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i ' m not going to press charges . . i mean . . . aside from initially saying no , i basically just laid there hating myself . there have been times that i ' ve pushed him off me and fought him off . . but this morning . . . idk . . i didn ' t have the energy for the resulting drama . . . ( which i got anyway when he confronted me about all this in the car ) i just want my life back . i used to have self esteem . i used to feel confident and i was able to assert myself . . . and somehow in just three months i feel ugly and resent myself and weak , and i barely have a fraction of the confidence i used to . idk how this happened so fast . | 1,337,228,406 | 6 | TwoXChromosomes |
lgbt are not prohibited from attending catholic schools , nor is there any institutional forms of discrimination against them in the system . except the part where they ' re constantly told that the sexual urges they have are sinful and that it would be a sin ( in fact , quite possibly a mortal sin ) to ever , ever act on them . yeah , that ' s healthy . | 1,337,228,550 | 2 | canada |
i never claimed they did ( felt pain ) and also i never said we need to consume meat i only said we need to consume organisms to survive . but eating meat is a part of the cycle of life why should be exclude ourselves from it . you can choose to eat whatever you wish as that is the point of being human but there is nothing wrong with having meat and their pain ( at least to me ) is not enough defense for them . especially since you cannot prove their self understanding to even decipher pain beyond the physical ( ie things like empathy , beyond instincts / will to live ) . if a lion can get a gazelle i see no reason why i can ' t . | 1,337,228,455 | 4 | AskReddit |
school . my classmate had heard about it on the news before me , but had arrived at some garbled version of the story . he was running around shouting that india had nuked new york . i can just imagine the rhetoric today . " hinduism is a religion of peace ! " " hinduism has always been at war with christianity ! " | 1,337,228,205 | 1 | AskReddit |
i ' m sorry , what sentence did you interpet my child doesn ' t have behavioral skills ? i was pushing / carrying several items & holding my child ' s hand . the leash was a backup for the crowded place & safety . oh , are we just making assumptions now ? because i have a few . | 1,337,228,284 | 6 | funny |
i would guess you ' re wrong . just look at the anonymous infighting over the psn ddos . lastly , whether you choose to define them as a group or not is purely semantic and irrelevant : they ' re still people behaving like people . indeed , and people have their own minds and have different opinions . | 1,337,228,390 | 1 | technology |
i also think you would like moon the story about the [ [ spoiler ] ( http : / / news . bbc . co . uk / 2 / hi / entertainment / 825641 . stm ) ] who works a moon mine ? i saw that , it was a three minute short they showed before other movies . ; ( i hate how movie ads make me not want to see their movies anymore . | 1,337,228,570 | 1 | movies |
phei is awesome . . . i never said that before so i thought i ' d just let you know xd , but even if you are awesome that doesn ' t mean your always right . . . i mean twilight as best pony , its like you ' ve never even see rainbow dash ! well maybe its because i can relate to her the most xd . good luck , the journey ahead is a dangerous one ! | 1,337,228,517 | 2 | MyLittleSupportGroup |
those studies only describe a very small part of what is " attraction . " but we ' re still unclear as to exactly how much of our behavior is dictated by our biology since there is also a great deal of evidence ( and studies ) to suggest that most of these behaviors are socially reinforced . also historically beauty standards have shifted every couple hundred years or less , as we can tell by depictions of people in art and descriptions in historical record . but honestly making any argument about primitive drives and blah blah is all nonsense because we do not know how primitive humans behaved and acted . it is almost impossible to know for sure , and we can ' t observe it directly , so anything that resembles an argument being made from that perspective is educated guesswork at best . | 1,337,228,531 | 0 | TwoXChromosomes |
i once babysat for these two little asshole girls who were constantly at each other ' s throats . once , unbeknownst to me , the older one threw one of those life - sized dolls that ' s made to look like the kid out her bedroom window because she was mad at her sister . it landed on the eves . some time later i answer the door to the cops and the fire department . they thought it was a real kid . the older girl then tells the cops that i murdered her sister by tossing her out the window . i stopped babysitting there . | 1,337,228,502 | 2 | AskReddit |
i became a member a few months ago and have used it a couple times . it ' s convenient for if you ' re traveling short distances in short time increments . keep in mind that zipcar gives you 180 miles per 24 hours . for every hour after , they give you an extra 20 miles . for instance , i traveled to purdue university , and then on to illinois state university and back to champaign all in one day . that trip was about 290 miles total so what i did was reserve the car for a full day , and then added an extra 7 hours to the reservation so that i could get those miles . ( in my case , this was considered a business trip and i was reimbursed . ) it ' s convenient to have a zipcar available , but for your needs and use , it doesn ' t seem like it ' d make much financial sense . | 1,337,228,210 | 9 | UIUC |
worst feeling is when you go underwater in a snow biome . you ' re running out of air . you swim upward , looking for the hole you made in the ice . but it isn ' t there anymore . you try breaking the ice , but you ' re panicking so badly you forget to use your pick . you start trying to use your hand , but it breaks so much more slowly underwater and uses up so much of your air . then you start getting the knockback as you start to drown , which stops you from breaking blocks , even with a pick . nothing to do but sit there , die , and hope you can manage to get back underwater safely to get your stuff back . | 1,337,228,548 | 6 | gaming |
