn right (8) degrees\n change y by (Y)\n end\n set [ok v] to [0]\n reset X [-200] Y [0]\n end\n end\n if <[240] < (x position)> then\n broadcast (Prepare. v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n reset X [-200] Y [0]\n end\n if <touching (key v)?> then\n set [have v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\n@grass\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (level1 v)\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [prepare. v]\nnext costume\n\n@steage\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-5)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [prepare. v]\nnext costume\n\n@steage2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (50)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\n\n@spike\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [prepare. v]\nnext costume\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [steage v]) = [3]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Lava2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [steage v]) = [5]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@サムネ\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (50)\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n@スプライト3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
~Upside Down - a platformer~ by @Deb-bestcoder \n Entry for @ComplicatedCodes’ contest\n Yes! Top loved! 10/10/20\n #1 on explore tab!\n #1 on trending on games!\n #3 on trending on platformers! lol\n————————————————————————\n INSTRUCTIONS \n • Up arrow to jump (Upside Down)\n • Right arrow to go left\n • Left arrow to go right\n• Same old platformer but upside down so avoid spikes lava, etc...\n • Note: This is mobile friendly!
Adventure-A mobile scrolling platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait (0.25) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (shire v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (intro v)\n\nwhen I receive [info v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait (0.25) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (info v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [info v]\nwait until <key (x v) pressed?>\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [map v]\nwait until <key (x v) pressed?>\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\nwhen I receive [level passed v]\nnext backdrop\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait (0.25) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (start v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nplay sound [a m v] until done\nplay sound [F M v] until done\nplay sound [C M v] until done\nbroadcast (start music v)\n\nrepeat (3)\n play sound [F M v] until done\n play sound [G M v] until done\n play sound [a m v] until done\n play sound [C M v] until done\nend\nplay sound [F M v] until done\n\nset instrument to (6 v)\nplay note (48) for (0.95) beats\nplay note (52) for (0.6) beats\nplay note (55) for (0.5) beats\nplay note (59) for (2) beats\n\nwhen I receive [map v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait (0.25) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (map v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [uhoh v]\nswitch backdrop to (rivendell 1b v)\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (UHOH v)\n\nwhen I receive [start music v]\nforever\n play sound [Ashton Manor.mp3 v] until done\n play sound [Crossing the Divide.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (999)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Begin\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (begin v)\n\nwhen I receive [map v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (-105) y: (5)\nset size to (300) %\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (150) %\n else\n set size to (100) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [info v]\nhide\n\n@Info\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (info v)\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [map v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (125) y: (5)\nset size to (300) %\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (150) %\n else\n set size to (100) %\n end\nend\n\n@Map\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (map v)\n\nwhen I receive [info v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\nset size to (300) %\ngo to x: (15) y: (5)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (150) %\n else\n set size to (100) %\n end\nend\n\n@Gandalf\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (-214) y: (83)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<(x position) = [219]> or <(x position) > [219]>> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n wait (0.25) seconds\n switch costume to (gandalf v)\n broadcast (level passed v)\n go to x: (-214) y: (83)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (gandalf v)\nshow\nset [deaths: v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (0.85)\n switch costume to (gandalf v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.85)\n switch costume to (gandalf b v)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching color (#cccccc)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#cccccc)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#cccccc)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#cccccc)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#cccccc)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#cccccc)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching color (#cccccc)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching color (#cccccc)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [15.5]\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#ccffdd)?> then\n set [yv v] to [21]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [rivendell 1 v]\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (-214) y: (-121)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (fin v)\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<<<(y position) = [-226]> or <(y position) < [-226]>> or <touching color (#99b2ff)?>> or <key (r v) pressed?>> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n wait (0.25) seconds\n change [deaths: v] by (1)\n switch costume to (gandalf v)\n go to x: (-214) y: (83)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Mouse Pointer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [shire v]\nshow\nforever\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\nend\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (250) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (-300)\nrepeat (20)\n change y by (((y position) - (0)) / (-5))\n change y by (-1)\n turn right (((92) - (direction)) * (0.2)) degrees\n change size by (((300) - (size)) * (0.2))\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat (12)\n change size by (((250) - (size)) * (0.2))\n turn right (((80) - (direction)) * (0.2)) degrees\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat (12)\n change size by (((220) - (size)) * (0.2))\n turn right (((92) - (direction)) * (0.2)) degrees\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat (12)\n change size by (((200) - (size)) * (0.2))\n turn right (((80) - (direction)) * (0.2)) degrees\nend\nwait (0.3) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change y by (((y position) - (300)) / (-5))\n turn right (((140) - (direction)) * (0.9)) degrees\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nwait (0.1) seconds\nhide\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\n@Bridge\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (3) y: (-77)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [rivendell river v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait until <not <(backdrop [name v]) = [Rivendell River]>>\nhide\n\n@Spaaaaaaace\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [rivendell 1 v]\n\nwhen I receive [uhoh v]\n\nshow\nrepeat until <key (space v) pressed?>\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\nhide\ngo to x: (-50) y: (-24)\n\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@boom\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [fin v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Final stufffffff\n\nwhen I receive [fin v]\ngo to x: (-22) y: (-38)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
New level (bedroom) added: 11:51 21.11.2020 (pl time)\n\nENGLISH ADDED! 08.10.2020 / 16:20 (polish time)\n \n9.10.2020 14:24 (polish time) kitchen level added!\n\n=================POLISH=================\nwasd / strzałki - ruszańsko\n\nzjedz wszystkie żarełka aby przejść do następnego \npoziomu!\n===============ENGLISH==================\nwsad / arrows - move\n\nEat all of food to get to the next level!
japan |platformer
@Stage\n\n@Player\n\ndefine Amazing Platformer Engine\nchange [xvel v] by ((<<key (d v) pressed?> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>>> - <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>>>) * (2))\nset [xvel v] to ((XVel) * (0.8))\nchange x by (XVel)\nchange x by (((0) - (XVel)) * <touching (ground v)?>)\nchange y by (-1)\nif <<touching (ground v)?> and <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>>> then\n set [yvel v] to [14]\nend\nchange [yvel v] by (-1)\nchange y by ((YVel) + (1))\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((0) - (YVel))\n set [yvel v] to [0]\nend\nif <touching (portal v)?> then\n if <not <(Level) = [9]>> then\n Respawn\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (Enemy Respawn v)\n else\n go to x: (-214) y: (0)\n broadcast (Fade v)\n end\nend\nif <touching (bouncy v)?> then\n set [yvel v] to [18]\nend\nif <<<<touching (danger v)?> or <touching (moving danger v)?>> or <touching (cannon v)?>> or <<(y position) < [-170]> or <<touching (enemy ai v)?> or <touching (cannon2 v)?>>>> then\n set [resx v] to (x position)\n set [resy v] to (y position)\n Respawn\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n broadcast (Enemy Respawn v)\nend\n\ndefine Respawn\ngo to x: (-214) y: (0)\nset [xvel v] to [0]\nset [yvel v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nRespawn\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [begin gameplay v]\nshow\nRespawn\nforever\n Amazing Platformer Engine\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (ResX) y: (ResY)\nrepeat (10)\n turn right (60) degrees\n change y by (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nset [resx v] to [0]\nset [resy v] to [0]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Text and Decorations\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Story\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (alpha v)\nwait (5) seconds\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\nrepeat (4)\n wait until <mouse down?>\n next costume\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nbroadcast (Begin Gameplay v)\nhide\n\n@Portal\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Intro\n\ndefine Animate (x) (y) (size) (direction) (speed)\nchange x by (((round (x)) - (round (x position))) / (speed))\nchange y by (((round (y)) - (round (y position))) / (speed))\nchange size by (((round (size)) - (round (size))) / (speed))\nturn right (((round (direction)) - (round (direction))) / (speed)) degrees\n\ndefine Color (color) Brightness (brightness) Transparency (transparency)\nset [color v] to (color)\nset [brightness v] to (brightness)\nset [transparency v] to (transparency)\nset [color v] effect to (Color)\nset [brightness v] effect to (Brightness)\nset [ghost v] effect to (Transparency)\n\ndefine Size (size) (speed)\nchange size by (((round (size)) - (round (size))) / (speed))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.25) seconds\nClone Sprite ID [Start] [1]\nwait (1.3) seconds\nClone Sprite ID [Cover] [1]\nwait (0.4) seconds\nClone Sprite ID [Logo] [1]\nClone Sprite ID [Particles] [50]\nwait (1) seconds\nset [xmot v] to [-200]\nrepeat (7)\n Color [20] Brightness [0] Transparency [0]\n set [id v] to [Bars2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [xmot v] by (75)\n wait (0.02) seconds\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\nCreate Bars\nwait (0.15) seconds\nBouncy Bars\nwait (0.3) seconds\nClone Sprite ID [Fill] [1]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nClone Sprite ID [Text] [1]\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (End Intro v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Start]> then\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (size bypass v)\n Animate [0] [0] [0] [90] [1]\n Color [20] Brightness [25] Transparency [0]\n switch costume to (shape 1 v)\n show\n repeat until <[1200] = (round (size))>\n switch costume to (size bypass v)\n Size [1200] [5]\n switch costume to (shape 1 v)\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Cover]> then\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (size bypass v)\n Animate [0] [0] [0] [90] [1]\n Color [0] Brightness [100] Transparency [0]\n switch costume to (shape 1 v)\n show\n repeat until <[325] = (round (size))>\n switch costume to (size bypass v)\n Size [325] [4]\n switch costume to (shape 1 v)\n end\n wait (2.5) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Logo]> then\n clear graphic effects\n Animate [0] [-5000000] [0] [90] [1]\n Color [0] Brightness [0] Transparency [0]\n switch costume to (logo v)\n show\n repeat until <([abs v] of (((Move) * (0.7)) + (((100) - (round (size))) * (0.3))) ) < [0.05]>\n set [move v] to (((Move) * (0.7)) + (((100) - (round (size))) * (0.3)))\n set [ghost v] effect to (Move)\n change size by (Move)\n set y to (Move)\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Particles]> then\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (size bypass v)\n Animate [0] [0] (pick random (90) to (110)) (pick random (0) to (360)) [1]\n Color [20] Brightness (pick random (0) to (25)) Transparency (pick random (0) to (15))\n switch costume to (particle v)\n show\n set [i v] to (pick random (22) to (35))\n set [j v] to [0.8]\n repeat until <(y position) < [-160]>\n if on edge, bounce\n set [i v] to ((i) * (0.88))\n change [j v] by (-0.25)\n move (i) steps\n change y by (j)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Bars2]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(XMot) = [325]> then\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n end\n Animate [200] [150] [0] [2] [1]\n Color (Color) Brightness (Brightness) Transparency (Transparency)\n clear graphic effects\n show\n switch costume to (thin bar v)\n repeat until <[100] = (round (size))>\n Animate (XMot) [0] [100] [90] [5]\n Color [20] Brightness [5] Transparency [0]\n end\n go to x: (XMot) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n wait (1) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Create Bars\nset [id v] to [Smooth Bar]\ngo to x: (-1000000000) y: (10000000000)\nset [xmot v] to [-220]\nrepeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [xmot v] by (50)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Smooth Bar]> then\n show\n switch costume to (bar v)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n point in direction (90)\n repeat until <<(round (x position)) = (XMot)> and <(round (y position)) = [0]>>\n Pos (XMot) [0] [4]\n Color [20] Brightness [50] Transparency [0]\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Bouncy Bars\nset [id v] to [Bouncy Bars]\nset [bar y v] to [240]\nrepeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [bar y v] by (-60)\nend\nset [bar y v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Bouncy Bars]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n set size to (0) %\n switch costume to (bar2 v)\n go to x: (-100000000) y: (Bar Y)\n point in direction (0)\n repeat (10)\n set [bar y v] to (((Bar Y) * (.6)) + (((0) - (x position)) / (3)))\n change x by (Bar Y)\n change size by (((130) - (size)) / (5))\n Color [20] Brightness [15] Transparency [0]\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n repeat (20)\n set [bar y v] to (((Bar Y) * (.6)) + (((0) - (x position)) / (3)))\n change x by (Bar Y)\n change size by (((130) - (size)) / (5))\n Color [20] Brightness [15] Transparency [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Fill]> then\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (size bypass v)\n Animate [100] [5000000000000] [0] [-90] [1]\n Color [0] Brightness [100] Transparency [0]\n switch costume to (bar2 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n repeat until <<[0] = (round (x position))> and <[0] = (round (y position))>>\n switch costume to (size bypass v)\n Animate [0] [0] [130] [0] [5]\n switch costume to (bar2 v)\n end\n Animate [0] [0] [130] [0] [1]\nend\n\ndefine Clone Sprite ID (id) (#)\nset [id v] to (id)\nrepeat (#)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\ndefine Pos (x) (y) (speed)\nchange x by (((round (x)) - (round (x position))) / (speed))\nchange y by (((round (y)) - (round (y position))) / (speed))\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Fill]> then\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (size bypass v)\n Animate [100] [5000000000000] [0] [-90] [1]\n Color [0] Brightness [100] Transparency [0]\n switch costume to (bar2 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n repeat until <<[0] = (round (x position))> and <[0] = (round (y position))>>\n switch costume to (size bypass v)\n Animate [0] [0] [130] [0] [5]\n switch costume to (bar2 v)\n end\n Animate [0] [0] [130] [0] [1]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Text]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (text v)\n go to x: (1000) y: (1000)\n point in direction (158)\n set size to (200) %\n repeat until <<<<[0] = (round (x position))> and <[0] = (round (y position))>> and <[90] = (round (direction))>> and <[100] = (round (size))>>\n Animate [0] [0] [100] [90] [5]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end intro v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Moving Danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n set y to (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (5))\nend\n\n@Bouncy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@TN\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n set [timeflow v] to (timer)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (TimeFlow)\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nshow\n\n@Cannon\n\ndefine Oof (x) (y)\nif <(y) < (y position)> then\n set [oof v] to (([atan v] of (((x) - (x position)) / ((y) - (y position))) ) + (180))\nelse\n set [oof v] to ([atan v] of (((x) - (x position)) / ((y) - (y position))) )\nend\npoint in direction (Oof)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<(Level) = [5]> or <(Level) = [8]>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n Oof ([x position v] of [player v]) ([y position v] of [player v])\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<(Level) = [5]> or <(Level) = [8]>> then\n wait (1.5) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (bullet v)\nshow\nrepeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <<touching (player v)?> or <touching (ground v)?>>>\n move (7) steps\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [enemy respawn v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Enemy AI\n\ndefine Amazing Enemy AI\nchange [xvel v] by ((<([x position v] of [player v]) > (x position)> - <([x position v] of [player v]) < (x position)>) * (1.25))\nset [xvel v] to ((XVel) * (0.8))\nchange x by (XVel)\nchange x by (((0) - (XVel)) * <touching (ground v)?>)\nchange y by (-1)\nif <<([y position v] of [player v]) > ((y position) - (15))> and <touching (ground v)?>> then\n set [yvel v] to [13]\nend\nchange [yvel v] by (-1)\nchange y by ((YVel) + (1))\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((0) - (YVel))\n set [yvel v] to [0]\nend\nif <touching (bouncy v)?> then\n set [yvel v] to [18]\nend\nif <<touching (moving danger v)?> or <(y position) < [-170]>> then\n set [resx v] to (x position)\n set [resy v] to (y position)\n if <not <(Level) > [7]>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Respawn\ngo to x: (214) y: (0)\nset [xvel v] to [0]\nset [yvel v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [begin gameplay v]\nforever\n Amazing Enemy AI\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (ResX) y: (ResY)\nrepeat (10)\n turn right (60) degrees\n change y by (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nset [resx v] to [0]\nset [resy v] to [0]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [begin gameplay v]\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\nRespawn\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [8]>\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [enemy respawn v]\nif <(Level) > [5]> then\n show\nend\nRespawn\n\n@Cannon2\n\ndefine Oof (x) (y)\nif <(y) < (y position)> then\n set [oof v] to (([atan v] of (((x) - (x position)) / ((y) - (y position))) ) + (180))\nelse\n set [oof v] to ([atan v] of (((x) - (x position)) / ((y) - (y position))) )\nend\npoint in direction (Oof)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n Oof ([x position v] of [player v]) ([y position v] of [player v])\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n wait (1.35) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (bullet v)\nshow\nrepeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <<touching (player v)?> or <touching (ground v)?>>>\n move (7) steps\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [enemy respawn v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Fade\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (fade v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [fade v]\nswitch costume to (fade v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (fade2 v)\nrepeat (20)\n set [brightness v] effect to (50)\n change [whirl v] effect by (100)\nend\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (win v)\n\nwhen I receive [begin gameplay v]\nforever\n play sound [Adventure v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [fade v]\nstop all sounds\n\n@Skip\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [begin gameplay v]\nshow\nforever\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n wait until <not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n end\nend\n\n
Use arrow keys to move the rest of the instructions are in-game.\n(☞゚ヮ゚)☞Touch the sign for advice on how to beat the level.\nTouch the portal to advance to the next level.\n\n(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ PLATFORMER ADVENTURE2 !!! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/119791344/\n\n(☞゚ヮ゚)☞Featured Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Minecraft Scrolling Platformer || (Mobile) #games #platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [endddd v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [music v]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n play sound [Orange Justice v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hpis=0 v]\n\nwhen I receive [vr v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (default v)\nhide\n\ndefine Death\nbroadcast (Death v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ngo to x: (-203) y: (-92)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\ndefine Next Level\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nbroadcast (nextlevel v)\ngo to x: (-203) y: (-92)\n\ndefine Bouncy\nset [yv v] to [17]\n\nwhen I receive [d v]\nswitch costume to (default v)\n\nwhen I receive [mm v]\nswitch costume to (marauder v)\n\nwhen I receive [r v]\nswitch costume to (reaper v)\n\nwhen I receive [h v]\nswitch costume to (havoc v)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nclear graphic effects\nset volume to (50) %\nset size to (30) %\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to x: (-197) y: (200)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nstart sound [Fall v]\nwait (1.5) seconds\nshow\nglide (0.5) secs to x: (-197) y: (-120)\nstart sound [Punch v]\nforever\n set drag mode [not draggable v]\n go to [front v] layer\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <<touching color (#b5b5b5)?> or <touching color (#40ae3e)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#b5b5b5)?> or <touching color (#40ae3e)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#b5b5b5)?> or <touching color (#40ae3e)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#b5b5b5)?> or <touching color (#40ae3e)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#b5b5b5)?> or <touching color (#40ae3e)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#b5b5b5)?> or <touching color (#40ae3e)?>> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <<touching color (#b5b5b5)?> or <touching color (#40ae3e)?>> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching color (#b5b5b5)?> or <touching color (#40ae3e)?>> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [13]\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#585858)?> then\n start sound [Health Hit 1 v]\n Death\n end\n if <touching color (#e524d2)?> then\n start sound [Tire Bounce 3 v]\n Bouncy\n end\n if <(x position) > [220]> then\n Next Level\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [pix v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (2)\nend\nbroadcast (done v)\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [hpis=0 v]\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-197) y: (-121)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [hpis=0 v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nadd (username) to [usernames v]\n\n@HP Bar\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [hp v] to [100]\nswitch costume to (100 v)\nhide\nforever\n if <(HP) = [0]> then\n broadcast (HPis=0 v)\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [death v]\nif <not <(costume [number v]) = [6]>> then\n change [hp v] by (-20)\n next costume\nelse\n broadcast (HPis=0 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (150)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [heal v]\nset [hp v] to [100]\nswitch costume to (100 v)\n\n@Platforms\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (level-1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [endddd v]\nhide\n\n@Play\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nforever\n repeat (10)\n turn right (1) degrees\n end\n forever\n repeat (20)\n turn left (1) degrees\n end\n repeat (20)\n turn right (1) degrees\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (130) %\ngo to x: (-76) y: (-45)\nforever\n if <<<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> and <(y position) < [-100]>> then\n broadcast (Play v)\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [locker v]\ngo to x: (-185) y: (-131)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to x: (-400) y: (-300)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> and <(y position) > [-100]>> then\n broadcast (Locker v)\n set size to (100) %\n end\nend\n\n@Background\n\nwhen I receive [locker v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nset volume to (60) %\nstart sound [Fortnite v]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nstop all sounds\nhide\n\n@Locker BG\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [locker v]\nshow\n\n@Button-2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (marauder v)\ngo to x: (-1000) y: (-1000)\nset size to (40) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to x: (-1000) y: (-1000)\nset size to (40) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [locker v]\ngo to x: (-50) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> and <(costume [number v]) = [1]>> then\n broadcast (MM v)\n switch costume to (marauder2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [d v]\nswitch costume to (marauder v)\n\nwhen I receive [r v]\nswitch costume to (marauder v)\n\nwhen I receive [h v]\nswitch costume to (marauder v)\n\n@Button-3\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-1000) y: (-1000)\nset size to (40) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to x: (-1000) y: (-1000)\nset size to (40) %\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (reaper v)\ngo to x: (-1000) y: (-1000)\nset size to (40) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [locker v]\ngo to x: (50) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> and <(costume [number v]) = [1]>> then\n broadcast (R v)\n switch costume to (reaper2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [d v]\nswitch costume to (reaper v)\n\nwhen I receive [mm v]\nswitch costume to (reaper v)\n\nwhen I receive [h v]\nswitch costume to (reaper v)\n\n@Button-4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (havoc v)\ngo to x: (-1000) y: (-1000)\nset size to (40) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to x: (-1000) y: (-1000)\nset size to (40) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [locker v]\ngo to x: (150) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> and <(costume [number v]) = [1]>> then\n broadcast (H v)\n switch costume to (havoc2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [d v]\nswitch costume to (havoc v)\n\nwhen I receive [mm v]\nswitch costume to (havoc v)\n\nwhen I receive [r v]\nswitch costume to (havoc v)\n\n@Medkit\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (75) %\nswitch costume to (medkit v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [platforms v]) = [2]> then\n go to x: (180) y: (-110)\n show\n forever\n repeat (30)\n change y by (0.2)\n end\n repeat (30)\n change y by (-0.2)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <(HP) < [100]> then\n start sound [Heal v]\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (Heal v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n hide\n clear graphic effects\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [platforms v]) = [9]> then\n go to x: (150) y: (-110)\n show\n forever\n repeat (30)\n change y by (0.2)\n end\n repeat (30)\n change y by (-0.2)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [platforms v]) = [11]> then\n go to x: (60) y: (80)\n show\n forever\n repeat (30)\n change y by (0.2)\n end\n repeat (30)\n change y by (-0.2)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [endddd v]\nhide\n\n@Bot\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-18) y: (133)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [hpis=0 v]\nshow\nglide (1) secs to (player v)\nstart sound [Elimination 1 v]\nbroadcast (Pix v)\n\nwhen I receive [done v]\nwait (1) seconds\nglide (1) secs to x: (-18) y: (133)\nhide\nbroadcast (ENdddd v)\n\n@VR\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [platforms v]) = [15]> then\n broadcast (Vr v)\n start sound [Victory Royale \(New\) v]\n set size to (70) %\n show\n go to x: (51) y: (13)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@End\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\nforever\n repeat (10)\n turn right (0.5) degrees\n end\n forever\n repeat (20)\n turn left (0.5) degrees\n end\n repeat (20)\n turn right (0.5) degrees\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [platforms v]) = [15]> then\n set size to (70) %\n show\n go to x: (-152) y: (46)\n forever\n play sound [Eagle v] until done\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [endddd v]\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nnext backdrop\nshow\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [endddd v]\nforever\n play sound [Infinite Dab v] until done\nend\n\n
Привет!\nДавненько не было платформеров!\nИ сегодня я решил, что сегодня выйдет платформер!\n13.11.2023 - попадание в исследуй!\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/931549226
Seasons || 100% Pen Platformer
@Stage\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-214) y: (115)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nset [level v] to [1]\ngo to x: (-177) y: (12)\nhide variable [y v]\nhide variable [x v]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nforever\n change [y v] by (-1)\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>>> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (sprite3 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (sprite3 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (sprite3 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (sprite3 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (sprite3 v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n set [y v] to [17]\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (sprite3 v)?> then\n change y by ((y) - ((y) * (2)))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> and <touching (sprite3 v)?>> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite4 v)?> or <key (r v) pressed?>> then\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (140) y: (-46)\n end\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n go to x: (-177) y: (-66)\n end\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (140) y: (-46)\n end\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n go to x: (-177) y: (-46)\n end\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (140) y: (-58)\n end\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n go to x: (-205) y: (-39)\n end\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n go to x: (183) y: (13)\n end\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (-177) y: (10)\n end\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n go to x: (208) y: (13)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n if <(x position) > [223]> then\n set [level v] to [2]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n if <(x position) > [-223]> then\n go to x: (140) y: (-46)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n if <(x position) < [-220]> then\n set [level v] to [3]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n if <(x position) < [-220]> then\n go to x: (-177) y: (-46)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n if <(x position) < [-222]> then\n set [level v] to [5]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n if <(x position) > [223]> then\n set [level v] to [4]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n if <(x position) > [-223]> then\n go to x: (201) y: (-46)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n if <(x position) > [222]> then\n set [level v] to [6]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n if <(x position) > [-222]> then\n go to x: (-192) y: (-46)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n if <(x position) > [222]> then\n go to x: (140) y: (-58)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n if <(x position) > [222]> then\n go to x: (183) y: (14)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n if <(x position) < [-215]> then\n set [level v] to [7]\n end\n end\nend\n\nif <(level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (140) y: (-58)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n if <(x position) > [222]> then\n set [level v] to [8]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n if <(x position) < [-215]> then\n go to x: (-177) y: (10)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n if <(x position) < [-215]> then\n set [level v] to [9]\n end\n end\nend\n\ngo to x: (-205) y: (-39)\n\nif <touching color (#000000)?> then\n set [y v] to [20]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n if <(x position) > [222]> then\n set [level v] to [10]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n if <(x position) > [222]> then\n go to x: (208) y: (14)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n if <(x position) < [-215]> then\n set [level v] to [11]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (level 7 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n switch costume to (level 8 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (level 9 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n switch costume to (level 10 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n switch costume to (costume9 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (costume10 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n show\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [Xenogenesis v] until done\nend\n\n
double click flag to start.\n\nthis is the easiest platformer you've ever played. all you have to do is follow the arrows.\n\nupdate: adjusted pacing, hopefully better game design\n\n-- controls --\narrow keys to move (wasd works too)\nflag to soft reset (resets player)\nhold [r] + flag to hard restart (timer and all cutscenes will reset)\nthere are no checkpoints\n--\n@narlip, @duck--, and @TheSwiftNinja are cool\n--\nI noticed that on scratch, there are many platformer tutorials. however, as one might think otherwise, they aren't teaching you how to play a platformer, but how to make one.\nthis is obviously a big problem, so I made this project. it's a totally normal platformer tutorial that actually teaches you how to play a platformer.\n\n-- credits (also in-game) --\nportal 2 for initial inspiration\ne's jammy jam - nighttime stroll\nnyoko - flowing into the darkness\n\nplaytesters:\n@Amethystblight\n@Max-0\n@TheSwiftNinja\n--\n#games
Harry Potter Platformer - REMASTERED
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (lovely_white v)\n\nwhen I receive [my inro end v]\nforever\n set volume to (55) %\n play sound [Amadeus - Legendary v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [okey, test v]\nswitch backdrop to (blue v)\n\nwhen I receive [my inro end v]\nswitch backdrop to (ingame v)\n\n@GROUND\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow list [chat v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [wins]> then\n if <(seconds) < (☁ WorldRecord)> then\n set [☁ worldrecord v] to (seconds)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen [i v] key pressed\nif <(username) = [julius68]> then\n set [☁ worldrecord v] to [31.704]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [my inro end v]\nshow list [chat v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [noskip v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(☁ World recorld) < [30]> then\n set [☁ world recorld v] to [32.21]\n end\n if <(noskip) = [1]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [1 v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nhide variable [y v]\nhide variable [time v]\nhide variable [x v]\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n if <(costume [name v]) = [wins]> then\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nset [time v] to [0]\nforever\n set [time v] to (timer)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [my inro end v]\nset [skip v] to [2]\nforever\n if <(SKIP) > [0]> then\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n set [noskip v] to [1]\n next costume\n change [skip v] by (-1)\n end\n else\n if <(SKIP) = [0]> then\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n set [noskip v] to [1]\n broadcast (Talk v)\n say [No skips available] for (2) seconds\n say [Like and fav for two more skips ;\)] for (2) seconds\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [my inro end v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [pixelate v] effect to (0)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset language to (en v)::tts\nset voice to (alto v)::tts\n\nset [☁ worldrecord v] to [31.506]\n\n@LAVA\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n switch costume to ([costume # v] of [ground v])\n show\nend\n\n@player\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (1 v)\nforever\n if <(x position) > [200]> then\n go to x: (-209) y: (-50)\n broadcast (next v)\n end\n if <touching (lava v)?> then\n go to x: (-209) y: (-50)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (fantasia2 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\ngo to x: (-209) y: (-50)\n\nwhen I receive [my inro end v]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset size to (50) %\ngo to x: (-209) y: (-50)\nshow\nshow\nforever\n change [movement y v] by (-0.5)\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [movement x v] by (-1)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [movement x v] by (1)\n end\n set [movement x v] to ((Movement X) * (0.9))\n change x by (Movement X)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (Movement Y)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((Movement Y) * (-1))\n set [movement y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-0.5)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <touching (ground v)?>> then\n set [movement y v] to [8]\n end\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (-6)\n change x by ((Movement X) * (-1))\n Wall jump\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nif <touching (bouncy stuff v)?> then\n set [movement y v] to [14]\nend\n\nif <<(x position) = [240]> or <(x position) > [240]>> then\n broadcast (next level v)\n go to x: (-206) y: (-88)\n switch costume to (r v)\nend\n\nif <touching (jump boost v)?> then\n change [movement y v] by (15)\nend\n\n\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (r v)\nend\n\nswitch costume to (ball-a v)\n\nswitch costume to (ball-a v)\n\nwhen I receive [my inro end v]\nreset timer\nforever\n set [score v] to (timer)\n if <<([costume name v] of [ground v]) = [wins]> and <(SCORE) < (☁ x)>> then\n set [☁ x v] to (SCORE)\n end\n set [highscore v] to (☁ x)\nend\n\n\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n\n\nset [☁ x v] to [32.606]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (r v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (l v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <not <key (any v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (i v)\n end\nend\n\npoint towards (mouse-pointer v)\n\nbroadcast (die v)\n\nwhen I receive [die_anim_end v]\n\ndefine Wall jump\nif <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>> then\n set [movement y v] to [8]\n if <(Movement X) > [0]> then\n set [movement x v] to [-8]\n else\n set [movement x v] to [8]\n end\nelse\n set [movement x v] to [0]\nend\n\n@Particle Effect\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (80) %\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\neff (pick random (-10) to (10))\n\ndefine eff (x)\nset [-1 v] to [1]\nclear graphic effects\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nset [color v] effect to (pick random (1) to (1000))\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (1) to (30))\nforever\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n change y by (Particle Effect: y)\n change [particle effect: y v] by (-2)\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n if <(-1) = [1]> then\n set [-1 v] to [-1]\n else\n set [-1 v] to [1]\n end\n end\n if <(y position) < [-170]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <([costume name v] of [ground v]) = [wins]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (150)\n change y by (-20)\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n set [particle effect: y v] to [20]\n else\n set [particle effect: y v] to [5]\n end\n go to x: (0) y: (150)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\n@detector\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [faved___ v] to [0]\nset [loved__ v] to [0]\nset [clone id v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [clone id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <<(LOVED__) = [1]> and <(FAVED___) = [1]>>\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (50)\nreset timer\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by ((y position) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\nreset timer\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by (((y position) - (-100)) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone id) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n set [loved__ v] to [0]\n switch costume to (love v)\n forever\n set [love? v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [loved__ v] to [1]\n change [skip v] by (1)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(clone id) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (fave v)\n set [faved___ v] to [0]\n forever\n set [fav v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [faved___ v] to [1]\n change [skip v] by (1)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@leaderboard\n\nwhen I receive [my inro end v]\nshow variable [seconds v]\nset [seconds v] to [0]\nreset timer\nrepeat until <([costume name v] of [ground v]) = [wins]>\n set [seconds v] to (timer)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [seconds v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n stop [this script v]\n else\n if <([costume name v] of [ground v]) = [wins]> then\n if <(seconds) < (☁ WorldRecord)> then\n set [☁ worldrecord v] to (seconds)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@[CUT] Intro1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (pre clear v)\n\nwhen I receive [pre clear v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (473) y: (0)\nglide (1.3) secs to x: (18) y: (0)\nbroadcast (okey, test v)\nglide (1.2) secs to x: (-18) y: (0)\nglide (1.4) secs to x: (-473) y: (0)\nhide\nbroadcast (intro v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (20) %\nplay sound [TheFatRat - Infinite Power!2 v] until done\n\n@Intro 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(421) = [1]> then\n repeat (3)\n switch costume to (effect v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Particle (#)\nrepeat (#)\n set [421 v] to [Particle]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(421) = [Particle]> then\n switch costume to (circle v)\n show\n point in direction (pick random (-90) to (90))\n set [intro 2: y v] to (pick random (5) to (15))\n set [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-50) to (50))\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (-50) to (50))\n set size to (pick random (1) to (200)) %\n repeat until <(y position) < [-175]>\n change y by (Intro 2: y)\n move (5) steps\n change [intro 2: y v] by (-1)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(421) = [chevron]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (chevron v)\n set size to (1) %\n show\n repeat (36)\n switch costume to (sizehak v)\n Frame Tween Size: [1050] speed: [40]\n switch costume to (chevron v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Frame Tween Size: (s) speed: (spd)\nchange size by (((round (s)) - (round (size))) / (spd))\n\ndefine Clone (#)\nset [421 v] to (#)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine shake (by @LeonardoTSS) (jump) (wiggle speed \(recommend at least 500\))\nset size to (jump) %\nrepeat until <(size) = [100]>\n go to x: (([sin v] of ((timer) * (wiggle speed \(recommend at least 500\))) ) * (((100) - (size)) / (2))) y: (([cos v] of ((timer) * (wiggle speed \(recommend at least 500\))) ) * (((100) - (size)) / (2)))\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\nend\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nrepeat (3)\n Clone [chevron]\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nplay sound [Elektronomia - Shine On v] until done\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (name v)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (10000) %\nswitch costume to (name v)\npoint in direction (-90)\nshow\nrepeat until <<(round (size)) = (round (100))> and <(round (direction)) = (round (90))>>\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (14))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (14)) degrees\nend\nset [421 v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (1) seconds\nClone [chevron]\nParticle [20]\nrepeat (3)\n turn right (32) degrees\nend\nrepeat until <(round (direction)) = (round (90))>\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\nend\nClone [chevron]\nshake (by @LeonardoTSS) [300] [700]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nClone [chevron]\nshake (by @LeonardoTSS) [300] [700]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nClone [chevron]\nshake (by @LeonardoTSS) [300] [700]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset size to (300) %\nrepeat (20)\n change size by (((0) - (size)) / (5))\n go to x: (([sin v] of ((timer) * (1000)) ) * ((size) * (0.1))) y: (([sin v] of ((timer) * (1000)) ) * ((size) * (0.1)))\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nswitch costume to (2021-03-03 16_19_44-logo maker und logo creator - kostenloser online-logo-generator v)\nclear graphic effects\nbroadcast (message1 v)\nshow\nset size to (400) %\ngo to x: (-500) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (-90)\nrepeat (50)\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (10)) degrees\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (10))\nend\npoint in direction (90)\nwait (0.7) seconds\nset size to (300) %\nrepeat (20)\n change size by (((0) - (size)) / (5))\n go to x: (([sin v] of ((timer) * (1000)) ) * ((size) * (0.1))) y: (([sin v] of ((timer) * (1000)) ) * ((size) * (0.1)))\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (MY INRO END v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [☁ worldrecord v]\n\nwhen I receive [my inro end v]\nshow variable [☁ worldrecord v]\n\n
       ✨PLATFORMER!!✨\n\n======《English》=============== (日本語は下の方)\n\n▼summary\nIt is a simple and slightly difficult platformer consisting only of ground, needles and magma.\nI hope you enjoy it :)\nーー\nAfter pressing ❤⭐, press ❤⭐ on https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/742822322/ to connect the thumbnails! Please try it :)\n\n▼ Instructions\nUse the arrow keys to move it.\nYou can also move it by tapping.\n\nIf you touch the spikes or magma, you have to start over.\n\n▼ Degree of difficulty\nPC ★★★☆☆\nMobile ★★★★☆\nーーー\n\nGood luck! :D\n\n▼Credit\nBasic player movements @-seven7-\nMusic @-Xaf-\n   Vexento - Masked Heroes\n PIKASONIC - Osaka Express\nIntro @rk220\nSound effect : Sound effect lab\nfont : font meme\n\nUncredited material is material created by the author.\n\n========《日本語》============\n\n▼概要\n地面と針とマグマだけで作られたシンプルで少し難しいプラットフォーマーです。\n楽しんでいただけたら嬉しいです!\nーー\nこの作品に❤⭐を押したあと、 \n https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/742822322/\nに❤⭐を押すとサムネが繋がります!やってみてね。\n\n▼操作方法\n矢印キーを使って動かします。\nタップでも動かすことができます。\n\n針やマグマに当たらないようにしてください。\n\n▼難しさ\nPC    ★★★☆☆\nモバイル ★★★★☆\nーーー\n楽しんでね!\n\n▼クレジット\nプレイヤーの動き:@-seven7-\n音楽:@-Xaf-\n   Vexento - Masked Heroes\n PIKASONIC - Osaka Express\nイントロ:rk220\n効果音:効果音ラボ\nフォント:font meme\n\n▼tag/タグ\n#game #all #platformer #goriraf0612\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/960679103/
Lost - A Platformer #Games #All
@Stage\n\n@ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [lvl v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [nxt level v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [nxt lvl v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [nl v]\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\n\nwhen I receive [ded v]\nif <(touch) = [yes]> then\n set [lvl v] to [1]\nelse\n set [lvl v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nxt level v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [nxt leevel v]\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\n\nwhen I receive [aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh v]\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\n\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [grasslands v] until done\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [ooh v]\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (play v)\nset size to (50) %\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n go to (hitbox v)\nend\n\nset [ground costume v] to [1]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (thing v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n change size by (-3)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ngo to x: (-173) y: (-104)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (sword v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (sword2 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (sword3 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (sword4 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (sword5 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (sword6 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (sword7 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (sword8 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (sword9 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (sword10 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n wait until <not <key (s v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [nuh v] to [0]\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n play sound [Rip v] until done\n wait until <not <key (s v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [sword? v]\nif <<(costume [name v]) = [sword5]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [sword6]> or <(costume [number v]) = [sword7]>>> then\n broadcast (sword v)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.01)\n\nhide\n\nwhen [timer v] > (timer)\n\nwhen I receive [s2 v]\nif <<(costume [name v]) = [sword5]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [sword6]> or <(costume [number v]) = [sword7]>>> then\n broadcast (s2a v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [yes v]\nrepeat until <(nuh) = [y]>\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nuh v]\nset [nuh v] to [y]\nclear graphic effects\n\n@sun\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (142) y: (104)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@cloud\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\nhide\nforever\n wait (pick random (0.4) to (3)) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (40) to (70))\ngo to x: (-310) y: (pick random (-54) to (115))\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (5))\nshow\nrepeat until <[264] < (x position)>\n change x by (pick random (4) to (15))\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@spike\n\nwhen I receive [nxt level v]\ngo to x: (79) y: (-26)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (-6) y: (-99)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [nxt lvl v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\ngo to x: (63) y: (-162)\n\nwhen I receive [nl v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [nxt leevel v]\n\nwhen I receive [nxt leevel v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\ngo to x: (117) y: (-162)\n\nwhen I receive [aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh v]\nhide\n\n@flag\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (200) y: (-87)\n\nwhen I receive [nxt level v]\ngo to x: (205) y: (-13)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [nxt lvl v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\ngo to x: (213) y: (83)\n\nwhen I receive [nl v]\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\ngo to x: (205) y: (-97)\n\nwhen I receive [nxt leevel v]\ngo to x: (216) y: (155)\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\n\nwhen I receive [aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh v]\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\ngo to x: (200) y: (-99)\n\nhide\n\n@box\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (144) y: (-111)\nset [box hits v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (sword? v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(box hits) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n hide\n set [box hits v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [sword v]\nchange [box hits v] by (1)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [sword v]\nplay sound [Crunch v] until done\n\nwhen I receive [nxt level v]\nset [box hits v] to [0]\ngo to x: (177) y: (-42)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [nxt leevel v]\ngo to x: (122) y: (-9)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh v]\nhide\n\n@jump\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-122) y: (-113)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [nxt level v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [nxt lvl v]\ngo to x: (-121) y: (-95)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [nl v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh v]\nhide\n\n@hitbox\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\ngo to x: (-64) y: (21)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-177) y: (74)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [ground costume v] to [1]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (play v)\nset size to (50) %\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (y)\n if <<<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> or <touching (moving platform v)?>> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n set [y v] to [14]\n wait until <not <<<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>>\n end\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (0.8)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (-0.8)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n change x by (x)\n change x by (((0) - (x)) * <<<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>)\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <touching (enemy v)?>> then\n wait (0) seconds\n start sound [Crunch v]\n go to x: (-179) y: (-37)\n broadcast (ded v)\n end\nend\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\ngo to x: (-173) y: (-104)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [level stuff v] to [0]\nforever\n if <touching color (#61e65c)?> then\n set [level stuff v] to [1]\n start sound [Connect v]\n broadcast (nxt level v)\n go to x: (-200) y: (-67)\n end\n if <touching color (#e65c5c)?> then\n set [level stuff v] to [2]\n start sound [Connect v]\n broadcast (nxt lvl v)\n go to x: (-200) y: (-67)\n end\n if <touching color (#5c67e6)?> then\n set [level stuff v] to [3]\n start sound [Connect v]\n broadcast (nl v)\n go to x: (-200) y: (-67)\n end\n if <touching color (#e600d3)?> then\n set [level stuff v] to [4]\n start sound [Connect v]\n broadcast (nxt leevel v)\n go to x: (-200) y: (-67)\n end\n if <touching color (#e6df00)?> then\n set [level stuff v] to [5]\n start sound [Connect v]\n broadcast (aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh v)\n go to x: (-200) y: (-67)\n end\n if <touching color (#9e0000)?> then\n set [level stuff v] to [6]\n start sound [Connect v]\n go to x: (-200) y: (-67)\n broadcast (ooh v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (jump v)?> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n set [y v] to [20]\n end\nend\n\ngo to x: (-179) y: (-37)\n\nwhen I receive [aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@moving platform\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-31) y: (15)\nset size to (40) %\nhide\nforever\n glide (3) secs to x: (156) y: (15)\n glide (3) secs to x: (-31) y: (15)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nxt lvl v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [nl v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh v]\nhide\n\n@words\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (-59) y: (59)\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [nxt level v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [nxt lvl v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [nl v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n set [timer v] to (timer)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (timer)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\n@enemy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [my life v] to [3]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [nl v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nl v]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nshow\ngo to x: (124) y: (-87)\npoint in direction (-90)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (y)\n if <<<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> or <touching (moving platform v)?>> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n if <([y position v] of [player v]) > ((y position) * (5))> then\n set [y v] to [12]\n wait until <not <<<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>>\n end\n end\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) > (x position)> then\n change [x v] by (0.5)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <(x position) > ([x position v] of [player v])> then\n change [x v] by (-0.5)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n change x by (x)\n change x by (((0) - (x)) * <<<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>)\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (thing v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n change size by (-3)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [nl v]\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (s2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nl v]\nforever\n if <(my life) < [1]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [s2a v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nchange [my life v] by (-1)\n\nwhen I receive [nxt leevel v]\ngo to x: (121) y: (121)\nset [my life v] to [3]\nshow\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [nl v]\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n wait (0) seconds\n repeat (2)\n change [x v] by (0.08)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ooh v]\ngo to x: (102) y: (35)\nshow\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@lov\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [lov? v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n play sound [Collect v] until done\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n go to x: (-215) y: (-164)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (36) y: (28)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (timer)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (20) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [lov? v] to [y]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<(lov?) = [y]> and <(fav?) = [y]>> then\n broadcast (yes v)\n end\nend\n\n@fav\n\nwhen [timer v] > (timer)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [fav? v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (36) y: (85)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n play sound [Collect v] until done\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n go to x: (-141) y: (-166)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (36) y: (85)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (20) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [fav? v] to [y]\n end\nend\n\n@lov and fav\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (145) y: (208)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (200) %\nhide\nforever\n wait (pick random (5) to (6)) seconds\n show\n glide (1) secs to x: (145) y: (151)\n wait (4) seconds\n glide (1) secs to x: (145) y: (208)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [yes v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (149)\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [yes v]\nshow\nwait (4) seconds\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@original coistume\n\nwhen I receive [yes v]\nshow\nrepeat until <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n point in direction ((90) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (2)))\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (((400) - (size)) / (2)) %\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n else\n set size to (((300) - (size)) / (2)) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nbroadcast (nuh v)\n\nwhen [timer v] > (timer)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-176) y: (130)\nhide\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n
The DarkLands -- A platformer #Games --
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (40) %\nforever\n play sound [TheFatRat - TimeLapse \(Mp3Goo v] until done\n wait (2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen [m v] key pressed\nif <(volume) = [40]> then\n set volume to (0) %\nelse\n if <(volume) = [0]> then\n set volume to (40) %\n end\nend\n\n@Player\n\ndefine RunScript\nchange y by (y vel)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat ([abs v] of (y vel) )\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((-1) * (([abs v] of (y vel) ) / (y vel)))\n end\n end\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [y vel v] to [12]\n end\nelse\n change [y vel v] by (-1)\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [x vel v] by (1)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [x vel v] by (-1)\nend\nchange x by (x vel)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n set [old y v] to (y position)\n repeat (([abs v] of (x vel) ) + (1))\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n set y to (old y)\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (x vel) ) )\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((-1) * (([abs v] of (x vel) ) / (x vel)))\n end\n end\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <touching (spikes/dangers v)?> then\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n if <not <<(Lvl) = [8]> or <(Lvl) = [12]>>> then\n go to x: (-180) y: (0)\n else\n go to x: (-180) y: (-80)\n end\nend\nif <touching (lvlend v)?> then\n change [lvl v] by (1)\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n if <not <<(Lvl) = [8]> or <(Lvl) = [12]>>> then\n go to x: (-180) y: (0)\n else\n go to x: (-180) y: (-80)\n end\nend\nset [x vel v] to ((x vel) * (0.9))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (2 v)\ngo to x: (-180) y: (0)\nforever\n RunScript\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [x vel v] to [0]\nset [y vel v] to [0]\nforever\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n if <not <<(Lvl) = [8]> or <(Lvl) = [12]>>> then\n go to x: (-180) y: (0)\n else\n if <<(Lvl) = [8]> or <(Lvl) = [12]>> then\n go to x: (-180) y: (-80)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(y position) > [180]> then\n set [y vel v] to [-1]\n end\n if <(x position) > [240]> then\n set [x vel v] to [-1]\n end\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [lvl v] to [1]\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (Lvl)\nend\n\n@Spikes/Dangers\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (Lvl)\nend\n\n@LvlEnd\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n if <(Lvl) = [15]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\n@UpArrow\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\ngo to x: (20) y: (20)\nforever\n wait (0.5) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <not <(Lvl) = [3]>> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\n@Starcoins\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Lvl) = [6]> then\n show\n go to x: (-183) y: (113)\n wait until <not <(Lvl) = [6]>>\n else\n hide\n end\n if <(Lvl) = [10]> then\n go to x: (140) y: (30)\n show\n wait until <not <(Lvl) = [10]>>\n else\n hide\n end\n if <(Lvl) = [12]> then\n go to x: (-199) y: (151)\n show\n wait until <not <(Lvl) = [12]>>\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [starcoins v] to [0]\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [nsmbwiiCoin v]\n hide\n change [starcoins v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\n@StarcoinCounter\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to ((StarCoins) + (1))\n set size to (60) %\n go to x: (190) y: (-160)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@Layer0\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nforever\n if <(Lvl) = [10]> then\n show\n switch costume to (10 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait until <not <(Lvl) = [10]>>\n else\n hide\n end\n if <(Lvl) = [12]> then\n show\n switch costume to (12 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait until <not <(Lvl) = [12]>>\n else\n hide\n end\n if <(Lvl) = [14]> then\n show\n switch costume to (14 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait until <not <(Lvl) = [14]>>\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n repeat (3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n wait until <not <touching (player v)?>>\n else\n repeat (3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (8)\n wait until <touching (player v)?>\n end\nend\n\n
✧ Bad Jokes, a Platformer 2 ✧\n\nThis is a game that I have made a version 2 of, because the first one was very successful, hoping that this one will be very successful also. Please leave a love and a favorite, and I will appreciate it.\n\n Check out the HACKED version here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/209148122/\n\nJoin my LOGO CONTEST here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/211881233/\n\nInstructions:\n\n▶︎ Use the arrow keys to move the ball. ◀︎\n\n▶︎ Get to the rainbow orb to proceed to the next level ◀︎\n\n▶︎ Avoid red. ◀︎\n\n▶︎ Press space to see the answers of these aimless jokes that will make you angry. ◀︎\n\n▶︎ Press 's' to skip a level ◀︎\n\nShout-out of the project:\n\n@1000652 Because he proposed this project to be featured!\n\nCredits: \n@Auron for the music\nA website called TextCraft for the words in the thumbnail\n\nVerse of the project:\n\nRevelation: 3, 20, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."\n\nCatalog:\n\n☣ 3-7-18: Shared\n☣ 3-8-18: Added a level\n☣ 3-9-18: Added more music\n\nGoals:\n\n50 loves Done :)\n\n75 favorites Done :)\n\n200 loves Done :)\n\n500 favorites Done :)\n\n1000 loves Done :)\n\n1500 favorites Done :)\n\nWow! Thanks to everyone! 950+ loves in less than 6 days of being shared!
Soundformer (A Platformer Game)
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(dark mode?) = [y]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\n else\n switch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@player\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (trail v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-2)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nstart sound [Crunch v]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (x spawn) y: (y spawn)\n\nset rotation style [left-right v]\n\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (6)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nhide\n\ndefine run engine\nchange [y v] by (-0.5)\nif < or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by (-0.5)\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nif < or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by (0.5)\n point in direction (90)\nend\nset [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\nchange x by (x)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (-6)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [y v] to [7]\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange y by (y)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-0.5)\nif <<<touching (ground v)?> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> or < or <<touching (ground v)?> and <key (w v) pressed?>>>> then\n set [y v] to [7]\nend\nchange y by (0.5)\nif <<touching (danger v)?> or <<touching (saw v)?> or <<touching (lava v)?> or <touching (moving spikes v)?>>>> then\n broadcast (Restart v)\nend\nif <touching (bounce pads v)?> then\n set [y v] to [12]\n start sound [Jump v]\nend\nif <touching (flag v)?> then\n broadcast (next v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n go to x: (x spawn) y: (y spawn)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\nend\n\nset [moving_? v] to [y]\n\nset [moving_? v] to [y]\n\nset [moving_? v] to [y]\n\nset [moving_? v] to [n]\n\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (x spawn) y: (y spawn)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ngo to x: (x spawn) y: (y spawn)\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nshow\nset [x spawn v] to [-199]\nset [y spawn v] to [-76]\ngo to x: (x spawn) y: (y spawn)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\nset size to (20) %\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n run engine\nend\n\nset [moving_? v] to [y]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or > or <key (d v) pressed?>>> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n set [moving_? v] to [y]\n else\n set [moving_? v] to [n]\n end\nend\n\nif <<<touching (ground v)?> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> or <<touching (ground v)?> and <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [moving_? v] to [up]\nend\n\n\n\nif <(MOVING_?) = [u]> then\n switch costume to (up v)\nend\n\nif <(y position) > [-60]> then\n set [moving_? v] to [u]\nelse\n set [moving_? v] to [n]\nend\n\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [6]>\n\nset [moving_? v] to [n]\n\nif <(MOVING_?) = [y]> then\n wait (.01) seconds\n next costume\nelse\n switch costume to (1 v)\nend\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nforever\n if <(MOVING_?) = [y]> then\n wait (.01) seconds\n next costume\n else\n switch costume to (1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\nwait (.1) seconds\nbroadcast (go v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(dark mode?) = [y]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\n@ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (1) y: (-8)\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(dark mode?) = [y]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@moving spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (15)\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(dark mode?) = [y]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (15)\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\n@danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(dark mode?) = [y]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@flag\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nstart sound [ding sound v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@bounce pads\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nforever\n if <(dark mode?) = [y]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@skip\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [skips v] to [0]\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(skips) < [5]> then\n change [skips v] by (1)\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (skipepd v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (10)\n set size to (105) %\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (100) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [doneee v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (165) y: (161)\n\nshow\n\nforever\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(dark mode?) = [y]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [skipepd v]\nbroadcast (next v)\n\n@settings\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [dark mode? v] to [n]\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set size to (80) %\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n go to x: (-170) y: (116)\nelse\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n set size to (80) %\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n go to x: (-170) y: (116)\n set [dark mode? v] to [y]\n broadcast (dark on v)\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n set size to (80) %\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n go to x: (-170) y: (116)\n set [dark mode? v] to [n]\n broadcast (dark off v)\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n set size to (80) %\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n go to x: (-170) y: (116)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (10)\n set size to (105) %\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (100) %\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [doneee v]\nhide\n\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (150) %\nshow\ngo to x: (-217) y: (161)\n\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (150) %\nshow\ngo to x: (-217) y: (161)\nrepeat until <(size) = [50]>\n change size by (-20)\nend\nrepeat until <(size) = [100]>\n change size by (10)\nend\n\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (150) %\nshow\ngo to x: (-217) y: (161)\n\nrepeat (10)\nrepeat (10)\n\nset [dark mode? v] to [y]\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nif <(dark mode?) = [n]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (-217) y: (161)\nelse\n switch costume to (dark1 v)\n go to x: (-217) y: (161)\nend\n\n\nelse\nend\n\n@mute\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (unmuted v)\nelse\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (muted v)\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (unmuted2 v)\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (muted2 v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [doneee v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (unmuted v)\nset size to (100) %\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (10)\n set size to (105) %\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (100) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\nshow\ngo to x: (200) y: (161)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n play sound [Elektronomia - Sky High \[NCS Release\]2 v] until done\nend\n\nif <(volume) = [100]> then\n set volume to (0) %\n switch costume to (muted v)\nelse\n set volume to (2) %\n switch costume to (unmuted v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> or <(costume [number v]) = [3]>> then\n set volume to (0) %\n else\n set volume to (30) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nforever\n if <(dark mode?) = [y]> then\n switch costume to (unmuted2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (unmuted v)\n end\nend\n\n\n\nwhen I receive [dark on v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (muted2 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (unmuted2 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dark off v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (muted v)\nelse\n switch costume to (unmuted v)\nend\n\nswitch costume to (unmuted v)\n\n@saw\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n turn right (4) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (50) %\nforever\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nif <<(level) = [4]> or <<(level) = [6]> or >> then\n show\n if <<(level) = [4]> or <(level) = [6]>> then\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (-120)\n end\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n set size to (70) %\n go to x: (-47) y: (-33)\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nif <<(level) = [4]> or <(level) = [6]>> then\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (-120)\nend\nif <(level) = [10]> then\n set size to (70) %\n go to x: (-47) y: (-33)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(dark mode?) = [y]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@transition\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (347)\n\nwhen I receive [trans v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nwait (.3) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\n\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (6))\nshow\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [0]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\nend\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [347]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (15)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nwait (.000000000000000000000001) seconds\nbroadcast (trans v)\n\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (6))\nshow\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [0]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\nend\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [347]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((347) - (y position)) / (5))\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [st v]\nbroadcast (trans v)\nbroadcast (BEGIN NOW v)\n\n@tn\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@start screen\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(ST?) = [n]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [st v]\nhide\n\n@play\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [st? v] to [n]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n if <(ST?) = [n]> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n play sound [click v] until done\n wait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n else\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nset [st? v] to [y]\nbroadcast (ST v)\nhide\n\nset [st? v] to [y]\n\n@how to play\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(ST?) = [n]> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n play sound [click v] until done\n wait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n else\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nif <(ST?) = [n]> then\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n broadcast (trans v)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@credits\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(ST?) = [n]> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n play sound [click v] until done\n wait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n else\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n broadcast (trans v)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\n
When I reach 1k followers then Elements 3 will be prioritised than other projects. So hit that follow button now!\n\n__________________________________________\n❤️ and ⭐️ this project for more games \n__________________________________________ \n Instructions\nInstructions are there In-game but I'll tell them here also:\n❯❯ Arrow keys, WSAD, or mobile controls.\n❯❯ Space or press the bottom right of the screen to \n shoot fire to the right and bottom left of the screen \n to shoot fire to the left, once you have received \n elemental powers!\n❯❯ Be careful of enemies, they get more intelligent as \n you pass the levels.\n❯❯ "N" to skip a level in story mode\n❯❯ "R" to restart the level\n❯❯ Please love, fav, and follow for more games like \n this.\n\n___________________________________________\n\nSpeedrun Mode:\nTry to complete the game as fast as possible to get the world record\n__________________________________________\n\nGoals:\n100 views ✔\n500 views ✔\n1000 views ✔\n2000 views ✔\n3000 views ✔\n4000 views ✔\n5000 views ✔\n10000 views ✔\n15000 views ✔\n\n50 loves ✔\n100 loves ✔\n200 loves ✔\n500 loves ✔\n1000 loves ✔\n\n50 favs ✔\n100 favs ✔\n200 favs ✔\n500 favs ✔\n1000 favs ✔
Color - Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\n@B L A N K\n\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nset [level v] to [2]\n\nset [level v] to [3]\n\nset [level v] to [12]\n\nset [level v] to [5]\n\nset [level v] to [6]\n\nset [level v] to [7]\n\nset [level v] to [9]\n\nset [level v] to [9]\n\n@Astronaut\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [bouce v]\nset [yvel v] to [20]\n\nwhen I receive [death v]\ngo to x: (-210) y: (50)\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nshow\nset [a v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (80)\nset [yvel v] to [0]\nset [xvel v] to [0]\nset [dir v] to [0]\nforever\n change [yvel v] by (-1)\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <(STICK X) < [-0.5]>> then\n change [xvel v] by (-1)\n set [dir v] to [Left]\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <[0.5] < (STICK X)>> then\n change [xvel v] by (1)\n set [dir v] to [Right]\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [xvel v] to ((xVel) * (0.9))\n change x by (xVel)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((xVel) * (-1))\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <[0.5] < (STICK Y)>> then\n set [yvel v] to [17]\n if <(xVel) > [0]> then\n set [xvel v] to [-10]\n else\n set [xvel v] to [10]\n end\n else\n set [xvel v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change y by (yVel)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((yVel) - ((yVel) * (2)))\n set [yvel v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <[0.5] < (STICK Y)>> and <touching (level v)?>> then\n set [yvel v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <[220] < (x position)> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n set x to (-220)\n end\n if <touching (dangerous stuf v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-220) y: (50)\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (50)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nforever\n if <touching (checkpoint v)?> then\n set [a v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nset [max health v] to [200]\nset [health v] to (MAX HEALTH)\nforever\n if <(HEALTH) < [1]> then\n set [health v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nset [max o2 v] to [200]\nset [o2 v] to (MAX O2)\nforever\n if <(O2) < [1]> then\n set [o2 v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@dAnGeRoUs StUf\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nshow\n\n@Control Stick\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (stick v)\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nset [ghost v] effect to (25)\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [mobile v]) = [1]> then\n set [stick power v] to []\n set [stick x v] to [0]\n set [stick y v] to [0]\n repeat until <mouse down?>\n go to (myself)\n end\n if <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < ((size) * (0.6))> then\n Stick Drag\n else\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\ndefine Stick Drag\nrepeat until <not <mouse down?>>\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n point towards (myself)\n turn right (180) degrees\n set [stick direction v] to (direction)\n set [stick power v] to (distance to [(myself) v])\n if <(STICK POWER) > (max stick)> then\n move ((max stick) - (STICK POWER)) steps\n set [stick power v] to (max stick)\n end\n set [stick power v] to ((STICK POWER) / (max stick))\n set [stick x v] to ((STICK POWER) * ([sin v] of (STICK DIRECTION) ))\n set [stick y v] to ((STICK POWER) * ([cos v] of (STICK DIRECTION) ))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (173) y: (-114)\nset [myself v] to [Control Stick]\nset [max stick v] to ((size) / (4))\nswitch costume to (base v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (60)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [mobile v]) = [1]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@space gun\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nhide\nset [hide gunv v] to [nope]\nforever\n if <<(collect?) = [true]> or <(hide gunv) = [nope]>> then\n if <<(.Gun mobile) = [1]> or <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n if <(collect?) = [true]> then\n if <[0] < (ammo)> then\n change [ammo v] by (-1)\n create clone of (bullet v)\n wait (0) seconds\n else\n change [ammo v] by (0)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nhide\nset [ammo v] to [50]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n go to (astronaut v)\n if <(dir) = [Right]> then\n switch costume to (space gun v)\n change x by (50)\n end\n if <(dir) = [Left]> then\n switch costume to (space gun2 v)\n change x by (-50)\n end\n if <(collect?) = [true]> then\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Enemy\n\ndefine touching player\nif <touching (astronaut v)?> then\n if <([y position v] of [astronaut v]) > (y position)> then\n set [tcp v] to [1]\n broadcast (Bouce v)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n repeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (5)\n end\n hide\n end\n if <not <([y position v] of [astronaut v]) > (y position)>> then\n broadcast (Death v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nset [tcp v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (120) y: (-72)\nshow\nset [enemy y v] to [0]\nforever\n change [enemy y v] by (-1)\n change y by (enemy y)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n set [enemy y v] to [0]\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((yVel) - ((yVel) * (2)))\n set [yvel v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nforever\n if <<(Health) < [0]> or <<(Health) = [0]> or <<(Level) = [2]> or <(Level) = [13]>>>> then\n repeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (10)\n end\n hide\n repeat until <(Level) = [12]>\n go to x: (-50) y: (10)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nset [health v] to [10]\npoint in direction (90)\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n if <touching (bullet v)?> then\n change [health v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nforever\n if <(TCP) = [0]> then\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n move (6) steps\n end\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n move (-6) steps\n end\n end\nend\n\nforever\n\n\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nforever\n touching player\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <[12] = (Level)>\nset [tcp v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\nshow\n\n@Bullet\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(hide gunv) = [nope]> then\n if <[true] = (collect?)> then\n if <(ammo) > [0]> then\n show\n go to (space gun v)\n change y by (5)\n if <(dir) = [Right]> then\n change x by (22)\n repeat until <<<touching (enemy v)?> or <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <(dir) = [Left]>>> or <touching (level v)?>>\n move (9) steps\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(dir) = [Left]> then\n change x by (-22)\n repeat until <<<<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <(dir) = [Right]>> or <touching (enemy v)?>> or <touching (level v)?>>\n move (-9) steps\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@collect space gun pew pew\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [on v] to [on]\n else\n set [on v] to [off]\n end\n if <<(Level) = [2]> or <[1] < (Level)>> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [iof v] to [0]\nwait until <touching (astronaut v)?>\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nset [iof v] to [1]\nset [collect? v] to [true]\nset [on v] to [off]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [collect? v] to [false]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nset [fr v] to [0]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n change [fr v] by (10)\n change y by ([sin v] of (Fr) )\nend\n\n@minecraft thingy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nforever\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n if <(on) = [on]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n else\n go to [back v] layer\n hide\n end\n if <(iOF) = [1]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@PARTICALS\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (תלבושת1 v)\n\ndefine PARTICALS (r)\nrepeat (r)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset x to (0)\nset y to (0)\nswitch costume to (תלבושת2 v)\nBOOM [0.1] [5] (pick random (1) to (2)) (pick random (Y) to ((Y) - (2)))\n\ndefine BOOM (c) (x) (1/2) (y)\nset [y v] to (y)\nif <[1] = (1/2)> then\n set [c v] to (c)\n set [x v] to ((-1) * (x))\nelse\n set [c v] to ((-1) * (c))\n set [x v] to (x)\nend\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change y by (Y)\n change x by (X)\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change [x v] by (C)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Intro\n\ndefine size effect\nset [size eff v] to [0]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [size eff v] by (1)\n change size by (size eff)\nend\nset [size eff v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n turn left (-5) degrees\n change [size eff v] by (-5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (size eff)\nend\nbroadcast (start bruh v)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nsetup intro\nsize effect\n\ndefine setup intro\npoint in direction (90)\nif <<(current [date v]) < [25]> and <(current [month v]) = [12]>> then\n switch costume to (christmas edition v)\nelse\n switch costume to (logo v)\nend\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\n@Music chosen by mixible \n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [Music v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstop all sounds\n\n@tb\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n clear graphic effects\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@settings\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Settings v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nforever\n if <(settings on/off) = [Settings On]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\ngo to x: (-210) y: (149)\nswitch costume to (icon v)\nset size to (90) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@settings page\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [settings on/off v] to [Settings Off]\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [settings on/off v] to [Settings On]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nset [settings on/off v] to [Settings Off]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\n\n@text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n if <touching (astronaut v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@Mobile\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (on v)\ngo to x: (-171) y: (81)\nforever\n if <(settings on/off) = [Settings On]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n next costume\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@shoot\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow list [users v]\nshow list [people v]\nhide\nset size to (130) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (43)\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nforever\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [.gun mobile v] to [1]\n end\n else\n set [.gun mobile v] to [0]\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [mobile v]) = [1]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nadd (username) to [users v]\nif <<<<(username) = [Griffpatch]> or <(username) = [TimMcCool]>> or <(username) = [will_wam]>> or <(username) = [GentleX]>> then\n add (username) to [people v]\nend\n\n@ammo\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nset [fr2 v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n change [fr2 v] by (10)\n change y by ([sin v] of (fr2) )\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nrepeat until <touching (astronaut v)?>\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\nset [ammo v] to [50]\nhide\n\n@W A L L E\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@BAZOOKA\n\nwhen I receive [start bruh v]\nset [fr v] to [0]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n change [fr v] by (10)\n change y by ([sin v] of (Fr) )\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [iof v] to [0]\nwait until <touching (astronaut v)?>\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nset [bzk v] to [1]\nset [collect bzk v] to [true]\nset [on v] to [off]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [on v] to [on]\n else\n set [on v] to [off]\n end\n if <<(Level) = [14]> or <[13] < (Level)>> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [collect bzk v] to [false]\nhide\n\n@war-rocket-missile-launch-svgrepo-com\n\n
Help Red Sonic defeat Eggman!\n\n< < < How to Play > > >\n<> WASD or Arrow Keys to move!\n<> Run against a wall and hold jump to wall jump!
The Edge- A platformer
@Stage\n\n@Blocks\n\ndefine Render\nset [a v] to [0]\nset [b v] to [0]\nset [orbx v] to [0]\nset [orby v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-232) y: (-177)\nshow\nerase all\nrepeat (23)\n repeat (31)\n switch costume to (render v)\n if <touching color (#7f7f7f)?> then\n switch costume to (dirt block v)\n stamp\n else\n if <touching color (#006622)?> then\n switch costume to (grass block v)\n stamp\n else\n if <touching color (#001966)?> then\n switch costume to (pixel v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n if <touching color (#660000)?> then\n switch costume to (bad block v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change x by (16)\n end\n set x to (-232)\n change y by (16)\nend\nbroadcast (hide v)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nRender\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [reset tiles v]\nRender\n\ndefine Next Level\nbroadcast (Delete clones v)\nbroadcast (show v)\nbroadcast (Reset Tiles v)\nbroadcast (Another Pixel v)\nbroadcast (Start Level v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n wait until <touching (sprite1 v)?>\n Next Level\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (bad block v)\n forever\n wait until <touching (sprite1 v)?>\n broadcast (die v)\n end\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-4) y: (-6)\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [show v]\nclear graphic effects\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n broadcast (Another Spawn v)\n wait until \n else\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n broadcast (Another Spawn 2 v)\n wait until \n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [20]> then\n broadcast (Win v)\n wait until \n end\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume20 v)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-227) y: (-90)\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change x by (4)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by (-4)\n end\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change x by (-4)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by (4)\n end\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n start sound [boing v]\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (yv)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n set [yv v] to [12]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(y position) < [-170]> then\n broadcast (die v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones v]\ngo to x: (-227) y: (-90)\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\ngo to x: (-227) y: (-90)\n\nwhen I receive [another pixel v]\n\nwhen I receive [another spawn 2 v]\ngo to x: (36) y: (-139)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Radioactive.mp3 v] until done\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nswitch costume to (costume20 v)\n\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [another spawn v]\ngo to x: (194) y: (146)\n\n@3\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (105)\nhide\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\n
Move with WASD and arrow keys through this obstacle course! Don't touch the enemies and jump on disappearing platforms!\n\nPlease ❤️ and ⭐\nFollow me for more projects!\n\nYou can play this on mobile! I updated this game! You can race against me if you beat the game! It's hard. You have a headstart. Press space to toggle the ghost.\n\n\n\n\n\nInspired by @Animator180\nMusic by @griffpatch
Growing Up– A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nswitch backdrop to (2 v)\n\n@Player\n\ndefine engine\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n set [costumes v] to [2]\n point in direction (90)\n change [xv v] by (1)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n set [costumes v] to [3]\n point in direction (-90)\n change [xv v] by (-1)\nend\nif <touching (rock v)?> then\n set [xv v] to [0]\n change [xv v] by (-0.4)\nend\nset [xv v] to ((XV) * (0.9))\nchange x by (XV)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((XV) * (-1))\n change y by (-4)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(XV) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [15]\n else\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\nend\nchange [yv v] by (-1)\nchange y by (YV)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((YV) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\nend\nchange y by (1)\nswitch costume to (costumes)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (saw v)?> or <touching (poison v)?>> then\n go to x: (-201) y: (-106)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Main Menu v)\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <touching (exit v)?> then\n next backdrop\n go to x: (-201) y: (-106)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n go to x: (-201) y: (-106)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nplay sound [Connect v] until done\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 \(1\) v)\nswitch costume to (normal v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-201) y: (-106)\nset size to (50) %\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n engine\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n play sound [Unlimited v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <touching (lava v)?> then\n go to x: (-201) y: (-106)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <touching (enemy v)?> then\n go to x: (-201) y: (-106)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n set [yv v] to [20]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (exit v)?> then\n next backdrop\n go to x: (-201) y: (-106)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <touching (coin v)?> then\n play sound [Coin v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <key (5 v) pressed?> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n next backdrop\n go to x: (-201) y: (-106)\n end\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (7) y: (-25)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [3 v]\nswitch costume to (2 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [4 v]\nswitch costume to (3 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nswitch costume to (4 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\nswitch costume to (5 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nswitch costume to (6 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nswitch costume to (7 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [9 v]\nswitch costume to (8 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\nswitch costume to (9 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [11 v]\nswitch costume to (10 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nswitch costume to (11 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [13 v]\nswitch costume to (12 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [14 v]\nswitch costume to (13 v)\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [3 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [4 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (2 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (3 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nswitch costume to (4 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [9 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (5 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [11 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (6 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nhide\n\n@Enemy\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (50) %\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (208) y: (80)\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change x by (-10)\n end\n wait (0.25) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change x by (10)\n end\n wait (0.25) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nshow\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\npoint in direction (-90)\ngo to x: (60) y: (140)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(backdrop [number v]) = [11]> then\n go to x: (90) y: (-93)\n wait (pick random (0) to (2)) seconds\nelse\n go to x: (-32) y: (-93)\nend\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n repeat (6)\n change x by (-10)\n end\n wait (0.25) seconds\n repeat (6)\n change x by (10)\n end\n wait (0.25) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [9 v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [11 v]\nshow\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\ngo to x: (100) y: (0)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Saw \n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [4 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to x: (-251) y: (-326)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [11 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (2 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nhide\n\n@Trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n play sound [Big Boing v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-69) y: (-128)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-44) y: (-128)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [11 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-78) y: (-127)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nhide\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [4 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (2 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [11 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (3 v)\n\n@Main Menu\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nswitch costume to (2 v)\n\n@Play Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (37) y: (22)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (15)\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (Game Start v)\n end\n else\n clear graphic effects\n end\nend\n\n@Instructions Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (38) y: (-61)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (15)\n else\n clear graphic effects\n end\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n broadcast (Instructions v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nshow\n\n@Back\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (23) y: (-150)\nhide\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (15)\n else\n clear graphic effects\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (Main Menu v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\n@Exit\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [14 v]\nhide\n\n@Coin\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\ngo to x: (-8) y: (-146)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [3 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (168) y: (-142)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [4 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (137) y: (-89)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-57) y: (28)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (216) y: (29)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (14) y: (26)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (65) y: (-143)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [9 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (159) y: (-95)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [11 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (195) y: (61)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (131) y: (-112)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [13 v]\nhide\n\n@TB\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\n@poison\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\ngo to x: (96) y: (28)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nrepeat until <(backdrop [number v]) = [9]>\n repeat until <<touching (player v)?> or <touching (level v)?>>\n show\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n change y by (-15)\n end\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n hide\n go to x: (96) y: (28)\n wait (2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [11 v]\ngo to x: (140) y: (-90)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nrepeat until <(backdrop [number v]) = [12]>\n repeat until <<touching (player v)?> or <touching (level v)?>>\n show\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n change y by (-15)\n end\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n hide\n go to x: (140) y: (-90)\n wait (2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [9 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@pick\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to (player v)\n point in direction ([direction v] of [player v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nswitch costume to (pickaxe7 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (pickaxe2 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (pickaxe7 v)\n\n@rock\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [9 v]\nshow\nforever\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> and <touching (pick v)?>> then\n wait (3) seconds\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\nhide\n\n@Crystal\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [13 v]\nshow\nforever\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> and <touching (pick v)?>> then\n wait (4) seconds\n hide\n end\nend\n\n
use the arrow keys to move\n\nget to the red flag\nred is bad\nred is bouncy\nyou can swim in red paint\n\nthis was just made to be a joke game.