unneeded imo , i paid $ 50 for a microsoft wireless mouse , i put a rechargeable battery in it a year + ago . i game 6 + hours everyday and use the mouse as a remote for watching shows in my bed a good 15 feet away . still have yet to change the battery and the wireless part plugs into a usb port and barely is noticeable . | 1,337,228,549 | 0 | pics |
nope . i have female friends , but it ' s all platonic . the text that bothered her ( and note that i haven ' t cared if she looked through my phone in the past and i don ' t know if this was the first time ) , was a conversation i had with a female friend this past monday where i complained about my gf and some other things ( i think i was just moody ) and this good female friend basically told me to check myself . and i then felt remorse ( and said so in the text ) and the negative feeling passed . that ' s what she read . and we were having a lovely evening too , prior to that . then came the crying ( by her ) and the yelling ( by me ) . if you go looking for trouble , you will usually find it . | 1,337,228,575 | -4 | relationship_advice |
i ' ve posted this elsewhere but i think you deserve to see it too : look up the gene fruitless in drosophila melanogaster . when it ' s mutated it results in males mating indiscriminately with both males and females . [ here ] ( http : / / www . youtube . com / watch ? v = 9t7ik5l121a ) is a video of male d . melanogaster running basically one big train on each other . | 1,337,228,457 | 2 | DebateReligion |
. . . and if you order in the next 10 minutes , you will receive this silver coated book light for free . perfect when you are stuck alone in those dark allies with nobody to rape . just grab your book light and read your favorite self serving scriptures while you wait for your next victim . just pay extra shipping and handling . | 1,337,228,516 | 1 | atheism |
hard for me to pin down , but i think the one i keep coming back to is majora ' s mask . something about it was just so perfect for the time it was released . it ' s the game that made me fall in love with gaming . | 1,337,228,484 | 4 | Diablo |
i came into say the same thing , but it looks like my buddy psyyduck beat me to it . i happen to like the one he linked to that ' s 14 : 42 long . it ' s short and sweet , but is perfect for a beginner . also , don ' t worry about sitting in lotus position on the floor or something like that . find a decent chair and sit erect ( imagine a string pulling you upward slightly from the crown of your head . ) good luck . you ' re doing just fine . meditation isn ' t easy , but it ' s worth it ! | 1,337,228,182 | 1 | Meditation |
a cts - v would be nice . what kind of deals should i expect ? that is . ~ 70k car , and i feel if i were to find one for & lt ; 35k it would be very high mileage , but if i were to get a high mileage car i ' d want it to be japanese . | 1,337,228,354 | 1 | Autos |
this was terrifying . so many red flags . i ' m so glad she didn ' t get seriously hurt . some safety tips : 1 ) never , never allow pity to influence your decisions . 2 ) wild mood swings and delusional tendencies are bad , bad signs . 3 ) don ' t give your address to people you don ' t know and trust , | 1,337,228,576 | 9 | TwoXChromosomes |
i think perhaps the story with the train track and the man with the weird head is " the thing in the moonlight " ? " i leaped up at once & raced madly out of that car & away across endless leagues of plateau till exhaustion waked me—doing this not because the conductor had dropped on all fours , but because the face of the motorman was a mere white cone tapering to one blood - red tentacle . . . . " | 1,337,228,533 | 2 | Lovecraft |
for me , this is not about ford . he wasn ' t there . i want justice . i want someone to go to jail for the way i , and my fellow canadians were treated . this report is the first time the truth has been described . i do not want recommendations . i want to know who was responsible for giving the poiice permission to act like fascists . it was awful . i need my trust restored . the police were thugs . it was not canada in toronto in june 2010 . | 1,337,228,521 | 3 | toronto |
i ' m not saying they haven ' t figured it out , but i don ' t think there is such a thing as negative absolute pressure in a vacuum : pressure is not a " thing " , its a phenomenon of matter and gravity . here on earth we have roughly 14 pounds of matter ( air molecules ) being accelerated by gravity against each square inch of surface . go under water and the gravity stays roughly the same , but " pressure " increases because you have the mass of the air , plus the mass of the water ( obviously much heavier considering just 10m down in water doubles the pressure felt ) . so on the moon , you would only have 1 of 2 ingredients for pressure : gravity . its an effective vacuum with no mass to accelerate to cause pressure . | 1,337,228,506 | 1 | space |
i can ' t believe no one has said it yet , but when zuko and iroh reunite right before the final battle . in my opinion it ' s the most touching line in the whole series . not only that it ' s the only line i can think of from anything that brings a tear to my eye every time i hear it . | 1,337,228,375 | 2 | TheLastAirbender |
i ' ll have to try this . i ' ve been doing a lot of gardening recently , and i rarely use round - up type stuff because it can be expensive and don ' t like the idea of straying poison all over my yard ( and my dog also loves to eat grass : / ) . i ' m going to try this out asap . | 1,337,228,450 | 1 | LifeProTips |
spiders can hit more than once per cast , it should be noted . with jumping , mine hit about 3 - 4 times before dying , i think ( it ' s hard to keep track of spiders ' attacks ) , so that number jumps to 256 % weapon damage per cast . | 1,337,228,538 | 1 | Diablo |
so . . . if you die , then you have seven minutes , in which you relive your life . at the end of your “relived” life , you die again . the seven minutes come around . thus . . . should this not repeat infinitely ? edit : crap , drblablason said it first , and better than me . oh well , upvote for him then . | 1,337,228,419 | 1 | fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu |
i think a chest pass at the backboard from half court would have a higher chance of success than a miracle pass to the post , there just wouldnt be enough time to get a clean shot . maybe a foul , maybe . but then your big is shooting 2 fts to tie . a very meh play no matter what . | 1,337,228,469 | 1 | nba |
another idea would be to try to go for a student line of credit . the one i have from td , i get $ 10k a year , adn i ' ll have to pay it all back . unfortunately there is a small amount i need to pay every month for interest , but it ' s not too bad , and you can take it out of the student line of credit . your parents would have to cosign , so there ' s a bit of work ( going to the bank to sign documents on two occasions ) to get it . | 1,337,228,546 | 1 | uwaterloo |
i ' m a reformed jew , but the first thing i did when i saw this was add up the bills and coins to see how much it was worth . how many hail sagans do i have to do before i ' m redeemed in the eyes of [ / r / atheism ] ( / r / atheism ) ? | 1,337,228,425 | 3 | pics |
my go to episodes are dragonshy , winter wrap up , bridle gossip , and swarm of the century , in no particular order . maybe throw in lesson zero if your target likes zany stuff . but if you can get him to commit to more than a few episodes , i ' d honestly say just start at the beginning and run straight through season 1 . worked on me . | 1,337,228,527 | 1 | mylittlepony |
original submission ( 100 % ) : [ that moment when you realize you ' re taking reddit a . . . ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / funny / comments / tq2am ) [ [ d ] ] ( http : / / i . imgur . com / 0u3dj . jpg ) posted : 12h before this post by [ solidwhetstone ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / user / solidwhetstone ) ( fixed by [ rka312 ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / user / rka312 ) ) [ this comment generated by an automated bot . ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / originalfinder / faq ) [ is this match wrong ? ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / message / compose / ? to = original - finder & message = % 2a % 2aincorrect + match % 3a % 2a % 2a + http % 3a % 2f % 2fwww . reddit . com % 2fr % 2ffunny % 2fcomments % 2ftr65u % 0a % 0a % 2a % 2acorrect + match % 3a % 2a % 2a & subject = error % 3a + tr65u ) | 1,337,228,514 | 2 | funny |
that does not make it a mmo . that is hardly the point . it just uses some of the similar mechanics . this is . and if d3 is cracked , that hardly proves much of a point , because if it isn ' t cracked within a week ' s time , blizzard has " beaten " the pirates . millions will have bought d3 , while a few try to play a junk , outdated version of the actual , legitimate product . | 1,337,228,533 | 3 | gaming |
i always start people off with a one - shot in the campaign world and system we ' ll be using , but with premade characters that only last for that one - shot ( and later become npcs ) . this introduces them to the system and the world in a low - pressure way , so that when they build their characters they have some idea what they ' re getting into . they ' re not just picking out random powers and a random town on the map - they ' ve heard from the innkeeper that the greatest metalworkers live in the north , so they ' re playing a northerner who ' s focused on exotic weapons . their one - shot premade had a nifty feat they like , so they ' re maxing out that feat tree while avoiding the abilities that didn ' t seem as helpful . | 1,337,228,490 | 2 | rpg |
as far as octaves go , your 4 finger has a little more reach than your 5 . when i play the moonlight sonata there are a lot of octave jumps where i ' ll switch between 4 and 5 in the top voice . for a run of octaves i just do the 1 and 5 thing , but you could try doing 1 and 4 . when i injured my hand a few years ago , [ this ] ( http : / / www . amazon . com / rational - principles - piano - technique / dp / b002wkoxnq / ref = sr _ 1 _ 3 ? s = books & ie = utf8 & qid = 1337228464 & sr = 1 - 3 ) book helped me get back into shape ( i damaged my 4 and 5 fingers in my right hand , couldn ' t play well for months ) . | 1,337,228,562 | 3 | piano |
strictly speaking , technically you are correct . however , movement is a percentage game . and it depends on the wood . your aprons are probably only 4 " or so , so it ' s movement can rather safely ignored here . should it actually life the top a bit , the overhang of your top should hide any gaps . now your table top , that ' s potentially different . your 20 " square top will move a lot , probably up to a 1 / 8 " ( again , depending on the wood . ) should you want wide panels for the side , that ' s when you switch to frame and panel construction . the frame is made from narrower pieces , 2 " - 4 " , connected via mortise and tenon , pocket screws , etc , and the panel is set in a groove . the trick is the panel floats in the groove . it is not glued and is allowed to safely expand and contract in the groove , so size it appropriately . | 1,337,228,554 | 1 | woodworking |
as someone who has tried depo i absolutely do not recommend it . i gained 20 pounds in the six months after and felt like an absolute monster . i was irritable , crying a lot , depressed , anxious and had awful migraines . i ' ve tried other hormonal forms with low hormones and still get terrible migraines and cystic acne from it . i greatly empathize with you . birth control options are kind of shitty all around . if you are interested , google fertility awareness method . essentially you take your temp vaginally at the same time every morning , chart and then can use that to predict when you ' re ovulating . essentially you ' d use condoms about for about a week ever month ( better than all the time ! ) . check out taking charge of your fertility ( book ) . | 1,337,228,499 | 2 | TwoXChromosomes |
good to know . the whole point though is that adobe acrobat is totally bloatware . adobe took advantage that they had a huge market share , and started adding all this bloat to their huge distribution footprint from this totally shady marketing standpoint , and a lot of admins still don ' t know . they even changed the name of the software to help mitigate risk of being called out on it . it updates like . . . more than once a week ? ? it ' s ' cause they ' re distributing all these other unrelated products with what most people think is a simple pdf reader , just for the marketing convenience of " oh , well , we had 90 % market share on our pdf reader , so we figured we ' d tack on all this other shit to make it convenient for you activate it if you decide to buy it from us . " i know that ' s a bunch of vitriol right there , but i find it offensive . | 1,337,228,524 | 0 | sysadmin |
that seems to be true from what i gathered from the other posts . though i have never received any notifications from those leaves , while my friend who has legitimately rage quit only twice has received a 24 hour ban . | 1,337,228,209 | 1 | leagueoflegends |