Minecraft Platformer v1.1 | #all #games #trending
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\n\nset volume to (0) %\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nstop all sounds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (50) %\nforever\n play sound [Space_theme v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if < [PlayTestCustomEndless] contains (MODE)?> then\n set volume to (100) %\n else\n if <(MODE) = [Pause]> then\n set volume to (0) %\n else\n set volume to (50) %\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Editor\n\ndefine edit tick\nerase all\nset [render scan y v] to [0]\nset [tile being rendered v] to ((SCROLL) * (16))\nclear graphic effects\nset [color v] effect to ((Edit Color) * (2))\nset [level color v] to (Edit Color)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [render scan y v] by (1)\n set [render scan x v] to [0]\n repeat (16)\n change [tile being rendered v] by (1)\n change [render scan x v] by (1)\n go to x: (((-230) + ((render scan x) * (26))) + ((round (((render scan x) + (1)) / (4))) * (4))) y: ((-135) + ((render scan y) * (26)))\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <not <<[tiles edited v] contains (Tile being rendered)?> or <[tiles edited v] contains [-1]?>>>> then\n if <(length of [tiles v]) < (Tile being rendered)> then\n repeat ((([ceiling v] of ((Tile being rendered) / (16)) ) * (16)) - (length of [tiles v]))\n add [0] to [tiles v]\n end\n end\n replace item (Tile being rendered) of [tiles v] with (((item (Tile being rendered) of [tiles v]) * (-1)) + (1))\n add (Tile being rendered) to [tiles edited v]\n end\n end\n if <(item (Tile being rendered) of [tiles v]) = [1]> then\n stamp\n else\n if <(Tile being rendered) > [0]> then\n if <(length of [tiles v]) < (Tile being rendered)> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (85)\n stamp\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n else\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (75)\n stamp\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (90)\n stamp\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [brightness v] effect by (-4)\nend\nhide\nif <not <mouse down?>> then\n delete all of [tiles edited v]\nend\nbroadcast (edit gui v)\n\nwhen [up arrow v] key pressed\nif <(MODE) = [Edit]> then\n change [scroll v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen [down arrow v] key pressed\nif <(MODE) = [Edit]> then\n if <(SCROLL) > [0]> then\n change [scroll v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Save\ninsert (join (Level Color) [;]) at (1) of [savecode v] \nset [save scan v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [tiles v])\n change [save scan v] by (1)\n replace item (1) of [savecode v] with (join (item (1) of [savecode v]) (item (save scan) of [tiles v]))\nend\nhide list [savecode v]\n\ndefine Load (code)\nset [save scan v] to [0]\nif < (code) contains [;]?> then\n set [save scan color v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (save scan) of (code)) = [;]>\n set [save scan color v] to (join (save scan color) (letter (save scan) of (code)))\n change [save scan v] by (1)\n end\nelse\n set [save scan color v] to [55]\nend\nset [level color v] to (save scan color)\nset [edit color v] to (save scan color)\ndelete all of [tiles v]\nrepeat until <(save scan) > (length of (code))>\n change [save scan v] by (1)\n add (letter (save scan) of (code)) to [tiles v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [edit v]\ninit edit\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow list [savecode v]\n\nwhen I receive [edit tick v]\nedit tick\n\ndefine init edit\nset [scroll v] to [0]\ndelete all of [tiles v]\nrepeat (4)\n repeat (16)\n add [0] to [tiles v]\n end\nend\nset [mode v] to [Edit]\nshow list [savecode v]\nset [scroll v] to [0]\ndelete all of [tiles edited v]\nadd [-1] to [tiles edited v]\n\nset [mode v] to [Edit]\n\nset [rotation v] to [0]\nset [player xv v] to [0]\nset [player yv v] to [0]\nset [player x v] to [0]\nset [player y v] to [-175]\nset [player z v] to [0]\nset [mode v] to [Test]\n\nLoad [30;11111111111111111111111111111111000000000000000011111111111111111111111111111111100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001111111111111111111111111111111110000111100001111000011110000111111111111111111111111000011110000111100001111000011111111111111111111111111111111000000000000000001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011000000000000000001111111111111111]\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (90)\nstamp\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nchange [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n\nif then\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nset [edit color v] to (save scan color)\n\nwhen I receive [save level v]\ndelete all of [savecode v]\nSave\n\nwhen I receive [load v]\nask [Enter level code. \(Leave blank to cancel.\)] and wait\nif <(answer) = []> then\n set [mode v] to [Menu2]\nelse\n set [mode v] to [Edit]\n set [scroll v] to [0]\n Load (answer)\nend\n\n@brooksd's Text Engine\n\ndefine type (text) at (x) (y)\nif <(am i a clone?) = [0]> then\n if <<(y) > [-180]> and <[180] > (y)>> then\n set size to ((text size) * (6.25)) %\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n if <(text alignment) = [center]> then\n change x by (((length of (text)) * ((text size) * (-0.5))) + ((text size) * (0.5)))\n else\n if <(text alignment) = [right]> then\n change x by (((length of (text)) * ((text size) * (-1))) + ((text size) * (1)))\n end\n end\n set [scan v] to [0]\n show\n repeat (length of (text))\n change [scan v] by (1)\n if <(letter (scan) of (text)) = [ ]> then\n change x by (text size)\n else\n switch costume to (letter (scan) of (text))\n if <(text clone?) = [1]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n stamp\n end\n change x by (text size)\n end\n end\n hide\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [display level select text v]\ndisp level select text\n\ndefine disp level select text\nclear graphic effects\nset [text alignment v] to [center]\nset [text size v] to [50]\nset [text clone? v] to [0]\ntype (LEVEL) at (0) (0)\n\nwhen I receive [next level text v]\nclear graphic effects\nset [text alignment v] to [center]\nset [text size v] to [20]\nset [text clone? v] to [1]\ntype [level complete] at (0) (15)\nwait (0.5) seconds\ntype (join [level ] (LEVEL)) at (0) (-15)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [am i a clone? v] to [1]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [am i a clone? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [pausetext v]\nif <(am i a clone?) = [0]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set [text alignment v] to [left]\n set [text size v] to [32]\n set [text clone? v] to [0]\n type [paused] at (-220) (0)\n set [text size v] to [16]\n type (join [level ] (LEVEL)) at (-220) (-30)\n set [text size v] to [16]\n if <<(mouse y) < [-57]> and <(mouse y) > [-83]>> then\n type [>resume] at (-220) (-70)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [mode v] to [Play]\n end\n else\n type [resume] at (-220) (-70)\n end\n if <<(mouse y) < [-82]> and <(mouse y) > [-108]>> then\n type [>level select] at (-220) (-95)\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (Level Select v)\n end\n else\n type [level select] at (-220) (-95)\n end\n if <<(mouse y) < [-107]> and <(mouse y) > [-133]>> then\n type [>main menu] at (-220) (-120)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [mdlt v] to [1]\n set [camera x v] to [0]\n set [camera y v] to [0]\n set [vanishing pt x v] to ((mouse x) * (0.5))\n set [vanishing pt y v] to ((mouse y) * (0.5))\n set [mode v] to [Menu]\n set [level color v] to [55]\n delete all of [tiles v]\n end\n else\n type [main menu] at (-220) (-120)\n end\nelse\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [edit gui v]\nclear graphic effects\nset [text alignment v] to [center]\nset [text size v] to [12]\nset [text clone? v] to [0]\ntype [floor] at (((-230) + ((2.5) * (26))) + ((round (((2.5) + (1)) / (4))) * (4))) (160)\ntype [r wall] at (((-230) + ((6.5) * (26))) + ((round (((6.5) + (1)) / (4))) * (4))) (160)\ntype [ceiling] at (((-230) + ((10.5) * (26))) + ((round (((10.5) + (1)) / (4))) * (4))) (160)\ntype [l wall] at (((-230) + ((14.5) * (26))) + ((round (((14.5) + (1)) / (4))) * (4))) (160)\ntype [level color] at (100) (-140)\nset [text size v] to [16]\nset [ghost v] effect to (25)\nif <<<(mouse x) > [-195]> and <(mouse x) < [-125]>> and <<(mouse y) > [-165]> and <(mouse y) < [-135]>>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n if <<mouse down?> and <(mouse down last tick) = [0]>> then\n set [mode v] to [Save]\n broadcast (Save Level v)\n end\nend\ntype [save] at (-160) (-150)\nif <mouse down?> then\n set [mouse down last tick v] to [1]\nelse\n set [mouse down last tick v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [custom levels menu tick v]\nupdate level previews\n\nbroadcast (update level previews v)\n\ndefine update level previews\nclear graphic effects\nset [text clone? v] to [0]\nset [text alignment v] to [left]\nset [text size v] to [22]\ntype [custom] at (-224) (125)\ntype [levels] at (-224) (95)\nset [text size v] to [12]\nif <(mouse x) < [-97]> then\n if <<(mouse y) > [37]> and <(mouse y) < [63]>> then\n type [>new level] at (-228) (50)\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (Edit v)\n end\n else\n type [new level] at (-228) (50)\n end\n if <<(mouse y) > [12]> and <(mouse y) < [38]>> then\n type [>load level] at (-228) (25)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [mode v] to [Load]\n broadcast (Load v)\n end\n else\n type [load level] at (-228) (25)\n end\nelse\n type [new level] at (-228) (50)\n type [load level] at (-228) (25)\nend\nset [text size v] to [16]\ntype [featured levels] at (-65) (140)\nset [text alignment v] to [center]\nset [text size v] to [12]\nset [ghost v] effect to (60)\ntype [want your level to] at (72) (-35)\ntype [be featured?] at (72) (-55)\nset [text alignment v] to [center]\nset [text size v] to [10]\ntype [submit your level code on the] at (72) (-80)\ntype [forums page! the link is in the] at (72) (-100)\ntype [description of this project.] at (72) (-120)\nclear graphic effects\nset [preview x v] to [-25]\nset [feature scan v] to (Featured Scroll)\nrepeat (3)\n change [feature scan v] by (1)\n set [text size v] to [8]\n set [text alignment v] to [center]\n set [text clone? v] to [0]\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n type (item (feature scan) of [featured level names v]) at (preview x) (32)\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n type (join [] (item (feature scan) of [featured level authors v])) at (preview x) (18)\n change [preview x v] by (95)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [custompausetext v]\nclear graphic effects\nset [text alignment v] to [left]\nset [text size v] to [32]\nset [text clone? v] to [0]\ntype [paused] at (-220) (0)\nset [text size v] to [16]\ntype (join (item (LEVEL) of [featured level names v]) (join [ by ] (item (LEVEL) of [featured level authors v]))) at (-220) (-30)\nif <<(mouse y) < [-57]> and <(mouse y) > [-83]>> then\n type [>resume] at (-220) (-70)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [mode v] to [Custom]\n end\nelse\n type [resume] at (-220) (-70)\nend\nif <<(mouse y) < [-82]> and <(mouse y) > [-108]>> then\n type [>edit this level] at (-220) (-95)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [scroll v] to [0]\n set [mode v] to [Edit]\n end\nelse\n type [edit this level] at (-220) (-95)\nend\nif <<(mouse y) < [-107]> and <(mouse y) > [-133]>> then\n type [>exit level] at (-220) (-120)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [mdlt v] to [1]\n set [camera x v] to [0]\n set [camera y v] to [0]\n set [vanishing pt x v] to ((mouse x) * (0.5))\n set [vanishing pt y v] to ((mouse y) * (0.5))\n set [mode v] to [Menu]\n set [level color v] to [55]\n delete all of [tiles v]\n end\nelse\n type [exit level] at (-220) (-120)\nend\n\ntype [level author] at (0) (18)\n\nwhen I receive [save tick v]\nset [text alignment v] to [center]\nset [text clone? v] to [0]\nset [text size v] to [20]\ntype [save your level] at (0) (140)\nset [text size v] to [12]\ntype [copy this level code to your] at (0) (100)\ntype [clipboard so that you can] at (0) (80)\ntype [load your level later.] at (0) (60)\nset [text size v] to [12]\ntype [or post your level on the] at (0) (30)\ntype [forums page for others to] at (0) (10)\ntype [play it.] at (0) (-10)\n\nwhen I receive [load tick v]\nset [text alignment v] to [center]\nset [text clone? v] to [0]\nset [text size v] to [20]\ntype [load a level] at (0) (140)\nset [text size v] to [12]\ntype [paste a level code into the] at (0) (100)\ntype [field below to edit and play] at (0) (80)\ntype [it.] at (0) (60)\nset [text size v] to [12]\ntype [level codes made by other] at (0) (30)\ntype [scratchers can be found on] at (0) (10)\ntype [the forums page.] at (0) (-10)\n\nwhen I receive [endlessgui v]\nset [text alignment v] to [center]\nset [text clone? v] to [0]\nset [text size v] to [24]\ntype (join (round (Endless Distance)) [m]) at (0) (140)\n\nwhen I receive [endlesspausetext v]\nif <(am i a clone?) = [0]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set [text alignment v] to [left]\n set [text size v] to [32]\n set [text clone? v] to [0]\n type [paused] at (-220) (0)\n set [text size v] to [16]\n type (join [endless - ] (join (round (Endless Distance)) [m])) at (-220) (-30)\n set [text size v] to [16]\n if <<(mouse y) < [-57]> and <(mouse y) > [-83]>> then\n type [>resume] at (-220) (-70)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [mode v] to [Endless]\n end\n else\n type [resume] at (-220) (-70)\n end\n if <<(mouse y) < [-82]> and <(mouse y) > [-108]>> then\n type [>main menu] at (-220) (-95)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [mdlt v] to [1]\n set [camera x v] to [0]\n set [camera y v] to [0]\n set [vanishing pt x v] to ((mouse x) * (0.5))\n set [vanishing pt y v] to ((mouse y) * (0.5))\n set [mode v] to [Menu]\n set [level color v] to [55]\n delete all of [tiles v]\n end\n else\n type [main menu] at (-220) (-95)\n end\nelse\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [endlesslosegui v]\nendlessloseGUI\n\nset [text size v] to [24]\ntype (join (round (Endless Distance)) [m]) at (0) (140)\n\ndefine endlessloseGUI\nset [text alignment v] to [center]\nset [text clone? v] to [0]\nset [text size v] to [20]\ntype [you fell!] at (4) (120)\nset [text size v] to [12]\ntype [distance:] at (2) (85)\nset [text size v] to [24]\ntype (join (round (Endless Distance)) [m]) at (0) (60)\nset [text size v] to [12]\ntype [high scores] at (0) (22)\nset [ghost v] effect to (35)\nset [leaderboard scan v] to [1]\nrepeat (5)\n set [text size v] to [10]\n set [text alignment v] to [left]\n if <(item (leaderboard scan) of [leaderboard players v]) = (username)> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (35)\n end\n type (item (leaderboard scan) of [leaderboard players v]) at (-105) (((leaderboard scan) * (-14)) + (16))\n set [text alignment v] to [right]\n type (join (item (leaderboard scan) of [leaderboard scores v]) [m]) at (105) (((leaderboard scan) * (-14)) + (16))\n change [leaderboard scan v] by (1)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [endlessmenu v]\nendlessMenu\n\ndefine endlessMenu\nset [text alignment v] to [center]\nset [text clone? v] to [0]\nset [text size v] to [20]\ntype [endless mode] at (0) (120)\nset [text size v] to [12]\ntype [run through randomly generated] at (0) (85)\ntype [rooms of increasing difficulty] at (0) (65)\nset [text size v] to [16]\ntype [high scores] at (0) (35)\nset [ghost v] effect to (35)\nset [leaderboard scan v] to [1]\nrepeat (5)\n set [text size v] to [12]\n set [text alignment v] to [left]\n if <(item (leaderboard scan) of [leaderboard players v]) = (username)> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (35)\n end\n type (item (leaderboard scan) of [leaderboard players v]) at (-115) (((leaderboard scan) * (-20)) + (28))\n set [text alignment v] to [right]\n type (join (item (leaderboard scan) of [leaderboard scores v]) [m]) at (115) (((leaderboard scan) * (-20)) + (28))\n change [leaderboard scan v] by (1)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [stop all v]\nset [text alignment v] to [center]\nset [text clone? v] to [0]\nset [text size v] to [24]\ntype [3d platformer] at (0) (-30)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nif <(am i a clone?) = [0]> then\n if <(End Tick) = [1]> then\n set [text alignment v] to [center]\n set [text clone? v] to [1]\n set [text size v] to [16]\n type [hold space to skip] at (0) (120)\n end\n clear graphic effects\n set [text alignment v] to [center]\n set [text clone? v] to [0]\n set [text size v] to [20]\n type [congratulations] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-180))\n set [text size v] to [12]\n type [you have completed every level] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-210))\n type [currently in the game.] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-230))\n type [but there is still more to do!] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-270))\n type [try to compete for the high score] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-290))\n type [in endless mode or create] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-310))\n type [your own levels to share with] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-330))\n type [the world.] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-350))\n set [text alignment v] to [center]\n set [text clone? v] to [0]\n set [text size v] to [20]\n type [credits] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-450))\n set [text size v] to [12]\n type [based on the flash game] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-480))\n set [text size v] to [16]\n type [run] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-500))\n set [text size v] to [12]\n type [by joseph cloutier] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-520))\n type [programming and art by] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-560))\n set [text size v] to [16]\n type [brooksd] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-580))\n set [text size v] to [12]\n type [traingle fill] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-620))\n set [text size v] to [16]\n type [thelogfather] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-640))\n set [text size v] to [12]\n type [music] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-680))\n set [text size v] to [16]\n type [space theme] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-700))\n set [text size v] to [12]\n type [author unknown] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-720))\n if <(End Tick) < [800]> then\n type [thank you for playing!] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-800))\n else\n type [thank you for playing!] at (0) (0)\n end\nelse\nend\n\ntype [credits] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-450))\nset [text size v] to [12]\ntype [based on the flash game] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-480))\nset [text size v] to [16]\ntype [run] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-500))\nset [text size v] to [12]\ntype [by joseph cloutier] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-520))\ntype [all programming done by] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-560))\nset [text size v] to [16]\ntype [brooksd] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-580))\nset [text size v] to [12]\ntype [music] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-620))\nset [text size v] to [16]\ntype [space theme] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-640))\nset [text size v] to [12]\ntype [author unknown] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-660))\nset [text size v] to [16]\n\nset [mode v] to [End]\nset [end tick v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nclear graphic effects\nset [text alignment v] to [center]\nset [end tick v] to [585]\nset [text size v] to [20]\ntype [credits] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-450))\nset [text size v] to [12]\ntype [based on the flash game] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-480))\nset [text size v] to [16]\ntype [run] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-500))\nset [text size v] to [12]\ntype [by joseph cloutier] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-520))\ntype [programming and art by] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-560))\nset [text size v] to [16]\ntype [brooksd] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-580))\nset [text size v] to [12]\ntype [traingle fill] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-620))\nset [text size v] to [16]\ntype [thelogfather] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-640))\nset [text size v] to [12]\ntype [music] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-680))\nset [text size v] to [16]\ntype [space theme] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-700))\nset [text size v] to [12]\ntype [author unknown] at (0) ((End Tick) + (-720))\n\nset [text size v] to [20]\n\n@Menu Icons\n\nwhen I receive [playgui v]\nPlayGUI\n\ndefine PlayGUI\ngo to x: (-220) y: (160)\nswitch costume to (pause v)\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (125) %\nend\nstamp\nif <<key (p v) pressed?> or <<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(mouse down last tick?) = [0]> then\n set [mode v] to [Pause]\n end\nend\nif <<key (p v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>> then\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [pausegui v]\nPauseGUI\n\ndefine PauseGUI\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (60)\nstamp\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (play v)\ngo to x: (-220) y: (160)\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> then\n set size to (125) %\nend\nstamp\nif <<key (p v) pressed?> or <<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(mouse down last tick?) = [0]> then\n set [mode v] to [Play]\n end\nend\nif <<key (p v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>> then\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [0]\nend\nbroadcast (PauseText v)\n\nwhen I receive [edit gui v]\nEditGUI\n\ndefine EditGUI\ngo to x: (210) y: (-150)\nswitch costume to (play v)\nset size to (150) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (25)\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (175) %\nend\nstamp\nif <<key (p v) pressed?> or <<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(mouse down last tick?) = [0]> then\n set [rotation v] to [0]\n set [player xv v] to [0]\n set [player yv v] to [0]\n set [player x v] to [0]\n set [player y v] to [-175]\n set [player z v] to [0]\n set [mode v] to [Test]\n end\nend\ngo to x: (50) y: (-160)\nset pen (color v) to (0)\nset pen size to (5)\npen down\nrepeat (19)\n set pen size to (5)\n if <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [4]> then\n set y to (-159)\n set y to (-161)\n set y to (-160)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [edit color v] to ((mouse x) + (-47))\n end\n end\n if <([abs v] of ((Edit Color) - ((x position) + (-47))) ) < [3]> then\n set pen size to (5)\n set y to (-158)\n set y to (-162)\n set y to (-160)\n end\n change x by (5)\n change pen (color v) by (5)\nend\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [4]> then\n set y to (-159)\n set y to (-161)\n set y to (-160)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [edit color v] to ((mouse x) + (-47))\n end\nend\nif <([abs v] of ((Edit Color) - ((x position) + (-47))) ) < [3]> then\n set pen size to (5)\n set y to (-158)\n set y to (-162)\n set y to (-160)\nend\npen up\ngo to x: (-220) y: (160)\nswitch costume to (home v)\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (125) %\nend\nstamp\nif <<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(mouse down last tick?) = [0]> then\n set [camera x v] to [0]\n set [camera y v] to [0]\n set [vanishing pt x v] to ((mouse x) * (0.5))\n set [vanishing pt y v] to ((mouse y) * (0.5))\n set [mode v] to [Menu]\n set [level color v] to [55]\n delete all of [tiles v]\n end\nend\nif <<key (p v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>> then\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [testgui v]\nTestGUI\n\ndefine TestGUI\ngo to x: (210) y: (-150)\nswitch costume to (pause v)\nset size to (150) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (175) %\nend\nstamp\nif <<key (p v) pressed?> or <<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(mouse down last tick?) = [0]> then\n set [mode v] to [Edit]\n end\nend\nif <<key (p v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>> then\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [0]\nend\n\nset pen color to (#fb6a36)\n\nwhen I receive [custom levels menu tick v]\ncustomLevelsGUI\n\ndefine customLevelsGUI\ngo to x: (-220) y: (160)\nswitch costume to (home v)\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (125) %\nend\nstamp\nif <<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(mouse down last tick?) = [0]> then\n set [camera x v] to [0]\n set [camera y v] to [0]\n set [vanishing pt x v] to ((mouse x) * (0.5))\n set [vanishing pt y v] to ((mouse y) * (0.5))\n set [mode v] to [Menu]\n set [level color v] to [55]\n delete all of [tiles v]\n end\nend\nset [preview x v] to [-25]\nset [preview scan v] to (Featured Scroll)\nrepeat (3)\n change [preview scan v] by (1)\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n go to x: ((preview x) + (-12)) y: (-2)\n if <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [9]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (125) %\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [player x v] to [0]\n set [player y v] to [-175]\n set [player z v] to [0]\n set [level v] to (preview scan)\n broadcast (load LEVEL v)\n set [mode v] to [Custom]\n end\n end\n stamp\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n go to x: ((preview x) + (12)) y: (-2)\n if <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [9]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (125) %\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [level v] to (preview scan)\n broadcast (load LEVEL v)\n set [scroll v] to [0]\n set [mode v] to [Edit]\n end\n end\n stamp\n change [preview x v] by (95)\nend\nif <(Featured Scroll) > [0]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n switch costume to (leftarrow v)\n go to x: (-82) y: (60)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (15)\n if <<mouse down?> and <(mouse down last tick?) = [0]>> then\n change [featured scroll v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n stamp\nend\nif <((Featured Scroll) + (3)) < (length of [featured levels v])> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n switch costume to (rightarrow v)\n go to x: (222) y: (60)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (15)\n if <<mouse down?> and <(mouse down last tick?) = [0]>> then\n change [featured scroll v] by (1)\n end\n end\n stamp\nend\nif <mouse down?> then\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [0]\nend\n\nset [player z v] to [0]\n\ngo to x: (-220) y: (160)\nswitch costume to (home v)\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (125) %\nend\nstamp\nif <<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(mouse down last tick?) = [0]> then\n set [camera x v] to [0]\n set [camera y v] to [0]\n set [vanishing pt x v] to ((mouse x) * (0.5))\n set [vanishing pt y v] to ((mouse y) * (0.5))\n set [mode v] to [Menu]\n set [level color v] to [55]\n delete all of [tiles v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [display level select text v]\nSelectGUI\n\ndefine SelectGUI\ngo to x: (-220) y: (160)\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (home v)\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (125) %\nend\nstamp\nif <<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(mouse down last tick?) = [0]> then\n set [camera x v] to [0]\n set [camera y v] to [0]\n set [vanishing pt x v] to ((mouse x) * (0.5))\n set [vanishing pt y v] to ((mouse y) * (0.5))\n set [mode v] to [Menu]\n set [level color v] to [55]\n delete all of [tiles v]\n end\nend\nif <mouse down?> then\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [0]\nend\n\nif <mouse down?> then\n set [level v] to (preview scan)\n broadcast (load LEVEL v)\n set [scroll v] to [0]\n set [mode v] to [Edit]\nend\n\nset [scroll v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [customgui v]\nCustomGUI\n\ndefine CustomGUI\ngo to x: (-220) y: (160)\nswitch costume to (pause v)\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (175) %\nend\nstamp\nif <<key (p v) pressed?> or <<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(mouse down last tick?) = [0]> then\n set [mode v] to [CustomPause]\n end\nend\nif <<key (p v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>> then\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [custompausegui v]\nCustomPauseGUI\n\ndefine CustomPauseGUI\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (60)\nstamp\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (play v)\ngo to x: (-220) y: (160)\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> then\n set size to (125) %\nend\nstamp\nif <<key (p v) pressed?> or <<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(mouse down last tick?) = [0]> then\n set [mode v] to [Custom]\n end\nend\nif <<key (p v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>> then\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [0]\nend\nbroadcast (CustomPauseText v)\n\nwhen I receive [save tick v]\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (40)\nstamp\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (back v)\ngo to x: (-220) y: (160)\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> then\n set size to (125) %\nend\nstamp\nif <<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(mouse down last tick?) = [0]> then\n show list [savecode v]\n set [mode v] to [Edit]\n end\nend\nif <mouse down?> then\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [endlessgui v]\nEndlessGUI\n\nwhen I receive [endlesspause v]\nEndlessPauseGUI\n\ndefine EndlessGUI\ngo to x: (-220) y: (160)\nswitch costume to (pause v)\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (125) %\nend\nstamp\nif <<key (p v) pressed?> or <<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(mouse down last tick?) = [0]> then\n set [mode v] to [EndlessPause]\n end\nend\nif <<key (p v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>> then\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine EndlessPauseGUI\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (60)\nstamp\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (play v)\ngo to x: (-220) y: (160)\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> then\n set size to (125) %\nend\nstamp\nif <<key (p v) pressed?> or <<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(mouse down last tick?) = [0]> then\n set [mode v] to [Endless]\n end\nend\nif <<key (p v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>> then\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [0]\nend\nbroadcast (EndlessPauseText v)\n\nwhen I receive [endlesslosegui v]\nset size to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (10)\ngo to x: (-40) y: (-100)\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> then\n set size to (110) %\nend\nstamp\nif <<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(mouse down last tick?) = [0]> then\n set [mode v] to [Endless]\n set [endless difficulty v] to [20]\n set [endless distance v] to [0]\n set [player x v] to [0]\n set [player y v] to [-175]\n set [player z v] to [0]\n set [current color v] to [55]\n set [level color v] to [55]\n broadcast (Next Endless Level v)\n end\nend\nset size to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (10)\ngo to x: (40) y: (-100)\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> then\n set size to (110) %\nend\nstamp\nif <<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(mouse down last tick?) = [0]> then\n set [camera x v] to [0]\n set [camera y v] to [0]\n set [vanishing pt x v] to ((mouse x) * (0.5))\n set [vanishing pt y v] to ((mouse y) * (0.5))\n set [mode v] to [Menu]\n set [level color v] to [55]\n delete all of [tiles v]\n end\nend\nif <mouse down?> then\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [endlessmenu v]\ngo to x: (-220) y: (160)\nswitch costume to (home v)\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (125) %\nend\nstamp\nif <<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(mouse down last tick?) = [0]> then\n set [camera x v] to [0]\n set [camera y v] to [0]\n set [vanishing pt x v] to ((mouse x) * (0.5))\n set [vanishing pt y v] to ((mouse y) * (0.5))\n set [mode v] to [Menu]\n set [level color v] to [55]\n delete all of [tiles v]\n end\nend\nif <mouse down?> then\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [0]\nend\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (15)\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\ngo to x: (-220) y: (160)\nswitch costume to (home v)\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (125) %\nend\nstamp\nif <<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(mouse down last tick?) = [0]> then\n set [camera x v] to [0]\n set [camera y v] to [0]\n set [vanishing pt x v] to ((mouse x) * (0.5))\n set [vanishing pt y v] to ((mouse y) * (0.5))\n set [mode v] to [Menu]\n set [level color v] to [55]\n delete all of [tiles v]\n end\nend\nif <mouse down?> then\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [mouse down last tick? v] to [0]\nend\n\n@Cloud\n\nwhen flag clicked\nget encoded characters\nInitialize\nhide\n\ndefine Read Leaderboard\nbegin decode (☁ LEADERBOARD)\nset [lb scan v] to [0]\nrepeat (5)\n change [lb scan v] by (1)\n read encoded\n replace item (lb scan) of [leaderboard players v] with (decoded)\n read encoded\n replace item (lb scan) of [leaderboard scores v] with (decoded)\nend\n\ndefine get encoded characters\ndelete all of [encoded characters v]\nrepeat (9)\n add [] to [encoded characters v]\nend\nadd [a] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [b] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [c] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [d] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [e] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [f] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [g] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [h] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [i] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [j] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [k] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [l] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [m] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [n] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [o] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [p] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [q] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [r] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [s] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [t] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [u] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [v] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [w] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [x] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [y] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [z] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [0] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [1] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [2] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [3] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [4] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [5] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [6] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [7] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [8] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [9] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [+] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [-] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [.] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [ ] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [_] to [encoded characters v]\n\nadd [A] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [B] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [C] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [D] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [E] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [F] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [G] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [H] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [I] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [J] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [K] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [L] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [M] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [N] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [O] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [P] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [Q] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [R] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [S] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [T] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [U] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [V] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [W] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [X] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [Y] to [encoded characters v]\nadd [Z] to [encoded characters v]\n\ndefine encode (val)\nset [encode scan v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (val))\n set [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (item # of (letter (encode scan) of (val)) in [encoded characters v]))\n change [encode scan v] by (1)\nend\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) [00])\n\ndefine begin decode (val)\nset [encoded v] to (val)\nset [encode scan v] to [1]\n\ndefine read encoded\nset [decoded v] to []\nforever\n set [idx v] to (join (letter (encode scan) of (encoded)) (letter ((encode scan) + (1)) of (encoded)))\n change [encode scan v] by (2)\n set [decoded v] to (join (decoded) (item (idx) of [encoded characters v]))\n if <(idx) < [1]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nread encoded\n\ndefine Write Leaderboard\nset [encoded v] to []\nset [lb scan v] to [0]\nrepeat (5)\n change [lb scan v] by (1)\n encode (item (lb scan) of [leaderboard players v])\n encode (item (lb scan) of [leaderboard scores v])\nend\nset [☁ leaderboard v] to (encoded)\n\nWrite Leaderboard\n\ndefine Initialize\ndelete all of [leaderboard players v]\ndelete all of [leaderboard scores v]\nrepeat (5)\n add [-] to [leaderboard players v]\n add [0] to [leaderboard scores v]\nend\n\ndefine Update Leaderboard\nRead Leaderboard\nCompare Leaderboard Scores\nWrite Leaderboard\n\ndefine Compare Leaderboard Scores\nif <[leaderboard players v] contains (username)?> then\n if <(Endless Distance) > (item (item # of (username) in [leaderboard players v]) of [leaderboard scores v])> then\n delete (item # of (username) in [leaderboard players v]) of [leaderboard scores v]\n delete (item # of (username) in [leaderboard players v]) of [leaderboard players v]\n set [lb scan v] to [0]\n repeat (5)\n change [lb scan v] by (1)\n if <(Endless Distance) > (item (lb scan) of [leaderboard scores v])> then\n insert (username) at (lb scan) of [leaderboard players v] \n insert (round (Endless Distance)) at (lb scan) of [leaderboard scores v] \n delete (6) of [leaderboard players v]\n delete (6) of [leaderboard scores v]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n set [lb scan v] to [0]\n repeat (5)\n change [lb scan v] by (1)\n if <(Endless Distance) > (item (lb scan) of [leaderboard scores v])> then\n insert (username) at (lb scan) of [leaderboard players v] \n insert (round (Endless Distance)) at (lb scan) of [leaderboard scores v] \n delete (6) of [leaderboard players v]\n delete (6) of [leaderboard scores v]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [update leaderboard v]\nUpdate Leaderboard\n\nwhen I receive [read leaderboard v]\nRead Leaderboard\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.25)\nshow list [savecode v]\ndraw thumbnail\nbroadcast (stop all v)\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\ndefine draw thumbnail\nset size to (100) %\nerase all\nset [size v] to [20]\nset pen color to (#00a9ff)\nset pen (color v) to (55)\nset pen (brightness v) to (2)\nset pen size to (5)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nrepeat (55)\n change [size v] by (4)\n go to x: ((size) * (1)) y: ((size) * (1))\n pen down\n go to x: ((size) * (1)) y: ((size) * (-1))\n go to x: ((size) * (-1)) y: ((size) * (-1))\n go to x: ((size) * (-1)) y: ((size) * (1))\n go to x: ((size) * (1)) y: ((size) * (1))\n pen up\n change pen (brightness v) by (2)\nend\nset pen size to (8)\nset pen color to (#000000)\ngo to x: (-240) y: (180)\npen down\ngo to x: (240) y: (180)\ngo to x: (240) y: (-180)\ngo to x: (-240) y: (-180)\ngo to x: (-240) y: (180)\npen up\nset [brightness v] effect to (-40)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (500) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (30)\nrepeat (5)\n stamp\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\n change size by (15)\n change y by (3)\nend\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (150) %\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-155)\nstamp\n\nset pen size to (100)\nset pen color to (#000000)\ngo to x: (-240) y: (-180)\npen down\nset x to (-90)\npen up\n\n@Game\n\ndefine fill (ax) (ay) (bx) (by) (cx) (cy) resolution: (res)\nset [lena v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((bx) - (cx)) * ((bx) - (cx))) + (((by) - (cy)) * ((by) - (cy)))) )\nset [lenb v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((ax) - (cx)) * ((ax) - (cx))) + (((ay) - (cy)) * ((ay) - (cy)))) )\nset [lenc v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((ax) - (bx)) * ((ax) - (bx))) + (((ay) - (by)) * ((ay) - (by)))) )\nset [peri v] to ((1) / (((lena) + (lenb)) + (lenc)))\nset [incx v] to (((((lena) * (ax)) + ((lenb) * (bx))) + ((lenc) * (cx))) * (peri))\nset [incy v] to (((((lena) * (ay)) + ((lenb) * (by))) + ((lenc) * (cy))) * (peri))\nset [ind v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((((lenb) + (lenc)) - (lena)) * (((lenc) + (lena)) - (lenb))) * (((lena) + (lenb)) - (lenc))) * (peri)) )\nset [aox v] to ((incx) - (ax))\nset [aoy v] to ((incy) - (ay))\nset [box v] to ((incx) - (bx))\nset [boy v] to ((incy) - (by))\nset [cox v] to ((incx) - (cx))\nset [coy v] to ((incy) - (cy))\nif <<(lena) < (lenb)> and <(lena) < (lenc)>> then\n set [td v] to ([sqrt v] of (((Aox) * (Aox)) + ((Aoy) * (Aoy))) )\nelse\n if <<(lenb) > (lena)> or <(lenb) > (lenc)>> then\n set [td v] to ([sqrt v] of (((Cox) * (Cox)) + ((Coy) * (Coy))) )\n else\n set [td v] to ([sqrt v] of (((Box) * (Box)) + ((Boy) * (Boy))) )\n end\nend\nset [rate v] to ((((td) * (2)) - (ind)) / ((td) * (4)))\nset [td v] to ((1) + (0))\ngo to x: (round (incx)) y: (round (incy))\nset pen size to (ind)\npen down\nrepeat ([ceiling v] of (([log v] of ((res) / (ind)) ) / ([log v] of (rate) )) )\n set [td v] to ((td) * (rate))\n set pen size to ((ind) * (td))\n go to x: (((Aox) * (td)) + (ax)) y: (((Aoy) * (td)) + (ay))\n go to x: (((Box) * (td)) + (bx)) y: (((Boy) * (td)) + (by))\n go to x: (((Cox) * (td)) + (cx)) y: (((Coy) * (td)) + (cy))\n go to x: (((Aox) * (td)) + (ax)) y: (((Aoy) * (td)) + (ay))\nend\nset pen size to (res)\ngo to x: (ax) y: (ay)\ngo to x: (bx) y: (by)\ngo to x: (cx) y: (cy)\ngo to x: (ax) y: (ay)\npen up\n\n\n\nline [] [] to (plane x2) (plane y2)\nline (plane x3) (plane y3) to (plane x1) (plane y1)\nline (plane x4) (plane y4) to (plane x2) (plane y2)\nline (plane x4) (plane y4) to (plane x3) (plane y3)\nline (plane x4) (plane y4) to (plane x1) (plane y1)\nline (plane x3) (plane y3) to (plane x2) (plane y2)\n\nif <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n go to x: (pos x 2) y: (pos y 2)\n if <not <touching (_edge_ v)?>> then\n point towards x: (pos x 1) y: (pos y 1)\n pen down\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n move (5) steps\n end\n pen up\n end\nelse\n go to x: (pos x 1) y: (pos y 1)\nend\n\ngo to x: (x2) y: (y2)\n\nif <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n go to x: (x1) y: (y1)\n if <not <touching (_edge_ v)?>> then\n point towards x: (x2) y: (y2)\n pen down\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n move (5) steps\n end\n pen up\n end\nend\n\nif <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n go to x: (pos x 2) y: (pos y 2)\n if <not <touching (_edge_ v)?>> then\n point towards x: (pos x 1) y: (pos y 1)\n pen down\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n move (5) steps\n end\n pen up\n end\nend\n\ndefine line (x1) (y1) to (x2) (y2)\ngo to x: (x2) y: (y2)\npen down\ngo to x: (x1) y: (y1)\npen up\n\ndefine line from (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z2)\nset [pos x 1 v] to ((vanishing pt x) + (((x1) - (vanishing pt x)) * ((d) / ((z1) + (d)))))\nset [pos y 1 v] to ((vanishing pt y) + (((y1) - (vanishing pt y)) * ((d) / ((z1) + (d)))))\nset [pos x 2 v] to ((vanishing pt x) + (((x2) - (vanishing pt x)) * ((d) / ((z2) + (d)))))\nset [pos y 2 v] to ((vanishing pt y) + (((y2) - (vanishing pt y)) * ((d) / ((z2) + (d)))))\ngo to x: (pos x 1) y: (pos y 1)\npen down\ngo to x: (pos x 2) y: (pos y 2)\npen up\n\ndefine point towards x: (x) y: (y)\nif <((y) - (y position)) = [0]> then\n if <((x) - (x position)) < [0]> then\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n point in direction (90)\n end\nelse\n if <((y) - (y position)) < [0]> then\n point in direction ((180) + ([atan v] of (((x) - (x position)) / ((y) - (y position))) ))\n else\n point in direction ([atan v] of (((x) - (x position)) / ((y) - (y position))) )\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [mode v] to [Menu]\nset [animation frame v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nload levels\nload featured levels\nlevel (LEVEL)\nset [level unlocked v] to [1]\nset [rotation v] to [0]\nset [player z v] to [0]\nset [camera y v] to [0]\nset [camera x v] to [0]\nset [player y v] to [0]\nset [player x v] to [0]\nset [player xv v] to [0]\nset [player yv v] to [0]\nset [d v] to ((240) * ([tan v] of ((fov) / (2)) ))\nset [current color v] to [55]\nforever\n if <(MODE) = [Play]> then\n erase all\n controls\n render stars\n set [camera x v] to ((Player X) * (-1))\n set [camera y v] to (((Player Y) * (-1)) + (-100))\n draw player\n set pen size to (4)\n render floor scale: [100]\n if <(Player Y) > [-200]> then\n draw player\n end\n broadcast (PlayGUI v)\n else\n if <(MODE) = [Menu]> then\n erase all\n render stars\n set pen size to (4)\n set [level color v] to [55]\n render floor scale: [100]\n Draw Title\n set [player z v] to (((Player Z) + (-5)) mod (100))\n else\n if <(MODE) = [Level]> then\n erase all\n Level Select\n else\n if <(MODE) = [Pause]> then\n erase all\n display stars\n set pen size to (4)\n render floor scale: [100]\n draw player\n broadcast (PauseGUI v)\n else\n if <(MODE) = [Edit]> then\n erase all\n broadcast (Edit Tick v)\n else\n if <(MODE) = [Test]> then\n erase all\n controls\n render stars\n set [camera x v] to ((Player X) * (-1))\n set [camera y v] to (((Player Y) * (-1)) + (-100))\n draw player\n set pen size to (4)\n render floor scale: [100]\n if <(Player Y) > [-200]> then\n draw player\n end\n broadcast (TestGUI v)\n else\n if <(MODE) = [Menu2]> then\n broadcast (update level previews v)\n else\n if <(MODE) = [Custom]> then\n erase all\n controls\n render stars\n set [camera x v] to ((Player X) * (-1))\n set [camera y v] to (((Player Y) * (-1)) + (-100))\n draw player\n set pen size to (4)\n render floor scale: [100]\n if <(Player Y) > [-200]> then\n draw player\n end\n broadcast (CustomGUI v)\n else\n if <(MODE) = [CustomPause]> then\n erase all\n display stars\n set pen size to (4)\n render floor scale: [100]\n draw player\n broadcast (CustomPauseGUI v)\n else\n if <(MODE) = [Save]> then\n erase all\n set [camera x v] to []\n set [camera y v] to [0]\n set [player z v] to [-50]\n set [vanishing pt x v] to [0]\n set [vanishing pt y v] to [0]\n set pen size to (4)\n render floor scale: [200]\n broadcast (Save Tick v)\n else\n if <(MODE) = [Load]> then\n erase all\n broadcast (Load Tick v)\n else\n if <(MODE) = [Endless]> then\n erase all\n controls\n render stars\n set [camera x v] to ((Player X) * (-1))\n if <(Player Y) < [-200]> then\n set [camera y v] to (((-200) * (-1)) + (-100))\n else\n set [camera y v] to (((Player Y) * (-1)) + (-100))\n end\n draw player\n set pen size to (4)\n render floor scale: [100]\n if <(Player Y) > [-200]> then\n draw player\n end\n broadcast (EndlessGUI v)\n else\n if <(MODE) = [EndlessPause]> then\n erase all\n display stars\n set pen size to (4)\n render floor scale: [100]\n draw player\n broadcast (EndlessPause v)\n else\n if <(MODE) = [EndlessLose]> then\n clear graphic effects\n erase all\n change [player z v] by (speed)\n render stars\n set [camera x v] to ((Player X) * (-1))\n set [camera y v] to (((-200) * (-1)) + (-100))\n set pen size to (4)\n render floor scale: [100]\n set [speed v] to ((speed) * (0.85))\n set [ghost v] effect to (75)\n switch costume to (costume10 v)\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n stamp\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n switch costume to (costume9 v)\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n stamp\n broadcast (EndlessLoseGUI v)\n else\n if <(MODE) = [EndlessMenu]> then\n erase all\n clear graphic effects\n set [vanishing pt x v] to [0]\n set [vanishing pt y v] to [0]\n set [camera x v] to []\n set [camera y v] to [0]\n set [player z v] to (((Player Z) + (-5)) mod (100))\n render stars\n set pen size to (4)\n set [level color v] to [55]\n render floor scale: [100]\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n switch costume to (costume10 v)\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n stamp\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (-120)\n if <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [35]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n if <<mouse down?> and <(mdlt) = [0]>> then\n set [mode v] to [Endless]\n set [endless difficulty v] to [20]\n set [endless distance v] to [0]\n set [player x v] to [0]\n set [player y v] to [-175]\n set [player z v] to [0]\n set [current color v] to [55]\n set [level color v] to [55]\n Next Endless Level\n end\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (25)\n end\n stamp\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [mdlt v] to [1]\n else\n set [mdlt v] to [0]\n end\n broadcast (EndlessMenu v)\n else\n if <(MODE) = [End]> then\n clear graphic effects\n change [end tick v] by (1)\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n change [end tick v] by (9)\n end\n set [level v] to [26]\n set [vanishing pt x v] to [0]\n set [vanishing pt y v] to [0]\n erase all\n controls\n render stars\n set [camera x v] to ((Player X) * (-1))\n set [camera y v] to (((Player Y) * (-1)) + (-100))\n set pen size to (4)\n set [level color v] to [55]\n render floor scale: [100]\n draw player\n set [player z v] to ((Player Z) mod (100))\n if <(End Tick) < [25]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to ((100) - ((End Tick) * (2)))\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n end\n switch costume to (costume10 v)\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n stamp\n broadcast (End v)\n if <(End Tick) > [950]> then\n set [camera x v] to [0]\n set [camera y v] to [0]\n set [vanishing pt x v] to ((mouse x) * (0.5))\n set [vanishing pt y v] to ((mouse y) * (0.5))\n set [mode v] to [Menu]\n set [level color v] to [55]\n delete all of [tiles v]\n end\n else\n if <(MODE) = [Credits]> then\n erase all\n broadcast (Credits v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine plot point x: (x) y: (y) z: (z)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: ((vanishing pt x) + (((x) - (vanishing pt x)) * ((d) / ((z) + (d))))) y: ((vanishing pt y) + (((y) - (vanishing pt y)) * ((d) / ((z) + (d)))))\nif <not <touching (_edge_ v)?>> then\n pen down\n pen up\nend\n\ndefine horizontal plane from (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z2)\nset [plane x1 v] to ((vanishing pt x) + (((x1) - (vanishing pt x)) * ((d) / ((z1) + (d)))))\nset [plane y1 v] to ((vanishing pt y) + (((y1) - (vanishing pt y)) * ((d) / ((z1) + (d)))))\nset [plane x2 v] to ((vanishing pt x) + (((x2) - (vanishing pt x)) * ((d) / ((z1) + (d)))))\nset [plane y2 v] to (plane y1)\nset [plane x3 v] to ((vanishing pt x) + (((x1) - (vanishing pt x)) * ((d) / ((z2) + (d)))))\nset [plane y3 v] to ((vanishing pt y) + (((y1) - (vanishing pt y)) * ((d) / ((z2) + (d)))))\nset [plane x4 v] to ((vanishing pt x) + (((x2) - (vanishing pt x)) * ((d) / ((z2) + (d)))))\nset [plane y4 v] to (plane y3)\n\n line (plane x1) (plane y1) to (plane x2) (plane y2)\n line (plane x2) (plane y2) to (plane x3) (plane y3)\n line (plane x4) (plane y4) to (plane x3) (plane y3)\n line (plane x4) (plane y4) to (plane x1) (plane y1)\n line (plane x4) (plane y4) to (plane x2) (plane y2)\n line (plane x1) (plane y1) to (plane x3) (plane y3)\nelse\n fill (plane x1) (plane y1) (plane x2) (plane y2) (plane x3) (plane y3) resolution: (4)\n fill (plane x4) (plane y4) (plane x2) (plane y2) (plane x3) (plane y3) resolution: (4)\nend\n\ndefine // (comment)\n\ndefine render floor scale: (#)\nset size to (500) %\nswitch costume to (costume12 v)\nset [render scan y v] to [0]\nset pen color to (#00bfff)\nset pen (brightness v) to ((((Player Z) mod (#)) * (-0.08)) + (10))\nif < [PlayEndless] contains (MODE)?> then\n set pen (color v) to (Current Color)\n if <(Current Color) > ((Level Color) + (2))> then\n change [current color v] by (-2)\n else\n if <(Current Color) < ((Level Color) + (-2))> then\n change [current color v] by (2)\n else\n set [current color v] to (Level Color)\n end\n end\nelse\n set pen (color v) to (Level Color)\nend\nrepeat (render distance)\n change [render scan y v] by (1)\n set [render scan x v] to [0]\n repeat (4)\n change [render scan x v] by (1)\n if <not <(item ((0) + (((((8) - (render scan y)) * (16)) + (((((render scan x) + ((ROTATION) * (4))) - (1)) mod (16)) + (1))) + (([ceiling v] of (([abs v] of (Player Z) ) / (#)) ) * (16)))) of [tiles v]) = [0]>> then\n horizontal plane from ((CAMERA X) + (((render scan x) - (3)) * (#))) ((CAMERA Y) + ((#) * (-2))) (((((render distance) - (1)) - (render scan y)) * (#)) + ((Player Z) mod (#))) to ((CAMERA X) + (((render scan x) - (2)) * (#))) ((CAMERA Y) + ((#) * (-2))) ((((render distance) - (render scan y)) * (#)) + ((Player Z) mod (#)))\n end\n end\n repeat (4)\n change [render scan x v] by (1)\n if <not <(item ((0) + (((((8) - (render scan y)) * (16)) + (((((render scan x) + ((ROTATION) * (4))) - (1)) mod (16)) + (1))) + (([ceiling v] of (([abs v] of (Player Z) ) / (#)) ) * (16)))) of [tiles v]) = [0]>> then\n vertical plane from ((CAMERA X) + ((#) * (2))) ((CAMERA Y) + (((render scan x) - (7)) * (#))) (((((render distance) - (1)) - (render scan y)) * (#)) + ((Player Z) mod (#))) to ((CAMERA X) + ((#) * (2))) ((CAMERA Y) + (((render scan x) - (6)) * (#))) ((((render distance) - (render scan y)) * (#)) + ((Player Z) mod (#)))\n end\n end\n repeat (4)\n change [render scan x v] by (1)\n if <not <(item ((0) + (((((8) - (render scan y)) * (16)) + (((((render scan x) + ((ROTATION) * (4))) - (1)) mod (16)) + (1))) + (([ceiling v] of (([abs v] of (Player Z) ) / (#)) ) * (16)))) of [tiles v]) = [0]>> then\n horizontal plane from ((CAMERA X) + (((11) - (render scan x)) * (#))) ((CAMERA Y) + ((#) * (2))) (((((render distance) - (1)) - (render scan y)) * (#)) + ((Player Z) mod (#))) to ((CAMERA X) + (((10) - (render scan x)) * (#))) ((CAMERA Y) + ((#) * (2))) ((((render distance) - (render scan y)) * (#)) + ((Player Z) mod (#)))\n end\n end\n repeat (4)\n change [render scan x v] by (1)\n if <not <(item ((0) + (((((8) - (render scan y)) * (16)) + (((((render scan x) + ((ROTATION) * (4))) - (1)) mod (16)) + (1))) + (([ceiling v] of (([abs v] of (Player Z) ) / (#)) ) * (16)))) of [tiles v]) = [0]>> then\n vertical plane from ((CAMERA X) + ((#) * (-2))) ((CAMERA Y) + (((15) - (render scan x)) * (#))) (((((render distance) - (1)) - (render scan y)) * (#)) + ((Player Z) mod (#))) to ((CAMERA X) + ((#) * (-2))) ((CAMERA Y) + (((14) - (render scan x)) * (#))) ((((render distance) - (render scan y)) * (#)) + ((Player Z) mod (#)))\n end\n end\n change pen (brightness v) by (10)\nend\nset size to (100) %\n\ndefine change x by (xv)\nchange [player x v] by (xv)\nif <(Player Y) > [-176]> then\n if <(Player X) > ((200) + (-25))> then\n set [player x v] to (Player Y)\n set [player y v] to [-175]\n set [player yv v] to [0]\n set [player xv v] to [0]\n set [rotation v] to (((ROTATION) + (1)) mod (4))\n end\n if <(Player X) < ((-200) + (25))> then\n set [player x v] to ((Player Y) * (-1))\n set [player y v] to [-175]\n set [player yv v] to [0]\n set [player xv v] to [0]\n set [rotation v] to (((ROTATION) + (-1)) mod (4))\n end\nend\n\ndefine change y by (yv)\nset [tile underneath v] to (item (((([ceiling v] of ((Player X) / (100)) ) + (2)) + ((ROTATION) * (4))) + (([ceiling v] of (([abs v] of ((Player Z) + (-50)) ) / (100)) ) * (16))) of [tiles v])\nif <((Player Y) + (yv)) > ((-200) + (25))> then\n change [player y v] by (yv)\nelse\n if <((Player Y) + (yv)) > ((-200) + (-25))> then\n if <(Tile Underneath) = [0]> then\n change [player y v] by (yv)\n else\n set [player y v] to [-175]\n set [player yv v] to [0]\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n set [player yv v] to [16.5]\n end\n end\n else\n change [player y v] by (yv)\n end\nend\n\ndefine controls\nset [vanishing pt x v] to ([floor v] of ((vanishing pt x) * (0.5)) )\nset [vanishing pt y v] to ([floor v] of ((vanishing pt y) * (0.5)) )\nchange [player z v] by (-10)\nif <(MODE) = [Endless]> then\n change [endless distance v] by (0.1)\nend\nif <([abs v] of ([floor v] of ((Player Z) / (100)) ) ) > ((length of [tiles v]) / (16))> then\n if <(MODE) = [Test]> then\n set [mode v] to [Edit]\n else\n if <(MODE) = [Custom]> then\n set [mode v] to [Menu2]\n else\n if <(MODE) = [Endless]> then\n set [level color v] to ((Level Color) - (5))\n if <(Endless Difficulty) < [30]> then\n change [endless difficulty v] by (8)\n else\n if <(Endless Difficulty) < [40]> then\n change [endless difficulty v] by (4)\n else\n if <(Endless Difficulty) < [50]> then\n change [endless difficulty v] by (1.5)\n else\n if <(Endless Difficulty) < [60]> then\n change [endless difficulty v] by (0.5)\n else\n if <(Endless Difficulty) < [70]> then\n change [endless difficulty v] by (0.25)\n else\n set [endless difficulty v] to [70]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n Next Endless Level\n else\n change [level v] by (1)\n if <(LEVEL) > [25]> then\n set [mode v] to [End]\n set [end tick v] to [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) > (level unlocked)> then\n set [level unlocked v] to (LEVEL)\n end\n level (LEVEL)\n set [player z v] to ((Player Z) mod (100))\n set [rotation v] to [0]\n broadcast (Next Level Text v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange y by (Player yv)\nchange x by (Player xv)\nchange [player yv v] by (-0.9)\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [player xv v] by (1.8)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [player xv v] by (-1.8)\nend\nset [player xv v] to ((Player xv) * (0.85))\nif <(Player Y) < [-450]> then\n if <(MODE) = [Endless]> then\n set [speed v] to [-10]\n set [mode v] to [EndlessLose]\n broadcast (Update Leaderboard v)\n else\n set [player x v] to [0]\n set [player y v] to [-175]\n set [player z v] to [0]\n set [player yv v] to [0]\n set [player xv v] to [0]\n set [rotation v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine vertical plane from (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z2)\nset [plane x1 v] to ((vanishing pt x) + (((x1) - (vanishing pt x)) * ((d) / ((z1) + (d)))))\nset [plane y1 v] to ((vanishing pt y) + (((y1) - (vanishing pt y)) * ((d) / ((z1) + (d)))))\nset [plane x2 v] to (plane x1)\nset [plane y2 v] to ((vanishing pt y) + (((y2) - (vanishing pt y)) * ((d) / ((z1) + (d)))))\nset [plane x3 v] to ((vanishing pt x) + (((x1) - (vanishing pt x)) * ((d) / ((z2) + (d)))))\nset [plane y3 v] to ((vanishing pt y) + (((y2) - (vanishing pt y)) * ((d) / ((z2) + (d)))))\nset [plane x4 v] to (plane x3)\nset [plane y4 v] to ((vanishing pt y) + (((y1) - (vanishing pt y)) * ((d) / ((z2) + (d)))))\n\n line (plane x1) (plane y1) to (plane x2) (plane y2)\n line (plane x2) (plane y2) to (plane x3) (plane y3)\n line (plane x4) (plane y4) to (plane x3) (plane y3)\n line (plane x4) (plane y4) to (plane x1) (plane y1)\n line (plane x4) (plane y4) to (plane x2) (plane y2)\n line (plane x1) (plane y1) to (plane x3) (plane y3)\nelse\n fill (plane x1) (plane y1) (plane x2) (plane y2) (plane x3) (plane y3) resolution: (4)\n fill (plane x4) (plane y4) (plane x1) (plane y1) (plane x3) (plane y3) resolution: (4)\nend\n\n// [box]\nline from (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2)\nline from (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2)\nline from (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z1)\nline from (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) (y2) (z2)\n// ["fill"]\nline from (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2)\nline from (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2)\n\n\n\ndefine level (level)\nload level (item (level) of [level codes v])\n\ndefine draw player\nif <(Player Y) > [-180]> then\n set pen color to (#000000)\n set pen (transparency v) to (50)\n set pen size to ((5) - ((Player Y) * (0.1)))\n shadow from (((CAMERA X) + (Player X)) + (-15)) ((CAMERA Y) + (-200)) [50] to (((CAMERA X) + (Player X)) + (15)) ((CAMERA Y) + (-200)) [50]\nend\nset pen size to (41.3)\nset pen color to (#505050)\nplot point x: ((CAMERA X) + (Player X)) y: ((CAMERA Y) + (Player Y)) z: [50]\nchange pen size by (-12)\nchange pen (brightness v) by (10)\npen down\npen up\n\ndefine tiles (1) (2) (3) (4)\nadd (1) to [tiles v]\nadd (2) to [tiles v]\nadd (3) to [tiles v]\nadd (4) to [tiles v]\n\ndefine load levels\ndelete all of [level codes v]\nadd [11111111111111111111111111111111000000000000000011111111111111111111111111111111100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001111111111111111111111111111111110000111100001111000011110000111111111111111111111111000011110000111100001111000011111111111111111111111111111111000000000000000001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011000000000000000001111111111111111] to [level codes v]\nadd [111100000000000011110000000000001111100000000001111111000000001111011000000000111001110000000111101111000000011010011110000001110000111000001111000001100000111000000111000011000000001100001110000001111001110000000011100111000000000111111100000000011111100000000001111110000000000011111000000000001111000000000000111100000000000001100000] to [level codes v]\nadd [1110001111111101001111100011110100111111100111010011110111111111101001011000011111100100111111101110010010101010001001111110111101111100111010011111100000111001101011110011100111101111111111110100100111000110010010011100011001111001111111000011111111111100111101110110010011000101011111110100011101000011011111111110000111001110011111110111110001010010001111000111111001000111111011101111111111101111110000110011110010000011111111111111111011100001101011111111111110101000010011001011110001101100] to [level codes v]\nadd [0110000000000000011000000000000001100000000000000000000000000000000011000000001100001100000000110000110000000011000000000000000000000011000011000000001100001100000000110000110000000000000000000000000001100000000000000110000000000000011000000000000000000000000000110000110000000011000011000000001100001100000000000000000000001100000000110000110000000011000011000000001100000000000000000110000000000000011000000000000001100000000000000000000000000000] to [level codes v]\nadd [11110000000000000111100000000000001111000000000000011110000000000000111100000000000001111000000000000011110000000000000111100000000000001111000000000000011110000000000000111100000000000001111000000000000011111000000000000111110000000000001111100000000000011111000000000000] to [level codes v]\nadd [011000000000000001100000000000000110000000000000111100000000000010010110000001101001011000000110100101100000011011110000000000000110000000000000011011110000111101101001000010010000100100001001000010010000100100001111000011110000000000000000000001100000011000000110000001100000011000000110000000000000000010011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100100000000000000000110000001100000011000000110000001100000011000000000000000000000100100001001000010010000100100001001000010010000000000000000000000000110000001100000011000000110000001100000011000000000000000000000011000000110000011110000111110011111100111111111111111111111] to [level codes v]\nadd [010100010001001001010101000100100100010100000000000001000100010000010100010001000101010001010000010100000101000101010010000100010100001000000001000010101000100000101010101010000010100010101010001000000010001010000010000000101000001000000000101000100100000010101000010001000010100001000100001010000000010000001000000000010000000000010001010000100001000101000010000100010100001000010000000000001000000000000000100000000000100010000010010010000000001001001000010000100100000001000010000000000101000000000010000100000010001000010100001000100000010000100000010001000000000001000000] to [level codes v]\nadd [11111111100110010011111110011001001110011111100100111001110011111111100111001111110011111100111111001111111111110100111001111110011111100110011001110010011001101111001111100111100100110011111110011111001110011001111100111001111110011111100111111001110011110111100111001110011111111100111001001111111111101100111001111111110011100111100111111110011110011111111111111001111001111001111101100100100111100110010010010010011111001111001011111111111100111001111111111111100111100111100110010010010010011111001001001001] to [level codes v]\nadd [00000000000000000110000001100000011100000111000000111000001110000001110000011100000011100000111000000111000001111000001110000011110000011100000111100000111000000111000001110000001110000011100000011100000111000000111000001110000001110000011110000011100000111100000111000001111000001110000001100000011000000000000000000000] to [level codes v]\nadd [101110100110111111111011111011110110011111111110101011110101110011101110111110111101100111110110110100100111111110101011111011010101001001100000100001101110001111101010000111000110100011001101010010100100100001011110100010110111101001100001001000110011001011010111001111000110100110000101010111000100000110000000010010010000010010000011000001001100100111011010001100110010000000010001] to [level codes v]\nadd [111100001111000011110000111100000000000000000000000011110000111100001111000011110000000000000000111100001111000011110000111100000000000000000000000011110000111100001111000011110000000000000000111100001111000011110000111100000000000000000000000011110000111100001111000011110000000000000000111100001111000011110000111100000000000000000000] to [level codes v]\nadd [111111111111111111111111100011111110001110001111111000111000111101100011111111000111111111111100010001111100010011000100010001111100010001000111111111000111111100111111111111100011000110001110001100011000111011110001100011111111111111111111100011111110001110001111111000111000110001100011111111000111111101111100011111000111111111000100011000111100010011100011110001111110001111111111] to [level codes v]\nadd [01101001011010010110100101101001011010010110100100001111000011111001011010010110100101101001011010010110100101101111000011110000011010010110100101101001011010010110100101101001000011110000111110010110100101101001011010010110100101101001011011110000111100000110100101101001011010010110100101101001011010010000111100001111100101101001011010010110100101101001011010010110] to [level codes v]\nadd [011010001010011101111001000111110011100110111110000110001001110000001110011111111000111010101110101110001010111011100000100011101101000000100110111111011110111101110000011001110011110010000110111010010011111100111111001100010001111111000001100010111101010110000000011100111100000000100110010100011011010001111001111101001110011110001101010110000111110101100000000110010011110110010011001111110111000101111101001100110100110001111111110101000011011111110001101100100001000100110000100100110111111011100010111001111101100000110011011001100000011000100110111100101011011101101000] to [level codes v]\nadd [0110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001101111111111111111001011000010001100101100001000110010110000100011111111111111111101000100000001000100010000000100010001000110010011111111111111110000100100011000000010010001100000001001000110001111111111111111001000001100001000100100110000100010010011000010111111111111111110000010000000001000001000011000100000100001100011111111111111110001000001000110000100001100011000010000100000001111111111111111] to [level codes v]\nadd [1111101111111111111110111111111100000011100011001111111110101101111111111010110111000000100000011101111011101111000111101110110011111110000011010000111111111100111011000011111100101101101000001010110110101111101000000010000110111101111111011011110100000001101111010111111100001100010000001010111111011111101010000001111110001011111100011111101000010101000010101101000011101000000111011000111011111101101111101000110110000000101000011111111110111111] to [level codes v]\nadd [01100001100000000110000011000011000011000000011000110100000000000110010001011110000000000100000010010011011001001001101100000110100010000000001010000000001100000011011001100000001001100000000100100000011011010000001100101101001100011010000101100100000000000000010110110111110001001011000111000100100000000000000000000110001000101111001000100110000000100110010000110000000000000011010011001000000001101100111001000010000000001100100011110000100011100000000000000000] to [level codes v]\nadd [0110000001111110011000000111111001100011111001100111001111100110001100110000011100111111000000110011111100000011000000000001111100000000001111110000011111110000111001111110011111100110000001110111111000000110011111100111111000000000011111100000000001100000011111000110000011111110011001111100011101100111000000110110011000000011011001100011111101111110001111110111111000110000000000000011000000000000001111110011111100111111001111110000001100110011111000111111001111100011111100110110000000000000011000011111110001100001111111000110000110001100011111111000110001111111100011000000000000001100000000001111110000000001111111001111111110000001111111110000001110000000000001110000000000000110] to [level codes v]\nadd [1111111111111111111111111111111111111111000011110000111111111111111111110000000011110000111111111111111111110000000011111111111111110000000011110000111111111111111111110000000011110000111111110000000011110000111111111111111111110000000011110000111111110000111100001111111111111111000000000000111111111111111100001111000011111111111100000000111100001111111111111111111111110000111111110000111111110000111111111111111111111111000011110000000011111111] to [level codes v]\nadd [11101010101110111111111111000110111011001100111011011100010101111111011111111111111001110111111001100111101101111101111110101111010100111001111110110001011000011100100101100001101010010001010011111110110001101110000010101110000110011110000101111100101001101110010000000001111100001001110010101000111101010000100000100001001101000010001111111001000001101101100111101000010101101010011100001001110000000000010000001100010010000000010001000010000010000100000000100000001000111011010011000000000000000000000001000010] to [level codes v]\nadd [1111111111111111111111000000011110001101111101111010110000010000101011111101111010001000010000001111101101111111000000110010000101111111101011010000000000101101111111111110000110000111111111111011011111000000101100001001111010111110101100001000000010010111111111111101000111111000010111011111101101000001000010110111111101101011000111110110101111010000111010000001011111101111111101110000100000110110111110111011011011111011101100001111100000111111] to [level codes v]\nadd [0110000000111100011100111001110001111001100000000011100110011110000000011001111010000011100111111011101110000111101110000000011100111000001100000000000001110000000000100111110000011110011111001101111000000000110001110000000100000000011101110000000001110110001001111110011001110111110000000111000000000000011000000001111001100011001111100000011100000000100001110000000111100000011110011111000001111100011100000000000000000011100000000000011110011110000001110001111011100000001111001110000000010001110001110000000100001111000000000000110000001100110011000111110011000000011110010000000000000000] to [level codes v]\nadd [010000000010000001000000001000000100000000111110011000000000001000111110000000100000001000000010000000100000011000000010000011000000011000111000000011000010000011111000001001110000000000100100000000000110010000000000010001000000000001000110110000000100001101000000011000000011111000110000000000110001000000000001001100000000011100100000110011000110011101111000010011000000000001001000000000000100100000000000010011000011111111000100011000000000010001000000000011000100000000111000010000000110000001000000010000000111110001000000000001000110000000000100001111100000010000000010000011000000001001111000001111100100000000100000] to [level codes v]\nadd [011000000000000001100000000000000111000000000000001110000000000000011000000000000000110000000000000011000000000000001110000000000000011110000000000000111100000000000000111100000000000000110000000000000011000000000000001100000000000011100000001111111100000001111111000000001110000000000000111000000000000001100000000000000111110000000000001111100000000000000111110000000000001111100000000000000111000000000000001110000000000000011100000000000001110000000000001111000000000000111000000000000111000000000000011000000000000001110000000000000011100000000000000111001100000000001111110000000000011111100000000000000111000000000000001110000000000000011110000000000000111100000000000001110000000000000011000000000000001100000000000000110000000000000111000000000000111000000000000011000000000000001100000000000000110000000000] to [level codes v]\nadd [011111111111111011111110111111001101111111011011111111011111111111111111111110111111111111111010100010111111101111111111110111101111111111011111110111101111111101111110111101111111111111011000011101011001111011111101011110110101111110111111000100110111101110011101110111111111110110101100010110000100110001010000011111011111011000111011111111111100111010101011101111110110110101011101010000110010001110001000011010010011100110110100000101000101111110111101101001000100010111000011000010001100110011110001111001010010100010110000000101000011101000010010001100000000001010010001000010111000010000011000110001110010101100001100100000000001001010110100001011011000001001010000010010000000000000000000001000001000000000000001001000011000010000000110000000010000000000001010] to [level codes v]\n\ndefine load level (code)\ndelete all of [tiles v]\nrepeat (8)\n repeat (16)\n add [1] to [tiles v]\n end\nend\nset [save scan v] to [0]\nif < (code) contains [;]?> then\n set [save scan color v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (save scan) of (code)) = [;]>\n set [save scan color v] to (join (save scan color) (letter (save scan) of (code)))\n change [save scan v] by (1)\n end\nelse\n set [save scan color v] to [55]\nend\nset [level color v] to (save scan color)\nrepeat until <(save scan) > (length of (code))>\n change [save scan v] by (1)\n add (letter (save scan) of (code)) to [tiles v]\nend\nset [edit color v] to (save scan color)\n\ndelete all of [tiles v]\nset [load scan v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of (code))\n change [load scan v] by (1)\n add (letter (load scan) of (code)) to [tiles v]\nend\n\ndefine shadow from (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z2)\nset [d v] to ((240) * ([tan v] of ((fov) / (2)) ))\nset [pos x 1 v] to ((0) + (((x1) - (0)) * ((d) / ((z1) + (d)))))\nset [pos y 1 v] to ((vanishing pt y) + (((y1) - (vanishing pt y)) * ((d) / ((z1) + (d)))))\nset [pos x 2 v] to ((0) + (((x2) - (0)) * ((d) / ((z2) + (d)))))\nset [pos y 2 v] to ((vanishing pt y) + (((y2) - (vanishing pt y)) * ((d) / ((z2) + (d)))))\ngo to x: (pos x 1) y: (pos y 1)\nset pen (transparency v) to (100)\npen down\nset pen (transparency v) to (70)\ngo to x: (pos x 2) y: (pos y 2)\npen up\n\nset [mode v] to [Play]\n\ndefine Draw Title\nset pen color to (#efefef)\nset pen size to (16)\nset [camera x v] to ([floor v] of ((CAMERA X) * (0.5)) )\nset [camera y v] to ([floor v] of ((CAMERA Y) * (0.5)) )\nset [vanishing pt x v] to ((mouse x) / (2))\nset [vanishing pt y v] to ((mouse y) / (2))\nrepeat (2)\n line from [-125] [25] [45] to [-125] [100] [50]\n line from [-125] [100] [50] to [-75] [100] [50]\n line from [-25] [25] [45] to [-25] [100] [50]\n line from [-25] [25] [45] to [25] [25] [45]\n line from [25] [25] [45] to [25] [100] [50]\n line from [125] [25] [45] to [125] [100] [50]\n line from [75] [100] [50] to [125] [100] [50]\n line from [75] [25] [45] to [75] [100] [50]\n change pen size by (-8)\n change pen (brightness v) by (10)\nend\nset pen size to (8)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (100) %\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nset [ghost v] effect to (30)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: ((vanishing pt x) + (((0) - (vanishing pt x)) * ((d) / ((30) + (d))))) y: ((vanishing pt y) + (((-10) - (vanishing pt y)) * ((d) / ((30) + (d)))))\nstamp\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\ngo to x: ((vanishing pt x) + (((0) - (vanishing pt x)) * ((d) / ((15) + (d))))) y: ((vanishing pt y) + (((-60) - (vanishing pt y)) * ((d) / ((15) + (d)))))\nset [ghost v] effect to (25)\nset size to (100) %\nif <<(mouse y) < ((y position) + (10))> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (-10))>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n if <<mouse down?> and <(mdlt) = [0]>> then\n if <(level unlocked) = [1]> then\n set [level v] to [1]\n set [player z v] to [0]\n broadcast (Play v)\n else\n broadcast (Level Select v)\n end\n end\nend\nstamp\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\ngo to x: ((vanishing pt x) + (((0) - (vanishing pt x)) * ((d) / ((15) + (d))))) y: ((vanishing pt y) + (((-95) - (vanishing pt y)) * ((d) / ((15) + (d)))))\nset [ghost v] effect to (25)\nif <<(mouse y) < ((y position) + (10))> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (-10))>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n if <<mouse down?> and <(mdlt) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (Read Leaderboard v)\n set [mode v] to [EndlessMenu]\n end\nend\nstamp\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\ngo to x: ((vanishing pt x) + (((0) - (vanishing pt x)) * ((d) / ((15) + (d))))) y: ((vanishing pt y) + (((-130) - (vanishing pt y)) * ((d) / ((15) + (d)))))\nset [ghost v] effect to (25)\nset size to (100) %\nif <<(mouse y) < ((y position) + (10))> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (-10))>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n if <<mouse down?> and <(mdlt) = [0]>> then\n set [mode v] to [Menu2]\n broadcast (update level previews v)\n end\nend\nstamp\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\ngo to x: (-180) y: (160)\nset [ghost v] effect to (40)\nset size to (100) %\nif <<<(mouse y) < ((y position) + (10))> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (-10))>> and <(mouse x) < [-120]>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n if <<mouse down?> and <(mdlt) = [0]>> then\n set [mode v] to [Credits]\n end\nend\nstamp\nset size to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\nif <mouse down?> then\n set [mdlt v] to [1]\nelse\n set [mdlt v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine render stars\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nif <(pick random (1) to (3)) = [1]> then\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [2]> then\n add (pick random (-1000) to (1000)) to [star x v]\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [2]> then\n add (pick random (-1000) to (-225)) to [star y v]\n else\n add (pick random (225) to (1000)) to [star y v]\n end\n else\n add (pick random (-1000) to (1000)) to [star y v]\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [2]> then\n add (pick random (-1000) to (-225)) to [star x v]\n else\n add (pick random (225) to (1000)) to [star x v]\n end\n end\n add [1000] to [star z v]\nend\nset pen size to (5)\nset pen color to (#ffffff)\nset [star scan v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [star x v])\n change [star scan v] by (1)\n plot point x: (item (star scan) of [star x v]) y: (item (star scan) of [star y v]) z: (item (star scan) of [star z v])\n replace item (star scan) of [star z v] with ((item (star scan) of [star z v]) - (3))\n if <(item (star scan) of [star z v]) < [0]> then\n delete (star scan) of [star x v]\n delete (star scan) of [star y v]\n delete (star scan) of [star z v]\n change [star scan v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\ndelete all of [star x v]\ndelete all of [star y v]\ndelete all of [star z v]\nadd (pick random (-400) to (400)) to [star x v]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [mode v] to [Play]\nset [player x v] to [0]\nset [player y v] to [-175]\nset [player z v] to [0]\nlevel (LEVEL)\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nrecieve level select\n\ndefine Level Select\nif <(LEVEL) > [25]> then\n set [level v] to [25]\nend\nset [rotation v] to [0]\nset [player z v] to [0]\nset [camera x v] to [0]\nset [camera y v] to [0]\nset [vanishing pt x v] to [0]\nset [vanishing pt y v] to [0]\nset pen size to (4)\nrender floor scale: [100]\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nstamp\nswitch costume to (arrow r v)\nset size to (300) %\nchange [key cooldown v] by (-1)\nif <(LEVEL) < (level unlocked)> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (210) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (25)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n stamp\n if <(key cooldown) < [1]> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n level (LEVEL)\n repeat (8)\n repeat (16)\n delete (1) of [tiles v]\n end\n end\n set [mode v] to [Level]\n set [key cooldown v] to [7]\n end\n end\nend\nswitch costume to (arrow l v)\nset size to (300) %\nif <(LEVEL) > [1]> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-210) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (25)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n stamp\n if <(key cooldown) < [1]> then\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [level v] by (-1)\n level (LEVEL)\n repeat (8)\n repeat (16)\n delete (1) of [tiles v]\n end\n end\n set [mode v] to [Level]\n set [key cooldown v] to [7]\n end\n end\nend\nset size to (150) %\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (15)\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (0) y: (-150)\nif <<<(mouse x) > ((x position) + (-50))> and <(mouse x) < ((x position) + (50))>> and <<(mouse y) > ((y position) + (-16))> and <(mouse y) < ((y position) + (16))>>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (Play v)\n end\nend\nstamp\nbroadcast (display level select text v)\n\ndefine recieve level select\nlevel (LEVEL)\nrepeat (8)\n repeat (16)\n delete (1) of [tiles v]\n end\nend\nset [mode v] to [Level]\n\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [level v] by (-1)\n level (LEVEL)\n repeat (8)\n repeat (16)\n delete (1) of [tiles v]\n end\n end\n set [mode v] to [Level]\n set [key cooldown v] to [7]\nend\n\nbroadcast (display level select text v)\nset size to (100) %\n\ndefine display stars\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset pen size to (5)\nset pen color to (#ffffff)\nset [star scan v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [star x v])\n change [star scan v] by (1)\n plot point x: (item (star scan) of [star x v]) y: (item (star scan) of [star y v]) z: (item (star scan) of [star z v])\nend\n\nchange [save scan v] by (-1)\n\nbroadcast (Edit v)\n\ndefine show level previews\nerase all\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (90)\nswitch costume to (costume8 v)\nstamp\nset [featured level scan v] to ((1) + (Featured Scroll))\nset [preview x v] to [-25]\nset [preview y v] to [80]\nset [preview touching mouse v] to [0]\nset [rotation v] to [0]\nrepeat (3)\n set [player z v] to ((-8) * (16))\n set pen size to (2)\n go to x: (preview x) y: (preview y)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (92)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [preview touching mouse v] to (featured level scan)\n set [ghost v] effect to (85)\n end\n stamp\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n load level (item (featured level scan) of [featured levels v])\n set [camera x v] to (preview x)\n set [camera y v] to (preview y)\n set [vanishing pt x v] to (preview x)\n set [vanishing pt y v] to (preview y)\n if <(preview touching mouse) = (featured level scan)> then\n change [preview z v] by (1)\n if <(preview z) > ((length of [tiles v]) / (16))> then\n set [preview z v] to [0]\n end\n if <(preview touching mouse) = (preview touching mouse last)> then\n set [player z v] to ((preview z) * (-16))\n end\n end\n render floor scale: [16]\n change [preview x v] by (95)\n change [featured level scan v] by (1)\nend\nif <not <(preview touching mouse) = (preview touching mouse last)>> then\n set [preview z v] to [8]\nend\nset [preview z2 v] to (preview z)\nset [preview touching mouse last v] to (preview touching mouse)\nbroadcast (custom levels menu tick v)\n\nrepeat (9)\n\nrepeat (16)\n delete (1) of [tiles v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [update level previews v]\nshow level previews\n\nlevel []\n\nrender stars\n\n\n\ndefine load featured levels\ndelete all of [featured levels v]\ndelete all of [featured level authors v]\ndelete all of [featured level names v]\nlevel [multi path] [3011226] [69;111100000000000011110000000000000110000000000000011000000000000000100000000000001011000000000000101111000000000000001110000000000000001100000000110000110000001111000000001100111100000000110000000000000011000000000001101100110000011110000011000011111011001100001100001100000000110110000000011000011000000001100001100000001100000110000000110000011000000011000001100000001100000010000000]\nlevel [nevred] [ggenije] [1;0000000000000000011000000000000001100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011000000000000001100000000000000110000000000000]\nlevel [helix] [brooksd] [22;01100000000000000110000000000000011000000000000001100000000000001111000000000000100110000000000100001100000000110000011000000110000000110000110000000001100110000000000011110000000000000110000000000000111100000000000110011000000000110000110000000110000001100000110000000011100110000000000111110000000000000110000000000000111100000000000010011000000000010000110000000011000001100000011000000110000001100000011000000110]\nlevel [delta] [brooksd] [57;1111100000000001111101000000001001100010000001000000000100001000000010001001000100001100011000110000011000000110000000110000110000000001000010000000000000000000000000000110000000000000011000000000000000000000000000010000100000000011000011000000011000000110000011000000001100001000000000010000000000000000011000000000000001100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000100000010000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000100000000100000010000000000000000000000000001100000000000000110000000000000011000000000000000000000000001100000011000000000000000000000000000000000011000000110000000000000000000000000000000000000000001100000011000000000000000000000000000000000011000000110000000000000000000000000000000000000000001100000011000000110000001100000111100001111000010010000100110011001100110011111100111111001]\nlevel [kaizo] [brooksd] [1;0110000001100000011000000110000001100110011001100000000000000000000000000000000000010110100001100000000000000000000000000000000000000110000001100100000000100000000000000000000000000110000001100000000000000000001000000100000000000110000001100000000000000000000000000000000010000110000101100000000000000000000000000000000000000110000001100110000001100000011000000110000000000110000001100000000000000000000000000000000000000110000001100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000110000001100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001100000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001100000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000110000001100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001100000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000]\n\ndefine level (name) (author) (code)\nadd (name) to [featured level names v]\nadd (author) to [featured level authors v]\nadd (code) to [featured levels v]\n\nwhen I receive [load level v]\nrecieve load LEVEL\n\ndefine recieve load LEVEL\nload level (item (LEVEL) of [featured levels v])\nrepeat (8)\n repeat (16)\n delete (1) of [tiles v]\n end\nend\ndelete (length of [tiles v]) of [tiles v]\n\ndefine Next Endless Level\nset [player z v] to [0]\ndelete all of [tiles v]\nrepeat (8)\n repeat (16)\n add [1] to [tiles v]\n end\nend\nrepeat (32)\n repeat (16)\n if <(pick random (1) to (100)) > (Endless Difficulty)> then\n add [1] to [tiles v]\n else\n add [0] to [tiles v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next endless level v]\nNext Endless Level\n\nset [mode v] to [End]\nset [end tick v] to [0]\n\nset [camera x v] to []\nset [camera y v] to [0]\n\ndraw player\nset pen size to (4)\nrender floor scale: [100]\nif <(Player Y) > [-200]> then\n draw player\nend\n\ndefine go to (x) (y) (z)\ngo to x: ((vanishing pt x) + (((x) - (vanishing pt x)) * ((d) / ((z) + (d))))) y: ((vanishing pt y) + (((y) - (vanishing pt y)) * ((d) / ((z) + (d)))))\n\n// [box]\nline from (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2)\nline from (x2) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z2)\nline from (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1)\nline from (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y1) (z2)\n// ["fill"]\nline from (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z2)\nline from (x2) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2)\n\nline (plane x1) (plane y1) to (plane x2) (plane y2)\n\nline (plane x3) (plane y3) to (plane x1) (plane y1)\n\nline (plane x4) (plane y4) to (plane x1) (plane y1)\nline (plane x3) (plane y3) to (plane x2) (plane y2)\n\nif <[] > [1]> then\n\n
Breakfast - Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [fall-with-me-ncs-release v] until done\nend\n\n@ADD HERE\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\n@Character\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (character v)\nset size to (50) %\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset size to (50) %\nswitch costume to (character v)\ngo to x: (-220) y: (-50)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\nset [my variable v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (character v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <touching (add here v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (add here v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (add here v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (add here v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (add here v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (add here v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (add here v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (add here v)?> then\n change x by ((XV) * (-1))\n change y by (-7)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>>> then\n if <[0] < (XV)> then\n set [xv v] to [-10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [10]\n end\n set [yv v] to [15]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (add here v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>>> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (YV)\n if <<touching color (#ed3a3a)?> or <touching color (#8f4c4c)?>> then\n go to x: (-209) y: (30)\n end\n if <touching (add here v)?> then\n change y by ((YV) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n hide\n go to x: (-220) y: (-50)\n broadcast (NEXT v)\n show\n end\n if <<touching (add here v)?> or <(y position) < [-182]>> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (-50)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((XV) * (0.89))\n change x by (XV)\n if <<touching color (#ed3a3a)?> or <touching color (#8f4c4c)?>> then\n go to x: (-209) y: (30)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nshow\n\ngo to x: (-220) y: (-50)\n\nwhen I receive [skipping v]\ngo to x: (-209) y: (30)\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
clσud plαtfσrmєr chαsє! Reshared...\n@Jumper133 for the the thumbnail, and the slides, also the levels and hitboxes and some of the scripts! Go follow him!\n@Insync- for the music! Follower him to!\nMobile Supported!\n▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ \n__ How To Play __\n• If you are without a backpack then you are running away from other people, if with a backpack then chase the one without a backpack\n• Arrow Keys Move\n• To tag someone they must be touching you locally and you touching them to avoid bugs and glitches\n• The light blue things are the tramspolines!\n• 1 to taunt.\n• Q to show a map and where everyone is, E to hide.\n▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬\n** Summary **\n\nAfter weeks of hard work, I finally created a working tag game! (66 Test Runs) The game took a long time, and a lot of sprites were made by @Jumper133! Also the music was made by @Insync-, I am pretty satisfied with how it works. Mobile support from @quicchia\n▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬\nIf you find any Bugs or Glitches, report in the comments section!\n▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬\n~~ Change Log ~~\n\n6/05/19: Bug fixes and improvements | Spectator mode with player watching | Lag fixes! | Taunts! | Like the game or dislike the game! | Mobile Supported! | You can now see where other players are!\n6/04/19: Many bug fixes and improvements.\n6/04/19: Released!
World Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Intro v)\nbroadcast (Restart player stats v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [timer v] to [0]\nforever\n set [frametime v] to (timer)\n change [timer v] by (FrameTime)\n insert (FrameTime) at (1) of [fps.mem v] \n delete (6) of [fps.mem v]\n reset timer\n Calculate movmulti\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n list.update "keys"\nend\n\ndefine list.update "keys"\ndelete all of [keys v]\nadd <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> or <key (space v) pressed?>> to [keys v]\nadd <<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> to [keys v]\nadd <<key (s v) pressed?> or <key (down arrow v) pressed?>> to [keys v]\nadd <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> to [keys v]\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nset [brightness v] effect to (-10)\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nset [pause v] to [0]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [start story v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nstop all sounds\nclear sound effects\nset [stage v] to [1]\nset [volume v] to [100]\nset [volumetarget v] to [100]\nrepeat until <not <(Stage) = [1]>>\n play sound [Undertale OST 002 - Start Menu v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [song.intro v]\nset [stage v] to [2]\nset [volume v] to [100]\nset [volumetarget v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [start story v]\nset [volume v] to [100]\nset [volumetarget v] to [100]\nrepeat until <(Stage) = [3]>\n play sound [Undertale OST 001 - Once Upon A Time v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nset [current song v] to [1]\nstop all sounds\nset [volume v] to [0]\nset [stage v] to [3]\nset [volumetarget v] to [100]\nrepeat until <(Stage) = [4]>\n play sound (Current song) until done\nend\n\ndefine Calculate movmulti\nset [stage: i v] to [1]\nset [movement multiplier v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [fps.mem v])\n change [movement multiplier v] by (item (stage: i) of [fps.mem v])\n change [stage: i v] by (1)\nend\nset [movement multiplier v] to ((round (((Movement multiplier) / (length of [fps.mem v])) * (1000))) / (1000))\nset [movement multiplier v] to ((Movement multiplier) * (30))\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nforever\n broadcast (Update visuals v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart player stats v]\nReset talker stages\n\ndefine Reset talker stages\ndelete all of [talkers.talkingstage v]\nrepeat (10)\n add [1] to [talkers.talkingstage v]\nend\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nif <(username) = [coltroc]> then\n broadcast (Show thumbnail v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n change [volume v] by (((VolumeTarget) - (Volume)) / (10))\n set volume to ((Volume) * (0.6)) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [death v]\nset [volumetarget v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [respawn v]\nif <(Checkpoint.x) = [-100]> then\n set [volume v] to [100]\n set [volumetarget v] to [100]\n set [current song v] to [1]\nend\nstop all sounds\nif <<(Player.x) > [1680]> and <(BossBattle?) = [0]>> then\n set [volumetarget v] to [100]\n set [current song v] to [3]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [walk outside v]\nset [volumetarget v] to [0]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nset [volumetarget v] to [100]\nif <not <(Current song) = [2]>> then\n stop all sounds\nend\nset [current song v] to [2]\n\nwhen I receive [walk inside v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nset [volumetarget v] to [100]\nif <not <(Current song) = [1]>> then\n stop all sounds\nend\nset [current song v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [sound.dooropen v]\nset [volumetarget v] to [50]\n\nwhen I receive [close gate v]\nset [volumetarget v] to [0]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nif <not <(Current song) = [3]>> then\n stop all sounds\nend\nset [current song v] to [3]\nset [volumetarget v] to [100]\n\nwhen I receive [start boss battle v]\nset [volume v] to [100]\nset [volumetarget v] to [100]\nset [current song v] to [4]\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen I receive [start boss gate closing v]\nset [volume v] to [100]\nset [volumetarget v] to [100]\nset [current song v] to [5]\n\nwhen [b v] key pressed\nif <(username) = [coltroc]> then\n set [player.x v] to [7320]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [clicked boss button v]\nset [volume v] to [100]\nset [volumetarget v] to [100]\nset [current song v] to [6]\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nset [volume v] to [100]\nset [volumetarget v] to [100]\nset [current song v] to [7]\nstop all sounds\n\n@Castle gate\n\nwhen I receive [update visuals v]\nif <(pause) = [0]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n set size to (100000) %\n set [x v] to ((33.69) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))\n go to x: ((x) - (Cam.x)) y: ((y) - (Cam.y))\n set size to (600) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [gate closed? v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [close gate v]\nset [checkpoint.x v] to [1700]\nset [checkpoint.y v] to [0]\nset [gate closed? v] to [1]\nrepeat (10)\n change [y v] by (((item (4) of [world.info v]) * (3)) / (-10))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nset [y v] to ((2.75) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))\nwait (5) seconds\nwait until <(Player.x) > [1680]>\nbroadcast (Close gate v)\n\n@Skeletons\n\n@Blocks\n\ndefine Get block pos id: (id)\ndelete all of [variables v]\nadd ([floor v] of (((id) - (1)) / (item (1) of [world.info v])) ) to [variables v]\nadd (((id) - (1)) - ((item (1) of [world.info v]) * ([floor v] of (((id) - (1)) / (item (1) of [world.info v])) ))) to [variables v]\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nif <(clone) = [0]> then\n Create block clones\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [editing v] to [0]\nset [clone v] to [0]\nList.reset "world.info"\nforever\n hide\n hide variable [selected block v]\n if <(username) = [coltroc]> then\n if <(Editing) = [1]> then\n show\n set [pause v] to [0]\n end\n else\n set [editing v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Create block clones\nreplace item (1) of [block.xygrid v] with [0]\nset [b.costume v] to [1]\nset [id v] to [1]\nrepeat (item (2) of [world.info v])\n replace item (2) of [block.xygrid v] with [0]\n repeat (item (3) of [world.info v])\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [id v] by (1)\n replace item (2) of [block.xygrid v] with ((item (2) of [block.xygrid v]) + (1))\n end\n replace item (1) of [block.xygrid v] with ((item (1) of [block.xygrid v]) + (1))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone v] to [1]\n\ndefine List.reset "world.info"\ndelete all of [world.info v]\nadd [30] to [world.info v]\nadd (([ceiling v] of (10) ) + (1)) to [world.info v]\nadd (([ceiling v] of (7.5) ) + (1)) to [world.info v]\nadd [48] to [world.info v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (id) layers\nend\n\ndefine Get block id x: (x) y: (y)\ndelete all of [variables v]\nadd ((1) + (((x) * (item (1) of [world.info v])) + (y))) to [variables v]\n\ndefine Get block positions with camxy\ndelete all of [block.xy v]\nadd ((item (1) of [block.xygrid v]) + ([floor v] of ((Cam.x) / (item (4) of [world.info v])) )) to [block.xy v]\nadd ((item (2) of [block.xygrid v]) + ([floor v] of ((Cam.y) / (item (4) of [world.info v])) )) to [block.xy v]\n\nwhen [e v] key pressed\nif <(clone) = [0]> then\n if <(username) = [coltroc]> then\n if <(Editing) = [1]> then\n set [editing v] to [0]\n else\n set [editing v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Get visual block pos x: (x) y: (y)\ndelete all of [variables v]\nadd (((item (4) of [world.info v]) * ((1) + ((x) - ((item (2) of [world.info v]) / (2))))) - (Cam.x)) to [variables v]\nadd (((item (4) of [world.info v]) * ((1.75) + ((y) - ([ceiling v] of ((item (3) of [world.info v]) / (2)) )))) - (Cam.y)) to [variables v]\n\nwhen I receive [update visuals v]\nchange [b.costume v] by (0.5)\nif <(b.costume) > [16]> then\n set [b.costume v] to [1]\nend\nif <(clone) = [0]> then\n set [checkpointtouching v] to [0]\nend\nif <(pause) = [0]> then\n if <(clone) = [0]> then\n hide\n if <(Editing) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (editor v)\n set [mouse.x v] to (((mouse x) + (240)) + (Cam.x))\n if <(mouse x) = [240]> then\n change [mouse.x v] by (-1)\n end\n set [mouse.y v] to (((mouse y) + (180)) + (Cam.y))\n if <(mouse y) = [180]> then\n change [mouse.y v] by (-1)\n end\n Get block id x: ([floor v] of ((mouse.x) / (item (4) of [world.info v])) ) y: ([floor v] of ((mouse.y) / (item (4) of [world.info v])) )\n if <mouse down?> then\n replace item (item (1) of [variables v]) of [blocks.current.type v] with (Selected block)\n end\n Get block pos id: (item (1) of [variables v])\n Get visual block pos x: (item (1) of [variables v]) y: (item (2) of [variables v])\n set size to (100000) %\n go to x: (item (1) of [variables v]) y: (item (2) of [variables v])\n set size to (600) %\n show\n show variable [selected block v]\n end\n else\n Get block positions with camxy\n Get block id x: (item (1) of [block.xy v]) y: (item (2) of [block.xy v])\n switch costume to (join [block] (item (item (1) of [variables v]) of [blocks.current.type v]))\n set [b.id v] to (item (1) of [variables v])\n set size to (10000000) %\n Get visual block pos x: (item (1) of [block.xy v]) y: (item (2) of [block.xy v])\n go to x: (item (1) of [variables v]) y: (item (2) of [variables v])\n if <(item (b.id) of [blocks.current.type v]) = [6]> then\n if <<([abs v] of ((item (2) of [variables v]) - ((Player.y) - (Cam.y))) ) < [200]> and <([abs v] of (((item (1) of [variables v]) + (30)) - ((Player.x) - (Cam.x))) ) < [140]>> then\n switch costume to (block6.1 v)\n end\n if <not <<<([abs v] of ((item (2) of [variables v]) - ((Player.y) - (Cam.y))) ) < [200]> and <([abs v] of (((item (1) of [variables v]) + (30)) - ((Player.x) - (Cam.x))) ) < [140]>> = <<([abs v] of ((item (2) of [variables v]) - ((Player.y) - (Cam.y))) ) < [200]> and <([abs v] of (((item (1) of [variables v]) + (30)) - (((Player.x) - (Player.xv)) - (Cam.x))) ) < [140]>>>> then\n if <<([abs v] of ((item (2) of [variables v]) - ((Player.y) - (Cam.y))) ) < [200]> and <([abs v] of (((item (1) of [variables v]) + (30)) - ((Player.x) - (Cam.x))) ) < [140]>> then\n broadcast (Sound.DoorOpen v)\n else\n broadcast (Sound.DoorClose v)\n if <((Player.x) - (Cam.x)) > (item (1) of [variables v])> then\n broadcast (Walk outside v)\n else\n broadcast (Walk inside v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(item (b.id) of [blocks.current.type v]) = [11]> then\n if <not <(Checkpoint.x) < ((item (1) of [variables v]) + (Cam.x))>> then\n switch costume to (block11.1 v)\n else\n if <<([abs v] of ((item (2) of [variables v]) - ((Player.y) - (Cam.y))) ) < [55]> and <([abs v] of (((item (1) of [variables v]) + (0)) - ((Player.x) - (Cam.x))) ) < [55]>> then\n set [checkpointtouching.x v] to ((item (1) of [variables v]) + (Cam.x))\n set [checkpointtouching.y v] to ((item (2) of [variables v]) + (Cam.y))\n set [checkpointtouching v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\n if <(item (b.id) of [blocks.current.type v]) = [16]> then\n switch costume to (join [block16.] (round (b.costume)))\n set size to (500) %\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (Death v)\n end\n end\n if <(item (b.id) of [blocks.current.type v]) = [17]> then\n set size to (475) %\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (Death v)\n end\n end\n if <(item (b.id) of [blocks.current.type v]) = [18]> then\n set size to (550) %\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (Death v)\n end\n end\n set size to (600) %\n end\nend\n\n@Bossgate\n\nwhen I receive [update visuals v]\nif <(pause) = [0]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (100) layers\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set size to (100000) %\n set [x v] to ((156.71) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))\n go to x: ((x) - (Cam.x)) y: ((y) - (Cam.y))\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set size to (600) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (-20)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [respawn v]\nset [y v] to (((-1.25) + ((20) * (0.375))) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))\nif <(Boss beaten) = [0]> then\n set [bossgateclosed v] to [0]\nend\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [boss beaten v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [close boss gate v]\nset [bossgateclosed v] to [1]\nrepeat (20)\n change [y v] by ((-0.375) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))\nend\nset [y v] to ((-1.25) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))\n\n@Camera Controller\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nset [cam.x v] to [0]\nset [cam.y v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(pause) = [0]> then\n if <(Editing) = [1]> then\n repeat until <(Editing) = [0]>\n if <(pause) = [0]> then\n Camera movement update\n end\n end\n else\n set [cam.x v] to (Player.x)\n set [cam.y v] to (Player.y)\n repeat until <(Editing) = [1]>\n if <(pause) = [0]> then\n change [cam.x v] by (((Player.x) - (Cam.x)) / (4))\n change [cam.y v] by (((Player.y) - (Cam.y)) / (4))\n if <(Cam.x) < [0]> then\n set [cam.x v] to [0]\n end\n if <<(BossGateClosed) = [1]> and <(Cam.x) < (((156.71) * (item (4) of [world.info v])) + (224))>> then\n set [cam.x v] to (((156.71) * (item (4) of [world.info v])) + (224))\n end\n if <(Cam.y) < [0]> then\n set [cam.y v] to [0]\n end\n if <(Cam.y) > [1080]> then\n set [cam.y v] to [1080]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Camera movement update\nif (item (1) of [keys v]) then\n change [cam.y v] by (10)\nend\nif (item (2) of [keys v]) then\n change [cam.x v] by (-10)\nend\nif (item (3) of [keys v]) then\n change [cam.y v] by (-10)\nend\nif (item (4) of [keys v]) then\n change [cam.x v] by (10)\nend\nif <(Cam.x) < [0]> then\n set [cam.x v] to [0]\nend\nif <(Cam.y) < [0]> then\n set [cam.y v] to [0]\nend\nif <(Cam.y) > [1080]> then\n set [cam.y v] to [1080]\nend\n\n@Old cube\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [update visuals v]\nif <(pause) = [0]> then\n set size to (100000) %\n set [x v] to ((30) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))\n set [y v] to ((-0.25) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))\n go to x: ((x) - (Cam.x)) y: ((y) - (Cam.y))\n set size to (600) %\n switch costume to <(Player.x) > (x)>\n replace item (2) of [talkers.touching v] with <<([abs v] of ((Player.x) - (x)) ) < [80]> and <([abs v] of ((Player.y) - (y)) ) < [80]>>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nshow\n\n@Castle guy\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [update visuals v]\nif <(pause) = [0]> then\n set size to (100000) %\n set [x v] to ((83) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))\n set [y v] to ((-0.25) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))\n go to x: ((x) - (Cam.x)) y: ((y) - (Cam.y))\n set size to (600) %\n switch costume to <(Player.x) > (x)>\n replace item (3) of [talkers.touching v] with <<([abs v] of ((Player.x) - (x)) ) < [80]> and <([abs v] of ((Player.y) - (y)) ) < [80]>>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nshow\n\n@Mom cube\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [update visuals v]\nif <(pause) = [0]> then\n set size to (100000) %\n set [x v] to ((1) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))\n set [y v] to ((-0.25) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))\n go to x: ((x) - (Cam.x)) y: ((y) - (Cam.y))\n set size to (600) %\n switch costume to <(Player.x) > ((1) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))>\n replace item (1) of [talkers.touching v] with <<([abs v] of ((Player.x) - (x)) ) < [80]> and <([abs v] of ((Player.y) - (y)) ) < [80]>>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nshow\n\n@Boss Cube\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [update visuals v]\nif <(pause) = [0]> then\n if <(Boss beaten) = [0]> then\n set size to (100000) %\n if <(BossBattle?) = [1]> then\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n change [y v] by (yv)\n if <(y) < ((-1.25) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))> then\n set [y v] to ((-1.25) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n go to x: ((x) - (Cam.x)) y: ((y) - (Cam.y))\n set size to (600) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [start boss battle v]\nset [bossbattle? v] to [1]\nset [player movement? v] to [0]\nbroadcast (Close Boss Gate v)\n\nwhen I receive [respawn v]\nshow\nreplace item (4) of [talkers.talkingstage v] with [1]\nswitch costume to ( v)\nset [boss stage v] to [1]\nreplace item (4) of [talkers.touching v] with [false]\nset [bossbattle? v] to [0]\nset [y v] to ((-1.25) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))\nset [x v] to ((170) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(Player.x) > (((156.71) * (item (4) of [world.info v])) + (224))>\nbroadcast (Start boss battle v)\n\nwhen I receive [start boss walk v]\nrepeat (150)\n change [x v] by (-2)\n if <(pause) = [1]> then\n wait until <(pause) = [0]>\n end\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (Start boss talking v)\nreplace item (4) of [talkers.touching v] with [true]\nset [player movement? v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [start boss gate closing v]\nbroadcast (Sound.Boss short walk v)\nrepeat (50)\n change [x v] by (2)\n if <(pause) = [1]> then\n wait until <(pause) = [0]>\n end\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\nbroadcast (Flash v)\n\ndefine Create fire ball dir: (dir)\nif <<<(Talking) = [0]> and <<(pause) = [0]> and <(Player movement?) = [1]>>> and <<(BossGateClosed) = [1]> and <(BossBattle?) = [1]>>> then\n set [fb.dir v] to (dir)\n broadcast (Create fire ball v)\nend\n\nset [player.x v] to [7320]\n\ndefine Time to fire stage: (stage)\nif <(stage) = [3]> then\n set [boss stage v] to [1]\n set [yv v] to [15]\nelse\n if <(stage) = [1]> then\n point towards (player v)\n Create fire ball dir: (direction)\n point in direction (90)\n else\n set [i v] to (pick random (2) to (4))\n repeat until <<<(i) = [0]> or <(Dead) = [1]>> or <(BossGateClosed) = [0]>>\n point towards (player v)\n Create fire ball dir: (direction)\n point in direction (90)\n wait (2) seconds\n change [boss stage timer v] by (2)\n change [i v] by (-1)\n end\n end\nend\nchange [boss stage v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [start boss gate closing v]\nset [boss stage v] to [1]\nset [boss stage timer v] to [5]\nrepeat until <<(Dead) = [1]> or <(Boss beaten) = [1]>>\n if <<(Talking) = [0]> and <<(pause) = [0]> and <(Player movement?) = [1]>>> then\n change [boss stage timer v] by (() - (FrameTime))\n if <not <(Boss stage timer) > [0]>> then\n Time to fire stage: (Boss stage)\n set [boss stage timer v] to [3]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start boss explosion v]\nrepeat (12)\n set size to (60) %\n next costume\nend\nhide\nset [pause v] to [0]\nset [player movement? v] to [1]\n\n@Fire ball\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [clone v] to [0]\nforever\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n move (10) steps\nend\n\nwhen I receive [create fire ball v]\nif <<(clone) = [0]> and <(Boss beaten) = [0]>> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (FB.dir)\n move (7) steps\n set [xv v] to (x position)\n set [yv v] to (y position)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [x v] to (([x v] of [boss cube v]) + ((xv) * (0.75)))\n set [y v] to (([y v] of [boss cube v]) + ((yv) * (0.75)))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone v] to [1]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (20) layers\nrepeat (400)\n go [forward v] (1) layers\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n wait (0.1) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [update visuals v]\nif <<(clone) = [1]> and <(pause) = [0]>> then\n set size to (10000000000) %\n show\n change [x v] by (xv)\n change [y v] by (yv)\n go to x: ((x) - (Cam.x)) y: ((y) - (Cam.y))\n if <(distance to [player v]) < [20]> then\n broadcast (Death v)\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Boss beaten) = [1]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n set size to (400) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [respawn v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [clicked boss button v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [update visuals v]\nif <(pause) = [0]> then\n set size to (100000) %\n set [x v] to ((169.5) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))\n set [y v] to ((-1.25) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))\n go to x: ((x) - (Cam.x)) y: ((y) - (Cam.y))\n set size to (600) %\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <not <(costume [number v]) = [2]>>> then\n broadcast (Clicked boss button v)\n broadcast (Sound.Button click v)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set [boss beaten v] to [1]\n set [pause v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [respawn v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nset [cam.x v] to [0]\nset [cam.y v] to [0]\nset [bossgateclosed v] to [0]\nset [gate closed? v] to [0]\nbroadcast (Respawn v)\nforever\n set [coll.lava v] to [0]\n hide\n if <(Editing) = [0]> then\n show\n if <(pause) = [0]> then\n if <(Player movement?) = [1]> then\n if (item (4) of [keys v]) then\n switch costume to (r v)\n change [player.xv v] by (3.5)\n end\n if (item (2) of [keys v]) then\n switch costume to (l v)\n change [player.xv v] by (-3.5)\n end\n end\n set [player.xv v] to ((Player.xv) * (0.7))\n change [player.x v] by (Player.xv)\n if <<(Player.x) < ((157.45) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))> and <(BossGateClosed) = [1]>> then\n set [player.x v] to ((157.45) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))\n set [player.xv v] to [0]\n else\n if <<(Player.x) < ((34.5) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))> and <(Gate closed?) = [1]>> then\n set [player.x v] to ((34.5) * (item (4) of [world.info v]))\n set [player.xv v] to [0]\n else\n if <(Player.x) < ((-240) + ((Player.size.width) / (2)))> then\n set [player.x v] to ((-240) + ((Player.size.width) / (2)))\n set [player.xv v] to [0]\n else\n Collision\n if <(collision) = [1]> then\n set [player.x v] to ((coll.x) + ((((item (4) of [world.info v]) + (Player.size.width)) / (2)) * (() - ((Player.xv) / ([abs v] of (Player.xv) )))))\n set [player.xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [player.yv v] by (-1.4)\n if <(Player.yv) < [-24]> then\n set [player.yv v] to [-24]\n end\n change [player.y v] by (Player.yv)\n Collision\n if <(collision) = [1]> then\n set [player.y v] to ((coll.y) + ((((item (4) of [world.info v]) + (Player.size.height)) / (2)) * (() - ((Player.yv) / ([abs v] of (Player.yv) )))))\n if <(Player.yv) < [0]> then\n set [player.yv v] to [0]\n if <(Player movement?) = [1]> then\n if (item (1) of [keys v]) then\n set [player.yv v] to [18]\n end\n end\n else\n set [player.yv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(Dead) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(coll.lava) = [1]> then\nend\n\nwhen I receive [respawn v]\nswitch costume to (r v)\nset [player.x v] to (Checkpoint.x)\nset [player.y v] to (Checkpoint.y)\nset [cam.x v] to (Checkpoint.x)\nset [cam.y v] to (Checkpoint.y)\nset [player.xv v] to [0]\nset [player.yv v] to [0]\nset [player.size.height v] to [42]\nset [player.size.width v] to [42]\n\nwhen I receive [update visuals v]\nif <(pause) = [0]> then\n set size to (10000) %\n go to x: ((Player.x) - (Cam.x)) y: ((Player.y) - (Cam.y))\n set size to (600) %\nend\n\ndefine Collision\nset [collision v] to [0]\nblock coll x: [-1] y: [-1]\nblock coll x: [0] y: [-1]\nblock coll x: [1] y: [-1]\nblock coll x: [-1] y: [0]\nblock coll x: [0] y: [0]\nblock coll x: [1] y: [0]\nblock coll x: [-1] y: [1]\nblock coll x: [0] y: [1]\nblock coll x: [1] y: [1]\n\ndefine block coll x: (x) y: (y)\nGet block id x: ((x) + (round (((Player.x) / (item (4) of [world.info v])) + (4.5)))) y: ((y) + (round (((Player.y) / (item (4) of [world.info v])) + (3))))\nset [i v] to (item (1) of [variables v])\nGet block pos id: (item (1) of [variables v])\nGet visual block pos x: (item (1) of [variables v]) y: (item (2) of [variables v])\nif <(item (i) of [blocks.current.type v]) > [0]> then\n if <([abs v] of ((Player.x) - (item (1) of [variables v])) ) < (((item (4) of [world.info v]) + (Player.size.width)) / (2))> then\n if <([abs v] of ((Player.y) - (item (2) of [variables v])) ) < (((item (4) of [world.info v]) + (Player.size.height)) / (2))> then\n if <(item (item (i) of [blocks.current.type v]) of [blocks.type.hitbox v]) = [1]> then\n set [coll.x v] to (item (1) of [variables v])\n set [coll.y v] to (item (2) of [variables v])\n set [collision v] to [1]\n end\n if <<(item (item (i) of [blocks.current.type v]) of [blocks.type.hitbox v]) = [2]> and <([abs v] of ((Player.y) - (item (2) of [variables v])) ) < ((((item (4) of [world.info v]) + (Player.size.height)) / (2)) - (5))>> then\n set [coll.lava v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Get block id x: (x) y: (y)\ndelete all of [variables v]\nadd ((1) + (((x) * (item (1) of [world.info v])) + (y))) to [variables v]\n\ndefine Get block pos id: (id)\ndelete all of [variables v]\nadd ([floor v] of (((id) - (1)) / (item (1) of [world.info v])) ) to [variables v]\nadd (((id) - (1)) - ((item (1) of [world.info v]) * ([floor v] of (((id) - (1)) / (item (1) of [world.info v])) ))) to [variables v]\n\ndefine Get block id x: (x) y: (y)\ndelete all of [variables v]\nadd ((1) + (((x) * (item (1) of [world.info v])) + (y))) to [variables v]\n\ndefine Get visual block pos x: (x) y: (y)\ndelete all of [variables v]\nadd ((item (4) of [world.info v]) * ((1) + ((x) - ((item (2) of [world.info v]) / (2))))) to [variables v]\nadd ((item (4) of [world.info v]) * ((1.75) + ((y) - ([ceiling v] of ((item (3) of [world.info v]) / (2)) )))) to [variables v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [restart player stats v]\nset [checkpoint.x v] to [-100]\nset [checkpoint.y v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [close gate v]\nset [player movement? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [respawn v]\nif <(BossBattle?) = [1]> then\n set [bossgateclosed v] to [0]\n set [player movement? v] to [1]\n set [player.x v] to (Checkpoint.x)\n set [player.y v] to (Checkpoint.y)\n set [cam.x v] to (Checkpoint.x)\n set [cam.y v] to (Checkpoint.y)\n set [player.xv v] to [0]\n set [player.yv v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [respawn v]\nset [player movement? v] to [1]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nset [player movement? v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(Dead) = [1]>\n if <(Dead) = [0]> then\n if <<touching (boss cube v)?> and <(Boss beaten) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (Death v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start boss battle v]\nset [player.x v] to (((156.71) * (item (4) of [world.info v])) + (224))\n\n@Shader\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n hide\n if <(Gate closed?) = [1]> then\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [update visuals v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\n\nwhen I receive [flash v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (20)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-5)\nend\n\n@checkpoint text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (-100)\n switch costume to (c8977b6d69a14a4d84dcfc652f6417ba v)\n set size to (70) %\n if <(CheckpointTouching) = [1]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen [z v] key pressed\nif <(CheckpointTouching) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Activate checkpoint v)\n set [checkpoint.x v] to (checkpointTouching.x)\n set [checkpoint.y v] to (checkpointTouching.y)\nend\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (332a66b8ffad046792b9332202938b02 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (fade v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set size to (50) %\n go to x: (0) y: (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (4))\nend\n\nwhen [any v] key pressed\nif <(ting) = [0]> then\n set [ting v] to [1]\n broadcast (Song.intro v)\n repeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-4)\n end\n wait (pick random (1.5) to (2)) seconds\n broadcast (StartGame v) and wait\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ting v] to [0]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n set size to (100) %\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n else\n set size to (50) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n go to x: (0) y: (-100)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n set [cam.x v] to [0]\n set [cam.y v] to [0]\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\nelse\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Text box\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [clone v] to [0]\nhide\nforever\n if <key (z v) pressed?> then\n change [keyz.time pressed v] by (FrameTime)\n else\n set [keyz.time pressed v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone v] to [1]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(letter (((_Ct y) * (26)) + (1)) of (Text)) = [ ]> then\n change x by (-16)\nend\nrepeat (i)\n hide\nend\nchange [donetalking v] by (1)\nif <<<<not <(costume [number v]) = [ ]>> and <(pick random (1) to (4)) = [1]>> or <((i) / (3)) = (round ((i) / (3)))>> or <(i) = [1]>> then\n broadcast (join [Sound.Talker] (TalkingSpeaker))\nend\nshow\nset size to (400) %\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\ndefine Create text: (text)\nif <(clone) = [0]> then\n broadcast (delete all clones v)\n Make text fit text: (text)\n go to x: (-208) y: (-55)\n set [donetalking v] to [0]\n set [i v] to [1]\n set [_ct y v] to [0]\n repeat (length of (Text))\n if <<((i) - (1)) > [0]> and <(((i) - (1)) / (26)) = ([floor v] of (((i) - (1)) / (26)) )>> then\n set x to (-208)\n change y by (-28)\n change [_ct y v] by (1)\n end\n switch costume to (join [] (letter (i) of (Text)))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (16)\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n switch costume to (text box v)\n set size to (100) %\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\nelse\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Make text fit text: (text)\nset [text v] to (text)\nset [_mtft i v] to [1]\nrepeat (4)\n if <<not <(letter ((_Mtft i) * (26)) of (Text)) = [ ]>> and <not <(letter (((_Mtft i) * (26)) + (1)) of (Text)) = [ ]>>> then\n if <<not <(letter ((_Mtft i) * (26)) of (Text)) = []>> and <not <(letter (((_Mtft i) * (26)) + (1)) of (Text)) = []>>> then\n set [i v] to ((_Mtft i) * (26))\n set [_spaces to add v] to [0]\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (Text)) = [ ]>\n change [_spaces to add v] by (1)\n change [i v] by (-1)\n end\n Find word from letter: [1] to letter: (i) in text: (Text)\n set [_mtft text v] to (_w)\n repeat (_spaces to add)\n set [_mtft text v] to (join (_Mtft text) [ ])\n end\n Find word from letter: ((i) + (1)) to letter: (length of (Text)) in text: (Text)\n set [text v] to (join (_Mtft text) (_w))\n end\n end\n change [_mtft i v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete all clones v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nset [talking v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nrepeat (10)\n hide\nend\nforever\n if <(Talking) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (text box v)\n set size to (100) %\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n else\n hide\n if <[talkers.touching v] contains [true]?> then\n show\n switch costume to (press z to talk v)\n set size to (50) %\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (0) y: (-100)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen [z v] key pressed\nif <(Stage) = [3]> then\n if <not <(KeyZ.Time pressed) > ((FrameTime) * (3))>> then\n if <(clone) = [0]> then\n if <(Talking) = [1]> then\n if <not <(DoneTalking) < (length of (Text))>> then\n change [text.currentstage v] by (1)\n Talk person: (item # of [true] in [talkers.touching v])\n end\n else\n if <[talkers.touching v] contains [true]?> then\n set [pause v] to [1]\n set [talking v] to [1]\n set [text.currentstage v] to [1]\n Talk person: (item # of [true] in [talkers.touching v])\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Talk person: (person)\nset [talkingspeaker v] to (person)\nif <(person) = [10]> then\n if <(((Text.currentStage) + ((item # of (join [_] (item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v])) in [talker0 texts v]) + (1))) - (1)) > ((item # of (join [_] ((item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v]) + (1))) in [talker0 texts v]) - (1))> then\n set [talking v] to [0]\n set [pause v] to [0]\n if <(item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v]) = [2]> then\n broadcast (Start boss walk v)\n end\n if <not <(item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v]) = [2]>> then\n set [player movement? v] to [1]\n end\n if <(item # of (join [_] ((item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v]) + (2))) in [talker0 texts v]) > [0]> then\n replace item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v] with ((1) + (item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v]))\n end\n broadcast (delete all clones v)\n replace item (10) of [talkers.touching v] with [false]\n else\n Create text: (item (((Text.currentStage) + ((item # of (join [_] (item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v])) in [talker0 texts v]) + (1))) - (1)) of [talker0 texts v])\n end\nend\nif <(person) = [1]> then\n if <(((Text.currentStage) + ((item # of (join [_] (item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v])) in [talker1 texts v]) + (1))) - (1)) > ((item # of (join [_] ((item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v]) + (1))) in [talker1 texts v]) - (1))> then\n set [talking v] to [0]\n set [pause v] to [0]\n if <(item # of (join [_] ((item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v]) + (2))) in [talker1 texts v]) > [0]> then\n replace item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v] with ((1) + (item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v]))\n end\n broadcast (delete all clones v)\n else\n Create text: (item (((Text.currentStage) + ((item # of (join [_] (item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v])) in [talker1 texts v]) + (1))) - (1)) of [talker1 texts v])\n end\nend\nif <(person) = [2]> then\n if <(((Text.currentStage) + ((item # of (join [_] (item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v])) in [talker2 texts v]) + (1))) - (1)) > ((item # of (join [_] ((item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v]) + (1))) in [talker2 texts v]) - (1))> then\n set [talking v] to [0]\n set [pause v] to [0]\n if <(item # of (join [_] ((item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v]) + (2))) in [talker2 texts v]) > [0]> then\n replace item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v] with ((1) + (item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v]))\n end\n broadcast (delete all clones v)\n else\n Create text: (item (((Text.currentStage) + ((item # of (join [_] (item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v])) in [talker2 texts v]) + (1))) - (1)) of [talker2 texts v])\n end\nend\nif <(person) = [3]> then\n if <(((Text.currentStage) + ((item # of (join [_] (item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v])) in [talker3 texts v]) + (1))) - (1)) > ((item # of (join [_] ((item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v]) + (1))) in [talker3 texts v]) - (1))> then\n set [talking v] to [0]\n set [pause v] to [0]\n if <(item # of (join [_] ((item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v]) + (2))) in [talker3 texts v]) > [0]> then\n replace item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v] with ((1) + (item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v]))\n end\n broadcast (delete all clones v)\n else\n Create text: (item (((Text.currentStage) + ((item # of (join [_] (item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v])) in [talker3 texts v]) + (1))) - (1)) of [talker3 texts v])\n end\nend\nif <(person) = [4]> then\n if <(((Text.currentStage) + ((item # of (join [_] (item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v])) in [talker4 texts v]) + (1))) - (1)) > ((item # of (join [_] ((item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v]) + (1))) in [talker4 texts v]) - (1))> then\n set [talking v] to [0]\n set [pause v] to [0]\n if <(item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Start boss gate closing v)\n end\n if <(item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v]) = [2]> then\n broadcast (Start boss explosion v)\n end\n if <(item # of (join [_] ((item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v]) + (2))) in [talker4 texts v]) > [0]> then\n replace item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v] with ((1) + (item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v]))\n end\n replace item (4) of [talkers.touching v] with [false]\n broadcast (delete all clones v)\n else\n Create text: (item (((Text.currentStage) + ((item # of (join [_] (item (person) of [talkers.talkingstage v])) in [talker4 texts v]) + (1))) - (1)) of [talker4 texts v])\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart player stats v]\nreplace item (10) of [talkers.touching v] with [false]\nbroadcast (delete all clones v)\nhide\n\ndefine Find word from letter: (1) to letter: (2) in text: (text)\nset [_fwfl i v] to (1)\nset [_w v] to []\nrepeat (((2) - (1)) + (1))\n set [_w v] to (join (_w) (letter (_Fwfl i) of (text)))\n change [_fwfl i v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [close gate v]\nwait (2) seconds\nset [talking v] to [1]\nset [text.currentstage v] to [1]\nTalk person: [10]\nreplace item (10) of [talkers.touching v] with [true]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nset [pause v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [start boss battle v]\nwait (1) seconds\nset [talking v] to [1]\nset [text.currentstage v] to [1]\nTalk person: [10]\nreplace item (10) of [talkers.touching v] with [true]\n\nwhen I receive [start boss talking v]\nset [pause v] to [1]\nset [talking v] to [1]\nset [text.currentstage v] to [1]\nTalk person: [4]\n\nwhen I receive [update visuals v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [clicked boss button v]\nwait (1) seconds\nset [pause v] to [1]\nset [talking v] to [1]\nset [text.currentstage v] to [1]\nTalk person: [4]\nreplace item (4) of [talkers.touching v] with [true]\n\n@Deathscreen\n\nwhen I receive [death v]\nset [pause v] to [1]\nset [dead v] to [1]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nnext costume\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nnext costume\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [respawn v]\nset [dead v] to [0]\nset [pause v] to [0]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Player.y) < [-200]> then\n broadcast (Death v)\n wait until <not <(Player.y) < [-200]>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n go to x: (0) y: ((25) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (4)))\n set size to (85) %\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-75)\n set size to (50) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [fading v] to [1]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-4)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset [fading v] to [0]\n\nwhen [z v] key pressed\nif <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> and <(Fading) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (Respawn v)\nend\n\n@Sound\n\nwhen I receive [sound.talker1 v]\nstart sound [talker1 v]\n\nwhen I receive [sound.dooropen v]\nstart sound [door.open v]\n\nwhen I receive [sound.doorclose v]\nstart sound [door.close v]\n\nwhen I receive [death v]\nstart sound [Roblox Death Sound - OOF Sound Effect v]\n\nwhen I receive [sound.talker2 v]\nstart sound [talker2 v]\n\nwhen I receive [activate checkpoint v]\nstart sound [Coin v]\n\nwhen I receive [close gate v]\nstart sound [Sound Ideas - Door, Metal, Cell - Close, Jail, Cell, Castle v]\n\nwhen I receive [sound.talker10 v]\nstart sound [talker0 v]\n\nwhen I receive [sound.talker3 v]\nstart sound [talker3 v]\n\nwhen I receive [sound.talker4 v]\nstart sound [talker4 v]\n\nwhen I receive [start boss walk v]\nstart sound [Walking on Metal Sound Effects v]\n\nwhen I receive [sound.boss short walk v]\nstart sound [Walking on Metal Sound Effects2 v]\n\nwhen I receive [close boss gate v]\nstart sound [Sound Ideas - Door, Metal, Cell - Close, Jail, Cell, Castle v]\n\nwhen I receive [sound.button click v]\nstart sound [Suction Cup v]\n\nwhen I receive [start boss explosion v]\nstart sound [EXPLOSION SOUND EFFECT v]\n\n@Controls\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (-75)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nshow\nwait until <[keys v] contains [true]?>\nhide\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [show thumbnail v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [update visuals v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Home\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [end v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nforever\n hide\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (3) layers\n if <(Player.x) > [8400]> then\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen [z v] key pressed\nif <<(Player.x) > [8400]> and <(End) = [0]>> then\n set [end v] to [1]\n set [pause v] to [1]\n broadcast (End v)\nend\n\n@End\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\nend\n\n@End credits\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nshow\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\nend\n\n
up or space, left and right keys to move. s key to swing sword.\n\nlink https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/953046105
KENNEY Platformer V0.1.8
@Stage\n\n@player variable\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-100)\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (80) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [10]>>> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [-10]>>> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching (platformer v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platformer v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platformer v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platformer v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platformer v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platformer v)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [12]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching (platformer v)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (platformer v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [yv v] to [12]\n end\n end\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n set [yv v] to [20]\n broadcast (Trampoline v)\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n reset\n end\n if <<<(y position) < [-177]> or <touching (meany variable v)?>> or <touching (saw variable v)?>> then\n start sound [Death v]\n reset\n end\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (Next level! v)\n reset\n end\nend\n\ndefine reset\ngo to x: (-260) y: (-85)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (start v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n play sound [bensound-dreams v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (0.05) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (0.5) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (50)\n wait (0) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (15)\n change size by (-2)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n turn right ((Xv) * (1.3)) degrees\nend\n\n@Moon variable\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nforever\n repeat (100)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n change size by (1)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n repeat (100)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n change size by (-1)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Platformer\n\nwhen I receive [next level! v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (4) y: (4)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\n@Meany Variable\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (spikey variable v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level! v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@Stars Variable\n\nwhen flag clicked\nchange [ghost v] effect by (100)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (pick random (300) to (-300)) y: (pick random (-100) to (200))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n@trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n show\n go to x: (10) y: (-66)\n else\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (start v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [0]\n\ngo to x: (10) y: (-65)\n\nwhen I receive [trampoline v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n repeat (3)\n next costume\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.001) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.001) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n show\n go to x: (10) y: (-66)\n else\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) < [9]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(level) > [11]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Saw Variable\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n show\n go to x: (2) y: (-133)\n \n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (start v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n turn right (13) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (50) y: (-133)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-50) y: (-133)\n end\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Timer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [time v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(Time) = [1000000]>\n change [time v] by (0.1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [time v]\nforever\n if <key (1 v) pressed?> then\n show variable [time v]\n end\n if <key (2 v) pressed?> then\n hide variable [time v]\n end\nend\n\n
∞∞ ⌦Infinity Platformer⌫ ∞∞\n ∞∞ The Platforming Game that Lasts Forever! ∞∞\n\n▶ Platform Forever Through Over 175 Different Levels!\n▶ More Levels Coming!\n▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬\nControls:\n\nUse the Mobile Joystick to activate Mobile Mode! Use the Keyboard to activate Computer Mode!\n\n▶ Use W,A,D or the Arrow Keys to Move!\n▶ Hold M to Open the Stats Menu!\n▶ Press R to Reset the Stage!\n▶ Press T to Skip a Stage!\n▶ Press Y to Change your Skin!\n\nYOU MUST FOLLOW ME TO ADVERTISE!!!\nPlease don't add this game to any studio without permission from me!\n▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬\nCredits:\n\nSprites, Code: Tech_Voyager (Me!)\nMobile Controls - @griffpatch\nSounds: Pixabay.com\n▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬\n4/19/24 - No. 104 ON #ALL!\n4/20/24 - No. 86 ON #ALL!\n4/21/24 - No. 82 ON #ALL!\n4/29/24 - Saw it in "What the Community is Remixing"\n4/30/24 - #36 in #GAMES!\n▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬\n#all #trending #platformer #all #trending #platformer #all #trending #platformer #all #trending #platformer #all #trending #platformer #all #trending #platformer #all #trending #platformer #all #trending #platformer #all #trending #platformer #all #trending #platformer #all #trending #platformer #all #trending #platformer
-Lockdown- -A Scrolling Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n play sound [Close to the sun v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n switch backdrop to (join [#SCANE] (#SCANE))\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Game Start v)\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nset [ty v] to [n]\nStart Program [-200] [light]\nwait (0) seconds\nforever\n 移動 <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>> <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>>\n 床 <touching (地面 v)?>\n jump <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>>>\n Next Program <[240] < (x position)>\n restart <<touching (トゲ v)?> or <(y position) < [-180]>>\n if <(ty) = [y]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Start Program (左右) (コスチューム)\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (120) %\nswitch costume to (コスチューム)\ngo to x: (左右) y: (0)\nset [player x v] to [0]\nset [player y v] to [0]\nset [重力 v] to ((0) - ([abs v] of ((重力) - <[5] < [1]>) ))\nset [player jump v] to [14]\n\ndefine 移動 <右> <左>\nif <右> then\n switch costume to (light v)\n change [player x v] by (1)\nend\nif <左> then\n switch costume to (left v)\n change [player x v] by (-1)\nend\nset [player x v] to ((Player X) * ((((0) - (([abs v] of (Player jump) ) / (1))) + (14.9)) + (pick random (0.000000001) to (0.000000002))))\nchange x by ((Player X) + ())\n\ndefine 床 <地面>\nif <<touching (地面 v)?> or <touching (地面3 v)?>> then\n change x by ((Player X) * (-1))\nend\n\ndefine jump <上>\nchange y by ((0) - ([abs v] of ((重力) - <[5] < [1]>) ))\nif <上> then\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <touching (地面3 v)?>> then\n set [player y v] to (Player jump)\n end\nend\nchange y by ([abs v] of ((重力) - <[5] < [1]>) )\nchange [player y v] by (重力)\nchange y by (Player Y)\nif <<touching (地面 v)?> or <touching (地面3 v)?>> then\n change y by ((Player Y) * ((0) - ([abs v] of ((重力) - <[5] < [1]>) )))\n set [player y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Next Program <端>\nif <端> then\n if <<(#SCANE) = [8]> or <<(#SCANE) = [9]> or <(#SCANE) = [10]>>> then\nend\nif <<(#SCANE) = [8]> or <(#SCANE) = [9]>> then\n if <(x position) < [-240]> then\n broadcast (next v)\n Start Program [200] [left]\n end\nend\n\ndefine restart <トゲ>\nif <トゲ> then\n if <<(#SCANE) = [9]> or <(#SCANE) = [10]>> then\n Start Program [200] [left]\n else\n Start Program [-200] [light]\n end\nend\nif <touching (水 v)?> then\n set [重力 v] to [-0.5]\n change [player y v] by (1)\nelse\n set [重力 v] to [-1]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <touching (センサー v)?> then\n if <(#SCANE) = [1]> then\n broadcast (t1 v)\n end\n if <(#SCANE) = [2]> then\n broadcast (t2 v)\n end\n if <(#SCANE) = [3]> then\n broadcast (t3 v)\n end\n if <(#SCANE) = [5]> then\n broadcast (t4 v)\n end\n if <(#SCANE) = [6]> then\n broadcast (t5 v)\n end\n if <(#SCANE) = [8]> then\n broadcast (j1 v)\n end\n if <(#SCANE) = [10]> then\n broadcast (j2 v)\n end\n wait until <not <touching (センサー v)?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [動け v]\nswitch costume to (light v)\nglide (2) secs to x: (0) y: (-72)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ty v] to [n]\n\n@地面3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\ngo to x: (230) y: (-500)\nforever\n switch costume to (join [#SCANE] (#SCANE))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [j1 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (230) y: (-500)\nrepeat (40)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (6))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [j2 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-230) y: (-500)\nrepeat (40)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (6))\nend\nset [ty v] to [y]\nbroadcast (動け v)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nhide\n\n@水\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (join [#SCANE] (#SCANE))\nend\n\n@地面\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nset [#scane v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n switch costume to (join [#SCANE] (#SCANE))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nchange [#scane v] by (1)\n\n@地面2\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n switch costume to (join [#SCANE] (#SCANE))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\nend\n\n@トゲ\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (111) y: (-999)\nforever\n switch costume to (join [#SCANE] (#SCANE))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n set [距離 v] to (distance to [player v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [t1 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (120) y: (-300)\nrepeat (30)\n change y by (((20) - (y position)) / (3))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [t2 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (120) y: (-300)\nrepeat (30)\n change y by (((-80) - (y position)) / (3))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [t3 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (150) y: (-300)\nrepeat (30)\n change y by (((-70) - (y position)) / (3))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [t4 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (300) y: (-25)\nrepeat (30)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (10))\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [t5 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (300)\nrepeat (30)\n change y by (((-70) - (y position)) / (6))\nend\nhide\n\n@センサー\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nif <(username) = [takuno]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nelse\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\nforever\n switch costume to (join [#SCANE] (#SCANE))\nend\n\n@サムネイル\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n set [timer v] to (timer)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (Timer)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (34)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\n\n@Thank you for Playing\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [動け v]\nshow\ngo to x: (999) y: (50)\nrepeat (80)\n change x by (((12) - (x position)) / (15))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nset [☁ time v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(ty) = [y]>\n wait (1) seconds\n change [☁ time v] by (1)\nend\n\n@Detector\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [★ v] to [0]\nset [♥ v] to [0]\nset [どっち v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [どっち v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <<(♥) = [1]> and <(★) = [1]>>\nbroadcast (♥と★ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(どっち) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n set [♥ v] to [0]\n switch costume to (love v)\n forever\n set [♥? v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [♥ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(どっち) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (fave v)\n set [★ v] to [0]\n forever\n set [星? v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [★ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@♡&☆\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [♥と★ v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (34)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\nrepeat (34)\n change [ghost v] effect by (3)\nend\nhide\n\n
   —————— DESCRIPTION ——————\nIn this game, the pen really is mightier than the sword. Create platforms to solve puzzles! Use different pen colors to defeat enemies and erase walls! Can you beat all 64 levels without running out of ink?\n\n   —————— CONTROLS ——————\nArrow keys/WAD — Move\nClick and drag — Draw\nSpace — Switch pen (after level 20)\nR — Restart, regain ink at 0%\nZ — Skip forward a level (uses up ink)\nX — Skip backward a level\nC — View level help screen\nP — Pause (or restart secret mode)\nM — Mute music\n\n     —————— FAQ ——————\n• "How do I beat this level/boss?" — Press C to view the help screen. If you're really having trouble, press Z to skip most levels.\n• "How do I erase?" — You can press R to restart the level. You also gain an eraser on level 25.\n• "I've run out of ink!" — If you have 0% ink, restart the level with R and it'll restore 25%.\n• "Can I remix without changing anything?" — No.\n\n    ——————— MORE ———————\nTry the demo for Draw: The Sequel! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/506927281\n\nFor more of a challenge, try out the game's hard mode here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/487061075/\n\nCreate your own levels with @Mrk20200's great level editor: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/366352101/\n\n...All right, that's enough. You don't need to love and favorite this anymore, the quota's been reached. I've made better projects than this, go look at those instead. @CoolGuyBug\n\n    —————— CREDITS ——————\n@djpro — Player movement\nEdward Shallow — Music\nSound Jay and FesliyanStudios — Sounds
Radiation - A Scrolling Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (25) %\nforever\n play sound [Smooth Jazz Piano v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(Level) = [17]>\nstop all sounds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop all sounds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Reset Update v) and wait\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (-140) y: (-50)\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n Platforming script\nend\n\ndefine Move in steps (steps)\nchange [airtime v] by (1)\nrepeat (steps)\n set [orig v] to (x position)\n change x by ((vx) / (steps))\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n set x to (orig)\n set [vx v] to [0]\n end\n set [orig v] to (y position)\n change y by ((vy) / (steps))\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n set y to (orig)\n set [vy v] to [0]\n set [airtime v] to [0]\n end\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n Respawn at x: (Spawn x) y: (Spawn y)\n set [vy v] to [0]\n set [vx v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <<(y position) = [-190]> and <<(Level \(Modulo\)) = [1]> or <(Level \(Modulo\)) = [2]>>> then\n Respawn at x: (Spawn x) y: (Spawn y)\n set [vy v] to [0]\n set [vx v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Platforming script\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nif <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <[2] > (airtime)>> then\n set [vy v] to [10]\n change [airtime v] by (-0.7)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [vx v] by (-1.5)\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [vx v] by (1.5)\nend\nchange [vx v] by (((0) - (vx)) / (5))\nchange [vy v] by (-1)\nMove in steps (([abs v] of (vy) ) + ([abs v] of (vx) ))\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset [level \(modulo\) v] to ((((Level) - (1)) mod (4)) + (1))\nWin if Level = [1] And x = [240] And y = []\nWin if Level = [2] And x = [] And y = [190]\nWin if Level = [3] And x = [-240] And y = []\nWin if Level = [4] And x = [] And y = [-190]\nBack if level = [2] and x = [-240] and y = []\nBack if level = [3] and x = [] and y = [-190]\nBack if level = [4] and x = [240] and y = []\nif <<(Level) = [6]> and <(x position) = [240]>> then\n easter egg [1]\nend\nif <<(Level \(Modulo\)) = [1]> and <(y position) = [190]>> then\n broadcast (end v)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\ndefine Level (lev) , New x: (nx) , New y: (ny) , Spawn x: (sx) , Spawn y: (sy)\nset [level \(modulo\) v] to ((((Level) - (1)) mod (4)) + (1))\nif <(Level \(Modulo\)) = (lev)> then\n set [new x v] to (nx)\n set [new y v] to (ny)\n set [spawn x v] to (sx)\n set [spawn y v] to (sy)\nend\n\ndefine Respawn at x: (xx) y: (yy)\ngo to x: (xx) y: (yy)\n\ndefine Win if Level = (l) And x = (x) And y = (y)\nif <(Level \(Modulo\)) = (l)> then\n if <<(x position) = (x)> or <(x) = []>> then\n if <<(y position) = (y)> or <(y) = []>> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (Reset Update v) and wait\n Respawn at x: (New x) y: (New y)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset update v]\nLevel [1] , New x: [-140] , New y: [176] , Spawn x: [-140] , Spawn y: [-106]\nLevel [2] , New x: [-226] , New y: (y position) , Spawn x: [-180] , Spawn y: [-106]\nLevel [3] , New x: [213] , New y: [-134] , Spawn x: [134] , Spawn y: [-106]\nLevel [4] , New x: [238] , New y: (y position) , Spawn x: [192] , Spawn y: [-106]\n\ndefine Back if level = (levback) and x = (xb) and y = (yb)\nif <((((Level) - (1)) mod (4)) + (1)) = (levback)> then\n if <<(x position) = (xb)> or <(xb) = []>> then\n if <<(y position) = (yb)> or <(yb) = []>> then\n change [level v] by (-1)\n broadcast (Back reset update v) and wait\n Respawn at x: (New x) y: (New y)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back reset update v]\nLevel [1] , New x: [239] , New y: (y position) , Spawn x: [200] , Spawn y: [-106]\nLevel [2] , New x: [163] , New y: [188] , Spawn x: [140] , Spawn y: [108]\nLevel [3] , New x: [-229] , New y: (y position) , Spawn x: [-220] , Spawn y: [-106]\nLevel [4] , New x: [238] , New y: [-106] , Spawn x: [192] , Spawn y: [-106]\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nRespawn at x: (Spawn x) y: (Spawn y)\nset [vy v] to [0]\nset [vx v] to [0]\nstop [this script v]\n\ndefine easter egg ()\n\nwhen [x v] key pressed\nif <(username) = [max-0]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (Reset Update v) and wait\n Respawn at x: (New x) y: (New y)\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Added things\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@end\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\npoint in direction (90)\nset volume to (30) %\nwait (0.05) seconds\nstart sound [JJD - Adventure - cut v]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nset [id v] to [1]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (2)\n clon thing\n wait (3.62) seconds\nend\nclon thing\nrepeat (5)\n wait (2.43) seconds\n clon thing\nend\nwait (7) seconds\nclon thing\nwait (2.43) seconds\nset [id v] to [11]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (1) seconds\nset [id v] to [12]\nforever\n wait (0.5) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\ndefine transition\nif <(id) = [black dot]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n set size to (150) %\n set [a v] to (pick random (-8) to (8))\n set [o v] to (pick random (-3) to (16))\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (15)\n if <<[-170] > (y position)> or <([abs v] of (x position) ) > [180]>> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\n change x by (a)\n change y by (o)\n change [o v] by (-1)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (15)\n change x by (a)\n change y by (o)\n change [o v] by (-1)\n if <<[-170] > (y position)> or <([abs v] of (x position) ) > [180]>> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nelse\n point in direction (pick random (87) to (93))\n go to x: (0) y: (-200)\n if <(id) = [12]> then\n set x to (pick random (-200) to (200))\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n set size to (400) %\n switch costume to (id)\n go to [front v] layer\n set [a v] to [23]\n repeat (15)\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (9))\n switch costume to (id)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change y by (a)\n change [a v] by (-1)\n if <(id) = [12]> then\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (7))\n end\n end\n repeat until <<[6] > (y position)> or <(y position) = [6]>>\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (9))\n switch costume to (id)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change [a v] by (-1)\n change y by (a)\n if <(id) = [12]> then\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (7))\n end\n end\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n clone [15] black dots\n if <(id) > [3]> then\n if <(id) = [4]> then\n repeat (10)\n go to x: ((pick random (-3) to (3)) * (5)) y: ((pick random (-3) to (3)) * (5))\n point in direction (pick random (-190) to (190))\n end\n else\n repeat (5)\n go to x: ((pick random (-3) to (3)) * (3)) y: ((pick random (-3) to (3)) * (3))\n end\n end\n else\n repeat (5)\n go to x: ((pick random (-3) to (3)) * (1)) y: ((pick random (-3) to (3)) * (1))\n point in direction (pick random (87) to (93))\n end\n end\n if <(id) = [4]> then\n point in direction (92)\n end\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n clear graphic effects\n if <(id) = [12]> then\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ntransition\nset [a v] to [4]\nrepeat (10)\n change [a v] by (-1)\n change y by (a)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine clon thing\nchange [id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine clone (e) black dots\nset [o v] to (id)\nset [id v] to [black dot]\nrepeat (e)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [id v] to (o)\n\nstart sound [JJD - Adventure - cut v]\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\n
Click the flag twice, LAG will build up if you don't.\nMovement: Arrow Keys. Jump: X.\nRunning: Double Tap Left or Right arrow.\nInhale / Use Ability: Z. Slide: Down Arrow + X.\nSwallow Enemy / Enter Door: Down Arrow.\nDrop Ability: A / Take Damage. Float: Up Arrow.