" in these demon days , it ' s so cold outside - too hard for a good soul to survive . you can ' t even trust the air you breathe , ' cause mother earth wants us all to leave . " demon days , by gorillaz - - my favorite album of all time . " you float like a feather in a beautiful world - - you ' re so fuckin ' special . i wish i was special . " creep , by radiohead . " in the wee small hours of the morning is when you miss her most . " in the wee small hours of the morning by frank sinatra . " all my life , i ' ve been searchin ' for something . something never comes , always leads to nothin ' . " all my life , foo fighters . " ahdbdidioqpdkvnakworodnwnwododowooebfcnsnwodonwlwprnfnsosodkne " - every modern rap song | 1,337,228,567 | 2 | teenagers |
so this is completely false . for one he ' s asking for a credit card , what you ' re describing is a charge card . amex offers both but their actual credit cards are more popular and work the same way traditional credit cards work . also charge cards don ' t really build credit as quickly as a revolving credit card will . lastly one has to have really good credit to get an amex charge card and you will pay an annual fee , all things that make them terrible choices for op . | 1,337,228,393 | 1 | AskReddit |
thanks for the reply ! i hope you vote in the upcoming elections , or better yet become involved politically . more people are needed to create change in society . ex - convicts are one of the most frequently disenfranchised groups and given the us ' s tendency towards greater prison population , they should be one of the most active groups ( if they could ) in preventing this nonsense from spreading . | 1,337,228,381 | 0 | IAmA |
well that ' s a fascinating twist . i really doubt my wife is into kink , i don ' t think she ' s ultimately very sexual at all . however i would like to ask - before you discovered yourself , how did you approach sex ? was it something you enjoyed and at least wanted on a passive level , or was it just something that was " nice if it happens , but if not oh well ? " | 1,337,228,592 | 1 | DeadBedrooms |
for the love of god , no one said that striking this down would return freedom and prosperity to the country . this is just another nail in the coffin that is incrementally less covert about the tyranny they are laying out . yes , this needs to go . yes , patriot act needs to be shredded . yes , posse comitatus needs to be reinstated . will even all that stop them ? ? no ! ! but it will give them less ammo . the only way to stop them is to keep your boot on the throat of these bastards 100 % of the time . and will repealing | 1,337,228,521 | 1 | politics |
am i the only one who thought 3 was a step backward ? i mean don ' t get me wrong , but i thought t . h . u . g . was the pinnacle of the series . it added a bit of the feel from aggressive ( in - line ) which i thought was a really good game . | 1,337,228,559 | 1 | gaming |
scavengers explains the tongue . it ' s soft , tasty tissue that ' s easier to eat than skin covered body parts attached to bone . the radiation wasn ' t featured in the original reports . it just popped up in later ones , without any real evidence to back it up . ( it was probably added in to make it seem more " spooky . " ) | 1,337,228,563 | 11 | todayilearned |
is your pharmacy in thailand ? if so , how did you get around the foreign ownership laws ? is most of your income derived from thailand , or does it come from your interests back home . do you have to do a visa run every month or so ? how much does your appartment cost to rent a month ? sorry for all the questions , you are living my dream - i love thailand and would love to live there | 1,337,228,516 | 1 | IAmA |
i wouldn ' t recommend dynamic torsional training for untrained persons . the risks outweight any conceivable rewards . but assuming you have [ proper lumbar bracing , sound glute activation patterns and excellent thoracic mobility ] ( http : / / www . youtube . com / watch ? v = pqolgyjayo4 ) - all things trained through heavy compound lifting - then torsional training can be worthwhile . i still don ' t think i ' d go near that seated machine thing though : exerting force through the flexed spine is generally to be avoided . | 1,337,228,402 | 1 | Fitness |
yes just like that . you lost when you starting typing to me like you weren ' t raised on console filth and weaned off of wow yesterday . go play your carebear left clicking outdated hacknslash , post pictures of your gf baking you portal cakes and be happy like the rest of the casuals . | 1,337,228,542 | 0 | gaming |
instead of turning into a " pick up artist or creeper " , how about just improving your other attributes that may be lacking . that is what i am doing , however , some guys get frustrated that they change themselves into the pick - up artist or a creeper because it ' s easier . the argument wasn ' t really for " girls don ' t like nice guys " it ' s more that girls use the " nice guy " excuse as some bullshit excuse for not liking them , not being forward with their intentions because they want to just move on from the date without telling them what they are really feeling because they have done that before and the guys get clingy or saying they can improve on their weaker traits the girl has seen and denied them for , and this can be for tons of different reasons . . . | 1,337,228,438 | 1 | OkCupid |
hey , what ' s the matter . you need a [ hug ] ( http : / / fc07 . deviantart . net / fs71 / f / 2012 / 064 / 3 / 1 / mlp _ _ _ pinkie _ pie _ wants _ a _ hug _ by _ omgklint - d4rvk58 . png ) ? just let me know if you want to talk , i ' m here if you need it . [ ] ( / c02 ) | 1,337,228,551 | 1 | mylittlepony |
that is probably the only way they can get licensed to sell them . i work in a store that sells shot glasses as " toothpick holders " , mostly due to companies or organizations unwilling to have their name somewhat associated to booze . | 1,337,228,337 | 24 | todayilearned |
^ this ^ i miss this feeling of terror sooo much . not to mention that the enchantress will tell you that rare monster packs are close ( not even on the screen yet ) . i miss not knowing until i saw chain lightning ( or some other spell ) flying around after casting meteor on a pack of monsters : ( | 1,337,228,564 | 1 | Diablo |
don ' t listen to the first few sentences from badaba . there are so many good girls out there and very few really bad ones . it is good to try to avoid bad relationships and get out of a bad relationship if you find yourself in one . it takes time to find the right person , there ' s no rush . | 1,337,228,360 | 6 | depression |
i am absolutely furious at how the lakers just pissed this game away . the last 2 minutes were awful . not only did they let the thunder close out the game on a 9 - 0 run , they also gave away the ball twice . but worst of all is that they had the last shot with 15 seconds left down by one , and they let the clock run down to 5 seconds knowing that they had a foul to give . wtf ? ? ? there is no way to explain this except horrible horrible coaching . how hard is it to say " hey guys , take the shot quick , because if we miss the shot we need to foul them twice to send them to the free throw line " . fuck | 1,337,228,566 | 10 | nba |
that ' s because ted has a clear , pronounced , and encouraged neoliberal agenda . they are not apolitical , not at all , they just demonstrate their view singularly . they have political messages in many talks , and almost all of them include introducing more markets , ie handing control over to rich capitalists , to fix the problem . of course , not all of their talks follow this line of thinking , or even have a political message , but many do , and to me it sours the whole event . | 1,337,228,454 | 13 | politics |
to the jabs about why post this question on reddit : this short conversation is why post on reddit . yes there is the company ' s phone line and yes there is google , and yes there is reddit . the op will probably call the company irregardless of what they learn here and posting here is more personal than google and a slight chance you might get the right answer from someone who actually knows , or might you might not , but still walk away learning something . tl : dr why post on reddit ? reddit is why post on reddit . | 1,337,228,514 | 1 | personalfinance |
well it might not be much compared to others but . . . i have a financial problem right now because my younger brother is mentally retarded . he wasn ' t born that way though , according to my grandmom , the doctors inserted the wrong medicine into him or something when he was roughly a year old . . . we were using most of our money on him and his treatments . however a few years ago , we found out that my dad had cancer . we had to spend most of our money for his cancer treatment . before this we didn ' t really have financial problems but . . . . with the cancer treatments going on while having to pay for my college tuition ( which i ' m starting this year ) , its just hard to afford anything . that and i ' ve seen so many people spazzing about this game hahaha . i was looking up a few streams on it while studying for my tests and it looked interesting : ) | 1,337,228,216 | 1 | Diablo |
like most people in this game , i wish no one would suggest a direct linear path from day0 where they don ' t even know how to scan all the way in to some crazy 0 . 0 scheme . leave him be , tell him to do all the tutorials and find a corp . | 1,337,228,527 | 1 | Eve |
from one atheist to another , no ! this is suppose to be a forum for public discussion , so let ' s have a discussion . you think my opinion is wrong ? change it . convince me that the benefits of religion outweigh the intolerable bullshit that is associated with it ? otherwise , you stfu ! | 1,337,228,583 | 2 | politics |
i don ' t mean to come across as completely insensitive , but i noticed its a scion tc . do you feel like the car was effective in protecting your mom ? i ' m asking because my mom actually drives one too , i got chills when i saw this picture . | 1,337,228,489 | 3 | pics |
i can disable the calc key in the registry , i tested before replying . i used an empty string . mind you this is my desktop , my keyboard is a logitech wave . i do not have the software suite installed so the window switch and zoom keys do not work . [ a reply explaining how ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / gaming / comments / tpy3r / dear _ hp _ who _ thought _ this _ was _ a _ fucking _ good _ idea / c4ouihv ) . careful in the registry you can cause the weirdest problems or prevent the computer from booting until the registry is fixed . | 1,337,228,503 | 1 | gaming |
when there are cultural norms and one breaks those cultural norms in an ostentatious way it is most often an attempt to attract attention . if she is in an industry where attracting attention is the goal , it does not somehow make what she ' s doing not an attempt to attract attention . | 1,337,227,941 | 0 | movies |
don ' t be afraid of apologetics . their arguments usually come down to an argument from ignorance , they cannot imagine something else other than their conclusion being true so they substitute your conclusion with their own . no one knows the mechanism that created the universe , and no one knows if it ' s random or not . usually apologetics argues against the idea of randomness generating our universe , but everything is not random . certain things have certain probabilities , there are occurrences more likely than others . if there is a mechanism that created the universe , no one can really guarantee me it ' s something i can call a god , because to me a god has a consciousness and a will , whether or not it uses it . there is absolutely nothing suggesting that any one religion is correct , and we have many of them competing for dominance . tying one religion to the abstract concepts of gods through arguments that , frankly , primarily insult atheists and blame their " lack of thinking " on psychological phenomena , suggesting that no intelligent person can arrive at the atheism conclusion , is bankrupt of any credulity . moreover , the site says stuff like that mutations have been proven to be harmful , therefore natural selection cannot be true , is completely ridiculous . if i mutated into bullet - proof skin , that would be pretty fucking useful if i do say so myself . it ' s pretty long to debunk all of this , but just because an experiment fails , or the information isn ' t completely congruous , it does not mean the opposite conclusion has been reached . if i fail to prove atheism , this does not mean theism is true , because another possibility is that we all live in the matrix and we were put here by our robot masters . " no successful experiment of abiogenesis exists , therefore god must ' ve made life . " - what an apologetic would say because it ' s so obviously fine - tuned - every apologetic if it ' s so obviously fine - tuned and the god conclusion is so obvious then you must be able to gather your own solid data from experimentation with the express purpose of proving god true . right ? | 1,337,228,417 | 3 | atheism |