Dango Platformer #games #all
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop all sounds\nforever\n set [bgm v] to (pick random (1) to (5))\n if <(bgm) = [1]> then\n play sound [18 Sugerland Shimmy v] until done\n end\n if <(bgm) = [2]> then\n play sound [12 Ruse Of An Ooze v] until done\n end\n if <(bgm) = [3]> then\n play sound [22 Fiery Frolic v] until done\n end\n if <(bgm) = [4]> then\n play sound [19 Aviary Action v] until done\n end\n if <(bgm) = [5]> then\n play sound [39 Murine Corps v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nreset timer\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\nif <(ステージ) = [17]> then\n hide variable [time v]\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstop all sounds\nswitch backdrop to (背景3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [game v]\nforever\n play sound [Odesong v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nforever\n play sound [Dance Chill Out v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [time v]\n\nwhen I receive [game over v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop all sounds\nstart sound [Lose v]\n\n@バネ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(バネ) = [1]> then\n set size to (100) %\n show\n switch costume to (コスチューム12 v)\n go to x: (246) y: (-88)\n repeat (62)\n change x by (-8)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<touching (スプライト1 v)?> or <touching (platformer v)?>> then\n repeat (10)\n next costume\n end\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (10))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(バネ) = [3]> then\n バネ [-173]\nend\nif <(バネ) = [4]> then\n バネ [-86]\nend\nif <(バネ) = [6]> then\n バネ [9]\nend\nif <(バネ) = [7]> then\n バネ [104]\nend\nif <(バネ) = [8]> then\n バネ [194]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\ndefine バネ (x)\nset size to (15) %\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\ngo to x: (x) y: (190)\nrepeat (5)\n change y by (-59)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [地面 v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nrepeat (30)\n change y by (-1)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [game over v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@スプライト1\n\ndefine 落下\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\npoint in direction (-90)\nshow\ngo to x: (pick random (-246) to (246)) y: (198)\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (-5)\nend\nwait (0.6) seconds\nrepeat (23)\n change y by (-15)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nwait (3) seconds\nif <(難易度) = [1]> then\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [落下] to [攻撃 v]\n Clone [1] [20] [2] [2]\n Clone [1] [20] [1.5] [1.5]\n Clone [1] [20] [1] [1]\n forever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\nend\nif <(難易度) = [2]> then\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [落下] to [攻撃 v]\n add [横移動] to [攻撃 v]\n add [ジャンプ] to [攻撃 v]\n add [落下移動] to [攻撃 v]\n add [画面半分] to [攻撃 v]\n forever\n set [攻撃 v] to (pick random (1) to (5))\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [落下]> then\n Clone [1] [20] [1] [1]\n wait (1.6) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [横移動] to [攻撃 v]\n add [ジャンプ] to [攻撃 v]\n add [落下移動] to [攻撃 v]\n add [画面半分] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [横移動]> then\n Clone [2] [15] [1.40] [2.00]\n wait (2) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [ジャンプ] to [攻撃 v]\n add [落下移動] to [攻撃 v]\n add [画面半分] to [攻撃 v]\n add [落下] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [ジャンプ]> then\n Clone [4] [13] [2] [2]\n wait (3) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [落下] to [攻撃 v]\n add [横移動] to [攻撃 v]\n add [落下移動] to [攻撃 v]\n add [画面半分] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [落下移動]> then\n Clone [5] [10] [2] [2.5]\n wait (2.3) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [落下] to [攻撃 v]\n add [横移動] to [攻撃 v]\n add [ジャンプ] to [攻撃 v]\n add [画面半分] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [画面半分]> then\n Clone [6] [1] [0] [0]\n wait (5.5) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [落下] to [攻撃 v]\n add [横移動] to [攻撃 v]\n add [ジャンプ] to [攻撃 v]\n add [落下移動] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(難易度) = [3]> then\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [弧] to [攻撃 v]\n add [バネ針] to [攻撃 v]\n add [天井] to [攻撃 v]\n add [回転針] to [攻撃 v]\n add [上下針] to [攻撃 v]\n forever\n set [攻撃 v] to (pick random (1) to (5))\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [上下針]> then\n Clone [11] [1] [0] [0]\n Clone [3] [1] [0] [0]\n wait (30) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [弧] to [攻撃 v]\n add [バネ針] to [攻撃 v]\n add [天井] to [攻撃 v]\n add [回転針] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [弧]> then\n Clone [7] [7] [7.5] [7.5]\n wait (2) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [バネ針] to [攻撃 v]\n add [天井] to [攻撃 v]\n add [回転針] to [攻撃 v]\n add [上下針] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [バネ針]> then\n Clone [8] [12] [1.3] [1.5]\n wait (2) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [弧] to [攻撃 v]\n add [天井] to [攻撃 v]\n add [回転針] to [攻撃 v]\n add [上下針] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [天井]> then\n Clone [9] [1] [0] [0]\n wait (27) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [弧] to [攻撃 v]\n add [バネ針] to [攻撃 v]\n add [回転針] to [攻撃 v]\n add [上下針] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [回転針]> then\n Clone [10] [10] [3.5] [3.2]\n wait (4) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [弧] to [攻撃 v]\n add [バネ針] to [攻撃 v]\n add [天井] to [攻撃 v]\n add [上下針] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(難易度) = [4]> then\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [地面分裂] to [攻撃 v]\n add [軌道] to [攻撃 v]\n add [分裂] to [攻撃 v]\n add [一回転] to [攻撃 v]\n add [地形] to [攻撃 v]\n forever\n set [攻撃 v] to (pick random (1) to (5))\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [地面分裂]> then\n Clone [12] [10] [1.7] [1.7]\n wait (1.5) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [軌道] to [攻撃 v]\n add [分裂] to [攻撃 v]\n add [一回転] to [攻撃 v]\n add [地形] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [軌道]> then\n Clone [13] [1] [0] [0]\n wait (25) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [地面分裂] to [攻撃 v]\n add [分裂] to [攻撃 v]\n add [一回転] to [攻撃 v]\n add [地形] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [分裂]> then\n Clone [14] [12] [2.3] [2.5]\n wait (1.5) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [地面分裂] to [攻撃 v]\n add [軌道] to [攻撃 v]\n add [一回転] to [攻撃 v]\n add [地形] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [一回転]> then\n Clone [15] [1] [0] [0]\n wait (50) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [地面分裂] to [攻撃 v]\n add [軌道] to [攻撃 v]\n add [分裂] to [攻撃 v]\n add [地形] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [地形]> then\n set [上 v] to [0]\n set [バネ v] to [2]\n repeat (6)\n change [バネ v] by (1)\n create clone of (バネ v)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n change [バネ v] by (1)\n create clone of (地面 v)\n set [clone v] to [16]\n repeat (6)\n set [clone v] to [16]\n repeat (pick random (1) to (20))\n switch costume to (コスチューム24 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.0001) seconds\n switch costume to (コスチューム25 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.0001) seconds\n end\n repeat (pick random (1) to (2))\n set [clone v] to (pick random (17) to (22))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n set [clone v] to [16]\n repeat (pick random (1) to (20))\n switch costume to (コスチューム22 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.0001) seconds\n switch costume to (コスチューム23 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.0001) seconds\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n set [clone v] to [23]\n end\n broadcast (地面 v)\n wait (3) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [地面分裂] to [攻撃 v]\n add [軌道] to [攻撃 v]\n add [分裂] to [攻撃 v]\n add [一回転] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone) = [1]> then\n 落下\nend\nif <(clone) = [2]> then\n 横移動 [98] [-5]\nend\nif <(clone) = [4]> then\n ジャンプ\nend\nif <(clone) = [5]> then\n 落下移動\nend\nif <(clone) = [6]> then\n if <(難易度) = [3]> then\n 画面半分 [0] [11] [40]\n else\n 画面半分 [3] [22] [20]\n end\nend\nif <(clone) = [7]> then\n 弧\nend\nif <(clone) = [8]> then\n バネ針\nend\nif <(clone) = [9]> then\n 天井\nend\nif <(clone) = [10]> then\n 回転針\nend\nif <(clone) = [11]> then\n 上下針 [213] [272] [-90] [-10] [2]\nend\nif <(clone) = [3]> then\n 上下針 [213] [-210] [90] [10] [-2]\nend\nif <(clone) = [12]> then\n 地面分裂\nend\nif <(clone) = [13]> then\n 軌道\nend\nif <(clone) = [14]> then\n 分裂\nend\nif <(clone) = [15]> then\n 一回転\nend\nif <(clone) = [16]> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (0)\n set x to (257)\n repeat until <(x position) < [-230]>\n change x by (-50)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(clone) = [17]> then\n needle [-231]\nend\nif <(clone) = [18]> then\n needle [-136]\nend\nif <(clone) = [19]> then\n needle [-49]\nend\nif <(clone) = [20]> then\n needle [45]\nend\nif <(clone) = [21]> then\n needle [140]\nend\nif <(clone) = [22]> then\n needle [235]\nend\n\ndefine 横移動 (回) (x)\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\ngo to x: (246) y: (-87)\nrepeat (回)\n change x by (x)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone (clone) (回数) (秒) (秒2)\nrepeat (回数)\n set [clone v] to (clone)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (pick random (秒) to (秒2)) seconds\nend\n\ndefine ジャンプ\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\ngo to x: (260) y: (pick random (0) to (-100))\nset [y v] to [20]\nrepeat until <(x position) < [-260]>\n turn right (10) degrees\n change x by (-4)\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n set [y v] to [20]\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine 落下移動\nset size to (125) %\nswitch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\ngo to x: (pick random (-275) to (275)) y: (198)\nrepeat (61)\n change y by (-5)\n turn right (10) degrees\nend\nif <(x position) < ([x position v] of [platformer v])> then\n repeat until <[270] < (x position)>\n change x by (15)\n turn right (10) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nelse\n repeat until <(x position) < [-270]>\n change x by (-15)\n turn right (-10) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine 画面半分 (回) (回数) (歩)\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\nset [変数 v] to (pick random (1) to (2))\nshow\nif <(変数) = [1]> then\n point in direction (180)\n go to x: (-389) y: (130)\n repeat (12)\n change x by (10)\n end\n repeat (4)\n turn right (5) degrees\n end\n repeat (回)\n repeat (8)\n turn right (-5) degrees\n end\n repeat (8)\n turn right (5) degrees\n end\n end\n repeat (4)\n turn right (-5) degrees\n end\n repeat (4)\n change x by (5)\n end\n repeat (7)\n change x by (-20)\n end\n hide\n wait (0.3) seconds\n point in direction (90)\n show\n switch costume to (コスチューム4 v)\n go to x: (-440) y: (0)\n repeat (回数)\n change x by (歩)\n end\n repeat (44)\n change x by (-10)\n end\n delete this clone\nelse\n point in direction (0)\n go to x: (389) y: (130)\n repeat (12)\n change x by (-10)\n end\n repeat (4)\n turn right (5) degrees\n end\n repeat (回)\n repeat (8)\n turn right (-5) degrees\n end\n repeat (8)\n turn right (5) degrees\n end\n end\n repeat (4)\n turn right (-5) degrees\n end\n repeat (4)\n change x by (-5)\n end\n repeat (7)\n change x by (20)\n end\n hide\n wait (0.3) seconds\n point in direction (-90)\n show\n switch costume to (コスチューム4 v)\n go to x: (440) y: (0)\n repeat (回数)\n change x by ((歩) * (-1))\n end\n repeat (44)\n change x by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine 弧\nset size to (80) %\nswitch costume to (コスチューム5 v)\nshow\npoint in direction (-150)\ngo to x: (251) y: (pick random (-150) to (-80))\nrepeat (6)\n repeat (6)\n turn right (10) degrees\n change x by (-20)\n end\n repeat (6)\n turn right (10) degrees\n move (10) steps\n end\n repeat (24)\n turn right (10) degrees\n move (10) steps\n change y by (-1)\n end\nend\nrepeat (6)\n turn right (10) degrees\n change x by (-20)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine バネ針\nset [バネ v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (バネ v)\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (246) y: (0)\nset [y v] to [0]\nrepeat (62)\n change x by (-8)\n change [y v] by (-2)\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching (バネ v)?> then\n set [y v] to [30]\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine 天井. (x)\nrepeat (pick random (1) to (60))\n change x by (x)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n set y to (y position)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (1)\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change y by (-10)\nend\nrepeat (19)\n change y by (10)\nend\n\ndefine 回転針\nswitch costume to (コスチューム7 v)\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (248) y: (-80)\nrepeat (4)\n 回転 [3]\n 回転 [2]\n 回転 [1]\n 回転 [0]\n 回転 [-2]\n 回転 [-3]\n 回転 [-5]\n 回転 [-6]\n 回転 [-6]\n 回転 [-7]\n 回転 [-4]\n 回転 [6]\n 回転 [6]\n 回転 [5]\n 回転 [4]\n 回転 [3]\n 回転 [2]\n 回転 [1]\n 回転 [-1]\n 回転 [-2]\n 回転 [-3]\n 回転 [-4]\n 回転 [-5]\n 回転 [-5]\n 回転 [-6]\n 回転 [3]\n 回転 [7]\n 回転 [6]\n 回転 [6]\n 回転 [4]\n 回転 [3]\n 回転 [2]\n 回転 [1]\n 回転 [0]\n 回転 [-2]\n 回転 [-4]\nend\n回転 [3]\n回転 [2]\n回転 [1]\n回転 [0]\n回転 [-2]\n回転 [-3]\n回転 [-5]\n回転 [-6]\n回転 [-6]\n回転 [-7]\n回転 [-4]\n回転 [6]\n回転 [6]\n回転 [5]\n回転 [4]\n回転 [3]\n回転 [2]\n回転 [1]\n回転 [-1]\n回転 [-2]\n回転 [-3]\n回転 [-4]\n回転 [-5]\n回転 [-5]\n回転 [-6]\n回転 [3]\n回転 [7]\n回転 [6]\n回転 [6]\n回転 [4]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine 回転 (y)\nturn left (10) degrees\nchange x by (-3)\nchange y by (y)\nrepeat (1)\n set y to (y position)\nend\n\ndefine 天井\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム6 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (286)\nrepeat (18)\n change y by (-5)\nend\nrepeat (8)\n change x by (-20)\nend\nrepeat (70)\n change x by (20)\nend\nrepeat (3)\n 天井. [-20]\n repeat until <(x position) < [120]>\n change x by (-20)\n end\n 天井. [20]\n repeat until <[1000] < (x position)>\n change x by (20)\n end\nend\nrepeat (19)\n change y by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine 上下針 (x) (y) (度) (y1) (y2)\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム8 v)\npoint in direction (度)\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nrepeat (12)\n change y by (y1)\nend\nrepeat (6)\n repeat (60)\n change y by (y2)\n end\n repeat (60)\n change y by ((y2) * (-1))\n end\nend\nrepeat (60)\n change y by (y2)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<(clone) = [11]> or <(clone) = [3]>> then\n forever\n repeat until <(x position) < [-210]>\n change x by (-5)\n end\n repeat until <[210] < (x position)>\n change x by (5)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine 地面分裂\nswitch costume to (コスチューム9 v)\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\ngo to x: (pick random (-246) to (246)) y: (198)\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (-5)\nend\nwait (0.6) seconds\nrepeat (16)\n change y by (-15)\nend\nset [地面分裂 v] to (x position)\nset [clone v] to [101]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [clone v] to [102]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[101] = (clone)> then\n show\n go to x: (地面分裂) y: (-92)\n switch costume to (コスチューム10 v)\n repeat until <[-230] = (x position)>\n change x by (-25)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <[102] = (clone)> then\n show\n go to x: (地面分裂) y: (-92)\n switch costume to (コスチューム11 v)\n repeat until <[230] = (x position)>\n change x by (25)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(clone) = [103]> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\n show\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (地面分裂) y: (-108)\n set [y v] to [11.5]\n repeat (52)\n turn right (-10) degrees\n change x by (-3)\n change [y v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (Y)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine 軌道\nset [変数 v] to [3]\nset [clone v] to [100]\npoint in direction (90)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (2) seconds\ngo to x: (0) y: (200)\npoint in direction (-135)\nset size to (150) %\nshow\nrepeat (76)\n switch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\n repeat (7)\n next costume\n move (10) steps\n if on edge, bounce\n end\nend\nswitch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\npoint in direction (135)\nrepeat (7)\n next costume\n move (10) steps\nend\nswitch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\nrepeat (4)\n next costume\n set [変数 v] to [0]\n move (10) steps\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine 分裂\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム20 v)\nset size to (200) %\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (pick random (270) to (-270)) y: (222)\nrepeat (32)\n turn right (10) degrees\n change y by (-10)\nend\nset [地面分裂 v] to (x position)\nset [clone v] to [103]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\nset size to (100) %\nset y to (-108)\nset [y v] to [11.5]\nrepeat (52)\n turn right (10) degrees\n change x by (3)\n change [y v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (Y)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine 一回転\nset [バネ v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (地面 v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (コスチューム21 v)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (240)\nrepeat (12)\n change y by (-20)\nend\nset [角度 v] to [0]\nrepeat (1092)\n turn right ((0.5) + (角度)) degrees\n change [角度 v] by (0.0015)\nend\nrepeat (160)\n turn right ((0.5) + (角度)) degrees\n change [角度 v] by (0.0015)\nend\nrepeat (12)\n change y by (20)\nend\nbroadcast (地面 v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[100] = (clone)> then\n point in direction (90)\n show\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (コスチューム19 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (270)\n repeat (27)\n change y by (-10)\n end\n wait (22.5) seconds\n repeat (27)\n change y by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nforever\n\ndefine needle (x)\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム26 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (x) y: (54)\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (2)\nend\nwait (6) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (-2)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [地面 v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [26]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game over v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@スプライト2\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nif <(難易度) = [5]> then\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [上昇] to [攻撃 v]\n add [W移動] to [攻撃 v]\n add [5way] to [攻撃 v]\n add [地面] to [攻撃 v]\n add [ビーム] to [攻撃 v]\n wait (5) seconds\n forever\n set [攻撃 v] to (pick random (1) to (5))\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [上昇]> then\n set [clone v] to [0]\n repeat (3)\n change [clone v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait (7) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [W移動] to [攻撃 v]\n add [5way] to [攻撃 v]\n add [地面] to [攻撃 v]\n add [ビーム] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [W移動]> then\n repeat (6)\n set [clone v] to [4]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone v] to [5]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (2) seconds\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [上昇] to [攻撃 v]\n add [5way] to [攻撃 v]\n add [地面] to [攻撃 v]\n add [ビーム] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [5way]> then\n set [clone v] to [6]\n broadcast (sun v)\n wait (14) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [上昇] to [攻撃 v]\n add [W移動] to [攻撃 v]\n add [地面] to [攻撃 v]\n add [ビーム] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [地面]> then\n set [clone v] to [11]\n repeat (20)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.75) seconds\n end\n wait (5) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [上昇] to [攻撃 v]\n add [W移動] to [攻撃 v]\n add [5way] to [攻撃 v]\n add [ビーム] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [ビーム]> then\n set [clone v] to [12]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (27) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [上昇] to [攻撃 v]\n add [W移動] to [攻撃 v]\n add [5way] to [攻撃 v]\n add [地面] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Clone (clone) (回数) (秒) (秒2)\nrepeat (回数)\n set [clone v] to (clone)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <(clone) = (pick random (1) to (3))> then\n wait (pick random (秒) to (秒2)) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [地面 v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [26]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine 天井. (x)\nrepeat (pick random (1) to (60))\n change x by (x)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n set y to (y position)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (1)\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change y by (-10)\nend\nrepeat (19)\n change y by (10)\nend\n\ndefine 角度 (回数) (x)\nrepeat (回数)\n go to [back v] layer\n change x by (x)\n turn right (5) degrees\n change y by (2)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone) = [4]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (コスチューム27 v)\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-240) y: (89)\n repeat (48)\n change x by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine 上昇 (x1) (x2) (clone)\nif <(clone) = (clone)> then\n show\n set size to (70) %\n switch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\n go to x: (pick random (x1) to (x2)) y: (-187)\n repeat (3)\n 角度 [6] [-5]\n 角度 [3] [-4]\n 角度 [3] [-3]\n 角度 [3] [-2]\n 角度 [3] [-1]\n 角度 [3] [1]\n 角度 [3] [2]\n 角度 [3] [3]\n 角度 [3] [4]\n 角度 [12] [5]\n 角度 [3] [4]\n 角度 [3] [3]\n 角度 [3] [2]\n 角度 [3] [1]\n 角度 [3] [-1]\n 角度 [3] [-2]\n 角度 [3] [-3]\n 角度 [3] [-4]\n 角度 [6] [-5]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n上昇 [180] [60] [1]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n上昇 [-60] [60] [2]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n上昇 [-60] [-180] [3]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone) = [5]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (コスチューム27 v)\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (240) y: (89)\n repeat (48)\n change x by (-10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone) = [11]> then\n show\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (コスチューム28 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (pick random (-246) to (246)) y: (198)\n repeat (4)\n change y by (-10)\n end\n wait (1.5) seconds\n repeat (18)\n change y by (-20)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone) = [12]> then\n show\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (コスチューム29 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (6)\n switch costume to (コスチューム30 v)\n wait (1.5) seconds\n repeat (4)\n switch costume to (コスチューム31 v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n switch costume to (コスチューム30 v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n end\n switch costume to (コスチューム29 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\n switch costume to (コスチューム30 v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone) = [12]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (267) y: (-120)\n repeat (7)\n repeat (52)\n change x by (-10)\n end\n repeat (52)\n change x by (10)\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<(clone) = [6]> and <(針) = [1]>> then\n 5way [0]\nend\n\ndefine 5way (+)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム5 v)\npoint in direction ((+) + ((3) * (針 変数)))\nset size to (50) %\ngo to x: (-216) y: (-163)\nrepeat until <<[180] < (y position)> or <[240] < (x position)>>\n move (7) steps\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<(clone) = [6]> and <(針) = [2]>> then\n 5way [18]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<(clone) = [6]> and <(針) = [3]>> then\n 5way [36]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<(clone) = [6]> and <(針) = [4]>> then\n 5way [54]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<(clone) = [6]> and <(針) = [5]>> then\n 5way [72]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game over v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@スプライト5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (背景2 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@スプライト4\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nrepeat (29)\n next costume\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (8)\n next costume\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (33)\n next costume\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (15)\n switch costume to (コスチューム72 v)\n repeat (3)\n next costume\n end\nend\nrepeat (8)\n next costume\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (26)\n next costume\nend\nbroadcast (game v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n\n@スプライト6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [game v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (12)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [Connect v]\nif <[13] = (costume [number v])> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (1.25) seconds\n broadcast (start v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nswitch backdrop to (背景1 v)\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nif <[13] = (costume [number v])> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム14 v)\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <[14] = (costume [number v])> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n broadcast (loading v)\n wait (1.5) seconds\n hide\n broadcast (now loading v)\n wait (1.5) seconds\n broadcast (game start v)\nend\n\n@スプライト9\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [Coin v]\nbroadcast (左 v)\nchange [難易度 v] by (-1)\nif <(難易度) = [1]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [右 v]\nif <(難易度) = [2]> then\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [loading v]\nhide\n\n@スプライト10\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nreset timer\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [☁ lv.1 world record v]\nhide variable [☁ lv.2 world record v]\nhide variable [☁ lv.3 world record v]\nhide variable [☁ lv.4 world record v]\nhide variable [☁ lv.5 world record v]\nhide variable [☁ lv.6 world record v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [life v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [game over v]\nshow variable [☁ lv.1 world record v]\nshow variable [☁ lv.2 world record v]\nshow variable [☁ lv.3 world record v]\nshow variable [☁ lv.4 world record v]\nshow variable [☁ lv.5 world record v]\nshow variable [☁ lv.6 world record v]\nshow variable [time v]\nset [time v] to (timer)\nif <(難易度) = [1]> then\n if <(☁ Lv.1 World Record) < (time)> then\n set [☁ lv.1 world record v] to (time)\n end\nend\nif <(難易度) = [2]> then\n if <(☁ Lv.2 World Record) < (time)> then\n set [☁ lv.2 world record v] to (time)\n end\nend\nif <(難易度) = [3]> then\n if <(☁ Lv.3 World Record) < (time)> then\n set [☁ lv.3 world record v] to (time)\n end\nend\nif <(難易度) = [4]> then\n if <(☁ Lv.4 World Record) < (time)> then\n set [☁ lv.4 world record v] to (time)\n end\nend\nif <(難易度) = [5]> then\n if <(☁ Lv.5 World Record) < (time)> then\n set [☁ lv.5 world record v] to (time)\n end\nend\nif <(難易度) = [6]> then\n if <(☁ Lv.6 World Record) < (time)> then\n set [☁ lv.6 world record v] to (time)\n end\nend\nswitch costume to (コスチューム6 v)\nstart sound [Lose v]\nswitch costume to (コスチューム6 v)\nstart sound [Lose v]\n\n@スプライト11\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nif <(難易度) = [6]> then\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [ワームホール] to [攻撃 v]\n add [三分裂] to [攻撃 v]\n add [柱] to [攻撃 v]\n add [危険] to [攻撃 v]\n add [大回転] to [攻撃 v]\n wait (5) seconds\n forever\n set [攻撃 v] to (pick random (1) to (5))\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [ワームホール]> then\n broadcast (warmhole v) and wait\n wait (3) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [三分裂] to [攻撃 v]\n add [柱] to [攻撃 v]\n add [危険] to [攻撃 v]\n add [大回転] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [三分裂]> then\n repeat (4)\n set [clone v] to [15]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (7) seconds\n end\n wait (6) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [ワームホール] to [攻撃 v]\n add [柱] to [攻撃 v]\n add [危険] to [攻撃 v]\n add [大回転] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [柱]> then\n set [clone v] to [13]\n repeat (15)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (2.5) seconds\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [ワームホール] to [攻撃 v]\n add [三分裂] to [攻撃 v]\n add [危険] to [攻撃 v]\n add [大回転] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [危険]> then\n set [clone v] to [12]\n repeat (15)\n broadcast (危険 v) and wait\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [ワームホール] to [攻撃 v]\n add [三分裂] to [攻撃 v]\n add [柱] to [攻撃 v]\n add [大回転] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n if <(item (攻撃) of [攻撃 v]) = [大回転]> then\n set [clone v] to [14]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (20) seconds\n delete all of [攻撃 v]\n add [ワームホール] to [攻撃 v]\n add [三分裂] to [攻撃 v]\n add [柱] to [攻撃 v]\n add [地面] to [攻撃 v]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Clone (clone) (回数) (秒) (秒2)\nrepeat (回数)\n set [clone v] to (clone)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <(clone) = (pick random (1) to (3))> then\n wait (pick random (秒) to (秒2)) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game over v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [warp v]\nset [clone v] to [0]\nrepeat (4)\n change [clone v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone) = [1]> then\n show\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n go to (スプライト8 v)\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n repeat until <[225] < (x position)>\n move (15) steps\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone) = [15]> then\n show\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n go to x: (274) y: (pick random (100) to (-100))\n repeat (3)\n change x by (-5)\n turn right (-10) degrees\n end\n repeat (50)\n change x by (0)\n turn right (-10) degrees\n end\n repeat (100)\n change x by (-5)\n turn right (-10) degrees\n end\n set [y v] to (y position)\n set [clone v] to [4]\n repeat (4)\n change [clone v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n turn right (-10) degrees\n end\n repeat (60)\n turn right (-10) degrees\n end\n repeat (3)\n change [clone v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n turn right (-10) degrees\n end\n repeat (60)\n turn right (-10) degrees\n end\n set [clone v] to [5]\n repeat (2)\n change [clone v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n turn right (-10) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone) = [5]> then\n 三分裂 [6]\nend\nif <(clone) = [6]> then\n 三分裂 [2]\nend\nif <(clone) = [7]> then\n 三分裂 [-2]\nend\nif <(clone) = [8]> then\n 三分裂 [-6]\nend\nif <(clone) = [9]> then\n 三分裂 [4]\nend\nif <(clone) = [10]> then\n 三分裂 [0]\nend\nif <(clone) = [11]> then\n 三分裂 [-4]\nend\n\ndefine 三分裂 (y)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-241) y: (Y)\nrepeat until <<[190] < (y position)> or <<(y position) < [-190]> or <[250] < (x position)>>>\n turn right (-10) degrees\n change x by (5)\n change y by (y)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone) = [12]> then\n point in direction (-90)\n show\n switch costume to (コスチューム4 v)\n go to x: (柱) y: (339)\n repeat (14)\n change y by (-25)\n end\n repeat (14)\n change y by (25)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone) = [13]> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n point in direction (-90)\n switch costume to (コスチューム6 v)\n go to x: (247) y: (pick random (100) to (250))\n repeat (100)\n change x by (-5)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone) = [14]> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (コスチューム5 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-445)\n repeat (460)\n change y by (2)\n turn right (1.25) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone) = [2]> then\n show\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n go to (スプライト8 v)\n point in direction (180)\n set size to (80) %\n repeat until <(y position) < [-155]>\n move (15) steps\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone) = [3]> then\n show\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n go to (スプライト8 v)\n point in direction (0)\n set size to (80) %\n repeat until <[165] < (y position)>\n move (15) steps\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone) = [4]> then\n show\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n go to (スプライト8 v)\n point in direction (-90)\n set size to (80) %\n repeat until <(x position) < [-225]>\n move (15) steps\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@スプライト12\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nif <(難易度) = [6]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n go to [back v] layer\n change x by (5)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change y by (5)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change x by (-5)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change y by (-5)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game over v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@スプライト7\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [難易度 v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (35)\nshow\nset size to (80) %\nset [大きさ v] to [0]\nforever\n change [大きさ v] by (6)\n change size by ([sin v] of (大きさ) )\nend\n\nwhen I receive [右 v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [左 v]\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [now loading v]\nhide\nswitch backdrop to (背景4 v)\n\n@スプライト8\n\nwhen I receive [sun v]\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\ngo to x: (-215) y: (228)\nset size to (130) %\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nrepeat (20)\n change y by (-20)\nend\nrepeat (3)\n set [針 変数 v] to (pick random (1) to (6))\n repeat (4)\n repeat (5)\n change size by (-6)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change size by (6)\n end\n end\n repeat (15)\n change size by (-2)\n end\n repeat (10)\n set size to (size) %\n end\n set [針 v] to [0]\n repeat (5)\n change [針 v] by (1)\n create clone of (スプライト2 v)\n change size by (6)\n end\n repeat (35)\n set size to (size) %\n end\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change y by (20)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game over v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [warmhole v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nset size to (50) %\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\ngo to [back v] layer\nrepeat (6)\n repeat (pick random (1) to (4))\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (pick random (20) to (60))\n move (10) steps\n if on edge, bounce\n end\n repeat (pick random (5) to (30))\n turn right (5) degrees\n if on edge, bounce\n move (10) steps\n end\n end\n repeat (20)\n change size by (5)\n end\n broadcast (warp v)\n repeat (20)\n change size by (-5)\n end\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [危険 v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (pick random (-200) to (200)) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nrepeat (4)\n show\n wait (0.1) seconds\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nset [柱 v] to (x position)\ncreate clone of (スプライト11 v)\n\n@地面\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nswitch costume to (コスチューム6 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nif <(難易度) = [6]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(難易度) = [5]> then\n point in direction (-90)\nelse\n point in direction (90)\nend\nforever\n switch costume to (コスチューム6 v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(バネ) = [2]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n set [上 v] to [0]\n go to x: (0) y: (210)\n repeat (14)\n change y by (-15)\n end\n set [上 v] to [1]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [地面 v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(バネ) = [9]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n set [上 v] to [0]\n go to x: (490) y: (0)\n repeat (10)\n change x by (-49)\n end\n set [上 v] to [1]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [地面 v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n repeat (10)\n change x by (-49)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game over v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@PLATFORMER\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [上 v] to [1]\nhide\n\ndefine 動き\nif <(難易度) = [5]> then\n point in direction (-90)\n switch costume to (通常 v)\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n change [x v] by (0.8)\n switch costume to (通常3 v)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by (-0.8)\n switch costume to (通常8 v)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.92))\n change x by (x)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change x by ((0) - (x))\n change y by (5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (1)\n change y by (y)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by ((0) - (y))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (2)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) < (y position)>>> then\n if <(上) = [1]> then\n set [y v] to [-18]\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>> then\n switch costume to (通常5 v)\n end\n if <<touching (バネ v)?> or <<touching (バネ2 v)?> or <touching (ヘルメット v)?>>> then\n if <(上) = [1]> then\n set [y v] to [-23]\n end\n end\n if <[-160] > (y position)> then\n 初期化\n end\nelse\n if <(難易度) = [6]> then\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (通常 v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n change [x v] by (0.25)\n switch costume to (通常8 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by (-0.25)\n switch costume to (通常3 v)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.92))\n change x by (x)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change x by ((0) - (x))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (0.1)\n change y by (y)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by ((0) - (y))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (0.5)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>> then\n if <(上) = [1]> then\n set [y v] to [3]\n end\n end\n change y by (0.5)\n end\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) < (y position)>>> then\n switch costume to (通常5 v)\n set [y v] to [-3]\n end\n else\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (通常 v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n change [x v] by (0.8)\n switch costume to (通常8 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by (-0.8)\n switch costume to (通常3 v)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.92))\n change x by (x)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change x by ((0) - (x))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (y)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n change y by ((0) - (y))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> or <<touching (地面2 v)?> or <<touching (スイッチ v)?> and <<[11] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)> or <[22] = (PLATFORMER: ステージ)>>>>> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>> then\n if <(上) = [1]> then\n set [y v] to [18]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) < (y position)>>> then\n switch costume to (通常5 v)\n end\n if <<touching (バネ v)?> or <<touching (バネ2 v)?> or <touching (ヘルメット v)?>>> then\n if <(上) = [1]> then\n set [y v] to [23]\n end\n end\n if <[-160] > (y position)> then\n 初期化\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\ngo to x: (-210) y: (13)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset rotation style [all around v]\nset size to (50) %\nswitch costume to (通常 v)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nhide variable [x v]\nhide variable [y v]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n 動き\nend\n\ndefine 初期化\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (通常4 v)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nrepeat (10)\n switch costume to (通常4 v)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ngo to x: (復活地 x) y: (復活地 y)\nswitch costume to (通常 v)\nrepeat (10)\n switch costume to (通常 v)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nset [体力 v] to [5]\nset [無敵 v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(無敵) = [0]> then\n if <<touching (スプライト11 v)?> or <touching (スプライト1 v)?>> then\n change [体力 v] by (-1)\n if <(体力) = [0]> then\n broadcast (game over v)\n else\n broadcast (life v)\n set [無敵 v] to [1]\n repeat (4)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n end\n set [無敵 v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <touching (スプライト2 v)?> then\n if <<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <touching color (#b30000)?>> then\n change [体力 v] by (-1)\n if <(体力) = [0]> then\n broadcast (game over v)\n else\n broadcast (life v)\n set [無敵 v] to [1]\n repeat (4)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n end\n set [無敵 v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game over v]\nswitch costume to (通常4 v)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@スプライト13\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [Coin v]\nbroadcast (右 v)\nchange [難易度 v] by (1)\nif <(難易度) = [6]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [左 v]\nif <(難易度) = [5]> then\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [loading v]\nhide\n\n
Use the arrow keys to move the player.\nOn the bottom left is your level count.\nPress space to see your "deaths". \nThere are 50 levels all in all, so try to complete them!\nWhich are all POSSIBLE.\nFULL SCREEN RECOMMENDED\n\nHave fun and enjoy! :)\nHistory~\n11/30/15 - Shared\nCURATED - 1/26/16\n1000 VIEWS! Yay! -1/26/16\n2000 VIEWS! 1/27/16\n3000 VIEWS! 1/27/16! - O_O\n5000 VIEWS?! 1/27/16 - (O)_(O) \nTOP LOVED? 1/28/16- (OO)_____(OO)\n10000 VIEWS?!! (OO)________(OO) THANKS SO MUCH!!!\nReported - 1/29/16 -_-\nBack UP! -1/30/16 - Thanks Scratch Team! \n35 REMIXES - O O\n ____________\nEdited - Platform Glitch a little solved XD\nFIXED?!!... maybe? No, not really -_- - 5/22/16 \nNO MORE BUGS! - 5/28/16\nFixed LV. 37 glitch - 7/1/16
Lightcube Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (logo v)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [game.end v]\nswitch backdrop to (fin v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game.start v]\nswitch backdrop to (red v)\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (500) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (25)\n change size by (((250) - (size)) * (0.25))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change y by ((5) - ((y position) * (0.2)))\n change [ghost v] effect by (2.5)\nend\nrepeat (30)\n change y by (((5) - ((y position) * (0.2))) * (-1))\n change [ghost v] effect by (3)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (game.start v)\n\n@Music Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (25) %\ngo to x: (210) y: (155)\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [Alexey_Anisimov_-_Magical_Christmas.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game.start v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n wait until <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>\n set volume to (0) %\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait until <not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n wait until <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>\n set volume to (100) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait until <not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game.start v]\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\n wait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n clear graphic effects\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game.end v]\nhide\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game.start v]\ngo to x: (-210) y: (150)\nhide variable [yv v]\nhide variable [xv v]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset size to (50) %\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((XV) * (0.9))\n change x by (XV)\n if <<<<<<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <touching color (#ff9400)?>> or <touching color (#ffe741)?>> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or <touching color (#003fff)?>> or <touching color (#7f00ff)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<<<<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <touching color (#ff9400)?>> or <touching color (#ffe741)?>> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or <touching color (#003fff)?>> or <touching color (#7f00ff)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<<<<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <touching color (#ff9400)?>> or <touching color (#ffe741)?>> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or <touching color (#003fff)?>> or <touching color (#7f00ff)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<<<<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <touching color (#ff9400)?>> or <touching color (#ffe741)?>> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or <touching color (#003fff)?>> or <touching color (#7f00ff)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<<<<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <touching color (#ff9400)?>> or <touching color (#ffe741)?>> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or <touching color (#003fff)?>> or <touching color (#7f00ff)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<<<<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <touching color (#ff9400)?>> or <touching color (#ffe741)?>> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or <touching color (#003fff)?>> or <touching color (#7f00ff)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<<<<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <touching color (#ff9400)?>> or <touching color (#ffe741)?>> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or <touching color (#003fff)?>> or <touching color (#7f00ff)?>> then\n change x by ((XV) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(XV) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (YV)\n if <<<<<<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <touching color (#ff9400)?>> or <touching color (#ffe741)?>> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or <touching color (#003fff)?>> or <touching color (#7f00ff)?>> then\n change y by ((YV) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<<<<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <touching color (#ff9400)?>> or <touching color (#ffe741)?>> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or <touching color (#003fff)?>> or <touching color (#7f00ff)?>> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(x position) > [235]> then\n if <not <(backdrop [name v]) = [purple]>> then\n wait (9.999999999999955e-101) seconds\n switch backdrop to (next backdrop v)\n go to x: (-210) y: (150)\n change [level v] by (1)\n else\n wait (9.999999999999955e-101) seconds\n broadcast (game.end v)\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n if <(y position) < [-178]> then\n go to x: (-210) y: (150)\n end\n if <<<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#ba8b01)?>> or <touching color (#006622)?>> or <touching color (#001966)?>> then\n go to x: (-210) y: (150)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game.start v]\nforever\n if <not <key (any v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (item (1) of [costumes to be used v])\n else\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (item (6) of [costumes to be used v])\n else\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> then\n repeat until <<not <key (any v) pressed?>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>>\n switch costume to (item (2) of [costumes to be used v])\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [costume # v] to [3]\n repeat (3)\n switch costume to (item (costume #) of [costumes to be used v])\n change [costume # v] by (1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game.start v]\ndelete (all) of [costumes to be used v]\nadd [1] to [costumes to be used v]\nadd [2] to [costumes to be used v]\nadd [3] to [costumes to be used v]\nadd [4] to [costumes to be used v]\nadd [5] to [costumes to be used v]\nadd [6] to [costumes to be used v]\nforever\n if <key (c v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(item (last) of [costumes to be used v]) = [36]>> then\n set [# item on list v] to [1]\n repeat (6)\n replace item (# item on list) of [costumes to be used v] with ((item (# item on list) of [costumes to be used v]) + (6))\n change [# item on list v] by (1)\n end\n else\n delete (all) of [costumes to be used v]\n add [1] to [costumes to be used v]\n add [2] to [costumes to be used v]\n add [3] to [costumes to be used v]\n add [4] to [costumes to be used v]\n add [5] to [costumes to be used v]\n add [6] to [costumes to be used v]\n end\n wait until <not <key (c v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game.end v]\nhide\n\n
PLEASE READ THE WHOLE INSTRUCTIONS OR THIS EDITOR WILL BE HARD TO USE!w\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nSee Platformer Maker's own internet page!\n➢ Go to https://platformer-maker.github.io/\n➢ Choose a code, scan it, and have fun playing!\n➢ You can also create levels and add your levels codes there.\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n➢ You can also read the instructions by hovering your mouse over\n the gray line on the bottom of the editor\n\n➢ Click to place a block.\n➢ Press Space to switch to Editor/Play mode.\n ➢ You can also use the ▶, ❚❚ button (hover your cursor over\n the gray line on the very right)\n➢ Use W and S to change blocks.\n\n➢ Press R in play mode to reset your player's position.\n➢ In Editor mode, hold M to change the position of your player.\n➢ Hold M to change start position of player\n➢ Press any number key (1 to 9) to change your player's color\n ➢ You can also use the 'color pail' button (hover your cursor over\n the gray line on the very right)\n➢ Hold i to see information about the block\n\n➢ To save your level, press C (in Editor mode) and wait a few\n seconds. Copy the code by holding Ctrl + C.\n➢ To load a level code, press L (in Editor mode) and hold Ctrl + V\n to your paste code. Press Enter and the code will be read.\n➢ You can also save and load levels by clicking on the ⇩ or ↻\n buttons (hover your cursor over the gray line on the very right)\n\n➢ To place a portal, find the "violet block with the green dot in it",\n press X and place the portals.\n\n➢ Press B to switch to day/night background.\n\n======================= Blocks: ===================\n➢ Gray Block = Normal block\n➢ Red Block = Don't touch\n➢ Blue Block = Makes you jump\n➢ Pink "X" Block = Eraser (remove blocks with that)\n➢ Green Block = Sticky, pulls you down\n➢ Yellow Block = End of level, level complete\n➢ Light-blue Block = Water, slower gravity\n➢ Right arrow Block = Pulls you to the right\n➢ Left arrow Block = Pulls you to the left\n➢ Purple Block = Pulls you up\n➢ Snow-white Block = Ice, very slippery!\n➢ Violet Block with green dot = Portal Start\n➢ Violet Block with red dot = End Portal\n➢ Key = Touch key to go through doors\n➢ White Block with Dot = Door, can only go through if you have key\n➢ Pointed Red Block = Same like red block − only pointed\n➢ Dark-Blue Block with circle = No-Jump Block, cannot jump\n when touched\n➢ Yellow block with Flag = Check-Point Block, if you touch red\n you'll go back to check-point\n➢ Red box with key = You will lose the key if you though the block
☆Minecraft Platformer☆ネザー編
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<(@LEVEL.id) = [2]> or <(@LEVEL.id) = [3]>> then\n switch backdrop to (2 v)\n else\n switch backdrop to (1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set volume to (25) %\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n play sound [Floating v] until done\n play sound [Elektronomia_JJD_Free_NCS_Release_ v] until done\n else\n play sound [Elektronomia_JJD_Free_NCS_Release_ v] until done\n play sound [Floating v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n change [tick v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [temporary-platform-x-rot v] to [0]\nforever\n wait (1.5) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [temporary-platform-x-rot v] by (0.05)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [temporary-platform-x-rot v] by (-0.05)\n end\n wait (1.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [@fps v] to [31]\nforever\n set [_tick v] to (tick)\n wait (1) seconds\n set [@fps v] to ((tick) - (_tick))\nend\n\n@b l a n k\n\n@3D Platformer Engine by @TimMcCool\n\ndefine Joystick\ngo to x: (((item (1) of [screen size v]) * (-1)) + (50)) y: (-130)\nset rotation style [all around v]\npoint in direction (90)\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (jump v)\nset size to (24) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (40)\nif <(joystick active?) = [0]> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set [joystick active? v] to [1]\n set [joystick jump impulse v] to [1]\n end\nend\nstamp\ngo to x: (((item (1) of [screen size v]) * (1)) + (-50)) y: (-130)\nswitch costume to (joystick v)\nstamp\nset [ghost v] effect to (5)\nif <(joystick active?) = [0]> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set [joystick active? v] to [1]\n set [joystick jump impulse v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <(joystick active?) = [1]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(joystick jump impulse) = [1]> then\n go to x: (((item (1) of [screen size v]) * (-1)) + (50)) y: (-130)\n end\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n set [joystick dir v] to (round (direction))\n if <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) > [20]> then\n move (20) steps\n else\n move (distance to [mouse-pointer v]) steps\n end\n set size to (12) %\n stamp\n else\n set [joystick active? v] to [0]\n set [joystick jump impulse v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n set size to (12) %\n stamp\nend\npoint in direction (90)\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (1e10) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\ndefine Fill Tri (x0) (y0) (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (outline)\nset [_tri2 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((x1) - (x2)) * ((x1) - (x2))) + (((y1) - (y2)) * ((y1) - (y2)))) )\nset [_tri3 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((x0) - (x2)) * ((x0) - (x2))) + (((y0) - (y2)) * ((y0) - (y2)))) )\nset [_tri4 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((x0) - (x1)) * ((x0) - (x1))) + (((y0) - (y1)) * ((y0) - (y1)))) )\nset [_tri1 v] to (((_tri2) + ((_tri3) + (_tri4))) / (2))\nset [_tri0 v] to ((2) * ([sqrt v] of ((((_tri1) - (_tri2)) * (((_tri1) - (_tri3)) * ((_tri1) - (_tri4)))) / (_tri1)) ))\nchange [_tri1 v] by (_tri1)\ngo to x: (((((_tri2) * (x0)) + ((_tri3) * (x1))) + ((_tri4) * (x2))) / (_tri1)) y: (((((_tri2) * (y0)) + ((_tri3) * (y1))) + ((_tri4) * (y2))) / (_tri1))\nset pen size to (_tri0)\npen down\nif <(_tri0) > [0]> then\n if <<(_tri3) < (_tri2)> or <(_tri4) < (_tri2)>> then\n if <<(_tri2) < (_tri3)> or <(_tri4) < (_tri3)>> then\n set [_tri1 v] to ((x position) - (x2))\n set [_tri2 v] to ((y position) - (y2))\n else\n set [_tri1 v] to ((x position) - (x1))\n set [_tri2 v] to ((y position) - (y1))\n end\n else\n set [_tri1 v] to ((x position) - (x0))\n set [_tri2 v] to ((y position) - (y0))\n end\n set [_tri1 v] to (([sqrt v] of (((_tri1) * (_tri1)) + ((_tri2) * (_tri2))) ) / ((_tri0) / (2)))\n set [_tri8 v] to (((_tri1) * (outline)) / ((_tri1) - (1)))\n set [_tri1 v] to ((0.5) - ((0.5) / (_tri1)))\n set [_tri2 v] to (((x position) - (x0)) / (_tri0))\n set [_tri3 v] to (((y position) - (y0)) / (_tri0))\n set [_tri4 v] to (((x position) - (x1)) / (_tri0))\n set [_tri5 v] to (((y position) - (y1)) / (_tri0))\n set [_tri6 v] to (((x position) - (x2)) / (_tri0))\n set [_tri7 v] to (((y position) - (y2)) / (_tri0))\n repeat until <(_tri0) < (_tri8)>\n set [_tri0 v] to ((_tri1) * (_tri0))\n set pen size to ((_tri0) + (.5))\n go to x: ((x0) + ((_tri0) * (_tri2))) y: ((y0) + ((_tri0) * (_tri3)))\n go to x: ((x1) + ((_tri0) * (_tri4))) y: ((y1) + ((_tri0) * (_tri5)))\n go to x: ((x2) + ((_tri0) * (_tri6))) y: ((y2) + ((_tri0) * (_tri7)))\n go to x: ((x0) + ((_tri0) * (_tri2))) y: ((y0) + ((_tri0) * (_tri3)))\n change pen (brightness v) by (2)\n end\nend\nset pen size to (outline)\ngo to x: (x0) y: (y0)\ngo to x: (x1) y: (y1)\ngo to x: (x2) y: (y2)\ngo to x: (x0) y: (y0)\npen up\n\ndefine Render Objects\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [objectx1 v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [ax v] to [0]\n set [ay v] to [0]\n set [az v] to [0]\n set pen color to (item (i) of [color v])\n change pen (brightness v) by (((item (i) of [__object_distance v]) * (-0.05)) + (20))\n set [_color v] to (item (i) of [color v])\n set [_brightness v] to (((item (i) of [__object_distance v]) * (-0.05)) + (20))\n set [ax rotation v] to [0]\n set [az rotation v] to [0]\n set [ay rotation v] to [0]\n if <(item (i) of [object type v]) = [shadow]> then\n (3D) Go to (item (i) of [objectx1 v]) ((item (i) of [objecty1 v]) + ()) (item (i) of [objectz1 v]) render [0] perspective_proj [1] rotation_mode [1] object_mode [] sort []\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n set pen color to (#000000)\n set pen (transparency v) to ((50) + (((player y) - (item (i) of [objecty1 v])) / (3)))\n set pen size to ((25) + (((player y) - (item (i) of [objecty1 v])) / (4)))\n pen down\n pen up\n else\n if <(item (i) of [object type v]) = [coin]> then\n delete all of [platform:corners v]\n set pen size to (2.5)\n if <(item (i) of [objectz2 v]) = [collected]> then\n (3D) Go to (item (i) of [objectx1 v]) ((item (i) of [objecty1 v]) + (((____coin_removed_size) - (100)) / (2.5))) (item (i) of [objectz1 v]) render [0] perspective_proj [1] rotation_mode [1] object_mode [] sort []\n else\n (3D) Go to (item (i) of [objectx1 v]) ((item (i) of [objecty1 v]) + ()) (item (i) of [objectz1 v]) render [0] perspective_proj [1] rotation_mode [1] object_mode [] sort []\n end\n add (x) to [platform:corners v]\n add (y) to [platform:corners v]\n if <not <[platform:corners v] contains [!]?>> then\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n switch costume to (join [coin] (______coin_frame))\n if <(item (i) of [objectz2 v]) = [collected]> then\n set size to (((86) - (((item (i) of [__object_distance v]) - (320)) * (0.15))) * ((____coin_removed_size) / (100))) %\n set [ghost v] effect to ((____coin_removed_size) - (100))\n else\n set size to ((86) - (((item (i) of [__object_distance v]) - (320)) * (0.15))) %\n end\n change [brightness v] effect by (((_brightness) * (4.5)) - (10))\n stamp\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set size to (1e10) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n else\n if <(item (i) of [object_hitbox_reference v]) = []> then\n delete all of [platform:corners v]\n set pen size to (2.5)\n (3D) Go to (item (i) of [objectx1 v]) (item (i) of [objecty1 v]) (item (i) of [objectz1 v]) render [0] perspective_proj [] rotation_mode [1] object_mode [] sort []\n add (x) to [platform:corners v]\n add (y) to [platform:corners v]\n (3D) Go to (item (i) of [objectx2 v]) (item (i) of [objecty2 v]) (item (i) of [objectz2 v]) render [0] perspective_proj [] rotation_mode [1] object_mode [] sort []\n add (x) to [platform:corners v]\n add (y) to [platform:corners v]\n (3D) Go to (item (i) of [objectx3 v]) (item (i) of [objecty3 v]) (item (i) of [objectz3 v]) render [0] perspective_proj [] rotation_mode [1] object_mode [] sort []\n add (x) to [platform:corners v]\n add (y) to [platform:corners v]\n if <not <[platform:corners v] contains [!]?>> then\n Fill Tri (item (1) of [platform:corners v]) (item (2) of [platform:corners v]) (item (3) of [platform:corners v]) (item (4) of [platform:corners v]) (item (5) of [platform:corners v]) (item (6) of [platform:corners v]) (@render quality)\n end\n else\n if <(item (i) of [object_hitbox_reference v]) = [line]> then\n set pen color to (item (i) of [color v])\n set pen size to (item (i) of [objectz3 v])\n change pen size by (((item (i) of [__object_distance v]) - (320)) * (-0.01))\n (3D) Go to (item (i) of [objectx1 v]) (item (i) of [objecty1 v]) (item (i) of [objectz1 v]) render [1] perspective_proj [1] rotation_mode [1] object_mode [] sort []\n (3D) Go to (item (i) of [objectx2 v]) (item (i) of [objecty2 v]) (item (i) of [objectz2 v]) render [1] perspective_proj [1] rotation_mode [1] object_mode [] sort []\n pen up\n else\n set [u v] to (i)\n set [i v] to (item (u) of [object_hitbox_reference v])\n set [ax rotation v] to (item (i) of [hitbox_x_rotation v])\n set [az rotation v] to (item (i) of [hitbox_z_rotation v])\n set [ay rotation v] to (item (i) of [hitbox_y_rotation v])\n delete all of [platform:corners v]\n (3D) Go to ((item (i) of [hitboxx v]) + (item (i) of [hitboxxl v])) (item (i) of [hitboxy v]) (item (i) of [hitboxz v]) render [0] perspective_proj [] rotation_mode [1] object_mode [] sort []\n add (x) to [platform:corners v]\n add (y) to [platform:corners v]\n (3D) Go to ((item (i) of [hitboxx v]) + (item (i) of [hitboxxl v])) (item (i) of [hitboxy v]) ((item (i) of [hitboxz v]) + (item (i) of [hitboxzl v])) render [0] perspective_proj [] rotation_mode [1] object_mode [] sort []\n add (x) to [platform:corners v]\n add (y) to [platform:corners v]\n (3D) Go to (item (i) of [hitboxx v]) (item (i) of [hitboxy v]) ((item (i) of [hitboxz v]) + (item (i) of [hitboxzl v])) render [0] perspective_proj [] rotation_mode [1] object_mode [] sort []\n add (x) to [platform:corners v]\n add (y) to [platform:corners v]\n (3D) Go to (item (i) of [hitboxx v]) (item (i) of [hitboxy v]) (item (i) of [hitboxz v]) render [0] perspective_proj [] rotation_mode [1] object_mode [] sort []\n add (x) to [platform:corners v]\n add (y) to [platform:corners v]\n if <not <[platform:corners v] contains [!]?>> then\n if <<(item (u) of [object type v]) = [hitboxIndependentTexture]> or < (((item (i) of [hitboxz v]) + (item (i) of [hitboxx v])) / (100)) contains [.]?>> then\n Fill Tri (item (1) of [platform:corners v]) (item (2) of [platform:corners v]) (item (5) of [platform:corners v]) (item (6) of [platform:corners v]) (item (7) of [platform:corners v]) (item (8) of [platform:corners v]) (@render quality)\n set pen color to (_color)\n change pen (brightness v) by (_brightness)\n Fill Tri (item (1) of [platform:corners v]) (item (2) of [platform:corners v]) (item (3) of [platform:corners v]) (item (4) of [platform:corners v]) (item (5) of [platform:corners v]) (item (6) of [platform:corners v]) (@render quality)\n else\n Fill Tri (item (1) of [platform:corners v]) (item (2) of [platform:corners v]) (item (3) of [platform:corners v]) (item (4) of [platform:corners v]) (item (7) of [platform:corners v]) (item (8) of [platform:corners v]) (@render quality)\n set pen color to (_color)\n change pen (brightness v) by (_brightness)\n Fill Tri (item (3) of [platform:corners v]) (item (4) of [platform:corners v]) (item (5) of [platform:corners v]) (item (6) of [platform:corners v]) (item (7) of [platform:corners v]) (item (8) of [platform:corners v]) (@render quality)\n end\n end\n set [i v] to (u)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine (3D) Go to (x) (y) (z) render (render) perspective_proj (perspective_proj) rotation_mode (rotation_mode) object_mode (object_mode) sort (sort)\nP = (x) (y) (z)\nif <(object_mode) = [1]> then\n P = Rotate (x) (y) (z) angle (aX rotation) axis [x]\n P = Rotate (x) (y) (z) angle (aZ rotation) axis [z]\n P = Rotate (x) (y) (z) angle (aY rotation) axis [y]\nelse\n if <(rotation_mode) = [1]> then\n if <not <<(aX rotation) = []> and <<(aY rotation) = []> and <(aZ rotation) = []>>>> then\n P = Translate (x) (y) (z) by ((item (i) of [hitboxx v]) * (-1)) ((item (i) of [hitboxy v]) * (-1)) ((item (i) of [hitboxz v]) * (-1))\n P = Rotate (x) (y) (z) angle (aY rotation) axis [y]\n P = Rotate (x) (y) (z) angle (aX rotation) axis [x]\n P = Rotate (x) (y) (z) angle (aZ rotation) axis [z]\n P = Translate (x) (y) (z) by ((item (i) of [hitboxx v]) * (1)) ((item (i) of [hitboxy v]) * (1)) ((item (i) of [hitboxz v]) * (1))\n end\n end\n if <not <(perspective_proj) = [0]>> then\n P = Translate (x) (y) (z) by (aX) (aY) (aZ)\n end\n if <(sort) = [1]> then\n P = Translate (x) (y) (z) by ((scroll x) * (-1)) ((scroll y) * (-1)) ((scroll z) * (-1))\n P = Rotate (x) (y) (z) angle (y_angle) axis [y]\n P = Rotate (x) (y) (z) angle (x_angle) axis [x]\n if <(perspective_proj) = [0]> then\n if <not <(perspective_proj) = [0]>> then\n P = Translate (x) (y) (z) by [] [] [-200]\n P = Perspective Protection of (x) (y) (z) with focal length (zoom)\n end\n if <(render) = [1]> then\n if <(z) = [!]> then\n pen up\n else\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n pen down\n end\n end\n if <(z) = [!]> then\n set [y v] to [!]\n end\nend\n\ndefine P = Rotate (x) (y) (z) angle (angle) axis (axis)\nif <(axis) = [x]> then\n set [x v] to (x)\n set [y v] to (((y) * ([cos v] of (angle) )) - ((z) * ([sin v] of (angle) )))\n set [z v] to (((y) * ([sin v] of (angle) )) + ((z) * ([cos v] of (angle) )))\nend\nif <(axis) = [y]> then\n set [x v] to (((z) * ([sin v] of (angle) )) + ((x) * ([cos v] of (angle) )))\n set [y v] to (y)\n set [z v] to (((z) * ([cos v] of (angle) )) - ((x) * ([sin v] of (angle) )))\nend\nif <(axis) = [z]> then\n set [x v] to (((x) * ([cos v] of (angle) )) - ((y) * ([sin v] of (angle) )))\n set [y v] to (((x) * ([sin v] of (angle) )) + ((y) * ([cos v] of (angle) )))\n set [z v] to (z)\nend\n\ndefine P = Scale (x) (y) (z) by (sx) (sy) (sz)\nset [x v] to ((x) * (sx))\nset [y v] to ((y) * (sy))\nset [z v] to ((z) * (sz))\n\ndefine P = Translate (x) (y) (z) by (tx) (ty) (tz)\nset [x v] to ((x) + (tx))\nset [y v] to ((y) + (ty))\nset [z v] to ((z) + (tz))\n\ndefine P = Perspective Protection of (x) (y) (z) with focal length (focal length)\nif <((focal length) / (z)) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to ((x) * ((focal length) / (z)))\n set [y v] to ((y) * ((focal length) / (z)))\n set [z v] to [0]\nelse\n set [z v] to [!]\nend\n\ndefine P = (x) (y) (z)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nset [z v] to (z)\n\ndefine Init\nset [joystick active? v] to [0]\nset [joystick jump impulse v] to [0]\nset [@coins v] to [0]\nset [@level.id v] to [0]\nset [______coin_frame v] to [0]\ndelete all of [@collected_coins v]\nset [playersize x v] to [8]\nset [playersize y v] to [8]\nset [playersize z v] to [8]\nset [@killed v] to [0]\nset [@paused v] to [1]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [______won? v] to [0]\nset [@pause_rendering v] to [0]\nset [______checkpoint-x v] to [0]\nset [______checkpoint-y v] to [0]\nset [______checkpoint-z v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nset [scroll z v] to [0]\nset [zoom v] to [410]\nRespawn\nset [@device v] to [2]\nset [@mobile controls enabled v] to [0]\n\ndefine Add objects\nif <(@LEVEL.id) = [1]> then\n Add Platform [-1] [0] [0] xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [2] [3] special-color [] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [-1] [0] [3] xrot [-27] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [6] segments [2] [2] special-color [] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [-1] [1] [5] xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [2] [1] special-color [] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add coin [-25] [-10] [105]\n Add coin [-25] [10] [150]\n Add coin [-25] [30] [195]\n Add Spike at [0.6] [1] [9.5] xrot [] yrot [] zrot [] size [14] offset [] [] []\n Add coin [5] [25] [390]\n Add coin [-55] [25] [465]\n Add coin [5] [25] [540]\n Add Platform [-1] [1] [7] xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [2] [3] special-color [#86d189] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [-1] [1] [10] xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [-10] segments [2] [3] special-color [#86d189] impulse (xyz) [sw] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [-1] [1] [12.4] xrot [-32] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [5] segments [2] [1.7] special-color [#a39b7e] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [-1] [2] [14] xrot [] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [3] [2] special-color [#8a836a] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add fence [-65] [75] [770] segments [5] direction [x]\n Add coin [-55] [90] [725]\n Add coin [-5] [90] [725]\n Add coin [45] [90] [725]\n Add Platform [2] [2] [14] xrot [] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [2] [2] special-color [#8a836a] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Spike at [2.5] [2] [14.5] xrot [] yrot [] zrot [] size [13] offset [] [] []\n Add end flag at [150] [75] [725]\nend\nif <(@LEVEL.id) = [2]> then\n Add Platform [-2] [0] [0] xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [1] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [4] [3] special-color [#A1937C] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [-2] [0] [3] xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [4] [2] special-color [#A1937C] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [-1.5] [0] [5] xrot [] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [3] ((([sin v] of ((tick) * (2.5)) ) * (2)) + (3)) special-color [#d98d09] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [-2] [0] [10] xrot [] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [1] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [4] [3] special-color [#827663] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [-1.5] [0] [13] xrot [-30] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [3] ((([sin v] of ((tick) * (2.5)) ) * (2)) + (3)) special-color [#d98d09] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [-2] [2.5] [17.35] xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [1] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [4] [5] special-color [#A1937C] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add end flag at [-18.5] [105] [950]\n Add cactus [-100] [105] [900]\n Add cactus [50] [105] [996]\n Add fence [-100] [105] [1050] segments [6] direction [x]\n Add coin [-25] [115] [870]\n Add coin [-25] [-15] [80]\n Add coin [-25] [-15] [155]\n Add cactus [50] [-25] [560]\n Add coin [50] [30] [560]\n Add Spike at [-2] [0] [3] xrot [] yrot [] zrot [] size [14] offset [20] [0] [35]\n Add Spike at [2] [0] [3] xrot [] yrot [] zrot [] size [14] offset [-20] [0] [35]\n Add checkpoint flag [-70] [-18] [550]\nend\nif <(@LEVEL.id) = [3]> then\n Add Platform [-1] [0] [0.5] xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [2] [2] special-color [#877b67] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform ((-1.5) + (([sin v] of ((tick) * (3)) ) * (1))) [0] ((4) + (([sin v] of ((tick) * (3)) ) * (-1.35))) xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [1] y_offset [10] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [1.5] [1.5] special-color [#A1937C] impulse (xyz) (((([sin v] of (((tick) - (-1)) * (3)) ) * (1)) - (([sin v] of (((tick) - ()) * (3)) ) * (1))) * (50)) [] (((([sin v] of (((tick) - (-1)) * (3)) ) * (-1.35)) - (([sin v] of (((tick) - ()) * (3)) ) * (-1.35))) * (50)) moving-platform? [1]\n Add Platform [0] [0] [8] xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [1] y_offset [10] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [1] [1] special-color [#A1937C] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [-2.5] [0] [7] xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [1] y_offset [10] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [2] [2] special-color [#877b67] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [-2.5] [0] [9] xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [10] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [2] [1] special-color [#876e67] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Spike at [-2.25] [0] [9.5] xrot [] yrot [] zrot [] size [9] offset [] [12.5] []\n Add Spike at [-1.75] [0] [9.5] xrot [] yrot [] zrot [] size [9] offset [] [12.5] []\n Add Spike at [-1.25] [0] [9.5] xrot [] yrot [] zrot [] size [9] offset [] [12.5] []\n Add Spike at [-0.75] [0] [9.5] xrot [] yrot [] zrot [] size [9] offset [] [12.5] []\n Add Platform [-2.5] [0] [10] xrot [26.5] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [10] add_x_len [] add_z_len [5] segments [2] [2] special-color [#876e67] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [-2.5] [-1] [12] xrot [] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [1] y_offset [10] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [2] [2] special-color [#A1937C] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add cactus [-70] [-60] [640]\n Add line from [-100] [-75] [725] to [-100] [-25] [875] size [6] color [#6b6b6b] y-sorting-offset [-500]\n Add Platform [-2.5] ((-0.6) + (([sin v] of ((tick) * (2.5)) ) * (0.5))) ((16.5) + (([sin v] of ((tick) * (2.5)) ) * (1.5))) xrot [-16] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [2] [1] special-color [#adadad] impulse (xyz) [] (((([sin v] of (((tick) - (-1)) * (2.5)) ) * (0.5)) - (([sin v] of (((tick) - ()) * (2.5)) ) * (0.5))) * (50)) (((([sin v] of (((tick) - (-1)) * (2.5)) ) * (1.5)) - (([sin v] of (((tick) - ()) * (2.5)) ) * (1.5))) * (50)) moving-platform? [1]\n Add Platform [-2.5] [0] [19] xrot [] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [10] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [2] [3] special-color [#A1937C] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add cactus [-85] [-15] [1000]\n Add coin [-125] [10] [345]\n Add coin [-125] [10] [395]\n Add coin [-125] [-45] [600]\n Add coin [-71] [10] [634]\n Add coin [-85] [50] [1000]\n Add Spring at [-100] [-20] [1050] x_rot [0]\n Add Platform [-2.5] [2] [23] xrot [-30] zrot [] yrot [] ground [] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [7] segments [2] [1] special-color [#b5ab8b] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [-2.5] [2] [24] xrot [] zrot [] yrot [] ground [] y_offset [29] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [2] [1] special-color [#a39b7e] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add end flag at [-100] [105] [1200]\n Add checkpoint flag [-135] [-65] [600]\nend\nif <(@LEVEL.id) = [4]> then\n Add Platform [-1] [0] [0] xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [2] [2] special-color [] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [-0.5] [0] [2] xrot ((-10) + ((90) * (temporary-platform-x-rot))) zrot [] yrot [] ground [] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [1] segments [1] [2] special-color [#D2BB75] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [-0.5] [0] [4] xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [17] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [1] [1] special-color [#D2BB75] impulse (xyz) [] [0] [0] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [-1] [0] [5] xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [1] y_offset [17] add_x_len [0] add_z_len [0] segments [3] [2] special-color [] impulse (xyz) [] [0] [0] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [2] [0] [5] xrot [0] zrot [90] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [17] add_x_len [-17] add_z_len [] segments [1] [2] special-color [#4d483f] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [2] [1] [5] xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [4] [2] special-color [] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [7] [1] [5] xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [1] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [2] [2] special-color [] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [8] [0] [7] xrot [0] zrot [-30] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [50] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [1] [4] special-color [#a39b7e] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [7] ((1) + ((0.5) * (temporary-platform-x-rot))) [7] xrot [] zrot [] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [1] [3] special-color [#b5ab8b] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [6] [1] [10] xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [1] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [2] [2] special-color [] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [6] [1] ((13.5) + (([sin v] of ((tick) * (3.9)) ) * (1))) xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [0] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [1] [1] special-color [#adadad] impulse (xyz) [] [] ((([sin v] of (((tick) - (-1)) * (3.9)) ) - ([sin v] of (((tick) - ()) * (3.9)) )) * (50)) moving-platform? [1]\n Add line from [300] [25] [610] to [300] [25] [740] size [6] color [#6b6b6b] y-sorting-offset [-200]\n Add Platform [6] [1] [16] xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [1] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [3] [3] special-color [] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [6.5] [1] [19] xrot [-33] zrot [] yrot [0] ground [0] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [-5.1] segments [1] [2] special-color [#D2BB75] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [6] [2] [20.5] xrot [] zrot [] yrot [0] ground [1] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [2] [2] special-color [] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [5] [2] [21] xrot [] zrot [-39] yrot [0] ground [0] y_offset [40] add_x_len [13] add_z_len [] segments [1] [1] special-color [#D2BB75] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [4] [2] [21] xrot [] zrot [] yrot [0] ground [0] y_offset [40] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [1] [1] special-color [#D2BB75] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [3.25] [2.5] [21] xrot [] zrot [-39] yrot [0] ground [0] y_offset [45] add_x_len [-2] add_z_len [] segments [1] [1] special-color [#D2BB75] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [2] [3] [21] xrot [] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [0] y_offset [20] add_x_len [11.9] add_z_len [] segments [1] [1] special-color [#D2BB75] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [0.3] [3] [21] xrot [] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [20] add_x_len [-8] add_z_len [] segments [2] [3] special-color [] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [1] [5] [26] xrot [-30] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [] add_x_len [] add_z_len [7] segments [1] [1] special-color [#b5ab8b] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add Platform [1] [5] [27] xrot [0] zrot [0] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [29] add_x_len [] add_z_len [] segments [1] [1] special-color [#a39b7e] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add end flag at [50] [250] [1350]\n Add Platform [1.15] [3] [24] xrot [-5] zrot [] yrot [0] ground [] y_offset [20] add_x_len [-8] add_z_len [] segments [1] [1] special-color [] impulse (xyz) [] [] [] moving-platform? []\n Add coin [-50] [10] [275]\n Add coin [-10] [10] [300]\n Add coin [30] [10] [275]\n Add coin [-10] [10] [250]\n Add coin [300] [75] [675]\n Add coin [400] [40] [300]\n Add coin [400] [40] [250]\n Add coin [350] [40] [300]\n Add coin [350] [40] [250]\n Add coin [350] [92] [1050]\n Add Spike at [6.5] [1] [17.5] xrot [] yrot [] zrot [] size ((9) + (([cos v] of ((tick) * (10)) ) * (4))) offset [] [] []\n Add Spike at [7.5] [1] [17.5] xrot [] yrot [] zrot [] size ((9) + (([sin v] of ((tick) * (10)) ) * (4))) offset [] [] []\n Add Spike at [8.5] [1] [17.5] xrot [] yrot [] zrot [] size ((9) + (([cos v] of ((tick) * (10)) ) * (4))) offset [] [] []\n Add coin [350] [110] [450]\n Add coin [350] [110] [400]\n Add coin [350] [110] [350]\n \n Add Spring at [55] [150] [1200] x_rot []\n Add checkpoint flag [325] [25] [525]\nend\n\ndefine Reset\ndelete all of [hitboxx v]\ndelete all of [hitboxxl v]\ndelete all of [hitboxy v]\ndelete all of [hitboxz v]\ndelete all of [hitbox_type v]\ndelete all of [hitbox_x_rotation v]\ndelete all of [hitbox_z_rotation v]\ndelete all of [hitboxyl v]\ndelete all of [hitbox_y_rotation v]\ndelete all of [hitboxzl v]\ndelete all of [__object_distance v]\ndelete all of [objectx1 v]\ndelete all of [objectx2 v]\ndelete all of [objectx3 v]\ndelete all of [objecty1 v]\ndelete all of [objecty2 v]\ndelete all of [objecty3 v]\ndelete all of [objectz1 v]\ndelete all of [__object.box_distance v]\ndelete all of [objectz2 v]\ndelete all of [object type v]\ndelete all of [object_hitbox_reference v]\ndelete all of [objectz3 v]\ndelete all of [color v]\ndelete all of [hitboximpulsex v]\ndelete all of [hitboximpulsey v]\ndelete all of [hitboximpulsez v]\nif <(player y) < [-200]> then\n Respawn\n set [@paused v] to [1]\n broadcast (@dead v)\nend\nset [impulse x v] to [0]\nset [impulse y v] to [0]\nset [impulse z v] to [0]\n\ndefine (+) Add hitbox (x) (y) (z) type (type) x rotation (xrot) z rotation (zrot) y rotation (yrot) color (color) l (xl) (yl) (zl) with_graphical_element? (wge) always_background? (always_background?) impulses (xyz) (impulse-x) (impulse-y) (impulse-z) IndependentTexture (independenttexture)\nadd (x) to [hitboxx v]\nadd (xl) to [hitboxxl v]\nadd (y) to [hitboxy v]\nadd (yl) to [hitboxyl v]\nadd (type) to [hitbox_type v]\nadd (z) to [hitboxz v]\nadd (zl) to [hitboxzl v]\nadd (xrot) to [hitbox_x_rotation v]\nadd (yrot) to [hitbox_y_rotation v]\nadd (zrot) to [hitbox_z_rotation v]\nadd ((impulse-x) + ((zrot) / (-70))) to [hitboximpulsex v]\nadd (impulse-y) to [hitboximpulsey v]\nadd ((impulse-z) + ((xrot) / (70))) to [hitboximpulsez v]\nif <(wge) = [1]> then\n (+) get insert pos coordinates (x) (y) (z) only_use_box_coordinates? [0] hitbox? [1] always-background? (always_background?)\n insert (box_distance) at (i) of [__object.box_distance v] \n insert (distance) at (i) of [__object_distance v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objectx1 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objectx2 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objectx3 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objecty1 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objecty2 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objecty3 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objectz1 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objectz2 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objectz3 v] \n insert (length of [hitbox_type v]) at (i) of [object_hitbox_reference v] \n insert (color) at (i) of [color v] \n if <(independenttexture) = [1]> then\n insert (join [hitbox] [IndependentTexture]) at (i) of [object type v] \n else\n insert (join [hitbox] []) at (i) of [object type v] \n end\nend\n\ndefine Physics\nif <(@paused) = [0]> then\n change [player y direction v] by (((player y direction) - (_player y direction)) / (-4))\n change [sy v] by (-0.5)\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> or <(joystick jump impulse) = [1]>> then\n change [player y v] by (-3)\n (m) collision - shadow? []\n change [player y v] by (3)\n if <[h_collision v] contains [ground1]?> then\n set [sy v] to [7.5]\n start sound [High Whoosh v]\n end\n end\n if <[h_collision v] contains [spring]?> then\n set [sy v] to [10.5]\n change [player y v] by (10)\n (m) collision - shadow? []\n change [player y v] by (-10)\n if <not <[h_collision v] contains [spike]?>> then\n start sound [smw_spring_jump @ToadfanSchool v]\n end\n broadcast (@jump v)\n end\n change [player y v] by (sy)\n (m) y (sy)\n if <[h_collision v] contains [coin]?> then\n set [____coin_removed v] to (join ((item (item # of [coin] in [h_collision v]) of [hitboxx v]) + (10)) (join (join [,] ((item (item # of [coin] in [h_collision v]) of [hitboxy v]) + (10))) (join [,] ((item (item # of [coin] in [h_collision v]) of [hitboxz v]) + (10)))))\n add (____coin_removed) to [@collected_coins v]\n start sound [coin v]\n broadcast (@coin v)\n end\n if <[h_collision v] contains [endflag]?> then\n broadcast (@win v)\n end\n set [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.4))\n set [sz v] to ((sz) * (0.4))\n if <not <((impulse x) + (impulse z)) = [0]>> then\n set [sx v] to (impulse x)\n set [sz v] to (impulse z)\n end\n if <(joystick active?) = [1]> then\n change [y_angle v] by ((joystick dir) * (-1))\n change [y_angle v] by (-90)\n end\n if <([abs v] of (sx) ) < [6]> then\n if <(joystick active?) = [1]> then\n change [sz v] by (([sin v] of (y_angle) ) * (-2.4))\n change [sx v] by (([cos v] of (y_angle) ) * (-2.4))\n end\n if <key (a v) pressed?> then\n set [_player y direction v] to ((y_angle) * (-1))\n change [sz v] by (([sin v] of (y_angle) ) * (-2.4))\n change [sx v] by (([cos v] of (y_angle) ) * (-2.4))\n change [y_angle v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (d v) pressed?> then\n set [_player y direction v] to ((y_angle) * (1))\n change [sz v] by (([sin v] of (y_angle) ) * (2.4))\n change [sx v] by (([cos v] of (y_angle) ) * (2.4))\n change [y_angle v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n if <([abs v] of (sz) ) < [6]> then\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n set [_player y direction v] to ((y_angle) * (-1))\n change [sz v] by (([cos v] of ((y_angle) * (-1)) ) * (2.4))\n change [sx v] by (([sin v] of ((y_angle) * (-1)) ) * (2.4))\n end\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n set [_player y direction v] to ((y_angle) * (-1))\n change [sz v] by (([cos v] of ((y_angle) * (-1)) ) * (-2.4))\n change [sx v] by (([sin v] of ((y_angle) * (-1)) ) * (-2.4))\n end\n end\n if <(joystick active?) = [1]> then\n change [y_angle v] by (joystick dir)\n change [y_angle v] by (90)\n end\n if <[h_collision v] contains [checkpoint]?> then\n if <(_____checkpoint?) = [0]> then\n set [_____checkpoint? v] to [1]\n start sound [Collect v]\n end\n end\n change player x / z\nend\nCamera (x_angle)\n\ndefine (m) collision - shadow? (shadow?)\ndelete all of [h_shadow_collision_y v]\nset [player x direction v] to [0]\nset [player z direction v] to [0]\ndelete all of [h_collision v]\nset [u v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [hitboxx v])\n change [u v] by (1)\n add [0] to [h_collision v]\n add [0] to [h_shadow_collision_y v]\n (m) collosion of element id (u) shadow? (shadow?)\nend\n\ndefine (m) collosion of element id (element) shadow? (shadow?)\nset [o v] to (element)\nset [_platform x v] to (item (o) of [hitboxx v])\nset [_platform xlen v] to (item (o) of [hitboxxl v])\nset [_platform y v] to (item (o) of [hitboxy v])\nset [_platform ylen v] to (item (o) of [hitboxyl v])\nset [_platform z v] to (item (o) of [hitboxz v])\nset [_platform zlen v] to (item (o) of [hitboxzl v])\nset [_player x v] to (player x)\nset [_player y v] to (player y)\nset [_player z v] to (player z)\nif <<(item (o) of [hitbox_x_rotation v]) = []> and <<(item (o) of [hitbox_z_rotation v]) = []> and <(item (o) of [hitbox_y_rotation v]) = []>>> then\nif <(shadow?) = [1]> then\n replace item (length of [h_collision v]) of [h_shadow_collision_y v] with (_player y)\nend\nif <<((_player x) + ((playerSize x) / (1.2))) > (_platform x)> and <((_platform x) + (_platform xlen)) > ((_player x) - ((playerSize x) / (1.2)))>> then\n if <<(shadow?) = [1]> or <<((_player y) + ((playerSize y) / (1.2))) > (_platform y)> and <((_platform y) + (_platform ylen)) > ((_player y) - ((playerSize y) / (1.2)))>>> then\n if <<((_player z) + ((playerSize z) / (1.2))) > (_platform z)> and <((_platform z) + (_platform zlen)) > ((_player z) - ((playerSize z) / (1.2)))>> then\n replace item (length of [h_collision v]) of [h_collision v] with (item (o) of [hitbox_type v])\n if <not <<([abs v] of (item (o) of [hitbox_x_rotation v]) ) = [90]> or <([abs v] of (item (o) of [hitbox_z_rotation v]) ) = [90]>>> then\n set [player x direction v] to (item (o) of [hitbox_x_rotation v])\n set [player z direction v] to (item (o) of [hitbox_z_rotation v])\n end\n if <not <(shadow?) = [1]>> then\n set [impulse x v] to (item (o) of [hitboximpulsex v])\n set [impulse y v] to (item (o) of [hitboximpulsey v])\n set [impulse z v] to (item (o) of [hitboximpulsez v])\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine (m) x (sx) accuracy (acc)\n(m) collision - shadow? []\nif <[h_collision v] contains [ground1]?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [player y v] by (0.5)\n (m) collision - shadow? []\n if <not <[h_collision v] contains [ground1]?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [player y v] by (-5)\n repeat until <not <[h_collision v] contains [ground1]?>>\n if <(sx) < [0]> then\n change [player x v] by (acc)\n else\n change [player x v] by ((acc) * (-1))\n end\n (m) collision - shadow? []\n set [sx v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine (m) y (sy)\n(m) collision - shadow? []\nrepeat until <not <[h_collision v] contains [ground1]?>>\n if <(sy) < [0]> then\n change [player y v] by (0.5)\n else\n change [player y v] by (-0.5)\n end\n (m) collision - shadow? []\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine (m) z (sz) accuracy (acc)\n(m) collision - shadow? []\nif <[h_collision v] contains [ground1]?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [player y v] by (0.5)\n (m) collision - shadow? []\n if <not <[h_collision v] contains [ground1]?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [player y v] by (-5)\n repeat until <not <[h_collision v] contains [ground1]?