i guess what confused me was the grade sheet in blackboard . . . because it lists everything a bit differently like so : 10 assignments worth 15pts each that i got 126pts for out of 150pts . 3 tests that i received 274pts out of 300 possible pts . 1 project that i received 40pts out of 100pts . so the total points possible was 550 according to blackboard . . . and i earned 440 . . . . which is . 8 when divided . . . so i figured i made a b . | 1,337,228,572 | 1 | AskReddit |
i equate liberalism with individualism and populism with collectivism . forcing individuals to not discriminate against others with their businesses for example , is to disregard the individual ' s will and preference , and to force on him , the popular will of the majority . my problem is how the modern definition of " liberalism " seems to be the direct opposite of what is now referred to as classical liberalism . the etymology of the word ( liber = free , unrestricted ) in no way supports the modern definition . also , economic liberalism and social liberalism are oppositional ideologies . on the contrary , it is the ' liberalism ' portion of both terms that give them meaning . they cannot oppose each other . liberalism is the freedom of the individual to make his / her own decisions regardless of the popular sentiment . populism to me seemed the best opposite to that . | 1,337,228,594 | 1 | PoliticalDiscussion |
if i had to do it again , i would have only had one corgi , or gotten both at the same age . foxy got used to being queen of the house , then when we brought ein home and she had to share . fighting is a common occurance between them , but there are the moments that they enjoy each other . ( aniceb is my wife btw ) | 1,337,228,538 | 3 | corgi |
does anybody seriously think the lakers last play was a bad one ? steve blake had a wide open look in the corner for 3 and was shooting well tonight . okc was making a concerted effort to make sure kobe couldn ' t get the ball in good position , it was a great find by metta . | 1,337,228,592 | 8 | nba |
123 deaths by bear attack in north america since 1875 . that is 0 . 9 deaths per year due to bear attack in north america . http : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / list _ of _ fatal _ bear _ attacks _ in _ north _ america | 1,337,228,523 | 1 | CampingandHiking |
ok i ' m going to start with laozi ( the daoist philosopher ) with a dash of rokurota makabe from kurosawa ' s hidden fortress thrown in . i think we ' ll need a pinch of the bearded nerd - boy himself george lucas and i think we ' ve arrived at a charachter . oh wait , you meant you thought it was gandalf . well in that case let ' s just ignore willow and go with your theory . happy trails ! | 1,337,228,446 | 5 | technology |
if you did get 7 minutes , it is 7 minutes relative to whatever time you " lived " in . so if you were in your first " 7 minutes " , at the end you should get another 7 minutes relative to the previous experience of time . of course , i ' m pretty sure it ' s all bs anyways . | 1,337,228,542 | 9 | fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu |
the trick is not to take " wild " animals out of the wild . this kitten is bred to be a domesticated animal , and you are hardly doing the " wild " or the kitten a disservice by providing it a domestic home , rather than either dying , or killing native wild birds . | 1,337,228,331 | 3 | aww |
i think it goes back to the principle of the issue . it ' s not the problem that they ' re looking for things which they won ' t find , but the fact that they ' re looking in the first place . they should trust you , and by looking through your messages , they ' re showing that they don ' t trust you . relationships are built on trust , so by doing this , they ' ve begun a corrosion of the relationship . an example of this not being okay is with the government spying on its citizens . i know i ' m not a terrorist or anything , so the government wouldn ' t find anything if they went through my messages . but the fact that they would do such a thing is a massive invasion of my property , whether intellectual or otherwise . | 1,337,228,279 | 27 | relationship_advice |
for someone living in texas i like to think so . me an my roommate smoke more than anyone else i ' ve personally met . but as i said in a previous post , most of the stuff you get down here isn ' t on par with the quality up north or in the " legal " states . that and i lived with a dealer , and have / had quite a few as friends so i ' ve seen some crazy shit in the last few years . good times . also good to see fellow metal heads smokin the trees . ( metal is also not so popular down here ) . i love texas but i ' m starting to think i ' m in the wrong state . | 1,337,228,583 | 2 | trees |
wait really ? so what if a couple gets married with only 2 or 3 witnesses , are they rendered islamically immune without ending up ostracized ? : d no the quran asks for no witnesses for nikah . it asks for witnesses for finalizing talaq but not for nikah . | 1,337,228,384 | 1 | islam |
and i recently figured out that a ( possible ) question to fit that answer is what is the sum of paradise ? there are a total of 21 dots on a die , right . one dot for the one , two for the two and so on . . . 21 . so the sum total of a ' pair - o - dice ' is 42 . http : / / hongkonghonky . blogspot . com / 2012 / 04 / answer - to - ultimate - question - of - life . html | 1,337,228,511 | 1 | AskReddit |
after the 3 or 4 days i have had this account i have already been linked to pictures of dead dogs and some other unexpected things like that . . . im scared for life man . but thats what reddits all about right ? | 1,337,228,308 | 0 | gaming |
if there are any undercover jws , they wouldn ' t comment at all , lol . afaik , they won ' t visit " apostate " websites at all . i mean , a person would have to have really bad cognitive dissonance if he read this site and it ' s comments everyday and still believed ! lol also , things like these can ' t be evidence for a judicial committee , as it is too complicated . there are many things that can come into play . there is no way to know the person you accuse is the one who actually wrote it , etc . my dad was an elder , so i know . | 1,337,228,563 | 1 | exjw |