>>\n if <(sz) < [0]> then\n change [player z v] by (acc)\n else\n change [player z v] by ((acc) * (-1))\n end\n (m) collision - shadow? []\n set [sz v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nset pen size to (5)\nset pen color to (#ffffff)\nset pen (transparency v) to (50)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npen down\ngo to x: (0) y: (-8)\npen up\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npen down\ngo to x: (0) y: (8)\npen up\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npen down\ngo to x: (-8) y: (0)\npen up\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npen down\ngo to x: (8) y: (0)\npen up\n\ndefine change player x / z\nchange [player x v] by (sx)\nset [player x v] to ((round ((player x) * (10))) / (10))\n(m) x (sx) accuracy [0.5]\nchange [player z v] by (sz)\nset [player z v] to ((round ((player z) * (10))) / (10))\n(m) z (sz) accuracy [0.5]\n\ndefine Add Platform (x) (y) (z) xrot (xrot) zrot (zrot) yrot (yrot) ground (ground) y_offset (y_offset) add_x_len (add_x_len) add_z_len (add_z_len) segments (x-segments) (z-segments) special-color (special-color) impulse (xyz) (impulse-x) (impulse-y) (impulse-z) moving-platform? (moving-platform?)\nset [_____x v] to (((x) * (50)) - (25))\nset [_____y v] to ((((y) * (50)) - (25)) + (y_offset))\nset [_____z v] to (((z) * (50)) - (25))\nset [_always-background? v] to (<not <<(yrot) = []> or <(yrot) = [0]>>> * (1))\nif <(x-segments) = []> then\n set [_platform xlen v] to [1]\nelse\n set [_platform xlen v] to (x-segments)\nend\nif <(z-segments) = []> then\n set [_platform zlen v] to [1]\nelse\n set [_platform zlen v] to (z-segments)\nend\nif <<([abs v] of ((_____x) - (player x)) ) < (@render distance)> and <<([abs v] of ((_____y) - (player y)) ) < (@render distance)> and <([abs v] of ((_____z) - (player z)) ) < (@render distance)>>> then\n delete all of [_box v]\n set [i v] to [0]\n repeat (_platform xlen)\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [i2 v] to [0]\n repeat (_platform zlen)\n change [i2 v] by (1)\n add ((x) + ((i) - (1))) to [_box v]\n add ((y) - (1)) to [_box v]\n add ((z) + ((i2) - (1))) to [_box v]\n end\n end\n add (x) to [_box v]\n add ((y) - (1)) to [_box v]\n add (z) to [_box v]\n if <<(ground) = [1]> and <not <(@device) = [1]>>> then\n if <(special-color) = []> then\n (+) Add hitbox (_____x) (_____y) (_____z) type [ground1] x rotation (xrot) z rotation (zrot) y rotation (yrot) color [#7ac298] l (((50) + (add_x_len)) * (_platform xlen)) [0] (((50) + (add_z_len)) * (_platform zlen)) with_graphical_element? [1] always_background? (_always-background?) impulses (xyz) (impulse-x) (impulse-y) (impulse-z) IndependentTexture (moving-platform?)\n else\n (+) Add hitbox (_____x) (_____y) (_____z) type [ground1] x rotation (xrot) z rotation (zrot) y rotation (yrot) color (special-color) l (((50) + (add_x_len)) * (_platform xlen)) [0] (((50) + (add_z_len)) * (_platform zlen)) with_graphical_element? [1] always_background? (_always-background?) impulses (xyz) (impulse-x) (impulse-y) (impulse-z) IndependentTexture (moving-platform?)\n end\n (+) Add graphical object x ((_____x) + ((0) * (_platform xlen))) ((_____x) + (((50) * (_platform xlen)) / (2))) ((_____x) + ((50) * (_platform xlen))) y (_____y) ((_____y) - ((30) * (_platform xlen))) (_____y) z ((_____z) + (((50) * (_platform zlen)) / (1))) ((_____z) + (((50) * (_platform zlen)) / (2))) ((_____z) + (((50) * (_platform zlen)) / (1))) color [#696255] fix_insert_position [] fix_xyz_refs [] [] [] fix_box_xyz (_____x) ((_____y) - (350)) (_____z)\n (+) Add graphical object x ((_____x) + (() * (_platform xlen))) ((_____x) + (((50) * (_platform xlen)) / (2))) ((_____x) + ((0) * (_platform xlen))) y (_____y) ((_____y) - ((30) * (_platform xlen))) (_____y) z (_____z) ((_____z) + (((50) * (_platform zlen)) / (2))) ((_____z) + (((50) * (_platform zlen)) / (1))) color [#4d483f] fix_insert_position [] fix_xyz_refs [] [] [] fix_box_xyz (_____x) ((_____y) - (350)) (_____z)\n (+) Add graphical object x ((_____x) + ((50) * (_platform xlen))) ((_____x) + (((50) * (_platform xlen)) / (2))) ((_____x) + ((50) * (_platform xlen))) y (_____y) ((_____y) - ((30) * (_platform xlen))) (_____y) z ((_____z) + (((50) * (_platform zlen)) / (1))) ((_____z) + (((50) * (_platform zlen)) / (2))) ((_____z) + (((0) * (_platform zlen)) / (1))) color [#575248] fix_insert_position [] fix_xyz_refs [] [] [] fix_box_xyz (_____x) ((_____y) - (350)) (_____z)\n (+) Add graphical object x ((_____x) + ((50) * (_platform xlen))) ((_____x) + ((((50) * (_platform xlen)) + ()) / (2))) ((_____x) + ((00) * (_platform xlen))) y (_____y) ((_____y) - ((30) * (_platform xlen))) (_____y) z (_____z) ((_____z) + (((50) * (_platform zlen)) / (2))) (_____z) color [#696255] fix_insert_position [] fix_xyz_refs [] [] [] fix_box_xyz (_____x) ((_____y) - (350)) (_____z)\n else\n if <(special-color) = []> then\n (+) Add hitbox (_____x) (_____y) (_____z) type [ground1] x rotation (xrot) z rotation (zrot) y rotation (yrot) color [#7ac298] l (((50) + (add_x_len)) * (_platform xlen)) [0] (((50) + (add_z_len)) * (_platform zlen)) with_graphical_element? [1] always_background? (_always-background?) impulses (xyz) (impulse-x) (impulse-y) (impulse-z) IndependentTexture (moving-platform?)\n else\n (+) Add hitbox (_____x) (_____y) (_____z) type [ground1] x rotation (xrot) z rotation (zrot) y rotation (yrot) color (special-color) l (((50) + (add_x_len)) * (_platform xlen)) [0] (((50) + (add_z_len)) * (_platform zlen)) with_graphical_element? [1] always_background? (_always-background?) impulses (xyz) (impulse-x) (impulse-y) (impulse-z) IndependentTexture (moving-platform?)\n end\n end\nend\nset [ay rotation v] to [0]\n\ndefine Add player object\nchange [player y v] by (-3)\n(m) collision - shadow? []\nif <[h_collision v] contains [spike]?> then\n if <(@paused) = [0]> then\n set [@paused v] to [1]\n start sound [Crunch v]\n broadcast (@killed v)\n end\nend\nchange [player y v] by (3)\nchange [_player x direction v] by (((_player x direction) - (player x direction)) / (-5))\nchange [_player z direction v] by (((_player z direction) - (player z direction)) / (-5))\nset [ax rotation v] to (_player x direction)\nset [az rotation v] to (_player z direction)\nset [ay rotation v] to []\n(+) Add cube object (player x) ((player y) + ((playerSize y) * (-1))) (player z) lengths (playerSize x) (playerSize y) (playerSize z) colors [#2679ff] [#2679ff] [#458cff] [#458cff] [#6ea6ff] []\nAdd Player shadow\n(m) collision - shadow? [0]\n\ndefine (+) Add graphical object x (x1) (x2) (x3) y (y1) (y2) (y3) z (z1) (z2) (z3) color (color) fix_insert_position (fip) fix_xyz_refs (xref) (yref) (zref) fix_box_xyz (box-x) (box-y) (box-z)\nif <(fip) = []> then\n if <(box-x) = []> then\n set [__x v] to (((x1) + ((x2) + (x3))) / (3))\n set [__y v] to (((y1) + ((y2) + (y3))) / (3))\n set [__z v] to (((z1) + ((z2) + (z3))) / (3))\n (+) get box (__x) (__y) (__z)\n if <(xref) = []> then\n (+) get insert pos coordinates (__x) (__y) (__z) only_use_box_coordinates? [] hitbox? [] always-background? []\n else\n (+) get insert pos coordinates (xref) (yref) (zref) only_use_box_coordinates? [] hitbox? [] always-background? []\n end\n else\n (+) get box (box-x) (box-y) (box-z)\n if <(xref) = []> then\n set [__x v] to (((x1) + ((x2) + (x3))) / (3))\n set [__y v] to (((y1) + ((y2) + (y3))) / (3))\n set [__z v] to (((z1) + ((z2) + (z3))) / (3))\n (+) get insert pos coordinates (__x) (__y) (__z) only_use_box_coordinates? [] hitbox? [] always-background? []\n else\n (+) get insert pos coordinates (xref) (yref) (zref) only_use_box_coordinates? [] hitbox? [] always-background? []\n end\n end\nelse\n set [i v] to (fip)\nend\ninsert (distance) at (i) of [__object_distance v] \ninsert (box_distance) at (i) of [__object.box_distance v] \ninsert (x1) at (i) of [objectx1 v] \ninsert (x2) at (i) of [objectx2 v] \ninsert (x3) at (i) of [objectx3 v] \ninsert (y1) at (i) of [objecty1 v] \ninsert (y2) at (i) of [objecty2 v] \ninsert (y3) at (i) of [objecty3 v] \ninsert (z1) at (i) of [objectz1 v] \ninsert (z2) at (i) of [objectz2 v] \ninsert (z3) at (i) of [objectz3 v] \ninsert [] at (i) of [object_hitbox_reference v] \ninsert (color) at (i) of [color v] \ninsert [tri] at (i) of [object type v] \n\ndefine (+) Add cube object (middle-x) (middle-y) (middle-z) lengths (xlen) (ylen) (zlen) colors (color1) (color2) (color3) (color4) (color5) (color6)\ndelete all of [platform:corners v]\n(3D) Go to ((xlen) * (1)) ((ylen) * (2)) ((zlen) * (1)) render [0] perspective_proj [0] rotation_mode [0] object_mode [1] sort [1]\nadd (x) to [platform:corners v]\nadd (y) to [platform:corners v]\nadd (z) to [platform:corners v]\n(3D) Go to ((xlen) * (1)) ((ylen) * (2)) ((zlen) * (-1)) render [0] perspective_proj [0] rotation_mode [0] object_mode [1] sort [1]\nadd (x) to [platform:corners v]\nadd (y) to [platform:corners v]\nadd (z) to [platform:corners v]\n(3D) Go to ((xlen) * (1)) ((ylen) * ()) ((zlen) * (1)) render [0] perspective_proj [0] rotation_mode [0] object_mode [1] sort [1]\nadd (x) to [platform:corners v]\nadd (y) to [platform:corners v]\nadd (z) to [platform:corners v]\n(3D) Go to ((xlen) * (1)) ((ylen) * ()) ((zlen) * (-1)) render [0] perspective_proj [0] rotation_mode [0] object_mode [1] sort [1]\nadd (x) to [platform:corners v]\nadd (y) to [platform:corners v]\nadd (z) to [platform:corners v]\n(3D) Go to ((xlen) * (-1)) ((ylen) * (2)) ((zlen) * (1)) render [0] perspective_proj [0] rotation_mode [0] object_mode [1] sort [1]\nadd (x) to [platform:corners v]\nadd (y) to [platform:corners v]\nadd (z) to [platform:corners v]\n(3D) Go to ((xlen) * (-1)) ((ylen) * (2)) ((zlen) * (-1)) render [0] perspective_proj [0] rotation_mode [0] object_mode [1] sort [1]\nadd (x) to [platform:corners v]\nadd (y) to [platform:corners v]\nadd (z) to [platform:corners v]\n(3D) Go to ((xlen) * (-1)) ((ylen) * ()) ((zlen) * (1)) render [0] perspective_proj [0] rotation_mode [1] object_mode [1] sort [1]\nadd (x) to [platform:corners v]\nadd (y) to [platform:corners v]\nadd (z) to [platform:corners v]\n(3D) Go to ((xlen) * (-1)) ((ylen) * ()) ((zlen) * (-1)) render [0] perspective_proj [0] rotation_mode [1] object_mode [1] sort [1]\nadd (x) to [platform:corners v]\nadd (y) to [platform:corners v]\nadd (z) to [platform:corners v]\ndelete all of [cube:sides v]\n(3D) Go to [] [] (zlen) render [0] perspective_proj [0] rotation_mode [1] object_mode [1] sort [1]\nadd (x) to [cube:sides v]\nadd (y) to [cube:sides v]\nadd (z) to [cube:sides v]\n(3D) Go to [] [] ((zlen) * (-1)) render [0] perspective_proj [0] rotation_mode [1] object_mode [1] sort [1]\nadd (x) to [cube:sides v]\nadd (y) to [cube:sides v]\nadd (z) to [cube:sides v]\n(3D) Go to (xlen) [] [] render [0] perspective_proj [0] rotation_mode [1] object_mode [1] sort [1]\nadd (x) to [cube:sides v]\nadd (y) to [cube:sides v]\nadd (z) to [cube:sides v]\n(3D) Go to ((xlen) * (-1)) [] [] render [0] perspective_proj [0] rotation_mode [1] object_mode [1] sort [1]\nadd (x) to [cube:sides v]\nadd (y) to [cube:sides v]\nadd (z) to [cube:sides v]\n(3D) Go to [] ((ylen) * (1)) [] render [0] perspective_proj [0] rotation_mode [1] object_mode [1] sort [1]\nadd (x) to [cube:sides v]\nadd (y) to [cube:sides v]\nadd (z) to [cube:sides v]\nset [_orient1 v] to [8]\nset [_orient2 v] to [6]\nset [_orient3 v] to [2]\n(+) Add graphical object x ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) y ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) z ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) color (color1) fix_insert_position [] fix_xyz_refs ((middle-x) + (item (((2) * (3)) + (-2)) of [cube:sides v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((2) * (3)) + (-1)) of [cube:sides v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((2) * (3)) + ()) of [cube:sides v])) fix_box_xyz (player x) (player y) (player z)\nset [_orient1 v] to [8]\nset [_orient2 v] to [4]\nset [_orient3 v] to [2]\n(+) Add graphical object x ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) y ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) z ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) color (color1) fix_insert_position (i) fix_xyz_refs [] [] [] fix_box_xyz [] [] []\nset [_orient1 v] to [5]\nset [_orient2 v] to [1]\nset [_orient3 v] to [3]\n(+) Add graphical object x ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) y ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) z ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) color (color2) fix_insert_position [] fix_xyz_refs ((middle-x) + (item (((1) * (3)) + (-2)) of [cube:sides v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((1) * (3)) + (-1)) of [cube:sides v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((1) * (3)) + ()) of [cube:sides v])) fix_box_xyz (player x) (player y) (player z)\nset [_orient1 v] to [5]\nset [_orient2 v] to [7]\nset [_orient3 v] to [3]\n(+) Add graphical object x ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) y ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) z ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) color (color2) fix_insert_position (i) fix_xyz_refs [] [] [] fix_box_xyz (player x) (player y) (player z)\nset [_orient1 v] to [1]\nset [_orient2 v] to [2]\nset [_orient3 v] to [4]\n(+) Add graphical object x ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) y ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) z ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) color (color3) fix_insert_position [] fix_xyz_refs ((middle-x) + (item (((3) * (3)) + (-2)) of [cube:sides v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((3) * (3)) + (-1)) of [cube:sides v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((3) * (3)) + ()) of [cube:sides v])) fix_box_xyz (player x) (player y) (player z)\nset [_orient1 v] to [4]\nset [_orient2 v] to [3]\nset [_orient3 v] to [1]\n(+) Add graphical object x ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) y ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) z ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) color (color3) fix_insert_position (i) fix_xyz_refs [] [] [] fix_box_xyz (player x) (player y) (player z)\nset [_orient1 v] to [6]\nset [_orient2 v] to [8]\nset [_orient3 v] to [7]\n(+) Add graphical object x ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) y ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) z ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) color (color4) fix_insert_position [] fix_xyz_refs ((middle-x) + (item (((4) * (3)) + (-2)) of [cube:sides v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((4) * (3)) + (-1)) of [cube:sides v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((4) * (3)) + ()) of [cube:sides v])) fix_box_xyz (player x) (player y) (player z)\nset [_orient1 v] to [6]\nset [_orient2 v] to [5]\nset [_orient3 v] to [7]\n(+) Add graphical object x ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) y ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) z ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) color (color4) fix_insert_position (i) fix_xyz_refs [] [] [] fix_box_xyz (player x) (player y) (player z)\nset [_orient1 v] to [6]\nset [_orient2 v] to [5]\nset [_orient3 v] to [1]\n(+) Add graphical object x ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) y ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) z ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) color (color5) fix_insert_position [] fix_xyz_refs ((middle-x) + (item (((5) * (3)) + (-2)) of [cube:sides v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((5) * (3)) + (-1)) of [cube:sides v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((5) * (3)) + ()) of [cube:sides v])) fix_box_xyz (player x) (player y) (player z)\nset [_orient1 v] to [6]\nset [_orient2 v] to [2]\nset [_orient3 v] to [1]\n(+) Add graphical object x ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-x) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-2)) of [platform:corners v])) y ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-y) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + (-1)) of [platform:corners v])) z ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient1) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient2) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) ((middle-z) + (item (((_orient3) * (3)) + ()) of [platform:corners v])) color (color5) fix_insert_position (i) fix_xyz_refs [] [] [] fix_box_xyz (player x) (player y) (player z)\n\ndefine Add Spike at (x-block) (y-block) (z-block) xrot (xrot) yrot (yrot) zrot (zrot) size (size) offset (xoff) (yoff) (zoff)\nset [_x v] to ((((x-block) * (50)) - (25)) + (xoff))\nset [_y v] to ((((y-block) * (50)) - (25)) + (yoff))\nset [_z v] to ((((z-block) * (50)) - (25)) + (zoff))\nif <<([abs v] of ((_x) - (player x)) ) < (@render distance)> and <<([abs v] of ((_y) - (player y)) ) < (@render distance)> and <([abs v] of ((_z) - (player z)) ) < (@render distance)>>> then\n set [ax rotation v] to (xrot)\n set [ay rotation v] to (yrot)\n set [az rotation v] to (zrot)\n (+) Add hitbox ((_x) - ((size) * (0.5))) ((_y) + ((size) * (2))) ((_z) - ((size) * (0.5))) type [spike] x rotation (xrot) z rotation (zrot) y rotation (yrot) color [#ffd1d1] l ((size) * (1)) ((size) * (1)) ((size) * (1)) with_graphical_element? [] always_background? [] impulses (xyz) [] [] [] IndependentTexture []\n (+) Add hitbox ((_x) - ((size) * (1))) (_y) ((_z) - ((size) * (1))) type [spike] x rotation (xrot) z rotation (zrot) y rotation (yrot) color [#ffd1d1] l ((size) * (2)) ((size) * (2)) ((size) * (2)) with_graphical_element? [] always_background? [] impulses (xyz) [] [] [] IndependentTexture []\n (+) add body form corners [1] (size) [0] ((size) * (-1)) [2] (size) [0] (size) [3] [0] ((size) * (3.2)) [0] [color] [#f25a5a] [mid] (_x) (_y) (_z) [use mid x as ref] []\n (+) add body form corners [1] ((size) * (-1)) [0] ((size) * (-1)) [2] (size) [0] ((size) * (-1)) [3] [0] ((size) * (3.2)) [0] [color] [#ff7878] [mid] (_x) (_y) (_z) [use mid x as ref] []\n (+) add body form corners [1] ((size) * (-1)) [0] ((size) * (-1)) [2] ((size) * (-1)) [0] (size) [3] [0] ((size) * (3.2)) [0] [color] [#f25a5a] [mid] (_x) (_y) (_z) [use mid x as ref] []\n (+) add body form corners [1] ((size) * (-1)) [0] (size) [2] (size) [0] (size) [3] [0] ((size) * (3.2)) [0] [color] [#ff7878] [mid] (_x) (_y) (_z) [use mid x as ref] []\nend\n\ndefine Respawn\nreset timer\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [_flag:y v] to [0]\nset [sz v] to [0]\nset [player z direction v] to [0]\nset [player y direction v] to [0]\nset [_player y direction v] to [0]\nset [scroll player y v] to [0]\nset [player x v] to [-25]\nset [player y v] to [20]\nset [player z v] to [25]\nset [y_angle v] to [0]\nset [x_angle v] to [-35]\nif <is compiled?> then\n if <(@device) = [1]> then\n set [@mobile controls enabled v] to [1]\n end\n set [@device v] to [3]\nend\nif <(@device) = [3]> then\n set [@render quality v] to [2]\n set [@render distance v] to [440]\nelse\n set [@render distance v] to [280]\n if <(@device) = [2]> then\n set [@render quality v] to [2]\n else\n set [@render quality v] to [3]\n set [@mobile controls enabled v] to [1]\n end\nend\nif <(_____checkpoint?) = [1]> then\n set [player x v] to ((______checkpoint-x) + (20))\n set [player y v] to (______checkpoint-y)\n set [player z v] to (______checkpoint-z)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [@killed v]\nrepeat (2)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [@killed v] to [1]\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [@killed v] to [0]\nend\nRespawn\nbroadcast (@dead v)\n\ndefine (+) get insert pos coordinates (x) (y) (z) only_use_box_coordinates? (only_use_box_coordinates?) hitbox? (hitbox) always-background? (always-background?)\nset [i v] to [1]\nset [o v] to [0]\nif <(hitbox) = [1]> then\n set [box_distance v] to [0]\nelse\n set [box_distance v] to [1e1000]\nend\nrepeat ((length of [_box v]) / (3))\n Get 3D distance from (((item ((o) + (1)) of [_box v]) * (50)) - (50)) (((item ((o) + (2)) of [_box v]) * (50)) - (50)) (((item ((o) + (3)) of [_box v]) * (50)) - (50)) to (scroll x) (scroll y) (scroll z)\n if <(hitbox) = [1]> then\n if <(box_distance) < (round (_distance))> then\n set [box_distance v] to (round (_distance))\n end\n else\n if <(round (_distance)) < (box_distance)> then\n set [box_distance v] to (round (_distance))\n end\n end\n change [o v] by (3)\nend\nrepeat until <<(item (i) of [__object.box_distance v]) < (box_distance)> or <(box_distance) = (item (i) of [__object.box_distance v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\nGet 3D distance from (x) (y) (z) to (scroll x) (scroll y) (scroll z)\nset [distance v] to (round (_distance))\nif <not <(only_use_box_coordinates?) = [1]>> then\n repeat until <<(item (i) of [__object_distance v]) < (distance)> or <not <(box_distance) = (item (i) of [__object.box_distance v])>>>\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\nend\nif <(always-background?) = [1]> then\n set [i v] to [1]\nend\n\ndefine (+) add body form corners [1] (x1) (y1) (z1) [2] (x2) (y2) (z2) [3] (x3) (y3) (z3) [color] (color) [mid] (mid-x) (mid-y) (mid-z) [use mid x as ref] (\[use mid x as ref\])\nif <<(aX rotation) = []> and <<(aY rotation) = []> and <(aZ rotation) = []>>> then\n if <(\[use mid x as ref\]) = [1]> then\n (+) Add graphical object x ((mid-x) + (x1)) ((mid-x) + (x2)) ((mid-x) + (x3)) y ((mid-y) + (y1)) ((mid-y) + (y2)) ((mid-y) + (y3)) z ((mid-z) + (z1)) ((mid-z) + (z2)) ((mid-z) + (z3)) color (color) fix_insert_position [] fix_xyz_refs (mid-x) (mid-y) (mid-z) fix_box_xyz (mid-x) (mid-y) (mid-z)\n else\n (+) Add graphical object x ((mid-x) + (x1)) ((mid-x) + (x2)) ((mid-x) + (x3)) y ((mid-y) + (y1)) ((mid-y) + (y2)) ((mid-y) + (y3)) z ((mid-z) + (z1)) ((mid-z) + (z2)) ((mid-z) + (z3)) color (color) fix_insert_position [] fix_xyz_refs [] [] [] fix_box_xyz [] [] []\n end\nelse\n delete all of [object:corners v]\n (3D) Go to (x1) (y1) (z1) render [0] perspective_proj [] rotation_mode [] object_mode [1] sort []\n add (x) to [object:corners v]\n add (y) to [object:corners v]\n add (z) to [object:corners v]\n (3D) Go to (x2) (y2) (z2) render [0] perspective_proj [] rotation_mode [] object_mode [1] sort []\n add (x) to [object:corners v]\n add (y) to [object:corners v]\n add (z) to [object:corners v]\n (3D) Go to (x3) (y3) (z3) render [0] perspective_proj [] rotation_mode [] object_mode [1] sort []\n add (x) to [object:corners v]\n add (y) to [object:corners v]\n add (z) to [object:corners v]\n (+) Add graphical object x ((mid-x) + (item (1) of [object:corners v])) ((mid-x) + (item (4) of [object:corners v])) ((mid-x) + (item (7) of [object:corners v])) y ((mid-y) + (item (2) of [object:corners v])) ((mid-y) + (item (5) of [object:corners v])) ((mid-y) + (item (8) of [hitbox_y_rotation v])) z ((mid-z) + (item (3) of [object:corners v])) ((mid-z) + (item (6) of [object:corners v])) ((mid-z) + (item (9) of [object:corners v])) color (color) fix_insert_position [] fix_xyz_refs [] [] [] fix_box_xyz [] [] []\nend\n\ndefine Rotate Map\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [y_angle v] by (5)\nend\nif <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [y_angle v] by (-5)\nend\nif <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x_angle v] by (-5)\nend\nif <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x_angle v] by (5)\nend\nif <<mouse down?> and <not <(@mobile controls enabled) = [1]>>> then\n change [y_angle v] by (((mouse x) - (_old_mouse_x)) / (-2))\n change [x_angle v] by (((mouse y) - (_old_mouse_y)) / (1))\nend\nset [_old_mouse_x v] to (mouse x)\nset [_old_mouse_y v] to (mouse y)\nif <[-15] < (x_angle)> then\n set [x_angle v] to [-15]\nend\nif <(x_angle) < [-90]> then\n set [x_angle v] to [-90]\nend\n\nP = Translate [] [] [] by [0] [0] [180]\nP = Perspective Protection of (x) (y) (z) with focal length (zoom)\n\nif <(perspective_proj) = [0]> then\n\ndefine Camera (x rot)\nset [_camera:x sin v] to ([sin v] of (x rot) )\nset [_camera:y sin v] to ([sin v] of (y_angle) )\nset [_camera:x cos v] to ([cos v] of (x rot) )\nset [_camera:y cos v] to ([cos v] of (y_angle) )\nset [scroll x v] to ((player x) + (((_camera:y sin) * (_camera:x cos)) * (zoom)))\nset [scroll z v] to ((player z) - (((_camera:y cos) * (_camera:x cos)) * (zoom)))\nchange [scroll player y v] by (((scroll player y) - ((player y) + (15))) / (-4))\nset [scroll y v] to ((scroll player y) - ((_camera:x sin) * (zoom)))\n\ndefine Get 3D distance from (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z2)\n(3D) Go to (x1) (y1) (z1) render [0] perspective_proj [0] rotation_mode [0] object_mode [0] sort [0]\nset [x1 v] to (x)\nset [y1 v] to (y)\nset [z1 v] to ((z) + ())\n(3D) Go to (x2) (y2) (z2) render [0] perspective_proj [0] rotation_mode [0] object_mode [0] sort [0]\nif < (join (x1) (join (x) (join (y1) (join (y) (join (z1) (z)))))) contains [!]?> then\n set [_distance v] to [100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000]\nelse\n set [_distance v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((x1) - (x)) * ((x1) - (x))) + ((((y1) - (y)) * ((y1) - (y))) + ((((z1) + (-75)) - (z)) * (((z1) + (-)) - (z))))) )\nend\n\nwait until <<<([abs v] of ((player x) - (scroll x)) ) < [50]> and <([abs v] of ((player y) - (scroll y)) ) < [50]>> and <([abs v] of ((player z) - (scroll z)) ) < [50]>>\n\nwhen I receive [@dead v]\nset [@paused v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [tick 2 v]\nRender Objects\nRotate Map\nif <(@mobile controls enabled) = [1]> then\n Joystick\nend\nPhysics\n\ndefine (+) get box (x) (y) (z)\ndelete all of [_box v]\nadd (round (((x) + ()) / (50))) to [_box v]\nadd (round (((y) + ()) / (50))) to [_box v]\nadd (round (((z) + ()) / (50))) to [_box v]\nset [___x v] to (round (((x) + (-10)) / (50)))\nset [___y v] to (round (((y) + ()) / (50)))\nset [___z v] to (round (((z) + (-10)) / (50)))\nif <not <<(item (1) of [_box v]) = (___x)> and <(item (3) of [_box v]) = (___z)>>> then\n add (___x) to [_box v]\n add (___y) to [_box v]\n add (___z) to [_box v]\nend\n\ndefine Add line from (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z2) size (size) color (color) y-sorting-offset (y-sorting-offset)\nif <<([abs v] of ((x1) - (player x)) ) < (@render distance)> and <<([abs v] of ((y1) - (player y)) ) < (@render distance)> and <([abs v] of ((z1) - (player z)) ) < (@render distance)>>> then\n (+) get box (x1) ((y1) + (y-sorting-offset)) (z1)\n (+) get insert pos coordinates (((x1) + (x2)) / (2)) (((y1) + (y2)) / (2)) (((z1) + (z2)) / (2)) only_use_box_coordinates? [0] hitbox? [1] always-background? []\n insert (box_distance) at (i) of [__object.box_distance v] \n insert (distance) at (i) of [__object_distance v] \n insert (x1) at (i) of [objectx1 v] \n insert (x2) at (i) of [objectx2 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objectx3 v] \n insert (y1) at (i) of [objecty1 v] \n insert (y2) at (i) of [objecty2 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objecty3 v] \n insert (z1) at (i) of [objectz1 v] \n insert (z2) at (i) of [objectz2 v] \n insert (size) at (i) of [objectz3 v] \n insert (join [line] []) at (i) of [object_hitbox_reference v] \n insert (color) at (i) of [color v] \n insert (join [line] []) at (i) of [object type v] \nend\n\ndefine Add fence (x) (y) (z) segments (segments) direction (direction)\nif <<([abs v] of ((x) - (player x)) ) < (@render distance)> and <<([abs v] of ((y) - (player y)) ) < (@render distance)> and <([abs v] of ((z) - (player z)) ) < (@render distance)>>> then\n if <(direction) = [x]> then\n set [i2 v] to [0]\n (+) Add hitbox ((x) - (15)) (y) ((z) - (5)) type [ground1] x rotation [0] z rotation [0] y rotation [0] color [] l (((segments) * (25)) + (20)) [35] [10] with_graphical_element? [0] always_background? [] impulses (xyz) [] [] [] IndependentTexture []\n repeat (segments)\n Add line from ((x) + ((i2) * (25))) ((y) + (2)) (z) to ((x) + ((i2) * (25))) ((y) + (30)) (z) size [7.5] color [#575248] y-sorting-offset []\n Add line from ((x) + ((((i2) + ()) * (25)) + (-7))) ((y) + (32)) (z) to ((x) + ((((i2) + (1)) * (25)) + (7))) ((y) + (32)) (z) size [13] color [#615b50] y-sorting-offset []\n \n if <((i2) mod (2)) = [1]> then\n Add line from ((x) + ((i2) * (25))) ((y) + (2)) (z) to ((x) + ((((i2) + (1)) * (25)) + ())) ((y) + (30)) (z) size [6] color [#575248] y-sorting-offset []\n else\n Add line from ((x) + ((i2) * (25))) ((y) + (30)) (z) to ((x) + ((((i2) + (1)) * (25)) + ())) ((y) + (2)) (z) size [6] color [#575248] y-sorting-offset []\n end\n change [i2 v] by (1)\n end\n Add line from ((x) + ((i2) * (25))) ((y) + (2)) (z) to ((x) + ((i2) * (25))) ((y) + (30)) (z) size [7.5] color [#575248] y-sorting-offset []\n else\n set [i2 v] to [0]\n (+) Add hitbox ((x) - (10)) (y) ((z) - (15)) type [ground1] x rotation [0] z rotation [0] y rotation [0] color [] l [10] [35] (((segments) * (25)) + (20)) with_graphical_element? [0] always_background? [] impulses (xyz) [] [] [] IndependentTexture []\n repeat (segments)\n Add line from (x) ((y) + (2)) ((z) + ((i2) * (25))) to (x) ((y) + (30)) ((z) + ((i2) * (25))) size [7.5] color [#575248] y-sorting-offset []\n Add line from (x) ((y) + (32)) ((z) + ((((i2) + ()) * (25)) + (-7))) to (x) ((y) + (32)) ((z) + ((((i2) + (1)) * (25)) + (7))) size [13] color [#615b50] y-sorting-offset []\n \n if <((i2) mod (2)) = [1]> then\n Add line from (x) ((y) + (2)) ((z) + ((i2) * (25))) to (x) ((y) + (30)) ((z) + ((((i2) + (1)) * (25)) + ())) size [6] color [#575248] y-sorting-offset []\n else\n Add line from (x) ((y) + (30)) ((z) + ((i2) * (25))) to (x) ((y) + (2)) ((z) + ((((i2) + (1)) * (25)) + ())) size [6] color [#575248] y-sorting-offset []\n end\n change [i2 v] by (1)\n end\n Add line from (x) ((y) + (2)) ((z) + ((i2) * (25))) to (x) ((y) + (30)) ((z) + ((i2) * (25))) size [7.5] color [#575248] y-sorting-offset []\n end\nend\n\ndefine Add end flag at (x) (y) (z)\nif <<([abs v] of ((x) - (player x)) ) < (@render distance)> and <<([abs v] of ((y) - (player y)) ) < (@render distance)> and <([abs v] of ((z) - (player z)) ) < (@render distance)>>> then\n set [ax rotation v] to [0]\n set [ay rotation v] to [0]\n set [az rotation v] to [0]\n (+) add body form corners [1] [-2] [-17] [0] [2] [-25] [] [0] [3] [-2] [] [0] [color] [#d17171] [mid] (x) ((y) + ((60) + (_flag:y))) (z) [use mid x as ref] []\n (+) add body form corners [1] [-2] [-17] [0] [2] [-25] [-17] [0] [3] [-25] [] [0] [color] [#d17171] [mid] (x) ((y) + ((60) + (_flag:y))) (z) [use mid x as ref] []\n Add line from (x) (y) (z) to (x) ((y) + (60)) (z) size [9] color [#4f2a2a] y-sorting-offset []\n if <(______won?) = [0]> then\n (+) Add hitbox ((x) - (10)) (y) ((z) - (10)) type [endflag] x rotation [] z rotation [] y rotation [] color [] l [20] [100] [20] with_graphical_element? [] always_background? [] impulses (xyz) [] [] [] IndependentTexture []\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [@win v]\nset [_flag:y v] to [0]\nset [@paused v] to [1]\nrepeat (10)\n change [_flag:y v] by (((_flag:y) - (-40)) / (-4))\nend\nbroadcast (popup0 v)\nset [@pause_rendering v] to [1]\nset [@paused v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [@levelup v]\nbroadcast (trans1 v) and wait\nwait (0.5) seconds\nset [_____checkpoint? v] to [0]\nchange [@level.id v] by (1)\nReset\nRespawn\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll player y v] to [0]\nset [______won? v] to [0]\nset [scroll z v] to [0]\nbroadcast (trans2 v)\nset [@paused v] to [0]\n\ndefine Add Spring at (x) (y) (z) x_rot (x_rot)\nif <<([abs v] of ((x) - (player x)) ) < (@render distance)> and <<([abs v] of ((y) - (player y)) ) < (@render distance)> and <([abs v] of ((z) - (player z)) ) < (@render distance)>>> then\n set [ax rotation v] to [0]\n set [ay rotation v] to (x_rot)\n set [az rotation v] to [0]\n Add line from ((x) + (-8)) ((y) + ()) ((z) + ()) to ((x) + (8)) ((y) + ((_spring_down) * (5))) ((z) + ()) size [5] color [#3d3720] y-sorting-offset []\n Add line from ((x) + (8)) ((y) + ()) ((z) + ()) to ((x) + (-8)) ((y) + ((_spring_down) * (5))) ((z) + ()) size [5] color [#3d3720] y-sorting-offset []\n Add line from ((x) + (-8)) ((y) + ((_spring_down) * (5))) ((z) + ()) to ((x) + (8)) ((y) + ((_spring_down) * (10))) ((z) + ()) size [5] color [#3d3720] y-sorting-offset []\n Add line from ((x) + (8)) ((y) + ((_spring_down) * (5))) ((z) + ()) to ((x) + (-8)) ((y) + ((_spring_down) * (10))) ((z) + ()) size [5] color [#3d3720] y-sorting-offset []\n Add line from ((x) + (-8)) ((y) + ((_spring_down) * (10))) ((z) + ()) to ((x) + (8)) ((y) + ((_spring_down) * (15))) ((z) + ()) size [5] color [#3d3720] y-sorting-offset []\n Add line from ((x) + (8)) ((y) + ((_spring_down) * (10))) ((z) + ()) to ((x) + (-8)) ((y) + ((_spring_down) * (15))) ((z) + ()) size [5] color [#3d3720] y-sorting-offset []\n (+) add body form corners [1] [-11] [] [11] [2] [-11] [] [-11] [3] [11] [] [11] [color] [#d4bd6a] [mid] (x) ((y) + ((_spring_down) * (19))) (z) [use mid x as ref] []\n (+) add body form corners [1] [11] [] [11] [2] [-11] [] [-11] [3] [11] [] [-11] [color] [#d4bd6a] [mid] (x) ((y) + ((_spring_down) * (19))) (z) [use mid x as ref] []\n (+) Add hitbox ((x) - (10)) (y) ((z) - (10)) type [spring] x rotation [] z rotation [] y rotation [] color [] l [20] [20] [20] with_graphical_element? [] always_background? [] impulses (xyz) [] [] [] IndependentTexture []\nend\n\ndefine Add coin (x) (y) (z)\nif <<([abs v] of ((x) - (player x)) ) < (@render distance)> and <<([abs v] of ((y) - (player y)) ) < (@render distance)> and <([abs v] of ((z) - (player z)) ) < (@render distance)>>> then\n if <<(____coin_removed) = (join (x) (join (join [,] (y)) (join [,] (z))))> or <not <[@collected_coins v] contains (join (x) (join (join [,] (y)) (join [,] (z))))?>>> then\n set [ax rotation v] to [0]\n set [ay rotation v] to [0]\n set [az rotation v] to [0]\n (+) get box (x) (y) (z)\n (+) get insert pos coordinates (x) (y) (z) only_use_box_coordinates? [0] hitbox? [0] always-background? [0]\n insert (box_distance) at (i) of [__object.box_distance v] \n insert (distance) at (i) of [__object_distance v] \n insert (x) at (i) of [objectx1 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objectx2 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objectx3 v] \n insert (y) at (i) of [objecty1 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objecty2 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objecty3 v] \n insert (z) at (i) of [objectz1 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objectz3 v] \n insert (join [coin] []) at (i) of [object_hitbox_reference v] \n insert [] at (i) of [color v] \n insert (join [coin] []) at (i) of [object type v] \n if <[@collected_coins v] contains (join (x) (join (join [,] (y)) (join [,] (z))))?> then\n insert [collected] at (i) of [objectz2 v] \n else\n (+) Add hitbox ((x) - (10)) ((y) - (10)) ((z) - (10)) type [coin] x rotation [] z rotation [] y rotation [] color [] l [20] [40] [20] with_graphical_element? [0] always_background? [] impulses (xyz) [] [] [] IndependentTexture []\n insert [] at (i) of [objectz2 v] \n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [______coin_frame v] to [1]\n repeat (5)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [______coin_frame v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (5)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [______coin_frame v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [@coin v]\nset [____coin_removed_size v] to [100]\nrepeat (10)\n change [____coin_removed_size v] by (10)\nend\nset [____coin_removed v] to [0]\n\ndefine Add checkpoint flag (x) (y) (z)\nset [______checkpoint-x v] to (x)\nset [______checkpoint-y v] to (y)\nset [______checkpoint-z v] to (z)\nif <<([abs v] of ((x) - (player x)) ) < (@render distance)> and <<([abs v] of ((y) - (player y)) ) < (@render distance)> and <([abs v] of ((z) - (player z)) ) < (@render distance)>>> then\n set [ax rotation v] to [0]\n set [ay rotation v] to [0]\n set [az rotation v] to [0]\n if <(_____checkpoint?) = [0]> then\n (+) add body form corners [1] [-2] [-17] [0] [2] [-25] [] [0] [3] [-2] [] [0] [color] [#717fd1] [mid] (x) ((y) + ((60) + (_flag:y))) (z) [use mid x as ref] []\n (+) add body form corners [1] [-2] [-17] [0] [2] [-25] [-17] [0] [3] [-25] [] [0] [color] [#717fd1] [mid] (x) ((y) + ((60) + (_flag:y))) (z) [use mid x as ref] []\n Add line from (x) (y) (z) to (x) ((y) + (60)) (z) size [9] color [#4f2a2a] y-sorting-offset []\n (+) Add hitbox ((x) - (10)) (y) ((z) - (10)) type [checkpoint] x rotation [] z rotation [] y rotation [] color [] l [20] [100] [20] with_graphical_element? [] always_background? [] impulses (xyz) [] [] [] IndependentTexture []\n else\n (+) add body form corners [1] [-2] [-17] [0] [2] [-25] [] [0] [3] [-2] [] [0] [color] [#7b82ad] [mid] (x) ((y) + ((20) + (_flag:y))) (z) [use mid x as ref] []\n (+) add body form corners [1] [-2] [-17] [0] [2] [-25] [-17] [0] [3] [-25] [] [0] [color] [#7b82ad] [mid] (x) ((y) + ((20) + (_flag:y))) (z) [use mid x as ref] []\n Add line from (x) (y) (z) to (x) ((y) + (60)) (z) size [9] color [#4f2a2a] y-sorting-offset []\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (trans2 v)\nInit\nbroadcast (@welcome-popup v)\nforever\n if <(@pause_rendering) = [0]> then\n erase all\n Reset\n Add objects\n if <(@killed) = [0]> then\n if <not <(@LEVEL.id) = [0]>> then\n Add player object\n if <key (n v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(@LEVEL.id) = [4]>> then\n broadcast (@levelup v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n broadcast (tick v)\n broadcast (tick 2 v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Add Player shadow\n(m) collision - shadow? [1]\nset [shadow possible v] to []\nset [shadow possible distance max v] to [1e10]\nrepeat until <not <[h_collision v] contains [ground1]?>>\n set [i2 v] to (item # of [ground1] in [h_collision v])\n if <[0] < (item (i2) of [h_shadow_collision_y v])> then\n if <(item (i2) of [h_shadow_collision_y v]) < (shadow possible distance max)> then\n set [shadow possible v] to (i2)\n set [shadow possible distance max v] to (item (i2) of [h_shadow_collision_y v])\n end\n end\n if <((item (i2) of [hitbox_x_rotation v]) + ((item (i2) of [hitbox_y_rotation v]) + (item (i2) of [hitbox_z_rotation v]))) = [0]> then\n replace item (i2) of [h_collision v] with [handled]\nend\nif <not <(shadow possible) = []>> then\n set [ax rotation v] to []\n set [ay rotation v] to []\n set [az rotation v] to []\n change [shadow possible distance max v] by (-10)\n (+) get box (player x) (((player y) - (shadow possible distance max)) + (-20)) (player z)\n (+) get insert pos coordinates (player x) (((player y) - (shadow possible distance max)) + (-20)) (player z) only_use_box_coordinates? [0] hitbox? [0] always-background? []\n insert (box_distance) at (i) of [__object.box_distance v] \n insert (distance) at (i) of [__object_distance v] \n insert (player x) at (i) of [objectx1 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objectx2 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objectx3 v] \n insert ((player y) - (shadow possible distance max)) at (i) of [objecty1 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objecty2 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objecty3 v] \n insert (player z) at (i) of [objectz1 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objectz2 v] \n insert [] at (i) of [objectz3 v] \n insert (join [shadow] []) at (i) of [object_hitbox_reference v] \n insert (color) at (i) of [color v] \n insert (join [shadow] []) at (i) of [object type v] \nend\n\ndefine Add cactus (x) (y) (z)\nAdd line from (x) (y) (z) to (x) ((y) + (30)) (z) size [13] color [#3e613d] y-sorting-offset []\nAdd line from ((x) + (7)) ((y) + (20)) (z) to ((x) + ()) ((y) + (20)) (z) size [9] color [#497348] y-sorting-offset []\nAdd line from ((x) + (7)) ((y) + (20)) (z) to ((x) + (7)) ((y) + (33)) (z) size [9] color [#497348] y-sorting-offset []\nAdd line from ((x) + (-7)) ((y) + (23)) (z) to ((x) + ()) ((y) + (23)) (z) size [9] color [#497348] y-sorting-offset []\nAdd line from ((x) + (-7)) ((y) + (23)) (z) to ((x) + (-7)) ((y) + (37)) (z) size [9] color [#497348] y-sorting-offset []\nAdd line from ((x) + ()) ((y) + (17)) (z) to ((x) + ()) ((y) + (17)) ((z) + (-6)) size [9] color [#497348] y-sorting-offset []\nAdd line from ((x) + ()) ((y) + (17)) ((z) + (-6)) to (x) ((y) + (30)) ((z) + (-6)) size [9] color [#497348] y-sorting-offset []\n(+) Add hitbox ((x) + (-7)) (y) ((z) + (-6)) type [ground1] x rotation [] z rotation [] y rotation [] color [] l [14] [37] [12] with_graphical_element? [] always_background? [] impulses (xyz) [] [] [] IndependentTexture []\n\n@Background\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <<(@LEVEL.id) = [2]> or <(@LEVEL.id) = [3]>> then\n switch costume to (join [2-] (((i) + (1)) mod (4)))\nelse\n switch costume to (1 v)\nend\nset size to (100) %\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: ((((scroll x) + ()) + ((i) * (-1155))) / (-5)) y: ((([tan v] of (() - (x_angle)) ) * (zoom)) + ((-200) - (scroll y)))\nstamp\nhide\n\ndefine clone\nset [i v] to [-1]\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [i v] by (2)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nclone\n\n@//📊 Scratch Analytics by @TimMcCool2\n\ndefine Send Data (payload)\nset [☁ to_host v] to (payload)\n\ndefine Encode (input)\nset [//output v] to []\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of (input))\n change [i v] by (1)\n switch costume to (join [=] (letter (i) of (input)))\n set [//output v] to (join (//output) (costume [number v]))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [close v]\nEncode (join (username) (join [,] (join (current [hour v]) (join [,] (item (@device) of [//devices v])))))\nSend Data (//output)\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n reset timer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\nchange [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nwait (0.15) seconds\nshow\nswitch costume to (thumbnail2 v)\nset size to (200) %\nif <is compiled?> then\n switch costume to (thumbnail-turbowarp v)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (100)\n switch costume to (thumbnail2 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n change size by (((size) - (100)) / (-3))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change size by (((size) - (100)) / (-8))\n if <is compiled?> then\n switch costume to (thumbnail-turbowarp v)\n end\nend\n\n@Overlay\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [trans2 v]\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [trans1 v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\n@FPS Counter\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (50) %\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n change [i v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nswitch costume to (letter (i) of (@FPS))\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n show\n set size to (38) %\n set y to (158)\n set x to ((((1) * (item (1) of [screen size v])) + (-50)) + (((i) - ()) * (15)))\n wait until <not <(costume [name v]) = (letter (i) of (@FPS))>>\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (12)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n switch costume to (letter (i) of (@FPS))\n set y to (168)\n set x to ((((1) * (item (1) of [screen size v])) + (-50)) + (((i) - ()) * (15)))\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-12)\n change y by (((y position) - (158)) / (-2))\n end\n set x to ((((1) * (item (1) of [screen size v])) + (-50)) + (((i) - ()) * (15)))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [@coins v] to (length of [@collected_coins v])\nend\n\n@Coins Counter\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (50) %\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n change [i v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nswitch costume to (letter (i) of (@Coins))\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n show\n set size to (50) %\n set y to (155)\n set x to ((((-1) * (item (1) of [screen size v])) + (40)) + (((i) - ()) * (20)))\n wait until <not <(costume [name v]) = (letter (i) of (@Coins))>>\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (12)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n switch costume to (letter (i) of (@Coins))\n set y to (160)\n set x to ((((-1) * (item (1) of [screen size v])) + (40)) + (((i) - ()) * (20)))\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-12)\n change y by (((y position) - (155)) / (-2))\n end\n set x to ((((-1) * (item (1) of [screen size v])) + (40)) + (((i) - ()) * (20)))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [@coins v] to (length of [@collected_coins v])\nend\n\n@Counter Bg\n\nwhen flag clicked\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nforever\n show\n go to x: ((item (1) of [screen size v]) * (-1)) y: (180)\n go to [back v] layer\n if <<(@LEVEL.id) = [2]> or <(@LEVEL.id) = [3]>> then\n switch costume to (coins2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (coins1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n show\n go to x: ((item (1) of [screen size v]) * (1)) y: (180)\n go to [back v] layer\n if <<(@LEVEL.id) = [2]> or <(@LEVEL.id) = [3]>> then\n switch costume to (fps2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (fps1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\n\n@Screen Meizurizer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (1e100) y: (1e100)\ndelete all of [screen size v]\nadd (x position) to [screen size v]\nadd (y position) to [screen size v]\n\n@NextLevel Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset x to (0)\ngo to x: (0) y: (200)\nforever\n show\n if <<([open v] of [level complete popup v]) = [0]> and <<(______won?) = [1]> and <<(@LEVEL.id) < [3]> and <(@passed) = [1]>>>> then\n change y by (((y position) - (140)) / (-3.5))\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (35)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (70)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n set [@pause_rendering v] to [0]\n set [@paused v] to [1]\n broadcast (@levelup v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n set y to (200)\n wait (3) seconds\n end\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (90)\n change y by (((y position) - (200)) / (-3.5))\n end\nend\n\n@Level Complete Popup\n\nset [@paused v] to [1]\nset [@pause_rendering v] to [0]\nbroadcast (@respawn v)\n\ndefine sb\nset [vel2 v] to (((vel2) * (0.65)) + ((((100) + ()) - (size)) * (0.15)))\nchange size by (vel2)\nchange y by ((y position) / (-3))\n\nwhen I receive [popup0 v]\ndelete all of [h_collision v]\nif <(open) = [0]> then\n broadcast (@confetti v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n set [@pause_rendering v] to [1]\n set [open v] to [1]\n start sound [unlock v]\n if <(@LEVEL.id) = [4]> then\n set [clone-id v] to [demo-end]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone-id v] to [close2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone-id v] to [bg]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n set [clone-id v] to [win]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone-id v] to [close]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone-id v] to [continue]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone-id v] to [bg]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [close0 v]\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (((size) - (70)) / (-4.5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (15)\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine effect 1\nshow\nif <(clone-id) = [bg]> then\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<(clone-id) = [close]> or <(clone-id) = [close2]>> then\n if <(open) = [1]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n set [@passed v] to [1]\n set [______won? v] to [1]\n set [@pause_rendering v] to [0]\n broadcast (close0 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(clone-id) = [bg]> then\n if <(open) = [1]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (2) layers\n set size to (100) %\n end\n else\n if <(clone-id) = [continue]> then\n if <(open) = [1]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n set [@passed v] to [0]\n set [______won? v] to [1]\n set [@paused v] to [1]\n set [@pause_rendering v] to [0]\n broadcast (@levelup v)\n broadcast (close0 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [open v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [close0 v]\nset [open v] to [0]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [@paused v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (clone-id)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone-id) = [bg]> then\n if <(open) = [1]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-4)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\neffect 1\n\n@Welcome Popup\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n \n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [close v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\ndefine sb\nset [vel2 v] to (((vel2) * (0.65)) + ((((100) + ()) - (size)) * (0.15)))\nchange size by (vel2)\nchange y by ((y position) / (-3))\n\nwhen I receive [@welcome-popup v]\nif <(open) = [0]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n set [open v] to [1]\n if <is compiled?> then\n set [clone-id v] to [welcome-turbowarp]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone-id v] to [okay]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone-id v] to [bg]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone-id v] to [device1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone-id v] to [device2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone-id v] to [device3]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n set [clone-id v] to [welcome-scratch]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone-id v] to [okay]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone-id v] to [bg]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone-id v] to [device1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone-id v] to [device2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone-id v] to [device3]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [close v]\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (((size) - (70)) / (-4.5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (15)\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine effect 1\nshow\nif <(clone-id) = [bg]> then\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if < (clone-id) contains [device]?> then\n if <(letter (7) of (clone-id)) = (@device)> then\n clear graphic effects\n set [brightness v] effect to (-10)\n else\n clear graphic effects\n set [ghost v] effect to (80)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set [@device v] to (letter (7) of (clone-id))\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <<(clone-id) = [okay]> or <(clone-id) = [start-game]>> then\n if <(open) = [1]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n broadcast (close v)\n broadcast (@levelup v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(clone-id) = [bg]> then\n if <(open) = [1]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (5) layers\n set size to (100) %\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [open v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [open v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (1))\nnext costume\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n wait (0.1) seconds\n next costume\nend\nhide\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [close v]\nset [open v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (clone-id)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone-id) = [bg]> then\n if <(open) = [1]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-4)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\neffect 1\n\n@Particle Effect\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [y v] to [30]\nshow\neff (pick random (-10) to (10))\n\ndefine eff (x)\nset [color v] effect to (pick random (0) to (200))\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-50) to (50))\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n change x by (x)\n change y by (y)\n change [y v] by (-2)\n if <(y position) < [-170]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [@confetti v]\ngo to x: (pick random (200) to (-200)) y: (-180)\nrepeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@Bouncing icon\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nwait (0.15) seconds\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (203) y: (-144)\nchange y by (-100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n set [bounce_3_vel v] to (((bounce_3_vel) * (0.6)) + (((y position) - (-144)) * (-0.2)))\n change y by (bounce_3_vel)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nforever\n wait until <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n repeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (5)\n end\n wait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n repeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-5)\n end\n clear graphic effects\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nforever\n repeat until <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n change size by (((size) - (100)) / (-4))\n end\n wait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n start sound [Boing v]\n set size to (100) %\n set [__stop_effect_size_vel v] to [20]\n repeat (17)\n change [__stop_effect_size_vel v] by (-2.5)\n change size by (__stop_effect_size_vel)\n end\nend\n\n
------FEATURED 7/20/23--------\n-Advertise is allowed if you heart and star!\n4000 hearts! :D I might do a part 2 now!\n-IF YOU NEED HELP with some tricky levels, scroll down\n\nFirst of all, this took me 100+ HOURS so please like and favorite if you enjoy it.\n\n☆ Welcome to ancient Egypt! ☆\n\nDuring your stay you will:\n△ Embark on a quest to stop the Evil God, Set, from becoming an all-powerful ruler of the world. \n△ Collect artifacts along the way.\n△ Learn about ancient Egypt in the "Learn" feature in the main menu.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS:\n△ SMACK THAT FLAG!!! (I recommend multiple times)\n△ Click the "Learn" button to learn about ancient Egypt.\n△ Use arrow keys or WASD to move around, jump, and crouch. If you are mobile, use the joystick.\n△ Basically a normal platformer, including Wall Jumping, Spikes/Lava, Enemies, Cut scenes, and a boss battle.\n△ Collect artifacts along the journey.\n△ Go to https://turbowarp.org/855260732 for less lag.\n\nIF YOU NEED HELP (to get past tricky parts):\n△ To get past the locked door, find the key. It is behind the dinosaur level. Then go back and walk through the door. It should disappear, letting you continue.\n△ To get through the lights out part, use the map. Up means the top way and down means the bottom way. One of them is a very far down, which you need to go to the bottom left and crouch into a secret way.\n△ To get past the flower part, jump onto the flower to open it. Then go to the previous level and go the top route to get to the platform above. Jump onto the flower from up there to get a boost over the wall.\n△ To beat the boss, dodge the mummy and lightning until the mummy's hat falls off. You can jump on it then. Repeat 7 times until Set's energy is depleted.\n\nExtra Features:\n△ Text to speech (optional)\n△ Cool sound effects\n△ Great music from Pikmin 3\n\n△ In Vietnamese: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/876733975/\n\nPlease tell me if I have any other typos or bugs, I would rather fix them than have my game broken.\n\nCredits:\n△ @Griffpatch for the platformer tutorial, joystick tutorial, layering tutorial, and even more tutorials\n△ Google/Safari for various images\n△ (Most) art by me\n△ Thumbnail font from textstudio.com\n△ Tested by my little brothers\n△ Main Music: Garden of Hope from Pikmin 3\n△ Boss battle Music: Golden Arachnorb Battle from Pikmin 3\n△ Everything else by me :)\n\nTags:\n#platformer #platform #egypt #games #trending #all #quest #fun #mummy #secret #pyramids #ancient #epic #game #story #education #learn #history #platformer #platform #egypt #games #trending #all #quest #fun #mummy #secret #pyramids #ancient #epic #game #story #education #learn #history #platformer #platform #egypt #games #trending #all #quest #fun #mummy #secret #pyramids #ancient #epic #game #story #education #learn #history \n#platformer #platform #egypt #games #trending #all #quest #fun #mummy #secret #pyramids #ancient #epic #game #story #education #learn #history \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYOU FOUND A CLUE TO THE SECRET!\nOne of my friends asked me to include his name somewhere in this game. It could be anywhere! Costumes, code, general text, or anything. And before you ask... it isn't Matt (or Set). If you find it, comment on my profile for a follow!
Colorless - the Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [2 v]\nswitch costume to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [1 v]\nswitch costume to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (3.6) seconds\nforever\n play sound [Music v] until done\nend\n\n@Ninja\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nset x to (-200)\nset y to (-20)\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n change [y v] by (-1)\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n change [y v] by (20)\n end\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n change [y v] by (2)\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> then\n change [y v] by (-2.5)\n end\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [x v] by (-1)\n set [direction-player v] to [-90]\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [x v] by (1)\n set [direction-player v] to [90]\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (slip))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [y v] to [12]\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((y) - ((y) * (2)))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <touching (ground v)?>> then\n set [y v] to (jump height)\n end\n if <(y) < [-1]> then\n set [force v] to [T]\n else\n set [force v] to [F]\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <touching (dinosaur2 v)?> then\n set [y v] to [9]\n set [x v] to [-18]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (traps v)?> then\n set x to (-200)\n set y to (-20)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset x to (-200)\nset y to (-20)\nwait (3.6) seconds\nset x to (-200)\nset y to (-20)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(x position) > [215]> then\n broadcast (Next v)\n set x to (-200)\n set y to (-20)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n broadcast (Win v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (begin v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(timer) > [3]> then\n reset timer\n end\n if <<(timer) < [1]> and <key (x v) pressed?>> then\n set [y v] to ((y) * (1.2))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (3.6) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n broadcast (1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n broadcast (2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n wait (2) seconds\n switch costume to (costume12 v)\n broadcast (Win v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (3.6) seconds\nforever\n play sound [Music v] until done\nend\n\n@Traps\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(End?) = [yes]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@CustomEnding\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume12 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume13 v)\nstart sound [End v]\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume14 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume15 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume16 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume17 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume18 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume19 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nbroadcast (Ending v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\n@Clouds\n\nwhen I receive [1 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [2 v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (-387) y: (0)\n glide (40) secs to x: (432) y: (0)\nend\n\n@Logo\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (15)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (35)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (55)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (75)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nhide\n\n@LogoScreen\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstop all sounds\nplay sound [LogoScreen v] until done\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (100) %\nwait (0.2) seconds\nchange size by (10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nchange size by (10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nchange size by (10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nchange size by (-30)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (1) seconds\nchange size by (10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nchange size by (-10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nwait (1) seconds\nchange size by (10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nchange size by (-10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nhide\n\n@AThumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Ending\n\nwhen I receive [ending v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\n
Arrow / WASD / Mobile\n\nGet to all 3 Checkpoints to complete the game\n\nSTOP ADVERTISING (You WILL be reported)
Hard,Fall! ! platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nswitch backdrop to (a level)\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nforever\n play sound [Vexento - Cloud Nine v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nset volume to (20) %\nrepeat (60)\n change volume by (1)\nend\nforever\n set volume to ((?music) * (0.8)) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [update textbox v]\nif <(t textbox) = [13]> then\n repeat (20)\n change volume by (-5)\n end\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop all sounds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop all sounds\nstart sound [Vexento - Happy Robot v]\nset volume to (20) %\nrepeat ((?music) * (0.8))\n change volume by (1)\nend\nforever\n play sound [Vexento - Happy Robot v] until done\nend\n\n@empty\n\n@3D Engine\n\ndefine point towards x: (x) y: (y)\nif <not <(y) < (y position)>> then\n point in direction ([atan v] of (((x) - (x position)) / ((y) - (y position))) )\nelse\n point in direction ((180) + ([atan v] of (((x) - (x position)) / ((y) - (y position))) ))\nend\n\ndefine fill (ax) (ay) (bx) (by) (cx) (cy) resolution: (res)\nif <(?wireframe) = [0]> then\n set [lena v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((bx) - (cx)) * ((bx) - (cx))) + (((by) - (cy)) * ((by) - (cy)))) )\n set [lenb v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((ax) - (cx)) * ((ax) - (cx))) + (((ay) - (cy)) * ((ay) - (cy)))) )\n set [lenc v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((ax) - (bx)) * ((ax) - (bx))) + (((ay) - (by)) * ((ay) - (by)))) )\n set [peri v] to ((1) / (((lena) + (lenb)) + (lenc)))\n set [incx v] to (((((lena) * (ax)) + ((lenb) * (bx))) + ((lenc) * (cx))) * (peri))\n set [incy v] to (((((lena) * (ay)) + ((lenb) * (by))) + ((lenc) * (cy))) * (peri))\n set [ind v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((((lenb) + (lenc)) - (lena)) * (((lenc) + (lena)) - (lenb))) * (((lena) + (lenb)) - (lenc))) * (peri)) )\n set [aox v] to ((incx) - (ax))\n set [aoy v] to ((incy) - (ay))\n set [box v] to ((incx) - (bx))\n set [boy v] to ((incy) - (by))\n set [cox v] to ((incx) - (cx))\n set [coy v] to ((incy) - (cy))\n if <<(lena) < (lenb)> and <(lena) < (lenc)>> then\n set [td v] to ([sqrt v] of (((Aox) * (Aox)) + ((Aoy) * (Aoy))) )\n else\n if <<(lenb) > (lena)> or <(lenb) > (lenc)>> then\n set [td v] to ([sqrt v] of (((Cox) * (Cox)) + ((Coy) * (Coy))) )\n else\n set [td v] to ([sqrt v] of (((Box) * (Box)) + ((Boy) * (Boy))) )\n end\n end\n set [rate v] to ((((td) * (2)) - (ind)) / ((td) * (4)))\n set [td v] to ((1) + (0))\n go to x: (round (incx)) y: (round (incy))\n set pen size to (ind)\n pen down\n repeat ([ceiling v] of (([log v] of ((res) / (ind)) ) / ([log v] of (rate) )) )\n set [td v] to ((td) * (rate))\n set pen size to ((ind) * (td))\n go to x: (((Aox) * (td)) + (ax)) y: (((Aoy) * (td)) + (ay))\n go to x: (((Box) * (td)) + (bx)) y: (((Boy) * (td)) + (by))\n go to x: (((Cox) * (td)) + (cx)) y: (((Coy) * (td)) + (cy))\n go to x: (((Aox) * (td)) + (ax)) y: (((Aoy) * (td)) + (ay))\n end\n set pen size to (res)\n go to x: (ax) y: (ay)\n go to x: (bx) y: (by)\n go to x: (cx) y: (cy)\n go to x: (ax) y: (ay)\n pen up\nelse\n set pen size to (res)\n go to x: (ax) y: (ay)\n pen down\n go to x: (bx) y: (by)\n go to x: (cx) y: (cy)\n go to x: (ax) y: (ay)\n pen up\nend\n\ndefine set point 1 (x1) (y1) (z1)\nset [x1 v] to (x1)\nset [y1 v] to (y1)\nset [z1 v] to (z1)\n\ndefine set point 2 (x2) (y2) (z2)\nset [x2 v] to (x2)\nset [y2 v] to (y2)\nset [z2 v] to (z2)\n\ndefine set point 3 (x3) (y3) (z3)\nset [x3 v] to (x3)\nset [y3 v] to (y3)\nset [z3 v] to (z3)\n\ndefine 3D fill (x1) (y1) (z1) (x2) (y2) (z2) (x3) (y3) (z3)\nif <not <<(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [1000]> or <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [2000]>>> then\n set render things I guess\nend\nchange [a tri drawn v] by (1)\nset point 1 ((x1) - (camX)) ((y1) - (camY)) ((z1) - (camZ))\nset point 2 ((x2) - (camX)) ((y2) - (camY)) ((z2) - (camZ))\nset point 3 ((x3) - (camX)) ((y3) - (camY)) ((z3) - (camZ))\nset point 1 (((x1) * (cosY)) - ((z1) * (sinY))) (y1) (((z1) * (cosY)) + ((x1) * (sinY)))\nset point 2 (((x2) * (cosY)) - ((z2) * (sinY))) (y2) (((z2) * (cosY)) + ((x2) * (sinY)))\nset point 3 (((x3) * (cosY)) - ((z3) * (sinY))) (y3) (((z3) * (cosY)) + ((x3) * (sinY)))\nset point 1 (x1) (((y1) * (cosX)) - ((z1) * (sinX))) (((z1) * (cosX)) + ((y1) * (sinX)))\nset point 2 (x2) (((y2) * (cosX)) - ((z2) * (sinX))) (((z2) * (cosX)) + ((y2) * (sinX)))\nset point 3 (x3) (((y3) * (cosX)) - ((z3) * (sinX))) (((z3) * (cosX)) + ((y3) * (sinX)))\nif <<<(z1) > [5]> and <(z2) > [5]>> and <(z3) > [5]>> then\n fill (((r FOV) * (x1)) / (z1)) (((r FOV) * (y1)) / (z1)) (((r FOV) * (x2)) / (z2)) (((r FOV) * (y2)) / (z2)) (((r FOV) * (x3)) / (z3)) (((r FOV) * (y3)) / (z3)) resolution: (res)\nelse\n do z clip\nend\n\ndefine render\ncalculate trig values\nset cam\ncalculate shadow [1]\ncheck if behind wall\ny sort\nset [a tri drawn v] to [0]\nset [c i v] to (length of [tri sort v])\nrepeat (length of [triangle x1 v])\n change [c i v] by (-1)\n set [y i v] to (item (c i) of [tri sort v])\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle d v]) < (?render distance)> then\n if <not <<(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [1000]> or <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [2000]>>> then\n set [res v] to (round (?triangle resolution))\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle dir v]) = [0]> then\n 3D fill (item (y i) of [triangle x1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle x2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle x3 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y3 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z3 v])\n end\n if <<(item (y i) of [triangle dir v]) = [1]> and <(camY) > (item (y i) of [triangle y1 v])>> then\n 3D fill (item (y i) of [triangle x1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle x2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle x3 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y3 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z3 v])\n end\n if <<(item (y i) of [triangle dir v]) = [2]> and <(item (y i) of [triangle y1 v]) > (camY)>> then\n 3D fill (item (y i) of [triangle x1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle x2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle x3 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y3 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z3 v])\n end\n if <<(item (y i) of [triangle dir v]) = [3]> and <(item (y i) of [triangle z1 v]) > (camZ)>> then\n 3D fill (item (y i) of [triangle x1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle x2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle x3 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y3 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z3 v])\n end\n if <<(item (y i) of [triangle dir v]) = [4]> and <(camZ) > (item (y i) of [triangle z1 v])>> then\n 3D fill (item (y i) of [triangle x1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle x2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle x3 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y3 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z3 v])\n end\n if <<(item (y i) of [triangle dir v]) = [5]> and <(item (y i) of [triangle x1 v]) > (camX)>> then\n 3D fill (item (y i) of [triangle x1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle x2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle x3 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y3 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z3 v])\n end\n if <<(item (y i) of [triangle dir v]) = [6]> and <(camX) > (item (y i) of [triangle x1 v])>> then\n 3D fill (item (y i) of [triangle x1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle x2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle x3 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y3 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z3 v])\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [y i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [triangle x1 v])\n change [y i v] by (1)\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [2000]> then\n set pen color to (#333333)\n set pen (transparency v) to (r player transparency)\n if <not <(b falling?) < [1]>> then\n if <(b animation) = [3]> then\n if <(n in wall?) = [0]> then\n set [res v] to [1]\n 3D fill (item (y i) of [triangle x1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle x2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle x3 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y3 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z3 v])\n end\n else\n set [res v] to [1]\n 3D fill (item (y i) of [triangle x1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle x2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z2 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle x3 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y3 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z3 v])\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [y i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [triangle x1 v])\n change [y i v] by (1)\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [1000]> then\n if <<(n in wall?) = [0]> or <(n i 2) = [1]>> then\n set pen color to (#0007ed)\n set pen (brightness v) to (item (y i) of [triangle c v])\n set pen (transparency v) to (r player transparency)\n else\n set pen color to (#2d2d2d)\n end\n if <(b animation) = [3]> then\n if <(n in wall?) = [0]> then\n set [res v] to [1]\n 3D fill ((b player x) + (item (y i) of [triangle x1 v])) ((b player y) + (item (y i) of [triangle y1 v])) ((b player z) + (item (y i) of [triangle z1 v])) ((b player x) + (item (y i) of [triangle x2 v])) ((b player y) + (item (y i) of [triangle y2 v])) ((b player z) + (item (y i) of [triangle z2 v])) ((b player x) + (item (y i) of [triangle x3 v])) ((b player y) + (item (y i) of [triangle y3 v])) ((b player z) + (item (y i) of [triangle z3 v]))\n end\n else\n set [res v] to [1]\n 3D fill ((b player x) + (item (y i) of [triangle x1 v])) ((b player y) + (item (y i) of [triangle y1 v])) ((b player z) + (item (y i) of [triangle z1 v])) ((b player x) + (item (y i) of [triangle x2 v])) ((b player y) + (item (y i) of [triangle y2 v])) ((b player z) + (item (y i) of [triangle z2 v])) ((b player x) + (item (y i) of [triangle x3 v])) ((b player y) + (item (y i) of [triangle y3 v])) ((b player z) + (item (y i) of [triangle z3 v]))\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [y render this? v] to [0]\nif <(y render this?) = [0]> then\nend\n\nset render things I guess\n\ndefine calculate trig values\nset [sinx v] to ([sin v] of (camRotX) )\nset [cosx v] to ([cos v] of (camRotX) )\nset [siny v] to ([sin v] of (camRotY) )\nset [cosy v] to ([cos v] of (camRotY) )\n\ndefine do z clip\nif <(z1) < [5]> then\n if <(z2) < [5]> then\n if <not <(z3) < [5]>> then\n z clip type 2 (x1) (y1) (z1) (x2) (y2) (z2) (x3) (y3) (z3)\n end\n else\n if <(z3) < [5]> then\n if <not <(z2) < [5]>> then\n z clip type 2 (x1) (y1) (z1) (x3) (y3) (z3) (x2) (y2) (z2)\n end\n else\n z clip type 1 (x1) (y1) (z1) (x2) (y2) (z2) (x3) (y3) (z3)\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(z2) < [5]> then\n if <(z3) < [5]> then\n if <not <(z1) < [5]>> then\n z clip type 2 (x2) (y2) (z2) (x3) (y3) (z3) (x1) (y1) (z1)\n end\n else\n if <(z1) < [5]> then\n if <not <(z3) < [5]>> then\n z clip type 2 (x2) (y2) (z2) (x1) (y1) (z1) (x3) (y3) (z3)\n end\n else\n z clip type 1 (x2) (y2) (z2) (x3) (y3) (z3) (x1) (y1) (z1)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(z3) < [5]> then\n if <(z1) < [5]> then\n if <not <(z2) < [5]>> then\n z clip type 2 (x3) (y3) (z3) (x1) (y1) (z1) (x2) (y2) (z2)\n end\n else\n if <(z2) < [5]> then\n if <not <(z1) < [5]>> then\n z clip type 2 (x3) (y3) (z3) (x2) (y2) (z2) (x1) (y1) (z1)\n end\n else\n z clip type 1 (x3) (y3) (z3) (x1) (y1) (z1) (x2) (y2) (z2)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine z clip type 2 (x1) (y1) (z1) (x2) (y2) (z2) (x3) (y3) (z3)\nset [percent v] to (((z3) - (5)) / ((z3) - (z1)))\nset [x1 v] to ((54) * ((x3) - (((x3) - (x1)) * (percent))))\nset [y1 v] to ((54) * ((y3) - (((y3) - (y1)) * (percent))))\nset [percent v] to (((z3) - (5)) / ((z3) - (z2)))\nfill (x1) (y1) ((54) * ((x3) - (((x3) - (x2)) * (percent)))) ((54) * ((y3) - (((y3) - (y2)) * (percent)))) ((270) * ((x3) / (z3))) ((270) * ((y3) / (z3))) resolution: (res)\n\ndefine z clip type 1 (x1) (y1) (z1) (x2) (y2) (z2) (x3) (y3) (z3)\nset [percent v] to (((z2) - (5)) / ((z2) - (z1)))\nset [x1 v] to ((54) * ((x2) - (((x2) - (x1)) * (percent))))\nset [y1 v] to ((54) * ((y2) - (((y2) - (y1)) * (percent))))\nset [percent v] to (((z3) - (5)) / ((z3) - (z1)))\nset [x2 v] to ((54) * ((x3) - (((x3) - (x1)) * (percent))))\nset [y2 v] to ((54) * ((y3) - (((y3) - (y1)) * (percent))))\nfill (x1) (y1) ((270) * ((x2) / (z2))) ((270) * ((y2) / (z2))) ((270) * ((x3) / (z3))) ((270) * ((y3) / (z3))) resolution: (res)\nfill (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) ((270) * ((x3) / (z3))) ((270) * ((y3) / (z3))) resolution: (res)\n\ndefine tick\nif <(b animation) = [0]> then\n if <(e mobile controls?) = [0]> then\n if <key (d v) pressed?> then\n change [b player xvel v] by ((cosY) * (5))\n change [b player zvel v] by ((sinY) * (-5))\n set [a start timer? v] to [1]\n end\n if <key (a v) pressed?> then\n change [b player xvel v] by ((cosY) * (-5))\n change [b player zvel v] by ((sinY) * (5))\n set [a start timer? v] to [1]\n end\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [b player xvel v] by (([cos v] of ((camRotY) + (90)) ) * (-5))\n change [b player zvel v] by (([sin v] of ((camRotY) + (90)) ) * (5))\n set [a start timer? v] to [1]\n end\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n change [b player xvel v] by (([cos v] of ((camRotY) + (90)) ) * (5))\n change [b player zvel v] by (([sin v] of ((camRotY) + (90)) ) * (-5))\n set [a start timer? v] to [1]\n end\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n set [a start timer? v] to [1]\n if <(b space pressed?) = [0]> then\n if <<(b falling?) < [5]> and <(b double jump?) = [ 0]>> then\n set [b space pressed? v] to [1]\n set [b double jump? v] to [1]\n set [b player yvel v] to [14]\n set [b falling? v] to [55]\n start sound [jump v]\n else\n if <<(b double jump?) = [ 0]> or <(b double jump?) = [1]>> then\n if <(b player yvel) < [7]> then\n set [b space pressed? v] to [1]\n set [b double jump? v] to [2]\n set [b player yvel v] to [14]\n start sound [jump v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change x by (b player xvel)\n change z by (b player zvel)\n if <(a level) = [4]> then\n if <(b falling?) < [5]> then\n set [b player xvel v] to ((b player xvel) * (0.6))\n set [b player zvel v] to ((b player zvel) * (0.6))\n else\n set [b player xvel v] to ((b player xvel) * (0.4))\n set [b player zvel v] to ((b player zvel) * (0.4))\n end\n else\n set [b player xvel v] to [0]\n set [b player zvel v] to [0]\n end\n if <not <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n set [b space pressed? v] to [0]\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [camroty v] by (5)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [camroty v] by (-5)\n end\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [camrotx v] by (5)\n end\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [camrotx v] by (-5)\n end\n change [b player yvel v] by (-1)\n if <[-50] > (b player yvel)> then\n set [b player yvel v] to [-50]\n end\n change [b falling? v] by (1)\n change y by (b player yvel)\n if <(f hit something y) = [1]> then\n if <(f on ground sound?) = [0]> then\n start sound [ground v]\n set [f on ground sound? v] to [1]\n end\n else\n set [f on ground sound? v] to [0]\n end\n if <(camRotX) > [0]> then\n set [camrotx v] to [0]\n end\n if <[-90] > (camRotX)> then\n set [camrotx v] to [-90]\n end\n if <[-500] > (b player y)> then\n set [b animation frame v] to [0]\n set [b animation v] to [1]\n end\n set [a tri count v] to (length of [triangle x1 v])\n else\n mobile controls\n end\n if <<(item (2) of [textbox v]) = [0]> and <<(a level) = [1]> and <(b player z) > [250]>>> then\n replace item (2) of [textbox v] with [1]\n set [t textbox v] to [6]\n end\n if <<(item (3) of [textbox v]) = [0]> and <<(a level) = [1]> and <(b player z) > [500]>>> then\n replace item (3) of [textbox v] with [1]\n set [t textbox v] to [7]\n end\nend\nif <(e speedrun?) = [1]> then\n if <<key (q v) pressed?> and <key (r v) pressed?>> then\n set [r circle size v] to [1000]\n set [a level v] to [1]\n set [a start timer? v] to [0]\n set [a timer \(frames\) v] to [0]\n level (a level)\n reset\n calculate trig values\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nif <(b animation) = [1]> then\n change [b animation frame v] by (1)\n if <(b animation frame) > [0]> then\n set [b animation v] to [12]\n set [b animation sound played? v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n if <(b animation) = [12]> then\n if <(b animation sound played?) = [0]> then\n stop all sounds\n start sound [fall v]\n set [b animation sound played? v] to [1]\n end\n change [b player y v] by (-20)\n if <[-1000] > (b player y)> then\n set [b animation frame v] to [0]\n set [b animation v] to [13]\n set [r circle size v] to [400]\n end\n else\n if <(b animation) = [2]> then\n if <(b animation sound played?) = [0]> then\n stop all sounds\n start sound [lava v]\n set [b animation sound played? v] to [1]\n end\n change [b animation frame v] by (1)\n if <(b animation frame) > [0]> then\n change [r player transparency v] by (7)\n end\n if <(r player transparency) > [99]> then\n set [b animation frame v] to [0]\n set [b animation v] to [13]\n set [r circle size v] to [400]\n end\n else\n if <(b animation) = [3]> then\n change [b animation frame v] by (1)\n if <(b animation sound played?) = [0]> then\n stop all sounds\n start sound [win v]\n set [b animation sound played? v] to [1]\n end\n change [camrotx v] by (((-35) - (camRotX)) / (2.5))\n change [camroty v] by (((0) - (camRotY)) / (2.5))\n if <(b animation frame) > [10]> then\n set [b animation frame v] to [0]\n set [b animation v] to [13]\n set [r circle size v] to [400]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset volume to (?sound effects) %\n\ndefine level (level)\nbroadcast (finished level at v) and wait\nif <(a level) = [6]> then\n set [t textbox v] to [13]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nbroadcast (show loading v) and wait\nset [b checkpoint x v] to [0]\nset [b checkpoint y v] to [0]\nset [b checkpoint z v] to [0]\ndelete all of [block x1 v]\ndelete all of [block x2 v]\ndelete all of [block y1 v]\ndelete all of [block y2 v]\ndelete all of [block z1 v]\ndelete all of [block z2 v]\ndelete all of [triangle x1 v]\ndelete all of [triangle x2 v]\ndelete all of [triangle x3 v]\ndelete all of [triangle y1 v]\ndelete all of [triangle y2 v]\ndelete all of [triangle y3 v]\ndelete all of [triangle z1 v]\ndelete all of [triangle z2 v]\ndelete all of [triangle z3 v]\ndelete all of [triangle t v]\ndelete all of [triangle c v]\ndelete all of [blocks t v]\ndelete all of [triangle dir v]\n-- [level]\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n add block [-200] [-100] [-300] to [200] [-80] [300] [5]\n add block [200] [-100] [-350] to [250] [350] [1100] [5]\n add block [-250] [-100] [-350] to [-200] [350] [1100] [5]\n add block [-200] [-100] [-350] to [200] [90] [-300] [5]\n add block [-200] [225] [-300] to [200] [250] [-250] [5]\n add block [-200] [-100] [350] to [200] [-80] [550] [5]\n add block [-200] [-100] [725] to [200] [-80] [900] [5]\n add block [-200] [-100] [900] to [200] [-10] [1000] [5]\n add block [-200] [-10] [1000] to [200] [150] [1380] [5]\n add block [50] [150] [1100] to [200] [350] [1380] [5]\n add block [-200] [150] [1100] to [-50] [350] [1380] [5]\n add block [-50] [160] [1150] to [50] [170] [1160] [6]\n add block [-50] [160] [1250] to [50] [170] [1260] [6]\n add block [-50] [180] [1250] to [50] [190] [1260] [6]\n add block [-30] [150] [1020] to [30] [170] [1080] [7]\n add block [-50] [150] [1380] to [50] [250] [1400] [10]\n add block [-50] [250] [1350] to [50] [350] [1380] [5]\n -- [green alien :\)]\n add block [-180] [350] [1350] to [-170] [375] [1360] [12]\n add block [-160] [350] [1350] to [-150] [375] [1360] [12]\n add block [-185] [375] [1345] to [-145] [395] [1365] [12]\n add block [-182] [387] [1343] to [-177] [392] [1345] [13]\n add block [-153] [387] [1343] to [-148] [392] [1345] [13]\n add block [-170] [377] [1343] to [-160] [379] [1345] [13]\n -- [ok]\nelse\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n add block [-100] [-100] [-100] to [100] [-80] [100] [1]\n add block [-100] [-500] [-100] to [100] [-100] [100] [2]\n add block [-50] [-500] [-200] to [50] [-480] [-100] [31]\n -- [appelmoeshapje :\)]\n add block [-10] [-480] [-190] to [10] [-450] [-170] [11]\n add block [-5] [-450] [-185] to [5] [-445] [-175] [13]\n add block [-10] [-445] [-190] to [10] [-437] [-170] [12]\n add block [-7] [-460] [-192] to [-2] [-455] [-190] [14]\n add block [2] [-460] [-192] to [7] [-455] [-190] [14]\n add block [-5] [-458] [-194] to [-4] [-457] [-192] [13]\n add block [4] [-458] [-194] to [5] [-457] [-192] [13]\n add block [-7] [-475] [-195] to [7] [-473] [-190] [13]\n -- [not appelmoeshapje :\(]\n add block [-80] [-80] [150] to [80] [-60] [200] [1]\n add block [-80] [-500] [150] to [80] [-80] [200] [2]\n add block [-60] [-60] [250] to [60] [-40] [300] [1]\n add block [-60] [-500] [250] to [60] [-60] [300] [2]\n add block [-50] [-40] [350] to [50] [-20] [400] [1]\n add block [-50] [-500] [350] to [50] [-40] [400] [2]\n add block [-50] [-40] [450] to [50] [-20] [550] [1]\n add block [-50] [-500] [450] to [50] [-40] [550] [2]\n add block [-250] [-40] [500] to [-150] [-20] [600] [1]\n add block [-250] [-500] [500] to [-150] [-40] [600] [2]\n add block [-300] [-40] [700] to [-200] [-20] [800] [1]\n add block [-300] [-500] [700] to [-200] [-40] [800] [2]\n add block [-700] [-40] [750] to [-400] [-20] [850] [1]\n add block [-800] [-40] [750] to [-700] [-20] [950] [1]\n add block [-700] [-500] [750] to [-400] [-40] [950] [2]\n add block [-800] [-500] [750] to [-700] [-40] [950] [2]\n add block [-760] [-20] [890] to [-740] [55] [910] [3]\n add block [-790] [55] [860] to [-710] [135] [940] [15]\n add block [-700] [105] [850] to [-600] [125] [950] [1]\n add block [-700] [-40] [850] to [-600] [105] [950] [2]\n add block [-600] [-40] [850] to [-500] [250] [950] [2]\n add block [-500] [-40] [850] to [-400] [495] [950] [2]\n add block [-600] [250] [850] to [-500] [270] [950] [1]\n add block [-500] [495] [850] to [-400] [515] [950] [1]\n add block [-660] [125] [890] to [-640] [200] [910] [3]\n add block [-690] [200] [860] to [-610] [280] [940] [15]\n add block [-560] [270] [890] to [-540] [345] [910] [3]\n add block [-590] [345] [860] to [-510] [425] [940] [15]\n add block [-550] [-500] [1025] to [-350] [495] [1575] [2]\n add block [-550] [495] [1025] to [-350] [515] [1575] [1]\n add block [-550] [515] [1175] to [-350] [550] [1195] [3]\n add block [-550] [550] [1175] to [-530] [565] [1195] [4]\n add block [-530] [550] [1175] to [-510] [565] [1195] [4]\n add block [-510] [550] [1175] to [-490] [565] [1195] [4]\n add block [-490] [550] [1175] to [-470] [565] [1195] [4]\n add block [-470] [550] [1175] to [-450] [565] [1195] [4]\n add block [-450] [550] [1175] to [-430] [565] [1195] [4]\n add block [-430] [550] [1175] to [-410] [565] [1195] [4]\n add block [-410] [550] [1175] to [-390] [565] [1195] [4]\n add block [-390] [550] [1175] to [-370] [565] [1195] [4]\n add block [-370] [550] [1175] to [-350] [565] [1195] [4]\n add block [-550] [515] [1275] to [-350] [550] [1295] [3]\n add block [-550] [550] [1275] to [-530] [565] [1295] [4]\n add block [-530] [550] [1275] to [-510] [565] [1295] [4]\n add block [-510] [550] [1275] to [-490] [565] [1295] [4]\n add block [-490] [550] [1275] to [-470] [565] [1295] [4]\n add block [-470] [550] [1275] to [-450] [565] [1295] [4]\n add block [-450] [550] [1275] to [-430] [565] [1295] [4]\n add block [-430] [550] [1275] to [-410] [565] [1295] [4]\n add block [-410] [550] [1275] to [-390] [565] [1295] [4]\n add block [-390] [550] [1275] to [-370] [565] [1295] [4]\n add block [-370] [550] [1275] to [-350] [565] [1295] [4]\n -- [idk why I put this here but atleast now you have something to read while looking inside this project]\n add block [-550] [515] [1375] to [-350] [550] [1395] [3]\n add block [-550] [550] [1375] to [-530] [565] [1395] [4]\n add block [-530] [550] [1375] to [-510] [565] [1395] [4]\n add block [-510] [550] [1375] to [-490] [565] [1395] [4]\n add block [-490] [550] [1375] to [-470] [565] [1395] [4]\n add block [-470] [550] [1375] to [-450] [565] [1395] [4]\n add block [-450] [550] [1375] to [-430] [565] [1395] [4]\n add block [-430] [550] [1375] to [-410] [565] [1395] [4]\n add block [-410] [550] [1375] to [-390] [565] [1395] [4]\n add block [-390] [550] [1375] to [-370] [565] [1395] [4]\n add block [-370] [550] [1375] to [-350] [565] [1395] [4]\n add block [-500] [515] [1505] to [-400] [615] [1525] [10]\n add block [-550] [515] [1475] to [-500] [690] [1575] [2]\n add block [-400] [515] [1475] to [-350] [690] [1575] [2]\n add block [-500] [615] [1475] to [-400] [690] [1575] [32]\n add block [-550] [690] [1475] to [-350] [710] [1575] [1]\n add block [-480] [-20] [770] to [-420] [0] [830] [7]\n add block [-480] [515] [1070] to [-420] [535] [1130] [7]\n else\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n add block [-100] [-100] [-100] to [100] [-80] [100] [16]\n add block [-100] [-500] [-100] to [100] [-100] [100] [17]\n add block [25] [-80] [275] to [125] [-60] [375] [16]\n add block [25] [-500] [275] to [125] [-80] [375] [17]\n add block [-100] [-60] [525] to [0] [-40] [625] [16]\n add block [-100] [-500] [525] to [0] [-60] [625] [17]\n add block [175] [-40] [625] to [275] [-20] [725] [16]\n add block [175] [-500] [625] to [275] [-40] [725] [17]\n add block [475] [-20] [575] to [675] [0] [775] [16]\n add block [475] [-500] [575] to [675] [-20] [775] [17]\n add block [475] [-20] [575] to [675] [0] [775] [16]\n add block [475] [-500] [575] to [675] [-20] [775] [17]\n add block [545] [0] [645] to [605] [20] [705] [7]\n add block [475] [-500] [850] to [525] [500] [1000] [17]\n add block [625] [-500] [850] to [675] [500] [1000] [17]\n add block [475] [500] [850] to [525] [520] [1000] [16]\n add block [625] [500] [850] to [675] [520] [1000] [16]\n add block [525] [-20] [850] to [575] [0] [1000] [16]\n add block [575] [130] [850] to [625] [150] [1000] [16]\n add block [525] [280] [850] to [575] [300] [1000] [16]\n add block [575] [430] [850] to [625] [450] [1000] [16]\n add block [525] [-40] [850] to [575] [-20] [1000] [19]\n add block [575] [110] [850] to [625] [130] [1000] [19]\n add block [525] [260] [850] to [575] [280] [1000] [19]\n add block [575] [410] [850] to [625] [430] [1000] [19]\n add block [542] [0] [950] to [562] [75] [975] [18]\n add block [605] [150] [870] to [620] [220] [885] [18]\n add block [593] [150] [872] to [602] [200] [885] [18]\n add block [605] [150] [887] to [613] [180] [896] [18]\n add block [590] [450] [890] to [610] [530] [910] [18]\n add block [594] [490] [870] to [606] [502] [890] [18]\n add block [594] [490] [870] to [606] [525] [882] [18]\n add block [594] [475] [910] to [606] [487] [920] [18]\n add block [594] [475] [920] to [606] [510] [932] [18]\n add block [425] [350] [1250] to [725] [370] [1350] [16]\n add block [425] [-500] [1250] to [725] [350] [1350] [17]\n add block [425] [200] [1600] to [725] [220] [1700] [16]\n add block [425] [-500] [1600] to [725] [200] [1700] [17]\n add block [425] [50] [1950] to [725] [70] [2050] [16]\n add block [425] [-500] [1950] to [725] [50] [2050] [17]\n add block [425] [50] [2250] to [725] [70] [2500] [16]\n add block [425] [-500] [2250] to [725] [50] [2500] [17]\n add block [525] [70] [2430] to [625] [170] [2450] [10]\n add block [625] [70] [2400] to [725] [220] [2500] [17]\n add block [425] [70] [2400] to [525] [220] [2500] [17]\n add block [525] [170] [2400] to [625] [220] [2500] [19]\n add block [425] [220] [2400] to [725] [240] [2500] [16]\n add block [525] [70] [2450] to [625] [170] [2460] [17]\n -- [steve but faceless]\n add block [565] [70] [2470] to [585] [100] [2480] [22]\n add block [565] [100] [2470] to [585] [130] [2480] [23]\n add block [555] [130] [2470] to [595] [140] [2480] [23]\n add block [555] [100] [2470] to [565] [130] [2480] [24]\n add block [585] [100] [2470] to [595] [130] [2480] [24]\n add block [565] [140] [2465] to [585] [151] [2485] [24]\n add block [565] [152] [2465] to [585] [155] [2485] [25]\n else\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n add block [-100] [-100] [-100] to [100] [-80] [100] [20]\n add block [-100] [-500] [-100] to [100] [-100] [100] [21]\n add block [-25] [-120] [250] to [75] [-100] [450] [20]\n add block [-25] [-500] [250] to [75] [-120] [450] [21]\n add block [-75] [-140] [600] to [25] [-120] [800] [20]\n add block [-75] [-500] [600] to [25] [-140] [800] [21]\n add block [-25] [-160] [950] to [75] [-140] [1150] [20]\n add block [-25] [-500] [950] to [75] [-160] [1150] [21]\n add block [-75] [-180] [1300] to [25] [-160] [1500] [20]\n add block [-75] [-500] [1300] to [25] [-180] [1500] [21]\n add block [-100] [-200] [1650] to [100] [-180] [1850] [20]\n add block [-100] [-500] [1650] to [100] [-200] [1850] [21]\n add block [-30] [-180] [1720] to [30] [-160] [1780] [7]\n add block [200] [-160] [1675] to [300] [-140] [1775] [20]\n add block [200] [-500] [1675] to [300] [-160] [1775] [21]\n add block [400] [-120] [1600] to [500] [-100] [1700] [20]\n add block [400] [-500] [1600] to [500] [-120] [1700] [21]\n add block [425] [-80] [1400] to [525] [-60] [1500] [20]\n add block [425] [-500] [1400] to [525] [-80] [1500] [21]\n add block [375] [-40] [1200] to [475] [-20] [1300] [20]\n add block [375] [-500] [1200] to [475] [-40] [1300] [21]\n add block [300] [0] [1025] to [400] [20] [1125] [20]\n add block [300] [-500] [1025] to [400] [0] [1125] [21]\n add block [250] [40] [850] to [350] [60] [950] [20]\n add block [250] [-500] [850] to [350] [40] [950] [21]\n add block [225] [80] [700] to [325] [100] [800] [20]\n add block [225] [-500] [700] to [325] [80] [800] [21]\n add block [75] [120] [675] to [175] [140] [775] [20]\n add block [75] [-500] [675] to [175] [120] [775] [21]\n add block [-175] [120] [675] to [-75] [140] [775] [20]\n add block [-175] [-500] [675] to [-75] [120] [775] [21]\n add block [-425] [160] [825] to [-225] [180] [1025] [20]\n add block [-425] [-500] [825] to [-225] [160] [1025] [21]\n add block [-355] [180] [895] to [-295] [200] [955] [7]\n add block [-350] [160] [1125] to [-250] [180] [1225] [20]\n add block [-350] [-500] [1125] to [-250] [160] [1225] [21]\n add block [-500] [160] [1375] to [-400] [180] [1475] [20]\n add block [-500] [-500] [1375] to [-400] [160] [1475] [21]\n add block [-550] [160] [1725] to [-450] [180] [1825] [20]\n add block [-550] [-500] [1725] to [-450] [160] [1825] [21]\n add block [-675] [160] [1975] to [-475] [180] [2375] [20]\n add block [-675] [-500] [1975] to [-475] [160] [2375] [21]\n add block [-675] [120] [2375] to [-475] [140] [2775] [20]\n add block [-675] [-500] [2375] to [-475] [120] [2775] [21]\n add block [-675] [80] [2775] to [-475] [100] [3175] [20]\n add block [-675] [-500] [2775] to [-475] [80] [3175] [21]\n add block [-675] [40] [3175] to [-475] [60] [4000] [20]\n add block [-675] [-500] [3175] to [-475] [40] [4000] [21]\n add block [-625] [60] [3920] to [-525] [160] [4000] [10]\n add block [-675] [60] [3900] to [-625] [160] [4000] [21]\n add block [-525] [60] [3900] to [-475] [160] [4000] [21]\n add block [-675] [160] [3900] to [-475] [210] [4000] [21]\n add block [-675] [210] [3900] to [-475] [230] [4000] [20]\n -- [gekke paul]\n add block [-750] [-400] [2980] to [-750] [-350] [3020] [33]\n add block [-750] [-440] [2980] to [-750] [-400] [2990] [33]\n add block [-750] [-440] [3010] to [-750] [-400] [3020] [33]\n add block [-750] [-360] [3020] to [-750] [-350] [3060] [33]\n add block [-750] [-360] [2940] to [-750] [-350] [2980] [33]\n add block [-750] [-360] [2920] to [-750] [-340] [2940] [33]\n add block [-750] [-350] [2990] to [-750] [-330] [3010] [33]\n add block [-800] [-460] [2950] to [-675] [-440] [3050] [20]\n add block [-800] [-480] [2950] to [-675] [-460] [3050] [21]\n else\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n add block [-100] [-100] [-100] to [100] [-80] [100] [1]\n add block [-100] [-500] [-100] to [100] [-100] [100] [2]\n add block [-25] [-80] [200] to [75] [-60] [300] [1]\n add block [-25] [-500] [200] to [75] [-80] [300] [2]\n add block [-100] [-60] [400] to [0] [-40] [500] [1]\n add block [-100] [-500] [400] to [0] [-60] [500] [2]\n add block [25] [-40] [700] to [125] [-20] [800] [1]\n add block [25] [-500] [700] to [125] [-40] [800] [2]\n add block [300] [-20] [750] to [400] [0] [850] [1]\n add block [300] [-500] [750] to [400] [-20] [850] [2]\n add block [500] [60] [825] to [700] [80] [1025] [26]\n add block [500] [-500] [825] to [700] [60] [1025] [28]\n add block [570] [80] [895] to [630] [100] [955] [7]\n add block [600] [60] [1100] to [700] [80] [1200] [26]\n add block [600] [40] [1100] to [700] [60] [1200] [27]\n add block [600] [60] [1400] to [700] [80] [1500] [26]\n add block [600] [40] [1400] to [700] [60] [1500] [27]\n add block [600] [110] [1600] to [700] [130] [1700] [26]\n add block [600] [90] [1600] to [700] [110] [1700] [27]\n add block [600] [160] [1800] to [700] [180] [1900] [26]\n add block [600] [140] [1800] to [700] [160] [1900] [27]\n add block [600] [280] [1950] to [700] [300] [2050] [26]\n add block [600] [260] [1950] to [700] [280] [2050] [27]\n add block [700] [340] [700] to [900] [360] [2100] [26]\n add block [700] [-500] [700] to [900] [340] [2100] [28]\n add block [700] [500] [1850] to [900] [520] [1900] [26]\n add block [700] [360] [1850] to [900] [500] [1900] [28]\n add block [700] [450] [1550] to [900] [470] [1600] [26]\n add block [700] [360] [1550] to [900] [450] [1600] [28]\n add block [700] [580] [1400] to [900] [600] [1450] [26]\n add block [700] [360] [1400] to [900] [580] [1450] [28]\n add block [700] [410] [1150] to [900] [430] [1200] [26]\n add block [700] [360] [1150] to [900] [410] [1200] [28]\n add block [700] [410] [1000] to [900] [430] [1050] [26]\n add block [700] [360] [1000] to [2000] [410] [1050] [28]\n -- [heloo I am currently really bored ok bye]\n add block [900] [300] [1000] to [2000] [800] [2200] [28]\n add block [900] [-500] [1000] to [2000] [300] [2200] [28]\n add block [900] [360] [700] to [2000] [600] [750] [28]\n add block [900] [-500] [700] to [2000] [360] [750] [28]\n add block [700] [360] [700] to [900] [620] [750] [28]\n add block [700] [620] [700] to [900] [640] [750] [26]\n add block [800] [400] [625] to [900] [420] [700] [28]\n add block [800] [420] [625] to [900] [440] [700] [26]\n add block [1000] [-500] [625] to [1500] [460] [700] [28]\n add block [1000] [460] [625] to [1500] [480] [700] [26]\n add block [900] [600] [700] to [2000] [620] [1000] [27]\n add block [900] [620] [700] to [2000] [640] [1000] [26]\n add block [900] [340] [750] to [1450] [360] [1000] [26]\n add block [1000] [360] [750] to [1050] [600] [900] [28]\n add block [1200] [360] [850] to [1250] [600] [1000] [28]\n add block [1450] [320] [750] to [2000] [340] [1000] [29]\n add block [1550] [340] [775] to [1650] [360] [875] [26]\n add block [1725] [340] [900] to [1825] [360] [1000] [26]\n add block [1925] [360] [750] to [2000] [380] [850] [26]\n add block [1925] [340] [750] to [2000] [360] [850] [28]\n add block [2000] [360] [750] to [2150] [380] [1200] [26]\n add block [2000] [-500] [750] to [2150] [360] [1200] [28]\n add block [2000] [360] [1300] to [2150] [380] [1400] [26]\n add block [2000] [340] [1300] to [2150] [360] [1400] [27]\n add block [2000] [460] [1500] to [2150] [480] [1600] [26]\n add block [2000] [440] [1500] to [2150] [460] [1600] [27]\n add block [2000] [560] [1300] to [2150] [580] [1400] [26]\n add block [2000] [540] [1300] to [2150] [560] [1400] [27]\n add block [2000] [660] [1500] to [2150] [680] [1600] [26]\n add block [2000] [640] [1500] to [2150] [660] [1600] [27]\n add block [2000] [800] [1700] to [2150] [820] [1800] [26]\n add block [2000] [780] [1700] to [2150] [800] [1800] [27]\n add block [1100] [800] [1200] to [1800] [850] [2000] [29]\n add block [770] [360] [845] to [830] [380] [905] [7]\n add block [2045] [380] [845] to [2105] [400] [905] [7]\n add block [900] [800] [1000] to [1100] [950] [2200] [28]\n add block [1800] [800] [1000] to [2000] [950] [2200] [28]\n add block [1100] [800] [2000] to [1800] [950] [2200] [28]\n add block [1100] [800] [1000] to [1800] [950] [1200] [28]\n add block [900] [950] [1000] to [1100] [970] [2200] [26]\n add block [1800] [950] [1000] to [2000] [970] [2200] [26]\n add block [1100] [950] [2000] to [1800] [970] [2200] [26]\n add block [1100] [950] [1000] to [1800] [970] [1200] [26]\n add block [1870] [970] [1470] to [1930] [990] [1530] [7]\n add block [1600] [980] [1450] to [1700] [1000] [1550] [26]\n add block [1600] [850] [1450] to [1700] [980] [1550] [28]\n add block [1400] [1020] [1500] to [1500] [1040] [1600] [26]\n add block [1400] [850] [1500] to [1500] [1020] [1600] [28]\n add block [1250] [1060] [1575] to [1350] [1080] [1675] [26]\n add block [1250] [850] [1575] to [1350] [1060] [1675] [28]\n add block [1250] [1100] [1775] to [1350] [1120] [1875] [26]\n add block [1250] [850] [1775] to [1350] [1100] [1875] [28]\n add block [1250] [1230] [1900] to [1350] [1250] [2000] [30]\n add block [1300] [1330] [2100] to [1400] [1350] [2200] [30]\n add block [1200] [1430] [2300] to [1300] [1450] [2400] [30]\n add block [1250] [1530] [2500] to [1350] [1550] [2600] [30]\n add block [1150] [1530] [2750] to [1450] [1550] [3050] [30]\n add block [1250] [1550] [2970] to [1350] [1650] [3000] [10]\n add block [1250] [1650] [2950] to [1350] [1700] [3050] [30]\n add block [1150] [1550] [2950] to [1250] [1700] [3050] [30]\n add block [1350] [1550] [2950] to [1450] [1700] [3050] [30]\n add block [1250] [1550] [3000] to [1350] [1650] [3050] [30]\n add block [1600] [-370] [2200] to [1700] [-350] [2300] [26]\n add block [1600] [-390] [2200] to [1700] [-370] [2300] [27]\n add block [1645] [-350] [2245] to [1655] [-300] [2255] [34]\n add block [1640] [-300] [2240] to [1660] [-280] [2260] [34]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n-- [player]\nadd triangle [10] [10] [10] to [10] [-10] [10] to [-10] [-10] [10] [1000] [80] [4]\nadd triangle [-10] [-10] [10] to [-10] [10] [10] to [10] [10] [10] [1000] [80] [4]\nadd triangle [10] [10] [-10] to [10] [-10] [-10] to [-10] [-10] [-10] [1000] [60] [3]\nadd triangle [-10] [-10] [-10] to [-10] [10] [-10] to [10] [10] [-10] [1000] [60] [3]\nadd triangle [10] [10] [10] to [10] [-10] [10] to [10] [-10] [-10] [1000] [80] [5]\nadd triangle [10] [-10] [-10] to [10] [10] [-10] to [10] [10] [10] [1000] [80] [5]\nadd triangle [-10] [10] [10] to [-10] [-10] [10] to [-10] [-10] [-10] [1000] [60] [6]\nadd triangle [-10] [-10] [-10] to [-10] [10] [-10] to [-10] [10] [10] [1000] [60] [6]\nadd triangle [10] [10] [10] to [10] [10] [-10] to [-10] [10] [-10] [1000] [90] [1]\nadd triangle [-10] [10] [-10] to [-10] [10] [10] to [10] [10] [10] [1000] [90] [1]\nreset\nerase all\nrender\nbroadcast (hide loading v) and wait\n\nadd block [200] [-100] [1100] to [250] [200] [1300] [5]\n\ndefine add block (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z2) (t)\nadd (x1) to [block x1 v]\nadd (x2) to [block x2 v]\nadd (y1) to [block y1 v]\nadd (y2) to [block y2 v]\nadd (z1) to [block z1 v]\nadd (z2) to [block z2 v]\nadd (t) to [blocks t v]\nif <(t) = [4]> then\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) to (((x1) + (x2)) / (2)) (y2) (((z1) + (z2)) / (2)) [4] [60] [0]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z2) to (((x1) + (x2)) / (2)) (y2) (((z1) + (z2)) / (2)) [4] [80] [0]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y1) (z2) to (((x1) + (x2)) / (2)) (y2) (((z1) + (z2)) / (2)) [4] [80] [0]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2) to (((x1) + (x2)) / (2)) (y2) (((z1) + (z2)) / (2)) [4] [60] [0]\nelse\n if <(t) = [7]> then\n add triangle (x1) ((y2) + (-5)) (z1) to (x2) ((y2) + (-5)) (z1) to (x1) ((y2) + (-5)) (z2) (t) [90] [1]\n add triangle (x2) ((y2) + (-5)) (z2) to (x2) ((y2) + (-5)) (z1) to (x1) ((y2) + (-5)) (z2) (t) [90] [1]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) ((y2) + (-5)) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [60] [3]\n add triangle (x1) ((y2) + (-5)) (z1) to (x2) ((y2) + (-5)) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [60] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) ((y2) + (-5)) (z2) to (x2) ((y2) + (-5)) (z2) (t) [80] [4]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) ((y2) + (-5)) (z2) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [80] [4]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) ((y2) + (-5)) (z1) to (x1) ((y2) + (-5)) (z2) (t) [60] [5]\n add triangle (x1) ((y2) + (-5)) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [60] [5]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) ((y2) + (-5)) (z1) to (x2) ((y2) + (-5)) (z2) (t) [80] [6]\n add triangle (x2) ((y2) + (-5)) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z2) (t) [80] [6]\n add triangle ((x1) + (10)) (y2) ((z1) + (10)) to ((x2) + (-10)) (y2) ((z1) + (10)) to ((x1) + (10)) (y2) ((z2) + (-10)) [8] [90] [1]\n add triangle ((x2) + (-10)) (y2) ((z2) + (-10)) to ((x2) + (-10)) (y2) ((z1) + (10)) to ((x1) + (10)) (y2) ((z2) + (-10)) [8] [90] [1]\n add triangle ((x1) + (10)) ((y1) + (15)) ((z1) + (10)) to ((x1) + (10)) (y2) ((z1) + (10)) to ((x2) + (-10)) ((y1) + (15)) ((z1) + (10)) [8] [60] [3]\n add triangle ((x1) + (10)) (y2) ((z1) + (10)) to ((x2) + (-10)) (y2) ((z1) + (10)) to ((x2) + (-10)) ((y1) + (15)) ((z1) + (10)) [8] [60] [3]\n add triangle ((x1) + (10)) ((y1) + (15)) ((z2) + (-10)) to ((x1) + (10)) (y2) ((z2) + (-10)) to ((x2) + (-10)) (y2) ((z2) + (-10)) [8] [80] [4]\n add triangle ((x2) + (-10)) ((y1) + (15)) ((z2) + (-10)) to ((x2) + (-10)) (y2) ((z2) + (-10)) to ((x1) + (10)) ((y1) + (15)) ((z2) + (-10)) [8] [80] [4]\n add triangle ((x1) + (10)) ((y1) + (15)) ((z2) + (-10)) to ((x1) + (10)) (y2) ((z1) + (10)) to ((x1) + (10)) (y2) ((z2) + (-10)) [8] [60] [5]\n add triangle ((x1) + (10)) (y2) ((z1) + (10)) to ((x1) + (10)) ((y1) + (15)) ((z1) + (10)) to ((x1) + (10)) ((y1) + (15)) ((z2) + (-10)) [8] [60] [5]\n add triangle ((x2) + (-10)) ((y1) + (15)) ((z2) + (-10)) to ((x2) + (-10)) (y2) ((z1) + (10)) to ((x2) + (-10)) (y2) ((z2) + (-10)) [8] [80] [6]\n add triangle ((x2) + (-10)) (y2) ((z1) + (10)) to ((x2) + (-10)) ((y1) + (15)) ((z1) + (10)) to ((x2) + (-10)) ((y1) + (15)) ((z2) + (-10)) [8] [80] [6]\n else\n if <(t) = [10]> then\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [0] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [0] [3]\n else\n if <(t) = [13]> then\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [0] [1]\n add triangle (x2) (y2) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [0] [1]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [0] [2]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [0] [2]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [0] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [0] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) (y2) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z2) (t) [0] [4]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z2) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [0] [4]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [0] [5]\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [0] [5]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z2) (t) [0] [6]\n add triangle (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z2) (t) [0] [6]\n else\n if <<<<(t) = [1]> or <(t) = [20]>> or <(t) = [26]>> or <(t) = [31]>> then\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [90] [1]\n add triangle (x2) (y2) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [90] [1]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [60] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [60] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) (y2) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z2) (t) [80] [4]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z2) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [80] [4]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [60] [5]\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [60] [5]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z2) (t) [80] [6]\n add triangle (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z2) (t) [80] [6]\n else\n if <<<(t) = [2]> or <(t) = [21]>> or <(t) = [28]>> then\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [60] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [60] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) (y2) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z2) (t) [80] [4]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z2) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [80] [4]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [60] [5]\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [60] [5]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z2) (t) [80] [6]\n add triangle (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z2) (t) [80] [6]\n else\n if <(t) = [3]> then\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [60] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [60] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) (y2) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z2) (t) [80] [4]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z2) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [80] [4]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [60] [5]\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [60] [5]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z2) (t) [80] [6]\n add triangle (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z2) (t) [80] [6]\n else\n if <(t) = [11]> then\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [90] [1]\n add triangle (x2) (y2) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [90] [1]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [60] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [60] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) (y2) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z2) (t) [80] [4]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z2) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [80] [4]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [60] [5]\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [60] [5]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z2) (t) [80] [6]\n add triangle (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z2) (t) [80] [6]\n else\n if <(t) = [16]> then\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [90] [1]\n add triangle (x2) (y2) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [90] [1]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [60] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [60] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) (y2) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z2) (t) [80] [4]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z2) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [80] [4]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [60] [5]\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [60] [5]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z2) (t) [80] [6]\n add triangle (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z2) (t) [80] [6]\n else\n if <(t) = [17]> then\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [60] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [60] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) (y2) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z2) (t) [80] [4]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z2) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [80] [4]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [60] [5]\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [60] [5]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z2) (t) [80] [6]\n add triangle (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z2) (t) [80] [6]\n else\n if <<<(t) = [19]> or <(t) = [27]>> or <(t) = [32]>> then\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [90] [2]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [90] [2]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [60] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [60] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) (y2) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z2) (t) [80] [4]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z2) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [80] [4]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [60] [5]\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [60] [5]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z2) (t) [80] [6]\n add triangle (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z2) (t) [80] [6]\n else\n if <(t) = [29]> then\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [90] [1]\n add triangle (x2) (y2) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [90] [1]\n else\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [90] [1]\n add triangle (x2) (y2) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [90] [1]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [90] [2]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [90] [2]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [60] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) (t) [60] [3]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) (y2) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z2) (t) [80] [4]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z2) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [80] [4]\n add triangle (x1) (y1) (z2) to (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y2) (z2) (t) [60] [5]\n add triangle (x1) (y2) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x1) (y1) (z2) (t) [60] [5]\n add triangle (x2) (y1) (z2) to (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z2) (t) [80] [6]\n add triangle (x2) (y2) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y1) (z2) (t) [80] [6]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine add triangle (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z2) to (x3) (y3) (z3) (t) (c) (dir)\nadd (x1) to [triangle x1 v]\nadd (x2) to [triangle x2 v]\nadd (x3) to [triangle x3 v]\nadd (y1) to [triangle y1 v]\nadd (y2) to [triangle y2 v]\nadd (y3) to [triangle y3 v]\nadd (z1) to [triangle z1 v]\nadd (z2) to [triangle z2 v]\nadd (z3) to [triangle z3 v]\nadd (t) to [triangle t v]\nadd (c) to [triangle c v]\nadd [0] to [triangle d v]\nadd (dir) to [triangle dir v]\n\ndefine set cam\nif <not <(b animation) = [13]>> then\n set [camx v] to (round ((b player x) + ((sinY) * ((-200) - (([abs v] of (sinX) ) * ((-200) + ((cosX) * (200))))))))\n if <not <(b animation) = [12]>> then\n set [camy v] to (round (((b player y) + (20)) - ((sinX) * (200))))\n end\n set [camz v] to (round ((b player z) - ((cosY) * ((200) - (([abs v] of (sinX) ) * ((200) + ((cosX) * (-200))))))))\nend\n\ndefine change y by (y)\nchange [b player y v] by (y)\nset [c i v] to [0]\nset [f hit something y v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [block x1 v])\n change [c i v] by (1)\n check collision\n if <(c t) = [0]> then\nend\n\ndefine y sort\ndelete all of [tri dist v]\ndelete all of [tri sort v]\ndelete all of [triangle d v]\nset [s i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [triangle x1 v])\n change [s i v] by (1)\n distance ((((item (s i) of [triangle x1 v]) + (item (s i) of [triangle x2 v])) + (item (s i) of [triangle x3 v])) / (3)) ((((item (s i) of [triangle y1 v]) + (item (s i) of [triangle y2 v])) + (item (s i) of [triangle y3 v])) / (3)) ((((item (s i) of [triangle z1 v]) + (item (s i) of [triangle z2 v])) + (item (s i) of [triangle z3 v])) / (3)) to (camX) (camY) (camZ)\n set [s highest v] to (length of [tri dist v])\n repeat until <(a distance) > (item (s highest) of [tri dist v])>\n change [s highest v] by (-1)\n end\n insert (a distance) at ((s highest) + (1)) of [tri dist v] \n insert (s i) at ((s highest) + (1)) of [tri sort v] \n add (a distance) to [triangle d v]\nend\n\nset [s i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [triangle x1 v])\n change [s i v] by (1)\n distance ((((item (s i) of [triangle x1 v]) + (item (s i) of [triangle x2 v])) + (item (s i) of [triangle x3 v])) / (3)) ((((item (s i) of [triangle y1 v]) + (item (s i) of [triangle y2 v])) + (item (s i) of [triangle y3 v])) / (3)) ((((item (s i) of [triangle z1 v]) + (item (s i) of [triangle z2 v])) + (item (s i) of [triangle z3 v])) / (3)) to (camX) (camY) (camZ)\n replace item (s i) of [triangle d v] with (a distance)\nend\nset [s last v] to (length of [triangle x1 v])\nrepeat ((length of [triangle x1 v]) - (1))\n set [s i v] to [0]\n set [s highest v] to [1]\n repeat (s last)\n change [s i v] by (1)\n if <(item (s highest) of [triangle d v]) > (item (s i) of [triangle d v])> then\n set [s highest v] to (s i)\n end\n end\n set [s other item v] to (item (s last) of [triangle x1 v])\n replace item (s last) of [triangle x1 v] with (item (s highest) of [triangle x1 v])\n replace item (s highest) of [triangle x1 v] with (s other item)\n set [s other item v] to (item (s last) of [triangle x2 v])\n replace item (s last) of [triangle x2 v] with (item (s highest) of [triangle x2 v])\n replace item (s highest) of [triangle x2 v] with (s other item)\n set [s other item v] to (item (s last) of [triangle x3 v])\n replace item (s last) of [triangle x3 v] with (item (s highest) of [triangle x3 v])\n replace item (s highest) of [triangle x3 v] with (s other item)\n set [s other item v] to (item (s last) of [triangle y1 v])\n replace item (s last) of [triangle y1 v] with (item (s highest) of [triangle y1 v])\n replace item (s highest) of [triangle y1 v] with (s other item)\n set [s other item v] to (item (s last) of [triangle y2 v])\n replace item (s last) of [triangle y2 v] with (item (s highest) of [triangle y2 v])\n replace item (s highest) of [triangle y2 v] with (s other item)\n set [s other item v] to (item (s last) of [triangle y3 v])\n replace item (s last) of [triangle y3 v] with (item (s highest) of [triangle y3 v])\n replace item (s highest) of [triangle y3 v] with (s other item)\n set [s other item v] to (item (s last) of [triangle z1 v])\n replace item (s last) of [triangle z1 v] with (item (s highest) of [triangle z1 v])\n replace item (s highest) of [triangle z1 v] with (s other item)\n set [s other item v] to (item (s last) of [triangle z2 v])\n replace item (s last) of [triangle z2 v] with (item (s highest) of [triangle z2 v])\n replace item (s highest) of [triangle z2 v] with (s other item)\n set [s other item v] to (item (s last) of [triangle z3 v])\n replace item (s last) of [triangle z3 v] with (item (s highest) of [triangle z3 v])\n replace item (s highest) of [triangle z3 v] with (s other item)\n set [s other item v] to (item (s last) of [triangle d v])\n replace item (s last) of [triangle d v] with (item (s highest) of [triangle d v])\n replace item (s highest) of [triangle d v] with (s other item)\n set [s other item v] to (item (s last) of [triangle t v])\n replace item (s last) of [triangle t v] with (item (s highest) of [triangle t v])\n replace item (s highest) of [triangle t v] with (s other item)\n set [s other item v] to (item (s last) of [triangle c v])\n replace item (s last) of [triangle c v] with (item (s highest) of [triangle c v])\n replace item (s highest) of [triangle c v] with (s other item)\n set [s other item v] to (item (s last) of [triangle dir v])\n replace item (s last) of [triangle dir v] with (item (s highest) of [triangle dir v])\n replace item (s highest) of [triangle dir v] with (s other item)\n change [s last v] by (-1)\nend\n\ndefine distance (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z2)\nset [a distance v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((x1) - (x2)) * ((x1) - (x2))) + ((((y1) - (y2)) * ((y1) - (y2))) + (((z1) - (z2)) * ((z1) - (z2))))) )\n\ndefine change x by (x)\nchange [b player x v] by (x)\nset [c i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [block x1 v])\n change [c i v] by (1)\n check collision\n if <not <(c t) = [0]>> then\n if <<<<(c t) = [4]> or <(c t) = [6]>> or <(c t) = [18]>> or <(c t) = [29]>> then\n set [b animation v] to [2]\n stop [this script v]\n else\n if <(c t) = [10]> then\n else\n change [b player x v] by (() - (x))\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine change z by (z)\nchange [b player z v] by (z)\nset [c i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [block x1 v])\n change [c i v] by (1)\n check collision\n if <not <(c t) = [0]>> then\n if <(c t) = [10]> then\n set [b animation frame v] to [0]\n set [b animation v] to [3]\n set [a change level v] to [1]\n else\n if <<<<(c t) = [4]> or <(c t) = [6]>> or <(c t) = [18]>> or <(c t) = [29]>> then\n set [b animation v] to [2]\n stop [this script v]\n else\n change [b player z v] by (() - (z))\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine check if behind wall\nset [n x v] to (camX)\nset [n y v] to (camY)\nset [n z v] to (camZ)\nset [n in wall? v] to [0]\nset [n i 2 v] to [0]\nrepeat (200)\n change [n i 2 v] by (1)\n change [n x v] by ((cosX) * (sinY))\n change [n y v] by (sinX)\n change [n z v] by ((cosX) * (cosY))\n set [n i v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [block x1 v])\n change [n i v] by (1)\n if <<(n x) > (item (n i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (n i) of [block x2 v]) > (n x)>> then\n if <<(n z) > (item (n i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (n i) of [block z2 v]) > (n z)>> then\n if <<(n y) > (item (n i) of [block y1 v])> and <(item (n i) of [block y2 v]) > (n y)>> then\n set [n in wall? v] to [1]\n set [n render wall? v] to [0]\n if <(n i 2) < [5]> then\n set [n render wall? v] to (item (n i) of [blocks t v])\n end\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine -- (number or text)\n\nset [c t v] to (item (c i) of [blocks t v])\n\nset [c t v] to (item (c i) of [blocks t v])\n\nset [c t v] to (item (c i) of [blocks t v])\n\nset [c t v] to (item (c i) of [blocks t v])\n\nchange [b player x v] by (() - (x))\nstop [this script v]\n\nchange [b player x v] by (() - (x))\nstop [this script v]\n\nchange [b player x v] by (() - (x))\nstop [this script v]\n\nchange [b player x v] by (() - (x))\nstop [this script v]\n\nchange [b player z v] by (() - (z))\nstop [this script v]\n\nchange [b player z v] by (() - (z))\nstop [this script v]\n\nchange [b player z v] by (() - (z))\nstop [this script v]\n\nchange [b player z v] by (() - (z))\nstop [this script v]\n\nchange [b player z v] by (() - (z))\nstop [this script v]\n\ndefine check collision\nset [c t v] to [0]\nif <<((b player x) + (9)) > (item (c i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (9)) > (item (c i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (9))>> then\n if <<((b player y) + (9)) > (item (c i) of [block y1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block y2 v]) > ((b player y) + (9))>> then\n set [c t v] to (item (c i) of [blocks t v])\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\nif <<((b player x) + (-9)) > (item (c i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (-9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (9)) > (item (c i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (9))>> then\n if <<((b player y) + (9)) > (item (c i) of [block y1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block y2 v]) > ((b player y) + (9))>> then\n set [c t v] to (item (c i) of [blocks t v])\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\nif <<((b player x) + (9)) > (item (c i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (-9)) > (item (c i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (-9))>> then\n if <<((b player y) + (9)) > (item (c i) of [block y1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block y2 v]) > ((b player y) + (9))>> then\n set [c t v] to (item (c i) of [blocks t v])\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\nif <<((b player x) + (-9)) > (item (c i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (-9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (-9)) > (item (c i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (-9))>> then\n if <<((b player y) + (9)) > (item (c i) of [block y1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block y2 v]) > ((b player y) + (9))>> then\n set [c t v] to (item (c i) of [blocks t v])\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\nif <<((b player x) + (9)) > (item (c i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (9)) > (item (c i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (9))>> then\n if <<((b player y) + (-9)) > (item (c i) of [block y1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block y2 v]) > ((b player y) + (-9))>> then\n set [c t v] to (item (c i) of [blocks t v])\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\nif <<((b player x) + (-9)) > (item (c i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (-9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (9)) > (item (c i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (9))>> then\n if <<((b player y) + (-9)) > (item (c i) of [block y1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block y2 v]) > ((b player y) + (-9))>> then\n set [c t v] to (item (c i) of [blocks t v])\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\nif <<((b player x) + (9)) > (item (c i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (-9)) > (item (c i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (-9))>> then\n if <<((b player y) + (-9)) > (item (c i) of [block y1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block y2 v]) > ((b player y) + (-9))>> then\n set [c t v] to (item (c i) of [blocks t v])\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\nif <<((b player x) + (-9)) > (item (c i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (-9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (-9)) > (item (c i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (-9))>> then\n if <<((b player y) + (-9)) > (item (c i) of [block y1 v])> and <(item (c i) of [block y2 v]) > ((b player y) + (-9))>> then\n set [c t v] to (item (c i) of [blocks t v])\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine reset\nset [a change level v] to [0]\nset [b player x v] to (b checkpoint x)\nset [b player y v] to (b checkpoint y)\nset [b double jump? v] to [2]\nset [b space pressed? v] to [0]\nset [b player yvel v] to [0]\nset [b falling? v] to [333]\nset [f on ground sound? v] to [1]\nset [b player z v] to (b checkpoint z)\nset [camrotx v] to [-35]\nset [camroty v] to [0]\nset [b animation v] to [0]\nset [r player transparency v] to [0]\n\ndefine calculate shadow (corner)\nset [d i v] to (item # of [2000] in [triangle t v])\ndelete (d i) of [triangle x1 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle x2 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle x3 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle y1 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle y2 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle y3 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle z1 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle z2 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle z3 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle t v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle c v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle d v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle dir v]\nset [d i v] to (item # of [2000] in [triangle t v])\ndelete (d i) of [triangle x1 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle x2 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle x3 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle y1 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle y2 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle y3 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle z1 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle z2 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle z3 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle t v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle c v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle d v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle dir v]\nset [d highest y v] to [-1000]\nset [d y v] to (b player y)\nset [d i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [block x1 v])\n change [d i v] by (1)\n if <<((b player x) + (-9)) > (item (d i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (-9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (9)) > (item (d i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (9))>> then\n if <(d y) > (item (d i) of [block y2 v])> then\n if <(item (d i) of [block y2 v]) > (d highest y)> then\n set [d highest y v] to (item (d i) of [block y2 v])\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [d i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [block x1 v])\n change [d i v] by (1)\n if <<((b player x) + (9)) > (item (d i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (9)) > (item (d i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (9))>> then\n if <(d y) > (item (d i) of [block y2 v])> then\n if <(item (d i) of [block y2 v]) > (d highest y)> then\n set [d highest y v] to (item (d i) of [block y2 v])\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [d i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [block x1 v])\n change [d i v] by (1)\n if <<((b player x) + (-9)) > (item (d i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (-9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (-9)) > (item (d i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (-9))>> then\n if <(d y) > (item (d i) of [block y2 v])> then\n if <(item (d i) of [block y2 v]) > (d highest y)> then\n set [d highest y v] to (item (d i) of [block y2 v])\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [d i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [block x1 v])\n change [d i v] by (1)\n if <<((b player x) + (9)) > (item (d i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (-9)) > (item (d i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (-9))>> then\n if <(d y) > (item (d i) of [block y2 v])> then\n if <(item (d i) of [block y2 v]) > (d highest y)> then\n set [d highest y v] to (item (d i) of [block y2 v])\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [d y v] to ((d highest y) - (1))\nif <not <(d highest y) = [-1000]>> then\n add triangle ((b player x) + (9)) (d y) ((b player z) + (9)) to ((b player x) + (9)) (d y) ((b player z) + (-9)) to ((b player x) + (-9)) (d y) ((b player z) + (9)) [2000] [20] [1]\n add triangle ((b player x) + (-9)) (d y) ((b player z) + (-9)) to ((b player x) + (-9)) (d y) ((b player z) + (9)) to ((b player x) + (9)) (d y) ((b player z) + (-9)) [2000] [20] [1]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nif <(a change level) = [1]> then\n change [a level v] by (1)\n if <(a level) = [6]> then\n switch backdrop to (6 v)\n end\n level (a level)\nend\nreset\n\ndefine set render things I guess\nif <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [1]> then\n set pen color to (#0fed00)\nelse\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [2]> then\n set pen color to (#de4200)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [3]> then\n set pen color to (#ff651a)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [4]> then\n set pen color to (#ff9a7f)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [5]> then\n set pen color to (#dceeff)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [6]> then\n set pen color to (#ff0000)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [7]> then\n set pen color to (#f9ff14)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [8]> then\n set pen color to (#ff591a)\n distance (item (y i) of [triangle x1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z1 v]) to (b checkpoint x) (b checkpoint y) (b checkpoint z)\n if <(a distance) < [100]> then\n replace item (y i) of [triangle t v] with [9]\n end\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [9]> then\n set pen color to (#00ff01)\n distance (item (y i) of [triangle x1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle y1 v]) (item (y i) of [triangle z1 v]) to (b checkpoint x) (b checkpoint y) (b checkpoint z)\n if <[99] < (a distance)> then\n replace item (y i) of [triangle t v] with [8]\n end\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [10]> then\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [11]> then\n set pen color to (#fff604)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [12]> then\n set pen color to (#63ff2f)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [13]> then\n set pen color to (#000000)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [14]> then\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [15]> then\n set pen color to (#16ff54)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [16]> then\n set pen color to (#ffd000)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [17]> then\n set pen color to (#ffe500)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [18]> then\n set pen color to (#66ff7a)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [19]> then\n set pen color to (#ffe500)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [20]> then\n set pen color to (#88d9ff)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [21]> then\n set pen color to (#b8edff)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [22]> then\n set pen color to (#0021ff)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [23]> then\n set pen color to (#00a9ff)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [24]> then\n set pen color to (#ffb38f)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [25]> then\n set pen color to (#ff3200)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [26]> then\n set pen color to (#cbcbcb)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [27]> then\n set pen color to (#8e8e8e)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [28]> then\n set pen color to (#8e8e8e)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [29]> then\n set pen color to (#ff4c00)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [30]> then\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [31]> then\n set pen color to (#de4200)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [32]> then\n set pen color to (#de4200)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [33]> then\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [34]> then\n set pen color to (#ff5a96)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [26]> then\n set pen (brightness v) to ((80) - ((100) - (item (y i) of [triangle c v])))\nelse\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [27]> then\n set pen (brightness v) to ((65) - ((100) - (item (y i) of [triangle c v])))\n else\n if <(item (y i) of [triangle t v]) = [28]> then\n set pen (brightness v) to ((65) - ((100) - (item (y i) of [triangle c v])))\n else\n set pen (brightness v) to (item (y i) of [triangle c v])\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (10000) %\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nhide\nset [r circle size v] to [1000]\nset [a level v] to [1]\nset [a start timer? v] to [0]\ndelete all of [textbox v]\nrepeat (10)\n add [0] to [textbox v]\nend\nset [a timer \(frames\) v] to [0]\nbroadcast (setup v) and wait\nlevel (a level)\nreset\ncalculate trig values\nforever\n if <(?pause menu opened?) = [0]> then\n if <(a start timer?) = [1]> then\n change [a timer \(frames\) v] by (1)\n end\n tick\n end\n if <(t textbox) = [0]> then\n broadcast (tick v) and wait\n end\n if <not <(t textbox) = [13]>> then\n erase all\n if <not <(a level) = [6]>> then\n render\n else\n switch backdrop to (6 v)\n end\n end\n if <not <(t textbox) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (update textbox v) and wait\n end\n broadcast (pause menu v) and wait\n change [z frame v] by (1)\n if <(timer) > [1]> then\n set [z fps v] to (z frame)\n set [z frame v] to [0]\n reset timer\n end\nend\n\ndefine mobile controls\nset [j move camera? v] to [0]\ndistance (mouse x) (mouse y) [0] to [-140] [-80] [0]\nset [j joystick x v] to [-140]\nset [j joystick y v] to [-80]\nif <(a distance) < [100]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [j move camera? v] to [1]\n go to x: (mouse x) y: (mouse y)\n set [j joystick x v] to (mouse x)\n set [j joystick y v] to (mouse y)\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n point towards x: (-140) y: (-80)\n change [b player xvel v] by (([cos v] of (((direction) + (camRotY)) + (90)) ) * (5))\n change [b player zvel v] by (([sin v] of (((direction) + (camRotY)) + (90)) ) * (-5))\n set [a start timer? v] to [1]\n end\nend\ndistance (mouse x) (mouse y) [0] to [140] [-80] [0]\nif <(a distance) < [37]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [a start timer? v] to [1]\n set [j move camera? v] to [1]\n if <(b space pressed?) = [0]> then\n if <<(b falling?) < [5]> and <(b double jump?) = [ 0]>> then\n set [b space pressed? v] to [1]\n set [b double jump? v] to [1]\n set [b player yvel v] to [14]\n set [b falling? v] to [55]\n start sound [jump v]\n else\n if <<(b double jump?) = [ 0]> or <(b double jump?) = [1]>> then\n if <(b player yvel) < [7]> then\n set [b space pressed? v] to [1]\n set [b double jump? v] to [2]\n set [b player yvel v] to [14]\n start sound [jump v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange x by (b player xvel)\nchange z by (b player zvel)\nif <(a level) = [4]> then\n if <(b falling?) < [5]> then\n set [b player xvel v] to ((b player xvel) * (0.6))\n set [b player zvel v] to ((b player zvel) * (0.6))\n else\n set [b player xvel v] to ((b player xvel) * (0.4))\n set [b player zvel v] to ((b player zvel) * (0.4))\n end\nelse\n set [b player xvel v] to [0]\n set [b player zvel v] to [0]\nend\nif <not <mouse down?>> then\n set [b space pressed? v] to [0]\nend\nif <<mouse down?> and <(j move camera?) = [0]>> then\n change [camroty v] by (((j old x) - (mouse x)) / (-2))\n change [camrotx v] by (((j old y) - (mouse y)) / (-2))\nend\nset [j old x v] to (mouse x)\nset [j old y v] to (mouse y)\nchange [b player yvel v] by (-1)\nchange [b falling? v] by (1)\nchange y by (b player yvel)\nif <(f hit something y) = [1]> then\n if <(f on ground sound?) = [0]> then\n start sound [ground v]\n set [f on ground sound? v] to [1]\n end\nelse\n set [f on ground sound? v] to [0]\nend\nif <(camRotX) > [0]> then\n set [camrotx v] to [0]\nend\nif <[-90] > (camRotX)> then\n set [camrotx v] to [-90]\nend\nif <[-500] > (b player y)> then\n set [b animation frame v] to [0]\n set [b animation v] to [1]\nend\nset [a tri count v] to (length of [triangle x1 v])\n\nstop [this script v]\n\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\n\nstart sound [fall v]\nstart sound [ground v]\nstart sound [win v]\nstart sound [lava v]\nstart sound [jump v]\nstart sound [ground2 v]\nstop all sounds\n\nset volume to (0) %\nplay sound [jump v] until done\nplay sound [fall v] until done\nplay sound [win v] until done\nplay sound [lava v] until done\nplay sound [ground v] until done\nset volume to (100) %\n\nset [d highest y v] to (d y)\n\nif <(corner) = [1]> then\n set [d i v] to (item # of [2000] in [triangle t v])\n delete (d i) of [triangle x1 v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle x2 v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle x3 v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle y1 v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle y2 v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle y3 v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle z1 v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle z2 v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle z3 v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle t v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle c v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle d v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle dir v]\n set [d i v] to (item # of [2000] in [triangle t v])\n delete (d i) of [triangle x1 v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle x2 v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle x3 v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle y1 v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle y2 v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle y3 v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle z1 v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle z2 v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle z3 v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle t v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle c v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle d v]\n delete (d i) of [triangle dir v]\n set [d highest y v] to [-1000]\n set [d y v] to (b player y)\n set [d hit? v] to [0]\n repeat (1500)\n change [d y v] by (-1)\n set [d i v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [block x1 v])\n change [d i v] by (1)\n if <<((b player x) + (-9)) > (item (d i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (-9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (9)) > (item (d i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (9))>> then\n if <<(d y) > (item (d i) of [block y1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block y2 v]) > (d y)>> then\n set [d highest y v] to (d y)\n set [d hit? v] to [1]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(corner) = [2]> then\n set [d y v] to (b player y)\n set [d hit? v] to [0]\n repeat ((((d y) - (d highest y)) * <not <(d highest y) = [-1000]>>) + ((1500) * <(d highest y) = [-1000]>))\n change [d y v] by (-1)\n set [d i v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [block x1 v])\n change [d i v] by (1)\n if <<((b player x) + (9)) > (item (d i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (9)) > (item (d i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (9))>> then\n if <<(d y) > (item (d i) of [block y1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block y2 v]) > (d y)>> then\n if <(d y) > (d highest y)> then\n set [d highest y v] to (d y)\n set [d hit? v] to [1]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(corner) = [3]> then\n set [d y v] to (b player y)\n set [d hit? v] to [0]\n repeat ((((d y) - (d highest y)) * <not <(d highest y) = [-1000]>>) + ((1500) * <(d highest y) = [-1000]>))\n change [d y v] by (-1)\n set [d i v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [block x1 v])\n change [d i v] by (1)\n if <<((b player x) + (-9)) > (item (d i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (-9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (-9)) > (item (d i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (-9))>> then\n if <<(d y) > (item (d i) of [block y1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block y2 v]) > (d y)>> then\n if <(d y) > (d highest y)> then\n set [d highest y v] to (d y)\n set [d hit? v] to [1]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n set [d y v] to (b player y)\n set [d hit? v] to [0]\n repeat ((((d y) - (d highest y)) * <not <(d highest y) = [-1000]>>) + ((1500) * <(d highest y) = [-1000]>))\n change [d y v] by (-1)\n set [d i v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [block x1 v])\n change [d i v] by (1)\n if <<((b player x) + (9)) > (item (d i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (-9)) > (item (d i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (-9))>> then\n if <<(d y) > (item (d i) of [block y1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block y2 v]) > (d y)>> then\n if <(d y) > (d highest y)> then\n set [d highest y v] to (d y)\n set [d hit? v] to [1]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n set [d y v] to (d highest y)\n if <not <(d y) = [-1000]>> then\n add triangle ((b player x) + (9)) (d y) ((b player z) + (9)) to ((b player x) + (9)) (d y) ((b player z) + (-9)) to ((b player x) + (-9)) (d y) ((b player z) + (9)) [2000] [20] [1]\n add triangle ((b player x) + (-9)) (d y) ((b player z) + (-9)) to ((b player x) + (-9)) (d y) ((b player z) + (9)) to ((b player x) + (9)) (d y) ((b player z) + (-9)) [2000] [20] [1]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [d i v] to (item # of [2000] in [triangle t v])\ndelete (d i) of [triangle x1 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle x2 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle x3 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle y1 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle y2 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle y3 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle z1 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle z2 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle z3 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle t v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle c v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle d v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle dir v]\nset [d i v] to (item # of [2000] in [triangle t v])\ndelete (d i) of [triangle x1 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle x2 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle x3 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle y1 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle y2 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle y3 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle z1 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle z2 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle z3 v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle t v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle c v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle d v]\ndelete (d i) of [triangle dir v]\nset [d hit 1 v] to [1]\nset [d hit 2 v] to [1]\nset [d hit 3 v] to [1]\nset [d hit 4 v] to [1]\nset [d hit? v] to [0]\nset [d y v] to (b player y)\nrepeat until <<<(d hit?) = [1]> or <<<(d hit 1) = [0]> and <(d hit 2) = [0]>> and <<(d hit 3) = [0]> and <(d hit 4) = [0]>>>> or <[-499] > (d y)>>\n change [d y v] by (-1)\n if <(d hit 1) = [1]> then\n set [d hit 1 v] to [0]\n set [d i v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [block x1 v])\n change [d i v] by (1)\n if <<((b player x) + (-9)) > (item (d i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (-9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (9)) > (item (d i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (9))>> then\n if <(d y) > (item (d i) of [block y1 v])> then\n set [d hit 1 v] to [1]\n if <(item (d i) of [block y2 v]) > (d y)> then\n set [d hit? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(d hit 2) = [1]> then\n set [d hit 2 v] to [0]\n set [d i v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [block x1 v])\n change [d i v] by (1)\n if <<((b player x) + (9)) > (item (d i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (9)) > (item (d i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (9))>> then\n if <(d y) > (item (d i) of [block y1 v])> then\n set [d hit 2 v] to [1]\n if <(item (d i) of [block y2 v]) > (d y)> then\n set [d hit? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(d hit 3) = [1]> then\n set [d hit 3 v] to [0]\n set [d i v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [block x1 v])\n change [d i v] by (1)\n if <<((b player x) + (-9)) > (item (d i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (-9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (-9)) > (item (d i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (-9))>> then\n if <(d y) > (item (d i) of [block y1 v])> then\n set [d hit 3 v] to [1]\n if <(item (d i) of [block y2 v]) > (d y)> then\n set [d hit? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(d hit 4) = [1]> then\n set [d hit 4 v] to [0]\n set [d i v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [block x1 v])\n change [d i v] by (1)\n if <<((b player x) + (9)) > (item (d i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (-9)) > (item (d i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (-9))>> then\n if <(d y) > (item (d i) of [block y1 v])> then\n set [d hit 4 v] to [1]\n if <(item (d i) of [block y2 v]) > (d y)> then\n set [d hit? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <(d hit?) = [1]> then\n add triangle ((b player x) + (9)) (d y) ((b player z) + (9)) to ((b player x) + (9)) (d y) ((b player z) + (-9)) to ((b player x) + (-9)) (d y) ((b player z) + (9)) [2000] [20] [1]\n add triangle ((b player x) + (-9)) (d y) ((b player z) + (-9)) to ((b player x) + (-9)) (d y) ((b player z) + (9)) to ((b player x) + (9)) (d y) ((b player z) + (-9)) [2000] [20] [1]\nend\n\nset [d i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [block x1 v])\n change [d i v] by (1)\n if <<((b player x) + (-9)) > (item (d i) of [block x1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block x2 v]) > ((b player x) + (-9))>> then\n if <<((b player z) + (9)) > (item (d i) of [block z1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block z2 v]) > ((b player z) + (9))>> then\n if <<(d y) > (item (d i) of [block y1 v])> and <(item (d i) of [block y2 v]) > (d y)>> then\n set [d highest y v] to (d y)\n set [d hit? v] to [1]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@circle \n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(b animation) = [13]> then\n go to (3d engine v)\n change [r circle size v] by (-20)\n if <(r circle size) > [100]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\n set size to (r circle size) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n show\n if <(r circle size) = [20]> then\n broadcast (reset v) and wait\n set [b animation sound played? v] to [0]\n set [b animation frame v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n if <not <(a level) = [6]>> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n change [r circle size v] by (20)\n if <(r circle size) > [100]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\n set size to (r circle size) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n show\n end\nend\n\nset [r circle size v] to [500]\n\nwhen I receive [update textbox v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nchange [r circle size v] by (100)\nif <(r circle size) > [100]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\nend\nset size to (r circle size) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\n\n@textbox 2.0\n\nwhen I receive [update textbox v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset volume to (?sound effects) %\nif <(e speedrun?) = [0]> then\n set [b player xvel v] to [0]\n set [b player yvel v] to [0]\n set [b player zvel v] to [0]\n if <(t textbox) = [5]> then\n if <(e mobile controls?) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (welcome v)\n else\n switch costume to (welcome mobile v)\n end\n else\n if <(t textbox) = [6]> then\n if <(e mobile controls?) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (controls v)\n else\n switch costume to (controls mobile v)\n end\n else\n if <(t textbox) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (double jump v)\n else\n if <(t textbox) = [8]> then\n switch costume to (checkpoint v)\n else\n if <(t textbox) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (finished tutorial v)\n else\n if <(t textbox) = [10]> then\n switch costume to (desert v)\n else\n if <(t textbox) = [11]> then\n switch costume to (ice v)\n else\n if <(t textbox) = [12]> then\n switch costume to (last level v)\n else\n if <(t textbox) = [13]> then\n erase all\n switch backdrop to (6 v)\n switch costume to (you did it v)\n broadcast (finished level at v) and wait\n broadcast (first timer tick v) and wait\n else\n if <(t textbox) = [14]> then\n erase all\n switch costume to (see you again v)\n broadcast (finished level at v) and wait\n broadcast (first timer tick v) and wait\n else\n if <(t textbox) = [15]> then\n erase all\n switch costume to (credits v)\n broadcast (finished level at v) and wait\n broadcast (first timer tick v) and wait\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n start sound [player move v]\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-7.5)\n end\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n wait until <mouse down?>\n start sound [player move v]\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7.5)\n end\nend\nhide\nif <(t textbox) = [15]> then\n broadcast (credits v) and wait\nelse\n if <<(t textbox) = [13]> or <(t textbox) = [14]>> then\n change [t textbox v] by (1)\n broadcast (update buttons v) and wait\n else\n set [t textbox v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <(t textbox) = [13]> then\n erase all\n switch backdrop to (6 v)\nelse\n if <(t textbox) = [14]> then\n erase all\n else\n if <(t textbox) = [15]> then\n erase all\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nbroadcast (finished level at v) and wait\nbroadcast (first timer tick v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nswitch backdrop to (6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [intro textbox v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (100)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nswitch backdrop to (6 v)\nset [t textbox v] to [0]\nbroadcast (update buttons v) and wait\nshow list [link v]\nerase all\nif <[1] = <[1] = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (on scratch v)\n set [t textbox v] to [1]\n hide list [link v]\n start sound [player move v]\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-7.5)\n end\n broadcast (update buttons v) and wait\n start sound [player move v]\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7.5)\n end\nend\nswitch costume to (mobile controls v)\nstart sound [player move v]\nrepeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-7.5)\nend\nset [t textbox v] to [2]\nbroadcast (update buttons v) and wait\nstart sound [player move v]\nrepeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7.5)\nend\nswitch costume to (speedrun v)\nstart sound [player move v]\nrepeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-7.5)\nend\nset [t textbox v] to [3]\nbroadcast (update buttons v) and wait\nstart sound [player move v]\nrepeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7.5)\nend\nif <[0] = (e speedrun?)> then\n switch costume to (resolution v)\n start sound [player move v]\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-7.5)\n end\n set [t textbox v] to [4]\n broadcast (update buttons v) and wait\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n wait until <mouse down?>\n start sound [player move v]\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7.5)\n end\nend\nhide\nset [t textbox v] to [0]\nbroadcast (start game v)\n\n@button\n\nwhen I receive [update buttons v]\nif <(t textbox) = [1]> then\n repeat until <not <(t textbox) = [1]>>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-7.5)\n switch costume to (ignore v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-50)\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [t textbox v] to [0]\n show list [link v]\n start sound [Click v]\n end\n end\n end\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7.5)\n end\nelse\n if <(t textbox) = [2]> then\n repeat until <not <(t textbox) = [2]>>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-7.5)\n switch costume to (yes v)\n go to x: (-75) y: (-50)\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [e mobile controls? v] to [1]\n set [t textbox v] to [0]\n start sound [Click v]\n end\n end\n end\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7.5)\n end\n else\n if <(t textbox) = [3]> then\n repeat until <not <(t textbox) = [3]>>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-7.5)\n switch costume to (yes v)\n go to x: (-75) y: (-50)\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [e speedrun? v] to [1]\n set [t textbox v] to [0]\n start sound [Click v]\n end\n end\n end\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7.5)\n end\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@button 2\n\nwhen I receive [update buttons v]\nif <(t textbox) = [2]> then\n repeat until <not <(t textbox) = [2]>>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-7.5)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (75) y: (-50)\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [e mobile controls? v] to [0]\n set [t textbox v] to [0]\n change [ghost v] effect by (-7.5)\n start sound [Click v]\n end\n end\n end\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7.5)\n end\nelse\n if <(t textbox) = [3]> then\n repeat until <not <(t textbox) = [3]>>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-7.5)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (75) y: (-50)\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [e speedrun? v] to [0]\n set [t textbox v] to [0]\n change [ghost v] effect by (-7.5)\n start sound [Click v]\n end\n end\n end\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7.5)\n end\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@mobile controls\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(?pause menu opened?) = [0]> then\n if <(e mobile controls?) = [1]> then\n show\n if <(id) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (-140) y: (-80)\n else\n if <(id) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n go to x: (140) y: (-80)\n else\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n change x by (((j joystick x) - (x position)) / (2))\n change y by (((j joystick y) - (y position)) / (2))\n end\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\n@timer 2.0\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nif <(e speedrun?) = [1]> then\n set [last level frame v] to [0]\n setup\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ntick\n\ndefine setup\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nset [id v] to [0]\ngo to x: (105) y: (160)\nchange [id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange x by (20)\nchange [id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange x by (15)\nchange [id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange x by (15)\nchange [id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange x by (20)\nchange [id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange x by (15)\nchange [id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange x by (15)\nchange [id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange x by (20)\nchange [id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (122) y: (134)\nset size to (85) %\nchange [id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange x by (17)\nchange [id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange x by (13)\nchange [id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange x by (13)\nchange [id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange x by (17)\nchange [id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange x by (13)\nchange [id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange x by (13)\nchange [id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange x by (17)\nchange [id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nbroadcast (first timer tick v) and wait\n\ndefine tick\nif <(e speedrun?) = [1]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(?pause menu opened?) = [0]> then\n show\n if <(id) < [9]> then\n delete all of [time v]\n set [time v] to (a timer \(frames\))\n add ([floor v] of (((time) / (30)) / (60)) ) to [time v]\n set [time v] to ((time) - ([floor v] of ((item (1) of [time v]) * (1800)) ))\n add ([floor v] of ((time) / (30)) ) to [time v]\n set [time v] to ((time) - ([floor v] of ((item (2) of [time v]) * (30)) ))\n add (round ((time) * (3.333333))) to [time v]\n if <(id) = [1]> then\n if <(length of (item (1) of [time v])) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (letter (1) of (item (1) of [time v]))\n else\n switch costume to (0 v)\n end\n else\n if <(id) = [2]> then\n if <(length of (item (1) of [time v])) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (letter (1) of (item (1) of [time v]))\n else\n switch costume to (letter (2) of (item (1) of [time v]))\n end\n else\n if <(id) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (: v)\n else\n if <(id) = [4]> then\n if <(length of (item (2) of [time v])) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (letter (1) of (item (2) of [time v]))\n else\n switch costume to (0 v)\n end\n else\n if <(id) = [5]> then\n if <(length of (item (2) of [time v])) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (letter (1) of (item (2) of [time v]))\n else\n switch costume to (letter (2) of (item (2) of [time v]))\n end\n else\n if <(id) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (. v)\n else\n if <(id) = [7]> then\n if <(length of (item (3) of [time v])) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (letter (1) of (item (3) of [time v]))\n else\n switch costume to (0 v)\n end\n else\n if <(id) = [8]> then\n if <(length of (item (3) of [time v])) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (letter (1) of (item (3) of [time v]))\n else\n switch costume to (letter (2) of (item (3) of [time v]))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n delete all of [time v]\n set [time v] to (last level frame)\n add ([floor v] of (((time) / (30)) / (60)) ) to [time v]\n set [time v] to ((time) - ([floor v] of ((item (1) of [time v]) * (1800)) ))\n add ([floor v] of ((time) / (30)) ) to [time v]\n set [time v] to ((time) - ([floor v] of ((item (2) of [time v]) * (30)) ))\n add (round ((time) * (3.333333))) to [time v]\n if <(id) = [9]> then\n if <(length of (item (1) of [time v])) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (letter (1) of (item (1) of [time v]))\n else\n switch costume to (0 v)\n end\n else\n if <(id) = [10]> then\n if <(length of (item (1) of [time v])) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (letter (1) of (item (1) of [time v]))\n else\n switch costume to (letter (2) of (item (1) of [time v]))\n end\n else\n if <(id) = [11]> then\n switch costume to (: v)\n else\n if <(id) = [12]> then\n if <(length of (item (2) of [time v])) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (letter (1) of (item (2) of [time v]))\n else\n switch costume to (0 v)\n end\n else\n if <(id) = [13]> then\n if <(length of (item (2) of [time v])) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (letter (1) of (item (2) of [time v]))\n else\n switch costume to (letter (2) of (item (2) of [time v]))\n end\n else\n if <(id) = [14]> then\n switch costume to (. v)\n else\n if <(id) = [15]> then\n if <(length of (item (3) of [time v])) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (letter (1) of (item (3) of [time v]))\n else\n switch costume to (0 v)\n end\n else\n if <(id) = [16]> then\n if <(length of (item (3) of [time v])) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (letter (1) of (item (3) of [time v]))\n else\n switch costume to (letter (2) of (item (3) of [time v]))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [finished level at v]\nset [last level frame v] to (a timer \(frames\))\n\nwhen I receive [first timer tick v]\ntick\n\n@pause\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset volume to (?sound effects) %\nif <<<(mouse x) > [-225]> and <(mouse y) > [115]>> and <<[-175] > (mouse x)> and <[165] > (mouse y)>>> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <(pause mouse down?) = [0]>> then\n set [pause mouse down? v] to [1]\n else\n if <<not <mouse down?>> and <(pause mouse down?) = [1]>> then\n if <(?pause menu opened?) = [1]> then\n set [?pause menu opened? v] to [0]\n else\n set [?pause menu opened? v] to [1]\n end\n set [pause mouse down? v] to [0]\n start sound [Click v]\n end\n end\nelse\n if <not <mouse down?>> then\n set [pause mouse down? v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nset [?pause menu opened? v] to [0]\nset [pause mouse down? v] to [0]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [update textbox v]\nif <(t textbox) = [13]> then\n hide\nend\n\n@loading...\n\nwhen I receive [show loading v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <[1] = <[1] = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (scratch v)\nelse\n switch costume to (fork v)\nend\nbroadcast (first timer tick v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [hide loading v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (hide loading v)\n\n@pause menu\n\nwhen I receive [pause menu v]\nif <(?pause menu opened?) = [1]> then\n set volume to (?sound effects) %\n tick\nelse\n hide\n if <(tab selected) = [1]> then\n change [tab x v] by (((-145) - (tab x)) / (1))\n change [tab x 2 v] by (((-96) - (tab x 2)) / (1))\n else\n if <(tab selected) = [2]> then\n change [tab x v] by (((-38) - (tab x)) / (1))\n change [tab x 2 v] by (((33) - (tab x 2)) / (1))\n else\n change [tab x v] by (((92) - (tab x)) / (1))\n change [tab x 2 v] by (((158) - (tab x 2)) / (1))\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine tick\ninput\nrender\nif <not <mouse down?>> then\n set [?render in pause? v] to [0]\nend\nif <(tab selected) = [1]> then\n if <<not <(round (tab x)) = [-145]>> and <not <(round (tab x 2)) = [-96]>>> then\n set [?render in pause? v] to [1]\n end\nelse\n if <(tab selected) = [2]> then\n if <<not <(round (tab x)) = [-38]>> and <not <(round (tab x 2)) = [33]>>> then\n set [?render in pause? v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <<not <(round (tab x)) = [92]>> and <not <(round (tab x 2)) = [158]>>> then\n set [?render in pause? v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine input\nif <not <mouse down?>> then\n set [thing selected v] to [0]\nend\nif <<<(mouse x) > [-165]> and <(mouse y) > [115]>> and <<[-67] > (mouse x)> and <[160] > (mouse y)>>> then\n if <(thing selected) = [0]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [tab selected v] to [1]\n set [thing selected v] to [1]\n set [?render in pause? v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <<<(mouse x) > [-67]> and <(mouse y) > [115]>> and <<[60] > (mouse x)> and <[160] > (mouse y)>>> then\n if <(thing selected) = [0]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [tab selected v] to [2]\n set [thing selected v] to [2]\n set [?render in pause? v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <<<(mouse x) > [60]> and <(mouse y) > [115]>> and <<[180] > (mouse x)> and <[160] > (mouse y)>>> then\n if <(thing selected) = [0]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [tab selected v] to [3]\n set [thing selected v] to [3]\n set [?render in pause? v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <<<(mouse x) > [60]> and <(mouse y) > [115]>> and <<[180] > (mouse x)> and <[160] > (mouse y)>>> then\n if <(thing selected) = [0]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [tab selected v] to [3]\n set [thing selected v] to [3]\n set [?render in pause? v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(tab selected) = [1]> then\n if <<<(mouse x) > [-55]> and <(mouse y) > [5]>> and <<[55] > (mouse x)> and <[35] > (mouse y)>>> then\n if <(thing selected) = [0]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [thing selected v] to [4]\n end\n end\n end\n if <<<(mouse x) > [-55]> and <(mouse y) > [-85]>> and <<[55] > (mouse x)> and <[-55] > (mouse y)>>> then\n if <(thing selected) = [0]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [thing selected v] to [5]\n end\n end\n end\n if <(thing selected) = [4]> then\n set [?music v] to ((mouse x) + (50))\n set [?render in pause? v] to [1]\n end\n if <(thing selected) = [5]> then\n set [?sound effects v] to ((mouse x) + (50))\n set [?render in pause? v] to [1]\n end\nelse\n if <(tab selected) = [2]> then\n if <<<(mouse x) > [-20]> and <(mouse y) > [45]>> and <<[20] > (mouse x)> and <[72] > (mouse y)>>> then\n if <(thing selected) = [0]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [thing selected v] to [6]\n if <(?wireframe) = [0]> then\n set [?wireframe v] to [1]\n else\n set [?wireframe v] to [0]\n end\n start sound [Click v]\n set [?render in pause? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\n if <<<(mouse x) > [-55]> and <(mouse y) > [-35]>> and <<[55] > (mouse x)> and <[-5] > (mouse y)>>> then\n if <(thing selected) = [0]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [thing selected v] to [7]\n end\n end\n end\n if <<<(mouse x) > [-55]> and <(mouse y) > [-115]>> and <<[55] > (mouse x)> and <[-85] > (mouse y)>>> then\n if <(thing selected) = [0]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [thing selected v] to [8]\n end\n end\n end\n if <(thing selected) = [7]> then\n set [?render distance v] to ((((mouse x) + (50)) * (25)) + (500))\n set [?render in pause? v] to [1]\n end\n if <(thing selected) = [8]> then\n set [?triangle resolution v] to ((11) - (((mouse x) + (60)) / (11)))\n set [?render in pause? v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(?music) > [100]> then\n set [?music v] to [100]\nend\nif <[0] > (?music)> then\n set [?music v] to [0]\nend\nif <(?sound effects) > [100]> then\n set [?sound effects v] to [100]\nend\nif <[0] > (?sound effects)> then\n set [?sound effects v] to [0]\nend\nif <(?render distance) > [3000]> then\n set [?render distance v] to [3000]\nend\nif <[500] > (?render distance)> then\n set [?render distance v] to [500]\nend\nif <(?triangle resolution) > [10]> then\n set [?triangle resolution v] to [10]\nend\nif <[1] > (?triangle resolution)> then\n set [?triangle resolution v] to [1]\nend\n\ndefine render\nswitch costume to (background v)\nstamp\nswitch costume to (empty v)\nset pen color to (#ffffff)\nset pen size to (5)\nif <(tab selected) = [1]> then\n change [tab x v] by (((-145) - (tab x)) / (2))\n change [tab x 2 v] by (((-96) - (tab x 2)) / (2))\nelse\n if <(tab selected) = [2]> then\n change [tab x v] by (((-38) - (tab x)) / (2))\n change [tab x 2 v] by (((33) - (tab x 2)) / (2))\n else\n change [tab x v] by (((92) - (tab x)) / (2))\n change [tab x 2 v] by (((158) - (tab x 2)) / (2))\n end\nend\ngo to x: (tab x) y: (117)\npen down\ngo to x: (tab x 2) y: (117)\npen up\nif <(tab selected) = [1]> then\n set pen size to (3)\n go to x: (-50) y: (20)\n pen down\n go to x: (50) y: (20)\n pen up\n set pen size to (4)\n go to x: ((?music) - (50)) y: (30)\n pen down\n go to x: ((?music) - (50)) y: (10)\n pen up\n set pen size to (3)\n go to x: (-50) y: (-70)\n pen down\n go to x: (50) y: (-70)\n pen up\n set pen size to (4)\n go to x: ((?sound effects) - (50)) y: (-60)\n pen down\n go to x: ((?sound effects) - (50)) y: (-80)\n pen up\nelse\n if <(tab selected) = [2]> then\n set pen size to (3)\n go to x: (-50) y: (-20)\n pen down\n go to x: (50) y: (-20)\n pen up\n set pen size to (4)\n go to x: ((((?render distance) - (500)) / (25)) - (50)) y: (-10)\n pen down\n go to x: ((((?render distance) - (500)) / (25)) - (50)) y: (-30)\n pen up\n set pen size to (3)\n go to x: (-50) y: (-100)\n pen down\n go to x: (50) y: (-100)\n pen up\n set pen size to (4)\n go to x: (((11) - ((?triangle resolution) * (11))) + (50)) y: (-90)\n pen down\n go to x: (((11) - ((?triangle resolution) * (11))) + (50)) y: (-110)\n pen up\n end\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nif <(tab selected) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (join (join [text ] (tab selected)) (join [ ] (?wireframe)))\nelse\n switch costume to (join [text ] (tab selected))\nend\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nset [tab selected v] to [1]\nset [tab x v] to [-145]\nset [tab x 2 v] to [-96]\nset [thing selected v] to [867]\nset [?pause menu opened? v] to [0]\nset [?render in pause? v] to [0]\nset [?music v] to [100]\nset [?sound effects v] to [100]\nset [?wireframe v] to [0]\nset [?render distance v] to [3000]\nset [?triangle resolution v] to [1]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@credits\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nbroadcast (check if new world record v) and wait\nbroadcast (show world record v) and wait\nerase all\nclear graphic effects\nhide\npoint in direction (90)\nset [credits scroll y v] to [0]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nadd [-450] [1]\nadd [-775] [2]\nset [credits y v] to [-10000]\nrepeat until <[-1200] > (credits scroll y)>\n broadcast (credits tick v) and wait\n change [credits scroll y v] by (-0.5)\nend\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nshow\nrepeat (80)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-1.75)\nend\nwait (20) seconds\nrepeat (80)\n change [ghost v] effect by (1.75)\nend\nhide\nwait (0) seconds\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (costume8 v)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (180)\nset size to (1) %\nshow\nrepeat (35)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (6))\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (6))\nend\nreset timer\nforever\n turn right ((((([cos v] of (((timer) * (80)) - (80)) ) * (10)) + (90)) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\nend\n\ndefine add (y) (costume)\nset [credits y v] to (y)\nset [credits costume v] to (costume)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [credits tick v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (credits1 v)\nset size to (10000) %\nswitch costume to (join [credits] (credits costume))\ngo to x: (0) y: ((credits y) - (credits scroll y))\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\n@cloud\n\ndefine encode (input)\nset [en - decode output v] to []\nset [en - decode i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of (input))\n change [en - decode i v] by (1)\n switch costume to (letter (en - decode i) of (input))\n if <[1] = (length of (costume [number v]))> then\n set [en - decode output v] to (join (join (en - decode output) [0]) (costume [number v]))\n else\n set [en - decode output v] to (join (en - decode output) (costume [number v]))\n end\nend\n\nencode [CrystalKeeper7]\n\ndefine decode (input)\nset [en - decode output v] to []\nset [en - decode i v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of (input)) * (0.5))\n set [en - decode output v] to (join (en - decode output) (item (join (letter (en - decode i) of (input)) (letter ((en - decode i) + (1)) of (input))) of [characters v]))\n change [en - decode i v] by (2)\nend\n\ndecode (en - decode output)\n\nwhen I receive [show world record v]\ndecode (☁ world record name 2.0)\ndelete all of [time calculation v]\nset [world record time v] to (☁ world record time 2.0)\nadd ([floor v] of (((world record time) / (30)) / (60)) ) to [time calculation v]\nset [world record time v] to ((world record time) - (((item (1) of [time calculation v]) * (30)) * (60)))\nadd ([floor v] of ((world record time) / (30)) ) to [time calculation v]\nset [world record time v] to ((world record time) - ((item (2) of [time calculation v]) * (30)))\nadd (round ((world record time) * (3.3333333))) to [time calculation v]\nif <[1] = (length of (item (1) of [time calculation v]))> then\n set [world record display v] to (join [world record: ] (join (join [0] (item (1) of [time calculation v])) [:]))\nelse\n set [world record display v] to (join [world record: ] (join (item (1) of [time calculation v]) [:]))\nend\nif <[1] = (length of (item (2) of [time calculation v]))> then\n set [world record display v] to (join (world record display) (join (join [0] (item (2) of [time calculation v])) [.]))\nelse\n set [world record display v] to (join (world record display) (join (item (2) of [time calculation v]) [.]))\nend\nif <[1] = (length of (item (3) of [time calculation v]))> then\n set [world record display v] to (join (world record display) (join [0] (item (3) of [time calculation v])))\nelse\n set [world record display v] to (join (world record display) (item (3) of [time calculation v]))\nend\nset [world record display v] to (join (world record display) (join [ by ] (en - decode output)))\nshow variable [world record display v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [world record display v]\nhide variable [world record display 2 v]\n\ndefine set new world record (username) (time)\nencode (username)\nset [☁ world record name 2.0 v] to (en - decode output)\nset [☁ world record time 2.0 v] to (time)\n\nset new world record [rens2] [108000]\n\nbroadcast (show world record v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(?pause menu opened?) = [1]> then\n broadcast (show world record v) and wait\nelse\n hide variable [world record display v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [check if new world record v]\nif <(e speedrun?) = [1]> then\n set [☁ last v] to (a timer \(frames\))\n if <[1] = <[1] = [1]>> then\n if <(☁ world record time 2.0) > (a timer \(frames\))> then\n set new world record (username) (a timer \(frames\))\n end\n else\n if <(☁ world record time 2.0) > (a timer \(frames\))> then\n set [world record display 2 v] to [You got the world record! Please comment a link to a video of the run. If the run isn't recorded your time won't be saved :\(]\n show variable [world record display 2 v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nset new world record [kociaczek327] [3435]\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow list [link v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (intro textbox v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n
\n Tile ✎ Scrolling Platformer Creator\n\n Share your save codes here:\n https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/478905/\n\nHello and welcome to Tile! I'm a little-bit lazy, so this time, I decided to let you make the scrolling platformer. If \nyou enjoy, please leave a love and fave!\n\nPlay here without lag:\nhttps://turbowarp.org/479656234\n\nBig thanks to @StratfordJames for a lot of graphic inspiration, and some code inspiration!\n\nInstructions\n✏ Use arrow keys, or WASD to scroll in the editor!\n✏ Click to place a block!\n✏ Change blocks by going into the menu or by pressing \n keys 0-9!\n✏ Press space to select the eraser!\n✏ There's more tools in the more menu! Here you can \n find walljump!\n✏ Click on the export button when you're done, and \n copy the code!\n✏ Paste it where you want!\n\nCredits\n✏ Big thanks to @TimMcCool and @StratfordJames!\n✏ Thanks to @TimMcCool for collision script, \n checkpoint art and some UI inspiration!\n✏ Thanks to @StratfordJames for a lot of UI inpiration!\n✏ Also, a big thanks to @-zerx- for hosting the contest!\n✏ Thanks to @fireball2009 for help with one bug.\n\n\n\n\n\n#games #game #art #platformer #maker #Ufhire #all
MINECRAFT Platformer(スマホ対応)