thank you ! i think the leash gives a child a bit of freedom & same with the parent . the child is able to run a bit ahead of you , you ' re able to not always have to be holding onto dear life of the hand . i think it ' s completely fine . | 1,337,228,578 | 4 | funny |
i read an article from gmuhoops that was on this subject , and i agree with it . not only do you have to factor in mason and its abilities , but also the state of the current conference and the other conference in question . i dont think we would be able to keep up with the top four of the a10 . now that odu and vcu have left the caa , we can potentially be the regular season / playoff champion as long as we stay where we are . it might be a cop out , but at least we would get a bid to the tournament . also , there are rumors of the big east imploding and splitting into other conferences . one of those conferences might be basketball focused and grab someone from the a10 , which would loose some of its credibility . mason is due for a 5 million dollar pay day from the final four run from 06 ( crazy how we are still getting money for that ) . if we left , we wouldnt get the money , but since vcu is leaving , they dont get the money from their own final four run last year . i like the decision . gives us time to determine what to do with the future of the program . gmuhoops article : http : / / georgemasonbasketball . blogspot . com / 2012 / 05 / why - george - mason - staying - and - vcu . html article on big east : http : / / www . boston . com / sports / colleges / football / articles / 2012 / 05 / 08 / big _ east _ split _ could _ be _ happening _ sooner _ rather _ than _ later / | 1,337,228,472 | 1 | gmu |
fuck twilight , fuck girly - girl magazines and fuck movies about helpless princesses in need of a prince . it ' s unfair to say all that , i think . although female - orientated magazines are pretty fucked up , there ' s something to say about the other two . some girls do feel helpless for whatever reason , and need rescuing ( it ' s like when someone is depressed , getting better needs to come from them but they still need help to do so ) . as for twilight - i read a really good blog post about this and why it ' s so popular , but i can ' t find it : ( . basically about not all women being strong individual women who don ' t need no man , and people can really relate to bella because that ' s what they ' re like deep down ( so badly explained , sorry ) | 1,337,228,466 | 5 | TwoXChromosomes |
some , not all . there are games today with flighty controls ( i . e . any game that thought it was being innovative but really just had gimmicky controls , like a fair share of wii games ) . i think a lot of old games are popular because they have some riveting stories . scumm games , for starters . and there are old games that you would still enjoy , i bet . | 1,337,228,602 | 1 | gaming |
[ no next reddit ] ( https : / / chrome . google . com / webstore / detail / iofjopcaedfmdppefbonkdinlaeoabhd ? utm _ campaign = en & utm _ source = ha - en - na - us - extensions - categories - google & utm _ medium = ha ) i don ' t know how well it works as i ' ve never used it , but i heard of it . ( it makes it so you only get one page of reddit - not continuous reddit as this only lets you view one page ) | 1,337,228,594 | 0 | funny |
i ' d ~ ~ like ~ ~ love to make a case , but honestly i doubt my laptop could handle it . it struggled with portal 2 and damn near fell apart with bioshock 2 . there ' s no way i can afford it and play it on this computer , so i ' ve let the hype pass me by . cheers , op . generosity like yours isn ' t easily found . | 1,337,228,572 | 1 | Diablo |
which makes them significantly more likely than assumed effects he decided to pull from a hat . when you post in a thread about a study , you don ' t just pretend the study doesn ' t exist / isn ' t as valid as shit you made up the article provided reasonable grounds for the existence of harmful effects aside from sterility , stating " some of the man - made chemicals can interfere with communication systems within the body and potentially have adverse effects on health and wellbeing " , but that hardly matters anyhow . you presented the sterility effects as a " solution " to a problem , and gaakhead pointed out that you weren ' t considering the problem ' s greater complexities or the possible ramifications of your " solution " . edit : also , i don ' t think that other guy ever explained how exactly starving children are a requirement for the lifestyles of the west . he very clearly described how third world children , such as those in india , china and haiti , subsidize the lifestyles in the west by providing inexpensive labour and services , which wouldn ' t be possible if their value as workers wasn ' t extremely low due to overpopulation . note that he clarified early in your discussion " my comment was not in reference to children who " never produce anything and die at an early age " , although where this occurs it is usually a result of armed conflict or natural disasters rather than solely the result of overpopulation . " if you ' re not talking about these types of countries , then what countries are you talking about ? it was asked of you before , and while you didn ' t answer it ' s worth asking again : which countries do you specifically believe require reductions in their population to resolve the problems you are referencing ? probably didn ' t help that he later claimed he never said that but tried to argue it anyway and decided that now bpa doesn ' t do anything at all apparently , but is still obviously a dangerous risk . are you possibly confusing this thread with another ? the article , gaakhead , and myself never mentioned bpa , and i don ' t think gaakhead ever specifically claimed to have not said something , let alone something he had previously said . you mentioned bpa when you said " i ' d rather drink some bpa than end up with a bunch of starving , diseased 3rd world children without adequate food , water or medical care , " but that ' s not really a relevant reference to bpa . this is the most ridiculous non - argument i ' ve ever heard , and here you two are agreeing with it . gaakhead was disputing the merits of your proposed " solution " , and your understanding of the problem . i ' m not sure what you thought the argument was about . | 1,337,228,571 | 2 | science |