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\n@player\n\ndefine platform (speed) (friction) (gravity) (boost) (cooldown)\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\nchange [yv v] by (gravity)\nif <<(cooldown) < [0]> or <(cooldown) = [0]>> then\n set [yv v] to (boost)\n set [cooldown v] to (cooldown)\n broadcast (boost v)\nelse\n change [cooldown v] by (-0.05)\nend\nset [cooldown all sprites v] to (cooldown)\nchange y by (yv)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n change y by ((([abs v] of (yv) ) / (yv)) * (-1))\n end\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\nif <[-200] > (y)> then\n broadcast (ded v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <touching (spikes v)?> then\n broadcast (ded v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(x) > [7095]> then\n broadcast (end v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [xv v] to ((friction) * ((xv) + ((<<<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] > (mouse x)>>> * ((speed) * (-1))) + (<<<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [0]>>> * (speed)))))\nchange x by (xv)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n change x by ((([abs v] of (xv) ) / (xv)) * (-1))\n end\nend\nchange [scroll x v] by (round (((x) - (scroll x)) / (10)))\nswitch costume to (hitbox2 v)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n switch costume to (cos#)\nelse\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\npoint in direction ((<(xv) > [0]> * (90)) + (<[0] > (xv)> * (-90)))\n\ndefine change y by (y)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nposition\n\ndefine change x by (x)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nposition\n\ndefine position\ngo to x: ((x) - (scroll x)) y: ((y) - (scroll y))\nbroadcast (position v)\n\nwhen I receive [resume v]\nforever\n if <([floor v] of ([abs v] of (xv) ) ) > [1]> then\n set [cos# v] to [4]\n wait (0.15) seconds\n set [cos# v] to [3]\n wait (0.15) seconds\n else\n set [cos# v] to [3]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [resume v]\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset size to (100) %\nset [cooldown v] to [4]\nset [x v] to (item (checkpoint #) of [checkpoint x v])\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [y v] to (item (checkpoint #) of [checkpoint y v])\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [scroll x v] to (item (checkpoint #) of [checkpoint x v])\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nposition\nforever\n platform [1] [0.83] [-0.9] [13] [4]\n position\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ndelete all of [checkpoint x v]\ndelete all of [checkpoint y v]\nset [checkpoint # v] to [0]\nadd checkpoint [0] [0]\nadd checkpoint [551] [-95]\nadd checkpoint [1047] [-95]\nadd checkpoint [1833] [-120]\nadd checkpoint [3239] [-122]\nadd checkpoint [4225] [-95]\nadd checkpoint [5187] [-80]\nbroadcast (cutscene v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [boost v]\nstart sound [thrust v]\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (boost v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ded v]\nstart sound [Crunch v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (3)\n set [ghost v] effect to (70)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n wait (0.2) seconds\nend\nrepeat until <<(scroll x) > ((item (checkpoint #) of [checkpoint x v]) + (-3))> and <((item (checkpoint #) of [checkpoint x v]) + (3)) > (scroll x)>>\n change [scroll x v] by (((item (checkpoint #) of [checkpoint x v]) - (scroll x)) / (10))\n position\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\nwait (0.3) seconds\nbroadcast (resume v)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nbroadcast (resume v)\n\ndefine add checkpoint (x) (y)\nadd (x) to [checkpoint x v]\nadd ((y) + (10)) to [checkpoint y v]\n\nwhen I receive [resume v]\nforever\n if <not <(checkpoint #) > ((length of [checkpoint x v]) - (1))>> then\n if <(x) > (item ((checkpoint #) + (1)) of [checkpoint x v])> then\n change [checkpoint # v] by (1)\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [checkpoint # v] to [0]\ndelete all of [checkpoint x v]\ndelete all of [checkpoint y v]\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.01)\nhide\n\n@boost\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\npoint in direction (pick random (0) to (180))\nset size to (90) %\nset [x v] to ([x v] of [player v])\nset [y v] to (([y v] of [player v]) - (7))\ngo to x: ((x) - (scroll x)) y: ((y) - (scroll y))\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [position v]\ngo to x: ((x) - (scroll x)) y: ((y) - (scroll y))\n\nwhen I receive [resume v]\nhide\n\n@bar\n\ndefine cooldown (range) (*) (y)\nhide\nset pen color to (#ffffff)\nset pen size to (4)\npen up\ngo to x: (((0) + (range)) * (*)) y: (y)\npen down\ngo to x: (((0) - (range)) * (*)) y: (y)\npen up\nset pen color to (#dc0000)\nset pen size to (4)\npen up\ngo to x: ((-0.495) + ((cooldown all sprites) * (*))) y: (y)\npen down\ngo to x: ((-0.495) - ((cooldown all sprites) * (*))) y: (y)\npen up\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (y)\n\nwhen I receive [resume v]\nshow\nerase all\nforever\n cooldown [4.2] [10] [170]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nerase all\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nerase all\n\n@ground\n\nwhen I receive [position v]\nset size to (200) %\ngo to x: ((tile x) - (scroll x)) y: ((tile y) - (scroll y))\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n if <((tile x) - (scroll x)) > [480]> then\n change [tile x v] by (-960)\n end\n if <[-480] > ((tile x) - (scroll x))> then\n change [tile x v] by (960)\n end\n check (join (join [1] [-]) (join (join ((tile x) / (480)) [-]) ((tile y) / (360))))\nend\n\ndefine check (right cos)\nswitch costume to (right cos)\nif <not <(costume [name v]) = (right cos)>> then\n switch costume to (blank v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\nset [tile x v] to [0]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [480]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@background\n\nwhen I receive [position v]\nset size to (200) %\ngo to x: ((tile x) - ((scroll x) * (0.6))) y: ((tile y) - (scroll y))\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n if <((tile x) - ((scroll x) * (0.6))) > [480]> then\n change [tile x v] by (-960)\n end\n if <[-480] > ((tile x) - ((scroll x) * (0.6)))> then\n change [tile x v] by (960)\n end\n check (join (join [1] [-]) (join (join ((tile x) / (480)) [-]) ((tile y) / (360))))\nend\n\ndefine check (right cos)\nswitch costume to (right cos)\nif <not <(costume [name v]) = (right cos)>> then\n switch costume to (blank v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\nset [tile x v] to [0]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [480]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@background2\n\nwhen I receive [position v]\nset size to (200) %\ngo to x: ((tile x) - ((scroll x) * (0.4))) y: ((tile y) - (scroll y))\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n if <((tile x) - ((scroll x) * (0.4))) > [480]> then\n change [tile x v] by (-960)\n end\n if <[-480] > ((tile x) - ((scroll x) * (0.4)))> then\n change [tile x v] by (960)\n end\n check (join (join [1] [-]) (join (join ((tile x) / (480)) [-]) ((tile y) / (360))))\nend\n\ndefine check (right cos)\nswitch costume to (right cos)\nif <not <(costume [name v]) = (right cos)>> then\n switch costume to (blank v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\nset [tile x v] to [0]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [480]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@spikes\n\nwhen I receive [position v]\nset size to (200) %\ngo to x: ((tile x) - (scroll x)) y: ((tile y) - (scroll y))\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n if <((tile x) - (scroll x)) > [480]> then\n change [tile x v] by (-960)\n end\n if <[-480] > ((tile x) - (scroll x))> then\n change [tile x v] by (960)\n end\n check (join (join [1] [-]) (join (join ((tile x) / (480)) [-]) ((tile y) / (360))))\nend\n\ndefine check (right cos)\nswitch costume to (right cos)\nif <not <(costume [name v]) = (right cos)>> then\n switch costume to (blank v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\nset [tile x v] to [0]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [480]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@cutscenes + thumbnail\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset volume to (50) %\nstart sound [idk v]\nswitch costume to (watching tv v)\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (4)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (3) seconds\n next costume\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (delete pictures v)\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (3) seconds\n next costume\nend\nwait (1.70) seconds\nstop all sounds\nbroadcast (delete pictures v)\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (play v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete pictures v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nwait (0) seconds\nset volume to (50) %\nforever\n play sound [epic music v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset volume to (50) %\nstart sound [epic music v]\nswitch costume to (stand v)\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (4)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (3) seconds\n next costume\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (delete pictures v)\nwait (2) seconds\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (3) seconds\nbroadcast (delete pictures v)\nnext costume\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.01)\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.01)\ndelete this clone\n\n@text\n\nwhen I receive [position v]\nset size to (200) %\ngo to x: ((tile x) - (scroll x)) y: ((tile y) - (scroll y))\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n if <((tile x) - (scroll x)) > [480]> then\n change [tile x v] by (-960)\n end\n if <[-480] > ((tile x) - (scroll x))> then\n change [tile x v] by (960)\n end\n check (join (join [1] [-]) (join (join ((tile x) / (480)) [-]) ((tile y) / (360))))\nend\n\ndefine check (right cos)\nswitch costume to (right cos)\nif <not <(costume [name v]) = (right cos)>> then\n switch costume to (blank v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\nset [tile x v] to [0]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [480]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\ndelete this clone\n\n
「はじめから」を最初に押してね!\n\n「From the deginning」Push it!\n【⚡❤️と⭐とフォロー本当にお願いします⚡】\n【⚡Please give me ❤️&⭐and follows.⚡】\n【❤と⭐3000目指しているのでぜひ押してください】\n【I'm aiming for ❤ and ⭐3000, so please press!】\n\n傾向5pの13位感謝!\n\n宣伝する人は星と♡を押してね\n今だけフォロバします!絶対に(倒置)(コメ欄で言って)\n拡散してね((99.999%強制\n初めてのスクロールプラットフォーマーです!\n\n日本語下に書いてます↓↓↓↓↓\n\n--------------------Method of operation----------------------\n\nJump with up key.\nMove with left and right keys\nMobile users can use the joystick.\n\nAfter clearing the game, jump and press the space key to become a parachute!\nYou can also hang it on the ceiling\n\nA mobile person is impossible to parachute ... Sorry\n\n\nWhen you push a star and a heart?\n\n\n\nIf you collect 100 coins...\n\n-----------------------------操作方法--------------------------\n\n上キーでジャンプ\n左右キーで動かす\nモバイルの人はジョイスティックで操作\nクリアしたあとジャンプしてスペースキーを押すとパラシュート状態になります!\n天井づたいもできます(バネで)\n\n星とハートを押すと?\n\nコインを100枚集めると・・・\nモバイルの人はパラシュート無理です…ごめんね\n\n活休するから急いで出したっていうのは内緒ね\n\n\n\n拡散してくれた人名前書きます(もともとの人も)\n@utaroudesu様\n@arearare様\n@pinko_2様\n@genyo-様\n@hekouki様\n@LuckyGiga様\n@sacabambaspis_8831様\n@izu2024様\n---------------------------メモクレジット-------------------------\nプログラム参考:@katsuo777様\n数字スプライト:@warota88様\n紙吹雪:@higenoKO-TYO-様\nサムネイル:@yusuke7777(自分)\n音楽:@-XAF-様\nジョイスティックプログラム参考:@griffpatch様\n英語:Google翻訳様\n1UP音源:@4310203様\n❤️と⭐ボタン: @manato4848様\n\n         借 り 過 ぎ\n\n\n#all #gemes #game #animation #platformer\n#scroll\n\n下になんかあるかな?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n星とハートの欄が灰色?じゃあ押してね!\nカラフルなら押さなくていいよ\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nサムネどう?自信は59
Unfair Cave - Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (80) %\nforever\n play sound [NDT 1 v] until done\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [go v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nforever\n repeat until <(Go) = [1]>\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (.8)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.8)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [13]\n end\n end\n if <[228] < (x position)> then\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n go to x: (-219) y: (-86)\n point in direction (90)\n change [level v] by (1)\n end\n if <<touching (dangers v)?> or <touching (damage2 v)?>> then\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n start sound [ouch v]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n go to x: (-219) y: (-86)\n end\n if <(Level) = [14]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (END v)\n end\n change y by (1)\n hide variable [yv v]\n hide variable [xv v]\n if <touching (tramps v)?> then\n set [yv v] to [17]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (0.000001) seconds\ngo to x: (-213) y: (-77)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat (2)\n go to [front v] layer\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-219) y: (-86)\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nbroadcast (START v)\n\nwhen I receive [the part v]\nwait (1) seconds\nglide (2) secs to x: (-50) y: (-100)\nsay [Your the person that stole my parents?!] for (2) seconds\nwait (3.5) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nforever\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n broadcast (The Part v)\n set [go v] to [1]\n go to x: (-213) y: (-100)\n \n end\nend\n\nchange [xv v] by (.5)\n\n@Platform\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [level v] to [2]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.2) seconds\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Dangers\n\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [level v] to [1]\nwait (0.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Text\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n hide\n wait (9) seconds\n forever\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n show\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [level v] to [11]\n\n@BG\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.0001) seconds\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nwait (.4) seconds\nrepeat (4)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n next costume\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (START v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Tramps\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen I receive [the part v]\nset size to (30) %\nshow\ngo to x: (220) y: (-100)\nwait (.5) seconds\nglide (1.5) secs to x: (50) y: (-100)\nwait (4.5) seconds\nsay [Maybe...] for (2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nhide\n\nset [level v] to [11]\n\n@TN\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nturn left (15) degrees\n\n
~Words - a platformer~\n\nMONEY DASH IS RELEASED! GO CHECK IT OUT!\n\nThis is trending!! #8 on games!\n\nTop loved!!!!! TYSM!!!\nTop remixed!!!! TYSM!!!\n\n~Info~\n- Part 2, the longer and better version will be out soon so keep an eye out!\n\n~Rules~\n- Normal platformer controls, WASD, arrow keys, or mouse\n\n~Notes~\n- You loose a coin when you die so be wise.\n- Comment "WORD WORLD"\n- Only positive comments please\n- no advertising or asking for f4f\n- I reshared to fix a glitch in the game, not to cheat.\n\n\n~Must Dos~\n- LoVe AnD fAvE! ( or I'll steal your cookies (ง •_•)ง)\n- FOlLoW mE rIgHt NoW ( or I'll steal your ice cream :P)
Geometry Dash 2.2 - A platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow list [keycontrols v]\ndelete all of [npcshit v]\ndelete all of [tile coordinates v]\ndelete all of [star coins v]\nrepeat (3)\n add [false] to [star coins v]\nend\nset [paused v] to [false]\nset [coins v] to [0]\nset [stars collected v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(length of [npcshit v]) > [0]> then\n delete (1) of [npcshit v]\nend\nset [mousex v] to (round (((mouse x) - (scrollX)) / (24)))\nset [mousey v] to (round (((mouse y) + (scrollY)) / (24)))\n\nwhen I receive [activategame v]\nforever\n if <key (c v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (changeCharacter v)\n wait until <not <key (c v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [playerdefeat v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [you got a star! v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [activategame v]\nforever\n if <key (k v) pressed?> then\n start sound [pause v]\n set [paused v] to [true]\n Edit Key Controls\n set [paused v] to [false]\n start sound [pause v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Edit Key Controls\nhide list [keycontrols v]\nask [Type in list # to edit a key input. Leave blank to cancel] and wait\nif <not <(answer) = []>> then\n if <<(answer) > [0]> and <(answer) < ((length of [keycontrols v]) + (1))>> then\n Change Key Input (answer)\n else\n ask [Invalid input. Please try again.] and wait\n Edit Key Controls\n end\nend\nshow list [keycontrols v]\n\ndefine Change Key Input (#)\nask (join [Type in a key to replace the ] (join (item (#) of [keycontrols v]) [ button.])) and wait\nreplace item (#) of [keycontrols v] with (answer)\nask [Success!] and wait\n\n@Map\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [clone? v] to [false]\nset [base_posx v] to [0]\ndelete all of [mapsections v]\nSet Up Level\nbroadcast (loadLevel v) and wait\nbroadcast (activateGame v)\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone? v] to [true]\n\ndefine scrollEngine\nset [base_posx v] to (round ([abs v] of ((scrollX) / ((600) - (480))) ))\nset [i v] to [-1]\nrepeat (4)\n if <(item ((base_posX) + (i)) of [mapsections v]) = [false]> then\n switch costume to ((base_posX) + (i))\n replace item ((base_posX) + (i)) of [mapsections v] with [true]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\n\nrepeat until <([abs v] of (((440) * (costume [number v])) + (scrollX)) ) > [719]>\n set x to (((440) * (costume [number v])) + (scrollX))\nend\nreplace item (costume [number v]) of [mapsections v] with [false]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Clone?) = [true]> then\n set x to (((base_posX) * (720)) + (scrollX))\n set y to ((((base_posY) * (360)) + (12)) + ((scrollY) * (-1)))\n if <<([abs v] of ((x position) - (scrollX)) ) = ((base_posX) * (720))> and <not <(([abs v] of ((y position) + (scrollY)) ) - (6)) > (((base_posY) * (360)) + (12))>>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\ndefine Set Up Level\nswitch costume to (join [Level] (join (Level #) [_0]))\nif <(Level #) = [1]> then\n set [base_posy v] to [0]\n set y to (11)\n repeat (8)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [base_posx v] by (1)\n next costume\n end\n set [base_posy v] to [1]\n set [base_posx v] to [5]\n switch costume to (level1_8 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [base_posx v] to [6]\n switch costume to (level1_9 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n Init Scroll Bounds [116] [-5168] [385] [132]\nend\n\ndefine Init Scroll Bounds (startx) (endx) (endy) (spawnx)\nset [scrollx_start v] to (startx)\nset [scrollx_end v] to (endx)\nset [scrolly_end v] to (endy)\nset [scrollx v] to (spawnx)\nset [scrolly v] to [0]\nset [scrolllockx v] to [false]\nset [scrolllocky v] to [false]\n\nwait until <<not <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> and <not <key (right arrow v) pressed?>>>\n\nset [scrollx v] to (scrollX_End)\n\n@Map (Background)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [clone? v] to [true]\nset y to (11)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (level1_0 v)\nset [clone? v] to [false]\nset [base_posx v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Clone?) = [true]> then\n set x to (((base_posX) * (720)) + (scrollX))\n set y to ((((base_posY) * (360)) + (11)) + ((scrollY) * (-1)))\n if <([abs v] of ((x position) - (scrollX)) ) = ((base_posX) * (720))> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\ndefine Set Up Layer\nif <(Level #) = [1]> then\n set [base_posx v] to [0]\n set [base_posy v] to [0]\n repeat (8)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [base_posx v] by (1)\n next costume\n end\n set [base_posx v] to [4]\n set [base_posy v] to [1]\n switch costume to (level1_8 v)\n repeat (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [base_posx v] by (1)\n next costume\n end\n set [base_posx v] to [5]\n switch costume to (level1_9 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [base_posx v] to [6]\n switch costume to (level1_10 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [loadlevel v]\nSet Up Layer\n\n@Player\n\ndefine Controls - Left and Right <blockedleft> <blockedright> <onfloor> <btnsdown>\nControls - Ground/Air Speed <key ((item (5) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?> <onfloor>\nif <<not <<(ducking?) = [true]> and <onfloor>>> and <not <(sliding?) = [true]>>> then\n if <btnsdown> then\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.75))\n if <<key ((item (1) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?> and <not <blockedleft>>> then\n if <<<onfloor> and <(direction) = [90]>> and <<(dashTimer) > [9]> or <(Character) = [Luigi]>>> then\n set [braking? v] to [true]\n if <not <(holdingItem?) = [true]>> then\n Play Sound Effect [Braking]\n end\n if <(Character) = [Luigi]> then\n change [speed x v] by ((setSpeed) * (0.12))\n else\n change [speed x v] by ((setSpeed) * (-0.1))\n end\n else\n if <not <<(direction) = [-90]> and <(braking?) = [true]>>> then\n Controls - Aerial Momentum <onfloor> ((setSpeed) * (-1))\n end\n end\n end\n if <<key ((item (2) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?> and <not <blockedright>>> then\n if <<<onfloor> and <(direction) = [-90]>> and <<(dashTimer) > [9]> or <(Character) = [Luigi]>>> then\n set [braking? v] to [true]\n if <not <(holdingItem?) = [true]>> then\n Play Sound Effect [Braking]\n end\n if <(Character) = [Luigi]> then\n change [speed x v] by ((setSpeed) * (-0.12))\n else\n change [speed x v] by ((setSpeed) * (0.1))\n end\n else\n if <not <<(direction) = [90]> and <(braking?) = [true]>>> then\n Controls - Aerial Momentum <onfloor> (setSpeed)\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <onfloor> then\n if <(Character) = [Luigi]> then\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.95))\n else\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.85))\n end\n else\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (1))\n end\n end\nelse\n if <onfloor> then\n if <(sliding?) = [true]> then\n Controls - Sliding <onfloor>\n else\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.9))\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Controls - Jump, Crouch\nif <<key ((item (3) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?> or <key ((item (6) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?>> then\n if <not <(physicsType) = [water]>> then\n if <<(jump key) = [0]> and <(falling?) < [3]>> then\n if <(physicsType) = [default]> then\n set [speed y v] to ((setJumpHeight) + (([abs v] of (speed x) ) * (0.2)))\n else\n Controls - Low Gravity\n end\n Play Sound Effect [Jump]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n if <(sliding?) = [true]> then\n set [sliding? v] to [false]\n if <<<key ((item (1) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?> and <(speed x) < [0]>> or <<key ((item (2) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?> and <(speed x) > [0]>>> then\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (2.5))\n else\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.4))\n end\n end\n set [jump key v] to [1]\n end\n else\n Controls - Swim Stroke <<(jump key) = [0]> and <not <(ducking?) = [true]>>>\n end\nelse\n set [jump key v] to [0]\nend\nif <(falling?) < [3]> then\n if <<key ((item (4) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?> and <<not <(sliding?) = [true]>> and <(animOverride) = [none]>>> then\n set [ducking? v] to [true]\n if <<<<touching (gentle slope \(-\) v)?> or <touching (gentle slope \(+\) v)?>> or <<touching (steep slope \(-\) v)?> or <touching (steep slope \(+\) v)?>>> and <not <(sliding?) = [true]>>> then\n set [sliding? v] to [true]\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n end\n else\n if <<(ducking?) = [true]> and <(item (1) of [playersensing v]) = [true]>> then\n set [ducking? v] to [true]\n else\n set [ducking? v] to [false]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Gravity\nif <(falling?) < [3]> then\n set [setfallspeed v] to [-2]\nelse\n set [setfallspeed v] to (initFallSpeed)\n if <(physicsType) = [water]> then\n set [setfallspeed v] to ((setFallSpeed) * (0.6))\n end\n if <(physicsType) = [space]> then\n if <not <(Character) = [Luigi]>> then\n set [setfallspeed v] to ((setFallSpeed) * (0.55))\n else\n set [setfallspeed v] to ((setFallSpeed) * (0.58))\n end\n end\nend\nif <not <(wallSlide?) = [true]>> then\n if <(speed y) > [-35]> then\n if <<(speed y) < [4]> or <<key ((item (3) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?> or <key ((item (6) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?>>> then\n change [speed y v] by ((setFallSpeed) + (1))\n else\n change [speed y v] by (setFallSpeed)\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(speed y) < [0]> then\n set [speed y v] to [-2.5]\n end\nend\nScrollY Check <(scrollLockY) = [false]> (speed y)\nif <not <(wallSlide?) = [true]>> then\n change [falling? v] by (1)\nelse\n set [falling? v] to [7]\nend\n\ndefine Check Hit Ceiling / Floor <up?> <collisionactive>\nGet Touching \nif <(touch) = [0]> then\n set [in platforrm v] to [1]\nelse\n if <<up?> and <(touch) = [1]>> then\n set [in platforrm v] to [2]\n end\nend\nrepeat until <(touch) < (in platforrm)>\n change [collisiontimeout v] by (1)\n if <(collisionTimeout) > [99]> then\n broadcast (playerDefeat v)\n end\n if <up?> then\n ScrollY Check <(scrollLockY) = [false]> [-1]\n else\n ScrollY Check <(scrollLockY) = [false]> [1]\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\n Get Touching <not <up?>>\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\nset [collisiontimeout v] to [0]\nif <not <(scrollLockY) = [true]>> then\n set y to (0)\nend\n\ndefine Get Touching <check platform?>\nif <<touching (map v)?> or <<touching (terrain v)?> or <touching (blocks v)?>>> then\n set [touch v] to [9]\nelse\n if <<check platform?> and <touching (semi-solids v)?>> then\n set [touch v] to [1]\n else\n set [touch v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Reset Level\nset size to (200) %\npoint in direction (90)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to x: (-100) y: (-25)\nreset timer\nshow\nset [setdirection v] to [90]\nset [speed x v] to [0]\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nInit Player Stats\nset [collisiontimeout v] to [0]\nset [recoverytimer v] to [0]\nset [mousejustdown v] to [false]\nset [braking? v] to [false]\nset [falling? v] to [10]\nset [sliding? v] to [false]\nset [wallslide? v] to [false]\nset [holdingitem? v] to [false]\nset [in platforrm v] to [1]\nset [setfallspeed v] to [0]\nset [frame v] to [0]\nset [wall jump v] to [0]\nset [initseperation v] to [false]\nset [ducking? v] to [false]\nset [running? v] to [false]\nset [framespeed v] to [0.87]\nset [dashtimer v] to [0]\nset [status v] to [none]\nset [physicstype v] to [default]\nset [mousenumpress v] to [0]\nset [numfireballs v] to [0]\nset [fireball_cooldown v] to [0]\nset [animoverride v] to [none]\n\ndefine ScrollX Check <withinscrollrange> (speed)\nif <withinscrollrange> then\n change [scrollx v] by ((speed) * (-1))\n change x by (speed)\nelse\n change x by (speed)\nend\n\ndefine ScrollLock Check (orgscrolllock)\nif < (orgscrolllock) contains [X: false]?> then\n if <<(scrollX) > ((scrollX_Start) - (1))> or <(scrollX) < ((scrollX_End) + (1))>> then\n if <(scrollX) > ((scrollX_Start) - (1))> then\n set [scrollx v] to (scrollX_Start)\n else\n set [scrollx v] to (scrollX_End)\n end\n set [scrolllockx v] to [true]\n end\nelse\n if <<(x position) > [0]> and <(scrollX) > ((scrollX_Start) - (1))>> then\n set [scrolllockx v] to [false]\n set x to (0)\n else\n if <<(x position) < [0]> and <(scrollX) < ((scrollX_End) + (1))>> then\n set [scrolllockx v] to [false]\n set x to (0)\n end\n end\nend\nif < (orgscrolllock) contains [Y: false]?> then\n if <<(scrollY) < [1]> or <(scrollY) > ((scrollY_End) - (1))>> then\n if <(scrollY) < [1]> then\n set [scrolly v] to [0]\n else\n set [scrolly v] to (scrollY_End)\n end\n set [scrolllocky v] to [true]\n end\nelse\n if <<(y position) > [0]> and <<(scrollY) > [-1]> and <(scrollY) < (scrollY_End)>>> then\n set [scrolllocky v] to [false]\n set y to (0)\n else\n if <<(y position) < [0]> and <((scrollY) + (1)) > (scrollY_End)>> then\n set [scrolllocky v] to [false]\n set y to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\nset y to (0)\nset [scrolllocky v] to [true]\n\ndefine ScrollY Check <withinscrollrange> (speed)\nif <withinscrollrange> then\n change [scrolly v] by (speed)\n change y by (speed)\nelse\n change y by (speed)\nend\n\ndefine Set Hitbox\nif <(Power) = [Small]> then\n if <not <(ducking?) = [true]>> then\n switch costume to (small v)\n else\n switch costume to (small_duck v)\n end\nelse\n if <not <(ducking?) = [true]>> then\n switch costume to (main v)\n else\n switch costume to (small v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Controls - Ground/Air Speed <dashbtndown> <onfloor>\nif <(physicsType) = [default]> then\n if <onfloor> then\n set [setspeed v] to (initSpeed)\n else\n set [setspeed v] to ((initSpeed) - (0.1))\n end\nelse\n set [setspeed v] to ((initSpeed) * (0.5))\nend\nif <(braking?) = [true]> then\n if <<<(direction) = [90]> and <(speed x) < [1]>> or <<(direction) = [-90]> and <(speed x) > [-1]>>> then\n point in direction ((direction) * (-1))\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n set [dashtimer v] to [0]\n set [braking? v] to [false]\n end\nend\nif <<dashbtndown> and <not <(ducking?) = [true]>>> then\n if <<(dashTimer) < (dashTimerTarget)> and <<onfloor> and <<([abs v] of (round (speed x)) ) > [1]> and <not <(braking?) = [true]>>>>> then\n change [dashtimer v] by (1)\n end\n if <(dashTimer) > ((dashTimer) - (1))> then\n set [setspeed v] to ((setSpeed) * (1.5))\n else\n set [setspeed v] to ((setSpeed) * ((1) + ((dashTimer) / (100))))\n end\nelse\n if <onfloor> then\n if <<(dashTimer) > [0]> and <not <(ducking?) = [true]>>> then\n change [dashtimer v] by (-1)\n else\n set [dashtimer v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\nset [running? v] to <<<(dashTimer) = (dashTimerTarget)> or <(dashTimer) > (dashTimerTarget)>> and <not <(physicsType) = [water]>>>\n\ndefine Controls - Wall KIck (vectorx) <hitceiling> <facingwall>\nif <<<<key ((item (3) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?> or <key ((item (6) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?>> and <facingwall>> and <<(jump key) = [0]> and <not <hitceiling>>>> then\n if <(vectorx) > [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to [-6]\n Create Effect (round ((((x position) + (12)) - (scrollX)) / (24))) (round ((((y position) + (12)) + (scrollY)) / (24)))\n else\n set [speed x v] to [6]\n Create Effect ((round (((x position) + (12)) - (scrollX))) / (24)) (round ((((y position) + (12)) + (scrollY)) / (24)))\n end\n set [speed y v] to [11]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [wall jump v] to [15]\n set [jump key v] to [1]\n set [setdirection v] to ((setDirection) * (-1))\n Play Sound Effect [Jump]\nelse\n set [speed x v] to [0]\nend\nif <(running?) = [true]> then\n set [dashtimer v] to [0]\n set [running? v] to [false]\nend\n\ndefine Check Wall Collision <!onfloor> <hitleft> <hitright>\nif <<!onfloor> and <(wall jump) = [0]>> then\n if <<hitleft> and <(item (2) of [playersensing v]) = [true]>> then\n ScrollX Check <(scrollLockX) = [false]> [1]\n else\n if <<hitright> and <(item (3) of [playersensing v]) = [true]>> then\n ScrollX Check <(scrollLockX) = [false]> [-1]\n end\n end\nend\n\nCheck Wall Collision <(falling?) > [3]> <<(direction) = [-90]> and <(speed x) < [0]>> <<(direction) = [90]> and <(speed x) > [0]>>\n\ndefine Init Player Stats\nif <(Character) = [Mario]> then\n set [initspeed v] to [1.25]\n set [setjumpheight v] to [14]\n set [dashtimertarget v] to [30]\n set [initfallspeed v] to [-2]\nend\nif <(Character) = [Luigi]> then\n set [initspeed v] to [1.15]\n set [setjumpheight v] to [13.5]\n set [dashtimertarget v] to [35]\n set [initfallspeed v] to [-1.85]\nend\nif <(Character) = [Toad]> then\n set [initspeed v] to [1.38]\n set [setjumpheight v] to [16.25]\n set [dashtimertarget v] to [40]\n set [initfallspeed v] to [-2.5]\nend\n\ndefine Controls - Swim Stroke <keyup>\nif <keyup> then\n if <(Character) = [Toad]> then\n set [speed y v] to ((setJumpHeight) * (0.45))\n else\n set [speed y v] to ((setJumpHeight) * (0.3))\n end\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [jump key v] to [1]\nend\n\nset [character v] to [Mario]\nInit Player Stats\n\nset [character v] to [Mario]\n\ndefine Controls - Low Gravity\nif <(Character) = [Mario]> then\n set [speed y v] to (((setJumpHeight) * (0.35)) + (([abs v] of (speed x) ) * (0.2)))\nend\nif <(Character) = [Luigi]> then\n set [speed y v] to (((setJumpHeight) * (0.38)) + (([abs v] of (speed x) ) * (0.2)))\nend\nif <(Character) = [Toad]> then\n set [speed y v] to (((setJumpHeight) * (0.6)) + (([abs v] of (speed x) ) * (0.2)))\nend\n\nset [setjumpheight v] to [16.25]\nset [dashtimertarget v] to [40]\nset [initfallspeed v] to [-2.5]\n\ndefine Walk (direction) (speed) max steep (max steep) <hitceiling> (framespeed)\nif <<not <(braking?) = [true]>> and <not <(sliding?) = [true]>>> then\n point in direction (direction)\nend\nScrollX Check <(scrollLockX) = [false]> (speed)\nchange [frame v] by (([abs v] of (speed) ) / (framespeed))\nset [slope v] to [0]\nGet Touching <(in platforrm) = [1]>\nrepeat until <<(slope) = (max steep)> or <(touch) = [0]>>\n ScrollY Check <(scrollLockY) = [false]> [1]\n change [slope v] by (1)\n Get Touching <(in platforrm) = [1]>\nend\nif <(slope) = (max steep)> then\n ScrollX Check <(scrollLockX) = [false]> ((0) - (speed))\n ScrollY Check <(scrollLockY) = [false]> ((0) - (slope))\n if <<(touch) = [1]> and <(in platforrm) = [1]>> then\n set [in platforrm v] to [2]\n Walk (direction) (speed) max steep (max steep) <> (frameSpeed)\n if <(speed x) = [0]> then\n set [in platforrm v] to [1]\n end\n else\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <not <(scrollLockX) = [true]>> then\n set x to (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [playerstomp v]\nPlay Sound Effect [Stomp]\nif <<key ((item (3) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?> or <key ((item (6) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?>> then\n set [speed y v] to ((setJumpHeight) * (0.98))\nelse\n set [speed y v] to ((setJumpHeight) * (0.8))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [playerdefeat v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nswitch costume to (main v)\nstart sound [Defeat v]\nwait (0.8) seconds\nstart sound (join (Character) [_Defeat])\nset [falling? v] to [0]\nset [speed y v] to [25]\nif <(y position) > [-172]> then\n repeat until <(y position) < [-178]>\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n Gravity\n end\nend\n\ndefine Controls - Aerial Momentum <onfloor> (speed)\nif <onfloor> then\n change [speed x v] by (speed)\nelse\n if <<<(speed) < [0]> and <(speed x) < [0]>> or <<(speed) > [0]> and <(speed x) > [0]>>> then\n change [speed x v] by (speed)\n else\n if <not <(Character) = [Toad]>> then\n change [speed x v] by ((speed) * (0.25))\n else\n change [speed x v] by ((speed) * (0.15))\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Direction Config <onfloor>\nif <(wall jump) = [0]> then\n if <key ((item (1) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?> then\n set [setdirection v] to [-90]\n else\n if <key ((item (2) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?> then\n set [setdirection v] to [90]\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(speed x) < [0]> then\n set [setdirection v] to [-90]\n else\n set [setdirection v] to [90]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Mouse Input Config\nif <mouse down?> then\n if <(mouseNumPress) < [100]> then\n change [mousenumpress v] by (1)\n end\nelse\n set [mousenumpress v] to [0]\nend\nset [mousejustdown v] to <(mouseNumPress) = [1]>\n\ndefine Controls - Sliding <onfloor>\nif <touching (gentle slope \(-\) v)?> then\n change [speed x v] by ((initSpeed) / (-2.2))\nelse\n if <touching (gentle slope \(+\) v)?> then\n change [speed x v] by ((initSpeed) / (2.2))\n else\n if <touching (steep slope \(-\) v)?> then\n change [speed x v] by ((initSpeed) / (-1))\n else\n if <touching (steep slope \(+\) v)?> then\n change [speed x v] by ((initSpeed) / (1))\n else\n if <onfloor> then\n if <(speed x) > [0]> then\n change [speed x v] by ((initSpeed) / (-1.4))\n else\n change [speed x v] by ((initSpeed) / (1.4))\n end\n if <([abs v] of (speed x) ) < [2]> then\n set [sliding? v] to [false]\n end\n else\n set [sliding? v] to [false]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange [speed y v] by (-10)\n\ndefine Controls - Wall Slide <facingleft> <facingright>\nif <<not <hitceiling>> and <(speed y) < [0]>> then\n set [wallslide? v] to <<<<facingleft> and <(item (2) of [playersensing v]) = [true]>> or <<facingright> and <(item (3) of [playersensing v]) = [true]>>> and <not <(holdingItem?) = [true]>>>\nelse\n set [wallslide? v] to [false]\nend\nif <(wallSlide?) = [true]> then\n set [ducking? v] to [false]\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n Controls - Wall KIck (direction) <(item (1) of [playersensing v]) = [true]> <<facingleft> or <facingright>>\nend\n\nset [power v] to [Small]\n\ndefine Play Sound Effect (type)\nif <(type) = [Jump]> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n if <<not <(Power) = [Small]>> and <not <(ducking?) = [true]>>> then\n start sound (join (join (Character) [_Jump]) (pick random (0) to (2)))\n end\nelse\n if <(type) = [Hurt]> then\n start sound [Hurt v]\n start sound (join (join (Character) [_Hurt]) (pick random (0) to (1)))\n else\n if <(type) = [Defeat]> then\n start sound [Defeat v]\n else\n start sound (type)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setholdingitem v]\nset [holdingitem? v] to [true]\n\ndefine Controls - Carrying Item <btndown>\nif <(holdingItem?) = [true]> then\n if <not <btndown>> then\n set [holdingitem? v] to [false]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [deactivateholdingitem v]\nset [holdingitem? v] to [false]\n\ndefine Controls - Launch Projectile (btn)\nif <(fireball_Cooldown) > [0]> then\n change [fireball_cooldown v] by (-1)\n if <(fireball_Cooldown) = [0]> then\n set [fireball_cooldown v] to [0]\n set [numfireballs v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <key ((btn) v) pressed?> then\n if <<not <(holdingItem?) = [true]>> and <<<not <(wallSlide?) = [true]>> and <(launch key) = [0]>> and <not <<(fireball_Cooldown) > [0]> and <(numFireballs) = [2]>>>>> then\n if <(Power) = [Fire]> then\n change [numfireballs v] by (1)\n if <(numFireballs) = [1]> then\n set [fireball_cooldown v] to [10]\n end\n if <(numFireballs) = [2]> then\n set [fireball_cooldown v] to [30]\n end\n broadcast (playerProjectile v)\n set [animoverride v] to [Shoot]\n broadcast (animOverride v)\n end\n end\n set [launch key v] to [1]\nelse\n set [launch key v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [activategame v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [character v] to [Mario]\nset [power v] to [Small]\nReset Level\nforever\n Controls - Jump, Crouch\n Gravity\n Check Hit Ceiling / Floor <(speed y) > [0]> <(initSeperation) = [true]>\n Player Recovery\n if <(y position) < [-175]> then\n broadcast (playerDefeat v)\n end\n if <(wall jump) > [0]> then\n change [wall jump v] by (-1)\n else\n Controls - Left and Right <(item (2) of [playersensing v]) = [true]> <(item (3) of [playersensing v]) = [true]> <(falling?) < [3]> <<key ((item (1) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?> or <key ((item (2) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?>>\n end\n Mouse Input Config\n Direction Config <(falling?) < [3]>\n if <(speed x) < [-0.5]> then\n Walk (setDirection) (speed x) max steep (([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of ((speed x) * (1.3)) ) ) + (1)) <(item (1) of [playersensing v]) = [true]> (frameSpeed)\n else\n if <(speed x) > [0.5]> then\n Walk (setDirection) (speed x) max steep (([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of ((speed x) * (1.3)) ) ) + (1)) <(item (3) of [playersensing v]) = [true]> (frameSpeed)\n else\n set [frame v] to [0]\n end\n end\n Controls - Launch Projectile (item (5) of [keycontrols v])\n Controls - Carrying Item <key ((item (5) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?>\n Controls - Wall Slide <<(direction) = [-90]> and <key ((item (1) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?>> <<(direction) = [90]> and <key ((item (2) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?>>\n ScrollLock Check (join (join [X: ] (scrollLockX)) (join [, Y: ] (scrollLockY)))\n Set Hitbox\n broadcast (tick v)\n wait until <not <(Paused) = [true]>>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [power_mushroom v]\nset [power v] to [Super]\n\nwhen I receive [power_fire v]\nset [power v] to [Fire]\n\nwhen I receive [playerdamage v]\nif <(recoveryTimer) = [0]> then\n if <(Power) = [Small]> then\n broadcast (playerDefeat v)\n else\n Play Sound Effect [Hurt]\n if <(Power) = [Super]> then\n set [power v] to [Small]\n else\n set [power v] to [Super]\n end\n set [recoverytimer v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Player Recovery\nif <(recoveryTimer) > [0]> then\n change [recoverytimer v] by (1)\n if <(recoveryTimer) > [99]> then\n set [recoverytimer v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Create Effect (x) (y)\nadd (join [1:] (join (x) (join [,] (y)))) to [effectsgroup v]\n\nset [setjumpheight v] to [50]\n\nset y to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [you got a star! v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [changecharacter v]\nif <(Character) = [Mario]> then\n set [character v] to [Luigi]\nelse\n if <(Character) = [Luigi]> then\n set [character v] to [Toad]\n else\n set [character v] to [Mario]\n end\nend\nInit Player Stats\n\n@Border\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [playerdefeat v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Sensors\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (top_small v)\nset [clone? v] to [false]\nset [sensor # v] to [1]\ndelete all of [playersensing v]\nrepeat (3)\n add [false] to [playersensing v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [sensor # v] by (1)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone? v] to [true]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset size to (150) %\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Clone?) = [true]> then\n replace item (Sensor #) of [playersensing v] with <<touching (map v)?> or <touching (blocks v)?>>\n Costume Config ([power v] of [player v]) <([ducking? v] of [player v]) = [true]>\n go to (player v)\nend\n\ndefine Costume Config (ppower) <crouchactive>\nif <(Sensor #) = [1]> then\n if <(ppower) = [Small]> then\n if <not <crouchactive>> then\n switch costume to (top_small v)\n else\n switch costume to (top_smallduck v)\n end\n else\n if <not <crouchactive>> then\n switch costume to (top_main v)\n else\n switch costume to (top_small v)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Sensor #) = [2]> then\n if <<(ppower) = [Small]> or <crouchactive>> then\n switch costume to (left_small v)\n else\n switch costume to (left_main v)\n end\nend\nif <(Sensor #) = [3]> then\n if <<(ppower) = [Small]> or <crouchactive>> then\n switch costume to (right_small v)\n else\n switch costume to (right_main v)\n end\nend\n\n@Mario\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Character) = [Mario]> then\n if <(animOverride) = [none]> then\n point in direction ([direction v] of [player v])\n end\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n Set Position ([power v] of [player v])\n if <(animOverrideLoop) = [0]> then\n if <([status v] of [player v]) = [none]> then\n if <not <([holdingitem? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n Basic Animation Config\n else\n Holding Item Anim ([power v] of [player v])\n end\n else\n Status Anim Config ([status v] of [player v])\n end\n else\n animOverride Config\n end\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Basic Animation Config\nif <<not <([ducking? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> and <not <([sliding? v] of [player v]) = [true]>>> then\n if <([falling? v] of [player v]) < [6]> then\n if <not <([braking? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n if <([frame v] of [player v]) = [0]> then\n Play Anim [Idle] [1]\n else\n if <not <([running? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n if <([power v] of [player v]) = [Small]> then\n Play Anim [Walk] [2]\n else\n Play Anim [Walk] [3]\n end\n else\n if <([power v] of [player v]) = [Small]> then\n Play Anim [Run] [2]\n else\n Play Anim [Run] [3]\n end\n end\n end\n else\n Play Anim [Brake] [1]\n end\n else\n if <not <([running? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n if <not <([wallslide? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n Play Anim [Jump] [1]\n else\n Play Anim [Brake] [1]\n end\n else\n Play Anim [RunJump] [1]\n end\n end\nelse\n if <([sliding? v] of [player v]) = [true]> then\n Play Anim [Slide] [1]\n else\n Play Anim [Duck] [1]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Play Anim (costume) (framecount)\nif <(framecount) > [1]> then\n switch costume to (join (join ([power v] of [player v]) (join [_] (costume))) ([floor v] of (([frame v] of [player v]) mod (framecount)) ))\n if <([power v] of [player v]) = [Small]> then\n set [framespeed v] to ((framecount) * (10))\n else\n set [framespeed v] to ((framecount) * (6))\n end\nelse\n switch costume to (join ([power v] of [player v]) (join [_] (costume)))\n set [framespeed v] to [1]\nend\n\ndefine Set Position (ppower)\nset x to ([x position v] of [player v])\nif <(ppower) = [Small]> then\n set y to (([y position v] of [player v]) - (2))\nelse\n set y to (([y position v] of [player v]) + (8))\nend\n\ndefine Status Anim Config (pstate)\nif <(pstate) = [Swim]> then\n Swim Anim Config ([power v] of [player v]) <([falling? v] of [player v]) < [3]>\nelse\n if <(ppower) = [Small]> then\n Play Anim (pstate) [2]\n else\n Play Anim (pstate) [3]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Swim Anim Config (ppower) <onfloor>\nif <not <onfloor>> then\n if <(ppower) = [Small]> then\n Play Anim [Swim] [2]\n else\n Play Anim [Swim] [2]\n end\nelse\n Basic Animation Config\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine animOverride Config\nif <(animOverride) = [Shoot]> then\n change [animoverrideloop v] by ((3) / (12))\n Play Special Anim [Shoot] [2] [0]\n if <(animOverrideLoop) > [3]> then\n set [animoverrideloop v] to [0]\n set [animoverride v] to [none]\n end\nelse\n change [animoverrideloop v] by (1)\n Play Anim (animOverride) [1]\n if <(animOverrideLoop) > [10]> then\n set [animoverrideloop v] to [0]\n set [animoverride v] to [none]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Play Special Anim (costume) (framecount) (rate)\nswitch costume to (join (join ([power v] of [player v]) (join [_] (costume))) ([floor v] of ((animOverrideLoop) mod (framecount)) ))\n\nwhen I receive [animoverride v]\nif <not <(animOverride) = [none]>> then\n if <(Character) = [Mario]> then\n if <(animOverride) = [Shoot]> then\n set [animoverrideloop v] to [2]\n else\n set [animoverrideloop v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Holding Item Anim (ppower)\nif <not <([ducking? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n if <([falling? v] of [player v]) < [6]> then\n if <(ppower) = [Small]> then\n Play Anim [Grab] [2]\n else\n Play Anim [Grab] [3]\n end\n else\n if <(ppower) = [Small]> then\n Play Anim [Grab1] [1]\n else\n Play Anim [Grab2] [1]\n end\n end\nelse\n Play Anim [CarryDuck] [1]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [playerdefeat v]\nif <(Character) = [Mario]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (small_defeat v)\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat until <([y position v] of [player v]) < [-178]>\n Set Position [Small]\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [playerdamage v]\nif <(Character) = [Mario]> then\n wait (0.001) seconds\n repeat until <([recoverytimer v] of [player v]) = [0]>\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n wait ((1) / ([recoverytimer v] of [player v])) seconds\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\n\n@Luigi\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Character) = [Luigi]> then\n if <(animOverride) = [none]> then\n point in direction ([direction v] of [player v])\n end\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n Set Position ([power v] of [player v])\n if <(animOverrideLoop) = [0]> then\n if <([status v] of [player v]) = [none]> then\n if <not <([holdingitem? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n Basic Animation Config\n else\n Holding Item Anim ([power v] of [player v])\n end\n else\n Status Anim Config ([status v] of [player v])\n end\n else\n animOverride Config\n end\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Basic Animation Config\nif <<not <([ducking? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> and <not <([sliding? v] of [player v]) = [true]>>> then\n if <([falling? v] of [player v]) < [6]> then\n if <not <([braking? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n if <([frame v] of [player v]) = [0]> then\n Play Anim [Idle] [1]\n else\n if <not <([running? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n if <([power v] of [player v]) = [Small]> then\n Play Anim [Walk] [2]\n else\n Play Anim [Walk] [3]\n end\n else\n if <([power v] of [player v]) = [Small]> then\n Play Anim [Run] [2]\n else\n Play Anim [Run] [3]\n end\n end\n end\n else\n Play Anim [Brake] [1]\n end\n else\n if <not <([running? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n if <not <([wallslide? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n Play Anim [Jump] [1]\n else\n Play Anim [Brake] [1]\n end\n else\n Play Anim [RunJump] [1]\n end\n end\nelse\n if <([sliding? v] of [player v]) = [true]> then\n Play Anim [Slide] [1]\n else\n Play Anim [Duck] [1]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Play Anim (costume) (framecount)\nif <(framecount) > [1]> then\n switch costume to (join (join ([power v] of [player v]) (join [_] (costume))) ([floor v] of (([frame v] of [player v]) mod (framecount)) ))\n if <([power v] of [player v]) = [Small]> then\n set [framespeed v] to ((framecount) * (10))\n else\n set [framespeed v] to ((framecount) * (6))\n end\nelse\n switch costume to (join ([power v] of [player v]) (join [_] (costume)))\n set [framespeed v] to [1]\nend\n\ndefine Set Position (ppower)\nset x to ([x position v] of [player v])\nif <(ppower) = [Small]> then\n set y to (([y position v] of [player v]) - (2))\nelse\n set y to (([y position v] of [player v]) + (11))\nend\n\ndefine Status Anim Config (pstate)\nif <(pstate) = [Swim]> then\n Swim Anim Config ([power v] of [player v]) <([falling? v] of [player v]) < [3]>\nelse\n if <(ppower) = [Small]> then\n Play Anim (pstate) [2]\n else\n Play Anim (pstate) [3]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Swim Anim Config (ppower) <onfloor>\nif <not <onfloor>> then\n if <(ppower) = [Small]> then\n Play Anim [Swim] [2]\n else\n Play Anim [Swim] [2]\n end\nelse\n Basic Animation Config\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [animoverrideloop v] to [0]\nhide\n\ndefine Play Special Anim (costume) (framecount) (rate)\nswitch costume to (join (join ([power v] of [player v]) (join [_] (costume))) ([floor v] of ((animOverrideLoop) mod (framecount)) ))\n\ndefine animOverride Config\nif <(animOverride) = [Shoot]> then\n change [animoverrideloop v] by ((3) / (12))\n Play Special Anim [Shoot] [2] [0]\n if <(animOverrideLoop) > [3]> then\n set [animoverrideloop v] to [0]\n set [animoverride v] to [none]\n end\nelse\n change [animoverrideloop v] by (1)\n Play Anim (animOverride) [1]\n if <(animOverrideLoop) > [10]> then\n set [animoverrideloop v] to [0]\n set [animoverride v] to [none]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [animoverride v]\nif <not <(animOverride) = [none]>> then\n if <(Character) = [Luigi]> then\n if <(animOverride) = [Shoot]> then\n set [animoverrideloop v] to [2]\n else\n set [animoverrideloop v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [playerdefeat v]\nif <(Character) = [Luigi]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n switch costume to (small_defeat v)\n clear graphic effects\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat until <([y position v] of [player v]) < [-178]>\n Set Position [Small]\n end\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Holding Item Anim (ppower)\nif <not <([ducking? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n if <([falling? v] of [player v]) < [6]> then\n if <(ppower) = [Small]> then\n Play Anim [Grab] [2]\n else\n Play Anim [Grab] [3]\n end\n else\n if <(ppower) = [Small]> then\n Play Anim [Grab1] [1]\n else\n Play Anim [Grab2] [1]\n end\n end\nelse\n Play Anim [CarryDuck] [1]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [playerdamage v]\nif <(Character) = [Luigi]> then\n wait (0.001) seconds\n repeat until <([recoverytimer v] of [player v]) = [0]>\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n wait ((1) / ([recoverytimer v] of [player v])) seconds\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\n\n@Toad\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Character) = [Toad]> then\n if <(animOverride) = [none]> then\n point in direction ([direction v] of [player v])\n end\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n Set Position ([power v] of [player v])\n if <(animOverrideLoop) = [0]> then\n if <([status v] of [player v]) = [none]> then\n if <not <([holdingitem? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n Basic Animation Config\n else\n Holding Item Anim ([power v] of [player v])\n end\n else\n Status Anim Config ([status v] of [player v])\n end\n else\n animOverride Config\n end\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Basic Animation Config\nif <<not <([ducking? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> and <not <([sliding? v] of [player v]) = [true]>>> then\n if <([falling? v] of [player v]) < [6]> then\n if <not <([braking? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n if <([frame v] of [player v]) = [0]> then\n Play Anim [Idle] [1]\n else\n if <not <([running? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n Play Anim [Walk] [3]\n else\n Play Anim [Run] [3]\n end\n end\n else\n Play Anim [Brake] [1]\n end\n else\n if <not <([running? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n if <not <([wallslide? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n Play Anim [Jump] [1]\n else\n Play Anim [Brake] [1]\n end\n else\n Play Anim [RunJump] [1]\n end\n end\nelse\n if <([sliding? v] of [player v]) = [true]> then\n Play Anim [Slide] [1]\n else\n Play Anim [Duck] [1]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Play Anim (costume) (framecount)\nif <(framecount) > [1]> then\n switch costume to (join (join ([power v] of [player v]) (join [_] (costume))) ([floor v] of (([frame v] of [player v]) mod (framecount)) ))\n if <([power v] of [player v]) = [Small]> then\n set [framespeed v] to ((framecount) * (10))\n else\n set [framespeed v] to ((framecount) * (6))\n end\nelse\n switch costume to (join ([power v] of [player v]) (join [_] (costume)))\n set [framespeed v] to [1]\nend\n\ndefine Set Position (ppower)\nset x to ([x position v] of [player v])\nif <(ppower) = [Small]> then\n set y to (([y position v] of [player v]) - (2))\nelse\n set y to (([y position v] of [player v]) + (6))\nend\n\ndefine Status Anim Config (pstate)\nif <(pstate) = [Swim]> then\n Swim Anim Config ([power v] of [player v]) <([falling? v] of [player v]) < [3]>\nelse\n if <(ppower) = [Small]> then\n Play Anim (pstate) [2]\n else\n Play Anim (pstate) [3]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Swim Anim Config (ppower) <onfloor>\nif <not <onfloor>> then\n if <(ppower) = [Small]> then\n Play Anim [Swim] [2]\n else\n Play Anim [Swim] [2]\n end\nelse\n Basic Animation Config\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [animoverride v] to []\nset size to (175) %\nhide\n\ndefine animOverride Config\nif <(animOverride) = [Shoot]> then\n change [animoverrideloop v] by ((3) / (12))\n Play Special Anim [Shoot] [2] [0]\n if <(animOverrideLoop) > [3]> then\n set [animoverrideloop v] to [0]\n set [animoverride v] to [none]\n end\nelse\n change [animoverrideloop v] by (1)\n Play Anim (animOverride) [1]\n if <(animOverrideLoop) > [10]> then\n set [animoverrideloop v] to [0]\n set [animoverride v] to [none]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Play Special Anim (costume) (framecount) (rate)\nswitch costume to (join (join ([power v] of [player v]) (join [_] (costume))) ([floor v] of ((animOverrideLoop) mod (framecount)) ))\n\nwhen I receive [playerdefeat v]\nif <(Character) = [Toad]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (200) %\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (small_defeat v)\n repeat until <([y position v] of [player v]) < [-178]>\n Set Position [Small]\n end\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Holding Item Anim (ppower)\nif <not <([ducking? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n if <([falling? v] of [player v]) < [6]> then\n if <(ppower) = [Small]> then\n Play Anim [Carry] [2]\n else\n Play Anim [Carry] [3]\n end\n else\n if <(ppower) = [Small]> then\n Play Anim [Carry1] [1]\n else\n Play Anim [Carry2] [1]\n end\n end\nelse\n Play Anim [CarryDuck] [1]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [animoverride v]\nif <not <(animOverride) = [none]>> then\n if <(Character) = [Toad]> then\n if <(animOverride) = [Shoot]> then\n set [animoverrideloop v] to [2]\n else\n set [animoverrideloop v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [playerdamage v]\nif <(Character) = [Toad]> then\n wait (0.001) seconds\n repeat until <([recoverytimer v] of [player v]) = [0]>\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n wait ((1) / ([recoverytimer v] of [player v])) seconds\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\n\n@Background\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Clone?) = [true]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (((scrollX) * (0.5)) mod (scrollFactorX)) y: ((offsetY) - ((scrollY) * (0.5)))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [clone? v] to [false]\nCreate Background Layer [720] [-32] [X]\nCreate Background Layer [-720] [-32] [X]\nCreate Background Layer [720] [368] [Y]\nCreate Background Layer [-720] [368] [Y]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone? v] to [true]\nshow\n\ndefine Create Background Layer (factorx) (offsety) (costume)\nset [scrollfactorx v] to (factorx)\nset [offsety v] to (offsety)\nswitch costume to (join (costume) (join [_] (levelTheme)))\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Spawn NPC (x) (y) (speed)\nset [startx v] to ((x) * (32))\nset [starty v] to ((y) * (32))\nset [setspeed v] to (speed)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [editormode v]\nif <(Clone?) = [true]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (((scrollX) * (0.5)) mod (scrollFactorX)) y: ((offsetY) - ((scrollY) * (0.5)))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [you got a star! v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-50)\n\n@Goomba\n\ndefine Touch Ground <up?>\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\nrepeat until <<not <touching (map v)?>> and <<not <touching (blocks v)?>> and <<not <touching (terrain v)?>> and <not <touching (semi-solids v)?>>>>>\n if <up?> then\n change y by (-1)\n change [thisy v] by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n change [thisy v] by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [child? v] to [false]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [thisx v] to (startX)\nset [thisy v] to (startY)\nset [thisframe v] to [0]\nset [off-screen? v] to [false]\nset [speed x v] to (setSpeed)\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [touch v] to [0]\nset [child? v] to [true]\nset [touch v] to [0]\nset [status v] to [none]\nset [animtimer v] to [0]\nset [prevscrolly v] to (scrollY)\nset [onsemi-solid? v] to [false]\nset [delayverticalscroll v] to [false]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nif <(setSpeed) < [0]> then\n point in direction (90)\nelse\n point in direction (-90)\nend\ngo to x: ((thisX) + (scrollX)) y: ((thisY) - (scrollY))\nwait (0.05) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Child?) = [true]> then\n set [delayverticalscroll v] to <<<not <(scrollLockY) = [true]>> and <([falling? v] of [player v]) > [2]>> and <not <(onSemi-Solid?) = [true]>>>\n if <not <(delayVerticalScroll) = [true]>> then\n set y to ((thisY) - (scrollY))\n end\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n BlockHit Below (round ((thisX) / (24))) (round ((thisY) / (24)))\n change [thisframe v] by (([abs v] of (speed x) ) / (12))\n set [prevscrolly v] to (scrollY)\n if <(Status) = [none]> then\n if <not <(off-screen?) = [true]>> then\n Player Collision <<([y position v] of [player v]) > (y position)> and <<([speed y v] of [player v]) < [0]> and <([falling? v] of [player v]) > [5]>>>\n Shell Collision ([floor v] of (thisX) ) ([floor v] of (thisY) )\n Gravity\n Touch Ground <(speed y) > [0]>\n change [thisx v] by (speed x)\n Projectile Collision\n Wall Collision <([abs v] of (speed y) ) < [2]>\n Semi-Solid Check <([abs v] of (speed y) ) < [2]>\n Play Anim [Walk] [2]\n if <(Status) = [Hit]> then\n Init Defeat Anim\n end\n end\n Off-Screen <([abs v] of (x position) ) > [234]> <([abs v] of (y position) ) > [177]> <<(thisY) < [-250]> and <(scrollY) = [0]>>\n else\n if <(Status) = [defeat]> then\n Stomped Anim\n end\n if <(Status) = [off-screen]> then\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n Respawn NPC ([abs v] of ((startX) + (scrollX)) )\n end\n if <(Status) = [Hit]> then\n Hit Anim\n end\n end\n set x to ((thisX) + (scrollX))\n if <(delayVerticalScroll) = [true]> then\n set y to ((thisY) - (scrollY))\n end\nend\n\ndefine Gravity\nif <(speed y) > [-35]> then\n change [speed y v] by (-2)\nend\nchange [thisy v] by (speed y)\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\n\ndefine Wall Collision <onfloor>\nswitch costume to (wall_sensor v)\nif <<<touching (map v)?> or <touching (blocks v)?>> or <<touching (terrain v)?> or <<touching (goomba v)?> or <touching (koopa troopa v)?>>>> then\n if <(speed x) > [0]> then\n change [thisx v] by (([abs v] of (speed x) ) * (-1))\n change x by (([abs v] of (speed x) ) * (-1))\n else\n change [thisx v] by ([abs v] of (speed x) )\n change x by ([abs v] of (speed x) )\n end\n if <onfloor> then\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (-1))\n point in direction ((direction) * (-1))\n end\nend\n\ndefine Player Collision <pabove>\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n if <([sliding? v] of [player v]) = [true]> then\n set [status v] to [Hit]\n start sound [defeat v]\n else\n if <pabove> then\n broadcast (playerStomp v)\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n set [status v] to [defeat]\n set [animtimer v] to [0]\n Create Effect (round (((((([x position v] of [player v]) - (scrollX)) + (thisX)) / (2)) + (12)) / (24))) (round ((thisY) / (24)))\n else\n broadcast (playerDamage v)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Stomped Anim\nchange [animtimer v] by (1)\nPlay Anim [Stomped] [1]\nif <(animTimer) > [9]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Off-Screen <offscreenx> <offscreeny> <bottompit>\nset [off-screen? v] to <<offscreenx> or <offscreeny>>\nif <<<offscreenx> and <([abs v] of ((thisX) + (scrollX)) ) > [480]>> or <bottompit>> then\n set [status v] to [off-screen]\n set [thisx v] to (startX)\n set [thisy v] to (startY)\n hide\nelse\n if <<offscreeny> and <(off-screen?) = [true]>> then\n hide\n else\n if <(costume [name v]) = [hitbox]> then\n switch costume to (walk0 v)\n end\n show\n end\nend\n\ndefine Respawn NPC (rangex)\nif <<([abs v] of ((thisX) + (scrollX)) ) < [240]> and <([abs v] of ((thisX) + (scrollX)) ) > [230]>> then\n set [status v] to [none]\n if <(x position) > ([x position v] of [player v])> then\n set [speed x v] to (([abs v] of (setSpeed) ) * (-1))\n point in direction (90)\n else\n set [speed x v] to ([abs v] of (setSpeed) )\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n switch costume to (walk0 v)\n Touch Ground <>\n show\nend\n\ndefine Semi-Solid Check <onfloor>\nif <onfloor> then\n switch costume to (bottom_sensor v)\n set [onsemi-solid? v] to <touching (semi-solids v)?>\nend\n\ndefine BlockHit Below (x) (y)\nif <(falling?) < [3]> then\n if <[blockshit v] contains (join (x) (join [,] ((y) - (1))))?> then\n set [status v] to [Hit]\n set [hitx v] to (((x) * (24)) + (scrollX))\n start sound [defeat v]\n Init Defeat Anim\n end\nend\n\ndefine Hit Anim\nset rotation style [all around v]\nif <(speed x) > [0]> then\n turn right (25) degrees\nelse\n turn left (25) degrees\nend\nchange [thisx v] by (speed x)\nGravity\nPlay Anim [Walk] [2]\nif <(y position) < [-178]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Projectile Collision\nif <touching (player_projectiles v)?> then\n set [hitx v] to ([x position v] of [player v])\n set [status v] to [Hit]\n start sound [defeat v]\n Init Defeat Anim\nend\n\ndefine Play Anim (costume) (framecount)\nif <(framecount) > [1]> then\n switch costume to (join (costume) ([floor v] of ((thisFrame) mod (framecount)) ))\nelse\n switch costume to (costume)\nend\n\ndefine Decode Level Coord (code)\nrepeat until <(i) > ((length of (code)) - (1))>\n set [spawnx v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [.]>\n set [spawnx v] to (join (spawnX) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [spawny v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [^]>\n set [spawny v] to (join (spawnY) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [factora v] to (letter (i) of (code))\n Spawn NPC (spawnX) (spawnY) <(factorA) = [1]>\n change [i v] by (2)\nend\n\nAdd Coordinate [21] [-2] [0] [1]\n\nset [setspeed v] to [-2]\n\ndefine Create Effect (x) (y)\nadd (join [1:] (join (x) (join [,] (y)))) to [effectsgroup v]\n\ndefine Init Defeat Anim\nif <(x position) > (hitX)> then\n set [speed x v] to [3]\nelse\n set [speed x v] to [-3]\nend\nset [speed y v] to [15]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine Spawn NPC (x) (y) <flipx>\nset [startx v] to ((x) * (24))\nset [starty v] to (((y) * (24)) - (12))\nif <not <flipx>> then\n set [setspeed v] to [-2]\nelse\n set [setspeed v] to [2]\nend\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [loadlevel v]\nset [i v] to [1]\nDecode Level Coord (item (Level #) of [spawncodes v])\n\ndefine Shell Collision (x) (y)\nif <<(length of [npcshit v]) > [0]> and <touching (koopa troopa v)?>> then\n set [collisionx v] to []\n set [collisiony v] to []\n set [i v] to [1]\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (item (1) of [npcshit v])) = [,]>\n set [collisionx v] to (join (collisionX) (letter (i) of (item (1) of [npcshit v])))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n repeat until <(i) > (length of (item (1) of [npcshit v]))>\n set [collisiony v] to (join (collisionY) (letter (i) of (item (1) of [npcshit v])))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (collisionX)) ) < [40]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (collisionY)) ) < [40]>> then\n set [hitx v] to ((collisionX) + (scrollX))\n set [status v] to [Hit]\n start sound [defeat v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Add Coordinate (x) (y) (flipx) (list #)\nset [tileorigin v] to (join (join (join (x) (join [.] (y))) [^]) (flipx))\nreplace item (list #) of [spawncodes v] with (join (item (list #) of [spawncodes v]) (join [ ] (tileOrigin)))\n\n@Koopa Troopa\n\ndefine Touch Ground <up?>\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\nrepeat until <<not <touching (map v)?>> and <<not <touching (terrain v)?>> and <<not <touching (blocks v)?>> and <not <touching (semi-solids v)?>>>>>\n change [collisiontimeout v] by (1)\n if <(collisionTimeout) > [49]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <up?> then\n change y by (-1)\n change [thisy v] by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n change [thisy v] by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\nset [collisiontimeout v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [child? v] to [false]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [thisx v] to (startX)\nset [thisy v] to (startY)\nset [thisframe v] to [0]\nset [off-screen? v] to [false]\nset [speed x v] to (setSpeed)\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [touch v] to [0]\nset [child? v] to [true]\nset [touch v] to [0]\nset [status v] to [none]\nset [animtimer v] to [0]\nset [prevscrolly v] to (scrollY)\nset [onsemi-solid? v] to [false]\nset [delayverticalscroll v] to [false]\nset [shellrecovery v] to [0]\nset [touchingnpc? v] to [false]\nset [hitnpc? v] to [false]\nset [shelltimer v] to [0]\nset [defeatdelay v] to [0]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nif <(setSpeed) < [0]> then\n point in direction (90)\nelse\n point in direction (-90)\nend\ngo to x: ((thisX) + (scrollX)) y: ((thisY) - (scrollY))\nwait (0.1) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Child?) = [true]> then\n set [delayverticalscroll v] to <<<not <(scrollLockY) = [true]>> and <<([falling? v] of [player v]) > [2]> and <(onSemi-Solid?) = [false]>>> or <(Status) = [held]>>\n if <not <(delayVerticalScroll) = [true]>> then\n set y to ((thisY) - (scrollY))\n end\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n BlockHit Below (round ((thisX) / (24))) (round ((thisY) / (24)))\n change [thisframe v] by (([abs v] of (speed x) ) / (12))\n set [prevscrolly v] to (scrollY)\n if <<(Status) = [none]> or <<(Status) = [shell]> or <(Status) = [launch]>>> then\n if <not <(off-screen?) = [true]>> then\n if <(shellRecovery) = [0]> then\n Player Collision <<([y position v] of [player v]) > (y position)> and <([speed y v] of [player v]) < [0]>>\n end\n Shell Collision ([floor v] of (thisX) ) ([floor v] of (thisY) )\n Gravity\n if <not <(off-screen?) = [true]>> then\n Touch Ground <(speed y) > [0]>\n end\n change [thisx v] by (speed x)\n NPC Collision\n Projectile Collision\n Wall Collision <([abs v] of (speed y) ) < [2]> <>\n Semi-Solid Check <([abs v] of (speed y) ) < [2]>\n if <(npcType) = [Red]> then\n Edge Detection <([abs v] of (speed y) ) < [2]>\n end\n if <(shellRecovery) > [0]> then\n change [shellrecovery v] by (1)\n if <(shellRecovery) > [4]> then\n set [shellrecovery v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <(Status) = [none]> then\n Play Anim [Walk] [2]\n else\n if <(Status) = [shell]> then\n In-Shell Timer ((450) - (1))\n Play Anim [Shell0] [1]\n else\n if <(Status) = [launch]> then\n Play Anim [Shell] [4]\n else\n Init Defeat Anim\n end\n end\n end\n end\n Off-Screen <([abs v] of (x position) ) > [234]> <([abs v] of (y position) ) > [177]> <<(thisY) < [-250]> and <(scrollY) = [0]>>\n else\n if <(Status) = [off-screen]> then\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n Respawn NPC ([abs v] of ((startX) + (scrollX)) )\n end\n if <(Status) = [held]> then\n In-Shell Timer ((450) - (1))\n if <(Status) = [held]> then\n Held By Player Anim\n NPC Collision\n Player Holding Item Check <([holdingitem? v] of [player v]) = [true]>\n end\n Play Anim [Shell0] [1]\n end\n if <(Status) = [defeatDelay]> then\n change [defeatdelay v] by (1)\n if <(defeatDelay) > [1]> then\n if <([direction v] of [player v]) = [90]> then\n set [hitx v] to ((x position) - (200))\n else\n set [hitx v] to ((x position) - (48))\n end\n set [status v] to [Hit]\n end\n end\n if <(Status) = [Hit]> then\n Hit Anim\n end\n end\n set x to ((thisX) + (scrollX))\n if <(delayVerticalScroll) = [true]> then\n set y to ((thisY) - (scrollY))\n end\nend\n\ndefine Gravity\nif <(speed y) > [-35]> then\n change [speed y v] by (-2)\nend\nchange [thisy v] by (speed y)\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\n\ndefine Wall Collision <onfloor> <touchnpc>\nswitch costume to (wall_sensor v)\nset [touchingnpc? v] to <<touching (goomba v)?> or <<touching (koopa troopa v)?> or <touching (piranha plant v)?>>>\nif <<<<touching (map v)?> or <touching (blocks v)?>> or <touching (terrain v)?>> or <<(touchingNPC?) = [true]> and <(Status) = [none]>>> then\n if <<touching (blocks v)?> and <(Status) = [launch]>> then\n BlockHit Side (round ((thisX) / (24))) (round (((thisY) + (12)) / (24)))\n BlockHit Side (round ((thisX) / (24))) (round (((thisY) + (12)) / (24)))\n end\n if <(speed x) > [0]> then\n change [thisx v] by (([abs v] of (speed x) ) * (-1))\n change x by (([abs v] of (speed x) ) * (-1))\n else\n change [thisx v] by ([abs v] of (speed x) )\n change x by ([abs v] of (speed x) )\n end\n if <<onfloor> or <(Status) = [launch]>> then\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (-1))\n point in direction ((direction) * (-1))\n end\nend\n\ndefine Player Collision <pabove>\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n if <([sliding? v] of [player v]) = [true]> then\n set [status v] to [Hit]\n start sound [defeat v]\n else\n if <<(Status) = [none]> or <(Status) = [launch]>> then\n if <pabove> then\n broadcast (playerStomp v)\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n set [status v] to [shell]\n set [shelltimer v] to [0]\n set [shellrecovery v] to [1]\n Create Effect (round (((((([x position v] of [player v]) - (scrollX)) + (thisX)) / (2)) + (12)) / (24))) (round ((thisY) / (24)))\n else\n if <(Status) = [none]> then\n broadcast (playerDamage v)\n else\n Player-Shell Collision ([x position v] of [player v])\n end\n end\n else\n Init Shell Launch ([x position v] of [player v]) <key ((item (5) of [keycontrols v]) v) pressed?> [6]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Off-Screen <offscreenx> <offscreeny> <bottompit>\nif <<<(off-screen?) = [true]> and <(Status) = [launch]>> and <not <offscreenx>>> then\n Wall Collision <[1] = [1]> <>\nend\nset [off-screen? v] to <<offscreenx> or <offscreeny>>\nif <<<offscreenx> and <([abs v] of ((thisX) + (scrollX)) ) > [480]>> or <bottompit>> then\n set [status v] to [off-screen]\n set [thisx v] to (startX)\n set [thisy v] to (startY)\n hide\nelse\n if <<offscreeny> and <(off-screen?) = [true]>> then\n set [shelltimer v] to [0]\n hide\n else\n if <(costume [name v]) = [hitbox]> then\n Play Anim [Walk0] [1]\n end\n show\n end\nend\n\ndefine Respawn NPC (rangex)\nif <<([abs v] of ((thisX) + (scrollX)) ) < [240]> and <([abs v] of ((thisX) + (scrollX)) ) > [230]>> then\n set [status v] to [none]\n set [speed x v] to (setSpeed)\n set [shelltimer v] to [0]\n set [shellrecovery v] to [0]\n Play Anim [Walk0] [1]\n if <(x position) > ([x position v] of [player v])> then\n set [speed x v] to (([abs v] of (setSpeed) ) * (-1))\n point in direction (90)\n else\n set [speed x v] to ([abs v] of (setSpeed) )\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n show\nend\n\ndefine Semi-Solid Check <onfloor>\nif <onfloor> then\n switch costume to (bottom_sensor v)\n set [onsemi-solid? v] to <touching (semi-solids v)?>\nend\n\ndefine BlockHit Below (x) (y)\nif <(falling?) < [3]> then\n if <[blockshit v] contains (join (x) (join [,] ((y) - (1))))?> then\n set [status v] to [Hit]\n set [hitx v] to (((x) * (24)) + (scrollX))\n start sound [defeat v]\n Init Defeat Anim\n end\nend\n\ndefine Hit Anim\nset rotation style [all around v]\nif <(speed x) > [0]> then\n turn right (25) degrees\nelse\n turn left (25) degrees\nend\nchange [thisx v] by (speed x)\nGravity\nPlay Anim [Shell0] [1]\nif <(y position) < [-178]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Create Effect (x) (y)\nadd (join [1:] (join (x) (join [,] (y)))) to [effectsgroup v]\n\ndefine Play Anim (costume) (framecount)\nif <(framecount) > [1]> then\n switch costume to (join (npcType) (join [_] (join (costume) ([floor v] of ((thisFrame) mod (framecount)) ))))\nelse\n switch costume to (join (npcType) (join [_] (costume)))\nend\n\ndefine Init Defeat Anim\nif <(x position) > (hitX)> then\n set [speed x v] to [3]\nelse\n set [speed x v] to [-3]\nend\nset [speed y v] to [15]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine Spawn NPC (x) (y) <flipx> (type)\nset [startx v] to ((x) * (24))\nset [starty v] to (((y) * (24)) + (12))\nif <not <flipx>> then\n set [setspeed v] to [-2]\nelse\n set [setspeed v] to [2]\nend\nset [npctype v] to (item ((type) + (1)) of [npctypes v])\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Init Shell Launch (px) <btndown> (speed)\nif <not <<btndown> and <not <([holdingitem? v] of [player v]) = [true]>>>> then\n if <(px) < (x position)> then\n set [speed x v] to (speed)\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n set [speed x v] to ((speed) * (-1))\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [status v] to [launch]\n set [shellrecovery v] to [1]\n set [animoverride v] to [Kick]\n start sound [shell-hit v]\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) < (x position)> then\n Create Effect (round (((((([x position v] of [player v]) - (scrollX)) + (thisX)) / (2)) + (12)) / (24))) (round ((thisY) / (24)))\n else\n Create Effect (round (((((([x position v] of [player v]) - (scrollX)) + (thisX)) / (2)) + (0)) / (24))) (round ((thisY) / (24)))\n end\n broadcast (animOverride v)\nelse\n set [status v] to [held]\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n broadcast (setHoldingItem v)\nend\n\ndefine Player-Shell Collision (px)\nif <(speed x) < [0]> then\n if <(px) < (x position)> then\n broadcast (playerDamage v)\n else\n change [speed x v] by (-1)\n change x by (-1)\n change [thisx v] by (-1)\n end\nelse\n if <(px) > (x position)> then\n broadcast (playerDamage v)\n else\n change [speed x v] by (1)\n change x by (1)\n change [thisx v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Held By Player Anim\nif <not <([ducking? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n if <<(Character) = [Mario]> or <(Character) = [Luigi]>> then\n if <([direction v] of [player v]) = [90]> then\n set [thisx v] to ((([x position v] of [player v]) + (18)) - (scrollX))\n else\n set [thisx v] to ((([x position v] of [player v]) - (18)) - (scrollX))\n end\n if <<(Character) = [Luigi]> and <not <([power v] of [player v]) = [Small]>>> then\n set [thisy v] to ((([y position v] of [player v]) + (5)) + (scrollY))\n else\n set [thisy v] to (([y position v] of [player v]) + (scrollY))\n end\n end\n if <(Character) = [Toad]> then\n set [thisx v] to (([x position v] of [player v]) - (scrollX))\n if <([power v] of [player v]) = [Small]> then\n set [thisy v] to ((([y position v] of [player v]) + (24)) + (scrollY))\n else\n set [thisy v] to ((([y position v] of [player v]) + (30)) + (scrollY))\n end\n end\nelse\n set [thisx v] to (([x position v] of [player v]) - (scrollX))\n if <([power v] of [player v]) = [Small]> then\n if <(Character) = [Toad]> then\n set [thisy v] to ((([y position v] of [player v]) + (12)) + (scrollY))\n else\n set [thisy v] to ((([y position v] of [player v]) + (15)) + (scrollY))\n end\n else\n if <(Character) = [Toad]> then\n set [thisy v] to ((([y position v] of [player v]) + (20)) + (scrollY))\n else\n set [thisy v] to ((([y position v] of [player v]) + (26)) + (scrollY))\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Player Holding Item Check <itemheld>\nif <not <itemheld>> then\n if <<(Character) = [Toad]> or <([ducking? v] of [player v]) = [true]>> then\n if <([direction v] of [player v]) = [90]> then\n set [thisx v] to ((([x position v] of [player v]) + (18)) - (scrollX))\n else\n set [thisx v] to ((([x position v] of [player v]) - (18)) - (scrollX))\n end\n set x to ((thisX) + (scrollX))\n set [thisy v] to (([y position v] of [player v]) + (scrollY))\n end\n if <touching (map v)?> then\n if <([direction v] of [player v]) > [0]> then\n change [thisx v] by (-24)\n change x by (-24)\n else\n change [thisx v] by (24)\n change x by (24)\n end\n end\n Wall Collision <[1] = [1]> <[1] = [2]>\n Init Shell Launch ([x position v] of [player v]) <[1] = [2]> ((([abs v] of ([speed x v] of [player v]) ) / (2)) + (6))\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine BlockHit Side (tile x) (tile y)\nif <(speed x) < [0]> then\n if <not <[usedblocks v] contains (join ((tile x) - (1)) (join [,] (tile y)))?>> then\n add (join ((tile x) - (1)) (join [,] (tile y))) to [blockshit v]\n end\nelse\n if <not <[usedblocks v] contains (join ((tile x) + (1)) (join [,] (tile y)))?>> then\n add (join ((tile x) + (1)) (join [,] (tile y))) to [blockshit v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine NPC Collision\nif <<(Status) = [launch]> or <(Status) = [held]>> then\n set [touchingnpc? v] to <<touching (goomba v)?> or <<touching (koopa troopa v)?> or <touching (piranha plant v)?>>>\n if <(touchingNPC?) = [true]> then\n add (join ([floor v] of (thisX) ) (join [,] ([floor v] of (thisY) ))) to [npcshit v]\n add (join ([floor v] of (thisX) ) (join [,] ([floor v] of (thisY) ))) to [npcshit v]\n set [hitnpc? v] to [true]\n if <(Status) = [held]> then\n set [status v] to [defeatDelay]\n set [shelltimer v] to [0]\n broadcast (deactivateHoldingItem v)\n start sound [defeat v]\n end\n end\n if <(Status) = [launch]> then\n if <touching (coins v)?> then\n if <not <[npcshit v] contains (join ([floor v] of (thisX) ) (join [,] ([floor v] of (thisY) )))?>> then\n add (join ([floor v] of (thisX) ) (join [,] ([floor v] of (thisY) ))) to [npcshit v]\n add (join ([floor v] of (thisX) ) (join [,] ([floor v] of (thisY) ))) to [npcshit v]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine In-Shell Timer (limit)\nchange [shelltimer v] by (1)\nif <(shellTimer) > (limit)> then\n if <(Status) = [held]> then\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n broadcast (deactivateHoldingItem v)\n end\n set [status v] to [none]\n set [speed x v] to ((setSpeed) * (-1))\n if <(speed x) < [0]> then\n point in direction (90)\n else\n point in direction (-90)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Reset Anim\nif <<(costume [name v]) = [hitbox]> or <(costume [name v]) = [Wall_Sensor]>> then\n if <(Status) = [none]> then\n switch costume to (green_walk0 v)\n else\n switch costume to (green_shell0 v)\n end\n set y to ((thisY) - (scrollY))\nend\n\ndefine Projectile Collision\nif <touching (player_projectiles v)?> then\n set [hitx v] to ([x position v] of [player v])\n set [status v] to [Hit]\n start sound [defeat v]\n Init Defeat Anim\nend\n\ndefine Decode Level Coord (code)\nrepeat until <(i) > ((length of (code)) - (1))>\n set [spawnx v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [.]>\n set [spawnx v] to (join (spawnX) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [spawny v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [^]>\n set [spawny v] to (join (spawnY) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [factora v] to (letter (i) of (code))\n change [i v] by (2)\n set [factorb v] to (letter (i) of (code))\n Spawn NPC (spawnX) (spawnY) <(factorA) = [1]> (factorB)\n change [i v] by (2)\nend\n\nSpawn NPC [29] [-4] <> [0]\n\nAdd Coordinate [29] [-4] [0] [0] [1]\n\nset [thisy v] to (startY)\n\ndefine Edge Detection <onfloor>\nif <(Status) = [none]> then\n switch costume to (edge_sensor v)\n if <<<not <touching (map v)?>> and <not <touching (semi-solids v)?>>> and <not <touching (blocks v)?>>> then\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (-1))\n point in direction ((direction) * (-1))\n end\nend\n\nset [setspeed v] to [0]\n\nAdd Coordinate [55] [1] [0] [1] [1]\n\ndefine Shell Collision (x) (y)\nif <<(length of [npcshit v]) > [0]> and <<touching (koopa troopa v)?> and <not <(hitNPC?) = [true]>>>> then\n set [collisionx v] to []\n set [collisiony v] to []\n set [i v] to [1]\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (item (1) of [npcshit v])) = [,]>\n set [collisionx v] to (join (collisionX) (letter (i) of (item (1) of [npcshit v])))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n repeat until <(i) > (length of (item (1) of [npcshit v]))>\n set [collisiony v] to (join (collisionY) (letter (i) of (item (1) of [npcshit v])))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (collisionX)) ) < [40]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (collisionY)) ) < [40]>> then\n set [hitx v] to ((collisionX) + (scrollX))\n set [status v] to [Hit]\n start sound [defeat v]\n end\nend\nif <<(length of [npcshit v]) = [0]> and <(hitNPC?) = [true]>> then\n set [hitnpc? v] to [false]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [loadlevel v]\nset [i v] to [1]\nDecode Level Coord (item (Level #) of [spawncodes v])\n\ndefine Add Coordinate (x) (y) (flipx) (type) (list #)\nset [tileorigin v] to (join (join (join (join (x) (join [.] (y))) [^]) (flipx)) (join [_] (type)))\nreplace item (list #) of [spawncodes v] with (join (item (list #) of [spawncodes v]) (join [ ] (tileOrigin)))\n\n@Piranha Plant\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (175) %\nset [child? v] to [false]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [child? v] to [true]\nset [thisx v] to (startX)\nset [thisy v] to (startY)\nset [thisframe v] to [0]\nset [pipetimer v] to [0]\nset [off-screen? v] to [false]\nset [status v] to [Exit]\nwait (0.05) seconds\ngo [backward v] (0) layers\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Child?) = [true]> then\n if <not <(Status) = [off-screen]>> then\n if <(Status) = [Exit]> then\n Exit Pipe\n else\n if <(Status) = [Enter]> then\n Enter Pipe\n else\n Hit Anim\n end\n end\n if <not <(Status) = [Hit]>> then\n Player Sensing\n end\n Shell Collision ([floor v] of (thisX) ) ([floor v] of (thisY) )\n Projectile Collision\n Frame Rate Config [0.2] [2]\n Play Anim (plantType) [2]\n Off-Screen <([abs v] of (x position) ) > [234]> <([abs v] of (y position) ) > [177]>\n else\n Respawn NPC ([abs v] of ((startX) + (scrollX)) )\n end\n go to x: ((thisX) + (scrollX)) y: ((thisY) - (scrollY))\nend\n\ndefine Exit Pipe\nif <(pipeDirection) = [Up]> then\n if <(thisY) < ((startY) + (54))> then\n change [thisy v] by (1)\n else\n change [pipetimer v] by (1)\n set [thisy v] to ((startY) + (54))\n if <(pipeTimer) = [50]> then\n set [pipetimer v] to [0]\n set [status v] to [Enter]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Enter Pipe\nif <(pipeDirection) = [Up]> then\n if <(thisY) > (startY)> then\n change [thisy v] by (-1)\n else\n change [pipetimer v] by (1)\n set [thisy v] to (startY)\n if <(pipeTimer) > [49]> then\n if <([abs v] of (distance to [player v]) ) > [48]> then\n set [pipetimer v] to [0]\n set [status v] to [Exit]\n else\n change [pipetimer v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Frame Rate Config (rate) (framecount)\nif <(thisFrame) = (framecount)> then\n set [thisframe v] to [0]\nelse\n change [thisframe v] by (rate)\nend\n\ndefine Play Anim (costume) (framecount)\nif <(framecount) > [1]> then\n switch costume to (join (costume) (join [_] ([floor v] of ((thisFrame) mod (framecount)) )))\nelse\n switch costume to (costume)\nend\n\ndefine Player Sensing\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n if <([sliding? v] of [player v]) = [true]> then\n set [status v] to [Hit]\n set [hitx v] to ([x position v] of [player v])\n start sound [defeat v]\n Init Defeat Anim\n else\n broadcast (playerDamage v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Gravity\nif <(speed y) > [-35]> then\n change [speed y v] by (-2)\nend\nchange [thisy v] by (speed y)\n\ndefine Hit Anim\nset rotation style [all around v]\nif <(speed x) > [0]> then\n turn right (25) degrees\nelse\n turn left (25) degrees\nend\nchange [thisx v] by (speed x)\nGravity\nif <(y position) < [-178]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Shell Collision (x) (y)\nif <<(length of [npcshit v]) > [0]> and <touching (koopa troopa v)?>> then\n set [collisionx v] to []\n set [collisiony v] to []\n set [i v] to [1]\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (item (1) of [npcshit v])) = [,]>\n set [collisionx v] to (join (collisionX) (letter (i) of (item (1) of [npcshit v])))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n repeat until <(i) > (length of (item (1) of [npcshit v]))>\n set [collisiony v] to (join (collisionY) (letter (i) of (item (1) of [npcshit v])))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (collisionX)) ) < [40]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (collisionY)) ) < [40]>> then\n set [hitx v] to ((collisionX) + (scrollX))\n set [status v] to [Hit]\n start sound [defeat v]\n end\n if <(Status) = [Hit]> then\n Init Defeat Anim\n end\nend\n\ndefine Off-Screen <offscreenx> <offscreeny>\nset [off-screen? v] to <<offscreenx> or <offscreeny>>\nif <<<offscreenx> and <([abs v] of ((thisX) + (scrollX)) ) > [480]>> or <<offscreeny> and <([abs v] of ((thisY) - (scrollY)) ) > [360]>>> then\n set [thisx v] to (startX)\n set [thisy v] to (startY)\nend\nif <not <(off-screen?) = [true]>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Respawn NPC (rangex)\nif <<([abs v] of ((thisX) + (scrollX)) ) < [240]> and <([abs v] of ((thisX) + (scrollX)) ) > [235]>> then\n set [status v] to [Exit]\n switch costume to (plant_0 v)\n show\nend\n\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Projectile Collision\nif <touching (player_projectiles v)?> then\n set [hitx v] to ([x position v] of [player v])\n set [status v] to [Hit]\n start sound [defeat v]\n Init Defeat Anim\nend\n\ndefine Add Coordinate (x) (y) (type) (direction) (list #)\nset [tileorigin v] to (join (join (join (join (join (x) (join [.] (y))) [^]) (type)) [_]) (direction))\nreplace item (list #) of [spawncodes v] with (join (item (list #) of [spawncodes v]) (join [ ] (tileOrigin)))\n\ndefine Decode Level Coord (code)\nrepeat until <(i) > ((length of (code)) - (1))>\n set [spawnx v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [.]>\n set [spawnx v] to (join (spawnX) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [spawny v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [^]>\n set [spawny v] to (join (spawnY) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [factora v] to (letter (i) of (code))\n change [i v] by (2)\n set [factorb v] to (letter (i) of (code))\n Spawn NPC (spawnX) (spawnY) (factorA) (factorB)\n change [i v] by (2)\nend\n\nAdd Coordinate [40] [-3] [0] [0] [1]\n\nwhen I receive [loadlevel v]\nset [i v] to [1]\nDecode Level Coord (item (Level #) of [spawncodes v])\n\ndefine Spawn NPC (x) (y) (direction) (type)\nset [startx v] to ((x) * (24))\nset [starty v] to (((y) * (24)) - (36))\nset [pipedirection v] to (item ((direction) + (1)) of [plantdirections v])\nset [planttype v] to (item ((type) + (1)) of [planttypes v])\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Init Defeat Anim\nif <(x position) > (hitX)> then\n set [speed x v] to [3]\nelse\n set [speed x v] to [-3]\nend\nset [speed y v] to [15]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nAdd Coordinate [134] [-2] [0] [0] [1]\n\n@Coins\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (75) %\nset [child? v] to [false]\nhide\n\ndefine Spawn NPC (x) (y) (type) (coin #)\nset [startx v] to (((x) * (24)) + (12))\nset [starty v] to (((y) * (24)) - (12))\nif <(type) = [0]> then\n set [itemtype v] to [Coin]\nelse\n set [itemtype v] to [StarCoin]\n set [star coin # v] to (coin #)\n change [startx v] by (12)\nend\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [child? v] to [true]\nset [thisframe v] to [0]\nif <(itemType) = [StarCoin]> then\n if <(item (Star Coin #) of [star coins v]) = [true]> then\n set [color v] effect to (90)\n set [ghost v] effect to (25)\n end\nend\nwait (0.05) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Child?) = [true]> then\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n Coin Collect\n end\n Shell Collision ([floor v] of (startX) ) ([floor v] of (startY) )\n if <not <(itemType) = [StarCoin]>> then\n Frame Rate Config [0.25] [4]\n Play Anim (itemType) [4]\n else\n Frame Rate Config [0.375] [8]\n Play Anim (itemType) [8]\n end\n go to x: ((startX) + (scrollX)) y: ((startY) - (scrollY))\nend\n\ndefine Frame Rate Config (rate) (framecount)\nif <(thisFrame) = (framecount)> then\n set [thisframe v] to [0]\nelse\n change [thisframe v] by (rate)\nend\n\ndefine Play Anim (costume) (framecount)\nif <(framecount) > [1]> then\n switch costume to (join (costume) (join [_] ([floor v] of ((thisFrame) mod (framecount)) )))\nelse\n switch costume to (costume)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(spawnItem) = [1]> then\n if <(Child?) = [false]> then\n if <(mouseJustDown) = [true]> then\n Spawn NPC (round (((mouse x) - (scrollX)) / (24))) (round (((mouse y) + (scrollY)) / (24))) [Coin] []\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Shell Collision (x) (y)\nif <<(length of [npcshit v]) > [0]> and <touching (koopa troopa v)?