here is the text from this meme pic for anybody who needs it : title : how i feel everytime i get an email back saying they aren ' t hiring me farva , your suspension continues ^ [ [ translate ] ( http : / / translate . google . com / # auto | | farva % 2c + your + suspension + - + continues ) ] this is helpful for people who can ' t reach quickmeme because of work / school firewalls or site downtime , and many other reasons ( [ faq ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / qkme _ transcriber / comments / o426k / faq _ for _ the _ qkme _ transcriber _ bot / ) ) . more info is available [ here ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / qkme _ transcriber / ) . | 1,337,228,522 | 2 | AdviceAnimals |
lol ! i thought the concept was a hoot for discussion at least . i seem to recall a larry niven & jerry pournelle book that features sf authors as part of such a first contact committee . it ' s either the mote in god ' s eye or footfall , not sure which | 1,337,228,360 | 3 | printSF |
and this is why i subscribe to this subreddit . thanks for all the advice . . . found a goldsource 30a for $ 100 and ran with it ! thanks guys . i ' m new to this and home - bound ( cancer ) but being able to talk to the outside world makes all the difference . more q ' s soon ! | 1,337,228,383 | 0 | amateurradio |
as far as what you have described , i believe i can do that first one you mentioned . it feels like i ' m clenching and maybe sometimes i ' ll move my tongue as i do it , but as far as what you described goes , this seems pretty similar . i don ' t do it very often . sometimes . | 1,337,228,531 | 1 | AskReddit |
yep . . . r / starlets might be nice for op to start with . . . r / cumsluts ( not cumshots . . . my bad ) and r / onoff are uploaded often with pics and links . ( and this is not just a men of reddit question ; ) some girls are proficient at porn - surfing as well ) | 1,337,228,515 | 1 | AskReddit |
i came to the comments to say this . i loved green day with all my teenage heart ( so many emotions ) . they were my first concert and to day still one of the best shows i ' ve seen ( for entertainment value ) | 1,337,228,500 | 1 | videos |
there might not be any big sponsorship deals or anything like that in the near future but part of the reason i want them to do well is because root is an independant . and i ' m a fan of their players and so are many other people and communiy support helps a lot . | 1,337,228,579 | 2 | starcraft |
i did the same in an american history class in high school . . i wrote every damn thing down in clicky pencil and i later found out that i didn ' t really need the card . . because i ' d written every damn word down i memorized the shit by accident . somewhere in my attic i saw its a bookmark in a book stored in a box , kinda smudged pencil marks from keeping it around forever as a joke , but i passed that class and didn ' t need to use the damn card . i wrote in a font that would make 8 times new roman look giant . | 1,337,228,624 | 1 | WTF |
here is the text from this meme pic for anybody who needs it : title : in response to getting paid in trees meme : no one ever pays me in no one ever pays me in trees ^ [ [ translate ] ( http : / / translate . google . com / # auto | | no + one + ever + pays + me + - + in + trees ) ] this is helpful for people who can ' t reach quickmeme because of work / school firewalls or site downtime , and many other reasons ( [ faq ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / qkme _ transcriber / comments / o426k / faq _ for _ the _ qkme _ transcriber _ bot / ) ) . more info is available [ here ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / qkme _ transcriber / ) . | 1,337,228,524 | 1 | trees |
not worth it . i would at least try and save up some cash by getting a minimum wage job ( maybe sell some belongings ? ) and crash on friend ' s couches for a while , then leave . though it sounds like a great idea to just leave all the problems and explore something new , it ' s a bit too risky with $ 20 and no source of connections for help . do your research and prepare for it if anything . | 1,337,228,079 | 5 | AskReddit |
from what i ' ve heard , it describes most taco bells pretty well . . . honestly , the job itself wasn ' t unbearable ; it was just the way that all the stupid people made it . not the customers , weirdly ( i ' d say 95 % of the time people were super polite and understanding ) , but the jackoff managers and supremely incompetent workers they hired . if it weren ' t for that , and if people did their damned jobs , it would have probably been okay . | 1,337,228,484 | 6 | IAmA |
you don ' t deserve to be with someone who says those things to you though , you need to see that it ' s awful that no matter how great he ' s been in the past , that the way he called you a ' fucking asshole ' and continuously said ' fuck you ' is crossing the line . it sounds like you guys had a good beginning but that he ' s changed and is no longer the person he was before . though , maybe if he seeks help for his depression and starts to see his life more positively again , he will act more like he has in the past . i wouldn ' t wait around to see though , i usually think relationship breaks are a bit of a problem , but it sounds like that may really be what you need . | 1,337,228,547 | 1 | relationships |
thanks for the reply . i am applying for any kind of internship i can find available in publishing companies , but i did not think of entering the industry through marketing or graphic design . sounds like a good idea . if you don ' t mind me asking , what kind of education do you have ? did you study english lit or anything related to writing or publishing at all to get into the industry ? how were you able to land the job if you didn ' t have publishing experience ? i was not aware that publishing paid very poorly . . . i ' m not sure exactly what it is i want to get into yet , but there are areas i ' d like to explore and like i said , hopefully illustrate for books one day . do you know what jobs in the industry are on the higher and lower end of the spectrum in terms of pay ? thanks for the input ! | 1,337,228,567 | 1 | jobs |
really ? if a group of whites beat the shit of a colored person while screaming " die nigger die ! " do you think they would get a slap on the wrist ? every pundit would get on their soapbox and shriek their outrage . | 1,337,228,598 | 2 | worldnews |
actually , i thought it was very well - written . i especially like how she opens with an anecdote about her abusive father . very foreshadowing and it made for an excellent callback later . good stuff . | 1,337,228,498 | 10 | TwoXChromosomes |