>> then\n set [collisionx v] to []\n set [collisiony v] to []\n set [i v] to [1]\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (item (1) of [npcshit v])) = [,]>\n set [collisionx v] to (join (collisionX) (letter (i) of (item (1) of [npcshit v])))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n repeat until <(i) > (length of (item (1) of [npcshit v]))>\n set [collisiony v] to (join (collisionY) (letter (i) of (item (1) of [npcshit v])))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (collisionX)) ) < [40]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (collisionY)) ) < [40]>> then\n Coin Collect\n end\nend\n\ndefine Coin Collect\nif <(itemType) = [Coin]> then\n start sound [coin v]\n change [coins v] by (1)\nelse\n start sound [star coin v]\n change [coins v] by (15)\n if <not <(item (Star Coin #) of [star coins v]) = [true]>> then\n replace item (Star Coin #) of [star coins v] with [true]\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Decode Level Coord (code)\nrepeat until <(i) > ((length of (code)) - (1))>\n set [spawnx v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [.]>\n set [spawnx v] to (join (spawnX) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [spawny v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [^]>\n set [spawny v] to (join (spawnY) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [factora v] to (letter (i) of (code))\n change [i v] by (2)\n set [factorb v] to (letter (i) of (code))\n Spawn NPC (spawnX) (spawnY) (factorA) (factorB)\n change [i v] by (2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [loadlevel v]\nset [i v] to [1]\nDecode Level Coord (item (Level #) of [spawncodes v])\n\nAdd Coordinate [206] [2] [0] [0] [1]\n\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Add Coordinate (x) (y) (type) (coin #) (list #)\nset [tileorigin v] to (join (join (join (join (x) (join [.] (y))) [^]) (type)) (join [_] (coin #)))\nreplace item (list #) of [spawncodes v] with (join (item (list #) of [spawncodes v]) (join [ ] (tileOrigin)))\n\n@Semi-Solids\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [clone? v] to [false]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone? v] to [true]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Clone?) = [true]> then\n if <<([abs v] of (x position) ) < [252]> and <([abs v] of (y position) ) < [195]>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n go to x: (((startX) + (scrollX)) - (0)) y: ((startY) - (scrollY))\nend\n\ndefine Spawn Platform (x) (y)\nset [startx v] to (((x) + (1)) * (24))\nset [starty v] to ((((y) - (0.5)) * (24)) - (12))\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Decode Level Coord (code)\nrepeat until <(i) > ((length of (code)) - (1))>\n set [spawnx v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [.]>\n set [spawnx v] to (join (spawnX) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [spawny v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [^]>\n set [spawny v] to (join (spawnY) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n Spawn Platform (spawnX) (spawnY)\n change [i v] by (2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [loadlevel v]\nset [i v] to [1]\nDecode Level Coord (item (Level #) of [spawncodes v])\n\ndefine Add Coordinate (x) (y) (list #)\nset [tileorigin v] to (join (join (x) (join [.] (y))) [^])\nreplace item (list #) of [spawncodes v] with (join (join (item (list #) of [spawncodes v]) [ ]) (tileOrigin))\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\n\nAdd Coordinate [141] [9] [1]\n\nset [scrolly v] to [0]\n\n@Terrain\n\n@Blocks\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (75) %\ndelete all of [blockshit v]\ndelete all of [usedblocks v]\nset [clone? v] to [false]\nhide\n\ndefine Place Block (x) (y) (type) (content #)\nset [startx v] to (((x) * (24)) + (12))\nset [starty v] to (((y) * (24)) - (12))\nif <(type) = [0]> then\n set [blocktype v] to [ItemBlock]\nelse\n set [blocktype v] to [BrickBlock]\nend\nif <(content #) = [0]> then\n set [contents v] to [none]\nelse\n set [contents v] to (item (content #) of [blockcontents v])\nend\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone? v] to [true]\nset [thisframe v] to [0]\nset [status v] to [none]\nset [changey v] to (startY)\nset [numhits v] to [0]\nset [blocktimer v] to [0]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Clone?) = [true]> then\n if <(Status) = [none]> then\n Frame Rate Config [0.25] [4]\n Player Collision <([y position v] of [player v]) < (y position)> <<touching (sensors v)?> and <(item (1) of [playersensing v]) = [true]>>\n Shell Collision (round ((startX) / (24))) (round ((startY) / (24)))\n Play Anim (blockType) [4]\n else\n if <(Status) = [Hit]> then\n Play Anim [BlockHit] [1]\n set [changey v] to (startY)\n set size to (75) %\n else\n Hit Block Anim\n end\n end\n if <<(Contents) = [10x Coin]> and <(numHits) > [0]>> then\n change [blocktimer v] by (1)\n end\n Off-Screen <([abs v] of (x position) ) > [238]> <([abs v] of (y position) ) > [278]>\n go to x: ((startX) + (scrollX)) y: ((changeY) - (scrollY))\nend\n\ndefine Frame Rate Config (rate) (framecount)\nif <(thisFrame) = (framecount)> then\n set [thisframe v] to [0]\nelse\n change [thisframe v] by (rate)\nend\n\ndefine Player Collision <pbelow> <touchsensor>\nif <<<pbelow> and <([speed y v] of [player v]) < [0]>> and <touchsensor>> then\n set [changey v] to (startY)\n Hit Block (round ((startX) / (24))) (round ((startY) / (24)))\nend\n\ndefine Hit Block Anim\nif <(Status) = [BumpUp]> then\n change [changey v] by (2)\n change size by (7)\n if <((changeY) - (startY)) > [8]> then\n set [status v] to [BumpDown]\n end\nelse\n change [changey v] by (-2)\n change size by (-7)\n if <((changeY) - (startY)) < [2]> then\n Release Block Contents (round ((startX) / (24))) (round ((startY) / (24)))\n end\nend\nFrame Rate Config [0.25] [4]\nPlay Anim (blockType) [4]\n\ndefine Hit Block (tile x) (tile y)\nadd (join (join (tile x) [,]) (tile y)) to [blockshit v]\nif <(blockType) = [ItemBlock]> then\n set [status v] to [BumpUp]\n if <<(Contents) = [Coin]> or <(Contents) = [10x Coin]>> then\n Add Coin (tile x) (tile y)\n end\nelse\n if <(Contents) = [none]> then\n if <([power v] of [player v]) = [Small]> then\n set [status v] to [BumpUp]\n else\n add (join [0:] (join (join (tile x) [,]) (tile y))) to [effectsgroup v]\n start sound [block-smash v]\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n set [status v] to [BumpUp]\n if <<(Contents) = [Coin]> or <(Contents) = [10x Coin]>> then\n Add Coin (tile x) (tile y)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <not <(Clone?) = [true]>> then\n if <(length of [blockshit v]) > [0]> then\n delete (1) of [blockshit v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Shell Collision (tile x) (tile y)\nif <<(length of [blockshit v]) > [0]> and <(Status) = [none]>> then\n if <<[blockshit v] contains (join (join (tile x) [,]) (tile y))?> or <[blockshit v] contains (join (join ((tile x) - (1)) [,]) (tile y))?>> then\n Hit Block (tile x) (tile y)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Decode Level Coord (code)\nrepeat until <(i) > ((length of (code)) - (1))>\n set [spawnx v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [.]>\n set [spawnx v] to (join (spawnX) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [spawny v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [^]>\n set [spawny v] to (join (spawnY) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [factora v] to (letter (i) of (code))\n change [i v] by (2)\n set [factorb v] to (letter (i) of (code))\n Place Block (spawnX) (spawnY) (factorA) (factorB)\n change [i v] by (2)\nend\n\ndefine Release Block Contents (tile x) (tile y)\nif <(Contents) = [none]> then\n if <(blockType) = [ItemBlock]> then\n set [status v] to [Hit]\n else\n set [status v] to [none]\n end\nend\nif <(Contents) = [Coin]> then\n set [status v] to [Hit]\nend\nif <(Contents) = [10x Coin]> then\n change [numhits v] by (1)\n if <<(numHits) = [10]> or <(blockTimer) > ((150) - (1))>> then\n set [status v] to [Hit]\n set [numhits v] to [0]\n add (join (round ((startX) / (24))) (join [,] (round ((startY) / (24))))) to [usedblocks v]\n else\n set size to (75) %\n set [status v] to [none]\n end\nend\nif <(item # of (Contents) in [blockcontents v]) > [2]> then\n add (join ((item # of (Contents) in [blockcontents v]) - (3)) (join [:] (join (tile x) (join [,] (tile y))))) to [itemspawn v]\n set [status v] to [Hit]\nend\n\ndefine Add Coin (tile x) (tile y)\nstart sound [coin v]\nchange [coins v] by (1)\nadd (join [3:] (join (join (tile x) [,]) ((tile y) + (1)))) to [effectsgroup v]\nif <(Contents) = [Coin]> then\n add (join (round ((startX) / (24))) (join [,] (round ((startY) / (24))))) to [usedblocks v]\nend\n\ndefine Add Coordinates (x) (y) (type) (content #) (list #)\nset [tileorigin v] to (join (join (x) (join [.] (join (y) (join [^] (type))))) (join [_] (content #)))\nreplace item (list #) of [spawncodes v] with (join (item (list #) of [spawncodes v]) (join [ ] (tileOrigin)))\n\nwhen I receive [loadlevel v]\nset [i v] to [1]\nDecode Level Coord (item (Level #) of [spawncodes v])\n\nAdd Coordinates [36] [-4] [0] [0] [1]\n\nAdd Coordinates [104] [-1] [0] [1] [1]\n\ndefine Off-Screen <offscreenx> <offscreeny>\nif <<offscreenx> or <offscreeny>> then\n hide\nelse\n show\nend\n\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Play Anim (costume) (framecount)\nif <(framecount) > [1]> then\n switch costume to (join (costume) (join [_] ([floor v] of ((thisFrame) mod (framecount)) )))\nelse\n switch costume to (costume)\nend\n\n@Effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete all of [effectsgroup v]\nset [child? v] to [false]\nset size to (75) %\nhide\n\ndefine Effects Config (data)\nGet Spawn Coordinates (data)\nif < (data) contains [0:]?> then\n set [i v] to [0]\n repeat (4)\n change [i v] by (1)\n Spawn Brick Part (spawnX) (spawnY) (i)\n end\nend\nif < (data) contains [1:]?> then\n Spawn Effect (spawnX) (spawnY) [Impact]\nend\nif < (data) contains [3:]?> then\n Spawn Effect (spawnX) (spawnY) [Coin]\nend\n\ndefine Spawn Brick Part (x) (y) (#)\nset [thisx v] to (((x) * (24)) - (12))\nset [thisy v] to ((y) * (24))\nset [effecttype v] to [BrickBust]\nset [brick # v] to (#)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Get Spawn Coordinates (data)\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(letter (i) of (data)) = [:]>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\nchange [i v] by (1)\nset [spawnx v] to []\nrepeat until <(letter (i) of (data)) = [,]>\n set [spawnx v] to (join (spawnX) (letter (i) of (data)))\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\nchange [i v] by (1)\nset [spawny v] to []\nrepeat until <(i) > (length of (data))>\n set [spawny v] to (join (spawnY) (letter (i) of (data)))\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [child? v] to [true]\nset [thisframe v] to [0]\nif <(effectType) = [BrickBust]> then\n if <<(Brick #) = [1]> or <(Brick #) = [3]>> then\n set [speed x v] to [-3]\n else\n set [speed x v] to [3]\n end\n if <<(Brick #) = [1]> or <(Brick #) = [2]>> then\n set [speed y v] to [12]\n else\n set [speed y v] to [6]\n end\nend\nif <(effectType) = [Impact]> then\n set size to (150) %\nend\nif <(effectType) = [Coin]> then\n set [starty v] to (thisY)\n set [speed y v] to [18]\nend\nwait (0.05) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Child?) = [true]> then\n if <(effectType) = [BrickBust]> then\n set [thisframe v] to ((Brick #) - (1))\n change [thisx v] by (speed x)\n Play Anim [BrickBust] [1]\n Gravity\n if <(y position) < [-178]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n if <(effectType) = [Impact]> then\n Play Anim [ImpactEffect] [1]\n change size by (-15)\n if <(size) < [26]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n if <(effectType) = [Coin]> then\n if <<(thisY) < ((startY) + (12))> and <(speed y) < [0]>> then\n change [thisframe v] by (10)\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = [CoinSparkle_2]>> then\n Play Anim [CoinSparkle] [3]\n else\n switch costume to (coinsparkle_2 v)\n if <(thisFrame) > [18]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n else\n change [thisframe v] by (1)\n Play Anim [CoinEffect] [4]\n Gravity\n end\n end\n go to x: ((thisX) + (scrollX)) y: ((thisY) - (scrollY))\nend\n\ndefine Gravity\nchange [speed y v] by (-2)\nchange [thisy v] by (speed y)\n\ndefine Spawn Effect (x) (y) (effect)\nset [thisx v] to (((x) * (24)) - (12))\nset [thisy v] to ((y) * (24))\nset [effecttype v] to (effect)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nchange [thisx v] by (speed x)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Child?) = [false]> then\n if <(length of [effectsgroup v]) > [0]> then\n repeat until <(length of [effectsgroup v]) = [0]>\n Effects Config (item (1) of [effectsgroup v])\n delete (1) of [effectsgroup v]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Play Anim (costume) (framecount)\nif <(framecount) > [1]> then\n switch costume to (join (costume) (join [_] ([floor v] of ((thisFrame) mod (framecount)) )))\nelse\n switch costume to (costume)\nend\n\n@Gentle Slope (-)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [clone? v] to [false]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\ndefine Place Block (x) (y)\nset [startx v] to (x)\nset [starty v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Clone?) = [true]> then\n go to x: ((startX) + (scrollX)) y: ((startY) - (scrollY))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone? v] to [true]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset size to (85) %\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [loadlevel v]\nset [i v] to [1]\nDecode Level Coord (item (Level #) of [spawncodes v])\n\ndefine Decode Level Coord (code)\nrepeat until <(i) > ((length of (code)) - (1))>\n set [spawnx v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [.]>\n set [spawnx v] to (join (spawnX) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [spawny v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [^]>\n set [spawny v] to (join (spawnY) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n Place Block (spawnX) (spawnY)\n change [i v] by (2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\n\nif <(Clone?) = [false]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n say (join (round ((mouse x) - (scrollX))) (join [,] ((mouse y) + (scrollY))))\n show\nend\n\ndefine Add Coordinate (x) (y) (list #)\nset [tileorigin v] to (join (join (x) (join [.] (y))) [^])\nreplace item (list #) of [spawncodes v] with (join (item (list #) of [spawncodes v]) (join [ ] (tileOrigin)))\n\n@Gentle Slope (+)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [clone? v] to [false]\nhide\n\ndefine Place Block (x) (y)\nset [startx v] to (x)\nset [starty v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Clone?) = [true]> then\n go to x: ((startX) + (scrollX)) y: ((startY) - (scrollY))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone? v] to [true]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset size to (85) %\nshow\n\ndefine Decode Level Coord (code)\nrepeat until <(i) > ((length of (code)) - (1))>\n set [spawnx v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [.]>\n set [spawnx v] to (join (spawnX) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [spawny v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [^]>\n set [spawny v] to (join (spawnY) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n Place Block (spawnX) (spawnY)\n change [i v] by (2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [loadlevel v]\nset [i v] to [1]\nDecode Level Coord (item (Level #) of [spawncodes v])\n\nclear graphic effects\n\nhide list [spawncodes v]\n\ndefine Add Coordinate (x) (y) (list #)\nset [tileorigin v] to (join (join (x) (join [.] (y))) [^])\nreplace item (list #) of [spawncodes v] with (join (item (list #) of [spawncodes v]) (join [ ] (tileOrigin)))\n\nAdd Coordinate [3936] [432] [1]\n\ndelete this clone\n\n@Steep Slope (-)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [clone? v] to [false]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\ndefine Place Block (x) (y)\nset [startx v] to (x)\nset [starty v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Clone?) = [true]> then\n go to x: ((startX) + (scrollX)) y: ((startY) - (scrollY))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone? v] to [true]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset size to (85) %\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [loadlevel v]\nset [i v] to [1]\nDecode Level Coord (item (Level #) of [spawncodes v])\n\ndefine Decode Level Coord (code)\nrepeat until <(i) > ((length of (code)) - (1))>\n set [spawnx v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [.]>\n set [spawnx v] to (join (spawnX) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [spawny v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [^]>\n set [spawny v] to (join (spawnY) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n Place Block (spawnX) (spawnY)\n change [i v] by (2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\n\nif <(Clone?) = [false]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n say (join (round ((mouse x) - (scrollX))) (join [,] ((mouse y) + (scrollY))))\n show\nend\n\ndefine Add Coordinate (x) (y) (list #)\nset [tileorigin v] to (join (join (x) (join [.] (y))) [^])\nreplace item (list #) of [spawncodes v] with (join (item (list #) of [spawncodes v]) (join [ ] (tileOrigin)))\n\n@Steep Slope (+)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [clone? v] to [false]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\ndefine Place Block (x) (y)\nset [startx v] to (x)\nset [starty v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Clone?) = [true]> then\n go to x: ((startX) + (scrollX)) y: ((startY) - (scrollY))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone? v] to [true]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset size to (85) %\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [loadlevel v]\nset [i v] to [1]\nDecode Level Coord (item (Level #) of [spawncodes v])\n\ndefine Decode Level Coord (code)\nrepeat until <(i) > ((length of (code)) - (1))>\n set [spawnx v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [.]>\n set [spawnx v] to (join (spawnX) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [spawny v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (code)) = [^]>\n set [spawny v] to (join (spawnY) (letter (i) of (code)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n Place Block (spawnX) (spawnY)\n change [i v] by (2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\n\nif <(Clone?) = [false]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n say (join (round ((mouse x) - (scrollX))) (join [,] ((mouse y) + (scrollY))))\n show\nend\n\ndefine Add Coordinate (x) (y) (list #)\nset [tileorigin v] to (join (join (x) (join [.] (y))) [^])\nreplace item (list #) of [spawncodes v] with (join (item (list #) of [spawncodes v]) (join [ ] (tileOrigin)))\n\ndelete this clone\n\n@HUD\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [clone? v] to [false]\nset [icon # v] to [0]\nSet Up HUD\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone? v] to [true]\nif <(tileType) = [Icon]> then\n go to x: (-190) y: (142)\nend\nif <(tileType) = [StarCoins]> then\n switch costume to (starcoin_empty v)\n set size to (30) %\nend\nif <(tileType) = [CoinDigit]> then\n switch costume to (num_0 v)\n set size to (200) %\n go to x: ((-105) - ((18) * ((Icon #) - (1)))) y: (147)\nend\nif <(tileType) = [StarDigit]> then\n switch costume to (num_0 v)\n set size to (200) %\n go to x: ((-123) - ((18) * ((Icon #) - (1)))) y: (127)\nend\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Clone?) = [true]> then\n if <(tileType) = [Icon]> then\n switch costume to (join [Icon_] (Character))\n set size to (15) %\n end\n if <(tileType) = [StarCoins]> then\n if <(item (Icon #) of [star coins v]) = [true]> then\n switch costume to (starcoin_get v)\n else\n switch costume to (starcoin_empty v)\n end\n end\n if <(tileType) = [CoinDigit]> then\n Display Counter (Coins)\n end\n if <(tileType) = [StarDigit]> then\n Display Counter (Stars Collected)\n end\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\ndefine Set Up HUD\nset [tiletype v] to [Icon]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tiletype v] to [StarCoins]\ngo to x: (-196) y: (104)\nset [icon # v] to [1]\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [icon # v] by (1)\n change x by (20)\nend\nset [tiletype v] to []\nset size to (200) %\ngo to x: (-159) y: (148)\nswitch costume to (icon_coin v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (-161) y: (129)\nswitch costume to (icon_star v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [icon # v] to [1]\nset [tiletype v] to [CoinDigit]\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [icon # v] by (1)\nend\nset [icon # v] to [1]\nset [tiletype v] to [StarDigit]\nrepeat (2)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [icon # v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Display Counter (num)\nif <(num) > (([10 ^ v] of ((Icon #) - (1)) ) - (1))> then\n switch costume to (join [Num_] (([floor v] of ((num) / ([10 ^ v] of ((Icon #) - (1)) )) ) mod (10)))\nelse\n switch costume to (num_0 v)\nend\n\n@Music\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (85) %\nforever\n play sound [Main Theme - New Super Mario Bros v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [playerdefeat v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen I receive [you got a star! v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <not <(Paused) = [true]>> then\n set volume to (85) %\nelse\n set volume to (55) %\nend\n\n@Power-Ups\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (75) %\nset [child? v] to [false]\nhide\n\ndefine Get Spawn Coordinates (data)\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(letter (i) of (data)) = [:]>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\nchange [i v] by (1)\nset [spawnx v] to []\nrepeat until <(letter (i) of (data)) = [,]>\n set [spawnx v] to (join (spawnX) (letter (i) of (data)))\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\nchange [i v] by (1)\nset [spawny v] to []\nrepeat until <(i) > (length of (data))>\n set [spawny v] to (join (spawnY) (letter (i) of (data)))\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Power-Up Config (data)\nGet Spawn Coordinates (data)\nif < (data) contains [0:]?> then\n Spawn Power-Up (spawnX) (spawnY) [Mushroom]\nend\nif < (data) contains [1:]?> then\n Spawn Power-Up (spawnX) (spawnY) [Fire Flower]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Child?) = [false]> then\n if <(length of [itemspawn v]) > [0]> then\n repeat until <(length of [itemspawn v]) = [0]>\n Power-Up Config (item (1) of [itemspawn v])\n delete (1) of [itemspawn v]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Spawn Power-Up (x) (y) (type)\nset [startx v] to (((x) * (24)) - (12))\nset [starty v] to (((y) * (24)) - (12))\nif <([power v] of [player v]) = [Small]> then\n set [powertype v] to [Mushroom]\nelse\n set [powertype v] to (type)\nend\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [thisy v] to (startY)\nset [collisionactive? v] to [false]\nset [child? v] to [true]\nswitch costume to (powerType)\nstart sound [item-spawn v]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nshow\ngo [backward v] (10) layers\nrepeat (12)\n change [thisy v] by (2)\nend\nset [collisionactive? v] to [true]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Child?) = [true]> then\n if <(collisionActive?) = [true]> then\n Player Sensing ([power v] of [player v])\n end\n go to x: ((startX) + (scrollX)) y: ((thisY) - (scrollY))\nend\n\ndefine Player Sensing (ppower)\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n if <(powerType) = [Mushroom]> then\n if <(ppower) = [Small]> then\n start sound [player-grow v]\n broadcast (Power_Mushroom v)\n else\n start sound [has-item v]\n end\n end\n if <(powerType) = [Fire Flower]> then\n start sound [player-grow v]\n broadcast (Power_Fire v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Player_Projectiles\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [child? v] to [false]\nset size to (90) %\nhide\n\ndefine Spawn NPC (x) (y) (direction) (type)\nset [thisx v] to (x)\nset [thisy v] to (y)\nset [setdirection v] to (direction)\nset [npctype v] to (type)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [child? v] to [true]\ngo to x: ((thisX) + (scrollX)) y: ((thisY) - (scrollY))\nset [falling? v] to [0]\nset [collisiontimeout v] to [0]\nset [destroydelay v] to [0]\nset [thisframe v] to [0]\nset [setspeed v] to (((round ([abs v] of ([speed x v] of [player v]) )) / (3)) + (10))\nset [hitceiling? v] to [false]\nset [delayverticalscroll v] to [false]\nif <(setDirection) = [90]> then\n set [speed x v] to (setSpeed)\nelse\n set [speed x v] to ((setSpeed) * (-1))\nend\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction ((setDirection) * (-1))\nwait (0.05) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [playerprojectile v]\nif <(Child?) = [false]> then\n if <([power v] of [player v]) = [Fire]> then\n Spawn NPC (([x position v] of [player v]) - (scrollX)) (([y position v] of [player v]) + (scrollY)) ([direction v] of [player v]) [Fireball]\n start sound [fireball v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Child?) = [true]> then\n set [delayverticalscroll v] to <<not <(scrollLockY) = [true]>> and <([falling? v] of [player v]) > [2]>>\n if <not <(delayVerticalScroll) = [true]>> then\n set y to ((thisY) - (scrollY))\n end\n Ceiling Collision <(speed y) > [0]>\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n change [thisframe v] by (([abs v] of (speed x) ) / (12))\n change [thisx v] by (speed x)\n NPC Collision\n Gravity\n Touch Ground <(speed y) > [0]>\n Wall Collision\n Play Anim [Fireball] [4]\n Off-Screen <([abs v] of (x position) ) > [235]> <([abs v] of (y position) ) > [175]>\n set x to ((thisX) + (scrollX))\n if <(delayVerticalScroll) = [true]> then\n set y to ((thisY) - (scrollY))\n end\nend\n\ndefine Gravity\nif <(speed y) > [-35]> then\n change [speed y v] by (-2)\nend\nchange [thisy v] by (speed y)\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\n\ndefine Touch Ground <up?>\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\nrepeat until <<not <touching (map v)?>> and <<not <touching (blocks v)?>> and <not <touching (semi-solids v)?>>>>\n change [collisiontimeout v] by (1)\n if <<(hitCeiling?) = [true]> or <(collisionTimeout) > [49]>> then\n delete this clone\n else\n change y by (1)\n change [thisy v] by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n end\nend\nset [collisiontimeout v] to [0]\nif <(falling?) = [0]> then\n set [speed y v] to [8]\nend\n\ndefine Play Anim (costume) (framecount)\nif <(framecount) > [1]> then\n switch costume to (join (join (costume) [_]) ([floor v] of ((thisFrame) mod (framecount)) ))\nelse\n switch costume to (costume)\nend\n\ndefine Wall Collision\nswitch costume to (wall_sensor v)\nif <<touching (map v)?> or <touching (blocks v)?>> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Ceiling Collision <up?>\nswitch costume to (top_sensor v)\nif <up?> then\n set [hitceiling? v] to <<touching (map v)?> or <touching (blocks v)?>>\nelse\n set [hitceiling? v] to [false]\nend\n\ndefine Off-Screen <offscreenx> <offscreeny>\nif <<offscreenx> or <offscreeny>> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine NPC Collision\nif <(destroyDelay) > [0]> then\n change [destroydelay v] by (1)\n if <(destroyDelay) > [1]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nelse\n if <<touching (goomba v)?> or <<touching (koopa troopa v)?> or <touching (piranha plant v)?>>> then\n set [destroydelay v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\n@Stars\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (80) %\nset [child? v] to [false]\nhide\n\ndefine Spawn Star (x) (y)\nset [startx v] to ((x) * (24))\nset [starty v] to ((y) * (24))\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [child? v] to [true]\ngo to x: ((startX) + (scrollX)) y: ((startY) - (scrollY))\nwait (0.05) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(Child?) = [true]> then\n Frame Rate Config [0.25] [8]\n Play Anim [Star] [8]\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (You Got a Star! v)\n end\n go to x: ((startX) + (scrollX)) y: ((startY) - (scrollY))\nend\n\ndefine Play Anim (costume) (framecount)\nif <(framecount) > [1]> then\n switch costume to (join (costume) (join [_] ([floor v] of ((thisFrame) mod (framecount)) )))\nelse\n switch costume to (costume)\nend\n\ndefine Frame Rate Config (rate) (framecount)\nif <(thisFrame) = (framecount)> then\n set [thisframe v] to [0]\nelse\n change [thisframe v] by (rate)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [loadlevel v]\nif <(Level #) = [1]> then\n Spawn Star [216] [7]\nend\n\n@Foreground\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [playerdefeat v]\nwait (3) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I receive [you got a star! v]\nwait (8) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nstop [all v]\n\n@Game Clear!\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [you got a star! v]\nchange [☁ numclears v] by (1)\nstop all sounds\nstart sound [got-star v]\nset size to (10) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nrepeat until <(size) = [95]>\n change size by (5)\n turn right (45) degrees\nend\npoint in direction (90)\nshow variable [☁ numclears v]\nwait (4) seconds\nhide variable [☁ numclears v]\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n
--------------------- The DarkLands -------------------\nFollow for more Fun games!! =)\n - Controls -\n- Arrow Keys or WASD to move\n- Up Arrow To Jump ( You can wall jump )\n- Comment your time and deaths\n- Dodge The Dangerous Things And fun dangerous stuff!! :D\nPlease Leave a ❤️ and ⭐ will be highly appreciated.\nstory-\nYou are having a big adventure through the beautiful valley but you came to the wrong place..\nTHE DARKLANDS \nescape new adventures\nescape the monsters\nDEFEAT THE BOSS\n\nI hope you enjoyed this platformer :D
@Stage\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nbroadcast (Doge coin show v)\n\n@DOGE!\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nset size to (40) %\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nset [level v] to [1]\ngo to x: (-186) y: (-4)\nset [deaths v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nreset timer\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (door good v)?> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n go to x: (-186) y: (-4)\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n go to x: (106) y: (-131)\n end\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n switch backdrop to (Level)\n if <key (p v) pressed?> then\n wait until <not <key (p v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n go to x: (-186) y: (-4)\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n if <(Level) = []> then\n say (join [You won! it took you ] (join (round (timer)) [ seconds!]))\n end\n if <touching color (#006622)?> then\n set [yv v] to [25]\n end\n if <touching color (#001966)?> then\n set [xv v] to [15]\n end\n if <touching color (#99ffff)?> then\n go to x: (61) y: (-33)\n broadcast (reunion v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [reunion v]\nsay [I made it there on time! Remember to click the love and favorite button! Thanks!]\n\n@doge coin\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [doge coin show v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo [backward v] (999) layers\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nhide\n\n@DOGE!2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@door good\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (206) y: (-83)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nhide\n\n@doge family\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\ngo to x: (-5) y: (46)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@  \n\nwhen flag clicked\nstart sound [cool music1 v]\n\n
THE NEXT 2 GAMES IN THE SERIES ARE OUT!\nMove: WASD/Arrow Keys\nSkip: P\n(You jump higher/lower if you tap or hold the jump button)\n\nMany unnatural events have been occurring in your town and it's up to you to discover what's going on and put an end to the dangers. PLAY WITH A HIGH BRIGHTNESS. Sometimes it's pretty hard to see. Don't touch stuff that looks dangerous. Yeah.\n\nThere are CUT-SCENES at the beginning and end. Watch them in small screen. I know that they're not that good. It's my first time animating stuff. The first one is supposed to be fast though.\n\nMy reaction to getting featured: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/329342002
Sticky Situation - A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Athletic Theme - Super Mario 3D Land v] until done\nend\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (15) %\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-208) y: (-77)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<(y position) > (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [yv v] by (-0.7)\n end\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse x) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n point in direction (90)\n change [xv v] by (0.7)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse x) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n point in direction (90)\n change [xv v] by (-0.7)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (xv)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by ((xv) * (-1))\n change x by (-1)\n change x by (-5)\n change x by (1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-8]\n else\n set [xv v] to [8]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (yv)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n end\n if <touching (danger v)?> then\n turn left (50) degrees\n say [ewww] for (1) seconds\n wait (1) seconds\n turn right (50) degrees\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-190) y: (-77)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n broadcast (dead v)\n end\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n broadcast (message1 v)\n go to x: (-208) y: (-77)\n end\n if <touching (bounce v)?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\n@ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (ground v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\n@TEXT\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (ground v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\n@Bounce\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n show\n go to x: (11) y: (51)\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (200) %\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nclear graphic effects\n\n@clouds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (2))\n set size to (pick random (40) to (70)) %\n go to [back v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (5) to (20))\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n show\n go to x: (-200) y: (pick random (20) to (180))\n repeat (220)\n change x by (2)\n end\n hide\n wait (pick random (1) to (5)) seconds\n end\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (220) y: (pick random (20) to (180))\n repeat (110)\n change x by (-4)\n end\n hide\n wait (pick random (1) to (5)) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (50)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (3) seconds\n else\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\n
To anyone still going on this: check out my other stuff. Okay thanks.\n\nDouble click flag! Also if you use turbowarp don’t use hqpen or it’ll mess up collision.\n\nWASD or arrows to move (or mobile controls) \nThis is just a test screen. There is no other levels.\n\nTest showing some effects. All by me exept for the scanning effect by @scramaso . Color pallete is from the gameboy
Night adventure || Scrolling Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [next lv v]\nnext backdrop\n\nwhen flag clicked\nplay sound [cool v] until done\n\nset volume to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [end intro v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\nforever\n play sound [Double Cherry Pass v] until done\nend\n\nbroadcast (end intro v)\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nreset\nforever\n change [yv v] by (-.5)\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [xv v] by (-.8)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [xv v] by (.8)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (.9))\n change x by (xv)\n if <<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching color (#007e12)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching color (#007e12)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching color (#007e12)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching color (#007e12)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching color (#007e12)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching color (#007e12)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching color (#007e12)?>> then\n change y by (-6)\n change x by ((xv) * (-1))\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [9]\n if <(xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [10]\n end\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (yv)\n if <<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching color (#007e12)?>> then\n change y by ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-.5)\n if <<<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching color (#007e12)?>> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n change y by (.5)\n set [player direction v] to (direction)\nend\n\nset [playery v] to (y position)\n\nchange [xv v] by (1)\n\ndefine reset\ngo to x: (-195) y: (-92)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(x position) > [240]> then\n broadcast (next lv v)\n reset\n else\n if <<<touching (danger v)?> or <<touching (enemy v)?> and <<(ebeny 1 costume) = [1]> or <(ebeny 1 costume) = [3]>>>> or <<touching (enemy2 v)?> and <<(enemy 2 costume) = [1]> or <(enemy 2 costume) = [3]>>>> then\n reset\n else\n end\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (pick up v)\n\n\nend\n\nset y to (-91)\n\nshow\n\nchange [yv v] by (-1)\n\n\n\nif <(xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-10]\nelse\n set [xv v] to [10]\nend\nset [yv v] to [12]\n\n@Sword\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (sprite3 v)\n if <(player direction) = [90]> then\n switch costume to (knight2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (knight3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (3) layers\n show\n repeat (12)\n if <(player direction) = [90]> then\n turn right (30) degrees\n end\n if <(player direction) = [-90]> then\n turn left (30) degrees\n end\n end\n hide\n wait (.1) seconds\n end\nend\n\npoint in direction (player direction)\n\n\n\nturn right (30) degrees\n\n@platforms\n\nwhen I receive [next lv v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n make clouds\n wait (pick random (2) to (5)) seconds\nend\n\ndefine make clouds\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (3))\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nset x to (200)\nset y to (pick random (1) to (100))\nif <[12] > (backdrop [number v])> then\n show\nend\nrepeat until <(x position) < [-275]>\n change x by (-3)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (sprite2 v)\nend\n\nwait (.0000000001) seconds\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume12 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nwait (.25) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume13 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nwait (.25) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume14 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nwait (.25) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume15 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nwait (.25) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume16 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nhide\n\nwait (.25) seconds\n\nswitch costume to (costume16 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume17 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nwait (.25) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume19 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nwait (.25) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume18 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nhide\n\nwait (.25) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume15 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nwait (.25) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume16 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [mountain4 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume22 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nwait (.25) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume21 v)\n\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end intro v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nwait (.25) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nwait (.25) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nwait (.25) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nwait (.25) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nwait (.25) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nwait (.25) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nwait (.25) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume8 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nwait (.25) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume9 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nwait (.25) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nwait (.25) seconds\nhide\n\n@danger\n\nwhen I receive [next lv v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\n@enemy\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (96) y: (-19)\npoint in direction (-90)\nshow\nattack!?!?!?!\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nhide\n\ndefine attack!?!?!?!\nrepeat until <(LEVEL) = [5]>\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (.5) secs to x: (70) y: (-19)\n point in direction (90)\n glide (.5) secs to x: (96) y: (-19)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (sword v)?> then\n broadcast (particles v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n set [ebeny 1 costume v] to (costume [number v])\nend\n\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [particles v]\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume27 v)\nset [ebeny 1 costume v] to [2]\nrepeat (15)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume27 v)\nchange x by (pick random (5) to (35))\nchange y by (pick random (5) to (35))\nwait (.2) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nset [enemy xv v] to [0]\nset [enemy yv v] to [0]\nchange [enemy xv v] by (-10)\nchange [direction v] by (1)\n\nchange x by (enemy xv)\nchange y by (enemy yv)\nif <not <<touching color (#007e12)?> or <touching color (#000000)?>>> then\n change y by ((yv) * (-1))\nend\n\nwait (.5) seconds\nchange [enemy yv v] by (8)\n\nwait (.5) seconds\n\nchange [enemy yv v] by (-.5)\n\nchange [direction v] by (1)\n\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\nif <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n\npoint in direction (-90)\nchange [xv v] by (-.8)\n\npoint in direction (90)\nchange [xv v] by (.8)\n\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [9]\nif <(xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-10]\nelse\n set [xv v] to [10]\nend\n\nif <<<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching color (#007e12)?>> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\nchange y by (.5)\n\nset [yv v] to [10]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [next lv v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [enemy xv v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (156) y: (-19)\npoint in direction (-90)\nshow\nattack!!?!?!2\n\ndefine attack!!?!?!2\nrepeat until <(LEVEL) = [6]>\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (70) y: (-19)\n point in direction (90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (156) y: (-19)\nend\n\nrepeat (40)\n change x by (2)\n point in direction (90)\nend\nrepeat (40)\n change x by (-2)\n point in direction (-90)\nend\n\nattack!?!?!?!\n\nrepeat (40)\n change x by (-2)\n point in direction (-90)\nend\n\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (-50) y: (-122)\npoint in direction (-90)\nshow\nattack 3\n\ndefine attack 3\nrepeat until <(LEVEL) = [8]>\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (.5) secs to x: (-95) y: (-122)\n point in direction (90)\n glide (.5) secs to x: (-50) y: (-122)\nend\n\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (-2)\nend\nrepeat (20)\nend\nchange x by (2)\n\nattack!!?!?!2\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (125) y: (15)\npoint in direction (-90)\nshow\nattack 4\n\ndefine attack 4\nrepeat until <(LEVEL) = [9]>\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (.6) secs to x: (70) y: (15)\n point in direction (90)\n glide (.6) secs to x: (113) y: (15)\nend\n\nattack 3\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (-50) y: (-124)\npoint in direction (-90)\nshow\n5th attack\n\nattack 4\n\ndefine 5th attack\nrepeat until <(LEVEL) = [11]>\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (.7) secs to x: (-87) y: (-124)\n point in direction (90)\n glide (.7) secs to x: (-50) y: (-124)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (5) y: (-120)\npoint in direction (-90)\nshow\nattack 6\n\n5th attack\n\ndefine attack 6\nrepeat until <(LEVEL) = [13]>\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (.8) secs to x: (-60) y: (-119)\n point in direction (90)\n glide (.8) secs to x: (5) y: (-119)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [mountain2 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (70) y: (-50)\npoint in direction (-90)\nshow\ncool attack\n\ndefine cool attack\nrepeat until <(LEVEL) = [14]>\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (.6) secs to x: (40) y: (-50)\n point in direction (90)\n glide (.6) secs to x: (70) y: (-50)\nend\n\n5th attack\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [mountain3 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-90) y: (90)\npoint in direction (-90)\nshow\nattack COOLLLLL\n\ncool attack\n\ndefine attack COOLLLLL\nrepeat until <(LEVEL) = [15]>\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (.6) secs to x: (-125) y: (90)\n point in direction (90)\n glide (.6) secs to x: (-90) y: (90)\nend\n\nglide (1) secs to x: (134) y: (-19)\n\npoint in direction (90)\n\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nhide\n\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (-50) y: (-122)\npoint in direction (-90)\nshow\nattack 3\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [mountain v]\nhide\n\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (5) y: (-120)\npoint in direction (-90)\nshow\nattack 6\n\n@enemy2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nhide\n\ndefine attack!?!?!?!\nrepeat until <(LEVEL) = [6]>\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (.5) secs to x: (-100) y: (14)\n point in direction (90)\n glide (.5) secs to x: (-60) y: (14)\nend\nhide\n\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (-2)\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (2)\n point in direction (90)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (sword v)?> then\n broadcast (particles 2 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n set [enemy 2 costume v] to (costume [number v])\nend\n\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [particles 2 v]\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume27 v)\nset [enemy 2 costume v] to [2]\nrepeat (15)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume27 v)\nchange x by (pick random (5) to (35))\nchange y by (pick random (5) to (35))\nwait (.2) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nset [enemy xv v] to [0]\nset [enemy yv v] to [0]\nchange [enemy xv v] by (-10)\nchange [direction v] by (1)\n\nchange x by (enemy xv)\nchange y by (enemy yv)\nif <not <<touching color (#007e12)?> or <touching color (#000000)?>>> then\n change y by ((yv) * (-1))\nend\n\nwait (.5) seconds\nchange [enemy yv v] by (8)\n\nwait (.5) seconds\n\nchange [enemy yv v] by (-.5)\n\nchange [direction v] by (1)\n\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\nif <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n\npoint in direction (-90)\nchange [xv v] by (-.8)\n\npoint in direction (90)\nchange [xv v] by (.8)\n\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [9]\nif <(xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-10]\nelse\n set [xv v] to [10]\nend\n\nif <<<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching color (#007e12)?>> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\nchange y by (.5)\n\nset [yv v] to [10]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [next lv v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [enemy xv v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-60) y: (14)\npoint in direction (-90)\nshow\nattack!?!?!?!\n\nattack!!?!?!2\n\ndefine attack!!?!?!2\n\nrepeat until <(LEVEL) = [6]>\n\nrepeat (40)\n change x by (2)\n point in direction (90)\nend\n\nrepeat (40)\n change x by (-2)\n point in direction (-90)\nend\n\nrepeat (40)\n change x by (-2)\n point in direction (-90)\nend\n\nchange [enemy 2 costume v] by (1)\n\ngo to x: (-60) y: (14)\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen I receive [end intro v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\n@intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nrepeat (35)\n repeat (5)\n turn right (6) degrees\n end\n change size by (2)\nend\npoint in direction (90)\nbroadcast (cool entro v)\n\nwhen I receive [end intro v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [cool entro v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nrepeat (72)\n next costume\nend\nbroadcast (end intro v)\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nbroadcast (no car v)\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen I receive [end intro v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [cool entro v]\nshow\n\n
⚠︎ ( ´•д•`; )が大量発生中!見つけ次第コメ欄で報告だ!⚠︎\n≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡\n〔How to play/操作方法〕\n*arrow key/十字キー *mobile/モバイル\n\n〔Credit/クレジット〕\n*Music/音楽:Tobu -Hope\n*Text/テキスト:Free Online Design Tool\n*Mobile Mark/モバイルマーク:@TrentonTNT\n\n〔Tag/タグ〕\n#Games #Art #Storys #Platformer #toyatoya-yamanashi\n#Trending\n\n〔⭐︎宣⭐︎伝⭐︎〕\n↓best Intro!↓\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/651226844\n\n〔One comment/一言〕\n伸びがよろしい。\n≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡
Elf Quest | A Platformer #Games
@Stage\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [x x x v] to [0]\nset [y y y v] to [0]\nhide\ngo to x: (-114) y: (-30)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nhide\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [x x x v] by (1)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x x x v] by (-1)\n end\n set [x x x v] to ((x x x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x x x)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by ((x x x) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n if <(x x x) > [0]> then\n set [x x x v] to [-5]\n else\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n set [x x x v] to [5]\n end\n end\n set [y y y v] to [10]\n else\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n set [x x x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y y y v] by (-1)\n change y by (y y y)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((y y y) * (-1))\n set [y y y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n set [y y y v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (danger v)?> then\n set [y y y v] to [0]\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-10)\n end\n go to x: (-200) y: (30)\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <[-180] > (y position)> then\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-10)\n end\n go to x: (-200) y: (30)\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n set [y y y v] to [20]\n end\n if <touching (wind v)?> then\n set [x x x v] to [15]\n end\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n broadcast (next level v)\n set x to (-200)\n end\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nset [y y y v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat (10)\n play sound [sunset- paradise v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (100)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (restart v)\n\n
Use the arrow keys to move, when you get your sword, press the space bar to swing. Hop on the trampoline to jump really high. Avoid falling into lava, getting poked by the spikes, and falling to Hecker's hecks!!!\n
Rescue 5 -Iceland- || A platformer ||
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (intro v)\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nswitch backdrop to (mountain v)\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nforever\n if <(level) = [15]> then\n switch backdrop to (dessert v)\n set [brightness v] effect to (20)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nclear graphic effects\nswitch backdrop to (thumbnail v)\n\n@Blank\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (7)\n switch costume to (trail v)\n change size by (-4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [mati v]\nhide\nwait (0) seconds\nshow\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\nif <(level) = [8]> then\n set x to (-182)\n set y to (-77)\nelse\n if <<(level) = [13]> or <(level) = [14]>> then\n set x to (-210)\n set y to (-93)\n else\n set x to (-210)\n set y to (0)\n end\nend\nbroadcast (Game on v)\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n if <<<<(y position) < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> and <<<(x position) < (mouse x)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <<<<(y position) < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> and <<<(mouse x) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.9))\n change x by (X)\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (snowman v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (snowman v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (snowman v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (snowman v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (snowman v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (snowman v)?>> then\n change x by ((X) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-7]\n else\n set [x v] to [7]\n end\n set [y v] to [14]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <<touching (snowman v)?> or <touching (level v)?>> then\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [y v] to [13]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y)\n if <<touching (snowman v)?> or <touching (level v)?>> then\n change y by ((Y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n hide variable [x v]\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n broadcast (next level v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [y v] to [0]\n set [x v] to [0]\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n go to x: (-182) y: (-77)\n else\n if <<(level) = [13]> or <(level) = [14]>> then\n go to x: (-190) y: (-93)\n else\n go to x: (-190) y: (0)\n end\n end\n end\n if <(y position) < [-179]> then\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n go to x: (-182) y: (-77)\n else\n if <<(level) = [13]> or <(level) = [14]>> then\n go to x: (-190) y: (-93)\n else\n go to x: (-190) y: (-50)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n Set Costume\nend\n\ndefine Set Costume\nif <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) + (-20)) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> and <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (15)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n point in direction (90)\nelse\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) + (-20)) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> and <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (15)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) + (-20)) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n point in direction (direction)\n else\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (-20)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n point in direction (90)\n else\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (-20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n broadcast (In water v)\n if <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < ((x position) - (20))>>>> then\n set [x v] to [-2]\n end\n if <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > ((x position) + (20))>>>> then\n set [x v] to [2]\n end\n if <<key (s v) pressed?> or <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <((mouse y) - (y position)) < [10]>>>> then\n change [y v] by (-1.5)\n end\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <((mouse y) - (y position)) > [20]>>>> then\n change [y v] by (1)\n end\n set [y v] to ((Y) * (0.8))\n change [y v] by (((Y) / (15)) + (0.5))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [mati v]\nif <<touching (saw v)?> or <touching (spikes v)?>> then\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n clear graphic effects\n set x to (-210)\n set y to (150)\n broadcast (Game on v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n if <not <touching (water v)?>> then\n broadcast (Out water v)\n end\nend\n\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n if <touching (map v)?> then\n broadcast (MAP find v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\nshow\nset size to (60) %\nswitch costume to (player v)\ngo to x: (-190) y: (50)\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\npoint in direction (90)\nbroadcast (Game on v)\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nforever\n if <<touching (saw2 v)?> or <<touching (saw3 v)?> or <<<touching (saw v)?> or <<touching (spikes v)?> or <touching (lava v)?>>> or <touching (enemy v)?>>>> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n set volume to (100) %\n start sound [GG v]\n broadcast (Hansd v)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n broadcast (Mati v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [map find v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n broadcast (Bounce v)\n set [y v] to [20]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n if <touching (doublejump v)?> then\n set [y v] to [13]\n end\nend\n\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nhide\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nswitch costume to (join [level] (level))\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (level1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [bomb v]\nswitch costume to (level10 v)\nset [level v] to [10]\n\nwhen I receive [map find v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0) seconds\nSpawn [Spike 2] at [0] [0] at the direction of [90] at the level [5]\nSpawn [Spike 3] at [0] [0] at the direction of [90] at the level [7]\nSpawn [Spike 4] at [0] [0] at the direction of [90] at the level [8]\nSpawn [Spike 5] at [0] [0] at the direction of [90] at the level [12]\nSpawn [Spike 6] at [0] [0] at the direction of [90] at the level [14]\nSpawn [Spike 8] at [0] [0] at the direction of [90] at the level [20]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Spawn (name) at (x) (y) at the direction of (dir) at the level (level)\nif <(level) = (level)> then\n switch costume to (name)\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n point in direction (dir)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nwait (0) seconds\nSpawn [Spike 1] at [0] [0] at the direction of [90] at the level [1]\n\n@Saw\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n show\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (-83) y: (127)\n forever\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-83) y: (-45)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-83) y: (127)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\nelse\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n show\n set size to (150) %\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (157) y: (-90)\n else\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n show\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (190) y: (33)\n forever\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (-189) y: (33)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (190) y: (33)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\n else\n if <(level) = []> then\n show\n set size to (150) %\n go to x: (150) y: (-90)\n else\n if <(level) = []> then\n show\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (-7) y: (92)\n forever\n glide (1) secs to x: (187) y: (92)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n glide (1) secs to x: (-7) y: (92)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\n else\n if <(level) = []> then\n show\n set size to (150) %\n go to x: (-77) y: (-102)\n else\n if <(level) = [17]> then\n show\n set size to (150) %\n go to x: (154) y: (-68)\n else\n if <(level) = [20]> then\n show\n set size to (150) %\n go to x: (177) y: (-75)\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nforever\n if <<(level) = [20]> or <<(level) = [15]> or <<(level) = [17]> or <<(level) = []> or <<(level) = [14]> or <<<(level) = [2]> or <(level) = [5]>> or <(level) = [6]>>>>>>> then\n switch costume to (saw v)\n go to [back v] layer\n turn right (15) degrees\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Hands\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hansd v]\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nbroadcast (Mati v)\n\nwhen I receive [mati v]\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nshow\nset size to (60) %\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [map find v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Cloud\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nset x to (240)\npoint in direction (pick random (-90) to (90))\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset y to (pick random (50) to (180))\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (0) to (20))\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (6))\nset size to (pick random (90) to (100)) %\nrepeat (160)\n change x by (-3)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\n\nhide\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\n\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Text\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (download__1_-removebg-preview v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [bomb v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\n\n@Water\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(level) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (water2.0 v)\n go to [back v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n switch costume to (join [Water2.] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\nelse\n if <(level) = []> then\n switch costume to (water0 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n switch costume to (join [Water] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\n else\n if <(level) = []> then\n switch costume to (water2.0 v)\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n switch costume to (join [Water2.] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\n else\n if <(level) = []> then\n switch costume to (water3.0 v)\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n switch costume to (join [Water3.] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [16]> then\n switch costume to (water2.0 v)\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n switch costume to (join [Water2.] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\n\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@MAP\n\nwhen I receive [map find v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (1.5) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (Credits v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [forward v] (999999999999999999999999) layers\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n@map\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nforever\n if <(level) = [15]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nhide\n\n@Trampoline\n\ndefine Go to (x) (y) size (size) direction (dir) level (level)\nif <(level) = (level)> then\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n set size to (size) %\n point in direction (dir)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [bounce v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nrepeat (6)\n wait (0) seconds\n next costume\nend\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0) seconds\nGo to [-98] [-80] size [70] direction [90] level [3]\nGo to [-141] [-76] size [70] direction [90] level [5]\nGo to [-102] [-93] size [70] direction [90] level [7]\nGo to [33] [-93] size [70] direction [90] level [7]\nGo to [164] [-93] size [70] direction [90] level [7]\nGo to [25] [24] size [50] direction [90] level [12]\nGo to [-181] [-91] size [70] direction [90] level [13]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Sword\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nstart sound [Sword v]\nset size to (80) %\npoint in direction (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n go to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nset rotation style [all around v]\nstart sound [Sword v]\nset size to (80) %\npoint in direction (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nrepeat (12)\n turn right (30) degrees\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [hansd v]\nhide\nif <key (space v) pressed?> then\n hide\nend\n\n@Enemy\n\ndefine Gravity (gravity) Jump Height (jump height) Speed (speed) Friction (friction) Slope (slope)\nchange [yv v] by (gravity)\nchange y by (yv)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change y by ((([abs v] of (yv) ) / (yv)) * (-1))\n end\n set [yv v] to (<<(y position) < (([y position v] of [player v]) - (10))> and <(([abs v] of (yv) ) / (yv)) = [-1]>> * (jump height))\nend\nset [xv v] to (((xv) + ((<(x position) > ([x position v] of [player v])> * ((speed) * (-1))) + (<(x position) < ([x position v] of [player v])> * (speed)))) * (friction))\nchange x by (xv)\nset [enemy - slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(Enemy - Slope) = ((slope) * (-1))> or <not <touching (level v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [enemy - slope v] by (-1)\nend\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (Enemy - Slope)\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change x by ((([abs v] of (xv) ) / (xv)) * (-1))\n end\nend\npoint towards (player v)\nif <(y position) < [-180]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(level) = [5]> then\n Clone at [49] [146] [1]\n Clone at [-24] [146] [2]\nelse\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n Clone at [-178] [84] [1]\n else\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n Clone at [230] [89] [2]\n Clone at [210] [89] [1]\n Clone at [190] [89] [2]\n Clone at [170] [89] [1]\n Clone at [150] [89] [2]\n Clone at [135] [89] [1]\n Clone at [120] [89] [2]\n Clone at [105] [89] [1]\n Clone at [90] [89] [2]\n Clone at [60] [89] [1]\n Clone at [40] [89] [2]\n Clone at [20] [89] [1]\n Clone at [0] [89] [2]\n Clone at [-20] [89] [1]\n Clone at [-40] [89] [2]\n Clone at [-60] [89] [1]\n Clone at [-90] [89] [2]\n Clone at [-105] [89] [1]\n Clone at [-120] [89] [2]\n Clone at [-135] [89] [1]\n Clone at [-150] [89] [2]\n Clone at [-170] [89] [1]\n Clone at [-190] [89] [2]\n Clone at [-210] [89] [1]\n Clone at [-230] [89] [2]\n else\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n Clone at [130] [171] [1]\n Clone at [45] [40] [2]\n Clone at [-103] [123] [1]\n else\n if <(level) = [19]> then\n Clone at [158] [179] [2]\n Clone at [63] [136] [1]\n Clone at [11] [59] [2]\n Clone at [-83] [105] [1]\n Clone at [-52] [161] [1]\n Clone at [158] [179] [2]\n else\n if <(level) = [20]> then\n Clone at [124] [103] [2]\n Clone at [44] [142] [1]\n Clone at [-19] [44] [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y) (type)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nswitch costume to (type)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n forever\n if <not <(Switch In Progress) = [yes]>> then\n Gravity [-1] Jump Height [10] Speed [0.5] Friction [.75] Slope [5]\n if <<<touching (sword v)?> or <touching (shuriken v)?>> or <touching (lava v)?>> then\n start sound [Hit v]\n set [slime x v] to (x position)\n set [slime type v] to (costume [number v])\n set [slime y v] to (y position)\n broadcast (Slime Particles v)\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n forever\n if <not <(Switch In Progress) = [yes]>> then\n Gravity [-1] Jump Height [7] Speed [0.2] Friction [.75] Slope [2]\n if <<<touching (sword v)?> or <touching (shuriken v)?>> or <touching (lava v)?>> then\n start sound [Hit v]\n set [slime x v] to (x position)\n set [slime type v] to (costume [number v])\n set [slime y v] to (y position)\n broadcast (Slime Particles v)\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n forever\n if <not <(Switch In Progress) = [yes]>> then\n Gravity [-1] Jump Height [16] Speed [0.7] Friction [.75] Slope [2]\n if <<<touching (sword v)?> or <touching (shuriken v)?>> or <touching (lava v)?>> then\n start sound [Hit v]\n set [slime x v] to (x position)\n set [slime type v] to (costume [number v])\n set [slime y v] to (y position)\n broadcast (Slime Particles v)\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [mati v]\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(level) = [5]> then\n Clone at [49] [146] [1]\n Clone at [-24] [146] [2]\nelse\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n Clone at [-178] [84] [1]\n else\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n Clone at [230] [89] [2]\n Clone at [210] [89] [1]\n Clone at [190] [89] [2]\n Clone at [170] [89] [1]\n Clone at [150] [89] [2]\n Clone at [135] [89] [1]\n Clone at [120] [89] [2]\n Clone at [105] [89] [1]\n Clone at [90] [89] [2]\n Clone at [60] [89] [1]\n Clone at [40] [89] [2]\n Clone at [20] [89] [1]\n Clone at [0] [89] [2]\n Clone at [-20] [89] [1]\n Clone at [-40] [89] [2]\n Clone at [-60] [89] [1]\n Clone at [-90] [89] [2]\n Clone at [-105] [89] [1]\n Clone at [-120] [89] [2]\n Clone at [-135] [89] [1]\n Clone at [-150] [89] [2]\n Clone at [-170] [89] [1]\n Clone at [-190] [89] [2]\n Clone at [-210] [89] [1]\n Clone at [-230] [89] [2]\n else\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n Clone at [130] [171] [1]\n Clone at [45] [40] [2]\n Clone at [-103] [123] [1]\n else\n if <(level) = [19]> then\n Clone at [158] [179] [2]\n Clone at [63] [136] [1]\n Clone at [11] [59] [2]\n Clone at [-83] [105] [1]\n Clone at [-52] [161] [1]\n Clone at [158] [179] [2]\n else\n if <(level) = [20]> then\n Clone at [124] [103] [2]\n Clone at [44] [142] [1]\n Clone at [-19] [44] [1]\n else\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [boss battle v]\nrepeat until <(HP) < [1]>\n wait (pick random (1) to (2)) seconds\n if <(pick random (0) to (3)) > [1]> then\n Clone at (pick random (100) to (200)) [-65] (pick random (1) to (3))\n else\n Clone at [-200] [-65] (pick random (2) to (3))\n end\nend\n\nif <(level) = [3]> then\n Clone at [200] [-50] [1]\n Clone at [65] [-40] [1]\nelse\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n Clone at [200] [-50] [2]\n Clone at [65] [-40] [2]\n Clone at [-20] [15] [2]\n else\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n Clone at [200] [-50] [3]\n Clone at [40] [-30] [3]\n else\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n Clone at [200] [-50] [3]\n Clone at [150] [-30] [2]\n Clone at [100] [0] [1]\n else\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n Clone at [200] [-50] [2]\n else\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n Clone at [-168] [80] [3]\n Clone at [-100] [80] [3]\n Clone at [105] [53] [3]\n else\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n Clone at [213] [61] [2]\n Clone at [-117] [88] [2]\n Clone at [-10] [88] [2]\n Clone at [130] [-68] [2]\n else\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n Clone at [-118] [116] [2]\n else\n if <(level) = [15]> then\n Clone at [47] [105] [3]\n else\n if <(level) = [19]> then\n Clone at [155] [-1] [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n show\n switch costume to (lava2.0 v)\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n switch costume to (join [Lava2.] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\nelse\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n show\n switch costume to (lava2.0 v)\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n switch costume to (join [Lava2.] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n show\n switch costume to (lava2.0 v)\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n switch costume to (join [Lava2.] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n show\n switch costume to (lava2.0 v)\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n switch costume to (join [Lava2.] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Slime Particles\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [is clone? v] to []\n\nwhen I receive [slime particles v]\nif <not <(Is clone?) = [1]>> then\n repeat (4)\n Particles\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (SLIME TYPE)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset [color v] effect to (pick random (-5) to (5))\nset [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-40) to (10))\nset [is clone? v] to [1]\ngo to x: (SLIME X) y: (SLIME Y)\nshow\nset [xv v] to (pick random (-12) to (12))\nset [yv v] to (pick random (5) to (20))\nrepeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (level v)?>>\n change [yv v] by (-2)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\n set [yv v] to ((yv) * (0.9))\n change x by (xv)\n change y by (yv)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n else\n change y by (-1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Particles\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [CircleExplosion]> then\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n wait until <(Zsxgdb) = [1]>\n show\n repeat (22)\n turn right (5) degrees\n move (Move) steps\n change [move v] by (-.04)\n change size by (-2)\n end\n repeat (12)\n turn right (5) degrees\n move (Move) steps\n change size by (-4)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Cool]> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set size to (21) %\n clear graphic effects\n show\n repeat (30)\n change size by (10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Cool]> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n set size to (21) %\n show\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [BarThing1]> then\n switch costume to (bar2 v)\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-314) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n Smooth Glide x: (217) y: (0) speed: (5)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [BarThing2]> then\n switch costume to (bar2 v)\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-314) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n Smooth Glide x: (122) y: (0) speed: (5)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [BarThing3]> then\n switch costume to (bar2 v)\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-314) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n Smooth Glide x: (28) y: (0) speed: (5)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [BarThing4]> then\n switch costume to (bar2 v)\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-314) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n Smooth Glide x: (-65) y: (0) speed: (5)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [BarThing5]> then\n switch costume to (bar2 v)\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-314) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n Smooth Glide x: (-158) y: (0) speed: (5)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [BarThing6]> then\n switch costume to (bar2 v)\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-314) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n Smooth Glide x: (-250) y: (0) speed: (5)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Particles]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [x v] to [0]\n wait until <(Show) = [1]>\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (70) %\n set [x v] to [0]\n wait until <(Show) = [1]>\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change y by (Y)\n move (8) steps\n change [y v] by (-.07)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Smooth Glide x: (x) y: (y) speed: (speed)\nrepeat until <<(round (x position)) = (round (x))> and <(round (y position)) = (round (y))>>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-30)\n change x by (((round (x)) - (round (x position))) / (speed))\n change y by (((round (y)) - (round (y position))) / (speed))\nend\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Bars]> then\n switch costume to (bar v)\n show\n point in direction (51)\n set size to (34) %\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (20)\n turn right (12) degrees\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (14)\n turn right (9) degrees\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (12)\n turn right (6) degrees\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (7)\n turn right (3) degrees\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (5)\n turn right (3) degrees\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (3)\n turn right (2) degrees\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (2)\n turn right (1.5) degrees\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (1)\n turn right (1) degrees\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (1)\n turn right (1) degrees\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n wait (.02) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [id v] to [Bars]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nset [y v] to [8]\nset [show v] to [0]\nwait (.5) seconds\nstart sound [Avicii - Broken Arrows v]\nwait (.5) seconds\nclear graphic effects\nset [size v] to [12]\nset [id v] to [Bars]\nrepeat (3)\n go to x: (-216) y: (0)\n hide\n repeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (48)\n end\n change [brightness v] effect by (50)\nend\nwait () seconds\nset [id v] to [Line]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait () seconds\nset [id v] to [Thing]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (1.2) seconds\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (10)\n set [id v] to [Square]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n wait (.02) seconds\nend\nset [id v] to [BarThing1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nset [id v] to [BarThing2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nset [id v] to [BarThing3]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nset [id v] to [BarThing4]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nset [id v] to [BarThing5]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nset [id v] to [BarThing6]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait () seconds\nset [id v] to [Circleeeee]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.2) seconds\nset [id v] to [Circleeeee2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait () seconds\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat (10)\n set [id v] to [Particles]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n turn right (pick random (-90) to (90)) degrees\nend\nset [show v] to [1]\nset [id v] to [Text]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait () seconds\nset [id v] to [Flash]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.4) seconds\ngo to x: (9) y: (91)\nset [id v] to [CoolThing]\nhide\nrepeat (7)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (36)\nend\ngo to x: (-25) y: (91)\nset [id v] to [CoolThing2]\nrepeat (7)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (-36)\nend\nwait (.2) seconds\nrepeat (15)\n turn right (pick random (-90) to (90)) degrees\n set [id v] to [Cool]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nwait () seconds\nset [zsxgdb v] to [0]\nset [id v] to [CircleExplosion]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [move v] to [12]\nrepeat (12)\n turn right (30) degrees\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [zsxgdb v] to [1]\nwait () seconds\nrepeat (30)\n turn right (pick random (-90) to (90)) degrees\n set [id v] to [Cool]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nwait (.05) seconds\nset [id v] to [End]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Bars]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Line]> then\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-480) y: (0)\n switch costume to (line v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (80)\n show\n set size to (100) %\n Smooth Glide x: (0) y: (0) speed: (3)\n repeat (12)\n switch costume to (sizehack v)\n change size by ((size) * (.5))\n switch costume to (line v)\n turn left ((direction) * (.05)) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Thing]> then\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (0) y: (-201)\n switch costume to (thing v)\n wait (.8) seconds\n show\n repeat (12)\n switch costume to (sizehack v)\n change size by ((size) * (.3))\n switch costume to (thing v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Particles]> then\n wait until <(Show) = [1]>\n wait (12) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Square]> then\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (45)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n show\n repeat (12)\n switch costume to (sizehack v)\n change size by ((size) * (.3))\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n turn left ((direction) * (.2)) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Circleeeee]> then\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (0) y: (201)\n switch costume to (thing2 v)\n show\n wait (.05) seconds\n repeat (12)\n switch costume to (sizehack v)\n change size by ((size) * (.3))\n switch costume to (thing2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Circleeeee]> then\n Smooth Glide x: (0) y: (0) speed: (3)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Circleeeee2]> then\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (0) y: (201)\n switch costume to (thing v)\n show\n wait (.05) seconds\n repeat (12)\n switch costume to (sizehack v)\n change size by ((size) * (.3))\n switch costume to (thing v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Circleeeee2]> then\n Smooth Glide x: (0) y: (0) speed: (3)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Text]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n clear graphic effects\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (20) %\n show\n switch costume to (text v)\n repeat (29)\n go to x: (([sin v] of ((timer) * (1000)) ) * (((size) - (100)) * (0.1))) y: (([sin v] of ((timer) * (800)) ) * (((size) - (100)) * (0.1)))\n change size by (((70) - (size)) / (12))\n end\n set size to (80) %\n forever\n switch costume to (text v)\n set size to (300) %\n repeat (29)\n go to x: (([sin v] of ((timer) * (1000)) ) * (((size) - (100)) * (0.1))) y: (([sin v] of ((timer) * (800)) ) * (((size) - (100)) * (0.1)))\n change size by (((70) - (size)) / (12))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Flash]> then\n switch costume to (flash v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n clear graphic effects\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (8)\n end\n repeat (50)\n wait (.3) seconds\n switch costume to (flash v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n clear graphic effects\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Bars]> then\n set size to (100) %\n forever\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n clear graphic effects\n point in direction (90)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [CoolThing]> then\n switch costume to (coolthing1 v)\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n clear graphic effects\n set y to (255)\n wait (.2) seconds\n show\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (3)\n change y by (-40)\n end\n go to x: (x position) y: (91)\n repeat (17)\n next costume\n end\nelse\n if <(ID) = [CoolThing2]> then\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (-90)\n switch costume to (coolthing1 v)\n clear graphic effects\n set y to (-255)\n show\n repeat (3)\n change y by (40)\n end\n go to x: (x position) y: (-91)\n repeat (17)\n next costume\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Text]> then\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Bars]> then\n repeat (100)\n switch costume to (sizehack v)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Bars]> then\n wait (8.1) seconds\n repeat (1)\n change size by (-6)\n end\n repeat (1)\n change size by (-6)\n end\n repeat (1)\n change size by (-4)\n end\n repeat (1)\n change size by (-3)\n end\n repeat (2)\n change size by (-2)\n end\n repeat (2)\n change size by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [CoolThing]> then\n forever\n set size to (100) %\n end\nelse\n if <(ID) = [CoolThing2]> then\n forever\n set size to (100) %\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [End]> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n broadcast (EndIntro v)\n wait (.3) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [End]> then\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [34]> then\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Credits\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-999999)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nrepeat (900)\n change y by (1)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nif <(y position) > [566]> then\n hide\nend\n\n@Bomb\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(level) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (bomb v)\n point in direction (90)\n wait (2) seconds\n show\n go to x: (89) y: (174)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (90) y: (23)\n switch costume to (explode v)\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (Bomb v)\n hide\nend\n\nforever\nend\n\nwhen I receive [bomb v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@DoubleJump\n\ndefine Spawn (name) go to (x) (y) point in the direction of (dir) in the level (level)\nif <(level) = (level)> then\n switch costume to (name)\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n point in direction (dir)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nSpawn [Double jump] go to [58] [-61] point in the direction of [90] in the level [4]\nSpawn [Double jump] go to [18] [-65] point in the direction of [90] in the level [8]\nSpawn [Double jump] go to [28] [-63] point in the direction of [90] in the level [13]\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nforever\n hide\n set volume to (50) %\n play sound [Lost and stoned v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [Satisfied v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen I receive [map find v]\nrepeat (10)\n change volume by (-10)\nend\nstop all sounds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n
*UPDATE* Reset Feature for those experiencing no death when falling in a hole.\n\nAdventure!\n\nControls:\nWASD/Arrow Keys\nW= Jump A= Left D= Right\nUp Arrow= Jump Left Arrow= Left Right Arrow= Right\n\nObjective:\nsneak your way around all that gets in your path, stay away from those spikes at all costs!\n\nParallax:\nMove your mouse around the screen to see that the hills move when your mouse moves! the stars in the back will move with your character
The Valley- a multiplayer scrolling platformer (Collab)
@Stage\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstart sound [Inferno v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [x velocity v] to [0]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-214) y: (-90)\nforever\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (1)\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (-1)\n end\n set [x velocity v] to ((x velocity) * (.9))\n change x by (x velocity)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((x velocity) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(x velocity) > [0]> then\n set [x velocity v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [5]\n end\n set [y velocity v] to [10]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y velocity v] by (-1)\n change y by (y velocity)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((y velocity) * (-1))\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n change [y velocity v] by (15)\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(x position) > [160]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n go to x: (-214) y: (-91)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((x velocity) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n go to x: (-214) y: (-97)\n else\n go to x: (x position) y: (y position)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n forever\n set [level v] to [10]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@Skip Button\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\n
━━━ ICEY 3 PLATFORMER ━━━\nControls: Arrow Keys/WASD & Mobile Support\nPress [Space] To Swing Your Katana\nPART 1: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/887236150\nPART 2: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/888436355\n━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━\n\n➤ Like & Star for a chance at a free follow!\n\nComment if you want Part 4\nWhile you're waiting for part 4, make sure to check out Parts 1 & 2\nI will look at all of your remixes\n\nHave Fun!